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What are Analytical

Analytical Analytical skills are the ability to collect,
gather, visualize and analyze information
Skills in details. They include also the ability to
see a problem or situation from different
points of view.

Top Analytical
Skills List

The Ability to Collect Numer acy Skills

the Right Infor mation
- Knowledge of numbers and figures.
- Understanding relationships
- Determine what you want to know. between numbers.
- List down all possible sources of - Interpreting mathematical
information. information.
- Determine which are the best - Ability to remember.
sources of information. - Visual perception of information.
- Determine the methods of - Ability to organize information.
collecting information. - Argumentation and logical thinking.
- Determine gaps in your knowledge. - Calculation skills.
- Think about who will use this - Understanding trends.
information. - Scheduling or budgeting.
- Measurement and data analysis.
- Working with graphical information.

Str ategic Thinking Skills Attention to Detail Skills

- Organization skills
- Clear vision about what you want to - Time management skills
achieve. - Observation skills
- Understand and analyze your - Active listening skills
current position and resources.
- Prioritization.
- Develop a strategic action plan. Technical skills
- Being flexible.
- The ability to learn. - IT and computer Skills.
- Other specific to a particular area
technical skills

Over half of college students bring their laptop to class

How To Improve My Analytical Skills?

Lear n to be mor e obser vant

Ways: Pr actice descr ibing a pr ocess
- Example: When you are going for a
walk in the park, pay attention to - Example: Before your are going to
whats happening around you. visit a friend, right down a plan in
details and define the process

Try to find a r elation

between two completely Play analytical games
differ ent objects
- Chess
- Puzzle
- Example: A table and a lamp.On - Backgammon Table
first sight, they have a completely - Any kind of strategy games
different purpose. But look deeply. - Other online analytical games

Other ways and tips:

- Try to paint an idea that you have or an action that your are going to do.
- Try to make graphics of different trends by years or months.
- List down different arguments for an idea or a point of view you have.
- List down possible solutions for different problems.
- Explain different things to kids or to your friends.
- Make lists of pros and cons your decisions or ideas you have.

Most Common Careers and Jobs for People with Strong

Analytical Skills

- Business Analyst - Project Manager

- Data Analyst - Accountant
- Data Architect - Financial Analyst
- Data Scientist - Business Developer
- Building Engineer - IT Developer
- Marketing Analyst - Programmer

- Detective
- Statistician
- Mathematician
- Lawyer
- Doctor
- Scientist

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