Abortion 2

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<b>This article, too, begins with an <u>important</u> note telling you that
nothing contained herein is medical advice. Should you be in need of such advice,
seek qualified help. This article is only meant to keep you informed.</b>

Here are the main chemical methods (drugs) that are used to generate an
abortion, and a few words on how they work.

<b><u>MEDICAL INDUCTION</u></b> - It's a medical procedure, during which the

doctor inserts long needle through the woman's abdomen, and into the amniotic bag.
Then he extracts about 170 grams of amniotic liquid, and then introduces 170 grams
of extremely salted solution. This pushes the woman into labor in less than 24
hours. A female hormone, the <i>prostaglandyne</i> is also used in the same way,
for the same purpose. Here's how it works: the salted solution mixes with the
amniotic liquid and the fetus swallows it, and it dies. That's idea of the
abortion, isn't it? Unfortunately, the salted solution may also kill the mother,
too. Sometimes, she, herself, absorbs the salted solution and joins the fetus. It
only happens quite seldom, but <u>it does</u>.

<b><u>PROSTAGLANDYNE AMINISTRATION</u></b> - The woman is administered a

certain type of medicine, with prostaglandyne. It can be an injection,
suppositories, or any other medicine of the sort. The woman will quickly be pushed
into labor, faster than with salted solution. The problem is that fetus may be born
alive! The prostaglandyne does not kill the fetus. And then it becomes a BIG
question of morals. Is the doctor to deliberately kill the fetus?

<b><u>POTASSIUM CHLORIDE</u></b> - If you don't know it, I'll tell it to you

- it's the poison used to execute convicts. It is used at the <i>reduction of the
multiple pregnancies</i>. If the woman will have triplets or quadruplets, the
doctor may decide, that the highest chance of survival of the babies can achieved
only with fewer babies. In such cases one or two of the babies have to die in order
to ensure the survival of the others. The doctor injects potassium chloride into
the fetus' heart. What follows, is easy to guess. The same method applies if
special cases (e.g. the daughter has been raped by the father, or a close relative;
there is the risk that the woman may die if she keeps the baby). In such cases, the
abortion is more than recommended. The woman can try to remain pregnant later.

<b><u>RU-486</u></b> - The famous abortion pill. It contains a special

chemical substance, called <i>mifepriston</i>. This substance has an unusual
effect: it fills all the spaces in the body, where progesterone usually stays. If
the fertilized egg has implanted itself in the endometrium, it needs lots of
progesterone to evolve. Now, when the secreted progesterone comes, it's in for a
big surprise: a different substance has taken its place. It's like going to the
theatre and finding your place taken. The embryo dies, because of the lack of
progesterone. The problem is that it must only be taken with prescription since it
may have side effects. Should the woman be older than 35, or a smoker, the RU-486,
could only do her harm. If it's an ectopic pregnancy, if must quickly be operated,
or the growing fetus could really make a mess in the woman's abdomen. The
administration of the RU-486 is usually accompanied by nausea, headaches,
dizziness, etc. After a couple of days, the woman is being given prostaglandyne, to
generate the expulsion of the dead fetus. In 5% of the cases, the fetus does not
die, but it's imperative, to be removed, since from now on, it may have great
<b><u>METOTREXAT and MISOPROSTOL</u></b> - An ingenious combination to kill
and release the fetus. The metotrexat is a drug that's been generally used in the
treatment of some cancer types of the uterus and breasts. It is the opposite of the
<i>folic acid</i>. It works against some cancers by stopping the evolution of the
cancerous cells and by killing them. This can be done by stopping the metabolism of
a substance called folic acid. It's a weird paradox, since this acid is crucial for
the human nutrition. Pregnant women, that don't have enough folic acid, must take
special pills containing this substance, to ensure the normal evolution of the
baby. If the woman doesn't have enough, she risks giving birth to a freak.
Everything happens like this: before the ninth week of pregnancy, the woman is
being made an injection with metotrexat. From that moment on, her fate is sealed:
one way, or the other, the woman must get rid of the embryo. This is where the
misoprostol comes into action. It contains the prostaglandyne that generates strong
contractions of the uterus, thus expelling the embryo. The side effects are the
usual: nausea, headaches, bleeding, etc.

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