WISE Journal Volume 6, No. 1 (Spring, 2017)

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ISSN: 2381-1536

WISE Journal
The official journal of the World Institute for
Scientific Exploration (WISE)

Volume 6, No. 1 (Spring, 2017)

WISE Journal
The Journal of the World Institute for Scientific Exploration

Editorial Office: WISE Journal, World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE), John H. Reed, M.D., Managing Editor,
4401 Roland Avenue, Suite 405, Baltimore, MD 21210, USA. Email: joreed43@gmail.com; telephone: 443-858-0757

Manuscript Submission: Submit all manuscripts as Microsoft Word documents or PDFs only. The text of the
manuscripts may be in any language, including Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, and other non-Roman alphabetic languages.

Editor-in-Chief: John H. Reed, M.D.

Managing Editor: Dr. Dominique Surel
Associate Editor: Richard Blasband, M.D.
Chinese Editor: Yunqiu (Rachel) Wang

WISE Board of Distinguished Scientific Advisors

William Bengston, Ph.D., St. Josephs College, Patchogue, New York;
Larissa Cheran, Ph.D., University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, and formerly Institute of Microtechnologies, Bucharest,
Romania; (Deceased, April 29, 2015)
Larry Dossey, M.D., Distinguished physician, author, and editor of Explore Journal, Santa Fe, New Mexico;
Richaritha Gundlapalli, M.D., ABHIM, Founder and Medical Director of Integrative Wellness Centers; Integrative
Energy Medicine Expert;
Vijay K. Gupta, Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; World Community Service Center (WCSC), Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India;
Judith Hedje, M.D.,MPH, MBA, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland;
Yury Kronn, Ph.D., Energy Tools International, Eagle Point, Oregon; and formerly Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia;
Shanmugamurthy Lakshmanan, Ph.D., MS, MSc., Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and International
Institute of Human Excellence, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;
Lynhiavu LySao, M.D., Distinguished Surgeon, Chief of Surgery, Hopital de lAmitie, Vientiane, Laos;
Vernon M. Neppe, M.D., Ph.D., FRSSAf, DFAPA, Director, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute, Seattle, Washington;
Robert Patterson, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota;
Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev, Ph.D., York University, Toronto, Canada; and formerly Central Laboratory for Space
Sciences, Bulgaria Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria;
Albert So, Ph.D., University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China;
David E. Stein, Lt Col, USAF (Ret), physicist and futurist;
Jean-Christophe Terrillon, Ph.D., Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan;
Leonard A. Wisneski, M.D., FACP, University of Colorado, Medical Campus, Denver, CO; George Washington
University Medical Center, Washington, DC; and Georgetown University, Washington, DC;

World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE) website: http://instituteforscientificexploration.org

WISE Resource Center & Online Library: //wisewiki.org
Back Issues in full text of all issues of WISE Journal and its predecessor, WISE Newsletter, are available in the WISE
Digital Library at this link.

Copyright: Authors retain the copyright to their writings. However, WISE has the right to post issues of the WISE Journal
and WISE Newsletter in the WISE Digital Library and elsewhere on the Internet.

WISE Journal (ISSN: 2381-1536) is published quarterly in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter by the World
Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE), 4401 Roland Avenue, Suite 405, Baltimore, MD, 21210 USA
WISE Journal
The Journal of the World Institute for Scientific Exploration

Volume 6, Number 1 (Spring, 2017)


Dear Colleagues,

In this issue, we have exciting news about the various activities and projects that
the World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE), and its affiliates are engaged
in, as well as, a number of formal journal articles. Just scroll down to the Table of
Contents to see the article titles, and then scroll down further to read the articles.

WISE provides a research institute and a worldwide internet platform for the dissemination
of information and research on scientific anomalies, alternative, complementary, and
traditional medicine, consciousness, parapsychology, alternative energy, paranormal topics,
historical legends, and unexplained phenomena of all kinds. This is accomplished through
our many programs, especially the WISE Worldwide Resource Center (WISEwiki) and
the WISE Digital Library. We seek to maximize research, collaboration, and cooperation
on these subjects, and WISE wants to make sure that we include all individuals, worldwide,
who would like to participate in our programs and activities, .

WISE provides more programs and benefits than any other organization in this field.
(Click here to go to the page showing the seventeen (17) benefits you will enjoy as a
member and research associate of this institute.) We encourage you to become a
member and to become active in our programs and projects, and contribute your
passion and knowledge, as many of you are already doing.

As usual, people are joining WISE from all over the world, and more members are
volunteering to help with and start research projects, to become division, department, or
national advisers, and to offer other support for our great quest to do research on the above
subjects. We now have members and research associates from more than 60
countries worldwide.
We Thank you all for being part of WISE, and wish you much success in all
of your research and other projects in 2017.
John H. Reed, M.D., Dominique Surel, Ph.D., Richard Blasband, M.D.
Table of Contents
News and Events:

WISE Establishes Membership Cash Rewards Program, p. 1

Will You Help Us Safeguard & Make Accessible the Bernard R. Grad
Archives relating to Alternate Healing Modalities? p. 2

14th Annual International Light Association (ILA) Conference on Light and Health
April 30th May 3rd, 2017, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, p. 7

US Psychotronics Association Annual Conference,

July 14-16, 2017, Chicago, IL, p. 9

Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) 36th Annual Conference, June 14-17,
2017, Yale University, New Haven, CT, p. 12

Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor Recipient and Marine Veteran, Shares Battle with
Anxiety and Use of a Proven, Non-Drug Treatment Called Alpha-Stim Providing
Relief, by Danielle Boyd, p. 17

ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference, July 26-30, 2017, Albuquerque, NM, p. 19

Conference on Future Energy (COFE), July 28-29, 2017, Albuquerque, NM, p. 20

World Congress of Natural Medicines, June 8-10, 2017, Nevis, Caribbean, p. 21

Among the Missing, (and Updates): A Column about Missing People,

Organizations, Periodicals, Books, Artifacts, etc., by John H. Reed, M.D., p. 23


Life and Death from a Physics Standpoint, by Nina Sotina, Ph.D, p. 29

Human Potential and Possible Tests of Transformations among Vision and Other
Sensations, by Yi-Fang Chang, p. 35

In the Beginning: Evolution Physics, Consciousness and Our Physical Reality

by James E. Beichler, Ph.D., p. 41

The Structure of Water and How Psyche Enters Water Part 6, Microtubules, as
another Resolution in the Hologram, Part 1, by Richard Alan Miller, p. 52

(Table of Contents Continued on next page)

Introduction to Light Modification, by Anadi A. Martel, p. 59

Can the Mokele-Mbembe be real? Proposal for a Field Expedition to Find

Evidence of a Sauropod-looking Animal in Southern Cameroon, by Wojciech
Bobilewicz, p. 64

Some History of Physics Since WWII, by Maurice Daniel, p. 73

A Relation Between Sacred Geometry and Todays Science ()

by Jacqueline Lee, p. 75

Proposal of a 'Spiral' Mechanism of Evolution, by Antonio Giuditta, p. 81

Books of Importance:
Mdecines du Monde - Histoire et Pratique des Mdecines Traditionnelles
(Medicines of the World - History and Practice of Traditional Medicines)
by Claudine Brelet, p. 87

The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Secrets Revealed, 4th Edition, 2016,
by Bruno Sacco and Tony Kerselaers, p. 89

A Manual for Developing Humans, by Dr. P.M.H. Atwater, p. 96

Okkultismus Im Gehuse: Institutionalisierungen Von Parapsychologie Im 20.

Jahrhundert in Internationaler Perspektive (Okkulte Moderne),
by Anna Lux and Sylvia Paletschek, p. 98

Journal Advertisements: (For Advertising rates for full page, half page,
quarter page and other sizes, plus classified rates, click here;)

Book, Late Night Thoughts About Science, by Peter A. Sturrock, Ph.D. p. 99

Fate Magazines Warehouse Blowout Sale p. 101

BioenergyDevice.org devices to relive pain, boos immunity, etc., p. 102

Interesting Additional Advertisements (new book, T. Townsend Brown's Papers,

Smithsonian Secret Warehouse, and others) (Special: William R. Corliss Books
for sale)
WISE Establishes Membership Cash Rewards Program

The World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE), is announcing the establishment of
its Membership Cash Rewards Program today, which will add to the many other
benefits provided to WISE members. With this program all WISE members can now
earn extra money for themselves, or their local branch or chapter of WISE,
because for every new WISE member you recruit to WISE as a paying member,
you will be paid a 33% cash reward.

Since the WISE international membership annual fee is US$75.00, you will get
US$25.00 for each paying member you recruit. And the great thing about it is that
you will continue to get the US$25.00, each year that the person you recruited remains
a member of WISE. (For students, the cash reward is US$12.00, since the student
membership fee is $35.00). And even if you are not interested in earning extra money,
all you have to do is recruit three new WISE members, and the cost of you own
membership will be paid for.

But the cash rewards can only be earned by official WISE members.

Many of the approximately 20,000 people who receive the WISE Journal are not yet
official members of WISE, so hurry and register your WISE membership online
now, here, so you can begin taking advantage of this great WISE membership benefit.
You may recruit as many new members as you want, and you may use any form
of print or broadcast media, as well as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, text
messages, postings to discussion groups, mailing lists, and other social
networking services. The online WISE membership registration form requires the
name and email address of the person who recruited them, so that way we will
know who is to receive the cash reward. So be sure to remind the person you are
recruiting to put in your name and email address.
In addition, you may also recruit WISE members by distributing the attractive
WISE Promotional Handout at meetings and conferences you attend, send by
email, put on Facebook, etc.. You will receive cash rewards for every person who
joins WISE and names you as the recruiter. This handout is a Word document
available online, here, so just download the Handout, add your name and contact
information to the bottom of the document, print as many as you want, and hand
them out, or put them on one of the tables for such items, usually near the
entrance to meeting lecture halls. Or you can send them by email, put on Facebook,
LinkedIn, and other social media sites.

Will You Help Us Safeguard & Make Accessible the Bernard R. Grad
Archives Relating to Alternate Healing Modalities?
We are reaching out to you through the WISE Journal in the knowledge that there are
many readers on this list who are passionate about alternate healing modalities. Some
of you have benefited from some form of alternate treatment that science is reluctant to
validate. Through personal experience, you recognize the positive effect of that
healing on your quality of life.

Some of you will have been convinced of the efficacy of alternate healing through
reading about the research of healing practitioners such as Dolores Krieger and William
Bengston. And others may be open-minded and hopeful about the reality of a healing
energy or force.

Regardless of your understanding, we are asking you to assist by making a financial

contribution toward our effort to safeguard the important legacy of Bernard Raymond
Grad (1920-2010), BSc, PhD. Bernie Grad was a true pioneer in the field of alternate
healing research. Our goal is to make his research legacy as broadly accessible as
possible to future generations of researchers.

Bernie Grad was an Associate Professor at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. He

had graduated from McGill in August 1949 with a PhD from the Department of Anatomy.
Within his formal field of study, Grad investigated the relationships between hormones,
aging and cancer.

Grads passion, however, from about 1950 on, was how healing through the laying-on-
of-hands might function and the related fields of subtle energy and bio-
electromagnetics. Perhaps some of you might have met him at one of the meetings of
the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute (BEMI) or International Society for Study of Subtle
Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM).

Your donation IN ANY AMOUNT toward the costs of preserving and making Professor
Grads research available through the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada,
would be very much appreciated.

Thanks to an offer from a very generous donor, the first $2,500 of donations received
through this outreach will be matched. That means that the value of your donation will
be doubled your dollar will go twice as far!

For individuals wishing an income tax receipt for their American tax return, please make
your donation cheque payable to the World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE)
and mail it to: 4401 Roland Avenue, Suite 405, Baltimore, MD 21210 USA. Be sure to
indicate that your donation is toward the Bernie Grad project and WISE will transfer the
funds raised to the University of Manitoba. You may also donate online at:
http://instituteforscientificexploration.org/ Click on the Donate button to contribute by
PayPal or credit card. In the Special Instructions to the seller box on the page where
you enter your credit card information, please write that your donation is for the Bernie
Grad project. For additional information about American dollar donations, please
contact WISE President and CEO John H. Reed at 1-443-858-0757 or
For Canadians wishing an income tax receipt, please make your donation cheque
payable to the University of Manitoba. Be sure to mark the subject line PRAEF for
Bernie Grad project and mail it to University of Manitoba Archives & Special
Collections, Attention: Shelley Sweeney, 330 Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2. For information about online or credit card donations,
please contact Shelley Sweeney at 1-204-474-6350 or

Bernard Grads contributions to the Field of Healing Research

Bernard Grad is one of the pioneers in research relating to laying-on-of-hands energy

healing; today there are many who follow in his footsteps. Among the energy healers
influenced by Bernard Grads work are nursing instructor Dolores Krieger and
sociologist Professor William Bengston. For a period, Grad maintained a strong
friendship with well-known American healers, husband and wife Ambrose Worrall (1899-
1972) and Olga Worrall (1906-1985).

From Fall 1949, Grad studied with Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) in Rangeley, Maine.
Grads thinking was profoundly affected by Reichs controversial concept of Orgone as
a life force energy. Ultimately, Grads research interests included Kirlian photography,
spiritual or energy healing and its history, Reichs Orgone energy theory, and healing
treatments involving magnetism and water. When Grad died, a tribute in the Annals of
the Institute for Orgonomic Science (vol. 11 (December 2011)) claimed that orgonomy
has lost its greatest experimental biologist since Wilhelm Reich. That tribute and its
select bibliography of Bernard Grad on orgonomy and healing research are available
upon request (email Walter Meyer zu Erpen at sric@islandnet.com for a copy by email).

Grads study of a possible healing energy began with experiments with the Hungarian-
born immigrant Oskar Estebany who claimed to be a healer. Grad studied wound
healing in mice, meticulously documenting the healing rates of mice held by Estebany,
and compared this with healing rates of similar wounds in mice not held by a human.
Grads experiments also examined the growth rate of plants treated with water that had
been held either by a healer, by a severely depressed patient, or not held at all. Among
his unpublished research studies are data notes relating to the impact of healing energy
on the dessication rates of fruit.

Despite advancing disability from Parkinsons Disease, Bernard Grads passion for
research continued into his 80s; Grad remained an ever active scientist. He advised
his students to expect the unexpected because your life is bound to be full of
surprises. His memoirs have been compiled by Deborah Gagne, a holistic nurse who
experienced Grad as mentor. Titled On the Road to Healing and Biogenesis: Memoirs
of a Scientist, a limited edition prepublication proof was circulated among family and
friends in 2015. The book is under consideration for publication and broader

Bernard Grads Archival Legacy

When Bernard Grad died in 2010, his legacy included a basement full of research
documentation, recorded on paper, audio and digital media, including unpublished
experimental data. Bernies wife Lottie Renee Grad (1920-2016) continued to live in the

family home. When a pipe burst in the basement, care was taken to protect Bernies
research; the majority of records were boxed and moved to a storage locker, but they
were no longer accessible to students interested in Grads work. After the death of
Renee Grad in 2016, the remaining records and books had to be relocated as well.

The University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections

The Grad sons have agreed their fathers research should be deposited at the
University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections in Winnipeg. That institution is
one of the few North American archives that preserve and promote the availability of
research collections into little understood aspects of the human psyche. One early
donation, the T. Glen Hamilton archives relating to psychical research experiments
conducted during the 1920s and 1930s, has attracted many additional collections. The
growing list of archives can be viewed online:

Raising Funds to Support this Important Work

With agreement between the Grad family and University of Manitoba archivist Shelley
Sweeney that the Bernard Grad collection would best be preserved in Winnipeg, we are
anxious to proceed. The University has a budget for transporting priority archival
collections such as Professor Grads to Winnipeg.

A generous donor has committed to match the first $2,500 of funds raised toward the
cost of arranging and describing the Grad collection in order to make it available to

We require funding to digitize selected portions of the collection and promote Professor
Grads research legacy online, through the university website. Our proposed budget of
$56,000 is outlined in Appendix A.

That total includes a requested contribution toward an interest-generating endowment

fund that will allow the university archives to retain the services of archival studies
interns, as additional digitization or other conservation work is expected to become

Psychical Research Archives Endowment Fund (PRAEF) (University of Manitoba)

Established in 2012 by Walter Meyer zu Erpen, the primary focus of the Psychical
Research Archives Endowment Fund (PRAEF) is the acquisition and preservation of
at-risk archival and library materials, including their arrangement, description, and
digitization to make them broadly available for public use.

Psychical research is intended in the sense used in the founding statement of the
Society for Psychical Research (1882): "to examine without prejudice or prepossession
and in a scientific spirit those faculties of man, real or supposed, which appear to be
inexplicable on any generally recognized hypothesis." It includes psychic (spiritual)
healing as demonstrated through psychic surgery and hands-on healing modalities, as
well as other types of anomalistic research.

PRAEF emphasizes the physical aspects of psychic phenomena, including macro-
psychokinesis and the possibility of a mind-over-matter healing force similar to what
Bernard Grad was investigating.

Bernard Grad Archives Project Proponents

This proposal has been prepared in consultation with:

Bernard Raymond Grad family members

William Bengston, PhD, Professor of Sociology at St. Josephs College, New

York, and author of the Energy Cure: Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-On
Healing (2010)

John Reed, MD, President, World Institute for Scientific Exploration, and Board
Member, United States Psychotronics Association (USPA)

Walter Meyer zu Erpen, MAS, Volunteer Archives and Records Consultant, and
Lead Donor, Psychical Research Archives Endowment Fund

Shelley Sweeney, PhD, Director, University of Manitoba Archives & Special


Bernard Grads Legacy Online Resources:

Lenore Wiand, Bernard Grad: The Legacy Lives On, Subtle Energies & Energy
Medicine, volume 21, no. 2, pp. 9-11

Lee Pulos Blog: Positive and Negative Healing


Jeffrey Mishlove, The Roots of Consciousness


Appendix A

Proposed Budget to Transport, Process and Make Accessible

Bernard Grads Archives at the University of Manitoba

Bernard Raymond Grad Archives - Acquisition, Arrangement, Description, Preservation, Estimated

Accessibility Cost

o Transport of Bernard Raymond Grad archives from Montreal to the University of

Manitoba Archives & Special Collections (UMASC) in Winnipeg
o Assessment of physical condition of the collection and mould remediation

o Archival arrangement & description of the Grad archives by University of Manitoba

archival studies interns under direction of professional archivists; archivist Walter
Meyer zu Erpen will volunteer his time to organize the materials into series for
description by the students
o Making finding aids to Grad archives available through University of Manitoba
archives website

o Digitization of selected portions of Grad archives to make his research more

generally available to researchers through the UMASC digital archives

o Digitization and transcription of selected portions of audiotape recordings of

lectures and presentations by Professor Grad

o Contribution to the Psychical Research Archives Endowment Fund (PRAEF)

administered by the University of Manitoba Archives to assist with ongoing
preservation of the Grad archives and related collections

Estimated Total Cost to Preserve the Bernard Grad Archives $56,000

Press Release December 2016

The International Light Association is coming to North America for the first time since 2011!
The 14th Annual ILA Conference on Light and Health
will take place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.
April 30th May 3rd, 2017
at the Bahia Mar Fort Lauderdale Beach Hotel.

Are you passionate about light and color? Do you love to share knowledge and skills and want to learn about the
latest theories, techniques and technologies? Would you like to use this knowledge to promote health, enhance
performance, and raise consciousness? Are you concerned about light pollution and the effects of light in our
environment? If so, then you are most welcome to join us in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A. at the annual
conference for the International Light Association.
As a member of the ILA, you are part of our international network of people who focus on the therapeutic uses of
light and color. Our mission is to share information, to initiate and promote research, and to create an open-hearted,
broad-minded, and integrative community in the field of light. Therefore, the ILA is the platform for those who are
active in any work related to the therapeutic use of light to promote health and wellbeing.
The International Light Association was founded at the 2003 Light Medicine Conference in Antwerp, Belgium. Since
then, the ILA has grown into an established group of individuals who have a deep connection with light and color and
who appreciate the effects of both on our health and wellbeing and the world around us. Our members include those
with a professional interest in light and color as well as others who are inspired by personal or creative connections
to light. Some members are light therapy practitioners or health professionals, while others are scientists and
educators. The most creative ILA members include artists, architects, and designers.
Our annual conference will feature 17 remarkable international presenters, light-in-action workshops, a
marketplace of interaction with many of the worlds most dynamic light therapists and researchers, and many
fun cultural events. This years topics of special interest include light-based acupuncture and health factors
associated with the new lighting technologies (such as LEDs) that everyone needs to become aware of.
The event will appeal not only to those who already work professionally in the field, but also to anyone with a
curiosity about the subject. Attending our conference can definitely give you that little extra push to decide on a
profession in light or to incorporate light and color into your practice for health and wellbeing.
On behalf of the ILAs Board of Directors and President, Anadi Martel, we are delighted to invite you to The Power
of Light.
Vanessa Cisneros, L.Ac
Conference Coordinator

Email: vanessa.cisneros@ilacolor.org
Tel: 786-592-0105
Website: www.international-light-association.org

Press Release November 2016

Meet pioneers in the field of light and healing

and hear them share their latest research
and discoveries.

Julianne Bien (Canada) The Spectrahue Method of Light Therapy:

Dynamically Influence Anti-Aging, Wellness, and Beauty
Deborah Burnett (USA) LED Autopsy: Dissection of the Next Miracle Drugor Toxic Hazard?
Manohar Croke (USA) Energy Psychology Using Light and Color
Dr. Ray Gottlieb (USA) Phototherapy Research Update
Wilma Guldenaar (Netherlands) Chi Gong on the Beach
Magda Havas (Canada) Not All Light Bulbs are Created Equal:
What You Need to Know to Find the Perfect Light Bulb
Dr. Ed Kondrot (USA) The Cure That Time Forgot: Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation
Dr. Jacob Liberman (USA) How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living
Anadi Martel (Canada) Light and Consciousness
Dee Ann Newbold (USA) Acu-Color Therapy:
The Blending of Acupuncture and Color Therapies
Dr. Octavio Luis Perez (USA) Improving Clinician Performance, Wellness, and Patient Safety through
Dynamic Blue-Regulated Simulated Daylight
Dr. Detlef Schikora (Germany) Healing by Light: Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)
Masako Shimizu (Japan) Adjusting Instinct and Reason with Color Light Therapy
Theresa Sundt (UK) Define Lifes Purpose through Colour
Dr. Steven Vazquez (USA) Healing at the Speed of Light
Leona Vermier (Belgium) Using Light to Assist in Chronic Immune Deficiency, Autism,
ADD/ADHD, and Lyme Disease
Dr. Pascal Vidal (France) What is Photonomedicine?

For detailed information about the presenters content and biographies, please visit

39th Conference July 14-16, 2017

Emerging Technologies
in Consciousness,
Subtle Energy
and Radionics

Keynote and Invited Speakers:

Elizabeth Rauscher - Psychotronics, PSI and Consciousness: A New Revolution
Nick Begich - Mind Control: A Brave New World or Enhancing Human Performance
Jeffery Martin - Founder of the Transformative Technology - Wearable Technologies

Don Paris - Consciousness Interactive Technology in the 21st Century

George Kuepper - Radionics & Biodynamics in the Garden: Tuning In To Nature
Beverly Rubik and Harry Jabs - The Memory of Water and Beyond
Ellen Kamhi - Pineal Stimulation for Higher Health and Consciousness
Linda Lancaster - Endocrine System and its role in Radionics
Lutie Larsen - LFR Chickens and Radionics Jon Klimo - (Parapsychology)
Glen Rein - The Holographic Nature of the Mind and its Role in Mediating Higher
Order Healing Phenomena Lorna Reichel - Unseen Worlds of Subtle Energy
Ed Kelly - (Radionics) Marty Lucas - (Radionics) Scott Ertl - (Dowser)
Michael Leger - 21st Century Radionics Theory and Practice
Exhibit hall including the Phoenix Bookstore
Workshops available on Monday and Tuesday
Friday 7 pm thru Sunday 9 pm at the Hyatt Regency Deerfield, IL.
10 miles North of Chicagos Ohare Airport Special room rate $119 with breakfast for 2

Online registration and more info at psychotronics.org

Conference Special rate $225 (includes USPA membership and Saturday dinner)
Bring family and / or friends 2 for $ 400 3 for $ 570 4 for $ 720

Like us on Facebook: U.S. Psychotronics Association

email inquires to uspsychotronics@gmail.com


39th Conference July 14-16, 2017

Friday 7:00 pm through Sunday at 9:00 pm
New This Year Bring a Friend and get the Family Rate!
Conference Registration includes One Year of Membership and Saturday Night Dinner

Information You May Need

Conference Registration fees
Register online at http://www.psychotronics.org

Early Bird Rates Until May 15 At the Door

Single Registration - $225 Single Registration - $275
Family or Group of 2 - $200 each Family or Group of 2 - $265 each
Family or Group of 3 - $190 each Family or Group of 3 - $255 each
Family or Group of 4 - $180 each Family or Group of 4 - $245 each

Student or Military Registration - $135

Exhibitor Family member or Worker family = Conference Registration Discount Price - $100
Saturday Night Dinner ($35) and Membership ($35) not included.

Hyatt Regency Deerfield, Illinois

1750 Lake Cook Road,
Deerfield, IL, 60015, USA
10 miles north of O'Hare Airport

Phone (1)888-421-1442
Local Phone: (1)847-945-3400
(Ask for USPA special rate)

Reserve your room online at:

Reserve rooms early Special Hotel Room Rate:
Special rates apply until June 22, 2017 $119 plus taxes - Single or Double
Most rooms are King Bed Suites! Breakfast for 2 included

Conference Information email:

Conference Exhibitor Information email:
Join us on Facebook:

United States Psychotronics Association
39th Conference July 14-16, 2017

Print Name _______________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________ City _________________________
State ______ Zip Code ________ Country ________ Phone ____________________
Print Email _______________________________________________________________
Lifetime member _____ Current Member _____ Previous Member _____ New Member _____

Full Conference Registration

Bring a Friend, Get the Family Rate!!!
Registration Includes: 1 year Membership, all Lectures, Saturday Night Dinner
Lifetime or multiple year members will receive credit in the form of audios or DVDs
* Early Bird Rates (Until May 15, 2017) - Single at door: $275

Single Registration* _____ $225

Multiple Registrations* _____ 2 for $400 ____ 3 for $570 ____ 4 for $720
Student or Military Registration _____ $135
Fees payable in US dollars to: US Psychotronics Association Total Fees $____________

Payment methods (check one)

_____ Check# _____ Send via PayPal to uspsychotronics@yahoo.com
_____ Receive a PayPal Bill (Your PP email) _____________________________________
_____ Credit Card: VISA or MC # __________ - __________ - _________ - __________
Exp. Date: _____ / _____ Name on Card: ______________________________________

CCV Code: ________ Signature: _________________________________________

Please complete, scan, send document to: conferences@psychotronics.org

Or mail to: USPA C/O Phyllis Weiland 535 Michigan Ave. Apt G Evanston, IL 60202

Hyatt Regency Deerfield, IL. Reserve rooms early! Most Rooms are King Bed suites!
Special rate single or double occupancy $119 with breakfast for two! Phone (888) 421-1442
Online reservations https://aws.passkey.com/go/USPsychotronics

For family/ friends registrations, Please include names and emails

Name____________________________ Email____________________________________
Name____________________________ Email____________________________________
Name____________________________ Email____________________________________

SSE Conference, 2017
The 36th annual Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE)
Conference will take place June 14-17, 2017, at Yale
University in New Haven, Connecticut. Yale offers us a
beautiful campus, good meeting spaces and many close by
amenities. Our online conference registration will be handled
by Yale this year.

When you register for conference, you will also be able to register for the Yale dorm
rooms reserved for the SSE (see more below) and Yale meal plans if you choose.
Rooms at the nearby Marriott hotel are available as an alternative. Registration will
close on May 31st. After that date you will need to register at the door. If you don't wish
to register online, you can mail in this manual registration form.

Conference Registration
Register online for the SSE Conference (and reserve Yale dorm)

Register Now

Courtyard Marriott
Book a room at the Marriott (instead of Yale dorms) at the SSE rate.

Book at Marriott

Become a Member
Join SSE for a discount on conference registration fees.

Become A Member

The theme for this year will be Expanding the Boundaries of Science.

Those of us interested in the rigorous study of scientific anomalies have been stymied by
the strictures and assumptions of the dominant materialistic scientific paradigm. And so at
least two questions challenge us: what parts of the scientific enterprise need reformulation;
and the more difficult problem, how might we need to think differently about the way the
world works?

Program Highlights
Our 2nd bi-annual Founders Lecture
Special thematic sessions on Near Death Experiences/Survival; Healing; Biological Effects
of Electromagnetic Radiation
An informational talk on the Institute for Venture Sciences opportunities for funding
Panel discussions (in progress)
A Post-Conference Research Workshop on Anomalies of Foucaults Pendulum and Other
Similar Devices

Invited speakers to date (titles and details of talks will

follow soon)

Founders Lecture

Brenda Dunne PEAR; ICRL

Biological Effects of EMF
Near Death Experiences/Survival
Martin Blank Columbia University
Jeffrey Long Near Death Experience
Research Foundation Martin Pall University of Washington
Ed Kelly University of Virginia Division of
Perceptual Studies Jerry Pollack University of Washington;
Institute for Venture Science
Post Conference Workshop
Jim Oschman author of Energy Medicine:
The Scientific Basis Rene Verreault - Anomalies of Foucaults
Pendulum and Similar Devices
Rick Leskowicz Harvard Medical School

Bill Bengston President, SSE

Call for Papers

Full members who are interested in presenting a talk at the conference can send an
abstract and bio to Bill Bengston, at SSEpapers@gmail.com. Associate members must
have their presentation sponsored by a full member. Please limit your abstract and bio to
about 300 words, using Ariel font size 11. No submission should be longer than 1 page. The
deadline for submission is April 15th.

POSTER SESSION: Some authors may prefer to present their work as a poster
presentation. Poster presentations provide an interactive one-on-one discussion of work
completed. A short synopsis of the motivation, methodology, outcomes, and conclusions

should be included on the poster, with emphasis placed on the outcomes of work
completed. For posters, an abstract should be prepared and submitted in accordance with
the paper submission process and indicate the preference for a poster presentation. Titles
and abstracts for contributed papers should be emailed to the Poster Program Chair:
Chantal Toporow (sseaspiringexplorers@gmail.com). Electronic submission is required.
The Title should be short and informative. Please include Author name and Affiliation, and
contact information. Abstracts should be 300 to 500 words (one page of single spaced text),
and should summarize the main points of the poster presentation. Plain text as the body of
the e-mail is preferred. If special formatting is required for intelligibility, please submit a
Word document. Note that student submissions must be sponsored by Full members. (Full
members do not require sponsorship.) The conference committee intends to partner
meritorious poster submitters with SSE full members in similar research fields. If accepted,
the poster board shall measure 1m width and 2m height. We do NOT provide the poster
boards. We advise to print the posters beforehand and bring them with you and we will
supply tape to mount your posters. The cut off date for abstract submissions for the posters
is April 15, 2017. Authors will be notified of the review result (i.e., acceptance or rejection)
and any applicable comments, by May 1st, 2017.

FOR STUDENTS: The SSE has established an Aspiring Explorers Prize for the student
research project judged to be the most original and well-executed submission. A committee
has been established to review all entries and determine the winner, who will receive an
award of $500 and have the opportunity to present a talk describing the project at next
year's annual meeting, for which the Society will cover the student's registration fee. If your
paper is selected for the Aspiring Explorer Award, you will be invited to present your talk at
the meeting, otherwise, you will be able to submit your paper as a poster session. Please let
your fellow student colleagues and professors know. In addition, the SSE is also be offering
a 50% discount on future meeting registrations for any student member who brings one
other student friend to our conferences. We are eager to see student clubs or SSE
discussion groups established at various academic institutions or in local communities. Feel
free to contact us to start your own group at sseaspiringexplorers@gmail.com (C.M.
Chantal Toporow, Ph.D., SSE Education Officer).

Conference Accommodations
There are two lodging venues arranged by the SSE. Book your accommodations early -
New Haven is very busy during June and other accommodations might be hard to find.

Option 1: Yale Dorms in Baker Hall
This arrangement includes single bed dorm rooms. Each room is
connected to a center kitchenette and bath-one room is on either
side of the shared kitchenette and bath. Pricing is $95 per night. We
have 42 rooms reserved for the SSE. Yale housing registration may
be done when registering for the conference. Rates are available for
reservations from June 12 through June 20. Please note that rooms
will be available until May 21st on a first come basis.

We can not add any rooms to this block so please make your
reservations early.

Option 2: Courtyard Marriott New Haven at Yale

There is a limited block of rooms being held for SSE conference
participants at the Courtyard Marriott, within walking distance of the
Yale campus. These rooms have a discounted rate of $159/night for
a king bed and $165/night for two queen beds. These rates are
available for reservations from June 12 through June 19.

On-site parking is $20 per vehicle/per night.

Rooms must be booked by May 12. There are no extra rooms

available so once our block is gone, you will need to find other
accommodations. Make your reservations early.

Key Dates:
Deadline for papers: April 15, 2017
Deadline for Marriott rooms: May 12, 2017 (limited block)
Deadline for Yale dorms: May 21, 2017 (limited block)
Deadline for online registration: May 31, 2017 (Register at the door afterward)
June 14: Evening reception (registration opens) - 5:00 PM
June 15-17: Conference Talks - 9AM-5PM
June 18: Sunday Workshop (optional) - 9AM-5PM

On behalf of the program committee (Bill Bengston, Marsha Adams, Neal Grossman,
Patrick Huyghe, Garret Moddel, Dominique Surel, Chantal Toporow) and the local hosts
(James Clement Van Pelt, Margaret Nies), we look forward to seeing you at this exciting

Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor Recipient and Marine Veteran, Shares
Battle with Anxiety and Use of a Proven, Non-Drug Treatment Called
Alpha-Stim Providing Relief
by Danielle Boyd

Mineral Wells, Texas March 10, 2017

Anxiety can have a crippling effect on veterans of war and service members involved in
operations. Post-traumatic stress (PTS) often becomes a cycle of despair, intrusive memory
followed by efforts to numb it till it breaks out again. Hypervigilance kept the veteran alive in
dangerous situations but can cause changes in the biochemistry of the brain.
Dakota Meyer, a marine veteran and Medal of Honor recipient, opened up on Instagram about
his personal struggle with anxiety and a non-drug treatment called Alpha-Stim that he says has
changed his life.
Treatment information and clinical studies are available by clicking http://www.alpha-
"So I don't talk about it much because its definitely something I'm not proud of, but I have a
rough time with anxiety. I just started this new Alpha-Stim treatment. It's the only thing that I
have found so far that's not medication that helps a ton. I just wanted to share in case you all
are looking for something, Meyer said on February 13, 2017, using hashtags like
#lookoutforoneanother and #anxietyhelp.
Scores of veterans and civilians alike have replied with words of support and encouragement,
including comments such as:

Nothing to be ashamed of!

People who dont have it cant possibly understand what we go through.
Thank you for posting this. As a Soldier that deals with this, I can relate. And I'm sure so
many other of our military brother and sisters can as well.
In a private interview with Meyer, he shared how debilitating his anxiety had become. After
seeking help and expressing a desire for a non-drug treatment, his counselor prescribed Alpha-
Stim. Two months after use, Meyer says that his anxiety is much improved, as is his quality of
While Alpha-Stim is currently available in more than half of the VAs across the nation, its his
opinion that everyone should have access to this treatment. Others agree, including Lila
Massoumi, MD, Chair of the American Psychiatric Association Caucus on Complementary,
Alternative and Integrative Medicine (CAM).
I recommend the Alpha-Stim device primarily. Many of my patients have PTSD, and I have
found no medication treatment better for PTSD than Alpha-Stim, Massoumi said in the
November/December 2016 issue of The Carlat Report, a prestigious psychiatry publication.

About Dakota Meyer
Dakota Meyer gained national attention for his actions in Afghanistan during his second
deployment. On September 8, 2009, Meyer entered an insurgent inhabited area, where he
found and moved the bodies of four missing servicemen so they could be safely extracted.
During his search, he "personally evacuated 12 friendly wounded and provided cover for
another 24 Marines and soldiers.
About Alpha-Stim
Alpha-Stim is a FDA cleared medical device that provides safe, fast and effective treatment of
anxiety, insomnia, depression and pain. The brain functions electrochemically and can be
readily modified by electrical intervention. The Alpha-Stim AID utilizes cranial electrotherapy
stimulation (CES) to deliver the only patented waveform which is clinically proven to significantly
decrease anxiety and comorbid depression. It can be used alone, along with other therapies, or
with medication (without the risk of drug interactions). There are no serious adverse effects, no
risk of addiction, and more than 100 research studies over 35 years that prove effectiveness. To
learn more, call 1-800-FOR-PAIN or visit www.alpha-stim.com.
Full disclosure of the minor and self-limiting risks at www.alpha-stim.com/risk.

Danielle Boyd
Marketing Manager
Electromedical Products International, Inc.
Phone: 940-328-0788 Ext. 3555
Fax: 940-328-0888

2017 ExtraOrdinary Technology
Albuquerque, NM ---- July 26 - July 30
Great Conference Site!!!
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Thad Mauney, PhD Energy Savers Cosmic/Radiant Energy Brown's Gas
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Michael Leas ElectroMedicine Magnetic Healing
Jere Rivera-Dugenio, PhD
Glen Rein PhD Get UPCLOSE... & Personal
Moray King
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with Working Hardware!
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Bob Boyce
Dr. Carolyn McMakin
Rhetta Jacobson Information
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Ninth International Conference on Future Energy -

Including the great ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference "

Integrity Research Institute, sponsor of COFE9, is collaborating with the ExtraOrdinary Technology
Conference and TeslaTech, LLC to present a two-day conference event on July 28 and 29, 2017 with an extra
introductory talk on July 27th at 5 PM for a separate fee. COFE traditionally fulfills the mission statement of
Integrity Research Institute to "research scientific integrity in the areas of energy, propulsion, and
bioenergetics" so original papers on those vital topics are invited on the topics of energy, propulsion,
bioenergetics. Email: IRI@erols.com . Questions, inquiries and 250-word abstracts for potential presenters
are accepted by email. Free admission for young people under 21 (student or not). It also includes FREE
admission for the 28th and 29th to the concurrent ExtraOrdinary Technology conference going on down the
hall if you are 21 and under. It does NOT include admission the evening Social with pizza and a special
plenary speaker's presentation starting Wednesday, July 27 at 5 PM and following evenings starting at 7 PM
for only $20/night separate Social/Food ticket.

Confirmed and Invited Speakers include:

Dr. Carolyn McMakin, D.C. speaking on "Resonant Effects in Clinical Practice" based on her best-selling
book, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (Churchill Livingston, 2011) also featured on the Elsevier Health
Nagamany Nirmalakhandan, speaking on "Desalination Using Low-Grade Thermal Energy" developed locally
in Las Cruces NM at the Arrowhead Center, Inc.
James Wayne Purvis, speaking on "Electromagnetic Angular Acceleration and Segmented-Capacitor
Propulsion Systems"
David L. Strom, speaking on his "Hyper-Light Antenna"
Thorsten Ludwig, PhD speaking on his scanning electron microscope assisted energy research results
William Alek, speaking on an energy breakthrough
Thomas Valone, PhD, PE speaking on "Energy Breakthroughs that are Expected to have a Public Impact"
Mike Gamble, retired Boeing engineer, speaking on his tabletop model of the CMG which powers (moves) the
ISS and most satellites

The dual, concurrent conferences will be held at the Embassy Suites near downtown Albuquerque, NM.
Preregistration rates to be posted. Embassy Suites special conference rate is $94 per night. Hotel
Reservations 800-362-2779. HOTEL reservations conference code is "TTI" .

NOTE: You receive FREE admission to the ExtraOrdinary Technology conference during the two days of
COFE8 with your COFE8 registration!

Click Here to REGISTER

NEVIS ISLAND JUNE 8, 9, 10 - 2017
His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle Ermias Selassie
and the United Grand Priories of the Hospitaller Order of Saint
Lazarus of Jerusalem



TODAY: https://panamint.wufoo.com/forms/smokh-congress-nevis-

The solemn congress has been in planning for 2+ years
The Knights are Returning to the Caribbean!
This is your exclusive opportunity to join the St. Lazarite Order

His Imperial Highness will be the guest of honor at the International

Lazarite Congress of 2017 which will be held in Nevis Island
from Thursday 8th of June 2017 to Saturday 10th of June 2017.

The International Lazarite Congress will consist of the following


a) Thursday, June 8th: Lectures on Natural Health, Indigenous

Medicines and Radionics. Full Day Expo to be held at the Castle Bay Villas
Promenade in Newcastle. This will include informative stands, literature,
demonstrations, etc. related to green energy, natural medicine, water and
other basic necessities usage etc.

b) Friday, June 9th: Morning: Free Public Health Screenings and

Medical checkups to the local population. Friday PM: More lectures on
natural health and indigenous medicines.

c) Saturday, June 10th (Morning): The International Lazarite

Congress, starting at 9.30am to 12.30pm. It will be held at the National
NEPAC Auditorium in Charlestown and will be officially opened by the Prime
Minister of Nevis. Other keynote speakers will include Government Ministers,
the Grand Chancellor of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
and the Grand Master of the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope,
the latter being a fully fledged member of the Order of Saint Lazarus.

Lodging: call for informaiton on discount lodging (869) 469-9564.

Travel To Nevis: American Airlines to St. Kitts/Nevis. Direct flights to Nevis

available from San Juan Puerto Rico and St. Marteen. Call for details.

Among the Missing, (and Updates): A Column about Missing
People,Organizations, Periodicals, Books, Artifacts, and Collections

by John H. Reed, M.D

This is a new column or section of the WISE Journal, and will be an ongoing part of
every issue, with the purpose of helping WISE, as well as, our members and research
associates locate people, organizations, periodicals, books, artifacts, collections, and
other items that have seemingly disappeared, or have been extremely difficult to find.
Updates will be added, and each missing item will be retained in future issues
until it is found or otherwise resolved, since some readers may not have seen
prior issues of the WISE Journal or the original notice of the missing item.

In addition, this will also serve as a People Locator Service to help find authors and
researchers on alternative and complementary medicine, subtle energies, energy
medicine, consciousness, scientific mysteries and related subjects, who have
disappeared or have died long ago, and whose relatives you may be trying to find in
order to preserve the research papers and collection of that person.

In our research and reading, we all have encountered people, organizations,

periodicals, books, articles, or other things that we have tried to find, and some people
have searched for years to find something, but have not yet found it, despite the vast
resources of the Internet. However, with our large WISE membership, we can all help
one another find what we have been searching for. Some of you may have experience
in genealogical research, or private investigation, law enforcement, or even intelligence
work which you could utilize to help each other, or perhaps just make suggestions on
how or where to search for something.

So if there is anything you have been searching for and need help to find, please write
to me, John H. Reed, M.D. at: joreed43@gmail.com, and I will include your search help
request in the next and subsequent issues of the WISE Journal. And if you have any
information about an item that is listed in Among the Missing, please write to the
same email address and share what you know or your suggestions. If there is
something that is confidential, your confidentiality request will be honored and

Missing Museums:

The Borderland Sciences Research Association Museum: It is hard to imagine that

an entire museum could disappear, but that may be what has happened to the
Borderland Sciences Research Association (BSRA) Museum. The BSRA was founded
in 1945 by Meade Layne, and included researchers on advanced and esoteric
technology that included radionics, anti-graity, free and new energy sources, Tesla
technology, and advanced technology of all kinds. A number of other astonishing films

were made during this time, but never released. The BSRA was active until about 2004,
when it apparently became inactive as a membership organization, although its website
was still maintained. The last and current director of the BSRA is James Borges of
Eureka, California.

That BSRA had a museum in which many devices were housed, including Drown
machines, Hieronymus machines, and the UKACO devices. All of this is detailed in a
Youtube video series with 24 parts that details what was in the Museum. Part One
details all the devices, which you can see here. Many of these devices were reproduced
by Michael Knox, Peter Lindemann, Tom Brown, and Eric Dollard, who in 1987 had
founded the Borderland Labs. It is currently not known where the museum or its artifacts
are located, or if the museum even exists or its contents dissipated. I have been trying
to call James Borges at the last number I knew him at: 707-497-6911, which is also
listed on his website, but nobody ever answers. If you have any information about
the BSRA Museum, or any of the devices or other artifacts that it housed, please
contact me at: joreed43@gmail.com.

Missing People, and Updates:

Does anyone have any information on the current whereabouts of the following
people, or family members, if the person is known to have passed away, or where
they passed away? Please check Ancestry.com, social media websites,
newspaper archives, and any university or public library databases you have
access to with which you can help find these people or their relatives:

US Psychotronics Association Associated People

We are trying to track down some of the early directors, officers, and researchers
associated with the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA), after it was
organized in 1975.
nd st
1. Paul Sauvin, USPA 2 Vice Pes., 1976 and 1 Vice Pres., 1977. Paul Sauvin,
whose full name is Pierre Paul Sauvin, is/was an electrical engineer and
inventor who, according to one source, worked in the aerospace industry and
later with the National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineering at St. Josephs
Hospital in Paterson, NJ. He also worked with Dr. Carl Schleicher, head of
Mankind Research Unlimited, and helped develop a device called the AGRAD
Machine. This device was designed to control crop insects, and was
introduced on an experimental basis, although it is not known if it ever
reached commercial production. Paul Sauvins mother was Edith Sauvin, who
lived in White Plains, NY, and died August 25th, 1987. Ediths only child was
Pierre Paul Sauvin, who himself had 2 sons, Alan Paul Sauvin and Steven Eric
Sauvin. He also had one daughter, Jane Elizabeth Sauvin. Any help in locating

the children of Paul Sauvin would be greatly appreciated, and please write to

2. Dr. Marcel Vogel and his Research Papers: Does anyone know what became
of the papers and files of Dr. Marcel Vogel, who died in 1991? Dr. Vogel did
extensive research on crystals and crystal healing, pyramid power, the Backster
Effect involving plants and their bioenergetic fields, and a number of other
psychotronics related subjects. He also spoke numerous times at USPA
conferences. Marcel Vogel worked at IBM for 27 years and had 32 patents. If you
have any knowledge about Marcel Vogel and what became of his papers and
files after he died, please write to your editor at: joreed43@gmail.com. WISE
would like to make sure that all of his papers are preserved.

3. Colonel I. B. Clark, Update: The family of I. B. Clark has been found. Thank you
all who helped track down the family of Mr. Clark, who passed away May 10,
1977, nearly 40 years ago.

4. Dr. Otha Wingo, Update: Otha Wingo, whose full name is Elvis Ortha Wingo
has been found. He was one of the original USPA Board Directors, 1975-1977.
Thank you all who helped track down.
5. Henry Nagorka, USPA 1 Vice Pres., 1975 and 1976, and then President, of the
USPA in 1977.

Missing Pages of a Book

The book, Relationship Between Parapsychology and Gravity, Vol. 3 of Handbook

of Unusual Energies, by J.G. Gallimore, was published by Borderland Sciences in the
1970s, although the date of publication and copyright date were not noted in this book.
The USPA has this book in its library, and plans to republish it for the Gallimore family,
but unfortunately, pages 208 and 209 are missing from the printed book. It appears that
this is a publisher printing error, because page 210 is printed on the back side of page
207. However, it is possible that pages 208 and 209 were missing from the manuscript
when it was sent to Borderlands for publication. Or these pages of the manuscript may
have been inadvertently lost by the publisher, or possibly they were intentionally
removed by someone from the manuscript prior to publication.
Do any of you have a copy of this book, and if so, would you please check to see
if it has pages 208 and 209? I have searched the WorldCat, which shows the books
and monograph holdings of virtually every public and university library in the United

States and Canada, and many of the large libraries in the UK and elsewhere in the
world. But not a single library has this book in its collection. If by chance you have a
copy, please let me know what you find by emailing the editor at: joreed43@gmail.com.

Missing Organizations:

1. International Association for Psychotronic Research (IAPR): Does

anyoneknow what became of the International Association for Psychotronic
Research?And do any of you have copies of its meeting proceedings or
newsletter, if such a newsletter were published? It was founded in 1973, even
before the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA), which was founded
in 1975. However, the current location or activities of the IAPR are unknown.

The IAPR held numerous international conferences around the world, beginning
with its first in 1974 in Prague, then Czechoslovakia. At this conference, Dr.
Zdenek Rejdak was elected president for the Eastern Division of the IAPR, and
Dr. Stanley Krippner was elected president for the West. The 8th International
Conference on Psychotronic Research was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1993,
as a joint conference with the United States Psychotronics Association (USPA),
but it is unknown if any subsequent conferences of the IAPR were held.
Proceedings of each of these conferences were published. If any of you have
copies of these proceedings, or any newsletters, we would greatly appreciate it if
you would loan us or donate copies for the library. If you have any knowledge
about this organization, please write to the editor at: joreed43@gmail.com
2. International Radionics Association (IRA): Does anyone know anything
about the International Radionics Association (IRA), which was located in
Springfield, Missouri in the late 1940s. This is known, because a book called The
Truth about Radionics was published in 1947 by this organization, and although
the authors name is anonymous, it is highly probable that the author was T.
Galen Hieronymus, who passed away many years ago.

I checked several newspaper databases, and references to this organization

were found in the press as far back as the early 1930s, and as late as the early
1960s, but nothing more recent than that. If you have any knowledge about this
organization, please write to the editor at: joreed43@gmail.com

Missing Periodicals:

1. British Journal of Radiesthesia and Radionics: Does anyone have any issues
of The British Journal of Radiesthesia and Radionics. It was published in London,
England, by the British Radiesthesia Association, 1953-1963. The original title
was British Journal of Radiesthesia, published from 1953-1957. No libraries in
the United States, public or university, have this journal in their collection., and
only five libraries elsewhere in the world are known to have any issues at all: The

British Museum Library (AKA The British Library), Oxford, Cambridge, the
National Library of Scotland, and Trinity College Library, in Dublin Ireland. If you
have any issues of this periodical, will you please let me know? And for our
members and associates in The UK and Ireland, if you can access these
periodicals at any of the above libraries, you would do a huge service for all of us
if you would Xerox what issues are available and send them to me. A generous
donor has offered to pay whatever expenses are involved for doing this service.
We will add them to the WISE Library and make them available to researchers.
Please contact the editor at: joreed43@gmail.com.

2. Journal of Scientific Controversy. This periodical was referred to on page 49

of the Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring, 1967) issue of the INFO: The Journal of the
International Fortean Organization. Someone was trying to find out about it
eventhen, 49 years ago, and said that this journal was formerly published in
Boulder ,Colorado implying that it may have ceased publication prior to 1967, or
that it moved somewhere else after being published for a period of time in
Boulder.Journal of Scientific Controversy.

I have searched the WorldCat, which shows the periodical holdings of virtually
every public and university library in the United States and Canada, and many of
the large libraries in the UK and elsewhere overseas. But this title, or anything
close to it does not exist in the WorldCat database, so that indicates that this
periodical title is not held in any library, even special collections, which are also
included in WorldCat. However, this does not mean that the periodical does not
exist, since many periodicals in the psychotronics , scientific anomalies and
similar fields are excluded from libraries. If any of you have ever heard of this
periodical or know anything about it, such asits editor, publisher, or other
information, please write to the editor at:joreed43@gmail.com.

Missing Books:
Rhea White and Larissa Vilenskaya wrote a book titled Parapsychology in the Soviet
Union, Eastern Europe, and China: A Compendium of Information. It was
supposedly published by Scarecrow Press of Metuchen, NJ, a well know publisher of
reference books. This book was listed as reference work #680 on page 213 of Rhea
Whites book, Parapsychology: New Sources of Information, 1973-1989 , also
published by Scarecrow Press. I called the publisher, and they said they have never
published this book, and know nothing about it. As you can see from entry #680, Rhea
White noted that this book was in press, so it may have been in a preparation stage,
but the manuscript may never have been sent to Scarecrow Press.

Again, I have searched the WorldCat, which shows books and monograph holdings of
virtually every public and university library in the United States and Canada, and many
of the large libraries in the UK and elsewhere in the world. But this book title does not
exist in the WorldCat database, which indicates that this book is not held in any library,

even special collections, which are also included in WorldCat. Unfortunately, I was
unable to ask either of the authors about this, since both have passed away.
Rhea White was a well known parapsychology researcher, so some of you may have
known her or heard her speak of the missing book manuscript that she was working on.
Larissa Vilenskaya was from Russia, but lived and worked in the San Francisco area,
and she was a prolific researcher on Russian and Eastern European psychotronics
research. Please write to your editor at: joreed43@gmail.com if you have any
information about this at all.

Nina Sotina, Ph.D

1. Biomolecules and quantum mechanics

What is the difference between the chemistry of a living substance and a non-living one? In a
living organism unlike non-living, molecules interact mostly under control of enzymes rather
than via random collisions. An enzyme is a protein having a particular shape. Any enzyme
includes an active site where a chemical reaction occurs. The active site can only accommodate
molecules having a particular shape. When molecules are in the active site the deforming motion
of the enzyme is enough to break the bonds between the molecules. This process does not exhibit
any molecular chaos! On the contrary, the molecules in a living organism act as the well-
tuned mechanisms.
However from the physics point of view, a molecule is a quantum system. A quantum system
behavior should be governed by the probabilistic laws of quantum mechanics. According to the
theory it is possible to tell only with a finite probability whether a chemical reaction is to occur.
For example: to obtain a 10 link enzyme in a laboratory we should produce 9 reactions. If we
assume that each reaction occurs with high probability 0.95 then for 9 reactions to occur the
probability must be 0.95^9 = 0.62. So the probability of 9 reactions is already not so big. We
have only 9 reactions here. But the living molecular systems are in the state of continuous
interaction. Hence from the quantum physics standpoint the probably of a certain biological
process would be very small. However in a real life, we observe surprising stability. The same
processes repeat again and again from generation to generation.
Schrdinger was the one who pointed out that Quantum Mechanics in its present day form is
unable to describe a behavior of living matter. He wrote: a single group of atoms existing only
in one copy produces orderly events, marvelously tuned in with each other and with the
environment according to most subtle laws... we are here obviously faced with events whose
regular and lawful unfolding is guided by a mechanism entirely different from the probability
mechanism of physics. [1].
Let us demonstrate on the example of a microscopic organization, such as a virus, that living
organism or/ and pre-cellular life forms show a high degree of determinism of biomolecules
behavior which disagrees with the concept of a molecule as a quantum object. Note, that viruses
are generally not considered to be true living organisms because they do not use any external
energy (food, radiation), do not have a program of death, and cannot reproduce without getting
inside some living cell. The viruses that infect bacteria are known as bacteriophges.
Bacteriophge T2 looks like a tadpole [2].

A head (a protective protein shell) contains DNA (some types of bacteriophages contain RNA
only). A tail is a protein tube. By six legs (tail fibers), the phage attaches to the surface of the
much larger bacterium Escherichia coli. Once attached, the bacteriophage injects DNA into the
bacterium. The DNA instructs the bacterium to produce masses of new viruses.
The following is an approximate list of the bacteriophage's functions.
) Detecting (done at a range of several phage's own lengths) and turning the tail towards the
b) Attaching to the surface of the bacteria and penetrating it with the tail;
c) Injecting genetic material into the bacterium. (The injection is accompanied by the
contraction of phages head, and the simultaneous cooperative shift of its protein subunits with
respect to each other occur, which makes the tail become shorter and thicker. The tail of the
phage can be visualized as a molecular syringe).
From the physics standpoint, the intelligent behavior of the bacteriophage must be caused
by some physical phenomenon of interaction. Thus most of researchers suggest that:
) detecting and turning towards the bacterium is done by electrostatic forces. [Note, that this
is not very convincing because the abilities of electrostatic forces are limited (there are only two
sighs of a charge + and ), at the same time the variety of phages in the micro world is enormous
and every phage parasite on its own type of bacteria].
b) attaching to the surface of a bacterium occurs due to Van der Waals forces.
c) injecting of genetic material, partially occur due to the pressure difference (DNA is packed
tightly inside the protein shell of a phage; as a result of that, DNA has elastic energy and exert
pressure on the walls of the protein shell). Interaction of DNA and protein, which is explained to
be due to the formation of the special correlations of electric charges, also plays an important
role in the process [3].
However, the above reasoning alone cannot explain the coherence and a high degree of
determinism of biomolecules behavior. Thus, if assume that the interaction between DNA and
protein is due to the complex correlations of electric charges alone, then how to explain the
stability observed in the functioning of a bacteriophage at the temperature around 300K? The
heat fluctuations should have caused disorder in the complex mechanism.
In the opinion of the author of the present work it is impossible to calculate the behavior of
biomolecules even theoretically using the methods of the quantum mechanics alone without
bringing some heuristic models. And it is not only because of the complexity of a problem. The
question is much deeper: the question is about incompleteness in the description of physical
reality by quantum mechanics (so-called problem of hidden variables which would allow a
quantum system to be consistent with the deterministic theory).
2. Nonlocal hidden variables and the quantum potential of D.Bohm.
The idea to introduce new forces in quantum mechanics is not recent. Even in 1935 Einstein,
Podolsky, and Rosen suggested to introduce hidden variables, that would allow deterministic
description of micro world. Why this idea was not accepted by the majority of physicists?
Because it was proven later that hidden variables must be nonlocal only. Nonlocality
means two possibilities: either existence of a physical field which allows interactions with speeds
greater than the speed of light, or possibility instantaneous connection between distant particles.
Both possibilities, however, contradict the Theory Relativity.

The most famous proponents of the causal (deterministic) interpretation of the quantum
theory, and, consequently, the existence of nonlocal hidden variables were D.Bohm [4]. Bohm
represented (r , t ) in the following form (r , t ) A(r , t ) exp iS / , substituted it into the non-
stationary Schrdinger equation
(r , t )
i r, t U (r , t ) r, t ,
t 2m
separated real and imaginary parts and obtained these two equations:
S ( S )2 A2
( /2m) A / t 2( A)( S) A 2
U 0,
t 2m 2m A
The first equation looks like the Hamilton-Jacobi equation but it contains not only the classical
potential, but also another term
2 2
2m A
Bohm called U Q the quantum information potential .

3. Critical analysis of Bohms interpretation of the potential UQ .

Why did Bohm call U Q the quantum information potential?

(I) First of all, he thought that in the classical limit as Planks constant goes to zero ( 0)
U Q equals zero too. That is why he called it quantum.
(2) The second reason is that U Q dependents on the amplitude of the wave function A(r , t ) ,
which Bohm gave statistical meaning.
(3) Thirdly, the form of the term U Q is such that multiplication of the wave function by a
constant does not change the quantum potential. The quantum potential can therefore still be
large even when the wave function is small. This means that its effects do not necessarily fall off
with the distance.
(4) and lastly, as Bohm said, the quantum information potential has the new feature of
nonlocality, implying an instantaneous connection between distant particles.
Since U Q is a continuous function, Bohms followers began to talk about the existence of
some informational field. In my works [5, 6] I proved that the first three of Bohms points
contain mathematical or logical mistakes, and the forth one about nonlocality could have only
been part of model. For example, we can say in a similar way that the pressure in an
incompressible fluid is a manifestation of nonlocality. In conclusion, there is no informational
field in Bohms understanding.
Despite some of the Bohms assumptions appeared to be incorrect, however, the
deterministic approach he used led to very interesting results.
4. The structures in the physical vacuum
In the opinion of the author of the present work failure of quantum mechanics in its present day
form to describe behavior of living matter is an argument in favor of the search for the
deterministic interpretation of quantum formalisms. There is only one way to give the
interpretation - to take as hidden variables a new physical field.

Quantum Mechanics, as known, explains a large number of experiments. Since, the
Schrdinger equation is the main postulate of quantum mechanics, we should preserve it, if we
are to develop a new approach; possibly by giving a different interpretation to the Schrdinger
equation. The author of the present work proved that the Schrdinger equation can derived from
the deterministic laws of classical mechanics [5, 6]. Under the deterministic approach the
Schrdinger equation is a necessary condition of a stable motion of electrons in an atom. Besides
that this approach gives a strong mathematical base with which to suggest that some spatial
structures are formed in the physical vacuum associated with the motion of any quantum object
(atoms, molecules, ). These structures are responsible for stabilization of the elections motion
in an atom.
In order to say anything more specific about the shape of these structures, we need to know
more about the properties of the physical vacuum as a medium that fills up the space between
elementary particles as well as between the stars. If we make an assumption that hidden
variables are associated with some kind of a field that is created by a medium similar in
properties to superfluid He-3, then we can be more specific about the form of the structures.
Indeed, in superfluid He-3 structures like homogeneous precessing domains are observed, where
all spins of the fluid particles precess with the same frequency and phase. If we assume, that in
the material substance (the superfluid vacuum) such domain accompanies electrons motion in a
hydrogen atom, then it can be demonstrated that the frequencies of precession of the quasi-
particles spin are the natural frequencies of the atom (calculated from the Rydbergs formula).
Obviously, the more complex a quantum object (atom molecule biomolecule) is the the
more complex is the structure accompanying it in the physical vacuum. It is reasonable to
suggest, that the structures accompanying a biomolecules system must be fundamentally differ
from structures accompanying non-living quantum systems, because they must contain some
"mechanism" that governs the changes in the quantum states of biomolecules. hat is these
structures hold information and energy necessary to control biochemical processes [7]. These
ideas are in agreement with the results of the experiments conducted by Eugene Macovschi.
These experiments will be discussed in details in the next chapter.
The idea that a living organism is not just a material substance, that is accumulation of
molecules, but also some non-molecular structure in the physical vacuum goes back to the mists
of time. In works of Greek philosophers, we can find the idea of a soul, as a substance composed
of a fine kind of matter which person loses in death. For example, Socrates stated that it is the
soul that animates the body of a living thing. He said: What is it that, when present in a body,
makes it living? - A soul [8].
A number of arguments for the claim that the soul is material have come down to us. The best
one of these is that the soul is material because only material objects affect one another, and soul
and body do affect one another, for instance in cases of bodily damage or emotion.
Many centuries passed but science still did not make much progress in understanding of life
and death. According to contemporary biophysics human organism is composed of cells, which
in turn are mainly composed of biomolecules, and the biomolecules are composed of elementary
particles. he space between elementary particles is filled with a special kind of medium - the
physical vacuum. From the point of view of the dominant physics theories the physical vacuum
must have a uniform density of energy everywhere. Emotions according to modern biology are
associated with hormones produced in our body.

However in the scientific world there were scientists and scientific groups who raised the
question about the soul. In 1854 for the first time, a German physiologist Rudolf Wagner at a
congress in Gottingen, proposed a hypothesis about existence of a soul, as a special material
5. Macovschi concept of a biostructure.
In the second half of the 20th century biochemist Macovschi not only put forward a hypothesis
that there exist a non-molecular material structure in the physical vacuum, associated with a
living organism, but also conducted a series of interesting experiments on plants to prove it.

Romanian biochemist Eugene Macovschi (1906-1985).

According to Macovschi, living cells consist of two qualitatively different, though interacting,
forms of matter: a special form of structured matter (biostructure) and coexisting molecular
matter, chemicals. He guessed that the biostructure is an entity carrying the control function in
living cells, and that this control is irreducible to electric and electromagnetic interactions.
Eugene Macovschi re-evaluated the results of some experiments that were explained by their
authors on the basis of the molecular theory [9, 10].
The starting point for Macovschi and his coworkers was the following observation: after
being exposed to 200 ATMs hydrostatic pressure, the living plant tissues released a certain
amount of water and still remained alive. In the case of a dead tissue the situation was quite
different: after exposing to 200 ATMs a dead tissue released all the water it contained. Then,
Macovschi postulated that life depends on the biostructure integrity and that it can stand rather
high hydrostatic pressures without breakdown, i.e. without releasing all the water it comprises.
The killing of the residue leaded to the biostructure breakdown and to the release of the
biostructured water it contained.
According to the present molecular concept, water occurs in both living and dead tissues
under only two main states: free and bound. Of course, water in the vicinity of the solid surfaces,
free ions, macromolecules, and so on of the cell exhibit properties different from ordinary water.
Once the biological water is released from the biological system it immediately regains the
properties of ordinary water. According to contemporary biochemistry, the living matter and the
dead one consist of the same substances and are not qualitatively different. It follows from this
experiment, however, that two forms of matter, living and dead, are fundamentally different.
Note that Macovschis ideas of biological structures stand out from all other explanations of
organism behavior. At the same time some scientists tried to explain different phenomena in
biology by introducing a new kind of physical field (the biofield), which was presented in living
organisms only. (Note that the term the biological field was introduced by A. Gurvitsch at the
beginning of the 20th century). By the term physical field Gurvich and his followers
understood n agent that transmits action from one object to another, where both objects were
composed of molecular matter. In physics, a field is a quantity that has a value in each point in
space that is a field in most cases has a property of continuity. A spatial structure, on the other

hand, is a system composed of elements (items) of arbitrary nature and has a definite shape. Here
lies a significant difference between structures and the physical field. Biostructures, unlike field,
have a definite shape. Macovschi viewed the biostructure which holds the water in a plant as a
It is important to note that in order for biostructures to be stable and at the same time
dynamic there must exist some kind of interaction among non-molecular elements of a
biostructure which controls the coherent behavior of the distant elements. Thus, to understand
biostructures it is important to go beyond the molecular level in the investigations, into finer
level of matter.
Despite the Macovschi concept of a biostructure and a number of conundrums encountered
by biophysicists, modern biology continues to develop solely within boundaries of molecular
concept which does not provide a satisfactory understanding of the specifics of a living matter.
The main reason for that is the theory of relativity which prevents the further development of
the concept of biostructure. Indeed, if spatial structures existed in physical vacuum then it
would be possible to link a coordinate system with them, and it would be possible to introduce an
absolute motion of objects with respect to vacuum which contradicts the first postulate of
special relativity the postulate of relativity.
1. E.Schrdinger, What is Life? Cambridge (1944).
2. http://nauka.relis.ru/16/0109/16109098.htmB
3. D.E.Smith, S.J.Tans, S.B.Smith, S.Grimes, D.L.Anderson, C. Bustamante, The Bacteriophag 29
portal motor can package DNA against a large internal force, Nature, 413, 748-752 (2001).
4. D.Bohm, Phys. Rev., 85 (2), 166 (1952).
5. N. Sotina, Derivation of Schrdinger equation from the laws of classical mechanics, structure
of physical vacuum, Physics Essays, 27, , 3, pp.321-326 (2014).
6. N. Sotina, The hidden variables in quantum mechanics. The precession of the electrons spin in
an atom, Proceedings of Natural Philosophy Alliance, vol.11, 113-122 (2015)
7. N. Sotina, Living organisms and structures in the physical vacuum, WISE Journal, Vol. 4, No.
3 , pp. 57-64 (Fall, 2015)
8. Lorenz, Hendrik, Ancient Theories of Soul, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer
2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.) URL=
9. E. Macovschi, Rev. Roum. Biochim., 19, 177-186 (1982)
10. G. Drochioiu, Eugene Macovschis concept of biosructure and its current development, LIVE
and MIND, in search of the physical basis, Trafford publishing, Canada, Editor S.Savva, 43-60

Human Potential and Possible Tests of Transformations
among Vision and Other Sensations
Yi-Fang Chang
Department of Physics, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091, China
Southern China Branch of International Chinese Parapsychology Association
(e-mail: yifangch@sina.com)

Abstract: We trained the potential of blind children and general children, and obtain some success
by a method combining science and Chinese traditional Qigong and so on. Based on modern
neurobiology and these human potentials, we proposed a testable scientific hypothesis: The neural
excitable cell is continuously induced and excited, then grow out new synapse and dendrite, so the
feeling system, hearing system, smell system, etc., may joint to visual system, and form a new
neural network, and achieve finally a transformation among vision and other sensations. Further,
we propose some possible tests, for example, scientists may train the blinded animals, then dissect
their brain, and compare their different functions and different results. And these results may
compare with those animals lack some sense organs. If this hypothesis is validated, it will bring
benefit to mankind, in particular, disability, and may build a bridge between modern medicine and
parapsychology, and between science and religion.

1. Modern Neurobiology
According to the areas of cerebral cortices [1], the sensation cortices include visual cortex
(17, 18, 19, etc., area), hearing cortex (41, 42 areas), taste cortex (43 area), olfactory cortex (28
area), body sensation cortex (1, 2, 3 areas). But, it is a linear reductionism that different areas are
distinguished. Olfactory nerve joints with optic nerve, and vestibulocochlear nerve relates to
hearing. Gustation and olfaction are related closely. Gustation relates to thalamus, hypothalamus
and amygdala, and they relate also to channel of olfaction into nerve centre.
In modern neurobiology various general independent sensation systems may be substitutions
each other. For example, Bach-y-Rita, et al., researched vision substitution by tactile and tongues
[2-4], etc. In a word, since half tissues of brain are in contact with vision, men see by their brains,
and are not eyes [5-7]. It is related with the synesthesia [6-9]. This is also the Six Sense-organs
Intersubstitution on eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-thinking in Buddhism, which as a type of special
functions in fact is not strange.

2. Parapsychology and Human Potential

In 2012-2016 we trained the potential of blind children in Kunming and Beijing by a method
combining science and Chinese traditional Qigong and so on. We found through a period training
of time, some children by touch or nose or ear can distinguish different colors, even simple figure
and numbers. It is propitious to improve the life quality of blind children. In fact, some religions
have many similar descriptions. Further, the method was applied to general children, and results
are better. They not only can distinguish different colors, and recognize numbers, words and
figures (animals in card), etc., by touch or nose or ear, and finish some ESP phenomena. Most
children can achieve PK to fold scrip and break match rod or scrip in closed lockets by various

imaginary hand or other tools, and even wrote few tiny words (Chinese Mother I love you) and
a figure of love at match rod in closed locket by virtual pen. Various investigations show
possibly the existence of new fifth interaction [10].
In fact, these results are the same with parapsychology and many experiments of Chinese
somatic science. Various researches show possibly the existence of new interaction, of high
dimensional space-time, or of new body-mind-gods many-worlds. Three new results are related
each other [11], and between real and imaginary spaces there must be new interactions, as PK.

3. Possible Tests on Transformations of Various Sensations

Based on our research and modern neurobiology, we proposed a testable hypothesis: The
neural excitable cell is continuously induced and excited, then grow out new synapse and dendrite,
so the feeling system, hearing system, smell system, etc., may joint to visual system, and achieve
finally transformation among vision and other sensations. Further, we proposed some possible
tests, and researched possible theories [12].
They may form a new neural network [13,14], and prove a well-known degeneracy in the
neural circuits proposed by Edelman [15], in which neural circuits of different structures may
produce the same function. This is a classical neuronplasticity. It may prove the recurrences or
loops in brain [16], or general neural circuits in modern neurobiology. It is also the brain plasticity
and the synaptic plasticity, in which there has long-term potentiation.
Its base is the synaptic plasticity [17], and general plasticity of visual system for very young
mammal, for which there has a critical period [18-20]. The adult mammal has also the visual
plasticity [21,22]. Zohary, et al. [23] and Thoenen [24] investigated neuronal plasticity. Chino, et
al., discussed four possible neural joints of visual system [25]. These joints all originate from
retina. Synaptic responses undergo short- and long-term potentiation (LTP) of long-term changes
of synaptic efficacy [26].
It is known that in the forepart brain grows to form new synapse, and for baby this jointed
numbers are very big than adult. Then these synapses have an elimination period, or a shear
periodand some superfluous joints will die out. In 1970s P. Huttenlocher collected various
postmortem brains of different ages, and observed that prefrontal cortex for baby is different. The
synaptic numbers of brain sensation regions for small-fry metaphase achieve mature level, and
synaptic numbers of prefrontal cortex increase continuously, and then begin decrease. But, recent
scientists found some brain regions, in particular, prefrontal cortices grow still for youthhood even
then, and they will come through great change for former twenty-thirty years of life [27].
This is related to the mechanism of information processing by visual cortex. Pessoa, et al.
[28], subdivide visual processing into low-level, intermediate-level, and high-level components.
Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a persistent increase in synaptic strength, and occurs in a variety
of neural synapses. It possesses classical properties: cooperativity, associativity and input
specificity [29,30].
Based on various known characters of brain, we conjecture that the key regions of the
transformation among vision and other sensations are cortex and its hippocampus, which connect
to olfactory cortex. Some regions of total visual system are damaged or blocked, their results are
visual barrier. But, it is usually unable that total system, in particular, brain part, destroys. Majority
of blind originates from retina damaged. Therefore, the damaged parts are different, the cure ways
and training effects are also different.

Under inducement or outside excitation various sensation systems may joint each other. Their
basic principle of internal growth is the biological power of self-adjustment, self-repair and
self-organization, especially for children. They all are nonlinear interactions. It corresponds also to
the adaptability of brain. In physiology these are the transforms of different receptors of special
senses for changed energy and coding. For example, fingers may have visual cells. Distances
between ear, nose and eye are closer. Their nerves may probably joint to visual system, and
produce visual effect. We may excite the corresponding auditory system by music and song, etc.
The robustness of brain may keep the whole and colligation of various sensations (hearing,
vision, etc.), and derives a unified conclusion. Usual channel of sensation systems is labeled line.
Only retina irradiated by light may produce vision, and neuron by mechanical or electric
excitations in visual channel may also produce vision, but it is distorted. Coding process and
adaptive mechanism of receptor are all very complex. For instance, the adaptation of rod and cone
is related to change of their chemical elements, and adaptive production is related to change of
some functions of synaptic transmission and sensory centre in the channel.
It corresponds to that sodium channel excited by action potential make an activation state
from standby state. Adult corresponds to no-live state, so their some functions lose.
A type of testable experiments is: Scientists may train the blinded animal, for example, a set
of young white mouse, then dissect their brain, and compare their different functions and different
results. And these results may compare with those animals lack some sense organs, as shark and
mole, etc. This test should be easy.
Children are lovely angels. Their growth is not completely to finalize the design, so their
potentials open out easily. But, it must exist in a certain threshold, i.e., the training and excitation
need a certain time. Adult growth is already to finalize the design, and various sensation systems
are sclerosis and separated, so their potentials open out hardly. But a few adult has some joints
among different sensory systems, congenial or through hard training. These may show the strong
parapsychology. It suggests a possible application for blind agedness.
Some children train together, effects are better. It corresponds possibly to the population
oscillation among neurons. There are the phenomena of synchronous oscillation among the visual
We may explore these structures of brains for trained men and some men with special
functions. Further, if we collect various postmortem brains of these men, dissections will be able
to test our hypothesis. This research is more general development in neurobiology. If this
hypothesis is affirmed, it may even undergo surgery on the joint.
Hartline nonlinear equations describe the visual lateral inhibition phenomena. The
phenomena are found not only in visual, and in hearing, feeling and other sensation systems. This
is a commonness of various sensation systems.
The hypothesis is a testable application of the nonlinear whole biology [31]. It is also a
synergetics [32-36] among different sensation systems.
This hypothesis must be based on the nonlinear whole biology [31]. Therefore, some possible
theories are nonlinear equations, network, Hodgkin-Huxley equations and so on. Hopfield
nonlinear equations [13] are:
dui u
Ci = i + Tij f j [u j ] + I i . (1)
dt Ri j =1

Here i=1,2,n, f j [u j ] is the nonlinear function. They describe the dynamic neurons. From the

equations Arbib and Amari described the network of neurons with competition and cooperation,
which has a character of winner taking all. When visual system is linearization, eye is first and
engrosses vision. By a similar Hopfield method, the dynamical behavior of neural network
combines the associated memory, and hearing, feeling, olfaction, etc., are combined to an attractor
(e.g. apple), so the same result (apple) will be observed. It is also the parallel distribution
processing (PDP) researched by Rumelhart, McClelland, Hinton, et al., in which the activation
rule and change of coupling mode are consistent.
Hartline nonlinear equations are extended, and may probably be used to vision and other
sensations, and their transformations. McCulloch-Pitts neuron network may simulate the
conditioned reflex.
Jenelia Farm Institute of HHMI studies neural circuits. Brain with neural circuit network
agrees with complicity of world, but, it may not suit a clear boundary, as blindsight. A new
nanotechnology begins make the artificial retina. In this case the neural network may produce new
joints, and may introduce nonlinear interactions.

4. Conclusion
This is the whole sensation systems, which are related by nonlinear interactions each other. It
forms possibly new dendrite for closer neurons, and forms new axon for neurons. They transmit
the corresponding electric signal to visual centre of brain, and form together a shape, which is
synthesis even from hearing, feeling and olfaction, etc. Further, not only vision, and various
sensations all may be transformation each other, and can form new joints.
If this hypothesis is validated, it will be a pierce into various sensation systems separated in
usual physiology, and be also an explanation for some strange phenomena in parapsychology,
Buddhism and various religions, etc. This may build a bridge between modern medicine and
parapsychology, and between science and religion.
In a word, our research shown the potential of blind and general children is universal, and is
independent of nation, religion and belief, etc. Exploit potential will bring benefit to mankind, in
particular, disability as a world problem by parapsychology and Chinese traditional culture.

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In the Beginning:
Evolution Physics, Consciousness and Our Physical Reality
James E. Beichler, Ph.D.
Abstract: Many scientists believe that any true unification theory of physics must include a concept of
consciousness as well as a model for the mind that interprets our three-dimensionally biased and limited
sensations of the external physical/material world. And, that number is growing. The single field theory goes even
further than that, in fact, well beyond the simple notion of mind and consciousness as mere human bound
perceivers and interpreters of the external material/physical world by placing the physical origin of consciousness
within every geometrical point in the universe itself. Although full blown consciousness itself is not everywhere
in the three-dimensional universeit is not a property of every bit of matter we observe or event that we detectthe
universal will for consciousness to emerge in all forms of life is everywhere, point-by-point in the universe. This
physical model of creation clearly demonstrates that the precursors to our experience of consciousness are
fundamental elements and active participants in creating the physical world that we perceive and scientifically
interpret through the evolution, revolution and application of physics and science.

Intuitives are often the very people who have intimately and directly experienced consciousness, giving
them the ability to access consciousness directly at later times. They are typically Near Death Experiencers
(NDErs), people who have reached mystical enlightenment and other higher states of consciousness through other
means, although a greater number of people have had similar experiences that changed them mentally (rewired
their neural nets in a beneficial manner) without ever consciously realizing it. They generally believe that
consciousness is an active participant in creating our world rather than just deciding between choices our world
offers to us. Their views of the role of consciousness with regard to the inner workings of the world in general
greatly differ from those of ordinary people and especially scientists.
Even the word intuition has been looked down upon in science as recently as a few decades ago. Scientists
consider their own strictly logical worldview above reproach, believing their insights have been and are presently
based upon strict and accurate observations of the external world around them. In general, most scientists have
looked down upon all types of intuitive knowledge and have obstinately refused to consider intuitive knowledge
of consciousness and how it works in relation to the world as a whole. They view intuitive data with suspicion, as
no more than anecdotal evidence without any scientific validity. Yet intuitive knowledge of the world, anecdotal
or not, can provide valid observations of consciousness and how consciousness interacts with the world at large.
So to those few scientists willing to seriously consider information from intuitives, knowledge of the world that
did not come from direct observation of the world, it can seem to them as though conservative scientists are
missing a large part of the world in their theoretical models. Conservative scientists also seem overly biased if not
acting completely in an unscientific manner within the broader meaning and context of science itself by
neglecting all intuitive knowledge out-of-hand.
The intuitive Sperry Andrews [1,2] has proposed a speculative theory of how everything in the world
originated from nothing and how such theories as general relativity and quantum mechanics might account for a
conscious universe if not a fully developed or developing Consciousness space. Andrews has suggested that the
solution to the consciousness question can be found in Bernhard Riemanns original conception of (spaces)
surfaces with metric curvature, since an n-dimensional space is embedded in an n+1 dimensional manifold all
three-dimensional points are united at one point in the four-dimensional embedding space or manifold. His

suggested geometrical model corresponds to the Riemannian geometry of a three-dimensional double-polar
spherical surface or space embedded in a four-dimensional single-polar spherical manifold (space) as specified in
the single field theory. In the case where n = 0, the 0-D point (point with twist in single field theory), which still
represents a dimensionless Void, could still be embedded and common to all lower- and higher-dimensional
Riemannian spaces.

Single Field Theory

The single field theory itself is an extended, and thus completed, version of Einsteins unified field theory.
[3] It completely incorporates the Standard Model of point particles and quantum fields, although the
philosophical interpretation of the quantum theory differs from the normally accepted Copenhagen (CI) and
similar interpretations. Within this context, the discrete 0-D point/twists also manifest gravitationally in the space-
time continuum as gravnetic (normal gravitys counterpart analogous to the electric/magnetic relationship) vector
potential fields which account for what are mistakenly called Dark Matter and Dark Energy in modern physics. In
other words, Dark Matter is just an additional (non-local curvature) effect of the same matter that causes normal
(local) gravitational effects and Dark Energy is just the gravnetic vector potential at each point in space. [4]
The non-local gravnetic effect can be expressed by the 1892 Heaviside equation, the gravitational equivalent
of the Lorentz equation in electromagnetic theory, in classical Newtonian physics or the anti-symmetric tensor
(Einstein & Cartan, 1929 [5] and later Schrdinger [6]) in relativity theory. The fourth spatial dimension, which
acts as the embedding manifold (dimension) of our normally perceived three-dimensional reality, can be
geometrically modified (to account for point-elements or twists) and defined to allow the unification of gravity
and electromagnetism in a five-dimensional space-time framework (Kaluza [7] and later Einstein & Bergmann
[8]). So the single field theory is a synthesis of already verified and accepted science that is put together in such a
way that it keeps the best of previous theories and throws out their mistakes, resulting in a great amount of new
The resulting macro-extended embedding spatial dimension can then be quantized (what some call quantum
gravity theory) into parallel three-dimensional sheets (quantum sheaves of infinitesimally thin parallel three-
dimensional Riemann surfaces) with an effective width along the fourth spatial direction, literally quantizing the
four-dimensional space-time curvature of the continuum. Our three-dimensional material reality thus corresponds
to the n=1 or lowest energy quantum ground state sheet. Higher quantum energy or possible excited state
sheets (n = 2, 3 ) are stacked in the fourth direction of space like pages in a book.

The real existence of the fifth dimension of space as an embedding dimension for our common four-dimensional
space-time of experience and the single field density structures that constitute other potential fields, material
bodies and life, mind, and consciousness implies a further sixth embedding dimension whose geometry and
physical characteristics are yet to be specified.
The sixth embedding dimension could possibly be the place where a Cosmic Consciousness, universal
collective Consciousness or Consciousness space exists that could directly affect and influence all of space-time
in the manner suggested by Andrews, [9] Federico Faggin [10] and others. It is also possible, given the single
field model of consciousness, that any such hypothetical and idealistic Consciousness space is presently a
partially filled cup that is slowly being filled by evolving consciousnesses, such as human consciousness, within
our space-time continuum, i.e., Consciousness space is the ideal or possible future state toward which our
universe as a whole is evolving. The universe is just getting to know and understand itself, through us and other
sentient beings.

Individual consciousness
At the other end of the matter spectrum, material bodies can be represented in the single field theory as
complex matter/energy pattern (a three-dimensional curved surface that undulates over time) structures of
quantized curvature pattern. They can be likened to four-dimensional holograms that are projected onto our
Riemannian three-dimensional surface or space as our sensed and mentally interpreted physical/material reality.
Within this relativistic context, mind can be modeled as a corresponding three-dimensional complex electric field
pattern structure within the quantized curvature pattern structure called animate matter. Mind, as such, is
ephemeral and would disappear (decohere or destabilize) after a few moments as individual electrical potentials
neutralized or canceled each other out, positive for negative, unless some higher level permanent pattern
structure were not at work to lend more than temporary stability and even permanence to the electrical field
patterns that constitute the action of mind. Such a higher level pattern structure could only be magnetic in nature
according to electromagnetic theory.
The individual consciousness of a living being could only could only be physically modeled by the multi-
leveled magnetic (domain) pattern structure made up of vector potential points in three-dimensional space that
extend into the fourth dimension of space. Every living organism has a consciousness, not just humans and other
highly evolved animals, and that consciousness extends into the higher embedding dimension of our commonly
experienced four-dimensional space-time. It represents each living organisms own unique experiential existence
within the material/physical context of the whole three-dimensional universe.
The scientific theories that we use to explain our external physical/material three-dimensional world and how
it varies over time are constructed within the mental context provided by our mind and consciousness, which are
themselves products of the physical structure of the same world which is being perceived. Only consciousness
differs radically enough (at the local level) in its individual structure from the overall physical/material structure
of the world (the non-local level) that consciousness could only be a physical (and non-material) extension in the
higher-dimensional embedding space. Only a consciousness of this type could think of its self separate enough
from the material world to interpret and abstract the whole physical/material world while still remaining part of
that physical/material world.
In the end, the central problem of all physics is that our minds, limited by their present level of
consciousness, interpret our world (space-time) as either point- or extension-based at the most fundamental level
of reality. But physical space is one, neither point- nor extension-based alone, but actually neither and/or both
simultaneously, a fact with which our minds cannot presently deal. That duality is also beyond direct
understanding at the present three-dimensional level of theoretical physics, and physics is merely a logical
abstraction of reality that reflects the way we experience, interact with and thus commonly think of our world. Yet
unifying this duality is the key to understanding the unification of physics and the single field model, as well as
how to demonstrate that evolution and ultimately higher levels of consciousness are as natural to our world as
light, matter and energy. Quite clearly, our mental picture of the world is three-dimensionally biased due to our
simple three-dimensional sensations of the physical world and the three-dimensionality of our minds and brains.
This duality is a product of our brain/mind that only a pure reference to consciousness and its higher-
dimensional reality can ultimately resolve as a unity. We intuitively perceive three-dimensional space as a unitary
or holistic conceptual thing, not as the dualistic reducible thing that geometry and logic tell us it is. So the
unresolved problems of unifying physics naturally come back to consciousness and its interpretative relationship
with the natural world we perceive and how the natural world is represented by a particular geometrical model of
space and time. We should never project our mental and philosophical biases onto the world in our attempts to
understand how nature works. This means that nature tells us that the quantum and relativity are not incompatible
as has long been thought, but are in fact totally and completely compatible and ready to be unified when properly

The Big Bang singularity morphs into a 0-D point/twist Void

Single field theory posits that the whole of our universe is one continuous single field of potential (not
energy) in which field density variation structures play the role of the potential fields (gravito-gravnetic and
electro-magnetic) and the material bodies, both inanimate and animate, that we sense as our internal and external
world. Extending this model to include the discrete geometrical points of space (Riemannian point-elements)
raises new possibilities for understanding our universe and its evolution. In the original general theory of
relativity, points in space are the source of serious problems and mathematical anomalies, literally holes in the
fabric of space and time as well as in our understanding of physical reality. Quantum theory, on the other hand,
literally dotes on the concept of discrete points. The Standard Model reduces extended material particles to the
ideal of dimensionless points, but having done so it is unable to explain how our extended universe has evolved.
In mathematics these holes are called singularities, point locations where either space, energy or matter density
goes to infinity (any number or point amount that is divided by zero).
In physics, there are three common examples of these singularities: (1) the point center of material particles
(particle mass/zero volume); (2) the point center of black holes (large but finite mass/zero volume); and (3) the
original singularity from which our universe emerged in the Big Bang (no mass or no-thing divided by a
spaceless-timeless no-thing). We can only imagine this absolute Void as a no-thing rather than a nothing,
because a nothing would be a thing with no value, like zero on a number lie. The no-thing of the absolute Void
that is imagined in physics does not even come up to that level of existence or being. If no-thing else, it was non-
existence incarnate. Yet this is what the general theory of relativity mathematically predicts our present
physical/material universe emerged and evolved from.
This prediction causes a severe problem and strict limit to our knowledge of the universe since it implies that
something emerged from nothing, which would seem impossible. So modern physics and science can only make
accurate predictions back to the moment or point in time after the Big Bang after which things in our universe
became measurable and knowable, even though there was no one or no something around to measure or know
them. Before that moment of time, all science has to rely on is unfounded speculation, or at least that was the
situation before Riemannian geometry was modified by incorporating point-elements and Andrews developed his
intuitive notion of a 0-D point Void.
Everything in our scientific model of reality changes by adopting the 0-D point Void as the original
Riemannian point-element from which our more advanced Riemannian space-time structure of physical reality
evolved. For example, the original singularity in the form of a dimensionless point-centered process from which
everything (or every something) in our universe evolved (according to the Big Bang or other models) has
specific qualities that differentiate it from the absolute Void of no-thing-ness. Establishing how these differ
defines how the evolution of our experienced material/physical universe has proceeded over its life, including
the evolution of life, mind and consciousness. Even by the end of the cosmic inflation period, when normal

matter, light and energy were first created, no reason existed for life and animate matter (organisms) to eventually
emerge, except by chance, was evident according to normal science.
The newly modified Riemannian geometry that models unification in physics starts with the discrete 0-D
point/twist Void as a Riemannian point-element. From this nothing of zero dimension, our three-dimensional
matter/field/energy physical reality came into being after the potential of the single field formed in the four-
dimensional embedding space. While this geometry accounts for and describes the creation of the four-
dimensional space-time continuum, it also accounts for the dynamical substantiality of our world that is solely a
product of single field potential, and not some form of energy as required by both classical and modern quantum
theory. The twist portion of the three-dimensional discrete 0-D point/twist Void maintains and guarantees the
integrity of this fundamental unit of moment-to-moment re-creation as it creates the virtual torques (pre-force)
in the fourth spatial dimension, which are collectively the precursors for the potential and anti-potential of the
single field.

Cosmic inflation and expansion

In Riemannian language, a 0-D point/twist Void is a sphere-like structure whose radius has been reduced to,
or approaches, its infinitesimal limits of zero (simultaneously) in each of the spheres three dimensions. Its three-
dimensional spin, or twist, results from its pre-doomed attempt to enfolding into itself, creating a virtual torque
in the higher four-dimensional embedding space. In turn, these new structures in the higher space rebound/reflect
back into three-dimensional space to create new 0-D point/twist Voids in both directions along the three normal
dimensions of space. This whole duplication/expansion occurs within a single moment of time.

These new 0-D point/twist Voids (two in each direction) would form as equal but opposite reactions to any action
implied by the desire or need of the original 0-D point/twist Void to completely collapse, or implode, back
into the absolute Void as this would be prevented by the twist. Yet each newly created 0-D point/twist Void
would feel the same desire to collapse and thus start a whole new round of duplication in all four dimensions
of space, all within the next moment of time. This process would continue, literally ad infinitum, to create our
present universe and its future.

The twist not only stabilizes each new duplicate 0-D point/twist Void that is created during expansion, it
guarantees the discreteness of geometrical points in physical space. It also creates a virtual torsion in the three-
dimensional space (sometimes referred to as torsion space by other physicists) surrounding each and every
point. So all discrete geometrical points that constitute our real perceived four-dimensional space-time
continuum are discrete 0-D point/twist Voids wishing to collapse back into the absolute Void, but they are
prevented from doing so since they are stabilized and rendered discrete in a dynamic equilibrium by their twist.
The virtual torsion it creates in three-dimensional space also accounts for the point-centered nature of
magnetism and gravnetism in the later evolving material universe.
Since each and every 0-D point/twist Void duplicates itself four-dimensionally with virtual torques in the
fourth direction of space, a complete three-dimensional surface of space duplicates itself with new parallel three-
dimensional surfaces on both sides of each three-dimensional surface every moment of time that passes. This
(action/reaction) co-creative process repeats itself over and over again and thus leads to an explosive expansion
(commonly called cosmic inflation) in all four dimensions of space. This process will continue forever, but after
the first infinite number of moments have passed true measurable extensions of space (length, area and volume)
and time (duration) will have formed. By the time this happens, an infinite number of parallel three-dimensional
surfaces (each smaller than the last as they are placed further away from the primary three-dimensional surface of
our experiential universe) have also formed in the closed (single-polar spherical) fourth dimension. Quantized
groups of these parallel three-dimensional surfaces constitute the theoretical sheets that extend like stacked
pages in a book in the fourth direction of space in the single field theory. Only at that moment does the Big Bang
clock predicted by general relativity begin ticking.
The first 10-36 seconds after measurability begins, which cosmologists wrongly speak of as the shortest
amount of time after the initial singularity event, would not even take into account the infinite number of
moments before measurability developed. During this time and after, the expansion explosively sextupled the
size of the universe in each of its four spatial dimensions to create cosmic inflation. During cosmic inflation the
larger part (volume) of our universe could have expanded at more than the speed of light, but that is a ridiculous
notion since there was not yet any speed of light nor anything else but that which was virtual, semi-physical or
just plain potential which could later become something physical and/or material. So, the bottom line is that an
infinite amount of time had passed (a few infinites of moments) before time became measurable by the
predictions of general relativity, which is based solely upon a Riemannian metric-only geometry and thus
incomplete if not inaccurate on this matter. The creation of the singularity, as predicted by general relativity thus
occurred an infinite amount of time into our past.
The virtual torques in the fourth dimension collectively emerged as pure physical potential only in the last
moment before the event that ended cosmic inflation began. The pure potential that these virtual torques
collectively formed was neither energy nor matter, but the potential to later (during and after the cosmic inflation
ending event) form matter, energy and light (the first electromagnetic waves) according to both the quantum and
geometric restrictions of the space-time continuum. No energy existed before the period of cosmic inflation
ended, just as there was no speed of light since the electromagnetic and gravito-gravnetic fields had not yet
formed (in and around the first material particles) as internal particle stresses and their resulting spatial strains due
to the newly quantized curvature of the four-dimensional space-time continuum.
The explosive expansion of cosmic inflation continued until an as yet undefined moment when either
quantum anomalies, some form of anomalous single field fluctuations, or geometric conditions caused a blow-
out at some points in the balloon-like expanding three-dimensional surface of our universe accompanied by
creation of the gravito-gravnetic and electromagnetic fields. These blow-out points formed the first protons after
the surface (sheet) counteracted and closed (or capped) them off. No anti-particles were created during the Big
Blowout (which is why they have not been observed or detected by science) since the blow-outs were all toward
the favored direction (outward for positively curved surfaces) of the fourth dimension instead of inward. The
emergence of protons did not completely end inflation and a second round of almost or near blowouts, creating
electrons and then free neutrinos, all but finished cosmic inflation. Everything physical and material that we
normally associate with our universe emerged or was created by the Big Blowout. Even the Cosmic Microwave
Background (CMB) emerged at this time in a process similar to the modern process of sonoluminescence. As the
0-D point/twist Voids in the surfaces were compactified and space became denser, the continuously squeezed 0-
D point/twist Voids reacted by emitting a single particular resonance frequency of electromagnetic waves in the
microwave range, like the resonance of a bell when struck by a hammer, to form the CMB.

From primal-awareness to life and consciousness

From the very beginning singularity and onward, there have existed certain immeasurable and vaguely
defined qualities that eventually led to (or even forced or pushed although influenced might be a better
term) the emergence and evolution of life, mind and consciousness. In other words, the potential for life, mind
and consciousness already existed in every geometric point in space, whether it was inhabited by matter or not,
from the beginning of time. The original 0-D point/twist Void (a some-thing) was differentiated into existence
(and thus began time) from the absolute Void of no-thing-ness. That differentiation was significant.
The very fact of differentiation implies some form of primal-awareness between the absolute Void, the
initial singularity and the 0-D point/twist Void into which the singularity evolved before the Big Bang began.
That process by which the singularity distinguished itself from the absolute Void, whatever it was or whatever
form it took, also created the 0-D point-twist tendency, desire, need, instinct, memory, or whatever it can
be called, to return to the absolute Void. This means that both the absolute Void and the original 0-D point/twist
Void shared a common primal-awareness that differentiated them from each other, while that primal-awareness
became a fundamental quality (or qualia) of all 0-D point/twist Voids for all of the future.
Each newly created discrete 0-D point/twist Voids carries with it the same primal-awareness and thus its very
own distinction of its self from its surrounding 0-D point/twist Voids. Each geometric point in space thus
senses its self as not being another such geometrical point or they would all collapse into a single
dimensionless spaceless-timeless no-thing-ness of the absolute Void. The twist keeps them from collapsing and
reabsorbing each other, guaranteeing the discrete nature of the geometrical points of space as well as the physical
integrity of the 0-D point/twists themselves. So the sense of a primal-awareness is ultimately related to the
physical property of twist that is associated with each geometrical point. It allows them to remain contiguous but
separate so that they can form a continuous extension while remaining discrete within their dimensionless selves.
And, just as all of the virtual torques of each point in four-dimensional space collectively formed the physical
potential of the single field, the collective nature of this primal-awareness collectively formed, or imparted space
as a whole with, a pre-consciousness potential in the form of a semi-physical field.
The single field potential is the precursor for all matter, fields and energy in the universe, while the
corresponding pre-consciousness field potential is the precursor for the later emergence, evolution and further
development of life, mind and consciousness that is associated with or coupled to inanimate matter.

In other words, the universe itself is imbued with a potential for the emergence of consciousness in every
infinitesimal geometrical discrete point from which it is constructed. This structural property or quality could be

described as a Consciousness space, universal collective Consciousness, cosmic Consciousness, or even an
absolute space that could be characterized as the sensorium of God, as Isaac Newton described it. Technically,
all of these descriptive words work with the concept to one extent or another and only a better and more advanced
physical theory can distinguish between them or offer a better alternative than the single field theory.

Synergy with other conceptual models

All the more speculative models that postulate Consciousness space or some form of super Consciousness
are at least minimally compatible with the single field model of consciousness. All such models, including the
whole range of speculative models of Consciousness, more-or-less offer a look at the ideal and/or final state of the
universe toward which the universe as a whole is presently evolving: An ideal and/or final state of pure conscious
being relative to our present state of both being and becoming.
Still other models that claim our true reality is just information, a hologram (holomovement), a Matrix, a
computer program, quantum bits or some other such device are more metaphysical speculation than science. They
offer little if anything to science other than a form of escapism and an excuse not to do the real physics necessary
to unify modern physics. This category of consciousness models is filled with non-sensed realities (literally non-
sensed since our sensations of the material world are themselves material) that are being mistakenly interpreted by
our minds as material reality, thus rendering our commonly sensed material reality somehow not real or un-real.
These speculative models claim that the material reality we experience is nothing but a mental illusion, a trick
played on us by our individual consciousnesses if not some greater universal Consciousness.
Within this context, questions regarding God, a Supreme Being or Supreme Consciousness are often raised,
since they take advantage of a logical loophole of sorts in science, i.e., it is philosophically impossible in science
to even prove that what we sense really exists, let alone prove something beyond science exists. According to a
generalization of Gdels Principle, science must go outside of any physical system, such as our universe, to
prove the actual existence of that physical system: All that can be proven within a system is the logical
consistency or nature of that system. So all that can be proven about our experienced physical universe is the
logical consistency of events in our universe, which is as good a definition of physics and science in general as
has ever been made.
The best science can ever hope to accomplish, according to its own doctrine, is a comprehensive logical
theory that is internally consistent, explains what we sense (observe) in the external world and verify that theory,
but never prove it. Under these conditions, the reality of God or a Supreme Being is not within the realm of
science, to either confirm or deny, even though almost everyone intuitively senses that there is far more to our
world than we normally sense or even can sense through our three-dimensionally limited senses. God is neither
definable and thus measurable nor verifiable by any possible scientific standards. The concept of God cannot be
reduced to logical explanation by its very nature, but, like consciousness, it can be and is intuitively sensed and
perhaps this situation is just as it should be.
The possibility that something exists beyond the comprehension of science is real and that something can
still be validly discussed and debated, just not within a scientific context. For example, many people intuitively
sense but cannot logically account for some type of a non-material force at work in evolution. Being non-
material and possibly even non-physical, references to this force are not normally considered good science, but
according to the single field theory such a semi-physical pre-consciousness potential field just as necessary as is
the virtual torque that collectively becomes the single field potential. Being only semi-physical, the pre-
consciousness potential field interacts with matter to create a virtual force that cannot not move matter through
space (as does a real material force), but instead influences matter to evolve into more complex systems, some of
which have taken on the specialized characteristics of living or animate matter.

An age-old dualism revealed and resolved

Even the hallmark concept of point/extension duality, upon which single field theory is based, has a special
place when comparing physical/material reality to intuitive and even spiritual thought. The age old paradox of the
duality between transcendence and immanence of God, highly debated in the Middle Ages of European history,
now finds its resolution in single field physics. The duality reduces to nothing more than a misunderstanding of
how Consciousness, whatever it may eventually signify, manifests itself in our real material world. The debate
over transcendence and/or immanence is no more than another facet of the relationship between extension- and
point-geometries (metric-element/point-element, relativity/quantum or continuous/discrete) that has served no less
than to befuddle (derail attempted unification) and mystify physics over the last century.
Any apparent duality in nature, such as this, is resolvable since nature is a unitary and not a dualistic or
multiple thing. Nature is a whole and singular thing. The duality comes from our mental misinterpretation of
nature, rather than nature itself, so it can always be resolved at a higher level of consciousness which is more in
tune with nature. Just as a universal or Cosmic Consciousness can be both transcendent and immanent, it can
manifest itself in two different ways through the 0-D point/twists from which our physical reality initially
emerged or as an overarching guiding influence both for and within the universe as a whole.
In common physics the interaction of a potential field (gravity, electric or magnetic) and a piece of matter
can be interpreted in terms of a force or an energy, which are themselves intimately related through the work-
energy theorem. The action or influence of the pre-consciousness potential field (which is the precursor of
individual consciousness) on matter can also be interpreted with respect to both of these physical concepts. It can
only influence matter because it is a semi-physical field, but it cannot move or accelerate matter as can a fully
physical field. When animate matter interacts with the pre-consciousness potential, it can be interpreted as a
force such as the evolutionary force that causes an organism to seek higher and higher levels of consciousness
(a transcendent or holistic interaction) through biological evolution.

Experiential consequences of the synergy

An intuitive experiencer, a person who has directly touched, come into contact with Consciousness itself (in
the highest-dimensional embedding space or manifold), or has somehow become consciously aware of the higher-
dimensional space where individual consciousness is unencumbered by its corresponding three-dimensional brain
and mind, may readily recognize this theoretical physical model, but describe his or her experience in a
completely different non-scientific and non-logical manner. For example, many NDErs have said that they cannot
find the words or language to describe their experience, or what they sensed about their location during their NDE
except that it was another place, because the geometry that they sensed (experienced) is different from the
geometry of our three-dimensional material world. The difference in geometry and/or the inability of our language
to describe the experience is primarily why science has only been able to access the higher-dimensional world in
any way other than mathematically. Science thus finds it necessary to speculate, to some extent, on the physical
nature of the higher dimension and the Consciousness which occupies it.
Those who have attained a higher level of mystical awakening, whether spontaneous or studied, due to some
(usually tragic) event, or through deep meditation and spiritual/mystical practices, also find it difficult (if not
impossible) although seemingly necessary, to describe their feelings about the experience because the
terminology does not exist within our normal language structures or communicative skills. The concepts needed
to describe our higher-dimensional reality do not normally fit the logical (neural net) structure of the brain that we
have each inherited, but the neural nets are primed to rewire themselves through new learning and experience.
This makes attaining higher levels of consciousness both difficult and rare, but not impossible, let alone bring
them into conscious awareness after they have been experienced, since our normal mind is presently limited at
birth to interact at all times with the three-dimensional world of experiences.
In other words, we have the ability to learn and literally change our minds by rewiring the neural nets to
better understand the new higher-dimensional experience and this could eventually affect future generations of
humans through heredity. Our minds automatically place and interpret experiential events within the context of a
commonly-sensed physical reality in an external three-dimensional material world as reflected by and within the
neural nets that comprise the logical circuits in our brains. So any person who has experienced an NDE, at least
one that is strong enough to rise to the level of conscious awareness, will absorb the experience mentally by
rewiring some basic neural nets in a manner that changes the personality of the ND experiencer, sometimes quite
radically, and allows easier recognition if not direct access to the higher-dimensional space through
Others intentionally choose to awaken their individual higher consciousnesses though philosophical
enlightenment and/or spiritual/mystical practices, but cannot do so until their neural net has rewired itself through
contemplation at a sufficiently advanced level to bring the experience into their waking awareness. Even if a
higher level of consciousness is experienced and attained and they reach true enlightenment, they still interpret
their experience as a higher self without realizing that the higher dimension of Consciousness they have touched
with their minds is just a waking experience or awareness of their own natural physical extension into the higher
dimension of reality. Everyone is always in contact with that higher dimension, we already sense it intuitively at a
very low level of awareness, but directly experiencing it and becoming aware of that direct experience all the time
in the waking state is another matter altogether. Philosophically and scientifically understanding the process may
or may not be of help in attaining the goal of direct experience and enlightenment, but it is definitely helpful in
understanding and rationalizing the enlightening event after it occurs.
With the notion that Consciousness acts through the individual discrete quantum points (Andrews 0-D point
Voids) to co-create our three-dimensional experience of space, a new interpretation and relationship between
quantum theory and relativity is also implied. Single field theory has already accomplished this unification, yet it
has not previously taken Consciousness into account as a universal aspect of our common physical reality,
although the reality of a Consciousness space is implied by the existence of the semi-physical pre-consciousness
field potential. The extended metric space of matter, in which we exist, corresponds to the superposition of all
possible quantum -waves (wave functions) prior to consciousness collapsing an individual wave function to
create a specific certainty of discrete (0-D) quantum point events. This superposition of all possible waves is
reminiscent of Bohms concept of a quantum potential field. [11] Henry Stapp [12] has also stated that he is
leaning toward such a philosophical conclusion, whereby our universe is a complex superposition of all possible
But this superposition can also be (and has been) interpreted subjectively and identified with some form of
deity or Supreme Being, ranging from Yahweh, to Allah, Eru Ilvatar, the Great Spirit or Brahman, and even
Platos Demiurge, characterized by its Cosmic Consciousness and acting immanently and/or transcendently in our
real world of experience. This particular interpretation is made more probable by the fact that immanence and
transcendence are properties usually associated with a God or Deity rather than physics. In any case, the
possibility of a higher-dimensional space or manifold in which our five-dimensional space-time continuum is
embedded is a purely scientific and mathematical notion and could even have nothing whatever to do with
religious doctrines. Religious belief is only a matter of personal interpretation and choice, with choice
representing the concept of free will as a characteristic of individual consciousness.

In reality our experienced universe is filled with a seemingly infinite number of individual consciousness
pattern structures and that number is growing all the time, both in complexity and quality (qualia). So it would
seem that the universe as a whole must be evolving toward a point in time when it will become aware of itself, if
that moment has not already arrived, given the simple fact that both life and consciousness continually evolve by
moving toward greater complexity within the universe. So it is safe to logically (and even scientifically) conclude
that a universal or cosmic Consciousness is an evolutionary endpoint, either individually or collectively, and
probably both, without our direct experiential or observable knowledge of that possibility. Hence, idealistic
models that posit a separately existing Consciousness space or cosmic Consciousness are not just metaphysical
and/or speculative, but at least scientifically legitimate to one degree or another depending on their own inherent
scientific practicality as logical descriptions of a possible and perhaps even probable ideal or future state of the
In Andrews original model, the point-centered dimensions of our (commonly experienced) three-
dimensional physical space are emergent properties of a spaceless-timeless Void. Every point-centered process
would therefore emerge from a 0-D embedding dimension corresponding to the quantum point at the origin of the
space-time diagram. This notion of a six-dimensional embedding manifold could also be related to a cosmic
consciousness, collective consciousness, super consciousness or even more specific models such as Faggins
concept of C-space as well as other more speculative theoretical models. It could even be related to metaphysical
models and those that deal with spiritual matters such as the Tao, Great Spirit, Demiurge, Brahman and/or Ein
Sof. A universal collective consciousness of this type that acts through each and every point in our three-
dimensional space of experienced reality could easily correspond to the implied sixth embedding dimension of the
single field theory. In other words, the universe is conscious, if for no other reason than because consciousness
can and does exist within the universe and it is constantly growing toward greater consciousness of itself through
its parts, i.e., humans such as us.

[1] Andrews, S. & Tayloe, J. (2015) Humanitys capacity to share a common sense: The absence that gives rise to our presence. Cosmos
and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 11, 2: 1-15.
[2] Andrews, S. & Salka, S. (2014) Mapping the whole in everyone: An Essay On: Non-existence as the engine and axis of existence.
Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 10, 1: 15-33.
[3] Beichler, J.E. (2015). Finishing Einstein Point by Point: The unification of quantum and relativity. WISE Journal 4, 4, 21 December
2015. Available at
[4] Beichler, J.E. (2015c) The Einstein Unified Field Theory Completed: A direct challenge to the basic assumptions, theories and
direction of modern and post-modern physics (1st edition). An unpublished manuscript. Available at
[5] Einstein, A. (1929) Field Theories Old and New. New York Times, 3 February, 1929. Reprinted New York; Readex Microprint, n.d.;
(1929) The New Field theory I, II. Observatory 51: 82-87; (1929) Zur einheitlichen Feldtheorie. Sitzsber. Preuss. Akad. Wissen.
(1929) (1): 2-7; (1945) A Generalization of the Relativity Theory of Gravitation. Annals of Mathematics 46: 578-84; and Strauss,
E.G. (1946) A Generalization of the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation II. Annals of Mathematics 47: 731- 741; (1956) Meaning of
Relativity. 6th ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
[6] Schrodinger, E. (1944) The Affine Connexion in Physical Field Theory. Nature 53: 572-575; (1951) Space-Time Structure.
Cambridge, England: At the University Press.
[7] Kaluza, T. (1921) "Zur Unittsproblem der Physik". Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 54: 966-972.
[8] Einstein, A. & Bergmann, P.G. (1938) On a Generalization of Kaluzas Theory of Electricity. Annals of Mathematics 39, 3: 683-701.
[9] Beichler, J.E. & Andrews, S. (2016) Intuitive consciousness and the logic of single field physics: A conscious synergy of worldviews
and theories. Paper proposed for the 2017 International Congress of Consciousness, Miami, Florida, 2017. Expected to be published
in the Journal of Consciousness, IAC.
[10] Faggin, F. (2014) Consciousness and matter co-evolve. Available at http://www.fagginfoundation.org/articles-2/consciousness-and-
matter-co-evolve/; (2016) A private conversation with Federico Faggin. Palo Alto, CA., 25 May 2016.
[11] Bohm, D. & Hiley, B.J. (1993) The Undivided Universe. London: Routledge.
[12] Stapp, H. (2008) Private conversation. Science and Non-Duality Conference, San Rafael, Ca.


6: Microtubules, as another Resolution in the Hologram, Part 1

Dr. Richard Alan Miller, c2015

Microtubules, as another Resolution in the Hologram, Part 1

A Definition for Life:

The Epigenetics paradigm is an extension of the older DNA-centered view of evolution, where
the DNA was considered to be the master molecule. Mae-Wan Ho: view is that this DNA-
centered view is really completely mistaken and outmoded, where the DNA in and of itself does
not determine our total health (or future).

With this approach, there is no DNA determinism. And, DNA (or RNA) does not equal life.
Instead, they are kind of like memory molecules, where memory itself can get rewritten (like the
metaphor of time-lines). DNA appears deterministic of many of our traits, in that we will often
develop a genetically coded trait no matter what environment we develop in.

However, if we take stem cells or cells in culture, being very careful to clone them - as soon as
we put them in culture, we still get chromosomal abnormalities and mutants. This would suggest
that the organism, as a whole, is part of keeping everything in us as stable.

Its the whole system. Its almost like a field, a field that keeps both the field and
the shape of the organism intact.
Mae-Wan Ho:

Science has called this organizational process by many different names; developmental
biologists have long referred to it as a morphogenetic field. It is a holistic influence, best studied
using a holographic model of the universe. It can be thought of as a causal field. This is one
reason why neo-Darwinism is not equipped to explain such aspects in life.

These holistic causal fields are produced by genes, and are almost certainly the result of
natural selection, that acts to keep development on track, and to suppress those aspects that
could throw things out of whack.

The Science of Electrons having Consciousness:
Science is now attempting to define this as a quantum coherent system. It is a circular
thermodynamic system that can reproduce. If we look at water, the physics of life depends on
water in a very fundamental way. Water has all the characteristics of consciousness; it is very
sensitive, flexible and responds to light.

Figure 1: Alfred North Whitehead

This concept began with Alfred North Whiteheads idea that electrons have consciousness.
Whitehead was a really important philosopher and mathematician. He had the idea that you
cannot really understand nature except as an organism, and with the sensitivity of an organism.
To Whitehead everything in nature was an organism to varying degrees, from electrons and
fundamental particles to galaxies.

By definition, if an electron responds to something, that would suggest that the electron was
aware of that thing. For example, an electron shooting through space will move in a straight
line. However, if a magnet placed near the electron, the magnetic field will alter the path of the
electron causing the electron to move in a different direction.

Was the electron aware of the magnetic field? YES because we can observe that the magnets
field altered the path of the electrons movement.

However, if some music was played as the electron was moving through that field, the music will
not affect the movement of the electron. Therefore, the electron is not responding to the music.

We might then say that the electron was not aware of the music, which by definition means,
the electron may not be conscious of the music.

We can measure the consciousness of something by how it responds to stimuli. Electrons

respond to only a few stimuli while humans respond to millions of stimuli. The electron is only
a little conscious, whereas a human is millions of times more conscious than an electron.
But, BOTH are conscious by definition.

The Nature of Habitat

Human civilization - a mere 7 billion of us - is currently struggling to survive. Meanwhile, the

50 trillion cellular citizens under our skin somehow live in harmony and bliss. There is a
misperception in that we are not singular entities, but communities comprised of living units
called cells. All of the characters that we express as humans are derived from the functioning
of our cells.

Figure 2: Components in a typical animal cell

Where we have organs to carry out a function, a cell has organelles (miniature organs) carrying
out the same functions. In fact, there is NO new function in a human body that is not already
expressed by cells. Every system we have, e.g., digestive, respiratory, excretory, reproductive,
nervous, and immune system, is present in every cell.

Interestingly, the same mechanisms used by a cell to carry out its behaviors are the very same
mechanisms at the heart of our human systems that carry out the same behaviors. A simple truth
is that we are made in the image of our own cells. That is why research on cell mechanisms
can apply to us for they are directly related to the same mechanisms used in the human body.

Figure 3: A single-celled organism

In a sense, our cells created us! Cellular technology is far more sophisticated than anything
humans have been able to come up with.

The emerging science of biomimicry extrapolates what nature has used to adapt and survive, and
applies that mastery to our human world. Biomimicry is a new discipline in biology that uses
natures best ideas to solve problems. Animals, plants and microbes have found what works, and
we can learn from them.


Microtubules are a component of the cytoskeleton, found throughout the cytoplasm. These
tubular polymers of tubulin can grow as long as 50 micrometres and are highly dynamic. The
outer diameter of a microtubule is about 24 nm while the inner diameter is about 12 nm. They
are found in eukaryotic cells, as well as some Bacteria, and are formed by the polymerization of
a dimer of two globular proteins, alpha and beta tubulin.

Figure 4: Structure of a microtubule. The ring shape depicts a microtubule in

cross-section, showing the 13 proto-filaments surrounding a hollow center.

Microtubules are very important in a number of cellular processes. They are involved in
maintaining the structure of the cell and, together with microfilaments and intermediate
filaments, they form the cytoskeleton. They also make up the internal structure of cilia and

They provide platforms for intracellular transport and are involved in a variety of cellular
processes, including the movement of secretory vesicles, organelles, and intracellular
macromolecular assemblies (see entries for dynein and kinesin). They are also involved in
chromosome separation (mitosis and meiosis), and are the major constituents of mitotic spindles,
which are used to pull apart eukaryotic chromosomes.

Microtubules are nucleated and organized by microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs), such as
the centrosome found in the center of many animal cells or the basal bodies found in cilia and
flagella, or the spindle pole bodies found in fungi.

There are many proteins that bind to microtubules, including the motor proteins kinesin and
dynein, severing proteins like katanin, and other proteins important for regulating microtubule

Figure 4: Just as our bodies rely on bones for structural support, our cells rely on
a cellular skeleton. In addition to helping cells keep their shape, this cytoskeleton
transports material within cells and coordinates cell division. Microtubules are
shown here as thin strands

Next Month:
Microtubules, as another Resolution in the Hologram,
Part 2

Dr. Richard Alan Miller
Physicist and Writer

Words: 1,214


By: Anadi A. Martel

605 Blvd Mont-Rolland
Ste-Adle, Qubec
Canada J8B 1L8
Contact: Anadi A. Martel

Email: info@sensora
Web: www.sensora.com
Tel/Fax: (450)229-3992


The Light Modulation process uses a new type of light control algorithm, allowing the creation of
a class of lighting effects hitherto difficult - or impossible - to realize. This algorithm is based on a
structure of LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillators) combining to create light intensity and color
modulation, i.e. cyclic variations controlled by the oscillators.
In essence, this process applies to light the type of modulation algorithms that have long been
used for sound in sound synthesizers.
The Light Modulation process introduced here was developed and refined by Anadi A. Martel over
the last 10 years, and is now owned by Sensortech Inc. The basic principle for the process is
contained in our patents: Light Color And Intensity Modulation System (1991 US #5,070,399
and 1992 Canada #2,009,302-1). While this basic principle is simple, it has been substantially
refined in order to lead to practical products.
The main challenge lies in the proper design of multi-LFO modulation structures, and in the
optimization and synchronization of the numerous control parameters driving the modulation
LFOs. As with successful sound synthesizer designs, this achievement required a long and patient
development involving many cycles. Our typical Light Modulation Controller now uses more than
100 control parameters, organized into an efficient architecture allowing the creation of rich,
complex synchronized light patterns.


A Light Modulation Controller normally generates light patterns through an array of light projectors,
grouped in triads of primary colors: typically (though not exclusively) Red, Green and Blue. In a
typical implementation it can control up to 10 such triads (which we will call Groups), for a total of
30 individual light projectors. This will normally be done through an industry-standard DMX-512
output, driving digital Power Dimmers.
The Light Modulation Controller achieves color modulation through additive color synthesis, i.e. by
combining in various proportions the 3 primary colors light output from the 3 projectors of each
Group. Note that in a typical implementation the Controller only generates saturated colors (the
pure colors of the rainbow), therefore only using a combination of 2 primary colors at the same
For proper operation, the 3 projectors of each Group therefore need to be illuminating the same
spot, as illustrated in Figure 1. An efficient way (though not the only one) to achieve this result is to
use tri-color lightheads (or Color Changers), which internally mix 3 primary color light sources.
Normally, the Groups of projectors in the array will be installed in a row, with the light spot from
adjacent Groups slightly merging, so as to form a "wall of light". This is illustrated in Figure 2, using
an example with 5 adjacent projector Groups. The Light Modulation Controller can then create
remarkable patterns over the projection surface by synchronizing the output of all Groups into a
coherent whole.
Naturally, special applications deviating from this standard projector configuration can also be


DMX-512 to other projectors


Projection Screen

Group #1 Group #2 Group #3 Group #4 Group #5



A regular Lighting Controller is optimized to design, store and recall specific static light
configurations consisting of set intensity levels for all light projectors: this function is and remains
essential for professional stage lighting.
In contrast, a Light Modulation Controller is adapted to the generation of dynamic light patterns,
seemingly alive and in perpetual motion. It will therefore not replace the regular Lighting Controller,
but will best be used for occasional spectacular special effects overlapping and complementing
the main, static lighting patterns.
Also, in order to achieve their full potential Light Modulation effects require a specific configuration:
some form of background screen together with an array of adjacent groups of primary colors


Here is a sample of possible applications for Light Modulation effects:

Creation of complex, self-generating light patterns with only a few simple commands in either
live venues or pre-programmed situations. Depending on the frequencies and modulation
settings used, these patterns can cover a whole range of possibilities:
From gently hypnotic, shimmering light patterns;
To flowing light effects with an uncannily organic feel: fluid waves, flower-like patterns
softly expanding or contracting...
Up to highly energetic, explosive or psychedelic light patterns.
The nearly-infinite variety of combinations of parameters defining Light Modulation patterns will
appeal to creative lighting designers: successful Light Modulation programs could be
distributed and/or sold in the same way as sound synthesizer patches currently are.
Because of their inherently cyclic nature, Light Modulation patterns are ideally suited to be
synchronized to the beat of dance music. This creates unprecedented visual effects that could
potentially launch a new trend in discotheques and rave venues around the world.
Light Modulation projections are rich enough to be considered as Light Paintings. This opens
a whole range of novel applications where light projection is not only used as a support for a
show, but becomes a self-sufficient show in itself: for art installations, architectural Walls of
Light covering whole buildings or fountains...
An intriguing property of Light Modulation is its ability to introduce the phenomenon of
brainwave entrainment (technically known as photic driving) in lighting patterns, through the
use of brainwave-frequency (2 to 16Hz) pulsations in the LFOs. This powerful function is
related to the effect of strobe lights, but in a vastly more complex and subtle way. It can be
used to generate delicate shimmering light effects that actively encourage a variety of moods,
ranging from deep relaxation to creative stimulation.


The Light Modulation process was originally developed as a central part of a revolutionary multi-
sensorial installation called the Sensora. The Sensora is a high-technology relaxation room, a kind
of magical space where one can lie down on a special transducer chair and be surrounded in an
exquisite environment of 3-D sound and pure colors.
Designed by a team combining scientific, artistic and therapeutic expertise, the Sensora targets
Health Centers, Spas, high-end Resorts, More information can be found on the web site
In the Sensora, a Light Modulation Controller generates light patterns projected on a
hemispherical screen covering the users field of vision. In this application they are optimized to
lead the user to a state of deep relaxation. Sensortech Inc. has a demo installation of the Sensora
near Montral (Canada), which you are welcome to visit to gain first-hand experience of Light
Modulation effects.

Can the Mokele-Mbembe be real?

Proposal for a Field Expedition to Find

Evidence of a Sauropod-looking Animal

in Southern Cameroon

by Wojciech Bobilewicz

Poland National Director of the

World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE)

E yewitness accounts and circumstantial evidence may potentially support claims of
the existence, in the tropical African forest, including south-eastern Cameroon, of
a large, semi-aquatic animal. Could modern research methods and equipment
corroborate any of these claims?

According to native and foreign eyewitness testimony, and based on circumstantial evidence, there
may exist, in the vast area of the Congo Basin, including south-eastern parts of Cameroon, an animal
which in shape, if not size, is reminiscent of a long-extinct sauropod dinosaur such
as the brontosaurus or apatosaurus. The purpose of this article is to: a) deliver arguments that the
existence of such an animal is likely, and b) find an answer to a question whether, using modern
search equipment and with a proper research method, it may be possible to discover such an animal
for modern science. The article does not aim to answer the question regarding the probability
of survival of sauropods (living fossils) up to modern times, neither is its purpose to ascertain what
family, genus, or species the animal, commonly known (from the Lingala language) the Mokele-
Mbembe, belongs to; the latter may only be found out with further expeditions and research.

* * *

Descriptions by a number of direct eyewitnesses (including also a few European and/or American
ones)1 invariably point to the existence, deep in the forests of West Africa, but most notably near
rivers, lakes and swamps, of a sauropod-looking creature, with bulbous body, a long giraffe-like neck
tapering into a small snake-like head, an equally long and massive tail, and stumpy legs (akin to those
of elephants or hippos) equipped with claws at least on fore legs. According to descriptions, its skin
is greyish-brown, covered in scales, and some accounts mention also dermal frills along the length
of its neck and body2. Even though the animal is said to be solely herbivore (its most favourite plant
being wild apricot or wild peach, of the landolphia species, called "malombo" in the Likouala
language or "mubongo" in the Bemba language3), it is also said to be extremely territorial, and
in defence of its territory it may kill, although not devour, elephants, hippos and humans. Further
testimonies also conclude that the Mokele-Mbembe is mostly active during the rainy season, as well
as in the periods directly preceding or following the rainy season, and that during the dry season they
burrow inside self-made caves in high river-banks in the sharp river-bends; apparently they seal the
entrances and either hibernate or give birth to the young ones (or lay eggs)4.

The Mokele-Mbembe Handbook by the Cameroon Discovery Team, 2015. In this PDF document, which is a cross-section
of a history of research on, and expeditions aiming to find, the Mokele-Mbembe, and which has been prepared by a group
of researchers led by Dr William Gibbons, there are numerous references to observations made by non-natives. Accounts
of encounters with the animal by white foreigners are included on pages: 16 (observation by Ivan T. Sanderson and Gerald
Russell in 1932), 19 (A.S. Arrey in 1948), 21 (Alan Brignall in 1954), 22 (Peter Abbott in 1960), 40 (Gibbons and Sima in
The Mokele-Mbembe Handbook by the Cameroon Discovery Team, 2015, pages 19, 26.
Loren Coleman, Jerome Clark, Cryptozoology A to Z, Simon and Schuster, 2013, page 167, Roy P. Mackal, A Living
Dinosaur? In search of Mokele-Mbembe, Brill Archive, 1987, page 176.
Cf. The Mokele-Mbembe Handbook, pages 42-43.

Modern-day, mainstream, science asserts that the existence of any surviving species of a dinosaur
is highly unlikely, and that [...] it seems unlikely the creature exists, since there would have to be
a significant number of the huge creatures to continue to produce descendents after all other
dinosaurs were extinguished some 70 million years ago [...].5 The skepticblog website further
asserts that the existence of such a large animal, and especially of a surviving sauropod, would be
implausible, if not improbable, due to population constraints, the existence of modern aerial
technology which should make it possible to spot such animals, and, finally, the fossil record.6 The
same blog, as well as a number of statements made by sceptics or mainstream scientists, proclaim
that some of the most prominent proponents of the existence of the animal and its affiliation with
dinosaurs, most notably Dr William Gibbons, are supporters of co-called creationism which, in its
views, stands in stark opposition to the widely-accepted theory of evolution.7 Some others, such as
Brian Switek of Smithsonian.com, claim that [...] while visiting explorers often use the term Mokele-
mbembe to refer to a supposed dinosaur or similar animal, the word can also refer to something that
is not real or has no physical manifestation.8 Yet others, for example Redmond OHanlon, claim the
stories about the sauropod African animal are nothing more but a myth and that the animal, while
certainly described by the locals, is only part of that myth, and definitely not a tangible, physical,

I will endeavour now to refute the above claims and to show that they are ungrounded or, at best,

o o o

Let me begin with the most common claim made by sceptics and mainstream scientists, namely that
the prospect of a living sauropod that has survived to our times is highly unlikely and even ridiculous.
The fallacy of such a statement is that no-one, including so-called creationists (and certainly one
of the major Mokele-Mbembe researchers, William (Bill) Gibbons), claims that the Mokele-Mbembe
MUST be a dinosaur of any sort. The fact that local dwellers of villages and settlements scattered
throughout the jungle indicate the brontosaurus or the apatosaurus as most closely RESEMBLING the
Mokele-Mbembe, does not necessarily imply that the animal is, in fact a dinosaur. As long as the
creature is not photographed and/or filmed first (in high-resolution for the avoidance of any doubt),
and then captured (or at least DNA samples are not taken), we are in the dark as to what family,
genus or species it belongs to. It may as well be a reptile, amphibian or mammal as yet unknown
to science. Its discovery would be no less exciting, and no less enlightening, than finding a living
fossil of any kind. In fact, Gibbons himself confirms the above reservations by saying: Can we say
with absolute certainty that Mokele-mbembe is without any doubt a living dinosaur? The answer
in all honesty is no. The animal may look like a dinosaur, but that does not make it one, although
this is the most popular theory regarding the possible identity of the creature.10

Robert Todd Carroll, Skeptics Dictionary, mokele-mbembe (http://www.skepdic.com/mokele.html).
The scepticblog, 29 June 2011 (http://www.skepticblog.org/2011/06/29/a-living-dinosaur-in-the-congo-part-2/). See also
Daniel Loxton, Donald R. Prothero, Abominable Science! Origins of the Yeti, Nessie and Other Famous Cryptids, Columbia
University Press, 2012, page 290.
The sceptiblog, 29 June 2011 (http://www.skepticblog.org/2011/06/29/a-living-dinosaur-in-the-congo-part-2/).
Brian Switek, Living Sauropods? No Way, Smithsonian.com, 28 October 2011
Redmond OHanlon, No Mercy: A Journey Into the Heart of the Congo, Random House, 1998.
The Mokele-Mbembe Handbook by the Cameroon Discovery Team, 2015, page 50.

In conclusion, while looking for the Mokele-Mbembe, one definitely should not focus on the fossil
sauropod theory.

On the other hand, however, when local inhabitants, in areas separated by hundreds of miles of the
jungle, both in Congo and in Cameroon, where shown images depicting various animals, both
modern and extinct, both African and non-African, for obvious reasons they could not identify any
of the creatures living in, e.g., America. Moreover, they were unfamiliar with animals living
elsewhere in Africa in entirely different habitats (i.e. in the desert, scrublands or savannah) and even
the giraffe was not familiar to all of them as it inhabits the northern, much drier, regions of the
continent. They were, however, very well familiar with such animals as hippopotami or elephants
and they never mistook them for any other creature. When they were shown images of such
dinosaurs as the brontosaurus or apatosaurus bona fide sauropods they consistently recognised
them as an animal to which they ascribe different names relative to their language and location, but
which is generically called the Mokele-Mbembe. If the said animal is NOT a dinosaur (something
that, in fact, both the mainstream science and independent researchers seem to eventually agree
upon, although the level of certainty regarding this matter may vary), then what IS it? Again, this
question cannot be answered adequately without first the photographic evidence, and then,
possibly, DNA research of the Mokele-Mbembe.

o o o

I would like now to refer to the arguments proposed by scepticblog. To re-cap, the arguments are
as follows:

a) that for the Mokele-Mbembe to survive, there would have to be a sizeable population
of them and that there would have to be a plethora of skeletal remains and carcasses, many
of which should have been discovered by now;
b) that even though they are rumoured to be semi-aquatic, Mokele-Mbembes could not stay
underwater indefinitely, and as such, they would be visible and detectable by aerial surveys;
c) that the African fossil record of the past 65 million years (since dinosaurs became extinct)
shows a lot of fossil record for ancient mammals but not a single fossilized bone
of a dinosaur.

As regards point a), we need to remember that eyewitness accounts of encounters with,
or observations of, animals whose appearance is similar or identical to that of the Mokele-Mbembe
come not just from southern Cameroon or northern Congo, in fact not just from the Congo Basin, but
from a huge area encompassing Nigeria and Central African Republic in the north, and Zimbabwe and
Angola in the south, Gabon in the west, and Uganda and Tanzania in the east. To cite Dr William
Gibbons: First of all, we are dealing with a vast area, comprising of 800,000 square miles
of seasonally inundated swamp, forest, rivers and lakes. Surprisingly little of this area has been
explored. Indeed, Gabon is still 80% unexplored and the Likouala Swamps of the Republic of the
Congo still remains largely untouched. In my [] book [Mokele-Mbembe: Mystery Beast of the
Congo Basin, Coachwhip Publications, February 2010, W.B.] I have catalogued reports
of dinosaur like long necked animals inhabiting the swamps, rivers and lakes of the Central African
Republic, Sudan, Uganda and Zambia. Since 1963, Mokele-Mbembes have been reported
in the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon,

Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and the Central African Republic. They are populated (collectively)
by over 59,589,631 people, speaking a total of 729 different ethnic and tribal languages.11

Bearing in mind such a huge area, it comes as no surprise that even a sizeable population of large
animals could survive relatively unnoticed and rarely seen.

As to skeletal remains and carcasses, if the Mokele-Mbembe is indeed a semi-aquatic animal,

as eyewitness accounts indicate, then it is fairly obvious that when they die, then in a vast majority of
cases their dead bodies would sink into rivers, swamps or lakes where they (including skeletons)
would rather quickly disintegrate due to decay or they would be devoured by much smaller animals.
With respect to point b) above, it is undeniably true: semi-aquatic animals need to emerge on dry
land every now and then, to breathe, to graze, perhaps to reproduce, to rest etc. As such, they
should be visible from above. Indeed, it is quite easy to spot, e.g., a herd of seals when flying
a drone, plane or helicopter above them. There are, however, two huge differences between seals
(or other semi-aquatic animals which appear on dry land occasionally) and the Mokele-Mbembe.
Firstly, seals do cluster together in herds or pods, making them an easy target of observation. On the
other hand, if we are to believe eyewitness accounts, the Mokele-Mbembes are solitary and are
never seen in groups or herds. Secondly, seals come out of the water onto an open land, such as ice
or rocks. The habitat of the Mokele-Mbembe is quite a different one: a river, lake and swamp system
under a dense canopy of trees in a thick tropical jungle; a quick search on Google for images showing
the African jungle12 proves just how unjustified, or downright absurd, the statement about aerial
surveys is, especially in the Congo Basin area, i.e. in the very heart of this huge tropical forest.

When it comes to point c) above, as it has been earlier clarified, there is a probability, perhaps even
certainty, that the Mokele-Mbembe is not a bona-fide dinosaur, but rather a hitherto unknown
species, most likely a reptile, possibly a mammal. If such presumptions are correct (something that
can only be ascertained by direct, in-the-field, observations and by collecting some tissue samples for
DNA testing), then obviously the fact that dinosaurs became extinct approximately 65 million years
ago and that their fossilised bones are not found in the fossil record after that time has absolutely no
bearing upon the existence of the Mokele-Mbembe.

o o o

Let us now have a look at declarations made by sceptics and mainstream scientists referring
to affiliation of some of the researchers, notably Dr William (Bill) Gibbons, with so-called creationists.
It seems that this particular point is the cause for alert for sceptics and scientists alike, as creationist
views seem to be in stark opposition to generally accepted evolutionary discourse.

While it is true that some of previous expedition members profess creationist values, and some
do belong in creationist organisations, such as the Institute for Creation Research, this fact alone
by no means depreciates the research methods undertaken by those, as well as other, researchers.
Even though the ultimate goal of creationists may be an attempt to disprove evolution (something


of a rather daunting task), the research methods applied, and most notably the fieldwork in
an attempt to prove the existence of the animal, in no way differs from similar attempts that
evolutionists may undertake if only they had some willingness and courage to do so. Given that in
order to conduct any further research on the morphology, behavioural patterns, genetics, taxonomy
etc. the animals existence would have to be confirmed first, and confirmed unequivocally, even
before it is ascertained whether or not it may be any sauropod at all, they do just that, in an attempt
to capture the animal, and possibly also its behavioural or feeding patterns, on camera. By the way,
accusations made by mainstream science that individuals who have ever embarked on an expedition
in search of the Mokele-Mbembe lack any scientific degrees relevant to the research area, fall short
of significance and gravity bearing in mind that the purpose of those who venture out to the jungle is
not to conduct detailed research into what the Mokele-Mbembe actually is, how it feeds and
reproduces, what other animals it may be related to, etc., but only to prove, by way of crystal-clear,
sharp, high-definition photo and video recordings, that the animal does indeed exist. Surely, it does
not take a scientific degree, and certainly not that of Professor or Doctor, to document the Mokele-
Mbembe in such a way to pave way for further scientific investigation.

o o o

Another argument put forward by sceptics and mainstream scientists, argument that like any other
prevents them, it seems, from undertaking any serious research on the elusive animal, is that is not
real and has no physical manifestation. Rather than opposing that statement, let me quote, again,
Dr William (Bill) Gibbons: If Mokele-mbembe was a mere mythical animal, it would be confined
to one particular ethnic or cultural group, and would not be so widely known by different tribal
names.13 And further: To answer those sceptics who claim that Mokele-Mbembe is a mythical
animal, it is obvious that they have never set foot in Africa. If this animal was a mythical
reconstruction, it would be confined to one particular cultural group. Similar animals have been
reported by a dozen different ethnic and cultural groups throughout the Congo Basin countries. They
all have different names for them, but the descriptions remain almost exactly the same.14 It would
only be fitting to add that, indeed, some tribes and villages, notably those inhabiting northern Congo
around Lake Tele, ascribe certain mythical properties to the Mokele-Mbembe; it is quite likely that
they even perceive the creature as a spiritual being. However, to counter-balance that statement,
it is justifiable to add that unlike their neighbours, the Pygmies on the Cameroonian side of the
border refer to the animal as a very real, tangible, physical entity without any mystical or mythical
properties. If the Mokele-Mbembe has no physical manifestation, then it would be an interesting
experiment for anthropologists to witness accounts of a mythical creature which is described
in detail as having a distinctive body, dermal spikes (but only on some specimens!), scale-covered
skin, very specific diet, etc.

o o o

It is my hope that I was able to put forward sufficiently convincing argumentation which renders that
of sceptics and mainstream scientists irrelevant or invalid. It is my strong conviction that based
on circumstantial evidence and logical reasoning, as well as numerous accounts gathered over
decades from direct eyewitnesses and their relatives a hitherto unknown large animal inhabits

The Mokele-Mbembe Handbook by the Cameroon Discovery Team, 2015, page 20.

deep, dark forests of the entire Congo Basin, and, possibly, areas far beyond that region. It is also my
conviction that it is only a matter of time before the Mokele-Mbembe is captured on video or photo.

o o o

While currently we need to be content with and appreciate eyewitness accounts, with each new one
increasing the chance for a real encounter and deepening our knowledge about the creature, there
do exist photographs, notably taken by Yvan Ridel in 196615 and Michel Ballot in 201416 and in 2016,17
of strange, three-toed and clawed feet which have not been identified by the locals as belonging
to any known animal, including monitor lizards, hippos or elephants. Moreover, on at least several
occasions, expedition members within the last decade or two, could hear distinct, growling-roaring
sounds that the locals actually asserted were made by the mokele-mbembe. Finally, long, serpent-
like shapes were found by sonars used by some expeditions, and when expedition members found
some claw-like shape made in a steep river-bank, and extracted the cast of it by scraping a machete
against its surface, they could hear, very clearly and only from several feet away, a similar scraping
sound coming from within some hollow space, as if made by some living creature.18

o o o

All of the above, as mentioned, may only be partial or corroborating evidence, but is not a decisive
proof for the existence of the Mokele-Mbembe (or, in fact, any other so-called cryptid). While there
are accounts, from both local inhabitants and from foreign visitors, missionaries, traders
or researchers, of having seen the animal in part (never in its entirety), nobody has yet managed
to photograph or film the animal. This is partly due to the fact that cameras are not at hand
(especially true in the case of the locals). However, to a large extent this is also a result of two other
factors. Namely, most of previous expeditions did not have at their disposal modern research and
observation equipment; moreover, the time they spent at any given location was relatively short.

Given our current (albeit scant) knowledge about the animal, and based on eyewitness accounts
as well as indirect evidence, let us pose now a question on the probability of discovering the Mokele-
Mbembe should such equipment be secured.

Since first expeditions set out in search of the cryptic creature in 1930s, each consecutive group
of researchers have employed increasingly novel appliances in their quest to locate, and
subsequently film and/or photograph, the animal. However, it is only now, in the second decade
of the 21st century, that we have at our disposal state-of-the-art technology which dramatically
increase chances for success. Such equipment include: (a) drone(s), a sonar, a thermal camera,
movement-activated cameras, communication and location devices. With such equipment at hand,
it may be possible to survey the surroundings virtually all day and night. The drone, equipped with
a thermal camera, could be used to patrol a relatively large area from above, thus detecting any
anomaly, even through the immensely thick canopy of trees (something a regular camera could not

George M. Eberhart, Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, ABC-CLIO, 2002, page 165, also
The Mokele-Mbembe Handbook by the Cameroon Discovery Team, 2015, pages 42-46.

do) if any living creature grazed at night, or even if it burrowed in dug-out holes in the river banks,
its thermal pattern could easily be discernible, irrespective of whether the Mokele-Mbembe
is poikilothermic or homoiothermic. Another thermal camera could be used on land with the same
purpose. A sonar used in a river or lake could easily detect unusual shapes, and depending on the
model it could be done even up to several hundred metres which, in practical terms, is deeper than
any of the rivers and most of the lakes, thus scanning everything submerged. Movement-activated
cameras could film and/or photograph anything that passes by without human presence; moreover
they could be left behind to be collected after many weeks, or even months, of use. Communication
devices would enable team members to run observations and research in two independent spots
located several hundred yards, or several miles of each other. Finally, location devices could help
determine not just the exact location of the researchers, but also the location of any worthwhile and
intriguing find.

Obviously, equipment alone is not the only pre-requisite for increasing chances for success. It is not
even the devotion and serious and ambitious attitude of researchers. Given the apparent
reclusiveness of the Mokele-Mbembe, as well as a relatively large area where it has been seen, even
if that area is limited to the very south-eastern tip of Cameroon, one needs to take one more,
extremely important factor into account: time. None of the expeditions so far has spent more than
a maximum of few weeks in the areas where the Mokele-Mbembes have been observed or where
tracks have been found. This is, no doubt, due to two factors, namely a) the logistics and finances,
and b) the fact that each expedition member so far had some professional or family commitments.
Another component of success would therefore be the duration of the research.

Nevertheless, the duration of the research and sophisticated equipment are not sufficient
in pinpointing and targeting the animal. One more extremely important factor is knowing WHERE
to look for. Fortunately, the brochure prepared by the Cameroon Discovery Team19, as well as
articles by Michel Ballot on his website20 provide us with sufficient clues to narrow down our the
research. Before venturing out into the jungle, contact and interview with local inhabitants is
of primary importance.
I propose that an sufficiently extended expedition be mounted, equipped with appropriate
equipment that would enable tracking the animal, as well as photographing and/or filming it
in digital with as high resolution as only possible. Obtaining such results (photographs, videos) will
prove beyond any doubt that the said animal does indeed exist. This will lay the grounds for future

Despite a huge area from which reports come, the main region where observations of the Mokele-
Mbembe seem to be most frequent and relatively well-documented, are northern Congo and
southern Cameroon. Given that in Congo the political and military situation is not as stable as in its
northern neighbour, and given also the higher level of corruption, finally given also that the Pygmies
in Congo tend to treat the Mokele-Mbembe as a partly mythical creature, whereas those
in Cameroon make it very clear it is a physical entity (although Lake Tele in Congo is said to be the
best and most common habitat for the animal), I suggest that a research expedition is mounted
to Cameroon around November this year.

The Mokele-Mbembe Handbook by the Cameroon Discovery Team, 2015.

I suggest that a team of like-minded individuals, both scientists and independent researchers, get
together to find ways of secure money, equipment and permits, to go mount a full-fledged
expedition in search of the Mokele-Mbembe. I call upon the Readers of these pages, upon WISE-
members, and anyone you may know of with suitable qualifications or interests/passions to join.
Would you help extending and broadening our knowledge despite claims made by some mainstream
scientists that the mokele-mbembe does not, and cannot exist, and especially not as a potential living
fossil (a sauropod)? After all, as Daniel J. Boorstein once said, "The great obstacle to discover is not
ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge." And, as Rupert Sheldrake stated, "Science in its ideology
sees itself as doing a fearless exploration of the unknown. Most of the time it is a fearful exploration
of the almost known". Let us change it.

If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, etc. - do not hesitate to contact me
on wbobilewicz@gmail.com.

Wojciech Bobilewicz
WISE Poland Director
Warsaw, Poland

Some History of Physics Since WWII
by Maurice Daniel

It would be obvious to a future historian that no major advances have been made
to the theories of physics since WWII. The opposite is true of technology; technology
has exploded since WWII with major advances coming every decade or so. Yet there
is probably more physicist alive and employed today then all the scientists in recorded
history. How is it that the exploration of fundamental physics has ground to a halt? The
answer to this question is complex and involves many elements coming together to
stifle scientific creativity.
From the historical point of view, when kings ruled the lands, there were
continuous conflicts as each king attempted to gain more lands at the expense of the
others. When one king managed to conquer one of his neighbors, his soldiers were let
loose to steal whatever they could as payment for their services; so what did the king
get? The king got the treasury of the conquered king and his land and people. But
what else did he steal? Surprisingly, the thing he stole was the artisans of the
conquered king. What use was gold alone? He needed the artisans to work the metal
and stone to build a new and more beautiful palace to glorify his accomplishments.
Move the clock forward to the ending of WWI. The war was fought and won with
the invention of nitroglycerin, ten times more powerful than gunpowder. Even the
leaders that were slow to learn realized that science was more powerful than an army of
soldiers. So between the wars the advanced nations raced to use science to build
better weapons. As a consequence the period of WWII saw the single biggest advance
in both science and weapons in recorded history. After the war, The Allies captured the
Nazis gold horde and divided it up among themselves. United States and Russia
captured the German scientists and every piece of technology that they could move.
United States got the bigger share and moved it stateside under the name Operation
Paper Clip.
The Russians got the factories that made the V-2 rockets and the United States
got about 200 V-2 rockets and the top scientists who made them. Using the German
scientists as their core the United States built a rocket program under Air Force
command. At the end of the 50s, spurred on by the Russian launching of Sputnik, the
Air Force set up NASA as an independent civilian agency (but still having hidden ties to
the Air Force).
But the war and its aftermath changed the character of science forever.
Between the two wars the government (military) formed partnerships with scientists who
were at the time mostly employed by academia. But the government soon discovered
that college professors are difficult to control. So government labs were set up to work
on weapons in environments where the productive output of the scientists and
engineers could be controlled. The labs were modeled after the German system and
often employed the captured German scientist in their highest management positions.
(Two years before the war ended the Germans had put all science projects under the
control of the SS.) Strict security systems were established and enforced and

knowledge was compartmentalized. Scientists outside the labs were also hired but
required to sign strict non-disclosure agreements, so whatever they discovered did not
leak into public knowledge.
So in a few years the academic freedom that had produced the scientific
advances of the first 50 years of the 20 century virtually vanished into a
bureaucratically controlled profession that directed every aspect of scientific
exploration. When talented scientists emerged they were whisked off into to some
government program, paid a high salary, and required to keep their discoveries
classified. Black programs emerged on American soil maintained by the threat of
death. And those with the highest awareness drifted off to professions that still
remained free.
Scientific discovery needs the freedom to explore wherever the inspiration leads.
It requires scientists with imagination. It requires the freedom of open discussion with
peers. All of these conditions were systematically eliminated in the field of physics by a
bureaucratic system established by the remnants of the evil Nazi empire that infected
the pursuit of pure knowledge.
The government does not understand that they had killed the golden goose.
They continued and expanded their systematic procedures. They made scientific
education a priority and offered high pay to those who could make the grade.
Students were induced to become scientists in great numbers, and then half the
students were systematically failed in the theory that the remaining graduates would be
the cream of the cream. Students with high imaginations were systematically
eliminated. Scientists were then rated by the number of papers they published and the
number of times their papers were referenced in other papers. Technological progress
got confused with scientific progress, engineering progress reports got published as
science, and the peer review process academically destroyed anyone without the
proper credentials or anyone who suggested the existence of errors in the doctrines of
So this is where we are today. Establishment science is un-repairable because it
is entirely staffed with the products of its own system that know of no other way of doing
business. Each is afraid of losing his/her job by saying or writing anything that
questions the status quo. The only escape is to somehow work outside the system, like
the old nobility of Europe who could dabble in science at their own leisure, driven by
their own curiosity, with no concern for their financial welfare.
* * * * *

A Relation Between Sacred Geometry and
Todays Science ()
by Jacqueline Lee


Platonic solids -



Masters of the Compass



Greek school of Pythagoras




[5] University of Pennsylvania




[6] Linus Pauling's General

Robert Moon

Amit Goswami Self -Aware Universe


1. SKINNER Stephen, New York, Sacred Geometry : Deciphering the Codes, Sterling
Publishing Company, Reprint edition (3 March 2009) Pg.112 124
2. BOULEAU Charles, New York, The Painter's Secret Geometry : A Study of
Composition in Art, Dover Publication Inc, 20 August 2014, Pg. 71 - 95
3. MICHELL John, Greenwich, How the World is Made : The Story of Creation
according to Sacred Geometry, Inner Traditions, 2 March 2012, Pg 12 28, Pg
193 200
4. STEINER Rudolf, Dornach, Switzerland, The Fourth Dimension Sacred Geometry
Alchemy and Mathematics, Steiner Books, 1 June 2001, Pg 90 - 97
5. STEWART Malcolm, PhD, New York, Patterns of Eternity Sacred Geometry and
Starcut Diagrams, Floris Books, 19 November 2009, Pg 222 226
6. PAULING Linus & WILSON E. Bright, Zrich, General Chemistry, Dover
Publications, 1 April 1988 (first published June 8th 1970), Pg 482 490, Pg 578 -

Proposal of a 'Spiral' Mechanism of Evolution
Istituto di Fisiologia Generale, Facolt di Scienze, Universit di Napoli Federico II e Istituto
Internazionale di Genetica e Biofisica, Napoli.

ABSTRACT: In alternative to current views of genomic information ultimately attributed to chance

events, the process of biological evolution is assumed to involve a spiral flow of information
between the environment, the phenome and eventually the genome of the evolving unit.

Major postulates of present views.

The information required by a biological unit (cell or organism) to fulfill its life cycle is
assumed to reside in the genome (G). Notably, there is little doubt that genomic information is
needed for the synthesis of RNA and proteins, while the spatio-temporal (S-T) patterns of molecules
and cells arising during the ontogenetic cycle may require the additional contribution of appropriate
phenomic factors (e.g., inductors, hormones and the like). To the extent that phenomic information
is required for the proper accomplishment of a life cycle, the latter role is attributed to epigenetic
As the structure of a biological unit undergoes ordered modifications in its life cycle, the
resulting four-dimensional pattern is a more appropriate description of a biological unit.
Accordingly, G is considered the S-T pattern of DNA (genome), P the S-T pattern of all other cell
components (phenome) and E (environment) the S-T pattern of all external factors interacting with
the biological unit. For most cells of multicellular organisms, E comprises other cells of the
organism; likewise, for most organisms, E largely consists of other organisms.
Of all phenomic operations carried out by a ce1l, some are intended for housekeeping and
remain within the cell boundary, while other phenomic processes modify cells E and may be
viewed as a source of signals stemming from that cell. The latter event completes an information
flow that originates in G and may be outlined as G P E. In view of the housekeeping functions,
only a fraction of the G P flow reaches E, but E also receives an additional information flow
arising from the outcome of P functions interacting with each other. The latter signals have a less
stringent origin from G. An opposite flow of information converges on cells from G and P sources
of other cells as we1l as from non-biological factors. These signals contribute to the overall
information content of P and may modify its information output.
During the course of philogenetic evolution, genomic information is believed to have been
generated by random processes of mutation and exchange of DNA segments. The resulting
modifications ( G) are believed to generate novel meaningful P patterns through the selective
discrimination of reproductive capacities enforced by the capacity of E to favor better adapted Ps.

Some difficulties of current views.

Against the filtering action of a changing E, the cross-generational capacities of P remain
utterly inadequate, unless the evolving unit is randomly assigned the proper G. This is in sharp
contrast with available evidence assigning P an active role. Indeed, living organisms are active, self-
regulating units which operate on E and, as a rule, do not receive its insults and benefits in a passive
way. Their thermodynamic nature requires that they actively modify E by their autonomous
behavior. These properties are generally acknowledged within individual life cycles, but are fully
excluded when they concern the delivery of novel information to the progeny.
As to E, apart from its random effects on G, its only philogenetically significant interaction
with P is believed to consist in the selection pressure hindering the reproduction of organisms
devoid of the proper G.. Yet, this (unkind) mechanism is just one of the numberless S-T patterns of
E factors which convey new information to P. It is towards these E patterns that P is capable to
adapt by generating novel homeostatic responses, just as familiar E patterns are coped with by
expressing previously generated homeostatic functions. To the extent that E does not hinder the

organisms reproductive efficiency, P has a chance to adapt without the pending menace of
reproductive selection.
In either case it is worth noting that E patterns have a complementary relation with the
homeostatic output functions expressed by P, in the sense that the set of operations performed by P
is aiming at fully matching the pattern of E forces impinging on P. With regard to less adapted P, E
may well be considered a set of signaling forces P is required to match by modifying its output
functions. It would be remarkable if P were to waste such precious E information by being
prevented to deliver it to its progeny and allowing cross-generational adaptive modifications. It
would be just as remarkable if P would be compelled to passively wait to receive the same set of
appropriate instructions by chance events impinging on G, while E might take on the menacing
pattern of a selection pressure.
Nonetheless, in present views, G is believed not to be modified by adaptive changes actively
achieved by P, irrespective of their wealth and relevance. Rather, P efforts to adapt to E are claimed
to remain without consequence. At the same time, chance information entering G is believed to
become fixed in the philogenetic thread as G. A sharp and outstanding break is henceforth
introduced in the mechanism governing the acquisition of new information by an organism.
Environmental cues are accepted to play a role in phenomic adaptation but are expected to remain
meaningless and ineffective with regard to genomic acquisition of the same information, with the
exception of their differential filtering at each generational passage. The model of biological
evolution which emerges from these views may be represented by a long and durable thread holding
a multitude of rapidly decaying structures. While the thread advances by random pushes and
changes direction by the selective filtering enforced by E, living units which derive from it
penetrate and intelligently adapt to E, but their life cycles are extremely fleeting, and no trace of
their adaptive learning reaches the philogenetic thread.
In apparent contrast with these views, a different flow of information is accepted to reach G
from P, not dissimilar from the information flow occurring among P components. Its effects,
however, are assumed to be just as short-lasting. We refer to the processes of DNA methylation,
transposition of DNA segments and other genomic rearrangements which are known to have
widespread occurrence among somatic cells. If a single physical change is taken as a bit of
information, DNA methylation (or a comparable change) should be considered analogous to protein
methylation in terms of information exchange. However, conformational and chemical
modifications of DNA are assumed not to overcome the generation barrier but to be bound to
remain limited to a life cycle, at variance with changes in base sequence. Again, adaptive
modifications regulated by feedback mechanisms are believed to remain short-lasting and
ineffective in eliciting philogenetically significant modifications, while enduring changes are
assumed to arise only by random events.
An additional discrepancy is emerging when the origin of genomic information is viewed in
terms of biological cycling. Cyclic exchanges of matter and energy are well known to occur
between E and P, and comparable cyclic exchanges are well accepted with regard to the mutual
information flows taking place in the phenomic domain, e.g. intercellular signaling and cultural
interactions. Conversely, an anomalous condition is assumed to characterize genomic information
notwithstanding its underlying all information cycling among different Ps and between P and E.
Indeed, no mutual exchange of information is assumed to occur between G and E, but only a
unidirectional flow originating from G. The information content of G is believed to originate
exclusively from random events, regardless of the sophisticated regulatory refinements of the
corresponding P.

An alternative hypothesis.
On the basis of these considerations we propose the alternative view that E may influence G
through its action on P. This putative mechanism involves:
1. Validation of preexisting subsets of G matching corresponding E patterns, i.e. encoding
appropriate P responses to philogenetically familiar E pattern.
2. Acquisition of additional subsets of G that store the information required to implement
novel adaptive P responses, provided E occurs at a rate higher than a given threshold but lower
than an upper limit. If the lower threshold is not attained, the outcome is the permanence of the

previous condition. On the other hand, if the upper limit is exceeded, the novel response is not
acquired. Hence, the organism may remain unaffected by E (neutral change) or, alternatively, it
may become victim of E selective pressure. Either one of the two alternatives may occur depending
on the nature and intensity of E interactions with the organism.
Es leading to condition 2 are assumed not to be entirely novel to the organism. Some of its
features are considered familiar to P whose primary role may be decoding and quantifying complex
E patterns into homologous subsets. Accordingly, a qualitative E (a novelty) may be reduced to
sets of quantitative modifications of its components that impress their presence onto G. This view
implies that organisms assimilate simpler E features before developing the capacity to assimilate
more complex E traits. If previous assimilative steps have not occurred, more complex E patterns
may remain meaningless and ineffective for the generation of appropriate P responses. Condition 2
may be referred to as a process of genomic impression in view of its inverse relation to the events of
genomic expression which implement information flows from G to P and eventually to E.
Since E features are remarkably different from G features, the process of genomic
impression is an act of translation presumably much more complex and varied than the process of
translation occurring during genomic expression. Its complexity may be further compounded by its
need to encode phenomic information apt to cope with the new E. In other words, the new G
emerging from the integration of G into the previous G should contain the additional information
required to elicit P patterns of activity coping with E, that is the novel adaptive capacities of the
organism. As the generation of a complementary matching between P and E patterns involves a
multifactorial and multidimensional set of activities, it should be envisaged to be of a less stringent
nature than the complementary interactions mediating base pairing or ligand-protein binding.
The acquisition of a new phenomic adaptive capacity should be regarded as an enlargement
of the homeostatic repertoire of the organism. Classic homeostatic rules require that changes in the
'internal'organisms environment are reversed by processes operating on the principle of negative
feedback. By the same token, modifications of the ' external'organisms environment ( E) may be
assumed to be matched by appropriate adaptive responses which tend to cancel the effects of E
(homeostasis at large). On the basis of these considerations, the organism is believed to maintain its
previous structure in the face of a changing E, provided E does not exceed the boundaries of
philogenetically familiar events for which appropriate P responses are already available. When E
exceeds this boundary (but does not overcome an upper limit), the condition of genomic impression
occurs and organisms become genomically modified ( G). The change implies that a new adaptive
response has been incorporated into the organisms repertoire. This philogenetically significant
modification allows the organism to attain a novel balance with E.
An additional limit to the process of acquisition of new genomic information may be
imposed by the assimilation of G into the preexisting G. As G information regards the entire life
cycle of the organisms, rather than merely the lifespan interval during which exposure to E has
occurred, G integration may bring about hindering or deleterious effects on other life cycle
segments, and/or on other cell types not primarily affected by E. In addition, the new G may now
encode inappropriate P responses to philogenetically familiar E patterns. This may occur after a
short time interval (explicit effects) or a longer time interval (implicit effects). In either case, the G
may prove to be as deleterious for the organism as the E which elicited it. In this case, an
evolutionary dead end is reached.

The spiral mechanism of evolution.

By closing the loop between E and G, the process of genomic impression establishes a spiral
mode of evolution which leads to the following theoretical consequences. Firstly, all information
harboured by living entities is assumed to originate from E in the course of philogenetic times.
From this point of view, the primary role of organisms may be considered to be the continuous
assimilation of E information. In addition, the assimilation process is assumed to have started with
the beginning of the universe, since the evolution of physical, chemical and biological world
domains is believed to obey substantially similar rules and principles. At a prebiotic stage, these
rules lead to the progressive aggregation of elementary particles into more complex units such as
atoms, molecules and precellular aggregates. At a later stage, a similar principle underlying

biological evolution has allowed the assimilation of the environment by means of information
processing and storage.
When human beings are compared to elementary particles, evolution is clearly and most
cogently seen as an acquisition of complexity and functional organization. Hence, the mechanism
we are proposing should prove its euristic potential in explaining the evolutionary increase in
complexity, the dead ends of biological evolution, and the striking diversity of biological forms.
Basically, our model involves an active evolving unit, its environment and their mutual interactions.
We consider i) that E features may be modified by the activity of the evolving unit; ii) that the
functional organization of the evolving unit is modified by its interaction with E (through the
generation of P and eventually G); and iii) that the latter process leads to a modified capacity of
the evolving unit to act on E (the acquisition and integration of P into the evolving unit would
enhance its complexity and degrees of freedom; as a result, E would be made more complex by the
activity of more complex evolving units). Hence, the overall process would take the shape of a
spiral, or of a positive feedback loop. If E changes entail an increase in information content, and if
the evolving unit is successfully incorporating appropriate responses into its structure, the spiral
would tend to take the overall system towards an increase in complexity. Conversely, an E
impoverishment and the consequent curtailing of information content in the evolving unit would
take the overall system towards a decrease in complexity.
During the course of prebiological evolution and in early phases of biological evolution the
evolving unit is relatively simple and without segregation of P and G moieties. The whole structure
is phenomic, and directly interacting with E. With the progressive increase in functional
organization of the evolving unit, the information required for the implementation and expression of
P patterns becomes more consistent and in need of an adequate storage mechanism serving
reproductive purposes. In consequence, an additional information loop starts growing on the
spiralling of information between P and E. This loop includes: i) the process of genomic impression
whereby the essential features required to elicit P patterns (and additional Ps) are transferred to G,
and ii) the process of genomic expression whereby stored genomic information is retrieved into
phenomic patterns matching E patterns.
As applied to biological evolution, such mechanism may explain a) the occurrence of
lineages (the spiralling flow of information persists in one general direction); b) the increase in
complexity (upward spiralling as above); c) the apparent lack of an overall evolutionary trend
(upward spiralling hindered or stopped at different points of the philogenetic tree for lack of a E or
for the incapacity of the evolving unit to accommodate a P or a G); d) the limits of
overspecialization (the capacity for further evolution of the P or integration of the corresponding
G decreases); e) the dead ends in phyletic lineages (no further E may be evolved; the integration
of G induces deleterious effects).
The large increase in information content which characterizes the ontogenetic development
of multicellar organisms should be considered to follow the same general principles outlined for
philogenetic evolution. Genomic information is required for early development of fertilized eggs,
but of comparable relevance are S-T patterns of signals impinging on a cell from other cells.
Overall, these signals determine the expression of appropriate phenomic patterns which, in turn, by
acting on the internal E of the organism, may induce changes in intercellular signalling. The process
is analogous to the spiral model proposed for philogenetic evolution, with the exception that the
genomic information required for the initial steps of ontogenetic development is already available in
the zygote. Hence, internal E generally remains within the boundaries of philogenetically familiar
events, and does not elicit genomic impression. In later developmental stages, P-E interactions may
lead to genomic impression to the extent that E features impinging on the organism become less
familiar with regard to the genomic store of the species. It is reasonable to expect that an
ontogenetically early process of genomic impression will be more relevant for the organism and its
In multicellular organisms the process of genomic impression which takes place in somatic
cells is believed to be followed by the transfer of that G to germ cells. To perform this step,
acquired information is likely to be progressively reduced to its essential core guiding the novel
developmental pattern, and allowing the progeny to cope with previously unfamiliar E. An
appropriate analogy may be made with regard to the information processing in the nervous system.
The overwhelming information entering sensory pathways is drastically reduced to its bare
essentials before transfer to long-term memory stores. Further elaboration of the trace with loss of

less relevant fringes may occur during its permanence in memory store. It is in later stages of this
ongoing process that information required to modify neural structures and make them more
appropriate to deal with E may be transferred to germ cells.

In the overall frame of these thoughts, several propositions stand at variance with presently
accepted views. The main tenets of our hypothesis are as follows:
1. Living systems are considered capable to modify their own G on the basis of information
elicited in P by signals originating in E. This perspective allows organisms to be viewed as
continuously assimilating E and Es;
2. DNA remains the main molecular store of biological information but is no longer
considered its origin. It is rather viewed as a molecular device adopted by P functions to store
biological information in a form suitable for replicative aims and for modulated retrieval during
3. The role of chance in shaping biological evolution is drastically curtailed;
4. Mutual interactions between evolving biological units and E are extended to include the
genome. A spiralling continuum of information flow between these two poles is envisaged as the
basis of evolutionary process;
5. Genomic information may be transferred from somatic cells to germ cells.

Giuditta's model conflicts with a line of thought expressed in some papers published by the
Rivista (e.g. Sermonti, 1980; Goodwin and Webster, 1981; Sibatani, 1981) in its postulate that the
information required to the accomplishment of the ontogenetic as well as of the philogenetic
process resides in the genome. Goodwin and Webster (1981) state: The typical form can be seen as
an expression of general organizational principles of the living organisms, while the constraints
which generate a select specific form define characteristics of the species.
Sibatani (1981), following the views of Stent (1980) and Wolpert (1972), assesses that
genetics and molecular specificity may be largely irrelevant in developmental biology. The
molecular postulate of Giuditta is, for sure, more ' orthodox'than the quoted views. Where Giuditta
leaves the feld of orthodoxy is in his assumption that the environment may impress its presence on
the genome (DNA). This view is clearly Lamarckian, but I don' t think that this adjective is by itself
disqualifying. Many examples of Lamarckian inheritance have indeed been presented (e.g.
Waddington, 1961; Durrant, 1962; Ritossa, 1976; Steele, 1979; Brent et al., 1981) and discounted
because they did not ft the current dogmas. In all instances in which these cases have been given a
molecular interpretation they have not however revealed any acquisition of DNA information due to
environmental ' impression'. This does not however rule out the possible validity of the model,
which looks to me as a mathematical theory waiting for a physical process to describe. Two
processes which badly need a convincing explanation may require a model similar to the ' spiral
mechanism' . One is the immunological response, which would be relieved of the unbelievable waste
of information required by the current theories, if antigenic '
impression'could be demonstrated. The
second process, which is the central interest of Giuditta, and has been discussed by him, is the
learning process. If some case of environmental impression could be demonstrated, the very
problem would thus become how an organism can defend itself from the external stimuli, since
stability is for sure (with the remarkable exception of immune response and learning) the most
striking feature of life.

G. Sermonti

Brent L., Rayfield L. S., Chandler P., Fierz W., Medawar P. B., Simpson Z., 1981 -Supposed
Lamarckian inheritance of immunological tolerance. Nature, 290,508-512.

Durrant A., 1962 -The environmental induction of heritable change in Linum. Heredity, 17,
Goodwin B. C., Webster G. c., 1981 -Rethinking the origin of species by natural selection.
Riv. Biol., 74, II-26.
Ritossa F., 1976 -The genetics and biology of Drosophila. Vol. IB (M. Ashburner and E.
Novitski). Academic Press, New York.
Sermonti G., 1980 -La vita come realt non storica. Riv. Biol., 73, 551-570.
Sibatani A., 1981 -Two faces of molecular biology: revolution and normal science. Riv.
Biol., 74, 279-298.
Steele E. J ., 1979 -Somatic selection and adaptive evolution. On the inheritance of acquired
characters. William & Wallace, Toronto.
Waddington C. H., 1961 -Genetic assimilation. Advances in Genetics, 10,257-290.

Author's note.
Sermonti's comment on my hypothesis is welcomed in that it allows a clarification of a
possible misunderstanding. The mechanism of genomic impression postulated in my paper is
offering an alternative explanation of the origin of genomic information. In no way does the
postulate require that genomic information is the only type of information an organism utilizes to
implement its life cycle. Indeed, additional sources are well recognized in the phenome and in the
environment, as shown by the influence of epigenetic factors and by the assumption that the
genome-phenome loop of information cycling grows on a preexisting spiralling of mutual
information flow between the phenome and its environment.
The really weak point of the hypothesis regards the occurrence of a process of genomic
impression. Until unequivocal evidence on this point will be available, the hypothesis will remain,
in Sermonti' s words, a theory waiting for a process not yet described or, as Pirandello might say, a
character in want of an author (a scientist, of course).

Mdecines du Monde -
Histoire et Pratique des
Mdecines Traditionnelles
(Medicines of the World -
History and Practice of
Traditional Medicines)

by Claudine Brelet

Paperback: 925 pages

Publisher: Robert Laffont
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2221089138
ISBN-13: 978-2221089132
Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.2 x
1.1 inches

Available at Amazon.com

This is a magnificent work on all of the major traditional medicine

systems of the world, covering all continents. In this excellent book
of over 900 pages, world renowned anthropologist, Claudine Brelet
uses her vast knowledge to take readers on a tour of the world, from
ancient Egyptian, Greek, Arab, and Gnostic medical systems that
formed the basis of modern Western medicine, to the herbal and other
medicinal plant treatments used by the vast majority of people
throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America, and other developing nations.
In addition, she covers the traditional medicines used by the Native
Americans of North America, and Western historical medicine
systems developed by Rudolf Steiner, the Druids, and others.

Written in a pleasant and easy reading style, Dr. Brelets book takes
the reader on an adventurous journey through such places as China
and Tibet where acupuncture and traditional herbal medicines are
used effectively today, as they have been for centuries; through India,
where ayurvedic medicine practices have also been used for
centuries, and still are today; through Africa and the Amazon in South
America, where a vast medicine chest of medicinal plants are used by
shamans, medicine men and local people to treat diseases and
disorders of all kinds.

As a former member of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr.

Brelet has personally travelled to many of the cultures whose
traditional medicine systems she writes about, and has witnessed,
and even experienced in some cases, the traditional medicine
treatments of those cultures.

This is a comprehensive and well-documented book, with references

to research that shows that many of the traditional medicines and
practices discussed are effective in treating diseases and disorders. It
is an exceptional work, and highly recommended to anyone with an
interest in traditional and ethnic medicine, alternative and
complementary medicine, as well as the history of medicine.

The Lakhovsky Multiple
Wave Oscillator Secrets
Revealed, 4th Edition,
by Bruno Sacco and Tony
Publisher: Multiple Wave
Research, Torino, Italy/Herselt,
Language: English
Book Dimensions: 8.5x11 inches
Page count: 444 pages

Available from the publisher,

Multiple Wave Research. For price
and ordering information, email
the publisher at:

This is the finest and most detailed book ever written about the Lakhovsky Multiple Wave
Oscillator (MWO), a device originally invented by Georges Lakhovsky in the 1930s, which was
used to treat cancer, microbial diseases, and numerous other diseases and disorders. It was also
used to rejuvenate animals and plants from debilitated conditions back to health and vigor.

Both authors are electrical engineers, with over 25 years experience, and were able to locate and
analyze original Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillators produced by the C.O.L.Y.S.A. company in
France during the period 1931 to 1940. The great detail of their analysis is shown in the books
Table of Contents below.

In addition to providing a huge amount of information about how Lakhovskys device was
constructed and how it worked, the authors also provide information about the life of Georges
Lakhovsky, researchers who worked with him or used his device during those early years, as well
as, researchers who successfully used the Lakhovsky MWO in Europe and the United States after
Lakhovsky died in 1942. Original documents have been found, translated into English, and added
to this book. Much of the material has never been published before and it for further
experimentation in this field by competent researchers.

A Manual for Developing Humans

by Dr. P.M.H. Atwater

Paperback: 352 pages

Publisher: Rainbow Ridge (April 12, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1937907473
ISBN-13: 978-1937907471
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.1 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates
and policies)

Available here at Amazon.com

A Manual for Developing Humans is

the third book Dr. Atwater was told to write
during her third near-death experience.
Based entirely on threes, there are no
chapters. . . only the development
of conscious, subconscious,
and superconscious aspects to each topic
every topic for the Manual contains the
basics on every level of life from how to use
your mind, develop and use intuition, understand color, sex, relationships, children,
how to take out-of-body trips, interact with spirit beings, meditate, bend time, and
rethink money. Aliveness jumps from every page of soil, rocks, mountains,
vegetation, the air we breathe, our planet, our solar system, our universe even
electricity and energy itself, along with The Void (the ultimate cradle of creation).

A Manual for Developing Humans revealed itself to Dr. Atwater during and
soon after she survived three bouts with death, and had a near-death experience
each time. This was the first book she wrote. Reviewers all said the same thing
after reading it: The world isnt ready for this yet. Put it in a box. She did -- a
very big box. It was the death of Robert Van de Castle (Internationally known
expert on dreams and author of Our Dreaming Mind) that changed things. During
his memorial, he came right out of his photograph, looked Dr. Atwater in the eye,
and said: It is time. Bob somehow knew about the book in a box. Dr. Atwater
sped home afterward, opened the box, and finished the job. What she learned from

80 years of living and challenging every aspect of living is interwoven into what
The Voice Like None Other showed her how to do.

A Manual for Developing Humans is filled with surprise. Each of six main
parts are separated by thought-form drawings. The book leads you into Fifth
Dimensional living, in an easy, curious, and fun way. The idea that we have for
developing spiritually, misses entirely the real challenge. . . to be fully human. To
be all that we are and all that we can be. To envelop the spiritual as we embrace
and balance all other aspects of humanhood. Hu was the ancient sound of God. . .
Hu-man, God-Man. All religions speak of this. All those who undergo a
transformation of consciousness, no matter how, come to face this and deal with it.
Our true self, our real self, is fully human, fully real. This Manual takes you there
and shows you how to live it, everyday, right now.


As Dr. Atwater shares her story, all 28 thought-form drawings that appear in the
Manual are shown in a special PowerPoint presentation. Thought-form shapes
comprise the energy released into the air once thoughts are created. Near-death
experiencers, psychics, artists, and spiritual adepts sometimes comment about
being able to see such shapes.

Talk/Powerpoint Presentation takes one hour. Extra time can be

allotted for Q&A. Transportation, lodging, meals to be provided, plus
computer (Windows or Mac) and someone to run it. Negotiate fee.
Book sales encouraged. To schedule, contact: Dr. P. M. H. Atwater,
P. O. Box 7691, Charlottesville, VA 22906; atwater@cinemind.com.
Website: www.pmhatwater.com.

Website: www.pmhatwater.com (blog, YouTube PlayList, other


Okkultismus Im Gehuse: Institutionalisierungen Von
Parapsychologie Im 20. Jahrhundert in Internationaler
Perspektive (Okkulte Moderne)
by Anna Lux and Sylvia Paletschek

Series: Okkulte Moderne (Book 3)
Hardcover: 386 pages
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter (November 7,
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3110463768
ISBN-13: 978-3110463767
Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 1.2 x 9.3

Available at Amazon.com
Okkultismus im Gehause- untersucht die
wissenschaftliche Beschaftigung mit dem
Paranormalen und ihre Institutionen im 20.
Jahrhundert. Wo waren die Orte einer
parapsychologischen Wissensproduktion?
Welche Formen, Grenzen und Moglichkeiten
der Institutionalisierung gab es?

Ausgehend von einem breiten Verstandnis

von Institutionalisierung werden universitare
und aueruniversitare Einrichtungen sowie
erfolgreiche wie gescheiterte Versuche von
Akademisierung untersucht. Weiterhin
kommen organisierte Gegenbewegungen,
praktische Anwendungsfelder, popularkulturelle Verwertungen sowie personliche Erfahrungen in den
Blick. Dargestellt werden die Entwicklungen anhand von Fallbespielen aus Deutschland (BRD und
DDR), Frankreich, Grobritannien, Russland, Ungarn sowie den Niederlanden und den USA.

Die Beitrage zeigen, dass die Frage um Ort und -Gehause- der Parapsychologie permanenten
Aushandlungen unterworfen war. Die Geschichte des Fachs beleuchtet so beispielhaft die Entwicklung
nicht-hegemonialer Wissensbestande sowie grundsatzliche Prozesse von Disziplinbildung und

Late Night Thoughts About
by Dr. Peter A. Sturrock
Publisher: Palo Alto, CA: Exoscience Publishing (Oct. 31, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 098426146X
ISBN-13: 978-0984261468
Paperback: 186 pages, illustrated
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches

Available at Amazon.com
Most books that are written by scientists for the general
public proudly present what scientists know and
understand. By contrast, this carefully researched and
clearly written book by the well-known Stanford University physicist and astrophysicist
Peter Sturrock discusses, with some humility, topics that scientists do not understand.
Study of these topics, many of which are of keen interest to the general public, may lead
and should lead to breakthroughs in our knowledge of science. Sturrock advocates that
instead of always reacting with It cant happen, scientists should sometimes wonder How
does it happen?

The list of topic begins with a puzzle well known to most scientists - ball lightning an
atmospheric phenomenon that has remarkable properties, and which - after 150 years of
research continues to defy explanation. The book then moves to less known physical
phenomena: the peculiar behavior of some pendulums at the time of a solar eclipse; so-
called "cold fusion"; and evidence that radioactive decay rates (usually considered to be
constant for any element) may vary in response to solar and other influences.

The topics continue with several so-called "psychic" phenomena - precognition,

clairvoyance, remote viewing, and psycho-kinesis - and some consciousness or mind-
body puzzles, including anomalous healing, out-of-body experiences, and reincarnation.

There is a necessarily brief but nevertheless challenging discussion of "Unidentified Flying
Objects " or "UFOs" which 70 years after the first observations - are still unrecognized and
un-investigated by the scientific community. There is also a discussion of the enigmatic
"crop circles" (which are nowadays much more intricate than simple circles), and the
catastrophic explosion that occurred at Tunguska in Siberia in 1908 (which apparently was
due neither to a meteorite nor a comet).

The list of topics ends with a puzzle that one would not expect to find in a scientific text, but
can to some extent be addressed in scientific terms: Who wrote the plays and poems
conventionally attributed to "Shakespeare? (A question that is considered heretical by
the relevant scholarly community.)

Each chapter contains one or two examples of the topic under discussion with notes on and
portraits of some of the principal investigators and references for further reading. The
appendices include an extensive guide to further reading, a formal procedure (the Basin
Procedure) for evaluating hypotheses, and a proposal for an "Office of Public-Centered
Science" to promote the scientific investigation of topics of public interest - something that is
very much needed.

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