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BESSSOSIS SOSSS OS Sooo sosoos” Solution Manual 4pssia is (gla A aiglh St gat) yp jDhall y cia yc pts aig Maia ds) Analysis and Numerical Methods Care Cleat Gules (stl all alall Ye \é SSSSSoS SORES sO SOONESSoOS RURRAAARARAARAARARURARRARARRARARARAAAa rd BUBRARARARERRRATEREARRERABAARAAaARaAAa Squill a4 Jala pty Gnnsio aaap Jal clés gga) g lao cool calc all clit gf lols Joi SI yous gil Luu! plaim cio ayy3g liaie call pe Gym GI Jgla Srl ylSisi# géulbll c109) Jongg as4nill cale lapis) 034) pl all cale biel lio bed cyo30 gall cid gl yl Sd wT calc bgluly cloglcoll yo ajol g Syed 6 Jgla Sluyly old gbioesy ld go JS) pla jois@ eds JS ¢n8 cdsSgill g alaall al catod aa) aySgioll Guid iF Ugh Gdo0 Sq unl! IF gat @) Fnchl ALE y lS deo dy pail Le byl €}.com/abreports Engineering Analysis and 7 College of Engineerin, Oneal Methods () te bat Sa Chaprer 1 L) Ordinary Differential Equations ofthe Fitst order (ODES) @. Separabk First - order Eguations - @. Homogeneous first. Oreler 4guahions. @- linear First - order Equations. @- Exact first Order fguations. 6- Integr tis factors. o- ee ae order Egudtions. (Bernoulli equation ) @. Mameric Methods for (ODES). - Sealer Wethod. - Improved Euler Method. - Runge hulle Method. @- Application on first order Differential Egaations. Engineering Analysis and College of Lagineerin ‘ntamerical Methods Lee Abbae do © Aitst Order: Variahle Sepevable A fest order differential eguation can be solved & wnfegration if ct és possible te collect 2h) y—serms with aby and all x farms with Ix, that is if it is % write the eguction in the form: Pessthl Poy ay LIC) AK =o then he general solution: SAndy 4 Sada =e where: cs isan May Baap cmartetar Solution Manual 4a is J la Ati iS ly a Dal lng yi Made Engineering Pnalys's and College of Engineerin ‘Remevical Methods Lec. Abbacl SG Zxamples : Solve the Pollowtias Afferentia! equation ;- O- xX(ay-Ddx i Of 41) dyzeo + Gy ~ (X41) x id lt dy=o by inty. x*41 tet ya) 7 a binvest) rir y-2sc @- CF +1) dx tS Sut oy oS = Ore) [Pat by inty. dk dy =o xP +1 orl a \ TE 2 vw Sextet) Xd + Sa te ha Linn oe 2 x 4] tbr) =e SOE ve oF a ed =e a a = < e@- > wv hy = \e% é- wo & « e @- Al Sink + Coshzy=o x Sink =~ cosh zy ey SAW = - cosh zy aye 2y Siaxy cosh zy 1x =o Sinx cosh zy ay ax _ cosh ¢ sinx 7 Sea zy ky + ese xadx =e by taty. bin (sechzy + henhry )ehh[esex + cofx/ ae Ga 22 stax gumash x” PEO Sipy = ~soshzy oy, x dx Sin x =~ coshzy ay Sinx Ax + coshz a =e by inky . -Sosx yp L sinh y =e O-Vexy =! BV =| > ley = AyV2y VX =x Vx ey ay AX Lo "a7, vx Engineeviag Analysis and | ‘Namereal Methods u Sel = Shox ott Jaa xlax Adxne by Ingy. led = Inx sy Serb dx ave KdK ap Va XE o wv [4 .v-Sv du] =< . dy Zaxe Lae a X Va + x dx =e V2x*43 i \ <4 4 (2843) x de College of Engineeria Lec, Pb bat U.S i 4y Tn ty. ay% \ Gy) I expe \% i toe CA) = 4 42 fy + iV 2x 43° FE ' z 2y 2 x41 @- xe yt oR ok =e we zy zy SE dy +Sel.)dx <0 27 SE hy ¢ Xe L)dxe lehasy “CL ote = dy wh BF e'dy eX glnx ac dv-Edy a Le zy o.7 2% 7 oye = aan x4 Iny we a.valvdu @- xyes (rx) esey xy B= = U+x) CSgy AY gy = (nx) Csey AK Saye X a — +x a5 y= Hk dx 7" t = Sy Li BY Ct ye oe 9) tet xy adv ou ady vccey) Sgr g imac Bods Vise Sosy Werks + Sint & -InX ze wey duzldy dv = sing Vz -cosy usw-S vde College of Lagineerin ee Abbaen SA, Engineerig Analysis and Rtemericad Methods x'C De tf (x-l) dy =e + Or CK-1) nf = dry dy sam : hE ST yet x Xeltl ax Yalel 7 x ot a Atl ane & mat) dx 4 GY=N4! pel Wy no x= wel CRICK NEL Sy (YIN YN) #1 cess aa ay =° C8 DOAY dx (AS-D C+) I + [ tr] Es wel + gyrl d= ) J a a ae dx pf y+ x xe InCx-) tecyeln y+) =< z acy) Cx) BZ 1ex* dy = Cig) Ix ZC ap) cr = 4 i= ia eee oN aaa by tnty LIn(l-x*) =< l Zh ciny) +d pS a de BK: Bae Ax )dx Be (Bai) dx ne a, eect eee xe @- FS hee ae Xt! oy, ty dy=e C+ elder oye xXtlnx thayeae @. po OU! ay _2X-1 Wy =e é ax ‘a! lt 2B Ax oe waX4e / tank! (xzy) = x4 KS Se ou G5 (oP ae U7 EY NS ae SeebASlW oo poe La sy cs > = fen = ax <= 2S Ss el So a L = => -x =<¢ ex ty-t faba J) Manual2000 a k A gia gaa j ols ‘yas il lon 7 i fet @. SCX 5) 2 Oepy -8) lef Ghee Xty-F egy fags ~ du ue hoe teat Seeaeeeeee wie GE, ee ee de] de - (Cu-1) > dere ange au dx zo Root yee VG po re A lcs! XY ae — a (a sei ead fed Le Xp => Fos - (Gav) a te av ox dv a Rt ere Oo Ve(h~v) ax avis ax vo by tates xt aye OR tee aon Inx + bla (pe) =e wy nk + Zine eee) =e x aty +r Cf-xydix ae + ax aby 2 a srt (Y-4) <2 7 Sm, = | a ae wg = -(E-4) let Ver ax 2 cyt F =v = cviv) > ki) =-(Vv) dx dv 7 x * ve Pay i & a 5 ax av Te a Sy ae ze by Indy. xt Vevev Inx- bee dy Inxy_ Xec 7 ¥ @- xe Fin gy xdyno (xe ty)dx- xdy ro adx (xe K-x Bos : Ly ‘4 ny xe + 4 a ax = x x fet vad =e4Vv a five ax ay sk dv 5. aS KY ra 7 ax ae? 7 ee te tet vent ax ed x dy _ [ov = - (SS +) ae Fo) =- (EX ae NV. dx dv x Vv Pew) x +, EY l4V dx Chey ddv ox dv vidy _ hy DD et pkyE at Teyet Tye 2 RY "ay Taxa tervy 4 enh. c 2 ba yeg ler! a Linlip et) = fr xp bet 'of 4 Cee Jac Engineering Analysis and College of Lngineerin ‘Rumevieal Methods Lee. Abbas U. Seip @. psy cos (SE) tek 4 cos (hl) ax x let V=el x oo. Zz = Vr Cos(v-1) aftvieve cos Cv-l) il ek av dx dv | Ppane = a x + Vea > + Tivecosvl) (ee tev se , cos (V-!) (sce. =\n|seexytorx| 1 tk _ See (v-1) dv=e by Infy, Gesore ‘| csex- cobx| lex — In (dan (v-1) + Sec (v-1)) =e Inx - ta (Fan(s -1) ¢ Sec (4-9) = ©- @Sinek ~y cos Jar x cos dyno 2x ont mre cost Lt 0 KS i ae, Pe “x AX ‘ de eos 2 - X Sin ax X Cos x ex 2X tan ax x Ke. let Vat ax ov ax av im | x + yo Pay? a Tt ea x Ve ex OK any 8 zo Ry Inly Oe Inka Insinvec => Inxt ln Sia =e a av Kc | v 7 {+VCot L +V ae =o A, ie eat Fay é Vv? Cot v ay L By Vet ev og Veoot 5 Vicot Vv Vv ‘ ep She oy vi, V¥ Cost ¥ Inx 4 In (Cos tye InVec Inx 4 In (cos) + nc =e Engineeviag Analysis and College of Engineerin ‘ctemevical Methods Lee, Abad H Ge '©- cxyny ah =(texyey ley tok a tt VE Pye vee ax lev eve teVev™ ax, eno om + x _ Aw (ev v-fw Vv CS) ty, o_o - * x Vrvi+veiVv—v (tV4ve ax, Ceveviddv i. “ \ S ax 1 1 1 sh se pee vey ° fax ~ + - Lp lav zc ave ov Wk + f =~ t+ owe eek oe om: @Q- (sy P de = sxy*dy > yl =e zy hy 2 (B92 X) Ix = 8. wie Exgineevigg Analysis and ‘Niemetend Methods College of Engineerin ec. Aibal i. ae a tere pz seeh 4d 2 py leeT la Secs + Ax x leh Ved . Be Seevev > fv) = V+SeeV ax av = » ax dv i x vey ~° x + —Viy- Seev ax NV & ., Soe By lax. SiaVeos Inx ~Sind = af x=2 o,¥=T Inz- Sin we 0. 67S Hla ae F570 S07 , thax Sind = 0.307 (O. ye oe O- pr % sy dys Ayuait is Solution Manual Og y pall y ca ial) isl! : ba Jj) * ‘ itl Aa jo dx (eydv x a P dx voy vee. x” Tev® Tevet Sy Ing. Max "V4 Lb laa) =e L od yt f lax + lan 2 abn (ind) pe @ AY _ _ x-S tth- ax xey Xav td =o @ +Xty se -___© EEE EEE ey ZxXpq no Se XeH-e wae lef X = hue Wa Ree AY _(eenrpn (Re e)ed ax (4-2) + (R+2) ny az -R-% 4 = 4-R ax wee Rye "ate ak _ “Ry to. 1~& au ark &é 14 & lef Va aR __ j-v au” 14V eu dv eg 7 v- Av) Se ae v-(=¥_) Eggineerigg Analysis and College of Lagineerin Na merical Methods dec, Abbas U. Seriy du, Vv __ so aot Vtvel-v 14Vv au, ev) Nee “« veel au av vl _ ae te te FP avi vey (Wei) (VI) A — I = + (+4l(V-) Vel) (v-t) 1! — AIA Vt B (Wweniv-n (vei Cv-D) t= Av-f+Bvi8 t= V (A+B) ~ Ar& @ © from @ A=-8 subin® ~(-8) +6 =! 26s) > Bed Ast 1 inw ob In (vel) tthtv-) + In(Vu1) =¢ 2} 1) ee ve 1 M2, In(x¢2) =-Lin (saad thin (SS De bla aah ©- we ZXttye/ FX ty-% ZX +2y 4 lao © Bx 47-2 =o - @ x -% 2Xt2ye¢l se —© ~6% ~ zy pt=o © -4xX 4550 =X dys yl = 4 Z(B) r2yr/s0 apyaE let Xx ye +9 ah Gis pre kR- z ho 2 ler $e Re Fel Au Uslad) pall 9 ca * "Re 54 % = S(H#G )+R-Z)-z Ss 2a eG 2R- Fel os aa su+pR-Z 2 = 7 2 = PR _ Sturk), @ 2.204%) 2 DR, _ 364rk) , Es aa suzrR < s+ & => So let vak an aR Bev, | fy) 2 _242V aw S+v +i se, AV, _ 20 ve Fev) au av i a ve (-2#2v stv ou av 7 awe t BV4 v*-2-2v i dsl sie * Aaa isl — Ax eos2 S22. me Tl \ = Bit \ = \wn 2t > anv il aS \weow — Sos See Veen Sp a ass het Us Sin ® pees ave cos bat este 4 SNe) eoptpee \VTSNS mate Vn wR . tt / Stacy ete =| _ ee Hi BNO l cere ri + seer es u Se aN 4 2 \, yo cetit= esc cs 2 7 a i Sale eeatoe ae A aoeee a eos LA hy aes qe co are \ = Seer ft, Q 2rxsprdte(day hb 2) PIPabul\ MANO » (PR bea) Leplts bY s Ye peter Age K es abet | 1 =a0') | eps ple EY aes | SHEE Xo 5 1S 18 pt Mt Le @® Yr BLE OAD otel hs gla Sees Lecls \pa et MACE ING» 5 asl laa ING USWA OY) Ete Dw Se lady. (LLY oS 2S PLE) oh Ses PVoNS - Fa emp Suit! YU | lo vie y& 4 O- (4 exsy 4 ety ) dee fae dyso ade il dy | | (sey evsy 476 easy d+ x ee ! 1 ig o_o See ies = kal ore : | Pony Many Eve s ~ Bee oe pf Spe Hers Kem Pee eee eee 5 Pee Mote- Soy = BSA osIh don Asay 7 . z= Lewy 3 nS ee | YB eta ie} a, Aes t $ RL Sy OY Le 4 By se eesty — SH CAA AY SF ery He Sr) - seco © | CS ed NN, j Wo x 7 = i (as = Be =) cad cox) * oe ee PreEe eek | Sere eye Se ee eeel el 4 @o Boney ax 4 Zoe costy dyse tL gsezy cosy Sn Yexj da 4 Sey) dy =e Ficih eww (Se9eable) 1 = dz 42 ay=o Bae ee Set Ay oe AE} ys SY awn ae ZW Coney) =o — a Ea ~ OT 2 e- 7 Ad Se Lye 3 By € 2 3 x e (OYE de dlae -<& ) ey =e yy y = Dox BpY.e-e Ae BE De BH = Fist eran forsel st Oe = Sez py fe age 4 fee [- a o = Engineeviag Analysis and College of Lgyinecria i Aumevical Methods Lan Abeat WS 1 stu Gividy no mp 2%, (ervey ze a vtevee a (Vv -2)Cv-1) B4v - A, 8. i) (vee) (v=) +2) (V-t) | Bey. Av a1) + BEV +2) Wee-)) (vez) Cv-0 J sev = AV-ArBv+28 | 3#v=V CAE) - B+2B oO -A+28 =3 ——_—_® foem® Aal-& subin® -U-8) - 28=3 a> & = -% A= | Ar& =} 1 ote adv. 2@dv zo by Inty, ae VEE v-l AON: Int se 3 liver) —-2 MW-l) =¢ -1) =Cc hnOx- £) 2 h(et # ge) "he =e at h, wet ea Mur f= @. vee wo xtyel Yeo @ Xtytl=o__@® From @ my =e XK -t el eo => KH! dys 2 if sis Gis let xe teal SWa=R-2 a AR Ruz+2 s 7 atipR-241 = os ki. kg = aK arR 4 co we : 2 PR. _ Te Ss ae rh 5S « wm lef vu & te sk - » Avy~v. ae a“ + au an os ate av = a + fey WO St ore iV he <“ 7 elu. Ct V) dv a + avi 78 8 A 7 Vv au lv t _ ete typ aves By DS, Inw - + + lavec ln Cxel xu! Incit® - CxH) 4a a < dy! foie JM lal y pall y cla Ayesil! Gist Engineevigg Analysis and College of Engineerin og A AF a Rtemelea! Methods dec, Abbas U, iad @_ First Order: Linear at Cedtne ct 38 Ay O- Lrpwy =Qw 7 Be ENED oy cxale We GOO. 9 Pela Be = SUV dl oxi Sparx ee PI SHAM © 2X yp peypx= ay ay ~ gy owls LP QO) 2 PY ane ~rSS DV SN SD Seay a 7 ae Axford Solution Manual 4a is J la Ati iS tl ya Dal ng yd ade Engineericg Analysis and College of Egzincering ud Nemerical Methods dec. Abbas H. Sériz ; Za. find ageneral soletion of each the Plessiey i equahionsi. 1.9" rl 1@. He een linea D.E [Lyre = ON pre, Qa U Sede Sade 2x A«-e€ =e =¢ BK _ CS 6X ax = Se atx ape yew” A Ly ele fined DE oe ax tI re x Pe-t> cp-Le Spx S-kde -¥ ewe sé" se® O- aR Sine x Ln, Sa i . Pir sey = SBE near DE Paz » pe Sn oe she” nd #e 2¢ ay Gs f Ay Jr odx any =Se See Bia dx rs Siaxax ap xy = Cosx pC nT T= abe @- xedly py IK = Sinx AX DYES seb, ee WINE Soe) xdy hrs - Sinx dx =o ee" @ Plas ay ov dx xy + Cy~ Stax Jesx =o txt ay =x tM es A eup: ay = y _ Sinv og Awan) BLL, ax x ty 1 Stax hy Set ey Iineay DE pe » Qz Tnx x Sede Stax Inx f=e =e =e =X =f#Qdx = fx See ix = J Sinx de KY =H SOsK HS Engineevigg Analysis and College of Engineerin Me merical Methods () dec. Abbas Sete : ©- coshx dy + Cymax +é) dx =o tcoshy dx x ay ASSIOAKLE =o axt oshX 4 é svahx. a t Casig * Zahy 5 br sinhx .y +e é I DE ax 7 Seah J = coshy cae __sinhy -_ Pe Q=x ae SIX a hax 2 rn é 7 =¢ aX 1 AY = SH dx xy = Sx. xadx = laxpe @- CX9D + He, (o3t eee eee L0 ~x) dbx REN ay f-3, ” nee See a, 2b yeh hnedy D.E : _ 18x O° yr Qa . a om é ox 7 i x-x3) Poe fey [Lax > cx y= = fcxe 2). dx 7 =x" (xe xDy = =Jfx (r=). a 2 x Sox sXpe ©. Cxneylaty en Ox ney idx vPro nk FY aya wets poertytxraz linear DE Engineering Analysis and College of Lnginecrin: cial Mhods (4) TF aboat Me '@. gyal + (x-hyldy 20 + Orlay Jel lay, by og xX -In ax ay at 1 ix x-Iny + '©- ax = CSinzy -2x coty) dy idx Fe Gingy- ewaoty) =! ny / + ak ~ Singy ~ex chy a = Sinzy-2x coty atx =Si linedy DE SB + a cody eX Siagy neay Ps2cly Qz- Sinz Spey 2S ost, In Si: aia av Figg ae wy = nity Ax SA#ey x Sily = Sexy Sy ty oS HY 2Shy Cary ay x Sinky =2 5 (SiR By 8 JOT X Sigg = E sity pe Ov- S47 Bax =Sinex 5 Yo) =2 oy ; 5 == ‘@) = St " 7 ayt aX = SineXx hnedr DE Pe tanx cpa Sinex 7 Sede Stanx de — SBE dy 1068 ene =e =e = <-e =Jeex Pry sSHorx fF WY Seek = S Seer. Sinex dx 1 pe Seex Se +2 Siex Sehx dx AY See X = -2 CoSK.p C at Xn0 py ya-% -2 Sec'() =~ Coste) +c =PoHO iy = Sec = -% Cosx Engineeviag Analysts and College of Lngineerin a, Metods dec, Abbas (ita ! @®- LY = (Cos xy) fax \ ; & = Sinx ny fanx & ty 4anx = Sinx Inear DE P= 7anx > QDaWnx Stanvdx S$ SX dx _Incosx | eae =e 7K Be ak = Sec Ay SH ex t 7 / Sinx Sx Zax 7 -S osx ie i --Ince é Sax n= 7 BOS XK Solution Manual asia is gla Ati) il lal y pal) y ay yi ait aa Jy Engineevigg Analysis and College of Ln ‘neering Namerical Methods dec. Abbas H. Seriy @_ Fist Order : Exact MOG) ak + Vay =0 WI yal =: OWS (Exact) SS Aas op ch os (Exact) 5 35 aan als 0s pli EIN SAG (Ex acHIEAG alardr Leah ow ax “w S Mogyatx +5 NOK Jey =fe se Sf & a pounce ope) of oft MUO seis abe sBalet BFPO CA) AK) I Sa (SNOgydy ) Wom AS Engineevitg Analysis and College of Eggineerin Cmeleal Methade Uc. Abbas MS ES Ex: Show that he followijep eguatons are exact and solve each one:- ©. (2x 43y-t) IX + (ax-4y +l dy =e /1 = tk +3y-% => Bates oF N= 3x +4y-! => BY -3 ex 2M. aN ge zxact By ex x JS etx ty veh = a &b& =¢ x 2 Diexigy-rdx +) (3a-Aye [raze], zt [sx-2* wl, =e c [otagyx-ex) (ae gv -2a)| +fcsayzye” _Geab-2b+b)] = agynotx aye 422 rahi py-Sab 28 tbec ac pdt zaypsah-2b*_h Fagen en ogy sx 4 Sy 2x-2H HY = k Exgineevigg Andlysis and College of LEngineerin: Cr emeteat Methods @) Te ribald. ad ©. Corde + exy- Sipyddy =0 i - Cy aoe eee N= (2xy—-Siny) => BY =Ry rj att. Bt —» £xact 1 - a : Dies +S cany-Siny) dy ae | & oy a ; cCf-Ndx + \ Cray -Sia Dd ae io” J Siay XR ) [ead ~ [eroe, =e [efx -*) -%2-2)] + [career —cabt + eob)] ze | Pxoxpferer are copy 2b eoshec LPR AX + Cosy = e-at ah 4cesh @. Cans + Sigy lobe + (ANY + x Cosy aly =o = 2x9 + Sing => ae = 8x9 + cexy Me any + Keegy => Bh = BKy" 4 Cosy Be Be — Fkaat. 7 x Dwr Siny)alx Scag +e asy)dy =e “cama [es +4Sij] = fi XHex Stay) (ayy asiy)] + (By'p2Siny) (2b pa sinb)| Pe XG exSiny Ef aay t By 74 esigy ~ a°b @Sinbzc ! £7 +X Siny =c4 Ab yasink RA xSiny =k ©- Cxnyldx + xy Idy 0 t= BM. 2M WW. (xy) > Sy elo ap soe pe aap Me Orn) de au =! x oy (x#y) a Edy > Vv x pS Cag c [+x I + [e912] me 2 I, 7, LoL exy-( (< “ean e[ Ce +%)- (264£)] =c xt 3 + Xy- #_ Brett —ah-E xc z ° 3 ae & Loped seem 3 ey +2 ek 2 tt SZ = Eqgineerit Analysis and College of Lagineerin eemeleal Methods dec, Abbas I Sei 22 ©- caxb ne) dx 4Ox4Ye dy zo ry { Ww \ P1aex@ 4b oe 2 nexé eae —> Exact. 57 N: = ye => 2 22xe made a Loa wf 7 : Seaxere dx + fiane dy ac La & wat [ere] + [ cane | =< b ETT he [eee (#28) + [cane (aye ] =e g 2 ay & & 00, E ab F4 2E EE € =e ‘ xo b xe 4p e 46 c+ aoe KEELE = t ed av— STnx ek = ® Ate i } _ Y~ Sins he ax Cy~-Sinx) ax ~bagly =o T= ~Sinx a Bet =! Exact. 2 NeR ap 2 =! ex Fog. SI Del. Cad i Sinx)dx +) 2 2c ee 2 i [Gyxp ees) ~(Byteesa)| +[ay-24] =e Lo Ix peosk Ay cosas dy ab wc AIK + CosXsay cosazah Skt Cosx =k @. Lind the vahec of k so that the given epuation is exact , the solve sf: CP that 2x) dey (xy 4 zox yh) dy 7 Ma J'¢ haf 2x oP By thxy N= x9 42067) nip 2M M2 37° 4 404° he egection js exact then 2M 2 ® zy Bhp they = Sf pt0xy? + 4t+k=to =) kalo R | x # 4 Serie taften) ae + Lesptrzogiy ze a LYR+ 5x5 pf [ase ear Engineeviag Analysis and College of Lnginecrin 4 Rimeleal Methods @: dee. we Abad H. Seip @. chide re | xlafax + dy 7 z Max dy +o Ax x ny lx ~$ ayes Cap Rear eh 5 = = ay oy ! ays 22K Ma ® = x lay ap S x eB ey ; x ae a ~ 2X = 2Y _ tx Maye & a SF We 2x > > rim 2H. BM, Exact. ey Ce 7 Cepia By dy we SR a wey der Soret Sey = a & ) 7 2 a [roel Ee se = | F [etox-£y)- Che E4/)] [ens hy) — (Ea*- athd)] =< * le xX mei glad By eye nga SOX ZI PT Fe BT AS -3@ RW -E a+ athbec \ Stas - lay = ct £ ind + ehh ft Pen Ebay ok Engineering Analysis and College of Lngineerin Kumeraat Method ec. Abbae H Sea” Inteyration Factor 2, (ekact) sxe lbs Slglaled sbAl ob <3 ; (Seach) SN aay J Sool (3 a. (Frac tcvd Paw al (MyM) Ewin . Chineay , Homog svarvidble ) 2250, je G84 cet les 8 D1 Cte SVAN Pd Arle ot BAS 05D gah eo ab vel (Infesration Factor) dune Mee Zvi 01D | c . (Fxact) Al atta i C3 jxnS AOA lash cpl ths CLF) ols cars Srexdx seb @. LF=€ pM _ tw where: fx) = ee APO Seedy @- IF = © BM _ pw where Fy) = BY __>X cf att #-BY. —» Whe <2. is not exact. eo we must find LF 2M _ eM Fixy= —2¥ ex BY) FL ww Fex)dy Ate If oe en thee als © OC Oe + Nye so x DLF=x (x5 +Xy Pax ddx 4 xtydy =e Exact) Esp Ars ls Gaaills N= Xe XP ae So way = | gee NaXky we by ses ha IV PIS ooo 5 os OSs Sot) Sip = SOP pyr ele Std =e 2 og ¥ ll ul Lt Engineer alysis and! College of Lngineerin ine le Abbas Hy an se +2xy ny) dx + (Ke — xy 3x) dy =e Ma axe 2 aw + 52 og? exy $2Xyry a Bo exe Bain yt! ~ xyter_ x°y* BAY te = Nz XE - XY SX BY wexse zxy-s Bt aw. wy 7x 24 44 2 Fos 2 a © ax Fb y BG Et bx tm BHO 2xF +3 4 ay erexy 4y ogo Po Foy) = S225 EEX tT 4GKPE Hex tI) 2 3 exe raxyty * Max PE xy a5) Fine gale FS re StH She tes a a a (expe 4exy Pye + FES 8x) dy se +s a zw se (eB rhe Sele + + OE ~F - Seldy =e u s a MV 22x 2x ,t 2M Ct ty > BI We 46. BY 22x vw jt ex 2M 2 34 + Exact a _ 32 7 Sok + Eesha) ax ofeee. Ss - 24 dec ; oe Engineeviag Analysis and College of Lepineerin Ntameticat Matods (22) dic, Abbas H. a Bernoulli Lpuation: Some nonthnedr afferential equations ean be rans formed ints Inedy eguations by @ chage of dependent variable . case in point ix provided by He so-called Bernoulli eguation. See B)\ 2 J Prose Bes ts form is called n Pe pigy = 00S] OG. where: (h). is oy constant. ale See YS, OS) be Gal Gob de chel e i - 1s Ul eo = a7 "i “A az = (I-72) Ax y 7 linear 6 Se atl bs) a cr Supe loip de% ere ¥ SbWior Ja 2 # 2 MN Ayal by abe aGor o& n DE yp pEpx = QWI* Sy * KZ xX. Sink — § Sinx dx XZ =X. SK 4 CosX 4c at 2 xy =X. Sinx + Cosxpe Be.BE n=s ef wnx ote = Ay dV = cosx Vez Smnx a Engineevigg Pinalysis and College of Lagineerin i melee Method= Tee beat US 5 Ee. Sx pyt Rfiz0 23K A, J xX f2o St sy t BY 7 St ee =-hy *S Spdx =€ S-kdx — -lnx a 32 fe =fA#a dx EidieS ew Lpex +e x 2x MP + bak fet 25,7 Re EYL ee Syste =x Egginceviag Analysis and! College of Lngineerin ] Nemerical Methods o le Abbas H. SE xn OF x —x (aX py) dy =0 +o 2 dy EF -K (EXE) FS m0 Analysis and College of Engineering ‘Egginee vic Remeteat Methods dec, Abbas H. Serr Numerical Salution for(O DES) @) O. £eler Method +! Sn th P Kn x90) a, ae - FexatJa) = x pel eye A= step si#e SEDs Gob Sechelt Sob Xn Wn x = Fexn,Wn) pnet =e hel Xnated _ | ; 4 1 1 i i 1 | i 1 ' t Bus KAS py Bets Stl! Bez cfu Sh) oD oF x at Exact) pot Sto ob » . Ghee el Su p\ ar Jade ZU ew dee Sl FE EP ad Abas) cle! * 7 CORP eh as Let SVM ro ol nbel Fo6a2 Ym) = He = xy Xn wh Fix 29n) ° 4 o* Teo 3 ! oS =0.3 0.6 oq 0.6 xfoF =0.626 oF L278 04 x (278 xloltd Le “38s LSe98 Ls 2.086 when xX=hs Dry =2-036 exact Solutron:— CVVor 22.44 2 2.056 = 0404 Pkt Kee Luley-metbod to tind the Value =f y af { xaks pr he Pottowwieg DEL = x17 with inttral Meendition: yleo)=ls use huo.F tl synthe FexaxJn) fp (+05 (ol = fl I 0.8 #o.F =1.0F : 1.09 $08 40.626 = 1.278 ‘ L278 + 03xlo74= 1583 | 2.036 » Eggineerigg Analysis and College of Engineerin Na merical Methods ® Lec, abeall Ge ay ey Ek: Lind 9@) by using Suler (telhod If YC) = and dy=kyax Use nad Sel . 3 AY y= KyIk eS ay RE R-DeR sas Lee! coe n Xn pn = #eXn Ja) Hiatt = Ine hx boxnzya) t Zz mere ZpotS¥2 = 2.5 Las 2s Bes SO 4 0.25 ¥FIZS = F.28/2S5 Ls 3.2825 4.921875 F.28/2S 40.24.1218 FS)= EH “#5 45u FBId2s 6484 2 6484 a ap when X=% apy = 6084 nA HA axe. DY x dx =o — Sepr. gy xa ry Sz - Sx dx =Seo xe = 7 Ing- Rae when Ka!) bY a? hae - =o ap Cc a0lds) - tse Suler Aethod 18 tind 1b) when pytieo x ase hzc.r, OE Jak = (X ty dy Sol. xe) ax = (Xty)ely tok Cag) = Orgy) Ze od Bead Bet let Loxn3 in) 2 pu Kt “YW Xn wh P= has Jo) I Ofer] =o.% Atos athe texnin) I o Mee hot? Fo. 2KhoSF= oll as ©. Fe. 2KLoSF& oy i oll LdFSs Od H00% #INESS ~ 0-646 a 0.646 y= 0646 when Xelb Solution Manual Ati ois ya Ayal il lal pal Slay yt ya if Mae J) \ Epgineerigg Analysis and College pe of Eqginserin 7 ey Methods dec. Abbas H. ee | ©. Improved Euler Method hei edat Ax fl | Ines = In + heh |—> Euler [ Zexnda) + Leen che) > Oxi A ghz bexns Ja) <~——O- Ex: - se Improved Cecled (bind 9 (.2) ip yo} = ! 1 ry = Cos x x ke hol . Sel k= leesxi (Xpy) 3 xp rey=x WSO = B > Azc.2 3 Sol xy p By eX —m ex ; aS ee : dehy oe pe ee ky = PexniJa) Xn. ph xnat Pexnntn) Sad fexneizSoet) Yael la $ 12, os 0.2 be o. FFs 0.294 12 0.294 14 o-fo5 oss Loz?s ot bF 14 oA6% lay 206% when xuld Solution Manual 4m ois Jia | Axed sol: Kati Sel Jota Daly lng ph yh igi Lae J) Dt by 8 —p Macar. i Pee Qa 1 Siedx 3lnx 3 | Bae =e ok Pry =SHQdx > Ky = SK dx 3 é Roy e 6 - O12 == ayn = oe ae ee $e when X=l zyop 3 é Kye tye & Sago t : 6 when x=14 s>-0-4)Y =, 2 ayse FEL Axe ttse Improved tiler Melod tosolve the tifferental |. is o By Sgecdtion( y'4 yfanx =Sinex) 2%) al, fake step j size (hzo.]) Use Two steas, then solve exactly And compute the erfor for each ste, ! A= Sinex wy nx Poxni Yn) = Sin 2K zyfank (4 * | Xa oth Xana feXantn) Sate Meratg ous) eel | o / of ° I c.0983F5 hood i ol Loolf = 0.2.0 9F8 ho 68 ONSSZE hol8J |! 02 bol89 t Exacf sol. AS tPA =Sinex —» linedy | p= tanx » Q»=Sinzx Sone epee dO , Seat in esx 1 bi L cosx 7 Py “SA Qax a t 7 car oS Sarg | Sex alx ; a .cl oy is ; oe Sct: zSinx Cosx Sx Sesinxdy = 2 Cosx to at xXz=0 wy=) Seam a! nz Cos@ +0 aca? \ este) Uf ot aac! 2ZcoesX+ 5 cosX step OQ &xact izle error” Ss xsol Y=lootF pyaloAT A6KIS Kse.% yelolWIF 1.0/84 2.38 K16 | | Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin pie fe Nehods ec. beat d ‘Sa | ©. ange - Kutta rethod [Sag Inet (ht ehe teks tha)| esa = he PK adn) 3. a «he BRE BX Ing BY s\§C-sste ) kg = haf (Xntb > In FRE) an GJ\—= Red kg = heb XnthsSnths) ( INO 4x: Ase Racge hette Method ty solve the Pollowsin Diff, eg: ay sy Pivx » IP yeo=ls heli ye? i Sah SPRY In) =f -VR ! Xnz0 4ynel &, ale 0 ve) =I Xng Brot ke wh [sk Vos J = 1543 Xnvh eS 9 Int hE alt feds =LFds : ky = In [0-7712)* >| = 243] Xnth =otls! Ynppy = l¢2ds)= 243] ka xt xf (3431S -VF] =lo.77 = Snel = Je Ze [14 eHl S93 F2H2AT/ po.77Z] =A2866 Xa =) Dy, = 4.2866 Ex: for he Af. eg. using Range kutle method te find P1022) 5 Bke wre | ana hee.| Caxtyey = Ost eyed x of St XB Sol. = CRY 2 let 4X0 9Io) = SfepO Xn=0 lyn! @yt- 261) aeligalgt Ky= 0. XSF Zo) +f eee) a Xnele op 21 2005 Yat felt (-%Z) wed = kee vo.) [@23st-209) ] 2 oI Z9%5 2.05) + Co%) xnth o.0s ; pi7r = Vp (Get ) = otl0/ ks sorta [GosX= eteste) | ee Zc.0S) +oJlo] | Ay =0.4{ . Engineerigg Analysis and College of Lngincerin ‘Nameleal Methods Lc, Abbas WS, Xntheol pinta ip ColeD) =o4 | pqgeos | eit-z204) ] 2 otes kaned ZKof po4! ia au ee [--= $2 CONS) 4 24(-o1lF97F) + (-0-163)| | fae) = 2 B16 ‘| step@ = Xnz0) + fy =0.8196 z 1 Ys Lxn = Ke A= FeXn Jn) ey (0.8196 ) | =o ISTE Qend tA RIVE .- 2 Xn th a ody et ~o/S 2 tap he ene + (23/897) so F3IZ wo.| | Gls =2(0-FI] 20.14 Ave rf Ze os $O-FSTF Xn ph volS Snr woBigby (StL) -07176 ze. Onn oF | mao fess eid | Zrols $0.4196 Xn¢h sol pel 20% + Syphg= 0-8/96 + (0) = 0671 7 Aare. toa] = ttet796 | = ose 4 ie ZKo.r 4 06FIE Sage = 28196 + bfoustee Zn(-0.4) 42 (-oH) + Coley] (oei= 0.6478 Engineeviag Analysis and! College oe Legineerin: a a wir fa Method ec ool Lope Seis a Application on frst Order Difbrenkal Lguations a A SE SATE cA aloles (AL ewer cans clue 1 Dsl SW sbavtet asit Sia! ibs stl slr eel oll vat LN eb Ul ge lon Spliges ce?! HP wb Low lp hon erie pee Ae (Fd oely a ee pose. Neb sul ge ola ney st oe ADD ableo #3 Sout GP NO\ ns Sel aol 1 AQ) (Aye Wb eI Ebb ar Ary al er EAS SEM BY BR) aples S27) Ce ey Cre phe 3! Pile! 1 Gin eMAeud We cease NAL! eri + Gout pores Chuck = (W*r*) Jzyy, DY : py a ee A bec wel Sr Benes i7 Pil al ri + GPA Be Sb Lh SEN, apie vy = Ab SEHD lad! oe) CUS Nr = Se = F382 [A= 7 (Secs PAL Sb sl ob) Eo 131 Eggineeviag Paalysis and College of Engineerin 9 merical Method ee, Abbasi ei c | Aix, Asylinckecia! tank with vacdeis of tam) @ndS Aight | of ttm) haz initially Llled with water. In the bottom of : the tank there ix ahole with diameter of Atm). In r which the water atrzin wncler the inf lace ob gravity : Padi i ©. Te ep th of water at any time @ se ri to idler the Wight of water one mefer: [) @-The time te empty the tank. n in ~ C4 Ay)= TRY = AWAKEN acho Ay EB = Qin - out of 49th ee EL) VAX TBH : Ly lt foo t+ Lb soa) MIE een dd. si AE 2 tA tF HIT S _— ho ee 4 ty = Ht 4424 Kote hi Jae 4 sky (dt 4.427% oF So ~~ [800.9 VJ =-t +e Te Finta tse (B.c) ath tse ~y=h=dm Boo I VF =-(0)+C = SH T6HNE 180409 UF = F6IFN8 -t @- 180%0.9V7- = 36I41.8 -t t=/B80f%0.7 Sec. @- 18eF%e.9VO = 36/418 —t b= SE4.8 sec. 4k @ + Conical fenk wilh ramederoPlam) from tes and (Sm) weg, > initially Billed wits water. In the apsex of He teak there is a hole with raduis of Covczm). Hind the ctepth of wateret tay time and how boy it fenke te enysty. SI. Lox Ra” — aa = 2 ee Me, 7 ~ a z a Agyp=wig) = Ziy LF OQ y I Agy) Lf = Qin- Cagt 7 Zp = o-7-(-01f ew VERY es ae z a - ~ (0-02) (ext 8) VF te Fy Coot) (me alt ue Coro2) wn A dy 2 1 I AAG Engineevigg Analysis and Colfege of Lngineerin Je Lec, Abbat U SeGe, Numerical Method 25 3 ae LIFE RIO pe 25x25 ook §S 2 le BF pe Te Fine = use B.c af feo = y= H=5™ 25 -3 0.0/6 C5) = ~/).7#* 10% (0) +¢ <— =0.8974 2 col f= -1FF «18 F 4 08944 Te” Find the time vege. ve empty a= ° 2s -F e-clb (0) = A177 % lo” 4 08744 t =S5eS.5 Sec. Solution Manual dui ois Ja Ati iS lal pad yay pd sit Maa £X® s Conical tank with amerer of 6 fy from the top and (loft) cleep con texingeg Gf) of wafer. In the aeex there is 2 hole “with didmefer C2 in). Find the tome repaired hempty the tink ? fo Aly) = Oxy a (ZnS eoomy* By BE = In - Qout I CITE = 0-1) ieee es 2 ely Oey aE eet cp =~ cessp dt ot (AS ZxS2.2 o,f ay wncesszf cb NG eeF Fe oe e ad SSF HF ot as esky =~ o.osse#h pe Te find a use Be 2.076 (4) °F 20.055 FO) 46 a ahisz me req. te enpty He tank 0.036 Co) = LoossKt plIS2 t= 20.68 Sec. Epgineeviag Analysis and (7 College of Epgineerin Rtomelent Métod (ae) dec, Abbas M.S , ExX@ i Ahomespherical tank of araduis (am). —— 24 bottom there ts ahole epatiemeter C2 om), Prough which He water drains under He inPance of gravity » Find the Septh of water chout 5m) ae cL hr) from kein faatrein, Rix x4 (Ray) Ra ey ey” | woee, we : LL oyee _fedty-y*® Ry 1 NS Re kOhy ay Dry _ Ag = 78 = TA s¥) os] Ab) = A = Qin- Qout + De2" TAs a IGE 08 Wag) Ven Py © Br) =~ (LP VRE to” ty 2 IRE wt > ~lie) 3h ‘ 1 ASQ f dy on tte F018 tt obi i 1s ZS sa) 49 7 a 44ztxlotec AS 25 ‘Te find < use Be :. ted dr => tea (B00 Sec. 2, =erSm bs es a « AGos)” _ (0:5) _ 4,424 16 (1800) +c ns 2s aah 667 is | we De fe 1487 08d + 167 Ex© > Aitink has 2 shape of an inverted yight " exeuldy cone of vedurs (am) and hight (em), itis initiilly fled with water. AL We hotter, a te tank there iz ahole of récuis (oosm). through which water trains under the influce oh goats Sf the hole is apend at (t=0). Find the tine veguired bB Lu a (ls), J Fee 665] bo eo 2 LRH = LIANG) 212: 5bems Sad NW eo = 12.566 — 4S = 1,066 edap br cs HSA Exgineevigg Analysis and @) Colfeye of Exginecring nm Nemerical Method dec, Abbas H, Serig a -% Woe (12 2N--D r= hob62 Lang = STEN) RN Nez2.8%55m a Af= 2 (2.8785) =blm ely eA 2 BI Ali pro bee cht SNA Ehy /¢ (2.8 755m) Acy~ a8 =a hy = 4 woes Ay) d= @in- Qout ar, F Stet = oT (0.05) VEE Ht 3 4S hy = -c.0ll St Ca AISIS t= Ae ata Atom 25 olFFLY = -0. ft pe Te Find © tse Bc af tro yo? s ONTIF CE)” = 0-011 (0) pe co=27F zs a oFFZY = ool] $4 2.47 SAE eke utd S021 oD HM ISI Shee -C2Z.87ssm) Aart oF od FFE (2.8255) ° = -o.0llt p 2.7% F =25.382 See. Engineeviag Analysis and College of Lagineerin Rumeeal Meods 2) de Rbeae SG Lig. Rtank shown,Find the. veg. tine t empty the tank. >A Sel 1209) = lo #2K =ZOX R? =X (Royy Riz xo yR- hy ey 2. z = ROY eB, A AVA TS — pr ws wed BRE Ms Aw = 20ftyo¥ Ay) = = Qin - Cut 20/4y -¥* x zo-Te.os) [2¥7-81%7 cof4ynf LE = ~2.0348 ff 7 Zol tre LAs! a, = 0.034 Bf Wy zo G-) 3-0. 0? 484 ver 20 W VAzY are ~0.0 34 Sa/4 ww oS Syn 20 2 N37 RET 2 287 4 89 420 - 5a, eB tS be oy = 259% 16 of a. -t G9) * (0.874 Sy 420) dy = 1379167 y y al + CoB" By + af Joly = 139 x bolt \ 5 x vy, Ya ‘a Si eer ea tet 2 151K Y pe = = 4 A ah ly ~3 827 +5347 toy” =~ 1.37 %16 tee Te Find c ase Bc: af t= =5m Sn Ke Ve -3 0820S) 4 5. 8405S" 4 40 (S)* HH. BI KIO (0 HE C =4&F%.034 Sh a Ye -3 i ea 5347 they = 37x10 F + MOF. 0354 when She pank is onphy The deg> y=0 Ey, \ w 0:32(038 yp 934 (0h) 4 Goof = 1.594 St 4M P.034 a £ =/20/68.55 Sec. Exgineevieg Analysis and College of SRP Nemerical Method dec, Abbas UH. Serr x 4 sylinderical tank with réduis(h=Im) and We sm) have two holes, one at the ste at a Tp the two holes have veduis (IS) Find: O. Be sept fuater with reyoect te fhe tinm. | @. Be trme repuired amply Be tank. ast” | Sof Case® where y>! S28 Aly) = TR =7 Age. = @ia- 2: Qout ‘ awe | TH =0-[Ge aah Fa, 1) Duk OSS p ia ease @ oe : ' + (o# o7s) lex? BLY T° eit ead,AvA eget ot | Be ces OF i esseO ae 2 2.76 woe + xy 7] at at i = = 2 Fe wit VS 4 MF=7 7 i " yd, } § vy an 2.76 0 fll tr 5 Ny GELB 2-2 t6ridfelt OMT nT NNT AIT oy 2.276013 St Lt oy 5 hei BRCO Um) from bottom and the other is 2t the bottom. 5 lon oy- ole = 2.76416" fot BB. y -3 BSB yp) 2-2-6 x 6 Eye To fnaSAle dese B.e:- af feo <5 zl ESO Sai)" 2 2764 (ore Cx2./% 3% * j* 2 ) 76 «/6 We “67 *Fi- = —2-76 £/o 42 case® where yd) AY) =O) 27 AY) 2 Qin- Qoat 7H woe 7 (ocx) MREVy HL 22.766 wl dt w Tu Sori ty = 2.766% 16° Sot ve. -3 By = - 2.6" bo tee Pe led oD Sly oy asree, HOW? slay AA IN NS Bl edi ody obdi site Sheet ale) slat oP si Ob st (ry =A) ee Sle Ezqgineeviag Analysis and College of Engineerin: ‘Alemebead Metbed (5) Lec. Aboai Soh y He 7 20) ens (1 2 2 FE RIS TL p22 t,= 526.57 Sec. WON Sill oP t=526.5F ap ysl” Va ZI) 2 2.756" 165 (S26.5F) HE <= 3456 a BNF = e766 «1st F456 Te find the lime Ye empey seh yoo in case © uve 3-2-7664" #£ ¢ PASE t=/24945 Sec. Sef one the eguctions 2nd Conchitons which ave veguived to clescribe how the hegyht of water in the ee aesse/ showin fy below Varies with time? os x : x oplinder 1 NEM 16 Jos ~—| Ca SiS az) 2s” Sase@ Homespales 7 PI>2e | Hole qozod™ if TR 7 (2.3) = TEAS) BS, ze ely We* = 7 fy Wlecs) Zor.» 3 nat = TRzS HK Pin. But ay 4 af 76.25) 2 = oS /K TT (25% 18) Vet Ely , bc) plots PVE es rt Sraisi on WO Or cb nr at feo yp ye55m aase® ysis we ey as zcapy eye xedy wy ae bases S2scO case N 3 Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin Ktemeleal Method is) Ten Aisat U. ee Aoge = Pin ~QDout -3, WK) Bt = 0.08 — 1 (RS #10) VF Ww ae WA I) ovo S- (zs 4/5) VERS) VY Seite Sas (Buc) (uel, eellede Set SAI Sel as 2 tt case® at wp tot zyets LZ Ein Set only the equations \ 7 . 2" ano conclitrons which are vegeried t cles cri be the st ” yeletion between tepth of : J wafer and the time: f je Sel. Xe ds was i vel : xa tae AEN he ay | ' \ i eh wtp & HED x \ App Te = Qin = Qout Beye x0 wd x WloosIVEIY yates Ries Wl LADS cells Bc aot at fro » ~f=dm s BM sto Lind SwFud Vols, St =F Qine Cin) 8 (Qout Cout) AWWA Sls oy” Leb Ae ge = B(QineCin) -Ei Qout « Gout) Cota + Cin, Coup a DEMS Sake Cot = Ww. C Qin $ Qout) Vt C Qin ~ Qout)xt Feats C @in= Qout) SIN Bg cr SMld deo Bu SL aoLi Spon x SN p2Jd\ a0) ¢ Po (Seperable ands 53 acl Aa ote SE AS SG cst Sea MEDI stl ony \ » Bewndatty Condition. ) ir (Coch a ee We \} V+ CQin- Qout)+t . v Sw. w | aR = ee) - (545; "eft 708 ay Tie oe _200-w oF Zo J by Seoerable S. aw -Sot Zoo~wW 7 Enxgineeriag Analysis and Ko “o ‘MemePoat Nehod College of Enginecrin Le abate Uh. eGo, S&r fA tank és rattially fled with (100 gal.) of salt (2 tbat) of soll renning io the fen otf weke g Solution Con Aeiraieg Cib fal) fresh brine conkiiain aati) and the mixtire Reb practically tnifarm and juns ouf the fark af the same vate. fad the amount of salt fa the lank ot aay Ame? So. Qin = 5 s4lhin ~In (2e0 ~ 9) sZt pe 7 t In Cz00-10) s-E-< 7 -c _2oo~w =e ye -@ Constant | W= 200-9 BY = COQt x Cin) (Qoutx Cut) dy stall aida j clas yi pat agi dake Jy Aapadid 6 Solution Manual is 5 Qout =Qén Aa Rout = sal hin ate Mo ey nth HTS em a Bc at (+20) A=lo0 Veo Ws Zec -/ooe CAtae gi Sy (rola) Sie Nhe © AAS Ce A) See i= , Soe FH SN (w) olips Ss (92t/min) aeb> - Cb fal) lp PERN Ploy (Ib) ley Vago B yz 22 ctl Sarl MN Fas \o\ «545 Lig. 4ED cerca Wetoc_Joce ae Wey CAS 05! Sb ful Sas Eb Dries Au at += lo) ars (lbo Th) ($e = 20a ~ 100 e*° f=. 16.3 sec, Ekgineeviag Analysis and College of Lngineerin, Cecmeleat Method ee, nibae iG EX: Find the amount of salt athe Jank af ayy time . Baal loogal Lsstifen solb | 2 thf a 2.92! fain Se = Z(Qin x Cin)~ Z(Qout ¢ Cout) Coutts — Ww = Vt Qin- Qoat)*#t 100 (3-2) *E Toost I eSu2Z- en alt foort aH. gee at foot¢t ah 2 — + — Sw linear at * org ES P=—2 > Q-6 loo +t Spt Stgt zln(ioott) — Introouty* =e 7 7 ne 7 = (loopt)* WOK e-S GF Q¢H we (oor t) = ( (100 + t) xbdt “Coort)® = 2Choort) He Te Fine (C) use (B.c) at feo ,wssolb 5o(loctey'=2(looteyte tb cz-/Seoece w (100 + &)* =2 (loo +t) ~ls00000 wW=2(loo+t)— _/So0000 (loo+t)* 4x2- Fer the tink shown in figure below, If the amount of saltin the tank afte! clays) 6s (023), [ind the tattrally amount of salt. talhe.tank . fy water yesh ler tmnt ( el ay Oe eE: Qin k Cin- Clout a Cou lou? i Salt Sel. Count = z nifelty V4 COQtn -Qout at Re Cook = ee or -z)e~ torat ote 2 deo -2e att loper av. _2w dw _2dt Ia at oped ogee Inwe-InGlog2zt) pe SrAe) asi Irae get) pe cai «é LAE we _f (o+#zp Te Find fA: baS days = wrorky ee ae Aad 104+ 2S oe WE 4 ere at sattia.lly tao D> wet = othy : Engineering Minalysis and College of Eggineerin 4 ‘Numerical Method we Ribat Miki | ke Kr the system shouws¥a Lpute » Fad the amount of salt i the tink af wy time H). J 50 22l/main So,9alfnin (Sal Cr cosh) Teg Couf= wW V+ (Qin ~Qoutet PAA 4 Qta = Gout co Salk 1 Coats We = LH ‘ Vv (000 at = 24 Qiae Cin - Es Cout *Cout aw asf) — w So = Seni Gost) Sox ae pos, =So(/+ Cost) ap linear 0.05 » C= So(l¢ Cost) Spdt Soosdt o.ast f= ee =e =¢ o.0st ost xuw SA Qdt ar nw ee K50( It Cost ft J eost 2.0: oe Pia w = se) (é ee + ent cost) dt Miat 2 $B" cos by dx = 2 Lbsinbx + acoshx] at et 05 oost 7 ees 7 =so[ 1 é “wie [iesiat ¢ 0.05 Cost] +e 0.05 @-05)* + C1)* Te find (cduse Bc) ~~ at tro 1 Woo 6 o/c, @ s200= 50 [1 8 4 Elsinte) + 205 costoy] eo oe { 0-05)" +1 J 92h) of Lrine ta which - (Se Tefal) of Salt ate ctissolved (2 gal mir) of fash wates enter A and he mixture is dxcumed cLrarformely Pass Krom A) tnth Second tank (8) initially Confainn (Sopa!) of fresh water af te same rade, Bovesalhin mixture wis also pept.Unitorm. le avin 9 (Bar orate of (@.9alfnin find the emourt epaalln, hank (8) afler EX: Tank CD dattialy Contiins 6: ene hour’. Qin = 294 forts Qeuts 294 f/mih | Cx0 Has o= wg -foote Now: (Bea /ed! Shes cues oH) ) telLhr = b0 mir tug = loo (60)e fs WB = S44. 508 IL. Solution Manual sai is Jia Ayaaigl ill lal) 5 pal jag ya pai gd dada J) | Engineevigg Analysis and College of Lngineerin \ oF we Pal ‘Nameleal Netbods Lec. Aboal Se @ Iineay Second Order Homegencus 23. wih Cons tant Coeff, | CaseA: TPO, #02 Dix Dex Pa CIE” 4 Ore Case@):- If D,=De [= Caxreye* | case) i tmagingy Roots 48 Qah+ [o.-«-48/ ARK pb e fe, Cos PX ¢- Cz sin gx] . Engineevicg Analysis and College of Eggineerin yo. Qumeteat Netiode ec, Ribat Sef } Oy + SRy+6yr0 D +50 +60 | (D#2z)+(DtR =e Djs-% 5 De=-F Dix Dex | AITae Foe2e 2x - | Sa! +co,e" { Az oy = ) Exs es Fe +6 45Yre Or.6O+rS=0 CO+s) (D4D =e D=-s + Dest | Dx Dex AIFEUe Ft eLE =Sx 5X PIE +2] 4x 4;. A’ 5 ay 7 7 —o Gat He -drs DY - 2By ~syxe D-2D-3s0 (D-3)(DyzI) =o DP , Dee Ox Dek eee Ge 5x sk W=GE ¢ae 4x 5S ASN, 4g Ay = — Sat ay hee Oy -ABy +4 y ms DB 4D 44=0 O,-2)(D2-2) =0 O, + Oz=z O=zOz Ai Crea eny Bry Cok #2) E* : Ly AY yk Ser iay-e O+ OQvnyne D+Qy ny <0 O+D+l=o = ab 3/Eqae ae! belsecl ze Oz xieV ian. EVE Lp ae 2 2 & D, =e ik > O2 =%-i8 Qr-LyiX , Ore-b 4 Engineerigg Analysis and College of Enginetrin w By: Lo ‘Ku meral Méthode Lec. beat U..6 5 7 a mab fF fo Kx VW @ [é, Cos fx +O, Sin x ] x = fe, Cos xy Cz Sinx « AE & ze n 4x F% Leb ety Ore +7 =0 (Or3) +6D4 J =e (D73)(D+3) =o O,=D2=-2 se DB, = Dz is A= CX +2202 rsx P= G@x £e2)e 2X es ez ny = 4x8 ; x -Se wley =e axe CO. 604 lo=-6 (@=1, 6=-6 2/0) De 2&8) FVE6Y -4 xl w/o ant DathtLF - _6FVIVE ~ 555 2 = Q=K4if 2 De=n-AB D= 24h > Desk a=5 5 Bel ws a [er Cos Bx + Cz sin Bx] 3x wee Le CosxX + Ce Sinx | = axe ax td =° i ~2D44=0 , Ox 2444x104 2EVe ee 5x4 ; z e = & O- EE = RVR = IF AE Di=XpifB > Des X48 slp iVE og = aE ; ] x=I 2 BulF } qx = © £e, Cos BX +Cz S¥a Bx J wet Ley CosVEX +4 Sz SinVE x ] ds) date 5 aK wy 4800 s- 2X poe, 6 se art ee id iS Ja jal i Di ~ 10D 416 <0 (D-2z)OD-8) xe D=2 + Dave ox Dex Wage ae ‘ ‘ya 2x 8x AW= Fre +E Solution Manual Osta y pal jc ‘util il Engineeving Analysis and College of Lngineerin tcmeleal Netho ds Gs) te Bibae ad linear Secon Order Won - Homegrown Eguatons with Constent Coefficient An equation of the form: can be solved by frst obtainig the, general! solution of the re léled homagenous eguetion - sey a hy = — ee thE th 2 ---——-® and denote th’s solution by: PAA OD) + 2 (X) —--—@ where: S, ¢ = are arbitrely constents ¢ OD > 200 ate penchyons of one of more of the Allowing frais Dx Dx — -&X XX @ xe »€ Cos BX , & SNBx pout, by inspecton we may be able % discover are Pettizelar Panction 9s yocx) that satisfies oD dn this cease we would be able tm solve © completed as © Senth OO 4 Yoon Notes tF 0x) £ycx) are doy solutions of the same rion homagenous eo, then their diffherence . LIA) HPF CX) Te: CX) schists Hee hornegencus 2Z® Tis far this reson that every solution of 7, © #5 inchided thwe ald he general ssluton of the homogenous e. ayy pertcular solution of the non- homegencus ef. In a this analogous t the constant of tategratron Mat we acl 6 apatticulay ‘solution y= P6X) get the general {| solution [, Ex Solve He eguation } AY ay ne eee ! pth setisfes Se +2 a - 3% Fe We chevacteishe eg isi i 22D S36 | | Ors)(O-D=°0 a Or-F > Orel . | (25x, Py 7 as =¢, ( || (b= Oe f+ ele) : “@, a Now t find 2 particular seletion of He origina! {| ehserve shel y= Constan # would do, Provided ~Zy<6 hence: Ajern® Is one particulary soletion. The conyalete solution is: SX x SRP tty -t 4 OE FOE Fagineeviag Analysis and College of Engineerit ‘Ntemevicat Methods Loc hee ‘% e Variation of parameters fartunakely, there is a,general method for hadiog the solution non- homegenous 7, O once the genera! solution of the corte sporchag homezenous egeation is known. Tbe method is kneuwn as fhe method of variation 4 porameters. Ft consists in seplaciog He constants G hc in o@ by Runction V,2V, ¢ eee and epuiting that be vresulhng expression satefy en There. Oh toe Penetions whe celermined 5” Segdivin taf 7.0 be satisfied is only on one condition. As a second Goncktion we alse vequired hats , Vid, -Vibeso —--—® “ Then we have: E af (IMs + Vale eb yi sGipieVel (ex) 7 2 Vu, + Vi Ue aoe t a 2 ’ Vaz, ree +V; 4, +, Ue Ip we substitute ese expressions into the left hand Sicle of PO wie obtsin- ‘ Zit +ViG& Yd, = Fexo tu ee, Ie, oat $2ee + bea] + vel tessa che 4 bu, Whe two bracke fed termsiate zevo since (Ct, f C2) ave A toactibon BOP oe eqn thal FO “atthe! Wai 4 YUL = Fer). © ey. @#O may be Solved 2s apair / / : Vit, +Vlkzeo Vit) + VUE = Fox for the cenknown fenction vj f Vie rule given. | ° “| 7 Foxy ly Ve 2 Fex) “a ua, 5D uu ae © a 6 a) Fer) Ve 7 - & Fex) A af ky ay le where: D= af us Engineevigg Analysis and College of Engineerin Neameteal Methods oe Abboa ei ee Seemmeary :~ In applying the methed of vatiation of parameters fo solve the eg. :- oy hy = Fe Sate thy = FOO we can work asiectly with the @Fs. n@®. Ibis not necessaty % vecfrive them the steps are: I. Solve the asseciafed! homag enous &7. ( Po peat shy no) # Aad the fanetion Uy gee,. s 2. Colkulee DWV, fon @. 5~ Integrate WG vd te find vs GV. 4- write down the general solution of the non — homegenaus As y= Vis + Vz be Cramers Rule: fizystem of Wear egudtion may be selved esiag cramer $ yale. fol exemple the egs :- QnX + any ab ak rex = be when Ke leferminadl of the coeff, matrix + ay Az au ac | aitferent prom were. O- det A = the solution ef the above gs, i's unigue where Dfxo and may be cakulafed. b& Az aun by tbe deel alae bel 5D NESS X= Ext 3 Solve PH 42dt¥ 3y = = * elve ~FE 4258 Sy =6 FX) £6 Fist solve the associa fed homogeneous g. SA ye a aye axe are 78 0420-5 =5 CD+5)(D-l)=o SD, =-F. Dex! pan @) re€) a, Ge -3X -5x “WOxy =e m& Ulex) =-3é 7 Ux) =& a Ulox= & a eae a s Us 2x, i 2X De = i - af us wx yl = (-3e ) =4e Ke € nla Mik, + Vy lhe 2x -e «(Le +e,)e* 5x x e-L4aeé -£ +e2€ Engineerigg Analysis and College of Lgginecring NMamerical Metiods dec. Abbas H. Serig | 4x. z Solve: | AY, AY 2x = Foxy =x (2? Order non hon.) “| Ax ~< ' a Gate Chomegerous <7, ) I } DK Dix 4 a= aGe +oze =e +ez 1} jae U2 O0=1 7 , Ufa UZ OD ze td 3X re oF "|. eno) (1x C2) HE | De : uo us} |. o q j le FOX) eX 2 -x& = ey Le f x V2 Foo. 2'ex_ =x he Ss ee x Yas =Sxé dx fotegraton by parts x x kf hak dune AX LeP V+ E3 Vo de ix x a eXE Fe +Cz Sxedu. =fudu =tey- vel axe. (eax 7 2 Vez Sv =(xdx aX +C4 Mow: 92 Vit Ve Ue ee CxS ree ee 4 (Frea)al ty = Xt +G e+ eca =x + 658% C14 C4) EX 3x x DY SIAR FER) = Sinx asing Variation of parameters method Sky x? warp cher. A Oyel a0 =~ B=-! s> P=F4T , Oh, DyH-k Dake iF md D, O,=-1 if => OL ox ph =e Le Cosfhx + Cy Sinpex] =€ [E)Cosx + Cz Sinx] 2 Wh = G Cosx + C2 Sinx. Gg Up =Casx op ttf = Siax Ges Sax =e Ul =cosx = i, Ge cesx Sink a a = CoSx 4 Sitx = aj ke «Sx Ceosx VY = me Fer) _=Sinx x Stax 2 Sy2x ' Vis hs Fix) 2 _CosxxSiax 2 Sink Gsx o 7 vy =-J Sir Kdx =-SLe ces 2x)dx soa fair dL fcasexdy WE 4p Sinexecs ss ix + fp Six Gasx tG Ver{Sinx Cosx dx = Side C4 A= kV, + Levy : = Cos LK + L Six Cosx + Cp) 4 Six n( SEK 4) Exgineevigg Analysis and Na metal Methods College of Lngineerin Lec. Abad H ‘See 4x4 LL ot ny He ey ee xr 1 ARP pity! LiL 7 axe * ax i Fexyne* Oye2eDzl =o (+I) (O+1) =0 Wh = [ex +r<2 e x -x D(D-l) =¢ 2D 20 2De=! HES +to& 6 sl fz0o au Re a a, 1 & x = = =e D-= uy Ui |o & 1 Vi = =k Fo). -& (ce ae (S48) oO e* Me fw wee. He Mz Se dx =e ac, Va = Sine ck =x- be EM cy A= EM Fe =e CS cg) ¢ Se (K-LEX ca) =X Ep cg xP Lae eh SEX Gt Ge wt z 2 x x ei es Coat) XE 4Ce -x x abe a dpxdacs 1 ex ‘ x 2 Same KFS )e + Se Engineeviag Analysis and College of Engineerin: ‘Nemevical Metiods @) ie pase ee Undetermined Coefficients The method of variation parameter is compolekely general method for soluieg non- homegenous egudtions. However, the calentitions invelied can be comealicated and is scccial case thele may be easier methods 7 ese. Far example we might gees aparkculdr solution for the egudilon: ley x axe TAY AE -© of the Bim ,yo= AE substitute yp= AE Aad its second eerivetive into gO. PE 4 3AE HE 4Ad = & Act b yp + & The equation ee he 3x44___@© has a particular solution of the fen: WP = ox ¢Dx« + & we substitute this Pelynenial 4 its second cle1ivate ints 27@ P= Cxr4+0O “Gps ec Ze 40% 4 DK pE ax 44) CX 4 DK 4 264 EL = 2x44 C-eF , Ore 2o+E=4 23) 4¢£=4 4=-2 we conclude tat (Yo = Pk 40x -2 = 3X22) js asolution of 4 In the above examples , the peticulay solutions resembled | | hee fenrction Fx) on te Yight hand side of the non— homaenous eguction. Te melhoS of guessing the form of the solutions and then alelermining We’ Valées of lhe undefemine coefficients. If Agends upon our abrlety & vecopgrize st locks the genetality of He method of varidhon of parameters. HoweverL1 's asiaok method to selve 2 number of special! cases, Eggineevicg Analysis and Nemerical Methods Colleye of Lazinee esiey ee Abbas HV. Sey Table The method ar eet coef. far Selected eg. of He Perm BL 4. 22 + hy = fex) LP Fex) hes aterm that de & constant multiple mihi and ” Then salu this expression ta the tial panction for,Jo\ D és not areot of the characteristic ©. Px Ae Dis asingle root of the characteristic . te. characteristie eg. Dis & oubk veot f Sinkx + Ges kx KE és not Arcot of the characteristic gy. Beeskx +C Sinkx axyzbxte ls not Ayoof of Me chavacteristia 9 0 fs asiagle root of the characteristic 9, 0 ts ddlouble root of oo He charactenstia eg. DY yp Exe F (chosen to mulch of elegree Bx + bx4e) Oxt + Ex* ¢Fx Clegree One higher order than the 1eqte ax*zbx+c)- Dxt 4 Ep Le Cheztee Tivo higher Orcler Man the Leyte of 2x4 bree). & linese fermined! Cocfhcrends meloS Solve; —=! xt ax ex 1: ae BE wx Fex=X char. ep is: 240 <0 OO +) =o => D,=-1 5 Devo -x hee ey From tetble since Pex) =x hes aterm of arrzbrac of ° fs Asal root of chetr. &7. (Oz =e). Choos yp = Dx'4 EX FR WP = 3OX 4 28x oF AS = 6 OK 42€ 7 a Seb. e+ 9p ine WS by 2X (6Ox -2&) 4 (BOX y 2EX +f )=x 3Dx* - (6D42E) xX 4 (EF =x SD so => Deo (604 2E)x =x 6D+ 26s sp op2b ol eo k 2E¢Fso pixl+Fro + F=-l z. A yoro +A -x SRRGI = Boxe c,8 +2 Pnalysis and College of Epgineerin Te bball Sego Eggineeri umeleat Methods _ dv dav ae 7 4x Z: a 4 2dtny =€ sub, dey 2 ot Wie + e2sf tyre a =i ca on (el) 2* 1 © Ysa s Svb gh po brens pre O,2D41-0 (W4)(O+l) =o 2 Oj=Oe=-! on cou ble yoo a bn 5) Dx lhe (Ax rezde Since: Das double root = yp= axe* pyHAK e* oo _ A xEx 4 2AXEX _ Qk EX — 2 fxd + (-2AxE*, 248%) wo Lo = -4 AX a 4 AXE 4 27e* sub sab - (4 AK EX 4 ARE™ 42AE 5" 5* = 2% 5X rk xX 4 AXE 4 AR EX 4 2AEX_2ARE™ 4 ARE” 4 ARE Kes . SS a 2fre* = e* ps KE eon al ton = =E* (ey) X+Cr+ ©) *) 4 zCAxée* + 2AKe) 4A eX =e" 4x 3, IY _yex Fexdeax =e ~amed Cxd= O-lzo => Dee] O27! D+! » De--l WA GF Oe* leble since fix)=x has aterm of Bx-bxr+e Ane o is nef Dy, er Dz choose ops Dxt4 Ex F we 2Dx4eF I =2D sud, IS 2D - (Ox*4 Ex FD =X ~OX Ex ¢ (2D -Fd=x -D¥*20 Dro ~EX =X => €=--! 20-feo => 2xo-fF=e0 o> Fao *yp- -X SRA te w= ce ore x Solution Manual usd is J yla Ayal iS Jal) yp Dll y cay i ip dada Engineeviag Analysis and College of Enginceria inmotion! Motbods dec, Abbas 1. Sei Fx 4s ane. xy = Sinx 1. Fex)= Sinx char. eg. Dulwo > Onl D=F) 2 Oret! oDee-l whe Ge poe" Prom table since Fex)= Sinx choose ,yp=AceosX + Bsinx nye = - Asink + Baes x “o - Aces x -BSinx Wee sub. AS y Way = Sinx _ Pees Xx — BSinx ~ACosx —BSinX = Sinx ~2 Acosx -2Bcosx = Sinx -2fiaesk =o ay A=o Vy —28 Sink = Sinx : -2@-1 »&=-+ WP ant Sinx EA Sb ESP 264 eU +. Sinx Ex Se Se 04 ae 454 = X4$e a = + =o FOX) =X#% O° +4D +5 =0 De AER 4S | 4 EE 2 AEN Lag axl z z a Opa -2 44 Dare Di = %+4B Dy= K-42 K=-2 q Pel ha © Le CosBx + Ce Sin Bx] =o Le, Cos X + Cz Sinx] by using Be methad of tncefermined Coch! cients let: yp=PX+B =f {ae int Diff eg. See Or dA 4+ SAK+B) =X4z 40 4+5AK +58 XR SAR + FAtSE =X +E SAst => A= L FASB =z #+sb=+ 5B = 2-8 => 582 £ > Bok 7 é 2 P= + oy = at SP ZX . ny BCE Cos x $e Sinx thr & Engineevigg Analysis and College of Laginetrin: Ww Rumeteat Nihod (8) TP geal ae : Az Ay 7 pS Bae ay charach eg. O'. sD-I0 +0 (D-S)(D+%) =o B.D, 25 2Du=-% Sx =2x Nha GE Cue, 7 (Guess + yo=A +, SP =o 3 yp ro an 1) 5 Ye byt if o- Sho ~ A =F ~bAs-3 = As | ir’ 16 : AP ie | At She Mac EX Ore +Z Ax Fe He AY joy =2x-3 | ax?” ax D*-3D -lo=0 : D,=5 ,Oer-t 2x wh =Ge~ 4 OLE Guess Yp=AX4B > Yp=A WIP sud. At Sy -ley 3 ax-F © -5~10 (Ax -B)=2X-3 -34 ~ leAx -108 = txX-32 ~l0Ax - FQ -loB = 2x-3 0A 2 Ask 5 -~3A- 08 =-2? ~SA Wk =-3 -7(-£) 18 wT => B= wer Be & Sh +t Wh tye a i re a 4 4x 8 A dL six. Se Oe char. ey. O.-Dz=o D(B-1 Wh = Ghee =@D,=°0 , Deel iP we guess: (IP = PSinx i: WP = Aeosx 29 =-ASinx sub. SoS = Sinx - ASink ~f) Cesx = Siny A=-1 G Azo at the same time Ne solution of the farm AIP = ASiIAx Guess yor 2 sx +B Sink WIP = ~ ASinx +B Cosx Wes - Bees xX - BSinx sub. youyp = Sinx ( Aeesx -BSinx)-( -AStnx+ Beosx ) = Sinx ~ Peosx ~BS7nx +9 Sink ~ Boos x = Sinx (A-B) Siax—A +8) Cosx = Sinx A-Be=! RtrB=o 2Ar) ap A=t f Be-4 WP= Reeosx 4 BSinx = £cosx— 4 Sinx se SX — Si =k (aesx nx) AiSb+ YO AFG FE ot 4 (cesx- Sin) Eagineevi fasts alysis and! Colle of Rpptvacth weal Hoc €é) dec, Ribas MS : a2y 2 eB 4x 7 -s- 32 2 ny aX char. ee O42eDrl=eo (0+) (D4!) =e = D)=Or=-) Wh COX x #26" rt we guess pyp = AX iw 24x ‘owe Sef gge x* 2A+2(2A X)4 AK ax 2844 AX + AX HX 2 Aso g Azl at Me same time. eg. has no-selation of the form y= AX Guess ,yez Ax*+ Bx+e w= 2AX+B 228 sub. ineg. SEES by ek ZA+2 @AX +B) + AX 4 BK + C= x 2A 44Ax+28 tAx*¢ Bx eenrX BX +AALBK + (2+ BFE) HX Az 4ArB=0 40) ¢ B20 => B=-4 tA+2tB4c=0 20) 420-4) -o re ex Fens Cos3X Fx jo x A py - co 2x x char. D*+/=0 Denk Os = rd O=X FER ax Ak=o 2» B=l pth = © CG Cos BX +O, Sinkx) € CE, Cosx + oy Sinx) Wh = Cp Cos K + Ce Sinx Soskx = Cos sx a f=-z #D of ch. eg (Table) Guess stp yp = A S-33x +8 Sin 3x W = -39) Sx +38 Cos 3x Wf #71 Gos 8X — 7B Sin 3x Sub, in @. StS = Cos 3x -TACES 3x. - 1B Sin3xX 4A Cos3x 4B SINS XK =Ces3x -8 9 Cos3x -EBSNFX — cossx -8 Af ces3x = Cos3X op As. lL -@ BSinzx se =>Beo NIP * As 2x 4+ BSin3x = ~ poe 3x 4 Yh4,Sp I= Sy osx f Cz Sinx -e Cos 3x Colleze of La pater Exgineevigg Analysis and dec, Abbas H. Serr Namevical Methods Ex ue 3 oy ~e* — Se eI tea B COpC05 PR ¢Cx IO PX) Uh = Gy Geax 4 Ee Sox fom teble + B8eO* 2 Oz2 ts not arcof of DeFe Guess : pyp = RE* WP= zpe* a 2x J =the subin: a 2x 7 tg re zx 3x BEX 4 Ae HE SAE = > Az ws 1 & NP RS Al =Sh ¢IP 2 =O Cos K+ Ce SinX + Le ch. eg. OF-D-2=0 (D-2) (D4!) =e 2D, =2 5 Oge-! x p= OX po Guess P= A cosx +BSinx { a, > A) Six + Bcoosx “ Jf = -Acosx Bsinx I | Sub in eg. ( SS a/-2y = 20 Cosx I Cos —~B Sink + ASK —Bcos x ~2 A Cosx~ 2BSINX=ZoCest|! | (9-38) Stax +659 -B) cos x = 20-Cosx ( A-FBs=0 39) - B= 2 WIP =~ 6 Ses x % Sinx Sh we A= Ge Xe bcesx -25inx Exgincevigg Analysis and College of Egzincering Namerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Serr : az x 2 ase 4x /3_ FF wy Ee +0 ECx)=@ 4X »>D=- Fl cA. 7. Ds >o (b= OE pee” table FoR have FeO" 2 Os Fs single root of ch ef Che tyes AX & (o/s not aroof of che. eg. IP, = EX 4 CX 4D Gress PSI tI = AXE 4B Cx 4D f Pe BE 4 AXE 42BX HE BEX 4 [PX ¢AXE 428 e294 Axe+2B a a x z subhin gy yay -xK iW 7 jee 2 fre + Axe + 2B-AXE Bx ex -D=8 4X 2A _ Bx B=-! -Cx=0 => Cre ZB_-Dso =F 26-04 Os0 > Ox-% MP = dex Ke fe EK Ke SP -AtIP x Fe x =x aC +Cze +B : oz Ps 4X Me sa-X* ~ £7.28" Fc0sx FCxX) =e Flos Xx char. @. O-D-bs0 (D+27(D-z)=0 D, =-2), De=3 (Sh =e, O% 4 EX table + BX =eO* a De-l ts not root of cha eq. WP. = E Gesx = Ceskx A kz/ fs nef root of eg. cha. eg. WP, = Beos X + C8inx Giuess + Nes Pen Pecos +Csinx ae ~Ae* - BS1ax +O Cosy w= AP — Boos — CSinx Sab. ta SoS by = SF Casx AE Beosx— Csing 4 Ae 4 BSinx - 608 ~SB cosy — EC Sinx = 8% 7 Cosx ARE ~ (B96) Cosx = (FE-B) Sinx = 2X Faosx ~4fe* = e* a> As-4 FGrcuF Fo+4 Bre Sth pce Z se eae + heesxr dh Sinx = Sh $e -2x 3x x W=Ge c,e"- 1 Ae Zsn 7 $Cr€ ~ Fe yp faosx + Z Sinx Fggincerigy Analysis and College of Eagincering Nemerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Sey 7 ET ne te FoR) 215K a Ax? AX char. eg. O+ SD =0 DO(D+S) =e +O 2Di=-S -Sx Sh = Si + Cre . Able: Etxd=isx? has aterm of 2+ by ¢e And Co) is asiple root of chat. eg, OD, =0 Giwess: yo = AX 4 BX 4 Cx ; z 7 i = SAK +2BXt LS 2 6AX 428 sub.ineg Spry sx : 6 Ax + 2B + ISAX 4 10BX $5c = ISX [s AX = 1SX > fP=| 6A +108 ZBy Sc etn en E ASP HK H~ GK + 5% IAN4 typ an 6 <,£x FOP #C2® +X- FX ¢ se Ex lex SY 349 EX 2x ex eB 1ex ax? ax char. . D-3D <0 D(O-s)=5e =O, Ab A= St table: FX) 8% > Dex which is etsiingle root of char eg Dex syne pxd™ (0) is asiggh rot of char. ey O,=0 + Wa = BS pcx Guess: pe A we = Axe 4B¥ eh ee x Ré* Fane” +2Bxee WS = SAE 4 BAP 4 GAREX = 688 4 79K8% 428 Sth. iin # Sez ky =e aler aa + 9AX EBA 9A xe ~ 6BX~— 3c, =é Lex 2RE*— 68x 2B Bc =2_)2x 3Ae* = E* > Aob - 68x =-bx => Be 2 2B 3e=0 a 22)-3ez0 ce 4 3x SP = xe £2x +tx Sib tye 3x BX z IST HCL eg xe + 2x +x \\ Exgineevigg Analysis and! College of Lngineerin ‘Nemerical Methods Lec. Mebié MS 5 \ : diy AY ayer i EXIF es Ger 3 Br tEy +E +6 =X =X =2% Pek) 2 2X anv ay | ow 8 2 al axe +7 “aig tRY=° Op7eD 4220 “> CD4rI)(Dt2) = Dp eels Dazee li oO » # an ae CAB AROE G GE [| MPA HR tps fy Poe OE > OF-! 28 = Axe* Li hoe fexy 2 F*2O* D=-2 Ya, = Bk en I Be fx = =X V7 = Cx +D ex NPA Bxé* 4 BxE™ 4ox4+D tj P= Ax oy AE*. E+ 46s 6 2B 2B E* Gp 20 BBE 4 BE. BE 2B Spe On Bache 4 xe _4B Em =) See Sb Ce Goss =x ~X 2x = Fix @ 2 AE“ + 4ABy &* 4B B*_ spy E* 43 AE. EB EX -2Xx Pe ar mr oi $3BE "4 Bc 4 2QXE™ 42Bx ES? p2ex4+D =P ey >x >2x sx Pre -Be ~+2cx+3e4+4D =e +e*_x A=! -B=l «p>Be-! 2Ce-] we ce-b 3c 40D =0 we Ook =x [-2 = XOX Hb xes WP. exe oXre NLP th = ORE KE _ Lx th) + yp eX pcre) Solution Manual Auta ois Ja Ati iS Jl) yp Daly lag ya lid Mada li. Eggineeviag Analysis anc! Nameveal Methods (3) “Tee nhnat ng College of Engineering oy \ Borer Oreler ear Fgaation ait Constant Coehficient AY 3 IY 2 to alx® ax? AX | Oy-sDLy +2Qy xe (OR 30'+2D)y <0 }| -pletts2D co D[O-sD+2] =e | O[co=") (D-2)] =o () BOze 5s Quel p Dene Prat Dat Os Dex Ds. | whe=qe' FC2E + GE orx « 2x PBRGE ¢C2O ez € thee +e E poe a DY 4d ayno fee SG--1S +e Oy-4a8yrdy=0 (S-40+4)y <0 (O- 4D*44) <0 (D2) (DF-2)=0 | (Ghajzo Oat sp Dave (Sizes pe Gee 2 O- FF In OD, =VE 2 Oeste, Dg =V% > Dae NZ OD, = Ds = VE | Ore Dan-NB og Ox |A,mae Cork ene + COgX 4 CAVE vex rVex (| [She CK EAE + Eex+Ca)e A Sy urs MS wo pe (O44 D4) 2° O-4e0 OLA BO25T aFel Biedtco DOs 4 pO-/F -F2i 2 Desert 2022-2 .Dz22k » Dqe-zk D, +O, »DePO4 Imay. 8th CP pee”) pS (eg SinBay Ca Cos Bx) x -2, , the GE 4 oe 4 e* Cs Siaex + C4 Cos2x) Ex :- mn SS dv & —<.... = =e oxe > yx TAT By -3y +2y=° Di-sDre=0 O'- O_2zD 4220 D(O-1)-2 (0-1) =e : 20-1) (O49 -2(D-1) 20 €D-1)(O (O+1)-2) =o (0-1) (0* 40-2) =o (D-1) (D-1)(D42) =e 3D, =I 2Dz2! sDe=-2 (Ib = COKE 4G e* Te Find pyp: Pony Fa op Oro) = Oz Or ap = Axe YP = AR 4 2AxE (IP. = REL 2IKE 4 2 4. PAE = KEY IAKRE 4-2 9E D2 AXE 2 AKG 2 AXE 4 2AE¢ 288 E42 AE 4 2A = ARG CAE 4 ERE | 1 Faggineevigg Analysis and College of Lagineerin, Numerical Méthode (74) dee Rebar ih Se sub Ss oy in &- } an x_ dd wayne ae = x ZX Xe) e2 ee ek | (CAKE ¢ 6A xO + ERE )-3(A¥e%4AKE 42Aé tz 7 Z | eS ‘ = 1 ote epee eee x 2X 2 e 4 | Aa type = COXt JE + ce tend cee shy actly git add gyn? | &xs a4. 4 CL 4S + ax? ax | y-4thys 6 ily ady 4y=° » (8. 4 4 6 -AD Ay =e OLA 64D 41 eo | (d-2040°) +(-20'+40-20) +(O-2D+!) = | (pt 0+ 20+1)- 2D(O-2D 4!) # (D-2D 4!) =6 | (08-2041) (D*-2D+1) =e [0-0-1] [CD-B-YJ = | Dypets Darl >Oge's Daz! | phe CG CX” Cg K 4 AE a3 find yp: | let P= AX’ = FP “ | SPs: Jerr jpre 13s: apsubila g. o-4xopbuo-4K%orA=F 2 A=F Yo =F | AWr=,6t SP HEX ECE gk CAE FF Qy- ~2Dy +2 Dy ny 0 DR 204.2D-l=0 PLO 0420 - I =o Oro» -(O%20 tro YD) fo J¢D-) ee (0.1) (D% O41) 0 D-l=0 > O,=1 Oo ee wtleNPagetel 0 BG = zt Dx x (b= Ge +e [<2 Sin BX 4 C2 Cos Sx] 1 7 ek » BME ab O'[e, sin PE 4c, cos x] Te find yp: ke? Mek = Az-2 dps = 2, 4A 5h tp L Na+ ele, SinBiE x + Ce Cos VE xJ-2 Engineevigg Analysis and College of Lngineerin: ‘Namevical Methods Lec. Abad HS Exe (D-2t pi) yee O-20%+i=0 DP- Ot D+ J =e 6101-1) - (ot-1)=6 (OLN (-1) =e COL) (eI) (D1) D+i)e0 (O-1) (D4) (8 +1 CD-I(D#1) (1 +1) =0 D-ls0 Dy =l Dtl=o =>D2=-l O+l=0 pp O=-] a Ozgek » Dae D-l=0 ->Os=1 Diltzo WOg=-! . : D'tl=o = O8s-1] +> Oz-h .Dgr-4 Dy, =Os=! Di +06 =~! Dz, D4eF4 Dz>ODgsF4 =x : (th= Cex tene + (CsX+¢C4)e” 4 Cy Stax ¢ C6 Cosx te Sinx + Cg Cosx (2*-4D+8)y -/7e™ O-1Dp8=0 let D,=-4 CAP 14-4) ¢ 820 -64+56¢8=0 »0-k at Dyas O-4D +2 BD+4 DO-H4D+8 #OFAD™ 40° -/40 +8 1404 160 2078 F2DFS8 L, oo *+D_4D +220 Da 1806 -40ine 4 EVE ot 7 2B lave 2 2 z= SOregee , Opel a be L ex Ee )x 2a Ge ac, +e” We bn yp: Benye OO DS D2 42D, “Up = Axe P= ~AAKE*, pe 9p= +6 hxe™_ age _ane™ . ped gp Jea-AAKe™ 4 wae, 32 pe". cape, 4996" sub. in e. = 64 REM 48 REM (4 Axe PE) 8 (9K) 2 1 VO) MAA SASK Fhyineerh Analysis and College of Engineerin Raceteal Nehods @) te Abbas (ita Twe~ Dimensional Heat Lquation Be Be Y fee aplace’s equation iS Perkectly insuléted Ex Drive tig gener / Sefution 7 of eae ee | to the Saxe ay? Awa lin steddy stefe Temp. clistriboution (mela! sheet) through amete/ sheet shown. Ucoux) QC yT te aS Beh ey, ory) = Xx Ko AIP —O Pevke Hy insulated age TN ot Loud pee se Koes ap PENX a X_LNK oe 7 =o = Dt= % Dez h z2=-\ 22,402 2X Ox) -fe* a" BE* Ab* 4 BOX TA we yy S « 4, 7 > Dr = O- Klyyjeo Wert on Ae, cash ta) + B sinh dto))#(C sy + Dsinhy) ° eA(C cas dy +Dsindy) =>Azo Le ee): = & Sink * AnlEcoshy +Dsinky) aes NNT, (KGey ye ~ Sab\x | Cony 05039) ee OR Eagineerigg Mnalysis ano! College of Lagineerin ‘NameCoat Methods den Abbas H. ad | @. Be ne when yoo p= diBledinles 34 Sin \x (-Od Sin ys + Orcordy ) | son Sinh dx <26N 0) 4 OL she) , eo: Sith dx x O)\ Dao : eee Cea Sinh dx * Ecos hy ail ON ET 8 H @- =o when y=! SS osNecs Bu 2 ch Sinh dx sindy o=-cd sah \x sind aN shhA\ so am \=nT- =€n Sinh \x Co: Me “py = _ ‘CusmPo* FS Cn Sink nux Cos ny ) id ee @. a Rel 1 KOuy)=Fe ois, it fo = Zz Cn Sinh nw) Pz! are BS RaI Cos BFE ott Chalfrange cosine) ana se 2 S90 ces oy oy | "Gn Sohne = = in Seon ty os (80 “Safar Scns ADs ana Ain Bu ate ef lel mM Soe sm Xx Poe ae a x neta (Koo =ACeshx +B suh. @ end ®@ in@ a ca ts, ee (459 <6 (eos hx +Benky)» +Goahy iby Denk Ay) > ee ae Og ae ayn let (Ck, K(x) # ey) Moat) = Pex Be oxy, Su xy zu = = ° BDU og Dxt OW Sy m |42x0 ay XY+Xy=0 + Xy 44__UMm%olze Bs | . fe Ses =o op eee u * ws - Eqgineeviag Analysis and Colleze of Engineeria negate! Methods lec. Abbas dk ad : : yas Ss Q- L%0) =o —~ cA) aes), 7 ; * I 3. C Aces hx 4B Sindxyn(€ Gleb Mor 4D fobs ()) o = (Acadx¢&Bsindx)xc arene 2 u (Ky) =Osinhdy (A Cosyx ¢ B sin rx) ee ee g (Oa) = Sioh dy (A Gs Ax +8 Sin dx) / a i | TV .@® Bese when wee H pelvis Ox _. 2 = Sih dy (9 Soh x +B Cor dX) = o = Sinh dy (-AAym dO) + BXCeK (0)) Ny o = Sinh dyxB ap B=0 _ «(in 3)= Sink by *# AN CEAK oe @. 24% -. when xal oe ato i ex it =e 2-Sinh dy eA sin dx 2 =-Sinh dy x AD Sin ML Sim \Lso SAL ante ade HE “Un (xy) = An Sinh BE y Cos BT x oo xy) =, An Sinh at y Cos am x @- af yom Ky) =PeK) 3 AS eld 2 SS ix) Z, An Sink 2 tom Cos rx 2 PW) Zs an Cos AEE Pel P an= Aa Sink Bem 7 2 e an “BS Ht) Cos are ov , pel Z Ain Sh Emo ZS Ax) Cos nIry Lx pore eS a Solution Manual uti is Js Al iG sal) yp Dl yay yt ay pt dada Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin ‘RemeCical Methods (*) Lc. Abbal in Euler eg. Coanaly equation) DP UMN AGM co SNe SHAS de aw O4b BSS od) ie Pp ai A? Coysll OW lees Al > iho! 42 be! od syle Wi) SIs SV tee ca SU Se cole cxah! 3 SEI SR No IP Erbin cos kt xx& 3 xy — D(D-1)(D-2) xy D(D-1) xf =D oma 4x2 KP exe py =e O(O-1) tO-lz=o (O-)(D+)=e O,=+) »Dee-! D1 #Dz 2 BD, Shee +e =O 40,6" 4 XP skye exp - Ey =0 O(D-1)(D-z) - 3D (D-Y) +6 D-6=0 D(O-1) (D-2)-3D (O-) + 6(D-1) =0 (D-1) (O(D-2)- FD +6) =e (D-1) (D (0-2) - 2(0-2)) <6 (D-1) ((O-2)(P-3)) =o OCretl 2Dae4e » Dz=F Oz Orz ph=aGe- $e 4Qe" z = 3z PA=Ge 4Cee ¢Cse ax SY sy IY pve Mgt PK To ty FAAS ary + sxy* tI =IK 42 let: xa& =z 2O0O-])+50+] = Fe 4% ZO(D-!) t5D+/=0 2D -2D+504/ <0 ZO e7D4¢I =0 De -3 FIA) - WE! Zz 4 D,=-1 » Oe=-4% z O,z pha Ge #o,€" L ag, -SZ plh= Ge rere * ee Eigineevjgg Analysis and @) College of Exginecring dL NMamevical Methods ec, Abbas H. Serr « . = (P= Fe i a fesh-o. (2D 43D tidy 3x42 “ z VPs (7E a ZR BRS 4p Pe 4B = BE ph E (2A 3A+A) tb =3E +2 6A =3 > fat Bat 2 IPs AxrB=t 8 ah tp J Vn) ota Inx =2 = wel, sy =, 7% 4. & gehx bx e t eee +e = St Co x vw Ft = ge os Solution Manual uid is J sla Aasgl) ill Jal ya Dual y cag a ply aig dada Ja) Enqgineerigg Analysis and College of Engineering Ss V2 cree » Namerical Methods ® dec, Abbas H. Seip [Natvix| Te general form of matvix \05) y ash) PDN se (ay ce CSaseall PPO SM Oia ol a3 ot LD Sesto Sy sites! cu ae ob aolis Ly WW etl, SAL Sy Sb SS Haan Re [2-3 men ia, Be[ bis | oon Qe= bae @z- 6b.) =4 » @22-hbz22-! Tr [3-4] [= 4] [6 af OT 2 | Ayabu + Aarbi2 > Bef bey »@2r=b2z * i] 42) 7 bebe ls ie Si osteo pte: Ube BILE -O BEY os oe Alon 5 Lwes! peice ies Beye Ot tshe WN ZU ods Is [6] -[e] F] man min _ [ee an bu bre | eel z 2k 2! 2 exe 4 [e h le] fe) - @utbn) Gn ad] [<] @zi¢ S21) (224 S23) Sx2- find AFB Ip: wk a ep Sa geen) prs ; eH) ? ° 2-5) -I 7 (5-2) (-1-1) 3. -2 Ex:. find (Mz8) If: 5 23 4 3-1 Az{- 0 z2| , 6s |g bw 1 5 09 Bt teks Eqgineevigg Pnalysis and Collese of Egginecting Namerical Methods dec, Abbas H. Serr Sol. (Sp4) C243) (340-1) q £ @ ' ArB-c = | C5) (ov) (242) |= |4 0 (45) (S41) (0 4(-20)) 6 6 =20 (SA) (2-3) @-(-) | 4 A-Bec = |(-)-5) (@-c) = (z-12) | =] -6 -l0 =o i-5) (5-1) (o -Geey} | -4-4 20 | Note: (A-B) = -~G-A) ‘ (A+B) = (8+A) Huw: find (B-A) : set ent -© SU cipny Caster pis : area el cre -@ ede pay Ste Ax |4 5 2 | » B= j-F 1 : ! Find: KA- FE kA=-3A =|4 7 7 -loo -% , 4 eo 8 Leet=/-3 1 iaedaes 2a (Pteer tar ~3 -6 3 -1B@=|-n -I5 a ka-28 =| 4 s ° 6 C2 CY) C6 -0) = { ~!%-1) (CE) -t 0 $ =|7 L 2 4 ye A 6 a” 2 rob _t ¥ - (3-8) @6~ 4) 6 - (1) [' Engineering Analysis and Colleze of Engincerin Aamelcal Methods dee. Pbbat UG + 0. 4 . . - a 5 boas col) eee ab epdines cape ws bse cae -® abe BON ON SRO aippeN bev oad cole Par) =P ON ce BLD A ee Bed La Roms) § B Ces Pu) AxBac Ip new, a CCmsne) | ee: je 3 1s e Re , e-| § xg 45 42 ae Find [A] * [8] Sel. Cit 5 By [Le] «fe} aS anz boyy eee eee 2) ze, z * . = e24le = 14 dd She, @#l) +B¥4) a Aw BE a Cpe oe (245) + CS HZ) H 16 fs £ Find: ABc Sel LAILB] =O (295) (595) (23) ea Dr Pe Dg [ 10 2 falls] = Dey Dax Das] Lz Waes Fy Fie oF feele] = [oe Oe Cen), (BHA) [fe Fax Rhee em [: ova pee 2 1 2 12 74 P 2 4 2rfe Poca ot ot 5S 6 4 8 &x:. tind x andy which satishy the e2. Fee deft ee 2] ° I Engineering Raalysis and Colleye of Engincerin acetal Methods Lec Abba h. Si Swat (-4 xX) + (-S *0) By-4AX =5 - --O Pl OKT) + (OX) + CRO) We 3x --—@ sub in®@ 3(3X) -4X =5 32> X51 BY 30) =? 4x3. Find the anknown whieh satisfy &g- $e ft -3 x 1 o 1 2 t 7} fe ; ° of 5 € s s o 9 0 1 w =| A x Ys tel] w\ Sol. gees (lex) + logy) £CHR) + Bm) [=X-2-3W-—-—=0 © 2 = (08x) + ( IkY) + (H2H 2) + Cle) ~2% two -—=O Se (o¥x + (oxy) + FE) + CS%) 52 %-S5w —---@ 1 =@¥X) + Cony) HOKE) + Ce) 2 -l=w @. sub @ in @ +r @=0 Sub wand 2 in@® =>_y=3 sub w and 2 in @ > xX2-2 fu, Sod lar ip aslo Zo S40 Sol. fat = Ie] 4 uy Ann o- Melee @ ak “hon o- Lb fe Ly Solution Manual us ois Ja Aap i sal) yp Daly ay ji i Mada | Engineering Hnalysis and College of Laginecrin, Ktemeteal Methods dee, Robot Ul. ‘A Special Matrices O- Tanspose of mahix (Ay If Romany Then AT Alaem) 1aatl shasta Jol Ft ol ots ay Aa an ar aay 31 r. a =| @z au aes “" A= an ae ze @31 232 as igh PAs ARS, : Properties: pe (An =A (AtBy = A™+87, (AB) = AT BT (CAT = CAT where,ce ix any cons tent. 4 nn o w a [adn “finds AP, BT. (By, (ABY s(eAy where : (@=2) far 3 « , (T= 34 :| 5 1 to Is ZA} ae 2404 Wey -ne’ -\2 5s alle 2 2 twp us|fs 4 3 4 te IT = [39 ou 45 FF 4 #2 Poact+ 32 6 -2 4 CA ec(Ayz2 |e 5.7] = lq fo 14. I wo 2.520 Fo e. Conjugate Vratrix :- CoS\od V's sah) Ee (AT pArtAne (AY = (Ae ek ee eas [A] arigh\ Ene the DOV EEL pt ade polis cs OE [A] armel <2 it x » Alets pd dint a im-|* 2) me lel [> 3] -1 “15 5 +d ie, A" = Hermitian Conjugate (Hanjudteima bix) T St oe om - [AY = [47] (a1: AIP [AY sete cele nL) AR cts ot Engineeriag Analysis and College of Lnngineerin, | NMemerical Methods dec, Abbas W. Seriy 2h ta PK 7 ai ek See Ae \k 2 Lil fAT = |i 2 gai 4 3-2i o gi -i oo Fhe Hh a4 ¢(-d el) 4-3) = - 62d ; (awh) Hi —4) + (Bh 00) o- 64H (441) = -S-4 i wei) t (ex—d) (ded) =- 24 Ged) a GH) =H Ieee Cease (4 wh) 4 (24-4) + (Ape) = -po2d C3) = (42d) + CF -24) (4) +o’ ZH (-F4-% (6-4) (-5-2) 644) (-S44) * [Axe] “\e1ed) Cezdy| =r eBy=] Cred) C2ssiy (4-34) (-s-z4) C4434) 5434) T [GSet) (4424) (-4432) S44) Cre sy) < (543i) cave} = [(axey] = oa 2 + (men) aps abyueh Sooke ©. If [A] =[A]™ + symmetric:. sealer revo ® F [A] = [A]! —> shew. synmetic @- Tf [A] = [A] —» Hermition. @. If [A] =-[A]” > shew — hermition thus. Find CYTE I A) » kes 7 | Ex:- 1 st I 2 4 Ipd Beek ° 3. F red! -? o -t bus Sher Syme. -7 z H Exgineevitg Analysis and. College of Lagineerin: XtcmeCeal Mitbods Lec Aibaé U. 5 1 AN aosuahl rgd oleyl VADISI az raabl -Q |A| = C&y* @2r) - (An ¥2z) ) | & i") [5 ‘| ~3 4 |Al- (2A) (SHAT) EBEISHZF + ALI Su suall -© Disab |A| -[eevowey +63 x-1u3) + (e5«1)] a [ewcesre(ee-! 41) + (3#5%2)] JAl= -4-282-32 eS pew 2 esi b ast ¢ ee OS ew Oe) Blox 28 SN eg SASL EI al i 21s fe iol: @ 1 a iy A"? Coby ober oat crv BN aoe we er ferws at tah CT Soe sl att ww roe z 3 GOLA IS ot OUI bos Sx [A] a] 5 0 1] Pets She LOY slow! Zs rz SR Neat re %, s [a]= C5 ss i 3 ees Seen fs = ire i 3435] F-86 -7% =-32z ; 7 2 AN Soe syal Go LAL ay Es Ds SPASM bs Cie) & raliands owe ok oy + SD) al -® Eqggineevieg Analysis and () College of Engit ‘neering ‘Nametical Methods Lee. Abbae U. Seb 5 4-2] Jo A 6 ‘ " jal-cwee)2 6 -fG0"sen]s a - 2a4 z 6 -l (8) cc) B= 6 = 345 8 aw ta LY c= |5 7 = 8 [Al = exs45 + 30148) 21134 —3ei ub Wb GAO OWI 23 Bij ph\ Sue det ote ays we LLL E eb deed A thee > erbh ay igltere wt Hie a Eh Solution Manual 4yaats ois ds Ati il lal pad) y ay yo pi ig Maa Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin SC aneteel Methods @) Le. Mbbae M.S Systems of (Gauss elimination) -aippNA NCR 2 22-0 te slit cpt PON Ja OU lw og SP \oidas & ele Sage (6h Bite oe ofl beast Som ol care SG CI Nie Jas # wee) Lash rot Aas lor oslof Wi Los piety ole + he) yh eset ee Dis SAY Now 2G 9 x ex: Solve BX, + 2X2 Xe = 4 SX +2eXe = 1F ~ Xn 5K, = eu 4] * 12 st 1 F og to o 4} ns alg L2*EtS | o o He ey ah s Tt . a . s a = + ok . wee oe te SPP MN oe Tab dD EA Nap Vee US ou ay r Se gah \ on x, powxz- Lx, =-4 > Xze/ OxX, $1KXZ- FXZ EX Solve the Allowing system of gus. we xey +B 0 204 exey ¢SZel WX Sy 4 3B = Sw eX ¢ fy -2E% = 18 z Yee ahe 2 oF 1 5 EW | vias I t -5 3 +2] Ne-Ferg e241 4:8 tot pol sto iM lot ow rlo ¥en HZ 44 See reevt ooo 20 N Engineering Analysis and College of Lngineerin cmeleal Mets dee, Abbat Web nw + O¥x + OF -IKE = -4 a> 2-4 oewd oxX + RY IFES FZ ADS orw IKK + Clxy 4 Seto ap Kae Lewy KX + layt 1e2 = lo awel Seve He system P 3x, + 2X2 =40” 2Xpo Xe A Xy + PX_e1P Sof. 3 2:4 Ve, 3 2 db Bg 2 4 We-Zshe, 1 BF 318 3 2 MF - Bury 1 3 3I5 ( os 3 Oo -% 3-35 o 1: 5 | er 4% o -% ;-35 o -F : -32 fovea obi ox poeXz=o Bono sok OnX, + I#X2 25 x2 = 5 Xt HK, HIF Br Xo -% Sx —— WANA -Luat oF o 7} o oz Solve the xystem, 2%) + 3xy —xz SX1 — 4X2 + 3x3 Xr Xz + Xe 3X, + X2 — 2x = 4 Viel sve 434 -% |e 403 228 nt -t 1 oF 43 & we oi 3) Vesa | Oo 8 AT ef aoe 0 22-4 slo 43% WiM-F 45-2 ht Bly sag o 1 ay 5 iF UF | ¥-' S, -F fH) lye Fg [oe 0 ase -H : Jo Oo =A , -_lot IF TF FF S-ORK, FORXe FoR Ks = 1224 TF o¢ eet Eqgineering Analysis and Collese of Engineerin ‘Remelival Matod dec, Abbat H. BE Ex: Solve X +&x 44X7+X4 20 2X, - Xe +Xz + FX4z0 WAN, + 7X2 + Sky - BXQSo a ay 124 1:0 Min-Ztte, | 5 -5 -7 1 10 F [ois 21-7 :.0 ORK + OXX2 4OKXE FOR XA =O AP oad Dok OxxX, —S KX, -FXz + K4 3 eo gd cplsve Vex, +2 *X2 4+4X3 4X4 = we lef Xpnc, » XP ECQ X44 = 5X, p Fee DEXA aS, + Foe —__® Ky = ~2X_nAXg x4 X, = -2e, Fen (sc, +76.) Xe -F¥6, -I1Ce 4 x; -7 -il Xe q : 1 ° Kye me o | + Sel 1 x4 Soy + Fen 5 F Inverse Matrix ey" TCR ; ees éx:- Find AU IR: Azle 0 2 ° Sal: lal «+2; F]- en [: sof; ‘| Ja] = 3[co+3)-Ge49] - 2[cs42)-cane)]- Ves cone)] |Al= 6-s0+5--19 e | =-IS ss 2 Ay 2-1) a | =z > Aa -cut|§ . ° lS ~-) oe toh fe 5] aoS > faeci | o]es Aaect5 | :|° “Shs = 00 c i]s? +f 2 er, foa= iS [2 | eet i 2 Exgineeviag Pnalysis and College of Lngineerin Came leat Methods ® te Ribae Nh 1 z 90 -l Gx: Find (A) IP: A= : 1 | [al =[en %3) +(oxovo)+ cresey|-frorre-9 +(e¥onl) “846 eres) Jal=1 | 1° s{ Fo] se Aue CD] g [2% + Ger Cile see Aig= cle : | =S >» Axe cy [ ot 1 %, s[zoe (- [: | & Asoc [® | “1 é Razz o'[E Ir > os 2-2 Ast = (15 [* : 2-5 Ass= ev [; | a2 a zs -L 1 [A*] = i “| > [A ]" = [iE 6 4] I -5 2 = -l ! zd Tv ai - lal 2 lois 6 es | [4] lal : ee €x:-. Use Inverse method b solve the Plowing system of linear eye. 3X, + 2X2 - xz -4 SX, + 2X = 17 -Xo ¢3 Xp eS : et 3 2 -/ As E eo 2} sal =-19 s x2 2p ST mn | [lt xs ~5 3 -lo} | 5 X= (2#4)4 CS #/F)+ (45) =? =19 Xo = (-/S#4) + SSB) Nes) 3-2 Xe SA) 4 (8517) C045) =] Engineerigg Analysis and College of Engineerin: | melical Methods dee, Abbas Se \ xe 3 4 Meno 2 Ex:- let Rz\; 4 y,| ance Bz |g 441 6 X% 6 Xp ne | If [als [BY Sad xy x9 and xz | él =[Cxer4e-2) + (on-1¥%,) 4 (ons 42)]-[c2e x) i + (Inol #-Xa) t(ons#-2)] ‘ [8|-[-8x2+20]- [8x-x2] = 8x, irons & [élz Zo - FxXz - 8X) Sin, 8 3f% -! afe2 is b= 8 | x Le|= lo=% 4 Bu = CF [2 ee 3[° = AK Bay =(-1) |, =| 4 [*- = “ -[*t 2 ee aele ou 5 x2 ze bee, S)? > B= G1) [? _i| 7% le -2 Wow) AX) [a] = Z etxe-2t%) ox, -8 Xz #10) 4X, -% z “8 [s*]' = (o-x1) exelex) (Kat lo) (s-4%) ~X2 Axz yr =z zee -8 - lel. Fs | Mo) 22%) Cet 10) [8] 20-FXx2-8X, - Je [e]- [8] * Aa;= Bet 2. 1o-Xs Zo ~Fx2-8x," @-A%) Lx, 4x, AP 20 Fz — BX, =/o- Xx, ~ FX, - FX) 2-10 0. Ax = B31 be 54x, 2e- FxEs8, +42 x2 - 44x, = Fom@ Az tXy = Lo -AZX,-4ABX, = S-4AX, -L2-x, subin® Bish x= - 2 Sabin -de xz ~ 44( B-¥) = us 42x, - Ae. 44x, = TUS a 2X, = -52-A2% Kp -26.0F a> X= £ 26.07) 27.5 =; = Se oie a eres 20~-7x, 8X, : sth Exgineering Analysis and Colleye of Lngineerin Numerical Methods ta See dec, Abbas H. Strip Gramers Rule fT oles SN ke ee HMestsy |Al aose\ oye ot UN | Xn olla Si Sue aud 1A] Ek Use Gramers rule to solve te gyrdem. BX, + 4X24 2X =F 2X, + X24X%z =o 6K, 4 2X2 44Ky = 1 Xe xX; ee x Jey be /3\4 2 Dx,- fo] t tf. 6) 2 4) 6 Kr seetutys 26 Oxz= | 2 { o Sx:2 By using Gramers rule solve the Pllowieg set of Inedy es. 2X, Xe 42Xz 4.Xq =o X, +10X2-3Xo42X4 =1 “XX +Xz ¢Xqe-S 3X, - 2X2 42X_ 4 3X4 = 2 zedtozu DA Gu Sb Syd ory) Foto 3 2] Op ke arte sal Fle} yyy Wemde 284 cub os 3 2 2 3 BON SAL Sal RR Sw Ceezee | 2! 0 Cert |! | Cate, J-l wz al »[Al=-cay| 1 3 = 108 -! at °. . Dx,= }1 (% = 2/6 HS 1 AB Be Engineeting Analysis and Ne. meCeat Methods Collese of Engineerin tess of £5" dec, Abba H. ad Ox4s 10 1F 1 tne 1b 1 z Ss 7 2 2 # + SiO bball goo (Eigen) Das pole ON) Siped cried Aa ob perce Zs O + Staal Ay) ol for boy -© UI Beas SiS oslo .@ SP ON) Seal SG esl awh ctl Srv ad a © {1 OO) @ ite dF Sales WS 5 Ss Soya ae A) SS opt mo) | + (Eigen Value) Sas OO SLt (Eigen Vectors) PZ 25 5) Sue CPN UPS ese FO) ot 1 Shee x 1 AFIS bas oS Dh | oy PAN oo # Engineering Analysis and College of Engineerin 29 ahysis oes E emefeal Netoods Le oar, ee xz. Find chavacteristye Values and Vectors of (A) where: 4-5 a-[1 =| i Be Sel, (MI-A) = ar = |-- 2 OA) had) 15 0 -1 (N42) Kit\-Fe0 Osan O-3) 22 « Tf Osi) =o > d=-1 f tid tH SK, th SK wo a XH Xz =O - Xp eXe.F0 BA HX Xe =o lel X,2G elf Ps] =X F#5Xz2 =0 =X, ¢ 5X20 let X_ =Cr ea Exi- 3X, 45%, =0 ~SX,4+ 7X, =o a.-l|2 5 : ora -[ -5 -5 3 5 (A-3) O-3)00-2) 425 20 (\-5)" 425 20 NL 6X49 425 50 N- 64424 =o Sel d= +6 € 136 -401% 34 = +6 5h ae) 2 oy = 3-54 dee F454 _ f@se3) 5 -si es O- Fr Nes-si fe 7 = a (3-54-3) 5 sh - S4X,- 5X2 20 5X, - SAK, 20, let X, = LX =8e1 5a x G4 A = fe x, Jedi LoS) yasaqll ta) platy g4030 sag bake Ol ue Oa CS) Jala Sal oS 1H gealbll gies! 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Given the folesing system of linear es. 2x, -4X245X%3=5 x, 2X2 -2X3.= -10 ~— 5X) -2X%, — AXz = -& . whete: Ais 2 constant use Growss elimination to find the value of A cee) PDN best dr Vb 6 _ _ 135 (4-6 - AD Xs =. 6S = - 185 Cig - $A) = ~ ve z = « LEE Gio ~ FOX = ~ IS. igs Xp = le a 3A Jo #E (te Soletion) EX: Find ined eigen Vethee and Corte sponidiag, » vec toy” o the matrix : seh N-GsO Smo Jy, OF-A) - ~ 5790. “ON- @se - Gso) + Sin* Ore 1 ~™AGs Op Cos) KSIPO = = CosOF/CosO-] \= GsOzr [ore = Cos HFLSNG Nie GsO piso N2= Cos@-k Sine Eqgineevigg Analysis and College of Lpgineerin i Memerical Métho ds we Ribae Se dec, Abbas H. Serr O- fr = Gs G44 Sine CofO + 4 Sin 650 sine x, -sin @ Cos +4 SiN - CosO} | Xz | } X, 4500 + Xz SiINO = 9 —~---—O- ~X, SinG + Xz 451n@ =o ~-@ &, let Xp=G fer 2 = Cos O x Xe Cosi Sin@ - Cos sine -isin@ Sin® - Sine CesO_iSin@-@sO -Sine -4i Sine -xX4SNO +X Sin@=o © -X, Sin O-X,ASINO =0 ; @ let Xe=Ce | -X4 SUOH Ce SiNGz0 Kien REET <0 s ry 3 0 % u a & 8 yo “% a 2 ce : Ss a 2 ~ 00 — = lo ° mfg tle Yay vl ug tee : vio TH! 0 movin oO s “Py Bway we \ 1 Ooms. ~ 0 0 8 x ‘i ¥ 7 = 8 ay : ae ns ‘ala { ~ w" J uo 4 og eS . yp = ( él =e gx ev A (2,3) Engincevigg Analysis and! College of Enginecrin ‘Atamevical Methods Lec, Misael rad AG, = CIS ; ‘| wad 5 ° | fone cor ® ;] oc0ba c z $ 6 a f b 03,3) = [< tet > 0.8b+06C a [*] =] o&- ..8a- ¢ Ob 0-62 =b T o 8, o6 [ac] = o8bre6c Slee ° ies -b ey 0-8 0.6 -t [e]-—+—- ~082 -06a 0-6c 40.86 7 é “1, [A] is unitaty matix then fay -y' 2 bc ° 08 ob | te ° = { 3 o8b+e6c -082 -~068 z 4 066 toK oo oF -F ° e -b 2Q@20 , b208 , C206 2 -s “pd H Zx: If be [/ | eee [: ] 2 Find the hetmitian Conrugate of [A767] Sol- IB] = Ce 3)-(exl) =} | Bt CE] 5 Bye COLI], Bas Beze (IS EI] B rey =|; -Z -CUR] iL Exgincerjeg Analysis and College of Enpineetin, ‘Aamerical Methods de Ribas Mee” 7 ~ Psd 24 poh fs") > Wee ~2-8L a aaa ~ 33444 24-P4 3 AmB] = a Wade ~2486 | 4, + 4+ co ~ 35444 nond 0 3 Te fovs"] 3 4 24-54 24 8k ie J s=> Ss — = cS 7 = a = ™ £4 = Ss = Sa wm wi ‘oni Squill a4 Jala pty Gnnsio aaap Jal clés gga) g lao cool calc all clit gf lols Joi SI yous gil Luu! plaim cio ayy3g liaie call pe Gym GI Jgla Srl ylSisi# géulbll c109) Jongg as4nill cale lapis) 034) pl all cale biel lio bed cyo30 gall cid gl yl Sd wT calc bgluly cloglcoll yo ajol g Syed 6 Jgla Sluyly old gbioesy ld go JS) pla jois@ eds JS ¢n8 cdsSgill g alaall al catod aa) aySgioll Guid iF Ugh Gdo0 Sq unl! IF gat @) Fnchl ALE y lS deo dy pail Le byl €}.com/abreports Exgincerigg Analysis and! Collese of Enzincerin ‘Memerical Method dec, Abbas H. Sééf Fourier Sevies (97 BLulute ) _ = Pye? kath SANs Scrwadl 00 oO . Z& an Cos 2% x 4 2, bn Sin ICx te CSB HR ~- Bo —* ‘ = bne. 4S fox) Sind A x dx 6, AB Le BINS OL We ies EM ao o> SVEN ¥ 3 SS KO AL pe OP? pyr? BPG BSG ee, 15 SENDUN CP 1 Sapeshy SN Vente L UA (ood) (even) So oP Seuss ale Dh et OP os oer Spa a “2yors 2 ADS We SNL 23 POO) = 2x41 -2< xc} > Ups Sshosb 2M 0 =p \ SN _@ (Bes@nzbn) S805 Ss, Engineering Analysis and College of Lngineeria ij ‘Aemeleal Metods ee Abas d os f Sx: fet)-= e (or k Boze | a\e —> (Te) p20 24). (ak rs blo) Seed Sidon dow (e=-£ aie T o> an ole oF a2! 4 Stow dx r 2 ao +} (1_x)dx et TT @n «5 JS Pox Cos aE x dx xr 2neGSU-K) Cos oF nl x dx ets “ESE Gens Cos nx 25 ~h <4 C Cost. Hee = (Gs@pr-!) = Pox = E+(h Csxeo 4, Cos8xX+,-~-), Eggineeving Hnalysis and College of Engineerin ‘Nameteat Methods Se Abba KG Ex: find the fourier series prthe function: ° -TKx o| dive cS v ON oe [ X Sinnxet Gsnx] -[ 7 at SD & [(Fe2 “i 4 Cosh @nz—2 CosnT+% anz2_ (~ CosnT +1 rer mae an +1) 8 elbe Mx £ alte nen 7 Por odd nz bS,. ~ <2 i r= SS (cos TH) = : @nzA_ 2 | 4e=2_ (~coser¢i)=0 a ar ws a Per even n= 2A age 2 (L d= = 3 3 aC Cos FIr+1) sa an=zo 2 fox) = B24 F,,an Gos BEX a hare Es (Lasnx rong cossxt~)

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