Computer Calculations Compressibility Paper 228813110913049832

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Pico vo TECHNICAL NOTE Computer calculations of compressibility of natural gas J.H. ABOU-KASSEM The Pennsylvania State University L. MATTAR Fekete Associates, Inc. and P.M. DRANCHUK The University of Alberta ABSTRACT An alternative method for the calculation of pseudo reduced ‘compressibility of natural gas is presented. The method applies the dfnion of reduced compresibty,«, = (2), where both p, and oar) are variables available as DR and DP in both the Dranchuk et al. and Dranchuk and ‘Abou-Kassem Z-facior subroutines, This method is incorpo- ‘rated into these routines by adding @ single FORTRAN state- ‘ment CR = 0.270/(DR*DP) before the RETURN statement. This method is suitable for computer and hand-held calculator applications. It produces the same reduced compressibility a5, ‘other available methods but ts computationally superior. Methodology The methods of calculating compressibility of natural gas are derived from the following relationship between and 2: gn o ‘Trube” presented a graphical correlation of c, as a func- tion of P, and T, based on equation (2) using the Brown ef ‘al Z-factor chart, While this correlation is useful for hand calculation, itis not suited to computer usage. Mattar ef a. used the following expression for c, that was based on the ‘manipulation of equation (2) 1 on [ (82/00, | on Rm | ay 14 #(2) ZS dt, ‘An analytical expression for (@2/0p), was obtained from the Dranchuk er al Z-facior equation, Oy A (By ae BoB) otine ®, i 3 Mngt a oh Paet+ Eola ngs Ash ex Ay Recently Chen and Zhou have presented a method of calcu lating ¢, based on equation (2). They provided analytical expressions for Z and (52) with applcabitycestited to a values of T, and P, where 0.7 <2 1.1. These expressions were based on a truncated form of the Dranchuk et al! Z-factor equation (ie, Ay = Ay = 0) a follows, zee Be Bh slae ® o o where a A,% oS Sy ae [la + Pt Bw Tt pen ® Although the last 1wo methods are suited to computer usage; they requite the Dranchuk et al Z-factor subroutine that cal culates Z which in turn would be used to calculate p,. Both Z. and p, are used in equations (2), (4), (5), (7) and (8). Close exa- ‘mination of the Dranchuk et al Z-factor routine reveals that this routine solves for », for a given T, and P, using the Newton-Raphsom iteration. The form of the equation used is P, = MC.) o Paper reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. ‘September-October 1990, Volume 29, No. 5 108 eee ‘TABLE 1. Definition of coefficients of equation (12) for both the Dranchuk et al: and Dranchuk and ‘Abou-Kassem” equations ranchuk and AbouKassem Equation Coaticent Dranchok of et Equation aay + 22 A+ « ay + bs Ay o Tact FE) pi Jay + A c ‘Ads Adan + Ar Aa o 7. 7 & be An For a given T,, the Newton-Raphson method solves for 9, that satisfies equation (9) using the following iterative equation: =P) zy 8.’ so 10) ‘At convergence, equation (9) is satisfied; i.e. 1 jab oor. ay (Sais) = GEE), «tm oer words, oth, and are calculated at the given T, and P, ‘The pseudo reduced compressibility can be obtained from the basic definition of the isothermal compressibility and writen as ay tis, therefore, obvious that c, can simply be obtained by taking ete of te prt of) reigns te Ith ty cians prone in te exiting mht Te onmtedaproncie npr sai epceot ame vated foie for clsaing Ze (eg: alte ae Bova Dacha stor asens Best of he Shay bewren te Dien ae cut a ee Suk und Abo Katte equation fous on BW EOS) a tevdinanesloeeflnseteo ee meictys te alow an cru of ty sad whee anor ne say modiaton to caues bt outa ae he ae feed apenhThetoo salon ope P; z [Tes cootecrels Cet Cul + Cy) exe —Cy2)}ll2) where the coefficients C,, Ca, Cy, Cy, and C; are defined for both equations in Table 1: An analytical expression for (®), may be obtained by differentiating Equation (12). ®, @), + Rrra) +O Hee) +(e NC! ACSI el (CADIZ sn (3) Inthe above equation the ems p (Cp), (Cp), (Cp). (Co), (Cp and, expt Cop) are repreeanel is tke ale Me rodney DR, Tl, 3, 13,14 To, and T6. Fly the mumer 108 ator in the right-hand-side of equation (13) is represented by DP. in these routines. Therefore, a statement for c, that is based on ‘equation (11), may be incorporated in both routines by inserting the following FORTRAN statement before the RETURN CR = 0270:DR-DP) ‘The modified versions of both the Dranchuk et al and Dran- ‘chuk and Abou-Kassem routines, which were tested and veri fied to reproduce the Mattar eal.) graphical correlation for are presented in Appendix | and Appendix 2, respectively. The results of the various methods considered in this paper are com pared in Table 2 for T, = 1.05, 1.5, 2.8 and 3, NOMENCLATURE ‘Ay ~ Ay = consans of reduced BWR’s equation 1 = compressibility = pseudo reduced compressibility Cy ~ = fancions defined in Table | Pseudo crcl pressure = perudo reduced pressure solute terperatre pseudo reduced temperature lume 2. compressibility factor Z, = sical compresibilty factor = 0.270 function defined in equation (8) pseudo reduced density REFERENCES 1, TRUBE, A... Compressbilty of Netual Gases, AIME Trans, Vo HO, pp. 385397, 1957, 2. BROWN, G.G., KATZ, D.L., OBERFELL, G.G,, and ALDEN, R.C., Natural Gasotine andthe Volatile Hydrocarbons, NGAA, 38, 18, 3. MATTAR, L., BRAR, G'S. and AZIZ. K., Compresibiity of ‘Natural Gases, Journal f Canadian Perolcum Technolo, Vol. 14 No, 4, pp. 7280, Oxt-Dec. 1975 4. DRANCHUK, P.M, PURVIS, RA., and ROBINSON, D.B,, Com ter Calulaons of Naru Gas Compressibiy Factors Using the Sanding and Kaz Cora, laste of Peleum Tectia Se ies, Nov IP 74008, 1-3, 1974 5. CHEN, Z., and ZHOU, X., The Calculation of Toa! Valumetic ‘Change Rate of Natural Gas: of U. of Petroleum, China, Vol 1B, No. 5, pp. 13E-137, Ox. 189, 6, HALL, KR, and YARBOROUGH, L., A New Equation of State of Z Factor Calculations; OW and Gat Journal, Vo. 71, No 25.7 2252, June 18, 1973. 7. DRANCHUK, P.M., and ABOU-KASSEM, J.H., Caleulation of 2 Faciors for Natural Gases Using Equations of Sate; Journal of (Canadian Perroleum Technology, Vo. 14, No.3, pp. 3436, July Sept. 1975. ‘The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology TABLE 2. Comparison of predicted pseudo reduced compressibility using different methods TF Matar ot at Dranchuk et au Dranchuk:-AbouKessam chen Zhou 115 21278 21279 268 = io 20 o18o Sse oisrr 5 i ie 4 oar? Soar eae = 1 80 0176 Sore Sore = to 309 Sore Sore eos = 10380 oon80 0000 ces = 10 10 1.3000 1.4000 4302 101 13 20 oer oars osere ogezr 2 it 02002 Sze oust O23 13 80 0564 see 00885 Sores 13100 0370 Saar oases 0ce0 13 80 oorer Sore? owes tase 20 © 19 1.0076 1.0076 1.0073 1.0078 bs 20 04983 aeons Oaioe odooe 20 tb ozs? O27 0.2382 23st 35 80 0.062 Smee 868 0979 250 100 2.0588 0806 20% oars ¥ 250180 0300 oseo 037 oats £ a0 9202 ose ose0 end F ne) oases ass Segoe oes 3040 axe ease 2a bere gobo 005 8.1005 81008 S102 30100 oars oars Saree sons a0 180 aneze ou ones e087 Appendix 4 Appendix 2 SUBROUTINE ZKATZ (PR,TR.2,CRAITER) SUBROUTINE ZSTAR (TR,PRAITER.Z.CR) © TR’ IS THE PSEUDO-REDUCED TEMPERATURE © PR 1S THE PSEUDO-REDUCED PRESSURE A REDUCED BWR EQUATION ISUSEDTOAP. ] © f° IS tie Gas COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR PROXIMATE THE Z FACTOR CORRELATION OF | © Za je Tur escent ROE ATy STANDING-KATZ (TRANS, AIME, VOL. 146, © DR. IS THE REDUCED DENSITY OF Gas PP.140-149, 1942). ITER IS THE ITERATION FLAG © ITER = O EITHER OR BOTH TR AND PR ARE DIMENSION A(® OUTSIDE RANGE OF CORRELATION DATA A/0.31506257, 1 0467099, 0.57832729, © _ITER>0 NUMBER OF ITERATIONS + 03530771, 061232032, 010888813, 0,68157001, DIMENSION A(11) + 0,6846549/ DATA A/0.3265, ~ 1.070, -0.$39,0.01569,~0.08168, TTER = 0 + 05678, ~0:736,0.184,0'10560.6134,0.72107 DR= 10 ITER = 0 IFCTR-1.0910.11 d= 1 IFTR-3.022,10 | 2 IF(PR-30.03,3.10 | 3 DOSTTER = 1.10 | DR2 = DR*DR Ti = (A(1]*TR~A[2] ~ AG)/TR**2)"DR_ CO = A(I)*TR + A(2) + A(3)/TR2 + A(4)/TR3 + A(5)/TR4 ' Te 2 ATR-ALS) "OR Ql Agana 13 = AGIA "DRS G = ~CrAG) 4 = ACDRATRID Gr aaone TS = AG@*DR2 IF(PR-30.0)1,1,18 6 = EXM(-T9) 7 P = (TR+T1472+T3*DR+TA*DR(1.04T5)°T6 1 IFCR-1.0) 2,2, DP = TRe2OTI+3.0T2+60°T3+THTOGOTI0 2 1=0 T3-20°TS*T5) DR = 00 DRI = DR-(P-0.270°PRY/DP DELDR = 0.1 TFDRI4S,5 3 IFCR-30) 4418 4 DRI = O5*DR 4 DO 16 ITER = 1,100 5 IFDRI~2297,76 FO) 3.56 6 DRI = DR+09422-DR) oD 7 IF( ABS(DR - DR1) -0.00001)9,8,8 8 DR = DRL 9 Z = O20PR/DR-TR) Tie OODR CR = 0.270/(DR*DP) ‘T2 = C2*DR2 s 10 RETURN 1B = GDRs = END T4 = CHDR2 t SeptemberOctober 1990, Volume 28, No. 5 107 Ts = AU*DRI 10 DRI = DR~(P-0.270¢PRY/DP 16 = EXP (~T5) IF(DRI) 11.11.12 P = (TR+T1+T2+T3)DR+THDR“(L0+TSTS 11 DRI = 0.S*DR. DP = TR+2.0°T! +3.0°T2 +6.0°T3+T4T6*3.0+3.0" 12 IF(ORI-2.2) 14,1413 TS-20°TS*TS) 13. DRI = DR+09%2.2-DR) IF) 7,7,10 14 IF (ABS[DR— DRI] -0.1E -04) 17,15,15 7 PRCAL = P/0.27 15 DR = DRI IF (ABS[PRCAL ~ PR] ~0.1E~0.2) 17,17,8 16 CONTINUE 8. IF (PRCAL-PR) 1617.9 17 Z = 0.200°PR/ADR*TR) 9 DR = DRI CR = 0.270/(DR*DP) DELDR = DELDR/2.0 18 RETURN GOTO 16 END Louis Matar obisined B.Sc. Ghonours) in chemeal engineering, University of Wales in ‘Swansea, 1965, and an M.Se. in chemical em ‘Bnecring, The University of Calgary, 1973. ‘After his MSc., Mr. Matta worked forthe ‘Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board ‘ware e was responsble forthe ERCB publ- (lon, "Theory and Pranic ofthe Teng of Gas Wels, Third Eaton, 1975", which isthe futhontative tet on the abies, For several years, Lous Mattar was asiocate profesor at The University of Calgary, where Fe taught cours in revoir engineering ad vanced well cing, and conducted research in Uiaht pas reeves, and muluphase Now a pis. Since January 198], he has bee in the cone suing industry dresing reservoir enginecing projens. He has analyzed and supervised their (epreation of thourande of wel te and seca {ae inthe integration of practice with theory ia wel ting “Louis Manar is a member of The Perleun Sociery of CIM. the Soci of Pevoieum En- SBncers of AIME and APEGGA. For the pas several years, be has taught the CIM cour in ‘Gas Wall Tesang, Theory and Practice, 38 well ‘in-house cours to several companies, He has ‘authored 20 technical publications. a 1987, Me. Masia Feosved the CIM Dis 5 Proficiency Meal. a a ni + MORN NNLUNNRNSN acne 108 i ' ‘The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology i

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