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NCR Counterpoint

Course 306 Configuring Counterpoint

©NCR Corporation 2012

©NCR Corporation 2012
For Your Information...

Here is some logistical information to help you find your way around the training

RESTROOMS Restrooms are located outside the Training Room on the left. The
Women’s restroom is immediately to the left and the Men’s
restroom is further down the hallway.

BADGES All trainees are required to wear a VISITOR badge during their time
in the facility. You will need to scan the badge to obtain access to
the Training Room. Please return the badge to the instructor at the
conclusion of your training.

PHONES A telephone is available in the Training Room. Please turn off your
cell phone while in class.

WIRELESS The GUEST wireless network provides trainees with access to the
ACCESS Internet.

SMOKING This is a smoke-free building. A smoking area is provided in a patio

area outside the back door of the building. Please use the ashtrays

REFRIGERATOR Help yourself to the drinks in the refrigerator in the Training Room.
A filtered water dispenser is also available in the room. You can
also use the refrigerator to store food items that you may have.

LUNCH The instructor will stop class for approximately one hour to allow
participants to enjoy their lunch. There are several restaurants
within walking distance of the Memphis training facility.

OFFICES We are proud of our offices but request that you have an escort to
visit areas outside of the Training Room.

APPOINTMENTS All of our employees schedule their time each day, so you will
generally need an appointment to see them. If you need to speak
with your Sales Rep or a Support Rep, please notify the Training
Coordinator or Training Instructor so that an appointment can be
Version 8.5

Table of Contents
Agenda For Your Information
Overview of class format, training materials, and the training facility.
General Information
Section 1. Installing NCR Counterpoint
Covers the procedure for installing the components needed to run Counterpoint,
creating a new database, and additional installation information.

Section 2. Setting Up System Data

Covers the process of configuring Counterpoint, including registration, security,
workgroups, batches, taxes, accounting interface, and more.

Section 3. Setting Up Inventory Data

Covers setting up locations, inventory control, categories, sub-categories,
barcodes, and more.

Section 4. Setting Up Customer Data

Covers customer setup and control.

Section 5. Setting Up Purchasing Data

Covers setting up purchasing control and vendors.

Section 6. Setting Up Point of Sale Data

Covers Point of Sale setup, for both regular ticket entry and Touchscreen, setting
up stores and devices, use of form groups, configuring electronic draft capture
for credit cards, and more.

Section 7. Customizing Dictionaries

Covers making changes in the Data Dictionary and Text Dictionary.

Section 8. Database Utilities

Covers exporting and importing database tables, backing up and restoring a
database, and more.

Appendix 1: Account Numbers Worksheet

Appendix 2: Constructing Column Constraints

Appendix 3: Using Picture Masks

Appendix 4: Avoiding Multi-Site Replication Errors

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup

Appendix 6: Form Editor OPOS .xml Format

Copyright 1995 – 2016 by NCR Corporation.

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS NOTICE: All rights reserved. No part of this material may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or
otherwise, without permission in writing from NCR Corporation.

SYNCHRONICS and the Synchronics designs are registered trademarks of NCR


Other products mentioned are trademarks of their respective manufacturers

REV: 061316

Components Used to Run NCR Counterpoint ............................................ 1

Hardware/Software Requirements.............................................................. 2
Database Engine Comparison.................................................................... 3
SQL Server 2005 Upgrades ....................................................................... 4
Counterpoint Upgrade Paths ...................................................................... 6
Installation Sequence - Server ................................................................... 7
Installation Sequence - Workstation ........................................................... 8
Installing Counterpoint Prerequisites on a Server ....................................... 9
Configuring for Remote Connections: SQL 2008/2012 ............................. 13
Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server .................................................. 15
Manually Updating Your Databases ......................................................... 24
Starting NCR Counterpoint Services on a Server ..................................... 25
Installing Prerequisites on a Workstation .................................................. 26
Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Workstation ......................................... 28
Configuring Workstation Connection ........................................................ 32
Installing Service Packs ........................................................................... 33
Version Controls ....................................................................................... 35
CPSystem Database ................................................................................ 36
Folders and File Locations ....................................................................... 37
Updating to a New Release ...................................................................... 40
Sequence for Creating a New Company Database .................................. 41
Additional SQL Settings ........................................................................... 47
Additional Installation Information ............................................................. 53
Setting Up New SQL Users ...................................................................... 55
Forcing Login to a Specific Company ....................................................... 56
Viewing Environment Settings .................................................................. 57
Viewing Resources and Locks ................................................................. 61
PCI DSS-Compliance Features ................................................................ 62
<This page intentionally left blank>
Components Used to Run NCR Counterpoint

SQL Database Handles access to SQL database

Manager MSSQL Server 2008 R2 or 2012
SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (installable from CPSQL
Prerequisites) or 2012 Express
Install on SQL server; separate installation from Counterpoint
Install SSE 2008 R2 or 2012 on workstation, if workstation also has
local database
Counterpoint CounterPoint.exe
“program” Server and workstation files
Counterpoint Handles zooms, validated returns, timecards, emailing reports and
Services receipts, Data Sync (Offline Ticket Entry), and FileSync (Multi-Site
("CPServices") and Offline Ticket Entry)
Installed on server and offline workstations when Counterpoint is
Data Dictionary Definition of Counterpoint tables, columns, and indexes
Installed on server when Counterpoint is installed
Text Dictionary Definition of group box, button, and tab labels, and message text
Installed on server when Counterpoint is installed
Company Database Two server files that contain a company’s data
*.mdf = data *.ldf = transaction log
Specific to and managed by SQL Database Server
System Database Two server files that contain Counterpoint system level data
*.mdf = data *.ldf = transaction log
Specific to and managed by SQL Database Server
Crystal Reports Used to create all provided standard reports, and forms
Runtime (Version 10) provided with Counterpoint
Purchase Crystal Reports 9, 10 (Professional or Advanced), XI, or
2008 to modify standard reports or to build your own reports
NiceLabel Used to create or modify labels
Print Engine provided with Counterpoint
Purchase NiceLabel Pro 5 or later to modify pre-defined label
formats or to create your own

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-1 06/13/16

Hardware/Software Requirements

Operating Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
System Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Citrix Metaframe and Microsoft Windows Terminal Services/Remote
Desktop Services

Processor 2 GHz Pentium 4 or better

Memory 4 GB RAM or more

Internet Internet connection

Database MSSQL 2012 Standard, Business, or Enterprise Edition

Engine MSSQL 2008 R2 Standard, Workgroup, or Enterprise Edition
SQL Server 2012 Express
SQL Server 2008 Express R2 (installable from CP Prerequisites)

Operating Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit)
System Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 (on POS workstations only)

Processor 1.3 GHz Celeron M or better (WAN)

1.6 GHz Pentium M or better (LAN)

Memory 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Offline Ticket Entry workstations)

Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 or later

Database (Offline Ticket Entry workstations only)

Engine MSSQL 2012 Standard, Business, or Enterprise Edition
MSSQL 2008 R2 Standard, Workgroup, or Enterprise Edition
SQL Server 2012 Express
SQL Server 2008 Express R2 (installable from CP Prerequisites)

Other Workstations that will access Online Help or Dashboard will need an
active Internet connection.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-2 06/13/16

Database Engine Comparison

SQL Server 2008 Express R2 SQL Server Express 2012 MSSQL 2012 or 2008 R2
Included with Counterpoint Free download from Microsoft Purchase separately
Prerequisites website (Standard, Business/
Workgroup, or Enterprise)

Performance may be impacted Performance may be impacted 6+ concurrent users

by more than 5 concurrent by more than 5 concurrent
(32,000 max)
users users

Up to 10 GB database Up to 10 GB database 4GB+ database

Graphical interface with SQL Graphical interface with SQL Graphical interface
Server Management Studio Server Management Studio
(included with CP Prerequisites Express (available as separate
installation) download)

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-3 06/13/16

SQL Server 2005 Upgrades

SQL Server 2005 no longer supported

Beginning with NCR Counterpoint V8.5, SQL Server 2005 is no longer supported.

If you are upgrading from Counterpoint V8.4.6 and you have been using SQL Server
2005, upgrade to SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server 2012 before installing
Counterpoint V8.5.

Your current database compatibility level is 90 (MSSQL2005) message

If you receive a message similar to this when starting Counterpoint V8.5:

you will need to fix your database compatibility. Follow these steps:

1. Ensure the database is attached to the database engine for either SQL Server 2008
R2 or SQL Server 2012.

2. In SQL Server Management Studio, right-click

the database and select Properties.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-4 06/13/16

Select Options in the Database Properties window.

Then change Compatibility level to either SQL Server 2008 (100) or SQL Server 2010 (110).

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-5 06/13/16

Counterpoint Upgrade Paths

Upgrade Version


Version (SP) (SP) (SP) (SP) (SP) 8.5.0 8.5.1 8.5.2

8.3.8 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N

8.3.9 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N/A N/A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N/A N/A N/A Y Y Y Y Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y N N N* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y N N N* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N N N* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N N Y

8.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y

8.5.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y

* During development of V8.5.2, we will test whether someone can upgrade to it from
V8.4.6.13-.15 or whether they’ll have to first move to V8.4.16.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-6 06/13/16

Installation Sequence - Server

Standalone and LAN Environments

On the server
Step Comments

1. Disable Windows User Access Control Re-enable UAC after you finish installing
Counterpoint and all third-party components.

2. Log in as the system administrator You must have Administrator rights to your server
and each of your workstations to install NCR

3. Install MSSQL Server software MSSQL is purchased and installed separately.

4. Install prerequisites Before you install NCR CP, you must install CP
prerequisites which will install the following
 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
 Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
 SQL Server Management Objects
 SQL Server 2008/2012 Shared Management
Objects (SMO)
 SQL Server 2008/2012 System CLR Types
If a default instance of MSSQL is not detected, the
installer will also prompt you to install SSE 2008 R2.

5. Configure remote connections in SQL Configure your SQL server to allow remote
Server Management Studio connections using both TCP/IP and named pipes.
For SQL 2012, grant the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
login sysadmin rights to your server. For Windows
8.1, your Windows login must also have sysadmin
rights to your server.

6. Install NCR Counterpoint Files Run Setup.exe on the server to install NCR
Counterpoint server files. Workstation files are also
automatically installed on a server.
Optionally, select to install Demo data Demo data is a complete database for a golf pro
(TestGolf database) and/or Starter data shop. Starter data is pre-defined data that can be
or a pre-attached database used for a new company to minimize setup time.

7. If available, download, unzip and install Download from Support area of NCR Counterpoint
Counterpoint Service Pack Partner Portal or User Portal

8. Verify NCR CP Services is running

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-7 06/13/16

Installation Sequence - Workstation

On each workstation
Step Comments
1. Disable Windows User Access Re-enable UAC after you finish installing
Control Counterpoint and all third-party components.
2. Log in as the system administrator You must have Administrator rights to install NCR
Counterpoint for the first time on a workstation.
NOTE: Default Administrator User name and
Password for All-in-One POS terminals:
XR7 and P1550: user01 and U5Er01?
P1515 and P1560/P1570: user01 and user01
3. Install prerequisites on the Available from the Counterpoint download files
workstation (CPSQLPrerequisites.exe).
4. Install Counterpoint Browse to the installation folder on server and run
Select to install Program Files ClientSetup.exe
Optionally, install:
Includes a number of database- and system-related
 Utilities tools, including the SQL Script Utility and the
 Dashboard System Configuration utility.
 Documentation Installs the necessary components for the
Dashboard, if they are not already installed.
5. Configure workstation connection to Use CLICONFG to configure the workstation to
SQL Server connect to the SQL server using TCP/IP and
named pipes.
6. Install SQL Server 2000 Data If you installed SQL Server 2008 Express R2 from
Transformation Services (DTS) the CPSQL Prerequisites, DTS is already installed.
runtime if you want to use the Data If you installed SQL Server 2008 R2 from a different
Migration utility or an export source, visit Microsoft’s website to download SQL
accounting interface Server 2000 Data Transformation Services.
If you installed SQL Server 2012, DTS is not
7. Install Counterpoint Service Pack, if After SP is installed on server, next user who starts
available Counterpoint at a workstation will be asked to auto-
install service pack.
Administrative rights are NOT required to install a
service pack on a workstation.

Installation Permissions for NCR Counterpoint

Server Workstation
New Install or New Release System Administrator System Administrator
Minor Release or System Administrator Any Counterpoint user
Service Pack

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-8 06/13/16

Installing Counterpoint Prerequisites on a Server

Install SSE or MSSQL Server software (Optional)

A database engine must be installed before Counterpoint can be installed or used. You can use
MSSQL 2012 or 2008, or if you do not install MSSQL, you will be prompted to install SQL
Server 2008 Express R2 when you install the prerequisites on your server. SQL Server 2008
Express R2 is supplied with Counterpoint’s Prerequisites.

To begin the installation process, exit all Windows programs, then install the MSSQL you want
to use. Keep in mind:

 When you install SQL Server, choose Mixed Mode as your server’s
Authentication method.

 Make sure the SQL Server service is running on your server before deploying
Counterpoint. To start the service, click Start/All Programs/Microsoft SQL
Server/Configuration Tools/SQL Server Configuration Manager. Open the SQL
Server Service. Right-click the service, then select Start

 If you intend to install SQL Server 2008 Express R2 on your server, select
Start/Settings/Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs, select
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client, click the Remove button, and then click Yes
from the confirmation dialog.

Install Counterpoint Prerequisites

The Counterpoint Prerequisites installer will install the following required components:
 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
 Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
 SQL Server Management Objects
 SQL Server 2008 or 2012 Shared Management Objects (SMO)
 SQL Server 2008 or 2012 System CLR Types

Additionally, if you have not yet installed a default instance of Microsoft SQL Server, you will be
prompted to install SQL Server 2008 Express R2.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-9 06/13/16

Installing Counterpoint Prerequisites on a Server

For 32-bit systems

If you will install SQL Server 2008 Express R2 during the prerequisites install, make sure you
have removed Microsoft SQL Server Native Client from your server.

For 32-bit and 64-bit systems

Log into your server as Administrator.

Download the Complete Counterpoint file from the Software Downloads section of the Partner
portal to your server’s local hard drive.

In the CPSQLPrereqs folder, right-click CPSQLPrerequisites.exe and select Run as


The Installing Windows Setup Files dialog

screen may appear. Click OK to install the
required components. Restart your server if
prompted to do so.

After restarting, if the prerequisites installation

doesn't automatically restart, return to your
download files, and double-click
CPSQLPrerequisites.exe to restart the
Counterpoint Prerequisites installer.

Click Next at the Welcome


Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-10 06/13/16

Installing Counterpoint Prerequisites on a Server

Choose whether this is a Standalone Server

or a Multi-Site Server.

If a default instance of SQL Server 2008

Express R2 is not detected on your system,
the SQL Server 2008 dialog will prompt you
to install SQL Server 2008 Express R2.

If SQL Server 2008 or 2012 is not already

installed (as a named instance), select to
install the 2008 R2 Express edition and then
click Next.

Click Next on the Start Installation window.

If you selected to install SQL Server 2008 Express R2, SQL Server 2008 Express R2 and SQL
Server Management Studio Express will be installed automatically.

Other prerequisites installed are:

 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1  Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
 Microsoft SQL Server Native Client  SQL Server Management Objects
 SQLXML4  SQL Server 2008 or 2012 Shared
 SQL Server CLR Types Management Objects

If you are running on a server operating system and .NET

3.5 SP1 is not already installed, a message appears that
you will need to use Server Manager to install .NET 3.5

After using Server Manager to install it, run

CPSQLPrerequisites.exe again.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-11 06/13/16

When the Prerequisites install has
completed, the Installation Complete
window appears. Click Finish to close the

A .log file for each installed SQL Server Express component is generated in the \Program
Files\Microsoft SQLServer\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Files subdirectory of your local drive..

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-12 06/13/16

Configuring for Remote Connections: SQL 2008/2012

Follow these steps to configure your SQL 2008 or SQL 2012 server to allow remote connections
using both the TCP/IP and named pipes protocols.

1. On your server, click Start and select All Programs/Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (or
2012)/ Configuration Tools/SQL Server Configuration Manager.

a) In the SQL Server Configuration Manager (Local) tree, click SQL Native Client
10.0 Configuration, and then double-click Client Protocols.

b) Right-click the Shared Memory protocol in the Name column and click Disable.

c) Verify that the TCP/IP and Named Pipes protocols are Enabled.

Remote encrypted

Local unencrypted

d) Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the SQL Server Network Configuration branch and, if
present, the SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration (32-bit) branch.

If you made any changes, right-click SQL Server Services and select Restart.

Close the SQL Server Configuration Manager window. .

2. Select All Programs/ Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (or 2012)/SQL Server
Management Studio.

a) Right-click your server name in the Object Explorer and select Facets.
b) Select Surface Area Configuration from the Facets list.
c) Under Facet Properties, set the following facets to True:


Click OK to save your changes and close the View Facets window.

3. For SQL Server 2012, grant the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM login sysadmin rights to your

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-13 06/13/16

a) Expand Security and then Logins in the Object Explorer.

b) Right-click the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

login and select Properties.

c) Select Server Roles and enable the

sysadmin check box.

4. For Windows 8.1, your Windows login must also have sysadmin rights to your server.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-14 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

Install NCR Counterpoint Files

After installing the Prerequisites, you are ready to install NCR Counterpoint.

Start the SQL service on your server if you plan to install either Demo Data or Starter Data.

Browse your Counterpoint download file. Right-click Setup.exe and select Run as

After reading the Welcome dialog, click


The Software License Agreement window

displays. After reading the Counterpoint
Software License Agreement, click Agree
and then click Next to continue the

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-15 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

Enter the folder where you want

Counterpoint installed. CPSQL.1 appears
as the default folder name.

The default installation path

(C:\Program Files(x86)\Radiant Systems\
CounterPoint) is shown near the top of this

To use a different installation path, you will

need to set the CPPath environment
variable before installing Counterpoint.

To set the CP Path environment variable:

1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties.
2. Select the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button.
3. Under System variables, click New.
4. Enter CPPath in the Variable name field and enter the path you want to use for
Counterpoint installations (e.g., D:\Counterpoint) in the Variable value field.
5. Click OK to close the New System Variable dialog, and then click OK to save your
changes and close the Environment Variables dialog.

Check the I am updating from a previous version check box to update from an existing
V8.4.6 Counterpoint installation.

Click Next to continue.

If you checked the I am updating

from a previous version check box,
select from the detected previous
Counterpoint installations.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-16 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

Enable the Update Company database(s)

to the newer version? check box if you
want the installation process to update your
existing Counterpoint databases to the new

If you plan to manually update the databases

or create entirely new databases for the new
version, leave the check box blank.

Refer to Manually Updating Your Databases

later in this section for instructions on how to
do this.

Select the Primary Server (WAN or

Standalone) as the server role.

Specify whether the server will support

offline workstations.

Supply a friendly name for the server. Use

a unique name on each Multi-Site server.

Click Next to continue the installation.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-17 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

Select the components you want to install

on this server.

Select to install Application Files to install

the software.

You can also select to install one or more

sets of data. You cannot select both Starter
Data and Pre-attached Database.

If you select Pre-attached Database, you

will be prompted for the name of that
database later in the installation process.
Click Next.

If you chose to install Demo Data, the

Demo Data Database Name dialog

Enter the Database Name (without spaces

or special characters;do not start the name
with a number) and Company Name that
you want to use.
Click Next to use the default names.

NOTE: Later, when you start Counterpoint

for the TestGolf database, login with
User ID MGR and Workgroup 1.

If you chose to install Starter Data, the

New Company Database Name dialog

Enter a unique Database Name and

Company Name to use for the company
within Counterpoint.

Click Next.

Use only letters and numbers in the

Database Name, without spaces, periods,
punctuation marks, or special characters.
Do not start the name with a number.

NOTE: Log in to the Starter Data company with User ID MGR and Workgroup 1.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-18 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

Enter the name of the Start Menu

Program Group to which you want to
add the Counterpoint application and

The Start Installation dialog

summarizes your installation choices.

Click Next to begin installing

NCR Counterpoint.

Specify the location of your SQL Server:

a. This computer
b. Other computer

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-19 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

Select Other computer if SQL Server is

installed as a named instance (e.g.,
<ServerName>\<InstanceName>), or on a
different server than the one on which you
are installing Counterpoint.

If you selected Other computer, enter the

name of your SQL server (with
\<InstanceName> if it’s not the default

If your SQL server is only configured to use

Windows Authentication, select the
Windows Authentication check box.

If the SQL server is configured for mixed

mode authentication, you can instead enter
your SQL User ID (sa) and Password

If you selected This computer and your default

instance is SQL Server 2005, you are notified that it
is no longer supported.

Click or to cancel the

installation so that you can upgrade to a newer
version of SQL Server.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-20 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

If you selected This computer and your

default instance, as well as other named
instance(s) are supported versions of SQL
Server, you'll need to select the instance of
SQL Server to use.

If your SQL server is only configured to use

Windows Authentication, select the
Windows Authentication check box.

If the SQL server is configured for mixed

mode authentication, you can instead enter
your SQL User ID (sa) and Password

Confirm the path to your SQL Server data

files. In most cases, you should accept the

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-21 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

If you selected the Pre-attached Database

check box on the Select Components dialog,
choose the database you want to deploy.

Select your company database from the list of

attached SQL Server databases, specify a
"friendly" Company Alias for the database,
and then click Next.

As each of the Counterpoint components is

installed, the progress indicators show the
percentage of completion.

NCR CP Services are then automatically started,

shortcuts are created and folder permissions are


Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-22 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Server

A pre-attached database is then provisioned. You can expect this step to take about 10 minutes.

When the server installation is completed, the Installation Complete window appears.

Select Create shortcut on desktop if

you want to add a Counterpoint
shortcut on the server.

The port number selected for CP

Services also appears. Make sure this
port is open on your firewall.

If you are using the Offline Ticket Entry

Option, configure your server's firewall
to allow access to the indicated CP
Services port via a VPN connection.

If you installed a Multi-Site server, a

message warns that you must configure the Hub server database and CP Services before you
install Counterpoint on any remote server.

Then click Finish to close the window.

When you finish installing NCR Counterpoint, use SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 to
change the default SSE SQL Password for the "sa" user.

NOTE: When you install a server, workstation software is automatically installed on that system.
If you are running on a standalone machine, you have everything you need to run Counterpoint.
To install Counterpoint on a separate workstation from the server, you will need to run
ClientSetup.exe (follow the instructions for installing a workstation).

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-23 06/13/16

Manually Updating Your Databases

If you chose to not have Counterpoint

automatically update your V8.4 databases
during the server installation, you can
update them manually yourself when you
are ready.

1. After you have installed Counterpoint V8.5 on the server, use the V8.5 System
Configuration Utility to build a connection string to the database.

2. Start the Counterpoint SQL Script Utility and select the Alias-Company that you want

3. Load the ServicePackUpdateFor8.4.sql script from the V8.5 Scripts folder and
execute it.

4. Load the UpdateFrom8.4.sql script from the V8.5 Scripts folder and execute it.

5. Load the MSPredefinedData.sql script from the V8.5 Scripts folder and execute it.

6. Provision the database by running the Provision Database utility.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-24 06/13/16

Starting NCR Counterpoint Services on the Server

Before you set up your workstations, you must make sure that the NCR Counterpoint
Services (NCR CP Services) is running on your server.

To ensure that NCR CP Services is running on the server:

On your server, select Start/Programs/NCR Counterpoint/Utilities/Configure Local

Services to show the Configure Local Services dialog. It will show each instance of CP
Services that is installed on the server.

The Status column should indicate that CP Services is Running. If CP Services is

Stopped, click the Start link to start the service.

You can also view details for CP Services by clicking the Service link.

Note: You can only use the Configure Local Services utility to start, stop and access details of
CP Services for the associated version of Counterpoint.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-25 06/13/16

Installing Prerequisites on a Workstation

Before installing Counterpoint on a workstation, the Counterpoint Prerequisites must be installed

on the workstation.

Browse the Counterpoint download files and copy the \CPSQLPrereqs folder to your server.

Log on to the workstation as an


Navigate to the CPSQLPrereqs folder

on the server.

Right-click CPSQLPrerequisites.exe
and select Run as administrator.

Select whether the workstation is a

Non Offline or Offline Workstation.

After reading the Welcome dialog, click Next to proceed with the installation.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-26 06/13/16

Installing Prerequisites on a Workstation

The Start Installation dialog appears.

Click Next.

The Installation Complete dialog

appears after all prerequisites are

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-27 06/13/16

Installing NCR Counterpoint on a Workstation

Workstation Setup
Perform these steps at each workstation. These instructions are for a Non-Offline workstation.

Login as the system administrator.

Browse to the Counterpoint installation folder on the server (e.g., C:\Program Files\Radiant
Systems\CounterPoint\CPSQL.1). Right-click ClientSetup.exe and select Run as

CP Services must be running on the server and you must be able to talk to the server through
CP Services to proceed with the installation.

Click Next at the Welcome window.

If the workstation has a fast connection to

your Counterpoint server (i.e., they are on
the same local area network), select the
High-speed network connection option
from the Choose Server Connection

Then specify (or Browse to) the

Counterpoint folder on your server.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-28 06/13/16

If the workstation has a slower connection
to the server (i.e., they are not on the
same network), select the Low-speed
network connection option.

You'll then be asked for the name of the

Counterpoint server and the server's CP
Services port number

At the Select Role window, select the

Never Offline option to indicate that the
workstation will not be using offline ticket

Select the components that you want to

install on the workstation.

You must install the Program Files on

every workstation.

Select to install Utilities only if the

workstation is used by the system
administrator (these utilities allow
unrestricted access to the database).

Select to install Dashboard if the

workstation will be used to view
Dashboard data.

Click Next to continue.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-29 06/13/16

The Select Server Alias window will
appear if multiple company databases are
located on the server.

Select the company that this workstation

will be associated with.

Click Next to continue.

The Select Start Menu Program

Group window appears.

Specify the Start Menu Program group to

which the Counterpoint icons will be added.

For the first installation of Counterpoint on

a computer, the default group is
NCR Counterpoint.

If Counterpoint has been installed on this

computer before, the default group is the
one you used last time.

Click Next after selecting the group.

The Start Installation dialog shows an

installation summary. The same path is
used for the workstation installation as was
used for the server with “-Station”

Click Next to begin the installation of

Counterpoint on the workstation.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-30 06/13/16

When the Installation Complete dialog
appears, select whether you want a shortcut
for Counterpoint to be created on the desktop
of this workstation.

If you have an Internet connection on the

workstation, you can select to view the
Release Notes.

Click Finish to exit the workstation setup


Additional Workstation Components

There are some additional components that you may want to install on a workstation.

Perfect Keyboard
If you want to use the “keyboard macro” program on the workstation, run Setup.exe from the
3rdParty\Perfect Keyboard folder on the Counterpoint download.

SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility

To use the Data Migration utility or an export accounting interface on the workstation, you will
need the DTS 2000 Runtime (automatically installs if you install SQL Server 2008 Express R2
when installing CP Prerequisites). Otherwise, you can download it from Microsoft’s website.

SQL Server Management Studio Express

Install this to use a graphical interface for managing the Counterpoint offline database on an
offline workstation. This function automatically installs if you install SQL Server 2008 Express
R2 when installing CP Prerequisites on the workstation. Otherwise, you can download it from
Microsoft’s website.

This completes the installation on a workstation.

NOTE: To set up a WAN (Wide Area Network), refer to the Installation Guide.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-31 06/13/16

Configuring Workstation Connection

 Use CLICONFG to configure protocols that workstations use to

communicate through the network to the SQL Server

 Ships with Windows

 Needed for client application (Counterpoint on the workstation)

 32-bit version vs 64-bit version:

64 bit: C:\Windows\System32\cliconfg.exe
32 bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cliconfg.exe

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-32 06/13/16

Installing Service Packs

Service Packs

 Cumulative updates to NCR Counterpoint programs and utilities

 Users can sign up to receive automatic email notification of new Service Packs at

 Service Pack log on website under Technical Services/Software Updates

shows what’s included
CPSQLSPLOG.html (corrected problems)
Read this log to see: - problems corrected
- enhancements added
- script you need to run manually
CPSQLRPLOG.html (reported problems not yet fixed)

 Download CPSP85.EXE.ZIP from the partner web site or the user portal at
(must be a current CSS subscriber to access support area of user portal)

 Unzip, right-click CPSP85.EXE and select "Run as administrator" to install on


 Automatically applies UpdateFrom8.5.x.sql script(s) to all databases with

Counterpoint connection strings

 If required, provisions all databases with Counterpoint connection strings

 Service Pack automatically applied to workstation the next time Counterpoint is

started on the workstation

 Offline workstation is automatically updated if it has a connection to server

 For Offline workstation (e.g., “Always Offline”) without connection to server,

manually run CPSP85.EXE on workstation.

Counterpoint Version numbers Examples

Initial release of a new version 8.5

Service pack (“hotfix”)
Service pack
Minor release #1 8.5.1
Service pack

Version is visible in Help>About Counterpoint

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-33 06/13/16

Installing Service Packs

Version 8.5
installed Service Pack
version takes you to SQL Script Name * How script is applied

8.5.0 8.5.1 UpdateFrom8.5.0.sql Automatic when service

(major release) pack is installed

8.5.1 ServicePackUpdateFor85.sql Optionally applied by

(minor release) partner/customer ServicePackUpdateFor85.sql Optionally applied by

(service pack) partner/customer 8.5.2 UpdateFrom8.5.1.sql Automatic when service

(service pack) pack is installed

“Jumps” from 8.5.0 to non-sequential service packs or minor releases

8.5.0 ServicePackUpdateFor85.sql Optionally applied by


8.5.0 8.5.2 UpdateFrom8.5.0.sql & Automatic when service

pack is installed

Major Release - second digit of version changes

Minor Release - third digit of version changes
Service Pack - fourth digit of version is added or changes

* ServicePackUpdateFor85.sql may contain data model changes related to critical fixes to the
software (equivalent of WIT scripts in V8.4.6).
UpdateFrom8.5.x.sql is delivered only with minor releases and includes the contents of
previous ServicePackUpdateFor8.5.sql scripts. At that point, ServicePackUpdateFor8.5.sql is

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-34 06/13/16

Version Controls

Program versions must match between workstations and server

Control File On Server On Workstation

CounterPoint.ini Build date Build date

(in Bin) Software version # Software version #
Expected DB Version Expected database version #
Expected System DB Version # Expected System database
version #

[Server] [Server]
TopLevel=C:\Program Files TopLevel=C:\Program Files
(x86)\Radiant Systems\ (x86)\Radiant Systems\
CounterPoint\CPSQL.1\TopLevel CounterPoint\CPSQL.1\TopLevel

DB_CTL.SHARED_DIR Value of SHARED_DIR must match “TopLevel" path value in

(in database) Counterpoint.ini on workstation

If TopLevel path and SHARED_DIR values do not match, you will see this error
message after selecting a company when starting Counterpoint.

Resetting the shared directory value in database

Use the SQL Script Utility on the server to enter and execute this command for the


This clears the Shared directory value in the DB_CTL table.

The next time Counterpoint is started using the database, the current path to the server’s
Counterpoint TopLevel directory will be updated to the DB_CTL table.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-35 06/13/16

CPSystem Database

 One system database per Counterpoint instance

 Named CPSystem_<CPInstanceName> (e.g., CPSystem_CPSQL.1)

 Used to store CPServices session information needed for zooms, scheduled tasks, and
offline ticket entry packages for each company

 Created by Counterpoint Install during a new server install

 Created on same SQL server as company database

 Don't move to a different system (e.g, when moving a company database)

 Cannot import or export data in CPSystem Database using CP utilities

 SQL user must have Sys Admin permissions to create or update system database

 SQL passwords for the CPSystem database does not expire (PCI regulations do not
require password expiration rules to apply to SQL database logins)

 Database maintenance plans should include CPSystem database

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-36 06/13/16

Folders and File Locations

Server Folders

Folder Contents / Comments

C:\Program Files \ Radiant Systems \ CounterPoint \ CPSQL.1

Bin Contains all Counterpoint binaries

ClientSetup.exe Counterpoint Workstation installation program
Custom Custom schema scripts and Rules files (Multi-Site server)
Deployment Contains Multi-Site configuration file
Help Created after downloading and extracting Online Help file
Logs Contains all logs for NCR CP Services. CPLogs folder contains
installation and CP logs. Ingenico folder contains Ingenico API logs.
Packages CP Services work area
Scripts Pre-defined .sql scripts
SoftwareUpdates Used during installation of service packs
Temp Temporary work area for CP Services and related DLL’s
TopLevel Top-level server directory – contains company directories and
system files
TopLevelCache Up-to-date copies of system-defined data dictionary files
Tutorials Training lessons on using Counterpoint

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-37 06/13/16

Folders and File Locations

Server TopLevel Folders

Folder Contents / Comments

C:\Program Files \ Radiant Systems \ CounterPoint \ CPSQL.1 \ TopLevel

CPDialup Programs used to set up dial-up electronic draft capture for CP Gateway
<Company Alias>
CPOnline Online store capabilities
Export Files exported using System/Utilities/Database Export
Import Files imported using System/Utilities/Database Import
SavedReports User-selected saved reports
Statements A/R Customer statements, if “Save copies to disk” enabled
TicketPerformanceTest Results from the Ticket Performance Test utility
Accounting User-packages for custom export accounting systems
Actions User-defined external actions for toolbars
CustomerImages User-loaded customer images
CustomForms User-defined .xml files used in Data Dictionary layout forms
CustomHelp User-defined online help files
Devices User-saved .xml files of device configuration
Provisioning POS and SS folder created as a result of provisioning database

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-38 06/13/16

Folder Contents / Comments
Dictionary Customized Dictionary files: Columns, Tables, Filters, Indexes, Lookups,
Toolbars, Messages, Zooms
HTML User-defined html layouts for ticket entry tabs and totals
Images User-loaded touchscreen button images
ItemImages User-loaded item images
Labels User-defined label files and queries
PSForms User-customized Point of Sale forms
QuickReports User-customized Quick Reports
Reports User-customized reports in Crystal .rpt format
Upgrade User-customized DTS packages for upgrade process
Zooms User-customized zoom style sheets
Accounting DTS packages for pre-defined exhaccounting systems
Actions External actions for toolbar buttons
CustomForms Pre-defined .xml files used for Simplified Add-on-the-fly for Items and
CustomHelp Template for using custom online help files
Devices .xml, .icg, and .hex setup files for hardware bundles and Certified
Dictionary System Dictionary files: Columns, Tables, Filters, Indexes, Lookups,
Toolbars, Messages, Zooms
HTML HTML layouts for ticket entry tabs and totals
Images .bmp files for buttons and touchscreen
Labels Pre-defined label files and label queries
PSForms Standard forms in .xml,.rpt, and .rdlc formats, such as:
Receipt1 SalesDraft1 SalesDraft2
PickingTicket1 Order1 PayInOut1
Invoice1 Layaway1 Receipt1TM-T88
Quick Reports Pre-defined quick reports
Reports Counterpoint ‘standard’ reports in Crystal format (*.rpt)
SMP Terminal ID’s when using CMP for draft capture
Upgrade DTS packages for upgrading data into Counterpoint
Zooms Pre-defined style sheets used in system zooms for customers, items,
locations, stores, users, vendors, purchase orders, A/R documents,
store credits, gift cards, serial numbers
SQLVersions.csv Various version numbers of MSSQL

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-39 06/13/16

Updating to a New Release

Review the Update Guide prior to installing a new release of NCR Counterpoint (e.g.,
moving from Version 8.4 to Version 8.5).

Browse to the Help/Update_Guide folder in your Counterpoint download file and double-
click Update_Guide.htm.

The guide will provide:

Pre-update steps Things you need to do before installing the new release

Update steps How to update Counterpoint and your database(s) to the

new version

Post-update steps Things you need to do after updating Counterpoint and

your database(s) to the new version.

Note: Download updated Registration.ini before installing a new release (e.g., V8.4,
V8.5, V8.6) on a customer’s existing Counterpoint system.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-40 06/13/16

Sequence for Creating a New Company Database

The NCR Counterpoint installation requires that you install some type of database when the
software is installed. It can be demo data, Starter data, or a pre-attached database.

After the software is installed, you can choose to set up a new company database for use with
NCR Counterpoint – apart from the software installation.

To create a new company database “from scratch”, perform these five steps after the database
engine (MSSQL or SSE) and NCR Counterpoint are both installed.

In a Multi-Site environment, perform all of these steps only on the Hub server.

1 Start the database engine

Start MSSQL Service Manager or SSE at the server or workstation where the
new database will reside.

2 Create a new SQL database

At the server or workstation, use SQL Server Management Studio to create a new
SQL database. If run at the server, the database can be shared by all
workstations. If run at a workstation, the database is local for that workstation.
On a multi-user system, you may want to create a separate database user for
each user who will access the database.
3 Set the connection string for NCR Counterpoint to the database
Run the Counterpoint SQL Script Utility or the System Configuration Utility to set
the connection string for the database between Counterpoint and the SQL
database server.
4 Create the tables, columns, and index structure for the database
Start the Counterpoint SQL Script Utility and execute the mssql.sql script that
establishes the Counterpoint table, column, and index structures for the empty
5 Import pre-defined forms, reports, label jobs and aggregation tasks into
company’s database
Start the Counterpoint SQL Script Utility and execute the msPredefinedData.sql
Or run System>Utilities>Pre-defined Data after starting Counterpoint.

Repeat steps 2 – 5 for each additional company.

Note: If you are building a database on your system and then moving it to your customer’s
system, the MSSQL versions MUST match.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-41 06/13/16

Creating a New Company Database

1. Start the database engine.

To start the SQL server service,

select Start > Programs >
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 >
Configuration Tools > SQL Server
Configuration Manager.

Click SQL Server Services.

Then right-click the SQL Server

service, and select Start.

2. Create a new SQL database.

At the server, use SQL Server Management Studio to create a new SQL database. Click
Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > SQL Server Management
Studio Express.

On the Connect to Server dialog,

select SQL Server Authentication
at the Authentication field, enter
sa in the User name field, and then
enter your Password for the sa
user (CounterPoint8).

Click Connect .

NOTE: You can change the default SQL Password in SQL Server Management Studio
by expanding the Security > Logins folder in the Object Explorer, double-clicking the
sa login, and then entering a new password in the Password and Confirm password

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-42 06/13/16

In the Object Explorer, right-click the Databases folder, and then select the New
database option to display the New Database window.

Enter the Database name you want to use for

your Counterpoint database. For example, if
your company is named Counterpoint
Training, Inc., you might use Training as your
database name.

(Use only letters and numbers in the database

name, and avoid starting the name with a

Click OK to create the new database.

After the database is created, select Exit from

the File menu to close SSMSE.

3. Set the connection string for Counterpoint to the database.

To access data in a database, Counterpoint points to a database using a “connection

string”. This connection string is referenced through an “alias”.

Counterpoint uses the name you assign as the alias and the associated company name
to refer to the database.

Select Start > Programs > NCR Counterpoint > Utilities > SQL Script Utility
or Start > Programs > NCR Counterpoint > Utilities > System Configuration Utility.

For the SQL Script Utility

Select File > Companies Editor or click the Companies Editor icon
beside the Alias-Company column to display the Company Names window.

For the System Configuration Utility

Click the Companies button to display the Company Names window.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-43 06/13/16

From the Company Names Window, click to add a new company.

Enter the database name in the Alias field and the company name in the
Company field. Both the Alias and Company Name you select must be unique.
The Company name will appear in the Select a Company window when
Counterpoint is started.

Click the blank Connection String column twice to display the ellipsis button.
Click that button to open the Data Link Properties window.

Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL

Server on the Provider tab.

Click Next.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-44 06/13/16

The Connection tab now appears. Enter information on this tab as follows:

1. Select or enter the SQL server name:

Enter the SQL server name (without \\) that the
database is attached to.
<SQL Server name>

2. Enter information to log on to the server:

Select “Use Windows NT Integrated security” if
using Windows Authentication.

If not using Windows Authentication, select “Use a

specific user name and password”. For SSE, the
default “User name” is sa and the “Password” is
CounterPoint8 (case sensitive).

Enable Allow saving password.

3. Select the database on the server: Select the database to associate with this

Click to verify the connection and then click OK.

Click OK to close the Data Link

Properties form. The
Company Names window
displays with your new alias.

Click Save on the Company

Names window to save the new
company settings.

These settings are saved in a text file (Companies.ini) in the top-level

Counterpoint directory.

Click OK to exit Company Names.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-45 06/13/16

4. Create the tables, columns, and index structures for the database.

At the server or workstation, start the SQL Script Utility and execute the mssql.sql script
that creates the Counterpoint tables, columns, and index structures in the database.

Select Start > Programs > NCR Counterpoint > SQL Script Utility

Select File > Open and open the file CPSQL.1 > Scripts > MSSQL.SQL. The script
displays in the Script tab.

In the Alias-Company dropdown box,

select the company name that you
created when setting the connection
string in the previous step (e.g.,

Click or select Script/Execute to run this script for the selected database.

When the Login Information box displays, enter your SQL Login ID and password
(e.g. “sa” and “CounterPoint8” for SSE, or leave both fields blank if using Windows NT
Integrated security.)

Click OK when prompted to confirm creation of the new database.

When the script finishes successfully, an information message displays the total number
of statements that were executed.

5. Import pre-defined forms, reports, label jobs and aggregation tasks into your
company’s database.

Select File > Open and open the file CPSQL.1 > Scripts > msPredefinedData.sql.
Execute this script for the same database.

Or run System > Utilities > Pre-defined Data after you start Counterpoint and select
the company.

Exit the SQL Script Utility when completed.

This completes creating a new company database. You will now be able to select this database
by its company name whenever you start NCR Counterpoint.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-46 06/13/16

Additional SQL Settings

Configure SQL Memory

 How much memory should be allocated to SQL Server

Start SQL Server Management Studio.

Right-click the server name and select


On the Server Properties window,

select Memory. Not necessary to
enable on
SQL 2008 R2 or
SQL 2012 servers.
By default, Microsoft sets the
Maximum server memory to 2 TB
which is usually much higher than

Set Maximum server memory to the

value per the below table, and set
Minimum server memory to ½ of the
maximum value.

Set it to less than 90% of the memory on a dedicated SQL Server.

Total RAM RAM for RAM for RAM for

on server Oper System Counterpoint SQL Server
4 GB 2 GB .5 GB 1 - 1.5 GB
6 GB 2.5 GB 1 GB 2.5 GB

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-47 6/13/2016

Additional SQL Settings

Configure SQL Processors

On the Server Properties window, select


Enable "Boost SQL Server priority" only

when using a dedicated SQL server
that's a single instance of SQL Server.

With multiple instances of SQL Server on

the same system or for a non-dedicated
server, you should let SQL manage itself.

Configure SQL Database Settings

On the Server Properties

window, select
Database Settings.

Default locations of .mdf

and .ldf files that are
used when attaching
new databases.

If using RAID5 or
RAID10 drives (see
Server Sizing Guide),
these files should be
located on a different RAID than the operating system and TempDB files.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-48 6/13/2016

Additional SQL Settings: Database-Specific

Configure Size and Growth of Database Files

In SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the

database name and select Properties.

Then select Files.


You should change the default Autogrowth settings.

These settings determine how much additional size will be added to the database when
it exceeds the initial size. Each time the database has to grow, SQL pauses and queues
your transactions while it expands the file.

An average database starts at about 100 MB. With a regular volume of transactions, the
.mdf file will grow about 2 MB each day. With medium volume, it might grow about 30
MB each day.

For smaller customers, increase the autogrowth

value to 100 MB for the data.

For larger customers, consider setting it to

500 MB or even 1000 MB.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-49 6/13/2016

Initial Size of Log File

The autogrowth setting for the log file (.ldf) needs to also be changed. In addition, the
Initial Size of the log file may need to be modified.

To determine if it's necessary to increase the Initial Size, after the database has been
used for about 15 – 30 days, execute the query dbcc loginfo against the database.

The results show the number of logical files that were built as the log file needed to
grow. Each file with a CreateLSN name (LSN=log sequence number) other than 0 is a
result of growing the log file, and represents a SQL inefficiency. Ideally, there should be
less than 250 logical files.

The sum of the file sizes for all of the log files is a good starting point for the initial size of
the log file. Make note of the sum.

Before changing the Initial Size value, shrink the log file when no one is in Counterpoint
by executing the query dbcc shrinkfile (2,0).

Then return to the Files settings of the Database Properties window, and set the Initial
Size value of the log file to the sum of the log files. The log file will autogrow only if it
needs to exceed the Initial Size value.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-50 6/13/2016

Modify Options for the Database

In SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the database name and select

Then select

Recovery Model

The Simple recovery model only keeps very basic logs, without transactional data.

To recover to a point in time, change this to a Full recovery model. With a Full recovery
model, Counterpoint writes a log file every time it writes to the database.

Note that the Recovery Model determines only whether the current day's transactions
are recorded in a recoverable file, and acts only as a supplement to the regular backups
done each night.

Compatibility Level

Change the compatibility level to SQL Server 2012 (110) or SQL Server 2008 (100) if
only SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2008 R2 is on the system. SQL Server will
manage databases better and run more efficiently at the dedicated compatibility levels.

If you have both SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2008 R2 installed on the system,
leave the compatibility level at SQL Server 2008.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-51 6/13/2016

Auto Create Statistics
Auto Update Statistics

Set both of these values to True. They play a part when updating statistics in the
database, which should be part of your SQL maintenance plan for a database.

It's not necessary to change any of the other settings under Automatic.

Page Verify

If using SQL Server 2012 or 2008 R2, change the Page Verify value to CHECKSUM.

The Page Verify value is used if you run dbcc checkdb to check the integrity of all
objects in the database, and has a better chance of catching a problem if it's set to
CHECKSUM for these versions of SQL Server. The integrity check will also identify
errors caused by SQL viruses.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-52 6/13/2016

Additional Installation Information

Changing the SQL password for a user

You can change the SQL Password for a user using SQL Server Management Studio.

a) Start SQL Server Management Studio by selecting Start / Program / Microsoft

SQL Server / SQL Server Management Studio. Login to connect to the server.

b) Expand the appropriate SQL server in

the Object Explorer so that you see

c) Expand Security and select Logins.

d) Right-click the name whose password

you want to change and select

e) Enter the new password and

confirm the password by
entering it again.

Click when done to

save the change.

Note: If you used the same SQL user in your Counterpoint connection string, also use
the Counterpoint System Configuration Utility to change the password.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-53 6/13/2016

Setting Up New SQL Users

If you set up your own SQL users, you will need to set the following permissions and
authorizations in SQL.

The permissions are automatically set for any SQL user created by Counterpoint V8.5.
You will need to set these permissions manually for SQL users created in older version
of Counterpoint.

View Server State

In SQL Management Studio, right-click the server name, and select Properties.

Select Permissions and the user login/role for which you want to grant the

In the Permissions for CPSQL window at the bottom, enable Grant for View
server state.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-54 6/13/2016

User permissions

In the Object Explorer, expand Logins.

Right-click the user name and select


Click User Mapping.

Select to map each Counterpoint database the user will need to access (including the
Counterpoint CPSystem database), and then enable the db_datareader,
db_datawriter, and db_ddladmin database role memberships for the database.

The public permission is already automatically selected.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-55 6/13/2016

Forcing Login to a Specific Company

To restrict which company a workstation can log into

Right-click the desktop

shortcut for Counterpoint
and select Properties

Add /alias aliasname

to the end of the target

aliasname is the
Alias for the company
as defined in the
connection string.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-56 06/13/16

Viewing Environment Settings

Select System > Views > Environment Settings

 Use to view current codes and versions in effect on a workstation

 Click to save file containing environmental setting details (saved

in TopLevel folder)

Identification tab

Contains information about Counterpoint, the

company name, and the URI for CP Services

User tab

Contains information about the user who is

logged in to Counterpoint on this workstation.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-57 06/13/16

Viewing Environment Settings

Database tab

Contains information about the database that the

user is logged in to on this workstation.

Database Size tab

Contains information about the size of the

database that the user is logged in to on this

System tab

Contains information about the computer system

that is in use.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-58 06/13/16

Viewing Environment Settings

Versions tab

Contains information about the version of

components used to run Counterpoint, including the
server software, Internet Explorer, Microsoft
Database Access Components, DBISAM, Crystal
runtime, and NiceLabel Engine.

Crystal tab

Contains information about the version and location

of each Crystal runtime and viewer file being used
on this workstation.

Certifications tab

Contains information about Counterpoint


Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-59 06/13/16

Viewing Environment Settings

CPServices tab

Contains information about CP Services.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-60 06/13/16

Viewing Resources and Locks

Select System / Views / Resources and Locks

 Use to view Counterpoint resources currently in use
 Use to view the locks (i.e., batches, drawers, stations, etc.)

System tab

View information
about the users
who are logged
in to Counterpoint
on the system

Company tab

View company-specific
information about
the users logged into

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-61 06/13/16

PCI DSS-Compliance Features

NCR provides applications and services that meet or exceed PA-DSS guidelines.

Assessment ensures that NCR Counterpoint conforms to best practices for handling,
management and storage of user accounts, passwords, encryption, and payment-related

Find out what you need to do to be compliant from or

visit for links to compliance information.

Throughout this manual, you will find PCI Alerts contained in special text boxes.

PCI Alert!
Be sure to review the messages that appear in these text boxes to learn more
about PCI DSS compliance.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-62 06/13/16

PCI DSS-Compliance Features: Security Logs

 Located in Counterpoint installation directory

 Entry data includes:

 user ID
 type of event
 name of table or column affected by event
 date and time
 workstation that originated event
 whether event succeeded or failed

 Logged events include:

 each attempt to log in to Counterpoint, Ticket Entry, Touchscreen, and
Order Management
 access to cardholder data not in the current transaction
 changes to users related to security
 additions, deletions, and changes to store and station records

SiteServerInstall.log, ClientInstall.log
 Located in Logs\CPLogs sub-directory below Counterpoint installation directory

 Record of each time Counterpoint is installed, upgraded, or removed from a server or


 Cannot be configured or disabled

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-63 06/13/16

PCI DSS-Compliance Features: Security Logs

Audit access to log files

Must audit access to log files that contain security-related event information. To configure
your Counterpoint server to audit user access to Security.Log:

1. On your Counterpoint server, select Start\Settings\Control Panel, double-click

Administrative Tools, and then double-click Local Security Policy.

2. Under Security Settings in the left-hand pane, double-click Local Policies.

3. Click Audit Policy, and then double-click Audit object access in the right-hand pane.

4. On the Local Security Setting tab, under Audit these attempts, select the Success
check box and the Failure check box.

5. Click OK to save your changes, and then close the Local Security Settings window.

6. Browse to your Counterpoint installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Radiant


7. Right-click the SECURITY.LOG file and select Properties.

8. Select the Security tab, click the Advanced button, and then select the Auditing tab.

9. Click the Add button.

10. In the Enter the object name to select field, type the name of a user or user group, and
then click OK.

You can browse for names by clicking Advanced, and then clicking Find Now on the
Select User or Group dialog.

11. On the Auditing Entry for Security.log dialog, select the Successful and Failed check
boxes for each action, and then click OK.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-64 06/13/16

PCI DSS-Compliance Features

Other Related PCI Areas

Cardholder data must not be stored on any system that is directly connected to the public
Internet.Web servers and database servers must not be on the same server.

If you must use Counterpoint on a wireless network:

 Firewall must deny or control traffic from wireless into cardholder data environment
 Change the default Service Set Identifier (SSID) & disable SSID broadcasting
 Perform wireless network management from the console
 Include wireless virus signatures in virus protection mechanisms
 Install a personal firewall and disable file sharing on each client workstation
 Restrict physical access to wireless access points, gateways, and handheld devices
 Use one of these encryption methods for wireless transmissions:
 128-bit SSL
 LEAP (change keys every 10-30 minutes)
 WPA (change default installation keys, rotate shared keys regularly, and change
keys whenever critical personnel change positions or leave the company)
Use of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is prohibited.
 For each wireless access point, implement these security measures:
 Update firmware to the latest version on each wireless access point
 Enable MAC filtering to restrict wireless access to specific MAC addresses
 Change the default password and SNMP community strings
 Use a static IP address (not DHCP or a dynamic address)
 Locate as close to the center of your facility as possible, to limit the distance
wireless signals must travel
 Connect to a switch port (not to a shared media device or hub)
 Enable logging/auditing

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-65 06/13/16

PCI DSS-Compliance Features

Remote Access

Remote access to the payment processing environment:

 Access should be authenticated using a two-factor authentication mechanism (i.e.,

username/password and an additional authentication item, such as a token or
 Vendor remote accounts should only be active while access is required to provide
service. Access rights should include only those required for the service rendered and
should be robustly audited.
 When using third-party remote access software (e.g., Remote Desktop/Terminal
Services) in the payment processing environment, every session must be encrypted with
at least 128-bit encryption (in addition to the requirement for two-factor authentication
required for users connecting from outside the payment processing environment). For
RDP/Terminal Services, this means using the High encryption setting on the server and
applying the PCI user account and password requirements outlined above.
Additionally, the PCI user account and password requirements previously outlined must
be applied to these access methods.
 Change default settings (such as usernames and passwords) on remote access
software (e.g., VNC)
 Allow connections only from specific IP and/or MAC addresses
 Use strong authentication and complex passwords for logins
 Enable encrypted data transmission
 Enable account lockouts after six failed login attempts
 Require that remote access take place over a VPN via a firewall as opposed to allowing
connections directly from the Internet
 Enable logging for auditing purposes
 Restrict access to customer passwords to authorized NCR Corporation or NCR Retail
Partner personnel
 Establish customer passwords according to PCI DSS Requirements previously outlined

Change Vendor-supplied Default Passwords and Parameters

Most security-related software and hardware include default user IDs and passwords that are well-known
in the hacker community. Make sure you change these default values.

For example, do not use the sa user ID that is installed with Microsoft SQL Server to access your
Counterpoint database. Instead, create a unique user ID with administrative access to your Counterpoint
database by following the instructions included with your version of SQL Server. Further, change the
default sa password from CounterPoint8 to something that meets the PCI DSS guidelines for strong

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-66 06/13/16

PCI DSS-Compliance Features

Data Transport Encryption

NCR Counterpoint uses an encryption algorithm with 128-bit encryption strength to protect
cardholder data, including card numbers stored in transactions for authorization and settlement,
card numbers stored in customer records, card numbers retained in ticket history, and expiration

To ensure PCI DSS compliance, you should also implement security protocols such as secure
sockets layer (SSL) / transport layer security (TLS) and Internet protocol security (IPSEC) to
safeguard sensitive cardholder data during transmission over open, public networks.

Special Handling of Authentication Data

If you collect and retain sensitive authentication data (card swipe data, validation values or
codes, PIN or PIN block data) outside of Counterpoint, adhere to these guidelines:

 Collect such data only when needed to solve a specific problem

 Store the data in specific, known locations with limited access
 Collect only the amount of data needed to solve the problem
 Encrypt senstive authentication data while its stored
 Securely delete the data immediately after use

PCI DSS-compliant Use of End-user Messaging

NCR Counterpoint does not allow or facilitate the sending of card numbers or other sensitive
cardholder data via any end-user messaging technology (e.g., e-mail, instant messaging, and
chat) from within the application.

Never send card numbers or any sensitive cardholder data via e-mail, instant messages, or any
other end-user messaging system. The transmission of unencrypted cardholder data via end-
user messaging will result in noncompliance with the PCI DSS.

Secure Distributions of Software Updates

All NCR Counterpoint software updates are digitally signed. To download software updates,
each end user must sign in to the end-user portal using a unique Counterpoint serial number,
while each retail partner must sign into the partner portal with a unique User ID and password.

Non-console administration

We do not support or recommend using non-console administration. However, if you choose to

use non-console administration, you must use SSH, VPN, or SSL/TLS for the encryption of non-
console administrative access.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-67 06/13/16

PCI DSS-Compliance Features

Capture of Primary Account Numbers

The cardholder’s primary account number (PAN) is temporarily held in memory during a
transaction, so it is possible for an unencrypted PAN to be written to the Windows page file.
To prevent this, complete the following procedures.

A. Disable the System Protection/Restore feature so that copies of the page page are not
retained on workstations.

Windows 7/8/2008

On each Windows 7/2008 workstation, click Start, right-click Computer and select

Click System protection in the left-hand pane to display the System Properties window.

Click to display the

System Protection window.

Select Turn off system protection.

Apply the changes and then click OK to

close the window.

Restart the workstation.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-68 06/13/16

B. Encrypt the Windows page file

On each Windows 7/8/2008 workstation, click Start and type cmd in the search box.

Right-click cmd.exe and select Run as


To encrypt the page file, enter: fsutil behavior set EncryptPagingFile 1

Verify the encryption setting by entering: fsutil behavior query EncryptPagingFile

If encryption is enabled, EncryptPagingFile = 1 will appear.

Restart the workstation.

C. Clear the Windows page file at shutdown

Clearing the page file when the workstation is shut down will purge all temporary data from
the page file, including passwords and any cardholder data that may have been captured.

On each workstation, click Start and type regedit in the search box.

Right-click regedit.exe and select Run

as Administrator.

In the Registry Editor window, locate and click the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\
Memory Management

Right-click ClearPageFileAtShutdown and select Modify to display the Edit DWORD

Value dialog.

If this value does not exist, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value from the Edit menu, enter
ClearPageFileAtShutdown to name the new key value, right-click the new value, and
select Modify.
Enter 1 in the Value data field.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-69 06/13/16

Click OK to save your changes and close the Edit DWORD Value window.

Quit the Registry Editor, and then restart the workstation.

D. Disable automatic management of the Windows page file

Windows 7/8/2008

On each Windows 7/8/2008 workstation, click Start, right-click Computer and select

Click Advanced system settings in the left-hand pane to display the System Properties

Under Performance, click Settings to display the

Performance Options window.

On the Performance Options window, switch to

the Advanced tab.

Under Virtual memory, click Change.

Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for

all drives check box.

Select Custom size, and then specify the Initial size

and Maximum size for the page file.

As a rule of thumb, initial size should equal the amount

of RAM the workstation is equipped with, and Maximum
size should be twice this amount.

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-70 06/13/16

Click OK to save your changes and close the Virtual Memory window.

Click OK to close the Performance Options window and click OK again to close the
System Properties window.

Restart the workstation.

E. Disable Windows error reporting

To prevent capture of PAN data by the operating system, disable Windows error reporting
on your Counterpoint workstations.

Windows 7/8/2008

On each Windows 7/2008 workstation, click Start and click Control Panel.

Click System and Security, click Action Center, and then click Change Action Center
settings in the left-hand pane.

When the Turn messages on or off

page appears, click Problem
reporting settings under Related

Select Never check for solutions.

Click OK to save your changes, and

then click OK to return to the
Action Center

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-71 06/13/16

Visa Merchant Level Classifications
Visa has established four distinct level classifications for merchants who process Visa
transactions, along with specific validation requirements for each level.

Most NCR Counterpoint merchants can be classified as Level 4 merchants. Level 4

merchants have no validation requirements, but Visa recommends that Level 4 merchants
complete an annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire, which you can obtain from Visa’s
website ( Visa also recommends an annual network scan, performed
by a qualified, independent scan vendor, for Level 4 merchants.

The following table outlines the qualifications and specific validation requirements for each
of Visa’s Merchant Level Classifications. If you qualify for a higher Level, you are
responsible for meeting all listed validation requirements.

Level You are in this level if Validation requirements Performed by

4 You process fewer than 20,000 Visa None. However, Visa recommends: Merchant
ecommerce transactions annually Completing an annual PCI Self- Qualified Independent
Assessment Questionnaire Scan Vendor
Annual network scan
3 You process more than 20,000 Visa Completing an annual PCI Self- Merchant
ecommerce transactions annually Assessment Questionnaire Qualified Independent
Quarterly network scan Scan Vendor

2 You process more than 150,000 Visa Completing an annual PCI Self- Merchant
ecommerce transactions annually Assessment Questionnaire Qualified Independent
Quarterly network scan Scan Vendor
1 You process more than 6,000,000 Quarterly network scan Qualified Independent
Visa transactions annually Completing an annual On-site PCI Scan Vendor
or Data Security Assessment Qualified data security
Your systems have been attacked company, or internal
and compromised audit if signed by officer
or of the company
Visa or any other card association
designates you as a Level 1

Installing NCR Counterpoint 1-72 06/13/16


Sequence of System Setup ........................................................................ 1

Registering NCR Counterpoint ................................................................... 3
NCR Counterpoint Base System ................................................................ 4
NCR Counterpoint Options ......................................................................... 5
Setting Up Calendars ................................................................................. 6
Setting Up the Company Record ................................................................ 8
Using Quick Setup.................................................................................... 19
Setting Up Account Numbers ................................................................... 22
Overview of Security ................................................................................ 23
Setting Up System Security Codes........................................................... 25
Viewing/Entering Costs in NCR Counterpoint ........................................... 26
Using Batches .......................................................................................... 33
Setting Up Batches................................................................................... 34
Using the Work Center ............................................................................. 35
Setting Up Workgroups ............................................................................ 36
Setting Up Users ...................................................................................... 39
Setting Up User Preferences .................................................................... 45
Setting up Workstations ........................................................................... 48
Setting Up Menu Codes ........................................................................... 49
Setting Up Menu Codes – Menu Editor .................................................... 50
Verifying a Menu Code ............................................................................. 53
Customizing Lookups ............................................................................... 54
Exercise 2: Modifying a Quick Report ....................................................................... 58
Setting Up Bank Account Codes .............................................................. 66
Setting Up Currency Codes ...................................................................... 67
Currency Rounding Example.................................................................... 69
Exercise 3: Setting Up Currency Codes .................................................................... 70
Setting Up Gift Card Codes ...................................................................... 72
Setting Up Stored Value Card Codes ....................................................... 73
Setting Up Pay Codes .............................................................................. 74
Automatically determine pay codes from card numbers ........................... 81
Setting Up Commission Codes ................................................................. 83
Setting Up Ship-via Codes ....................................................................... 84
Setting Up Label Jobs .............................................................................. 85
Pre-defined Label Jobs............................................................................. 87
Setting Up Message Groups .................................................................... 89
Defining Sales Taxes ............................................................................... 90
Setting Up Tax Categories ....................................................................... 91
Setting Up Tax Authorities ........................................................................ 92
Exercise 4: Setting Up Tax Authorities ....................................................................... 96
Setting Up Tax Codes ............................................................................ 101
Assigning Tax Codes (Sales Tax) .......................................................... 102
Assigning Tax Codes (Purchasing Tax).................................................. 103
Setting Up the Accounting Interface ....................................................... 104
Importing Account Numbers ................................................................... 115
Importing and Exporting Vendors ........................................................... 116
Sequence of System Setup

Sequence for setting up a new company’s System data

After creating the database for a new company, you can start NCR Counterpoint and
begin to set up data for that company. System data must be defined prior to setting up
data for other parts of the software (such as Inventory or Point of Sale). Use these
menu selections to set up the minimum required System data.

1 Setup > System > This function displays the contents of Registration.ini,
Registration the Counterpoint registration file for a customer. You
must obtain a separate Counterpoint registration for
each customer.
2 Setup > System > Calendars Define at least one calendar for the current year.
3 Setup > System > Accounts Set up the account numbers to which financial entries
(“distributions”) will be recorded as you post
transactions in Counterpoint. You will need to
determine the chart of accounts prior to setting up the
account numbers here. Appendix 1 shows the
different accounts that are needed.
If you are using a "direct" interface accounting
application, you can instead import the account
numbers from the chart of accounts in the G/L system.

4 Setup > System > Company Set up the Company record.

Setup > System > Quick Define basic company-related information including
Setup labels for miscellaneous charges and profile values.

5 Setup > System > Security Define at least one security code that can be assigned
Codes to users.

6 Setup > System > Define at least one workgroup that can be assigned to
Workgroups users.

7 Setup > System > Users Define at least one user.*

* Before you can select to make a user a Point of Sale user, you must first define
some Point of Sale data:

Setup > Point of Sale > Set up the Point of Sale Control record.

Setup > Point of Sale > Define at least one Point of Sale security code that
Security Codes can be assigned to Point of Sale users.

Setting Up System Data 2-1 03/03/16

Additional System Setup

Additional set up is needed to use or perform these functions for a company

(*=required to be able to sell to customers)
8 Setup > System > Batches Manually create batch ID’s and maintain
all defined batches.
9 Setup > System > User Preferences Define the specific settings for a user.
10 Setup > System > Workstations Define the settings for a specific computer.
11 Setup > System > Custom Forms Define a custom form for a table
12 Setup > System > Dashboard Define thresholds for Dashboard
13 Setup > System > Bank Account Define bank accounts for deposits.
14 Setup > System > Currency Codes Define each currency accepted for tender.
15 Setup > System > Gift Card Codes If you plan to sell gift cards, define at least
one gift card code to use.
16 Setup > System > Stored Value Card If you plan on processing stored value
Codes cards, define at least one stored value
card code to use when processing SVC’s.
17 * Setup > System > Pay Codes Define each pay code accepted for tender.
18 Setup > System > Commission Codes Define commission rates.
19 Setup > System > Ship-via Codes Define shipping methods.
20 Setup > System > Label Jobs Create new label jobs or modify pre-
defined label jobs.
21 Setup > System > Menu Codes Define restricted or customized menus.
22 Setup > System > Message Groups Create groups to use for messages.
23 Setup > Inventory > Tax Categories Define tax categories - assigned to items.
24 * Setup > System > Tax Authorities Define authorities to which taxes are paid.
25 * Setup > System > Tax Codes Group tax authorities for purposes of
assigning to Store and Customer records.
26 Setup > System > Accounting Interface Specify settings for interfacing
Counterpoint data to accounting package.
27 System > Accounting > Utilities > For Direct accounting interfaces, import
Import Accounts accounts into Counterpoint.
28 System > Accounting > Utilities > For Direct accounting interfaces, import
Import Vendors vendor information into Counterpoint.
29 System > Accounting > Utilities > For Direct accounting interfaces, export
Export Vendors vendor information to accounting package.

Setting Up System Data 2-2 03/03/16

Registering NCR Counterpoint

Select Setup > System > Registration

Blank registration or Demo code type restrictions:

 Maximum user count of 5
 100 items
 50 customers
 “For Demonstration Purposes Only” on reports
 Maximum of 10 pages for all reports
 Simulated EDC

Live registrations include: Name (don’t change if code type = “perm”)

User count (by machine for Windows, by login for Citrix)
Serial number
Select options to register: unchecked = not registered
checked = registered
grey check = disabled

Registration data is stored in Registration.ini, located in TopLevel directory on the

server. A version-specific registration file is required to use Counterpoint when
not running as a demo.

Setting Up System Data 2-3 03/03/16

NCR Counterpoint Base System

Module Functionality
Point of Sale Sales, returns, validated returns, orders, backorders, special orders,
layaways, holds, quotes, store credits, gift cards, multi-currency support,
EBT food stamps, stored value cards, tracking numbers, cash drops, cash
loans, and CMP credit card processing (RBS Lynk through Radiant
Payment Services)
Inventory Items, 3-dimensional gridded items, tag-along kits, barcodes, 3 price
levels, margin-driven pricing, special, promotional, and contract pricing,
mix-and-match pricing, price sheet, average cost by location, adjustments,
physical count, transfers, transfer advice, merge items, and labels
Alternate units supported in all transactions that move inventory
Customers Cash customers, multiple ship-to addresses
Loyalty programs and merge customer utility
Purchasing Vendors, vendor item costs, purchasing advice report – Maximum,
Replenishment, or Days of Supply, Forecast-driven replenishment,
purchase orders (including allocated POs), receivings, adjustments, and
Returns to Vendor
Sales History Complete sales transaction history (including reprinting of journals), ticket
history, management history, commissions, and sales analysis reports
Dashboard interface for viewing Sales History data
Purge utility for ticket history and credit card settlement history
Ecommerce Integration with NCR CP Online for publishing item catalog and accepting
orders from merchant’s CP Online website
Timecards Track employee time worked
System Multi-company, multi-user, messaging, gift card and store credit
Interface distributions to G/L and voucher receivings to A/P
Database utilities - data verify, data import and export, and data migration
WAN operation is supported through the use of Workgroups and Client-
specific registry keys
Setup Configuration and setup functions for all modules
Change field names on windows, add picture masks, constraints, and
change text of messages
Reports Pre-defined reports in Crystal Reports (V 10) format, and Crystal runtime
to print them
Customizable with Crystal Reports (purchased separately)
Send reports via email
Save report parameters (public or private)
Quick Reports from lookups allow simple changes without requiring
Crystal Reports (portrait or landscape orientation)

Setting Up System Data 2-4 03/03/16

NCR Counterpoint Options

Option Additional Functionality

Advanced Orders Allows users to complete order entry processing functions for
a single order or group of order (not currently available)
Advanced Pricing 6-level pricing
Location-specific pricing
Price by cell (single-cell line items)
Location-cell-specific pricing (single-cell line items)
Pricing location
Custom stored procedures for price rules
Credit Cards Electronic draft capture/settlement using First Data North, First
Data South, TSYS, or Paymentech and Moneris Select
(Canadian Debit card support)
Data Interchange Import and Export utilities for data migration
(no charge)
Gift Registry Create and manage gift registries for your customers
Hub Required on primary server for Multi-Site operation
(no charge)
Kits/Bills of Material Assemble other items, in advance to produce a sellable item,
(no charge) or bundle items at the time of sale for a single price
(miscellaneous kit)
Multi-Site Required at Hub and each remote store for Multi-site operation
(no charge) and synchronize multiple copies of company database on
multiple SQL servers
Offline Ticket Entry Allows users to continue ringing up sales and taking orders in
offline mode when workstations cannot connect to the
database server. Data synchronization via NCR CP Services.
Receivables A/R charge customers, process cash receipts, reverse a cash
receipt transaction, finance charges, aging report, print
statements, send statements via e-mail, customer
adjustments, and pay-on-account transactions in Point of Sale
Serial Numbers Serialized items (sometimes or always), serial cost (only
always serialized items), historical transaction detail for each
serial number

Setting Up System Data 2-5 03/03/16

Setting Up Calendars

Select Setup > System > Calendars

 Used to:
 enforce transaction dates (set in Setup > System > Security Codes)
 can use fiscal or calendar year
 seasons (defaults to a 3 month period, but can be changed)
 months
 weeks

Click to set default dates for Seasons, Months, and Weeks

Specify the ending date for first

week and whether to use Dates or
Week Numbers as the week names.

Define three years: current, previous

and next.

Calendar does not auto-update. It will need to be reset each year.

Setting Up System Data 2-6 03/03/16

Setting Up Calendars

Months tab

Weeks tab

Setting Up System Data 2-7 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Select Setup > System >


see next page

Name Name change here results in company name change in

Companies.ini (connection string) and vice-versa
Century offset years Determines the starting year for the company century
range. The range set determines if the 2-digit year
Current calendar entered will have a prefix of 19 (20th century) or 20 (21st
Calendar currently in effect
Hide company from Can company be accessed from an unregistered
unregistered workstations workstation?
Main acct start pos Starting position of the main account characters in an
Main acct length account number and number of characters in length
Profit center start pos If using profit centers, starting position of the profit center
Profit center length characters in an account number and number of
characters in length

Setting Up System Data 2-8 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record


Payment Application Best Practices

 Use of complex passwords
 Minimum of 7 characters
 Maximum 90 days valid period
 PCI recommends 6 login attempts
 Minimum of 4 passwords before re-

Use passwords Passwords are required and must meet minimum PCI
DSS requirements. NOTE: passwords are not required if
no credit card pay codes are defined, or if you are using a
Demo registration file. Field disappears if credit card pay
codes are defined and using a live registration.
Use Windows authentication Indicate whether to support Windows authentication
Windows user must also be defined in CPSQL and in
MSSQL (Supports biometric ID, if fingerprint reader
enabled) (CISP compliance is NOT checked)
Domain path Indicate the path to use for password authentication
against a Windows domain
Require complex passwords Do passwords require both letters and numbers?
Min password length Minimum length of a new password
If 0, passwords can be any length
Days password is valid Password must be changed after this many days
If 0, passwords do not expire
Number of failed login Number of attempts allowed to login
attempts allowed
Number of unique passwords Number of passwords that must have been used before a
before re-use password can be re-used

PCI Alert!
 PCI DSS-compliant passwords are required for all Counterpoint users
if the merchant is processing credit card transactions.
 All passwords are encrypted using a hashing algorithm.
 Encryption keys or other cryptographic materials are not stored in the
Counterpoint database.

Setting Up System Data 2-9 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Address tab

Enter the company’s


Used if location Tax ID is

blank. Stored in each
purchasing document.

Contacts tab

Enter the information

for the contact
individuals for the

Setting Up System Data 2-10 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Distributions tab

Indicate whether to retain

detailed distributions for
each transaction type.

Until you know what the

customer will need, begin
by enabling detail for all
distributions. Retaining
detail will impact database

Reference tab

Select the reference text to

include with distributions for
each transaction type.

Setting Up System Data 2-11 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Gift cards tab

 Enable the sale and

redemption of gift

Use gift cards Enable the use of gift cards for the company
Valid at other stores Enable the use of gift cards at other stores
Minimum redemption percent What percentage of the original gift card value must be
redeemed the first time the card is used?
For example, if minimum is 80%, customer must redeem
at least $80 of a $100 card the first time it is used and
the remaining $20 would have to be redeemed in full the
next time the card is used.
Enter 100 to allow gift card to be used only once.
Closed gift card journal When gift cards are closed, using System > Gift Cards >
Close Gift Cards, should journal be displayed, printed, or
Print distributions
Should distributions be printed on the journal?
Expiration Are gift cards always valid (no expiration), or how many
Always valid months after issuance will they expire and will it be at the
end of the last month?
Months valid
Use end of month

Additional setup: Gift card codes (Setup > System > Gift Card Codes)
Gift card pay code (Setup > System > Pay Codes and Setup >
Point of Sale > Stores)

Setting Up System Data 2-12 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Store credits tab

 Enable the
issuance and
redemption of
store credits

Use store credits Enable use of store credits for this company
Valid at other stores Enable use of store credits at other stores
Closed store credit journal When store credits are closed, using System > Store
Credits > Close Store Credits, should journal be
displayed, printed, or skipped?
Print distributions
Should distributions be printed on the journal?
Store credit liability G/L account for distributions of store credits that are
Store credit redemption newly issued, redeemed, and forfeited
Account entered must be a valid posting account if
Store credit forfeit
Profit center method is None
If Profit center method is “Issuing store” or “Redeeming
store” the account must be a valid main account
Expiration Are store credits always valid (no expiration), or how
Always valid many months after issuance will they expire and will it be
at the end of the last month?
Months valid
Use end of month

Additional setup: Store Credit pay code (Setup > System > Pay Codes and
Setup > Point of Sale > Stores)

Setting Up System Data 2-13 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Stored Value Cards tab

 Enable the use of stored value cards

Use stored value cards Indicate whether to use stored value cards
SVC processor If using CP Gateway, select the processor to use: First
Data, Stored Value Systems (Comdata Stored Value
Solutions), Paymentech, or GiftLynk (RBSLynk)
No dial up support
Minimum activation amount Indicate the minimum amount required to activate card
Minimum recharge amount Indicate the minimum amount required to increase card
Maximum refund amount Indicate the maximum amount that can be refunded
Maximum cash back amount Indicate the maximum amount that can be given back
as cash
Require PIN for manual entry Indicate whether to require a PIN for manual entry
(available if using Stored Value Systems or

Additional setup: Stored Value Card codes (Setup > System > Stored Value Card
Stored Value Card pay code (Setup > System > Pay Codes and
Setup > Point of Sale > Stores)

Setting Up System Data 2-14 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Gift Registry tab

 Enable the use of gift registries (requires the Gift Registry Option)

Use gift registries Indicate whether to use gift registry functionality.

Valid at other stores Can a registry at one store be accessed from other stores?
Months valid For how many months will the gift registry be available?

Setting Up System Data 2-15 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Performance tab

Use fast open Indicate whether to load one record at a time for maintenance
If enabled, the function opens faster, but access via
Next/Previous VCR buttons is slightly slower
If enabled, the x of y record button will not function on toolbars
Max rows in table view When using table view, how many records should be
Lookup dialogs
Max rows in lookups When performing a lookup on a table, how many records
("rows") should be displayed?
Fewer records results in faster lookups
Search delay (ms) How long to wait after typing before keyword search is
performed (default = 600ms)
Minimum keyword Number of characters entered as a keyword before search is
length performed (default=3 characters)

Use nolock hint Enable to allow lookups against data that is locked, and
prevent locking data that lookup is querying

Setting Up System Data 2-16 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Other tab

Use timecards Indicate whether to use timecards
Allow clock-in if already If a user is ‘clocked-in’, can they ‘clock-in’ again? If so, after
clocked-in how many minutes?

Treat as ‘clocked-out’ Controls whether a user will be prompted to clock-in again

Allow clock-out without Will user be allowed to ‘clock-out’ without ‘clocking-in’?
Default to current user Should Counterpoint default to the current user in the Timecard

Setting Up System Data 2-17 03/03/16

Setting Up the Company Record

Other tab

Creates batches with ID

of DEFAULT for every
module and transaction
type that doesn’t already
have a ‘Default’ batch

New user setup

Copy user batches When adding a new user and using the Copy-from
Copy user drawers function (not the clone button), indicate whether to copy:
- user batches
Copy user preferences
- user drawers
- user preferences
Show User Batches form After saving a new user, indicate which forms should
Show User Drawers form automatically appear:
Show User Preferences form - User Batches
- User Drawers
- User Preferences
Refresh messages every How often should messages be refreshed?
Purge messages every Set Refresh=0 to prevent instant messages from popping
How often should messages be purged?
Report e-mail options
E-mail body Enter the text to appear as the default body of emails
Drop ship
Allow drop shipments Check to enable drop shipments

Setting Up System Data 2-18 03/03/16

Using Quick Setup

Select Setup > System > Quick Setup

 Use to quickly configure various company settings

If not already present, sets up:
 one store (“Main”)
 one location (“Main”)
 one tax code + authority (“Local”)

 Use to select profile fields, item attributes, and miscellaneous charges to use,
and identify display labels

Company tab

Enter the company name and address.

Indicate whether to use passwords.

Enter the current calendar year.

Enter a single tax percent to use.

Indicate whether to use gift cards and

store credits.

Select the default label printer.

Setting Up System Data 2-19 03/03/16

Using Quick Setup

Defining Profile fields, Item Attributes, and Miscellaneous charges

 Indicate whether to use the associated profile value, item attribute, or
miscellaneous charge for Items, Customers, Purchasing, and Point of Sale

 Enter the display label for each

 Click to define valid responses for code profiles and attributes

 Define the account for miscellaneous charges

Setting Up System Data 2-20 03/03/16

Using Quick Setup

Configuring Credit Cards processing

Accessible only if only one store is defined, using Retail industry type, and using NCR
CP Gateway

Enter your merchant number.

Select the processor to use.

Select the industry type.

Enter the authorization and

settlement terminal IDs.

Indicate whether to use NCR CP


If using CP Gateway, enter your CP

Gateway merchant #.

Select your operating mode.

If using CP Gateway, indicate

whether to directly authorize
American Express payments.

If using AmEx direct, enter your

American Express “Service Establishment” number.

Indicate whether to use debit cards and / or checks.

Click to construct a
Terminal ID based on information provided
by the processor.

Click to configure information for the processor.

For FDMS North, select check


Enter your tax ID number.

Setting Up System Data 2-21 03/03/16

Setting Up Account Numbers

Select Setup > System > Accounts

 20 characters, numeric or alphanumeric

 Position and size of main account and profit center defined in Company table
 Can be imported from G/L accounting software, after accounting interface has
been defined (direct interface packages)
 Full account numbers entered in other functions, even if only profit center portion
is used

Account Enter the characters to represent the account

Description Enter the description of the account
Valid posting account Indicate whether account distributions can be made to this
Valid main account Indicate whether the Main account portion of the account
number is a valid Main account
Valid profit center Indicate whether the Profit Center portion of the account number
is a valid Profit Center
G/L account If interfacing account information to a third-party software,
account number to link to in accounting package instead of
Default account
Default Based on accounting interface definition, account number in
accounting package that this Counterpoint account number will
link to

Setting Up System Data 2-22 03/03/16

Overview of Security

Levels of Security
Level 1 Windows/network login and password

Counterpoint programs and users need the ability to Read/Write/Create/

Delete files in the top-level Counterpoint directory on the server (e.g.,

Level 2 Database Server login and password

Security for MSSQL can be handled using a database SQL user ID and
password, or by using Windows integrated security. When using SQL
authentication, the first time you start Counterpoint on a workstation and
select a company, the SQL user ID and password are copied from the
Counterpoint connection string and written to the Windows registry on the
workstation. When you start Counterpoint in the future on that same
workstation, it automatically uses the same user ID and password.

Level 3 Within NCR Counterpoint:

Counterpoint user login

Each user must have a user ID that they use to log in to Counterpoint. You
can also disable the login for a user, preventing them from running NCR


Passwords can be required and can have a minimum length and

expiration date. Users can be forced to change their password after
logging in. A maximum number of password entry attempts can be
established before user’s login is disabled. A minimum number of unique
passwords can be set, before a user can reuse a prior password.

Windows authentication

Each user can use their Windows authentication or biometric ID to log in

to Counterpoint. A fingerprint reader must be enabled for the biometric ID.

Setting Up System Data 2-23 03/03/16

Registered Workstations

CP Services checks to verify which workstations are registered. Based on

the Company settings, you are allowed to access only registered
workstations, or both registered and unregistered workstations.

User’s System Security code

Each user is assigned a system security code, and the same security
code can be assigned to multiple users. The system security code
contains the system-level authorizations for a user, such as whether
protected changes or cost entry is permitted. The system security code
also dictates, through its menu code, the Counterpoint menu selections
that are available for a user.

User’s active workgroup

Each user is assigned a “primary” workgroup. If permitted, when logging

in to Counterpoint, a user can change his workgroup for that session. The
workgroup controls what “this location” and “this store” is used for that
session, and whether other locations or stores can be used during the
same session.

Point of Sale security code

Each Point of Sale user is assigned a Point of Sale security code. The
Point of Sale security code contains the authorizations for a user to
access certain PS menu selections and to perform sensitive functions
when entering Point of Sale documents.

Batch security

If a user has a user batch defined for a specific type of transaction, that is
the only batch they can use, and access to other batches is not permitted.

Setting Up System Data 2-24 03/03/16

Setting Up System Security Codes

Select Setup > System > Security Codes

 Use to define system authorizations for a user or group of users
 Assign one security code to each user

Use to select / clear all

check boxes on this tab

Menu code ID of custom menu (if used) for users assigned this system
security code
Allow cost entry User can view and enter cost for any non-PS activity.
If not selected, default cost for activity is automatically used
View costs If user cannot enter costs, can they view them in lookups,
filters, and quick reports?
Costs do not print on standard reports and journals if user is
not authorized to view costs
Allow other locations Can this user enter non-PS transactions for locations other
than “This location” specified in their workgroup?
Allow other stores Can user enter sales for stores other than “This store ID”
specified in their workgroup?
Allow system Can this user access and use the Management Console?
Unlock others’ stations Only for Point of Sale manager - unlock other users' stations
if the Point of Sale manager check box is selected for the
user on the General tab of the Users window (Setup >
System > Users).
Always - unlock other users' stations, regardless of whether
they are Point of Sale managers.
Never - cannot unlock other users' stations

Setting Up System Data 2-25 03/03/16

Viewing/Entering Costs in NCR Counterpoint

Transaction Type User is authorized User is not authorized

to enter costs to enter costs
Receivings  Default = cost entered on PO  Automatically uses vendor item
Quick Receivings cost or location last cost
 Default = vendor item cost or
location last cost User cannot enter PO misc chgs
User can enter different cost or (uses default of .00)
use accounting cost*
User can enter PO misc chgs

Inventory >  Default = location avg. cost  Automatically uses accounting

Adjustments User can enter different cost or cost*
use accounting cost*

Physical Count For all users (authorization to enter costs is ignored), automatically
uses frozen cost or accounting cost*, based on Setup > Inventory
> Control setting

Sales/Returns For all users (authorization to enter costs is ignored):

Inventory items: Uses accounting cost*
Misc. items: Uses entered cost for “Prompt for cost” items
(anyone can enter),
Uses “Cost of goods sold %” to calculate as
percent of selling price

 accounting cost = location average cost at time of posting

Setting Up System Data 2-26 03/03/16

Setting Up System Security Codes

Authorizations tab

Allow protected changes Can user access protected change fields?
Other users’ preferences Ability to access and change other users’ preferences in
Setup > System > User Preferences
Allow message suppression Can user suppress messages that have a Do not show
again checkbox?
Re-enable message display by selecting Show
suppressed messages in Setup > System > User
A/R document maintenance Can user run Maintain A/R Documents under
Customers > Utilities?
Point of Sale
Gift Card Maintenance Can user run Maintain Gift Cards under System > Gift
Store Credit Maintenance Can user run Maintain Store Credits under
System > Store Credits?
Allow margin-driven pricing During receiving, can this user set the price for an item
during receivings based on specified margin parameters?

Allow access to drop-ship Can this user access drop-ship purchase orders?
purchase orders

Setting Up System Data 2-27 03/03/16

Setting Up System Security Codes

Authorizations tab cont.

Maintain public report parameters Create report parameters available for all users?
Maintain private report parameters Create report parameters available only for the
user who created it?
Maintain import/export parameters Create report parameters for importing/exporting?
Allow e-mailing of reports Can user e-mail a report?
Allow e-mailing non-system address Can user email a report to address not associated
with CP user, customer or vendor?
Allow updating e-mail addresses Can user update e-mail addresses when sending
reports or receipts via e-mail?

Setting Up System Data 2-28 03/03/16

Setting Up System Security Codes

Authorizations tab cont.

Customize data dictionary Can user make changes to the data dictionary?
Customize filter dictionary Can user save customized filters?
Customize lookup dictionary Can user save customized lookups?
Customize text dictionary Can user make changes to the text dictionary?
Customize zoom dictionary Can user save customized zooms?
Save customized data grids Can user save column changes made in functions with
line item entry grids?
Customize toolbars Can user customize toolbars?

Setting Up System Data 2-29 03/03/16

Setting Up System Security Codes

Authorizations tab cont.

Credit cards
Manually authorize credit cards Can user "force" authorization by manually entering
authorization code?
Skip AVS checking Can this user skip address verification or CVV /CID
Override AVS mismatch checking for a credit card transaction? If enabled for
store, can user override an address or CVV/CID
Override AVS unavailable discrepancy, or bypass address verification or
Skip CVV/CID checking CVV/CID when the service is unavailable?
Override CVV/CID mismatch Note: Enable "Allow address entry" for AVS in Setup
> Point of Sale > Stores if any user is allowed to
Override CVV/CID unavailable
skip checking or override discrepancies
View credit card numbers Can user view an encrypted credit card number in
live tickets or ticket history? Note: The number is
stored encrypted but can be shown unencypted. The
use of this function is logged in the Security log.
Note: Only applies when using CP Gateway.

Setting Up System Data 2-30 03/03/16

Setting Up System Security Codes

Transaction Dates tab

Previous trx # months User can enter transactions for this many previous months
Allow trx for last calendar If previous month(s) fall in prior year, must also be allowed
to enter transactions for last year
Future trx # months User can enter transactions for this many future months
Allow trx for next calendar If future month(s) are in next year, must also be allowed to
enter transactions for next year
Earliest valid date Based on the above settings, range of valid transaction
Latest valid date dates

If a user tries to save a transaction

outside of their allowed date range, the
following error message appears:

If a user tries to post a transaction outside of their allowed date range, the following error
message appears on the Edit List.

Setting Up System Data 2-31 03/03/16

Setting Up System Security Codes

Timecards tab

Clock-in/Clock-out Users settings for clock-in/clock-out: Allowed,

Required, or Not allowed
Show timecard status Indicate whether to display “Clocked in” and "Not
clocked in" buttons on the status bars of Touchscreen,
Ticket Entry, and the main menu
Prompt for clock-in at login Indicate whether to prompt the user to clock-in when
logging in to Counterpoint
Prompt for clock-out at logout Indicate whether to prompt the user to clock-out when
logging out of Counterpoint

Setting Up System Data 2-32 03/03/16

Using Batches

 To group non-document transactions for entry and posting

 Batch ID and Transaction type retained in history with posted transactions
 Allows multiple users to enter transactions simultaneously in same or
different batches
 Allows multiple users to post different batches simultaneously
(batch locked during posting)

 Batch ID must be defined prior to entry of these transaction types:

Inventory Inventory adjustments Purchasing Purchase requests
Quick transfers Receivings
Transfer in Quick receivings
Transfer out Returns to Vendor
Quick assembly Purchasing Adjustments
Customers Customer adjustments
Cash receipts
Loyalty Point Adjustments
Finance charges

 Select System > Work Center to view unposted batches

When transaction entry function is started:

 Automatically uses “User ID” batch if found

Automatically uses “Workgroup ID” batch if found and user ID batch not found
Automatically uses “DEFAULT” batch ID if found and user ID batch or
workgroup ID batch not found
Automatically uses “User-defined batch ID” if it is the only one defined for
transaction type

 If no ‘Automatic’ batch is assigned

Requests selection of batch ID from lookup dialog
Select different batch using File/Change batch (or Ctrl+G)

 Displays current batch ID on title bar

Setting Up System Data 2-33 03/03/16

Setting Up Batches

Select Setup > System > Batches

 Use to maintain individual batch IDs

Batch Alphanumeric characters for batch ID

Batch type Type of transactions allowed in batch
Description Batch description
Multiple use After all transactions in batch are posted, delete batch ID (single use)
or allow batch ID to be re-used
Created by User who created the batch
Created on Date batch was created

Note: Use in Setup > System > Users to create “User ID” batches
for every module and transaction type.

Use in Setup > System > Workgroups to create “Workgroup

ID” batches for every module and transaction type.

Use in Setup > System > Company to create "DEFAULT"

batches for every module and transaction type.

Setting Up System Data 2-34 03/03/16

Using the Work Center

Select System > Work Center

 View unposted batches: select Workgroup, Batch, and Type

 Create new transactions
 Edit user’s existing transactions
 Cannot edit another user’s transaction, if not authorized for the batch
 Post user’s existing transactions
 Cannot post another user’s transactions, if not authorized for the batch

Setting Up System Data 2-35 03/03/16

Setting Up Workgroups

Select Setup > System > Workgroups

 Use to define groups of

users who share the
same location or store
(WAN and Multi-Site
Create “Workgroup ID”
batch for each
transaction type

When logged in with this workgroup:

This location What’s the default location for non-POS activities?
User’s system security code controls access to other locations

This store ID What’s the default store?

User’s system security code controls access to other stores
PS user defaults to What’s the default User ID when logging in to ticket entry?
Location group What’s the default location group for non-POS activities?
This site ID With the Multi-Site Option: what is the specific site for this
Restrict site ID workgroup, is this workgroup restricted to this site,

Domain path When using Windows authentication for passwords, workgroup’s

domain if different than domain set for Company.
Template item number Item or customer whose values display as defaults when
Template customer # defining a new item or customer

Item lookup shows When using an item lookup in a transaction function, which set of
data should be displayed?
Zooms default to Default source for zoom data and validated returns
Check vendors’ item Are vendor item numbers used to specify an item?
Button Menu Style Select Standard, Gel or Gradient button style.

Setting Up System Data 2-36 03/03/16

Setting Up Workgroups

Numbers tab

 Identify next auto-assign value to use for each type of document or activity when
entered by a user logged in to this workgroup

 Use different series for each workgroup to ensure duplicate values don’t occur

If checked, uses the Purchase

Request # as the PO #.
If not checked, Next PO number
is required.

Next xxxxx number Next auto-assigned number when adding new record
If next number is blank, user will be required to manually key in
number when adding new record.
If you have enabled drop ship orders, Next Purchase Request #
will be a required field
Always auto-assign
If Always auto-assign, must use system-assigned number and
user-entered number is not allowed
Next event number Cannot be left blank
Next barcode Next barcode number when automatically assigning barcodes to
an item

Setting Up System Data 2-37 03/03/16

Setting Up Workgroups

Security tab

Automatic station lock Select this check box if you want to enable the automatic
locking of a Counterpoint workstation.

Minutes until lock If Automatic station lock is enabled, after how many minutes
of inactivity does the station lock?

PCI Alert!
All workstations in the workgroup (including those that process credit
card transactions) will lock automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity
and a Station Locked dialog appears.

The user who was logged in when the station locked or a user who is
authorized to unlock other users’ stations can unlock it.

A shorter wait time before locking can be configured in Setup >

System > Workgroups.

Setting Up System Data 2-38 03/03/16

Setting Up Users

Select Setup > System > Users

 Define each NCR Counterpoint user

 Use the “Copy from user” function to quickly add a new user
Setup > System >
User Preferences

Create “User ID” batch

for each transaction type

Employee # User-defined number to associate with this employee
Department The department associated with this employee

Workgroup Default workgroup; sets default location and store for user
Allow other workgroups Can user change to a different workgroup when logging in?

Sales rep Is this a sales rep? Define at least one sales rep
Commission code Code that defines commission structure for sales rep
Valid buyer Can user be entered as a buyer in Purchase Request >
Selecting Valid buyer does not control if the user can create
a PO.

Setting Up System Data 2-39 03/03/16

Setting Up Users

If passwords are being

used, set password

System security
Security code Controls system authorizations for user
Login disabled Prevents user from logging in next time
Require password change Requires user to enter new password at next login
Last pwd change Date user last changed password
User ID card If using User ID cards, the 8-digit number card number
assigned to a specific user (scan to assign, after defining
MSR device for workstation)
Assign card Allows the assignment of a User ID card to a specific user.
Un-assign card Disassociates a previously assigned User ID card with a
specific user. The User ID card can then be assigned to a
different user.

System activity
System-maintained information about this user:
Last login  Last time this user logged in
Last workgroup  Last workgroup used by this user
Last workstation  Last workstation used by this user

Setting Up System Data 2-40 03/03/16

Setting Up Users

Assigning User ID Card

Prior to assigning user ID cards to users, you must have already defined a magnetic
stripe reader (MSR) for a workstation, using the Device Framework function in Setup >
Point of Sale > Devices.

 In Setup > System > Users, look up the user to whom you want to assign a
User ID card.

 Click Assign card.

 The Swipe User ID card to

assign prompt appears along the
bottom of the Users window

 Swipe a User ID card through your workstation's MSR to assign the card to the
user. The card number appears in the User ID card field.

If the card is already assigned to another user, a message appears, prompting you
to reassign the card to the selected user. Click Yes to reassign the card to the
selected user or click No to cancel, leaving the card assigned to the original user.

Un-Assigning User ID Card

 From Setup > System > Users, look up the user whose User ID card you want
to un-assign.

 Click the Un-assign card button.

The user can no longer use the card, which

can now be assigned to a different user.

Setting Up System Data 2-41 03/03/16

Setting Up Users

Access Setup > Point of

Sale > User Drawers

Point of sale
Point of Sale user Can user access Point of Sale >Tickets and Point of Sale >
Drawers menu selections?
Point of Sale manager Is user a manager?
Manager can perform security overrides for other users, if
manager is authorized for same function
Order Management user Is user allowed to work with order management?
Security code Security code that controls authorizations while in Ticket
Entry or Touchscreen. (Required for Point of Sale user)

Last store used Last store, station, and drawer used by user in Ticket Entry
Last station used Used as defaults next time when logging into Ticket Entry, if
store is set to use them
Last drawer used
Last login Last date and time user logged in to Ticket Entry
Last workgroup Last workgroup user used in Ticket Entry
Last workstation Last workstation user used in Ticket Entry

Setting Up System Data 2-42 03/03/16

Setting Up Users

Message manager Can user manage the message center? Includes ability to
create message groups and view messages for other users.
Send instant message Can user send an instant message?

Last clock-in Date/time stamp of last clock-in of this user
Last clock-out Date/time stamp of last clock-out of this user

Setting Up System Data 2-43 03/03/16

Setting Up Users

Contacts tab

 Enter the user’s address and information for contact individuals.

Setting Up System Data 2-44 03/03/16

Setting Up User Preferences

Select Setup > System > User Preferences

 Settings for user when running Counterpoint on any computer

Home action Base menu selection, accessible by clicking on

menu taskbar
Open home action at startup Automatically start Home action when logging in?
Main menu style Style of Counterpoint main menu: Explorer, Tree,
Standard, or Buttons
Button Style If using Buttons menu style, configure size and
appearance of buttons for this user
Windows settings change color scheme for buttons

Setting Up System Data 2-45 03/03/16

Setting Up User Preferences

User Interface tab

Show forms on taskbar Show open Counterpoint selections on Windows taskbar?

Allow multiple form Permit a single menu selection to be open more than once
instances on same computer

Implied decimal points In Ticket Entry, assume two decimal positions for money
fields (”10”=.10): prices, misc charges, tax overrides, etc.
Show suppressed Show messages that this user previously selected to
messages suppress (Do not show again check box)?

Enable customizations Enable use of all custom dictionaries (data, text, lookups,
filters, and zooms), reports, forms, etc.
Turn off to use only system dictionaries
Use simplified filters Initially display all filters in simplified format
Maintenance forms Initial setting - Record view or Table view - for Maintenance
Document forms and Document forms
Remember last view When user returns to same form, remember last view used
Default font Set font for column names in menus and windows
Default touchscreen font Set font for column names in Touchscreen

Print button produces When you click , print active record (screenshot), or
print active record as a list report
Negative number color Display color for column background for numbers that are
Required color negative or display color for label for required columns

Scheme Toolbar scheme: Default, Simple, or V7

Setting Up System Data 2-46 03/03/16

Setting Up User Preferences

Message tab

New message font What font should be used for messages?

Reply / Forward font What font should be used for replies or forwarded
Instant message sound What audio file should be used to indicate an instant
file message has been received?

New message sound file What audio file should be used to indicate a new message
has been received?
Reading pane visible Should the message reading pane be visible?

Setting Up System Data 2-47 03/03/16

Setting up Workstations

Select Setup > System > Workstations

 Settings on a specific computer when running Counterpoint
 Workstations that are defined are considered registered with the site server

When using this workstation:

Site server Which CP server is this workstation associated with?

Machine name Which is the name of this computer?
Description Description for this workstation.
Which workgroup is assigned to this workstation?
Default workgroup
Allow different workgroup to be specified when logging in
Allow other workgroups to Counterpoint on this workstation?
Workstation Preferences
Touchscreen mode Provide button for pop-up keyboard / keypad, and larger
buttons throughout Counterpoint including lookups?
Should the user login dialog appear when starting
Skip user login dialog
POS Settings
Default station Which POS station is assigned as the default?
Allow other stations Allow a different station to be specified in ticket entry?

Default drawer Which drawer is assigned as the default?

Allow other drawers Allow a different drawer to be specified in ticket entry?

Advanced options
Enable ticket entry event Enable logging of each keystroke in Ticket Entry?
Enable POS device logging Enable logging for POS devices?

Setting Up System Data 2-48 03/03/16

Setting Up Menu Codes

Select Setup > System > Menu Codes

 Use to restrict Counterpoint menu selections or add external menu selections

 Assign menu code to one or more system security codes

Click Click to
to define or compare a menu code
modify menu to the standard menu

Current custom menu Standard default menu

From this dialog, you can:

 Drag and drop selections from default menu to custom menu
 Drag selections on custom menu to new positions
 Right-click on custom menu to access popup menu
 Configure menu selections by using Menu Editor

Setting Up System Data 2-49 03/03/16

Setting Up Menu Codes – Menu Editor

Menu with images Menu without Images

Reset current menu selection back to default state

Remove (delete) the current menu selection

Add new menu item or new folder

Setting Up System Data 2-50 03/03/16

Setting Up Menu Codes – Menu Editor

ID Internal identifier for menu selection
User-entered for new menu selections. No duplicates permitted
Action type Automatically displays either Windows or External
Form caption Text that appears on menu selection’s title bar
Menu caption Text that appears as menu selection name
Button caption Text that appears for menu selection on button menu
If blank, uses Menu caption text instead
Image Image name to display on Explorer and Tree style menus
If blank, uses default image (folder or screen)
Button Image Image name to display on Button style menu for this menu selection
Command type When adding a custom menu item: type of form to display
Command Command line and parameters for External menu selections
Arguments Table name to access or Crystal report to display for Custom menu
Form Instancing Allow single or multiple instances of menu selection
Presentation Modal or non-modal use
Modal = cannot access another menu selection while this menu
selection is open
Allow edit Allow menu selection to be edited, deleted, inserted, or to function
delete while running offline
Report parameters Assign a default report parameter set to a custom report menu item

Setting Up System Data 2-51 03/03/16

Setting Up Menu Codes – Menu Editor

Command Types
When adding a new menu item, select the appropriate Command Type:

Command Type Command / Arguments

Custom maintenance form Show a maintenance form for the table specified in
Use Allow edit, Allow insert, Allow delete checkboxes
to limit the type of maintenance permitted.

Custom add-on-the-fly form Show an add-on-the-fly form for the table specified in
Use Allow edit, Allow insert, Allow delete checkboxes
to limit the type of maintenance permitted.
Users without the menu selection will be prevented from
adding records on-the-fly to the table.

Custom view form Show an inquiry form for the table specified in

Custom report Show a report parameter form for the report specified in

Custom program Show a “front-end” form for user’s own program,

identified in the configuration file specified in Command.
Optionally provide arguments to pass to program in
Configuration file can also direct filtering, order-by, and
parameters to request from user.

External program Execute the external program specified in Command.

Optionally provide arguments in Arguments.
Use for website addresses, or filenames that will cause
associated application to automatically launch

Setting Up System Data 2-52 03/03/16

Verifying a Menu Code

 Use to compare the current menu to the standard menu and indicate:

 Menu items in the current menu code that are not in the standard menu

 Menu items in the standard menu that are not in the current menu code

Or right-click user-defined
menu in Menu Editor and
select Verify menu

Setting Up System Data 2-53 03/03/16

Customizing Lookups

Changing columns on the lookup form

Click and drag column

heading to change width Right-click column
or reposition column or column heading (e.g.,

Double-click dividers

Hide column Don’t display column for this lookup

Sort ascending Display column data in ascending order

Sort descending Display column data in descending order

Lock / Unlock column Prevent horizontal scrolling of locked columns Unlock

this column and any columns to the right

Fit columns Change width of all columns to fit current width of

lookup form

Set default column widths Change width of each column to fit width of each
column’s heading

Export data Generate a comma-delimited text file of data displayed

in lookup

Column designer Select columns to display, order in which to display them,

and the layout and appearance of each column

Setting Up System Data 2-54 03/03/16

Customizing Lookups

Other LookUp Options


Show all To display all records when fewer than the maximum number are

Save Save current lookup definition as “Default”, becomes default starting

lookup for that table
Any user whose system security code permits customizing of Lookup
Dictionary can save lookups

Save As Save current lookup definition under a new name

Delete Delete a saved lookup definition

Reload lookup Reload original lookup and discard changes entered in this editing

Column designer Select columns to display, order in which to display them, and the
layout and appearance of each column

Setting Up System Data 2-55 03/03/16

Customizing Lookups

Column Designer

Show/Hide Columns tab What columns will display in the lookup and
in what order will they appear?

Hidden columns Visible columns

Hide selected column(s) Show selected column(s)

Hide all columns Show all columns

Change order of columns displayed: Drag and drop in either list box
or use

Setting Up System Data 2-56 03/03/16

Customizing Lookups

Column Designer

Column Options tab What name will be used for a column, and how will the
name and data appear?

of column

of data for
this column

Discard changes
entered in this edit

Grid Options tab How will the column grid appear on the lookup form?

Stack column heading if

longer than column width

Display records from bottom

to top of grid, rather than
from top to bottom

Setting Up System Data 2-57 03/03/16

Exercise 2: Modifying a Quick Report

Try it Yourself !
This exercise illustrates how to use the Column Designer to develop a special lookup. It also
shows how to save the resulting Quick Report, how to add a menu selection to the Counterpoint
menu that runs the Quick Report, and how to customize a filter for the report.

1. Select Inventory > Items

2. Click the lookup icon on the toolbar.

Right-click anywhere in the column headings to display the column control menu.

Select Column designer from the column control menu.

You can also left-click

here to access the
Column Designer.

3. In the Column Designer, add Sub-category, Attribute 1, and Primary vendor to the visible
columns. Move Sub-category up so that it falls after Item category.

Click when finished.

Setting Up System Data 2-58 03/03/16

4. When you return to the Item lookup, click to see the Quick Report.

All of the columns are present, but because of alignment, some columns are hard to read.
(The Sub-category heading and Attribute 1 column’s data is being truncated. The Price-1
data would be easier to read if it was centered.)

Close the Quick Report preview.

Move the columns around so that they appear in this order: Item number, Description,
Price-1, Item category, Sub-category, Attribute 1, and Primary vendor. Extend the Sub-
category heading by clicking and dragging it to the right. Do the same for the Attribute 1

The Item LookUp should now look similar to this:

Setting Up System Data 2-59 03/03/16

5. When completed resizing and placing the columns in the desired order, open the Column
Designer again, and move to the Column Options tab.

Select the Price-1 field and change the Align column value for the data to Center.

Click OK to save your changes and close the Column Designer.

When the lookup form redisplays, click and select Save As…. (Save As is
available only if your security code allows you to customize the lookup dictionary.)

Save the modified lookup using the name Train 1.

The lookup form should now look similar to this:

Setting Up System Data 2-60 03/03/16

6. Click to view the Quick Report. Notice how much better the report looks.

7. Click to save the Quick report.

Change the filename from Item Quick

Report to Items for a Vendor and
click Save. .

Answer Yes to generate the data to save.

Exit the Items function.

Setting Up System Data 2-61 03/03/16

8. To add a menu selection that will run this new report, select Setup > System > Menu

Add a new menu code named

TRAIN 1 with the description of
Training Menu Code.

Click to edit the menu selections for this code.

9. To add the new menu selection to the Inventory > Reports menu, expand the Inventory
folder under the Custom Menu folder. Then select the Reports folder.

and select Menu item.

Enter Items for a Vendor as the

name of the new menu selection.

10. The Menu code and Menu Editor now look similar to this:

Setting Up System Data 2-62 03/03/16

Under Settings, change the Command type to Custom report. At Report, browse and
select Items for a Vendor.rpt (it should be in the Reports folder for your company).

When finished, the Menu Editor should look similar to this.

Close the Menu Editor form saving the changes, then click to save the new menu code.

11. To assign the new menu code to a security code, select Setup > System > Security

Display the LEVEL2 security

code and assign the TRAIN 1
menu code to it.

Save the changes to the

security code and exit. If you
are logged in to Counterpoint
as a user with the MGR
security code, the changes
will be in effect immediately.

12. Select Inventory > Reports > Items for a Vendor from the menu. (If you do not see it on
your menu, you will need to log in to Counterpointas MGR or Z.)

Select the order in which the report will print, and filter the items that you want to include in
the report.

The Order by choices reflect the indexes in the Item table. Since there is no default filter
defined yet for this new menu selection, it instead displays the first filter it can find for the
involved table.

Setting Up System Data 2-63 03/03/16

To build a default filter for this
selection, right-click anywhere
on the form and select

Clear the checkboxes for the

Item type and Price-1 filters,
to de-activate them.

You could instead right-click on

each filter and select to delete

When done, right-click anywhere and select Simplify to see the new simplified filter.

Right-click anywhere and

select Save as default filter.

Now, any time you select to print this report, the default filter will display.

Select a primary
vendor range of
Taylormade to

Then click

Setting Up System Data 2-64 03/03/16

Note: If you change the name of the Form caption for this menu selection in Setup >
System > Menu Codes, you will need to run the new menu selection, load the Items
for a Vendor filter, and resave it as the default filter. Default filters are named the
same as the title bar of the menu selection for which they are the default.

--------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE---------------------------------------------

Setting Up System Data 2-65 03/03/16

Setting Up Bank Account Codes

Select Setup > System > Bank Account Codes

 Define different bank accounts used for deposits of tender received

 Optionally assign one bank account code to each pay code

Setting Up System Data 2-66 03/03/16

Setting Up Currency Codes

Select Setup > System > Currency Codes

 Use to define each currency you will accept for selling or purchasing
 Use to maintain the exchange rate for the currency
 Use to specify currency rounding for selling

Currency code Name for this currency

Description Description for this currency
Short description Abbreviation used in Purchasing
Exchange Rates Default: exchange rate to HOME currency for selling
Purchasing: exchange rate to HOME currency for purchasing*

* fields appear only if "Using multi-currency?" is enabled in Setup>Purchasing>Control

Setting Up System Data 2-67 03/03/16

Minimum Smallest currency denomination accepted for Cash
denomination value transactions
Currency rounding ???How to round calculated sales amount to minimum
method denomination: Up, Down, Normal
Currency rounding If minimum denomination value is greater than .01, account
account number to update the difference between amount calculated
in ticket entry and rounded amount tendered
Gain/loss account Account number to update for amount gained or lost when
converting tendered currency back to HOME currency
Purchasing gain/loss Account number to update for amount gained or lost when
converting purchasing currency back to HOME currency*
Currency unit Units in which this currency is tendered
Unit type Select the unit type: Bills, Coins, Rolls, or Stacks
Value Enter the associated value for the unit (i.e., a roll of quarters
has a value of $10.00)
Use this button to use default standard units (US)

Setting Up System Data 2-68 03/03/16

Currency Rounding Example

Setting Up System Data 2-69 03/03/16

Exercise 3: Setting Up Currency Codes

Try it Yourself!
You are adding Canadian as a currency you will process at your store.
This exercise demonstrates how to:
 Define a foreign currency for selling
 Enter the exchange rate
 Set minimum denomination to .05
 Create the units for the currency

Complete these steps:

1. Select Setup > System > Currency Codes

2. Enter CAN at “Currency code”, Canadian currency at “Description”, and CAN$ at

"Short Description".

3. Enter the current exchange rate: 1 CAN$ = .8 HOME (US dollar).

Enter a minimum denomination of .05 and use Normal rounding.

4. Use 8770000 with a profit center method of Store for the Currency rounding account.
Use 8760000 with a profit center method of Store for the Gain/loss account.
Use 8760000 with a profit center method of Location for the Purchasing gain/loss

5. At “Currency unit”, enter each type of Canadian currency you accept as tender, with
the unit types and values as shown here:

Setting Up System Data 2-70 03/03/16

When completed, the currency code will look like this:

6. Save the new currency code.

--------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE---------------------------------------------

Setting Up System Data 2-71 03/03/16

Setting Up Gift Card Codes

Select Setup > System > Gift Card Codes

 Use to define the gift card “items” that can be sold
 Define one code for each denomination ($10, $25, $50, etc.), or one code that
permits changes to the amount

Gift card code Identify and describe the gift card code
Selling description Description displayed in ticket entry
Amount Default dollar value of gift card and whether amount can be
Can change changed at time of sale

Use reader Use card reader to read gift card number when gift card is sold
(gift cards with magnetic stripes)
Create as a store credit Creates gift card as a store credit so that redemption as store
credit is possible
Use in environments where gift cards are used for both gift
cards and store credits
Change due on a partially redeemed gift card must be issued
as a store credit
Gift card liability When not creating gift card as a store credit, specify the
redemption account number for G/L distributions for the sale, redemption,
and forfeiture of gift card funds
Profit center method Identify account numbers and profit center method for each:
Account None, Issuing store, or Redeeming store

Setting Up System Data 2-72 03/03/16

Setting Up Stored Value Card Codes

Select Setup > System > Stored Value Card Codes

 Use to define the codes for stored value card processing

SVC code Identify and describe the stored value card code
Selling description Description displayed in ticket entry
SVC type Type of activity allowed for this code: Activate, Recharge,
Amount Cash back, Balance inquiry
Default dollar value for Activate and Recharge types and
Can change
whether amount can be changed at time of sale
SVC liability Specify the account number to update for distributions for the
SVC cash back Activate and Recharge types (Liability account) and Cash Back
type (Cash Back account)
Profit center method
Account Select the profit center method: None or Store

Setting Up System Data 2-73 03/03/16

Setting Up Pay Codes

Select Setup > System > Pay Codes

 Use to define forms of payment accepted from customers for purchases, and
during entry of cash receipts for receivables

Pay code Identify and describe the pay code

Pay code type Type of tender: Cash, Check, Credit card, Debit card, Gift card, Store
credit, EBT food stamps, or Loyalty points
Also A/R Charge if Receivables Option is registered
Button label Label for pay code button in Point of Sale >Tickets >Ticket Entry
(“&” before a character denotes it as accelerator character)
Image file Name of image file to display on pay code button
Must be .bmp file located in TopLevel > System > Images directory

Setting Up System Data 2-74 03/03/16

Setting Up Pay Codes

Main tab

Account G/L account for distributions of this pay code

Profit center method Where is profit center obtained?
If Profit center method is None, the account must be a valid
posting account; if Store, must be a valid main account
Entry not allowed for:
- A/R charge (uses customer A/R account),
- Gift card (uses Gift card redemption account defined in
Gift Card Code), or
- Store credit (uses Store credit redemption account
defined in Setup > System > Company)
Currency code Assign to a pay code to accept foreign currency for pay code
Bank acct code Bank account into which receipts for this tender are deposited
Valid for A/R Pay code valid for payments on Receivables
Use reader Use card or check reader with this pay code
Valid for all pay code types except Cash or A/R charge
EDC transactions For checks and credit card types,
Online = attempt electronic authorization at ticket completion
Force = require user to manually enter authorization number
Do not process = no authorization performed
Prompt for:
Activate amount Does pay code appear in the Drawer Activate window (Cash
type only)
Count/reconcile amount Does pay code appear in the Drawer Count and Drawer
Reconcile windows

Setting Up System Data 2-75 03/03/16

Setting up Pay Codes

Tender tab

Minimum tender Minimum amount that will be accepted as tender for pay code
If pay code is used multiple times on single ticket, sum of those
amounts must be at least the minimum specified here
Maximum tender Maximum amount that will be accepted as tender, or unlimited

Maximum change When giving change using this tender (even if pay code is used
multiple times on a ticket), maximum amount that can be given,
or unlimited if no maximum change
Maximum refund When giving a refund using this tender, maximum amount that
can be given, or unlimited if no maximum refund
Set to 0 to disallow refunds in this pay code
Maximum overtender Maximum amount above the ticket balance that can be
accepted of this pay code

Currency Rounding For Cash type pay codes:

Allow tender below Allow users to accept payments in denominations smaller than
minimum currency the Minimum denomination defined for the currency
Allow change/refund Allow users to issue change in denominations smaller than the
below minimum Minimum denomination defined for the currency
Tickets Default tender amount: exact amount due on ticket, pay ticket
Default amount balance, or no default

Setting Up System Data 2-76 03/03/16

Setting Up Pay Codes

Tender tab (cont.)

Use signature capture Use signature capture device for this pay code when tendering /
for tender / refund refunding (signature capture device must also be defined)

Open drawer Open physical cash drawer when accepting this pay code
Allow for orders Will this pay code be accepted for order/layaway deposits and
Allow for layaways payments

Default document Select the default amount for document payment with this pay
amount code: None, Exact Doc Amt Due, Exact Doc Min Amt Due,
Pay Doc Amt Due, Pay Doc Min, or Entered amount
Default document final
payment Indicate whether to default the final payment to this pay code

Setting Up System Data 2-77 03/03/16

Setting Up Pay Codes

Tender tab (cont.)

Validate-1 – 3 Prompts to request additional information when accepting this
Required pay code
Indicate whether a response is required (credit card and check
types automatically request card # or driver license info)
Custom fields Should custom payment fields be prompted for in POS
Payment custom If custom layout forms have been created for the ticket payment
prompts table, is one of those forms for this pay code?

Drawer Over/Short
Create distributions Indicate whether to update over/short distributions and the
Account account to update, and the Profit center method to use: None or
(Supported only for Cash, Check, Credit card, and Debit card
pay codes)
NOTE: If over/short distributions are not being captured, system
amounts (not counted or reconciled amounts) are used for
updating of distributions.

Setting Up System Data 2-78 03/03/16

Setting Up Pay Codes

Checks tab

 For Check pay code types only

MICR not in use

Transit number Whether to request entry of this information when a
Account number check is tendered, if not using a MICR reader:
Do not prompt
Check number
Yes, required
Driver’s license
Yes, not required
Driver’s license state
Note: This information is not stored encrypted.
Birth date

MICR in use
Driver’s license Whether to request entry of this additional information
Driver’s license state when using a MICR reader to scan check (which
supplies account number, check number, and bank
Birth date number):
Do not prompt
Yes, required
Yes, not required

Setting Up System Data 2-79 03/03/16

Setting Up Pay Codes

Credit Card tab

 Only for Credit Card pay code types

 Restricts card numbers at sale time
 If no prefix defined, allows any card type to be accepted at sale time and
determines type by card number
 Always requests card number, expiration date, and cardholder name at sale

Click a button to set prefixes, test Click ALL to set prefixes, test
mod10, and min/max lengths to mod10, and min/max lengths to
defaults for this type of credit card allow for all credit card types

Credit card prefix 1-10 Prefix characters that denote the type of card
(e.g., ‘4’ represents Visa, ‘5’ represents MasterCard, etc.)
Test mod10 Last digit of card number is used to validate previous digits
Print receipt on failure Should a receipt print when you are unable to get
authorization for card
Min card # length Verifies that number of digits entered or swiped for card
Max card # length number falls between these lengths

Setting Up System Data 2-80 03/03/16

Automatically determine pay codes from card

Counterpoint can automatically determine the correct pay code to use from the swiped
card number, including credit cards, debit cards, stored value cards (SVCs), store
credits and gift cards.

To configure Counterpoint to automatically determine the correct pay code from a

swiped card number, define the correct Card prefix value(s) on the Credit Cards tab of
the Pay Codes window for each pay code for which you are using magnetic stripe cards
(e.g., credit card, debit card, gift card, store credit, and stored value card pay codes).

When Counterpoint detects the card type automatically, you will not have to select a
specific pay code for a card payment in Ticket Entry or Touchscreen Ticket Entry.

Setting Up System Data 2-81 03/03/16

Automatically determine pay codes from card

You can use the card type buttons to populate the Card prefix, Min card # length, and
Max card # length fields with the appropriate values for specific card types (e.g., Visa,
MasterCard, American Express, and so forth). A single Credit card pay code and a
single Debit card pay code can have matching Card prefix values, but ensure that the
Card prefix values for all other pay codes do not overlap.

If you have been using a single pay code for all credit cards, delete the Card prefix
values from that pay code before using this feature.

Card Type Prefix(es) Length Validation
American Express 34, 37 15 Y
Carte Blanche 389 14 Y
Diners Club 30, 38 14 Y
Discover 6011, 65 16 Y
JCB 3 16 Y
2131, 1800 15 Y
MasterCard 5, 36 16 Y
Visa 4 13, 16, 19 Y
ALL* 3, 4, 5, 1800, Min = 13 Y
2131, 6011 Max = 19

* Note: Do not use ALL to configure card prefixes when allowing

Counterpoint to automatically determine the pay code when a card is
swiped, as well as separate credit card pay codes.

Setting Up System Data 2-82 03/03/16

Setting Up Commission Codes

Select Setup > System > Commission Codes

 Use to define commission rate for sales reps

 Assign code to sales rep in Setup > System > Users

Commission code Identify and describe the commission code

Commission method Select the method for determining commission:
Margin or Price
Commission percent Enter the percent commission to calculate
Calculate on gift cards Indicate whether commission is given for gift card
Calculate on stored value cards Indicate whether commission is given for stored
value cards
Calculate on misc charge 1 - 5 Indicate whether commission is given on each
miscellaneous charge that is enabled

Setting Up System Data 2-83 03/03/16

Setting Up Ship-via Codes

Select Setup > System > Ship-via Codes

 Use to define shipping methods to assign to customers, customer ship-to

addresses, and vendors

Ship-via code Identify and describe the ship-via code

Valid for vendor Indicate whether the ship-via code can be set as the default for a
vendor, or used as the shipping method for a purchase request
Valid for customer Indicate whether the ship-via code can be set as the default for a
customer, or a customer’s shipping address, and can it be used
on a ticket for a customer

Setting Up System Data 2-84 03/03/16

Setting Up Label Jobs

Select Setup > System > Label Jobs

 Use to modify pre-defined label jobs or define new label jobs
 Customizations must be enabled for user to use Label Editor or Query Editor, or
to print using a customized label job

alignment of label

Valid for
item labels Indicate the type of labels or tags for which the label job can be
transfer tags used
Order Management Select user-defined labels for all non-item types of labels
receiving tags (customers, vendors, users, stores, tax authorities, etc.)
user-defined labels
quick assembly tags
price sheet tags
Label filename Label file that specifies the placement and formatting of the fields
Click to modify the label file. Requires NiceLabel Pro
Query filename Query that directs the columns to select from each table
Click to modify the query
Default printer Optional default printer to which the labels will be printed
Initially displays printer specified in associated label file
If left blank or printer is not accessible by workstation using label
job, uses Windows default printer
Default label quantity Optional default number of labels to print for each record

Label quantity column Database column that contains # of labels to print for a record

Order by columns Columns to use for sorting the labels

Calculate item prices To print prices other than "base" price levels for items

Use filter Show filter when label job is used to print labels?

Setting Up System Data 2-85 03/03/16

Setting Up Label Jobs

Messages tab

Indicate any messages to display

before and after printing the
labels, and the text for buttons to
print or not print the labels.

History tab

Automatically updated and

displays date/time label job was
last printed, who printed the
labels, and how many labels
were printed.

Setting Up System Data 2-86 03/03/16

Pre-defined Label Jobs

Label Job Description Default Label file

Use System > Labels to print labels using these label jobs.
ADRS-CSALE Address: Customer Sales History Address-Avery-5261-2Up-20PerPage.lbl
ADRS-CUST Address: Customers
ADRS-LOC Address: Locations
ADRS-SHIP Address: Customer Ship-to
ADRS-STORE Address: Stores
ADRS-TAUTH Address: Tax Authorities
ADRS-USER Address: Users
ADRS-VEND Address: Vendors
FOLD-CUST FileFolder: Customers FileFolder-Avery-5366-2Up-30PerPage.lbl
FOLD-LOC FileFolder: Locations
FOLD-SHIP FileFolder: Customer Ship-to
FOLD-STORE FileFolder: Stores
FOLD-TAUTH FileFolder: Tax Authorities
FOLD-USER FileFolder: Users
FOLD-VEND FileFolder: Vendors

Use various Inventory menu selections (Inventory > Items, Inventory > Item Labels,
Inventory > Prices > Item Prices, etc.) to print item labels using the ITEM-INV label job.
ITEM-INV Item: Inventory Qty Item-Avery-5260-3Up-30PerPage.lbl

Use these label jobs to print item labels when posting POs, Quick Assembly, Receivings,
and Transfers. Also use them to print item labels after posting, using Items > Labels from
ITEM-PRICE Item: Price Sheet History Item-Avery-5260-3Up-30PerPage.lbl
ITEM-PURCH Item: Purchase Orders
ITEM-QASMB Item: Quick Assembly
ITEM-QRECV Item: Quick Receivings
ITEM-QTRAN Item: Quick Transfers
ITEM-RECV Item: Receivings
ITEM-TRANI Item: Transfer-In
ITEM-TRANO Item: Transfer-Out

Setting Up System Data 2-87 03/03/16

Pre-defined Label Files

User-Defined Labels (for label jobs printed from System > Labels)

Label Type File name Printer Type

Address labels Address-Avery-4145-1Up-Continuous.lbl Pin-feed printer
Address labels Address-Avery-5260-3Up-30PerPage.lbl Laser printer
Address labels Address-Avery-5261-2Up-20PerPage.lbl Laser printer
Blank labels Blank-Avery-4145-1Up-Continuous.lbl Pin-feed printer
Blank labels Blank-Avery-5260-3Up-30PerPage.lbl Laser printer
Blank labels Blank-Avery-5261-2Up-20PerPage.lbl Laser printer
Blank labels Blank-Avery-5366-2Up-30PerPage.lbl Laser printer
File Folder labels FileFolder-Avery-5366-2Up-30PerPage.lbl Laser printer

Item Labels (for immediate item label jobs and label jobs printed from tags before or
after posting)

Label Type File name Printer Type Barcode Type

Item labels Item-Avery-4145-1Up-Continuous.lbl Pin-feed printer Code 39
Item labels Item-Avery-5260-3Up-30PerPage.lbl Laser printer Code 39
Item labels Item-Avery-5261-2Up-20PerPage.lbl Laser printer Code 39
Item labels Item-Blaster-Butterfly-2.00x0.50.lbl Barcode Blaster Interleave 2 of 5
Item labels Item-Blaster-Label-2.40x1.00.lbl Barcode Blaster Code 39
Item labels Item-Blaster-Split-2.40x1.00.lbl Barcode Blaster Interleave 2 of 5
Item labels Item-Blaster-Tag-2.40x1.00.lbl Barcode Blaster Code 39
Item labels Item-Datamax-Butterfly-2.00x0.50.lbl Datamax Interleave 2 of 5
Item labels Item-Datamax-Label-2.00x1.00.lbl Datamax Code 39
Item labels Item-Datamax-Label-2.40x1.00.lbl Datamax Code 39
Item labels Item-Datamax-Split-2.00x1.00.lbl Datamax Interleave 2 of 5
Item labels Item-Datamax-Split-2.40x1.00.lbl Datamax Interleave 2 of 5
Item labels Item-Datamax-Tag-2.00x1.00.lbl Datamax Code 39
Item labels Item-Datamax-Tag-2.40x1.00.lbl Datamax Code 39
Item labels Item-Eltron-Butterfly-2.00x0.50.lbl Eltron TLP-2242 Interleave 2 of 5
Item labels Item-Eltron-Label-2.40x1.00.lbl Eltron TLP-2242 Code 39
Item labels Item-Eltron-Split-2.40x1.00.lbl Eltron TLP-2242 Interleave 2 of 5
Item labels Item-Eltron-Tag-2.40x1.00.lbl Eltron TLP-2242 Code 39

Setting Up System Data 2-88 03/03/16

Setting Up Message Groups

Select Setup > System > Message Groups

 Users with Message Manager enabled will be able to create groups

PCI Alert!
Never send card numbers or any sensitive cardholder data via e-mail,
instant messages, or any other end-user messaging system.

Setting Up System Data 2-89 03/03/16

Defining Sales Taxes

Tax code assign to each store;

optionally assign to customers and shipping addresses

Tax authority 1 (state)

Rule 1
Tax category 1, Tax category 2, etc.
Rule 2
Rule 3

Tax authority 2 (county)

Rule 1
Rule 2

Tax authority 3 (city)

Rule 1
Rule 2
Rule 3

Tax authority 4, etc.

Each rule defines:

 Tax percentage (up to 3)
 Whether to use penny tax table
 Account number for G/L
 If tax holiday is in effect, and dates of holiday
 Is tax itself taxable by a different authority?
 Which ticket items are affected ("tax categories")
 Minimum unit taxable amount
 Maximum unit taxable amount
 Per unit tax amount
 Whether to tax gift cards
 Whether to tax stored value cards
 Whether to tax miscellaneous charges (e.g., "freight")

Setting Up System Data 2-90 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Categories

Select Setup > Inventory > Tax Categories

 Use to define categories to assign to items that have special sales tax

Setting Up System Data 2-91 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Authorities

Select Setup > System > Tax Authorities

 Tax authorities or jurisdictions for which taxes are collected from customers or
collected by vendors (when using value-added tax in Purchasing)

 Different authority for each tax that must be tracked separately

 Tax authorities are assembled into tax codes that are assigned to stores,
customers and/or vendors

Main tab

Enter the address

for the authority.

Contacts tab

Enter the information

for the individual you
contact at this authority.

Setting Up System Data 2-92 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Authorities

Rules tab

Main tab
Rule Name and description of this rule for the authority
Description Multiple rules are processed in the order they appear
Tax account Account number to update for taxes collected by this rule, and
Profit center method method to determine profit center.

Purchasing Tax account When using value-added tax in Purchasing, account number
Profit center method to update for taxes collected by this rule for Purchasing
transactions, and method to determine profit center
Rounding method Method to use when rounding tax amount to two decimals:
None, Down, Up, or Normal
Use tax holiday Skip assessing the tax in this rule during the holiday date
Begin date / End date range

Tax is taxable No = Tax for this rule is not subject to tax, and this rule does
not charge tax on any other tax
Yes = tax for this rule is assessed tax by other rules in this
tax code that are set to Charge tax on other rules,
but this rule does not charge tax on taxes from other
Charge tax on other rules = tax for this rule is not taxed by
a different rule, but this rule charges tax on taxes for
other rules with "Tax is taxable" set to Yes

Setting Up System Data 2-93 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Authorities

Rules tab

Applies to tab
Rule applies to Does this rule apply to:
- all taxable line items on the ticket
Tax categories - only items with the specified tax categories (up to 6)
- all items except those with the specified tax categories
- no items (if rule is only for gift cards, stored value cards,
or misc charges)
Min unit taxable amt Assess tax for this rule only if item's unit price (per stocking unit)
exceeds this amount
Tax amt below min Indicate whether the amount below the minimum is taxed
Max unit taxable amt Stop assessing tax for this rule when item's unit price reaches
Unlimited this amount, or "unlimited" if no maximum

Stop charging tax To stop assessing tax for subsequent rules within this tax
authority (rules for other authorities within the tax code are used)

Tax gift cards Indicate whether to assess tax on sold gift cards
Tax stored value cards Indicate whether to assess tax on activated & recharged stored
value cards
Tax misc charge 1-5 Indicate whether to assess tax on Point of Sale miscellaneous

PO tax misc charge 1-5 Indicate whether to calculate tax on Purchasing miscellaneous

Setting Up System Data 2-94 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Authorities

Rules tab

Tax tab
Tax percent 1-3 Up to three tax rates to assess for this rule, and minimum
On taxable amount over amount to which the tax rate applies

Per-unit tax To assess a fixed dollar amount as the tax for each unit
purchased (e.g., tax for each gallon of gas or for each pack of
Use penny tax table To control the amount of tax to collect for the penny portion of
an item's price

Click to define the

penny tax table

Setting Up System Data 2-95 03/03/16

Exercise 4: Setting Up Tax Authorities

Try it Yourself!


You are opening a new store in Indiana and need to add Indiana as a tax
authority for your store. Indiana charges a flat 7% tax on purchases over .00.

Department of Revenue Contact: Taxpayer Services

100 N Senate Ave. Phone: 317-233-4015
Indianapolis, IN 46204 URL:
This exercise demonstrates how to:
 Add a new tax authority
 Create a tax rule

Here are the steps that you will need to complete:

1. Select Setup > System > Tax Authorities

2. Enter Indiana at Tax authority and Indiana Department of Revenue at Name

3. Enter the address for the Indiana Department of Revenue

Setting Up System Data 2-96 03/03/16

4. On the Contacts tab, enter the contact, phone, and URL information

5. On the Rules tab-Main tab, enter INTAX at Rule and Indiana State Sales Tax at

Select Store at Profit center method and the Sales tax payable for Account.
Indiana rounds up half pennies, so select Normal for the Rounding method.

Setting Up System Data 2-97 03/03/16

6. On the Rules tab-Applies to tab, select for this rule to be applied to All lines, with no
Minimum or Maximum unit taxable amount. Subsequent tax rules will apply. The tax is not
charged on gift cards, stored value cards, or miscellaneous charges.

7. On the Rules tab-Tax tab, enter 7 at Tax percent 1.

8. Save the new tax authority.

--------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE---------------------------------------------

Setting Up System Data 2-98 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Authorities

Tax Holiday Example

Tennessee State

This rule applies only

to items with a tax
category of “BTS”.

“Stop charging tax”

means that if this rule
is applied to an item,
Counterpoint will skip
looking at subsequent
rules for this authority.

This rule will assess

the normal 7% sales tax
on items with a tax
category of “BTS” –
except during the tax
holiday date range,
when they’ll be tax-free.

Setting Up System Data 2-99 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Authorities

Tax Calculation Example

Tennessee State


Setting Up System Data 2-100 03/03/16

Setting Up Tax Codes

Select Setup > System > Tax Codes

 Use to list all tax authorities for which taxes will be collected for a single sale in
Point of Sale or a single purchase in Purchasing

 Assign a tax code to each store and, optionally, to any customer and/or customer
shipping address to control tax assessment in Point of Sale

 Optionally assign a tax code to each location and/or each vendor to control tax
assessment in Purchasing

Tax Reports

- Tax History (Sales History > Reports)

- Tax Exceptions (Sales History > Reports)
 Tax override and tax code changes on tickets
- Sales Analysis by Group
 Item/Line tax category
 Customer/Header tax code
- Combined Tax History (Sales History > Reports)
 Taxes collected from customers and taxes paid to vendors

Setting Up System Data 2-101 03/03/16

Assigning Tax Codes (Sales Tax)

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Stores

Indicate which tax code takes

precedence when calculating sales
tax: the Store’s or the Customer’s.

You are required to assign a default

tax code to each store.

 If you select Store:

The store's tax code is always

 If you select Customer:

- the tax code assigned to the Ship-to
address for the customer is used.

- if no tax code is assigned to the
shipping address, or a shipping
address is not specified for the
sale, the Customer's tax code is

- if no tax code is assigned to the
customer, the Store's tax code is

Setting Up System Data 2-102 03/03/16

Assigning Tax Codes (Purchasing Tax)

Select Setup > Inventory > Locations

If using value-added tax in

Purchasing, indicate which tax code
takes precedence when calculating
sales tax on purchasing documents:
the Location’s or the Vendor’s.

 If you select Location:

if one is entered for the location,
the location's tax code is always

 If you select Vendor:

if one is entered for a vendor, the
vendor's tax code is used.

If neither the location nor vendor has a tax code assigned, no tax is charged on the purchasing

You can also choose to change the tax code used on a purchasing document.

Setting Up System Data 2-103 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Accounting Packages compatible with Counterpoint V8.5.1

Direct Interfaces
Developer Product Name Compatible Versions
Sage Software BusinessWorks/ 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 2009–2013,2015
BusinessWorks Gold
Sage 100 Advanced (MAS200) 3.x, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 2014
Sage 100 Standard (MAS90) 3.x, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 2014
Microsoft Business Small Business Financials 8.0, 9.0, 10.0
Solutions Microsoft Dynamics GP 7.5, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 2010 R2, 2013,
Intuit QuickBooks US 2003 - 2015
QuickBooks Canada 2005 - 2015
QuickBooks US and Canada 2008 - 2012

Export Interfaces
Developer Product Name Compatible Versions
Sage Software Sage 300 ERP (Accpac) 4.0, 5.1 – 6.0, 2014
Sage 100 Fund Accounting 5.1 or later
Sage 50 (Peachtree) 2005-2008, 2009-2015
Intuit QuickBooks 2000 - 2015

Microsoft Business Solomon IV 5.0, 5.5

Solutions Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5, 7

Blackbaud The Financial Edge All versions

Passport Business Solution 11, 12

Direct Export

  Use Setup > System > Accounting Interface to define the interface
 Use System > Accounting > Utilities > Import Accounts to build account
numbers in Counterpoint
 Use Setup > System > Accounts to build account numbers in Counterpoint
 Use System > Accounting > Utilities >I mport Vendors and Export
Vendors to synchronize vendor information
  Use System > Accounting > Interface Distributions to interface
  Use System > Accounting > Voucher Receivings to interface A/P vouchers

Setting Up System Data 2-104 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Select Setup > System > Accounting Interface

 Use to specify settings for interfacing Counterpoint data to accounting software

Export Interface

General Ledger tab

Integrate with G/L Indicate whether to integrate with your General Ledger
Data file path This field is currently not used
Correction account Enter or lookup the account to which correction distributions will
be posted. A correction distribution is created when a batch of
transferred G/L distributions is out-of-balance.
Batch number Enter a number to use for the next batch of transferred
Batch method Specify how to handle the batch number: Auto-increment or

Setting Up System Data 2-105 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Export Interface

General Ledger tab

Command type Use DTS to output the data from the interface tables, use an
Executable program, or select None if you will use database
triggers to process data from the interface tables
Output file path For DTS and Executable command types, name of the file (and
and name path) to be produced by DTS or the external program

Action when file What action should be taken if the export file already exists?
Path to DTSRun For DTS command type, path where dtsrun.exe is located and
DTS package name the name of the DTS package that exports data from the
interface tables
Command to run For Executable command type, name of the program that
Command arguments exports the data from the interface tables and any arguments
that need to be passed to that program

Setting Up System Data 2-106 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Export Interface

Accounts Payable tab

Integrate with A/P Indicate whether to integrate with Accounts Payable

Allow concurrent Allow multiple users to voucher invoices at the same
vouchering time

Data file path This field is currently not used

Batch number Enter a number to use for the next batch of transferred
Template vendor Enter or lookup a vendor to serve as a template when
adding vendors from CP to accounting
Invoice variance account Account to update if vendor's invoice amount is different
than amount on Counterpoint
Receivings accrual account Account to update if a receiving is only partially
Gain/loss account When using multi-currency purchasing, enter or lookup
the account to which gain/loss amounts will be updated
when purchasing foreign currencies are converted into
your home currency. Use the same account that you
specified for Purchasing gain/loss when setting up
foreign currency codes.

Setting Up System Data 2-107 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Export Interface

Accounts Payable tab

Use voucher number Indicate whether to use a voucher number sequence

Next voucher number assigned by Counterpoint rather than your accounting
software package. Available for Great Plains and Small
Business Financials.
Command type Use DTS to output the data from the interface tables, use an
Executable program, or select None if you will use database
triggers to process data from the interface tables
Output file path and name For DTS and Executable command types, name of the file
(and path) to be produced by DTS or the external program
Action when file exists What action should be taken if export file already exists?
Path to DTSRun For DTS command type, path where dtsrun.exe is located
DTS package name and the name of the DTS package that exports the data from
the interface tables
Command to run For Executable command type, name of the program that
Command arguments exports the data from the interface tables and any arguments
that need to be passed to that program
A/P account number Specify the account to which the export interface will voucher
receivings. Used for QuickBooks, Peachtree, and MIP

Setting Up System Data 2-108 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

How the Export Interface works


Distributions in CounterPoint Receivings history in CounterPoint

System / Accounting / System / Accounting /

Interface Distributions Voucher Receivings


Filtered distributions in CounterPoint Filtered receivings in CounterPoint


Output export file Output export file

Import export file into G/L Import export file into A/P

Accounting Software Default G/L export file name Default A/P export file name
Sage Fund Accounting MIP-GL.TXT MIP-AP.TXT
Financial Edge FinancialEdge-GL.CSV FinancialEdge-AP.CSV

Setting Up System Data 2-109 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Defining an Direct interface

 Select your direct accounting

package at Accounting
system (this is a protected
change field)

Company name Company name used in accounting software

BusinessWorks=Company ID
Sage 100 Adv & Std = 3-character Company Code
MS Bus Sol’n = Company ID

System data path (Not used)

For all Microsoft Business Solution products:

Database or ODBC Data Source Name (“DSN”) for company’s data.

ODBC name Must be different than system DSN used in accounting

User ID If using Windows authentication to log in to Microsoft SQL

Password Server (i.e., your Windows network user ID and password),
leave these fields blank. Otherwise, enter the user ID and
password that you use to log in to the SQL server.

Setting Up System Data 2-110 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

General Ledger

What can be interfaced Using this menu selection

Accounting distributions System > Accounting > Interface Distributions
Account numbers (Direct only) System > Accounting > Utilities > Import accounts

Used only for

Export interfaces

Data file path (Not used)

Correction account Correction account for out-of-balance distributions.

Also used for BusinessWorks if a single batch contains

more than 99 entries. The correction account will be the
99th entry to ensure the batch is in balance, and a new
batch is created for the other entries, along with an entry to
the correction account that offsets the correcting entry in
the previous batch.

For all Microsoft Business Solution products:

Batch number Batch number to assign to G/L batch in accounting.

Batch method Re-use or increment batch number entered in prior field

each time distributions are interfaced.

Setting Up System Data 2-111 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Accounts Payable

What can be interfaced Using this menu selection

Receivings System > Accounting > Voucher Receivings
Vendor name and address System > Accounting > Utilities > Import Vendors
(Direct only) System > Accounting > Utilities > Export Vendors

Used only for

Export interfaces

Data file path (Not used)

Template vendor Vendor whose values will be copied for fields not supplied
by Counterpoint when exporting new vendors to
accounting. Vendor must exist in both Counterpoint and

Invoice variance account Account to use for difference in invoice amount vs cost of
inventory + miscellaneous charges when generating
default distributions for an Accounts Payable voucher.

For all Microsoft Business Solution products:

Batch number Batch number to assign to A/P batch created in


Setting Up System Data 2-112 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Account number mapping Click

 Use to specify how Counterpoint account numbers and G/L account numbers link
to each other

 Define after accounting package is installed


Account numbers in BusinessWorks have two segments: an 8-character Account and a 3-

character Department separated by a “.”. For example, a 4-digit account and 3-digit
department of 1234.123 is actually stored in BusinessWorks as 00001234.123.

For use when interfacing distributions from

Counterpoint to BusinessWorks, indicate
what part(s) of the Counterpoint account
number to use for each segment in

For use when importing account numbers

from BusinessWorks to Counterpoint,
indicate what part of each BusinessWorks
segment to use to create the Counterpoint
account numbers.

Setting Up System Data 2-113 03/03/16

Setting Up the Accounting Interface

Microsoft Business Solutions ("MBS")

Account numbers in MBS products have three segments. The mapping rules must be defined to
match the MBS company's account number format. The string of digits in each segment
corresponds to the segment number. For example, if the account structure is 3-4-2, the account
number will be 111-2222-33.

When not using profit centers, define as "Literal value".

If using profit centers, define as "From account", with
starting position and length of profit center characters.

Setting Up System Data 2-114 03/03/16

Importing Account Numbers

Select System > Accounting > Utilities > Import Accounts

 Use to build new account numbers and/or update existing account numbers in
Counterpoint, from account numbers in the accounting software

 Available only for Direct accounting interfaces

Update method Indicate if only new accounts should be added to Counterpoint, if only
existing account number information should be updated, or if both
types of account numbers should be updated

New accounts If Add or Both was selected for Update method, select if the new
accounts should be marked a valid main accounts and/or valid profit
center accounts

Account Specify the range of account numbers to be added and/or updated in


Setting Up System Data 2-115 03/03/16

Importing and Exporting Vendors

Select System > Accounting > Utilities > Import Vendors

 Use to add or update vendors in Counterpoint from vendors defined in
the accounting software

 Available only for Direct accounting interfaces

Indicate if only new vendors

should be added, if only
existing vendors should be
updated, or if both types of
vendors should be updated.

Specify the range of vendors

to be added and/or updated.

Select System > Accounting > Utilities > Export Vendors

 Use to add or update vendors in the accounting software from vendors defined in

 Available only for Direct accounting interfaces

Indicate if only new vendors

should be added to the
accounting system, if only
existing vendors should be
updated, or if both types of
vendors should be updated.

Identify the template vendor

from whom non-Counterpoint
values will be copied, and the
range of vendors to add/update.

Setting Up System Data 2-116 03/03/16


Sequence of Inventory Setup ..................................................................... 1

Setting Up Locations .................................................................................. 2
Setting Up Inventory Control ...................................................................... 4
Setting Up Account Codes ....................................................................... 13
Setting Up Units ....................................................................................... 16
Setting Up Location Groups ..................................................................... 17
Setting Up Item Attributes......................................................................... 18
Setting Up Item Profile Codes .................................................................. 19
Setting Up Item Categories ...................................................................... 20
Setting Up Item Sub-Categories ............................................................... 21
Setting Up Item Prompt Codes ................................................................. 22
Setting Up Serial Prompt Codes ............................................................... 23
Exercise 1: Using Serial Prompts.................................................................................. 24
Setting Up Barcode Types........................................................................ 26
Setting Up Label Codes ........................................................................... 27
Setting Up Tare Weight Codes ................................................................. 28
Setting Up Adjustment Reason Codes ..................................................... 29
Alternatives for Setting Up Items .............................................................. 30
Sequence of Inventory Setup
Sequence for setting up a new company’s Inventory data
You can set up Inventory data for a new company after the System data is set up.
Set up Inventory data by running the menu selection in this order (all selections in steps 1 –
14 are under Setup > Inventory):

1 Locations Define the name of at least the primary stocking location for your
company. Also define the name of any location that you specified
when setting up workgroups (using Setup > System >
2 Inventory Control Set up the Inventory Control record.
3 Account Codes Define at least one account code that can be assigned to items.
4 Units Identify stocking and alternate units to assign to items
Locations, Inventory Control, Account Codes and Units are required setup for Inventory.
The following setup selections are optional, but if you intend to use them, they should be
defined before you set up your items.
5 Location Groups Identify groups of locations that can be used for purchasing, if you
wish to purchase for more than a single location at once.
6 Item Attributes Define the item attribute values that will be valid for each item
attribute. Each item can be assigned up to six attributes.
7 Profile Codes If you enabled any Item Code profiles when setting up the Inventory
Control record, define the profile codes that will be valid for each.
8 Item Categories Set up the category names that you want to use for grouping your
items. Each item can be assigned one category.
9 Sub-Categories Set up sub-category names that you want to use as a sub-grouping for
your items. Each item can be assigned one sub-category.
10 Prompt Codes Set up any Prompt Codes to define special information to request
(e.g., expiration date, lot number) when specific items are sold. Each
item can be assigned up to three prompt codes.
11 Serial Prompt Set up any Serial Prompt Codes to define additional information to
Codes request when working with serial numbers. Each serialized item can
be assigned up to three serial prompt codes.
12 Barcode Types Set up as many barcode types as you will need to define multiple
barcodes for each item.
13 Label Codes Set up any label codes that you want to assign to items. Each item can
be assigned one label code.
14 Tare Weight Set up a tare weight code for the group of containers used to hold
Codes items that are weighed.
15 Adjustment Set up the reasons why inventory may be adjusted.
Reason Codes

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-1 06/05/15

Setting Up Locations

Select Setup >Inventory > Locations

 Use to define each stocking or ship-from location

 Primary stocking location
 Any location assigned to workgroups (“This location”)
 Use to define each pricing or price-from location
 Identify tax code used with value-added tax in Purchasing
 Identify tax ID number for location
 Establish Dynamic Min/Max parameters

Address tab

Purchasing uses When using value-added tax in Purchasing, use tax code from
tax code from vendor or from location in Purchasing documents
Tax code Tax code to use in Purchasing documents for location

Tax ID # If required to track tax identification numbers, Tax ID number that's

specific to a location. Used as default for "Your tax ID" in Purchasing
If left blank, uses Tax ID number for company.

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-2 06/05/15

Setting Up Locations

Contacts tab

Other tab

If company uses profit centers,

account entered here must be
marked as a "Valid profit center"

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-3 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Select Setup > Inventory > Control

Main tab

Cost method Defaults to Average cost, used throughout company
Separate costs tracked for each location
Miscellaneous items use Cost of sales %
Serial costing Use actual cost of Always serialized items
Available only when using Serial Numbers Option
B/S Inventory Where is profit center obtained from when updating distributions to
pft ctr method B/S inventory accounts for items?
None = use full B/S inv acct in item’s account code
without profit center substitutions
Location = substitute location’s profit center
Category = substitute item category’s profit center
Sub-category = substitute item sub-category profit center
Drop-ship clearing Where is profit center obtained from when updating distributions to
pft ctr method B/S inventory accounts for items?

Physical count When posting physical count transactions that generate adjustments
posting uses to inventory, use cost and price that were frozen when count
transaction was created or use item’s current cost and price?

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-4 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Main tab cont.

Item barcode type Barcode type to associate with barcode specified at "Barcode"
in Inventory > Items (Protected change field)
Use the barcode type identified when barcode is entered using
the Barcodes tab in Inventory > Items or Inventory >
Barcode Management
Generate cell barcodes Are cell barcodes created when adding on-the-fly?
Default cell barcode Default value for "Cell barcode prefix" field on the Generate
prefix Barcodes form
Select Auto-assign to assign sequential barcodes to gridded
items, using "Next barcode number" for current workgroup
During physical count Select the value to use when freezing items for a physical
freeze quantity by count: Quantity on hand or Quantity available

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-5 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Item Setup tab

Show inventory After defining a new item, allow user to select the locations for
setup options which to add inventory records, or instead automatically create the
inventory records for the locations identified at "Create inventory for"
Create inventory for If showing inventory setup options, choice here is default for "Create
inventory for" field on Create Item form
If not showing inventory setup options, choice here determines the
location(s) for which inventory records are automatically created
when the user saves a new item
Show inventory If showing inventory setup options, choice here is used as default
for "Show inventory" checkbox on Create Item form
If not showing inventory setup options, show Inventory window
after inventory records are created when user saves a new item
Simplified item add- Enable the use of the Simplified form when adding items on-the-fly

Show grid setup After defining a new gridded item and using “Copy from” on toolbar,
options allow user to select whether to copy grid definition and model stock
from another item, whether to generate cell barcodes, and whether
to display Grid Definition form
Show grid definition Allow user to enter a new item’s grid definition
If showing grid setup options, choice here is used as default for
“Show grid definition” checkbox on Create Item form
If not showing grid setup options, you should choose to enable
“Show grid definition”
A grid definition must be created for each gridded item, and user
interaction is required to either copy the definition from a different
item or to define the grid

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-6 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Item Setup tab

New item setup using ‘Copy from

Item number’ (not the toolbar button)
Copy item notes Indicate whether to copy item notes
Show item notes form Determine whether to display the Item notes
Copy substitute items Indicate whether to copy substitute items
Copy inventory Indicate whether to copy inventory records
Show inventory form Determine whether to display the Inventory form

Copy item prices Indicate whether to copy item prices

Show price form Determine whether to display the Item Prices
Copy vendor item Indicate whether to copy vendor item records
Show vendor item form Determine whether to display the Vendor Item
Copy ecommerce item category Indicate whether to copy ecommerce category
Show ecommerce item category form Determine whether to display the Ecommerce
category form
Copy bills of materials Indicate whether to copy bills of materials
Show bills of materials form information
Determine whether to display the Bills of
Materials form
Copy sales kits Indicate whether to copy sales kit information
Show sales kits form Determine whether to display the Sales kits

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-7 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Pricing tab

Price levels Number of price levels to use, up to 3 (up to 6 with Advanced

Pricing Option)

Price rounding method Normal, Down, or Up

If unit price Rounding Results
computes to: Up Down Normal
1.231 1.24 1.23 1.23
1.235 1.24 1.23 1.24
1.239 1.24 1.23 1.24

Use location prices Allows different prices at each location for same items
Use cell prices Allows different prices for each cell of a gridded item
Allows different prices for each cell of a gridded item at each
Use location-cell prices
(Requires Advanced Pricing Option)
Margin indicator
Actual margin less than Select the color to indicate the obtained margin level
minimum margin
Actual margin between
minimum and target
Actual margin meets or
exceeds target margin

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-8 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Item Profile tab

 Use to specify how many (up to five) of each type of item profile to enable for items

 Use to specify how many (up to six) attributes to enable for items

Code profile = value entered for item must be predefined Profile Code

Date profile = value entered for item must be in date format

Alpha profile = value entered for item can be any alphanumeric characters

Numeric profile = value entered for item must be numeric

Attributes = value entered for item must be predefined choice

NOTE: Use Setup > System > Quick Setup to change the display labels for the profiles and

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-9 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Print Options tab

 Use to specify whether and how inventory transaction worksheets and journals print at
the time the associated transactions are posted

Same five
choices for each

Copies of every posting journal are also available from history

Journals are created at the end of posting, after all data has been updated

Print distributions Show breakdown of account numbers and amounts updated by

corresponding transaction posting
Prints as final page of posting journal

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-10 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Transfers tab

Transfer clearing pft ctr Used for Transfer Out and Transfer In Distributions.
method Source of profit center when updating distributions to
transfer clearing account(s) for items: None, Location,
Category, or Sub-category
Prompt for line information Prompt users for additional information each time they
add lines to a Transfer Out document
Use Transfer Out misc chg Enter miscellaneous charges (e.g., freight) at time
Use Transfer In misc chg transfer is created? At time transfer is received?
Profit center method Source of profit center when updating distributions to
transfer accounts: None, Location, Category, or Sub-
Account category
Any miscellaneous charges entered while processing a
transfer will be allocated into inventory cost for the
receiving location and the accounts you specify here will
be credited during posting
Can add lines on Transfer Ins Allow users to add lines to Transfer In documents
Quick Transfers
Use misc chg Allow miscellaneous charges to be entered at time Quick
Transfer is entered
Amount will be allocated to cost of item at receiving
Profit center method Source of profit center when updating miscellaneous
charge distributions to account entered here
None = use full account without profit center substitution
Location = substitute location’s profit center
Category = substitute item’s category profit center
Sub-category = substitute item’s sub-category profit

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-11 06/05/15

Setting Up Inventory Control

Labels tab

Default label job for: Identify the default label job when printing labels for each
Item of these activities
Transfer out
Transfer in
Quick transfer
Quick assembly
Price sheet
Tag creation method for: Indicate whether to generate tags for label printing for
Transfer out each type of activity, and if labels can be printed from the
tags at the time the transaction is posted
Transfer in
Prompt user to print and Print automatically generate
Quick transfer tags, and permit printing of labels from the tags at the time
Quick assembly the transaction is posted
Price sheet To print labels from tags after posting, use Inventory /
Labels from Tags

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-12 06/05/15

Setting Up Account Codes

Select Setup > Inventory > Account Codes

 Use to define set of account numbers to use for distributions when transactions are
posted for items

 Each item is assigned one account code

Assets / Liabilities tab

B/S inventory For each type of account, the account number to use and
Receivings accrual the method for determining the profit center:
None = use entire account number specified
Transfer clearing
without replacing profit center characters
RTV accrual Location = replace profit center characters with those
Drop-ship clearing from location’s profit center
Category = replace profit center characters with those
Profit center method from item category’s profit center
Account Sub-category = replace profit center characters with those
from sub-category’s profit center
B/S Inventory, Transfer clearing and drop-ship clearing
profit center methods are set in Setup > Inventory >

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-13 06/05/15

Profit Center Methods
Profits for a company can be tracked at various levels.

The profit center method

you select determines
which profit center is used to
replace the profit center
portion of the specified
account number.

If Profit center Account number Profit Center portion of account #

method is specified must be replaced with:
Location Valid main account Location’s profit center
Store Valid main account Store’s profit center
Document Valid main account Document’s profit center
Category Valid main account Item category’s profit center
Sub-category Valid main account Sub-category’s profit center
None Valid posting account Not replaced

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-14 06/05/15

Setting Up Account Codes

Sales/COGS tab

Sales For each type of account, the account number to use and the
Cost-of-goods sold method for determining the profit center: None, Document,
Location, Store, Category, or Sub-category
Customer returns
Cost-of-goods returned

Other COGS tab

Adjustments Distributions for adjustments to inventory

Cost correction Used to record the difference between B/S Inventory value and
value of merchandise (QOH x Avg cost)
Physical count Distributions for adjustments made through physical count
Use adjustment account if not tracking separately
Misc item expense Used for non-inventory and service items, rather than B/S
inventory account
RTV adjustments Distributions for adjustments made through RTVs

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-15 06/05/15

Setting Up Units

Select Setup > Inventory > Units

 Use to define stocking and alternate units to assign to your items

 Each unit must include a label and description

 Optionally, enter a conversion setting. Conversion used as default if unit is selected as

an alternate unit for an item

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-16 06/05/15

Setting Up Location Groups

Select Setup > Inventory > Location Groups

 Use to define groups of stocking locations for purposes of purchasing for multiple
locations at the same time or for printing reports

 A location can be in multiple groups

 Don’t include a pricing location in a location group if it doesn’t actually have inventory
 Create a location group that includes all locations if you want to order merchandise and
generate the Purchasing Advice report for all locations

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-17 06/05/15

Setting Up Item Attributes

Select Setup > Inventory > Attributes

 Use as additional ways to group items, besides Categories and Sub-Categories

Attribute Name and description of an attribute as it will appear in a lookup list

Item attribute 1- 6 Specify the attributes for which the defined value (“GRAPHITE”
above) can be selected for an item
The attribute value can be assigned to more than one item attribute

Note: To display your own label instead of Item attribute for each of the check boxes on this
form (and anywhere else that phrase appears), use Setup > System > Quick Setup to
change the display label.

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-18 06/05/15

Setting Up Item Profile Codes

Select Setup > Inventory > Profile Codes

 Use to define valid values for Item Profile Codes that were turned on in Setup >
Inventory > Control or Setup > System > Quick Setup

Note: To display your own label instead of Code profile, use Setup > System > Quick Setup
to modify the Display label.

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-19 06/05/15

Setting Up Item Categories

Select Setup > Inventory > Categories

 Use to group items for pricing, reporting, and profit margin purposes

 Assign one category to each item

Category Enter a name for the category

Description Enter a description for the category
Profit center When constructing the account number for distributions, what
is the profit center to use for this category? (Entered account
must be marked as a Valid profit center)
Used only if Profit center method in account code assigned to
any item in this category indicates Category
Price-1 through Price-6 Enter a value to use as the minimum margin for each price
minimum margin level for this category when prompting for price or doing price
NOTE: Minimum margins for Price-2 through Price-6 are only
used in the Price Sheet calculator
Target margin Desired margin for the category
Line custom prompts If custom layout forms have been created for the ticket line
table, is one of those forms for this category?

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-20 06/05/15

Setting Up Item Sub-Categories

Select Setup > Inventory > Sub-Categories

 Use to further group items for pricing and reporting purposes

 Click to assign the sub-category to all categories, or use *

Sub-category Enter a name for the sub-category

Category Category for which this sub-category is valid, * if valid for all
Description Enter a description for the sub-category
Profit center When constructing the account number for distributions, what
is the profit center to use for this sub-category? (Entered
account must be marked as a “Valid profit center”)
Used only if "Profit center method" in account code assigned
to any item in this sub-category indicates Sub-category
Price-1 through Price-6 Minimum profit margin deemed acceptable for the sub-
Minimum margin category
NOTE: Minimum margins for Price-2 through Price-6 are only
used in the Price Sheet calculator
Target margin Desired margin for the sub-category
Line custom prompts If custom layout forms have been created for the ticket line
table, is one of those forms for this sub-category?

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-21 06/05/15

Setting Up Item Prompt Codes

Select Setup > Inventory > Prompt Codes

 Use to define the additional information to ask for an item when it is sold

 Assign up to three Item Prompt Codes to each item

 Prompt Code and entered value are retained in ticket

Serial number
Lot number
Brief instructions
Date of birth
License number
Certificate number

Test constraint and error message

Prompt code Enter a name for the prompt code

Description Enter a description for the prompt code
Text to display Prompt to display in ticket entry to request the information
Data type Entry characters must be this type: alphanumeric, date, or numeric
Number of decimals If numeric, number of decimals allowed

Entry required Must an entry be made for this prompt, or can it be skipped?
Once per document If multiple items on a single ticket use the same item prompt, do
not request the information more than once
Qty sold must be 1 To force a quantity of 1 when prompt reply is specific to a single
piece of an item (serial number, carat weight, film claim number)
Constraint Entered value must pass constraint specified here
See Appendix 2 “Constructing Column Constraints” for more info
Error message Error message to display if constraint is violated

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-22 06/05/15

Setting Up Serial Prompt Codes

Select Setup > Inventory > Serial Prompt Codes

 Use to define any additional information to ask for the serial numbers of an item when
entering certain types of transactions

 Assign up to three Serial Prompt Codes to each serialized item

 Each prompt displays once for each serial number in the selected transaction(s)


Installed in

Test constraint and error message

Prompt code Enter a name for the prompt code

Description Enter a description for the prompt code
Text to display Prompt to request the serial number information in ticket entry
Data type Entry characters must be this type: alphanumeric, date, or numeric
Number of decimals If numeric, number of decimals allowed

Entry required Indicate whether entry will be required, or can it be skipped?

Valid for Select the serial prompt 'slots' for items to which this serial prompt
Serial Prompt 1 - 3 can be assigned
Selecting more than one means the prompt can be assigned to
one 'slot' for one item and a different 'slot' for another item
Used for Indicate whether this serial prompt will be displayed for
Adjustments, Receivings, RTV’s, Transfers, Sales, Returns
Constraint Entered value must pass constraint specified here
Error message Error message to display if constraint is violated

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-23 06/05/15

Exercise 1: Using Serial Prompts

Try it Yourself!

In this exercise, you will add a new serial prompt to request the New or Used condition of a
serialized item when selling the item.

1. Select Setup/Inventory > Serial Prompt Codes.

Define and save the N/U serial prompt code illustrated on the previous page.

When defining the constraint:

- Enclose each "V=" test in parenthesis, not brackets.
- Enclose the testing value in single quotes/apostrophes, not double quotes.

2. Select Inventory > Items. Display item BALL-RET-PRO.

Notice that this item is

always serialized.

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-24 06/05/15

3. Switch to the Serialized tab. The three Serial prompt code columns are protected change
fields, so you will need to first click on the toolbar to make the fields accessible.

Do a lookup at Serial prompt code 1. Your new code displays in the lookup, because you
indicated that it was a valid code for the first serial prompt code. Select it to assign it to this

Do a lookup at Serial prompt code 2. Nothing displays in this list since there are no serial
prompt codes defined to be used for Serial prompt code 2.

Click to save the changes to this item.

------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE-----------------------------------------------

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-25 06/05/15

Setting Up Barcode Types

Select Setup > Inventory > Barcode Types

 Use for grouping barcode meanings across items; permits barcode printing for specific
Barcode types

Examples: Barcode Types

1) Item default barcode ITEM

UPC barcode UPC
User-defined barcode USER

2) Allow 4 barcodes per item BARCODE1


3) Barcodes are vendor-specific WILSON


4) Barcodes are by product-type NEW


Setting Up Inventory Data 3-26 06/05/15

Setting Up Label Codes

Select Setup > Inventory > Label Codes

 Use for grouping items by the type of label printed for them

 Permits label printing for items that use the same kind of label by filtering on label code

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-27 06/05/15

Setting Up Tare Weight Codes

Select Setup > Inventory > Tare Weight Codes

 Use to define container names and weight of each

 Assign to weighed items to have container weight deducted from item total weight at
time of sale

"&" denotes next

character as accelerator
key on button

Select this check box if

you want to enter the
weight of the container
when entering tickets

Assign a tare weight code to

any item that is sold by weight
in a container, to exclude the
container weight when
calculating the price.

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-28 06/05/15

Setting Up Adjustment Reason Codes

Select Setup > Inventory > Adjustment Reason Codes

 Use to explain why inventory levels are being adjusted

 Account listed in the Adjustment reason code takes precedence over the account in
the item’s Account code for distributions

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-29 06/05/15

Alternatives for Setting Up Items

Alternatives for adding items

A) Use Inventory > Items to set up an item record for each item, along with
inventory records for each location where you want quantity tracked.

 one item at a time

 copy from any other item
 default values from data dictionary or "template" item for
 inventory records can be automatic (if "Show inventory
setup options" is disabled in Inventory Control)

B) Use Inventory > Quick Items, a simple single-form version of Inventory /


C) Add each item "on the fly".

This can be done from the "Item Number" field in any function other than
Inventory / Items (such as ticket entry or purchase request entry) by:

- entering the item number you want to assign and clicking when
the "not on file" message displays, or

- doing an item lookup and clicking from the lookup.

 same as A)
 uses simplified add-on-the-fly form

D) Use System > Utilities > Database Import to import the item information
from a text file. Records must be in delimited format (sequence of fields
doesn't matter)

 multiple items in a single import

 allows verification of data prior to import
 default values for non-imported fields come from data dictionary
or "template" item for workgroup
 optional logging of import errors

Setting Up Inventory Data 3-30 06/05/15


Sequence of Customers Setup ................................................................... 1

Setting Up Customer Control...................................................................... 2
Setting Up Customer Categories ................................................................ 7
Setting Up Customer Finance Charge Codes ............................................. 8
Setting Up Customer Profile Codes ............................................................ 9
Setting Up Shipping Zones ....................................................................... 10
Setting Up Statement Codes .................................................................... 11
Setting Up Terms Codes .......................................................................... 12
Setting Up Loyalty Programs .................................................................... 13
Exercise 1: Adding Loyalty Program Rules ............................................................... 15
Alternatives for Setting Up Customers ...................................................... 17
Sequence of Customers Setup

Sequence for setting up a new company’s Customers data

You can set up Customer data for a company any time after the System data has been set

Set up Customer data for a new company by running these menu commands (all selections in
steps 1 – 8 are under Setup > Customers):

1 Control Set up the Customer Control record.

After the Customer Control table is defined, the following data can be set up in any sequence
prior to defining your customers.

2 Categories Set up the customer category names that you want to use for
grouping your customers. Each customer can be assigned one

3 Finance Charge Set up finance charge codes for Receivables customers.


4 Profile Codes If you selected to use any Customer code profiles when setting up
the Customer Control record, define the profile codes that will be
valid for each code profile.

5 Shipping Zones Set up a Shipping Zone code for each shipping zone to which you
ship merchandise. Each customer and each customer ship-to
address can be assigned a Shipping Zone code.

6 Statement Codes* Set up billing/statement cycles for Receivables customers.

7 Terms Codes* Set up discount and payment terms for Receivables customers.

8 Loyalty Programs Set up loyalty program details for customers.

9 Customers > Set up the template customer(s) and then use Setup > System >
Customers Workgroups to identify the template customer for each
Set up a customer record for each customer for whom you want
to track sales history separately. Alternatives include adding
customers on the fly or importing them from a text file using
System > Utilities > Database Import.

10 Customers > Define shipping addresses for each customer.

Ship To

 Only if Receivables Option is registered

Setting Up Customer Data 4-1 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Control

Select Setup > Customers > Control

Columns enabled only if Receivables Option is registered

Use to specify aging periods and defaults when aging is performed

Aging tab

Age by Document date or Due date

Aging periods Number of aging periods you plan to use (Maximum = 5)

Aging Period 1 - 5 For each defined aging period

Max age for period1 Number of days that represent this aging period
For the last defined aging period, no day entry required
Dunning msg 1 Optional messages to print on statement
Dunning msg 2

Setting Up Customer Data 4-2 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Control

A/R Processing tab

Columns enabled only if Receivables Option is registered

Cash Receipts
Maximum write-off Maximum dollar amount that can be written off at once, or
Unlimited Unlimited, and default distribution account
(Enter 0, if no write-offs are allowed)
Source of profit center when updating writeoff
Writeoff account distributions to account entered here: None or Store

Last begin date Statement period beginning and ending date from last
Last end date time statements were printed
Save copies to disk Save a copy of statements to a disk file

Allow e-mail statements Allowing the e-mailing of statements
E-mail subject
Default text for subject and body of emailed statements
E-mail body

Account Management

Note ID Note ID to automatically display note when viewing a

customer in Customers / Account Management

Setting Up Customer Data 4-3 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Control

Print Options tab

Use to specify whether and how customer transactions journals print at the time the transaction
is posted

Cash receipts journal Options for printing or viewing the Cash Receipts Journal
at posting-time
Print distributions Indicate whether to print distributions produced

Customer Options for printing or viewing the Customer Adjustments

adjustments journal Journal at posting-time
Print distributions Indicate whether to print distributions produced
Finance charges journal Options for printing or viewing the Finance charges
Journal at posting-time
Print distributions Indicate whether to print distributions produced

Setting Up Customer Data 4-4 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Control

Profiles tab

Use to specify the number of each profile type (up to five) to request for customers

Code profile = value entered for customer must be a defined Customer Profile

Date profile = value entered for customer must be in date format

Alpha profile = value entered for customer can be any alphanumeric characters

Numeric profile = value entered for customer must be numeric

NOTE: Use Setup > System > Quick Setup to change the display labels for the profiles.

Setting Up Customer Data 4-5 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Control

Other tab

Orders affect available credit Indicate whether to reduce the amount of available
Layaways affect available credit credit for each customer by the total dollar amount of
the customer’s orders / layaways
Simplified customer Enable use of a simplified form for adding new
add-on-the-fly customers "on the fly"
Also used for editing existing customers "on the fly"
from lookups
Loyalty Programs
Use loyalty programs Indicate whether to use loyalty programs for your
Loyalty points adjustments Options for printing or viewing the Loyalty points
journal adjustments Journal at posting-time

Setting Up Customer Data 4-6 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Categories

Select Setup > Customers > Categories

Use to group customers for reporting or pricing purposes

Assign one category to each customer

Decide whether to require a PO number for this category of customers

If custom layout forms have been created for the ticket header table, is one of those forms for
this customer category?

Setting Up Customer Data 4-7 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Finance Charge Codes

Select Setup > Customers > Finance Charge Codes

Use to determine finance charges

Assign one finance charge code to each A/R type customer

Finance charge code Name and description for this finance charge code
Age documents by Method by which to age documents: Due date or
document date
Min age to be considered Number of days before amount is past due
past due
Min past due total for fin Minimum past due amount that can be assessed a finance
charge charge
Calculate fin charge on fin Can assessed finance charges have additional finance
charge charges assessed against them

Level 1 percent What percent will be assessed

Level 1 cutoff Indicate whether there is a cutoff for this finance charge
Level 2 percent What percent will be assessed
Minimum finance charge What is the smallest finance charge that can be assessed
Finance charge account Account number to update for finance charges collected
and method to determine profit center: None or Store

Setting Up Customer Data 4-8 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Profile Codes

Select Setup > Customers > Profile Codes

Use to define valid values for Customer Code Profiles that were turned on in Setup >
Customers > Control or Setup > System > Quick Setup

Note: To display your own label instead of “Code profile”, use Setup > System > Quick Setup
to change the display label for the associated code profile.

Setting Up Customer Data 4-9 06/05/15

Setting Up Shipping Zones

Select Setup > Customers > Shipping Zones

Use to define shipping zones for customer addresses

Assign one Shipping Zone to each customer and to each ship-to address

Setting Up Customer Data 4-10 06/05/15

Setting Up Statement Codes

Select Setup > Customers > Statement Codes

Use to define statement printing groups to allow statement printing for a group of customers

Assign one statement code to each A/R charge customer (Receivables)

Setting Up Customer Data 4-11 06/05/15

Setting Up Terms Codes

Select Setup > Customers > Terms Codes

Use to define payment terms that you extend to customers

Assign terms code to each A/R charge type customer (Receivables only)

Regular terms

Proximo terms

Last day of a month on which invoice

terms apply to the following month

Cutoff day End of month = invoice date June 30 or earlier

5% discount if paid by July 10th
due on July 25th

Cutoff day 25 = invoice date July 25 July 26

discount Aug 10th Sept 10th
if paid by

due on Aug 25th Sept 25th

Setting Up Customer Data 4-12 06/05/15

Setting Up Loyalty Programs

Select Setup > Customers > Loyalty Programs

Use to define
programs for
Price rules
Assign one defined using
loyalty Prices
program to a

Earnings increment In what increment can points be awarded, and how should
Rounding method points be rounded to the selected increment?

Redemption method None = points will be used to award customer something

other than merchandise (e.g., category change)
Use as cash = points are redeemable for merchandise
Value per point For redemption method “use as cash”, value of each point
Allow partial payment To use any points, must customer pay for all redemption
eligible items with points or can they combine point tender
with other tender types?

Always zero Customer earns no points if any points were redeemed

Reduce for redemptions Points earned are reduced based on # of points redeemed
Redeemed point multiplier Multiplies redeemed points by multiplier & deducts from
points earned
Zero if fully paid in points No points earned if entire ticket was paid with points

Setting Up Customer Data 4-13 06/05/15

Setting Up Loyalty Programs

Earning Rules

Identify the rules for earning


Uses first rule that fits and

stops looking at other rules

Redemption Rules

Identify the rules for

redeeming points

Setting Up Customer Data 4-14 06/05/15

Exercise 1: Adding Loyalty Program Rules

Try it Yourself!
You are going to expand the earning and redemption rules for the Golf Loyalty Program.
Customers who belong to the Golf Loyalty Program can now earn 1 point per stocking unit for
any item from the Snacks sub-category. Points they earn can be used for future Food category

Defining the Earning Rule

1. Select the Golf Loyalty Program and click .

Define the rule as described. When completed the window should look similar to this.

2. Click to save the new line. Save the new rule and then close the Earning
Rules window.

Setting Up Customer Data 4-15 06/05/15

Defining the Redemption Rule

3. With the Golf Loyalty Program selected, click .

Define the rule as described. When completed the window should look similar to this.

4. Click to save the new line. Save the new rule and then close the
Redemption Rules window.

--------------------------------------------------End of Exercise -----------------------------------------------

Setting Up Customer Data 4-16 06/05/15

Alternatives for Setting Up Customers

Alternatives for adding customers

A) Use Customers > Customers to set up a customer record for each

customer for whom you want to track sales history separately.

 one customer at a time

 copy from any other customer
 default values from data dictionary or "template" customer for

B) Use Customers > Quick Customers, a simple single-form version of

Customers > Customers.

C) Add each customer on the fly.

This can be done from the Customer # field in any function other than
Customers/Customers (such as ticket entry, cash receipt entry) by:

- entering the customer number you want to assign and clicking

when the "not on file" message displays, or

- performing a customer lookup and clicking from the lookup.

 same as A)
 uses simplified add-on-the-fly form

D) Use System > Utilities > Database Import to import the customer
information from a text file. Records must be in delimited format (sequence of
fields doesn't matter)

 multiple customers in a single import

 allows verification of data prior to import
 default values for non-imported fields come from data dictionary
or "template" customer for workgroup
 optional logging of import errors

Setting Up Customer Data 4-17 06/05/15

Setting Up Customer Data 4-18 06/05/15

Sequence of Purchasing Setup .................................................................. 1

Setting Up Purchasing Control ................................................................... 2
Setting Up Vendor Categories .................................................................. 10
Setting Up Vendor Profile Codes .............................................................. 11
Setting Up Vendor Terms Codes .............................................................. 12
Alternatives for Setting Up Vendors.......................................................... 13
Sequence of Purchasing Setup

Sequence for setting up a new company’s Purchasing data

You can set up purchasing data for a company any time after the System data has been set

Use Setup > Purchasing for the first four selections.

1 Purchasing Control Set up the Purchasing Control record.

2 Vendor Categories Set up the vendor category names that you want to use for
grouping your vendors. Each vendor can be assigned one
3 Vendor Profile If you selected to use any Vendor code profiles when setting
Codes up the Purchasing Control record, define the profile codes
that will be valid for each code profile.
4 Vendor Terms Set up the various payment terms that you receive from your
Codes vendors. Each vendor can be assigned one terms code.

Each of these menu options is explained in more detail on the following pages.

If you will be using the multi-currency functions in Purchasing, also define currency codes.

5 Currency Codes Use Setup>System>Currency Codes to define the foreign

currencies that you will use for purchasing.

Refer to Setting Up Currency Codes in Section 2 of this manual for information on defining
currency codes.

Use Purchasing > Vendors to define your vendors, and Purchasing > Vendor Items to
specify the details of how you purchase an item from a vendor.

5 Vendors Set up a vendor record for each vendor from whom you
purchase merchandise or services.
Alternatives include adding vendors “on the fly”, importing
them from your G/L accounting software (direct interface), or
importing them from a text file using System > Utilities >
Database Import.
6 Vendor Items Set up vendor item records to identify information about how
each item is purchased from a specific vendor.
Alternatives include importing them from a text file using
System > Utilities > Database Import, or allowing
Counterpoint to automatically create the records when
Purchase Requests or Receivings are posted.

These menu options are explained in the Counterpoint Fundamentals manual.

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-1 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Select Setup > Purchasing/Control

Main tab

Use multi-currency Enable if you need to purchase merchandise from any

vendor in a currency other than your normal "Home"
Use tax in purchasing Enable if you need to have taxes calculated and shown on
your purchasing documents. These would be taxes (such as
"VAT") that your vendor collects from you during the
purchasing process.
Tax accrual account Account number to update for tax amounts you owe to your
Profit center vendors, and method for assigning a profit center.

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-2 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Main tab

Prompt for line information Automatically ask user to enter optional data on purchase
requests (e.g., different shipping address)
Update vendor-item cost Automatically update cost in vendor-item record: Never,
When PO is posted, When receiving is posted, or Both
when PO and receiving are posted
Create vendor-item records Automatically create a new vendor-item record: Never,
When PO is posted, When receiving is posted, or Both
when PO and receiving are posted
Item auto-display note Note ID to automatically display when entering a purchase
Vendor auto-display note request for items, vendors, and PO
PO auto-display note
Drop-ship purchasing docs Assign a batch ID to be used for drop-ship orders. Batch ID
batch ID will be automatically created for purchase requests and
receivings if it does not already exist.
Warn if unusual cost Enable to warn if receiving cost falls outside of set
Warn if cost is outside threshold
Enter the percent between 0 and 100 of variance from last
Cost Threshold % cost where warning should appear .

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-3 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Activity tab

Purchase Orders
Suggested qty rounding In addition to ensuring the vendor's minimum order quantity
is met, should suggested purchase quantity also be
rounded so that it always matches the vendor's unit?
Default item description What item description to use as default for purchase
requests: Description, Long Description, Short description,
Use consolidated lines for Which lines types should consolidate: None, All item types,
Non-gridded items only, Gridded items only, or User
Increment PO number on Indicate whether to add a -R01, -R02 to PO number when a
reissue PO is reissued and the new purchase request is posted. If
you do not select to increment and also did not select auto-
assign, you will be prompted for a PO number.
Discontinued item warning Indicate whether to display message about item’s
discontinued status when placing item on a Purchase Order

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-4 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Activity tab

Set copied lines to When copying items to a receiving, set all lines to Selected
or Unselected for receiving
Only Selected lines will be posted
Transfer creation method When allocated merged receivings are posted, indicate
whether to generate Transfer Outs or Quick Transfers
Discontinued item warning Indicate whether to display message about item’s
discontinued status when receiving item

Default item description Determine which description to use as the default:
Description, Long description, Short description, or Vendor
Prompt for line information Automatically ask user to enter optional data on RTVs

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-5 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Misc charges tab

 Define up to 5 miscellaneous charges for receivings

Click a button to configure

that misc charge

Use misc charge 1 - 5 After selecting the Misc charge 1 – 5 button, indicate whether to
use the corresponding miscellaneous charge
Include in cost Indicate whether to include the miscellaneous charge in the cost
of the items being received (landed cost)
Allocate by If including charge in cost, allocate cost to received items based
on: Cost, Cube, Quantity, or Weight
Profit center method If not including charge in cost, account number to update for
Account charge when interfaced for invoicing to Accounts Payable
software and method of assigning profit center
Default currency If you enabled multi-currency purchasing, enter the currency
code you want to use for miscellaneous charges on all
purchasing documents.
If you leave this field blank, Counterpoint will use the currency
code assigned to the PO vendor for miscellaneous charges.

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-6 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Profile tab

 Use to specify the number of each profile type (up to five) to request for vendors

Code profile = value entered for vendor must be a defined Vendor Profile Code

Date profile = value entered for vendor must be in date format

Alpha profile = value entered for vendor can be any alphanumeric characters

Numeric profile = value entered for vendor must be numeric

Note: Use Setup > System/Quick Setup to change display labels for the profiles.

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-7 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Labels tab

 Use to specify the default label jobs and tags methods

Default label job for Identify the default label job when printing labels for
- purchase request each of these activities
- receiving
- quick receiving
Purchase order tags method Indicate whether to generate tags for label printing
Receiving tags method for each type of activity, and if labels can be printed
from the tags at the time the transaction is posted
Quick receivings tags method
Prompt user to print and Print automatically
generate tags, and permit printing of labels from the
tags at the time the transaction is posted
To print labels from tags after posting, use Inventory
> Labels from Tags

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-8 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Control

Print Options tab

Purchase request journal When transactions are posted determine the options for
PO forms viewing or printing posting journal and forms: Prompt
user to preview, Preview automatically, Prompt user to
Receivings journal print, Print to default printer, Skip
Receiver forms (Same choices available for all)
RTVs journal
RTV forms
Purchase adjustment journal
Quick receivings journal
Print distributions Indicate whether to print accounting distributions on

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-9 06/05/15

Setting Up Vendor Categories

Select Setup > Purchasing > Categories

 Use to group vendor for reporting purposes

 Assign a category to each vendor

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-10 06/05/15

Setting Up Vendor Profile Codes

Select Setup > Purchasing > Profile Codes

 Use to define valid values for Vendor Code Profiles that were turned on in Setup >
Purchasing > Control or Setup > System/Quick Setup

Note: To display your own label instead of Code profile, use Setup > System/Quick
Setup to modify display labels for profiles.

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-11 06/05/15

Setting Up Vendor Terms Codes

Select Setup > Purchasing > Terms Codes

 Use to define the different payment terms provided to you by your vendors

 Assign one terms code to each vendor

 Prints on purchase order form

Proximo Terms Code Terms Code

Terms code Identify the terms the vendor offers

Description Enter the description of those terms

Proximo due date and Indicate whether a specific day of the month is the due date, and if so,
Due day what is that date?
If not using Proximo dates, how many days until payment is due
Due days
Proximo disc date and Indicate whether a proximo discount date is used, and if so, what is that
Discount day date?
If not using a Proximo discount date, how many days is the discount
Discount days offered
Cutoff day For a Proximo terms code, enter the last date transactions will be
End of month applied to the current month, or use the end of the month

Discount percent What discount percent is offered, if payment is received before the
discount date
Discount account Indicate which account discount distributions are made to
Disc misc charge 1- 5 If vendor offers early payment discount terms, can the discount also be
taken on miscellaneous charges?
Discount tax When using tax in Purchasing, enable this setting if the tax you pay to
vendors qualifies for terms discounts from the vendor. Counterpoint will
calculate and apply the discount to the tax when you use the Voucher
Receivings function to set up the vendor's invoice for payment in
Accounts Payable.

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-12 06/05/15

Alternatives for Setting Up Vendors

Alternatives for adding vendors

A) Use Purchasing > Vendors to set up a vendor record for each vendor, along
with vendor item records for each item that you purchase from a vendor.

 one vendor at a time

 copy from any other vendor
 default values from data dictionary
 vendor unit/cost and minimum order quantities can be pre-defined
and used in next PO

B) Add each vendor on the fly.

This can be done from the Vendor number field in any function other than
Purchasing > Vendors (such as purchase request entry, quick receivings) by:

- entering the vendor number you want to assign and clicking

when the "not on file" message displays, or

- doing a vendor lookup and clicking from the lookup.

 same as A)

C) Import from Accounts Payable software.

When using a direct accounting interface, use System > Accounting > Utilities >
Import Vendors to import the vendors from Accounts Payable into CounterPoint.

D) Import vendor information from a text file.

Use System > Utilities > Database Import to import the vendor information.
Records in the text file must be in delimited format (sequence of fields
doesn't matter)

 multiple vendors in a single import

 allows verification of data prior to import
 default values for non-imported fields come from data dictionary
 optional logging of import errors

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-13 06/05/15

Setting Up Purchasing Data 5-14 06/05/15

Sequence of Point of Sale Setup ................................................................ 1

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes .................................................... 2
Setting Up Point of Sale Control ............................................................... 11
Setting Up Point of Sale Stores ................................................................ 14
Credit Card Capabilities: Terminology ...................................................... 35
Credit Card Capabilities: NCR Secure Pay vs Counterpoint Gateway ...... 38
NCR Secure Pay Processors ................................................................... 39
NCR Secure Pay: Credit Card Capabilities............................................... 40
NCR Secure Pay: Setting Up Credit Cards............................................... 41
NCR Secure Pay: Configuring Credit Card Settings for Each Store ......... 42
NCR CP Gateway Processors.................................................................. 44
NCR CP Gateway: Credit Card Capabilities ............................................. 45
NCR CP Gateway Status ......................................................................... 47
NCR CP Dialup: Modem Authorizations ................................................... 48
NCR CP Gateway: Setting Up Credit Cards ............................................. 49
NCR CP Gateway: Configuring Credit Card Settings for Each Store ........ 50
Setting Up Point of Sale Stores: Receipts tab .......................................... 56
Setting Up Point of Sale Stores: Pay codes.............................................. 57
Setting Up Order Management Control .................................................... 58
Planning the Touchscreen Configuration .................................................. 59
Setting Up Touchscreen Codes ................................................................ 60
Touchscreen Button Actions..................................................................... 64
Touchscreen Button Actions: Example Definitions ................................... 68
Setting Up Touchscreen Codes: Totals tab .............................................. 71
Exercise 1: Setting Up a RunPage Button ................................................................. 77
Setting Up Point of Sale Devices .............................................................. 82
Preparing to Use Device Management ..................................................... 83
Using Device Management ...................................................................... 84
Device Management: Adding a Device ..................................................... 85
Device Management: Working with Bundles ............................................ 87
Device Management: Configure Crystal Printer ........................................ 91
Point of Sale Forms .................................................................................. 92
Flexibility of Form Groups......................................................................... 93
Setting Up Point of Sale Form Groups...................................................... 94
Using the Radiant Receipt Designer ....................................................... 100
Radiant Receipt Designer: Adding a Logo .............................................. 103
Radiant Receipt Designer: Building Expressions .................................... 105
Exercise 2: Modifying Receipts ................................................................................ 107
Setting Up Stations................................................................................. 114
Setting Up Drawers ................................................................................ 118
Setting Up User Drawers ........................................................................ 119
Setting Up Reason Codes ...................................................................... 120
Setting Up Ticket Profile Codes .............................................................. 121
Setting Up Gift Registry Occasions ........................................................ 122
Setting Up Discount Codes .................................................................... 123
Configuring Tax Inclusive-Pricing ........................................................... 124
Sequence of Point of Sale Setup

Sequence for setting up a new company’s Point of Sale data

You can set up Point of Sale data for a company any time after the System data has
been set up.

Set up Point of Sale data for a new company by running the menu selections in this
order (all selections are under Setup > Point of Sale).

1 Security Codes Define at least one Point of Sale security code, and assign it to
Point of Sale users (using Setup/System/Users).
2 Control Set up the Point of Sale Control record.
3 Stores Define each of your selling locations for which you want sales
history tracked.
The stocking locations defined in Setup/Inventory/Locations are
your warehouses, where the software tracks quantity on hand.
They are defined separately in Counterpoint, even though the
stocking and selling location may actually be the same physical
4 Touchscreen Codes If you want to use Touchscreen ticket entry, define the
touchscreen button layouts that will be used.
5 Devices On each workstation, after OPOS software drivers are
installed/built, use this function to select each device that will
be used on that workstation during ticket entry.
6 Form Groups Define form ID’s for each form printed in ticket entry, and
identify whether you will use the OPOS or Crystal version of
the form. New OPOS or Crystal* forms can be created and
existing forms can be modified. (*Crystal Reports required)
7 Stations Define each of the selling points (registers) within a store.
Stations are associated with stores.
8 Drawers Define the drawers where sales and tender will be tracked prior
to posting. Drawers are associated with stores.
9 User Drawers Define which drawers each user can access for ticket entry,
and the activities they can perform with each drawer.
10 Reason Codes If you selected to use reason codes for any override activity,
define the reason codes that will be valid for each.
11 Profile Codes If you selected to use any Code profiles when setting up the
Store record, define the ticket profile codes that will be valid for
each code profile.
12 Gift Registry Define the various occasions for which you will create a gift
Occasions registry. Requires the Gift Registry Option.
13 Discount Codes If you select to provide a ticket discount, define the discount
codes that will be valid for each.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-1 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Security Codes

 Use to define Point of Sale authorizations for user or group of users

 Assign one Point of Sale security code to each Point of Sale user (Using Setup >
System > Users)

Tickets tab

Ticket Authorizations Allows user to

Void current docs Void document during entry
Void completed docs Void document after it is completed (but before it is
Override cust. 'No tickets' flag Sell to a customer with a "no tickets" credit hold
Perform 'No-sale' Do a "no sale" (open cash drawer)
Override max return Enter a return that exceeds store's max return
Override required print Bypass required ticket printing
Reprint Reprint a document
Change sales rep Change the sales rep on a ticket
Change tax code Change the tax code on a ticket

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-2 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Tickets tab (cont.)

Ticket Authorizations Allows user to

Change ship-from location Change a Store’s ship-from location in Ticket Entry from
the one defined in Setup / Point of Sale / Stores
Change price-from location Change a Store’s price-from location in Ticket Entry from
the one defined in Setup / Point of Sale / Stores
Change profit center Change the profit center value for a ticket or line item in
Ticket Entry
Use holds Complete the corresponding action while in Ticket Entry
Delete holds
Use quotes
Delete quotes
Use pay-ins
Use pay-outs
Use pay-on accounts

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-3 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Tickets tab (cont.)

Ticket Authorizations Allows user to

Clock in/out Create a timecard record
Enter purchase order # Enter the indicated information on a ticket
Enter bill to
Enter customer
Enter misc. charge
Enter notes
Enter package tracking #
Enter ship-to address
Hold and recall Perform the Hold and Recall function
Edit ticket profile Change the profile information for a ticket
Allow discounts Enter a discount for a ticket or line
Override max discount Exceed the maximum discount amount

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-4 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Line Items tab

Line Item Authorizations Allows user to

Edit lines Edit information entered for a line on the current ticket
Override prices Change the calculated price for an item
Sell below minimum price Sell below minimum price level or minimum profit
percent for store
Override qty restrictions Override insufficient quantity when store is configured
to disallow quantity overrides
Change line tax category Change tax category of item
Change line taxable status Change whether item is taxable on a ticket

Allow sale lines Enter an item for sale on a ticket

Allow return lines Enter an item as a return on a ticket

Edit item prompt Change the prompt values entered for an item
Move lines up/down Move a line up or down in the display area
Re-price all lines Re-price all lines on the document
Allow validated returns Process and verify a return against a posted ticket
…for not on-file customers Do a validated return for a customer who has been
deleted or who is on-file in a different database (e.g., a
remote server)

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-5 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Total/Tender tab

Total / Tender Authorizations Allows user to

Override credit limit Sell to a customer who uses A/R charge to pay for some
or all of their purchase, and customer is over their credit
Change tax Change the default calculated tax for a ticket or order
Allow no signature Skip entry of a signature for a pay code defined to use
signature capture
Bypass drawer alarm Bypass the drawer alarm and complete the ticket, even
though the cash drawer is still open
(When using a drawer with open/close sensing)
Reissue change Reissue change in a different combination of pay codes
Redeem loyalty points Select ‘Loyalty points’ for ticket payment
Clear payments Remove any entered payment lines from the document
Use customer’s on file credit Use the customer’s on file credit card information as
card number payment

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-6 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Orders tab

Orders Authorizations Allows user to

Override customer Override "Allow orders = N" setting for a customer
'No orders' flag
Allow order lines Enter a new order
Allow backorder lines Enter a new backorder
Allow special order lines Enter a new special order

Edit orders* Edit an existing order

Enter order deposits* Enter order deposits
Allow order deposit refund Refund an order deposit
Allow drop-ship lines Enter a drop-ship order
Pick orders* Print picking tickets and set "picked" status
Release orders* Release line items from orders to tickets
Copy-release orders Leave order on file, but release ready lines
Cancel orders Cancel orders
Reinstate orders Reinstate a cancelled order
View order history
View order history*
Print the order
Print orders
* Also applies to processing orders in Order Management

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-7 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Layaways tab

Layaways Authorizations Allows user to

Override customer ‘No layaways’ flag Override “Allow layaways = N” setting for a
Allow layaway lines Enter a layaway on a ticket
Edit layaways Edit existing layaway tickets
Pick layaways Print a picking ticket for a layaway

Enter layaway deposits Enter a deposit on a layaway

Allow layaway deposit refund Refund a layaway deposit

Release layaways Release layaway lines

Copy-release layaways Leave layaway on file, but release ready lines
Cancel layaways Cancel existing layaways
Reinstate layaways Reinstate a cancelled layaway

View layaway history View layaway history

Print layaways Print the layaway

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-8 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Touchscreen tab

Touchscreen Authorizations Allows user to

Custom action Perform a custom action
Customer from lookup Select a customer from a lookup
Run external program Run an external program
Item from lookup Select an item from a lookup
Execute run page Execute a run page action

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-9 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Security Codes

Stored Value Cards tab

Stored Value Cards Authorizations Allows user to

Allow SVC activate Activate a Stored Value Card
Allow SVC recharge Recharge a Stored Value Card
Allow SVC balance inquiry Check the balance for a Stored Value Cared
Allow SVC cash back Give cash as change for a Stored Value Card
Override minimum SVC activation Override the Minimum SVC activation setting
Override minimum SVC recharge Override the Minimum SVC recharge setting
Override maximum SVC refund Override the Maximum SVC refund setting
Override maximum SVC cash back Override the Maximum SVC cash back setting

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-10 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Control

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Control

 Use to define up to 5 miscellaneous charges that might be used by any store

Misc Charges tab

Use misc charge 1 - 5 After selecting the Misc Charge 1 – 5 button, indicate whether
to use the corresponding miscellaneous charge

Profit center method For each miscellaneous charge, specify the account number
Account for G/L distributions and select the source of the profit center:
None or Store

Use for freight Select the Use for freight check box to indicate the
miscellaneous charge is valid for importing freight amounts,
when importing tracking number information where freight
amount is included

Note: Use Setup > System > Quick Setup to change the display labels for the
corresponding miscellaneous charge.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-11 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Control

Profiles tab

 Use to specify how many (up to five) of each type of ticket profile to enable for
tickets at any store

Code profile = value entered for ticket must be a defined ticket Profile Code

Date profile = value entered for ticket must be in date format

Alpha profile = value entered for ticket can be any alphanumeric characters

Numeric profile = value entered for ticket must be numeric

Note: Use Setup > System > Quick Setup to change display labels for the profiles.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-12 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Control
Other tab
 Specify default handling of journals at ticket posting time
 Note ID for automatic display of customer and item note at time of sale

Print options
Drawer summary journal When tickets are posted, indicate which action should
Ticket journal be taken for each journal:
- Prompt user to preview
Closed order journal
- Preview automatically
Closed layaway journal
- Prompt user to print
Settlement journal
- Print to default printer
- Skip
Batch release review
Print distributions Should distributions be printed on the journal?

Auto-display notes
Customer auto-display note Note ID that causes a note to automatically display after
Item auto-display note selecting a customer or item in Ticket Entry

Display close options Should the drawer close dialog display in Ticket Entry?
Ticket object options
Before Printing Receipt: Use when a customization modifies data in the ticket
tables itself to force reload of ticket data into memory
Reload ticket object
Use when a custom column is added to load the value
Load EXT tables and views into memory

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-13 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Stores

Main tab

Default ship-from location Location where quantities associated with this store will
be updated during entry and posting of sales tickets
Allow document entry Indicate whether to allow, or prompt, a user to enter a
different ship-from location for the document
Prompt for document entry
Allow line entry Indicate whether to allow, or prompt, a user to enter a
Prompt for line entry different ship-from location for each line

Default price-from location When using location-specific prices, the location whose
prices should be used as defaults
Indicate whether to allow, or prompt, a user to enter a
Allow document entry
different price-from location for the document
Prompt for document entry
Allow line entry Indicate whether to allow, or prompt, a user to enter a
Prompt for line entry different price-from location for each line

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-14 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Main tab

Profit center
Profit center Account number whose profit center represents this
store (entered account must be marked as a valid profit
Allow document entry
Indicate whether to allow, or prompt, a user to enter a
Prompt for document entry different profit center for the document
Allow line entry
Prompt for line entry Indicate whether to allow, or prompt, a user to enter a
different profit center for each line

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-15 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Main tab

Use tax code from Always use Store's tax code to calculate sales taxes at
this store, or use Customer's tax code (uses Store's if
customer's is blank)
Store tax code Tax code for calculating taxes at this store
Show tax authorities Enable to automatically show the amount of tax being
collected for each tax authority on a ticket directly above
the total amount of Tax for the ticket.
Note: In Touchscreen Ticket Entry, the tax for each
authority will appear only when using HTML totals.
Tax-inclusive store Enable to calculate and display tax-inclusive prices in
tickets entered for the store
Refer to Configuring Tax-inclusive Pricing later in this
section for additional things you will need to configure for
tax-inclusive pricing.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-16 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Main tab

Default customer # Customer used as the default in ticket entry (required for
Touchscreen ticket entry)
Prompt for name/address If customer record is set to prompt for name and address
by store, allow name and address change for tickets
entered at this store?
Note: The change is retained for the ticket only and
does not update the customer record.
Maximum return amount Maximum amount of returns that can be entered on a
Unlimited returns single ticket at this store, or unlimited amount

Required encryption level If using NCR Secure Pay and Point-to-point Encryption
on Ingenico isC250 on any workstation for store, specify
whether store will always require credit card numbers to
be encrypted, or if encryption is required only when the
device is available on a workstation.
Select "Never require P2PE" if store is not using any
NCR Secure Pay encryption-enabled Ingenico devices.
Use Legacy Device If selected, uses the legacy Device Framework
Framework If unselected, uses the new Device Framework

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-17 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Required encryption level

Scenario 1 Store=NSP store PINPAD=UNENCRYPTED isc250 AVS/CVV2 =ENABLED

Required Encryption Level

Source of Never Require P2PE Require P2PE When Always Require P2PE
card # Available

"Device is not encrypted"

CARD ON Prompts for AVS and CVV Prompts for AVS and CVV will appear when logging
FILE in Ticket Entry and can in Ticket Entry and can into Counterpoint
manually enter CVV and manually enter CVV and
update default AVS data update default AVS data Prompts for AVS and CVV
in Ticket Entry and can
manually enter CVV and
update default AVS data

MANUAL N/A (manual entry is not available on non-encrypted pinpad)


MANUAL Prompts for AVS and CVV Prompts for AVS and CVV Cannot manually enter card
IN TICKET in Ticket Entry and can in Ticket Entry and can data and AVS/CVV in
ENTRY manually enter CVV and manually enter CVV and Ticket Entry.
update default AVS data update default AVS data

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-18 07/07/15

Scenario 2 Store=NSP store PINPAD=ENCRYPTED isc250 AVS/CVV2 =ENABLED

Required Encryption Level

Source of Never Require P2PE Require P2PE When Always Require P2PE
card # Available

CARD ON Prompts for AVS and CVV Prompts for AVS and CVV Prompts for AVS and CVV
FILE in Ticket Entry and can in Ticket Entry and can in Ticket Entry and can
manually enter CVV and manually enter CVV and manually enter CVV and
update default AVS data update default AVS data update default AVS data

MANUAL Prompts for AVS data in Can only manually enter Can only manually enter
FROM Ticket Entry. CVV is data from encrypted data from encrypted
PINPAD prompted at pinpad. pinpad, and not in Ticket pinpad, and not in Ticket
Entry. Prompts for AVS Entry. Prompts for AVS
data in Ticket Entry. data in Ticket Entry

MANUAL Prompts for AVS and CVV AVS/CVV and card data AVS/CVV and card data
IN TICKET in Ticket Entry and can cannot be entered cannot be entered in
ENTRY manually enter CVV and manually in Ticket Entry Ticket Entry
update default AVS data

Scenario 3 Store=CPG store PINPAD=UNENCRYPTED isc250 AVS/CVV2 =ENABLED

Required Encryption Level

Source of Never Require P2PE Require P2PE When Always Require P2PE
card # (use for CPG store) Available

"Device is not encrypted"

CARD ON Prompts for AVS and CVV Prompts for AVS and CVV
in Ticket Entry and can in Ticket Entry and can
appears when logging
manually enter CVV and manually enter CVV and into Counterpoint
update default AVS data update default AVS data
Prompts for AVS and CVV
in Ticket Entry and can
manually enter CVV and
update default AVS data

MANUAL N/A (manual entry is not available on non-encrypted pinpad)


MANUAL Prompts for AVS and CVV Prompts for AVS and CVV Cannot manually enter
IN TICKET in Ticket Entry and can in Ticket Entry and can card data and AVS/CVV in
ENTRY manually enter CVV and manually enter CVV and Ticket Entry.
update default AVS data update default AVS data

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-19 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Contacts tab

Enter the store’s address and the information for the individuals you contact at
this store.

Can be printed on customized receipts

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-20 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Tickets–1 tab

Use Reasons for

Returns Enable request of reason codes for which activities?
Price overrides
Void completed ticket
Tax overrides

Drawer Activity
Allow auto-count Allow auto-count on all pay codes when posting drawers?
Close form after count Automatically close the Count drawer form?
Allow auto-activate Allow drawers to be activated when logging in to ticket
Close form after activate entry?
Automatically close the Activate drawer form?
Close form after cash drop Automatically close the Cash Drop form?
Close form after cash loan Automatically close the Cash Loan form?

Allow auto-reconcile Allow counted drawer to be posted without reconciling?

Close form after reconcile Automatically close the Reconcile drawer form?
Allow reactivation Can an active, counted, or reconciled drawer be re-

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-21 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Tickets–1 tab

Line Items
Line tax display What to indicate on-screen for item tax status: All, Non-
taxed, Taxed, Changed, or None.
Default line desc Which item description should display: Description (30),
Long Description (50), or Short Description (20)
Quantity override method Select the method for overriding insufficient quantities
Insufficient qty line type Default line type for insufficient quantities?
Show gift cards as lines Include a line on the ticket for each sold gift card?
Default grid entry mode For gridded items, allow single or multi-cell entry
Use item total qty for pricing Base item price on total qty sold across all lines on ticket?
Restrict manual entry of Prevent manual entry of weight when scale is defined for
weight workstation. If unable to obtain weight from scale or scale
is not defined, weight can be entered manually and
***MAN WT prints on receipts.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-22 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Tickets–1 tab

Minimum Prices
Minimum price level When users enter prices in ticket entry, what's the lowest
price level value that's allowed?
Minimum profit method Base minimum profit percent by store, or by store and item
category within?
Minimum profit percent If minimum profit method is Store, enter the minimum profit
percent that's allowed. Also specify the cost to use for
computing the profit.
Base profit on
Minimum price level and Minimum profit percent work
together: the entered price must exceed both minimums.

Random Weight
Type Barcodes that include both the item number and the total
price of an item that is sold by weight. Counterpoint will
calculate quantity (typically weight)
Use Standard (extended prices up to 99.99) or Extended
(extended prices up to 999.99)
Always use qty 1
Use quantity of 1, instead of calculating quantity

PO Number
Allow PO number entry Indicate whether a user can enter a PO number
Prompt for PO number Indicate whether Counterpoint should prompt for a PO

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-23 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Tickets–1 tab

Validated Returns
Default return reason Indicate a return reason to be used by default
Accept returns from other Enable to allow return from sales at other stores
Allow combined validated Enable to permit validated return lines on a ticket with other
returns types of lines (e.g., sales, orders) or on a ticket with validated
return lines from a different original ticket
Max. discount amt. Enter the maximum amount / percent discount allowed
Max. discount pct.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-24 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Tickets-2 tab

Login for each ticket Require clerks to log in to Ticket Entry for each ticket
Station defaults to Default for Station when logging in to ticket entry, and whether
Allow station change users can change the station number for entering tickets
Drawer defaults to Default for Drawer when logging in to ticket entry, and whether
Allow drawer change users can change the drawer number for entering tickets
Can be defaulted to same value as the station

Sales Rep
Sales rep defaults to Default for Sales rep on a ticket: Customer’s sales rep, User
Allow sales rep change logged into ticket entry, or no default sales rep

Print and Reprint

Require ticket print Require a receipt or invoice to be printed for each ticket?
Disable ticket reprint Prevent reprinting of an already printed receipt or invoice?
Allow reissuing change Allow authorized user to reissue change in different pay codes

Open Drawer Alarm

Use open drawer alarm Sense if the cash drawer is open and implement an alarm
(Drawer must have ability to sense open/closed state)
Alarm delay Indicate the time delay before the alarm sounds, sound of the
Alarm sound file alarm (must be .wav file), and time lapse (in seconds) before
Alarm repeat time alarm is repeated

Suppress ticket completion Suppress the dialog that appears after ticket
confirmation dialog completion/EDC authorization?
Suppress EDC authorization
code information dialog

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-25 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Tickets-3 tab

Default pay-in account Select account for pay-ins and profit center method: None
or Store
Allow change Indicate whether the Default pay-in account can be

Default pay-out account Select account for pay-outs and profit center method:
None or Store
Allow change Indicate whether the Default pay-out account can be

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-26 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Tickets-3 tab (cont.)

Holds and Quotes

Access other stores’ holds Allow this store to access holds from another store
Access other stores’ quotes Allow this store to access quotes from another store
Days quote is valid Enter how many days an issued quote is valid

Hold and recall

Automatic for line changes Indicate whether to automatically use the Hold/Recall
function on the ticket or order for line changes
Automatic before payment Indicate whether to automatically use the Hold/Recall
entry function on the ticket or order before entering payment
Reprice after recall Indicate whether to reprice lines after a hold and recall

Allow add on the fly for...

“Item not on file” Allow a user at this store to add an item during Ticket
Item LookUp Entry, from either the “Item not on file” message or from
the item lookup
“Customer not on file” Allow a user at this store to add a customer during Ticket
Customer LookUp Entry, from either the “Customer not on file” message or
from the customer lookup

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-27 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

 Enable Use orders to permit order processing for the selected store
 Activates use of “regular” orders, special orders, back orders and drop-ship

Orders tab

Orders If Use orders is enabled

Access other stores’ orders Allow users to edit orders entered at a different store?
Check for open orders Notify user of open orders for customer
Provides access to order processing
Prompt for ship-to address on Automatically request shipping information for every
orders new order?
Show unshipped lines on Show lines that have not been shipped on the ticket?
Warn when releasing Display warning if releasing an order and order’s last
unpicked orders activity is not Picked
Warn when editing picked Display warning if editing an order and order’s last
orders activity is Picked
Use order # as release ticket # Indicate whether you want to use the order number as
the ticket number when releasing an order
Reprice when edited When editing an order, should the price for the line be

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-28 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Orders tab cont.

Deposits If Use orders is enabled

Orders Enter the Minimum amount and Minimum percent deposit
Backorders required for initial deposit on new orders
Special orders

Line items
Quantity override method Select the method for overriding insufficient quantities for
an order: Prompt, default yes; Prompt, default no; Silently
override; Disallow
Insufficient quantity line When overriding insufficient quantities on an order, what is
type the default line type: None, Backorder, Special order

Order release state When releasing lines from an order, backorder, or special
Backorder release state order, what is the initial state of all lines: Selected or
Special order release state
Default grid entry mode For gridded items, allow single or multi-cell entry


Deposits received For deposits received and deposits forfeited, specify the
Deposits forfeited account number for G/L distributions and select the profit
center method for those distributions: None, Document,
Profit center method Store

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-29 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

 Enable Use layaways to permit layaway processing for the selected store

Layaways tab

Layaways If Use layaways is enabled

Access other stores’ Allow users to edit layaways entered at a different store?
Check for open layaways Notify user of open layaways for customer
Provides access to layaway processing
Prompt for ship-to Automatically request shipping information for every new
address on layaways layaway?

Show unshipped lines Show lines that have not been shipped on the ticket?
on tickets
Warn when releasing Display warning if releasing a layaway and layaway’s last
unpicked layaways activity is not Picked

Warn when editing Display warning if editing a layaway and layaway’s last activity
picked layaways is Picked

Use layaway # as release Indicate whether you want to use the layaway number as the
ticket # ticket number when releasing a layaway

Reprice when edited When editing a layaway, should the price for the line be

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-30 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Layaways tab cont.

Deposits If Use layaways is enabled

Layaways Enter the Minimum amount and Minimum percent deposit
required for initial deposits on new layaways

Line items
Quantity override What is the method to override insufficient quantities for a
method layaway: Prompt, default yes, Prompt, default no, Silently
override, Disallow
Layaway release state When releasing lines from a layaway, what is the initial state of
all lines: Selected or Unselected
Default grid entry mode For gridded items, allow single or multi-cell entry

Deposits received For deposits received and deposits forfeited, specify the
Deposits forfeited account number for G/L distributions and select the profit center
method for those distributions: None, Document, Store

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-31 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

 Specify the line types that are available for use in your store

Lines tab

The first two line types

will be used as the
defaults for the store in
Regular Ticket Entry

Line types and precedence

Unused line types Which of the available line types will not be used by this
In which order will the available line types be listed under
Available line types
the MORE button in Regular Ticket Entry?

Click to set the colors

for each line type

Show discontinued item

warnings for
Sales lines Select a check box to display a warning message when a
Return lines user adds an item that has been designated as
Layaway lines
Order lines
Backorder lines
Special order lines

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-32 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Numbers tab

Ticket numbers from Assign ticket numbers by Station or Store

Next ticket number If assigned by store, what's the next number to assign
to each ticket entered at this store?
If left blank, users must manually enter each ticket

Hold numbers from Assign hold numbers from Station or Store

Next hold ID If by store, the next hold ID to assign at this store

Quote numbers from Assign quote numbers from Station or Store

Next quote number If by store, the next quote number to assign at this store

Order numbers from Assign order numbers from Station or Store

Next order number If by store, the next order number to assign at this store

Layaway numbers from Assign layaway numbers from Station or Store

Next layaway number If by store, the next layaway number to assign at this

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-33 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Misc Charges tab

Use misc chg 1-5 Of the miscellaneous charges defined in Setup/Point of Sale/
Control, which will you use in this store?

Type Method of calculating default charge: percentage of sale or

fixed dollar amount
Serves as default only; can be overridden for ticket

Default misc charge Enter the default dollar amount or percentage

Default misc charge % (amount/percentage will be included on every ticket)

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-34 07/07/15

Credit Card Capabilities: Terminology

Credit Card Certification

CISP (Cardholder Information Security Program) – a program started by Visa to
secure cardholder information wherever it resides.

PABP (Payment Application Best Practices) – a program started by Visa to

assist software developers create secure payment applications.

PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council) – a group founded
by Visa, AmEx, MasterCard, Discover, and JCB to promote adoption of the PCI
Data Security Standard.

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) – a comprehensive

set of requirements created by the PCI Council to enhance payment account
data security.

Address Verification Service (AVS)

 Send cardholder address and zip code, or just zip code, to processor when card
is not swiped to reduce risk of fraud
 Done for manually entered Visa, MasterCard, or Discover transactions through
any preferred processor
 American Express Automatic Address Verification (AAV) and card identification
(CID) services for AmEx transactions directly authorized through NCR CP
Gateway or NCR Secure Pay (later)
 Mismatches are shown on the CP Gateway Pre-Settlement List and Settlement
Journal, or in the NCR Secure Pay Merchant Portal.
 Mismatch has no impact on approval or transaction cost from processor for Visa,
MasterCard, or Discover
 American Express rejects transactions with incorrect card identification

Card Verification Value (CVV2/CVC2/CID)

Send a three or four digit number found on the back of the credit card to processor
when card is not swiped to reduce risk of fraud (not stored in database)

Partial authorizations and reversals

Obtain an authorization for an amount less than amount due (available with NCR
Merchant Solutions, First Data North, Paymentech, RBS WorldPay, TSYS, as well as

Full reversals of authorizations for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover transactions

(available with NCR Merchant Solutions, First Data North, RBS Lynk, or TSYS).

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-35 07/07/15

Credit Card Capabilities: Terminology

Industry Type Features

Retail  Best rates for card swipe (“card present”) transactions

 AVS (Address Verification Service)
 Debit card processing (use for returns only as credit card)

Mail-order /  Transactions presumed to be “card not present” (no card swipe)

(MOTO)  AVS (Address Verification Service)
 Optional CVV2/CVC2
 No debit card processing

Ecommerce  Transactions presumed to be from Web site or other secure

electronic source
 Point of Sale orders imported from NCR Retail Online or
CPOnline are handled as secure, fully-qualified ecommerce
 AVS (Address Verification Service)
 Optional CVV2/CVC2

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-36 07/07/15

Credit Card Capabilities

PCI Alert!

Visa Merchant Level Classifications

 Visa has established four level classifications for merchants who process Visa
transactions, along with specific validation requirements for each level. Most
NCR Counterpoint merchants can be classified as Level 4 merchants.

 Visa recommends that Level 4 merchants complete an annual PCI Self-

Assessment Questionnaire, which you can obtain from PCI Security Standards
Council website
Visa also recommends an annual network scan, performed by a qualified,
independent scan vendor, for Level 4 merchants.

 If you qualify for a higher Level, you are responsible for meeting all listed
validation requirements.

Level You are in this level if Validation requirements Performed by

4 You process fewer than None. However, Visa  Merchant
20,000 Visa ecommerce recommends:  Qualified
transactions annually  Completing an annual PCI Independent Scan
Self-Assessment Vendor
 Annual network scan
3 You process more than  Completing an annual PCI  Merchant
20,000 Visa ecommerce Self-Assessment  Qualified
transactions annually Questionnaire Independent Scan
 Quarterly network scan Vendor
2 You process more than  Completing an annual PCI  Merchant
150,000 Visa ecommerce Self-Assessment  Qualified
transactions annually Questionnaire Independent Scan
 Quarterly network scan Vendor
1 You process more than  Quarterly network scan  Qualified
6,000,000 Visa  Completing an annual On-site Independent Scan
transactions annually PCI Data Security Vendor
or Assessment  Qualified data
Your systems have been security company, or
attacked and compromised internal audit if
or signed by officer of
Visa or any other card the company
association designates you
as a Level 1 merchant.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-37 07/07/15

Credit Card Capabilities:
NCR Secure Pay vs NCR Counterpoint Gateway

NCR Secure Pay NCR Counterpoint Gateway

Offers Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) Credit card data is encrypted after

with encrypting MSR hardware to Counterpoint receives it. No support for
Data Encryption/ ensure credit card data is encrypted P2PE or EMV.
Hardware from moment of swipe through
settlement. Will also support EMV
("chip and pin").
Token replaces credit card data stored Credit card data is stored encrypted in
Credit card data in Counterpoint database. Credit card Counterpoint database.
storage data is stored only in NCR Secure Pay
View full card Full credit card numbers cannot be Full credit card numbers can be seen
numbers seen anywhere in Counterpoint. by authorized users. Access is logged.
Expanded list of credit card and gift Only specific credit card and gift card
Processors card processors. processors are supported.
Processor and credit processing Processor and credit processing
information is entered online when information is entered when configuring
merchant signs up for a Secure Pay store information in Counterpoint.
Account set-up account.
Separate Secure Pay user ID and One user ID and password for each
password for each store. Counterpoint serial number.
Credit transactions are viewed and Pre-settlement list in Counterpoint can
settled through NCR Secure Pay be used to view credit transactions prior
View and settle Merchant Portal. Settlement information to settlement. Settlement Journal
credit can also be viewed in Merchant Portal. printed in Counterpoint is used to view
settlement information.
Scheduling of automatic settlement is Use Counterpoint Scheduled Tasks to
done in Merchant Portal. schedule automatic settlement.
Failover to dialup accomplished via any Configure CPDialup for failover when
Failover high-speed Internet connection, Internet is not available
including router automatic dial-up
Counterpoint Supported only in Counterpoint Supported in all current and older
version V8.4.6.11 or higher. versions of Counterpoint.
Does not support Electronic Benefits Supports EBT
EBT Transfer (EBT)
Check Does not support Check Verification Supports Check Verification

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-38 07/07/15

NCR Secure Pay Processors

Available at General Release – August 12, 2014

Processor Name PIN Debit Value
NCR Merchant Solutions (WorldPay/Lynk) X X X

First Data – North (Cardnet) X X

Chase Paymentech X X X

TSYS/Vital/VisaNet X X

First Data – South (Nabanco) X X

Stored Value Systems (SVS) X

Elavon (Nova) * X

Mercury Payment Systems * X X

Vantiv (Fifth Third Bank) * X

* New for use with NCR Counterpoint and NCR Secure Pay (not supported with NCR Counterpoint

Future, Post-General Release – Dates for Availability TBD:

Processor Name Stored

PIN Debit Value
First Data – Omaha (ETC+) * X

Heartland Payment Systems * X

Elavon (Nova) * X

Mercury Payment Systems * X

Vantiv (Fifth Third Bank) * X X

Global Payments * X

Givex * X

Chockstone Gift X

Valutec * X
* New for use with NCR Counterpoint and NCR Secure Pay (not supported with NCR Counterpoint

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-39 07/07/15

NCR Secure Pay: Credit Card Capabilities

 Communication service via Internet

 Fee is monthly, and is based on number of transactions and whether using CMP
or non-CMP

for info and sign-up

 Credit Card numbers are “masked” on all pre-defined reports and forms

 Credit Card numbers are stored only on NCR Secure Pay servers;
transaction IDs are stored as "tokens" in live ticket & ticket history tables

 Supports use of point-to-point encryption ("P2PE") from MSR device and into
POS network with use of MSR injected with unique Secure Pay encryption keys

PCI Alert!
Encryption: When not using P2PE MSR devices, all credit card numbers are
encrypted using a strong encryption algorithm. During entry or editing of a credit card
number, the full card number is visible until you leave the field. After leaving the field,
the card number is masked to show only the first 6 and last 4 digits. Only the last 4
digits of the card number print on receipts and invoice forms.
When using P2PE MSR devices, credit card numbers are encrypted from the moment
of scan, through the operating system and into the POS network.
Note: Record credit card numbers only in fields designed for that purpose. Do not
record them in fields such as customer profiles or comments, which are not

Retention: Cardholder data used for authorization and settlement is stored only on
NCR Secure Pay servers and never in the Counterpoint database. A transaction ID or
"token" is returned by NCR Secure Pay during the authorization process and stored in
the Counterpoint database. CVV2/CVC2/CID data (verification numbers on cards),
PINs and PIN blocks are also encrypted upon entry and are not retained in the
Counterpoint database.

Masked card numbers are retained in ticket history.

Access: Access to full card numbers is not allowed, nor are the full card numbers
stored anywhere in the Counterpoint database. Only "tokens" are retained in live and
posted tickets.

Purging: Tokens retained in history are purged whenever you purge ticket history. If
the Internet is unavailable when doing a validated return, or if ticket history (and the
associated tokens) have been purged, you must again swipe the credit card to be
able to refund to the same card number.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-40 07/07/15

NCR Secure Pay: Setting Up Credit Cards

Follow these steps to prepare, configure, and test your NCR Counterpoint system for
NCR Secure Pay authorizations and settlement. Details for each step are provided in
NCR Secure Pay Online Help.

Step 1 Obtain processor-specific information ("VAR" sheet) for each of your stores.
Step 2 Install Counterpoint V8.4.6.11 or later
Step 3 Purchase the Credit Card Option for Counterpoint, if using a non-CMP ("Counterpoint
Merchant Program") processor
Step 4 Sign up for NCR Secure Pay
Step 5 Configure your network firewall
Step 6 Verify your Internet connection
Step 7 Get MSR card readers injected for NCR Secure Pay, if not already injected
Step 8 Set up system pay codes
Step 9 Configure credit card settings for each store in Counterpoint
Step 10 Configure payment methods in the NCR Secure Pay Merchant Portal
Step 11 Configure stored value card settings for your company in Counterpoint
Step 12 Configure gift card processor settings in the NCR Secure Pay Merchant Portal
Step 13 Set up MSR card readers on Counterpoint POS workstations
Step 14 Configure MSR card readers and/or payment terminals in Counterpoint
Step 15 Optionally schedule automatic settlement in the NCR Secure Pay Merchant Portal

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-41 07/07/15

NCR Secure Pay:
Configure Credit Card Settings for Each Store

Credit Cards tab (Step 9)

Requires Credit Card Option if processor is not NCR Merchant Solutions

<NSP Username>

<NSP Username>

After saving store record, click to

ensure Merchant number & ID and
EDC POS password are correct,
and store can connect to Secure
Pay server.

Merchant number Enter the merchant number assigned to this store. This is normally
the Secure Pay Username provided in your registration Welcome

Payment gateway Select NCR SecurePay.

SecurePay Merchant Id Enter the Secure Pay Username provided in your registration
Welcome email.
EDC POS password Enter the Secure Pay POS Password provided in youir Welcome
If you later change the POS Password in the Settings area of the
Secure Pay Merchant Portal, be sure to also change it here.
Use stored value cards Enable if you plan to process stored value cards (e.g., processor
gift cards) in the store.
You will also need to configure stored value cards for the company
(in Setup>System>Company) and for the processor (in the NCR
Secure Pay Merchant Portal).

Require PO numbers for Enable if you plan to accept business or government purchase
cards so that POS users are required to enter a PO number if
purchase cards
purchase card used.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-42 07/07/15

NCR Secure Pay:
Configure Credit Card Settings for Each Store

Credit Cards tab

<NSP Username>

<NSP Username>

Address Verification
Use Visa/MC AVS Enable address verification for each credit card type
Use AmEx AAV
Use Discover AVS
Require override for Require an override when the AVS address and zip code don’t
address/zip mismatch match
Require override when Require an override when AVS is unavailable
unavailable The processor obtains the AVS response from a third party (e.g.,
Visa or MasterCard). The message AVS unavailable is shown
when the processor is unable to obtain an AVS response.
Allow address entry Allow user to enter an AVS address at point of sale
Default address Use Bill-to or Ship-to address as default value
None also available if Allow address entry is enabled
Use Visa/MC CVV2/CVC2 Enable card value verification. Can be used with or
Use AmEx CID without AVS.
Use Discover CID
Require override for mismatch Require override when entered CVV2/CVC2 doesn't
match the processor's CVV2/CVC2 for the card
Require override when unavailable Require an override when CVV2/CVC2 is unavailable

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-43 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway Processors

Credit Card Processor Service Cross-Reference

CMP Credit Card Option

NCR Merchant Solutions

First Data North (FDMS)

RBS Lynk (WorldPay)

First Data South

TSYS (Vital)

Service (*=Available)
Check authorization through Telecheck and Certegy * * * * *
Debit cards (Retail industry classification only) * * * * * * *
Industry classifications – Retail * * * * * * *
Mail Order/Telephone Order * * * * * *
Ecommerce * * * * * *
Address Verification Service (AVS) * * * * * *
CVV2/CVC2/CID for manually-entered (not swiped) * * * * * *
Purchase/corporate cards (Level II) * * * * * *
Direct Amex authorization (NCR CP Gateway only) * * * * * *
EBT Electronic food stamps (Retail classification only) * * * * *
Partial authorizations and reversals * * * * *

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-44 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway: Credit Card Capabilities

 Communication service via NCR Counterpoint Gateway or CP Dialup

 Credit Card numbers are “masked” on all pre-defined reports and forms

 Credit Card numbers are stored “encrypted” in live ticket & ticket history tables

PCI Alert!

Encryption: All credit card numbers are encrypted using a strong encryption
algorithm. During entry or editing of a credit card number, the full card number is
visible until you leave the field. After leaving the field, the card number is masked to
show only the first 6 and last 4 digits. Only the last 4 digits of the card number print
on receipts and invoice forms.
Note: Record credit card numbers only in fields designed for that purpose. Do not
record them in fields such as customer profiles or comments, which are not

Retention: Cardholder data that is necessary for authorization and settlement is

temporarily stored in the corresponding transaction file, where it is inaccessible to
users, and then discarded immediately after the corresponding transaction is settled.
Magnetic stripe data is not permanently retained in the Counterpoint database.
CVV2/CVC2/CID data (verification numbers on cards) are discarded as soon as
authorization is obtained and are not retained in the Counterpoint database.PINs and
PIN blocks are not retained in the Counterpoint database.

Masked card numbers are retained in ticket history. Retention of full credit card
numbers in history is optional for each store; full card numbers retained in history are
encrypted and can only be access by authorized Counterpoint users.

Access: Access to full card numbers in history is restricted to authorized users; each
time an authorized user views card number data, the event is logged for audit
purposes. Only users whose jobs require them to have knowledge of cardholder
information should be allowed to view full, unencrypted card numbers in ticket
history. Authorization to view full card numbers is provided in the System Security
Code. Each time a full credit card number is viewed, the activity is recorded in
Security.Log in your Counterpoint installation directory.

Purging: Full card numbers retained in history are purged whenever you purge ticket
history. If you retain full card numbers in history, you must define a specific retention
period for card number data and provide a business justification for the retention
period. You must periodically purge ticket history to ensure that you do not keep any
cardholder data beyond the retention period you have defined.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-45 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway: Internet Authorizations

 Credit card, debit card, and check authorizations via the Internet,
rather than dial-up

 Fast authorization times (typically 2 seconds)

 Uses existing Internet connection

 One Internet connection can service all Counterpoint workstations

 Automatic "failover" to dial-up (CP Dialup)

 Fee is monthly, and is based on number of transactions and whether

using CMP or non-CMP

 for info and sign-up

Counterpoint CP Gateway
workstation Connects to CP Gateway through servers
(with credit card / the Internet, via TCP/IP protocol (SYN)
check transaction)



Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-46 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway Status

Select Point of Sale > Credit Cards > CPGateway Status

 Use to switch NCR CP Gateway access between NCR CP Gateway servers

 Use to temporarily disable your NCR CP Gateway connection and enable dial-up
credit card processing

 Must be subscribed to Counterpoint Subscription Service

Start your Web browser and load the

CPGateway Service Status page

Store Enter or lookup a store to view the current status of the NCR CP
Gateway connection
Status Displays current status; use Disable and Enable button to change
CPGateway servers Lists the NCR CP Gateway server you are currently using, followed
by your backup server
Click to toggle your connection
CPDialup servers Lists your preferred dial-up server, followed by your backup dial-up
Click to toggle your dial-up connection

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-47 07/07/15

NCR CP Dialup: Modem Authorizations

 Credit card, debit card, and check authorizations via dial-up modem
communication over phone lines

 CP Dialup installed on your server in TopLevel > CPDialup and is shared

by all workstations

 Use instead of NCR CP Gateway or as failover for NCR CP Gateway

 Services multiple client requests and processor connections

 No fees or sign-up charge from NCR

Counterpoint CP Dialup
workstation Constant connection Servers
(with credit card / (yours)
check transaction)

Connects to
CP Dialup using
phone lines,
via a modem



One or more modems connected to the dial-up server (refer to Modem support list in
Modems.ini in CPDialup folder)

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-48 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway: Setting Up Credit Cards

Follow these steps to prepare, configure, and test your NCR Counterpoint system for
both CP Gateway and CP Dialup authorizations. Details for each step are provided in
Online Help.

PCI Alert!
Handling of authentication data: If authentication data is collected and retained
outside of Counterpoint, adhere to these guidelines when handling the data:
 Collect sensitive authentication data only when needed to solve a specific problem
 Store such data only in specific, known locations with limited access
 Collect only the limited amount of data needed to solve a specific problem
 Encrypt sensitive authentication data while stored
 Securely delete such data immediately after use

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-49 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway:
Configuring Credit Card Settings for Each Store

Credit Cards tab (Step 13)

Requires Credit Card Option if processor is not NCR Merchant Solutions

Displays if a valid CMP

Construct Terminal ID merchant # is entered
based on information
from the processor

Merchant number Enter the merchant information supplied to you by the processor
Processor Format
First Data BBBMMMMMMMMM Your 12-digit FDMS merchant number
North (sometimes provided as a 3-digit BBB bank code and a 9-
digit MMMMMMMMM Merchant ID)
BIN# and MMMMMMMMMMMM is your 12-digit Merchant ID

Payment gateway Select NCR Secure Pay, CPGateway, or Other Gateway

Processor Select FDMS North, FDMS South, TSYS, Paymentech or RBSLynk

Industry type Select Retail, Mail-order/Telephone-order, or Ecommerce

Authorization terminal ID IDs to use for authorizing transactions and settling transactions. Info
Settlement terminal ID provided by processor
See Credit Cards and CounterPoint SQL electronic document on
how to derive terminal IDs for each processor
Primary dialup server Name or IP addresses of primary and secondary dial-up servers
Alternate dialup server (Secondary is optional)

Use CPGateway Enable NCR CP Gateway as primary authorization and settlement

CPGateway merchant # Enter the merchant # provided when you signed up for NCR CP
Operating mode Live, test, or simulated transactions

Use stored value cards Indicate whether to use stored value cards (requires NCR CP
Gateway or NCR Secure Pay)
Require PO numbers for Require entry of a PO number if purchase card used
purchase cards

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-50 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway:
Configuring Credit Card Settings for Each Store

Credit Cards tab (cont.)

Click to
configure information for the

Click to
configure for direct authorization
with American Express

Address Verification
Use Visa/MC AVS Enable address verification for each credit card type
Use AmEx AAV
Use Discover AVS
Require override for Require an override when the AVS address and zip code don’t
address/zip mismatch match
Require override when Require an override when AVS is unavailable
unavailable The processor obtains the AVS response from a third party (e.g.,
Visa or MasterCard)
The message AVS unavailable is displayed when the AVS link at
the processor is down
Allow address entry Allow user to enter an AVS address at point of sale
Default address Use Bill-to or Ship-to address as default value
Pre-authorization None also available if Allow address entry is enabled
Allow data to be validated prior to authorization
Use Visa/MC CVV2/CVC2 Enable card value verification. Can be used with or
Use AmEx CID without AVS.
Use Discover CID
Require override for mismatch Require override when entered CVV2/CVC2 doesn't
match the processor's CVV2/CVC2 for the card
Require override when unavailable Require an override when CVV2/CVC2 is unavailable
Retain full card numbers in history Indicate whether to retain full card detail in history
Use AmEx direct Indicate whether to directly authorize AmEx through NCR CP
AmEx SE number Gateway
Enter your Service Establishment number
Use EBT Indicate whether to use Electronic Benefits Transactions
EBT FCS id Only available to Retail merchants and only when the
selected processor supports EBT

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-51 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway:
Configuring Credit Card Settings for Each Store

Configuring the Processor (Step 14)

For the selected processor, enter the requested information.

First Data North


First Data South


Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-52 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway:
Configuring Credit Card Settings for Each Store

Configuring the Processor (Step 14)


Merchant name Your merchant name, up to 25 characters

Merchant city Your merchant city, up to 13 characters
Merchant state Your 2-character state
Merchant city (zip) Up to 9-digit zip code
Merchant phone number For MOTO or Ecommerce, phone number to print on credit
card statements
Merchant location # Your 5-digit location number
Merchant category code 4-digit merchant category code (SIC)
Store number 4-digit store number
Terminal number 4-digit terminal number
Terminal ID "V" number 7-digit "V" number prefaced with 7, for a total of 8 digits
Currency/Country code 3-digit currency/country code (blank = 840 for US$)
Time zone differential 3-digit time zone code Time zone Code
EST (Eastern) 705
CST (Central) 706
MST (Mountain) 707
PST (Pacific) 708

Agent bank number 6-digit agent bank number

Agent chain number 6-digit agent chain number

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-53 07/07/15

NCR CP Gateway:
Configuring Credit Card Settings for Each Store

Configuring the Processor (TSYS continued)

Check service For check verification, select your check service: Certegy East (east of
Mississippi), Certegy West (west of Mississippi), or Telecheck
Receiving This is the institution from which check verification requests will be
institution ID routed from Vital
Leave blank, unless bank or processor specifically instructs to enter it
Check service Receiving institution ID
If blank, uses these defaults: TeleCheck 861400
Certegy East 894400
Certegy West 894300

Reimbursement 1-character reimbursement attribute
attribute Z is default value for Standard Interlink Merchant
Sharing group Identify the sharing group for debit network (up to 30 characters)
Merchant ABA # 9-digit merchant ABA number
Merchant 4-character merchant settlement agent number (e.g., V027)
settlement agent # May be labeled FIID on bank documents

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-54 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Profile tab

 What type of profiles and how many of each do you want to use for this store

 Use to track things like “source of lead” to gauge effectiveness of advertising

 If custom fields have been added for the Stores table, which fields should be
prompted for the store?

Prompt for profile Should enabled profiles be requested automatically for every
fields ticket, or should they be skipped and entered only as needed (via
Additional Functions button on the ticket entry toolbar)?

Use Code profile 1 through 5 for pre-defined responses

Use Alpha profile 1 through 5 for text responses
Use Date profile 1 through 5 for date responses
Use Numeric profile 1 through 5 for numeric responses

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-55 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Receipts tab

 Use to customize Point of Sale receipts (messages print on all receipt styles)

Prints after store name /

address and before
receipt data
Indicate whether to print
Long description and what
Prints after receipt data
minimum discount % to
Default text for E-mail

Detail type (for Crystal and .rdlc receipts)

Select additional line detail to include:
No additional detail
Show Reg Price
Reg Price and $ Disc
Reg Price and % Disc
Show Retail
Retail and $ Disc Stocking unit Price-1

Retail and % Disc

Show Calc Price
Calc Price and $ Disc
Calc Price and % Disc
Show Price-1
Price-1 and $ Disc Pricing location Price-1

Price-1 and % Disc

User-defined 1
User-defined 2
User-defined 3
Total discount type (for Crystal and .rdlc receipts)
Select to show total discount on ticket:
Total Reg Price $ Disc
Total Retail $ Disc
Total Calc Price $ Disc
Total Price-1 $ Disc

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-56 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Stores

Pay Codes

 Use to define each of the pay codes that will be accepted as tender at this store

 Pay codes must be previously defined using Setup / System / Pay Codes


Click to add a new pay

code for this store. Select the
new pay code from the lookup

Click to remove the

highlighted pay code so that it
is no longer valid for this store.

Click or
to change the order in which
pay codes are listed.

For a check, credit card or stored value card pay code type, click if you need to enter
an authorization terminal ID for this pay code that differs from the authorization ID already
specified for the store.

Note: The first 15 pay codes listed automatically appear as payment buttons in Ticket Entry if
image files or button labels were specified for them in Setup > System > Pay Codes.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-57 07/07/15

Setting Up Order Management Control

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Order Management Control

 Use to define form group and summary report handling for each stage of Order

Allow partial Allow users to select individual order lines during Pick and Pick Verify
orders? stages so that they can be processed in Pack and Release stages.
Unless partial orders are enabled, all lines on an order must be
processed through each stage together.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-58 07/07/15

Planning the Touchscreen Configuration

Design Factor Design Strategy

Using scanner for item  One button page with an entry field for item number.
entry  It is not necessary to set up a button for every item.
 All actions can be configured on one page to expedite
Using keyboard  Add hot keys to captions on buttons to expedite button
selection from keyboard.
 For entry fields, select those requiring the fewest
Using touchscreen monitor  Size buttons to accommodate the largest of fingers and to
reduce button selection errors.
Using touchscreen monitor  Design a button for each item sold, each pay code
as standalone input device accepted and each action performed at station.
(no scanner or keyboard)  Minimize the amount of data entry required, using fewest
possible entry fields,
 The floating keyboards and keypads are nifty, but slow to
entering data.
Using mouse as standalone  Minimize the amount of data entry required, using fewest
input device possible entry fields,
 The floating keyboards and keypads are nifty, but slow to
entering data.
 Reduce size of buttons to the smallest usable size, to
minimize the distance for mouse moves.
Ticket entry speed is critical  Use scanner for item entry and use one button page
Ticket entry speed is critical  Design buttons for input device(s).
and no scanner available  Maximize the number of buttons per page (by reducing
button size) and keep number of pages to a minimum.
Small number of products  Order (and group) item buttons in a way that is familiar or
sold with no scanner logical to users.
 Putting more buttons on one page allows fewer pages, but
button recognition is the challenge on pages with many
small buttons.

Other questions to ask:

Is user right or left handed – locate buttons accordingly
What is the screen resolution – design for lowest used resolution
What are the commonly used functions – assign to fixed buttons
What terms will the user be familiar with – assists users in finding buttons

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-59 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Touchscreen Codes

 Use to define touchscreen buttons for use with Point of Sale > Tickets/ >

 Assign touchscreen code to each station that will use Touchscreen

Click to define or modify touchscreen buttons.

As you define the buttons for a

This is where you define touchscreen code, the results
the touchscreen buttons display here when you click

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-60 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Layout of the Configuration Editing Window

Entry control area

Top panel buttons
(always displayed)

A “Page” of buttons
(buttons not yet defined)

“Fixed” buttons
(always displayed)

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-61 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

General tab

Use to control the number of buttons,

their shape and size

Lock height/width Indicate whether to scale buttons to the same pixel h/w
Round corners Indicate whether to round the corners of buttons
Hide empty buttons Indicate whether to Hide empty buttons
Button Style Indicate whether to use Standard, Gel or Gradiant buttons
Text position Select where to position text: Top, Center or Bottom

Rows and Columns

Fixed rows Number of fixed button rows
Item rows Number of rows per page
Columns Number of columns per page and for fixed buttons
Top Number of top panel buttons

Horizontal Space in pixels between button rows
Vertical Space in pixels between button columns
Border Width of border in pixels around button panel

Buttons with images Fonts used to display button captions / Item number
Buttons without images
Item number

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-62 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Buttons tab

 Click to rename a page of buttons

 Click to copy a page of buttons
 Click to define a new page of buttons
 Click to delete a page of buttons

For each page of buttons,

define how each button
looks and what action
occurs when it is pressed

Page The list of all defined pages of buttons

Default If selected, this is the page of buttons that displays initially in ticket
Allow item entry
Indicate whether to allow item number lookup
Action Determines action that occurs when button is selected during ticket
Image Name of picture file (Toplevel/CompanyName/Configuration/Images)
Caption Button label
Hint Flyover help
ShortCut Keyboard shortcut
Color Background color of button
Font Font for button caption
Page Action After performing action, what page should display?
Go to page If Page Action is Go to specified page, what page?

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-63 07/07/15

Touchscreen Button Actions

This Button Action Does this when button is selected

None Button has no action (default setting)
Add backorder line Enter a backorder line on the ticket
Add dropship order line Enter a drop-ship order line on the ticket
Add layaway line Enter a layaway line on the ticket
Add order line Enter an order line on the ticket
Add special order line Enter a special order line on the ticket
Button page Move to another page of touchscreen buttons
Cancel document changes Cancel changes to the document
Cancel line Cancel the additional of the current line
Card payment Assign a single button to process any type of card payment,
including credit cards, debit cards, stored value cards
(SVCs), store credits, gift cards, and electronic benefit
transfer (EBT) cards.
Cash drop Remove cash from drawer
Cash loan Add cash to drawer
Change line taxable status Change line item from taxable to non-taxable, or vice-versa
Clear all discounts Clear all entered discounts
Clear document discount Clear entered document discounts
Clear line discount Clear entered line discounts
Clear payments Clear all pay codes and amounts entered on this ticket
Clock in out Allow the user to clock in / clock out
Complete Save the paid ticket, print it, and begin a new ticket
Custom action Executes a custom action defined in company's Actions.xml
Customer from lookup Select customer from a customized lookup
Customer zoom Show information for the current customer
Edit gift card sold Show lookup of gift cards to allow user to select an existing
gift card for the current ticket or add a new one
Enter bill to Change bill-to name and address info for the ticket
Enter customer Change the customer on the ticket
Enter description Enter or edit item descriptions, if allowed for item
Enter document discount Enter a discount for the current document

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-64 07/07/15

Touchscreen Button Actions
This Button Action Does this when button is selected
Enter document location Allows user to change the default location
Enter document number Enter your own ticket or order number
Enter document profit Allows user to change the document profit center
Enter item prompts Display Item Prompts for items with prompts assigned
Enter line discount Enter a discount for a line on a ticket
Enter line location Allows user to change the location for a line
Enter line profit center Allows user to change line profit center
Enter line tax category Change line item's tax category for this document
Enter misc charge If enabled, enter miscellaneous charge (amount or percent)
Enter notes Enter a note
Enter package tracking Allows user to enter package tracking numbers
Enter PO number Allows user to enter a PO number
Enter sales rep Change the sales rep on the ticket
Enter ship to Enter or select shipping address for the ticket
Enter tax code Change ticket's tax code
Exit Exit ticket entry
External Run executables, documents, web pages, other
First line item Move to first line of ticket
Gift registry Access existing gift registries
Go back Go back to previously used button pages
Help Display online help
Hold Place ticket on hold
Hold and recall Place ticket on hold, and immediately recall the ticket
Hold recall Take a ticket off hold
Home Return to Home page (defined with Set Home Page button)
Item Add the item to the sales ticket
Item details Displays and allows editing of line item details, such as
color/size/pattern information for gridded items

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-65 07/07/15

Touchscreen Button Actions

This Button Action Does this when button is selected

Item from lookup Select item from a customized lookup
Item zoom Display information for the current item
Keyboard Display floating keyboard for entry
Keypad Display floating keypad for numeric entry
Last line item Move to last line of ticket
Lock station Lock the station, requiring user login for access
Message center Access the mail center
Move cursor down Move down in line item list
Move cursor up Move up in line item list
Move line down Move down one line
Move line up Move up one line
No action Do nothing (default setting)
No sale Open physical cash drawer without a sale
No tax Set tax amount to zero and require entry of tax exempt
Pay code Accept tender using this as the pay code
Pay in Add money to the cash drawer
Pay on account Record payments for A/R customers
Pay out Remove money from the cash drawer
Pay with customer card on Uses credit card type, number, expiration date, and
file cardholder name entered in customer’s record

Price override Change the price of the current ticket line

Price override percent Discount price of current ticket line by a percentage
Process layaways Work with an existing layaway
Process orders Work with an existing order
Quantity Change the quantity of the current ticket line
Quote Convert ticket into a Quote
Quote recall Convert Quote into a ticket
Repeat last line Copy the last line entered to another new line
Reprice all lines Update all lines with current pricing

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-66 07/07/15

Touchscreen Button Actions

This Button Action Does this when button is selected

Reprint ticket Reprint receipt for ticket
Return line Treat current line as returned merchandise
Run page Execute all buttons on a specified page
Sale line Treat current line as sold merchandise
Select all lines Mark all lines as Selected
Select line Mark the active line as Selected
Sell gift card Sell a single gift card using the gift card code specified
Sell stored value card Sell a stored value card
Set home page Specify which page to use when starting a new ticket
Ship full Indicate to ship entered quantity for selected line
Ship zero Indicate to not ship any quantity of the selected line
Show payments Toggles between the display of order lines and payment
Stop using registry Stop using the selected gift registry
Stored value card from Select a stored value card from a lookup
Tax override Override calculated sales tax
Ticket profile codes Enter profile codes for ticket
Toggle find mode Toggles between adding a line and finding a line on a ticket
Unselect all lines Mark all lines as Unselected
Unselect line Mark the active line as Unselected
Use selected registry Use the selected registry for item selection
Validated Returns Process a validated return
View price details View details for item pricing
Void completed ticket Void completed, unposted ticket
Void current ticket Void the current ticket
Void line Delete last line entered on ticket or current line

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-67 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Example Button Definitions

External button action

Command = External program

Arguments = Values to pass to program

Quantity button action

Default qty = optional

Pause at quantity = allow entry of qty
when adding item

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-68 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Example Button Definitions

Run Page button action

Run page =
Execute each button on this page

Displays the “Run

page” button page

Sell Gift Card button action

GC code =
Sell this gift card code

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-69 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Layout tab

Use to define where on the touchscreen window each group of buttons displays

Save and Load

configurations to or
from XML text files

Button panel position Show page buttons on left or right side

Fixed buttons position Show fixed buttons above or below pages of buttons
Top panel position Show top panel buttons on left or right side

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-70 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Totals tab

 Use to customize display of Totals Panel

Clear changes made to

Totals Panel in this
editing session

Copy all Totals Panel

settings from a different

Reset Value display and

Label display parameters
to defaults

Style Select from one of 6 pre-defined styles (Shown on next page)

Value to display
Value Value to display for selected Totals field
Value display parameters
Font Display selected value with this font and color
Background color
Frame highlight color
Frame shadow color
Label display parameters
Font Display selected field name with this font and color
Background color
Frame highlight color
Frame shadow color

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-71 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Totals tab (cont.)

Predefined Styles


Regular - Standard

Regular - Simple

Regular - Detailed




Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-72 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Options tab

 Use to specify whether to pause during entry of item, to allow a quantity to be

entered, or if the quantity should automatically default to 1

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-73 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Creating a Page of Buttons

Before you define individual buttons, you should define the pages of buttons for each
grouping of buttons you will need.

On the Buttons tab, click

Name each page so that when you see the name, you will know what types of buttons
you intend to put on that page (e.g., Sale Items).

Select Default to make a page of buttons the initial display when Point of Sale >
Touchscreen is selected.

Select Allow item entry to enable the Item Number control whenever this page of
buttons is displayed.

A page of blank buttons now appears in the Configuration Editing Window.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-74 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

Configuring a button

Click the button you want to define, and enter its definition in the Button Editor.

When completed, click to view the results of defining this button.

In this example, when someone clicks the button named Glove in Touchscreen ticket
entry, it will add the Glove item to a ticket.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-75 07/07/15

Setting Up Touchscreen Codes

You can now define a button that will display the Sale Items page.

Return to the Main Menu page. This is where you will locate the button that accesses
the Sale Items page.

To see a specific page of buttons while editing a touchscreen configuration, select the
page from the dropdown list at the top of the Buttons tab.

Click the button you want to define, and enter its definition in the Button Editor.

Click when done to see the results.

NOTE: When creating or editing a touchscreen configuration, clicking the Sale Items
button does not result in the display of the Sale Items page of buttons. Instead, it
simply displays the definition of the Sale Items button.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-76 07/07/15

Exercise 1: Setting Up a RunPage Button

Try it Yourself!
This exercise illustrates how to create a page of buttons containing several items that
will all be sold ‘automatically’ when another button (with a RunPage action) is selected.

In this example, you will build a "MealDeal" button that, when selected, automatically
sells a Big Burger, a Pretzel, a Coke, with a $1 discount.

1. Select Setup > Point of Sale > Touchscreen Codes

Display the COMBO touchscreen code and click to edit this code.

2. Maximize the Configuration Editing window to ensure you see all buttons, and

click .

The Button Editor displays with the definition of

this button.

3. Select the SnackBar page to display the buttons

defined for that page.

We want the MealDeal button to appear on this


Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-77 07/07/15

4. You will define the page that contains the items to be sold automatically when the
MealDeal button is selected. Since this will become the Button page for the
MealDeal, it must be defined before you define the button.

Click .

Enter MealDeal as the name of the

new page (it can be any name).

A set of blank buttons appears in the

Touchscreen Ticket Entry (Editing) – COMBO

Click the first blank button and define it as shown here. Click .

Image and Caption are for ID

purposes only, since they
don't display during the
RunPage operation

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-78 07/07/15

Click the next blank button, and define it to sell the Pretzel.

Repeat the process to define a button to sell Coke.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-79 07/07/15

Repeat the process to define a button to sell Discount-1.

Since Discount-1 is the last item in the MealDeal you want to be sure it has a Page
Action that returns it to the SnackBar page when finished.

5. Lastly, display the SnackBar page. Click the blank button in the last row. Define this
Run page button to automatically sell the items on the MealDeal page.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-80 07/07/15

Click and then click to save the touchscreen code itself.

Close the Touchscreen Codes form.

6. Select Point of Sale > Tickets > Touchscreen from the menu.

Login to Station 1 and Drawer 1.

Click to display the SnackBar page. Then click to select the run
page. Each item on the MealDeal runpage is automatically sold. The ticket should
look like this:

Additional items can be added to the ticket, or you can delete any of the items added
by the MealDeal button.

Exit from Touchscreen ticket entry, selecting to void the current ticket. (Simply
closing the form is the easiest way.)

---------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE--------------------------------------------

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-81 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Devices

Two methods to configure devices:

Device Management

 Simplified setup for devices used on multiple POS workstations

 Use for all Radiant-certified devices
 Faster device response times
 Greater stability of devices
 Counterpoint can run if a device is disconnected or inoperable
 Devices are configured once on any workstation or server (configuration
data stored in database)
 Workstation must be registered with site server and be assigned a default
 OPOS device drivers and printers
 Multiple MSRs and Line displays per workstation
 Must use this method to use .rdlc receipt forms
 Access to legacy device configuration for Crystal receipt printers

Legacy Method
 Pre-V8.4 method for setting up devices
 Windows and OPOS device drivers
 Supports Crystal and OPOS printers
 Devices must be configured on each workstation (configuration data
stored in Windows registry)
 Must use this method to use .xml receipt forms on any workstation

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-82 07/07/15

Preparing to Use Device Management

Before using Device Management, you must:

1) Install manufacturers’ device drivers (skip if using Radiant workstations). You

may need to remove any already installed Windows drivers for those devices.

2) Download the information about setting up each device that will be used with
Counterpoint from the Hardware area of the partner website
(, and set up the devices.

3) Use Setup > Point of Sale > Stores

and disable the Use Legacy Device
Framework check box for each store.

4) Use Setup > System >

Workstations to register each
workstation with its server and assign
a default workgroup.

5) Use Setup > System > Menu Codes Menu ID for old Setup/Point of Sale / Devices
to delete the old Setup > Point of Sale
> Devices menu selection and replace
it with the new Setup > Point of Sale >
Devices menu selection.

New Setup / Point of Sale / Devices

6) Exit and restart Counterpoint.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-83 07/07/15

Using Device Management

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Devices

Shows workstations that are registered to a

store and that are assigned a default workgroup

Click to add a new device

Click to work with Radiant bundles, or a custom bundle

Click to delete all device definitions

Click to create a custom bundle

Click to copy the device configuration to another workstation

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-84 07/07/15

Device Management: Adding a Device

Click to configure a new device for use by

any workstation

Then select the type of device.

Use the Simulator selection for a device to demo or train

when the device isn’t really attached.

Cash Drawer
Select the certified cash drawer that you are using.

Line Display
Select the certified line display that you are using.

After selecting device, select

the message set and events
when messages will appear.

to configure the text of any
message that will appear on the
line display.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-85 07/07/15

Expand a workstation to see the devices
configured for that workstation.

You can copy devices from one workstation

to another. Select the workstation or
specific device that you want to copy from,

and click .

Select the store and workstation to which

you want to copy the device(s).

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-86 07/07/15

Device Management: Working with Bundles

A bundle is a group of device configurations that

will allow you to easily configure all devices at

To define new bundles or view existing bundles,

click to open the Manage Bundles window.

Using a Radiant Bundle

NCR provides a pre-defined bundle for the devices

that are part of the P1515 workstation.

Click that bundle and then click to use the

device configurations in that bundle for the
workstation that you select in the above window.

Click to use the device configurations for all

of the workstations at the store you select.

Defining a Custom Bundle

You can define a custom bundle that consists of your own device configurations which
you can then assign to a workstation or to all workstations for a store.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-87 07/07/15

Copying a Radiant bundle

To build a custom bundle by making changes to

a Radiant pre-defined bundle, select the

Radiant pre-defined bundle and click .

Name the new bundle and click .

For each device, you can:

- change the description
- select a different OPOS Name (based on installed drivers)
- select a message set and specific events (line displays only)
- delete the device

If you select the Bundle name, you can:

- add a new device
- delete all devices in the bundle
- delete the bundle
- copy the bundle to create a new
custom bundle

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-88 07/07/15

Create a Custom Bundle

To build a custom bundle, click

below Stores and Workstations


click Custom Bundles in the Manage

Bundles window and then click .

Name the new bundle and click .

Begin by clicking and then define

each device you want to include in the

Enter the configuration

settings for the device.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-89 07/07/15

Assigning a Bundle

From any workstation, you can assign a bundle to an individual workstation or to all
workstations in a store.

Select the store or workstation and

then click either or

Select the bundle that you want to


When completed building bundles and assigning them to stores or workstations, click
or .

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-90 07/07/15

Device Management: Configure Crystal Printer

When using Device Management, you can

still configure a Crystal receipt printer by
selecting Legacy Devices > Configure
Legacy Devices… on the menu bar.

Printer drivers for Crystal receipt printers

To use a Crystal receipt printer on a Radiant POS workstation, you must remove the
existing OPOS printer driver before installing the appropriate Windows printer driver.

See Appendix 5 for instructions on configuring legacy devices.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-91 07/07/15

Point of Sale Forms
Crystal Forms vs OPOS Forms or .rdlc forms vs Other Forms
OPOS/rdlc Crystal Other
(Word, PDF, Excel, ...)
File must be in the
Yes Yes Yes
PSForms directory
.xml (OPOS) Any other extension5
File extension .rpt
.rdlc (rdlc)1 (but not executables6)
Types of printers supported OPOS only Windows only Windows only
Select printer during setup
No Yes No
(in Form Groups)
Select printer at print time
No2 Yes No
(from Ticket Entry)
Print to a remote (network)
No3 Yes No
Use filters to control if
Yes Yes Yes
the form prints
Print data from the
Yes Yes No
Counterpoint document
Use filters to control what
Yes Yes No
the form prints
Show messages before/after
Yes Yes Yes
printing form
Cut paper after printing Yes4 Yes4 No
Additional software required Associated application
None None must be on system
to use/print forms
Additional software required Associated application
None Crystal Reports must be on system
to customize forms
Font control, barcode
Yes Yes If application supports
printing, graphics, etc.
Create a new form file No (must create file
Yes Yes
from within Counterpoint outside of Counterpoint)
Open existing form file for Yes Yes (with Crystal Yes (if associated
editing from within CP (Form editor) Reports on system) application is on system)

1) Use of .rdlc forms requires that you define your devices using Device Management.
2) OPOS forms always print to the (single) OPOS printer on the local workstation.
3) Printing to a remote (network) printer is not supported using OPOS forms.
4) Cutting paper is supported on Crystal or OPOS printers only – this requires that the printer support it as well.
5) To print an "Other" document, Windows must know how to print it. You can check this by seeing if "Print" is
listed in the pop-up menu seen when right-clicking the file in Windows Explorer. If it is not listed, then Windows
does not know how to print the file -- and Counterpoint will not print it either.
6) Executable files should not be used. It appears that attempting to print such a file does nothing at all.

NOTE: The Epson TM series works as OPOS or Crystal (NCR Support recommends Crystal), the Radiant
Bixolon works as OPOS or Crystal (NCR Support recommends Crystal), and the Epson TM-H6000 II/III is
certified for use with OPOS forms only.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-92 07/07/15

Flexibility of Form Groups

 Multiple forms can be grouped together, and printed only under certain user-
defined conditions

 Can automatically print at ticket completion

 Can use a single button to print one or more forms

 Let the clerk choose which form(s) to print from multiple buttons

 Print all forms to a single printer, or print different forms to different printers

 Define which printer the forms will print to, or let the clerk select the printer in
ticket entry

 Require certain forms to be printed and/or limit reprints

 Automatically display messages, such as Would you like to print the Installation

 Ticket barcode is printed on .rpt and .rdlc receipts for Validated Returns

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-93 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Form Groups

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Form Groups

Use to:
 identify any document available for printing in Ticket Entry
 specify whether each document is Radiant, OPOS or Crystal Reports format
 select the printer used to print each document
 identify special conditions under which a document will print

Use Setup > Point of Sale > Stations to assign form groups to stations

Group tab

Applies to Conditions under which all forms in this form group applies
Customizable filter of all columns in PS ticket header table
Document type Identify the type of document.
Ticket type Additional filters may appear, depending on the document type

Auto print Automatically print group at ticket completion

Enforce print/reprint Whether form group should adhere to store’s Require print and
restrictions Disallow reprint settings in Setup/Point of Sale/Stores

Button image Image file and/or label to display on button for printing forms
Button label Keyboard shortcut to use to print form group
Shortcut key

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-94 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Form Groups

Forms tab
Identify each form in the group, and conditions under which each will print

Previously defined
forms in this group

Move forms up or down

to control print sequence

"Active" form being

added or edited

Form details
Form filename Filename of form: .rdlc for Radiant, .xml for OPOS, .rpt for Crystal. Locate
customized forms in company’s PSForms folder
Use Form Editor to modify .rdlc or .xml files. Workstation must have
Crystal installed to edit .rpt forms.
Customized forms must already exist to edit with Form Editor.
Comment Information about form (doesn’t print or display in ticket entry)
Cut paper Indicate whether to cut paper (.xml forms only)
Admission ticket Indicate if form is an admission ticket (a separate form will print for each
unit sold of admission items – e.g., 5 forms will print for quantity sold of 5)
Additional rules Area of ticket on which to condition printing of this form: None, Ticket
based on header, Ticket lines, Payment lines, Gift cards, Ticket tax data, Ticket line
– cell data, Ticket line – serial data
Printer method For .rdlc and .xml forms, select whether to preview the form, print it
automatically on the workstation’s OPOS printer, or email it.
For other forms (e.g., .pdf or .doc), select whether to preview the form or
to automatically print it on workstation’s default Windows printer.
Printer For .rpt forms, select to use default Windows printer, preview it, email it,
select a printer at print-time, or identify a specific printer at Printer.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-95 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Form Groups

Forms tab (cont.)

Message before printing Message to display to clerk before printing form
Text for buttons when this form is ready to print
“Yes” button Yes button will print form and is required if a message exists
“No” button No button skips printing of form, but allows remaining forms in
group to print
“Cancel” button Cancel button skips printing this and remaining forms in group
Buttons without text will not appear in ticket entry
Message after printing Optional message to display to clerk after printing this form

Messages appear even if auto-printing

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-96 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Form Groups

Forms tab (cont.)

Applies to

If Additional rules based on (on Forms details tab) is set to something other than None,
enter the conditions under which this specific form will print.
Customizable filter of all columns in table associated with “Additional rules based on”

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-97 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Form Groups

Pre-defined Form Groups

Form Filenames in Group
Form Group Description
Crystal OPOS
(for OPOS only stations)

CDFAILPMT Canadian debit failed pmt receipt CDSalesDraft1English

(or French).rpt

GIFTRCPT Prints for gift receipts GiftReceipt1.rpt GiftReceipt1.rdlc/.xml

HOLD Prints for hold tickets only Receipt1.rpt Receipt1.rdlc/.xml

40 column receipt
LAYAWAY Prints for layaways Receipt1.rpt Receipt1.rdlc/.xml

ORDER Prints for orders Receipt1.rpt Receipt1.rdlc/.xml

PAYINOUT Prints for pay-ins and pay-outs SalesDraft1.rpt SalesDraft1.rdlc/.xml

PayInOut1.rpt PayInOut1.rdlc/.xml
PAYONACCT Prints for payments taken for SalesDraft1.rpt SalesDraft1.rdlc/.xml
A/R accounts in Ticket Entry PayOnAcct1.rpt PayOnAcct1.rdlc/.xml
PICK Prints for existing orders when PickingTicket1.rpt PickingTicket1.rdlc/.xml
the picking ticket button is
80 column picking ticket, or 40
column form if Station is set to
OPOS only
QUOTE 40 column receipt Receipt1.rpt Receipt1.rdlc/.xml

TICKET Prints for standard tickets (non- SalesDraft1.rpt SalesDraft1.rdlc/.xml

deposit) (sales draft prints only if Receipt1.rpt Receipt1.rdlc/.xml
credit card is used)
40 column receipt and sales
VOID Prints for voids Receipt1.rpt Receipt1.rdlc/.xml

VOID-PIO Prints for pay-in/out voids PayInOut1.rpt PayInOut1.rdlc/.xml

VOID-POA Prints for pay-on-account voids PayOnAcct1.rpt PayOnAcct1.rdlc/.xml

 Replace SalesDraft1 with SalesDraft2 when using a signature capture device, if

you want to print captured signatures.
 To use an 80-column invoice rather than a 40-column receipt, replace
“Receipt1.rpt” with “Invoice1.rpt” in form group.
 If using the TM-T88 printers, replace forms with the TM-T88 version.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-98 07/07/15

Using Radiant Receipts

 Radiant receipt format (.rdlc) fully compatible with OPOS receipt printers

 Must use Device Management to configure devices, including receipt printer

 Use Receipt Designer to modify, including:

o Add images or company logos
o Use formulas to modify ticket data and print the results
o Print individual grid cells or serial numbers under the corresponding item
o Include or exclude data based on any number of criteria
o Include aggregated data (e.g., number of items sold, subtotals, etc.)
o Print barcodes anywhere on receipt
o Print captured signature anywhere on receipt
o Embed special characters to trigger special functions (e.g., opening a
cash drawer) without requiring the use of printer codes

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-99 07/07/15

Using the Radiant Receipt Designer

Counterpoint’s built-in Receipt Designer allows you to modify Radiant receipt format
(.rdlc) forms or create new ones using a drag-and-drop interface.

Select the form you want to modify in the form group and click the Form Editor button
to display the Receipt Designer window.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-100 07/07/15

Receipt Designer Components

Data Tree – lists the fields available

in the highlighted section.

You can drag a field from the data

tree and position it anywhere on the

Controls – shows elements that you

can drag and position anywhere on
the form.

Sections – check box for each

section of the form. Enable and
disable check box to remove section
from the form.

Designer tab – main area of the

Receipt Designer window

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-101 07/07/15

Preview tab – preview the

Report Properties – shows the

properties for the form (Author,
Description, etc.)

Section Properties – shows

the properties for the active

Control Properties – shows

the properties of a selected
data field or control.

Double-click a property to
change it.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-102 07/07/15

Radiant Receipt Designer: Adding a Logo

The pre-defined Receipt1.rdlc form already has a Header Logo positioned at the top of
the form.

This is how the logo was added to the form.

1) Right-click the top field and

select Add 1 Line.

2) Click Preloaded Logo under Controls, and drag the control to the new blank line.

Based on where you drag the control, it will assume that

you want to use the Header Logo or Footer Logo.

You can modify which logo it will use by clicking the logo
field to make it active and then changing the LogoType
setting in the Control properties.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-103 07/07/15

3) Use Device Management to designate the bitmap files that you want loaded into the
printer for the Header Logo and Footer Logo.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-104 07/07/15

Radiant Receipt Designer: Building Expressions

Many pre-defined expressions already exist in the Radiant receipt forms.

You can also define additional expressions for data fields and controls that allow you to:

- Combine multiple fields into a single control

- Define special formatting rules
- Condition when a field prints or how its value prints

Pre-defined expression examples

A Data Field expression

joins a data field in the
database to a control.

In this example, the

s1 connects a store’s
Address1 field to the
corresponding field in the

This example shows the

expression that prints the
label User on the form.

In this example, the expression

#0.00") is used to format the field

This format results in a price

printing as “1,234.56” or “0.56”.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-105 07/07/15

This is an example of an
expression that combines
printing of the city, state and
zip code so that extra blank
spaces are eliminated.

This expression: ="Discount (" + Fields!DiscountCode.Value + ")" results in printing the

label “Discount”, followed by the discount code used on the ticket.

In addition, another expression results in hiding the label (“Visibility”) if the total discount value
for the ticket is zero: =Fields!TotalHeaderDiscounts.Value = 0

More info on building formatting expressions:

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-106 07/07/15

Exercise 2: Modifying Receipts

Try it Yourself!
This exercise illustrates how to modify the RDLC receipt format so that it prints the
customer name for all customers other than the default CASH customer.

1. Select Setup > Point of Sale > Form Groups and display the form group TICKET.

Switch to the Forms tab,

and select the second form
in the group.

“Receipt1.rpt” displays as
the form filename

“Receipt1.rpt” is a Crystal form, you could edit it with Crystal Reports software after you
click . However, we want to edit the .rdlc receipt form.

A. Click the lookup button

next to “Receipt1.rpt”
and select the form
named “Receipt1.rdlc”.

B. Click to
edit this format of the

C. Answer Yes if asked if you want to create a

new custom form.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-107 07/07/15

2. In the Header area, position your cursor at
the dotted line that precedes the Item area.
Right click, then select Add 1 Line from the
selection box.

A blank line now appears above the dotted line.

3. Click TextBox.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-108 07/07/15

Drag and drop it
the textbox in first
column of your
new line.

4. Click in Textbox field of the Control panel that is

located on the right side of the Receipt Designer.
The button appears. Click to access the
Expression Editor.

Type Customer: in the right panel, then click OK.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-109 07/07/15

5. Next, condition the printing of the
Customer: text field so it does not print
when the sale is for a customer whose
name is Cash Customer (the default
“walk-in” customer for our store). Click in
the Hidden field, then click to access
the Expression Editor.

Expand Fields by clicking the +. Expand Customer, then:

A. Highlight Name.
B. Click >>.
C. =Fields!Customer.Value.Name populates the right panel of the Expression
Editor. You will need to add the name Cash Customer. Type =’Cash
Customer’. Click OK. When the software evaluates this statement and finds
the Customer listed is the cash customer, it will hide this field and not print it on
the receipt.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-110 07/07/15

6. Resize the Customer textbox by grabbing the handles and stretching the box until
you can view all the characters.
7. Now you will set the expression for the customer field and the expression to prevent
printing when the customer is the cash customer. Repeat Step 3. This time, drop
the textbox in the first column at the end of the Customer box.

A. Highlight Name.
B. Click >>.
C. =Fields!Customer.Value.Name populates the right panel of the Expression Editor.
Click OK.

D. From the Hidden field located in the Control panel, access the Expression editor.
Expand Fields, then Customer. Select Name and add it to the right panel of the
Expression Editor. You will need to add the name Cash Customer. Type =’Cash
Customer’. Click OK.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-111 07/07/15

Your Receipt designer will now look similar to this:

8. Resize the Name Text box by grabbing the handles and stretching the box to last
column on the right side of the designer.
You can preview the receipt by clicking the Preview tab to preview your new receipt.
9. Open Ticket Entry. Process two tickets, one for Brian Sheridan and the other for the
Cash Customer. The printing of the Customer and Customer Name fields should be
suppressed on the receipt for the cash customer.

Brian Sheridan receipt

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-112 07/07/15

Cash Customer receipt

---------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE--------------------------------------------

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-113 07/07/15

Setting Up Stations

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Stations

Main tab

Default line type Sale, Return, Order, Backorder, Special order, or Layaway
Begin tickets at Start each new ticket at: Customer #, Lines, or Payment
For Lines or Payment, customer is automatically set to
default, if station uses the default customer
Begin lines at Start line item entry at Item number or Quantity
Use default cust Automatically start each ticket using the default customer
Default entry mode Normal or Fast (no entry of description, cost, or quantity - but
can still enter price)
Primary dialup server Overrides dial-up server specified for Store
Alternate dialup server
Ticket custom prompts If custom ticket/payment prompts have been added, which
Payment custom prompts prompt is used for the station?

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-114 07/07/15

Setting Up Stations

Main tab

Default tender pay code Pay code to display as default when accepting tender
Default change pay code Pay code to display as default when giving change due
Use tender pay code for Indicate whether to use the tendered pay code as the pay
change code for change due

Default refund pay code Pay code to display as default when giving a refund
Touchscreen code Touchscreen Code for this station
Show customer images Should Customer and Item images automatically display?
Show item images (Place images in the company’s CustomerImages and
ItemImages folders)
Use consolidated lines Indicate whether to merge identical line items in Ticket Entry
Signature capture after Request signature after printing receipt, instead of before
Show point redemption Indicate when a customer can redeem points for some or all
message of the purchase amount

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-115 07/07/15

Setting Up Stations

Numbers tab

Next ticket number If you selected in Setup/Point of Sale/Stores to have

Next hold ID ticket numbers, hold ID’s, quote numbers, order
numbers, or layaway numbers assigned from stations,
Next quote number enter the number to automatically assign to each type
Next order number of document entered on this station
Next layaway number
Always auto-assign Select this check box to always assign the next number

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-116 07/07/15

Setting Up Stations

Form Groups tab

 Use to specify which form group to use for printing each type of document

 Form group specified must already be defined in Setup > Point of Sale > Form

Use all form groups If selected, this station will be able to use all form groups
that are already defined
If not selected, identify form group to use for this station at
Form group
Form type Use only OPOS, only Crystal, or only Radiant forms
associated with form group for this station, or select All to
use all types of forms
Form group Single form group to use at this station, when not using all
form groups

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-117 07/07/15

Setting Up Drawers

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Drawers

 Drawer is permanently associated with a store, not a station

 Same drawer number can be used at different stores

Store The store the drawer is associated with

Drawer Enter the name for the drawer
Description Enter the description for the drawer

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-118 07/07/15

Setting Up User Drawers

Select Setup > Point of Sale > User Drawers

or click in Setup > System > Users

What drawers can each user access and what type of activity can they perform for a

User ID of user for whom drawer will be valid

Store Store number with which drawer(s) are associated, or * for all stores
Drawer Drawer number to assign to user, or * for all drawers at that store
(or at all stores if * was entered for Store)
Activate User can run Activate drawer to specify opening cash amounts
Use User can enter tickets into this drawer
Count User can run Count drawer to enter closing amounts
Reconcile User can run Reconcile drawer to verify or provide closing amounts
Post User can run Post tickets to post tickets in the drawer
Cash loan User can add cash to the drawer
Cash drop User can remove cash from the drawer
Void of cash User can run Void cash loans/drops from the drawer

NOTE: If a user is set up to use “*” drawers, as drawers are added at Setup > Point of
Sale > Drawers, they will immediately have access to the new drawers.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-119 07/07/15

Setting Up Reason Codes

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Reason Codes

 Use to define the valid reasons that can be specified for any of the events
for which reasons are required (selected in Setup > Point of Sale > Stores)

 Select activities (e.g., “Tax override”) for which this reason code can be used

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-120 07/07/15

Setting Up Ticket Profile Codes

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Profile Codes

 Use to define valid values for Code Profiles that were activated in Point of Sale
> Control or Setup > System/Quick Setup

Note: Use Setup > System > Quick Setup to change display labels for the profiles.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-121 07/07/15

Setting Up Gift Registry Occasions

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Gift Registry Occasions

 Identify the different occasions for which you will accept gift registries

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-122 07/07/15

Setting Up Discount Codes

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Discount Codes

 Define the valid discount codes for tickets / line items

Discount code ID of discount code

Description Description for the discount code
Discount type Select the type of discount: Amount, Prompted amount,
Percent, Prompted percent
Amount Amount / percent for the discount
Apply to What does the discount apply to: Document or Line Item
Min. qualifying amt. Minimum amount for Document / Line item to qualify for the

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-123 07/07/15

Configuring Tax-Inclusive Pricing

If you specified that a store will use tax-inclusive pricing, you will need to make certain
changes in Counterpoint to accommodate showing prices to customers that already
include tax (e.g., "$1.25, including all taxes").

Besides enabling tax-inclusive pricing for a store, the additional changes you need to
make are:

 Change columns displayed in Touchscreen or regular Ticket Entry

 Modify messages displayed on line display devices
 Modify prices shown on customer display devices
 Customize receipts to print tax-inclusive prices
 Customize ticket-entry related reports to print tax-inclusive prices

Change columns displayed in Touchscreen or regular Ticket Entry

Use column designer to show tax-inclusive values.

Replace Price and Line item price with Price (T) and Line item price (T).

Optionally add Tax amount (allocated) to see the tax portion of each item's price.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-124 07/07/15

Configuring Tax-Inclusive Pricing

Modify messages displayed on line display devices

Use Setup > Point of Sale > Devices to configure the line display message set.

Click .

Load your message set and select the LINE


Scroll to the right and click the field that displays the line item price.

Then select the corresponding "WITH_TAX" field from the Field list. ("WITH_TAX" fields
appear near the top of the Ticket Entry Line fields.)

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-125 07/07/15

Next, select the VOID LINE event.

As with the LINE event, replace the field that displays the line item price with the
corresponding "WITH TAX" field.

When finished, save the changes and close the Line Display Message Sets window.

Repeat these steps for each workstation with a line display.

Modify prices shown on customer display devices

Use Setup > Point of Sale > Devices to configure the prices shown on a customer

Click .

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-126 07/07/15

Enable the check box for Line
Item Grid Panel.

In the Line Item Grid Panel,

open Column Designer.

Replace the columns T, Price and Line

item price with Gross line item price
(T), Price (T), and Line item price (T).

You can also include Tax amount

(allocated) to show customers the tax
portion of each item's price.

When finished, adjust spacing of the

columns in the Line Item Grid Panel, as

Click to save the changes and close the Line Display Message Sets window.

Repeat these steps for each workstation with a customer display.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-127 07/07/15

Customize .rdlc receipts to print tax-inclusive prices

Open Receipt1.rdlc in the

Form Editor.

In the Items band, click the Expression field for Price.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-128 07/07/15

In the Control window, click the Price Expression Textbox
value and then click the ellipsis button to edit it.

To print the tax-inclusive unit price for each item,

change the current expression for Price from this:

to this:
=Format(Iif(Fields!QuantitySold.Value = 0, Fields!Price.Value +
Fields!TaxAmountAllocation.Value, Fields!Price.Value +
(Fields!TaxAmountAllocation.Value / Fields!QuantitySold.Value)), "#,##0.00")

The updated expression divides the tax amount allocated to the line item by the quantity
sold (after ensuring that the quantity is not zero) and then adds the result to the selling
price of the item.

To print the tax-inclusive extended price for each item, click the Expression field for the
Gross Extended Price (Total).

In the Control window, click the Textbox value for the

field and then click the ellipsis button to edit it.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-129 07/07/15

Change the current expression for Gross Display Extended Price from this:
=Iif(Convert.ToString(Fields!LineType.Value)="Unshipped", "Unshipped",

to this (add the highlighted text):

=Iif(Convert.ToString(Fields!LineType.Value)="Unshipped", "Unshipped",
+ Fields!TaxAmountAllocation),"#,##0.00"))

The updated expression adds the tax amount allocated to the line item to the extended
price for the line item.

To print the tax-inclusive subtotal for all items on the receipt, select the Expression field
for the Subtotal in the Totals band.

In the Control window, click the Textbox value for the

field and then click the ellipsis button to edit it.

Change the current expression for Gross Discount SubTotal from this:

to this (add the highlighted text):

=Format(Fields!GrossDiscSubTotal.Value +

The updated expression adds the total tax for all line items to the gross discount subtotal
for the ticket.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-130 07/07/15

Customize ticket-entry related reports to print tax-inclusive prices

Use Crystal Reports to customize any ticket-entry related report that prints item prices to
print tax-inclusive prices instead of or in addition to normal prices. The reports would
have to use data from the PS_DOC_LIN and/or PS_TKT_HIST_LIN tables.

New fields in those two tables include:

TAX_AMT_ALLOC Portion of the overall tax amount allocated to the line,

proportionally based on without-tax sale price.
Reflects price overrides.
NORM_TAX_AMT_ALLOC Portion of the overall normal tax amount allocated to
the line, proportionally based on without-tax sale
price. Reflects price before any changes.

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-131 07/07/15

Setting Up Point of Sale Data 6-132 07/07/15

Overview of Customizing Dictionaries ........................................................ 1

Using the Data Dictionary Editor ................................................................ 2
Customizing the Data Dictionary ................................................................ 7
Exercise 1: Making a Field Required ......................................................................... 10
Exercise 2: Changing a Column Code Display Label ................................................ 14
Exercise 3: Using a Picture Mask .............................................................................. 19
Exercise 4: Creating an Index ................................................................................... 22
Printing the Column Description Report ................................................... 25
Using the Text Dictionary Editor ............................................................... 31
Overview of Customizing Dictionaries

Select Setup > System > Configuration > Data Dictionary

or Setup > System > Configuration > Text Dictionary

 Use to make changes in definitions of:

 Counterpoint Tables, Columns, and Indexes Data Dictionary
 Name of group box, tab, or button labels Text Dictionary
 Messages Text Dictionary

 Use to add new logical tables or columns (after adding to database using SQL

Changes stored in Data Dictionary and Text Dictionary located in:

\ CounterPoint (top-level)\ Company-Name \ Configuration \ Dictionary

Tables.* Data Dictionary files
Messages.* Text Dictionary files

 To enter change, user's System security code must provide authorization to

customize data dictionary or text dictionary

 Changes will apply to all users in this company throughout Counterpoint

 Changes preserved if Counterpoint is re-installed

 Enable or disable use of changes for a single user via Setup > System >
User Preferences (Enable customizations)

Customizing Dictionaries 7-1 06/05/15

Using the Data Dictionary Editor

Source of Menu names and Field names

These names Are determined by:

Main menu selections & form names Menu code (Menu caption , and
Form caption)
Default menu, if security code has
no menu code assigned

Columns on forms Data dictionary (Display label)

Columns in LookUp, Filter, and Zoom dialogs Data dictionary (Long label)

Columns on reports Data dictionary (Report label)

Group Boxes, Tabs, & Buttons Text dictionary

Message text Text dictionary

Customizing Dictionaries 7-2 06/05/15

Using the Data Dictionary Editor

Select Setup > System > Configuration > Data Dictionary

 Use to make changes to the system settings for a table, column, or index

Click to change the system settings for a table

or to change the system settings for a column

or to change the system settings for an index

Select the table, column, or index to change here Make your changes here

Once you have made changes, click the button. This will save your
changes and update the cached data dictionary.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-3 06/05/15

Using the Data Dictionary Editor

You will need to determine the system name for a table, column/field, or index before it
can be changed in the Data Dictionary.

To reveal the Control Menu for a form:

 Right-click form title bar

 Click the Counterpoint logo in upper left corner

 Press Alt+spacebar

Labels as FieldNames/ Shows data dictionary column name (begins with *) or control
ControlNames name (no *), and main table name on title bar
Use to obtain column name to edit in Data Dictionary or control
name to edit in Text Dictionary
Labels as ControlNames Changes all text labels on form to name of associated control
Used internally to develop help text for controls
Show default labels Shows default display labels for columns
FormClass: (name) Name of form to use when changing component labels in the
Text Dictionary, and to assist with reporting software flaws
Print form Prints screenshot of active form
Default size Returns form to its default size
Last Maintenance For the currently-displayed record, shows the user ID who last
Information changed the record and the date

Table Information Shows table name, total number of records, and a count of
filtered records if filter is active (flyover text reveals SQL filter)
Customize toolbars Customize toolbar schemes for this form
(Report name) For report forms, shows name of .rpt file (* = customized)

Customizing Dictionaries 7-4 06/05/15

Using the Data Dictionary Editor

Determining System Data Dictionary Table, Field, and Index Names

Identifying the table name

Right-click the title bar of the form you

want to change and select Labels as

The form now displays the System Data

Dictionary labels.

The table name is shown on the title bar.

In this example, AR_CUST is the system

name for the Customers table.

Identifying the column name

With the System Data Dictionary labels
displayed, the system name is shown
preceding the field.

In this example, *cust_no is the system name

for the Customer # field.

Note: Column properties can be changed for a single table or, if associated with a
Column Code, can be changed globally.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-5 06/05/15

Using the Data Dictionary Editor

Identifying the index name

Indexes/Order by choices are created in the Data Dictionary.

To find the name for an index, select the Table and then click the Index tab of the
System Data Dictionary form.

The Display label field contains the label for the index. This is the name that appears in
the "order by" list for a Lookup.

If the Display label field is blank, it instead shows the name of the first index column.

In this example, the "order by" list for the Customer table will show Balance method.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-6 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Editing Table Properties

Select the table to edit in the
System Data Dictionary.

The columns and indexes in

that table display below.

Click to
enable editing of the table.

Make changes to table information on the Data Dictionary form.

Description = name for flyover
help and messages referring to
this table

Virtual = is this a virtual table? If enabled for company, retrieve

one record at a time from server?
Data Verify ignores
Use virtual table = look in History tables
virtual table selected here for
column information before this
physical table.
Use this area to enter your
Click to see the own description of the table
or to describe your changes.
virtual table definition.
After clicking either
or , click to return to where you came from.

Custom add-on-the-fly
Add-on-the-fly form = use customized add-on-the-fly form for this table.

Custom maint form .xml files that contains custom field positioning for use
Custom view form when adding custom tables or custom columns to a
Custom add-on-the-fly form
Standard form

Customizing Dictionaries 7-7 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Editing Column Properties for a Single Table

 Use to control labels, entries, and defaults for a column

After choosing a table in the System Data Dictionary, select the column to edit from the list of
columns in that table and click .

Main tab

Column code Select to associate this column with an existing column code
Domain Type of characters valid in value
Capitalization Case of entered value: default, upper, lower, or normal
Key Is this a component of the primary key for the table? (Do not modify)
Required Value must be entered for this column when setting up a new record
Keyword Enable keyword lookups for this column
Display label Name that displays for this column on forms
Long label Name that displays in Lookup, Filter, and Zoom dialogs
Report label Name used in Quick Reports and for column heading in Crystal reports
Default value Initial value for column when adding a new record
(Y for Boolean domain =checkbox selected)
Mapping Allowable values for column and description for each value

Customizing Dictionaries 7-8 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Editing Column Properties for a Single Table

Main tab

Sticky default Should user-entered value for this column be used as default value for rest
of entry session?
Default is set by adding a new record and saving it
Read-only Allow no entry for this column (be sure to set a “default value”)
Protected Protected change authorization required to change value
Non-editable Can column value be changed after it has been added?
Skip Skip this column when tabbing (can still access via mouse and/or
accelerator keys)
Intended to help speed data entry
Skip if def Skip this column when tabbing only if the column has a default value
supplied by data dictionary or sticky default supplied by user
If column has no default value, Skip setting determines if tab skips column
Allow * “*” can be entered for column, to designate “All”
Visible Will column be displayed on forms and be available for display in lookups?
Cost Treat column as a cost (entry and viewing subject to user authorization)
Copy Is this column value copied when records are copied?
If unchecked, column in the copied record is set to the data dictionary
default value

Note: If a column does not appear in the Columns list, when a single table has been
selected, it has only been assigned a Column Code.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-9 06/05/15

Exercise 1: Making a Field Required

Try it Yourself!
This exercise demonstrates how to determine the table and column name to be
changed in the data dictionary and how to make the change to a single table. You will
be making the Category field required on the Items table.

1. Select Inventory > /Items. The change you will make is to the property of the
Category field on this form.

2. Right-click title bar and select Labels as FieldNames/ControlNames.

Note the table name and

field name.

Exit the menu selection.

3. Select Setup > System > Configuration/Data Dictionary

4. Display the IM_ITEM table and locate the column categ_cod.

Click .

Customizing Dictionaries 7-10 06/05/15

5. On the Data Dictionary form, change the Required setting to Yes.

Select to save this change by clicking .

---------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE--------------------------------------------

Customizing Dictionaries 7-11 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Editing Column Properties for a Column Code

 Use to control labels, entries, and defaults for a column code

 Provide template values for a column
 Used when column’s value is blank or null
 Not associated with any single table

Choose Column Code in the System Data Dictionary, select the column code to edit
from the list of column codes and click .

To see the tables

and columns that
use a column code

Note: If Column code is specified, its value is used as a default if setting is blank for

Customizing Dictionaries 7-12 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Display Labels

 Name for column on forms (first letter always displays upper-case)

What display label appears for a column on a form?

1. Display label from column in customized Data Dictionary

2. Display label from column in System Data Dictionary

3. Display label from column code, if a column code is specified

for column in customized Data Dictionary

4. Display label from column code in System Data Dictionary

Display label substitution

Enter %[column-code name] within Display label for substitution

For example: LST_RECV_DAT column in VT_IM_INV table

Display label shows last recv %[DATE]

Column code DATE is assigned to the column and its

display label is date.

Last recv date displays on forms.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-13 06/05/15

Exercise 2: Changing a Column Code Display Label

Try it Yourself!
This exercise demonstrates how to make a change to a column code. You will be
changing the display label for the Item No field, to Product No, for all tables that
include the column code.
1. Select Inventory/Items. The change you will make is to the display label of the
“Item No” field.

2. Right-click title bar and select Labels as FieldNames/ControlNames.

Note the field name.

3. Select Setup > System > Configuration > Data Dictionary

4. With Column Codes selected, locate the column item_no.

Click .

Customizing Dictionaries 7-14 06/05/15

5. On the Data Dictionary form, change the Display label to Product No.

Select to save this change by clicking .

---------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE--------------------------------------------

Customizing Dictionaries 7-15 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Editing Column Properties

Other tab

Numeric Settings in this group apply only to numeric columns

Min value Minimum allowable value
Max value Maximum allowable value
Decimals Number of decimal digits to allow during entry
Implied decimal When entering numbers, assume the number of decimals specified at
"Decimals", so no decimal point entry is required (based on user preference)
Range Whether negative numbers, positive numbers, and/or zero are valid

Lookup For custom fields, settings for lookup

Self lookup Lookup table and column are the same as the physical table/column
Lookup table What table’s data displays when a lookup is performed at this column
Lookup field Which field in the lookup table is returned after selecting a record
Lookup filter Limit valid records in lookup table with filter entered here
Validate lookup Are not-on-file entries allowed for this column?
Lookup display Which column’s value should display to the right of the on-file entry?

Customizing Dictionaries 7-16 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Editing Column Properties

Custom tab

Verify that constraint

syntax is valid

Constraint User-maintained limits or restrictions for entry in this column
(See Appendix 2: Constructing Column Constraints)
Define only for columns on maintenance forms
Constraint error Message that appears when entry violates constraint
If blank, uses default constraint error text: “[display label]: Data Dictionary
constraint error: [constraint value]” Variable Description
%f Field name
%t Table name
"%f in %d table cannot contain %v"
%d Table description (e.g., "Item")
%v Field value

Validate on set If enabled, validates constraint after column is entered, rather than when
record is saved
Picture mask Used to control format and characters entered for a column (e.g., ##-
####) # = any digit (0-9)
Non-numeric columns only ? = any letter
& = any letter, convert to uppercase
~ = any letter, convert to lowercase
(See Appendix 3: Using @ = any character (alpha, numeric, special)
Picture Masks) ! = any character, convert alpha to uppercase
{Yes, No} = yes, no, or blank (braces indicate ‘optional’)
#[#][#] = up to 3 digits; 2nd and 3rd digits optional

Customizing Dictionaries 7-17 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Entering Constraints

 To impose user-defined limits or restrictions on entry of a column


1) You want to use one of the customer date profiles to track Contract date started.

To prevent users from entering a future date, add this constraint to the
corresponding Profile Data column (PROF_DAT) for the Customers table


2) Use one of the customer numeric profiles to track Length of contract, where your
contracts must be at least 2 months long and cannot be longer than 12 months.

Add this constraint to the corresponding Numeric Profile column (PROF_NO) for the
Customers table (AR_CUST):

(V>1) and (V<13)

3) To ensure that users assign “900” as the first three characters of new item numbers,
add this constraint to the Item number column (ITEM_NO) for the Items table


Refer to Appendix 2: Constructing Column Constraints for more information on

the syntax and different types of constraints.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-18 06/05/15

Exercise 3: Using a Picture Mask

Try it Yourself!
This exercise demonstrates how to determine the table and column name to be
changed in the data dictionary, how to make the change to a column code, and shows
the resulting change to forms that use the column code. You will be setting it up to
require telephone numbers to carry the format of 123-456-7890.
1. Select Customers > Customers. The change you will make is to the display label
of the “Phone-1” field on this form.

2. Right-click title bar and select Labels as FieldNames/ControlNames.

Note the table name and

column name.

Exit the menu selection.

3. Select Setup > System > Configuration > Data Dictionary

4. Display the AR_CUST table and locate the column PHONE_1.

Notice that it uses a

Column Code.

To make this format

change global, you
should change the
column code.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-19 06/05/15

5. Switch to display Column Codes. Click PHONE_1 in the list of column codes.
Notice that Display label is set to phone 1. Whenever a column displays on a form,
and that column uses the PHONE_1 column code, the display label of phone 1 is

6. Click and, on the Custom tab, enter the following

Picture mask for this column code:


Close the Data Dictionary editor and answer Yes to Save current changes?

7. Select Customers > Customers and display a customer record.

On the Main tab, at the Phone 1 column, clear any existing entry and enter your
telephone number beginning with the area code. Note that hyphens are
automatically inserted and displayed.

Click to save the change.

Close this form.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-20 06/05/15

Customizing the Data Dictionary

Adding and Editing Table Indexes

Use to change:  sequence in which records display with and

 order in which records appear during lookups (“Order by”)

 adds logical index (create physical index with SQL command)

Add a new index:

If the table has not been

customized previously,
select to customize it
from the System Data
From the Data Dictionary,
select the table and click
under “Indexes”.

Enter a name for the new


Label used as index name

From the Index tab, in lookups. If blank, uses
name of first index column
double-click columns in
Table columns to add
them to Index columns.

Add the columns in the

order in which you want Make default index for table
them used in the index, or
move the Index columns to
change their order. Specify whether to sort
each index column in
You can set the new index ascending or descending
to be the default index.

You can also enter a

display label to name the

To save the new index, select a different column name or table, click or close
the form and answer “Yes” to Save current changes?.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-21 06/05/15

Exercise 4: Creating an Index

Try it Yourself!
This exercise demonstrates how to create an index for the vendor items table. You
would like to view your vendor item records in order by item number and then in order
by unit cost.

1. Select Purchasing > Vendor Items.

2. Right-click title bar and select Labels as FieldNames/ControlNames.

Note the table name.

Exit the menu selection.

3. Select Setup > System > Configuration > Data Dictionary

4. Display the PO_VEND_ITEM table and click .

Customizing Dictionaries 7-22 06/05/15

5. On the Data Dictionary form, select from the Indexes area.

Enter a name for the new index. Click OK.

6. On the Index tab of the Data Dictionary form, enter a Display label for the new index
and select the columns that will be used to order the records. Since you want the
initial sort to be by Item number it should be the top index column, unit cost should
be listed second since it is the secondary sort value.

7. Select to save the new index by clicking .

Customizing Dictionaries 7-23 06/05/15

8. Select Purchasing > Vendor Items. Use the lookup and select the new index.

9. Use the column designer to include the Unit cost field after Item number.

10. The lookup now displays the vendor item records in order by item number and within
each item number in order by unit cost.

---------------------------------------------END OF EXERCISE--------------------------------------------

Customizing Dictionaries 7-24 06/05/15

Printing the Column Description Report

Select System > Utilities > Column Description Report

 Description of each column in a table and the Data Dictionary settings

If the list of tables doesn't

display, select View > Show
Table List from the menu bar.

Select the table(s) whose

columns will be included
in the report.

Click when

Customizing Dictionaries 7-25 06/05/15

Printing the Column Description Report

Click Report options


Move the desired columns

from Column list to
Selected columns.

Drag Selected columns to

new positions or use
(columns are reported in
order listed).

Customizing Dictionaries 7-26 06/05/15

Printing the Column Description Report

Report tab

Table options
Show description Print the English name for this table (e.g., Items)
Show description note Print note for this table (from data dictionary)
Word wrap description note If printing notes, wrap lines longer than 80 characters?

Column options
Show column description Print note for columns (from data dictionary)
Word wrap description If printing notes, wrap lines longer than 80 characters?

Customizing Dictionaries 7-27 06/05/15

Printing the Column Description Report

Column List Choices

 Select which column properties you want reported

Allow asterick
Column code
Column size
Constraint error
Custom constraint
Decimal places
Default value
Display label
Domain name
Implied decimal
Is cost
Is key
Is keyword
Is noneditable
Is protected
Is required
Is visible
Long label
Lookup display field
Lookup field
Lookup table
Lookup validated
Mapping values
Max value
Min value
Picture mask
Range negative
Range positive
Range zero
Read only
Report label
Skip if def
Sticky def
Validate on set

Customizing Dictionaries 7-28 06/05/15

Printing the Column Description Report

Formats tab

 Choose report format 1 or 2

 Click to close Report options dialog

Format 1 – Columnar format

Indicate whether to sort

columns alphabetically

Format 2 – Line-by-line format

Customizing Dictionaries 7-29 06/05/15

or press Ctrl+G to
generate the report

Click to save the report as a text file (use to copy data

from table in Counterpoint to text file)

Click to find a word or phrase in the report

Click to access printing options and print the report

Customizing Dictionaries 7-30 06/05/15

Using the Text Dictionary Editor

Select Setup > System > Configuration > Text Dictionary

 Use to edit message text, tab labels, group box labels on forms, or other text on
forms that is not linked to a data field

Select message to

(To find the name of a

message, right-click Current message text
title bar of actual
message dialog and
select Details.)

to customize the New message text
message text.

Color Select color in which to display text

Bold Select if message should display with any of these enhancements
Text New message text

Customizing Dictionaries 7-31 06/05/15

Using the Text Dictionary Editor

 Use to change the global suppression of messages

Messages can be:

 Suppressed
 Suppressable
 Non-suppressable

To change the suppression setting for a message, click and then set the new
suppression value for the message.

Suppressed The message does not display for all users.

Authorized users can

select the “Do not
Suppressable show again” check
box to suppress the

The message
Non-suppressable displays for all users.

NOTE: Enable Show suppressed messages in User Preferences to make a suppressed

message redisplay for a user who has suppressed it.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-32 06/05/15

Using the Text Dictionary Editor

Changing Tab, Group Box, and Button Labels

Button label

Tab label

Group Box

Step 1. Run the menu selection that displays the current label (e.g., Main tab in
Setup > System > Company).

2. Right-click the title bar to display the Control Menu.

Record the name of the FormClass (TfrmCompany for the Company

form). This will be used when you edit the Text Dictionary.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-33 06/05/15

3. Select Labels as
ControlNames from the
Control Menu and the
form labels change.

Record the control name

that displays for the
current label (e.g.,

This will also be used for

your entry in the Text

4. Select Setup > System > Configuration

> Text Dictionary and switch to the
Components form.

5. Click to create a new entry.

Apply changes

Save changes

Text ID Enter the FormClass name and ControlName of the label that
you want to change, using the format
FormClass.ControlName (e.g., TFRMCOMPANY.TABMAIN)
Text Enter the new text that you want to use as a label

Customizing Dictionaries 7-34 06/05/15

6. Click to save the change.

7. When you restart Setup > System > Company, the tab label will be ACCT
instead of Main.

You could change the Group Box or Button label using the same method.

Customizing Dictionaries 7-35 06/05/15

Customizing Dictionaries 7-36 06/05/15

Data Verify ................................................................................................. 1

Database Customizations Report ............................................................... 3
Exporting Database Tables ........................................................................ 5
Importing Database Tables ........................................................................ 6
Importing Data Using Data Interchange ..................................................... 8
Exporting Data Using Data Interchange ..................................................... 9
Migrating Data .......................................................................................... 10
Encrypting Credit Card Numbers .............................................................. 11
Purging Messages.................................................................................... 12
Working with Saved Report Parameters ................................................... 13
Working with Saved Import/Export Parameters ........................................ 14
Testing Ticket Entry Performance ............................................................ 15
Using the System Configuration Utility ..................................................... 17
Using the NCR Counterpoint Management Console ................................ 18
Adding a Maintenance Window ................................................................ 23
Aggregating Data ..................................................................................... 24
Backing Up a Database ............................................................................ 25
Moving a Database .................................................................................. 26
Shrinking the Database ............................................................................ 30
Using the Crystal Reports Viewer ............................................................. 31
Creating a Practice Company................................................................... 33
Translating Counterpoint Text .................................................................. 36
Data Verify

Select System > Utilities > Data Verify

 Use to verify integrity of data

Select the tables to

Show results after
verifying this table
Total number of
records in selected
Verify only this table

Type of test (see


Start the
verify process

Display which tables in

window above?

Tests to run Dictionary: Verifies required fields, mapping values,

Dictionary constraints, and other data dictionary rules
Lookups: For non-history tables, verifies that values exist in
associated table (e.g., item category is in Categories table)

Table Results Displays summary information of last verify for selected table:
table name, number of records, number of errors
Click for details on last verify
Last Verify Table Results Displays summary information of last verify for all involved
tables: number of involved tables, number of records in tables,
number of errors
Click to see the summary log from verifying all
involved tables

Database Utilities 8-1 06/04/15

Data Verify

Contents of the Details file


test results

test results


Database Utilities 8-2 06/04/15

Database Customizations Report
Select System > Utilities > Database Customizations Report

 Use to identify customization in your database, as well as standard parts missing

from your database

Select which objects to include

Standard database Use the current version's database (compares to Multi-Site standard
if Multi-Site Option is registered)
Another version Use a previous version's database
Useful to determine data model changes between versions
Specific database Use specified database, defining a data source for it
Useful to determine differences between two databases

Database Utilities 8-3 06/04/15

Database Customizations Report

Results display in Windows Internet Explorer

Database Utilities 8-4 06/04/15

Exporting Database Tables
Select System > Utilities > Database Export

 Use to copy data from table in Counterpoint to text file

Select the table whose

records are to be

Exports file

The records in the

selected table are
shown here.

Drag columns to change order in which they are exported.

Filename Name of export file. Defaults to “table_name.csv”

Click to select location where file will be created
Defaults to Export folder for company
Use SQL Query Select checkbox and click to enter an SQL query to
or select the records and columns to be exported

Export visible columns using a filter to control which records (“rows”)

will be exported

Output Options:
Quote char Character to delimit strings
Field delimiter Character to separate column values
Quote mode Put quote character around alphanumeric values: Always or
NonNumeric (as column is defined in data dictionary)
Date format Format of date fields
Header line First line is a header, showing column names

Database Utilities 8-5 06/04/15

Importing Database Tables

Select System > Utilities > Database Import

 Use to load data from a text file into a table in Counterpoint

Select the table whose

records are to be imported.

The records already in that

table are listed here. Import data from
file specified

Verify data to be imported

Filename Name of import file

Click to select folder where file is located
Defaults to Import folder for company

Use header line field First record in import file is a header, so don’t import it
If column names in header match Counterpoint column names,
imports data into corresponding Counterpoint column regardless of
import file layout

Field Definitions If not using header, click to select Counterpoint

columns to be filled or updated with import data
Place the Counterpoint columns in the order in which the
corresponding fields occur in a record in the import file

Advanced (Described in detail on the following page)

Import mode
Add new Add new records only*
Update Update existing records
Update mode Replace records*: replace entire record with import record
or Update records: update record only with fields in import record
* Defaults from data dictionary are used for missing values.
For Update/Replace, won’t import record if any required fields are missing

Database Utilities 8-6 06/04/15

Importing Database Tables

Advanced Import Options

Escaped Conversions:
Convert \n to New Line When importing data produced by Unix systems or certain
Convert \r to Carriage Return scripting languages (e.g., Perl and Awk), certain values may be
Convert \t to Tab expressed as escaped characters
Convert \\ to \ These values typically start with \ (the Unix equivalent of Esc)
Convert \’ to ‘
Should each of the escaped-character sequences shown be
Convert \” to “
converted into the corresponding value during the import?
Convert \? to?
Convert \0 to Null
Text Input Options
Quote character Character in import file used to denote text fields
Field delimiter Character in import file used to separate field values
Comment character Character in import file used to denotes remarks
Characters following the comment character are not imported
Input Format
Date format Format of dates in the import file
Date separator Character to format dates (e.g., / or ,)
Time separator Character used to format times (e.g., :, ., or ;)
Decimal separator Character used to separate integers from decimals (e.g., . or ,)
Maximum rows Import only this many records (useful for import testing)
Maximum field length Import only this many characters per column. Truncates if longer
Error Handling
Log file Name and location of import error log (shows line# & field#)
Max errors Stop import if this many errors occur

Database Utilities 8-7 06/04/15

Importing Data Using Data Interchange

Select Data Interchange > Database Import

 Provides an enhanced version of Database Import

 Allows you to import data from a .csv file format
 Simplifies the process of mapping fields and configuring various import settings,
which can be saved for future use

Database Utilities 8-8 06/04/15

Exporting Data Using Data Interchange

Select Data Interchange > Database Export

 Provides an enhanced version of Database Export

 Allows you to export data to a .csv file format
 Simplifies the process of mapping fields and configuring various export settings,
which can be saved for future use

Database Utilities 8-9 06/04/15

Migrating Data

Select System > Utilities > Data Migration

 Use this function to upgrade data from Counterpoint V7 or other third-party

software product into NCR Counterpoint

For more information about this process read Data Migration Guide in the Online Help.

Database Utilities 8-10 06/04/15

Encrypting Credit Card Numbers
Select System > Utilities > Encrypt Credit Card Numbers

 Use this function to encrypt credit card numbers in tables

Select the table to check for credit card

numbers, then click to find tables
that have unencrypted card numbers.

Tables with unencrypted card numbers remain

selected after the check process.

In this example, there are no unencrypted card


If there are tables with unencrypted card

numbers, click to encrypt the credit
card numbers.

PCI Alert!
Data Transport Encryption

 Counterpoint uses an encryption algorithm with 128-bit encryption

strength to protect cardholder data.
 For additional protection, you should implement security protocols
such as secure sockets layer (SSL) / transport layer security (TLS)
and Internet protocol security (IPSEC) to safeguard sensitive
cardholder data during transmission over open, public networks.

Database Utilities 8-11 06/04/15

Purging Messages

Select System > Utilities > Purge Messages

 Use this function to purge messages from NCR Counterpoint

Database Utilities 8-12 06/04/15

Working with Saved Report Parameters

Select System > Utilities > Saved Report Parameters

 Use this function to work with (add, edit, delete) all saved parameters for reports
 Limited changes are allowed
 Click to generate the report

Database Utilities 8-13 06/04/15

Working with Saved Import/Export Parameters

Select System > Utilities > Saved Import > Export Parameters

 Use this function to work with (add, edit, delete) all saved parameters for these
import/export functions
- Database Import
- Database Export
- Inventory Adjustments Import
- Receivings Import
- Transfer out Import
- Transfer in Import

Limited changes are allowed

Database Utilities 8-14 06/04/15

Testing Ticket Entry Performance

Select System > Utilities > Ticket Performance Test

 Use this function to test timing of entering and posting tickets

 Track how environment changes, customizations, and different setup options
affect Ticket Entry performance on your system

NOTE: Testing should not be performed on live systems because real tickets are
created and then posted.

Parameters tab

Enter the parameters

for the test.

Specify the
number of
items to add

NOTE: Items you add to the item list must have a Tracking method of Normal.

Click to perform the test.

Database Utilities 8-15 06/04/15

Testing Ticket Entry Performance

Current Results tab

Displays the results and details of the test.

Last Results tab

Compare the Current Results to the previous


Chart tab

Displays a line graph that maps the results of all

tests that have been run.

Red line = average line item creation time

Green line = average ticket completion time
Blue line = average ticket posting time

Space Used Chart tab

Displays a line graph that maps the results all

tests that have been run.

Database Utilities 8-16 06/04/15

Using the System Configuration Utility

Browse to Start > Programs > CounterPoint SQL > Utilities > System
Configuration Utility

 Designed to serve as a launching point for various Counterpoint utilities,

collecting them into a single “dock” window

The System Configuration Utility includes:

The Companies button, which allows you to access the

Company Names utility.


the Scheduled Tasks button, which allows you to

schedule Automated Data Transfer (ADT) for NCR
CP Online, History Conversion, Purge Messages,
Post Tickets, or Settle Credit Cards.

Select the task and enter the parameters for running

the task.

Provide Windows login values to authorize running

the task.

PCI Alert!

You must create a separate NCR Counterpoint user ID for use with the Post Tickets and
Settle Credit Cards tasks and restrict that user ID from accessing cardholder data.

Database Utilities 8-17 06/04/15

Using the NCR Counterpoint Management Console

Browse to Start > Programs > NCR Counterpoint > Utilities >
Management Console

 Manage server relationships

 Initiate top-level directory synchronization
 Configure e-mail capabilities
 Aggregate data used by the Dashboard, forecasting, and certain reports

Click to connect to a NCR Counterpoint server. The Service Connection

window appears. The Service URI field is populated with the suggested server URI for
your system . If the server displayed is not the server you wish to connect to,click
to manually enter a different server connection.

Database Utilities 8-18 06/04/15

Using the NCR Counterpoint Management Console

After you have entered your server connection

information, click .

You will then be prompted to login into the

Management Console.

Select the company to log into, and then enter

the User ID and password of a Counterpoint
user for that company who is authorized for
system administration. Then click Login.

The NCR Counterpoint Management Console window opens.

Database Utilities 8-19 06/04/15

Using the NCR Counterpoint Management Console

Click the server name to see information about the server.

Summary tab – shows a summary of information about the selected server, including
the server’s Machine Name, the shared Top-level directory on the server, the
Counterpoint software version and CP Services URL.

Communication Status tab – lists each server and workstation at the selected site and
indicates each system’s connection status, the date and time of the last CP Services
event for each system, the number of packages sent to and received from each system,
and the number or errors that occurred during the last CP Services event.

Mail tab – allows you to define e-mail settings to enable Counterpoint users to send
receipts, reports, and customer statements via e-mail.

Database Utilities 8-20 06/04/15

Using the NCR Counterpoint Management Console

Click next to a Company name or access store or station information, as well as

database maintenance schedules and data aggregation tasks.

Workstations tab – shows the Point of Sale stations that have been created for the
stores that the selected server manages, along with the workstations that are assigned
to them by default, sorted by Workgroup.

Db Maintenance tab – allows you to specify a daily maintenance schedule for the
selected Counterpoint database.

Data Aggregation tab – allows you to schedule Counterpoint’s various data

aggregation tasks, which summarize the necessary sales history data for the
Dashboard, forecast data for the forecast-driven replenishment, and transaction log
data for the Point of Sale Exceptions report.

Database Utilities 8-21 06/04/15

Using the NCR Counterpoint Management Console

Click a store to view information

about the store.

Summary tab – for a store with offline ticket entry workstations, allows you to initiate an
incremental extract, a full extract or a total rebuild of all of the offline ticket entry
workstations' databases for the store.

Checksums tab – use to compare checksum values received from an offline ticket
entry workstation to those computed by the store, based on what the store received on
the site server.

Click a workstation to view

information about the workstation.

Summary tab – for an offline ticket entry workstation, provides access to on-demand
file and data synchronization functions.

Communication Detail tab – for an offline ticket entry workstation, shows packages
sent from and received by workstation, as well as type of package and status

Database Utilities 8-22 06/04/15

Adding a Maintenance Window

From the NCR Counterpoint Management Console, select the Company in the Object
Explorer and then click the Db Maintenance tab.

Click .

Select the Day, Start Time, and

End Time for the maintenance window and
then click .

During each specified time period, CP Services will suspend all operations, allowing
you to perform any SQL Server maintenance functions that require complete access to
your server database.

Database Utilities 8-23 06/04/15

Aggregating Data

From the NCR Counterpoint Management Console, select the Company in the Object
Explorer and then click the Data Aggregation tab.

Data Aggregation is automatically enabled for a company. It collects data from various history
tables into Data Aggregation tables so that the resulting data can be used for Dashboard
functions, Forecast-driven replenishment, and the POS transaction log.

By default, each data aggregation task runs for only 15 minutes which may not be long enough
to aggregate a large amount of history data.

Follow these steps to allow aggregation to run for longer than 15 minutes.
1. Open the AggSumarization.xml file in the \Bin subdirectory of your Counterpoint
installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Radiant Systems\Counterpoint\
2. Find the following entry in the <parameters> section:
<param name="AggRuntimeMinutes" value="15"/>
Change the parameter value to the number of minutes you want the aggregation
tasks to run each time they are scheduled. For example, to allow the aggregation
tasks to run for an hour, change the value to "60" (as indicated below).
<param name="AggRuntimeMinutes" value="60"/>

Set the value so that it is less than the time specified for "Set interval".

3. Save the changes and restart CPServices.

Database Utilities 8-24 06/04/15

Backing Up a Database

Backing up your database provides an important safeguard for protecting

your data from potential loss including: media failure, user error, and loss of

A backup copy of your database can also be used when moving your
database to a new system.

If you have customized the Data Dictionary, Text Dictionary, Filters, Lookups, Zooms,
PSForms, Reports, added images, or added other custom files, copy the corresponding
custom files to the new system. They will be located in sub-folders under C:\Program
Files (x86)\Radiant Systems\CounterPoint\CPSQL.1\TopLevel\<Company Name>\

Create a backup of your database

Start SQL Server Management


After connecting to the server,

right-click the database you want to
backup, select Tasks, and then

Complete the General page with the

parameters for the backup, and then
click OK.

The backup file will be created in the

Destination location that you specify.

Database Utilities 8-25 06/04/15

Moving a Database

There are occasions when you will have to move a company database from
one computer to a different one.
If you selected to use the default location when initially creating the database, the
database .mdf and .ldf files will be located in Program Files (or Program Files(X86) >
Microsoft SQL Server > MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER > Data on the current
system. Copy the two database files to the same location on the new system.

Note: Do not copy the Counterpoint system database (CPSystem_CPSQLxxx).

If you have customized the Data Dictionary, Text Dictionary, Reports, or added
customer or item images, also copy the Company\Configuration folder to the new

WARNING: Do not follow these directions if your database is part of a Data Xtend
replication network. Instead, refer to the instructions provided in the Counterpoint Multi-
Site training manual for moving a replicating database. If you have Offline Ticket Entry
workstations, you will also need to reregister them with the new server. Refer to the
Offline Ticket Entry training manual for instructions on reregistering an offline

Perform these steps to move a database to a different system:

1. Detach database from current SQL server.
2. Copy database files to new system.
3. Attach database to SQL server on new system.
4. Set connection string to the database.
5. Update DB_CTL table for new location.

Step 1 can be accomplished using SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click the
database name, select Tasks and then select Detach.

Step 2 - Navigate to the Data folder that contains the database and copy the .mdf and
.ldf files for the database.

Step 3 - A database must be "attached" to

the SQL server in order for the server
to recognize it and before you can set a
connection string to it. In SQL Server
Management Studio, right-click Databases
and select Attach.

Database Utilities 8-26 06/04/15

From the Attach Databases
dialog, click .

Locate the database to attach and click .

The details for the attached database

appear in the Attach Databases dialog.

Click .

Database Utilities 8-27 06/04/15

The attached database now appears in the
Databases list.

Step 4 - On the server on the new system, run the SQL Script Utility (from Start/All
Programs/NCR Counterpoint/Utilities) and start the Companies Editor.

If an entry does not already exist for the new database, add a new company.
(Refer to the instructions provided for setting the connection string after
creating a new database, in Section 1 of this manual.) If an entry is already
present for the new database, verify that the server name and database are

Step 5 - The first time the database was used in Counterpoint on the old system,
the top-level Counterpoint directory name was written to the DB_CTL table in
the database.

If the database is later moved to a different location or drive, the value in the
DB_CTL table is not automatically updated. Instead, it must be changed using
an SQL command. Failure to do this will result in the message "Top-level
directory does not match database" when attempting to access this

Use the SQL Script Utility to enter and execute the following command for the
involved database. This clears the directory value so that the next time the
database is used in Counterpoint, the new top-level directory name will be
written to the DB_CTL table:


Database Utilities 8-28 06/04/15

If restoring the database after creating a backup using SQL Server Management

Step 3 - Restore the database to a new (created on the fly) database with new physical
files. Right-click Databases and select Restore database… Complete the
General and Options area of the dialog with the parameters for the restore
process and then click OK.

Step 4 - Add a Counterpoint connection string for the new database, using the
Companies Editor in the SQL Script Utility.

Step 5 - Update the DB_CTL table

Database Utilities 8-29 06/04/15

Shrinking the Database

 Use this function to reduce the size of the database. Purging does not shrink the
database size.

Note: Only shrink a database when it has grown for reasons other than normal use.
Shrinking a database can cause index fragmentation that can negatively impact

Using SQL Server Management Studio

Select Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management
Studio. After connecting to the server, right-click the database you want to shrink.
Select Tasks, then Shrink, and then Database. When the dialog appears, enter the
parameters to use and select the percentage of free space to allow.

You can also set up a maintenance plan to schedule database shrinking at designated

Database Utilities 8-30 06/04/15

Using the Crystal Reports Viewer

Browse to C:\Program Files (or Program Files(x86)\Radiant Systems\


 Use to view and print Counterpoint reports outside of Counterpoint

 Can export report contents to several different formats

Select the report to view

For each report viewed on a

workstation, set the default data

To set the data source once for all

reports, create CRView.ini with the entry DefaultDataSource=<Name>.
Put CRView.ini in the same folder as CRView.exe.

Note: To avoid 'raw' column headings (such as shown below) when viewing
standard Counterpoint reports, first preview the report in Counterpoint, export it
. to a Crystal Report file, and then open the exported file using CRView.exe.

Database Utilities 8-31 06/04/15

Using the Crystal Reports Viewer

Exporting a Report

Supported formats:
- Word (.doc)
- Excel (.xls)
- HTML (.htm)
- XML (.xml)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Portable Doc Format (.pdf)
- Comma Separated Value (.csv)
- Text (.txt)
- Crystal Reports (.rpt)

Running the Viewer from a Command Line

where ReportFilename is the path

CRView.exe "ReportFilename" and file name of the report. Enclose
in quotes if filename contains spaces.

Printing to the Default Windows Printer from a Command Line

CRView.exe "ReportFilename" print

Exporting from a Command Line

See Supported Formats

CRView.exe "ReportFilename" ExportFilename.ext and extensions above.

Database Utilities 8-32 06/04/15

Creating a Practice Company

Browse to Start > All Programs > NCR Counterpoint > Utilities >
Update Practice Company

 Can only be run on a server

 Use to create a “practice” database that’s a copy of the live company data
 Run when no one is using the database that you want to copy

Select the location of your SQL Server

from the SQL Server dialog.

Enter SQL User Information.

Confirm the path to your SQL Server files.

Database Utilities 8-33 06/04/15

After reading the Welcome dialog,
click Next to continue.

Select the live database you want to

copy for the practice database.

Click Next from the Start Update

window to continue creating the
practice company.

Click Finish to complete the process.

Database Utilities 8-34 06/04/15

After creating the practice company, you can log in to that company.

 Database name is automatically named CPPractice

 Company name is set to NCR Counterpoint Practice Company

 All title bars and reports show "**Practice**"

 Accounting Interface is disabled – set to "None"

 Credit cards (CPGateway): Operating Mode field is set to "Simulate" for all
CPGateway stores

Note: After updating the Practice company, be sure to use Setup>Point of

Sale>Stores to change the Payment gateway field to "CP Gateway" for
any store set up to use NCR Secure Pay. This will avoid creating any
credit card transactions while processing tickets in the Practice company.

Database Utilities 8-35 06/04/15

Translating Counterpoint Text

Text labels in Counterpoint can be translated into other languages. This includes:
- field and button labels
- window titles
- menu selection names
- report titles
- report column labels
- messages
- touchscreen codes
- and more.

Areas that cannot be translated include:

- Work center
- Device Management
- RDLC form editor
- Other Counterpoint utilities
- Online help

Performing translation
You must be using Counterpoint V8.5 or later to perform translation. The process
of translation involves the following steps:

Step 1 Install the translation components.

Step 2 Create portable object (.po) files.
Step 3 Provide the portable object files to a service or translation tool that will
update the file contents to reflect your selected language
Step 4 Compile the translated portal object files into machine object files for
use in Counterpoint.
Step 5 Modify the NCR Counterpoint shortcut to use the machine object files.

Step 1. Install the translation components

1. Browse to the \Bin directory of your Counterpoint installation directory (e.g.,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Radiant Systems\Counterpoint\CPSQL.1\Bin) and
double-click dxgettext-1.2.2.exe to start the installer.
2. On the Welcome window, click Next.
3. On the Select Destination Location window, click Next to accept the default
installation directory.
4. On the Select Start Menu Folder window, enable Don't create a Start Menu
folder, and then click Next.

Database Utilities 8-36 06/04/15

5. On the Select Additional Tasks window, enable Integrate into desktop
environment and Modify path (required to make it work). Do not enable
Create icon on desktop. Then click Next.
6. Click Next on the Ready to Install window to begin the installation.
7. When the installation completes, a message appears, indicating that the
necessary applications have been installed. Click OK to close the message.
8. On the Completing the GNU Gettext for Delphi and C++ Builder Setup Wizard
window, select Yes, restart the computer now and click Finish to restart your

Step 2. Create portable object (.po) files

1. Click the Start button and type cmd in the search field.
2. Right-click cmd.exe and click Run as Administrator to open a command
3. Browse to your company directory in your Counterpoint installation directory
(e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Radiant Systems\Counterpoint\CPSQL.1\
TopLevel<CompanyName>) and type the following command:
..\..\bin\updateallpo.bat "%cd%"
This command creates the following .po files in the \Toplevel\System\
Dictionary\Locale directory of your Counterpoint installation directory:
 Columns.po
 default.po
 Indexes.po
 Messages.po
 reports.po
 Tables.po
Any previous customizations that you may have made using the Data Dictionary,
Text Dictionary, Menu Editor, or Toolbar Editor are included in the .po files.

Step 3. Provide the portable object files to a service or translation tool that will
update the file contents to reflect your selected language

Step 4. Compile the translated portal object files into machine object files for
use in Counterpoint.
1. Browse to the \Toplevel\System\Dictionary\Locale directory of your
Counterpoint installation directory.
If you have multiple companies and the translation files pertain to only a
specific company, instead browse to the \Toplevel\<CompanyName>\
Configuration\Dictionary directory. Create a new directory named Locale.
2. Below the Locale directory, create a new language directory for the translated
files. For example, you might create a \fr directory for French, a \sp directory
for Spanish, etc.
Below the language directory, create another new directory named
lc_messages (e.g., \fr\lc_messages).

Database Utilities 8-37 06/04/15

3. Copy the translated .po files into the lc_messages directory.
4. Right-click the first .po file (e.g., Columns.po) and select Compile to mo file.
This will create a corresponding .mo file ( in the directory.
Repeat this step for each .po file.

Step 5. Modify the NCR Counterpoint shortcut to use the machine object files.
This step is what tells Counterpoint to use the translated files.
1. Right-click the NCR Counterpoint shortcut in the Start > Programs > NCR
Counterpoint program group and select Properties.
2. On the Shortcut tab, add /locale [dir] to the end of the command in the Target
field, following the quotation mark. Substitute the language directory for [dir].
For example, if your translated files are in the \fr\lc_messages directory, you
would add /locale fr to the Target line.

3. Click OK to save the change.

When you next start Counterpoint using this shortcut, the translated text appears
throughout the software.

If you have compiled multiple .mo files for different languages, you can create
different shortcuts to point to the translation files for each language.

Database Utilities 8-38 06/04/15

Course Evaluation
Course Name Training Date

Trainer Your Name (optional)

Please use the following rankings to complete this evaluation:
1 = Unacceptable, 2 = Did Not Meet My Needs, 3 = Meets My Needs, 4 = Exceeded My Expectations
1. It was easy to enroll in this course. 1 2 3 4
2. The workspace available was appropriate for the subject matter being taught. 1 2 3 4
3. The room was set up effectively for the curriculum – if PC’s were supplied, they were loaded 1 2 3 4
with the relevant software.
4. Manual content was appropriate to the subject being taught. 1 2 3 4
5. The format of the manual was easy to understand. 1 2 3 4
6. The course prerequisites were clearly stated & appropriate to the topic. 1 2 3 4
7. The practice activities complemented the course. 1 2 3 4
8. The time allotted for the course was adequate. 1 2 3 4
9. I was given an opportunity to contribute during discussions. 1 2 3 4
10. What were your expectations for attending this course?

11. Were your expectations met? Yes No

If yes, how were they met?
If no, why not?

12. The instructor was prepared. 1 2 3 4
13. The instructor was knowledgeable about the course content. 1 2 3 4
14. The instructor encouraged questions from participants. 1 2 3 4
15. The instructor covered the course objectives. 1 2 3 4
16. What is your overall rating of this Instructor? 1 2 3 4
17. The best thing about this course was:
18. This course could be improved by:
19. Another course that I would like offered is:
20. I would attend another course offered by Retail Training? Yes No
If yes, why?
If no, why not?
Thank you for completing this evaluation!
Appendix 1: Account Numbers Worksheet

When setting up your data in Counterpoint, you are asked to specify account
numbers that will be used for updating distributions when various transactions are
posted. In general, you should define at least one account number for each of the
activities shown here. Consider these accounts the "Chart of Accounts" for

Use Setup > System > Accounts to define the account numbers so that they are
on file when you are asked to specify account numbers in other setup functions.

Petty Cash __________________ Finance charges _________________

Cash in bank __________________ Freight charges _________________

Credit card deposits __________________ Cost of goods sold /returned _________________

Accounts Receivable __________________ Purchase discounts __________________

Inventory - merchandise __________________ Purchasing tax accrual __________________

Inventory transfers __________________ Inventory adjustments _________________

Deposits __________________ Inventory transfer variance _________________

Accounts Payable __________________ RTV adjustments _________________

Uninvoiced receivings __________________ Tender over or short _________________

Accrued RTVs __________________ Bad debt expense _________________

Store Credit Liability __________________ Miscellaneous income _________________

Cust. deposit liabilities __________________ Forfeited dep. GC’s, SC’s _________________

Gift certificate liabilities __________________ Currency rounding __________________

Loyalty Program Liability __________________ Gain/Loss currency exch. (POS) _______________

Sales tax payable __________________ Gain/Loss currency exch (Purch) _______________

Sales - merchandise __________________ Unclassified expense __________________

Sales - discounts __________________

Sales - allowances __________________

Sales - returns __________________

Appendix 1: Account Numbers A1-1 06/05/15

Appendix 1: Account Numbers Worksheet

These are the other Setup menu selections in which you will be asked to specify
account numbers that will be used for updating distributions when various kinds of
transactions are posted. Each account also requests a profit center method.

Menu Selection Requested Account Numbers

Setup > System > Company Store credit liability
Store credit redemption
Store credit forfeit
Setup > System > Accounting Correction*
Interface Invoice variance*
Receivings accrual*
Gain/loss (currency exch)*
A/P account number
Setup > System > Currency Codes Currency rounding
Gain / loss (POS)
Gain / loss (Purch)
Setup > System > Gift Card Codes Gift card liability
Gift card redemption
Gift card forfeit
Setup > System > Pay Codes Cash EBT
Define for these Pay Code types: Checks Loyalty Points
Credit card SVC
Drawer Over / Short Amounts
Setup > System > Stored Value Card SVC liability
Codes SVC cash back

Setup > System > Tax Authorities Tax (POS)

Tax (Purchasing)
Setup > Inventory > Control Transfer Out misc charge
Transfer In misc charge
Quick transfer misc charge
Setup > Inventory > Account codes B/S Inventory
Receivings accrual
Transfer clearing
Account code ID “retail”
RTV accrual
Drop-ship clearing
Assign each item an account code that Sales
directs which accounts to use for Cost-of-goods sold
recording activities for the item. Customer returns
Cost-of-goods returned
Cost correction
Physical count
Misc item expense
RTV adjustments

Appendix 1: Account Numbers A1-2 06/05/15

Menu Selection Requested Account Numbers
Setup > Customers > Control Writeoff (bad debt expense)
Setup > Customers > Finance Finance charge
Charge Codes
Setup > Customers > Terms Codes Sales discounts given
Setup > Purchasing > Control Tax accrual
Miscellaneous chgs
Setup > Purchasing >Terms Codes Purchase discounts taken*
Setup > Point of Sale > Control Sales – Miscellaneous charges
Setup > Point of Sale > Stores Order deposits received
Store number ______ Order deposits forfeited
Default pay-in
Default pay-out
Layaway deposit received
Layaway deposit forfeited
Customers > Customers Accounts receivable* (record on separate
(A/R charge customers only) customer wksht)

* Does not request a Profit Center Method

In addition to the above listed accounts, profit center method is requested in these
menu selections

Menu Selection Profit Center Method

Setup/Inventory > Control B/S Inventory
Drop-ship clearing
Transfer clearing

These menu selections request entry of an account number to identify the profit center

Menu Selection Profit Center

Setup > Inventory > Locations Location profit center

Setup > Inventory > Categories Category profit center

Setup/ > Inventory >Sub-Categories Sub-category profit center
Setup > Point of Sale > Stores Store profit center

Appendix 1: Account Numbers A1-3 06/05/15

Starter Data Defaults

Accounts See above
Calendars Calendars to 2004 – 2020
Currency Codes Home currency – U.S. Dollars
Gift Certificate Codes CG10, GC25, GC50, GCUNLMT
Label Jobs
Menu Codes Sys Admin, Manager, Supervisor, POS Clerk, Back
Pay Codes Default all Pay Code associations to all Stores
AR – Accounts Receivable
AMX Credit – American Express Credit Card
CASH – Cash
CHECK – Check
GC – Gift Certificate
LOYALTY – Loyalty Program
MC CREDIT – MasterCard Credit Card
STORE CRED – Store Credit
VSA CREDIT – Visa Credit Card
Security Codes Sys Admin, Manager, Supervisor, POS Clerk, Back
Ship-via Codes C = Customer Pickup, F = Federal Express, M =
Mail, O = Other, T = Truck, and U = UPS
Tax Authorities Exempt, Local, and Out of State
Tax Codes Exempt, Local, and Out of State
Users Sys Admin, Manager, Supervisor, POS Clerk, Back
User Preferences All users: Button Menu Style
Workgroup 1
Account Codes “Retail”
Barcode IDs 6-pack, 12 Case, 24 Case, Dozen, Each, Item, Pair,
and UPC
Categories Goods, Services, Other, Misc.
Label Codes Butterfly, Hangtag, Split, and Standard
Locations 1
Prompt Codes Over 18 and Over 21
Tare Weight Code
Units 6-Pack, 12-Case, 24-Case, Dozen, Each, Pair

Appendix 1: Account Numbers A1-4 06/05/15

Categories Miscellaneous, Other, Retail, Whole
Shipping Zones Zone 1 through 8 for both UPS and FEDEX
Statement Codes EOM (End of Month), Mid-Month (Mid-Month)
Terms Codes N30 (Net 30 Days) and N15 (Net 15)
Terms Codes COD (Cash on Delivery), N30 (Net 30 Days), and
N15 (Net 15)
Drawers Drawer 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5
Form Groups Gift Receipts, Hold, Layaway, Order, Pay In/Out,
Pay on Account, Pick, Quote, and Ticket, Void,
Void – Pay In/Out, Void – Pay on Account
Security Codes Sys Admin, Manager, Supervisor, POS Clerk, Back
Stations Stations 1, 2, 3,4,5
Store 1
Touchscreen Code Main
User Drawers Manager = All stores/all drawers, Supervisor = All
stores/all drawers
Reason Codes Returns:
DAMAGE-RTN - Damage - return
NOT LIKE - Did not like
WRNG SIZE – Wrong Size
CHG MIND - Changed Mind
EXCHANGE - Exchanged
Price overrides
MGR-PRIC - Manager Price Over Ride
WRNG PRICE - Wrong Price
DAMAGE-PRC - Damaged - Price
Void completed tickets
WRNG TICKT Wrong Ticket Entry
MGR-TICKET Manager Over Ride - Void Tickt
Tax overrides
WRNG TAX - Incorrect Tax Calculation
LOYALTY PROGRAM Basic Loyalty Program: 1 point per $

- Earning value = 1, earn points on sales and

over rides, unlimited points per ticket
- Redeeming value = 1, same as cash, redeem
points on merchandise, minimum 1 point per
ticket and allow partial payment
- Earning when redeeming = reduce for
redemption, point multiplier = 1, zero if fully paid
in points
- Loyalty Pay Code associated to Store

Appendix 1: Account Numbers A1-5 06/05/15

Basic Loyalty Program: 1 point per $
- Earning value = 1, earn points on sales and over
rides, unlimited points per ticket
- Redeeming value = 1, same as cash, redeem points
on merchandise, minimum 1 point per ticket and
allow partial payment
- Earning when redeeming = reduce for redemption,
point multiplier = 1, zero if fully paid in points
- Loyalty Pay Code associated to Store

GIFT CERTIFICATES Basic Gift Certificate Program

- Valid at all Stores

- Always Valid (never expires)
- Amounts of $10, $25, $50 and unlimited
- GC Pay Code associated to Store

STORE CREDITS Basic Store Credit Set Up

- Valid at all Stores

- Always Valid (never expires)
- SC Pay Code associated to Store

Customers Cash and Template
Item Item Template
Item Prices

Appendix 1: Account Numbers A1-6 06/05/15


A constraint is a rule or condition entered into the Data Dictionary to impose a limit on
the scope or the range of values that a column (field) can have. This document serves
as a primer for understanding Data Dictionary Constraints and how to write these DD
constraints. This is not an exhaustive treatment of all the details of this subject, simply
a primer. Typically, someone using this functionality will be competent enough to fill in
the missing details. The expressions available in the constraint were modeled after
Delphi’s own Object Pascal.

CounterPoint SQL does not ship with any DD constraints – these are for users to enforce
site specific data restrictions not covered in our table events and other data validation

Constructing Column-Level Data Dictionary Constraints

When defining column-level data dictionary constraints, the constraint must evaluate to
a Boolean result that indicates the acceptance or failure of the validity check for that
column. Constraints that do not evaluate to Boolean result will cause errors when a
record is saved. Intermediate results within a constraint expression may evaluate to
any type. For instance, an expression that compares two strings must contain the two
string expressions, but the comparison operator implies a Boolean result. Avoid basing
a constraint on the contents of a different column.

Expression Types

The expression parser can understand 4 expression result types. Boolean expressions
are the simplest and contain only 1 or 0. The constants True and False can be used to
indicate a Boolean expression. Integer expressions can hold any Integer in the
standard signed 32 bit Integer range (–2147483648 to 2147483647). An example of an
Integer expression is “5 > 10” (which of course evaluates to False). Hexadecimal
representation for integers is allowed if the number is preceded by a ‘$’. Floating point
expressions can hold a standard double precision value in the range of 5.0 x 10^–324 to
1.7 x 10^308 with 15–16 significant digits. String expressions can hold any amount of
alpha-numeric data. String constants must be delimited with SINGLE quotes. Use of
double quotes will generate a syntax error at run-time.

Simpler expression types can be promoted to act as a more complex expression type,
but the reverse is not true. For example, an Integer expression can be used as a string
function parameter, but a floating point number can not be used as an Integer
parameter – this is true even if the a mathematical conversion is possible. In this case,
one would have to manually call the Trunc or Round functions on the Float expression
to obtain an Integer.

Appendix 2: Column Constraints A2-1 06/05/15

Database Functions

The database functions return values as variants, which can be treated as strings,
floating point numbers, Integers, or Boolean values. Any attempt to treat a variant as an
incompatible type will result in an error when a constraint is evaluated. For example, ‘0’
can be operated on as a Boolean value, an Integer, a floating point number, or a string,
5.3 can only be operated on as a floating point number or a string, and ‘this string’ can
only be operated on as a string type.

function V: Variant
Returns the value of the column as a variant (this is the column where the constraint
was entered in the data dictionary). A constraint requiring the field PRC_1 to be less
than the field REG_PRC may be written in any of the following ways:
V < Col(‘REG_PRC’), if written as a constraint on PRC_1
V > Col(‘PRC_1’), if written as a constraint on REG_PRC
Col(‘PRC_1’) < Col(‘REG_PRC’), anywhere

function Col(ColName: string): Variant

Returns the value of the column ColName as a variant. ColName must be a string type
expression and should be a valid column name in the current table. All of the Radiant
Systems column names are upper case.

CounterPoint stores Boolean columns as characters. As a result, comparisons on

Boolean columns should use the strings ‘Y’ and ‘N’. For example:
“Col(‘USE_AVG_COST’) = ‘Y’” is a valid Boolean expression to check if a row’s
USE_AVG_COST column is set to True.

Date and Time Functions

Date and time functions all return standard Delphi floating point values where the
Integer part represents the total number of days since 12/30/1899 (the start of the
Georgian calendar),and the fractional part represents the fraction of a 24 hour day that
has elapsed since midnight.

function Date: Float

Returns the current date as a Float (the time is zero, equivalent to Trunc(Now))

function Time: Float

Returns the current time as a Float (the date is zero, equivalent to Frac(Now))

Arithmetic operations on dates and times are perfectly valid. For example, “Date – 1”
results in yesterday’s date and “Time – (1 / 24)“ subtracts an hour form the current time.

Appendix 2: Column Constraints A2-2 06/05/15

Integer Ages

In some constraints, you will want to return an integer after comparing a date to the
current system date. For example, to implement “you must be at least 18”, you could
define a constraint of ”V – Now() > 18 * 365”. However, this is not quite correct since it
does not consider leap years.

To obtain an integer that indicates the number of years between the entered date and
the system date, rounded down, use the AgeYears function.


Additional functions that return integers for months and days are:


Arithmetic Operators

The following tables show the types of operands and results for arithmetic operations.

Binary arithmetic operators

Operator Operation Operand type Result type
^ exponent Integer type Float
Float type Float
+ addition Integer type Integer
Float type Float
- subtraction Integer type Integer
Float type Float
* multiplication Integer type Integer
Float type Float
/ division Integer type Float
Float type Float
div Integer division Integer type Integer
mod remainder Integer type Integer

Unary arithmetic operators

Operator Operation Operand types Result type
+ sign identity Integer type Integer
Float type Float
- sign negation Integer type Integer
Float type Float

If one or both operands of a +, -, or * operator are of a Float type, the type of the result is
Float. The value of X / Y is always of type Float regardless of the operand types. An
error occurs if Y is zero. The value of I div J is the mathematical quotient of I / J,
rounded in the direction of zero to an Integer value. An error occurs if J is zero. The
mod operator returns the remainder obtained by dividing its two operands, as in I mod J.
The sign of the result of mod is the same as the sign of I, and an error occurs if J is zero.

Appendix 2: Column Constraints A2-3 06/05/15

Relational Operators

The types of operands and results for relational operations are shown in the following

Operator Operation Operand types Result type

= equal compatible Boolean
<> not equal compatible Boolean
< less than compatible Boolean
> greater than compatible Boolean
<= less than or equal to compatible Boolean
>= greater than or equal to compatible Boolean

Comparing numeric types

When the operands =, <>, <, >, >=, or <= are of numeric type, they must be compatible;
however, if one operand is of a Float type, the other can be of Integer type. A numeric
column containing a null is compared as though it contained a zero.

Comparing strings
The relational operators =, <>, <, >>, >=, and <= compare strings according to the
ordering of the extended ASCII character set. Any two string values can be compared.
For example, ‘C’ = ‘C’, but ‘C’ < ‘D’. An empty string is considered less than any other

Logical Operators

Boolean logical operators

The types of operands and results for Boolean operations are shown in the following
Operator Operation Operand types Result type
not negation Boolean type Boolean
and logical and Boolean type Boolean
or logical or Boolean type Boolean
xor logical xor Boolean type Boolean

Appendix 2: Column Constraints A2-4 06/05/15

Arithmetic Functions

Trunc(X: Float):Integer
The Trunc function truncates X, a Float value, to an Integer value. Trunc returns an
Integer value that is the value of X rounded toward zero.

Round(X: Float): Integer

The Round function rounds X, a Float value, to an Integer value. Round returns an
Integer value that is the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number. If X is exactly
halfway between two whole numbers, the result is the number with the greatest
absolute magnitude.

Frac(X: Float): Float

The Frac function returns the fractional part of the argument X. X is a Float expression.
The result is the fractional part of X; that is: Frac(X) = X - Int(X).

String operators

String types support one operation, +, which results in the concatenation of two strings.
The result of the operation S + T, where S and T are string expressions is the
concatenation of S and T.

String Functions

Upper(S: string): string

The Upper function returns a string containing the same text as S, but with all 7-bit
ASCII characters between 'a' and 'z' converted to uppercase.

Lower(S: string): string

Lower returns a string with the same text as the string passed in S, but with all letters
converted to lowercase. The conversion affects only 7-bit ASCII characters between 'A'
and 'Z'.

Copy(S: string; Index, Count: Integer): string

The Copy function returns a substring of a string expression, S. The result is a string
containing Count characters starting at S[Index]. If Index is larger than the length of S,
Copy returns an empty string. If Count specifies more characters than are available,
then only the characters from S[Index] to the end of S are returned. First character is
numbered 1, not 0.

Appendix 2: Column Constraints A2-5 06/05/15

Pos(Substr: string; S: string): Integer
Pos searches for a substring, Substr, in a string, S. Substr and S are string expressions.
Pos searches for Substr within S and returns an Integer value that is the index of the
first character of Substr within S. Pos ignores case-insensitive matches. If Substr is not
found, Pos returns zero.

Length(S: string): Integer

The Length function returns the number of characters in the string S.

Conditional Expressions

If(Condition: Boolean, TrueResult, FalseResult): ResultType

Condition is a Boolean expression. When the expression is evaluated, it returns
TrueResult if Condition is true, otherwise, it returns FalseResult. TrueResult and
FalseResult need not be of the same type; the ResultType of the If expression may
change depending on Condition.

Order of Operation (Operator Precedence)

Operators Precedence Categories

not first (high) unary operators
^ second exponent operator
*, /, div, mod, and, shl, shr, as third multiplying operators
+, -, or, xor fourth adding operators
=, <>, <, >, <=, >= fifth relational operators

Expressions in parentheses are evaluated first, and then the order of operation further
determines the evaluation. Evaluation occurs from left to right.

Constructing Constraint Errors

%f = field name
%t = table name (e.g., “IM_ITEM”)
%d = description of table (e.g., “Item table”)
%v = field value

Example: %f in table %d cannot contain %v

“Percent in Tax Authorities table cannot contain –1”

Appendix 2: Column Constraints A2-6 06/05/15


Picture masks force users to enter only the certain characters, digits and special
characters that you allow them to, and only in those specific positions within a field that
you predefine.

To define a picture mask, use the following special characters for the definition of
required characters, digits, repeats, literals, letter case conversion, and optional entries,
along with any other character as a constant:

Character Description
# Any digit (0-9)
? Any letter (a-z or A-Z)
& Any letter (a-z or A-Z, automatically convert to uppercase)
~ Any letter (a-z or A-Z, automatically convert to lowercase)
@ Any character
! Any character (letters automatically convert to uppercase)
; Use next character literally, not as a picture mask character
* Repeat the following character any number of times. For example,
*& means convert any number to characters to uppercase.
To specify a specific number of times, follow the * with a number.
For example, to specify 5 numbers in a row, you would use *5(#).
[abc] Optional sequence of characters abc that do not need to be
entered by the end-user
{a,b,c} Grouping operator. Set of a, b, or c. The user must choose either
a, b, or c. For example, {Red,Green,Blue} means the user must
choose either Red, Green, or Blue.
Note: The picture mask must be constructed to avoid situations where one
element completely contains another element in the group. For example, if you
have three valid choices of Auto, Automobile, and Car, do NOT set the picture
mask to {Auto,Automobile,Car}. Instead, set it to {Auto[mobile],Car}.

If you enter any other character in a picture mask, the character is treated as a
constant and during entry in the field, the constant value is automatically filled in.

Appendix 3: Using Picture Masks A3-1 06/05/15

Simple examples of picture masks:

#####[-####] Standard USA 5-digit postal code with optional 4-digit suffix.

#&#&#& Standard Canadian postal code (e.g., 1A2B3C)

*! Any number or any character with all letters automatically converts to

uppercase (e.g., 123abc becomes 123ABC)

{Yes,No} Either "Yes", "No", or blank (since the braces indicate optional entry).
The user should be able to type either "y" or "n" and the respective
value will automatically be entered.

&*? Letters, with the first letter capitalized

#[#][#] Numeric of 3 digits or less

Enter only the colors Red, Gray, Green, Black, Blue, Brown,
White, or Yellow. Automatically completes entry as soon as first
character following "{" is specified.

Appendix 3: Using Picture Masks A3-2 06/05/15

Appendix 4: Avoiding Replication Errors

You can reduce replication errors by configuring your NCR Counterpoint data
properly, and by observing certain guidelines in your use of the software.

This appendix provides the data configuration settings and "best practices" that
help avoid the errors. A blank Site Chart is also provided to assist with recording
the setup information for each site.

Data Configuration
Menu Selection Recommended Settings
Setup > System > Company  For Gift cards and Store credits, clear the Valid at
any store check box. (If you must allow them to be
used at any store, set up a manual procedure to
permit each gift card and store credit to be used
only once.)
 Do not use the Set up batches button to create
DEFAULT batches.
Setup > System > Users  Assign each user to the workgroup for that user's
 Clear the Allow other workgroups check box.
 For a user who works at different sites, create an
additional user for each site and assign the
workgroup for the site.
 Click the Set up batches button to create user-
specific batches. (Or you can choose to use
Workgroup batches, for a single batch per
 Assign a security code whose menu code either
restricts or provides access to the menu
selections shown below in Restricted Menu
Selections. Access to the restricted selections
should be provided only to specific users at a
single site.
Setup > System > Workgroups  Define a separate workgroup for each site, with
the appropriate location and store for the site.
 Assign each site to a different workgroup when
the site registers with the Hub server.
 Click the Set up batches button to create
workgroup-specific batches (rather than user-
specific batches).
 Assign unique series of values to the Next
numbers for each workgroup, and select to Always
auto-assign each number.
 At the Hub, after all remote databases are
activated, assign the Hub to its own workgroup
and restrict the site ID.

Appendix 4: Multi-Site A4-1 06/05/15

Menu Selection Recommended Settings
Setup > System > Menu Codes  Define a menu code that provides access to the
menu selections shown below in Restricted Menu
 Define additional menu codes that do not provide
access to the restricted menu selections.
Setup > System > Security Codes  Assign the menu code that provides access to the
restricted menu selections to a single security
 Assign menu codes that do not provide access to
restricted selections to other security codes.
 Clear the Allow other locations and Allow other
stores check boxes for all security codes.
Setup > Point of Sale > Stores  If you select to assign document numbers from
the store, assign unique series of values to the
Next document numbers for each store and select
to Always auto-assign each number.
 Clear the Allow access to other stores' orders
check box.
Setup > Point of Sale > Stations  If you selected for a store to assign document
numbers from the station, assign unique series of
values to the Next document numbers for each
station and select to Always auto-assign each
 For Offline Ticket Entry, assign unique series of
values to the Next document numbers for each
station. Use a prefix such as "OFF" to ensure that
offline numbers and non-offline numbers do not
overlap. Also select to Always auto-assign the

Restricted Menu Selections

Make these menu selections available only at a single site, to avoid data conflicts
during replication.

System > Gift Cards > Maintain Gift Cards

System > Store Credits > Maintain Store Credits
Inventory > Prices > Contract Prices
Inventory > Prices > Promotional Prices
Inventory > Prices > Special Prices
Inventory > Prices > Planned Promotions
Customers > Utilities > Maintain A/R Documents
Customers > Utilities > Reapply A/R Documents
Setup > xxxxxx > Control (all Control functions)
Setup > System > Company
Setup > System > Tax Codes
System > Utilities > Database Import

Appendix 4: Multi-Site A4-2 06/05/15

Best Practices to Avoid Replication Errors

Logging in When logging in, restrict a user to the workgroup associated with
the site where the login occurs.

This can be done by disallowing other workgroups in workstation

configuration (Setup > System > Workstations) or by restricting the
site ID in each workgroup (Setup > System > Workgroups).

Posting If unposted transactions replicate to another site, it is important to

prevent them from being posted at the other sites.

This can be achieved by using user-specific batch IDs and by

clearing the Allow other locations and Allow other stores check
boxes in the security codes assigned to users. An additional
safeguard would be to subscribe each site to only its own location
and store history work set slices.

Deletions Deleting or purging items, customers, account numbers can cause

replication errors at other sites if the other sites still have open
activity for those records.

You can minimize these errors by deleting or purging only after a

successful replication session, and then replicating again right after
deleting or purging the records.

Inserting or Avoid adding, deleting or purging large amounts of data at the

Deleting same time. This can result in a “replication storm” at your sites and
severely impact performance. Instead, add or delete in chunks over
a few days to spread the load out over a longer time period.

Renumbering You can safely renumber items, customers, and vendors using the
Counterpoint renumbering utilities. If your own business practices
allow it, it is also safe to allow multiple sites to use these utilities –
as long as they don't renumber the same item, customer, or vendor.

Be aware that if you develop your own scripts to change/renumber

a primary key, the change will not be replicated. In order for the
change to be replicated, your script must delete the original record
and insert a new record.

Appendix 4: Multi-Site A4-3 06/05/15

Item Merges Item or Customer merges can only be done on the Hub system.
Customer Merges Before merging, replicate first and then merge. Immediately after
merging, replicate again. This ensures that no new data is
introduced at a remote site while the merge is occurring.

Gift Cards If you find it necessary to allow gift cards and/or store credits
Store Credits to be redeemed at any store in the replication network, consider
replicating frequently during the day.

NCR CP Online All NCR CP Online operations (publishing and importing) should be
performed only at a single site.

Database Be sure to implement a regularly scheduled maintenance plan for

Maintenance each of your sites, performing such tasks as checking DB integrity
and updating statistics.

Backups It is important to do regularly scheduled database backups. In

addition to backing up the database itself, also backup the DXRE
installation folder (C:\Program Files\Progress\DataXtend, by
default) and the DXRE registry entries (using RegBackup.exe).

Appendix 4: Multi-Site A4-4 06/05/15

Blank Site Chart
Print and complete this chart for each site in your DXRE replication network.

DXRE site name:




Next document number: From: Station Store

Next hold ID: Station Store
Next quote number: Station Store
Next order number: Station Store
Next layaway number: Station Store


Next item number:

Next customer #:
Next vendor number:
Next purchase request #:
Next PO number:
Next receiver #:
Next RTV #:
Next transfer #:
Next gift card number:
Next store credit number:
Next event number:
Next barcode:
Next A/R doc #:



Offline Ticket Entry: Yes No

Next document number (Offline):
Next hold ID (Offline):
Next quote number (Offline):
Next order number (Offline):
Next layaway number (Offline):
Next store credit number (Offline):
Next gift card number (Offline):
Next customer number (Offline):

Appendix 4: Multi-Site A4-5 06/05/15

Appendix 4: Multi-Site A4-6 06/05/15
Appendix 5 - Setting Up Legacy Devices

Select Setup > Point of Sale > Devices

 If Use Legacy Device Framework is enabled in Setup > Point of Sale >
Stores, Setup > Point of Sale > Devices opens a different window to identify and
configure legacy devices.

 Use if you plan to use .xml receipt forms

 Devices must be configured on each workstation; settings stored in Windows


 Install manufacturer device drivers in advance


Click to save workstation’s device configuration

Click to import device registry settings from a .xml file

Click to start the Windows add-printer wizard

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-1 06/05/15

Click to import device registry settings from an .xml file

If you are using one of the Radiant POS terminals or Bundles, browse to TopLevel >
System > Devices subdirectory for the device group file.

The settings for the selected device group display on the Devices form. Modify these
settings as needed. (Refer to the Online Help for additional information about setting up
your Radiant terminal.)

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-2 06/05/15

Determine which Windows printer and Crystal printer type you will be using when
printing Crystal-format receipts on the workstation

Does not have to be the same as the workstation’s default Windows printer

Configuring the Printer

Click to configure
the device

Click to browse and

select a different printer

Click to select a
Network printer

Testing the Printer

Click to test
the configured device

Use if test copy shows lines

printed on top of each other

Print 100 lines of text

Percentage of cut

Specify image name, then click Set bitmap and Print bitmap

Click in sequence,
Click in
then click Print (or
sequence, then
Print & Journal, etc.)
click Exit

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-3 06/05/15

Determine which OPOS printer you will be using when printing XML-format receipts on
the workstation

Configuring the Printer

Only active if selected “Device”
Click to configure the device is a GenericPOS device

Select a Radiant certified

device file.

Then click and

indicate which port the device
is connected to

Testing the Printer

Click on the main Devices form or from within the Configure


Force CR/LF Enable if multiple ticket lines print on a single line (clear if extra
skipped lines print)
Stream printing Send information to the printer in one large job, instead of one line at
a time
Device connection Determine connection method for device: Open/Close, Keep
connected, or Keep claimed

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-4 06/05/15

Configuring the Cash Drawer

Allows for a GOPOS cash drawer to output to a Windows printer

NOTE: Compulsory cash drawers require users to close the cash drawer before starting
a new ticket. It requires an OPOS-compatible printer and cash drawer. The cash
drawer must support open-closed sensing, and you must use the manufacturer's
OPOS drivers.

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-5 06/05/15

Configuring the Line Display

Do not clear display Allows display to remain visible; enable to speed up Ingenico
devices when using display functions
Device connection Determine the connection method for the device: Open/Close,
Keep connected, Keep claimed
Offset by 1 Add 1 to starting positions for all rows and columns. Use if mfr's
OPOS drivers that do not adhere to the OPOS standard
Force uppercase Force text to display in uppercase (Verifone)
Threaded operation Allow other tasks to proceed as an event occurs vs wait until event
completes before proceeding (disable for IBM and Verifone)
Row Row and Column position where text should start
Width Number of characters allowed for text; changes dynamically as
text is entered or resized
Delay Number of milliseconds to wait between characters (0=no delay)
Attribute Normal or blinking text
Justification Align text to left, right, or centered
Value type What kind of value can display? Text is literal text, Field is the
value of a data field, Label is the data dictionary display label for a
data field, and Macro is a list of canned text macros, such as date
and time.
Field For Value types of Field and Label, what field should be used
Macro For Macro Value types, which macro should be used
Text For Text Value types, text to be displayed

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-6 06/05/15

Configure text to display for each event

Event When does it occur?

Wait When the Ticket Entry Login Dialog is dismissed

Ready Whenever a new ticket is started

Line When saving a line

Total When the payment dialog is displayed in Regular Ticket Entry and
when a button page with payment buttons is displayed in Touchscreen

Tender When saving a payment

Auth When attempting to authorize certain payments

Signature Prior to capturing signature on signature capture device

Signature OK After successful capture from signature capture device

Change When the ticket has been completed and before the completion dialog is

Not Ready As ticket entry is shutting down

Testing the Line Display

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-7 06/05/15

Configuring the Customer Display

Use to display text, images, animations, video, manufacturer’s advertisements, or other

media to your customers . Several predefined layouts are included in the TopLevel >
System > HTML folder of Counterpoint.

Select a different layout


Available panels
for use in the layout

Add a new panel to the Customer Display Setup list of available panels

Edit an existing panel

Delete a panel from the list

Drag and drop the

panels into new positions
using the split bar, or
resize a panel using
the move handles.

Split bar


Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-8 06/05/15

Configuring the Magnetic Stripe Reader

“None” = OPOS device

For OPOS only, one track

from which to read data

Ask operator to enter last 4 digits of card

number after successfully reading card

For keyboard wedge only, data that

precedes and denotes start of credit
card data, and data that follows and
denotes end of credit card data

Testing the MSR

Advanced Test

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-9 06/05/15

Configuring the Pin Pad

The text to show on the

display area of the PIN pad
is configured in Payment

Testing the Pin Pad

Leave "Merchant ID" and

Terminal ID blank (not used
by either supported PIN pad)

Click in sequence, swipe Click End EFT Trans,

debit card and enter amount, click these buttons in
then click Begin EFT Trans sequence, then click Exit
and Enable PIN Entry

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-10 06/05/15

Configuring the Payment Display

Configure text to display for each event

Event When does it occur?

Wait When the Ticket Entry Login Dialog is dismissed

Swipe Card When the user should be prompted to swipe their card

Debit Pin Entry When the user is instructed to enter their pin number

Tender When saving a payment

Auth When attempting to authorize certain payments

Payment When an authorization attempt has been approved

Payment When an authorization attempt has been declined
Signature Prior to capturing signature on signature capture device

Signature OK After successful capture from signature capture device

Idle On ticket entry startup

Not Ready As ticket entry is shutting down

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-11 06/05/15

Testing the Payment Display

Click in sequence, Click in sequence,

then click Wait Text then click Exit
(or Swipe Card, etc.)
to see if text displays

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-12 06/05/15

Configuring the Signature Capture

Testing the Signature Capture

Click in sequence, then If the test works, click End

click Begin Capture Capture. Then click Disable,
and sign the device. Release, Close in sequence,
and then click Exit.

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-13 06/05/15

Use to show defined forms during Ticket Entry and capture customer input from the
Ingenico form display device into ticket profile fields
Supports scrolling receipts

Configuring the Forms Display

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-14 06/05/15

Configuring the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

Testing the MICR

Advanced test

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-15 06/05/15

Configuring the Scale

Operating mode Select the mode in which to operate: Asynchronous or

Minimum weight Readings from scale below this value are not considered a weight
and software will continue to wait for the ‘real’ weight
Enter small value such as .1 pounds
All weights returned as 3-decimal value
Poll interval (ms) Determine the interval in which to obtain readings from the scale
Display field 1, 2, 3 If scale has display capability, select the field to display and
number of characters
Up to three fields can be shown, with a single space separating
Reset on error Close and open device after each attempt to get weight (required
by some OPOS drivers)
Suppress OPOS Suppress the time out error message
time out error 112

Additional setup: Use Inventory > Items (Other tab) to select the Weighed checkbox
for any item that will need to be weighed. Ensure the Qty decimals
setting for these items allows for fractional weights, if necessary.

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-16 06/05/15

Configuring the Moneris SPED

Use to process Canadian Debit; also supports Visa, MasterCard, and AmEx.

Customer Receipt Printing

- Certain receipt properties must be made available to both OPOS and Crystal receipts.
- Printed customer receipts should be produced for all payment transaction types except voids.
- All submitted Canadian debit transactions, including those declined, must print a customer receipt.

The following requirements apply to all printed customer receipts:

 The customer receipt must be printed in the language of the cardholder.

 For refunds, the word Refund (Remise D’Achat in French) MUST appear after the dollar
 Amount must be printed.
 Merchant number (store id) must not be printed.
 Merchant name and address must be printed.
 Transaction type must be printed, e.g. Purchase, Refund, etc.
 Masked card number must be printed. The processor may have different masking
requirements for different card types, so it is the responsibility of the external EDC
processor to return a correctly masked card number.
 Card expiration date must not be printed.
 Debit receipts must include the account type selected by the cardholder, e.g. Chequing,
Savings. If the account type is Unknown, it should not be printed.
 Card type must be printed, e.g. Visa, MasterCard, etc.
 Transaction date and time must be printed.
 Authorization code must be printed.
 Receipt message must be printed.
 Processor reference number must be printed.
 Credit receipts must include a signature line and cardholder agreement text.
 Two copies of credit receipts must be printed.
 Entry method indicator must be printed, e.g. S or Swiped, M or Manual (Moneris does not
provide translations for the words, but they do use the letters on their French examples).

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-17 06/05/15

Appendix 5: Legacy Device Setup A5-18 06/05/15
Appendix 6: Form Editor - OPOS .xml format


Displays “Custom” if previously edited

The first time you edit a Standard form, you are asked
if you want to create a new custom form.

Answer Yes to make changes. The custom form will

be saved in the PSForms directory for your company.

Appendix 6: Form Editor A6-1 06/05/15

Each OPOS form consists of 8 bands, where you can position and edit fields:

Red Outlined Box = Field

Black Outlined Box = Text

Green Outlined Box = Images

Green triangle = 'print on top' field

Red triangle = conditioned field

Header e

Items l
Item totals e
Gift cert
SVCs o

Totals i


Appendix 6: Form Editor A6-2 06/05/15

Changing a column on the form

From the
Design tab,
click the column
to be changed.

Use the
toolbar buttons to
change alignment
of the column
within its width.

To print a different
column in this
position, select
the new column.

To insert a database column in front of the current column, click on the toolbar or use Insert
/Field and select the new field.

To insert text in front of the current column, click or use Insert/Text on the toolbar and enter
the text.

To insert a new blank row or column that extends across or down the entire form, click a band
name (e.g.,Header) and select Insert/Columns or Insert/Rows from the toolbar.

To insert an image click or select Insert / Image from the toolbar and browse and select
the image. The image will automatically be stored in the Company’s image folder. Only the
filename will show.

Click the Preview tab to

see an example of how the
form looks (images and
fields are not shown).

Click to save the layout as an XML file in the Export folder for your
company and to close the editor.

Click to save the form group ID.

Appendix 6: Form Editor A6-3 06/05/15

Changing the Properties of a Band on the form

Click an unassigned block in the band. Then

click or select Edit/Band Properties.
You can change the number of rows in the

Changing the Properties of a Column on the form

Double-click the column.

You can also click the column and then

click or select Edit/Label

Print if empty Print column heading even if no value in field?

Print on top If two or more fields overlap, which field prints?
Displays with green triangle on Design tab
Display format For Numeric and Date/Time fields, the Delphi specifier that
sets the display format of the field
Width Width of this field
Alignment Align the field to the left, to the right, or centered within the
field width
Print only if… To condition printing of field. Displays with red triangle on
Field Design tab
Select the field on which the condition is based,
identify the operation (e.g., equal, more than, less than, etc.)
Value and value to which conditioned field is compared

Appendix 6: Form Editor A6-4 06/05/15

Specialty Retail
6060 Primacy Parkway, Suite 460 — Memphis, TN 38119
(800) 852-5852 —

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