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YEAR BOOK of the

Seventh-day Adventist Denomination

Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, Union and

Local Conferences and Mission Fields, Educational Institutions,
Publishing Houses, Periodicals, Sanitariums, and Benevolent
Institutions, together with a Historical Summary of
the Denomination for the Year 1906


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WE are standing on the threshold, we are in the

opened door,
We are treading on a border land we have never
trod before;
Another year is opening, and another year is gone;
We have passed the darkness of the night, we are in
the early morn;
We have left the fields behind us o'er which we
scattered seed;
We pass into the future, which none of us .can read.

The corn among the weeds, the stones, the surface

May yield a partial harvest; we hope for sixty-fold.
Then hasten to fresh labor, to thrash and reap and
Then bid the new year welcome, and let the old year
Then gather all your vigor, press forward in the
And let this be your motto, " For God and for the
Tins is the sixteenth of the series of Year Books published by the
Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Although the General Confer-
ence was organized in 1863, the growth of the work did not seem to
render necessary the issuing of a denominational Year Book until in
1883, when the first publication of this kind was gotten out. The
denominational directories have since been issued in this form, with
the ciception of the years 1895 to 1903, inclusive, when the directories
were issued semiannually in the General Conference Bulletin. A more
convenient and permanent form is afforded by the present arrangement.
These pages contain revised. reports from every conference and
institution organically connected with, and working under the direc-
tion of, the General Conference. These reports have been revised up
to the latest possible date before going to press, and are therefore
accurate and reliable in every respect.
How to Find Addresses.
The arrangement of local conferences in the directory is in alpha-
betical order in the unions of which they are members. These direc-
tories indicate the officers, departments, legal corporations, etc., of
the conference, as well as the name and address of all the laborers
connected therewith, properly classified:" Where there are such
reported, church-schools are listed in directories of local conferences.
Union Conferences are grouped according to the accustomed plan. In-
stitutions are classified, and arranged alphabetically under each class-
ification. A complete index supplements all, by which the page of
any conference or institution, as well as classification, is readily
found. Alphabetical lists of ministers and of physicians enable one
readily to find the addresses of those engaged in these lines of work.
The addresses of other classed of laborers will be found only in con-
nection with the directory of the local conference or institution.
Growth for igo6.
The past year has been one of great progress in this work. This
progress is seen not only in an increased membership, but also in 'the
organization of new union and local conferences, and the opening and
strengthening of new mission stations in foreign fields having immense
populations. The strengthening of the work in this way is only an
indication of its still more rapid extension. Miring the past year this
message has been carried to the people of many new lands, both by
the living preacher and the printed page. The following pages record
the organic and numerical growth which the denomination has made
during 1906, and which may be briefly set forth as follows:
New union conferences organized
New local conferences organized 7
New mission stations opened
Increase of educational institutions 5
Increase of publishing houses 4
Increase of sanitariums g

Organizations under the General Conference.

Atlantic Union Conference: Thirteen local' conferences.
Canadian Union Conference: Three local conferences and one mission.
Southern Union Conference: Eight local conferences and one mission.
Lake Union Conference: Eight local conferences.
Northern Union Conference: Five local conferences and one mission.
Central Union Conference: Five local conferences and one mission.
Southwestern Union Conference: Three ldcal conferences.
Pacific Union Conference: Four local conferences.
North Pacific Union Conference: Five local conferences and two mis-
Australasian Union Conference: Seven local conferences and twelve
German Union' Conference: Nine local conferences and ten missions.
Scandinavian Union Conference: Three local conferences and three
missions. '
British Union Conference: Two local conferences and four missions.
Latin Union Mission: One local conference and six missions.
Levant Union Mission: Four missions.
South African Union Conference: Two local conferences and five mis-
South American Union Conference: Three local conferences and seven
West Indian Union Conference: Five local conferences and four mis-
Miscellaneous: Bermuda, British West Africa, China, District of. Colum-
bia, India, Japan, Mexico.
Total: Union Conferences, 16; union missions, 2; local conferences, 87;
mission fields, 67 (in the United States, 5; foreign, 62); total local
organizations, 154.
Statement Regarding Institutions.
In the proper place will be found a complete directory of institu-
tions, by which it will be seen that there are fifty-five educational
institutions, divided as follows: twelve colleges; twenty-three acad-
emies; twenty intermediate schools; all having a combined worth of
$918,489.93; with a total enrolment of 3,697 stuents, and 358 teachers
in charge. The latest statistical report shows, in addition, 417 church-
schools, 466 teachers, and an enrolment of 7,345, or a. general enrolment
of 11,042 in denominational schools.
In the directory of publishing houses it will be seen that there
are twenty-two such institutions, having an approximate value of
$650,000, with about 400 persons connected therewith. This does not
include the many smaller printing houses in local conferences and mis-
sions. In all there are 96 regular publications issued, in nineteen lan-
guages. Literature in other forms is published in fifty-one languages.
In the directory of sanitariums it is shown that there are sixty-
four sanitariums listed herein, having a total value of $1,764,668.55.
There are over 250 physicians employed in these institutions and other-
wise. In addition to sanitariums, there are about forty treatment-
rooms not listed herein, and not counted in the enumeration below.
Thus there are 141 institutions connected with this denomination,
whose aggregate assets are $3,333,158.48. It should be understood, how-
ever, that local conferences have many financial interests not included

in this enumeration; as, for instance, all church property (generally

held by legal corporations in local conferences), tract society stock
and equipment, and all other conference property of every nature. The
total assets of denominational organizations and institutions would
easily reach over six million dollars. Included in this would be over
1,100 church buildings, located in all the leading countries of the
world, each having regular weekly services by believers in this message.
It is well to pause and consider that the very first building used
for the proclamation of this advent message, located in the city of
Portland, Me., is standing to-day, and persons who attended the
meetings held in that building are now living. This shows the short
space of time covered by the proclamation and work of this message,
and the wonderful results that have followed. These material facilities
can be used for the advancement of the cause only as there is a con-
stituency to employ them. The most gratifying feature in this is
that the handful of believers in the advent message who assembled
in the Portland meetings has been increased to over 90,000 believers in
this same message, and they are now located in almost every country
in the world, spreading this truth. The one small building in Port-
land, Me., now used as a carpenter shop, has been increased to thou-
sands of buildings used for many purposes in this work: for printing
this truth in fifty-one languages, for educating gospel workers in over
fifteen tongues, and for preaching the advent truth in more than a
score of languages. For the preaching of this message alone there
has been given over twelve million dollars since the meetings held in
the little Portland meeting-place.
The time had come for the advent message to be delivered, and
the Lord used the few facilities, and blessed the humble efforts, in the
beginning of this work, so that to-day this message is making itself
felt as a mighty influence in the earth. As the Lord blessed at the
beginning of the work, so may we expect his blessing to continue to
the end, if we stand firmly on the platform of truth there laid, and
emulate the spirit of sacrifice and devotion manifested in the earlier
days of this cause.
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination.
Organized May 21, 1863.
Territory: The following-named Statistical Secretary: H. E.
Union Conferences: Atlantic, Rogers, Takoma Park Station,
Canadian, Southern,Lake,North- Washington, D. C.
. ern, Central, Southwestern, Pa-
cific, North Pacific, Australa- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
sian, German, Scandinavian, A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Sta-
British, South African, South tion, Washington, D. C.
American, and West Indian; 0. A. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
the Latin and Levant Union tion, Washington, D. C.
Missions; the missions of E. W. Farnsworth, South Lan-
China, India, japan, Mexico, caster, Mass.
British West Africa, Bermuda, W. H. Thurston, 123 Albert St.,
and the District of Columbia. Ottawa, Ontario.
Population: More or less under Geo. I. Butler, Twenty-fourth
sphere of Conferences and Mis- Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
sions, 1,450,340,282. Allen Moon, Room 223, Unity'
Sabbath-keepers: 87,311; church- Building, 147 East Market St.,
es, 2,417. Indianapolis, Ind.
Post-office Address: Takoma Park R. A. Underwood, 2718 Third Ave.,
Station, Washington, District of South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Columbia, U. S. A. E. T. Russell, :College View, Nebr. t
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- R. C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo.
ington. (A B C and Western H. W. Cottrell, Mountain View,
Union telegraphic codes used.) Cal.
OFFICERS. W. B. White, College Place, Wash.
0. A. Olsen, " Elsnath," Burwood
President: A. G. Daniel's, Takoma St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Park Station, Washington, D. 'C. tralia.
Vice-President: 0. A. Irwin, L. R. Conradi, .Grindelberg 15a,
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Hamburg, Germany.
ington, D. C. P. A. Hansen, Margrethevej 5,
Vice-President: L. R. Conradi, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Grindelberg 1.5a, Hamburg, Ger- E. E. Andross, 451 Holloway
many. Road, London, N., England.
Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma W. S. Hyatt, Kenilworth, Cape,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. South Africa.
Treasurer: I. H. Evans, Takoma J. W. Westphal, Casilla 481, Bue-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. nos Ayres, Argentina, South
U. Bender, 32 Text Lane, Kings-
Home Secretary: T. Bowen, ton, Jamaica, West Indies.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
: ington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.

I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- Takoma Park Station, Wash-

tion, Washington, D. C. ington, D. C.
W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma
Station, Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
W. C. White, Sanitarium, Napa B. E. Huffman, College View,
Co., Cal. Nebr.
W. C. Sisley, 451 Holloway Road, 0. A. Hall, Portage la Prairie,
London, N., England. Manitoba.
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster, E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn.
Mass. J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn.
Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park J. W. Lawhead, Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. ' Station, Washington, D. C.
H. R. Salisbury, 451 Holloway W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
Road, Londen, N., England. Station, Washington, D. C.
W. A. George, M. D., College W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
View, Nebr. tion, Washington, D. C.
W. A. Ruble, M. D., Takoma Park W. E. Howell, Loma Linda, Cal.
Station, Washington, D. C. M. E. Kern, College View, Nebr.
G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park J. G. Lamson, Holly, Mich.
Station, Washington, D. C.
K. C. Russell, Takoma Park Sta- SUB-COMMITTEES OF THE ED-
tion, Washington, D. C. UCATIONAL DEPARTMENT
G. F. Haffner, Shattuck, Okla.
32 members. Committee on Text-Books.
Chairman: C. C. Lewis, College
OFFICERS. Secretary: M. E. Kern, College
View, Nebr.
Chairman: Prof. Frederick Griggs,
Takoma Park Station, Wash- OTHER MEMBERS.
ington, D. C. M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
Secretary: Prof. C. C. Lewis, Col- B. E. Huffman, College View,
lege View, Nebr. Nebr.
OTHER MEMBERS. Miss Sarah E. Peck, Sanitarium,
Cal. -
L. A. Hoopes, Cooranbong, N. S. Mrs. Fannie M. Dickerson Chase,
W., Australia. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
C. W. Irwin, Cooranbong, N. S. ington, D. C.
W., Australia. Mrs. Sara J. Hall, South Lan-
C. H. Hayton, Kenilworth, Cape, caster, Mass.
South Africa. Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Madison,
Arthur Fulton, Diamante, Prov. Tenn.
Entre Rios, South America. Mrs. Flora H. Williams, Battle
H. R. Salisbury, 451 Holloway Creek, Mich.
Road, London, N., England.
0. Luepke, Friedensau, Post Gra- Committee on Courses of Study.
bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. OFFICERS.
0. A. Johnson, Akersgaden 74, Chairman: Frederick Griggs, Ta-
Christiania, Norway. koma Park Station, Washing-
Jean Vuilleumier, Gland, Switzer- ton, D. C.
land. Secretary: B. G. Wilkinson, Ta-
M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash. koma Park Station, Washing-
Mrs. Fannie M. Dickerson Chase, ton, D. C.


W. E. Howell, Loma Linda, via S. N. Curtiss, Takoma Park Sta-
Redlands, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn. I. A. Ford, Twenty-fourth Ave.,
Miss Mary Kinneburg, College North, Nashville, Tenn.
View, Nebr. F. F. Byington, College View,
C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex. Nebr.
J. G. Lamson, Holly, Mich. James Cochran, 1109 East Twelfth
B. E. Huffman, College View, St., Kansas City, Mo.
Nebr. R. L. Pierce, 204 West Twelfth
Miss Lula I. Tarbell, Rock Hall, St., Fort Worth, Tex.
Md. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
Committee on Blanks and Reports. tion, Washington, D. C.
B. B. Noftsger, Box 178, Toronto
Chairman: E. S. Ballenger, 257 Junction, Ontario.-
South Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. W. C. White, Sanitarium, Cal.
B. E. Huffman, College View, F. E. Painter, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Nebr. A. F. Harrison, Graysville, Tenn.
Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park J. B. Blosser, Berrien- Springs,
Station, Washington, D. C. Mich.
E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex.
J. S. Osborne, Modesto, Cal. A. G. Adams, Box 1800, Spokane,
Committee on School Manual. Wash.
Chairman: Frederick Griggs, Ta- I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta-
koma Park Station, Washington, tion, Washington, D. C.
D. C. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
Secretary: Mrs. .L. Flora Plum- tion, Washington, D. C.
mer, Takoma Park Station, W. A. Ruble, Takoma Park Sta-
Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
C. C. Lewis, College View, Nebr. RELIEF BUREAU.
Committee on Manual Training. OFFICERS.
Chairman: C. B. Hughes, Keene, Chairman: W. C. White, Sani-
Tex. tarium, Napa Co., Ca].
Floyd Bralliar, Stuart, Iowa. Secretary: E. R, Palmer, Moun-
H. A. Washburn, College Place, tain View, Cal.
Wash. '
J. H. Haughey, Berrien Springs, OTHER MEMBERS.
Mich. G. A. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
J. W. Lawhead, Takoma Park tion, Washington, D. C.
Station, Washington, D. C. J. E. Froom, Mt. Tabor Station,
W. E. Howell, Loma Linda, via Portland, Oregon.
Redlands, Cal. H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.
Mrs. Mina Mann, Hanford, Cal.
Chairman: C. H. Jones, Mountain OFFICERS.
View, Cal. Chairman: W. A. George, M. D.,
Secretary: E. R. Palmer, Moun- College View, Nebr.
tain View, Cal. Secretary: W. A. Ruble, M. D.,
Assistant Secretary: H. H. Hall, Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Mountain View, Cal. ington, 1?,. C.

MEMBERS APPOINTED BY GEN- Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plum-

ERAL CONFERENCE EXECU- mer, Takoma Park Station,
TIVE CONLMITTEE. Washington, D. C.

C. P. Farnsworth, M. D., Madi- OTHER MEMBERS.

son, Wis. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
C. C. Nicola, M. D., Melrose, Mass. Station, Washington, D. C.
F. M. Wilcox, care Sanitarium, M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View,
Boulder, Colo. Cal.
E. P. Hawkins, M. D., Montrose, Mrs. Fannie Dickerson Chase, Ta-
Minn koma Park Station, Washing-
W. C. Green,. M. D., 1323 Wolfe ton, D. C.
St., Little Rock, Ark. Miss M. Estella Houser, Takoma
G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Station, Washington, D. C. J. A. L. Derby, Takoma Park Sta-
J. A. Burden, Loma Linda, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS BY UNION M. E. Kern, College View, Nebr.
CONFERENCES. W. A. Colcord, Takoma Park Sta- '
tion, Washington, D. C.
G. T. Harding, M. D., 1 & 2 Iowa T. E. Bowen', Takoma Park Sta-
Circle, N. W., Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
, Knowlton, Quebec.
L. A. Hansen, Sanitarium, Nash-
ville, Tenn.
S. P. S. Edwards, M. D., 1213 Fif- RELIGIOUS LIBERTY BUREAU.
teenth St., Moline, Ill. OFFICERS.
W. M. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Chairman: K. C. Russell, Takoma
J. E. Froom, M. D., Mt. Tabor Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Station, Portland, Oregon. Secretary: W. A. Colcord, Takoma
D. H. Kress, M. D., Wahroonga, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
N. S. W., Australia. OTHER MEMBERS.
J. C. Ottosen, M. D., Skodsborg, Allen Moon, Room 223, Unity
Denmark. Building, Indianapolis, Ind.
A. B. Olsen, M. D., The Hydro, L. A. Smith, Twenty-fourth Ave.,
Caterham, Surrey, England.
North, Nashville, Tenn.
A. J. Hoenes, M. D., Friedensau, C. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Station, Washington, D. C.
Germany. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
P. A. De Forest, M. D., Gland,
tion, Washington, D. C.
J. S. Washburn, 610 Meridian St.,
Geo. Thomason, M. D., Plumstead, Nashville, Tenn.
near Cape Town, South Africa. R. C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo.
R. H. Habenicht, M. D., Casilla S. B. Horton, 2234 Magazine St.,
481, Buenos Ayres, Argentina,
New Orleans, La.
South America.
H. W. Reed, 279Y2 Main St., Osh-
kosh, Wis.


Chairman: G. B. Thompson, Ta-
koma Park Station, Washing- Chairman: G. A. Irwin, Takonia
ton, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.

Secretary: I. H. Evans, Takoma \V. Ising, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-

Park Station, Washington, D. C. burg, Germany.
0. 0. Fortner, Kenilworth, Cape,
OTHER MEMBERS. South Africa.
N. Z. Town, Casilla 481, Buenos
G. F. Haffner (Superintendent Ayres, Argentine Republic,
Gernian Department west of
South America.
Mississippi River), Shattuck, J. M. Calvert, 1159 Jackson Ave.,
Okla. Bronx, New York, N. Y.
0. E. Reinke (Superintendent
German Department east of
Mississippi River), 974 East
138th St., New York, N. Y. LEGAL CORPORATIONS.
S. Mortenson (Superintendent
Swedish Department), 5942 Pe- GENERAL CONFERENCE COR-
oria St., Chicago, 111. PORATION.
L. H. Christian (Superintendent
Danish-Norwegian Department), Incorporated 1904.
Room 670, 324 Dearborn St., Office Address: Takoma Park Sta-
Chicago, Ill. tion, Washington, D. C.
B. G. Wilkinson, Takoma Park Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells;
Station, Washington, D. C. Sec., W. A.. Spicer; Treas., I. H.
Manager of the New York City Evans.
Foreign Literature Depository. Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells,
I. H. Evans, W. W. Prescott, G.
A. Irwin, K. C. Russell, S. N.
Curtiss, A. P. Needham.
I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. (Also GENERAL CONFERENCE ASSO-
general agent for transatlantic CIATION.
steamship lines.)
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Office Address: Takoma. Park
(Also general agent for trans- Station, Washington, D. C.
pacific steamship lines.)
C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. OFFICERS.
I. A. Ford, Twenty-fourth Ave.,
North, Nashville, Tenn. President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma
Win. Covert, Room 670, 324 Dear- Park Station, Washington, D. C.
born St., Chicago, Ill. Treasurer: I. H. Evans, Takoma
II. A. Morrison, College View, Park Station, Washington, D. C
Nebr. Secretary: H. E. Rogers.
C. M. Everest, Box 989, Minne- OTHER MEMBERS.
apolis, Minn.
Jas. Cochran, 1109 East Twelfth w. A. Spicer, W. W. Prescott,
St., Kansas City, Mo. K. C. Russell, G. A. Irwin, P. T.
Meade MacGuire, 1112 South Magan, Allen Moon, Wm. Co-
Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. vert, A. G. Haughey, 11. A. Un-
C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex. derwood, J. E. Jayne, H. W.
A. Bacon, 451 Holloway Road, Cottrell, S. N. Curtiss, J. S.
London, N., England. Comins, A. E. Place, D. B. Par-
George Fisher, " Elsnath," Bur- melee, J. Sutherland, T. E.
wood St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Bowen, Frederick Griggs.
Australia. Executive Committee: A. G. Dan-
H. W. Decker, Mt. Tabor Station, jells, W. W. Prescott, I. H.
Portland, Oregon. Evans, IV. A. Spicer.

FOREIGN MISSION BOARD. Irwin, G. A., Takoma Park Sta-

tion, Washington, D. C.
Address: Takoma Park Station, Kuniya, H., 30 Oiwake-eho, Hon-
Washington, D. C. go-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Trustees: A. G. Daniel's, W. A. Loughborough, J. N., Mountain
Spicer, S. N. Curtiss, H. W. Cot- View, Cal.
trell, I. H. Evans, G. A. Irwin, Miller, H. W., Sin Iang Cheo, Ho-
G. M. Chaffee, W. W. Prescott, nan, via Hankow, China.
C. H. Edwards. Miller, W. W., 39-1 Free School
Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; St., Calcutta, India.
Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., I. H. Mortenson, S., 5942 Peoria St.,
Chicago, Ill.
Okohira, T. H., 856 Sendagaya-
mura, Tokyo, Japan.
Owen, G. K., "Lucretia Dale," Col-
LABORERS ENGAGED IN GEN- petty, Colombo, Ceylon.
Pilquist, E., Lo Shan Hsien, Ho-
nan, via Hankow, China.
SION FIELDS, UNDER THE Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park
GENERAL CONFERENCE. Station, Washington, D. C.
Reinke, 0. E., 974 East 138th St.,
MINISTERS. New York, N. Y.
Anderson, B. L., Kulangsu, Amoy, Russell, K. C., Takoma Park Sta-
China. tion; Washington, D. C.
Selmon, A. C., Siang Cheng Hsien,
Anderson, J. N., care British Post-
Honan, via Hankow, China.
office, Canton, China. Shaw, J. L., 39-1 Free School St.,
Babcock, D. C., Freetown, Sierra Calcutta, India.
Leone, West Africa. Smith, W. R., Soonan, Korea.
Brown, Geo. M., 1426 Avenue 20, Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. - tion, Washington, D. C.
Butler, Geo. I., Twenty-fourth Thompson, Geo. B., Takoma Park
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Station, Washington, D. C.
Caviness, G. W., 1599 Avenue 22, Votaw, H. H., " Grennan Slopes,"
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Insein, near Rangoon, Burma.
Christian, L. H., Room 670, 324 Westrup, J. J., Lo Shan Hsien,
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Honan, via Hankow, China.
Colcord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- White, Mrs. E. G., " Elmshaven,"
Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C.
White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa
Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta- Co., Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. Wilkinson, B. G., Takoma Park
Evans, I. H., Takoma Park Sta- Station, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Farnsworth, E. W., South Lan- LICENTIATES.
caster, Mass.
Field, F. W., 30 Oiwake-cho, Barlow, W. A., Simultala, E. I. R.,
Hongo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. India.
Benson, H. F., 846 Sendagaya-
Griggs, Frederick, Takoma Park
mura, Tokyo, Japan.
Station, Washington, D. C. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Haffner, G. F., Shattuck, Okla. tion, Washingon, D. C.
Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy, Burden, W. D., 846 Sendagaya-
China. mura, Tokyo, Japan.
Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster, Froorn, J. F., Mt. Tabor Station,
Mass. Portland, Oregon.

Haskell, Mrs. H. PL., South Lan- Farnsworth, Mrs. V. J., South

caster, Mass. Lancaster, Mass.
Hyatt, J. M., Lagos, South Ni- Fattebert, U. C., San Luis Potosi,
geria, West Africa. Mexico.
James, J. S., 39-1 Free School St., Fattebert, Mrs. Helen I., San
Calcutta, India. Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Keh, S., Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Field, Mrs. F. W., 30 Oiwake-cho,
Laird, P. J., Changsha, Hunan, Hongo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
China. Hankins, Mrs. Bessie L., Kulang-
Lawhead, J. W., Takoma Park en, Amoy, China.
Station, Washington, D. C. Hansen, L. F., " Grennan Slopes,"
Little, J. C., Karmatar, E. I. R., Insein, near Rangoon, Burma.
India. Hansen, Mrs. L. F., " Grennan
Meyers, H. B., 6 Alexandra St., Slopes," Insein, near Rangoon,
Bangalore, South India. Burma.
Palmer, E. R., Mountain View, Hare, Maggie, Sanitarium, Cal.
Cal. Harriman, Hattie, .42 Yamamoto-
Robinson, Dores E., Sanitarium, dori, Nichome, Kobe, Japan.
Cal. Harzman, John, la de Bolivar
Ruble, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- No. 8, San Luis .Potosi, Mexico.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Herboltzheimer, John, 42 Yama-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. moto-dori, Nichome, Ko b e ,
Allum, F. A., Sin fang Cheo, Ho- Herboltzheimer, Mrs. J., 42 Yama-
nan, via Hankow, China. moto-dori, N i c h o m e, Kobe,
Allum, Mrs. F. A., Sin Tang Cheo, Japan.
Honan, via Hankow, China. Ingersoll, R. S., 50 Park St., Cal-
Anderson, Mrs. B. L., Kulangsu, cutta, India.
Amoy, China. Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P., 50 Park
Anderson, Mrs. Emma T., care St., Calcutta, India.
British Post-office, Canton, oames, Mrs. J. S., 39-1 Free
China. School St., Calcutta, India.
Babcock, Mrs. Mina, Freetown, Jewell, H. J., 50 Park St., Cal-
Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Benson, Mrs. Helen, 846 Senda- cutta, India.
gaya-mura, Tokyo, Japan. Jewett, Daisy, Beechwood House,
Burden, Mrs. W. D., 846 Senda- Darjeeling, India.
gaya-mura, Tokyo, Japan. Johnson, Miss Rachel, 39-1 Free
Burgess, L. J., Almora, via Kath- School St., Calcutta, India.
godam, India. Deem, Law, M. D., care British
Burgess, Mrs. Georgia A., Almora, Post-office, Canton, China.
via Kathgodam, India. Keem, Mrs. Edith M., care British
Burroway, Della, Karmatar, E. I. Post-office, Canton, China.
R., India. King, Miss Bertha J., 39-1 Free
Caviness, Mrs. G. W., 1599 Ave- School St., Calcutta, India.
nue 22, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Knight, Annie, Fairy Villa, She-
Cook, R. R., 39-1 Free School St., ultala, E. I. R., India.
Calcutta, India.
Kurtz, Miss Bertha, Dhun Bldg.,
Cook, Mrs. Lucy B., 39-1 Free
School St., Calcutta, India. Mereweather Road, Apollo,
Crisler, C. C., Sanitarium, Cal. Bunder, Bombay, India.
Erickson, Carrie, Sin Tsai Hsien, Laird, Dr. Emma Perrine, Chang-
Honan, via Hankow, China. sha, Hunan, China.
Erkenbeck, J. MT., Hotel Ameri- Little, Mrs. J. C., Karma -tar, E. I.
can, Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico. R., India.

Lockwood, Dr. S. A., 42 Yama- Selmon, Mrs. Bertha L., Siang

moto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, Ja- Cheng Hsien, Honan, via Han-
pan. kow, China.
Lockwood, Mrs. Myrtle S., 42 Smith, D. Ella, Dhun Bldg., Mere-
Yamamoto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, weather Road, Apollo, Bunder,
Japan. Bombay, India.
MacEnterfer, Sara, Sanitarium,. Smith, Mrs. Addie, Soonan, Korea.
Cal. Simpson, Charlotte, Sin Tsai
Mackey, Mrs. Thekla B., 39-1 Hsien, Honan, via Hankow,
Free School St., Calcutta, India. China.
Marsh, Dr. Lucinda A., Dhun Shaw, Mrs. Bessie, 39-1 Free
Bldg., Mereweather Road, Apol- School St., Calcutta, India.
lo, Bunder, Bombay, India. Thompson, Ida, care British Post-
MeCarnley, Mrs. L. L., 39-1 Free office, Canton, China.
School St., Calcutta, India. Vanscoy, Miss Amanda, care Brit-
McIntyre, Miss Ella, 50 Park St., ish Post-office, Canton, China.
Calcutta, India. Votaw, Mrs. Caroline, " Grennan
Menkel, Dr. H. C., 39-1 Free Slopes," Insein, Burma.
School St., Calcutta, India. Watson, A. G., 105 Corporation
St., Calcutta, India.
Menkel, Mrs. May P., 39-1 Free
Westrup, Mrs. J. J., Lo Shan
School St., Calcutta, India.
Hsien, Honan, via Hankow,
Miller, Mrs. Ruth M., 39-1 Free
School St., Calcutta, India.
Whaley, Miss Cora, Dhun Bldg.,
Mong Mong, 116 Coavasjee Ter- Mereweather Road, Apollo,
race, Montgomery Road, Ran-
Bunder, Bombay, India.
goon, Burma.
Whiteis, Samanthd, E., Karinatar,
Mookerjee, A. C., Old Baydakana, E. I. R., India. (In U. S. on
2d Lane, Calcutta, India. furlough.)
Mookerjee, Mrs. Grace K., 39-1 Wilbur, E. H., care British Post-
Free School St., Calcutta, India. office, Canton, China.
Morgan, Claude E., Box 105, Be- Wilbur, Mrs. Susan H., care Brit-
lize, British Honduras, Central ish Post-office, Canton, China.
America. Wilcox, A. Helen, Fairy Villa,
Morgan, Mrs. C. E., Box 105, Be- Simultala, E. I. R., India.
lize, British Honduras, Central Westrup, Mrs. J. J Sin Tsai
America. Hsien, Honan, via Hankow,
Oberholtzer, Dr. 011ie, 39-1 Free China.
School St., Calcutta, India. Wilkinson, Mrs. Maude M., Ta-
O'Connor, Miss A., 39-1 Free koma Park Station, Washing-
School St., Calcutta, India. ton, D. C.
Olney, Mrs. S. J., 50 Park St., Young, Miss Bessie,. 30 Oiwake-
Calcutta, India. cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Orr, Anna, Orion, St. Johns Hill,
Bangalore, South India.
Pilquist, Mrs. Ida, Lo Shan, Ho- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND
nan, via Hankow, China. TAKOMA PARK.
Placencia, Miguel, No. 92, Aran-
zazu, Guadalajara, Mexico. Evangelical work under super-
Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma vision of committee of twenty
Park Station, Washington, D. C. elected by the churches in the
Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta- District by arrangement made
tion. Washington, D. C. in 1903.
Scharffenberg, Miss Mimi, Soonan, Territory: The District of Co-
Korea. lumbia and Takoma Park.

Population: 279,000. MINISTER.

Membership: 467; churches, 4. L. C. Sheafe, 2021 Eighth St., N.
Address: Takoma Park Station, W., Washington, D. C.
Washington, D. C. LICENTIATES.
OFFICERS. A. J. Bristol, Blair Road, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Chairman: K. C. Russell, Takoma G. A. Stevens, 1658-A Avon Place,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. N. W., Washington, D. C.
Secretary: J. H. Neall, 1528 Ninth MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Miss L. M. Slocum, 1528 Ninth
Treasurer: I. H. Evans, Takoma St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Annie C. Sheafe, 2021 Eighth
Executive Committee: K. C. Rus- St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
sell, I. H. Evans, G. B. Thomp- H. N. Sisco, 1 and 2 Iowa Circle,
son, L. C. Sheafe, G. A. Stevens, Washington, D. C.
D. W. Reavis, J. N. Gillis, G. T. Mrs. P. S. Sisco, 1 and 2 Iowa
Harding. Circle, Washington, D. C.


Organized 19oi.

Territory: The Conferences of Executive Committee: E. W.

Maine,. Vermont, Central New Farnsworth, W. J. Fitzgerald,
England (comprising the States the presidents of the Confer-
of Massachusetts and New ences composing the Union,
Hampshire), Southern New Eng- Frederick Griggs, C. C. Nicola,
land (Connecticut and Rhode S. N. Curtiss, F. E. Painter, and
Island),New. York, Greater New E. E. Miles:
York, New Jersey, Eastern " The Atlantic Union Conference
Pennsylvania, West Pennsyl- Association of Seventh-day Ad-
vania, Western New York, ventists: " Trustees: Eugene
Chesapeake, Virginia, and West W. Farnsworth (Pres.), Horace
Virginia. B. Tucker (Sec. and Treas.),
Population: 26,161,121. William J. Fitzgerald, Frederick
Membership: 8,516; churches, 300. Griggs, Charles H. Edwards.
Office: South Lancaster, Mass. Auditor: J. E. Jayne.
OFFICERS. Medical Missionary Department:
A.dvisory Committee: G. T.
President: E. W. Farnsworth, Harding, M. D.; C. C. Nicola,
South Lancaster, Mass. M. D.; H. B. Knapp, M. D.; E.
Vice-President: W. J. Fitzgerald, F. Otis, M. D.,; Mrs. Patience
1730 North Nineteenth St., Bourdeau-Sisco, M. D.; G. H.
Philadelphia, Pa. Heald, M. D.; J. E. Jayne, C. H.
Secretary and Treasurer: Miss Edwards, W. J. Fitzgerald
Jennie Thayer, South Lancas- Educational Department: Fred-
ter, Mass. erick Griggs (Chairman), W. J.
Auditor: E. R. Brown. Fitzgerald (Sec.), W. A. West-
General Missionary Agent: F. E. worth, Mrs. S. J. Hall, H. W.
Painter, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Carr, C. H. Edwards, J. E.

Jayne, Frank .Page, B. F. Purd- Roy F. Cottrell, South Lancaster,

ham, Miss Eliza II. Morton, Mass.
Miss Lula. I. Tarbell, Miss Sue E. E. Miles, South Lancaster,
M. Andrews, Miss Fannie Fond- Mass.
ersmith. J. Wallenkampf, 16 Hooper St.,
MINISTERS. Worcester, Mass.
E. W. Farnsworth, South Lan- LICENTIATES.
caster, Mass. F. W. Stray, 91 Buckingham St.,
W. J. Fitzgerald, 1730 North Nine- Springfield, Mass.
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Arthur E. Sanderson, 15 Boston
Roy F. Cottrell, South Lancaster, St., Lawrence, Mass.
Mass. . W. R. Uchtman, 107 Staniford
LICENTIATE. St., Boston, Mass.
C. F. Ulrich, South Lancaster,
F. E. Painter, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Mass.
CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND C. E. Palmer, 8 Maple Ave., Ev-
CONFERENCE. erett, Mass.
H. C. Wilcox, South Lancaster,
Organized 1903, out of territory Mass.
formerly comprising the. New Mrs. M. E. Clark, Lawrence, Mass.
England Conference. Miss Jennie Person, 107 Stani-
Territory: Massachusetts. and ford St., Boston, Mass.
New Hampshire. Miss Minnie A. Sanderson, 107
Population: Approximately 3,216,- Staniford St., Boston, Mass.
934. Mrs. M. A. Wheeler, 107 Stani-
Membership: 1,092; churches, 33. ford St., Boston, Mass.
Office: South Lancaster, Mass. Miss Anna Downs, 37 Hosmer St.,
Everett, Mass.
OFFICERS. Mrs. Ella Wilber, South Lancas-
President: H. F. Ketring, South ter, Mass.
Lancaster, Mass. Mrs. R. F. Cottrell, South Lancas-
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- ter, Mass.
ference and Tract Society: H. B. Edgar A. Von Pohle, South Lan-
Tucker, South Lancaster, Mass. caster, Mass.
Sabbath-school and Missionary LICENSED COLPORTEURS.
Secretary: Mrs. Lee S. Wheeler,
33 Magnolia St., Malden, Mass. William E. Gerald, South Lancas-
Field Missionary Agent: H. C. ter, Mass.
Wilcox, South Lancaster, Mass. Miss Cora A. Spencer, 14 Sever
St., Worcester, Mass.
MINISTERS. A. Judson Rice, Chelmsford,. Mass.
Mrs. A. J. Rice, Chelmsford, Mass.
H. F. Ketrin.g, South Lancaster, William W. Rice, Box 221, Mer-
Mass. rimac, Mass.
Lee S. Wheeler, 33 Magnolia St., Mrs. G. Laycock, 501 Main St.,
Malden, Mass. Worcester, Mass.
F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster, D. A. Piper, Hillsboro Bridge,
Mass. N. H.
H. E. Robinson, care New Eng- CH [TECH -SCHOOL TEACHERS.
land Sanitarium, Melrose', Mass.
H. C. Hartwell, 146 Grove St., Miss Sadie E. Clark, 339 South
Athol, Mass. St., Athol, Mass.

Miss Florence Kidder, 23 Dewey MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

St., Worcester, Mass.
Miss Rowena Purdon, South Lan- E. R. Nutter, 1909 Lansdowne St.,
caster, Mass. Baltimore, Md.
W. H. Pohle, 1909 Lansdowne St.,
Baltimore, Md.
Miss Emma S. Newcomer, Hagers-
Miss Lula I. Tarbell, Rock Hall,
Organized 1899. , Md.
Miss May G. Cole, 1909 Lans-
Territory: Delaware and Mary- downe St., Baltimore, Md.
land, and the three counties of W. C. Fleisher, 1909 Lansdowne
Morgan, Berkeley, and Jeffer- St., Baltimore, Md.
son, in West Virginia;. also ex-
cepting the District of Colum- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
bia and Takoma Park.
Population: 1,419,586. Miss Lula I. Tarbell, Rock Hall,
Membership: 550; churches, 15. Md.
Miss Mary I. Cobban, Ford's
Office: 1909 Lansdowne St., Bal- Store, Md.
timore, Md. Miss Lillian E. Warneck, Ches-
wold, Del.
Miss Mae E. Willis, R. F. D. No.
2, Cumberland, Md.
President: Morris Lukens, 612
Cator Ave. Baltimore, Md.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
ference and Tract Society: Ed-
win B. Nutter, office address. EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA
Field Missionary Agent: W. C. CONFERENCE.
Fleisher, 1909 Lansdowne St.,
Baltimore, Md. Organized 1903, out of territory
Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss comprising t h e Pennsylvania
Emma S. Newcomer, Hagers- Conference, which was organ-
town, Md. ized in 1879.
Educational Secretary: Miss Lula Territory: That portion of Penn-
I. Tarbell, Rock Hall, Md. sylvania lying east of the east-
Religious Liberty Secretary: V. erly line of Potter, Clinton,
H. Lucas, Takoma Park Sta- Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and
tion, Washington, D. C. Fulton Counties.
Executive Committee: Morris Lu- Population: 3,800,000.
kens, E. R. Nutter, J. F. Jones, Membership: 999; churches, 26.
N. C. Dreer, S. H. Lister. Office: 4910 Arch St., Philadelphia,

Morris Lukens, 612 Cator Ave., President: W. Fitzgerald, 1730

Baltimore, Md. North Nineteenth St., Philadel-
phia, Pa.
John F. Jones, 719 West Ninth
St., Wilmington, Del. Vice-President: W. H. Smith, 433
Anthony St., Williamsport, Pa.
J. A. Traugh, R. F. D. No. 2, Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Cumberland, Md. ference and Tract Society: V.
V. H. Lucas, Takoma Park Sta- H. Cook, office address.
tion, Washington, D. C. Field Missionary Agent: J. R.
Fred H. Seeney, Cheswold, Del. Ebersole, Elizabethtown, Pa.

Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Miss Elsie M. Swingle, 1204 Ve-

retary, Miss Sue M. Andrews, nango St., Philadelphia, Pa.
office address; Treasurer, V. H.
Religious Liberty Secretary: G.
W. Spies, Dauphin, Pa. GREATER NEW YORK CON-
Executive Committee: W. J. Fitz- FERENCE.
gerald, W. H. Smith, C. D. Organized 1902.
Christman, G. W. Spies, Henry
Baumgartner. Territory: The City of Greater
New York, Long Island, and the
MINISTERS. counties of Westchester, Rock-
land, Putnam, Orange, Dutch-
W. J. Fitzgerald, 1730 N. Nine- ess, and Ulster in th State of
teenth St,, Philadelphia, Pa. New York.
S. S. Shrock, 908 Harrison Ave., Population: Approximately, 5,-
Scranton, Pa. 000,000.
W. H. Smith, 433 Anthony St., Membership: 729; churches, 16.
Williamsport, Pa. Office: 535 West One Hundred and
H. Meyer, 1942 North Seventeenth Tenth St., New York, N. Y.
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Chas. Bairele, 2336 Thompson St., OFFICERS.
Philadelphia, Pa.
G. W. Spies, Dauphin, Pa. President: C. H. Edwards, office
J. L. Baker, Alba, Pa. address.
0. 0. Bernstein, 4910 Arch St., Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Philadelphia, Pa. ference and Tract Society: E. H.
Hall, office address.
LICENTIATES. Field Missionary Secretary: W..1.
Mullen, office . address.
C. E. Hilton, Ephrata, Pa. Executkie Committee: C. H. Ed-
I. M. Martin, Northumberland, Pa. wards, E. H. Hall, M. L. An-
dreasen, 0. E. Reinke, J. K.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Humphrey, Amos Mitchell, J. J.
Miss Sue M. Andrews, 4910 Arch Medical Department: E. 1-I. M.
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sell, M. D.; H. P. Vaughan, M.
Miss Jessie M. Weiss, 23 Hoyt St., D.; 0. E. Reinke.
Kingston, Pa. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
Miss Nellie B. Underwood, 433 retary, Miss Florence L: Cole-
Anthony St., Williamsport, Pa. man, 477 Quincy St., Brooklyn.
Geo. F. B. Unger, Vera Cruz, Pa. N. Y.
V. H. Cook, 4910 Arch St., Phila- Religious Liberty Department:
delphia, Pa. Secretary: Amos Mitchell, 5517
J. R. Ebersole, Elizabethtown, Pa. New Utrecht Ave., Brooklyn,
Miss Frances Dinsmore, 1320 Scott N. Y.
St., Williamsport, Pa. Educational Department: Amos
H. Langenberg, 1942 North Seven- Mitchell, M. L. Andreasen, Mrs.
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. L. H. Proctor (Utica Ave. and
Mrs. H. Langenberg, 1942 North Furnell St., Brooklyn, N. Y.)
Seventeenth St., Philadelphia,
C. S. Wiest, South Lancaster,
Mass. C. H. Edwards, 535 West 110th
C. S. Baum, South Lancaster, St., New York, N. Y.
Mass. 0. E. Reinke, 974 East 138th St.,
John I. Hughey, Kingston, Pa. New York, N. Y.

L. H. Proctor, Utica Ave. and MAINE CONFERENCE.

Furnell St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
M. L. Andreasen, 338 Seventy- Organized 1867.
sixth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Territory: The State of Maine.
J. K. Humphrey, 2364 Pitkin Ave., Population: 694,466.
Brooklyn, N. Y. - Membership of Churches: 482;
H. C. Giles, 535 West 110th St., isolated Sabbath-keepers, 150.
New York, N. Y. Number of Churches: 21.
Office: 1377 Washington Ave.,
LICENTIATES. North Deering, Me.
J. J. Kennedy, 1482 Avenue A, OFFICERS.
New York, N. Y.
G. E. Nord, 21 East 110th St., President: S. J. Hersum, Rich-
New York, N. Y. mond, Me.
B. Voth, 720 Himrod St., Brook- Vice-President: J. B. Goodrich,
lyn, N. Y. Blaine, Me.
J. C. Hennessy, 11 Oakley St., Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ference and Tract Society: Miss
L. Zechetto, 18 and 20 West 107th Eliza H. Morton, 365 Allen
St., New York, N. Y. Ave., North Deering, Me.
Amos Mitchell, 5517 New Utrecht Secretary and Treasurer Sabbath-
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. school Dept.: Miss Lilla M.
P. E. Brotherson, 535 West 110th Grant, North Jay, Me.
St., New York, N. Y. Executive Committee: S. J. Her-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. sum, J. B. Goodrich, C. H. Har-
mon (Cliff Island, Me.), John
Mrs. R. Leo, 275 Euclid Ave., Easier (Richmond, Me.), E. C.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Taylor (South Norridgewock,
Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 215 . South Me.)
Third Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. " Benevolent Association of Sev-
Alice Williams, 177 Schenectady enth-day Adventists: " C. H.
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harmon (Pres.), R. T. Hobbs
Eliza Kehrein, 864 East 140th St., (Vice-Pres.), E. C. Taylor
New York, N. Y. (Clerk and Treas.), S. J. Her-
R. Hannaford, 275 Euclid Ave., sum, J. B. Goodrich, W. "J. Duns-
Brooklyn, N. Y. comb, Geo. Whitney.
H. Borchgrevink, 275 Twenty-sec- District Directors: L. L. Howard,
ond St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 47 Vesper St., Portland, Me.
A. Meyer, 78 Norwood Ave., A. J. Verrill, R.. F. D. No. 1, Ox-
Brooklyn, N. Y. ford, Me.
Henry Pankoke, 504 East Sev- Geo. Whitney, 10 Noyes St., Au-
enty-ninth St., New York, N. Y. gusta, Me.
R. H. Martin, 535 West 110th St., L. L. Allen, R. F. D. No. 1, Fair-
New York, N. Y. field, Me.
J. Mitchell, 234 East Fifty-third Jennie Bates, 148 North St., Bath,
St., New York, N. Y. Me.
C. De W. Sharp, 535 West 110th J. B. Goodrich, Blaine, Me.
St., New York, N. Y. Timothy McGraw, Danforth, Me.
John Olson, New Sweden, Me.
H. Tonjes, 535 West 110th St.,
New York, N. Y. MINISTERS.
F. Scharff, 535 West 110th St.,
New York, N. Y. S. J. Hersum, Richmond, Me.
Mrs. E. S. Sydnor, Corona, Long .1. B. Goodrich, Blaine, Me.
Island, N. Y. P. B. Osborne; Skowhegan, Me.


A. J. Verrill, Oxford, Me. J. W. Rambo, Swedesboro, N. J.

L. L. Howard, Portland, Me.
C. W. Keniston, Gardiner, Me.


Organized 1862; Reorganized 1906.
W. C. Thompson, Rockland, Me.
Miss Minnie Prince, Bath, Me. Territory: Eastern portion of the
Miss Maud Macomber, Lewiston, State of New York, east of the
Me. eastern boundaries of the coun-
Mrs. C. P. Wood, Skowhegan, Me. ties of Cayuga, Tompkins, and
Mrs. Abbie Webber, Clinton, Me. Tioga, excepting the counties of
Westchester, Rockland, Put-
nam, Orange, Dutchess, and Ul-
ster, also the City of Greater
Population: 1,700,000.
Organized 1902. Membership: 895; churches, 35.
Office: 317 West Bloomfield St.,
Territory: The State of New Rome, N. Y.
Jersey. '
Population: 1,883,669. OFFICERS.
Membership: 481; churches, , 18.
Office: Swedesboro, N. J. President: F. H. DeVinney, 317
West Bloomfield St., Rome,
Secretary and Treasurer: F. N.
President: .1. E. Jayne, 14 North Johnson, 317 West Bloomfield
Thirtieth St., Camden, N. J. St., Rome, N. Y.
Secretary and Treasurer of all Tract Society: Secretary and
DepartMents: Mrs. Anna E. Treasurer, F. N. Johnson.
Rambo, Swedesboro, N. J. Educational Department: Secre-
Executive Committee: J. E. Jayne, tary, Miss Bessie L. Jackson,
Peter. Van Duren, Edgar Pen- 317 West Bloomfield St.; Rome,
nington, Benjamin Blinn, H. J. N. Y.
Adams. Religious Liberty Department: J.
MINISTERS. S. Wightman, 317 West Bloom-
field St., Rome, N. Y.
J. E. Jayne, 14 North Thirtieth Medical Missionary Department:
St., Camden, N. J. Secretary, Owen B. Green, 19
A. R. Bell, R. F. D. 1, Washing State St., Watertown, N. Y.
ton, N. J. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
E. E. Franke, 177 Wall St., Ir- retary, Mrs. L. M. Calkins, 104
vington, N. J. Expense St., Rome, N. Y. '
Field Missionary Agent: F. C.
LICENTIATES. Webster, office address.
F. F. Stoll, 321 Germania Ave., Executive Committee: F. H. De-
jersey City, N. J. Vinney, T. E. Bowen, Courtland
Carl B. Haynes, 405 State St., D. Green, H. D. Church, C. S.
Camden, N. J. Coon, J. R. Calkins, C. C.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. "New York Conference Associa-
tion of Seventh-day Advent-
Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, Swedesboro, ists: " Trustees: F. H. DeVin-
N. J. ney (Pres.), T. E. Bowen (Vice-

President, Secretary and Treas- Sabbath-school Department: Sec-

urer), C. D. Green, H. D. Church, retary, Miss Ona M. Russell,
J. R. Calkins, C. S. Coon, C. C. office address.
Harris. Religious Liberty Bureau: Secre-
tary, W. R. Andrews, 1094 Park
St., Hartford, Conn.
F. H. DeVinney, 317 West Bloom- Field Missionary Agent: Chas.
field St., Rome, N. Y. Dyer, 126 Brown St., Hartford,
S. B. Whitney, 109 Harrison Conn.
Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Executive Committee: Wm. A.
1. Wheeler, West Monroe, Oswego Westworth, D. B. Parmelee,
Co., N. Y. D. A. Bidwell, G. P. Coates,
H. H. Wilcox, R. F. D. No. 1, James A. TOIL
Norwood, St. Lawrence Co., MINISTERS.
N. Y.
L. T. Nicola, Union, Broome Co., Wm. A. Westworth, 152 Seymour
N. Y. St., Hartford, Conn.
P. Z. Kinne, Kirkville, Onondaga J. C. Stevens, 369 Washington
Co., N. Y. Ave., New Haven, Conn.
J. S. Wightman, 317 West Bloom- W. R. Andrews, 1094 Park St.,
field St., Rome, N. Y. Hartford, Conn.
Elof Johnson, 152' Seymour St.,
LICENTIATES. Hartford, Conn.
Mrs. Lulu Wightman, 317 West LICENTIATES.
Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.
C. C. Harris, Carlisle, N. Y. A. J. Clark, 299 Williams St.,
F. C. Webster, 317 West Bloom- Middletown, Conn.
field St., Rome, N. Y. C. H. Reimers, 58 Charles St.,
Meriden, Conn.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. H. Lesley Shoup, 310 Prospect
Mary A. Millington, 8 First St., St., Torrington, Conn.
Albany, N. Y. H. S. Prener, Takoma Park Sta-
D. G. Turk, 525 State St., Bing- tion, Washington, D. C.
Miss E. Matilda Thaler, South
Lancaster, Mass. .
Miss Lora, L. Tarbell, South Lan-
CONFERENCE. caster, Mass.
Organized in 1903, from territory Miss Ona M. Russell, 152 Sey-
formerly comprised in the New mour St., Hartford, Conn.
England Conference. Miss Irene J. Cady, 152 Seymour
Territory: The States of Connec- St., Hartford, Comi.
ticut and Rhode Island. Chas. Dyer, 126 Brown St., Hart-
ford, Conn.
Population: 1,336,976.
Membership: 450; churches, 18.
Office: 152 Seymour St., Hartford,
OFFICERS. Organized 1863.
President: Wm. A. Westworth, Territory: The State of Vermont,
office address. and the Counties of Coos and
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- Grafton, New Hampshire.
ference and Tract Society: Miss Population: 343,641.
Irene J. Cady, office address. Membership: 492; churches, 18.

Office: 190 North Winooski Ave., Secretary: A. M. Neff, New

Burlington, Vt. Market, Va.
Treasurer: 0. F. Dart, 1300 North
OFFICERS. 'Twenty-eighth St., Richmond,
President: 0. 0. Farnsworth, Va.
Sharon, Vt. Secretary and Treasurer Tract
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- Society Department: A. M. Neff,
ference and Tract Society: W. New Market, Va.
E. Fortune, office address. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- ment: Miss Ada , T. Gallaher,
ment and Corresponding Secre- 810 Wise St., Lynchburg, Va.
tary: Mrs. A. E. Taylor, Brown- Religious Liberty Secretary: H. J.
ington, Vt. Farman, 601 North Thirty-
Educational and Field Secretary: second St., Richmond; Va.
F. M. Dana, West Burke, Vt. Field Missionary Agent: W. H.
Educational Committee: 0. 0. Zeidler, 1312 North Twenty-
Farnsworth, F. M. Dana (Sec.), eighth St., Richmond, Va.
Mrs. A. E. Taylor, Dr. C. F.
Ball, Miss Mary F. Rice. Executive Committee: R. D. Hot-
Religious Liberty Secretary: T. tel, A. C. Neff, H. W. 'Herren,
0. F. Dart, M. S. Babcock.
H. Purdon, Rutland, Vt.
Field Missionary Agent: A. W. "Virginia Conference Agency of
Boardman, North Wolcott, Vt. Seventh-day Adventists" (le-
Executive Committee: 0. 0. Farns- gal corpozation): Pres., R. D.
worth, F. M. Dana, A. W. Hottel; Sec. and Treas., A. M.
Boardman, T. H. Purdon, A. P. Neff; other members of Board:
Needham. A. C. Neff, H. W. Herren, M. S.
Babcock, 0. F. Dart, G. W. Roat.
0. 0. Farnsworth, Sharon, Vt.
T. H. Purdon, 82 North Main St., R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va.
Rutland, Vt. A. C. Neff, Quicksburg, Va.
LICENTIATE. H. W. Herrell, Mercer ,St., Fred-
ericksburg, Va.
F. M. Dana, West Burke, Vt. H. J. Farman, 601 North Thirty-
second St., Richmond, Va.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. M. S. Babcock, 1123 Patterson
Ave., Roanoke, Va.
Mrs. Carrie Farnsworth, Sharon, C. B. Rule, Fords, Va.
Vt. M. S. Wooding, Spencer, Va.
Miss Mary F. Rice, Taftsville, Vt.

VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Leslie Munee, 636 St. Asaph St.,

Alexandria, Va.
Organized 1883.
Territory: The State of Virginia.
Population: 1,854,184. W. H. Zeidler, 1312 North Twen-
Membership: 434; churches, 19. ty-eighth St., Richmond, Va.
Office: New Market, Va. Mrs. M. S. Wooding, Spencer, Va.
OFFICERS. Mrs. Rebecca Clayborne, Danville,
President: R. D. Hottel, New Mrs. Ella Ragsdale, News Ferry,
Market, Va. Va.

WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON- I. G. Bigelow, 222 Shaffer Ave.,

FERENCE. DuBois, Pa.
F. H. Robbins, Corydon, Pa.
Organized 1903, from territory
formerly comprising' the Penn- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
sylvania Conference, organized L. L. Stone, Coudersport, Pa.
1879. Miss Fannie Fondersmith, 7806
Territory: All of Pennsylvania Felitia St., Pittsburg, Pa.
lying west of the easterly line T. D. Gibson, 19 East View St.,
of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mif- -Wilkinshurg, Pa.
flin, Huntingdon, and Fulton
Population: 2,500,000. WESTERN NEW YORK CON-
Membership: 775, churches, 34. FERENCE.
Office: Corydon, Warren Co., Pa.
Organized 1906.
Territory: The State of New
President: C. F. McVagh, Cou- York west of the eastern boun-
dersport, Pa. dary of the counties of Cay-
Vice-President: 1. N. Williams, uga, Tompkins, and Tioga.
Corydon, Pa. Population: 1,500,000.
Secretary and Treasurer: A. V. Membership: 767; churches, 36.
Williams, Corydon, Pa. Office: (Temporary) 317 West
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.
ment: Miss Famte Fonder-
smith, 7806 Felitia St., Pitts-
burg, Pa. President: H. W. Carr, office ad-
Field Missionary Agent: T. D. dress.
Gibson, 19 East View St., Wil-, Vice-President: J. W. Raymond,
kinsburg, Pa. 156 Monroe Ave., Rochester,
Executive Committee: C. F. Mc- N. Y.
Vagh, I. N. Williams, C. S. Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
Longacre, W. F. SchwartZ, J. Delight Landon, office address.
W. Watt, F. C. Owens, J. Q. Tract Society Secretary and
Herrington. Treasurer: Miss Delight Lan-
MINISTERS. don, office address.
Educational Department: Secre-
C. F. McVagh, Coudersport, Pa. tary: (Referred to Conference
C. S. Longacre, 7806 Felitia St., Committee.)
Pittsburg, Pa. Religious Liberty Department:
J. W. Watt, Indiana, Indiana Co., Secretary; J. S. Wightman, 317
Pa. West Bloomfield St., Rome,
W. F. Schwartz, Box 556, Holli- N. Y.
daysburg, Pa: Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
C. A. Scholl, 285 Lowere St., Al- retary, Mrs. H. W. Carr, 34
leghany, Pa. Church St., LeRoy, N. Y.
1. N. Williams, Corydon, Pa. Field Missionary Agent: Allen
LICENTIATES. Manry, Tunesassa, Cattaraugus
Co., N. Y.
N. S. Ashton, Indiana, Indiana Executive Committee: H. W. Carr,
Co., Pa. J. W. Raymond, F. H. Hicks,
W. H. Green, 11 Conklin St.,Pitts- Philip Ansteth.
burg, Pa.
J. E. Veach, Saxton, Pa. MINISTERS.
B. H. Wiper, Merrell St., Clear- H. W. Carr, 317 West Bloomfield
field, Pa. St , Borne, N. Y.

J. W. Raymond, 156 Monroe Ave., OFFICERS.

Rochester, N. Y. President: E. J. Dryer, office ad-
F. Peabody, West Valley, Catta- dress.
raguas Co., N. Y. Vice-President: L. E. Sufficool,
C. Meleen, 10 Highland Ave., 318 Laidly St., Charleston, W.
Jamestown, N. Y. Va.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
LICENTIATES. ference and Tract Society: P.
W. Province, office address.
F. H. Hicks, 6 Jefferson St., Sal- Secretary of Sabbath-school De-
amanca, N. Y. partment: Mrs. M. L. Meredith,
B. E. Fisk, Richburg, N. Y. office address.
Secretary Educational Depart-
Executive Committee: E. J.
Mrs. D. D. Sinith, Phelps, Ontario Dryer, L. E. Sufficool, S. F.
Co., N. Y. Ross, David Haddix, J. E. Mer-
Mrs. Eva A. Jenks, 37 Minard edith.
St., Lockport, N. Y. MINISTERS.
E. J. Dryer, 1200 Seventh St.,
Parkersburg, W. Va.
WEST VIRGINIA CONFER- L. E. Sufficool, 318 Laidly St.,
Charleston, W. Va.
ENCE. P. 'W. Province, 1200 Seventh St.,
Organized 1887. Parkersburg, W. Va.
14. R. Foggin, 1505 Stanton Ave.,
Territory: The State of West Parkersburg, W. Va.
Virginia, excepting the counties B. F. Purdham, 1200 Seventh St.;
of Morgan, Berkeley, and Jef- Parkersburg, W. Va.
Population: Approximately, 911,-
665. F. M. Gardner, 464 South Chest-
Membership: 220; churches, 11. nut St., Clarksburg, W. Va.
Office: 1200 Seventh St., Parkers- David Haddix, 161 Ross St.,
burg, W. Va. Grafton, W. Va.


Organized 1901.

Territory: The Conferences of OFFICERS.

Maritime, Quebec, and Ontario,
and the Newfoundland Mission President: W. H. Thurston, 123
Field. Albert St., Ottawa, Ontario.
Population: 5,435,799. Vice-President: Wm. Guthrie,
Membership: 1,072; churches, 44. Williamsdale, East, Cumberland
Office Address: Box 178, Toronto Co., Nova Scotia.
Junction, Ontario. Secretary and Treasurer: B. B.

Noftsger, Box 178, Toronto J. G. Hanna, Box 482, Charlotte-

Junction, Ontario. town, Prince Edward Island.
Executive Committee: W. H. E. E. Gardner, Williamsdale, East,
Thurston, Wm. Guthrie, A. 0. Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.
Burrill, E. E. Gardner, T. H. F. A. Tracy, 188 Agricola St.,
Robinson, G. II. Skinner, Eu- Halifax, Nova Scotia.
gene Leland, D. E. Lindsey. J. 0. Miller, St. Johns, New
W. H. Thurston, 123 Albert St.,
Ottawa, Ontario. Levi Longard, Tantallon, Halifax
F. A. Tracy, 188 Agricola St., Co., Nova Scotia.
Halifax, Nova Scotia. F. E. Gibson, Moncton, New
C. H. Keslake, St. John's, New- Brunswick.
foundland. A. A. Livingston, Albert Mines,
Albert Co., New Brunswick.
Alberta McLeod, Longard Road,
F. W. Johnston, 28 Belvidere St., Halifax, Nova Scotia.
St. John's, Newfoundland. M a b 1 e Dimock, Farmington,
Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.
1',lable Patterson, Williamsdale,
MARITIME CONFERENC..6. East, Cumberland Co., Nova
Organized 1902.
Territory: The Provinces of New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and ONTARIO CONFERENCE.
Prince Edward Island.
Population: 930,341. Organized 1899.
Membership: 231; cnurches, 12. Territory: The Province of On-
Office Address: Longard Road, tario.
Halifax, Nova Scotia. Population: 2,659,484.
OFFICERS. Membership: 591; churches, 23.
Office Address: Box 178, Toronto
President: Wm. Guthrie, Will- Junction, Ontario.
iamsdale, East, Cumberland Co.,
Nova Scotia. OFFICERS.
Secretary and Treasurer: Alberta
McLeod, Longard Road, Hali- President: A. 0. Burrill, Gait, On-
fax, Nova Scotia.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Vice-President: T. H. Robinson,
ment: Alberta McLeod, Longard London, Ontario.
Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Executive Committee: Wm. Guth- ference and Sabbath-school De-
rie, F. A. Tracy, Levi Longard, partment: B. B. Noftsger, Box
J. Greer Hanna, A. A. Living- 178, Toronto Junction, Ontario.
ston. Executive Committee: A. O. Bur-
Auditor: E. E. Gardner, Williams- rill, T. H. Robinson, Eugene Le-
dale, East, Cumberland Co., land, C. E. Wood, Charles
Nova Scotia.
" Ontario Seventh-day Adventist
MINISTERS. Conference Association: " Trus-
tees: A. 0. Burrill, T. H. Rob-
Win. Guthrie, Williamsdale, East, inson, Eugene Leland, Chas.
Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia. Smith, C. E. Wood.

Educational and Religious Liberty sey, W. H. Libby, P. Holden, E.

Secretary: Eugene Leland. J. Miller, F. W. McElroy.
Auditor: R. A. Heard.
Canv. Agt.: Ira S. Jones, Toronto
Jet., Ontario. ' D. E. Lindsey, Knowlton, Quebec.
H. E. Rickard, Fitch Bay, Quebec.
G. H. Skinner, North Hatley, Que-
A. O.' Burrill, Galt, Ontario. bec.
Eugene Leland, Millington, Mich. S. A. Farnsworth, 99 Van Horn
P. M. Howe, Paris, Ontario. Ave., Outremont, Montreal, Que-
0. F. Butcher, 72 Preston St., Ot- bec.

LICENTIATES. Albion Taylor, South Stukely,

J. H. McEachern, Perivale, - On- Miss Naomi Worthen, Fitch Bay,
tario. Quebec.
W. E. Hancock, Grimesthorpe,
Miss Sadie Baker, Lindsay, On-
tario. Territory: The island of New-
Mrs. Rebecca Landon, Galt, On- foundland and Labrador.
tario. Population: 225,000.
Mrs. Hattie Boyce, Petrolea, On- Sabbath-keepers: 40; church, 1.
tario. OFFICER'S.
Superintendent: C. H. Keslake.
QUEBEC CONFERENCE. Directors: C. H. Keslake, J. R.
Johnston, G. H. Morgan, W. H.
Organized 1880. Thurston, Wm. Guthrie.
Territory: The Province of Que- Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss
bec. ' Elizabeth Milley, 15 Hamilton
Population: 1,620,974. St., St. John's, Newfoundland.
Membership: 210; churches, 8. MINISTER.
Office Address: Knowlton, Quebec.
C. H. Keslake, Box 217, St. John's,
OFFICERS. Newfoundland.
President: D. E. Lindsey, Knowl- LICENTIATE.
ton, Quebec. F. W. Johnston, 28 Belvidere St.,
Secretary and Treasurer: W. H. St. John's, Newfoundland.
Libby, Knowlton, Quebec.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
ment: Mrs. G. 11 - . Skinner, Miss Elizabeth Milley, 15 Hamil-
North Hatley, Quebec. ton St., St. John's, Newfound-
Executive Committee: D. E. Lind- land.
Organized Igor.

'...erritory: The Conferences of Al- A. Hansen (chairman), Dr. Lillis

abama, Cumberland, Florida, Wood-Starr, Dr. M. M. Martin-
Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, son, Dr. J. E. Caldwell, 0. R.
North Carolina, Tennessee Staines.
River, and the -South Carolina "Southern Conference Association
Mission Field. of Seventh-day Adventists: "
Population: 16,187,569. Directors: G. I. Butler, R. M.
Total Sabbath-keepers: 3,254; Kilgore, Smith Sharp, C. L. Kil-
churches, 122. gore, C. H. Moyer, S. M. Jacobs,
Office: Twenty-fourth Ave., North, W. A. Wilcox.
Nashville, Tenn.
OFFICERS. Geo. I. Butler, Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
President: Geo. I. Butler, Twenty- R. M. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, J. E. White, Edgefield, Tenn.
Tenn. Smith Sharp, Graysville, Tenn.
Vice-President: R. M. Kilgore, J. E. Tenney, Graysville, Tenn.
Graysville, Tenn. R. T. Nash, Campobello, S. C.
Treasurer and Financial Agent: E. W. Webster, Greenville, S. C.
W. A. Wilcox, Twenty-fourth F. R. Rogers, Box 293, Vicksburg,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Miss.
Secretary and Auditor: E. H. W. H. Sebastian, 209 Fayette St.,
R e e s, Twenty-fourth Ave., Vicksburg, Miss.
North, Nashville, Tenn. E. H. Rees, Twenty-fourth Ave.,
General Missionary Agent: A. F. North, Nashville, Tenn.
Harrison, Graysville, Tenn. G. H. Baber, Graysville, Tenn.
Religious Liberty Secretary: S. B. W. J. Blake, Box 414, Huntsville,
Horton, Box, 415, New Orleans, Ala.
La. C. P. Bollinan, North' Station,
Field Educational Secretary: J. E. Nashville, Tenn.
Tenney, Graysville, Tenn.
P. T. Magan, Madison; Tenn.
Secretary of Young People's E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn.
Work: Mrs. Mettie Lenker,
J. E. Caldwell, 510 Walnut St.,
Graysville, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn.
Executive Committee: Geo. I.
F. W. Halladay, Huntsville, Ala.
Butler, R. M. Kilgore, I. A. J. S. Washburn, 610 Meridian St.,
Ford, W. A. Wilcox, J. E. Nashville, Tenn.
White, Principal Southern
Dr. F. A. Washburn, care Sani-
Training-school, t h e General tarium, Nashville, Tenn.
Missionary Agent, Chairman of
R. W. Parmele, Twenty-fourth
the Medical Board, Principal of
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
the Oakwood Industrial Train-
ing-school, t h e Field Educa- LICENTIATES.
tional Secretary, and the Presi-
dents of the State Conferences A. F. Harrison; Graysville, Tenn.
composing the Union, and the E. W. Carey, R. F. D. No. 1, Box
Director of the South Carolina 10, Spartanburg, S. C.
Mission field. L. A. Hansen, care Sanitarium,
Medical Advisory Committee: L. Nashville, Tenn.

I. A. Ford, Twenty-fourth Ave., Office: 1217 Alabama St., Selma,

North, Nashville, Tenn. Ala.
Mrs. Jennie Wilson, Nashville, President: A. J. Haysmer, Elk-
Tenn. wood, Ala.
Mrs. Rachel Webster, 1017 Pen- Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
dleton St., Greenville, S. C. Helen McKinnon, office address.
Mrs. Mettie Lenker, Graysville, Tract Society Secretary: Miss
Tenn. Helen McKinnon, office address.
Miss Elizabeth McHugh, 667 South Secretary Sabbath-school a n d
Church St., Spartanburg, -S. C. Educational Department: Helen
C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn. McKinnon
0. R. Staines, Box 414, Huntsville, Secretary Religious Liberty De-
Ala. partment: Helen McKinnon.
W. H. Williams, Box 414, Hunts- Secretary Medical Missionary De-
ville, Ala. partment: O. R. Staines, Box
Dr. Lottie Isbell, 1506 Third Ave., 414, Huntsville, Ala.
North, Birmingham, Ala. Executive Committee: A. J. Hays-
Thos. Cherry, 1017 Pendleton St., mer, W. S. Cruzan, W. J. Blake,
Greenville, S. C. Sydney Scott, J. H. Berry.
Miss M. Bessie \ De Graw, Madison, " Alabama Conference Association
Tenn. of the Seventh-day Adventists:"
C. F. Dart, Campobello, S. C. Trustees: A. J. Haysmer
Mrs. N. IL Druillard, Madison, (Pres.), W. H. Williams (See.
Tenn. and Treas.), J. H. Smith, J. F.
Dr. M. M. Martinson, Graysville, Dennis, Sydney Scott.
Dr. Stella Martinson, Graysville, MINISTERS.
A. J. Haysmer, Elkwood, Ala.
W. S. Cruzan, Semmes, Ala.
SOUTHERN MISSIONARY SO- Sydney Scott, corner East St. and
CIETY. Bell Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Office: North Station, Nashville, C. C. Webster, 909 'Third Ave.,
Tenn. Birmingham, Ala.
Chairman: G. I. Butler, office ad-
Secretary: C. P. Bollman, office
address. Joseph Lawrence, corner East St.
Treasurer: W. A. Wilcox, office and Bell Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Committee: G. I. Butler, C. P. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Bollman, W. A. Wilcox, J. S. J. J. Evans, R. F.'D. No. 3, Syla-
Washburn, P. T. Magan, G. H. cauga, Ala.
Baber, F. R. Rogers, E. H. Rees, R. I. Keate, Marlow, Ala.
L. A. Hansen. Miss Helen McKinnon, 1217 Ala-
bama St., Selma, Ala.
Organized 1901.
Mrs. E. G. Bennett, Chunchula,
Territory: The State of Alabama. Ala.
Population: 1,828,697. Miss Eunice Rainwater, R. F. D.
Membership: 331; churches, 15. No. 1, Borden Springs, Ala.

CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE. Miss Minnie Hildebran, Grays-

ville, Tenn.
Organized 1900.
Milo Emerson; Graysville, Tenn.
Territory: Eastern Tennessee and Lewen Jacobs, Graysville, Tenn.
Kentucky, the western boun- Mrs. A. F. Harrison, Graysville,
dary being the western line of Tenn.
the counties of Bullitt, Nelson, Mrs. L. Whitman, 1618 Oharia St.,
LaRue, Green, Metcalfe, Monroe Louisville, Ky.
(Ky.), Clay, Jackson, Putnam, J. L. Maroon, Graysville, . Tenn.
White, Warren, Grundy, Marion C. L. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn.
(Tenn.). Bertha Lea, Cleveland, 'Fenn.
Population: Approximately, 2,- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHER.
212,852. Miss Clara Jacobs, East Chatta-
Membership: 500; churches, 14. nooga, Tenn.
Office: Graysville, Tenn.
President: J. F. Pogue, Graysville,
Tenn. Organized 1893.
Vice-President: W. W. Williams, Territory: The State of Florida.
Graysville, Tenn. Population: 528,542.
Secretary: Everet Melendy, Grays- Sabbath-keepers: 450; churches,
vale, Tenn. 20.
Treasurer: S. M. Jacobs, Grays- OFFICERS.
ville, Tenn.
Field Missionary Agent: J. L. Ma- President: L. H. Crisler, Orlando,
roon, Graysville, Tenn. Fla.
Sabbath-school Department Secre- Secretary of Conference and Sab-
tary: Mrs. A. F. Harrison, bath-school Dept.: Mrs. R. G.
Graysville, Tenn. Stringer, Box 453, Bartow, Fla.
Medical Department Secretary: Treasurer: W. H. Hall, Bartow,
Dr. M. M. Martinson, Grays- Fla.
ville, Tenn. Religious Liberty Secretary: C. P.
Educational Department Secre- Whitford, Ft. Ogden, Fla.
tary: Lewen Jacobs, Graysville, Secretary of Educational and
Tenn. Young People's Work: Leroy T.
MINISTERS. Crisler, Orlando, Fla.
Field Missionary Agent: R. A.
W. W. Williams, Graysville, Tenn. Highsmith, Gainesville, Fla.
E. L. Sanford, Graysville, Tenn. Executive Committee: L. H. Cris-
W. L. Bird, Dayton, Tenn. ler, C. B. Stephenson, J. H.
J. F. Pogue, Knoxville, Tenn. Krum, Leroy T. .Crisler, W. F.
Wm. Woodford, Graysville, Tenn. Martin.
T. M. Steward, Graysville, Tenn. MINISTERS.
H. A. Washburn, College Place,
L. H. Crisler, Orlando, Fla.
G. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Fla.
C. G. Howell, Daylight, Tenn.
LICENTIATE. Irving Keck, Bowling Green, Fla.
C. B. Stephenson, Brooker, Fla.
J. F. Brice, 143 Constitution St., R. G. Stringer, Box 453, Bartow,
Lexington, Ky. Fla.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Leroy T. Crisler, Orlando, Fla.
J. H. Krum, Plant City, Fla.
Miss Maude Dortch, Graysville,
Miss Clara Jacobs, Graysville, 0. N. Whetsel, Jacksonville, Fla.
Tenn. John Mitchell, Lakeland, Fla.

J. B. Case, Port Orange, Fla. Secretary Medical Department:

John Mann, Palmetto, Fla.
Executive Committee: Geo. W.
C. P. Whitford, Ft. Ogden, Fla. Bowen, Arthur L. Manous.
Mrs. C. B. Stephenson, Brooker,
Mrs. R. G. Stringer, Box 453, Bar- Geo. W. Wells, Alpharetta, Ga.
tow, Fla. Albert Carey, Gainesville, Ga.
Mrs. L. H. Crisler, Orlando, Fla.
Mrs. L. T. Crisler, Orlando, Fla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
R. A. Highsmith, Gainesville, Fla.
Willie Vaughan, Hotel La Forte, Miss M. M. Osborn, 621 Capitol
Tampa, Fla. Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
J. M. Tennell, Orlando, Fla. A. L. Manous, Malton, Ga.
Mrs. 0. N. Whetsel, Jacksonville, C. J. Boyd, Alpharetta, Ga.
Fla. J. T. Eaton, Alpharetta, Ga.
Mrs. C. Williams, Box 292, Bar- Mrs. Clara C. Phillips, 243 South
tow, Fla. Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. M. M. Butler, 672 West State
St., Jacksonville, Fla. ,
Sanks, Plant City, Fla.
Mrs. M. L. Mobly, Punta Gorda, LOUISIANA CONFERENCE.
Organized 1901.
Territory: The State of Louisiana.
Miss Elsie Hollingsworth, Ft. Og- Population: 1,381,625.
den, Fla. Membership: 322; churches, 9.
Miss Rochelle Philmon, Jennings Office: 2234 Magazine St., New
Lake, Fla. Orleans, La.
Organized 1901. President: S. B. Horton, 2234
Magazine St., New Orleans, La.
Territory: The State of Georgia. Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
Population: 2,216,331. Dora F. King, Shreveport, La.
Membership: 130; churches, 4. Corresponding Secretary: M r s .
Office: 243 South Boulevard, At- Smith Saxby, Lake Charles, La.
lanta, Ga. Educational Secretary: Miss Kate
OFFICEIL2,. Bickham, Hayes, La.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss
President: Geo. W. Wells, Alph- Kate Bickham, Hayes, La.
aretta, Ga. Religious Liberty Secretary: S. B.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- Horton, office address.
ference and Missionary Depart- Field Missionary Agent: I. T. Rey-
ment: Mrs. Clara C. Phillips, nolds, Pineville, La.
243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Executive Committee: S. B. Hor-
G a. ton, H. S. Roach, M. D. Brous-
Secretary Religious Liberty De- sard, C. A. Saxby, F. Peabody.
partment: A. Carey, Gainesville,
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
ment: Miss Rochelle Philmon, S. B. Horton, 6068 Annunciation
Jennings Lake, Fla. St., New Orleans, La.

LICENTIATES. Field Missionary Agent: F. R

Rogers, Box 272, Natchez, Miss.
I. T. Reynolds, Pineville, La. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. L.
Page Shepard, 2234 Magazine St., V. Crawford, Box 29, Vicks-
New Orleans, La. - burg, Miss.
F. Peabody, 2234 Magazine St., Superintendent of Primary and
New Orleans, La. Mission Schools: F. R. Rogers,
S. Broussard, Hope Villa, La. Box 272, Natchez, Miss.
B. L. Roberts, 2234 Magazine St., Executive Committee: F. R. Shaef-
New Orleans, La. fer, F. R. Rogers, L. V. Craw-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. ford, M. T., Bellinger, Thomas
Mrs. Belle Horton, 6068 Annuncia- MINISTERS.
tion St., New Orleans, La.
Miss Ruby Roach, Mansfield, La. F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246, Meridian,
Miss Kate Bickham, Shreveport, Miss.
La. F. R. Rogers, Box 272, Natchez,
Mrs. Dora F. King, Shreveport, Miss.
La. H. W. Pierce, R. F. D. No. 2, Quit-
Miss Annie M. Horton, 6068 An- man, Miss.
nunciation St., New Orleans, La. W. H. Sebastian, 9 Minor St.,
Miss Frances P. Goodwyn, 1107 Natchez, Miss.
Jackson Ave., New Orleans, La. S. A. Jordan, Box 284, Brook-
Mrs. Edmonia White, 2234 Maga- haven, Miss.
zine St., New Orleans, La. Thos. Murphy, 209 Fayette St.,
Smith Saxby, Lake Charles, La. Vicksburg, Miss.
3. S. DeWolfe, Welsh, La. .
Miss Bertha Lea, Shreveport, La. LICENTIATES.
C. L. Collison, 2234 Magazine St., N. B. King, Yazoo City, Miss.
New Orleans, La. D. D. Butcher, Greenwood, Miss.
James Bellenger, Natchez, Miss.
S. C. Coltrin, Box 23, Ellisville,

Territory: The State of Missis- Mrs. F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246, Me-

sippi. . ridian, Miss.
Population: 1,551,270. Mrs. H. W. Pierce, R. F. D. No. 2,
Membership: 280; churches, 13. Quitman, Miss.
Office Address: Box 29, Vicksburg, Mrs. L. V. Crawford, Box 29,
Miss. Vicksburg, Miss.
Mrs. Carrie Bellenger, Natchez,
President: F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246, Mrs. 0. C. Jordan, Box 284, Brook-
Meridian, Miss. haven, Miss.
Secretary: F. R. Rogers, Box 272, Mrs. W. H. Sebastian, 9 Minor St.,
Natchez, Miss. Natchez, Miss.
Treasurer: L. V. Crawford, Box Mrs. Thos. Murphy, 209 Fayette
29, Vicksburg, Miss. St., Vicksburg, Miss.
Corresponding Secretary: Jas. 3. D. Grimes, 209 Fayette St.,
Bellinger,- Amory, Miss. Vicksburg, Miss.
Religious Liberty Secretary: F. R. E. P. Auger, Corinth, Miss.
Shaeffer, Box 246, Meridian, D. W. Burton, R. F D. No. 2.
Miss. Amory, Miss.

L. V. Crawford, Box 29, Vicks- Field Missionary Agent: Horace

burg, Miss. G. Miller, Gastonia, N. C.
COLORED MISSIONARY TRAIN- Secretary Sabbath-school and
ING SCHOOL FOR WORKERS. Educational Department: Mrs.
Emma B. Rogers, Hickory, N. C.
Vicksburg, Miss., 209 Fayette St., Secretary Medical Department:
F. R. Rogers, Superintendent. M. H. Johnston, Hildebran, N. C.
PRIMARY AND MISSION SCHOOL Secretary Religious Liberty De-
TEACHERS. partment: T. H. Jeys, Spero,
N. C.
F. R. Rogers, Box 293, Vicksburg, Southern Educational Company:
Miss. (Headquarters, Eufola, N. C.)
Mrs. Minnie Rogers, Box 293, Pres., J. 0. Johnston; Vice-
Vicksburg, Miss. Pres., B. A. Rogers; Sec., S. L.
Parker Atwood, R. F. D. No. 2, Stafford; Treas., J. 0. Johnston.
Quitman, Miss.
Mrs. Julia Atwood, R. F. D. No. MINISTERS.
2, Quitman, Miss. T. 1.1. Jeys, Spero, N. C.
Mrs. Carrie Bellenger, Natchez, J. 0. Johnston, Eufola, N. C.
Miss. D. T. Shireman, Toluca, N. C.
Mrs. W. H. Sebastian, 9 Minor St., W. H. Armstrong, 1000 East Sev-
Natchez, Miss. enth St., Charlotte, N. C.
Mrs. Cornelia Murphy, 209 Fay- H. R. Shelton, 1358 Chestnut St.,
ette St., Vicksburg, Miss. Winston-Salem, N. C.
N. B. King, Yazoo City, Miss.
Mrs. L. G. Smith, Vicksburg, Miss. LICENTIATES.
Mrs. 0. C. Jordan, Box 284, Brook-
haven, Miss. George Crawford, Eufola, N. C.
J. W. Beach, Hildebran, N. C.
W. L. Killen, Archdale, N. C.
Horace G. Miller, Gastonia, N. C.
Organized 1901. Mollie R. Miller, Gastonia, N. C.
Jessie V. Bosworth, Hickory, N. C.
Territory: The State of North
Mrs. Emma B. Rogers, Hickory,
N. C.
Population: 1,893,810.
M. H. Johhston, Hildebran, N. C.
Membership: 300; churches, 11.
Robert L. Underwood, Waynes-
Office: Hickory, N. C.
ville, N. C.
OFFICERS. Burton Church, Hickory, N. C.
W. E. Lanier, 1000 East Seventh
President: T. H. Jeys, Spero, N. C. St., Charlotte, N. C.
Vice-President: D. T. Shireman, Harry Smallwood, Toluca, via
Toluca, via Cleveland Mills, Cleveland Mills, N. C.
N. C. J. S. Killen, High Point, N. C.
Secretary and Treasurer: Jessie
V. Bosworth, Hickory, N. C. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Executive Committee: T. H. Jeys,
D. T. Shireman, W. H. Arm- W. L. Killen, Archdale, N. C.
strong, B. A. Rogers, J. W. Mrs. Emma B. Rogers, Hickory,
Beach, T. J. Woodall, F. A. N. C.
Slate. Mrs. T. H. Jeys, Spero, N. C.
Secretary and Treasurer Tract Miss Alice Bond, Newton, N. C.
and Missionary Department: Mary E. McKenzie, 317 South
Jessie V. Bosworth, Hickory. Sixth St., Wilmington, N. C.

TENNESSEE RIVER CONFER- J. S. Washburn, 610 Meridian St.,

ENCE. Nashville, Tenn.
R. S. Donnell, Raleigh, Tenn.
Organized 1879. R. G. Garrett, Linwood, Ky.
Frank Washburn, R. F. D. No. 7,
Territory: Western Tennessee and Nashville, Tenn.
Kentucky, the eastern boundary W. S. Lowry, Twenty-fourth Ave.,
being the eastern line of the North, Nashville, Tenn.
counties of Hardin, Hart, Bar- Walter Jones, Bowling Green, Ky.
ren, Allen (Ky.), Macon, Smith, A. J. Harris, Room 311-313 Jack-
DeKalb, Cannon, Coffee,. Frank- son Building, Nashville, Tenn.
lin (Tenn.). M. C. Strachan, 710 Winter St.,
Population: Approximately, 1,- Nashville, Tenn.
970,125. E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn.
Membership: 534; churches, 20. P. T. Magan, Madison, Tenn.
Office Address: Hazel, Ky. LICENTIATES.
H. C. Balsbaugh, 623 North Dun-
lap St., Memphis, Tenn.
President: W. R. Burrow, Raleigh, Frank Mosebar, Erin, Tenn.
Tenn. L. A. Hansen, Station B, R. F. D.
Vice-President: C. P. Bollman, No. 7, Nashville, Tenn.
North Station, Nashville, Tenn. B. W. Spire, Edgefield, Tenn.
Secretary and Treasurer: Thos. E. H. H. Johnson, Erin, Tenn.
Pavey, Twenty-fourth Ave., Thos. D. Rowe, Hazel, Ky.
North, Nashville, Tenn. MT. R. Hanson, Hazel, Ky.
Executive Committee: W. R. I. A. Ford, Nashville, Tenn.
Burrow, C. P. Bollman, I. A.
Ford, L. A. Hansen, L. A. Calli-
cott, W. S. Lowry, M. C.
Religious Liberty Secretary: C. P. Mrs. Jennie Wilson, Nashville,
Bollman, North Station, Nash- Tenn.
ville, Tenn. F. T. Wales, 1448 College Ave.,
Field Missionary Agent: W. R. Memphis, Tenn.
Hanson, Hazel, Ky. Bertha Burrow, Jackson, Tenn.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Mrs. E. C. Spire, Graysville, Tenn.
retary, Miss Clyde Callicott, Mary Balsbaugh, Memphis, Tenn.
Edgefield, Tenn. Mrs. L. A. Hansen, Nashville,
Young People's Work: Secretary, Tenn.
Thos. E. Pavey, Twenty-fourth Mrs. W. R. Hanson, Hazel, Ky.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Medical Department: Secretary, CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
L. A. Hansen, Station B, R. F.
D. No. 7, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Beulah Callieott, Hazel, Ky.
Educational Department Secre- Z. T. Burrow, Trezevant, Tenn.
tary: Thos. D. Rowe, Hazel, Ky. Miss Bertha Burrow, Jackson,
MINISTERS. Miss Minnie Gray, Bowling Green,
W. R. Burrow, Raleigh, Tenn. Miss Bertha Mason, Hazel, Ky.
N. W. Allee, Keene, Tex. Mrs. Bryant, Bowling Green, Ky.
C. P. Bollman, North Station, Mrs. W. R. Hanson, Hazel, Ky.
Nashville, Tenn. Miss Dollie Callender, Henderson,
Geo. I. Butler, Nashville, Tenn. Ky.

. SOUTH CAROLINA. Field Missionary Agent: C. F.

Dart, Campobello, S. C.
Set off as a Mission Field in Feb- MINISTERS.
ruary, 1904. E. W. Webster, Greenville, S. C.
Territory: The State of South R. T. Nash; Campobello, S. C.
Population: 1,340,316. E. W. Carey, R. F. D. No. 1, Box
Sabbath-keepers: 112; churches, 4. 10, Spartanburg, S. C.
Office: 1017 Pendleton St., Green- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
ville, S. C.
Mrs. E. W. Webster, Greenville,
Miss Elizabeth McHugh, 66Y
Director: E. W. Webster, Green- South Church St., Spartanburg,
ville,. S. C. S. C.
Treasurer: Mrs. R. T. Nash, Cam- C. F. Dart, Campobello, S. C.
pobello, S. C. Thos. Cherry, Jr., Johnston, S. C.
Sabbath-school Secretary: R. T. D. E. Blake, 667, South Church St ,
Nash, Campobello, S. C. .Spartanburg.. S


Organized Igor.

Territory: The Conferences of Training-school Representative: N.

East Michigan, Indiana, North- W. Kauble, Berrien Springs,
ern Illinois, North Michigan, Mich.
Ohio, Southern Illinois, West Medical Secretary: Dr. S. P. S.
Michigan, and Wisconsin. Edwards, 1213 Fifteenth St.,
Population: 16,022,602. Moline, Ill.
Membership: 16,657; churches, Religious Liberty Secretary: J.
479. Lamson, Holly, Mich.
Office: Room 223, Unity Bldg., 147 Auditor: W. H. Edwards, office
E. Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. address.
Executive Committee: AlleirMooh,
W. H. Edwards, the Presidents
President: Allen Moon, office ad- of the Conferences of East Mich-
dress. igan, Indiana, Northern Illinois,
Vice-President: Win. Covert, Room North Michigan, Ohio, Southern
670, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois, West Michigan, and
Ill. Wisconsin, and W. D. Curtis,
Recording Secretary and Treas- N. W. Ramble, S. P. S. Edwards,
urer: W. H. Edwards, office ad- J. B. Blosser, J. G. Lamson.
dress. Lake Union Conference Associa-
General Missionary Agent: J. B. tion of Seventh-day Advent-
-Musser, Berrien Springs, Mich. ists: " Directors: Allen Moon,
Sabbath-school and Educational Wm. Cove.rt, H. H. Burkholder,
Field Secretary: W. D. Curtis, E. K. Slade, Wni. H. Edwards,
Berrien Springs, Mich. A. G. Hilughey, C. McReynolds.

Officers: Pres., Allen Moon; Vice- Assistant Secretary and Treas-

Pres., Wm. Covert; Sec. and urer: Miss Mina Pierce, Holly,
Treas., W. H. Edwards; Au- Mich.
ditor, E. K. Slade. Secretary and Treasurer Tract So-
ciety Department: Frank Hiner,
MINISTERS. Holly, Mich.
Field Secretary: H. A. Weaver,
Allen Moon, Room 223, Unity Holly, Mich.
Bldg,. 147 East Market St., In- Educational Department Superin-
dianapolis, Ind. tendent: R. B. Thurber, Holly,
N. W. Kauble, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Mich. Sabbath-school Department Secre-
W. D. Curtis, Berrien Springs, tary: Mabel Parker, Holly,
Mich. Mich.
LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: E. K.
Slade, E. I. Beebe, J. G. Lam-
J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, son, A. R. Sandborn, Frank
Mich. Hiner.
W. M. Crothers, 20 Helen Ave., East Michigan Conference Associ-
Grand Rapids, Mich. ation: Pres., E. K. Slade; Vice-
Pres., A. R. Sandborn; Sec., J.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. G. Lamson; Treas., E. I. Bebe;
Auditor, Frank Hiner.
W. H. Edwards, Room 223, Unity Religious Liberty Secretary: R. B.
Bldg., 147 East Market St., In- Thurber, Holly, Mich.
dianapolis, Ind. Medical Department Secretary:
Miss Elsie Brown, Watrous-
ville, Mich.
Organized 1902, from territory E. K. Slade, Holly, Mich.
formerly comprising the Mich- E. I. Beebe, Holly, Mich.
igan Conference. .1. L. Edgar, 327 West Eighth St.,
Territory: The southeastern por- Flint, Mich.
tion of Michigan, including the J. G. Lamson, Holly, Mich.
following counties: Hillsdale, L. G. Moore, 213 Pine St., North,
Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne,Wash- Lansing, Mich.
tenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Liv- Wm. Ostrander, Saginaw, Mich.
ingston, Oakland, Macomb, St. C. N. Sanders, R. F. D. 10, Battle
Clair, Lapeer, Genesee, Shia- Creek, Mich.
wassee, Clinton, Gratiot, Sagi- A. R. Sandborn, Lock Box 74, W.
naw, Tuscola, Sanilac, Huron, S., Bay City, Mich.
Bay, Midland. B. F. Stureman, 325 West Eighth
Population: 1,216,665. St., Flint, Mich.
Membership: 1,766; churches and M. Shepard, Belleville, Mich.
companies, 65.
Office: Holly, Mich. LICENTIATES.
OFFICERS.' E. R. Lauda, Carsonville, Mich.
President: F,. K. Slade, Holly, F. G. Lane, Montrose, Mich.
Mich. Delmer P. Wood, Wayne, Mich.
Secretary and Treasurer: E. 1. R. B. Thurber, Holly, Mich..
Beebe, Holly, Mich. Tilden Black, Pittsford, Mich.


Miss Anna Boehm, 439 Trumbull President: W. J. Stone, 3729
Ave., Detroit, Mich. North Capitol Ave., Indian-
Miss Ethel Burnett, 439 Trumbull apolis, Ind.
Ave., Detroit, Mich. Secretary: W. A. Young, 901 Ash-
Miss Tillie E. Barr, Holly, Mich. land Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Ida Dunlap, Holly, Mich. Treasurer and Financial. Secre-
Miss Katherine Dunham, 2108 tary: T. A. Goodwin, 221 Unity
Center Ave., Bay City, Mich. Bldg., Indianapolis, :End.
Frank Hiner, Holly, Mich. Educational Superintendent: C. L.
Miss Marie Harriman, 620 Boehlke Stone, R. F. D. No. 1, Fairland,
St., Saginaw, Mich. Ind.
Clara Kiep, 516 South Weadock Educational Secretary: Mrs. R.
Ave., Saginaw, Mich. W. McMahan, 805 Meridian St.,
Miss Nina Nelson, Cedar Lake, Anderson, Ind.
Mich. Medical Secretary: Dr. W. W.
Miss Mina Pierce, Holly, Mich. Worster, R. F. D. No. 1, Lafay-
Miss Mabel Reavis, 2108 Center ette, Ind.
Ave., Bay City, Mich. - Tract Society Secretary: R. C.
Miss Lucy F. Tyte; 516 South Spohr, 221 Unity Bldg., Indian-
Weadock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. apolis, Ind.
Mrs. Nora B. Ammon, 439 Trum- Religious Liberty Secretary: A. L.
bull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Miller, 322 Mill St., Seymour,
Daniel Wood, Alma, Mich. Ind.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Field Missionary Agent: A. C.
Ford, R. F. D. No. 1, Fairland.,
Miss Agnes Everest, R.. F. D., St. Ind.
Charles, Mich. Executive Committee: W. J.
Miss Nina Fleetwood, R. F. D., Stone, W. A. Young, A: L. Mil-
Ashley, Mich. ler, C. J. Buhalts, T. A. Good-
Miss Margaret Lowell, Owosso, win, Dr. W. W. Worster, C. L.
Mich. Stone.
Francis Barr, Edenville, Mich. " Indiana Association of Seventh-
Miss Flossie Smith, R. F. 1)., day Adventists: " Pres., W. J.
Rives, Mich. Stone; Vice-Pres., W. P. Cun-
Miss Lorena, Smith, Jackson, Mich. ningham; Sec., W. A. Young;
Miss Hattie Hamer, Prattville, Treas., T. A. Goodwin; Auditor,
Mich. W. H. Edwards; Councilmen, J.
Miss Mildred Smith, Jefferson, W. Johnston, G. MT. Boston.
Mich. The Indiana Medical Missionary
Miss Ellen 'Eefft, Ithaca, Mich. and Benevolent Association:
Miss Lelia Stevenson, Belleville, Pres., MT. J. Stone; Vice-Pres.,
Mich. C. J. Buhalts; Sec., Dr. MT. W.
W. J. Fairchild, R. D. No. 27, De- Worster; Treas., T. A. Good-
Witt, Mich. win; Auditor, MT. H. Edwards;
Councilmen, Allen Moon, Wm.
Organized 1872. MINISTERS.

Territory: The State of Indiana. W. J. Stone, 3729 North Capitol

Population: 2,516,462. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Membership : 2,039; churches, 74. AV. A. Young, 901 Ashland Ave..
Office: Room 221, Unity Building, Indianapolis, Ind.
Indianapolis, and. F. M. Roberts, Jonesboro, Ind.

J. M. Rees, 323 West Sycamore Mrs. Florence Niehaus, 221 Unity

St., Kokomo, Ind. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
A. L. Miller, 322 Mill St., Sey- J. H. Niehaus, 221 Unity Bldg.,
mour, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind.
C. J. Buhalts, 221 Unity Bldg., Miss J. Theresa Thompson, Rus-
Indianapolis, Ind. siaville, Ind.
U. S. Anderson, R. F. D. No. 1, Miss Nellie Rothbaust, 554 South
Hartford City, Ind. Center St., Franklin, Ind.
C. L. Stone, R. F. D. No. 1, Fair- Miss Ella Leach, 37 Booth St.,
land, Ind. Seymour, hid.
B. Hagle, Wolf Lake, Ind. Miss Mary C. Kent, Seymour, hid.
J. F. Steele, Bloomington, hid. Grover R. Fattic, 1220 West Sixth
A. W. Bartlett, 816 North Temple St., Anderson, Ind.
Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. L. F. Elliott, R. F. D. No. 1, Fair-
0. S. Hadley, 2034 Cornell Ave., land, hid.
Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Emma Sparks, 717 Lord St.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
HONORARY CREDENTIALS. Miss Laura Stone, R. F. D. No. 3,
Plymouth, Ind.
Dr. Wrn. Hill, Rochester, Ind. Miss Donna Priddy., 132 East
J. M. Ellis, Idaville, Ind. North St.: Noblesville, Ind.
J. W. Covert, R. F. D. No. 2, Al- Roy Roberts, 221 Unity Bldg., In-
bion, Ind. dianapolis, Ind.
R. M. Harrison, Brazil, Ind. H. M. Kelley, 221 Unity Bldg., In-
Victor Thompson, Russiaville, dianapolis, Ind.
Ind. Mrs. Dora Roberts, 221 Unity
LICENTIATES. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
Mrs. Ida V. Hadley, 2034 Cornell
W. W. Worster, R. F. D. No. 1, Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Lafayette, Ind. Miss Mary Huntzinger, Green-
Robert MT. Leach, 37 Booth St., field, hid.
Seymour, Ind.
R. C. Spohr, 221 Unity Bldg., In-
dianapolis, Ind.
B. F. Machlan, South Lancaster, Thomas Hubbard, R. F. D. No. 1,
Mass.. Fairland, Ind.
J. J. Fellow, R. F. D. No. 3, Green-
A. L. Chew, Glenwood, Ind.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. James Blankenship, Monon, Ind.
Stephen Boze, Buffalo, Ind.
Mrs. R. W. McMahan, 805 Merid-
Geo. W. Rader, R. F. D. No. 1,
ian St., Anderson, Ind. Marion, hid.
T. A. Goodwin, 221 Unity Bldg., Charles E. Allen, Greenwood, Ind.
Indianapolis, Ind.
H. C. Carmichael, Heltonville,
H. N. Lee, R. F. D. No 1, Fair- Ind.
land, Ind. Martin Grini, R. F. D. No. 1, La-
A. C. Ford, R. F. 1). No. 1, Fair- fayette, Ind.
land, Ind. Athen Metzker, Eaton, Ind.
Mrs. Mary Buhalts, 221 Unity
Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. CHURCH -SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Mrs. Ada Worster, R. F. D. No. 1,
Lafayette, Ind. Belva. Vance, R. F. D. No. 1, Box
Miss Pearl L. Rees, 323 West 60, Tell City, Ind.
Sycamore St., Kokomo, Ind. Clara Allen, Princeton, Ind.

Lewis R. Knapp, R. F. D. No. 5, Religious Liberty Secretary: L. D.

Sullivan, Ind. Santee, 719 Second St., Dixon,
Nannie Blake, Dana, Ind. Ell:
Susie C. Blake, Montezuma, Ind. Executive Committee: Wm. Cov-
Mattie Bailey, Monon, Ind. ert, H. Hansen, F. J. Harris,
Charles E. Allen, Greenwood, Ind. 1. W. Cummings, W. T. Bland,
Linnie Vance, Moral, Ind. S. P. S. Edwards, S. Mortenson.
Grbver R. Fattic, 1220 W. Sixth " The Illinois Conference Associa-
St., Anderson, Ind. tion of Seventh-day Advent-
Bertha Bartholomew, 827 North ists: " Pres., Wm. Covert; Vice-
Takoma St., Indianapolis, Ind. Pres., S. P. S. Edwards, M. D.;
Collins Chapman, R. F. D. No. 5, Sec., H. E. Moon; Treas., Jacob
Albion, Ind. Klooster; Auditor, W. H. Ed-
Carrie Applegate, R. F. D. No. 1, wards; Councilmen, H. C. Wins-
Fairland, Ind. low, Chas. Erickson.
Alta Custer, R. F. D. No. 3, Ply- " Northern Illinois Medical Mis-
mouth, Ind. sionary and Benevolent Associa-
Alta Gerstner, R. F. D. No. 3, tion: " Wm. Covert, S. P. S. Ed-
Bluffton, Ind. wards, David Paulson, Jay W.
Cummings, Jacob Klooster, H.
C. Winslow, W. A. Marsh, Jr.
ENCE. Wm. Covert, Room 670, 324 Dear-
born St., Chicago, Ill.
Formely part of .the Illinois Con- L. D. Santee, 719 Second St.,
ference organized in 1871; di- Dixon, Ill.
vided and reorganized in 1902. H. Hansen, Room 670, 324 Dear-
Territory: The northern portion born St., Chicago, Ill.
of the State of Illinois to the A. J. Stone, 927 Melrose St., Chi-
southern boundary of the coun- cago, Ill.
ties of Iroquois, Ford, Living- E. R. Williams, 1087 West North
ston, Woodford, Peoria, Knox, Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Warren, and Henderson, exclu- .1. C. Harris, Sheridan, Ill.
ding the city of Peoria. Luther Warren, 544 Estes Ave.,
.Population: 2,933,734. Chicago, Ill.
Membership: 1,175; churches, 25. Wm. Lewsadder, 173 Day St.,
Office: Room 670, 324 Dearborn Galesburg, Ill.
St., Chicago, Ill. F. J. Harris, Box 25, Mount Car-
roll, Ill.
OFFICERS. Chancy Wood, 127 Payson St.,
Pontiac, Ill.
President: Wm. Covert, Room 670, C. W. Weber, 1019 North Halsted
324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. St., Chicago, Ill.
Vice-President: S. P. S. Edwards,
M. D., 1213 Fifteenth St., Mo- LICENTIATES.
line, Ill.
Secretary of Conference and Tract S. P. S. Edwards, 1213 Fifteenth
Society Department: H. E. St., Moline, Ill.
Moon, office address. Carl Hansen, 2254 North Albany
Treasurer: Illinois Tract Society. Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Field Missionary Agent: I. D. J. Tabor, 451 Lake Ave., Chicago,
Richardson, Sheridan, Ill. Ill.
Educational and Sabbath-school C. Edwardson, Room 670, 324
Department Sec.: Pearl Hallock, Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
office address. W. T. Bland, Sheridan, Ill.

J. M. Burdick, 717 Second St., Isabella, 111:costa, Newaygo, and

Dixon, Ill. Oceana.
J. R. Buster, 5400 Dearborn St., Population: 558,027.
Chicago, 111. Membership: 809; churches, 32.
Office: 224 Michigan St., Petoskey,
Clara Silver; 1213 Fifteenth St.,
Moline, Ill. President: S. E. Wight, 220 Mich-
Jean Phillips, 30 Jansen Ave., igan St., Petoskey, Mich.
Chicago, Ill. Secretary: Edith McClellan, 224
Pearl Hallock, Room 670, 324 Michigan St., Petoskey, Mich.
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
I. D. Richardson, Sheridan, Ill. Treasurer: North Michigan Tract
Anna Hibben, 30 Jansen Ave., Society, 224 Michigan St., Pe-
Chicago, Ill. toskey, Mich.
Ella Hancock, 1087 West North Tract Society Department: Secre-
Ave., Chicago, ill. tary and Treasurer, E. A. Bris-
Mabel Thiel, 1087 West North tol, 423 Petoskey St., Petoskey,
Ave.; Chicago, ill. Mich.
Margaret Nelson, 65 McLean Ave., Field Missionary Agent: H. W.
Chicago, Ill. Johnson, 8021/2 Petoskey St.,
H. E. Moon, Room 670, 324 Dear- Petoskey, Mich. '
born St., Chicago, Ill. Educational Department: Super-
Bertha Erickson, Room 670, 324 intendent, Myrta M. Kellogg,
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Le Roy, Mich. .
L. Bedford, M. D., 4530 Cham-
plain Ave., Chicago,, El. Executive Committee: S. E.
Helen Odell, 461 Orchard Ave., Wight, W. R. Matthews, 0.
Chicago, Ill. Montgomery, Geo. 0. Johnson,
C. R. Magoon, 213 National St., Morton Stephens.
Elgin, Ill. "North Michigan Conference Asso-
ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. ists: " Trustees, S. E. Wight,
W. R. Matthews, E. A. Bristol,
Miss Carrie Kerns, 326 East For- 0. Montgomery, Morton Ste-
ty-fourth St., Chicago, Ill. phens.
Miss Lena Fletcher, 115 South
First St., Streator, Ill.
Miss Mae Lewins, 781 East Main S. E. Wight, 220 Michigan St., Pe-
St., Galesburg, Ill. toskey, Mich.
Miss Mina. Hansen, Route 3, W. R. Matthews, R. F. D. 2, Man-
Aledo, celona, Mich.
Miss K. Virgie Johnson, 813 Em- M. C. Guild, 821 Lynn St., Cadil-
met St., Chicago, Ill. lac, Mich.
M. W. Lewis, 3609 Broadway, Me-
nominee, Mich.
Geo. G. Johnson, 2815 Broadway,
ENCE. 0. Montgomery, Hancock, Mich.

Formerly a part of the Michigan HONORARY MINISTERIAL

Conference organized in 1861; LICENSE.
divided and reorganized in 1902.
Territory: All of Michigan north H. S. Guilford, West Branch,
of the counties of Bay, Midland, Mich.

LICENTIATES. Sabbath-keepers: 2,350; churches,

E. A. Bristol, 423 Petoskey St., Office: Mt. Vernon, Knox Co.,
Petoskey, Mich. Ohio.
R. J. Bellows, Gladstone, Mich.
T. G. Lewis, Omer. Mich. OFFICERS.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. President: H. H. Burkholder, Bell-

ville, Ohio.
Miss Isabella Campbell, 224 Mich- Vice-President: R. R. Kennedy,
igan St., Petoskey, Mich. Wheelersburg, Ohio.
Miss Ethel Peters, East Jordan, Recording Secretary and Treas-
Mich.. urer: C. V. Hamer, Box 187,
Miss Myrta M. Kellogg, Le Roy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Mich. Tract Society Secretary: N. S.
Miss Inez A. E. Lay, Iron Moun- Miller, Box 187, Mt. Vernon,
tain, Mich. Ohio.
Miss Edith McClellan, 224 Michi- Educational Superintendent: Jas.
gan St., Petoskey, Mich. E. Shultz, Box 187, Mt. Vernon,
H. W. Johnson, 8021/2 Petoskey Ohio.
St., Petoskey, Mich. Field Missionary Agent: Carl E.
Religious Liberty Secretary: C. A.
Mrs. Silas Griffin, Gaylord, Mich. Pedicord, 2617 Gilbert Ave., Cin-
Mrs. Oscar Burt, Omer, Mich. cinnati, Ohio.
Miss Nora Willaman, Mesick, Medical Missionary Secretary:
Mich. Howard M. Jump, M. D., Box
Miss Olive Siemann, Menominee, 55, Dowling, Ohio.
Mich. Auditor: W. H. Edwards, Unity
Don C. Ludington, Onaway, Mich. Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
Miss Ethel Voorheis, Baldwin, Custodian of Conference Prop-
Mich. erty: L. C. Mitchell, R. F. D.
Miss Amy Du Bois, Mesick, Mich. No. 1, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Miss Gertrude Wahl, Traverse Executive Committee: H. H. Burk-
City, Mich. holder, R. R. Kennedy, C. V.
Thos. Steen, Iron River, Mich. Hamer, Thomas Thornton, G. C.
,Miss Ethyl Hammond, Gladwin, Quillin, Francis M. Fairchild, R.
Mich. G. Patterson.
Miss Edna Decker, Frankfort, " The Ohio Conference Association
Mich. of the Seventh-day Adventist
Miss Jane Sweet, Lake Ann, Mich. Church: " H. H. Burkholder
H. Kent Nelson, Leetsville, Mich. (Pres.), R. R. Kennedy (Vice-
Miss Armilda Bogar, Alden, Mich. Pres. and Business Agent), C.
Miss Clara Stephens, Cedar Run; V. Hamer (Sec. and Treas.),
Mich. Thomas Thornton. G. C. Quillin,
Miss Etta Alsberge, Frankfort, Francis M. Fairchild, R. G. Pat-
Mich. terson; Auditor, W. H. Ed-
Chas. West, Baldwin, Mich. wards.
Miss Nellie Spencer, Rose City,

H. H. Burkholder, Bellville, Ohio.

R. R. Kennedy, Wheelersburg,
Organized 1863. .T. G. Wood, 42 Prairie Ave.,
Springfield, Ohio.
Territory: The State of Ohio. NI. C. Kirkendall, Mt. Vernon,
Population: 4.157,545. Ohio.

A. C. Shannon, 1366 Grand Ave., Miss M. Hortense Howell, R. F. D.

Toledo, Ohio. No. 2, Franklin Furnace, Ohio.
W. H. Granger, 1479 North High Miss Katherine E. Miller, 181
St., Columbus, Ohio. West Clark St., Springfield,.
Francis M. Fairchild, R. F. D. No. Ohio.
1, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Miss Ida M. Walters, 736 West
B. L. House, Trinway, Ohio. Chapel St., Columbus, Ohio.
R. G. Patterson, 2070 East 105th
W. E. Bidwell, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.
Vernon, Ohio. M. E. Walker, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
C. A. Pedicord, 2617 Gilbert Ave., Miss Ivy L. Walker, Hamilton,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Ohio.
C. T. Redfield, 468 Marion Ave., Miss Gertrude Numbers, 5403
Mansfield, Ohio. Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
J. E. Shultz, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt. Miss Bessie E. Acton, Clyde, Ohio.
Vernon, Ohio. Miss Myrtle Grimes, Rainier, Ohio.
Miss Bertha Laughlin, La Grange,
Miss Vada Welch, Grafton, Ohio.
E. J. Van Horn, Lake View, Ohio. Miss Margaret Pieper, 304 Pleas-
C. A. Smith, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt. ant St, Dayton, Ohio.
Vernon, Ohio. Miss Ellen Long, Elgin, Ohio.

N. S. Miller, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.

Fred M. Fairchild, R. F. D. No. 1, ENCE.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Walter C. Moffett, R. F. D. No. 1, Formerly a part of the Illinois
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Conference organized in 1871;
John W. Shultz, Clyde, Ohio. divided and reorganized in 1902.
John P. Gaede, Defiance, Ohio. Territory: The southern portion
Howard M. Jump, Dowling, Ohio. of the State of Illinois south of
the counties of Iroquois, Ford,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Livingston, Woodford, Peoria,
Knox, Warren, and Henderson,
Carl E. Weaks, Clyde, Ohio. and including the city of Peoria.
G. P. Gaede, 2818, Cor. Pearl and Population: 1,878,149.
Wade Sts., Cleveland, Ohio. Membership: 750; churches, 26.
C. V. Hamer, Box 187, Mt. Vernon, Office: 300 West Allen St., Spring-
Ohio. field, Illinois.
Fred .Henderson, 144 Hamline
Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. OFFICERS.
Miss Anna Rice, 6206 Lexington
Ave., N. E., Cleveland, Ohio. President: W. D. Parkhurst, 300
Miss Cora B. Gibson, Wakeman, West Allen St, Springfield, Ill.
Ohio. Secretary: Miss Nettie Eaton, 300
Miss Bessie E. Russell, Box 187, West Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Treasurer: Southern Illinois Tract
Miss Ella M. Talmage, R. F. D. Society.
No. 4, Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Tract Society Secretary and Treas-
Mrs. Cora Campbell, R. F. D. No. urer: S. J. Quantock, 300 West
1, Plumpton, Ohio. Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
Miss Anna E. Smith, Wheelers- Field Missionary Agent: Leroy
burg, Ohio. Knott, office address.

Medical Secretary and Secretary WEST MICHIGAN CONFER-

of Young People's Work: Mrs. ENCE.
Edith E. Bruce, 300 West Allen
St., Springfield, Ill. Formerly a part of the Michigan
Educational Secretary and Sab- Conference, organized in 1861;
bath-school Superintendent: Miss divided and reorganized in 1902.
Cora B. Hicks, Foosland, Ill. Territory: Southwestern. Michigan
Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss south of the counties of Mason,
Nettie Eaton, 300 West Allen Lake, Osceola, and Clare; and
St., Springfield, Ill. west of the counties of Midland,
Religious Liberty Secretary: W. Gratiot, Clinton, Ingham, Jack-
D. Parkhurst, office address. son, and Hillsdale.
Executive Committee: W. D. Population: 692,978.
Parkhurst, P. G. Stanley, M. G. Sabbath-keepers: 4,500; churches,
Huffman, J. B. Locken, G. M. 77.
Hicks. Office: Otsego, Mich.
" The Southern Illinois Conrer-
ence Association of Seventh-day OFFICERS.
Adventists: " Pres., W. D.
Parkhurst; Vice-Pres., P. G. President: A. 0. Haughey, Otsego,
Stanley; Sec., S. J. Quantock; Mich.
Treas., Miss Nettie Eaton; Au- Vice-President: S. M. Butler,
ditor, J. B. Locken; Councilmen, Cedar Lake, Mich.
George M. Hicks, M. G. Huff- Secretary and Treasurer: E. A.
man. Merriam, Otsego, Mich.
Assistant Secretary and Treas-
MINISTERS. urer: Fred Green, Otsego, Mich.
Educational Secretary: Clifford
W. D. Parkhurst, 300 West Allen Russell, Otsego, Mich.
St., Springfield, Ill. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mar-
P. G. Stanley, 206 East Illinois garet Haughey, Otsego, Mich.
St., Urbana, Ill. Tract Society Secretary: E. A.
M. G. Huffman, 300 West Allen Merriam, Otsego, Mich.
St., Springfield, Ill. Religious Liberty Secretary: S. D.
C. L. Taggart, Du Quoin, Ill. Hartwell, 335 John St., Char-
J. B. Locken, Pana, Ill. lotte, Mich.
J. J. Irwin, Herrin, Ill. Auditor: IV. H. Edwards, 223
Unity Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
HONORARY CREDENTIALS. Superintendent Medical Depart-
ment: L. J. Otis, 202. South Ful-
C. H. Bliss, Lovington, ler St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Executive Committee: A. G.
Heckman, B. F. Kneeland, M.
S. J. Quantock, 300 West Allen
St., Springfield, Ill. N. Campbell.
A. C. Haughey, Du Quoin, Ill. " West Michigan Conference Asso-
Mrs. Edith. E. Bruce, 300 West ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
Allen St., Springfield, Ill. ists: " A. G. Haughey (Pres.),
E. A. Merriam (Sec.)
Miss Mary B. Craig, 545 West
Allen St., Springfield, Ill. MINISTERS.
Miss Nettie Eaton, 300 West
Allen St., Springfield, Ill. A. G. Haughey, Otsego, Mich.
Miss Cora B. Hicks, Foosland, Ill. S. M. Butler, Cedar Lake, Mich.
I. D. Van Flom, 146 Manchester
St., Battle Creek, Mich,
Miss Ola Williamson, Herrin, Ill. R. C. Horton, Lawrence, Mich.

H. Nicola, 123 Manchester .St., Jennie De Young, 847 Fair St.,

Battle Creek, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich.
\V. E. Videto, Berrien Springs, Arthur Bayley, 271 West Main
Mich. St., Battle Creek, Mich.
W. C. Hebner, Shelby, Mich. Margaret Haughey, Otsego, Mich.
M. N. Campbell, 12 Graves Ave., Edna Wilbur, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Battle Creek, Mich. Edith Wilbur, Cedar Lake, Mich.
W. H. Heckman, 23 Windsor "Mrs. Minnie Harnden, 271 WeSt
Place, Grand Rapids, Mich. Main St., Battle Creek, Mich.
B. F. Kneeland, 1228 Portage St., Mable A. Baker, 23 Windsor
Kalamazoo, Mich. Place, Grand Rapids, Mich.
A. C. Bourdeau, 166 Kalamdzoo Edna Bellows, Kalamazoo, Mich.
St., Battle Creek, Mich. Erma Paul, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
VI. S. Burnham, Otsego, Mich. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
C. A. Hansen, Benton Harbor,
Mich. Mildred Wilscin, Bauer, Mich.
Jacob Hofstra, Otsego, Mich. Eugene C. Waller, Otsego, Mich.
S D. Hartwell, 335 John St., Winifred Trunk, Wright, Mich.
Charlotte, Mich. Ada Somerset, 22 Cass Ave.,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
LICENTIATES. Mrs. E. S. Clark, Bedford, Mich.
Erma Parks, Charlotte, Mich.
Edward Collier, Mendon, Mich. Grace Evans, R: D. 5, Allegan,
Janies Irving, Sturgis, Mich. Mich.
H. C. -Fitton, R. F. D. No. I, Edna Cooper, Carlton Center,
Stanton, Mich. Mich.
S. S. Gray, Edmore, Mich. Jennie Judson, Maple Grove, Mich.
E. A. Merriam, Otsego, Mich. Tina Jorgensen, _ Lake Odessa,
L. J. Otis, 202 South Fuller St., Mich.
Grand Rapids, Mich. Vo Wyla Aiken, Glenwood, Mich.
Clifford Russell, Otsego, Mich. Claude Countryman, Covert, Mich.
Grace Davis, Comstock, Mich.
Flossie Hall, Grand Ledge, Mich.
G. W. Amadon, 303 West Van Mina Hastings, R. F. D. No. 1,
Buren St., Battle Creek, Mich. Hesperia, Mich.
J. M. Wilber, 22 Cass Ave., Grand Anna Garton, Paw Paw, Mich.
Rapids, Mich. Maude Henry, R. F. D. No. 64,
Fred Green, Otsego, Mich. Byron Center, Mich.
M. C. Whitmarsh, Muskegon, Mrs. Flora H. Williams, Battle
Mich. Creek, Mich.
Leslie Avery, Cedar Lake, Mich. Mrs. Ella Sander"s, Battle Creek,
Mrs. W. H. Heckman, 23 Windsor Mich.
Place, Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Harriet Heffley, Battle
Mrs. B. F. Kneeland, 1228 Portage Creek, Mich.
St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Miss Lottie Bell, Battle Creek,
Mrs. S. M. Butler, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Jennie Nelson, Cedar Lake, Mich. WISCONSIN CONFERENCE.
Nellie Nelson, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Zona Carr, Muskegon, Mich. Organized 1871.
Nona Carr, Muskegon, Mich. Territory: The State of Wis-
Mrs. J. M. Irving, Sturgis, Mich. consin.
Mrs. Nellie Whitmarsh, Mus- Population: 2,069,042.
kegon, Mich. Membership: 3,268; churches, 98.
Frances Case, Battle Creek, Mich. Conference Office: R. F. D. No. 4,
Eva Howe, Otsego, Mich. Madison, Wis.

Tract Society Office: Wisconsin F. F. Petersen, Stevens Point,

Tract Society, 203 High St., Wis.
Oshkosh, Wis. J. C. Neilsen, Bethel, Wis.
Sabbath-school Department Office: R. T. Dowsett, Route 4, Madison,
Bethel, Wis. Wis.
H. W. Reed, 2791/2 Main St., Osh-
OFFICERS. kosh, Wis.
W. W. Stebbins, 508 South Tenth
President: C. McReynolds, Bethel,
St., La Crosse, Wis.
J. S. Shrock, 865 Fifth St., Mil-
Secretary and Treasurer: R. T.
waukee, Wis.
Dowsett,,R. F. D. No. 4, Madi-
S. S. Smith, Mauston, Wis.
son, 'Wis.
.1. Hoffman, Wolf Creek, Wis.
Secretary and Treasurer Tract
Society: W. J. Huffman, 203 H. R. Johnson, Eau Claire, Wis.
High St., Oshkosh, Wis. D. H. Oberholtzer, Eagle River,
Secretary and Treasurer Sabbath-
school Department and Church- LICENTIATES.
school Superintendent: Miss
Mary C. Cook, Bethel, Wis: C. Hoffman, Wolf Creek, Wis.
Field Missionary Agent: A. J. L. L. French, Stanley, Wis.
Olsen, 1804 Meinecke Ave., Mil- J. Kloss, Crandon, Wis.
Wattkee, Wis. H. P. Anderson, Three Lakes, Wis.
Religious Liberty Secretary: H. C. P. Farnsworth, R. F. D. No. 4,
W. Reed, 2791/2 Main St., Osh- Madison, Wis.
kosh, Wis. P. M. Hanson, Bethel, Wis.
Executive Committee: C. Mc- S. T. Shadel, Marshfield, Wis.
Reynolds, R. T. Dowsett, A. J. C. Wise, Lena, Wis.
Olsen, E. F. Petersen, Dr. C. P. M. H. Serns, Cambridge, Wis.
Farnsworth, A. W. Hallock, W. Byron Post, Chippewa Falls, Wis.
3. Pflugradt (2728 Wright St., A. W. Hallock, Bethel, Wis.
Milwaukee, Wis.). A. W. Spaulding, Bethel, Wis.
" Wisconsin Conference Associa- P. E. Sheppler, Bethel, Wis.
tion of Seventh-day Advent- K. Rasmussen, Eau .Claire, Wis.
ists: " .C. McReynolds (Pres.), A. Gruudset, 5304 Fourth Ave.,
R. T. Dowsett (Sec. and Treas.), Milwaukee, Wis.
C. J. Herrmann, F. Stebbeds,
Medical Missionary Board: C. Mc-
Reynolds (Chairman)., J. H. W. E. Dinwiddie, 203 High St.,
Bramhall, Dr. C. P. Farnsworth, Oshkosh, Wis.
R. T. Dowsett, W. T. Lindsay, W. J. Huffman, 203 High St., Osh-
M. D., W. J. Pflugradt, W. S. kosh, Wis.
Shreve. 3. Steinel, 861 Fifth St., Milwau-
kee, Wis.
MIN ESTERS. Mrs. Helen D. Dowsett, Route 4.
Madison, Wis.
C. McReynolds, Bethel, Wis. Mis's Mary C. Cook, Bethel, Wis.
W. S. Shreve, Spring Green, \Vis. Miss Bessie Sufficool, 508 South
J. B. Scott, Chetek, Wis. Tenth SL, La Crosse, Wis.
T. B. Snow, Bethel, Wis. Mrs. Annie Sufficool, 508 South
C. J. Herrmann, Antigo, Wis. Tenth St., La Crosse, Wis.
J. C. Mikkelsen, Bethel, -Wis. Miss Anna M. Jenson, Rhinelan-
F. Stebbeds, Blue River, Wis. der, Wis.
C. W. Olds, 205 Bethesda St., Mrs. Mary Snow, Bethel, Wis.
Waukesha, Wis. Miss Elvie Muller, " 322 Seventh
S. Swinson, Sparta, Wis. Ave:, Eau Claire, Wis.

Miss Sue Jones, Merrill, Wis. T. E. Phelps, Milton Junction,

Mrs. Flora Post, Chippewa Falls, Wis.
Wis. Arthur Belding, Bethel, Wis.
Israel Hill, Oneida, Wis. Miss Alma Warnike, Route 4,
P. Wadkins, Oshkosh, Wis. Madison, Wis.
Miss Ethel Williams, 958 Louis Chas. Cady, Shennington, Wis.
Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Anna Ashley, 203 High St.,
Miss Olive Olds, 205 Bethesda Oshkosh, Wis.
Ave., Waukesha, Wis. Mrs. N. Morey, La Crosse, Wis.
A. J. Olsen, 1804 Meinecke Ave., CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS
Milwaukee, Wis.
Miss Phoebe Ellwanger, 9 Pearl Miss Rosma Whalen, Bethel, Wis.
St., Janesville, Wis. Miss Eunice Crawford, Elroy, Wis.
Miss Marie Olsen, 530 Fourth Miss Clara Pettit, Granton, Wis.
Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Ida Salton, Beldenville, Wis.
Miss Dora Rasmussen, 530 Fourth C. W. Hess, Bethel, Wis.
Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Mae McChesney, Bethel, Wis.
Miss Netta White, Moon, Wis.
Miss Bertha Rathbun, Chetek,
J. H. Bramhall, R. F. D. No. 4, Wis.
Madison, Wis. Miss Emma Brigham, Bethel, Wis.
Miss Laura Neilsen, R. F. D. No. Miss Jennie Nelson, Pine River,
4, Madison, Wis. Wis.
Miss Hattie Kathen, R. F. D. No. David Chapman, Oneida, Wis.
4, Madison, Wis. Miss Lottie Jasperson, Welcome,
Miss Alzadie Abbott, R. F. D. No. Wis.
4, Madison, Wis. Miss Vesta Cash, Arpin, Wis.
Miss Mary Rathbun, R. F. D. No. Miss Ella Keizer, Blue River, Wis.
4, Madison, Wis.
Miss Nellie Waddell, R. F. D. No. Miss Ida Owen, Bethel, Wis.
4, Madison, Wis. Ernest Pringle, Eagle River, Wis.
Mrs. H. N. Garthofner, R. F. D. Raymond Harris, Cassville, Wis.
No. 4, Madison, Wis. Miss Esther Modine, Mosling, Wis.
W. A. Paton, R F. D. No. 4, Madi- Miss Jennie Snow, Bethel, Wis.
son, Wis. Miss Eloise Williams, Milton Junc-
Miss Agnes Belean, R. F. D. No. tion, Wis.
4, Madison, Wis. Mrs. Clara Wheeler, Fish Creek,
Miss. Rosa Trummer, R. F. D. No. Wis.
4, Madison, Wis. Miss May Warren, 865 Fifth St.,
MilwauLee, Wis.
Miss Anna Johnson, R. F. D. No.
Jess. Beggs, Almond, ,Wis. 9, Franksville, Wis.
John Samson, Reeve, Wis. Miss Rose Pringle, Eagle River,
Carl Gale, Reeve, Wis.
Flora Randall, Weyanwega, Wis. Miss Nellie Pfugh, Reeve, Wis.
Hans Wind, Moon, Wis. Miss Elizabeth Zager, 1081 Eighth
Miss Anna Wind, Moon, Wis. St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Harry Dahl, 203 High St., Osh- Miss Blanch Grubb, Fish Creek,
kosh, Wis. Wis.
Organized igoz.

Territory: The Conferences of ALBERTA CONFERENCE.

Minnesota, South Dakota,
North Dakota, Manitoba, and Organized 1906.
Alberta. Territory: The Province of Al-
Population: 3,540,952. berta, Canada.
Membership: 4,597; churches, 150. Population: About 190,000.
Office Address: 2718 Third Ave., Sabbath-keepers: 300; churches, 5.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Office Address: Ponoka, Alberta,
President: R. A. Underwood, office
address. President: C. A. Burman, Leduc,
Vice-President: C. A. Burman, Alberta.
Leduc, Alberta, Canada. Vice-President: J. W. Boynton,
Treasurer: C. M. Everest, Box 989, Ponoka, Alberta.
Minneapolis, Minn. Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
Corresponding and Missionary Sec- Stella B. Lowry, Ponoka, Al-
retary: C. L. Emmerson, office berta.
address. Secretary of the Sabbath-school
Educational Secretary: 0. J. Graf, and Young People's Work: Mrs.
office address. Leona Burman, Leduc, Alberta.
General Missionary Agent: W. L. Field Missionary Agent: W. 0.
Manful, Woonsocket, S. Dak. James, Leduc, Alberta.
Transportation Agent: C. M. Ev- Executive Committee: C.' A. Bur-
erest, Box 989, Minneapolis, man, J. W. Boynton, A. C. An- .
Minn. derson, Henry Block, C. L.
Executive Committee: R. A. Un- Holdem an.
derwood, C. A. Burman, C. M. Alberta Conference Association:
Everest, C. L. Emmerson, 0. J. Trustees: C. A. Burman, J. W.
Graf, General Missionary Agent, Boynton, A. C. Anderson, Henry
and the presidents of local con- Block, J. C. Christensen.
ferences in the Union.
Medical Department: Dr. E. P. MINISTERS.
Hawkins, Montrose, Minn.; W.
M. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave., C. A. Burman, Leduc, Alberta.
Winnipeg, Manitoba; Frank J. W. Boynton, Ponoka, Alberta.
Hommel, Box 428, Edmonton, A. C. Anderson, Harmattan, Al-
Alberta, Canada; Jesse A. Ric- berta.
her, Box 28C, Fargo, N. Dak.; Henry Block, Leduc, Alberta.
Ida Johnson, Box 686, Sioux J. C. Christensen, Leavings, Al-
Falls, S. Dak. berta.


R. A. Underwood, 2718 Third Ave., Hans Bonde, Leduc, Alberta.

South. Minneapolis, Minn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
C. W. Flaiz, Faribault, Minn.
C. L. Emmerson, 2718 Third Ave., H. E. Sheistad, Ponoka, Alberta.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Stella B. Lowry, Ponoka, Al-
W. 0. James, Leduc, Alberta.
0. J. Graf, 2718 Third Avenue, Mrs. Leona Burman, Leduc, Al-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. berta.

CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Neil McGill, cor. Main and Polson

Victor Hawley, Leavings, Alberta. Sts., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Miss Catherine Cameron, Harmat- LICENTIATES.
tan, Alberta.
Gertie Grant, Leduc, Alberta. 0. A. Hall, Portage la Prairie,
MISSIONARY NURSES. E. Russell Potter, 438 Selkirk
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
F. L. Hommel, Box 428, Edmon-
Miss La Rena Carpenter, Box 428, Miss Barbara Purdon, 438 Selkirk
Edmonton, Alberta. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Miss Della Coates, Box 428, Ed- Mrs. Jessie L. Adams, 438 Selkirk
monton, Alberta. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Organized 1862.
Organized 1903.
Territory: The State of Minne-
Territory: Manitoba
Population: 650,000. Population: 1,979,912.
Sabbath-keepers: 418; churches,
12. Membership: 2,049; churches, 79.
Office Address: 438 Selkirk Ave., Office: 336 East Lake St., Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Office Address: Box 989, Minne-
OFFICERS. apolis, Minn.
President: W. M. Adams, 438 Sel- OFFICERS.
kirk Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. President: H. S. Shaw, Box 989,
Vice-Presider*.: C. J. Kunkel, office Minneapolis, Minn.
address. Vice-President: J. F. Anderson,
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. 827 Magnolia St., St. Paul,
Jessie L. Adams, office address. Minn.
Tract Society Department: Secre- Secretary: Wni. Asp, Box 989,
tary and Treasurer, Mrs. Jessie Minneapolis, Minn.
L. Adams. Treasurer and Transportation
Field Missionary Agent: E. Rus- Agent: C. M. Everest, Box 989,
sell Potter. Minneapolis, Minn.
Health and Temperance Depart- Executive Committee: H. S. Shaw,
ment: W. M. Adams. J. F. Anderson, C. M. Everest,
Educational Department: Secre- S. E. Jackson, A. D. Ewert, W.
tary, 0. A. Hall. W. Ruble, E. M. Chapman.
Religious Liberty Department: " The Minnesota Conference Asso-
Secretary, E. Russell Potter. ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- ists: " H. S. Shaw (Pres.), Wm.
retary, Mrs. Jessie L. Adams. Asp (Sec.), C. M. Everest
Executive Committee: W. M. (Treas.), Andrew Mead, 0. 0.
Adams, C. J. Kunkel, Evan Rob- Bernstein, C. L. Emmerson, A.
erts, D. Carmichael. W. Kuehl.
MINISTERS. Tract Society Secretary: C. M.
Everest, Box 989, Minneapolis,
W. M. Adams, 438 Selkirk Ave., Minn.
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sabbath-school and Corresponding
C. J. Kunkel, 438 Selkirk Ave., Secretary: Ella E. Merickel,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn.

Educational Secretary: W. W. Miss Ina Grundset, Thief River

Ruble, Alexandria, Minn. Falls, Minn.
Religious Liberty Secretary: J. M. Corner, St. Cloud, Minn
Field Missionary Agent: F. F. Miss Alice Burghart, 1115 Green-
Fry, Box 989, Minneapolis, brier Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Minn. Miss Marie Baerg, St. Cloud,
MINISTERS. Mrs. Carrie Tufte, 224 East See-
H. S. Shaw, Box 989, Minneapolis, ond St., Duluth, Minn.
Minn. Jas. M. E. Stranger, 464 Fairview
H. F. Phelps, Washburn Park, Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
A. W. Kuehl, Box 989, Minne-
apolis, Minn. Miss Blanche Postier, Rochester,
Andrew Mead, R. F. D. No. 2, Minn
Brainerd, Minn. Miss Elva Hickok, Dodge Center,
H. Steen, 716 Maryland St., St. Minn
Paul, Minn. Miss Florence Dittes, Monticello,
Fred Johnson, Anoka. Minn. Minn.
J. F. Anderson, 827 Magnolia St., Miss Della Burdick, Anoka, Minn.
St. Paul, Minn. .Miss Katie Adams, Dodge Center,
F. A. Detamore, 1115 Greenbrier Minn.
Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Miss Thirza Mason, Dodge Center,
C. M. Babcock, 2712 West Mich- Minn. ,
igan St., Duluth, Minn. Miss Lottie Ulvick, Moose Lake,
LICENTIATES. Miss Rosa Kozel, Senjen, Minn.
S. E. Jackson, R. F. D. No. 1, Mrs. Fannie B. Johnson, Man-
Long Lake, Minn. kato, Minn.
W. W. Ruble, Alexandria, Minn. Miss Mabel Dimond, Bruno, Minn.
A. C. Gilbert, Box 989, Minne-
apolis, Minn.
E. M. Chapman, Alexandria, NORTH DAKOTA CONFER-
Ged. L. Budd, Senjen, Minn.
0. J. Nerlund, Box 989, Minne- Organized 1902.
apolis, Minn. Territory: The State of North
A. V. Olson, 1116 Stinson Ave., Dakota.
St. Paul, Minn. Population: 319,040.
Ben Francis, Wells, Minn. Membership: 680; churches, 24.
A. D. Ewert, Bingham Lake, Office Address: Box 285, Fargo,
Minn. N. Dak.
0. E. Johansen, Thief River Falls,
President: John G. Walker, Box
55, Valley City, N. Dak.
C. M. Everest, Box 989, Minne- Vice-President: Chas. Leer, Lin-
apolis, Minn. coln, N. Dak.
F. F. Fry, Box 989, Minneapolis, Secretary: A. E. Doering, Bow-
Minn. don, N. Dak.
F. E. Rew, 3202 Second Ave.,. Business Agent: Richard Graham,
North, Minneapolis, Minn. Saginaw, N. Dak.
Miss Ella E. Merickel, Box 989, Treasurer: Mrs. Alice H. Robin-
Minneapolis, Minn. son, office address.
Mrs. M. H. Honeywell, 965 Como Executive Committee: John G.
Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Walker, Lars Neilson, Chas.

Leer, N. W. Lawrence, Henry J. H. Seibel, Bowdon, N. Dak.

Humann, A. E. Doering, Rich- J. J. Reiswig, Box 285, Fargo, N.
ard Graham. Dak.
Missionary Department: Rec. Sec.. Jacob Richert, New Home, N.
Mrs. Alice H. Robinson; Asst. Dak.
See., F. H. Robinson; Cor. Sec.,
Mrs. Hattie B. Walker; Field
Missionary Agent, Medical Mis- SOUTH DAKOTA CONFER-
sionary Secretary, J. A. Reiber, ENCE.
office address.
Sabbath-school Department: Rec. Organized 1879.
Sec., Mrs. A. E. Doering, Bow- Territory: The State of South
don, N. Dak. Dakota, excluding the Black
Religious Liberty Secretary: W. Hills.
H. Allison, office address. Population.: 402,000.
" The North Dakota Conference Sabbath-keepers: 1,150; churches,
Association: " Trustees: John 30.
G. Walker, F. G. Specht, A. E. Office: 732 South First Ave.,
Doering, Chas. Leer, F. IL Rob- Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
inson. Office Address: Box 686, Sioux
MINISTERS. Falls, S. Dak.
John G. Walker, Box 55, Valley OFFICERS.
City, N. Dak. President: E. G. Hayes, Canton,
Lars Neilson, Winifred, N. Dak. S. Dak.
Edward Loeppke, Bowdon, N. Vice-President: N. P. Neilsen,
Dak. Lake Preston, S. Dak.
A. E. Christian, R. F. D. No. 3, Secretary: N. M. Jorgensen, Lake
Kenmare, N. Dak. Preston, S. Dak.
E. H. Huntley, Box 285, Fargo, Treasurer: Geo. W. Miller, office
N. Dak. address.
Christian Sulzle, Lincoln, N. Dak. Business Agent: C. M. Clark, Ar-
Geo. Wagner, Hurdsfield, N. Dak. tesian, S. Dak.
N. W. Lawrence, Harvey, N. Dak. Transportation Agent: F. R.
A. E. Doering, Bowdon, N. Dak. Isaac, office address.
LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: E. G.
Hayes, N.'P. Neilsen, Valentine
F. G. Specht, New Home, N. Dak. Leer, C. M. Clark, Wm. H.
Chas. Leer, Lincoln, N. Dak. Twining, J. W. Christian, Al-
fred Jensen (Viborg).
Tract Society: Secretary, Geo. W.
E. M. Strong, Box 275, Hankin- Miller; Assistant and German
son, N. Dak. Sec., F. R. Isaac, office address.
F. H. Robinson, Box 285, Fargo, Field Missionary Agent: W. L.
N. Dak. Manful, WoOnsocket, S. Dak.
Mrs. Alice H. Robinson, Box 285, Educational Department: Super-
Fargo, N. Dak. intendent, J. W. Christian, Vi-
Martin Olson, Valley City, N. borg, S. Dak.
Dak. Health and Temperance Depart-
Richard Graham, Saginaw, N. ment: Nathan Aalborg, office
Dak. address.
1. A. Reiber, Box 285, Fargo, N. Sabbath-school Department: Sec.,
Dak. W. A: Baker, Aberdeen, S. Dak.
D. D. Kurtz, Box 285, Fargo, N. Religious Liberty Department:
Dak. Sec., J. W. Christian, Viborg,
H. Htimann, Harvey, N. Dak. S. Dak.

" South Dakota Conference Asso- Milla M. Johnson, Box 636, Sioux
ciation of Seventh-day Advent- Falls, S. Dak.
ists: " Trustees: C. M. Clark, Ceo. W. Miller, Box 686, Sioux
Alfred Jensen, Conrad Reiswig, Falls, S. Dak.
G. W. Miller, E. G. Hayes. F. R. Isaac, Box 636, Sioux Falls,
S. Dak.
MINISTERS. J. H. Schmidt, Lake Preston, S.
E. G. Hayes, Canton, S. Dak. Dak.
R. E. Harter, Willow Lake, S. Adolph. Christensen, Box 686.
Dak. Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
Conrad Reiswig, Milltown, S.
Valentine Leer, Milltown, S. Dak,
N. P. Neilsen, Lake Preston, S. Organized Jan. 1, 1907.
Dak. Territory: Saskatchewan, Canada.
N. M. Jorgensen, Lake Preston, Office: Box 666, Regina, Saskatch-
S. Dak. ewan, Canada.
C. M. Clark, Artesian, S. Dak. OFFICERS.
J. W. Christian, Viborg, S. Dak Director: H. S. Shaw.
Ex. Corn.: H. S. Shaw, F. H. Con-
way, Chr. Sulzle, Paul Curtis,
W. L. Manful, Woonsocket, S. and Abraham Peters.
Dak. Sec. and Treas.: Mrs. F. H. Con-
W. A. Baker, Aberdeen, S. Dak. way, Regina.
N. J. Ronlund, Box 636, Sioux Field Missionary Agent: Paul
Falls, S. Dak. Curtis, Yorkton.
H. L. Stenberg, Winfred, S. Dak. MINISTERS.
H. S. Shaw, Chr. Sulzle, F. H.
Mrs. Bertha E. Jorgensen, Lake LICENTIATE.
Preston, S. Dak. Paul Curtis.


Organized 1902.

Territory: . The Conferences of Auditor: L. E. Noon, College

Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Mis- View, Nebr.
souri, and Nebraska,.*rid the Treasurer: Union College, College
Wyoming Mission. View, Nebr.
Population: 8,933,779. Executive Committee: E.' T. Rus-
Membership: 13,058; churches, sell, A. T. Robinson, the Presi-
330. dents of the local Conferences
Office: College View, Nebraska. in the Central Union Confer-
ence, the President of .Union
OFFICERS. College, Dr. W. A. George, B.
E. Huffman, M. E. Kern, the
President: E. T. Russell, College Manager of the Pacific Press
View, Nebr. Pub. Co., 1109 East Twelfth
Vice-President: A. T. Robinson, St., Kansas. City, Mo., and the
College View, Nebr. Manager of the International
SeCretary: B. E. Huffniaii, Col- Publishing Association, College
lege View, Nebr. View, Nebr.

Educational Department: Secre- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

tary, B. E. Huffman, College
View, Nebr. Mrs. Belle Emerson, Mrs. Eliza-
Young People's Department: Sec- beth A. Lewis, H. A. Morrison,
retary, M. E. Kern, College Winifred Peebles, Prof. B. R.
View, Nebr. Shryock, L. E. Koon, Katie
Religious Liberty Department: Coleman, Mertie Wheeler, Elsa
Secretary, R. C. Porter, Hamil- Northrup, Roberta Andrews, R.
ton, Mo. M. Rockey, L. N. Muck, Otto
Medical Missionary and Benevo- Schwedrat.
lent Association Board: Supt.
of Nebraska Sanitarium, Supt.
Kansas Sanitarium, Supt. of
Iowa Sanitarium, Supt. of Col-
orado Sanitarium, Dr. G. A. COLORADO CONFERENCE.
Droll, Business Managers of Organized 1883.
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and
Colorado Sanitariums. Territory: Colorado and New
Official Board having in charge the Mexico.
Christian Record and the Work Population: 750,000.
for the Blind: E. T. Russell, Sabbath-keepers: 2,500; church -
N. B. Emerson, W. A. George, es, 54.
.1. S. Hart. Office: 1112 Kalamath St., Denver,
Editorial Committee: L. N. Colo.
Muck, E. T. Russell, W. A.
George, J. S. Hart; Treasurer, OFFICERS.
N. B. Emerson; Secretary, Miss
Katie Coleman. President: G. F. Watson, 1112
" Central Union Conference Asso- Kalamath St., Denver, Colo.
ciation of Seventh-day Advent- Vice-President: Watson Ziegler,
ists: " President Central Union Ft. Collins, Colo.
Conference, the presidents of Secretary: Meade MacGuire, of-
local Conferences composing the fice address.
Union, the President of Un- Treasurer: Mrs. M. MacGuire,
ion College, Business Manager office address.
of Union College, Manager of Executive Committee: G. F. Wat-
Pacific Press Branch at Kansas son, Watson Ziegler, F. M. Wily
City, Mo., and F. F. Byington. cox, H. M. J. Richards, G. W.
MINISTERS. Tract Society Department: Sec-
retary and Treasurer, Mrs.
(All the Ministers, Licentiates, Minnie MacGuire, office address.
and Missionary Licentiates Field Missionary Agent: J. J.
named below may be addressed lobe, office address.
at College View, Nebr.) Sabbath-school Dept.: Sec., Mrs.
E. T. Russell, J. H. Morrison, C. Minnie MacGuire.
C. Lewis, B. E. Huffman, Au- Young People's Dept.: Sec., Meade
gust Anderson, M. D. Mattson. MacG uire.
Religious Liberty Secretary: F.
LICENTIATES. M. Wilcox, Boulder, Colo.
Trustees Seventh-day Adventist
P. E. Berthelsen, T. Valentiner, Association of Colorado (Legal
A. Swedberg, C. A. Thorp, G. A. Corporation) : Judge C. C. Hol-
Grauer, W. A. George, M. E. brook,. Watson Ziegler, G. F.
Kern, N. B. Emerson, E. C. Watson, H. M. J. Richards, F.
Kellogg. M. Wilcox, Wm. Kennedy.

Boards of Education: Eastern Mrs. Flora Watson, Palisade,

District: W. A. Hankins, Wat- Colo.
son Ziegler, F. M. Wilcox, Rob- Mrs. Ella Anglebarger, 531 Santa
ert Beaird, H. M. J. Richards. Fe Ave., Denver, Colo.
Western District: 0. Nelson, Mrs. Rose Svensson, 1112 Kala-
M. P. Walker, F. F. De Rush, math St., Denver, Colo.
B. F. Hutchinson, John Pear- Mrs. Hattie Leland, Albuquerque,
son. N. Mex.
Mrs. Era Spring, Arvada, Colo.
MINISTERS. Mrs. Mary Ziegler, Ft. Collins,
G. F. Watson, 1112 Kalamath St., Mrs. Mae Warfle, ,Roswell, N.
Denver, Colo. Mex.
H. L. Hoover, 1211 St. John St., Mrs. Bertie C. Richards, Love-
Albuquerque, N. Mex. land, Colo.
G. W. Anglebarger, 531 Santa Fe Bruce H. Shaw, 1112 Kalamath
Ave., Denver, Colo. St., Denver, Colo.
Watson Ziegler, Ft. Collins, Colo. Cush Sparks, Arvada, Colo.
H. M. J. Richards, Loveland, Colo. Burt Bray, 1112 Kalamath St.,
M. Mackintosh, Alamosa, Colo. Denver, Colo.
L. A. Spring, 1112 Kalamath St., J. Z. Walker, La Junta, Colo.
Denver, Colo. Miss Ruth Knudson, 111 East
H. A. Aufderhar, Hygiene, Colo. Abriendo St., Pueblo, Colo.
M. D. Warfle, Roswell, N. Mex.
G. M. Alway, Rocky Ford, Colo.
C. H. Bates, Bayfield, Colo.
James A. Leland, Albuquerque, N. IOWA CONFERENCE.
Ceo. 0. States, Cedaredge, Colo. Territory: The State of Iowa.
J. B. Wilson, Box 34, Pueblo, Population: 2,231,853.
Colo. Membership: 3,736; churches, 116.
F. M. Wilcox, care Boulder Sani- Office: 603 East Twelfth St., Des
tarium, Boulder, Colo. Moines, Iowa.
Wm. Kennedy, 1112 Kalamath St., OFFICERS.
Denver, Colo.
President: L. F. Starr, Stuart,
Secretary: Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas,
Meade MacGuire, 1112 Kalamath office address.
St., Denver, Colo. Treasurer: C. W. Larson, office
W. F. Hills, Plateau City, Colo. address.
Charles Lightner, 1112 Kalamath Religious Liberty Secretary: W.
St., Denver, Colo. E. Perrin, office address.
Supt. Educational Dept.: Floyd
Sec. Sabbath-school Dept.: Mrs.
Mrs. Bertie L. Herren, Ft. Collins, Flora V. Dorcas, office address.
Colo. Sec. Young People's Dept.: Fred
Mrs. Minnie MacGuire, 1112 Kal- J. Wilbur, Clarinda, Iowa.
am.a,th St., Denver, Colo. Sec. and Treas. Iowa Tract So-
Miss Alice Finch, 111 East Abri- ciety: C. W. Larson, office ad-
endo St., Pueblo, Colo. dress.
Miss Lida B. Moore, Grand Junc- Assistant Sec.: Mrs. Nettie Shaw,
tion, Colo. office address.
Miss Celia McDonald, 1112 Kal- Field Missionary Agent: R. J.
amath St., Denver, Colo. Bryant, Stuart, Iowa.,

Executive Committee: L. F. Starr, 1VIISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

N. C. Bergersen, J. H. Kraft,
Chris. Juhl, J. W. Dorcas, J. C. N. L. McClintock, Blencoe, Iowa.
Clemens, Arthur Rhoads. Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, 603 East
"Iowa Seventh-day Adventist As- Twelfth St., Des. Moines, Iowa.
sociation: " Trustees: L. F. Della Wallace, Grinnell, Iowa.
Starr, C. Juhl, J. M. Whitney, W. H. Cox, Stuart, Iowa.
N. C. Bergersen, J. M. Peter- Katie Earle, 604 North D St., Os-
sen, C. W. Larson, W. E. Per- kaloosa, Iowa.
rin. C. Juhl, R. F. D. No. 3, Exira,
District Superintendents: J. C. Iowa.
Clemens, E. G. Olsen, N. G. Margaret Young, 438 Glenn Ave.,
Bergersen, J. H. Kraft. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mrs. Blanche Spriggs, Macedonia,
F. J. Wilbur, Clarinda, Iowa.
L. F. Starr, Stuart, Iowa. S. B. Kephart, 1101 North Tenth
N. C. Bergersen, Story City, Iowa. St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
J. H. Kraft, Stuart, Iowa. E. W. Wolfe, Stuart, Iowa.
E. G. Olsen, Forest City, Iowa. R. E. Burke, Humboldt, Iowa.
Henry Rorholm, Des Moines, H. F. Meeker, Ferguson, Iowa.
Iowa. Wm. Andress, Macedonia, Iowa.
J. C. Clemens, Algona, Iowa. Anna Camp, Fairfield, Iowa.
T. Godfrey, Knoxville, Iowa. Mrs. Nettie Shaw, 603 East
F. M. Corbaley, 603 East Twelfth Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa.
St., Des Moines, Iowa. 3. W. McComas, Stuart, Iowa.
G. R. Hawkins, Park Road, Mes- Cora Quinn, 604 North D St., Os-
sengerville, Keokuk, Iowa. kaloosa, Iowa.
LICENTIATES. C. W. Larson, 603 East Twelfth
St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Floyd Bralliar, Stuart, Iowa. J. L. Syp, Fairfield, Iowa.
J. W. Dorcas, 603 East Twelfth
A. V. Rhoads, Prescott, Iowa.
0. M. Kittle, Smithland, Iowa.
Bessie Scism, Fontanelle, Iowa.
J. M. Moore, 603 East Twelfth
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Essie Ferguson, Council Bluffs,
A. F. Ferguson, Stuart, Iowa.
Bessie Stanleld, Libertyville,
J. T. Spriggs, Macedonia, Iowa.
W. E. Perrin, 603 East Twelfth Ida Brown, Des Moines, Iowa.
St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Emma Curtis, Spencer, Iowa.
R. J. Bryant, Stuart, Iowa.
Pearl Bascom, R. F. D. No. 3, Ex-
A. V. Cotton, Garden Grove,
ira, Iowa.
J. F. Piper, Garden Grove, Iowa.
Edgar Swap, Grinnell, Iowa.
P. A. Field, 603 East Twelfth St.,
Des Moines, Iowa.
C. V. Starr, Bridgewater, Iowa.
Wm. J. Johnson, Sioux Rapids, Organized 1875.
E. Rosenwold, Boone, Iowa. Territory: The State of Kansas.
C. W. Hollingsworth, Correction- Population: 1,611,460.
ville, Iowa-. Sabbath-keepers: 3,064; churches,
Mrs. Minnie Syp, Fairfield, Iowa. 97.
Mrs. Emma Hawkins, Park Road, Office: 821 West Fifth St., To-
Messengerville, Keokuk, Iowa. peka, Kans.

OFFICERS. W. A. Easley, 821 West Fifth St.,

President: R. C. Porter, Hamil- Topeka, Kans.
D. E. Huffman, Centerville, Kans.
ton, Mo.
W. F. Surber, Thayer, Kans.
Vice-President: A. R. Ogden, R.
R. No. 8, Wichita, Kans. V. W. Robb, 1963 Thompson St.,
Secretary and Treasurer: J. M. Kansas City, Kans.
Fletcher, office address. F. L. Limerick, 821 West Fifth
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- St., Topeka, Kans
ment: Mrs. Minnie Fletcher, F. C. Clark, 821 West Fifth St.,
office address. Topeka, Kans.
Educational Superintendent: H. J. A. Minner, Blaine, Kans.
M. Hiatt, 408 Washington St., Ben Miller, Tampa, Kans.
. Kansas City, Kans. H. E. Kirk, 633 Kansas Ave., To-
Field Missionary Agent: F. L. peka, Kans.
Limerick, office address.
Executive Committee: R. C. Por- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
ter, A. R. Ogden, L. F. Trubey,
Jacob Riffel, B. W. Brown, N. T. FL E. Meyer, 821 West Fifth St.,
Sutton, H. Osterloh. Topeka, Kans.
Medical Missionary Association: Mrs. Dora E. Meyer, 821 West
L. F. Trubey, R. C. Porter, H. Fifth St., Topeka, Kans.
E. Kirk, Henry Schmidt, H. Os- Miss Mary L. Doan, 821 West
terloh, Dr. F. E. Braucht, L. C. Fifth St., Topeka, Kans.
Christofferson, J. E. Brown, J. Mrs. Edith Hiatt, 408 Washing-
Emil Anderson. ton St., Kansas City, Kans.
District Superintendents: A. R. M. W. Neal, Columbus, Kans.
Ogden, L. F. Trubey, B. W. Miss Lillie P. Hornbeck, Chey-
Brown, I. F. Thorn, N. T. Sut- enne, Wyo.
ton. Miss Lizzie Sutton, 511 West
" The Kansas Seventh-day Ad- Fifth St., Hutchinson, Kans.
ventist Conference Associa- Miss Jennie Edwards, 309 South
tion: " R. C. Porter, L. W. Cor- Santa St., Chanute, Kans.
nell, H. Osterloh, L. Barker, L. Miss Mary Edwards, 1015 East
Winston. Eighth St., Galena, Kans.
MINISTERS. J. M. Fletcher, 821 West Fifth
St., Topeka, Kans.
R. C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo. Miss Nancy M. Bland, 510 Con-
A. R. Ogden, 1608 Maple St., gress St., Leavenworth, Kans.
Wichita, Kans. \V. B. Roberts, Ottawa, Kans.
L. F. Trubey, Oakland, Kans. Miss Margaret Strobel, College
I. F. Thorn, 408 East Fifth St., View, Nebr.
Hutchinson, Kans. Miss Calla hi. Brown, 821 West
Jacob Riffel, North Enid, Okla.
Fifth St., Topeka, Kans.
N. T. Sutton, 821 West Fifth St.,
U. W. Willis, Fifteenth and High
Topeka, Kans.
B. W. Brown, Clay Center, Kans. Sts., Leavenworth, Kans.
J. Emil Anderson, 229 South Sec- R. H. Godfrey, Great Bend, Kans.
ond St., Salina, Kans. W. H. Clark, Wakefield, Kans.
J. W. Lair, 2109 Forrest Ave., K. N. Friezen, Burrton, Kans.
Parsons, Kans. EL W. Schmidt, Shaffer, Kans.
C. E. Peckover, 917 East Iron St., Susie Masted, Parker, Kans.
Salina, Kans. A. S. Combs, 821 West Fifth St.,
Topeka, Kans.
Mrs. Minnie Fletcher, 821 West
A. S. Bringle, Minneapolis, Kans. Fifth St., Topeka, Kans.

MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Secretary of the Sabbath-school

Department: Mrs. James Coch-
Dr. F. E. Braucht, care Sanita-
ran, office address.
rium, Route 8, Wichita, Kans.
Field Missionary Agent: C. G.
R. S. Irvine, College View, Nebr. Bellah, Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Dr. H. G. Schaumloffel, care Sani-
Educational Secretary: Miss Nora
tarium, Route 8, Wichita, Kans. Hough, Lockwood, Mo.
'CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Executive _Committee: H. M.
Stewart, J. W. Norwood, W. T.
1. C. Sultz, 1617 North Sixth St., Millman, James Cochran, L. W.
Kansas City, Kans. Terry.
H. E. Reeder, Thayer, Kans. District Superintendents: No. 1,
W. A. Ball, Fellsburg, Kans. C. H. Chaffee; No. 2, W. T.
Richard Baker, Pleasanton, Kans. Millman; No. 3, E. A. Merrell;
Nettie Hardiman, Oswego, Kans. No. 4, L. W. Terry; No. 5, J.
Mabel Watson, Thayer, Kans. W. Norwood.
Lesta Seaward, 804 Oak St., Ot- Missouri Conference Association:
tawa, Kans. W. T. Millman, James Cochran,
Clara Underwood, Wichita, Kans. T. M. Clark, H. M. Stewart, Dr.
Gertie Grant, Rosalia, Kans. G. A. Droll.
Mary Perin, Columbus, Kans.
Mildred Blaser, 408 Washington MINISTERS.
St., Kansas City, Kans.
Ethel Stout, Bird City, Kans. H. M. Stewart, Ira, Mo.
Mary E. Allen, Rosalia, Kans. 0. E. Scoles, Washburn, Mo.
W. D. Gilliland, Wellington, Kans. L. W. Terry, Appleton City, Mo.
John Bland, Mineral, Kans. E. A: Merrell, 2636 Bellefontaine
Belle Dixon, Portis, Kans. Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
J. S. Moore, Wakeeney, Kans. W. T. Millman, Gallatin, Mo.
J: W. Norwood, 2565 Emerson
Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
C. H. Chaffee, Chillicothe, Mo.
MISSOURI CONFERENCE. H. K. Willis, Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Organized 1876. F. W. H. Shraeder, 1702 North
Second St., St. Joseph, Mo.
Territory: The State of Missouri.
Population: 3,106,665. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Membership: 1,500; churches, 45.
Office: 1109 East Twelfth St., M. E. George, 2597 Bernays Ave.,
Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.
OFFICERS. C. G. Bellah, Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Mrs. James Cochran, 1109 East
President: H. M. Stewart, Ira, Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo.
Mo. Miss Eva Hough, Kansas City,
Vice-President: J. W. Norwood, Mo.
2565 Emerson Ave., St. Louis, Mrs. E. A. Daniels 4419 Late
Mo. Brilliant St., St. Louis,
' Mo.
Secretary: Mrs. R. C. Porter, Miss Maggie Warnock, Spring-
Hamilton, Mo. field, Mo.
Treasurer: The Pacific Press Pub- James Cochran, 1109 E. Twelfth
lishing Co., Kansas City Branch. St., Kansas City, Mo.
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. R. Miss Birdie Cruzan, Webb City,
C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo. Mo.
Religious Liberty Secretary: .1. P. Miss Nora Hough, Lockwood, Mo.
Lorenz, 2547 Emerson Ave., St. Mrs. E. A. Merrell, 2636 Bellefon-
Louis, Mo. taine Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

Mrs. R. C. Porter, Hamilton, Mo. Field Missionary Agent: H. A.

H. C. Tarr, Nevada, IVIo. Hebard, Blair, Nebr.
Mrs. M. E. George, 2597 Bernays Religious Liberty Secretary: Chas.
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Thompson, Red Cloud, Nebr.
L. W. Graham, 1109 East Twelfth Executive Committee: A. T. Rob-
St., Kansas City, Mo. inson, Lewis Johnson, R. F. An-
T. M. Clark, Utica, Mo. drews, F. H. Hahn, D. R. Cal-
lahan, C. R. Kite.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. " The Nebraska Conference Asso-
ciation of the Seventh-day Ad-
Miss L. Belle Mathews, Nevada, ventists: " A. T. Robinson
Mo. (Pres.), Thomas McAlpine
Miss Bessie Barnhart, Reno, Mo. (Sec.), Joseph Roy (Treas.), F.
Miss Vita Tindall, Joplin, Mo. H. Hahn, G. Mathiesen.
Miss Florence Burgess, Cotton,
Miss Abbie St. John, 1833 Schild
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. A. T. Robinson, College View,
Miss Anna C. Didrickson, 1724 Nebr.
North Second St., St. Joseph, Lewis Johnson, College View,
Mo. Nebr.
Miss Grace Chilson, Poplar Bluff, R. F. Andrews, College View,
Mo. Nebr.
Mrs. W. J. Cole, Day, Taney Co., Chas. Thompson, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Mo. L. E. Johnson, Broken Bow, Nebr.
Mabel West, Mountain Grove, Mo. J. W. Beams, Wayne, Nebr.
C. A, Beeson, College View, Nebr.
E. A. Curtis, 1414 East ,Elk St.,
Beatrice, Nebr.
C. R. Kite, College View, Nebr.
NEBRASKA CONFERENCE. C. Svenson,. 813 South Twenty-
fifth St., Omaha, Nebr.
Organized 1878. A. A. Meyer, 147 East A St.,
Hastings, Nebr.
Territory: State of Nebraska, ex- J. H. Kraft, College View, Nebr.
cluding the nine western coun-
Population: 1,033,801.
Sabbath-keepers: 1,958; churches, C. H. Miller, Wayne, Nebr.
54. G. Mathiesen, College View, Nebr.
Office Address: College View, Wm. Batterson, Kearney, Nebr.
Nebr. H. A. Hebard, Blair, Nebr.
A. D. Gilbert, 412 North Bellevue
OFFICERS. Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
F. H. Hahn, Arcadia, Nebr.
President: A. T. Robinson, Col- B. M. Garton, 412 North Bellevue
lege View, Nebr. Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Vice-President: Chas. Thompson, M. A. Farnsworth, College View,
Red Cloud, Nebr. Nebr.
Secretary and Treasurer: Joseph J. W. Rich, R. F. D. No. 3, Teka-
Roy, College View, Nebr. m ah, Nebr.
Educational Department (embra-
cing Sabbath-schools, Primary 11CoSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Schools, and Young People's
Work) : Superintendent, C. R. 0. E. Jones, College View, Nebr.
Kite, College View; Sec., Win- J. G. Kroeker, 412 East Eleventh
nie Hunt, College View, Nebr. St., Grand Island, Nebr.

G. P. Loy, 2615 Dodge St., Omaha, Cheyenne, Kimball, Banner,

Nebr. and Scotts Bluff; and the fol-
Winnie Hunt, College View, Nebr. lowing-named counties in South
Esther Smith, Kearney, Nebr. Dakota: Fall River, Custer,
Mrs. A. T. Robinson, College Pennington, Lawrence, Meade,
View, Nebr. and Butte.
1.-eter Lindahl, Dannebrog, Nebr. Population: 200,000.
1,izzie Lockwood, Plattsmouth, Membership: 300; churches, 14.
Nebr. Headquarters: Crawford, Nebr.
Mary Hannaford, 2615 Dodge St.,
Omaha, Nebr. OFFICERS.
Mrs. E. M. Peebles, College View,
Nebr. Superintendent: J. H. Wheeler,
P. 0.. Johnson, College View, Crawford, Nebr.
Nebr. Secretary and Treasurer all De-
Elnora Reid, Kearney, Nebr. partments: Miss Grace Tillot-
son, Crawford, Nebr.
LICENSED COLPORTEURS. Field Missionary Agent: L. B.
Herman Jenkins, Cambridge, Porter, Crawford, Nebr.
Nebr. Executive Committee: J. H.
Daniel Mauk, Broken Bow, Nebr. Wheeler, E. T. Russell, G. A.
Archie Kirk, Broken Bow, Nebr. Kirkle, L. B. Porter, Albert
Walter Rich, R. P. D. No. 3,
Tekamah, Nebr. J. H. Wheeler, Crawford, Nebr.
Chas. Lee, Red Cloud, Nebr. LICENTIATES.
Mrs. Eula Owen, Woodlake, Nebr.
Edna Schee, College View, Nebr. G. A. Kirkle, Hemingford, Nebr.
Hattie Brown, College View, L. B. Porter, Crawford, Nebr.
Nebr. Roscoe T. Baer, Bellefourche, S.
Mary Kinneburgh, College View, Dak.
Retta. King, College View, Nebr.
May G. Cole, College View, Nebr. Albert Anderson, Lead City, S.
Inez M. Dow, Beatrice, Nebr. Dak.
Lillian Fulton, Blair, Nebr. Grace Tillotson,. Crawford, Nebr.
Ada Woolsey, College View, Nebr.
Stella Boynton, Oconto, Nebr. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS
Miss Addie Wheeler, Sheridan,
WYOMING MISSION FIELD. Mrs. Mary Lamie, Sheldon, Wyo.
Established Sept. 17, 1904. Mrs. Ora L. Hadley, Cascade
Springs, S. Dak.
Territory: The State of Wyom- Miss Louise Mathwig, Custer, S.
ing; the following-named coun- Dak.
ties in Nebraska: Sioux, Dawes, Mrs. R. V. Cheney, Deadwood, S.
Box Butte, Sheridan, Duel, Dak.
Organized 1901; reorganized rgoz.

-Territory: The Conferences of LICENTIATES.

Arkansas, Oklahoma, and
Texas. C! N. Woodward, Keene, Tex.
Population: 5,610,274. R. H. Devereaux, Devall Bluff,
Membership: 4,025; churches, 122. Ark.
Office: Keene, Johnson County, J. H. Hollis, Sealy, Tex.
President: R. C. Porter, Hamil- H. T. Curtis, Keene, Tex.
ton, Mo. J. W. Johnston, Houston, Tex.
Secretary and Treasurer: C. N. J. W. Dancer, Little Rock, Ark.
Woodward, Keene, Tex.
Educational Secretary: C. B.
Hughes, Keene, Tex.
Religious Liberty Secretary: H. ARKANSAS CONFERENCE.
E. Giddings, Keene, Tex.
Auditor: H. T. Curtis, Keene, Organized 1883.
Tex. Territory: The State of Arkansas.
General Missionary Agent: Population: 1,311,546.
Transportation Agent: C. N. Membership: 575; churches, 18.
Woodward, Keene, Tex. Office: 1203 Wolfe St., Little
Executive Committee: R. C. Por- Rock, Ark.
ter, the Presidents of the Ar-
kansas, the Oklahoma, and the OFFICERS.
Texas Conferences, the principal
of Keene Academy, C. N. Wood- President: Urbanus Bender, office
ward, D. C. Ross, M. D., W. C. address..
Green, M. D., H. T. Curtis. Secretary of Conference and Tract
" The Southwestern Union Con- Society: Miss D. Saidee Wilson,
ference Association of Seventh- office address.
day Adventists: " Trustees: Treasurer: The Arkansas Tract
Clarence Santee (Pres.), C. Sor- Society.
enson, C. N. Woodward (Sec.), Field Missionary Agent: C. J.
T. J. Eagle, U. Bender, V. B. Dart, office address.
Watts, William Voth, D. U. Superintendent of Church-schools:
Hale. U. Bender, office address.
" The Southwestern Union Con- Secretary of Sabbath-school De-
ference Medical Advisory partment and Young People's
Board: " The Presidents of the Society: Miss D. Saidee Wilson,
Arkansas, the Oklahoma, and office address.
the Texas Conferences, D. C. Executive Committee: U. Bender,
Ross, M. D., W. C. Green, M. D. V. B. Watts, A. P. Heacock, L.
(Supt.). W. Felter, M. H. Gregory, C. J.
MINISTERS. Dart, C. S. Kinzer.
Clarence Santee, Keene, Tex. MINISTERS.
C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
Thomas Defreeze, Dallas, Tex. Urbanus Bender, 1203 Wolfe St.,
Methusaleh Jones, 1310 George Little Rock, Ark.
St., Houston, Tex. V. B. Watts, Gentry, Ark.

H. Clay Griffin, Washburn, Mo. OFFICERS.

M. H. Gregory, Alpena Pass, Ark.
A. P. Heacock, 1203 Wolfe St., President: Andrew Nelson, office
Little Rock, Ark. address.
L. W. Felter, Acorn, Ark. Secretary: Wm. Voth, office ad-
Treasurer: T. J. Eagle, office ad-
J. S. Rouse, Frisco, Ark. Missionary Department: Sec. and
Treas., T. J. Eagle; Cor. Sec.,
Miss D. Saidee Wilson, 1203 Supt. of Educational Department:
Wolfe St., Little Rock, Ark. David Voth, Route No. 1, Hitch-
Dr. W. C. Green, 1323 Wolfe St., cock, Okla.
Little Rock, Ark. Sec. of Sabbath-school Dept.:
C. J. Dart, 1203 Wolfe St., Little Wm. Voth.
Rock, Ark. Field Missionary Agent: V. 0.
Mrs. U. Bender, 1203 Wolfe St., Cole, office address.
Little Rock, Ark. Executive Committee: Andrew
Mrs. A. P. Heacock, 1203 Wolfe Nelson, A. J. Voth, U. B. Dake,
St., Little Rock, Ark. J. R. Bagby, David Voth.
J. A. Oppy, Siloam Springs, Ark. " Oklahoma Conference Associa-
tion of Seventh-day Advent-
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS ists: " Andrew Nelson, T. J.
Eagle, D. F. Sturgeon.
Mrs. Jessie Rouse, Frisco, Ark.
Miss Josephine Wilson, Gentry, MINISTERS.
Miss Jessie McConnell, Staunton, Andrew Nelson, Box 1198, Okla-
Ark. homa City, Okla.
Miss Goldie McLaughlin, Gentry, A. J. Voth, Kiel, Okla.
Ark. A. E. Field, 606 West Ninth St.,
Miss Addie Ha wkins, Afton, Ind. T. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Miss Annie Christensen, Gentry, C. Sorenson, Keene, Tex.
Ark. David Voth, R. F. D. No. 1, Hitch-
Mrs. U. Bender, Little Rock, Ark. cock, Okla.
Mrs. Ernest Spring, Hot Springs, J. R. Bagby, Alva, Okla.
Ark. T. J. Hickman, Box 1198, Okla-
homa City, Okla.
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. E. L. Maxwell, Capitol Hill, Okla-
W. H. Swait, Supt., Devall Bluff, homa City, Okla.
Ark. Geo. Ebel, Fargo, Okla.
U. B. Dake, Cement, Okla.
William Braley, Woodward, Okla.
G. G. Rupert, Choctaw, Okla.
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE. N. Clausen, Stillwater, Okla.
D. F. Sturgeon, Woodward, Okla.
Organized 1894.
Territory: Oklahoma and Indian
Territory. J. B. Hampton, Taloga, Okla.
Population: 1,500,000. W. E. Baxter, Cement, Okla.
Membership: 1,898; churches, 70. Claude McDonald, North McAles-
Office: 217 West Seventh St., ter, Ind. T.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Isaac Baker, Cordell, Okla.
Post-office Address: Box 1198, Ezra Fillman, R. F. D. No. 3,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Waurika, Okla.

C. M. Hayhurst, Woodward, Okla. TEXAS CONFERENCE.

Ray Hickman, R. F. D. No. 3, Organized 1878.
Waurika, Okla.
H. H. Martin, Box 1198, Oklahoma Territory: The State of Texas.
City, Okla. Population: 3,048,710.
V. 0. Cole, Box 1198, Oklahoma - Membership: 1,374; churches, 34.
City, Okla. Office: Keene, Johnson Co., Tex.
J. A. Lorenz, Goodwin, Okla. OFFICERS.
W. F. Talburt, Allen, Ind. T.
Alpha Waters, Choctaw, Okla. President: Clarence Santee,
A. A. Neufeld, R. F. D. No. 8, Keene, Tex.
Enid, Okla. Secretary and Treasurer: E. ,Har-
ris, Keene, Tex.
Tract Society Sec. and Treas.: W.
T. J. Eagle, Box 1198, Oklahoma
Sabbath-school Dept.: Mrs. Grace
Corwin, Keene, Tex.
City, Okla.
Field Missionary Agent: W. W.
Wm. Voth, Box 1198, Oklahoma Eastman, Keene, Tex.
City, Okla.
Educational Supt.: Miss Lottie
Mrs. Sophia Parker, 1230 East Farrell, Marietta, Tex.
Main St., Shawnee, Okla. Transportation Agent: C. N.
Miss Mary Baxter, Cement, Okla. Woodward, Keene, Tex.
Miss Hannah Laubach, Tangier, Executive Committee: Clarence
Okla. Santee, D. U. Hale, W. M. Cub-
Miss Anna J Olson, R. F. D. No. ley, C. W. Miller, E. B. Hop-
2, North Enid, Okla. kins, W. W. Eastman, T. -W.
Miss Nettie Newton, Jennings, Field.
Okla. " Texas Conference Association of
Miss Luna Stevens, Woodward, Seventh-day Adventists:" Trus-
Okla. tees: Clarence Santee, C. N.
J. M. Fittro, Seiling, Okla. Woodward, J. D. Matthews, C.
Miss Faye Eagle, Box 1198, Okla- B. Hughes, Sidney Smith.
homa City, Okla. MINISTERS.

CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS Clarence Santee, Keene, Tex.

T. W. Field, Keene, Tex.
David Voth, R. F. D. No. 1, Hitch- H. B. French, Keene, Tex.
cock, Okla. U. W. Miller, Keene, Tex.
Mrs. J. B. McConnell, Cordell, W. W. Eastman, Keene, Tex.
Okla. D. U. Hale, Keene, Tex.
Miss Nettie Newton, Enid, Okla. W. M. Cubley, Keene, Tex.
Miss Luna Stevens, Woodward, W. A. McCutchen, Keene, Tex.
Okla. A. W. Jenson, Keene, Tex.
N. V. Willess, Keene, Tex.
Mrs. Ray Hickman, R. F. D. No.
E. B. Hopkins, R. F. D. No. 1,
3, Waurika, Okla. Bryans Mill, Tex.
Miss Anna J. Olson, R. F. D. No. N. J. Etheredge, Buffalo Gap,
2, North Enid, Okla. Tex.
Daniel Voth, Fargo, Okla.
Miss May Henry, Claremore, Ind. LICENTIATES.
T. E. L. Neff, San Antonio, Tex.
Mrs. S. P. Henry, Jennings, Okla. W. L. Brandon, Keene, Tex.
W. A. Gonter, Box 1198, Okla- W. R. French, Keene, Tex.
homa City, Okla. E. S. Taylor, Keene, Tex.

G. A. Lagrone, Keene, Tex. Mrs. Cora L. Neff, San Antonio,

J. I. Taylor, Keene, Tex. Tex.
Henry Schmidt, Sanger, Tex.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Miss Lottie Farrell, Marietta,

E. Harris, Keene, Tex. Mrs. Jessie Young, Madge, Tex.
Miss Lottie White, 1004 South Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
Third St., Waco, Tex. Miss Ametta Garrett, Keene, Tex.
Miss Jessie Hunter, 977 Bryan St., Miss Ada Phillips, Keene, Tex.
Dallas, Tex. Miss Clara Seaman, Keene, Tex.
Miss Berta Taylor, 626 Dawson Miss Florence Santee, Keene, Tex.
St., San Antonio, Tex. Miss Lizzie Eldred, Brenham,
Miss Isora Watts, Keene, Tex. Tex.
Miss Ava Hopkins, Keene, Tex. Miss Selma Schramm, Sanger,
Mrs. W. M. Cubley, Keene, Tex. Tex.
Mrs. Maggie Taylor, Keene, Tex. Miss Bee Runnels, Denton, Tex.
Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Keene, Tex. W. R. French, Keene, Tex.


Organized 1901.

Territory: California, Nevada, Executive Committee: H. W. Cot-

Utah, Arizona. trell, W. T. Knox, G. W. Reaser,
Population: 1,927,068. S. G. Huntington, J. J. Ireland,
Membership: 6,086; churches, 97. J. R. Leadsworth, J. 0. Corliss,
Office: Corner Villa St. and W. E. Howell, M. C. Wilcox, F.
Bailey Ave., Mountain View, I. Richardson.
OFFICERS. H. W. Cottrell, Mountain View,
President: H. W. Cottrell, Moun- Cal.
tain View, Cal. M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View,
Secretary: J. J. Ireland, Moun- Cal.
tain View, Cal. J. 0. Corliss, Mountain View, Cal.
Treasurer: E. A. Chapman, Moun- A.. 0. Tait, Mountain View, Cal.
tain View, Cal. LICENTIATE.
Missionary Secretary: H. H. Hall,
Mountain View, Cal. W. E. Howell, Loma Linda, via
Secretary Religious Liberty Bu- Redlands, Cal.
reau: J. 0. Corliss, Mountain MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
View, Cal.
Educational Secretary: Prof. W. H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.
E. Howell, Loma Linda, via J. J. Ireland, Mountain View, Cal.
Redlands, Cal. J. R. Leadsworth, 257 South Hill
Medical Secretary: J. R. Leads- St., Los Angeles, Cal.
worth, 257 South Hill St., Los W. H. Covell, Mountain View,
Angeles, Cal. Cal.


Organized 1902. Organized 1873.
Territory: Arizona. Territory: All of California north
Population: 170,000. of Tehachapi and Santa Ynez
Membership: 113; churches, 6. Mountains, and the State of
Office: 214 E. Taylor St., Phoenix, Nevada.
Ariz. Population: 1,230,716.
OFFICERS. Membership: 4,051; churches, 63.
Office: Mountain View, Cal.
President: F. I. Richardson, office
address. OFFICERS.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. C.
M. Richardson, office address. President: W. T. Knox, office ad-
Field Missionary Secretary: Mrs. dress.
C. M. Richardson, office address. Secretary: E. A. Chapman, office
Educational Secretary: F. I. Rich- address.
ardson, office address. Treasurer: Pacific Press Pub. Co.,
Secretary of Young People's office address.
Work: E. C. Bond, M. D., office Tract Society and Field Mission-
address. ary Secretary: A. J. S. Bour-
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. C. deau, office address.
M. Richardson, office address. Tract Society Treasurer: C. E. 01-
Executive Committee: F. I. Rich- cott, office address.
ardson, J. Ernest Bond, Marcial Field Missionary Agent: W. H.
Serna, F. Brink, A. J. Hether- Covell, office address.
ington. Superintendent Church Schools:
Legal Corporation: Arizona Con- I. C. Colcord, Healdsburg, Cal.
ference Corporation of Seventh- Secretary Sabbath-school and
day Adventists. Young People's Work: Mrs.
MINISTERS. Carrie R. King, 712 Eleventh
St., Oakland, Cal.
F. I. Richardson, 214 East Taylor Executive Committee: W. T.
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Knox, J. 0. Corliss, A. Brorsen,
J. E. Bond, 515 North Central H. Shultz, B. L. Howe, .1. Pl.
Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. .Behrens, E. D. Sharpe.
Marcial Serna, Tucson, Ariz. " California Conference Associa-
Fred Brink, 214 East Taylor St., tion of Seventh-day Advent-
Phoenix, Ariz. ists: " W. T. Knox (Pres.) ; T.
LICENTIATE. A. Kilgore (See.).

J. P. Dillon, 515 Central Ave., MINISTERS.

Phoenix, Ariz.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. , MT. T. Knox, Mountain View, Cal.
J. W. Bagby, Hanford, Cal.
Mrs. E. M. Bond, 515 North Cen- H. C. Basney, Ceres, Cal.
tral Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. J. H. Behrens, Sanitarium, Cal.
Mrs. M. T. Poston, 515 North Andrew Brorsen, 828 Thirty-
Central Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. fourth St., Oakland, Cal.
W. M. Fee, 116 North Stone Ave., M. H. Brown, Morgan Hill, Cal.
Tucson, Ariz. j. 0. Corliss, Mountain View, Cal.
Mrs. R. A. Fee, 116 North Stone D. T. Fero, Arroyo Grande, Cal.
Ave., Tucson, Ariz. C. M. Gardner, Modesto, Cal.
Mrs. C. M. Richardson, 214 East E. J. Hibbard, 1729 Everett St.,
Taylor St., Phoenix, Ariz. Alameda, Cal.

M. C. Israel, Oakdale, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis, Healds-

D. D. Lake, Petrolia, Cal. burg, Cal.
C E. Leland, Reno, Nev. W. A. Williams, San Jose, Cal.
N. Martin, Chico, Cal. W. C. and Miss Lois Baldwin,
N. C. McClure, Healdsburg, Cal. Chico, Cal. (Intermediate).
Isaac Morrison, 76 Cutter St., A. W. H. Millard, Oakland, Cal.
Sacramento, Cal. Miss Sallie Ramsey, San Rosa,
A. J. Osborne, Reno, Nev. Cal.
J. D. Rice, 6270 Racine St., Oak- Mrs. Lena Morris, Sebastopol, Cal.
land, Cal. Elder and Mrs. B. L. Howe, and
A. Schlotthauer, R. F. D. No. 4, Miss Nellie Brown, Armona,
Box 133, Fresno, Cal. Cal. (Intermediate).
Henry Shultz, Lockeford, Cal. Mrs. M. M. Quantock, Bishop,
H. A. St. John, Sanitarium, Cal. Cal.
H. G. Thurston, Fresno, Cal. Miss Ethyl Richardson, Pepper-
M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, wood, Cal.
Cal. Miss Rachel Stockton, Eureka,
E. D. Sharpe, Healdsburg, Cal. Cal.
Miss Daisy Nesten, Ukiah, Cal.
LICENTIATES. Miss Katherine Hale, Mountain
View, Cal.
B. E. Beddoe, Gardnerville, Nev.
A. J. S. Bourdeau, Mountain
View, Cal.
C. N. Miller, San Luis Obispo,
L. W. Sims, San Jose, Cal. CONFERENCE.
Milton H. St. John, Eureka, Cal.
Seth W. Walker, Los Gatos, Cal. Organized 1901.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Territory: That part of Califor

nia south of the summit of the
Mrs. A. C. Bainbridge, 612 Tenth Tehachapi and Santa Ynez
Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Mountains.
Miss Irene Griffith, 433 Illinois Population: 400,000.
Ave., San Jose, Cal. Membership: 1,750; churches, 28.
Miss Jeanette B. Henry, Oakland, Office: 257 South Hill St., Los
Cal. Angeles, Cal.
Miss Belle F. Hickox, 464 Edward
St., Oakland, Cal. OFFICERS.
Mrs. Carrie R. King, 712 Eleventh
President: G. W. Reaser, office
St., Oakland, Cal. address.
Mrs. Minnie Pond Martin, Oak- Secretary and Treasurer: S. S.
land, Cal. Merrill, office address.
Mrs. E. E. Parlin, 909 Steiner St.,
Educational Secretary: . E. S. Bal-
San Francisco, Cal. lenger, office address.
Charles Peter, Alameda, Cal. Tract Society and Missionary
Mrs. Phebe Press, 916 Laguna
Secretary: Leta M. Hinton, of-
St., San Francisco, Cal. fice address.
Mrs. Cora A. Rice, 6270 Racine Sabbath-school Secretary: Jennie
St., Oakland, Cal. L. Ireland, office address.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHER. Field Missionary Agent: E. S.
Horsman, office address.
Miss Ida Ackley, Fresno, Cal. Executive Committee: G. W.
Mrs. Mina Mann and Miss Bar- Reaser, J. A. Burden, R. S.
bara Stiekney, Sanitarium, Cal. Owen, E. S. Ballenger, S. T.


Fullmer. EMPLOY.
Educational Committee: E. S. J. H. Rogers, 1639 East Forty-
Ballenger, G. W. Reaser, H. G. eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Lucas, Dr. A. Winegar-Simp- A. J. Howard, Colton, Cal.
son. C. T. Adams, Station M, Los An-
" Southern California Association geles, Cal.
of Seventh-day Adventists: " J. E. Evans, Sanitarium, Loma
(Incorporated) Executive Board: Linda, via Redlands, Cal.
G. W. Reaser, R. S. Owen, J. A.
Burden, E. S. Ballenger, S. T. LICENTIATES.
Hare, S. G. Woodward, S. S.
Merrill. E. S. Ballenger, 257 South Hill
Medical Advisory Committee: J. St., Los Angeles, Cal.
R. Leadsworth, M. D., J. A. H. E. Osborne, San Fernando, Cal.
Burden, B. E. Fullmer, M. D., H. G. Lucas, San Fernando, Cal.
W. E. Howell, Sanitarium, Loma
Julia A. White, M. D., G. K.
Linda, via Redlands, Cal.
Abbott, M. D., A. Winegar- H. J; Hoare, Sanitarium, Loma
Simpson, M. D., F. Zelinsky, Linda, via Redlands, Cal.
M. D., T. S. Whitelock, M. D., C. F. Marvin, Glendale Sanita-
G. W. Reaser. rium, Glendale, Cal.
Sabbath-school and Young Peo- T. S. Whitelock, Paradise Valley
ple's Committee: Prof. H. G. Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Lucas (Chairman), E. C. Sils- H. L. Rawson, R. F. D. No. 1,
bee, Jennie L. Ireland, Elbridge Box 171, Long Beach, Cal.
Adams, Laura Wagner. R. W. Miller, South Pasadena,
G. W. Reaser, 257 South Hill St.,
Los Angeles, Cal. S. S. Merrill, 257 South Hill St.,
J. F. Ballenger, Paradise Valley Los Angeles, Cal.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Leta M. Hinton, 257 South Hill
J. W. Adams, Station M, Los An- St., Los Angeles, Cal.
geles, Cal. J. L. Ireland, 257 South Hill St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
W. M. Healey, 2719 G St., San
Diego, 'Cal. Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, 257 South Hill
St., Los Angeles, Cal.
R. S. Owen, San Fernando, Cal. Celia Green, 1015 North Flower
S. Thurston, San Fernando, Cal. St., Santa Ana, Cal.
B. E. Fullmer, 437 East Sixteenth Miss N. E. Knapp, Station A,
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Pasadena, Cal.
S. T. Hare, 257 South Hill St., Henry Zutt, 257 South Hill St.,
Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal.
.1. A. Burden, Loma Linda, via Mrs. J. A. Stevens, 961 Second
Redlands, Cal. St., San Bernardino, Cal.
J. L. Kay, San Fernando, Cal. Mrs. A. Winegar-Simpson, Glen-
G. A. Rauleder, Anaheim, Cal. dale, Cal.
E. H. Adams, Station M, Los J. R. Leadsworth, 257 South Hill
Angeles, Cal. St., Los Angeles, Cal.
W. W. Simpson, 257 South Hill F. Zelinsky, 257 South Hill St.,
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal.
A. Whitehead, 257 South Hill St., Julia A. White, Sanitarium, Loma
Los Angeles, Cal. Linda, via Redlands, Cal.
C. E. Ford, 257 South Hill St., G. K. Abbott, Sanitarium, Loma
Los Angeles, Cal. Linda, via Redlands, Cal.

Robert Buchanan, Paradise Val- T. W. Carswell, 257 South Hill

ley Sanitarium, National City, St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Cal. C. W. Story, Station M, Los An-
P. S. Kellogg, Glendale, Cal. geles, Cal.
,Mary Hunter, Paradise Valley Mrs. Belle Baker, 1323 Toberman
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Myrtle Harris, Glendale, Cal.
Mrs. G. K. Abbott, Sanitarium,
Loma Linda, via Redlands, Cal. UTAH CONFERENCE.
Augusta S. De Angeles, 257 South
Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Organized 1902.
E. S. Horsman, 257 South Hill Territory: State of Utah.
St., Los Angeles, Population: 276,749.
Sabbath-keepers: 200; churches, 5.
Office: 553 East Third South St.,
Mrs. B. F. Harris, Escondido, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ruth G. Kane, 1057 South Hope
St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Laura Wagner, 749 East Fiftieth President: S. G. Huntington,
St., Los Angeles, Cal. office address.
Ida Shirley, Norwalk, Ca]. Secretary and Treasurer: Geo. E.
Pearl Stone, Redlands, Cal. Pooler, office address.
Geo. B. Morrison, R. F. D. No. 1, Secretary Young People's Work:
Escondido, Cal. Miss Ruth E. Balmer, 29 East
E. C. Jaeger, 537 East Ninth St., Fourth South St., Provo, Utah.
Riverside, Cal. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
Waldo Miramontez, R. F. D. ment: Geo. E. Pooler, office ad-
No. 1, Box 171, Long Beach, Cal. dress.
Willis W. Jones, 2719 G St., San Executive Committee: S. G.
Diego, Cal. Huntington, A. G. Christiansen,
Nellie Brown, 1014 East Second W. 0. Willard, J. H. Rosengren,
St., Pomona, Cal. B. E. Jeffries.
Clara Messick, 931 West Forty- " Utah Conference Corporation of
eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Seventh-day Adventists:" Pres.,
Olive Adams, Station M, Los An- S. G. Huntington; Sec., A. G.
geles, Cal. Christiansen.
Myrtle Harris, Glendale, Cal.
Mabel Noggle, San Fernando, Cal. MINISTERS.
Grace O'Neil, San Fernando, Cal. S. G. Huntington, 553 East Third
South St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
SELF-SUPPORTING MISSIONARY A. G. Christiansen, Ogden, Utah.
LICENTIATES. Paul Iverson, Nephi, Utah.
J. F. Blunt, 149 Kern St., Los LICENTIATE.
Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. Josephine Gotzian, Paradise Charles Nelson, Provo, Utah.
Valley Sanitarium, National MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
City, Cal.
J. L. Jones, 428 West Pico St., H. G. Gjording, Brigham, Utah.
Los Angeles, Cal. Geo. E. Pooler, 553 East Third
L. E. Brant, 640 Sixth St., San South St., Salt Lake City,
Bernardino, Cal. Utah.
Organized 1906.

Territory: Oregon, Washington, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Idaho, Montana, British Colum- A. G. Adams, Box 1800, Spokane,
bia, Alaska, and Hawaiian Ter- Wash.
ritory. C. H. Castle, Box 1800, Spokane,
Population: 1,836,214. Wash.
Membership: 5,131; churches, 144. R. S. Greaves, College Place,
Office: 221 Temple Court, Spo- Wash.
kane, Wash. Mrs. Nettie G. White, College
Office Address: Box 1800, Spo- Place, Wash.
kane, Wash. Mrs. Lena Williams, 290 D Kar-
OFFICERS. ratti Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian
President: W. 13. White, College
Place, Wash.
Vice-President: A. J. Breed, Col-. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFER-
lege Place, Wash. ENCE.
Secretary and Auditor: A. G.
Adams, Box 1800, Spokane, Organized 1902.
Wash. Territory: British Columbia.
Treasurer: C. H. Castle, Box Population: 190,000.
1800, Spokane, Wash. Membership: 167; churches, 8.
Educational Secretary: M. E. Office: Hammond, British Colum-
Cady, College Place, Wash. bia.
Medical Secretary: Dr. J. E. OFFICERS.
Froom, Mt. Tabor Station,
Portland, Oregon. President: E. L. Stewart, Ham-
Secretary Religious Liberty Bu- mond, British Columbia.
reau: A. J. Breed, College Secretary: P. P. Adams, Ham-
Place, Wash. mond,- British Columbia.
General Missionary Agent: A. G. Treasurer: British Columbia Mis-
Adams, Box 1800, Spokane, sionary Society, office address.
Wash. Educational and Missionary Sec-
Executive Committee: W. B. retary: P. P. Adams, office ad-
White, A. J. Breed, Geo. E. dress.
T.angdon, F. M. Burg, F. S. Executive Committee: E. L.
Bunch, E. L. Stewart, W. F. Stewart, W. C. Young, Wm.
Martin, J. E. Froom, M. E. Manson, J. L. WilSon, W. H.
Cady, A. G. Adams. Davis.
"British Columbia Association of
MINISTERS. Seventh-day Adventists: " Of-
ficers same as for Conference,
W. B. White, College Place, except P. P. Adams is treasurer.
1. W. Decker, Mt. Tabor Station, MINISTERS.
Portland; Oregon. E. L. Stewart, Hammond, British
54. E. Cady, College Place, Wash. Columbia.
C. D. M. Williams; 290 D Kar- J. L. Wilson, Van Anda, Texada
ratti Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian Island, British Columbia.
Territory. W. C. Young, Silver Creek, Brit-
A. M. Dart, Ketchican, Alaska. ish Colinnbia.
- 9:5

P. P. Adams, Hammond, British MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Mrs. Tersa Gosmer, Bozeman,
1.1.eury Pierce (Indian), Port Mrs. Sadie Holden, Bozeman,
Simpson. British Columbia. Mont.
David Dodge, Hammond, British J. L. Jones, Bozeman, Mont.
Columbia. Mrs. Cora Jones, Bozeman, Mont.
E. C. \Vidgery, Hammond, British

CI U R CH-SCH 0 OL TEACHER. Mrs. Wm. Holbrook, Hamilton,

P. P. Adams, Hammond, British Mrs. Sadie Holden, Bozeman,
Columbia. Mont.
Samuel Wright, Stevensville,
Organized 1898.
Territory: The State of Montana. ENCE.
Population: 243,329.
Membership: 429; churches, 14. Organized 1880.
Office: Box 118, Bozeman, Mon-
tana. Territory: Idaho, and that por-
tion of the States of Oregon
OFFICERS. and Washington lying east of
President: W. F. Martin, Boze- the Cascade Mountains, except
man, Mont. Klamath and Wasco Counties,
Secretary: W. H. Holden, Boze- Oregon.
man, Mont. Population: 431,435.
Treasurer: A. E. Everett, Boze- Membership: 1,654; churches, 46.
man, Mont. Office: College Place, Wash.
Tract Society and Sabbath-school
Secretary: A. E. Everett, Boze- OFFICERS.
man, Mont.
Executive Committee: W. F. President: G. E. Langdon, office
Martin, J. C. Foster, W. A. address.
Gosmer, Samuel Dick, C. H. Vice-President: L. A. Gibson,
Rittenhouse, H. 0. Shields, Dayton, Wash.
C. W. Page. Secretary and Treasurer: T. L.
" The Montana Conference Asso- Copeland, office address.
ciation of the Seventh-day Ad- Tract Society Secretary and
ventists: " W. F. Martin, J. C. Treasurer: T. L. Copeland, of-
Foster, W. A. Gosmer, C. H. fice address.
Rittenhouse, H. 0. Shields. Field Missionary Agent: T. G.
Johnson, Grander, Wash.
MINISTERS. Educationa Superintendent:
I. M. 'Willoughby, Cambridge,
W. F. Martin, Bozeman, Mont. Idaho.
.1. C. Foster, Rockvale, Mont. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
IV. A. Gosmer, Bozeman, Mont. H. C. Conard, College Place,
Executive Committee: G. E.
\V. H. Holden. Bozeman, Mont. Langdon, L. A. Gibson. H. J.
S. H. Kittle, 'L'ony, Mont. Schnepper, J. M. Willoughby.
D. TT. Hanson, Missoula, Mont. C. E. Ford, E. E. Smith.

" Upper Columbia Mission 'So- James Standage, Milton, Oregon.

ciety: " Pres., G. E. Langdon; Maude Posey, 2207 Empire St.,
Sec., H. J. Schnepper; Treas., Spokane, -Wash.
T. L. Copeland. Roe Ragsdale, College Place,
MINISTERS.. Lee Moran, 285 Salmon St., Port-
land, Oregon.
G. E. Langdon, College Place, Aldie Oliver, College Place, Wash.
Wash. C. H. Allen, College Place,. Wash.
A. J. Breed, College Place, Wash.
H. W. Decker, Mt. Tabor Station, cHuitcir-scliooT, TEACHERS.
Portland, Oregon. Mrs. C. E. Stadden, R. R. 3, Spo-
F. D. Starr, Forest, Idaho. kane, Wash.
J. Bartlett, Lapwai, Idaho. Mrs. Pauline Castle, .Box 1800,
W. W. Steward, Boise, Idaho. Spokane, Wash.
Oscar Hill, College Place, Wash. Mrs. A. A. Banks, Genesee, Idaho.
J. M. Willoughby, Cambridge, Mrs. Lydia G. Wolf kill, College
Idaho. Place, Wash.
H. J. Schnepper, College Place, Miss Alice Clin.kenbeard, North
Wash. Yakima, Wash.
W. H. Saxby, 1307 North Elev- Miss .Katie Bell, Cambridge, Idaho.
enth St., Boise, Idaho. Miss Daisy Harding, Boise, Idaho.
E. W. Catlin, North Yakima, Miss Marie Johnson, Milton, Ore-
Wash. gon.
L. A. Gibson, Dayton, Wash. Miss Lois Kinney, R. R. 3, North
W. A. Alway, Camas, Idaho. Yakima, Wash-
0. K. Butler, College Place, Wash. r`__ r. Westcott;:ranger, Idaho.
'F. D. Wagner, Dayton, Wash.
C. F. Knott, Lind, Wash.
Formerly part of the North Pacific
Arthur Moon, Cambridge, Idaho. Conference, organized 1877; re-
C. J. Rider, 409 Granite Block, organized 1902.
Spokane, Wash.
Territory: All the State of Oregon
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. lying west of the summit of the
Cascade Mountains, and Wasco
I. A. Dunlap, College Place, Wash. and Klamath Counties lying
Silas Yarnell, 409 Granite Block, east of the range.
Spokane, Wash. Population: 367,450.
A. R. Starr, North Yakima, Wash. Membership: 1,533; churches, 41.
Lucy Post, Parma, Idaho. Office: 285 Salmon St., Portland,
Mrs. Bettie Saxby, 1307 North Oregon.
Eleventh St., Boise, Idaho.
T. L. Copeland, College Place, OFFICERS.
Wash. President: F. S. Bunch, office ad-
C. M. Christiansen, College Place, dress,
Wash. Secretary, Treasurer, and Sab-
T. G. Johnson, Granger, Wash. bath-school Secretary: Miss.
Bose Ginther, Mt. Tabor Station, Edith Starbuck, office address.
Portland, Oregon. Field Missionary Agent:
F. M. Oliver, Pomeroy, Wash. (Educational work is under the
John Oster. College Place, Wash. direction of the President and
E. N. Sargeant, College Place, Secretary.)
Wash. Executive Committee: F. S
B. H. Wilson, College Place, Wash. Bunch, J. M. Cole, T. H. Star

buck, J. E. Froom, H. J. Dirk- C. L. Butterfield, Tillamook, Ore-

sen, P. A. Hanson. gon.
" Western Oregon Conference As- John Peterson, Woodburn, Oregon.
sociation of Seventh-day Ad- G. W. Pettit, Montavilla, Oregon.
ventists: " Pres., T. H. Star- C. E. Folkenberg, 285 Salmon St.,
buck; Vice-Pres., F. S. Bunch; Portland, Oregon.
Sec., Miss Edith Starbuck; J. P. Simpson, Dayton, Oregon.
Treas., W. V. Sample; Board of T. L. Thuemler, Hubbard, Oregon.
Trustees: T. H. Starbuck, F. S. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Bunch, J. M. Cole, J. E. Froom.
Orders for publications are now Mrs. W. L. Black, Medford, Ore-
filled by the branch office of the gon.
Pacific Press Pub. Co., at 285 Mrs. C. J. Cole, Box 157, Roseburg,
Salmon St., Portland, Oregon, Oregon.
instead of by the Tract Society, Miss Eliza Cole, St. Johns, Oregon.
as formerly. Miss Edith Starbuck, 285 Salmon
St., Portland, Oregon.
W. V. Sample, 285 Salmon St.,
F. S. Bunch, 285 Salmon St., Port- Portland, Oregon. -
land, Oregon. Mrs. M. A. Neale, Portland Sani-
H. W. Babcock, Cottage Grove, tarium, Mt. Tabor Station,
Oregon. Portland, Oregon.
R. D. Benham, 1582 East Hoyt St., Mrs. B. B. Tabor, 267 Jefferson
Mt. Tabor Station, Portland, St:, Eugene, Oregon.
Oregon. N. C. Erntson, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.
W. L. Black, Medford, Oregon. Angel, Oregon.
C. J. Cole, Box 157; Roseburg, E. M. Oberg, 475 Fifteenth St.,.
Oregon. Astoria, Oregon.
.1. M. Cole, R. F. D. No. 6, Salem,
H. J. Dirksen, 930 Rodney Ave., R. W. Airey, Laurclwood Acad-
Portland, Oregon. emy, Gaston, Oregon.
J. E. Grahani, 285 Salmon St., C. A. Wyman, R. F. D. No. 1,
Portland, Oregon. Gaston, Oregon.
C. Johnson, R. F. D. No. 1, Mc- Miss Clara E. Rogers, Laurelwood
Minnville, Oregon. Academy, Gaston, Oregon.
Fred. Jorg, 852 Vancouver Ave., Miss Olive Perkins, Laurelwood
Portland, Oregon. Academy, Gaston, Oregon.
Daniel Nettleton, Portland Sani- Mrs. Mamie MacFarlane, Laurel-
tarium, Mt. Tabor Station, wood Academy, Gaston, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon. W. H. Bunch, Gravel Ford, Ore-
T. H. Starbuck, Mt. Tabor Sta- gon.
tion, Portland, Oregon. Miss . Nellie Clark, Gravel Ford
B. C. Tabor, 267 Jefferson St., Eu- Academy, Gravel Ford, Oregon.
gene, Oregon. Miss Neta Hermann, Gravel Ford
C. A. Wyman, R. F. D. No. 1, Gas- Academy, Gravel Ford, Oregon.
ton, Oregon. L. G. Paap, Cottage Grove, Ore-
P. A. Hanson, P. F. D. No. 2, gon.
Woodburn, Oregon. Frank Peterson, Cottage Grove,
G. A. Snyder, 285 Salmon St., Oregon.
Portland, Oregon . Miss Anna Whitley, Montavilla,
Miss Annie Barrett, 11. F. D. No.
R. W. Airey, Laurelwood Acad- 2, Woodburn, Oregon.
emy, Gaston, Oregon. - Miss Florence Barrett. Astoria,
W. J. Burden, Montavilla, Oregon. Oregon.

Miss Lauretta Cooks, Dallas, Ore- MINISTERS.

gon. F. M. Burg, 309 Second Ave.,
Miss Bertha Clark, R. F. D. No. 6, North, Seattle, Wash.
Salem, Oregon. 1. J. Clark, Battle Ground, Wash.
Mrs. Effie Booth, Beaverton, Ore- J. A. Holbrook, 309 Second Ave.,
gon. North Seattle, Wash.
Miss Helena Hughes, Marshfield, W. W. Sharp, 422 Twenty-seventh
Oregon. Ave., South, Seattle, Wash.
Miss Jennie Miller, Monitor, Ore- A. J. Stover, R. F. D. No. 2, Ridge-
gon. field, Wash.
H. C. J. Wollekar, 309 Second
Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
WESTERN WASHINGTON CON- H. Watson, 309 Second Ave.,
FERENCE. North, Seattle, Wash.
Organized 1902. w: C. F. Ward, Chehalis, Wash.
Territory: All Of the State of LICENTIATES.
Washington west of the Cas- W. J. Boynton, 1007 Thirty-sec-
cade Mountains. ond Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
Population: 350,0011 J. E. Van De Mark, Mount Ver-
Membership: 1,302; churches, 34. non, Wash.
Office: 309 Second Ave., North, John Reith, 309 Second Ave.,
Seattle, Wash. North, Seattle, Wash.
President: F. M. Burg, office ad-
dress. R. T. Cornell, Colby, Wash.
Secretary and Treasurer: C. E. W. H. Coffin, 309 Second Ave.,
Knight, office address. North, Seattle, Wash.
Missionary Sec.: C. E. Knight. Mrs. L. E. ox, 6041/2 West
Cor. Sec. S. S. and Y. P. S.: Miss Croeket St., Seattle, Wash.
Ruth Hollenbeck, office address. Jackson Johnson, Kent, Wash.
Religious Liberty Secretary: W. T. J. Linrud, Ferndale, Wash.
W. Sharp, 422 Twenty-seventh W. C. Raley, 309 Second Ave.,
Ave., South, Seattle, Wash. North, Seattle, Wash.
Field Missionary Agent: W. H. Mrs. W. W. Sharp, 422 Twenty-
Coffin, office address. seventh Ave., South, Seattle,
Sabbath-school Secretary: C. E. Wash.
Knight, office address. Miss M. 13elle Shryock, Aberdeen,
Executive Committee: F. M. Burg, Wash.
J. A. Holbrook, J. 11. Clark, J. H. Wierts, 309 Second Ave.,
H. C. J. Wollekar, R. T. Cor- North, Seattle, Wash.
nell. J. A. Bartow, 309 Second Ave.,
Orders for publications filled by North, Seattle, Wash.
the Portland Branch of the Pa- A.Irs. J. A. Holbrook, 309 Second
cific Press Pub. Co., 285 Salmon Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
St., Portland, Oregon. H. B. Ham, Pe Ell, Wash.
" Western Washington Conference CHURCH -SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Association of Seventh-day Ad-
ventists: " Trustees: F. M. Miss Lela Hoover, 309 Second
Burg, J. A. Holbrook, W. W. Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
Sharp, H. C. J. Wollekar, R. T. Miss Bertha Gatton, Green Lake,
Cornell. Wash.
Officers: Pres., F. M. Burg; Sec., Mrs. L. C. Ham, Pe Ell, Wash.
W. W. Sharp; Treas., C. E. Miss Martha Higley, Deming,
Knight. Wash.

Miss Maude Schuyler, Redmond, HAWAIIAN MISSION.

Wash. Population: 154,000.
Miss Lorena Abbott, Shelton, Membership: 21; church, 1.
Wash. Address: 290 D Karratti Lane,
Miss Alice Clark, Harper, Wash. Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory.
Miss Bessie Cellers, 217 Main St.,
Vancouver, Wash. OFFICERS.
Airs. H. A. Davis, R. F. D. No. 1,
Ferndale, Wash. Superintendent: C. D. M. Will-
Miss Hilma E. Pierson, Ridgefield, iams.
Wash. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Miss Lena Mead, Etna, Wash. Lena. Williams.
Miss Bessie Woolsey, South Six, MINISTER.
ty-fourth and N Sts., Tacoma,
Wash. C. D. M. Williams, 290 D Karratti
Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ter-
Population: 100,000.
Membership: 25. Mrs. Lena Williams, 290 D liar-
Superintendent and Minister: A. ratti Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian
Al.. Dart, Ketchican, Alaska. Territory.


Organized 1894.

Territory: The Conferences ofSecretary: Miss Edith M. Gra-

New South Wales, New Zea- ham, office address.
land, Queensland, South Aus- Treasurer: A. Mountain, office
t.r a lia, Tasmania, Victoria, address.
West Australia, and the Mis- Executive Committee: 0. A. Ol-
sion Fields of North Queens- sen, the Presidents of the local
land, Micronesia, Melanesia, Conferences, and E. H. Gates,
Polynesia, the East Indies, and D. H. Kress, W. D. Salisbury,
Malay Peninsula. J. M. Johanson, C. W. Irwin, A.
Population: In organized field, W. Senunens, W. A. Hennig.
8,324,337; including unorganized Sabbath-school Department: See-
portions, over 50,000,000. r et ary , Mrs. Anna L. Hindson,
Membership: 3,999; churches, 106. office address.
Cable Address: " Union," Syd- Tract and Missionary Depart-
ney. ment: General Missionary
Office: " Elsnath," 131p-wiped St., Agent, J. M. Johanson, Signs
Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Publishing Office, Warburton,
Victoria, Australia.
OFFICERS. Educational Department: Secre-
tary, C. W. Irwin, Cooranbong,
President: 0. A. Olsen, office ad- N. S. W., Australia; Assistant
dress. Secretary, L. A. Hoopes, Coor-
Vice-President: .7. E. Fulton, anbong, N. S. W., Australia.
office adress. Medical Department: Secretary,

Dr. 1). H. Kress, Sanitarium, LICENTIATES.

Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. C. . Irwin, Avondale School,
Mission Department: Secretary, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus-
E. H. Gates, office address. tralia.
Religious Liberty Department: J. M. Johanson, Signs Publishing
Secretary, W. A. Hennig, office Office, Warburton, Victoria,
address. Austra lia.
Book Committee: W. D. Salis- W. H. Pascoe, Arorangi, Rara-
bury, J. M. Johanson, A. W. tonga, Cook Islands.
H. Baker. J. R. McCoy, Pitcairn Island, Pa-
Transportation Board: New South
Wales, G. S. Fisher; Victoria, cific Ocean (care British Con-
J. Gillespie; New Zealand, S. M. sul, Papeete, Tahiti, Society .
Cobb; South Australia, A. W. Islands).
Semmens; Queensland, J. H. E: E. Thorpe, Nukualofa, Tonga,
Mills; Tasmania, P. H. Prety- Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
man; West Australia, R. E. C. Davey, 18a Wilkie Road,
Howie. Singapore, Malay Archipelago,
Pacific Ocean.
MINISTERS. B. A. Caldwell, 53 Calle Concordia,
0. A. Olsen, " Elsnath," Burwood Quiapo, Manila, Philippine Is-
St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- lands. -
tralia. F. J. Parkin, 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
IV. A. Hennig, " Elsnath," Bur- Singapore, Straits Settlements.
wood St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Timothy Tay, 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
Australia. Singapore, Straits Settlements.
E. II. Gates, " Elsnath," Burwood S. W. Carr, Buresala, Ovalau,
St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Fiji.
tralia. Miss M. Ella Boyd, Nukualofa,
L. A. Hoopes, Avondale School, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus- Ocean.
tralia. Miss Anna Nelson, Raiatea, So-
Dr. D. H. Kress, Sanitarium, ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- Alipati Rainima, Buresala, Ova-
tralia. lau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
C. H. Parker, Buresala, Ovalau, G. E. Marriott, Buresala, Ovalau,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
B. J. Cady, Papeete, Tahiti, So- Gordon Smith, Buresala, Ovalau,
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
A. H. Piper, Raratonga, Cook Is- Joseph Mills, 12 Dhoby Chant,
lands, Pacific Ocean. ingapore, Straits Settlement.
G. F. Jones, 12 Dhoby Ghaut, W. W. Fletcher, 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
Singapore, Malay Archipelago. Singapore, Straits Settlement.
T. H. Craddock, Townsville, Mrs. Petra Skadsheim, Soura-
Queensland, Australia. baya, Java.
IL W. Munson, Cooranbong, N. S. H. Mitchell, Norfolk Island, Pa-.
W., Australia. cific Ocean.
.1. L. McElhany, 53 Calle Concor-
dia, Quiapo, Manila, Philippine NEW SOUTH WALES CONFER-
Islands. ENCE.
G. Teasdale, Sourabaya, Java.
G. A. Wantzlick, Padang,, Su- Organized 1895.
matra, East Indies. Territory: The State of New
Pauliasi Burma, Suva Vou, Fiji, South Wales.
Pacific Ocean. Population: 1457,246.

Membership: 1,032; churches, 22. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Office: " Elsnath," Burwood St., Miss Annie. E. Pearce, " Elsnath,"
Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Burwood St., Strathfield, N. S.
W., Australia.
OFFICERS. C. G. James, " Elsnath," Burwood
President: J. E. Fulton, office ad- St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
dress. tralia.
Vice-President: 0. A. Olsen, office Miss J. R. Robertson, "Elsnath,"
address. Burwood St., Strathfield, N. S.
Secretary and Treasurer: C. H. W., Australia.
Schowe, office address. Mrs. G. B. Starr, Sanitarium,
Executive Committee: J. E. Ful- Wahroonga, N. S. 'W., Australia.
ton, 0. A. Olsen, G. B. Starr, P. Miss H. R. Pearce, " Elsnath,"
B. Rudge, F. W. Paap, J. Hind- Burwood St., Strathfield, N. S.
son, L. A. Hoopes. W., Australia.
Tract and Missionary Depart- Mrs. G. G. James, " Elsnath,"
ment: Sec. and Treas.,- Miss L. Burwood St., Strathfield, N. S.
M. Gregg; Field Missionary W., Australia.
Agent, F. W. Reekie. Miss M. Schowe, "Elsnath," Bur-
Sabbath-school Department: Sec.,- wood St., Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Miss Annie E. Pearce, office ad- Australia.
Religious Liberty Departthent:
Committee: L. A. Hoopes NEW ,ZEALAND CONFERENCE.
(Chairman), C. H. Schowe
(Sec.), G. B. Starr. Organized 1889.
Educational Committee: L. A. Territory: 'Elie Colony of New
Hoopes (Supt.), 0 B. Starr, Zealand. .
Miss Hattie Andy,- Population: 857,533.
MINISTERS Membership: 595; churches, 15.
Cable Address: " Mastery," Wel-
J. E. Fulton, " Elsnath," Bur- lington.
wood St., Strathlield. N. S. IV., Office: 37 Taranaki St., Welling-
Australia. ton, New Zealand.
G. B. Starr, " Como," eor. Bondi
Road and Park Parade, Bondi, OFFICERS.
Sydney, N. S. IV., Australia. President: S. M. Cobb, office ad-
F. W. Paap, "," Burwood dress.
St., Strathfield, N. S W., Aus- Vice-President: W. J. Smith, of-
tralia. ffie address.
W. J. McGowan, " Elsnath," l3ur- Secretary and Treasurer: N. D.
wood St., Strathfield. N. S.. IV., Faulkhead, office address.
Australia. Executive Committee: S. M. Cobb,
LICENTIATES. F. E. Lyndon, C. A. Paap, W. J.
Smith, S. H. Amyes.
Dr. IV. H. James, Sanitarium, Tract Society Department: Sec.,
Wahroonga, N. S W., Aus- Miss J. Johnstone; Treas., Miss
tralia. E. Clark; Field Missionary
C. V. Bell, " Burwood Agent, A. G. McKenzie.
St., Strathfield, N. W., Aus- Sabbath-school Department: Sec.
tralia. and Treas., Mrs. N. D. Faulk-
W. J. Brittain, " Elseath," Bur- head, office address..
wood St.. Stratlifiehi, N. S. W., Educational Department: Sec., IV.
Australia. J. Smith, office address.

Religious Liberty Department: S. LICENTIATES.

M. Cobb, C. A. Paap, A. 0. Mc-
Kenzie. A. Smart, 186 Edward St., Bris-
MINISTERS. bane, Queensland, Australia.
W. R. Carswell, 186 Edward St.,
S. N. Cobb, 37 Taranaki St., Wel- Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
lington, New Zealand.
E. E. Lyndon, 37 Taranaki St., MISSIONARY :LICENTIATE.
Wellington, New Zealand.
C. A. Paap, 37 Taranaki St., Wel- H. J. Cooper, 186 Edward St.,
lington, New Zealand. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
W. H. Pascoe, 37 Taranaki St.,
Wellington, New Zealand.
\V. J. Smith, 37 Taranaki St., SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFER-
Wellington, New Zealand. ENCE.
H. E. Piper, 37 Taranaki St., Wel- Organized 1899.
lington, New Zealand.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Territory: The State of South
C. D. Baron, J.. F. Redward, Miss Population: 373,235.
P. Harker, N. D. Faulkhead, A. Membership: 343; churches, 10.
McKenzie. Office: 93 Franklin St., Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia.
Organized 1899.
President: E. S. Butz, office ad-
Territory: The State of Queens- dress.
land. Vice-President: A. IV. Semmens,
Population: 51.6,496. Medical Institute, Victoria
Membership: 291; churches, 5. Square, Adelaide, South Aus-
Office: 1S6 Edward St., Brisbane, tralia.
Queensland, Australia. Secretary: A. H. Rogers, office
Treasurer: South Australian
President: S. W. Nellis, office ad- Tract Society.
dress. Executive Committee: E. S. Butz,
Secretary: A. W. Semmens, H. Mitchell,
Treasurer: Queensland Tract So- R. Hare, R. H. Constandt.
ciety. Tract Society Department: Sec.
Executive Committee: S. W. Nel- and Treas., R. H. Constandt;
lis, A. Smart, H. J. Cooper, W. Field Missionary Agt., H. Blun-
R. Carseell. den.
Tract Society Department: Sec., Sabbath-school Department: Sec.
Miss A. S. Higgins; Treas., , and Treas., Mrs. A. W. Sem-
Field Missionary Agt., H. J. mens.
Cooper. Religious Liberty Department: A.
Sabbath-school Department: See. W. Semmens, R. H. Constandt,
and Treas., Miss C. Prebble. E. S. Butz.
Religious Liberty Department: S.
W. Nellis, A. Smart. 1NIENISTERS.
MINISTER. E. S. Butz., 93 Franklin St., Ade-
S. W. Nellis, 186 Edward St.,Bris- laide, South Australia, Aus-
bane, Queensland, Australia. tralia.

R. Hare, 93 Franklin St., Ade- R. 1). Quinn, 80 Collins St., Ho-

laide, South Australia, Aus- bart, Tasmania, Australia.
A. W. Semmens, Medical Insti- .1. Allen, 80 Collins St., Hobart,
tute, Victoria Square, Adelaide, Tasmania, Australia.
South Australia, Australia. Milton Hare, 80 Collins St., Ho-
A. H. Rogers, 93 Franklin St., bart, Tasmania, Australia.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus.-
Miss E. Wyatt, 93 Franklin St., Organized 1888.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
tralia. Territory: The State 'of Victoria.
J. E. Steed, 93 Franklin St., Ade- Population: 1,210,304.
laide, South Australia, Aus- Membership: 692; churches, 17.
tralia. Office: Oxford Chambers, Bourke
G. Hubbard, 93 Franklin St., Ade- St.; Melbourne, Victoria, Aus-
laide, South Australia, Aus- tralia.
tralia. OFFICERS.

President: W. L. H. Baker, office

Vice-President: J. H. Woods, of-
Organized 1901. fice address.
Secretary and Treasurer: J.
Territory: The State of Tas- office address.
mania. Executive Committee: W. L. H.
Population: 180,203. Baker, J. H. Woods, A. W. An-
Membership: 244; churches, 6. derson, J. Gillespie, C. Steele,
Office: 80 Collins St., Hobart, E. Watson, J. A. McAinsh.
Tasmania, Australia. Tract Society Department: See.
OFFICERS. and Treas., Miss M. E. Learned;
Field Missionary Agent, H. C.
President: J. Pallant, office ad- Harker.
dress. Sabbath-school Department: Sec.
Secretary and Treasurer: P. H. and Treas., Mrs. J. L. Baker,
Pretyman, office . address. office address.
Executive Committee: J. Pallant, Religious Liberty Department: A.
E. H. Murfet, P. H. Pretymaii, W. Anderson, C. Steele.
J. Allen, A. E. Hodgkison.
Tract Society Department: Sec. MINISTERS.
and Treas., Miss E. M. Haw-
kins, office address. W. L. H. Baker, Oxford Chambers,
Field Missionary Agent: A. E. Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria.
Hodgkison, office address. Australia.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss .T. H. Woods, Oxford Chambers,
Annie Metcalfe, office address. Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria,
Religious Liberty Secretary: J. Australia.
Pallant, office address.
A. W. Anderson, Oxford Chain-
J. Pallant, SO Collins St., Ho- hers, Bourke St., Melbourne,
hart, Tasmania., Australia. victoria, Australia.

C. P. Michaels, Oxford Chambers, Secretary and Treasurer: R.

Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Howie, office address.
Australia. Executive Committee: L. V. Flu-
ster, E. Hilliard, H. Ward, J. W.
Tract Society Department: Sec-
T. Whittle, Oxford Chambers, retary and Treasurer, Miss L.
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, A. Prismall; Field Missionary
Australia. Agent, J. L. Branford.
G. Burgess, Oxford Chambers, Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, retary and Treasurer, Mrs. L. V.
Australia. Finster, office address.
T. W. Philps, Oxford Chambers, Educational Department: Secre-
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, tary, Mrs. L. V. Finster, office
Australia. address.
Mrs. J. L. Baker, Oxford Cham-
bers, Bourke St., Melbourne, 3IINISTERS.
Victoria, Australia.
Miss Madge Young, Oxford Cham- L. V. Finster, 246 William St.,
bers, Bourke St., Victoria, Aus- Perth, West Australia, Aus-
tralia. tralia.
A. Chelberg, Oxford Chambers, E. Hilliard, 246 William St.,
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Australia. tralia.
G. Stewart, Oxford Chambers, LICENTIATES.
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia. N. J. Walldorff, 246 William St.,
Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Address: Latrobe St., Melbourne, R. Howie, 246 William St., Perth,
Victoria, Australia. West Australia, Australia:.
Board: C. P. Michaels, J. A. Mc- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Ainsh, C. Collister, R. Bailey,
C. Smith, Mr. McGovett, J. Gil- Mrs. Ella Finster, 246 William
lespie. St., Perth, West Australia,
Manager: J. C. Diverall Australia.
A. A. Shapcott, 246 William St.,
Perth, West Australia, Aus-
ENCE. Miss M. Chandler, 246 William
St., Perth, West Australia,
Organized 1902. Australia.
Mrs. Freeman, 246 William St.,
Territory: The State of West Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Australia. tralia.
Population: 242,420. Miss Dawkins, 246 William St.,
Membership: 331; churches, 12. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Office: 246 William St., Perth, tralia.
West Australia, Australia.

President: L. V. Finster, office
address. Population: 13,500.
Vice-President: E. Hilliard, office Membership: 40; church, 1.
address. Address: A rora ngi, Rarotonga,

Cook Islands, South Pacific Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. S

Ocean. T. Belden.
Director and Licentiate:


FIJI MISSION. Territory: The northern portions
Population: 121,000. of Queensland, South Australia,
Membership: 115; churches, 8.. and West Australia.
Address: Buresala Ovalau, Fiji, Membership: 34.; church, 1.
Pacific Ocean. Address: Eyre St., North Ward,
Director: C. H. Parker. Townsville, Queensland, Aus-
Ministers: C. H. Parker, Pauliasi tralia.
Bunoa. Director and Minister: T. H.
Missionary Licentiates: G. E. Craddock.
Marriott, Gordon Smith, Alipati Tract Society Secretary: Miss
Rainania. Emma Hill.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. E. Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss
Carr, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pa- Emma Hill.
cific Ocean.


Address: 53 Calle Concordia,
Population: 22,500.
Membership: 34; church, 1. Quiapo, Manila, Philippine Is-
Address: Nukualofa, Tonga,
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Membership: 3.
Director and Minister: J. L. Mc-
Director: E. E. Thorpe. Elhany.
Canvdsser: R. A. Caldwell.

Address: 13 78-157 Djalam, Stads-
verband, Sourabaya, Java, East Address: Pitcairn Island, Pacific
Indies. Ocean; care British Consul, Pa-
Membership: 3. peete, Tahiti, Society Islands.
Director and Minister: G. Teas- Membership: DI; church, 1.
dale. Missionary Licentiate: J. R. Mc-
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Petra Coy.
Skadsheiin. Sabbath-school Secretary: Rosa-
lind Young.


Population: 700. Address: Apia, Upola, Samoa,
Membership: 26; church, 1. Pacific Ocean.
Missionaries: Mrs. S. T. Belden, Population: 3,600.
Norfolk Island, Pacific Ocean. Membership: 6.
H. Mitchell, Norfolk Island, Pa- Sabbath-school Secretary: J.
cific Ocean. Smithon.


Population: 300,000. , Population: 12,800.
Membership: 27. Membership: 69; churches, 4.
Address: 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Singa- Address: Papeete, Tahiti, Society
pore, Malay Archipelago, Pa- Islands, Pacific Ocean.
cific Ocean. Director and Treasurer: B. J.
Director and Minister: G. F. Cady.
,J ones. Minister: B. J. Cady.
Missionary Licentiates: E. C. Missionary Licentiate: Miss Anna
Davey, 18a Wilkie Road, Singa- Nelson.
pore, Malay Archipelago, Pa- Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
cific Ocean. I. Cady.
W. MT. Fletcher, 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
Singapore, Malay Archipelago,
Joseph Mills, 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
Singapore, Malay Archipelago, Population: 3,000,000.
Pacific Ocean. Membership: 13.
Timothy Tay, 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Address: Padang, West Coast
Singapore, Malay Archipelago, Sumatra, Netherlands, East In-
Pacific Ocean. - dies.
Canvasser: F. J. Parkin. Director and Treasurer: G. A.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. Wantzlick.
M. V. Jones, 12 Dhoby Ghaut, -MINISTER.
Singapore, Malay Archipelago,
Pacific Ocean. G. A. Wantzlick.
Organized July 23, 1901.

Territory: The following-named berth, D. P. Gaede, J. T. Boett-

Union Conferences: German, cher, L. P. Tieche, H. R. Salis-
Scandinavian, and British; and bury, W. H. Wakeham.
the Latin and Levant Union
Population 513,729,438.
Membership: June 30, 1906, for Finance: W. C. Sisley (Chair-
all save German Union, which is man), L. R. Conradi, P. A. Han-
Sept. 20, 1906, 13,158; churches, sen, H. F. Schuberth.
,328. Educational: H. R. Salisbury
Headquarters: 451 Holloway Road, (Chairman), 0. Luepke, 0. A.
- London, N., England. Johnson, W. H. Wakeham.
Medical: Dr. J. C. Ottosen (Chair.
OFFICERS. man), Dr. A. B. Olsen, Dr. P. A.
De Forest, Dr. A. J. Hoenes, L.
President: L. R. Conradi, Grindel- R. Conradi, W. C. Sisley.
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Publishing: L. R. Conradi (Chair-
Secretary: Guy Dail, Grindelberg loan), W. C. Sisley, Dr. A. B.
15a, Hamburg, Germany. Olsen, J. Robert, E. Lind.
Treasurer: W. C. Sisley, 451 Hol-
loway Road, London, N., Eng- MINISTER.
Auditor: S. S. Barnard, 70-74 L. 11. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
Legge St., Birmingham, Eng- Hamburg, Germany.
Executive Committee: L. R. Con- LICENTIATE.
radi, W. C. Sisley, Dr. J. C. Ot-
tosen, P. A. Hansen, 0. A. John- Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
son, E. E. Andross, H. F. Schu- burg, Germany. '


Organized Igor.

Territory: German Empire, Ger- Union Fields and Workers:

man Switzerland, Luxemburg, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
Russia, Asiatic Russia, Holland, many.
Flemish Belgium, Austria-Hun-
gary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Ser- OFFICERS.
via, Montenegro, German East
Africa. Pres., L. R. Conradi; Vice-Pres.,
Population: 2S4,413,429. H. F. Schuberth; Sec. and S. S.
Membership: 7,85.9; churches, 186. and Miss. Sec. for all German
Telegraphic Address: Conradi, fields not otherwise provided
Hamburg, Grind el berg. for, W. Ising; Treasurer for all
*Office Address for German Union German fields not otherwise pro-
Conference and all the German vided for, B. Severin; Assist.

Treas., N. Schlatterer; Treas- MINISTER.

urer for Russia, E. Creeper;
Auditor, H. Hartkop; Trans- 0. Luepke.
portation Agent, W. Ising. LICENTIATE.
Executive Committee: L. R. Con-
radi, H. F. Schuberth, J. T. H. Dierking.
Boettcher, J. Pieper, E. Frau-
chiger, H. J. Loebsack, D. P. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Gaede, J. F. Huenergardt, D.
Isaak, 0. Wildgrube, W. C. von Fintel, R. Lusky, Alice
Krumm, A. J. Hoenes, H. Hart- Kussner.
kop, R. G. Klingbeil, 0. Luepke,
J. .Erzberger. B. German East African .Mission:
Legal Association: " Hamburger (Entered 1903.)
Verein der Siebenten-Tag-Ad-
ventisten: " Pres., L. R. Con- Territory: German East Africa:
radi; Accountant, H. Hartkop; Population: 6,703,000.
Trustees, L. R. Conradi, H. F. Membership: 7; church, 1.
Schnberth, W. Krumm, J. Erz- Address: Kihuiro, Post Mombo,
berger, H. Hartkop, J. Pieper, German East. Africa.
E. Frauchiger, J. T. Boettcher, Mission Committee: B. Ohme, A.
J. G. ()blander, G. W. Schubert, Langholf, E. Kotz, A. C. Enns,
G. Hantzseh. G. Sander.
Head Station: Kihuiro.
MINISTER. Missionaries: B. Ohme, E. Kotz,
J. Erzberger. Mrs. Helene Ohme.
Second Station: Friedenstal, Post
LICENTIATE. Mombo, German East Africa.
W. Ising. Missionaries: A. Langholf, Mrs.
F. Langholf.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Third Station: Vuasu, Post Mom-
bo, German East Africa.
J. Christiansen. Missionaries: A. C. Enns, G.
C. Asiatic Russia.
Organized 1905. Territory: All of the Russian
Empire not included in the
A. Home Field. other organized fields.
Territory: Hamburg, Altona, Population: 22,301,200.
Wandsbeck, Vierlanden, Fried- Membership: 58; church, 1.
ensau. Address: Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Population: 1,000,000. burg, Germany.
Membership: 406; -churches, 2. Missionary: Dr. V. Pampaian.
Address: Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany.
OFFICERS. Organized 1901.
Pres., L. R. Conradi; Sec., W. Territory: Provinces of Branden-
[sing; Treas., B. Severin; Ex. burg, Pomerania, City of Ber-
Corn.. L. R. Conradi, 0. Luepke, lin. and the Kingdom of Saxony.
H. Hartkop, W. Krumm, W. Population: 11,756,536.
[sing. Membership: 1.005; churches, 17.


Pres., E. Frauchiger; Sec., W. ENCE.
Prillwitz; Treas., B. Severin; Organized 1907.
S. S. and Miss. Sec., W. Ising;
Gen. Canv. Agt., A. Liidtke; Territory: Province of Hanover
Ex. Com. E. Frauchiger, C. (except the southern part, with
Reililen, A. Ltidtke; P. Fenner. Gottingen), Oldenburg, Bremen,
',neck, Mecklenburg, Schles-
MINISTERS. wig-Holstein (eXcepting Al-
E Frauchiger, H. Baumann, K.
Population: 5,299,649.
Sinz, Hans Fenner. Membership: 442; churches, 12.
W. Prillwitz, 1\1. H. Wentland,
J. Christoffers, 0. Schwenecke. President, L. Mathe; Secretary.,
M. Piinig; Treasurer, B. Sev-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. erin; Missionary and Sabbath-
school Secretary, W. Ising. Ex-
F. Roline, P. Stanbert, C. Amel- ecutive Committee: L. Mathe,
ling, E. Nitseh, R. Cunitz, H. 0. Madsen, A. Kollhosser, E.
Suchrow, H. Ehehalt, Ella Koster, B. Morick.
Biihre, H. Erzberger, E. Sohn-
rey, R. Fenner, E. Walther, C. MINISTERS.
L. Mane, 0. Madsen.
Organized 1901. W. Ilegmann, F. J. Ott, W.
Population: 2,387,383.
Membership: 425; churches, 11. BIBLE WORKERS.
Address: Weiherweg 48, Basle, M. Ponig, F. Clotting, E. Riissler,
Switzerland. Johanna Walkemayer, Helene

Pres., H. F. Schuberth; Sec., 0.

Stoye; Treas., W. Sebald; S. S.
and Miss. Sec., Mrs. L. Sebald; PRUSSIAN CONFERENCE.
Missionary Agent, H. Lukat;
Ex. Corn., H. F. Schuberth, W. Organized 1903.
Kury, H. Lukat, 0. Stoye, W. Territory: East and West Prus-
Sebald, J. Murbach. sia.
MINISTERS. Population: 3,682,158.
Membership: 706; churches, 26.
H. F. Schuberth, 0. Stoye.
Pies., J. G. ObMilder; Sec., M.
G. W. Hockartb. Schfirer; Treas., B. Severin; S.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. S. and Miss. See., W. Ising;
Miss. Agt., W. Koller; Ex.
M. Sclieidegger, Emma Steiner, Corn., J. 0. Ob16.nder, W. Koller,
H. Meyer, J. Seefried, E. Hart- H. Fenner, F. Uldobat, G. Un-
mann. rnbe.

4.t.u.NISTER. tary, C. Dangschat; Sabbath-

school and Missionary Secre-
J. G. ()blander. tary, W. Ising; Treasurer, B.
LICENTIATES. Severin; Field Missionar y
Agent, E. Nopper; Executive
F. Prieser, G. Domnick. Committee: J. H. Schilling, G.
Perk, E. Nopper, W. Bartsch,
and St. Reckziegel.
R. Kuempel, M. Schuerer, F. Lep-
latoni, 0. Janert, F. Uldokat, C.
Kapitz, H. Behrendt, H. Tor- J. H. Schilling, G. Perk.
RHENISH-PRUSSIAN CONFER- C. Dangschat, F. Adotheit.
Organized 1903. R. Schutz, L. Rowlin, M. Rieger,
Territory: Rhenish Province. K. Vater, L. Kroll.
Population: 6,435,778.
Membership: 556; churches, 14.
Pres., G. W. Schubert; Sec., F. H.
Dorner; Treas., B. Severin; S. Organized 1902.
S. and Miss. Sec., W. Ising; Territory: Bavaria, Wurtemberg,
Miss. Agt., H. Kalbfleisch; Ex. Baden, Alsace-Lorraine, Hessia
Com., G. W. Schubert, H. Kalb- south of the Main, Hohenzol-
fleisch, C. Ktiller, W. Varle- lern, and Luxemburg.
. mann, A. Matern. Population: 13,546,845.
MINISTER. Membership: 587; churches, 14.
G. W. Schubert. OFFICERS.
LICENTIATES. Pres., J. T. Boettehei Sec., R.
Schillinger; S. S. and Mis. Sec.,
C. Kiiller, W. Varlemann, H. W. Ising; Treas., B. Severin;
Schmitz. Miss. Agt., H. Lukat; Ex. Corn.,
Hiifer, C. Wittig, J. G. Hopf.
F. Klein, C. Bruck, A. Willer, E.
Gugel, H. Drangmeister, P. MINISTERS.
Drinhaus, R. Muller.
J. T. Boettcher, M. Stueckrath.


Organized 1907. R. Schillinger, F. Horner, C. Un

termaier, W. Staubert.
Territory: The provinces of Sile-
Population: 6,922,090.
Membership: 337; churches, 9.
Carl Kamm, M. Loesch, H. Steiner,
OFFICERS. Alice Favre, J. Muth, Felix
Gassman,. Barbetta Ried, M.
J. IL Secre- Ltineberg, Richard Werner.


Organized 1901 as South Russian J. Pieper, H. Behr.
Conference. LICENTIATES.
Territory: Kuban, Terek, Don F. Zerndt, E. Bahr, R. Rockel.
District I, Stavropol, Astrak- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
han, Saratov, Samara, Oren-
burg, Ufa Ural. A. Sommer, W. von Oppen, E. von
Population: 17,655,350. Oppen, H. Klages, M. Dan, H.
Membership: 988; churches, 32. Hintz, Ed. .Hartmann, M.
Becker, F. Sonnenschein, M.
OFFICERS. Behrendt.
Pres., H. J. Loebsack; Sees., J.
Koch and A. M. Kapustjasky; AUSTRIAN MISSION.
S. S. and Miss. Sec., W. Ising;
Treas., E. Creeper; Ex. Com., Territory: Austria, including Bos-
H. J. Loebsack, H. K. Loeb- nia and Herzegovina.
sack, J. Wuckert, M. Fischer, A. Population: 28,977,797.
Gondar. Membership: 64.
H. j. Loebsack, H. K. Loebsack. J. Wolfgarten.
G. Iletze. F. Gruber, G. Skakal, R. W.
Schimek, J. Markowsky, E.
F. Koch, H. Berg, H. Ostwald, E,
Gnitjin, G. Schwab. BALKAN MISSION.
MISSIONARY NURSE. Territory: Rumania, Bulgaria,
Servia, and Montenegro.
Knaub. Population: 13,041,386.
Membership: 103; churches, 2.
Mission Committee: E. Enseleit,
J. F. Hinter, G. Kruger.
Organized 1898. MINISTERS.
E. Enseleit, J. F. Hinter.
Territory: Provinces of Saxony,
Westphalia, Hesse-Nassau, LICENTIATE.
Grand Duchy of Hesse north
A. Seefried.
of the Main; Duchies of Bruns-
. wick and Anhalt, and the Thur-
ingia States.
Population: 12,143,174. HOLLAND AND FLEMISH BEL-
Membership: 640; churches, 11. GIUM MISSION..
OFFICERS. Territory: Holland and Flemish
Pres., J. Pieper; See., E. Bahr; Population: 9,000,000.
S. S. and Miss. See., W. Ising; Membership: 140; churches, 4.
Miss. Agt.. -- ; Treas., B. OFFICERS.
Severin; Ex. Corn., - J. Pieper,
Dietrich-Cassel, Lim pert Hagen. Director, R.. O. Klini.dieil; Sec., J

Wibbens; Treas., B. Severin; Corn., 0. Wildgrube, J. Ebel, A.

S. S. and Miss. Sec., W. Ising; Granberg, C.. Schamkow, A.
Advisory Com., R. G. Klingbeil, Kusmin.
J. Wibbens, J. Wintzen, M. Ar- MINISTER.
ndse, B. Traarbach. 0. Wildgrube.
R. G. Klingbeil.
J. Wintzen, P. Schilstra, J. Wib- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
J. Pilkewitsch , C. Schamkow,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Benj. Schmidt, A. Osol, Rosa
M. Arndse, J. Loots, A. Girow, Kleist.
Neeltje Waayer.

HUNGARIAN MISSION. Territory: The Baltic Provinces,

Poland, Kovno, Volhynia, Grod-
Territory: Hungary. no, Minsk, Pskov, Vilna.
Population: 20,113,733. Population: 25,536,300.
Membership: 302; churches, 2. Membership: 570; churches, 12.
Director, J. F. Huenergardt; Ad- Director, D. P. Gaede; Adv. Com.,
visory Corn., J. F. Huenergardt, D. P. Gaede, J. Sprohge, K.
K. Reifschneider, M. Oesz, N. Remfert, J. Jurickson, K. Lach.
Bodinge, M. Bottyanzky.
D. P. Gaede, R. Voss, J. Sprohge.
J. F. Huenergardt, K. Reif-
schneider. LICENTIATES.


G. Unk, P. Todar, S. Kelemenn, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

F. Kessel, Anna Nagy. A. Rauck, J. Pachla.


Territory: The provinces of Arch-
angel, Kharkof, Yaroslaf, Ka- Territory: Bessarabia, Kherson,
luga, Kazan, Kief, Kostroma, Yekatrinoslaof, Taurien, Don
Kursk, Moghilef, Moscow, Nijni- District II.
Novgorod, Novgorod, Olonetz, Population: 10,985,950. .
Orel, Penza, Perm, Podolia, Pol- Membership: 347; churches, 11.
tava, Riazan, St. Petersburg, OFFICERS.
Simbirsk, Smolensk, Tambof,
Director, D. Isaak; A.dv. Corn., D.
Chernigof, Tula, Tver, Vitebsk,
Isaak, J. Perk, G. Fritz, P.
Vladimir, Vologda, Voronej,
Thiessen, E. Albrecht.
Population: 66,925,100. MINISTERS
Membership: 176; churches, 5. D. Isaak, J. Perk, G. Tetz.
Director, 0. Wildgrube; Adv. W. Schlegel, Jr.
Organized Igor.

Territory: The Conferences of MINISTERS.

Denmark, Norway, and Sweden,
and the Missions of Finland, J. C. Raft, P. Christensen, M. M.
Iceland, and Greenland. Olsen.
Population: 12,846,204. LICENTIATES.
Membership: 2,563; churches, 77.
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copen- L. Muderspach, Z. Sherrig, N. P.
hagen, V., Denmark. Hansen.


Chairman, P. A. Hansen; Sec., 0. T. Helleraas.

J. C. Raft; Treas., Jens Olsen;
Ex. Com., P. A. Hansen, 0. A.
Johnson, 0. Johnson, J. C. Raft, NORWAY CONFERENCE.
E. Lind, J. C. Ottosen, Fred An- Organized 1887.
Territory: Norway, excepting
MINISTER. Nordland, Tromso, and Fin-
m arken.
P. A. Hansen, Margrethevej 5,
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Population: 1,990,000.
Membership: 889; churches, 25.
Cable Address: Sundh edsbl a.det,
Office: Akersgaden 74, Christiania,
Organized 1880. (All persons named below may be
addressed as above.)
Territory: Denmark.
Population: 2,558,203. OFFICERS.
Membership: 734; churches, 18. Pres., 0. A. Johnson; Sec., C. B.
Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- jensen; Treas., A. C. Christen-
hagen. sen; Sec. S. S. and Tract and
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- Missionary Depts., John M.
gen, V., Denmark.
Nielsen; Field Missionary
(All persons named below may be Agent, J. M. Narem; Ex. Com.,
addressed as above.) 0. A. Johnson, N. P. Nelsen, J.
M. Narem, H. Z. Johansen, H.
OFFICERS. J. Hansen.
Pres.1. C. Raft; Vice-Pres., P. A. MINISTERS.
Hansen; Sec. and Treas., ,Tens 0. A. Johnson, N. P. Nelsen, 0. P.
Olsen; Sec. S. S. and Mission- Norderhus, A. Sevaldsen.
ary Depts., Jens Olsen; Field
Missionary Agent, P. Hansen; LICENTIATES.
Auditors, R. J. Aagaard, P.
Hansen; Executive Committee, Edward Iversen, 0. A. Nareni,
J. C. Raft, P. A. Hansen, Chr. Tobiassen.
N. P. Nelsen, lens Olsen, P. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Hansen. 11. L. l-Ienriksen, L.
Muderspaeh. job anne 13j orckel und, Julia Eyck e.


Territory: Sweden, except Norr- Territory: Finland.
bottens, Vesterbottens, and Population: 2,637,000.
Vesternorrlanils Liin, which are Membership: 98; churches, 3.
included in the Northland Mis- Office: Unionsgatan 4, Helsing-
sion. fors, Finland.
Population: 4,945,638. OFFICERS.
Membership: 820; churches, 30.
Office: Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Advisory Board: Fred Anderson,
Sweden. F. R. berg, and N. Hammar;
(All persons named below may be Sec., Treas., and Field MiSSi011-
addressed as above.) ary Agent, N. Hammar; S. SI
See., Mrs. M. E. Anderson.
Pres., 0. Johnson; Vice-Pres., E. Fred Anderson, F. R. oberg.
Lind; Sec. and Treas., J. R. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Lindqvist; Sec. 'S. S. Dept., A.
F. Roos; Field Missionary 'Oskar Anderson, Alma Bjugg.
Agent, E. Lind (Arboga, Swe-
den); Auditors, Maria Hag-
lund, J. Bergstrom; Ex. Corn., ICELAND MISSION.
0. Johnson, E. Lind, J. R. Lind-
qvist, J. M. Erikson, C. Kahl- Territory: Iceland and Greenland.
Population: 90,363.
Conference Association: " Sails- Membership: 22; church, 1.
kapet Sanningens Harold." Pres., Address: Reykjavik, Iceland.
E. Lind; Vice-Pres., 0. John- DIRECTOR AND MINISTER.
son; Sec., J. M. Erikson; Treas.,
J. R. Lindqvist; other members, David. Ostlund.
strtim, J. A. Lindberg: Auditors,
K. Mattson, J. Bergstriim. Nils Anderson.

0. Johnson, K. A. Flirnstrom, E.
J. Ahren, A. J. Setterg,ren, J. M. (Beginning Jan. 1, 1907.)
Erikson, S. F. Svensson. Territory: Counties of Nordland,
Troms5, Finmarken (in Nor-
way), and Norrbottens, Vester-
Birger Anderson, ,ale Nelson. bottens, ' and Vesternorrlands
Liin (in Sweden).
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Population: 625,000.
(Under the immediate supervision
Mathilda Olsson, Peter Hedstrom, of the Scandinavian Union Con-
0. Karlsson, J. Andersson. ference Committee.)
Organized rgoz.

Territory: The Conferences of NORTH ENGLAND CONFER-

South England and North Eng- ENCE.
land, and the Missions of Ire-
land, Scotland, and Wales, and Organized 1902; formerly a part
British East Africa. of the British Conference or-
Population: 47,722,074. ganized 1898.
.Membership: 1,693; churches, 39. Territory: The counties of Here-.
Cable Address: Uprising, London. ford, Worcester, Warwick,
Office: 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Northampton, Lincoln, Rut-
don, N., England. land, Leicester, Nottingham,
OFFICERS. Derby, Stafford, Shropshire,
Cheshire, Lancashire, York, Dur-
President: E. E. Andross. ham, Westmoreland, Cumber-
Vice-President: H. R. Salisbury. land, and Northumberland.
Secretary and Treasurer: A. Population: 16,392,364.
Bacon. Membership: 627; churches, 17.
Executive Committee: E. E. An- Office: 109 St. Giles Road, Derby,
dross, H. R. Salisbury, W. C. England.
Sisley, W. H. Meredith, W. D. (All persons named below may be
MacLay, W. H. Wakeham, S. G. addressed as above.)
Haughey, M. A. Altman, Dr. A.
Transportation Agent and Sab-
bath-school Secretary: A. Ba- Pres., W. D. MacLay; Treas. and
con. Sec. S. S. Dept., B. L. Morse;
General Missionary Agent: S. Auditor, I. H. Burt; Ex. Com.,
oyce. W. D. MacLay, E. E. Andross,
" Seventh-day Adventist Union, J. Gillatt, H. E. Armstrong, D.
Limited." (Incorporated 1906.; Redhead.
Office: 451 Holloway Road, Lon- MINISTERS.
- don, N., England.
Officers: Chairman, E. E. An- W. D. MacLay, A. S. Marchus, J.
dross; Treas., W. C. Sisley; Gillatt, H. E. Armstrong.
Sec., W. T. Bartlett; Ex. Com.,
E. E. Andross, H. R. Salisbury, LICENTIATES.
W. D. MacLay, W. H. Wake-
ham, W. H. Meredith, S. G. W. Halliday, J. D. Gillatt, J. El-
Haughey, M. A. Altman, W. C. lis, J. McAvoy.
Sisley, W. T. Bartlett.
Auditors: S. S. Barnard, J. How- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
arth. Miss Clara Sanders, Miss Jessie
F. Bacon, Miss Emily Cousins,
E. E. Andross, 451 Holloway Miss M. M. Rogers.
Road, London, N., England.
H. R. Salisbury, 451 Holloway
Road, London, N., England.
H. C. Lacey, 451 Holloway Road, SOUTH ENGLAND CONFER-
London, N., England. , ENCE.
Organized 1902; formerly a part
M. E. Olsen, 451 Holloway Road, of the British Conference or-
London, N., England. ganized in 1898.

Territory: The southern half of J. J. Bell, D. A. Parsons, A. Cun-

England, south of the northern ningham, R. Mussen.
boundary of the counties of
Norfolk, Cambridge, Hunting- MINISTERS.
don, Bedford, Buckingham, Ox- M. A. 'Altman, 12 Abercorn Ter-
ford, and Gloucester. race, Harold's Cross Road, Dub-
Population: About 16,400,000. lin, Ireland.
Membership: 626; churches, 12. D. A. Parsons, 12 Abercorn Ter-
Office: 451 Holloway Road, Lon- race, Haro1d's Cross Road, Dub-
don, N., England. lin, Ireland.

Pres., W. H. Wakeham; Sec. and Richard Mussen, 12 Abercorn Ter-

Treas6, T. C. O'Donnell; Ex. race, Harold's Cross Road, Dub-
lin, Ireland. .
Com., W. H. Wakeham, H. R.
Salisbury, E. E. Andross, W. T. Robert Whiteside, 12 Abercorn
Bartlett, J. W. McCord, D. Sar- Terrace, Harold's Cross Road,
gent. Dublin, Ireland.
W. H. Wakeham, 451 Holloway Mrs. L. A. Parsons, 12 Abercorn
Road, London, N., England. Terrace, Harold's Cross Road,
A. Ritchie, 451 Holloway Road, Dublin, Ireland.
London, N., England. Miss Susie M. Sisley, 12 Abercorn
J. W. McCord, 451 Holloway Terrace, Harold's Cross Road,
Road, London, N., England. Dublin, Ireland.
F. D. Gauterau, 451 Holloway
Road, London, N., England.
G. Nickels, 451 Holloway Road, SCOTLAND MISSION.
London, N., England.
Territory: Scotland.
LICENTIATES. Population: 4,676,603.
Membership: 147; churches, 3.
W. T. Bartlett, T. C. O'Donnell. Office: Den End Cottage, Dun-
nikier Road, Kirkcaldy, Scot-
Mrs. A. Ritchie, Miss Emily Bar-
nard, Mrs. W. T. Bartlett, Mrs. Director: S. G. Haughey; Sec.
Laura Whitgrove, Miss Jessie and Treas., John Gunn, office
Welsh. address. Advisory Committee:
S. G. Haughey, Wm. Knight,
S. H. Murphy, John Baird,
David Gunn.
Territory: Ireland.
Population: 4,388,107. S. G. Haughey, 28 Ledard Road,
Membership: 108; churches, 2. Langside, Glasgow, Scotland.
Office: 12 Abercorn Terrace, Har- Wm. Knight, 38 South St., Green-
old's Cross Road, Dublin, Ire- ock, Scotland.
D. P. Miller, 3 Townhead Terrace,
Director, M. A. Altman; Sec. and Paisley, Scotland.
Treas., Susie M. Sisley; Ad- A. E. Bacon, Station Road. East
visory Corn., M. A. Altman, Dr. Wemyss, Fifeshire, Scotland.


Mrs. A. E. Bacon, Station Road, W. H. Meredith.
East Wemyss, Fifeshire, Scot-
Miss Jane Archibald, Den End Arthur Rodd, W. A. Shafer.
Cottage, Dunnikier Road, Kirk-
Miss A. C. Swann, Mrs. Myrtle
Asay, Mrs. E. Buckman, Miss
WALES MISSION. Edith Chapman.
Territory: Wales.
Population: 1,865,000.
Membership: 185; churches, 5. BRITISH EAST AFRICAN
Office: " Preswylfa," Heol-y-Pant- MISSION.
bach, Whitchurch, near Cardiff,
South Wales. (Established 1906.1
(All persons named below may be
addressed as above.) Territory: British East Africa.
Population: 4,000,000.
OFFICERS. Superintendent: A. A. Carscallen.
Director, W. H. Meredith; Sec. MINISTER.
and 'Treas., Miss Edith Chap-
man;. Advisory Com:, W. H. A. A. Carscallen, Kisumu, Brit-
Meredith, Isaac Powell, J. W. ish East Africa.
Ford, Arthur Rodd, W. Wood- Native Helper: Peter Nyambo,
land. .Kisumu, British .East Africa.


Tekritory: The Roman-Swiss Con- Committee of Publication: L. R.
ference, and the French, Span- Conradi, Chas. T. Everson, J.
ish, Italian, .Portuguese, French-. Curdy, J. Robert, E. P. Tieche,
Belgian, Algerian, and Tunis- J. Vuilleumier, H. H. Dexter.
Mission Fields.
Population: 108,957,095.
Membership: 755; churches, 22. ROMAN SWISS CONFERENCE.
General Office: 29 rue de la Syna- Territory: The French and Ital-
gogue, Geneva, Switzerland. ian-speaking parts of Switzer-
OFFICERS. Population: 1,038,000.
Membership: 506; churches, 14.
President, L. R. Conradi; Sec., Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue,
Jean Vuilleumier; Treas., J. Rob- Geneva, Switzerland.
ert; S. S. Sec., Mrs. E. Robert; (All persons named below whose
Ex. Com ., L. R. Conradi, L. P. addresses are omitted may be
Tieche, Joseph Curdy, Chas. T. addressed as above.)
Everson, J. Robert, Jean Vuil-
leumier, H. H. Dexter, Ernesto
Schwantes, P. A. De Forest, W. Pres., L. P. Tieche; Sec., Mrs. E.
G. Bond. Robert; Treas., Intern ati on a 1

Tract Society (Geneva); Miss. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

and S. S. Sec., Mrs. E. Robert;
Ex. Corn., L. P. Tieche, Pierre J. C. Guenin, Poste iesiante, Heri-
Schild, A. Guenin, Alcide Be- court, Haute Satiric, France.
guelin, A. Borle. F. Blanzat, Avenue Vercingetorix
20, Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-
MINISTERS. Dome, France.
Paul Steiner, 47 bis Boulevard de
L. P. Tieche, Chambe'sy, Geneva, la Republique, Nimes, Gard,
Switzerland. France.
Jean Vuilleumier, Gland, Switzer- Herminie Passebois, 20 rue Pas-
land. teur, Nimes, Gard, France.
LICENTIATES. Juliette Puech, 20 rue Pasteur,
David Lecoultre, Henri Provin, Nimes, Gard, France.
Paul Badaut. Miss A. Eva, 29 rue de la Syna-
gogue, Geneva, Switzerland.
Miss Amelie Eva, Jane Bour-
quin, Marie Hanhardt. Miss E. Pommier, 29 rue de la
Synagogue, Geneva,' Switzer-


Territory: France. Territory: Italy.
Population: 39,060,000. Population: 32,871,495.
Membership: 176; churches, 6. Membership: 38; church, 1.
Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue, Address: 20 via Varese, Rome,
Geneva, Switzerland. Italy.

Director, H. H. Dexter; Sec., A. Chas. T. Everson, 20 via Varese,

Jaques; Treas., . International Rome, Italy. -
Tract Society (Geneva); S. S. LICENTIATES.
Sec., Mrs. E. Robert; Ex. Corn.,
H. H. Dexter, T. Nussbaum, G. Leopold Benezet, P. A. Fant.
Roth, J. P. Badaut, Pierre Gour-
Alfred Vaucher, Mrs. Josephine
H. H. Dexter, 20 rue Pasteur, Schell.
Nimes, Gard, France.
G. Roth, Avenue de FHOpital,
Montbeliaid (Doubs), France. SPANISH MISSION.
T. Nussbaum, 1 rue George, Mont-
pellier, Herault, France. Territory: Spain.
Population: 18,736,909.
LICENTIATES. Membership: 6.
Arthur Jaques, Vabre, Tarn,
France. W. 0. Bond, Calle San Luis 46,
J. P. Badaut, 40 Avenue de Ro- Gracia, Barcelona, Spain.
mans, Valence, France.
Ulysses Augsbourger, rue des Car- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
mes 20, Paris, France.
Jules Rey, 17 rue de la Galore, Frank Bond, Calle Pelayo 4, Prim
Alais, Gard, France. cipal, Valencia, Spain.

PORTUGUESE MISSION. sur-Marchienne, near Charleroi,

Territory: Portugal. Belgium.
Population: 5,423,132. MINISTER.
Membership: 7.
.Joseph Curdy.
Ernesto Schwantes, rua do Born-
fini 124, Oporto, Portugal. ALGERIAN AND TUNIS MIS-
C. E. Rentfro, rua do S. Bernardo
120, Lisbon, Portugal. Territory: Algeria and Tunis.
Population: 8,242,990.
FRENCH-BELGIAN MISSION. S. Jespersson, 78 Rue Michela.
Territory: French-speaking
. Bel- Alger, Algeria.
Population: 3,584,569.
Membership: 22; church, 1. Airs. S. Jespersson, 78 Rue Mich-
Address: Rue de Wez 29, Mont- elet, Alger, Algeria.


Territory: Greece and Crete, MINISTERS.
Turkish Empire, Egypt, Soudan,
Persia, Abyssinia. Jay J. Nethery and Awada Abd-
Population: 59,790,636. Elshaheed.
Membership: 288; churches, 4. LICENTIATE.
Address: 31 First Khedive St.,
Alexandria, Egypt. G. K. Ouzounian, 90 Attarine St.,
Alexandria, Egypt.
Advisory Committee: L. R. Con-
radi, A. W. George, Z. G. Ba- Ida Schlegel.
harian, Jay J. Nethery; Treas.,
B. Severin.

EGYPTIAN MISSION. Territory: Syria, Palestine, Meso-

potamia, and Arabia.
Territory: Egypt, Soudan, and Population : 7,338,600.
Abyssinia. Membership: 21; church, 1.
Population: 22,518,274.
Membership: 27; church, 1. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Address: 31 First Khedive St.,
Alexandria, Egypt. Mr. F. Gregorius, Mrs. Fr. Gre-
genius, Deutsche Post, Jeru-
OFFICERS. salem, Palestine, Syria.
Wilhelmine Miiller, Deutsche Post,
Advisory Committee: Jay J. Neth- Jerusalem, Palestine, Syria.
ery, Awada Ahd-Elshaheed, G. Elias Zarub, Deutsche Post, Bei
K. Ouzonnian.. rut, Syria.

TURKISH MISSION: Alexander Buzugherian.

Claude D. AcMoody, Bagtchedjik
Territory: European Turkey, Ar- (Ismidt), Turkey. Open mail
menia, and Asia Minor. via London, England.
Population: 17,690,300.
Membership: 240; churches, 2. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Address: English Post-office, Con-
stantinople, Turkey. A. W. George (English Post,
Galata, Constantinople, Tur-
OFFICERS. key), Aznive Inedjian, Eriock
A.yvazian, malted Tatarian,
Advisory Corn., A. W. George, Di- (lambed Simionyan..
rector; Z. G. Baharian, Claude
D. AcMoody.
Z. G. Baharian, Aintab, Asia
Minor. Population: 12,243,402.


Organized xgoz.

Territory: The Conferences of M. C. Sturdevant, Solusi Mission,

Cape Colony (including Orange Bulawayo, Rhodesia, S o u t li
River Colony) and Natal-Trans- Africa.
vaal, and the Missions of Basu- F. B. Armitage, Somabula
toland, Barotseland, Somabula, Gu'elo, Rhodesia, South
Solusi, and Nyassaland. Africa.
Population: 8,027,592. T. H. Branch, Plainfield Mission,
Membership: 666; churches, 18. Cholo, British Central Africa.
Office: Kenilworth, Cape, South J. C. Rogers, Plainfield Mission,
Africa. Cholo, British Central Africa.
OFFICERS. W. H. Anderson, S. D. A. Mission,
Kalonio, Northwest Rhodesia.
President: W. S. Hyatt, office ad- South Africa.
dress. 0. W. Shone, Kaffir Mission,
Vice-President: I. J. Hankins. Frazer's Camp, Trumpeter's
Secretary and Treasurer: 0. 0. Drift, via Grahamstown, South
Fortner. Africa.
Executive Committee: W. S.
Hyatt, I. J. Hankins, H. J. Ed- LICENTIATES.
med, J. J. Wessels, Dr. G. Thom-
ason, M. C. Sturdevant, F. B.
Armitage, C. H. Hayton, J. C. .1. A. Chaney, Kolo Mission, Weg-
Baumann. ener, Orange River Colony,
South Africa.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
retary, Mrs. I. J. Hankins, 56 C. R. Sparrow, S. D. A. Missioi,
Roeland St., Cape Town, South Bulawayo, Rhodesia, S o u t 11
MINISTERS. J. F. Olmstead, Kenilworth, Cape,
South Africa.
W. S. Hyatt, Kenilworth, Cape, C. H. Hayton, Union College,
South Africa. Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-

retary, Mrs. I. J. Hankins.
Mrs. J. A. Chaney, Kolo Mission, Field Missionary Agent: T. J.
Wepener, Orange River Colony, Gibson.
South Africa. Medical Missionary Board: I. J.
Mrs. M. C. Sturdevant, Solusi Hankins, W. S. Hyatt, Dr. Geo.
Mission, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, Thomason, W. C. Walston, J. V.
South Africa. Willson, E. Ingle, J. J. Wessels.
Mrs. F. B. Armitage, Somfilmla, Officers: Chairman, I. J. Hankins;
Mission, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Sec. and Treas., T. J. Gibson.
Mrs. T. H. Branch, Plainfield Mis-
sion, Cholo, British Central
Africa. W. S. Hyatt, 56 Roeland St., Cape
Miss E. Edie, Plainfield Mission, Town, South Africa.
Cholo, British Central Africa. J. Hankins, 56 Roeland St.,
Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Plainfield Mis- Cape Town, South Africa.
sion, Cholo, British Central D. F. Tarr, Cambridge, near East
Africa. London, Sonth Africa.
Miss Mabel Branch, Plainfield J. M. Freeman, Heisterbach, Beth-
Mission, Cholo, British Central lehem, Orange River Colony,
Africa. South Africa.
G. A. Ellingworth, Solusi Mission, D. H. Groenewald, 56 Roeland
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Cape Town, South Africa.
0. 0. Fortner, Kenilworth, Cape, LICENTIATE.
South Africa.
Mrs. C. H. Hayton, Union College, Geo. Thomason, M. D., Plumstead,
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Cape, South Africa.
Miss Pearl West, Union College,
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.

W. C. Walston, 56 Roeland St.,

CAPE COLONY CONFERENCE. Cape Town, South Africa.
Formerly the South African Con- J. V. Willson, 7 Cheapside, Kim-
ference, organized 1892. berley, South Africa.
Mrs. J. V. Willson, 7 Cheapside,
Population: 2,791,768. Kimberley, South Africa. 6
Area: 327,101 square miles. T. J. Gibson, 56 Roeland St., Cape
Membership: 372; churches, 10. Town, South Africa.
Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape D. C. Theunissen, 56 Roeland St.,
Town, South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa.
OFFICERS. Chas. Haupt, 56 Roeland St., Cape
Town, South Africa.
President: W. S. Hyatt, office ad- S. W. de Lange, Heisterbach,
dress. Bethlehem, Orange River Col-
Secretary and Treasurer: T. J. ony, South Africa.
Gibson, office address. R. Moko, Cambridge, near East
Executive Committee: W. S. London, South Africa.
Hyatt, I. J. Hankins, J. M. Mrs. I. J. Hankins, 56 Roeland
Freeman, Dr. G. Thomason, J. St., Cape Town, South Africa.
J. Wessels, A. H. Mason, E. Mrs. D. H. Groenewald, 56 Roe-
Ingle. land St., Cape Town, South
International Tract Society: Sec- Africa.
retary and Treasurer, T. J. Gib- Mrs. D. F. Tarr, Cambridge, near
son. East London, South Africa.

CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Mrs. H. J. Edmed, Stranach St.,

Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
Miss Victoria Sutherland, Heis- Africa.
terbach, Bethlehem, Orange Miss A. Strachan, Stranach St.,
River Colony, South Africa. Maritzburg, Natal, South Af-
Miss Frances Haupt, Mooi Hoek, rica.
Harrismith, Orange River Col- F. Macdonald, Stranach St., Mar-
ony, South Africa. itzburg, Natal, South Africa.
ATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFER- Miss Olive Pote, Pietermaritzburg,
ENCE. Natal, South Africa.
Organized 1902.
Territory: The Colonies of Natal
and Transvaal. Miss C. Dixie, office address.
Population: 2,266,429. H. Schmidt, office address.
Membership: 100; churches, 4. (T. Webber, office address.
Telegraphic Address: "Watch- D. Sparrow, office address.
man," Maritzburg, Natal, South A. Tickton, 24 Cold St., Johan-
Africa. nesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Office: Stranach Street, Pieter- rica.
maritzburg, Natal, South Af-
Established 1905.
President: H. J. Edmed.
Vice-President: J. C. Baumann. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Na-
Secretary and Treasurer: F. Mac- I o int o , Northwest Rhodesia,
donald. South Africa.
Executive Committee: H. J. Ed- Director and Minister: W. H.
med, J. C. Baumann, W. F. Anderson.
Walter, A. Beissner, D. Spar- Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W.
row. ' H. Anderson.
Tract Society: Secretary and
Treasurer, F. Macdonald.
Field Missionary Agent: J. H. BASUTOLAND MISSION.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Established 1899.
retary, Miss M. E. Robertson. Population: 275,561.
Membership: 13; church, 1.
Address: Bolo Mission, Wepener,
H. J. Edmed, Stranach St., Pieter- Orange River Colony, South
maritzburg, Natal, South Af- Africa.
rica. Director: J. A. Chaney.
LICENTIATES. Licentiate: J. A. Chaney.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Min-
F. C. Ernst, Vryheid, Natal, nie A. Chaney.
South Africa. Mission School Teacher: Murray.
Win. H. Haupt, Stranach Street, Kalaka.
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
Acquired 1902.
Miss 1VI. E. Robertson, Stranach
St., Pietermaritzburg, Natal, Population: 850,705.
South Africa. Address: Plainfield Mission, Cholo,

near Blantyre, British Central Director: F. B. Armitage.

Africa. Minister: F. B. Armitage.
Mission farm consists of 2,000 Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. F.
acres; has a school of 75 na- B. Armitage.
tives, and a church of 21 mem- Mission School Teacher: Mrs. F.
bers. B. Armitage.
Director and Minister: T. H.
S. S. Sec.: Mrs. Henrietta Branch.
Missionary Licentiates: Miss Ma- SOLUSI MISSION.
bel Branch, Miss E. Edie.
Mission School Teacher: Miss Ma- (Formerly Matable Mission.)
bel Branch. Established 1894.
Address: Solusi Mission, Bula-
SOMABULA MISSION. wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Population of Southern Rhodesia:
(Formerly C welo Mission.) 603,820.
Established 1901. Membership: 52; church, 1.
Director: M. C. Sturdevant.
Address: Somahula Mission, Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M.
(U Rhodesia, South Africa. C. Stnrdevant, G. A.. Elling-
Membership: 25; church, 1: Lola worth.


Organized 1906.

Territory: Argentina, Bolivia, Ehlers, J. McCarthy, F. W.

Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Falkland Spies, Dr. R. H. Habenicht,
Islands, Paraguay, Peru, Uru- Wm. Steele, Arthur Fulton,
guay. George Riffel.
Population: 40,410,550. Legal Association: (In formation)
Membership: 2,024; churches, 45: " South American Union Con-
Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos ference Corporation of Seventh-
Ayres. day Adventists."
Office Address: Casilla 481, Bue-
nos Ayres, Argentina, South MINISTER.
OFFICERS. 1. W. Westphal, ,Casilla 481,
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South
President: J. W. Westphal, office America.
,Vice-President: H. F. Graf, Ta-
quary, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra- ARGENTINE CONFERENCE.
zil, South America. Organized 1902.
Secretary and Treasurer: N. Z.
Town, office address. Territory: Argentina, excepting
Executive Committee: W. Territory of Missiones, and
-Westphal, H. F. Graf. N.. Z. Falkland Islands, South Amer-
Town, F. FL Westphal. W. ica.

Population: 5,161,000. Sabbath-keepers: 439; churches, 6.

Membership: 400; churches, 11. Office Address: Taquary, Rio
Office Address: Casilla 481, Bue- Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
nos Ayres, Argentina, South America.
America. (All persons named below may be
(All persons named below may be addressed as above.)
addressed as above.)
President: H. F. Graf.
Conference: Pres., J. W. West- Vice-President: Dr. A. L. Gregory.
phal; Vice-Pres., R. H. Habe- Secretary and Treasurer: A.
nicht; Sec. and Treas., N. Z. Pages.
Town; S. S. Sec., Mrs. Sadie R. Sabbath-school Secretary: Miona
Town; Ex Com., J. W. West- J. Graf.
phal, R. H; Habenicht, N. Z. Tract Society Secretary: A.
Town, J. V. Maas, Arthur Ful- Pages.
ton, 0. Oppegard, Daniel Pev- Executive Committee: H. F. Graf,
erini; Field Missionary Agent, A. L. Gregory, A. Pages, John
Rod. Diriwaechter. Lipke, E. Schenk.
N. Z. Town, R. H. Habenicht, H. F. Graf.
V. Maas, Santiago Mangold.
John Lipke.
C. D. Lude, Rod. Diriwaechter,

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. R. 01m, H. C. Mecking, A. Brack.

0. Oppegard, Mrs. 0. Fulton, Mrs. MEDICAL WORKER.
Lydia Oppegard, Mrs. Sadie R. Dr. A. L. Gregory.
Town, Mrs. Carrie Lude, Otto
Hedge, John Boujour, Pablo
Boujour, F. Hillman, E. Des-
vars, Elena Ernst, Cecilia Deg- SANTA CATHARINA AND
gler, Olga Fernandez,\ George
Riffel, Arthur Fulton. PARANA CONFERENCE.
Organized 1906.
San Geronimo,. Prov. Santa Fe, Territory: The States of Santa
Argentina; teacher, Carolina Catharina and Parana, Brazil,
Emmenegger. South America.
Palmar, Prov. Entre Rios, Ar- Population: 800,000.
gentina; 'teacher, John Cappeler. Sabbath-keepers: 540; churches, 9.
Nueva .FI,e.lvecia, Uruguay; teach- Office Address: Brusque, Santa
ers, Maria Ernst and Maria Catharina, Brazil, South Amer-
Hugo. ica.
(All persons named below may be
addressed as above.)
Organized 1906.
President: W. Ehlers.
'Territory: The State of Rio Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
Grande do Sul, Brazil. Mary Elders.
Population: 1,370,000. Executive Committee: W. Ehlers,

Aug. Olin, R. Belz, J. Wischral, Address: Apartado 3, Ambato,

R. Zimmermann. Ecuador, South America.
W. Ehlers. Superintendent: G. MV. Casebeer.
Missionary Licentiate: T. H.
Joseph Linderman. Davis.


Established 1902. Established 1906.

Territory: Chile and Bolivia, Territory: All of Brazil north of

South America. San Paulo.
Population: 5,520,000. Population: 17,356,000.
Membership: 240; churches, 6. Sabbath-keepers: 195 ; churches, 5.
Cable Address: Adventista, Val- Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio de
paraiso, Chile. ,Janeiro, 13razil, South America.
Office Address: Casilla 787, Val- Superintendent and Minister: F.
paraiso, Chile, South America. MT. Spies:
(All persons named below may be MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
addressed as above.)
John Meier.

Director: F. H. Westphal.
Secretary and Treasurer: PERUVIAN MISSION.
Mrs. Established 1006.
Sabbath-school Secretary:
Maria T. Westphal. Territory: ' Republic of Peru,
Mission Committee: F. H. West- South America.
phal, Win. Steele, Damaso Soto, Population: 4,559,550.
E. W. Thomann, E. W. Bishop. Sabbath-keepers: 20; church, 1.
MINISTERS. Address: Casilla 421, Lima, Peru,
South America.
F. H. Westphal, E. W. Thomann, Superintendent and Minister: F.
Enrique Balada. L. Perry, Casilla 421, Lima,
LICENTIATES. Peru, South America.
Missionary Licentiate: Julio N.
Damaso Soto, C. E. Krieghoff, Espinoza, Calle America 139,
Win. Steele, V. Thomann. Callao, Peru, South America.
J. S. Pereira, G. Sorillo, N. Ces-
pedes, AV. Thomann.
Established 1906.
Territory: The State of San
Established 1906. Paulo, Brazil.
Territory: Ecuador, South Amer- Population: 2,570,000.
ica. Sabbath-keepers: 20; church, 1.
Population: 1,400,000. Address: Rio Claro, San Paulo,
Sabbath-keepers: 10; church, 1. Brazil, South America.

Superintendent a n d Minister: URUGUAY MISSION.

Emilio Hoelzle. Established 1906.
Missionary Licentiate: A. B.
Stauffer. Territory: Uruguay Republic,
South America.
Population: 978,000.
Sabbath-keepers: 60; churches, 2.
UPPER PARANA MISSION. Address: Casilla 481, Buenos
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
Established 1906. ica.
(All persons named below may be
Territory: Paraguay and the Ter- addressed as above.)
ritory of Missiones, Argentina.
Population: 696,000. OFFICERS.
Sabbath-keepers: 100; churches, 3. Superintendent: John McCarthy;
Address: Casilla 481, Buenos Sec. and Treas., N. Z. Town;
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- Local Treas., Mrs. Louisa Hugo;
ica. Ex. Corn., John McCarthy, J.
Superintendent: Luis Ernst. Schimpf, Julio Ernst, Alexan-
Sec. and Treas.: N. Z. Town. der Ernst, Antonio Guinovart.
-John McCarthy, Nueva Helvecia,
Luis Ernst, Estacion, Lague, Par- Uruguay, South America.
aguay, South America. LICENTIATES.
Missionary Licentiates: Ignacio
Kalberinatten, M. Brouchy. Julio Ernst, J. Schimpf.


Organized June z6, 1906.

Territory: The conferences of Ja- Secretary: J. A. Strickland, 32

maica, British Guiana, East Text Lane, Kingston, Jamaica,
Caribbean, 'West Caribbean, West Indies.
South Caribbean and the Mis- Treasurer: H. H. Cobban, 32 Text
sion Fields of Central America, Lane, Kingston, Jamaica, West
Cuba, Porto Rico, Hayti, Vene- Indies.
zuela, and all islands in the Executive Committee: George F.
Caribbean Sea. Enoch, D. E. Wellman, J. B.
Population: Estimated, 13,000,000. Beckner, W. G. Kneeland, H. C.
Goodrich, S. A. 'Wellman, W. J.
Membership: 3,374; churches, 69.
Tanner, E. W. Snyder, B. E.
Office: 32 Text Lane, Kingston, Connelly; J. A. Strickland.
Jamaica, West Indies. Sabbath-school, Young People's
Work, and -Educational Secre-
OFFICERS. tary: J. A. Strickland.
President: U. Bender, 32 Text MINISTERS.
Lane, Kingston, Jamaica, West U. Bender, 32 Text Lane, Kings-
Indies. ton, Jamaica, West Indies.
Vice-President: D. E. 'Wellman, H. C. Goodrich. Bos 105. Belize.
31 Dundonald St., Port of British Honduras, Central
Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. America.

E. W. Snyder, Apartado 35, Mari- Amsterdam, Berbice, British

anao, Cuba, West Indies.. Guiana, South America.
W. J. Tanner, Cape Haytien, Re- Treasurer: Mrs. A. Sampson, 161
public of Hayti. Lamaha St., Georgetown, Brit-
B. E. Connerly, Mayaguez, Porto ish Guiana, South America.
Rico, West Indies. Secretary S. S. and Young Peo-
ple's Work: Mrs. W. G. Knee-
LICENTIATES. land, office address.
Executive Committee: W. G.
A. N. Allen, Box 105, Belize, Brit- Kneeland, 0. E. Davis, John J.
ish Honduras, Central America. Smith, R. Hydar.
J. C. Brower, Arecibo, Porto Rico,
West Indies. MINISTERS.
Nathan Moulton, Mayaguez, Porto
Rico, West Indies. W. G. Kneeland, 293 Oronoque
E. L. Cardey, Box 105, Belize, St., Georgetown, British Gui-
13rititsh Hon d u r as, Central ana, South America.
America. 0. E. Davis, 293 Oronoque St.,
Georgetown, British Guiana,
Wm. Evans, Bonacca; Bay Is- LICENTIATE.
lands, Central America.
Miss Ada Evans, Bonacca, Bay Is- John J. Smith, New Amsterdam,
lands, Central America. Berbice, British Guiana, South
.Jas. G. Smalley, Northeast Bight, America.
Bonacca, Bay Islands, Central MISSIONARY
H. A. Owen, Tegucigalpa, Spanish R. Hydar, Albouystown, George-
Honduras, Central America. town, British Guiana, South
Mrs. B. E. Connerly, Mayaguez, America.
Porto Rico, 'West Indies. Miss B. D. Moore, 293 Oronoque
Mrs. J. C. Brower, Arecibo, St., Georgetown, British Gui-
Porto Rico, West Indies. ana, South America.


Organized 1906.
Organized 1906.
Territory: Barbados, St. Vincent,
Territory: British, Dutch, and St. Lucia, and the Leeward Is-
French Guiana. lands.
Population: 326,000. Population: 900,000.
Membership: 350; churches, 12. Membership: 250; churches, 7.
Office: 293 Oronoque St., George- Office: Bridgetown, Barbados,West
town, British Guiana, South Indies.
President: L. E. Wellman, office
President: .1. B. 13eckner, office address.
address. Secretary and Treasurer: Chas.
Vice-President: 0. E. Davis, of- W. Enoch, Seafield Lodge, West-
fice address. bury Road, Bridgetown, Bar-
Secretary: John J. Smith, New bados, West Indies.

Secretary S. S. and Young Peo- Sabbath-school Department: Sec-

ple's Work: Mrs. Stella Well- retary, Mrs. J. B. Beckner.
man, office address.
Executive Committee: L. E. Well- MINISTERS.
man, C. W. Enoch, P. Giddings, J. B. Beckner, 3. A. Strickland,
A. L. Clarke, J. H. Matthews. W. H. Randle.
L. E. Wellman, Bridgetown, Bar- Frank Hall, Linton Rashford, A.
bados, West Indies. N. Durant, W. H. Mullings.
P. Giddings; Roseau, Dominica,
J. H. Matthews, Charlotte Amelia, NV. F. Burkley, Phillip Porter.
St. Thomas, Danish West In-
Jas. G. Dasent, Bridgetown, Bar- ENCE.
bados, West Indies. Organized 1906.
W. D. FOrde, Castries, St. Lucia, Territory: Trinidad, Tobago,
West Indies. Grenada, and the Grenadines.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Population: 360,000.
Membership: 375; churches, 9.
A. A. Clarke, Kingston, St. Vin- Office: 31 Dundonald St., Port of
cent, West Indies. Spain, Trinidad, West Indies.
Chas. W. Enoch, Seafield Lodge,
Westbury Road, :Bridgetown, OFFICERS.
Barbados, West Indies.
Mrs. P. Giddings, Roseau, Domin- President: D. E. Wellman, office
ica, West Indies. address.
Alexander Smith, St. Johns, An- Vice-President: W. A. Sweany,
tigua, West Indies. St. Patricks, Grenada, West In-
JAMAICA CONFERENCE. Treasurer: L. J. Briggs, office ad-
Organized 1903. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Territory: Island of Jamaica, D. E. Wellman, office address.
West Indies. Secretary Young People's Work:
Population: 760,000. Mrs. W. A. Sweany, St. Pat-
Sabbath-keepers: (Estimated) 1,- ricks, Grenada, West Indies.
800; churches, 26. Executive Committee: D. E. Well-
Office: 32 Text Lane, Kingston, man, W. A. Sweany, T. L. M.
Jamaica, West Indies. Spencer, J. ,amoo.
(All persons named below may be MINISTERS.
addressed as above.)
D. E. Wellman, 31 Dundonald St.,
OFFICERS. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
President: W. G. Kneeland. Indies.
Secretary and Treasurer: H. H. W. A. Sweany, St. Patricks,
Cobban. Grenada, West Indies.
Executive Committee: J. B. Beck- T. L. M. Spencer, Scarborough,
ner, J. A. Strickland, W. F.. Tobago. West Indies.
Burkley, R. M. Rennalls. S. A. Wellman, 31 Dundonald St..
Tract and Missionary Depart- Port of Spain. Trinidad, West
ment: Secretary, Indies.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. British Honduras, Central

G. Suberan, 31 Dundonald St.,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West OFFICER.
Indies. Director and Treasurer: E. L.
Cardey, office address.
WEST CARIBBEAN CONFER- E. L. Cardey, Box 105, Belize,
ENCE. British Honduras, Central
Organized 1906. America.
Territory: Panama, Costa Rica, LICENTIATE.
Nicaragua, Saint Andrews, Old
Providence, and Corn Islands. A. N. Allen, Box 105, Belize,
Population: Estimated, 1,000,600. British Honduras, Central
Membership: 294; churches, 7. America.
Office Address: Bocas del Toro, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Republic de Panama.
(All persons named below may be Win. Evans, Bonacca, Bay Islands,
addressed as above.) Central America.
OFFICERS. Miss Ada Evans, Bonacca, Bay
Islands, Central America.
President and Treasurer: H. C. Jas. G. Smalley, Northeast Bight,
Goodrich. Bonacca, Central Am erica.
Vice-Presinent: Hubert Fletcher, (Postal address: Key West,
office address. Fla., care W. B. Currie (for
Secretary: . Bonacca) .
Sabbath-school and Young Peo- H. A. Owen, Tegucigalpa, Span-
ple's Work: Mrs. J. A. Reid. ish Honduras, Central America.
Executive Committee: H. C. Good- Claude E. Morgan, Box 105, Belize,
rich, Hubert Fletcher, R. T. Rob- British Honduras, Central
inson, H. L. Mignott, Samuel America.
Knapp, A. E. Conner: Mrs. C. E. Morgan, Box 105, Be-
MINISTERS. lize, British Honduras, Central
H. C. Goodrich, Hubert Fletcher, CHURCH-SCHOOL. TEACHERS.
H. L. Mignott.
Nti7m. Evans, Miss Ada Evans, Jas.
T. M. Brown, J. A. Reid.
Established 1905.
A. J. Wright, J. B. Stuyvesant,
W. . H. Dean, Sheridan Archi- Territory: Cuba and Isle of Pines.
bald. Population: 2,000,000. ,
Membership: 25; church, 1.
Cable Address: Ventistad, Ha-
Office Address: Apartado 35, Mar-
Territory: British Honduras, ianao, Cuba, West Indies.
Spanish Honduras, Bay Islands. OFFICERS.
Population: 3,433,842.
Membership: 200; churches, 5. Director: M. W. Snyder, office, ad-
Office Address: Box 105, Belize, dress.

Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. General Address: Mayaguez,Porto

Lura. C. Moore, office address. Rico, West Indies.
Sabbath-school Secretary: 0. A. OFFICERS.
Wolcott, Nuevitas, Cuba.
MINISTER. Director: B. E. Connerly.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. B.
E. W. Snyder, Apartado 35, Mari- E. Connerly.
a-nao, Cuba, West Indies.

HAYTI. B. E. Connerly, Mayaguez, Porto

Pico, West Indies.
Territory: Republic of Hayti.
Population: 900,000. LICENTIATES.
Membership: 60.
Address: Cape Haytien, Republic J. C. Brower, Mayaguez, Porto
of Hayti: Rico, West Indies.
Minister and Director: W. J. Nathan Moulton, Mayaguez, Porto
Tanner. Rico; West Indies.
PORTO RICO MISSION. Mrs. J. C. Brower, Mayaguez,
Territory: Porto Rico. Porto Rico, West Indies.
Population: 953,243. Mrs. B. E. Connerly, Mayaguez,
Membership: 20; churches, 2. Porto Rico, West Indies.


Population: 781,775,609. Address: Freetown, Sierra Leone,

Membership: 816; churches, 16. West Africa.
BERMUDA MISSION. D. C. Babcock, Freetown, Sierra
Population: 22,000. Leone, West Africa.
Membership: 45; church, 1. LICENTIATE.
Address: Box 114, Hamilton, Ber-
muda Islands. 1. M. Hyatt, Lagos, South Ni-
Director and Minister: J. A. Mor- geria, West Africa.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. Em-
ma L. Morrow. Mrs. Mina Babcock, Freetown,
S. S. Secretary: Mrs. M. R. Enoch, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Box 144, Hamilton, Bermuda
Territory: China proper and de-
Population: 23,000,000. pendencies.

Population: 426,000,000. Miss Ida Thompson, care British

Total Sabbath-keepers: 95; Pose-office, Canton, China.
churches, 3. Miss Amanda Vanscoy, care Brit-
Cable Address: Adventist, Can- ish Post-office, Canton, China.
ton, China. Mrs. Ida Pilquist, Lo Shan Hsien,
Office Address: Care British Post- Honan, via Hankow, China.
office, Canton, China. Miss Charlotte Simpson, Sin Tsai
Hsien, Honan, via Hankow,
Director: J. N. Anderson, office Miss Carrie Erickson, Sin Tsai
address. Hsien, Honan, via Hankow,
Secretary and Treasurer of Mis- China.
sion and of the S. S. Depart- Mrs. J. J. Westrup, Lo Shan
ment: Mrs. Emma T. Ander- Hsien, Honan, via Hankow,
son, office address. China.
Advisory Committee: J. N. An- Mrs. Bessie L. Hankins, Kulangsu,
derson, E. Pilquist, A. C. Sel- Amoy, China.
mon, H. W. Miller, E. H. Wil- Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu,
bur. Amoy, China.
MINISTERS. F. A. Allum, Sin Tang Cheo, Ho-
J. N. Anderson, care British Post- nan, via Hankow, China.
office, Canton, China. Mrs. Eva Allum, Sin Iang Cheo,
Erik Pilquist, Lo Shan Hsien, Ho- Ronan, via Hankow, China.
nan, via Hankow, China. Dr. Emma Perrine-Laird, Chang-
J. J. Westrup, Lo Shan Hsien, sha, Hunan, China.
Honan, vio Hankow, China. .1. P. Anderson, care British Post-
A. C. Selmon, M. D., Siang Cheng office, Canton, China.
Hsien, Honan, via Hankow,
H. W. Miller, M. D., Sin Jiang INDIA MISSION.
Cheo, Ronan, via Hankow, Established 1895.
W. C. Hankins, Kulangsu, Amoy, Population: 287,123,350.
China. Sabbath-keepers: 155; church, 1.
B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, Amoy, Cable Address: Adventist, Cal-
China. cutta.
P. J. Laird, Changsha, Hunan, General Office Address: 39-1 Free
China. School St., Calcutta, India.
S. Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Director: J. L. Shaw, office ad-
Assistant Director: W. W. Miller,
Law Keem, M. D., care British office address.
Post-office, Canton, China. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. L.
Mrs. Edith M. Keem, care British F. Hansen, " Grennan Slopes,"
Post-office, Canton, China. Insein, Burma.
Mrs. Bertha. L. Selmon, M. I)., Advisory Committee: J. L. Shaw,
Siang Cheng Hsien, Bonan,. via W. W. Miller, H. S. Ingersoll,
Hankow, China. J. C. Little, H. H. Votaw, H. B.
E. H. Wilbur, care British Post- Meyers, A. G. Watson.
office, Canton, China. MINISTERS.
Mrs. Susan H. Wilbur, care Brit-
ish Post-office, Canton, China. J. L. Shaw, 39-1 Free School St.,
Mrs. Emma T. Anderson, care Calcutta, India.
British Post-office, Canton, W. W. Miller, 39-1 Free School
China. St., Calcutta, India.

G. K. Owen, " Lucretia Dale," Col- Miss Daisy Jewett, Beechwood

petty, Colombo, Ceylon. House, Darjeeling, India.
H. H. Votaw, " Grennan Slopes," Mong Mong, 116 Coavasjee Ter-
Insein, Burma. race,. Montgomery Road, Ran-
Geo. F. Enoch, 39-1 Free School goon, Burma.
St., Calcutta, India. Miss Ella McIntyre, 50 Park St.,
LICENTIATES. Calcutta, India.
A. G. Watson, 105 Corporation St.,
H. B. Meyers, 6 Alexandra St., Calcutta, India.
Bangalore, Soutn India. Miss A. O'Connor, 39-1 Free
J. C. Little, Karmatar, East In- School St., Calcutta, India.
dian Railway, India. A. C. Mookerjee, 22 Old Bayda-
W. A. Barlow, Simultala, East kana 2d Lane, Calcutta, India.
Indian Railway, India. Mrs.. S. J. Olney, 50 Park St.,
J. S. James, 39-1 Free School St., Calcutta, India.
Calcutta, India. R. R. Cook, 39-1 Free School St.,
Mrs. Bessie Shaw, 39-1 Free Mrs Lucy B. Cook, 39-1 Free
School St., Calcutta, India. School St., Calcutta, India.
Dr. R. S. Ingersoll, 50 Park St., Mrs. Minnie James, 39-1 Free
Calcutta, India. School St., Calcutta, India.
Mrs. Olive P. Ingersoll, 50 Park H. J. Jewell, 50 Park St., Cal-
St., Calcutta, India. cutta, India.
Mrs. Thekla Black-Mackey, 39-1 Miss Rachel Johnson, 39-1 Free
Free School St., Calcutta, India. School St., Calcutta, India.
Miss Samantha Whiteis, Kar- Miss Bertha J. King, 39-1 Free
matar, E. I. R., India (on fur- School St., Calcutta, India.
lough). Miss Bertha Kurtz, Dhun Bldg.,
Miss A. Helen Wilcox, Fairy Villa, Mereweather Road, Apollo, Bun-
Simultala, E. I. R., India. der, Bombay, India.
Miss Annie Knight, Fairy Villa, Dr. Lucinda A. Marsh, Dhun Bldg.,
Simultala, E. I. R., India. Mereweather Road, Apollo, Bun-
Mrs. Grace Kellogg-Mookerjee, der, Bombay, India.
39-1 Free School St., Calcutta, Mrs. L, L. McCamley, 39-1 Free
India. School St., Calcutta, India.
Miss Anna Orr, Orion, St. Johns Dr. H. C. Menkel, 39-1 Free School
Hill, Bangalore, South India. St., Calcutta, India.
L. F. Hansen, " Grennan Slopes," Mrs. May T. Menkel, 39-1 Free
Insein, Burma. School St., Calcutta, India.
Mrs. L. F. Hansen, " Grennan Dr. 011ie Oberholtzer, 39-1 Free
Slopes," Insein, Burma. School St., Calcutta, India.
Mrs. Ruth M. Miller, 39-1 Free Miss Cora Whaley, Dhun
School St., Calcutta, India. Mereweather Road, Apollo, Ban-
Mrs. J. C. Little, Karmatar, E. I. der, Bombay, India.
R., India.
Mrs. Caroline Votaw, " Grennan
Slopes," Insein, Burma. JAPAN MISSION.
Miss Della Burroway, Karmatar,
E. I. R., India. Territory: Japan and Korea.
Miss D. Ella Smith, Dhun Bldg., Population: 55,000,000.
Mereweather Road, Apollo, Bun- Membership: Japan, number of
der, Bombay, India. churches, 4; church-members,
L. J. Burgess, Almora, via Kath- 110; Sabbath-keepers, 118.
godam, India. Korea, number of churches,
Mrs. Georgia A. Burgess, Almora, 5; church-members, 96; Sab-
via Kathgodam, India. bath-keepers, 293.

Cable Address: Adventist, Tokyo, MEXICAN MISSION.

Japan. territory: Mexico.
Office Address: 30 Oiwake-cho, Population: 13,607,259.
Longo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Membership: 55; churches, 2.
OFFICERS. Sabbath-keepers Not Memers of
Director: F. W. Fiala, 30 Oiwake- Churches: 55.
cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Office: 1420 Avenida 20, Tacu-
Secretary and Treasurer: W. D. baya, D. F., Mexico.
Burden, 846 Sendagaya-mura, OFFICERS.
Tokyo, Japan.
Executive Committee: F. W. Director: Geo. M. Brown, 1426
Field, W. D. Burden, S. A. Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F.,
Lockwood, T. H. Okohira, H. Mexico.
Kuniya. Secretary: Miguel S. Placencia, 92
MINISTERS. Aranzaza, Guadalajara, Mexico.
F. W. Field, 30 Oiwake-cho, Hon- Treasurer: G. W. Caviness, 1599
go-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Avenida 22, Tacubaya, D. F.,
T. H. Okohira, 856 Sendagaya- Mexico.
mura, Tokyo, Japan. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
H. Kuniya, 30 Oiwake-cho, Tokyo, Alice M. Swayze, 60 Avenida
Japan. Libertad, Guadalajara, Jalisco,
W. 11. Smith, Soonan, Korea. Mexico.
Advisory Board: Geo. M. Brown,
LICENTIATES. G. W. Caviness, W. S. Swayze,
W. D. Burden, 846 Sendagaya- and J. W. Erkenbeck.
mura, Tokyo, Japan.
H. 4'. Benson, 846 Sendagaya- MINISTERS.
mura, Tokyo, Japan. Geo. M. Brown, 1426 Avenida 20,
G. W. Caviness, 1599 Avenida 22,
Mrs. W. D. Burden, 846 Senda- Tacubaya, B. F., Mexico.
gaya-mura, Tokyo, Japan.
Mrs. Effie W. Field, 30 Oiwake- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
S. A. Lockwood, M. D., 42' Yama- Miguel S. Placencia, 92 Aranzazii,
moto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Japan. Mrs. G. W. Caviness, 1599 Ave-
Mrs. Myrtle S. Lockwood, M. D., nida 22, Tacubaya, D. F., Mex-
42 Yamamoto-dori, Nichome, ico.
Robe, Japan. Dr. J. W. Erkenbeck, Hotel Amer- '
Miss Bessie Young, 42 Yamamoto- icano, Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico.
dori, Nichome, Kobe, Japan. Dr. U. C. Fattebert, San Luis
John Herboltzeimer, 42 Yama- Potosi, Mexico.
moto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, John Harzman, la de Bolivar, No.
Japan. 8, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Mrs. J. Herboltzeimer, 42 Yama- Mrs. A. F. Burgos, 1420 Avenida
moto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Mrs. Helen Benson, 846 Senda-
gaya-mura, Tokyo, Japan. A. N. Colunga, " La Industrial,"
Mrs. Addie Smith, Soonan, Korea. Letra M, Torreon, Coah., Mex-
Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, Soonan, ico.
Korea. Pedro M. Godinez, la de Bolivar,
Miss Hattie Harriman, 42 Yama- No. 8, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
mato-dori, N i c h o m e, Kobe, Christian Shnlz, 1420 Avenida 20,
Japan. Tacubaya, 1). F.. Mexico.

AT the convention called by the Educational Department of the

General Conference, and held at College View, Nebr., June 28 to
July 10, 1906, it was recommended that the work of Intermediate
Schools, Academies, and Colleges, be organized upon a unit basis.
A unit means one study, twelve weeks, five days in the week, with
recitation periods as follows: Intermediate schools, thirty minutes;
Academies, forty minutes; Colleges, forty-five minutes. Require-
ments for entrance to, and completion of, the various courses are
as follows:
Age at Requirements for
Entrance. Completion.
Intermediate Course 14 90 units
Academic Course 16 66 units
College Courses 18 60 units
Training Courses:
For Ministers, Missionaries, and
Bible Workers 20 36 units
For Missionary Teachers 18 39 units
For Preparatory Medical Students 18 36 units
For Music Teachers . 16 48 units
For Business Workers 16 36 units
For Stenographers and Secretaries 16 33 units
For Nurses' Course, the course of
instruction and training given
in our Sanitariums 38

Relation of Courses.

Church-school Academy College

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
I7 8 9 10

Lists of church-schools and teachers will be found in connection with

directories of the Conferences in which such schools are located.
Directories of Colleges, Academies, and Intermediate Schools follow:
(In alphabetical order.)
AVONDALE SCHOOL FOR H. R. Salisbury, A. B. Olsen,
CHRISTIAN WORKERS. W. H. Meredith, W. D. Mac-
Lay, S. G. Haughey, M. A. Alt-
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. man, W. H. Wakeham.
Established 1894. Financial Committee: E. E. An-
Board: C. W. Irwin (Pres.), J. dross, W. C. Sisley, H. R. Salis-
E. Fulton, E. H. Gates, M. Hare, bury.
E. C. Chapman (Sec.), 0. A. 01- Instructors: Principal, H. R. Sal-
sen, L. A. Hoopes, D. H. Kress. isbury, Hebrew, Church His-
Faculty: C. W. Irwin, Principal; tory; H. C. Lacey, Biblical Ex-
L. A. Hoopes, Bible; J. H. Paap, egesis, New Testament Greek,
Mathematics and Science; R. W. Science; W. T. Bartlett, Eng-
Brown, Preceptor; F. L. Chaney, lish Language and Literature;
Physiology and Hygiene; Mrs. Lenna MT. Salisbury, French,
R. W. Brown, Matron, and In- Latin, and Mathematics; H. H.
structor in Cookery; Precep- Brooks, Assistant in English
tress, Miss Hattie Andre, Pre- and Mathematics; A. Bacon,
paratory Department, Teachers' Sec. and Treas.; Mrs. M. E.
Training Course; Mrs. J. H. Brooks, Matron.
Paap, Instrumental M usic,
Drawing, and Painting; Mrs. C. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COL-
W. Irwin, Sewing, and Assist-
ant Teacher; , Primary LEGE.
Department. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Established 190].
Kenilworth, near Cape Town, Board of Trustees: Allen Moon,
N. IV Kauble, MTm. Covert, J.
South Africa. H. Haughey, A. G. Haughey,
Established 1892. C. McReynolds, W. J. Stone, H.
H. Burkholder, IV D. Park-
Board of Trustees: W. S. Hyatt hurst, MT. H. Edwards, E. K.
(Chairman), 0. 0. Fortner (Sec- Slade, S. E. Wight.
retary), C. H. Hayton (Treas- Officers of the Board: Pres., Allen
urer), I. J. Hankins, W. C. Wal- Moon; Vice-Pres., N. W. Kau-
ston, G. F. Visser, F. Reed. ble; Sec. and Auditor, J. H.
Faculty: Principal, C. H. Hayton; Haughey; Treas., W. H. Ed-
Preceptress, Miss Pearl West; wards.
Matron, Mrs. C. H. Hayton; Faculty: President, Nelson W.
Assistant Matron, Miss Eda Kauble, Bible, Pedagogy; Jo-
Hankins; other teachers, Miss seph H. Haughey, Mathematics,
Amy Ingle, Miss Minnie Tarr.
, Physical Sciences, New Testa-
ment Greek; Miss Almeda
DUNCOMBE HALL TRAINING Haughey, English Language and
COLLEGE. Literature, Logic; William E.
451 Holloway Road, London, N., Videto, History, Bible; George
England. Runck, M. D., Preceptor, Nat-
ural Science, Hydrotherapy,
Established 1901. Medical Latin; Clemen Hamer,
Board of Directors: E. E. An- Instrumental Music, Voice Cul-
dross (chairman), W. C. Sisley, ture; Norman L. Hill, Print-

ing; John L. Martin, Carpentry, wards, Auditor; C. V. Hamer,

Mechanical Drawing; Mrs. M. Treas.; Chas. E. Welch, .Secre-
L. Maxson, Preceptress, Matron, tary.
Domestic Arts. Executive Committee: H. H. Burk-
holder, R. R. Kennedy, Thos.
Thornton, B. L. House, K. R.
LOMA LINDA COLLEGE OF Haughey, J. B. Clymer.
EVANGELISTS. Faculty: J. B. Clymer,President,
Loma Linda, Cal. Mathematics andman; er M.
C. Kirkendall, Bible; Dr. V. L.
Established 1906.
Fisher, Natural Sciences and
Board of Managers: Chairman, J. Nursing; Mrs. A. E. Shepherd,
A. Burden; Sec. and Treas., Preceptress, Instrumental Music
Mrs. Eleanor Burden; G. W. and Child Study; David D.
Reaser, G. K. Abbott, Julia A. Rees, English Language and
White, J. R. Leadsworth, A. Literature and Latin; N. T.
Rueff, W. E. Howell. Loughhead, History and Print-
Faculty: President, W. E. Howell, ing; Carl M. Shepherd, Assist-
Bible -Evangelism, History, Lan- ant in Sciences: Laura Hutch-
guages; Mrs. Hattie B. Howell, inson, Matron; Chas. E. Welch,
Mathematics, English, Precep- Business Manager.
tress and Matron; S. N. Has-
kell, Special Training Evan-
gelist; Mrs. Hetty H. Haskell, PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE.
Assistant Training Evangelist; (Successor to Healdsburg College.)
G. K. Abbott, M. D., Chemistry
and Anatomy; Mrs. Cora M. Healdsburg, Cal.
Abbott, M. D., Children's Dis- Established 1882.
eases; Miss Julia A. White, Board of Managers: Chairman, W.
Physiology, Obstetrics, and T. Knox; sec., L: A. Reed; H.
Gynecology; J. A. Burden, Acts W. Cottrell, E. D. Sharpe, E. R.
and Epistles, Missionary Meth- Palmer, J. 0. Corliss, F. A.
ods; H. J. Hoare, Doctrines and Lashier.
Prophecies, Hydrotherapy; J. Faculty: President, L. A. Reed,
W. Beardslee, Music Director Chemistry, History, Latin; Nor-
and Evangelist; Gertrude mal Director, Elton D. Sharpe,
Grainger, Piano and Organ; W. Sciences, Hebrew, Greek; G. W.
H. Covell, Canvasser-Evange- Rine, Bible and English; Com-
list; Elizabeth Taylor, Practi- mercial Department, Charles H.
cal Nursing and Hydrotherapy. Hinchey; Voice Culture, Mrs. A.
Industrial: J. A. Burden, Business F. Grant; Piano, Miss Medora
Manager; W. E. Howell, Science E. Stone; Orchestral Instru-
of Gardening; Robert Werner, ments, William Wallace; Prin-
Practical Gardening; J o h n cipal o f Training-school, Bert
Nichol, Electrical Mechanics; B. Davis; Assistant in Train-
Otis Fisher, Carpentry; H. S. ing-school, Mrs. Bert B. Davis;
Anderson, Cookery; Mrs. El- Preceptress, Dorothy Burneson
eanor Burden, Accounting; La- Reed; Matrons, Sylvia C.
vinia Baxter, Sewing. Sharpe, Esther Geer, Mrs. IV. D.
MOUNT VERNON COLLEGE., Industrial Courses: Agriculture,
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. L. A. Reed; Wood Sloyd, E. D.
Sharpe; Carpentering, Charles
Established 1893. C. Landis; Laundering, S. A:
Board of Trustees: Officers: H. H. Wright: Blacksmithing, Fred-
Burkholder, Pres.; W. H. Ed- rick Haub; Baking, Floyd

Moore; Culinary Department, Sewing; Miss Katherine Foster,

Mrs. E. J. Buchanan: Tent-ma- Music; Miss Ella Osborne, In-
king, H. H. Kristal; Broom-ma- termediate Department; Miss
king, Rudolph Magnuson. Minnie Hildebrand, Primary De-
partment; Preceptor, G. H.
Baber; Preceptress, Mrs. G. H.
SOUTH LANCASTER ACAD- Industrial Departments: C. H.
EMY. Moyers, General Business Man-
ager; Elmer E. Woodruff, Agri-
South Lancaster, Mass. culture; Otto Schultz, Floricul-
Established 1882. ture; G. A. Williams, Manager
of Store; Culinary Dept., Miss
Board of Managers: President, Callie Grey.
W. J. Fitzgerald; Sec., Fred-
erick Griggs; Treas., H. W.
Lindsay; Auditor, E. R. Brown.
Faculty: B. F. Machlan, Prin- UNION COLLEGE.
cipal, Business Manager, Peda-
gogics; R. F. Cottrell, Bible and College View, Nebr.
History; Mrs. S. J. Hall, Eng- Established 1891.
lish Language; Mrs. R. G.
Ryan, Preceptress, Mathema- Board of Managers: E. T. Russell,
tics; Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs, J. H. Morrison, C. C. Lewis, P.
Languages; H. W. Lindsay, E. Berthelsen, N. B. Emerson,
Preceptor, German; Jessie G. President Northern Union Con-
Hare, Science, Matron Culinary ference, and the Presidents of
Department; W. A. Wilber, the Iowa, Colorado, Kansas,
Commercial Department, Short- Missouri, Nebraska, and Wy-
hand Course; Mrs. V. W. Gustin, oming Conferences.
Commercial Department, Busi- Executive Committee: E. T. Rus-
ness Course; Miss Rowena E. sell, C. C. Lewis, J. H. Morri-
Purdon, Primary Department;' son, A. T. Robinson, N. B. Em-
Merrill N. ......-oss,Broom-making; erson, P. E: Berthelsen.
Mrs. E. M. Long, Basketry and Faculty: President, Charles C.
Sloyd; Edna S. Farnsworth, Lewis, Pedagogy, Public Speak-
Music; John A. Miller, Agricul- ing, Psychology; M. D. Mattson,
tural Department. English Bible, Ministers' Train-
ing Course; H. A. Morrison,
Physical Sciences, Trigonom-
etry, and Surveying; Winifred
SOUTHERN TRAINING M. Peebles, English Language
SCHOOL. and Literature, and Spanish;
Librarian, Milton E. Kern, An-
Graysville,, Tenn. cient and Modern History, His-
Established 1896. tory of Missions; Ernest C. Kel-
logg, Mathematics; Mrs. M. D.
Board of Managers: Chairman, R. Mattson, Assistant in English
M. Kilgore; Sec., M. B. Van Bible; Roberta Andrews, Gram-
Kirk; Treas., C. H. Moyers; J. mar and Higher English; Leon
E. Tenney, Dr. M. M. Martin- L. Caviness, Ancient and Mod-
son, Geo. I. Butler. ern Languages and New Tes-
Faculty: Principal, M. B. Van- tament Greek; Thomas M.
Kirk, Bible and History; H. S. French, Bookkeeping, Typewri-
Miller, Science; C. L. Kilgore, ting, Phonography; G. A.
Business Department; Miss Lil- Grauer, German Rhetoric, Bible,
lian Hol ad a y, Languages and and History; E. C. Witzke, Ger-

man Grammar, Bible, and His- Christiansen, Supt. of Indus-

tory; M. S. Reppe, Danish Bible, tries; Mrs. H. C. Conard, Mrs.
Language, and History; August Olive McGee Leech, Floricul-
Anderson, Swedish Bible, Lan- ture; Mrs. A. G. Adams, Do-
guage and History; College mestic Science; Aaron Powery,
Physician, A. H. Larson, M. D., Cooking; Miss Rubie Owen, Hy-
Biological Sciences, Hydrother- gienic Dressmaking; Miss Alice
apy; Preceptor, Elmer E. Farns- Owen, Sloyd; H. A. Washburn,
worth, Old Testament and New Agricultural Science; B. B.
Testament History; Precep- Smith, Printing and Mechanical
tress, Mrs. C. C. Lewis, Church- Drawing; I. A. Dunlap, Nursing
school Training Class; Elsa and Treatment; P. A. Both-
Northrup, Drawing and Paint- well, Baking; W. E. Nelson,
ing; Mertie Wheeler, Assistant Electrical Engineering; G. A.
in Phonography and Typewri- Hamilton, Mechanical Engineer-
ting; Matron, Mrs. N. B. Em- ing; John Oster, Broom-making;
erson; Business Manager, N. B. 0. K. Butler, Farm and Gar-
Emerson. - den; Carl Thompson, Carpentry.


College Place, Wash. LEGE.
Established 1892. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Board of Managers: Pres., G. E.
Langdon; Sec., M. E. Cady; Established 1904.
Treas., C. M. Christiansen; E. Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells,
L. Stewart, F. S. Bunch, H. W. J. W. Lawhead, W. W. Pres-
Decker, F. M. Burg, A. J. Breed, cott, I. H. Evans, G. B. Thomp-
T. L. Ragsdale. son, A. P. Needham, G. A. Ir-
Faculty: Collegiate Department, win, J. R. Scott, W. T. Bland.
Pres., M. E. Cady, Science and Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells;
Philosophy; H. A. Washburn, Sec., G. B. Thompson; Treas.,
Bible and History; W. E. Nel- J. W. Lawhead.
son, Mathematics and Science; Faculty: President, J. W. Law-
Mrs. H. C. Conard, English; head, History and Pedagogy;
Mrs. 0. K. Butler, Asst. in Eng- B. G. Wilkinson, Bible, French,
lish; B. B. Smith, Commercial; German; J. A. L. Derby, Sci-
John Isaac, German Depart- ences; Walton C. John, Music,
ment; Winifred L. Holmden, Spanish, Latin; Mrs. M. H. Tux-
Languages, Shorthand, a n d ford, Matron; W. A. colcord,
Typewriting; I. A. Dunlap, M. Engligh Language and Litera-
D., Supt. Sanitarium, Physi- ture; G. H. Heald, Anatomy,
ology and Hydrotherapy; Ger- Physiology, Hygiene; H. E. Rog-
ard Gerritsen, Musical Director; ers, Phonography.
Grace Maxson Wood, Piano, Special Instructors: A. G. Dan-
Voice; Gertrude Shaffer, Piano jells, Church Organization; W.
and Organ; Mrs. Olive McGee W. Prescott; Rise, History, and
Leech, Normal Director; Kath- Nature of the Third Angel's
erine B. Hale, Mrs. Lydia Wolf- Message; W. A. Spicer, Mis-
kill, Asst. Directors; 0. K. But- sions and Mission Work; K. C.
ler, Preceptor, Asst. Bible and Russell and W. A. Colcord, Re-
History; Mrs. A. G. Adams, ligious Liberty; G. B. Thomp-
Preceptress awl Matron; C. M. son and Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
Christiansen, Business Manager. mer, Sabbath-school and Young
Industrial Department: C. M. People's Work.
(In alphabetical order.)
Holly, Mich. Bethel, Wis.
Established 1904. Established 1899.
Corporate Name: Adelphian Acad-
emy Association; Board of Offi- Board of Managers: C. McRey-
cers: E. K. Slade (Chairman), nolds (Chairman), A. W. Hal-
J. G. Lamson (Sec. and Treas.), lock (Sec.), P. M. Hansen
G. G. Brown, A. R. Sandborn, (Treas.), R. T. Dowsett, J. C.
E. I. Beebe. Mikkelsen, J. C. McChesney, I
Faculty: Superintendent, J. G. John Cutler.
Lamson, Bible and History; Faculty: Principal, A. W. Hal-
Mrs. J. G. Lamson, Bookkeep- lock, Bible, Science; P. E. Shep-
ing, Stenography, and Organ; pier, Preceptor, History; Miss
F. 0. Rathbun, Mathematics, Rosma M. Whalen, Preceptress,
Science, and Printing; Mrs. F. Language; C. W. Hess, Mathe-
0. Rathbun, Language, Geog- matics; Amy R. Humphrey, M.
raphy, and Gardening; Miss M. D., Matron, Physiology, Miss
K Lamson, Preceptress, Ger- Ida M. Owen, Instrumental
man and Latin; W. T. Marshall, Music, Sewing; A. W. Spauld-
Draughting and Carpentry. ing, Primary Department, Vocal
Elders E. K. Slade and A. R. Sand- Music; P. M. Hansen, Business
born, Special Lectures in Bible; and Store Manager.
Elder E. I. Beebe, Church and Industries: Systematic work in
Bible Finance; H. E. Fairchild, Agriculture, Carpentry, Bee-
Colportage; R. B. Thurber, Sab- keeping, Book-binding, Cook-
bath-school and Young People's ing, and Sewing. All the teach-
Society Work; Mildred Patter- ers and all the students living
son, Advanced Piano. ' in the school homes take re-
sponsibility in these lines.
Fairland, Ind. ACADEMY.
Established 1902. Cedar Lake, Mich.
Educational Board: W. J. Stone Established 1899.
(Pres.), C. L. Stone (Sec.), T. A.
Goodwin, Wm. Applegate, Dr. Board of Managers: Chairman,
S. L. Strickler. Elder A. G. Haughey; Secre-
Management: C. L. Stone, Busi- tary-Treasurer, S. M. Butler;
ness Manager; H. M. Lee, Elder B. F. Kneeland; Elder W.
Treasurer. H. Heckman, Elder M. N.
Faculty: Principal, C. L. Stone, Campbell, W. J. McCurdy, Clif-
Bible and Literature; Precep- ford A. Russell.
tor, H. M. Lee, Bookkeeping, Faculty: Principal, S. M. Butler,
Science, and Agriculture; Pre- Bible, Arithmetic, History,
ceptress, Miss Lizzie Bailey, Language; Matron and Precep-
Language and History; Matron, tress, Mrs. S. M. Butler, Bible,
Miss Verna Stone, Mathematics Language, Geography ; Precep-
and Culinary Science; Mrs. tor, Leslie Avery, Bible, Sci-
C. L. Stone, Sewing and Dress- ence, Mathematics; Commercial
making; L. Frank Elliott, Department, Miss Mae Parker;
Printing and Binding; Mrs. Hydrotherapy, Miss Mary Wil-
Cora T.. Strickler, Music. bur; Music, Mrs. Dora Straight;

Mrs. C. J. Tolf, Primary De- Physiology; Mrs. A. L. Lingle,

partment. Assistant Matron, and Hydro-
Industrial classes and work by therapy; Mrs. J. F. Caster,
each member of the faculty. Dressmaking.


Elk Point, S. Dak. Mount Vernon, Wash.
Established 1902. Established 1904.
Trustees: Win. H. Twining Board of Managers: J. E. Van De
(Chairman), E. G. Hayes Mark (Chairman), L. I. Stiles
(Sec.), Albert Tucker, J. W. (Sec. and Treas), W. W.
Christian, M. K. Thrall, N. C. Sharp, E. D. Slosson, E. H.
Kier, Conrad Behnke. The Little.
three first named constitute the Faculty: Principal, L. I. Stiles;
Executive Committee. Intermediate Grades; Mrs. Irene
Faculty: Principal, Bert Rhoads, McDonald, Church-school Dept.,
Bible, History, and English; Vocal and Instrumental Music;
Assistant Principal, M. J. Low, Hazel Wilcox, Instrumental
Bible, Mathematics; Miss Lizzie Music; Mrs. L. I. Stiles, Ma-
Magnuson, Bible, English, Phys- tron.
iology, Geography; Business
Manager, Wm. H. Twining; FOX RIVER ACADEMY.
Matron, Mrs. Mary M. Twining.
Industries: Broom-making, Can- Sheridan, Ill.
ning, and Farming. Established 1900.
Board of Managers: Chairman,
FERNANDO ACADEMY. Wm. Covert; Sec. and Treas.,
W. T. Bland; G. A. Wheeler,
San Fernando, Cal. Jacob Klooster, D. H. Taylor.
Established 1902. Faculty: Superintendent, W. T.
Board of Managers: Chairman, G. Bland, Bible and Pedagogy; F.
W. Reaser; Sec. and Treas., H. R. Thornton, History and Sci-
G. Lucas; E. S. :Ballenger, R. S. ence; Mrs. Flora L. Bland, Eng-
Owen, W. E. Howell, J. L. Kay, lish and Physical Culture; Miss
W. J. Dart, Ethel Pope, Mathematics and
Faculty: Principal, H. 0. Lucas, Bookkeeping; Mrs. Rosa Kim-
Business Department; R. S. lin, Matron, Nursing, and
Owen, Bible and History; J. L. Dressmaking; D. H. Taylor
Kay, Science and Mathematics; Agriculture; A. C. Kellogg
H. E. Osborne, English; Mrs. J. Broom-making.
L. Kay, Preceptress, Matron,
and Assistant in Bible; Mrs. H.
0. Lucas, Assistant in Business FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL
Department; Genevieve John- SCHOOL.
son, Vocal and Instrumental Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Music; J. F. Gaster, Preceptor, Magdeburg, Germany.
Arithmetic, United States His-
tory and Geography; Grace Teachers: 0. Luepke, A. J.
O'Neil, Normal Department; Hoenes, M. 1).; H. Teich, G.
Mable Noggle, Assistant Nor- Wakeham, R. Lusky, Fr. Gem-
mal Department; A. L. Lingle, hard, Sophie Bojanus, Miss Ch.
Industrial Superintendent, and Zybach, Miss a. Creeper; Ma-

tron, Mrs. L. Luepke; Treas- KEENE INDUSTRIAL ACAD-

urer, Paul Brandt; Business EMY.
Manager, W. Krumm.
. Keene, Tex.
Languages: German and Russian;
also English and French. Established 1894.
Board of Managers: President of
GRAVEL FORD ACADEMY. the Southwestern Union Con-
Gravel Ford, Coos Co., Oregon. ference, Presidents of the Okla-
Board of Managers: Chairman, F. homa, Arkansas, and Texas
S. Bunch; Sec. and Treas., W. Conferences, D. C. Field, C. Sor-
H. Bunch; 0. S. Coleman, E. A. enson, J. J. Cochran, C. B.
Mereen, Mrs. L. D. Fish. Hughes, J. C. MosleY, J. D.
Faculty: Principal, W. H. Bunch; Matthews, P. Darnell.
Assistant and Matron, Miss Officers of the Board: Chairman,
Nellie Clark; Assistant Matron, President of the Southwestern
Miss Neta Hermann. Union Conference; Sec. and
Business Manager, C. B.
HUghes; Collector and Treas.,
EMY. Faculty: Principal, C. B. Hughes,
Hazel, Ky. New Testament Greek; Precep-
tor, C. Sorenson, Bible and His-
Established 1901. tory; H. T. Curtis, Science and
Board of Managers: Chairman, L. Vocal Music; W. H. Buxton,
A. Callicott; Secretary, T. E. Mathematics and German; II.
Pavey; Treasurer, L. A. Calli- H. Hamilton, Commercial Dept.;
cott; W. H. Mason, M. D., W. R. Nora A. Hiatt, 11;nglish Lan-
Burrow, W. S. Lowry, Thos. D. guage; Ruth Green, Instrumen-
Rowe. tal Music; Mrs. Ella E. Hughes,
Faculty: Principal, Thos. D. Pedagogy and Elocution; Mrs.
Rowe, Bible History, English, Hattie Sorenson, Preceptress
Mathematics; Preceptress and and Matron; C. E. Smith, As-
Matron, Mrs. Mabelle R. Rowe, sistant Preceptor.
Plain Sewing and Dressmaking, Preparatory School: Principal,
and Assistant Teacher; Busi- Mrs. Ella E. Hughes; other
ness Manager, T. E. Pavey, Teachers, Robert 'French, Al-
Bookkeeping. metta Garrett, Ada Phillips,
Mrs. C. E. Smith.
Hildebran, N. C. ACADEMY.
Established 1905.
Gaston, Oregon.
Board of Managers: The North
Carolina Conference Committee, Established 1904.
J. W. Beach, and Mrs. J. W. Board of Managers: F. S. Bunch
Beach. (Chairman), R. W. Airey (Sec.),
Faculty: J. W. Beach, Principal T. H. Starbuck, C. A. Wyman,
and Business Manager; Mrs. L. E. J. Patterson.
V. Beach, History, Language, Faculty: Principal, R. W. Airey,
Geography; Mrs. L. C. Chris- Bible and Intermediate Grades;
tiansen, Primary Department. C. A. Wyman, Bible and Church-
Industries: Agriculture, Horticul- school Grades; Miss Clara Rog-
ture, Dairying, Broom-making, ers, Primary and Assistant
Fruit and Vegetable Gardening, Teacher; Mrs. Mamie McFar-
Domestic Work. lane, Matron and Preceptress;

Miss Olive Perkins, Instrumen- ence; Anna Anderson, Instru-

tal Music; E. J. Patterson, mental Music.
Farm Director and Preceptor; Industrial classes by different
R. W. Airey, Business Man- members of the Faculty.
Industrial work by all the stu-
Bozeman, Mont.
)RNEDALE ACADEMY. Established 1905.
Lorne Park, Ontario. School Board: W. F. Martin
Establishea 1903. (Pres.), J. L. Jones (Sec.), J. C.
Foster, D. W. Rittenhouse, W.
Board of Managers: Chairman, A. A. Gosmer, C. H. Rittenhouse,
0. Burrill; Secretary-Treasurer, H. 0. Shields, S. Dick, .C. W.
B. B. Noftsger; Eugene Leland, Page.
T. H. Robinson, C. E. Wood, Faculty: Principal, J. L. Jones;
Charles Smith. Preceptress and Assistant
Faculty: Principal, Eugene Le- Teacher, Mrs. J. L. Jones; As-
land, Bible, Science, History; sistant Teacher, Mrs. W. F.
Preceptress, Mrs. J. Eva Le- Martin; Matron, Mrs. S. K.
land, Language, Mathematics; Suverley; Primary Dept. and
Business Manager, Herbert L. Music, Miss Adline Rouleau ;
Knister, Agriculture and Bee- Preceptor and Business Man-
keeping; Miss Florence White, ager, J. C. Foster.
Pr i m a r y Department; Miss
Maud Pengelly, Printing and
Stenography; Miss Ida Watt,
Maple Plain, Minn. Established 1895.

Established 1904. Board of Managers: Chairman,

Geo. I. Butler; Sec. and Treas.,
Board of Managers: Minnesota W. H. Williams, W. J. Blake, 0.
Conference Committee. R. Staines, A. J. Haysmer, P. T.
Faculty: Principal, H. J. Sheldon, Magan, W. H. Sebastian.
Business Manager, Ancient and Faculty: . Principal, W. J. Blake,
Modern History, Algebra, and Bible, History, English, Science;
Vocal Music; S. E. Jackson, Secretary and Cashier, W. H.
Bible, Farm Supt., and Assist- Williams, Commercial Depart-
ant Manager; Preceptor, H. H. ment; Business Manager, 0. R.
Howard, U. S. History, Phys- Staines, Physiology, Nursing;
ics, Civil Government, Physiog- Preceptor, F. W. Halladay, Me-
raphy, Reading; Preceptress, chanical Department; Precep-
Caroline Hopkins, Arithmetic, tress, Olive M. Shannon, Plain
Geometry, Botany, Physiology, Sewing, Dressmaking, Domestic
Spelling, Geography; Assistant Science; Lottie C' Isbell, M. D.,
Preceptress, Wavie D. Tubbs, Lectures on Simple Treatments,
Grammar, Geography, Rhetoric, Physiology, Hygiene.
English Literature; Matron, Industrial classes conducted by
Lena Rosenthol, Domestic Sci- each member of the Faculty.

STUART INDUSTRIAL ACAD- Industrial .study and work a

EMY. prominent feature of the school
Stuart, Iowa. Languages: English and German.
Established 1903.
Board of Managers: Chairman, L. SCANDINAVIAN UNION MIS-
F. Starr; Sec. and Treas., Floyd
Bralliar; N. C. Bergersen, Chris. SION SCHOOL.
juhl, A. V. Rhoads, J. H. Kraft, (Formerly Swedish Industrial
J. C. Clemens, J. W. Dorcas.
Faculty: Principal, Floyd Bral- School.)
liar, Bible, Science, History; Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden
Preceptor, D. H. Goss, Mathe-
matics, Geography, Bible; Pre- Board of Managers: Scandinavian
ceptress, Minnie Wolford, Eng- Union Conference Committee.
lish, Bible; Matron, Mrs. E. W. Teachers: 0. A. Johnson, Maria
Wolf; Business Manager, Floyd Haglund, and Anna Moller.
Bralliar. Languages: Swedish and Danish-
Industrial classes uy the members Norwegian.
of the faculty.
Local Board: Floyd Rralliar, J. M. WEST INDIAN TRAINING
Patersen, D. H. Goss.
Bog Walk, Jamaica, West
(Formerly Harvey Industrial Established 1907.
Managing Board: The West In-
Harvey, N. Dak. dian Union Conference Commit-
Established 1903. tee. Principal and Business
alanager, C. B. Hughes.
Board of Managers: Chairman, J.
G. Walker; Sec., A. E. Doering;
C. L. Kendall, Lars Nielson, WILLIAMSDALE ACADEMY.
Charles Leer, E. M. Strong, Williamsdale East, Nova Scotia.
Henry Humann.
Faculty: Principal, N. W. Law- Established 1905.
rence, Bible Department; Pre- Board of Managers: Chairman,
ceptor, F. G. Specht, German Win. Guthrie; Sec. and Treas.,
Department; Preceptress, Ger- E. E. Gardner; F. A. Tracy, J.
trude E. Thompson, English De- G. Hanna, Levi Longard, A. A.
partment; Matron, Mrs. Mary Livingston, D. W. Dimock.
E. Wright, Domestic Depart. Faculty: Principal, E. E. Gardner;
ment; Business Manager, C. G. Primary Teacher and Precep-
Berglin, Farm Department; As- tress, Mrs. E. E. Gardner; Ma-
sistants, Clara Knowles, Music; tron, Mrs. Kate Jamieson; Busi-
Anna Hullett, Bookkeeping. ness Manager, Wm. Guthrie.
(In alphabetical order.)


Colegio Camarero, Diamante, Prov.
Alpharetta, Ga.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Established 1905.
Board: G. W. Wells, chairman;
A. Cary, R. J. Webb, J. E. Bow- Established 1898.
en, J. J. Webb.
Faculty: C. J. Boyd, Principal; Board of Managers: Chairman, J.
Mrs. Marie Boyd, Matron. W. Westphal; Sec. and Treas.,
A. Fulton; R. H. Habenicht, C.
D. Lude, G. Lust, Ernest
COLORADO WESTERN SLOPE Faculty: Principal, A. J. Fulton;
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. General Manager and Supt. of
Palisades, Colo. Industrial and German Depts.,
C. D. Lude; Primary Dept., Ce-
Established 1904. cilia Deggler; Matron, Mrs.
Directors: M. P. Walker, John Carrie Segebartt-Lude; Sewing
Pearson, B. F. Hutchinson, Olof Dept., Mrs. Otina Jensen-Ful-
Nelson, F. F. De Rush. (All of ton.
Palisades, Colo.) Languages: Spanish, German, and
Teachers: Principal, E. H. Curtis; English. -
Primary, Miss Jessie Glasgow.

Du Quoin, Ill.
Daylight R. R. No. 2, McMinn-
ville, Tenn. Established 1903.

Established 1902. Board of Managers: W. D. Park-

hurst (Chairman), J. B. Locken
Board of Managers: Chairman, (Sec.), - P. G. Stanley, M. G.
C. G. Howell; Sec., Mrs. Elsie Huffman, G. M. Hicks.
M. Howell; Treas., 0. E. Of- Faculty: Principal, A. C. Haughey,
ferle; W. W. Williams, C. A. Bible, History, English, Science;
Graves, J. C. Watt, J. E. Vos- Dr. W. C. Dalbey, Lectures on
burgh, Mrs. Lucy Searle, Mrs.
Mary L. B. Sedore, Aaron Van. Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene,
Alstine. and Or al Pathology; Mrs.
Faculty: Principal, Clifford G. Winnie Dalbey, Hydrotherapy,
Howell; Elsie M. Howell, Miss Simple Treatments, Physical
Irene Watt. Culture, and Emergencies; Mrs.
Branches Taught: The common Myrtle Haughey, Sabbath-
branches, shorthand, and type- s c h o o l and Young People's
writing. Work.


Eschol, Miss. Clark (Business Manager).
Faculty: Principal, G. E. Johnson;
Post-office Address: R. F. D. No. 2, Assistant Teachers, Ruth Wat-
Quitman, Miss. son, Gertrude Emmerson; Mat-
Established 1903. ron, Mrs. G. E. Johnson.
Board: The Mississippi Confer-
FIJI TRAINING SCHOOL. Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji. Established 1904.
Established 1904. Board of Managers: W. M. Adams
(Chairman), C. J. Kunkel, John
Superintendent: S. W. Carr. Ramsay, Evan Roberts, 0. A.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
Bajo Imperial, Chile, South Faculty: Principal, 0. A. Hall;
America. German Teacher, M. J. Fritz;.
Matron, Mary Corner; Music,
A school for the Mapucho Indians. Mrs. 0. A. Hall.
Teacher: Victor Thomann. Languages: English and German.


Karmatar, E. I. R., India. Established 1906.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Little in charge. Principal: Miss Nettie Hardiman ;
Languages: English and Bengali. other teachers, Misses Sydney
Backues and Hazel Baldwin.

Gland (Vaud), Switzerland. PUA TRAINING SCHOOL.
Established 1904. Pua, Chile.
Established 1906.
Board of Management: L. R. Con-
radi, J. Vuilleumier, L. P. Board of Managers: Committee of
Tieche, P. A. De Forest, J. Rob- the Chile and Bolivian Mission.
ert, Mrs. E. N. Holser. Faculty: Principal, Carlos E.
Teachers: J. Vuilleumier, Dr. P. Krieghoff; Matron, Anna Krieg-
A. De Forest, E. Noualy, L. P. hoff.
Tieche. Industrial classes conducted each
Language: French. day.
Languages: Spanish and German.


Battle Ground, Wash. Arorangi, Raratonga, Cook Is-
Established 1903. lands.
Board of Directors: J. R. Clark, Superintendent: M. W. Carey;
A. J. Stover, A. C. Hardy, .1. M. Matron, Mrs. H. Piper.


Simultala, E. I. R., India. Toluca, N. C.
Established 1905.
Langauges Taught: English and Faculty: D. T. Shireman, Man-
Bengali. ager; H. Smallwood, Secretary
W. A. Barlow in charge. and Principal; Assistant, Mrs.
J. C. Smallwood.


Taquary, Rio Grande do Sul, Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Is-
Brazil, South America.
lands, Pacific Ocean.
Established. 1903. Superintendent: E. E. Thorpe;
Name: Escola da Missao dos Ad- Assistant, Miss M. Ella Boyd.
ventistas do Setimo Dia.
Board: Chairman, H. F. Graf;
Sec. and Treas., A. Pages; Emil TUNESASSA SCHOOL..
Schenk, John Lipke, Dr. Abel Tunesassa, N. Y.
Faculty: Principal: John Lipke; Established 1907.
Assistants, Richard Olm and Board: Members of the Western
Sister Gregory. New York Conference Commit-
Languages: Portuguese and Ger- tee.
man. Business Manager: C. L. Bowen.


Avondale $61.255.12 4 1,100 200 200 10
Claremont 35,507.16 2 23 150 87 6
Duncombe Hall 6,160.00 175 70 6
Emmanuel Missionary 86,923.12 18 264. 150 108 9
Loma Linda 2 7 110 66 27 19
Mt. Vernon 23,293.52 4 30 150 126 9
Pacific Union 70,000.00 10 10 150 50 19
South Lancaster 55,984.99 2 43 250 230 14
Southern Training 21,000.00 2 45 100 122 14
Union College 165,000.00 4 125 450 355 22
Walla Walla 49,614.27 1 10 225 204 27
Washington Training 50,000.00 3 12 80 52 8

Total, 12 .. .. .$624,738.18 58 1,772 2,046 1,631 163

Adelphian $10,000.00 5 77 44 42 7
Beechwood 2,553.50 1 12 50 70 7
Bethel 21,139.44 4 195 225 200 8
Cedar Lake 10,730.01 7 80 - 50 , 87 7

1 Estimated.
2 Assets included in Loma Linda Sanitarium.


Elk Point 13,077.83 2 40 60 60 6
Fernando 13,578.98 4 12 65 135 13
Forest Home 5,000.00 2 40 50 58 4
Fox River 10,836.46 5 43 60 50 7
Friedensau 40,274.84 1 90 150 130 11
Gravel Ford 4,000.00 3 3 60 40 3
Hazel 3,000.00 1 55 20 25 3
Hildebran 3,000.00 3 125 40 30 3
Keene 34,484.02 3 154 250 225 14
Laurelwood 7,000.00 3 63 60 75 7
Lornedale 9,500.00 5 50 35 34 6
Maplewood 16,000.00 3 94 75 95 7
Mt. Ellis 6,000.00 2 20 50 56 5
Oakwood 11,000.00 5 358 501 30.1 6
Scandinavian Union 6,297.80 2 700 45 30 3
Sheyenne 15,000.00 2 400 50 36 7
Stuart 6,500.00 5 501 75 62 4
West Indian .. 107 .. ..
Williamsdale 6,500.00 2 200 40 ' 25 4

Total, 23 $255,472.88 69 2,968 1,604 1,595 142

Alpharetta $2,000.00 1 1 50 37 2
Colo. Ind. School I 1,000.00 1 100 50 30 2
Cumberland 1,000.00 2 100 50 23 3
Diamante 4,000.00 2 40 35 55 5
Du Quoin 3,000.00 .1 7 75 40 4
Eschol 1,500.00 1 50 30 25 2
Fiji 717.62 6 400 40 24 2
Filadelfia 1. 1,000.00 1 100 25 20 1
Karmatar 211.20 4 20 25 22 3
Latin Union 500.00 1 ... 30 7 4
Meadowglade 2,500.00 2 20 30 28 4
Northwestern 8,250.00 1 130 35 17 4
Oswego 1 1,500.00 1 10 40 30 3
Puff 1,275.98 1 40 12 12 2
Raratouga I 1,000.00 5 9 25 18 2
Simultala 1 .... ... 1,000.00 2 1 20 12 2
Taquary 2,624.07 1 20 20 17 3
Toluca 2,500.00 2 5 70 34 3
Tonga i 500.00 3 4 25' 20 2.
Tunesassa 2,200.00 1 200 .. ..

Total, 20 $38,278.87 39 1,257 687 471 53

Grand total of Colleges,

Academies, and In-
termediate Schools,
55 $918,489.93 166 5,997 4,337 3,697 358
1 Estimated.
(In alphabetical order.)

AVONDALE PRESS. Publishing Committee: W. H.

Thurston, B. B. Noftsger, Wm.
Cooranbong,N. S. W., Australia. Guthrie, D. E. Lindsey, A. 0.
Assets: $5,500. Burrill.
blications issued in English Manager and Treasurer: B. B.
and the Island Languages. Noftsger.
oard: E. C. Chapman, E. IL Editor Canadian Union Messen-
Gates, C. W. Irwin, L. A. ger: Eugene Leland.
Hoopes, 0. A. Olsen, M. Hare,
J. E. Fulton, D. H. Kress.
Manager: E. C. Chapman.
(This institution is operated as a
department of the Avondale CHINESE PRINTING OFFICE.
School, the work being done by Sin Iang Cheo, Honan, via Han-
kow, China.


HOUSE. Employees: Three natives.
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South Board: H. W. Miller, A. C. Sel-
America. mon, F. A. Allum.
Editor: H. W. Miller, Fuh-In-
Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos Hsuen Pao (The Gospel Her-
Ayres. ald).
Post-office Address: Casilla 481,
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South
Corporate Name: " Imprenta La CHRISTIANIA PUBLISHING
Verdad Presente." HOUSE.
Assets: $2,500.
Equipment: Two buildings; 800 Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Nor-
square yards of land; employ- way.
ees, two.
Publications issued in Spanish.
Publishing Board: Argentine Con- Corporate Name: Skandinaviske
ference Committee. Forlags-og Trykkeriforening.
Editors: La Verdad Presente, N. Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet,
Z. Town; assistant editors, Mrs. Christiania.
Lydia Oppegard, Arthur Fulton; Assets: $35,910 (assets of Norway
La Revista Adventista, N. Z. Book Mission, $5,004.20).
Town; assistant editor, E. W. Equipment: Two buildings, three
Thomann. acres of land.
Value of year's output: $9,457.29.
Employees: 11.
CANADIAN PUBLISHING AS- Publications issued in Danish-
SOCIATION. Norwegian, Swedish, and Lap-
landish languages.
Toronto Junction, Ontario. Editors: Evangeliets Sendebud
Total value of output last year: Erik Arnesen; Sundhedsbladet,
$9,976.43. J. C. Ottosen, M. D.

DENMARK PUBLISHING Value of last year's output:

HOUSE. $6,277.
Employees: Two.
Dansk Bogforlag, Margrethevej 5, Languages: Finnish and Swedish.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija
assets: $3,072.73. Publishing Board: N. Hammar,
Equipment: None to speak of Fred Anderson, A. Treskman.
work done outside. Editor: Aikain Vartija, Fred An-
Value of output last year: $8,- derson.
Employees: Three.
Language in which publications HAMBURG PUBLISHING
are issued: Danish-Norwegian.
Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- HOUSE.
hagen. Internationale Traktatgesellschaft
Secretary and Treasurer: Jens Ol-
sen. in Hamburg, Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany.
LIMITED. Equipment: Occupying two build-
ings belonging to Hamburg S. D.
Office: North Fitzroy, Victoria, A. Association (assets of said
Australia. association, $43,287.35).'
Cable Address: Echo, Melbourne. Total value of last year's output:
Assets: $73,212.78. About $70,000.
Equipment: One building. Plant Employed in Institution: Thirty-
consists of composing-room, four one.
presses, stereotype foundry. All Languages: German, Dutch, Rus-
departments complete for com- sian, Esthonian, Lettonian, Bo-
mercial work only. Power, 14 hemian, Livonian, Polish, Slo-
nominal H. P. gas engine = 35 vakian, Hungarian, Servian, Bul-
brake H. P. garian, Rumanian, Portuguese,
Total value of output 15 months Spanish.
ending Sept. 30, 1906: $78,500.38. Publishing Board: Chairman, L.
Total employed by institution: H. Conradi; H. Hartkop, H. F.
Forty-two. Schuberth, W. Krumm, J. Erz-
Publishing Board: Chairman, W. berger, J. Pieper, E. Frauchiger,
L. H. Baker; Secretary, A. W. J. T. Bottcher, J. G. ()blander,
Anderson; Treasurer, F. L. G. W. Schubert, G. Hantzsch.
Sharp; Manager, W. H. B. Mil- Auditors: W. Krumm, G. Han-
ler. Directors, 0. A. Olsen, W. tzsch.
D. Salisbury, J. M. Johanson, Local Committee: H. Hartkop, M.
A. W. Anderson, J. Gillespie, W. Rohde, G. Hantzsch, W. Ising,
L. H. Baker, J. H. Woods. G. Dail.
Editors: Herold der Wahrheit, L.
R. Conradi, H. F. Schuberth;
Gute Gesundheit, A. J. Hoenes,
Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, Zions-Wachter (Holland), L. R.
Conradi; Unser kleiner Freund,
A. Plass; Zions-Wachter, edited
Assets: $8,996.68. by W. Ising; "AztArato " (Hun-
Equipment: Two rooms in a garian), edited by Jno. F. Huen-
rented building. ergardt; "The Olive-tree" (Rus-

sian); Hlasatel Pravdy (Herald inson, F. F. Byington, August

of Truth) (Bohemian), edited Anderson, G. A. Grauer, 0. F.
by Jos. Makovsky. Schwedrat, L. Johnson.
Hamburg Branch House: Inter- Counselors: R. A. Underwood, 0.
national Tract Society in Basle. E. Reinke, S. Mortenson, L. H.
Address: Weiherweg 48, Basle, Christian, Henry Shultz, A.
Switzerland. Managing Board: Voth, Valentine Leer, Theo.
L. R. Conradi (Chairman), H. Valentiner, J. F. Saxby, C. A.
Hartkop, W. Sebald, H. F. Thorp, H. R. Johnson, M. S.
Schuberth, W. Ktiry. Reppe, A. Swedberg, S. F.
Attorney: W. Sebald. Svensson, J. F. Anderson, Chas.
Leer, N. P. Neilsen.
Committees on Foreign Litera-
ture: German: G. F. Haffner, G.
A. Grauer, 0. E. Reinke, 0. F.
The Watchman Press, Karmatar, Schwedrat, Theo. Valentiner.
Swedish: S. Mortenson, S. F.
E. I. Ry., India.
Svensson, August Anderson, A.
Assets: $2,672.96. Vermelin, A. Swerberg. Danish-
Employees: Six. Norwegian: L. Johnson, L. H.
Languages in which Publications Christian, P. E. Berthelsen, M.
Are Issued: English, Bengali, L. Andteasen, C. A. Thorp.
Hindi, Santhali, Urdu, Burmese. Editors: Evangeliets Sendebud,
Publishing Committee: J. L. C. A. Thorp; Asst. Editor, P.
Shaw, R. S. Ingersoll, J. C. Lit- E. Berthelsen; Sions Valare,
tle, H. B. Meyers, W. W. Miller. A. Swedberg and A. Anderson;
Editors: Oriental Watchman and Christlicher Hausfreund and
Eastern Tidings, W. W. Miller Deutscher Arbeiter, Editor, 0.
and J. C. Little. F. Schwedrat; Field Editor, T.
Manager: J. C. Little. Valentiner.


Societe International de Traites.
College View, Nebr.
Established 1903. Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Assets: $23,634.66. Assets: $6,920.11.
Equipment: One building and Equipment: One half of rented
store-house provided with print- lodging.
ing and binding plant. Total value of last year's output:
Total value of last year's output: $3,653.84.
$17,073.55. Employees: One.
Employees: Thirty. Languages in which publications
Languages in which publications are issued: French, Portuguese,
are issued: English, German, Spanish, and Italian.
Danish-Norwegian, Swedish, Publishing Board: L. R. Conradi,
Spanish. C. T. Everson, J. Curdy, J. Rob-
Officers: Pres., E. T. Russell; ert, L. P. Tieche, J. Vuilleumier,
Vice-Pres., August Anderson; H. H. Dexter.
Sec., A. T. Robinson; Treas. and Editors: Le Messager and Les
Business Manager, F. F. Bying- Signes des Temps, J. Vuilleu-
ton; Auditor, L. E. Koon. mier, J. Curdy; Le Vulgarisa-
Trustees: E. T. Russell, A. T. Rob- teur, P. A. De Forest, M. D.


International Tract Society, COMPANY.
Limited. Established in 1875.
Main Office: Villa Street, Moun-
Office: 451 Holloway Road, Lon- tain View, California.
don, N., England. Cable Address: Uprising, Moun-
Cable Address: Uprising, London. tain View, California.
Assets: $64,803.80. Branch Offices: 1109 East Twelfth
Equipment: One building. St., Kansas City, Missouri; 285
Total value of output last year: Salmon St., Portland, Oregon.
$90,285.81. Territory: The Pacific, North Pa-
Employees: 30. cific, Central, and Northern
Languages in which publications Union Conferences.
are issued: English, Welsh, and Directors: H. W. Cottrell, M. C.
Zulu. Wilcox, A. 0. Tait, C. H. Jones,
Publishing Board: Chairman and H. H. Hall, E. A. Chapman, H.
Manager, W. C. Sisley; Sec., W. G. Childs.
R. White; Directors, W. C. Sis- Officers: President, H. W. Cot-
ley, E. E. Andross, A. Bacon, W. trell; Vice-President, H. H.
T. Bartlett, H. R. Salisbury. Hall; Secretary, H. G. Childs;
Editors: Present Truth, W. T. Treasurer, E. A. .Chapman;
Bartlett; Assistant Editor, T. Auditor, J. J. Ireland; General
C. O'Donnell; The Missionary Manager, C. H. Jones; Manaaer
Worker, T. C. O'Donnell; Good of Circulating Department, A.
Health, A. B. Olsen, M. D., M. E. 0. Tait; Manager of Book De-
Olsen. partment, H. H. Hall; Supt. of
Manufacturing Department, F.
H. Gage.
Manager of Kansas City Branch:
142o Avenida 20, Tacubaya, Manager of Portland Branch: W.
V. Sample.
D. F., Mexico. Publishing Committee: H. H. Hall,
C. H. Jones, C. M. Snow, M. C.
Corporate Name: " Compaffla de Wilcox, A. 0. Tait, E. R.
l'nblieaciones, `La Verdad,' S. Palmer.
A." Editor: Signs of the Times, M. C.
Cable Address: Verdad, Mexico Wilcox; Associate Editor, A. 0.
City. Tait.
Assets: $2,258.19. Editor: Our Little Friend, Kath-
Equipment: One building and lot, rina B. 'Wilcox.
one press, paper cutter, stitcher, Editorial Committee: Bible Stu-
type, etc. dents' Library and Apples of
Value of output last year: Gold Library, M. C. Wilcox, J.
$1,263.35. F. Beatty.
Employees: Three.
Publications all in the Spanish
Officers: Pres., Geo. M. Brown; LISHING ASSOCIATION.
Sec., ; Treas., G. W. Cavi-
ness; Auditor, Alfred Cooper. Incorporated 1903.
Editor: El Mensajero de la Ver- Main Office: Takoma Park Sta-
dad, G. W. Caviness. tion, Washington, D. .C.
Editor: El Campo Mexicano, Geo. Cable Address: Review, Washing-
M. Brown. ton, D. C.

Territory: The Atlantic and Cana- Cable Address: " Signs, Warbur-
dian Union Conferences. ton."
Branch Offices: Battle Creek, Assets: $72,627.79.
Mich.; J. W. Mace, Manager. Equipment: One building, located
Room 404, 32 Union Square, in the country forty-eight miles
East, New York, N. Y. from Melbourne. Plant con-
Territory: Lake Union Confer- sists of composing-room, three
ence. presses, engraving plant, elec-
Main Office Equipment: One build- trotype foundry, bindery. All
ing, 60 ft. by 90 ft., with three departments complete for book
stories and basement. Three publishing. Power: 50 H. P.
large cylinder and four job Pelton water wheel. Lighting
' presses, two linotypes, and full and heating, 121/2 k. w. dynamo.
bindery equipment. Gas-pro- Total value of output last year
ducer engine outfit furnishes was for five months' only: $18,-
power and light. One-story 038.48.
power house and shop separate Total employed by institution:
from main building. Number Forty-two.
employees: Fifty to sixty. Language in which publications
Board of Trustees: W. W. Pres- are issued: English.
cott, S. N. Curtiss, A. G. Dan- Publishing Board: Chairman, W.
iells, W. A. Colcord, I. H. Ev- D. Salisbury; Secretary, A. W.
ans, G. A. Irwin, T. E. Bowen, Anderson; Manager; W. D. Sal-
D. W. Reavis. isbury; Treasurer, C. H. Prety-
Officers: Pres., W. W. Prescott; man; Directors, 0. A. Olsen, W.
Vice-President., I. H. Evans; D. Salisbury, J. M. Johanson,
Treas. and Business Manager, A. W. Anderson, J. Gillespie, W.
S. N. Curtiss; Sec., W. B. Wal- L. H. Baker, J. H. Woods.
ters. Editor: Signs of the Times, A. W.
Editors: Review and Herald, IV. Anderson.
IV. Prescott; Associate Editors,
C. M. Snow, W. A. Spicer. Life
Heald; Associate Editor, Dr. G. HOUSE.
A. Hare. The Youth's Instruc- 56 Roeland St., Cape Town,
tor, Mrs. Fannie Dickerson South Africa.
Chase. The Sabbath School
Worker, Mrs. L. Flora Plum- Publishing Committee: Executive
mer; Associate Editor, G. B. Committee of the South African
Thompson. Liberty, editorial Union ConferenCe.
committee, editors of Review Printing Works: Manager, Geo. R.
and Herald and the officers of Israel.
the Religious Liberty Bureau. Editors: South African Sentinel,
Book Committee: W. W. Prescott managing editor, 0. 0. Fortner;
(Chairman), D. W. Reavis editorial staff, W. S. Hyatt, I. J.
(Sec.), S. N. Curtiss, W. A. Hankins, H. J. Edmed; South
Colcord, Mrs. Fannie Dickerson African Missionary, 0. 0. Fort-
Chase. ner.


LISHING ASSN., LIMITED. Office: South Lancaster, Mass.
Assets: $6,679.10.
Office: Warburton, Victoria, Aus- Total value of output last year:
tralia. $16,543,15.

Employees: Ten. Language in which publications

Languages in which publications are issued: Swedish.
are issued: English and Hebrew. -Directors: E. Lind, E. J. Ahrdn,
Committee: The Executive Com- J. R. Lindqvist.
mittee of the Central New Eng- Secretary and Treasurer: J. R.
land Conference. Lindqvist.
Officers: Pres., H. F. Ketring; Editor: Tidens Tecken, E. J.
Supt., Leonard J. Smith; Treas., Ahr6n. Missionaren, E. J. Ahre'n.
H. B. Tucker.

Office: Taquary, Rio Grande do
Twenty-fourth Ave., Ncirth, Sul, Brazil, South America.
Nashville, Tenn. Assets: $4,112.51.
Equipment: Two printing presses,
Territory: The Southern Union one stitching machine and one
Conference and the. Southwest- cutting machine.
ern Union Conference. Employees: Four.
Assets: $100,000. Languages in which publications
Output for 19o5: $100,000. are issued: Portuguese and Ger-
Employees: Fifty-seven. man.
Board of Managers: G. I. Butler, Publishing Board: Manager, A.
I. A. Ford, W. A. Wilcox, E. H. Pages. Local Committee: A.
Rees, L. D. Randall, Richard Pages, H. F. Graf, Dr. Abel
Hook, Jr., J. S. Washburn. Gregory. Committee for Pub-
Officers: Pres., G. I. Butler; Vice- lishing: F. W. Spies, Emilio
Pres. and Business Manager, I. Hoelzle, A. Pages.
A. Ford; Sec. and Treas., Rich- Editors: 0 Arauto da Verdade
ard Hook, Jr. and Revista Trimensal, Emilio
Editors: The Watchman, Geo. I. Hoelzle, Rio Claro Rua 1 Va 42,
Butler, L. A. Smith; Associate Sao Paulo, Brazil; Rundschau
Editors, Elder S. N. Haskell, der Adventisten, J. W. West-
Miss Eliza J. Burnham. phal, Casilla 481, Buenos Ayres,
Branch Offices: 204 West Twelfth Argentina.
St., Fort Worth, Texas; Man-
ager, R. L. Pierce. Hickory, N.
C., Manager, J. V. Bosworth.
STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING 31 Dundonald St., Port of Spain,
HOUSE. Trinidad, West Indies.
Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Assets: $4,500.
Sweden. Equipment: Sufficient for printing
and binding small books only.
Corporate Name: Skandinaviska Publishing Board: Geo. F. Enoch,
Forlagsexpeditionen. D. E. Wellman, J. B. Beckner,
Assets: $7,738.55. W. G. Kneeland, L. E. Wellman,
Total value of last year's output: J. Ramon, S. A. Wellman.
$16,750.62. Officers: Chairman, D. E. Well-
Employees: Four. man; Sec., S. A. Wellman;

Treas., L. J. Briggs; Auditor, Editors: The Caribbean Watch-

J. Ramoo; Business Manager, man, S. A. Wellman; associate
H. G. Le Fevre. editor, Geo. F. Enoch; contribu-
Local Managing Board: D. E. tors, W. G. Kneeland, J. A.
Wellman., S. A. Wellman, J. Strickland; East Caribbean
Ramoo, L. J. Briggs. Gleaner, S. A. Wellman.


According to the directories of the publishing houses as listed'
in the foregoing pages, denominational publications, consisting of
books, tracts, pamphlets, periodicals, etc., are issued by them in the
following languages:

Bengali, Bohemian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Danish-Norwegian,
Dutch, English, Esthonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi,
Hungarian, Italian, Laplandish, Lettonian, Livonian, Mandarin
(China), Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Santhali, Servian,
Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu, Welsh, Zulu.
Total number 31
Periodicals are regularly issued in fourteen of these languages,
and also, as indicated by the following pages, in the following five
additional languages: Fijian, Icelandic, Japanese, Raratongan, Ta-
Literature in other forms is prepared in
Arabic, Basuto, Armenian Greek, Cantonese (China), Amoy
dialect (China), Greek, Hawaiian, Kaffir, Maori, Samoan, Swahili,
Tamil, Tongan, Turkish-Armenian, Yiddish.
Grand total 51
Number of publishing houses 22
Estimated assets $650,000.00
Total employees, approximated 400
Persons engaged regularly in circulation of literature 1,068

The Advent Review and Sabbath mittee, editors of the Review
Herald (leading church paper) ; and Herald and 'the officers of
weekly; twenty-four pages; an- the Religious Liberty Bureau. 7. ...
nual subscription, $1.50; pub- The Present Truth (devoted to a +V
lished at Takoma Park Station, presentation of the doctrine of
Washington, D. C.; editor, W. the second coming of Christ,
W. Prescott; associate editors, and general Bible truth); week-
C. M. Snow, W. A. Spicer. ly; sixteen pages; annual sub-
The Signs of the Times (leading scription, 6s 6d ($1.60) ; 451
missionary paper and prophetic Holloway Road, London, N.,
expositor) ; illustrated weekly; England; editor, MT. T. Bart-
sixteen pages; annual subscrip- lett; assistant editor, T. C.
tion, $1.50; to .Toreigni Coun- O'Donnell.
tries, $1.75; published by Pa- The Australasian Signs of the
cific Press Publishing Co., Moun- Times (devoted to an exposi-
tain View, Cal., editor, M. C. tion of Bible truth and signs of
Wilcox; assistant editor, A. 0. the times) ; weekly; twelve
Tait. pages; annual subscription, 4s
The Watchman; missionary paper 6d; to countries outside of Aus-
and Bible expositor; weekly; tralia, and in. the postal union,
sixteen pages; annual subscrip- 8s 6d ($2.00); Warburton, Vic-
tion, $1; published by the tbria, Australia; editor, A. W.
Southern Publishing Associa- Anderson.
tion, Twenty-fourth,North, The Oriental Watchman; month-
Nashville, Tenn.; editors, Geo. I. ly; sixteen pages; annual sub-
Butler, L. A. Smith; associate scription , 2 rupees (sixty-five
editors, S. N. Haskell, E. J. cents); International Tract So-
Burnham. ciety, 39-1 Free School St., Cal-
The Youth's Instructor (a journal cutta, India; editors, W. W.
for youth and children); week- Miller and J. C. Little.
ly; eight pages; annual sub- The Caribbean Watchman; month-
scription, 75 cents; Takoma ly; 12 pages and cover; 50 cents
Park Station, Washington, D. a year; 31 Dundonald St., Port
C.; editor, Mrs. Fannie Dicker- , of Spain, Trinidad, West In-
son Chase. dies; editor, S. A. Wellman;
Liberty (official organ of the Re- associate, Geo. F. Enoch; con-
ligious Liberty Bureau); a new tributors, W. G. Kneeland, and
thirty-two page, quarterly mag- J. A. Strickland.
azine of religious freedom, de- South African Sentinel (devoted
voted to the promulgation of to an exposition of the signs of
the fundamental principles of the times and Sabbath trutk);
the rights of the people. The monthly; sixteen pages; annual
first number was published in subscription, 60 cents; to coun-
April, 1906; annual subscription, tries outside of South Africa
25 cents; published by the Re- and in the Postal Union, 75
view and Herald Pub. Assn., cents; managing editor, 0. 0.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Fortner; editorial staff, W. S.
ington, D. C.; editorial com- Hyatt, I. J. Hankins, H. J. Ed-

ined; Kenilworth, Cape, South pages; annual subscription, 35

Africa. cents; in clubs of two or more,
Life and Health (devoted to 25 cents; published at Takoma
health in the home and general Park Station, Washington, D.
sanitary topics) ; monthly; C.; editor, Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
thirty-two pages (magazine mer; associate editor, G. B.
form); annual subscription, 50 Thompson.
cents; published by the Review Sabbath-school Quarterly; forty-
and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma eight pages; containing the S.
Park Station, Washington, D. D. A. International Sabbath-
C.; editor, G. H. Heald; asso- school lessons; annual subscrip-
ciate editor, G. A. Hare. tion, 20 cents; Pacific Press
The Australasian Good Health; Pub. Co., -Mountain View, Cal.
monthly; sixteen pages; annual Bible Students' Library; quar-
subscription, 2s 6d; beyond the terly; annual subscription, 25
commonwealth, 3s; Avondale cents; Pacific Press Pub. Co.,
Press, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Mountain View, Cal.; editorial
Australia; editor, Dr. D. H. committee, M. C. Wilcox, J. F.
Kress; board of management, Beatty.
D. H. Kress, C. W. Irwin, E. C. Apples of Gold Library; quarter-
Chapman. ly; annual subscription, five
Good Health (devoted to hygiene copies, 25 cents; twelve copies,
and the principles of healthful 50 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Co.,
living); monthly; thirty-two Mountain View, Cal.,; editorial
pages; yearly subscription, is committee, M., C. Wilcox, J. F.
6d; 451 Holloway Road, Lon- Beatty.
don, N., England; editors, A. B. Our Little Friend (a child's
Olsen, M. D., M. E. Olsen. paper); illustrated weekly;
The Sabbath-school Worker (or- eight pages; annual subscrip-
gan of the Sabbath-school de- tion, 50 cents; Pacific Press
partment of the General Con- Pub. Co., Mountain View, Cal.;
ference); monthly; sixteen editor, Kathrina B. Wilcox.


Atlantic Union Gleaner (official ences; eight pages; published
organ of the Atlantic Union by the Review and Herald Pub.
Conference) ; weekly; twelve Assn.; Takoma Park Station,
pages; 50 cents a year; Miss Washington, D. C.
Jennie Thayer, editor; pub- Northern Union Reaper (official
lished at South Lancaster, organ of the Northern Union
Mass. Conference) ; weekly; e igh t
Canadian Union Messenger (offi- pages; 50 cents a year; pub-
cial organ of the Canadian lished by the Northern Union
Union Conference); weekly; 35 Conference, at 347 East. Lake
cents; Port Credit, Ontario; edi- St., Minneapolis, Minn.; editor,
tor, Mrs. Katie Hancock. C. L. Emmerson.
The Trumpet; a monthly mission- The Southwestern Union Record
ary news-letter and record of (official organ of the South-
the book work in tile Lake Un- western Union Conference);
ion and Atlantic Union Confer- eight rages; weekly; fifty cents

a year; C. N. Woodward, edi- monthly; sixteen pages; annual

tor; C. Santee, associate editor; subscription, 40 cents; Interna-
published at Keene, Tex. tional Tract Society, Grindel-
Pacific Union Recorder (official berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
organ of the Pacific Union Con- The Missionary Worker (official
ference); weekly; fifty cents a organ of the British Union Con-
year; editorial committee, J. J. ference); semimonthly; eight
Ireland, H. W. Cottrell, Claude pages; is per year; post-paid,
Conard; published at Mountain is 6d; International Tract So-
View, Cal. ciety, Ltd., 451 Holloway Road,
North Pacific Union Gleaner (offi- London, N., England.
cial organ of the North Pacific South .African Missionary;
Union Conference); weekly;
monthly; 4 pages; annual sub-
eight pages; 50 cents a year;
published by the North Pacific scription, 60 cents; to countries
Union Conference, 221 Temple outside of South Africa and in
Court, Spokane, Wash.; editor, the Postal Union, 75 cents; edi-
A. G. Adams. tor, 0. 0. Fortner; Kenilworth,
Union Conference Record (official Cape, South Africa.
organ of the Australasian Rundschau der Adventisten (Ger-
Union Conference); weekly; man paper for circulation among
eight pages; annual subscrip- S. D. A. churches in South
tion, 4s; published by the Aus- America); eight pages; pub-
tralian Union Conference, " Els- lished by the Taquary Publish-
nath," Burwood St., Strathfield, ing,House, Taquary, Rio Grande
N. S. W., Australia; editor, do Sul, Brazil, South America;
' Mrs. A. L. Hindson. editor, J. W. Westphal, Casilla
ZionsWachter (organ of the Ger- 481, Buenos Ayres, Argentina,
man Union Conference) ; semi- South America.


(Arranged Alphabetically by Conferences.)

California: The Seed Sower; a East Michigan: East Michigan

weekly news-letter for house-to- Banner; weekly; twenty-five
house workers in the California- cents; published at Holly; man-
Nevada Conference, published at aging editor, J. G. Lamson.
Mountain View, Cal.; editor, A. India: Eastern Tidings; monthly;
J. S. Bourdeau. six pages; Re. 1 per year;
Colorado: Echoes from the Field; printed by J. C. Little at the
semimonthly; four pages; an- Watchman Press, Karmatar, E.
nual subscription, 25 cents; T. R., for the International
Colorado Tract Society, 1112 Tract Society, 39-1 Free School
South Eleventh St., Denver, St., Calcutta, India.
Colo.; editor, Mrs. M. MacGuire. Indiana: The Indiana Reporter;
East Caribbean: The Caribbean semimonthly; four pages; 25
Gleaner; monthly; eight pages; cents; Indiana Tract Society,
25 cents a tear; 31 Dundonald Room 221, Unity Bldg., Indian-
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, apolis, Ind.
West Indies; editor, S. A. Well- Iowa: The Workers' Bulletin;
man. weekly; four pages; 25 cents;

Iowa Tract Society, 603 East North Carolina: North Carolina

Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa; Messenger; monthly; 4 pages;
editor, W. E. Perrin. annual subscription, 25 cents;
Jamaica: The Jamaica Record; North ' Carolina Conference,
monthly; four pages; published Hickory, N. C.; editors, T. H.
at 32 Text Lane, Kingston, Jeys and Jessie V. Bosworth.
Jamaica, West Indies; editor, North Dakota: North Dakota
Norman Johnston. Gleaner (published in German);
Kansas: The Kansas Worker; monthly; four pages; 25 cents;
weekly; four pages; 35 cents; North Dakota Tract Society,
Kansas Tract Society, 821 West Box 285, Fargo, N. Dak.; editor,
g Fifth St., Topeka, Kans.; editor, Hattie E. Ohm-Clark.
H. E. Meyer. Northern Illinois: The Northern
Manitoba: Manitoba Worker; Illinois Recorder; biweekly;
monthly; four pages; 25 cents; four pages; 25 cents; Northern
Manitoba Tract Society, 438 Illinois Conference, Room 670,
Selkirk Ave., Vk mnipeg, Mani- Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill.; edi-
toba; editor, Mrs. Jessie L. tor, H. E.Moon.
Adams. North Michigan: North Michigan
Missouri: The Workers' Record; Conference.Dews Sheet; month-
semimonthly; four pages; 25 ly, 25 cents; Petoskey, Mich.
cents; issued by the Missouri Ohio The Welcome Visitor, four
Tract Society, 1109 East pages; weekly; 25 cents; Ohio
Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo.; Conference, Mt. Vernon, Ohio;
James Cochran, editor. editor, Miss Bessie E. Russell.
Montana: Montana Bivouac; edi- Southern Illinois: Southern Illi-
itor, A. E. Everett, Bozeman, nois Herald; biweekly; four
Mont. pages; 25 cents; 300 West
Natal-Transvaal: Flashes from Allen St., Springfield, Ill.; edi-
the Battle Field; two pages; tor, S. J. Quantocx.
weekly; Natal-Transvaal Con- Tennessee River: Tennessee River
ference, Stranach St., Pieter- Conference News; biweekly;
maritzburg, Natal, South Af- four pages; 25 cents a year;
rica; editor, H. J. Edmed. published at Hazel, Ky.
Nebraska: Nebraska Reporter; West Michigan: The West Mich-
semimonthly; four pages; 25 igan Herald; weekly; four
cents; Nebraska Conference, pages; 25 cents; Otsego, Mich.;
College View, Nebr.; editor, A. editor, Miss Margaret Haughey.
T. Robinson. Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Re-
New Jersey: Missionary News- porter; weekly; four pages; 25
Letter; 2 pages; weekly; by
cents; Wisconsin Tract Society,
the New Jersey Conference,
Swedesboro, N. J.; editor, Mrs. 203 High St., Oshkosh, Wis.
Anna E. Rambo. Wyoming: Wyoming Enterprise;
New York: The Indicator; week- four pages; quarterly; 25 cents;
ly; four pages; 25 cents; New published by the Wyoming Mis-
York Tract Society, 317 West sion Field; field editor, J. H.
Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.; Wheeler; office editor, Miss
editor, F. N. Johnson. Grace Tillottson, Cranford, Nebr.
(Alphabetically arranged by languages.)

1 a s a t el Pravdy (Herald of Aikain Vartija ; monthly; 8 pages;
Truth); monthly; 8 or 16 annual subscription, 50 cents;
pages; Sabbath-school, church, Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, Fin-
and missionary paper; subscrip- land; editor, Fred Anderson.
tion, kr. 1.80, America, 50 cents;
editor, Josef Makovsky; pub-
lished by International Tract
Society, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- FRENCH.
burg, Germany.. Les Signes des Temps; monthly;
annual subscription, 1 fr. 50 (30
cents) ; published at 29 rue de
la Synagogue, Geneva, Switzer-
CHINESE. land; editors, J. Vuilleumier, J.
Fuh-In-Hsuen Pao (The Gospel Curdy.
Herald; sixteen page monthly; Le Messager (church paper) ;
25 cents; edam', H. W. Miller, semimonthly; annual subscrip-
Sin Iang Cheo, Honan, via tion, fr. 1.50; 29 rue de la Syn-
Hankow, China. agogue, Geneva, Switzerland;
editor, J. Vuilleumier.
Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de
l'Hygiene; monthly health
DANISH-NORWEGIAN. paper; sixteen pages; fr. 2.50
(50 cts.); 29 rue de la Syna-
Evangeliets Sendebud: Semi- gogue, Geneva, Switzerland; ed-
monthly; 16 pages; annual sub- itor, P. A. De Forest.
scription, kr. 2.50; rate for
America, $1.00; Akersgaden 74,
Christiania, Norway; editor,
Erik Arnesen. GERMAN.
Sundhedsbladet (health journal);
monthly; 24 pages; annual sub- Herold der Wahrheit; semimonth-
scription, in Norway, kr. 2.50; ly; 8 pages, annual subscrip-
in Denmark, 3.00; rate for tion, ink. 2 (60 cents for
America, 80 cents; Akersgaden America) ; Grindelberg, 15a,
74, Christiania, Norway; editor, Hamburg, Germany; editors, L.
J. C. Ottosen. R. Conradi, IL F. Schuberth.
Evangeliets Sendebud; weekly; Gute Gesundheit (health paper) ;
sixteen pages; annual subscrip- monthly; sixteen pages; annual
tion, $1.25; College View, Nebr.; subscription, mk. 1.60 (for
editor, C. A. Thorp; Assistant America, 50 cents); Grindelberg
Editor, P. E. Berthelsen. 15a, Hamburg, Germany; edi-
tors, A. J. Hoenes, P. A. De
U n s e r kleiner Freund (child's
FIJIAN paper) ; weekly; 16 pages; an-
nual subscription, 80' pfg. (for
Rarama; monthly; Buresala, via America, 30 cents); Grindel-
Levuka, Fiji, Pacific Ocean; edi- berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany;
tor, J. E. Fulton. editor, A. Plass.

Christlicher Hausfreund; semi- published at Grindelberg 15a,

monthly; 20 pages; annual sub- Hamburg, Germany.
scription, $1.00; College View,
Nebr.; editor, 0. F. Schwedrat;
field editor, T. Valentiner. PORTUGUESE.
Deutscher Arbeiter; semimonthly;
8 pages; annual subscription, 50 0 Arauto da Verdade; monthly;
cents; College View, Nebr.; sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
editor, 0. F. Schwedrat; field tion, 65 cents; in clubs of ten
editor, T. Valentiner. or more copies, 45 cents each;
Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Ja-
neiro, Brazil, South America;
HOLLAND. editor, Emil Hoelzle.
Revista Trimensal; monthly; 4
Zions-Wachter; monthly; 8 pages; pages; published by the Ta-
annual subscription, .75 florin, quary Publishing House, Ta-
to foreign countries, 1 florin (40 quary, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra-
cents); International Tract So- zil, South America; editor, E.
ciety, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Hoelzle.
burg, Germany; editor, L. R.
Raratongan Paper; monthly; edi-
HUNGARIAN. tor, Mrs. F. W. Waugh.
Az ri.rato (The Reaper); 16 pages;
monthly church and Sabbath- RUSSIAN.
school lesson paper; 50 cents Maslina (Olive-tree); 16 pages; ap-
per annum (2 kronen); editor, pears monthly; Sabbath-school,
Jfinos F. Huenergardt, Rakoss- church, and missionary paper;
zentmihaly, Rakoczy-utca 17, subscription price, 50 cents a
Hungary, published by the In- year (Russia, 80 kp.); Interna-
ternational Tract Society, Grin- tional Tract Society, Grindel-
delberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.

Fraekorn; semimonthly; 8 pages;
annual subscription, 60 cents; El Mensajero de la Verdad; illus-
Reykjavik, Iceland; editor, trated monthly of 16 pages, de-
David Ostlund. voted to the exposition of the
prophecies, practical religion,
and health and temperance top-
JAPANESE. ics; annual subscription in
Owari No Fukuin; monthly; 16 Mexico, 50 centavos; outside of
pages; annual subscription, 25 Mexico, 50 cents. Special dis-
cents; 846 Sendagaya-mura, counts in clubs. Editor, G. W.
Tokyo, Japan; editors, T. H. Caviness, Apartado 2229, Mex-
Okohira, F. W. Field. ico City, Mexico.
El Campo Mexicano; 4-page
monthly; organ of the Mexican
LETTONIAN. S. D. A. Mission; annual sub-
scription, 25 cents; editor, Geo.
Zionas Sargs; 32 pages; quar- M. Brown, 1420 Avenida 20,
terly; illustrated; 20 cents; Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.

La Verdad Presente; monthly; 8 SWEDISH.

pages; annual subscription, 65 Tidens Tecken; semimonthly;
cents; Argentine Conference; 8 pages; annual subscription,
Casilla 481, Buenos Ayres, Ar- kr. 2; rate for America, 85
gentine Republic, South Amer- cents; Kungsgatan 34, Stock-
ica; editor, N. Z. Town; assist- holm, Sweden; editor, E. J.
ant editors, Lydia Oppegard, A. Ahrdn.
Fulton. Missionaren (with S. S. lessons
Senales de los Tiempos; monthly; for children); semimonthly; 8
8 pages; 50c a year; published pages; kr. 1.20 (60 cents for
by the West Coast Mission, America); Scandinavian Pub-
Casilla 787, Valparaiso, Chile, lishing Association, Kungsgatan
South America; editor, E. W. 34, Stockholm, Sweden; editor,
Thomann. E. J. Ahren.
Revista Adventista; monthly; 8 Sions Vaktare; weekly; 16 pages;
pages; Casilla 787, Valparaiso, annual subscription, $1.25; Col-
Chile, South America; editor, lege View, Nebr.; editors, A.
N. Z. Town; assistant editor, Swedberg and A. Anderson.
E. W. Thomann.
El Centinela de la Verdad; 24 TAHITIAN.
pages; monthly; 50 cents; pub-
lished at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, Tahitian Paper; monthly; editor,
West Indies; editor, B. E. Con- B. J. Cady, Papeete, Tahiti, So-
nerly. ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean.


Bible Training School (devoted to apolis, Minn.; editor, H. F.
the interests of house-to-house Phelps.
Bible work); 16 pages; month- The Educational Messenger (an
ly; 25 cents a year; South Lan- exponent of the theory and
caster, Mass.; editor, S. N. Has- practise of ,Christian education);
kell. semimonthly; 16 pages; 50 cts.
Good Tidings of the Messiah; a per year; representing the Edu-
monthly paper devoted to the cational Department of the Cen-
interests of gospel work among tral Union Conference; pub-
the Jews; 8 pages; 25 cents; lished at College View, Nebr.;
105-7 Staniford St., Boston, editor, C. C. Lewis; associate
Mass.; F. C. Gilbert, editor and editors, M. E. Kern and B. E.
publisher. Huffman.
Home, Farm, and School (devoted The Gospel Herald; 10 cents a
to domestic, agriculture, and year; 4 pages; published month-
educational interests); month- ly by the Southern Missionary
ly; 8 pages; annual subscrip- Society, North Station, Nash-
tion, 50 cents; editors, N. W. ville, Tenn.
Kauble and J. H. Haughey; The The Christian Record (a paper
Advocate Publishing Co., Ber- printed for the blind, printed
rien Springs, Mich. in Improved Braille and in New
Save the Boys (a monthly journal York point); monthly; twenty
devoted to the purity of the pages; subscription, $2 per
home); 40 cents a year; ad- year; published at College View,
dress, Washburn Park, Minne- Nebr.; editorial committee, L.

N. Muck, E. T. Russell, W. A. itor, David Paulson, M. D.; as-

George, J. S. Hart. sociate editor, W. S. Sadler,
The Life Boat; an illustrated M. D.
monthly journal devoted to
charitable, philanthropic health- General papers 18
and soul-saving work ; 32 Union papers 12
pages; annual subscription, 50 Local papers 26
cents; to foreign countries, 65 Foreign papers 32
cents; published by the Work- Private papers 8
ingmen's Home and Life Boat
Mission Assn., Hinsdale, Ill.; ed- Total 96
(Arranged alphabetically.)

ATLANTA SANITARIUM. Number of patients treated during

243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga. the year, 200; total employed in
the institution, 50.
Established 1903.
Board of Directors: J. D. Shively,
Board of Directors: R. M. Kilgore, F. M. Wilcox, the Presidents of
Medical Superintendent of the the Colorado and Central Union'
Southern Sanitarium, A. S. Conferences, Ida S. Herr, James
Maxwell, Geo. I. Butler, G. W. G. Weller, Kate Lindsay, Wat-
Wells, and J. E. Bowen. son Zeigler, Chas. E. Rice.
Rented to Chas. F. Curtis, who Officers: J. D. Shively, Chairman;
reports for the past year 1,007 Francis 'M. -Wilcox, Sec. and
treatments given, and three em- Treas.; Chas. E. Rice, Steward;
ployees. Mrs. C. Egner, Matron; James
Equipment: One building, with G. Weller, manager Denver
capacity for eight patients. Branch (1519 Stout St.); N. C.
Johnson, manager Food Depart-
AVONDALE HEALTH RE- Medical Faculty: J. D. Shively,
TREAT. M. D.; Ida S. Herr, M. D.; Kate
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Lindsay, M. D.; Helen N. Rice,
R. N.; Christian Egner, R. N.;
Assets: $12,000. Francis M. v i]cox.
Equipment: Two buildings; ten
Board: C. W. Irwin, 0. A. Olsen, ING-SCHOOL.
E. H. Gates, E. G. Chapman, L.
A. Hoopes, J. E. Fulton, D. H. J. D. Shively, M. D., Chairman;
Kress, M. Hare. Helen N. Rice, R. N., Sec. and
Supt.; Kate Lindsay, M. D.; Ida
S. Herr, M. D.; Francis M. Wil-
cox, C. Egner, Edith Peterson.
Berrien Springs, Mich.
Established 1907. BUFFALO SANITARIUM.
Medical Superintendent: Geo. 922 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Runck, M. D.
Established 1902. Unincorporated.
Capacity: 15 patients.
BOULDER SANITARIUM. Medical Superintendent: A. R.
Satterlee, M. D.
Boulder, Colo.
Assets: $127,837.92.
Equipment: 14 buildings, inclu- Incorporated June 28, 1906.
ding laundry, barn, and small Directors of the Board: A. R.
cottages; 90 acres of ground Satterlee, F. H. Hicks, Mrs. A.
under control. R. Satterlee.

CALCUTTA SANITARIUM. Secretary, A. B. Olsen; Treas-
urer, W. T. Bartlett.
5o Park St., Calcutta, India. Medical Superintendent: A. B. 01:
sen, M. D.; Matron, Mrs. A. B.
Assets: $4,500. Olsen, M. D.
Equipment: One rented building,
with annex; capacity, 20 pa-
Number of patients treated during
Total employed in the institution: Thor Olsens Gade r, Christiania,
Board of Management: R. S. In- Norway.
gersoll, J. L. Shaw, W. W. Mil-
ler, A. G. Watson, J. H. Reagan. Assets: $969.
Equipment: One building (rented
Medical Supt.: R. S. Ingersoll,
M. D.; Mrs. Olive P. Ingersoll, of Christiania Pub. House).
Capacity: 30 Patients.
M. D.
Employees: 7.
Treatments given last year: 3,484.
Superintendent: C. M. Jensen.
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
Established 1904.
Assets: $23,890.02.
Equipment: One building; ca:Pa- Papanui, Christchurch, New
city, twenty patients. Zealand.
Total employed in institution: 14.
hoard of Trustees: I. j. Hankins, Assets: $20,000.
Dr. Geo. Thomason, W. C. Wal- Equipment: One building; ten
ston, J. V. Willson, E. Ingle, acres.
W. S. Hyatt, J. J. Wessels. Capacity: 20 patients.
Officers: I. J. Hankins, Chairman; Employees: 8.
T. J. Gibson, Sec. and Treasurer. Board: W. L. H. Baker, Dr. J. S.
Medical Superintendent: Geo. Reekie, W. J. Smith, S. H.
Thomason, M. D.; Matron, Miss Amyes, G. A. Brandstater.
Ida Thomason; .Business Man- Physician: J. S. Reekie, M. D.
ager, G. W. Webb.

Caterham, Surrey, England.
Established 1903. Location: 99 rue Mussillim, Gne-
dik Pacha, Stamboul, Turkey.
Assets: $21,321.87. . Post-office Address: British Post,
Equipment: Two buildings; ca- Galata, Constantinople, Turkey.
pacity, 40 patients; 11/2 acres of Assets: $1,085.
land. Equipment: One rented building;
Patients treated during the year: capacity, 20 treatments per day.
400. Number treated since opening
Employees: 22. (first part of 1906): 590.
Board of Managers: W. C. Sisley, Employees: 4.
A. B. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett. Superintendent: A. W. George,
Officers: Chairman, W. C. Sisley; Af. D.

Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Eight Miles north of Los Angeles.
Magdeburg, Germany. Post-office, Glendale, Cal.
Established 1904.
Established 1899.
Board: G. W. Reaser (Pres.), S. S.
Assets: "Deutsche'. Verein," $95,- Merrill (Sec. and Treas.), J. R.
184.42. Leadsworth, A. Winegar-Simp-
Equipment: Sanitarium building, son, M. D., R. W. Simpson, C. F.
with wing; capacity, 60 patients. Marvin, J. A. Burden.
Medical Staff: P. S. Kellogg, M. ,
Patients treated during 1905: 227. D.; A. Winegar-Simpson, M. D.;
Employees: In summer, 20-25. J. R. Leadsworth, M. D.
Trained nurses working outside: Business Manager: R. W. Simp-
40. son.
" Deutscher Verein fiir Gesund-
heitspflege." Legal organization
for holding the Friedensau prop- GRAYSVILLE SANITARIUM.
erty. Graysville, Tenn.
Trustees: L. R. Conradi, A. J.
Hoenes, Otto Luepke, H. F. Assets: $18,014.47.
Schuberth, W. Krumm, H. Hart- Equipment: Two buildings; 45
kop, J. G. Obliinder, J. Pieper, acres of ground under control.
E. E. Frauchiger, J. T. Boet- Capacity: Fifteen to twenty pa-.
tcher, G. W. Schubert, J. Erz- tients.
berger. Number of patients treated during
the last eight months': 50.
Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; Total employed in the institution:
Vice-Pres., W. Krumm; Sec., 0. 10.
Luepke; .Auditor, H. Hartkop. Board of Directors: R. M. Kilgore,
Medical Superintendent: A. J. L. A. Hansen, J. E. Tenney, S.
Hoenes, M. D.; Matron, Miss M. Jacobs, J. L. Maroon, M. M.
Helene Bartel; Treas., Paul Martinson, M. D., C. H. Moyers.
Brandt; Business Manager, W. Officers: Chairman, C. H. Moyers;
Krumm. bee., J. E. Tenney; Treas. and
Head Nurses: Fr. Gernhard and Business Manager, M. M. Mar-
Charlotte Creeper. tinson; Matron, Statie S. Rob-
Medical Faculty: Supt., M. M.
Martinson, M. D.; Asst. Supt.,
Stella C. Martinson.
Frederikshavn, Denmark.
Victoria Square, Adelaide, South
Assets: $22,379.50. Australia, Australia.
Equipment: One building; capa- Equipment: One building, rented;
city, 50 patients; 7 acres of general appliances; special elec-
land. trical aparatus.
Patients during 1905: 195. Net Worth: $1,112.38.
Employees; 23. Employees: Six.
Officers: Danish Conference Com- Board: E. S. Butz, A. W. Sem-
mittee: Director, N. P. Nelson rnens.
M. D. Manager: A. W. Semmens.


Des Moines, Iowa. 7 Cheapside, Kimberley, South
Established 1899. Africa.

Corporate Name: Iowa Sanitarium Assets: $17,001.79.

and Benevolent Association. Board of Trustees: Executive
Directors: L. F. Starr, J. W. Dor- Committee of the Cape Colony
cas, N. C. Bergersen, A. V. Conference.
Rhoads, Christian Juhl, H. A. Manager: J. V. Willson; Matron,
Habenicht. Mrs. J. V. Willson.
Officers: Medical Superintendent,
H. A. Habenicht, M. D.; Secre-
tary, M. Atace Mantz, M. D.;
Treasurer and Business Man- KNOWLTON SANITARIUM.
ager, L. C. Christofferson; Ma-
tron, Mrs. L. C. Christofferson. Knowlton, Quebec.
Executive Committee: Members of Established 1903.
the Board of Directors who may
be present, and C. W. Larson, Assets: $8,480.57.
M. Alace Mantz, M. D.-, Nellie Equipment: Three buildings; ca-
L. Davis, A. H. Kambly. pacity, twenty patients; one
IOWA SANITARIUM TRAINING- Number patients treated during
SCHOOL. year: 250.
Employees: 15.
Des Moines, Iowa. Board of Directors: D. E. Lindsey,
W. H. Libby, P. Bilden, E. J.
Faculty: H. A. Habenicht, M. D., Miller, F. W. McElroy, G. A.
Supt.; M. Alace Mantz, M. D., Cushing, D. E. Gustin.
Sec.; L. F. Starr; J. W. Dorcas; Officers: Chairman, D. E. Lind-
Nellie L. Davis; A. II. Kambly. sey; Sec. and Treas., W. H.
Libby; Matron, Miss Bertha
Medical Supt.: , Business
Manager and Chaplain, D. E.
Wichita, Kans.
Established 1904.
Assets: $35,016.10.
Equipment: One four-story build- 42 Yamamoto-dori, Nichome,
ing; capacity, forty patients; Kobe, Japan.
twenty acres of land.
Employees: 20. Established 1903.
Board of Directors: R. C. Porter,
A. R. Ogden, Dr. F. E. Braucht, Assets: $3,500.
L. C. ' Christofferson, H. S. Os- Accommodates fifteen in-patients.
terloh. Number of Japanese helpers em-
Officers: F. E. Braucht, M. D., ployed: Seven.
M. D. S., Medical Superinten- Physicians: Dr. S. A. Lockwood,
dent; H. G. Schaumloffel, M. D., Dr. Myrtle 'S. Lockwood.
Business Manager and Asst. Nurses: Miss Bessie M. Young,
Physician; Miss Bertha McClel- John N. Herboltzeimer, Mrs. J.
lan, Matron. N. Herboltzeimer.


The Esei-in, No. 4, Kano-cho, Ni-
82 Regent Road, Leicester, Eng-
chome, Kobe, Japan.
Established 1904.
Established 1903.
Accommodates fifteen in-patients.
Total number of workers em- Assets: $1,838.23.
ployed: Fourteen. Equipment: One building; capac-
Physician: Dr. Kiku Noma. ity, 15 patients.
Business Manager: T. Kawano. Patients treated during year clo-
sing June 30, 1906, 126; num-
ber of treatments given, 2,304.
Employees: 9.
LAFAYETTE SANITARIUM. Board of Managers: W. D. Mac-
Lafayette, Ind. bay, F. C. Richards, Geo. Haw-
Established 1906. Officers: Pres., W. D. MacLay;
Sec., F. C. Richards.
Assets: Estimated, $20,000.
Medical Superintendent: F. C.
Board of Directors: W. J. Stone, Richards, M. D.; Eulalia S.
W. W. Worster, M. a, J. H. Richards, M. D.
Niehaus, B. F. Thiebaud, C. J.
Buhalts, E. D. Johnston.
Officers: Pres.,W. J. Stone; Vice- LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM.
Pres., W. . Worster, M. D.;
Sec., J. H. Niehaus. Near Redlands; Post-Office, Loma
Medical Superintendent: VC W. Linda, Cal.
Worster, M. D.
Established 1905.
Board: J. A. Burden (Pres.), S. S.
LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM. Merrill (Sec. and Treas.), G. W.
Reaser, J. R. Leadsworth, G. K.
Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. Abbott, A. Rueff, Julia White.
Organized 1904. Medical Staff: G. K. Abbott, M..
D.; Miss Julia A. White, M. D.
Corporate Name: " Societe Philan-
thropique de la Ligniere " (as-
sets, $69,524.44).
Assets: $11,301.26. LONE STAR SANITARIUM.
Equipment: Three buildings; ca- Keene, Tex.
pacity, 100 patients; 100 acres
of land for sanitarium and Managing Board: C. Santee
school uses. (Pres.), C. N. Woodward, C. B.
Patients treated during year: 160. Hughes, T. B. Creager.
Employees: 35. Medical Superintendent and Sec-
Board of Directors: L. R. Con- retary: Thos. J. Leach, M. D.
radi, Jules Robert, P. A. De For-
est, L. P. Tieche, A. Guenin.
Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; MADISON SANITARIUM.
Sec. and Treas., J. Robert. Madison, Wis.
Local Board: C. Reihlen, P. A. De
Forest, Jean Vuilleumier, J. .Established 1902.
Robert, Mrs. E. N. Holser. Assets: $81,776.09.
Medical Superintendent: P. A. De Equipment: Four buildings; ca-
Forest, M. D. pacity, 60 patients; 9 acres of
Matron: Mrs. E. N. Holser. land.

Patients treated during year: 420. Medical Staff: W. A. George, M.

Employees: 38. D.; Lyra H. George, M. D.;
Board of Directors: C. McRey- Amy R. Humphrey, M. D.; Or-
nolds, R. T. Dowsett, W. S. ville Rockwell, M. D.
Shreve, Wm. Pflugradt, Dr. W.
T. Lindsey, Dr. C. P. Farns-
worth; J. H. Bramhall.
Officers: Pres., C. McReynolds; NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM.
Sec. and Treas., J. H. Bram-
hall; Supt., C. P. Farnsworth. Melrose, Mass.
Medical Faculty: C. P. Farns- Established 1899.
worth, M. D.; W. T. Lindsay,
M. D. Assets: $100,000.
Equipment: Six buildings; 42
acres of ground.
Capacity: 100 patients; treated
NASHVILLE SANITARIUM. during year, 500; average num-
ber of patients, 65; employees,
Nashville, Tenn. 80.
. Established 1904. Board: C. C. Nicola, W. M. ,Lee,
A. P. Needham, E. W. Earns-.
Equipment: One building; capac- worth, W. J. Fitzgerald, F. C.
ity, fifty patients; ten acres of Gilbert, W. A. Westworth, H. F
ground. Ketring.
Employees: Twenty. Mecacal Faculty: C. C. Nicola,
Board of Directors: G. I. Butler, B. S., M. D.; Pliny F. Haskell,
L. A. Hansen, I. A. Ford, F. A. M. D.; Laura B. Stoner, M. D.;
Washburn, W. A. Wilcox, C. P. Lesley M. Frazer, M. D.; Wini-
Bollman, J. D. Caldwell. fred W. Frederick, Supt. of
Officers: G. I. Butler, Pres.; L. A. Training-school for Nurses.
Hansen, Vice-Pres.; F. A. Wash-
burn, Medical Supt.; J. D. Cald-
well, Sec. and Treas.; Mrs. L.
A. Hansen, Matron; Miss Ida
1929 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Established 1903.
Assets: $66,000.
College View, Nebr. Equipment: Three buildings; ca-
Established 1394. pacity, 30 patients; 325 treated
last year.
Capacity: 75 patients. Total employed: 25.
Number patients treated during Corporate Name: Pennsylvania
year: 500. Sanitarium and Benevolent As-
Number employed in institution: sociation.
60. Officers: Pres., W. J. Fitzgerald;
Board of Trustees: W. A. George, Vice-Pres., C. D. Christman, M.
D. R. Callahan, Bert Glasscock, D.; Sec. and Treas., G. E. Hart-
E. T. Russell, A. T. Robinson, man; Business Manager, Mor-
Lewis Johnson, N. B. Emerson. ris Lukens.
Officers of Board: W. A. George, Faculty: Superintendent, H. B.
President; D. R. Callahan, Knapp, M. D.; Assistant Physi-
Treasurer; Josephine Nelson, cians, Nettie E. Knapp, M. D.;
Secretary. J. M. Keichline, M. D.


Mt. Tabor Station, Portland, Apia, Samoa.
Established 1897.
Founded, 1893; Reaanized, 1902.
Became an institution of the North Superintendent: Vacant.
Pacific Union Conference, 1906.
Equipment: Two buildings; capac-
ity, eighty patients; two-and-
three-tenths acres land, lawns,
and playgrounds. ST. HELENA SANITARIUM.
Patients treated during the year:
536. Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Employees: 44.
Board of Directors: J. E. Froom Established 1878.
(Pres.), R. Rose (Sec.), D. R.
Nichols (Treas.), H. W. Decker, Assets: $130,320.
W. B. White. Advisory Mem- Equipment: Twenty-one build-
bers: A. G. Adams, F. S. Bunch. ings; capacity, 150 patients;
Officers and Medical Faculty: 250 acres.
Superintendent, J. E. Froom, Patients- treated during the year:
M. D.; N. C. MacLafferty, M. 800.
D.; W. B. Holden, M. D.; D. Employees: 95.
Nettleton, Chaplain; Mrs. Ella Board of Directors: L. M. Bowen
Moore, Matron; D. R. Nichols, (Pres.), E. E. Parlin (Sec.), H.
Manager. E. Randall (Treas.), H. F. Rand,
Training-school Faculty: Medical, Camillus Bush, W. C. White, J.
J. E. Froom, W. B. Holden, N. H. Behrens, E. G. Fulton.
C. MacLafferty; Domestic Sci- Officers: Medical Supt., H. F.
ence, Mrs. Ella Moore; Culinary Rand, M. D.; Business Manager,
Dept., Sophia Giles; Physical L. M. Bowen; Chaplain, J. H.
Culture and Nursing, Miss Belle Behrens; Matron, Mrs. J. L.
Shryock; Bible, Daniel Nettle- Ings; Steward, H. McDowell.
ton; Vocal Music, Rhetoric, and Medical Faculty: H. F. Rand, M.
Physics, Miss Edna Pincus. D.; Camillus Bush, M. D.;
Henrietta E. Brighouse, M. D.;
Effie A. Brown, M. D.; Etta
Gray, M. D.
(Formerly Belfast Sanitarium.) SANITARIUM FOOD COMPANY.
Rostrevor, County Down, Ireland.
Established 1902. Incorporated August 1, 1902.

Assets: $2,602.48. Assets: Dec. 31, 1905, $60,990.19.

Equipment: Three buildings; ca- Equipment: Three-story building,
pacity, 14 patients; 120 acres 28-ft. ovens, 40 H. P. plant;
land. wine plant complete; one 10-bbl.
Patients treated during year: 85. flour mill.
Employees: Six. Capacity: Ten tons per day.
Board of Managers: J. J. Bell, Land under control: Five acres.
M. A. Altman, A. Cunningham. Directors: L. M. Bowen (Pres.),
Officers: Chairman and Treasurer, W. T. Knox, H. H. Haynes, E.
Dr. J. J. Bell. G. Fulton, H. E. Randall, E. H.
Medical Superintendent: Dr. J. J. Waller; See. and Attorney, E.
Bell; Matron, Mrs. J. J. Bell. E. Parlin.

SKODSBORG SANITARIUM. Board: D. H. Kress, 0. A. Olsen,

G. B. Starr, Mrs. L. Kress, W.
Skodsborg, Denmark. H. James, J. E. Fulton, Mrs.
Esther Anderson.
Office: St. Kongensgade 36, Co- Medical Faculty: D. H. Kress, M.
penhagen. D.; Mrs. L. Kress, M. D.; W. H.
Assets: $67,762.31. James, M. D.; Matron, Mrs.
Equipment: Three buildings; ca- Esther Anderson.
pacity, 100; 13 acres.
Patients treated during 1905: 575. SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD
Employees: 70.
Officers: Directors, J. C. Ottosen,
M. D.; Bus. Mgr. and Treas., L. Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
P. Hansen; Matron, Martha An- Board: C. W. Irwin, 0. A. Olsen,
derson; Inspector, R. J. Aa- E. H. Gates, E. C. Chapman, J.
gaard. E. Fulton, D. H. Kress, M. Hare,
Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen, M. L. A. Hoopes.
D.; M. A. Mortensen, M. D.; W.
P. Larsen, M. D.

SYDNEY SANITARIUM AND 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill.
Incorporated as " Northern Illi-
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. nois Medical Missionary and
Constituency: 0. A. Olsen, D. H. Sanitarium Association."
Kress, G. B. Starr, G. S. Fisher, Assets: July 1, 1906, $40,963.19.
J. E. Fulton, C. W. Irwin, M. D. Equipment: City property, con-
Rogers, J. M. Johanson, J. Hind- sisting of two thirds of a block
son, M. Hare, Edith M. Graham, of land, with main building,
E. C. Chapman, E. S. Butz, F. three stories high, 135 x 50, and
W. Paap, Lewis Butler. out-buildings. Two and a third
Board of Directors: 0. A. Olsen acres of suburban property for
(Pres.), D. H. Kress, C. W. a summer camp and recreation
Irwin, G. B. Starr, M. Hare, J. park.
E. Fulton, Edith M. Graham Capacity: Thirty resident patients,
(Sec. and Treas.). one hundred transient patients
per day. Number of patients
treated during year ending June
30, 1906, 345.
SYDNEY SANITARIUM. Employees: Physicians, 3; nurses,
18; other helpers, 3.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Board of Directors: William Co-
Established 1902. vert, George A. Wheeler, San-
ford P. S. Edwards, Maria L.
Assets: $75,000. Edwards, Walter C. Foreman, J.
Equipment: Main building; capac- Henry Allen, Jacob Klooster,
ity, 60 patients; treatment Henry C. Winslow, Jay W.
building, gymnasium, and four Cummings.
cottages; 60 acres land. Medical Faculty: S. P. S. Ed-
Average number of patients wards, M. D.; Maria L. Ed-
treated per month: 48. wards, M. D.; D. D. Comstock,
Employees: 45. M. D.

WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM. Board of Trustees: G. A. Irwin,

A. G. Daniells, I. H. Evans, J. H.
College Place, Wash. Neall, W. A. 'Ruble, J. 11. Scott,
Established 1905. G. T. Harding, Jr.
Officers: Pres., G. A. Irwin; Vice-
Assets: $10,821.76. Pres., I. H. Evans; Sec., H. P.
Equipment: One building, heated Gardner; Treas., I. H. Evans.
by steam and lighted by elec-
tricity; capacity, 15 patients;
two acres of ground in the
Location: Three miles from Walla TARIUM.
Walla, on the interurban elec-
Nos. & 2 Iowa Circle, Wash-
tric line.
Number of patients treated during ington, 'D. C.
the year: 38 house patients, Established, 1905, by the Wash-
not including bath-room pa- ington (D. C.) Sanitarium Asso-
tients. ciation, to introduce the work of
Employees: Eight. the Washington Sanitarium,
Board of Directors: I. A. Dunlap, now under construction at Ta-
S. Yarnell, H. 'W. Decker, 0. koma Park, Md., a suburb of
Bill, T. L. Ragsdale, C: M. Washington, D. C.
Christiansen, G. E. Langdon. Assets: $10,000.
Officers: Pres., I. A. Dunlap; Officers: Supt., G. T. Harding, Jr.,
Business Mgr. and Treas., C. M. M. D.; reas. and Business
Christiansen; Sec., M. E. Cady; Manager, H. P. Gardner; Ma-
Matron, Miss Emma Dineson. tron, Mrs. G. A. Irwin; Phy-
Medical Superintendent: I. A. sicians, C. T. Harding, Jr., M.
Dunlap, M. D. D.; J. H. Neall, M. D.; G. H.
Heald, M. D.; Woman Physi-
cian, Mrs. Patience S. Bourdeau-
Incorporated 1904.
Number of institutions 40
Assets: $65,000. Assets, mostly report-
Corporate Name: Washington (D. ed, partly approx-
C.) Sanitarium Association. imated $1,414,668.55



Adirondack Sanitarium, Lake George, N. Y.; Supt., E. F. Otis, M. D.;

Other Members Medical Faculty, Mrs. Clara B. Otis, M. D., Maud
0. Vollmer, M. D.
Alberta Sanitarium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Supt., F. L.
Arizona Sanitarium, 515 North Central Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.; Supt.,
E. C. Bond, M. D.; also has a branch institution near Phoenix,
for the care of those suffering from lung trouble.
Birmingham Sanitarium, Birmingham, Ala.; Dr. Lottie C. Isbell in

Black River Valley Sanitarium, Watertown, N. Y.; Supt., Isadore L.

Green, M. D.
Colorado Springs Sanitarium, 126 North Cascade Ave., Colorado
Springs, Colo.; Business Manager, F. W. Patterson.
Garden City Sanitarium, San Jose, Cal.; Supt., L. J. Belknap, M. D.
Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill.; Medical Supt., David Paulson,
M. D.; Other Member of Medical . Faculty, Mrs. Mamie W.
Paulson, M. D.
Little, Rock Sanitarium, 1323 Wolfe St., Little Rock, Ark.; Supt.,
W. C. Green, M. D.
Lowville Sanitarium, Lowville, N. Y.; Supt., Dr. Chas. Bush.
Middletown Sanitarium, -Middletown, N. Y.; Supt., B. B. Kinne, M. D.
Montrose Sanitarium, Montrose, Minn.; Supt., E. P. Hawkins, M. D.
Newark Sanitarium, 159 West Main St., Newark, Ohio; Pres. and
Treas., R. I. Francis.
Northwestern Sanitarium, Port Townsend, Wash.; Supt., W. R. Sim-
mons, M. D.; Other Members of Medical Faculty, B. N. MacLaf-
ferty, M. D.; Mayme MacLafferty, M. D.
Oakland Sanitarium, Oakland, Cal.; Supt., W. H. Maxson, M. D.;
Mrs. W. H. Maxson, M. D.
Ocean View Sanitarium, 120 High St., Santa Cruz., Cal.; Manager,
W. G. Mills.
Otter Lake Sanitarium, Otter Lake, Mich.; Pres., M. N. Dawson;
Medical Faculty, P. E. Marsh, M. D.; H. E. Randall, M. D.
Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal.; Pres., E. S. Bal-
lenger; Medical Faculty, Robert Buchanan, M. D.; T. S. White-
, lock, M. D.; Mary P. Hunter, M. D.
Peoria Sanitarium, 203 Third Ave., Peoria, Ill.; Supt., J. E. Heald,
M. D.
Prospect Sanitarium, 5411 Prospect Ave., S. E., Cleveland, Ohio.
Riverside Sanitarium, Montrose, Colo.; Manager, F. J. Hartman;
Physician, F. G. Diedrickson.
Springfield Sanitarium, Springfield, Mass.; Supt., Dr. Mary San-
Tacoma Sanitarium, Tacoma, Wash.; Supt., T. J. Allen, M. D.
Workingmen's Home Dispensary, 888 Thirty-fifth Place, Chicago, Ill.;
Supt., W. T. Thornton, M. D.; Other Members of Faculty, W. S.
Sadler, M. D.; Lena K. Sadler, M. D.

Number of private institutions 24

Estimated assets $350,000.00
Number of conference and private institutions 64
Total assets $1,764,668.55
Abbott, Geo. K., Loma Linda, via Droll, G. A., 1424 Charlotte St.,
Redlands, Cal. Kansas City, Mo.
Abbott, Mrs. Cora M., Loma Dunlap, I. A., College Place,
Linda, via Redlands, Cal. Wash.
Allen, T. J., 426 South C St., Ta- Dunscombe, W. C., Montrose,
coma, Wash. Minn.
Ball, Clarence F., 80 Crescent St.,
Rutland, Vt. Eastman, M. E., 1308 State St.,
Belknap, L. J., San Jose, Cal. Santa Barbara, Cal.
Bell, J. J., Rostrevor, County Edwards, S. P. S., 1213 Fifteenth
Down, Ireland. St., Moline, Ill.
Bliss, W. E., R. F. D. 4, Madison, Edwards, Mrs. Maria L., 1213 Fif-
Wis. teenth St., Moline, Ill.
Bond, E. C., 515 North Central Elliott, L. E., 1714 Winter St.,
Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. West Superior, Wis.
Bradford, Joel Acushnet, Mass. Erkenback, J. W., Ameca, Jalisco,
Braucht, F. E., R. F. D. No. 8, Mexico.
Wichita, Kans. Evans, T. J., 230 Temple Court
Brighouse, Henrietta E., Sanita- Bldg., Denver, Colo.
rium, Napa Co., Cal.
Brown, Effie A., Sanitarium, Napa Farnsworth, C. P., R. F. D. No. 4,
Co., Cal. Madison, Wis.
Buchanan, R. A., Paradise Valley Farnsworth, H. B., 1:60 South First
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. St., West, Missoula, Mont.
Bull, Miss Maud L., Marion, Ohio. Fattebert, U. C., San Luis, Potosi,
-Bush, Camillus, Sanitarium, Napa Mexico.
Co., Cal. Ferciot, B. J., 929 West Fifth St.
Bush, Chas., Lowville, N. Y. Canton, Ohio.
Buss, L. A., Thirteenth and East Fisher, V. L., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Harrison Sts., Seattle, Wash. Frazer, Lesley M., Sanitariun.,
Butterbaugh, W. S., Edgemont, Melrose, Mass.
S. Dak. Froom, J. E., Mt. Tabor Station
Portland, Oregon.
Caldwell, J. E., 510 Walnut St.,
Knoxville, Tenn. Gardner, W. L., 1021/2 South Main
Carey, A., Gainesville, Ga. St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Christman, C. D., 1929 Girard Gardner, Mrs. Eva, 1021/2 South
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Colloran, J. Edgar, Chicago, Ill. Gaston, E. A., Pratt, Kans.
Colloran, Mrs. Maude A., Chicago, George, Arthur W., English Post-
Ill. office, Galata, Constantinople,
Colunga, Mrs. A. N., La Indus- Turkey, Europe.
trial, Letra M. Torreon, Coah, George, W. A., College View,
Mexico. Nebr.
Cooper, J. E., Iola, Kans. George, Lyra Hunt, College View,
Comstock, D. D., 1213 Fifteenth Nebr.
St., Moline, Ill. Gray, Etta, Sanitarium,. Napa
Cooper, J. E., Iola, Kans. Co., Cal.
Cummings, R. S., San Jose, Cal. Greaves, H. N., 634 Congress St.,
De Forest, P. A., Gland, Ct. Vaud, Chicago, Ill.
Switzerland. Green, W. C., 1323 Wolfe St.,
Diedrickson, F. G., Montrose, Colo. Little Rock, Ark.

Green, Isadore L., Watertown, James, W. H., care Sanitarium,

N. Y. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Gregory, A. L., Taquary, Rio Jenkins, C. F., R. F. D. No. 4,
Grande do Sul, Brazil, South Lincoln, Nebr.
America. John, A. Allen, The Halcyon,
Cuantla, Merelos, Mexico.
Habenicht, R. 11., Casilla 481, Johnson, Sophie, 2719 G St., San
Buenos Ayres, Argentine Re- Diego, Cal.
public, South America. Jump, Howard M., Dowling, Ohio.
Habenicht, Henry, 603 East
Twelfth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Kay, M. M., 257 South Hill St.,
Hansen, C. A., Benton Harbor, Los Angeles, Cal.
Mich. Keem, Law, care British Post-
Hansen, Karep, Skodsborg, Den- office, Canton, China.
mark. Keichline, J. M., 1929 Girard Ave.,
Harding, G. T., Jr., 1 and 2 Iowa Philadelphia, Pa.
Circle, N. W., Washington, D. C. Kellogg, M. G., Healdsburg, Cal.
Hare, G. A., Fresno, Cal. Kellogg, P. S., Glendale, Cal.
Harris, A. J., 311 Jackson Bldg.,' Kinne, B. B., 10 Benton Ave., Mid-
Nashville, Tenn. dletown, N. Y.
Harris, Mrs. Clara, 311 Jackson Kitchell, Wm. B., St. Clair, Mo.
Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Knapp, H. B., 1929 Girard Ave.,
Haskell, Pliny F., Sanitarium, Philadelphia, Pa.
Melrose, Mass. Knapp, Mrs. Nettie Evans, 1929
Hawkins, E. P., Montrose, Minn. Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Heald, G. H., Takoma Park Sta- Knox, Chas. R., 1537 Wrightwood
tion, Washington, D. C. Ave! Chicago, Ill.
Heald, C. W., Orion, Ill. Kress, D. H., Sanitarium, Wah-
Heald, John E., 203 Third Ave., roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Peoria, Ill. Kress, Mrs. Lauretta, Sanitarium,
Hetherington, A. J., Coxen Hole, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Ruatan, Bay Islands, Republic
of Honduras, Central America. Laird, Mrs. Emma Perrine, Chang-
Herr, Mrs. Ida S., Boulder, Colo. sha, Hunan, China.
Holden, W. B., Dekum Building, Larsen, W. P.,.Sanatorium, Skods-
Portland, Oregon. borg, Denmark.
Hoenes, A. J., Friedensau, Post Larson, A. II., College View, Nebr.
Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger- Leach, Thos. J., 302 West Main
St., Hartford City, Ind.
Holland, Lena Leota, 1929 Girard Leach, Mrs. M. Goodison, 302 West
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Main St., Hartford City, Ind.
Howard, J. H., 350 Pomeroy St., Leadsworth, J. R., 257 South Hill
Washington, D. C. St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Hubley, Chas. C., New Windsor, Leake, Ruth Bryant, 40 Maple
Ave., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Lindsay, Kate, Sanitarium, Boul-
Humphrey, Amy R., College View,
der, Colo.
Lindsay, W. T., R. F. D. No. 4,
Hunter, Mary P., Paradise Valley
Madison, Wis.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Lockwood, S. A., 42 Yamamoto-
Ingersoll, Robert S., 50 Park St., dori, Nichome, Kobe, Japan.
Calcutta, India. Lockwood, Mrs. Myrtle S., 42
Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P., 50 Park Yamamoto-dori, Nichome, KiThe.
St., Calcutta, India.
Isbell. Lottie C., Box 414, Hunts- eLafferty, B. N., Port Town-
ville. Ala. send, Wash.

MacLafferty, Mayme J., Port Otis, Elmer F., Sanitarium, Lake

Townsend, Wash. George, N. Y.
MacLafferty, N. C., .1.4t. Tabor Sta- Otis, Mrs. Clara B., Sanitarium,
tion, Portland, Oregon. Lake George, N. Y.
McDonald, F. S., Henning, Minn. Otis, L. J., 202 South Fuller St.,
Mantz, R. L., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mantz, M. Alace, Sanitarium, 603 Ottosen, J. C., Sanatorium, Skods-
East Twelfth St., Des Moines, borg, Denmark.
Martinson, M. M., Graysville, Pampaian, Vah on, Grindelberg
Tenn. 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
Martinson, Mrs. Stella C., Grays- Parmele, Mrs. Lydia E., Twenty-
ville, Tenn. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Martinson, Elsie M., 212 Oak St., Tenn.
Chicago, Ill. Paulson, David, Hinsdale, Ill.
Marsh, E. H., Mansfield Center, Paulson, Mary W., Hinsdale, Ill.
Conn. Prentice, J. W., Alden, Mich.
Marsh, Lucinda A., Dhun Bldg.,
Mereweather Road, Apollo, Rand, H. F., Sanitarium, Napa
Bunder, Bombay, India. Co., Cal.
Marsh, Phillip E., Otter Lake, Randall, H. E., Otter Lake, Mich.
Mich. Reekie, J. S., Papanui, Christ-
Maxson, W. H., Oakland, Cal. church, New Zealand.
Maxson, Mrs. W. H., Oakland, Cal. Richards, Frank C., Wahroonga,
Menkel, H. C., 39-1 Free School N. S. W., Australia.
St., Calcutta, India. Richards, Mrs. Eulalia S., Wah-
Merritt, Elsie B., Princevill2, Ill. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Miller, Ruth Merritt, 39-1 Free Richards, Mrs. E. A., 409 East
School St., Calcutta, India. Main St., Streator, Ill.
Miller, Harry W., Sin Iang Cheo, Rockwell, Orville, College View,
Honan, via Hankow, China. Nebr.
Moran, F. B., Wilson Bldg., Romans, C. D., Cambridge, Ohio.
Dallas, Tex. Ross, D. C., 10081/2 Houston St.,
Morranville, C. F., Guide Rock, Fort Worth, Texas.
Nebr. Ross, R. 0., 29 North Euclid Ave.,
Mortensen, M. A., Sanatorium, Pasadena, Cal.
Skodsborg, Denmark. Ruble, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Myers, G. R. B., Apartado 105, tion, Washington, D. 0.
Guadalajara, Mexico. Runck, Geo., Berrien Springs,
Neall, J. H., 1528 Ninth St., N. W.,
Washington, D. C. Sadler, W. S., 888 Thirty-fifth
Nelson, N. P., Sanatorium, Fred- Place, Chicago, Ill.
erikshavn, Denmark. Sadler, Mrs. Lena K., 888 Thirty-
Nicola, C. C., Sanitarium, Mel- fifth Place, Chicago, Ill.
rose; Mass. Sadler, Mrs. S. I., 1313 Third Ave.,
Seattle, Wash.
Oberholtzer, Miss 011ie, 39-1 Free Sanderson, Mary, Springfield,
School St., Calcutta, India. Mass.
Olsen, A. B., Surrey Hills Hydro- Sattetlee, A. R., 922 Niagara St.,
pathic Institute, Caterham, Sur- Buffalo, N. Y.
rey, England. Schaumloffel, H. G., R. F. D. No.
Olsen, Mrs. Mary, Surrey Hills 8, Wichita, Kans.
Hydropathic Institute, Cater- Schleef, H. C., Cottage Grove,
ham, Surrey, England. Oregon.

Schleef, Katherine, Cottage' Grove, Swayze, Mrs. Alice M., 60 Lib-

Oregon. ertad, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Selmon, A. C., Siang Cheng Hsien,
Ronan, via Hankow, China. Talmage, J. B., Columbiana, Ohio.
Selmon, Mrs. Bertha L., Siang Thomason, Geo., Plumstead, Cape,
Cheng Hsien, Ronan, via Han- South Africa.
kow, China. Thornton, William T., 888 Thirty-
Shively, J. Dow, care Sanitarium, fifth Pace, Chicago, Ill.
Boulder, Colo. Vernier, Jean A., 58 Madison Ave.,
Shryock, A. Q., 1313 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Seattle, Wash. Vollmer, Maud 0., Sanitarium,
Simmons, W. R., Port Townsend, Lake George, N. Y.
Simpson, Abbie Winegar, Glen- Walters, R. W., Chagrin Falls,
dale, Cal. Ohio.
Sisco, Mrs. P. S., 1 and 2 Iowa Washburn, F. A., care Sanitarium,
Circle, Washington, D. C. Nashville, Tenn.
Smith, N. P., 25 Park St., Nor- White, Julia A., Loma Linda, via
wich, Conn. Redlands, Cal.
Starbuck, A. B., Mt. Tabor, Whitelock, T. S., Paradise Valley
Oregon. Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Williams, H. J., 51 Warrender
Starr, Mrs. Lillis, Loma Linda, via
Park Road, Edinburgh, Scot-
Redlands, Cal.
Stoner, Laura B., Sanitarium,
Woolgar, C. H., LaRue, Ohio.
Melrose, Mass.
Worster, W. W., Lafayette, Ind.
Swayze, W. S., 60 Libertad,
Guadalajara, Mexico. Zelinsky, F., Glendale, Cal.

AFTER the pages containing the directories of conferences had been

printed some letters and telegrams were received requesting a change of
address. This could be done only by giving the correct address in the
Directory of Physicians or the Ministerial Directory; so that in a few
cases the addresses found in these directories do not agree with those
given in the directories of conferences. The addresses in the Ministerial
Directory or the Directory of Physicians are the latest received, and
may be considered correct.
IN distant climes and lands afar,
'Neath Southern sun or Eastern star,
Where'er our missionaries are,
There wilt Thou guide them by Thy light;
May they be precious in Thy sight,
Safe in Thine arms by day and night.
0, give them wisdom from above,
. Turn savage hate to Christian love,
And help them stubborn hearts to move.
tis in our stead they labor now,
We in Thy presence humbly bow
And pledge anew our earnest vow.
While they the sacred message bear,
Our hearts shall rise to Thee in prayer,
And crave for them Thy tender care.
The ruler of our lives Thou art!
And in Thy strength we'll do our part
With generous hand and loving heart.
Lord, our poor service do Thou take,
And from its very failures make
A precious offering for Thy sake.
Mrs. S. K. Bourne.

Only the names of ordained and Anuerson, A. C., Harmattan, Al-
licensed ministers appear in berta, Canada.
this list. To determine the na- Anderson,' A. W., Oxford Cham-
ture of any person's appoint- bers, Bourke St., Melbourne,
ment, reference should be made Victoria, Australia.
to the directory or the Confer- Anderson, U. S., R. F. D. No: 1,
ence operating in . the field Hartford City, Ind.
where the worker is located. Anderson, W. H., S. D. A. Mission,
This applies to the workers Kalomo, . Northwest Rhodesia,
named above, as well as all South Africa.
other classes. Anderson, J. E., 229 South Sec-
Abd-Elshaheed, Awada,' Luxor, ond St., Salina, Kans.
Upper Egypt. Anderson, Birger, Kungsgata n 34,
A cMoody, C. D., Bagtelied j Stockholm, Sweden.
(Imidt), Turkey. Open mail via Andreason, M. L., 338 Seventy-
London, England. sixth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Adams, J. 'W., Station 11, Los Andrews, W. R., 1094 Park St.,
Angeles, Cal. Hartford, Conn
Adams, C. T., Station M, Los An- Andrew's, R. F., College View,
geles, Cal. Nebr.
Adams, P. P., Hammond, British Andross, E. E., 451 Holloway Road,
Columbia. London, N., England.
Adams, E. H., Station Al, Los An- Anglebarger, G. W., 531 Santa Fe
geles, Cal. Ave., Denver, Colo.
Adams, W. M., 438 Selkirk Ave., Armitage, F. B., Somabula Mis-
Winnipeg, Manitoba. sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South
A domeit, F., Grindelberg 15a, Africa.
Hamburg, Germany. Armstrong, W. H., 1000 East Sev-
Ahren, E. J., Kungsgatan 34, enth St., Charlotte, N. C.
Stockholm, Sweden. Armstrong, H. E., 109 St. Giles
Airey, R. W., Laurelwood Acad- Road, Derby, England.
emy, Gaston, Oregon. Ashton, N. S., Indiana, Pa.
Allee, N. W., Keene, Tex. Aufderhar, H. A., Hygiene, Colo.
Allen, J., 80 Collins St., Hobart, Augsbourger, Ulysses, rue des
Tasmania, Australia. Carmes 20, Paris, France.
Allen, A. N., Box 105, Belize, Brit-
ish Honduras, Central America. Babcock, D. C., Freetown, Sierra
Altman, M. A., 12 Abercorn Ter- Leone, West Africa.
race, Harold's Cross Road, Dub- Babcock, H. W., Cottage Grove,
lin, Ireland. Oregon.
Alway, W. A., Camas, Idaho. Babcock, M. S., 1123 Patterson
AlWay, G. M., Rocky' Ford, Colo. Ave., Roanoke, Va.
Anderson, August, College View, Babcock, Charles M., 2712 West
Nebr. Michigan St., Duluth, Minn.
Anderson, B. L., Kulangsu, Amoy, Baber, G. H., Graysville, Tenn.
China. Bacon, A. E., Station Road, East
Anderson, H. P., Three Lakes, Wis. Wemyss, Fifeshire, Scotland.
Anderson, Fred, Unionsgatan 4, Badaut, J. P. 40 avenue de Ro-
Helsingf ors, Finland. mans, Valence, France.
Anderson, J. N., care British Post- Badaut, Paul, 29 rue de la Syna-
office, Canton, China. gogue, Geneva, Switzerland.
Anderson, John F., 827 Magnolia Baer, Roscoe T., Bellefourche, S.
St., St. Paul, Minn. Dak.

Bagby, J. W., R. F. D. No. 2, Han- Benezet, Leopold, 20 via Varese,

ford, Cal. Rome, Italy.
Bagby, J. R., Alva, Okla. Benham, R. D., 1582 East Hoyt
Baharian, Z. G., Aintab, Asia St., Mount Tabor Station, Port-
Minor. land, Oregon.
Bahr, E., Grindelberg lea, Ham- Benson, H. F., 846 Sendagaya-
burg, Germany. niura, Tokyo, Japan.
Bale C., 2336 Thompson St., Bergersen, N. C., Story City,
Philadelphia, Pa. Iowa.
Baker, J. L., Alba, Pa. Bernstein, 0. 0., 4910 Arch St.,
Baker, Isaac, Cordell, Okla. Philadelphia, Pa.
Baker, W. L. H., Oxford Cham- Berthelsen, P. E., College View,
bers, Bourke St., Melbourne, Nebr.
Victoria, Australia.
Baker, W. A., Aberdeen, S. Dak. Bidwell, W. E., R. F. D. No. 1,
Balada, E., Casilla 787, Valpa- Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
raiso, Chile, South America. Bigelow, I. G., 222 Shaffer Ave.,
Ballenger, J. F., Paradise Valley Du Bois, Pa.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal, Bird, W. L., Dayton, Tenn.
Ballenger, E. S., 257 South Hill Black, Tilden, Pittsford, Mich.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Black, W. L., Medford, Oregon.
Balsbaugh, H. C., 623 North Dun- Blake, W. J., Box 414, Huntsville,
lap St., Memphis, Tex. Ala.
Barlow, W. A., Simultala, E. I.
Bland, W. T., Sheridan, Ill.
Ry., India.
Bartlett, A. W., 816 North Teniple Bliss, C. H., Lovington, Ill.
Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Block, Henry, Leduc, Alberta,
Bartlett, J., Lapwai, Idaho. Canada.
Bartlett, W. T., 451 Holloway Blosser, J. B., Berrien Springs,
Road, London, N., England. Mich.
Basney, H. C., Ceres, Cal. Boettcher, J. T., Grindelberg 15a,
Bates, C. H., Bayfield, Colo. Hamburg, Germany.
Batterson, Wm., Kearney, Nebr. Bollman, C. P., North Station,
Baumann, H., Grindelberg 15a, Nashville, Tenn.
Hamburg, Germany. Bond, J. E., 515 North Central
Baxter, W. F., Cement, Okla. Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
Beach, J. W., Hildebran, N. C. Bond, W. G., Calle San Luis 46,
Beams, J. W., Wayne, Nebr. Gracia, Barcelona, Spain.
Beckner, J. B., 293 Oronoque St., Bonde, Hans, Leduc, Alberta,
Georgetown, British Guiana, Canada.
South America.
Beddoe, B. E., Gardnerville, Nev. Bourdeau, A. J. S., Mountain
View, Cal.
Beebe, E. I., Holly, Mich.
Beeson, C. A., College View, Nebr. Bourdeau, A. C., 166 Kalamazoo
Behr, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- St., Battle Creek, Mich.
burg, Germany. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Behrens, J. H., Sanitarium, Napa tion, Washington, D. C.
Co., Cal. Boynton, J. W., Ponoka, Alberta,
Bell, A. R., R. F. D. No. 1, Wash- Canada.
ington, N. J. Boynton, W. J., 1007 Thirty-
Bell, C. V., " Elsnath," Burwood second Ave., North, Seattle,
St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Wash.
tralia. Bralliar, Floyd, Stuart, Iowa.
Bellenger, James, Natchez, Miss. Braley, Wm., Woodward, Okla.
Bellows, R. J., Gladstone, Mich. Branch, Thomas H., Plainfield
Bender, U., 32 Text Lane, Kings- Mission, Cholo, near Blantyre,
ton, Jamaica, West Indies. British Central Africa.

Brandon, W. L., Keene, Tex. Butcher, D. D., Greenwood, Miss.
Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Butler, Geo. I., Twenty-fourth
Brice, J. F., 143 Constitution St., Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Lexington, Ky. Butler, S. M., Cedar Lake, Mich.
Bringle, A. S., Minneapolis, Kans. Butler, 0. K., College Place, Wash.
Brink, Fred, 214 East Taylor St., Butterfield, C. L., Tillamook, Ore-
Phoenix, Ariz. gon.
Bristol, E. A., 423 Petoskey St., Butz, E. S., 93 Franklin St., Ade-
Petoskey, Mich. laide, South Australia, Aus-
Bristol, A. J., Blair Road, Ta- tralia.
koma Park Station, Washing-
ton, D. C. Cady, B. J., Papeete, Tahiti, So-
Brittain, W. J., Elsnath," Bur- ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean.
wood St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Cady, M. E., liege Place, Wash.
Australia. Caldwell, J. E., 510 Walnut St.,
Brorseii, A., 828 Thirty-fourth St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Oakland, Cal. Campbell, M. N., 12 Graves Ave.,
Brotherson, P. E., 302 Seventy- Battle Creek, Mich.
second St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Carr, H. W., 317 West Bloomfield
Broussard, S., Hope Villa, La. St., Rome, N. Y.
Brower, J. C., Mayaguez, Porto Cardey, E. L., Box 105, Belize,
Rico, West Indies. British Honduras, Central
Brown, M. H., Morgan Hill, Cal. America.
Brown,, G. M., 1426 Avenue 20, Carey, A., Gainesville, Ga.
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Carey, E. W., R. F. D. No. 1, Box
Brown, B. W., Clay Center, Kans. 10, Spartanburg, S. C.
Brown, T. M., Bocas del Toro, Re- Carscallen, A. A., Kisumu, British
public de Panama. East Africa.
Bryant, R. J., Stuart, Iowa. Carswell, W. R., 186 Edward St.,
Budd, Geo. L., Senjen, Minn. Brisbane, Queensland, Aus-
Buhalts, C. J., Room 221, Unity tralia.
Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. . Casebeer, Geo. W., Apartado 3,
Bunch, F. S., 285 Salmon St., Ambato, Ecuador, South Amer-
Portland, Oregon. ica.
Bunoa, Pauliasi, Suva Vou, Fiji,
Catlin, E. W., North Yakima,
Pacific Ocean. Wash.
Burden, W. J., Montavilla, Ore-
Caviness, G. W., 1599 Avenue 22,
gon. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Burden, W. D., 846 Sendagaya-
mura, Tokyo, Japan. Chaffee, C. H., Chillicothe, Mo.
Burden, J. A., Loma Linda, via Case, J. B., Port Orange, Fla.
Redlands, Cal. Chaney, J. A., Kolo Mission, Wep-
Burdick, J. M., 717 Second St., ener, Orange River Colony,
Dixon, Ill. South Africa.
Burg, F. M., 309 Second Ave., N., Chapman, E. M., Alexandria, Minn.
Seattle, Wash. Chew, A. L., Glenwood, Ind.
Burkholder, H. H., Bellville, Ohio. Christian, L. H., Room 670, 324
Burman, C. A., Leduc, Alberta, Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Canada. Christian, A. E., R. F. D. No. 3,
Burnham, M. S., Otsego, Mich. Kenmare, N. Dak.
Burrill, A. 0., Galt, Ontario. Christian, J. W., Viborg, S. Dak.
Burrow, W. R., Raleigh, Tenn. Christiansen, A. G., Ogden, Utah.
Buster, J. R., 5400 Dearborn St., Christensen, P., Margrethevej 5,
Chicago, Ill. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Butcher, 0. F., 72 Preston St., Ot- Christensen, J. C., Leavings, Al-
tawa, Ontario. berta, Canada.

Christoffers, J., Grindelberg 15a, Curtis, W. 'D., Berrien Springs,

Hamburg, Germany. Mich.
Clark, A. J., 299 Williams St., Curtis, E. A., 1414 East Elk St.,
Middletown, Conn. Beatrice, Nebr.
Clark, C. M., Artesian, S. Dak.
Clark, J. J., Battle Ground, Wash. Dail, Guy, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Clark, F. C., 821 West Fifth St., burg, Germany.
Topeka, Kans. Bake, U. B., Cement, Okla.
Clausen, N., Stillwater, Okla. Dana, F. M., West Burke, Vt.
Clemens, J. C., Algona, Iowa. Dangschat, C., Grindelberg 15a,
Cobb, S. M., 37 Taranaki St., Wel- Hamburg, Germany.
lington, New Zealand. Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park
Colcord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Station, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Dart, A. M., Ketchican, Alaska.
Cole, C. J., Box 157, Roseburg, Dasent, Jas. G., Bridgetown, Bar-
Oregon. bados, West Indies.
Cole, J. M., R. F. D. No. 6, Salem, Davis, 0. E., 293 Oronoque St.,
Oregon. Georgetown, British Guiana,
Cole, V. 0., Box 1198, Oklahoma South America.
City, Okla. Decker, H. W., Mt. Tabor Sta-
Collier, Edward, Mendon, Mich. tion, Portland, Oregon.
Coltrin, S. C., Box 23, Ellisville, Defreeze, Thos., Dallas, Tex.
Miss. Detamore, F. A., 1115 Greenbrier
Connerly, B. E., Mayaguez, Porto Ave., St. Paul, Minn. -
Rico, West Indies. Devereaux, R. H., Devall Bluff,
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Ark.
Hamburg, Germany. De Vinney, F. H., 317 West Bloom-
Conway, F. H., Regina, Sas- field St., Rome, N. Y.
katchewan, Canada. Dexter, H. H., 20 rue Pasteur,
Corbaley, F. M., 603 East Twelfth Nimes, Gard; France.
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Dillon, J. P., 515 Central Ave.,
Lorliss, J. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Phoenix, Ariz.
Cotton, Arthur V., Garden Grove, Dierking, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Iowa. Hamburg, Germany.
Cottrell, H. AV., Mountain View, Dirksen, H. J., 930 Rodney Ave.,
Cal. Portland, Oregon.
Cottrell, Roy F., care Academy, Doering, A. E., Bowdon, N. Dak.
South Lancaster, Mass. Domnick, G., Grindelberg 15a,
Covert, Wm., Room 670, 324 Dear- Hamburg, Germany.
born St., Chicago, Ill. Donnell, R. S., Raleigh, Tenn.
Covert, J. W., R. F. D. No. 2, Dorcas, J. 'W., 603 East Twelfth
Albion, Ind. St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Craddock, T. H., Townsville, Dowsett, R. T., Route 4, Madison,
Queensland, Australia. Wis.
Crawford, Geo., Eufola, N. C. Dryer, E. J., 1200 Seventh St.,
Crisler, L. H., Orlando, Fla. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Crisler, L. T., Orlando, Fla. Durrant, A. N., 32 Text Lane,
Crothers, W. M., 20 Helen Ave., Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Cruzan, W. S., Semmes, Ala.
Cubley, W. M., Keene, Tex. Easley, W. A., 821 West Fifth St.,
Curdy, J., rue de Wez 29, Mont- Topeka, Kans.
sur-Marchienne, near Charleroi, Eastman, W. W., Keene, Tex.
Belgium. Ebel, George, Fargo, Okla.
Curtis, Paul, Yorkton, Saskatch- Ebel, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
ewan, Canada. burg, Germany.

Edgar, J. L., 327 West Eighth St., Farnsworth, E. W., South Lan-
Flint, Mich. caster, Mass.
Edmed, H. J., Stranach St., Pieter- Farnsworth, S. A., 99 Van Horn
maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Ave., Outremont, Montreal,
Edwards, C. H., 535 West 110th Quebec.
St., New York," N. Y. Farnsworth, 0. 0., Sharon, -Vt.
Edwards, S. P. S., 1213 Fifteenth Farnsworth, C. P., R. F. D. No. 4,
St., Moline, Ill. Madison, Wis.
Edwardson, C., Room 670, 324 Farnsworth, M. A., College View,
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Nebr.
Ehlers, W., Brusque, Santa Cath- Faulkhead, N. D., 37 Taranaki St., .
arina, Brazil, South America. Wellington, New Zealand.
Ellis, J., 109 St. Giles Road, Derby, Felter, L. W., Acorn, Ark.
England. Fenner, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Ellis, J. M., Idaville, Ind. burg, Germany.
Ells, L. H., Ema, Inaho. Ferguson, A. F., Stuart, Iowa. /-
Emerson, N. B., College View, Fero, D. T., Arroyo Grande, Cal.
Nebr. Field, A. E., 606 West Ninth St.,
Emmerson, C. L., 2718 Third Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Field, F. W., 30 Oiwake-cho,
Enoch, Geo. F., 39-1 Free School Hongo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
St., Calcutta, India. Field, P. A., 603 East Twelfth
St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Enseleit, E., Grindelberg 15a,
Field, T. W., Keene, Tex.
Hamburg, Germany. Field, W. F., Keene, 'rex.
Erikson, J. M., Kungsgatan 34, Fillman, Ezra, R. F. D., No. 3,
Stockholm, Sweden. Waurika, Okla.
Ernst, Julio, Nueva Helvetia, Finster, L. V., 246 William St.,
Uruguay, South America. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Ernst, Luis, Estacion Luque, Par- tralia.
aguay, South America. Fisk, B. E., Richburg, N. Y.
Ernt, F. C., Vryheid, Natal, Fitzgerald, W. J., 1730 North
South Africa. Nineteenth St., Philadelphia,
Erzberger, J., Grindelberg 15a, Pa.
Hamburg, Germany. Flaiz, C. W., R. F. D. No. 7, Fari-
Etheredge, N. J., Buffalo Gap, . bault, Minn.
Tex. Fletcher,Hubert, Bocas del Toro,
Evans, I. H., Takoma Park Sta- Repubi c de Panama.
tion, Washington, D. C. Foggin, W. R., 1505 Stanton Ave.,
Evans, J. E., Loma Linda, via Parkersburg, W. Va.
Redlands, Cal. Folkenberg, C. E., 285 Salmon St.,
Everson, C. T., 20 via Varese, Portland, Oregon.
Rome, Italy. Ford, C. E., 257 South Hill St.,
Ewert, A. D., Bingham Lake, Los Angeles, Cal.
Minn. Ford, I. A., Twenty-fourth Ave.,
North, Nashville, Tenn.
Forde, W. D., Castries, St. Lucia,
Fairchild, Francis M., R. F. D. West Indies.
No. 1, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Foster, J. C., Rockvale, Mont.
Fairchild, Fred M., R. F. D. No. 1, Francis, Ben., Wells, Minn
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Franke, E. E., 177 Wall St., Ir-
Fant, P. A., 20 via Varese, Rome, vington, N. J.
Italy. Frauchiger, E., Grindelberg 15a,
Farman, H. J., 601 North Thirty- Hamburg, Germany.
second St., Richmond, Va. Freeman, J. M., Heisterbach, Beth-
Fernstrom, K. A., Kungsgatan 34, lehem, Orange River Colony,
Stockholm, Sweden. South Africa.

French, H. B., Keene, Tex. Granger, W. H., 1479 North High

French, L. L., Stanley, Wis. St., Columbus, Ohio.
French, W. R., Keene, Tex. Grauer, G. A., College View, Nebr.
Froom, J. E., Mt. Tabor Station, Gray, S. .S., Edmore, Mich.
Portland, Oregon. Green, MT. H., 11 Conklin St..
Fullmer, B. E., 437 East Sixteenth Pittsburg, Pa.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gregory, M. H., Alpena Pass, Ark.
Fulton, J. E., " Elsnath," Bur- Griffin, H. Clay, Washburn, Mo.
wood St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Griggs, Frederick, Takoma Park
Australia. Station, Washington, D. C.
Groenewald, D. H., 56 Roeland St.,
Cape Town, South Africa.
Gaede, D. P., Grindelberg 15a, Guild, M. C., 821 Lynn St., Cadil-
Hamburg, Germany. lac, Mich.
Gaede, John P., Defiance, Ohio. Guilford, H. S., West Branch,
Gardner, E. E., Williamsdale, Mich.
East, Nova Scotia. Guthrie, Wm., Williamsdale, East,
Gardner, C. M., Modesto, Cal. Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia. .
Garrett, R. G., Linwood, Ky.
Garton, B. M., 412 North Bellevue
Ave., 'listings, Nebr. Habenicht, R. H., Casilla 481,
Gates, E. H., Elsnath," Burwood Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South
St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- America.
tralia. Hadley, 0. S., 2034 Cornell Ave.,
Gauterau, F. D., 451 Holloway Indianapolis, Ind.
Road, London, N., England. Haffner, G. F., Shattuck, Okla.
Eagle, B., Wolf Lake, Ind.
George, W. A., College View, Nebr.
Hahn, F. IL, Arcadia, Nebr.
Gibson, Floyd E., Moncton, New Hale, D. U., Keene, Tex.
Brunswick. Hall, 0. A., Portage la Prairie,
Gibson, L. A., Dayton, Wash. Manitoba.
Giddings, Phillip, Roseau, Domin- Hall, Frank, 32 Text Lane, Kings-
ica, West Indies. ton, Jamaica, West Indies.
Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster, Halladay, F. W., Huntsville, Ala.
Mass. Halliday, Walter; 109 St. Giles
Gilbert, A. C., Box 989, Minne, Road, Derby, England.
apolis, Minn. Hampton, J. B., Taloga, Okla.
Gilbert, A. D., 412 North Belle- Hancock, W. E., Grimesthorpe,
vue Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Ontario.
Giles, H. C., 535 West 110th St., Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy,
New York, N. Y. China.
Gillatt, John, 109 St. Giles Road, Hankins, I. J., 56 Roeland St.,
Derby, England. Cape Town, South Africa.
Hanna, J. G., Box 482, Charlotte-
Gillatt, J. D., 109 St. Giles Road,
Derby, England. town, Prince Edward Island.
Hansen, P. A., Margrethevej 5,
Godfrey, T., Knoxville, Iowa. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Goodrich, H. C., Boca s del Toro, Hansen, L. A., care Sanitarium,
Panama. R. F. D. No. 7, Nashville, Tenn.
Goodrich, J. B., Blaine, Me. Hansen, N. P., Margrethevej 5,
Gosmer, W. A., Bozeman, Mont. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Graf, H. F., Taquary, Rio Grande Hansen, Carl F., 2254 North Al-
do Sul, Brazil, South America. bany Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Graf, 0. J., 2718 Third Ave., South, Hansen, H., Room 670, 324 Dear-
Minneapolis, Minn. born St., Chicago, Ill.
Graham, J. E., 285 Salmon St., Hansen, Dr., C. A., Benton Har-
Portland, Oregon. bor, Mich.

Hansen, C. A., Sand Lake, Mich. Heckman, W. H., 23 Windsor

Hanson, P. M., Bethel, Wis. Place, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Hanson, P. A., R. F. D. No. 2, Ilegmann, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Woob urn, Oregon. Hamburg, Germany.
Hanson, D. H., Missoula, Mont. Hennessy, J. C., 11 Oakley St.,
Hanson, W. R., Hazel, Ky. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Hare, Milton, 80 Collins St., Ho- Hennig, W. A., Elsnath," Bur-
bart, Tasmania, Australia. wood St., Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Hare, Robert, 93 Franklin St., Australia.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- Herrell, H. W., Mercer St., Fred-
tralia. ericksburg, Va.
Hare, S. T., 257 South Hill St., Herrmann, C. J., Antigo, Wis.
Los Angeles, Cal. Hersum, S. J., Richmond, Me.
Harris, F. J., Box 25, Mount Car- Hetze, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham;:,
roll, Ill. burg, Germany.
Harris, J. C., Sheridan, Ill. Hibbard, E. J., 1729 Everett St.,
Harris, C. C., Carlisle, N. Y. Alameda, Cal.
Harris, A. J., 311-313 Jackson Hickman, T. J., Box 1198, Okla-
Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. homa City, Okla:-
Harrison, R. M., Brazil, Ind. Hickman, Ray, R. F. D. No. 3,
Harrison, A. F., Graysville, Tenn. Waurika, Okla.
Harter, R. E., Willow Lake, S. Hicks, F. H., 6 Jefferson St., Sal-
Dak. amanca, . Y.
Hartwell, H. C., 146 Grove St., Hill, Oscar, College Place, Wash.
Athol, Mass. Hill, Dr. Wm., Rochester Ind.
Hartwell, S. D., 335 John St., Hills, W. F., Plateau City, Colo.
Charlotte, Mich. Hilliard, E., 246 William St.,
Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster, Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Mass. tralia.
Haskell, Mrs. H. H., South Lan- Hilton, C. E., Ephrata, Pa.
caster, Mass. Hinter, J. F., Grindelberg 15a,
Haskell, C. P., " Hillside Home," Hamburg, Germany.
Geneva, Ohio. Hoare, H. J., Loma Linda, via
Haughey, A. G., Otsego, Mich. Redlands, Cal.
Haughey, S. G., 28 Ledard Road, Hockarth, G. W., Weiherweg 48,
Langside, Glasgow, Scotland. Basle, Switzerland.
Haupt, Wm. H., Stranach St., Hoelzle, Emilio, Rio Claro, San
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Africa. Hoerner, F., Grindelberg 15a,
Hawkins, G. R., Park Road, Mes- Hamburg, Germany.
sengerville, Keokuk, Iowa. Hoffman, J., Wolf Creek, Wis.
Hawkins, Mrs. Emma, Park Road, Hoffman, G., Wolf Creek, Wis.
Messengerville, Keokuk, Iowa. Hofstra, Jacob W., Otsego, Mich.
Hayes, E. G., Canton, S. Dak. Holbrook, J. A., 309 Second Ave.,
Hayhurst, C. M., Woodward, Okla. North, Seattle, Wash.
Haynes, Carl B., 405 State St., Holden, W. H., Bozeman, Mont.
Camden, N. J. Hollis, J. H., Sealy, Tex.
Haysmer, A. J., Elk wood, Ala. Hollingsworth, U. \V., Correct-
Hayton, C. H., Union College, ionville, Iowa.
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Hoopes, L. A., Avondale School,
Heacock, A. P., 1203 Wolfe St., Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Little Rock, Ark. Hoover, H. L., 1211 St. John St.,
Healey, W. M., 2719 G St., San Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Diego, Cal. Hopkins, E. B., R. F. D. No. 1,
Hebard, H. A., Blair, Nebr. Bryans Mill, Tex.
Ffebner, W. C., Shelby, Mich. Horton, R. C., Lawrence, Mich.

Horton, S. B., 6068 Annunciation Jayne, J. E., 14 North Thirtieth

St., New Orleans, La. St., Camden, N. J.
llottel, R. D., New Market, Va. Jensen, C. C., 603 East Twelfth
House, B. L., Trinway, Ohio. St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Howard, A. J., Colton, Cal. Jenson, A. W., Keene, Tex.
Howard, L. L., Portland, Me. Jespersson, S., 78 Rue Michelet,
Howe, P. M., Paris, Ontario. Alger, Algeria.
Howell, W. E., Loma Linda, via Jeys, Thos. H., Spero, N. C.
Redlands, Cal. Johansen, 0. E., Thief River Falls,
_Howell, C. G., Daylight, Tenn. Minn.
Howie, R., 246 William St., Perth, Johanson, J. M., Signs Publishing
West Australia, Australia. Office, Warburton, Victoria, Aus-
huenergardt, J. F., Grindelberg tralia.
15a., Hamburg, Germany. Johnson, Elof, 152 Seymour St.,
Huffman, B. E., College View, Hartford, Conn.
Nebr. Johnson, Lewis, College View,
Huffman, D. E., Centerville, Kans. Nebr.
Huffman, M. G., 300 West Allen Johnson, Fred, Anoka, Minn.
St., Springfield, Ill. Johnson, H. R., Eau Claire, Wis.
Hughes, C. B., Bog Walk, Ja- Johnson, Wni. J., Sioux Rapids,
maica, West Indies. Iowa.
Humphrey, J. K., 2364 Pitkin Johnson, H. H., Erin, Tenn.
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Johnson, L. E., Broken Bow, Nebr.
huntington, S. G., 553 East Third Johnson, 0., Kungsgatan 34,
South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Stockholm, Sweden.
Huntley, E. H., Box 285, Fargo, Johnson, 0. A., Akersgaden 74,
N. Dak. Christiania, NorWay.
Hyatt, W. S., Kenilworth, Cape, Johnson, C., R. F. D. No. 1, Mc-
South Africa. Minnville, Oregon.
Hyatt, J. M., Lagos; South Johnston, F. W., 28 Belvidere St.,
Nigeria, West Africa. St. John's, Newfoundland.
Johnston, J. 0., Eufola, N. C.
Irwin, G. A., Takoma Park Sta- Jones, A. T., 503 West Main St.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Battle Creek, Mich.
Irwin, C. W., Avondale School, Jones, J. F., 719 West Ninth St.,
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Austra- Wilmington, Del.
lia. Jones, G. F., 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
Irwin, John J., Herrin, Ill. Singapore, Malay Archipelago,
Isaak, Daniel, Grindelberg 15a, Pacific Ocean.
Hamburg, Germany. Jones, Methusaleh, 1310 George
Ising, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- St., Houston,, Tex.
burg, Germany. Jones, Walter, Bowling Green, Ky.
Israel, M. C., Oakdale, Cal. Jorg, Fred., 852 Vancouver Ave.,
Iversen, Edward, Akersgaden 74, Portland, Oregon.
Christiania, Norway. Jorgensen, N. M., Lake Preston,
Iverson, Paul, Nephi, Utah. S. Dak.
Jordan, S. A., Box 284, Brook-
haven, Miss.
Jackson, S. F., R. F. D. No. 1,
Jump, Howard M., Dowling, Ohio.
Long Lake, Minn. Jurickson, J., Grindelberg 15a,
James, J. S., 39-1 Free School St., Hamburg, Germany.
Calcutta, India.
James, W. H., Sanitarium, Wah-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Kauble, N. W., Berrien Springs,
Jaques, Arthur, Vabre, Tarn, Mich.
France. Kay, J. L., San Fernando, Cal.

Keck, Irving, Bowling Green, Fla. Laird, P. J., Changsha, Hunan,

Keh, S., Kulangsu, Amoy, China. China.
Kellogg, E. C., College View, Nebr. Lacey, H. C., 451 Holloway Road,
Kellogg, M. G., Healdsburg, Cal. London, N., England.
Kennedy, J. J., 1482 Avenue A, Lagrone, G. A., Keene, Tex.
New York, N. Y. Lair, J. W., 2109 Forrest Ave.,
Keniston, C. W., Gardiner, Me. Parsons, Kans.
Kennedy, Wm., 1112 Kal am ath Lake, D. D., Petrolia, Cal.
St., Denver, Colo. Lamson, J. G., Holly, Mich.
Kennedy, R. R., Wheelersburg, Lane, F. G., Montrose, Mich.
Ohio. Langdon, Geo. T., College Place,
Kern, M. E., College View, Nebr. Wash.
Keslake, C. H., Box 217, St. John's, Lauda, Emil R., Carsonville, Mich.
Newfoundland. Lawhead, J. W., Takoma Park
Ketring, H. F., South Lancaster, Station, Washington, D. C.
Mass. Lawrence, Joseph, cor. East St.
Kilgore, R. M., Graysville, Tenn. and Bell Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Killen, W. L., Archdale, N. C. Lawrence, N. W., Harvey, N. Dak.
Kime, S. H., Tony, Mont. Leach, Robert W., 37 Booth St.,
King, N. B., Yazoo City, Miss. Seymour, Ind.
Kinne, P. Z., Kirkville, N. Y. Lecoultre, D., rue de la Syna-
Kirk, H. E., 633 Kansas Ave., To- gogue 29, Geneva, Switzerland.
peka, Kans. Leer, Chas., Lincoln, N. Dak.
Kirkendall, M. C., Mt. Vernon, Leer, Valentine, Milltown, S. Dak:
Ohio. Leland, Eugene, Millington, Mich.
Kirkle, G. A., Hemingford, Nebr Leland, C. E., Reno, Nev.
Kite, C. R., College View, Nebr. Leland, J. A., Albuquerque, N.
Kittle, 0. M., Smithland, Iowa. Mex.
Klingbeil, R. G., Grindelberg 15a, Lewis, C. C., College View, Nebr.
Hamburg, Germany. Lewis, M. W., 3609 Broadway,
Kloss, J., Crandon, Wis. Menominee, Mich.
Kneeland, B. F., 1228 Portage St., Lewis, T. G., Omer, Mich.
Kalamazoo, Mich. Lewsadder, Wm., 173 Day St.,
Kneeland, W. (4., 32 Text Lane, Galesburg, Ill.
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Lightner, Chas., 1112 Kalamath
Knight, C. E., 309 Second Ave., St., Denver, Colo.
North, Seattle, Wash. Limerick, F. L., 821 West Fifth
Knight, W. 38 South St., Green- St., Topeka, Kans.
ock, Scotland. Lindsey, D. F., Knowlton, Quebec.
Knight, I. G., Holton, Kans. Lipke, John, Taquary, Rio Grande
Knott, C. F., Lind, Wash. do Sul, Brazil, South America.
Knox, W. T., Mountain View, Cal. Little, J. C., Karmatar, E. I. R.,
Kraft, J. H., Stuart, Iowa. India.
Kress, D. H.; Sanitarium, Wah- Livingston, A. A., Albert Mines,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Albert Co., New Brunswick.
Krieghoff, Carlos E., Ptia, Chile, Locken, J. B., Pana, Ill.
South America. Loebsack, H. J., Grindelberg 15a,
Krum, J. H., Plant City, Fla. Hamburg, Germany.
Kueller, C.; Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Loebsack, H. K., Grindelberg 15a,
burg, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Kuehl, A. W., Box 989, Minne- Loeppke, Edward, Bowdon, Wells
apolis, Minn. Co., N. Dak.
Kuniya, H., 30 Oiwake-cho, Hong, Longacre, C. S., 7806 Felitia St.,
ku, Tokyo, Japan. . Pittsburg, Pa.
Kunkel, C. J., 438 Selkirk Ave., Longard, Levi, Tantallon, Nova
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Scotia.

Lorenz, J. A., Goodwin, Okla. Mattson, M. D., College View,

Loughborough, J. N., Mountain Nebr.
View, Cal. Maxwell, E. L., Capitol Hill, Okla-
I cwry, W. S., Twenty-fourth homa City, Okla.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. McAvoy, John, 109 St. Giles Road,
Lucas, H. G., San Fernando, Cal. Derby, England.
Lucas, V. H., Takoma Park Sta- McCarthy, John, Nueva Helvetia,
tion, Washington, D. C. Uruguay, South America.
Luepke, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- McClure, N. C., Healdsburg, Cal.
burg, Germany. McCord, J. W., 451 Holloway
Lude, C. D., Casilla 481, Buenos Road, London, N., England.
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- McCutchen, W. A., Keene, Tex.
ica. McDonald, Claude, North McAl-
Lukens, Morris, 612 Cator Ave., ester, Ind. T.
Baltimore, Md. McEachern, J. H., Perivale, On-
Lyndon, F. E., 37 Taranaki St.. tario.
Wellington, New Zealand. McElhaney, J. L., 53 Calle Con-
cordia, Quiapo, Manila, Philip-
Maas, J. V., Casilla 481, Buenos pine Islands.
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- McGill, Neil, cor. Main and Poi-
ica. son Sts., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
MacCuire, Wade, 1112 Kalamath McGowan, W. J., " Elsnath," Bur-
St., Denver, Colo. wood St., Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Machlan, B. F., South Lancaster, Australia.
Mass. McReynolds, C., Bethel, Wis.
Mackintosh, M., Alamosa, Colo. McVagh, C. F., Coudersport, Pa.
MacLay, W. D., 109 St. Giles Mead, Andrew, R. F. D. No. 2,
Road, Derby, England. Brainerd, Minn.
Madsen, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Meleen, C., 10 Highland Ave.,
burg, Germany. Jamestown, N. Y.
Magan, P. T., Madison, Tenn. Meredith, W. H., "Preswylfa,"
Manful, W. L., Woonsocket S. Heol-y-Pantbach, Whitchurch,
Dak. near Cardiff, South Wales.
Mann, John, Palmetto, Fla. Merrell, E. A., 2636 Bellefontaine
Mangold, Santiago, Casilla, 481, Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South Meyer, H., 1942 North Seven-
America. teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Marchns, Amos S., 109 St. Giles Meyer, A. A., 147 East A St.,
Road. Derby, England. Hastings, Nebr.
Martin, W. F., Bozeman, Mont. Meyers, H. B., 6 Alexandra St.,
Martin, C. N., Chico Post-office, Bangalore, South India.
Cal. Michaels, C. P., Oxford Chambers,
Martin, H. H., Box 1198, Okla- Bourke St., Melbourne, Vic-
homa City, Okla. toria, Australia.
Martin, I. M., Northumberland, Mignott, H. L., Bocas del Toro,
Pa. Republic de Panama.
Marvin, C. F., Sanitarium, Glen- Mikkelsen, J. C., Bethel, Wis.
dale, Cal. Miles, E. E., South Lancaster,
Matthews, James H., Charlotte Mass.
Amelia, St. Thomas, Danish Miller, D. P., 3 Townhead Terrace,
Nest Indies. Paisley, Scotland.
Mathe, L., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Miller, Ben, Tampa, Kans.
burg, Germany. Miller, R. W., South Pasadena,
Mathiesen, G., College View, Nebr. Cal.
Matthews, W. R., R. F. D. 2, Man- Miller,,C. H., Wayne, Nebr.
celona, Mich. Miller, C. W., Keene, Tex.

Neilsen, N. P., Lake Preston, S.

Miller, C. N., San Luis Obispo, Cal.
Miller, A. L., 322 Mill St., Sey- Dak.
mour, Ind. Neilson, Lars, Winifred, Ward
Miller, W. W., 39-1 Free School Co., N. Dak.
St., Calcutta, India. Nelsen, N. P., Akersgaden 74,
Miller, H. W., Sin Tang Cheo, Ho- Christiania, Norway.
nan, via Hankow, China. Nelson, Charles, Provo, Utah.
Nelson, Andrew, Box 1198, Okla-
Miller, J. 0., R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.
Vernon. Ohio. homa City, Okla.
Millman, W. T., Gallatin, Mo. Nelson, Ole, Kungsgatan 34, Stock-
Minner, J. A., Blaine, Kans. holm, Sweden.
Mitchell, Amos, 5517 New UtrechtNellis, S. W., 186 Edward St.,
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Mitchell, John, Lakeland, Fla. Nerlund, 0. J., Box 989, Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Moffett, W. C., R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.
Vernon, Ohio. Nethery, Jay J., 31 First Khedive
Montgomery, 0., Hancock, Mich. St., Alexandria, Egypt.
Moon, Allen, Room 223, Unity Nettleton, Daniel, Mt. Tabor Sta-
Bldg., 147 East Market St., In- tion, Portland, Oregon.
dianapolis, Ind. Neufeld, A. A., R. D. No. 8,
Moon, Arthur, Cambridge, Idaho. Enid, Okla.
Nickels, G., 451 Holloway Road,
Moore, L. G., 213 Pine St., North,
Lansing, Mich. London, N., England.
Moore, J. M., 603 East Twelfth Nicola, H., 123 Manchester St.,
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Battle Creek, Mich.
Nicola, L. T., Union, Broome Co.,
Morrow, J. A., Box 114, Hamilton,
Bermuda Islands. N. Y.
Morrison, Isaac, 76 Cutter St., Nord, G. E., 21 East 110th St.,
Sacramento, Cal. New York, N. Y.
Morrison, J. H., College View, Norderhus, 0. P., Akersgaden 74,
Nebr. Christiania, Norway.
Mortenson, S., 5942 Peoria St., Norwood, J. W., 2565 Emerson
Chicago, Ill. Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Mosebar, Frank, Erin, Tenn. Nussbaum, T., 1 rue George,
Moulton, Nathan, Mayaguez, Porto Montpellier, Herault, France.
Rico, West Indies. Oberg, F. R., Unionsgatan 4, Hel-
Muderspach, L., Margrethevej 5, singf ors, Finland.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Oberholtzer, D. H., Eagle River,
Mullings, W. H., 32 Text Lane, Wis.
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
()blander, J. G., Grindelberg 15a,
Munce, Leslie, 636 St. Asaph St., Hamburg, Germany.
Alexandria, Va. O'Donnell, T. C., 451 Holloway
Munson, R. W., Cooranbong, N. S. Road, London, N., England.
W., Australia. Ogden, A. R., 1608 Maple St.,
Murphy, Thomas, 209 Fayette St., Wichita, Kans.
Vicksburg, Miss. Okohira, T. H., 856 Sendagaya-
Mussen, Richard, 12 Abercorn Ter- mura, Tokyo, Japan.
race, Harold's Cross Road, Dub-
Olds, C. W., 205 Bethesda St.,
lin, Ireland. Waukesha, Wis.
Olson, A. V., 1116 Stinson Ave.,
Narem, 0. A., Akersgaden 74, St. Paul, Minn.
Christiania, Norway. Olmstead, J. F., Kenilworth, Cape,
Nash, R. T., Campobello, S. C. South Africa.
Neff, A. C., Quicisburg, Va. Olsen, 0. A., " Elsnath," Burwood
Neff, E. L., San Antonio, Tex. St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Neilsen, J. C., Bethel, Wis. tralia.

Olsen, M. M., Margrethevej 5, Peterson, F. F., Stevens Point,

Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Wis.
Olsen, M. E., 451 Holloway Road, Peterson, John, Woodburn, Ore-
London, N., England. gon.
Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa. Pettit, G. W., Montavilla, Ore-
Osborne, P. B., Skowhegan, Me. gon.
Osborne, H. E., San .Fernando, Cal. Phelps, H. F., Washburn Park,
Osborne, A. J., Reno, Nev. Minneapolis, Minn.
Ostlund, David, Reykjavik, Ice- Pieper, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
land. burg, Germany.
Ostrander, Wm., 546 South Wea- Pilquist, E., Lo Shan, Hsien, Ho-
dock Ave., Saginaw, Mich. nan, via Hankow, China.
Ouzounian, G. K., 90 Attarine St., Piper, A. H., Raratonga, Cook Is-
Alexandria, Egypt. lands, Pacific Ocean.
Owen, Rodney S., Mhoons' Valley, Piper, H. E., 37 Taranaki St.,
Miss. Wellington, New Zealand.
Owen, Roderick S., San Fernando, Piper, J. F., Garden Grove, Iowa.
Cal. Pierce, H. \V., It. F. D. No. 2,
Owen, G. K., "Lucretia Dale," Quitman, Miss.
Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon. Pitton, H. C., R. F. D. No. 1,
Paap, F. W., " Elsnath," Burwood Stanton, Mich.
St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Pogue, J. F., Knoxville, Tenn.
tralia. Porter, R. C., Hamilton, Mo.
Paap, C. A. 37 Taranaki St., Wel- Porter, L. B., Crawford, Nebr.
lington, New Zealand. Post, Byron, Chippewa Falls, Wis.
Painter, F. E., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Potter, E. Russell, 438 Selkirk
Pallant, J., 80 Collins St., Ho- Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
bart, Tasmania, Australia. Potter, Wm., Bowling Green, Fla.
Palmer, E. R., Mountain View, rrener, H. S., Takoma Park Sta-
Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Parker, C. H., Buresala, Ovalau, Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Station, Washington, D. C.
Parkhurst, W. D., 300 West Allen Prillwitz, W., Grindelberg 15a,
St., Springfield, Ill. Hamburg, Germany.
Parmele, R. W., Twenty-fourth Prieser, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. burg, Germany.
Parsons, D. A., 12 Abercorn Ter- Proctor, L. H., Utica Ave. and
race, Harold's Cross Road, Dub- Furnell St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
lin, Ireland. ProVin, Henri, 29 rue de la Syna-
Pascoe, W. H., 37 Taranaki St., gogue, Geneva, Switzerland.
Wellington, New Zealand. Province, P. W., 1200 Seventh St.,
Patterson, R. G., 2070 East 105th Parkersburg, W. Va.
St., Cleveland, Ohio. Purdham, B. F., 1200 Seventh St.,
Peabody, F., West Valley, N. Y. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Peckover, C. E., 917 East Iron St., Purdon, T. H., 82 North Main St.,
Salina, Kans. Rutland, Vt.
Pedicord, C. A., 2617 Gilbert Ave.,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Quinn, R. D., 80 Collins St., Ho-
Perk, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- bart, Tasmania, Australia.
burg, Germany.
Perk, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany. Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Co-
Perrin, W. E., 603 East Twelfth penhagen, V., Denmark.
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Randle, W. H., 32 Text Lane,
Perry, F. L., Casilla 421, Lima, Kingston, Jamaica, West In-
Peru, South America. dies.

Rashford, Linton, 32 Text Lane, Roberts, B. L., 2234 Magazine St.,

Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.. New Orleans, La.
Rauleder, G. A., Anaheim, Cal. Robinson, A. T., College View,
Rawson,H. L., R. F. D. No. 1, Nebr.
Box ,71 Lom, Beach, Cal. Robinson, H. E., care New Eng-
Raymond, J. W., b 156 Monroe Ave., land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.
Rochester, N. Y. Robinson, Dores E., Sanitarium,
Reaser, G. W., 257 South Hill St., Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. Rockel, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Redfield, C. T., 468 Marion Ave., burg, Germany-.
Mansfield, Ohio. Rodd, Arthur, " Preswylfa," Heol-
Reed, H. W., 2791/, Main St., Osh- y-Pantbach, Whitchurch, near
kosh, Wis. Cardiff, South Wales.
Rees, J. M., 323 West Sycamore Rogers, A. H., 93 Franklin St.,
St., Kokomo, Ind. Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
Rees, E. H., Twenty-fourth Ave., tralia.
North, Nashville, Tenn. Rogers, J. H., 1639 East Forty-
Reid, J. A., Bocas del Toro, Re- eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
public de Panama. Rogers, F. R., Box 293, Vicksburg,
Reifschneider, K., Grindelberg 15a, Miss.
Hamburg, Germany. Rogers, Joel C., Plainfield Mission,
Reimers, C. H., 58 Charles St., Cholo, British Central Africa.
Meriden, Conn. Ronlund, N. J., Box 686, Sioux
Reinke, 0. E., 974 East 138th St., Falls, S. Dak.
New York, N. Y.
Reiswig, Conrad, Milltown, S. Dak. Rorholm, Henry, Des Moines,
Reith, John, 309 Second Ave., Iowa.
North, Seattle, Wash. Rosenwold, E., Boone, Iowa.
Remfert, K., Grindelberg 15a, Roth, G., Avenue de l'HOspital,
Hamburg, Germany. Montbeliard (Doubs), France.
Rentfro, C. E., rua do S. Bernardo Rouse, J. S., Frisco, Ark.
120, Lisbon, Portugal. Rowe, Thos. D., Hazel, Ky.
Rey, Jules, 17 rue de la Galere, Ruble, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Alais, Gard, France. tion, Washington, D. C.
Reynolds, L. T., Pineville, La. Ruble, W. W., Alexandria, Minn.
Rhoads, Arthur V., Prescott, Iowa. Rule, C. B., Fords, Va.
Rice, J. D. 6270 Racine St., Oak- Rupert, G. G., Choctaw, Okla.
land, Cal. Russell, K. C., Takoma Park Sta-
Rich., J. W., R. F. D. No. 3, Te- tion, Washington, D. C.
kamah, Nebr. Russell, E. T., College View, Nebr.
Richards, H. M. J., Loveland, Colo. Russell, Clifford, Otsego, Mich.
Richardson, F. I., 214 East Taylor
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Salisbury, H. R., 451 Holloway
Rickard, H. E.. Fitch Bay, Quebec. Road, London, N., England.
Rider, C. J., 409 Granite Block, Sanborn, Isaac, Orlando, Fla.
Spokane, Wash. Sandborn, A. R., Lock Box 74,
Riffel, Jacob, North Enid, Okla. West Bay City, Mich.
Ritchie, Alexander, 451 Holloway Sanders, C. N., R. F. D. No. 10,
Road, London, N., England. Battle Creek, Mich.
Robb, V. W., 1963 Thompson St., Sanderson, Arthur E., 15 Boston
Kansas City, Kans. St., Lawrence, Mass.
Robbins, F. H., Corydon, Pa. Sanford, E. L., Graysville, Tenn.
Roberts, F. M., Jonesboro, Ind. Santee, Clarence, Keene, Tex.
Roberts, G. A., Room 221, Unity Santee, L. D., 719 Second St.,
Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Dixon, Ill.

Saxby, W. H., 1307 North Elev- Shafer, W. A., "Preswylfa," Heol-

enth St., Boise, Idaho. y-Pantbach, Whitchurch, near
Schilling, J. H., Grindelberg 15a, Cardiff, South Wales.
Hamburg, Germany. Shannon, A. C., 1366 Grand Ave.,
Schillinger, R., Grindelberg 15a, Toledo, Ohio.
Hamburg, Germany. Sharp, W. W., 422 Twenty-sev-
Schilstra, P., Grindelberg 15a, enth Ave, South, Seattle, Wash.
Hamburg, Germany. Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tnn.
Schimpf, J., Casilla 481, Buenos Sharpe, E. D., Healdsburg, Cal.
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- Shaw, J. L., 39-1 Free School St.,
ica. Calcutta, India.
Schlotthauer, A., R. F. D. No. 4, Shaw, H. S., Box 989, Minneapolis,
Box 133, Fresno, Cal. Minn.
Schmitz, H., Grindelberg 15a, Sheafe, L. C., 2021 Eighth St., N.
Hamburg, Germany. W., Washington, D. C.
Schmidt, Henry, Sanger, Tex. Shelton, H. R., 1358 Chestnut St.,
Schnepper, H. J., College Place, Winston-Salem,N. C.
Wash. Shepard, M., Beleville, Mich.
Scholl, C. A., 285 Lowere St., Al- Shepard, Page, 2234 Magazine St.,
legheny, Pa. New Orleans, La.
Schubert, G. W., Grindelberg 15a, Sherrig, Z., Margrethevej 5, Co-
Hamburg, Germany. penhagen, V., Denmark.
Schuberth, H. F., Weiherweg 48, Shireman, D. T., Toluca, via Cleve-
Basle, Switzerland. land Mills, N. C.
Schwantes, Ernesto, rua do Bom- Shone, G. W., Kaffir Mission,
fim 124, Oporto, Portugal. Frazer's Camp, Trumpeter's
Schwartz, W. F., Box 556, Holli- Drift, via Grahamstown, South
daysburg, Pa. Africa.
Schwenecke, W., Grindelberg 15a, Shoup, H. Lesley, 310 Prospect
Hamburg, Germany. St., Torrington, Conn.
Schwenecke, O., Grindelberg 15a, Shraeder, F. W. H., 1702 North
Hamburg, 'Germany. Second St., St. Joseph, Mo.
Scoles, D. E., Washburn, Mo. Shreve, W. S., Spring Green, Wis.
Scott, Sydney, cor. East St. and Shrock, S. S., 908 Harrison Ave.,
Bell Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Scranton, Pa.
Scott, J. B., Chetek, Wis. Shrock, J. S., 865 Fifth St., Mil-
Sebastian, W. H., 9 Minor St., waukee, Wis.
Natchez, Miss. Shultz, H., Lockeford, San Joa-
Seefried, A., Grindelberg 15a, quin Co., Cal.
Hamburg, Germany. Shultz, James E., R. F. D. No. 1,
Seeney, F. H., Cheswold, Del. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Selmon, A. C., Siang Cheng Hsien, Shultz, John W., Clyde, Ohio.
Honan, via Hankow, China. Simpson, Wm. W., 257 South Hill
Semmens, A. W., Adelaide Med- St., Los Angeles, Cal.
ical Institute, Victoria Square, Simpson, J. P., Dayton, Oregon.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- Sims, L. W., 777 Delm as Ave., San
tralia. Jose, Cal.
Serna, Marcia], Tucson, Ariz. Sinz, K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Serns, M. H., Cambridge, Wis. burg, Germany.
Settergren,A. J., Kungsgatan 34, . Skinner, Geo. H., North Hatley,
Stockhom, Sweden. Quebec.
Sevaldsen, A., Akersgaden 74, Slade, E. K., Holly, Mich.
Christiania, Norway. Smart, A., 186 Edward St., Bris-
Shadel, S. T., Marshfield, Wis. bane, Queensland, Australia.
Shaeffer, F. R., Box 246, Meridian, Smith, W. J., 37 Taranaki St.,
Miss. Wellington, New Zealand.

Smith, C. A., R. F. D. No. 1, Mt. Steele, Wm., Casilla 787, Valpa-

Vernon, Ohio. raiso, Chile, South America.
Smith, S. S., Mauston, Wis. Steen, H., 716 Maryland St., St.
Smith, John J., New Amsterdam, Paul, Minn.
Berbice, British Guiana, South Stenberg, H. L., Winifred, S. Dak.
America. Stephenson, C. B., Brooker, Fla.
Smith, W. H., 433 Anthony St., Stevens, G. A., 1658-a Avon Place,
Williamsport, Pa. N. W., Washington, D. C.
omith, W. R., Soonan, Korea. Stevens, J. C., 369 Washington.
Snow, T. B., Bethel, Wis. Ave., New Haven, Conn.
Snyder, E. W., Apartado 35, Mari- Steward, W. W., Boise, Idaho.
anao, Cuba. Steward, T. M., Graysville, Tenn.
Snyder, G. A., 285 Salmon St., Stewart, E. L., Hammond, Brit-
Portland, Oregon. ish Columbia.
Sorenson, C., Keene, Tex. Stewart, H. M., Ira, Mo.
Soto, Damaso, Casilla 787, Val- St. John, H. A., Sanitarium, Cal.
paraiso, Chile, South America. St, John, Milton H., Eureka, Cal.
Sparrow, C. R., S. D. A. Mission, Stoll, F. F., 321 Germania Ave.,
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Jersey City, N. J.
Africa. Stone, C. L., R. F. D. No. 1, Fair-
Specht, F. G., New Home, Stuts- land, Ind.
man Co., N. Dak. Stone, W. J., 3729 North Capitol
Spencer, T. L. M., Scarborough, Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Tobago, West Indies. Stone, A. J., 927 Melrose St., Chi-
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- cago, Ill.
tion, Washington, D. C. Stover, A. J., R. F. D. No. 2,
Spies, F. W., Caixa Postal 768, Ridgefield, Wash.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Stow, John 0., Addison, Mich.
America. Stoye, 0., Weiherweg 48, Basle,
Spies, G. W., Dauphin, Pa. Switzerland.
Spire, B. W., Edgefield, Tenn. Strachan, M. C., 710. Winter St.,
Spohr, R. C., 221 Unity Bldg., In- Nashville, Tenn.
dianapolis, Ind. Stray, F. W., 91 Buckingham St.,
Spriggs, J. T., Macedonia, Iowa. Springfield, Mass.
Spring, L. A., 1112 Kalamath St., Strickland, J. A., 32 Text Lane,
Denver, Colo. Kingston, Jamaica, West In-
Sprohge, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- dies.
burg, Germany. Stringer, R. G., Box 453, Bartow,
Stanley, P. G., 206 East Illinois Fla.
St., Urbana, Ill. Stueckrath, M., Grindelberg 15a,
Starbuck, T. H., Mt. Tabor Sta- Hamburg, Germany.
tion, Portland, Oregon. Sturdevant, M. C., Soltisi Mission,
Starr, C. V., Bridgewater, Iowa. Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
Starr, G. B., " Como," cor. Bondi rica.
Road and Park Parade, Bondi, Stureman, B. F., 325 West Eighth
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. St., Flint, Mich.
Starr, L. F., Stuart, Iowa. Sturgeon, D. F., Woodward, Okla.
Starr, F. D., Forest, Idaho. Sufficool, L. E., 318 Laidly St.,
States, Geo. 0., Cedaredge, Colo. Charleston, W. Va.
Staubert, W., Grindelberg 15a, Sulzle, Christian, Lincoln, McLean
Hamburg, Germany. Co., N. Dak.
Stebbeds, F., Blue River, Wis. Surber, W. F., Thayer, Kans.
Stebbins, W. W., 508 South Sutherland, E. A., Madison, Tenn.
Tenth St., La Crosse, Wis. Sutton, N. T., 821 West Fifth St.,
Steele, J. F., Bloomington, Ind. Topeka, Kans.

Svensson, Chas., 813 South Twen- Town, N. Z., Casilla 481, Buenos
ty-fifth St., Omaha, Nebr. Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
Svensson, S. F., Kungsgaten 34, ica.
Stoexholm, Sweden. Tracy, F. A., 188 Agricola St.,
Swap, Edgar, Grinnell, Iowa. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sweany, W. A., St. Patricks, Traugh, J. A., R. F. D. No. 2,
Grenada, Wrest Indies. Cumberland, Md.
Swedberg, A., College View, Nebr. Trubey, L. F., Oakland, Kans.
Swinson, S., Sparta, Wis.
Syp, Mrs. Minnie, Fairfield, Iowa. Uchtmann, W. R., 107 Staniford
, St., Boston, Mass.
Tabor, J., 4511 Lake Ave., Chi- Ulrich, C. F., South Lancaster,
cago, Ill. Mass.
Tabor, B. C., 267 Jefferson St., Underwood, R. A., 2718 Third
Eugene, Oregon. Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Taggart, C. L., Du Quoin, Ill. Untermaier, C., Grindelberg 15a,
Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Hamburg, Germany.
Talburt, W. F., Allen, Ind. T.
Tanner, W. Jay, Cape Haytien, Valentiner, T., College View, Nebr.
Republic of Hayti, West Indies. Van De Mark, J. L., Mount Ver-
Tarr, D. F., Cambridge, near East non, Wash.
London, Cape Colony, South Van Deusen, E., Lowell, Mich.
Africa. Van Horn, E. J., take View, Ohio.
Taylor, E. S., Keene, Tex. Van Horn, I. D., 146 Manchester
Taylor,J. I., Keene, Tex. St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Teasdae, Geo., B 78-157 Djalam, Varlemann, WT., Grindelberg 15a,
Stadsverband, Sourabaya, Java, Hamburg, Germany.
East Indies. Veach, J. E., Saxton, Pa.
Tenney, J. E., Graysville, Tenn. Verrill, A. J., Oxford, Me.
Terry, L. W., R. F. D. No. 3, Ap- Videto, W. E., Berrien Springs,
pleton City, Mo. Mich.
Tetz, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Voss, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany. burg, Germany.
Thomann, E. W., Casilla 787, Val- Votaw, H. H., 60 Vinton Road,
paraiso, Chile, South America. Kernmendine, Rangoon, Burma.
Thomann, V., Casilla 787, Valpa- Voth, A. J., Kiel, Okla.
raiso, Chile, South America. Voth, B., 720 Himrod St., Brook-
Thomason, Geo., Plumstead, Cape, lyn, N. Y.
South Africa. Voth, D., R. F. D. No. 1, Hitch-
Thompson, Chas., Red Cloud, Nebr. cock, Okla.
Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park Vuilleumier, J., Gland, Vaud,
Station, Washington, D. C. Switzerland.
Thompson, Victor, Russiaville,
Ind. Wagner, F. D., Dayton, Wash.
Thorn, I. F., 408 East Fifth St., Wagner, Geo., Hurdsfield, N. Dak.
Hutchinson, Kans. Wakeham, W. H., 451 Holloway
Thorp, C. A., College View, Nebr. Road, London, N., England.
Thuemler, T. L., Hubbard, Oregon. Walker, John G., Box 55, Valley
Thurber, R. B.,Holly, Mich. City, N. Dak.
Thurston, H. ., Fresno, Cal. Walker, S. W., Los Gatos, Cal.
Thurston, S., San Fernando, Cal. Walldorff, N. J., 246 William St.,
Thurston, W. H., 123 Albert St., Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. tralia.
Tieche, L. P., Chambesy, Geneva, Wallenkampf, J, 16 Hooper St.,
Switzerland. Worcester, Mass.
Tobiassen, Chr., Akersgaden" 74, Wantzlick, G. A., Padang, Su-
Christiania, Norway. matra, East Indies.

Ward, W. C. F., Chehalis, Wash. White, W. B., College Place,

Warfle, M., Roswell, N. Mex. Wash.
Warren, Luther, 544 Estes Ave., Whitehead, Alfred, 257 South Hill
Chicago, Ill. St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Washburn, J. S., 610 Meridian St., Whitelock, T. S., Sanitarium, Na-
Nashville, Tenn. tional City, Cal.
Washburn, F. A., care Sanitarium, Whiteside, Robert, 12 Abercorn
R. F. D. No. 7, Station B, Nash- Terrace, Harold's Cross Road,
ville, Tenn. Dublin, Ireland.
Washburn, H. A., College Place, Whitney, S. B., 109 Harrison
Wash. Place, Syracuse, N. Y.
Waters, Alpha, Choctaw, Okla. Wibbens, Jacob, Grindelberg 15a,
Watson, G. F., 1112 Kalamath Hamburg, Germany.
St., Denver, olo. Wight, S. E., 220 Michigan St.,
Watson T. H., 309 Second Ave., Petoskey, Mich.
North, ' Seattle, Wash. Wightman, J. S., 317 West Bloom-
Watt, J. W., Indiana, Pa. field St., Rome, N. Y.
Watts, V. B., Gentry, Ark. Wightman, Mrs. Lulu, 317 West
Weber, C. W., 1019 North Hal- Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.
sted St., Chicago, Ill. Wilcox, F. M., care Sanitarium,
Webster, C. C., 909 Third Ave.: Boulder, Colo.
Birmingham, Ala. Wilcox, H. H., Route 1, Norwood,
I Webster, Fred C., 317 West Bloom- N. Y.
field St., Rome, N. Y. Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View,
Webster, E. W., 1017 Pendleton Cal.
St., Greenville, S. C. Wildgrube, 0., Grindelberg 15a,
Wells, G. W., Alpharetta, Ga. . Hamburg, Germany.
Wellman, D. E., 31 Dundonald St., Wilkinson, B. G., Takoma Park
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Station, Washington, D. C.
Indies. Willess, N. IT., Keene, Tex.
Wellman L. E., Bridgetown, Bar- Williams, I. N., Corydon, Pa.
bados, 'West Indies. Williams, E. R., 1087 West North
Wellman S. A., 31 Dundonald St., Ave., Chicago,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Williams, C. D. M., 290 D Kar-
Indies ratti Lane, Honolulu, Hawaiian
Wentland, M. H., Grindelberg 15a, Territory.
Hamburg, Germany. Williams, W. IV., Graysville,
Westworth, Wm. A., 152 Seymour Tenn.
St., Hartford, Conn. Willis, H. K., Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Westrup, J. J., Lo Shan Hsien, Willoughby, J. M., Cambridge,
Honan, via Hankow, China. Idaho.
Westphal, J. W., Casilla 481, Bu- Wilson, J. L., Van Anda, Texada
enos Ayres, Argentina, South Island, British Columbia.
America. Wilson, J. B.. Box 34, Pueblo,
Westphal, F. H., Casilla 787, Val- Colo.
paraiso, Chile, South America. Wintzen, J., Grindelberg, 15a,
Wheeler, L. S., 33 Magnolia St., Hamburg, Germany.
Malden, Mass. Wiper, R. H., Merrell St., Clear-
Wheeler, F., West Monroe, N. Y. field, Pa.
Wheeler, J. H., Crawford, Nebr. Wise, C., Lena, Wis.
Whetsel, 0. N., Jacksonville, Fla. Wolfgarten, J., Grindelberg 15a,
White, J. E., Edgefield, Tenn. Hamburg, Germany.
White, Mrs. E. G., " Elinshaven," Wollekar, H. C. J., 309 Second
Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal. Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa Wood, J. G., 42 Prairie Ave.,
Co., Cal. Springfield, Ohio.

Wood, C. A., 127 Payson St., Pon- Wyman, C. A., R. F. D. No. 1,

tiac, Ill. Gaston, Oregon.
Wood, Delmer P., Wayne, Mich. Young, W. C., Silver Creek, Brit-
Woodford, Wm., Graysville, Tenn. ish Columbia.
Wooding, M. S., Spencer, Va. Young, W. A., 901 Ashland Ave.,
Woods, J. H., Oxford Chambers, Indianapolis, Ind.
Bourke St., Melbourne, Victoria, Zechetto, L., 18 and 20 West 107th
Australia. St., New York, N. Y.
Woodward, C. N., Keene, Tex. Ziegler, Watson, Ft. Collins, Colo.
Worster, W. W., R. F. D. No. 1, Zerndt, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Lafayette, Ind. burg, Germany.

THE greater portion of the matter contained in the foregoing pages

is composed of proper names, for the spelling of which there are no
rules. They are the names of persons of all nationalities, and of
places in nearly all countries of the world. The reports giving these
names were furnished by scores of secretaries, and an earnest effort
has been made to have the name or every person and every address
appear absolutely correct. Any one who discovers an error will confer
a favor by calling attention to the same. However, it should not be
assumed, because a name is spelled in a peculiar way, that it is a
mistake. Every name is supposed to be correct, as nearly as it is
possible to determine from the report sent in.
The greatest difficulty, however, in compiling the Year Book is to
enlist sufficient interest on the part of some secretaries to cause them
to even send any kind of report. Some secretaries have been asked
several times to send in a report for this issue, and even then some
have failed to do so, or have done so too late to use their report. If
any institution is not properly represented herein, or is not represented
at all, this will serve to indicate the reason for such failure.
November 1 is the date recommended by the General Conference
when all these reports should reach this office. Therefore if the secre-
tary of every conference, mission, and institution will prepare his
report, and see that it is sent so as to reach the Statistical Secretary
of the General Conference by November 1 each year, the report will
appear properly, and not be omitted.
" AND I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write,
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth:
Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors;
and their works do follow them."
Mrs. Mary Hansen (wife of P. A. Hansen), Dec. 29, 1905,
Ruthven, Iowa.
D. A. Ball, Feb. 12, 1906, Lockport, N. Y.
Rosa Mead, February, Marlow, N. H.
Dr. A. M. Vollmer, Feb. 15, 1906, Wisconsin.
August Kunze, March 15, 1906, College View, Nebr.
J. W. Posey, Feb. 12, Spokane, Wash.
Mrs. Clara E. Jones (wife of D. T.), April 6, at Guadalajara,
Mrs. W. H. Wakeham, May 14, at sea. Buried at sea.
J. W. H. Geiss, April 15, in Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
S. H. Lane, Aug. 19, West Bangor, N. Y.
S. T. Belden, Nov. 4, 1906, at Norfolk Island, Pacific Ocean.
G. A. King, Nov. 14, New York, N. Y.
J. C. Scott, November 25, St. Johns, Oregon.
W. N. Glenn, Dec. 1, 1906, Mountain View, Cal.
E. H. Root, December 2, Coopersville, Mich.
J. B. Stow, Dec. 4, 1906, Nunda, N. Y.
0. N. Whetsel, Dec. 25, 1906, at Newark, Ohio.
Norman Johnston, Jan. 14, 1907, at Kingston, Jamaica, in earth-
A. G. Bodwell, Jan. 31, 1907, drowned in Arizona.
Chas. W. Enoch, Feb. 5, 1907, at Port of Spain, Trinidad, West

Arranged chronologically.


OCTOBER 25, 1905, date of beginning of first series of tent-meetings
in the Japanese Mission, at Tokyo.
November 1, 1905, date of transfer of 'property known as North
Hall at College View, Nebr., by the Union Conference to the Nebraska
Sanitarium Association; price, $17,127.76.
November 9, 1905, the printing press, type, and equipment, with
the books of the tract society and furniture of the Mission in Val-
paraiso, Chile, were all completely destroyed by fire. Insurance, $5,000,
Colorado Medical Missionary Association incorporated December
7, 1905, at Boulder, Colo.
THE YEAR 1906.
February 1, date of issuing first number of Liberty, a quarterly
journal devoted to the interests of religious liberty, published at
Washington, D. C. The circulation of the first two issues was 45,000
The thirty-first annual report of C. H. Jones, manager of the
Pacific Press Publishing Company, to the stockholders, dated February
27, records for the preceding year a loss of $8,000 in operating expenses,
and of $6,000 in inventory, bad debts, etc. For the preceding ten years
the Pacific Press had donated about $40,000 to different missionary
enterprises, not including a loss of about the same amount on the
pioneer missionary paper, the Signs of the Times. A membership cor-
poration had been formed June 23, 1904, and it was reported that to
this corporation over 2,600 shares of the total 4,496 shares of the old
association had been transferred, thus vesting in the new corporation
(organized to make the association more nearly denominational) the
control of the publishing work of the Pacific Press Publishing Com-
pany. The volume of business for the year was $162,492.20. The
present surplus stands $102,649.12. Forty-six thousand copies of de-
nominational bound books had been printed during the year, and in
process of manufacture were 42,000 copies.
February 28, occurred the dedication of the Melrose Sanitarium,
which had been rebuilt after its partial destruction by fire Jan, 1, 1905.
March 2 the buildings of the Eschol school, located near Quitman,
Miss., destroyed by a cyclone.
April 4-11, General Conference Committee council held in Takoma
Park, Washington, D. C.
The Loma Linda Sanitarium, located near Redlands, Cal., was
dedicated on the 15th of April.
April 18 occurred an earthquake in the central portion of Cali-
fornia, which resulted in the destruction of about ten square miles of
property in San Francisco, taking, in the' general loss of about three
hundred and fifty million dollars, the following enterprises which were
conducted by our people: The Vegetarian Caf6, the " Home " for
Workers, the Branch Sanitarium, and food store, Dr. Lamb's private
sanitarium, and the homes of many of the brethren and sisters.
The church at 916 Laguna St., and the place of meeting in Valencia
Street Hall, were spared. Outside of San Francisco little damage was

done to the denominational institutions, aside from wrecking the plant

of the Pacific Press Publishing Co., at Mountain View, entailing a loss
of about $10,000.
May 1-10, the equipment from the Battle Creek office of the Review
and Herald Publishing Association was installed in their new office in
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. May 22-24 the equipment from the
rented quarters at 222 North Capitol St., Washington, D. C., were
transferred to the office at Takoma Park, and the first Review and
Herald issued from the new office, May 31. From the time of the fire
in Battle Creek, Mich., December 30, 1902, which destroyed the manu-
facturing portion of the Review and Herald plant, to the time when
the new building at Takoma Park was occupied, the office and equip-
ment of the Review and Herald were entirely inadequate for the work
in hand.
May 16, there was held at Berrien Springs, Mich., the third annual
meeting of the Review and Herald Publishing Association. At this
meeting it was reported that the donations for the building fund of
the publishing house were $4,853.65, $3,000 of which had come from
the $100,000, and the remainder from individual, donations. Net gain
for the year ending April 30, $6,589.13.
June 19, Pacific Educational Association votes to sell Healdsburg
College, and establish the Pacific Union College and Normal Institute
in a more suitable location.
The Educational Convention held at College View, Nebr., June
28 to July 10, attended by about 125 school men, teachers, conference
officials and delegates, was without doubt the most important meeting
of the kind ever held in the denomination.
At midnight of July 20, began the destruction, by fire, of the
entire plant of the Pacific Press Publishing Co., at Mountain View,
Cal. The loss is estimated at $200,000; insurance, $100,000; $72,500
paid; salvage, about $27,500, making net loss about $100,000. The
destruction was almost total, including building, machinery, stock,
plates, electros, photos, drawings, lists, manuscripts, library, etc.
August 1, Elder I. H. Evans, the General Conference Treasurer,
announced the total receipts on the $100,000 fund to be $115,618.17.
August 16, an earthquake and attending fire destroyed the city
of Valparaiso, Chile. The stock of books, etc., in our mission in that
city was destroyed.
In the Review and Herald of August 30, the manager of the Echo
Publishing Co., W. D. Salisbury, announced the removal of that plant
from North Fitzroy to Warburton, Victoria, forty-eight miles east of
Melbourne, Australia. The present factory is 80 x 88 feet, one-story,
and has machinery capable of furnishing 50 H. P., derived from two
mountain streams. Forty persons are employed, all engaged entirely
on denominational work.
September 1, G. Sander, A. A. Carscallen, and Peter Nyambo left
Hamburg, Germany, for East Africa, the first-named to connect with
. German East African Mission, and the two last-named to open a
new mission station in Uganda.
September 21 Elder E. Schwantes conducted our first baptismal
service in Portugal, the rite being performed in the ocean, at Car-
A meeting of the General Conference Committee was held in
Takoma Park, D. C., September 27 to October 3. The leading features
of this council were the laying of plans for raising $150,000 (the

apportionment of which may be found in the Review and Herald of

October 25), and the recommending of forty-one persons to fourteen
fields outside of the United States.
October 3-10 there was held in Washington, D. C., a convention
called by the Publishing Department of the General Conference, to
consider the interests of the publishing work. This meeting was
attended by eighty delegates, including General, Union, and State
Conference presidents, field agents, tract society secretaries, and others
especially interested in the publishing work.
The main building of the Oakwood Industrial School at Huntsville,
Ala., was burned at 7 P. M., October 11. Loss of one life ensued.
Property loss, approximately, $5,000. Insurance, $2.000.
October 11, date of the first graduating exercise of the Caterham
' Sanitarium Nurses' Training-school, when five nurses were graduated.
October 24 the following-named persons sailed from New York to
engage in missionary work in India: J. L. Shaw and wife, R. R. Cook
and family, Miss Bertha King, Mrs. L. L. McCalmley, Miss Rachel
Johnson, Mrs. E. Ruoff, the three last-named as self-supporting
December 24, the British Union Conference took possession of the
property known as " The Stanboroughs," located within two miles of
Watford, England, fifteen miles northwest of London. This property
consists of fifty-five acres, for which 8,250 was paid. Soon the Brit-
ish Union Conference headquarters will be transferred from 451 Hollo-
wayRoad, London, to this place, where they will carry on publishing,
school, and sanitarium work, as well as the manufacture of health
foods. The office in Holloway Road has been used as headquarters
since 187.
January 1, 1907, Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis., burned; total loss,
$10,000; insurance, $3,500.


Atlantic Union Conference: Third biennial session, South Lancaster,

Mass., Nov. 1-9, 1905.
Canadian Union Conference: Third biennial session, Paris, Ontario,
August 23 to Sept. 2, 1906.
Southern Union Conference: Second biennial session, Nashville, Tenn.,
January 4-14.
Lake Union Conference: Third biennial session, Berrien Springs, Mich.,
May 8-18. (One hundred and forty delegates present.)
Northern Union Conference: Second biennial session, Minneapolis,
Minn., March 1-11.
Central Union Conference: Second biennial session, Kansas City, Mo.,
January 18-28. (Eighty-five delegates present.)
Southwestern Union Conference: Third biennial session, Keene, Tex.,
Feb. 1-10.
Pacific Union Conference: Third biennial session, Portland, Oregon,
February 15-25. At this session it was voted to divide the terri-
tory of the Pacific Union Conference, setting apart the northern
portion of the field, to be called the North Pacific Union Conference.
Australasian Union Conference: Cooranhong, N. S. W., September
German Union Conference: Friedensau, Germany, July 19-29.
Scandinavian Union Conference: Christiania, Norway, June 8-11.

British Union Conference: Fifth annual session, London, N., England,

August 3-12.
Latin Union Mission: Gland, Switzerland, July 10-15.
South African Union Conference: Cape Town, South Africa, Jan. 6-20,
South American Union Conference: Organized at a meeting held at
Parana, Entre Rios, Argentine Republic, March 15-25, 1906.
West Indian Union Conference: Organized at a meeting held at Port
of Spain, Trinidad, June 26, 1906.


During 1906, local conferences were organized as follows:
Rio Grande (Brazil), in April.
Santa Catherina and Parana Conference (Brazil), in May.
Alberta, Canada, July 11.
South Caribbean, in July.
East Caribbean, in July.
British Guiana, in July.
West Caribbean, in September.
New mission stations opened during 1906:
Hunan, China.
A lmora India.
Uganda, British Central Africa.
Kaffir Mission, Cape Colony.
Kihuiro and Vuasu Stations, German East Africa.
Grand Cayman Islands, West Indies. ,


General Conference.
Receipts for year ending Dec. 31, 1905 $351,517.94
Disbursements for the year 337,205.91

Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1906 14,312.03

General Conference Corporation.
Resources Dee. 31, 1905 $134,309.20
Liabilities Dec. 31, 1905 123,674.10

Net worth $10,635.10

Washintgon (D. C.) Sanitarium Association.
Resources Dec. 31, 1905 $37,364.20
Liabilities Dec. 31, 1905 316.10

Net worth $37,048.10


General Conference Gross Receipts.

1901 $192,774.87
1902 184,324.21
1903 152,482.46
1904 216,481.69
1905 351.517.94
1906 325,243.80
Annual Offerings.
First Sabbath in February Religious Liberty Work.
First Sabbath in April Orphanage Work and Care of Aged.
First Sabbath in July Midsummer Offering for Missions.
First Sabbath in October Work Among the Colored People.
December, Week of Prayer Annual Offering for Missions.
Results of the Annual Offerings.
The five general annual offerings taken from October, 1905, to July,
1906, have resulted as follows:
First Sabbath in October, 1905,. for work among the colored people in
the Southern States, received up to Oct. 31, 1906, $12,601.50.
Week of Prayer offering, taken December 19, 1905, including all con-
tributions received up to Oct. 31, 1906, $42,940.71.
First Sabbath in February, 1906, for Religious Liberty work, received
up to Oct. 31, 1906, $2,698.08.
First Sabbath in April, 1906, for orphans of the Haskeit Home and
similar institutions, received up to Oct. 31, 1906, $4,228.00.
First Sabbath in July, 1906, Midsummer Offerings for Missions, re-
ceived up to Oct. 31, $9,852.75.
Haskell Home Receipts.
During 1905 the General Conference sent for the support of the
orphans at the Haskell Home, in Battle Creek, Mich., the sum of $3,-
113.97; during 1906, $4,229.56, up to November 22.


THE statistical report for the denomination, for the year 1905,
appeared in the Review and Herald of Sept. 6, 1906. The grand totals
of the various items in the report are as follows:
Number of Union Conferences 13
Number of Union Missions 3
Number of local conferences 80
Number of mission fields 56
Number organized churches 2,340
Membership 77,443
Unorganized companies . 595
Membership of companies 5,486
Isolated Sabbath-keepers 4,382
Total Sabbath-keepers 87,311
Tithe per capita $9.83
Per cent of gain in total Sabbath-keepers during 1905 6.84

Number of Sabbath-schools 3,170

Membership 75,305
Church buildings 1,091
Ordained ministers 647
Licensed ministers 339
Bible workers 719
Book and periodical canvassers 1,068
Total laborers 2,797
Laborers on pay-roll 1,581
Number of church-schools 417
Teachers of church-schools 466
Enrolment of church-schools 7,345
Number of intermediate. schools 34
Teachers 85
Enrolment 1,250
Number of colleges, and academies 17
Teachers employed 172
Enrolment 2,058
Total enrolment of students 10,653
Total tithe receipts for 1905 $858,014.91
Tithes appropriated to fields outside of conference. 97,696.89
Total offerings to foreign missions 169,335.11
Total Sabbath-school offerings , 68,613.71
Contributions for special work 107,685.85
Contributions for local church work 27,163.03
Retail value of books and periodical sales 548,067.03
Grand total of all funds raised by the Seventh-day Advent-
ist denomination in 1905, for evangelistic work $1,180.917.64
Per cent of increase over similar funds raised in 1904 37.84
Average for each Sabbath-keeper in 1905 $13.52


CAMP-MEETINGS were held in the Union Conferences during 1906
as follows:
Atlantic Union, 14; Canadian Union, 3; Southern Union, 10; Lake
Union, 14; Northern Union, 7; Central Union, 13; Southwestern
Union, 9; Pacific Union, 9; North Pacific Union, 14; Australasian
Union, 7; German Union, 1; Scandinavian Union, 3; British Union, 1;
Latin Union, 2; South African Union, 1.
Total, 108; outside of North America, 15; in North America, 93,
of which two were exclusively for Germans, one exclusively for Scan-
dinavians, and one for colored people.


APPROPRIATIONS of tithes from union and local Conferences for
work in foreign mission fields, from November, 1905,, to December,
1906, have been made as follows, and is in addition to second tithe and
amounts sent through the General Conference office for the support of
laborers in mission fields:
Atlantic Union Conference $ 2,000.00

Iowa Conference 6,000.00

Maine Conference 300.00
West Michigan Conference 4,150.00
Northern Union Conference 2,000.00
Central Union Conference 2,000.00
Pacific Union Conference 2,000.00
California-Nevada Conference 1,000.00
Lake Union Conference 3,767.11
Southern California Conference 5,398.36
Upper Columbia Conference 3,000.00
Western Washington Conference 1,200.00
Minnesota Conference 500.00
South Dakota Conference 500.00
Western Oregon Conference 1,000.00
Nebraska Conference 10,095.00
Kansas Conference 1,000.00
Oklahoma Conference 2,540.00
Missouri Conference 1,000.00
Colorado Conference 1,000.00
North Dakota Conference 2,000.00

Total $52,445.47


Receipts Disbursements
Cash on hand, Jan. 1, 1906 $14,312.03
Conference and Tract Societies 2,715.07 $ 8,798.99
Colored work 5,099.70 7,100.25
Depositors 33,011.69 18,270.78
District of Columbia Conference 7,122.73 6,813.88
Expense 3,024.93
From Conferences for support of laborers... 1.8,456.92
General Conference Building 1,401.25
General Conference Association 3,141.29 42,662.98
General Conference Corporation 853.25 3,991.45
Haskell Home 115.73 1,151.84
Orphanage Fund 4,398.40 4,081.33
Loans 10,789.02 26,185.20
Missionary Acre 129.99
Publishing Houses 559.39 10,567.83
Pacific Press Fund 5,915.80 5,949.31
Religious Liberty Bureau 3,704.65 570.64
Special and Specific Accounts 23,620.80 17,015.60
Washington Building Fund 1,640.14 251.48
$150,000 Fund 7,470.15 3,869.48
Annual Offering 39,992.49
First-day Offering 22,482.02
Missions 60,554.41
Mid-summer Offering 12,413.18
Sabbath-school Donations 34,008.78
Tithe 12,736.17
To Laborers 42,149.66
Mission Fields 99,759.07
Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1906 21,627.85
$325,243.80 $325,243.80
SEVENTH-DAY Adventists have no creed but the Bible; but they
hold to certain well-defined points of faith, for which they feel prepared
to give a reason " to every man that asketh " them. The following
propositions may be taken as a summary of the principal features of
their religious faith, upon which there is, so far as is known, entire
unanimity throughout the body. They believe:
1. That there is one God, a personal, spiritual being, the Creator
of all things, omnipotent, omniscient,' and eternal; infinite in wisdom,
holiness, justice, goodness, truth, and mercy; unchangeable, and every-
where present by his representative, the Holy Spirit. Ps. 139: 7.
2. That there is one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal
Father, the one by whom lie created all things, and by whom they do
consist; that he took on him the nature of the seed of Abraham for
the redemption of our fallen race; that he dwelt among men, full of
grace and truth, lived our example, died our sacrifice, was raised for
our justification, ascended on high to be our only mediator in the sanc-
tuary in heaven, where, through the merits of his shed blood, he secures
the pardon and forgiveness of the sins of all those who persistently come
to him; and as the closing portion of his work as priest, before he
takes his throne as king, he will make the great atonement for the sins
of all such, and their sins will then be blotted out (Acts 3: 19) and
borne away from the sanctuary, as shown in the service of the Levitical
priesthood, which foreshadowed and prefigured the ministry of our
Lord in heaven. See Leviticus 16; Heb. 8: 4, 5; 9: 6, 7.
3. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were
given by inspiration of God, contain a full revelation of his will to
man, and are the only infallible rule of faith and practise.
4. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church, to follow
faith and repentance, an ordinance by which we commemorate the
resurrection of Christ, as by this act we show our faith in his burial
and resurrection, and through that, in the resurrection of all the saints
at the last day; and that no other mode more fitly represents these
facts than that which the Scriptures prescribe, namely, immersion.
Rom. 6: 3-5; Col. 2: 12.
I 5. That the new birth comprises the entire change necessary to fit
us for the kingdom of God, and consists of two parts: First, a moral
change wrought by conversion and a Christian life (John 5: 3); sec-
ond, a physical change at the second coming of Christ, whereby, if
dead, we are raised incorruptible, and if living, are changed to immor-
tality in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Luke 20: 36; 1 Cor.
15: 51, 52.
6. That prophecy is a part of God's revelation to man; that it is
included in that Scripture which is profitable for instruction (2 Tim.
3: 16) ; that it is designed for us and our children (Deut. 29: 29); that
so far from being enshrouded in impenetrable mystery, it is that
which especially constitutes the word of God a lamp to our feet and
a light to our path (Ps. 119: 105; 2 Peter 1: 19) ; that a blessing is
pronounced upon those who study it (Rev. 1: 1-3); and that, conse-
quently, it is to be understood by the people of God sufficiently to
show them their position in the world's history and the special duties
required at their hands.

7. That the world's history from specified dates in the past, the
rise and fall of empires, and the chronological succession of events
down to the setting up of God's everlasting kingdom, are outlined in
numerous great chains of prophecy; and that these prophecies are now
all fulfilled except the closing scenes.
8. That the doctrine of the world's conversion and a temporal mil-
lennium is a fable of these last days, calculated to lull men into a
state of carnal security, and cause them to be overtaken by the great
day of the Lord as by a thief in the night (1 Thess. 5: 3) ; that the
second coming of Christ is to precede, not follow, the millennium; for
until the Lord appears, the papal power, with all its abominations, is
to continue (2 Thess. 2: 8), the wheat and tares grow together (Matt.
13: 29, 30, 39), and evil men and seducers wax worse and worse, as
the word of God declares. 2 Tim: 3: 1, 13.
9. That the mistake of Adventists in 1844 pertained to the nature
of the event then to transpire, not to the time; that no prophetic
period is given to reach to the second advent, but that the longest one,
the two thousand and three hundred days of Dan. 8: 14, terminated in
1844, and brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary.
See Note 1.
10. That the sanctuary of the new covenant is the tabernacle of God
in heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews S and onward, and of
which our Lord, as great high priest, is minister that this sanctuary
is the antitype of the Mosaic tabernacle, and that ' the priestly work
of our Lord, connected therewith, is the antitype of the work of the
Jewish priests of the former dispensation (Heb. 8: 1-5, etc.) ; that this,
and not the earth, is the sanctuary to be cleansed at the end of the
two thousand and three hundred days, what' is termed its cleansing
being in this case, as in the type, simply the entrance of the high priest
into the most holy place, to finish the round of service connected there-
with by making the atonement and removing from the sancutary the
sins which had been transferred to it by means of the ministration
in the first apartment (Lev. 16; Heb. 9: 22, 23) ; and that this work in
the antitpye, beginning in 1844, consists in actually blotting out the
sins of believers (Acts 3: 19), and occupies a brief but indefinite space
of time, at tne conclusion of which the work of mercy for the world
will be finished, and the second advent of Christ will take place.
11. That God's moral requirements are the same upon all men in
all dispensations; that these are summarily contained in the com-
mandments spoken by Jehovah from Sinai, engraven on the tables of
stone, and deposited in the ark, which was in consequence called the
"ark of the covenant," or testament (Num. 10: 33; Deb. 9: 4, etc.);
that this law is immutable and perpetual, being a transcript of the
tables deposited in the ark in the true sanctuary on high, which is
also, for the same reason, called the ark of God's testament; for under
the sounding of the seventh trumpet we are told that " the temple of
God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark
of his testament." Rev. 11: 19.
12. That the fourth commandment of this law requires that we
devote the seventh day of each week, commonly called Saturday, to
abstinence from our own labor, and to the performance of sacred and
religious duties; that this is the only weekly Sabbath known to the
Bible, being the day that was set apart before Paradise was lost (Gen.
2: 2, 3), and which will be observed in Paradise restored (Isa. 66: 22,
23); that the facts upon which the Sabbath institution is based con-
fine it to the seventh day, as they are not true of any other day,

and that the terms, Jewish Sabbath, as applied to the seventh day,
and Christian Sabbath, as applied to the first day of the week, are
names of human invention, unscriptural in fact, and false in meaning.
13. That as the man of sin, the papcy, has thought to change
times and laws (the law of God, Dan. 7: 25), and has misled almost all
Christendom in regard to the fourth commandment, we find a prophecy
of a reform in this respect to be wrought among believers just before
the coming of Christ. Isa. 56: 1, 2; 1 Peter 1: 5; Rev. 14: 12, etc.
14. That the followers of Christ should be a peculiar people, not fol-
lowing the maxims, nor conforming to the ways, of the world; not
loving its pleasures nor countenancing its follies; inasmuch as the
apostle says that " whosoever therefore will be " in this sense, " a
friend of the world, is the enemy of God" (James 4: 4) ; and Christ
says that we can not have two masters, or, at the same time, serve
God and mammon. Matt. 6: 24.
15. That the Scriptures insist upon plainness and modesty of attire
as a prominent mark of discipleship in those who profess to be the
followers of. Him who was .` meek and lowly in heart; " that the
wearing of gold, pearls, and costly array, or anything designed merely
to adorn the person and foster the pride of the natural heart, is to be
discarded, according to such scriptures as 1 Tim. 2: 9, 10; 1 Peter
3: 3, 4.
16. That means for the support of evangelical work among men
should be contributed from love to God and love of souls, not raised
by church lotteries, or occasions designed to contribute to the fun-lov-
ing, appetite-indulgijig propensities of the sinner, such as fairs, fes-
tivals, crazy socials, etc., which are a disgrace to the professed church
of Christ; that the proportion of one's income required in former dis-
pensations can be no less under the gospel; that it is the same as
Abraham (whose children we are, if we are Christ's, Gal. 3: 29), paid to
Melchisedec (type of Christ) when he gave him a tenth of all (Bob.
7: 1-4); the tithe is the Lord's (Lev. 27: 30) ; and this tenth of one's
income is also to be supplemented by offerings from those who are
able, for the support of the gospel. 2 Cor. 9: 6; Mal. 3: 8, 10.
17. That as the natural or carnal heart is at enmity with God and
his law, this enmity can be subdued only by a radical transformation
of the affections, the exchange of unholy for holy principles; that
this transformation follows repentance and faith, is the special work
of the Holy Spirit, and constitutes regeneration, or conversion.
18. That as all have violated the law of God, and can not of them-
selves render obedience to his just requirements, we, are dependent on
Christ, first, for justification from our past offenses, and, secondly, for
grace whereby to render acceptable obedience to his holy law in time
to come.
19. That the Spirit of God was promised to manifest itself in the
church through certain gifts, enumerated especially in 1 Corinthians 12
and Ephesians 4; that these gifts are not designed to supersede, or take
the place of, the Bible, which is sufficient to make us wise unto salva-
tion, any more than the Bible can take the place of the Holy Spirit;
that, in specifying the various channels of its operation, that Spirit
has simply made provision for its own existence and presence with the
people of God to the end of time to lead to an understanding of that
word which it had inspired, to convince of sin, and to work a trans-
formation in the heart and life; and that those who deny to the Spirit
its place and operation, do plainly deny that part of the Bible which
assigns to it this work and position.

20. That God, in accordance with his uniform dealings with the
race, sends forth a proclamation of the approach of the second advent
of Christ; and that this work is symbolized by the three messages of
Revelation 14, the last one bringing to view the work of reform on
the law of God, that his people may acquire a complete readiness for
that event.
21. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary (see proposition
10), synchronizing with the time of the proclamation of the third
message (Rev. 14: 9, 10), is a time of investigative judgment, first,
with reference to the dead, and secondly, at the close of probation, with
reference to the living, to determine who of the myriads now sleeping
in the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection.
and who of its living multitudes, are worthy of translation, points
which must be determined before the Lord appears.
22. That the grave, whither we all tend, expressed by the Hebrew
word " sheol " and the Greek word hades," is a place, or condition,
in which there is no work, device, wisdom, nor knowledge. Mel. 9: 10.
23. That the state to which we are reduced by death is one of
silence, inactivity, and entire unconsciousness. Ps. 146: 4; Red. 9: 5, 6;
Dan. 12: 2.
24. That out of this prison-house of the grave, mankind are to be
brought by a bodily resurrection, the righteous having part in the first
resurrection, which takes place at the second coming of Christ; the
wicked in the second resurrection, which takes place in a thousand
years thereafter. Rev. 20: 4-6.
25. That at the last trump, the living righteous are to be changed
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and that the risen righteous
are to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, so forever to be with
the Lord. 1 Thess. 4: 16, 17; 1 Cor. 15: 51, 52.
26. That these immortalized ones are then taken to heaven, to the
New Jerusalem, the Father's house, in which there are many man-
sions (John 14: 1-3), where they reign with Christ a thousand years,
judging the world and fallen angels, that is, apportioning the punish-
ment to be executed upon them at the close of the one thousand years
(Rev. 20: 4; 1 Cor. 6: 2, 3); that during this time the earth lies in a
desolate, chaotic condition (Jer. 4: 23-27), described, as in the begin-
ning, by the Greek term " abussos " (bottomless pit) (Septuagint of
Gen. 1: 2) ; and that here Satan is confined during the thousand years
(Rev. 20: 1, 2), and here finally destroyed (Rev. 20: 10; Mal. 4: 1) ; the
theater of the ruin he has wrought in the universe being appropriately
made for a time, his gloomy prison-house, and then the place of his
final execution...
27. That at the end of the thousand years the Lord descends with
his people and the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21: 2), the wicked dead are
raised, and cone up on the surface of the yet unrenewed earth, and
gather about the city, the camp of the saints (Rev. 20: 9), and fire
comes down from God out of heaven and devours them. They are
then consumed, root and branch (Mal. 4: 1), becoming as though they
had not been (Obad. 15, 16). In this everlasting destruction from the
presence of the Lord (2 Thess. 1: 9), the wicked meet the " everlasting
punishment " threatened against them (Matt. 25: 46), which is ever-
lasting death. Rom. 6: 23; Rev. 20: 14, 15. This is the perdition of
ungodly men, the fire which consumes them being the fire for which
" the heavens and the earth, which are now, . . . are kept in store,"
Which shall melt even the elements with its intensity, and purge the
earth from the deepest stains of the curse of sin." 2 Peter 3: 7-12.
28. That new heavens and a new earth shall spring by the power of

God from the ashes of the old, and this renewed earth with the New
Jerusalem for its metropolis and capital shall be the eternal inherit-
ance of the saints, the place where the righteous shall evermore' dwell.
2 Peter 3: 13; Ps. 37: 11, 29; Matt. 5: 5.

NOTE 1, REGARDING PROPOSITION 9. The Adventists of 1844 expected

that the end of the world would come in that year, because they held that
certain prophecies would then transpire, which they believed reached to the
coming of the Lord. Chief among these was the prophecy of Dan. 8 : 13, 14,
which says that at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days (years)
the sanctuary should be cleansed. They believed that the earth was the
sanctuary then to be cleansed, and that its cleansing was to be accomplished
with fire, which would accompany the manifestation of the Lord from
heaven. From these premises, the conclusion seemed inevitable that when
the 2300 years ended, in 1844, the Lord would come.
But the day passed by, and no Saviour appeared. Suspended between
hope and fear, and waiting until every plausible allowance for possible
inaccuracies of reckoning and variations of time, was exhausted, it became
at length apparent that a great mistake had been made, and that the mis-
take must be on one or both of the following points : either, first, the period
of the 2300 days did not end at that time, and they had made a mistake
in supposing that they would terminate in that year ; or, secondly, the
cleansing of the sanctuary was not to be the burning of the earth at the
second coming of Christ, and hence they had made a mistake in expecting
such an event at that time. While there was a possibility that they had
made a mistake on both these points, it was certain that they had made a
mistake on one of them ; and either one would be sufficient to account for
the fact that the Lord did not then appear.
A movement which had enlisted the whole interest of thousands upon
thousands, and thrilled their hearts with enthusiastic hope, was not to be
abandoned, especially by its more conservative and sincere adherents, with-
out earnest thought and reflection. The whole field of evidence was there-
fore carefully resurveyed. It soon became apparent that two methods were
being adopted to account for the fact that the Lord did not come when
he was expected, and to explain the consequent disappointment.
One class, at a rash bound, reached the conclusion that they had made
a mistake in the time, and that the prophetic periods bad not expired. This
was, of course, to abandon the whole previous movement, with all its ac-
companying manifestations of divine power ; for 1f the time was wrong,
everything was wrong.
Another class, impressed with the fact that God had given too much
evidence of his connection with the movement to allow them to abandon it,
carefully reviewed the evidence on every point. The result with them was
a clearer conviction of the strength and harmony of the argument on
chronology. They saw no ground to change their views upon the reckoning
of the time, but felt more convinced than ever that the 2300 days were cor-
rectly applied, and that they terminated at the time appointed in 1844.
Thus they became satisfied that the error lay in,their previous views of the
subject of the sanctuary and its cleansing, and that they had made a mis-
take in supposing that the earth would be burned at the end of the 2300
days, because the prophecy said that then the "sanctuary " should " be
This brings us to note the difference between Seventh-day Adventists and
those called First-day Adventists, as respects chronology. The latter,
believing that the prophetic periods were given to make known the time
of Christ's coming, and that they have not yet ended, are held to one Of
two conclusions : either that all that is said in the Bible about these periods
is so much of revelation unrevealed, or else that the time of Christ's com-
ing is to be known. The first conclusion, as consistent believers in the Bible.
they can not adopt. and hence their continual efforts to readjust the pro-
phetic periods, and fix upon some new time for Christ to come. From this
has arisen, in these later years, all the fantastic time-setting which has
very naturally disgusted the world, and worse than this, has brought a stigma
of reproach upon all prophetical study. On the other hand, Seventh-day
Adventists set no time. While they believe that the prophetic periods are
to be understood. they believe also that these periods have been correctly
interpreted, and have all terminated ; so that now 'there is no data from
which to reason respecting a definite time for their Lord to come.

In the catalogue of publications issued by the Review and Herald Pub-

lishing Association, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., will be found
works treating at length upon the principal themes mentioned in the pre-
ceding propositions. Catalogue of publications in English or in foreign
languages, sent free.
CADEMIES, direCtories of 110-114
A Adirondack Sanitarium 142
Africa, Conferences and Missions in
Alabama Conference 27
Alaska Mission 70
Alberta Conference 45
Alberta Sanitarium 142
Algerian Mission 90
Alpharetta Intermediate School 115
Argentine Conference 94
Arizona Conference 61
Arizona Sanitarium 142
Arkansas Conference 57
Asiatic Russian Mission 79
Atlanta Sanitarium 134
Atlantic Union Conference 14-23
Australasian Union Conference 70-77
Austrian Mission 82
Avondale School for Christian Workers 106
Avondale Health Retreat 134
Avondale Press 119

B Barotseland Mission 93
Basutoland Mission 93
Beechwood Manual Training Academy 110
Belfast Sanitarium (see Rostrevor Hills Hydro) 140
Bermuda Mission . 101
Berrien Springs Sanitarium 134
Bethel Academy 110
Birmingham Valley Sanitarium 142
Black River Sanitarium 143
Bohemian language, periodical in 130
Boulder Sanitarium 134
British Columbia Conference 65
British East African Mission 88
British Guiana Conference 98
British Union Conference 86-88
British West African Mission 101
Buenos Ayres Publishing House 119
Buffalo Sanitarium - 134

ALCUTTA Sanitarium 135

C California Conference
Camp-meetings during 1906
Canadian Union Conference c 23-25
Canadian Publishing Association 119
Cape Colony Conference 92
Cape Sanitarium 135
Caterham Sanitarium 135
Cedar Lake Industrial Academy 110
Central American Mission 100
INDEX ' 181

Central New England Conference 15
Central Union Conference 49-56
Chesapeake Conference 16
Chile-Bolivian Mission 96
China Mission 101, 102
Chinese, periodicals in 130
Chinese printing-office 119
Christchurch Sanitarium 135
Christiania Health Home 135
Christiania Publishing House 119
Claremont Union College 106
Colleges, directories of 106-109
Colorado Conference 50
Colorado Sanitarium 134
Colorado Springs Sanitarium 143
Colorado Western Slope Industrial School 115
:Thnstantinople Treatment Rooms 135
Cook Islands Mission 75, 76
to 91
Cuban Mission 100
Cumberland Conference 28
Cumberland Industrial School 115

ANISH-NORWEGIAN language, periodicals in 130

D Denmark Conference 84
Denmark Publishing House
Diamante School 115
Directory of Ministers 149-166
Directory of Physicians 144-147
District of Columbia and Takoma Park 13, 14
Duncombe Hall Training College 106
Du Quoin Intermediate School 115

E AST AFRICA, missions in

East Caribbean Conference
79, 88, 93
East German Conference 79, 80
East Michigan Conference 34
East Russian Conference 82
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 16
Echo Publishing Company, Ltd. 120
Ecuador Mission 96
Educational Department of the General Conference 7
Educational Institutions, directories of 105-119
Outline of courses in 105
Statistical information regarding 117, 118
Egyptian Mission 90
Elk Point Industrial Academy 111
Emmanuel Missionary College 106
England, Conferences and Missions in 85-87
English Periodicals 126
Eshcol Industrial- School 116
Europe, Conferences and Missions in 77-90

Fiji Mission
182 ' INDEX

Fijian language, periodical in 130
Fiji Training School 111
Filadelfia School 116
Financial statements 171, 172
Finland Mission 85
Finland Publishing House 120
Finnish language, periodical in ' 130
Florida Conference 28
Foreign languages, literature issued in 125
Foreign Mission Board, legal trustees 11
Foreign periodicals 130-132
Forest Home Industrial Academy 111
Fox River Academy 111
French language, periodicals in 130
French Mission , 89
French Belgian Mission 90
Friedensau Industrial School 112
Friedensau Sanitarium 136
Friendly Islands Mission 76
Frydenstrand Sanatorium 136
Fundamental Principles of Seventh-day Adventists 175-179

ARDEN City Sanitarium 143.

G General Conference, directory of
Laborers engaged under
Mission Fields under 101-104
Receipts and Disbursements for 1906 174
General Conference Executive Committee 6, 7
General Conference Association 10
General Conference Corporation 10
General European Conference 78
General periodicals 126, 127
Georgia Conference - 29
German East African Mission 79
German language, periodicals in 130, 131
German-Swiss Conference 80
German Union Conference 78-83
German Union District 79
Glendale Sanitarium .136
Gravel Ford Academy 112
Graysville Sanitarium 136
Greater New York Conference 17
Greece . 91
Greenland, mission in 85
Gvelo Mission (see Somabula Mission) 94

AIVIBURG Publishing House 120

H Hawaiian Mission
Harvey Industrial School (see Sheyenne River Academy)
Hayti Mission ' 101
Hazel Industrial Academy 112
Healdsburg College (see Pacific Union College) 107
Hildebran Industrial Academy 112
Hinsdale Sanitarium 143

Historical Summary 'for 1906 168-170
Holland and Flemish Belgium Mission 82, 83
Holland, periodical in 131
Hungarian, periodical in 131 ?
Hungarian Mission 83
Hydropathic Institute 136

ICELAND Mission 86
Icelandic language, periodical in 131
Idaho, conference in 66
Illinois, conferences in 37, 40
India Mission 102
India Publishing House 121
Indian Territory, conference in 58
Indiana Conference 35
Institutions, directories of 105-143
Intermediate Schools 115-117
International Publishing Association 121
Iowa Circle Sanitarium 142
Iowa Conference 51
Iowa Industrial School (see Stuart Industrial Academy) 114
Iowa Sanitarium 137
Ireland Mission 87
Italian Mission 89.

AMAICA Conference 99
J Japan Mission 103, 104
Japanese, periodical in 131
Java Mission 76

K ANSAS Conference
Kansas Sanitarium
52, 53
Karmatar Orphanage and Training School 116
Keene Industrial Academy 112
Keene Sanitarium (see Lone Star Sanitarium) 138
Kentucky, conference in 28
Kimberley Baths 137
Knowlton Sanitarium 137
Kobe Sanitarium 137
ABRADOR, mission in 25
L Lafayette Sanitarium
Lake Geneva Sanitarium
Lake Union Conference 33-44
Languages in which denominational literature is issued 125
Latin Union Mission 88-90
Latin Union Publishing House 121
Latin Union School 116
.Laurelwood Industrial Academy 113
Legal Corporations 10, 11
Leicester Sanitarium 138
Lettonian, periodical in 131
Levant Union Mission 90, 91
Licentiates under the General Conference 11, 12

List of periodicals issued 126-133
Literature, denominational, languages in which published 125
Little Rock Sanitarium 143
Local Conference Periodicals 128, 129
Local Conferences, organization of 171
Local periodicals 132, 133
Loma Linda College of Evangelists 107
Loma Linda Sanitarium - 138
Lone Star Sanitarium 138
London Publishing House 122
Lornedale Academy 113
Louisiana Conference 29
Lowville Sanitarium 143

M ADISON Sanitarium
Maine Conference 18
Manitoba Conference
Maplewood Academy 113
Maritime Conference 24
. Matabele Missions 94
Meadowglade Intermediate School 116
Medical Missionary Council 8,9
Mexican Mission 104
Mexican Publishing House 122
Michigan, Conferences in 34, 38, 41, 42
Middle Russian Mission 83
Middletown Sanitarium 143
Ministerial Directory 149-166
Ministers under the General Conference 11
Minnesota Conference 46
Miscellaneous Missions under the General Conference 101-104
Missionary Licentiates under the General. Conference 12, 13
Missions under the General Conference 101-104
Missions, appropriations to, in 1906 173
Mission stations opened in 1906 171
Mississippi Conference 30
Missouri Conference 54
Montana Conference 66
Montrose Sanitarium 143
Mt. Ellis Academy 113
Mt. Vernon College 107

N ASHVILLE Sanitarium
Natal-Transvaal Conference
Nebraska Conference 55
Nebraska Sanitarium 139
Newark Sanitarium 143
New England Sanitarium 139
Newfoundland Mission 25
New Jersey Conference 19
New South Wales Conference 71, 72
New York Conference 19
New Zealand Conference 72
Norfolk Island Mission 76

North American Foreign Department of the General Conference... 9, 10
North Australian Mission - 76
North Brazil Mission 96
North Carolina Conference 31
North Dakota Conference 47, 48
North England Conference 86
North German Conference 80
North Michigan, Conference. 38
North Pacific Union Conference 65-70
North Russian Mission 83
Northern Illinois Conference 37
Northern Union Conference 45-49
Northland Mission 85
Northwestern Sanitarium 143
Northwestern Training School 116
Norway Conference 84
Nyassaland Mission 93, 94

AKLAND Sanitarium 143

O Oakwood Manual Training School 113
Obituary Record for 1906 167
Ocean View Sanitarium 143
Ohio Conference 39
Oklahoma Conference 58
Ontario Conference 24
Oregon, Conferences in 66, 67
Organization of local conferences in 1906 171
Oswego Industrial School 116
Otter Lake Sanitarium 143

ACIFIC Press' Publishing Company 122

P Pacific Union College
Pacific Union Conference
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 143
Pennsylvania, Conferences in 16, 22
Pennsylvania Sanitarium 139
Peoria Sanitarium 143
Periodicals issued 126-133
Persia 91
Peruvian Mission 96
Philippine Islands Mission 76
Physicians, directory of 144-147
Pitcairn Island Mission 76
Porto Rico Mission 101
Portland Sanitarium 140
Portuguese language, periodicals in 131
Portuguese Mission 90
Prayer-Poem 148
Private Periodicals 132, 133
Prospect Sanitarium 143
Prussian Conference 80
Pilo. Training School 116
Publishing Department of the General Conference

Publishing Houses, directories of 119-124
Number of 125

UEBEC Conference 25
Q Queensland Conference 73

R ARATONGA Training School
Periodical in 131
Relief Bureau 8
Religious Liberty Bureau of the General Conference 9
Review and Herald Publishing Association 122, 123
Rhenish-Prussian Conference 81
Rio Grande Conference 95
Riverside Sanitarium 143
Roman-Swiss Conference 88, 89
Rostrevor Hills Hydro 140
Russian Conferences and Missions 81, 82, 83
Russian, periodical in 131

Samoa Sanitarium
Department of the General Conference 9
Samoan Mission 76
Sanitariums, Directories of 134, 143
Number of 143
San Paulo Mission 96
Santa Catharina Conference 95
Scandinavian Union Conference 84, 85
Scandinavian Union Mission School 114
Schools: Colleges 106-109
Academies 110-114
Intermediate Schools 115-117
Scotland Mission 87
Sheridan Industrial Academy (see Fox River Academy) 111
Sheyenne River Academy 114
Signs of the Times Publishing Assn., Ltd 123
Silesian Conference 81
Simultala Mission School 117
Singapore Mission 77
Skodsborg Sanatorium 141
Society Islands Mission 77
Solusi Mission 94
Somabula Mission 94
South African Union Conference 91-94
South African Publishing House 123
South American Union Conference 94-97
South Australian Conference 73
South Caribbean Conference 99
South Carolina Mission 33
South Dakota Conference 48
South England Conference 86
South German Conference 81
South Lancaster Academy 108
South Lancaster Printing Company 123
South Russian Mission 83

Sopthern California Conference
Southern Illinois Conference 40
Southern Missionary Society 27
Southern New England Conference 20
Southern Publishing Association 124
Southern Training School 108
Southern Union Conference 26-33
Southwestern Union Conference 57-60
Spanish language, periodicals in 131, 132
Spanish Mission 89
Springfield Sanitarium 143
Statistical Information Regarding S. D. A. Educational Institu-
tions 117, 118
Statistical Report for 1905, Summary of 172, 173
St. Helena Sanitarium 5
Stockholm Publishing House 124
Stuart Industrial Academy 114
Sumatra Mission 77
Swedish Conference 85
Swedish Industrial School (see Scandinavian Union Mission School) 114
Swedish language, periodicals in 132
Sydney Sanitarium . 141
Syrian Mission 90

T ACOlVLA Sanitarium
Tahitian language, periodical in 132
Taquary Publishing House
Taquary Training School 117
Tasmanian Conference 74
Tennessee River Conference 32
Texas Conference 59
Transportation Agents 10
Tri-City Sanitarium 141
Toluca Industrial School 117
Tonga Training School 117
Tunesassa School 117
Turkish Mission 91

NION College 108

U Union Conference Biennial Sessions
Union Conference periodicals
127, 128
Upper Columbia Conference 66
Upper Parana Mission 97
Uruguay Mission 97
Utah Conference 64

ERMONT Conference 20, 21

V Victorian Conference
Virginia Conference

W ALES Mission
Walla Walla College
Walla Walla Sanitarium .. 142
Washington, Conferences in - 66, 69
Washington Sanitarium 142
Washington Training College 109
Watchman Publishing Company 124
West Africa, mission in 10]
West Australian Conference 75
West Caribbean Conference 100
West German Conference 82
West Indian Training School 114
West Indian Union Conference 97-101
West Michigan Conference 41
West Pennsylvania Conference 22
West Virginia Conference 23
Western New York Conference 22
Western Oregon Conference 67
Western Washington Conference 69
Williamsdale Academy 114
Wisconsin Conference 42-44
Workers' Directory 149-166
Workers' Obituary Record for 1906 167
Workingmen's Home Dispensary 143
Wyoming Mission 56

YOUNG People's Department of the General Conference 9

Second edition, partially revised to February 5, 1907.

Washington Training
College Washington, D. C.

O FFERS advanced courses of study leading to a

preparation for the gospel ministry, for Christian
teaching, and for medical missionary work.

Learning by Doing
is a prominent feature of the school, thus giving to its
students opportunities of the greatest value for knowing
and developing their various gifts of ability. Advan-
tages of location are numerous and unsurpassed, inclu-
ding privileges of the public

Libraries, Museums, and Art

of Washington, together with such other opportunities
as the capital of the nation offers.

A Fact of Great Importance

to our students is the presence, counsel, and helpful-
ness of the officers of the General Conference, who
virtually control the College and outline its policy.

For further information or for copy of Annual

Announcement, Address


A Christian Education
Within Your Reach


Offers Uhorou,Oh Course in all lines of Gospel and
Professional Work also in the Arts and .Sciences
Last year's enrolment showed a gain of fifty students.
2. This year's enrolment gives promise of a gain of fifty more students.
3. A strong faculty. cr.nducting the work in both the Academic and Industrial Departments.
4. Last year t}e Laboratory Improvement Club added chemical and physical apparatus,
also three new microscopes to our Science Laboratories.
5. This year we are ordering a 4 1-2 inch equatorial telescope, - value $350.
6. A strong Music Department has been strengthened by adding another teacher, and in-
struction is now given in voice, organ, and piano. Orchestra and band organization has been
formed under competent leadership.
7. A strong Normal Department has been established in a separate building, and the work of
training is in the hands of five critic teachers who are specialists in their lines.
8. Ministers, Bible workers, teachers, book-keepers, stenographers, are some of the products
turned out by the college.
9. The raising of $12,000 on a $25,000 debt during the six months just past, indicate a spirit
of confidence and loyalty toward the college.
10. The highest test of growth and prosperity is the excellent degree of moral power that per-
vades the school, and the dedication of talents and ability to the giving of the gospel to the world
in this generation.
11. A modestly built and well-equipped Sanitarium has been constructed the past summer,
and will be of great value in the training of medical missionaries.
For calendar and further information address,

WALLA WALLA COLLEGE, College Place, Wash.

Portland Sanitarium
t1j Where the lawn is green all winter long, and roses
bloom most every month in the year.
iJ This well-equipped institution is beautifully situated
on, Mt. Tabor in the outskirts of Portland, Oregon,
overlooking the Willamette valley and the picturesque
Columbia River, with mountains and snow-capped
peaks in the background.
tQ MEDICAL STAFF : J. E. Froom, M. D.; W. B.
Holden, M, D.; N. C. MacLafferty, M. D.
MATRON : Mrs. Ella Moore.
To reach the Portland Sanitarium take the Mt.
Tabor car; one fare from the Union Depot.
ci For further information address,
Mt. Tabor Station - - PORTLAND, ORE.
Do rou Desire
A Christian Education?

Union College
O FFERS Normal Training, Preparation for
Office Work, Canvassing, Bible Work, and
the Gospel Ministry, as well as the regular Aca-
demic, Scientific, and Literary Courses

Conservatory Course in Music

Summer School for Church-School Teachers
Short Courses for Specific Needs .
Industrial Training a Prominent Feature

Tuition and expenses within the reach of any

industrious and diligent young man and woman

For Calendar and further information, address

President's Office, UNION COLLEGE

Manufacturing Company
N. E. Cor. Seventh and Wyandotte Streets

Expert Builders of Tabernacle Tents

E HAVE been in the tent

business thirty-seven years,
and have always made a spe-
cialty of Gospel Tents. We
have passed the experimental
stage in this line, and have
reached the acme of perfection in tent building.
If in, need of tabernacle tents, living tents,
etc., write us for prices. Material and work-
manship guaranteed.
Write for our General Catalogue
Mailed Free
Emmanuel Missionary

HIS is a training-school for Christian workers at Berrien
Springs, Michigan. Its location in the country on a two
hundred and sixty-six acre farm is most favorable for
the education of those who desire a symmetrical train-
ing of all the powers of the being, physical, intellectual,
and spiritual. At the same time it is free from the special evil
influences of city life. In every way it stands firmly for the
' promulgation of the distinctive doctrines of the Third Angel's
Message. Members of the faculty are not only schoolroom
instructors, but field instructors as well. Agriculture, floricul-
ture, horticulture, vegetable gardening, broom-making, carpentry,
printing, cooking, and plain sewing constitute the manual train-
ing departments connected with the school. The expenses are
$r6 per month, each student being permitted to work to the
extent of $5 per month. The courses of study offered are, the
College Preparatory course of three years, in addition to a
Teachers' . course of four years; a Ministerial course of three
years; a Preparatory Medical course of three years; a Commer-
cial course of one year; and a Department of Music. In addi-
tion to these is offered a number of elective post-graduate studies
for the benefit of those who desire to do still more advanced
work. All the instruction is given in view not only of time but
of eternity.
It is not designed, however, that the order of arrangement
be ironclad. As far as consistent with the program, and with
the advice of the faculty, students elect their work. Neither
is it deemed necessary for students to complete, all the studies
of the Ministerial or the Teachers' course before entering upon
the work of their choice.. But from time to time they may return
to the College and take up more advanced studies, as their expe-
rience in the field may reveal their need. In each year of every
course a distinctive Bible study is placed first, since " a knowl-
edge of God is the foundation of all true education." Indeed,
Biblical principles underlie the work of all the departments ; and
all the courses are presented with the thought uppermost in
mind, of the best and 'most rapid preparation of the young for
positions of trust and responsibility in connection with the great
work of God in the earth.
For further information, address


largest and best-equipped institution west of the
Mountains, following the same rational
principles as to diet, treatment, and health, as the Battle
Creek Sanitarium. Beautiful mountain scenery, delight-
ful summer and winter climate. Postal will bring large
illustrated booklet. Address

California Sanitarium Sanitarium, Cal.

R. R. Station and Express Office St. Helena, Cal.
The Boulder-Colorado
is a well-equipped and well-regulated institution for the treatment of all chronic
disorders. The architectural features consist of one large main building five
stories high, with eleven cottages, bakery, laundry, engine buildings, etc. These
buildings are equipped with all modern conveniences, including steam heating,
electric lighting, elevators, gymnasium, etc.

Situated in the Dry, Bracing Mountain

Air of the Rockies
in an atmosphere charged with ozone and radiant with sunshine, the location of
this institution is unique, and affords unexcelled opportunities for the treatment
especially of nervous disorders. The medical appliances and equipments
Baths of every Description
including the electric-light bath, massage, and manual Swedish movements, elec-
tricity in every form, including violet ray and X-ray. The Sanitarium likewise
possesses a well-appointed laboratory for chemical and microscopical investiga-
tions. It has four experienced physicians, two men and two women,--- and
well-trained nurses of both sexes.

Consumptive or Tubercular Patients, or those Suffer-

ing from Other Contagious or Offensive
Diseases, Are Not Received
Special winter rates are made to patients, from November 1 to June 1., Write
for large illustrated catalogue and card of rates. Address


Loma Linda Sanitarium
This institution uses the same methods for the restoration and preservation of
health, that have proved so successful in the older institutions at Battle Creek, Mich.,
St. Helena, Cal., and Boulder, Colo. Circulars furnished on application. You
can see southern California while stopping at the Sanitarium.
When You Visit the Beautiful Orange Groves of Redlands and
Riverside, Stop at Loma Linda, or " Hill Beautiful."
Loma Linda Sanitarium is sixty-two miles east of Los Angeles, on the main line
of the Southern Pacific Railroad, located upon a hill 125 feet high. It stands in a
valley amid orange groves, fruits, and flowers, for which this section is famous
Surrounding this valley on every side are emerald hills and snow-capped mountains.
Loma Linda has been justly called a veritable "Garden of Eden.- Address


Review and Herald Bibles

Everyone, especially those who have week eyes, appreciate a nice,
large, bold-face type, with the center-column reference. The Review
and Herald have arranged for a special Bible, equal in every way to the
Oxford Bible, having all desirable Bible qualities including plain Arabic
'figures for chapter numbering, furnished with or without concordance
or index, at the following exceptionally low prices :
No. 2990. Alsatian morocco, divinity circuit, round
corners, red under gold edges, silk headband
and marker, linen lined Price, $2.50
No. 2ggox. Same style as above, but having India
paper, making a thinner book Price, $3.50
No. 2992x. Egyptian morocco (same style as above),
India paper, grained leather, silk sewed Price, $4.00
No. 2996x. Alaska Seal (same style as above), India
paper, calf lined to edge, silk sewed Price, $5.50
If Concordance is desired, extra, $.5o
If Thumb Index is desired, extra, $.50.

Testimonies for the Church

"Testimonies for the Church," Nos. t to 34, are published in six
volumes uniform in style. The price is $r a copy in cloth binding, or
$6 a set. These six volumes are also bound in library, at $1.50 a copy
or $9 a set. Volumes VI and VII contain Testimonies Nos. 35 and 36,
and are furnished in cloth at 75 cents a copy.
The last four volumes published can be supplied in an especially
desirable and serviceable binding red flexible leather, round corners,
at $1.50 a copy for Volumes V and VI, and $r.2a a copy for Volumes
VII and VIII. Order of any tract society or publishing house.
Foreign Periodicals


Christlicher Hausfreund (German), $1 ; Deutsche
Arbeiter( German), 5o cents; Evangeliets Sendebud
(Danish-Norwegian), $1.25; Sions Vaktare (Swe-
dish), $1.25; The Christian Record (for the
blind), $2.
College View, Neb.


Wahrheit and Prophetischer Erklarer (German), 6o
cents; Gute Gesundheit (German), $1.6o; Unser
kleiner Freund (German child's paper), 30 cents,;
Zions-Wachter (Holland), 75 cents; Maslina (Rus-
sian), 25 cents.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany


debud (Danish-Norwegian), $1; Sundhedsbladet
(Danish-Norwegian), 8o cents; Tidens Teck en
(Swedish), 85 cents.
Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Norway


Health (English), 75 cents ; The Present Truth
(English), $1.6o.
45 1 Holloway Road, London, N. England


Times (English), $2; Good Health (English) 75 cts.
Warburton, Victoria, Australia
Pacific Press Periodicals

THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. A sixteen-page illus-

trated weekly, devoted to the dissemination of the
gospel, emphasizing the signs that are to precede
the second coming of Christ. Subscription rates :
$1.50 a year ; six months, 75 cents ; to foreign coun-
tries, $1.75. Special rates on clubs.
OUR LITTLE FRIEND. An eight-page illustrated
weekly child's paper, devoted to the interests of chil-
dren. Subscription rate : 5o cents a year. Special
rates on clubs.

Pacific Press Publishing Company

Mountain View, California

Southern Periodicals

THE GOSPEL HERALD.A four-page monthly, de-

voted to the interests of the work among the col-
ored people. Subscription rates, To cents a year.
THE WATCHMAN. A sixteen-page weekly, embra-
cing every phase of the gospel. Subscription rates :
$1 a year ; six months, 5o cents. Special rates on
clubs. Address

Southern Publishing Association

24th Avenue North Nashville. Tenn.
Review and Herald
THE REVIEW AND HERALD. A twenty-four-page
illustrated weekly devoted to the promulgation of
the great Advent Movement. Subscription rates :
$1.50 a year; six months, 75 cents. No extra charge
to foreign countries.
THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR. An eight-page illus-
trated weekly, devoted to the education of the youth.
Subscription rates : 75 cents a year ; six months, 40
cents ; three months, 20 cents. To foreign countries,
$1.25 a year. Club .rates: Five to 9 copies to one
address, each 55 cents; Io to ioo copies to one ad-
dress, each 5o cents.
page monthly journal devoted to the interest of the
SaThath-school work. Subscription rates : Single
copies a year, 35 cents ; two or more to one address,
25 cents each. No extra charge to foreign countries.
LIFE AND HEALTH. A thirty-six-page health jour-
nal devoted to the principles governing life and
health. Subscription rates : 5o cents a year ; single
copy, '5 cents; special rates to agents.
LIBERTY. A thirty-two-page quarterly devoted to the
American idea of religious liberty, as exemplified
in the complete separation of church and state. Sub-
scription rates : 25 cents a year, including extras :
single copy, 5 cents; special rates to agents.

. . . Address . . .
Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C.

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