GETvalet Case Study

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Get Valet


As a valet driver, I find it difficult to keep track of customers information, and taking tips is always an awkward situation with physical cash.


A valet drivers app allowing electronic tracking of tips to avoid cash confusion. Also, the ability to track dropped off cars, and requesting pick-up of cars
through an online request system.

My Role
UX Skills
This was a collaborative effort with two of my colleagues.
User Research I Sketching I User Personas I Mood Boards I Over the course of three weeks, I was responsible for user
Comparative/Competitive Analysis I Sitemap I User flow | research, sketching, wireframing, comparative/competitive
Prototyping | Affinity Mapping analysis, user testing, and compiling our work into a
stakeholder presentation deck.

UX Tools Outcome
Stakeholders were impressed by our outcome, and
Axure | Sketch | Invision | Keynote | the three of us were offered positions to work with
GETvalet under an extended three-month contract.


Competitive Analysis

There are several valet driver applications on the market currently. However, I analyzed the top three, which are featured below:

Luxe Parche Parqer

Pricing: $5/hour, $15/day max Pricing: Set by location Pricing: Convenience fee up to 1%/location
Area of Service: San Francisco Area of service: Chicago Area of Service: Texas
Queue: No queue system at this time Queue: Timer starts with request Queue: Pay from anywhere with online pay system
Tipping structure: Not required Tipping structure: Not required Tipping structure: No tip required

Comparative Analysis

Utilizing features that valet drivers would be comfortable with and feel a sense of familiarity was key when designing this app. Providing a
product that can instill confidence while at work can lead to a greater sense of productivity and a higher rate of efficiency.

Scanning feature

Barcodes are familiar in many different products that valet drivers also use. The simplicity of scanng a QR code/barcode on your phone
allows for a convenient utilization of a service that would otherwise take a couple of steps to get the hang of.

Google Chrome Snapchat

User Research
It was vital to collect user research from those who we are actually designing this mobile app for: the valet drivers in the Atlanta area. I
designed a survey, and distributed it across various outlets, including facebook channels, subreddit channels, and via valets located at
popular Atlanta establishments, including Ponce City Market and Lenox Square.

On average, how much of your weekly income is as a Is valet parking your main source of income?
result of customer tips?

>60% Main
45-60% Supplemental
No tips

Sample Size
65 valet drivers
Age range of valet drivers

User Personas
After synthesizing the survey results, I was able to compile a user persona of what our average valet would be feeling, wanting out of a valet
experience, and common frustrations that prevent the valet from properly doing his job to the best of his ability.

Jeremy the Valet Driver Goals

-Collect ticket informatiobn quickly
-Collect user contact information to track through the valet process
-See the valet history with the user as it occurs
-Notification system for when a customer requests their vehicle
-When strangers are mean to me

-Keeping up with the keys
-Customers dont have cash to tip
-Lost valet ticket
-Customers not tipping appropriately
-Parking and vehicle retrieval system has a time delay


Mood Board and Style Guide

The GETvalet valet side app is meant to be used inconspicuously, as to not attract attention, and create a sense of sleekness and trendiness.
A style guide was created utilizing colors that give off a daring but not impulsive tone. Our GETvalet app is very unique, but not unfamiliar
and foreign to the average person. The valet using this app should feel confident that their productivity will increase, but not to the point of
having to not work at a high level. For the consumer, it should be accessible to all, but at the same time be seen as a product that is reliable,
exciting, and enhances the quality of life.

Main User Flow

Before pulling out any pen, paper, computer, or tablet, a sense of design order must be administered and laid out in an efficient manner. As
part of our design process, I helped to organize our data into a plan of action on how our information architecture would be managed.
There are three user flows to take into account: the main user flow, which is how the entire Valet side app will function.

User Flow

Parked and Requested User Flows

My team also had to account for the flow of when a vehicle is parked and also requested. As seen below, there is a very specific set of
requirements that must be met before the next step can be accounted for.

Early Sketches

My early sketches accounted for the location aspect of the app, which would correspond to where the valet would be working during their
shift. Also, I was responsible for sketching out the nitifcation system for the valet, which would correspond to order in which tasks are
completed, such as parking, requested, and returned to the customer.


I converted my early sketches into low-fidelity wireframes. I felt it was important to make this as simple of an experience for a valet like
Jeremy, so as to keep him working efficiently to make as much money as possible, and to keep his cutomers happy.

Online support system Location page for Location selection page Location selection marker
valet assignments


User Testing with real valet drivers

This is really going to help make tipping efficient.

I like how it reminds me of other apps. Easy to use!

Using a phone might slow down certain valets.

This can help prevent theft, which is always a concern.

Valet driver

The website allows for virtual testing to be done. The nice thing about this service is that
multiple tests can be administered, which in turn allows for multiple iterations.

The loading screen at the beginning is taking a bit of time to load.

I like the simplicity of the menu, very easy to navigate.
Im not quite sure how to request my car. Is there a second menu to go to?

Final Comps


Removing the need to collect the clients name & Virtual permanent digital pass provided to
phone number to reduce the wait time customers to eliminate cost and reduce wait time

Partnership with festivals and events on a greater

scale to bring awareness to the brand.

Jeremy has access to an app that allows easy tracking of cars being dropped off, as well as requested.
He knows exactly how much money he is bringing in via tips, and that awkward counting the money
in front of the customer stage is no more! He can go back to being efficient, work hard, and make more money.

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