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Topics in Environmental Physiology and Medicine

Edited by Karl E. Schaefer

Alain Reinberg
Michael H. Smolensky

Biological Rhythms
and Medicine
Cellular, Metabolic,
and Pharmacologic Aspects

With Contributions by H. von Mayersbach,

J. E. Pauly, L. A. Scheving, L. E. Scheving, and T. H. Tsai

With 148 Illustrations

Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg Tokyo

Alain Reinberg, M.D., Ph.D. Michael H. Smolensky, Ph.D.
Director de Recherches au CNRS Associate Professor of
Fondation A. de Rothschild Environmental Sciences
Laboratoire de Physiologie University of Texas Health
29 Rue Manin Sciences Center at Houston
75940 Paris Cedex 19 School for Public Health
France Graduate School of Biomedical
Houston, Texas 77025

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Reinberg, Alain.
Biological rhythms and medicine.
(Topics in environmental physiology and medicine)
Includes index.
1. Biological rhythms. 2. Metabolism. I. Smolensky,
Michael H. II. Title. III. Series.
rDNLM: 1. Biological clocks. QT 167 R364b]
QP84.6.R44 1983 599'.01882 82-19675

1983 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1983

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ISBN-13 :978-1-4613-9498-3 e-ISBN-13:978-1-4613-9496-9

DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4613-9496-9

Dedication Vll

Preface ix
Acknowledgments Xl

Contributors xiii
1 Introduction to Chronobiology 1
Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolen sky
2 Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 23
Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolen sky
3 An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular
Morphology 47
Heinz von Mayersbach
4 Chronobiology of Cellular Proliferation: Implications for
Cancer Chemotherapy 79
L. E. Scheving, J. E. Pauly, T. H. Tsai, and L. A. Scheving
5 Aspects of Human Chronopathology 131
Michael H. Smolensky
6 Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for
Chronotherapy 211
Alain Reinberg
7 Chronobiology and Nutrition 265
Alain Reinberg
Index 301

This book is dedicated to Heinz von Mayersbach for very simple rea-
sons-his prominence as a leading expert on biological rhythms of mam-
malian cells and our heart-felt warmth for him as one of our dearest
friends. In recalling our fond memories of this man, we find it difficult to
disassociate Heinz the scientist from Heinz our friend. In 1978, when
traveling together in the United States from Florida to Texas, we dis-
cussed the outline and organization of this book. Heinz knew he had
cancer. We remember him at the airport experiencing pain but nonethe-
less smiling and expressing apologies for not being a better travel compan-
ion. Such lessons of courage and gentleness were presented in Hannover,
Federal Republic of Germany, in July 1979 when he hosted the XIV
Meeting of the International Society for Chronobiology (lSC). Although
suffering badly, his major concern was the success of the meeting, not
only from a scientific point of view but also for the sake of each attendant.
Heinz was gifted and accomplished in several scientific disciplines. As
a researcher, he was untiringly inquisitive, inventive, and rigorous. He
was a prominent figure in his field of scientific specialization-cellular and
subcellular physiology, chemistry, and morphology-as well as in
chronobiology. One of Heinz's greatest talents was his ability to commu-
nicate and stimulate discussion. Heinz was a fantastic lecturer. He uti-
lized his depth of experience and knowledge, well organized into precise
concepts and thoughts, to explain with simplicity difficult and complex
matters. And this was necessary to successfully convince his peers of his
findings that a cell possesses not only an anatomy in space but an anatomy
in time programed to conduct different metabolic activities at different
times. This was not an easy task. His concepts and experimental findings
had to be clear and indisputable. The reader will once more experience
these qualities in this volume (Chap. 3). Heinz had hoped also to contrib-
ute a second chapter on animal chronotoxicology. Unfortunately, illness
prevented the completion of this task.
viii Dedication

Even though a hard-working scientist, Heinz gave of himself. He was

personable and well liked even by his academic adversaries; he enjoyed
socializing with his international peers and searched for means of better
understanding between them. At a time when many persons, including
scientists in countries of the old continent, were just beginning to recog-
nize the need to reach better accord, Heinz's achievements already were
outstanding. Perhaps this was the motivation for his mUltiple endeavors to
organize scientific meetings on chronobiology. Apart from the ISC meet-
ings in Hannover in 1973 and 1979, he was responsible for the first meet-
ing on "The Cellular Aspects of Biorhythms" in 1967, the first sympo-
sium on "Chronotoxicology and Chronopharmacology" in Mainz in 1976,
and the meeting on chronobiology for the German Academy of Sciences
(Leopoldina Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher) in 1976.
Heinz was of Austrian origin, but was born in Italy. He graduated in
Austria with his Medical Doctorate and attended the Royal Postgraduate
Medical School in London. Thereafter he was Assistant Professor at the
University of Graz, Austria; Associate Professor at the University of
Lausanne, Switzerland; and full Professor at the University of Nijmegen,
The Netherlands, and finally at the University of Hannover. Heinz had
mastered several languages and was able to teach in most of them except
in Latin, despite the fact that he was supposed to do so at the University
of Nijmegen. (He used to tell us funny tales about this and many other
situations, for he had a highly developed sense of humor.) From 1966 until
his death, Heinz von Mayersbach was full Professor and Head of the
Department of Anatomy, Medical School of Hannover. He had served as
President of the Histochemical Society (Federal Republic of Germany),
Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society (Oxford), and Honorary Presi-
dent of the ISC. When composing the final version of this book, we fully
realized how much we missed Heinz's help; usually it was given in the
form of friendly but firm criticisms and suggestions interspersed during
times of relaxation with humorous stories and anecdotes. This book is
dedicated to our friend Heinz with fond memories and respect. We con-
vey also to Dietlinde von Mayersbach our warmest thoughts.

During the past decade many review papers and books have been devoted
to descriptions and analyses of biological rhythms (chronobiology) in
plants and animals. These contributed greatly to demonstrating the impor-
tance of bioperiodicities in living beings in general. However, the practi-
cal aspects of chronobiology with regard to human health and improving
the treatment of disease have not yet been a major focus of publication.
One of our aims is to establish the relevance of biological rhythms to
the practice of medicine. Another is to organize and convey in a simple
fashion information pertinent to health- and life-science professionals so
that students, researchers, and practitioners can achieve a clear and pre-
cise understanding of chronobiology. We have limited scientific jargon to
unavoidable basic and well-defined terms and we have emphasized illus-
trative examples of facts and concepts rather than theories or hypotheti-
cal mechanisms.
This volume is divided into seven chapters, each of which is compre-
hensive in its treatment and includes an extensive bibliography. The book
is organized to serve as a textbook and/or reference handbook of modem
applied chronobiology. Chapter 1 describes the historical development of
chronobiology and reviews why, when, and how major concepts were
introduced, accepted, and transformed. The chapter covers, for example,
human temporal structure and its genetic origin, the existence and role of
periodic environmental signals in resetting biological clocks, and the
value of biological rhythmicity as an adaptive phenomenon for coping
with cyclic, and thus predictable, environmental changes for individuals
and, presumably, species.
Chapter 2 discusses the major considerations of human chronobiologic
investigations in terms of subjects, materials, and methods. Particular
attention is given to the standardization of subjects for chronobiologic
study. Suggestions for solving often-encountered problems in analyzing
x Preface

time series by special techniques, especially when data are collected at

unequal intervals, are presented in a straightforward and clear manner.
Chapter 3 constitutes the last scientific contribution of Heinz von May-
ersbach. His works on biological rhythmicity in cell morphology are clas-
sic. One of Heinz's major findings was the demonstration that sequences
of metabolic processes in cells, such as those of the liver, are programed
precisely in time, for example along the 24-hr scale. This chapter, which
was completed just before his death, has been updated and represents the
current state of knowledge on this topic.
Larry Scheving and his colleagues were invited to contribute Chap. 4.
These authors are renowned for their research on biological rhythms of
mitosis as well as toxic effects (chronotoxicology) at the cellular level-
information that is critical for understanding major aspects of cancer and
its treatment.
Chapter 5 presents a comprehensive review on aspects of human
chronopathology-time-dependent variations in the exacerbation or oc-
currence of illness and symptoms. For example, the occurrence and wors-
ening of allergic, cardiovascular, seizure, and inflammatory diseases are
not random, but vary predictably as rhythms over 24 hr, the menstrual
cycle, and the year. Knowledge of human chronopathologies, represent-
ing the interactions of cyclic ambient events and bioperiodic physiochem-
ical component functions, is indispensable for understanding the etiology
of diseases as well as their treatment and prevention.
Chapter 6 is devoted to clinical chronopharmacology, defined as rhyth-
mic changes in drug effectiveness, with reference to both laboratory and
human investigations. The presentation is based on new concepts, such as
bioperiodic changes in drug disposition (chronopharmacokinetics), target
biosystem susceptibility (chronesthesy), and the overall effects of medi-
cines (both chronoeffectiv.eness and chronotolerance). Illustrative exam-
ples of the clinical optimization of several classes of medicines using these
concepts are given.
Chapter 7 is devoted to biological rhythms and nutrition. The topic is
organized with consideration of four complementary aspects: food intake
as a rhythmic phenomenon, persistence of biological rhythms during fast-
ing, circadian and other periodicities in metabolic processes, and the
significance of timed food intakes as an entrainer of circadian rhythms. A
special section is devoted to chronobiologic studies of nutrition in shift

The authors benefited from the assistance of many dedicated persons

during the preparation of this volume. We are unable to thank everyone;
however, we wish to express our gratitude to Annonciade Nicolai' and
Gay Robertson, who in typing and editing the many redrafts worked
numerous days, evenings, and weekends untiringly and, yes, sometimes
tiringly; and also to our many academic colleagues: Israel Ashkenazi
(University of Tel Aviv), Ivan Assenmacher (Universite de Montpellier),
Jean De Prins (Universite Libre de Bruxelles), Pierre Gervais (Universite
de Paris, VII), Jean Ghata (Universite de Geneve), Erhard Haus (Univer-
sity of Minnesota), Gaston Labrecque (Universite Laval, Quebec), Fran-
cis Levi (CNRS, Paris, France), Jack P. McGovern (McGovern Allergy
Clinic, Houston, Texas), Lawrence E. Scheving (University of Arkansas,
Little Rock), Therese Vanden Driessche (Universite Libre de Bruxelles),
and Yvan Touitou (Universite de Paris VI), who provided critical reviews
and useful suggestions. We, in addition, are indebted to Dietlinde Von
Mayersbach whose input was very much appreciated and to Karl
Schaefer who until his death served as editor of the series Topics In
Environmental Physiology and Medicine for Springer-Verlag and who
made it possible for us to express our findings and philosophies herein.
Our work was facilitated by the skillful contributions of the Medical Arts
personnel (Fran Holden, Connie Harris, and Bett Oaks) of the University
of Texas School of Public Health, Health Sciences Center at Houston,
and librarians of both the School of Public Health and the Houston Acad-
emy of Medicine Texas Medical Library, especially Marlene Caldwell.
Finally, we acknowledge the patience of our wives-Marie-Anne and
Nita Beth-our children-Agnes and Andre Laszlo, Anne-Christine,
and Olivier Reinberg, as well as Melissa and Susan Smolensky and Brian
Burroughs-while we exhibited weak social synchronization and dis-
played free-running tendencies when extending our activity late into the
night and early morning.

Heinz von Mayersbach, M.D. (deceased), Professor and Head, De-

partment of Anatomy, Medical School of Hannover, D-3000 Han-
nover 61, Federal Republic of Germany
John E. Pauly, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, Department of
Anatomy, University of Arkansas College of Medicine, Little
Rock, Arkansas 72205, U.S.A.
Lawrence A. Scheving, B.A., Department of Anatomy, University
of Arkansas College of Medicine, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205,
Lawrence E. Scheving, Ph.D., Rebsamen Professor of Anatomical
Sciences, Department of Anatomy, University of Arkansas Col-
lege of Medicine, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205, U.S.A.
T. H. Tsai, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy, University of Arkan-
sas College of Medicine, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205, U.S.A.
Introduction to Chronobiology
Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

Recorded recognition of the importance of and darkness. Today, it is well recognized

biological rhythms in plants and animals that the light-dark cycle of the ambient and
dates back at least to 5000 B.C. Over the laboratory environments serves to synchro-
years, the understanding of rhythmic phe- nize the phasing of 24-hr and perhaps
nomena has grown, but the acceptance of yearly physiochemical rhythms of orga-
chronobiology as a science has been slow nisms. Direct evidence that the importance
nonetheless. This chapter reviews the de- of temporal factors was recognized by man-
velopment of modem chronobiology by re- kind even in biblical times comes from Ec-
counting the milestone events that have clesiastes: "To every thing there is a sea-
contributed to the current knowledge in son and a time to every purpose under the
this field, and discusses why chronobiology heaven: a time to be born and a time to die;
has developed slowly as a science. a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that
which is planted.. . ." Apart from the ob-
vious wisdom of this recommendation, the
Acquisition of Facts and Concepts precise reference to time of year conveys
in Chronobiology the early knowledge of the critical impor-
Chronobiology is the study of mechanisms tance of cyclical environmental changes for
and alterations of each organism's temporal the survival of species. Such a recognition
structure under various situations (Halberg also is present in the aphorisms of Hippoc-
et al. 1977). Such a definition, while clear rates (1961) with specific reference to sea-
and useful for chronobiologists, requires sonal differences in the occurrence of hu-
amplification for those unfamiliar with the man diseases.
concept of biological time structure. In ac- As a matter of fact, biological systems
tuality, this concept is not new. It is stated possess a very prominent temporal struc-
in Genesis that the first task of God was to ture. Major periodic components ofbiologi-
create light and then the alternation of light cal rhythms are found around 24 hr and 1
2 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

year. * Other bioperiodicities (1') such as to plant and when to harvest domesticated
those less than 24 hr (termed ultradian plant species were obtained by consulting
rhythms) or approximately equaling 7 days, astronomical clocks as well as other
20 days, 30 days, etc. (called infradian "signs" (signals), such as the precise tim-
rhythms), are exhibited by certain biologi- ing of matings of many animal species, the
cal functions of many species. However, flowering of certain plants growing in the
circadiant (1' 24 hr) and circannual (1' 1 = wild, and bird migrations, among others.
year) biological rhythms, having been Seasons of planting and harvesting were of
widely documented for a multitude of phys- such importance that they often were cele-
iological variables of both plant and animal brated as religious feasts. Thus, even early
species, including ours, are most familiar to man monitored time, at least on a yearly
scientists. Obviously, with respect to evo- basis, with regard to predictable annual
lution, circadian rhythms appear to be re- changes in the reproduction of both edible
lated to the rotation of the Earth around its animals and plants. With this in mind, it is
axis (Fig. 1); similarly, circannual rhythms not surprising that a set of bioperiodic phe-
appear to be related to the rotation of the nomena were reported by several Greek
Earth around the Sun. and Roman scholars including Aristotle,
It is likely that circannual rhythms repre- Pliny, and Galen in connection with the re-
sent an adaptative phenomenon from the productive patterns of sea animals, among
perspective of the reproduction and sur- others (Aschoff 1974; Fox 1923).
vival of species. Man learned rapidly that For centuries it was believed that cyclic
nutrients were not continually available in changes in organisms represented exclu-
quality and quantity; this is true of prehis- sively the simultaneous effects of cyclic
toric man-the hunter, fisherman, and changes in environmental factors, such
gatherer-and thereafter of modem man- as the alternation of light with darkness
the farmer, peasant, and animal breeder. and/or of heat with cold over periods of
There was, and remains, a time to plant and both 24 hr and 1 year. In ancient times, the
a time to harvest. This cannot be ignored Sun was given the status of an omnipresent
nor altered appreciably. and omnipotent God: the Egyptian Ra, the
In connection with this, it is widely ac- Greek Apollo, the Roman-Heliopolitan
cepted that astronomical clocks were built Jove, the Aztec Tonatiuh, etc. Not until
long ago in Camac (Brittany), in Stone- 1729 was the accepted tenet of an "exclu-
henge (near London), in Chichen Itza (Yu- sively exogenous origin" of circadian
catan), etc., serving both religious and rhythms in plants questioned. The French
practical agricultural purposes. The an- astronomer J. J. de Mairan reported in 1729
swers to the critical questions such as when that the circadian changes in the position of
appendages of the heliotrope persisted in
constant darkness. This was the beginning
* The term "biorhythm" is used infrequently by
chronobiologists, since it has been given a completely of a wide variety of research. However, as
invalid and unacceptable definition by proponents of far as plants are concerned, it was not until
the astrological forecasting business. Among many the work of Pfeffer (1875, 1915) started at
scientifically valid objections, it is not possible to pre-
dict attributes of biologic time structure by one datum the end of the nineteenth century that con-
only, i.e., date of birth. A thorough and unbiased re- vincing experimental evidence was pro-
view of many scientific investigations of the popular- duced indicating that circadian rhythms
ized concept reveals a clear lack of support for bio-
rhythm forecasting (Klein and Wegmann 1979, persist in complete and constant darkness.
AGARD Lecture Series 105:2.10-2.12). Using a set of specially designed devices
t The use ofthe Latin root circa (about) in the term enabling the continuous mechanical record-
"circadian" (about 24 hr) was proposed by Halberg et ing of changes in plant limb and leaf posi-
al. (1977) to specify with respect to both statistical and
biological considerations that the period is not neces- tions, Pfeffer tested the hypothesis that the
sarily exactly 24 hr. light-dark (LD) alternation over 24 hr plays
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 3

Fig. I. The "Flower-Clock," designed by K. Linne in 1745, relies on the knowledge that at rela-
tively precise (sun-related) clock hours flowers of certain plant species are open while those of others
are closed. The half-circle to the left presents those plant species for which the flower openings occur
between 0600 and 1200; the half-circle to the right shows plants for which the flower closing occurs in
the afternoon, between 1300 and 1800. According to Linne, a trained botanist walking through the
country without a watch should be able to estimate the time by noting the pattern of flower closings
and openings of selected plants. For example, the water lily opens between 0600 and 0700; the St.
John's wort opens between 0700 and 0800; the scarlet pimpernel opens between 0800 and 0900 and
closes between 1300 and 1400; the oenothera, or evening primrose, closes between 1700 and 1800.
(Drawing by U. Schleicher-Benz in Lindauer Bilderbogen. Published by Friedrich Boer and J. Thor-
becke, Lindau, Badensee, West Germany. Reproduced with permission of the publishers.)
4 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

the major role in inducing plant movement. monthly rhythm (circamensual vanatIOn
Despite the experimental attempts of pfef- with period, T == 30 days) both in his body
fer, the hypothesis that leaf and limb move- weight and in the turbidity of his urine.
ments are caused by the LD alternation Later Seguin and Lavoisier (1790, 1797)
never fitted the data. Instead, the pioneer reported a circadian rhythm in the body
work of pfeffer demonstrated the endoge- weight of the healthy human male. In fact,
nous origin of circadian changes; the per- they state in their paper that the period was
sistence of biological rhythms in organisms about 24 hr (". . . a peu pres de 24 heures
maintained in constant environmental con- . . .") and that a subject who does not ex-
ditions has been widely confirmed for many hibit a circadian rhythm in his body weight
species, from the eukaryote to man (As- should be suspected to be ill.
choff 1963; Boissin and Assenmacher 1969; The Briton J. Davy (1845) was the first
Bunning 1963; Halberg 1960b; Halberg and to report the existence of both circadian
Reinberg 1967; Mills 1964, 1966; Pitten- and circannual rhythms in his own body
drigh 1960; Reinberg 1974; Schweiger et al. core temperature. Previously, in 1773, Mar-
1964; Sweeny 1969; Vanden Driessche tin reported some "effects of sleep on the
1973; Weitzman et al. 1979). body heat" (Martin 1773). Again, the use of
It was not until many years later, around an autorhythmometric procedure allowed
1950, that pfeffer's findings were clearly Davy to demonstrate that these bioperiodi-
understood and appreciated. Yet results of cities were closely related neither to physi-
investigations on temporal factors in the or- cal activity, for example the riding of a
ganization of biological functions were, in horse or running, nor to environmental
general, slow to be recognized by the scien- temperature, which was actually measured
tific community. Several other examples of and compared with that of Davy's body
the long latency in the development of sci- temperature. The fact that the same vari-
entific interest in biological rhythms follow; able could undergo rhythms of different pe-
these were selected from experimental riods was demonstrated later by Halberg
studies that emphasize reported data and and his colleagues (1965) through reanalyz-
findings, rather than from philosophical ing data collected by Hamburger (1954).
considerations of the "cyclicity of time" Hamburger collected each of his daily urine
without supporting data, as is the case for voidings for 16 years, measuring the vol-
ancient Chinese medicine (Reinberg 1974) ume and 17-ketosteroid concentration. The
or as presented in The Art of Prolonging statistical technique of spectral analysis
Life (Hufeland 1789) at the end of the eigh- clearly revealed prominent periods approx-
teenth century. imately equaling 24 hr, 7 days, 30 days, and
As a first example, we cite the work of 1 year. As a result of these findings, empha-
Sanctorius, who in 1657 constructed a mon- sis must be given to two facts thus discov-
umental balance with a huge tray on which ered: (1) the existence of both a circadian
a completely furnished room was set. Sanc- and a circannual periodicity, among others,
torius resided for several consecutive in the same variable, for example, in body
months on his balance tray (Fig. 2). A ser- temperature as well as in the urinary vol-
vant provided food and assistance and ume and 17-ketosteroid concentration and
made readings on the balance scale. By (2) the persistence of biological rhythms in-
means of this self study, Sanctorius was the dependent of internal (exercise) or external
first to design a "laboratory for chrono- (environmental temperature) factors.
biology" and to use an "autorhythmome- During the nineteenth century, addi-
tric method" -repeated self-measurements tional data were accumulated to evaluate
of physiological variables as a function of the nature and origin of biological rhythms.
time-to document bioperiodic phenomena Some experiments were designed so that
(Halberg et al. 1977). Sanctorius reported a measurements of phenomena were done at
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 5

Fig. 2. Sanctorius is depicted sitting upon the tray of his room-scale balance. This scientist, an
original pioneer of experimental chronobiology, was by 1711 already performing self-measurements
several times daily-a method which is now termed "autorhythmometry." Sanctorius found evi-
dence for a circadian rhythm of body weight related to perspiration. In addition, he reported the
existence of 30-day rhythms in body weight in the human adult male . (From Kayser 1952, reproduced
with permission.)
6 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

regular intervals while the organism-ani- the head. This is also the case, for example,
mal or plant-was maintained under con- when circadian rhythm patterns of a female
stant laboratory conditions. Other research Drosophila (XX) differ from that of the
involved investigations conducted under male (XY) (Rensing 1973).
circumstances allowing for random changes The second major finding of Bunning
in the experimental environment. Results 1(1963) was that an organism, such as a
of these types of investigations provided plant, is able to "measure" time. A sophis-
important new information about the role of ticated manipUlation of the lighting regimen
environmental influences upon bioperiod- over 24-hr durations allowed Bunning to
icities. For example, the fact that circadian demonstrate that a time-restricted short ex-
rhythms persist in constant conditions with posure to light induced flowering when
a period differing from 24 hr was first re- given at a critical clock hour for several
ported by de Candolle (1832). According to days. Bunning found the same quantity and
this Genevan plant physiologist, the leaf quality of light when given at other clock
movements of Mimosa pudica persist in hours to be ineffective in inducing flower-
darkness with a period of 22-23 hr. This is ing. In other words, light serves not only as
precisely the type of result Pfeffer ob- a source of energy but also as a signal.
tained, although he thought this was due to Whether or not a light signal is effective in
light leaks in the darkroom until he con- inducing a biological response, in this case
firmed the persistence of the rhythm and flowering, varies according to the (biologi-
change in period length in leaf and limb cal) time it is presented. Further research
movement under constant conditions. by Bunning contributed to developing the
Two additional major breakthroughs in concept of the "biological clock." The
chronobiology were derived from the re- message was that organisms possess built-
search of Bunning before 1950. The first, in in and inborn mechanisms enabling the
1935, was the direct demonstration of the measurement of time, at least over 24 hr
genetic origin of circadian rhythm charac- and 1 year. This message is still valid (Ehret
teristics in the beanplant Phaseolus (Bun- 1974; Queiroz 1974), although it is pre-
ning 1935). For example, the circadian sented in a different manner. Modem
rhythm of stem and leaf movements in this chronobiologists (Ehret 1974; von Mayers-
plant differs between two genetically dis- bach 1978; von Mayersbach and Leske
tinct stocks exhibiting periodicities of about 1961) consider a cell to be genetically pro-
23 and 27 hr, respectively. Hybridization gramed for performance of a given task at a
experiments produced plants with hybrid specific biological time, or to reach the
circadian rhythm characteristics (7 = 25 maximum of a certain activity at a precise
hr). Thus, Bunning demonstrated that circadian phase. When organisms are syn-
biological periodicities, i.e., circadian chronized to environmental conditions (see
rhythms, are transmitted from generation Chap. 2), the biological times and phases
to generation according to genetic rules. coincide with specified clock hours in the
Evidence exists to support the theory that 24-hr scale.
the controlling elements which transcribe The concept of how organisms use
the circadian rhythms reside in the nuclear biosystems to measure time has changed in
genetic material. Recent work on Drosoph- complexity and in the depth of understand-
ila has identified several genes responsible ing from the initial one posed by Bunning in
for certain biological rhythm characteris- the thirties. The photofraction (duration of
tics. Using circadian rhythm mutants of light in each 24-hr span) or the scotofrac-
Drosophila to build a genetic mosaic of mu- tion (duration of darkness in each 24-hr
tant and nonmutant parts, Konopka and span) varies with the time of year. Because
Benzer (1971) showed the rhythm of the of their precise predictability, photoper-
composite flies resembled the genotype of iodic phenomena appear to be "the most
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 7

appropriate references for precisely mea- was envisioned as being located within the
suring time" for an organism (Queiroz pituitary, although many experiments
1974). In fact, the appropriate photoperiod showed this not to be the case (Reinberg
is strictly delineated for each species with 1974). Then, the search for the home of the
regard to programing activities such as re- wandering master clock was relocated to
production, migration, diapause, dor- the hypothalamus. Again, dissection and
mancy, etc., in plants and animals. For ex- inspection of this structure proved fruitless.
ample, according to BOnning, over the As was the case for the legendary phoenix,
24-hr span there is an "external coinci- the master clock reborn from experimental
dence" between the external alternation of ashes tries to find a place today in neuroen-
light and darkness and the alternation of docrine structures, either the epiphysis or
phase during which a plant is either sensi- the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The
tive or insensitive to light with regard to the latter is likely to be the circadian oscillator
induction of flowering. Taking into consid- system which drives certain neuroendo-
eration experimental data obtained later by crine circadian rhythms such as those of
Aschoff (1960, 1963), Hamner and Taki- adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH),
moto (1964), and Pittendrigh (1960, 1961), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) , and
the complementary hypothesis of an "inter- prolactin (PRL). Physical destruction or
nal coincidence" among temporal patterns neurotoxic inhibition of the SCN results in
in both the internal and external environ- the cessation of these neurohormonal circa-
ments was derived. This newer concept dian rhythms. However, their ultradian
takes into consideration the existence of rhythms continue to persist, as do circadian
several circadian oscillators driven either rhythms in other physiochemical functions
by a signal such as sunrise (light-on) and/or of the body including rest and activity, eat-
sunset (light-off). Therefore with regard to ing and drinking, body temperature, and
the photofraction, the interval of time be- corticosterone hormone secretion from the
tween the two signals-the phase relation- adrenal cortex (Fuller et al. 1981; Moore-
ship of sunrise and sunset-determines Ede et al. 1980; Moore 1980; Krieger 1979;
whether or not the phenomenon, flowering, Mornex and Jordan 1980; Suda et al. 1979;
occurs. In addition, as Pittendrigh (1960, Szafarczyk et al. 1981).
1961) emphasized the light signals can be With evidence for an endogenous, i.e.,
replaced by a system capable of shifting the genetic, basis of biological rhythms, the
phase of the oscillators, e.g., by causing role of exogenous factors upon rhythmic
change in the crest time of the 24-hr cycle systems was not immediately understood.
of external temperature, hormonal secre- It was not until 1954 that Halberg et al.
tions, or other biological functions. The ca- (1954) and Aschoff (1954) almost simultane-
pabilities of biological systems to measure ously developed the idea that cyclic varia-
time or to program activities represent two tions in environmental factors are capable
sides of the same coin. For instance, a bio- of influencing the expression of circadian
logical system's ability to respond and the rhythms. Aschoff (1954) coined the word
efficiency of its response to a signal can de- "Zeitgeber" (time giver); Halberg et al.
pend upon the phase of the bioperiod. (1967) coined the word "synchronizer,"
The concept of biological clocks devel- and Pittendrigh (1960) proposed "entrain-
oped by BOnning represented a significant ing agent." Despite the fact that the exact
step forward. Unfortunately, the expres- definitions of the terms given by these three
sion "biological clock" has been and con- scientists differ, there is general consensus
tinues to be misused. It is tempting, espe- among chronobiologists that "synchro-
cially for some animal biologists, to search nizer," "Zeitgeber," and "entraining
for a master clock somewhere within the agent" are synonymous. One of the most
body. Initially, the proposed master clock powerful synchronizers for a large variety
8 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

of plants and animals is the LD alternation and his group in Minnesota (Halberg et al.
over 24 hr. But other cyclic changes in 1959a) demonstrated that the most power-
environmental factors, such as tempera- ful synchronizer of circadian rhythms is cy-
ture, noise, social interaction, etc., also clic changes in socioecological factors. For
must be considered as having synchronizer our species this means that the alternation
potential. The respective strength of each of rest and activity related to our social in-
one as an influence upon biological rhythms teractions constitutes the major synchro-
depends upon the experimental circum- nizer for most functions. Usually we are
stances and the investigated species. What active during the daytime, the span associ-
must be kept in mind is that a synchronizer ated with natural or artificial light. Yet this
does not create a rhythm; it is capable only time span coincides also with relatively
of influencing its expression, for example, higher levels of light, temperature, noise,
by forcing an alteration in period length and odors among others in our ecological
and/or timing of the circadian crest with re- niche. Chronobiologists recognize that the
spect to clock hour. It was JOrgen Aschoff mere consideration or statement of clock
and his group in Erling-Andechs, Germany hours, per se, need have no meaning rela-
(1959, 1960, 1974) who demonstrated that tive to biological time, especially in modem
the circadian period can be manipulated or society in which millions of persons world-
entrained by the period of the Zeitgeber wide are involved in night or shift work and
only within certain narrow limits (e.g., 24 transmeridian flight (Klein and Wegmann
2 hr). * Beyond these limits the organism's 1979). Specifically, the hours given by the
circadian rhythms resist entrainment and clock have no synchronizing effect if there
instead become free-running; they oscil- is no obligation for adherence to a given
late, exhibiting their spontaneous period as rest-activity routine defined by the specific
is the case when known synchronizers are scheduling of work, rest, and social interac-
suppressed, for example, when constant tion. This was clearly demonstrated by
laboratory conditions are experimentally Mills (1964, 1966) in an underground cave
instituted. Aschoff (1960, 1974) also dem- experiment during which an isolated sub-
onstrated that without time clue and cue the ject was found to disregard time cues pro-
period of free-running circadian rhythms is vided by his own wrist watch. The subject
shorter than 24 hr for nocturnally active exhibited so called free-running (non-24-hr)
species (e.g., rodents), while it is longer circadian rhythms.
than 24 hr for diurnally active species (e.g., Although interest in biological time
man). Another important basic contribution structure increased during the first half of
from the Erling-Andechs group was the the twentieth century, it was not until 1960
demonstration that newborn lizards (Hoff- that an objective, statistical approach for
man 1957) and chickens (Aschoff and detecting and quantifying such was fully ap-
Meyer-Lohmann 1954) exhibit circadian preciated. In 1960 Colin Pittendrigh organ-
rhythms even if the mother and, thereafter, . ized at Cold Spring Harbor in Massachu-
the eggs during incubation are maintained setts a meeting during which two major
in constant environmental conditions (for topics were addressed (Aschoff 1960;
example, continuous darkness and fixed Halberg 196Ob; Pittendrigh 1960). The first
temperature and humidity). topic was practical as well as critical for the
With regard to human beings, Halberg subsequent development of the field and
dealt with the requirements for modem
* This is generally the case. However, some excep- chronobiology as a quantitative biological
tions have been demonstrated, e.g., the Japanese
quail. J. Boissin and I. Assenmacher (1970) demon- science, i.e. the utilization of rigorous
strated that the period of activity/rest as well as of methods for data sampling, gathering, and
adrenal activity can be entrained by a LD schedule
quite different from 24 hr, e.g., LD = 16hrorLD = 36 statistical analysis. The second topic em-
hr. phasized at this meeting dealt with the find-
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 9

ings of specially designed experiments rely- tion of a second to a fraction of a day, were
ing upon specific and accurate physical and not discovered until the development of ap-
chemical measurements (see Chap. 2) by propriate monitoring equipment and analyt-
Aschoff (1959, 1960), Halberg (1960a, b), ical techniques. The discovery of ultradian
and Pittendrigh (1960) producing evidence rhythms enhanced the understanding of bi-
for the temporal structure of organisms. ological time structure. In connection with
Circadian rhythms in a large variety of this, the continuous recording of electric
physiological functions and biological phe- potentials (EEG, eye movements, etc.) dur-
nomena have now been demonstrated. The ing sleep enabled Kleitman (1963) to de-
respective peaks and troughs of such scribe electrical stages of sleep associated
rhythms are not randomly distributed over with the ultradian periodicity of rapid eye
24 hr. On the contrary, their timings repre- movement (REM). New methods for hor-
sent a morphology, an anatomy in time, mone determinations in plasma samples as
with more or less strict temporal relation- small as 0.1 ml enabled the withdrawal of
ships among processes. blood at intervals of a few minutes, instead
Knowledge about the temporal organiza- of a few hours, and led to the detection of
tion of biological functions, especially in both ultradian and circadian rhythms in en-
mammals, has developed since 1960 (Bart- docrine activity (Weitzman 1974; Krieger
ter et al. 1962). Thus, new and obviously 1974). Ultradian rhythms in neural and
well-documented illustrative examples can muscular activity had already been ex-
be given (Bartter et al. 1962; Halberg and plored in the 1930's by neurophysiologists
Reinberg 1967; Halberg et al. 1967; Krieger using electrophysiological methods, among
1974; Reinberg 1974; Weitzman 1974). Let others. Both Fessard (1936) and Cardot
us consider (Fig. 3) a healthy human adult (1933) were experimentally justified in stat-
synchronized with diurnal activity and noc- ing that ". . . rhythmic activity is a basic
turnal rest. The peak time of plasma ACTH property of excitable systems." ("L'ac-
occurs during nightly sleep. At this time, tivite rythmique est une propriete fonda-
there is almost no adrenal hormone secre- mentale des systemes excitables.") How-
tion. Subsequently, after a certain phase ever, these authors were concerned with
delay with reference to the ACTH circadian ultradian rhythms of only neuromuscular
peak, the plasma cortisol level rises to its and related systems. Reinberg and Ghata
peak around the time of awakening. The (1957) generalized this concept to other bio-
crest time of the urinary 17-0HCS rhythm logical systems and to circadian and infra-
occurs approximately 4 hr later with refer- dian (rhythms with period lengths greater
ence to the plasma cortisol peak. Plasma than 28 hr) spectral domains. It is now well
cortisol as well as other corticosteroids in- accepted that rhythmic activity is a funda-
fluence certain circadian patterns of other mental property of living matter (Halberg et
physiological variables such as the urinary al. 1977; Halberg and Reinberg 1967; Rein-
excretion of potassium, grip strength, and berg 1974).
airway patency. The peak of these vari- In retrospect, the Sixties can be consid-
ables usually occurs 4 to 6 hr after that of ered the golden age of molecular biology. It
plasma cortisol (Fig. 3). The concept ofbio- was of mutual interest for both molecular
logical time structure is so important to the biologists and chronobiologists to study cel-
field of chronobiology that it is included in lular bioperiodicities. The major question
the definition of chronobiology given at the was and remains: What are the basic mech-
beginning of this chapter. anisms underlying circadian and other bio-
Returning to the historical perspective logical rhythms in the cell? Barnum
and the acquisition of new concepts in (Barnum and Halberg 1953; Barnum et al.
chronobiology, it is not surprising that ul- 1958), Hastings (Hastings 1959; Hastings
tradian rhythms, with T ranging from a frac- and Keyman 1965), Sweeney (1969), Ehret
10 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky


............... .
" " ~ " .!:: :::: Plasma ACTH

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
................ Plasma CORTI SOL

............... ..
. Urinary 17-0HCS

............... .
..... , ......... ..

............... .
............... ..
............... .
............... ..
............... .
............... .

............... ..




............... ..
............... ..

............... .
................ EFFECT of a VAGOLYTIC
............... . AGENT

(------------- Period = 24h -----------------)

Fig. 3. Aspects of the human temporal structure. The acrophase, cf> (crest time of the best-fitting
cosine function approximating all data as determined by the least squares method, see Chap. 2) is
given for each variable with 95% confidence limits. Subjects' synchronization was approximately 16
hr of diurnal activity and 8 hr of nocturnal rest. cf>'s are not randomly distributed over the 24-hr scale.
On the contrary, they represent physiologically validated temporal relationships. The circadian cf> of
plasma ACTH leads that of plasma cortisol in phase. The cf> of blood eosinophils coincides roughly in
phase opposition with that of cortisol. This latter leads in phase the cf>'s of physiologically related
variables such as urinary 17-0HCS and K+, grip strength, and peak expiratory flow (bronchial
patency). The cf> both for systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as that for heart rate are roughly
in phase with the cf> of urinary catecholamine and aldosterone concentration as well as plasma renin
activity. A larger dose of a vagolytic agent-SCHlOOO (iapropium bromide)-is required during the
rest than during the activity span to be effective on bronchial tone. The temporal organization of these
and other variables can be viewed as representative of adaptative phenomena. Since man is a diur-
nally active animal, it is not surprising that both the activity of his adrenal glands and sympathetic
nervous system predominate during the day. (This chart utilizes data gathered from studies of F.
Bartter, C. Gaultier, J. Ghata, F. Halberg, M. Lagoguey, A. Reinberg, L. Scheving, M. Smolensky,
and E. Weitzman.)

(1974), Schweiger (Schwieger et al. 1964), ties. This topic is treated in detail from the
Queiroz (1974), Vanden Driessche (1973, point of view of cellular morphology and
1975), and Ashkenazi (Ashkenazi et al. mitosis in Chaps. 3 and 4 of this book.
1973) were pioneers who initially contrib- Those aspects of chronobiology pres-
uted to the current understanding of the ently applied to medicine-which include
temporal organization of molecular activi- chronopathology, chronotoxicology, chro-
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 11

nopharmacology, chrononutrition, and cance of human circadian rhythms in rela-

chronotherapy (Halberg et al. 1977; tion to both the risk and treatment of dis-
Halberg and Reinberg 1967; Reinberg 1974; ease. According to Thomas Sydenham, as
Reinberg and Halberg 1971)-also have his- quoted by Virey, laudanum (opium) must
torical background. Although circadian be taken in the evening while purgatives
and/or circannual changes in physiological and enema must be administered in the
and pathological phenomena were consid- morning to be fully effective. In the conclu-
ered many centuries ago by Hippocrates sion of his thesis, Virey suggested that pri-
(1961), such rhythms have been studied rig- ority be given to researching the impor-
orously only since the nineteenth century tance of timing in therapeutic intervention.
(Beau 1836; Fere 1888). For example, a cir- Yet Virey's recommendations were not
cannual rhythm in human birth was re- heeded until a century later when reports
ported by Quetelet in 1826. Circadian were published by other pioneers such as
rhythms in epileptic seizures were reported Mollerstrom (1953), Jores (1935a,b), and
by Beau in 1836 and by Fere in 1888. Man- Menzel (1944, 1958). The experimental at-
son in 1880 reported the circadian rhythm tempt to determine at what time insulin
of microfilaria. The circannual rhythmicity must be given to a diabetic (Mollerstrom
of suicide in 1897, with a crest in spring, 1953) or to escape from the "stupidity of a
was reported by Durkheim (1952). Pincus three times a day" drug administration
(1943) reported a diurnal rhythm in the ex- (Jores 1935a,b) has still to receive appropri-
cretion of urinary ketosteroids by young ate attention by the medical community.
men. It has to be emphasized that the exis- The dramatic experiments of Halberg
tence and the importance of endogenous (Halberg 1960a,b; Halberg et al. 1959b,
bioperiodicities were either ignored or un- 1960) on the "hours of changing resistance
derestimated until the birth of modem chro- of mice" were the beginning of modem
noepidemiology (Ghata and Reinberg 1954; chronotoxicology (Fig. 4). A fixed dose of a
Reinberg et al. 1973; Smolensky et al. 1972; potentially noxious agent (E. coli endo-
Smolensky 1980). In human beings, among toxin or ouabain, for example) might kill
other animal species, there is an alternation 80% of the mice treated at a certain clock
in one's tolerance and susceptibility to po- hour but only 20% of the mice treated 12 hr
tentially noxious agents as a function of the earlier or later. Other investigations per-
time of day, month, and/or year (Halberg formed on laboratory animals by Halberg et
1960a,b; Halberg et al. 1960; Reinberg et al. (1959b, 1960), Scheving et al. (1974),
al. 1973; Reinberg and Halberg 1971; Pauly and Scheving (1964), and von May-
Smolensky et al. 1972, 1980). In other ersbach (1978) further demonstrated that
words, there must be an appreciation for an the effect(s) of a drug varies as a function of
old tenet dating back to Hippocrates-the the biological time of administration. These
organism's temporal structure has to be same studies also showed that the timing of
taken into consideration to better under- medications can alter the characteristics of
stand circadian and circannual changes in rhythms (Chap. 6). Systematic investiga-
the incidence of disease as mirrored by both tions of human chronopharmacology actu-
morbidity and mortality statistics. This ally commenced with the studies of Rein-
topic is discussed further in Chap. 5. berg et al. (Reinberg 1965; Reinberg and
In 1814, Virey in earning his Doctor of Sidi 1966; Reinberg et al. 1964, 1965, 1967),
Medicine degree from the University of Halberg et al. (1967), and Rutenfranz and
Paris devoted his entire thesis to chrono- Singer (1967). Aspects of these as well as
biology and chronopharmacology. The first other chronopharmacologic studies are pro-
to gain his medical diploma by researching vided in Chap. 6.
chronobiology, Virey considered the signifi- Finally, it must be recognized that the
12 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky


% of Mean *

! 1
165 180 200 250 200

200 200

140 150 150

150 150

100 100 100 100 100 100

50 50
60 50 50
0 a
35 20 0 0

.. 24 hr. mean = 100 "

12:00 24:00 12:00 24:00

TIME (clock hours)

Fig. 4. Chronotoxicology was first considered as the hours of diminished resistance. Experimental
results reported by Halberg (l960b) demonstrated the existence of circadian rhythms in the suscepti-
bility of mice exposed to various potentially noxious agents, for example, a fixed "dose" of E. coli
endotoxin, ouabain, or white noise. The end point of response in the studies on mice herein summa-
rized was the number of deaths per treatment group per time of testing. In addition to circadian
variability, susceptibility rhythms of about 7 days, 30 days, and 1 year, using other indices, are now
known for a large variety of agents, animals, and plant species (see text). (From Halberg 1960b,
reproduced with permission.)

current motivation for chronobiologic stud- Why the Importance of

ies of nutrient metabolism dates back to Chronobiology Was Not
Charles Chossat in 1832. Chossat demon- Recognized Earlier
strated that the circadian rhythm of the clo-
acal temperature of pigeons that had been To understand why the importance of
deprived of food and water persisted with a chronobiology was not recognized earlier,
large amplitude even until death. The circa- it is necessary to consider the environmen-
dian rhythm in temperature was indepen- tal and educational milieu of early scien-
dent of 24-hr changes in the environmental tists, including their educational back-
temperature. This phenomenon was re- ground, exposure to misleading hypoth-
demonstrated in mice 130 years later by eses, and limited access to research tools,
Galicich et al. (1963) for other physiological techniques, and methods for investigating
variables. The persistence of circadian biological rhythms.
rhythms during fasting conditions is, there-
fore, known today as Chossat's phenome-
non and, of course, pertains to chrononutri- Inadequate Educational
tion, which is presented in Chap. 7. Background
Let us consider now, still from an histor- Most scientists since the seventeenth cen-
ical point of view, an interesting question tury grew up and resided in cities. Child-
which constitutes the second part of this hood and youth were spent far from a rural
introductory chapter. environment. The experiences of children
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 13

raised in an urban setting differed widely plines advance through teaching and re-
from those of children raised in a rural set- search. The discipline of chronobiology has
ting. Most of the knowledge that inhabit- been rather slow to advance for a variety of
ants of cities possessed about plant and ani- practical reasons.
mal life was acquired from school lessons First, none of the currently active
and readings. The personal experiences of chronobiologists entered undergraduate,
rural children, especially with regard to the graduate, or medical school with the pri-
behavior of wild and domesticated animals, mary intent of biological rhythm study. As
plant cycles, etc., were replaced for urban a matter of fact, until very recently chrono-
children by second-hand information, with biology was not taught in colleges or medi-
the possibility of numerous distortions. cal schools, since no chairs or departments
During the nineteenth and the first half of of chronobiology existed. Many became
the twentieth centuries, circadian and cir- aware of biological rhythms only by acci-
cannual changes were either ignored or re- dent, discovering them through repeated
garded as a "curiosity of nature" by city- trials of their research protocols at different
bred scientists. To recognize the crucial clock hours. It is in this manner that most
importance and the major interest of biope- scientists were introduced to chrono-
riodic phenomena, the student would have biology; it is these experimenters who dis-
had to experience as a young person how covered for themselves the practical signifi-
widespread and generalized they are among cance of the temporal organization of
observable species. physiochemical processes; it is they-
In addition to this common lack of per- those strictly schooled in "homeostatic"
sonal experience with the manifestations of theory-who are responsible for the cur-
overt biological rhythms, the education of rent advances in chronobiology.
young students of western countries pro- Second, for any new philosophy to gain
vided an exclusively linear representation attention and be influential, there must ex-
oftime. The Western model of time as the ist a large enough nucleus of academically
sand clock (or the candle-clock) with its well-respected and well-organized individ-
continuous and constant flow envisions life uals to make an impact on scientific
as a simple and constant addition of hours, thought. Until the last decade, the number
days, and years from birth until death. In of active and well-trained chronobiologists
opposition to this model, the oriental (Chi- was quite small. A review ofthe quantity of
nese, Indian, etc.) representation of time is citations dealing with chronobiology in In-
more subtle, since cyclic and periodic dex Medicus under the entries of "Periodic-
changes are taken into consideration. A spi- ity," "Diurnal," or "Circadian" reveals
ral representation of time results from the only a moderate number, even until
combination of both linear and nonlinear 1955-1960. In 1983, several pages of cita-
changes. From one morning to another we tions are devoted to publications of chrono-
are neither exactly the same person, nor a biologic research. This reflects the elevated
very different one. An understanding of this prominence of the field and the increased
point of view is trivial for the oriental cul- number of scientists conducting research
ture. On the other hand for the occidental on biological rhythms.
culture of western scientists, which takes Third, a scientific society serves as a cat-
for granted that time is linear, consideration alyst for the development of a field of spe-
of the significance of time from any other cialization. The International Society for
point of view-in terms of period, phase, the Study of Biological Rhythms was initi-
and waveform-requires reorientation. ated in 1939. Among the founders were
Yet another related set of circumstances Hjalmar Holmgren, Jacob Mollerstrom,
helps to explain why chronobiology did not and Arthur Jores. After World War II the
develop at a faster pace. Medical disci- Society formally resumed its international
14 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolen sky

activities in 1953. In 1970, the Society be- rieur) is presented as law. Tables of
came known as the International Society so-called biological constants are given in
for Chronobiology. many medical textbooks for reference.
Fourth, findings are communicated pri- Regulatory mechanisms are usually consid-
marily through the publication of research. ered exclusively as feedback processes. A
Earlier, it was not easy to publish findings change in biological function is supposed to
dealing with biological rhythms, since with- be immediately counteracted or balanced in
out the availability of a convenient method- such a way that the so-called "equilib-
ology and appropriate quantitative statisti- rium," "steady-state," or "constant level"
cal procedures for time series analysis is maintained. Change is interpreted as re-
(Chap. 2), editors were reluctant to accept sulting from stress, an explanation which is
manuscripts. This is no longer the case, usually well accepted even if the term
with improvements in both experimental stress has never been defined adequately.
design and statistical techniques for time One has to realize that at the end of the
series analyses. Let us point out that many nineteenth century, during the time of
classically trained scientists-editors of re- Claude Bernard (Bernard 1926), and
spected journals-viewed biological through the time of Cannon (Cannon 1929)
rhythms more as a scientific curiosity than in the 1920's, the quality of biological mea-
as an important and undeniable component surements and determinations as well as
of biology. Prior to 1970, no journal was the quantity of experimental data were very
devoted solely to the field of chrono- limited. Although the homeostatic theory
biology. Now there are two: The Interna- (Cannon 1929) represented a considerable
tional Journal of Chronobiology/ Biological step forward in biology and medicine, it un-
Rhythm Research and Chronobiologia. fortunately has been overlooked that
In summary, from the perspective of ed- Claude Bernard himself emphasized the ex-
ucation the slow progress of chronobiology istence and importance of biological vari-
as a science resulted from a lack of (1) ap- ability in the internal milieu (see Halberg
propriate numbers of adequately trained 1967). It also has been forgotten that even
chronobiologists to teach its methods, (2) for Cannon homeostatic regulation repre-
departments or chairs in academic institu- sented no more than a theory, certainly not
tions dedicated to developing and teaching a law. As advocated by Bernard, the theory
this science, (3) national and international must be changed when it no longer fits ex-
societies to transfer findings and methods, perimental facts.
(4) communication through the publication In conventional biological tables, the
of relevant manuscripts, and (5) research value of a variable is given as a mean (x)
grants and long-term research programs for 95% according to sex, age, and health sta-
chronobiology. tus. The margin of error, which is typically
quite large, includes all types of "noise"
such as (1) instrumental noise related to the
Misleading Hypotheses imprecision of experimental laboratory
In addition to the existence of inadequate techniques, (2) methodological noise re-
educational opportunities, prevailing the- lated to difficulties in standardizing individ-
ory slowed or inhibited the advance of uals and experimental conditions, and (3)
chronobiologic hypotheses and concepts. biological noise related to interindividual
Several generations of students, including variability. But the margin of error also in-
ours, have been taught that a set of regula- cludes predictable variabilities related to bi-
tory mechanisms maintain the constancy of ological rhythms. With the homeostatic ap-
biological systems and physiological func- proach, these latter are simply included as
tions in a "homeostatic" manner. The con- additional sources of noise, even if the am-
stancy of the internal milieu (milieu inte- plitudes of the rhythms create an unaccept-
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 15

ably large range of values, as is the case for nightly rest (Krieger 1974; Weitzman 1974).
such variables as plasma cortisol and tes- The homeostatic theory cannot explain
tosterone, circulating lymphocytes, and why in the same patient who has been rig-
blood pressure, to mention a few. idly standardized for chronobiologic study
The homeostatic "law" is associated a glucose tolerance test yields different re-
with a set of misleading concepts such as sponses depending upon whether it is per-
"biological equilibrium" (the only state of formed in the morning or in the evening
equilibrium in biology is death, since ex- (Jarrett and Keen 1969), or in April or in
changes are the rule), "steady state," etc. September (Mejean et al. 1977).
The feedback model was put forth to ex- Obviously, the concept of homeostasis
plain fluctuations around a proposed "con- has been both overgeneralized and misused
stant level" of function. According to this in biology and medicine by the epigones of
argument, biological rhythms thus repre- Bernard and Cannon. Predictable cyclic
sent a non-meaningful and insignificant variations with several homeostases can be
component of such fluctuations. By 1957 considered (e.g., from a theoretical point
(Reinberg and Ghata 1957), it was obvious of view as a circadian rhythm of "set
that this model could not explain why the points"). It has to be emphasized again that
fluctuation in a variable exhibits a precise precise end points or limits must be inter-
period in a given species (e.g., the period of preted as being variable in time due to pe-
the ovulatory cycle in mammals) and why riodic fluctuations (biological rhythms).
the fluctuation persists when environmental Even if one wishes to explain why plasma
factors are kept constant. The feedback potassium or blood glucose are almost con-
model, proposed as an explanation of bio- stant (in fact they exhibit small-amplitude
logical rhythms in order to fit homeostatic circadian rhythms), one must take into
theory, represented nothing more than a consideration large-amplitude circadian
kind of intellectual regression, a blindfold. rhythms in the involved control systems
It inhibited both deeper discussion of exist- (e.g., secretions of insulin, glucagon, and
ing experimental evidence as well as de- cortisol).
tailed research on mechanisms of biological In actuality, the relative constancy of
rhythms (Halberg and Reinberg 1967). variables (for example, plasma glucose,
The homeostatic theory fails to fit the electrolytes, hormones, proteins, and wa-
experimental findings that a fixed dose of a ter, blood pressure, and body temperature,
potentially noxious agent will kill 100% of a among others) appears to be critical for sur-
group of mice at one phase of a circadian vival. Organisms are confronted with both
rhythm, while 100% of a comparable group periodic (predictable) and aperiodic (non-
of mice treated identically 12 hr earlier ,or predictable and random) changes in their
later will survive. The "stress" in these ex- environments. Regulatory mechanisms,
periments is rigorously standardized. While presumably involving feedback loops, are
a given toxicant is totally inefficient when responsive to aperiodic changes in the envi-
presented at one time, it leads to the com- ronment over the time domain of seconds,
plete destruction of a sample of animals minutes, and hours. On the other hand, ge-
when presented at another. These effects netically programed biological rhythms
are both predictable and reproducible. constitute the basis for which organisms re-
Moreover, the homeostatic theory does not spond to periodic environmental changes
fit the fact that in persons adhering to diur- having prominent TS of approximately 24
nal activity and nocturnal rest, the plasma hr, 7 days, 30 days, and 1 year. For exam-
cortisol concentration can be as high as 20 ple, large-amplitude circadian rhythms of
p.g/l00 ml in the morning just before arising both neuroendocrine and endocrine secre-
from sleep, and be nearly undetectable (= 0 tions control the variables of plasma glu-
p.g/l) during a 6-hr span of time during cose, electrolytes, proteins, etc., so that
16 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

only small-amplitude circadian changes tension, hyper- or hypocorticism, etc., re-

result even though the environmental in- quire revision. Similarly, the experimental
puts, prominently exemplified by the intake treatment of certain diseases such as cancer
offood, vary randomly in time, quality, and based upon an animal model (see Chap. 4)
quantity. Short-term regulatory mecha- shows that the chronobiologic approach
nisms also are subject to influence by circa- proposed by Scheving and Halberg (sinu-
dian and other bioperiodicities. soidal change in the administration of car-
One must admit that the homeostatic cinostatic agents with the highest dose
theory was a powerful braking force in the given at the circadian time of best drug tol-
development of chronobiology, slowing the erance) is both less dangerous (lower risk
appreciation and understanding of clean ex- of injury or death due to drug toxicity) and
perimental evidence documenting periodic- more effective (up to 10 times greater sur-
ity. In the name of the scientifically canon- vival at a given time) than the homeostatic
ized "Saint Homeostasia" (Reinberg 1974), approach (same amount of agent given in
objective demonstrations of chronobiologic equal doses at equidistant time intervals).
facts either were simply ignored or de-
nied. In addition, papers submitted for
publication in journals of high regard were
Inadequate Tools, Techniques, and
rejected unanimously by "experts" (up to Investigative Methods
now, only some of them have offered their In order to collect data for the study and
mea culpa). The homeostatic theory was a description of biological rhythms, special
dogma, an article of faith. As it happened equipment and methods of investigation are
chronobiologists were asked: "Do you re- necessary. Relatively precise instruments
ally believe in biological rhythms?" with a are needed to record biological events with
touch of condescending irony. (Fortu- regard to month, day, hour, minute, and
nately, there was no witch-hunt of chrono- second. Earlier in this chapter it was men-
biologists, despite the fact they are often tioned that astronomical clocks and related
working at the "witching time of night": calendars were constructed during the
Hamlet, III, ii). With respect to scientific stone age to serve both religious and practi-
discovery and advancement, some scien- cal purposes. The critical chronobiologic
tists behave as if they were blind and deaf answers to questions such as when to plant,
when confronted with facts that are incom- when to hunt, and when to harvest were
patible with their education. given by astronomical clocks and calendars
The best manner of overcoming the re- as well as natural signals from bird migra-
tarding effects of obsolete theoretical con- tions, plant flowering, etc. Although primi-
siderations is to gather a critical mass of tive measures of the time of day (solar
experimental evidence. This was the task of clocks) and time of night (water clocks)
chronobiologists in the Sixties. One of the were used in ancient Egypt (the water clock
present tasks, as far as medicine is con- of Ramses 11), reliable mechanical clocks
cerned, is to evaluate whether or not the did not become available until the seven-
chronobiologic approach for diagnosing teenth and eighteenth centuries due to the
and treating disease is more accurate, more genius of Huyghens and Harrison, who de-
effective, and more powerful than the ho- veloped the pendulum spring, and marine
meostatic one. Since physiological vari- clocks. Obviously, precise reference to
ables such as blood pressure (Halberg and time of day for biological events could only
Reinberg 1967; Halberg et al. 1967), plasma be provided when accurate, reliable, and in-
cortisol (Krieger 1974; Weitzman 1974), expensive time pieces were widely mar-
and plasma testosterone (Dray et al. 1965), keted.
vary as a function of both the time of day Chronobiologic studies of body weight
and year, the definitions of hyper- or hypo- and body temperature became possible
1: Introduction to Chronobiology 17

only with the availability of accurate bal- tion such as time of year, nutritional status
ances and thermometers (Sanctorius 1711; and regimen, age, sex, and weight is re-
Davy 1845). Blood glucose levels can now quired as well. When these minimal meth-
be determined every minute continuously odological requirements are neglected,
during 24-hr spans by entirely automated rhythms may not be detectable, as was the
instruments, while Claude Bernard had to case when some authors reported an ab-
be satisfied with only a single (nonspecific) sence of circadian rhythmicity in plasma
glucose determination per day, requiring a calcium in healthy adult men, while others
large amount of blood. reported its existence (Halberg and Rein-
The development of modern chrono- berg 1967). Moreover, when a proper
biology is closely related to the develop- chronobiologic methodology is not used,
ment of tools, instruments, and techniques authors studying the same rhythm may re-
permitting study of variables over relatively port different peak times and amplitudes
long spans of time (Kayser and Heusner (Halberg and Reinberg 1967). This apparent
1967). Precision, reliability, and reproduc- lack of reproducibility of periodicity in, for
ibility are required, as is miniaturization. It example, calcium and some other studied
is not surprising that radioimmunoassay variables, did not favor the scientific credi-
methods enabled a step forward in chro- bility of chronobiology.
noendocrinology (Krieger 1974; Weitzman Today it is also well recognized that the
1974). Nowadays plasma cortisol can be de- appropriate statistical analysis of time se-
termined every minute during 24 hr using ries comprises an indispensible aspect of
only minute quantities of blood. When Pin- chronobiologic methodology. Problems of
cus first demonstrated in 1943 a circadian data gathering and analysis are closely re-
rhythm in the urinary excretion of 17-keto- lated in chronobiology. When specific
steroids, he utilized only 3 samples per 24 methods of statistical analyses were not
hr. Today measurements of physiological available, the quantification of rhythms
variables such as EKG, EEG, rectal tem- constituted a problem that was not easily
perature, wrist movements, and respiratory solved, especially when the temporal varia-
movements can be recorded continuously tions were of small amplitude. Discus-
for many days from normally ambulatory sion of methods pertinent to all aspects
subjects using portable and miniaturized in- of chronobiology-chronopharmacology,
struments. chrononutrition, chronopathology, chrono-
Just as histology and pathology enable toxicology, etc.-is presented in great de-
separation of anatomical components into tail in the following chapters. With rare ex-
spatial serial sections, with careful planning ception, it is no longer appropriate to
and adequate experimental protocols and subjectively evaluate the parameters of
sampling procedures chronobiology en- rhythms through the use of chronograms
ables separation of biological variables into (graphs of data over time) alone. Several
temporal serial sections (Reinberg 1974). appropriate, objective statistical techniques
Chronobiologic methodology involving a specifically designed for chronobiologic ex-
minimal set of requirements is needed to perimentation are readily available.
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Investigative Methodology for
Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

Progress in the developing science of Types of Synchronizers and the

chronobiology has closely paralleled the Synchronization of Biological
emergence of new and improved research Rhythms
methodologies. Methodological require-
ments for biological rhythm study have Common to all biological research, particu-
been reviewed previously (Halberg et al. lars related to species, sex, age, weight,
1972, 1977; Reinberg 1971, 1974; Smo- height, food intake, state of health or dis-
lensky et al. 1974). This chapter outlines a ease, etc., must be stated. These general
minimum set of conditions and procedures requirements are mentioned here as a re-
necessary for conducting sound chrono- minder, only, despite the fact they are
biologic investigations. The recommenda- critical.
tions which are put forward should be re- With respect to chronobiologic meth-
garded as proposals and/or suggestions ods, when experimenting on laboratory ani-
rather than rules or criteria for judging the mals, it is mandatory that the timing of the
quality of experimentation. It is obvious natural or artificial light (L)-dark (D) cycle
that each study dictates a specific method- be monitored, recorded, and reported since
ology depending upon, among other things, the LD cycle is recognized as a primary
the goals of the investigation and the synchronizer of circadian and possibly
state of knowledge. The contents of this other rhythms. The LD cycle influences the
chapter provide necessary information for period length and peak time of rhythms of
designing chronobiologic research pro- many species, such as birds, rodents, and
tocols and for minimizing the occurrence monkeys. * Other potential synchronizers,
of those types of mistakes typically ex- * The term synchronizer refers to an environmen-
tal periodicity capable of determining the temporal
perienced in earlier chronobiologic investi- staging, with respect to clock hour or calendar date of
gations. a given endogenous rhythmicity. '
24 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

such as cyclic changes in temperature, trol" for rhythm effects by restricting re-
noise, odors, humidity, and food availabil- search procedures to one or two particular
ity, should be maintained at more or less clock hours. The experimenter by adhering
constant levels. In so doing, only one to this type of sampling schedule does a
(known) synchronizer is operational, disservice to his research and to science for
whether or not it is manipulated. The con- several reasons. With respect to research on
current influence of several synchronizers rodents, a vast number of chronobiologic
may lead to a complex situation which may investigations conducted during the past
be difficult to analyze. Even with one syn- two to three decades utilizing comparable
chronizer, such as the LD alternation, the LD synchronizer schedules (usually LD: 12/
duration, intensity, and quality (wave- 12) have enabled the "mapping" of a multi-
length) of the light as well as the abruptness tude of circadian rhythmicities. The term
of change from L to D can influence the mapping refers to aspects of the rhythm's
findings (Aschoff 1960; Boissin and Assen- form over time, for example, the peak and
macher 1971; Halberg et al. 1959). There- trough times, with respect to the stated LD
fore each must be well defined. schedule. When the LD schedule is known,
Many authors prefer using the LD: 12/12 it is possible to predict rather precisely
lighting regimen in which 12 hr of light al- when either high, low, or average levels of
ternate with 12 hr of darkness. * With re- a constituent of tissue, blood, urine, etc.,
gard to animal models involving typically will occur. Thus, the maximum ofthe circa-
nocturnally active rodents (rats and mice), dian rhythm in serum corticosterone (the
some authors (Halberg 1973; von Mayers- major adrenal corticosteroid hormone in
bach 1978) recommend a LD:8116 schedule, mice) is expected to coincide with the tim-
since it seems to better simulate human ing of the transition of light to darkness in
synchronization, i.e., 16 hr of activity alter- the animal room. It is also predictable that
nating with 8 hr of rest. reduced levels of corticosterone will occur
Selection of appropriate LD schedules approximately 12 hr earlier or later, around
constitutes one of the most fundamentally the transition of darkness to light (Fig. 1)
important steps in conducting animal re- (Smolensky et al. 1978). In other words,
search, whether or not one is involved in different-early, middle, or late-stages of
chronobiologic studies, for many reasons the light or dark span are coincident with
as discussed below. Some experimenters particular features, such as the peak values
are unaware of, or choose to ignore, the (also referred to as the acrophase, dis-
significance of the LD schedule as a syn- cussed later in this chapter) of various cir-
chronizer of animal rhythms. Oftentimes, cadian rhythmicities (Fig. 2). Relating the
animals are maintained under constant illu- LD schedule to local time enables the de-
mination. The assumption made in housing termination of the clock hour of the afore-
rodents and other species under such con- mentioned rhythmic features, since animals
ditions is that the absence of alternating LD synchronized to fixed LD cycles display pe-
cyclicity attenuates or obliterates biological riodicities of almost precisely 24.0 hr.
rhythmicity. Some investigators, even if a Under such highly standardized research
LD schedule is provided, attempt to "con- conditions, clock hour thus is representa-
tive of circadian stage.
* Chronobiologists rely upon certain abbreviations When animals are housed under constant
to convey pertinent information about synchronizer light or darkness, i.e., without a LD syn-
type and schedule. LD: 12/12 designates the synchro-
nizer to be the Light (L)-dark (D) cycle with L and D chronizer, the phenomenon of "free-run-
each having a 12-hr duration. LD:8/16 conveys that the ning" often results-the occurrence of dif-
synchronizer is the light-dark cycle with the duration fering non-24-hr circadian cycles which
of the former being 8 hr and the latter 16 hr. Time or
clock hour is expressed using the international desig- vary in periodicity (T) between biological
nation, e.g., 1:00 P.M. is referred to as l300. functions in the same animal and/or be-
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 25

tween animals for the same function. Under 19

free-running conditions, it is possible, for
example, that a given variable in one rodent 18
might exhibit a 23.8-hr rhythm, while in a
litter mate in another cage in the same ani- 17
mal room it may exhibit a 23.4-hr rhythm ~
(Apfelbaum et al. 1969). The existence of ~ 16
free-running rhythms in the absence of syn- e 15
chronizers results in the clock hour being u;
predictive of neither a particular circadian :e
phase in one nor an identical circadian 0

phase in all of the animals in the colony. E

2G) 13
For example, for the O.4-hr difference in U)

period duration for the theoretical condi- 12

tion raised above (one animal had a period
of 23.8 hr and the other 23.4 hr), there 11
would exist after 10 days a 4-hr (0.4 hr/day x
10 day) difference in phasing of this 10
rhythmic function between the two ani-
mals. One can envision a large colony of 9
animals, hundreds for example, under con-
stant light or darkness with each animal be- $:::::.:::;1
0400 1200 2000 0400
ing de synchronized at least to some extent
with respect to the others. Under such ex- time (clock hour)
perimental conditions, a clock hour would
not correspond to or predict a given circa- Fig. 1. Circadian rhythm of serum corticoster-
dian stage in anyone animal, nor in the one in more than 240 -l2-week-old male Balb-
C mice (40-44 mice killed at each of the 6 indi-
colony as a whole (Scheving et al. 1977).
cated time points over the 24-hr scale). For at
Research restricted only to certain clock least 2 weeks prior to investigation, animals
hours in an assumed attempt either to "take were standardized for chronobiologic study of
into account" or "control for" rhythms this adrenocortical rhythm by housing 1 per cage
should also be considered. Even when the with food and water available ad libitum, in
animal colony is LD synchronized, the rooms constructed of sound-retarding materials
quantity and quality of data obtained are with temperature 23 1C, humidity =: 50%,
likely to be compromised when single-time- and light (L) from 0600-1800 alternating with
point samplings are done, since the respon- darkness (D) from 1800-0600. The peak in adre-
siveness of animals is typically circadian- nal corticosterone occurs between 1600 and
2000, or around the transition from inactivity to
stage-dependent. For example, when
activity and as the environmental conditions
conducting bioassays for potency, the in- change from light to dark. (From Smolensky et
jection of methylprednisolone (MP), a syn- al. 1978.)
thetic corticosteroid widely used to treat
various human inflammatory disorders, is
expected to produce a dose-dependent in-
crease in liver glycogen deposition, as has L(0600-1800):D(1800-0600), and constant
been found so often in single-time-point ex- temperature and relative humidity, the re-
periments with this and many other syn- sponse to MP varies according to the circa-
thetic corticosteroids. Yet as Fig. 3 shows, dian stage of treatment. Intraperitoneal in-
in singly caged, 5-week-old male Balb-C jections of MP-4 mg daily or 8 mg on
mice housed with food and water available alternate days per 20 g body weight-only
ad libitum, ambient conditions of at 1600 (around the validated crest of the
26 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

AORENAL GLANO Cor tlcosterone
MIIOS IS (po ren chymol
MIIOSIS (st romo )
Reoct l~lty 10 ACTH

BRAIN 5-Hydroxylryptomlne -e-
EPIOERMIS Mitos IS (p Inno) -e-

TenSile Strength -e-
KIONEY Tronsomldlnose

Glycogen Content .....- e -
Molic Dehydrogenase
Phospholipids (RSA)

RNA Metabolism (RSA)
DNA Metabolism (RSA)
MitOSIS (parenchyma)
OUOOENUIII H!- thymidine uptake
" .a-celis
BONE MARROW H! - thymidine uptake

BLOOO Cor ticosterone
Phosphate .....
Total leukocytes
Hemogglutinohon titers :
Response to SRBC
WHOLE BOOY RES (Phagocytic Index)
Plaque -forming cells (spleen)
Colony' forming cells (spleen)
Temperature (colon)
Gross Motor Ac tlvlly
Body WelQht

X-roy IYno. nucleated bone morrow cells)
White NOise ("to convulsinQI
Dimethylbenzanthracene ("to With tumor)
Endotoxin ("to deaths)
Ethanol ..
Lobrium (l/survival time)
Arobinosy l CytOSine
Vincr istine

12 hr Light Span 12 hr Dark Span

Fig. 2. The circadian temporal structure of the mouse is shown by a so-called acrophase map-a
display by graphic means of the circadian acrophase (designated by cp for a phase reference corre-
sponding to midlight), the time of the crest, of different biological functions. The acrophase, black
dot, and the 95% confidence limits , lateral extensions, depict the timing of highest expected values for
the designated function. By knowing the LD schedule, one can determine with confidence the biologi-
cal time structure at a given clock hour of sampling or experimentation. (From Halberg and Nelson
1978, reproduced with permission.)
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 27


5 : '

5 ~ .. ~ .. .?~
, , ,,15 \\
I ,

.L \
0- Tjl J..
0 \
co 4
.J.. 6~,\
f.... 3
'" \ 5
2 4 f6
=c 7
....e i
CI> Methylprednisolone
~ Rx 0 4 8
01 Dose (mg) i. p.
....0 ,..
c: ,,,
'E 5 ,
i= T ,f
0- : ' ":'

+ 3 \

Exp.l -

, , "' , , , ,
7 Exp.II _
0-, ,
6 5 /l
Stqu7lce "' ,
5 6$1 /l

5 6 1 ;,

06 1800 0600 l.!oo"' 0600 1aGO
Time of Killing (Clock Hours)

Fig. 3. Temporal changes in liver glycogen based on data from 2 experiments of 7 and 8 days
duration, respectively. For groups of mice given the vehicle for MP, greatest glycogen content
occurred during the commencement of the diurnal span of inactivity, around 0400-0800. In general,
MP given daily or on alternate days (AD) did not appreciably alter the waveform of this rhythm
except for the" 1600-4 mg" daily and "0400-8 mg" AD groups of Experiment II. For mice given MP
at 1600, glycogen content increased with dosage. Although the "0400-8 mg" glycogen content
increased over control values, the change was very slight and less than that observed for groups
administered MP at 1600 on alternate days. (From Smolensky et al. 1980a.)
28 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

circadian rhythm of serum corticosterone are required to best describe the overall
in rodents kept under the aforementioned susceptibility/resistance of a species to a
synchronization) for either 7 or 8 days pro- given agent. To facilitate the gathering of
duces the expected increased liver glyco- data from rodents, it is possible to alter the
gen deposition relative to vehicle-injected LD schedule of an animal colony in such a
(0 mg MP) controls. Litter mates of these manner that the rodents' activity (dark)
same mice injected with MP 12 hr earlier, at span coincides with the experimenter's ac-
0400, fail to respond with a statistically sig- tivity span. By carefully manipulating the
nificant elevation in liver glycogen in com- LD synchronizer schedule in the animal
parison to vehicle-injected controls. Obvi- colony rooms so that in some it is opposite
ously, the circadian (biological) timing of that of the ambient surroundings, animals
MP has an effect on the bioassay. The ex- removed from the different colonies at the
tent to which failure to utilize appropriate same clock hour will differ in circadian
chronobiologic research protocols, includ- staging. This type of experimental method-
ing animal synchronization and multiple- ology enables the study of biological
time-point samplings, has led to incorrect rhythms during the normal diurnal activity
characterizations of potentially useful phar- span of the researcher. However, it should
macologic agents in the past and present is be recognized that a sufficiently long stan-
unknown. Similarly, the extent to which dardization span (at least 2 to 3 weeks) is
failure to use chronobiologic methods had required for the animals' biological rhythms
led to different findings among alledgedly to become synchronized to the altered LD
competent investigators working in the schedule (see below).
same or different laboratories because of an Also related to laboratory animal syn-
inadvertent selection of different circadian chronization is the important problem of bi-
stages for experimentation, even in stand- ological samplings and data collections dur-
ardized animals, also is not known. ing the experimenter's usual rest span, i.e.,
With respect to methodological proce- when sampling cannot be automated or in-
dures for chronobiologic research on ro- volves the removal of organs, tissues, or
dents, it is pertinent to discuss here some of blood or necessitates carrying out man-
the ramifications of the all too common made measurements. To better standardize
practice of conducting studies on mice or an experiment as well as to avoid night
rats only during the light span of the LD work, it has been proposed that two to six
synchronizer schedule. Quite often the in- isolation facilities be utilized in which com-
vestigator finds it least troublesome to con- parable subsets of animals, usually rats and
duct research during the daytime, when the mice, can be maintained under the same
laboratory is well lighted. Even though fixed duration of light and dark. In each of
work during the light instead of the dark the isolation facilities all conditions are
span is more convenient, let us point out maintained identically except for the partic-
that rodents, being nocturnally active ani- ular clock hours of light-on and light-off,
mals, are physiologically at rest when stud- which varies between the isolation facili-
ied during their light span. A priori it seems ties. With this methodology diurnal sam-
illogical to predict human responses to dif- plings during the usual working hours of the
ferent agents-chemical, bacterial, or laboratory personnel are sufficient to evalu-
physical-utilizing data obtained from ani- ate responses at several different circadian
mals awakened from rest rather than utiliz- stages. (This is the methodology used in the
ing data obtained from animals during their chronobiology laboratories in L' Aquila, It-
usual activity span, since human exposure aly, and Little Rock, Arkansas, among
to potentially hazardous materials is most other places.) Thus, one can detect and
likely during the span of activity. Actually, characterize circadian rhythms, at least for
data from both the rest and activity spans chronopharmacologic studies. However, it
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 29

is necessary that a set of control experi- and silence, and changes in psychological
ments be performed to demonstrate that the affect and stimulation resulting from social
animals are actually synchronized to each constraints related to work, activity, and
one of the programed LD cycles. Some cir- interhuman relationships (Czeisler et al.
cadian rhythms-for example, body core 1981). Under certain circumstances these
temperature and locomotor activity-can may have direct or indirect synchronizer
be adjusted to a new schedule rather rap- action. Nonetheless, under usual situa-
idly, in about 1 week; others-for example, tions, it seems that the timing of environ-
the mitotic rhythm of the digestive tract mental factors associated with sleep and ac-
(Scheving, Chap. 4)-require more time and tivity is the primary synchronizer of human
may not be completely synchronized to the circadian rhythms. Thus, in human re-
new LD schedule even 1 month following search it is critical to ascertain and report
the LD change. This explains why many the respective mean duration and timing of
chronobiologists still prefer experimental sleep and wakefulness or, at least, rest and
protocols involving data gathering at equal activity during each 24 hr for either an indi-
intervals, every 2 or 4 hr around the clock, vidual or group under study. This informa-
even if work must be done at night and tion should be stated in terms of the clock
sleep foregone. hour of light-on and light-off with appropri-
Research on human beings in both the ate data from self-maintained diaries con-
laboratory and field requires special atten- firming the regularity and duration in days,
tion to the subjects' synchronization. The weeks, and months of adherence to the
suppression of known synchronizers, as given schedule.
demonstrated by isolation experiments Strict attention to synchronizer schedule
conducted in caves where time clues and is stressed for good reason. In chronobio-
cues are absent, raises a set of practical logic investigations the timing, with re-
considerations which sometimes are not gard to clock hour, of the synchronizer de-
fully understood (Apfelbaum et al. 1969; termines when the rhythm's crest, termed
Halberg 1973; Wever 1979). Subtle syn- the acrophase, will occur. To locate the
chronizers such as changes in the magnetic acrophase, cf>, of a given circadian rhythm,
field (Wever 1979) as well as other possible for example, the phase reference, cf>o, must
influences, such as cosmic radiation, must be known. The cf>o may be midnight (0000)
be taken into account. As suggested by or another local time; both of these are ob-
Brown (1965), the influence ofthe lunar day viously associated with the information re-
with a period of 24.8 hr must be examined lated to light-onllight-off. Halberg and
when biological rhythms of such periods Simpson (1967) proposed that the midsleep
are detected in so-called free-running ex- (or midrest) span be used as the cf>o. When
periments (Apfelbaum et al. 1969). using this cf>o, comparison of acrophase val-
In most research involving human sub- ues is possible between various populations
jects, socioecologic synchronizers are adhering to different activity-rest routines
present even if they vary, for example, be- or between those living at different geo-
cause of shift work or rapid travel across graphic locations as well as between males
several time zones by transmeridian flight. and females, etc. Reference to the midrest
Circadian changes in the clock hour of the span for cf>o in animal experiments is recom-
sleep-wake schedule reveal the timing of mended rather than midnight, since the
the rest and activity cycle to be the most former represents an index of the orga-
powerful synchronizer for man (Apfelbaum nism's internal time as synchronized by the
et al. 1969; Aschoff et al. 1971; Halberg et imposed LD schedule. In certain experi-
al. 1959). However, several components of ments, the cf> of one biological rhythm con-
man's socioecologic niche vary over 24 stitutes the best reference (cf>o) for the
hr: light and darkness, heat and cold, noise acrophase of another rhythmic function
30 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

studied concomitantly. This is the case, for Smolensky et al. 1974). The other variable,
example, in the chronoradiotherapy of solid geographic location, implicitly conveys
tumors of the oral cavity investigated by certain types of information, such as the
Gupta and Deka (1972). X-ray therapy ap- extent of change and timing of annual syn-
pears to be more rapidly efficient when chronizers that differ as a function of lati-
given in phase with the cf> of the tumor tem- tude (Aschoff 1981; Batchelet et al. 1973;
perature. It is, therefore, of interest to con- Ghata et al. 1977). Yet geographic loca-
sider this latter cf> as the cf>o for future re- tion appears to have greater significance
search with this type of chronotherapy. than that directly ascribed to latitude,
Besides synchronizer schedule, two alone, since it is closely related to the social
additional pieces of information-geo- and eating habits, type of population, and
graphic location and time of year (even if way of life of the studied sample (DuRuis-
the research involves only circadian seau 1965; Ghata et al. 1977; Reinberg et al.
rhythms) are of concern. With regard to the 1975). With respect to geographic loca-
latter, research on mice (Haus and tion, certain chronobiologic questions re-
Halberg 1970), rats (von Mayersbach 1978), main to be answered. For example, what is
frogs (Dupont et al. 1979), and man (Rein- the nature of circannual synchronizers and
berg 1974; Reinberg et al. 1975, 1978) re- does adjustment of circannual rhythms oc-
veals circannual alterations of parameters cur when moving from the Northern to the
characterizing a set of circadian rhythms, Southern Hemisphere, or in the reverse di-
such as the 24-hr time series mean M (re- rection (Halberg et aI, 1983)?
ferred to as the mesor), amplitude A, and
acrophase cf>. Not only can the 24-hr M vary
as a function of the time of the year, but so
Chronobiologic Studies of
can the cf> with reference to clock hour on Individuals
the 24-hr scale. Usually, but not necessarily, Many of the published findings and analy-
small variation in the circadian M, A, and cf> ses from chronobiologic research deal with
may result because of differences between data from groups of subjects. For the most
the time of year experiments are con- part, little attention has been given to the
ducted. Even the ability to detect circadian existence of interindividual variations in
rhythms may vary according to the time of the rhythm characteristics between partici-
year the research is done. Certain rhythms pants. Thus, although the definition of
may be undetectable during certain months, chronobiology is the elucidation of organis-
whereas they may be easily detectable and mic temporal structure based upon the
found to be statistically highly significant study of individuals, surprisingly few inves-
(with a large amplitude) during other tigations pertain specifically to individual
months (Dupont et al. 1979; Reinberg et al. rather than group rhythmic phenomena.
1975). The finding that the M, A, and cf> of Yet interindividual differences of various
circadian rhythms may be modulated over magnitUde are known to chronobiologists
the year is not totally unexpected since through their own research. The implica-
rhythms of approximately one year repre- tion of these interindividual differences re-
sent an important facet of one's biological quires examination with at least the follow-
time structure. Similarly, for women and ing two goals: (1) to obtain a realistic and
female rodents, as well as perhaps females generally meaningful quantification of
of other species, there appears to exist a rhythm parameters as a group phenomenon
circamensual (about monthly) or circaes- for a given species, strain, or sample and (2)
trual modulation of circadian rhythm char- to demarcate the range of features and al-
acteristics-M, A, and cf> (McGovern et al. terations of rhythms which are usual and
1977; Procacci et al. 1972; Simpson and representative of health as opposed to dis-
Halberg 1974; Simpson and Bohlen 1973; ease. Examination of interindividual differ-
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 31

ences in rhythmic phenomena provides a certain persons, because of interindividual

broader and deeper insight into conven- differences in their temporal anatomy, to be
tional concepts such as the "homeostati- more fit for shift work than others. A ques-
cally" derived one of "individual var- tion currently of interest is whether interin-
iability, " which completely ignores the dividual differences, for example, in the
temporal dimension of biological organiza- amplitude of the circadian rhythm of core
tion. For the purpose of discussing the indi- temperature, is associated with interindivid-
viduality of temporal structure, three illus- ual differences in the ability of employees
trative examples are presented. to tolerate shift work (Reinberg et aI. 1979).
The first example deals with a compari- To completely explore this possibility,
son of circadian rhythmic patterns of mono- autorhythmometry (self-monitoring of
zygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins rhythms) is required to obtain sufficiently
(Barcal et aI. 1968). Since in this case the long time series both on large samples of
healthy MZ and DZ sibling reside in more employees who are tolerant and intoler-
or less the same physical and sociocultural ant of shift work as well as large samples of
environment, interindividual differences in other workers upon whom this hypothesis
rhythms imply a genetic origin. The find- can be further explored.
ings indicate what might be expected. The The third example comes from studies
patterns and waveforms of the circadian by Bicakova-Rocher et aI. (1980). Her
variables of core temperature, heart rate, results show that some subjects are prone
and systolic blood pressure were quite simi- to rhythmometric alterations, such as a re-
lar for MZ siblings. There were greater duction in amplitude or loss of rhythmicity,
qualitative and quantitative differences be- during control spans of research studies
tween DZ siblings. and also when confronted with certain
The second example is intended not only atypical situations, such as when taking a
to elucidate the existence of interindividual placebo believed to be a tranquilizer. In her
variability in rhythmic phenomena, but to study, one-half of the subjects (six of
show also the need for specific chrono- twelve) exhibited such alterations.
biologic methods to detect and quantify From a methodological point of view
such. Wever in 1979, analyzing results of these examples show the need for con-
many human experiments conducted under trol(s) in both laboratory animal and clinical
temporal isolation, demonstrated that, inter experiments. One of the issues, as far as
alia, the period of free-running circadian man is concerned, is the design of protocols
rhythms varied within certain limits from so that the subject serves as his own con-
subject to subject. In addition, if in most trol. Rhythm patterns obtained for a set of
subjects all the measured variables had the variables during the control span may be
same period, some subjects exhibited an in- used as. a reference for a given individual in
ternal desynchronization; that is different order to study changes resulting from vari-
variables oscillated with differing periods. ous other situations, such as those ob-
The span of time needed to re-entrain the served in investigations on nutrition, trans-
rhythms or to resynchronize the organism meridian flight, physical training, aging,
to an exact 24.0-hr periodicity, when effec- and disease. Methodological procedures for
tive synchronizers were reinstituted, varied studying interindividual differences using
also from subject to subject. These findings longitudinal samplings as well as those for
suggest the existence of interindividual dif- studying group phenomena are presented in
ferences in the tolerance to alterations in detail in the next section. This section, re-
synchronizer schedule, such as that en- ferring to differences, should be kept in
countered in transmeridian flight ("jet lag") mind when considering the goals and limita-
and shift work (Reinberg et aI. 1979). There tions of the methods available for chrono-
now exists sufficient evidence to consider biologic investigations.
32 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

Data Sampling and Gathering ary (T = 14 months; .1t = 1 month; serially

Before initiating chronobiologic research dependent data of 5 subjects) and in those
and accumulating a time series, several de- dwelling in Minneapolis with cp in Decem-
cisions concerning sampling and design ber (T = 5 years; .1t = 1 day; serially de-
must be made: these are outlined below. pendent data of 1 subject). On the other
hand, cp was found to be different in Milan
.1t: time interval between each datum- (Descovich et al. 1974), occurring in June
physical measurement, chemical deter- (serially independent data from various
mination, or other. .1t can be either subjects). In certain circumstances, it is im-
fixed or varying, even random (un- possible to obtain more than a single datum
equal .1t's). from an organism. This is the case in
chronotoxicology studies on mice when
T: total duration of the sampling span.
death is the monitored response. Obvi-
Nos: number of samples during T. ously, only serially independent sampling is
feasible. In this case, rigid standardization
A relationship exists between .1t, T, and of experiments is required to "construct"
Nos, as far as circadian, circamensual, and the circadian or circannual curve (plexo-
circannual rhythms are concerned. For gram) (Halberg et al. 1977).
both biological and statistical reasons, it is The choice of .1t, T, and Nos cannot be
necessary to have, for example, as a mini- arbitrary. T must be equal to or preferably
mum for circadian rhythms, T ~ 24 hr,.1t == exceed the period (T) for ultradian, circa-
4 hr, and Nos ~ 36. This means that for a dian, circamensual, or circannual rhythms.
selected variable, measurements must be If several T'S are evaluated simultaneously,
done every 4 hr (preferably at fixed clock .1t must be carefully selected. For example,
times) either during at least 24 hr in 6 sub- the plasma cortisol circadian rhythm can be
jects or during at least 6 days in 1 subject. documented with .1t = 4 hr when T ~ 24 hr.
Longitudinal sampling, for example, of However, some ultradian rhythms (T < 4
one subject when T > 6 days and .1t == 4 hr hr) cannot be examined. A .1t of 5-20 min
is preferred for documenting rhythms in in- makes possible the study of both circadian
dividual subjects. On the other hand, trans- rhythms as well as so-called pulsatile secre-
verse sampling, for example of 6 subjects tory variations (Fig. 4) which may exhibit a
when T ~ 24 hr and .1t == 4 hr, is appropri- specific "macroscopic" pattern over 24 hr
ate for documenting rhythms of small (Weitzman et al. 1971).
groups. Longitudinal and transverse sam- When investigating circannual rhythms,
pling usually leads to similar results when transverse 24-hr samplings seem to offer
comparable experimental conditions are several advantages, including the evalua-
maintained with respect to circadian and tion of both circadian and circannual perio-
circannual synchronization as well as other dicities (Reinberg 1974). At fixed time inter-
criteria of experimental standardization vals, every month or every second or third
(Halberg 1973). month, transverse samplings with .1t = 4 hr
In chronobiologic studies it must be de- and T ~ 24 hr should be conducted during a
cided whether data are to be acquired by span of at least 1 year. Since the circadian
serially dependent samplings provided by M, A, and cp of a variable may differ circan-
the same subject(s) over time, or by seri- nually, study of circannual rhythms by
ally independent samplings provided by sampling only once daily, even if the clock
different but supposedly comparable sub- hour is fixed and subjects are rigidly syn-
jects over time. When feasible, serially de- chronized, may provide erroneous informa-
pendent data gathering is preferable. For tion (Dupont et al. 1979; Haus and Halberg
example, similar circannual changes in uri- 1970; Reinberg et al. 1975, 1978). Similarly,
nary catecholamine excretion were found the possibly significant influence of 28- to
in persons residing in Paris with cp in Janu- 30-day hormonal variations in women sug-
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 33

20 [;m~"~"';%~*@!@
20 4

3- 4
~ 20
0 16

::;: 12
20 r%0t;!~i@nJ@@M
...J 8
c.. 16

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Fig. 4. Plasma cortisol values of normal subjects for 24-hr periods of study. Samples were obtained
every 20 min. Period of time of lights out corresponds to sleep span. (From Weitzman et al. 1971,
reproduced with permission.)

gests the transverse 24-hr sampling proto- are critical. This is true for each investiga-
col to be the most efficient one for quantify- tion in biology. Chronobiologists require in-
ing circadian as well as circamensual strumentation which enables precise mea-
periodicities. In this case, a series of trans- surements, yet just as importantly, the
verse samplings, each of 24-hr duration, is instrumentation must be small, portable,
recommended at intervals of '2=7 days and lightweight. A set of tools for measur-
throughout one or more menstrual cycles ing and recording data on body tempera-
(Smolen sky et al. 1974). ture, airway patency, blood pressure, heart
rate, EKG, EEG, and wrist movement is
currently available for use in investigations
Quality of Data on ambulatory rodents, monkeys, and man.
Not only the quantity but also the quality- However, the need for precision and speci-
the precision, specificity, and reproducibil- ficity in data collection is even more impor-
ity with regard to methodology, instrumen- tant than it appears. Two examples illus-
tation, and techniques-of data collection trate this point.
34 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

It is necessary for both practical and the- precision of one datum provided by sophis-
oretical reasons to measure the bronchial ticated laboratory instrumentation is suffi-
patency (bronchial diameter) of human sub- ciently compensated by the high precision
jects. Features of the circadian rhythm in resulting from a large series of meaningful
bronchial patency are critical for evaluat- PEF measurements appropriately quanti-
ing, from a clinical point of view, the pa- fied by time series analyses.
tient suffering from pulmonary disease, The significance of the quality of data
such as asthma, as well as for evaluating also is exemplified by studies relying upon
the effect of air pollutants on asthmatic and so-called "continuous" determination of
other types of patients (Gervais and Rein- blood variables. To examine both ultradian
berg 1978; Prevost et al. 1980; Reinberg et and circadian human hormonal rhythms, a
al. 1971; Smolen sky 1976; Smolensky et al. large number of blood samples, each of 2
1980a). The bronchial patency can be accu- ml, is required. Using a venous catheter, it
rately measured in the laboratory with is possible to withdraw the 2 ml blood sam-
bulky, fragile, sophisticated, and expensive ples at 6-min intervals; however, over a sin-
instruments. Although each datum ob- gle 24-hr span, a sizeable blood withdrawal
tained in this manner is very precise, it is of 480 ml would be necessary. To avoid the
ambiguous if the measurement is done deleterious effects of such a large blood
without regard to time-qualified references loss on the studied variables, new devices
(chronodesm, discussed later in this chap- have been developed by Weitzman et al.
ter) pertaining to time of day, week, month, (1971), among others, to replace the exact
and year (Gaultier et al. 1977; Tammeling et amount of blood withdrawn by saline via
al. 1977). The bronchial patency can be the same catheter.
measured adequately, although less accu-
rately, by lightweight, portable, easy to
carry, easy to check, and inexpensive in- Ethical Requirements
struments such as peak flow meters Obviously, for both healthy human beings
(Wright) or spirometers (Hildebrandt). The and patients, experimental methods must
peak expiratory flow (PEF) thus measured fulfill certain ethical criteria. They must be
is considered less precise and informative safe, non-painful, non-disturbing, and pref-
than that obtained by laboratory instru- erably non-invasive. Moreover, the re-
ments, such as spirometry (for FEVl.o) and search must address meaningful hypothe-
plethysmography (for dynamic compliance ses. These same considerations hold true
and airways resistance), since PEF is repre- for all patient and animal research.
sentative only of the patency of bronchi up
to the eighth dichotomy of the respiratory
tree. In addition, PEF (and FEVl.o) is an Time Series Analysis
indicator of not only the bronchial diame-
ter, but also the strength of the musculature General Considerations
of the chest (Brody et al. 1969). Despite The problem of objectively evaluating col-
these qualifications, with PEF measure- lected time series data is among the most
ments circadian and circannual changes in critical for chronobiology. The develop-
bronchial patency can be examined by the ment of appropriate statistical procedures
subject himself in different situations-at for analyzing time series was a major goal
home, at work, or in environments having for chronobiologists in the Sixties. Despite
different levels of air pollution as well as great progress [spectral analyses and Co-
before, during, and after transmeridian sinor methods (Halberg et al. 1965, 1967,
flights (Gervais and Reinberg 1976; Prevost 1972, 1977)], difficulties resulting from cer-
et al. 1977; Reinberg et al. 1971; Smolensky tain experimental circumstances have yet
1976; Smolensky et al. 1980b). The high to be overcome.
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 35

Time series obtained by data gathering Cosinor Methods

techniques serve as the basis for the detec- Halberg and coauthors (Halberg 1973;
tion, description, and quantification of Halberg and Simpson 1967; Halberg et al.
rhythmicity. Quantitative methods for anal- 1959, 1965, 1972, 1977; Nelson et al. 1979;
ysis of periodic phenomena were a primary Cornelissen et al. 1980) developed a com-
concern of mathematicians and physicists puterized technique, the Cosinor, for the
during the nineteenth century. Chrono- analysis of time series data. The least
biologists, in developing more specific tech- squares method serves to determine the
niques of time series data analysis to fit best fitting function (usually a cosine) for
their unique needs, nonetheless, use the approximating the data (Fig. 5). For this
same parameters and terminologies as purpose one uses the following function:
physicists and mathematicians. A consider-
able amount of work has been devoted (As-
choff 1960; Aschoff et al. 1965; Halberg et
al. 1977; Wever 1965; Winfree 1980) to the in which: ti = time; A = amplitude; cf> =
quantitative characterization of rhythms. acrophase; w = angular frequency (w = 2'TT/
Four major parameters are commonly uti- T, where T = period and 1/T = frequency).
lized to achieve this objective. They are The cosine function was selected since
the period (T), the time of the crest or the cosine of zero, being zero, is a handy
acrophase (cf, the amplitude (A), and the phase reference, and since it provides a
rhythm-adjusted mean or mesor (M)-all clockwise presentation (zero being mid-
determined through curve fitting techniques night: 0000) when a polar plot is used to
by the method of least squares (Halberg summarize cf> and A estimates with confi-
1973; Halberg and Simpson 1967; Halberg dence limits (Figs. 6 and 7). The Cosinor
et al. 1965, 1967, 1972, 1977; Nelson et al. has been programed for use by large com-
1979). puters as well as for hand and pocket calcu-
The period T is the duration of one com- lators. Estimation of T with its confidence
plete cycle of a rhythmic variation. It is limits also can be achieved by this method.
customarily expressed in units of time, e.g., The Cosinor method can be used iteratively
sec, min, hr, day, or year. with different trial periods (e.g., T = 12 hr,
The acrophase cf> is the estimated span of T = 8 hr). Other techniques, such as fast
time to reach the crest of the validated Fourier transform and power spectrum, are
rhythm for the T under consideration. When also of great use for validating and quantify-
using the Cosinor method (discussed later ing prominent period(s) in time series.
in this chapter), cf> represents the crest time Thus, a spectral analysis can be obtained
ofthe best-fitting mathematical function ap- when values of T and Nos are large enough
proximating the data. It is expressed as an (Halberg et al. 1965; van Cauter 1974),
interval from a designated phase reference making possible the detection of prominent
(cf>o) . periods in the ultradian, circadian, and in-
The amplitude A is the amount of fradian spectral domains.
variability due to a given rhythm. When When T is known, either from data analy-
the Cosinor method is used, it is numeri- sis or from the experimental conditions (as
cally equal to one-half of the extent of rhyth- when subjects are standardized with a syn-
mic change for the considered T. In chronizing period of =24 hr), other parame-
other words, 2A is the crest-to-trough dif- ters such as cf>, A, and M can be estimated.
ference. According to the type of data gathered, the
The mesor M is the rhythm-adjusted Mean Cosinor or the Single Cosinor should
mean. When the interval of time between be used (Halberg et al. 1977). The Mean
data sampling (at) is constant, M equals the Cosinor is the original procedure applicable
arithmetic mean (x). to parameter (A, cf estimation when deal-
36 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

Time (Clock hours)

0800 1600 0000

, 0800

Sleep Span



~ 2000
~ "T

5c: +I
~ I
3000 +-_,\.;:o~ _ _ _ _ _-I L


Fig. 5. A circadian rhythm in the total lymphocyte count/mm3 of venous blood was substantiated in
a sample of 12 healthy young adults (6 men, 20-28 years of age, and 6 women, 23-24 years of age)
during December, 1974 in Paris, France. Subjects were synchronized with diurnal activity from 0800
to 0000 (midnight) and nocturnal rest (sleep). Blood samples were obtained every 4 hr (.:1t = 4 hr) at
fixed clock hours with the exact times of sampling differing between the three subgroups of subjects.
Top: Chronogram. Raw data are displayed as a function of time (clock hours). The arithmetic mean of
each of the time points (thin line) when connected appears to resemble a sine wave with small swings.
Bottom: Single Cosinor analysis. The best-fitting cosine function approximating all data is presented.
The least squares method is used; parameters characterizing the rhythm are given with their 95%
confidence interval (CI). The acrophase cP, crest time with midnight as phase reference (CPo) given in
hours and minutes, is 0208 (95% CI = 0128-0248). cp also can be expressed in degrees (T = 24 hr =
360) as a delay from the CPo (as a negative value with CPo being the midsleep span = -60); in this case,
cp = -332 [or +28] (95% CI, -304 to -350). The amplitude A, equal to one-half of the total
variability, is 756 lymphocytes/mm3 (CI = 503-1009 lymphocytes/mm3). The mesor M, the 24-hr
rhythm-adjusted mean, is 3002 39 (SE) lymphocytes/mm3. A differs from zero with P < 0.0001.
(Unpublished data from A. Reinberg and J. Clench.)
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 37

clock hour: 00
degrees: O!'::o---


ellipse =
region where
F .;;; Fo g5 (2, N - 3)

-y= +-y
-A sin 0

Fig. 6. Rectangular ({3, y) and polar (A, c/J) representation of circadian rhythm parameter estimates
withjoint confidence region (single series). Estimates based on an abstract example with 24-hr cosine
function. (YtJ = M + A cos (wti + c/J), fitted by least-squares to data collected at 2-hr intervals during
the activity span. In this example, A = amplitude; c/J = acrophase (degrees from 0000); M = mesor;
w = 15lhr; t = hours after 0000. (From Halberg et al. 1977, reproduced with permission.)

ing with three or more biological time se- spective 95% confidence limits. When uti-
ries; this method is most often used for as- lizing the Cosinor, it is assumed that the
sessing the rhythm characteristics of a data are normally distributed around each
group or population. The Single Cosinor is of the sampled time points. This can be
applicable to a single biological time series tested by examining the residuals resulting
composed of data from one individual (seri- from the fitting of the approximating func-
ally dependent data) or a group of individ- tion (De Prins et al. 1976).
uals (serially independent data). When One of the major advantages of the Co-
dealing with data from groups of subjects, sinor is that it permits objective testing of
individual time series are placed end-to-end the hypothesis that the rhythm's amplitude
with the option of adjusting the data into differs from zero, in other words that a
relative values first. For serially dependent rhythm is validated for a considered 'T. U su-
data, both the Mean and Single Cosinor can ally evidence for rhythm detection is ac-
be used. On the other hand, for serially in- cepted when the probability (P) of A being
dependent data only the Single Cosinor is zero is equal to or less than 0.05.
appropriate. Estimates and end points from Cosinor
When rhythms are substantiated, esti- analyses ordinarily are summarized in ta-
mates of A and cf> are given with their re- bles or by figures allowing the visualization
38 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky


- A.J.
240 J B.S, - .
~ - -M.Z.
175 .. . . . . 041 V,J,
180 "Transverse"
R .A , ~ - ....
Summary of
individual chronograms
150 160 , ,- - Mean
. :2
"0 140

100 Ql

cr: 75
> 100

.. ..
50 80

25 60

07 00
: :
1500 23 00 07 0 0 07 00
Ti me (clock hours)


~' ,"
/C = 38%
' (5 to 72)



No Pole Overlap if Confidence Coefficient';;; .968

2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 39

of either the best-fitting cosine function when T = 24 hr, At = 4 hr, number of sub-
along with plotted data (Fig. 5) or by means jects = 6, and the total number of data
of a polar plot (Fig. 6). In the latter, confi- (Nos) = 36. Moreover with the Cosinor, At
dence limits for A and c/J are represented by need not be fixed nor constant; this means
an ellipse of error (Figs. 6 and 7). Estimates that missing data as well as unequal sam-
and end points of c/J are depicted on the cir- pling intervals are well tolerated. In other
cular plot with regard to a phase reference, words, Cosinor methods are useful tools for
c/Jo = O. In this presentation, when T = 24 validating, quantifying, and describing a
hr = 360, then 1 hr = 15 and 1 = 4 min. rhythm. The Cosinor method can be used
The projection of a vector on the circle indi- several times, utilizing different trial peri-
cates the c/J location; the tangents to the el- ods to detect harmonics. For example, in
lipse of error, drawn from the center of the Figure 8 a better approximation of the over-
polar plot, indicate the 95% confidence in- all time series is obtained when using T = 12
terval of c/J. The length of the vector from hr (1st harmonic) in addition to T = 24 hr,
the pole is proportional to the amplitude. than when using only T = 24 hr for the fit-
Intersections of this vector with the error ting ofthe data. In other cases, several vali-
ellipse give the 95% confidence interval dated harmonics may be needed for the
of A. complete description of a rhythm's wave-
The Cosinor method also provides a form.
"goodness of fit" approximation, i.e., the Although the Cosinor method has
so-called percent of rhythm (PR). Most bio- proven valuable, there are some situations
logical rhythms do not exactly resemble a in which it is inadequate for rhythm de-
cosine function. It is, therefore, important scription and quantification. This is the
to determine the percentage of data in- case when periodic phenomena are asym-
cluded in the 95% confidence limits of the metrical and therefore not amenable to fit-
best-fitting cosine function. For example, a ting by a cosine function, even with the use
PR equal to 80% indicates that the propor- of harmonics. In a case such as this, the
tion of variance accounted for by the ap- computed acrophase (crest of the best-fit-
proximation used, a single cosine curve, is ting cosine function) may not correspond
rather good. well to the actual crest time (De Prins 1975;
There are several major reasons why the De Prins et al. 1976). To solve this problem,
Cosinor method is currently used widely by several other methods have been proposed,
chronobiologists. It is useful for validating such as the computation of the ortho-
a rhythm and for quantifying the parame- phase or paraphase (De Prins et al. in
ters of rhythms-T, c/J, A, and M. It is im- press). These latter methods maintain
portant to obtain these parameters as esti- the advantage of a rhythm detection
mates and their respective confidence and quantification while improving
limits. The method can be used even if one rhythm description relative to the "basic"
deals with short time series as in the case Cosinor.

Fig. 7. Individual and mean chronograms and parameter estimations (Cosinor summary) for a
circadian susceptibility rhythm of the skin (intradermal injections) to house dust extract: 6 allergic
adult patients (2 women, 4 men). The direction of the arrow in the polar plot of the Cosinor and the
adjacent shaded area depict the peak and 95% confidence range of greatest susceptibility, respec-
tively; the length of the same arrow represents the extent of the predictable periodic change, i.e., the
rhythm's amplitude. That a rhythm does indeed occur is indicated by the Cosinor method when the
error ellipse, the white space within the shaded area, does not cover the middle of the center pole of
the plot. (From Reinberg et al. 1969.)
40 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky

1977; Reinberg 1971). A simple plot of the

data usually provides information not avail-
able from more sophisticated methods. For
~ example, plotting the raw data of plasma
Cl cortisol obtained by frequent blood sam-
pling with Llt = 5 or 10 min throughout 24 hr
Z reveals, according to Weitzman et al.
(1971), that the waveform of this circadian
m rhythm in many subjects is asymmetrical.
o In diurnally active persons the curve (Fig.
I- 4) shows a large peak in the morning and a
a: total absence of hormone between 2100 and
u 0300. (Due to ultradian rhythms, averaging
the data of several subjects may not reveal
m this important fact.) Yet generalization
from a simple plot of raw data alone is not
sufficiently informative in most cases to ad-
equately describe the periodicity; nor does
08 12 16 20 00 04 it lead to an unbiased, objective description
or quantification of the time series.
Fig. 8. Circadian rhythm in plasma cortico- Chronograms (and plexograms) consti-
sterone of intact male mature rats, synchronized tute a second step in the analysis of time
with natural daylight (November), room temper- series data (Halberg et al. 1977). A chrono-
ature of 22 1C, and food and water available gram is defined as an individual or averaged
ad libitum. Sampling interval == 4 hr (8-10 ani- display of data as a function of time. Aplex-
mals sampled at each time point). Raw data
ogram is defined as a display of data which
(chronogram) given with time point x I SE in
JLg/lOO ml (heavy line). Cosinor analyses by
were collected during a span longer than
best-fitting cosine functions with T'S = 24 and 12 the period of the rhythm investigated (T >.
hr, respectively (dashed lines). Rhythm ap- T) along the abscissa of a chosen single pe-
proximation with both component periods (24 riod (T), only. Such a display may be pre-
and 12 hr) (solid line). The crest time of the sented irrespective of the (time) order of
latter is located at approximately 0015. The re- data collection, for example, as a function
sultant curve thus obtained is closer to the of a single conventional or other time unit,
chronogram form than that of the cosine func- such as day, without regard for calendar
tion with T = 24 hr. (From Guillemant et al. date and/or subject. Since conventional sta-
1979, reproduced with permission.)
tistical methods are used (means, variance
analyses, t-test, etc.), parameters such as
the mean (e.g., 24-hr mean), peak-trough
difference, peak time location, and period
Display of Time Series as
ofthe rhythm can be estimated. In addition,
Chronograms and Plexograms the waveform of the curve can be visual-
The description of a biological rhythm ized. If this latter appears to resemble a co-
should first start with a simple display of sine function, it is of interest to use one of
the raw data as a function of time (Figs. 5 the Cosinor methods for the evaluation and
and 7). This elementary step provides an quantification of rhythmicity. The chrono-
initial impression about the shape of the gram, a plot of the data over time, proves
waveform of the time series and gives some to be very important in many circum-
idea of the already available method(s) that stances. For example, in studies of
can be used to analyze the data (De Prins shift-workers (Rutenfranz 1978) or of pas-
1975; De Prins et al. 1976; Halberg et al. sengers or employees on trans meridian
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 41

flights (Klein and Wegmann 1979), the puter equipped with a set of programs for
chronogram indicates that the crest time of the statistical analysis of time series. This
the body temperature rhythm shifts earlier approach allows one to visualize and screen
(and faster) than the trough when the so- the results to evaluate the respective ad-
cioecologic (rest-activity) synchronizer is vantages provided by the methods consid-
manipulated. ered, including the display of data and the
In many chronobiologic publications, Cosinor.
both the raw data, in the form of chrono-
grams, and the results of other data analy-
ses (such as the Cosinor) are included. In so
The Chronodesm and the Problem
doing, several methods for the validation, of a Single Datum
description, and quantification of rhythms Not only chronobiologists, but all biologists
are presented. are troubled when trying to interpret the
significance of a single datum. In the first
chapter, it was mentioned that it is no
Other Methods of Data Analysis longer acceptable to include as "noise"
Many methods have been proposed for ana- variations in biological values due to pre-
lyzing time series. Each offers certain ad- dictable circadian, circannual, and other
vantages and disadvantages depending rhythms. Inclusion of such rhythmic vari-
upon the type of experiment and the man- ability contributes to a widening of the lim-
ner of data collection. All fulfill a specified its or "range" of reference values. The in-
purpose. The periodogram (van Cauter fluence of bioperiodic variabilities,
1974), linear and nonlinear procedures especially ones of high amplitude, cannot
(Batschelet et al. 1973), as well as methods be ignored. A special method for establish-
such as those proposed by Wever (1965), ing and interpreting so-called physiochemi-
Sollberger (1970), Del Pozo et al. (1979), cal reference values has been suggested by
Marotte (1979), De Prins (1975), De Prins et Halberg et al. (1977). Conventionally (with
al. (1977), Martin (1981), and Winfree the homeostatic approach), reference val-
(1980) are available. The reader is encour- ues are given as a mean (x) confidence
aged to review the referenced works to ob- limits (SD or SE) ranging from 90% to 95%.
tain details about these complementary A better and more appropriate representa-
and/or alternate approaches. tion is obtainable if time-qualified reference
It is not uncommon that nonmathemati- values are available for biological functions
cally inclined or inexperienced students known to exhibit circadian and/or other
and even accomplished scientists are con- rhythms. The time-qualified ranges for ref-
fused when initially confronted with the erence values can be presented in the form
practical problems of time series analysis. of a cosine function with confidence limits.
A large choice of methods, each having a Obviously the information must be defined
set of advantages and limitations, com- with respect to sex, age, geographic loca-
pounds the problem. Perhaps the best ap- tion, subject's synchronization, etc. For
proach in solving the problems of data anal- circadian, circamensual, circannual, and
ysis is to follow the advice of J. De Prins other rhythms, such chronobiologically
(De Prins 1975; De Prins et al. 1976, 1977, considered reference systems have been
1978): first consider the raw data dis- termed chronodesms (from the Greek,
played in the form of a chronogram or plex- meaning "linked to time") by Halberg et al.
ogram; then select several relevant meth- (1977). For example, in considering circa-
ods of data analysis to determine which dian rhythms with only one datum, if both
provides appropriate quantification of the the time of sampling and the subject syn-
considered time series. Today, the latter chronization (e.g., light-onllight-oft) are
can be accomplished using a small com- known it is possible to determine from the
42 Alain Reinberg and Michael H. Smolensky


0600 ,
1200 ,
1800 ,

.. ........ -~ .........

!,,/ "\\
, ,
: \
: \,
:l.. ,, ,,
-J ,,
, ,,
en ,," \,,
a: 10 _._.
! /
\ \


//1/ ;/' \\ '_______ }
en , ,,

,, ,
0... ,/ \ 95%
,/ \ CONF.
0 "~

Fig. 9. Chronodesm of plasma cortisol of8 healthy males, 20-30 years of age. Synchronization with
light-on at 0800, light-off at 0000. Sampling interval is M = 1 hr; sampling span is T = 24 hr. Despite
the fact that circadian changes in plasma cortisol do not exactly represent a cosine function, the latter
can be used to derive a chronodesm. The conventional statistical analysis (without chronobiologic
consideration) gives x = 10.0 9.2 JLg/100 ml (95% confidence limits). The chronodesm reveals that
around 1100 in diurnally active persons plasma cortisol values of between 13.9 and 20.5 JLg/100 ml
(95% confidence limits) are within normal; while 12 hr later at 2300, plasma cortisol values between 0
and 5.7 JLg/loo ml are within normal. If the subject's synchronization is known, the chronodesm
allows the interpretation of one datum given with its sampling time. For example, 13 JLg/100 ml at 0800
can be considered "normal," while at 2000 it would not be so for an adult subject with diurnal activity
and nocturnal rest. (Unpublished data gathered by M. Guignard, M. Lagoguey, and A. Reinberg.)

chronodesm whether or not the value in related appropriately to the pertinent

question is "normal." For a healthy adult chronodesm made available by time series
with diurnal activity and nocturnal rest, a studies. In other words, a chronobiologic
plasma cortisol level of zero is within the approach adds precision and avoids misin-
"normal range" if the blood sample is terpretation of clinical and laboratory data.
drawn at midnight (0000), while it is abnor-
mal if obtained at 0800. On the contrary, a
plasma cortisol of 20 p.g/100 ml may well be Summary
considered evidence of pathology if ob- Various necessities of chronobiologic re-
tained at 0000; it would definitively be con- search have been presented. Subject stan-
sidered normal if obtained at 0800 (Fig. 9). dardization and synchronization as well as
The presentation of reference values as special considerations for data sampling,
chronodesms constitutes a step forward in collection, and analysis using specific
the appreciation and diagnosis of health and methodologies are indispensable for re-
disease, specifically when dealing with a search of bioperiodic phenomena. Different
single datum. A single piece of data pro- types of investigative protocols are neces-
vided from the clinical laboratory through sary depending on the nature of the re-
the use of sophisticated and precise instru- search. The results of studies utilizing vari-
mention has greater diagnostic value when ous kinds of chronobiologic protocols
2: Investigative Methodology for Chronobiology 43

such as those used in detecting and quanti- periods in the quail. J Interdiscipl Cycle Res
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An Overview of the Chronobiology
of Cellular Morphology
Heinz von Mayersbach

Temporal organization at the cellular level the chemical composition of organs, tis-
is evident for the eukaryote (Edmunds sues, and blood. The prominence of these
1978; Ehret 1974; Goodwin 1963; Hastings circadian oscillations is exemplified by the
and Keyman 1965; Hastings and Schweiger data of Fig. 1, a presentation of the ampli-
1976; Schweiger et al. 1964; Vanden tudes of various rhythms detected in nor-
Driessche 1971, 1975), plant (Sweeney mal, healthy laboratory rats fed ad libi-
1969), bird (Young 1978a,b), and human be- tum. During each 24-hr period every
ing (Ashkenazi et al. 1973, 1975). In this cellular component oscillates within a cer-
chapter, temporal patterns in cellular mor- tain range. From the examples given in Fig.
phology are illustrated using the hepatic 1 and from many others, it is evident that
cell of the rodent. This example has been the most stable component of tissue is wa-
selected since the general properties and ter. For example, repeated investigations
concepts of the temporal morphology of ro- on the liver (Abicht 1976; Philippens and
dent cells are also common to other ones. Abicht 1977) have shown that the water
Although cellular morphology rhythms are content varies only slightly over each 24-hr
of interest in their own right, the materials span without exhibiting significant circa-
of this chapter are especially relevant for dian rhythmicity. This finding is in clear
understanding the other topics of this vol- contrast to the observations on other bio-
ume, i.e., chronopharmacology, chrono- chemical constituents of the liver, which
chemotherapy, and chrononutrition. demonstrate striking circadian rhythmic
Temporal variations in such biological
Introduction components as hormones and enzymes, for
Over the past few decades, a great deal of example, are undoubtedly the expression of
research on 24-hr variation in cellular func- temporal alterations in metabolic pro-
tion has been conducted. It is almost im- cesses. Since metabolic processes are
possible to compile the vast number of based on cellular functions, the question
publications which have demonstrated sta- arises: To what extent are structural mani-
tistically significant circadian variations in festations during the circadian cycle visible
48 Heinz von Mayersbach

Values (U/l00 mg w.wt.) of male rats :f!lc:- ~
maintained in standardized environment
oonstant temperature, humidity;

1OCJr-_ _ _a_rti_fic_ia_I_LD_lig_ht_reg_imen _ .00_-_18_.00_)----~-.--~ ;;;~-----1~


Fig. 1. The magnitude of circadian variations of organ components is given as percent deviation
from the respective 24-hr mean. The values were derived from repeated investigations performed on
standardized laboratory rats . (The lower number in the columns indicates how many experiments were
conducted; the upper number represents the total animals studied ; organs other than liver stated in
columns.) Male rats (Wistar HAN and TNO) were maintained in a standardized environment of
constant temperature, humidity, and an artificial LD regimen (L:0600-1800). (From von Mayersbach

at the cellular level? Unfortunately, in con- tissues, appear quite different when
trast to the vast body of published analytic traced by cytochemical and histochemi-
studies, the number of chronomorphologic cal procedures depending on the time
investigations on mammalian tissues is during the 24-hr span of study.
quite small. However, based upon those 3. The temporal structure of cells essen-
cytological and histochemical studies re- tially determines the time-dependent re-
ported thus far it is clear that: sponse to hormones, drugs, and poisons
(see Chap. 6).
1. Functional circadian variations coincide
closely with profound, periodic reorgani- The intent of this chapter is to present an
zations of the cell inventory, such as the overview of the tremendous chronobio-
nucleus, cell organelles, and other cyto- logic variation in cell morphology. It will
plasmic constituents (Fig. 2). become apparent that the configuration of
2. As a result, the site and concentration of cells and tissues in the normal, healthy or-
substrates, enzymes, and hormones, ganism periodically may even attain organi-
among other constituents of cells and zational states which are considered either
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 49

VARIABLE IUnlt)Re' (max lominl

A BINUCLEAR CEllS (AMITOSIS) (counts/lOO cells)1O,I8 t--
II -
B MITOTIC ACTIVIlY {counts/I000cells)'9

C SIZE OF NUCLEI (".olume of closs with { 20110 '. 122""

hlghfst occur rencel'O,17 I
"P. - DNA (n?1 speclf OCllvlly)2' I ('ti~~R~"tl 333'21
(dpm/jJg DNA)'. Icpm/fJg D A)'2." ~~~_ _ 525131 192'81. 12"~ 267,\4,
[ 'H-Tdr- DNA
'H-Tdr - NUCLEUS (Iobelled nuclo, /1000 nucle,)o.' i- 6 86[0;, 6 n d, .
"P - HISIO ES-F2a2.F2b.F3 I 30 'ltl
I 186"1
"P, RNA (Mlcrosomol) Irel spet,! oC"""y)' I -
[ 'H-Ufldlne - - RNA 1101 cpm/gfom fresh wt ,'" II 156[4'
'H-Undlne - - f-R A. t-R A [101cpm/glom resh wi}' L-- 180"1
I - 1261151
[ "C-leuc,ne - UClEAR PROTEIN (cpm at 'nhmte 'hlckness)"
'H-leuoM - NUCLEUS (cpm.IO'/mgDNA)') I - 390"31
I 155"61
E TEMPLATE ACTIVIlY (pmo{. "C-UTP/fJ9 D Aos c~romohn)' I
{pmole 'H-U MP/ IOfJ9 0 Al' I 211 ,51
RNA POLYMERASES Ipmole"C- AMPlmg D Al' : 25(1)'.167(llI'
THYMIDINE KI ASE (fJmoles thymld,ne phosphorylated/g'hr)' I 125131

Fig. 2. Circadian variations of cell nuclei. The different nuclear activities are listed, and the occur-
rence of maximal and minimal values is demonstrated in relation to the light and dark periods of the
different species investigated. References (as cited in the source for this figure) are Barbiroli et al.
(1973),1 Barnum et al. (1958),2 Dallman et al. (1974),3 Doring and Rensing (1973),4 Earp (1974),5
Echave Llanos et al. (1970),6 Echave Llanos et al. (1971) ,7 Eling (1967),8 Jackson (1959),9 Jerusalem et
a1. (1970),10 Letnansky (1974),11 Potter et al. (1966),12 Rohde and Rensing (1973),13 Ruby et a1. (1973),14
Sestan (1964), 15 Steinhart (1971),16 Suppan (1966),17 and Zhirnova (1969).18 (From von Mayersbach

"abnormal" or the consequence of experi- each of which is linked with characteristic

mental challenge. The findings from the morphological features.
field of modem cytology reviewed here
were derived from research using histo- 1. The nucleus contains the genetic mate-
chemical tools. The predictable chrono- rial (genome) of the cell. During cell di-
biologic variability of cells and tissues, vision the nucleus forms two identical
however, may essentially affect the manner daughter nuclei, each with a complete
in which the results of histotechniques, for set of genes. Cell division is visualized
example, are interpreted; unexpected find- by the appearance of a double set of
ings may be viewed as the result of poor chromosomes, representing a con-
technique rather than expressions of circa- densed, transportable form of the genes.
dian variability. Chronotechnical problems, The chromosomes undergo a series of
although beyond the scope of this paper, spatial rearrangements known as mitotic
have been considered; the interested reader figures.
is referred to another paper by the author 2. The interphase is the span between two
(von Mayersbach 1981). cell divisions. Among various types of
tissues it ranges in duration from hours
to weeks. In the interphase nucleus the
Circadian Rhythms in Cells chromosomes are not visible, but exhibit
The main components of each living eu- strongly basophilic chromatin (DNA-
karyotic cell are the nucleus and the cyto- containing) granules and a clearly visible
plasm. The nucleus has two main functions, nuclear membrane (see Fig. 8). Further-
50 Heinz von Mayersbach

more, each interphase nucleus contains 240

one or more RNA-producing nucleolus.
During this stage, the nucleus serves as
the regulatory center for all the meta- 200
bolic processes involved in cell-specific

Cell Division
One of the earliest chronobiologic discov-
eries was that the mitotic index (number of 120 -
dividing cells) varies over 24 hr. Many stud- c
ies have confirmed this observation. High-
amplitude rhythms in mitotic activity have '<t
been found for various mammalian tissues ....o 80
as discussed in Chap. 4 and reviewed in <fi
detail by Scheving (1959), Scheving and Ql
Pauly (1960, 1967a,b, 1973), and Scheving '"
.c 40
et al. (1974b). A representative example is Ql
given in Fig. 3. '';:::;

Pilgrim (1967) reported that the number e'"

of DNA-synthesizing cells varies signifi- Or-----~~~~------~H--

cantly during each 24-hr period. Based on

cytokinetic studies, Bums and Scheving
(1975) reported circadian differences in the
cell-cycle time; this finding was confirmed Corneal
by Thorud et al. (1979). Several studies of epithelium
the mitotic activity in liver tissue (Wilson
and LeDuc 1948; Halberg 1957; Jackson -80 ----- 10/22/65
- - 7/8/69
1959; Vonnahme 1974) have revealed circa- - - 11/ 1/68
dian patterns similar in phasing to those of ---- 10/ 3/69
5/ 2/69
the cornea and skin. This latter observation 6/12/69
suggests that the rhythm of cell prolifera- 9/14/69 daily motor
tion is highly synchronized in different tis- 7/ 6/65 activity of colony
sues of an organism.
Philippens (1979) analyzed the impor-
06.00 14.00 22.00 06.00
tance of various synchronizers on the circa-
Time of day (CST)
dian rhythm of mitotic activity using a very
elaborate protocol of experimentally Fig. 3. Circadian variation of mitotic index in
changed light-dark and feeding schedules. rat cornea. Investigations performed in different
Clear evidence was obtained revealing that months of different years. (From Scheving et al.
the circadian rhythm of mitosis in the rat cor- 1974b.)
nea is specifically' synchronized by the al-
ternating light-dark cycle. In contrast, the
substrate supply (food intake) was found to to nutrients is governed by the light-dark
be the Zeitgeber (synchronizer) for the cir- schedule, it is apparent why the mitotic
cadian rhythm of mitosis in the liver, which rhythms of the cornea and liver appear to
phase-shifted under the influence of altered be synchronized in rats housed under
feeding schedules. Since the periodic food standardized conditions used for chrono-
intake of animals having unlimited access biologic research.
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 51

The Interphase Nucleus with many other smaller, dense fibrillar

components located within a well-formed
The size of the interphase nuclei is specific network as well as within the FC. Figure 5
for each cell type. Likewise, the ratio ofthe presents a quantification of these changes
nuclear volume to the cytoplasmic volume in the nucleolar ultrastructure. The mean
is also cell-type specific. An increase in the volume of the fibrillar centers, poorly visi-
nuclear size is generally believed to be ble in the SCG removed from animals dur-
caused either by DNA duplication during ing the light span (at 1500), increased in
the S phase preceding mitosis or by the ex- volume 13-fold on the average in animals
pression of increased functional activity, sacrificed during the dark span (at 0100).
appearing as a nuclear edema. Karyometric The volume of the SCG nucleoli at 0100
measurements of interphase nuclei, per- also was elevated 1.7-fold over that at 1500.
formed as early as 1934 by Caspersson and The findings of Pebusque et al. are of
Holmgren, revealed pronounced "diurnal" interest for several reasons. Most pertinent
variations in the nuclear size of liver cells. to the contents of this chapter, however, is
Since then, it has been demonstrated by the implication that the ultrastructure of the
many investigators that the nuclei of liver nucleoli of even mitotically quiescent neu-
cells periodically undergo dynamic changes rons undergoes systematic circadian
over each 24-hr span. Many of these rhythms in organization. Although an in-
changes, which have been enumerated by crease in nucleolar size is generally thought
Philippens and Abicht (1977), are summa- to reflect an increase in cellular activity, it
rized in Fig. 2. is not known yet whether these rhythmic
Circadian changes in the nucleolar com- variations in the ultrastructure of the SCG
ponents of the superior cervical ganglia nucleolus are correlated with an increased
(SCG) of rats have been reported as well level of transcriptional activity. While it is
(Pebusque and Sei'te 1980, 1981a,b; Pebus- well known that the cells of mature neuro-
que et al. 1981a,b). In their studies nal tissue are non-mitotic, it appears that
different but comparable subgroups processes within these types of cells dis-
of adult male rats, synchronized with play circadian rhythms. This is true not
L(0700-1900):D(1900-0700) and with food only for the nucleolus of the SCG, but for
and water available ad libitum, were sacri- the shedding and degradation of the outer
ficed at 2-3 hr intervals during a single 24- segment of the membranes of rods and
hr span. The SCG was removed and the cones, demonstrated by Young (1978a,b)
mean volume of the nucleolar fibrillar cen- for the chick retina.
ters and of the other nucleolar-fibrillar, Most somatic cells contain only one nu-
granular, and vacuolar-components were cleus, but in several organs such as the liver
determined by stereological analyses. a number of cells may contain two nuclei,
Temporal differences in the ultrastruc- thus being termed polyploidy. An increas-
ture of the nucleolar components as a func- ing percentage of binucleated cells is gener-
tion of the circadian time are easily discern- ally regarded as a response to functional
able in Fig. 4. The reticulated nucleolus in load. Philippens and Abicht (1977), Abicht
the sympathetic neurons of the SCG in rats (1976), and Rover and Philippens (1979)
sacrificed at 1500 contained only small- studied the relative number of binucleated
sized fibrillar centers with granular and vac- cells in the liver of rats over the 24-hr span.
uolar components dispersed throughout. They found, in animals maintained in LD
The ultrastructure of the reticulated nucleo- 12 : 12 and fed ad libitum, a significant cir-
lus of the sympathetic neurons of the SCG cadian rhythm with highest counts (28.54%)
from rats sacrificed at 0100 appeared very during the dark span and lowest counts
different. Clearly apparent in Fig. 4 is a sin- (14.21%) during the light span (Fig. 6). This
gle voluminous fibrillar center (FC) along normally occurring temporal variation of
52 Heinz von Mayersbach

Fig. 4. Upper portion of figure shows sec-

tion of reticulated nucleolus (x25 0(0) in
sympathetic neurons of the SCQ for a rat
synchronized to L(0700-1900):D(l900-0700)
and sacrificed at 1500. Small-sized fibrillar
centers (arrows) are seen surrounded by a
continuous layer of dense fibrillar (ribonu-
clearprotein) component which takes the
form of a well-delimited network (arrow-
head). The granular and the vacuolar compo-
nents (double arrows) are easy to distinguish.
Lower portion shows section of reticulated
nucleolus in sympathetic neurons of the SCQ
of an identically synchronized rat sacrificed
at 0100. One large voluminous fibrillar center
(FC) and other small ones (arrow) can be
seen. The dense fibrillar component is seen
either near the FC or in the form of a well-
delimited network (arrowhead). The double
arrows point to the vacuoles. (From Pebus-
que and Selte 1981b, reproduced with per-

polyploidy equals or even exceeds the rela- ments of the nuclear compartment basically
tive increase in binucleated hepatocyte reflect changing, although continuous,
numbers found after the application of metabolic loads on the liver during each 24-
metabolic loads as detected in single-time- hr duration.
point (nonchronobiologically designed) in- Circadian changes in DNA concentra-
vestigations. The observed systematic cir- tion have been detected by several tech-
cadian variation in binucleated cells is niques. Barnum et al. (1958) first reported
interpreted as the expression of amitotic di- that 32P-Iabeled precursors were incorpor-
visions alternating with nuclear fusion pro- ated at different rates in liver DNA, de-
cesses. The cycles of structural rearrange- pending on the timing of their administra-
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 53

o:;) ~:::J
"""' 0 o< 0-
12;,01 ,., c

8 ~

~ 2 'K) QQ..
C ,., ""
u ~ ~
------t g

~ +----- 5
l!l ;;:>
:;) Z
- I / ~"O
~ 05 (..>c

c--_ -~--o l!
. ;;:>

IDorl~(1Q 07)
I f I ~ Light

15 19 23 01 OJ 05 07
Clock t me

Fig. 5. Quantitative analysis of mean volumes of different components in the nucleoli of sympa-
thetic neurons. The data are the average (x) 1 SE of three animals. 0 represents the mean volume of
fibrillar centers and. represents the fibrillar ribonuclearprotein (RNP) , granular RNP, and vacuolar
components of the nucleoli. (From Pebusque and Sei'te 1981b, reproduced with permission.)

0 0 0
N ,....
~ ~

0 0 0 ~
~ ,....
N C')
\ /~
)./ \
0 0

........ _.\
~ ,....
N fl' \ \

./, ..
,.... N ,....
..... ,

cl'Q ~.
..~ .. .......... I
0 0
.. -
0 ,\:'
I !2 !2 !2 ......\~.J
~ / ........~ .. .......
N 0
0> ....... ~....
.... ......

.... .......,........
........ '.
g 0
....I ......--.H 21 } NUCLEI
w ... --.H 24
0 . ......... H 24 BINUCLEATED CELLS
(/) Cl
w w ill .-- . _H 21 } MITOSES
. -.... H 24
0 0
I- :J
~ 0 Z
Z 100
iii 10 00 16 00 22 00
Local time

Fig. 6. Nuclear activities of hepatocytes. Two circadian investigations (de!lignated as H 21 and H

24) were conducted in which 6 male Wistar rats were sacrificed every 3 hr. Nuclei = number of nuclei
per counting field; binucleated cells = number of binucleated cells per 100 hepatocytes; mitosis =
number of mitotic figures per 1000 nuclei. The circadian variations are given in relative values as a
percent deviation from the respective 24-hr mean. Each rhythm proved to be statistically significant
according to ANOV A. (From Abicht 1976, reproduced with permission.)
54 Heinz von Mayersbach

tion during the day. Similarly, Eling (1967)

in our laboratory found the amount of spe- 500 (tIg/ 100 mg) I
DNA (rat and mouse liver)

cifically incorporated 3H-thymidine in DNA
was dependent on the circadian phase of its
injection. Horvath (1963a,b; 1964) was the
first to detect well-defined rhythmic varia-
tions in the DNA content of liver homoge- 400
nates using a chemical method. This finding
has since been confirmed by other investi-
gators including Ruby et al. (1973) whose
results compiled in Fig. 7 represent studies
performed on isolated nuclei. Although
these findings are from different species
and were detected using different assay
methods, a remarkable congruence of the
rhythmic change is evident. 11 200
Since circadian variations in the DNA
content are contradictory to the textbook
dogma of DNA constancy in interphase nu- 10
clei, Philippens and Abicht (1977) and
Abicht (1976) reinvestigated the problem of
DNA variations in the liver specifically
with respect to the possibility of technical
errors. It was shown conclusively that the 10 18 02 10
detected circadian variations were caused Time (h)
neither by methodological artifacts nor the
Fig. 7. Rhythmic patterns of biochemically de-
consequence of circadian variations of wa-
termined DNA. Findings are from studies con-
ter content and storage products, which ducted on liver homogenates of male rats and
could cause different dilutions of the DNA mice (x SE). The data are compiled from a,
concentration. It is interesting to note that Echave Llanos et al. 1971: young mice, N = 5
the circadian rhythm of mitotic activity of per time point; b, Echave Llanos et al. 1970:
the hepatocytes was negatively correlated adult mice, N = 6 per time point; c, Abicht and
with the 24-hr pattern of the DNA concen- Philippens 1973: adult rats, N = 4 per time
tration. Morphometric studies concomi- point; d, Eling 1967: adult rats, N = 4 per time
tantly performed on the same material re- point; e, Ruby et al. 1973: adult rats, N = 8 per
vealed that the circadian patterns in nuclear time point, pg per isolated nuclei. (From Philip-
counts and in binucleated cell numbers are pens and Abicht 1977, reproduced with permis-
similarly phased with the circadian pattern
of DNA concentration; however, these
temporal variabilities do not explain the
magnitude of the DNA oscillations (Figs. 6 been reported in muscle, spleen, thymus
and 7). As a result of this finding, it is rec- (Bollweg and Maskos 1979), and adrenal
ommended that neither the DNA content (Nicolau et al. 1979) tissue.
nor the polyploidy of an organ can serve as
the ultimate reference value in biological re-
search as proposed, for example, for en- The Cytoplasm
zyme evaluations in animal tissues (Glick Cell Organelles. Cell organelles are struc-
1961; Daoust 1958). This is true not only for tured cytoplasmic components identifiable
the liver but for the cells of other tissues, by specific shapes and metabolic functions.
since quantitative DNA variations have They are the mitochondria, ergastroplasm,
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 55

lysosomes, peroxisomes, Golgi apparatus, which SDH (succinate dehydrogenase) is

and centrosome (Fig. 8). In certain cells the preferentially used as a marker enzyme.
organelles are characteristically located at In quite a number of investigations or-
certain cytoplasmic sites. For instance, in gan- and species-dependent differences in
the cells of the proximal tubules of the kid- the enzyme patterns of mitochondria have
ney the mitochondria are located in the been identified, in addition to differences
basal parts; in hepatocytes, the lysosomes due to changing biological conditions such
are found mainly along the bile canaliculi. as aging (Iemhoffand Hiilsmann 1971). Un-
Organelles can be isolated by cell homoge- der experimental influences, mitochondria
nization and recovered as organelle-specific became very reactive (Aithal and Rama-
fractions by differential centrifugation. sarma 1971; Klima et al. 1971; Laguens and
Gomez-Dumm 1967; Mausle and Frohlke
Mitochondria. Mitochondria are orga- 1971; Milner 1972; Rafael et al. 1970; Reith
nized multienzyme systems possessing ca- and Schiiler 1971, 1972; Riede and Rohr
tabolizing oxidative processes. Under the 1970; Stenram 1969). Mitochondria exhibit
electron microscope they reveal a double remarkable heterogeneity within a single
membrane. The inner one forms infoldings, liver lobule as revealed by enzyme compo-
the so-called cristae mitochondriales (cris- sition (Novikoff 1959). However, the ques-
tae-type mitochondria, Fig. 8); the mito- tion remains open as to the conclusiveness
chondria of steroid-producing cells, such as of many individual reports, which have
the adrenal cortex, contain tubuli instead of failed to take into account the possible in-
cristae (tubuli-type). By use of the light mi- fluence of circadian rhythmic changes as
croscope, mitochondria appear as fine rods first demonstrated in the adrenals by Glick
or granules which can be visualized by his- and his colleagues (1961b). Using liver
tochemically tracing their enzymes, among preparations, we were able to demonstrate





Fig. 8. Scheme of an in-

terphase cell. (From von
Mayersbach and Reale
56 Heinz von Mayersbach

a strong circadian variation in SDH-activ- lated mitochondria of the same livers of

ity, topographical distribution, and reac- rats utilizing quantitative biochemical
tion-product appearance (von Mayersbach methods. A significant circadian rhythm of
et al. 1964). SDH activity was detected as indicated by
Philippens (1968; 1970; 1971) found that succinate-dependent oxygen consumption
the circadian rhythm of SDH activity, irre- (succinate oxidase), cytochrome c reduc-
spective of circadian stage, was strongest in tion (succinate cytochrome c reductase),
the periportal region of the liver lobules. and by the nitro-BT reaction determined by
SDH circadian variations were apparent by a kinetic technique. Lowest reduction rates
differences in the extent of histochemical were manifested during the light span and
staining and by regional differences in highest ones during the dark span.
strong reactions toward the central vein. A highly interesting differential effect of
Interestingly, despite the fact male and fe- the alteration of the light-dark synchro-
male rats basically displayed the same nizer schedule on the in vivo activity of
rhythmic variations in the topochemical liver mitochondria was reported by Philip-
distribution oi liver SDH, the phasing was pens (1973). The author subjected rats fed
1800 (12 hr) apart; i.e., the SDH activity of ad libitum for 6 weeks to an inverted light-
the males was highest when that of females dark schedule (LD 12: 12, light 1800-0600)
was lowest and vice versa (Fig. 9). prior to investigation. The circadian rhythm
In other histochemical analyses, Philip- of a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase
pens (1970; 1971; 1975) investigated iso- (mGPDH) determined in the isolated mito-

20.00 8.00

Fig. 9. SDH activity in rat liver mito-

chondria. The figure shows male and fe-
male rats at their respective lowest and
highest SDH activity indicated by staining
intensity and the extension of the strongly
reacting area. (From Philippens 1971, re-
produced with permission.)
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 57

chondrial fractions was phase-shifted in the viacic and Brozman (1978), with highest ac-
same direction and amount as the shift of tivities during the dark span (1800 and 24(0)
the synchronizing LD schedule, whereas and lowest ones in the morning (0600). The
the activity of the SDH continued to oscil- times of highest activity observed in ani-
late in the same manner as it did under the mals restricted from food intake for 24 hr
previous LD conditions (Fig. 10). Perhaps before killing coincide with the span of food
the resulting desynchronization due to intake of control animals fed ad libitum and
phase shifting, eventhough occurring in correlates well with the circadian differ-
only one subcellular compartment, contrib- ences in gastric HCL production.
utes to the inhibition of weight gain in rats
subjected to LD shifts (Philippens 1976). The Ergastoplasm. Production of the
Impressive and strong circadian varia- cell's structural proteins, enzymes, and ex-
tions of several mitochondrial enzymes port proteins-such as secretory products,
(SDH, mGPDH, and NADH-tetrazolium albumin, immunoglobulins, and enzymes-
reductase) in the parietal cells of the gastric occurs in the ergastoplasm. Chemically, the
mucosa of rats were demonstrated by Za- ergastoplasm is composed of RNA and ba-

SDK: M LO = 3.34
p <0.01
MOL = 2.84
'"\ Fig. 10. Influence oflight shifts
/~--- \
.... , / \ on mitochondrial enzymes. The
/ \
activities of succinate dehydro-
\ genase (SDH) and a-gly-
\ cerophosphate dehydrogenase
(mGPDH) were determined in
\..---~ isolated liver mitochondria.
Groups of male Wistar rats
(TNO) were subjected for 6
weeks to an inverted light-dark
mGPDH: M LO = 0.177 schedule (DL, L: 1800-0600) and
MOL = 0.129 P <0.01 compared with those kept under
1.3 the original 12: 12 LD schedule
(L:06oo-18oo). The rhythm of
--------, SDH activity is not influenced by
" this light shift, whereas mGPDH
1.0 +------------::,.......::~....:::..._.:::_+------__:~-+-
becomes synchronized to the
new light schedule. All values
"" V /
scaled relative to the respective
24-hr mean M (set equal to 1),
which are significantly lowered
by inverting the light schedule.
(From von Mayersbach, H, Phi-
lippens, K, and Scheving, LE
(1977) Light-a synchronizer of
10 16 22 04 10
circadian rhythms. In: Proc. Inti.
Soc. Chronobiol. Milano: II
Influence of LD ( - - ) and DL (......... ) conditions on mitochondrial SDH Ponte, pp. 503-510, reproduced
and mGPDH circadian activities in (WS TNO) rat livers: relative values. with permission.)
58 Heinz von Mayersbach

sic proteins (histones). Electron micro- morning hours), the RNA structure of the
scopy reveals that the RNA appears in cell- hepatocytes appears as heavily stained
specific, varying proportions either as free clots and granules. This description corre-
ribosomes and ribosome clusters (poly- sponds to the classic textbook picture of
somes) or as ribosomes bound to mem- the basophilic bodies (also referred to as
branes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). ergastoplasm and stalagmoid). (2) At the
The ER itself is a membrane-delimited sys- time of minimal glycogen content (in the
tem of tubules, channels, and cisternae. If evening), the RNA structure is weak and
the membrane of the ER is studded with appears as diffuse basophilia of the cyto-
ribosomes, it is called rough-surfaced or plasm. Between these extreme configura-
granulated endoplasmic reticulum (RER) as tions, transitional stages are observable.
depicted in Fig. 8. If the membrane is not These qualitative and quantitative tem-
associated with ribosomes, it is called poral variations in the basophilic structures
smooth-surfaced or agranular endoplasmic of the hepatocytes are paralleled by the 24-
reticulum (SER); the latter is mainly asso- hr differences in the concentration of sev-
ciated with lipid and steroid hormone syn- eral enzymes of the endoplasmic reticulum.
thesis. Tracing the activities of the organophos-
Due to its RNA content, the ergasto- phate-sensitive B-esterase (carboxylester-
plasm is negatively charged, which explains ase, EC3. 1. 1. 1) during the 24-hr span, this
its strong binding capacities for (positively author (von Mayersbach et al. 1964; von
charged) basic dyes. Under light micro- Mayersbach 1967) observed different stain-
scopic examination, the ergastoplasm is ing intensities representing different levels
visible only in cells prominently involved in of enzyme activity and variable enzyme
protein synthesis. Thus, in cells such as the distributions not only within the liver lobuli
liver, pancreas, and plasmocytes as well as but also within single cells where the en-
in rapidly dividing cells such as blood stem zyme reactions appeared either as rough
and embryonic cells the ergastoplasm ap- granules or as diffuse or finely granulated
pears either as diffuse basophilia of the cy- stainings of the cytoplasm. A direct correla-
toplasm or as strong basophilic granules. tion between the circadian variations of
Since these RNA-containing structures are the ergastoplasm in hepatocytes and the
involved in enzyme synthesis, their appear- sites of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P,
ance after staining is correspondingly dif- EC. activity using both the light and
fuse or granular when endoplasmic retic- electron microscope was reported by Mul-
ulum enzymes are demonstrated by ler (1971b). In his study, it was shown
histochemical methods. After cell centrifu- clearly that the cellular distribution of G6P
gation, free ribosomes, poly somes , and previously regarded as "normal" is repre-
granules of ruptured RER form the micro- sentative only of the circadian phase of high
some fraction; their enzymes are called mi- glycogen content; the coincidence of this
crosomal enzymes. state with the beginning of the usual hours
The first systematic study of circadian of work by employees or scientists in re-
changes in the microscopic appearance of search laboratories tends to explain the
RNA structures was presented by Muller unanimity of the literature pertaining to the
(1971c) who showed that such variations "normal" G6P distribution found in single-
exhibited a strict temporal relationship with time-point studies.
rhythmic changes in the glycogen content Systematic rhythmic changes revealed
of the same liver cells. The different circa- by microscopy are coincident with statisti-
dian stages of RNA appearance can be cally significant circadian variations as re-
summarized as follows: (1) At the time of vealed by quantitative measurements of en-
maximal glycogen content (which in the zyme activities such as for carboxyl-
nocturnally active rodent occurs during the esterase (von Mayersbach and Yap 1965),
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 59

and G6P (MOller 1971b,c), as well as liver membranes of the lysosomes keep the
homogenate RNA. highly concentrated hydrolytic enzymes
Barnum et al. (1958) observed variations separate from the surrounding cytoplasm,
in the synthesis of microsomal RNA using thus preventing hydrolytic self-destruction
32p incorporation. Using this same tech- of the cell. The predominant functions of
nique, Horvath (1963a, 1964), von Mayers- the lysosomes are:
bach (1967), and Eling (1967) reported
large-amplitude circadian variations of the 1. Digestion of extraneous and worn-out
total liver RNA content. Doring and Rens- cell constituents, such as the mitochon-
ing (1973) subsequently identified circadian dria. Extraneous materials which have
variations ofliver RNA resulting from 24-hr entered the cell by phagocytosis and
variation in the synthesis of individual pinocytosis as well as worn-out cellular
RNA liver fractions. It is worthwhile to components are enwrapped by cyto-
point out that quite a number of publica- membranes, thus forming phagosomes
tions have dealt with the influence of pro- and autosomes, respectively. For the di-
tein synthesis inhibitors on the circadian gestion of their contents the phagosomes
pattern of various liver enzymes (inter alia, and autosomes fuse with primary lyso-
Hardeland 1973; Hardeland and Stephan somes to become larger-sized secondary
1974) thereby establishing, indirectly, the lysosomes, which according to their
role of nucleic acids, especially RNA, in content can be qualified as phagolyso-
the regulation of cellular rhythms. somes or heterolysosomes and auto-
phagosomes or autolysosomes (Fig. 11).
Lysosomes. The term "lysosome" orig- 2. Transportation of enzymes destined for
inally was introduced by De Duve in 1969 extracellular use across the cytoplasm.
to denote those cytoplasmic particles se,di- On the inner side of the cell surface, the
menting with the fraction of light mitochon- lysosomal membrane fuses with the cell
dria; they are characterized by a remark- membrane and the enzymes are deliv-
ably high activity of several (about 36) ered by exocytosis to the extracellular
hydrolases. Under the electron micro- space.
scope, lysosomes appear as roundish dense
bodies covered by a lipoprotein membrane. Autophagic processes play an important
In light microscopic preparations, they are role in long-lived, stable parenchymal cells
visible only by use of histochemical staining with minimal mitotic renewal, such as the
methods to trace their marker enzymes- parenchymal cells of the liver, kidney, and
acid phosphatase, {3-glucuronidase, and pancreas. In these cells the cytoplasmic
arylesterase (an organophosphate-resistant components are partially renewed by re-
A-esterase EC3.1.1.2). In biochemistry the placement of several "out-of-use" struc-
same marker enzymes are used for lyso- tures and substances. A very interesting
some studies. An absolute prerequisite for finding is that the autophagic breakdown of
the histochemical demonstration of lyso- cellular waste material does not occur at
somes is the use of appropriate methods for random; it occurs instead in a temporally
preparation to ensure preservation of both organized manner over each 24-hr span.
the membrane and enzyme activities of the Pfeifer (1977) demonstrated that the
lysosome. autophagic processes in hepatocytes, kid-
The cytogenesis of lysosomes is not fully ney tubular epithelium, and acinar cells of
understood, but it is generally believed that the exocrine pancreas predominantly occur
lysosomes originate from the Golgi mem- during the environmental light span, i.e.,
brane, enveloping hydrolytic enzymes syn- during the resting phase of nocturnally
thesized in the RER. Newly formed lyso- active rats. A special form of autophago-
somes are called primary lysosomes. The somes are the glycogenosomes, mostly
60 Heinz von Mayersbach


li/'W~ g,,"'Y~m.
. r@ -'.


l?feJ,' ~:" . ,
o .~ .
o~~O 3~~:O 4~~~o
FUNCTION : Digestion of
Extracellular, foreign material Cell's own material

Fig. 11.Development and functions ofphagolysosomes. (From Dvorak, M (1974) Origin and devel-
opment of lysosomes and peroxisomes. In: Dvorak M, ed. Biogenesis of Cell Organelles. Brno: JE
Pukyne University Medical Faculty, pp. 59-86.)

J3-glycogen-containing lysosomes. Initially, somes are heterogeneous? Despite the

their appearance was mainly attributed to great volume of investigations, confu-
certain pathological conditions or associ- sion still exists about the suitability of
ated with specific developmental stages different marker enzyme techniques
such as in the liver of the newborn. How- used to reveal lysosomes.
ever, Muller (1971c) observed glycogeno- 3. What is the significance of extralyso-
somes present also in the liver of normal somal activities of lysosomal enzymes?
adult rats. During the circadian stage of gly- In studies not using chronobiologic
cogen depletion, they are found predomi- methods, such activities were found to a
nately in the periportal sections of the liver varying extent in both histochemical and
lobules; while during the circadian stage of biochemical preparations. The detection
minimal glycogen content they are found of a dual localization of lysosomal en-
predominately in the centrolobular region. zymes caused many controversies. The
From the viewpoints of biological signifi- existence of extralysosomal enzymes
cance as well as histochemical (and bio- was interpreted by some as an artifact
chemical) technology, the study of circa- resulting from inadequate techniques.
dian rhythmicity in lysosomes has con- Others ascribed this to enzyme displace-
tributed to answering the following ques- ment caused by escape from ruptured ly-
tions: sosomes, diffusion into the cytoplasm
during fixation, or the use of unsuitable
1. Are the lysosomes of the liver a hetero- tissue preparations.
geneous population? This question
emerged mainly from several nonrhyth- U sing histochemical, electron micro-
mic, that is single-time-point, studies. A scopic, and biochemical tools in a series of
question closely associated with this one studies, this author and his colleagues sys-
IS: tematically investigated the activities of ly-
2. Can all lysosomes be traced by the use sosomal marker enzymes most frequently
of a single marker enzyme if the lyso- used in histochemical and biochemical in-
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 61

vestigations: Acid phosphatase, J3-glu- strated maximal and minimal lysoso-

curonidase, A-esterase, J3-galactosidase, mal and extralysosomal activity at dif-
and arylsulphatase (Bhattacharya 1977; ferent clock hours.
Bhattacliarya and von Mayersbach 1976; 5. Irrespective of the marker enzymes
von Mayersbach and Bhattacharya 1977; used, circadian variations were mani-
Groh and von Mayersbach, 1981a; Uchi- fested in the form of three main types of
yama et al. 1981). lysosomal appearances as illustrated in
Omitting the specific details of these in- Fig. 12. (1) Numerous, relatively smail,
vestigations, the results can be summarized and sharply configurated granules out-
as follows: lined the bile canaliculi. (2) Fewer, but
larger, strongly reacting granules were
1. Lysosomes exhibited marked circadian located near the bile canaliculi. (3) Very
variations in number, size, configura- few weakly reacting bodies were seen;
tion, and activity as well as in the posi- they were frequently ill-defined in shape
tion within the cell and predominant lo- or localization, thus giving the impres-
calization within the liver lobule. sion of being the result of a very poor
2. The lysosomes revealed by different technique.
marker enzymes varied in their mean 6. Circannual influences drastically modi-
number and size. They appeared numer- fied the rhythm of lysosomal enzymes in
ous and large when traced with the acid two respects. (1) The overall staining in-
phosphatase and A-esterase reactions. tensity as well as the extent of the circa-
In contrast they were much smaller and dian variation differed with season. This
fewer in number with the J3-g1ucuroni- was confirmed by biochemical measure-
dase reaction. They were lowest in num- ments on the same livers, likewise dem-
ber with the J3-galactosidase reaction. onstrating significantly different mean
3. For each enzyme a dual localization was circadian activities (mesors) and ampli-
observed which gave rise to a circadian tudes between seasons. (2) The inter-cir-
pattern in the staining background of the cadian phases of high and low activity
entire cytoplasm. were found to systematically vary over
4. These circadian variations did not occur the year (Table 1).
synchronously when the histochemical
reactions were applied to sections of the These results clearly indicate that the
same livers: each marker enzyme demon- population of lysosomes is heterogeneous

Phosphatase A-Esterase I3-Glucuron idase


Fig. 12. Lysosomes revealed by
three different marker enzymes.
Note the asynchrony in the lysoso-
mal appearance. (From von May-
ersbach 1981.)
62 Heinz von Mayersbach

Table1. Biochemical Evaluations of Whole Liver Homogenates (Male Wistar Han Rats).
24-hr % 24-hr mean
Exp. ANOVA 11 ST-LDa
group n p(F) ;;;; rc Mean SD p(t) ;;;; + Total
Acid phosphatase
ST 53 0.335 683.89 82.36 5.67 9.74 15.41
January 0.709 0.045
LD 54 0.091 646.91 104.90 17.15 10.62 27.77
ST 54 0.0001 660.41 149.27 26.94 19.80 46.74
April 0.821 0.086
LD 54 0.002 701.69 91.18 11.97 13.28 25.25
ST 54 0.0001 581.83 159.07 38.90 26.81 65.71
June 0.366 0.001
LD 54 0.0001 694.39 190.41 49.85 31.03 80.88
ST 54 0.0001 565.55 142.30 25.58 38.54 64.12
September 0.197 0.161 n.s.
LD 54 0.002 601.56 122.33 23.31 28.62 51.93
ST 54 0.0001 42.89 18.42 57.79 67.81 125.60
January 0.986 0.649 n.s.
LD 54 0.0001 41.37 16.17 41.82 59.29 101.11
ST 54 0.0001 37.90 7.49 37.20 18.68 55.88
April 0.584 0.84 n.s.
LD 54 0.018 37.63 6.41 15.97 16.18 32.15
ST 54 0.0001 32.05 5.85 10.67 20.47 31.14
June -0.365 0.23 n.s.
LD 54 0.001 33.41 6.03 21.73 16.41 38.14
ST 54 0.0001 30.34 8.67 30.94 41.33 72.27
September 0.923 0.028
LD 54 0.0001 34.03 8.51 31.53 38.14 69.67
Total esterase
ST 54 0.0001 578.66 58.27 8.88 12.47 21.35
January 0.928 0.033
LD 54 0.0001 607.03 77.09 12.56 14.77 27.33
ST 54 0.0001 422.50 97.54 46.17 25.76 71.93
April 0.787 0.063
LD 54 0.0001 460.86 113.71 44.92 29.89 74.81
ST 54 0.0001 430.50 63.11 17.07 15.76 32.83
June 0.338 0.360 n.s.
LD 54 0.0001 421.33 39.73 10.92 8.07 18.99
ST 54 0.001 561.67 68.81 13.35 9.77 23.12
September 0.597 0.008
LD 54 0.0001 597.24 67.43 16.15 11.63 27.78
n.s. = not significant.

Note: Group LD refers to animals kept under a conventional 12:12 hour LD system = control group (light
0600-18(0); ST refers to experimental groups subjected to a staggered light system; n = number of animals
investigated; p(F) = rhythm detection by analysis of variance = ANDV A; rc = correlation coefficient group
LD:ST (index of rhythm adjustment); ST-LD = difference of 24-hour mean values and statistical significance
according to Student (t-) test; Amplitude = deviation in percent of 24-hr mean, + at peak time, - at trough time.
Source: von Mayersbach (1981).

at least with respect to the temporal pattern phosphatasosomes, esterasosomes, glu-

of enzyme activity. This heterogeneity is curonidasosomes, etc.
underlined by a distinct response of the dif- Our studies (Groh and von Mayersbach
ferent lysosomes to experimental chal- 1981b) reveal that the periodic occurrence
lenges such as starvation and drug action. of extralysosomal activities during the 24-
From a technical point of view, these ob- hr cycle is not due to technical artifact. At
servations indicate lysosomes cannot be re- some circadian stages, even with improved
vealed by tracing just a single marker en- methods such as membrane techniques
zyme. Consequently, it seems appropriate generally considered capable of avoiding
to specify lysosomes according to the diffusion artifacts, the extralysosomal ac-
marker enzymes used for their recognition: tivities are more pronounced than those ob-
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 63

servable in classical tissue preparations in sacculi of smooth-surfaced membranes ar-

which enzyme activities are quenched by ranged in parallel, interconnecting with the
chemical fixation. Here, it should be stated ER.
that with respect to the concept of the cyto- The Golgi apparatus is involved in the
genesis of lysosomes, according to which production of secretions and in the cyto-
the enzymes are synthesized in the ER, genesis of lysosomes. In both cases its
such extralysosomal activities are to be ex- function consists of packaging products
pected; the periodic appearance of marked synthesized in the ER. For secretion these
RER-tubules (Uchiyama et al. 1981; see products usually are modified by the addi-
Fig. 13) found in our ultracytochemical tion of carbohydrates. In a glycoprotein-se-
study gives strong support for this concept. creting cell, for example, the protein por-
tion is synthesized in the RER and
Golg; Apparatus. By applying special subsequently transported to the Golgi appa-
fixation and staining methods, the Golgi ap- ratus; there the carbohydrate is synthesized
paratus can be visualized in light micro- and added to the protein. The complete gly-
scopy preparations. The Golgi apparatus ap- coprotein is then enveloped by a mem-
pears as a network of tubuli which is brane, sequestered from the Golgi appa-
especially well developed in secretory ratus, and transported to the cell surface in
cells. Electron microscopy has revealed the form of secretory granules.
that each cell possesses a Golgi apparatus Despite the many studies concerned with
composed of fiat, discoidal cisternae and function-related changes, only recent ob-

Fig. 13. Extralysosomal phospha-

tase activity as seen at the ultra-cyto-
chemical level. Next to the lysosomes
(L), reaction product is also localized
in the ground plasm and attached to
the ER. (From Uchiyama et al. 1981,
reproduced with permission.)
64 Heinz von Mayersbach

servations indicate that the Golgi apparatus these two sites, however, no clear circadian
is subjected to circadian variations. This variation in activities was observed.
was shown in an ultracytochemical study
on TPPase (thiamine pyrophosphatase) by Cell Membrane. The cytoplasm is bor-
Uchiyama et al. (1982). TPPase is regarded dered by a membrane (cell membrane or
as an exquisite marker enzyme for the plasma membrane, also known as the plas-
Golgi apparatus. Peaks of activity in rat he- malemma) which is visible only by electron
patocytes occurred at both daily transitions microscope. The cell border visible in light
from light to darkness and vice versa. At microscopy preparations of several cell
these times strong enzyme reactions were types actually is a rim of condensed cyto-
observed in almost all cisternae of ex- plasm, or exoplasm, underlying the cell
panded Golgi apparatus. During those time membranes which is involved in transport
spans corresponding to middark and processes. 5' -nucleotidase (5'adenosin-
midlight, TPPase activity was generally mono-phosphatase or AMP-A or Ee
lower and only a few, if any, of the lamellae is regarded as an exquisite marker
of the shrunken and round-shaped Golgi enzyme of plasma membranes, but confu-
complexes (Fig. 14) gave a positive reac- sion exists still about its reaction at other
tion. In the rat liver, TPPase also was cellular sites. AMP-A activity found in the
highly active in the walls of the bile canalic- nuclei, nucleoli, and lysosomes has fre-
uli and, to a lesser extent, in the ER. At quently been questioned. It is widely as-


Fig. 14. TPPase reaction in Golgi apparatus. A: large and expanded Golgi apparatus showing strong
TPPase activity at 2100. B: Golgi apparatus at 0500. Only a few spots of the reaction product are
found in a small number of lamellae by which the Golgi apparatus is not clearly marked. (From
Uchiyama et al. 1982.)
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 65

sumed that these sites of activity represent covered statistically significant circadian
artifacts caused either by inadequate tech- variations in the activities of the brush bor-
nique, nonspecific enzyme action, and/or der enzymes-alkaline phosphatase, amino
nonspecific absorption of lead ions used as peptidase, trehalase, and saccharase.
an indicator of the histochemical reaction These circadian variations were more pro-
for the detection of AMP-A. In a series of nounced in starved animals than in animals
studies primarily concerned with the histo- fed ad libitum. This observation is in ac-
chemical and biochemical technology of cordance with the results obtained by Malis
AMP-A estimation, prominent and system- et al. (1977), who investigated the rhyth-
atic circadian variations were found micity of several enzymes in the duode-
(Klaushofer et al. 1979; Klaushofer and von num, jejunum, and pancreas of the guinea
Mayersbach 1979; von Mayersbach and pig.
Klaushofer 1979). Quantitative radiochemi-
cal analysis revealed that (1) the AMP-A Paraplasm. The terms paraplasm or para-
activity of rat liver homogenates varies sig- plasmic structures refer to various kinds of
nificantly during the 24-hr period, with a nonliving substances stored in the cyto-
peak at 1300 and a nadir at 2200 for animals plasm. These substances either serve as en-
maintained on L(0600-1800):D(1800-0600); ergy sources, in the case of glycogen and
(2) AMP-A is consistently located in the fat, or they play a role in other more spe-
membranes of the bile canaliculi and in the cific biological functions as exemplified
blood vessels exhibiting circadian variation by melanin in the pigmented epithelium of
in activities; and (3) additional activity is the retina. The high-amplitude circadian
demonstrable in the nuclear membrane, nu- rhythm in livers of animals fed ad libitum,
cleoli, and lysosomes during the dark span first observed by Forsgren in 1928 using
(Fig. 15). chemical determinations and by Holmgren
Based on the tissue techniques applied in in 1936 using histological stainings, can be
these studies, it can be concluded that the regarded as the historical initiation of mod-
location of AMP-A activity at sites other em chronobiology. The circadian varia-
than the cell membrane is caused neither by tions of liver glycogen will be discussed ex-
enzyme displacement nor by the nonspe- tensively in the subsequent section.
cific absorption of lead ions. Since in addi-
tion the possible action of nonspecific phos- Functional Morphology
phatases on the substrate was excluded by In the previous section of this chapter, the
proof of specificity using inhibitors, the dif- specific functions of the various cell com-
ferent sites of AMP-A activity have to be ponents were outlined and evidence for cir-
considered as real and as an expression of cadian differences in their activities-as far
the circadian turnover of hepatocytes. as established-were reviewed. An econ-
omy of metabolic processes and the
Brush Border. Cells specialized for reab- achievement of optimal cellular function
sorption, such as the enterocytes of the in- can only be accomplished by a spatial ar-
testine, bear on their surface a brush border rangement of organelles and other compo-
consisting of cylindrical cytoplasmic pro- nents within the cell. Some intracellular or-
jections termed "microvilli," by which the ganizations are regarded as typical for a
surface area is greatly enlarged. The brush number of organ-specific cells, e.g., the ba-
border zone is the site where a variety of sal striation of the serous gland cell
enzymes involved in active transport are (parotid, pancreas), which is caused by the
found. Lojda et al. (1976) investigated the arrangement of its ergastoplasm. But it is
intestinal enzymes of guinea pigs at differ- also the experience of every histologist that
ent times over 24 hr using biochemical and the standard appearance of a certain cell
histochemical means (Fig. 16). They dis- type, as depicted in textbooks, cannot al-
66 Heinz von Mayersbach

Fig. 15. Circadian variations of AMP-A activity in the rat liver. During the light period (0700 and
1300), AMP-A activity appears only in the bile canaliculi (B) and walls of sinusoids (S). During the
dark span (2200 and 04(0), additional activities are found in the nuclear membrane and nucleoli
(arrows) and in the lysosomes (L) bordering the bile canaliculi. (From von Mayersbach and Klausho-
fer 1979.)
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 67

Duodenum Jejunum Ileum
P<0,02 I
r-- -,
E I P<0,05


6 12 18 24 6121824 6 12 18 24h

Duodenum Jejunum Ileum
0,10 I

Fig. 16. Circadian variations of

0,05 enzyme activities in guinea pig in-
testinal mucosa. The bars repre-
sent the histophotometric evalua-
tion of histochemical reactions of
the brush border zone. (Repro-
duced by courtesy of Prof. Lojda,
6121824 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 h Prague.)

ways be achieved, Pitfalls in attaining such within the cell at the same time and place.
are ascribed either to technical failures, Therefore, it seems likely that alternating
postmortal changes, interindividual vari- qualitative, quantitative, and spatial rear-
ances, or species-specific and sexual differ- rangements of the organelles must take
ences. place in a fixed temporal sequence in order
Since many incompatible biochemical to cope with the necessary complex meta-
processes are involved in cellular energy bolic demands of life.
metabolism (Selkov 1979), it might be antic- In fact, circadian rearrangements of the
ipated that not all of them can be executed cellular inventory have been found and ap-
68 Heinz von Mayersbach

pear to be correlated with circadian varia- developed RER representing the classical
tions in cellular functions, thus supporting basal ergastoplasmic configuration (Fig.
and satisfying the aforementioned theoreti- 17). The nuclei are large and contain a big
cal considerations and premises. More- nucleolus; the Golgi apparatus is expanded;
over, the extent of the observed cytological there are only a few secretory granules in
variations documented over 24 hr not only the cytoplasm. Shortly before the noctur-
explains the discrepancies between findings nally active rats become active and com-
sometimes reported in nonchronobiologic mence feeding, around 1800, a radically dif-
studies, but indicates that the "ideal" ap- ferent picture is exhibited. The ER is
pearance of several cell types as given in condensed to a small basal rim, the nuclei
textbooks represents only a characteristic are small and almost pycnotic, the nucleoli
state of a certain circadian phase-obvi- are hardly visible, the Golgi apparatus are
ously that observed during the usual work condensed, and the cytoplasm is stuffed
hours of investigators in laboratories during with big secretory granules and large fusing
which materials are harvested for investiga- secretory vacuoles.
tion. Using morphometric methods, MOller et
The consecutive phases of synthesis, al. (1977) demonstrated circadian variations
storage, utilization, and depletion in the ac- in the cell organelles of the exocrine pan-
inar cells of the submandibular gland of rats creas. Differences in secretory states are
were demonstrated by Albegger et al. well-known. Early histologists described
(1973) and Albegger and MOller (1973a,b). phases of production and rest in secretory
At the beginning of the rat's resting phase cells with which they correlated changes in
(about 0600), the acinar cells exhibit a well- the Golgi apparatus . Definitely new, how-

06.00 18.00

Fig. 17. Circadian variations in the submandibular gland of rats. In the morning, after the feeding
span of the rats, this salivary gland exhibits the classic feature of serous gland acini exemplified by a
strong ergastoplasm localized in the basal parts of the cell (left). Actually, these cells are exhausted by
depletion of their secretory products utilized for fermentation of food stuffs. At the onset of the
feeding span (evening, right), the cells are packed with secretory granules, some confluing to big
secretory vacuoles. In this manner, the cells show similarities with mucous glands. The nuclei are
condensed and pycnotic-like; the ER is reduced to a small rim at the base of the cells (semi-thin
sections stained with toluidine blue in the original). (Reproduced by courtesy of Doz. Dr. K. Albeg-
ger, Salzburg.)
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 69

ever, is the knowledge that in the whole bile canaliculi appear narrow, and their
organ this turnover proceeds in a perfectly ATPase activity is relatively low. This cel-
synchronized, circadian manner. Recently, lular arrangement is in great contrast with
it was shown that this type of functional the cellular appearance exhibited at the
temporal order is valid also for the endo- time of the glycogen minimum which oc-
crine pancreas. Thus, Polak et al. (1975) ob- curs at the end of the light and the begin-
served with immunohistochemical methods ning of the dark span. Only a very few gly-
a statistically significant circadian rhyth- cogen granules of low molecular weight,
micity of insulin and glucagon content, re- mainly f3-granules, can be seen. The stacks
spectively, in the f3- and a-cells of the islets of the RER have almost disappeared, but
of Langerhans. single tubules of RER enwrap the mito-
Such successive on-off states of activity chondria. The SER and the Golgi apparatus
and rest in monofunctional cells seem quite are very clearly visible at this time. The bile
feasible. Theoretically, it is conceivable canaliculi are wide with short microvilli and
that a structural reorganization of multi- exhibit high ATPase activity. Quantitative
functional cells is necessary to cope with measurements of the albumin content by ra-
different metabolic tasks. A state of func- dial immunodiffusion (von Mayersbach
tional activity for one particular process at 1978) demonstrate that the maximal al-
one circadian stage coincides with a state of bumin content coincides with the just de-
functional rest for another process at the fined morphologic state hitherto not de-
same time and vice versa. This hypothesis scribed in the literature. Even during this
is supported by the observed circadian fluc- stage some stacks of RER are present. The
tuations of glycogen and albumin metabo- complete disappearance of the RER stacks
lism in the liver, fluctuations which are cor- occurs only when the circadian trough of
related with ultramorphologic changes of the glycogen content rhythm is very low
enzymes involved in glycogen synthesis (0.8 mg/l00 mg liver wet weight). Uchi-
and degradation. In elaborate studies, Mul- yama and von Mayersbach (1981) reported
ler et al. (1966) and Muller (1970, 1971a-c) that the ER stacks do not disappear com-
investigated the circadian changes of the pletely unless the lowest glycogen content
electron microscopic structure and histo- recorded during the 24-hour period is below
chemistry of hepatocytes as well as the ef- an average minimum level of 2.2 mg/IOO mg
fects of experimental challenges such as liver wet weight.
starvation and phenobarbital intoxication These ultramorphologic changes which
over a 24-hr period. It was found that the are easily visible are not only accompanied
hepatocytes of rats undergo successive by circadian changes in liver glycogen con-
changes between two extremes of cytologi- tent; they also are paralleled by circadian
cal organization during each 24 hr. These variations in the activity of certain en-
are shown in Figs. 18 and 19. At the time of zymes-glycogen synthetase and phos-
high glycogen content, which coincides in phorylase (MUller and Preuss 1976; Preuss
time with the interval between the end of 1977) as well as glucose-6-phosphatase
the dark span until the first third of the light (MUller 1971b). The histochemical analysis
span for animals kept in L(0600-1800): of these components reveals that the pe-
D(1800-0600), the hepatocytes exhibit riphery of the liver lobules is the main site
a structural organization stereotypically de- of glycogen turnover, whereas the central
picted as typical for the liver cell in all text- portions remain relatively stable.
books and electron microscopy atlases. MUller (1971c) observed that these typi-
That is, the rough endoplasmic reticulum cal morphologic changes continue even
(RER) forms stacks of tubules which are during prolonged (5-day) starvation. Under
arranged in parallel and are rich in ribo- such experimental conditions, glycogen
somes, and which exhibit G6P activity. The rhythmicity persists although at a very low
70 Heinz von Mayersbach

Fig. IS. Electron microscopic

view of hepatocytes. A: At the
time of high glycogen content
(0700) typical stacks ofRER tu-
bules are seen arranged in par-
allel. B: At the time of the gly-
cogen minimum (1900) the RER
stacks have almost disappeared
and each single mitochondrium
is enwrapped by a RER tubule.
(From Uchiyama and von May-
ersbach 1981.) B
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 71


Resting Pe riod

0600 1800


Fig. 19. Schematic illustration of the cytological reorganization and the accompanying functional
changes in multifunctional cells in the liver of the rat. At the end of the activity period (onset oflight),
the liver cells contain their highest content of glycogen (heavy dark dots). The rough endoplasmic
reticulum (RER) forms stacks of tubules arranged in parallel which are rich in ribosomes and exhibit
strong G6P activity. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (GER) is hardly visible. The bile canaliculi are
narrow and their ATPase activity is relatively low. At the end of the resting period (onset of darkness)
few glucogen granules are apparent. The stacks of RER have disappeared; their tubules now enwrap
mitochondria. GER and Goigi apparatus (Go) become clearly visible. The bile canaliculi (Gk) are very
wide and exhibit strong ATPase activity. At this time the albumin level in the liver is at its highest.
These circadian features are not a direct consequence offood intake; they appear after deprivation of
food for 4 days while also the glycogen circadian rhythm persists although with a reduced mesor.
(Redrawn from electron microscopic investigations of Muller 1971c.)

level, as shown with chemical-quantitative continuous sleep for 3 months, during

methods (Holmgren 1938; Haus and which the body temperature declined to be-
Halberg 1966; Muller 1971c). Chiakulas and tween 3 and 6C. The circadian activities
Scheving (1965) demonstrated persistence of acid and alkaline phosphatase, nonspe-
of the glycogen circadian rhythm in the cific esterase, SDH, and cytochrome-c-oxi-
liver of salamanders after 1 month of dase in the epithelium of the duodenum var-
continuous food deprivation. This observa- ied almost in the same manner as that seen
tion was confirmed by Sauerbier and VOn in non-hibernating dormice. Only mean (24-
Mayersbach (1976) On the long-term "natu- hr) level differences were found. The activ-
ral" starvation of hibernating dormice (Glis ity of the hydro lases was higher in nonhi-
glis) restricted from food by their natural bernating animals, while that of the
72 Heinz von Mayersbach

dehydrogenases was much higher in hiber-

nating animals not having consumed food
for three months. 90
Circadian rearrangement of the cellular Phenobarbilal
inventory assures a sequence of cellular 80
compartmentalizations so that incompati- 70
ble processes involved with complex meta-
bolic activities can occur within a single 60 . - '.
/ /
cell. In addition, the temporal organization 50
I .
\ .'
of metabolic processes makes understand- AntimYCin A I / \
1.01 mg/kg \ I
able the observation that an appropriate 40 v
cellular response to an external stimulus I
30 f
can only be exerted during a defined span of I
the circadian system. This is underlined 20 f
by experiments showing that circadian I
changes in responsiveness do not only oc- 10 I
cur in an entire organism, with its complex 0
capacity for systemic regulation, but also in 07 10 13 16 19 22 01 04 07 10
isolated organs. Rebolledo and Gagliardino Time
(1971b) and Gagliardino and Rebolledo
(1972) studied the response of isolated mus- Fig. 20. Circadian variation of mortality rates
cle of the diaphragm to an in vitro applica- of animal groups at different times following sin-
tion of insulin by measuring the 14C-Ieucine gle treatments with certain poisons in fixed
incorporation into the protein. The incorpo- doses. (From von Mayersbach 1978.)

C=:J Death ratio

_ Lethal effect [100: Survival time (min)]

100.-------- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- ---------- -- - - -1


Fig. 21. Seasonal modifica-

tion of the 24-hr mean mortal-
ity and of the lethal effect due
to the intraperitoneal applica-
tion of identical doses of E 600
(paraoxon) in a dosage of 1.25
mg/kg. (From von Mayersbach p (F)I <o,Ol l _ _ _ _ _ _~~1
1978.) ~
3: An Overview of the Chronobiology of Cellular Morphology 73

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tion (M.D.-Thesis). Hannover: Medizinische
the medium. Significant circadian fluctua-
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Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation
Implications for Cancer Chemotherapy
L. E. Scheving, J. E. Pauly, T. H. Tsai, and L. A. Scheving

Traditionally, cell proliferation within implications. In spite of this evidence,

mammalian tissues has been assumed to be some investigators continue to underesti-
asynchronous or random. Numerous inves- mate the importance of rhythmicity (Sch-
tigators who have studied this phenomenon eving 1981; Scheving and Pauly 1974). Cir-
have ignored the potential importance of cadian variation in cell proliferation in a
temporal, particularly circadian, variation. number of tissues has been reviewed earlier
Within the last 20 years, however, rhythmic (Scheving and Pauly 1973). The objective of
change in cell proliferation has been incon- this chapter is to consider more recent
trovertibly demonstrated in a variety of tis- work and to demonstrate how an apprecia-
sues and organs. In fetal and neonatal tis- tion of such rhythms is advantageous in ba-
sues, such variation appears to be primarily sic research on growth and treatment of
ultradian (Goodrum et al. 1974), whereas in growth-related disorders, including cancer
adult tissues it also has a strong circadian chemotherapy.
component for both the S and the M phases
of the cell cycle (Scheving and Pauly 1967).
Furthermore, the proliferative response of Circadian Rhythms in Cell
cells to chemical, environmental, and hor- Proliferation and Analysis of Data
monal stimuli also has been shown to be
rhythmic, and this has important clinical
for Rhythms in the Mitotic Index
in Rodents
Professor Dr. Heinz von Mayersbach was a dear All normal tissues examined to date in adult
friend of all four of the authors. Many of the ideas
expressed in this chapter were discussed often with mammals have been shown to undergo cir-
him, especially while the senior author, as a 1973 Alex- cadian variation when either the DNA syn-
ander von Humboldt awardee, was a guest in his labo- thesis (S) phase of the cell cycle or the mi-
ratory for several months. The last author, as a fledg-
ling scientist, also received much encouragement and totic index (M) is monitored along the 24-hr
advice from Professor von Mayersbach while re- scale. Several examples of rhythms are ex-
searching epidermal growth factor, insulin, and gluca- hibited in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1 illustrates
gon, of which some of the results are discussed herein.
This chapter is especially dedicated to Heinz von chronograms of rhythms in the mitotic indi-
Mayersbach. ces of the epithelia of the tongue and duo-
80 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

Acrophose i1l ~ SE
-),96 0 (-187 to -206)
-156 (-161 to -171)


~ 10
Fig. 1. Chronograms illustrat-
ing the mitotic indices of the
same animals in the duodenum
(Scheving et aI. 1972) and in the
tongue (Gasser et aI. 1972b) of
the Sprague-Dawley rat. The
rhythm in the tongue has a rela- 5
tively high amplitude (A),
whereas that of the duodenum is
of lower A. The rhythmometric
summary presented in this and
other figures is explained in the
text. The abscissa shows the LD
cycle to which the animals had
been standardized for at least 2 o~==~==~==~
1400 1800
00 00
weeks prior to the experiment
with L(06oo to 1800). Clock Hours

denum. The mitotic index in the epithelium ure 2 presents the rhythmic pattern of the
of the tongue has a high-amplitude rhythm, mitotic index in five different tissues for the
frequently dropping to a very low level at same animals.
one circadian stage. On the other hand, the As stated in Chap. 2, when dealing with
time-series mean (mesor) of the mitotic in- rhythmic time-series data, it is advanta-
dex in the duodenum stays rather high geous to quantify these objectively rather
throughout the 24-hr span, but the ampli- than simply "eye-ball" them from chrono-
tude of the rhythm remains rather low. Fig- grams. A number of methods are available
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 81

Rhylhmometrlc Summary
D Mesor!SE Amplllude!SE Acrophase!ll! CI
....... TonQue <.001 9.1<0.2 5.2'0.2 -156 (-161 10 -171'
......--c> Duodenum <.001 18.5'0.2 2.8'0.2 -196 (-187 10 -206)
~~41 Ameloblast s <.01 0.8'0.2 -125(-103.10 -147)
.....-- Epidermis <.01 3.1! 0.2 1.2'0.3 -82" (-50 10 -115)
........... Cornea <.01 11.0'0.4 5.2< 0.6 -134 (-128 10 -140)
"05;7/8/65 Fig. 2_ A composite of chron-
ograms illustrating the mitotic
indices in five different tissues,
all from the same animals. The
duodenum and tongue data are
Vi" 20 reproduced from Fig. 1. Data
u for the cornea, epidermis, and
0 the ameloblasts were previ-
0 ously published by Scheving
15 and Pauly (1967), Scheving and
If) Pauly (1977), and Gasser et
.E al. (1972a) , respectively. The
] trough levels in all tissues occur
Q) between 1800 and 2200, when
"E lights were on from 0600 to
u 1800 and off from 1800 to 0600.
:g It should be kept in mind that
~ evaluations of the mitotic indi-
ces were made by five different
technicians. The ameloblasts
have the lowest amplitude
rhythm, with rhythmicity sta-
14 00 18 00 22 00 tistically documented by Cos-
Clock Hours inor and variance analysis.

(Scheving 1980a). The one used most fre- comparison. The number of animals (N) for
quently in analyzing data considered in this each time point ranged from 7 to 14, with
paper is that described in Chap. 2, the so- the majority of studies having an N of 8 per
called "Cosinor" (Halberg et al. 1972). Us- time point. Also shown just above the hori-
ing the Cosinor, it is evident from Fig. 1 zontal scale is the typical daily motor activ-
that with regard to the mitotic index of the ity of the animals based on noises emanat-
rat the acrophase of the duodenum oc- ing from the colony. For a complete
curred about 2 hr 40 min later than that of description of the method of animal stan-
the tongue, the mesor was about twice as dardization, determination of motor activ-
high in the duodenum as in the tongue, and ity, and evaluation of the mitotic index, see
the amplitude was about two times greater Scheving and Pauly (1967). The chrono-
for the tongue than for the duodenum. gram on the right represents the summary
Time-series data are often presented in of all eight studies expressed as absolute
several different ways. Figure 3 illustrates values (SE). Note the mitotic index drops
three different techniques of showing time- to zero or almost zero at certain circadian
series data, all of which shall be used in this stages. The rhythmometric summary is
chapter. On the left are conventional chron- shown above. The polar plot on the bottom
ograms illustrating the circadian variation is another way of displaying the data ob-
found, on eight different dates, in the mi- tained by a fit of eight sets of time series to
totic index of the corneal epithelium of the a 24-hr cosine curve. A 24-hr duration is
rat. The data are expressed as percent simply equated to a 3600 circle. The ampli-
change from the 24-hr mean to facilitate tude, shown as a directed line from the cen-
07-06-65 10 .001 .09 14.9 .6 9.81 .09 -138 (-128 TO -149)
240 09-14-65 14 .001 .10 12.4 .6 7.72 .10 -119 H08 TO -131)
10-22-65 .001 .15 11.6 .6 5.64 .15 -179 (-161 TO -197>
11-01-68 .010 .25 7.5 .7 3.79 .25 -140 (-lll TO -168)
200 05-02-69 .001 .12 7.4 .5 5.58 .12 -125 (-110 TO -140)
06-12-69 .001 .13 9.1 .8 7.61 .13 -135 (-119 TO -151)
07-08-69 .020 .27 8.5 1.6 7.96 .27 -120 (- 89 TO -151)
10-03-69 .001 .09 10.4 .5 7.57 .09 -155 (-146 TO -166)
Ol corneal epithelium
120 reproducibility 10/22/65 summary of the 8 studies with S.E.
,;. 7/ 8/69
'"'0 11/ 1/68
10/ 3/69

80 5/ 2/69
~ 6/12/69
Cl 9/14/69 22
c: 7/ 6/65 ~
0 40 Qi
n; 18
~ ~

0 Ol

~ I 14
.'2 -40
E '2 10

-80 E
6 .
daily motor
activity of colony

06.00 14.00 22.00 06.00 06.00 14.00 22.00 0600

time of day (CST) time of day (CST)

rat cornea


mitoses/1000 cells





.. "

0= ~-

no. of series in set = 9.
set acrophase (0.95CI) = 136" (-119". -157").
set amplitude (0.95CI) = 6.82 (4.81. 8.83).
set mesor (0.95CI) = 10.56 (5.47. 15.66).
CI, confidence interval.
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 83

ter to the point on the periphery represent- Our results in general indicate that the
ing the time from midnight to the computed means and amplitudes of rhythms for differ-
time of the acrophase (in this case -1360 or ent tissues show considerable variation.
0904 CST), is 6.8 with confidence limits It is readily apparent that large variation
from 4.8 to 8.8 mitoses per 1000 cells exists in the mesor and amplitudes of mi-
counted. The mesor and confidence limits totic rhythms between tissues of various or-
(CI) are 10.5 (CI = 5.4-15.6) mitoses per gans and/or sites within the same organ.
1000 cells counted. The fit was highly statis- For example, in one study using adult male
tically significant with P < 0.01. The 95% mice, the data for DNA synthesis in the
confidence ellipse constructed by a com- digestive tract were analyzed by the Co-
puter is centered on the end of the vector. If sinor method. The mesor was lowest in the
the ellipse were to cover the center of the tongue, 1.3 times greater in the esophagus,
circle (usually called the pole), the fit would 2.8 times greater in the nonglandular stom-
not be considered significant for a given ach and rectum, 3.7 times greater in the
level of statistical confidence. Note that the proximal colon, 4.0 times greater in the du-
synchronizer schedule indicates the dark odenum and ileum, 4.5 times greater in the
span occurred between 1800 and 0600, glandular stomach and jejunum, and 5.3
CST. Whenever mention is made of a me- times greater in the caecum. Although varia-
sor or acrophase, it implies the analysis was tion may be found from one study to an-
done by Cosinor. For a complete descrip- other, we believe, based on the data from a
tion of this method refer to Chap. 2 and/or number of studies, that the comparative fig-
Halberg et at. (1972). ures given above for the different regions of
the gut are indicative of a typical pattern in
mice standardized to 12 hr of light alternat-
Rhythms in DNA Synthesis in ing with 12 hr of darkness.
Our results reveal that the DNA synthe-
Animals: Variation in Mesor, sis rhythm in the duodenum has the lowest
Amplitude, Phase, and Waveform amplitude in the gut, but still it is clearly
The mesors and amplitudes of the cell pro- rhythmic. Figure 5 summarizes six different
liferation rhythms in the intact animal vary studies done by us; the range of change
regionally, i.e., between organs; between along the 24-hr scale for the duodenum,
tissues of a single organ; and finally, be- from one study to another, usually falls be-
cause of mitotic nesting (Scheving 1959; tween 30 and 50%. Recognition that this tis-
Bums et at. 1973) and stem cells, between sue has a low-amplitude rhythm is impor-
the cells of a given tissue. We have studied tant since many studies on basic cell
extensively the DNA synthesis rhythms in kinetics have used this rather atypical re-
many different organs, including the diges- gion of the digestive tract (Scheving et at.
tive tract. Circadian rhythms in several dif- 1977a,b).
ferent regions of the digestive tract are il- Proximal and distal to the duodenum the
lustrated in Fig. 4 (Scheving et al. 1978). amplitude of DNA synthesis rhythms in

Fig. 3. In the middle on the left is a conventional chronogram showing the circadian variation in the
mitotic index of the epithelium of the rat cornea on eight different dates. Also shown is the daily
motor activity of the colony based on noises emanating from it. The chronogram to the right repre-
sents the summary of all 8 studies expressed as absolute values S.E. The dates of study and the
number of animals used are given in the first two columns of the rhythmometric summary displayed
above the chronograms. The data are expressed as percent change from the 24-hr mean to facilitate
comparison. The polar plot (bottom) is a display of the data obtained by a fit of the 8 sets of time-
series data (shown in the tabular rhythmometric summary) to a 24-hr cosine curve; the technique is
described in Chap. 2.
84 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving



55 230

)1 SE of mean

4 170



('gOO 2000
0800 2000 0800
0800 2000 0800 2000 oeOO



170 17

110 110

50 50

J,o A I I
0800 0800

Fig. 4. Chronograms illustrating the rhythmic patterns of 3H-thymidine, PH]TdR, incorporation
into DNA over a 48-hr span in 5 different regions of the alimentary canal of male CD2F 1 mice. The
abscissa represents the LD cycle to which the mice were standardized: L(0600-1800). The lowest
amplitude rhythm was found in the duodenum. (Reproduced from Scheving et al. 1978.)
.....~.~i ...... 2/28174 CDF,d' NON5
D 8/4175 CDF, d' No-8
EAN 5116174 CDF, "No'O
200 '.
~"""S'E' 0--12I221758DF,gNo"7
0------- 4/5174 CDF, cl'N-NI3
5/16/74 CDF, cl'NONI3

"!\. . .
175 6 STUDIES-N=248
\. !"
i Z 15
! <C
! W
~ 10
<C N I
o '0 +5 J
-?fi .
a.. 125 W .
U (!l
~ 100 !:
I f
u ~
> -5
100 t..>..i
a: I "iBff
I/ i
I :
r. ."Ill!
I :
I :

20LI~____~__~~__. .__~____. . . _~~~~__~~~~__~~~~_
oso. 12 00 160 20" 00.0 04. 080 12 0 16 0 20.0 00" 04 0 oso. 12 0 Ie 2b oboe OlD. n
TIME (clock hours) TIME (clock hours) TIME (clock hour)

Fig. 5. A composite of chronograms for DNA synthesis in the duodenum of mice based on PH]TdR incorporation into DNA. Tissues were obtained ~
from control animals used in a variety of different experiments in our laboratory on different dates. Although the study was not designed to test for ~
this, there clearly was a high degree of reproducibility in the phasing of the different rhythms. The mesors varied greatly as did the amplitude (A), and ~.
these can be explained. The point to emphasize is that although the A may be small, there is a clear-cut rhythm in DNA synthesis in the duodenum.
For the sake of clarity, standard errors are shown only for the high and low points for each chronogram. In general, from one study to another, the
trough is the most fixed phase of a rhythm; this is clearly evident in this series of data. (Reproduced from Scheving et al. 1977a.) 00
86 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

the digestive tract gradually increases, be- including the cornea (Bertalanffy and Lau
ing greatest in the oral and anal ends where 1962a) and the digestive tract (Bertalanffy
the mesor of DNA synthesis is the lowest. 1960), have been discussed by us (Scheving
This variation in amplitude could reflect ei- et al. 1972). The point to be made is that
ther regional difference in mucosal extent these investigators are still being widely
and cell composition or circadian variation cited without mention of the evidence to
in the distribution of positive or negative the contrary that certain tissues are devoid
growth-controlling signals. of rhythms. Moreover, in standardized,
The tissues having the greatest ampli- randomly selected rodents one would ex-
tude DNA synthesis rhythms in the diges- pect the mesor and perhaps even the ampli-
tive tract, namely the tongue, esophagus, tude of the DNA synthesis rhythm in the
stomach, colon, and rectum-not necessar- ovary and uterine epithelium to vary as a
ily tissues having the highest levels of DNA function of the estrous cycle since weekly,
synthesis-are also the ones most prone to monthly, and annual cycles can modulate
cancer. The significance of this observation circadian rhythms (see Chap. 6).
has not yet been determined. Interestingly, In addition to variation in the mesor and
these tissues also exhibit the greatest and amplitUde of circadian cell rhythms, varia-
most consistent growth response to epider- tion in the phasing of DNA synthesis
mal growth factor (EGF) , a polypeptide iso-
lated from the submandibular salivary ....... Mitotic index-mouse cornea

gland, which we believe plays an important SO 0-0 'H-TdR incorporotlon into DNA
of mouse ovary
positive role in the control of growth in the
digestive tract (Scheving, L. A., et al. 1979, 60
1980). The role EGF may play in cell prolif-
eration is further discussed below. cc
Variation in amplitude also occurs in CII 40
nondigestive-tract tissues. The corneal epi- ...
thelium and the ovary (Fig. 6) exhibit high-
and low-amplitude rhythms, respectively, N 20
in cell proliferation (Scheving 1981). As ~
mentioned above, evidence of DNA syn-
thesis and mitotic figures in the corneal epi- C>
thelium may be virtually absent at certain e::(
times of the day (at certain circadian U
stages), but then may increase as much as IJJ
20-fold over a 24-hr span. In the ovary, 2:
the amplitude of the DNA synthesis rhythm e::(
is low as is the mesor. IJJ
The mitotic index in the uterine epithe-
lium of the rat was reported to be devoid of -60
circadian rhythmicity by Bertalanffy and
Lau (1963). Krueger et al. (1975), however,
demonstrated clearly that the mitotic index -so
in this same tissue was characterized by a
very high-amplitude rhythm; the variation os 14 20 02 OS

between the lowest and highest recorded Fig. 6. Chronograms illustrating mitotic-index
means along the 24-hr scale represented a rhythms in corneal epithelium of mice and in the
1100% change. Reasons why Bertalanffy incorporation of PH]TdR into DNA in the ovary
and associates frequently reported the ab- of the same mice. (Reproduced from Scheving
sence of rhythms in many normal tissues, 1981.)
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 87

180 360
~~~----------~7n7n~ 8
Tongue 379 2B

Esophagus 337 40

Stomach 77

Epididymis 143

Testis 312

Liver 75 61 Fig. 7. An acrophase map, approxi-

Colon 123 47 mating the peak of the circadian cycle
in either the incorporation of PH]TdR
into DNA or in the mitotic index of the
Jejunum 51 40
corneal epithelium of mice. The
Duodenum acrophase (cf is represented by a dot

- or triangle, and the bars extending out

Ileum 40

Bladder 322 from the dots or triangles represent the

Thymus --fr---- B7 95% confidence limits. The shaded por-
Bone Marrow 117
tion represents the 12-hr D phase of the
environmental LD cycle. The range of
Spleen 300 96
change reflects the difference between
MITOSIS the lowest and highest time-point
Cornea 945 542 means, with the lowest mean equal to
100%; values were rounded to the near-
00 00 060 12 18 24
3/1917B n0 7
est integer. (Reproduced from Schev-
8 5/B177 noB ing 1981.)

rhythms also is known. The acrophase map gions between the stomach and anus. This
illustrated in Fig. 7 (Scheving 1981) shows suggests that the cells dividing in the
the phasing for 10 different tissues studied tongue, esophagus, stomach, and rectum
in one investigation (6/8/77) and for 13 tis- progress through the cell cycle with a
sues from a later investigation (3/19/78). greater degree of synchrony than do those
Unfortunately not all tissues could be com- in the small intestine, caecum and colon.
pared for reproducibility; however, it The technique of whole-organ analysis of
should be pointed out that neither study DNA synthesis, however, may not give the
was designed initially to test for reproduc- best resolution of the inherent rhythmicity
ibility. Perhaps the differences observed in cell proliferation within an organ, be-
between studies on the same tissue reflect cause it fails to discriminate between the
weekly, monthly, or seasonal changes (von rhythmic tendencies of regionally or func-
Mayersbach 1967) or even the age of the tionally different subpopulations of cells. In
mice. It is of interest that all sets of data other words, a multiphasic rhythm may
shown in Fig. 7 demonstrate a statistically represent monophasic rhythms of several
significant fit to a 24-hr cosine curve. different subpopulations of cells combined.
The study of rhythms in cells also re-
veals vanatlOn in the waveform of
rhythms. In the digestive tract, the DNA
Synchronization of Circadian
synthesis rhythm tends, from one study to Rhythms in Cell Proliferation
another, to be strongly monophasic in the Both the light-dark (LD) cycle and meal
oral, esophageal, stomach, and anal re- timing have been shown to influence, and
gions. Yet it occasionally is irregularly even to synchronize, circadian rhythms in
monophasic or even multiphasic in the re- cell proliferation. However, the effect of ei-
88 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

ther potential synchronizer on different or- peak occurs at or shortly after the transition
gans and tissues varies. We shall first con- from D to L (Fig. 8). The strong sychroniz-
sider the synchronizing effect of the LD ing effect of the LD cycle on this rhythm
cycle with emphasis on the mitotic index of becomes evident when the LD cycle is in-
the corneal epithelium of the rodent. verted 1800 (12 hr). The rhythm of the mi-
totic index becomes completely phase-
shifted within a week and remains so (at
Effect of the LD Regime on least until the 12th day). The profile of the
Cell-Proliferation Rhythms rhythm in plasma corticosterone measured
In female rats standardized to a LD 12: 12 in the same rats is also shown on the bot-
cycle, with food available ad libitum, the tom in Fig. 8; it also becomes inverted com-
trough of the mitotic index rhythm in pletely within the 7-day span (Scheving and
the corneal epithelium occurs shortly after Pauly 1974). It should be realized that not
the time of transition from L to D, while the all rhythmic variables phase shift this rap-



~, /
Fig. 8. In each of these two groups
of chronograms, the curves identi- Female Rats
fied as LD (7/16/70) illustrate the 0~~~~. .~~==r=~~~~~=4
typical rhythmic pattern for the mi- 0600 1000 1400 1800 2200 0200 0600 1000 1400 IBOO 2200 0200 0600 1000
Time of Day (CST)
totic index (upper chronogram,
dashed line) and for serum cortico-
sterone (lower chronogram, solid 60~. . . . . .c=====~mopumomc==~

line) in the rat. Note the inverse re-

lationship between the two vari-
ables. The curves identified as DL
(7/25/70) represent the pattern seen
for both variables 7 days after rever-
sal of the LD cycle. Note the com-
plete shift in phasing for both vari-
ables and again the same inverse
relationship between the two vari-
ables. The curves labeled DL (8/1/
70) represent the 12th day after the
reversal of the LD cycle, indicating
that the reversed rhythm for both
variables is "locked in" to the LD 10
cycle. In all cases N = 5. (Repro-
duced from Scheving and Pauly oaK) 1000 1400 IMlO 2200 0200 0600 1000 1400 IBOO 2200 0200
1973 and Scheving et al. 1974b.) Time of Day (CST)
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 89

......... 3HTdR incorporation into mouse liver DNA

0- -0 Mouse liver parenchyma mitotic Index

1 \ SE of mean

\ ~mean
15 \
7 \
\ Fig. 9. Comparison of the phasing of the
\ rhythm in mitotic index of mouse liver
\ parenchyma with that in DNA synthesis
\ based on the labeling index of the parenchy-
5 10 \ mal cells subsequent to incorporation of
\ PH]TdR into DNA. Cell proliferation had
\ been stimulated by the presence of an 8-
\ day-old Ehrlich ascites tumor in the abdom-
inal cavity. The liver itself was not yet in-
'\ I vaded by the tumor cells. The curves,
''\,.. _ ............. .J which represent M and S phases of the cell
cycle, are not separated by 12 hr as has
been previously reported. (Reproduced
from Scheving et al. 1977b.)

idly; some have been shown to require at standardized to LD 12: 12, during the latter
least three weeks. The incorporation of part of the D phase or even at the very be-
tritiated thymidine, [3H]TdR, into DNA in ginning of the L phase (Scheving and Pauly
the spleen is one good example of a rhythm 1967). This observation has significance be-
that does not completely invert within 7 cause in the intact animal there are spans of
days when mice are subjected to a change time when the troughs of both the Sand M
in the LD cycle; three weeks seems to be a stages of the cell cycle are occurring and
sufficient span. other spans when the peaks (or even other
n has been reported, based primarily on phases of their rhythms) can be predicted.
data extrapolated from in vitro studies, that This pattern of phasing also has been found
the duration of DNA synthesis in the epi- for the corneal epithelium (Chumak 1963),
thelial cells of the cornea is about 10 hr, and duodenum (Sigdestad et al. 1969; Scheving
that the peak of synthesis occurs about 10 et al. 1972), intact adult liver (Scheving et
hr prior to the peak of the mitotic index al. 1977b), and the epidermis of mice (Tver-
rhythm. However, data obtained by us as myr 1969). Using the flow microfluorome-
well as others simply do not support this tric technique, Rubin (1981) has also shown
view. The phasings of the DNA synthesis a similar phenomenon in the epithelium of
rhythm (S) and the mitotic index rhythm the mouse tongue. Figure 9 compares the
(M) are separated by a few hours, at most. phasing of the rhythm in DNA synthesis
Both rhythms usually peak, in animals with that in the mitotic index of the liver in
90 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

Key tor scales:

~...J ~ ~ ~
2: a... a:: 0 C)

340 115 130 175200

I i!, & ,
180 105 110 125 13.1

100 100 100 100 00

Fig. 10. From these data it appears that
20 95 90 75 67
there is a considerable interval of time
between the synthesis of RNA and DNA SO 80 50 13

and mitosis in the regenerating liver of 8570250

mice (Barnum et al. 1957). Of course in 110 _ _ _ - ......

our liver model (Fig. 9), cells were stim- Liver weight 100 "" /' " /
SO _./ '-../
ulated to proliferate by a different
method. *RSA = relative specific activ- lighting """""""Iightrm;!-dark_
ity. (For further details see above refer- 06.00 18.00 06.00 18.D0
ence and Halberg 1959.) Time(clock hours)

mice bearing a tumor. Those results might Circadian Rhythms in Cell

seem to differ from those first reported by Proliferation in the Absence
Barnum et al. (1957) for the immature of the LD Cycle
mouse liver for which the peaks in DNA
synthesis and the mitotic index were sepa- When rodents are placed in either DD or
rated by many hours, as shown in Fig. 10 LL, they no longer are subjected to the nor-
(Halberg 1959; Nash and Echave Llanos mal synchronizing effect that the LD cycle
1971); it should be emphasized that the sys- has on cell-proliferation rhythms. In the
tems studied were different. corneas of animals subjected to DD or to
A possible explanation for the smaller blindness, the colony rhythm in the mitotic
than might be expected difference in phas- index persists, but a change in phasing is
ing between the mitotic index and the DNA evident (Fig. 11). Continuous light (LL) in
synthesis rhythms is that these represent contrast has a more drastic effect on the
two different populations of cells. The colony rhythm in this organ, evident by a
wave of synthesis for today may reflect the reduction or flattening of the amplitude of
wave of mitoses on the following day. It the rhythm (Fig. 12).
also is possible that G2 may be of very short It is not known why LL has such an ef-
duration, thus permitting rapid conversion fect (Scheving et al. 1974d; Scheving 1976;
from S to M (Burns and Scheving 1975; Scheving and Pauly 1977). On the one
Scheving and Burns 1977). [For further hand, the apparent loss of a rhythm may
consideration of the phasing and duration reflect depression of the sympathetic ner-
of the synthesis and mitosis stages of the vous system by L and resulting cessation of
cell cycle, see studies by Scheving and circadian variation in various mitogens,
Pauly (1967, 1973).] such as EGF, by glands involved in the
We have studied the cell-proliferation control of circadian temporal structure.
rhythms in various tissues and organs un- Chemical sympathectomy has been shown
der several conditions, including short pho- to suppress the colony circadian variation
toperiods (LD 8: 16), long photoperiods of DNA synthesis in the small intestine
(LD 16: 8), continuous darkness (DD), con- (Klein 1979). The circadian rhythm of the
tinuous light (LL), and blindness. The ma- content of EGF in the submandibular sali-
jor effect of altering the photoperiod is an vary gland appears to be dependent on the
alteration in the waveform of the rhythm. activation of the sympathetic nervous sys-
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 91

signal Mesor, M Amplitude, A Acrophase, fJ
SEtA M! SE A !. SE (.95confidence limits)

A .10 12.4 ! .5 77 !. .7 -119(-108-131 )

8 .15 11.6! .6 5.6 ! .8 -179"(-161-197 )
Acrophose reference = local midnight

A ..... L 06 - 18 ' 0 18-06,9/14/65, N=14

e. ... 00,7/8/66, N=7

~ of mean

lZ.mean ~
20 1\
I \
I \
~ I Fig. 11. Comparison of rhythm
~ I
seen in the mitotic index of the
I corneal epithelium of rats main-
~ I
tained in artificially controlled,
f LD 12: 12 and DD schedules.
Note the phase shift of the col-
'-.l ony rhythm in animals in DD (the
acrophase in DD occurred at
~ 1100 rather than at 0800 as in
~ LD). Note also that in the
rhythmometric summary the
noise-to-signal ratio, SEtA, rep-
resents an earlier method of esti-
5 mating the significance of the
data using the Cosinor tech-
nique. If a ratio is 0.33 or less,
1 the data are considered to show a
- T"'-00-----.-'- - - - T " I- - - - T " I- - - - - - "
L...- statistically significant fit to a co-
07 00 1300 19 0001 07 00 sine curve. (Reproduced from
TIME OF DAY (CST) Scheving et al. 1974.)

tern, since it is abolished by superior cervi- activity, temperature, and histamine re-
cal ganglionectomy (Krieger et al. 1976). sponsiveness persist (Scheving et al. 1973),
Alternatively, the lack of rhythmicity in LL but the phasing of these rhythms differs be-
may only reflect the breakdown of colony tween individual rodents. Thus, a compari-
rhythms. However, it has been shown son of the average values obtained for a
through longitudinal studies on individual group of mice at different time points over a
mice in LL that circadian rhythms of motor 24-hr span may belie the extent of rhythmic
92 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

1NOise - to
Signa I Mesor 1M Amplitude, A Acrophase, 9>
SEiA M 1. S E A! S E (95confldence limits)
A .10 12.4l.5 7.7 t .7 -119' (-loa' -131')
B .39 12 .3! .3 1.2! .4 -80'
C .38 1291..5 2.1 ! . a -54'
Acrophase reference -= local midnight

Ae--eL06_la:DI8_06.9/14/65, N=14
S..... LL.3/3/66.N=7
C..LL. 7/22/66. N=IO

{ I SE

~ of mean



Fig. 12. A comparison of
rhythms in the mitotic indices
of the corneal epithelium of rats
maintained in an artificially
controlled LD 12: 12 (lights on
from 0600 to 1800 and off from
1800 to 0600) with those in rats
maintained in LL at 600 lux
(two studies). Note a flattening
of the curves and reduction of
the amplitude in LL conditions. A
(Reproduced from Scheving et 13 00 19 00 01 00
al. 1974c.) TIME OF DAY (CST)

variation in individual mice. The problem of the late Gordon Rosene which demon-
of carrying out longitudinal sampling in in- strated, by longitudinal sampling (repeated
dividual mice makes it difficult to evaluate biopsy) on individual mice subjected to LL,
this hypothesis for mitosis. The senior au- the persistence of the mitotic index rhythm
thor, however, has seen some unpublished in the pinna epidermis.
data (which seem to be no longer available) The effect of LL on DNA synthesis
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 93

rhythms in different tissues of the adult ing et al. 1974c; Philippens et al. 1977). Al-
mouse illustrates once again the need for though the LD schedule acts to synchro-
caution in extrapolating from data obtained nize the corneal epithelium rhythm, it does
on one tissue to a different tissue. For ex- not generate it as evidenced by the persis-
ample, if one examines data for the effect tence of the rhythm in mice that are either
that LL has on only the tissues with the blinded or raised in DD (Fig. 11). The tran-
most prominent rhythms, it might be con- sition from L to D may cause changes in the
cluded that LL suppressed only the ampli- corneal epithelium, itself, or in the local
tude of the rhythm in DNA synthesis. Our concentration of a mitogen that leads to in-
results, however, indicate that this is not creased DNA synthesis and the ultimate di-
the case. For example, LL results in a re- vision of the target cells. In other organs,
duction in the mesors ofthe DNA synthesis such as those involved in hemopoiesis or
rhythms in the tongue, esophagus, stom- digestion, the restricted feeding schedule
ach, duodenum, caecum, colon, rectum, appears to be able, eventually, to dominate
liver, testes, and epididymis, as well as a or at least to compete with the LD schedule
reduction in the amplitudes of all of the in the synchronization of DNA synthesis.
above tissues except for the duodenum, cae- This is illustrated in Fig. 14 for eosinophil
cum, and epididymis. In mice standardized levels in the blood of mice (Pauly et al.
to a LD 12: 12 synchronizer schedule, 1975).
most of these tissues were not only the Normally, feeding behavior, motor ac-
most rhythmic, but also the most respon- tivity, and DNA synthesis increase at about
sive to the mitogenic effects of EGF the time of the L-to-D transition in animals
(Scheving, L. A., et al. 1979, 1980). Also, fed ad libitum and synchronized to LD
such tissues tend to exhibit peak DNA syn- 12 : 12. When feeding is restricted to a sin-
thesis under normal conditions late in the D gle 4-hr period some time during the LD
phase or very early in the L phase. In con- 12: 12 span, the peak in DNA synthesis in
trast, LL results in an increase in both the organs, such as the duodenum, esophagus,
mesors and amplitudes of the rhythms in tongue, spleen, and bone marrow, shifts in
the spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and time to coincide with the time that food is
bladder and in the amplitudes of the presented. This shift is not immediate; it
rhythms in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, takes from several days to more than a
and caecum. Such tissues are the ones which week, depending upon the interval when
generally are the least responsive to EGF; the feeding time occurs in relation to the
in fact, EGF at times inhibits DNA synthe- LD 12: 12 cycle. Thus, the effect of meal
sis in some tissues. Also, DNA synthesis in timing, itself, can be said to be circadian-
these tissues of mice standardized to nor- stage dependent, at least in certain organs
mal conditions tends to peak later in the L or tissues. For example, in comparison to
phase than in the other tissues. both ad libitum feeding and other restricted
feeding schedules, a 4-hr feeding span dur-
ing the latter part of the L span dramatically
Effect of Meal Timing on increases the amplitude of the circadian
Cell-Proliferation Rhythms rhythm in DNA synthesis in the duodenum,
When feeding is restricted to a single 4-hr spleen, and bone marrow (Figs. 15-17)
interval within the 24-hr LD cycle, the (Scheving et al. 1976). In some organs, such
rhythms in DNA synthesis and the mitotic as the esophagus, the shift of the rhythm is
index in the corneal epithelium are rela- complete following a week of restricted
tively resistant to change (Fig. 13). There- feeding, regardless of the feeding span. In
fore, for this tissue the lighting schedule ap- other organs, such as the tongue, the extent
pears to dominate meal timing in the of shift in the original monophasic rhythm
sychronization of cell proliferation (Schev- depends on the time of the feeding period in
94 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

Feedin g restricted 10 4 hrs ~il~]

\ I
\, 1

20 20 GroupTIl
N 7

15 15


5 \ 5
\ )- -
\ / /
\ /
V i"


Fig. 13. Effect of 4 hr feeding schedules (shaded areas) on the mitotic-index rhythm in the mouse
corneal epithelium. The LD cycle to which the animals were subjected is depicted on the horizontal
axis of each chronogram. Within each group of mice (CD2F\), controls were fed ad libitum and
experimental mice were restricted in their access to food each day to 12 hr during the first week, 8 hr
the second week, 6 hr the third week, and 4 hr during the fourth and fifth weeks (shaded areas). The
mitotic-index rhythms remained remarkably synchronized to the LD cycle. In all instances, time was
local clock hour (CST). (For details of this study, and for the data in Figs. 14-18, see Scheving et al.
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 95

-Feedi m~ resrricted to 4tt'l.

-- @ LlBlr!)M f dl,r.- N' 6

Group II

16 00

200 G<oup m
N' 7






Fig. 14. The effect of restricted feeding schedules on eosinophil levels in mice in the same animals
described in Fig. 13 (the data were published earlier by Pauly et at. 1975). Unlike the mitotic index of
the cornea, the feeding schedule strongly synchronized the eosinophil rhythm.
96 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

-- @~ f .. ~ m9 , N. 6
30 - F eedlnQ reslrlct ed 10 4 hrs 30

20 :ao ,-


Fig. 15. The effect of restricted feeding schedules on the rhythm in [3H]TdR incorporation into the
DNA of the duodenum in the same mice described in Fig. 13. Feeding synchronizes the rhythm in that
the trough of the rhythm always occt:rs at or just after feeding.
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 97

- Feeding rutricttld to 4 t'lrl..

16 - ~ LIBI TUM I dlng -
Group ]I
Group I

2 12

8 8

~ 4 4
1600 00 00 08 00 16 00 16 00 00 00 08 00 16 00
S? 16 16 Group :m:
~ N'7


12 12

8 8

4 4

0000 08 00 16 00


Fig. 16.The effect of restricted feeding schedules on the rhythm in PH]TdR incorporation into the
DNA of the spleen in the same mice described in Fig. 13. Feeding synchronizes the rhythm.
98 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

- FeedlnQ reslrlcled to 4 hrs

- ...... @Lifl1.IJJ.M feedmQ - N .S

N ' IO

4 5.000 45.000


25,00 25,000

~ 16 00 0000 0 e<'" 16 00 1600 00 00 08 00 16 00


G,oup I5t

45.000 45,000

35,000 35,000

25.000 25,000

1600 00 00 0800 1600


Fig. 17. The effect of restricted feeding schedules on the rhythm in [3H]TdR incorporation into
DNA in the bone marrow of the same mice described in Fig. 13. The data shown in Figs. 15-17 have
been published in part (Scheving et al. 1976). We have hypothesized previously that since the restric-
tion of food could largely override the effect of the LD cycle for the duodenum, spleen, and bone
marrow, meal-timing might be used advantageously in man for optimizing the effects of radiotherapy
or chemotherapy. This hypothesis still remains to be tested in man; we wish to reemphasize the
importance of attempting this.
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 99

8 Group I
N o lO


160 00 00 08 00 160 16 00 00 00 0800 1600

~ 8 :m:
t:: 8 Gr QU p

6 6

1600 00 00 06 00 16 00


Fig. IS. The effect or restricted feeding schedules on the rhythm in PH]TdR incorporation into the
DNA of the tongue in the same mice described in Fig. 13. These data have not been published
100 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving




..r: SchevinQ 1959
~ Fisher 1968-----
.....0 200
Z Number of indiVidUalSltim~

::c (5
u 150

Fig. 19. Reproducibility of the

mitotic-index rhythm in the adult
human epidermis. Standard er- 50
rors have been omitted to avoid
a cluttered graph. (For details
see Scheving 1959 and Fisher
1968.) The reproducibility was
further documented 20 years
later with two time-point sam-
plings (Zagula-Maily et al. 1979). TIME (CLOCK HOURS)

relation to the LD cycle. For example, in eration rhythms in the intact animal simply
the tongue of mice fed late in the D span by altering meal timing or the LD cycle,
(Fig. 18), but not in the esophagus (data not could provide a useful strategy for predict-
shown), the DNA synthesis rhythm be- ably shifting normal cells to a phase of the
comes biphasic: one phase appears to be cell cycle more resistant to radiotherapy or
cued by food presentation and the other by chemotherapy (Scheving et al. 1976a). Fur-
the onset of darkness. One cannot general- thermore, the combination of environmen-
ize about the effect of meal timing as a syn- tal and hormonal challenges involving the
chronizer of rhythms based on studies done administration of a combination of mito-
on one or two variables. Extensive data ob- gens, such as EGF, insulin, glucagon, and
tained on the cornea of rats and on other fibroblast growth factor (FGF), could be a
variables in the rat by Philippens et al. powerful tool to accomplish this end. In-
(1977) further support this conclusion. deed, it has been reported that immunocy-
The ability to phase shift some rhythms toma-bearing rats survived longer following
both within and among organs, thereby in- adriamycin treatment when meal timing
creasing the synchronization of cell-prolif- was restricted to the early part of the L
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 101

span (Nelson et al. 1974; Halberg et al. dominately diurnally active man are not
1977; Halberg et al. 1979a). Further work is necessarily 180 (12 hr) out of phase with

required to determine how environmental, those in the nocturnal mouse. To see this
hormonal, and perhaps social factors can one has only to compare the mitotic index
be used to manipulate cell-proliferation rhythm in the epidermis of the rat (Fig. 2)
rhythms in the mouse and in man in order with the same rhythm in the epidermis of
to shield normal cells from the toxic effects man (Fig. 19). Thus, species-specific differ-
of radiotherapy or chemotherapy (Scheving ences occur with respect to the time of peak
et al. 1977a, 1980). cell proliferation in a tissue or organ. We
With regard to man, only two tissues (in emphasize, however, that the phasing of
addition to circulating blood cells), the epi- many rhythms when measured in the noc-
dermis and the bone marrow, have been an- turnally active rodent and diurnally active
alyzed for rhythmic variation in mitotic in- man are 180 (12 hr) out of phase, e.g., ste-

dex. Cell proliferation in both tissues (Figs. roids (Fig. 21).

19 and 20) has been shown not only to dis-
playa circadian rhythm, but also to peak
around midnight, when man is normally be-
ginning rest or sleep. The available data in-
The Sleep-Wake Cycle and
dicate, as has been shown for the circadian Rhythms in Cell Proliferation
rhythms of serum prolactin and melatonin, It has been asserted frequently that the
that the cell-proliferation rhythms in pre- highest levels of cell proliferation are as so-

u 15
u 10
~ BLOOD(1965) - - BLOOD (1962)
26'1-26 ...... 19,743-750

Fig. 20. The mitotic-index rhythm in the

bone marrow of a group of young men (dotted
line) and the mitotic rhythm in bone marrow
obtained from a single individual (solid line)
0600 12 00 I 8 00 2400 along the 24-hr domain. (For details see refer-
TIME OF DAY ences shown in the figure.)
102 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving


_ Serum Cortisol In mall human I N-6

r- ..... Plasma Corticosterone in male rat. N-e

25 SE I \
~ of mean I \
I \
~mean I
I \
I \
20 \

I \
I \

Fig. 21. Corticosterone level in rats stan-

dardized to a LD 12: 12 cycle and fed ad libi- 10 T"---4-----"I \
tum, and cortisol levels in presumably healthy \
young males (meal times: 0640,1245, and 1645; \
rest or sleep from 2100 to 0600). We stress that

the phasing of all rhythmic variables in the di-
urnally active man is not necessarily the in-
verse of that in the nocturnally active rodent as
seen here. Consequently, one must not gener-
alize when data are available from one and not 1~1~~i==~--~i--~I~I
the other. (Reproduced from Scheving and 06 00 12 00 1800 00 00 06 00
Pauly 1974.) TIME (CLOCK HOURS)

ciated with sleep, and data obtained on ani- junum and ileum, the peak in DNA synthe-
mals are given to support this claim. How- sis occurs during the latter half of the L
ever, our results indicate that a relationship span, when the animals are resting (Fig. 7).
between sleep and cell proliferation does Thus, caution is indicated when extrapolat-
not exist for all tissues. In many organs, ing from data obtained on one tissue to an-
particularly in the digestive tract of adult other or, in the case of the intestinal tract,
mice standardized to LD 12: 12, DNA syn- from one region to another. Some data on
thesis and mitosis increase shortly after the man, described above, might seem to sup-
animal begins eating and when there is an port the hypothesis that cell proliferation is
increase in motor activity, both of which associated with sleep because the two tis-
are associated with the onset of darkness. sues thus far analyzed, epidermis and bone
In these tissues, peak levels of DNA syn- marrow, do show the majority of mitotic
thesis are reached in the D span, when the activity occurring at night. It must be kept
animals are still active, or early in the L in mind, however, that the data are limited
span. In other tissues, such as the bone and more extensive animal data do not fully
marrow, spleen, and occasionally in the je- support such a hypothesis.
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 103

Mechanisms of Circadian Rhythms Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor

in Cell Proliferation on DNA Synthesis In Vivo
Effect of Light-Dark Cycles and We recently have been studying the effect
Meal Timing of various peptides, including EGF, insu-
Do the L-to-D transition and meal presenta- lin, glucagon, and ACTH, on the DNA syn-
tion have a direct synchronizing effect on thesis rhythms in the intact animal model.
target cells, perhaps by an alteration of cel- We have studied and reported on the ef-
lular response to growth-control signals, or fects ofEGF on DNA synthesis in 20 differ-
is the effect an indirect one, mediated ent tissues (Scheving, L. A., et al. 1979,
through the synchronizer-induced release 1980; Yeh et al. 1981). Figures 22 and 23
of growth-controlling signals? There are show examples of DNA synthesis stimula-
several possibilities. First the nutritional tion in the esophagus and rectum of mice 4,
and abrasive effect of meals may playa di- 8, and 12 hr after injection of EGF. Several
rect role in the proliferation rhythm of the conclusions relative to EGF have been
digestive tract. The nutritional effect would reached. First, our results suggest EGF
be analogous to the requirement of quies- plays an important role in positive growth
cent cells in vitro for certain low-molecular- control of many tissues, particularly the
weight components, such as glucose and cornea and the digestive tract. Second, dif-
amino acids, prior to entry into the S phase ferent tissues exhibit considerable variation
of the cell cycle. Second, the effects of cer- in their responsiveness to EGF 4, 8, and 12
tain components of the meal may play a hr after injection (EGF was injected into
direct role in evoking the secretion of mito- different groups of mice at five different
gens, just as glucose stimulates pancreatic clock hours to determine the circadian-
beta cells to secrete insulin. Third, the L- stage dependency of EGF). For example,
to-D transition and meal presentation acting the cornea, tongue, and esophagus, which
neurally or hormonally on certain hypotha- were the most rhythmic tissues studied,
lamic nuclei, for example, the suprachias- consistently responded to EGF with in-
matic and ventral medial nuclei, could in- creased DNA synthesis 4, 8, and 12 hr after
duce local or systemic discharge of positive injection. On the other hand, the glandular
growth-controlling signals, such as EGF and non-glandular stomach, colon, and rec-
and insulin, possibly through the action of tum responded only after 8 and 12 hr. The
the sympathetic nervous system. The sec- lung and aorta responded only after 8 hr,
ond and third possibilities would provide and the liver and testes after 12 hr. Third,
cells with the polypeptide hormones found there are certain circadian stages when the
in serum, saliva, and amniotic fluids, and stimulatory effect of EGF appears to be
possibly in other fluids, such as tears, that maximally potentiated. For example, injec-
are required for cells in vitro to enter the tion of EGF at 1500 into mice standardized
S phase. Fourth, mesenchymal changes to L(0600-1800): D(1800-0600) resulted in
could affect the epithelial response to a striking, generalized increase in DNA
growth-promoting factors. Finally, these synthesis 4 hr later, at 1900, particularly in
environmental stimuli might either directly the parotid, thymus, and small intestine,
or indirectly affect the rhythms in the num- which at other times failed to respond to
ber of the biochemical properties of the EGF. Interestingly, the serum concentra-
cell-surface receptors for positive growth tions of various hormones such as insulin,
factors, including membrane-associated gastrin, and hydrocortisone peak during
biochemical events such as the phos- this period of time when the rate of feeding
phorylation of proteins or phospholipase increases (Scheving, L. A. et al. 1980).
activity. Fourth, our results indicate that EGF can
104 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving


<t: ~ Control

0 120 EGF
OJ N=5

100 ~
0 I \
/ \
~ I
0 80 r \ I


5'"c. \ /
E 60 SE of mean
r. 40


4 Hours Subsequent to Injection 8 Hours Subsequent to Injection 12 Hours Subsequent to Injection

o I ~I~i~==~"~~
06 00 10 00 14 00 18 00 22 00 02 00 06 00 06 00 10 00 1400 1800 2200 02 00 06 00 06 00 10 00 1400 18 00 2200 0200 06 00
Time of Sampling

Fig. 22. Effect of EGF on [3H]TdR incorporation into the esophagus is plotted versus time of
sacrifice for the different injection times. Mice were killed at either 4, 8, or 12 hr after each timed
injection. (Modified from Scheving, L. A., et al. 1979.)

inhibit DNA synthesis at certain times in al. 1979). In such cells a tumor growth fac-
several tissues, including the small intes- tor seems to be substituted for EGF.
tine, thymus, bone marrow, and spleen. Al- EGF, itself, has been shown to be co-
though the relationship between rhythmic- carcinogenic in the induction of certain skin
ity, response to exogenous EGF, and the tumors (Roberts et al. 1976). Recently, it
potential to undergo transformation re- has been shown in rats that the removal of
mains to be elucidated, the EGF cell-sur- the submandibular gland, the major source
face effector system has been implicated in of EGF, results in a reduction in the num-
the in vitro chemical and viral transforma- ber of dimethylbenzanthracene-induced tu-
tion of certain cell types. This is evidenced mors of the colon (Li et al. 1980). Further-
by the fact that transformed cells, in con- more, the induction of submandibular gland
trast to their normal counterparts, exhibit a sarcomas with this same chemical has been
decreased requirement for exogenous EGF shown to be circadian-stage dependent
to undergo cell proliferation (Cherington et (Halberg 1964). This same chemical in adult
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 105

..--... Control
0- - - 0 EGF


.... 130
0. /
0. 90
'E 70
T 4 Hours Subsequent To Injection 8 Hours Subsequent to Injection 12 Hours Subsequent To Injection
I I Iii iii Iii iii Iii i
06 00 1000 1400 1800 22 00 02 00 06 00 06 00 1000 1400 1800 22 00 02 00 06 00 06 00 1000 1400 1800 22 00 02 00 06 00

Time of Sampling

Fig. 23. Effect of EGF on PH]TdR incorporation into the rectum is plotted versus time of sacrifice
for the different injection times. Mice were killed at either 4, 8, or 12 hr after each timed injection.
(Modified from data of Scheving, L. A., et al. 1980.)

male rodents appears to be most carcino- (Panaretto et al. 1982). Mahotra (1967)
genic at a time when the glandular content showed that when human saliva, which
of EGF is expected to be highest (Krieger contains EGF, is premixed with food, gas-
et al. 1976). Recent evidence in addition tric emptying is delayed. Furthermore, the
suggests that EGF may also affect gas- secretion of EGF into the saliva of mice
trointestinal motility. We frequently ob- standardized to 12 hr of light alternating
serve stomach engorgement in the absence with 12 hr of dark appears to be greatest
of increased feeding in mice injected intra- when mice begin to feed and become ac-
peritoneally 4 hrs earlier with EGF (20 p,g/ tive, namely late in the light span and early
mouse) (Fig. 24) or with a-adrenergic sa- in the dark span (Krieger et al. 1976).
liva, which contains high concentrations of The above results suggest that oral and
EGF (Murphy et al. 1980). Others have re- intestinal mechanisms involving EGF se-
ported that EGF structurally affects rat pa- cretion may playa role in the hormonal reg-
rietal cells (Gonzalez et al. 1981), inhibits ulation of stomach emptying and appetite.
spontaneous movements of the guinea pig The presence of EGF in cerebrospinal fluid
intestinal tract in vitro (Takayanagi 1980), (CSF) suggests that central mechanisms
and transiently inhibits sheep appetite may be involved as well (Hirata et al. 1982).
106 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

_____ Control
... - - EGF
ferent ways and at different circadian
0........ Glucaoon
..... _. Insulin stages. The effects of these hormones were
N 6
complex, but several generalizations
emerged. (1) Insulin tended to increase the
~ incorporation of PH]TdR into DNA in the
a examined organs, whereas glucagon tended
i to decrease it. (2) Insulin was more effec-
0.6 i
i tive in stimulating the incorporation of
i [3H]TdR into DNA when injected either at
E i
i the end of the dark span or the beginning of
~ i
\ \
the light span, as opposed to the end of the
-, 0.4 0\--- \ Ii i
/ light span or the beginning of the dark span.
(3) Insulin had its greatest effect on
\~ [3H]TdR incorporation into DNA in the
~ ",\ i i .yY'/-9'- glandular stomach and rectum, whereas
glucagon had its greatest effect on the colon
0.2 and spleen. (4) The effects of both insulin
and glucagon were different from those of
epidermal growth factor, as revealed in the
earlier studies mentioned above. Our
results suggest that insulin, glucagon, and
o 4 8 12 16 20 24 epidermal growth factor play important
Hours After Lights On (HALO) roles in the control of various endodermally
derived organs (Scheving, L. A. et al.
Fig. 24. Effect of EGF, insulin, and glucagon
on stomach weight at various times after admin-
istration. The peptides were administered at two
different circadian stages (see arrows). Sampling Are In Vivo Cell-Kinetic Studies
was at 4, 8, and 12 hours after injection. See text that Ignore Rhythmicity
for more complete explanation.
Cell-kinetic studies that ignore rhythmicity
In this regard, two interesting observations are compromised. An obvious illustration
seem to implicate the effect of EGF. First, of this is seen in the estimation of cell-gen-
the demonstrated ability of transformed eration time.
cells to secrete immunologically distinct Examinations of cell generation time in
molecules that can interact with the EGF many tissues have been made using the
cell-surface receptor implies that anorexia once-popular FLM (frequency of labeled
observed in some cancers may be related to mitosis) method originally defined by
the presence of ectopic EGF-like molecules Quastler and Sherman (1959). In fact, the
(Todaro et al. 1982). Second, the delayed gut epithelium, which we have demon-
gastric emptying reported in pregnant strated to be extremely rhythmic, was used
women (Ryan and Pellecchia 1982) may be as the tissue of choice by Quastler and
related to elevated EGF serum concentra- Sherman because they believed that it di-
tions. vided randomly. Reasons for this erroneous
We have recently demonstrated for the view have been discussed (Bums and
first time that both insulin and glucagon af- Scheving 1975; Scheving and Bums 1977c).
fect the incorporation of PH]TdR into DNA Obviously this method can no longer be
of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, je- considered reliable for the in vivo system,
junum, ileum, colon, rectum, and spleen of yet despite this it still was used by some at
the adult female mouse. They do so in dif- the time this paper was first drafted (Lau-
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 107

rence et al. 1979; Klein 1979; and others). has a distinct advantage over the older
We have shown that if one injects PH]- method in that it is rapid. However, it has
TdR when the mitotic index is lowest in the the disadvantage of not being suitable for
corneal epithelium, about 2100, and ana- tissues where it is difficult or impossible to
lyzes the cell proliferation in this tissue in a obtain a homogenous cell suspension,
conventional manner, then G2+1I2M = 8 hr, which is the case in many parts of the intes-
and Ts = 5.4 hr. If [3H]TdR is injected at tinal tract (Rubin et al. 1983).
the time of highest mitotic activity, at 0900,
then G2+1I2M = 4 hr and Ts = 12.2 hr (Burns
Circadian Rhythms in Division of
and Scheving 1975) (Fig. 25). Cell-kinetic
studies which ignore circadian variation Cells Growing In Vitro
may be very misleading, and all published Twenty-six years ago, Hupe and Gropp
generation times obtained using this (1957) reported that a 24-hr rhythm oc-
method need to be reevaluated with tech- curred in the rate of cell proliferation in
niques that take into consideration the ba- chick embryonic cells growing in vitro; this
sic rhythmicity. Current studies using the represented a study with sampling only
flow microfluorometry technique appear over a single 24-hr span and with no re-
promising for resolving cell-proliferation ported attempt to reproduce the results. In
rhythms (Rubin 1981; Laerum and Aardal the Sixties, we carried out a rather large
1981). Rubin et al. (1983) have carried out series of studies in an attempt to confirm
extensive studies comparing the method of this earlier work using other cell lines; we
PH]TdR incorporation into DNA with the did not, however, attempt to repeat their
flow cytometry method (FCM). The two work precisely. Unfortunately we did not
methods were very similar for demonstrat- publish the findings at that time because we
ing rhythms in certain tissues, thus validat- believed the results were not definitive.
ing the method we use. The FCM method In the Seventies, Langer and Rensing

CORNEA ,.....

8 , I
I '0-0

I '\
60 I \
I \
I \
I \ Fig. 25. The frequency of labeled mi-
I \ tosis method (FLM) was used to deter-
I \ mine the duration of the S phase of the
cell cycle in the epithelium of the
I \ mouse cornea. The dashed line repre-
I \
1 \ sents the data obtained from mice that
were injected with [3H]TdR at 0900 and
I \
I \ killed at frequent intervals thereafter.

), " 35
The solid line represents data obtained
from mice that were injected with
PH]TdR at 2100 and killed at frequent
o 5 10 15 20 25
intervals thereafter. (For complete de-
HOURS AFTER INJECTION OF 3HTDR tails see Burns and Scheving 1975.)
108 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

(1972), Hardeland (1973), Goedeke and major difference was a small discrepancy in
Rensing (1974), and Rensing and Goedeke the mean values of mitotic indices. More-
(1976) claimed to have demonstrated circa- over, the timing of the peak and low values
dian rhythms in primary liver cells growing of the mitotic indices over the 24-hr spans
in vitro for (1) nuclear size, (2) oxygen con- was very similar for the two observers, thus
sumption, (3) activity of thyrosine amino- giving us confidence that the fluctuations
transferase, (4) protein synthesis, and (5) observed were not due to an artifact of
DNA content in both normal liver cells and counting. We used either primary or perma-
in the rat hepatoma cell. For each variable nent lines of cells. All cultures were sub-
studied, their data covered only a single 24- jected to 12 hr of light (0600 to 1800) alter-
hr span. Moreover, the authors claimed nating with 12 hr of darkness (1800 to 0600);
that the DNA rhythm in vitro was similar to it should be noted that we also carried out
that in normal liver cells in vivo; the im- studies on cells in continuous light (LL) and
pression conveyed to us is that these au- in continuous darkness (DD), but they are
thors believed such rhythms may be syn- not reported herein because the results
chronized to the LD cycle. were not much different from those ob-
In view of the above work, our earlier tained from cells grown in LD cycles.
findings now seem more relevant, even An analysis of the mitotic rate in a pri-
though we do not consider them to be defin- mary strain of human epidermal cells origi-
itive. We summarize them here for the first nally obtained from a 40-year-old man
time. (LES) is shown in Fig. 26A. The overall 24-
Our approach was to establish initial cul- hr mean mitotic index was 3.5. There was a
tures in milk dilution bottles. Mter about rather dramatic fluctuation around this
one week or 10 days, or when the cells had mean with the peak in mitosis during the D
formed a confluent sheet, the cultures were phase. This was one of our first studies and
trypsinized and the contents of several milk at the time it was interesting, especi~ly
bottles pooled. Identical aliquots were since the rhythm had a phasing similar to
taken from the pooled source of suspended that reported for the rhythm known to
cells and placed in 48 Leighton tubes con- characterize the in vivo human epidermal
taining cover slips and 1 ml of medium. The cells as evident from comparison of the
cells were then cultivated in an atmosphere plots in Figs. 19 and 26A (Scheving and
of 5% CO2 for a period of one week or 10 Gatz 1955; Scheving 1959). In another early
days, with two or three changes of medium study on a primary cell line obtained from
during this span. Cells were sacrificed by tonsil tissue removed from an adult patient,
beginning at a particular hour of an experi- there was dramatic fluctuation around the
mental day and fixing the contents of either 24-hr mean; however, the peak was very
two Leighton tubes hourly, or 4 tubes every sharp (Fig. 26B).
2 hr over a 24-hr span. Cover slips, on Such studies were rather encouraging to
which the cells had grown in monolayers, us and seemed to confirm, although on dif-
were periodically removed from the ferent cell lines, the early finding of Hupe
Leighton tubes, washed with 70% alcohol, and Gropp (1957); they were deficient,
stained with Harris hematoxylin, and however,just as were the original studies of
mounted on slides. A minimum of 2000 Hupe and Gropp, because they represented
cells were counted on each slide, except in only a single 24-hr span of sampling. We,
the case of HeLa cells, where 3000 cells therefore, decided to sample from the same
were counted. As a precautionary measure, culture line over several 24-hr spans. The
many of the mitotic counts were repeated infant prepuce was selected for this investi-
by a second observer who had no knowl- gation simply because it was growing in our
edge of the previous results. When the data laboratory and had been obtained from the
of the two counters were compared, the foreskin of a newborn infant; thus, we were
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 109

/\ \ 0 /\/0
.\ 0~0\/
0 ~ "'-.J
06" 100 140 18 00 22" 02'" 06- 060 .. 10" 14" 180 22- 02" 06"

z 2-21-52 0-0-0
3-11-'2 ...............
1-23-12 ..... - - .

::t 410

(; . S-11-62 0 - 0 - 0

..._ III

J )/\.:

J \,.,
:r,. f o~:: 0
/~ .. . 100

IV \'\...01<\./,
, \:. " I \ .: : 0 I ~ '~.' ,'''0
:t' \ .... :".: ,.:', :'. .I
\, "j(0 ',,, :: ,,:.,., .: :', \".
/ \.
. ~'. \.'.. -4 \.

:: ". 0
C o
06" 10"" 22" 06" 06" 10'" 18"" 22- 02""


z. J-U-Il 0 .. 0-"'-0
11-1"" 0--0--0


Fig. 26. A Fluctuation in the mitotic index of cells growing as a monolayer, in vitro; the source of
the cells was a piece of human skin obtained from the forearm of a 40-year-old subject. Each point
represents the mean of four such cultures; samples were obtained at bihoudy intervals. The cells
growing in the incubation chamber were subjected to 12 hr of light alternating with 12 hr of darkness
as illustrated on the abscissa. Peak mitotic activity was recorded between 2230 and 0230. B Mitotic-
index rhythm in cells from human tonsil. C Three different studies on tissues obtained from new-
born infant prepuce. Samples were obtained at hourly intervals. D HeLa cells behaved differently in
that they did not fluctuate as much as the other cells. E Mitotic-index rhythm in rat cornea cells
growing in vitro. (None of these data were previously published.)
110 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

dealing with a primary culture. The data ob- In all cultures, however, fluctuations about
tained from the mitotic counts on cultures the daily mean were not of sufficient magni-
of these cells (Fig. 26C) were plotted as rela- tude to indicate any rhythmicity of mitotic
tive changes of the hourly mean mitotic in- rate. In this respect, the He La cells be-
dices from the overall mean mitotic index. haved quite differently from any of the non-
This was done simply to facilitate compari- malignant cell lines we studied.
son of the different studies, since the 24-hr Earlier in vivo studies by us (unpub-
means varied. The data recorded on 2/23/62 lished) indicated that the infant prepuce
revealed that the highest rate of mitotic ac- was not characterized by a circadian
tivity in the culture occurred at 1900. The rhythm. In fact, the pattern of fluctuation in
mitotic index at that time was 300% above vivo was more ultradian than circadian.
the overall daily mean index. In general, These results were confusing to us because
these data also were encouraging in that they were in conflict with earlier work, fre-
they suggested that most of the cell division quently cited (even to this day), claiming a
had taken place during the dark span. A circadian rhythm for the human infant pre-
second analysis, less than a month later, puce (Cooper and Schiff 1938). Before ac-
demonstrated a far more variable pattern cepting the finding of the earlier work as
(Fig. 26C); and a third study, done about dogma, one should evaluate it carefully.
four months later, showed a highly irregular Cooper and Schiff used only 13 specimens
pattern of cell division. The daily 24-hr throughout the entire 24-hr span. We used a
mean mitotic index was 2.4 on 2/23/62; it great many more specimens. In our opin-
was 1.3 on 3/16/62; and it was 3.3 on 7/23/ ion, the question of whether the newborn
62. There was no consistent finding among prepuce displays circadian rhythms needs
the three studies (Fig. 26C), unless one to be reevaluated. Based on our own expe-
would attach significance to the fact there rience, we believe the waveform of the in
was a relatively low incidence of cell divi- vivo mitotic index rhythm in the human in-
sion between 1200 and 1800 in all three. fant prepuce to be ultradian. Due to an un-
About this same time, we were using fortunate accident of flooding, our data
HeLa cells in our laboratory for other pur- were lost before they could be published. It
poses and decided to do a similar analysis is hoped that someone will repeat these
of their mitotic behavior using investigative studies.
methods identical to those used for the infant It was with this background on the pre-
prepuce. The data in Figure 26D, plotted as puce of the above-mentioned in vivo stud-
relative changes of the bihourly mean from ies that we decided to do another in vitro
the 24-hr mean, point up the fact that the study using a source of cells different from
highly fluctuating cell-division rate seen in human prepuce since perhaps we had not
cultures of infant foreskin and other sys- selected in the above-mentioned study the
tems studied was absent in He La cell cul- most appropriate tissue. Rat corneal cells
tures (Fig. 26D). Two other 24-hr studies that had been growing in our laboratory for
were carried out in addition to the two just 3 years (76th subculture) were selected. In
discussed, and comparable results were ob- this respect, the corneal cells differed from
tained. The overall mean mitotic indices of the infant prepuce, human skin, and tonsil-
HeLa cells were considerably higher than lar cells which were primary cell cultures,
those of any other cells tested; an overall none of which survived culture for more
mean index of 18.8 was recorded on 5/17/62 than a year because of some gradual non-
and one of 21.4 was recorded on 6/23/62. In specific degeneration. The cells of the cor-
some cultures (not reported here), the daily nea cultures were heteroploid as deter-
mean cell-division rate in He La cultures mined by chromosome numbers.
ranged from as high as 45 dividing cells per The data obtained from mitotic counts
1000 cells counted to as low as 8/1000 cells. on the rat corneal cells are plotted in Fig.
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 111

26E as the relative change of the individual terest to note the rather unusual difference
hourly mean indices from the overall 24-hr in the oscillatory behavior between HeLa
mean. It is clear that the fluctuating nature cells and all other nonmalignant types. We
of the cell-proliferation rate, which was have no explanation of this except to specu-
characteristic of the infant prepuce, adult late that malignant cells have lost this abil-
skin, and tonsillar tissue cultures, could ity to oscillate in a manner similar to normal
also be seen in the corneal cell cultures. cells.
Curiously, on each sampling day, only one
acute major peak in mitotic rate was ob-
served. The peaks of the rhythms in the Cell-Proliferation Rhythms in
various studies were not in phase-that is, Tumors
they did not occur at the same clock hour. A number of workers have reported evi-
All samples, however, demonstrated peak dence for and against circadian variation in
values of about the same magnitude, with the mitotic index of several different tumor
the values being about 400% above the types when studied at different times along
overall mean mitotic rate. Therefore, it the 24-hr domain in both animals and hu-
might appear that the mitotic rate of rat cor- man beings. Among the first such studies
neal cells in culture was rhythmic over the was that of Dublin et al. (1940), who studied
24-hr span, but the temporal occurrence of the mitotic activity of a human carcinoma
peak values was shifting in time. Was this of the large intestine. They simply removed
an expression of "free running" within the specimens once during the day (1000-1200)
culture of cells? and once during the night (2000-2400) and,
We conclude that there was no evidence finding little difference, concluded that no
from our own work that cell proliferation in circadian variation was present.
vitro is synchronized to the LD cycle; nor
, can this be concluded with confidence from
any of the work reported in the literature to Animal Models
date. To solve the problem of whether we Among the first adequately designed stud-
are dealing with a free-running circadian ies for rhythm exploration in animals were
rhythm or a type of ultradian fluctuation those of Blumenfeld (1943) who demon-
needs much more investigation using a sys- strated the occurrence of mitotic rhythms
tem in which the cultures being monitored in various healthy tissues of rabbits and
are carefully controlled and in which con- mice. He then compared the mitotic activ-
tinuous samples can be obtained easily over ity of the presumably normal epidermis
several consecutive days at frequent inter- with that of a carcinoma induced in the
vals. Until this is done, identification of any same animals by the topical application of
specific frequency is unlikely. Fortunately, 3-methylcholanthrene. Unlike the normal
facilities today are much better than those epidermis, the induced epidermal carci-
available to us over 20 years ago. noma did not show a 24-hr synchronized
It should, however, be of great interest circadian rhythm (Fig. 27F). The interpre-
or even concern to those engaged in cell- tation of this finding was that the malig-
culture work to know that from hour to nancy represented an "escape" of the
hour the metabolic behavior of their cul- tumor from physiologic control of
tures may vary dramatically, as has been cell proliferation. A series of studies by
demonstrated for cell proliferation. Al- Bertalanffy and Lau (1962b), Bertalanffy
though we do not know the reasons for this (1963a,b), and Bertalanffy and McAskill
fluctuation, we feel confident that we (1964) failed to detect any circadian varia-
can rule out environmental temperature tion in several tumor models, among them
changes, since in our system temperature being spontaneous mammary gland adeno-
was carefully controlled. It was also of in- carcinoma in C3H/HeJ mice. As mentioned
112 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

(C3H/Mza MIC~"",
(ALBINO MICE) ~--- "
70 I
/ '" ,
I ,

en I
I ,
.... _
::J " ..... "
t! 60 I

'., ,
'.' ..... _._._...... _._._ ......

1600 200

15 w
d / \

Z 30
\ ,,

\t",+_ +/
'" 10
E ;;; 20
5 \
,, ol-
i 10

c 'i
0800 200 0200 080

w en
u ;;j 200
o LL
~ o
"- :il"- 150
w en
en w
'::;;= l3
6 '::;;= 100
I- 50

02 00 08 00 20 00 080 1600 200


Fig. 27. A Circadian mitotic-index rhythm in spontaneous mammary tumors in mice; 96 "A"-
strain mice were used (from Rosene and Halberg 1970). B Mitotic rhythm in normal mammary
epithelium in mice in the first generation of a transplanted mammary carcinoma and in the 35th
transplant generation of the same tumor (from Badran and Echave Llanos 1965). C The pattern of
variation along the 24-hr scale in 10- and 14-day-old Lewis lung carcinoma in BD2FI mice. Although
there is little evidence of a circadian rhythm, there is as much as 320% variation (from Bums et al.
1979). D Daily fluctuation in the mitotic activity of a fast-growing (SSIK) and a slow-growing (SSIH)
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 113

earlier, these workers have often failed to still in the exponential growth phase, they
detect any circadian variation even in nor- are very likely to exhibit more of an ultra-
mal tissues. Nash and Echave Llanos dian (high-frequency) than a circadian vari-
(1971) reported a circadian rhythm in DNA ation. We have found that occasionally,
synthesis of a slow-growing hepatoma when the data of a particular study are plot-
(SSlH), but the variation was not as promi- ted over a single 24-hr span, a typical circa-
nent as in a fast-growing hepatoma (SSlK) dian pattern may emerge. But our impres-
(Fig. 27D). Moreover, Badran and Echave sion is that this is not likely to be
Llanos (1965) reported the persistence of predictable from one study to another, es-
circadian rhythmicity in the mitotic activity pecially in the transplanted tumor model.
of mammary carcinoma of C3H/Mza female Evidence to support such a view comes
mice and found that this tumor persisted from Rosene and Halberg (1970) who re-
over 35 transplant generations carried out ported the absence of a circadian rhythm in
over a 3-year period (Fig. 27B). Rosene and transplanted Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in
Halberg (1970) demonstrated the presence adult "A" mice (Fig. 27E), while Rubin et
of a high-amplitude change along the 24-hr al. (1983) found rhythms in the G I , S, and
scale in mammary carcinoma in "A" mice G z phases of the cell cycle in male Swiss
(Fig. 27 A). We believe that this well-de- mice using the FCM technique.
signed study is especially relevant because
the tumors studied were spontaneous in
origin. Human Models
Burns et al. (1979) reported statistically Voutilainen (1953) carried out a series of
significant differences in the uptake of studies on 21 patients with malignant tu-
[3H]TdR into DNA in to-day and 14-day mors. Repeated biopsies were taken from
transplanted Lewis lung carcinoma (Fig. the tumors of these patients along the 24-hr
27C). The differences observed along the scale (longitudinal sampling). The patients
24-hr scale were as great as 320%. There were then irradiated (each one at a different
was, however, no evidence from their lim- interval of time after the first sampling), and
ited data of any circadian pattern. We also another series of biopsies were carried out
have carried out repeated studies on three on all the patients at 2-hr intervals over a
other experimental mouse tumor models; single 24-hr span, just subsequent to radia-
they include: (1) the transplanted LI210 tion. Thus, Voutilainen was able to com-
leukemia, (2) the Ehrlich ascites tumor, and pare the pattern of mitotic activity in sub-
(3) the mammary adenocarcinoma. An im- jects who had been sampled sufficiently far
pression from studying the data of our col- in advance of the radiation with the pattern
lected studies is that when the tumor cells in the same subjects immediately after irra-
of different models are transplanted while diation (Fig. 28A).

hepatoma. Significantly higher mean values of mitotic activity are observed during light (L) than
during darkness. The fast-growing hepatoma presents higher values than the slow-growing hepatoma
during darkness, but the values for the 2 hepatomas are not different from one another during part of
the L span. The circadian amplitude is higher in the slow-growing hepatoma and approached that
found in the normal immature liver (from Echave Llanos and Nash 1970). E Variation along the
24-hr scale in an Ehrlich ascites tumor transplanted into "A" mice; no circadian variation is evident
(Rosene and Halberg 1970). F Mitotic activity in an epidermal carcinoma compared with that in the
normal epidermis of the rat (sampling at 4-hr intervals for a period of 24 hr). Note that there is no
circadian variation in the tumor, whereas there is a characteristic circadian variation in the normal
epidermis. The author failed to give the LD cycle to which the animals were standardized. (Repro-
duced with permission from Blumenfeld 1943.)
114 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving
DR.A.VOUTILAINEN 116 series before Rxl
mean; ___ -l
5 series after Rx II
DR.E. TAHTI 20 series before and after Rx. mean; -----l S.E.

~ 50 50
! 40
5 g 30
~ ~ 20
of- ."E
~ ~ 10
3 o+-.-r-....--.~.,..,..,-...--r...,.....,--,--,
oaoo 1200 16 0 200 240 04080 1200
TIME (Clock Hours)


Fig. 28. Mean mitotic counts on serial biopsies from human malignancies, before (left) and after
(right) radiotherapy. In the Hihti (1956) series of data (10 patients, solid lines) a biopsy was taken
from each tumor at 2-hr intervals during the 24-hr span preceding exposure to X-rays and for 24 hr
immediately after radiotherapy. Thus, 24 samples were obtained from each patient during a 48-hr
span. Voutilainen's (1953) data (dashed line) were obtained from 21 patients with malignant tumors.
The studies were similar, except that Voutilainen did not sample from the same tumor immediately
before irradiation as did Tabti. These were tumors of several types (squamous cell, basal cell, and
mammary carcinomas). When Garcia-Sainz and Halberg (1966) further analyzed these same data
using the Cosinor, a clear-cut rhythm could be detected for the data on the mammary carcinoma but
not for the squamous or basal cell carcinomas.

Following this, another herculean study Garcia-Sainz and Halberg (1966), using a
was carried out by Tahti (1956) on 20 pa- Cosinor program for analyzing time series
tients with exophytic ulcerated malignant data, reevaluated the data from both the
tumors (Fig. 28B). A biopsy was taken from above studies. Although originally the three
each tumor at 2-hr intervals during a 24-hr kinds of tumors were considered all to-
span immediately preceding exposure of gether, in the re-analyses, the different tu-
the patients to X rays and again during an- mors were separated into (1) squamous, (2)
other 24-hr span immediately after radio- basal cell, and (3) mammary carcinoma
therapy. In all, 24 samples were obtained types and tested separately for the pres-
from the tumor of each patient during a sin- ence of circadian variation. The conclusion
gle 48-hr span. The major difference be- from the special statistical evaluation of
tween the two studies was that Voutilainen Garcia-Sainz and Halberg was that a statis-
did not sample the tumors immediately be- tically significant circadian rhythm could be
fore irradiation as did 'Tahti. The conclu- demonstrated only for the mammary carci-
sion of both authors, based upon examina- noma data.
tion of the data which are displayed in Fig. It is of interest to us that in both of the
28, was that prior to irradiation they were above studies, but especially in that of
dealing with a bimodal rhythm. Voutilainen, maximum mitotic activity
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 115

took place around midnight, which is the time points may kill as many as 78% of the
time when we and others had reported the animals, if injected at one time point, and
occurrence of highest mitotic activity in the as few as 15% of those injected at another
normal human epidermis as shown in Fig. time (Cardoso et al. 1970; Scheving et al.
19 (Scheving and Gatz 1955; Scheving 1957; 1974a).
Fisher 1968; Zagula-Mally et al. 1979). This Subsequent work by Haus et al. (1972)
also was the time when Killman et al. (1962) applied this finding to the treatment of leu-
and Mauer (1965), while evaluating human kemic mice. In an initial study, a potentially
bone marrow for circadian variation, found lethal dose of 240 mg/kg ara-C was admin-
the highest mitotic index (Fig. 20). It is our istered intraperitoneally to mice that had
opinion that this similarity of phasing is not been inoculated with either 1 x 106 or 1 x
likely to be a coincidence, but of course this 10'leukemia cells. Treatment was initiated
has not been proven. 2 days (44 hr) after tumor-cell inoculation
and was repeated on days 6, 10, and 14. On
each treatment day, the total dosage of the
drug was divided into 8 doses which were
Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy given at 3-hr intervals over a 24-hr span.
At least two approaches can be taken when The doses given at the various injection
exploring the effect that the underlying times, however, varied in amount accord-
rhythmicity in cell proliferation may have ing to a sinusoidal pattern. The amounts
on the response to chemotherapy or radio- ranged from 7.4 mg/kg given at the time of
therapy. One way would be to concentrate the animals' lowest resistance to the drug
on the rhythms (or lack of rhythms) found (as predicted from earlier studies) to 67.5
in the tumors themselves. Another is to mg/kg given at the predicted time of highest
concentrate on administering the treatment resistance. Even the smallest dose, given
so as to minimize damage to normal cells when the host was most susceptible, ex-
that are vulnerable to either or both modes erted some therapeutic antitumor activity
of treatment. We leaned toward the latter (Halberg et al. 1973).
approach, that is, to protect in time the nor- Such experimental chronotherapy suc-
mal tissues such as the bone marrow and ceeded in approximately doubling the sur-
intestinal tract against the potent toxic ef- vival time of leukemic mice compared to
fects of treatment-a "shielding in time" of the controls that were treated without
the normal tissues-while still attacking the chronobiological consideration. The daily
tumor (Scheving et al. 1974b, 1977a). This course of treatment using the nonchrono-
has been done experimentally by first deter- biological approach consisted of adminis-
mining host toxicity rhythms for certain tering eight equal doses at 3-hr intervals
agents and then applying the information over the 24-hr span. This treatment sched-
gained to devise optimum schedules for the ule had been described by Skipper et al.
administration of particular chemothera- (1967) as the current (at the time these stud-
peutic agents in tumor-bearing animals. ies were initiated) best treatment for the
mouse L1210 leukemia model.
Although the advantage of treating leu-
Host Toxicity Rhythms kemic mice according to a sinusoidal sched-
The host resistance to 1-I3-D-arabinofurano- ule was clear-cut from the work reported by
sy1cytosine (ara-C) (Fig. 29) illustrates what Haus et al. (1972), it seemed of interest to
is meant by circadian variation in host tox- use a larger sample limited to tolerance per
icity. In our laboratory, a single fixed dose se in order to attempt an unequivocal dem-
of ara-C administered once daily for 6 days onstration of rhythmic variation in host sus-
to different subgroups of mice at different ceptibility to ara-C. Studies were done us-
116 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

eo Date begun
... --01/23/71

...,j I
~ I
~ I

~ I
~ I

~ I


Fig. 29. Circadian susceptibility rhythm of

BD2F) mice to arabinosylcytosine (ara-C)
given on five consecutive days at single, de-
fined, circadian-system phases. (Reproduced oeOO 1600 00 00
from Scheving et aI. 1974a.) TIME OF DAY (CST)

ing the same experimental design and on Chronotherapy of Ll210 Leukemia

the same day at both Little Rock, Arkan- Using the Single Drug Ara-C
sas, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. In each
laboratory, 9 groups of 20 normal mice each Thus far we have considered reports deal-
received 4 courses of ara-C treatment be- ing with variation only in mortality and sur-
ginning 2/7/73. In each course, a total dose vival time from acute drug toxicity in both
of 240 mg/kg ara-C was divided among 8 normal and leukemic mice. It was of inter-
separate injections given at 3-br intervals. est to determine whether an increase in
One group of mice received equal doses of cure rate could be obtained. Skipper et al.
ara-C at each time point (the reference (1967) had reported that when mice bearing
schedule). The 8 other groups received the an inoculum of 1 x 105 L1210 tumor cells
same total dose per course, but on one of were treated with 120 mg/kg ara-C (15 mg/
several different sinusoidal schedules as il- kg every 3 hr for 24 hr) on days 2, 6, 10, and
lustrated in Fig. 30. As predicted from the 14 after tumor inoculation, generally most
earlier work, survival time after treatment animals were cured. They also reported,
with ara-C on different sinusoidal schedules using only 8 animals, that 62% of mice bear-
differed significantly. Moreover, the sinu- ing 1 x 106 leukemic cells were cured using
soidal schedules which yielded the longest the above treatment protocol. In a compa-
or shortest survival times were remarkably rable study using 10 mice, they reported
similar in the two laboratories (Scheving et that 50% were cured; however, in 2 subse-
al. 1976b). quent studies (using 10 animals in each), no
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 117

cures were obtained at this disease stage. as were sometimes found by Skipper and
These studies are mentioned because the his coworkers when treatment was ara-C.
claim was made (Rose et al. 1978), while We caution that the claim of a 62% cure
commenting on the merits of a chronobio- rate mentioned above should be evaluated
logical approach to chemotherapy, that Skip- in light of all the data available from the
per and his co-workers could, without a laboratory in question.
chronobiological approach, cure 62% of an- To date, the best cure rate that we or our
imals bearing the above-mentioned tumor collaborators can achieve consistently with
load. None of our studies (using the same such an advanced disease stage (an inocu-
animal strain) or those of our collaborators, lum of 1 x 106 leukemia cells) and using the
using hundreds of mice bearing this tumor single drug, ara-C (120 mg/kg per course
load, have resulted in such high cure rates and 4 courses of treatment given on days 2,


"_"'A-~ ~ 4
~"Ns~-l \ ' ~
22 ~
18 '"
o ~--~---f~------------------~--O R 14.8
0 .... ....... ............................................. ........ R 14

t t!
Oo3O~1 0630
t!! t t
: 1230 I 1(330:

""!';iV/~ ~:";'~"-
, ,. ~. ,_'" h., <$
"'4 cours of 8.qual 3-hourly dos /24 hours ~
......4 cours of 8 sinusoidally varylnQ 3-hourly do ... /24tr., ora -C (240 mQ/KQ/24 hrs.)
witht indicatlllQ midpoint between 2 hlQho.t dose. i n
each of 8 treat.ent schedules.

Fig. 30. Survival times ofCD2F 1 mice on different drug-administration schedules (top) and timing of
doses of ara-C (bottom) in sinusoidal and reference (R) schedules. All treatment schedules comprise
4 courses, each consisting of a total of 240 mg/kg/24 hr. When the same total dose of ara-C is given,
certain sinusoidal drug-administration schedules are definitely better tolerated by mice than are other
sinusoids or than was a conventional (at the time the study was done) reference treatment schedule of
8 equal doses over a 24-hr span. Also, note unequivocal reproducibility of chronotoxicity of ara-C in
experiments done on the same days in different laboratories in different geographic locations. (Repro-
duced from Scheving et al. 1976.)
118 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

6, 10, and 14), is between 20% and 28%. though the total dosage given is the same-
Increasing or decreasing the dosage does if the resulting acute drug toxicity in the
not improve this. If the dosage is increased, host turns out to be unequal. In light of
overwhelming toxicity prevails; if it is de- chronobiological variation, the classic con-
creased, the leukemia prevails. We believe cept of equal toxicity has to be questioned.
that the above is the most realistic cure rate A pertinent situation may be the case of an
to be expected for this stage of the disease, extremely toxic dose of a drug which one
using CD2F 1 or BD2F 1 mice. Let us point might elect not to use in a nonchronobiolog-
out this cure rate could be consistently ob- ical treatment schedule, whereas its use in
tained only by using the chronobiological the timed treatment approach would be fea-
approach. When using a homeostatic ap- sible. With such a drug, it may well be that
proach, the cure rate in our studies was the dose in a conventional regimen found to
usually lower, being about one-half or even be equitoxic to the dose in a chemothera-
less than that achieved by the chronobio- peutically optimized regimen would be so
logical approach. For example, in one low that it would be ineffective. A compari-
study using 282 leukemic mice (141 on each son of equitoxicity which disregards time
treatment schedule) the cure rate (60-day may have little meaning (Haus et al. 1979).
survivors) was 23% for those treated on a
chronobiological schedule but only 11 % for Chronotherapy of Ll210 Leukemia
those treated on a nonchronobiological
schedule (Kiihl et al. 1974). Such findings
Using a Two-Drug Combination of
have been consistent, being detected both Ara-C and Cyclophosphamide
in Arkansas and Minnesota. Rose et al. (CTX)
(1978), in an attempt to confirm the findings To obtain consistently better than a 28%
of Haus et al. (1972), carried out studies in cure rate using ara-C in any manner against
which they reported variation in host toxic- 1 X 106 L1210 leukemia cells with treatment
ity, thus confirming what has been reported initiated on the second day, it was obvious
earlier. Rose and his co-workers also re- a second drug was required in combination
ported that they did not find the therapeutic with ara-C. The second drug chosen was
advantage claimed by Haus et al. (1972) us- CTX and the results are illustrated in Fig.
ing chronobiologically designed treatment 31. In this study, mice were inoculated with
schedules. It is important to recognize that 1.2 x 106 leukemia cells and treatment was
they did not utilize the same experimental initiated 44 hr later. Four courses (at inter-
design. Rose and his colleagues adminis- vals of 4 days) of ara-C were given (120 mg/
tered only 1 or 2 courses of treatment, kg per course) to all mice, and it was ad-
whereas Haus and others administered 4 ministered in one of the "best sinusoi-
courses. The fewer courses of treatment dal" schedules previously described. Each
represent a significant alteration in protocol group of 20 mice also received 15 mg/kg
and were not very likely to manifest the full CTX once per course, but each group of 6
advantage of chemotherapy. [For further received it at a different circadian stage.
comments relative to the studies of Rose et Only 2 mice out of 140 died from what
al. (1978), see Halberg et al. (1979b,c), might have been attributed to acute toxic-
Burns and Scheving (1980), and Scheving et ity; all others that died did so from leuke-
al. (1974).] mia. As is evident, the cure rate ranged
from 44%-94% along the circadian domain.
When comparable animals bearing an iden-
The Principle of Equal Toxicity tical tumor burden were treated with the
A comment should be made regarding the same drugs and dosage given without
argument that one cannot compare two chronobiological consideration, 30% died
treatment schedules for a given drug-even from acute drug toxicity. Those that sur-
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 119

age of either drug as little as 10%, as might

be necessary in order to treat according to

(:; 70 (SSI.,L ...,.--,......,J. the conventional (nonchronobiologic) ap-
/~ (SSlf'-! proach, the leukemia would prevail.
~ (72~J/ if'-_!
+: T

>< 60
44) (70)
(72if Chronotherapy of Ll210 Leukemia
~ '\.~ Using More than Two Drugs
.~ 50 %c:r;>
<:: Subsequent studies using more than two
I SE of drugs against a larger tumor load than that
~ 40
described above have shown similarly that
<:> the chronobiological approach for treating
.~ 30 L1210 leukemia is superior to the homeo-
static one (Bums et al. 1979; Scheving et al.
<:> 10 ~(O) no 1980). For example, we found that when
5 x 106 L1210 leukemia cells were injected
~ 0 Iii i i and when treatment with a combination of
0800 1400 2000 02'0 five drugs commonly used in the clinic was
Time of Cyto treatment
initiated 44 hr later using the chronobiologi-
cal approach, it was possible to attain a
Fig. 31. Survival time and percentage of cures cure rate of 88% (range from 44 to 88%) as
in L1210 leukemic mice treated with ara-C plus shown in Fig. 32. There were no deaths due
cyclophosphamide (CTX). The I:::!,. implies the to drug toxicity; all animals dying did so
best sinusoidal ara-C treatment schedule. The 0 from leukemia (Fig. 33). This cure rate was
implies the reference treatment schedule. The.
not possible using the same five drugs with
implies that CTX was administered, in combina-
tion with ara-C, once per course to each mouse;
the homeostatic approach, from which 54%
however, different groups received it at different and 64% died due to acute toxicity (Figs. 32
circadian stages A. The percentage of cures and 33). Mean weight loss from 4 courses of
(percentage alive 75 days after tumor inocula- treatment at the best circadian time (time of
tion) is shown in parentheses. Time of the CTX highest cure rate) was 2.5 g, whereas in the
administration is indicated on the horizontal homeostatically treated animals it was 6.8
scale. The groups that did not receive CTX are g. Thus, there is evidence that the "quality
shown just right of the time scale. N = 20 for of life" for the treated mouse was improved
each group. (Reproduced from Scheving et al. by chronotherapy as well.

Circadian Variation in Sequencing

vived the acute drug toxicity, however,
of Two Drugs Used in
were cured for this particular tumor load Combination
(Scheving et al. 1977c). The point to be In still more recent studies using two drugs
made is that by giving agents in a chrono- and only one course of treatment consisting
biological manner we have been able to of 100 mg/kg CTX and 5 mg/kg adriamycin
eliminate the drug-induced death due to (ADR) , after administration of 1 x 105
toxicity while still using an effective dose. L1210 leukemia cells 4 days prior to treat-
There seemed to be little merit in attempt- ment, it was shown that a dramatic circadian
ing to treat by the conventional approach variation in response could be obtained.
after adjusting the dosage so that toxicity The variation in cure rate (mice alive and
would be equal to that ofthe chronobiologic apparently free of disease 75 days after tu-
approach. Previous studies had led us to mor inoculation) as a function of treatment
conclude that if we were to reduce the dos- time ranged from 8% to 68% in male ani-
120 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

80F, mic e in L 06 _ 'S" D,s" - 06"
25 mice / test time
Homeosta1ic (A)
o ro-C<SinusoidOI (8) :;--
135.00 mg / kg
Vincr ist ine <OS) o . 135
Cyclophosphamide (14 00 ) 39.60
cis- Pt (02 "J o . 225
Melhyl Prednisolone (see abscisso ) 0 . 90


...... 60



L ----r-- --J


Fig. 32. Between 1130 and 1230, all (CD2F 1) mice were weighed and injected intraperitoneally with
5.0 x 106 L1210 leukemia cells; the control group which received no treatment was injected with
leukemia cells last. Treatment was initiated 45 hr later, beginning at 0800. Eight groups of animals
received 135 mg/kg of ara-C over the 24-hr span administered on the sinusoidal schedule as follows:
15.88 mg/kg at 0800, then at 3-hr intervals, 38.25, 38.25, 15.88,8.44,4.22,4.22, and 8.44 mg/kg. All of
these mice also received 39.6 mg/kg of C (Cyclophosphamide) at 1400, 0.135 mg/kg of V (Vincristine)
at 0500 and 0.225 mg/kg of CP (cis-Pt) at 0200. Each of these 8 groups was given 0.9 mg/kg of P
(Methylprednisolone) once during the 24-hr span, one group receiving it at 0800, the second group at
1100, and so on at 3-hr intervals. The 9th and 10th groups (black bars) recived ara-C on a homeostatic
(equal dose) treatment schedule of 16.88 mg/kg/3 hr, with 39.6 mg/kg ofC at 1400, 0.135 mg/kg of V at
0500, and CP at 0200. One of the groups (8) received 0.9 mg/kg of P at 0800 and the other (9) at 2000.
Four courses of treatment were administered to all groups with a 3-day interval between courses; all
animals were weighed at the beginning (0800) of each course. The percentage of cured (tumor-free)
animals in each group was determined on the 75th day after tumor inoculation. We do not know of any
other report where such a large tumor load was cured with no deaths due to acute drug toxicity which
was the case for the chronobiologically treated group. (Reproduced from Scheving et al. 1980.)
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 121

BOF, mice in L06_ 'S D,s. _ 06
25 mice I test time
C(Homeostafic (A) '---
oro- Sinusoidal (B) ,----- 135.00mg/kg
Vincristine (05 00 ) O. 135
Cyclophosphamide (14 00 ) 39 .60
cis-PI (02 00 ) o .225
Methyl Prednisolone (see abscissa) o .90

~ 40


tOO 0 0 0 0 0 _0
0800 I 1 14 17 20 23 02 05
00 00 00 00 00 00 00


Fig. 33. Percentage of deaths from acute drug toxicity in the same study described in Fig. 32. An
important finding was that none of the chronobiologically treated animals died from acute drug
toxicity, whereas 54 and 64% of those treated on the homeostatic schedule died. (Reproduced from
Scheving et al. 1980.)

mals standardized to LD 12: 12 (Fig. 34). circadian-stage dependent (Scheving et al.

Similarly, in females standardized to LD 1980E).
8: 16, the cure rate ranged from 0 to 56% In this same study, the data also showed
depending upon the stage of the mouse cir- that the maximum therapeutic advantage
cadian system when treatment was given was obtained when the two drugs were sep-
(Fig. 34). No cures were obtained with ei- arated by 2- or 3-hr intervals and that this
ther drug alone. The maximum cure rate effect of drug sequencing was strongly cir-
was recorded when the two drugs were ad- cadian-stage dependent (Fig. 35).
ministered during the early part of the D
portion of the LD cycle (whether LD 12: 12
or LD 8: 16), whereas maximum mortality
Additional Data from Toxicity
occurred following treatment early in the L Studies Relative to Chemotherapy
span. Such variation also was seen in the It has been questioned whether one should
length of survival of those mice that died; expect a large variation in host resistance
thus, both survival time and cure rate are when using a long-acting drug such as
122 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

....... LD 816 4/9179 n=20;n=18-2l(study 2)
tr--I::,LD 12'12 12/11178 n =25; (study 1)


~ 40

Fig. 34. Variation in cure rate of leuke-
mic mice depending on the timing of com-
bined treatment with cyclophosphamide
(CTX) and adriamycin (ADR). Study 1
(solid line) on male mice in LD 12: 12;
study 2 (dotted line) on female mice in LD o L~~::;::;~~,.~~",,,,,,,~~~ study 1
study 2
8: 16. HALO = hr after lights on. (Repro- 6 12 18 24
duced from Scheving et al. 1980.) TREATMENT TIME (HALO)

ADR. To answer this, Kiihl et al. (1973) 0800 or 2000 and found that 10% of those
gave a potentially lethal dose of ADR to mice receiving ADR at 0800 died, whereas
both inbred Bragg albino mice and Fischer 55% of the mice receiving it at 2000 died.
rats. They injected different subgroups This finding was further investigated in
from each species with 17.9 mg/kg at either greater detail in the same laboratory

32 n =15
t:r----t::. Cyclophosphomide followed by


Adriamycin followed by

Effect of drug sequence and interval (prob- 24

Fig. 35.
ably confounded by circadian variation) in response
of leukemic mice to cyclophosphamide and adriamy-
cin. First drug given at 1100 (approximately midlight)
and second drug given either concomitantly or 3, 6, ~ 16
9, 12, 15, 18, 21, or 24 hr later. We conclude from w
these data that the best way of administering these :J
two drugs in combination is to separate them by 2 or
3 hr. One might argue that this may hold true if the
first drug is given near midlight (as was the case in 8
this study), but may not be the case if the first drug is
administered at another circadian stage (for example,
during middark). Admittedly, the outcome might be
completely different; however, it seems clear that 0
circadian variation in response should be considered
in any study of sequencing of drugs (Scheving et al. 11 00 18 00
00 00 06 00 11 00
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 123

(Sothem et al. 1977) in 5 different toxicity that it varied dramatically depending upon
studies using a total of 858 inbred male mice the stage of the mouse circadian cycle
with frequent intervals of sampling along when treatment with ADR was given. For
the 24-hr domain. The results of these stud- example, in a group of mice treated daily
ies demonstrated unequivocally that the with a dosage of 1.75 mg/kg/day of adriamy-
maximum mortality to ADR occurred cin for 10 days at 1900 (1 hr into the D
around mid-D and that the host was more span), the mean survival time (calculated as
resistant to the drug around mid- L. It was the time when 50% of the animals had died)
further found that this rhythm in suscepti- was 48 days longer than the mean survival
bility could be modified by restricting the time for the untreated mice. However,
intake of food to the first 4 hr of the daily L those mice treated at 0700 [1 hr into the L
span. phase of the daily LD cycle (LD 12: 12)]
Nelson et al. (1974) conducted experi- died even before the untreated control
mental chronotherapy studies and reported animals.
the advantage of treating immunocytoma- High-amplitude host toxicity rhythms
bearing LOU rats with ADR at certain also have been documented for daunomy-
stages of the circadian system. In animals cin and vincristine (Halberg 1980). Simpson
fed ad libitum, the longest survival time oc- and Stoney (1977) found melphalan (L-Pam)
curred in those animals treated at the begin- when given to different subgroups of mice
ning of the D span; the shortest survival at different circadian stages produced a
times were associated with those animals rhythm in the number of nucleated femur
treated during the L span. marrow cells evident 4 days after treat-
Philippens and Scheving (1979) calcu- ment. This finding, demonstrating that
lated the difference in survival rate between damage to the normal bone-marrow cells is
NMRI mice bearing untreated Ehrlich as- circadian-stage dependent (Fig. 36), is im-
cites tumors and those treated at specific portant since lethality to the host is due in
clock hours daily for 10 days, and reported part to bone marrow depression.

...::J 2.5

- E


....<: 2.0
'0 1.5 Fig. 36. Melphalan was injected intraperito-

Q) neally into 7 different subgroups of CFLP al-

::J bino mice, and cell counts were made 96 hr
after the injection. It is clear that bone-marrow
o t:I depression is greatest in those groups which
16 20 00 04 08 12 16 received the drug close to the end of the D
span and around the transition from D to L.
Time of melphalan injection (hours) (Reproduced from Simpson and Stoney 1977.)
124 Scheving, Pauly, Tsai, and Scheving

Conclusions care of the "rhythm problem" (Scheving

Clearly the response to both long-acting We are confident that there will not be
and short-acting drugs is circadian-stage de- a similar span of 50 years before the impor-
pendent. This variation in response to dif- tance of rhythmicity to cancer biology and
ferent drugs may be interpreted as reflect- treatment in the clinics is adequately ex-
ing the rhythmic variation in the plored. One pioneering study recently re-
biochemistry of a large number of variables ported has shown in the clinic that both
within the organism over the 24-hr period the pharmacokinetics and the kidney toxic-
(Scheving 1980a-d). The circadian varia- ity of cis-platinum can be dramatically re-
tion of susceptibility in the principal target duced in patients with advanced cancer by
organs of these drugs, such as the bone timing this drug relative to biological
marrow and gut, plays a prominent part in rhythms (Hrushesky et al. 1980, 1982; Levi
generating the temporal variation in suscep- et al. 1980). Halberg (1977), in collaboration
tibility seen in the host. At the present time, with Gupta ofindia (Gupta and Deka 1975),
the mass of experimental data leads to the has reported that the timing of radiotherapy
obvious conclusion that attempts must be in relation to a marker rhythm (tumor tem-
made to bring such concepts into the clinic. perature) determines the rate of regression
On the preventive side, there may be an of perioral tumors. Moreover, it has been
advantage in monitoring and comparing a reported that human bone marrow toxicity
rhythmic variable, such as breast tempera- from adriamycin is statistically significantly
ture, at the site of a tumor to that in normal reduced by its circadian timing (Hrushesky
tissue-the rationale being that the tumor et al. 1981, 1982). Even more important,
site will manifest a higher metabolic rate Hrushesky recently reported a response
and even an altered tumor rhythm (Simp- rate of 100% in a preliminary study of 12
son 1976; Halberg et al. 1979a). This may patients with advanced-stages 3 and 4-
enable one to detect a tumor by monitoring ovarian carcinoma, who were treated with
the temperature over it even before it be- a chronobiologically designed two-drug
comes palpable. A great deal of interest has chronotherapy regime. Over 80% of these
arisen in this concept of prevention; it has responses were complete (total disappear-
led to the development ofthe "chronobra" ance of all measurable disease). This 100%
which is so constructed that continuous response rate compared favorably with a
temperature recordings can be made simul- 42% response rate for 19 comparable con-
taneously from many different sites on a trol ovarian cancer patients who received
mammary gland (Simpson and Mutch 1981; the same two agents in the same doses but
Halberg et al. 1979a). at random circadian stages. The duration of
With respect to treatment, it is unfortu- response was also highly statistically signifi-
nate that it took almost 50 years between cantly different between the two groups
the time of the first observation of circadian (P < 0.0001) (Hrushesky et al. 1981) in favor
variations in cell proliferation to the appli- of those 12 cancer patients who received
cation of these findings on an experimental chronotherapy.
basis to cancer chemotherapy or preven- Circadian cytokinetics, pharmaco-
tion. We have only just reached the stage kinetics, endocrinology, immunology, and
when most scientists accept without ques- toxicology can no longer be ignored but
tion the existence of and the potential im- must be used to treat human cancer more
portance of such rhythms, even though effectively and eventually to prevent some
they may still ignore them in experimental varieties of malignancies. The major short-
design. Based on the facts, we must aban- coming of classical noncircadian cytoki-
don the erroneous concept that somehow netics has been the inability to directly
sampling at the "same time of day" takes translate in vitro advances from the petri
4: Chronobiology of Cell Proliferation 125

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Aspects of Human Chronopathology
Michael H. Smolensky

Often in an individual or a group of patients for several reasons. First, required infor-
the manifestation of disease or the exacer- mation pertaining to the usual and tolerable
bation of symptoms is predictable, exhibit- (physiological) versus intolerable (patho-
ing time dependencies (chronopathologies) logical) limits for the indices of temporal
over 24-hr, 1-month, and 1-year periods. structure between individuals is not yet
Chronopathology may involve also altera- available. Second, the demarcation of
tions in the temporal structure of biological health versus illness in terms of M, A, cp,
functions quantifiable by differences in the and T has not been explored. Third, from a
period, acrophase, mesor, and/or ampli- clinical point of view controversy often ex-
tude, preceding, following, or coincident ists, especially for certain illnesses, regard-
with a change in health status. While the ing how one decides upon the presence ver-
major emphasis of most investigations has sus the absence of disease. Fourth,
been the substantiation of periodicities in conceptually it is easier for biologists to ac-
the occurrence of symptoms or morbid cept the idea that in illness an alteration in
events, the study of changes in the body's organ function precedes an alteration in
temporal structure associated with the temporal structure than it is to contemplate
commencement of illness has yet to be vig- that an alteration in the functioning of an
orously pursued. organ follows a disruption of its temporal
structure. Finally, the change in temporal
structure in disease may be exhibited by
Introduction only one or at best a limited number of bio-
Chronopathology has been defined as the logical rhythms. Therefore, a better defini-
alteration of the body's temporal structure tion of chronopathology might be (1) the
detected by quantitative changes in either rhythmic occurrence or exacerbation of ill-
the mesor, amplitude, acrophase, and/or ness in individuals or a group of persons
period immediately preceding, during, or and/or (2) alteration of one or more biologi-
following a change in health status. This cal rhythms resulting from and/or contrib-
conventional definition of chronopathol- uting to disease. This definition implies that
ogy, however, is not entirely satisfactory a deviation in temporal structure may either
132 Michael H. Smolensky

constitute the cause or the result of a given an exhaustive review of human chrono-
disease having a spatial orientation, i.e., af- pathology. Instead, the included examples
fecting a particular organ, tissue, or group have been selected to demonstrate that ill-
of cells located at a specific site in the body. nesses and their symptoms can be rhythmic
With regard to the present state of and that a chronobiologic approach results
knowledge, chronopathologies have been in a better understanding of disease and as-
identified and quantitatively described. For sociated risk factors. This is achieved by
the most part, mechanisms remain to be un- discussing human chronopathologies in
covered and working hypotheses have yet terms of the present knowledge of human
to be formulated. Although this may be temporal structure, especially with regard
frustrating for the reader, it must be real- to associated or component biological
ized that even if descriptive the chrono- rhythmicities. Although the theory and
pathological approach represents an impor- mechanisms of oscillators, e.g., the contri-
tant step forward. It is postulated by many bution of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, are
without experimental evidence that rhyth- pertinent to understanding the modification
mic changes in and/or of diseases are due of rhythmic integrity in health and in cer-
exclusively to cyclic changes in environ- tain diseases, discussion of these is beyond
mental factors. Such an explanation stems the scope of this chapter. Authoritative
from the prevailing theory that human phys- sources such as Fuller et al. (1981), Kro-
iological functions are relatively constant nauer et al. (1982), Moore-Ede et al. (1982),
when growth and aging are taken into ac- and Suda et al. (1979) should be consulted
count. Presuming this to be valid, many sci- for information on biological rhythms and
entists have attempted to explain the sea- their central mechanisms. Since this chap-
sonal variation in both upper respiratory in- ter focuses on periodicities in the occur-
fection and cardiovascular disease, which rence and symptoms of selected human dis-
peak during the winter (Smolensky et al. eases, it is recommended that information
1972), by the existence of seasonal changes on rhythmic aspects of certain health prob-
in weather. This conventional explanation lems involving endocrine function, sleep
which assumes a direct causal relationship disorders, shift work, and dyschronosis Get
between environmental factors (such as lag) be obtained elsewhere (Brown and
cold, harsh weather) and these chrono- Graeber 1982; Colquhoun 1971; Colquhoun
pathologies still awaits convincing experi- et al. 1975; Goodwin and Wehr 1981; Rein-
mental evidence. Chronopathology also in- berg et al. 1981; Kripke 1981; Kripke et al.
volves the identification of relevant 1978; Johnson et al. 1981; Reinberg 1979b;
bioperiodicities in physiological functions Klein and Wegmann 1979; Krieger 1979;
related to rhythms in the symptoms and ex- Weitzman 1981; Weitzman et al. 1981,
acerbation of illness. In this context cyclic 1982).
environmental changes such as tempera-
ture and humidity are viewed as triggering
factors which may vary in power during dif-
ferent times of the day, month, or year. Chronopathology and Investigative
This conceptual approach is precisely that Methodologies
which has been used in elucidating the With regard to the prominence of the
chronopathology of allergic asthma (pp. body's temporal structure, it is not surpris-
142-148). Recognition of the temporal di- ing that the manifestation and intensifica-
mension of human disease processes sug- tion of symptoms of certain diseases are
gests an etiology which may involve rhyth- rhythmic. Although clinical impressions
mic changes of both environmental factors suggest this, as verified by published de-
and organisms. scriptive accounts and case presentations,
This chapter is not intended to represent the study of chronopathologies using well-
5: Human Chronopathology 133

designed clinical protocols with statistical Whatever the source of data, certain in-
methods to test hypotheses is rather infre- herent biases must be acknowledged espe-
quent. A review of the literature reveals cially when the size of the sample is small.
that a wide variety of research methods With regard to circadian chronopatholo-
has been used to investigate chronopathol- gies, the reporting of symptoms with refer-
ogies. In some instances, physicians have ence to clock hour is usually done without
recorded the number of patients experienc- exact information about the synchronizer
ing a set of symptoms according to the schedule (sleep-wake pattern) of the indi-
clock hour and/or calendar date of occur- vidual or sample of subjects studied. Often
rence. Others have used data from their in female subjects, data are reported with-
own medical records. Occasionally, physi- out regard to the clock hour or the day of
cians have collected information during of- the (ovulatory or nonovulatory) menstrual
fice visits by having each patient recollect cycle. For circadian rhythms, it is assumed
the approximate time of the day, month, or rather than verified that the data are repre-
year when the most recent exacerbation of sentative of diurnally active persons. In ad-
disease occurred. Only on rare occasions dition, in many reports information on the
have investigators utilized self-recording type and timing of medical treatment is
techniques and/or patient diaries to obtain rarely furnished even though medications
relevant time-series data. With regard to per se as well as their timing may determine
more serious diseases requiring immediate or at least influence the temporal pattern of
medical attention such as stroke and heart symptoms and the exacerbation of dis-
disease, authors have sometimes relied eases. In the case of circamensual chrono-
upon the clock hour and calendar date of pathologies in women, it is assumed that
hospital admission rather than the patient's events are typical of ovulatory cycles; how-
perception of when the onset of symptoms ever, this is rarely confirmed. Also, the ten-
occurred simply because in retrospective dency is for investigators to group data of
studies the former information is easily ac- women with different cycle lengths over a
cessible from hospital records. As will be common 28-day calendar; this is done de-
discussed below, the 24-hr pattern ofhospi- spite the fact that cycle lengths can vary
tal admissions of patients having had considerably, by 25% or more, from one
myocardial infarction is very different from woman to another and from this ideal. Be-
the pattern in the onset of symptoms cause only a limited number of studies deal-
(Stephens et aI., in preparation). ing with human chronopathologies have
The study of human chronopathologies been published, it must be recognized that
frequently must rely on data in the form of one set of findings may not be representa-
"one time only" single events in individual tive of other samples.
patients. In this instance large and as far as With these qualifications in mind, evi-
possible homogeneous samples of patients dence for circadian, circamensual, and cir-
are required to investigate these so-called cannual rhythms in human pathological
population rhythms. This is the case for ex- processes is presented. Most of the data for
ample in the research of biological rhythms this review have been obtained from pre-
in myocardial or cerebral infarction, since viously published clinical investigations.
during one's life such an event may occur Although statistics are easily obtainable
only once. On the other hand, for illnesses from various governmental agencies for the
such as asthma and epilepsy, symptoms or investigation of human circannual mortality
exacerbations may recur frequently, thus rhythms, the emphasis here is upon mor-
allowing the detection of chronopatholo- bidity even though circadian (Fig. 1) and
gies in individuals or groups of homoge- circannual (Fig. 2) rhythms in mortality are
neous patients with regard to sex, age, well documented. Unless otherwise stipu-
race, and medical history. lated, it should be assumed that the syn-
134 Michael H. Smolensky

120,-__________________ ~
turing of fetal membranes as well as birth
are not random over 24 hr. As shown in the
left-hand portion of Fig. 3, the spontaneous
initiation of labor for a sample of more than
280,000 pregnant women is much more fre-
quent around midnight (0000) to 0400 than it
is 12 hr later during the early afternoon.
Similarly, the termination of natural labor
in more than 2 million medically unassisted
births is more frequent between 0000 and
1200 than it is during the remaining 12 hr.
These findings suggest the physiological
process of birth in diurnally active pregnant
women is preferentially an early morning
90 event.

The plots presented in the right-hand
portion of Fig. 3 show the temporal distri-
bution of medically induced birth differs
from that of natural birth. Births occurring
80. as a result of medically induced labor are
I: I'!!! III I III! I I I I ,I, [I", J ,I more frequent between 0800 and 1500 with
0000 1200 0000 the crest between 0900 and 1100. The right-
hand portion of this figure reveals in addi-
Fig. 1. The timing of 432,000 natural human tion that stillbirth varies also to some de-
deaths is not random. Death is more frequent gree over the 24 hr. The incidence of
around 0600 than it is between 1800 and 0000. stillbirth is slightly greater between 1000
The difference in mortality between the peak and 1400 than it is at other times of the day
(0600-0700) and trough (0000-0100) is approxi- or night (Smolen sky et al. 1972).
mately 25% of the 24-hr mean, which in this The data reported by Breart and Ru-
graphing of relative changes over the 24 hr meau-Rouquette (1979) confirm the circa-
equals 100%. Shaded portions at the bottom of dian rhythmicity in the onset of labor and
the graph suggest the assumed usual sleep span the occurrence of birth in non-medically in-
of the sample. Reproduced from Smolen sky et
al. 1972.
duced deliveries. These authors also found
that the vitality of neonates as indexed by
the Apgar score is dependent on the time
during the day or night when spontaneously
chronizer schedule is one of diurnal activity
initiated birth occurs. The Apgar score
and nocturnal rest in individuals dwelling in
(Apgar 1953, 1966; Apgar et al. 1958), de-
the Northern Hemisphere.
vised to evaluate the physical condition of
the neonate following birth, gives an indica-
The Chronobiology and tion of the need for immediate medical
Chronopathology of Human Birth treatment and in addition is a predictor of
survival during the first year of life. The 5
Circadian Rhythms and Human signs used to score neonatal vitality are
Birth heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone,
Evidence for circadian variation in human reflex irritability (following cutaneous stim-
birth dates back to statistical reports such ulation of the feet), and color. Each sign is
as those of Buek in 1829. The onset ofnatu- scored by either a 0, 1, or 2 according to the
rallabor defined by the spontaneous initia- criteria outlined in Table 1. The Apgar
tion of uterine contractions and/or the rup- score represents a composite rating of the 5
5: Human Chronopathology 135


Rpirl,ory 1.4 0 10"{

I Cr--~
C.rdiovcul.r ..4.2 0 10"[
~::.,:;~;'::::" IJy besl hili'll} 365.25 day
0';9;"01 dofa pJoIledol mld-rnonlh


200 16.67
I 14.58
I 12.50
~ I
,'" '', I
.. . 125 : ~ I
10.42 ~ 3:
~ ~
't-..., \ I
> 0
,P \\ 3:
.~ " I
_______ tJ
\ IL_________ ~
p ,.0
to .-
100 - , ~ ;.

.. -
-.-i -<;;

~ ,.c...'o
C 0
to 0 n
~ I -d A 0 Q:
' . . . . . . .<{,

6.25 6 n




Of~~1~~!I-LI~I~I-LI~IL~-LI~I~I-LI~ 1I I I I I I I I I I ,f 0

Time !Calendar Month)

Fig. 2. The mortality from upper respiratory (pneumonia and influenza) infection or cardiovascular
(heart and cerebrovascular) disease is strongly circannually rhythmic. In both the Northern and
Southern Hemispheres, highest mortality occurs during the winter. These high-amplitude circannual
rhythms may result from 1 or more of the following: (1) seasonal changes in ambient conditions
exclusively; (2) a circannual susceptibility rhythm arising from man's circannual temporal organiza-
tion; and/or (3) seasonal differences in the nature and intensity of environmental challenge. Data are
plotted as percentages of the yearly mean set equal to 100%. Reproduced from Smolensky et al. 1972.

signs and can range from 0 to lO. A score of Breart and Rumeau-Rouquette (1979) found
0-3 indicates the neonate is in very bad that neonates with Apgar scores of 7 or less
condition (low vitality), a score of 4-6 indi- were most common in deliveries occurring
cates a more or less fair condition, and one between 1400 and 1500, when 7.1% of the
of7-lO indicates good to excellent vitality. neonates exhibited such low scores. Deliv-
136 Michael H. Smolensky

180.-----,---------,------, ,-------,---------,------, 7.50


I- I SE afX
i labor (natural) 21105 0 .. 0
I Birth 2110' 6.67
Mean (Xl
I induced) 3110 0--0
! Stillbirth x----x I

-, .

. I

J* :

140 I 5.84 ~
I\) II
I I .t>

t~~T : : ~~I~
~ 0 I
>'" Q

- ..
,>< . 1-\ I I
I 5.00
~ -<

'" ,>< .l, I ~. I e.

! I ;

'ii ~ i'
'" '0
; ~ rr~~
! L] ~~.ij
: 1f lJii~ /~,f\
at "iii:
e. ."
::E 6" "
100 4.17
1 '
- - - - - ___ -1----1----\
I 0

I '. T <?-". i'

: ~.~ ~~ .~:I I 3.34

~~. rlr I
r:. I
'1 ~ I 1 1 : 1 ~
o I ; ~, ! ! ! I ! I ! ! I ! I ! I , ! ~, I IIIIIIII!!IIIIII

OOUU OOUU 00 00 00 00

Time (Clock Houri

Fig. 3. Aspects of human birth are circadian rhythmic (left: spontaneous birth; right: medically
induced birth). The spontaneous commencement of labor (initiation of uterine contractions and/or
rupture of fetal membranes) exhibits a high-amplitude circadian rhythm; it is most frequent around
0130-0230 and is least frequent around midday. The relatively low-amplitude circadian rhythm in
natural human birth peaks around 0530 with the trough in the afternoon. The 24-hr pattern of medi-
cally induced birth is differently phased with the largest number occurring between 1030 and 1530.
The occurrence of stillbirth is somewhat elevated shortly before and after midday in comparison to
during the early morning. Data are plotted as percentage deviations from the 24-hr mean set equal to
100%; shaded portion along the horizontal axis represents the suspected sleep span for each sample of
pregnant women. Reproduced from Smolensky et al. 1972.

Table 1. Method of Apgar Scoring.

Biological Score
or sign o 2
Heart rate Absent Slow (less than 100 or more
Respiratory effort Absent Weak cry; Good; strong
Muscle tone Limp Some flexion Well flexed
Reflex irritability No response Some motion Cry
Color Blue; pale Body pink; Completely
extremities pink
Source: Apgar et al. 1958.
5: Human Chronopathology 137

eries occurring during the longer intervals 1980), no convincing evidence exists to
of either 0900 to 1300, 1600 to 2100, or 2200 support this point of view for circadian
to 0800 were less likely to have scores of 7 rhythms. On the other hand, the circadian
or less; the proportion during these inter- periodicity of human birth may be related to
vals was 4.3, 4.5, and 4.0%, respectively. 24-hr variation in female reproductive hor-
Differences in the frequency of neonates mones (Smolensky et al. 1972) as well as
with Apgar scores of 7 or less between the neuropeptides such as enkephalins, en-
considered intervals were statistically sig- dorphins, and oxytocin (Dent et al. 1981).
nificant (P < 0.05). The authors also found Determination of the importance of these
a significantly (P ~ 0.02) greater percentage circadian changes is beyond exact experi-
of neonates presenting with serious medical mental testing in human beings. This brief
problems when delivery was between 1400 discussion of the possible underlying cause
and 1500 (3.7%); if delivery occurred during of the observed circadian rhythm in natu-
the intervals of 0900 to 1300, 1600 to 2100, ral birth is presented since many human bi-
or 2200 to 0800, the percentage of cases was ological events, including the symptoms
lower-between 1.7 and 2.1%. and occurrence of various diseases, display
In summary, the available data indicate circadian and other periodicities for no
the onset of labor and, to a lesser degree, known or readily apparent reason; fre-
delivery when not medically assisted tend quently the physiological rationale for the
to be nocturnal in timing. Birth during the observed chronopathology is obscure. Per-
afternoon, specifically between 1400 and haps, it is for this reason that investigators
1600, appears to be associated with a search the ambient rather than the endoge-
greater neonatal risk, i.e., increased proba- nous environment for cyclic events to de-
bility of depressed neonatal vitality, medi- tect time-related factors. In many cases an
cal complications, and stillbirth. The occur- explanation cannot be provided for rhyth-
rence of birth in the afternoon as opposed mic patterns. Throughout this chapter the
to the early morning may be associated also intent is not to purposely refrain from pur-
with increased maternal risk (Gulyuk 1961). suing explanations for the presented peri-
Why the preferred biological time for odicities; rather, the problem is that appro-
birth coincides with the middle and later priate investigations have yet to be con-
portion of the night is unknown. Most ducted.
chronobiologists hypothesize that the noc-
turnal phasing of the circadian rhythms in
labor and birth is indicative of selective
Circannual Rhythms and Human
pressures which were acting during our Birth
evolutionary history. Perhaps for our an- Rhythms of human birth exhibit not only
cestors, whether pre hominid primates or circadian but circannual (Aschoff 1981 ;
man, nocturnal birth had survival value for Quetelet 1842; Huntington 1938; Otto 1960;
both individuals and species; today, this ap- Cowgill 1966a-c; Smolensky et al. 1972)
pears to be vestigial-persistence of a bio- and possibly circaseptan (about weekly)
logical process fully developed during an ones (MacFarland 1978) as well. Circannual
earlier evolutionary stage but currently rhythmic aspects of human birth have been
without any apparent usefulness or need summarized by Aschoff (1981), Batschelet
(Hughes 1931). Although exogenous cyclic et al. (1973), and Smolensky et al. (1972). In
factors may influence the occurrence and general, the circannual acrophase of human
phasing of circannual rhythms of birth in birth varies according to country, geo-
human beings, e.g., the annual cycle of graphic latitude, and decade (Fig. 4).
photoperiod and ambient temperature af- A number of social and environmental
fecting human sexual activity (Reinberg factors are capable of creating or influenc-
and Lagoguey 1978b; Smolen sky et al. ing circannual patterns of conception and
138 Michael H. Smolensky

.01< p".os 0
p>os 0
* psax 01 COSIDe curv(I
best 4pproziIIbJtJrzg
.. giV81J limB seri6$.

Fig. 4. Circannual rhythms in human natality summarized by the findings of separate cosinor analy-
sis on data from 51 geographic areas representing 10.6 x 107 births. The acrophases differ between
samples in association with variation in latitude north and south from the equator. Reproduced from
Batschelet et al. 1973.

birth. These include in a given location cul- spermia (percentage of nonliving sperm) is
ture, religion, economy, contraceptive relevant as well (Pinatel et al. 1981, 1982).
practices, (directly or indirectly) weather In studies conducted during selected
(Cowgill 1966a-c), and perhaps photope- months of the year, it was found in fertile
riod (Aschoff 1981). Although historically men that teratospermia and necrospermia
these types of factors have been cited to were highest during the winter. The exis-
tentatively explain the seasonality of hu- tence of circannual rhythms in reproductive
man birth, circannual rhythms in a number physiology in addition to birth has sug-
of endogenous functions related to human gested to some (van Cauter 1973; Parkes
reproduction may be significant as well. 1977; Smolensky 1980; Smolensky et al.
The acrophase map in Fig. 5 indicates that 1981a; Zuckerman 1957) that human be-
human sexual activity in males and couples ings, although biologically capable of con-
as well as various aspects of reproductive ceiving at any time throughout the year,
function or activity vary over the year may exhibit a type of autumnal breeding
(Amir 1971; Leffingwell 1892; Reinberg and season during which sexual activity is in-
Lagoguey 1978a; Reinberg et al. 1975; Udry creased and the chance of conception is ele-
and Morris 1967; Smals et al. 1976; Tjoa et vated.
al. 1982; Smolensky 1980; Smolensky et al. Circannual changes in reproductive phe-
1981a). Seasonal variation in teratospermia nomena are not restricted to human beings
(percentage of abnormal sperm) and necro- alone; both plant (BOnning 1963) and ani-
5: Human Chronopathology 139


J ,
F M ! A , M ! J , J , A ! SON
, !





U.S.A. OAKLAND 1970 o AMIR (1971)
U.S.A. MEMPHIS 1973 o BROWN (1974)
U.S.A. HOUSTON 19745


U,S.A. HOUSTON (G) THIS STUDY Fig. 5. Circannual acrophase map
summarizing the phasing (cf> and
SALES OF CONTRACEPTIVES o PARKES (1988) 95% confidence intervals) of vari-
HUMAN BIRTH ables thought to be directly or indi-
U.S.A. BATSCHELET (1973) rectly associated with or related to
the circannual pattern of human
T = TRICHOMONAS; G '" GONORRHEA; P.S. = PRIMARY SVPHILIS sexual activity during the year.
~ Annual acrophase and 95" conI. limits-Cosinor method;
Annual peak time 0 or peak time zone ~ in reported raw data. From Smolensky et al. 1981a.

mal species (Benoit and Assenmacher 1970; sis that man exhibits to some extent sea-
Assenmacher and Farner 1978; Farner and sonal variation in breeding efficiency and
Wingfield 1978; Ortavant and Reinberg activity, cycles which are presumably syn-
1980; Pengelley 1974) are programed in chronized at least to some extent by photo-
this manner. In these species, reproductive period.
activity is influenced or triggered by the an- A relatively large number of investiga-
nual cycle in the duration of the daily pho- tions have been concerned with the quality
toperiod (Bunning 1963; Pittendrigh 1960). rather than the quantity of human births
In man, comparable investigations on the over the year. For example, seasonal varia-
effects and mechanisms of photoperiod are tion in neonatal birth weight has been stud-
not possible either for ethical or social rea- ied by Li (1936), Hrdlicka et al. (1950),
sons; therefore, no direct evidence exists Katz (1953), Salber and Bradshaw (1952),
for the role of photoperiod on human cir- Bivings (1934), Abels (1922), and Able
cannual reproductive rhythms. Nonethe- (1931). In general, the birth weights ofneo-
less, indirect evidence does exist. This in- nates delivered in the summer and autumn
cludes the moderately strong dependence tend to be slightly greater on the average
of the circannual acrophase of human birth than of those delivered during other sea-
on geographic latitude as reported by Bats- sons of the year. Although in the majority
chelet et al. (1973) and Aschoff (1981). Al- of studies the differences between seasons
though Aschoff (1981) found the photo- (or were not statistically significant, the afore-
scoto-) period to significantly influence the mentioned trend is generally apparent even
circannual <I> of human birth, in his studies though the various investigations were con-
the actual duration in hours and minutes of ducted in different countries during differ-
sunlight (taking into consideration cloudi- ent decades of the twentieth century.
ness) at a given latitude seemed to be more Seasonal variation in spontaneous abor-
important than the theoretically expected tion and stillbirth, often due to congenital
duration based on astronomical consider- malformation, also has been studied (Kovar
ations alone. Additional indirect evidence and Taylor 1960; Hewitt 1962; Czeizel and
(parkes 1968; Smolensky 1980; Smolensky Elek 1967; Slatis and DeCloux 1967; San-
et al. 1981a) is consistent with the hypothe- dalI1974); however, the findings are incon-
140 Michael H. Smolensky

sistent. Some have reported a lack of sea- mer excess. All these appear to vary signifi-
sonal differences, whereas others have cantly with season. It is of interest to note
detected them. With regard to the latter, that when the total number of congenital
there is wide variation in the reported sea- abnormalities per season is plotted without
son of highest stillbirth frequency. regard to type, only minor and insignificant
Numerous investigators have examined seasonal variability is demonstrable. This is
seasonal variation in congenital malforma- because the timing of the annual peak of the
tions. For example, the incidence of anen- separate rhythms is not the same.
cephaly has been reported to vary season- Of the aforementioned congenital mal-
ally with a peak during the winter months formations, the seasonality of congenital
(McKeown and Record 1951; Edwards hip dislocation (CDH) is perhaps the most
1961; Record 1961; Slater et al. 1964; San- investigated. The data from several coun-
dahl 1977). Publications dealing with the tries (Cohen 1970; Cohen 1971) of the
seasonal distribution of other kinds of con- Northern Hemisphere consistently reveal
genital abnormalities such as those of the trends with a peak during the autumn-the
heart or lung, including patent ductus arte- months of September through November
riosus (Rutstein et al. 1952; Polani and (Fig. 7). CHD is lowest during the spring
Campbell 1960), pulmonary stenosis between March and May for Sweden and
(Campbell 1962), coarctation of the aorta Israel and during the summer between June
(Miettiner et al. 1970), ventricular septal and August for several other countries. The
defect (Rothman and Fyler 1974; Rosen- seasonal distribution of CDH using data
berg and Heinonen 1974; Rothman and Fy- from Victoria, Australia, in the Southern
ler 1976), and aortic stenosis or abnormality Hemisphere differs in timing by 6 months;
of the aortic or pulmonary arch (Slater et al. in this setting the peak occurs in autumn,
1964), are not always consistent with regard i.e., during the calendar months of March
to the occurrence of rhythms or the season through May.
of highest incidence. Although an association between sea-
The findings of Slater et al. (1964) have sonal variations in congenital malforma-
been selected for discussion here since a tions and seasonal patterns of viral or other
number of different congenital abnormali- types of infections has been inferred, there
ties were studied simultaneously and sys- is no clear indication the latter are entirely
tematic methods of investigation were uti- responsible for changes in the incidence of
lized. Data were obtained from physicians different types of congenital malformations
during a 7-year span from 1954 to 1960. The during the year (Stoller and Collman 1965;
sample consisted of 9951 neonates exhibit- Cohen 1971). Huntington (1938) postulated
ing 1 or more congenital birth defects. The a "basic animal rhythm" in human beings
upper portion of Fig. 6 presents those con- including a season of birth. Incorporating
genital malformations-congenital cata- new findings, Cohen's (1971) hypothesis is
ract, anencephaly, spina bifida, esophageal compatible with Huntington's. With regard
atresia, and congenital dislocation of the to CDH, Cohen rejects the hypotheses that
hip (CDH)-which exhibited winter ex- seasonal patterns of infectious diseases af-
cess. Among these, only cataract, esopha- fect the fetus and that annual cycles in
geal atresia, and CDH appear to display sig- weather constitute the basis for the ob-
nificant seasonal variability. The lower served variation in CDH. Cohen suggests
portion of Fig. 6 depicts those malforma- circannual differences in gestational physi-
tions-aortic or pulmonary stenosis or ab- ology, including those in the endocrine sys-
normality of the aortic or pulmonary arch, tem of the pregnant mother, affect fetal de-
abnormality of the lower portion of the gas- velopment and thus are associated with the
trointestinal tract, and partial absence or seasonality of certain congenital abnormali-
defect of the limbs-which showed a sum- ties such as CDH. In support of this hy-
5: Human Chronopathology 141

35 106 739 1076 86 271

0 25
II: 20
I- 15
3: 10

QUARTER 1 2 3 4 1 234 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

35 127 153 340

<J) 30
X 25
~ 15

QUARTER 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 234 234


Fig. 6. Quarterly distribution of births exhibiting congenital malformations. The graphs in the upper
portion of the figure present those types of congenital malformation which are more common in births
occurring during the winter; the ones below present those which are more common in births during
the summer. Reproduced from Slater et al. 1964.

pothesis, Kalter (1959) found cortisone, stance, cortisone. Dramatic circadian dif-
when given in the same small dosage to ferences in the susceptibility of pregnant
groups of genetically and gestationally aged rodents/fetuses to chemically induced con-
similar pregnant mice during different times genital abnormalities also have been dem-
of the year, induced seasonally varying in- onstrated in the laboratory by Sauerbier
cidences of cleft palate. A significantly (1979, 1980).
greater number of mice were born with cleft Relevant to this discussion, also, are the
palate in those groups given cortisone be- findings of Froland (1967), Nielsen and
tween November and April than in groups Friedrick (1969), Jongbloet (1970, 1971),
treated in the same manner between May Nielsen et al. (1973) and Piazzini et al.
and October. These findings implicate a cir- (1981) who reported seasonal differences in
cannual susceptibility of the mother and/or the births of children with aneuploid chro-
fetus to the effects of a hormonal sub- mosomes. The incidence of Kleinfelter's
142 Michael H. Smolen sky

34.3 SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE Smolen sky et al. 1981a) favoring the hy-
pothesis that the efficiency of man's breed-
ing capacity varies over the year.

The Chronopathology of Allergy
NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Circadian Rhythms and Hay Fever
It is generally although incorrectly assumed
UTAH that hay fever symptoms are more trouble-
I some during the day when pollens and
many other antigens attain their highest am-
NY pPSTATE 21 bient concentrations. However, data spe-
BRITAIN cific to the time of day when symptoms
I commence or become most bothersome are

sparse. Apparently, only a single objective

investigation of the 24-hr variation in hay-
fever symptoms has been published (Nich-
26.0 olson and Bogie 1973). In this study, 246
hay-fever sufferers were queried as to the
commencement and worsening of their
symptoms-sneezing, coughing, wheezing,
red, itchy eyes, and/or stuffy nose-with
DEC-FEB MAR-MAY SEP-NOV regard to specific times of the day.
Sneezing, stuffy nose, red, itchy eyes,
Fig. 7. Quarterly variation (by season of birth)
wheezing, and coughing were most fre-
of congenital dislocation of the hip (CDH). Irre-
spective of the source of data, CDH is most fre-
quently troublesome in the morning from
quent in births occurring during the autumn and before breakfast until lunch (Fig. 8). Except
winter; this appears to be the case for the South- for the occurrence of red, itchy eyes, the
ern as well as the Northern Hemisphere. Repro- second most common interval of the day
duced from Cohen 1971. when symptoms began was during the eve-
ning and while in bed. These findings paral-
lel those reported by Trousseau in 1865. A
similar temporal distribution was found for
syndrome was found to be elevated in neo- the span during the day when patients suf-
nates delivered between March and May fered their most troublesome symptom
and also in October; the incidence was (Fig. 9). Almost twice as many patients ex-
found to be reduced for those delivered at perienced worsening of their most trouble-
other times during the fall, summer, or win- some symptom during the interval before
ter. Deininger and Rott (1973) found a sea- breakfast and until lunch than during the
sonal difference in the rate of spontaneous span of after lunch and during the after-
chromosomal aberration in man with a defi- noon. A fairly large number of patients also
nite peak during the winter. Circannual var- described their most bothersome symptom
iations in the physiology of human beings being worst during the evening and while in
have not been studied to determine if they bed.
contribute to the observed seasonal differ-
ence in the frequency of human congenital
malformations. Yet, circannual rhythmicity Circadian Rhythms in Dyspnea
in a great number of biological functions, and Asthma
including those connected with reproduc- The observation that in diurnally active pa-
tion (Fig. 5), are known (Halberg et al., tients asthma occurs during the night dates
1983; Hildebrant 1962; Smolensky 1980; back many centuries. Although Hippocra-
5: Human Chronopathology 143


10 Sneeze Stuffy nose Red itchy eyes Wheeze Cough








Key IjWl~] Before breakfast Lunch ti me ~ Evening
!::,;:~::: DUring morning During afternoo n _ inbed

Fig. 8. Temporal variation in the onset of hay fever symptoms in 246 presumably diurnally active
individuals. Except for "wheeze," the commencement of symptoms was most common before break-
fast and during the morning and least so around lunchtime and during the afternoon. Reproduced from
Nicholson and Bogie 1973.

tes apparently was the first to recognize the
nocturnal exacerbation of asthma, it appar-
ently was not until Aretaeus, a Greek phy-
sician in the third century A.D., that the first
classical description of the nocturnal occur-
rence of the disease, "the evil (dyspnea) is
much worse in sleep. . . ," was given (Ad- .. 30

ams i856). Thereafter, Trousseau (1865)

provided a clinical description of nocturnal
asthma. Yet, it was not until the middle of -

0 20
the twentieth century that data were accu- t
mulated to substantiate the circadian rhyth- 8
micity of dyspnea and its dependence upon .f 10
circadian variations in certain physiochemi-
cal variables (Anonymous 1983; Barnes et
al. 1980, 1982; Clark and Hetzel 1977;
Dawkins and Meurs 1981; Hetzel and Clark
1978, 1980; Hetzel et al. 1977a,b; Neffen et Key I:l:l:~:i:~ Before breakfast, during morning.

al. 1980; Prevost et al. 1980; Puc helle et al. D Lunch time, during afternoon
1975; Reinberg et al. 1963; Soutar et al.
~ Evening, in bed.
1975, 1977; Smolensky et al. 1981b).
Figure 10 shows the magnitude of the 24- Fig. 9. Temporal variation of the worst symp-
hr rhythmic variation in dyspnea and peak tom of 246 hay fever sufferers. The span from
expiratory flow (PEF)-a measure of the before breakfast until later in the morning was
patency of the upper airways-for 13 diur- the most troublesome for this presumably diur-
nally active asthmatic patients studied over nally active sample. Reproduced from Nich-
a 7-day span. The patients performed self- olson and Bogie 1973.
144 Michael H. Smolensky

ference relative to the 24-hr mean (shown in

110 the graph as being equal to 100%). The tem-
poral change in the PEF was complemen-
Ix tary; it was lowest around 0700 and greatest

0 100 around 1500. The difference between the
..t PEF at the time of the highest value, at the
circadian peak, and the time of the lowest
~ 90
'" .... value, at the circadian trough, amounted to
IL. "
W '" approximately 20% of the 24-hr mean. The
Q. ""
magnitude of the 24-hr rhythmic variation
80 in the PEF is not unusual for asthmatic pa-
tients and is in agreement with the findings
of other investigations showing the circa-
dian peak-to-trough difference to be as
great as 20% or more of the 24-hr mesor
200 (Smolensky et al. 1974; Smolensky and
II: Halberg 1977; Hetzel and Clark 1980; To-

0 disco et al. 1980). In nonasthmatic individ-
J: 150
..t uals, a circadian periodicity in the airway

patency, e.g., when measured by PEF, is

demonstrable. In comparison to asthmatic
w 100 persons, the 24-hr mean is much higher (in-
en dicative of low resistance to air flow) and
c the peak-to-trough difference is much
50 lower, typically being only about 5% of the
24-hr average. These findings confirm the
2300 0700 1100 1500 1900 2300
relatively strong stability of the airway pat-
Fig. 10. Circadian variation of PEP (peak ex- ency of healthy nonasthmatic persons over
piratory flow-a measure of airway patency) 24-hr (Smolen sky and Halberg 1977). The
and dyspnea in 13 diurnally active (sleep, -2300 prominence of the circadian change in air-
to 0700) untreated asthmatics. The crest in dysp- way resistance of asthmatic patients led
nea was self-rated as greatest upon arising at Hetzel and Clark (1980) to consider high-
0700 and least at 1500. The 24-hr pattern of PEP amplitude changes in airway patency to be
was 12 hours out of phase with that of dyspnea. diagnostic.
PEP was lowest at 0700 and greatest at 1500. The manner in which data are gathered
The data of each graph are plotted as percent- and self-recorded appears to influence to
ages (means and standard errors) from the 24-hr
some degree the findings of studies dealing
average set equal to 100%. Redrawn from Rein-
berg et al. 1977. with the 24-hr pattern of dyspnea. For ex-
ample, Prevost and his colleagues (1980) in-
vestigated the temporal distribution of res-
piratory distress as defined by episodes of
ratings of dyspnea and self-measurements coughing, coughing up phlegm, wheezing,
of PEF at 4-hr intervals during the waking whistling in the chest, and shortness of
span while not being treated with broncho- breath. A sample of 286 asthmatic, bron-
dilator or synthetic corticosteroid medica- chitic, or emphysemic patients was studied
tions (Reinberg et al. 1977). Dyspnea was between July and October 1977 in Houston,
greatest upon awakening around 0700 and Texas, during a consecutive 112-day span.
lowest during the mid-afternoon around In these diurnally active persons, the self-
1500. The peak-to-trough variation was rated respiratory distress of breathing was
great amounting to more than a 3-fold dif- most prominent during the morning be-
5: Human Chronopatho}ogy 145

tween 0600 and 1200. It was lowest be- dyspnea in asthmatic persons is far more
tween 1200 and 1800. Earlier, Reinberg et common during the nocturnal and early
al. (1963) monitored the onset and duration morning span than during the afternoon and
of asthma in 8 diurnally active patients. The evening.
exacerbation of dyspnea was always noc- It is widely assumed without objective
turnal in timing with the attacks of asthma evidence that the nocturnal exacerbation of
occurring between 2300 and 0600. In other dyspnea in diurnally active asthmatic pa-
investigations involving self-ratings of tients is exclusively related to external fac-
dyspnea, the difficulty of breathing has tors, for example, close contact with anti-
been found to be greatest between the usual gens in the bedding causing allergic
bedtime and awakening; in fact, many have reactions and postural changes leading to
found the airway patency of asthmatic pa- the pooling of fluids in the lungs and altered
tients to be reduced nocturnally (Balaz pulmonary dynamics at bedtime. Although
1970; Bateman and Clark 1979; Clark and external conditions undoubtedly play a
Hetzel 1977; Dawkins and Meurs 1981; role, internal chronobiologic factors typi-
Hetzel and Clark 1977; Hetzel et al. cally are not taken into account or they are
1977a,b; Kales et al. 1968; Reinberg et al. underestimated. In fact, they strongly con-
1977; Smolensky et al. 1974; Smolensky tribute to the nocturnal susceptibility and
and Halberg 1977; Todisco et al. 1980). timing of asthma.
One reason for the slight disagreement Day-night variations in constituents of
regarding the exact timing of the circadian the ambient environment and in endoge-
peak of dyspnea, as found for example in nous physiochemical processes when con-
the earlier study by Reinberg et al. (1963) in sidered together in a holistic manner, as ad-
comparison to that by Prevost et al. (1980), vocated by Haywood and McGovern
may be the manner in which the data were (1968), help to explain the nocturnal predi-
obtained and the type of sample examined. lection for the worsening of dyspnea and
In the study by Reinberg and his col- asthma. The initial concern of chronobiolo-
leagues, data on the onset, intensity, and gists was to identify rhythmic changes in
duration of dyspnea were gathered from those variables known to affect bronchial
asthmatic patients using open-ended self- patency (Reinberg et al. 1963). This in-
reports. In the investigation by Prevost and volved the study of the coincidence of the
his associates, participants (asthmatics, circadian trough in the antiinflammatory
bronchitics, and emphysemics) indicated adrenal corticosteroid secretion with the
on a prepared data sheet when the onset of occurrence of nocturnal dyspnea. The cir-
respiratory distress commenced with refer- cadian rhythm of corticosteroid secretion
ence to 1 of 4 listed 6-hr intervals. It may be was suspected to be associated with this
that the unfortunate selection of 0600 to chronopathology because of the causal re-
separate the 6-hr intervals coinciding with lationship between this hormone and bron-
the termination of nightly sleep (0000-0600) chial patency. (It is important to recognize
and the initiation of activity (0600-1200) that agreement in phasing between two
made it difficult for those individuals ordi- rhythmic functions, in this case the circa-
narily arising around this time to decide dian trough of the rhythm in airway patency
whether to list their attack as beginning be- and of urinary or serum corticosteroid con-
fore or after 0600. Also, the selection of centration, need not implicate a causal rela-
6-hr intervals rather than shorter ones, such tionship; experimental validation is re-
as 1- or 2-hr intervals, made impossible the quired to conclude a given physiological
more exact determination of the temporal variable plays a role in a particular chrono-
maximum of respiratory distress for this pathology.) The findings of earlier investi-
sample of subjects. Nonetheless, based gations substantiating a coincidence in time
upon the available data it appears that between the circadian trough of cortico-
146 Michael H. Smolensky

steroid secretion and the occurrence of rence of asthma. The extended line to the
asthma suggested that the circadian period- right and left of each circadian acrophase or
icity in adrenocortical activity constitutes 1 trough marker indicates the 95% confidence
of the component endogenous rhythms iimits for each. In the column to the right, a
contributing to the nocturnal timing of this directed line depicts the estimate of the cir-
disease. Since the initial research by Rein- cadian amplitude-a measure of the promi-
berg et al. (1963), Reinberg and Gervais in nence of the circadian periodicity-also
Paris, France, and Smolensky and shown with 95% confidence limits. The
McGovern in Houston, Texas, for exam- peak incidence of asthma occurring during
ple, have continued their chronobiologic in- the usual nocturnal span of sleep coincides
vestigations on asthmatic patients, result- in time with the phasing of several pertinent
ing in the identification of several other circadian functions, i.e., (1) decreased air-
circadian component rhythmicities as sum- way patency; (2) increased pulmonary re-
marized in Fig. 11. sistance; (3) decreased dynamic compli-
Figure 11 shows by means of an ance; (4) increased bronchial reactivity to
acrophase map the timing of the circadian house dust, histamine, and acetylcholine
peak, indicated by an upward-directed ar- (as well as increased cutaneous reactivity
row, and the trough, indicated by a down- to histamine and several antigens); and (5)
ward-directed arrow, of several endoge- decreased circulating and/or urinary levels
nous circadian component functions known of bronchodilator substances-catecho-
to affect airway patency and/or the occur- lamine and adrenocortical hormones (Smo-

24-h mean IMI
SOCIOECOLOGIC 12 00 18 00 00 00 OSoo 0 , ,
20 , ,
40 , 60 ,

+ +
PEF 10+ 12hl 1
, -----I
- - - - - --1

VC 10+ 12hl
FEV..10 + 12h I
, ,t

APoes/VT 101
I t-h
1 ~---

~----- .
URINARY 17-0HCS 10+121
I~ I

.. ----I
-- ----/I


URINARY VMA 10+12hl ~ 1
I 1 ---------1/
.. ------1
~t 1

" " HOUSE DUST 101 , I

I' ~
1 1 --- -- -- - --/I


. --------1/
I ----~

.. ,
1 1 I
, ------1
" HOUSE DUST 101 I~ ----1
1 .. --/I

Fig. 11. Temporal variation in the peak or trough of circadian functions related to the 24-hr pattern
of asthma in diurnally active patients. The arrows pointing upward indicate the timing of the circadian
peaks (termed acrophases), whereas arrows pointing downward indicate the timing of the circadian
troughs. A horizontal line extending to the right and left of the acrophase or trough marker represents
the 95% confidence limit of each. The amplitude, a measure of the 24-hr rhythmic variability, shown
in the column to the right (the length of the arrow is proportional to the circadian rhythmic variation),
is expressed as a percentage of the 24-hr time series mean or mesor. The timing of the peak and trough
values of these and other biological rhythms is believed to contribute to the heightened susceptibility
of patients to asthma nocturnally. Reproduced from Smolensky et al. 1981b.
5: Human Chronopathology 147

lensky et al. 1981b). In addition, studies by the inhalation of the house-dust aerosol.
Gaultier et al. (1977) using a vagolytic agent Provocation of the same patients using the
(iapropium bromide) and a f3-receptor same dose of house dust and identical con-
stimulating agent (metaproteranol) indicate ditions of study at the other clock hours
in day-active adolescents that airway pa- resulted in comparatively small decrements
tency and pulmonary mechanics are domi- in the FEVl.o without production of dysp-
nated by vagal tone during the night and by nea or associated symptoms (Fig. 12).
sympathetic tone during the day. The findings summarized in Fig. 11 and
Much of the information given in Fig. 11 those of Gervais et al. (1977) indicate not
pertains to the endogenous circadian com- only that there exists a set of endogenous
ponent rhythmicities which are thought to component circadian functions which favor
be associated with the observed 24-hr pat- the predisposition to asthma during the
tern of dyspnea and asthma and suggests night, but that the sensitivity (and suscepti-
why the symptoms of this disease predomi- bility) of the airways to environmental
nate during the night. Nonetheless, until provocation in the form of antigens or cer-
rather recently, it was thought that the cir- tain chemicals is markedly circadian rhyth-
cadian rhythm in dyspnea depended pri- mic. Thus, the ability of an asthmatic per-
marily upon 24-hr periodicities in ambient son to tolerate his ambient environment is
conditions. Consideration of the holistic na- dependent not only upon the type and
ture of disease in general and in particular quantity of antigen in his surroundings but
for asthma as advocated by Haywood and also the time at which exposure occurs;
McGovern (1968) inspired additional inves- what constitutes safe limits of exposure at
tigations. A first series of studies (DeVries one time of the day may well be unsafe,
et al. 1962; Reinberg et al. 1971; Tammeling dangerous, or even life-threatening at an-
et al. 1977) revealed the airways of asth- other. Such findings demonstrate without
matic patients to be more sensitive to question that man (and other mammals and
chemical mediators (acetylcholine and his-
tamine) of the allergic response during the
night than during the day. A second series TIME(CLOCK HOURS)
of studies by Gervais et al. (1977) found the z 08 00 15 00 19 00 23 00
00 00
bronchial response to the common environ- -
..,I I
a: ....
mental antigen house dust to be circadian w<
.... <
rhythmic. In a series of investigations con- u.. I
< Z 20
ducted at different times ofthe day and eve- c
ning, Gervais and his associates demon- L/)U
E ....

strated that the effect of a threshold dose of

house dust (expected to induce a 15% fall in

> x

the FEV 1.0 when given by inhalation in an u.. .....
aerosol form to house-dust-sensitive asth- z
::::> 10
- 0
matic patients) varied greatly. It produced a ....J
..J w
much greater effect around 2300 than it did "'" VI
u.. ::::>
during the morning (around breakfast), u..
afternoon, or early evening. Following the 0

house-dust provocation at 2300, the imme- ~ = oj
diate reduction in the airway patency as
Fig. 12. Circadian changes in the airways' sus-
measured by spirometry (FEV 1.0) amounted ceptibility to house-dust in diurnally active
to nearly 25% with the occurrence of house-dust-sensitive asthmatic patients. The
wheezing and chest rales. Moreover, a sig- pre- to posttest difference in the FEVl.o at 1500
nificant decrement in the PEF mesor en- was relatively minor compared to that at 2300.
sued during the subsequent 24-hr span after Reproduced from Gervais et al. 1977.
148 Michael H. Smolensky

primates) cannot be conceptualized as a daytime exposure to allergens (Burge et al.

passive responder who exhibits random 1981; Gandevia and Milne 1970; Milne and
and minor variation in endogenous state Gandevia 1969; Mitchell 1970; Siracusa et
(Smolensky 1975; Smolensky et al. 1981b). al. 1978; Davies et al. 1976; Pepys 1976;
Output from organisms quantified by Taylor et al. 1979; Burge et al. 1981;
changes in biological functions or variables O'Brien et al. 1979; Pepys 1977; Pepys and
need not necessarily result from alterations Hutchcroft 1975; Pepys and Davies 1978;
of the ambient environment. Even when Taylor 1977). As first reported by Trous-
environmental conditions are kept con- seau (1865), a single brief exposure to an
stant, such as in studies of asthmatic sub- antigen to which one is hypersensitive is
jects when standardization of experimental capable of eliciting nocturnal dyspnea dur-
conditions is achieved by the use of hypoal- ing several successive nights even without
lergenic facilities, the response of the air- subsequent exposure to the causal agent.
ways, for example to the house-dust bron- According to Taylor and his coworkers
chial challenge, differs markedly according (1979), during the day workers suffering
to the (biological) time of provocation. This from recurrent nocturnal asthmatic reac-
is due to the inherent circadian rhythmicity tions may complain only of cough or un-
in airways' susceptibility. Nonetheless, to usual breathlessness upon exertion and
put these findings in perspective, it must be may even exhibit near-normal airway pa-
pointed out that in asthmatic patients circa- tency (Fig. 13). It is only at night-often for
dian changes such as these do not cause several successive nights-that moderate
dyspnea; however, they do contribute to and sometimes severe dyspnea occurs in
the differential, time-dependent susceptibil- spite of the fact that exposure to the antigen
ity. From a chronobiologic perspective, the took place only during the diurnal span of
etiology of nocturnal asthma involves the work or play.
temporal patterns of both endogenous and
exogenous variables rather than the latter
Circamensual Rhythms and
Pertinent to this discussion is the obser- Asthma
vation in certain occupational settings that Although dyspnea in diurnally active asth-
nonimmediate and recurrent nocturnal matic patients is mainly a nocturnal event,
asthmatic reactions may follow a single in many women it is in addition more com-

(C) (T)
Fig. 13. Temporal variation in 2.0
airway patency of 1 presumably 1.8
diurnally active asthmatic patient
following a single pulmonary chal-
lenge on the test day (numbered 1) U 1.4
E! 1.2
with an antigen to which hypersen- =
sitivity had previously developed LJ.J 1.0
(budgerigar serum) through occu- 0.8
pational exposure. Although the
FEV 1.0 was close to normal during
the day it was extremely low dur- tt t
ing the night, giving rise to severe 0.2 (5)
episodes of dyspnea over several 0
consecutive nights. Reproduced
from Taylor et al. 1979.
5: Human Chronopathology 149

mon and/or more troublesome immediately asthma complement those of Wulfsohn and
prior to and during menses. Although only Politzer (1964). It has been theorized that
a small number of clinical investigations this circamensual rhythmicity is associated
have been published (Chiray et al. 1940; with qualitative and quantitative changes in
Claude and Allemany-Vall 1938; Hoseason ovarian and adrenal hormones over the
1938; Rossolini and Chieffi 1964; Wolfsohn menstrual cycle (Chiray et al. 1940; Claude
and Politzer 1964), there is sufficient evi- and Allemany-VaIl1938; Dalton 1964,1977;
dence to conclude that in many women the Reinberg and Smolensky 1974; Reinberg et
exacerbation of the asthmatic condition al 1974; Smolen sky et al. 1973; Wulfsohn
tends to be circamensually rhythmic. The and Politzer 1964; Zondek and Bromberg
findings of Wulfsohn and Politzer (1964) are 1947).
exemplatory. In their study, 25 of 27 adult
asthmatic women experienced exacerba-
tion of their dyspnea during the night. This Circannual Rhythms and Asthma
is not unexpected based upon the discus- In addition to circadian and circamensual pe-
sion in the previous section. In this same riodicities in asthma, circannual ones have
sample, 20 of 27 women complained that been frequently described (Orie et al. 1964;
their asthma became worse premenstru- Tromp 1963). Figure 14 presents an exam-
ally-up to 7 days before-or during ple of the month-to-month variation in the
menses. The findings reported by Claude occurrence of asthma over the year (Orie et
and Allemany-Vall (1938) in their review of al. 1964). The graph, which represents data
36 cases of premenstrual and menstrual obtained during an II-year span from pa-




~ 110

~ 80

Fig.l4. Seasonal variation in asthma in the

Netherlands. Over an ll-year span, asthma
i i i i i I I
was on the average more frequent during the
JAN MAR MAY JULY SEPT NOV JAN summer and fall than during the winter and
CALENDAR MONTH spring. Data from Orie et al. 1964.
150 Michael H. Smolensky

tients living in the Netherlands, shows an functions are of equal significance in the
excess of attacks between August and N 0- seasonal susceptibility to house-dust-mite
vember. In August the average incidence of allergy and the resulting symptoms.
asthma for the 11-year span was greater
by about 45% than the mean number of
cases over all months, which for the pur-
Circadian Rhythms and Atopic
pose of graphing has been set equal to Dermatitis
100%. For the months of February through Patients frequently complain the pruritus of
June, there was a relatively low incidence atopic dermatitis worsens at night. How-
of asthma. For example, the average inci- ever, objective data documenting this are
dence during the 11 years in February and limited. In a study by Borelli et al. (1966),
March was about 35% lower than the over- data on the intensity of itching were gath-
all mean. Undoubtedly, seasonal variation ered by frequent self-ratings over 24-hr pe-
in the nature and quantity of antigens to riods. Different patients were studied on
which asthmatic persons are sensitive con- separate occasions. Patients rated their
stitutes at least one component of the ob- pruritus being most intense between 1900
served seasonal differences; however, up and 2300 (Fig. 15). Pruritus also was ele-
to this time relatively few studies (Gram- vated but to a lesser extent in the morning
mer et at. 1981; Islam 1981; Reinberg 1971b; around awakening at 0700. Although a con-
Reinberg and Lagoguey 1978a; Lagoguey ceivable hypothesis is that pruritus is most
and Reinberg 1981; Reinberg et al. 1980; Lu intense at night because of a reduction in
et at. 1980a,b; Shifrine et at. 1980a,b; Shi- distracting influences at this time, there are
frine et at. 1982; Stempel et al. 1981) have no objective data to substantiate this popu-
evaluated the possible contribution of en- lar explanation. It was the opinion of
dogenous circannual rhythmicities such as Borelli et at. that changes in the level of
those in catecholamines, corticosteroids, pruritus resulted from 24-hr alterations in
lymphocytes, and immunoglobulins to this atmospheric conditions. From a chrono-
circannual chronopathology. Failure to biologic point of view, the temporal varia-
consider the possible role of endogenous tion in pruritus may represent the influence
rhythms has at least on one occasion led to of periodicities in associated component bi-
an oversimplified and probably incorrect ological functions. In support of this, Cor-
explanation for the seasonality of symp- mia (1952) found the threshold for hista-
toms displayed by house-mite-sensitive al- mine-induced itching was reduced by
lergic children. Murray et al. (1980) found a 100-fold at midnight relative to that at 1400.
seasonal pattern in the symptoms of house- In other studies, Lee et at. (1977) and Rein-
mite allergy in patients displaying this hy- berg (1968) found the histamine-induced er-
persensitivity only. In those patients the ythematous and wheal responses on the av-
peak occurred during the cold months; erage to be two-and-one-half to three-times
none of the patients exhibited an aggrava- greater between 1900 and 2300 than be-
tion of symptoms during the summer when tween 0700 and 1100 in diurnally active al-
the authors found the number of mites in lergicpersons. More recently, Reinberg
mattresses to be greatest. The authors con- and Levi (unpublished data) detected a cir-
cluded that the seasonal variation in allergic cadian rhythm in itching induced by intra-
complaints, which were greater during the dermally injected histamine. The maximum
colder months, was "possibly because that response coincided with the expected tim-
is the season when children spend more ing of the circadian peak of the histamine-
time indoors exposed to find mite debris." induced erythematous and indurative reac-
This may not be the correct explanation. tions. The minimum response coincided
Although the quality of the external envi- with the circadian trough of these reac-
ronment is of strong significance, so it may tions. Overall, the findings of the consid-
be that circannual changes in biological ered studies are similar-the perception of
5: Human Chronopathology 151

hibit cyclic variation in the manifestation

1 of urticaria. An association between endo-
crine function and chronic urticaria has
been observed. For example, in some the
160 exacerbation is experienced only during the
premenstrum or menstrum. It has been sug-
en gested that these cyclic variations are due
E to immunological reactions against proges-


140 terone. Our research (Smolensky et al.
1973; Reinberg et al. 1974; McGovern et al.
1977a) indicates the histamine-induced cu-
taneous erythematous response varies sys-
,!: tematically throughout the menstrual cycle
o in regularly menstruating women not using
oral contraceptives. Highest cutaneous re-
co activity (circadian mesor) occurs during
?fi. I
menstruation whereas lowest reactivity oc-
curs around midcycle. The difference in the
cutaneous reactivity between the circamen-
sual peak and trough amounts to approxi-
mately 25% of the mean of all the circadian
tests conducted over the menstrual cycle.
I The circamensual variation in cutaneous re-
60 q'
activity in non-users of oral contraceptives
~i-'i-'i-'i-'i-'i-'i-'i-'i-'i-'i'-i'-i'-- is only about one-half to one-third that oc-
0100 0500 0900 1300 1700 2100 0100 curring over the 24-hr (circadian) time do-
Clock Hour main. In our investigation, oral contracep-
Fig. 15. Twenty-four-hour variation in the tive use was associated with a reduction of
pruritus of atopic dermatitis. Group self-ratings cutaneous reactivity to histamine and lack
of pruritus carried out by presumably diurnally of circamensual rhythmicity for histamine
active individuals are plotted as a percentage of responsiveness. With regard to the findings
the 24-hr mean (100%). During the night be- pertaining to the non-users of oral contra-
tween 1900 and 2300 pruritus was most severe. ceptives, our results are in agreement with
It was moderate during most of the day, al- those of Bosse and Ladebeck (1972). The
though it was somewhat troublesome around
degree to which circamensual changes in
0700. Redrawn from Borelli et aI. 1966.
cutaneous reactivity contributes to cyclic
variations in urticaria is yet to be examined.
Similarly, the exact extent to which cyclic
the itching due to histamine provocation or urticaria constitutes a medical problem for
"ue to disease is greatest during the night. women is unknown; however, the fact that
most published papers contain only case re-
ports implies it is rather uncommon.
Circamensual Rhythm in Urticaria
Urticaria represents a specific symptom,
hives, of an atopic or immune complex dis-
Overview of the Chronobiology of
ease with the causal agents varying be- Allergy
tween patients. A number of observations The examples cited in this section reveal
(Geber 1921, 1939; Leech and Kumar 1981; that exac~rbations of certain allergic condi-
Guy et al. 1951; Shelley et al. 1964; Tro- tions vary as periodicities of 24 hr, 28-30
movitch and Heggli 1967; Farah and days (in women), and 12 months. Although
Shbaklu 1971) suggest certain women ex- the worsening of allergic disease may take
152 Michael H. Smolensky

place at any time, the probability of suffer- house dust (in house-dust-sensitive asth-
ing symptoms at one time of the day, men- matics) or to acetylcholine and histamine in
strual cycle, or year versus another differs asthmatic and other types of patients brings
predictably with rhythmicity. Nonetheless, to mind the concept of circadian suscepti-
since man's activities within his environ- bility-resistance rhythms initially devel-
ment tend to be programed temporally in oped by Halberg (1969) and Reinberg (1967)
association with societal, recreational, and and later extended by Smolensky (1975).
occupational pursuits, contact with offend- Figure 16 illustrates a homeostatic model of
ing and provoking substances tends to be disease causality often presumed when
programed in time as well. Thus, allergic evaluating the role of the environment on
symptoms may become troublesome at human health status and disease. In this
times other than those predicted by the presentation, the term output represents
body's biological temporal structure and by observable illnesses or symptoms. With the
susceptibility rhythms. In the case of recur- homeostatic model, human biological func-
rent nocturnal asthma, however, even tions are assumed to be finely regulated so
though exposure to causal agents takes the internal environment is maintained rela-
place during the day, the occurrence of se- tively constant with variation being random
rious episodes of dyspnea is usually re- rather than rhythmic. With this model the
stricted to the night. source of day-night or seasonal differences
From a chronobiologic point of view, in symptoms and disease is sought through
when contact with an offending substance examining day-night or seasonal differ-
to which one is hypersensitive occurs, for ences in the external environment exclu-
example, in the morning or at night, may sively. The homeostatic model precludes
determine its "antigenicity." When contemplating both the existence and con-
house-dust-sensitive asthmatic patients are tribution of predictable (rhythmic) variation
challenged by the inhalation of a house-dust in biological functions to the observed tem-
aerosol (Fig. 12), the challenge is relatively poral patterns.
well tolerated when presented in the after- Figures 17-19 present alternatives to the
noon (1500). Only a small deficit of short homeostatic model. These models are
duration in the FEV1.o results. Yet, when based on chronobiologic findings from stud-
the house-dust challenge is presented to the ies with antigens in human beings as well as
same asthmatic patients on another occa-
sion under identical conditions of study,
i.e., at 2300, the effect on the airways is
very great. Chest rales result and the de- INPUT -+ OUTPUT
carci nogens, tumor,
crease in airway patency lasts for many irritants, irritation,
toxicants, HOMEOSTASIS
hours (Gervais et al. 1977). From this and heat, etc.
heat disorders,
other examples (Tammeling et al. 1977;
Reinberg et al. 1971a, DeVries et al. 1962), Fig. 16. The central role given the concept of
it is apparent that the human susceptibility homeostasis in determining the causality of dis-
to antigenic substances varies over 24 hr ease. The human body (represented by the box)
and apparently over the menstrual cycle as is presumed to be relatively constant in func-
well (Ozkaragoz and Cakin 1970; Hansen- tioning; the ambient environment provides cy-
Pruss and Raymond 1942; Lee et al. 1977; clically varying inputs (heat, cold, noise, chem-
icals, etc.) which are attended to by homeo-
McGovern et al. 1977; Reinberg 1967; Smo-
statically controlled processes. Temporal differ-
len sky et al. 1973). ence in output (occurrence or exacerbation of
The demonstration of at least circadian illness), presuming constancy of the milieu in-
rhythms in the cutaneous reactions to hista- terne, infers the source(s) of the temporal differ-
mine and selected antigens and in addition ence orginates from cyclic alteration of the am-
in the reaction of the airways to either bient environment.
5: Human Chronopathology 153

14 r Th reshold for I
Asthma I ~~~ 1
~---- - -----
Status of :x:
(Arbitrary Units)
~ l& ~

6 ~ ~

;Xx .l\ ,;<"

2 :x :xx:: Oc Oc (X~

Arbitrary Units 2

Fig. 17. At the bottom, the cir-

cadian susceptibility-resistance
rhythm of the airways to house
14 Threshold for
dust in diurnally active house-
Asthma dust-sensitive asthmatic patients
is shown. In the middle, the am-
Susceptibility 10 bient house-dust concentration is
of Airways depicted as varying over 24
(Arbitrary Units) hours with a peak during the eve-
6 ning. The upper plot indicates
the likelihood of asthma during
the day or night. Exposure to the
2 ambient environment during the
day would not likely result in
Morning Evening dyspnea, whereas exposure in
Time the evening would.

toxicants in rodents. These models suggest ronmental concentration and of the biologi-
how cyclic or noncyclic variations in envi- cal susceptibility to dust coinciding during
ronmental quality, in this case house-dust the night. For this situation, the likelihood
contamination, interact with circadian sus- of asthma resulting from exposure during
ceptibility-resistance rhythms. For the pur- the usual span of activity is relatively re-
pose of discussion, the disease selected is mote; however, the coincidence of the cir-
that of immediate (as opposed to recurrent cadian phase of peak susceptibility and the
and nonimmediate) asthma. The environ- peak of ambient house-dust concentration
mental challenge in this example is the level at night suggests exposure at this time
of an environmental antigen (e.g., house would result in a high probability of asthma.
dust) to which the airways of the asthmatic Figure 18 illustrates the circadian variation
are hypersensitive. Figure 17 indicates a in the environmental concentration of
situation in which both the level of environ- house dust differing in phase by 12 hours
mental challenge (house dust) and the sus- from that of airway sensitivity. In this case,
ceptibility rhythm of the airways are cyclic it is quite likely that at no time during the 24
over 24 hr. In this figure the phasing of each hr will the symptoms of dyspnea result
rhythm is similar with the peak of the envi- (given a moderate level of ambient house
154 Michael H. Smolensky

14 Threshold for
Ast hma

Status of
Arbitrary Units

~ No

Fig. IS. At the bottom, the Arbitrary Units
circadian susceptibility-re- 2
sistance rhythm of the air-
ways to house dust in diur-
nally active house-dust-
sensitive asthmatic patients 14 Th reshold for
is shown. In the middle, the Asthma
ambient house-dust concen- Endogenous
tration is shown as varying 01 Airways 10
in a cyclic manner but differ- Arbitrary Units
ing in phase by 12 hr from
the rhythm in airway sus- 6
ceptibility. For this situa-
tion, exposure of the asth-
matic person to the ambient 2
environment would not re-
sult in dyspnea no matter Morning Evening
when it occurred. Time

dust), no matter what time exposure takes ronmental challenge but to appreciate as
place. Finally, Figure 19 depicts the exis- well the existence of circadian patterns of
tence of the same circadian susceptibility- biological susceptibility-resistance. The ex-
resistance pattern for house dust with a amples put forth here are based upon re-
non varying environmental concentration of search conducted by Gervais et al. (1977)
house dust. In this example, exposure of for house-dust-sensitive asthmatics as well
house-dust-sensitive asthmatic patients as by others (Tammeling et al. 1977; Rein-
during the early and middle hours of activ- berg et al. 1971a; DeVries et al. 1962) using
ity will most likely not result in dyspnea. nonspecific irritants such as histamine and
On the other hand, exposure to the same acetylcholine. The findings suggest that the
environmental concentration later in the important variables to consider from the
evening will more likely result in asthma. In point of view of environmentally induced
considering the aforementioned three illness are not only the nature and quantity
models it is evident that it is critical not of the environmental contamination but the
only to appreciate the influence of cyclic time when exposure occurs with regard to
patterns in the concentration of the envi- the phasing of circadian resistance-suscep-
5: Human Chronopathology 155

14 Threshold for

Status of 10
Alrwav s
Arbitrar( Units

Arbitrary Units
Fig. 19. At the bottom, the
circadian susceptibility-resis-
tance rhythm of the airways to
house dust in diurnally active
14 Threshold for house-dust-sensitive asthmatic
Asthma patients is shown. In the mid-
Endogenous dle, the ambient house-dust
of Alrwavs 10 concentration is shown as non-
Arbitrary Units varying over 24 hr. For this sit-
uation, exposure to the ambient
6 environment during the morn-
ing and afternoon would not
likely result in asthma. Only
2 during a relatively short span in
the evening would exposure to
Morning Evening the ambient environment possi-
Time bly provoke asthma.

tibility rhythms. What may be well toler- ered. A large number of publications have
ated by human beings at one time of the day dealt with seasonal differences in cardio-
may not be at another. The importance vascular disease, noting for the most part
of circamensual susceptibility-resistance winter peaks. Others have been concerned
rhythms for diseases occurring preferen- with the association of myocardial infarc-
tially at different times of the menstrual cy- tion (MI) with the consumption of large
cle or circannual susceptibility-resistance meals or participation in strenuous activi-
rhythms of women and men over the year ties. Actually temporal variation in cardio-
has been postulated but as yet not proven. vascular functions and diseases is rather
prominent (Smolensky et al. 1976). How-
ever, it is unknown to what extent biologi-
Cardiovascular Chronopathology cal rhythms in cardiovascular and certain
Textbooks on cardiovascular physiology other bodily functions significantly contrib-
and pathology fail to consider chronobiolo- ute to temporal patterns of cardiovascular
gic aspects. Except for the variables of disorders.
heart rate and blood pressure, only in a lim- Since the 1950s, a large number of re-
ited number of published papers has the ports have been published substantiating
time of day or time of year been consid- circannual rhythms in human mortality due
156 Michael H. Smolensky

to lesions of the vascular system or due to ers and Deuar 1975; Pell and D'Alonzo
MI (Haberman et al. 1981; Ramirez-Lasse- 1963; Stephens et al., in preparation). Ini-
pas et al. 1980; Reinberg et al. 1973; Smo- tially, time-qualified MI morbidity (and
lensky et al. 1972). Too, a small number of mortality in the case of sudden death) data
reports have produced evidence for circa- were tabulated to examine the temporal as-
dian differences in cardiac or cerebrovascu- sociation between infarct and the type and
lar mortality (Bock and Kreuzenbeck 1966; level of activity preceding or coinciding
Reinberg et al. 1973; Smolensky et al. 1972, with the morbid event. Typically, the num-
1976). Although data on cardiac and vascu- ber of cases in each study has been rather
lar mortality are rather easily accessible small, usually less than 400 to 500. One of
from governmental departments of vital the earliest American physicians to report a
statistics, especially for examining circan- temporal pattern of morbidity in myocar-
nual patterns, data pertaining to 24-hr and dial infarct over 24 hr in a sufficiently large
seasonal differences in morbidity are con- sample of patients was Master and his col-
siderably more difficult to obtain. With re- leagues (1937; 1952; 1960). Their data rep-
spect to 24-hr morbidity rhythms, the na- resenting MIs in a sample of 1229 patients
ture of certain data sets requires careful indicated large temporal variation with a
examination in that the clock-hour totals peak around 1000 (Fig. 20).
may represent to a greater extent the timing Since the earlier investigation by Master
of hospital admissions rather than the tim- and his colleagues, the results of several
ing of attacks. The two events can be sepa- others have been published. However, in
rated by an unknown number of hours or some it is not always clear whether the
even days. Moreover, discrepancies be- authors reported the clock hour totals of
tween the findings of investigations of cir- hospital admissions for MI or their occur-
cadian cardiovascular morbidity rhythms rence as indicated by the patients. Figure
may result from artifacts due to imprecision 21 (Smolensky and Kennelly, unpublished
in the recording of the clock hour of the data), the temporal distribution of hospital
onset of symptoms and also to a disregard admissions, and Fig. 22 (Stephens et al., in
for the synchronizer pattern of the individ- preparation), the temporal pattern of medi-
uals constituting the available sample of pa- cally substantiated MI, for 1497 and 1209
tients. Nonetheless, several published re- patients, respectively, show that neither
ports infer that cardiovascular morbidities the hospital admissions for MI nor the MI
exhibit rather high-amplitude circadian and attacks, themselves, are randomly distrib-
circannual variations. uted over time. Moreover, the temporal
patterns of each differ. The lowest number
of hospital admissions for MI took place
Circadian Rhythms and during the morning between 0600 and 0800;
Myocardial Infarct the greatest number took place during the
Differences in the occurrence of heart at- afternoon around 1400. The temporal distri-
tacks in groups of patients with reference to bution of the onset of MI, based on the
clock hour have been studied, although commencement of associated symptoms in
only by a relatively small number of physi- 1209 of these patients, varied significantly
cians and researchers, primarily since the from that of hospital admissions. Specifi-
middle of the twentieth century (Bock and cally, the waveform for the onset of MI is
Kreuzenbeck 1966; Churina et al. 1975; biomodal with a major peak around 0900
Eltringham and Dobson 1979; Gyarfas and a secondary one 12 hr later. The num-
et al. 1976; Johansson 1972; Kaufmann ber of attacks which occurred between 0800
et al. 1981; Master 1960; Master and Jaffe and 1000 was approximately twice that oc-
1952; Master et al. 1937, 1952; Mey- curring between 0400 to 0600 or between
5: Human Chronopathology 157

360 emergency room admission data for study-

ing human chronopathologies is inappro-
priate and misleading.
The detection of a prominent morning
peak in the occurrence of MI by Stephens
(in preparation) is consistent with the find-
340 ing of others, such as Master (1960), Gyar-
fas (1976), and Churina et al. (1975). In the
past, the timing of elevated numbers of MI
has been discussed from an epidemiologic
point of view with emphasis on exogenous
u factors such as workload, meal timing, and
< weather. However, the temporal pattern of
< MI may represent both exogenous as well
o as endogenous periodic influences. Al-

oz though temporal changes in workload,
physical effort, and emotional pressure
300 over the 24-hr span cannot be ignored, nei-

I ther can the circadian rhythmicity in perti-
nent endogenous functions be ignored
I (Reinberg et al. 1973; Smolensky et al.
I 1976; Yasue et al. 1978, 1979). Figure 23 by

I means of an acrophase map shows that sev-
280 eral cardiovascular-related functions or in-
dices are circadian rhythmic (Smolensky et
al. 1976). The information depicted in this
0400 1000 1600 0400 figure, while revealing a circadian organiza-
CLOCK HOUR tion of various cardiovascular processes,
indicates that a number of critical functions
Fig. 20. Data for 1229 myocardial infarctions have yet to be studied for periodicities. At
summarized as the number of attacks per 6-hr this time, circadian rhythms are known for
span reveal a peak during the morning around heart rate and certain dynamic aspects of
1000 and a trough around 2200. The dark shad- cardiac function such as the preejection pe-
ing along the horizontal axis indicates the al-
leged, although not verified, sleep span of the
riod index (PEPI), the left ventricular ejec-
sample. Data from Master 1960. tion time index (LVETI), and the indexed
duration of left ventricular systole (QS2I).
The circadian acrophase of the latter differs
by 12 hr from the 1J of urinary catechol-
1800 and 2000. In addition to confirming the amine excretion. With respect to the 24-hr
major finding of Master and colleagues, time domain, it is not surprising that the
i.e., the existence of a 24-hr pattern in MI acrophase of the circadian rhythm of blood
with a peak in the morning, the data of catecholamine concentration is phase-re-
Smolensky, Kennelly and Stephens reveal lated to the circadian 1J of heart rate and the
the inappropriateness of depending on hos- trough (1J + 12 hr) of the circadian rhythm
pital records for investigating chronopa- of myocardial ejection time (Wertheimer et
thologies. The temporal pattern of hospital al. 1972). Circadian rhythms have been
admissions for MI is not at all comparable demonstrated also for blood (systolic, dias-
to that for the onset of MI. The obvious tolic, and pulse) pressure, cardiac output,
implication is that the use of hospital or stroke volume, capillary resistance, and
158 Michael H. Smolensky





a: \
w 140 \
~ \
a:I \
120 \






5i I I I I
.000 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000 0000


Fig. 21. Twenty-four-hour distribution of 1497 hospital emergency room admissions for the
treatment of myocardial infarction in Cape Town, South Africa. The pattern is circadian rhythmic
with a peak early in the afternoon and a trough around 0600. Shadings along the horizontal axis
approximate the suspected sleep span for the sample. Unpublished data of M.H. Smolensky and B.

other cardiovascular variables (Smolensky function is not random over time. It is likely
et al. 1976). It is doubtful that anyone of that several circadian biosystems are in-
these particular circadian variables is asso- volved with cardiac efficiency as well as
ciated directly and specifically with the ob- vulnerability.
served temporal patterns in MI. Nonethe- The results of two other types of investi-
less, the acrophase map (presented as a gations-the first indicating temporal dif-
review of known circadian rhythmic ferences in the capacity of healthy human
changes in cardiovascular measures and beings for physical effort and the second
functions) shows that variability in cardiac indicating temporal differences in the oc-
5: Human Chronopathology 159

150 N= 1209




.... 110
100 \
\ Fig. 22. The temporal distribution
90 \ of myocardial infarction (MI) is non-
\ random; MIs are more common
1 around 0900 and 2100 than 0500 and
80 also 1500-1900. The shaded portion
ofthe horizontal axis shows the pre-
sumed sleep span for the sample of
patients. Data from Stephens et al.,
Clock Hour in preparation.

currence of cardiac arrhythmias in heart pa- be greatest in the afternoon between 1600
tients-appear to be pertinent to under- and 1800 and lowest between 0200 and
standing the observed temporal patterns in 0400. The latter findings are in agreement
MI. With regard to the first type of study, also with those of Klein et al. (1966) and
Bier and Rompel-Purckhauser (1979) found Davis and Sargent (1975).
physical training by means of treadmill-in- Overall, the findings from healthy sam-
duced 130 beat/min pulse rate was best tol- ples suggest the occurrence of circadian
erated as far as producing optimal work ca- rhythms of cardiopulmonary efficiency and
pacity when timed from one day to the next tolerance for physical effort. Perhaps, the
around 1700. Minimum effectiveness ofthe morning crest in MI coinciding closely in
training was found when it was scheduled time with the rather abrupt shift from the
at 0900. These findings are consistent also inactive state of sleep to a high level of
with those of Ilmarinen et al. (1980) who physical and emotional activity represents
reported the recovery heart rate 5 min fol- a type of circadian intolerance of predis-
lowing a standardized exercise load was posed persons for physical work or activity
higher after a test conducted between 0700 at this time. From an ethical and medical
and 1000 than after being conducted be- perspective, a laboratory investigation de-
tween 1900 and 2200. These findings differ signed to research circadian rhythmicity in
from those of Voigt et al. (1967) who found the susceptibility of predisposed patients to
the daily performance-pulse index (the ratio arrhythmias or MI is dangerous. Thus, al-
of the change of pulse rate to the increase in though it is feasible to investigate the circa-
work output) during bicycle ergometry to dian susceptibility of volunteering asth-
160 Michael H. Smolensky

Study N & Kind Subst Acrophase ~ (.1 And Source

~ (T.d)[At.hJ 95% CI (I-----< I Of Data

Heart Morbidity 1229 P Master

Hea rt Mo rtality 576 P Reinberg

Cerebrov. Mort. 871 P
Heart Rate 213 (421 [3J Table I
PEPI IDS (II f3l Werthei mer


Cardiac Output 4 H (j) [2] Table I'il

Stroke Volume 3 H(j) [2]

Blood Floo 8H (I) (4] Kaneko
Fig. 23. The circadian cp and
95% CL (the latter given only Cap. Resi stance 7H (j) [3] Dor)ng
when circadian rhythmicity is Systolic BP 332 (8) [1.5) Table lLII
documented at P ~ .05) for hu- Diastolic BP 169 H 181 [1.5] ii!!:!!;!:!:!:.!:: I Tablemrr
man cardiovascular functions 44 H (7) [2] -:.:-:-:-:.:-:-:."
of diurnally active samples of Pulse Pressu re Rulenfranz
healthy subjects. Although cps Blood Volume 12 H (1)(81 Finlayson
are provided for heart morbid- Plasma Viscosity 11 H (I) (3) Ehrly
ity and mortality as well as Blood Viscosity
cerebrovascular mortality, no
cause and effect relationships Hematocrit
are implied among the cardio-
vascular rhythms listed and g~~~lamines 10 H (I )[3] Wertheimer

those in morbidity and mortal- ~5C::==::::::===::;e

ity (see original publication for t H Heallhys
sources of data). Reproduced S Non-heart and Mid
from Smolensky et al. 1976. P Heart patients

matic patients to bronchial provocation, a (1980), and Steinbach et ai. (1978) found
procedure conducted under careful medical temporal differences in the occurrence of
supervision in the clinic to substantiate cardiac arrhythmias over the 24-hr period.
diagnosis, this is not the case for However, only Brisse and her colleagues
MI. Nonetheless, because of a lack of rele- (1979) studied sufficiently large samples of
vant data the question of when to prescribe cardiac patients. Brisse et aI., by means of
physical activity or exercise, in addition to 24-hr Holter investigations, found that
how much, as a rehabilitative medical treat- atrial and ventricular arrhythmias were
ment must be examined. In this regard, more frequent between 0600 and 0900 and
Yasue et ai. (1979) found Prinzmetal's vari- again about 12 hours later. This pattern in
ant angina patients incapable of completing the frequency of arrhythmias resembles
a prescribed physical exercise load in the that of MI as described in Fig. 22. Addi-
morning but capable of completing it rather tional 24-hr Holter investigations are re-
easily when scheduled later in the after- quired to evaluate the occurrence of tempo-
noon. ral differences in the nature as well as
With regard to the second type of stud- number of arrhythmias to achieve a better
ies, Bouvrain et ai. (1977), Brisse et ai. understanding of the importance of such
(1979), Christ and Hoff (1975), Sensi et ai. with regard to the temporal variation in MI.
5: Human Chronopathology 161

Circadian Rhythms and Angina many as 12 to 20 or more episodes of ST-

Pectoris segment elevation/min. Data from 38 di-
urnally active Prinzmetal's variant patients
Angina pectoris is characterized by chest studied by Kuroiwa (1978) reveal a circa-
pain associated with transient episodes of dian rhythm in the ultradian pattern of this
myocardial ischemia resulting from an im- ST-segment anomaly with the peak inci-
balance between oxygen supply and tissue dence between 0200 and 0400. Relatively
demand. One type referred to as exercise- few patients displayed this ECG anomaly
induced or exertional angina is believed to after sleep or during the afternoon (Fig. 24).
result from an elevated myocardial oxygen The temporal etiology of this cardiac dis-
requirement in patients exhibiting a fixed order has been further investigated by
stenosis of the large coronary arteries. The Yasue and his associates (1978, 1979) using
symptoms of another type, Prinzmetal's an exercise challenge and angiography at
variant angina, occur not during exertion different times of the day to visualize the
but primarily during nocturnal rest and ap- patency of the coronary arteries. In their
parently result from spasm of the coronary investigation, 13 patients with Prinzmetal's
arteries (Prinzmetal et al. 1959; Nowlin et variant angina were subjected to treadmill
al. 1965; Kuroiwa 1978). According to exercise early in the morning between 0500
Prinzmetal (1959) this form of angina, char- and 0800 and again in the afternoon be-
acterized by the episodic cyclic waxing and tween 1500 and 1600 on the same day. In
waning of ST-segment elevations as detect- the morning tests, patients were requested
able from ECG records, is not necessarily to walk for 3 min at a rate of 2.5 milhr on a
coincident with chest pain. Kuroiwa (1978) grade of 12%. In the afternoon tests, pa-
found cyclic variation in this ST-segment tients were to walk longer and faster-for
anomaly in 31 of 58 (63%) of his patients. 4.5 min at a rate of 3 milhr also at a 12%
During sleep, episodes of ST-wave segment grade. Attacks of angina associated with
elevation were exhibited at intervals of 3 to ST-segment elevations were induced in all
5 seconds. The manifestation of this ECG 13 patients when the exercise was sched-
anomaly is thus ultradian rhythmic with as uled between 0500 and 0800. In contrast

30 'l'o :I:
12 0

a: 10 <
:::l !2
:r:: 20 (f)
a: 8 ~
w til
0.. C
ci 6 0
Z z
10 4 ~
2 -I


Fig. 24. Circadian variation in the occurrence of 234 (cyclic) episodes of ST-segment elevation in
a sample of diurnally active patients suffering from Prinzmetal's variant angina. The number of epi-
sodes of ST-segment anomalies per hour, which in themselves display ultradian periodicity, is great-
est during the sleep span with the peak around 0300. Few episodes of cyclic ST-segment anomaly are
detected throughout the daytime span of activity. Reproduced from Kuroiwa 1978.
162 Michael H. Smolensky

only 2 of the 13 patients exhibited ST-seg- in systolic and diastolic blood pressures
ment alterations when exercised in the (Smolensky et al. 1976). However, until re-
afternoon in spite of the fact that the tread- cently data from a sufficiently large sample
mill speed and duration of exercise were of patients have been unavailable to prop-
greater. The difference in the response to erly evaluate whether the occurrence of ce-
morning versus afternoon exercise was at rebral infarction is circadian rhythmic.
least in part due to the temporal difference Marshall in 1977 was the first to report a
in the tone of the large coronary arteries. circadian rhythm in cerebral infarction (CI)
The tone was higher, i.e., the patency was with the highest incidence at 0300 and the
smaller, during the morning than during the lowest at 1500 (Fig. 25). The amplitude of
afternoon. Consistent with this finding was this circadian chronopathology in groups of
the observation that the effect of nitroglyc- male and female patients is quite large with
erin on the patency of the large coronary the number of cases at the peak more than
arteries was always greater when taken in twice that at the trough.
the morning, when the tone of the vessels The coincidence in time in diurnally
was high, than when taken in the afternoon active persons between the circadian peak
when the tone of the large coronary arteries of cerebral infarction at 0300 and the
was so low the medication was ineffective. trough of the circadian rhythm in diastolic
Thus, temporal variation in the vasomotor and systolic blood pressure as found in
tone of the large coronary arteries appears studies of patients as well as healthy per-
to explain at least partially the 24-hr sus- sons (Smolensky et al. 1976) is striking. In
ceptibility of the vasculature of the coro- diurnally active persons, the peak in sys-
nary arteries to vasospasm and the result- tolic and diastolic blood pressure generally
ing temporal variability in the symptoms occurs between the middle and late after-
and electrocardiographic anomalies charac- noon with slight deviation between individ-
teristic of Prinzmetal' s variant angina. uals depending upon the exact activity-
The results of Yasue et al. (1978, 1979) sleep routine (Tables 2 and 3). Although
are intriguing for another reason. The find- many explanations have been offered-
ings indicate without doubt that the effec- e.g., reduced blood pressure occurring dur-
tiveness of nitroglycerin as a cardiac medi- ing sleep, regional changes in the distribu-
cation, at least for this type of patient, is tion of blood within the brain, and the
clearly not the same in the morning and effects of posture and head-turning on the
afternoon. The medication is highly effec- flow of blood through the vertebral and ca-
tive in changing the patency of the large rotid arteries (Toole 1968; Townsend et al.
coronary arteries in the morning; it is pre- 1973)-to explain the predilection for CI
dictably less effective in the afternoon be- during nocturnal rest, none are adequate.
cause of the temporal pattern in the vaso-
motor tone of the large coronary arteries. Circadian Rhythms and
The extent to which these findings are ap-
Spontaneous Intracerebral
plicable to patients having other types of
cardiac disease is not known but worthy of Hemo"hage
exploration considering the large number of Marshall (1977) appears to have been the
patients now taking this medication. first to accumulate a relatively large sample
of cases for studying the temporal variation
in cerebral hemorrhage, although his data
Circadian Rhythms and Cerebral failed to show a significant 24-hr rhythmic-
Infarction ity. Rigorous investigations by Ramirez-
Circadian rhythms in cerebral infarction Lassepas et al. (1978), however, did reveal
have been postulated previously (Toole a prominent circadian difference in the on-
1968; Kendell and Marshall 1963; Marshall set of spontaneous intracerebral hemor-
1977) based on reports of circadian rhythms rhage (SICH). The data for their study con-
5: Human Chronopathology 163

235 235

185 185 -i
w ~
If) r

u 0
~ 135 135 :;l

85 85
0300 0900
2100 0300
85 150 z

\ ~

\ rT1

\ ;:0


75 \
\ 130 ~


\ ~

\ l>

\ fTl

\ 110 0
\ l>
, If)

\ fTl

w ~
If) I

u 55 90 I
w \
6 Fig. 25. Circadian rhythm in
~\ the occurrence of cerebral in-
farction (morbidity). In both
45 \
70 presumably diurnally active
males and females a cerebral in-
w \
\ farction was considerably more
<D \
common at night around 0300
z 35 50
than during the afternoon at
0300 0900
2100 0300
: r 1500. Shaded portion at bottom
shows the presumed usual
sleep span. Data from Marshall

sisted of the time of the perceived onset of existence of circadian as well as circannual
SICH for 118 consecutive cases collected rhythmicity. Figure 26 (E. Haus, personal
during a 6-year span. Diagnosis was estab- communication) presents the 24-hr pattern
lished by laboratory investigations show- of SICH in a sample of 100 patients for
ing hemorrhagic or xanthochromic cerebro- which the clock hour of the SICH event
spinal and angiographic demonstration of was accurately ascertained. A much higher
an intracerebral avascular mass in the ab- than expected number of patients experi-
sence of aneurysm in 9, by computerized enced SICH-between 1730 and 2130. Only a
axial tomography in 22, and by postmortem small number experienced SICH between
examination in 87 cases. The data and tim- 0130 and 1330 in this sample of presumably
ing of the onset of symptoms were carefully diurnally active patients. Cosinor analysis
recorded for the purpose of evaluating the of these data revealed a statistically signifi-
164 Michael H. Smolensky

Table 2. Circadian Rhythm in Human Systolic Blood Pressure.

Number and Type P
of Subjects (rhythm Mesor: Ma Amplitude: A" Acrophase: <l>b
(no. days) [~t, hours] detection) (M SE) (95% confidence limits) Author
12H (14) [1.5]e <.05 NG 2.1 ( O.S to 3.4) 1356 (I J56 to 1736) Levine73
7H (NG) <.005 IIS.S 4.4 S.4 ( 4. to 12.3) 1550 (1256 to 2P2) Reinberg92
ISH (I) [2] <.05 121.S 2.2 14.6 (10.4 to IS.S) 1328 (1256 to 1404) Gautherie29
7S (I) [2] <.05 131.5 3.0 17.9 (l5.S to 20.0) 13 12 (1252 to 1336) Gautherie29
SE (I) [2] <.05 117.0 2.2 13.0 (12.0 to 14.0) 1344 (13 12 to 14 16) Gautherie 29
3V (3) [2] <.05 112.0 3.7 11.1 ( 9.1 to 13.2) 1356 (1310 to 1412) Gautherie 29
7H (I) [4] _d 100% S.9 ( 4.5 to 13.3)e 1248 (1056 to 1440) Richardson 100
13H (10) [1.5]e <.005 119.0 2.0 5.4 ( I.S to 10.0) 1236 (0928 to 1528) Kanabrocki58
12H (10) [1.5]e <.001 117.7 3.7 4.5 ( 2.9 to 6.0) 1444 (13 32 to 1628) Kanabrocki58
25H (I) [0.1] <.001 146.0 O.S 6.2 ( 4.0 to S.4) OS4O (0720 to 1()24) Gross 31
5H (I) [l] <.005 120.S O.S 4.2 ( I.S to 6.6) 1032 (OS20 to 1240) Bidoggia8
120H (1) [l] <.001 125.2 0.4 5.5 ( 3.5 to 7.5) 1220 (I p6 to 1304) Zu1ch 142
IOH (NG) <.01 123.0 2.6 2.2 ( O.S to 3.6) 1728 (1504 to 21 48) Levine72
IH (21) [l.5]e .009 122.9 O.S 3.0 ( 1.2 to 4.S) IS 24 (15 05 to 23 52) Sothem l22
7H (1) [4] .002 NG S.4 ( 4.5 to 12.3) 1220 (0928 to 1404) Reinberg93
7D (I) [4] .006 NG 5.9 ( 2.6 to 9.1) 1200 (1048 to 1304) Reinberg93
35H (4-100) [1.5)e <.001 100% O.S ( 0.4 to 1.2)e 1656 (1436 to 1952) LaSalle69
6U (6) [2] <.001 109.2 0.5 7.4 ( 6.0 to 7.S) 1324 (1240 to 1408) Rutenfranz 105
7X (9) [2] <.001 106.3 0.7 11.1 ( 9.3 to 12.9) 1308 (1232 to 13 38) Rutenfranz 105
4Y (7) [2] <.001 107.4 0.7 9.9 ( 7.9 to 11.9) 13 32 (1244 to 1420) Rutenfranz lO5
3Z (5) [2] <.001 102.9 O.S 9.0 ( 6.6 to 11.4) 1226 (11 26 to 1326) Rutenfranz l05
ISX (-S) [2] <.001 100.S 0.6 5.7 ( 4.1 to 7.3) 1320 (12 16 to 13 44) Rutenfranz 105
6Y (-9) [2] .003 103.9 0.6 4.2 ( 2.6 to 5.S) 13 52 (1228 to 1520) Rutenfranz 105
9R (10) [-3] <.001 145.9 17.4 6.4 ( 2.4 to 10.4) 1924 (1408 to 2144) Scheving lO7
10L (10) [3] <.02 130.0 4.0 3.1 (0.6to 5.6) 1930 (1434 to 23 14) Enna23
29C (I) [0.1] <.001 154.1 0.9 6.4 ( 3.9 to S.9) 1122 (0956 to 1256) Gross 31
361 (I) [0.1] <.001 160.6 1.0 6.3 ( 3.4 to 9.2) 1038 (OS56 to 1222) Gross 31
10M (I) [0.1] <.001 176.0 O.S 7.2 ( 5.2 to 9.4) OS50 (0742 to 0958) Gross 31 .
IP (42) [1.5]e <.01 160.0 0.9 9.S ( S.4 to 11.4) 11 36 (1048 to 1220) Levine 71
9P (I) [1] <.001 166.9 1.0 7.9 ( 5.1 to 10.7) 11 28 (10 12 to 1248) Bidoggia8
a M and A given in mmHg except when mesor = 100%, then A given in %M.
b Acrophase, <1>, referenced to designated or estimated midsleep time and given as a delay in hours and minutes.
e Data obtained during the waking hours only for designated T.
d P > .05 but signal to noise ratio (AlSE) ~ 0.33.

NG, not given.

Subjects: H, healthy normotensive; C, carotid ischemia; N, equilibrate healthy; M, carotid and vertebrobasilar
ischemia; P, hypertensive patients; I, vertebrobasilar ischemia; R, older (x age = SO.4 years) but healthy; L,
leprosy; S, sympathicotonics; V, vagotonics; D, restricted diet, healthy.
Analyses by LSS (least squares spectral) and cosinor.
Note: See Smolensky et al. (1976) for source of citations shown in table.

cant circadian rhythmicity in both males pressure observed in normal and hyperten-
and females with the acrophase for the sive individuals.
former at 1748 (with the 95% confidence
limits being 1516 to 2016) and 1728 (1548 to
1912) for the latter. Although the underly-
Circadian Rhythms and
ing temporal features of this circadian Hypertension
chronopathology have not been elucidated, Although hypertension is considered one of
Ramirez-Lassepas et al. (1978) point out the most prevalent diseases of modern civi-
that the peak incidence of SICH coincides lization, the diagnostic criteria are not uni-
closely with the circadian peak of blood versally agreed upon by physicians and
5: Human Chronopathology 165

Table 3. Circadian rhythm in Human Diastolic Blood Pressure.

Number and Type P
of Subjects (rhythm Mesor: Ma Amplitude: A" Acrophase: <lib First
(no. days) [~t, hours] detection) (M SE) (95% confidence limits) author
13H (10) [1.5]e <.02 75.0 2.0 4.7 ( 0.8 to 8.5) 2128 (18 56 to 018) Kanabrocki58
12H (10) [1.5]e .001 77.7 2.3 1.9 ( 0.4 to 3.5) 1644 (1408 to 2228) Kanabrocki 58
18H (1) [2] <.05 73.7 9.6 4.3 ( 2.7 to 5.9) 1200 (11 00 to 1300) Gautherie29
7S (1) [2] <.05 80.5 5.5 5.5 ( 5.2 to 5.8) 1124 (11 04 to 1144) Gautherie 29
8E (1) [2] <.05 71.0 6.0 3.8 ( 3.0 to 4.6) 1220 (1200 to 1236) Gautherie29
3V (3) [2] <.05 65.0 5.0 2.8 ( 2.1 to 3.5) 1248 (12 28 to 138) Gautherie 29
25H (1) [0.1] .001 87.7 0.7 3.2 ( 1.2 to 5.2) 0936 (0728 to 11 52) Gross 31
7H (1) [4]e _d 100% 13.4 (10.1 to 16.5)e 1224 (1044 to 1404) Richardson 100
10H (1) NG <.01 83.0 3.0 2.7 ( 2.5 to 3.8) 2040 (18 28 to 04 16) Levine72
IH (21) [1.5] .009 75.5 0.6 3.4 ( 2.0 to 4.8) 0852 (0703 to 1031 ) Sothem 122
48H (16-64) [1.5] <.001 70.0 NG 2.6 ( 1.4 to 4.0) 0440 (0 p6 to 1252) Halberg38
6U (6) [2] .001 81.8 0.3 3.8 ( 3.4 to 4.3) 13 52 (1200 to 1344) Rutenfranz 105
7X (7) [2] .001 75.3 0.3 4.1 ( 3.7 to 4.5) 13 16 (12 36 to 1400) Rutenfranz 105
4Y (7) [2] .001 77.0 0.4 4.8 ( 4.2 to 5.4) 13 32 (1240 to 1428) Rutenfranz lO5
3Z (5) [2] .001 75.5 0.6 6.0 ( 5.1 to 6.9) 1222 (1126 to 1326) Rutenfranz 105
6Y (-9) [2] .008 73.2 0.4 2.3 ( 1.8 to 2.9) 2220 (2052 to 00 16) Rutenfranz 105
9R (10) [-3]< <.01 NG 4.1 ( 1.5 to 6.6) 2024 (1600 to 2 P6) Scheving lO7
IP (42) [1.5]e <.01 91.4 0.4 2.8 ( 2.0 to 3.5) 1200 (1040 to 1320) Levine71
9P (1) [1] <.05 101.3 0.6 2.0 ( 0.3 to 6.7) 1544 (12 32 to 1856) Bidoggia8
29C (1) [0.1] .001 91.5 0.5 3.8 ( 2.3 to 5.3) 1Q06 (08 38 to 1P8) Gross 31
361 (1) [0.1] .001 98.2 0.8 4.7 ( 2.4 to 7.0) 09 18 (0754 to 1038) Gross 31
10M (1) [0.1] .001 96.3 0.6 4.3 ( 2.5 to 6.1) 08 18 (0646 to 0950) Gross 31
a M and A given in mmHg except when mesor = 100%, then A given in %M.
b Acrophase, <II,referenced to designated or estimated midsleep time and given as a delay in hours and minutes.
e Data obtained during the waking hours only for designated T.
d P > .05 but signal to noise ratio (NSE) ~ 0.33.

NG, not given.

Subjects: H, healthy normotensive; I, vertebrobasilar ischemia; V, vagotonies; P, hypertensive patients; M,
carotid and vertebrobasilar ischemia; N, equilibrate healthy; R, older (x age = 80.4 yrs) but healthy; C, carotid
ischemia; S, sympathicotonics. Age of children: U, 3-4 years; X, 7-10 years; Y, 11-13 years; Z, 15 years.
Analyses by LSS (least squares spectral) and cosinor.
Note: See Smolensky et al. (1976) for source of citations shown in table.

researchers. Conventionally, a systolic individuals tends to be greater during the

pressure of 140 mmHg or a diastolic pres- afternoon and evening than the morning.
sure of 90 mmHg is the agreed upon demar- Either due to random fluctuations or to cir-
cation between normotension and hyper- cadian rhythms, elevated blood pressure
tension in adults. Although it has been values beyond the generally accepted limits
suggested that the diagnosis of hyperten- of normotension are from time to time ob-
sion should be based on elevated blood served even in healthy persons free of car-
pressures on at least 2-3 consecutive clini- diovascular or other illness (Pickering 1972;
cal visits, there are no criteria as to the time Pickering et al. 1982; Halberg et al. 1974).
or the duration during the 24 hr that the Because sometimes rather large-amplitude
pressures must be elevated to substantiate circadian changes in blood pressure may
the diagnosis. occur even in health, pressures above 140/
Diastolic and systolic blood pressures 90 mmHg occasionally can be expected.
exhibit both random as well as predictable With recognition of biological rhythms in
circadian and other rhythmic patterns blood pressure, Bartter et al. (1976) sug-
(Bartter et al. 1976; Smolensky et al. 1976). gested the term mesor-hypertension, mean-
In general, the blood pressure of day-active ing the elevation over the entire 24-hr span
166 Michael H. Smolensky





<II 14
N 12
:::I 10

Fig. 26. The occurrence of spontaneous

intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH) is not 6
evenly distributed over the 24 hr. In a sam-
ple of 100 cases for which the time of the 4
event was known, the susceptibility was
considerably greater between 1730 and 2130
than between 2330 and 1330. Shaded por-
tion at bottom depicts the presumed usual
sleep span. Illustration provided by E. 0930 1330 1730 2130 0130
Haus as a personal communication. Clock Hour

of systolic and diastolic pressure beyond among other factors influence blood pres-
conventionally considered safe levels such sure. Adrenal hormones both from the me-
as 140/90 mmHg. According to Halberg and dula and cortex also exhibit strong influ-
his colleagues (1974) mesor-hypertension, ences. Since the secretion of these
referring either to significant transient or hormones is circadian rhythmic, biological
lasting elevation in the systolic and/or dia- functions dependent on these adrenal hor-
stolic circadian rhythm-adjusted mean mones should be expected to be circadian
(mesor, see Chap. 2), represents a vali- rhythmic as well. Figure 27 (Reinberg
dated statistically significant difference in 1979a, 1980) by means of an acrophase map
the 24-hr blood pressure level relative to a presents the temporal coordination of some
patient's previously established baseline of these functions. For heart rate (lower
mesor obtained while healthy or relative to portion of figure) there is an almost exact
a range of mesor values of an appropriate phase coupling to the rhythm of urinary cat-
reference group. echolamines, an observation made previ-
The timing of high and low values of ously (Wertheimer 1972; Smolensky et al.
diastolic and systolic blood pressure during 1976). The <f> of systolic pressure appears to
the 24-hr period does not occur at random be more precisely coupled to the <f> of uri-
(Smolensky et al. 1976). Biological func- nary aldosterone, whereas the <f> of dia-
tions have a precise temporal structure. In stolic pressure seems to be more closely
the case of blood pressure, the vasomotor linked to the <f> of plasma renin activity. The
tone, stroke volume, and blood volume <f> of both systolic and diastolic blood pres-
5: Human Chronopathology 167


...... ,
I I, Plasma ACTH
. ........ . -
. . . ... .........
. .. . . .. ..
Urinary 17-OHCS
I : ... ::::.
....... .....
...... -, ' .." , .. .
...... .......... -
........ .......
................ Urinary CATECHOLAMI ES
....... . ........
.... , .........
...... ....... . -- .
... Urinary ALDOSTERO E
... ......
...... ...... -
. . .. . . .. .. . -
I----+--i ..
..... . , ........ . SYST, BLOOD PRESSURE
- - --, ,-, .~-
, , , . , , .. " ..... AGENT

( ------------- PERJOD - 24h ------------- -.-.)

Fig. 27. The circadian acrophase (e) and the 95% CL (shown by the extension of a line to either side
of the cp) are indicated for several adrenal hormones and adrenal-influenced rhythmic functions . The
cps for these rhythms are not random in occurrence. Instead, there is a strong phase coupling-
between urinary catecholamine and aldosterone concentration and heart rate and systolic blood
pressure on the one hand and between plasma renin activity and diastolic blood pressure on the other.
The upper portion of the figure illustrates the temporal organization of the pituitary-adrenal axis and
also the effects of adrenocortical hormone rhythmicity on the component rhythms of blood eosino-
phils and urinary potassium. The circadian rhythms of grip strength and peak expiratory flow are
influenced by 24-hr variation in the secretion of hormones from the adrenal cortex and medula. The
greatest effect of a vagolytic agent (iapropium bromide) is approximately 12 hr out of phase with the
rhythm of urinary catecholamine concentration. Reproduced from Reinberg 1979a.

sure exhibits a relatively close temporal co- precedes that of the rhythm of urinary 17-
incidence with that of the rhythm of urinary OHCS (cortisol metabolite) as well as po-
catecholamines, although the phase cou- tassium excretion; it is completely out of
pling seems to be somewhat stronger for phase with the circadian rhythm in blood
systolic than diastolic blood pressure . eosinophil numbers as expected since corti-
The temporal occurrence of the costeroids generally inhibit mitotic activity.
acrophases for blood pressure and heart The circadian rhythm of grip strength, only
rate appears to be determined largely by in part dependent on cortisol, exhibits an
circadian rhythms in the production of hor- appreciable phase delay from the <p of
mones from the adrenal medula and cor- plasma cortisol; it is more closely timed to
tex. Rhythms in these hormones create a the <p of the rhythm in urinary catecho-
precise temporal order in certain functions lamines. The peak expiratory flow (PEF) ,
(upper portion of Fig. 27). The plasma lev- affected by both catecholamines and corti-
els of ACTH reach a peak several hours sol, reveals a phase coincidence with the
prior to the acrophase of the rhythm in former and a phase delay from the latter.
plasma cortisol and urinary aldosterone. The acrophases of the rhythms in PEF (in-
The rhythmicity in cortisol, in particular, dicating highest bronchial patency), heart
gives rise to circadian changes in several rate, and diastolic and systolic pressure are
different cortisol-dependent variables. approximately 12 hr out of phase with the
Thus, the <p of the plasma cortisol rhythm circadian rhythm in the effectiveness of a
168 Michael H. Smolensky

vagolytic agent. The temporal patterns of seasonal variation in cardiovascular mor-

these 2 strong circadian adrenal oscillator bidity are known. Each exhibits a winter
systems-defined by concentrations of cor- acrophase.
tisol and catecholamines-give rise to 24-hr Although a popular hypothesis is that
periodicities in numerous dependent vari- the circannual variation in heart disease
ables throughout the body. results from seasonal patterns of
weather, perhaps other factors such as
those related to the body's circannual bio-
Circannual Rhythms and logical time structure and/or a circannual
Cardiovascular Morbidity susceptibility-resistance rhythm are in-
Circannual rhythmicity in cardiovascular volved. Although the extent to which the
morbidity as well as mortality has been phasing of critical circannually organized
rather well documented (Reinberg 1973; physiological functions contributes to the
Reinberg et at. 1973; Smolensky et al. 1972; seasonal variation in the susceptibility to
Tromp 1963). With regard to heart attacks, cardiovascular accidents is yet to be inves-
most authors have ascribed the seasonal tigated, the fact that in both the Northern
variation (morbidity and mortality) to dif- and Southern Hemispheres the peak in car-
ferences in weather, i.e., temperature, rela- diovascular disease occurs during the win-
tive humidity, and/or precipitation. How- ter need not implicate weather as the only
ever, circannual rhythms in heart attacks significant etiologic factor in this circannual
are known even in settings where the sea- chronopathology. It may be that several
sonal alteration in the environment is rather component circannual biological rhythms
moderate, such as in Hawaii (Smolensky et are involved. In the Northern and Southern
al. 1972). Figure 2 presented the seasonal Hemispheres, the phasing of these rhythms
distribution of mortality from cardiovascu- could differ by 6 months due to phase dif-
lar disease for data collected from geo- ferences between the hemispheres in the
graphic locations in the Northern (left-hand primary synchronizers of circannual
portion of the figure) and Southern (right- rhythms.
hand portion of the figure) Hemispheres. Circannual rhythms in many different
These data, which were accumulated as types of biological functions at different
part of an extensive literature review (Smo- levels of organization are known.
lensky et at. 1972), show independent of Acrophase maps shown in Figs. 29 and 30
hemisphere the occurrence of high-ampli- represent the findings of Cosinor analyses
tude circannual variations with a winter on data reported in previous publications.
peak. Figure 28 presents the circannual The data for these maps thus are represen-
acrophases for each of the separate time tative of investigations conducted by vari-
series making up the curves shown in Fig. 2 ous authors using unique methodologies ap-
and provides in addition the cps for cardiac plied to separate groups of differently aged
morbidity. Shown as well are the subjects dwelling in different geographic lo-
acrophases of time series dealing with re- cations in the Northern Hemisphere. Inter-
spiratory morbidity (primarily upper respi- pretation of the information provided in
ratory infections such as colds, influenza, these particular charts, although useful in
and pneumonia) and mortality. The formulating hypotheses or reviewing the
acrophases relating to cardiovascular mor- scope of the circannual temporal structure,
bidity occur primarily during the winter is restricted because of the multitude of un-
months between December and February in known and uncontrolled influences. Cer-
the Northern Hemisphere. A few time se- tainly, the great number of variables which
ries (from cities in Louisiana, Texas, and are known to exhibit circannual rhythmic-
Egypt) each consisting of a small number of ity as demonstrated by the comprehensive
cases exhibit summer acrophases. In the reviews of Hildebrandt (1962, 1973), De-
Southern Hemisphere, only a few studies of Rudder (1952), Tromp (1963), and Hal-
5: Human Chronopathology 169



HEART -{ morbi~ity - 0 =
mortality - " =
Arctic Circle
- ' f - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - RESPIRATORY -{ morbidity - 0 ="

mortal ity - 0 =

50 t-

40 t-
... -. ...\",...

30 t-

Tropic of Cancer

20 I-

10 I-
.~ I I I I
...J 180 -210 -240 -270 -300 -330 -360

Acrophase (0)*

Tropic of Cancer




- Antarctic
* 0 REFERENCE = 0000 on -L ecember :J-2
June 22
70 (days with longest night on the average)
360 = 365.25 days; hence 1 = 1.01 days



Time (Date; irrespective of calendar year)

Fig. 28. Circannual acrophases (cp) of time series on cardiovascular morbidity (and mortality as well
as respiratory morbidity and mortality) are not randomly distributed over the year. In both the
Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the cps occur primarily during the winter with the exception of a
few time series (Louisiana, Texas, and Egypt) made up of a relatively small number of cases; these
latter exhibit summer or autumn cps. Reproduced from Smolensky et al. 1972.
170 Michael H. Smolensky


22 14 15 15 15 IS 22






Fig. 29. The I/>s and 95% CL
for several constituents of the SODIUM (NA)

blood and serum which have CHLORIDE

been demonstrated to be cir- POTASSIUM (K)
cannually rhythmic. The data NA/K
were accumulated by a litera- PHOSPHOROUS
ture search and reanalyzed for
circannual rhythms by Cosinor.
The different symbols which
are used to denote the
acrophases also serve to indi- BICARBONATE

cate the prominence of the HEMATOCRIT

rhythm, i.e., the circannual am- TOTAL CHOLESTEROL
plitude expressed relative to URATE
the circannual mesor. Gener- ADS J(
ally, every entry represents a
separate study; investigations
were conducted in various loca-
14 " ..
tions in the Northern Hemi- SYMBOLS., x, & DENOTE S AND A WHERE .-AcS:UI.; X=SX SAsI0:U.;
sphere. &=A"10X . ; .......... = 951 C.1. FOR S.

berg et al. (1983) or by study of specific this regard the information in Fig. 31 re-
variables (Brennan, 1982; Letellier and veals circannual rhythmicity in many differ-
Desjarlais 1982) support the concept of a ent plasma and urinary constituents (Lago-
circannual organization of biological func- guey and Reinberg 1981; Reinberg 1979a,
tioning. Nonetheless, not yet established is 1980; Reinberg and Lagoguey 1978a,b). The
the degree to which such circannual investigation of these circannual rhythms
changes are dependent on seasonal changes followed a precise and well-controlled
in ambient conditions. chronobiologic methodology. A small
Acrophase charts when representative of group of 5 young adult healthy men were
various samples dwelling at different geo- studied at approximately 2-month intervals.
graphic locations and studied by different On the dates of study the subjects reported
protocols are not always useful for predict- to the laboratory early in the morning and
ing temporal events. On the other hand, remained there until the following morning.
when the information contained in such During these 28-hr spans, 4-hr samplings of
charts is representative of a well-controlled blood and urine (complete integrated se-
study on a stable sample of subjects inten- quential voidings) were conducted. Under
sively investigated while residing in a single these conditions, circannual rhythms were
geographic setting it is much more useful. In detected for 9 plasma hormones, 6 urinary
5: Human Chronopathology 171


22 14 15 15 15 15 22







DEC. FEB. APR. IUNE AUG. OCT. DEC. Fig. 30. The cps and 95% CL for
22 14 15 15 15 15 22 several constituents of the
*DATA ANALYZED AS EXCRETION PER NIGHT plasma and urine plus salivary
SYMBOLS e, x, .6. DENOTE' AND A WHERE e=AcSX ; x=sX :SA:sIOX ; flow. See legend to Fig. 29 for
.6. A"10" . ; ........... =9SX C.I. FOR further details .

constituents (of which 4 represent hor- ously controlled conditions with L(0600-
mones or hormone-metabolites), and 2 1800) : 0(1800-0600) with food and water
other variables-sexual activity and body available ad libitum (Haus and Halberg
weight (studied by self recordings through- 1970). Circamensual modulation of circa-
out the year). Although circadian rhythms dian rhythms in women has been detected
were consistently detected for most vari- as well (Smolensky et al. 1973; Proccacci et
ables throughout the year, circadian rhyth- al. 1974).
micity in certain variables (as a group phe- The circannual temporal organization re-
nomenon) was lacking. This was the case vealed by the acrophase charts (Figs. 29-
for FSH (throughout the year), testosterone 31) suggests the possibility of endogenous
(during March), and LH (from January to rhythmic components of seasonal differ-
June) (Lagoguey and Reinberg 1981). Cir- ences in cardiovascular morbidity and mor-
cadian rhythms on the other hand were reg- tality; this could be similar in nature, al-
ularly detected in plasma cortisol, prolac- though differing in period, to the circadian
tin, thyroxine, GH, TSH, and renin temporal organization contributing to noc-
activity. Moreover in these studies involv- turnal asthma. Although it has been re-
ing transverse samplings, systematic circ- ported that human serum cholesterol levels
annual modifications of the circadian vary over the year with a peak during the
acrophase were detected (Lagoguey and winter or spring (Antonis et al. 1965; Doyle
Reinberg 1981), a finding previously re- et al. 1965; Fyfe et al. 1968; Green et al.
ported for the circannual rhythm of serum 1963; Paloheimo 1961; Thomas et al. 1961;
corticosterone of mice housed under rigor- Watanabe and Aoki 1956) in the Northern
172 Michael H. Smolensky

Time (month) S of the annual mean
J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 o 10 20 30 40 50

FS H ,
...... ,
I- ~

P LH t+----+ ...... ,

,, , ,
..... ,
.. ,

~ ~
11 ~ ....... ,

VOLUME 1---+--.
..... ,
1 - - - - - - - + -...... 1

l- , , ...
, .. 1

, ....,
I----+------l.~ ....... , 1

! ......! I
95% CI 95% CI

Fig. 31. Circannual rhythms of 5 healthy young Parisian males studied in a precise manner (see
text). The circannual cp and A (expressed as a percentage of the annual mean) are indicated with their
95% CL. The A is quite large for the circannual rhythm of urinary aldosterone but relatively small for
body weight. The As of the other rhythms are moderate. No circannual rhythm was detected in
plasma prolactin. Reproduced from Reinberg and Lagoguey 1978a.

Hemisphere, the statistical significance of explored. Similarly, the speculation that

such changes has been questioned (Rippey these rhythms represent the impact of sea-
1981). In any event, this seasonal variation sonal differences in exogenous conditions,
does not in itself appear to be sufficient to e.g., cold, harsh weather, as most often
contribute to the increase in heart and vas- suggested, has yet to be rigorously investi-
cular disease during winter in those at risk. gated as well.
According to Reinberg and Lagoguey
(1978a,b), the coincidence in time between
elevated cardiovascular disease and the The Chronobiology of Epilepsy
circannual cf>s of certain adrenal hormone
rhythms is striking. Not only might the circ- Circadian Rhythms
annual rhythms of aldosterone and plasma Temporal differences in the onset of epilep-
renin activity be involved, but also those of tic seizures over 24 hr were apparently first
adrenalin and noradrenalin (Reinberg and recognized by Beau in 1836 and thereafter
Lagoguey 1978a; Descovitch et al. 1974). by Fere in 1888. Since then, the develop-
Nonetheless, the speculation that increased ment of EEG recordings led to the determi-
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality nation of epilepsy by specific electrical
during the winter are expressions of our events rather than clinical manifestations
temporal organization, although intriguing only as in earlier studies. The manifesta-
as a hypothesis, has yet to be appropriately tions of epileptic seizures, whether studied
5: Human Chronopathology 173

by EEG and/or symptoms, have been schedule is fundamental as it is for the

shown to exhibit ultradian, circadian, and study of any periodicity. The point is illus-
circamensual rhythms (Engle et al. 1952; trated by data published by Halberg and
Halberg 1953; Halberg and Howard 1958; Howard (1958) for an epileptic patient who
Griffiths and Fox 1938; Gowers 1901; continually resided in one institution from
Langdon-Down and Brain 1929; Patry 1931; 1932 until 1944, when sleep was scheduled
Hopkins 1933; Magnussen 1936; Kamraj- from approximately 2100 until 0600, and
Mazurkiewicz 1971). Several investigators thereafter from 1945 to 1952 when sleep
have classified their patients according to was from 0300 until 1100 (Fig. 32). Between
the usual timing during the day or night of 1932 and 1944, the diurnal seizures were
their seizures. For example, Gowers exhibited primarily between 0600 and 1930.
(1901), Langdon-Down and Brain (1929), Mter transfer to a different work shift and
and Patry (1931) recognized three different adopting a new sleep-activity schedule, the
types of adult patients. Those exhibiting a occurrence of seizures was still greater dur-
majority of their attacks during the daytime ing the hours following awakening; how-
were termed "diurnal" in type. Those ex- ever, with regard to clock hour they were
periencing a majority of seizures during the displaced in the same direction and amount
night were classified as "nocturnal" in of time that the sleep-wakefulness schedule
type. Patients showing neither a diurnal nor had been changed such that seizures were
nocturnal pattern were referred to as "dif- now most common between 1200 and 1930.
fuse" in type. Griffiths and Fox (1938) also This example demonstrates once again the
identified an additional category-an importance of qualifying temporal patterns
"awakening" type to identify those experi- in disease processes in individuals or
encing seizures just after arising from groups of patients with regard to the syn-
nightly rest. chronizer schedule of sleep and activity.
In general, the diurnal type is most com- Although some attempt has been made
mon, whereas the nocturnal type is least so. to explain the etiology of the temporal vari-
As many as 40% of epileptic patients may ation in epileptic seizures (Halberg 1953),
be diurnal in type. On the other hand, no nothing definite is known. Several investi-
more than 25% are likely to be nocturnal in gators have theorized that certain events
type (Halberg 1953). Although it is feasible related to the commencement and termina-
to categorize patients in the aforemen- tion of sleep are important. In this regard,
tioned manner, there appears to be a ten- Magnussen (1936) found awakening (morn-
dency for epileptic patients to lose their di- ing) type epileptics, when made to nap after
urnal or nocturnal specificity with aging so their noontime meal, experienced addi-
that seizures may occur both during the day tional seizures after awakening later in the
and night. Thus, results of studies on the early afternoon. Although these findings
temporal patterns of epileptic seizures are cite the importance of sleep-related pro-
likely to be influenced by the age distribu- cesses, much remains to be learned about
tion of samples. At best, the study of circa- the many factors which contribute to the
dian rhythms in epilepsy is made difficult 24-hr patterns in epileptic seizures.
because of the existence of several types of
patients. When patients are studied for 24-
hr variations in the occurrence of seizures,
combining data from the different types of Circamensual Rhythm
patients confounds the true description The observation that epileptic seizures vary
and/or detection of rhythmicity as a group over the menstrual cycle dates back at
phenomenon. least to Gowers, who in 1885 seemingly was
In investigating rhythms in epileptic sei- the first to mention an association between
zures, knowledge of the synchronizer menses and epilepsy. Since then a rather
174 Michael H. Smolensky

14.0 Awakening

1i 4.011---- -

Fig. 32. Circadian pattern in the initiation of

epileptic seizures in 1 (diurnal type) patient
studied longitudinally over several years while
residing in the same institution. The temporal
distribution with regard to the clock hour of
the seizures changed following transfer to a
different work-rest pattern when the sleep
schedule was delayed from -2100-0600 to
-0300-1100. Reproduced from Halberg and
Howard 1958.

large number of reports on so-called cata- conducted on samples of women whose

menial epilepsy have been published. In menstrual cycle lengths were nonvarying in
their comprehensive review, Newmark and duration and those who exhibited inconsis-
Penry (1980) found that the published inci- tency. Overall, the 50 women experienced
dence of menses-associated epilepsy varied more than 23,500 seizures. Figure 33 re-
between investigators. Some reported the veals an almost 2-fold elevation in the num-
incidence of catamenial epilepsy to be as ber of seizures on the first day of menses
high as 35 to 60%, whereas a lesser number (labeled as menstrual day 1) as compared to
reported it as low as 5%. Based on the rela- the seventh day (-7) prior to menses.
tively numerous reports on the topic, it is There was a secondary peak in the inci-
probable that between 25 and 50% of epi- dence of seizures around the time of the
leptic women exhibit exacerbation during expected, although not confirmed, ovula-
menses. tion around day -14. The temporal pattern
Data from Laidlaw (1956) are representa- in seizures did not differ between the two
tive of the circamensual pattern of epilepsy samples of women. In both groups, the in-
in women. Laidlaw studied 50 female insti- crease in the incidence of seizures com-
tutionalized epileptic patients by examining menced rather precipitously 3-4 days be-
records for the calendar date of seizures in fore menstruation and continued to be high
relationship to menstrual cycle day. In an thereafter throughout menses. Although it
attempt to minimize the effect of differ- has been hypothesized that the premen-
ences in menstrual cycle length, Laidlaw strual rise in the incidence of epileptic sei-
categorized his data with regard to the num- zures is related to the reproductive hor-
ber of days before or after menses that sei- mone progesterone, controversy continues
zures occurred. Separate analyses were to exist concerning the temporal etiology of
5: Human Chronopathology 175

1300 500

.------- ALL CYCLES


1200 450

1100 400
1000 350
:::J 900- 300

800 250

700 200

T i
i i
-15 -13 -11 -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 9


Fig. 33. In this sample of 50 institutionalized menstruating women, the incidence of epileptic sei-
zures varied with the phase of the menstrual cycle. The incidence during menstruation was nearly
twice what it was 7 days prior to menses. Similar patterns were exhibited independent of the regular-
ity or irregularity in the menstrual cycle duration. Data from Laidlaw 1956.

this circamensual chronopathology (Thiry SE) with "small fluctuations around this
et al. 1954; Backstrom 1976; Hall 1977). mean." Even when textbooks have ac-
knowledged the circadian rhythm of body
temperature, the applied and theoretical
The Chronobiology of Infectious significance of its existence to medicine has
Diseases never been adequately explored. Accord-
ingly, it is stated that hyperthermia com-
Circadian Rhythms mences at a body temperature of 37.5C (or
Fever is a prevailing symptom of most in- at 38C with 95% CL), whereas hypother-
fectious diseases; yet, the demarcation of mia commences at or below 36.5 or 36C.
hyperthermia or for that matter the demar- These definitions are obsolete, since they
cation of hypothermia from normothermia are not time qualified (Halberg and Rein-
is not well founded. It is stated in many berg 1967). A better quantification of hypo-
medical textbooks and recent papers (Klu- thermia and hyperthermia induding fever
ger 1979; Manerv 1979) that the average can be attained by using as a reference sys-
human body temperature is 37 OSC (1 tem for a given person an individualized
176 Michael H. Smolensky

temperature circadian chronogram derived tion of the commencement of fever due to

during health. In this manner, a body tem- bacterial or viral infection. The onset of
perature measurement made at a given fever resulting from bacterial infection oc-
clock hour can be compared to a time-quali- curred predominantly during the morning
fied reference to determine whether it is between 0500 and 1200. On the other
within the time-specified normal range with hand, the onset of fever resulting from
a given level of confidence (Levine et al. viral infection predominated during the
1979). An infectious state considered apy- late afternoon and evening between 1500
retic by a conventional single and/or non- and 2200.
time-qualified measurement may be associ-
ated with an alteration in the waveform
and/or other parameter such as the mesor, Circamensual Rhythms
amplitude, and/or acrophase of the temper- Figure 35 presents the temporal distribution
ature rhythm. Thus, a chronobiologic ap- of fevers associated with the onset of bacte-
proach serves to better quantify body rial or viral infection during the menstrual
temperature changes and is helpful cycle for the sample of 546 women. Fevers
for establishing criteria of health and indicative of bacterial infection were found
disease. to be most likely during the second quarter
With regard to infectious agents and cir- of the menstrual cycle around ovulation;
cadian rhythms, early experiments on ro- they were less likely during the third quar-
dents revealed the prominence of 24-hr ter of the menstrual cycle. The temporal
rhythms in the response of animals to bac- pattern in the onset of fevers signaling the
terial endotoxins and other infectious occurrence of viral infection was more or
agents (Halberg et al. 1955; Halberg et al. less the reverse of that for bacterial in-
1960; Halberg and Stephens 1958; Feigin et fection; viral infections were much more
al. 1969, 1972, 1978; Shackelford and Feigin common during the premenstrum and men-
1973; Wongwiwat et al. 1972). In a series of strum with a secondary peak around ovula-
studies on human beings by Hejl (1977), it tion.
was noted that the commencement offever, Overall, the graphs depicting the onset of
used by the author to denote the onset of an infectious disease during 24 hr and the men-
infectious disease, was time dependent strual cycle reveal rather high-amplitude
with respect to the scales of 24 hr, 1 year, circadian and circamensual rhythms in viral
and in women the menstrual cycle. In disotders. In comparison, the rhythms in
Hejl's studies, only acute cases with the onset of bacterial infection over the
marked fever above 37C were considered. same time scales are of relatively low am-
Routine diagnostic criteria were applied to plitude. Just as it is for other chronopathol-
determine the type of infection, i.e., bacte- ogies, it is difficult to explain Hejl's find-
rial or viral. Information on the clock hour ings. It might be suspected for a significant
and calendar date when the fever signaled number of those comprising the sample that
the commencement of the infection was the time spent at work by adults or at
provided by the patient. Data for studying school by children interfered with the vigi-
the distribution of infectious disease over lance of determining exactly when symp-
the menstrual cycle were derived from non- toms began as well as the ability to monitor
oral contraceptive users who kept men- body temperature. With regard to the 24-hr
strual-cycle calendars. Overall, the gath- rhythms, it is likely that a greater frequency
ered data represented information from of infectious symptoms might be detected
2044 persons, 1498 men and 546 women, in the morning before school and work or in
between 14 and 74 years of age residing in a the evening when one is most likely to be at
small Czechoslovakian town. home and when daily commitments would
Figure 34 presents the temporal distribu- be less likely to detract from one's vigi-
5: Human Chronopathology 177



rn600 - VIRAL INFECTIONS IN = 3597)
u.. 400

0000 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400

Fig. 34. The onset of bacterial and viral infection signaled by fever exhibits different temporal
patterns. Fevers due to bacterial infection are more common during the morning, whereas those from
viral infection are more common during the evening in presumably day-active individuals. Repro-
duced from Hejl 1977.


o 80
:::E 40


2 3 4

Fig. 35. In women, bacterial infection signaled by fever is more likely around ovulation, whereas
viral infection signaled by fever is more likely around menstruation. Reproduced from Hejl 1977.
178 Michael H. Smolensky

lance. As a matter of fact, fevers signaling 29-31) even for rubella antibody titers (Ro-
the onset of bacterial or viral infection were senblatt et al. 1982).
most often noted during the morning and Although infectious diseases like
evening hours. Since Hejl's publication chicken pox, mumps, rubella, and rubeola
represents the first report of such circadian become epidemic at certain times of the
and circamensual variations in human be- year in children (Figs. 36 and 37), the inci-
ings, these interesting findings must await dence of these diseases in adults is rather
confirmation. uncommon. A class of infections epidemic
especially among young adults is the vene-
real diseases of syphilis and gonorrhea. Ex-
Circannual Rhythms amination of data from Houston, Texas, for
Circannual rhythms in the occurrence of in- the span between January 1970 and May
fectious diseases in human beings have 1979 reveals the occurrence of high-ampli-
been well described since being discussed tude circannual periodicities with ac-
(as seasonal differences) by Hippocrates in rophases late in the year (Smolensky et
his aphorisms approximately 400 years be- al. 1981a). With regard to gonorrhea, which
fore the birth of Christ. An earlier review exhibits a relatively short delay between
(Smolensky et al. 1972) found the morbidity exposure and symptoms, the peak occurs
and mortality from infectious diseases was early in August; the trough occurs in March
greatest during the winter and least during (Fig. 38). The circannual pattern in primary
the summer in both the Northern and syphilis is less sinusoidal in form; nonethe-
Southern Hemispheres (Figs. 2 and 28). less, it is evident that on the average the
Circannual rhythmicity in the incidence of monthly incidence in Houston, Texas, be-
infectious diseases, mainly upper respira- tween August and December is greater than
tory infections-cold, flu and pneumonia- between January and July. The findings of
is quite prominent and is of high ampli- circannual rhythms in sexually transmitted
tude. As a matter of fact, annual changes in diseases (STD) with a peak in gonorrhea
the risk of infectious diseases are conven- during August and a peak in primary syphi-
tionally accepted as clinical background for lis a few months later are remarkably simi-
both their diagnosis and prevention. lar to those described by others (see Figs. 5
Circannual changes in the incidence of and 37) such as Wright and Judson (1978)
infections other than upper respiratory for Denver, Colorado and the Center for
ones are frequently observed in populations Disease Control for the USA (Mortality
of school-aged children, for example, in and Mortality Weekly Reports, 1980/1981),
chicken pox, mumps, rubeola, and rubella. as well as for other locales such as Is-
Monthly tabulations provided by the Center rael (personal communication, Israel
for Disease Control in the United States, Ashkenasi) and Gabone near the equator
summarized in Morbidity and Mortality (personal communication, Vincent 1981).
Weekly Reports, clearly and consistently The acrophases of the rhythms in STD fit
reveal from one year to the next such pat- well with the peak of the circannual
terns. For the most part, each of the afore- rhythm in human sexual activity. In partic-
mentioned childhood infectious diseases ular, based upon the expected increase in
exhibits high-amplitude circannual patterns sexual activity of males (Reinberg and La-
with peaks during the spring or summer. goguey 1978b) and married couples (Udry
Conventional explanations for the circan- and Morris 1967) in late summer or the au-
nual patterns of these infectious diseases tumn, it is reasonable to envision increased
take into consideration variables other than sexual activity in the general population re-
endogenous I-year biological rhythms sulting in elevated numbers of STD during
(e.g., Fine and Clarkson 1982). Nonethe- the later part of the year. The overt and
less, the latter are known to occur (Figs. painful clinical manifestation of gonorrhea
5: Human Chronopathology 179



e~ 1100 Fig. 36. Seasonal variation in infec-

tious diseases of children and young
~1000 adults. Although there were occasionally
..... 900
large differences in the week-to-week
~800 -Rubella
..... Rubeola
reports for the United States and its
territories for new cases of rubella
Q 700
and rubeola-perhaps indicative of

shortcomings of the reporting proce-
dures-the median number of cases over
the 5-year span of 1975-1979 for these
primarily childhood communicable dis-
. eases was tremendously greater during
i .~.1
. the first than the last 6 months of the
year. Remarkably few cases of rubella
and rubeola were reported after week 30.
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Data from Mortality and Morbidity
WEEK NO. DURING CALENDAR YEAR Weekly Reports 1980/1981.

would tend to induce more immediate med- the other hand, primary syphilis, requiring
ical consultation and diagnosis. Thus, the 3-4 weeks for the development of symp-
acrophase of this circannual rhythm is toms, in addition to the fact that they are
likely to coincide in time with the reported less obvious than those of gonorrhea, is
circannual acrophase of sexual activity. On likely to be later detected. Thus, it is not



~ _ Chicken Pox
21,500 Fig. 37. Seasonal variation in
e'" Gonorrhea infectious diseases of children

[:l 21,000 and young adults (also see the

~7000 700 20,500
legend to Fig. 36). For chicken
!j:l pox and mumps relatively few
U 600 20,000 cases were reported between
weeks 30 and 42. The circannual
t; 500 19,500 pattern for gonorrhea, primarily
0 although not solely a disease of
1l:i4000 19,000
young adults, was completely

I 18,500
out of phase with that of the com-
municable childhood diseases of
/ 18,000 rubella, rubeola, chicken pox
and mumps. Increased numbers
~1000 100 17,500 of cases of gonorrhea were re-
ported between weeks 28 and 45
with the greatest numbers during
week 38. Data from Mortality
1 5
10 15
40 45
50 and Morbidity Weekly Reports
180 Michael H. Smolensky

J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 ,


Z *
Ii; 30
IE: 25
:::I _ -}1 SE
T '~P<0.05

J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0

_ J1 SE
Fig. 38. Monthly occurrence in Houston, Texas, of primary syphilis and gonorrhea over the span
January 1970-May 1979. The plot of primary syphilis, perhaps because of a relatively low number of
cases, is nonsinusoidal and exhibits a series of peaks and troughs. The major peak in December is
significantly different from the trough in July. For gonorrhea the plot is more sinusoidal; the peak in
August is significantly different from the trough in March. Reproduced from Smolen sky et al. 1981a.
5: Human Chronopathology 181

unexpected that the peak in the occurrence detected by Lu et al. (1980a) in studies done
of primary syphilis occurs several months in Houston, Texas.
after the reported circannual peak in sexual
With regard to STD, until otherwise dis- Circadian Temperature Rhythms
proved, it is necessary to acknowledge the and Breast Cancer
possibility these circannual rhythms might The circadian temperature rhythm of a can-
represent seasonal differences in (1) im- cerous breast in comparison with that of the
munosurveillance and/or (2) pathogen viru- contralateral healthy breast becomes al-
lence. Circannual rhythms in serum IgA as tered (Gautherie and Gros 1977; Halberg et
well as seasonal changes in serum IgG have al. 1977, 1979; Mansfield et al. 1970, 1973;
been reported previously (Bratescu and Simpson 1977; Smolensky 1973) as shown
Teodorescu 1981; Lu et al. 1980a; Reinberg in Fig. 39. Spectral analysis of continu-
et al. 1977). Yet the magnitude of change in ous recordings of either surface or deep
these was quite small. Apparently, there breast temperature has shown that non-
are as yet no studies of circannual rhythms cancerous breasts exhibit rhythms with pre-
in the immune status of the human genito- dominant periods (r) of 24 hr and 7 days. A
urinary tract. Similarly, with regard to hu- tumorous breast, on the other hand, often
man infectious disorders, no research has exhibits non-24-hr rhythms, i.e., predomi-
been conducted specifically to evaluate the nant periodicities of approximately 20, 40,
possible existence of circannual rhythms in and 80 hrs. In other words, the temperature
pathogen virulence. Although circannual pattern of the cancerous breast undergoes a
rhythms in human upper respiratory mor- transformation from a circadian to an
bidity and mortality have been repeatedly (about 20-hr) ultradian organization with
documented (Smolensky et al. 1972) with other prominent 'TS at integer multiples of
peaks in the winter or spring, it is unclear the 20-hr one. A corresponding switch from
what factors constitute the etiologic phe- circadian to ultradian rhythmicity in the mi-
nomena for the increased incidence at these totic rhythm of cells of cancerous breasts
times and what these circannual rhythms also has been reported (data from Vouti-
represent, i.e., chronosusceptibilities re- lainen 1953 and Tiihti 1956 reanalyzed by
sulting from temporal variation in patho- Halberg and Reinberg 1967).
gen virulence, transmission, immunity, and Changes in the surface temperature
so on. The seasonality of the venereal dis- rhythm of cancerous breasts appear to
eases of primary syphilis and gonorrhea have application in clinical oncology as a
seems to depend at least in part on the sea- diagnostic tool. Continuous monitoring of
sonality of human sexual activity. How- the breast surface temperature is currently
ever, it may depend on other circannual being evaluated as a means of detecting
variations as well, including the possibility breast cancer and of rapidly evaluating the
of changes in immune surveillance during efficacy of its treatment. For these pur-
the year. For example, analyses of blood poses, Simpson (1977) has developed a
samples (Reinberg et al. 1977) gathered "thermobra" which allows the automatic
every other month (on a circadian basis) and continuous recording of breast surface
from healthy young Parisians (6 men and 3 temperature.
women) revealed circannual rhythms in
blood leukocytes (annual cp, December;
95% CL from October to January), IgA (cp, Glaucoma
November; 95% CL from September to
January), IgM (cp, September; 95% CL Circadian Rhythms
from August to September), and IgG (cp, Circadian rhythms in the intraocular pres-
July; 95% CL from early July to late Au- sure of normal and glaucomatous eyes have
gust). Findings comparable to these were been reported by many authors (Boyd and
182 Michael H. Smolensky

Subject D.C.
Cancerous Breast



u -! 6 Q> = 4.9 hr

I!!- 33

E 37
II> Contralateral Breast


, , ,
1200 0600 1200 0000 1200 0000 1200 0000 1200 0000
IDay 11 Day 2 1 Day 3 1
Day4 1 Day 5 1

~ represents a Cosinor fit of the data sampled for 96 hr at 15' intervals,

throughout wake and sleep spans

Fig. 39. Two prominent rhythmometric characteristics differentiate the thermoregulatory aspects of
the cancerous (CaBr) and the contralateral healthy breast in this diurnally active postmenopausal
patient. First, the temporal temperature pattern of the CaBr exhibits a difference in period (T) from
that of the healthy breast, with the CaBr having a T < 24.0 hr and the healthy one having aT:;;; 24.0 hr.
It is because of this difference in T that a Acp of 4.9 hr is demonstrable by Cosinor by day 2 of the
temperature monitoring. Second, the mesor (the rhythm-adjusted 24-hr mean determined by the
Cosinor method) of the CaBr is considerably greater, -ISC, than that of the healthy contralateral
breast. Although this example represents only 1 patient, other reports support the existence of these
rhythmometric alterations (Acp and AM) in cancerous breasts. Reproduced from Phillips, MJ, et al.
Characterization of breast skin temperature rhythms of women in relation to menstrual status. Acta
Endocrinologica 96:350-360, 1981.

McLeod 1964; Boyd et al. 1962; Duke- of the inflow and outflow of the aqueous
Elder 1952; Henkind and Walsh 1981; humor is subject to variations including
Rowland et al. 1981; Ferrario et al. 1982; rhythmic ones. Random as well as predict-
Katavisto 1965; Langley and Swanljung able circadian variations are detectable. In
1951; Newell and Krill 1965). In non-glau- normal eyes of diurnally active persons, the
comatous eyes the intraocular pressure rep- circadian rhythm of intraocular pressure
resents a balanced inflow and outflow of tends to be of low amplitude (bottom por-
aqueous humor. Aqueous inflow resulting tion of Fig. 40) with the pressure being least
from secretions of the ciliary body passes during the night and greatest during the
between the lens and iris through the pupil morning between 0800 and 1200.
into the anterior chamber of the eye where Glaucoma is an ocular disease in which
it is subsequently removed through a tra- tissue damage results from elevated intra-
becular network in the angle and finally into ocular pressure; the condition can be either
the canal of Schlemm. Exit canals carry the acute or chronic. The symptoms commonly
aqueous humor into the episcleral venules include eye pain, impaired and occasionally
posterior to the corneal margin. The control blurred vision (primarily in the acute form),
5: Human Chronopathology 183



II: Fig. 40. The circadian rhythm of in-
traocular pressure exhibited by pre-
0 sumably diurnally active healthy per-
II: sons is of low amplitude and mesor.
..... NORMAL The circadian rhythm of intraocular
~ (N = 37 EYES)
pressure exhibited by diurnally active
10 patients with glaucoma in comparison
r I I I I I I I
has an elevated mesor and high ampli-
tude. There is no acrophase difference
0800 1200 1600 2000 0000 0400 0800 between the 2 groups. Data from Boyd
CLOCK HOUR and McLeod 1964.

colored rainbows, and headache. The circa- ocular symptoms over 106 menstrual cycles
dian variation of intraocular pressure in 31 revealed 49% to have occurred during an 8-
glaucomatous eyes illustrated in the upper day interval-4 days before and 4 days af-
portion of Fig. 40 reveals that the 24-hr ter the commencement of menses. The cir-
mean and amplitude are considerably camensual variation in symptoms was
greater than those of healthy eyes. The in- much more apparent in those cases with
crease in intraocular pressure in persons closed-angle glaucoma (representing acute
with glaucoma, according to Boyd and episodes of elevated intraocular pressure)
McLeod (1964), results from the decreased than in those with simple chronic glaucoma
facility of outflow for intraocular fluid. It (in whom elevated intraocular pressure was
can result also from the hypersecretion of a chronic condition). However, in both
aqueous humor. Although the majority of types of glaucoma the occurrence of the
investigators have found the circadian pat- peak in ocular symptoms was always dur-
terns of intraocular pressure to be similarly ing the same 8-day span. According to
phased among patients, Katavisto (1965) Dalton (1967, 1977), circamensual changes
and Ferrario et al. (1982) have reported dif- in the quantity and quality of reproductive
ferences between patients for the timing hormones, especially progesterone, consti-
during the 24-hr period of highest intraocu- tute an important component of the tempo-
lar pressures. ral etiology of increased ocular symptoms
around menses in predisposed women.

Circamensual Rhythms
Dalton (1964, 1967, 1973, 1976, 1977) inves- Chronopathology and Pain
tigated the influence of menstruation on A common symptom of many human dis-
many disorders including glaucoma. Figure eases is pain. In earlier writings the men-
41 presents her findings for the distribution tion of exacerbation of pain during the
of ocular symptoms in women with diag- night is common. However, the scientific
nosed closed-angle and simple chronic and standardized investigation of temporal
glaucoma. An analysis of 356 episodes of (diurnal and nocturnal) variation in the
184 Michael H. Smolensky





~ 25

u.. 20

~ 15
Fig. 41. The symptoms of closed
angle and chronic simple glaucoma
vary over the menstrual cycle in regu-
larly menstruating women with the
peak during menses. Although the
pattern for the former is of relatively
low amplitude, that for chronic sim-
14 58 912 1316 1720 2124 25-28
ple glaucoma is of high amplitude.
Data from Dalton 1967. MENSTRUAL CYCLE DAYS

sensory threshold to painful stimuli appar- ing (heat, cold, or faradic) stimuli during
ently was not initiated until the early part of the hours typically associated with noctur-
this century, commencing apparently with nal sleep and an elevated threshold during
the investigations of Grabfield and Martin the afternoon. In the subsequent sections
(1913) and Martin et al. (1914). Thereafter, examples of ultradian, circadian, and circa-
both circadian (Jores and Frees 1937; Kleit- mensual patterns in pain are presented.
man and Ramsaroop 1946; Pollmann and
Harris 1978; Pollmann and Hildebrandt
1979; Proccacci et al. 1972, 1974; Rogers
Circadian Rhythms in Pain and
and Vilkin 1978; Strempel 1977) as well as Duodenal Ulcer
circamensual (Arcangeli et al. 1960; Buz- The occurrence as well as the timing of
zelli et al. 1968; Proccacci et al. 1972) pain during the day or night was used around
rhythms in the threshold to pain have been the turn of this century to make the differen-
reported in healthy subjects. Of particular tial diagnosis of duodenal ulcer. According
interest are circadian and circamensual to the prominent surgeon Moynihan
rhythms in the occurrence of pain , e.g., inpa- (191Oa,b), patients complained during the
tients who suffer from recurring headaches, early history of their disease that duodenal
intractable pain, toothache, and arthritis. In pain "comes usually two hours or little
general, diurnally active healthy individuals more after food has been taken." Immedi-
exhibit a lowered threshold to pain-induc- ately after a meal there is relief from pain;
5: Human Chronopathology 185

however, within 2-6 hr the pain returns. Investigations by Moore and Englert
According to Moynihan, if the pain begins (1970), Feurle et al. (1972), Pounder et al.
earlier than 2 hrs after mealtime, 2 condi- (1977), Tonnesen (1974), and Puscas et al.
tions are possible: "either an active ulcer (1979) established the existence of circa-
has contracted recent adhesions to the ab- dian rhythmicity in gastric acidity. Even
dominal wall or the liver; or stenosis is be- before this the data of Illingworth et al.
ginning to develop" (Moynihan, 1910a). (1944a,b) inferred the existence of circan-
Since many of Moynihan's patients indi- nual, circaseptan, and circadian (Fig. 42)
cated their pain commenced when feeling differences in the perforation of peptic ul-
hungry, Moynihan suggested the term cers in patients. Moreover, Dubrasquet et
"hunger pain" to describe this symptom. al. (1971) and later Carandente et al. (1978)
Again, according to Moynihan (1910a): used experimental rodent models for inves-
"The pain, as a rule, is noticed, at first, tigating circadian aspects of ulcerogenesis.
only or chiefly after the heaviest meal of the
day; if a large meal is taken between 1 P.M.
and 2 P.M., the pain will come with unvary-
ing regularity at, or near, 4 P.M. For a long
period this may be the only time of day 65
when discomfort is felt. . . . With progres-
sion of the disease, the pain becomes more
frequent, occurring usually about two
hours following each meal." In addition, 55
according to Moynihan (1910a,b), "It is a
characteristic feature of pain that it wakes
the patient in the night and constantly the
time of waking is said to be 2 o'clock." ~
.... 45
Between 1909 and 1910 a marked contro-
versy existed among surgeons and clini-
cians regarding the exact timing of the pain
from duodenal ulcer, both with regard to
mealtimes and its occurrence during the
night (Hutchison and Moynihan 1909;
Moynihan and Childe 1909; Saundby et al.
1909). This controversy, which was punc- 25
uated by scandalous statements and alle- \
gations of medical incompetence, arose in
part from misconceptions about the rhyth-
mic events of peristalsis and pain threshold 15
and an incomplete understanding about the 0000 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000 0000
temporal-spatial processes of gastric emp- CLOCK HOUR
tying during and following food consump-
tion. Although modem diagnostic tech- Fig. 42. Circadian rhythm in the occurrence of
niques and instrumentation confirm the perforated peptic ulcer in 884 presumably diur-
nally active patients consuming breakfast at
differential diagnosis of duodenal ulcer,
-0700-0730, lunch at -1200, and supper at
thus making the "timing" of duodenal pain -1730-1800. The frequency of951 perforations
less important for determining diagnosis (cases) was greatest during the afternoon around
than was the case earlier in the century, it is 1700 and least during the usual hours of sleep.
only within the last decade or so that the The shading along the horizontal axis indicates
significance of circadian changes in the du- the presumed sleep schedule of the patients.
odenum have been related to ulcerogenesis. Data from Illingworth et al. 1944b.
186 Michael H. Smolensky

With respect to human beings, Tarquini the temporal pattern in gastric acidity and
(1978) and Tarquini et al. (1977) reported PGE. In patients there is a disruption of the
differences in the circadian rhythms of gas- PGE secretory pattern and also a disruption
tric acid secretion, mitosis of the duodenal of its phase relationship to the cycle of gas-
cells, and the thickness of the duodenal mu- tric acid secretion (Tonnesen et al. 1974).
cosa between patients having duodenal ul- Although some interesting and important
cer and healthy controls. Although circa- chronobiologic differences have been de-
dian rhythmicity of gastric acid con- scribed, circadian changes in this clinical
centration was detected by Tarquini in disorder are presumably related to a large
both groups, the timing of the acrophase in set of component rhythms and oscillator
patients was less exact resulting, when con- systems, rather than only the few thus far
sidered as a group phenomenon, in a longer objectively identified.
duration of elevated acid production over
the 24 hr. An additional difference between
the 2 groups was the substantiation of circa- Circadian, Circaseptan, and
dian rhythmicity of gastric hormone secre-
tion in controls but not in patients with duo-
Circamensual Rhythms and
denal ulcer. According to Tarquini (1978), Headache
there are major differences between pa- Although head pain is a commonly experi-
tients and healthy controls with regard to enced symptom in those who suffer mi-
the temporal integration of duodenal graine, cluster, and muscle headache, bio-
rhythms. In patients there is a prolonged logical rhythms in their occurrence have
duration of time between the circadian span not been well studied (Dexter and Weitz-
of heightened gastric acid secretion and the man 1970; Kunkle et al. 1972; Kunkle 1964;
circadian span of increased duodenal muco- Osterman et al. 1980, 1981; Ostfeld 1963;
sal thickness, and there is an absence of a Waters and O'Connor 1971). In one investi-
circadian periodicity of gastric hormone se- gation (Waters and O'Connor 1971), 117
cretion. In healthy controls the duration of women recorded in diaries the onset of
elevated gastric acid secretion over the 24- every migraine and muscle headache for up
hr period is shorter than it is in patients. to 6 consecutive months. In the study by
Moreover, the circadian peak of this Ostfeld (1963), 114 patients seeking treat-
rhythm follows that of the circadian ment over a 4-year span were surveyed by
rhythms of serum gastrin and duodenal mu- recall. The findings of Ostfeld and Waters
cosal thickness by at least several hours. and O'Connor are given in Fig. 43. Wolff in
Thus, in healthy controls the circadian peak 1963, apparently using clinical impressions,
of gastric acid secretion is phase delayed by reported migraine and to a lesser degree
only a short duration from the circadian muscle headaches begin during the night,
peak of the rhythm in mucosal thickness, so sometimes awakening the patient from
the maximum secretion of gastric acid oc- sleep. The data from Ostfeld (1963) confirm
curs at a time when the duodenum is best this clinical impression for migraine. How-
protected by a thickened mucosal lining ever, the data from Waters and O'Connor
(Tarquini 1978). In patients, maximum acid (1971) indicate a slightly different circadian
production takes place in an environment pattern for migraine as well as muscle head-
of temporally reduced mucosal thickness. aches, since they found them more com-
Other chronobiologic differences have been mon between awakening in the morning un-
noted between the 24-hr patterns of pros- til noontime. These latter findings are in
taglandin E (PGE) production of healthy agreement with those of Osterman et al.
persons and patients with duodenal ulcer. (1980) who found that (migraine and nonmi-
In healthy controls there is a phase differ- graine) headaches were more common be-
ence of about 8 hrs between the crest of tween 1000 and 1800 than between either
5: Human Chronopathology 187


- - - - - MIGRAINE {WATERS & O'CONNOR 1971}


~ 30
Zlii ,
:1: ,
0:;"0 .'
II 20

0...0'2 I

[B8 I '.
... ..
rn~ .'
#- 10 .
00000400 0400-0800 08001200 1200-1600 1600-2000 2000-0000


Fig. 43. The onset of migraine headache in presumably diurnally active persons appears to be most
likely between 0400 and 1200; the commencement of muscle (contraction) headache appears to be
more likely after awakening from sleep. Data from Ostfeld 1963 and Waters and O'Connor 1971.

1800 and 0200 or 0200 and 1000. Differences obtained identical results; more than 60%
between the findings of the various studies of the bouts of cluster headache started
with regard to the time-dependent occur- between 2300 and 0600 with many patients
rence of migraine headache are difficult to describing their attacks commencing with
explain. Presumably they represent differ- remarkable precision 1-2 hr after the onset
ences between the experimental methodol- of sleep, around 0100 to 0200.
ogies and/or characteristics of the patients Two groups of investigators, Waters and
sampled. It is possible also that the differ- O'Connor (1971) and Osterman et al.
ence results from the timing of medications (1980), studied 7-day patterns in the occur-
or disparities in the sleep-wakefulness pat- rence of headaches. Waters and O'Connor
terns of the patients investigated. Since in- (1971), in their survey of 2933 women,
formation on these was not provided, it is found the frequency of migraine most com-
difficult to interpret the differences in mon over the weekend (Saturday and Sun-
findings. day). The fewest number of headaches
Temporal (24-hr) patterns in the onset of were experienced on Mondays. Nonmi-
cluster headaches have been noted by sev- graine headaches did not exhibit a cyclic 7-
eral investigators (Harris 1926; Harris 1936; day pattern, although there was an unequal
Ekbom 1947, 1970; Symonds 1956; Kunkle distribution during the week with Mondays
et al. 1972). In the study by Symonds (1956) being most headache free. Osterman et al.
more than 65% of the patients suffering (1980) found a statistically significant differ-
from cluster headache exhibited a noctur- ence between the daily incidence of mi-
nal commencement of each bout. Ekbom graine headaches with the highest fre-
(1970), studying a large sample of patients, quency on Thursdays and Fridays and the
188 Michael H. Smolensky

lowest frequency on Mondays. Although during the 4-day span before menses, while
the original consideration of Osterman et an additional 30% were experienced during
al. (1980) was the association of changes in menses. The prominent circamensual
weather with temporal patterns of head- rhythmicity in migraine was detectable also
aches, the authors found no causal relation- in oral contraceptive users. In a group of
ship between their reported 7-day variation oral contraceptive users and exusers, the
in headaches and the ambient conditions. incidence of migraine during the premen-
Perhaps the circaseptan (about 7-day) vari- strum and menses was more than twice that
ation in the incidence of headache repre- expected had its occurrence been randomly
sents emotional pressures associated with distributed over the menstrual cycle
work and family activities over the week. (Dalton 1973, 1976, 1977).
Although circaseptan rhythms in biological
functions are known, they tend to be of rela-
tively low amplitude. Nonetheless, the pos- Circadian Rhythms and Toothache
sibility of an endogenous rhythmic compo- Pollmann and Harris (1978) studied the onset
nent in the occurrence of headaches over 7 of continuous pain caused by dental caries
days cannot be dismissed. in 543 patients primarily between the ages
Circamensual rhythmicity in migraine of 18 and 25 years. It was hypothesized,
headache is rather well recognized both in based on the authors' earlier finding of a
the clinic as well as in the literature (Green circadian rhythm in pain threshold with a
1967; Dalton 1973, 1976; Kashiwagi et al. minimum between the evening and early
1972; Dalessio 1973; Pollmann and Harris morning hours in diurnally active persons,
1978). Figure 44 presents the data from that tooh pain would more likely be per-
Dalton (1973), 512 headaches experienced ceived as beginning during this span than it
by 52 regularly menstruating women not would at other times of the day or night.
taking oral contraceptives. Of the total, Although some patients experienced tooth-
36% of the headaches were experienced ache after meals (Fig. 45), the majority ex-



a: 40
J: 30


~ 20


Fig. 44. Data obtained from a group of reg-

ularly menstruating women confirm the well-
known prominence of migraine headache 14 12 10 B 6 4 2 2 4 6 B 10 12 14
during or just prior to menses. Reproduced DAYS BEFORE DAYS AFTER
from Dalton 1967. MENSTRUATION
5: Human Chronopathology 189


> 30
20 5.0

0 10
... 0 "z~ 4.8
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 a:
~ 4.8
Fig. 45. The commencement of tooth pain W
(toothache) from dental caries in 543 diurnally I-
active patients occurs not only after meals to zu
some extent, but much more prominently during ~
the early morning hours. Reproduced from
Pollmann and Harris 1978. 4.2


perienced the painful onset of toothache I i i

0800 1000 1200
I i i
1800 2000 2200
during the early morning hours between CLOCK HOUR
0300 and 0800. Presumably this rhythm at
least in part represents the circadian varia- Fig. 46. Circadian changes in the intensity of
tion of human pain sensitivity (Pollmann intractable pain in diurnally active patients has
not been well studied. In 41 patients volunteer-
and Harris 1978; Pollmann, 1982).
ing to subjectively self-rate their intractable
pain, intensity was found to steadily increase
during the day, reaching a peak just prior to bed-
Diurnal Variation in the Intensity time. Reproduced from Folkard 1976.
of Intractable Pain
Temporal patterns in the level of intractable
pain during the day and night have not been
often investigated. Folkard (1976) and
Circadian Rhythm in the Pain of
Glynn et al. (1975) studied 54 patients suf- Rheumatoid Arthritis
fering from intractable pain using self-re- The symptoms and signs of rheumatoid ar-
ports and visual analog scales every 2 hr thritis vary within and between days (Scott
during the waking span for 7 consecutive 1960; Delbarre 1979; Kowanko et al. 1981,
days. Complete records obtained from 39 of 1982a,b; Harkness et al. 1981, 1982). Al-
the patients indicated an increase in the in- though the major symptoms of this com-
tensity of the pain throughout the day after mon disease are pain, stiffness, and inflam-
awakening with the peak around 2200, the mation, systematic investigation of the
latest clock hour that self-ratings were done temporal variation in these have been car-
each day by the patients (Fig. 46). The tem- ried out only on a few occasions (Delbarre
poral pattern in the level of intractable pain 1979; Kowanko et al. 1981, 1982b; Hark-
was not appreciably altered by the use of ness et al. 1981, 1982). Circamensual and
analgesics; nor was it affected by the pa- circannual studies using quantitative end-
tient's activity level, e.g., patients remain- points have never been conducted. The
ing at home and those working outside the data of Kowanko et al. (1981, 1982a) are
home during the day displayed comparable germaine to the discussion of circadian
variation over time. rhythms in the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.
190 Michael H. Smolensky

Figure 47 presents the data of a patient who dian pattern in subjectively rated pain was
self-monitored his rheumatoid arthritic circadian variation in joint stiffness as well
symptoms 6 times daily (at approximately as inflammation, the latter monitored by the
3-hr intervals) during the waking span for 3 cumulative sum of the circumference of 10
consecutive days while being treated with finger joints. These rhythms differed in
a nonsteroid antiinflammatory medication phase by approximately 12 hr from the cir-
(100 mg flurbiprofen, Froben) daily at 1300 cadian changes of left- and right-hand grip
and 2300. From one day to the next, pain strength; highest grip strength was demon-
was consistently self-rated higher in the strable when the subjective ratings of stiff-
morning after awakening than in the after- ness and pain as well as joint circumference
noon and evening. In phase with this circa- were least.


lL(/J 640



I 100
a. <!l Cl
(/J 80

Fig. 47. Data obtained from a
diurnally active rheumatoid ar-
thritic patient conducting self-
assessments of pain, stiffness,
joint circumference, and grip >-
...J (/J
strength several times daily. ~ClfD
The patient was being treated (,)l-lL
with antiinflammatory medica- m I-
::> (/J
tion (flurbiprofen) twice daily (/J
(1300 and 2300). The data re-
veal circadian rhythmicity with
the temporal patterns of subjec-
tively rated pain, stiffness, and
grip strength differing in phase
by approximately 12 hr from
that of joint circumference.
The units for grip strength are
expressed in mmHg; they may
be transformed into Pascals us-
ing the conversion 1 mmHg ::; i
0600 1200 1800 0000 0600 1200 1800 0000 0600 1200 1800 0000
133 P. Data from Kowanko et
al. 1981. CLOCK HOURS
5: Human Chronopathology 191

Tobie 4. Circadian Rhythm in the Symptoms and Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Studied Variable Mesor: M Amplitude: A Acrophase: cp detection
(units) (M SE) (95% confidence limits) (P)
Self-rated pain 5.6 0.2 1.6 (1.1 to 2.2) 1020 (0824 to 1212) <.001
(10-point scale)
Self-rated stiffness 2.2 (1.7 to 2.7) 0900 (0752 to 1012)
5.7 0.2 <.001
(10-point scale)
Sum: 10 finger 7.9 (5.3 to 10.6)
644.3 0.7 0716 (0604 to 0848) <.001
joints (mm)
Grip strength
90.4 1.5 11.5 (6.7 to 16.7) 2032 (1840 to 2256) <.001
right hand (mmHg)
Grip strength
85.0 1.6 9.8 (41. to 16.2) 1932 (1724 to 2244) <.001
left hand (mmHg)
Note: One patient medicated daily at 1300 and 2300 with fturbiprofen.
Data collected six times daily during waking for three consecutive days analyzed by single cosinor.
Findings kindly provided by Dr. Roy Pownall (Chronotherapeutics Research Group, City Hospital, Hucknall
Road, Nottingham NG5 IPD, England) as a personal communication.

Table 4 presents the Cosinor analyses of 0700. The circadian variation in grip
the data from this patient. Circadian strength of both hands was, as was the case
rhythms were substantiated (P < 0.(01) for for the subject presented in Fig. 47 and Ta-
each symptom and measurement with the ble 4, about 12 hr out of phase with the
acrophases for joint circumference, stiff- other studied rhythms.
ness, and pain occurring more or less in It should be pointed out that in these par-
phase between 0700 and 1030. The acro- ticular studies the patients were investi-
phase of the rhythm in grip strength of the gated while receiving antiinflammatory
left and right hands was approximately medication twice daily, once in the early
12 hr out of phase with those of the other afternoon (1300) and again in the evening
circadian rhythms. Table 5 presents the (2300). It is apparent from both Tables 4 and
data of another investigation (Kowanko et 5 and Fig. 47 that the amplitUde of the in-
al. 1981) in which 15 patients were studied vestigated circadian rhythms is not large.
while taking flurbiprofen at 1300 and 2300 The antiinflammatory medication most
daily for 14 days. Circadian variations in likely affected the studied symptoms
joint circumference (inflammation) were, as thereby creating the possibility that the ob-
expected, greatest in the morning around served circadian changes in joint size, grip

Tobie 5. Circadian Rhythm in Grip Strength and Joint Circumference.

Studied variable Amplitude: A Acrophase: cp detection
(units) Mesor: M (95% confidence limits) (P)
Sum: 10 finger
593 4.1 (1.3 to 6.9) 0654 (0407 to 0724) <.05
joints (mm)
Grip strength
130 5.5 (2.4 to 8.8) 1635 (1359 to 1905) <.05
right hand (mmHg)
Grip strength
131 6.3 (2.0 to 10.7) 1719 (1547 to 1915) <.05
left hand (mmHg)
Note: N = 15 except for variable of joint circumference where N = 14; patients taking fturbiprofen daily at 1300
and 2300.
Data from Kowanko et aI. 1981.
192 Michael H. Smolensky

strength, joint stiffness, and pain were number of patients (over 400) in a chrono-
moderated. With regard to the measure- biologic investigation.
ment of joint circumference, not all the The greatest level of pain due to osteoar-
joints measured were arthritic; thus, the thritis in diurnally active patients occurs 12
amplitude values must be considered as hrs later than that due to rheumatoid arth-
conservative estimates of the circadian ritis. This difference can be tentatively ex-
variability, since the nonaffected joints plained by the fact that in osteoarthritis one
probably exhibited only slight changes over deals with mechanically induced pain re-
24 hr. Since appropriate investigations with sulting from friction within the altered
as well as without medications have yet to joints. Physically induced pain-using
be published, much remains to be learned heat, cold, or faradic stimuli as reported by
about circadian and other periodic aspects P611mann (1982), P611mann and Harris
of rheumatoid arthritic disorders. This dis- (1978), P611mann and Hildebrandt (1979),
cussion of rhythms in arthritis is not offered and Proccacci et al. (1974)-exhibits a noc-
with the intention of documenting the obvi- turnal acrophase. In patients with rheuma-
ous, i.e., circadian variations in joint size, toid arthritis, inflammatory phenomena
stiffness, and pain in arthritic patients; predominate in the morning. The morning
rather, it is made to stimulate the accumula- stiffness and associated pain in rheumatoid
tion of baselines before intervention trials arthritis not only result from decreased
with various medications aimed at moderat- movement during nocturnal sleep but from
ing symptoms and manifestations of this the decreased level of corticosteroids circu-
painful and sometimes crippling disease. lating in the blood and in the tissue during
Although rheumatoid arthritis is a relatively the night.
common disorder, information on the mag- A finding of particular relevance is that
nitude of circadian variation in relevant end the timing of the circadian acrophase of
points from a large sample of patients is pain and stiffness may vary between pa-
lacking. tients suffering from osteoarthritis of the
knee or hip (Levi et al., unpublished data);
this was the finding of a study on 68 patients
Circadian Rhythm in the Pain of using a visual analog scale for the self-rat-
Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee ing of symptoms. If it is true in a majority of
Pain and stiffness were self-rated by pa- patients given placebo that pain and stiff-
tients suffering from stable osteoarthritis of ness predominate in the afternoon while for
the hip or knee (stages II and III) in an in- others symptoms predominate in the morn-
vestigation by Job et al. (1981). Diurnally ing, this must be taken into account from a
active patients were studied both while tak- chronotherapeutic point of view. Using a
ing placebo and indomethacin (50 mg/24 hr) sustained-release form of indomethacin
during a 4-week span to evaluate the (Chronoindocid), Levi et al. (personal com-
chronotherapeutic effects of this nonste- munication) demonstrated that the circa-
roid antiinflammatory agent taken once dian acrophase of both pain and stiffness
daily either at 0800, 1200, or 2000. A statis- must be monitored in each individual in or-
tically significant circadian rhythm with der to determine the circadian timing of the
afternoon acrophases characterized the worsening of symptoms and to thus deter-
data of both pain and stiffness regardless of mine the optimum administration time for
whether the patients were given placebo or this antiinflammatory medication. The tim-
indomethacin. A statistically significant de- ing of the medication must be done on an
crease in symptoms was achieved when in- individual basis since, although for a major-
domethacin was given at 1200. Similar ity of patients tolerance and best effect are
results have been obtained by Levi et al. achieved by an evening administration, for
(1982, unpublished data) with a rather large some a morning administration is best. U s-
5: Human Chronopathology 193

ing an individualized chronotherapy, Levi dystonia with marked diurnal fluctuations

et al. found it possible to increase by 50% (Hardvogl and Stogmann 1976; Segawa
the efficiency of and by 94% the tolerance 1976; Ouvrier 1978). In general, the term
(with regard to side effects) to indometha- dystonia refers to an abnormal degree of
cin. This example shows that a chrono- fixity caused by sustained muscular con-
pathology can be individualized; this must traction. In the clinical context, the term
be considered in optimizing therapy. includes abnormalities of movement super-
From a physiopathological point of view imposed on an often unusual posture result-
it is interesting to consider that the peak ing from simultaneous excessive contrac-
time of pain, whether induced experimen- tion of agonist and antagonist muscle
tally or occurring spontaneously (Pollmann groups. The symptoms of patients de-
1982), usually coincides with the trough of scribed by each of the aforementioned au-
the circadian rhythm of a natural endoge- thors are similar; they appear insidiously in
nous analgesic chemical substance in the childhood with the patients initially display-
plasma-,8-endorphin (Dent et al. 1981; ing dystonic postures and unusual move-
Wesche and Frederickson 1981). It could ment of one limb, usually the leg. The
well be that the circadian rhythm in the se- symptoms progress so that usually within 5
cretion of this chemical (among others yet years the ipsilateral arm and the other leg
to be found) contributes to the observed cir- and arm become affected. In most cases the
cadian changes of pain threshold. Other legs are more affected than the arms. Ac-
components could involve circadian cording to Segawa (1976) and Ouvrier
changes in brain function, as suggested by (1978), the characteristic feature of this dis-
Pollmann (1982) in studies involving the cir- order is the "remarkable diurnal fluctua-
cadian rhythmicity of the pain-reducing ef- tion" in symptoms. They tend to be mild or
fect of a placebo. With regard to control even absent early in the morning, after aris-
measurements, placebo given at noon low- ing from nightly sleep, or sometimes after a
ered pain by 40 5%, whereas when daytime nap, but are always more aggra-
given at midnight it lowered pain only by vated toward the evening.
10 3%.
Chronobiology and Progressive Chronopathologies most likely result from
Dystonia cyclic variations in the ambient environ-
Siehr (1899), Bury (1902), and Hunt (1917) ment and from periodicities in certain criti-
described case studies of progressive dys- cal biological functions (Reinberg 1982;
tonia in young children exhibiting diurnal Reinberg and Lagoguey 1978). With regard
fluctuations in symptoms. Since those early to the latter, bioperiodicities are detectable
reports, Nasu et al. (1958), Schenck and at all levels of organization from the euka-
Kruschke (1975), Hardvogl and StOgmann ryote to man. This ubiquitous characteristic
(1976), Segawa et al. (1976), Yamamura et is considered by many biologists as a signifi-
al. (1973), and Ouvrier (1978) have noted cant aspect of the adaptability of species
the dystonic syndrome characterized by and of the adaptive plasticity and capacity
marked diurnal fluctuations in symptoms. of individuals (Sargent 1967). During evolu-
Various authors have categorized this ap- tion, organisms developed within an ambi-
parently hereditary childhood disease dif- ent environment which changed drastically
ferently terming it paralysis agitans of early and predictably over time in a rhythmic
onset (Yamamura et al. 1973; Bury 1902; manner with periods related to the rotation
Siehr 1899), juvenile paralysis agitans of the earth around its axis-every approxi-
(Nasu 1958), progressive atrophy of the glo- mately 24 hr-and around the sun-every
bus pallidus (Hunt 1917), or progressive approximately 365.25 days. There were
194 Michael H. Smolensky

other periodic influences, such as lunar and survive environmental demands and
ones as well. It is likely that endogenous, challenges. The organization of biological
genetically transmitted rhythms exhibiting processes over 24 hr, the year, and so on,
these and other periods have been main- consists of self-sustaining oscillators of the
tained throughout generations of plants and same periods which are interconnected
animals because they confer a selective ad- with a hierarchy and influenced by a set of
vantage. (Bioperiodic phenomena which synchronizers. This temporal organization
are genetic in origin are not only restricted in human beings is more readily recognized
to 24 hr, 28 days, or 365.25 days; ones of over the 24-hr span perhaps because of the
approximately 90 min, 3 hr, and 7 days apparent wide variation in activity over a
among others have been detected which do relatively short interval of time. Except for
not correspond to any known cosmic peri- those employed in shift work, man is active
odicities.) during the day and at rest during the night.
From a theoretical point of view it is The existence of a circannual temporal or-
more economical for an organism to be ge- ganization in human beings as opposed to
netically programed to anticipate cyclic de- hibernating animals is not as easily recog-
mands based upon predictably occurring nized or accepted since the seasonal differ-
synchronizer signals from the ambient envi- ence in activity does not appear to be so
ronment than it is to rely upon immediate great. Yet since the Stone Age, human be-
adjustments and responses to one set of en- ings have maintained a rather high level of
vironmental conditions which is repeated activity during the warmer months when
every day and another set which is repeated hunting, fishing, and agricultural activities
every night. In vertebrate species synchro- were easily accomplished than during the
nized to environmental light-dark cycles, winter months when activity was at its na-
for example, hormones of the adrenal cor- dir, as is still readily apparent today in agri-
tex which exert strong effects on energy cultural areas of the world. Circannual
metabolism exhibit large-amplitude circa- rhythms in biological functions including
dian rhythms with a trough during the mid- those of metabolism (see Chap. 7) conceiv-
dle of sleep and a peak prior to awakening. ably are associated with seasonal differ-
The activities of hepatic cells are pro- ences in human activity levels. However,
gramed for glycogen deposition during rest some may represent biological reactions to
and glycogen breakdown into glucose com- seasonal variations in the environment. It
mencing prior to the onset of activity (see could well be that circadian and circannual
Chap. 3). rhythms in the occurrence and exacerba-
The adaptation of species to cyclic tion of human disease represent in part
changes in the ambient environment pre- the contribution of underlying rhythmic
sumably involves the integration of endoge- changes which became fixed during evolu-
nous rhythms of approximately the same tion. Thus, for allergic asthma, an example
periods at all hierarchial levels of biological of a disease that is strongly circadian rhyth-
organization. In particular, it seems that mic, several component endogenous 24-hr
circadian and circannual bioperiodicities bioperiodicities can be identified which
and perhaps others have been reinforced as contribute to the nocturnal exacerbation of
an adaptive strategy in the evolution of spe- bronchial reactivity of diurnally active pa-
cies. This explanation for the ubiquity of tients. Some of the identified component
rhythms in life cannot be demonstrated ex- rhythms, such as those of catecholamines
perimentally; however, it is a working hy- and cortisol, are closely linked to the tem-
pothesis of most chronobiologists. porally differing metabolic requirements of
Sargent (1967), a human ecologist, activity during the day and rest during the
viewed the temporal structure of biological night.
functions as an important attribute of the Circannual changes in endocrine func-
adaptive capacity of individuals to meet tion may be associated with the etiology of
5: Human Chronopathology 195

seasonal differences in human morbidity. leading to a more complete understanding

For example, there is a striking coincidence of its pathogenesis and treatment. In the
between the circannual peak in the inci- beginning of this chapter, chronopathology
dence of influenza and pneumonia and the was defined as the (1) rhythmic occurrence
phasing of the circannual rhythm of adrenal or exacerbation of illness in individuals or
activity with a peak in the spring. Circan- in groups of persons and/or (2) alteration of
nual rhythms in immune status, at least one or more biological rhythms resulting
somewhat influenced by the annual cycle of either from and/or contributing to disease.
adrenal function, also have been substanti- The focus of this chapter has been on the
ated (Bratescu and Teodorescu 1981; Lu et first aspect since as yet a large background
al. 1980a, 1980b; Reinberg et al. 1971; Shi- of information is not available on the sec-
frine et al. 1980a, 1980b, 1982). The detec- ond. However, significant chronobiologic
tion of circannual rhythms in these and strides are being made with regard to the
other functions, perhaps genetically pro- second, for example, concerning delayed-
gramed and synchronized by seasonal dif- onset sleep (Weitzman 1981; Weitzman et
ferences in human activity or photoperiod, al. 1981, 1982), breast cancer (Smolensky
does not imply the existence of a cause- 1973; Simpson 1977; Halberg et al. 1977,
and-effect relationship; however, such 1979; Gautherie and Gros 1977), emotional
rhythms may contribute to the timing illness (Goodwin and Wehr 1981; Brown
of chronopathologies over the year. The and Graeber 1982) and endocrine disorders
emphasis on endogenous rhythmic factors (Krieger et al. 1981). The significance of al-
is not intended without due recognition of terations in biological rhythms to human
the importance of temporal differences in disease brings to mind the thoughts of
ambient conditions which may favor the oc- Ehret et al. (1978): "A creature with all its
currence of disease during a particular systems in strong synchrony has somehow
season. learned how to 'put it all together' so that
Circamensual differences in the occur- the multiple environmental amenities and
rence or exacerbation of illness in women the multitude of inner appetites mesh in a
seemingly result from quantitative and satiable circadian harmony. Such fortunate
qualitative changes in endocrine function creatures are rewarded by functional profi-
during the menstrual cycle. A majority of ciency and longevity." Recognition of the
investigators noting a heightened likelihood chronobiologic features of human diseases
of exacerbation during the premenstrum opens new avenues to researching their eti-
and menses suggest the importance of the ology. It also brings into consideration new
hormone progesterone. However, other en- approaches to treating illness, taking into
docrine and physiologic rhythms having account not only the chronopathology of
circamensual periods may be contributory disease but also the chronopharmacology
even if the latter are themselves dependent of medications (Chap. 7).
on changes in the level and type of circulat-
ing reproductive hormones during the men-
strual cycle (Reinberg and Smolensky
1974). References
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Clinical Chronopharmacology
An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy
Alain Reinberg

The practical significance of biological social considerations, less frequently to

temporal structure is well illustrated by empirical observations. Sometimes the ho-
chronobiologic findings pertaining to the meostatic hypothesis is offered as the basis
administration of medicines. Metabolic for a treatment schedule. Only occasion-
pathways are neither open with the same ally, before the 1960's, was an experiment
level of efficiency nor oriented continu- designed to evaluate objectively, for a
ously in the same direction (Reinberg given agent, the advantage of a well-defined
1974b, 1976a,b). The sensitivity of target chronotherapy. In light of many new find-
systems to chemical substances varies ings, it is now pertinent to reexamine the
rhythmically, too. New experimental meth- present-day rationale for administering
ods and concepts have been developed to treatments at particular times of the day
research, comprehend, and describe bio- and/or night.
periodic changes in drug effectiveness and The scheduling of treatments is based
tolerance. The major aim of clinical primarily upon prevailing scientific hypoth-
chronopharmacology is the optimization of eses as well as achieving patient compli-
therapeutic interventions. By manipulating ance. With regard to the latter, involving
therapeutic administrations as a function psychosocial considerations, patients are
of the organism's biological time structure, instructed to ingest or inject prescribed
it is possible to enhance the desired and medications at meal times with the hope
reduce the undesired effects of several that a high level of compliance will be at-
types of medications. tained. With regard to the former concern,
the homeostatic hypothesis implies that the
pharmacologic, therapeutic, and toxico-
Introduction logic effects of chemical substances should
With reference to medical tradition, but not be the same, independent of the timing of
necessarily to scientific rationale, medi- treatment. Both desired and undesired ef-
cines are prescribed for specified clock fects of medications are expected to be
hours. The timing of therapeutic measures identical no matter the hour, day, or month
today is related more frequently to psycho- of administration. This hypothesis has been
212 Alain Reinberg

demonstrated to be invalid each time it has et al. 1967, 1972; Haus et al. 1974; Philip-
been tested in chronopharmacologic and pens 1974; Reinberg 1971, 1974b, 1976a;
chronotoxicologic experiments (see the fol- Reinberg and Halberg 1971; Scheving et al.
lowing review papers: Ceresa and Angeli 1974; Sturtevant 1976; Reinberg and Smo-
1977; Halberg 1960, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1969, lensky 1982).
1974, 1975; Halberg and Reinberg 1967;
Halberg et al. 1967, 1969a,b, 1977a,b;
Haus et al. 1974; Menzel 1955; Montalbetti Development of Clinical
1974; Moore-Ede 1973; Reinberg 1965, Chronopharmacology
1967, 1971, 1973, 1974b,c, 1975, 1976a,b, Modem chronopharmacology involves
1977a,b; Reinberg and Ghata 1977; Rein- both the investigation of drug effects as a
berg and Halberg 1971; Reinberg and Smo- function of biological timing and the inves-
lensky 1982; Scheving et al. 1974; Smo- tigation of the effects of drugs on the char-
lensky et al. 1979, 1980; Walker 1974). acteristics of biological rhythms: pe-
Based on currently available data, the ho- riod, T; acrophase, cf>; amplitude, A; and
meostatic philosophy of therapeutic man- the rhythm-adjusted mean or mesor, M.
agement has to be viewed as obsolete and in Regular and thus predictable changes in bio-
some cases inappropriate or even danger- logical susceptibility and response to a
ous. A chronobiologic approach often is in- large variety of physical as well as chemical
dispensible for solving a set of therapeutic agents (including foods and drugs) are now
problems, including the reduction of unde- viewed as rather common phenomena. This
sired effects. is true for both plants and animals (Haus et
The belief that chronotherapeutics has al. 1974; Reinberg 1974b; Reinberg and
important and practical application in medi- Halberg 1971; Scheving et al. 1974), includ-
cine is not a recent one. In 1814 Julien Jo- ing man. Experimental evidence of circa-
seph Virey wrote that Thomas Sydenham, dian (~24 hr), circamensual (~30 day), and
who based his judgment on empirical obser- circannual (~1 year) changes in human bio-
vations, recommended the narcotic opium logical responses to various chemical and
(laudanum) be given in the late evening physical agents has been presented else-
rather than in the morning to achieve best where in review papers (Halberg 1962,
therapeutic effect. It was not until more 1969; Halberg and Reinberg 1967; Halberg
than 150 years later that chronopharmaco- et al. 1967, 1969, 1972; Reinberg 1965,1967,
logic investigations of anesthetics, barbi- 1971, 1974a-c; Reinberg and Halberg 1971).
turates, and narcotics on rats by Scheving The findings of earlier chronobiologic
et al. (1974), Nair (1974), and Bruguerolle et studies led to concepts such as the hours of
al. (1979) and on men by Fukami et al. changing responsiveness (Halberg 1960,
(1970), Nicholson and Stone (1977), and 1962, 1963; Reinberg 1965, 1967),
Simpson et al. (1973) confirmed this empiri- chronopharmacology (Reinberg and Hal-
cal observation. Recognition must be given berg 1971), chronosusceptibility (Rein-
to Jores (1938), Mollerstrom (1953), and berg 1967), chronotolerance (Halberg et al.
Menzel (1955); their pioneer work consti- 1977), as well as chronesthesy, chronophar-
tutes the foundation oftoday's chronophar- macokinetics, and chronergy (Reinberg
macologic and chronotherapeutic studies. 1976a; Reinberg et al. 1975) as depicted in
These investigators recognized 40 years Fig. 1. Recognizing that review papers have
ago that the bioperiodicities of human be- been published recently on this and related
ings must be taken into account and, if need topics, the aim of this chapter is to provide
be, restructured when treating disease. illustrative examples of human circadian
Specific chronobiologic methods are now chronopharmacology and chronotherapy.
available to achieve these goals (Aschoff et The objective demonstration of chro-
al. 1975; Halberg 1960, 1969, 1975; Halberg nopharmacologic phenomena demands
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 213

subjects' synchronization
+ environmental factors
timing in administration of drug or food
circadian changes in metabolic processes:

biosystem chronesthesy
organismic bioperiodicity
chronokinetics 0( ... chronergy
of drug or food

Fig. I. The chronesthesy ofa biosystem refers to rhythmic changes in the biosystem's susceptibility; it
includes both molecular and membrane phenomena and related metabolic processes. The chronesthesy
involves cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems of the host as well as the susceptibility of parasites,
bacteria, tumors, etc. The chronopharmacokinetics of an agent denotes rhythmic changes in either its
bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, and/or excretion in the urine, feces, sweat, saliva, etc. Statistically
significant rhythms have been demonstrated in the parameters used to characterize the pharmacokinetics
of several agents. The chronergy of a chemical (or a physical) agent refers to rhythmic changes in any of its
effect(s), either desired ("chronoeffectiveness") or undesired. The chronergy of a chemical agent
involves its chronopharmacokinetics as well as the chronesthesy of a set ofbiosystems. The acrophase of
the chronergy need not coincide in time with the acrophase of its blood level. (From Reinberg 1976a.)

the use of appropriate methodology. Chro- 1978; von Mayersbach et al. 1977; Procacci
nobiologic investigations must follow a et al. 1974; Reinberg 1974a; Smolensky et
set of elementary rules regarding (1) the al. 1974).
synchronization of subjects (the timing and Reports of changes in the effects of
regularity of the socioecologic synchro- chemical substances according to circadian
nizer, i.e., clock hours of light-on and light- stage in human beings are numerous. Rele-
off, meal timing) (Apfelbaum et al. 1972; vant information is available, for example,
Reinberg 1974c); (2) the collection of time for histamine (Lee et al. 1977; Reinberg
series on each of the physiological and/or 1965; Reinberg et al. 1965, 1967, 1974; Smo-
pathological variables monitored [with con- lensky et al. 1974; De Vries et al. 1962),
sideration for the accuracy of measure- sodium salicylate (Reinberg et al. 1967,
ments or determinations, span of time for 1974), acetylcholine (Reinberg et al. 1971,
data gathering-at least 24-hr sampling du- 1974), halothane (Fukami et al. 1970),
rations with the interval (dt) between tests prostaglandin F-2a (Smith et al. 1973), lido-
or measurements being 4 hr, etc.]; and (3) caine (Reinberg and Reinberg 1977), clofi-
the statistical analyses of time series thus brate (Andersen and Hellstrom 1982), di-
obtained by Cosinor and/or related meth- goxin (Avlisi et al. 1978; Del Ponte et al.
ods (Halberg et al. 1967, 1977, 1972). These 1979), hydrochlorothiazide (Mills et al.
were discussed in detail in Chap. 2. It 1975), oxymetholone (Moore-Ede and Burr
should be pointed out that circadian 1973), insulin (Serio et al. 1971), the-
rhythms can be modulated and modified by ophylline (Smolensky et al. 1982), and
coexisting rhythms of about 1 year and many others. Table 1 summarizes the find-
about 30 days (the latter mainly, but not ings of chronopharmacologic studies on
exclusively, found in women). Therefore, asthmatic patients treated with synthetic
the month of the year and/or the day of the corticosteroids, while Tables 2 and 3 sum-
menstrual cycle in women must be given marize the effects of various chemical
when presenting findings of chronopharma- agents as a function of the rat's (Table 2)
cologic research ~Keinberg and Lagoguey and man's (Table 3) circadian-system-stage
214 Alain Reinberg

Table 1. Chronopharmacologic Studies on Synthetic Corticosteroids.

Group Corticosteroida Explored circadian
studied tested rhythms Ref.
Asthmatic children Prednisone (c) PEP Reindl et al.
(per os) Urinary K+ (1969)
Asthmatic adults Dutimelanb (c) PEP Serafini et al.
(per os) Plasma cortisol (1976)
Asthmatic adults Dutimelanb (c) Plasma ACTH, cortisol, insulin, Crepaldi et al.
(per os) gastrin, urinary 17-0HCS, (1974)
bronchial patency
Symptom-free Methylprednisolone PEP Reinberg et al.
asthmatic children (a) (s.c. injection) (1974d)
Asthmatic adults Dutimelan mite b (c) PEP, oral temperature, grip Reinberg et al.
(per os) strength, self-rating of dyspnea, (1977)
urinary 17-0HCS, K+, Ca++,
Corticosteroid fixed dose, mUltiple test times; (c) = chronic; (a) = acute medication.
b Dutimelan 8/15 mite. Dragee A ingested at 0800 contains prednisolone acetate (4 mg) and prednisolone
alcohol, 2 mg; dragee B ingested at 1500 contains prednisolone alcohol (2 mg) and cortisone acetate (8 mg).
Dutimelan 8/15 mite contains only one-half the amount of corticoid dose as Dutimelan 8115.
Note: Studies demonstrate no or slight adrenal inhibition and no or slight alteration of subject's temporal
structure (e.g., acrophase shift and/or changes in mean level) occurs when the corticosteroid is given once or twice
a day not far from the expected acrophase of the plasma cortisol circadian rhythm (i.e., around 0800 for allergic
subjects synchronized with diurnal activity from 0700 to 2300 alternating with nocturnal rest). In addition, a
relatively large dose of corticosteroids given at 2000 not only induces undesired effects but also is ineffective on
both bronchial patency and dyspnea in allergic patients (Reinberg et al., 1983).

with respect to induced sleep, general anes- metyrapone (Angeli et al. 1975; Touitou et
thesia, and related phenomena. al. 1976); lithium and other antidepressant
Circadian rhythm dependencies of drugs agents used in psychiatry (Wirz-Justice et
are relatively easy to demonstrate and de- al. 1980; Wirz-Justice and Wehr 1983); and
scribe. Another type of effect, drug-in- ACTH, cortisol, and other corticosteroids
duced alteration of human circadian (see Table O. For example, acrophases
rhythms due to timed administrations of may be phase-shifted (phase-advanced or
medications, requires elaborate experimen- phase-delayed relative to pretreatment con-
tal protocols. For example, determination trol values) as well as mesors lowered or
of circadian rhythm characteristics for a set enhanced as a result of the timed adminis-
of biologically meaningful variables is nec- tration of either corticosteroid or ACTH as
essary prior to, during, and after drug ad- shown for the urinary excretion of 17-
ministration to evaluate the effect of timing OHCS and electrolytes, grip strength, peak
with regard to clock hour apart from other expiratory flow (PEF) , blood eosinophils,
conventional pharmaceutical consider- etc.
ations such as route, dose, and form. This A set of most interesting findings deals
is necessary since findings substantiate the with the fact that some drugs possess the
alteration of biological time structure, for property of lengthening the period of cer-
example, following the administration of tain circadian (and ultradian) rhythms, spe-
reserpine (Halberg 1962); cyproheptadine cifically when studies are performed under
(Reinberg and Sidi 1966); insulin (Serio et conditions allowing rhythms to free-run.
al. 1971; Gibson et al. 1974); hypoglycemic Most of these drugs-lithium, imipramine
agents (Sensi et al. 1975; Mirouze and Se- (a tricyclic agent), and clorgyline (a second
lam 1977); glucagon (Melani et al. 1975); generation mono-amine oxidase inhibi-
oxymetholone (Moore-Ede and Burr 1973); tor)-are effectively used in psychiatry to
Table 2. Effects of Drugs as a Function of the Rat's Circadian-System-Stage on Induced Sleep, General Anesthesia, and Related Phenomena.
Chemical agent (fixed
Strain, age, dose and multiple test Variable Chronopharmacologically
sex times) investigated Synchronization a induced changes Refs.
Sprague- Pentobarbital sodium Duration of L: 0600 to 1800 Longest duration (peak time at Scheving et al.
Dawley, anesthesia D: 1800 to 0600 -1900) (1968)
adult And continuous L or D Persisting rhythm in continuous
Land/or D
Sprague- Pentobarbital sodium Duration of L: 0800 to 2000 Longest duration of anesthesia Walker
Dawley, anesthesia D: 2000 to 0800 at -1700 coinciding with (1974)
adult trough time of brain amines
Wistar, adult Pentobarbital sodium Induction time L: 0800 to 2000 Induction time and duration of Simmons
and duration D: 2000 to 0800 anesthesia have their peak et al. (1974)
of anesthesia time at -2000
Wistar, old Hexobarbital sodium Duration of L: 0700 to 1900 Longest duration of anesthesia Muller (1974)
anesthesia; D: 1900 to 0700 and lowest oxidation at
hexobarbital -1800
oxidation in
Sprague- Hexobarbital sodium Duration of L: 0600 to 1800 Longest duration of anesthesia Nair (1974)
Dawley, anesthesia; D: 1800 to 0600 and lowest enzyme activity at
adult hexobarbital -1400
oxidation in
Wistar, adult Pentobarbital sodium Induction time L: 0600 to 1800 Peak time at -1100 Bruguerolle
of anesthesia D: 1800 to 0600 (January-May) et al. (1979);
Wistar, adult Althesin Induction time L: 0600 to 1800 Peak time at -1600 in October Bouyard
of anesthesia D: 1800 to 0600 Peak time at -1000 in March et al. (1974)
Wistar, adult Curarizing agents, e.g., Neuromuscular L: 0600 to 1800 Peak of the curarizing effect at
pancuronium bromide activation D: 1800 to 0600 0800 in March and October
a L = light; D = dark.
216 Alain Reinberg

Table 3. Effects of Various Agents, as a Function of Man's Circadian-System-Stage, on Induced

Sleep, General Anesthesia, and Related Phenomena.
Chemical agent Variable Chronopharmacologically
(multiple test times) investigated Synchronization induced changes Ref.
Laudanum Efficiency as Presumably di- Most efficient at night Virey (1814)
narcotic urnally active when going to sleep
Halothane Lowest amount Presumably di- Best efficiency between Fukami et al.
needed for urnally active midnight and 0600 (1970)
anesthesia subjects
Ethanol, 0.67 glkg Iterative self- Sleep-rest (mid- Maximum of ebriety and Reinberg et al.
body weight rating of night to 0700); poorer performance (1975)
ebriety; activity (0700 follow ethanol at 1900
speed of to midnight) and 2300
Dipotassic clora- Circadian Diurnally active Greatest plasma peak Aymard and
zepate, 50 mg p.o. changes in subjects height and shortest Soulairac
plasma bio- half-life when taken at (1979)
availability 0700 (versus 1900)
Diazepam and its Sleep record- Diurnally active Activity of metabolites Nicholson and
hydroxylated ing and subjects of diazepam may Stone (1979)
metabolites, self-evalua- exhibit a circadian
fixed doses tion of sleep rhythm
(3-Alkyl pyrazolyl) Self-evalua- Simulated abrupt Better "quality" of Simpson et al.
piperazine (tran- tion of 8-hr time zone sleep, less broken (1973)
quilizer), 10 sleep, etc. shift sleep, less tired on
mgp.o. retiring than control
Clemastine (anti- Iterative self- Sleep-rest (mid- Increase of sleepiness by Reinberg et al.
histamine), rating of night to 0700); > 25% versus control (1978)
3 mg p.o. sleepiness activity (0700 (placebo)
to midnight)
Terfenadine (anti- Iterative self- Sleep-rest (mid- Decrease of sleepiness Reinberg et al.
histamine), rating of night to 0700); by < 25% versus (1978)
60 mg p.o. sleepiness activity (0700 control more often for
to midnight) Rx at 1900 than at

control unipolar depression and manic-de- ser and Viele, 1981); in desert rat-rest-
pressive illness (Wirz-Justice and Wehr, activity cycle in constant dim light
1983). The example of lithium effectiveness (Engelman 1973); in rat-rest-activity cy-
in changing the free-running circadian pe- cle in DD (Kripke and Wyborney 1980); in
riod is well documented. According to man-rest-activity cycle and temperature
Wirz-Justice and Wehr (1982), lithium-in- rhythm of healthy subjects in LL during the
duced lengthenings of free-running T'S have Arctic summer (Johnsson et al. 1979, 1980).
been exhibited by various types of func- Changes in the circadian T'S reSUlting
tions in several different species: in Kalan- from the administration of lithium and also
choe, a tropical plant-petal opening in other antidepressant agents help to explain,
constant green light (Engelman 1973); in at least in part, their effectiveness in the
cockroach-rest-activity cycle in constant treatment of depression. If mental depres-
dim light (Hofmann et al. 1978); in aply- sion is related to an internal desynchroniza-
sia-action potentials of the isolated eye of tion [e.g., either changes in the phase rela-
this marine invertebrate in DD (Strumwas- tionship between circadian oscillators or
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 217

changes in the period length of one or more lensky et al. 1974). However, only the cir-
oscillators, or both (Kripke 1982; Wehr et cadian chronopharmacology is presently
al. 1979, 1982)], antidepressant agents pro- well documented.
vide a chronopharmacologic tool for help-
ing to control or minimize the pathological
alteration of rhythms. New Concepts in Clinical
Understanding that chronopharmacol- Chronopharmacology
ogy may entail two types of effects, i.e.,
different levels of effectiveness or toxicity
as a function of the timed administration or (Chronokinetics)
effects upon temporal structure, is impor- Chronopharmacokinetics refers to rhyth-
tant from both a theoretical and practical mic changes in either the bioavailability,
point of view. Any drug, whether it be etha- disposition, pharmacokinetics, and/or ex-
nol (Reinberg et al. 1975; Rutenfranz and cretion of a medicine via the urine, feces,
Singer 1967) or a corticosteroid (Reinberg sweat, saliva, or other route. When the ad-
and Smolen sky 1982), is capable ofproduc- ministration time is manipulated, for exam-
ing different effects depending on its bio- ple, when a medication is given as a single
logical timing. This capability is revealed by daily dose so that four fixed times of treat-
quantitative changes in rhythm characteris- ment are studied with respect to the 24-hr
tics-mainly the cP's and M's-of certain scale and with each time point of adminis-
circadian variables. For example, cortico- tration explored at weekly intervals, statis-
steroids quite often induce contingent alter- tically significant circadian rhythms are
ation of pituitary-adrenal activities, includ- usually demonstrable in the pharmaco-
ing their circadian rhythms. The latter has kinetics, that is "peak height," "span of
repercussions on a wide range of functions time to peak," "half-life," "disappearance
because so many metabolic rhythms at the rate," and "area under the time-concentra-
cellular level are synchronized by the circa- tion curve (AUC)," etc.
dian pattern of adrenocortical secretion, For example, at the time of this writing,
which plays the role of a pacemaker chronopharmacokinetic dependencies have
(Halberg 1967; Reinberg et al. 1971b). been substantiated for certain analgesic and
Although most of our knowledge about non-steroid antiinflammatory agents (Table
chronopharmacology comes from studies 4) such as sodium salicylate (Reinberg et al.
involving circadian rhythms, the field of 1967; Reinberg et al. 1975), aspirin (Marke-
chronopharmacology is not restricted only wicz and Semenowicz 1979b), indometha-
to rhythms of 24 hr; chronopharmacologic cin (Clench et al. 1981), acetominophen
applications involving periods of approxi- and phenacetin (Shively and Vesell 1975),
mately 1 hr, 30 days, and 1 year (Knobil and aminopyrine (Shively et al. 1981).
1980; Reinberg and Lagoguey 1978; von Chronopharmacokinetic changes have been
Mayersbach et al. 1977; Reinberg 1974a; detected also for theophylline and digitalis
Smolensky et al. 1974) have been demon- (Table 5), i.e., regular theophylline (Kyle et
strated. For example, a circamensual al. 1980a,b) and sustained-release theophy-
chronopharmacology in women has been line (Scott et al. 1981; Smolensky et al.
explored in terms of the days of changing 1981, 1982), and digitalis (Carosella et al.
responsiveness to (1) chemical agents such 1979). This is the case for many drugs used
as histamine (Smolensky et al. 1974), etha- in neurology and psychiatry (Table 6), in-
nol (Jones and Jones 1975), and synthetic cluding dipotassic clorazepate (Aymard
estradiol (Yen and Tsai 1972) as well as to and Soulairac 1979), hexobarbital (Alt-
physical agents such as radiant heat and (2) mayer et al. 1979), lithium carbonate
drug-induced menstrual-rhythm alterations (Lambinet et al. 1981), diphenylhydantoin
(Procacci et al. 1974; Reinberg 1974b; Smo- (Garrettson and Jusko 1975), and nortripty-
Table 4. Clinical Chronokinetics of Analgesic and Nonsteroid-Antiinflammatory Agents.
Clock Number
Drug hours and type Variables Major circadian changes of
(dose/24 hr)a of Rx subjects investigated pharmacokinetic parameters Refs.
Sodium 0700 6 healthy Urinary Duration of excretion longest with Rx at 0700 Reinberg et al.
salicylate (1 g) 1100 adults, 3M, salicylate (22 1.36 h). Urinary excretion 4 hr post-Rx (1967); Reinberg
(a) per os 1900 3F excretion greatest with Rx at 2300, smallest with Rx at et al. (1975b)
2300 0700
Aspirin (1500 0600 6 healthy Plasma levels Peak height (C max) and largest area under the Markiewicz and
mg) (a) per os 1000 males, curve (AUC) both greatest with Rx at 0600, Semenowicz (1979b)
1800 20-21 yr smallest C max and AUC with Rx at 2300
Indomethacin 0700 9 healthy Plasma levels Peak height greatest at 0700 and 1100, Clench et al.
(100 mg) (a) 1100 young shortest t max -0700. No circadian (1977, 1981)
per os 1500 adults,7M, change in AUC
1900 2F
Acetaminophen Before 4 healthy Acetaminophen The rate of urinary drug excretion when Rx Mattok and
(1 g) (a) per os sleep adult males urinary taken before sleep less than when taken at McGilveray (1973)
and at excretion 0830
Acetaminophen 0600 8 healthy Plasma half-life Half-life: 131.1 8.0 min at 0600; 111.4 9.8 Shively and
(975 mg/70 kg) 1400 adults min at 1400 (equaling a decrease of 15%; P < Vesell (1975)
(a) per os 0.025)
Phenacetin (1.5 0600 10 healthy Plasma half-life Half-life: 57.3 10.9 min at 0600; 48.1 7.4 Shively and
mg/70 kg) (a) 1400 adult males min at 1400 Vesell (1975)
per os
Aminopyrine (2 0800 12 healthy Plasma and Circadian rhythms in aminopyrine half-life Shively et al.
mg/kg) (a) per 2000 adults saliva obliterated by fast. Reversal of eating times, (1981)
os reverses the diurnal variation. No effect of
sleep deprivation
a(a) = acute; (c) = chronic.
Note: Subjects synchronized with diurnal activity and nocturnal rest.
Table 5. Clinical Chronokinetics of Theophylline, Digitalis, and Propranolol.
Clock Number
Drug" hours and type Variables Major circadian changes of
(dose/24 hr) ofRx subjects investigated pharmacokinetic parameters Refs.
Theophylline as 0100 12 healthy Plasma and AUC largest with Rx at 1900; longest time to peak Kyle et al. (1980a,b)
Theolair (4 0700 adults, 8M, salivary with Rx at 1900. Peak height greatest with Rx at
mg/kg) (c) 8 1300 4F levels 0700. Elimination rate fastest with Rx at 0100
days per os 1900
Sustained-release 0800 13 asthmatic Plasma level During the 4-hr span post-Rx when theophylline taken Scott et al. (1981)
theophylline as 2000 children at 0800, drug levels higher (-7 lLg/ml) (than those
TheoDur (18.8 (6-13 yr) following the Rx at 2000 (P < 0.001)
mg/kg/24 hr) (c)
per os
Theophylline (4.4 0100 1 healthy Plasma levels Time to peak shortest with Rx at 0100 (longest with Kyle et al. (1979)
mg/kg/24 hr) (a) 0700 adult male Rx at 1900). Peak height greatest with Rx at 0700
per os 1300 (least with Rx at 1900)
Theophylline (6.9 0800 14 healthy Serum levels Serum concentration greater following Rx at 0700 vs Lesko et al. (1980)
to 18.2 mg/kg) 2000 adults,7M, 1300 with a nonalcohol aminophylline solution) and
(c) 6 days per 7F greater for a controlled-release capsule given at
os 0800 vs 2000
Digitalis (1 mg) 6 time 36 healthy Serum and With Rx at 1200 and 1600 plasma curves show a late Carosella et al.
(a) per os and points/ adult males urinary second concentration peak. With Rx at 0800 no (1979)
i.v. 24 hr levels second peak but exponential disappearance rate
Propranolol (80 0200 8 healthy Plasma Peak concentration of drug lower after Rx at 1400 Markiewicz et al.
mg) (a) per os 0800 adult males propranolol than after Rx at 0800,2000, and 0200 (P < 0.005, (1980)
1400 P = 0.1, P = 0.02, respectively). AUC after Rx at
2000 1400 lower than after Rx at 0800, 2000, and 0200
(P < 0.005, P < 0.05, P < 0.005, respectively)
a(a) = acute; (c) = chronic.
Note: Subjects synchronized with diurnal activity and nocturnal rest.
Table 6. Clinical Chronokinetics of Drugs Used in Neurology and Psychiatry.
Clock Number
Druga hours and type Variables Major circadian changes of
(dose/24 hr) ofRx subjects investigated pharmacokinetic parameters Ref.
Dipotassic 0700 5 healthy Plasma levels of At 0700 time to peak (1 hr) and half-life (3 hr) Aymard and
clorazepate 1900 adults N-desmethyl shortest, at 1900 time to peak (4 hr) and Soulairac (1979)
(50 mg) (a) diazepam half-life (30 hr) longest
per os
Hexobarbital 0200 6 healthy Plasma levels Terminal elimination slower at 1800 than at 0200; Altmeyer et al.
(500 mg) (a) 1000 adults, at 0200 Tmax = 1.8 hr, Cmax = 7.5 Mgtl; at (1979)
per os 1800 4M,2F 1800 Tmax = 3.1 hr, C max = 4.6 Mgtml
Lithium 3 types of 5 manic Urinary Li + , 1/3 of the daily dose at 1200 and 2/3 at 2000 Lambinet et al.
carbonate schedules depressive creatinine, and reduces both drug nephrotoxicity and large (1981)
(0.75-1 g) (c) adults urea circadian changes in urinary Li + compared to 3
per os equal doses daily or a large dose only in the
Diphenylhydantoin Unknown 4 children, Plasma DPH, Urinary 5-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin Garrettson and
(overdose: 5 DPH 2M,2F urinary (~PPH) excretion larger during the day (up to lusko (1975)
to 18 mg/kg) plasma (6-11 yr) HPPH 75%/24 hr) than the night
(c) per os levels
Nortriptyline 0900 Healthy Plasma x plasma nortriptyline level higher 2 and 3 hr post Rx Nakano and
(100 mg/dose) 2100 adults nortriptyline, at 0900 than at 2100 (P < 0.05); x plasma Hollister (1978)
(a) per os 10M IO-hydroxy- 10-hydroxynortriptyline (10-HP) higher 1, 2, 3
nortriptyline and 4 hr post Rx at 0900 than at 2100; Tmax for
10-HP faster after Rx at 0900 than 2100 (P <
a(a) = acute; (c) = chronic.
Note: Subjects synchronized with diurnal activity and nocturnal rest.
Table 7. Clinical Chronokinetics of Antibacterial, Anticancerous, and Other Agents.
Clock Number
Druga hours and type Variables Major circadian changes of
(dose/24 hr) of Rx subjects investigated pharmacokinetic parameters Ref.
Erythromycin 0200 24 healthy Plasma Peak height greatest at -1130; time to peak Di Santo et al.
(250 mg x 4) 0800 male adults erythromycin shortest at -2000; AUC largest at -1200 (1975)
(c) per os 1400
every 6 hr/3 2000
Ampicillin (500 6 time 6 healthy male Plasma Greatest plasma level 1 hr postadministration Sharma et al.
mg) (a) per points/ adults ampicillin occurred -1100 (1979)
os 24 hr
Sulfasymazine, 0700 14 adult Plasma levels Sulfasymazine: disappearance rate from Dettli and Spring
sulfanilamide 1900 patients, and urinary plasma faster for Rx between 0700 to 1900 (1966)
(1.5-3.0 g) various excretions (half-life 2.6 times shorter) than between 1900
(c) per os diseases to 0700. Sulfanilamide: same trend but no
statistically significant differences
Cis-diammine- 0600 11 cancer Urinary cis-DDP urinary concentration: peak height Hrushesky et al.
dichloroplatinum 1800 patients cis-DDP and and largest AUC with Rx at 0600. Minimum (1980)
(60 mg m2) creatinine nephrotoxicity (gauged by creatinine clearance)
(a) Lv. with Rx at 1800
D-Xylose (10 g) 6 time 11 healthy Plasma and Plasma peak height greatest at -1100; plasma Markiewicz and
(a) per os points/ young adults urine levels AUC largest at -1130. Largest urinary Semenowicz (1979a)
24 hr excretion 2 hr post-absorption at -1200
Ferrous sulfate 0700 8 healthy Plasma iron Sideremia greater at 1900 (64.4 + 13.1 ILg/100 Tarquini et al.
(100 mg) (a) 1000 adults,4M, ml) than at 0700 (28.0 9.8) (1979)
per os 1900 4F
Potassium 1200 healthy Plasma Plasma potassium increased by 40% more Moore-Ede et al.
chloride (37 0000 adults,5M potassium (P < 0.01) for Rx at 0000 than at 1200 (1978)
mEq) (a) i. v.
a(a) = acute; (c) = chronic.
Note: Subjects synchronized with diurnal activity and nocturnal rest.
222 Alain Reinberg

line (Nakano and Hollister 1978). Table 7 (mainly per os or IV) is provided for each
indicates chronopharmacokinetic phenom- investigation. The number of timed admin-
ena have been detected for antibacterial, istrations used, each one corresponding to
anticancerous, and other medicines includ- a different test for the chronopharmaco-
ing erythromycin (Di Santo et al. 1975), am- kinetic studies both with acute and chronic
picillin (Sharma et al. 1979), sulfasymazine, dosings of the investigated drug, is also in-
sulfanilamide (Dettli and Spring 1966), dicated. In some experiments (erythromy-
cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (cis- DDP) cin and diphenylhydantoin), administration
(Hrushesky et al. 1981), D-xylose (Marke- is iterative (e.g., 250 mg erythromycin
wicz and Semenowicz 1979a), ferrous sul- every 6 hr for 3 days) or as an overdose
fate (Tarquini et al. 1979), and potassium (diphenylhydantoin) leading to temporally
chloride (Moore-Ede et al. 1978). The varying, but persisting, high plasma levels.
chronokinetics of ethanol and cortico- For the most part, chronopharmacokinetic
steroids have been studied as well and will studies were performed on healthy volun-
be discussed subsequently in later sections teers when common drugs (e.g., ethanol,
of this chapter. aspirin, etc.) were investigated. Chrono-
From a methodological point of view it pharmacokinetic studies of drugs involving
should be mentioned that the data summa- a toxic risk (e.g., lithium, cis-DPP, etc.)
rized in Tables 3-7 were obtained from sub- were investigated in patients requiring spe-
jects synchronized with diurnal activity and cific treatment.
nocturnal rest. Information about the dose/ In general, it appears that several (if not
24 hr (or range of plasma levels), acute and/ all) of the parameters characterizing the
or chronic administrations, and route disposition of a drug vary predictably ac-

Fig. 2. In random order and
at weekly intervals, 9 healthy
subjects, 19-29 years of age
(two females), synchronized ,
with activity from 0700 to
0000, received a single oral I

dose (100 mg) of indomethacin
at fixed hours: 0700, 1100,
1500, 1900, and 2300 (not at
i \

;i .. ...
1100 for two participants). Ve-
nous blood (sampled at 0,0.33, ~
0.67,1.0,1.5,2.0,4.0,6.0,8.0, E
0, 3.0

,i ::
and 10.0 hr postingestion) was :1
obtained for plasma drug de-
terminations. Ingestion at 1900

and/or 2300 led to the smallest
peak height and longest time to
peak, while ingestion at 0700
and/or 1100 led to the largest
peak height, shortest time to
peak, greatest AVC, and fast- 1.0
est disappearance rate. A cir-
cadian rhythm of both peak
height and time to peak was
detected. (From Clench et al. O~L-'---'-------~------~------r-----~
1981, reproduced with permis- 2 4 6 8 10
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 223

cording to the time (clock hour) when treat- Time (clock hours)
ment is given. In most cases, the amplitude o
(or the magnitude) of the circadian changes
Sleep Wakefulness
is not trivial. This fact can be deduced from
% of M
inspecting Figs. 2 and 3 for indomethacin 120
and Figs. 4 and 5 for theophylline. The data
presented in the tables and figures provide
further evidence that the metabolic fate of a
pharmacologic agent should not be ex- 1::
pected to be the same when administered at .Ql100
different times, and clearly prove that .:L.
rhythms strongly influence the metabolism gJ 90
of medications. As discussed in the subse-
quent sections, it is likely that metabolic 80
pathways are neither open permanently,
nor open with the same patency throughout 120
the 24-hr span.
Ethanol Chronopharmacokinetics. Over .:L.
the years, there have been many studies of Q)
the chronokinetics of ethanol. Critical eval- .8
uation of the earlier conducted investiga- E
f= 90
tions was published by F. M. Sturtevant

and colleagues (1975, 1976). The aim of c
these review papers was to substantiate the ~80
circadian rhythmicity of this well-investi-
X ~
gated drug using both pharmacokinetic ~:::l 110
methods and models. F. Sturtevant con- ()

cluded that the disappearance of ethanol ~1

from the blood follows the simplest of ki- :::>
netic models. Special attention was given to ~90
the quantity (3, Widmark's slope, of the
ethanolemia linear decay curve. In addi- Fig. 3. These 9 healthy subjects synchronized
tion, theoretical considerations were pre- with diurnal activity (0700-0000) and nocturnal
rest were studied as described in the caption of
sented for chronovariation of the elimina- Fig. 2. The results for the 3 parameters used to
tion constants for hypothetical drugs characterize the indomethacin bioavailability
following exponential and zero-order are expressed as a percentage of the group 24-hr
models. F. Sturtevant concluded that: "1) mean, M, or circadian mesor for each consid-
rhythmicity within elimination curves can ered variable. M (1 SE) is equal to (1) 5.09
only be determined by repetition of the ex- 1.43 ~g/ml for the peak height, (2) 2.17 0.73 hr
periment at different times of the dial [24- for the time to peak, and (3) 16.18 0.56 ~g/hr/
hr] period and 2) the expectation that a rate ml for the AUC. Statistically significant peak-
constant estimated at one time of the day trough differences, amounting to more than 40%
may be valid for another part of the day M, was observed for peak height (t = 3.9; P <
0.(025) and.time to peak (t = 2.2; P < 0.(025),
carries with it an unknown risk." The dis-
but not for the AUC. The greatest plasma con-
cussion that F. Sturtevant and this author centration (peak height) occurred for an inges-
commenced in 1975 still continues. For tion time (IT) between 0700-1100; the lowest
chronopharmocokinetic investigations, corresponded to an IT of 1900. The shortest time
Sturtevant advocates the use of pharmaco- to peak occurred for an IT between 0700-1100
kinetic models based on sophisticated and the longest for an IT of 1900. (From Clench
mathematical formulations, while the au- et al. 1981, reproduced with permission.)
224 Alain Reinberg


16 0100
_ . - . - . - 1900
zw 10

-. --
8w 8
% 4

2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4. Model time-concentration curves constructed with data from 13 diurnally active persons
adhering to a 6-hr theophylline dosing schedule for 8 consecutive days. The model curves for the
eighth day of dosing indicate theophylline when taken at 0700 or at 1300 was more quickly absorbed
and produced higher immediate blood levels than when taken at 1900, when theophylline was elimi-
nated most rapidly. (From Kyle et al. 1980a, reproduced with permission.)

thor of this chapter emphasizes the impor- est time for Rx at 0700), AVC (largest AVC
tance of more conventional methods and for Rx at 1900), and ethanolemia 140 min
models (e.g., quantification of circadian post-Rx (lowest for Rx at 0700). The calcu-
changes based on the indices of peak lated disappearance rate was greatest when
height, time to peak, and AVC). ethanol was consumed at 0700. Similar
For example, orally induced ethanolemia results were obtained by Swoyer et al.
was studied by Reinberg et al. (1975). Data (1975).
were gathered from six healthy young adult F. Sturtevant felt the conclusions of
males studied at fixed clock hours (0700, Reinberg and co-workers were not "wholly
1100, 1900, and 2300) with an interval of 1 warranted" because Tmax and Cmax are af-
week between consecutive tests and a 12-hr fected by absorption and dosage in addition
fast before the commencement of each. The to ethanol elimination. With regard to the
order of the tests was randomized. Venous chronokinetic aspect, we agree with F.
blood for ethanol determination was sam- Sturtevant that, in 1975, the findings of
pled immediately before and 15,30,60,90, many experiments had to be regarded as
120, 240, and 480 min after the ingestion of preliminary. However, new findings from
the fixed ethanol test dose, 0.67 g ethanol! experiments on both man and rat have
kg body weight, under standardized condi- added more information about the chrono-
tions. Circadian rhythms were reported for kinetics of ethanol. Minors and Waterhouse
the peak height (greatest peak for ethanol (1979) demonstrated a statistically signifi-
ingestion, Rx, at 0700), time to peak (short- cant circadian rhythm in the rate of ethanol
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 225

.OBOO-2000h (day)
MEAN:!:S.E.M. {
A 200o-0BOOh (night)

o 2 4 6 B 10 12

Fig. 5. Differences in the blood levels of theophylline in 13 diurnally active young asthmatic patients
given sustained-release theophylline (SRT) doses at 0800 and 2000. So-called "steady state" levels
were achieved prior to samplings for theophylline. Blood levels of the SRT for the 4-hr span after the
0800 treatment in comparison to the 4-hr span after the 2000 treatment were statistically significantly
greater. The SRT when given at 0800 immediately resulted in theophylline levels within the therapeu-
tic range of 10-20 JLg/ml; this was not the case for the 2000 SRT. (From Scott et al. 1981, reproduced
with permission.)

removal in eight subjects (three males and rhythm in the pharmacokinetics of ethanol.
five females). They ingested 0.8 g ethanol! Animals were synchronized with 12 hr of
kg body weight once weekly; data on blood light (L) alternating with 12 hr of darkness
and urinary ethanol levels were obtained at (D). Ethanol (1.5 g/kg body weight) was in-
regular intervals for the following adminis- jected intraperitoneally at 6 different test
tration times: 0100, 0500, 0900, 1300, 1700, times, equally distributed over the 24-hr
and 2100. The rate of disappearance ({3) of scale. The ethanol disappearance rate was
ethanol from the body was estimated from a characterized by a large-amplitude circa-
least-squares regression of ethanol concen- dian rhythm with the maximum occurring
tration in the series of 5 urine samples col- around the change from D to L (beginning
lected during the span from 120 min until of the inactivity phase) and a minimum 12 hr
300 min post-ingestion. The acrophase of {3, later. The LD cycle was an efficient syn-
representive of the administration time re- chronizer; when the LD cycle was ad-
sulting in fastest elimination, was 0757 for vanced or delayed by 4, 8, or 12 hr, the
the male and 0244 for the female groups. acrophase of the circadian rhythm was sim-
Investigations performed on mature ilarly shifted in time. This circadian rhythm
male Charles River rats by R. P. Sturtevant in {3 hypothetically is related to 24-hr
(1978) and R. P. Sturtevant and Garber rhythms in liver enzyme processes related
(1979) also demonstrated a circadian to the oxidation of ethanol, e.g., into acetal-
226 Alain Reinberg

dehyde. In fact R. P. Sturtevant and Graber had been treated previously with predniso-
(1981) demonstrated a circadian rhythm in lone daily for at least 6 months. No signifi-
liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), a cyto- cant differences were found between the
solic enzyme using NAD+ as coenzyme. nighttime and daytime studies for any of the
The acrophase of this rhythm fits well pharmacokinetic data (half-life, Cmax , Tmax,
with the hypothesis that this enzyme plays AUC, etc.) in either the asthmatic or
a role in the chronokinetics of ethanol, at healthy participants. On the contrary, Mor-
least in acute administrations. According to selli et al. (1970) demonstrated chronophar-
R. P. Sturtevant (personal communication, macokinetic changes for exogenously ad-
1981), circadian rhythmicity of microsomal ministered cortisol in man, mainly in the
ethanol-oxidizing enzymes utilizing plasma disappearance rate. Their data
NADP+, rather than NAD+, as coenzyme showed the half-life of cortisol to be shorter
could be involved in the chronokinetics of when given at 1600 than 0800. In experi-
rats chronically treated with ethanol. ments on adult male Norwegian rats by En-
With regard to the chronergy of ethanol glish and Marks (1981), a circadian rhythm
in man, emphasis must be given to the fact in the plasma disposition of methylprednis-
that circadian changes in the effects of the olone was demonstrated. Separate studies
drug have been demonstrated in rats during which methylprednisolone (1 mg/kg
(Walker and Soliman 1975) and man. The body weight) was injected into the femoral
acrophase of self-rated ethanol-induced vein were conducted at 0000, 0600, 1200,
ebriety coincides with ethanol ingestion at and 1800. The maximum half life (32.5
2300; on the other hand, the largest ethanol- 1.5 min) of this corticoid occurred when it
induced decrease of oral temperature (24-hr was injected at 1800, while the minimum
mean) is associated with an ingestion at (10.8 0.9 min) occurred when it was in-
0700 (Reinberg et al. 1975) (see Fig. 11). jected at 1200.
It could well be that synthetic deriva-
Corticosteroid Chronopharmacokinetics. tives of corticosteroid hormones and corti-
Many experiments on rats and man have sol have different chronopharmacokinetics,
demonstrated that the occurrence or magni- including an absence of circadian rhythmic-
tude of side effects including adrenal sup- ity; however, with respect to the latter, the
pression and desired effects such as in- evidence is not convincing. Angeli et al.
creased grip strength and bronchial patency (1978, 1981) have shown that prednisolone
of various drugs, for example, cortico- as well as natural adrenocortical hormones
steroids, depends upon the circadian timing exhibit a circadian rhythm in transcortin
(Ceresa et al. 1975; Grant et al. 1965; Mon- (the blood carrier protein for cortico-
talbetti 1974; Reinberg 1975; Reinberg et al. steroid) binding. The lowest binding capac-
1971; Reinberg et al. 1977; Reinberg and ity occurs during the night around 0400; the
Halberg 1974; Segre 1966; Smolensky 1974; highest capacity occurs around 1600. This
Smolensky et al. 1980). An important ques- means that higher free, and thus effective,
tion still awaiting an answer is whether plasma corticosteroid (both hormones and
changes in effectiveness are related either hormonoids) levels are reached during the
to the chronokinetics of corticosteroids or morning and early afternoon. In addition,
to the chronesthesy of the target organs for Angeli et al. (1981) have shown patients
these active agents, or to both. McAllister suffering from alcohol-induced chronic
et al. (1981) studied the disposition of liver disease exhibit an altered circadian
plasma prednisolone in six healthy male rhythm of plasma corticosteroid binding
subjects (acute administration; 20 mg/24 hr; protein.
Rx at 0800 and 2000 on different experimen- These illustrative examples demonstrate
tal days scheduled at least 1 week apart) that (1) the quantification of the chrono-
and in five chronic stable asthmatics who pharmacokinetics of an agent (especially in
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 227

the case of corticosteroids) can be rather treatment at 1200 was found to be statisti-
complex and (2) the chronergy of an agent cally significant using a computer program
(with regard to both desired and undesired designed for quantifying pharmacokinetic
effects) depends upon both its chronophar- phenomena. BMD given as a single dose
macokinetics and the chronesthesy of the (0.8 mg) intravenously at 1400 also exhib-
target biosystem(s). ited a two-compartment model (Carosella
et al. 1979). Moreover, a second peak was
Changes in Aspects of the Pharmacokinetic detected in the kinetics of BMD when given
Curve of Certain Medications with Regard by injection at 1400. No matter how admin-
to the Timing of their Administration. The istered at 1400, there was roughly a 12-hr
pharmacokinetics of a given substance can difference between the occurrence of the
be characterized by a curve of simple or two peaks in the time-concentration curve.
complex shape. For the sake of both preci- The second example deals with mequita-
sion and standardization in quantification, zine (Primalan), an antihistaminic medica-
mathematical pharmacokinetic models tion derived from phenothiazine (with a
have been developed. The chronopharma- quinuclidinyl group located on the nitrogen
cologic approach shows that, depending on of position 10). The chronopharmaco-
the timing of some medications, not one, kinetics of this medication was studied by
but two (or more) pharmacokinetic models collecting urine samples from 6 healthy
are necessary. The pharmacokinetic model subjects treated at 0700 or 1900 (A. Rein-
for most substances investigated thus far berg, J. B. Fourtillant, F. Levi, C. Peiffer,
(see Tables 4-7) is roughly that of an open and A. Bicacova-Rocher, unpublished data
one-compartment type. This means that in- 1983). A single 5-mg dose of mequitazine
dependent of the time (clock hours) of drug was given orally at 0700 and 1900, with the
administration the curve used to describe 2 time-point studies done at 7-day intervals.
the pharmacokinetics has only one peak. Urinary determination of the metabolites of
In such cases, chronopharmacokinetic mequitazine requires the combination of
changes concern parameters such as T max, both gas-liquid-chromatography and mass
Cmax , AVC, half-life, disappearance rate, spectrometry (so-called mass-fragmentog-
etc. However, for some medications the raphy) for high precision, specificity, and
pharmacokinetic curve may exhibit one reproducibility. The administration of the
peak when administered at one time of day, antihistamine at 0700 was associated with a
yet exhibit two peaks when administered at time-concentration curve with 2 peaks,
another. Two examples illustrate this point. while its administration at 1900 was associ-
The first example deals with digoxin ated with an open one-compartment kinet-
(Carosella et al. 1979). A single oral dose of ics (Fig. 6). These time-related differences
1 mg beta-methyl-digoxin (BMD) was given were depicted by all the subjects for both
to 6 healthy diurnally active subjects at total mequitazine and conjugated mequita-
each of 6 different test times (0800, 1200, zine. At the present time, there is no expla-
1600,2000,0000, and 0400), each scheduled nation for the time-dependent nature of the
at weekly intervals. The administration of pharmacokinetic models for either BMD or
BMD at 2000 and 0000 was followed by a mequitazine. It could well be that circadian
first order kinetics (one-compartment changes in the enterohepatic circulation
model) as evidenced by plasma concentra- play an important role, but this has not been
tions. When given at each of the other demonstrated as yet.
times, the model was different. A second
peak, characteristic of a two-compartment Biomechanisms Presumably Involved in
model, was exhibited when BMD was given Chronopharmacokinetic Changes. All the
at 0400,0800, and 1200. The second peak of pathways affected by a chemical following
the time-concentration curve following entry into an organism may exhibit circa-
228 Alain Reinberg


07 00




Fig. 6. Circadian time-dependency of pharmacokinetic 0
models. A 5-mg dose ofmequitazine (an antihistaminic agent) J:.

was given orally to 6 healthy subjects at 0700 and 1900, 1 ""

N 1900

week apart. They were synchronized with diurnal activity

from -0700 to -2300, alternating with nocturnal rest. Deter-
~ 20
minations of mequitazine were made by mass-fragmentog- c
raphy techniques in total urine voidings collected at first N
every 2 hr (twice) and thereafter at 4 hr intervals during 24 ':;
hr. The results are graphed as the total mequitazine excreted E

per urinary collection interval, expressed relative to the en- "i 10

tire 24-hr excretion, following each time-specified treatment,
at 0700 or 1900. The kinetics were characterized by 2 peaks
(a two-compartment model) when the antihistamine was in-
gested at 0700, and by 1 peak (a one-compartment model)
only when given at 1900. (A. Reinberg, J. B. Fourtillan, F.
Levi, C. Peiffer, and A. Bicakova-Rocher 1983, unpublished i i i I I i ,
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
data.) HOURS

dian rhythmicity. Thus, depending on the methyl-aminobenzene reductase, p-nitro-

biological time, a particular metabolic path- anisole, and O-demethylase in male and
way for a given drug may be open or female Holtzman rats and in male Swiss-
closed. Moreover, the capacity to metabo- Webster mice synchronized with light from
lize the drug may differ between pathways 0630 to 2000 alternating with darkness. Liv-
at different circadian stages. Some of these ers were removed from groups of animals at
possibilities were considered above when 2-hour intervals over 24 hr. The activity of
discussing the chronopharmacokinetics of each of the enzyme systems exhibited a cir-
ethanol and corticosteroids. Obviously any cadian rhythm with a peak around 0200
biomechanisms thought to have a role in (second half of the activity span) and a
the pharmacokinetics of a drug must be ex- trough around 1400 (second half of the rest
plored from a chronopharmacokinetic point span). Some of these circadian rhythms ap-
of view. However, relatively few medicines pear to be dependent upon adrenal activity,
have been studied in this manner thus far, since they are altered by adrenalectomy
mainly in laboratory animal experiments. and thereafter are restored by the adminis-
tration of corticosteroids. Alteration of cir-
Liver Metabolic Pathways. Radzia- cadian rhythmicity also has been observed
lowski and Bousquet (1968) studied the in rats pretreated for 4 days with phenobar-
circadian rhythmic activities of certain bital, although the circadian rhythm of
hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes, such plasma corticosterone was not affected.
as aminopyrine N-demethylase, 4-di- Nair (1974) found circadian variations in
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 229

both the hexobarbital effect (induced-sleep around 1200. Finally, when animals are
duration) and the hepatic hexobarbital oxi- maintained in constant darkness, the circa-
dase activity (Fig. 7). Male Sprague-Daw- dian rhythm of enzyme activity continues.
ley rats synchronized with 12 hr light
(0600-1800) alternating with 12 hr darkness Kidney Metabolic Pathways. The ex-
were given 150 mg/kg hexobarbital sodium cretion of some drugs is affected by the uri-
intraperitoneally. The longest duration of nary pH. This is presumably the case, at
induced sleep coincided in time (Rx at least in part, for sodium salicylate, aspirin,
1400-during the second half of the rest and sulfasymazine. Dettli and Spring (1966)
span) with the lowest enzyme (hexobarbi- postulated the circadian chronopharmaco-
tal) activity and presumably the highest kinetics of sulfasymazine is related to the
plasma disposition of the drug. These find- circadian rhythm of urinary pH. Their data
ings agree well with human data for in- support this hypothesis (see Table 7).
duced-sleep duration (Reinberg 1981) and These authors suggest the kidneys may be
hexobarbital chronopharmacokinetics (Alt- regarded as a major oscillator when drug
mayer et al. 1979). excretion is dependent on urinary pH. This
Pertinent to this discussion is the report is not the case with sulfanilamide, a drug
of a circadian rhythm in the liver enzyme for which these authors failed to find a sta-
activity of tyrosine transaminase by Ax- tistically significant difference between dis-
elrod in 1968. In rats synchronized with position at 0700 and 1900.
light from 0500 to 1900 alternating with A second example is provided by cis-
darkness, the acrophase of hepatic tyrosine DDP-an antitumor agent (Hrushesky
transaminase activity occurs around 2300. 1981; Levi 1982). Circadian rhythms in its
When the lighting regimen is reversed (light urinary excretion, nephrotoxicity, and anti-
from 1900 to 0500 and darkness from 0500 tumor effectiveness have been detected.
to 1900), the acrophase shifts; the cf> occurs The cis-DDP urinary concentration shows

light darkness

16 ......
-'E= 011
., :
~ 60 14 :e
c. .t:l
iii 12 ~
50 -0
10 :t

Fig. 7. Circadian variation in the duration of hexobarbital-induced sleep (vertical bars) compared to
the circadian changes in hepatic hexobarbital oxidase activity (solid line). The duration of induced
sleep at each clock hour of study represents the average of 6-10 animals. Hexobarbital sodium (150
mg/kg) was given intraperitoneal1y. The enzyme activity is expressed as ILmoles of hexobarbital
metabolized per gram tissue per hour; each datum represents the mean of 6-8 animals. The shorter
vertical lines represent the standard errors; *** = p < 0.001. The timing of highest and lowest
hexobarbital oxidase activity at 2200 and 1400 coincides with shortest and longest hexobarbital-
induced sleep. (From Nair 1974, reproduced with permission.)
230 Alain Reinberg

both greatest peak height and largest AVC much chronopharmacologic research is
when given at 0600. The lowest nephrotox- conducted) can be a more important syn-
icity (gauged by creatinine clearance) oc- chronizer for certain rhythms. Nonethe-
curs when it is given at 1800, a time when less, even in rodents meal timing is not a
the cis-DDP urinary concentration reaches strong synchronizer for circadian systems,
both lowest peak height and smallest AVC. such as mitosis in some tissues (Pauly et al.
A circadian rhythm of a tubular brush bor- 1975; Scheving et al. 1974; Philippens et al.
der lysozymal enzyme (n-acetyl glucose 1977). Based on findings revealing meal
aminidase) seems to be involved in the cir- timing to be a weak synchronizer at best in
cadian differences in the drug-related neph- human beings, it is surprising, therefore, to
rotoxicity of cis-DDP. Chronopharmaco- read that the circadian rhythm in the half-
logically, the best tolerance to cis-DPP life of aminopyrine is obliterated by fasting
corresponds in time to its highest effective and the reversal of eating times inverts the
antitumor activity. "diurnal" variation (Shively et al. 1981).
A third example is provided by Lambinet This might be true; however, before form-
et al. (1981) who manipulated the timed ad- ing this conclusion the data from this exper-
ministration schedules of lithium carbonate iment must be complemented with those
for patients suffering from depression. In from additional administration-time stud-
comparison to other schedules investi- ies, since only two time points (0800 and
gated, namely, equal doses at 0800, 1200, 2000) have thus far been used.
and 2000 or two-thirds of the daily dose at The importance of this methodological
0800 and the remaining one-third at 1200, aspect, i.e., the provision in experimental
lithium carbonate provided as one-third of protocols of a sufficient number and distri-
the daily dose (750 to 1000 mg) at 1200 and bution of time-point studies over 24 hr,
the remaining two-thirds at 2000 reduced must not be understated, especially when
both the drug-associated nephrotoxicity the conclusion is either alteration or ab-
(gauged by both creatinine and urea clear- sence of a drug's chronopharmacokinetics.
ance) and the large-amplitude circadian With respect to this, the validity of McAl-
rhythm of urinary Li+ excretion. lister's (1981) conclusion regarding the
absence of chronopharmacokinetics for
Effects of Meal Timing. There is no plasma prednisolone must be questioned
doubt that the ingestion of food may affect since only two time points (0800 and 2000)
the pharmacokinetics of an ingested drug. were investigated. Again, it is possible that
In addition, from a chronobiologic point prednisolone fails to exhibit chrono-
of view, meal timing in man (e.g., single kinetics, but to be certain additional times
daily meal as a big breakfast versus a big of study, selected for pertinence with re-
dinner) is able to phase shift the acrophase gard to both the synchronization schedule
of certain variables, such as plasma insulin, and biological temporal structure, are nec-
glucagon, and iron (Goetz et al. 1976) (see essary.
Chap. 7). For the most part, in human be-
ings the acrophase of a great many circa- Chronopharmacokinetic Changes with
dian rhythms, such as plasma hormones, Regard to Some Physicochemical Proper-
body temperature, blood cells, and psycho- ties of Drugs. Belanger et al. (1981) dem-
logical performance, remains unchanged or onstrated that chronokinetic differences be-
exhibits only minor alteration. These latter tween medications depend, at least in part,
findings infer meal timing is not a powerful upon their physicochemical and disposi-
synchronizer in man, even if some rhythms tional properties. In their research, drugs
show a temporal dissociation (Reinberg and were administered to male Sprague-Daw-
Smolensky 1982). In comparison to human ley rats. Data were analyzed using the open
beings, meal timing in rodents (upon which one-compartment model to calculate phar-
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 231

macokinetic parameters. No circadian vari- qualified pharmacokinetic trials, both abet-

ation in the absorption of drugs was found ter precision and a better understanding of
if they were readily hydrosoluble, i.e., anti- the metabolic fate of medicines. Several ex-
pyrine, acetaminophen, and hydrochloro- amples serve to illustrate this.
thiazine. On the other hand, significant
circadian variation in the absorption rate Better Precision. In attempting to mini-
constant was detected for the poorly solu- mize the occurrence of undesired side-ef-
ble drugs, such as furosemide, indometha- fects from theophylline (a bronchodilator
cin, and phenylbutazone. Temporal varia- used to treat asthma), it is recommended
tions also were found for the hepatic that the plasma concentration be occasion-
clearance of drugs with high extraction ra- ally monitored for up to several hours after
tios, like acetaminophen and antipyrine, an administration to ensure proper dosage.
but not for those with low extraction ratios, The aim of such clinical studies is to control
such as indomethacin and phenylbutazone. the variability of plasma levels within nar-
The rate of elimination of hydrochloro- row limits (-10-20 JLg/ml), to ensure thera-
thiazide, a drug mainly excreted via peutic goals, and to prevent side effects.
tubular secretion, displayed circadian When considering the results depicted in
rhythmicity. Such changes have to be taken Figure 4, one can see that it is possible for
into account when explaining circadian dif- the plasma theophylline levels to vary dra-
ferences in the effects of hydrochloro- matically, from 3 to 15 JLg/ml 1 or 2 hr after
thiazide on the urinary excretion of po- an oral administration of a nonsustained re-
tassium and sodium in man (Mills et al. lease form, depending upon the timing of
1975). the drug. Such temporal variation occurs
with both acute and chronic administration
Circadian Changes in Plasma Proteins. schedules (Kyle et al. 1980; Smolensky et
Following absorption, some drugs be- al. 1981). The interpretation of plasma
come bound to plasma proteins; thus it is theophylline determinations is meaningful
important to recognize the fact that plasma only when the physician is provided with
proteins undergo a circadian rhythm the particulars related to (1) the patient's
(Touitou et al. 1979). The discussion of synchronization schedule (particularly the
transcortin in an earlier .section of this timing of lights-on and lights-oft), (2) the
chapter, based on the findings of Angeli et timing of the theophylline, (3) the timing of
al. (1978, 1981), constitutes one example. the blood sampling relative to the last ad-
In general, healthy young adults display a ministration time, and (4) other conven-
small-amplitude circadian rhythm in plasma tional information, such as dose, form,
proteins with a peak at 1600 and a trough at route, sex, age, and weight.
0400. In elderly persons, the peak is slightly
different, occuring around 0800; the trough Better Understanding. Theophylline
still is at 0400. Due to this temporal pattern, serves once again to illustrate this point. It
a rapid change of about 20% may be found is believed (and advertised) that sustained-
in the plasma protein levels of elderly per- release preparations ensure a relatively sta-
sons between those clock hours corre- ble (constant) plasma level since the phar-
sponding to mid sleep and aWakening. This macokinetics (presumably based on studies
latter finding has been confirmed by Haus conducted during the daytime when the
(personal communication, 1982). drug is given at 0800) exhibit a trapezoid-
shaped curve with a plateau of the blood
Practical Implications of Chronopharma- theophylline level within the therapeutic
cokinetic Changes. Circadian rhythms in range. The latter does in fact occur, but
drug disposition must be taken into account with the possibility of dramatic differences
for achieving, in comparison to non-time- between administration times as shown in
232 Alain Reinberg

Figs. 4 and 5 (Scott et al. 1981; Smolensky temporal structure accounts for the obser-
et al. 1981, 1982; Kyle et al. 1980). vation that biosystems can be completely
Based on new findings, it appears that unresponsive to a medication when given at
the administration of a sustained-release or one time in the 24-hr scale and yet be highly
depot form of theophylline does not neces- receptive (to the same dose) when given at
sarily lead to a constant disposition. This another.
point is very important not only for The chronesthesy can be expressed and
theophylline, but for other medicines as quantified in terms of bioperiodic changes
well. Even if a galenic preparation or a mol- of receptors (Hughes et al. 1976; Spelsberg
ecule has a rather long half-life, even if a et al. 1979; Wirz-Justice et al. 1980, 1981;
drug is given iteratively as a constant dose Wirz-Justice and Wehr 1983). For example,
and at short intervals, its pharmacokinetics circadian rhythms of several rat brain
(Di Santo et al. 1975; Lambinet et al. 1981) neurotransmitter receptors have been re-
as well as its effectiveness (Touitou et al. ported by Wirz-Justice and Wehr (1983)
1976) with high probability will exhibit a cir- and Wirz-Justice et al. (1981). Particular
cadian rhythm. attention was given to the binding of 3H-
The metabolic fate of a pharmacological WB4101 to the aradrenergic receptor, 3H-
agent and nutrient (Apfelbaum et al. 1972; dihydroalpronolol to the /3-adrenergic re-
Gibson et al. 1974; Hardeland et al. 1973; ceptor, 3H-quinuclidinylbenzylate to the
Melani et al. 1975; Mirouze and Selam muscarinic receptor, 3H-nalaxone to the
1977; Reinberg 1974; Furuya and Yugari opiate receptor, and 3H-diazepam to the
1974) should not be expected to be the same benzodiazepine receptor in forebrain ho-
for administrations during the day versus mogenates. Both the a and /3 adrenergic as
those during the night, since their metabo- well as the opiate receptors were found to
lism will vary as a function of the (circa- be most abundant during the dark (activity)
dian) timing. Rhythms strongly influence span; the number of benzodiazepine recep-
the metabolism of medications and nutri- tors decreased to a minimum around the
ents (Apfelbaum et al. 1972; Melani et al. end of the light span. These findings were
1975; Reinberg 1974b,c; Reinberg and reproduced in studies during October and
Halberg 1971; Sensi et al. 1975). Metabolic December-January. On the other hand, the
pathways are neither continuously open; cholinergic receptors exhibited a circadian
nor are they open with a constant patency periodicity only in December-January
over 24-hr or other bioperiodic domains. (peak at the beginning of the dark span). In
Furthermore, any rhythmic change in the October a 12-hr ultradian rhythm was ex-
pharmacokinetics of a medicine or in its ef- hibited with one peak during the mid-dark
fects presupposes rhythmic change in the and another during the mid-light spans, re-
susceptibility of the affected biosystem(s). spectively. Lithium, clorgylin, as well as
fluphenazine may influence both the mesor
and acrophase of some of the circadian
rhythms of brain receptors (Wirz-Justice
Chronesthesy of a Biosystem and Wehr 1983; Kafka et al. 1982). Circan-
Chronesthesy, defined as temporal changes nual changes of receptors also have been
in a biosystem's susceptibility to medica- detected. This is the case of the estrogen
tions, takes into account rhythms of both receptors of the uterus in ovariectomized
molecular and membrane phenomena (see female pigs (Hugues et al. 1976) as well as
Chap. 3). The chronesthesy results from the progesterone receptors and nuclear ac-
chronobiologic processes occurring in re- ceptors of the chick oviduct (Spelsberg et
ceptors, cells, tissues, organs, and systems al. 1979).
of organs and gives rise to temporal suscep- The chronesthesy of medications and
tibilities observed in human beings, para- other agents has been investigated more or
sites, bacteria, and tumors. The organismic less directly in human beings. Directly
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 233

house dust extract in sensitized patients

means here that the investigated agent (Gervais et al. 1977). The chronesthesy of
reaches the target organ (e.g., bronchi, other types of agents is known also, for ex-
skin, perineural space, etc.) without being ample the cutaneous reaction to intrader-
distributed by the blood and which does not mally injected histamine (Lee et al. 1977;
involve chronokinetic changes. For exam- Reinberg et al. 1965, 1969; Scheving et al.
ple (Fig. 8), one measures the bronchial re- 1978, 1980; Smolensky et al. 1974), and to a
activity to inhaled aerosols such as hista- histamine liberator (Reinberg et al. 1965) as
mine (De Vries et al. 1962; Tammeling et al. well as the anesthetic response to betox-
1977), acetylcholine (Reinberg et al. 1971, icaine, lidocaine, or mepivacaine (Reinberg
1974), orciprenaline-a f3-receptor stimu- and Reinberg 1977; Pollmann 1980). As-
lating agent (Gaultier et al. 1975, 1977), pects of the chronesthesy of the latter are
iapropium bromide (SCH 1000)-a vago- shown in Fig. 9.
lytic agent (Gaultier et al. 1975, 1977), and

07 11
15 19 23 03 07
Chronergy of Chemical and
Physical Substances
:J: NOCTURNAL SLEEP Chronergy, defined as rhythmic variations
I} 1SE
in the effect(s) of any substance, whether
u.J desired (as a chronoeffectiveness) or unde-
... ~ 120 .yP < 0,0005
a sired (as an iatrogenically induced chrono-
toxicity or even chronopathology), in-
:J::z volves both chronopharmacokinetics and
~~100 chronesthesies. It is not often that the
0-1>: chronesthesy of a medication coincides
< closely in time with the occurrence of the
80 greatest blood level. Phase differences in
rhythms of 24 hr, for example, in metabolic
pathways and processes at various hierar-
chical levels of biological organization un-
Fig. 8. These 8 healthy adults-smokers or derlie the possible noncoincidence in timing
exsmokers (4 women: 28-47 years of age and 4 ofthe acrophases of chronergies and serum
men: 24-48 years of age)-were synchronized
drug levels, as exemplified by ethanol
with L(0700-2300) and D(2300-0700). Serial de-
terminations of the bronchial response to acetyl- (Reinberg et al. 1974a, 1975a). For the pur-
choline (ACh) were made at fixed hours (0800, pose of simplicity and clarity, the informa-
1500, 1900, and 23(0) as one test per day on 5 tion presented in Fig. 10 deals only with
different days, each separated by an interval of chronergies rather than chronokinetics.
about 1 week. The order of the tests was ran- The data in this figure reveal that the anti-
domized among the subjects. The ACh test at histamimic effects of terfenadine in doses
1500 or at 0800 was done twice. Each measure- of either 20 mg or 60 mg differ in intensity
ment session began with 3 determinations of and duration, as gauged by the inhibition of
I-sec forced expiratory volume (FEVl.o), By the cutaneous responsiveness, i.e., the ery-
successive assays the smallest quantity of ACh thema and wheal to intradermally injected
via aerosol inhalation (particle size - 1 histamine depending upon its administra-
was determined which provoked a 15-20% de-
tion time.
crease of the FEV 1.0 recorded at the beginning of
each session. The lowest threshold occurred at The chronergy of a medicine is not al-
2300 and the highest at 1500. (The variation be- ways easily demonstrable by usual method-
tween test times is shown as relative values from ological procedures. Pollman (1980a), con-
the group mean for all tests.) (From Reinberg et cerned with evaluating the effects of an
al. 1971a.) analgesic, noramidopyrine (Novalgine),
234 Alain Reinberg

time (clock hours I

0, 4, 8, 12








Fig. 9. Circadian changes in the duration (min) of local anesthesia produced by lidocaine. Top
curve: In 6 apparently healthy adults synchronized with diurnal activity from 0700-0000 and noctur-
nal rest, 0.1 ml of a 2% lidocaine solution was injected intradermally every 4 hr during 24 hr, at
specified clock hours. The flexor surface of both forearms was used exclusively. The duration of
anesthesia was determined by measuring the time in minutes from injection to the recovery of
cutaneous sensitivity. The duration was only about 20 min at 0700; it was 52 min at 1500 and about 25
min at 2300. Differences between the longest and shortest durations are statistically significant (P <
0.0005). Bottom curve: For rigorous standardization the study was restricted to selected patients
suffering from decay (dentin caries) in a living, single-rooted upper front tooth. Lidocaine (2 ml 2%
solution) was injected in the para-apical region. A stop watch was started at the end of the injection.
Thereafter, the tooth was drilled to remove decay, but the cavity was left unfilled until the return of
sensitivity as determined by a set oftests. A group of 35 subjects (apparently healthy apart from their
tooth decay) was investigated. Each patient was treated only once. The timing of treatment was
randomized between 0700 and 1900. There were 6 subgroups of 5-7 patients studied at 2-hr intervals.
All subjects had diurnal activity and nocturnal rest. The duration oflocal anesthesia was about 12 min
for the test interval from 0701 to 0900, about 32 min for that of 1301-1400 (P < 0.005), and about 19
min for that of 1701-1900 (P < 0.025). For both of these experiments illustrating the chronesthesy ofa
biosystem, differences between the longest and shortest effect are statistically significant. (From
Reinberg and Reinberg 1977.)

used in addition a placebo. At several time differ in peak (morning) and trough (night)
points the effectiveness of the placebo and times, although variance in the amplitude
medication was tested against the appli- values between the rhythms of the analge-
cation of a pain-inducing cold stimulus to sic and placebo effect was detected. At the
the front teeth. Pollman not only discov- peak time (1500), the analgesic was more
ered circadian rhythmicity in the effective- effective than the placebo, while at the
ness of noramidopyrine, but found as well trough time, the difference between the ef-
the same for the placebo. The chronergy of fects of the two were small.
both the placebo and the analgesic did not Many medications possess circadian
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 235


07 00 11111 1500 1900 23111 03 00 07 1100 19002300030007001100 15 00 19IXI

o ,------------------,
< \ ,i--9/-9'


...J 20
::I: 40
60 , 20 m, 0-----
SOmg e -

Fig. 10. Changes as a function of time (0700 vs. 1900) in the inhibitory effect of an antihistaminic
agent (terfenadine) on skin reactions to histamine. There were 12 healthy human subjects (21-30
years of age) synchronized with diurnal activity from 0700 to 2300 and nocturnal rest. Ingestion of the
antihistamine occurred at different times, i.e., 0700 or 1900, at weekly intervals. A double-blind and
randomized (Latin square) procedure was used to test the effects of placebo and terfenadine (Merrell,
Toraude), 20 and 60 mg, respectively. Intradermal (10) injections of histamine (2 1tg/0.1 m1 saline
solution) were made on the flexor surfaces of both forearms at 4-hr intervals and specified times
during 28- to 43-hr study spans. Exact areas of both wheal and erythema were measured 10 min after
the ID injections. The observed change for each variable-agent, dose, time point, subject-was
expressed as a percentage ofthe corresponding value on the control curve (placebo). With reference
to the histamine-induced erythema and wheal: (1) the duration of the antihistaminic effect was longer
when terfenadine was ingested at 0700; (2) the maximum effect also was greater when it was ingested
at 1900; (3) the time to reach maximum effect was longer when it was given at 0700; (4) the antihista-
minic effects (extent and duration) of terfenadine were greater with 60 than with 20 mg, both at 0700
and 1900. (From Reinberg et al. 1978.)

chronergies manifested by effects upon brain amines (Walker 1974), liver enzymes
processes related to sleep and anesthesia (Muller 1974; Nair 1974), neuromuscular
(Reinberg 1981) (see Tables 2 and 3). Circa- excitability (Bouyard et al. 1974; Bru-
dian rhythms have been demonstrated in guerolle et al. 1979), and certain toxic ef-
the effects of drugs used to anesthetize ro- fects (Scheving et al. 1968, 1974). It is prob-
dents and man. A circannual rhythm also able that any chronopharmacologic effect
has been detected (Bruguerolle et al. 1979). on sleep or anesthesia involves many cir-
Chronopharmacologically induced changes cadian systems, so-called component
of this nature over 24 hr presumably are rhythms, at various hierarchical levels of
causally related to circadian rhythms of biological organization.
236 Alain Reinberg

In man, circadian rhythms in perfor- the maximum of its given effect-(i.e., for
mance and the subjective feelings of sleepi- ethanol, ebriety and performance decre-
ness can be objectively demonstrated and ment).
quantified. Subjects can be given forms to Chronergic effects of ethanol on the oral
record iteratively every 4 hr at fixed clock temperature circadian rhythm have been
hours self-assessments of eye-hand and detected in man by Reinberg et al. (1974,
random number addition skills as well as 1975). No matter when ethanol was in-
subjective ratings of fatigue and sleepiness. gested, no statistically significant induced
At each of several time points in the 24-hr change in the circadian A or cp of the oral
span subjects indicate by a pencil stroke in temperature rhythm resulted. On the con-
the space of a horizontal rectangle (5 x 22 trary, important changes were observed in
mm) a quantitive index of sleepiness. "Not the 24-hr mesor of this rhythm when it was
sleepy at all" corresponds to making a ingested at 0700. The control M value
mark at the far left side of the rectangle. (without ethanol) was 36.42 0.06C (1
The more the pencil mark is positioned to SE). When the drug was ingested at 0700, a
the right, the greater the sleepiness. Such statistically significant decrease of M to
autorhythmometric methods are useful for 36.27 0.06C was observed. At other test
detecting and quantifying chronopharmaco- times, ethanol failed to induce statistically
logic changes resulting from drugs which significant changes in comparison with the
influence vigor, sleepiness, and vigilance. control value (Fig. 11). For example, the M
Using these methods, Reinberg with corresponding to the ethanol ingestion at
Clench and others (1975) demonstrated cir- 1900 was 36.45 0.05C. Figure 11 also
cadian rhythmicity in the level of ebriety illustrates the ethanol-induced change in
from ethanol ingestion in a dosage of 0.67 gJ the 24-hr mean (mesor) urinary excretion of
kg body weight. The peak level of ebriety, adrenalin and noradrenalin. When ethanol
self-rated 60 min after each ethanol inges- was ingested at 1900, a statistically signifi-
tion, occurred after consumption of the cant raise (as shown by the M value) in cate-
dosage at 2300; least ebriety corresponded cholamine excretion, relative to the con-
to ethanol ingestions at 0700 or 1100. The trol and the 0700 ethanol ingestion,
lowest decrement of performance in the occurred.
random number addition test occurred after Hypothermia is reported to be associ-
ethanol ingestion at 0700 and 1100. The best ated with acute ethanol intoxication (Four-
performance, without alcohol consump- nier and Gaultier 1955; Gervais 1966). In
tion, occurred around 1500, as is usually the chronopharmacologic investigation by
the case. Reinberg et al. (1974, 1974), no overt toxic
The circadian rhythm of ebriety differed effect was produced since the amount of
in phase from those rhythms describing the ethanol administered was small. Nonethe-
ethanol chronokinetics. In diurnally active less, the decrease of body temperature oc-
healthy subjects, the greatest peak height, curring after the 0700 test could represent a
shortest span of time to reach this peak, potential risk of a toxic effect. Following
and shortest disappearance rate corre- the 0700 administration, no change in the
sponded to an early morning, 0700, inges- catecholamine M occurred. On the con-
tion of ethanol. In comparison, ingestion at trary, after the 1900 test an increased level
night, 1900 or 2300, was associated with of urinary (and presumably blood) catecho-
the lowest peak of ethanolemia, the longest lamines resulted without change in the
span of time to reach this peak, and longest body temperature M. Based on these find-
disappearance rate. In consideration of the ings, complementary mechanisms are pro-
chronokinectics of ethanol, it is evident posed. According to Bruinvels (1979) nor-
that the highest plasma level of a drug (i.e., adrenaline can act centrally at the level of
ethanol) need not necessarily correspond to the hypothalamus to induce a temperature
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 237

TIME (CLOCK HOURS) rise. Gillespie (1967) and Wilkin (1981)
ETHANOL found that ethanol has a peripheral vasodi-
36.5 latory effect on the cutaneous blood vessels
which presumably results in heat loss. On
~ the contrary, catecholamines have a vaso-
TEt1PERATURE 36.3 constrictive effect. It could well be that
temperature decrease occurring after the
ethanol test at 0700 is associated with an

' '1 ~/~

ethanol-induced vasodilatory effect uncom-
VOLUME pensated by catecholamine stimulation
: : when ingestion takes place at this time of
1.6 day.

URINARY With regard to the chronopharmaco-
ADRENALIN 1.3 kinetics of ethanol, the phasing of the circa-
dian rhythm in a given effect need not coin-
cide in time with the phasing of the rhythms
in the peak height of ethanolemia or in dis-
1.9 appearance rate. [According to Sturtevant
URINARY NOR- (1976), change in the disappearance rate of
ADRENALIN 1.5 ethanol from the blood is a better pharma-
cokinetic index than is peak height. Never-
1.1 theless, the circadian rhythms of these two
parameters occur in phase with one an-
SLEEP WAKEFULNESS other.] In the chronopharmacokinetic study
by Reinberg (1974), the major body temper-
Fig.n. The 24-hr rhythm-adjusted mean (M
ature decrease coincided with an ethanol
I SE) of 4 physiological variables after the inges-
tion of ethanol (0.67 g/kg body weight) at differ-
ingestion at 0700. At this ingestion time,
ent test times (0700, 1100, 1900, and 2300). Con- both the largest peak height and the fastest
trol data were collected without ethanol. Tests disappearance rate of this drug from the
were performed at least I week apart in random blood took place. However, the strongest
order. Subjects were 6 healthy young adult stimulation of catecholamine excretion oc-
males synchronized with activities from about curred when it was ingested at 1900, when
0700 to 0000 and nocturnal rest. Subjects were both the peak height and the disappearance
fasting about 7 hr before and 7 hr after each rate were relatively low. This finding,
ethanol ingestion. Measurements and integrated among others, was precisely the reason
urine samples were gathered at 4-hr intervals. why the concepts of chronesthesy and
Relative to the respective control values, etha-
chronergy were proposed in addition to
nol ingested at 0700 induced a decrease of tem-
perature M but no change in catecholamine Ms;
(and in connection with) that of chrono-
ethanol ingested at 1900 induced a rise of cate- pharmacokinetics (Reinberg 1976a,b; Rein-
cholamine Ms but no change of temperature M. berg et al. 1975a,b).
The temperature decrease due to ethanol at 0700 Chronergic studies of ethanol also have a
is presumably related to drug-induced peripheral practical interest (Reinberg 1976b). Since a
vasodilation not being counteracted at this time decreased body temperature is a symptom
by a change in catecholamines. On the contrary, of a potentially harmful effect of ethanol, a
ethanol ingestion at 1900 being followed by higher chronotoxicity may be expected af-
higher levels of catecholamines presumably re- ter its ingestion around 0700 than after
sulted in peripheral vasoconstriction compen- other times, since this is the only time when
sating for the ethanol-induced vasodilation with
a hypothermic effect, although slight, was
no change of body temperature. (From Reinberg
et al. 1975.)
noted with the dosage selected for re-
search. Circadian changes in the acute
238 Alain Reinberg

chronotoxicity of ethanol have been exam- appear to be related to transient changes

ined in mice by Haus and Halberg (1959). occurring "n" minutes postabsorption.
Different groups of genetically similar ani- These transient changes expressed, for ex-
mals standardized for rhythm study and ample, as the ratio of the temperature 240
then treated by a one-time-only injection of min postabsorptionltemperature control
a fixed dose of ethanol responded differ- day measured at the same clock hour (T 240f
ently depending on the circadian time of Tc) also displayed circadian rhythmicity. A
testing. Ethanol-induced mortality was statistically significant transient decrease of
highest when injections were given around oral temperature occurred when indome-
the beginning of the animals' nocturnal ac- thacin was ingested at 1100 (T 2401Tc = 0.98
tivity phase; it was lowest in those animals 0.001), while an increase occurred when
injected with ethanol just before the begin- indomethacin was ingested at 2300 (T 240fT c
ning of their diurnal rest phase. Thus, = 1.019 0.001). It can be concluded that
results of experiments on mice and men are the acute administration of 100 mg indo-
in good agreement; the harmful effects of methacin at 1100 in diurnally active healthy
ethanol are greatest when it is consumed at subjects induced a transient decrease of the
the start of the activity span. In keeping oral temperature which was responsible for
with the fact that ethanol is a toxic agent, the alteration of this circadian rhythm.
its consumption in the morning has to be Such transient effects on oral temperature
considered very dangerous for diurnally ac- did not result when indomethacin was ad-
tive man, especially if exposure to low en- ministered at 0700, 1900, or 2300.
vironmental temperature occurs at this time Job et al. (1981) studied the chronoeffec-
of day. tiveness of indomethacin in 4 nonhospita-
Circadian changes in both the chrono- lized volunteer patients suffering from os-
pharmacokinetics and chronergy of indo- teoarthritis during a 4-week, double-blind
methacin, a nonsteroid antiinflammatory crossover, placebo-controlled and random-
medication, for healthy persons were re- ized chronotherapeutic study. Tablets were
ported by Clench et al. (1975, 1977, 1981) as ingested at the fixed clock hours of 0800,
well as for the rat by Labrecque et al. 1200, and 2000. During 1 week, a placebo
(1979). In addition, the chronotherapeutics was given as a control. During the other
of this agent were studied by Job et al. weeks, only 1 of the 3 daily timed
(1981) in rheumatoid patients. administrations contained the active 50 mg
To investigate the indomethacin chron- dose of indomethacin. Patients were given
ergy in human beings, several physiological thermometers and forms to measure and re-
variables were investigated at 2-hr intervals cord their oral temperature and to self-rate
on control (without drug) as well as on test their pain and stiffness at 0700, 1100, 1500,
days using an open randomized, five-way 1900, and 2300 daily during the entire span
crossover pilot study. A statistically signifi- of the study. Patients were socially syn-
cant oral temperature circadian rhythm was chronized with diurnal activity from about
detected (p < 0.05) on control days and also 0700 to about 2300 and nocturnal rest.
on test days when indomethacin was given The acrophase of each detected circa-
at 0700, 1900, and 2300, but not when given dian rhythm was not altered by changes in
at 1100 or 1500. Moreover, a drug-induced the timing of the drug's administration. Rel-
rhythm alteration of both the A and cf> oc- ative to the control span and the other times
curred when 100 mg of indomethacin were of treatment, indomethacin ingested at 1200
administered at 1100 and 1500. There was (50 mg/24 hr17 days) appeared to have the
no detectable difference between the tem- most effect on the self-rated variables-a
perature 24-hr mean (mesor) of the control decrease of 60% in the 24-hr adjusted mean
and any of the test day values. (mesor, M) of pain (P < 0.0005), a decrease
The rhythm alterations mentioned above of 54% in the M of stiffness (P < 0.0005), as
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 239

well as a decrease of the oral temperature Simpson and his coworkers in 1973
M. However, interindividual differences in evaluated the potential of a tranquilizer: (3-
the effectiveness of indomethacin given at alkyl pyrazolyl) piperazine or Quiadon as
either 0800 or 2000 were observed. Relative a chronobiotic-a drug which specifically
to the control span, three of the four pa- affects aspects of the biological time
tients exhibited a statistically significant (P structure. In this study, a double blind
< 0.025 to P < 0.0025) decrease of the oral (Quiadon versus placebo) protocol was
temperature M when indomethacin was in- used. Twelve healthy males were submitted
gested at noon. The decrease of the temper- to a simulated 8-hr time zone change. Start-
ature M for the fourth subject when given ing on the day of the "shift," each subject
indomethacin at 1200 was not statistically took his dose, approximately 10 mg daily at
significant. A decrease in the M also was 2230. The "quality" of sleep was signifi-
noted in two patients treated at 0800 but in cantly better with Quiadon; subjects of
only one when treated at 2000. These find- this group felt less tired when retiring to
ings again support the existence of a sleep, had fewer total awakenings while at
chronopharmacologic effect of indometha- rest, and did not feel the need for a full 8-hr
cin on the body temperature rhythm. allocation of recumbency. By contrast, on
Time series of self-measurements and the average, control subjects tended to
self-ratings have been used to study have more disturbed sleep. Although feel-
changes also in drowsiness induced by ing upon awakening "as rested as usual,"
antihistaminic agents. For example, in a they were "more tired than usual" on re-
double-blind placebo, crossover study tiring.
performed by Reinberg et al. (1978), Experimental results obtained thus far
clemastine (3 mg) was found to enhance on man (Table 3) are in agreement with the
sleepiness at all the time points of measure- empirical observations of Sydenham and
ments, every 4-hr after taking the medica- Virey: if narcosis, general anesthesia, and
tion either at 0700 in one trial or at 1900 in drug-induced sleep are desired, medication
another. On the contrary, terfenadine (60 promoting such effects should be adminis-
mg) did not induce sleepiness in compari- tered not long in time before the anticipated
son with the placebo. When ingested at beginning of spontaneous sleep. Both labo-
1900, the antihistamine induced a decrease, ratory and field research document the ex-
rather than an increase, in sleepiness. istence of a "best (biological) time to
These results agree well with those of sleep" (Akerstedt et al. 1981; Reinberg et
Nicholson and Stone (1979), who used a al. 1973; Weitzman et al. 1970). However,
different methodology to study the induced the coincidence between the Sydenham-
sleep resulting from several agents. Most Virey phenomenon and the best time to
antihistamines, such as clemastine, induce sleep requires further investigation to gain a
sleepiness, while terfenadine appears to do better comprehension of the involved
the opposite; it enhances vigilance. mechanisms.
The chronopharmacokinetics of a benzo- Pertinent to the chronergy of drugs
diazepine have been investigated by which influence sleep states is the practical
Aymard and Soulairac (1979). Ingestion of problem of sleep disturbances in shift-
50 mg dipotassic clorazepate at 0700 was workers. Shift- and night-workers, being in-
associated with the highest peak in plasma, volved in nocturnal activities, must obtain
the shortest time to reach this peak (1 hr), sleep during the daytime. Chronobiologic
and the shortest half-life (3 hr) with refer- and other types of studies have been de-
ence to results obtained when the drug was voted to adjustments of such employees to
taken at 1900. At this latter time, the span (1) "new" timings of activity and rest after
to reach the peak blood level was 4 hr and each shift, i.e., resynchronization, (2) toler-
the half-life was as long as 30 hr. ance for shift work, and (3) interindividual
240 Alain Reinberg

differences in both resynchronization and ministration schedules, has been achieved

tolerance (Colquhoun 1971; Rutenfranz with various types of synthetic cortico-
1978; Reinberg 1979; Reinberg et al. 1980). steroids through consideration of the exist-
Some employees seem to tolerate shift- ing chronergies manifested at different hier-
work without difficulty and without health archical levels. Taking into account both
impairment for as long as 25 years or more. time-dependent benefits and risks has re-
As a rule, tolerant subjects do not suffer sulted in a so-called chronoptimization for
sleep disturbances. In comparison those these types of medications. Adverse and
who are incapable of tolerating shift work undesired effects of conventionally timed
exhibit sleep disturbances immediately, (homeostatically scheduled) corticosteroid
usually within 8 months or less, or at a administration both during and following
much later age when reaching their forties treatment are related at least in part to the
or fifties, even after as many as 15 to 20 critical drop of the endogenous glucocorti-
years of shift-work experience. Symptoms coid production following corticosteroid-in-
of intolerance are persisting fatigue (physi- duced ACTH inhibition. This often results
ological fatigue disappears after a regular in low cortisol secretion following drug
rest), gastrointestinal troubles, emotional withdrawal; sometimes the result is an ia-
irritability, mood alteration, and sleep dis- trogenically induced adrenal insufficiency.
turbance-poor subjective quality of sleep, Both conditions are undesired and danger-
difficulty falling asleep, and disrupted sleep ous side effects of corticotherapy. Another
with frequent awakening. Clinical symp- type of adverse effect, disturbance of the
toms observed in workers intolerant of circadian temporal structure, results from
shift-work are in almost all cases associated conventionally scheduled corticosteroid
with the use of sleeping pills-barbiturates, treatment. This is exhibited not only by the
tranquilizers, antihistaminics, and other pituitary-adrenal axis but also by certain
medications derived from plant alkaloids. other circadian functions, such as those un-
In occupational medicine, regular reported derlying airway patency, muscular strength
use of sleeping pills is considered a clinical and activity, urinary and plasma 17-0HCS,
sign of intolerance to shiftwork (Andlauer as well as potassium and sodium metabo-
et al. 1978; Scherrer 1980). Even if sleeping lism (D'Agata et el. 1968; Martin and
pills are useful under certain circumstances Hellman 1964; Martin and Mintz 1965;
for short spans of time, such as a week or Montelbetti 1974; Nichols et al. 1965; Rein-
so, their regular use is of no aid in solving berg et al. 1971, 1974c,d, 1978; Reindl et al.
problems of intolerance to shiftwork or 1969; Segre and Klaiber 1966; Serafini and
transmeridian flight (e.g., desynchroniza- Bonini 1974; Smolensky 1974; Smolensky
tion related to jet lag). et al. 1980).
Traditional attempts to reduce the major,
undesired side effects of synthetic cortico-
Clinical Chronopharmacology and
steroids most often have involved changes
Drug Optimization in their molecular structure, their vehicle,
Although present chronobiologic re- or route of administration. These interven-
search involves the examination of several tions, which are conventional ones, are
different types of medications in prepara- based upon homeostatic conceptualizations
tion for clinical trials of specific drugs, of pharmacologic processes. The level of
chronopharmacologic findings have al- success achieved by the conventional ap-
ready made significant impact in the clinic proach has not been very encouraging; the
with regard to the scheduling of long-term chronopharmacologic approach, on the
synthetic corticosteroid therapy. A higher other hand, has contributed significantly
degree of benefit and safety, in comparison (see Table O. The chronotherapy of corti-
to conventional (nonchronobiologic) ad- coids consists of treatment at fixed hours in
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 241

the 24-hr scale so as not to inhibit the en- combination of corticoids, each one having
dogenous secretion of cortisol. For subjects different characteristics of absorption and
with diurnal activities and nocturnal rest metabolism, and scheduling administra-
from about 2300 to 0700, the plasma corti- tions to specified clock hours (0800 and
sol acrophase is expected in the morning, 1500 with consideration of the synchro-
around 0800. When a synthetic (or natural) nizer, i.e., sleep-wakefulness pattern in the
corticosteroid preparation is given at a time 24-hr scale) to minimize inhibition of en-
differing greatly from the cortisol dogenous ACTH production, a way was
acrophase, for example, 10-12 hr later or found to preserve the temporal structure
earlier, as a single daily dose (Ceresa and without sacrificing clinical and pharmaco-
Angeli 1977; Ceresa et al. 1969; Martin and logic objectives obtainable by the conven-
Hellman 1964; Segre and Klaiber 1966; tional administration of larger doses of cor-
Reinberg et al. 1971b, 1974c; Reindl et al. ticoids but which have been associated with
1969) or when the total daily amount is undesired side effects (Montalbetti 1974).
given in equally divided doses with differ- The favorable results achieved by this so-
ent timings (Grant et al. 1965; Nichols et al. called plurichronocorticoid (the prepara-
1965; Reinberg et al. 1971b, 1974c; Smo- tion consists of more than one type and
lensky and Reinberg 1976), endogenous form of synthetic corticoids which are ad-
cortisol secretion is inhibited and reduced ministered at specific clock hours coincid-
and/or a set of physiological circadian ing with designated circadian stages) repre-
rhythms is altered. sent a practical and new application of
A significant step forward toward a prac- corticoid chronopharmacokinetics and pi-
tical chronocorticotherapy was achieved by tuitary-adrenal chronesthesies. Table 8,
Ceresa et al. (1969), Montalbetti (1974), and summarizing Cosinor findings, shows that
Reinberg et al. (1978). Utilizing a particular for one pluricorticoid, Dutimelan 8-15, the

Table 8. Circadian Rhythm in I7-0HCS Urinary Excretion of Nine Asthmatic Adults Before (no
Rx) and During (RJ I-Month Chronotherapy: Dutimelan 8-15 mite.
Acrophase r/>
Rhythm Rhythm in hr and min
Experimental detection adjusted mean Amplitude A r/> ref: 0000
situation (P) (M 1 SE) (95% CL) (95% CL)
Before Dutimelan <0.005 0.93 0.13 0.45(0.29-0.62) 1333(1207-1458)
day -2 and -1
During Dutimelan
Rx days no. 10-11 <0.005 1.11 0.23 0.59(0.33-0.84) 1235(1048-1419)
Rx days no. 20-21 <0.005 1.38 0.25 0.53(0.21-0.86) 1410(1141-1639)
Rx days no. 30-31 <0.005 1.16 0.21 0.41(0.18-0.64) 1130(0908-1346)
Units for M and A = mg/4 hr.
M values correspond to 4-hr excretion; M x 6 = 24 hr excretion.
Urinary 17-hydroxycorticoids. Single Cosinor summary.
The aim of the study was to test (during a I-month chronic administration) the optimization of corticoid
medication resulting from a standardized time-treatment. Subjects: 9 adults (5 females: 18-55 years; 4 males: 41-
60 years) suffering from allergic asthma with a previous history of steroid dependency. Synchronization: diurnal
activity from -0700 to -2300 and nocturnal rest; spontaneous diet. Corticoids: Dutimelan 8-15 mite (DTMm) with
dragee A (prednisolone acetate: 4 mg; prednisolone alcohol: 2 mg) at 0800; dragee B (prednisolone alcohol: 1.5 mg;
cortisone acetate: 7.5 mg) at 1500. Total urine voidings were collected every 4 hr at specified times during a 48-hr
span on control days and on days 10-11, 20-21 and 30-31 thereafter. 17-hydroxycorticosteroids 07-0RCS,
Porter Silber) were determined in each sample. Statistically significant circadian rhythms were validated in the
studied variables both before and during the sustained chronocorticotherapy. More specifically, this latter had no
effect either on the acrophase (peak time) or on the mesor M (24-hr mean) of the urinary 17-0RCS circadian
Source: Reinberg et al. (1977).
242 Alain Reinberg

level of urinary 17-0HCS (indicative of effect of adrenal inhibition and the benefi-
adrenocortical function) did not decrease cial effect of improved airway function, it
over several weeks' administration during appears that the chronocorticotherapy with
which the successful management of DTM 8-15 as opposed to Rx 15-20 resulted
asthma was achieved. It also reveals that in the more successful optimization.
the cf> of the urinary 17-0HCS rhythm dur- Steroid-responsive disorders may be
ing treatment did not vary relative to the managed by adrenocorticotrophic hormone
control span. This indicates at least for this (ACTH) and/or synthetic corticosteroids.
variable, nondisturbance of temporal struc- Investigation of circadian chronergies of
ture. the adrenal cortex reveals both quantitative
However, as far as drug chronoptimiza- as well as qualitative time-dependencies of
tion is concerned, an important question ACTH. In a recent study, both the clinical
was not completely answered. With regard and metabolic attributes of a new synthetic
to allergic asthma, do corticosteroid admin- peptide with 17 amino acids, ACTH 1-17
istrations at 0800 and 1500 [e.g., Dutimelan (Synchrodyn), were evaluated using a
8-15 (referred to as DTM 8-15)] differ in chronopharmacologic methodology (Rein-
effect in comparison to when they are ad- berg et al. 1980b, 1981a,b). Eight healthy
ministered later, such as at 1500 and 2000? adult males between 18 and 30 years of age
To answer this question a double-blind, volunteered for the study. All were syn-
cross-over randomized, and placebo-con- chronized with diurnal activity from 0700 to
trolled chronotherapeutic study was de- 0000 and nocturnal rest. Investigations ex-
signed by Reinberg et al. (1983). During an tended over 6 consecutive weeks (19 Janu-
8-day span, 8 patients suffering from corti- ary to 25 February 1980) with individual
costeroid-dependent allergic asthma were time-point trials at weekly intervals during
given DTM 8-15 plus a placebo at 2000. (At a series of 3-day tests starting on a Saturday
0800 the administration contained 7 mg and lasting until the subsequent Monday.
prednisolone acetate plus 4 mg predniso- On separate Sundays, a control or ACTH
lone alcohol; at 1500 it contained 15 mg cor- test was conducted at 0700, 1400, and 2100
tisone acetate plus 3 mg prednisolone alco- during which either saline or 100 J-Lg ACTH
hol.) During another 8-day span, patients 1-17 was injected 1M.
were given placebo at 0800, while at 1500 During each 3-day test of 72 hr duration a
they were given an administration contain- number of variables were evaluated every 4
ing 15 mg cortisone acetate plus 3 mg pred- hr, at fixed clock hours: self-rating of fa-
nisolone alcohol and at 2000 they were tigue, oral temperature, heart rate, grip
given 7 mg prednisolone acetate plus 4 mg strength, peak expiratory flow (for estima-
prednisolone alcohol. This latter adminis- tion of bronchial patency), and urinary ex-
tration schedule is referred to as Rx 15-20. cretion of 17-0HCS, K+, Na+, Ca2+, and
During wakefulness between 0700 and Mg2+. On Sundays, venous blood was sam-
2300, every 2 hr at fixed clock hours, peak pled prior to control or ACTH injections at
expiratory flow (PEF) and dyspnea were one of the study times, i.e., 0700, 1400, or
self-measured and self-rated. For each of 2100, as well as 20, 40, 60, 90, 120, 150, and
the 8 patients the PEF 24-hr mean was 180 min thereafter. Plasma cortisol, testos-
lower, and the nocturnal dip was greater (P terone, and aldosterone were radioimmu-
< 0.05 to P < 0.0005) with Rx 15-20 than noassayed.
with DTM 8-15. Moreover, the nocturnal With regard to the 24-hr mean of the con-
dyspnea was greater with Rx 15-20 than sidered physical variables, injection of
with DTM 8-15. Chronic administration of ACTH 1-17 at 0700 was followed, relative
the DTM 8-15 was more effective in con- to control data, by the largest diminution of
trolling asthma and improving PEF than fatigue and the largest gain in both grip
was the Rx 15-20. Considering both the side strength and PEF. The 24-hr mean of both
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 243

oral temperature and heart rate was not al- A strong and statistically significant rise
tered. In comparison to the control data, of plasma cortisol was induced after every
ACTH injection at 1400 resulted in a small, one of the timed ACTH injections. The ob-
but statistically significant, rise of both the tained mean response curves were similar
PEF and oral temperature 24-hr means. in form and parallel. Greatest plasma corti-
Relative to control data, ACTH at 2100 was sol response followed the 0700 injection;
followed by a reduction in fatigue and an the smallest one followed treatment at 2100
improved grip strength. With respect to ef- (Figs. 12 and 13). The plasma cortisol re-
fects upon human circadian time structure, sponse to ACTH 1-17 at 1400 was interme-
as gauged by acrophase shifts and/or diate. Cosinor analysis of the time series
rhythm detections, no alterations due to data indicates that the largest cortisol re-
ACTH injection at 0700 resulted. In com- sponse to ACTH 1-17 is in phase with the
parison, the circadian rhythms of fatigue, crest time (cfl) of the circadian rhythm of
oral temperature, heart rate, grip strength, plasma cortisol as found by control studies.
and PEF were altered by ACTH injection at Both saline (non stimulated) and ACTH-
1400, as were the circadian rhythms of fa- stimulated plasma cortisol levels had a cfl of
tigue and heart rate when ACTH was in- 0900.
jected at 2100. Circadian rhythms of ACTH-induced



16" 17'" 21 00
time (clock hours)
I ACTH 1-17 0----<> control ,..--. after ACTH
t 1ooJ,1gim 1SE l

Fig. 12. Response curves of plasma cortisol to ACTH 1-17 represent changes in plasma cortisol
levels (ng/ml) from before saline or ACTH injections at, respectively, 0700, 1400, and 2100 and at 20,
40, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min after each timed injection. Control values varied according to the
expected circadian rhythm of the healthy subjects. A strong response to the 100 p,g ACTH injection
was obtained regardless of the time of day. However, over all time points the highest levels followed
the ACTH injection at 0700; the lowest ones followed ACTH at 2100. (From Reinberg et al. 1980b.)
244 Alain Reinberg


ACTH 1-17
at 07""

300 ~ --


c ACTH 1-17
'0 at21-
~ 200


Fig. 13. Comparison of response curves ------ ACTH 1-17

of plasma cortisol with reference to the at 14-
selected clock hours of ACTH injection.
The 3 curves exhibit the same trend but at X1SE
different overall levels. The highest re-
sponse curve corresponds to ACTH 1-17
injected at 0700; the lowest corresponds o
to ACTH 1-17 iqiected at 2100. (From o 60 120 180
Reinberg et al. 1980b.) minutes

changes in urinary 17-0HCS are displayed injected at 0700 induced a 24-hr urinary ex-
in Figure 14. Greatest elevation followed cretion of 17-0HCS approximately 4 times
the injection of ACTH 1-17 at 0700, while greater than control values [ACTH = 17.00
the smallest elevation followed that given at 1.70 mg/24 hr (x 1 SE); control = 4.51
2100. Such changes can be seen also by ex- 0.39 mglhr]. Injections at 1400 or 2100 led
amining the total urinary excretion of 17- to an output of 17-0HCS which was ap-
OHCS over each 24-hr span subsequent to proximately 3 times and 2 times the control
each time point of ACTH injection. Refer- values, respectively (at 1400 ACTH =
ence values are given by the 24-hr urinary 11.60 1.20 mg/24 hr, control = 4.47
excretion of 17-0HCS on control days 0.45 mg/24 hr; and at 2100 ACTH = 8.49
when saline was injected. Differences be- 0.80 mg/24 hr, control = 4.25 0.42 mg/24
tween control and ACTH treatments were hr).
statistically significant. Statistically signifi- With regard to the circadian acrophase
cant differences were noted also between of the urinary 17-0HCS rhythm, only a
the time points of ACTH treatment. ACTH small shift occurred after ACTH injection
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 245

- - -
13 21 5 13 21 5 13 21 5
0 0


- -
Time (clock hours and days)

13 21 5 13 21 5 13 21 5

_ ===:J_-====-_-====-_

13 21 5 1321 5 13 21 5

0.9 14 21



0 0.5


sleep activity ACTH _I Ur. 17 OH-CS /'-- Ur. 17-0H-CS
.... J100J.l9 " XU1 SE Test days ~}2 SE Controls

Fig. 14. Changes in the 4-hrurinary excretion of 17-0HCS due to ACTH 1-17 (100 /Lg). There were 8
healthy young subjects studied. For both control and ACTH-related changes, urinary 17-0HCS are
expressed in mglhr; the represented time point corresponds to the middle of the 4-hr span of each total
urine voiding (e.g., time point at 0500 corresponds to the amount of 17-0HCS in the urinary sample
collected from 0300 to 0700). Shaded area: reference circadian rhythm substantiated 3 times during a
72-hr span. Shaded area extends from -1 to + 1 SE before (Rx day -1 day) and after (Rx day and Rx
day + 1 day) each of the ACTH injections (test days). The greatest change in 17-0HCS excretion
(both amount and duration) occurred after the ACTH injection at 0700; while the smallest change
occurred after the ACTH injection at 2100. There was no alteration in the peak time of the urinary 17-
OHCS rhythm after the injection of ACTH at 0700. The peak time was delayed, with regard to the
saline control, when ACTH was injected at 1400 or at 2100_ (From Reinberg et al. 1980b.)

at 0700; while a large shift occurred after As stated before, experiments with
the injection at 2100 (Fig. 14). These ACTH were performed in January-Febru-
acrophase shifts (Llet were quantified by ary 1980. In order to investigate the hypoth-
Cosinor analyses. With reference to the esis that the effectiveness of ACTH is not
acrophase of the circadian rhythm of uri- only related to its administration with re-
nary 17-0HCS which was found to be 1453 gard to the time of day but also to the time
during the control span, the Llcf> was ap- of year, a second experiment was con-
proximately 4,6, and 14 hr due to ACTH at ducted during June-July 1981. Both experi-
0700, 1400, and 2100, respectively. ments were conducted under almost identi-
246 Alain Reinberg

cal conditions and with the same subjects. to P < 0.02). There was no statistically sig-
Figure 15 presents the 24-hr adjusted means nificant seasonal difference between the
for the urinary concentration of 17-0HCS. ACTH-induced response at 0700 or 2100. In
Drastic differences in the ACTH-induced addition, the adrenocortical responsiveness
changes are evident for both the time of day was greater in summer than in winter, par-
and the time of year. In winter the stimula- ticularly when ACTH was injected at 1400
tion was greatest when ACTH was injected or 2100 (P < 0.0005); the 17-0HCS Ms
at 0700; it was least when it was injected at were twice as high in summer as in winter.
2100 (P < 0.0005). In summer the circadian The difference in the Ms at 0700 was not
time of greatest effect was different; during statistically significant. Control values were
this time of the year ACTH produced its higher in winter than in summer.
greatest effect when given at 1400 (P < 0.05 It must be remembered that any change
thus expressed as a 24-hr excretion in fact
corresponds to the area under a time-con-
centration curve. This is one index which
24h MEAN
can be used to analyze the ACTH-induced
JANUARY-FEBRUARY JUNE-JULY response; others include the peak height
C 07 14 21 C 07 14 21 (C max ) and the span of time to reach the
peak (Tmax). Peak height as well as the span
of time to reach it from individual time se-
ries and experimental circumstances were
measured precisely. Peak heights were ex-
pressed in JLmollhr and thereafter averaged
as shown in Fig. 16. It is clear that the peak
height was greatest for ACTH stimulation
at 0700 and least at 2100, both in winter (P
'0 < 0.0025) and summer (P < 0.05). In addi-
5..40 tion, the peak heights were greater in sum-
en mer than in winter for both ACTH when
administered at 1400 (P < 0.01) and at 2100
.... (P < 0.0025); the peak height also was
greater in summer than in winter for ACTH
> administered at 0700 (P < 0.05). Since the
~ 20
urine voidings were collected every 3 to 4

hr after treatment, this parameter could be
rather accurately estimated. Overall, it ap-
pears that the strongest ACTH-induced
stimulation occurred after the ACTH injec-
o tion at 0700, both in winter and summer.
This was the case for each of the subjects as
Fig. 15. Change in the 24-hr excretion of uri- well as the group average.
nary 17-0HCS resulting from ACTH 1-17 injec- Time to peak (T max) with regard to sam-
tions (100 ILg 1M) at 3 different clock hours pling intervals was measured (in hours and
(0700, 1400, and 2100) both in winter (January-
decimal fractions) from the injection time to
February) and summer (June-July). Placebo
control: shaded areas. Means are given in ILmol/
the middle of the sampling interval during
24 hr 1 SE. Maximal stimulation occurred for which the 17-0HCS peak occurred. There
ACTH at 0700 in winter (P < 0.0005) and at 1400 was no statistically significant difference in
in summer (P < 0.05 to P < 0.025) in comparison the time to peak related to either the time of
to the other time points of ACTH injection the day or the time of the year. T max corre-
studied. sponding to the injection of ACTH at 0700
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 247

PEAK HEIGHT fects are presumably related in part to the

fact that the greatest effect of ACTH upon
the adrenal cortex, that is, cortisol stimula-
C 07 14 21 C 07 14 21
tion, occurred when given in the morning at
0700. This is when cortisol levels ordinarily
are most elevated in comparison to 1400
~4 and/or 2100 when lowest levels are ex-
pected. In addition, however, desirable
ACTH 1-17-induced effects may be related
to non-corticoadrenal-mediated events
en (Reinberg et al. 1980b, 1981a,b).
Based on these examples of synthetic
oI 2
,... corticosteroids and ACTH, the importance
of rhythmically modulated therapy should
> not be underestimated. This is exemplified
Z also by the treatment of adrenal insuffi-
::J ciency whether due to Addison's disease or
hypophysectomy. Substitution steroid ther-
apy for patients suffering from adrenal in-
Fig. 16. Changes in the peak height (CmaJ of sufficiency achieves best therapeutic effi-
urinary 17-0HCS following an 1M injection of ciency when a chronopharmacologic
100 /-Lg ACTH 1-17 in January-February and approach is used (Reinberg et al. 1971b,
June-July at each of 3 separate clock hour stud- 1974c, 1979). Unequally timed doses of cor-
ies (0700, 1400, and 2100). Means are given in tisol, such as two-thirds or three-fourths of
/-LmolJhr 1 SE. Maximal stimulation always the daily dosage in the morning around 0700
occurred after ACTH injection at 0700; least and the remaining fraction later around
stimulation followed that at 2100 (P < 0.0025 in 2300, produces better results than does the
winter and P < 0.05 in summer).
homeostatic one consisting of three equal
doses daily-one before or after each meal.
The specific effectiveness of both syn-
was 10.6 1.4 hr ( SE) in winter and 10.8 thetic corticosteroids and ACTH with re-
1.8 hr in summer; T max corresponding to gard to the large organ chronesthesy and
the injection of ACTH at 1400 was 8.3 0.9 the persistence of the temporal structure in-
hr in winter and 9.4 1.4 hr in summer. dicates that these two hormonal substances
Unlike the Cmax , the Tmax of the adrenal re- possess statistically and clinically signifi-
sponse to ACTH apparently depends on cant circadian chronopharmacologies. Yet
neither the time of the day nor the time of it appears that hormonal effects may ex-
the year. It is of interest to note that both in hibit not only a circadian chronopharma-
the winter and in the summer, ACTH (100 cology, but also a circannual one, as sug-
p,g 1M) injected at 0700 reduced fatigue and gested by studies of human chorionic
enhanced both grip strength and bronchial gonadotropin (HCG) as well as ACTH. La-
patency of the healthy young diurnally ac- goguey et al. (1980) and Lagoguey and
tive adults without alteration of the circa- Reinberg (1981) studied both time of day
dian time structure of these rhythms. and time of year (May-June and October-
In summary, ACTH (100 p,g 1M) injected November) differences in the testicular re-
at 0700 reduced fatigue and enhanced both sponse to HCG of 4 healthy young adult
the grip strength and bronchial patency of male volunteers. Each subject was studied
healthy young diurnally active adults with- twice yearly for responses to a set of 6 dif-
out alteration of the circadian time struc- ferent tests. The effect on plasma testoster-
ture of these rhythms. These desirable ef- one of 2500 IU/0.5 ml HCG (Organon) or
248 Alain Reinberg

saline given as intramuscular injections was reviews the chronergy of carcinostatic

evaluated at 3 different time points. Studies medications, the topic is relevant here as
were done at weekly intervals. The weeks well. Findings from several large-scale in-
and order of the fixed clock-hour treat- vestigations on rodents conducted by
ments of the 6 tests (3 control and 3 HCG) Halberg (1974), Halberg et al. (1977b), and
were randomized. Venous blood was sam- Haus et al. (1972, 1974) substantiate circa-
pled immediately before and 30, 60, 90,150, dian susceptibility-resistance cycles to cy-
and 240 min after each injection of saline or clophosphamide and arabinofuranosylcyto-
HCG. Changes occurring after the 1M ad- sine (ara-C) , two widely used antitumor
ministration of HCG in each individual, medications, in mice experimentally given
both with respect to the time of day and the L-1210 acute lymphatic leukemia. A con-
time of year, were referenced to the plasma ventional treatment schedule, consisting of
testosterone control values of the corre- 8 equal doses given at equal intervals, of
sponding time of day and year. ara-C over the 24-hr span was compared
Plasma testosterone changes were evi- with eight sinusoidally varying dose sched-
dent in several ways. The mean plasma tes- ules, each schedule differing from one an-
tosterone level without BeG stimulation other in phasing with respect to the
was higher in the morning as compared to acrophase and bathyphase (trough) over
the evening. It was higher in autumn than in the 24-hr span. Both survival time and cure'
spring. For all subjects and times of year, rate, when compared to the conventional
HCG given at 0700 failed to increase the equal-interval dosing schedule (homeo-
testosterone level relative to the control static approach), were statistically signifi-
values. On the contrary, a statistically sig- cantly improved by the chronoche-
nificant rise of testosterone (P < 0.01 to < motherapy (Halberg et al. 1977b; Haus et
0.0005) relative to the control levels fol- al. 1974). These findings as well as others
lowed the 2000 HCG injection. HCG stimu- (Levine and Halberg 1972; Simpson 1977;
lation at 1400 resulted in an intermediate Taviada et al. 1975) (see also Chap. 4) sug-
effect compared to responses at other times gest the importance of a chronotherapeutic
of administration (Fig. 17). approach for administering highly potent
The area under the plasma testosterone treatments associated with undesired side
concentration-time curve also varied with effects or toxicity.
treatment time. The area (in arbitrary units, Attempts already have been made to
for example, cm2) was expressed individu- chronoptimize the use of powerful antican-
ally for each subject in each situation- cerous agents such as cis-diamminedich-
time of day, time of year, control, and after loroplatinum (cis-DDP). This agent has
HCG stimulation-and averaged there- proved to be efficient for cancer therapy but
after. Control values (x 1 SE) were taken harmful to the kidney. Recently, Hru-
as reference. The response to HCG was she sky et al. (1980), Levi et al. (1980),
strongest at 2000 and weakest at 0700 (Fig. and Levi (1982) demonstrated the advan-
18). The response was stronger during May tage of chronotherapy for cis-DDP. Neph-
and June than during October and Novem- rotoxicity can be reduced relative to that
ber, for example at 2000. produced by conventional cis-DDP sched-
Although several examples of hormonal ules, even with the administration of high
chronopharmacologies have been put forth, doses to achieve desired effects. Prelimi-
the fact is a wide variety of chemical sub- nary results obtained from a limited number
stances exhibit highly significant circadian of patients have shown that adriamycin
rhythms in effects. Such chronopharmaco- given at 0600 with cis-DDP given at 1800 is
logies constitute the basis for the chronop- better tolerated and apparently more effec-
timization of therapeutic agents, including tive (with regard to a set of conventional
carcinostatic ones. Even though Chapter 4 indices) than when the same drugs in the
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 249

, 150
, 240


. . . !. . .
200 ( "1

,HOG .....1
............. I...
. ) ......1.....
Fig. 17. Circadian rhythm in the respon-
siveness of the gonads as the rise in the
w CONTROL' level of plasma testosterone of 4 healthy
200 young males given RCG (2500 IU RCG
w organon 1M). At weekly intervals, RCG
t; or saline (control) was injected at a fixed
o clock hour (0700, 1400, and 2000). The 6 (3
I- o ~.--~--~~------~--------~ control and 3 RCG) tests were random-
0( ized. Venous blood was sampled immedi-

~ 001 ately before and 30, 60, 90, 150, and 240

1................... .1 min after each injection of saline or RCG.

Tests were performed twice in May-June

T..,.., .l. . . .1. (trough of plasma testosterone circannual

rhythm) and in October-November (peak
of plasma testosterone circannual
rhythm). Raw data were pooled (May-
June and October-November) and aver-
aged for each time point determination (x
1 r I 1 1
1 SE) to visualize the response curve
for RCG. A statistically significant stimu-
lation occurred only when RCG was in-
jected at 2000. (From Lagoguey and Rein-
o berg 1980, reproduced with permission.)

same doses are timed in a reverse manner feet of equal, time-invariant doses results,
(e.g., cis-DDP at 0600 and adriamycin at as a rule, in unequal responses. Similar
1800). findings have been demonstrated in man for
The findings discussed in this section medications other than cytostatic agents in-
make clear the error of the homeostatic ap- cluding time-invariant doses of ethanol
proach for chemotherapy, that is the belief (Wilson et al, 1966), erythromycin (Di
that repeated constant doses in the 24-hr Santo et al. 1975; Halberg 1974); lithium
scale lead to consistent and constant ef- (Lambinet et al, 1981), and metyrapone
fects. As shown by Scheving et al, (1974) (Touitou et al, 1976). Administration of
and Haus et al, (1972, 1974) in mice, the ef- these agents at different circadian stages
250 Alain Reinberg

TEST TIME OF BOTH DAY AND YEAR results in circadian changes in the serum
concentration of ethanol and erythromycin
0700 1400 2000 or in the urinary excretion of lithium as well
MAY-JUN. as tetrahydro-ll-deoxycortisol in the case
of metyrapone.
~&: 12 New Aspects of
::3 0 9 Chronopharmacology:
Time-Qualified Hormone
It-;- 6 Administration Induces
w- 3 Qualitative Changes

z~ Results presented thus far have dealt with
::JI- 0 quantitative changes in the effects and me-
WW tabolism of chemical agents as a function of
0: 0 -3
z administration time. Qualitative changes
O may result also from time-qualified hor-
I-W OCT.-NOV. mone administrations. The word "hor-
Zz mone" is derived from a Greek verb mean-

(1)0: 6 ing "to excite." Not only the intensity of
(!)~ excitation, but also the specific action of a

tt ~
zo 3
l- natural or synthetic hormone depends on
I (I)
OW 0 the time structure of the organism.
A straightforward demonstration of qual-
-3 itative differences due to specific clock
hour administrations of a hormone comes
Fig. 18. Circannual rhythm in the responsive- from the work of Margules et al. (1972).
ness of the testes of 7 healthy young human This group studied the effect of L-nora-
males to 2500 IU RCG, 1M. See caption for Fig. drenalin on the hypothalamic control of
17 for the experimental design of the study. Rel-
feeding behavior in rats. For research pur-
ative changes in the area under the plasma tes-
tosterone concentration-time curve are pre-
poses, a device was implanted to deliver to
sented in arbitrary units (cm 2) with reference to the lateral hypothalamus a precise quantity
the mean control curve value of each of the 6 of L-noradrenaline. Depending on the time
time points of study. Individual changes were of day (with regard to both the animal's
calculated, averaged, and expressed as x 1 synchronization and the time structure of
SE. No stimulation occurred when RCG was the rat), L-noradrenaline had different ef-
injected at 0700; a strong stimulation occurred fects. It stimulated feeding behavior during
when RCG was given at 2000. The circadian the light span, while during the dark span it
chronergy of RCG was demonstrated both in inhibited it.
May-June and October-November. In addi- Another example of qualitative changes
tion, the relative responsiveness was greater in
(e.g., stimulation versus inhibition) comes
May-June than in October-November, depict-
ing a circannual modulation in the circadian
from research by Knobil and his group
chronergy of RCG. (From Lagoguey and Rein- (1980) who studied the control of gonado-
berg 1980, reproduced with permission.) tropin secretion in rhesus monkeys. The
discovery of an ultradian rhythmicity of
about 1 hr (so-called "circhoral") by
Dierschke and his colleagues (1970) for
plasma LH was a very significant finding.
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 251

Knobil and his group (Nakai et al. 1978; these hormones. Emphasis must be given
Belchetz et al. 1978; Knobil 1980) demon- to the role played by the periodicity, rather
strated "the functioning of the hypophy- than to the quantity, of GnRH delivered,
siotropic control system, which directs since varying the amplitude (or convention-
gonodotropic secretion, is obligatorily ally speaking, the dose) of the GnRH pulses
intermittent." GnRH, a decapeptide pro- has little regulatory effect (Wildt et al.
duced by the hypothalamus, specifically 1979). Possible chronotherapeutic uses of
stimulates pituitary LH secretion. GnRH, these findings have already been illustrated
LH, and FSH secretion exhibit physiologi- by Naftolin (1978) and Valk et al. (1981) in
cal ultradian rhythmicity of about 60 min. controlling abnormal (both hypo- and hy-
Hypothalamic lesions, which destroy the per-) secretions of LH in certain specified
arcuate nuclei of female monkeys, abolish gynecological diseases.
the endogenous production of GnRH. Con- A third example of a time-dependent
tinuous GnRH infusion of female monkeys change in the specificity of hormones is
does not reinitiate gonadotropin secretion. provided by human chronopharmacologic
On the other hand, the rhythmic infusion (1 studies with ACTH 1-17. As indicated ear-
pulse/hr) of the decapeptide does reestab- lier, this compound of 17 amino acids was
lish normal pituitary function. Periodic tested by Reinberg et al. (1981a) in 8
changes in GnRH secretion permit regener- healthy human males in a January experi-
ation of the pituitary receptors for this ment. Either 100 p,g of ACTH or an equal
decapeptide, whereas continuous (non- volume of saline (control) was injected 1M
rhythmic) stimulation does not. The ultra- at different clock times at weekly intervals,
dian rhythm of stimulation was found to either at 0700, 1400, or 2100. Venous blood
have an optimal period of 60 min in the ar- was sampled before and 20, 40, 60, 90, 120,
cuate-Iesioned and ovariectomized rhesus 150, and 180 min after ACTH or saline in-
monkey. The most effective mode of GnRH jections at each of the aforementioned time
administration for restoring and maintain- points. Radioimmunoassay methods were
ing both LH and FSH secretion was 1 mgt used for plasma cortisol, testosterone, and
min for a duration of 6 minlhr. A period of aldosterone determinations.
12 min (5 pulses GnRHlhr) had an effect The injection of ACTH 1-17 at 0700 was
similar to that of continuous perfusion: it followed by a clear and statistically signifi-
did not restore the abolished secretion of cant rise of plasma testosterone. To the
LH and FSH, and it abolished the pituitary contrary, no change was observed, relative
secretion previously restored by the cir- to the control spans, when ACTH was in-
choral administration of GnRH. A period of jected at 1400 or 2100. The Cosinor method
20 min (3 pulses GnRHlhr) as well as a pe- was used to quantify circadian rhythm pa-
riod of 30 min was less effective or had an rameters of plasma testosterone data from
inhibitory effect in comparison to the opti- both the control and ACTH study spans.
mal period of 60 min. The acrophase, corresponding to an injec-
A GnRH infusion period of 3 hr caused a tion time inducing the strongest testoster-
change in the LHIFSH ratio. Although one response measured between 20 and 180
GnRH infused at this frequency had only min after ACTH injection, was 0510 (95%
slight effect on the mean plasma LH levels, CL = 0416-0604). This acrophase was com-
it did induce elevated FSH plasma titers. In parable to that for the unstimulated (non-
other words, the manipulation of the ultra- ACTH-stimulated) circadian rhythm of
dian period of the rhythmic GnRH infusion plasma testosterone, being 0348 (95% CI =
not only stimulated or inhibited the LH and 0238-0458). In addition, both the amplitude
FSH secretion by the pituitary but also in- and mesor of the circadian rhythm of serum
fluenced the respective bioavailability of testosterone were lower in control than in
252 Alain Reinberg

ACTH-stimulated plasma testosterone tions, the cf> in aldosterone is about 1400 and
studies. the elevation in aldosterone secretion as a
In summary, the data from the ACTH 1- response of the adrenal to ACTH is maxi-
17 study reveal quantitatively different ef- mum around the time of the maximum basal
fects on both plasma cortisol and testoster- secretion, at 1400. Considered together, the
one levels depending on the (biological) findings indicate that ACTH has its major
time of administration. Both are maximally effect on plasma cortisol and testosterone
increased following the 0700 injection of when injected at 0700, around the time of
ACTH. Very interestingly, the ACTH ef- the circadian acrophase for each. Its major
fect also varies qualitatively with respect to effect on plasma aldosterone occurs when
administration time. An ACTH injection injected at 1400, around the time of the cir-
given at any time will stimulate aldosterone cadian acrophase of aldosterone under
secretion relative to the control values (Fig. usual circumstances. Such qualitative
19). However, the data clearly reveal a chronopharmacologic changes are likely to
maximum effect upon plasma aldosterone be related to a programed difference in the
secretion when given at 1400. Cosinor anal- timing of cortisol, testosterone, and aldo-
ysis of control (saline injections) and sterone secretion by the adrenal cortex.
ACTH-stimulated plasma aldosterone data Apart from physiological interest, these ex-
reveal similar circadian acrophases of perimental findings can be used to optimize
around 1400. That is, under usual condi- ACTH injections, since in most cases it is

, ,


c 20


o ~'~'~~I--~~I--~~I I I I I I
I ~'~~~'~~~'~~-"'
0:'" 08'" 09'" 10'" 14'" 15'" 16'" 17'" 21'" 22'" 23'" 00'"

1 ACTH 1-17 o-------<lcontrol I-_.~~TH 1-17

ISE{ .. time (clock hours)
, 100l1g im

Fig. 19. Response curves of plasma aldosterone to ACTH 1-17 when injected at different times of
the day. Changes in plasma aldosterone levels (ng/loo ml) prior to saline (control) and ACTH injec-
tions at, respectively, 0700, 1400, or 2100 and 20, 40, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min thereafter. Control
values varied according to the predictable circadian rhythm of healty subjects. A response to the 100
p,g ACTH injection was obtained regardless of the time of day. However, highest aldosterone levels
were obtained for the ACTH injection at 1400; the lowest were obtained when ACTH was given at
2100. (From Reinberg et al. 1981a.)
6: Clinical Chronopharmacology: An Experimental Basis for Chronotherapy 253

the increase of plasma cortisol which is de- tions. These concepts include the fol-
sired rather than that of aldosterone. lowing.

1. The chronokinetics of a drug refers both

Conclusions to rhythmic changes in drug bioavailabil-
Chronopharmacology involves both the in- ity (or pharmacokinetics) and excretion
vestigation of drug effects as a function of (urinary, among others). The chrono-
the biological timing as well as the investi- kinetics of sodium salicylate, indome-
gation of medications upon temporal struc- thacin, ethanol, ampicillin, erythromy-
ture. The occurrence of regular and thus cin, digoxin, digitalis, benzodiazepam,
predictable changes over the span of 24 hr theophylline, mequitazine, aceta-
in biological susceptibility and responsive- minophen, phenacetin, propranolol,
ness to a large variety of physical as well as lithium, diphenylhydantoin, nortripty-
chemical agents is rather common. lin, cis-DDP, ferrous sulfate, and po-
In this chapter, a large number of illus- tassium chloride have been demon-
trative examples of human chronopharma- strated in man.
cologies has been presented. A wide vari- 2. The chronesthesy of a biosystem to a
ety of medicines and chemical agents has drug refers to changes in the susceptibil-
been studied in man from a chronopharma- ity of any biosystem (organ systems,
cologic point of view. These include reser- parasites, etc.) to medications and other
pine, antihistaminics (cyproheptadine, ter- chemically active substances, in gen-
fenadine, clemastine, and mequitazine), eral. The chronesthesy of the skin and
synthetic ACTH and steroids (dexametha- bronchi for various agents has been
sone, flumethasone, triamcinolone, corti- shown in man.
sol, prednisone, and methylprednisolone), 3. The chronergy of a drug takes into con-
and others such as ethanol, [(3-alkyl pyra- sideration the chronokinetics and the
zolyl) piperazine, Quiadon-a tranquil- chronesthesies of involved biosystems
izer], insulin, chlorothiazide, halothane, resulting from exposure to medications
prostaglandin, lithium, clofibrate, indome- or other agents. The term chronergy in-
thacin, theophylline, digoxin, and cis-DDP, cludes rhythmic changes in the overall
for example. Although the major focus has general as well as specific effectiveness
been placed upon quantitative and qualita- of medications.
tive aspects of circadian chronopharma-
cology in human beings, it must be pointed Concepts and findings from investigative
out that chronopharmacology is not re- chronobiology and clinical chronopharma-
stricted to the 24-hr domain only; it can be cology are pertinent and, in certain in-
extended to rhythms with periods both stances, indispensible for solving problems
greater and shorter than 24 hr. For exam- of drug optimization-enhancement of de-
ple, a circamensual chronopharmacology in sired efficiency and/or reduction of unde-
women requires consideration of changing sired effects. This is exemplified most dra-
responsiveness to chemical and physical matically by the chronocorticotherapy of
agents during the menstrual cycle as well as various steroid-dependent disorders. The
to drug-induced circamensual rhythm alter- chronopharmacologic approach seeks not
ation. The major reason that emphasis is only to improve the utilization of currently
placed upon circadian chronopharmacol- available medications, but to influence the
ogy herein is because only this aspect has formulation and evaluation of future
been well documented thus far. chemotherapeutic agents. It is fully recog-
In this chapter new concepts have been nized that additional research is required to
introduced to precisely describe rhythm- evaluate the potential of chronopharma-
dependent effects and activities of medica- cology in the clinic. To achieve this end
254 Alain Reinberg

additional scientists, well trained in the site Laval, Quebec), and Yvan Touitou
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la periodicite de ses phenomenes dans la
Chronobiology and Nutrition
Alain Reinberg

In this chapter, evidence for biological egorized according to these aspects; they
rhythms in nutrient intake and the manner are identified as:
in which foodstuffs are metabolized is pre-
sented. From a chronobiologic perspective, Aspect 1: the occurrence of ultradian, cir-
both nutrients and pharmacological agents cadian, circannual, and other rhythms
enter into metabolic pathways which are in the spontaneous intake of food.
rhythmic in their efficiency and patency. Aspect 2: the persistence of most, if not all,
Therefore, it is not unexpected that both circadian rhythms during fasting or
exhibit 24-hr, I-year, and other time depen- during adherence to a very restricted
dencies in their metabolism and effects on diet (known as the Chossat phenome-
bodily functions. Many of the circadian dif- non; Chossat 1843).
ferences in nutrient metabolism result from
Aspect 3: the use of a timed and restriQted
rhythms in cellular processes, as discussed
duration of food availability to syn-
in Chap. 3; others are due to rhythms at
chronize, under certain circumstances
other levels of biological organization.
and/or in certain animal species, a lim-
ited number of circadian rhythms.
Aspect 4: the occurrence of variation in the
Introduction metabolism of nutrients as a function
Over the years a great number of investiga- of their administration time.
tions on biological rhythms and nutrition
have been conducted. When considering These categorizations (Reinberg 1974a)
the results of the many studies together, of chronobiologic findings are artificial,
there appear to be four different aspects of since in many respects they are comple-
biological rhythms and nutrition (Reinberg mentary. Nonetheless, this type of catego-
1974a; Reinberg and Ghata 1978). The find- rization is useful for discussing the chrono-
ings of all the studies can be succinctly cat- biology of nutrition and to achieve a better
266 Alain Reinberg

understanding of the experimental findings actually consumed at each meal were care-
for both nutrition and chronobiology. fully determined. Time series thus obtained
were analyzed by the Mean Cosinor (Chap.
Aspect 1: Circadian and Other 2) to detect and characterize bioperiodic
Rhythms in Spontaneous A statistically significant circadian
Food Intake rhythm was detected for each of the four
Circadian periodicity in the timing of spon- variables, for each day of the week, and for
taneous food intake was observed in rats each of the groups. The trough of the
and/or mice by several investigators (Col- rhythms occurred around 1200 in almost all
lier et al. 1972, 1973; Le Magnen 1971a,b; the studied circumstances. In other words,
and Poire11968, 1975). In hibernating mam- spontaneously larger meals were usually
mals circannual rhythms were demon- taken at 0800 (breakfast) and at 1800 (sup-
strated by Haberey et al. (1967). In adult per) than around midday. The trough of
human beings circannual rhythmicity in both lipid and protein intake was timed
food preferences was reported and ana- around 1800 only on Sunday. The weekly
lyzed by Sargent and Sargent (1950) and mean-adjusted levels (mesors) obtained by
Sargent (1954). More recently, Debry and Cosinor analysis exhibited a circannual
his colleagues (1977) examined circannual rhythm for the spontaneous intake of lipids,
rhythms in the intake of total calories, pro- carbohydrates, and calories (Fig. 1). The
teins, lipids, and carbohydrates using a dif- peak of lipid intake occurred during the
ferent group of 26-29 children during each spring, while the peak of carbohydrate
season of one year. A subgroup composed and calorie consumption was during the
of the same eight children also was investi- summer.
gated throughout the identical 12-month Circannual rhythms in the spontaneous
span. The children who participated in intake of food by infants in the United
these studies came from broken homes; States were reported by Sargent (1954).
they had been abandoned or were orphans; The infants also displayed a temporal varia-
60% were males. They were comparable in tion in weight gain with a peak between late
age (4 years 1.5 years), body weight, and summer and early autumn. Sargent found
height. They were residents of either one of a tendency for infants to consume more
two separate institutions in Nancy, France, fat during the spring and summer rather
and were adhering to a similar and rigor- than during the autumn and winter. Con-
ously enforced activity-rest schedule, sumption of carbohydrates also tended to
unchanging throughout the year. The be maximal during the spring and summer,
socioecologic synchronization involved although considerable individual variability
lights-on at 0700 and lights-off at 1830. was evident. In addition Sargent investi-
Meals were provided daily at 0800, 1100, gated circannual rhythms of food intake in
1400, and 1800 and were of similar compo- adult human beings (Table 1). Soldiers in
sition (proportion of carbohydrates, lipids, training camps, urban families, and mill
and proteins). Every day there was a simi- workers (Anonymous 1951) were observed
lar timing of mental and physical activities. to consume significantly more calories in
Each child was asked at fixed meal times to the fall and winter than in the spring and
select spontaneously and without restric- summer. This was found also in studies of
tion the kind and amount of foods desired, both young and adult rats (Campbell 1945).
uninfluenced as far as possible by the These findings suggest that the timing of
choices of others, and to consume them in peaks and troughs of circannual rhythms in
any order. During a 7-day span of adher- the consumption of carbohydrates, fats,
ence to this protocol, the amounts of pro- and calories differs between growing chil-
tein, lipid, carbohydrate, and total calories dren and mature adults.
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 267

Winter Spring Summer Autumn metabolites or hormones, the size of the

bodily reserves, and the gastrointestinal
load, all of which covary with nutritional
status and with the initiation and termina-
tion of feeding. A major conclusion derived
from free-feeding experiments is that the
momentary state is irrelevant; more impor-
.." 46 tant are those behaviors and functions
~ 44 which pertain to the total food economy of
the animal. Thus, the appropriate unit of
...J analysis is the feeding cycle during the 24-
hr span rather than the ingestive responses
.." 205 per se. Events which alter metabolic state,
such as growth, pregnancy, and environ-
mental conditions, are probably manifested

e as well as influenced by a modification of
-g. 195
o the eating pattern, thus affecting the long-
-e., 190 term regulation of energy balance .
The circadian rhythm of food intake per-
sists, as do most other rhythms, in man dur-
ing isolation in a cave without time clue and
cue (Migraine et al. 1974). Also relevant are
the results obtained by Margules et al.
(1972) showing that the (biological) time of
the day is a decisive determinant of the ef-
Fig. 1. Circannual changes in the 7-day mean fects of L-norepinephrine on feeding behav-
level of spontaneous nutrient and calorie intake ior in rats. During the dark span a direct
in groups of 4-year-old children adhering to a application of L-norepinephrine to the hy-
self-selected diet. Statistically significant differ- pothalamus suppresses feeding behavior,
ences were detected for lipid, carbohydrate, and while during the light span it facilitates
calorie consumptions when comparing the data feeding behavior. Also in experiments on
ofthe winter (trough) and summer (peak) times.
rats, Nagai et al. (1982) evaluated the effect
The peak in lipids was in the spring. The circan-
nual change in protein intake was not statisti-
of a continuous insulin infusion (0.1 u/hr)
cally significant. Peak and trough values were t- into the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) on
tested by the student method, being 3.1 for the circadian rhythm of food intake. Insulin
carbohydrates, 2.39 for calories, 2.21 for lipids, thus administered reduced food intake dur-
and 1.98 (not significant) for proteins. (From ing the 12-hr dark span and increased it dur-
Debry et al. 1975, reproduced with permission.) ing the 12-hr light span. Saline (1 ILl/hr) in-
fused into the SCN as well as insulin (0.1
Ulhr) infused into the subcutaneous space
For every observed biological rhythm, did not change the circadian rhythm of food
one must consider on the one hand endog- intake. According to Nagai et al. (1982),
enous inherited (genetic) components and it is likely that insulin acts directly at the
on the other hand exogenous components, level of the SCN. Again in experiments on
synchronizers among others, which influ- rats, Mandenoff and Apfelbaum (1981)
ence but do not create rhythms. According demonstrated that two opiate antagonists
to Collier and his coworkers (1972, 1973), (Naltrexone and Nalaxone zinc tannate)
the study of food consumption has been had a suppressive effect on hyperphagia
dominated by a search for those physiologi- during the dark span but not during the light
cal factors, such as the level of circulating span.
268 Alain Reinberg

Table 1. Seasonal Change in the Consumption of Total Calories by Rat and Man.
Caloric consumption by season as
percent of spring value (= 100%)"
Type of Spring Summer Fall Winter
population (calories) (%) (%) (%) Ref.
Young rats 45.0b 95.0 100.3 102.0 Campbell (1945)
Adult rats 20.5 b 94.8 101.2 102.0 Campbell (1945)
Soldiers 3650c 98.3 100.9 102.7 Marlin and Hildebrandt (1919)
Soldiers 3570C 103.0 110.3 103.4 Howe and Berryman (1945)
Mill workers 2680d 100.5 97.3 112.8 Sargent and Sargent (1950)
Urban families 3810d 94.5 98.1 104.3 Dept. of Agriculture (1951)
a Italicized values represent timing of maxima and minima.
b Calories per 100 g of body weight.
c Calories per man per day.

d Calories per adult male per day.

Aspect 2: Persistence of Circadian were studied: plasma growth hormone, in-

Rhythms During Near-fasting sulin, glucagon, cortisol as well as urinary
or Dietary Restriction- volume, nitrogen, 17-hydroxycorticoste-
roids, 17-ketosteroids, potassium, and so-
The Chossat Phenomenon dium. Respiratory quotient, oxygen con-
Persistence of the temperature circadian sumption, in addition to rectal temperature,
rhythm of pigeons during total food and wa- grip strength, tempo, and eye-hand skill
ter deprivation was first reported by Chos- were investigated also. Biological sampling
sat in 1843. This pioneer work has been and self-measurements of certain skills
widely confirmed since for other animal were done at fixed hours at equal intervals
species, including man, and for other circa- four times daily once or twice weekly, be-
dian rhythms as summarized in Table 2. fore and during the 3-week adherence to the
A larger study in terms of both the num- protein diet. Statistically significant circa-
ber of investigated subjects and variables dian rhythms were detected in all the varia-
was performed by Apfelbaum et al. (1971, bles studied before and during the 220 call
1972) and Reinberg et al. (1973a, 1974a). A 24 hr protein diet (Fig. 2).
group of 112 healthy obese women, ranging A significant decrease in the 24-hr mean
in age from 18 to 25 years, were fed a hypo- level was exhibited by the following vari-
caloric (220 cal/24 hr), exclusively protein, ables: respiratory quotient, oxygen con-
diet for 3 weeks. The purpose of the diet sumption, plasma growth hormone, and
was to provide sufficient quantities of pro- insulin as well as urinary nitrogen,
tein to balance nitrogen loss to protect the 17-ketosteroids, and sodium. A rise oc-
lean mass of the body. Proteins were given curred in plasma cortisol only during the
in the form of calcium caseinate (55 g/24 second week of the protein diet. Changes in
hr). Although the subjects were deprived of the mean level of the other variables were
both carbohydrates and lipids, they were not significant (Fig. 3).
provided potassium chloride and vitamins In examining the data from some experi-
according to their calculated needs (Apfel- ments, it appears that every physiological
baum et al. 1971). The women were syn- variable need not follow the phenomenon
chronized to light-on at 0730 and light-off at described by Chossat. Plasma gastrin is an
2330. They were provided three (or four) exception. There is good agreement be-
isocaloric meals daily at 0800, 1200 (1600), tween the results of experiments performed
and 2000. A number of biological variables on fasted rats (Berard et al. 1976; Accary et
Table 2. Persistence of Physiological Circadian Rhythms During Food Deprivation or
Hypocaloric Diet.
Studied circadian
Synchronizer (.:1t = sampling
Subjects schedule Type of diet interval) Refs.
Birds (pigeon, Natural LD Complete Cloacal temperature Chossat (1843)
etc.) cycle deprivation of (M = 12 hr)
food and water
until death
766 'i? C mice 4, 5 L (0600-1800) No food, no Liver glycogen Haus and Halberg
months of age D (1800-0600) water (.:1t = 4 hr) (1966)
No food but
(16-76 hr)
192 'i? C mice 3-4 L (0600-1800) No food, no Rectal temperature, Galicich et al.
months of age D (1800-0600) water during a pituitary (1963)
36-hr span of adrenocorticotropic Halberg et al.
time activity, serum (1965)
pinnal mitosis
(M = 4 hr)
450 0 Wistar rats L (0600-1800) No food, Plasma and antral Pansu et al. (1979)
(200 g) D (1800-0600) water ad lib. gastrin (M = 4 hr) Bosshard et al.
during a 5-day (1982)
7 0 adult Wi star L (0700-1900) No food, Plasma TSH (M "" Hugues et al.
rats D (1900-0700) water ad lib. 1 hr by catheter) (1982)
7 healthy human L (0745-2300) Complete 36-hr Heart rate, blood Reinberg et al.
adults, 3 'i? and D (2300-0745) bedrest with pressure, urinary (1970)
4 0 18 to 45 4-hourly potassium,
years of age hypocaloric 17 -hydroxycorticosteroid,
meals during adrenaline,
sampling noradrenaline,
(336 cal/24 hr vanillylmandelic
as tomato acid (.:1t = 4 hr)
8 healthy obese L (0730-2330) 15 to 20 days of Oxygen Apfelbaum, et
human 'i? D (2330-0730) caloric consumption al. (1971)
18 to 25 years restriction (V0 2) respiratory
of age (220 cal/24 hr quotient (RQ
as protein = VC02/V0 2)
exclusively) (.:1t = 0.5 hr)
6 healthy human L (0700-0000) Low protein diet Tyrosine and other Wurtman et al.
o 18 to 25 D (0000-0700) (30 cal/kg body amino acid (1967, 1968)
years of age w/24 hr: egg concentration in
protein) plasma (M = 4 hr)
104 healthy obese L (0730-2330) 15 to 20 days of Plasma GH, cortisol Apfelbaum et al.
human'i? D (2330-0730) caloric insulin, glucagon; (1972)
18 to 25 years restriction urinary water, Reinberg et al.
of age (220 cal/24 hr nitrogen, (1973a, 1974)
as protein 17-0HCS, 17-KS,
exclusively) K+, Na+; oral
tempo; grip
self-rated hunger,
fatigue, etc.
7 healthy human L (0600-2100) No food, distilled Urinary cAMP Stone et al. (1974)
o 27 1.7 D (2100-0600) water (48 hr) .:1t = 3 hr
years of age
08 00




CORTISOL -.....".... ~.











to...... 0;. ;": , .:." , .j

<". 95 "'. CO"lFIDENCE ".) SPO"lTANEOUSL Y

Fig. 2. The circadian acrophases of physiological variables of healthy young obese women before
and during adherence to a calorie-restricted protein diet. Results presented pertain only to circadian
acrophases referenced to midsleep (cp) and their 95% confidence intervals statistically significant
circadian rhythms persisted in the studied physiological variables. A phase shift (Acp) was detected for
urinary potassium and sodium but not for the cp of the other studied circadian rhythms. (From
Reinberg et al. 1973a.)
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 271

al. 1977b) and fasted human beings (Moor be taken into account demonstrating that
et al. 1974; Accary et al. 1977a). In both, the temporal structure, even in man, is ge-
the plasma gastrin circadian rhythm, which netically inherited rather than acquired by
was detected when subjects were fed, was each generation (Pittendrigh 1960; Aschoff
rapidly obliterated during fasting. A likely 1963).
hypothesis is that plasma gastrin reflects The continuance of bioperiodic phenom-
the amount of circulating hormone resulting ena during fasting and/or while adhering to
from its liberation rather than from its pro- a diet of very low caloric value is, however,
duction. For example, Pansu et at. (1979) compatible with the fact that the timing of
studied circadian rhythms of gastrin in the food intake, i.e., the periodicity of meals, is
plasma and the gastric antral mucosa-one a synchronizer in certain circumstances
of the principal sites of gastrin synthesis. and for certain animal species (as discussed
The plasma gastrin circadian rhythm was under Aspect 3). It must be kept in mind
detected in 200-g male rats fed ad libitum as that synchronizers (or Zeitgebers, Aschoff
well as in animals starved for 2 days. The 1954), while not creating biological
acrophase coincided approximately with rhythms, may affect the rhythm's
the middle of the activity (dark) span. The acrophase and/or period. The synchroniz-
plasma gastrin rhythm was obliterated dur- ing effect of meal timing whether spontane-
ing the next 3 days of fasting and the mesor ous (Aspect 1) or experimentally manipu-
decreased. The antral gastrin circadian lated (Aspect 3) is a phenomenon
rhythm persisted both in fed and starved complementary to the persistence of circa-
animals without a change in the acrophase, dian rhythmicity during fasting.
which occurred around the beginning of the The finding of persistence in the circa-
activity (dark) span. dian rhythms of peripheral blood insulin
These findings suggest that the secretion and glucagon as found in various experi-
of gastrin is complex. In fed rats, the ments requires careful interpretation. Since
acrophase of antral gastrin leads in phase the timing of protein intake is periodic and
that of plasma gastrin. The persistence of a since protein may induce a rise in insulin
circadian rhythm in gastrin synthesis during (Felig et al. 1973) and glucagon plasma lev-
fasting favors an endogenous origin for this els (Marliss et al. 1970), it is not possible to
bioperiodic phenomenon. Differences in conclude solely from the aforementioned
the cf> between the circadian rhythms of study of healthy obese women that the in-
plasma and antral gastrin confirm the com- sulin and glucagon circadian rhythms have
plex relationship between the synthesis, an exclusively endogenous origin. * Circa-
storage, and secretion of this hormone. dian changes in the plasma insulin response
The continued manifestation of human to 50 g of glucose taken orally given after a
circadian rhythms while adhering to a very 14-hr fast in separate studies carried out at
restricted protein diet of 220 cal/24 hr with- different times (0800, 1600, and 0000) each
out lipid and carbohydrate intake can be on different days have been reported by
considered the equivalent of the Chossat Sensi et al. (1970) and Capani et al. (1972).
phenomenon. This means that circadian Rauline et al. (1981) demonstrated the per-
changes in a large number of physiological sistence of the circadian rhythms of plasma
variables studied in various animal species, insulin, cortisol, gastrin, and testosterone
including man, are not primarily induced by in eight recumbent adult subjects, fed only
"fuel" intake. This observation supports by venous infusion delivering a constant
the widely accepted hypothesis of most amount of water, emulsified lipids, 60 gil
chronobiologists that many circadian amino acids, and carbohydrates over 24 hr.
rhythms have an endogenous basis. The _
Chossat phenomenon is one of the experi- * Circadian and circannual changes in hormones
other than insulin involved in the control of metabolic
mental arguments, among many others, to pathways are not considered in this review.
272 Alain Reinberg

, ~ __________________URINE____________________
~A~ ~

/ I

n a/ml "U/ml pg/ml .. a, ml g ma mg mEq mEq



30 30

400 20

20 20

300 10

10 10

x x x x x x x X

/ \
vcoz/voz ORI' eVE HAND
ratio DC kg.' sec sec
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 273

00 00 18
I ,


, .. D

Fig. 4. The circadian cp of physiological
FATIGUE TEST variables studied in 9 healthy obese young
women investigated before and during a 3-
EYE - HAND -S KILL week span of adherence to a 220 caU24 hr
protein diet. A statistically significant cp
TE MPO shift of about 12 hr occurred only in the
circadian rhythms of hunger and mood
RE CT. TEMPERATU RE self-ratings when the subjects were adher-
ing to the restricted protein diet. The cps
of the other investigated variables showed
neither diet-induced shifts nor consistent
o (95% ... C I . ,
differences with respect to the timing of
the cp as found in other types of studies
SPONTA EOUSLY 1 - '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - '
performed on healthy human adults.
SELECTED DIET OF CALORIC RESTRICTIO (From Apfelbaum et al. 1976a, reproduced
?20 CAL/2 4hA S CASE I N with permission.)

Thus, an endogenous component of the cir- temperature. Measurements were per-

cadian rhythm of human plasma insulin is formed every 6 hr at fixed times during a 24-
probable, even if direct evidence is not as hr span once weekly, before (nonrestricted
yet available. spontaneous food intake) and for 3 weeks
From a practical point of view, it is ger- during adherence to the 220 cal/24 hr
mane to ask whether or not a diet entirely protein diet consisting of 55 g of calcium
of protein-220 caV24 hr-is objectively caseinate supplemented with potassium
compatible with normal activity. In a group salts, water, and vitamins (Apfelbaum et al.
of nine healthy obese women a set of sev- 1976a,b) (Figs. 4 and 5). The findings indi-
eral physiological and psychophysiological cate that as long as nitrogen balance re-
variables was studied: self-ratings of hun- mains equilibrated a very restricted diet af-
ger, mood, and physical vigor as well as fects neither the grip strength, muscular
self-recording of grip strength, muscular fa- fatigue, mood, and physical vigor nor their
tigue, eye-hand skill, tempo, and body circadian rhythms. The restricted diet does

Fig. 3. The circadian rhythm-adjusted level M (designated in figure as Co) for a set of physiological
variables of healthy young obese women before and during the adherence to a calorie-restricted
protein diet. The M equals the 24-hr average (x) since data were collected at equal intervals. A
statistically significant fall (indicated by x) in M occurred during calorie restriction for the respiratory
quotient, oxygen consumption, plasma growth hormone, and insulin as well as the urinary variables
of nitrogen, 17-KS, and sodium. A statistically significant rise in plasma cortisol occurred only during
the second week of the protein diet. No change occurred in the M of the other studied variables.
(From Reinberg et al. 1973a.)
274 Alain Reinberg

Physical Grip Fatigue Eye-Hand

Hunger Mood Vigor Strength Test Skill Tempo Temperatu re

2 Weeks
'---- 0
3 Weeks
of Caloric Restriction
220 Cal/24 h as Protein
- M

Fig. 5. Circadian-rhythm-adjusted mean (M) for the same study conditions, subjects, and physiolog-
ical variables as in Fig. 4. A statistically significant diet-induced drop of about 55% occurred during
the third week in the hunger self-rating M, apparently related to a change in the "fuel" used by the
brain-ketones instead of carbohydrates. A transient drop in both the M of mood and physical vigor
self-ratings occurred only during the second week of the diet. The M of the other variables did not
exhibit statistically significant changes. As a whole, these results favor the conclusion that the 220 cal!
24 hr protein diet is not likely to disturb a subject's fitness for nonstrenuous work. (From Apfelbaum
et al. 1976a, reproduced with permission.)

induce a statistically significant decrease in the most powerful synchronizer. When

hunger as revealed by the self-rating food is provided solely during the light
method. Thus, adherence to the calcium ca- span, with availability restricted to only a
seinate protein diet appears to be compati- few hours such as for 2-4 hr124 hr, a set of
ble with nonstrenuous physical activity and circadian rhythms in certain animal species
work. undergoes phase shifts. This is the case in
the rat for the rhythms of rest and activity,
brain serotonin (Baker 1953; Mouret and
Aspect 3: A Timed and Restricted Bobiller 1971; Mouret et al. 1973), certain
Duration of Food Availability blood and serum variables, liver tempera-
ture (von Mayersbach et al. 1973; Nelson et
Is Not a Powerful Synchronizer al. 1973), some liver enzymes (Walker and
of Rhythms Potter 1974; Cohn et al. 1970; Fuller 1970),
In night-active rodents, such as mice, CO2 emission (Stupfel et al. 1973), plasma
rats, and rabbits, eating occurs mainly, if corticosterone, and rectal temperature
not exclusively, during the night even if (Krieger 1974; 1979). This is the case also in
food is available continuously (ad libitum) the rat for the rhythms of intraperitoneal
in quantity and in time. In such experimen- temperature (Ehret et al. 1977, 1978) and
tal conditions, the light-dark alternation is blood eosinophil levels (Pauly et al. 1973,
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 275

1975). For primates, this is true for the gent" animals such as mice, rats, and man
rhythms of body temperature and plasma are able to easily recognize the difference
corticosterone (Sulzman et al. 1977). Ex- between regular and sham foods; this con-
perimental results related to rhythm en- founds the purpose of certain control stud-
trainment by a timed and restricted dura- ies. The so-called "artificial feeding" using
tion of food availability were reported a catheter inserted into a blood vessel or
earlier by Shirley (1928), Achelis and into the stomach does not satisfactorily
Nothdurft (1939), and Kleitman and solve the problem posed by sham foods
Engelmann (1947). since with this approach results might rep-
Halberg (1974) considering the findings resent changes with regard to the time of
from investigations on rodents proposed the disposition of nutrient(s) rather than the
as a working hypothesis that a timed and changes in the timing of meals per se. Fur-
restricted duration of food availability thermore, the intake of nutrients by mouth
is a powerful synchronizer of circadian has to be considered as more physiological
rhythms. It seems at present, however, that than is artificial feeding.
the results of a limited number of experi- It is useful to review the findings of in-
ments on these animals were overgeneral- vestigations on rats and mice for which the
ized. It has to be emphasized that most synchronizer effect of scheduled feedings
research on the synchronizing or circadian has been documented. In a study involving
phase-influencing effect of food intake has 360 CDF I mice 4 weeks of age, Scheving et
utilized as an investigative methodology al. (1974 a,b) and Pauly et al. (1975) demon-
competition studies between (at least) two strated that meal timing, achieved by re-
synchronizers (Aschoff et al. 1975). This stricting the access to food to a 4-hr span
type of research results in the simultaneous beginning at different clock hours over the
evaluation of the relative significance or 24 hr, dominated the synchronizing effect
power of various synchronizers, i.e., either of the light-dark regimen with regard to the
meal timing versus the light-dark alterna- blood eosinophil rhythm. In the same ani-
tion in studies on rodents or meal timing mals, however, the mitotic rhythm of cor-
versus socioecologic synchronization in neal epithelium remained synchronized to
studies on human beings (Apfelbaum et al. the light-dark cycle; only minor changes in
1969; Aschoff et al. 1971, 1975). In retro- the phasing of the rhythms resulted from
spect, it seems that it would have been the timed-restricted feedings. Studies per-
more pertinent to utilize experimental con- formed by Philippens et al. (1977) on 270
ditions in which subjects were isolated and male (specific-pathogen-free) Wistar rats
insulated from all known synchronizers ex- (130 12 g) indicated also that rhythms of
cept the random manipulation of meal times this species cannot be entrained by meal
since this would have resulted in more spe- timing. For example, the circadian rhythm of
cific findings on the prominence of meal mitotic activity in the corneal epithelium
timing as a synchronizer of selected circa- exhibited synchronization to the light-dark
dian rhythms. Obviously, results of compe- cycle only. Phase shifts in the timing of the
tition studies are more difficult to analyze restricted food availability induced an alter-
than studies in which only one major syn- ation in the serum corticosterone rhythm
chronizer is manipulated. Nevertheless, manifested as a polyphasic pattern with two
competition studies mimic rather well what to three peaks of more or less equal ampli-
may happen in natural conditions. tude. However, there was no consistent
Some investigators have used sham and predictable synchronizing effect. Cohn
foods; however, control experiments with et al. (1970) also reported that the circadian
sham foods (in terms of taste, palatability, pattern of adrenal corticosterone concen-
physical properties, and volume, for exam- tration in rats is not related to the cyclicity
ple) have yet to be conducted. "Intelli- of food intake, while Krieger (1974, 1979)
276 Alain Reinberg

found in adult female Sprague-Dawley rats also has been studied for the synchronizing
that the plasma corticosterone rhythm effect of cyclic food intakes. Krieger et al.
could be entrained by shifting the timing of (1977) have demonstrated in the rat that le-
food presentation. Nelson et al. (1973b, sioning of the SeN does not abolish
1975) reported that plasma corticosterone rhythms of food intake, adrenal activity, or
levels of mice do synchronize to restricted body temperature. Using implanted elec-
feeding schedules. With regard to this vari- trodes, Inouye (1982) recorded the neural
able, it could be that the synchronizing ef- activity of the SeN in male albino rats to
fect of meal timing differs between strains investigate the effects of both free feeding
of rats and/or is sex related. One has to and restricted daily feeding schedules (e.g.,
consider that the difference in findings be- a 3-hr span of food availability at fixed
tween investigations may represent specific clock hours for 10-19 days). When rats
characteristics of the laboratory setting in were kept in LD 12: 12 with free access to
which studies were conducted. Perhaps ex- food, motor activity predominated during D
traneous time-dependent alterations in the while the neural activity of the SeN pre-
laboratory environment result in important dominated during L. When the rats were
synchronizing signals. Thus, aspects of hu- housed in constant darkness, the circadian
man activity related to animal care and rhythm of neural activity in the SeN be-
other laboratory functions associated with came free running, despite the fact that
the timing of food to some extent may be food presentation, restricted to a specified
responsible for inducing alteration of cer- 3-hr span, occurred daily at the same fixed
tain circadian systems. Since experimental clock time. Under these experimental con-
facilities differ widely between laborato- ditions, the motor activity rhythm, how-
ries, the possibility of extraneous influ- ever, was synchronized by the timing of
ences acting as synchronizers cannot be food presentation. Manipulation of the tim-
dismissed without appropriate control ing of the restricted food presentation did
studies. not produce a phase shift in the SeN circa-
For other circadian rhythms of male dian rhythm. These findings indicate that in
rats (e.g., serum protein, serum lactic de- the rat the circadian rhythms of SeN are
hydrogenase, serum a-hydroxybutiric de- not synchronized by the 24-hr rhythm of
hydrogenase), Philippens et al. (1977) dem- food intake.
onstrated, as in the case of serum From these experiments, as well as
corticosterone, that although meal timing others on rodents, it can be concluded that
influences the rhythmic pattern, the syn- food availability when restricted only to a
chronizing effect of the light-dark cycle still few hours during each 24 hr has a promi-
persists. The circadian rhythm of liver gly- nent and more powerful synchronizing
cogen and protein concentration as well as effect than the light-dark cycle (1) only
serum glucose was controlled mainly by the on a restricted set of rhythms and (2) with
timing of food intake. It is a matter of inter- regard to certain circumstances which are
est that in contrast to all other variables related to strain and/or sex, for example,
studied by these authors, the circadian the corticosterone rhythm of rats and
rhythm of liver a-hydroxybutiric dehydro- mice. With respect to the findings on ro-
genase appeared to be completely indepen- dents, it was premature to propose a "diet
dent of both the light-dark cycle and the plan for shiftworkers and transmeridian
feeding schedule. travellers" (Ehret et al. 1978) based on the
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SeN) ap- assumption that properly timed specifically
pears to be one ofthe oscillators which gov- formulated meals, which induce a shift in
erns a set of neuroendocrine circadian the temperature rhythm of rats, can phase
rhythms (Rietveld and Gross 1980; Szafar- shift the entire temporal structure of man.
czyc et al. 1981; Assenmacher 1982) and In fact, in human beings the situation
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 277

is somewhat different or at least more 00" 06"

120 18' 24"
In human beings it also appears that only HEART
a limited number of circadian rhythms can RATE
be entrained by meal timing. Circadian PLASMA SAr' I

rhythms of heart rate, plasma cortisol, as CORTISOL IH ~

well as urinary volume, nitrogen, creati- URINARY
nine, 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, 17-keto- WATER ~f
steroids, potassium, and sodium were stud- S
ied in 36 healthy, overweight young NITROGEN 13~f
women, 18-25 years of age (Apfelbaum S
1975). They were investigated while adher- CREATININE 13~[
ing to an unrestricted spontaneous diet with S , I
meals at 0800, 1200, and 2000 and also 17- OHCS 13~[ '~'
while adhering to a protein diet consisting I I
of 220 cal/24 hr calcium caseinate for 3
weeks. The timing of food consumption I
was changed weekly according to the fol-

lowing schedule: A = four isocaloric meals ~

at 0800, 1200, 1600, and 2000; B = one meal
daily at 0800 (breakfast) and C = one meal ~D ,

daily at 2000 (supper). The subjects were

randomized for the sequential order of WAKEfULNESS
these meal programs. All subjects were Y ,. ,
TIMING A~'----r,~v~~V~~V-r,~V~~
synchronized with light-on at 0730 and Of V'-----. ____. -__~
13 _-----.,....
light-off at 2330 before and throughout the MEAL< S) C~,----r_--_r----~V~~
study span. At the end of each of the study 00" 06" 12" IS" 24"
weeks, the selected variables were investi- S:: SPONTANEOUS DIET A, 13,C = PROTEIN DIET
gated for circadian rhythms during 24-hr or WIlli CALORIC RESTRICTION
48-hr spans. Data were collected every 6 hr (220 CAL 124h AS CASEIN EXCLUSIVELY)
at fixed times and analyzed for circadian
Fig. 6. Acrophase of human circadian rhythms
rhythms using the Cosinor method. Statisti- with respect to various meal timings: S = spon-
cally significant circadian rhythms were de- taneous diet; A,B,C = protein diet with caloric
tected (p < 0.05) for practically every vari- restriction (220 cal/24 hr as casein, exclusively)
able and experimental circumstance (Fig. 6) as indicated. Subjects were healthy, obese
with only the acrophase of the circadian women tested before and during 3 weeks of a
rhythm of urinary nitrogen exhibiting a shift protein diet with calorie restriction. (From Ap-
(week B). The other investigated variables felbaum et al. 1976b, reproduced with per-
exhibited neither alterations in acrophase mission.)
nor amplitude.
In this experiment, apart from the uri-
nary nitrogen and maybe the urinary K+
and Na+ rhythms, the timed consumption discrepancy in the chronobiologic find-
of the protein diet with respect to the 24-hr ings between humans and rodents, three
scale did not influence the temporal struc- possible explanations must be examined:
ture. This finding does not agree with the
results of studies on rats, mice, and rabbits Duration of Experimental Food Restric-
in which a synchronizing effect of meal tim- tion. The experimental duration of
ing has been demonstrable at least for cer- study of human beings for each meal timing
tain circadian systems. To understand the pattern was only one week. A phase shift
278 Alain Reinberg

Urinary c-AMP Plasma glucagon

C 140
oR. 150
(.) 100
Ql 80
~ 0 Meals: B D o '--_---::.B~----.L_~.=..:....'____
00.00 08.00 16.00 00.00 0.00 08.00 16.00 0.00
Time (clock h)

JO l ~

0:: o

Fig. 7. Circadian rhythms are differently influenced by a single daily 2000-calorie meal given for 7-
day spans. Blood and urine samples were obtained every 2 hr during waking and once in the middle of
the sleep span from each of 14 young male volunteers during the last 24 hr of one 7-day span while
eating breakfast only (B) and another 7-day span while eating dinner only (D). Each data series on
plasma glucagon , insulin, serum iron, and urinary cAMP (nmoUhr) was converted to a percentage of
the respective 24-hr mean. In the chronograms (top) the x I SE of these converted values across all
14 subjects is plotted against the sampling time, each chronogram presenting results for a given
variable on B (solid line) and D (dotted line) . The Cosinor plots (bottom) depict the results of fitting a
single 24-hr cosine curve to all the data on each variable and meal schedule. The length and direction
of each radial line (vector) indicate the amplitude A and acrophase cp, respectively, of the fitted
cosine. The ellipse at the tip of each vector represents the 95% confidence region for A and cp.
Statistically significant rhythms in all variables are indicated by the fact that none of these confidence
regions overlap the "pole" (center of plot). Whereas the cp of insulin, glucagon, and iron rhythms are
different for Band D; that of cAMP is similar through the different meal schedules. (From Goetz et al.
1976, reproduced with permission.)

(6,cf of many physical variables usually re- chronizer manipulation (Reinberg et al.
quires longer than 7 days , but this is not a 1973b, 1979b,c).
rule since the possibility of fast adjustment
of circadian rhythms has been demon- Physiological Factors. When food is not
strated in certain subjects, e.g., shift work- available ad libitum, in both time and quan-
ers and students phase shifted by a syn- tity, an alteration of the circadian pattern of
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 279

Plasma insulin Serum iron

500 200
Q) 180
E 400
.....0 160
?fi. 140
a.i 120 f
L': \ .:'\
200 "'1
.. \
c 100
u 80
> 100
'';:::; 60

a:: a a Meals : B o
00,00 00.00 08.00 16.00 00.00

Time (clock h)

'50 ~ ~r
SO i A
40 ~
~ 20 0o
a:: o o E
o BD


Fig. 7. (Continued)

behavior and activity in rodents is obliga- or at 2000 (supper). A statistically signifi-

tory to meet nutritional needs. In contrast, cant change in the cp of 8 hr to 12 hr was
for human beings involved in this type of exhibited by the circadian rhythms of
study, there is the implication, whether di- plasma insulin and glucagon as well as se-
rect or indirect (via human rights commit- rum iron (Fig. 7). Smaller dcp's amounting
tees or others), that they eventually will re- to only 2-3 hr, but still statistically signifi-
ceive their meal(s). cant, occurred in the rhythms of plasma
cortisol and growth hormone as well as
Meal Composition. The findings on hu- those of the white blood cells and lympho-
man beings pertaining to the effects of meal cytes. The other studied variables did not
timing as a synchronizer of circadian show a dcp in this "once-a-day" meal tim-
rhythms relate only to a protein diet. The ing study.
effect of meal timing, with the meal not re- Another study was performed by Bazin
stricted to protein, could be different. This et al. (1979) with experimental conditions
latter possibility has been studied by Goetz more resembling a "normal" pattern of
et at. (1976). Healthy young adults were food consumption. With respect to the con-
provided a 2000 call24 hr diet given as a trol span during which the spontaneous diet
single meal daily, either at 0800 (breakfast) was allowed, 14 clinically healthy men,
280 Alain Reinberg

20-22 years of age, ate three meals daily lin and glucagon, and that of the circadian
throughout two spans of 3 weeks' duration. rhythms of certain nutrient metabolites,
During the "big breakfast" weeks, the sub- such as nitrogen, ketones, and NEFA.
jects consumed 60% of their total daily cal- There is as yet no experimental evidence
ories at breakfast, 30% at lunch, and 10% at that in healthy adult human beings meal
dinner. During still another span of 3 timing is a powerful synchronizer of circa-
weeks, the "big dinner" weeks, the situa- dian rhythms. Results of studies on shift
tion was reversed; the men consumed 10% workers, discussed later in the chapter,
of their total daily calories at breakfast, also favor this conclusion for Aspect 3.
30% at lunch, and 60% at dinner. Through-
out, the subjects were diurnally active with
Aspect 4: Bioperiodic Changes in
rest from 2200 to 0700.
The circadian rhythm of plasma cortisol Nutrient Metabolism
was not altered. However, for both serum Changes in the metabolism of a given nutri-
nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and ke- ent are related to hormonal and other
tone bodies, two peaks within each 24 hr chronophysiological phenomena in much
appeared in the chronogram on a "big the same manner as are bioperiodic
breakfast," but not on a "big dinner" changes in the chronopharmacologic ef-
schedule, with one of the peaks occurring fects of a given drug (Reinberg 1973a,b)
around 0200, a time quite delayed from the (see Chap. 6). As in the case of timed drug
ingestion of the major meal. According to administrations, one must consider two
this change in waveform and/or in fre- possible effects when scheduling timed
quency, the cf> of these rhythms seemed to food intake: (1) alteration of the temporal
have advanced rather than delayed in tim- structure as noted by phase shifts and (2)
ing with a change from the "big breakfast" metabolic changes resulting from the timed
to "big dinner" schedule. absorption of a nutrient. Both effects have
Thus, the selected timed consumption of been investigated and substantiated experi-
the large daily meal can phase shift some of mentally.
the investigated circadian rhythms in Evidence for the alteration of the tempo-
healthy young adults. According to Halberg ral structure comes from Peret et al. (1972)
(1974), the manipulation of meal timing and Nelson et al. (1973a,b), who showed
might serve to phase shift, at least partially, for the rat a phase shift in the liver glycogen
some human circadian rhythms. In rodents circadian rhythm induced by a timed pro-
such phase changes of physiological tein intake. Another study by Zigmond et
rhythms have been associated with phase al. (1969), also on rats, showed a phase shift
alterations in the organism's susceptibility in some circadian rhythms of enzyme activ-
to various therapeutic agents, including ity induced by a timed food administration.
medications, antimitotic agents, and X rays. Such phase shifts resulting from the timing
Phase shifting of physiochemical circadian of nutrients seem to be restricted, however,
rhythms in human beings may provide a to a rather specific set of physiological vari-
means to achieve chronoptimization of cer- ables. Because of this, an internal dissocia-
tain therapeutic agents, including cytostatic tion of rhythms results, rather than an inter-
ones (Halberg 1960, 1969; Halberg and nal desynchronization. Phase shifts in
Reinberg 1976; Haus et al. 1974; Reinberg rodents due to the timed intake of nutrients
1967, 1974b; Reinberg and Halberg 1971). should be differentiated from the possible
However, the evidence on hand today re- synchronizer effects that the timing of nu-
veals that changes in meal timing in human trients can induce in certain circumstances
subjects influence mainly, if not exclu- and certain animal species (Aspect 3).
sively, the acrophase of certain circadian These differences in effects upon rhythms,
rhythms of plasma hormones, such as insu- phase alteration versus synchronization
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 281

[or dissociation versus de synchronization males, being higher in women than in men
(Aschoff et al. 1975)], must be kept in mind in both morning and afternoon tests. More-
even if the chronophysiological bases of over, the swing in the mean blood sugar
these two phenomena are yet unknown and level when comparing the responses of the
are apparently similar or closely related. morning and afternoon tests is greater in
It is useful to consider some illustrative older than in younger subjects (Fig. 8).
examples of the second effect-biological Differences in the plasma insulin and
rhythms and the induction of metabolic growth hormone responses to GTTs when
changes by timing the intake of nutrients. performed in the morning versus the after-
The metabolism of nutrients is not con- noon have been reported by Whichelow et
stant; instead, it varies as a function of their al. (1974). Plasma insulin levels were lower
timing. This is best exemplified by the following afternoon as compared to morn-
blood glucose tolerance test (GTT) , ing intravenous GTT studies. As expected,
whether carried out by "loading" glucose blood sugar levels were lower when the
orally or intravenously. When the GTT is intravenous GTT was performed during the
performed under carefully standardized morning rather than during the afternoon.
conditions, different findings result from This finding is in agreement with that ob-
tests done in the morning as compared to tained from research conducted using an
ones done in the afternoon or evening oral GTT (Jarrett and Keen 1970, 1972). It
(Bowen and Reeves 1967; Campbell et al. should be noted that time-related differ-
1975; Capani 1972; Gibson et al. 1975; Jar- ences observed in oral and intravenous
rett 1972; Jarrett and Keen 1972; Lestradet GTTs could be at least partially related to
et al. 1970; Sensi et al. 1970; Whichelow et circadian changes in the plasma insulin re-
al. 1974; Zimmet et al. 1974). The oral GTT sponsiveness (Fig. 9) and the absorption of
is both sex and age dependent; neverthe- glucose from the gastrointestinal tract dem-
less, temporal differences have been found onstrated both by in vivo and in vitro exper-
for the oral GTT in groups matched for age iments (Furuya and Yugari 1974; Fisher
and sex as demonstrated by Zimmet et al. and Garner 1976).
(1974). The mean blood sugar levels at 120 Related to the temporal differences in
and 150 min vary between males and fe- the GTT response are findings indicating



8 120

Fig. 8. Mean blood sugar levels in subjects

8 ranging in age from 22 to 44 (0) and 45 to 65
d:i 80
(e) years. Both young and older age groups
exhibited greater glucose levels following the
afternoon GTI. The older persons exhibited
bO ~--~-----r----~----~--~ greatest blood sugar levels independent of
o 30 120 150
the time when the GTI was conducted.
Time (minutes)
o Aged 22 -44 years (From Zimmet et al. 1974, reproduced with
Aged 45- b5years permission.)
282 Alain Reinberg



.3 20
Q.'" 10
Fig. 9. Mean plasma insulin levels of 24
human subjects following a 50 g oral GIT.
Three different test times, each on a sepa-
rate day, revealed the insulin response to
glucose loading was greatest and most rapid 0 i i i i i

in the morning, 0900. (From Jarrett 1972, 0 30 60 90 120

reproduced with permission.) minutes after 50 g liquid glucose

that insulin is more effective in reducing for insulin varies temporally; it is greatest
blood glucose levels when tests are done in between late morning and early afternoon
the morning than in the afternoon (Fig. 10). and least during the night.
In one investigation (Gibson et al. 1975), In addition to these circadian changes,
insulin (0.05 units/kg body weight) was seasonal variations in the level of blood glu-
given intravenously to 14 subjects, both at cose and the plasma insulin response to
0800 and 1700, in random order 8 hr after a orally administered glucose have been ob-
50 g glucose meal. Fasting glucose levels served (Campbell et al. 1975a,b; Mejean et
prior to insulin administration were similar al. 1977; Debry et al. 1977). In one study by
at 0800 and 1700, but the 48 10% fall in Campbell et al. (1975a,b), oral GTTs were
blood glucose in the morning test was sig- performed on 12 young men in the Antarc-
nificantly greater (p < 0.001) than the 34 tic. Tests were conducted in the morning
7% dip found in the afternoon test. and afternoon at 3-month intervals-in
Complementary findings were reported March, June, September, and December.
by Mirouze et al. (1976) using an "artificial The characteristic diurnal variation in glu-
pancreas" in insulin-dependent diabetic cose tolerance described above was found
subjects. With the artificial pancreas, blood to persist throughout the year; however,
sugar is monitored continuously. When the the magnitude of difference between the
glucose level rises to a predetermined set morning and afternoon tests was greater
point, a controlled amount of insulin is in- during the warmer Antarctic months of De-
jected intravenously through a catheter. cember and March. There were significant
When the glucose level decreases beyond a seasonal differences in glucose tolerance;
predetermined level, a flux of glucose is de- blood glucose values were lowest, both in
livered. In this manner, the artificial pan- the morning and afternoon, during the
creas maintains the blood glucose level os- Antarctic midsummer (in December). The
cillating between fixed limits with both the highest insulin levels and the greatest diur-
quantity and timing of the injected insulin nal variation occurred in March (autumn).
recorded. Records of diabetic patients us- In subsequent tests, there was a progres-
ing the artificial pancreas reveal the need sive decline in insulin levels, so that in De-
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 283


.' I
::sIii1 80 ..

-.- .




" 80

, I ,

o 10 80 30 40 80 80
Time [min]

Fig. 10. Mean blood glucose levels following a single timed IV insulin infusion (0.05 unitslkg body
weight) in 14 healthy subjects. A different test day was used for the morning and evening studies. At 8
hr prior to each infusion, at either 0800 or 1700, a 50 g glucose meal was given at, respectively, 0000
and 0900. Thereafter, subjects fasted until sampled for blood glucose. The effect of insulin on blood
glucose was considerably greater when administered at 0800 (solid line) as compared to 1700 (dotted
line). (From Gibson et al. 1975, reproduced with permission.)

cember both the absolute level and the diur- nual changes in food consumption as mani-
nal variation were less than those observed fested by eating behavior (Aspect 1), insulin
in tests carried out during the other sea- effectiveness (Chrometzka 1949; Hommel
sons. Complementary studies revealed no and Fisher 1971), the incidence of diabetes
diurnal or seasonal differences in the (Gamble and Taylor 1969), and other meta-
growth hormone (GH) response to the oral bolic events (David 1967; Haberey et al.
GTT. 1967; Hughes 1931; Kayser 1961; KruHn
In Nancy, France, Mejean et al. (1977) and Sealander 1972; Mirouse et al. 1976a,b;
conducted GTTs on 60 healthy young males Pengelley 1974; Reinberg 1974c; Scheving
(20-30 years of age), giving each an oral et al. 1974b; Smolensky et al. 1974).
GTT at 0800 every month throughout a 1-
year span. The plasma insulin response was Circadian and U1tradian Rhythms
analyzed in terms of the usual pharmaco-
kinetic parameters, such as peak height,
in the Eating Behavior and
time to peak, and area under the time-con- Nutrient Intake of Shift Workers
centration curve (Fig. 11). The insulin peak Ultradian, circadian, and circannual
height was greatest and the time to peak rhythms in food intake have been detected
shortest in September (autumn). It was the and quantified through the study of various
reverse in April (spring). Such physiologi- animal species (Ardis son et al. 1975; Baker
cal seasonal rhythms must be kept in mind 1953; Campbell 1945; Collier et al. 1972;
to achieve a better understanding of circan- Haberey et al. 1967; Le Magnen 1971a,b;
284 Alain Reinberg




w 50

i i i i
T 20 40 60 80
INSULIN 29.4 pU/ml TIME TO PEAK (min)

Fig. 11. Seasonal differences in the time to attain peak blood insulin levels following an oral
ingestion of 50 g glucose at 0800 in diurnally active subjects dwelling in the Northern Hemisphere
(Nancy, France). Studies were conducted at monthly intervals. Major differences occurred between
April and September. The span of time for insulin to reach its peak height and the level attained at the
peak varied. The peak insulin height for the September as compared to the April test was approxi-
mately 1.5 times higher. The time to reach the peak insulin level was longer in April than in Septem-
ber. (From Mejean et al. 1977, reproduced with permission.)

Margules et aI. 1972), including human be- Pan 1973). Children raised in this manner
ings (Debry et al. 1973, 1977; Halberg and initiate on their own accord, by self-de-
Reinberg 1967; Hellbriigge et al. 1964; mand, eating and rest-activity patterns,
Howe and Berrymann 1945; Reinberg while as much as possible many aspects of
1971a,b; Sargent 1954; Sargent and Sargent the environment, such as temperature and
1950). The respective importance of rhyth- light, are maintained constant. In the new-
mic alterations in the environment acting as born raised in this manner, feeding rhythms
synchronizers and in endogenous factors, of approximately 90 min are characteristic.
with respect to genetic constitution, has In older infants the self-demand schedule
been evaluated in two types of experi- results, by the second and third month of
ments: suppression of known synchroniz- life, in four to five meals per day. In iso-
ers and manipulation of work/rest sched- lated healthy young human adults (Mi-
ules, without changes in meal timing. graine et aI. 1974; Nillus 1967) maintained
Studies of food consumption have been in the constant environmental conditions of
conducted on infants raised under so-called an underground cave for 15 days without
self-demand conditions (Halberg and Rein- time cue and clue, a circadian rhythm with
berg 1967; Hellbriigge et aI. 1964; Martin du about three meals every 24 hr occurs. The
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 285

usual pattern persists with modification nei- erators, ranging in age from 21 to 36 years
ther in the timing and number of meals nor of age (mean, 26.4 years), all working in the
the quantity (calories) and qUality-propor- same department, volunteered to record
tion of proteins, lipids, and carbohy- precisely what and when anything was
drates-of food consumption. eaten. This was done at work and at home
As reported in an earlier section of this each day during 8 consecutive weeks be-
chapter (Aspect 3), manipulation of meal tween late October and early December
timing (e.g., one meal daily as a "big break- 1974. Five subjects were shift workers.
fast" only or as a "big dinner" only) results Two others worked the usual daytime
in a shift of the circadian acrophase of cer- hours and did not participate in shift work.
tain variables only-plasma insulin, gluca- At any time, both at work and at home, all
gon, ketone bodies, NEFA, triglycerides, subjects had free access to a large choice of
and urinary nitrogen. Other variables such cold and hot meals and beverages in unre-
as plasma cortisol and energy expenditure stricted quantities. The participants were
exhibit only very small acrophase shifts, if given specially prepared data sheets-one
any (Apfelbaum et al. 1976a,b; Bazin et al. per 24 hr-to facilitate and standardize the
1979; Goetz et al. 1976). self-recording of food intake and the self-
Another approach besides "isolation" to measurements of selected physiological
assess the respective role of environmental variables performed 5 times/24 hr every
and endogenous factors on eating patterns 4 hr, except during sleep, at fixed clock
is to study the effects of competition be- hours. Subjects were instructed to adhere
tween several synchronizers as experi- to their usual life style and to record each
enced, for example, by shift workers. New ingested item, including snacks, biscuits,
methods have been developed and applied soft and alcoholic beverages, etc., with rel-
to field studies (Reinberg et al. 1971b, 1979; evant particulars such as clock time and the
Halberg et al. 1972; Reinberg et al. 1973a,b) nature (trivial but precise name) as well as
to investigate the effects of changes in the quantity of food intake. Ambiguities or im-
synchronizer schedule on food consump- precisions sometimes encountered in the
tion (including the timing, number, and self-reported data were cleared verbally.
composition of meals) and also on other Five of the employees had been engaged
physiological circadian rhythms of shift in shift work for an average of 2 years, with
workers. In these investigations, a rapid ro- the range being 7 months to 3 years. None
tation of shifts-every 3 to 4 days rather had experienced medical or psychological
than the conventional every 7 days-was problems, and none had experienced body
chosen for study since it is better tolerated weight changes, and could be considered
by employees from a psychological and tolerant of shift work according to both
physiological point of view (Andlauer 1971; clinical and chronobiologic criteria (Rein-
Foret and Benoit 1977; Vieux et al. 1979; berg et al. 1979b,c). The timing of work
Reinberg et al. 1979a-c). The purpose of given in the order of shift rotation was:
the research (Reinberg et al. 1979a,c) was "normal day" from 0745 to 1630; night shift
to answer the following questions related to from 2100 to 0600; morning shift from 0600
the nutrition of shift workers: (1) Is there a to 1300; and evening shift from 1300 to
change in eating habits in terms of meal tim- 2100. The shift duration was 3 to 4 days
ing and number, on the one hand, and in long. Off days, amounting to as many as 29
terms of quality and quantity offood intake days per 100, were scheduled between
on the other hand? (2) Does the timing shifts, mainly after night and morning shift
of major meals playa role in the rate of ad- transitions. The timing of work for the two
justment after changes in the work-rest non-shift workers was that of a normal
schedule? day-from 0745 to 1630-with time off dur-
Seven healthy adult male oil refinery op- ing weekends and special holidays. From a
286 Alain Reinberg

statistical point of view, the small number Lipids. The intake oflipids amounted to
of subjects is balanced by the large mass of about 43% of the total calorie intake/24 hr.
data gathered from each individual, which Nonstatistically significant alterations, with
varied from 180 to 250 recorded food in- a slight decrease during the night shift and a
takes. Since the timing of meals and the slight increase during the normal day work,
corresponding intake of nutrients were re- were observed.
corded continuously, data could be ana- Carbohydrates. The consumption of
lyzed at I-hr intervals in the 24-hr scale. carbohydrates represented about 40% of the
Hourly values were presented as a mean total calorie intake/24 hr. Variation be-
(x 1 SE) for the group of five shift work- tween shifts was not significant. Highest in-
ers and as a mean for the control group (two take occurred while working night shifts;
non-shift workers). Thus, eating behavior lowest ingestion occurred during off days.
was summarized in a set of chronograms In summary, during the night shift em-
showing the number of meals, total calo- ployees ate less fat, more sugar, and an
ries, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates identical amount of protein as compared to
consumed in each situation-during normal when working other shifts. The relative
days, off days, night shifts, etc. Food in- amount of dietary proteins, lipids, and car-
take was expressed as 24-hr means for each bohydrates was similar in shift workers and
variable, situation, and group of subjects. non-shift workers.
For certain variables interindividual differ- Ethanol. The consumption of alco-
ences were minimized by expressing each holic beverages (beer, cider, wine, etc.)
hourly value as a percentage of the total/24 amounted to about 10% of the overall ca-
hr for each variable, type of shift, and sub- loric intake of shift workers. This amount
ject. The average values obtained for pro- was smaller than that of the non-shift
tein, lipid, and carbohydrate intake were workers.
examined both as a percentage of the total
calorie intake and as absolute values (calo-
Number and Timing of Food
Total Calories Ingested During Non-shift workers. Both during normal
24-hr Spans work and during off days the non-shift
Approximately 2000 cal/24 hr were in- workers consumed the main meals of lunch
gested by the shift workers. Small but sta- and supper at fixed times, around 1200 and
tistically significant differences were de- 2000, respectively. Breakfasts were eaten
tected between shifts. Reduced intake early in the morning around 0600 on nor-
occurred while working night shifts (1827 mal days and later about 0900 on off days.
64 cal) and during off days (1849 Snacks were consumed during and after
47 cal). Increased intake occurred while work. Major protein, lipid, and carbohy-
working morning (2090 50 cal) and eve- drate intakes occurred during breakfast,
ning (2013 49 cal) shifts. lunch, and supper. However, carbohy-
drates were eaten between these main
meals during the off days. Overall, about
Relative Nutrient Intake 80% of the total calories/24 hr were taken at
Proteins. The ingestion of proteins was the times of the main meals.
approximately 17% of the total calorie in-
take/24 hr. There was little variance in pro- Shift workers. The number of meals var-
tein consumption by shifts; the relative ied from four during the evening shift to
amount of proteins consumed while work- many more manifested as what can be best
ing each of the shifts as well as the off days described as nibbling behavior during the
was similar. night shift (Fig. 12). However, the main
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 287


% 0,0 0,. 06 1,2 1,6 20 0,0 ~ 00 04 08 12 16 20 00
EVE NINC ) 01 g
/ 11

5H IFT 20~.
1 o
SH IfT ~0 .

l ~
h {l',@ffI C:::;:;;;:;;:::::::JI 8 ~ o ;=====:~
L. ~
% ;z % SLEEP WORK ""
104 OR NINC)
20 MORN INC~~l ~..


10 .i ;. .i-i .J.. 0 SHIFT

o --1V~ .~ ~ "'" o 0-
'I1Mi) I 1fE) ;= D


~~~- ~~'1 ~

10 " A : A a:
o~VVL g
IAitM**l'M @lI :r
~i.TE-? CJ

'NORIo4AL' 301
DAY 10
DAY 20~~
10 ~ O ;::::=.=::; 0:
o 2:
Imw@%#&A I
m 0
% C::::;W;:;O;:;;R;:K=:::J
5HIFT 20
10 1 Z

o '''__-.-J"----......J
Fig.13. Changes of ingested proteins in 5 shift
Fig.n. Changes ofthe meal timings and of the workers. Duration of individual data gather-
ing = 57 days. 100% = total protein intake/24 hr.
number of meals in 5 shift workers, Data re-
Data were calculated on an hourly basis for each
corded by each subject during a 57-day span of
time. 100% = total number of meals/24 hr. Data subject and each shift. Resulting percentages
were averaged. A dot on the curves represents x
were calculated on an hourly basis for each sub-
(with 1 SE Shown as black dots above and/or
ject and each shift. Resulting percentages were
under the line). Statistically significant promi-
averaged. A dot on the curves represents x (with
nent peaks occurred around 1200 (lunch) and
1 SE shown as black dots under and/or above
2000 (supper) with only minor changes from
the line). Prominent peaks are significantly dif-
shift to shift. (From Reinberg et al. 1979a.)
ferent from zero. Large food intakes occurred
around 1200 and 2000. Nibbling behavior sur-
faced during the night shift (bottom). (From
Reinberg et al. 1979a.) lipids (Fig. 14) were ingested mainly during
lunch and supper, even during the night
shift. Two prominent peaks occurred
meals of lunch and supper were maintained around 1200 and 2000 for both lipid and pro-
with their usual timing, around 1200 and tein ingestion. More than 70% of the total
2000, in all work conditions. Other food in- daily consumption of these nutrients oc-
takes took place during breakfast as well as curred during lunch and supper. Breakfast
morning and afternoon snacks, with nib- and snacks were relatively poor in protein
bling during night work. and lipid; however these latter were eaten
Striking differences were seen in the during night work. In contrast, during the
quality and relative quantity of calories in- night shift nutrients as carbohydrates were
gested at each meal. Proteins (Fig. 13) and consumed at short intervals, there being
288 Alain Reinberg


~ ..
00 O( 06 12 16 2.0 00
00 04. 08
12 16 20 00

EvENIN G 30j~. EV ENI NG 30]

SHIFl lO :r
10 10 .~ i.. ..I.

o '"" o ~ .:
I 1[:] '[_-===-:1
---' I CJ
'/, ~Ltfp W ORK
. --'
10 --' 10 ..._ ..:
o <
.... o :3
o ....
~I CJ L.:===:J I CJ
36'j L EP WORK.
10 .....
DAY 20
~ ~ ! ,...
... .....

o O~V\JV~
I I 0
'N OR MA L' 30

'NOR MAL.. 30 j a: 20
DAY 20 ~ DAY 10 j "- :.:
10 o
o ~~L
o ~~;:;;::=:::::l ...
oc %
0 <J)

~lEEP '--W6RK

j <
20 j
)0 10 ;. : .,.." _! " :r
o ........-~_..........J o ~ ~~ cD
c:: ~~ c:: ..:
~r:mI? L>

Fig. 14. Changes of ingested lipids in 5 shift Fig. 15. Changes of ingested carbohydrates in
workers. (See the legends for Figs. 12 and 13.) 5 shift workers. (See the legends for Figs. 12 and
Statistically significant prominent peaks were 13.) Statistically significant prominent peaks oc-
exhibited around 1200 (lunch) and 2000 (supper), curred around 1200 (lunch) and 2000 (supper).
with only minor differences between shifts. However, during the night shift, carbohydrates
(From Reinberg et al. 1979a.) were consumed frequently, giving rise to nib-
bling behavior (7-8 carbohydrate intakes/24 hr,
with some occurring during the span allotted for
day-sleep, when the subject was transiently
about eight peaks in the 24-hr scale as awake) . (From Reinberg et aI. 1979a.)
shown in Fig. 15. Night work and even day
sleep, on the occasion of a brief awakening,
were associated with frequent carbohy-
drate intakes in the form of biscuits, soft was associated with an additional large in-
drinks, and sandwiches. During the other take of calories at breakfast, while that dur-
shifts, a relatively large amount of carbohy- ing the night shift was associated with a
drate was ingested at breakfast and/or in number of brief intakes of carbohydrate-
the morning. However, in all situations, in- rich snacks.
cluding the night shift, peaks of carbohy-
drate intake (10-20% of the 24-hr total) oc-
curred during lunch and supper.
Effects of Work Shifts on
The temporal patterns of calorie con- Physiological Variables
sumption are depicted in Fig. 16. Two Time series of the self-measurements of bi-
prominent peaks occurred around 1200 and ological functions as well as the analyses of
2000 when working shifts, including the the urinary samples were examined using
night and morning ones, as well as during the Single Cosinor method (Chap. 2). End
the off days. Work during the morning shift point and confidence interval estimates for
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 289

TIME (CLOC K HOURSI ranging from approximately 4.40 hr for

00 04 08 I .2 1.6 2.0 00
% the rhythms of urinary K+ (P < 0.001), 17-
'" hydroxycorticosteroids-17-0HCS (P <
SHIfT 20
1 cr
o 0.0005), and vanillylmandelic acid-VMA
o ~ts::~:.,"X:i.': Bj: :i:~~ji:~j..,-:i1}ll)~ ...:z: (P < 0.005) to about 6 hr for urinary Na+
and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid-5-HIAA
% " (P < 0.002). A phase advance in the work
MORNING 3 0 . ""

SHIFT 20~'
i schedule of about 8.50 hr when going from
the night to morning shift was followed on
o ....
< the second or the third day by a a</> ranging
IisttE't \CI::;;W;;O:;;:R;:K::J o
.... from approximately 4 hr for the rhythm of
OFF- urinary K+ (P < 0.0005), 17-0HCS (P <
DAYS 0.01), and 5-HIAA (P < 0.005) to approxi-
mately 6 hr for urinary VMA and Na+ (P <
0.0005). These a</>'s in the urinary variables
were similar to the a</> ,s of the physical var-
'j. ~ iables. For all the variables, the adjustment
NORMAL 30 ~ 0
was rapid. However, the a</>'s remained
DAY 20
10 1 :z:
Q" smaller than the changes in the synchro-
o nizer (work-rest) shifts.
8 ~
u Changes in the Eating Patterns of
.... Shift Workers
'" Based upon earlier studies of workers of
c::: ~
7: the same oil refinery, the consumption of
carbohydrates was found to be lower when
Fig. 16. Changes of ingested calories in 5 shift studied in 1974 than it was when studied in
workers. (See the legends for Figs. 12 and 13.) 1963. On the other hand, fat consumption
Statistically significant prominent peaks were seemed to be higher (Vieux et al. 1963).
found around 1200 (lunch) and 2000 (supper), Shift workers, like many others nowadays,
with only minor changes between shifts, includ-
prefer having their meals at the company
ing the night shift, despite the fact that nibbling
behavior for carbohydrates was displayed. cafeteria instead of bringing homemade
(From Reinberg et aI. 1979a.) sandwiches. The observed changes over
the ll-year span in the consumption of
nutrients might be due to many things
such as socioeconomic factors, the type of
circadian acrophases, amplitudes, and 24- work, the nature of the sample, as well as
hr rhythm-adjusted means were derived for geographic influences. These must be con-
each day and each variable. A phase shift in sidered when comparing nutrition data of
the work-rest schedule was followed in all different studies. The shift workers studied
cases by an acrophase shift, a</>, of the by Debry et al. (1967) consumed on the av-
studied variables (Reinberg et al. 1973b; erage, 2809 caV24 hr, with 13.6% proteins,
Vieux et al. 1979). 39.4% lipids, and 46.9% carbohydrates. De-
In this group of five selected shift work- spite minor differences between the recent
ers, a rapid a</> followed after either a phase and earlier studies, the results of the two
advance or a phase delay of the subjects' seem to be similar: (1) protein ingestion was
synchronization. A phase delay of 7.25 hr not influenced by shift work; it remained
in synchronizer schedule when changing constant, at least when expressed as a per-
from the normal day to the night shift was centage of the total calorie intake/24 hr and
followed on the second or third day by a a</> (2) major food intakes occurred with the
290 Alain Reinberg

main meals: 37-42% at lunch and 33-33.5% ty-rest schedule, is able to shift the
at supper (Debry et al. 1967; Reinberg et al. acrophases of a limited number of explored
1979a). variables, such as urinary nitrogen (Apfel-
In our chronobiologic study, the most baum et al. 1976) as well as plasma insulin
striking observation was the manifestation and glucagon (Goetz et al. 1976). Under the
of a "nibbling" behavior during the night conditions of our reported study, shift
shift. In fact, this ultradian rhythm (with work represented an alteration in the tim-
T == 3 hr) resembles that of infants raised on ing of rest and activity in the 24-hr scale
self-demand schedules (Halberg and Rein- but not in the timing of lunch and supper.
berg 1967; Hellbriigge et al. 1964; Martin du Nevertheless, shift work was associated
Pan 1973). However, this nocturnal intake with the occurrence of rapidly accomp-
offood consisted mainly, if not exclusively, lished acrophase shifts in the following cir-
of carbohydrates. Moreover, shift work cadian rhythms: sleep onset and termina-
and particularly the occurrence of such nib- tion, mood and fatigue self-ratings, random
bling behavior did not result in a major number addition test, heart rate, peak ex-
change in either the mean 24-hr calorie in- piratory flow, grip strength, and systolic
take or in the percentage of calories as pro- blood pressure as well as the urinary excre-
teins. This constitutes an argument in favor tions of water, K+, Na+, 17-0HCS, cate-
of precise physiological control of food in- cholamines (VMA), and 5-HIAA.
take for both the total amount of calories The constancy in the timing of the major
and the percentage consumption of calories meals, around 1200 and 2000, coexisting
as protein by man, since nutritional balance with dcf>'s resulting from shift work leads
continued to persist even when environ- one to conclude that meal timing had a mi-
mental factors, in this case those associated nor synchronizing effect, if any, on the
with shift work, were manipulated. In con- studied physiological variables. In other
nection with this, the duration of sleep was words, the alternation of the activity-rest
similar during the night and morning shifts schedule in the 24-hr scale as well as corre-
(~6 hr) on the one hand, and during the sponding changes in the social routine re-
evening shift, normal day, and off day on lated to shift work appear to be a more
the other (~8.5 hr) (Andlauer 1971; Foret powerful and effective synchronizer of bio-
and Benoit 1977; Reinberg et al. 1973b; logical rhythms than meal timing (Reinberg
Vieux et al. 1979). Therefore, it seems logi- et al. 1979a).
cal to consider that the "nibbling" behavior
which occurred doing the night shifts was
related to the odd hours of sleep and wake-
Chronobiological Aspects of
fulness rather than to a change in the dura- Ethanol Metabolism Related to
tion of sleep. Neither the timing nor the du- Nutrition
ration of the hours of work at the refinery When addressing chronobiologic aspects of
per se exhibited a synchronizing effect on nutrition, it is pertinent to discuss the me-
the rhythm of food consumption or the tabolism and effects of ethanol when given
other studied rhythms (Reinberg et al. at different times. Ethanol can be consid-
1973b, 1979a-c). ered either a drug or a nutrient. Circadian
variations in the blood level and the effect
Timing of Major Meals Does Not of ethanol on healthy adult men have been
investigated (Reinberg et al. 1975a). Six
Play a Role in the Adjustment of healthy adult male volunteers, 22 to 26
the Shift Worker years of age, synchronized to diurnal activ-
Other experiments have shown that in hu- ity from 0700 to 0000 and nocturnal rest,
man beings a change in the timing of food were given a set dosage of ethanol (0.67 g/
intake, without an alteration in the activi- kg body weight) in a series of four tests
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 291

scheduled at weekly intervals to evaluate with the peak corresponding neither to the
the effects of alcohol ingestion at different clock-hour administration of greatest
times-0700, 1100, 1900, and 2300. Prior to ethanolemia nor to that of the peak of other
being given ethanol, each subject was chronopharmacokinetic variations. This in-
fasted for 12 hr. Tests for assessing psycho- fers the sensitivity of the brain to ethanol is
logical state and performance (self-rating of not phase related to its metabolism.
mood, physical vigor, and inebriety; tempo
and random number addition test), physical
state (heart rate, systolic and diastolic
Endogenicity of the Circadian
blood pressure, peak expiratory flow, oral Periodicity of Metabolic Processes
temperature, and grip strength), blood con- The endogenicity of the circadian rhythms
stituents (plasma ethanol, cortisol, lactic of metabolic and hormonal processes must
acid, pyruvic acid, glucose, and erythro- be considered as important background
cyte K+), and urinary variables (volume, when attempting to understand the biope-
epinephrine, norepinephrine, and 5-HIAA) riodic changes of nutrient metabolism (As-
were conducted at 4-hr intervals during pect 4). Apfelbaum and his colleagues
work and at home during the waking span. (1971), as well as Reinberg (1973b), viewed
The parameters characterizing the etha- the persistence of circadian rhythmicity in
nol pharmacokinetics (chronopharmaco- respiratory quotient (RQ = VC0 2FV02 ) of
kinetics) varied in a circadian manner (P < subjects adhering to a 220 cal/24 hr protein
0.05). The peak height of ethanolemia as diet a result of the predominance of gluco-
well as the time to peak were greater when neogenesis at certain times of the day and
ethanol was ingested at 0700 than at any glycolysis at others. The existence of such
other time. Also, a circadian rhythm in the alternation in "fuel" production and utili-
biosystem's susceptibility (chronesthesy, zation over time (24 hr) constitutes another
see Chap. 6) was demonstrated (P < 0.05) demonstration that cell functions are pro-

Table 3. Circannual Rhythm in the Respiratory Quotient VC0 2IV0 2 of Five Healthy Young
Age Weight Height detection Mesor Mb
Sex (years) (kg) (cm) P value 1 SE Amplitude Ab,c Acrophase e/;"
M 34 52.9 161 <0.022 0.850 0.015 16 September
0.004 (0.005 to 0.025) (21 Aug. to 23 Sept.)
M 28 60.1 170 >0.05 0.833 12 July
F 30 53.4 163 <0.05 0.836 0.021 25 October
0.006 (0.006 to 0.036) (12 Sept. to 7 Dec.)
F 19 55.6 163 <0.006 0.832 0.020 27 August
0.004 (0.010 to 0.030) (31 July to 24 Sept.)
F 24 55.5 158 >0.05 0.764 2 August
Pooled data of all subjects. M <0.0001 100 0.2 1.4 8 September
and A as % of the individual (0.8 to 2) (15 Aug. to 2 Oct.)
monthly mean/yr
a American citizens living in Buffalo, N.Y., adhering to a controlled diet. Measurements were performed
between 0800 and 1000 under strictly basal conditions after a -12-hr fast. There were 2-20 measurements/subject!
month during, respectively, 24, 24, 13, 13, and 12 consecutive months.
b M and A as RQ = VC0 2rV0 2 except for the bottom row.

e Information in parentheses is 95% Confidence Limit (CL); when rhythms not detected, A and CL not given.

Source: Reanalysis (Single Cosinor) of data published by F.R. Griffith et al. (1929).
292 Alain Reinberg

gramed, by the very nature of their tem- responding to the reverse. During the
poral morphology, for different activities anaphase (summer), tissues and organs
at different times (see Chap. 3). The "expect" to use carbohydrate, available in
acrophase of the RQ circadian rhythm, large amount, as the chief source of fuel
meaning a timing of values closer to 1.0, and to store fat for the anticipated span of
occurs when the organism uses predomi- inactivity. During the cataphase (winter)
nantly carbohydrate as fuel. Under the ex- the metabolism of stored fat occurs either
perimental conditions of the protein-re- by direct utilization or by gluconeogenesis.
stricted diet study previously described in In spite of some qualifications (Reinberg
this chapter, the RQ ~ occurs at 1147 with 1974c), Sargent's hypothesis concerning
the 95% confidence internal ranging be- the alternation of lipid and carbohydrate
tween 0748 and 1546. At the ~, the RQ is metabolism during the course of the year is
approximately 0.746, while at the trough 12 a very stimulating one. In fact, indirect evi-
hr later it is about 0.724. The difference be- dence supports it. First, circannual changes
tween the RQ peak and trough values is of body weight have been found in North
statistically significant, P < 0.04 (Table 3 American infants (Sargent 1954) as well as
and Figs. 2 and 3). This finding is consistent in school aged German children (Hilde-
with the persistence in fasting mice of the brandt 1962) with the peak between late
circadian rhythm of liver glycogen (Haus summer and early fall. In nonobese healthy
and Halberg 1966). human males living in France (Lagoguey
and Reinberg 1981), the circannual crest of
body weight was found in September-Octo-
Conclusion ber, at a time when the annual acrophase of
It is likely that circadian and circannual plasma testosterone occurred (Lagoguey et
rhythms in general represent adaptive al. 1976; Reinberg and Lagoguey 1980).
phenomena when considered from the Second, the existence of a circannual
perspective of the reproduction and sur- rhythm in respiratory quotient (RQ) dem-
vival of species. From a nutritional point of onstrated by Griffith et al. (1929) consti-
view, this hypothesis was suggested by tutes additional evidence for Sargent's hy-
Sargent in 1954. Circannual changes in the pothesis. Time series published by Griffin
eating behavior of children (presumably as and his colleagues (1929) reanalyzed using
yet not altered by either social or educa- the Single Cosinor revealed that the circan-
tional influences) are considered the ex- nual acrophase occurred between midsum-
pression of adaptive phenomena by our mer and midfall (Table 3). It seems that at
species to annual changes in food availabil- this time of year the human organism uses
ity, e.g., carbohydrates and fat. The im- carbohydrates as a major source of energy;
plicit mechanism is metabolic in nature. this is not the case during winter. Third, the
Seasonal variations are envisioned as being circannual rhythmicity in insulin respon-
governed by nutritional demands and "ex- siveness to the oral glucose tolerance test is
pectations" of tissues, which are signaled also supportive (Campbell et al. 1975; Me-
by annual changes in the daily photoperiod jean et al. 1977). The quickest and greatest
and/or other environmental factor(s) serv- response of plasma insulin seems to occur
ing as stimuli. From an evolutionary per- during the fall, September (Fig. 11), when
spective, Sargent perceived the annual the availability of carbohydrate apparently
rhythm to be biphasic, consisting of an ana- was greatest for our ancestors. The similar-
phase (from the beginning of spring until ity in results obtained by Campbell et al.
the end of summer) corresponding to the (1975) and Mejean et al. (1977) in both the
duration of activity and preparation for in- Northern and Southern Hemispheres with
activity, and a cataphase (from the begin- regard to actual season rather than calendar
ning of autumn until the end of winter) cor- month suggests that day length (photope-
7: Chronobiology and Nutrition 293

riod) may serve as an appropriate signal for equally important consideration as what
these circannual rhythms. is consumed. Since metabolic activities dis-
Obviously, circannual changes in the play circadian rhythms to such a great ex-
eating behavior of children (Sargent 1954; tent, as exemplified by the relative predom-
Debry et al. 1973, 1975) and in their weight inance of glycolysis in the morning in
gain, with a peak between late summer and diurnally active human beings, one can ex-
early autumn, cannot be explained only by pect that food as fuel might to some extent
the circannual change in insulin responsive- be "wasted" when taken in the morning
ness and related effects. Nevertheless, a and "stored" when taken in the evening. In
coherent body of knowledge suggests that experiments by Halberg, "breakfast-only"
autumn corresponds in time to the peak of versus "supper-only" once-a-day meal
carbohydrate consumption in young chil- schedules were compared for body weight
dren, plasma insulin response to oral GTT, maintenance. A trend toward weight gain
as well as RQ in young adults. Moreover, occurred when the single daily meal of 2000
many other physiological functions change calories was consumed at 2000. A trend to-
over the year. This includes, for example, ward weight loss was observed when the
circannual rhythms in levels of hormones single daily meal was consumed at 0800. In
such as plasma testosterone, growth hor- conclusion, we agree with Halberg (1969,
mone, thyroid stimulating hormone, thy- 1974), who reemphasized that "we are not
roxin, cortisol, catecholamines, aldoster- only what we eat but when we eat. "
one, and others (Lagoguey and Reinberg The possible implications of circadian
1976, 1981). These as well as other tempo- and circannual rhythms in nutrient effects
ral variabilities over the year have to be and metabolism require further study with
taken into account for a better understand- regard to long-term effects, such as one's
ing of circannual changes in metabolic and risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
nutritional processes. In addition, the fact Similarly, the implication of a once-a-day
that the annual peak time of a set of anabo- chronobiologically scheduled "big break-
lizing factors occurs around autumn has to fast" or "big supper" meal timing for peo-
be kept in mind when tentatively viewing ple dwelling in countries where the supply
biological rhythmicity as an adaptive phe- of food is highly restricted is intriguing, yet
nomenon serving to enable (physiological) requiring evaluation.
preparedness for environmental alteration
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Abortion, 139-140 Biological sampling, 28-29, 32-33

Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) Biorhythm, 2
chronoptinrization, 242-247 Birth, 135-142
time-qualified adnrinistration, 251-253 circadian rhythms and, 134-137
Adriamycin chronotherapy, 1I9, 121, 122-123 circannual rhythms and, 137-142
Albumin metabolism, liver, 69-71 Blood pressure, see also Hypertension
Alcohol intake, and shift workers, 286 and circadian rhythm, 162
Allergy, 142-155; see also specific allergy diastolic, 165
asthma, 142-150 systolic, 165
atopic dermatitis, 150--151 Blood variables, 34
dyspnea, 142-148 Breast cancer, 181
hay fever, 142 Bronchial patency, 34
urticaria, 151 Brush border enzymes, 65
Analgesic agents, 268
Anesthesia, 215-216
Angina pectoris, 161-162
Antibacterial agents, 221 Calorie intake, 268; see also Nutrition
Anticancerous agents, 221 Cancer, breast, 181
Antidepressant agents, 215-217 Carbohydrate intake, and shift workers, 286
Antihistl!-nrin~s, 239
Carboxylesterase, 58
1-,6-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C) chronother- Carcinostatic medication, 248-249
apy, 1I5-118 Cardiovascular chronopathology, 155-172
combined with cyclophosphamide, 1I8-119 angina pectoris, 161-162
Arthritis, rheumatoid, 189-192 cardiovascular morbidity, 168-172
Asthma cerebral infarction, 162
circadian rhythms of, 142-148 hypertension, 164-168
circamensual rhythms of, 148-149 intracerebral hemorrhage, 162-164
circannual rhythms of, 149-150 myocardial infarct, 156-160
Astronomical clocks, 2 Cell(s)
Autorhythmometric method, 4 circadian rhythms in, 49-65; see also Cellular
division, 50, 107-111; see also Cell proliferation
gestation time, 106-107
Benzodiazepine, 239 kinetic studies, 106-107
Biological clock, 7 membrane, 64-65
302 Index

Cell(s) (cont.) Chronopharmacokinetics, 217-232; see also Chro-

morphology, see Cellular morphology nopharmacology
nuclei, 49 analgesic and nonsteroid-antiinflammatory agents,
organelles, see Cytoplasm 218
phases of, 67-68 antibacterial agents, 221
waste, autophagic breakdown, 59-60 anticancerous agents, 221
Cell proliferation, 79-125 biomechanisms and changes, 227-228
and cell-kinetic studies, 106-107 circadian changes in plasma proteins, 231
chemotherapy and radiotherapy, 115-125 corticosteroid, 226-227
chemotherapy of Ll210 leukemia, see Che- digitalis, 219
motherapy ethanol, 223-226
equal toxicity principle, 118 kidney metabolic pathways, 229-230
host toxicity rhythms, 115-116 liver metabolic pathways, 228
more than two drug combination, 119 meal timing and, 230
two-drug combination, 118-121 neurologic drugs, 220
in rodent studies, 79-83 pharmacokinetic curve and medication administra-
DNA synthesis rhythms, 83-87 tion, 227
and in vitro cell division, 107-111 physicochemical drug properties, 230-231
mechanisms of, 103-106 practical implications, 231
synchronization, 87-102 precision, 231
LD cycle and, 88-90 propranolol, 219
LD cycle absence and, 90-93 psychiatric drugs, 220
meal timing and, 93-101 theophylline, 219
sleep-wake cycle and, 101-102 Chronopharmacology, clinical, 211-254
and tumors, 111-115 development of, 212-217
animal models, 111-113 drug optimization, 240-250
human models, 113-115 new concepts in, 217-240
Cellular morphology, 47-73 chronergy of chemical and physical substances,
circadian rhythms in cells, 49-65 233-240
cell division, 50 chronesthesy of a biosystem, 232-233
cytoplasm, 54-65; see also Cytoplasm chronopharmacokinetics, 217-232; see also
interface nucleus, 51-54 Chronopharmacokinetics
functional morphology, 65-73 time-qualified hormone administration, 250-252
Cerebral infarction, 162 Circadian rhythms
Chemical substances, chronergy of, 233-240 and angina pectoris, 161-162
Chemotherapy, 115-125 and asthma, 142-148
equal toxicity principle, 118 and atopic dermatitis, 150-151
host toxicity rhythms, 115-116 and birth, 134-137
of Ll210 leukemia and blood pressure, 162; see also Hypertension
more than two drugs, 119 diastolic, 165
single drug, 116-118 systolic, 164
two-drug combination, 118-121 and breast cancer, 181
Children, eating behavior in, 266, 284, 292 a,nd cells, 49-65
Chossat phenomenon, 268-274 cell division, 50, 107-111
Chronergy, of chemical and physical substances, cell proliferation, 79-125; see also Cell prolifer-
233-240 ation
Chronesthesy, biosystem, 232-233 cytoplasm, 54-65; see also Cytoplasm
Chronobiology, definition of, I interface nucleus, 51-54
Chronodesm, and single datum problem, 41-42 and cerebral infarction, 162
Chronograms,40-41 and chemotherapy, 115-125
Chronopathology, 131-195 and duodenal ulcer, 184-186
of allergy, 142-155 and dyspnea, 142-148
of birth, 135-142 and ebriety, 236
of breast cancer, 181 and epilepsy, 172-173
cardiovascular, 155-172 and fever, 175-176
of glaucoma, 181-183 and food intake
of infectious diseases, 175-181 ethanol metabolism, 290-291
investigative methodologies, 132-134 ethogenicity of, 291-292
of pain, 183-193 and meal timing, 274-280
and progressive dystonia, 193 near-fasting or dietary restriction, 268-274
Index 303

Circadian rhythms (cont.) cis-Diammine dichloroplatinum (cis-DDP), 248-249

nutrient metabolism, 280-282 Dietary restriction, 268-274; see also Nutrition
shift workers, 283-290 Digitalis, 219
spontaneous, 266, 267 Digoxin, 227
functional morphology, 65-73 Diurnal variation, in intractable pain, 189
and glaucoma, 181-183 DNA concentration, 52-54
and grip strength, 191 DNA synthesis, 83-87, 103-106
and hay fever, 142 Drug absorption, 231
and headache, 186-187 Drug elimination, 231
and hypertension, 164-168 Drug optimization, 240-250
and infectious diseases, 175-176 Drug regimens, in chemotherapy, see Chemotherapy
and intracerebral hemorrhage, 162-164 Duodenal ulcer, 184-186
and joint circumference, 191 Dyspnea, 142-148
and myocardial infarct, 156-160 Dystonia, 193
and osteoarthritis pain, 192-193
and proteins, plasma, 231 Eating patterns, and shift workers, 289-290; see also
and radiotherapy, 115-125 Shift workers
and rheumatoid arthritis pain, 189-192 Ebriety, 236
and sleepiness, 236 Enzymes, temporal variations, 47
and toothache, 188-189 Epilepsy
Circamensual rhythms circadian rhythms and, 172-173
and asthma, 148-149 circamensual rhythms and, 173-175
and epilepsy, 173-175 Equal toxicity principle, and chemotherapy, 118
and fever, 176, 178 Ergastoplasm, 57-59
and glaucoma, 181-183 Ethanol
and headache, 188 chronergic effects of, 236-238
and infectious diseases, 176-178 chronopharmacokinetics, 223-226
and urticaria, 151 metabolism, 290-291
Circannual rhythms Ethical requirements, in investigative methodology,
and asthma, 149-150 34
and birth, 137-142
and calorie intake, 268
and cardiovascular morbidity, 168-172
Fasting, 268-274; see also Nutrition
and food intake
Feeding behavior, see Meal timing
nutrient metabolism, 280-282
spontaneous, 266
circadian rhythms and, 175-176
anf infectious diseases, 178-181
circamensual rhythms and, 176, 178
and sexually transmitted diseases, 178-181
"Flower clock," 3
Circaseptan rhythm, and headache, 187-188
Food deprivation, see Dietary restriction; Fasting;
Corticosteroids, 214
chronopharmacokinetics, 226-227
Food intake, see Nutrition
chronoptimization, 240-242
Food restriction, and synchronization, 274-280; see
Cosinor methods, in time series analysis, 35-39
also Nutrition
Cyclophosphamide chronotherapy
Fourier transform, 35
combined with adriamycin, 119, 121
combined with ara-C, 118-119
Cytoplasm, circadian rhythms of, 54-65
brush border, 65 Gastrin secretion, 269, 271
cell membrane, 64-65 Geographic location, in investigative methodology,
ergatoplasm, 57-59 30
golgi apparatus, 63-64 Glaucoma
lysosomes, 59-63 circadian rhythms and, 181-183
mitochondria, 55-57 circamensual rhythms and, 183
paraplasm, 65 Glucose-6-phosphatase, 58
Glucose tolerance test, and nutrient intake timing,
Data collection, see Biologic sampling Glycogen metabolism, liver, 69-71
Data quality, 33-34 Golgi apparatus, 63-64
Daunomycin, 123 Gonadotropin, 250-251
Dermatitis, atopic, 150-151 Gonorrhea, 178-181
304 Index

Grip strength, 191 Labor onset, 134

Growth factor, epidermal, and DNA synthesis, 103- LD cycle, see Light-dark cycle
106 Least squares method, in Cosinor, 35
Leukemia, chemotherapy in, 115-125; see also Che-
Hay fever, 142 Light-dark (LD) cycle
Headache and cell division, 107-111
circadian rhythm and, 186-187 and cell proliferation rhythms, 88-90, 103
circamensual rhythm and, 188 absence of, 90-93
circaseptan rhythm and, 187-188 in investigative methodology, 23-28
Hemorrhage, intracerebral, 162-164 mitochondria, 56-57
Hepatocytes, 69-71 and nutrition, 275
Historical perspective, 1-17 Lighting regimen, see Light-dark cycle
Homeostasis, and disease, 152-155 Lipid intake, and shift workers, 286
Homeostatic hypothesis, 14-16,211-212 Lithium, 215-217
Hormones Liver
and chronopharmacological changes, 250-252 drug clearance, 231
temporal variations, 47 homogenates, 62
Host toxicity rhythms, and chemotherapy, 115-116 metabolic pathways, 228-229
Human chorionic gonadotropin, 247-248 Longitudinal sampling, 32
Hypertension, 164-168 Lysosomes, 59-63
Hyperthermia, 175-176
Hypothermia, 175-176, 236-237

Magnetic field changes, and synchronization, 29

Indomethacin, 238-239 Malformations, congenital, 140-142
Infant eating behavior, 266 Meal timing, see also Nutrition
Infectious diseases and cell proliferation, 93-101, 103
circadian rhythms, 175-176 and circadian rhythms, 274-280
circamensual rhythms, 176-178 duration of food restriction, 277-278
circannual rhythms, 178-181 meal composition, 279-280
Insulin effectiveness physiological factors, 278-279
circadian variations, 282 and pharmacokinetics, 230
circannual variations, 282-283 and shift workers, 290
Interindividual variation, in rhythm characteristics, Melphalan, 123
30-31 Mequitazine, 227
Interphase nuclei, 51-54 Mitochondria, 55-57
DNA concentration, 52-54 Mitotic activity, 50
polyploidy, 51-52 Myocardial infarct, 157-160
ultrastructure, 51
Intracerebral hemorrhage, 162-164
Investigative methodology, 16-17,23-43
chronobiologic studies of individuals, 30-31 Neonatal birth weight, 139
chronodesm and single datum, 41-42 Neonate vitality, 134-137
data sampling and gathering, 32-33 Neurologic drugs, 220
ethical requirements, 34 Nibbling behavior, in shift workers, 287
quality of data, 33-34 Nonsteroid-antiinflammatory agents, 218
synchronizers, 23-30 L-Noradrenaline, 250
time series analysis, 34-42 Nuclei, interphase, see Interphase nuclei
Cosinor methods, 35-39 5 '-Nucleotidase, 64-65
general considerations, 34-35 Nutrient metabolism, 280-282
time series display as chronograms and plexo- Nutrition, 265-293
grams, 40-41 bioperiodic changes in nutrient metabolism, 280-
endogenicity of circadian rhythms and, 291-292
Jet lag, 31 ethanol metabolism and, 290-291
Joint circumference, 191 near-fasting or dietary restriction, 268-274
shift workers and, 283-290; see also Shift workers
spontaneous food intake, 266-267
Kidney metabolic pathways, 229-230 timed and restricted food duration, 274-280
Index 305

On-off states, in monofunctional cells, 69 Shift workers (cont.)

Osteoarthritis, 192-193 eating pattern changes, 289-290
ethanol, 286
lipids, 286
Pain, 183-193 meal timing and, 286-288, 290
duodenal ulcer, 184-186 physiological variables, 288-289
headache, 186-188 protein, 286
intractable, 189 Sleep
osteoarthritis, 192-193 chronopharmacologic studies, 215, 216
rheumatoid arthritis, 189-192 circadian rhythms and, 236
toothache, 188-189 Sleep-wake cycle, and cell proliferation, 101-102
Paraplasm, 65 Spirometry, 34
Peak expiratory flow, 34 Stillbirth, 139-140
Periodogram,41 Succinate dehydrogenase activity, in mitochondria,
Phagolysosomes, 59, 60 55-56
Physical substances, chronergy of, 233-240 Suprachiasmatic nucleus, 276
Physiochemical reference value interpretation, 41-42 Synchronization, and cell proliferation, 87-102; see
Plethysmography, 34 also Cell proliferation
Plexograms, 40-41 Synchronizers, 23-30
Poisons, see Toxic substances Syphilis, 178-181
Polyploidy, 51-52
PrimaIin, 227
Propranolol, 219 Temporal structure, 10
Protein diet, 271-274; see also Nutrition and shift Theophylline, 219, 231-232
workers, 286 Thiamine pyrophosphatase, 64
Proteins, plasma, 231 Time series analysis, 34-42
Psychiatric drugs, 220 Cosinor methods, 35-39
Psychosocial considerations, and therapeutic mea- general considerations, 34-35
sures, 211 time series display as chronograms and plexo-
grams, 40-41
Toothache, 188-189
Quiadon, 239 Toxic substances, 73
Tranquilizers, 31
Transmeridian flight, 31
Radiation, cosmic, 29 Transverse sampling, 32
Radiotherapy, 115 Tumors, cell proliferation in, 111-115
Respiratory infections, 178 animal models, 111-113
Rheumatoid arthritis pain, 189-192 human models, 113-115
RNA structures, 58-59 Twin studies, 31

Sexual activity, 138-139 Ulcer, duodenal, 184-186

Sexually transmitted diseases, 178-181 Ultradian rhythms, and food intake, 283-290
Shift workers Urticaria, 151
and chronergic studies, 239-240
nutrient intake of, 283-290
carbohydrates, 286 Vincristine, 123

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