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Of the

Seventh-day Adventist


Published by

Review and Herald Publishing Association


An illustrated weekly paper of eight large pages devoted to educating and
encouraging the youth in a high conception of life.
While its contents are always lively and entertaining, it is entirely free from
the cheap, exciting stories so common in journals designed for the youth.
Ig Its general .tone is well calculated to strengthen the understanding, to supply
the mind with proper information, to invigorate the moral nature, to increase
reverence, devotion, and a becoming love for God and humanity.
The INSTRUCTOR is not filled with advertisements; but each issue is
replete with much helpful mental food which will prepare the youth for future
noble service. It contains the Sabbath-school lessons prepared for the young
people of the denomination, and should be used in every Sabbath-school. See
club rates below for such use.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Yearly subscription, 75 cents ; six months, 40 cents;
three months, 20 cents. To foreign countries, one year, $1.25.
CLUB RATES: Five to nine copies to one address, each 55 cents ; ten to one
hundred copies to one address, each 50 cents. Address,


Washington, D. C.

41j1 A 16-page journal published monthly by the Review and Herald Publishing
Association for the General Conference Sabbath-school Department. Devoted to
the Sabbath-school work and its general interests, containing -
41J AN EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT, filled with practical information on
the various phases of Sabbath-school work, and words of encouragement for
all readers.

GENERAL ARTICLES from regular contributors who are authority on
all lines of Sabbath-school work.
pared by those engaged in active work with missions at home and abroad.
PRACTICAL HELPS on current Sabbath-school Lessons for the Senior,
Intermediate, Primary, and Kindergarten Departments, and much valuable in-
formation for Sabbath-school officers, teachers, parents, and pupils, rendering
the journal an invaluable aid to all engaged in this important work.

Full year subscriptions only. Single copies, 35 cents. Two or more copies to
one address, 25 cents each. Address,


Washington, D. C.


Seventh-day Adventist Denomination


A Complete Directory of .
the General Conference, Union and Local Confer-
ences and Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses,
Periodicals, Sanitariums, and Benevolent Institutions, together with
the Constitution of the General Conference, and a Brief
Historical Summary of the Denomina-
tion for the Year 1905




ANOTHER year is passing,

Dear Master, let it be,
In working and in waiting,
Another year with Thee.

Another year of leaning

Upon Thy loving breast,
Of ever-deepening trustfulness,
Of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of mercies,

Of faithfulness and grace;
Another year of gladness
In the shining of Thy face.

Another year of progress,

Another year of praise,
Another year of proving
Thy presence all the days.

Another year of service,

Of witness for Thy love;
Another year of training
For holier work above.
Frances R. Havergal.

Adelphian Academy 98
Alabama Conference 27
Alaska Mission 64
Alberta Mission 46
Algerian Mission 80
Alpharetta Intermediate School 98
American Medical Missionary College 92
Argentina, South America, Conference in 85
Arizona Conference 57
Arizona Sanitarium 114
Arkansas Conference 54
Asiatic Russian Mission 75
Atlanta Sanitarium 114
Atlantic Union Conference 18
Australasian Union Conference 64
Austrian Mission 74
Avondale School for Christian Workers 92
Avondale Press 103
Avondale Health Retreat 114
Balkan Mission 74
Barotseland Mission 83
Basutoland Mission 84
Battle Creek Industrial Academy 98
Beechwood Manual Training School 98
Belfast Sanitarium 114
Benevolent Institutions 121-123
Bermuda Mission 86
Bethel Academy 98
Blanks and Reports, Committee on 11
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 114
Brazilian Conference 84
British Columbia Conference 57
British Union Conference 77
British West African Mission 86
Buffalo Sanitarium 114
Calcutta Sanitarium 114
California-Nevada Conference 58
Canadian Union Conference 24
Canadian Publishing Association 103
Cape Colony Conference 82
Cape Sanitarium 114
Caterham Sanitarium 115
Cedar Lake Industrial Academy 99
Central American Mission 86
Central New England Conference 18
Central Union Conference 46
Chesapeake Conference 19
China Mission 87
Christchurch Sanitarium 115
Christiania Publishing House 103
Claremont Union College 93

Cleveland Sanitarium 115

Colorado Conference 117
Colorado Sanitarium 114
Colorado Springs Sanitarium 115
Colorado Western Slope Industrial School 99
Conference papers 111-113
Cook Islands Mission 69
Courses of Study, Committee on 10, 11
Cuban Mission 87
Cumberland Conference 28
Cumberland Industrial School 99
Denmark Conference 76
Denmark Publishing House 103
Diamante School 99
Directory of Ministers 130-145
Directory of Physicians 126-129
District of Columbia and Takoma Park 17
Duncombe Hall Training College 93
Du Quoin Industrial School 99
East Caribbean Conference 88
East German Conference 72
East Michigan Conference 34
East Russian Conference 73
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 19
Echo Publishing Company 103
Edmonton Sanitarium 115
Educational Department of the General Conference 10
Educational Institutions, directories of 92-97
Egyptian Mission 81
Elk Point Industrial School 99
Emmanuel Missionary College 93
Eschol Industrial School 99
Eufola Academy 100
Fayette Sanitarium 115
Fernando College 93
Fijian Mission 69
Finland Mission 77
Finland Publishing House 103
Florida Conference 28
Foreign Mission Board, legal trustees 14
Forest Home Industrial Academy 100
French Mission 80
French Belgian Mission 80
Friedensau Industrial School 93
Friedensau Sanitarium 115
Friendly Islands Mission 69
Frydenstrands Sanatorium 115
Garden City Sanitarium 115
General Conference, directory of 9
Laborers engaged under 14-17
General Conference Executive Committee 9, 10
General Conference Association 14
General Conference Constitution 155-158
General Conference Corporation 14
General European Conference 71
Georgia Conference 29
German East African Mission 74
German-Swiss Conference 72

German:Union Conference 71
German Union District 72
Glendale Sanitarium a 115
Good Health Publishing Co. 103
Gordonhurst Farm Sanitarium 116
Gravelford Academy 100
Greater New York Conference 20
Greece 81
Gwelo Mission 84
Hamburg Publishing House 104
Hawaiian Mission 64
Harvey Industrial School 100
Hayti Mission 88
Hazel Industrial Academy 100
Healdsburg College 94
Health Food Restaurants 125
Hildebran Industrial Academy 100
Hinsdale Sanitarium 116
Historical Summary for 1905 151-154
Holland Mission 74
Hungarian Mission 74
Icelandic Mission 77
Indiana Conference 35
India Mission 89
India Publishing House 104
Institutions, directory of 92-125
Intermediate Schools 98-102
International Medical Missionary Training-school Association 14
International Publishing Association 103
Iowa Conference 48
Iowa Circle Sanitarium 120
Iowa Industrial School 100
Iowa Sanitarium 116
Ireland Mission 78
Italian Mission 80
Jamaica Conference 89, 90
Japan Mission 90
Kansas Conference 49
Kansas Sanitarium 116
Kansas City Intermediate School 101
Keene Industrial Academy 94
Keene Sanitarium 117
Kimberley Baths 116
Knowlton Sanitarium 116
Kobe Sanitarium 116
Lake Geneva Sanitarium 116
Lake Union Conference 33
Latin Union Mission 79
Latin Union Publishing House 104
Latin - Union School 94
Laurelwood Industrial School 101
Legal Corporations 14
Leicester Sanitarium 117
Licentiates under General Conference 15
List of periodicals issued 107-113
Little Rock Sanitarium 117
Local papers 111-113
Loma Linda Sanitarium 117

Lone Star Sanitarium 117

London Publishing House 104
Lornedale .Academy 101
Louisiana Conference 29
Madison Sanitarium 117
Maine Conference 21
Manitoba Conference 43
Manual Training, Committee on 11
Maplewood Academy 101
Maritime Conference 25
Matabele Mission 84
Meadow Glade Industrial Academy 101
Medical Missionary Associations, etc. 121-123
Medical Missionary Council 12
Mexican Mission 90 ,
Mexican Publishing House 105
Middle Russian Mission 74
Ministers under General Conference 14, 15
Minnesota Conference 43
Miscellaneous Conferences and Missions 86-91
Missionary Campaign Committees 11
Missionary Licentiates under General Conference 15-17
Mississippi Conference 30
Missouri Conference 51
Montana Conference 59
Mt. Ellis Academy 101
Mt. Vernon College 94
Mt. Vernon Sanitarium 117
Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute 95
Nashville Sanitarium 117
Natal-Transvaal Conference 83
Nebraska Conference 52
Nebraska Sanitarium 117
Newark Sanitarium 118
New England Sanitarium 118
Newfoundland Mission 26
New Jersey Conference 21
New South Wales Conference 65
New York Conference 21
New Zealand Conference 66
Norfolk Island Mission 69
North American Foreign Department of General Conference 13
North Australian Mission 69
North Carolina Conference 31
North Dakota Conference 44
North England Conference 77
North Michigan Conference 37
North Russian Mission 75
North Yakima Sanitarium 118
Northern Illinois Conference 36
Northern Union Conference 42
Northwestern Training-school 101
Norway Conference 76
Nyassaland Mission 84
Oakwood Manual Training School 101
Obituary Record for 1905 146
Officers, Suniimary of 147-150
Ohio Conference 38

Oklahoma Conference 54
Ontario Conference 25
Oriental Union Mission 81
Otter Lake Sanitarium 118
Pacific Press Publishing Company 105
Pacific Press Training School 102
Pacific Union Conference 56
Panama Mission 91
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 118
Pennsylvania Sanitarium 118
Peoria Sanitarium 118
Periodicals issued 107-113
Pitcairn Island Mission 69
Plumstead Sanitarium 114
Porto Rico Mission 91
Portland Sanitarium 118
Portuguese Mission 80
Prussian Conference 73
Publishing Department of the General Conference 11
Publishing Houses 103-106
Quebec Conference 25
Queensland Conference 67
Relief Bureau 13
Religious Liberty Bureau of the General Conference 13
Restaurants 125
Review and Herald Publishing Association 105
Rhenish-Prussian Conference 73
River Plate Conference 85
Riverside Sanitariiim 119
Romance-Swiss Conference 79
Russian Conferences and Missions 73-75
Sabbath-school Department of the General Conference 12
Samoa Sanitarium 119
Samoan Mission 69
Sanitariums, Directory of 114-120
Scandinavian Union Conference 75
School Manual, Committee on 11
Schools: Training Schools 92-97
Intermediate Schools 98-102
Scotland Mission 78
Sheridan Industrial Academy 102
Singapore Mission 69
Skodsborg Sanatorium 119
Society Islands Mission 70
South African Union Conference 81, 82
South African Publishing House 106
South American Union Mission 84
South Australian Conference 67
South Carolina Mission 32
South Dakota Conference 45
South England Conference 78
South German Conference 73
South Lancaster Academy 95
South Lancaster Printing Co. 106
South Russian Mission 75
Southern California Conference 59
Southern Illinois Conference 39
Southern Missionary Society 27

Southern New England Conference 22

Southern Publishing Association 106
Southern Sanitarium 120
Southern Training School 95
Southern Union Conference 26
Southwestern Union Conference 53
Spanish Mission 80
St. Helena Sdnitarium 119
Stockholm Publishing House 106
Stores 125
Sumatra Mission 70
Swedish Conference 76
Sydney Sanitarium 119
Syrian Mission 81
Tacoma Sanitarium 119
Taquary Intermediate School 102
Tasmanian Conference 68
Tennessee River Conference 32
Texas Conference 55
Text-Book Committee 10
Thayer Intermediate School 102
Transportation Agents 13
Treatment Rooms 124
Tri-City Sanitarium 119
Turkish Mission 81
Union College 95, 96
Union Conference papers 111
Upper Columbia Conference 61
Upper Hudson Sanitarium 119
Utah Conference 62
Vermont Conference 22
Victorian Conference 68
Virginia Conference 23
Wales Mission 79
Walla Walla College 96
Walla Walla Sanitarium 119
Washington Sanitarium 119
Washington Training College 96
West Australian Conference 68
West Coast Mission, South America 85
West German Conference 73
West Michigan Conference 39
West Michigan Sanitarium 120
West Virginia Conference 24
Western Oregon 62
Western Pennsylvania Conference 23
Western Washington Conference 63
Williamsdale Academy 102
Wisconsin Conference. 41
Workers' Directory 130-145
Workers' Obituary Record for 1905 146
Wyoming Mission 53
Young People's Department of the General Conference 12
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination.
Organized May 21, 1863.

Territory: The following-named APPOINTED ASSISTANTS.

Union Conferences: Atlantic, Home Secretary: Miss M. Estella
Canadian, Southern, Lake, North- Houser, Takoma Park Station,
ern, Central, Southwestern, Pa- Washington, D. C.
cific, Australasian, German, Statistical Secretary: H. E.
scandinavian, British, and South Rogers, Takoma Park Station,
kfrican; the Latin, Oriental; Washington, D. C.
and South American Union Mis-
sions; the local Conferences of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
East Caribbean and Jamaica, A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Sta-
the missions of China, India, tion, Washington, D. C.
Japan, Mexico, Central Amer- G. A. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
ica, Panama, Porto Rico, Ber- tion, Washington, D. C.
muda, British West Africa, E. W. Farnsworth, South Lan-
Hayti, Cuba, and the District caster, Mass.
of Columbia. W. H. Thurston, 555 McLeod St.,
Population: More or less under Ottawa, Ontario.
sphere of Conferences and Mis- Geo. I. Butler, 1025 Jefferson St.,
sions, 1,428,343,569. Nashville, Tenn.
Membership: December 31, 1905, Allen Moon, Room 223, Unity
82,536; churches, 2,274. Building, 147 East Market St.,
Post-office Address: Takoma Park Indianapolis, Ind.
Station, Washington, District of R. A. Underwood, 2718 Third Ave.,
Columbia, U. S. A. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- E. T. Russell, College View, Nebr.
ington. (A B C and Western C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex.
Union telegraphic codes used.) H. W. Cottrell, 1059 Castro St.,
Oakland, Cal.
OFFICERS. 0. A. Olsen, 32 Royal Chambers,
President: A. G. Daniels, Takoma Castlereagh St., Sydney, N. S.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. W., Australia.
Vice-President: G. A. Irwin, L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Hamburg, Germany.
ington, D. C. P. A. Hansen, Margrethevej 5,
Vice-President:, L. R. Conradi, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- E. E. Andross, 173 Harrow Road,
many. Leicester, England.
Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma W. H. Wakeham, Pont de Kaub-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. beh, Cairo, Egypt.
Treasurer: I. H. Evans, Takoma W. S. Hyatt, Kenilworth, Cape,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. South Africa.

J. W. Westphal, Casilla del Cor- Jean Vuilleumier, Gland, Switzer-

reo 481, Buenos Ayres, Argentine land.
Republic, South America. M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- Miss Fannie M. Dickerson; Takoma
tion, Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma
tion, Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park B. E. Huffman, College View, Nebr.
Station, Washington, D. C. 0. A. Hall, Portage la Prairie,
W. C. White, Sanitarium, Napa Manitoba.
Co., Cal. C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
W. C. Sisley, 451 Holloway Road, E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn.
London, N., England. J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn.
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. J. W. Lawhead, Takoma Park
S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster, Station, Washington, D. C.
Mass. W. W. Prescott, Takoma -Park
Frederick Griggs, South Lancaster, Station, Washington, D. C. .
Mass. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
H. R. Salisbury, 451 Holloway tion, Washington, D. C.
Road, London, N., England. W. E. Howell, Healdsburg, Cal.
W. A. George, M. D., College View, M. E. Kern, College View, Nebr.
Nebr. J G Lamson, Holly, Mich.
J. E. Froom, M. D., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C.
G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park SUB-COMMITTEES.
Station, Washington, D. C.
K. C. Russell, Takoma Park Sta- Committee on Text-Books.
tion, Washington, D. C. OFFICERS.
G. F. Haffner, Shattuck, Okla. T.
Chairman: C. C. Lewis, College
View, Nebr.
Secretary: M. E. Kern, College
Chairman: Prof. Frederick Griggs, M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
South Lancaster, Mass. B. E. Huffman, College View,
Secretary: Prof. C. C. Lewis, Col-
lege View, Nebr. Miss Sarah E. Peck, Sanitarium,
OTHER MEMBERS. Miss Fannie M. Dickerson, Takoma
L. A. Hoopes, Cooranbong, N. S. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
W., Australia. Mrs. Sara J. Hall, South Lan-
C. W. Irwin, Cooranbong, N. S. caster, Mass.
W., Australia. Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Madison,
C. H. Hayton, Kenilworth, Cape, Tenn.
South Africa. Mrs. Flora H. Williams, Battle
Arthur Fulton, Casilla del Correo Creek, Mich.
481, Buenos Ayres, Argentine
Republic, South America. Coinmittee on Courses of Study.
H. R. Salisbury, 451 Holloway OFFICERS.
Road, London, N., England. Chairman: Frederick Griggs, South
0. Luepke, Friedensau, Post Gra- Lancaster, Mass.
bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Secretary: B. G. Wilkinson, Ta-
0. A. Johnson, Akersgaden 74, koma Park Station, Washing-
Christiania, Norway. ton, D. C.

OTHER MEMBERS. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.

W. E. Howell, Healdsburg, Cal. S. N. Curtiss, Takoma Park Sta-
J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn. tion, Washington, D. C.
Miss Mary Kinneburg, College I. A. Ford, 1025 Jefferson St.,
View, Nebr. . Nashville, Tenn.
C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex. R. M. Rockey, College View, Nebr.
J. G. Lamson, Holly, Mich. James Cochran, 1109 East Twelfth
B. E. Huffman, College View, St., Kansas City, Mo.
Nebr. R. L. Pierce, 204 West Twelfth
Miss Lulu I. Tarbell, Rock Hall, St., Fort Worth, Tex.
Md. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Committee on Blanks and Reports. B. B. Noftsger, Box 178, Toronto
Chairman: E. S. Ballenger, 257 Junction, Ontario.
South Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. F. E. Painter, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
B. E. Huffman, College View, Nebr. A. F. Harrison, Graysville, Tenn.
Frederick Griggs, South Lancaster, J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs,
Mass. Mich.
E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. J. S. James, Eagle Lake, Minn
J. S. Osborne, Modesto, Cal. G. Phillips, 1109 East Twelfth St.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Committee on School Manual. W. L. Manfull, Mena, Ark.
Chairman: Frederick Griggs, South I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta-
Lancaster, Mass. tion, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- tion, Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. J. E. Froom, Takoma Park, Sta-
E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. tion, Washington, D. C.
M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash. M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
C. C. Lewis, College View, Nebr.
Committee on Manual Training.
Chairman: C. B. Hughes, Keene, COMMITTEES.
Floyd Bralliar, Stuart, Iowa. General Campaign Committee.
H$ A. Washburn, Graysville, Tenn. Office of Chairman: Sanitarium,
J. H. Haughey, Berrien Springs, Napa Co., Cal.; Office of Secre-
Mich. tary: Mountain View, Cal.; W.
J. W. Lawhead, Takoma Park C. White (Chairman), H. H.
Station, Washington, D. C. Hall (Secretary), E. R. Palmer,
W. E. Howell, 'Healdsburg, Cal. G. A. Irwin, W. A. Spicer.
Mrs. Mina Mann, Hanford, Cal. Eastern Campaign Committee.
Office of Chairman and Secretary:
Takoma Park, Washington, D.
PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. C.; S. N. Curtiss (Chairman),
Chairman: W. C. White, Sani- D. W. Reavis (Secretary), G. B.
tarium, Cal. Thompson, K. C. Russell, Dr. J.
Secretary: E. R. Palmer, Moun- E. Froom, Allen Moon, J. W.
tain View, Cal. Mace.
Assistant Secretary: H. H. Hall, Canadian Campaign Committee.
Mountain View, Cal. Office of Chairman: Toronto
OTHER MEMBERS. Junction, Ontario.; B. B. Nofts-
(The first eight members are ex- ger (Chairman), H. E. Rickard,
officio.) Wm. Guthrie.

Southern Campaign Committee. W. H. White, M. D., Knowlton,

Office of Chairman: 1025 Jeffer- 0. M. Hayward, M. D., Nashville,
son St., Nashville, Tenn.; I. A. Tenn.
Ford (Chairman), G. I. Butler, S. P. S. Edwards, M. D., 1213 Fif-
S. N. Haskell, P. T. Magan, C. teenth St., Moline, Ill.
N. Woodward, R. L. Pierce. W. M. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave.,
Central West Campaign Com- Winnipeg, Manitoba.
mittee. W. R. Simmons, M. D., Mt. Tabor,
Office of Chairman: College View, Oregon.
Nebr.; Office of Secretary, 1109 D. H. Kress, M. D., Wahroonga,
East Twelfth St., Kansas City, N. S. W., Australia.
Mo.; A. T. Robinson (Chair- J. C. Ottosen, M. D., Skodsborg,
man), Jas. Cochran (Secretary), Denmark.
E. T. Russell, R. A. Underwood, A. B. Olsen, M. D., The Hydro,
R. C. Porter, J. S. James, J. G. Caterham, Surrey, England.
Walker, C. A. Burman. . A. J. Hoenes, M. D., Friedensau,
Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg,
Pacific Coast Campaign Committee. Germany.
Office of ChairmS.n and Secretary: P. A. De Forest, M. D., Gland,
Mountain View, Cal.; H. H. Switzerland.
Hall (Chairman), A. J. S. Boni-. Geo. Thomason, M. D., Plumstead,
deau (Secretary), M. C. Wilcox, near Cape Town, South Africa.
E. R. Palmer, G. W. Pettit, W. R. H. Habenicht, M. D., Casilla
V. Sample, A. J. Breed. del Correo 481, Buenos Ayres,
Argentine Republic, South Amer-
Chairman: W. A. George, M. D., PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT. z
College View, Nebr. OFFICERS.
Secretary: J. E. Froom, M. D., Chairman: G. B. Thompson, Ta-
Takoma Park Station, Wash- koma Park Station, Washington,
ington, D. C. D. C.
MEMBERS APPOINTED BY GEN- Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
COMMITTEE. Washington, D. C.
C. P. Farnsworth, M. D., R. F. D. OTHER MEMBERS.
No. 4, Madison, Wis. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
C. C. Nicola, M. D., Melrose, Mass. Station, Washington, D. C.
F. M. Wilcox, care Sanitarium, M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal.
Boulder, Colo. Miss Fannie M. Dickerson, Ta-
E. P. Hawkins, M. D., Montrose, koma Park Station, Washing-
Minn. ton, D. C.
W. C. Green, M. D., 1623 Broad- Miss M. Estella Houser, Takoma
way, Little Rock, Ark. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park J. A. L. Derby, Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
J. A. Burden, Loma Linda, Cal. M. E. Kern, College View, Nebr.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS, BY UNION W. A. Colcord, Takoma Park Sta-
CONFERENCES. tion, Washington, D. C.
G. T. Harding, M. D., 1 & 2 Iowa C. P. Bollman, 1025 Jefferson St.,
Circle, N. W., Washington, D. C. Nashville, Tenn.


Chairman: K. C. Russell, Takoma Chairman: W. C. White, Sani-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. tarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Secretary: W. A. Colcord, Takoma Secretary: E. R. Palmer, Moun-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. tain View, Cal.
Allen Moon, ROom 223, Unity
Building, Indianapolis, Ind. G. A. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
L. A. Smith, Takoma Park Sta-
J. E. Froom, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.
Station, Washington, D. C.
D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
J. S. Washburn, Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C.
R. C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo.
I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta-
S. B. Horton, 2234 Magazine St., tion, Washington, D. C. (Also
New Orleans, La.
general agent for transatlantic
H. W. Reed, 206 Main St., Osh-
steamship lines.)
kosh, Wis. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
(Also general agent for trans-
pacific steamship lines.)
NORTH AMERICAN FOREIGN C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn.
DEPARTMENT. I. A. Ford, 1025 'Jefferson St.,
Nashville, Tenn.
OFFICERS. Win. Covert, Room 670, Monon
Chairman: G. A. Irwin, Takoma Building, Chicago, Ill.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. H. A. Morrison, College View,
Secretary: I. H. Evans, Takoma Nebr.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. C. M. Everest, Box 989, Minne-
apolis, Minn
OTHER MEMBERS. Jas. Cochran, 1109 East Twelfth
G. F. Haffner (Superintendent St., Kans.as City, Mo.
German Department west of Meade MacG uire, 1112 South
Mississippi River), Shattuck, Eleventh St., Denver, Colo.
Okla. T. C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex.
0. E. Reinke (Superintendent Ger- A. Bacon, 451 Holloway Road,
man Department east of Missis- London, N., England.
sippi River), 128 West Nineti- George Fisher, 32 Royal Chambers,
eth St., New York, N. Y. Castlereagh St., Sydney, N. S.
S. Mortenson (Superintendent W., Australia.
Swedish Department), 126 Oak H. W. Decker, Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
St., Chicago, Ill. W. Ising, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
L. H. Christian (Superintendent burg, Germany.
Danish-Norwegian Department), 0. 0. Fortner, Kenilworth, Cape,
Room 670, 324 Dearborn St., South Africa.
Chicago, Ill. N. Z. Town, Casilla del Correo 481,
B. G. Wilkinson, Takoma Park Buenos Ayres, Argentine Repub-
Station, Washington, D. C. lic, South America.
Manager of the New York City J. M. Calvert, 1161 Jackson Ave.,
Foreign Literature Depository. Bronx, New York, N. Y.

LEGAL CORPORATIONS Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells;

Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., I. H.
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- MISSIONARY TRAINING -
tion, Washington, D. C. SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.
Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; Incorporated October 9, 1901.
Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., I. H.
Evans. Office: Battle Creek, Mich.
Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, OFFICERS.
I. H. Evans, W. W. Prescott, G. Pres., A. T. Jones; Sec., J. W.
A. Irwin, H. W. Cottrell, S. N. Mace; Treas., S. H. Lane; Asst.
Curtiss, A. P. Needham. Treas., P. T. Magan (Madison,
GENERAL CONFERENCE ASSO- R. R. Kennedy, Wheelersburg,
Office Address: Takoma Park Ezra Brackett, Allegan, Mich.
Station, Washington, D. C.
President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C. ERAL WORK AND IN MIS-
Treasurer: I. H. Evans, Takoma SION FIELDS, UNDER THE
Park Station, Washington, D. C. GENERAL CONFERENCE.
Secretary: MINISTERS.
OTHER MEMBERS. Anderson, B. L., Kulangsu, Amoy,
W. A. Spicer, W. W. Prescott, S. China.
H. Lane, P. T. Magan, Allen Anderson, J. N., care British Post-
Moon, J. D. Gowell, Wm. Covert, office, Canton, China.
C. D. Rhodes, A. G. Haughey, Armstrong, H., "Lucretia Dale,"
R. A. Underwood, J. E. Jayne, Colpetty House, Colombo, Cey-
H. W. Cottrell, S. N. Curtiss, J. lon.
S. Comins, A. E. Place, D. B. Babcock, D. C., Freetown, Sierra
Parmelee, J. Sutherland. Leone, West Africa.
Executive Committee: A. G. Dan- Butler, Geo. I., 1025 Jefferson St.,
iells, W. W. Prescott, I. H. Nashville, !Fenn.
Evans, W. T.. Bland, C. D. Brown, Geo. M., 1420 Avenue 20,
Rhodes. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Casebeer, Geo. W., Guayaquil,
TRUSTEES OF THE FOREIGN Ecuador, South America.
Caviness, G. W., 1599 Avenue 22,
MISSION BOARD (LEGAL Tacubaya, D. F,, Mexico.
CORPORATION). Colcord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
(Meetings held in the State of tion, Washington, D. C.
New York.) Connerly, B. E., Mayaguez, Porto
Address: Takoma Park Station, Rico, West Indies.
Washington, D. C. Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
Trustees: A. G. Daniells, W. A. tion, Washington, D. C.
Spicer, S. N. Curtiss, H. W. Cot- Evans, I. H., Takoma Park Sta-
trell, I. H. Evans, G. A. Irwin, tion, Washington, D. C.
G. M. Chaffee, W. W. Prescott, Farnsworth, E. W., South Lan-
C. H. Edwards. ster, Mass.

Field, F. W., 30 Oiwake cho, Westphal, J. W., Casilla del Cor-

Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan. reo 481, Buenos Ayres, Argen-
Goodrich, H. C., Box 105, Belize, tine Republic, South Am6rica.
British Honduras, Central Amer- Westrup, J. J., Sin Tsai Hsien, via
ica. Hankow, Honan, China.
Haffner, G. F., Shattuck, Okla. T. Westphal, F. H., Casilla 787, Val-
Hansen, C. A., 39-1 Free School paraiso, Chile, South America.
St., Calcutta, India. White, Mrs. E. G., " Elmshaven,"
Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster, Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Mass. White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa
Irwin, G. A., Takoma, Park Sta- Co., Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. Wilkinson, B. G., Takoma Park
Jones, A. T., Battle Creek, Mich. Station, Washington, D. C.
Knight, I. G., Bocas del Toro, LICENTIATES.
Republic de Panama.
Kuniya, H., 30 Oiwake cho, Hongo Barlow, W. A., Simultata, I. E. R.,
Ku, Tokyo, Japan. India.
Loughborough5 J. N., Mountain Burden, W. D., 846 Sendagaya-
View, Cal. mura, Tokyo, Japan.
Miller, H. W., Shang Tsai Hsien, Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy.
via Hankow, Honan, China. China.
Miller, W. W., 39-1 Free School Haskell, Mrs. H. H., South Lan-
St., Calcutta, India. caster, Mass.
Morrow, J. A., Box 114, Hamilton, Hyatt, J. M., Freetown, Sierra
Bermuda. Leone, West Africa.
Okohira, T. H., 30 Oiwake cho, Krieghoff, Carlos E., Casilla 7,
Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Pda, Chile, South America.
Owen, G. K., " Lucretia Dale," Col- Lawhead, J. W., Takoma Park
petty, Colombo, Ceylon. Station, Washington, D. C.
Pilquist, E., Lo Shan Hsien, via Little, J. C., Karmatar, E. I. R.,
Hankow, Honan, China. India.
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Meyers, H. B., 2 Alexander St.,
Station, Washington, D. C. Bangalore, South India.
Russell, K. C., Takoma Park Sta- Palmer, E. R., Mountain View,
tion, Washington, D. C. Cal.
Selmon, A. C., Siang Cheng, Hsien, Steele, Wm., Casilla 787, Valpa-
via Hankow, Honan, China. raiso. Chile, South America.
Shaw, J. L., care Sanitarium, Soto, Damasco, Correo 3, Casilla
Boulder, Colo. 43, Santiago, Chile, South Amer-
Sheafe, L. C., 2021 Eighth St., N. ica.
W., Washington, D. C.
Smith, W. R., Chong Dong, Seoul,
Korea. Allen, A. N., La Ceiba, Spanish
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Honduras, Central America.
tion, Washington, D. C. Anderson, Mrs. B. L., Kulangsu,
Snyder, E. W., Marianao, Cuba. Amoy, China.
Thompson, Geo. B., Takoma Park Anderson, Mrs. Emma T., care
Station, Washington, D. C. British Post-office, Canton, China.
Tanner, W. J., Cape Haytien, Re- Babcock, Mrs. Nina, Freetown,
public of Hayti. Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Thomann, E. W., Casilla 787, Val- Burden, Mrs. W. D., 30 Oiwake
paraiso, Chile, South America. cho, Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Votaw, H. H., " Grennan Slopes," Burgess, L. J., 39-1 Free School
Insein, neat. Rangoon. Burma. St., Calcutta, India.
Washburn, J. S., Takoma Park Burgess, Georgia A., 39-1 Free
Station, Washington, D. C. Scool St., Calcutta, India.

Burroway, Della, Karmatar, E. I. Ingersoll, R. S., 50 Park St., Cal-

R., India. cutta, India.
Casebeer, Mrs. G. W., Guayaquil, Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P., 50 Park
Ecuador, South America. St., 'Calcutta, India.
Caviness, Mrs. G. W., 1599 Ave- Jewett, Daisy, Darjeeling, India.
nue 22, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Keem, Law, M. D., care British
Coates, Della, on furlough in Uni- Post-office, Canton, China.
ted States. Keem, yrs. Edith M., care British
Connerly, Mrs. B. E., Mayaguez, Post-office, Canton, China.
Porto Rico, West Indies. Kelley, F. C., 175 Ave. Morelos
Crisler, C. C., Sanitarium, Cal. del Norte, Mixcoac, D. F., Mex-
Dart, 0. L., Marianao, Cuba. ico.
Dart, Mrs. Ethel C., Marianao, Kelley, Mrs. Carrie E., 175 Ave.
Cuba. Morelos del Norte, Mixcoac, D.
Davis, T. H., Guayaquil, Ecuador, F., Mexico.
South America. Knight, Annie, 50 Park St., Cal-
Erickson, Carrie, Sin Tsai Hsien, cutta, India.
via Hankow, Honan, China. Knight, Mrs. Carrie, Bocas del
Erkenbeck, J. W., Ameca, Jalisco, Toro, Republic de Panama.
Mexico. Little, Mrs. J. C., Karmatar, E. I.
Espinoza, Julio N., Calle America R., India.
139, Callao, Peru, So. America. Lockwood, Dr. S. A., 42 Yama-
Evans, Wm.; Bonacca, Bay Islands, mot o-dori, Nichome,K6be, Japan.
Central America. Lockwood, Mrs. Myrtle, 42 Yama-
Evans, Miss Ada, Bonacca, Bay moto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, Japan.
Islands, Central America. MacEnterfer, Sara, Sanitarium,
Farnsworth, Mrs. V. J., South Cal.
Lancaster, Mass. Mackey, Mrs. Thekla B., 39-I
Fattebert, U. C., 1219 South Comp- Free School St., Calcutta, India.
ton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. McIntyre, Miss Ella, 39-1 Free
Field, Mrs. F. W., 30 Oiwake cho, School St., Calcutta, India.
Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Mignott, H. L., Bbcas del Toro,
Fischer, Mrs. A. M., Mayaguez, Republic de Panama.
Porto Rico, West Indies. Miller, Mrs. Ruth M., 39-1 Free
Hansen, Mrs. C. A., 39-1 Free School St., Calcutta, India.
School St., Calcutta, India. Mookerjee, A. C., Old Baydakana,
Hawkins, Mrs. Bessie L., Kulang- 2d Lane, Calcutta, India.
su, Amoy, China. Mookerjee, Mrs. Grace K., 39-1
Hansen, L. F., " Grennan Slopes," Free School St., Calcutta, India.
Insein, near Rangoon, Burma. Moore, I. E., Marianao, Cuba.
Hansen, Mrs. L. F., " Grennan Moore, Mrs. Lura C., Marianao,
Slopes," Insein, near Rangoon, Cuba.
Burma. Morrow, Mrs. Emma L., Box 114,
Hare, Maggie, Sanitarium, Cal. Hamilton, Bermuda.
Harvey, Maude, 30 Oiwake cho, O'Connor, Miss A., 39-1 Free School
Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan. St., Calcutta, India.
Harzman, John, la de Bolivar Olney, Mrs. S. J., 50 Park St.,
No. 8, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Calcutta, India.
Hetherington, A. J., Coxen Hole, Orr, Anna, 39-1 Free School St.,
Ruatan, Bay Islands, Republic - Calcutta, India.
Honduras, Central America. Owen, H. A., Tegucigalpa, Spanish
Hetherinuton, Mrs. A. J., Coxen Honduras, Central America.
Hole, Ruatan, Bay Islands, Re- Perrine, Emma A., M. D., 30
public Honduras, Central Amer- Oiwake cho, Hongd Ku, Tokyo,
ica. Japan.

Perry, Mrs. F. L., Lima, Peru, ma Park Station, Washington,

South America. D. C.
Pilquist, Mrs. Ida, Lo Shan, via Young, Miss Bessie, 30 Oiwake
Hankow, Ronan, China. cho, Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Placencia, Miguel, No. 92, Aran-
zazu, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND
Quantock, Mrs. May, on furlough. TAKOMA PARK.
Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. Evangelical work under super-
Selmon, Mrs. Bertha L., Siang vision of committee of twenty
Cheng Hsien, via Hankow, elected by the churches in the
Honan, China. District, by arrangement made
Smith, D. Ella, 39-1 Free School in 1903.
St., Calcutta, India. Territory: The District of Co-
Smith, Mrs. W. R., Chong Bong, lumbia and Takoma Park.
Seoul, Korea. Population: 279,000.
Simpson, Charlotte, Sin Tsai Membership: 325; churches, 4.
Hsien, via Hankow, Honan, Address: Takoma Park Station,
China. Washington, D. C.
Shaw, Mrs. Bessie, care Sanita- OFFICERS.
rium, Boulder, Colo.
Smalley, Jas. G., Northeast Bight, Chairman: K. C. Russell, Takoma
Bonacca, Bay Islands, Central Park Station, Washington, D. C.
America; Postal address, Key Secretary: J. H. Neall, 1528 Ninth
West, Fla., care W. B. Curry St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
(for Bonacca). Treasurer: I. H. Evans, Takoma
Snyder, Mrs. E. K., Marianao, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Cuba. Executive Committee: K. C. Rus-
Stuyvesant, J. B., St. Andrews sell, I. H. Evans, G. B. Thomp-
Island, Colombia; via Colon, son, L. C. Sheaf e, G. A. Stevens,
South America. D. W. Reavis, J. N. Gillis, G. T.
Thompson, Ida, care British Post- Harding.
office, Canton, China.
Thomann, V. E., Casilla 7, Baja MINISTERS.
Imperial, Chile, South America. J. S. Washburn, Takoma Park
Vanscoy, Miss Amanda, care Brit- Station, Washington, D. C.
ish Post-office, Canton, China. L. C. Sfieafe, 2021 Eighth St., N.
Votaw, Mrs. Caroline, " Grennan W., Washington, D. C.
Slopes," Insein, Burma.
Watson, A. G., 39-1 Free School LICENTIATES.
St., Calcutta, India. A. J. Bristol, Blair Road, Takoma
Whiteis, Samantha E., Karmatar, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
E. I. R., India. G. A. Stevens, 1322 T St., N. W.,
Wilbur, E. H., care British Post- Washington, D. C.
office, Canton, China.
Wilbur, Mrs. Susan H., care Brit-
ish Post-office, Canton, China. Miss L. M. Slocum, 1528 Ninth St.,
Wilcox, A. Helen, 39-1 Free School N. W., Washington, D. C.
St., Calcutta, India. Mrs. M. E. Cooke, 2213 Bright-
Westrup, Mrs. J. J., Sin Tsai wood Ave., N. W., Washington,
Hsien, via Hankow, Honan, D. C.
China. Mrs. Annie C. Sheaf e, 2021 Eighth
Wilkinson. Mrs. Maude M., Tako- St., N. W., Washington, D. C.


Organized 1901.
Territory: The Conferences of crick Griggs (Chairman), W. J.
Maine, Vermont, Central New Fitzgerald (Sec.), A. E. Place,
England (comprising the States W. A. Westworth, Mrs. S. J.
of Massachusetts and New Hall, H. W. Carr, C. H. Edwards,
Hampshire), Southern New Eng- J. E. Jayne, Frank Page, B. F.
land (Connecticut and Rhode Purdham, Miss Eliza H. Morton,
Island), New York, Greater New Miss Lulu I. Tarbell, Miss Sue
York, New Jersey, Eastern M. Andrews, Miss Fannie Fond-
Pennsylvania, Western Pennsyl- e rsmith.
vania, Chesapeake, Virginia, and MINISTERS.
West Virginia.
Population: 26,261,121. E. W. Farnsworth, South Lan-
Membership: 8,286; churches, 282. caster, Mass.
Office: South Lancaster, Mass. W. J. Fitigerald, 1942 North
Seventeenth St., Philadelphia,
President: E. W. Farnsworth, Frederick Griggs, South Lancaster,
South Lancaster, Mass. Mass.
Vice-President: W. J. Fitzgerald, Roy F. Cottrell, South Lancaster,
1942 North Seventeenth St., Mass.
Philadelphia, Pa. LICENTIATE.
Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
F. E. Painter, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Jennie Thayer, South Lancaster,
Canvassing Agent: F. E. Painter, CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND CON-
Wilkinsburg, Pa. FERENCE.
Executive Committee: E. W. Organized 1903, out of territory
Farnsworth, W. J. Fitzgerald,
formerly comprising the New
the presidents of the Confer-
England Conference.
ences composing the Union,
Territory: Massachusetts and
Frederick Griggs, C. C. Nicola,
New Hampshire.
S. N. Curtiss, F. E. Painter, and
Population: Approximately, 3,216,-
E. E. Miles.
" The Atlantic Union Conference
Membership: 1,037; churches, 31.
Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Office: South Lancaster, Mass.
ventists:" Trustees: Eugene
W. Farnsworth (Pres.), Horace OFFICERS.
B. Tucker (Sec. and Treas.), President: A. E. Place, South
William J. Fitzgerald, Frederick Lancaster, Mass.
Griggs, Sands H. Lane, Albert Secretary and Treasurer: H. B.
E. Place, Charles H. Edwards. Tucker, South Lancaster, Mass.
Auditor: J. E. Jayne. Sabbath-school and Missionary
Medical Missionary Department: Secretary: Mrs. Lee S. Wheeler,
Advisory Committee: G. T. 33 Magnolia St., Malden, Mass.
Harding, M. D.; C. C. Nicola, Canvassing Agent: H. C. Wilcox,
M. D.; H. B. Knapp, M. D.; E. Lancaster, Mass.
F. Otis, M. D.; Mrs. Patience
Bourdeau-Sisco, M. D.; G. H. MINISTERS.
Heald, M. D.; J. E. Jayne, C. H. A. E. Place, South Lancaster, Mass.
Edwards, W. J. Fitzgerald. F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster,
Department of Education: Fred- Mass.

Lee S. Wheeler, 33 Magnolia St., Executive Committee: Morris

Malden, Mass. Lukens, Nicholas Dreer, John H.
E. E. Miles, South Lancaster, Mass. Rhodes, D. E. Bell, J. W. Munck.
J. Wallenkampf, 16 Hooper St., MINISTERS.
Worcester, Mass.
H. C. Hartwell, 30 Lawrence St., Morris Lukens, 1909 Lansdowne
Fitchburg, Mass. St., Baltimore,' Md.
J. F. Jones, 1909 Lansdowne St.,
LICENTIATE. Baltimore, 'Md.
W. R. Uchtmann, 40 Shawmut J. A. Traugh, 16 Race St., Cumber-
Ave., New Bedford, Mass. land, Md.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Fred H. Seeney, Cheswold, Del.
Mrs. Ella M. Clark, 69 Highland PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Ave., Fitchburg, Mass.
Miss Lulu I. Tarbell, Rock Hall,
Anna M. Downs, 8 Maple Ave., Md.
Everett, Mass. Virbrook Nutter, Ford's Store, Md.
C. E. Palmer, 200 Linden St.,
Miss Anna Smith, Cheswold, Del.
Everett, Mass. Miss May G. Cole, Cumberland, .
Arthur E. Sanderson, Athol, Mass.
Fred W. Stray, Pittsfield, Mass.
Charles F. Ulrich, South Lan-
Ella M. Wilber, South Lancaster, CONFERENCE.
H. C. Wilcox, Lancaster, Mass. Organized 1903, out of territory
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER. comprising the Pennsylvania
Miss Florence M. Kidder, South Conference, which was organized
in 1879.
Lancaster, Mass.
Territory: That portion of Penn-
sylvania lying east of the east-
erly line of Potter, Clinton, Cen-
CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE. ter, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and
Organized 1899. Fulton counties.
Population: 3,800,000.
Territory: Delaware and Mary- Membership: 9S9; churches, 27.
land, and the three counties of Office: 5017 Arch St., Philadelphia,
Morgan, Berkeley, and Jefferson, Pa.
in West Virginia; and excepting OFFICERS.
the District of Columbia and President: W. J. Fitzgerald, 1942
Takoma Park. North Seventeenth St., Phila-
Population: 1,419,586. delphia, Pa.
Sabbath-keepers: 547; churches, Vice-President: W. H. Smith, 433
13. Anthony St., Williamsport, Pa.
Office: 1909 Lansdowne St., Balti- Secretary and Treasurer of Confer-
more, Md. ence and Tract Society: V. H.
OFFICERS. Cook, office address.
President: Morris Lukens, 1909 Field Secretary: Frank F. Fry, of-
Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md. fice address.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
ference and Tract Society: Ed- retary, Sue M. Andrews, office
win R. Nutter, 1909 Lansdowne address; Treasurer, V. H. Cook.
St., Baltimore, Md. Religious Liberty Secretary: G. W.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss Spies, Dauphin, Pa.
Emma S. Newcomer, Hagers- Executive Committee: W. J. Fitz-
town, Md. gerald, W. H. Smith, S. S.

Shrock, Morris Lukens, Henry Secretary and Treasurer of Con-

Baumgartner. ference and Tract Society: E. H.
Hall, office address.
MINISTERS. Executive Committee: C. H. Ed-
W. J. Fitzgerald, 1942 North Sev- wards, 1039 East 169th St., New
enteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. York, N. Y.; E. H. Hall, 535
S. S. Shrock, 908 Harrison Ave., West 110th St., New York, N.
Scranton, Pa. Y.; 0. E. Reinke, 128 West 90th
W. H. Smith, 433 Anthony St., St., New York, N. Y.; G. M.
Williamsport, Pa. Chaffee, Ridgewood, N. J.; E. H.
Morris Lukens, 229 Ruby St., Phil- M. Sell, M. D., Summit, N. J.;
adelphia, Pa. L. Klebahn, 2172 Amsterdam
Chas. Baierle, 2127 North Eight- Ave., New York, N. Y.; M. L.
eenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Andreasen, 5122 Fifth Ave.,
P. F. Bicknell, 227 Farson St., Brooklyn, N. Y.; A. Mitchell,
Philadelphia, Pa. 526 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N.
LICENTIATES. Y.; J. K. Humphrey, 233 West
G. W. Spies, Dauphin, Pa. Sixty-second St., New York,
C. E. Hilton, R. F. D. No. 3, Quar- N. Y.
ryville, Pa. Medical Department: G. M. Chaf-
fee (Chairman), Dr. E. H. M.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sell, M. L. Andreasen, 0. E.
Sue M. Andrews, 5017 Arch St., Reinke, J. A. Wood (Sayville,
Philadelphia, Pa. Long Island).
Jessie M. Weiss, 17 Hoyt St., Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
Kingston, Pa. ment: Mrs. L. H. Proctor, 367
Nellie B. Underwood, 433 Anthony Clifton Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
St., Williamsport, Pa. Secretary Educational Depart-
Frank F. Fry, 5017 Arch St., Phila- ment: Amos Mitchell, 526 Flat-
delphia, Pa. bush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
W. T. Hilgert, 1929 Girard Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa. MINISTERS.
C. S. Wiest, South Lancaster, C. H. Edwards, 1039 East 169th
Mass. St., New York, N. Y.
0. E. Reinke, 128 West 90th St.,
New York, N. Y.
L. H. Proctor, 367 'Clifton Place,
FERENCE. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Organized 1902. H. E. Robinson, Matteawan, N. Y.
Territory: The City of Greater M. L. Andreasen, 5122 Fifth Ave.,
New York, Long Island, and the Brooklyn, N. Y.
counties of Westchester, Rock MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
land, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess,
and Ulster in the State of New J. C. Hennessy, 11 Oakley St.,
York. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Population: Approximately, 5,- J. J. Kennedy, 38 Kingston Ave.,
000,000. Port Jervis, N. Y.
Membership: 650; churches, 12. L. Zecchetto, 535 West 110th St.,
Office: 535 West One Hundred New York, N. Y.
and Tenth St., New York, N. Y. Mrs. R. Leo, 275 Euclid Ave.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
OFFICERS. Alice Williams, 460 Carlton Ave.,
President: C. H. Edwards, 1039 Brooklyn, N. Y.
East One Hundred and Sixty- J. K. Humphrey, 233 West Sixty-
ninth St., New York City. second St., New York, N. Y.

G. A. Roggenkamp, 83 Ann St., Departments: Mrs. Anna E.

Newburgh, N. Y. Rambo, Swedesboro, N. J.
G. A. King, 982 East 156th St., Executive Committee: J. E. Jayne,
New York, N. Y. J. W. Rambo, H. J. Adams, F.
Eliza Kehrein, 128 West 90th St., F. Stoll, Geo. E. Leslie.
New York, N. Y. MINISTERS.
Geo. E. Nord, 535 West 110th St.,
New York, N. Y. J. E. Jayne, 14 North Thirtieth
B. Voth, 184 Onderdonk Ave., St., Camden, N. J.
Brooklyn, N. Y. A. R. Bell, 341 Academy St., Tren-
J. A. Woo, Sayville, Long Island. ton, N. J.
E. E. Franke, care New Jersey
Tract Society, Swedesboro, N. J.
Organized. 1867. F. F. Stoll, 321 Germania Ave.,
Territory: The State of Maine. Jersey City, N. J.
Population: 694,466.
Membership: 548; churches, 21. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Office: 1377 Washington Ave., Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, Swedesboro,
North Deering, Me. N. J.
President: S. J. 'Hersum,. Rich- J. W. Rambo, Swedesboro, N. J.
mond, Me.
Vice-President and Business Man-
Secretary 'and Treasurer: Miss Organized 1862.
Eliza H. Morton,. 365 Allen Ave.,
North Deering, Me. Territory: The State of New York
Secretary and Treasurer Sabbath- except that portion comprised
school Department: Mrs. Lilla in the Greater New York Con-
M. Grant, Phillips, Me. ference.
Executive Committee: S. J. Her- Population: 3,300,000.
sum, C. H. Harmon, G. W. Whit- Membership: 1,750; churches, 69.
ney, John Easier, B. F. Davis. Office: 317 West Bloomfield St.,
S. J. Hersum, Richmond, Me. OFFICERS.
J. B. Goodrich, Blaine, Me. President: S. H. Lane, 317 West
P. B. Osborne, Skowhegan, Me. Bloomfield St., Rome.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Secretary and Treasurer: T. E.
Wilbur McKeen, Cliff Island, Me. Bowen, 317 West Bloomfield St.,
Missionary Department: Secretary
NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE. and Treasurer, T. E. Bowen.
Organized 1902. Educational Department: Secre-
tary, H. W. Carr, R. F. D. No. 1,
Territory: The State of New Randolph.
Jersey. Religious Liberty Department: J.
Population: 1,883,669. S. Wightman, Hemlock, Living-
Membership: 440; churches, 14. ston Co.
Office: Swedesboro, N. J. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
OFFICERS. retary, Mrs. L. M. Calkins, 510
President: J. E. Jayne, 14 North William St., Rome.
Thirtieth St., Camden, N. J. Field Secretary: IL S. Merchant,
Secretary and Treasurer of all 33 Bennett St., Buffalo.

Executive Committee: S. H. Lane, Mrs. Eva Turner-Jenks, 37 Minard

F. H. De Vinney, H. W. Carr, St., Lockport.
Courtland D. Green, H. D. H. S. Merchant, 33 Bennett St.,
Church, F. W. Gotts, William Buffalo.
" New York Conference Association SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND
of Seventh-day Adventists:"
Trustees: S. H. Lane (Pres.), CONFERENCE.
F. H. De Vinney (Vice-Pres.), Organized 1903, from territory
T. E. Bowen (Sec. and Treas.), formerly comprised in the New
H. W. Carr, C. D. Green, H. D. England Conference.
Church, William Groff. Territory: The States of Connecti-
MINISTERS. cut and Rhode Island.
S. H. .Lane, 317 West Bloomfield Population: 1,336,976.
St., Rome. Membership: 420; churches, 15.
J. W. Raymond, Binghamton. Office: 152 Seymour St., Hartford,
S. B. Whitney, 109 Harrison Place, Conn.
Syracuse. OFFICERS.
D. A. Ball, 217 Saxton St., Lock- President: Wm. A. Westworth,
port. office address.
F. Peabody, West Valley, Catt. Co. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
F. Wheeler, West Monroe. ference and Tract Society: Irene
H. H. Wilcox, R. F. D. No. 1, Nor- J. Cady, office address.
wood, St. Lawrence Co. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
L. T. Nicola, Union, Broome Co. retary, Mrs. S. A. Whittier, 122
F. H. De Vinney, Worcester, Ot- Shelton St., Bridgeport, Conn.
sego Co. Executive Committee: Wm. A.
C. Meleen, 10 Highland Ave., Westworth, D. B. Parmelee, D.
Jamestown. A. Bidwell, G. P. Coates, James
J. B. Stow, Falconer, Chaut. Co. A. Tefft.
H. W. Carr, R. F. D. No. 1, Ran- MINISTERS.
dolph. Wm. A. Westworth, 152 Seymour
P. Z. Kinne, Kirkville, Onondaga St., Hartford, Conn.
Co. J. . Stevens, 369 Washington
Geo. W. Bliss, Willet, Cortland Co. Ave., New Haven, Conn.
C. W. Weber, 604 West Ave., Buf- LICENTIATES.
J. S. Wightman, Hemlock, Living-' A. J. Clark, 41 Loveland St., Mid-
st on Co. dletown, Conn.
M. J. Fritz, Bristol, R. I.
LICENTIATES. C. H. Reimers, 58 Charles St.,
B. E. Fisk, Richburg. Meriden, Conn.
Mrs. Lulu Wightman, Hemlock, H. Lesley Shoup, .152 Seymour St.,
Livingston Co. Hartford, Conn.
F. H. Hicks, 6 Jefferson St., Sala-
T. E. Bowen, 317 West Bloomfield Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 487 North
St., Rome. Main St., Torrington, Conn.
C. C. Harris, R. F. D. No. 2, Sara-
Mary A. Millington, 300 Fourteenth Organized 1863. ,
St., Buffalo. Territory: The State of Vermont,
Mrs. D. D. Smith, 5 1-2 Clay St., and the Counties of Coos and
Rochester. Grafton, New Hampshire.

Population: 343,641. Treasurer: 0. F. Dart, 1300 North

Membership: 512; churches, 19. Twenty-eighth St., Richmond,
Office: 190 North Winooski Ave., Va.
Burlington, Vt. Secretary and Treasurer Tract
Society Department: A. M. Neff,
New Market, Va.
President: 0. 0. Farnsworth, 190 Secretary Sabbath-sch6o1 Depart-
North Winooski Ave., Burling- ment and Canvassing Agent: W.
ton, Vt. H. Zeidler, 1300 North Twenty-
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- eighth St., Richmond, Va.
ference and Tract Society: W. Executive Committee: R. D. Hot-
E. Fortune, 190 North Winooski, tel, A. C. Neff, H. W. Herrell,
Ave., Burlington. 0. F. Dart, M. S. Babcock.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- " Virginia Conference Agency "
ment and Corresponding Secre- (legal corporation) : Pres., R. D.
tary: Mrs. A. E. Taylor, Brown- Hottel; Sec. and Treas., A. M.
ington. Neff; other members of Board:
Educational and Field Secretary: A. C. Neff, H. W. Herrell, M. S.
Frank A. Page, R. F. D. No. 1, Babcock, 0. F. Dart, G. W. Roat.
Canvassing Agent: A. W. Board- MINISTERS.
man, North Wolcott. R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va.
Executive Committee: 0. 0. Farns- A. C. Neff, Quicksburg, Va.
worth, F. M. Dana, A. W. H. W. Herrell, Mercer St., Fred-
Boardman, Dr. C. F. Ball, Geo. ericksburg, Va.
M. Dean. H. J. Farman, 813 Wise St.,
MINISTERS. Lynchburg, Va.
0. 0. Farnsworth, 190 Winooski M. S. Babcock, 1123 Patterson
Ave., Burlington, Vt. Ave., Roanoke, Va.
T. H. Purdon, 82 North Main St., C. B. Rule, Fords, Va.
Rutland. M. S. Wooding, Spencer, Va.
F. M. Dana, 190 North Winooski W. H. Zeidler, 1300 North Twenty-
Ave., Burlington. eighth St., Richmond, Va.
F. A. Page, 190 North Winooski Mrs. M. S. Wooding, Spencer, Va.
Ave., Burlington. Mrs. Rebecca Clayborne, Danville,
Frank A. Page, 190 North Winoo-
ski Ave., Burlington.
Organized 1903, from territory
Organized 1883. formerly comprising the Penn-
Territory: The State of Virginia. sylvania Conference, organized
Population: 1,854,184. 1879.
Membership: 423; churches, 18. Territory: All of Pennsylvania
Office: New Market, Va. lying west of the easterly line
of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mif-
OFFICERS. flin, Huntingdon, and Fulton
President: R. D. Hottel, New counties.
Market, Va. Population: 2,500,000.
Secretary: A. M. Neff, New Membership: 750; churches, 32.
Market, Va. Office: Corydon, Pa.


President: C. F. McVagh, Couders- Organized 1887.
port, Pa. Territory: The State of West Vir-
Secretary: A. V. Williams, Cory- ginia, excepting the counties of
don, Pa. Morgan, Berkeley, and Jefferson.
Treasurer: N. Williams, Cory- Population: Approximately, 911,-
don, Pa. 665.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Membership: 220; churches, 11.
ment: Miss Fannie Fondersmith, Office: 1200 Seventh St., Parkers-
604 Herron Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. burg, W. Va.
Field Secretary: T. D. Gibson, 21
East View St.; Wilkinsburg, Pa. OFFICERS.
Executive Committee: C. F. Mc- President: B. F. Purdham, 1200
Vagh, E. J. Dryer, I. N. Will- Seventh St., Parkersburg.
iams, F. C. Meyers, J. E. Veach, Vice-President and Secretary: W.
W. J. Mullin, F. C. Owens. R. Foggin, 1200 Seventh St.,
MINISTERS. Parkersburg.
Treasurer: W. Va. Tract Society.
C. F. McVagh, Coudersport, Pa. Secretary Tract Society Depart-
E. J. Dryer, 1055 East Twenty- ment: C. A. Foote, 1200 Sev-
sixth St., Erie, Pa. enth St., Parkersburg.
I. N. Williams, Corydon, Pa. State Canvassing Agent: P. W.
C. S. Longacre, 21 Fourth St., Province, 1200 Seventh St., Par-
Washington, Pa. kersburg.
W. F. Schwartz, Box 556, Holli- Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
daysburg, Pa. ment: Mrs. Mary L. Meredith,
J. W. Watt, 60 Burnside Ave., 1200 Seventh St., Parkersburg.
Bradford, Pa. Executive Committee: B. F. Purd-
LICENTIATES. ham, W. R. Foggin, Henry Nep-
tune (Fairmont), David Haddix,
Ned Ashton, Wilkinsburg, Pa. (161 Ross St.; Grafton), W. H.
J. E. Veach, Saxton, Pa.
Snider (Kanawha Station).
W. H. Green, 11 Conklin St., Pitts-
burg, Pa. MINISTERS.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. B. F. Purdham, 1200 Seventh St.,
T. D. Gibson, 21 East View St., W. R. Foggin, 1200 Seventh St.,
Wilkinsburg, Pa. Parkersburg.
L. L. Stone, Coudersport, Pa. P. W. Province, 1200 Seventh St.,
F. C. Meyers, Elton, Pa. Parkersburg.
Miss. Fannie Fondersmith, 604 T. H. Painter, 1200 Seventh St.,
Herron Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Parkersburg.


Organized 1901.
Territory: The Conferences of Office Address: Box 178, Toronto
Maritime, Quebec, and Ontario, Junction, Ontario.
and the Newfoundland Mission
Population: 5,412,799. President: W. H. Thurston, 555
Membership: 1,095; churches, 40. McLeod St., Ottawa, Ontario.

Vice-President: Wm. Guthrie, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Williamsdale, East, Cumberland Abel Livingston, Albert Mines,
Co., Nova Scotia. Albert Co., Nova Scotia.
Secretary and Treasurer: B. B. Alberta McLeod, Longard Road,
Noftsger, Box 178, Toronto Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Junction, Ontario.
Executive Committee: W. H.
Thurston, Wm. Guthrie, A. 0. ONTARIO CONFERENCE.
Burrill, H. E. Rickard, T. H.
Robinson, S. A. Farnsworth, B. Organized 1899. ,
B. Noftsger, W. H. White, Territory: The Province of On-
Eugene Leland. tario.
MINISTERS. Population: 2,659,484.
Membership: 521; churches, 21.
W. H. Thurston, 555 McLeod St., Office Address: Box 178, Toronto
Ottawa, Ontario.. Junction, Ontario.
F. A. Tracy, Twillingate, New-
foundland. OFFICERS.
C. H. Keslake, St. Johns, New- President: A. 0. Burrill, Galt, On-
foundland. tario.
Vice-President: T. H. Robinson,
Toronto Junction, Ontario.
MARITIME CONFERENCE. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
ference and Sabbath-school De-
Organized 1902. partment: B. B. Noftsger, Box
Territory: The Provinces of New 178, Toronto Junction, Ontario.
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Executive Committee: A. 0. Bur-
. Prince Edward Island. rill, T. H. Robinson, Eugene Le-
Population: 930,341. land, A. L. Miller, Chas. Smith.
Membership: 330; churches, 11. Trustees of Legal Corporation:
The Executive Committee of the
OFFICERS. Conference.
President: Wm. Guthrie, Williams- Educational and Religious Liberty
dale, East, Nova Scotia. Secretary: Eugene Leland.
Secretary and Treasurer: Miss Al- Auditor: A. L. Miller.
berta McLeod, Longard Road, MINISTERS.
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
A. 0. Burrill, Galt, Ontario.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Eugene Leland, Lorne Park, On-
ment: Miss Alberta McLeod. tario.
Executive Committee: Wm. Guth- A. L. Miller, Palmerston, Ontario.
rie, W. R. Andrews, J. G. Hanna,
L. D. Longard, James Hanna. W. H. Spear, Brampton, Ontario.
Miss Sadie Baker, Lindsay, On-
Wm. Guthrie, Williamsdale, East, tario.
Nova Scotia. Miss Annie Johnston, Lindsay, On-
W. R. Andrews, Fredericton, New tario. .
J. G. Hanna, 282 Maynard St.,
Halifax, Nova Scotia. QUEBEC CONFERENCE.
E. E. Gardner, Williamsdale, East, Organized 1880.
Nova Scotia.
Territory: The Province of Que-
Levi Longard, Tantallon, Nova Population: 1,620,974.
Scotia. Membership: 210; churches, 8.

President: H. E. Rickard, Fitch South Stukely, Fitch Bay.
Secretary and Treasurer: W. H. NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION
Libby, South Stukely. FIELD.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Territory: The Island of New-
, ment: Mrs. Cynthia Jones, Sut-
ton. foundland ,and Labrador.
Executive Committee: H. E. Rick- Populatiop: 202,000.
ard, S. A. Farnsworth, Harvey Sabbath-keepers: 34.
McClary, W. H. Libby, Darwin OFFICERS.
Dingman. Directors: C. H. Keslake, J. R.
Johnston, W. H. Thurston, Wm.
H. E. Rickard, Fitch Bay. S. S. Secretary: Miss Lizzie Mil-
S. A. Farnsworth, Knowlton. ley, 15 Hamilton St., S. Johns,
Walter Holden, Fitch Bay. C. H. Keslake, Box 217, St. Johns,
G. H. Skinner, 9 Evans St., Mont- Newfoundland.
real. F. A. Tracy, Twillingate, New-
Hattie Marston, 94 Marin Ave., Miss L. Milley, 15 Hamilton St.,
Montreal. St. Johns, Newfoundland.


Organized 1901.
President: Geo. I. Butler, 1025 Southern Training School, the
Jefferson St., Nashville, Tenn. General Canvassing Agent,
Vice-President: R. M. Kilgore, Chairman of the Medical Board,
Graysville, Tenn. J. E. White, Principal of the
Treasurer and Financial Agent: Oakwood Industrial Training-
W. A. Wilcox, 1025 Jefferson school, the Field Educational
St., Nashville, Tenn. Secretary, and the Presidents
Secretary and Auditor: E. H. of the State Conferences com-
Rees, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- posing the Union, and the Di-
ville, Tenn. rector of the South Carolina
Field Missionary: A. F. Harrison, Mission field.
Graysville, Tenn.
Religious Liberty Secretary: S. B. Medical Advisory Committee: L.
Horton, 2234 Magazine St., New A. Hansen (chairman), Dr. Lillis
Orleans, La. Wood-Starr, Dr. M. M. Martin-
Field Educational Secretary: J. E. son, Dr. J. E. Caldwell, 0. R.
Tenney, Graysville, Tenn. Staines.
Secretary of Young People's " Southern Conference Association
Work: Mrs. Mettie Lenker, of Seventh-day -Adventists: "
Graysville, Tenn. Directors: G. I. Butler, R. M.
Executive Committee: Geo. I. Kilgore, Smith Sharp, C. L. Kil-
Butler, R. M. Kilgore, I. A. gore, C. II. Moyer, S. M. Jacobs,
Ford, W. A. Wilcox, Principal W. A. Wilcox.

MINISTERS. 0. R. Staines, Box 414, Huntsville,

Geo. I. Butler, 1025 Jefferson St., Ala.
Nashville, Tenn. W. H. Williams, Box 414, Hunts-
R. M. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. ville, Ala.
J. E. White, Edgefield, Tenn. Dr. Lottie Isbell, Box 414, Hunts-
Smith Sharp, Graysville, Tenn. ville, Ala.
J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn. Thos. Cherry, 1017 Pendleton St.,
R. T. Nash, Campobello, S. C. Greenville, S. C.
E. W. Webster, Greenville, S. C. D. E. Blake, 1017 Pendleton St.,
F. R. Rogers, Box 29, Vicksburg, Greenville, S. C.
Miss. Miss M. Bessie De Graw, Madison,
A. Barry, 1025 Jefferson St., Nash- Tenn.
ville, Tenn. C. F. Dart, Gaffney, S. C.
W. H. Sebastian, 209 Fayette St., Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Madison,
Vicksburg, Miss. Tenn.
F. W. Halladay, Edgefield, Tenn. Dr. M. M. Martinson, Graysville,
E. H. Rees, 1025 Jefferson St., Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Stella Martinson, Graysville,
G. H. Baber, Box 414, Huntsville, Tenn.
W. J. Blake, Box 414, Huntsville, SOUTHERN MISSIONARY SO-
C. P. Bollman, Edgefield, Tenn.
P. T. Magan, Madison, Tenn. Office: Edgefield, Tenn.
E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. President: B. W. Spire, Edgefield,
J. E. Caldwell, 140 Vine St., Nash- Tenn.
ville, Tenn. Secretary and Treasurer: C. P.
S. N. Haskell, 1025 Jefferson St., Bollman, Edgefield, Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn. Committee: C. P. Bolman, G. I:
F. W. Halladay, Huntsville, Tenn. Butler, J. E. White, P. T. Ma-
gan, B. W. Spire, G. H. Baber,
A. F. Harrison, Graysville, Tenn.
E. W. Carey, R. F. D. No. 1, Spar- ALABAMA CONFERENCE.
tanburg, S. C.
Dr. 0. M. Hayward, .140 Seventh Organized 1901.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Territory: The State of Alabama.
L. A. Hansen, 419 Dradrick St., Population: 1,828,697.
Nashville, Tenn. Membership: 314; churches, 18.
C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. Office: Fort Payne, Ala.
I. A. Ford, 1025 Jefferson St.,
Nashville, Tenn.
President: A. J. Haysmer, Elk-
Mrs. S. N. Haskell, 1025 Jefferson Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
St., Nashville, Tenn. Helen McKinnon, Fort Payne.
Mrs. Jennie Wilson, 1025 Jeffer- Secretary Tract and Missionary
son St., Nashville, Tenn. Department: Miss Helen McKin-
Mrs. Mina Hayward, 140 Vine St., non, Fort Payne.
Nashville, Tenn. State Agent: C. J. Dart, Attalla.
Mrs. Rachel Webster, 1017 Pendle- Secretary Educational and Sab-
ton St., Greenville, S. C. bath-school Department: Miss
Mrs. Mettie Lenker, Graysville, Helen McKinnon.
Tenn. Secretary Medical Missionary De-
Miss Elizabeth McHugh, Converse, partment: C. E. Giles, Attalla.
S. C. Executive Committee: A. J. Hays-

mer, W. L. McNeely, W. S. Canvassing Agent: V. 0. Cole,

Cruzan, W. J. Blake. Sanford, Tenn.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec.,
MINISTERS. Mrs. A. F. Harrison, Graysville,
A. J. Haysmer, Elkwood, Ala. Tenn.
W. L. McNeely, 1121 North Seven- Medical Department: Sec., Dr. 0.
teenth St., Birmingham. C. Godsmark, Mission Ridge,
T. B. Buckner, Charity Mission, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Montgomery. Educational Department: Sec.,
W. S. Cruzan, Semmes. Lewen Jacobs, Graysville, Tenn.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: W. W.
Williams, 0. C. Godsmark, G. Nr
C. J. Dart, Attalla. Wells, V. 0. Cole, J. F. Brice,
C. E. Giles, Attalla. E. L. Sanford, S. M. Jacobs.
Miss Helen McKinnon, Fort Payne.
Mrs. Nellie A. Honeywell, R. F. D. MINISTERS.
No. 3, Sylacauga. W. W. Williams, Graysville, Tenn.
Mrs. M. E. McNeely, 1121 North G. W. Wells, Graysville, Tenn.
Seventeenth St., Birmingham. Smith Sharp, Graysville, Tenn.
Mrs. Amy L. Buckner, Charity J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn.
Mission, Montgomery. T. M. Steward, Graysville, Tenn.
PRIMARY SCHOOLS. E. L. Sanford, Graysville, Tenn.
W. L. Bird, GraySville, Tenn.
Charity Mission School (colored),
Montgomery ; T. B. Buckner, LICENTIATE.
Principal; Assistant Teacher, J. F. Brice, 143 Constitution St.,
Mrs. Amy L. Buckner. Lexington, Ky.
Juniata Industrial School (col-
ored), Juniata; Principal, Mrs. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Nellie A. Honeywell. J. W. Franklin, Graysville, Tenn.
V. 0. Cole, Sanford, Tenn.
Miss Clara Jacobs, Graysville,
Miss Maud Dortch, Graysville,
Organized 1900. . Tenn.
Territory: Eastern Tennessee and Miss Minnie Hildebrand, Grays-
Kentucky, the western boundary ville, Tenn.
being the western line of the Lewen Jacobs, Graysville, Tenn.
counties of Bullitt, Nelson, La Mrs. A. F. Harrison, raysville,
Rue, Green, Metcalfe, Monroe Tenn.
(Ky.), Clay, Jackson, Putnam, Mrs. L. Whitman, 1618 Ohara St.,
White, Warren, Grundy, Marion Louisville, Ky.
Population: Approximately, 2,-
212,852. Miss Maud Dortch, Graysville, '
Membership: 500; churches, 14. Tenn.
Office: Graysville, Tenn. Miss Clara Jacobs, Graysville,
C. G. Howell, Daylight Route No.
President: W. W.lWilli;:insiGrays- 2, McMinnville, Tenn.
ville, Tenn. Mrs. C. G. Howell, Daylight Route
Secretary Conference and Tract No. 2, McMinnville, Tenn.
Society: J. L. Maroon, Grays- Mrs. Cyrus Simmons, Box 522,
ville, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn.
Treasurer: S. M. Jacobs, Grays- Miss Bela Brandon, Chattanooga,
ville, Tenn. Tenn.

FLORIDA CONFERENCE. Ella Sanks, Plant City.

Willie Vaughn, Tampa.
Territory: The State of Florida. Mrs. Anna Mills, Brooker.
Population: 528,542. Mrs. Mabelle Rowe, Palm View.
Sabbath-keepers: 450; churches, Emma J. Stych, Jennings Lake.
20. Ella Sanks, Plant City.
OFFICERS. Miss Bessie Wheeler, Plant City.
Mrs. Alice J. Smith, Punta Gorda.
President: C. B. Stephenson,
Secretary: Thos. Rowe, Palm GEORGIA CONFERENCE.
Treasurer: J. W. Clement, Bartow. Organized 1901.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. R. Territory: The State of Georgia.
G. Stringer, Bartow. Population: 2,216,331.
Religious Liberty Secretary: C." P. Membership: 190; churches, 5.
Whitford, Ft. Ogden.
State Canvassing Agent: R. A. OFFICERS.
Highsmith, Manatee. President: R. M. Kilgore, Grays-
Secretary of Educational and ville, Tenn.
Young People's Work: Thos. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Rowe, Palm View. ference and Missionary Depart-
Executive Committee: C. B. ment: M. L. Woodall. 613 East
Stephenson, L. H. Crisler, Irving Fair St., Atlanta, Ga.
Keck, L. T. Crisler, Thos. Rowe. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
ment: Mrs. Clara C. Phillips,
Alpharetta, Ga.
C. B. Stephenson, Brooker. State Agent: J. T. Eaton, Griffin,
Geo. I. Butler, 1025 Jefferson St., Ga.
Nashville, Tenn. Executive Committee: R. M. Kil-
L. H. Crisler, Orlando. gore, J. T. Eaton, S. A. Maxwell,
Irving Keck; Bowling Green. J. E. Bowen, M. L. Woodall.
L. T. Crisler, Orlando.
R. G. Stringer, Bartow.
D. G. Stephenson, Brooker. R. M. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn.
J. H. Krum, Bradentown. W. W. Steward, Dalton, Ga.
Wm. Potter, Bartow. H. F. Courter, Decatur, Ga.
Miss M. M. Osborn, 621 Capitol
0. N. Whetsel, Punta Gorda. Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Thos. Rowe, Palm View. -
M. L. Woodall, 613 East Fair St.,
C. P. Whitford, Ft. Ogden. Dr. Lillis Wood-Starr, Marietta,
Mrs. R. G. Stringer, Bartow. Ga.
Mrs. C. B. Stephenson, Brooker. J. T. Eaton, Griffin, Ga.
Mrs. E. R. Crisler, Orlando. Mrs. R. M. Kilgore. Graysville.
Mrs. A. F. Burgess, West Tampa. Tenn.
Mrs. Mabelle Rowe, Palm View. BIBLE WORKER.
N. M. Butler, Jacksonville. A. L. Manous, Dalton, Ga.
L. Mobley, Punta Gorda.,
Mrs. 0. N. Whetsel, Punta Gdrda. Miss Rochelle Philmon, Gainesville,
Mrs. C. Williams, Bartow. Ga.
Mrs. Alice J. Smith, Punta Gorda. Miss Bessie Nicola, East Lake, Ga.

LOUISIANA CONFERENCE. C. L. Collison, 2234 Magazine St.,
Organized 1901. New Orleans.
A. J. Williams, 2234 Magazine St.,
Territory: The State of Louisiana. New Orleans.
Population: 1,381,625.
Membership: 260; churches, 8.
Office: 2234 Magazine St., New MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE.
Orleans, La. Organized 1901.
OFFICERS. Territory: The State of Missis-
President: S. B. Horton, 2234 sippi.
Magazine St., New Orleans. Population: 1,551,270.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. Membership: 243; churches, 11.
Dora F. King, Shreveport. Office Address: Box 29, Vicksburg,
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Miss.
Smith Saxby, Lake Charles. ' OFFICERS.
Educational Secretary: Miss Ruby President: F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246,
Roach, Mansfield. 'Meridian, Miss.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss Secretary: James Bellenger, Box
Katie Bickham, Shreveport. 246, Meridian, Miss.
Religious Liberty ..Secretary: S. B. Treasurer: L. V. Crawford, Box
Horton, office address. 29, Vicksburg, Miss.
Field Missionary: I. T. Reynolds, Corresponding Secretary: Mrs.
2234 Magazine St., New Orleans. Minnie Rogers, Box 293, Vicks-
Executive Committee: S. B. Hor- burg, Miss.
ton, H. S. Roach, M. D. Brous- Religious Liberty Secretary: F. R.
sard, C. A. Saxby, F. Peabody. Shaeffer, Box 246, Meridian,
S. B. Horton, 2234 Magazine St., State Agent: F. R. Shaeffer, Box
New Orleans. 246, Meridian, Miss.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. L.
LICENTIATES. V. Crawford, Box 29, Vicksburg,
I. T. Reynolds, 2234 Magazine St., Miss.
New Orleans. Superintendent of Primary and
Page Shepard, 2234 Magazine St., Mission Schools: F. R. Rogers,
New Orleans. Box 29, Vicksburg, Miss.
F. Peabody, 2234 Magazine St., Executive Committee: F. R. Shaef-
New Orleans. fer, F. R. Rogers, W. H. Sebas-
E. M. Plumb, 2234 Magazine St., tian, L. V. Crawford, R. S. Owen.
New Orleans. MINISTERS.
S. Broussard, 2234 Magazine St.,
New Orleans. F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246, Meridian,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. R. Rogers,' Box 29, Vicksburg,
Mrs. Belle Horton, 6068 Annuncia- Miss.
tion St., New Orleans. R. S. Owen, Mhoon's Valley, Miss.
Miss Ruby Roach, Mansfield. H. W. Pierce, R. F. D. No. 2, Quit-
Miss Katie Bickham, Shreveport. man, Miss.
Mrs. Dora F. King, Shreveport. W. H. Sebastian, 209 Fayette St.,
Miss Annie M. Horton, 6068 An- Vicksburg, Miss.
nunciation St., New Orleans. S. A. Jordan, Box 274, Brookhaven,
Miss Frances P. Goodwyn, 1107 Miss.
Jackson Ave., New Orleans. LICENTIATES.
Mrs. Edmonia White, 2234 Maga- N. B. King, 348 North St., Yazoo
zine St., New Orleans. City, Miss.
Smith Saxby, Lake Charles. Thos. Murphy, 1512 North Ninth
J. S. DeWolfe, 2234 Magazine St., Ave., Columbus, Miss.
New Orleans. D. D. Butcher, Greenwood, Miss.

James Bellenger, Box 246, Merid- Mrs. L. G.' Smith, Vicksburg, Misi
ian, Miss. Mrs. 0. C. Jordan, Brookhaven,
S. C. Coltrin, Hattiesburg, Miss. Miss.
Miss Katie Oden, Yazoo City,
Mrs. F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246, Me-
Mrs. H. W. Pierce, R. F. D. No. 2, ENCE.
Quitman, Miss.
Mrs. L. V. Crawford, Box 29, Organized 1901.
Vicksburg, Miss. Territory: The State of North
Mrs. Carrie Bellenger, R. F. D. No. Carolina.
2, Amory, Miss. Population: 1,893,810.
Mrs. 0. C. Jordan, Box 274, Brook- Membership: 250; churches, 11.
haven, Miss. Office: Hickory, N. C.
Mrs. W., H. Sebastian, 209 Fayette
St., Vicksburg, Miss. OFFICERS.
Mrs. Thos. Murphy, 1512 North President: T. H. Jeys, Spero.
Ninth Ave., Columbus, Miss. Vice-President: D. T. Shireman,
J. D. Grimes, 209 Fayette St., Toluca, via Cleveland Mills.
Vicksburg, Miss. Secretary and Treasurer: Jessie
E. P. Auger, Corinth, Miss. V. Bosworth, Hickory.
D. W. Burton, R. F. D. No. 2, Executive Committee: T. H. Jeys,
Amory, Miss. D. T. Shireman, W. H. Arm-
Joseph Lawrence, 2061/2 East strong, M. H. Johnston, B. A.
Davis St., Jackson, Miss.. Rogers, M. G. Creasey, J. W.
L. V. Crawford, Box 29, Vicks- Beach.
burg, Miss. Secretary and Treasurer Tract
and Missionary Department:
COLORED MISSIONARY TRAIN- Jessie V. Bosworth, Hickory.
ING-SCHOOL FOR WORKERS. State Agent: Horace G. Miller,
Vicksburg, Miss., 209 Fayette St., Mooresville.
F. R. Rogers, Superintendent. Secretary Sabbath-school and Edu-
cational Dept.: Mrs. Emma B.
TEACHERS. Secretary Medical Department:
F. R. Rogers, 209 Fayette St., M. H. Johnston, Hildebran.
Vicksburg, Miss. Southern Educational Company:
Mrs. Minnie 'Rogers, 209 Fayette Pres., J. 0. Johnston; Vice-Pres.,
St., Vicksburg, Miss. B. A. Rogers; Sec. and Treas.,
Parker Atwood, R. F. D. No. 2, Jessie V. Bosworth.
Quitman, Miss. MINISTERS.
Mrs. Julia Atwood, R. F. D. No. T. H. Jeys, Spero.
2, Quitman, Miss. J. 0. Johnston, Eufola.
Mrs. Carrie Bellenger, Amory, D. T. Shireman, Toluca, via Cleve-
Miss. land Mills.
Miffs Bertha Bishop, Fort Bayou, W. H. Armstrong, 110 Dock St.,
Miss. Wilmington.
Mrs. W. H. Sebastian, 209 Fayette Dr. Albert Carey, Hildebran.
St., Vicksburg, Miss. H. R. Shelton, 217 South Eleventh
Mrs. Cornelia Murphy, Columbus, St., Wilmington.
N. B. King, Yazoo City, Miss. LICENTIATES.
Joseph Lawrence, Jackson, Miss. George Crawford, Cove Creek.
Thos. Murphy, Greenville, Miss. J. W. Beach, Hildebran.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. A. Hanson, 419-421 Dradrick St.,

Horace G. Miller, Hickory. Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. Mollie R. Miller, Mooresville. Educational Department: Secre-
Jessie V. Bosworth, Hickory. tary, C. L. Stone, Hazel, Ky.
Mrs. Emma B. Rogers, Hickory. MINISTERS.
M. H. Johnston, Hildebran.
Robert L. Underwood, Waynes- N. W. Allee, Hazel, Ky.
ville. C. P. Bollman, 1025 Jefferson St.,
Burton Church, Hickory. Nashville, Tenn.
E. R. Allen, Norwood. R. S. Donnell, Raleigh, Tenn.
W. R. Burrow, Raleigh, Tenn.
TEACHERS. C. L. Stone, Hazel, Ky.
Mrs. Nannie Paul, Archdale, N. C. G. W. Berry, Springville, Tenn.
George Crawford, Cove Creek, N. C. W. S. Lowry, Hazel, Ky.
Burton Church, Hickory, N. C. Walter Jones, Bowling Green, Ky.
Mrs. T. H. Jeys, Spero, N. C. LICENTIATES.
Mrs. E. R. Allen, Norwood, N. C. H. C. Balsbaugh, 584 Dunlap St.,
Mrs. M. M. Ward, Hildebran, N. C. Memphis, Tenn.
, Greensboro, N. C. Frank Mosebar, Erin, Tenn.
L. A. Hanson, 419 Dradrick St.,
B. W. Spire, cor. Church and Vine
ENCE. Sts., Nashville, Tenn.
Organized 1879. H. H. Johnson, Bowling Green, Ky.
Territory: Western Tennessee and MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Kentucky, the eastern boundary Mrs. E. C. Spire, Hazel, Ky.
being the eastern line of the Mrs. Mary Balsbaugh, 584 Dunlap
counties of Hardin, Hart, Bar- St., Memphis, Tenn.
ren, Allen (Ky.), Macon, Smith, Amy Welsh, Bowling Green, Ky.
DeKalb, Cannon, Coffee, Frank- F. T. Wales, General Delivery,
lin (Tenn.). Memphis, Tenn.
Population: Approximately, 1,- PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS.
970,125. Miss Beulah Callicott, Springville,
Membership: 534; churches, 20. Tenn.
General Office Address: Hazel, Ky. Z. T. Burrow, Trezevant, Tenn.
OFFICERS. Miss Bertha Burrow, Jackson,
President: N. W. Allee, Hazel, Ky. Tenn.
Vice-President: W. R. Burrow, Miss Minnie Gray, Bowling Green,
Raleigh, Tenn. Ky.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. E. Miss Bertha Mason, Hazel, Ky.
C. Spire, Hazel, Ky. Mrs. Bryant, Bowling Green, Ky.
Executive Committee: N. W. Al- M. C. Strachan, 1013 Fourteenth
lee, W. R. Burrow, C. L. Stone, Ave., South, Nashville, Tenn.
W. D. Dortch, I. A. Ford.
Tract and Missionary Department: SOUTH CAROLINA.
Secretary, Mrs. E. C. Spire, Set off as a Mission Field in Feb-
Hazel, Ky. ruary, 1904.
Field Missionary: H. H. Johnson, Territory: The State of South
Bowling Green, Ky. Carolina.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Population: 1,340,316.
retary, Mrs. A. May Stone, Membership: 80; churches, 2.
Hazel, Ky. Office: 1017 Pendleton St., Green-
Medical Department: Secretary, L. ville.

OFFICERS. R. T. Nash, Campobello.

Director: E. W. Webster, 1017 LICENTIATE.
Pendleton St., Greenville.
E. W. Carey, R. F. D. No. 1, Box
Treasurer: Mrs. R. T. Nash, Cam-
9, Spartanburg.
S. S. Secretary: R. T. Nash, Cam- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
pobello. Mrs. E. W. Webster, Greenville.
State Missionary: C. F. Dart, Miss Elizabeth McHugh, 65 Forest
Campobello. St., Spartanburg.
MINISTERS. C. F. Dart, Campobello.
E. W. Webster, 1017 Pendleton W. B. Jenkins, Blythewood.
St., Greenville. Thos. Cherry, Jr., Johnston.


Organized Igor.

Territory: The Conferences of Scandinavian Work Representa-

East Michigan, Indiana, North- tive: L. H. Christian, Room 670,
ern Illinois, North Michigan, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Ohio, Simthern Illinois, West Medical Department Representa-
Michigan, and Wisconsin. tive: Dr. S. P. S. Edwards,
Population: 15,985,583. 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill.
Total Sabbath-keepers: 17,095; Field Secretary of Religious Lib-
churches, 456. erty Work: Allen Moon, office
Office: Room 223, Unity Bldg., address.
147 East Market St., Indianap- Auditor and Business Agent: W.
olis, Ind. H. Edwards, office address.
Executive Committee: Allen Moon,
Win. Covert, W. H. Edwards,
President: Allen Moon, office ad- the Presidents of the Confer-
dress. ences of East Michigan, Indiana,
Vice-President: Win. Covert, Room Northern Illinois, North Michi-
670, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, gan, Ohio, Southern Illinois,
Ill. West Michigan, and Wisconsin,
Secretary and Treasurer: W. H. and W. D. Curtis, I. H. Evans,
Edwards, office addiess. D. Paulson, C. J. Herrmann, L.
Field Secretary: J. B. Blosser, H. Christian.
Berrien Springs, Mich. " Lake Union Conference Associa-
Sabbath-school and Educational tion of Seventh-day Adventists:"
Field Secretary: W. D. Curtis, Directors: Wm. Covert, Allen
R. F. D. No. 1, Fairland, Ind. Moon, Henry H. Burkholder,
Training - school Representative: John D. Gowell. Wm. H. Ed-
W. D. Curtis, R. F. D. No. 1, wards, A. G. Haughey, W. J.
Fairland, Ind. Stone.
Missionary Secretary: Officers: Pres., Allen Moon; Vice-
Publishing Work Representative: Pres., Wm. Covert; - Sec. and
I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- Treas., W. H. Edwards; Auditor,
tion, Washington, D. C. W. J. Stone.
Sanitarium Work Representative:
David Paulson, Hinsdale, Ill. MINISTERS.
German Work Representative: Allen Moon, Room 223, Unity
C. J. Herrmann, Birnamwood, Bldg., 147 East Market St., In-
Wis. dianapolis, Ind.

E. R. Williams, 838 South St., Field Secretary: H. E. Fairchild,

Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 108 Seymour Ave., Jackson,
N. W. Kauble, Br rien Springs, Mich.
Mich. Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss
W. S. Sadler, 472 State St., Chi- Tillie E. Barr, Holly, Mich.
gao, Ill. Educational bepartment: Superin-
tendent, E. K. Slade; Secretary,
Miss Tillie E. Barr.
Mrs. E. R. Williams, 838 South Medical Department: Superintend-
St., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. ent, Jean A. Vernier, M. D., The
J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, Lenox, 58 Madison Ave., Detroit,
Mich. Mich.; Secretary, Jessie S. Kin-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. neburg, Detroit, Mich.
Secretary of Religious Liberty De-
W. H. Edwards, Room 223, Unity partment: J. G. Lamson, Holly,
Bldg., 147 East Market St., In- Mich.
dianapolis, Ind. Executive Committee: E. K. Slade,
Dr. D. Paulson, Sanitarium, Hins- E. I. Beebe, G. G. Brown, J. G.
dale, Ill. Lamson, A. R. Sandborn.
E. B. Van Dorn, 436 State St., East Michigan Conference Associa-
Chicago, Ill. tion: Pres., E. K. Slade; Vice-
Fannie Emmel, 436 State St., Chi- Pres., A. R. Sandborn; Treas., E.
cago, Ill. I. Beebe; Auditor, G. G. Brown;
Mrs. Nina Crane, 436 State St., J. G. Lamson
Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. H. W. Odell, 436 State St., MINISTERS.
Chicago, Ill. E. K. Slade, Holly, Mich.
0. F. Butcher, 32 Sylvan St., De-
troit, Mich.
E. I. Beebe, Holly, Mich.
Organized 1902. J. L. Edgar, 325 West Eighth St.,
Flint, Mich.
Territory: The southeastern por-
tion of Michigan, including the J. G. Lamson, Holly, Mich.
following-named counties: Hills- L. G. Moore, 209 Pine St., North,
dale, Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Lansing, Mich.
Washtenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Wm. Ostrander, 546 South Wea-
Livingston, Oakland, Macomb, dock Ave., Saginaw, Mich.
St. Clair, Lapeer, Genesee, Clin- C. N. Sanders, R. F. D. No. 9, Bat-
ton, Gratiot, Saginaw, Tuscola, tle Creek, .Mich.
A. R. Sandborn, Box 74, West Bay
Shiawassee, Sanilac, Huron, Bay,
City, Mich.
B. F. Stureman, 327 West Eighth
Population: 1,216,665.
St., Flint, Mich.
Membership: 1,951; churches and
companies, 65. M. Shepard, Belleville, Mich.
Office: Holly, Mich. 0. Soule, R. F. D. No. 2, St.
Charles, Mich.
President: E. K. Slade, Holly, E: R. Lauda, Sandusky, Mich.
Mich. Delmer P. Wood, Jasper, Mich. ,
Vice-President: A. R. Sandborn, F. G. Lane, Sandusky, Mich.
Box 74, West Bay City, Mich.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
ference: E. I. Beebe, Holly, Anna L. Boehm, ,32 Sylvan St.,
Mich. Detroit, Mich.
Secretary of Tract Society: Frank Ethel Burnett, 32 Sylvan St.,
Hiner, Holly, Mich. Detroit, Mich.

Miss Tillie E. Barr, Holly, Mich. xnent: W. W. Worster, M. D.,

Anna E. Benn, West Bay City, Connersville.
Mich. Religious Liberty Secretary: J. F.
Miss Ida Dunlap, Holly, Mich. Steele, Eaton.
H. E. Fairchild, 108 Seymour St., Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. R.
Jackson, Mich. W. McMahan, 805 Meridian St..
Frank Hiner, Holly, Mich. ' Anderson.
Miss Marie Harriman, 620 Bochlke Field Secretaries: A. C. Ford, R.
St., Saginaw, Mich. F. D. No. 1, Fairland; James
Miss Clara Kiep, 516 South Wea- Blankenship, Monon.
dock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Executive Committee: W. J. Stone,
Miss Nina Nelson, 620 Bochlke St., W. A. Young, W. D. Curtis, Dr.
Saginaw, Mich. W. W. Worster, C. J. Buhalts,
Miss Mina Pierce, Holly, Mich. J. F. Steele, J. W. Goodwin.
Miss Lucy Tyte, 516 South Wea- " Indiana Association of Seventh-
dock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. day Adventists:" Directors:
Daniel Wood, Alma, Mich. Pres., W. J. Stone; Vice-Pres.,
PREMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. W. D. Curtis; Sec., T. A. Good-
Mrs. Nora Ammon, 426 Trumbull win; Treas., W. A. Young; Au-
ditor, W. H. Edwards; Council-
Ave., Detroit, Mich.
men, Wm. Cunningham, J. W.
Mrs. K. A. Pinkney, St. Charles,
Miss Agnes Everest, Prattville,
W. J. Stone, 3735 North Capitol
Ave., Indianapolis.
Miss Marguerite Artress, 1219
East Main St., Jackson, Mich. W. D. Curtis, R. F. D. No. 1, Fair-
Miss Lelia Stevenson, Rives, Mich.
W. A. Young, Room 221, Unity
Miss Lorena Smith, Ashley, Mich.
Building, Indianapolis.
Mrs. R. Roy Nickels, 208 Third St.,
J. C. Harris, Bedford.
Bay City, Mich.
F. M. Roberts, Gas City.
Wm. J. Fairchild, R. F. D. No. 27,
C. J. Buhalts, Room 221, Unity
De Witt, Mich.
Building, Indianapolis.
Miss Hattie E. Hamer, R. F. D.
Dr. Wm. Hill, Rochester.
No. 27, Osseo, Mich.
Byron Hagle, 227 Washington St.,
INDIANA CONFERENCE. U. S. Anderson, R. F. D. No. 1,
Hartford City.
Organized 1872. LICENTIATES.
Territory: The State of Indiana. B. F. Machlan, R. F. D. No. 1,
Population: 2,516,462. Fairland.
Membership: 2,100; churches, 65. J. F. Olmstead, Martinsville.
Office: Room 221, Unity Building, J. F. Steele, Eaton.
Indianapolis, Ind. H. F. Benson, R. F. D. No. 1, Fair-
G. A. Roberts, Room 221, Unity
President: W. J. Stone, 3735 North
Capitol Ave., Indianapolis. Building, Indianapolis.
Vice-President, Secretary, and R. W. Leach, R. F. D. No. 1, Wirt.
Treasurer: W. A. Young, office W. W. Waster, M. D., Conners-
Educational Secretary: W. D. Cur- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
tis, R. F. D. No. 1, Fairland. Miss J. Theresa Thompson, 1828
Missionary Secretary: Mrs. Flor- Commerce Ave., Indianapolis.
ence Niehaus, office address. John H. Niehaus, Room 221, Unity
Superintendent Medical Depart- Building, Indianapolis;

Mrs. Florence Niehaus, Room 221, Secretary of Conference and Tract

Unity Building, Indianapolis. Society Department: H. E.
Mrs. R. W. McMahan, 805 Merid- Moon, office address.
ian St., Anderson. Treasurer: Illinois Tract Society.
Miss Ella Leach, 302 West Main Field Missionary Secretary:
St., Hartford City. Educational and Sabbath-school
Miss Laura Stone, R. F. D. No. 3, Department Sec.: H. E. Moon.
Plymouth. Executive Committee: Wm. Cov-
Miss Nellie Rothbaust, 554 South ert, L. H. Christian, G. A.
Center St., Franklin. Wheeler, S. P. S. Edwards, S.
Mrs. Blanch Olmsted, Martins- Mortenson, Jacob Klooster, H. V.
ville. Weaver.
A. C. Ford, R. F. D. No. 1, Fair- "The Illinois Conference Associa-
land. tion of Seventh-dayAdventists:"
James Blankenship, Monon. Pres., Wm. Covert; Vice-Pres.,
Mrs. Mary Buhalts, Connersville. Jacob Klooster; Sec., Jay W.
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. Cummings; Treas., G. A. Wheel-
er; Auditor, IV. H. Edwards;
Miss Carrie Applegate, R. F.D . No.
Councilmen, S. P. S. Edwards,
1, Fairland.
E. Mitchell.
Miss Emma Arnbrecht, 511 West
" Northern Illinois Medical Mis-
Third St., Peru.
sionary and Benevolent Associa-
Miss Mattie Bailey, Monon.
tion:" Incorporators: Wm. Cov-
Miss Bertha Bartholomew, 1828
Commerce Ave., Indianapolis. ert, L. H. Christian, S. P. S. Ed-
Miss Margaret Bennet, Lyons. wards, David Paulson, Jay W.
Grover Fattic, 2326 South Jackson Cummings, Jacob Klooster, H. C.
St., Anderson. Winslow, W. A. Marsh, Jr., H.
V. Weaver.
Miss Nina Fleetwood, Princeton.
Miss Florence Graham, Dana. MINISTERS.
G. F. Knapp, Wolf Lake. Wm. Covert, Room 670, 324 Dear-
Miss Ellen Long, 120 East Thir- born St., Chicago.
teenth St., Muncie. L. H. Christian, Room 670, 324
Miss Belva Vance, R. F. D. No. 1, Dearborn St., Chicago.
Tell City. L. D. Santee, 719 Second St.,
NORTHERN ILLINOIS CONFER- H. Hansen, Room 670, 324 Dear-
orn St., Chicago, Ill.
S. Mortenson, 126 Oak St., Chi-
Formerly part of the Illinois Con- cago.
ference organized in 1871; di- C. A. Scholl, 325 Claybourn Ave.,
vided and reorganized in 1902. Chicago.
Territory: The northern portion of E. A. Curtis, Sheridan.
the State of Illinois to the Luther Warren, 3826 Vincennes
southern boundary of the coun- Ave., Chicago.
ties of Iroquois, Ford, Living- J. J. Irwin, 559 South Chicago St.,
ston, Woodford, Peoria, Knox, Joliet.
Warren, and Henderson, exclud- Wm. Lewsadder, 533 Lincoln St.,
ing the city of Peoria. Princeton.
Population: 2,933,734. F. J. Harris, Box 25, Mount Car-
Membership: 1,188; churches, 25. rol.
Office: Room 670, 324 Dearborn Chancy Wood, 121 Pinckney St.,
St., Chicago, Ill. Pontiac.
President: Wm. Covert, Room 670, S. P. S. Edwards, 1213 Fifteenth
324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. St., Moline.

G. A. Wheeler, Sheridan. Executive Committee: S. E.

J. Tabor, 4513 Lake Ave., Chicago. Wight, W. R. Matthews, M. C.
C. Edwardson, Room 670, 324 Guild, Geo. G. Johnson, Morton
Dearborn St., Chicago. Stephens.
Elof Johnson, 212 Oak St., Chi- " North Michigan Conference Asso-
cago. ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
J. M. Burdick, Seaton. ists:" Trustees, S. E. Wight, M.
C. Guild, W. R. Matthews, E. A.
Jean Phillips, 30 'Jansen Ave., Tract Society Department: Secre-
Chicago. tary, E. A. Bristol, 423 Petoskey
Anna Hibben, 30 Jansen Ave., Chi- , St., Petoskey, Mich.
cago. Educational Department: Superin-
Ella Hancock, 3826 Vincennes Ave., tendent, Myrta M. Kellogg, Le
Chicago. Roy, Mich.
C. R. Magoon, 715 North Ladd St.,
Ina Grundset, 65 McLean Ave., S. E. Wight, 414 Waukazoo Ave.,
Chicago, Petoskey, Mich.
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. W. R. Matthews, Wetzell, Mich.
Miss Carrie Kerns, 966 East Knox M. C. Guild, 821 Lynn St., Cadil-
lac, Mich.
St., Galesburg.
Miss Vina Sherwood, Route 3, M. W. Lewis, 3609 Broadway,
Menominee, Mich.
Mrs. W. A. Ruble, 368 Ashland Geo. G. Johnson, 702 Michigan
Blvd., Chicago. Ave., Menominee, Mich.
Miss Edna Sweet, 4730 State St., HONORARY MINISTERIAL
Chicago. LICENSE.
Miss Cora Hicks, 115 South First H. S. Guilford, West Branch,
St., Streator. Mich.
E. A. Bristol, 423 Petoskey St.,
Petoskey, Mich.
0. Montgomery, Rose City, Mich.
ENCE. R. J. Bellows, Gladstone, Mich.
Formerly a part of the Michigan MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Conference organized in 1861; Miss Isabella Campbell, 224 Michi-
divided and reorganized in 1902. gan St., Petoskey, Mich.
Territory: All .of Michigan north Miss Ethel Peters, 414 Waukazoo
of the counties of Bay, Midland, Ave., Petoskey, Mich.
Isabella, Mecosta, Newaygo, and Miss Myrta M. Kellogg, Le Roy,
Oceana. Mich.
Population: 558,027. Miss Edith McClellan, 224 Michi-
Membership: 809; churches, 34. gan St., Petoskey, Mich.
Office: 224 Michigan St., Petoskey, Mrs. Edith E. Bruce, Hancock,
Mich. Mich.
Miss Sophia Wahlberg, Escanaba,
President: S. E. Wight, 414 Wau- Mich.
kazoo Ave., Petoskey, Mich.
Secretary: Edith McClellan, 224 PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS:
Michigan St., Petoskey, Mich. Miss Amy Du Bois, Mesick, Mich.
Treasurer: North Michigan Tract Miss Nona Carr, Petoskey, Mich.
Society, 224 Michigan St., Petos- Miss Zona Carr, Petoskey, Mich.
key, Mich. Miss Mabel Griffin, Gaylord, Mich.


Miss Gertrude Wahl, 716 West R. Haughey, C. V. Hamer,

Sixth St., Traverse City, Mich. Thomas Thornton, G. C. Quillin,
Miss Mina Rickerd, Traverse City, Francis M. Fairchild.
Mich., R. F. D. Ohio Conference Association of
Miss Olive Siemann, Menominee, Seventh-day Adventists:" H. H.
Mich. Burkholder (Pres.), R. R. Ken-
Miss Armilda Bogar, Alden, Mich. nedy (Vice-Pres. and Business
Miss Mabel Spencer, Rose City, Agent), Kenneth R. Haughey
Mich. (Sec.), C. N. Hamer (Treas.),
Miss Ethel Voorheis, Baldwin, Thomas Thornton, G. C. Quil-
Mich. lin, Francis M. Fairchild; Au-
Miss Maud Speers, McBain, Mich. ditor, W. H. Edwards.
Miss Ethel Hartnell, Salling, Mich. MINISTERS.
Miss Janie Sweet, Lake Ann, H. H. Burkholder, Bellville.
Mich. R. R. Kennedy, Wheelersburg.
Miss Clara Stephens, Cedar Run, J. G. Wood, 42 Prairie Ave.,
Mich. Springfield.
Miss Ethel Hammond, Gladwin,
D. E. Lindsey, Clyde.
Mich. M. C. Kirkendall, Academia.
A. C. Shannon, Seventy-Six, Pa.
OHIO CONFERENCE. W. H. Granger, 1526 Walsh Ave.,
Organized 1863.
Francis M. Fairchild, Liberty Cen-
Territory: The State of Ohio. ter.
Population: 4,157,545. J. 0. Miller, Academia.
Sabbath-keepers: 2,350; churches, C. C. Webster, Middlefield.
64. B. L. House, Trinway.
Office: Academia, Knox Co., Ohio. R. G. Patterson, 1662 Woodland
OFFICERS. Ave., Toledo.
President: H. H. Burkholder, Bell- N. W. Lawrence, College, Mt.
Vice-President: R. R. Kennedy, HONORARY CREDENTIALS.
Wheelersburg. E. J. Van Horn, Lake View.
Recording Secretary: Kenneth R. C. A. Smith, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.
Haughey, Lock Box 333, Mans- Vernon.
Treasurer: C. V. Earner, Aca- LICENTIATES.
demia. N. S. Miller, Academia.
Missionary Secretary: N. S. Mil- W. E. Bidwell, Academia.
ler, Academia. Fred M. Fairchild, R. F. D. No. 1,
Educational Superintendent: Jas. Mt. Vernon.
E. Shultz, Academia. C. T. Redfield, Bristol, Morgan Co.
Field Secretary: Carl E. Weaks, R. B. Thurber, Academia.
Clyde. James E. Shultz', Academia.
Religious Liberty Secretary: C. A. Floyd E. Gibson, Academia.
Pedicord, 2617 Gilbert Ave., Cin- Kenneth R. Haughey, Lock Box
cinnati. 333, Mansfield.
Medical Missionary Secretary: C. A. Pedicord, 2617 Gilbert Ave.,
Auditor: W. H. Edwards, Unity Cincinnati.
Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
Custodian of Conference Prop- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
erty: L. C. Mitchell, Academia. Carl E. Weaks, Clyde.
Executive Committee: H. H. Burk- G. P. Gaede, College, Mt. Vernon.
holder, R. R. Kennedy, Kenneth C. V. Hamer, Academia.

Fred Henderson, 144 Hamline Ave., Treasurer: Southern Illinois Tract

Zanesville. Society.
Miss Anna Rice, 1161 Prospect St., Missionary Secretary and Treas-
Cleveland. urer: S. J. Quantock, 300 West
Miss Cora B. Gibson, Wakeman. Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
Miss Bessie E. Russell, Academia. Field Secretary: Andrew Summer-
Miss Ella M. Talmage, R. F. D. ton, 300 West Allen St., Spring-
No. 4, Mt. Gilead. field, Ill.
Mrs. Cora Campbell, 133 East Oak Educational and Sabbath-schoo'
St., Massillon. Department: Superintendent,
Miss Anna E. Smith, Wheelers- ; Secretary, Miss
burg. Nettie Eaton, 300 West Allen
Miss M. Hortense Howell, R. F. D. St., Springfield, Ill.
No. 2, Franklin Furnace. Executive Committee: W. D.
Miss Katherine E. Miller, 181 West Parkhurst, P. G. Stanley, M. G. '
Clark St., Springfield. Huffman, George M. Hicks, P.
" The Southern Illinois Conference
R. B. Thurber, Academia. Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Flora A. Evans, Adams Mills. ventists:" Pres., J. M. Rees
Miss Gertrude Numbers, 1161 Vice-Pres., P. G. Stanley; Sec-
Prospect St., Cleveland. retary, ; Treasurer,
Miss Bessie E. Acton, Clyde. P. Rothrock; Auditor, S. J.
Miss Edith A. Shepherd, Camden. Quantock; Councilmen, George
Miss Bertha Laughlin, Walnut M. Hicks, R. S. McConnell.
Miss Ethel Pope, Dayton. MINISTERS.
Miss Christine R. Sweet, Hamler. 'W. D. Parkhurst, 300 West Allen
George L. Sterling, La Grange. St., Springfield, Ill.
Miss Frances Stanford, R. F. D. J. M. Rees, 323 West Sycamore
No. 4, Grafton. St., Kokomo, Ind.
P. G. Stanley, 206 Illinois St., Ur-
bana, Ill.
M. G. Huffman, 300 West Allen
ENCE. C. L. Taggart, Du Quoin, Ill.
Formerly a part of the Illinois F. W. Wheeler, Phoenix, Ariz.
Conference organized in 1871; MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
divided and reorganized in 1902. E. L. Cardey, Du Quoin, Ill.
Territory: The southern portion of Miss Mary B. Craig, 300 West
the State of Illinois south of the Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
counties of Iroquois, Ford, Liv- Miss Nettie Eaton, 300 West Al-
ingston, Wobdford, Peoria, Knox, len St., Springfield, Ill.
Warren, and Henderson, and in- S. J. Quantock, 300 West Allen St.,
cluding the city of Peoria. Springfield, Ill.
Population: 1,878,149. Dr. J. E. Heald, 203 Third St.,
Membership: 725; churches, 27. Peoria, Ill.
Office: 300 West Allen St., Spring- Mrs. P. G. Stanley, 206 Illinois
field, Ill. St., Urbana, Ill.
OFFICERS. Mrs. C. L. Taggart, Du Quoin, Ill:
President: W. D. Parkhurst, 300 Mrs. F. W. Wheeler, 913 South
West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. Fourteenth St., Mattoon, El.
Secretary: Miss Nettie Eaton, 300 Andrew Summerton, 300 West Al-
West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. len St., Springfield, Ill.

WEST MICHIGAN CONFER- I. D. Van Horn, R. F. D. No. 7,

ENCE. Battle Creek, Mich.
R. C. Horton, Lawrence, Mich.
Formerly a part of the Michigan H. Nicola, 123 Manchester St.,
Conference organized in 1861; Battle Creek, Mich.
divided and reorganized in 1902. Fred Brink, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Territory: Southwestern Michigan W. E. Videto, Berrien Springs.
south of the counties of Mason, W. C. Hebner, 186 Champion St.,
Lake, Osceola, and Clare; and Battle Creek, Mich.
west of the counties of Midland, M. N. Campbell, James St., Grand
Gratiot, Clinton, Ingham, Jack- Rapids.
son and Hillsdale. W. H. Heckman, 271 W. Main St.,
Population: 692,978. Battle Creek, Mich.
Sabbath-keepers: 5,000; churches, B. F. Kneeland, General Delivery,
75. Kalamazoo.
Office: Otsego, Mich. After May E. Van Deusen, Lowell, Mich.
1, 1906, Berrien Springs, Mich.
OFFICERS. M. S. Burnham, Otsego, Mich.
President: A. G. Haughey, Otsego, E. H. Root, Coopersville, Mich.
Vice-President: M. N. Campbell, LICENTIATES. ,
James St., Grand Rapids. Jacob Hofstra, R. F. D. No. 1,
Secretary and Treasurer: E. A. Holland, Mich.
Merriam, Otsego, Mich. Edward Collier, Mendon, Mich.
Assistant Sec.-Treas.: Jennie Nel- G. W. Morse, 207 Manchester St.,
son, Otsego, Mich. Battle Creek,
Educational Secretary: Clifford S. D. Hartwell, James St., Grand
Russell, Allegan, Mich. Rapids, Mich.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Marga- James Irving, Buchanan, Mich.
ret Haughey, Otsego, Mich. Carl F. Hansen, R. F. D. No. 1,
Tract Society Secretary: E. A. Lakeview, Mich.
Field Secretary: George Matteson,
Jennie De Young, 244 South La-
Otsego, Mich.
fayette St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Religious Liberty Secretary: S. D.
E. A. Merriam, Otsego, Mich.
Hartwell, James St., Grand
Arthur Bayley, 271 West Main
St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Auditor: W. H. Edwards, 223
Unity Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Margaret Haughey, Otsego, Mich.
Mabel Jaffray, care Conference,
Superintendent Medical Depart-
Otsego, Mich.
ment: L. J. Otis, 475 Wealthy
W. D. Lakin, Portland, Mich.
Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Jennie Nelson, Otsego, Mich.
Executive Committee: A. G.
Haughey, S. M. Butler, M. N. Edna Wilbur, 90 South First St.,
Muskegon, Mich.
Campbell, W. H. Heckman, B.
F. Kneeland. Edith Wilbur, 90 South First St.,
Muskegon, Mich.
"West Michigan Conference Asso-
ciation of Seventh-day Advent- Mrs. Florence Hutchinson, 224
ists:" A. G. Haughey (Presi- South Prospect St., Grand Rap-
ids, Mich.
dent), E. A. Merriam (Secre-
tary). Fred Hutchinson, 224 South Pros-
MINISTERS. pect St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Dock, 475
A. G. Haughey, Otsego, Mich. Wealthy Ave., Grand Rapids.
S. M. Butler, Cedar Lake, Mich. L. J. Otis.

Mrs. W. H. McKee, Byron Center. Society: N. P. Neilsen, 203 High

Mrs. N. L. Richmond, Byron Cen- St., Oshkosh, Wis.
ter. Secretary and Treasurer Sabbath-
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. school Department and Church-
school Superintendent: Miss
Eugene C. Waller, Olivet, Mich. Mary C. Cook, Bethel, Wis.
Ada Somerset, 244" South Lafay- Missionary Field Secretary: A. J.
ette St., Grand Rapids, Midi. Olsen, Marshfield, Wis.
Florence Kelsey, Edmore, Mich. Religious Liberty Secretary: H.
Grace Evans, Lowell, Mich. W. Reed, 267 Main St., Oshkosh,
Winifred Trunk, Mecosta, Mich. Wis.
Mildred Wilson, Bauer, Mich. Executive Committee: C. Mc-
Mrs. E. S. Clark, 306 East Shaw Reynolds, R. T. Dowsett, N. P.
St Charlotte, Mich. Neilsen, F. F. Petersen, Dr. C. P.
Janet Campbell, Bauer, Mich. Farnsworth, A. W. Hallock, W.
Tina Jorgensen, Gowen, Mich. J. Pflugradt (2728 Wright -St.,
Josephine Hunt, Fennville, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis.).
VoWyla Aiken, Cedar Lake, Mich. " Wisconsin Conference Associa-
Edna Bellows, Eaton Rapids, Mich. tion of Seventh-day Advent-
Amy Woodruff, Covert, Mich. ists:" McReynolds (Pres.),
Myrtle Lawrence, Eaton Rapids, R. T. Dowsett (Sec. and Treas.),
Mich. T. B. Snow, F. Stebbeds, J.
Mrs. A. J. Beardsley, Bedford, Steinel.
Mich. Medical Missionary Board: C. Mc-
Estella Murphy, Bloomingdale, Reynolds (Chairman), J. H.
Mich. Bramhall, Dr. C. P. Farnsworth,
Grace Davis, Paw Paw, Mich. R.T. Dowsett, H. W. Reed, N.
Maud Henry, R..F. D. No. 64, By-
ron Center, Mich.
v . Neilsen, W. S. Shreve.
Jennie Judson, R. F. D. No. 3, MINISTERS.
Hart, Mich.
Eloise Williams, Berrien Springs, C. McReynolds, Bethel.
Mich. W. S. Shreve, Spring Green.
J. B. Scott, Chetek.
T. B. Snow, Bethel.
Organized 1871. J. C. Mikkelsen, Bethel.
F. Stebbeds, Monroe.
Territory: The State of Wisconsin. C. W. Olds, 205 Bethesda St.,
Population: 2,069,042. Waukesha.
Membership: 3,268; churches, 96. S. Swinson, Ladysmith.
Conference Office: 865 Fifth St., N. P. Nelsen, 203 High St., Osh-
Milwaukee, Wis. kosh.
Missionary Department Office: F. F. Petersen, Baraboo.
Wisconsin Tract Society, 203 Matthew Hill, West Green Bay.
High St., Oshkosh, Wis. J. C. Neilsen, Bethel.
Sabbath-school Department Office: J. B. Locken, Cameron.
Bethel, Wis. R. T. Dowsett, 865 Fifth St., Mil-
H. W. Reed, 267 Main St., Osh-
President: C. McReynolds, Bethel, kosh.
Wis. J. S. Shrock, 260 Otter St., Osh-
Secretary and Treasurer: R. T. kosh.
Dowsett, 865 Fifth St., Milwau- L. E. Sufficool, Wausau.
kee, Wis. H. R. Johnson, Cambridge.
Secretary and Treasurer Tract I. Sanborn, Orlando, Fla.

LICENTIATES. Miss Edith Cilley, R. F. D. No. 4,

G..Hoffman, Wolf Creek. Madison.
L. L. French, Black Creek. W. A. Paton, R. F. D. No. 4, Madi-
J. Kloss, Crandon. son.
H. P. Anderson, Three Lakes. Mrs. Anna Farnsworth, M. D., R.
C. P. Farnsworth, R. F. D. No. 4, F. D. No. 4, Madison.
Madison. Miss Agnes Belean, R. F. D. No.
P. M. Hanson, Bethel. 4, Madison.
C. D. AcMoody, 907 Vaughn Ave., Miss Rosa Trummer, R. F. D. No.
Ashland. 4, Madison.
S. T. Shadel, Monroe.
C. Wise, Lena. K. Rasmussen, Cameron.
M. H. Serns, Cambridge. Walter Anderson, Cameron.
Jess. Beggs, Almond.
MLSSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. Phillips, College View, Nebr.
Byron Post, Sturgeon Bay. Mrs. F. Phillips, College View,
W. E. Dinwiddie, 203 High St., Nebr.
Oshkosh. Daniel Graber, Bethel.
J. Steinel, 861 Fifth St., Milwau- Mrs. D. Graber, Bethel.
Mrs. Helen D. Dowsett, 865 Fifth A. W. Hallock, Bethel.
St., Milwaukee. P. E. Sheppler, Bethel.
Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, 203 Miss Rosma Whalen, Bethel.
High St., Oshkosh. Miss Eunice Crawford, Elroy.
Miss Mary C. Cook, Bethel. Miss Clara Pettit, Granton.
Miss Bessie Sufficool, Rhinelander. Miss Ida Salton, Beldenville.
Mrs. Annie Sufficool, Rhinelander. Miss Lida Ackley, Muscoda.
Miss Anna M Jenson, Baraboo. C. W. Hess, Bethel.
Mrs. Mary Snow, Bethel. Miss Mae McChesney, Bethel.
Miss Elvie Muller, 322 Seventh Miss Netta White, Moon.
Ave., Eau Claire. Miss Bertha Rathbun, Chetek.
Miss Sue Jones, Merrill. Miss Emma Brigham, Bethel.
Mrs. Flora Post, Sturgeon Bay. Miss K. Virgie Johnson, 1012 Elev-
Mrs. Rosa Neilsen, 203 High St., enth St., Racine.
Oshkosh. Miss Jennie Nelson, Pine River.
Miss Ethel Williams, 958 Louis David Chapman, Oneida.
Ave., Milwaukee. Miss Martha Christensen, Bosco-
Miss Olive Olds, 205 Bethesda Ave., bel.
Waukesha. Miss Ellen Fenton, New London.
A. J. Olsen, Marshfield. Miss Esther Modine, Mosling.
Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, 9 Pearl Miss Jennie Snow, Bethel.
St., Janesville. Miss Eloise Williams, Monroe.
MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Mrs. Clara Wheeler, Fish Creek.
Dr. Cora Richards, Bethel.
J. H. Bramhall, R. F. D. No. 4, Miss May Warren, 865 Fifth St.,
Madison. Milwaukee.
Mrs. Minnie Bramhall, R. F. D. Miss Hattie White, Cameron.
No. 4, Madison. Miss Anna Johnson, R. F. D. No.
Miss Laura Neilsen, R. F. D. No. 9, Franksville.
4, Madison. Miss Rose Pringle, Eagle River:


Organized rgoz.

Territory: The Conferences of OFFICERS.

Minnesota, South Dakota, North
Dakota, Manitoba, and the Al- President: W. M. Adams, 438 Sel-
kirk Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
berta Mission.
Vice-President: C. J. Kunkel, office
Population: 3,220,435.
Membership: 4,319; churches, 149.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
Office Address: Box 285, Fargo,
Jessie L. Adams, office address.
North Dakota.
Tract Society Department: Secre-
OFFICERS. tary and Treasurer, Mrs. Jessie
President: R. A. Underwood, 2718 L. Adams; Provincial Agent, E.
Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Russell Potter.
Minn. Health and Temperance Depart-
Vice-President: C. A. Burman, ment: W. H. Adams.
Aberdeen, South Dakota. Educational Department: Secre-
Secretary. and Treasurer: Mrs. tary, 0. A. Hall.
Alice H. Robinson, Box 285, Religious Liberty Department:
Fargo, North Dakota. Secretary, E. Russell Potter.
Missionary Field Secretary: J. S. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
James, Eagle Lake, Minn. retary, Mrs. Jessie L. Adams.
Transportation Agent: C. M. Ever- Executive Committee: W. M.
est, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Adams, C. J. Kunkel, Evan Rob-
Executive Committee: R. A. Un- erts, John R. Peters, D. Car-
derwood, C. A. Burman, the michael.
Presidents of the Conferences of
Minnesota, South Dakota, North MINISTERS.
Dakota, and Manitoba, the Edu-
cational and the Missionary Sec- W. M. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave.,
retary. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Board of Medical Department: W. C. J. Kunkel, 438 Selkirk Ave.,
M. Adams, E. M. Chapman, C. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
L. Kendall, Dr. E. P. Hawkins. Neil McGill, cor. Main and Polson
Sts., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
MINISTERS. J. C. Christensen, 545 Alexander
R. A. Underwood, 2718 Third Ave., Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. F. H. Conway, Regina, Saskatche-
C; W. Flaiz, R. F. D. No. 7, Fari- wan.
bault, Minn.
J. S. James, Eagle Lake, Minn John R. Peters, Rosthern, Sas-
katchewan, Canada.
0. A. Hall, Portage fa Prairie,
E. Russell Potter, 438 Selkirk
Organized 1903. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Territory: Manitoba and Sas-
Population: 600,000. Miss Barbara Purdon, 438 Selkirk
Membership: 429; churches, 12. , Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Office Address: 438 Selkirk Ave., Mrs. Jessie L. Adams, 438 Selkirk
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.

MINNESOTA CONFERENCE. J. F. Anderson, 827 Magnolia St.,

Organized 1862. St. Paul, Minn.
C. L. Emmerson, Maple Plain,
Territory: The State of Minnesota. Minn.
Population: 1,751,395. F. A. Detamore, 1115 Greenbrier
Membership: 2,049; churches, 83. Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Office: 336 East Lake St., Minne- M. S. Reppe, Glenwood, Minn.
apolis, Minn. 0. 0. Bernstein, Maple Plain,
Office Address: Box 989, Minne- Minn.
apolis, Minn. LICENTIATES.
OFFICERS. S. E. Jackson, R. F. D. No. 1,
Eagle Bend, Minn.
President: H. S. _Shaw, Box 989, C. M. Babcock, Detroit City, Minn.
Minneapolis, Minn W. W. Ruble, Herman, Minn.
Vice-President: C. L. Emmerson, A. C. Gilbert, Herman, Minn.
Maple Plain, Minn. E. M. Chapman, Alexandria, Minn.
Treasurer and Transportation Geo. L. Budd, Senjen, Minn.
Agent: C. M. Everest, Box 989, 0. J. Nerlund, Box 989, Minneap-
Minneapolis, Minn. olis, Minn.
Secretary: S. E. Jackson, R. F. D. A. V. Oleson, Maple Plain, Minn.
No. 1, Eagle Bend, Minn.
Executive Committee: H. S. Shaw, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
C. L. Emmerson, C. M. Everest, C. M. Everest, Box 989, Minneap-
A. Mead, J. F. Anderson, A. D. olis, Minn.
Ewart, S. E. Jackson. Ella E. Merickel, Box 989, Min-
Conference Association: 0. 0. neapolis, Minn
Bernstein (Pres.), Wm. Asp Miss Lena F. Nichols, Fergus
(Sec.), C. M. Everest (Treas.), Falls, Minn.
H. S. Shaw, A. Mead, J. F. F. E. Rue, Box 989, Minneapolis,
Pogue, A. J. Stone. Minn.
DEPA RTMENT SECRETARIES. Miss Celia Tichenor, Box 989,
Sabbath-school and Corresponding: Minneapolis, Minn.
Ella E. Merickel, office address. MEDICAL WORKERS.
Educational: S. E. Jackson, Eagle E. P. Hawkins, M. D., Montrose,
Bend, Minn. Minn.
Religious Liberty: 0. 0. Bernstein,
Maple Plain, Minn. T. S. McDonald, M. D., Heming,
Field: N. Mortenson, Moose Lake,
MINISTERS. Miss Blanche Postier, Rochester,
H. S. Shaw, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn.
Minn Miss Elva Hickok, Dodge Center,
H. F. Phelps, Washburn Park, Minn.
Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Florence Dittes, Monticello,
A. W. Kuehl, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn.
Minn. Miss Martha Franklin, Good
W. W. Stebbins, Mankato, Minn Thunder, Minn.
A. Mead, Brainerd, Minn. Miss Della Burdick, Dodge Center,
H. Steen, 674 Sims St., St. Paul, Minn.
Minn. Miss Katie Adams, Dodge Center.
A. J. Stone, 697 Cook St., St. Paul, Minn.
Minn. Miss Thirza Mason, Dodge Center,
Fred Johnson, Anoka, Minn, Minn.
J. F. Pogue, 2627 Courtland St., Miss Elma Detamore, Good Thun-
Duluth, Minn. der, Minn.

Miss Hilma Pierson, Clinton, MINISTERS.

Minn. John G. Walker, Box 55, Valley
Miss Blanche Shaw, Sauk Center, City.
Minn. Lars Neilson, Winifred.
Miss Fern Wilson, Sauk Center, Edward Loeppke, Bowdon.
Minn. A. E. Christian, R. F. D. No. 3,
Miss Edith Epard, Eagle Bend, Kenmare.
Minn. Geo. Wagner, Hurdsfield.
A. E. Doering, Bowdon.
NORTH DAKOTA CONFER- F. G. Specht, New Home.
ENCE. Christian Sulzle, Lincoln.
E. H. Huntley, Box 285, Fargo.
Organized 1902. Wm. E. Wentland, New Home.
Territory: The State of North Chas. Leer, Lincoln.
Population: 319,040. C. L. Kendall, Harvey.
Membership: 639; churches, 21. E. M. Strong, Box 275, Hankinson.
Office address: Box 285, Fargo, F. H. Robinson, Box 285, Fargo.
N. 'Dak. Mrs. Alice H. Robinson, Box 285.
Andrew Trygg, Bohan.
President: John G. Walker, Box Hattie E. Ohm-Clark, Box 155,
55, Valley City. Berthold.
Vice-President: Lars Neilson, Martin Olson, Valley City.
Secretary: A. E. Doering, Bow-
Business Agent: C. L. Kendall, Organized 1880.
Treasurer: Mrs. Alice H. Robin- Territory: The State of South
Dakota, excluding the Black
son, office address.
Executive Committee: John G.
Population: 400,000.
Walker, Lars Neilson, Chas.
Membership: 1,040; churches, 28.
Leer, E. M. Strong, F. G. Specht,
A. E. Doering, C. L. Kendall. Office: 732 South First Ave.,
State Agent: J. A. Reiber, office Sioux Falls, S. Dak.,
address. Office Address: Box 686, Sioux
Falls, S. Dak.
Missionary Department: Rec. Sec.,
Mrs. Alice H. Robinson; Cor. OFFICERS.
Sec., Mrs. Hattie E. Ohm-Clark; President: C. A. Burman, Aber-
Field Sec., deen, S. Dak.
Asst. Rec. Sec., F. H. Robinson. Vice-President: E. G. Hayes,
Educational and Sabbath-school Canton, S. Dak.
Department: Field Sec., A. E. Secretary: N. M. Jorgensen,
Doering; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Hattie Hudson, S. Dak.
E. Ohm-Clark, Box 155, Ber- Treasurer: Geo. W. Miller, office
thold. address.
Health and Temperance Dept.: Business and Transportation
Sec., C. L. Kendall, Harvey. Agent: C. M. Clark, Artesian,
"The North Dakota Conference S. Dak.
Association: " Trustees: John Executive Committee: C. A. Bur-
G. Walker, Lars Neilson, Fred man, E. G. Hayes, C. M. Clark,
Reitter, F. H. Robinson, L. W. W. H. Twining, C. Reiswig, Al-
Krieger. fred Jensen.

Missionary Department: Rec. Sec., F. R. Isaac, Box 686, Sioux Falls,

Geo. W. Miller; Assistant, F. R. S. Dak.
Isaac; Cor. Sec., Leona Burman;
Field See., G. W. Miller.
Secretary Sabbath-school and
Health and Temperance Depart- Territory: The Province of Al-
ments: Miss Hannah Peterson, berta.
R. F. D. No. 4, Hawarden, Iowa. Population: About 150,000.
Secretary German Department: Membership: 162; churches, 5.
F. R. Isaac, office address. Office Address: Ponoka, Alberta,
Secretary Religious Liberty De- Canada.
partment: E. G. Hayes, Can- OFFICERS.
ton, S..Dak. Mission Field Committee: J. W.
Secretary Educational Depart- Boynton, A. C. Anderson, H.
ment: J. W. Christian, Viborg, Block, L. D. House, C. L. Holde-
S. Dak. man.
" South Dakota Conference Asso- Secretary All Depts.: Miss Stella
ciation of Seventh-day Advent- B. Lowry, Ponoka, Alberta,
ists: " Trustees: A. N. Hel- Canada.
ligso, C. M. Clark, C. F. Betts, Field Secretary: Robert S.
A. Jensen. Greaves, Ponoka, Alberta,' Can-
MINISTERS. Secretary Young People's Work:
C. A. Burman, Aberdeen, S. Dak. Miss La Rena Carpenter, Pon-
E. G. Hayes, Canton, S. Dak. oka, Alberta, Canada.
R. E. Harter, Woonsocket, S. Dak. MINISTERS.
Conrad Reiswig, Milltown, S. Dak.
J. W. Boynton, Ponoka, Alberta,
Valentine Leer, Milltown, S. Dak.
N. M. Jorgensen, Hudson.
A. C. Anderson, Harmattan, Al-
LICENTIATES. berta, Canada.
J. W. Christian, Viborg, S. Dak. H. Block, Box 55, Leduc, Alberta,
N. B. Baldwin, Canton, S. Dak. Canada.
C. M. Clark, Artesian, S. Dak. LICENTIATE.
W. A. Baker, Bristol, S. Dak.
Paul Curtis, Calgary, Alberta,
N. J. Ronlund, Box 686, Sioux Canada.
Falls, S. Dak.
Mrs. Bertha E. Jorgensen, Hudson, Miss Stella B. Lowry, Ponoka, Al-
S. Dak. berta, Canada.
Miss Milla M. Johnson, Canton, H. E. Shelstad, Ponoka, Alberta,
S. Dak. Canada.
Geo. W. Miller, Box 686, Sioux PRIMARY SCHOOL.
Falls, S. Dak. Rush Lake, Alberta; teacher, Mrs.
Hannah Peterson, R. F. D. No. 4, Nellie M. Carpenter, Edmonton,
Hawarden, Iowa. Alberta.


Organized igoz.
Territory: The Conferences of N. B. Emerson, W. A. George,
Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Mis- J. S. .Hart.
souri, and Nebraska, and the Editorial -Committee: L. N.
Wyoming Mission. Muck, E. T. Russell, W. A.
Population: 8,850,777. George, J. S. Hart; Treasurer,
Membership: 13,420; churches, N. B. Emerson; Secretary, Miss
366. Katie Coleman.
Office: College View, Nebraska. " Central Union Conference Asso-
ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
OFFICERS. ists: " President Central Union
Conference, the presidents of
President: E. T. Russell, College local Conferences composing the
View, Nebr. Union, the President of Un-
Vice-President: A. T. Robinson, ion &liege, Business Manager
College View, Nebr. of Union College, Manager of
Secretary: B. E. Huffman, Col- Pacific Press Branch at Kansas
lege View, Nebr. City, Mo., and R. M. Rockey.
Auditor: L. E. Koon, College
View, Nebr.
Treasurer: Union College, College (All the Ministers, Licentiates,
View, Nebr. and Missionary Licentiates
Executive Committee: E. T. Rus- named below may be addressed
t sell, R. C. Porter, the Presidents at College View, Nebr.)
of the local Conferences in the E. T. Russell, J. H. Morrison, A.
Central Union Conference, the Kunze, C. C. Lewis, B. E. Huff-
President of Union College, Dr. man, R. W. Parmele, August
W. A. George, B. E. Huffman, Anderson, M. D. Mattson.
the Manager of the Pacific LICENTIATES.
Press Pub. Co., 1109 East P. E. Berthelsen, T. Valentiner, A.
Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo., Swedberg, C. A. Thorp, G. A.
and the Manager of the Inter- Grauer, W. A. George, M. E.
national Publishing Association, Kern, N. B. Emerson, E. C. Kel-
College View, Nebr. logg.
Educational Department: Secre- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
tary, B. E. Huffman, College Mrs. Belle Emerson, Mrs. Eliza-
View, Nebr. beth A. Lewis, H. A. Morrison,
Young People's Department: Sec- Winifred Peebles, Prof. B. R.
retary, M. E. Kern, College Shryock, Dr. Lydia E. Parmele,
View, Nebr. L. E. Koon, Katie Coleman,
Religious Liberty Department: Mertie Wheeer, Elsa Northrup.
Secretary, R. C. Porter, Hamil-
ton, Mo.
Medical Missionary and Benevo- COLORADO CONFERENCE.
ent Association Board: Dr. W.
A. George (Chairman), Dr. J. E. Organized 1883.
Colloran, D. R. Callahan, F. M. Territory: Colorado and New
Wilcox, Dr. G. A. Droll, L. F. Mexico.
Starr, W. S. Cruzan, Dr. H. F. Population: 750,000.
Rand, and L. C. Christofferson. Sabbath-keepers: 2,500; church-
Official Board having in charge the es, 52.
Christian Record and the Work Office: 1112 South Eleventh St,
for the Blind; E. T. Russell, Denver, Colo,

OFFICERS. L. A. Spring, 1112 South Eleventh

President: G. F. Watson, 1112 St., Denver, Colo.
South Eleventh St., Denver. H. A. Aufderhar, Hygiene, Colo.
Vice-President: Watson Ziegler, M. D. Warfle, Roswell, N. Mex.
Ft. Collins. G. M. Alway, Rocky Ford, Colo.
Secretary: Meade MacGuire, of- C. H. Bates, Bayfield, Colo.
fice address. James A. Leland, Albuquerque, N.
Treasurer: Mrs. Bertie L. Her- Mex.
rell, office address. Geo. 0. States, care Sanitarium,
Executive Committee: G. F. Wat- Glendale, Cal.
son, Watson Ziegler, F. M. Wil- J. B. Wilson, Box 34, Pueblo, Colo.
cox, H. M. J. Richards, Wm. F. M. Wilcox, care Boulder Sani-
Kennedy. tarium, Boulder, Colo.
Tract Society Department: Sec- U. P. Long, 2825 Fifth At.,
retary, Mrs. Minnie MacGuire, Boulder, Colo.
office address. B. W. Marsh, Montrose, Colo.
Treasurer: Mrs. Bertie L. Her- Dr. W. W. Hills, 1112 South
rell, office address. Eleventh St., Denver, Colo.
Canvassing Agent: A. G. Bod- Dr. F. A. Washburn, 805 Maple-
well, office address. ton Ave., Boulder, Colo.
Sabbath-school and Young Peo- LICENTIATES.
ple's Department: Field Secre-
tary, Meade MacGuire, office E. E. Farnsworth, Trinidad, Colo.
address; Sec., Mrs. Minnie Mac- Meade MacGuire, 1112 South
Guire. Eleventh St., Denver, Colo.
Religious Liberty Secretary: Dr. W. F. Hills, Plateau City, Colo.
W. W. Hills, office address. Charles Lightner, 1112 South
Trustees Seventh-day Adventist Eleventh St., Denver, Colo.
Denomination of Colorado (Le- L. Vargas, Costilla, N. Mex.
gal Corporation): Judge C. C.
Holbrook, Watson Ziegler, G. F.
Watson, H. M. J. Richards, C. Mrs. Bertie L. Herrell, 1112 South
A. Frederick, H. Williams. Eleventh St., Denver, Colo.
Boards of Education: Eastern Mrs. Minnie MacGuire, 1112 South
District: F. M. Wilcox (Supt.), Eleventh St., Denver, Colo..
W. A. Hankins, Watson Ziegler, Miss Alice Finch, 522 South Ne-
W. B. Woodruff, H. M. J. Rich- vada Ave., Colorado Springs,
ards. Western District: Prof. Colo.
B. A. Wolcott (Supt.), 0. Nel- Miss Lida B. Moore, Boulder, Colo.
son, M. P. Walke, F. F. De Miss Celia McDonald, Lafayette,
Rush, B. F. Hutchinson, John Colo.
Pearson. Miss Carrie Dowden, Montrose,
Prof. B. A. Wolcott, Palisade,
G. F. Watson, 1112 South Colo.
Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. Mrs. B. A. Wolcott, Palisade,
H. L. Hoover, 1211 St. John St., Colo.
Albuquerque, N. Mex. Mrs. Flora Watson, Palisade, Colo.
S. F. Svensson, Idaho Springs, Mrs. Ella Anglebarger, 531 Santa
Colo. Fe Ave., Denver, Colo.
G. W. Anglebarger, 531 Santa Fe Mrs. Rose Svensson, Idaho
Ave., Denver, Colo. Springs, Colo.
Watson Ziegler, Ft. Collins, Colo. Mrs. Hattie Leland, Albuquerque,
H. M. J. Richards, Loveland, Colo. N. Mex.
M. Mackintosh, Alamosa, Colo. Mrs. Ura Spring, Montrose, Colo.

Mrs. Mary Ziegler, Ft. Collins, District Directors: Chris Juhl, N.

Colo. L. McClintock, J. W. Crouse, J.
Mrs. Mae Warfle, Roswell, N. A. Skinner, S. B. Kephart, H.
Mex. Rorholm.
Mrs. Bertie C. Richards, Loveland, MINISTERS.
Bruce H. Shaw, 1112 South L. F. Starr, Stuart.
Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. N. C. Bergersen, Story City.
J. H. Kraft, 1211 Chestnut St.,
E. G. Olsen, Forest City.
IOWA CONFERENCE. B. L. Dieffenbacher, Onawa.
Henry Rorholm, 508 West Second
Organized 1863. St., Boone.
Territory: The State of Iowa. LICENTIATES.
Population: 2,231,853.
Membership: 3,821; churches, J. W. Dorcas, 603 East Twelfth
111. St., Des Moines.
Office: 603 East Twelfth St., Des F. M. Corbaley, 415 High St.,
Moines, Iowa. Keokuk.
J. W. Crouse, Parkersburg.
OFFICERS. Wm. J. Johnson, Sioux Rapids.
J. C. Clemens, 603 East Twelfth
President: L. F. Starr, Stuart. St., Des Moines.
Secretary: Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, Floyd Bralliar, Stuart.
office address. J. M. Moore, Parkersburg.
Treasurer: C. W. Larson, office W. E. Perrin, 603 East Twelfth
address. St., Des Moines.
Superintendent Field Missionary Arthur V. Rhoads, Elliott.
Department: J. W. Dorcas, A. F. Ferguson, Milo.
office address. P. E. Brotherson, Jacksonville.
Superintendent Educational De- Arthur V. Cotton, Elliott.
partment: Floyd Bralliar, Stu- R. J. Bryant, 603 East Twelfth
art. St., Des Moines.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- 0. M. Kittle, 603 East Twelfth
ment: Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, St., Des Moines.
office address.
Secretary Young People's Depart- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
ment: Fred J. Wilbur, Clar- N. L. McClintock, 603 East
inda. Twelfth St., Des Moines.
Secretary and Treasurer Iowa Wm. H. Cox, Stuart.
Tract Society: C. W. Larson, Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, 603 East
office address. Twelfth St., Des Moines.
Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Nettie Miss Della Wallace, 614 Dubuque
Shaw, office address. St., Iowa City.
State Agent: R. J. Bryant, office Miss Katie Earle, 311 North First
address. St., Oskaloosa.
Executive Committee: L. F. Miss Margaret Young, 608 West
Starr, Chris Juhl, J. H. Kraft, Second St., Ottumwa.
C. W. Larson, J. W. Dorcas, J. John T. Spriggs, 603 East Twelfth
C. Clemens, G. R. Hawkins. St., Des Moines.
" Iowa Seventh-day Adventist As- Mrs. Blanche Spriggs, 603 East
sociation: " Trustees: L. F. Twelfth St., Des Moines.
Starr, C. G. Johnston, C. W. Chris Juhl, R. F. D., Exira.
Smouse, Chris Juhl, J. W. Dor- J. F. Piper, 603 East Twelfth St.,
cas, J. M. Whitney. Des Moines.

Edgar Swap, 603 East Twelfth MINISTERS.

St., Des Moines. I. A. Crane, R. F. D. No. 8,
P. A. Field, 603 East Twelfth St.,
Des Moines.
H. F. Ketring, Thayer.
F. J. Wilbur, Clarinda. L. F. Trubey, 821 West Fifth St.,
J. A. Skinner, 603 East Twelfth Topeka.
St., Des Moines. J. W. Norwood, 520 Everett St.,
Elmer W. Wolfe, 603 East Twelfth
Kansas City, Kans.
St., Des Moines.
D. H. Oberholtzer, Thayer.
C. W. Hollingsworth, Sioux Rap- A. R. Ogden, R. F. D. No. 8,
S. B. Kephart, Stuart.
J. G. Hanhardt, 401 South East
Fourth St., Newton.
I. F. Thorn, Hutchinson.
KANSAS CONFERENCE. J. Riffel, North Enid, Okla. T.
A. E. Johnson, 818 West Eleventh
Organized 1875.
St., Junction City.
Territory: The State of Kansas. N. T. Sutton, Eldorado.
Population: 1,543,818. B. W. Brown, Clay Center.
Sabbath-keepers: 3,270; churches, B. E. Fullmer, M. D., R. F. D. No.
97. 8, Wichita.
Office: 821 West Fifth St., To- Sydney Scott, 903 Walker St.,
peka, Kans. Kansas City, Kans.
J. Emil Anderson, 520 Everett St.,
OFFICERS. Kansas City, Kans.
President: I. A. Crane, R. F. D.
No. 8, Wichita. LICENTIATES.
Vice-President: H. F. Ketring,
Thayer. A. S. Bringle, Hutchinson.
Secretary and Treasurer: Miss W. A. Easley, 821 West Fifth St.,
Florence P. Rice, office address. Topeka.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Wm. M. Stone, Thayer.
ment: Mrs. Dora E. Meyer, C. F. Parmele, 821 West Fifth St.,
office address. Topeka.
Educational Superintendent: I. D. E. Huffman, Centerville.
C. Sultz, Lewis. J. F. Harder, Windom.
Field Missionary: F. L. Limerick, W. F. Surber, Chanute.
office address. V. W. Robb, 707 Dayton St..
Secretary Religious Liberty Bu- Wichita.
reau: A. R. Ogden, R. F. D. No. R. L. Bradford, 836 Freeman St.,
8, Wichita. Kansas City, Kans.
Executive Committee: I. A. I. C. Sultz, Lewis.
Crane, H. F. Ketring, J. G. Han- F. L. Limerick, 821 West Fifth
hardt, I. F. Thorn, L. F. Trubey, St., Topeka.
A. R. Ogden, B. W. Brown. F. C. Clark, 821 West Fifth St.,
Kansas *Conference Association: Topeka:.
Trustees: I. A. Crane, L. W. J. A. Minner, Blaine.
Cornell, H. Osterloh, J. G. Han-
hardt, L. Winston.
Medical Missionary Association: Miss Florence P. Rice, 821 West
I. A. Crane, B. E. Fullmer, L. C. Fifth St., Topeka.
Christofferson, Henry Schmidt, H. E. Meyer, 821 West Fifth St.,
H. Osterlo'h, John Ogden, L. F. Topeka.
Trubey, H. E, Kirk, J. G. Han- Mrs. Dora E. Meyer, 821 West
hardt. Fifth St., Topeka.

Miss Mary L. Doan, 520 Everett Office: 1109 East Twelfth St.,
St., Kansas City, Kans. Kansas City, Mo.
Mrs. Edith Hiatt, 501 Washing- OFFICERS.
ton St., Kansas City, Kans. President: R. C. Porter, Hamil-
M. W. Neal, Columbus. ton.
Miss Lizzie Sutton, Great Bend. Vice-President: H. M. Stewart,
Miss Lillie Hornbeck, 1809 Felix Celt.
St., Parsons. Secretary: Mrs. Hattie Porter,
Miss Jennie Edwards, Thayer. Hamilton.
Miss Mary Edwards, 1015 East Treasurer: ,Pacific Press Publish-
Eighth St., Galena. ing Co., 1109 East Twelfth St.,
Mrs. Sydney Scott; 903 Walker Kansas City.
St., Kansas City, Kans. Missionary Department: Pacific
J. M. Fletcher, Chanute. Press Publishing Co., 1109 East
H. L. Shafer, Glen Elder. Twelfth St., Kansas City.
W. B. Roberts, Ottawa. Secretary of the Sabbath-school
Miss Nancy Blood, 329 Chestnut Department: Mrs. James Coch-
St., Leavenworth. ran, 1109 East Twelfth St.,
Miss Margaret Strobel, Lawrence. Kansas City.
Miss Calla Brown, 329 Chestnut Executive Committee: R. C. Por-
St., Leavenworth. ter, H. M. Stewart, W. T. Mill-
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. inan, James Cochran, W. F. H.
Miss Mabel Watson, Thayer, Kans. Schroeder.
Miss Mildred Blaser, 501 Wash- " Missouri Conference Association
ington Ave., Kansas City, Kans. of Seventh-day Adventists: " R.
,Frankie Stout, Pontiac, Kans. C. Porter, W. T. Millman, T. M.
Miss Dottie Jones, Lebo, Kans. Clark, H. K. Willis, W. A. John-
Miss Clara Underwood, Portis, son.
Miss Della Stout, R. F. D. No. 8, R. C. Porter, Hamilton.
Wichita, Kans. H. M. Stewart, Celt.
Miss Ethel Stout, Wellington, W. T. Millman, Gallatin.
Kans. H. K. Willis, Pleasant Hill.
Miss Gertie Hopkins, El Dorado, D. E. Scoles, Washburn.
Kans. e E. A. Merrell, 2636 Bellefontaine
Miss Gertie Grant, Kinsley, Kans. St., Kansas City.
Justine 1VIkxon, Abilene, Kans. A. P. Heacock, 1702 North Second
Mrs. Edith McClintock, Wakeeney, St., St. Joseph.
Kans. L. W. Terry, R. F. D. No. 3, Ap-
Miss Anna Anderson, Marquette, pleton City.
Kans. C. H. Chaffee, R. F. D. No. 1,
J. F. Harder, Nekoma, Kans. Ethel.
MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Henry Meyer, R. F. D. No. '2,
L. C. Christofferson, R. F. D. No. Warrenton.
8, Wichita. LICENTIATE.
Mrs. L. C. Christofferson, R. F. D
W. F. H. Schroeder, 2824 Missouri
No. 8, Wichita.
Ave., St. Louis.
MISSOURI CONFERENCE. M. E. George, 616 North New-
stead Ave., St. Louis.
Organized 1876.
Mrs. M. E. George, 616 North
Territory: The State of Missouri. Newstead Ave., St. Louis.
Population: 3,106,665. Miss Eva Hough, 8 Fountain Place,
Membership: 1,500; churches, 42. Kansas City.

Mrs. Ella M. Merrell, 2636 Belle- NEBRASKA CONFERENCE.

fontaine St., Kansas City. Organized 1878.
Miss Birdie Cruzan, 1213 West
Territory: The State of Nebras-
Ninth St., Joplin.
ka, excluding the nine western
G. Phillips, 1109 East Twelfth St., counties.
Kansas City. Population: 1,033,801.
F. L. Limerick, Columbia. Sabbath-keepers: 2,117; churches,
A. F. French, Utica. 54.
W. A. Theo. Miller, Mountain Office Address: Box 38, College
View. View, Nebr.
James Cochran, 1109 East Twelfth OFFICERS.
St., Kansas City.
L. W. Graham, 1109 East Twelfth President: A. T. Robinson, Col-
St., Kansas City. lege View.
Mrs. James Cochran, 1109 East Vice-President: Lewis Johnson,
Twelfth St., Kansas City. College View.
Mrs. Hattie Porter, Hamilton. Secretary and Treasurer: Joseph
Mrs. A. P. Heacock, 1902 North Roy, College View.
Second St., St. Joseph. Educational Department (embrac-
T. M. Clark, Utica. ing Sabbath-schools, Primary
' Schools, and Young People's
H. B. Steele, Hamilton.
H. C. Tarr, 311 West Ashland St., Work): Superintendent, C. H.
Nevada. Miller, Wayne, Nebr.; Sec., Mrs.
Mrs. H. C. Tarr, 311 West Ash- Pearl W. Morrison, 2116 Chi-
land St., Nevada. cago St., Omaha.
Mrs. E. A. Daniels, 1325 Old Man- Field Missionary Agent: H. A.
chester Road, St. Louis. Hebard, College View, Nebr.
J. L. Burgess, Mountain View. Executive Committee: A. T. Rob-
Mrs. Henry Meyer, Owensville. inson, J. J. Graf, Lewis John-
son, R. F. Andrews, G. Mathie-
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS.. sen, D. R. Callahan, C. H. Mil-
Miss Mary Wilbur, 321 South Jef- " The -Nebraska Conference Asso-
ferson St., Springfield. ciation of the Seventh-day. Ad-
Miss L. Belle Mathews, Eldora ventists: " A. 'l, Robinson
Springs. (Pres.), Thomas McAlpine
Miss Vita Morrow, 2010 East (Sec.), Joseph Roy c(Treas.), J.
Twenty-third St., Kansas City. C. Middaugh, G. Mathiesen.
Miss Annie Nordlind, Celt. MINISTERS.
Miss Bessie Barnhart, Rainy.
A. T. Robinson, College View.
Miss Vita Tindall, Fayette.
Miss Sadie Tindall, Fayette. Lewis Johnson, College View.
C. R. Kite, College View.
Miss Florence Burgess, Mountain
J. J. Graf, College View.
R. F. Andrews, College View.
Miss Edna Ingalls, Springfield.
L. E. Johnson, Broken Bow.
Miss Abbie St. John, Windsor.
G. H. Smith, McCook.
Miss Annie Didrickson, 1724 North
C. A. Beeson, College View.
Second St., St. Joseph.
Chas. Thompson, Red Cloud.
Miss Jennie Metcalf, St. Joseph.
J. W. Beams, Wayne.
Miss Grace Chilson, Mountain
J. W. Lair, Oakdale.
Wm. Kennedy, College View.
Gulah Brown, Joplin.
Miss Nora Hough, Garden City. .LICENTIATES.
Miss Mary Allen, Mjdway. 0. E. Jones, College View.

Chas. Svensson, South Twenty- Emily Lull, Tekamah.

fifth and Marcey Sts., Omaha. Anna Patzkowski, Culbertson.
C. H. Miller, Wayne.
F. H. Hahn, Arcadia.
Emil Johansen, 2866 Maple St., WYOMING MISSION.
Omaha. Established Sept. 17, 1904.
Wm. Batterson, Broken Bow. Territory: The State of Wyo-
G. Mathiesen, College View. ming; the following counties in
A. D. Gilbert, College View. Nebraska: Sioux, Dawes, Box
A. A. Meyer, 2236 South Eleventh Butte, Sheridan, Duel, Cheyenne,
St., Omaha. Kimball, Banner, and Scotts
H. A. Hebard, College, View. Bluff; and the following-named
H. A. Hebard, -College View. counties in South Dakota: Fall
B. M. Garton, College View. River, Custer, Pennington, Law-
Albert Anderson, College View. Population: 175,000.
G. P. Loy, College View. Membership: 212; churches, 10.
Esther Smith, Kearney. Headquarters: Crawford, Nebr.
Sarah Grobe, Palisades. OFFICERS.
Mrs. A. T. Robinson, College View. Director: J. H. Wheeler, Craw-
Peter Lindahl, Danebrog. ford, Nebr.
J. Krocker, Grand Island. Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
Lizzie Lockwood, Plattsmouth. Iva L. Leech, Crawford, Nebr.
Mrs. Pearl Morrison, College View. State Agent: L. B. Porter, Gor-
Mary Hannaford, 2866 Maple St., don Nebr.
Omaha. Executive Committee: J. H.
Mrs. E. M. Peebles, College View. Wheeler, E. T. Russell, G. A.
LICENSED COLPORTEURS. Kirkle, L. B. Porter, L. B. Hall.
P. 0. Johnson, College View.
J. H. Wheeler, Crawford, Nebr.
C. S. Wilbur, Arabia. G. R. Hawkins, Crawford, Nebr.
W. J. Wilson, Dunbar.
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. G. A. Kirkle, Hemingford, Nebr.
Merton A. Farnsworth, College E. L. Cook, Sheridan, Wyo.
View. L. B. Porter, Crawford, Nebr.
Minnie James, College View. Jay J. Nethery, Hemingford,
Emily Foote, Tekamah. Nebr.
Walter Rich, Broken Bow. Roscoe T. Baer, Hemingford, Nebr.
Chas. Lee, Red Cloud. Mrs. G. R. Hawkins, Crawford,
Edna Schee, College View. Nebr.
Nellie Perrin, Erickson. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Minnie Crawford, College View.
Miss Iva L. Leech, Crawford,
Ula Owen, 2023 Farnham St., Nebr.
Hattie Brown, Arcada.
Ida Brown, Normal. R. M. Lamie, Sheldon, Wyo.
Lydia Rishel, McCook. , Edward Loomis, Custer, S. Dak.
Ruth Jones, North Loup. PRIMARY TEACHERS.
Mary Kinneburgh, College View. Miss Addie Wheeler, Gordon,
Retta King, College View. Nebr.
Amanda Nelson, College View. Miss Elsie Baer, Sheridan, Wyo.
Anina Jensen, 2581 Spaulding St., Miss, Maude Bailey, Deaw ood, ,S.
Omaha. Dak.
Cora M. Carr, College View. Mrs. Mary Lamie, Sheldon, Wyo.
Organized 1901; reorganized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of W. L. Manfull, Mena, Ark.
Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. J. W. Johnston, Houston, Tex.
Population: 5,360,256.
Membership: 3,365; churches,
Office: Keene, Johnson Co., Tex.
Organized 1888.
Territory: The State of Arkan-
President: C. N. Woodward, sas.
Keene, Tex. Population: 1,311,546.
Vice-President: G. F. Haffner, Membership: 550; churches, 17.
Shattuck, Okla. T. Office: 1623 Broadway, Little
Secretary and Treasurer: C. N. Rock, Ark.
Woodward, Keene, Tex.
Auditor: H. T. Curtis, Keene, OFFICERS.
Tex. President: Urbanus Bender, 1623
Field Missionary: W. L. Manfull, Broadway, Little Rock.
Mena, Ark. Secretary of Conference and Tract
Transportation Agent: C. N. Society: Miss D. Saidee Wil-
Woodward, Keene, Tex. son, office address.
Executive Committee: C. N. Treasurer: The Arkansas Tract
Woodward, the Presidents of Society.
the Arkansas, the Oklahoma, Canvassing Agent: W. L. Man-
and the Texas Conferences, the full, Mena, Ark.
Principal of Keene Academy, Superintendent of Church Schools:
W. L. Manfull, Dr. W. C. Green, V. B. Watts, Gentry, Ark.
Dr. D. C. Ross. Secretary of Sabbath-school De-
" The Southwestern Union Confer- partment: Miss D. Saidee Wil-
ence, Association of Seventh-day son, office address.
Adventists: " Trustees: C.' Executive Committee: U. Bender,
Sorenson (Pres.), C. N. Wood- V. B. Watts, W. C. Green, C. S.
ward (Sec.), G. F. Haffner, T. Kinzer, L. W. Felter.
J. Eagle, A. E. Field, Wm. MINISTERS.
Voth, U. Bender, V. B. Watts.
"The Southwestern Union Con- Urbanus Bender, 1623 Broadway,
ference Medical Missionary Little Rock, Ark.
Board: " Dr. W. C. Green V. B. Watts, Gentry, Ark.
(Pres.), H. T. Curtis (Sec.), Dr. H. Clay Griffin, Washburn, Mo.
D. C. Ross, G. F. Haffner, C. N. L. W. Felter, Mena, Ark.
Woodward, Andrew Nelson. D. P. Ziegler, Celt, Mo.
H. Shultz, Lockeford, Cal. J. S. Rouse, Frisco, Ark.
G. G. Rupert, Choctaw, Okla. T. H. S. Parker, Hot Springs, Ark.
S. S. Ryles, Devall's Bluff, Ark. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex. W. L. Manfull, Mena, Ark.
Thomas Defreeze, Corsicana, Tex. Miss D. Saidee Wilson, 1623
LICENTIATE. Broadway, Little Rock, Ark.
C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex. Dr. W. C. Green, l'623 Broadway,
Little Rock, Ark.
_MISSIONARY LICENTIATES, Mrs. U. Bender, 1623 Broadway,
Miss Ida A. Nelson, College View, Little Rock, Ark.
Nebr. J. A. Oppy, Siloam Springs, Ark.


Mrs. Jessie Rouse, Frisco, Ark. David Voth, R. F. D. No. 1, Hitch-
cock, Okla. T.
Miss Josephine Vilson, Gentry,
J. R. Bagby, Pilgrim, Okla. T.
T. J. Hickman, Coalgate, Ind. T.
Miss Jessie McConnell, Staunton,
Ark. E. L. Maxwell, Box 3, Capital Hill,
Mrs. W. L. Manfull, Mena, Ark. Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
George Ebel, Fargo, Okla. T.
Miss Bertie Stagner, Afton, Ind. T.
M. Larson, Newkirk, Okla. T.
U. B. Dake, Cement, Okla. T.
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE. William Braley, Enid, Okla. T.
Organized 1894. LICENTIATES.

Territory: Oklahoma and Indian Hans Bonde, Norman, Okla. T.

Territories. J. B. Hampton, Taloga, Okla. T.
Population: 1,000,000. Mrs. Minnie Syp, Enid, Okla. T.
Membership: 1,650; churches, 68. W. E. Baxter, Cement, Okla. T.
Office: 217 West Seventh St., Ok- Claude McDonald, Fame, Ind. T.
lahoma City, Okla. T. Isaac Baker, Seger, Okla. T.
Ezra Fillman, R. F. D. No. 3,
OFFICERS. Waurika, Okla. T.
President: Andrew Nelson, office C. M. Hayhurst, Woodward, Okla.
address. T.
Secretary: Wm. Voth, office ad- J. J. Schiffner, Omega, Okla. T.
dress. H. H. Martin, 217 West Seventh
Treasurer: T. J. Eagle, office ad- St., Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
dress. J. A. Lorenz, Goodwin, Okla. T.
Secretary and Treasurer of Mis- Alpha Waters, Coalgate, Ind. T.
sionary Department: T. J. Ray Hickman, Harper, Okla. T.
Eagle. W. F. Talburt, Allen, Ind. T.
Corresponding Secretary: Wm.
Superintendent of Educational De- L. T. Heaton, 217 West Seventh
partment: Wm. Voth. St., Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
Secretary of Sabbath-school De- T. J. Eagle, 217 West Seventh St.,
partment: Mrs. Laura B. Field, Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
606 West Ninth St., Oklahoma Wm. Voth, 217 West Seventh St.,
City, Okla. T. Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
State Missionary: L. T. Heaton, L. P. Syp, Enid, Okla. T.
office address. Mrs. Sopha V. Parker, 121 West
Executive Committee: Andrew Fifteenth St., Oklahoma City,
Nelson, A. E. Field, A. J. Voth, Okla. T.
J. R. Bagby, U. B. Dake. Mrs. Lee Gregory, Oklahoma City,
" Oklahoma Conference Associa- Okla. T.
tion of Seventh-day Advent- Mrs. Laura B: Field, 606 West
ists: " Trustees: Andrew Nel- Ninth St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
son, T. J. Eagle, D. F. Sturgeon. T.
Mrs. Hattie E. Sorenson, Keene,
Andrew Nelson, 217 West Seventh Miss Mary Baxter, Cement, Okla.
St., Oklahoma City, Okla. T. T.
A. E. Field, 606 West Ninth St., Miss Hannah Laubach, Tangier,
Oklahoma City, Okla. T. Okla. T.
A. J. Voth, Kiel, Okla. T. J. M. Fittro, Cestos, Okla. T.
W. H. White, Tyrone, Okla. T. Miss Faye Eagle, 2 East Seventh
D. F. Sturgeon, Woodward, Okla. St., Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
T. Mrs. Augusta Heaton, 217 West

.enth St., Oklahoma City,

Okla. T. Clarence Santee, Keene.
H. B. French, Keene.
David Voth, R. F. D. No. 1, Hitch- C. W. Miller, Keene.
cock, Okla. T. W. W. Eastman, Keene.
Mrs. J. B. McConnell, Enid, Okla. D. U. Hale, Keene.
T. E. B. Hopkins, Marietta.
Miss Hannah Laubach, Tangier, W. M. Cubley, Keene.
Okla. T. W. A. McCutchen, 554 Browder
Miss Nettie Newton, Jennings, St., Dallas.
Okla. T. A. W. Jenson, Keene.
Miss Luna Stevens, Hackberry, N. V. Willess, Keene.
Okla. T. N. J. Etheridge, Buffalo Gap.
Ray Hickman, Harper, Okla. T.
E. L. Neff, San Antonio.
TEXAS CONFERENCE. W. L. Brandon, Alto.
Organized 1878. .T. I. Taylor, Keene.
Territory: The State of Texas. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Population: 3,048,710.
Membership: 1,165; churches, 30. W. E. Hancock, College View, -
Office: Keene, Johnson Co., Tex. Nebr.
E. Harris, Keene.
OFFICERS. Miss Lottie White, Fort Worth.
President: Clarence Santee, Miss Jessie Hunter, 722 South
Keene. Seventh St., Waco.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- Miss Jessie Robbins, Keene.
ference and Tract Society: E. Miss Berta Taylor, 511 San Pedro
Harris, Keene. Ave., San Antonio.
Secretary of Sabbath-school De- Miss Isora Watts, Keene.
partment: Mrs. Grace Corwin, Miss Ava Hopkins, Marietta.
Keene. Mrs. J. I. Taylor, Keene.
Missionary Agent: W. W. East- Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Keene.
man, Keene. Mrs. W. M. Cubley, Keene.
Educational Superintendent: Mrs. Dr. D. C. Ross, Keene.
Ella E. Hughes, Keene. William Field, Keene.
Transportation Agent: C. N.
Executive Committee: Clarence Miss Lottie Farrell, Marietta.
Santee, T. W. Field, W. W. Mrs. Jessie Young, Avinger.
Eastman, D. U. Hale, C. W. Mil- Miss Minnie Robbins, Edgewood.
ler, W. M. Cubley, J. J. Cochran. Miss Sudie Bayliss, Lorena.
" Texas Conference Association of Mr. Wilkelm, Madge.
Seventh-day Adventists: " Trus- Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Keene.
tees: C. Santee, C. N. Wood- Robert French, Keene.
ward, J. D. Matthews, Sidney Ametta Garret, Keene.
Smith, C. B. Hughes. Miss Ada Phillips, Keene.
Organized. Igor.
Territory: California, Oregon, Mrs. Lena Williams, Honolulu,
Washington, Nevada, ' Idaho, Hawaiian Territory.
Montana, Utah, Arizona, Alas- Claude Conard, 1059 Castro St.,
ka, British Columbia, and Ha- Oakland, Cal.
waiian Territory.
Population: 3,774,342.
Membership: 9,754; churches, ARIZONA CONFERENCE.
221. Organized 1902.
Office: 1059 Castro .St., Oakland, Territory: Arizona.
Cal. Population: 122,931.
OFFICERS. Membership: 152; churches, 6.
Office: 515 North Central Ave.,
President: H. W. Cottrell, 1059 Phoenix, Ariz.
Castro St., Oakland, Cal.
Secretary: J. J. Ireland, 1059 OFFICERS.
Castro St., Oakland, Cal. President: F. I. Richardson,
Treasurer: E. A. Chapman, Moun- 235 East Taylor St.
tain View, Cal. Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
Missionary Secretary: H. H. Hall, M. T. Poston, office address.
Mountain View, Cal. Missionary Secretary: Mrs. M. T.
Secretary Religious Liberty Bu- Poston, office address.
reau: J. 0. Corliss, Mountain Educational Secretary : F. I.
View, Cal. Richardson, 235 East Taylor St.
Educational Secretary: Prof. M. Secretary of Young People's Work:
E. Cady, College Place, Wash. E. C. Bond, M. D., office address.
Executive Committee: H. W. Sabbath-school Secretary: Eugene
Cottrell, W. T. Knox, G. W. Brown, 21 South First Ave.,
Reaser, A. J. Breed, W. R. Phoenix, Ariz.
Simmons, J. A. Holbrook, M. E. Executive Committee: F. I. Rich-
Cady, C. H. Jones, T. J. Evans, ardson, J. Ernest Bond, Mareial
M. C. Wilcox, F. I. Richardson, Serna, H. A. Dow.
Frank Bunch, A. Whitehead, E.
L. Stewart, J. L. Wilson.
MINISTERS. F. I. Richardson, 235 East Taylor
St., Pheonix, Ariz.
H. W. Cottrell, 1059 Castro St., J. E. Bond, 515 North Central
Oakland, Cal. Ave. Phoenix, Ariz.
W. B. White, 1059 Castro St., Marcial Serna, Tucson, Ariz.
Oakland, Cal. W. C. F. Ward, 515 Central Ave.,
W. T. Knox, Mountain View, Cal. Pheonix, Ariz.
A. M. Dart, Oleander, Cal.
C. D. M. Williams, 290 D. Karratti LICENTIATES.
Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter- Mrs. J. E. Bond, 515 North Central
ritory. Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
P, C. Hayward, 515 Central Ave.,
I. C. Colcord, 1354 West St., Oak- Phoenix, Ariz.
land, Cal.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. C. Bond, 515 North Central
H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
J. J. Ireland, 1059 Castro St., Oak- Mrs. M. T. Poston, 515 North Cen-
land Cal. tral Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.

Allejandro D. Ybarra, Tucson, Mountains, and the State of

Ariz. Nevada.
Mrs. Augusta S. DeAngeles, 515 Population: 1,230,716.
North Central Ave., Phoenix, Membership: 4,000; churches, 56.
Ariz. Office: 1059 Castro St., Oakland,
ENCE. President: W. T. Knox, Moun-
tain View, Cal.
Organized 1902. Secretary: T. A. Kilgore, office
Territory: British Columbia. address.
Population: 190,000. Treasurer: The Pacific Press Pub.
Membership: 140; churches, 10. Co., Mountdin View, Cal.
Office: Hammond, British Colum- Missionary Secretary: A. J. S.
bia. Bourdeau, Mountain View, Cal.
OFFICERS. Executive Committee: W. T.
Knox, A. S. Kellogg, J. 0. Cor-
President: J. L. Wilson, Ham- liss, M. C. Wilcox, J. H. Beh-
mond, British Columbia. rens, A. J. Osborne, Geo. E.
Secretary: P. P. Adams, Ham- Langdon.
mond, British Columbia. Educational Department: Presi-
Treasurer: British Columbia Mis- dent Healdsburg College, W. E.
sionary Society, office address. Howell; Supt. Sabbath-schools,
Educational and Missionary Secre- E. D. Sharpe; Supt. Young Peo-
tary: P. P. Adams, office ad- ple's Work, Geo. E. Langdon;
dress. Sec. S. S. and Young People's
Executive Committee: J. L. Wil- Work, Mrs. Carrie R. King.
son, W. C. Young, Wm. Manson, " California Conference Associa-
Fred Lang, W. H. Davis. tion of Seventh-day Advent-
" British Columbia Association of ists: " Directors: W. T. Knox
Seventh-day Adventists: " Of- (Pres.), M. H. Brown (Sec.), A.
ficers same as for Conference, S. Kellogg, E. G. Fulton, E. E.
except P. P. Adams is treasurer. Parlin, E. A. Chapman, L. M.
J. L. Wilson, Hammond, British Orders,for publications, since July
Columbia. 15, 1904, filled by the Pacific
W. C. Young, Silver Creek, British Press Pub. Co., instead of by the
Columbia. Tract Society depository, as for-
P. P. Adams, Hammond, British merly.
Columbia. Canvassing Agent: W. H. Covell,
1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal.
Henry Pierce (Indian), Port Simp-
son, British Columbia. W. T. Knox, Mountain View, Cal.
A. S. Kellogg, Fresno, Cal.
J. W. Bagby, R. F. D. No. 2, Han-
P. P. Adams, Hammond, British ford, Cal.
Columbia. A. Brorsen, 828 Thirty-fourth St.,
Oakland, Cal.
CALIFORNIA - NEVADA CON- M. H. Brown, Santa Cruz, Cal.
FERENCE. D. T. Fero, 403 Davis St., Santa
Rosa, Cal.
Organized 1873. C. M. Gardner, Modesto, Cal.
Territory: All of California north E. J. Hibbard, 20 Pearl St., San
of Tehachapi and Santa Ynez Francisco, Cal.

B. L. Howe, 420 Dolores St., San C. W. Peter, 914 Laguna St., San
Francisco, Cal. Francisco, Cal.
M. C. Israel, Oakdale, Cal. W. H. Covell, 1059 Castro St., Oak-
C. E. Leland, 507 Washington St., land, Cal.
Reno, Nev. Wm. Mogle, Redding, Cal.
N. C. McClure, Healdsburg, Cal. Miss Katherine B. Hale, Healds-
Isaac Morrison, 98 J St. Road, R.
burg, Cal.
F. D. No. 2, Sacramento, Cal. Bert Davis, 1111 South St., Fresno,_
D. D. Lake, Healdsburg, Cal.
A. J. Osborne, Reno, Nev. Mrs. Bert Davis, 1111 South St.,
J. D. Rice, 6290 Racine St., Oak- Fresno, Cal.
land, Cal. Mrs. Mina Mann, Hanford, Cal.
G. W. Rine, Healdsburg, Cal. Wm. H. Jones, Healdsburg, Cal.
H. A. St. John, Sanitarium, Napa Mrs. Clara Jones, Healdsburg, Cal.
Co., Cal. Miss Abbie A. Oakes, Sanitarium,
E. D. Sharpe, 1059 Castro St., Oak-
land, Cal. B. L. Howe, 420 Dolores St., San
M. C. Wilcox, Pacific Press Pub.
Francisco, Cal.
Co., Mountain View, Cal. Mrs. Lena Howe, 420 Dolores St.,
W. C. White, Sanitarium, Napa San Francisco, Cal.
Co., Cal. Miss Ora M. Peoples, Petaluma,
J. 0. Corliss, Mountain View, Cal.
J. N. Loughborough, Mountain Cal.
Miss Florence Peugh, Glennville,
View, Cal. Cal.
A. Schlotthauer, Collis, Cal. Mrs. E. V. Dow, Healdsburg, Cal.
Geo. E. Langdon, 1059. Castro St., Mrs. E. D. Sharpe, Sanitarium,
Oakland, Cal. Cal.
J. H. Behrens, Sanitarium, Cal.
D. E. Robinson, Chico, Cal.
H. C. Basney, Ceres, Cal. Mrs. Ella White-Robinson, Chico,
H. Shultz, Lockeford, Cal. Cal.
LICENTIATES. Grace Tillotson, Santa Rosa, Cal.
A. J. S. Bourdeau, Mountain View, Mrs. Lena Morris, Sebastopol, Cal.
Cal. W. A. Williams, Red Bluff, Cal.
L. W. Sims, 777 Delmas Ave., San Miss Nellie Brown, Armona, Cal.
Jose, Cal. Miss Dolley Bellvial, Madera, Cal.
A. J. Morton, Box 7, R. F. D. No. Miss Mantha Higley, Bishop, Cal.
3, Fresno, Cal. Miss Rachel Stockton, Pepper-
Frank Bond, Hanford, Cal. wood, Cal.
C. N. Miller, San Luis Obispo, Cal. Miss Barbara Stickney, Eureka,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. I. C. Colcord, 1354 West St.,
Mrs. A. C. Bainbridge, 600 Tenth Oakland, Cal.
Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Mrs. Carrie R. King, 1059 Castro
Miss Belle Hickox, 1059 Castro St.,
Organized 1898.
Oakland, Cal.
Mrs. E. E. Parlin, Room 203, Par- Territory: The State of Montana.
rott Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Population: 243,329.
Miss Jeanette B. Henry, 1059 Cas- Membership: 400; churches, 12.
tro St., Oakland, Cal. Office: Bozeman, Montana.
Mrs. Cora A. Rice, 6290 Racine St., OFFICERS.
Oakland, Cal. President: J. A. Holbrook, Boze-
S. W. Walker, Los Gatos, Cal. man.

Secretary: W. H. Holden, Boze- OFFICERS.

man. President: G. W. Reaser, office
Treasurer: Miss Sadie Ritten- address.
house, Bozeman. Secretary and Treasurer: S. S.
Missionary and Sabbath-school Merrill, office address.
Secretary: Miss Sadie ,Ritten- Educational Secretary and Chair-
house, Bozeman. man of Sabbath-school Depart-
Executive Committee: J. A. Hol- ment: E. S. Ballenger, office
brook, J. C. Foster, W. A. Gos- address.
mer, Samuel Dick, C. H. Ritten- Missionary and Sabbath-school
house, H. 0. Shields, C. W. Page. Secretary: Miss J. L. Ireland,
" The Montana Conference Asso- office address.
ciation of the Seventh-day Ad- Executive Committee: G. W.
ventists: " J. A. Holbrook, J. Reaser, J. A. Burden, E. S. Bal-
C. Foster, W. A. Gosmer, C. H. lenger, S. T. Hare, S. G. Wood-
Rittenhouse, H. 0. Shields. ward, S. S. Merrill.
Orders for publications since Educational Committee: E. S.
August 1, 1904, filled by the Ballenger, G. W. Reaser, H. G.
branch office of the Pacific Press Lucas, Dr. A. Winegar-Simpson.
Publishing Co., at 285 Salmon " Southern California Association
St., Portland, Oregon, instead of of Seventh-day Adventists:"
by the Tract Society Depository, (Incorporated) Executive Board:
as formerly. G. W. Reaser, R. S. Owen, J. A.
MINISTERS. Burden, E. S. Ballenger, S. T.
Hare, S. G. Woodward, S. S.
J. A. Holbrook, Bozeman. Merrill.
J. C. Foster, Rockvale. Medical Missionary Committee:
W. A. Gosmer, Bozeman. J. A. Burden (Chairman), J. R.
LICENTIATES. Leadsworth, M. D., A. Winegar-
W. H. Holden, Bozeman. Simpson, M. D., G. K. Abbott,
S. H. Dime, Tony. M. D., F. Zelinsky, M. D., T. S.
D. H. Hanson, Missoula. Whitelock, M. D., Elder W. W.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Young People's and Sabbath-school
Mrs. Eva M. Holbrook, BOzeman. Committee: H. G. Lucas (Chair-
Mrs. Tersa Gosmer, Bozeman. man), E. S. Ballenger, Miss J.
Miss Sadie Rittenhouse, Bozeman. , L. Ireland, E. S. Silsbee, Miss
J. L. Jones, Bozeman. Laura Wagner.
Mrs. Cora Jones, Bozeman. MINISTERS.
PRIMARY SCHOOLS. G. W. Reaser, 257 South Hill St.,
Townsend, Stevensville, Glendive. Los Angeles.
W. M. Healey, 2719 G St., San
FERENCE. J. F. Ballenger, Fourth and Cer-
ritos Sts., Long Beach.
Organized 1901. S. Thurston, Burbank.
Territory: That part of California J. A. Burden, Loma Linda.
south of the summit of the J. W. Adams, Station M, Los
Tehachapi and Santa Ynez Angeles.
Mountains. W. W. Simpson, Tropico.
Population: 380,000. S. T. Hare, 257 South Hill St.,
Membership: 1,432.; churches, 23. Los Angeles.
Office: 257 South Hill St., Los E. H. Adams, 257 South Hill St.,
Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles.

G. A. Rauleder, 257 South Hill St., Mks. C. H. Castle, 257 South Hill
Los Angeles. St., Los Angeles.
J. L. Kay, Fernando. Miss Dora Clark, 257 South Hill
J. H, Rogers, 1647 East Forty- St., Los Angeles.
eighth St., Los Angeles.
Geo. 0. States, 257 South Hill St.,
Los Angeles. Organized 1880.
A. J. Howard, Escondido. Territory: .Idaho, and that por-
LICENTIATES. tion of the States of Oregon and
E. S. Ballenger, 257 South Hill St., Washington lying east of the
Los Angeles. Cascade Mountains, except Kla-
H. G. Lucas, Fernando. math and Wasco counties, Ore-
H. J. Hoare, 257 South Hill St., gon.
Los Angeles. Population: 431,435.
Membership: 1,475; churches, 42.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Office: College Place, Wash.
C. F. Marvin, Glendale. OFFICERS.
H. L. Rawson, 257 South Hill St., President: A. J. Breed, College
Los Angeles. Place, Wash.
Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, 257 South Hill Vice-President: F. D. Starr, For-
St., Los Angeles. est, Idaho.
Miss J. L. Ireland, 257 South Hill Secretary and Treasurer: T. L.
St., Los Angeles. Copeland, College Place, Wash.
S. S. Merrill, 257 South Hill St., Missionary Sec. and Treas.: T. L.
Los Angeles. Copeland, College Place, Wash.
E. J. Harvey, 257 South Hill St., Corresponding Secretary: "Miss
Los Angeles. Rose Ginther, College Place,
Mrs. G. Lincoln, 257 South Hill Wash.
St., Los Angeles. Conference Canvassing Agent: T.
J. F. Blunt, 257 South Hill St.', G. Johnson, Alfalfa, Wash.
Los Angeles. Educational Supt.: J. M. Wil-
PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. loughby, Cambridge, Idaho.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Miss Ruth Kane, 1058 South Hope
Lottie Copeland, College Place,
St., Los Angeles.
Miss Laura Wagner, 749 East
Executive Committee: A. J. Breed,
Fiftieth St., Los Angeles.
Mrs. B. F. Harris, Escondido. F. D. Starr, C. M. Christiansen,
J. M. Willoughby, Silas Yarnell,
Willis Jones, 2719 G St., San
C. E. Ford, H. J. Schnepper.
Geo. Morrison, R. F. D. No. 1, Es- " Upper Columbia Mission So-
ciety:," Pres., A. J. Breed; Sec.
Miss Leora Fetty, Hotel Arlington, and Treas., T. L. Copeland.
Riverside. MINISTERS.
Miss Emma Marcus, Redlands. A. J. Breed, College Place, Wash.
Miss Florence Bostwick, Garden C. E. Ford, 914 Nora Ave., Spo-
Grove. kane, Wash.
Miss Ida Shirley, Norwalk. J. Bartlett, Lapwai, Idaho.
C. T. Adams, Pomona. J. M. Willoughby, Cambridge,
A. W. H. Millard, Fernando. Idaho.
Miss Grace O'Neil, 257 South Hill W. H. Saxby, La Grande, Oregon.
St., Los Angeles. F. D. Starr, Forest, Idaho.

H. J. Schnepper, College Pface, Sabbath-keepers: 200; churches, 5.

Wash. Office: 648 Culley Avenue, Salt
G. A. Snyder, College Place, Wash. Lake City, Utah.
E. W. Catlin, North Yakima,
President: Alfred Whitehead, 648
LICENTIATES. Culley Ave., Salt Lake City,
F. D. Wagner, Dayton, Wash. Utah.
0. K. Butler, College Place, Wash. Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
C. F. Knott, Lind, Wash. Rose Whitehead, office address.
J. A. Rippey, Malaga, Wash. Secretaiy Young People's Work:
Arthur Moon, Cambridge, Idaho. Miss Ruth E. Balmer, 590 East
Fourth South St., Provo City.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: , Alfred
Whitehead, W. A. Alway, A. G.
I. A. Dunlap, College Place, Wash. Christiansen, Paul Iverson,
Silas Yarnell, 409 Granite Block, Charles Nelson.
Spokane, Wash.
Miss Lucy Post, Parma, Idaho. MINISTERS.
C. J. Rider, 409 Granite Block, Alfred Whitehead, 648 Culley Ave.,
Spokane, Wash. Salt Lake City, Utah.
A. R. Starr, North Yakima, Wash. W. A. Alway, Ogden, Utah.
Mrs. Lillie Starr, North Yakima, A. G. Christiansen, .Spring City,
Wash. Sanpete Co., Utah.
Mrs. Bettie C. Saxby, La Grande, Paul Iverson, Salina, Sevier Co.,
Oregon. Utah.
T. L. Copeland, College Place,
C. . Christiansen, College Place, Charles Nelson, Salina, Sevier Co.,
ash. Utah.
Miss Rose Ginther, College Place, MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Mrs. Lottie Copeland, College H. G. Gjording, Ephraim, Sanpete
Place, Wash. Co., Utah.
Miss Ethel Sapp, North Yakima, WESTERN OREGON CONFER-
Wash. ENCE.
Miss Margaret McCrea, R. F. D.
No. 3, North Yakima, Wash. Formerly part of the North Pacific
Guy Wolfkill, Union, Oregon. Conference, organized 1877; re-
Miss Fern Plummer, Milton, Ore- organized 1902.
gon. Territory: All the State of Ore-
Mrs. A. A. Banks, Genesee, Idaho. gon lying west of the summit of
A. C. Bird, Caldwell, Idaho. the Cascade Mountains, and
Miss Katie Bell, Cambridge, Idaho. Wasco and Klamath counties ly-
Mrs. A. E. Stewart, Alfalfa, Wash. ing east of the range.
Bert Larrabee, Westlake, Idaho. Population: 325,450.
Membership: 1,500; churches, 41.
Office: 285 Salmon St., Portland.
Organized 1902. OFFICERS.

Territory: State of Utah. President: F. S. Bunch, 285 Sal-

Population: 276,749. mon St., Portland, Oregon.

Secretary and Field Educational T. H. Starbuck, Mt. Tabor, Ore-

and Missionary Secretary: G. gon.
W. Pettit, office address. ' B. C. Tabor, Eugene, Oregon.
Treasurer: Portland Branch of C. A. Wyman, R. F. D. No. 1, Gas-
Pacific Press, office address. ton, Oregon.
Assistant Secretary and Corre- H. E. Giddings, Gravelford, Ore-
sponding Educational Secretary: gon.
Miss Edith Starbuck, office ad- P. A. Hanson, R. F. D. No. 2,
dress. Woodburn, Oregon.
State Agent: E. M. Oberg, office LICENTIATES.
Executive Committee: F. S. R. W. Airey, Laurelwood School,
Bunch, T. H. Starbuck, J. M. Gaston, Oregon.
Cole, D. W. Emmerson, W. R. W. J. Burden, Montavilla, Oregon.
Simmons, G. W. Pettit, H. J. C. L. Butterfield, Tillamook, Ore-
Dirksen. gon.
" Western Oregon Conference As- Geo. Larson, Box 205, Salem, Ore-
sociation of Seventh-day Ad- gon.
ventists: " Pres., T. H. Star- John Peterson, 285 Salmon St.,
buck; Vice-Pres., F. S. Bunch; Portland, Oregon.
Sec., G. W. Pettit; Treas., W. V. G. W. Pettit, 285 Salmon -St.,
Sample; Board of Trustees: F. Portland, Oregon.
S. Bunch, T. H. Starbuck, J. M. W. B. Scott, Salem, Oregon.
Cole, D. W. Emmerson, W. R. J. P. Simpson, Dayton, Oregon.
Simmons. T. L. Thuemler, R. F. D. No. 3,
Orders for publications now filled Woodburn, Oregon.
by the branch office of the Pa- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
cific Press Pub. Co., at 285 Sal-
mon St., Portland, Oregon, in- Mrs. W. L. Black, Marshfield, Ore-
stead of by the Tract Society, as gon.
formerly. Mrs. C. J. Cole, Corvallis, Oregon.
Miss Eliza Cole, St. Johns, Oregon.
MINISTERS. B. N. MacLafferty, Portland San-
F. S. Bunch, 285 Salmon St., Port- itarium, Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
land, Oregon. Mrs. M. A. Neale, Portland San-
H. W. Babcock, Cottage Grove, itarium, Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
Oregon. W. R. Simmons, Portland Sanita-
R. D. Benham, 1582 East Hoyt, rium, Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
Mt. Tabor, Oregon. Miss Edith Starbuck, 285 Salmon
W. L. Black, 285 Salmon St., Port- St., Portland, Oregon.
land, Oregon. Mrs. B. B. Tabor, 285 Salmon St.,
C. J. Cole, Corvallis, Oregon. Portland, Oregon.
J. M. Cole, R. F. D. No. 6, Salem, M. V. Sample, 285 Salmon St.,
Oregon. Portland, Oregon.
J. J. Clark, Battle Ground, Wash.
H. W. Decker, Mt. Tabor, Oregon. PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS.
H. J. Dirksen, 930 Rodney Ave., R. W. Airey, Laurelwood School,
Portland, Oregon. Gaston, Oregon.
J. E. Graham, 721 East Taylor St., Miss Irene Anderson, Astoria, Ore-
Portland, Oregon. gon.
C. Johnson, R. F. D. No. 1, Mc- Miss Nellie Clark, Gravelford
Minnville, Oregon. Academy, Gravelford, Oregon.
Fred. Jorg, 852 Vancouver Ave., Miss Bertha Clark, R. F. D. No. 6,
Portland, Oregon. . Salem, Oregon.
Daniel Nettleton, Portland Sani- Miss Esther Hoodenpyl, Dallas,
tarium, Mt. Tabor, Oregon. Oregon.

Miss Helena Hughes, Ashland, W. F. Martin, 426 South C St.,

Oregon. Tacoma, Wash.
Miss Jennie Miller, Monitor, Ore- A. J..Stover, R. F. D. No. 2, Ridge-
gon. field, Wash. .
Miss Luella Osgood, Montavilla, H. C. J. Wollekar, 502 East Seven-
Oregon. tieth St., Seattle, Wash. ,-
Miss Olive Perkins, Laurelwood T. Godfrey, Aberdeen, Wash.
School, Gaston, Oregon. T. H. Watson, Ridgefield, Wash. '
Miss Ruby Roberts, Tillamock, L. A. Gibson, Dayton, Wash.
Miss Clara Rogers, Laurelwood
'School, Gaston, Oregon. W. J. Boynton, 1007 Thirty-second
Miss Anna Whitley, Montavilla, Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
Oregon. 0. E. Davis, 309 Second Ave.,
R. L. Wildman, Otis, Oregon. North, Seattle, Wash.
L. G. Paap, Royal, Oregon. Joel C. Rogers, 2935 Wetmore
Mrs. Effie Booth, Blachly, Oregon. Ave., Everett, Wash.
J. E. Van DeMark, Mount Vernon,
FERENCE. David Dodge, 309 Second Ave.,
Organized 1902. North, Seattle, Wash.
W. H. Coffin, Shelton, Wash.
Territory: All of the State of R. R. Reinhold, Cedar Home,
Washington west of the Cascade Wash.
Mountains. E. L. MacLafferty, Aberdeen,
Population: 350,000. Wash.
Membership: 1,114; churches, 31. Jackson Johnson, 1413 North
Office: 309 Second Ave., North, Fifty-fifth Ave., Seattle, Wash.
Seattle, Wash. J. A. Bartow; 2814 Third Ave.,
OFFICERS. Seattle, Wash.
President: E. L. Stewart, Kent, Mrs. W. W. Sharp, 3423 Broad-
Wash. way, Everett, Wash.
Secretary and Treasurer: W. C. Mrs. M. E. Watson," Ridgefield,
Raley, 309 Second Ave., North, Wash.
Seattle, Wash. Miss M. Belle Shryock, Battle
Missionary and Field Secretary for Grounds, Wash.
Educational, Young People's PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS.
and Sabbath-school Work: E.
L. MacLafferty, Aberdeen, Wash. Miss Grace Maynard, Colby, Wash.
Executive Committee: E. L. Stew- Miss Bertha Gatton, 2585 Eighth
art, W. F. Martin, J. R. Clark, Ave., West, Seattle, Wash.
H. C. J. Wollekar, D. MacLaf- Miss Erna Witting, Pe Ell, Wash.
ferty. Greg C. , Robinson, Ridgefield,
" Western Washington Conference Wash.
Association of Seventh-day Ad- Miss Lorena Abbott, Redmond,
ventists: " Board of Trustees: Wash.
E. L. Stewart, W. F. Martin, J. Miss Lela Hoover, 309 Second
R. Clark, H. C. J. Wollekar, D. Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
MacLafferty. Miss Maude Maynard, Tacoma,
MINISTERS. Miss Bessie Woolsey, Sixty-fourth
E. L. Stewart, Kent, Wash. and Yakima Sts., Tacoma,
W. W. Sharp, 3423 Broadway; Wash.
Everett, Wash. W. H. Coffin, Shelton, Wash.

Superintendent: C. D. M. Will-
Population: 63,592.
Membership: 19. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Minister. Lena Williams.
C. D. M. Williams, 290 D Karratti
HAWAIIAN MISSION. Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter-
Population: 154,000. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Membership: 37; church, 1. Mrs. Lena Williams, 290 D Kar-
Address: 290 D Karratti Lane, ratti Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian
Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory. Territory.


Organized x894.

Territory: The Conferences of retary, Mrs. Anna L. Hindson,

New South Wales, New Zealand, office address.
Queensland, South Australia, Educational Department: Secre-
Tasmania, Victoria, West Aus- tary, C. W. Irwin, Cooranbong,
tralia, and the Mission Fields N. S. W., Australia.
of North Queensland, Micron- Medical Department: Secretary,
esia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Dr. D. H. Kress, Sanitarium,
the East Indies. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Population: In organized field, Mission Department: Secretary,
8,324,337; including unorganized E. H. Gates, Cooranbong, N.' S.
portions, over 50,000,000. W.,' Australia.
Membership: 3,851; churches, 94. Religious Liberty Department:
Cable Address: "Union," Syd- Secretary, W. A. Hennig, Vic-
ney. torian Tract Society, Oxford
Office: 32 Royal Chambers, Cas- Chambers, Bourke St., Mel-
tlereagh St., Sydney, N. S. W., bourne, Victoria, Australia.
Australia. Book Committee: W. D. Salis-
bury, J. M. Johanson, A. W.
OFFICERS. Anderson, W. A. Hennig, W. L.
President: 0. A. Olsen, office ad- H. Baker.
dress. Transportation Board: New South
Vice-President: W. L. H. Baker, Wales, G. S. Fisher; Victoria, J.
Victorian Tract Society, Oxford Gillespie; New Zealand, A.
Chambers, Bourke St., Mel- Mountain; South Australia, A.
bourne, Victoria, Australia. W. Semmens; Queensland, J. H.
Secretary and Treasurer: Miss Mills; Tasmania, P. H. Prety-
Edith M. Graham, office address. man; West Australia, L. V.
Executive Committee: 0. A. Ol- Finster.
sen, W. L. H. Baker, the Presi- MINISTERS.
dents of the local Conferences,
and E. H. Gates, D. H. Kress, 0. A. Olsen, 32 Royal Chambers,
W. D. Salisbury, J. M. Johan- Castlereagh St., Sydney, N. S.
son, C. W. Irwin, A. W. Sem- IV., Australia.
mens, J. Hindson. W. A. Hennig, Victorian Tract So-
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- ciety, Oxford Chambers, Bourke

St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- Vice-President: 0. A. Olsen, office

tralia. address.
E. H. Gates, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Secretary and Treasurer: C. H.
Australia. Schowe, office address.
L. A. Hoopes, Avondale School, Executive Committee: J. E. Ful-
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. ton, 0. A. Olsen, G. B. Starr, P.
Dr. D. H. Kress, Sanitarium, B. Rudge, F. W. Paap, J. Hind-
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. son, L. A. Hoopes.
C. H. Parker, Mualevu, Lomaloma, Tract and Missionary Department:
Lau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Sec. and Treas., Annie S. Hig-
B. J. Cady, Papeete, Tahiti, So- gins; Gen. Agt., P. B. Rudge.
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Sabbath-school Department: Sec.,
A. H. Piper, Raratonga, Cook Is- Miss Annie E. Pearce, office ad-
lands, Pacific Ocean. dress.
G. F. Jones, Rumah Bessar, 15 Religious Liberty Department:
Niven Road, Singapore, Malay Committee: L. A. Hoopes
Archipelago, Pacific Ocean. (Chairman), C. H. Schowe
G. A. Wantzlick, Townsville, (Sec.), G. B. Starr.
Queensland, Australia. Educational Committee: L. A.
Hoopes (Supt.), G. B. Starr,
LICENTIATES. Miss Hattie Andre.
C. W. Irwin, Avondale School,
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Pauliasi Bunoa, Suva Vou, Fiji, J. E. Fulton, 80 Hunter St., Syd-
Pacific Ocean. ney, N. S. W., Australia.
G. B. Starr, Sanitarium, Wah-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. roonga,.N. S. W., Australia.
Paul J. Deane, Papeete, Tahiti, J. L. McElhaney, 80 Hunter St.,
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Sydney, N. S. W.,Australia.
J. R. McCoy, Pitcairn Island, Pa- F. W. Paap, 80 Hunter St., Syd-
cific Ocean (care British Con- ney, N. S. W., Australia.
sul), ..Papeete, Tahiti, Society Dr. W. H. James, Sanitarium,
Islands. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
E. Thorpe, Nukualofa, Tonga, W. J. McGowan, 80 Hunter St.,
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
E. C. Davey, 18a Wilkie Road, C. V. Bell, 80 Hunter St., Sydney,
Singapore, Malay Archipelago, N. S. W., Australia.
Pacific Ocean.
Mrs. E. C. Davey, Singapore, Ma- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
lay Archipelago, Pacific Ocean. Miss Annie E. Pearce, 80 Hunter
St., Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
P. B. Rudge, 80 Hunter St., Syd-
NEW SOUTH WALES CONFER- ney, N. S. W., Australia.
ENCE. G. G. James, 80 Hunter St., Syd-
Organized 1895. ney, N. S. W., Australia.
Miss J. R. Robertson, 80 Hunter
Territory: The State of New
St., Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
South Wales.
Mrs. G. B. Starr, Sanitarium,
Population: 1,457,246.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Membership: 863; churches, 19.
Miss H. R. Pearce, 80 Hunter St.,
Office: 80 Hunter St., Sydney, N. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
S. W., Australia.
W. R. Carswell, 80 Hunter St.,
OFFICERS. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
President: J. E. Fulton, office ad- A. Stewart, 80 Hunter St., Sydney,
dress. N. S. W., Australia.

G. E. Marriott, 80 Hunter St., N. D. Faulkhead, 37 Taranaki St.,

Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Wellington, New Zealand.
Mrs. G. G. James, 80 Hunter St.,
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Miss M. Schowe, 80 Hunter St., Mrs. 0. Pascoe, 37 Taranaki St.,
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Wellington, New Zealand.
Mrs. P. Skadsheim, 80 Hunter St., Miss M. Owen, 37 Taranaki St.,
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Wellington, New Zealand.


Territory: The Colony of New Organized 1899.
Population: 857,533. Territory: The State of. Queens-
Membership: 592; churches, 13. land.
Cable Address: " Mastery," Wel- Population: 516,496.
lington. Membership: 289; churches, 6.
Office: 37 Taranaki St., Welling- Office: 186 Edward St., Brisbane,
ton, New Zealand. Queensland, Australia.
President: S. M. Cobb, office ad-
dress. President: S. W. Nellis, office ad-
Vice-President and Secretary: W. dress.
J. Smith, office address. Vice-President: R. D. Quinn, office
Treasurer: New Zealand Tract address.
Society. Secretary: J. H. Mills, office ad-
Executive Committee: S. M. dress.
Cobb, G. Brandstater, A. Moun- Treasurer: Queensland Tract So-
tain, W. J. Smith,- S. H. Amyes. ciety.
Tract Society Department: Sec. Executive Committee: S. W. Nel-
and Treas. , Gen. lis, R. D. Quinn, J. H. Mills, A.
Agt., A. Mountain. Smart, H. J. Cooper.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec. Tract Society Department: Sec.
and Treas., Miss Jessie John- and Treas., J. H. Mills; Gen.
stone, office address. Agt., H. J. Cooper.
Educational Department: Sec., Sabbath-School Department: Sec.
W. J. Smith, office address. and Treas., vacant.
S. M. Cobb, 37 Taranaki St., Wel-
lington, New Zealand. S. W. Nellis, 186 Edward St., Bris-
F. E. Lyndon, 37 Taranaki St., bane, Queensland, Australia.
Wellington, New Zealand. R. D. Quinn, 186 Edward St., Bris-
C. A. Paap, 37 Taranaki St., Wel- bane, Queenland, Australia.
lington, New Zealand.
G. Teasdale, 37 Taranaki St., Wel- LICENTIATE.
lington, New Zealand.
A. Smart, 186 Edward St., Bris-
LICENTIATES. bane, Queensland, Australia.
W. J. Smith, 37 Taranaki St.,
Wellington. New Zealand. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
W. H. Pascoe, 37 Taranaki St., H. J. Cooper, 186 Edward St.,
Wellington, New Zealand. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFER- laide, South Australia, Aus-

ENCE. tralia.
A. E. Hodgkison, 93 Franklin St.,
Organized 1899. Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
Territory: The State of South tralia.
' Australia.
Population: 373,235. TASMANIAN CONFERENCE.
Membership: 320; churches, 9.
Organized 1901.
Office: 93 Franklin St., Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia. Territory: The State of Tas-
OFFICERS. Population: 180,203.
President: , office Membership: 254; churches, 6.
address. Office: 127 Liverpool St., Hobart,
Vice-President: A. W. Semmens, Tasmania, Australia.
Medical Institute, Victoria OFFICERS.
Square, Adelaide, South Aus-
President: J. Pallant, office ad-
Secretary: A. H. Rogers, office
Vice-President: F. L. Sharp, of-
fice address.
Treasurer: South Australian
Secretary and Treasurer: P. H.
Tract Society.
`Pretyman, office address.
Executive Committee: E. S. Butz,
Executive Committee: J. Pallant,
A. W. Semmens, T. H. Craddock,
F. L. Sharp, P. H. P'retyman, J.
T. Thatcher, H. Mitchell.
Allen, J. F. Golding.
Tract Society Department: Sec.
Tract Society Department: Sec.
and Treas., R. H. Constandt;
and Treas., Miss E. M. Hawkins,
Gen. Agt., R. Hodgkison.
office address.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
and Treas., Mrs. A. W. Sem-
F. L. Sharp, office address.
Educational Secretary: Miss Min-
MINISTERS. nie Hawkins, office address.
E. S. Butz, 93 Franklin St., Ade- MINISTER.
laide, South Australia, Aus- J. Pallant, 127 Liverpool St.,
tralia. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
T. H. Craddock, 93 Franklin St.,
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
tralia. F. L. Sharp, 127 Liverpool St.,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
LICENTIATES. J. Allen, 127 Liverpool St., Hobart,
A. W. Semmens, Medical Institute, Tasmania, Australia.
Victoria Square, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia.
A. H. Rogers, 93 Franklin St., VICTORIAN CONFERENCE.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- Organized 1888.
Territory: The State of Victoria.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Population: 1,210,304.
Miss E. Wyatt, 93 Franklin St., Membership: 680; churches, 13.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- Office: Oxford Chambers, Bourke
tralia. St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus-
J. E. Steed, 93 Franklin St., Ade- tralia.
laide, South Australia, Aus- OFFICERS.
tralia. President: W. L. H. Baker, office
G. Hubbard, 93 Franklin St., Ade- address.

Vice-President: J. H. Woods, Sabbath-school Department: Sec-

office address. retary and Treasurer, Mrs. L. V.
Secretary and Treasurer: J. Gil- Finster, office address.
lespie, office address. Educational Department: Secre-
Executive Committee: W. L. H. tary, N. J. Walldorff, office ad-
Baker, J. H. Woods, A. W. An- dress.
derson, J. Wallace, J. Gillespie.
Tract Society Department: Sec.
and Treas., Miss Lizzie M. L. V. Finster, 246 William St.,
Gregg; Gen. Agt., H. C. Harker. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Sabbath-school Department: Sec. tralia.
'and Treas., Mrs. W. A. Hennig, E. Hilliard, 246 William St., Perth,
office address. West Australia, Australia.
W. L. H. Baker, Oxford Chambers,
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, N. J. Walldorff, 246 William St.,
Australia. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
J. H. Woods, Oxford Chambers, tralia.
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, N. G. Brittain, 246 William St.,
Australia. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
R. Hare, Oxford Chambers, Bourke tralia.
St., Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Ella Finster, 246 William St.,
Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Miss Madge Young, A. Chelberg, tralia.
G. Stewart, Lizzie M. Gregg, A. A. Shapcott, 246 William St.,
Mrs. W. A. Hennig. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFER- Miss 1V1) Chandler, 246 William St.,
ENCE. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Organized 1902.
Territory: The State of West
Population: 242,420.
Membership: 331; churches, 12. Population: 13,500.
Office: 246 William St., Perth, Membership: 53; church, 1.
West Australia, Australia. Address: Arorangi, Raratonga,
Cook Islands, South Pacific
President: L. V. Finster, office Director and Minister: A. H.,
address. Piper.
Vice-President: N. J. Walldorff, Teacher: M. W. Carey.
office address.
Secretary: Mrs. Freeman, office
Treasurer: West Australian Tract . FIJI MISSION.
Society. Population: 121,000.
Executive Committee: L. V. Fin- Membership: 140; churches, 4.
ster, N. J. Walldorff, R. Howie, Address: Buresala, via Levuka,
E. Chandler, A. A. Shapcott. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Tract Society Department: Sec- Director and Minister: C. H.
retary and Treasurer, Miss L. Parker.
A. Prism all; General Agent, A. Licentiate: Pauliasi Bunoa.
A. Shapcott. Teacher: S. W. Carr.


Population: 22,500. Membership: 7; church, 1.
Membership: 13; church, 1. S. S. Secretary: Miss Sarah
Address: Nukualofa, Tonga, Young.
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Director: E. Thorpe.
Church-school Teacher: M. Ella SINGAPORE MISSION.
Boyd. Population, 300,000.
Membership: 9; church, 1.
NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION. Address: Rumah Besar, 15 Niven
Population: 700. Road, Singapore, Malay Archi-
Membership: 20; church, 1. pelago, Pacific Ocean.
Missionaries: Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Director,and Minister: G. F. Jones.
Belden, Norfolk Island, Pacific Missionary Licentiates: E. C.
Ocean. Davey, 18a Wilkie Road, Singa-
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. S. pore, Malay Archipelago, Pa-
T. Belden. cific Ocean; Mrs. E. C. Davey,
same address.
NORTH AUSTRALIAN MISSION. Canvasser: R. A. Caldwell.
Territory: The northern portions
of Queensland, South Australia,
and West Australia.
Address: Eyre St., North Ward, SOCIETY ISLANDS MISSION.
Townsville, Queensland, Aus- Population:. 12,800.
tralia. Membership: 80; churches, 4.
Director and Minister: G. A.
Wantzlick. Address: Papeete, Tahiti, Society
Tract Society Secretary: Miss Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Emma Hill. Director and Treasurer: B. J.
Address: Pitcairn Island, Pacific Missionary Licentiate: Paul J.
Ocean; care British Consul, Pa- Deane.
peete, Tahiti, Society Island.
Membership: 72; church, 1. SUMATRA MISSION.
Missionary Licentiate: J. R. Mc-
Coy. Population: 3,000,000.
S. S. Secretary: Rosalind Young. Membership: 13; churches, 2.
Address: Padang, West Coast Su-
SAMOAN MISSION. matra, Netherlands, East In-
Address: Apia, Upola, Samoa, dies.
Pacific Ocean. Director and Treasurer:
Organized July 23, Igor.

Territory: The following-named son, E. E. Andross, H. F. Schu-

Union Conferences: German berth, D. P. Gaede, J. T. Boett-
(with German East Africa as a cher, L. P. Tieche, H. R. Salis-
mission' field), Scandinavian, and bury, W. H. Wakeham.
British; and the Latin and Ori- DEPARTMENT COMMITTEES.
ental Union Missions.
Population: 505,632,508. Finance: W. C. Sisley (Chair-
Membership: (June 30, 1905) 11,- man), L. R. Conradi, P. A. Han-
600; churches, 315. sen, H. F. Schuberth. .
Headquarters: 451 Holloway Road, Educational: H. R. Salisbury
London, N., England. (Chairman), 0. Luepke, 0. A.
Johnson, W. H. Wakeham.
Medical: Dr. Carl Ottosen (Chair-
President: L. R. Conradi, Grindel- man), Dr. A. B. Olsen, Dr. P. A.
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. De Forest, Dr. A. J. Hoenes, L.
Vice-President: R. Conradi, W. C. Sisley.
Secretary: Guy Dail, Grindelberg Publishing: L. R. Conradi (Chair.
15a, Hamburg, Germany. man), W. C. Sisley, Dr. A. B.
Treasurer: W. C. Sisley, 451 Hol- Olsen, J. Robert, A. Boettcher.
loway Road, London, N., Eng-
Auditor: S. S. Barnard, 70-74 L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
Legge St., Birmingham, Eng- Hamburg, Germany.
Executive Committee: L. R. Con-
radi, W. C. Sisley, Dr. J. C. Ot- Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
tosen, P. A. Hansen, 0. A. John- burg, Germany.


Organized Igor.
Territory: German Empire, Ger- Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
man Switzerland, Luxemburg, many.
Russia, Asiatic Russia, Holland, OFFICERS.
Flemish Belgium, Austria-Hun- Pres., L. R. Conradi; Vice-Pres.,
gary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Ser- H. F. Schuberth; Sec. and S. S.
via, Montenegro, German East and Miss. Sec. for all German
. Africa. fields not, otherwise provided
Population: 286,272,040. for, W. Ising; Treasurer for all
Membership: 6,657; churches, 186. German fields not otherwise pro-
Telegraphic Address: Conradi, vided for, B. Severin; Assist.
Hamburg, Grindleberg. Treas., N. Schlatterer; Auditor,
Office Address for German Union H. Hartkop; Transportation
Conference and all the German Agent, W. Ising.
Union Fields and Workers: Executive Committee: L. R. Con-

radi, J. T. Boettcher, H. F. Schu- burg, Pomerania, Posen, Silesia,

berth, J. Pieper, E. Frauchiger, and the Kingdom of Saxony.
H. J. Loebsack, D. P. Gaede, J. Popylation:. 17,400,000.
F. Huenergardt, D. Isaak, 0. Membership: 1,056; churches, 29.
Wildgrube, W. Krumm, A. J.
Hoenes, H. Hartkop, C. W.
Weber, 0. Luepke, J. Erzberger. Pres., E. Frauchiger; Sec., C.
Legal Association: " Hamburger Reihlen; Treas., B. Severin;
Verein der Siebenten-Tag-Ad- Gen. Canv. Agts., E. Nopper, J.
ventisten: P Pres., L. R. Con- Lippertz; Ex. Com. E. Frau-
radi; Accountant, H. Hartkop; chiger, C. Reihlen, N. Bartsch,
Trustees, L. R. Conradi, H. F. E. Nopper, W. Prillwitz.
Schuberth, W. Krumm, J. Erz- MINISTERS.
berger, H. Hartkop, J. Pieper. E. Frauchiger, H. Baumann, K.
E. Frauchiger, J. T. Boettcher, J. Sinz, G. Perk.
G. ()blander, G. W. Schubert. .
W. Prillwitz, 0. Kretschmar, F.
H. F. Schuberth, J. Erzberger, J.
H. Schilling. Prieser, J. Christoffers, C. Dang-
. schat, N. Adomeit, 0. Schwen-
F. Rohne, P. Staubert, C. Amelung,
GERMAN UNION DISTRICT. L. Rowlin, E. Nitsch, R. Schutz,
R. Cunitz, M. Hiittinger, H. Ehe-
Organized 1905. halt, Ella Biihre, R. Tschier-
Territory: Asiatic Russia, Ger- schki, A. Zerndt, K. Vater.
man East Africa, Hamburg, Al-
tona, Wandsbeck, Vierlanden,
Population: 24,500,000.
Organized 1901.
Membership: 397; churches, 3.
Address: Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Population: 2,319,000.
burg, Germany. Membership: 380; churches, 8.
OFFICERS. Address: Weiheiweg 48, Basle,
Pres., L. R. Conradi; Sec.;W. Ising ;
Treas., B. Severin; Ex. Corn., L. OFFICERS.
R. Conradi, 0. Luepke, H. Hart- Pres., H. F. Schuberth; Sec., 0.
kop, W. Krumm. Stoye; Treas., W. Sebald; S. S.
MINISTER. Sec., Mrs. L. Sebald; Mission-
ary Dept., T. Kestenholz; Can-
0. Luepke. vassing Agent, H. Lukat ; Ex.
C. von Fintel, H. Dierking, Dr. V. Kury, J. Erzberger, W. Sebald,
Pampaian, H. Pampaian, B. J. Murbach.
Ohme, J. Ehlers, A. C. Enns, A.
Langholf, E. Kotz, R. Lusky, MINISTERS.
Mrs. Helene Ohme, Mrs. A. H. F. Schuberth, 0. Stoye.
Langholf, Emilie Sohurey. LICENTIATE.
G. W. Hockarth.
Organized 1901.
M. Scheidegger, Emma Steiner, F.
Territory: Provinces of Branden- Schlegel, II. Meyer, J. Seefried.

PRUSSIAN CONFERENCE. Population: 13,200,000.

Membership: 504; churches, 14.
Organized 1903.
Territory: East and West Prus- Pres., J. T. Bottcher; Sec., R.
sia. Schillinger; Treas., B. Severin;
Population: 3,561,000. Canv. Agt., H. Lukat; Ex. Cora.,
Membership: 566; churches, 23. J. T. Botcher, H. Lukat, C.
OFFICERS. Illifer, C. Wittig, J. Erzberger.
Pres., J. G. Oblander; Sec., H. MINISTERS.
Fenner; Canv. Agt., W. Koller; J. T. BOttcher, M. Stueckrath.
Ex. Com., J. G. Ob'ander, W.
Koller, F. Uldokat, G. Unruhe. LICENTIATES.
MINISTER. R. Schillinger, F. HOrner, C. Unter-
J. G. Oblander.
Carl Kamm, M. Loesch, A. Hatt-
H. Fenner, G. Domnick.
schildt, H. Steiner, Alice Favre,
R. Kuempel, M. Schuerer, F. Lep-
latoni, 0. Janert, F. Saemann.
Organized 1901.
ENCE. Territory: Kuban, Terek, Don
District I, Stavropol, Astrak-
Organized 1903. han, Saratov, Samara, Orenburg,
Territory: Rhenish Province. Ufa.
Population: 5,760,000. Population: 14,963,399.
Membership: 384; churches, 12. Membership: 774; churches, 24.
Pres., G. W. Schubert; Sec., F. H. Pres., H. J. Loebsack; Sec., G.
Darner; Canv. Agt., H. Kalb- Hetze; Ex. Com., H. J. Loebsack,
fleisch; Treas., B. Severin; Ex. H. K. Loebsack, J. Albrecht, M.
Com., G. W. Schubert, H. Kalb- Fischer, G. Fritz.
fleisch, C. Miller, W. Varlemann, MINISTERS.
A. Matern. H. J. Loebsack, H. K. Loebsack.
G. W. Schubert. G. Hetze.
C. Killer, W. Varleinann, H.
F. Koch, H. Berg.
F. Klein, C. Bruck, S. Elsner, R. WEST GERMAN CONFERENCE.
Organized 1898.
Territofy: All States north of
SOUTH GERMAN CONFERENCE. the Main and west of Branden-
Organized 1902. burg and Pomerania, except
Rhenish Prussia and Hamburg,
Territory: Bavaria, Wurtemberg, Altona, Wandsbeck, Vierlanden,
Baden, Alsace-Lorraine, Hessia and Friedensau Village.
south of the Main, Hohenzol- Population: 19,000,000.
lern, and Luxemburg. Membership: 898; churches, 27.

OFFICERS. Membership: 8.
Pres., J. Pieper; Rec. Sec., Address: Missionstation " Fried
Canv. Agt., A. Kollhosser; enstal," Mombo, via Tanga, Ger-
Treas., B. Severin; Ex. Corn., J. man East Africa.
Pieper, A. Kollhosser, F. Lott- DIRECTOR.
ing, H. Freyboth. B. Ohme.
J. Pieper, 0. Madsen, H. Behr, B. Ohme, J. Ehlers, A. C. Enns, A.
John Isaak. Langholf, E. Kotz, Mrs. Helene
LICENTIATES. Ohme, Mrs. F. Langholf.
F. Zerndt, E. Bahr, K. Muller, J.
Wolfgarten, W. Schwenecke.
A. Sommer, W. von Oppen, E. von Territory: Holland and Flemish
Oppen, M. Macke, W. Hegmann, Belgium.
H. Klages, M. Dan, J. Walke- Population: 8,860,000.
meyer, A. Rockel, H. Hintz, M. Membership: 118; churches, 8.
Ponig, E. Rassler, P. Hertzer. OFFICERS.
Director, R. G. Klingbeil; Sec., J.
Wibbins; Advisory Corn., R. G.
AUSTRIAN MISSION. Klingbeil, J. Wibbens, J. Wint-
Territory: Austria. zen, P. Schilstra, B. Traarbach.
Population: 28,000,000. MINISTER.
Membership: 55.
R. G. Klingbeil.
J. Wintzen, P. Schilstra, J. Wib-
L. Mathe.
M. H. Wentland. M. Arndse, M. Liineberg.
E. SchUtt, F. Gruber, G. Skakal, HUNGARIAN MISSION.
R. W. Schimek. Territory: Hungary.
Population: 21,000,000.
BALKAN MISSION. Membership: 206; churches, 2.
Territory: Rumania, Bulgaria, OFFICERS.
Servia, and Montenegro. Director, J. N. Huenergardt; Ad-
Population: 12,600,000. visory Com., J. F. Huenergardt,
Membership: 74; churches, 3. K. Reifschneider, M. Oesz, N.
MINISTER. Bodinge, M. Bottyanzky.
E. Enseleit. MINISTERS.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. J. F. Huenergardt, K. Reif-
J. F. Hinter.
G. Unk, P. Todar, P. Gyongyosi,
GERMAN EAST AFRICAN MIS- S. Kelemenn, F. Kessel, Arma
SION. Nagy.
Territory: German East Africa.
Population: 6,500,000; Europeans, MIDDLE RUSSIAN MISSION.
1,300. Territory: The native Russians in

Archangel, Kharkof, Yaroslaf, LICENTIATES.

Kaluga, Kazan, Kief, Kostroma, K. Remfert, J. Sprohge, J. Jurick-
Kursk, Moghilef, Moscow, Nijni- SOIL.
Novgorod, Novgorod, Olonetz,
Orel, Penza, Perm, Podolia, Pol- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
tava, Riazan, St. Petersburg, A. Rauck, G. Loebsack.
Simbirsk, Smolensk, Tambof,
Chernigof, Tula, Tver, Vitebsk,
Vladimir, Vologda, Voronej, SOUTH RUSSIAN MISSION.
Population: 59,303,481. Territory: Bessarabia, Kherson,
Membership: 484; churches, 9: Yekatrinoslaof, Taurida, Don
District II.
Population: 9,519,049.
0. Wildgrube.
Membership: 293; churches, 10.
0. Wildgrube, J. Perk. OFFICERS.
LICENTIATE. Director, D. Isaak; Adv. Cora., D.
A. Ugrick. Isaak, M. Fritz, R. Jurkin, Mr.
J. Pilkewitsch, C. Schamkow. MINISTER.
D. Isaak.
Territory: The Baltic Provinces, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Poland, Kovno, Volhynia, Grod- R. Jurkin, W. Schlegel, Jr.
no, Minsk, Pskov, Vilna.
Population: 22,786,111.
Membership: 456; churches, 14. ASIATIC RUSSIAN MISSION.
OFFICERS. Territory: Asiatic Russia.
Director, D. P. Gaede; Adv. Corn., Population: 17,000,000.
D. P. Gaede, K. Remfert, B. Membership: 4.
D. P. Gaede, R. Voss. Dr. V. Pampaian, H. Pampaian.


Organized Igor.

Territory: The Conferences of 0. A. Johnson, 0. Johnson, E.

Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, Lind, J. C. Ottosen, Fred An-
and the Missions of Finland, Ice- derson, 0. J. Olsen.
land and Greenland. MINISTER.
Population: 12,779,953.
Membership: 2,482; churches, 73. John Hoffman, Thyrelund, Sunds-
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copen- vall, Sweden.
hagen, V., Denmark.
Chairman, P. A. Hansen; Sec.,
B. J. Karlsson; Treas., Jens Organized 1880.
Olsen; Ex. Corn., P. A. Hansen, Territory: Denmark.

Population: 2,449,540. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Membership: 744; churches, 19. Edward Iversen, 0. A. Narem,
Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- Johanne Bjorckelund, Julia
hagen. Lycke.
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha-
gen, V., Denmark.
(All persons named below may be SWEDISH CONFERENCE.
addressed as above.) Territory: Sweden.
OFFICERS. Population: 5,198,752.
Membership: 756; churches, 29.
Pres., P. A. Hansen; Vice-Pres., J. Office: Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm,
C. Raft; Sec. and Treas., Jens Sweden.
Olsen; Sec. S. S. and Mission-
(All persons named below may be
ary Depts., Jens Olsen; Canv. addressed as above.)
Agt., P. Hansen; Auditors, R. J.
Aagaard, L. Baumsgaard; Ex. OFFICERS.
Com., P. A. Hansen, J. C. Raft, Pres., 0. Johnson; Vice-Pres., K.
N. P. Nelsen, Jens Olsen, P. A. Farnstrom; See., E. J. Ah-
Hansen, H. L. Henriksen, L. ren; Treas., J. R. Lindqvist;
Muderspach. - Sec. S. S. Dept., A. F. Roos;
MINISTERS. Canv. Agt., E. Lind (Arboga,
Sweden); Auditors, E. Lind,
P. A. Hansen, J. C. Raft, N. Clau- A. J. Settergren; Ex. Corn., 0.
sen, P. Christensen, M. M. Olsen. Johnson, K. A. Farnstrom, J. R.
LICENTIATES. Lindqvist, E. Lind, C. Kahl-
- L. Muderspach, Z. Sherrig. strom.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Conference Association: " Salls-
kapet Sanningens Harold." Pres.,
N. P. Hansen. E. Lind; Vice-Pres., 0. Johnson;
Sec., J. M. Erikson; Treas.,
NORWAY CONFERENCE. J. R. Lindqvist; other members,
K. A. FarnstrOm, Ch. Kahl-
Organized 1887. strom, J. A. Lindberg; Auditors,
Territory: Norway. K. Mattson, J. Bergstrom.
Population: 2,225,000. MINISTERS.
Membership: 884; churches, 24.
0. Johnson, K. A. FarnstrOm, E.
Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet,
J. AhrOn, A. J. Settergren, J. M.
Christiania. Erikson.
Office: Akersgaden 74, Christiania,
(All persons named below may be Birger Anderson.
addressed as above.) MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
OFFICERS. A. Lundgren, Mathilda Olsson, 0.
Pres., 0. A. Johnson; Sec., C. B. Nelson, Peter Hedstrom, 0.
Jensen; Treas., A. C. Christen- Karlsson, J. Andersson, Kristina
sen; Sec. S. S. and Tract and Engstrom, Anna Halluerg, Tilda
Missionary Depts., Joh. M. Niel- Lindgren.
sen; Canv. Agt., J. M. Narem; CITY MISSION.
Ex. Com., 0. A. Johnson, 0. P. Gothenburg, Bethesda Mission,
Norderhus, N. P. Nelsen, 0. J. Nedre Fogelsbergsgatan 6;
Olsen, L. Halvorsen, J. M. Matron, Miss Anna Hallberg.
Narem, H. Z. Johansen.
0. A. Johnson, N. P. Nelsen, 0. P. FINLAND MISSION.
Norderhus, A. Sevaldsen. Territory: Finland.

Population: 2,816,298. HEALTH-FOOD STORE.

Membership: 85; church, 1. Corporate Name: Special Affar
Office: Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, for Helsvardsartiklar.
Finland. Address: Unionsgatan 4, Helsing-
OFFICERS. fors, Finland.
Advisory Board: Fred Anderson,
A. Boettcher, K. Sandelin, N.
Hammar; Sec., A. Boettcher; ICELAND MISSION.
Treas., M. Boettcher; Canv. Territory: Iceland and Greenland.
Agt., N. Hammar; S. S. Sec., Population: 90,363.
Mrs. M. Boettcher; Miss. Dept.
Membership: 13.
Sec., A. Boettcher. Address:. Reikiavik, Iceland.
Fred Anderson, F. R. ()berg. David ostlund.
Oskar Anderson, Alma Bjugg. Nils Anderson.


Organized 1902.

Territory: The Conferences of NORTH ENGLAND CONFER-

South England and North Eng- ENCE.
land, and the Missions of Ire-
land, Scotland, and Wales. Organized 1902; formerly a part
Population: 42,793,272. of the British Conference or-
Membership: 1,496; churches, 31. ganized 1898.
Cable Address: Uprising, London. Territory: The counties of Here-
Office: 451 Holloway Road, Lon- ford, Worcester, Warwick,
don, N., England. Northampton, Lincoln, Rut-
OFFICERS. land, Leicester, Nottingham,
Pres., E. E. Andross; Sec. and Derby, Strafford, Shropshire,
Treas., A. Bacon; Ex. Corn., E. Cheshire, Lancashire, York,
E. Andross, W. C. Sisley, H. R. Durham, Westmoreland, Cum-
Salisbury, W. H. Meredith, W. berland, and Northumberland.
D. MacLay, E. W. Farnsworth, Population: About 16,000,000.
Dr. A. B. Olsen; Trans. Agt. and Membership: 497; churches, 13.
S. S. Sec., A. Bacon; Canv. Office: 70-74 Legge St., Birming-
S. Joyce. ham, England.
(All persons named below may be
MINISTERS. addressed as above.)
E. E. Andross, 173 Harrow Road,
Leicester, England. OFFICERS.
H. R. Salisbury; 451 Holloway
Pres., E. E. Andross; Sec., Mrs. M.
Road, London, N., England. Barnard; Treas. and Sec. S. S.
H. C. Lacey, 451 Holloway Road, Dept., Mrs. M. Barnard; Au-
London, N., England.
ditor, W. T. Bartlett; Ex. Corn.,
LICENTIATE. E. E. Andross, D. Redhead, J.
M. E. Olsen, 451 Holloway Road, Gillatt, M. A. Altman, G. Hawk-
London, N., England. ins.

MINISTERS. Laura Whitgrove, Mrs. C. C.

E. E. Andross (173 Harrow Road, Jensen.
Leicester, England), M. A. Alt-
man, D. A. Parsons, A. S.
Marchus, S. G. Haughey. IRELAND MISSION.
LICENTIATE. Territory: Ireland.
John Gillatt. Population: 4,456,546.
Membership: 124; churches, 2.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Office: 1 Clara Crescent, Bloom-
J. Ellis, J. D. Gillatt, Miss Clara field, Belfast, Ireland.
Sanders, Miss Jessie F. Bacon, (Address of Secretary: 72 Main
Miss Emily Cousins, Mrs. L. A. St., Larne, Ireland.)
Parsons, Miss E. Edie, Miss
Jessie Welsh.
Director, E. E. Andross; Sec. and
Treas., Mrs. E. McCulla.; Gen.
SOUTH ENGLAND CONFER- Agt., D. McClelland; Advisory
ENCE. Corn., E. E. Andross, Dr. J. J.
Bell, J. McAvoy, A. Cunningham,
Organized 1902; formerly a part R. Mussen.
of the British Conference or-
ganized in 1898.
Territory: The southern half of J. McAvoy, R. Mussen.
England, south of the northern MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
boundary of the counties of Mrs. J. McClelland, Mrs. E. Mc-
Norfolk, Cambridge, Hunting. Culla.
don, Bedford, Buckingham, Ox-
ford, and Gloucester. SCOTLAND MISSION.
Population: About 16,000,000.
Membership: 579; churches, 9. Territory: Scotland.
Office: 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Population: 4,471,957.
don, N., England. Membership: 126; churches, 3.
Office: 11 Shandon Place, Edin-
OFFICERS. burgh, Scotland.
Pres., H. R. Salisbury; Sec. and
Treas., T. C. O'Donnell; Ex. OFFICERS.
Com., H. R. Salisbury, E. E. Director, W. D. MacLay; Sec.,
Andross, \V. T. Bartlett, J. W. Mrs. A. E. Bacon; Treas., Mrs.
McCord, E. Clifford. S. H. Murphy, 54 Abbey Drive,
MINISTERS. Jordanhill Glasfyow; Canv-
A. Ritchie, 451 Holloway Road, Agt., C. Dyer; Ex. Corn., W. D.
London, N.. England. MacLay, E. Anlin, E. S. 'Taylor,
J. W. McCord, 451 Holloway Road, C. Gunn, Mr. Baird.
London, N., England.. MINISTERS.
C. C. Jensen, 2 Cambridge Gardens, W. D. MacLav, 11 Shandon Place,
North Kensington, London. Edinburgh, Scotland.
F. D. Gauterau, 451 Holloway Win. Knight, 17 Manor OreScent,
Road, London, N., England. Gourock, Scotland.
W. T. Bartlett, W. A. Shafer, G.
Nickels, T. C. O'Donnell, A. A. D. P. Miller, 3 Townhead Terrace,
Carscallen. Paisley, Scotland.
A. E. Bacon, E. S. Taylor, Mrs. A.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. E. Bacon. office address.
Mrs. A. Ritchie, Miss Emily Bar- Mrs. Wm. Knight. 17 Manor Cres-
nard, Mrs. W. T. Bartlett, Mrs. cent, Gourock, Scotland.


Territory:, Wales. Walter Haniday, 27 Holton Road,
Population: 1,864,696. Barry Dock, Wales.
Membership: 170; churches, 4. Arthur Rodd, 27 Holton Road,
Office: 27 Holton Road, Barry Barry Dock, Wales.
Dock, Wales.
Director, W. H. Meredith; Sec. and Miss A. C. Swann, 27 Holton Road,
Treas., W. Read;. Advisory Corn., Barry Dock, Wales.
W. H. Meredith, E. E. Andross, Mrs. Myrtle Asay, 27 Holton Road,
Isaac Powell, W. S. Ford, Arthur Barry Dock, Wales.
Rodd. W. Read, 61 Manor Road, Cardiff,
W. H. Meredith, 27 Holton Road, Mrs. E. Buckman, 27 Holton Road,
Barry Dock, Wales. Barry Dock, Wales.


Territory: The Romance-Swiss Membership: 446; churches, 13.
Conference, and the French, Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue,
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Geneva, Switzerland.
French-Belgian, Algerian, and (All persons named below whose
Tunis Mission Fields. addresses are omitted may be
Population: 106,287,243. addressed as above.)
Membership: 667; churches, 21.
General Office: 29 rue de la Syna- OFFICERS.
gogue, Geneva, Switzerland. Pres., L. P. Tieche; Sec., Mrs. E.
OFFICERS. Robert; Treas., International
Tract Society (Geneva) ; Miss.
President, L. R. Conradi; Sec. and and S. S. Sec., Mrs. E. Robert;
Treas., J. Robert; S. S. Sec., Ex. Corn., L. P. Tieche, Pierre
Mrs. J. Robert; Ex. Corn., Schild, A. Guenin, Alcide Be-
Joseph Curdy, L. R. Conradi, L. guelin, A. Borle.
P. Tieche, Chas. T. Everson, J.
Robert, Jean Vuilleurnier, H. H. MINISTERS.
Dexter, P. A. De Forest, C. E.
L. P. Tieche, Chambesy, Geneva,
Rentfro. Switzerland.
Committee of Publication: L. R. Jean Vuilleumier, Gland, Switzer-
Conradi, Chas. T. Everson, J. land.
Curdy, J. Robert, L. P. Tieche,
J. Vuilleumier, Tell Nussbaum. LICENTIATES.
Chas. Augsbourger, rue de la
Synagogue 29, Geneva, Switzer-
David Lecoultre, rue de la Syna-
gogue 29, Geneva, Switzerland.
Territory: The French and Ital- Henri Provin, Moutier, Switzer-
ian-speaking parts of Switzer- land.
land. Paul Badaut, rue des Jordils 26,
Population: 1,008,000. Yverdon, Switzerland.


Bertha Perrin, Jane Bourquin, Chas. T. Everson, via d' Azeglia
Rachel Tieche (Chambesy, Gen- 44, Rome, Italy.
eva, Switzerland). LICENTIATE.
Leopold Renezet, via del Boschetto
110, 40 piano, Rome, Italy.
Alfred Vaucher, vico S. Giovanni 9,
Territory: France.
Population: 38,961,945. Terni, Italy.
Membership: 154; churches, 6. Mrs. Josephine Schell, via d'
Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue, Azeglia 44, Rome, Italy.
Geneva, Switzerland.
Director, H. H. Dexter; Sec. and Territory: Portugal.
Treas., J. Robert; S. S. Sec., Population: 5,429,659.
Mrs. J. Robert; Ex. Corn., T. Address: Carcavellos, Portugal.
Nussbaum, H. H. Dexter, A. Jac- LICENTIATE.
card, J. P. Badaut, Louis Roum- C. E. Rentfro.
H. H. Dexter, Grand 27, St. Jean
du Gard, Gard, France. Territory: Spain.
G. Roth, Montbeliard (Doubs), Population: 18,618,086.
France. Membership: 8.
Address: Calle Rosellon 293-3o
LICENTIATES. Barcelona, Spain.
T. Nussbaum, 1 rue George, Mont- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
pellier, H6rault, France. Walter Bond.
Arthur Jaques, au Corporal, Mai-
son Bouchon, Castres, France.
J. P. Badaut, 40 Avenue de Ro- FRENCH-BELGIAN MISSION.
mans, Valence, France. ,
Territory: French-speaking Bel-
Fred E. Robert, Pavillon Jules Population: 3,105,000.
Matthieu Ste. Euphemie Crest, Membership: 26; church, 1.
Drome, France. Audress: Rue du Wez 29, Mont-
Ulysses Augsbourger, rue des Car- sur-Marchienne, near Charleroi,
mes 20, Paris, France. Belgium.
Jules Rey, rue George I, Montpel- MINISTER.
lier, France. Joseph Curdy.
Cesar Guenin, Saint Jean du Gard,
Gard, France.
Miss Amelie Eva, Grand rue 27, ALGERIAN AND TUNIS MIS-
Saint Jean du Gard, Gard, SION.
France. Territory: Algeria and Tunis.
Population: 6,689,300.
Territory: Italy. S. Jespersson, 78 Rue Michelet,
Population: 32,475,253. Alger, Algeria.
Membership: 33; churches, 1. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Address: via d' Azeglia 44, Rome, Mrs. S. Jespersson, 78 Rue Mich-
Italy. elet, Alger, Algeria.
Territory: Greece and Crete, Population: 10,000,000.
Turkish Empire, Egypt, Soudan, Membership: 17; church, 1.
Population: 57,500,000. G. Freund, Deutsche Post, Jeru-
Membership: 298; churches, 4. salem, Palestine.
Address: Pont de Kaubbeh, Cairo, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gregorius, Hotel
Egypt. Bella Vista, Jaffa, Palestine,
Advisory Committee: W. H. Wilhelmine Muller, Hotel Bella
Wakeham, L. R. Conradi, A. W. Vista, Jaffa, Palestine, Syria.
George, Z. G. Baharian; Treas., Elias Zarub, Deutsche Post, Bei-
B. Severin. rut, Syria.

Territory: Egypt, Soudan, and
Abyssinia. Territory: European Turkey, Ar-
Population: 25,000,000. menia, and Asia Minor.
Telegraphic Address: " Wakeham," Population: 15,000,000:
Cairo. Address: English Post-office, Con-
Address: House of Ottia Wahby, stantinople, Turkey, Europe.
Faggalah, Cairo, Egypt.
OFFICERS. Advisory Corn., A. W. George, Z.
Superintendent, W. H. Wakeham; G. Baharian.
Advisory Com., W. H. Wake-
ham, Awada Abd-Elshaheed, G. MINISTERS.
K. Ouzounian. Z. G. Baharian, Aintab, Asia
MINISTERS. Alexander Buzugherian.
W. H. Wakeham, and Awada Abd-
A. W. George (English Post,
LICENTIATE. Galata, Constantinop'e, Turkey),
G. K. Ouzounian. Aznive Inedjian, Enock Ayva-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. zian, Garahed Tatarian.
Ida Schlegel.
Territory: Syria, Palestine, Meso- (Unentered.)
potamia, and Arabia. Population: 7,500,000.


Organized 1902.

Territory: The Conferences of vaal, and the Missions of Basu-

Cape Colony (including Orange toland, Barotseland, Southern
River Colony) and Natal-Trans- Rhodesia, and Nyassaland.

Population: 5,646,639 blacks; sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South

1,128,643 whites. Africa. .
Membership: 539; churches, 16. Mrs. T. H. Branch, Plainfield Mis-
Office: Kenilworth, Cape, South sion, Cholo, British Central
Africa. Africa.
Miss Mabel Branch, Plainfield Mis-
OFFICERS. sion, Cholo, British Central
President: W. S. Hyatt, office Africa.
address. Mrs. W. S. Hyatt, S. D. A. Mis-
Vice-President: I. J. Hankins. sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South
Secretary and Treasurer: 0. 0. Africa.
Fortner. 0. 0. Fortner, Kenilworth, Cape,
Executive Committee: W. S. South Africa.
Hyatt, I. J. Hankins, H. J. Ed- Mrs. 0. 0. Fortner, Union College,
med, J. J. Wessels, Dr. G. Thom- Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
ason, M. C. Sturdevant, F. B. Mrs. C. H. Hayton, Union College,
Armitage, C. H. Hayton. Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Miss Pearl West, Union College,
retary, Mrs I J Hankins, 56 Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Roeland St., Cape Town.
W. S. Hyatt, Kenilworth Cape, CAPE COLONY CONFERENCE.
South Africa. Formerly the South African Con-
M. C. Sturdevant, S. D. A. Mission, ference, organized 1892.
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Population: 2,791,768.
Africa. Area: 327,101 square miles.
F. B. Armitage, S. D. A. Mission, Membership: 317; churches, 9.
Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape
T. H. Branch, Plainfield Mission, TOwn, South Africa.
Cholo, British Central Africa.
W. H. Anderson, S. D. A. Mission, OFFICERS.
Kolomo, Northwest Rhodesia, President: I. J. Hankins, office
South Africa. address.
LICENTIATES. Secretary and Treasurer: T. J.
Gibson, office address.
J. A. Chaney, Kolo Mission, Wep- Executive Committee: I. J. Han:
ener, Orange River Colony, kins, J. M. Freeman, D. F. Tarr,
South Africa. IV. C. Walston, J. V. Willson, 0.
C. R. Sparrow, S. D. A. Mission, 0. Fortner.
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South International Tract Society: Sec-
Africa. retary and Treasurer, T. J. Gib-
A. H. White, S. D. A. Mission, son.
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
Africa. retary. Mrs. I. J. Hankins.
C. H. Hayton, Union College, General Canvassing Agent: Q. H.
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. _ Jubber.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Medical Missionary Board: I. J. s
Hankins (Chairman), 0. 0.
Mrs. J. A. Chaney, Kolo Mission, Fortner (Secretary), Dr. Geo.
Wepener, Orange River Colony, Thomason, W. C. Walston, J. V.
South Africa. Willson, E. Ingle, J. J. Wessels.
Mrs. M. C. Sturdevant, S. D. A.
Mission, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, MINISTERS.
South Africa. I. J. Hankins. 56 Roeland St., Cape
Mrs. F. B. Armitage, S. D. A. Mis- Town, South Africa.

D. F. Tarr, Cambridge, Near East Population: 2,266,429.

London, South Africa. Membership: 106; churches, 3.
J. M. Freeman, Heisterbach, Beth- Telegraphic Address: "Watchman,"
lehem, Orange River Colony, Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
South Africa. Office: Stranach Street, Pieter-
D. H. Groenewald, 56 Roeland St., maritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Cape Town, South Africa. OFFICERS.
G. W. Shone, Cambridge, Near
East London, South Africa. President: H. J. Edmed.
Treasurer: J. C. Baumann.
Secretary: I. R. Armer.
Geo. Thomason, M. D., Plumstead, Executive Committee: H. J. Ed-
Cape, South Africa. med, R. Bell, J. C. Baumann, W.
174. C. Walston, 56 Roeland St., Tract Society: Secretary, G. L.
Cape Town, South Africa. Blaver; Treasurer, J. C. Bau-
Mrs. W. C. Walston, 56 Roeland mann.
St., Cape Town, South Africa. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
J. V. Willson, 7 Cheapside, Kim- retary,
berley, South Africa.
Mrs. J. V. Willson, 7 Cheapside,

Kimberley, South Africa. H. J. Edmed, Stranach St., Pieter.

T. J. Gibson, 56 Roeland St., Cape niaritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Town, South Africa. LICENTIATES.
Q. H. Jubber, 56 Roeland St., Cape
Town, South Africa. F. C. Ernst, Vryheid, Natal, South
D. C. Theunissen, 56 Roeland St., Africa.
Cape Town, South Africa. H. Schmidt, Stranach St., Pieter.
T. J. Francis, 56 Roeland St., Cape maritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Town, South Africa.' Wm. H. Haupt, Stranach Street,
Chas. Haupt, 56 Roeland St., Cape Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
Town, South Africa. Africa.
S. W. de Lange, Heisterbach, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Bethlehem, Orange River Colony, Miss M. E. Robertson, Stranach St.,
South Africa. Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
R. Moko, Cambridge, Near East Africa.
London, South Africa. Mrs. H. J. Edmed, Stranach St.,
A. Tickton, 56 Roeland St., Cape Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
Town, South Africa. Africa.
Mrs. I. J. Hankins, 56 Roeland St., Miss Amy Ingle, Stranach St.,
Cape Town, South Africa. Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
Mrs. D. H. Groenewald, 56 Roe- Africa.
land St., Cape Town, South
Mrs. D. F. Tarr, Cambridge, near Miss Olive Pote, Pietermaritzburg.
East London, South Africa.
Miss Victoria Sutherland, Heister- BAROTSELAND MISSION.
bach, Bethlehem, Orange River Established 1905.
Colony, South Africa.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kolomo,
Northwest Rhodesia, South
ENCE. Director and Minister: W. H.
Organized 1902. Anderson.
Territory: The Colonies of Natal Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W.
and Transvaal. H. Anderson.


Established 1899. Established 1894.
Population: 262,561. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Bula-
Membership: 12; church, 1. wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Square Miles: 10,293. Population of Rhodesia: 603,820.
Address: Kolo Mission, Wepener, Membership: 36; church, 1.
'Orange River Colony, South Director: M. C. Sturdevant.
Africa. Licentiate: A. H. White.
Director: J. A. Chaney. Missionary Licentiates: Claude
Licentiate: J. A. Chaney. Tarr, Mrs. M. C. Sturdevant.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Min-
nie A. Chaney.
Mission School Teacher: Murray NYASSALAND MISSION.
Kalak a.
Acquired 1902.
GWELO MISSION. Population: 850,705.
Established 1901. Address: Plainfield Mission, Cholo,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gwelo, near Blantyre, British Central
Rhodesia, South Africa. Africa.
Membership: 22; church, 1. Director and Minister: T. H.
Director: F. B. Armitage. Branch.
Minister: F. B. Armitage. S. S. Sec.: Mrs. Henrietta Branch.
Missionaiy Licentiates: Mrs. F. Missionary Licentiate: Miss Mabel
B. Armitage, Mrs. W. S. Hyatt. Branch.
Mission School Teacher: Mrs. W. Mission School Teacher: Miss
S. Hyatt. Mabel Branch.


Population: 38,400,000. Office Address: Caixa Postal 768,
Membership: 1,732; churches, 42. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, South
Address: Casilla del Correo 481, America.
Buenos Ayres, Argentine Repub- (All persons named below may be
lic, South America. addressed as above.)
Committee: J. W. Westphal
(Supt.), H. F. Graf, F. H. West- OFFICERS.
phal, R. H. Habenicht, Emil President: H. F. Graf; Vice-Pres.,
Schenk, E. W. Thomann. F. W. Spies; Sec. and Treas., A.
MINISTER. Pages (Taquary, Rio Grande do
J. W. Westphal. Sul, Brazil).
Executive Committee: H. F. Graf,
F. W. Spies, Dr. A. L. Gregory,
BRAZILIAN CONFERENCE. Emil Schenk, John Lipke, George
Organized 1902. P. Wischral, August Anniess.
Territory: Brazil. South America. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Population: 22,000,000. Mary Ehlers, Taquary, Rio
Sabbath-keepers: .932; churches, Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
16. America.

MINISTERS. San Geronimo, Prov. Santa Fe,

H. F. Graf, F. W. Spies, Ernesto Argentina; Teacher, Carolina
Schwantes, W. Ehlers. Emmenegger.
Crespo, Prov. Entre Rios, Argen-
LICENTIATES. tina; Teacher, John Cappeler.
W. Stein, Emil Hoelzle, John Palmar, Prov. Entre Rios, Argen-
Lipke, Dr. A. L. Gregory. tina; Teacher, Jacob Baumann.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Nueva Helvetia, Uruguay; Teach-
ers, Maria Ernst and Maria
A. B. Stauffer, Emil Schenk, Mrs. Hugo.
Lulu Gregory.
A. L. Gregory, M. D., Taquary, AMERICA.
Rio Grande 'do Sul, Brazil. South
America. (Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and
RIVER PLATE CONFERENCE. Population: 10,000,000.
Organized 1902. Membership: 240; churches, 6.
General Address: Casilla 787, Val-
Territory: Argentina, Uruguay, paraiso, Chile, South America.
and Paraguay, South America. Cable Address: Adventistas, Val-
Population : 6,400,000. paraiso, Chile.
Membership: 560; churches, 20.
Post-office Address; Casilla del OFFICERS.
Correo 481, Buenos Ayres,' Ar- Director: F. H. Westphal.
gentine Republic, South America. Secretary and Treasurer: Wm.
(All persons named below may be Steele.
addressed as above.) Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Maria T.Westphal.
Committee: F. H. Westplial, Da-
Conference: Pres., J. W. West- maso Soto, E. W. Thomann.
phal; Sec. and Treas., N. Z.
Town; Cor. and S. S. Sec., Mrs.
Sadie R. Town. F. H. Westphal, Casilla 787, Val-
paraiso, Chile, South America.
MINISTERS. E. W. Thomann, Casilla 787, Val-
N. Z. Town, Juan McCarthy, R. paraiso, Chile, South America.
H. Habenicht, J: V. Maas. Geo. W. Casebeer, Guayaquil, Ecua-
dor, South America.
LICENTIATES. F. L. Perry, Lima, Peru, South
C. D. Lude, Rod. Diriwaechter, America.
Luis Ernst, Santiago Mangold, LICENTIATES.
Gottfried Block, George Schimpf.
Wm. Steele, Casilla 787, Valpa-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. raiso, Chile, South America.
0. Oppegard, Mrs. Sadie R. Town, Damaso Soto, Correo 3, Casilla 43,
John Bonjour, Ignacio Kalber- Santiago, Chile, South America.
matten, Mrs. Lydia Oppegard, Carlos E. Krieghoff, Casilla 7,
Julio Ernst, Arthur Fulton, F. Pta, Chile, South America.
Hillmann, Pablo Bonjour, Luis MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Rojas, Otto Heyde.
T. H. Davis, Guayaquil, Ecuador,
Lehmann, Prov. Santa Fe, Argen- Julio Nerio Espinoza, Calle Amer-
tina; Teacher, Florence West- ica No. 139, Callao, Peru, South
phal. America.

Mrs. Geo. Casebeer, Guayaquil, V. E. Thomann, Casilla 7, Baja

Ecuador, South America. Imperial, Chile, South America.
Mrs. F. L. Perry, Lima, Peru, PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER.
South America. V. E. Thomann.


Population: 785,122,682. Address: Box 105, Belize, British
Membership: 3,248; churches, 66. Honduras, Central America.
Director and Treasurer: H. Good-
rich, Box 105, Belize, British
BERMUDA MISSION. Honduras, Central America.
Population: 22,009. MINISTER.
Membership: 19; churches, 2. H. C. Goodrich, Box 105, Belize,
Address: Box 114, Hamilton, Ber- British Honduras, Central Amer-
muda Islands. ica.
Director and Minister: J. A. Mor-
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Em-
ma L. Morrow. A. N. Allen, La Ceiba, Spanish
S. S. Secretary: Mrs. M. R. Enoch, Honduras, Central America.
Box 144, Hamilton, Bermuda Wm. Evans, Bonacca, Bay Islands,
Islands. Central America.
Miss Ada Evans, Bonacca, Bay
Islands, Central America.
Jas. G. Smalley, Northeast Bight,
BRITISH WEST AFRICAN MIS- Bonacca; postal address, Key
SION. West, Fla., care W. B. Curry
Population: 23,000,000. (for Bonacca).
Address: Freetown, Sierra Leone, A. J. Hetherington, Coxen Hole,
West Africa. Ruatan, Bay Islands, Republic
Honduras, Central America.
SUPERINTENDENT AND MIN- Mrs. A. J. Hetherington, Coxen
ISTER. Hole, Ruatan, Bay Islands, Re-
D. C. Babcock, Freetown, Sierra public Honduras, Central Amer-
Leone, West Africa. ica.
LICENTIATE. H. A. Owen, Tegucigalpa, Spanish
J. M. Hyatt, Freetown, Sierra Honduras, Central America.
Leone, West Africa.
Mrs. Mina Babcock, Freetown, Wm. Evans, Bonacca, Bay Islands,
Sierra Leone, West Africa. ' Central America.
Miss Ada Evans, Bonacca, Bay Is-
lands, Central America.
Jas. G. Smalley, Northeast Bight,
CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION. Bonacca; postal address, Key
Population: 3,433,842. West, Fla., care W. B. Curry
Membership: 188; churches, 5. (for Bonacca).

CHINA MISSION. Mrs. Emma T. Anderson, care Brit-

ish Post-office, Canton, China.
Established 1901. Miss Ida Thompson, care British
Territory: China Proper and de- Post-office, Canton, China.
pendencies. Miss Amanda Vanscoy, care Brit-
Population: 400,000,000. ish Post-office, Canton, China.
Total Sabbath-keepers: 64; church- Mrs. Ida Pilquist, Lo Shan Hsien,
es, 2. via Hankow, Honan, China.
Cable Address: Adventist, Canton, Miss Charlotte Simpson, Sin Tsai
China. Hsien, via Hankow, Honan,
Office Address: British Post-office, China.
Canton, China. Miss Carrie Erickson, Sin Tsai
Hsien, via Hankow, Honan,
Director: J. N. Anderson, office Mrs. J. J. Westrup, Sin Tsai
aadress. Hsien, via Hankow, Honan,
Secretary and Treasurer of Mis- China.
sion and of the S. S. Depart- Mrs. Bessie L. Hankins, Kulangsu,
ment: Mrs. Emma T. Ander- Amoy, China.
son, office address. Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu,
Advisory Committee: J. N. An- Amoy, China.
aerson, E. Pilquist, A. C. Selmon,
H. W. Miller, E. H. Wilbur.
J. N. Anderson, care British Post- Established 1904.
office, Canton, China.
Erik Pilquist, Lo Shan Hsien, via Territory: Cuba and the Isle of
Hankow, Honan, China. Pines.
J. J. Westrup, Sin Tsai Hsien, via Population: Nearly 2,000,000.
Hankow, Honan, China. Cable Address: Adventist, Ha-
A. C. Selmon, M. D., Siang Cheng vana, Cuba.
Hsien, via Hankow, Honan, General Address: Apartado 35,
China. Marianao, Cuba.
H. W. Miller, M. D., Shang Tsai (All persons named below may be
Hsien, via Hankow, Honan, addressed as above.)
LICENTIATES. Director: E. W. Snyder.
W. C. Hankins, Kulangsu, Amoy, Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
China. Lura C. Moore.
B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, Amoy, Advisory Committee: E. W. Sny-
China. der, 0. L. Dart, I. E. Moore.
Law Keem, M. D., care British E. W. Snyder, Marianao, Cuba.
Post-office, Canton, China.
Mrs. Edith M. Keem, British Post- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
office, Canton, China. 0. L. Dart, Marianao, Cuba.
Mrs. Bertha L. Selmon, M. D., Mrs. Ethel C. Dart, Marianao,
Siang Cheng Hsien, via Hankow, Cuba.
Honan, China. I. E. Moore, Marianao, Cuba.
E. H. 'Wilbur, British Post-office, Mrs. Lura C. Moore, Marianao,
Canton, China. Cuba.
Mrs. Susan H. Wilbur, British Mrs. E. K. Snyder, Marianao,
Post-office, Canton, China. Cuba.

EAST CARIBBEAN CONFER- Port of Spain, Trinidad, Wegt

ENCE. Indies.
Organized 1903. A. A. Clarke, Kingstown, St. Vin-
Territory: The Guianas, Trinidad, cent, West Indies.
the Lesser Antilles, with Ven- J. J. Smith, Charlotte Amelia, St.
ezuela as a mission field. Thomas, West Indies.
Population: 4,003,702. R. Hydar, 293 Oronoque St., George-
Membership: 940; churches, 21. town, British Gruiana, South
Office: Seafields Lodge, West- America.
bury Road, Bridgetown, Barba- G. Subaran, Tunapuna, Trinidad,
dos, West Indies. West Indies.
OFFICERS. Miss B. D. Moore, 293 Oronoque
President: D. E. Wellman, 31 St., Georgetown, Guiana,
Dundonald St., Port of Spain, South America.
Trinidad, West Indies. Mrs. D. E. Wellman, 31 Dundonald
Vice-President: W. G. Kneeland, St., Port of Spain, Trinidad,
293 Oronoque St., Georgetown, West Indies.
British Guiana, South America. Mrs. W. A. Sweany, St. Georges,
Secretary and Treasurer: Geo. F. Grenada, West Indies.
Enoch, Seafields Lodge, Bridge- Mrs. W. G. Kneeland, 293 Oro-
town, Barbados, West Indies. noque St., Georgetown, British
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. Guiana, South America.
D. E. Wellman, 31 Dundonald St., Mrs. Geo. F. Enoch, Seafields
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Lodge, Bridgetown, Barbados,
Indies. West Indies.
Secretary of Young People's Work: Mrs. Cora Wellman, 31 Dundonald
S. A. Wellman, 31 Dundonald St., Port of Spain, Trinidad,
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies.
West Indies. Mrs. Stella Wellman, St. Johns,
MINISTERS. Antigua, West Indies.
D. E. Wellman, 31 Dundonald St., Mrs. Phillip Giddings, Roseau,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Dominica, West Indies.
Indies. James G. Dasent, Bridgetown,.
W. A. Sweaney, St. Georges, Gren- Barbados, West Indies.
ada, West Indies. R. E. Greenidge, 293 Oronoque St.,
Geo. F. Enoch, Seafields Lodge, Georgetown, British Guiana,
Westbury Road, Bridgetown, South America.
Barbados, West Indies. C. Belgrave, 293 Oronoque St.,
W. G. Kneeland, 293 Oronoque St., Georgetown, British Guiana,
Georgetown, British Guiana, South America.
South America. Chas. W. Enoch, Seafields Lodge,
Phillip Giddings, Roseau, Domin- Bridgetown, Barbados, West
ica, West Indies. Indies.
Mrs. C. W. Enoch, Seafields Lodge,
LICENTIATES. Bridgetown, Barbados, West
S. A. Wellman, 31 Dundonald St., Indies.
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
L. E. 'Wellman, St. Johns, Antigua, HAYTI MISSION.
West Indies. Established 1905.
James Matthews, Charlotte Amelia, Population: 960,000.
St. Thomas, West Indies. Address: Cape Haytien, Republic
T. L. M. Spencer, Scarborough, of Hayti.
Tobago, West Indies. Minister and Director: W. J.
L. W. Brown, 31 Dundonald St., Tanner.

INDIA MISSION. Mrs. Thekla Black-Mackey, 39-1

Free School St., Calcutta, India.
Established 1895. Miss Samantha Whiteis, Karma-
Population: 287,123,350. tar, E. I. R., India.
Membership; 100; church, 1. Miss Della Coates, on furlough in
Cable Address: Adventist, Cal- America.
cutta. Miss A. Helen Wilcox, 39-1 Free
General Address: 39-1 Free School St., Calcutta, India.
School St., Calcutta, India. Miss Annie Knight, Karmatar, E.
I. R., India.
OFFICERS. Mrs. Grace Kellogg-Mookerjee,
Director: J. L. Shaw, on fur- 39-1 Free School St., Calcutta,
lough in America. India.
Assistant Director: W. W. Miller, Miss Anna Orr, 39-1 Free School
39-1 Free School St., Calcutta, St., Calcutta, India.
India. L. F. Hansen, "Grennan Slopes,"
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. L. rnsein, Burma.
F. Hansen, " Grennan Slopes," Mrs. L. F. Hansen, "Grennan
Insein, Burma. Slopes," Insein, Burma.
Advisory Committee: J. L. Shaw, Mrs. Ruth M. Miller, 39-1 Free
W. W. Miller, R. S. Ingersoll, H. School St., Calcutta, India.
Armstrong, H. H. Votaw, H. B. Mrs. J. C. Little, Karmatar, E. I.
Meyers, A. G. Watson. R., India.
Mrs. Caroline Votaw, " Grennan
MINISTERS. Slopes," Insein, Burma.
J. L. Shaw, on furlough in Amer- Miss Della Burroway, 39-1 Free
ica. School St., Calcutta, India.
W. W. Miller, 39-1 Free School St., Miss D. Ella Smith, 39-1 Free
Calcutta, India. School St., Calcutta, India.
G. K. Owen, " Lucretia Dale," Col- Mrs. C. A. Hansen,. 39-1 Free
petty, Colombo, Ceylon. School St., Calcutta, India.
H. Armstrong, " Lucretia Dale," L. J. Burgess, 39-1 Free School St.,
Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon. Calcutta, India.
H. H. Votaw, " Grennan Slopes," Mrs. Georgia A. Burgess, 39-1 Free
Insein, Burma. School St., Calcutta, India.
C. A. Hansen, Calaba Causeway, Miss Daisy Jewett, Darjeeling,
Bombay, India. India.
Mong Mong, " Grennan Slopes,"
LICENTIATES. Insein, Burma.
H. B. Meyers, 2 Alexandra St., Miss Ella McIntyre, 39-1 Free
Bangalore, South India. School St., Calcutta, India.
J. C. Little, Karmatar, East A. G. Watson, 39-1 Free School
Indian Railway, India. St., Calcutta India.
W. A. Barlow, Simultala, East Miss A. O'Connor, 39-1 Free
Indian Railway, India. School St.,Calcutta, India.
A. C. Mookr jee, 22 Old Bayda-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. kana 2d Lane, Calcutta, India.
Mrs. Bessie Shaw, on furlough in
R. S. Ingersoll, 50 Park St., Cal-
cutta, India. Organized 1903.
Mrs. Olive P. Ingersoll, 50 Park Territory: The Island of Jamaica.
St., Calcutta, India. Population: 756,000.
Mrs. S. J. Olney, 50 Park St., Cal- Sabbath-keepers: 1,442; churches,
cutta, India. 20.

Office: 32 Text Lane, Kingston, LICENTIATE.

Jamaica, West Indies. W. D. Burden, 846 Sendagaya-
(All persons named below may be mura, Tokyo.
addressed as above.) MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
OFFICERS. Mrs. W. D. Burden, Mrs. F. W.
President and Treasurer: J. B. Field, S. A. Lockwood, Mrs.
Beckner. Myrtle S. Lockwood, Maude
Secretary: Norman Johnston. Harvey, Mrs. W. R. Smith, Dr.
Executive Committee: J. B. Beck- Emma ,A. Perrin, Miss Bessie
ner, J. A. Strickland, Welling- . Young.
ton Burkley, Luther Tomlinson,
Tract and Missionary Department: Territory: Mexico.
Secretary: Norman Johnston. Population: 13,370,545.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Membership: 57; churches, 2.
retary: Mrs. M. A. Beckner. Office: 1420 Twentieth Ave., Ta-
MINISTERS. cubaya, D. F., Mexico.
J. B. Beckner, J. A. Strickland, OFFICERS.
Methuselah Jones. Superintendent: Geo. M. Brown,
1420 Twentieth Ave., Tacubaya,
Hubert Fletcher, Frank Hall, Hu- Treasurer: G. W. Caviness, 1599
bert Randle, Adam Durrant. Ave. Twenty-two, Tacubaya,
Norman Johnston, Linton Rash- Secretary: Miguel S..Placencia, 92
ford. Aranzazu, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Clara Jones, No. 50 Ave. Liber-
JAPAN MISSION. tad, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Territory: Japan and Korea. Advisory Board: G. M. Brown,
Population: 49,000,000. G. W. Caviness, J. W. Erken-
Membership: 240; churches, 6. beck, W. S. Swayze, F. C.
Cable Address: Adventist,yo,
ok Kelley.
General Post-office Address: 30 G. M. Brown, 1420 Twentieth Ave.,
Oiwake cho, Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Tacubaya, D. F.
Japan. G. W. Caviness, 1599 Avenue 22,
OFFICERS. Tacubaya, D. F.
Director: F. W. Field, 30 Oiwake MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
cho, Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Frank C. Kelley, 175 Ave. Morelos
Secretary and Treasurer: W. D. del Norte, Mixcoac, D. F., Mex-
Burden, 30 Oiwake cho, Hongo ico.
Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Miguel Placencia, No. 92 Aran-
Executive Committee: F. W. zazu, Mexico.
Field, S. A. Lockwood, W. D. Mrs. G. W. Caviness, 1599 Avenue
Burden, T. H. Okohira, H. 22, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Kuniya. J. W. Erkenbeck, Ameca, Jalisco,
(All the workers named below Mexico.
may be addressed as above.) Mrs. Carrie E. Kelley, 175 Ave.
Morelos del Norte, Mixcoac, D.
F., Mexico.
F. W. Field, T. H. Okohira, H. John Harzman, la de Bolivar, No.
Kuniya, W. R. Smith. 8, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.


A. N. Colunga, Calle Espinosa, Mrs. Carrie Knight, Bocas del
Letra C, Monterey, N. Leon, Toro, Republic de Panama.
Mexico. J. B. Stuyvesant, St. Andrews
Pedro Godinez, Tacubaya, D. F., Island, Colombia, South Amer-
Mexico. ica; via Colon.
H. L. Mignott, Bocas del Toro,
Republic de Panama.
Territory: The Republic of Pan- PORTO RICO MISSION.
Population: 953,243.
Population: 300,000.
Address: Mayaguez, Porto Rico,
Membership: 192; churches, 6.
West Indies.
Address: Bocas del Toro, Repub-
lic de Panama. OFFICERS.
OFFICERS. Director: B. E. Connerly.
Director and Treasurer: J. G. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. B.
Knight, office address. E. Connerly.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. MINISTER.
Carrie Knight, office address. B. E. Connerly.
I. G. Knight, Bocas del Toro, Re- Mrs. A. M. Fischer,' Mrs. B. E.
public de Panama. Connerly.
(In alphabetical order.)

AMERICAN MEDICAL MISSION- Gynecology a n d Pediatrics;

ARY COLLEGE. Mary Wild-Paulson, M. D., Pro-
fessor of Clinical Pediatrics; E.
Incorporated 1895. H. Risley, M. D., Instructor in
Office: 28 Thirty-third Place, Chi- Chemistry; Wm. T. Thornton,
cago, Ill. M. D., Professor of Anatomy;
Hospital and Laboratories: Battle George -Paul Marquis, M. D.,
Creek, Mich. Professor of Clinical Rhinology
Board of Trustees: J. H. Kellogg, and Laryngology; Julia A.
E. L. Eggleston, C. E. Stewart, White, M. D., Professor of Ob-
D. Paulson, Jesse Arthur. stetrics; Walter F. Martin, M.
Officers: Pres., J. H. Kellogg; D., Professor of Electrothera-
Sec., E. L. Eggleston; Treas., C. peutics; Albert W. Nelson, M.
E. Stewart. D., Instructor in Bacteriology
Faculty: President, J. H. Kellogg, and Clinical Microscopy; Benton
M. D., Professor of Clinical Sur- N. Colver, M. D., Instructor in
gery and Physiologic Therapeu- Pathology and Anatomy.
tics; A. E. Halstead, M. D., Pro-
fessor of Clinical Surgery;
Frank X. Walls, M. D., Pro-
fessor of Clinical Medicine; W. AVONDALE SCHOOL FOR
H. Riley, M. S., M. D., Professor CHRISTIAN WORKERS.
of Nervous and Mental Diseases,
Anatomy and Physiology of the Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Nervous System, and Clinical Established 1894.
Medicine; Chas. E. Paddock, M.
D, Professor of Obstetrics; Board: C. W. Irwin (Pres.), J.
David Paulson, M. D., Professor E. Fulton, E. H. Gates, M. Hare,
of General and Clinical Thera- E. C. Chapman (Sec.), H. E. A.
peutics; E. L. Eggleston, M. D., Minchin, L. A. Hoopes, J. Hind-
Secretary, Professor of Chemis- son, M. D. Rogers.
try and Materia Medica; Chas. Faculty: C. W. Irwin, Principal;
E. Stewart, M. D., Professor of L. A. Hoopes, Bible; J. H. Paap,
Practise of Medicine and Physi- Mathematics and Science; Teach-
cal Diagnosis; J. F. Byington, ers, R. W. Brown, J. Mills; F.
A. B., M. D., Professor of Dis- L. Chaney, Physiology and
eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Hygiene; Mrs. M. S. Boyd, Pre-
Throat; Judge Jesse Arthur, ceptress; Mrs. R. W. Brown,
Professor of Medical Jurispru- Matron, and Instructor in Cook-
dence; Rowland H. Harris, M. ery; Miss Hattie Andre, Pre-
D., Professor of Physiology; paratory Department, Teachers'
John F. Morse, M. D., Professor Training Course; Mrs. J. H.
of Biology, Histology, and Em- Paap; Instrumental Music,
bryology; Frank J. Otis, M. D., Drawing, and Painting; Mrs. C.
Professor of Clinical Bacteriol- W. Irwin, Sewing, and Assistant
ogy and Sanitary Science; Mary Teacher; Miss Alicia Trewhella,
V. Dryden, M. D., Professor of Primary Department. '

CLAREMONT UNION COLLEGE. President, Bible, Pedagogy;

Joseph H. Haughey, Mathemat-
Kenilworth, near Cape Town, ics, Physical Sciences, New
South Africa. Testament Greek; Arthur W.
Board of Trustees: W. S. Hyatt Spaulding, English Literature
(Chairman), 0. 0. Fortner (Sec- and Language, Logic; William
retary), C. H. Hayton (Treas- E. Videto,' History, Bible;
urer), I. J. Hankins, W. C. Wal- Andrew G. Larson, M. D., Pre-
ston, G. F. Visser, F. Reed. ceptor, Natural Science, Hydro-
Faculty: Principal, C. H. Hayton; therapy, Medical Latin; Clemen
Preceptress, Hamer, Instrumental Music,
Matron, Mrs. C. H. Hayton; Voice Culture; Norman L. Hill,
other teachers, Mrs. Cora M. Printing; John L. Martin, Car-
Fortner, Miss Keziah E. Law- pentry, Mechanical Drawing;
rance, Miss Mary L. Lawrance, Almeda Haughey, Preceptress,
Miss Eda M. Hankins. Domestic Arts; Alta E. Reavis,


451 Holloway Road, London, N., Fernando, Cal.
England. Established 1902.
Established 1901. Board of Managers: G. W. Reaser
(Chairman), R. S. Owen, E. S.
Board of Directors: E. E. An- Ballenger, W. J. Dart, H. 0.
dross, W. C. Sisley, H. R. Salis- Lucas (Sec.)
bury, A. B. Olsen, W. H. Mere- Faculty: President, H. G. Lucas,
dith, W. D. MacLay. Bookkeeping, Stenography; R.
Officers: Pres., E. E. Andross; S. Owen, Bible; S. Parker
Sec. and Treas., A. Bacon. Smith, Science and History;
Instructors: Principal, H. R. Salis- Joseph L. Kay, Preceptor, Math-
bury, H. C. Lacy, W. T. Bart- ematics; Miss Myrtle E. Harris,
lett, Mrs. H. R. Salisbury. English; Mrs. H. G. Lucas, Pre-
ceptress, Typewriting; Miss
Edna M. Pincus, Vocal and In-
EMMANUEL MISSIONARY strumental Music; E. S. Bal-
COLLEGE. lenger, Principal Model School;
Mrs. J. E. Evans, Matron; J. E.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Evans, Superintendent.
Established 1901.
Board of Trustees: William Cov-
ert, N. W. Kauble, Allen Moon, FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL
J. H. Haughey, A. G. Haughey, SCHOOL.
A. T. Jones, A. W. Spaulding, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
W. J. Stone, L. H. Christian, E.
K. Slade, J. M. Rees, S. E. Magdeburg, Germany.
Wight. Teachers: 0. Luepke, A. J.
Officers of the Board: President, Hoenes, M. D.; G. Wakeham, A.
William Covert; Vice-President, Schlotthauer, Sophie Bojanus,
N. W. Kauble; Secretary, A. W. H. Ehret; Matron, Mrs. M.
Spaulding; Treasurer, W. H. Schlotthauer; Treasurer, Paul
Edwards. Brandt; Business Manager, W.
Faculty: Nelson W. Kauble, Krumm.

HEALDSBURG COLLEGE. C. Field, J. C. Mosley, C. N.

Woodward, B. F. Woods, C. B.
Healdsburg, Cal. Hughes, J. D. Matthews, P.
Darnell, T. W. Field.
Established 1882.
Officers: President, C. N. Wood-
Board of Trustees: W. T. Knox, ward; Secretary and Business
J. 0. CorHes, W. E. Howell, E. Manager, C. B. Hughes; Col-
E. Parlin, E. D. Sharpe, F. A. lector and Treasurer, H. T.
Lashier. Curtis.
Officers of the Board: President, Faculty: Principal, C. B. Hughes;
W. T. Knox; Secretary, H. E. C. Sorenson, Preceptor, Bible
Osborne; Treasurer, E. E. Par- and History; H. T. Curtis,
lin. Science and Vocal Music; W. H.
Faculty: Academic Department, Buxton, Mathematics, Latin,
W. E. Howell, President, Litera- and German; T. M. French,
ture; D. D. Lake, Bible and His- Commercial Department; Nora
tory; L. A. Reed, Natural A. Hiatt, English Language;
Science, Preceptor; Mrs. Jessie Mrs. A. Nelson, Instrumental
B. Osborne, Mathematics; J. S. Music; Mrs. Ella E. Hughes,
Osborne, Commercial and Steno- Pedagogy and Elocution; Mrs.
graphic Branches; H. E. Os- Hattie Sorenson, Preceptress
borne, Assistant in English; and Matron; Nellie Sturgeon,
Mrs. Eliza Veeder Dow, Normal Assistant Matron.
Director; Miss Katherine B.
Hale, Normal Assistant; Mrs.
Alma E. McKibbin, Intermediate
Work; J. W. Beardslee, Music LATIN UNION SCHOOL.
and Voice Culture; Miss Ger-
Gland (Vaud), Switzerland.
trude Grainger, Piano and Or-
gan; Mrs. Hattie B. Howell, Established 1904.
Preceptress and Matron.
Industrial Department: George Board of Management: L. R. Con-
Wallace, Carpentry; H. A. radi, J. Vuilleumier, L. P.
Kristal, Tent-making; Rudolf Tieche, P. A. De Forest, E.
Magnussen, Broom-making; S. Noualy.
A. Wright, Printing; Frederick Teachers: J. Vuilleumier, Dr. P.
Haub, Blacksmithing; W. E. A. De Forest, E. Noualy.
Howell, Agriculture; Mrs.
Louise R. Gaster, Dressmaking;
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lingle,
Hydrotherapy; Mrs. Electa MOUNT VERNON COLLEGE.
Buchanan, Cooking; James Tap-
house, Baking. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Established 1893.
Board of Trustees: Officers: H.
KEENE INDUSTRIAL ACAD- H. Burkholder, President; W.
H. Edwards, Auditor; C. V.
EMY. Hamer, Treasurer; Chas. E.
Keene, Johnson Co., Texas. Welch, Secretary.
Executive Committee: H. H. Burk-
Established 1894.
holder, R. R. Kennedy, Thos.
Board of Managers: The Presi- Thornton, N. W. Lawrence, J. B.
dents of the Oklahoma, Arkan- Clymer, Kenneth R. ,Haughey,
sas, and Texas Conferences, D. B. L. House.

Faculty: N. W. Lawrence, Presi- Preceptor,. Mathematics, and

dent; M. C. Kirkendall, Bible; Preparatory Department; Mrs.
H. S. Miller, Preceptor, Natural H. A. Washburn, Physiology
Sciences, Nursing; J. B. Clymer, and Hygiene; Miss Minnie Hil-
Mathematics, German; Chas. E. debrand, Primary Department;
Welch, Greek, Pedagogy, Book- Mrs. Henry H. Howard, Precep-
keeping; Mrs. A. E. Shepherd, tress, Assistant in Preparatory
Prcceptress,Instrumental Music; Department.
Laura Hutchinson, Matron; D. Industrial Departments: C. L.
D. Rees, English, Latin; B. E. Kilgore, General Manager; El-
Crawford, History, Commercial mer E. Woodruff, Agriculture;
Law; Mrs. N. L. Crawford, Otto Schulz, Floriculture; David
Assistant Music, Bookkeeping, E. Youngs, Blacksmithing; A.
Phonography; Carl Shepherd, A. Williams, Manager of Store;
Assistant Natural Sciences, Mrs. H. H. Howard, Culinary
Printing; W. W. Robinson, Science.
Drawing, Painting, Engraving;
Mrs. W. W. Robinson, Sewing.
South Lancaster, Mass.
Established 1882.
NASHVILLE AGRICULTURAL Board of Trustees: E. W. Farns-
AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. worth, A. E. Place, C. H. Ed-
Madison (near Nashville), Tenn. wards, J. E. Jayne, W. J. Fitz-
gerald, S. H. Lane, 0. 0. Farns-
Established 1905. worth, C. H. McVagh, W. A.
Founders: E. A. Sutherland, P. Westworth, Frederick Griggs,
T. Magan, Mrs. N. H. Druillard, H. W. Lindsay, E. E. Miles.
Miss M. Bessie De Graw, C. F. Officers of the Board: Pres., W.
Alden, Mrs. Laura A. Alden, J. Fitzgerald; Sec., Frederick
0. A. Wolcott, Calvin Kinsman, Griggs; Treas., Geo. W. Palmer;
E. E. Brink, Olive Shannon. Auditor, D. B. Parmelee.
Faculty: Frederick Griggs, Prin-
cipal, Pedagogics; R. F. Cottrell,
Bible and History; Mrs. Sara J.
Hall, English Language; Janet
SOUTHERN TRAINING SCHOOL. W. Haskell, Preceptress, Mathe-
Graysville, Tenn. matics; Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs,
Languages; H. W. Lindsay, Pre-
Established 1896. ceptor and German; Jessie G.
Board of Trustees: R. M. KR- Hare, Science; W. A. Wilbur,
" gore, Geo. L Butler, Principal of Commercial Department, Short-
Southern Training-school, Pres- hand Course; Mrs. V. W. Gintin,
ident of the Faculty, the Busi- Commercial Department, Busi-
ness Manager, the Medical Su- ness Course; Miss Rowena E.
erintendent of the Southern Purdon, Primary Department;
Sanitarium, and C. H. Moyer. Edna A. Farnsworth, Music;
Faculty: J. Ellis Tenney, Prin- John A. Miller, Agricultural
cipal, Bible and Education; Department; Merrill N. Cross,
Harry A. Washburn, Bible and Broom-making; Mrs. E. M.
History; Charles L. Kilgore, Long, Basketry and Sloyd; Jes-
Manager, Business Department; sie G. Hare, Matron Culinary
Judson L. Crouse, Music and Department; Frederick Griggs,
Language; Henry H. Howard, Business Manager.

UNION COLLEGE. tron, Mks. N. B. Emerson; Busi-

ness Manager, N. B. Emerson.
College View, Nebr.
Established 1891.
Board of Managers: President WALLA WALLA COLLEGE..
Central Union Conference, Presi-
dent Union College, Business, College Place, Wash.
Manager of Union College, Supt. Established 1892.
Wyoming Mission Field, J. H.
Morrison, P. E. Berthelsen, and Board of Mangers: A. J. Breed,
the Presidents of Iowa, Kansas, T. L. Ragsdale, C. M. Christian-
Nebraska, Colorado, and Mis- sen, M. E. Cady, S. A. Miller,
souri Conferences. E. L. Stewart, J. A. Holbrook,
Executive Committee: E. T. Rus- F. S. Bunch.
Officers: Pres., A. J. Breed; Sec.,
sell, C. C. Lewis, M. E. Kern,
M. E. Cady; Treasurer, C. M.
President of Nebraska Confer-
ence, J. H. Morrison, A. Swed-
Faculty: Academic Department,
berg, N. B. Emerson, H. A. Mor-
President, M. E. Cady, Science
and Philosophy; Elder G. A.
Faculty: President, Charles C. Snyder, Bible and History; W.
Lewis, Public Speaking, Psy-
E. Nelson, Mathematics and
chology, Logic, and School Man-
Science; Mrs. Helen C. Conard,
agement; M. D. Mattson, Eng English; B. B. Smith, Commer-
lish Bible, Ministers' Training cial Department; Lydia Kime,
Course; H. A. Morrison, Phys- Phonography and Typewriting;
ical Sciences, Trigonometry, and I. A. Dunlap, M. D., Supt. Sani-
Surveying; Winifred M. Peebles, tarium, Physiology and Hydro-
English Language and Litera- therapy; Grace Maxson Wood,
ture, and Spanish; Librarian, Piano, Voice; Mrs. Olive McGee-
Milton E. Kern, New Testament, Leech, Normal Director; 0. K.
Ancient and Modern History; Butler, Preceptor, Asst. Bible
Ernest C. Kellogg, Mathematics, and History; Mrs. Lee Moran,
and Chemistry; Rufus W. Par- Preceptress and Matron; C. M.
mele, Bookkeeping, Typewriting, Christiansen, Business Manager..
Phonography; August Kunze, Industrial Department: C. M.
German Rhetoric, Bible, and Christiansen, Supt. of Indus-
History, and New Testament tries; Mrs. H. C. Conard and
Greek; G. A. Grauer, German Mrs. McGee-Leech, Floriculture;
Grammar, Bible, and History, Mrs. Lee Moran, Domestic
Ministers' Training Class; Peter Science; Miss Lillian Voris
E. Berthelsen, Danish Bible, Cooking; Miss Rubie Owen
Language, and History; August Hygienic Dressmaking; M. E.
Anderson, Swedish Bible, Lan- Cady, Agricultural Science; B.
guage, and History; College B. Smith, Printing and Mechan-
Physician, Lydia K. Panne ical Drawing; I. A. Dunlap,
D., Biological Sciences, Hydro- Nursing and Treatment; T. W.
therapy; Vera E. Thompson, Jones, Baking; W. E. Nelson,
Arithmetic, History, and Teach- Electrical Engineering; G. A.
ers' Review; Preceptress, Mrs. Hamilton, Mechanical Engineer.
C. C. Lewis, Church-school ing; John Oster, Broom Making;
Training Class; Elsa Northrup, 0. K. Butler and J. B. Goffar.
Drawing and Painting; Mertie Farm and Garden; Karl Thomp-
Wheeler, Assistant in Phonog- son, Carpentry; F. C. Smith,
raphy and Typewriting; Ma- Dairying.


LEGE. Sciences, Latin; Walton C. John,
Music, Spanish, Latin; Mrs. M.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- H. Tuxford, Matron; W. A. Col-
cord, English Language and
ton, D. C.
Literature; G. H. Heald, M. D.,
Established 1904. Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene;
H. E. Rogers, Stenography.
Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, Special Instructors: A. G. Dan-
J. W. Lawhead, W. W. Prescott, iells, Church Organization; W.
I. H. Evans, G. B. Thompson, A. W. Prescott, Rise, History, and
P. Needham, G. A. Irwin, J. R. Nature of the Third Angel's
Scott, W. T. Bland. Message; W. A. Spicer, Missions
Officers: President, A. G. Dan- and Mission Work; K. C. Rus-
iells; Secretary, G. B. Thomp- sell and W. A. Colcord, Relig-
son; Treasurer, J. W. Lawhead. ious Liberty; G. B. Thompson
Faculty: President, J. W. Law- and Mrs. L. Flora Plummer,
head, History and Pedagogy; B. Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
G. Wilkinson, Bible, French, ple's Work.
(In alphabetical order.)


Holly, Mich.
Fairland, Ind.
Established 1904.
Established 1902.
Board of Trustees of the Adel-
phian Academy Association: E. Educational Board: W. J. Stone
K. Slade, J. G. Lamson, A. R. (Pres.), W. D. Curtis, B. F.
Sandborn, E. I. Beebe, Daniel Machlan, Wm. Applegate, S. L.
Wood. Strickler, M. D.
Officers: E. K. Slade, Chairman; Management: B. F. Machlan,
J. G. Lamson, Secretary-Treas- Business Manager; Harry F.
urer. Benson, Secretary and Treas-
Faculty: Principal, J. G. Lamson; urer.
Instructors, E. K. Slade, A. R. Faculty: Principal, B. F. Mach-
Sandborn, Mrs. Laura Foster- lan, Bible, Literature, and
Rathbun, Miss Mary E. Lamson, Science; Preceptor, H. F. Ben-
Mrs. J. G. Lamson, Otto Rath- son, Mathematics, Bookkeeping,
bun, W. T. Marshall, Miss Mil- and Agriculture; Mrs. Lou
dred Patterson, H. E. Fairchild, Kirby-Curtis, History, Physical
E. I. Beebe. Geography, and Botany; Pre-
ceptress, Miss Nettie A. Dunn,
Bible, Language, and Geog-
ALPHARETTA INTERMEDIATE - raphy; Mrs. Merta I. Machlan,
SCHOOL. Sewing and Dressmaking; Mrs.
Cora L. Strickler, Music;, Ma-
Alpharetta, Ga. tron, Miss Lizzie Bailey, Culi-
Established 1905. nary and Domestic Science.

Superintendent: C. J. Boyd.
ACADEMY. Established 1899.
Battle Creek, Mich. Educational Board: C. McRey-
nolds (President), A. W. Hal-
Established 1904. lock (Secretary), P. M. Hansen
" The Battle Creek Industrial (Business Manager), R. T. Dow-
Academy is under the direct sett, J. C. Mikkelsen, J. C. Mc-
management of the Church Chesney, John Cutler.
Board," consisting of nineteen Faculty: Principal, A. W. Hal-
persons. lock, Bible and Science; Pre-
Principal: B. E. Nicola; Teachers, ceptor, P. E. Sheppler, History;
Mrs. Harriet M. Heffley, Miss Preceptress, Miss Rosma M.
Frances L. Case, Mrs. C. N. Whalen, Language; C. W. Hess,
Sanders, Mrs. Flora Williams, Mathematics; Miss Cora M.
Miss Minnie 0. Hart. Richards, M. D., Music, Physiol-

ogy; Miss Pearl G. Hallock, DIAMANTE SCHOOL.

Primary Department; Frank C.
Port, Manager of Academy Colegio Camarero, Diamante, Prov.
Store; Mrs. Clara L. Port, As- Entre Rios, Argentine Repub-
sistant in Store. lic, South America.
Principal: A. J. Fulton; General
Manager, Superintendent of In-
CEDAR LAKE SCHOOL. dustrial and German Depart-
ment, C. D. Lude; Printing
Cedar Lake, Mich. Department, Otto Heyde; Pri-
Established 1899. mary Department, Cecilia Doeg-
Board of Trustees: A. G. Haughey, gler; Matron, Mrs. Carrie Sege-
S. M. Butler, Fred Brink, W. D. bartt-Lude.
Parkhurst, B. E. Nicola, W. J.
Officers: Chairman, A. G.
Haughey; Secretary and Treas-
urer, S. M. Butler. Du Quoin, Ill.
Faculty: Principal, S. M. Butler; Established 1903.
J. C. Brower, Preceptor; Mrs. S.
M. Butler, Preceptress; Mae Board: J. M. Rees (Pres.), W. W.
Parker; Vo Wyla Aiken, Pri- Brayshaw (Sec.), Ulysses Kirk-
mary Department. patrick, C. L. Taggart, Geo. M.
Hicks, A. C. Haughey.
Faculty: A. C. Haughey, Prin-
COLORADO WESTERN SLOPE cipal; Miss Vesta Cash, Church-
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. school Department.
Palisade, Cob.
Established 1904. ELK POINT INDUSTRIAL
Directors: M. P. Walker, John SCHOOL.
Pearson, B. F. Hutchinson, Olof
Nelson, F. F. De Rush. (All of Elk Point, S. Dak.
Palisade, Colo.) Established 1902.
Teachers: Principal, B. A. Wol- Trustees: Wm. H. Twining, Allen
cott; Assistant Teachers, Mrs. Cates, Albert Tucker, C. A. Bur-
B. A. Wolcott, Mrs. A. J. Wat- man, M. K. Thrall, J. W. Chris-
ers, Mrs. C. A. Prescott, Miss tian, and the Principal of the
Opha Luttrell, Miss Della Moore. School.
Manager: Wm. H. Twining.
CUMBERLAND INDUSTRIAL Principal: Bert Rhoads; Teachers,
SCHOOL. Marshall J. Low, Miss Lizzie
Magnuson, Miss Laura Neu-
Daylight Route No. 2, McMinn- mann; Matron, Mrs. Mary M.
ville, Tenn. Twining.
Established 1902.
School Board: Clifford G. Howell, ESCHOL INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL.
C. A. Graves, J. E. Vosburgh, J.
C. Watt, 0. E. Offerle. Eschol, Miss.
Teachers: Clifford G. Howell, Post-office Address: R. F. D. No. 2,
Miss Irene Watt. Quitman, Miss.
Branches Taught: The common
branches, Bible, shorthand, and Established 1903.
typewriting. Superintendent: Parker Atwood.


Eufola, N. C. Hazel, Ky.
Established 1905.
Established 1901.
Principal: J. 0. Johnston.
Educational Board: C. L. Stone
(Chairman), N. W. Allee, W. D.
ACADEMY. Mason, M. D., L. A. Callicott,
Mount Vernon, Wash. R. L. Smith, Mrs. C. L. Stone
(Sec. and Treas.)
Established 1904. Faculty: Principal, C. L. .Stone;
School Board: L. I. Stiles (Chair- Assistant, Mrs. C. L. Stone.
man), Eva M. Davis (Sec.), W.
W. Sharp, 0. C. Hollenbeck, E.
Faculty: Principal, L. I. Stiles;
Assistant, Mrs. Irene MacDon- ACADEMY.
ald; Music, Mrs. Irene MacDon- Hildebran, N. C.
ald; Matron, Mrs. L. I. Stiles.
Established 1905.
GRAVELFORD ACADEMY. Advisory Board: T. H. Jeys, D.
T. Shireman, W. H. Armstrong,
Gravelford, Coos Co., Oregon.
M. H. Johnston, B. A. Rogers,
Board: 0. S. Coleman (Chairman), M. G. Creasey, J. W. Beach,
F. S. Bunch (Sec.), W. H. Mrs. Emma B. Rogers, Mrs. L.
Bunch, E. A. Mereen, G. W. V. Beach.
Pettit. Faculty: Principal, 'J. W. Beach,
Faculty: Principal, H. E. Giddings; Bible and Intermediate Grades;
Assistant Teachers, Mrs. H. E. Mrs. L. V. Beach, Primary
Giddings, W. H. Bunch, Nellie Grades; Matron.


Harvey, N. Dak. Stuart, Iowa.
Established 1903.
Established 1902.
Board of Managers: J. G. Walker
(Pres.), A. E. Doering (Sec.), C. Board of Managers: L. F. Starr
L. Kendall (Business Manager), (Pres.), Floyd Bralliar (Sec.),
Lars Nielsen, E. M. Strong, F. J. W. Dorcas, G. R. Hawkins, J.
G. Specht, Chas. Leer. H. Kraft, Chris Juhl, J. C.
Faculty: Principal, C. L. Kendall, Clemens, C. W. Larson.
Bible, Mathematics, Bookkeep- Local Board: Floyd Bralliar, D.
ing, Agriculture; F. G. Specht, H. Goss, J. M. Peterson; Busi-
Preceptor, Superintendent Ger- ness Manager, Floyd Bralliar.
man Dept.; Martha Young, Pre- Faculty: Principal, Floyd Bral-
ceptress, Assistant in English liar; Preceptor, D. H. Goss;
Dept.; Mrs. Mary E. Wright, Matron and Preceptress, Ellen
Matron, Sewing and Cooking; I. Burrill; Common Branches,
Mrs. C. L. Kendall, Music. Minnie Wolf ord.


SCHOOL. History, Physiology; Miss
Wavie Tubbs, Physical Geog-
501 Washington Ave., Kansas raphy, Rhetoric, Physics, Geog-
City, Kans. raphy, Drawing; C. L. Emmer-
Established 1905. ' son, Farm Superintendent; Mrs.
Superintendent: H. M. Hiatt. Myrtle Bernstein, Instrumental
Music; Miss Lena Rosenthal,
LAURELWOOD INDUSTRIAL. Examining Board: H. S. Shaw, S.
E. Jackson, and the faculty..
Gaston, Oregon.
Directors: F. S. Bunch, C. A.
Wyman, D. W. Emmerson, T. H. Battle Grounds, Wash.
Starbuck, G. W. Pettit. Established 1905.
Faculty: R. W. Airey, Principal,
Bible, and Intermediate Grades; Board of Directors: J. R. Clark, A.
Miss Alice Holt, Matron; Miss J. Stover, F. N. Boardman, A. C.
Clara E. Rogers, Preceptress Hardy, Charles Lengel.
Church-school Department, In- Principal: J. J. Clark.
strumental and Vocal Music;
Miss Olive Perkins, Assistant to
Music Teacher and Preceptress. MT. ELLIS ACADEMY.
Bozeman, Montana.
LORNEDALE ACADEMY. Established 1905.
Lorne Park, Ontario. Board: J. A. Holbrook, J. C. Fos-
ter, W. A. Gosmer, C. H. Ritten-
Established 1903. house, H. 0. Shields, S. Dick, C.
Board of Trustees: A. 0. Burrill, W. Page.
Eugene Leland, T. H. Robinson, Principal: J. L. Jones.
J. T. Smith, F. G. Hill.
Officers: Chairman, A. 0. Burrill;
Secretary, Eugene Leland; NORTHWESTERN TRAINING
Treasurer, T. H. Robinson. SCHOOL.
Faculty: Principal, Eugene Le-
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
land; Preceptress, Mrs. J. Eva
Leland; Farm Manager, Herbert Established 1904.
Board: W. M. Adams, C. J. Kun-
kel, 0. A. Hall, Evan Roberts,
Maple Plain, Minn. Principal: 0. A. Hall.

Established 1904.
School Board: The MinnQsota
Conference Committee. SCHOOL.
Faculty: Principal, 0. 0. Bern- (Colored.)
stein, Bible, Penmanship; H. J.
Huntsville, Ala.
Sheldon, General History, Al-
gebra, Arithmetic, Vocal Music; Established 1895.
Miss Caroline Hopkins, Gram- Board of Managers: Chairman.

Geo. I. Butler; Secretary, E. B. SHERIDAN INDUSTRIAL

Melendy; Treasurer, 0. R. ACADEMY.
Staines; G. H. Baber, N. W.
Allee, R. M. Kilgore, J. E. Ten- Sheridan, Ill.
ney, Smith Sharp, J. E. White, Established 1900.
W. L. McNeely. School Board: Wm. Covert (Pres.),
Faculty: Principal, G. H. Baber, W. T. Bland, D. H. Taylor, Jacob
Bible, History, English, Spanish; Klooster, G. A. Wheeler.
Assistant Principal and Secre- Faculty: Principal, W. T. Bland;
tary, W. J. Blake, Science, Preceptor, G. A. Wheeler; His-
Mathematics, Bible Exegesis; tory and Music, Mrs. W. T.
Business Manager, 0. R. Staines, Bland; Anna S. Jensen.
Physiology, Nursing; Cashier,
W. H. Williams, Commercial
Department; Preceptor, F. W. TAQUARY SCHOOL.
Halladay, Mechanical Depart.
ment; Preceptress, Mrs. E. Ella Taquary, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra-
Baber, Plain Sewing, Dressmak- zil, South America.
ing, Domestic Science; Lottie C. Superintendent: John Lipke; Ma-
Isbell, M. D., Lectures on Simple tron, Mrs. Augusta Lipke.
Treatments, Physiology, Hy-
Industrial classes conducted by THAYER INTERMEDIATE
each member of the Faculty. SCHOOL
Thayer, Kans.
SCHOOL. Superintendent: H. E. Reeder.
Mountain View, Cal.
Trustees: M. C. Wilcox, C. H. Williamsdale East, Nova Scotia.
Jones, E. A. Chapman, H. H. Established 1905.
Hall, W. B. White, M. H. Brown,
A. 0. Tait. Educational Board: Wm. Guthrie,
Faculty: M. C. Wilcox, Biblical; W. R. Andrews, J. G. Hanna,
E. R. Palmer and F. H. Gage, Levi Longard, James Hanna, E.
Science; Max Hill, Mathematics; E. Gardner, D. W. Dimmock.
H. G. Childs and H. H. Hall, Principal: Elder E. E. Gardner;
Commercial; C. M. Snow, Eng- Primary Teacher and Precep-
lish Language; A. J. S. Bour- tress, Mrs. E. E. Gardner; Ma-
deau, Geography and History; tron, Mrs. Wm. Guthrie; Busi-
H. G. Childs, Penmanship; Mrs. ness Manager, Wm. Guthrie;
Alice Bourdeau, Reading; C. A. Secretary and Treasurer, E. E.
Smith, Vocal Music. Gardner.
(In alphabetical' order.)
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. LIMITED.
Board: E. C. Chapman, E. H. Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
Gates, C. W. Irwin, L. A. Cable Address: "Echo," Melbourne.
Hoopes. Corporate Name: Signs of the
Officers: Manager, E. C. Chapman; Times Publishing Associatioh.
Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Directors: W. D. Salisbury, W. L.
Eva Osborne. H. Baker, 0. A. Olsen, A. W.
Anderson, J. M. Johanson, J. J.
Gillespie, A. G. Miller.
CANADIAN PUBLISHING AS- Officers: Pres., W. D. Salisbury;
SOCIATION. Vice-Pres., A. G. Miller; Sec., A.
Toronto Junction, Ontario. W. Anderson; Treas., C. H.
Pretyman; Gen. Field Agt., J.
Publishing Committee: W. H.
M. Johanson.
Thurston, B. B. Noftsger, Wm.
Guthrie, A. 0. Burrill, S. A.
Manager: B. B. Noftsger. Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, Fin-
Editor Canadian Union Messenger: land.
Eugene Leland.
Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija
f tirlagsktiebola bn
CHRISTIANIA PUBLISHING Publishing Board: A. Boettcher.
HOUSE. Fred Anderson, K. Sandelin, N.
Hammar, 0. Hoglund.
Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Nor- Editors: Aikain Vartija, A. Boett
way. cher, K. Sandelin.
Corporate Name: Skandinaviske
Forlags-og Trykkeriforening.
Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet,
Christiania. COMPANY.
Editors: Evangeliets Sendebud, N. Battle Creek, Mich.
Clausen, 0. A. Johnson; Sund- Officers: Pres., J. H. Kellogg, M.
hedsbladet, J. C. Ottosen, M. D. D.; Treas., G. H. Murphy.


Dansk Bogforlag, Margrethevej 5, College View, Nebr.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Established 1903.
Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- Officers: Pres., E. T. Russell; Sec.,
hagen. A. T. Robinson; Treas. and
Secretary and Treasurer: Jens Business Manager, R. M. Rock-
Olsen. ey; Auditor, L. E. Koon.

Trustees: E. T. Russell, A. T. Rob- R. Conradi, H. F. Schuberth;

inson, R. M. Hockey, J. J. Graf, Gute Gesundheit, A. J. Hoenes,
August Anderson, G. A. Grauer, M. D.; P. A. De Forest, M. D.,
L. Johnson. H. F. Schuberth; Zions-Wach-
Counselors: R. A. Underwood, G. ter (Holland), L. R. Conradi;
F. Haffner, H. Shultz, S. E. Unser kleiner Freund, A. Plass;
Svensson, Valentine Leer, L. E. Zions-Wachter, edited by W.
Starr, L. H. Christian, N. C. Ising; " Az Arato" (Hungarian);
Bergersen, S. Mortenson, C. M. "The Olive-tree" (Russian).
Everest, J. Rifle!, M. S. Reppe, Hamburg Branch House: Inter-
P. E. Berthelsen, J. G. Walker, national Tract Society in Basle.
T. Valentiner, C. A. Thorp, A. Address: Weiherweg 48, Basle,
Swedberg. Switzerland. Managing Board:
Committees on Foreign Litera- L. R. Conradi (Chairman), H.
ture: German: J J. Graf, G. Hartkop, W. Sebald, H. F.
F. Haffner, G. A. Grauer, A. Schuberth, W. Kiiry.
Kunze, and the editor of the Attorney: W. Sebald.
Christlicher Hausfreund. Swed-
ish: S. Mortenson, S. F.
Svensson, August Anderson, A. INDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE.
J. Stone, and the editor of The Watchman Press, Karmatar,
Sions Vaktare. Danish-Norwe- E. I. Ry., India.
gian: L. Johnson, L. H. Chris- Publishing Committee: J. L.
tian, P. E. Berthelsen, H. R. Shaw, R. S. Ingersoll, H. Arm-
Johnson, and the editor of strong, J. C. Little, H. B. Mey-
Evangeliets Sendebud. ers, W. W. Miller.
Editors: Evangeliets Sendebud, Editor: Oriental Watchman and
C. A. Thorpe, Asst. Editor, P. Eastern Tidings, W. W. Miller
E. Berthelsen; Sions Vaktare, and J. C. Little.
A. Swedberg and A. Anderson;
Christlicher Hausfreund and
Der Deutsche Arbeiter, Office LATIN UNION PUBLISHING
Editor, Otto Schwedrat; Field HOUSE.
Editor, T. Valentiner; Ed. Com., Societe International de Traites.
Otto Schwedrat, G. A. Grauer,
J. J. Graf. Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Publishing Board: L. R. Conradi,
HAMBURG PUBLISHING C. T. Everson, J. Curdy, J.
HOUSE. Robert, L. P. Tieche, J. Vuilleu-
mier, T. Nussbaum.
Internationale Traktatgesells-chaft Editors: Le Messager de la Pro-
in Hamburg, Grindelberg 15a, phetie and Les Signes des
Hamburg, Germany. Temps, J. Vuilleumier, J. Curdy;
Publishing Board: Chairman,L. Le Vulgarisateur, P. A. De For-
R. Conradi; H. Hartkop, H. F. est, M. D.
Schuberth, W. Krumm, J. Erz-
berger, J. Pieper, E. Frauchiger, LONDON PUBLISHING HOUSE.
J. T. Bottcher, J. G. Oblander,
G. W. Schubert. International Tract Society, Lim-
Auditors: W. Krumm, G. Hantzsch. ited.
Local Committee: H. Hartkop, Office: 451 Holloway Road, Lon-
M. Rohde, G. Hantzsch, W. don, N., England.
Ising, G. Dail. Cable Address: Uprising, Lon-
Editors: Herold der Wahrheit, L. don.

Publishing Board: Chairman, E. Book and Periodical Dept., H.

E. Andross; Sec., W. R. White; H. Hall; Supt. Mfg. Dept., C.
Manager, W. C. Sisley; Direct- H. Jones; Asst. Supt., F. H.
ors, E. E. Andross, W. C. Sisley, Gage; Manager Kansas City
A. Bacon, W. T. Bartlett, H. R. Branch, James Cochran; Man-
Salisbury. ager Portland Branch, W. V.
Editors: ,Present Truth, W. T. Sample.
Bartlett; Assistant Editors, M. Publishing Committee: C. H.
E. Olsen, T. C. O'Donnell; The Jones, H. H. Hall, W. T. Knox,
Missionary Worker, T. C. O'- M. C. Wilcox, W. N. Glenn, C.
Donnell; Good Health, A. B. M. Snow, A. J. S. Bourdeau.
Olsen, M. D., M. E. Olsen. Editors, Signs of the Times, Ed-
itor, M. C. Wilcox; Asst. Ed-
itors, C. M. Snow, W. N. Glenn,
HOUSE. Editorial Committee, Our 'Little
1420 Twentieth Ave., Tacubaya, Friend, M. C. Wilcox, H. H.
D. F., Mexico. Hall, Kathrina B. Wilcox.
Corporate Name: Compafiia de Editorial Committee, Bible Stu-
PublicaciOnes "La Verdad" dents' and Apples of Gold Li-'
(La Verdad PubliShing Co.) braries, W. N. Glenn, H. H.
Officers: President, G. M. Brown; Hall, M. C. Wilcox, J. F.
Secretary, Frank C. Kelley; Beatty, A. J. S. Bourdeau.
Treasurer, G. W. Caviness;
Auditor, Alfred Cooper.
Periodical: " El Mensajero de la REVIEW AND HERALD PUB-
Takoma Park Station, Washing-
COMPANY. Incdrporated 1903.
Established 1875. Cable Address: Review, Washing-
Main Office: Villa Street, Moun- ton, D. C.
tain View, California. Territory: The Atlantic, Cana-
Cable Address: Uprising, Moun- dian, and Lake Union Confer-
tain View, Cal. ences.
Branch Offices: 44 Crocker Bldg., Board of Trustees: W. W. Pres-
San Francisco, Cal.; 1109 East cott, S. N. Curtiss, G. A. Hare,
Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo.; W. A. Coleord, I. H. Evans, W.
285 Salmon St., Portland, Ore- J. Shaw, G. B. Thompson, D. W.
gon. Reavis.
Territory: The Pacific, Central, Officers: Pres., W. W. Prescott;
and Northern Union Confer- Vice-Pres., I. H. Evans; Treas.,
ences. and Business Manager, S. N.
Directors: A. 0. Tait, C. H. Jones, Curtiss; Sec., W. B. Walters.
M. C. Wilcox, H. H. Hall, W. B. Editors: Review and Herald, W.
White, M. H. Brown, E. A. W. Prescott; Associate Editors,
Chapman. L. A. Smith, W. A. Spicer. Life
Officers: Pres., M. C. Wilcox; and Health, Dr. George H.
Vice-Pres., C. H. Jones; Sec., Heald; Associate Editor, Dr. Cr.
B. R. Nordyke; Treas., E. A. A. Hare. The Youth's Instructor,
Chapman; Auditor, J. J. Ire- Miss Fannie M. Dickerson. The
land; General Manager, C. H. Sabbath-school Worker, Mrs. L.
Jones; Manager Circulation De- Flora Plummer; Associate Ed-
partment, A. 0. Tait; Manager itor, G. B. Thompson.

SOUTH AFRICAN PUBLISHING Conference and the Southwest-

HOUSE. ern Union Conference.
56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South Board of Managers: G. I. Butler,
Africa. I. A. Ford, W. A. Wilcox, E. H.
Rees, L. D. Randall, Richard
Publishing Committee: Executive Hook, Jr., E. A. Sutherland.
Committee of the South African Officers: P-res., G. I. Butler; Vice-
Union Conference. Pres. and Business Manager, I.
Printing Works: Manager, R. F. A. Ford; Sec. and Treas., W. A.
McPherson. Wilcox.
editors: South African Sentinel, Editors: The Watchman, Geo. I.
0. 0. Fortner; Editorial Con- Butler; Associate Editors, Eld-
tributors, W. S. Hyatt, I. J. er S. N. Haskell, Miss Eliza J.
Hankins, H. J. Edmed; South Burnham.
African Missionary, 0. 0. Fort- Branch Office: 204 West Twelfth
ner. St., Fort Worth, Texas; Man-
ager, R. L. Pierce.
Committee: The Executive Com- HOUSE.
mittee of the Central New Eng-
land Conference. Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Swe-
Officers: Pres., A. E. Place; Supt.,
Geo. R. Israel; Treas., H. B. den.
Corporate Name: Skandinaviska
SOUTHERN PUBLISHING AS- Directors: E. Lind, E. J. Ahren,
SOCIATION. J. R. Lindqvist.
Secretary and Treasurer: J. R.
1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, Lindqvist.
Tenn. Editor: Tidens Tecken, E. J.
Territory: The Southern Union Ahr6n; Missionaren, E. J. Ahr6n.
Issued under the Auspices of the Seventh-day Adventist

ENGLISH PAPERSGENERAL. Park Station, Washington, D.

The. Advent Review and Sabbath C.; editor, Miss Fannie M.
Herald (leading church paper); Dickerson.
weekly; twenty-four pages; an- The Watchman (official organ of
nual subscription, $1.50; pub- the Southern Union Confer-
lished at Takoma Park Station, ence); weekly; sixteen pages;
Washington, D. C.; editor, W. $1.00; The Southern Publishing
W. Prescott; associate editors, Association, 1025-27 Jefferson
L. A. Smith, W. A. Spicer. St., Nashville, Tenn.; editor,
The Signs of the Times (leading Geo. I. Butler; associate editors,
missionary paper and prophetic S. N. Haskell, Eliza J. Burnham.
expositor); illustrated weekly; The Sabbath-school Worker (or-
sixteen pages; annual subscrip- gan of the Sabbath-school de-
tion, $1.50; to foreign coun- partment of the General Con-
tries, $1.75; published by Pa- ference); monthly; sixteen
cific Press Publishing Co., Moun- pages; annual subscription, 35
tain View, Cal.; editor, M. C. cents; in clubs of two or more,
Wilcox; assistant editors, C. 25 cents; published at Takoma
M. Snow, W. N. Glenn, A. 0. Park Station, Washington, D.
Tait. C.; editor, Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
The Present Truth (devoted to a mer; associate editor, G. B.
presentation of the doctrine of Thompson.
the second coming of Christ, The Oriental Watchman; month-
and general Bible truth); week- ly; sixteen pages; annual sub-
ly; sixteen pages; annual sub- scription, 2 rupees (sixty-five
scription, 6s 6d ($1.60); 451 cents) ; International Tract So-
Holloway Road, London, N., ciety, 39-1 Free School St., Cal-
England; editor, W. T. Bart- cutta, India; editors, W. W.
lett; assistant editors, M. E. Miller and J. C. Little.
Olsen, T. C. O'Donnell. The Caribbean Watchman;
The Australasian Signs of the monthly; twelve pages; an-
Times (devoted to an exposi- nual subscription, 50 cents;
tion of Bible truth and signs of published at 31 Dundonald St.,
the times); weekly; twelve Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
pages; annual 'subscription, 4s Indies; editor, Geo. F. Enoch;
6d; to countries outside of Aus- associate, S. A. Wellman; con-
tralia, and in the postal union, tributors, W. G. Kneeland, J.
8s 6d ($2.00); 16 Best St., A.' Strickland.
Warburton, Victoria, Australia; Home, Farm, and School (devoted
editor, A. W. Anderson. to domestic, agriculturaL, and
The Youth's Instructor (a journal educational interests) ; month-
for youth and children) ; week- ly; eight pages; annual sub-
ly; eight pages; annual sub- scription, 50 cents; editors, N.
scription, 75 cents; Takoma W. Kauble and J. H. Haughey;

The Advocate Pub. Co., Berrien monthly; sixteen pages; annual

Springs, Mich. subscription, 60 cents; to coun-
The Educational Messenger (an tries outside of South 'Africa
exponent of the theory and and in the Postal Union, 75
practise of Christian education); cents; managing editor, 0. 0.
semimonthly; sixteen pages;. 50 Fortner; editorial contributors,
cents per year; representing the W. S. Hyatt, I. J. Hankins, H.
Educational Department of the J. Edmed; Kenilworth, Cape,
Central Union Conference; pub- South Africa.
lished at College View, Nebr.; Bible Training School (devoted to
editor, C. C. Lewis; associate the interests of house-to-house
editors, M. E. Kern and B. E. Bible work); sixteen pages;
Huffman. monthly; 25 cents a year;
Sabbath-school Quarterly; forty- South Lancaster, Mass.; editor,
eight pages; containing the S. S. N. Haskell.
D. A. International Sabbath- Save the Boys (a monthly journal
school lessons; annual subscrip- devoted to the purity of the
tion, 20 cents; Pacific Press home.); 40 cents a year; ad-
Pub. Co., Mountain View, Cal. dress, Washburn Park, Minne-
Bible Students' Library; quar- apolis, Minn.; editor, H. F.
terly; annual subscription, 25 Phelps.
cents; Pacific Press Pub. Co.,
Mountain View, Cal.; editorial
committee, W. N. Glenn, H. H. ENGLISH PAPERSHEALTH.
Hall, M. C. Wilcox, J. F. Beatty,
A. J. S. Bourdeau. The Good Health (devoted to san-
Apples of Gold Library; quarter- itary science and domestic hy-
ly; annual subscription, five giene); monthly; eighty pages
copies, 25 cents; twelve copies, (magazine form) ; annual sub-
50 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Co., scription, $1; Battle Creek,
Mountain View, Cal.; editorial Mich.; editor, J. H. Kellogg, M.
committee, M. C. Wilcox, W. N. D.
Glenn, C. N. Snow, J. F. Beatty, Life and Health (devoted to
A. J. S. Bourdeau. health in the home and general
Our Little Friend (a child's sanitary topics); monthly;
paper); illustrated weekly; thirty-two pages (magazine
eight pages; annual subscrip- form); annual subscription, 50
tion, 50 cents; Pacific Press cents; published by the Review
Pub. Co., Mountain View, Cal.; and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
editorial committee, M. C. Wil- Park Station, Washington, D.
cox, H. H. Hall, Kathrina B. C.; editor, G. H. Heald; asso-
Wilcox. ciate editor, G. A. Hare.
The Life Boat; an illustrated The Australasian Good Health;
monthly journal devoted to monthly; sixteen pages; annual
charitable, philanthropic health- subscription, 2s 6d; beyond the
and soul-saving work; 32 commonwealth, 3s; Sanitarium,
pages; annual subscription, 35 Wahroonga, N. S. W., Austra-
cents; to foreign countries, 50 lia; editor, Dr. D. H. Kress;
cents; published by the Work- board of management, D. H.
ingmen's Home and Life Boat Kress, C. W. Irwin, E. C. Chap-
Mission Assn., Hinsdale, Ill.; ed- man.
itor, David Paulson, M. D.; as- Good Health (devoted to hygiene
sociate editor, W. S. Sadler. and the principles of healthful
South African Sentinel (devoted living) ; monthly; thirty-two
to an exposition of the signs of pages; yearly subscription, is
the times and Sabbath truth); 6d; 451 Holloway Road, Lou-

don, N., England; editors, A. B. La Verdad Presente (Spanish);

Olsen, M. D., M. E. Olsen. monthly; eight pages; annual
The Medical Missionary; month- subscription, 65 cents; River
ly; Battle Creek, Mich.; editors, Plate Conference; Casilla del
G. C. Tenney, E. J. Waggoner. Correo 481, Buenos Ayres, Ar-
gentine Republic, South Amer.
ica; editor, N. Z. Town.
GERMAN PAPERS. Senales de los Tiempos (Spanish) ;
Herold der Wahrheit and Pro- monthly; eight pages; 50c a
phetischer Erklarer (German); year; published by the West
semimonthly; eight pages; an- Coast Mission, Casilla 787, Val-
nual subscription, mk. 2 (60 paraiso, Chile, South America;
cents for America) ; Grindel- editor, E. W. Thomann.
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; Revista Adventista (Spanish) ;
editors, L. R. Conradi, H. F. monthly; eight pages; Casilla
Schuberth. 787, Valparaiso, Chile, South
Christlicher Hausfreund (Ger- America; editors, E. W. Tho-
man); weekly; sixteen pages; mann, N. Z. Town.
annual subscription, $1.25; Col-
lege View, Nebr.; office editor, DANISH-NORWEGIAN PAPERS.
Otto Schwedrat: field editor, T.
Valentiner; Editorial Commit- Evangeliets Sendebud (Danish-
tee, Otto Schwedrat, G. A. Norwegian religious journal);
Grauer, J. J. Graf. semimonthly; sixteen pages;
Der Deutsche Arbeiter; eight annual subscription, kr. 2.50;
pages; monthly; 25 cents; Col- rate for America, $1.00; Akers-
lege View, Nebr. gaden 74, Christiania, Norway;
Gute Gesundheit (German health editors, N. Clausen, 0. A. John-
paper); monthly; sixteen pages; son.
annual subscription, mk. $1.60 Evangeliets Sendebud og Sand-
(for America, 50 cents) ; Grindel- hedens Tidende (Danish-Norwe-
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; gian); weekly; sixteen pages;
editors, A. J. Hoenes, P. A. De annual subscription, $1.25; Col-
Forest, H. F. Schuberth. lege View, Nebr.; editor, C. A.
Unser kleiner Freund (German Thorp; Assistant Editor, P. E.
child's paper); weekly; four Berthelsen; Committee, L.
pages; annual subscription, 80 Johnson, H. R. Johnson.
pfg. (for America, 30 cents); Sundhedsbladet (Danish - Norwe-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- gian health journal); monthly;
many; editor, A. Plass. twenty-four pages; annual sub-
scription, in Norway, kr. 2.50;
in Denmark 3.00; rate for
America, 80 cents; Akersgaden,
SPANISH PAPERS. 74, Christiania, Norway;
El Mensajero de la Verdad; Aaboulevard 52, Copenhagen,
monthly; sixteen pages; an- N., Denmark; editor, J. C. Otto-
nual subscription, 50 centavos sen.
(35 cents); 1420 Avenue 20,
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico; edi-
tor, G. W. Caviness. SWEDISH PAPERS.
La Salud (health journal); month- Tidens Tecken (Swedish) ; semi-
ly; twenty-four pages; annual monthly; eight pages; annual
subscription, 75 cents Mexican; subscription, kr. 2; rate for
Apartado 138, Guadalajara, America, 85 cents; Kungsgatan
Mexico; editor, P. K. Gaston, 34, Stockholm, Sweden; editor,
M. D. E. J. Ahr6n.

Sions Vaktare, och Sanningens PORTUGUESE PAPER.

Harold (Swedish); weekly; six- 0 Arauto da Verdade (Portu-
teen pages; annual subscription, guese) ; monthly; sixteen pages;
$1.25; College View, Nebr.; ed- annual subscription, 65 cents;
itors, A. Swedberg and A. An- in clubs of ten or more copies,
derson; Committee, Fred John- 45 cents each; Caixa Postal 768,
son, C. Meleen. Rio de Janeiro, -Brazil, South
America; editor, W. Stein.
Les Signes des Temps; monthly; RUSSIAN PAPER.
annual subscription, 1 fr. 50 (30 Maslina (Olive-tree); sixteen
cents) ; published at 29 rue de pages; appears every six weeks
la Synagogue, Geneva, Switzer- or eight times a year; Sab-
land; editors, J. Vuilleumier, J. bath-school, church, and mis-
Curdy. sionary paper; , subscription
Le Messager (church paper); price, 25 cents a year; Interna-
(French); semimonthly; annual tional Tract Society, Grindel-
subscription, fr. 1.50; 29 rue de berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
la Synagogue, Geneva, Switzer-
land; editor, J. Vuilleumier.
Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de ICELANDIC PAPER.
PHygiene (French) ; monthly Fraekorn (Icelandic); semimonth-
health paper; sixteen pages; fr. ly; eight pages; annual sub-
2.50 (50 cts.); rue de la Syna- scription, 60 cents; Reikiavik,
gogue 29, Geneva, Switzerland; Iceland; editor, David Ostlund.
editor, P. A. De Forest.
HOLLAND PAPER. Az Arato (The Reaper); thirty-
Zions-Wachter (Holland) ; month- two pages; quarterly church
ly; eight pages; annual sub- and Sabbath-school lesson pa-
scription, .75 florin, to foreign per; 40 cents per annum (2
countries, 1 florin (40 cents); kronen); editor, Janos F.
International. Tract Society, Huenergardt, Rakosszentmihaly,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Rakoczy-utca 17, Hungary,
many; editor, L. R. Conradi. published by the International
Tract Society, Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany.
Aikain Vartija (Finnish) ; month-
ly; eight pages; annual sub- CHINESE PAPER.
scription, 50 cents; Unionsgatan Fuh-In-Hsuen Pao (The Gospel
4, Helsingfors, Finland; editorial Herald); sixteen page monthly;
committee, Ad. Boettcher, K. 25 cents; editor, H. W. Miller,
Sandelin. Shang Tsai Hsien, via Hankow,
Ronan, China.
Owari No Fukuin (Japanese); FIJIAN PAPER.
monthly; sixteen pages; annual Rarama ' (Fijian); monthly; Bur-
subscription, 35 cents; 846 Sen- esala via Levuka, Fiji, Pacific
davaya-mura, Tokyo, Japan; Ocean; editor, J. E. Fulton.
editors, T. H. Okohira, F. W. Raratongan Paper; monthly; ed-
Field. itor, Mrs. Waugh.

PAPER FOR THE BLIND. International Tract Society,

The Christian Record (a paper Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
printed for the blind, printed many.
in Improved Braille and in New The Missionary Worker (official
York point); monthly; twenty organ of the British Union Con-
pages; subscription, $2 per ference); semimonthly; eight
year; published at College View, pages; is per year; postpaid,
Nebr.; editorial committee, L. is 6d; International Tract So-
N. Muck, E. T. Russell, W. A. ciety, Ltd., 451 Holloway Road,
George, J. S. Hart. London, N., England.
South African Missionary;
monthly; eight pages; annual
subscription, 60 cents; to coun-
UNION CONFERENCE PAPERS. tries outside of South Africa
Atlantic Union Gleaner (official and in the Postal Union, 75
organ of the Atlantic Union cents; editor, 0. 0. Fortner;
Conference); weekly; twelve Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
pages; '50 cents a year; Miss Der Adventisten Rundschau (Ger-
Jennie Thayer, editor; pub- man paper for circulation among
lished at South Lancaster, S. D. A. churches in South
Mass. America) ; 16 pages; editor,
Canadian Union Messenger (offi- Mrs. Mary Ehlers, Taquary, Rio
cial organ of the Canadian Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
Union Conference); weekly; 35 America.
cents; Lorne Park, Ontario;
editor, Eugene Leland.
The Southwestern Union Record CONFERENCE OR LOCAL
(official organ of the South- PAPERS.
western Union Conference);
eight pages; weekly; fifty cents Colorado: Echoes from the Field;
a year; C. N. Woodward, edi- semimonthly; four pages; an-
tor; published at Keene, Tex. nual subscription, 25 cents;
Pacific Union Recorder (official Colorado Tract Society, 1112
organ of the Pacific Union Con- South Eleventh St., Denver,
ference); weekly; eight pages;, Colo.; editor, Mrs. Bertie L.
fifty cents a year; editorial Herrell.
committee, J. J. Ireland, W. B. East Caribbean: East Caribbean
White, Claude Conard; pub- Gleaner; monthly; eight pages;
lished at 1059 Castro St., Oak- annual subscription, 24 cents;
land, Cal. published at 31 Dundonald St.,
Union Conference Record (official Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
organ of the Australasian Indies; editor, Geo. F. Enoch.
Union Conference); semimonth- East Michigan: East Michigan
ly; eight pages; annual sub- Banner; weekly; 25 cents; pub-
scription, 2s 6d; in countries lished at Holly, Mich.; manag-
outside of Australia, and in the ing editor, J. G. Lamson.
Postal Union, 75 cents; pub- India: Eastern Tidings; monthly;
lished by the Australasian four pages; annual subscription,
Union Conference, 32 Royal Re. 1; published by the Inter-
Chambers, Castlereagh St., Syd- national Tract Society, 39-1
ney, N. S. W., Australia; edi- Free School St., Calcutta, India.
tor, Mrs. J. Hindson. Indiana: The Indiana Reporter;
Zions-Wachter (organ of the semimonthly; four pages; 25
German Union Conference); cents; Indiana Tract Society,
semimonthly; sixteen pages; Room 221, Unity Bldg., Indian-
annual subscription, 40 cents; apolis, Ind.

Iowa: The Workers' Bulletin; New South Wales: The Messen-

weekly; four pages; 25 cents; ger; monthly; 20 cents; New
Iowa Tract Society, 603 East South Wales Conference, 80
Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa; Hunter St., Sydney, N. S. W.,
editor, Wm. E. Perrin. Australia.
Jamaica: Jamaica Record; month- New York: The Indicator.; week-
ly; four pages; 25 cents; pub- ly; four pages; 25 cents; New
lished at 32 Text Lane, King- York Tract Society, 317 West
ston, Jamaica, West Indies; ed- Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.;
itor, Norman Johnston. editor, T. E. Bowen.
Kansas: The Kansas Worker; Northern Illinois: The Illinois
semimonthly; four pages; 35 Recorder; biweekly; four pages;
cents; Kansas Tract Society, 25 cents; Northern Illinois Con-
821 West Fifth St., Topeka, ference, Room 670, Monon Bldg.,
Kans.; editor, H. E. Meyer. Chicago, Ill.; editor, H. E. Moon.
Manitoba: Manitoba Worker; North Carolina: North Carolina
monthly; four pages; 25 cents; Messenger; monthly; four
Manitoba Tract Society, 438 pages; annual subscription, 25
Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Mani- cents; North Carolina Confer-
toba; editor, Mrs. Jessie L. ence, Hickory, N. C.; editors, T.
Adams. H. Jeys and Jessie V. Bosworth.
Michigan: The Haskell Home Ap- North Dakota Gleaner (published
peal (published in the interests in German and English);
of Haskell Memorial Home); monthly; four pages; 25 cents;
quarterly; four pages; 25 cts.; North Dakota Tract Society,
International Medical Mission- Box 285, Fargo, N. Dak.; edi-
ary and Benevolent Association, tors, Hattie E. Ohm-Clark, Mrs.
Battle Creek, Mich.; editor, Alice H. Robinson.
Mrs. E. H. Whitney. North Michigan: North Michigan
Minnesota: The Minnesota Work- Conference News Sheet; month-
er; weekly; four pages; 35 ly; 25 cents; Petoskey, Mich.
cents; Minnesota Tract Society, Ohio: The Welcome Visitor; four
Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn.; pages; weekly; 25 cents; Ohio
editors, C. M. Everest and P. E. Conference, Academia, Ohio; ed-
Sanford. itor, Bessie E. Russell.
Missouri: The Workers' Record; Porto Rico: El Centinela de la
semimonthly; four pages; 25 Verdad (Spanish); twenty-four
cents; Pacific Press Pub. Co., pages; monthly; 50 cents; pub-
1109 East Twelfth St., Kansas lished at Mayaguez, Porto Rico,
City, Mo.; editor, Jas. Cochran. West Indies; editor, B. E.. Con-
Montana: Montana Bivouac; ed- nerly.
itor, Miss Sadie Rittenhouse, South Dakota: South Dakota
Bozeman. Worker; weekly; four pages;
Natal-Transvaal: Flashes from annual subscription, 40 cents;
the Battle Field; two pages; Intermediate School, Elk Point,
weekly; Natal-Transvaal Con- S. Dak.
ference, Stranach St., Pieter- Southern Illinois: Southern Illi-
maritzburg, Natal, South nois Herald; biweekly; four
Africa; editor, H. J. Edmed. pages; 25 cents; 300 West Allen
Nebraska: Nebraska Reporter; St., Springfield, Ill.; editor, S.
semimonthly; four pages; 25 J. Quantock.
cents; Nebraska Conference, Sweden: Missionaren (with S. S.
College View, Nebr.; editor, A. Supplement for children's les-
T. Robinson; office editor, Katie sons); semimonthly; eight
Coleman. pages; kr. 1 (60 cts. for Amer-

ica) ; Scandinavian Publishing West Michigan: The West Michi-

Association, Kungsgatan 34, gan Herald; weekly; four pages;
Stockholm, Sweden; editor, E. 25 cents; Otsego, Mich.; edi-
J. Ahren. tor, Margaret Haughey.
Tennessee River: Tennessee River Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Re-
Chronicle; monthly; four pages; porter; weekly; four pages; 25
25 cents; Hazel, Ky. cents; Wisconsin Tract Society,
Upper Columbia: Workers' Edu- 203 High St., Oshkosh, Wis.;
cator; issued in the interests of editor, N. P. Neilsen.
Walla Walla College, College
Place, Wash. Total number of papers 9.4
ARIZONA SANITARIUM. son, Steward; Mrs. C. L. Burlin-
515 North Central Ave., Phoenix, game, Matron; James G. Weller,
Ariz. Manager Denver Branch.
Established 1903. Medical Faculty: Howard F.
Rand, M. D., Ida S. Herr, M. D.,
Now operated as a private insti- Charles R. Knox, M. D., Kate
tution, by E. C. Bond, M. D. Lindsay, M. D.

243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga.
Established 1903.
Board of Directors: R. M. Kilgore,
Medical Superintendent of the Faculty: Howard F. Rand, M. D.,
Southern Sanitarium, A. S. Superintendent; Ida S. Herr, M.
Maxwell, Geo. I. Butler, G. W. D., Secretary; Kate Lindsay, M.
Wells, and J. E. Bowen. D.; Charles R. Knox, M. D.;
Francis M. Wilcox, Win. Mik-
kleson, Helen N. Rice.
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. BUFFALO SANITARIUM.
Board: C. W. Irwin, D. H. Kress, 922Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. L. Kress, M. Hare, H. E. Managing Board: Medical Di-
A. Minchin. rector, A. R. Satterlee, M. D.;
Superintendent of Nurses, Mrs.
BELFAST SANITARIUM. A. R. Satterlee; Matron, Mrs.
E. E. Prescott.
343 Antrim Road, Belfast, Ireland.
Established 1902.
Board of Managers: J. J. Bell, CALCUTTA SANITARIUM.
A. F. Ballenger, A. Cunningham. 5o Park St., Calcutta, India.
Officers: Chairman and Treasurer, Medical Superintendent: R. S. In-
Dr. J. J. Bell. gersoll, M. D.; Olive P. Inger-
Medical Superintendent: Dr. J. J. soll, M. D.
Bell; Matron, Mrs. J. J. Bell.
Plumstead, Cape, South. Africa.
Board of Trustees: I. J. Hankins,
Boulder, Colo. Dr. Geo. Thomason, W. C. Wal-
Established 1896. ston, J. V. Willson, E. Ingle, 0.
Board of Directors: Howard F. 0. Fortner, J. J. Wessels.
Rand, Francis M. Wilcox, Kate Officers: I. J. Hankins, Chairman;
Lindsay, Edward T. Russell, Ida 0. 0. Fortner, Secretary; T. J.
S. Herr, Charles L. Burlingame, Gibson, Treasurer.
James G. Weller. Medical Superintendent: Geo.
Officers: Howard F. Rand, Chair- Thomason, M. D.; Matron, Miss
man; Francis M. Wilcox, Secre- Ida Thomason; Business Man-
tary and Treasurer; N. C. John- ager, G. W. Webb.

CATERHAM SANITARIUM. (Sec.), B. F. Thiebaud (Treas.),

Caterham, Surrey, England. D. D. McDougall, C. J. Buhalts,
Established 1903.
E. D. Johnston.
Medical Staff: W. W. Worster, M.
Board of Managers: W. C. Sisley, D., Superintendent; D. D. Mc-
A. B. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett. Dougall, M. D.
Officers: Chairman, W. C. Sisley;
Secretary, A. B. Olsen; Treas-
Medical Superintendent: A. B. Ol- Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
sen, M. D.; Matron, Mrs. A. B. Magdeburg, Germany.
Olsen, M. D. " Deutscher Verein fur Gesund-
heitspflege." Legal organization
CLEVELAND SANITARIUM. for holding the Friedensau prop-
rx6r. Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio. Trustees: L.' R. Conradi, A. J.
Established 1905. Hoenes, Otto Luepke, H. F.
Superintendent: F. H. Stahl. Schuberth, W. Krumm, H. Hart-
Medical Examiner: Robert Pol- kop, J. G. ()blander, J. Pieper,
lock, M. D. E. E. Frauchiger, J. T. Bottcher,
.Instructors: Frank Walters, M. G. W. Schubert, J. Erzberger.
D.; A. F. Voak, M. D.; Robert Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi;
Pollock, M. D.; E. A. Stahl, Al- Vice-Pres., W. Krumm; Sec., 0.
fred Naas. Luepke; Auditor, H. Hartkop.
Medical .Superintendent: A. J.
Hoenes, M. D.; Matron, Mrs. M.
A. Creeper; Treas., Paul Brandt;
Pa'panui, Christchurch, New Zea- Business Manager, W. Krumm.
land. Head Nurses: Fr. Gernhardt and
Board:. W. L. H. Baker, Dr. G. H. Charlotte Creeper.
Gibson, W. J. Smith, S. H.
Amyes, G. A. Brandstater.
Frederikshavn, Denmark.
Officers: Danish Conference Com-
126 North Cascade Ave., Colorado mittee: Director, N. P. Nelson,
Springs, Colo. M. D.
Established 1905.
Proprietor: F. W. Patterson. GARDEN CITY SANITARIUM.
San Jose, Cal.
EDMONTON SANITARIUM. Superintendent: L. J. Belknap.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. M. D.
Established 1905.
Superintendent: F. L. Hommel. GLENDALE SANITARIUM.
Near Los Angeles; Post-office;
Glendale, Cal.
FAYETTE SANITARIUM. Established 1904.
Connersville, Ind. Board: J. A. Burden (Vice-Pres.),
Established 1905. S. S. Merrill (Sec. and Treas.).
Board of Directors: W. J. Stone G. W. Reaser, J. R. Leadsworth,
(Pres.), W. W. Worster, M. D. A. Winegar-Simpson, M. D., R.
(Vice-Pres), John H. Niehaus W. Simpson, C. F. Marvin.

Medical Staff: F. Zelinsky, M. D.. Board of Managers: B. E. Full-

Mrs. A. Winegar-Simpson, M. mer, L. C. Christofferson, I. A.
D., J. R. Leadsworth, M. D. Crane, J. R Ogden, H. S. Oster-
Business Manager: R. W. Simpson. loh.,
Officers: Medical Superintendent,
P. S. Kellogg, M. D.; Sec.
GORDONHURST FARM SANI- Treas., and Business Manager,
TARIUM. L. C. Christofferson; Matron,
Ballston Spa, N. Y. Mrs. L. M. Christofferson.
Physician in Charge: Dr. Ruth
Bryant-Leake; Secretary, L. C. KIMBERLEY BATHS.
Lea.ke. ry Cheapside, Kimberley, South
HINSDALE SANITARIUM. Board of Trustees: Executive
Hinsdale, Ill. Committee of the Cape Colony
Established 1904. Conference.
Name of Corporation controlling Manager: J. V. Willson; Matron,
Institution: " Hinsdale Sanita- Mrs. J. V. Willson.
rium and Benevolent Associa-
Members of the Board: David Knowlton, Quebec.
Paulson, Mrs. M. W. Paulson, H. Established 1903.
E. Hoyt, N. W. Paulson, Lena Board of Management: H. E.
K. Sadler, L. H. Christian, E. B. Rickard, Darwin Dingman,
Van Dorn, F. J. Otis, J. H. Kel- Henry Libby, Harvey McClarey,
logg, W. S. Sadler, Jay W. Cum- S. A. Farnsworth, Percival
mings, M. A. Winchell. Holden, F. W. McElroy.
Officers: Medical Supt., David Medical Superintendent: W. H.
Paulson, M. D.; Medical Ma- White, M. D.; Business Man-
tron and Physician, Mrs. Mamie ager and Chaplain, S. A. Farns-
W. Paulson, M. D.; Sec. and worth; Matron, Mrs. W. H.
Treas., H. E. Hoyt; Steward, N. White.
W. Paulson.


603 East Twelfth St., Des Moines, 42 Yamamoto-dori, Nichome, KObe,
Established 1899. Established 1903.
Corporate Name: " Iowa Sanita- Superintendent: S. A. Lockwood,
rium and Benevolent Associa- M. D.; Mrs. Myrtle S. Lock-
tion." wood, M. D.
Directors: L. F. Starr (Pres.), J.
M. Whitney, Chris. Juhl, J. W. LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM.
Dorcas, C. W. Larson (Treas.) Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.
Medical Supt.: Henry Habenicht;
Physician, Alace M. Mantz. Organized 1904.
Corporate Name: " Soci6t6 Philan-
KANSAS SANITARIUM. thropique de la Ligniere."
Board of Directors: L. R. Con-
3200 West Douglas Ave., Wichita, radi, Jules .Robert, P. A. De For-
Kans. est, L. P. Tieche, A. Guenin.
Established 1904. Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi;
Post-office Address: R. F. D. No. Sec. and Treas., J. Robert.
8, Wichita, Kans. Local Board: H. Revilly, P. A. De

Forest, Jean Vuilleumier, J. Dowsett, H. W. Reed, N. P.

Robert, Mrs. E. N. Holser. Neilsen, W. S. Shreve, J. H.
Medical Superintendent: P. A. De Bramhall, Dr. C. P. Farnsworth.
Forest. Officers: Supt., Dr. C. P. Farns-
Matron: Mrs. E. N. Holser. worth; Asst. Supt., Dr. Anna B.
Farnsworth; Business Manager,
LEICESTER SANITARIUM. J. H. Bramhall; Matron, Mrs.
Martha Garthofner.
82 Regent's Road, Leicester, Eng- Medical Staff: C. P. Farnsworth,
land. M. D.; Anna B. Farnsworth, M.
Established 1903. D.; W. T. Lindsay, M. D.; Med-
Board of Managers: E. E. An- ical Matron, Mrs. Martha Gar-
dross, F. C. Richards, Geo. Haw- thofner.
Officers: Pres., E. E. Andross; MOUNT VERNON SANITARIUM
Sec., F. C. Richards. AND HOSPITAL.
Medical Superintendent: F. C.
Richards, M. D.; Eulalia S. West Hamtramick St., Mt. Vernon,
Richards, M. D. Ohio.
Established 1905.
1623 Broadway, Little Rock, Ark.
Superintendent: W. C. Green, M. 540 Seventh Ave., North, Nash-
D.; Matron, Mrs. Etta Green. ville, Tenn.
Corporate Name: Tennessee San-
LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM. itarium and Benevolent Associa-
Near Redlands; Post-office, Loma tion.
Linda, Cal. Trustees: 0. M. Hayward, L. A.
Hanson, B. W. Spire, G. I. But-
Established 1905. ler, S. N. Haskell, N. W. Allee,
Board: J. A. Burden (Pres.), S. I. A. Ford.
S. Merrill (Sec. and Treas.), G. Officers: Pres., 0. M. Hayward;
W. Reaser, J. R. Leadsworth, E. Sec., L. A. Hanson; Treas., B.
S. Ballenger, F. Rueff, 0. F. Con- W. Spire.
way. Medical Superintendent. 0. M.
Medical Staff : G. K. Abbott, M. D., Hayward, M. D.
Miss Julia A. White, M. D.


Keene, Tex. College View, Nebr.
Managing Board: C. Santee Reorganized 1905; affiliated with
(Pres.), D. C. Ross, M. D., Nebraska Conference.
(Sec.), C. B. Hughes, L. B. Wal- Board of Managers: W. A. George,
len, T. B. Creager. D. R. Callahan, M. W. Newton,
Medical Superintendent: D. C. Bert Glascock, E. T. Russell, A.
Ross, M. D. T. Robinson, E. C. Kellogg.
Officers: Pres., W. A. George;
MADISON SANITARIUM. Sec., Miss Josephine Nelson;
Treas. and Business Manager,
Madison, Wis. D. R. Callahan; Matron, Amy
Trustees: C. McReynolds, R. T. R. Humphrey, M. D.

Medical Faculty: Medical Super- Physician in Charge: T. S. White-

intendent, W. A. George, M. D.; lock, M. D.
Lyra Hunt George, M. D.; Amy Business Manager: T. H. Robin-
R. Humphrey, M. D. son.
(Paradise Valley Sanitarium is
owned and controlled by private
individuals of the Seventh-day
x59 West Main St., Newark, Ohio. Adventist denomination.)
Established 1905.
Directors: A. J. Kennedy, C. E.
Robeshaw, Mrs. M. H. Dunmead,
Haughey. 1929 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Manager: R. T. Ragsdale.
Established 1903.
NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM. Corporate Name: Pennsylvania
Sanitarium and Benevolent As-
Melrose, Mass. sociation.
Established 1899. Officers: Pres. W. J. Fitzgerald;
Board of Trustees: A. E. Place Vice-Pres., Morris Lukens; Sec.,
(Pres.), W. M. Lee (Sec. and G. E. Hartman; Treas., Morris
Treas.), C. C. Nicola, H. W. Cot- Lukens.
trell, D. M. Hull, J. H. Kellogg, Faculty: Superintendent, H. B.
E. F. Otis. Knapp, M. D.;' Assistant Phy-
Officers: Supt., C. C. Nicola; Chap- sician, H. B. Kinne, M. D.; Ma-
lain, A. E. Place; Treas.,'W. M. tron, Miss Lenna F. Cooper;
Lee; Steward, C. P. Frye. Business Manager, Morris
Medical Faculty: C. C. Nicola, B. Lukens.
S., M. D.; Mary B. Nicola, M.
D.; P. F. Haskell, M. D.; J. H.
Kellogg, Consulting Physician;
Winifred W. Frederick, Supt. PEORIA SANITARIUM.
Nurses' Training-school. 203 Third St., Peoria, Ill.
Superintendent: J. E. Heald,
North Yakima, Wash.
Established 1905.
Medical Superintendent: F. M. PORTLAND SANITARIUM.
Rossiter, M. D.
West Ave., Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
Established 1896.
Otter Lake, Mich. Portland Sanitarium and Benevo-
Established 1904.
lent Association: Pres., W. R.
Simmons, M. D.; Sec., R. Rose;
President: M. N. Dawson; Sec. Treas., J. J. Knapp; Chaplain,
and Treas., Mrs. M. N. Dawson; Daniel Nettleton.
Medical Superintendent, Phillip Board of Managers: W. R. Sim-
E. Marsh, M. D. mons, R. Rose, G. E. Tyszkie-
wicz, J. J. Knapp, A. Smith.
PARADISE VALLEY SANITA- Medical Faculty: W. R. Simmons,
RIUM. M. D.; B. N. MacLafferty, M. D.;
Mayme MacLafferty, M. D.
Near San Diego; Post-office, Na- Training-school Faculty: W. R.
tional City, Cal. Simmons, Mayme MacLafferty,
Established 1904: M. D., Daniel Nettleton, B. N.

MacLafferty, Mrs. W. R. Sim- D.; Mrs. L. Kress, M. D.; W. H.

mons, Mrs. Ella Moore. James, M. D.


Montrose, Colo. 426 South C' St., Tacoma, Wash.
Established 1904. Established 1901.
Manager: F. J. Hartman; Assist- Medical Superintendent: T. J. Al-
ant, Mrs. E. J. Hartman. len, M. D.; Matron, Mrs. T. J.
Established 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill.
Superintendent: Vacant. Incorporated as " Northern Illinois
Medical Missionary and Sani-
tarium Association."
ST. HELENA SANITARIUM. Board of Trustees: Wm. Covert,
Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal. President; Jay W. Cummings,
Established 1878. Vice-President; S. P. S. Ed-
wards Secretary; David Paul-
Board of Directors: L. M. Bowen, son, Jacob
' Klooster, H. V.
President; E. E. Paulin, Secre-
Weaver, Wm. A. Marsh, Jr., H.
tary; Camillus Bush, C. L. Tay- C. Winslow, L. H. Christian,
lor, E. G. Fulton, W. C. White,
; Maria L. Ed-
L. H. Wolf sen, A. S. Kellogg. wards, Treasurer; W. H. Ed-
Officers: Medical Superintendent, wards, Auditor.
Camillus Bush; Business Man- Physicians: S. P. S. Edwards, M.
ager, L. M. Bowen; Treasurer,
D.; Maria L. Edwards, M. D.
H. E. Randall; Chaplain, C. L.
Taylor; Matron, Mrs. J. L. Jugs;
Steward, H. McDowell.
Medical Faculty: Camillus Bush, Hadley, Saiatoga Co., N. Y.
M. D.; Henrietta E. Brighouse. Superintendent: E. F. Otis, M. D.;
M. D.; T. F. Thorp, M. D. Mrs. Clara B. Otis, M. D.


Skodsborg, Denmark. College Place, Wash.
Office: St. Kongensgade 36, Copen- Established 1905.
hagen. (Continuing the Spokane Sanitari-
Officers: Directors, J. C. Ottosen, um, which was burned in 1904.)
M. D.; Bus. Mgr. and Treas., L. Medical Superintendent: I. A.
P. Hansen; Matron, Martha An- Dunlap, M. D.
derson; Inspector, R. J. Aagaard.
Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen, M.
P. Larsen, M. D. Incorporated 1904.
Corporate Name: Washington (D.
SYDNEY SANITARIUM. C.) Sanitarium Association.
Board of Trustees: G. A. Irwin, A.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. G. Daniells, I. H. Evans, H. W.
Established 1902. Cottrell, J. E. Froom, G. A. Hare,
Board: D. H. Kress, 0. A. Olsen, J. H. Neall.
G. B. Starr, Mrs. L. Kress, W. Officers: Pres., G. A. Ir'kvin; Vice-
H. James. Pres., I. H. Evans; Sec., H. P.
Medical Faculty: D. H. Kress, M. Gardner; Treas., I. H. Evans.

IOWA CIRCLE SANITARIUM. Training-school faculty, L. A.

Hansen, S. M. Jacobs, Raymond
(A Branch of the Washington Lovell, L. M. Maroon, C. H.
Sanitarium.) Moyer.
Medical Superintendent: M. M.
and 2Iowa Circle, Northwest, Martinson, M. D.
Washington, D. C.
Physicians: Medical Supt., G. T. 475 Wealthy Ave., Grand Rapids,
Harding, M. D.; Lady Physician, Mich.
Mrs. Patience Bourdeau-Sisco, Established 1904.
M. D.; Supt. and Treas., H. P. Board of Management: A. G.
Gardner; Matron, Mrs. G. A. Haughey, Joseph Smith, W. D.
Irwin. Parkhurst, S. M. Butler, M. N.
Local Board of Control: Pastor of
SOUTHERN SANITARIUM. the Grand Rapids Church, Phy-
Graysville, Tenn. sician in Charge, and the Busi-
Board: The Medical Superintend- ness Manager.
ent of the Southern Sanitarium, Physician: L. J. Otis; Business
President of the Southern Manager, Fred Hutchinson.
(In Alphabetical Order.)


3558 Halsted St., Chicago, Ill. Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L.,
Physician in Charge: MT. T. Thorn- Denmark.
ton, M. D. Managing Board: John P. Hansen,
Hans Jacobsen, H. L. Henriksen;
Manager, John P. Hansen.
472 State St., Chicago, Ill. L.
Incorporated 1904. 451 Holloway Road, London, N.,
Corporate Name: " Workingmen's England.
Home and Life Boat Mission." Incorporated 1903.
Directors: David Paulson, W. S. Board of Directors: W. C. Sisley,
Sadler; H. E. Hoyt, Lena K. Sad- 0. A. Olsen, E. E. Andross, W.
ler, W. H. Edwards, E. B. Van A. Westworth, E. W. Farns-
Dorn, M. A. Winchell, A. T. worth, W. H. Meredith, A. F.
Jones, N. W. Paulson, J. H. Kel- Ballenger, H. It Salisbury, W.
logg, Mrs. E. B. Van Dorn, F. J. T. Bartlett, F. C. Richards, J. J.
Otis, J. F. Morse, Jay W. Cum- Bell, G. Hawkins, D. Redhead,
mings, Mrs. M. W. Paulson, S. Joyce, A. B. Olsen.
Fannie Emmel. OFFICERS.
Chairman, W. C. Sisley; Treas.,
CALIFORNIA MEDICAL MIS- W. T. Bartlett; Sec., A. B. Ol-
sen; Auditors, S. S. Barnard, W.
Incorporated August 2, 1898. GOOD HEALTH LEAGUE.
Directors: L. M. Bowen (President Office: 451 Holloway R'd, London,
and Business Manager) ; A. S. N., England.
Kellogg, W. C. White, E. G. Ful- A. B. Olsen, Pres.;, M. E. Olsen,
ton, C. L. Taylor, C. Bush, L. H. Sec. and Treas.; W. C. Sisley,
Wolfsen, Secretary and Attor- H. R. Salisbury, J. J. Bell, F. C.
ney, E. E. Parlin. Richards, S. S. Barnard.


Hubbard St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Thor Olsens Gade 1, Christiania, Established 1894.
Board of Trustees: J. H. Kellogg
Superintendent: C. M. Jensen. (Pres.), L. McCoy (Sec. and

Treas.), J. S. Comins, J. F. Committee; Sec. and Treas., C.

Morse, M. D., H. G. Butler. M. Jensen.
Board of Lady Managers: Pres.,
Mrs. E. H. Whitney; Sec., Lena NYHYTTAN HEALTH HOME.
Steinel; Steward, L. A. Cur-
tis. Address: Nyhyttan, Jiirnbos,
(Open, June-August.)
Superintendent: Ch. Kahlstrom.
Address: Latrobe St., Melbourne,
Victoria, Atistralia.
Board: C. P. Michaels, J. A. Mc- OREBRO HEALTH HOME.
Ainsh, C. Collister, C. Prismall, Klostergaten 33, Orebro, Sweden.
R. Bailey, W. McKay, J. Gil- Superintendent: C. Kahlstrom.
Manager: J. C. Deverall.
SOCIATIcr, Ltd. Room 203, Parrott Bldg., 825 Mar-
451 Holloway Road, London, N., ket St., San Francisco, Cal.
England. Incorporated July 24, 1902..
Board of Directors: W. C. Sisley, Directors: W. R. Simmons (Pres.,
W. T. Bartlett, A. B. Olsen, S. Mt. Tabor, Oregon), T. J. Ev-
Joyce, S. S. Barnard. ans, W. B. White, S. Yarnell, A.
Chairman, W. C. Sisley; Sec. and Q. Shryock, S. S. Merrill?, A.
Manager, S. S. Barnard. Boeker; Sec. and Treas., E. E.


British Columbia Medical Mission-
31 Aldrich St., Battle Creek, Mich. ary and Benev. Assn.
Established 1893. California Medical Missionary and
(Trustees and Board of ManagerS Benev. Assn.
same as for the Haskell Me- Portland Medical Missionary and
morial Home.) Benev. Asn.
Matron: Mrs. A. E. Baker-Smith. Upper Columbia Medical Mission-
ary and Benev. Assn.
Western Washington Medical Mis-
sionary and Benev. Assn.
Hinsdale, Ill.
Matron: Mrs. Nina Crane.
Assistant Matron: Fannie Emmel. LENT ASSOCIATION.
Attending Physician: Mrs: David Board of Directors: Pres., W. R.
Paulson, M. D. Simmons, West Ave., Mt. Tabor,
Oregon; Sec., It. Rose, West
Ave., Mt. Tabor, Oregon; J. J.
SOCIETY. Oregon; G. E. Tyszkiewicz,
Ridgefield, Wash.; A. Smith,
Officers: Norwegian Conference West Ave., Mt. Tabor, Oregon.


Pres., J. J. Knapp, 405 East Burn- Ltd.
side St., Portland, Oregon; Sec.,
R. Rose. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Board of Managers: J. J. Knapp,
Constituency: 0. A. Olsen, D. H.
R. Rose, W. R. Simmons.
Kress, G. B. Starr, G. S. Fisher,
J. E. Fulton, C. W. Irwin, M. D.
SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD Rogers, A. W. Anderson, J. M.
COMPANY. Johanson, J. Hindson, G. Teas-
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. dale, M. Hare, Edith M. Graham,
E. C. Chapman.
Board: C. W. Irwin, M. Hare, M. Board of Directors: 0. A. Olsen
D. Rogers, J. Hindson, L. A. (Pres.), D. H. Kress, C. W.
Hoopes. Irwin, G. B. Starr, M. Hare, J.
E. Fulton, Edith M. Graham
Sanatorium, Skodsborg, Denmark.
Managing Board: J. C. Ottosen, TENNESSEE SANITARIUM AND
P. A. Hansen, L. P. Hansen, H.
L. Henriksen, J. C. Raft, John BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION.
P. Hansen. Nashville Sanitarium.
Officers: Pres., J. C. Ottosen, M.
D.; Vice-Pres., N. P. Nelson, M. 14o Seventh Ave., North, Nashville,
D.; Treas., L. P. Hansen. Tenn.
Board: Geo. I. Butler, L. A. Han-
SANITARIUM FOOD COMPANY. sen, 0. M. Hayward, B. W.
Sanitarium, Cal. Spire, J. E. , Caldwdll, J. D.
Caldwell, I. A. Ford.
Incorporated August 1, 1902. Officers: Pres., Geo. I. Butler;
Directors: L. ,M. Bowen (Pres.), Vice-Pres. and Business Man-
W. T. Knox, H. H. Haynes, E. ager, L. A. Hansen; Medical
G. Fulton, Leon Whitney, A. S. Supt., 0. M. Hayward; Sec. and
Kellogg. Treas., J. D. Caldwell.
(Arranged Alphabetically.)

Bridgetown, Barbados, West In- Los Angeles, Cal., 257 South Hill
dies, Edgeton, Country Road; St.; J. R. Leadsworth, M. D.,
C. W. Enoch, manager. Superintendent.
Canton, Ohio, 929 West Fifth St., Milwaukee, Wis., 137 Oneida St.;
B. J. Ferciot, M. D., in charge. Mrs. J. H. Bramhall, Manager.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 201 Granby Parkersburg, W. Va., 318 Juliana
Block, R. L. Mantz, M. D., Supt. St..; C. J. Foote, Proprietor.
Chicago, Ill., 212 Oak St., Mr. Nel- Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
son in charge. Africa, 211 Pietermaritzburg St.;
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1105 East McMil- Natal Health Institute; R. I.
lan St., W. P. Schuster, Man- Armer, Manager.
ager; L. G. Wagner, Instructor. Pomona, Cal.; A. E. Axtell in
Cleburne, Tex., Dr. D. C. Ross in charge.
charge. Portland, Me., Portland Hydro-
Clyde, Ohio; A. F. Shultz and W. therapy Treatment Rooms, 652
C. Babcock, managers. Congress St.; J. E. Cross, Supt.
Columbus, Ohio, 112 East Broad Riverside, Cal.; under control of
St., U. E. Whiteis, manager and Loma Linda Sanitarium.
owner. Rochester, N. Y., 156 Monroe St.;
Corinth, Miss., E. P. Auger, Supt. J. E. Harrington, Manager.,
Defiance, Ohio, 501 East Hopkins Salt Lake City, Utah, 1223/4 South
St., John Gaede, Manager. Main , St.; Dr. W. L. Gardner
Denver, Colo., Institute of Phys- and Mrs. Eva Gardner in charge.
iological Therapeutics, Rooms San Diego, Cal. (private owner-
230-232, Temple Court Bldg.; ship), 1117 Fourth St.; T. S.
H. C. Menkel, Supt. Whitelock, M. D., Supt. .
Detroit, Mich., The Lenox, 58 San Francisco, Cal., 1436 Market
Madison Ave.; Jean Vernier, M. St.
D., Proprietor. San Francisco, Cal., San Francisco
Eureka, Cal., Cor. Second and I Hydriatic Dispensary, 916 Lagu-
Sts.; Supt., C. F. Dail, M. D. na St.
Findlay, Ohio, 123 Sandusky St.; Santa Barbara, Cal. (private own-
Ralph Mackin in charge. ership), 1308 State St.; R. 0.
Fort Wayne, Ind., 690 West Main Ross, M. D., in charge.
St.; Mrs. Lizzie V. Mann, Man- Singapore, Malay Archipelego,
ager. Pacific Ocean; 18-a Wilkie Road;
Hancock, Mich.; Mrs. Edith Bruce, E. C. Davey, Superintendent.
Superintendent. Spokane, Wash., 409 Granite Block;
Hartford City, Ind., 302 West Main Silas Yarnell, M. D., in charge.
St.; Thos. J. Leach, M. D., M. St. Louis, Mo., 217 North Sixth
Goodison-Leach, M. D., in charge. St.; Dr. J. E. Heald, Proprietor;
W. L. Montgomery in charge.
Jerusalem, Palestine, G. Freund in
Streator, Ill., 113 North Vermilion
charge; address, Deutsche Post,
St.; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Shannon
Jerusalem. in charge.
Knoxville, Tenn., 510 Walnut St.,
Toledo, Ohio, 907 Jefferson Ave.;
Sanitarium Treatment Parlors; L. M. MacAbee, Proprietor.
R. A. Lovell, Manager. Topeka, Kans., 633 Kansas Ave.;
LaFayette, Ind., 414 Ferry St.; H. E. Kirk in charge.
J. W. Tetz, Manager. West Superior, Wis., 1714 Winter
Lima, Ohio, Norval Block; E. E. St.; Dr. L. E. Elliott, Superin-
Mackin, Owner and Manager. tendent and Owner.

Spokane, Wash., 170 South How-

and St.
'Boston, Mass., 555 Boylston St. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia, 45
Chicago, Ill., 5759 Drexel Ave. - Hunter St.; Manager, G. S.
Colorado Springs, 19 East Bijou St. Fisher..
Denver, Colo., 1519 Stout St. Washington, D. C., 1209 G St., N.
Des Moines, Iowa, 607 Locust St. W.
Kansas City, Mo., 403 East STORES.
Eleventh St. Boston, Mass., Room 316, 100
Lincoln, Nebr., 145 South Thir- Boylston St.
teenth St. College View, Nebr., Nebraska
Los Angeles, Cal., 257 South Hill Sanitarium Food Co.
St.; 0. F. Conway, Manager. Des Moines, Iowa, 603 East
Madison, Wis., 426 State St. Twelfth St.
Nashville, Tenn., Church and Vine Detroit, Mich., 118 Miami Ave.
Sts. Fresno, Cal., 1913 Fresno St.
New York, N. Y., 36 West Eight- Melrose, Mass., 23 Wyoming Ave.
eenth St. Oakland Cal., 46 San Pablo Ave.
New York, N. Y., 11 West Eight- Omaha, Nebr., 2129 Farnum St.
eenth St. Rochester, N. Y., 156 Monroe Ave.
Peoria, Ill., 203 Third Ave. Sacramento, Cal., 924 J St.
Portland, Oregon, 105 Sixth St. San Francisco, Cal., 1482 Market
Salt Lake City, Utah, 13 South St.
Main St. San Jose, Cal., 72-74 East Santa
San Francisco, Cal., 755 Market St. Clara St.
St. Louis, Mo., 814 Pine St. Santa Cruz, Cal., 380 Pacific Ave.
Seattle, Wash., 214 Union St. Springfield, Mass., 16 Pinchon

Abbott, Geo. K., Loma Linda, Cal. Dunlap, I. A., College Place,
Allen, T. J., 426 South C St., Ta- Wash.
coma, Wash. Eastman, M. E., 1308 State St.,
Ball, Clarence F., Rutland, Vt. Santa Barbara, Cal.
Banta, Margaret, Sanitarium, Edwards, S. P. S., 1213 Fifteenth
Battle Creek, Mich. St., Moline, Ill.
Barnhart, S. E., Battle Creek, Edwards, Mrs. Maria L., 1213 Fif-
Mich. teenth St., Moline, Ill.
Bell, J. J., 343 Antrim Road, Bel- Eggleston, Elmer L., Sanitarium,
fast, Ireland. Battle Creek, Mich.
Bond, E. C., 515 North Central Elliott,' L. E., 1714 Winter St.,
Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. West Superior, Wis.
Boyer, Lillian B., Springdale, Elwell, Loiza, Battle Creek, Mich.
Ark. Erkenbeck, Maude, Ameca, Jalisco,
Bradford, Joel C., Acushnet, Mass. Mexico.
Braucht, F. E., Wisconisco, Pa. Erkenbeck, J. W., Ameca, Jalisco,
Brighouse, Henrietta E., Sanitari- Mexico.
um, Napa Co., Cal. Erkenbeck, W. J., 13 San Juan de
Britton, Mary E., 328 North Letran, Mexico City, Mexico.
Limestone St., Lexington, Ky. Evans, Newton G., Murray, Ky.
Brown, Effie, Greeley, Oregon. Evans, T. J., Colorado Springs,
Buchanan, R. A., 1436 Market St., Colo.
San Francisco, Cal. Evans, Margaret, Sanitarium, Cal.
Bull, Miss Maud L., Marion, Ohio. Farnsworth, C. P., R. F. D. No. 4,
Bush, Camillus, Sanitarium, Napa Madison, Wis.
Co., Cal. Farnsworth, Anna B., R. F. D. No.
Bush, Chas. R., 1002 Main St., 4, Madison, Wis.
Anderson, Lid. Farnsworth, H. B., 120 South First
Byington, J. F., Sanitarium, Bat- St., West, Missoula, Mont.
tle Creek, Mich. Fattebert, W. C., 2a Calle de Juan
Caldwell, J. E., Nashville, Tenn. de Dios, No. 8, Celaya, GuanaL
Carey, A., Hildebran, N. C. juato, Mexico.
Case, J. T., Battle Creek, Mich. Ferciot, B. J., 929 West Fifth St.,
Colloran, J. Edgar, 1160 Scranton Canton, Ohio.
Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Froom, J. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Colloran, Mrs. Maude A., 1160 tion, Washington, D. C.
Scranton Ave., Cleveland,Ohio. Fullmer, B. E., R. F. D. No. 8,
Oblver, B. N., Battle Creek, Mich. Wichita, Kans:
Cooper, J. E., Fort Collins, Colo. Gardner, W. L., Box 612, Salt
Copeland, W. Claude, Sanitarium, Lake City, Utah.
Battle Creek, Mich. Gardner, Mrs. Eva, Box 612, Salt
Cummings, R. S., San Jose, Cal. Lake City, Utah.
Dail, C. F., cor. Second and I Sts., Garvin, D. E., Empire, Colo.
Eureka, Cal. Gaston, Paul K., Sanitarium,
De Forest, P. A., Gland, Ct. Valid, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Switzerland. Geisel, Carolyn, Sanitarium, Bat-
' Droll, Geo. A., 1424 Charlotte St., tle Creek, Mich.
Kansas City, Mo. George, Arthur W., English Post-
Dryden, Mary V., Sanitarium, office, Constantinople, Turkey,
Battle Creek, Mich. Europe.

George, Zada Helen, College View, Hubley, Chas. C., New Windsor,
Nebr. Ill.
George, W. A., College View, Humphrey, Amy R., College View,
Nebr. Nebr.
George, Lyra Hunt, College View, Hunter, Mary P., Sanitarium,
Nebr, Battle Creek, Mich.
Gibbs, John, Pasadena, Cal. Ingersoll, Robert S., 50 Park St.,
Gibson, G. H., Papanui, Christ- Calcutta, India.
church, New Zealand. Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P., 50 Park
Gibson, Mrs. S. Etta, Dayton, St., Calcutta, India.
Isbell, Lottie C., Box 414, Hunts-
Green, W. C., 1623 Broadway,
ville, Ala.
Little Rock, Ark.
Gregory, A. L., Taquary, Rio James, W. H., care Sanitarium,
Grande do Sul, Brazil, South Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
America. John, A. Allen, 5 San Juan de
Habenicht, R. H., Casilla 481, Letran, Mexico City, Mexico.
Buenos Ayres, Argentine Repub- Johnson, Sophie, 2719 G St., San
lic, South America. Diego, Cal.
Habenicht, Henry, 603 East Johnson, Gertrude M., Battle
Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Creek, Mich.
Hansen, Karen, Skodsborg, Den- Jump, Howard M., Dowling, Ohio.
mark. Kay, M. M., 257 South Hill St., Los
Harding, G. T., 1 and 2 Iowa Circle, Angeles, Cal.
N. W., Washington, D. C. Keem, Law, British Post-office,
Hare, G. A., 1345 Vermont Ave, N. Canton, China.
W., Washington, D. C. Keichline, J. M., Pont de Kaub-
Harris, Rowland H., Sanitarium, beh, Cairo, Egypt.
Battle Creek, Mich. Kellogg, J. H., Sanitarium, Bat-
Harris, Elizabeth M., Sanitarium, tle Creek, Mich.
Battle Creek, Mich. Kellogg, M. G., Healdsburg, Cal.
Haskell, Pliny F., Sanitarium, Kellogg, P. S., R. F. D. No. 8,
Melrose, Mass. Wichita, Kans.
Hawkins, E. P., Montrose, Minn. Kinne, B. B., 1929 Girard Ave.,
Hetherington, A. J., Coxen Hole, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ruatan, Bay Islands, Republic Kitchell, Wm. B., St. Clair. Mo.
Honduras, Central America. Knapp, H. B., 1929 Girard Ave.,
Hayward, Otis M., 140 North Sev- Philadelphia, Pa.
enth Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Knapp, Mrs. Nettie Evans, 1929
Heald, G. H.., Takoma Park Sta- Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
tion, Washington, D. C. Knox, Chas. R., Sanitariuni, Boul-
Heald, John E., 203 Third St., der, Colo.
Peoria, Ill. Kress, D. H., Sanitarium, Wah-
Helman, Evelyn, Cotati, Cal. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Henriquez, H., Bocas del Toro, Kress, Mrs. Lauretta, Sanitarium,
Panama. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Herr, Mrs. Ida .S., Boulder, Colo. Larsen, W. P., Sanatorium, Skods-
Hilborn, R. R, Jefferson, Ohio. borg, Denmark.
Hinds, M. Clair, Phoenix, Ariz. Larson, A. G., Berrien Springs,
Holden, W. B., Dekum Mich.
Portland, Oregon. Leach. Thos. J., 302 West Main
T-Tolt, Chas. A., British Post-office, St., Hartford City, Ind.
Canton. China. Leach, Mrs. M. Goodison, 302 West
Hoenes, A. J., Friedensau, Post Main St., Hartford City, Ind.
Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger- Leadsworth, J. R., 257 South Hill
many. St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Leake, Ruth Bryant, Ballston Spa, Myers, Mrs. Leona, Sanitarium,

Saratoga Co., N. Y. Guadalajara, Mexico.
Lindsay, Kate, Sanitarium, Boul- Neall, J. H., 1528 Ninth St., N. W.,
der, Colo. Washington, D. C.
Lindsay, W. T., R. F. D. No. 4, Nelson, C. P., Westbrook, Minn.
Madison, Wis. Nelson, N. P., Sanatorium, Skods-
Lockwood, S. A., 42 Yamamoto- borg, Denmark.
dori, Nichome, K5be, Japan. Nelson, Albert W., Sanitarium,
Lockwood, Mrs. Myrtle S., 42 Battle Creek, Mich.
Yamamoto- dori, Nichome, Kobe, Nicola, C. C., Sanitarium, Mel-
Japan. rose, Mass.
Loper, A. N., Box 353, Fresno, Cal. Nicola, Mrs. Mary B., Sanitarium,
MacLafferty, B. N., Mt. Tabor, Melrose, Mass.
Oregon. Olsen, A. B., Surrey Hills Hydro-
MacLafferty, Mayme J., Mt. Tabor, pathic Institute, Caterham, Sur-
Oregon. rey, England.
MaeLafferty, N. C., New Windsor, Olsen, Mrs. Mary, Surrey Hills
Hydropathic Institute, Cater-
Magan, Mrs. Lillian, Madison, ham, Surrey, England.
Tenn. Ossig, Herbert, Battle Creek, Mich.
McDougall, D. D., Connersville, Ind. Otis, Elmer F., Sanitarium, Had-
McCormick, W. J., Edinburgh, ley, N. Y.
Scotland. Otis, Mrs. Clara B., Hadley, N. Y.
McCormick, Mrs. F. E., Edinburgh, Otis, Frank J., 28 Thirty-third
Scotland. Place, Chicago, Ill.
Mantz, R. L., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Otis, Mabel Howe, 28 Thirty-third
Mantz, M. Alace, Sanitarium, Place, Chicago, Ill.
603 East Twelfth St., Des Otis, L. J., 475 Wealthy Ave.,
Moines, Iowa. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Martinson, M. M., Graysville, Ottosen, J. C., Sanatorium, Skods-
Tenn. borg, Denmark.
Martinson, Mrs. Stella C., Grays- Pampaian, Vahon, Grindelberg 15a,
ville, Tenn. Hamburg, Germany.
Martinson, Elsie M., Graysville, Parmele, Lydia Kynett, College
Tenn. View, Nebr.
Marsh, Lucinda A., Melrose, Mass. Paulson, David, Hinsdale, Ill.
Marsh, Phillip E., Otter Lake, Paulson, Mary W., Hinsdale, Ill.
Mich. Perrine, Emma A., 30 Oiwake ebo,
Merritt, Elsie B., Benton Harbor, Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Mich. Place, 0. G., Place Sanitarium,
Martin, Walter F., Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Battle Creek, Mich. Prince, Calvin 0., South Lancaster,
Miller, Ruth Merritt, 39-1 Free Mass.
School St., Calcutta, India. Rand, H. F., Sanitarium, Boulder,
Miller, Harry W., Shang Tsai Colo.
Hsien, via Hankow, Honan, Read, A. J., care Sanitarium, Bat-
China. tle Creek, Mich.
Miller, Rudolph R., Emergency Reed, D. W., Union Bank Bldg.,
Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. Greeley, Colo.
Mortensen, M. A., Sanatorium, Reed, Mrs. Eva, Union Bank
Skodsborg, Denmark. Bldg., Greeley, Colo.
Morse, John F., Sanitarium, Battle Richards, Frank C., 82 Regents
Creek, Mich. Road, Leicester, England.
Myers, George R., Sanitarium, Richards, Mrs. Eulalia S., 82 Re-
Guadalajara, Mexico. gents Road, Leicester, England.

Richards, Cora M., Sanitarium, Stewart, Chas. E., Sanitarium,

Battle Creek, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich.
Richards, Clara, Bethel, Wis. Strickler, S. L., Boggstown, Ind.
Richards, Mrs. E. A., Pittwood, Ill. Sisco, Mrs. P. S. Bourdeau, 1 and
Risley, E. H., Battle Creek, Mich. 2 Iowa Circle, N. W., Washing-
Riley, W. H., Sanitarium, Battle ton, D. C.
Creek, Mich. Talmage, J. B., Columbiana, Ohio.
Romans, C. D., Cambridge, Ohio. Thomason, Geo., Plumstead, Cape,
Ross, D. C., Keene, Texas. South Africa.
Ross, R. 0., 1308 State St., Santa
Thompson, E. H., Burbank, Cal.
Barbara, Cal.
Rossiter, F. M., North Yakima, Thornton, Chas. R., Corvallis,
Wash: Mont.
Roth, Paul, Battle Creek, Mich. Thornton, William T., 3558 Hal-
Roth, Mrs. Linda M., Battle Creek, sted St., Chicago, Ill.
Mich. Thorp, T. F., Sanitarium, Napa
Sander so n, Mary, Springfield, Co., Cal.
Mass. Tucker, A.Irs. A. A. Zipf, Lawton,
Satterlee, A. R., 922 Niagara St., Okla. T.
Buffalo, N. Y. Upson, Wilbur 0., Fort Collins,
Schleef, H. C., Cottage Grove, Colo.
Oregon. Vernier, Jean A., 58 Madison Ave.,
Scheel, Katharine, Cottage Grove, Detroit, 1V ch.
Oregon. Walters, R. W., Chagrin Falls,
Sell, E. H. M., Summit, N. J. Ohio.
Selmon, A. C., Siang Cheng Hsien, Walters, Frank, City Hospital,
via Hankow, Honan, China. Cleveland, Ohio.
Selmon, Mrs. Bertha L., Siang Walters, Wm., Shawmut, Me.
Cheng Hsien, via Hankow, Ho- Walters, Mrs. Ethel H., Shawmut,
nan, China. Me.
Shively, J. Dow, Sheldahl, Iowa. Washburn, F. A., 805 Mapleton
Shively, Mrs. Eva, Sheldahl, Iowa. Ave., Boulder, Colo.
Shryock, A. Q., 1313 Third St., Westphal, H. G.,
Seattle, Wash. White, Julia A., Loma Linda, Cal.
Simmons, W. R., Mt. Tabor, Ore- White, W. H., Knowlton, Quebec.
gon. Whiteloek, T. S., 1117 Fourth St.,
Simpson, Abbie Winegar, Glendale, San Diego,
Cal. Wolfsen, Ludwig H., Merced, Cal.
Smith, W. H., Battle Creek, Mich. Woolgar, C. H., LaRue, Ohio.
Staines, Carrie S., Sanitarium, Worster, W. W., Connersville, Ind.
Battle Creek, Mich. Yarnell, Silas, 409 Granite Block,
Starr, Mrs. Lillis W., Marietta, Spokane, Wash.
Ga. Zelinsky, F., Glendale, Cal.

Only the names of ordained and Anderson, U. S., 'R. F. D. No. 1.

licensed ministers appear in Hartford City, Ind.
this list. To determine the na- Anderson, W. H., S. D. A. Mission,
ture of any person's appoint- Kolomo, Northwest Rhodesia,
ment, reference should be made South Africa.
to the directory of the Confer- Anderson, J. E., 520 Everett St.,
ence operating in the field Kansas City, Kans. --
where the worker is located. Anderskm, Birger, Kungsgatan
This applies to the workers 34, Stockholm, Sweden.
named above, as well as all Andreason, M. L., 5122 Fifth Ave.,
other classes. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Abd-Elsh aheed, Awada, Luxor, Andrews, W. R., Fredericton,
Upper Egypt. New Brunswick.
AcMoody, C. D., 907 Vaughn Ave., Andrew's, R. F., College View;
Ashland, Wis. Nebr.
Adams, J. W., Station M, Los Andross, E. E., 173 Harrow Road,
Angeles, Cal. Leicester, England.
Adams, P. P., Hammond, British Anglebarger, G. W., 531 Santa Ft',
Columbia. Ave., Denver, Colo.
Adams, E. H., 257 South Hill St., Armitage, F. B., S. D. A. Mission,
Los Angeles, Cal. Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Adams, W. M., 438 Selkirk Ave., Armstrong, W. H., 110 Dock St.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Wilmington, N. C.
Adomeit, N., Grindelberg 15a, Armstrong, Harry, " Lucretia
Hamburg, Germany. Dale," Colpetty, Colombo, Cey-
Abren, E. J., Kungsgatan 34, lon.
Stockholm, Sweden. Ashton, Ned, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Airey, R. W., Gaston. Oregon. Aufderhar, II. A., Hygiene, Colo.
Allee, N. MT., Hazel, Ky. Augsbourger, C., rue de la Syn-
Allen, J., 127 Liverpool St., Ho- agogue 29, Geneva, Switzerland.
bart, Tasmania, Australia. Babcock, D. C., Freetown, Sierra
Altman; M. A., 70-74 Legge St., Leone, West Africa..
Birmingham, England. Babcock, H. MT., Cottage Grove,
Alway, W. A., Five Points, Og- Oregon.
den, Utah. Babcock, M. S., 1123 Patterson
Alway, G. M., Rocky Ford, Colo. Aye., Roanoke, Va.
Anderson, August, College View, Babcock, Charles M., Detroit City,
Nebr. Minn.
Anderson, B. L., Kulangsu, Amoy, B.aber, G. H., Box 414, Huntsville,
China. Ala.
Anderson, H. P., Three Lakes, Wis. Badaut, J. P., 40 Avenue de Ro-
Anderson, Fred, Unionsgatan 4, mans, Valence, France.
Helsingfors, Finland. Badaut, Paul, rue des Jordils 26,
Anderson, J. N., care British Post- Yverdon , Switzerland.
office, Canton, China. Baer, Roscoe T., Hem ingford,
Anderson, John F., 827 Magnolia ' Nebr.
St., St. Paul, Minn. Bagby, J. W., R. F. D. No. 2, Han-
Anderson, A. C., Harmattan, Al- ford, Cal.
berta, Canada. Bagby, J. R., Pilgrim, Okla. T.

Baharian, Z. G., Aintab, Asia Benham, R. D., Mount Tabor,

Minor. Oregon.
Bahr, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Benson, H. F., R. F. D. No. 1,
burg, Germany. Fairland, Ind.
Baierle, C., 2127 North Eighteenth Bergersen, N. C., Story City,
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Iowa.
Baker, Isaac, Seger, Okla. T. Bernstein, 0. 0., Maple Plain,
Baker, W. L. H., Oxford Cham- Minn.
bers, Bourke St., Melbourne, Berry, G. W., Springville, Tenn.
Victoria, Australia. Berthelsen, P. E., College View,
Baker, W. A., Bristol, S. Dak. Nebr.
Ball, D. A., 217 Saxton St., Lock- Bicknell, P. F., 227 Farson St.,
port, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa.
Baldwin, N. B., Canton, S. Dak. Bidwell, W. E., Academia, Ohio.
Ballenger, J. F., Fourth and Cer- Bird, W. L., Graysville, Tenn.
ritos Sts., Long Beach, Cal. Black, W. L., 285 Salmon St.,
Ballenger, E. S., 257 South Hill. Portland, Oregon.
St., Los Angeles, Blake, W. J., Box 414, Huntsville,
Balsbaugh, 584 Dunlap St., Ala.
Memphis, Tenn. Bliss, Geo. W., Willet, Cortland
Barlow, W. A., Simultala, E. I. Co., N. Y.
Ry., India. Block, Gottfried, Casilla 481, Bue-
Barry, A., 1025 Jefferson St., nos Ayres, Argentine Republic,
Nashville, Tenn. South America.
Bartlett, J., Lapwai, Idaho. Block, Henry, Box 55, Leduc, Al-
Bartlett, W. T. 451 Holloway berta, Canada.
Road, London, N., England. Blosser, J. B., Berrien Springs,
Basney, H. C., Ceres, Cal. Mich.
Bates, C. H., Bayfield, Colo. Boettcher, J. T., Grindelberg 15a,
Batterson, Wm., Broken Bow, Hamburg, Germany.
Nebr. Bollman, C. P., Edgefield, Tenn.
Baumann, H. Grindelberg 15a, Bond, J. E., 515 North Central
Hamburg, Ger many. Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
Baxter, W. E., Cement, Okla. T. Bond, Mrs. J. E., 515 North Cen-
Beach, J. W., Hildebran, N. C. tral. Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
Beams, J. W., Wayne, Nebr. Bond, Frank, Hanford, Cal.
Beckner, J. B., 32 Text Lane, Bonde, Hans, Norman, 01:1a. T.
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Bourdeau, A. J. S., Mountain
Beebe, E. I., Holly, Mich. View, Cal.
Beeson, C. A., College View, Nebr. Bourdeau, A. C., 166 Kalamazoo
Behr, I-I., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- St., Battle Creek, Mich.
burg, Germany. Bowen, T. E., 317 West Bloom-.
Behrens, J. H., Sanitarium, Napa field St., Rome, N. Y.
Co., Cal. Boynton, J. W., Ponoka, Alberta,
Bell, A. R., 341 Canton St., Canada.
Trenton, N. J. Boynton, W. J., 1007 Thirty-
Bell, C. V., 80 Hunter St., Syd- second Ave., North, Seattle,
ney, N. S. W., Australia,. Wash.
Bellenger, James, Box 246, Me- Bradford, Robt. L., 836 Freeman
ridian, Miss. St., Kansas City, Kans.
Bellows, R. J., Gladstone, Mich. Wallin", Floyd, Stuart, Iowa.
Bender, U. 1623 Broadway, Little Braley, Wm., Enid, Okla. T.
Rock, Ark.' Branch, Thomas, Plainfield Es-
B(.71m'Izet, Leopold, via del Boschet- tate. Cholo, near Blantyre, Brit-
to 110, 40 piano, Rome, Italy. ish Central Africa,

Brandon, W. L., Alto, Tex. Butler, S. M., Cedar Lake, Mich.

Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Butler, 0. K., College Place, Wash.
Brice, J. F., 143 Constitution St., Butterfield, C. L., Tillamook, Ore-
Lexington, Ky. gon.
Bringle, A. S., Hutchinson, Kans. Butz, E. S., 93 Franklin St., Ade-
Brink, Fred, Cedar Lake, Mich.
laide, South Australia, Aus-
Bristol, E. A., 423 Petoskey St.,
Petoskey, Mich. tralia.
Bristol, A. J., Blair Road, Ta- Cady, B. J., Papeete, Tahiti, So-
koma Park Sta., Washington, ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean.
D. C. Cady, M. E., College Place, Wash.
Brittain, N. G., 246 William St., Caldwell, J. E., 140 Vine St., Nash-
Perth, West Australia, Aus- ville, Tenn.
tralia. Campbell, M. N., James St., Grand
Brorsen, A., 828 Thirty-fourth St., Rapids, Mich.
Oakland, Cal. Carr, H. W., Route 1, Randolph, -
Brotherson, P. E., Jacksonville, N. Y.
Iowa. Carey, A., Hildebran, N. C.
Broussard, S., 2234 Magazine St., Carey, E. W., R. F. D. No. 1, Box
New Orleans, La. 9, Spartanburg, S. C.
Brown, M. H., Santa Cruz, Cal. Carscallen, A. A., 451 Holloway
Brown, G. M., 1420 Avenue 20, Road, Londmi, N., England.
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Casebeer, Geo. W., Guayaquil,
Brown, B. W., Clay Center, Kans. Ecuador, South America.
Brown, L. W., 31 Dundonald St., Catlin, E. W., North Yakima,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Wash.
Indies. Caviness, G. W., 1599 Avenue 22,
Bryant, R. J., 603 East Twelfth Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Chaffee, C. H., R. F. D. No. 1,
Buckner, T. B., Charity Mission, Ethel, Mo.
Montgomery, Ala. Chaney, J. A., Kolo Mission, Wep-
Budd, Geo. L., Senjen, Minn. ener, Orange River Colony,
Buhalts, C. J., Room 221, Unity South Africa.
Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Chapman, E. M., Alexandria,
Bunch, F. S., 285 Salmon St., Port- Minn.
land, Oregon. Christian, L. H., Room 670, 324
Bunoa, Pauliasi, Suva Von, Fiji, Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Pacific Ocean. Christian, A. E., R. F. D. No. 3,
Burden, W. J., Montavilla, Ore- Kenmare, N. Dak.
gon. Christian, J. W., Viborg, S. Dale.
Burden, W. D., 846 Sendagaya- Christiansen, A. G., Spring City,
mura,, Tokyo, Japan. Utah.
Burden, J. A., Lonia Linda, Cal. Christensen, P., Margrethevej 5,
Burdick, J. M., Seaton, Ill. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Burg, F. M., New Westminster, Christenson, J. C., 545 Alexander
British ColUmbia. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Burkholder, H. H., Bellville, Ohio. Christoffers, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Burman, C. A., Aberdeen, S. Dak. Hamburg, Germany.
Burnham, M. S., Otsego, Mich. Clark, A. J., 41 Loveland St., Mid-
Burrill, A. 0., Galt, Ontario. dletown, Conn.
Burrow, W. R.: Raleigh, Tenn. Clark, C. M., Artesian, S. Dak.
Butcher, 0. F., 32 Sylvan St., Clark, J. J., Battle Ground, Wash.
Detroit, Mich. Clark, F. C., 821 West Fifth St.,
Butcher, D. D., Greenwood, Miss. Topeka, Kans.
Butler, Geo. I., 1025 Jefferson St., Clausen, N., Margrethevej 5,
Nashville, Tenn. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.

Clemens, J. C., 603 East Twelfth Dake, U. B., Cement, Okla. T.

St., Des Moines, Iowa. Dana, F. M., 190 North Winooski
Cobb, S. M., 37 Taranaki St., Wel- Ave., Burlington, Vt.
lington, New Zealand. Dangschat, C., Grindelberg 15a,
Colcord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Hamburg, Germany.
tion, Washington, D. C. Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park
Colcord, I. C., 1354 West St., Oak-
Station, Washington, D. C.
land, Cal.
Cole, C. J., Corvallis, Oregon. Dart, A. M., Oleander, Cal.
Cole, J. M., R. F. D. No. 6, Salem, Davis, 0. E., 309 Second Ave.,
Oregon. North, Seattle, Wash.
Collier, Edward, Mendon, Mich. Decker, H. W., West Ave.; Mt.
Coltrin, S. C., Hattiesburg, Miss. Tabor, Oregon.
Connerly, B. E., Mayaguez, Porto Defreeze, Thos., Corsicana, Tex.
Rico, West Indies. Detamore, F. A., 1115 Greenbrier
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Hamburg, Germany. De Vinney, F. H., Worcester, Os-
Constandt, R. H., 93 Franklin St.,
wego Co., N. Y.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
' tralia. Dexter, H. H., Grand rue 27, St.
Conway, F. H., Regina, Sas- Jean-du-Gard, Gard, France.
katchewan, Canada. Dieffenbacher, B. L., Onawa, Iowa.
Cook, E. L., Sheridan, Wyo. Diriwaechter, Rod., Ca si I la 481,
Corbaley, F. M., 415 High St., Buenos Ayres, Argentine Re-
Keokuk, Iowa. public, South America.
Corliss, J. 0., Mountain View, Dirksen, H. J., 930 Rodney Ave.,
Cal. Portland, Oregon.
Cotton, Arthur V., Elliott, Iowa. Doering, A. E., Bowdon, N. Dak.
Cottrell, H. W., 1059 Castro St., Domnick, G., Grindelberg 15a,
Oakland, Cal. Hamburg, Germany.
Cottrell, Roy F., care Academy, Donnell, R. S., Raleigh, Tenn.
South Lancaster, Mass. Dorcas, J. W., 603 East Twelfth
Courter, H. F., Decatur, Ga. St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Covert, Wm., Room 670, 324 Dear- Dowsett, R. T., 865 Fifth St., Mil-
born St., Chicago, Ill. waukee, Wis.
Craddock, T. 11.,93 Franklin St., Dryer, E. J., 1055 East ,Twenty-
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- sixth St., Erie, Pa.
tralia. Durrant, Adam, 32 Text Lane,
Crane, I. A., R. F. D. No. 8, Wich- Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
ita, Kans. Easley, W. A., 821 West Fifth St.,
Crawford, Geo., Cove Creek, N. C. Topeka, Kans.
Crisler, L. H., Orlando, Fla. Eastman, W. MT., Keene, Tex.
Crisler, L. T., Orlando, Fla. Ebel, George, Fargo, Okla. T.
Crouse, J. W., Parkersburg, Iowa. Edgar, J. L., 325 West Eighth St.,
Cruzan, W. S., Semmes, Ala. Flint, Mich.
Cubley, W. M., Keene, Tex. Edmed, H. J., Stranach St., Pieter-
Curdy, J., rue du Wez Mont- maritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
sur-Marchienne, near Charleroi, Edwards, C. H., 1039 East 169th
Belgium. St., New York, N. Y.
Curtis, Paul, Calgary, Alberta, Edwards, S. P. S., 1213 Fifteenth
Canada. St., Moline, Ill.
Curtis, W. D., R. F. D. No. 1, Edwardson, C., Room 670, 324
Fairland, Ind. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Curtis, E. A., Sheridan, Ill. Ehlers, W., Caixa Postal 768, Rio
Dail, Guy, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer-
burg, Germany. ica.

Hayward, P. C., 515 Central Ave., Field, T. W., Keene, Tex.

Phoenix, Ariz. Tillman, Ezra, R. F. D. No. 3,
Emerson, N. B., College View, \Vaurika, Okla. T.
Nebr. Finster, L. V., 246 William St.,
Emmerson, C. L., Maple Plain, Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Minn. tralia.
Enoch, Geo. F., Seafields Lodge, Fisk, B. E., Richburg, N. Y.
Westbury oad, Bridgetown, Fitzgerald, W. J., 1942 North
Barbados, West Indies. Seventeenth St., Philadelphia,
Enseleit, E., Grindelberg 15a, Pa.
Hamburg, Germany. Flaiz, C. W., R. F. D. No. 7, Fari-
Erikson, J. M., Kungsgatan 34, bault, Minn.
Stockholm, Sweden. Fletcher, Hubert, 32 Text Lane,
Ernst, Luis, Casilla 481, Buenos Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
Ayres, Argentine Republic, k oggin, W. R., 1200 Seventh St.,
South America. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Ernst, F. C., Vryheid, Natal, Ford, C. E., 914 Nora Alfe., Spo-
South Africa. kane, Wash.
Erzberger, J., Weiherweg 48, Ford, I. A., 1025 Jefferson St.,
Basle, Switzerland. Nashville, Tenn.
Etheredge, N. J., Buffalo Gap,Tex. Foster, J. C., Rockvale, Mont.
Evans, I. H., Takoma Park Sta- Franke, E. E., Swedesboro, N. J.
tion, Washington, D. C. Frauchiger, E., Grindelberg 15a,
Everson, C. T., via d'Azeglia 44, Hamburg, Germany.
Rome, Italy. Freeman, J. M., Heisterbach,
Fairchild, Francis M., Liberty Cen- Bethlehem, Orange River Col-
ter, Ohio. ony, South Africa.
Fairchild, Fred M., R. F. D. No. 1, French, H. B., Keene, Tex.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. French, L. L., Black Creek, 'Wis.
Farman, H. J., 813 Wise St., Fritz, M. J., Bristol, R. I.
Lynchburg, Va. Fullmer, B. E., R. F. D. No. 8,
Farnstrom, K. A. Kungsgatan 34, Wichita, Kans.
Stockholm, Sweden. Fulton, J. E., 80 Hunter St., Syd-
Farnsworth, E. W., South Lan- ney, N. S. W., Australia.
caster; Mass. Gaede, D. P., Grindelberg 15a,
Farnsworth, S. A., Knowlton, Hamburg, Germany.
Quebec. Gardner, E. E., Williamsdale,
Farnsworth, 0. 0., 190 North East, Nova Scotia.
Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt. Gardner, C. M., Modesto, Cal.
Farnsworth, C. P., R. F. D. No. 4, Garrett, R. G., Linwood, Ky.
Madison, Wis. - Garton, B. M., College View, Nebr.
Farnsworth, E. E., Trinidad, Colo. Gates, E. H., Cooranbong, N. S.
Faulkhead, N. D., 37 Taranaki W., Australia.
Wellington, New Zealand. George, W. A., College View, Nebr.
Felter, L. W.,Mena, Ark. Gibson, Floyd E., Academia, Ohio.
Fenner, H., rindelberg 1.5a, Ham- Gibson, L. A., Dayton, Wash.
burg, Germany. Giddings,,H. E., Gravelford, Ore-
Ferguson, A. F., Milo, Iowa. gon.
Fero, D. T., 403 Davis St., Santa Giddings, Phillip, Roseau, Domin-
Rosa, Cal. ica, West Indies.
Field, A. E., 606 West Ninth St., Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster,
Oklahoma City, Okla. T. Mass.
Field, F. W., 30 Oiwake cho, Gilbert, A. C., Herman, Minn.
Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Gilbert, A. D., College View, Nebr.

Gillatt, John, 70-74 Legge St., Hanna, J. G., 282 Maynard St.,
Birmingham, England. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Godfrey, T., Aberdeen, Wash. Hansen, P. A., Margrethevej 5,
Goodrich, H. C., Box 105, Belize, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
British Honduras, Central Hansen, L. A., 419 Dradrick St.,
America. Nashville, Tenn.
Goodrich, J. B., Blaine, Me. Hansen, Carl F., R. F. D. No. 1,
Gosmer, W. A., Bozeman, Mont. Lakeview, Mich.
Gowell, J. D., Hesperia, Mich. Hansen, H., Room 670,. 324 Dear-
Graf, H. F., Caixa Postal 768,
born St., Chicago, Ill.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Hansen, C. A., Calaba Causeway,
Bombay, India.
Graf, J. J., College View, Nebr.
Graham, J. E., 721 East Taylor Hanson, P. M., Bethel, Wis.
St., Portland, Oregon. Hanson, P. A., R. F. D. No. 2,
Granger, W. II., 1526 Walsh Ave., Woodburn, Oregon.
Columbus, Ohio. Hanson, D. H., Missoula, Mont.
Grauer, G. A., College View, Nehr. Harder, J. F., Windom, Kans.
Green, W. H., 11 Conklin St., Hare, Robert, Oxford Chambers,
Pittsburg, Pa. Bourke St., Melbourne, Vic-
Gregory, A. L. Taquary, Rio toria, Australia.
Grande do Sul, Brazil, South Hare, S. T., 257 South Hill St.,
America. Los Angeles, Cal.
Griffin, H. Clay, Washburn, Mo. Harris, F. J., Box 25, Mount Car-
Griggs, Frederick, South Lancas- roll, Ill.
ter, Mass. Harris, J. C., Bedford, Ind.
Groenewald, D. H., 56 Roeland Harris, C. C., R. F. D. No. 2,
St., Cape Town, South Africa. Saratoga, N. Y.
Guild, M. C., 821 Lynn St., Cadil- Harrison, A. F., Graysville, Tenn.
lac, Mich. Harter, R E., Woonsocket, S. Dak.
Guilford, H. S., West Branch, Hartwell, H. C., 30 Lawrence St.,
Mich. Fitchburg, Mass.
Guthrie, Wm.,, Williamsdale, East, Hartwell, S. D., James St., Grand
Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia. Rapids, Mich.
Habenicht, R. H., Casilla del Cor- Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster,
reo 481, Buenos Ayres, Argen- Mass.
tine Republic, South America. Haskell, Mrs. H. H., South Lan-
Haffner, G. F., Shattuck, Okla. T. caster, Mass.
Hagle, B., 227 Washington St., Haughey, A. G., Otsego, Mich.
Logansport, Ind. Haughey, Kenneth R., Lock Box
Hahn, F. H., Arcadia, Nebr. 333, Mansfield, Ohio.
Hale, D. U., Keene, Tex. Haughey, S. G., 70 Legge St., Bir-
Hall, 0. A., Portage la Prairie, mingham, England.
Manitoba. Haupt, Wm., Stranach St., Pieter-
Hall, Frank, 32 Text Lane, Kings- maritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
ton, Jamaica, West Indies. Hawkins, G. R., Crawford, Nebr.
Halladay, F. W., Edgefield, Tenn. Hawkins, Mrs. Emma, Crawford,
Halliday, Walter, 27 Holton Road, Nebr.
Barry Dock, Wales. Hayes, E. G., Canton, S. Dak.
Hampton, J. B., Taloga, Okla. T. Hayhurst, C. M., Woodward, Okla.
Hanhardt, J. G., 401 South East T.
Fourth St., Newton, Kans. Haysmer, A. J., Elkwood, Ala.
Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy, Hayton, C. H., Union College,
China. Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Hankins, I. J., 56 Roeland St., Hayward, 0. M., 140 Seventh Ave.,
Cape Town, South Africa. North, Nashville, Tenn.

Heacock, A. P., 1703 North Sec- Hoover, H. L., 1211 St. John St.,
ond St., St. Joseph, Mo. Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Healey, W. M., 2719 G St., San Hopkins, E. 13., Marietta, Tex.
Diego, Cal. Horton, R. C., Lawrence, Mich.
Hebard, H. A., College View, Nebr. Horton, S. B., 2234 Magazine St.,
Hebner, ZIT. C., 186 Champion St., New Orleans, La.
Battle Creek, Mich. Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va.
Heckman, W. H., 271 W. Main St., House, B. L., Trinway, Ohio.
Battle Creek, Mich. Howard, A. J., Escondido, Cal.
Ilennig, W. A., Victorian Tract Howe, B. L., 420 Dolores St., San
Society, Oxford Chambers, Francisco, Cal.
Bourke St., Melbourne, Vic- Huenergardt, J. F., Grindelberg
toria, Australia. 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
Herrell, H. W., Mercer St., -Fred- Huffman, B. E., College View,
ericksburg, Va. Nebr.
Herrmann, C. J., Antigo, Wis. Huffman, D. E., Centerville, Kans.
Hersum, S. J., Richmond, Me. Hoffman, M. G., 300 West Allen
Hetze, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- St., Springfield, Ill.
burg, Germany. Hughes, C. B., Keene, Tex.
Hibbard, E. J., 20 Pearl St., San Huntington, S. G., care Paradise
Francisco, Cal. Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Hickman, T. J., Coalgate, Ind. T. Huntley, E. H., Box 285, Fargo;
Hickman, Ray, Harper, Okla. T. N. Dak.
Hicks, F. H., 6 Jefferson St., Sal- Hyatt, W. S., Kenilworth, Cape,
amanca, N. Y. South Africa.
Hill, Matthew, West Green Bay, Hyatt, J. M., Freetown, Sierra
Wis. Leone, West Africa.
Hill, Dr. Wm., Rochester, Ind. Irving, James, Buchanan, Mich.
Hills, Dr. W. W., 1112 South Irwin, G. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Eleventh St.; Denver, Colo. tion, Washington, D. C.
Hills, W. F., Plateau City, Colo. Irwin, C. W., Avondale School,
Hilliard, E., 246 William St., Cooranbong, N. S. W., Austra-
Perth, West Australia, Aus- lia.
tralia. Irwin, John J., 559 South Chicago
Hilton, C. E., R. F. D. No. 3, St., Joliet, Ill.
Quarryville, Pa. Isaak, Daniel, Grindelberg 15a,
Hoare, H. J., 257 South Hill St., Hamburg, Germany.
Los Angeles, Cal. Isaak, John, Grindelberg 15a,
Hockarth, G. W., Weiherweg 48, Hamburg, Germany.
Basle, Switzerland. Israel, M. C., Oakdale, Cal.
Hoelzle, Emil, Caixa Postal 768, Iverson, Paul, Salina, Sevier Co.,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Utah.
Am erica. Jackson, S. E., R. F. D. No. 1,
Hoerner, F., Grindelberg 15a, Eagle Bend, Minn.
Hamburg, Germany. James, J. S., Eagle Lake, Minn.
Hoffman, G., Wolf Creek, Wis. James, MT. H., Sanitarium, Wah-
Hoffman, John, Thyrelund, Sunds- roonga, N. S. MT., Australia.
vall, Sweden. Jaques, Arthur, au - Corporal.
Hofstra, Jacob W., R. F. D. No. 1, Mais o n, Bouchon, Castres.
Holland, Mich. France.
Holbrook, J. A., Bozeman, Mont. Jayne, J. E., 14 North Thirtieth
Holden, Walter, Fitch Bay, Que- St., Camden, N. J.
bec. Jensen, C. C., 2 Cambridge Garden
Holden, W. H., Bozeman, Mont. North Kensington, London, Eng-
Hoopes, L. A., Avondale School, land.
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Jenson, A. W., Keene, Tex.

Jespersson, S., 78 Rue Michelet, Kern, M. E., College View, Nebr.

Alger, Algeria. Keslake, C. H., Box 217, St. Johns,
Jeys, Thos. H., Spero, N. C. Newfoundland.
Johansen, Emil, 2866 Maple St., Ketring, H. F., Thayer, Kans.
Omaha, Nebr.
Kilgore, C. L., Graysville, Tenn.
Johnson, Elof, 212 Oak St., Chi-
cago, Ill. Kilgore, R. M., Graysville, Tenn.
Johnson, Lewis, College View, Kime, S. H., Tony, Mont.
Nebr. King, N. B., 348 North St., Yazoo
Johnson, Fred, Anoka, Minn. City, Miss.
Johnson, A. E., 818 West Eleventh Kinne, P. Z., Kirkville, N. Y.
St., Junction City, Kans. Kirkendall, M. C., Academia, Ohio.
Johnson, Geo. G., 702 Michigan Kirkle, G. A., Hemingford, Nebr.
Ave., Menominee, Mich. Kite, C. R., College View, Nebr.
Johnson, H. R., Cambridge, Wis. Kittle, 0. M., 603 East Twelfth
Johnson, H. H., Bowling Green, St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Ky. Klingbeil, R. G., Grindelberg 15a,
Johnson, Wm. J., Sioux Rapids, Hamburg, Germany.
Iowa. Kloss, J., Crandon, Wis.
Johnson, L. E., Broken Bow, Nebr. Kneeland, B. F., Gen.. Delivery,
Johnson, 0., Kungsgatan ' 34, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Stockholm, Sweden. Kneeland, W. G., 293 Oronoque St.,
Johnson, 0. A., Akersgaden 74, Georgetown, British Guiana,
Christiania, Norway. South America.
Johnson, C., R. F. D. No. 1, Mc- Knight, W., 17 Manor Crescent,
Minnville, Oregon. Gourock, Scotland.
Johnston, J. 0., Eufola, N. C. Knight, I. G., Boca del Toro, Re-
Jones, A. T., 503 West Main St., public de .Panama.
Battle Creek, Mich. Knight, C. E., Mountain View,
Jones, Walter, Bowling Green, Ky. Cal.
Jones, J. F., 1909 Lansdowne St., Knott, C. F., Lind, Wash.
Baltimore, Md. Knox, W. T., Mountain View, Cal.
Jones, G. F., Rumah Besar, 15 Kraft, J. H., 1211 Chestnut St.,
Niven Road, Singapore, Malay Atlantic, Iowa.
Archipelago, Pacific Ocean. Kress, D. H., Sanitarium, Wah-
Jones, 0. E., College View, Nebr. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Jones, Methusalah, 32 Text Lane, Kretchmar, 0., Grindelberg 15a,
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Hamburg, Germany.
Jorg, Fred, 852 Vancouver Ave., Krieghoff, Carlos E., Casilla 7,
Portland, Oregon. Pim, Chile, South America.
Jorgensen, N. M., Hudson, S. Dak. Krum, J. H., Bradentown, Fla.
Jordan, S. A., Box 274, Brook- Kueller, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
haven, Miss. burg, Germany.
Jurick son, J., Grindelberg 15a, Kuehl, A. W., Box 989, Minne-
Hamburg, Germany. apolis, Minn.
Kauble, N. W., Berrien Springs, Kuniya, H., 30 Oiwake cho, Hongo
Mich. Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Kay, J. L., Fernando, Cal. Kunkel, C. J., 438 Selkirk Ave.,
Neck, Irving, Bowling Green, Fla. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Kellogg, A. S., Fresno, Cal. Kunze, August, College View,
Kellogg, E. C., College View, Nebr. Nebr.
Kellogg, M. G., Healdsburg, Cal. Lacey, H. C., 451 Holloway Road,
Kennedy, Wm., College View, London, N., England.
Nebr. Lair, J. W., Oakdale, Nebr.
Kennedy, R. R., Wheelersburg, Lake, D. D., Healdsburg, Cal.
Ohio. Lamson, J. G., Holly, Mich.

Lane,..S. IL, 317 West Bloomfield Lucas, y. H. Takoma Park Sta-

St., Rome, N. Y. tion, Washington, D. C.
Lane, 1?. G., Sandusky, Mich. Luepke, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Langdon, Geo. E., 1059 Castro St., burg, Germany.
Oakland, Cal. Lude, C. D., Casilla del Correo 481,
Larson, Geo., Box 205, Salem, Ore- Buenos Ayres, Argentine Re-
gon. public, South America.
Larson, M., Newkirk, Okla. T. Lukens, Morris, 1909 Lansdowne
Lauda, Emil R., Sandusky, Mich. St., Baltimore, Md.
Lawhead, J. W., Takoma Park Lyndon, F. E., 37 Taranaki St.,
Station, Washington, D. C. Wellington, New Zealand.
Lawrence, N. W., Academia, Ohio. Maas, J. V., Casilla del Correo
Leach, R. W., R. F. D. No. 1, 481, Buenos Ayres, Argentine
Wirt, Ind. Republic, South America.
Lecoultre, D., rue de la Syna- MacGtfire, Meade, 1112 South
gogue 29, Geneva, Switzerland. Eleventh St., Denver, Colo.
Leer, Chas., Lincoln, N. Dak. Machlan, B. F., R. F. D. No. 1,
Leer, Valentine, Milltown, S. Dak. Fairland, Ind.
Leland, Eugene, Lorne Park, On- Mackintosh, M., Alamosa, Colo.
tario. MacLay, W. D., 11 Shandon Place,
Leland, C. E., 507 Washington Edinburgh, Scotland.
St., Reno, Nev. Madsen, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Leland, J. A., Albuquerque, N. burg, Germany.
Mex. Magan, P. T., Madison, Tenn.
Lewis, C. C., College View, Nebr. Mangold, Santiago, Casilla 481,
Lewis, M. W., 3609 Broadway, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Re-
Menominee, Mich. public, South America.
Lewsadder, Wm., 535 Lincoln St., Marchus, Amos S., 70-74 Legge
Princeton, Ill. Street, Birmingham, England.
Lightner, Chas., 1112 South Marsh, B. W., Montrose, Colo.
Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. Martin, W. F., 426 South C St.,
Limerick, F. L., 821 West Fifth Tacoma, Wash.
St., Topeka, Kans. Martin, C. N., Chico Post-office,
Lindsey, D. E., Clyde, Ohio. 'Cal.
Lipke, John, Taquary, Rio Grande Martin, H. H., 217 West Seventh
do Sul, Brazil, South America. St., Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
Little, J. C., Karmatar, E. L Mathe, L.,' Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
India. burg, Germany.
Locken, J. B., Cameron, Wis. Mathews, James, Charlotte Ame-
Loebsack, H. J., Grindelberg 15a, lia, St: Thomas, West Indies.
Hamburg, Germany. Mathiesen, G., College View, Nebr.
Loebsack, H. K., Grindelberg 15a, Matthews, W. R., Wetzell, Mich.
Hamburg, Germany. Mattson, M. D., College View,
Loeppke, Edward, Bowdon, Wells Nebr.
Co., N. Dak.. Maxwell, E. L., Box 3, Capitol
Long, U. P., 2825 Fifth St., Hill, Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
Boulder, Colo. McAvoy, John, 1 Clara Crescent,
Longacre, C. S., 21 Fourth St., Bloomfield, Belfast, Ireland.
Washington, Pa. McCarthy, Juan, Casilla del Correo
Longard, Levi, Tantallon, Nova 481, Buenos Ayres, Argentine
Scotia. Republic, South America.
Lorenz, J. A., Goodwin, Okla. T. McClure, N. C., Healdsburg, Cal.
Loughborough, J. N., Mountain McCord, J. W., 451 Holloway
View, Cal. Road, London, N., England.
Lowry, W. S., Hazel, Ky. McCtitchen, W. A., 554 Browder
Lucas, H. G., Fernando, Cal. St., Dallas, Tex.

McDonald, Claude, Fame, Ind. T. Mortenson, S., 126 Oak St., Chi-
aliIcElhaney, J. L., 80 Hunter St., cago, Ill.
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Morton, A. J., Box 7, R. F. D. No.
McGill, Neil, cor. Main and Poi- 3, Fresno, Cal.
son Sts., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mosebar, Frank, Erin, Tenn.
McGowan, W. J., 80 Hunter St., Muderspach, L., Margrethevej 5,
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Copenhagen, V.!, Denmark.
Mueler, K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
McNeely, W. L., 1121 North Sev-
burg, Germany.
enteenth St., Birmingham, Ala. Munson, R. W., Cooranbong, N. S.
McReynolds, C., Bethel, Wis. W., Australia.
McVagh, C. F., Coudersport, Pa. Murphy, Thomas, 1512 North
Mead, Andrew, Brainerd, Minn. Ninth Ave, Columbus, Miss.
Meleen, C., 10 Highland Ave., Mussen, R., 1 Clara Crescent,
Jamestown, N. Y. Bloomfield, Belfast, Ireland.
Meredith, W. H., 27 Holton Road, Nash, R. T., Campobello, S. C.
Barry Dock, Wales. Neff, A. C., Quicksburg, Va.
Merrell, E. A., 2636 Bellefontaine Neff, E. L., San Antonia, Tex.
St., Kansas City, Mo. Neilsen, J. C., Bethel, Wis.
Meyer, H., R. F. D. No. 2, Warren- Neilsen, N. P., 203 High St., Osh-'
ton, Mo. kosh, -Wis.
Meyer, A. A., 2236 South Eleventh Neilson, Lars, Winifred, Ward
St., Omaha, Nebr. Co., N. Dak.
Meyers, H. B., 2 Alexandra St., Nelsen, N. P., Akersgaden 74,
Bangalore, South India. Christiania, Norway.
Mikkelsen, J. C., Bethel, Wis. Nelson, Charles, Salina, Sevier
Miles, E. E., South Lancaster, Co., Utah.
Mass. Nelson, Andrew, 217 W. Seventh
Miller, C. H., Wayne, Nebr. St., Oklahoma City, Okla. T.
Miller, C. W., Keene, Tex. Nellis, S. W., 186 Edward St.,
ler, C. N., San Luis Obispo, Cal. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Miller, A. L., Palmerston, Ontario. Nerlund, 0. J., Box 989, Minne-
Miller, W. W., 39-1 Free School apolis, Minn
St., Calcutta, India. Nethery, Jay J., Hemingford,
Miller, J. 0., Academia, Ohio. Nebr.
Miller, H. W., Shang Tsai Hsien, Nettleton, Daniel, Portland Sani-
via Hankow, Honan, China. tarium, Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
Miller, N. S., Academia, Ohio. Nickels, G., 451 Holloway Road,'
Millman, W. T., Gallatin, Mo. London, N., England.
-Minner, J. A., Blaine, Kans. Nicola, H., 123 Manchester St.,
Montgomery, 0., Rose City, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich.
Moon, Allen, Room 223, Unity Nicola, L. T., Union, Broome Co.,
Bldg., 147 East Market St., In- N. Y.
dianapolis, Ind. Nicola, B. E., R. F. D. No. 7, Bat-
Moon, Arthur, Cambridge, Idaho. tle Creek, Mich.
Moore, . G., 209 Pine St., North, Norderhus, 0. P., Akersgaden 74,
Lansing, Mich. Christiania, Norway.
Moore, J. M., Parkersburg, Iowa. Norwood, J. W., 520 Everett St.,
Morrow, J. A., Box 114, Hamilton, Kansas City, Kans.
Bermuda Islands. Nussbaum, T., 1 rue George,
Morrison, Isaac, 98 J St. Road, R. Montpellier, Herault, France.
F. D. No. 2, Sacramento, Cal. Oberg, F. R., Unionsgatan 4, Hel-
Morrison, J. H., College View, singf ors, Finland.
Nebr. Oberholtzer, D. H., Thayer, Kans.
Morse, G. W., 207 Manchester St.. Obliinder, J. G., Grindelberg 15a,
Battle Creek, Mich. Hamburg, Germany.

O'Donnell, T. C., 451 Holloway Patterson, R. G., 1662 Woodland

Road, London, N., England. Ave., Toledo, Ohio.
Ogden, A. R., R. F. D. No. 8, Wich- Peabody, F., 2234 Magazine St.,
ita, Kans. New Orleans, La.
Okohira, T. H., 30 Oiwake cho, Peckover, C. E., 821 West Fifth
Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan. St., Topeka, Kans.
Olds, C. W., 205 Bethesda St.,
Waukesha, Wis. Pedicord, C. A., 2617 Gilbert Ave.,
Oleson, A. V., Maple Plain, Minn. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Olmsted, F., Martinsville, Ind. Perk, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Olsen, 0. A., 32 Royal Chambers, burg, Germany.
Castlereagh St., Sydney, N. S. Perk, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
W., Australia. burg, Germany.
Olsen, M. M., Margrethevej 5, Perrin, W. E., 603 East Twelfth
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Olsen, M. E., 451 Holloway Road, Perry, F. L., Lima, Peru, South
London, N., England. America.
Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa. Peters, John, Rosthern, Saskatch-
Osborne, P. B., Skowhegan, Me. ewan, Canada.
Osborne, A. J., Reno, Nev. Petersen, F. F., Baraboo, Wis.
ostlund, David, Reikiavik, Iceland. Peterson, John, 285 Salmon St.,
Ostrander, Wm., 546 South Wea- Portland, Oregon.
dock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. Pettit, G. W., 285 Salmon St.,
Ouzounian, G. K., House of Ottia Portland, Oregon.
Wahby, Faggalah, Cairo, Egypt. Phelps, H. F., Washburn Park,
Owen, Rodney S., Mhoons' Valley, Minneapolis, Minn.
Miss. Pieper, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Owen, Roderick S., Fernando, Cal. burg, Germany.
Owen, G. K., " Lucretia Dale," Pilquist, E., Lo Shan Hsien, via
Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon. Hankow, Honan, China.
Paap, F. W., 80 Hunter St., Syd- Piper, A. H., Raratonga, Cook Is-
ney, N. S. W., Australia. lands, Pacific Ocean.
Paap, C. A., 37 Taranaki St., Wel- Pierce, H. MT., R. F. D. No. 2, Quit-
lington, New Zealand. man, Miss.
Page, F. A., 190 North Winooski Pitton, H. C., Muskegon, Mich.
Ave., Burlington, Vt. Place, A. E., South Lancaster,
Painter, T. H., 1200 Seventh St., Mass.
Parkersburg, W. Va. Plumb, E. M., 2234 Magazine St.,
Painter, F. E., Wilkinsburg, Pa. New Orleans, La.
Pallant, J., 127 Liverpool St., Pogue, J. F., 2627 Courtland St.,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Duluth, Minn.
Palmer, E. R., Mountain View, Porter, R. C., Hamilton, Mo.
Cal. Porter, L. B., Crawford, Nebr.
Parker, C. H., Mualevu, Loma- Potter, E. Russell, 438 Selkirk
loma, Lau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Parker, H. S., Hot Springs, Ark. Potter, Wm., Bartow, Fla.
Parkhurst, W. D., 300 West Allen Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park
Ave., Springfield, Ill. Station, Washington, D. C.
Parmele, R. MT., College View, Prillwitz, IV., Grindelberg 15a,
Nebr. Hamburg, Germany.
Parmele, C. F., 821 West Fifth Prieser, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
St., Topeka, Kans. burg, Germany.
Parsons, D. A., 70-74 Legge St., Proctor, L. H., 367 Clifton Place,
Birmingham, England. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Pascoe, W. H.. 37 Taranaki St., Provin, Henri, Moutier, Switzer-
Wellington, New Zealand. land.

Province, P. W., 1200 Seventh St., Robb, V. W., 707 Dayton St.,
Parkersburg, W. Va. Wichita, Kans.
Purdham, B. F., 1200 Seventh St., Roberts, F. M., Gas City, Ind.
Parkersburg, W. Va. Roberts, G. A., Room 221, Unity
Building, Indianapolis, Ind.
Purdon, T. H., 82 North Main St.,
Robinson, A. T., College View,
Rutland, Vt. Nebr.
Quinn, R. D., 186 Edward St., Robinson, H. E., Matteawan, N. Y.
Brisbane, Queensland, Austra- Rodd, Arthur, 27 Holton Road,
lia. Barry Dock, Wales.
Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Rogers, A. H., 93 Franklin St.,
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
Randle, Hubert, 32 Text Lane, tralia.
Kingston, Jamaica, West In- Rogers, J. H., 1647 East. Forty-
dies. eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Rogers, F. R., Box 29, Vicksburg,
Rauleder, G. A., 257 South Hill St., Miss.
Los Angeles, Cal. Rogers, Joel C., 2935 Wetmore
Raymond, J. W., Binghamton, Ave., Everett, Wash.
N. Y. Ronlund, N. J., Box 686, Sioux
Reaser, G. W., 257 South Hill St., Falls, S. Dak.
Los Angeles, Cal. Root, E. H., R. F. D. No. 1,
Redfield, C. T., Bristol, Morgan Coopersville, Mich.
Co., Ohio. Rorholm, Henry, 508 West Second
Reed, H. W., 267 Main St., Osh- St., Boone, Iowa.
kosh, Wis. Roth, G., Montbeliard (Doubs),
Rees, J. M., 300 West Allen St., France.
Springfield, Ill. Rouse, J. S., Frisco, Ark.
Rees, E. H., 1025 Jefferson St., Rowe, Thomas D., Palm View, Fla.
Nashville, Tenn. Ruble, W. W., Herman, Minn.
Reifschneider, K., Grindelberg 15a, Rule, C. B., Fords, Va.
Hamburg, Germany. Rupert, G. G.,Choctaw, Okla. T.
Reimers, C. H., 58 Charles St., Russell, K. ., Takoma Park Sta-
Meriden, Conn. tion, Washington, D. C.
Reinke, 0. E., 128 West Ninetieth Russell, E. T., College View, Nebr.
St., New York, N. Y. Sadler, W. S., 472 State St., Chi-
Reiswig, Conrad, Milltown, S. Dak. cago, Ill.
Remfert, K.. Grindelberg 15a, Salisbury, H. R., 451 Holloway
Hamburg, Germany. Road, London, N., England.
Rentfro, C. E., Carcavellos, Por- Sanborn, I., Orlando, Fla.
tugal. Sandborn, A. R. Box 74, West
Reppe, M. S., Glenwood, Minn. Bay City, Mich.
Reynolds, I. T., 2234 Magazine St., Sanders, C. N., R. F. D. No. 9,
New Orleans, La. Battle Creek, Mich.
Rhoads, Arthur, V., Elliott, Iowa. Sanford, E. L., Graysville, Tenn.
Rice, J. D., 6290 Racine St., Oak- Santee, L. D., 719 Second St.,
land, Cal. Dixon, Ill.
Richards, H. M. J., Loveland, Colo. Santee, Clarence, Keene, Texas.
Richardson, F. I., 235 East Taylor Saxby, W. H., La Grande, Oregon.
St. Phoenix, Ariz. Schiffner, J. J., Omega, Okla. T.
Rickard, H. E., Fitch Bay, Quebec. Schilling, J. H., Grindelberg 15a,
Riffel, Jacob, North Enid, Okla. T. Hamburg, Germany.
Rine, G. W., Healdsburg, Cal. Schilliq;er, R., Grindelberg 15a,
Rippey, J. A., Malaga, Wash. Hamburg, Germany.
Ritchie, Alexander, 451 Holloway Schilstra, P., Grindelberg 15a,
Road, London, N., England. Hamburg, Germany.

Schimpf, George, Casilla 481, Bue- Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tenn.

nos Ayres, Argentine Republic, Sharpe, E. D., 1059 Castro St.,
South America. Oakland, Cal.
Schlotthauer, A., Collis, Cal. Shaw, J. L., care Colorado Sani-
Schmitz, H., Grindelberg 15a, tarium, Boulder, Colo.
Hamburg, Germany. Shaw, H. S., Box 989, Minneapolis,
Schmidt, H., Stranach St., Pieter- Minn.
maritzburg, Natal, So. Africa. Sheafe, L. C., 2021 Eighth St., N.
Schnepper, H. J., College Place, W., Washington, D. C.
Wash. Shelton, H. R., 217 South Eleventh
Scholl, C. A., 325 Clybourn Ave., St., Wilmington, N. C.
Chicago, Ill. Shepard, M., Belleville, Mich.
Schubert, G. MT., Grindelberg 15a, Shepard, Page, 2234 Magazine St.,
Hamburg, Germany. New Orleans, La.
Schuberth, H. F., Weiherweg 48, Sherrig, Z., Margrethevej 5, Co-
Basle, Switzerland. penhagen, V., Denmark.
Schwantes, Ernesto, Caixa, Postal Shireman, D. T., Toluca, via Cleve-
768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, land Mills, N. C.
South America. Shone, G. W., Cambridge, near
Schwartz, W. F., Box 556, Holli- East London,- South Africa.
daysburg, Pa. Shoup, H. Lesley, 152 Seymour St.,
Schweneck, .W., Grindelberg 15a, Hartford, Conn.
Hamburg, Germany. Shraeder, F. W. H., 2824 Missouri
Schwenecke, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Hamburg, Germany. Shreve, MT. S., Spring Green, Wis.
Scoles, D. E., Washburn, Mo. Shrock, S. S., 908 Harrison Ave.,
Scott, Sydney, 903 Walker St., . Scranton, Pa.
Kansas City, Kans. Shrock, J. S., 260 Otter St., Osh-
Scott, J. B., Chetek, Wis. kosh, Wis.
Scott, W. B., Salem, Oregon. Shultz, H., Lockeford, San Joa-
Sebastian, W. IL, 209 Fayette St., quin Co., Cal.
Vicksburg, Miss. Shultz, James E., Academia, Ohio.
Seeney, F. H., Cheswold, Del. Simpson, Wm. MT., Tropico, Cal.
Selmon, A. C., Siang Cheng Hsien, Simpson, J. P., Dayton, Oregon.
via Hankow, Honan, China. Sims, L. W., 777 Delmas Ave., San
Semmens, A.' W., Adelaide Med- Jose, Cal.
ical Institute, Victoria Square, Sinz, K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- burg, Germany.
tralia. Skinner, Geo. H., 9 Evans St.,
Serna, Marcia], Tucson, Ariz. Montreal, Quebec.
Serns, M. H., Cambridge, Wis. Slade, E. K., Holly, Mich.
Settergren, A. J., Kungsgatan 34, Smart, A., 186 Edward St., Bris-
Stockholm, Sweden. bane, Queensland, Australia.
Sevaldsen, A., Akersgaden 74, Smith, W. J., 37 Taranaki St.,
Christiania, Norway. Wellington, New Zealand.
Shadel, S. T., Monroe, Wis. Smith, C. A., R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.
Shaeffer, F. R., Box 246, Meridian, Vernon, Ohio.
Miss. Smith, G. H., McCook, Nebr.
Shafer. W. A., 451 Holloway Smith, W. H., 433 Anthony St.,
Road, London, N., England. Williamsport, Pa.
Shannon. A. C., Seventy-six, Pa. Smith, MT. R., Chong Dong, Seoul,
Sharp, F. L., 127 Liverpool St., Korea.
Hobart, Tasmania. Australia. Snow, T. B., Bethel, Wis.
Sharp, W. W.. 3423 Broadway, Snyder, E. MT., Apartado 35, Mari-
Everett, Wash, ana, Cuba,

Snyder, G. A., College Place, Stewart, H. M., Celt, Mo.

Wash. Stoll, F. F., 321 Germania Ave.,
Sorenson, C., Keene, Tex. Jersey City, N. J.
Soto, Damaso, Correo 3, Casilla 43, Stone, C. L., Hazel, Ky.
Santiago, Chile, South America. Stone, W. J., 3735 North Capitol
Soule, 0., R. F. D. No. 2, St. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Char.les, Mich. Stone, A. J., 697 Cook St., St. Paul,
Sparrow, David, S. D. A. Mission, Minn.
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Stone, W. M., Thayer, Kans.
Africa. Stover, A. J., R. F. D. No. 2,
Spear, Win. H., Brampton, Ontario. Ridgefield, Wash.
Specht, F. G., New Home, Stuts- Stow, J. B., Falconer, N. Y.
man Co., N. Dak. Stow, John 0., Addison, Mich.
Spencer, T. L. M., Scarborough, Stoye, 0., Weiherweg 48, Basle,
Tobago, West Indies. Switzerland.
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Strickland, J. A., 32 Text Lane,
tion, Washington, D. C. Kingston, Jamaica, West In-
Spies, F. W., Caixa Postal 768, dies.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Stringer, R. G., Bartow, Fla.
America. Stueckrath, M., Grindelberg 15a,
Spies, G. W., Dauphin, Pa. Hamburg, Germany.
Spire, B. W., cor. Church and Vine Sturdevant, M. C., S. D. A. Mis-
Sts., Nashville, Tenn. sion, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South
Spring, L. A., 1112 South Eleventh Africa.
St., Denver, Colo. Stthreman, B. F., 327 West Eighth
Sprohge, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- St., Flint, Mich.
burg, Germany. Sturgeon, D. F., Woodward, Okla.
Stanley, P. G., 206 Illinois St., Ur- T.
bana, Ill. Sufficool, L. E., Wausau, Wis.
Starbuck, T. H., Mt. Tabor, Ore- Sulzle, Christian, Lincoln, McLean
gon. Co., N. Dak.
Starr, G. B., Sanitarium, Wah- Sultz, I. C., Lewis, Kans.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Surber, W. F., Chanute, Kans.
Starr, L. F., Stuart, Iowa. Sutherland, E. A., Madison, Tenn.
Starr, F. D., Forest, Idaho. Sutton, N. T., Eldorado, Kans.
States, Geo. 0., care Sanitarium, Svensson, Chas., South Twenty-
Glendale, Cal. fifth and Marcey Sts. Omaha,
Stebbeds, F., Monroe, Wis. Nebr.
Stebbins, W. W., Mankato, Minn. Svensson, S. F., Idaho Springs,
Steele, J. F., Eaton, Ind. Colo.
Steele, Wm., Casilla 787, Valpa- Sweany, W. A., St. Georges, Gren-
raiso, Chile, South America. ada, West Indies.
Steen, H., 674 Sims St., St. Paul, Swedberg, A., College View, Nebr.
Minn. Swinson, S., Ladysmith, Wis.
Stein, Wm.. Caixa Postal 768, Rio Syp, Mrs. Minnie, Enid, Okla. T.
de ,Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer- Tabor, J., 4513 Lake Ave., Chicago,
Stephenson, C. B., Brooker, Fla. Tabor, B. C., Eugene, Oregon.
Stephenson, D. G., Brooker, Fla. Taggart, C. L., Du Quoin, Ill.
Stevens. G. A., 1322 T. St., N. W., Tait. A. 0.. Mountain View, Cal.
Washington. D. C. Talburt, W. F., Allen, Ind. T.
Stevens, J. C., 369 Washington Ts vier. W. Jay, Cape Haytiki'i,
Ave., New Haven. Conn. Republic of Hayti. West Indies.
hteward, W. W.. Dalton. Ga. Tarr, D. F., Cambridge, near East
Steward, T. M.,'Graysville, Tenn. London, Cape Colony, South
Stewart, E. L., Kent, Wash. Africa.

Taylor, J. I., Keene, Tex. Videto, W. E., Berrien Springs,

Teasdale, Geo., 37 Taranaki St., Mich.
Wellington, New Zealand. VOss, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Tenney, G. C., Sanitarium; Battle burg, Germany.
Votaw, H. H., " Grennan Slopes,"
Creek, Mich.
Insein, near Rangoon, Burma.
Tenney, J. E., Graysville, Tenn. Voth, A. J., Kiel, Okla. T. .
Terry, L. W., R. F. D. No. 3, Ap- Voth, D., R. T. D. No. 1, Hitch-
pleton City, Mo. cock, Okla. T.
Thomann, E. W., Casilla 787, Val- Vuilleumier, J., Gland, Vaud,
paraiso, Chile, South America. Switzerland.
Thomason, Geo., Plumstead, Cape, Wagner, F. D., Dayton, Wash.
South Africa. Wagner, Geo., Hurdsfield, N. Dak.
Thompson, Chas., Red Cloud, Nebr. Warceham,'W. H., Pont de Kaub-
Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park beh, Cairo, Egypt.
Walker, John G., Box 55, Valley
Station, Washington, D. C.
City, N. Dak.
Thorn, I. F., Hutchinson, Kans. Walldorff, N. J., 246 William St.,
Thorp, C. A., College View, Nebr. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Thuemler, T. L., 930 Rodney Ave., tralia.
Portland, Oregon. Wallenkampf, J., 16 Hooper St.,
Thurber, R. B., Academia, Ohio. Worcester, Mass.
Thurston, H. G., Fresno, Cal. Wantzlick, G. A., Townsville,
Thurston, S., Burbank, Cal. Queensland, Australia.
Thurston, W. H., 555 McLeod St., Ward, W. C. F., 515 Central Ave.,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Phoenix, Ariz.
Tieche, L. P., Chambe"sy, Geneva, Warfie, M., Roswell, N. Mex.
Switzerland. Warren, Luther, 3826 Vincennes
Town, N. Z., Casilla del Correo Ave., Chicago, Ill.
481, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Washburn, J. S., Takoma Park
Republic, South America. Station, Washington, D. C.
Tracy, F. A., Twillingate, New- Washburn, F. A., 805 Mapleton
foundland. Ave., Boulder, Colo:
Traugh, J. A., 16 Race St., Cum- Waters, Alpha, Coalgate, Ind. T.
berland, Md. Watson, G. F., 1112 South Eleventh
Trubey, L. F., 821 West Fifth St., St., Denver, Colo.
Topeka, Kans. Watson, T. H., Ridgefield, Wash.
Uchtmann, W. R., 40 Shawmut Watt, J. MT., 60 Burnside Ave.,
Ave., New Bedford, Mass. Bradford, Pa.
Ugrick, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Watts, V. B., Gentry, Ark.
burg, Germany. Weber, C. W., 604 West Ave., Buf-
Underwood, R. A., 2718 Third Ave., falo, N. Y.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Webster, C. C., Middlefield, Ohio.
Untermaier, C., Grindelberg 15a, Webster, E. W., 1017 Pendleton
Hamburg, Germany. St., Greenville, S. C.
Valentiner, T., College View, Nebr. Wells, G. W., Graysville, Tenn.
Van De Mark, J. E., Mount Vernon, Wellman, D. E., 31 Dundonald St.,
Wash. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
Van Deusen, E., Lowell, Mich. Indies.
Van Horn, E. J., Lake View, Ohio. Wellman, L. E., St. Johns, Antigua,
Van Horn, I. D., R. F. D. No. 7, West Indies.
Battle Creek, Mich. Wellman, S. A., 31 Dundonald St.,
Vargas, L., Costilla, N. Mex. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
Varlemann, W., Grindelberg 15a, Indies.
Hamburg, Germany. Wentland, Wm. E., New Home,
Veach, J. E., Saxton, Pa. , N. Dak.

Wentland, M. H., Grindelberg 15a, Wilkinson, B. G., Takoma Park

Hamburg, Germany. Station, Washington, D. C.
Westworth, Wm. A., 152 Seymour Willess, N. V., Keene, Tex.
Williams, I. N., Corydon, Pa.
St., Hartford, Conn. Williams, E. R., 838 South St.,
Westrup, J. J., Sin Tsai Hsien, via Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
Hankow, Honan, China. Williams, Mrs. E. R., 838 South
Westphal, J. W., Casilla del Cor- St., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
reo 481, Buenos Ayres, Argen- Williams, C. D. M., 290D Karratti
tine Republic, South America. Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter-
Westphal, F. H., Casilla 787, Val- ritory.
paraiso, Chile, South America. Williams, W. W., Graysv ille,
Wheeler, L. S., 33 Magnolia St., Tenn.
Malden, Mass. Willis, H. K., Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Willoughby, J. M., Cambridge,
Wheeler, G. A., Sheridan, Ill.
Wheeler, F., West Monroe, N. Y. Wilson, J. L., Hammond, British
Wheeler, J. H., Crawford, Nebr. Columbia.
Wheeler, Fred W., Phoenix, Ariz. Wilson, J. B., Box 34, Pueblo,
Whetsel, 0. N., Punta Gorda, Fla. Colo.
White, A. H., S. D. A. Mission, Wintzen, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Hamburg, Germany.
Africa. Wise, C., Lena, Wis.
White, J. E., Edgefield, Tenn. Wolfgarten, J., Grindelberg 15a,
White, Mrs. E. G., " Elmshaven," Hamburg, Germany.
Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal. Wollekar, H. C. J., 502 East Seven-
White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa tieth St., Seattle, Wash.
Co., Cal. Wood, J. G., 42 Prairie Ave.,
White, W. H., Tyrone, Okla. T. Springfield, Ohio.
White, W. B., 1059 Castro St., Wood, C. A., 121 Pinckney St.,
Oakland, Cal. Pontiac, Ill.
Whitehead, Alfred, 648 Culley Wood, Delmer P., Jasper, Mich.
Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Woodford, Wm., R. F. D. No. 3,
Whitney, S. B., 109 Harrison Place, Dayton, Tenn.
Syracuse, N. Y. Wooding, M. S., Spencer, Va.
Wibbens, Jacob, Grindelberg 15a, Woods, J. H., Oxford Chambers,
Hamburg, Germany. Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria,
Wight, S. E., 414 Waukazoo Ave., Australia.
Petoskey, Mich. Woodward, C. N., Keene, Tex.
Wightman, J. S., Hemlock, N. Y. Worster, W. W., Connersville, Ind.
Wightman, Mrs. Lulu, Hemlock, Wyman, C. A., R. F. D. No. 2, Gas-
N. Y. ton, Oregon,
Wilcox, F. M., care Sanitarium, Young, W. C., Silver Creek, Brit-
Boulder, Colo. ish Columbia.
Wilcox, H. H., Route 1, Norwood, Young, W. A., Room 221, Unity
N. Y. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Ziegler, Watson, Ft. Collins, Colo.
Cal. Ziegler, D. P., Celt, Mo.
Wildgrube, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Zerndt, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Hamburg, Germany. burg, Germany.

Elder Geo. B. Douglass, in Febru- Elder C. A. Washburn, August 5;
ary; at Corinth, Miss. Des Moines, Iowa.
Ella Nesmith, March 8; Boulder, Elder C. 0. Taylor, August 9; Nor-
Colo. wood, N. Y.
Hannah Jensen, July 28; Pontiac,
Chas. D. Zirkle, March 26; New
Market, Va. E. A. D. Goodhart, August .19,
Mrs. Amelia Shireman, March 24; Keene, Tex.
Hildebran, N. C. Mrs. N. P. Nelson, August 31;
P. S. Steinbaugh, March 29; Keene, Tex.
Academia, Ohio. Elder N. P. Nelson, Sept. 22; Col-
Dr. Maude T. Miller, March 14; lege View, Nebr.
Honan, China. Mrs. W. W. Williams, August 17;
Mrs. Stella E. Colvin-Briggs, Graysville, Tenn.
March; Trinidad, West Indies. Mrs. E. E. Miles, Sept. 28; Mel-
Mrs. J. L. Edgar, April 3; Mich- rose, Mass.
igan. B. F. Gowdy, Oct. 7; Tucson, Ariz.
Elder W. B. Hill, May 9; College Geo. R. Drew, Oct. 25; Surrey,
View, Nebr. England.
Eva M. Wick, May 15; Carthage, Mark Perdue, Oct. 27; New Or-
Mo. leans, La.
Samuel W. Smith, July 1; West Mrs. E. D. Robinson, Nov. 12;
Wilton, N. H. South Lancaster, Mass.
Elder D. T. Bourdeau, June 30; Elder S. S. Ryles, December 11;
Grand Rapids, Mich. Devall's Bluff, Ark.


GENERAL CONFERENCE. Oriental Union Mission: W. H.

Wakeham, Pont du Kaubbeh,
General Conference: A. G. Dan- Cairo, Egypt.
iells, Takoma Park Station, South African Union: W. S. Hy-
Washington, D. C. att, Kenilworth, Cape, South
South American Union Mission:
UNION CONFERENCES. J. W. Westphal, Casilla 481,
Buenos Ayres, Argentine Re-
Atlantic Union: E. W. Farns- public, South America.
worth, South Lancaster, Mass.
Canadian Union: W. H. Thurston,
555 McLeod St., Ottawa, On- LOCAL CONFERENCES AND
Southern Union: Geo. I. Butler, MISSIONS.
1025 Jefferson St., Nashville, Alabama: A. J. Haysmer, Elk-
Tenn. wood, Ala.
Lake Union: Allen Moon, Room Alaska Mission:
223, Unity Bldg., Indianapolis, Alberta Mission: J. W. Boynton,
Ponoka, Alberta, Canada.
Northern Union: R. A. Under- Algerian Mission: S. Jespersson,
wood, 2718 Third Ave., South, 78 Rue Michelet, Alger, Algeria.
Minneapolis, Minn. Arizona: F. I. Richardson, 235
Central Union: E. T. Russell, Col- East Taylor St., Phoenix, Ariz.
lege View, Nebr. Arkansas: U. Bender, 1623 Broad-
Southwestern Union: C. N. Wood- way, Little Rock, Ark.
ward, Keene, Tex. Austria Mission: L. Mathe, Grin-
Pacific Union: H. W. Cottrell, delberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. many.
Australasian Union: 0. A. Olsen, Asiatic Russian Mission: Dr. V.
32 Royal Chambers, Castlereagh Pampaian, Grindelberg 15a,
St., Sydney, N. S. W., Aus- Hamburg, Germany.
tralia. Balkan Mission: E. Enseleit, Grin-
German Union: L. R. Conradi, delberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- many.
many. Barotseland Mission: W. H. An-
Scandinavian Union: P. A. Han- derson, S. D. A. Mission, Ko-
sen, Margrethevej 5, Copen- lomo, Northwest Rhodesia,
hagen,.V., Denmark. South Africa.
British Union: E. E. Andross, 173 Basutoland Mission: J. A. Chaney,
Harrow Road, Leicester, Eng-. Kolo Mission, Wepener, Orange
land. River Colony, South Africa.
Latin Union Mission: L. R. Con- Brazil: H. F. Graf, Caixia Postal,
radi, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Germany. South America.

British Columbia: J. L. Wilson, Fiji Mission: C.. H. Parker, Bure-

Hammond, British Columbia. sala, via Levuka, Fiji, Pacific
British West African Mission: D. Ocean.
C. Babcock, Freetown, Sierra Finland Mission: Fred Anderson,
Leone, West Africa. Unionsgatan, 4, Helsingf ors,
Bermuda Mission: J. A. Morrow, Finland.
Box 114, Hamilton, Bermuda. Florida: C. B. Stephenson,
California-Nevada: W. T. Knox, Brooker, Fla.
Mountain View, Cal.
Cape Colony: I. J. Hankins, 56 French-Belgium Mission: Joseph
Roeland St., Cape Town, South Curdy, Rue du Wez 29, Mont-
Africa. sur-Marchienne, near Charle-
Central American Mission: H. C. roi, Belgium. '
Goodrich, Box 105, Belize, Brit- French Mission: H. H. Dexter, 29
ish Honduras, Central America. rue de la Synagogue, Geneva,
Central New England: A. E. Place, Switzerland.
South Lancaster, Mass. Friendly Islands Mission: E.
Chesapeake: Morris Lukens, 1909 Thorpe, Nukualofa, Tonga,
Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
China Mission: J. N. Anderson, Georgia: R. M. Kilgore, Grays-
care British Post-Office, Canton, ville, Tenn.
China. German-Swiss: H. F. Schuberth,
Colorado: G. F. Watson, 1112 Weiherweg 48, Basle, Switzer-
South Eleventh St., Denver, land.
Colo. German Union District: L. R.
Cook Islands Mission: A. H. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Piper, Arorangi, Raratonga, burg, Germany.
Cook Islands, South Pacific German East African Mission: B.
Ocean. Ohme, Missionstation, Frieden-
Cuban Mission: E. W. Snyder, stal, Mombo, via Tanga, Ger-
Apartado 35, Marianao,Cuba. man East Africa.
Cumberland: W. W. liams, il Greater New York: C. H. Ed-
Graysville, Tenn. wards, 1039 East 169th St.,
Denmark: P. A. Hansen, Mar- New York, N. Y.
greth evej 5, . Copenh agen, V., Gwelo Mission: F. B. Armitage,
Denmark. S. D. A. Mission, Gwelo, Rho-
District of Columbia: K. C. Rus- desia, South Africa.
sell, Takoma Park Station, Hawaiian Mission: C. D. M. Wil-
Washington, D. C. liams, 290 D Karratti Lane,
East Caribbean: D. E. Wellman, Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory.
31 Dundonald St., Port of Haytian Mission: W. J. Tanner,
Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Cape Haytien, Republic of
East German: E. Frauchiger, Hayti.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Holland Mission: R. G. Klingbeil,
many. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
East Michigan: E. K. Slade, many.
Holly, Mich. Hungarian Mission: J. F. Huen-
East Russian: H. J. Loebsack, ergardt, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- burg, Germany.
many. Iceland Mission: David ,Ostlund,
Eastern Pennsylvania: W. J. Reikiavik, Iceland.
Fitzgerald, 1942 North Seven- Indiana: W. J. Stone, 3735 North
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Egyptian Mission: W. H. Wake- India Mission: W. W. Miller, 39-1
ham, Pont du Kaubbeh, Cairo, Free School St., Calcutta, India.
Egypt. Iowa: L. F. Starr, Stuart, Iowa.

Ireland Mission: E. E. Andross, New Zealand: S. M. Cobb, 37

173 Harrow Road, Leicester, Taranaki St., Wellington, New
England. Zealand.
Italian Mission: Charles T. Ever- North Australian Mission: G. A.
son, via d' Azeglia 44, Rome, Wantzlick, Eyre St., North
Italy. Ward, Townsville, Queensland,
Jamaica: J. B. Beckner, 32 Text Australia.
Lane, Kingston, Jamaica, West
North Dakota: J. G. Walker, Box
Japan Mission: F. W. Field, 30 55, Valley City, N. Dak.
Oiwake cho, Hongo Ku, Tokyo, North England: E. E. Andross,
Japan. 173 Harrow Road, Leicester,
Kansas: I. A. Crane, R. F. D. No. England.
8, Wichita, Kans. Norfolk Island Mission: S. T. Bel-
Louisiana: S. B. Horton, 2234 den, Norfolk Island, South Pa-
Magazine St., New Orleans, La. cific Ocean.
Maine: S. J. Hersum, Richmond, North Carolina: T. H. Jeys,
Me. Spero, N. C.
Manitoba: MT. M. Adams, 438 Sel- North Michigan: S. E. Wight, 414
kirk Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Waukazoo Ave., Petoskey,
Maritime: Wm. Guthrie, Wil- Mich.
liamsdale, East, Nova Scotia. North Russian Mission: D. P.
Matabele Mission: M. C. Sturde- Gaede, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
vant, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, burg, Germany.
South Africa. Northern Illinois: Wm. Covert,
Mexican Mission: G. M. Brown, Room 670, 324 Dearborh St.,
1420 Avenue 20, Tacubaya, D. Chicago, Ill.
F., Mexico. Norway: 0. A. Johnson, Akers-
Middle Russian Mission: 0. Wild- gaden 74, Christiania, Norway.
grube, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Nyassaland Mission: T. H.
burg, Germany. Branch, Plainfield 1\1 is sion,
Minnesota: H. S. Shaw, Box 989, Cholo, near Blantyre, British
Minneapolis, Minn. Central Africa.
Mississippi: F. R. Shaeffer, Box Ohio: H. H. Burkholder, Bellville,
246, Meridian, Miss. Ohio.
Missouri: R. C. Porter, Hamil- Oklahoma: Andrew Nelson, 217
ton, Mo. West Seventh St., Oklahoma
Montana: J. A. Holbrook, Boze- City, Okla T.
man, Mont. Ontario: A. 0. Burrill, Galt, On-
Natal-Transvaal: H. J. Edmed, tario.
Stranaeh St., Pietermaritzburg, Panama Mission: I. .G. Knight,
Natal, South Africa. Bocas del Toro, Republic de
Nebraska: A. T. Robinson, Col- Panama.
lege View, Nebr. Pitcairn Island Mission: J. R. '
Newfoundland Mission: C. H. McCoy, Pitcairn Island, Pacific
Keslake, Box 217, St. Johns, Ocean; care British Consul,
Newfoundland. Papeete, Tahiti, Society Isl-
New Jersey: J. E. Jayne, 14 ands.
North Thirtieth St., Camden, Portuguese Mission: C. E. Rent-
N. J. fro, Carcavellog, Portugal.
New South Wales: J. E. Fulton, Porto Rico Mission: B. E. Con-
80 Hunter St., Sydney, N. S. nerly, Mayaguez, Porto Rico,
W., Australia. West Indies.
New York: S. H. Lane, 317 West Prussia: J. G. ()blander, Grindel-
Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y: berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.

Queensland: S. W. Nellis, 186 Ed- Calle Rosellon, 293-30, Barce-

ward St., Brisbane, Queensland, lona, Spain.
Australia. Sumatra Mission:
Quebec: H. E. Rickard, Fitch Bay, Sweden: 0. Johnson, Kungsgatan
Quebec. 34, Stockholm, Sweden.
Rhenish Prussia: G. W. Schubert, Syrian Mission:
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Tasmania: J. Pallant, 127 Liver-
many. pool St., Hobart, Tasmania.
River Plate: J. W. Westphal, Tennessee River: N. W. Allee,
Hazel, Ky.
Casilla 481, Buenos Ayres, Ar- Texas: Clarence Santee, Keene,
gentine Republic, South Amer- Tex.
ica. Turkish Mission: A. W. George,
Romance-Swiss: L. P. Tieche, 29 English Post-Office, Constanti-
rue de la Synagogue, Geneva, nople, Turkey, Europe.
Switzerland. Upper Columbia: A. J. Breed, Col-
Samoan Mission: lege Place, Wash.
Scotland Mission: W. D. Mac Lay, Utah: Alfred Whitehead, 648
11 . Shandon Place, Edinburgh, Culley Ave., Salt Lake City,
Scotland. Utah.
Singapore Mission: G. F. Jones, Vermont: 0. 0. Farnsworth, 190
Rumah Beser, 15 Niven Road, North Winooski Ave., Burling-
Singapore, Malay Archipelago, ton, Vt. .
Pacific Ocean. Victoria: W. L. H. Baker, Oxford
Society Islands Mission: B. J. Chambers, Bourke St., Mel-
Cady, Papeete, Tahiti, Society bourne, Victoria, Australia.
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Virginia: R. D. Hottel, New Mar-
South Australia: E. S. Butz, 93 ket, Va.
Franklin St., Adelaide, South Wales Mission: W. H. Meredith,
Australia, Australia. 27 'Holton Road, Barry Dock,
South Carolina Mission: E. W. Wales.
Webster, 1017 Pendleton St., West Australia: L. V. Finster,
Greenville, S. C. 246 William. St., Perth, West
South Dakota: C. A. Burman, Australia, Australia.
Aberdeen, S. Dak. West Coast MiSsion: F. H. West-
South England: H. R. Salisbury, phal, Casilla 787, Valparaiso,
451 Holloway Road, London, N., Chile, South America.
England. West German: J. Pieper, Grindel-
South German: J. T. Boettcher, berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- West Michigan: A. G. Haughey,
many. Otsego, Mich.
South Russian: D. Isaak, Grin- West Virginia: B. F. Purdham,
delberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- 1200 Seventh St., Parkersburg,
many. W. Va.
Southern California: G. W. Western Oregon: F. S. Bunch, 285
Reaser, 257 South Hill St., Los Salmon St., Portland, Oregon.
Angeles, Cal. Western Pennsylvania: C. F. Mc-
Southern Illinois: W. D. Park- Vagh, Coudersport, Pa.
hurst, 300 West Allen St., Western Washington: E. L. Stew-
Springfield. 111. art, Kent, Wash.
Southern New England: W. A. Wisconsin: C. McReynolds, Beth-
Westworth, 152 Seymour St., el, Wis.
Hartford, Conn. Wyoming: J. H. Wheeler, Craw-
Spanish Mission: Walter Bond, ford, Nebr.
April 16 occurred the dedication of the new factory pf the Pacific
Press Publishing Company at Mountain View, Cal.
The thirty-sixth session of the General Conference was held in camp
in Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., May 11 to 30, 1905, with 197
delegates, representing 78 Conferences and 50 Missions. Twenty-nine
of the delegates were from fields outside of the United States and
Canada. Thirty-five meetings were held, in which were adopted the
Important Actions:
Establishment of headquarters in Washington, D. C., approved;
that the regular sessions of the Conference be held once in four years;
official call upon, and statement to, the President of the United States,
respecting our attitude toward civil government; endorsement of the
plan of sharing laborers with needy foreign fields, and its further
adoption recommended.
The following constitute the departments of the General Confer-
ence: Publishing, medical, Sabbath-school, religious liberty, educational,
and North American foreign; the members of said committees to be
appointed by the General Conference Committee, and the term of
service understood to be two years.
Hearty support to be given the Sabbath-school Worker; Sabbath-
schools recommended to increase their donations; the holding of con-
ventions encouraged.
Religious Liberty.
That religious liberty departments be organized, and secretaries
appointed, in each Union and State Conference in North America; that
institutes be held; petition and remonstrance work to be diligently fol-
lowed; and that suitable religious liberty literature be extensively
Medical Missionary.
Medical_Mtssionary_Department_created, and council provided, to
assist in advancing medical missionary interests in all parts of the
world; that conference institutions be placed under the management of
local boards elected by the conference, or by such arrangement as the
conference may provide.
Educational Department to consist of twenty-five members, from all
parts of the world, to be appointed by the General Conference Com-
mittee; sixteen grades adopted as the standard of educational system,
with division as follows: Primary schools, 1-7; intermediate schools,
8-10; colleges, 11-16. General plan adopted for unifying educational
interests of General, Union, and State Conferences; preparation of
school manual recommended; appointment of text-book committee; that

literature on primary school work be circulated; that conventions be

held; primary schools to be supervised more closely; and that no such
school be established or discontinued without advice or counsel from
the conference officials; that intermediate schools should not be estab-
lished without the co-operation and counsel of the Union Conference;
that a more thorough training be required for prospective teachers; an
examining board to be appointed to provide questions and conduct
examinations for the promotion of students and the granting of cer-
tificates to teachers; that the use of the word professors" be limited
in its use to those who are or 'have been engaged in advaced lines of
North American Foreign.
This department consists of five members or more, to labor in
behalf of the various foreign nationalities in North America; that the
Vice-President of the General Conference for North America act as
chairman of the Department; that a leader for the German and a
leader for the Scandinavian nationalities in North America be ap-
pointed, to be under pay of the General Conference, and to constitute a
part of this department; that this department take the general over-
sight of the work of securing and circulating our literature in North
America in all the various languages, and assist the organized confer-
ences and mission fields in prosecuting the message among their respec-
tive peoples.
That a depository for foreign publications be established in New
York City; that the sale of subscription books be given special atten-
tion; that a general missionary campaign be entered upon for the sale
and distribution of publications and periodicals, for the holding of meet-
ings, and for missionary correspondence and conventions; that a mis-
sionary campaign committee be appointed to co-operate with conference
officers in these matters.
That an appeal in behalf of the payment of a faithful tithe be pre-
pared to be placed in the hands of every Sabbath-keeper in the world;
that officers of conferences and churches, and all gospel workers, be
ensamples in the payment of tithes and offerings; that uniform envel-
opes be prepared by the General Conference for the collection of tithes
and offerings weekly; that able-bodied conference laborers who are
non-producers be advised to take up some line of self-supporting work:
that the tithe be not used for building purposes, the maintenance of
church schools, or for church expenses, but be devoted entirely to the
support of evangelistic work and Bible teachers; that the second
Sabbath in each month be set apart as " missionary day," for the
special consideration of our missions, and appfopriate exercises ar-
ranged; that five general annual collections be taken; namely, two
offerings for the foreign missionary work; one for the religious liberty
work; one for the work among the colored people throughout the
United States, and an offering for the orphans of the Haskell Home
and similar institutions; that the Foreign Mission Board of Seventh-
day Adventists, a corporation of the City of New York, close its
corporate existence and transfer its property either to the Union Con-
ference organizations or to the General Conference Corporation; organ-
ization of the General Conference Corporation, a corporation of Wash-

ington, D. C., approved, and advice given that all future legal business
with the denomination be done with this organization, and hence that
the General Conference Association transfer its business thereto.
That the General Conference assume no financial responsibility
whatsover in any institution, corporation, or enterprise in any part of
the world without a direct action by the General Conference or by the
General Conference Committee; that care be taken to conduct all de-
nominational institutions and enterprises on safe business lines; the
Mission Board recognized as the proper custodian of all general mis-
sion funds, and that such funds be forwarded monthly; a revision of
forms and blanks for collecting funds, and the form of report blanks,
Young People's Work.
That the Sabbath-school Department of the General Conference
give special attention to work for the young people; that practical
work be encouraged among young people, and that young people's
societies unite in the support of one or more laborers in some mission
field; that a vigorous educational campaign be carried on in behalf of
this work, by means of conventions, articles, leaflets, and studies.
Annual Reports.
That the Year Book be published in November of each year; that
annual statistical reports 'be prepared and published; that the fiscal
year of all conferences, institutions, and departments end on the 31st of
Territorial Lines.
That Malaysia be included in the Australasian Union Conference;
that Korea be attached to the Japan Mission, under one management.
Transfer of Church Membership.
It was voted that greater care be used by members of churches in
the transfer of their membership to the churches where they reside.
It was advised that members who do not report to their home church
for a period of two years, and whose whereabouts and standing can not,
after due efforts, be ascertained,
* be dropped from the churc record.
Persons who are traveling were recommended to carry letters of
recommendation, and, when visiting distant fields, that this letter be
endorsed by tile president of the local conference, with date.
" Ministry of Healing."
Relief Bureau organized for the sale of " Ministry of Healing," for
the payment of Sanitarium indebtedness and the better equipment of
such institutions, and the basis of such work outlined.
Second Tithe.
A study and adoption of tbe second tithe by our people recom-
mended, the funds so obtained to be used in educational, philanthropic,
charitable, and missionary work.
Foreign Fields.
A. memorial relating to work in foreign fields accepted, and hearty
support pledged for the great unworked mission fields.
Vital Statistics.
Ministers recommended to co-operate with the Medical Missionary
Council in returning record blanks regarding vital statistics.

That fifteen per cent of regular unspecified offerings coming into the
General Conference treasury be used for the payment of past deficits;
that $15,000 be returned to the Review and Herald Publishing Associa-
tion, in lieu of bona fide claims which that Association has given up
against the General Conference Corporatiofi Ihrough the Battle Creek
College property.
Officers Elected.
President, A. G. Daniells; Vice-Presidents, for Europe, L. R. Con-
radi; for America, G. A. Irwin; Secretary, W. A. Spicer; Treasurer, I.
H. Evans. The Committee elected consisted of thirty-one members; the
full complement is thirty-four.
Statistical Report.
Summary of statistical report for year ending December 31, 1904:
Churches, 2,243; membership, 71,891; members of unorganized com-
panies, 5,532; isolated, 4,298; Sabbath-keepers, 81,721; Sabbath-schools,
3,064; membership, 71,643; church buildings, 1,017; ministers, 625;
licentiates, 335; missionary licentiates, 713; canvassers, 1,053; total
laborers, 2,750; on pay-roll, 1,556; primary schools, 451; teachers, 490;
enrollment, 7,943; intermediate schools, 25i teachers, 58; enrollment,
934; colleges, 19; teachers, 168; enrollment, 2,105; grand total enroll-
ment, 10,982; tithe, $691,819.33; offerings to foreign missions, $144,-
712.20; total tithe and offerings from all sources, $856,714.28; total
book sales, $436,600.38; total sales of books, helps, and tracts, $787,-
Received by the General Conference during May, 1905: On Wash-
ington Building Fund, $25,430.77; for foreign missions, $8,453.36.
The week of prayer in the Australasian Union Conference was
held June 10-17.
Camp-meetings held during 1905: United States, 96; Europe, 9;
Australasia, 5; British Guiana, 1; total, 111.
The week of prayer in North America was held December 9-16.
During 1905 evangelistic work was begun in the following-named
Algeria, North Africa. Singapore, East Indies.
Amoy, China. Ecuador, South. America.
Barotseland, Central Africa. Hayti, West Indies.
Bolivia, South America. Hindustani Mission, India.
Bombay, India. Korea.
Burma. Peru, South America.
Ceylon. Philippine Islands.
Cuba, West Indies. Sierra Leone, West Coast Africa.
Dominica, West Indies. South Russia.
The number of workers sent out during 1905 to these and the. mis-
sion stations previously established, was seventy, ten of whom were

As Amended at the thirty-sixth session, held at Washington, D. C.,

May 11--30, 1905.

Article I Name.
This organization shall be known as the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists.
Article II Object.
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the everlasting
gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Article III Membership.
Section 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of
(a) Such Union Conferences as have been or shall be properly or-
ganized and accepted by vote.
(b) Such local conferences as are not embraced in any Union Con-
ference, as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as fol-
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) The General Conference Executive Committee.
(b) The Secretary and the Treasurer of the General Conference.
(c) Such members of departmental committees and representatives
of missions of the General Conference as shall receive credentials from
its Executive Committee.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall he such persons as are duly ac-
credited by Union Conferences, or local conferences not included in
Union Conferences.
Sec. 5. Each Union Conference shall be entitled to one delegate
without regard to numbers, an additional delegate for each conference
in its territory, and an additional delegate for each one thousand of
its membership. Each local conference not included in any Union
Conference shall be entitled to one delegate, without regard to numbers,
and one additional delegate for each one thousand members.

Article IV Executive Committee.

Section 1. At each session the Conference shall elect an Executive
Committee for the carrying forward of its work between the sessions.
See. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, two
vice-presidents, the presidents of Union Conferences, the superintend-
ents of organized Union Missions and fifteen other persons, among

whom there shall be representatives of all the leading departments

of Conference work, including the publishing, medical, educational,
Sabbath-school, religious liberty, and North American foreign.
Article V Officers and Their Duties.
Section 1. The officers of this Conference shall be a president,
two vice-presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, and an auditor, who shall
be elected by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The duties of the president. shall be to act as
chairman of the Executive Committee, and to labor in the general inter-
ests of the Conference, as the Executive Committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-presidents: The duties of the first vice-president
'shall be to labor in the European Union Conferences and Missions, as
the Executive Committee may advise, and to preside at the councils
of the members of the Executive Committee, which may be held in
Europe, in the absence of the president.
The duties of the second vice-president shall be to labor in the
American Union Conferences and Missions, as the Executive Commit-
tee may advise, and, in the absence of the president, to preside at the
councils of the members of the Executive Committee which may be held
in America.
Sec. 4. The Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to
keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Conference sessions and
of the committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other facts
from Union and Local Conf erences as may be desired 'by the Conference
or the Executive Committee, and to perform such other duties as usually
pertain to such office.
Sec. 5. The Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to
receive all funds and disburse them by order of the president, and to
render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired
by the Conference or the Executive Committee.
Sec. 6. Election of Officers and Executive Committee: All officers
of the Conference, except members of the Executive Committee who
are presidents of Union Conferences or Superintendents of Union Mis-
sion Fields, shall be chosen by the delegates at the regular quadrennial
sessions of the General Conference, and shall hold their offices for the
period of four years, or until their successors are elected and appear to
enter upon their duties.
Article VI Incorporations, Departments, and Agents.
Section 1. Such incorporations may be authorized and departments
created as the development of the work requires.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference the delegates
shall elect the trustees of all corporate bodies connected with this organ-
ization, as may be provided in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries,
agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make, such dis-
tribution of its labors as may be necessary to effectively execute its
work. It shall also grant credentials or licenses to its ministers and
Article VII Sessions.
Section 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such
date and place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice
published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald at least three
months before the date for the session.

Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions at

such time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice, and the trans-
actions of such special sessions shall have the same force as those of
the regular sessions.
Article VIII By-laws.
The voters of this Conference may enact By-laws and amend or
repeal them at any session thereof, and such By-laws may embrace any
provision not inconsistent with the Constitution.
Article IX Amendments.
This Constitution or its By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds
vote of the voters present at any session, provided that, if it is pro-
posed to amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of such
purpose shall be given in the call for such special session.

Article I Regular Sessions.
Section 1. At each session of the Conference, the Executive Com-
mittee shall nominate for election the presiding officers for the session.
Sec. 2. Previous to each session of the Conference, the Executive
Committee shall provide such temporary committees as may be neces-
sary to conduct the preliminary work of the Conference.
Article II Executive Committee.
Section 1. During the intervals between sessions of the Confer-
ence, the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power,
and shall fill for the current term any vacancies that may occur in
its offices, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or
otherwise, except in cases where other provisions for filling such vacan-
cies shall be made by vote of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. Any five members of the Executive Committee, including
the piesident or vice-president, shall be empowered to transact such
executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined
by the Committee, but the concurrence of four members shall be neces-
sary to pass any measure.
Sec. 3. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at
any time or place, by the president or vice-president, or by the secre-
tary, upon the written request of any five members of the committee.
Article III Departments.
Section 1. The work of the departments of this organization shall
be in charge of committees selected by the Executive Committee, when
not otherwise provided for by the Conference.
Article IV Finance.
Section 1. This Conference shall receive a tithe from all of its
Union and Local Conferences, and the tithe of its Union and Local
Mission Fields.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to call for
such special donations as may be necessary to properly prosecute its
Sec. 3. The Conference shall receive offerings devoted to missions.

Article V Audits.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of
the Conference and of its several departments audited at least once
each calendar year, and shall report upon the same to the General
Conference at its regular sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight
persons not in its employ, who, with the president, vice-presidents,
and presidents of Union Conferences, shall constitute a committee for
auditing and settling all accounts against the General Conference.


FFERS advanced courses of study leading to a

O preparation for the. gospel ministry, for Christian
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is a prominent feature of the school; thus giving to its
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The Mount Vernon College

Is a School that
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The time is near when our school will be thoroughly equipped.
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A THOROUGH BUSINESS COURSE gives an, up-to-date training for office
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OUR INCREASED ATTENDANCE encourages us to plan for a still more

OUR MILD CLIMATE is evidenced by the fact that our first killing frost
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Johnson County KEENE, TEXAS.
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each student being permitted to work to the extent of $5 per
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of four years ; a Ministerial course of three years ; a Pre-
paratory Medical course of three years ; a Commercial course
of one year ; and a Department of Music. In addition to these
is offered a number of elective post-graduate studies for the
benefit of those who desire to do still more advanced work. All
the instruction is given in view not only of time but of eternity.
It is not designed, however, that the order of arrangement
be ironclad. As far as consistent with the program, and with
the advice of the Faculty, students elect their work. Neither
is it deemed necessary for students to complete all the studies
of the Ministerial or the Teachers' course before entering upon
the work of their choice. But from time to time they may return
to the College and take up more advanced studies, as their expe-
rience in the field may reveal their need. In each year of every
course a distinctive Bible study is placed first, since " a knowl-
edge of God is the foundation of all true education." Indeed,
Biblical principles underlie the work of all the departments ;
and all the courses are presented with the thought uppermost in
mind, of the best and most rapid preparation of the young for
positions of trust and responsibility in connection with the great
work of God in the earth.

For further information, address



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