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Civil Be partment dec. Abbas HS, College of Engineering , @ Fieeny of Structures i : Treacy of Slructures Fregr@une ©. Stability aad elecoriny of structures. D. Prial prrce , chiar force G bending moment diagram. @. Tresses. Q, Influence Lines Movig Leads @, Llastic defermeition of) strech es. ©, Agpreximatk analysis of indeterminate structures. @, Method of coasts lent Defermetion. Slap. Qeflec ton (tetbod + ®. Moment Distribution ttethod. Ate =. By the end of this pregraume, the student should be able fo andlyse, Statcaly Seterminate ard iacleberminicte sivechtres of the Puowieg Spee + ©. Sexars ©. Frams ©. Firches, © Trusses. ©. Comesite SPULCHUYES » Solution Manual 4a 425 Jia Ayatigh GS Jat g pall y clang yd ply aig dao ds) facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Solution Manual Gusts iS Ja cp gil ly Daly elng yt i faked facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 fin elb\e® E30 ni Link Sadet ake oh Auesle OP 22D oO Gide Support i a Q_ Guided suppork J direckon. ke e8o) ah eee etl we el a ae A | @- Guided Suppork in ® hecho ta i ls aby air pt AT on, i | eee ee > dy Aa\ Coll oF Bxpinnnrey Theopy of S¥ructure Cul Departament 7 @ Cee Hague Determinate Hructesre Be shucture 's said to be clketerminate Ips Ahiinber of tinkrorens—< ated them bertaplgeclision- Bes Tee Structure./s Sard fobe sacleterminads Tf; Mem ber of Uaknoisns > Total Naser op kzailterisry BS ¥- £ Leuations f Condition ©), arphevla\sy O- Interior Age omneee7 frlo menbepr teal ‘ 5 @ : Hid BgP aw alee @ Lokevior rage eonnectig Om) member Cem! LN) gs Bare Ll, QW ont & Laterior roller” oa oe Solution Manual 48 qs Js Amesigll GS glad) y pj) 5 cilang yh pty sigs Madea Uy} facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 Stach ility anc/ sehninacy of Beams bf = umber of reactions. Moticed that s Auinber ef unknowns ay Tote! plumber of eguilib Fer ae (AMteo. Bh, Sh ined ALL cae BAA OD, oe Tere fore : ery r< She tse beam £3 unstable +o If vos Spe Be ben 7s ceferiinals, if stabh) eeelf yd oe CF beam is ncleterinale + Tf stable) 4 zo v | Src Sf sez sis 3 weble f dle [= £2@ op Bey v jase See eae (stable fcefe. ASs 10 L4 tyre)! ‘Ee ee cee ¥ | See ay, ot unstable el aE a (mechanism) : 4eg007) xe J pare i vie élaer B>6 bud unstable (mechanis 7) Base’ uated: oft 4guilritm ! ta plane Strechures : the, base equations of eseithriia cure bree 5 which are Blaze ; fy <0 3 GH 20 #44 must be emoasized ere text for ore SHrectara/ element 3 ony three. 4K2 OWS aan be eyechecated fy Using these. eguatrons (72. male bow Several ties He geation BM =o ana cesed ). Solution Manual nce tt Je fest te yp yn Fab ‘acebook.cemSolutonlanua2000 On Sable Structure We structire 13 suit fo be anstrble iff wy ene of He Alositeg four conditions is encoumbe | O- wher Atember of unknoring wt “edad Mera ber of epecilib reno es © 4 at rachon are concurrent (re meets + on point). TOP ar oa. FF aN Fo unskeble (EirtJo) ! 4 Mofice that Q, , PR. a and , miet at font (0) College of Engineer Theory of Structuve: coischdaaigeo. Tevet eset ‘Department o- when se veacsion are poasislel unstable (ZFx fo). FTF wh fice tot BBs ky Rar aad Re are partllel Q> wher the shruchare (,900e Hii. aly kensfable xO: We Aigges yo e78 Span rakes anechanism 2. (un stoble) 4 we |. ar aw aye 123 A ott pee Oh, iS ; unstoble 4 + 3 4 unstble 4 ; 3 > unstable 5 4 B34 unsobe = 3 unstable (Zky #£e) facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 College of Egginee: Cif Department ve) Theory ©, te GN Semen ieee Sta bitily £ faker } She ble f UF s#2b/e Stable ¢ Laktes, fash degree cn ste ble Stable £- In cLeter | Pest degree an stable con stoble Shoble g Tidleter. Second degree unr sbbfe Shbh £ Dnaleter Pret degree . gz an Sean Y1Cl3pe| re3ee stbility f clefer, | oman) S12) 5 [S25] seg f okter, Stable f Tadiher, | BIE AS) 2] o [2 ds Ash degree. =A 2) 5 (445) wa sbhp : i ME EPA Ss] 6 [428] ce sthhe | =F 2 6 |\466|) aesbe 5 |525 | sein £ the % |6<¥!1 upshhp 5 1825) ansteb fe 5 )8>5| shhh f toch third lagen - 6 [6=4) stbe f her. | — a Al sls] g 426) tnshbje =" '1 4 424) steba f cherer. Colkas of Lagineering @ Prey cf Sragtaces Bear vielsic let] obaind of ober ° te | ose ty « = slo] s |s=s| sh44 fcbhr fg trl] 4 [eh 4) aoshebie ij + {| 4 |4-4| 26606 f Lehr. 7 — s|z| 5 |sa5 | “73264 we | = Zi2| S |ms cen shoble | : : fi stable. 4 Dadeto. |" a ea en | | ci) | 4 lepa| See £ tndede | ie ob th = la = Hf a second slepr J wtlel;|4 |3>4 Stable $ Tre te oa ae the #8 csepree , ag TG shbh f Lnakte egy Ot 4 7 ele 5 laps shbh £ Takk i a4 | fast degre. ee) 5] 2 5 |525| stb fF eer ay Fe pea PCr | ok < Beam rfc | ste (2316) Hobby flee Sable £ Trekpe. Stable go LnAahe f éi/ |] 4 [6 es me ee Second etegree | proyerestic |e lps) 766 Fate 4 Second pore . shobl f Incdek. =| 4) 2) 5 [as a os a Bist legen eas 10) 5) 8 |/>8) tasfyble [lela 6/5) 6 [6261 stobn £ hehe. Stoble f Indete. | Ferd Seg ree u aA Cy v A Shs] 4 |3<4) 0 wrsh&e SUZ) S5 [3X51 enshbpe 4/1) 4 |424| shbe f Seber. 411) 4 |4e4) 646 £ hee Colle Lngineeris arg ot Colas of Lpgingeriag @ E " sof SYrusotares <[o.. ; Beam rle|secln se] Mobility £ cbrer c z 4 Taly bee] e864 4 ee ——* ay | Ak wee | tee s|z| 5. |525), stable £ deler. {4 sle| 5 |sus | xbebe f bher ‘ Stable. p Zndele- Sle| F |S2¥ : ot Second decree _ fs shz2| 6 | ses] sebe f keter x aa stable Shebh ¢ Inckhe. fest cree 1 stebsfe in Habfe College of Eiggir is Ory 0, Cal Bcpacibeat > (By flscasl iegetaree Stability and de terminacy of Tesses feé fe Mimber of wachon Leatumber of bats I= Aember of joints Alum ber of unkaerias 2 b+r Total rhember of Aputlh. = 2 Therfare 2 . af ef ber Key The truss is uashbh). ber weg The tress is ddetminaté 5 If stable) ise @ tf bv > ay (He truss 1s Jadeter. 7 If'stable ) : ber |e a #5| 205), A elake Yoxro ot Stable & eke. ber a Stable Aes badetel. . 7d degree 7 ber —t* ‘ ae saleie) helt Po zi 4 but unstable fi (reaztéan mect at ene poet) Colkege of Lggineerir Ss Sk @ unstable Solution Manual 4:42 Gis J gla yaatig) OSU Jolall g p Skelly clay poi yy gigs deine di) facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 College of Engineerin, Theory of S¥ructuves cil oapactbent 22° (4) hee Abele Te Aan z aset = Tre ab zz, fo blip Zs USS, rib lJ nbs JI Seblly Fer | lorto | Sfobhe fi Letel lor le an stable WO =to Unstable los fo | Sted le fo dele festa | tastoble lozlo | Unstable fozto | Stable f Seton Te < Fess [6 |Idubiayl Sebty f otter. FIM\EIZDE| LasbSle oe 3(5\|4|e-38 Gir7 Sha & Jo IRN slals lose] shh 2 kta Sle) 8|4-8) stbe $ hhc 4|8| 4 |ie=r2| aastbe \ P/F| fo|z6es2| wrstobhe 41/415 |yozle Asrab ye 815 |iz>0l shbed DAES College of Engi Ci Da pardeear , 8. (DN Fiat feagtuns = 4 Tress vb | a \neea Stability peke 5 |or10| 54 f debe 5 \fezto. anstable - 6 |\/dlz| , bastebh I : “| é lycke| . unstable | zlarv| Se fp Ladeter: Second deages sl ¢ ler) oo" 4 Indere- ft Lore 14 |B2t8| shable ff deter Nola |i) aarkble =z] at Truss rib) alee apstsity F deter. BN! / 3 | 4 | \2orm wn Sto ble i e | Z| |aeo| SbbL pJeler. 2 | |/2 \coxe| Shble f ker alll stable “f Taek /# | /2 \21 d20) Bact Se ree | 4| ele laa | sede f tndete eet clepree: ES 1962) enshobk 5 |4 less] shse4 her pe 10 |\goz20| aheble fhhe Ci Department dec. Abbas HS SSS SEE Colle of Eqsinzering. @ Poca ct Stragtores ; < Wess vl bla hve SObly f bier > SA de fe te slial ay lezeed 4 Seber ———— Sb =16| fable Z ele her, & | 32252 stoble f deter: 3)é@ls |e¢li| “ashbe 9 {8 |tezle| anStabse stable $ Indeter. | 6 |/s>/z W S Ly hele 5 | ez] 3 e276 | shbre fp deh — Truss oe 4 (22) |zb-26 hbk £ Seter. | Fler] os | corr DEB shble fe chter. | | | Shble f Todehe: Bast Leg rie | B26 Sb f kr. aig | tebe f Drcbhe. \ Fas fore SKI) en stable B[ 2) S68 | seb f the = ay rele las] 244 F mncker. Second seg we < | Sd [rbeyy Shans f otter) - College of Egoineering. ® Pieogy of Srachures epariment Stabily and dleherminagy 0 7 Frans f Arehest O-.Q207 frames and arches Can be freated sin'lar to beams te by Beplag 6 Srv ek ExO < 7 | B45 7 i tad : Ws fo 8 doe ; Ds | : as Sts tabled inlet. | S| ael of i tp (degree | , S>4 i ne 4 a oe < . stableg inde! fo) 3+5 sod * fo Z”™ deg hac: i [ | fod8 a fame __b 6 SS bud unstable \ i since If We \> 65 we a Ak ye fake chas £B.D te Zire ¢o ! ee College of Engineer tory o, Cua Bapaittad 79. C\ Tleegy of cehares - ep Wee pramescne ama ; . (C Veseng ct: - ia 2 = (lsc CAS og Ble Ol 5) a Be Bee uy 7 tet WD reactions b= Number of ao, T= Mumber of Mire ber crn Leys. reiats, of unknowns = Shar Total Mem er £5 ti lls fiir Baler. °F Sher < 3540 (Fame os unstadl). ce shay — Syre (Paine is tehey. a sea shuy > Sore (frais nhhr. 4 = Spye s%d/.) 7 1 oi seb), steble f indkd fo 2% hyke t Solution Manual 4nis 2s Jim SD Sl olay p Dall g cing yh iy pips Mada sh facebook.comiSolutionManualz000 | Sérr- | xpee FMD +S | $Dr4 38 > w 4 Stobk y snche?. fo 4% eg ree. Colle Enginecrin i\ Theory of S#ructuves CMB pacteat (U5. hee lt ae L20~ 7 5 Sher | re. Po s0d)eq | 30246 et | SEAS stoble dp ince. fo bt dep ree oe C Sher, SH +e E 3HI+7 | SHAFT p Bo> 26 \, stable & dete 4 Leora to fee Le » 4S unstoble Solution Manual 4mssis is sia Fymwaighl GSU gladly 9 Shall y cas poi ply aig dadna YJ) facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 epartment dec. Fbbas M.S College of Enginsering. @ Piseny of Structures Fam &lrlg fe 1235 | stabiled ce soc sth A 718 |t0| o |38>30| Inter ot deg rea | shble £ eee jo | iz | 10\ © |42>z0| Tacleter. : ja" clepree shoe £ é 18 |] 1 | 2e>z Tn deter st gprs stobk- f Lg | 8 4.) e | edi2 | Lack a0 done _ 4 is | oe shobk Inceter first o* b\b \a\2 | 36>35 ror fre. r1& c 7 fed 7 shee | cteGen ss Stole f | el4 (7 f2 Bes Tacdleter I y 24 cleyres i! 2/4 |e] / leer Sepe | defers ! sre hle } 213 | 35 lolgig ! bier. { | _ | | anshdble i 2 IF ]/-l <0 : Cllrs Hg t shbk £ i OY |40>3¢| ZaSefer 47 cleproe | ff | Sb4bL f S15 4 Dis! Differ 4 okegne Colfege of Eggineering, (Gr Theory of Sth College of, Singers 7 ® LBs ee 1 7 ase Fan [Lets le hake Stabibly ‘ote sb< | 7 Bh bie ff alate! jee) Sone tard dy 5 | zge|z| 26\/ | 96 Del Lanstoble wie RK TH yoy | @ |S 13754 Unstable Z\s5 \28>2| unstable sphle ~ w\t \4ssa#| Todeter. 3% Ay lec rd B5 +e+ SbFe| stb Zpderer. 98 cSoprex ECE stoblegé Trchter Aish dpe a 3o Dz Sebk é Ta dekr. 8% Segre ‘ollege of Engineerit Theory of Structure: College of, Oaeine a @® & ee won 7 Ezi- | rst Ray Tele Fram vl ola fe ESF PSEA 1) oH es | eles 4 — 4 s|s|é [2 Zozto| Wisheble = 2 go| SAr/e é jo|% | 8 1 (37> Locehe. were a we fepree stable f 37 |e |! 42>z1| Ceckter 4 fpree | j stvble £ ye| 6| 7% | £138 >¥0) Trdeter il oo spe ati whe = =i if aa sible 3 | | q|s |% |6lser24] Zrobhr. | ca | 3% Lyre { y | nH ae C | Passes) Use OY ceeds 2d cladve« DUR rps 6 eet eee oho) Kpeal ails) (aa Wt cas) Sud GAS th ote ake <3 on cue (ee a terk Oe : Sse abe neice NK Be lesi Solution Manual Sis is Jota Aes OR lal 9 Day Set pl op dae facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 | r bridge Wusses hl ee r i eee Howe /N/ \ AN VVN\ WRITER pratt ZNVZNUN ZEKE ver with verhca ls ke Tress il Engincenias Department (AY. ) Thee, of SHractures 2D ' Root Trusses Seed] Silas fiz Lee 7 - oe Sse SR CLA NIE. ee ore, tole a yo Fan Howe Solution Manual Aas e Stable 4 indel. 1" OoazrenueWuoANiog/wos yooqeoe) ww fe £x® | us E255 29 UrE Stable f let. (ED mrpey shee Pret et Fy Fed Fire me tenet e a SPP sro army fenUeW UORNIOS A=# Se tx a€ aDS-é Hable 5 inlets. Yo L" Sy re0 Solution Manual pute wit J Sap ca ph yoo ah stake Ly 4X@® 1 facebook com/SolutionManual2000_ a:8 fae Fad tL>6 Stables inclafe. eer pre Bal Az 53 =F a> & stable f faclete to 2 aggre Solution Manual 41a cs Jyls Apasigh iO tall yp Lally cla yh ply gigs Uae dy) facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 College of Egginecri Civil Department ing. @ Theo) dec. ony of Structures Abbas HS Com /Pesite. a\e theé Sobibty f. ceiler < eats & Dndetor® wo\7 \e>9 me Lod ches /4 dit Stable f Tackles: "| secoirel deprer’ foct\ Seble ¢ Sefer’: ee) tebe Planch. fet gre Sy>5| shbe Thdakr. Composite late ee Wabitity A hh. ' i I Msdie| Stable f Tadbr. I] Aird Sexe | | Steble ff Tadebd’ Second Segre { | 86, stb A Trckpr | best ore | | | (802) 7/8) z<8 ho st bfe College of Exgineeri 7 Theoyy of Sractuve: Ci teas oft Engineering Gh ee ee woe at =e aa Ht I Classity He structures below har stability ene/ ekeroinasy LP unstable Shote. nihy . If indeterminate state the oles of indehecminagy () - Sean © pop om (2) compos if Stree ture (c) Truss 2 Clasify Be structsra bebiv for stability ant ceterminacy Th tastable , state why ? oo 4: Livk J) Composit. u do Spach Ty, # 4 |e lan aaa a2 Bh P54) Tas P(e) Touss Goh) | Allosing asfrwchares, 5 ‘|= ep Be "tay beeen [yar (6) (ey Tras , ~t {e) a Composite ‘a 3 Oisces i ‘scuss the Shbiih, end! ceterminagy of the f Ack he sphsg eeterminacy of te Ae Le ter mira: ote | ohne LF Selous ae lea pore ae = (YIVVE scl. Composite ® Fume © Fas Oven, P-Ovcuss’ the Shdbitity and cetminasy o ee fi 7. Teak a“ fo 4) Atewsizy rectures . Solution Manual 48 cas dots Ratatat Stes g GSN g ete gt tty pags ded Gt facebook.com/SolutionManualz000 Ci Departmen dec. Abbas 4. ineeril Theory of Structures College of Egginecring @ or! ree 6-Analy 26 the Shibifty ard. BAD Ex: - ax Bw BFxzo Sy f 4 AX -6 =0 = 7 AK = 6 kN Bo pst ze | em 4m Z1g =0 @) ay + ey = =o L AFD Sz) + 8A) By (8) = 3 LE SIZ. By = 8.25 ANE i 1 Aky=0 te = © Ay 25-8 45.2520 | LLL Ay stags kn * | I | j BE ' €X:- Ovaw shear Brae and be Arce and banding toh eli Aigrim end Pact shial momeat at point cc)? ey. gerw sett EAA=cD (2) — Sos) fecs)- By (3) <0 Y= -tSkN = Isat 2 fy=0 te Py 10 - lot S0-IS=0 | & ZA By = ls AEDES | ere Ayals kW 4 1 [eA bes z=! B.D SR WE" ' se i : do | ! 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Lax 2 laze D 2on5 + ions 0Dy ap Dyisent Shyro tt > Bye sew F BPtee ae AK = lo fam 50. BAe 9 \ d : ALO -s FAO BAD aro LIL e BND Wak, Solin Mama thy lt tf be facebook com Solutondanval200 ee Wkw “Aso Bn /eky- 2 : Be = 2k 7 : / sz0 : veo day Ft E =o D 4 2 es el ' 6 Eee Aho fe to is 3 vz aD Axa AN iz Zz Lr So. = Jiuil Exginesring Department 33) Fey oF Structures Draw he shear force and Bending moment Agtdra Far the ham shown. ao oO meen zo Sh “ol. UE oe r¢4s—-AX=0 Px = 60 kV a MA ro oft) pzo(z4) to Clo) +.B Zo C10) 206) + 5 (32) Oy (ze) =o Qyaiszkn Eyre to fyneh® BEE Sy m0 Sy “55 Meo De — to U2) -406e4) 460636) 50 Me = -Vokir = 1604) Cuil Engincesing Department (34) Theaty of Sectutes - 2x F2- By= 4 end oan 2 kf fixe 10 kVA. ee ; Dy ses 4 - Son tondkand 2 ibe Be Frame iss. - Draw VE AY ag rains. SAW le amd aheter mine, is. s3,. aes 3 : + texl fe tA.) | “AN i yhs | 5 \ LL) | | Z ( ee { 7 Bid, x an t eat e 4.66 i A Lot Solution Manual Aid iis la Aya i aly aa hay py it a facebook.com/SolutionManual2000 vill Eng neering Desarhnent Gs) Feces of S#ructives » Ei 42 ee Frame shown below , Ova WV, V and hf etégrams for members AB cin! 8c; show location of 2! peek moments. ek Aker ALL “h \ | ' 1 } { \ j i Bf jam emt ge | ae fom whole rime |& Fx wo Ay -» &. X24 ee Cee Shy Flam men bet Be Bs = Q) Bea ze Bx4 —Sy (3) re & = -s5.33 -s.33knt Sipe wo OH SX + 8-24 =5 + Byne a5; te Ay %e0t FOELB: L419 -o® 3. 4x3 + FC: = by Se 9) CH) £SVTECZ) =o 42416) LCF) oy = 3 ) y= 26 kt pan Bify so te gh Ay~ fea te 26 ~ EE 23 pe By nize Siil Engnesving Dapayiment GS 5) Fey of Structuves af zokw Et~. 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Solution Manual Swath is Ja Hah ol ll jal jag a it aa J facebook.com/SolutionMManual2000 Sel. fiom whole frame i Shy so te Ay loowd ~ loves x ZK no Oy loo 3 eee is = ene HONE AX =o tp Ax = 80 <— Z2MAse 2 Wa + 100m Z (2) $10 Yao FeO) + los & (5) we s (1a = 300

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