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Contract of Engagement Student Intern

Please complete BOTH SIDES of this contract and return to John Gorecki, UPO Manager.

Responsibilities. The musician agrees to:

Be in his/her seat and ready to play at the start of rehearsal and when breaks are finished. A musician will
receive one warning for tardiness, after which more serious measures will be taken.
Be present at all rehearsals and concerts. Unexcused absences will result in immediate dismissal from the
Be prepared for every rehearsal and concert. Music will be learned before the first rehearsal of concert.
Notify the Manager in the event of an emergency that will result in absence from or tardiness to a
Conduct himself or herself professionally at all UPO rehearsals, concerts, and events.
Protect all music distributed to them. Musicians are responsible for replacing lost or damaged music.
Listen to the principal/section players, asking for guidance and help when necessary.
Percussion interns are responsible for moving all equipment and ensuring complete setup before
rehearsal starts.

Playing Conditions. The UPO agrees that:

Rehearsals will not exceed two hours.
Musicians are guaranteed a ten minute break for every 120 minutes of rehearsal.
Musicians will receive their music in a timely fashion before the first rehearsal of a subscription cycle.

Concert Dress. The musician agrees to wear the following to concerts:

Men: Black jacket and dress pants, white dress shirt and solid color tie.
Women: Black blouse/skirt and pants or dress, with solid color accent (scarf or jewelry).

Concert & Rehearsal Dates. The musician agrees he/she will be present during the following times:
Saturday, June 13 at 7:00 PM Concert at Urbana Middle School
Full rehearsals June 10, 11, and 12, 7:00 PM at Urbana Middle School
Student rehearsals June 8 and 9, 7:00 PM at Urbana Middle School

I have read and agree to the terms of this engagement contract. I will not hold Urbana Pops Orchestra
libel for any injury to me or my property.

I authorize Urbana Pops Orchestra to use my/my childs image (photo, video, audio) for use in advertising
and promotional materials.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Student Signature Date

__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Parent Signature (required if student is under 18) Date

__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Orchestra Representative Date

Please complete reverse side before turning in.

Student Intern Contact Information

Student Information:

Student Name _________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

Email _______________________________________________ Phone _________________________

Age ___________________________ School Attended ___________________________________

Year in School ___________________ Private Lesson Teacher (if applicable) ___________________

How many years have you played your instrument? __________________________________________

Emergency Contact Information:

Emergency contact name _________________________________________________________________

Relationship _________________________________________ Phone _________________________

Parent/Guardian Information:

Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

Email ______________________________________________ Phone _________________________

Optional: UPO owes its success in large part to talented volunteers. Please list any skills you would like to share
with the orchestra (marketing, grant writing, photography, helping with ushering/set-up at concerts, etc.)



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