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Gabriela Carrin Vivar

February 02, 2017.

Universidad Politcnica Salesiana Sede Cuenca

Electronics Engineering

Often, we hear the term Professional Ethics, but we dont have clear the meaning of these
context and almost all the time, its meaning is confused with the term Deontology.
In the following document it is presented a clearly definition about Ethics and Professional
Ethics, also it is presented their influence in people and their workspace.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 2 Development ...................................................................................................... 2
Professional Ethics .......................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 3 Conclusions. ...................................................................................................... 3
List of References ............................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1


Professional Ethics is a derivation of the General Ethics, and its focused in the

moral behavior of people in a determined profession. In this context, each profession has

its own Code of Ethics according to the laws and rules that professionals have to comply.

It is important to highlight that this term studies the contents of the normative collective a

professional collective.

As follows, it will be presented a better definition for this concept and finally, it will

make a conclusion about it.


Chapter 2


Professional Ethics

In the Dictionary of Science and Communication, Ethics is defined as the

philosophical-normative and theoretical-practical science that studies the individual and

social issues of the person about the morality in the human acts, under the human reason

having always as aim the honesty.

The term Professional Ethics rules the behavior of a professional in his/her work

activity. A lot of authors define this term in their own ways, two of the most interesting

definitions are:

The ethics of a profession is the set of rules, in terms of which we define as good

or bad, a practice and professional relationship. The good refers to the fact that the

profession constitutes a community aimed at achieving of a certain purpose (Vaillarini)

.. has as aim clarify the obligations and dilemmas of a professional class that

works with the acquisition, processing and dissemination of the information for

individuals and society (Bustamante Rodrguez)

From these definitions, we can say in our own words Professional Ethics is the

branch of Ethics that include the rules and normative that a professional must to comply

while he/she is doing his/her work activities, following the moral and ethics principles.

Chapter 3


The professional ethics can be defined as the area that designates to professional

how his/her work have to be done based in the conception of the good and bad and that

its stipulated in the legislation as the rules that all people must to comply as good


Finally, its important to highlight that professional ethics are the rules that all

person, independently of his/her professional work, has to comply as part of the laws to

live in community.

List of References

Colindres O, Anayely. Definicin de tica professional segn varios autores.

Kant, Immanuel. Fundamentacin de la metafisica de las costumbres.

Del Arco, J. (2004). tica para la sociedad de la red. Ed. Dykinson, S.L., Madrid.

Mostern, J. (2006) La naturaleza humana Ed. Espasa Calpe, Madrid

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