CMCC 3rd Year Business Plan Template 2

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Business Plan Template Instructions:

Save a copy of this template before you start working on it as a back up

Do not change titles, font size or styles
Type in your information in each section as you go and delete the notes after
Follow the template line by line to create an accurate business plan
Table of contents should automatically change page numbers as you go but if it
does not you can do so manually by deleting number and putting in new one or you
update the TOC by clicking the References tab and then click Update Table in the Table
of Contents group.

Business Plan CMCC

Business Name:

Client Name:




Group number:

Optional : Insert logo


Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .........................................................................................................................................4

SECTION 1 BUSINESS DESCRIPTION & CUSTOMER SEGMENTS: ..........................................................6
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: ......................................................................................................................................6
CUSTOMER SEGMENT 1: .......................................................................................................................................6
CUSTOMER SEGMENT 2: .......................................................................................................................................7
SECTION 2 PRODUCT/SERVICE (OFFERINGS BY SEGMENT): ................................................................8
SECTION 3 TOP THREE PROBLEMS (BY SEGMENT):.................................................................................8
SECTION 4 SOLUTION: ........................................................................................................................................9
SECTION 5 UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION BY SEGMENT (UVP): ..........................................................9
SECTION 6 CHANNELS: ..................................................................................................................................... 11
SECTION 7 UNFAIR ADVANTAGE: ................................................................................................................. 11
SECTION 8 COST STRUCTURES: .................................................................................................................... 12
SECTION 9 REVENUE STREAMS: ................................................................................................................... 12
SECTION 10 KEY METRICS & ACTION PLAN: ............................................................................................ 13
ADDENDUM: ............................................................................................................................................................ 14

Executive Summary

Start with one to two short paragraphs on the overview of the industry, i.e. size in dollars,
anticipate growth, number of companies in that industry, company type, number of employees
by type and number of competitors.

Next, provide a short business description that must clearly state your business model at the
same time, i.e. what is your revenue model.

Briefly describe the management, you the owner.

Describe your credentials, skills, experience to run this business.

Since you will be using the Lean Canvas as a tool to prepare your business plan, it is important
to state in the Executive Summary that you have used this tool to validate the business model.
The summary of validation process and assignments will be inserted in the addendum.

Clearly, describe based on your research and validation, the two customer segments (minimum
two) that you have decided to build your business model around, and that will contribute to the
sources of your revenue for the first two years.

When describing the customer segments, state the buyer or user of your offerings.

Finally, summarize your financial forecast for first two years using the following format. If you
know the sales per customer segment you can share that as well:

GS Year 2 NI Year 2
Clients/Units Gross Sales: Year 1 Net Income: Year 1

100,000 48,000
10-12/day 96,000 42,000

Totals 10-12/day 96,000 42,000 100,000 48,000

The other pertinent financial information to summarize in Executive Summary is as follows:

Start-up cost for the business and amount of equity you are injecting

Break-even sales /units/ number of customers

Overall, make a conclusion statement, e.g. in order for the business to break-even, it will
require x number of clients in the first year and it is anticipated that the break-even sales will
occur in the sixth month.

For the business to break-even in the first year, it will require over 1,000 treatments in the
first year.

If you do not anticipate having any sales in the first month, state the reasons why you will not
have the sales and the activities you plan to carry out in the first month. You may be making
lease hold improvements in the space you operating in or there may be a period of acquiring
your equipment first.

Section 1 Business Description & Customer Segments:

Business Description:

This section must comment on the type of business organization you will register, i.e. sole
proprietorship, an incorporated company or a partnership.

Incorporated company

Indicate the address of the location where you will be operating from, whether it is a room
rented in a wellness clinic or other location, your own location in a retail establishment or an
office building location. This will link back to the business model you have chosen to start.

The location will be located within a wellness clinic of sorts. Likely associated with a Sports

Where applicable, provide details of the location, i.e. lease terms, the size of space and the
gross rent.

The set up will consist of an large building with a front desk and accompanied by many
smaller independent rooms for specialists (massage, Osteopath, Chiro, etc)

Briefly describe any special equipment or leasehold improvement requirements for the
business. Indicate whether you are going to use any contractors or sub-contractors, including
any other human resource requirements, if any.

Equipment will be provide by me as my personal tools and resources.

Briefly touch upon any special laws & regulations your business has to comply with and
whether you are in compliance with them and have copies of the licenses and permits that may
be required.

What forms, waivers or contracts will you need to operate your business?

A licensing agreement

Customer Segment 1:
(For an enhanced viability of your business, it is important that you look at more than one
customer segment. Clearly identify each of these segments, i.e. customer segment #1;
customer segment #2, etc. )

This section should address the overall marketing plan of the business, including your target
customers, i.e. your customer segments.

My targeted customers would be athletes or individuals of an athletic demographic

Using your market research, describe the size of your industry in dollars terms and the trends in
the industry, i.e. at what rate has your industry been growing or declining over the past few

Based on that, you should provide a general prognosis of the industry going forward.

Next you need to identify the geographic and demographic characteristic of your target
customers or customer segments, which may include average income levels of your target
market, age range of your customers, influence levels and management status etc.

My geographic customers would likely be located in the city and include those of an athletic
demographic. My target age range would be around 15-30 years of age.

Customer Segment 2:

This section should address the overall marketing plan of the business, including your target
customers, i.e. your customer segments.

My targeted customers would be general population people, looking to better their general
health, quality of life and longevity.

Using your market research, describe the size of your industry in dollars terms and the trends in
the industry, i.e. at what rate has your industry been growing or declining over the past few

The rate has been growing over the years

Based on that, you should provide a general prognosis of the industry going forward.

There is a good prognosis of the industry going forward.

Next you need to identify the geographic and demographic characteristic of your target
customers or customer segments, which may include average income levels of your target
market, age range of your customers, influence levels and management status etc.

Geographic population can include anyone from city, towns, suburban areas, etc. The
demographic is widely open to anyone of any age, since muscle-skeletal complications are so

Section 2 Product/Service (offerings by segment):

Clearly describe the Product/Service offering by each segment.

Manual therapy that provides soft tissue therapy, spinal manipulations, mobilizations and
modality and exercise prescription.

Describe the key benefits of these offerings to your customers/patients.

Reducing/removing patients pain, improving their functional movements, improving their

physical and mental well-being. Amplifying their performance and improving quality of life.

Section 3 Top Three Problems (by segment):

The research and validation undertaken in the Customer Segment section above will flush out
the problems your customers want solved for each of the customer segment(s).

Identify the top three problems the customers want addressed and describe them.

The problems the customers can present with are

i. Pain Pain with movements and/or constant pain can be treated using manual
therapy from chiropractors. Most people experience some form of physical pain in
their life and Chiropractors, along with other practitioners, are there to treat it.
ii. Loss of ROM- Range of motion can be due to tight muscles or joint dysfunction.
Chiropractors using their manual care can reduce muscle tightness, and correct
joint dysfunction. This can be applied to AODL or ROM requirements for sport
iii. Functional Disabilities Inability to sit for long periods or run or maneuver items.

What are the jobs your customers need done on your offerings that they may not be satisfied
with your competitors offering, or the way of their offering?

I. Competitors lack of attention or care

II. Incompetence of practitioner
III. Misdiagnosis
IV. Mistreatment
V. Lack of professionalism

VI. Lack of respect or personality conflicts
VII. Unreasonable costs

You need to be able to communicate the problems and the proposed solutions back to the

Inform the patient what you specialize in, what your experience is and be on the same page
as them. Be professional but be relatable and confrontable to the patient.

Section 4 Solution:

Having identified the top three problems in section 3 above for each of the customer segments,
it is now time to bind a solution to each of the problems.

Sometimes the solution is in listing alternatives.

Your competitors may not be providing the solutions but you may have identified
independently the problems your customers need to be solved.

The benefits should link to the solutions.

i. Providing manual therapeutic care via adjustments, soft tissue techniques and
modalities. Additionally, providing the patient with exercises and educate them
what is going on and why its important for them to do the things prescribed to
ii. If the person cannot be helped via our care, or our care alone is not enough, we
can refer out to other health care and medial providers to aid the patient.

Section 5 Unique Value Proposition by Segment (UVP):

(Please note that each customer segment may have a different UVP.)

In this section, you need to come up with a single, clear and a compelling message that states
why you are different and worth paying attention in one sentence.

The first problem usually is not even selling, its getting a prospective customers attention.
Your UVP needs to be different, and that difference must matter. It is like the landing page
that must immediately connect with the prospective customer/patient.

My UVP is linked to my background in fitness and bodybuilding and having experienced
physical and mental draw backs associated with holding me back from my fitness goals.
Having this experience will connect me to the patients even more and develop an immediate
connection with them for me to get them better.

Closely tied to the UVP are all the key attributes that you as an entrepreneur bring to the

Therefore, provide your management overview, i.e. describe your experience, expertise and
education (the 3 Es of management) as it relates to your proposed business.

I. Experience Working with many clients daily and being in the professional field
for many years
II. Expertise Taking additional classes and apply in them to my Chiropractic practice
III. Education 8 years of post graduate education along with additional courses of
further education.

If you have a partner or a shareholder in the business with you, his/her description of the same
is as essential to describe.

No partner.

Section 6 Channels:

Channels represent your path to the customers. Each customer segment may have a different
channel. The channel or path that is the shortest way to your customers is the best approach
initially as a new start-up business rather than thinking of scaling up from day one. Once you
build a path to enough customers at the beginning then scaling up becomes a natural

In order to describe your path to the customers, you need to document the various paths
available and ascertain the marketing & sales strategy needed to promote your product and
service offerings. This may include website marketing, social media (search engine optimization,
digital marketing & analytics, google ads, etc.), communication strategy and various forms of
networking like trade shows, business forums, networking seminars and memberships in
business associations, etc. Describe your top 6 channels with an emphasis your top 3 for each
segment as per your bullseye diagram.

Social Media Social media advertising is a primary way to get yourself out there. Almost
everyone has some kind of account for a social media database. Facebook advertisement and
Twitter/Instagram posts are great ways to get your name out and promote yourself

Google Reviews having your patients write a review for you can really help. So many people
are dependant on looking up their practioner before going and seeing what their customer
rating is. A good rating really does help the business

Referrals and Networking Networking with other companies or businesses that traffic a lot
of people is a great strategy. Eye wear companies, dentists or even a day care facility.
Becoming friends and well acquainted with these businesses, they are sure to send people too
you since they see a lot of people and have dependable customers.

Section 7 Unfair Advantage:

An unfair advantage is essentially your competitive advantage. In its purest form, unfair
advantage is something that cannot be copied or bought by your competitors. There are many
other examples of unfair advantage, i.e. a unique or expert endorsement; a dream team; large
network effects; list of existing customers or high SEO ranking. Some unfair advantages can also
start out as values that become differentiators over time.

You will need to summarize the conclusions arrived at from the Competitor analysis and SWOT
assignments you undertook. Describe clearly what your competitive advantage is compared to
your competitors. Describe any key highlights in the SWOT analysis that is worthy of making a
note here.

My unfair advantage is having experience the mental and phycological experience associated
with pain, and the barriers it creates. I also have experienced physical and mechanical
problems that I have had treated, and have a good idea of how to treat those areas from this
point after.

Section 8 Cost Structures:

You need to layout clearly the Fixed & Variable Costs of your offerings, including the Gross
Margin and the final selling price per unit or per customer hour as the case may be.

Describe your pricing strategy in relation to your competitors, e.g. if the pricing is higher than
your competition, what are the reasons.

Pricing would be listed around 45-50$ a session (roughly 30 minutes). This is higher than
normal, but I have it priced that way as I intend to deliver acupuncture into the treatment
time/plan as well. It is cheaper than getting chiropractic care and acupuncture separate,
which should hopefully provide more favourability to my services to clients.

Summarize your service delivery process (step-by-step activities).

Include the payment methods and terms and supplier and/or inventory terms

Section 9 Revenue Streams:

Revenue streams and cost structures are used to demonstrate the viability of your business.

You must complete the financial forecast template (including start-up requirement) provided to
you as part of the financial template package.

Once you complete the forecasts, please provide a brief summary in this section as follows:

First & Second year Gross Sales

Charging each patient 50$/treatment and seeing roughly 10 patients a day, working 5
days/week. This calculates to roughly $120,000 if I work non-stop the first and 2nd
First & Second year Net Income
The net income would be roughly $40,000-$45,000 considering the expenses that
would go towards living costs, car, rent/mortgage, insurances and professional

Break-even sales in dollar terms and number of units/customers required to Break-
To break even I could either charge about 20-25 dollars per person if I still saw the
same volume of patients across the year. Or see only 5 people a day for the same
number of days worked in a year.

Your summary should outline your assumptions of your financial plan.

Section 10 Key Metrics & Action Plan:

Key Metrics are the key numbers in your business that are used to measure how well the
business is performing. This can for example be in the form of the number of units or customers
needed in the first year to achieve the sales forecast.

Identify and describe the key metrics for your business or the success component of the

Number of patients The number of patients you have shows whether your business is
popular or not. Even if you are only seeing a limit of 10 patients/day, if you are booked up
that still shows that you are in demand and patients are favourable to see you.

Number of referrals Receiving other patients that were referred to you from previous
patients shows that you are a complimentary practitioner that previous clients have enjoyed
your services.

Income Having a stable income is important for living and shows that your practice is
running successfully.

Ratings/reviews good reviews from patients look good and add positive outlook on your

The other component of the key metrics are the actionable activities undertaken as part of the
overall implementation plan.

How you will execute your Business Plan is equally as important and closely tied.

Draw up a detailed Action Plan using a pre-formatted table for the first six months in your
business start-up phase. Complete the table for the six months on a weekly basis.


The following is required to be inserted in the Addendum:

Owners resume and partners resume (if business has a partner/shareholder); copies of
professional certificates (if business requires such certificates for obtaining a license)

A summary page of the various conclusions arrived at from the validation process exercises.

Your Financial Forecast (from the Excel file). Include:

- Business Start-Up Needs

- Year1 and 2 Sales Forecast
- Year 1 and 2 Cash Flow Forecast
- Year 1 and 2 Income Statement Forecast
- Financial Summary

The following is optional:

Please insert any of the following if you think it will add as a back-up to your Business Plan -
Marketing materials (e.g. business card, letterhead & logo); articles supporting identified
market trends and other information supporting the business idea and any other pertinent


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