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Seventh-day Adventist
The Official Directories

Published by
Review & Herald Publishing Assn.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.

4..amalwro.not.nnwu ra.moo ll

History of
The Sabbath
X and the First Day of the Week
X 'By J. N. Andrews
This is the most complete work on X
this subject ever published. It treats
the subject from a Biblical and a his.,
torical standpoint, Every passage
of 'Scripture which has any connec-
X tion with the Sabbath, is examined o.
at length, The various steps by
which the change from the seventh
day to the first day was made, are
given in d&aily and the final exale
tation of the Sabbath is vividly pore
trayed. X
Revised and enlarged edition, now
in press, Contains over 800 pages.



New York City South Bend, Ind.



I 9 1 .2



Comprising a Complete-',Directory of the
General Conference, Union and Local Con-
ferences, and Mission Fields, Educational
Institutions, Publishing Houses, Period-
icals, Sanitariums, together with a State-
ment of Fundamental Principles, and the
Constitution of the General Conference

H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of
the General Conference. r-rr- - IC 1
', ` ": J 4.4

:, /

i ROCOrIF ,1a ljtCd in 19a Iwo




x x x
In harmony with the great commission, " Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature," the heralds of this advent
message are hastening on with eager footsteps to all parts of the world,
proclaiming the great threefold message. The past year has witnessed
splendid achievements in this work, the glory of which is all given to
God. The banner of truth has been unfurled' in new fields, new con-
ferences organized, new missions and institutions established, additional
reenforcements provided, and publications issued in languages in which
we were not previously publishing.
The present arrangement of organization includes the following:
Classification. Number.
Union conferences 23
Union missions 4
Local conferences 112
Mission fields 99
Educational institutions 90
Publishing houses and branches 38
Periodicals, 121, in 28 languages.
Languages in which publications of all kinds are issued 70
Sanitariums 76
Treatment rooms 37
Food companies 9
Grand total institutions 250
Grand total union and local conferences and missions 238

Mission work is now carried on by Seventh-day Adventists in the

same countries in which sixty-two other missionary societies are oper-
ating, except the following: Arabia, Assam, Borneo, Cyprus, Eastern
Sudan, Eskimo, Madagascar, New Britain,, am West Central Africa,
and in the latter country self-supporting work is carried on at Loanda,
The following pages record the names of conferences, missions, or-
ganizations, and institutions, and of those connected therewith, through-
Out the entire world, so far as can be ascertained at the time of publi-
cation. Only a brief examination of these directories is sufficient to
indicate something as to the growth during 1911. The growth of this
cause, however, is clearly shown in the statistical tables appearing in
the latter portion of this work, where the development of recent years
is indicated accurately for various departments of work.
Frequent changes in the organization of conferences and their boun-
daries, in the establishment of institutions and their location, etc., have
made necessary the re-drawing of maps of Union Conferences for this
work. Designations are employed throughout these maps for the pur-
poses indicated on the opposite page.

2:zr For changes made in directories while the work on this book was
in progress, see page 245.
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination.
Organized May 21, 1863.
Territory: The following-named APPOINTED ASSISTANTS.
Union Conferences: Atlantic,
Canadian, Central, Columbia, Field Secretary: G. B. Thompson,
Lake, Northern, North Pacific, Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Pacific, Southeastern, Southern, ington, D. C.
Southwestern, Western Cana- Assistant Secretary for Europe:
dian, Australasian, British, East Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
German, Latin, Russian, Scan- burg, Germany.
dinavian, West German, South Subtreasurer for Europe:' Miss
African, South American, Bra- Alice Kiissner, Grindelberg 15a,
zilian, West Indian; the follow- Hamburg, Germany.
ing Union Missions: China, In- Home Secretary: T. E. Bowen,
dia, Levant, Siberia; the mis- Takoma Park Station, Wash-
sions of Bahama, Bermuda, ington, D. C.
Canary Islands, Hawaii, Mexico, Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rog-
and West Africa. ers, Takoma Park Station,
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- Washington, D. C.
ington. (A B C Code, fifth'
Telegraphic Address: Genera] Con-
ference, Washington, D. C: GENERAL CONFERENCE COM-
(NOT Takoma Park.)
Express and. Freight Address: MITTEE.
General Conference, Takoma GENERAL.
Park, D. C. (NOT Washing-
ton.) Consign freight via B. & A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Sta-
0. Ry. tion, Washington, D. C.
Post-office Address: Takoma Park L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
Station, Washington, District of Hamburg, Germany.
Columbia, U. S. A. I. H. Evans, Box 523, U. S. Postal
Agency, Shanghai, China.
OFFICERS. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Vice-President for European Divi-
sion: L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg PRESIDENTS OF UNION CON-
15a, Hamburg, Germany.
Vice-President for North American
Division: W. T. Knox, Takoma In the United States and Canada.
Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Vice-President for Asiatic Divi- Atlantic: W. B. White, South Lan-
sion: I. H. Evans, Box 523, U. S. caster, Mass.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Central: E. T. Russell, College
Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma View, Nebr.
Park station, Washington, D. C. Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, Ta-
Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma koma Park Station, Washing-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. ton, D. C.

Lake: Allen Moon, 215 Dean Bldg., Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
South Bend, Ind. India: J. L. Shaw, 19 Banks Road,
Northern: R. A. Underwood, 2718 Lucknow, India.
Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Siberia: G. Perk, Kleine Newastr.
Minn. 12, Riga, Russia.
North Pacific: C. W. 'Flaiz, Col- SECRETARIES OF DEPART-
lege .Place, Wash. MENTS.
Pacific: G. A. Irwin, Mountain
View, Cal. Sabbath-school: G. B. Thompson,
Southeastern: Chas. Thompson, Takoma Park Station, Washing-
Graysville, Tenn. ton, D. C.
Southern: S. E. Wight (elect), 511 Publishing: E. R. Palmer, Takoma
Cole Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Southwestern: G. F. Watson, Educational: H. R. Salisbury, Ta-
Keene,. Tex. koma Park, Station, Washing-
Canadian: Wm. Guthrie, Port ton, D. C.
Hope, Ontario. Medical: Dr. George Thomason,
Western Canadian: H. S. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, Wash-
1109 Fourteenth St., West, Cal- ington, D. C.
gary, Alberta, Canada. Religious Liberty: K. C. Russell,
Takoma Park Station, Wash-
In Other Countries. ington, D. C.
Australasian: J. E. Fulton, " Miz- Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern,
pah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Takoma Park Station, Washing-
Australia. ton, D. C.
British: W. J. Fitzgerald, 8 Lan- North American Foreign: 0. A.
caster Road, Stroud Green, Lon- Olsen, Room 650, 440 South
don, N., England. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
East German: H. F. Schuberth, North American Negro: A. J.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Haysmer, 536 Fifth Ave., South,
many. Nashville, Tenn.
Latin: L. P. Tieche, 97 rue Monge,
Paris, France.
Russian: J. T. Boettcher, Kleine W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
Newastr. 12, Riga, Russia. Station, Washington, D. C.
Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- W. C. White, Sanitarium, Cal.
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., G. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Fla.
Denmark. S. N. Haskell, 63 Grant St., Port-
South African: R. C. Porter, land, Me.
" Wynnton," Scions Road, Clare- W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park,
mont, South Africa. Watford, Herts, England.
South American: J. W. Westphal, C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos F. Griggs, College View, Nebr.
Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
ica. 45 members.
Brazilian: F. W. Spies, Caixa
Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Bra-
, zil, South Ainerica. SABBATH-SCHOOL DEPART-
West German: J. G. Oblander, MENT.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
West Indies: U. Bender, Rivers- Secretary: G. B. Thompson, Ta-
dale, Jamaica, West Indies. koma Park Station, Washing-
ton, D. C.
Corresponding Secretary:, Mrs. L.
Flora Plummer, Takoma Park
China: I. H. Evans, Box 523, U. S. Station, Washington, D. C.

OTHER MEMBERS. F. F. Byington, College View,

W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park B. B. Noftsger, Port Hope, On-
Station, Washington, D. C. tario.
M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park,
Cal. Watford, Herts, England.
_ W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- H. Hartkop, Grindelberg .15a,
tion, Washington, D. C. Hamburg, Germany.
Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, 2201 E. Lind, Kungsgatan 34, Stock-
Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Cal. holm, Sweden.
F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta- J. Robert, Gland, Switzerland.
tion, Washington, D. C. J. M. Johanson, Warburton, Vic-
Mrs. Fannie Dickerson Chase, Ta- toria, Australia.
koma Park Station, Washing- H. H. Cobban, Riversdale, Ja-
ton, D. C. maica, West Indies.
T. E. Bowen, Takoma Park Sta- W. D. Burden, 846 Sendagaya-
tion, Washington, D. C. machi, Tokyo, Japan.
W. H. Wakeham, Stanborough A. Pages, Estacao Sao Bernardo,
Park, Watford, Herts, England. S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
South America.
G. E. Hartman, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- W. E. Pen-in, 19 Banks Road,
tion, Washington, D. C. Lucknow, India.
OFFICERS. A. C. Selmon, Box 523, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Secretary: E. R. Palmer.
Assistant Secretary: N. Z. Town. MANAGERS CIRCULATING DE-
GENERAL MEMBERS. H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.
W. C. White, Sanitarium, Napa G. C. Hoskin, Mountain View, Cal.
Co., Cal. L. W. Graham, 32 Union Square,
I. H. Evans, Box 523, U. S. Postal New York, N. Y.
Agency, Shanghai, China. J. W. Mace, Melville Building,
L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, South Bend, Ind.
Hamburg, Germany. I. A. Ford, Takoma Park Station,
R. C. Porter, " Wynnton," Selous Washington, D. C.
Road, Claremont, South Africa. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Copen- tion, Washington, D. C.
hagen, V., Denmark. A. J. S. Bourdeau, Takoma Park
J. T. `Boettcher, Kleine Newastr. Station, Washington, D. C.
12, Riga, Russia. James Cochran, 1109 East Twelfth
F. W. Spies, Caixa Postal 768, Rio St., Kansas City, Mo.
de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer- J. F. Beatty, 61 Park St., North,
ica. Portland, Oregon.
L. E. Borle, Gland, Switzerland. W. V. Sample, 1109 Fourteenth
J. W. Westphal, Florida, F. C. St., West, Calgary, Alberta,
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Canada.
South America. R. L. Pierce, 411 West. Railroad
Ave., Fort Worth, Tex.
PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGERS. L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., At-
lanta. Ga.
S. N. Curtiss, Takoma Park Sta-
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. C. J. Tolf, South Lancaster, Mass.
R. Hook, Jr., Twenty-fourth Ave., I. G. Bigelow, Takoma Park Sta-
North, Nashville, Tenn. tion, Washington, D. C.

.1. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA-

Mich. TION.
A. F. Harrison, Room 511, Cole Office: Takoma Park Station,
Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Washington, D. C.
W. W. Eastman, Keene, Tex. MEMBERS.
V. 0. Cole, Graysville, Tenn. Secretary: H. R. Salisbury, Ta-
C. G. Bellah, 1109 East Twelf0 koma Park Station. Washing.-
St., Kansas City, Mo. ton, D. C.
F. E. Painter, 2718 Third Ave., F. Griggs, College View, Nebr.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. C. C. Lewis St. Helena, Cal.
0. J. Graf, Berrien
' Springs, Mich.
W. R. Beatty, 61 Park St., North, B. F. Machlan, Cooranbong, N. S.
Portland, Oregon. W., Australia.
A. A. Cone, Mountain View, Cal. C. W. Irwin, Pacific Union Col-
E. R. Allen, Port Hope, Ontario. lege, St. Helena, Cal.
W. L. Manful, 1109 Fourteenth St., H. C. Lacey, Stanborough Park,
West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Watford, Herts, England.
C. S. Longacre, South Lancaster,
C. E. Weaks, 19 Banks Road,
Lucknow, India. Mass.
Otto Luepke, Friedensau, Post
L. D. A. Lemke, Warburton, Vic- Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger-
toria, Australia. many.
Samuel Joyce, Stanborough Park, Paul Steiner, Gland, Savitzerland.
Watford, Herts, England. M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
Maximo Trummer, Florida, F. C. Mrs. F. Chase, Takoma Park
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Statir'., Washington, D. C.
South America. Prescott, Takoma Park
G. H. Clark, 56 Roeland St., Cape ,ation, Washington, D. C.
Town, South Africa. M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
T. H. Davis, Casilla 2830, Santi- Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma
ago, Chile,- South America. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
J. A. P. Green, No. 1420 Avenida C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn.
P. John, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- M. B. Van Kirk, Graysville, Tenn.
burg, Gerinany. Clarence J. Boyd, Huntsville, Ala.
H. l3oex, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- S. M. Butler, Mount Vernon, Ohio.
burg, Germany. Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, Den-
J. L. Brown, Calle Mercaders, 40- mark.
10la, Barcelona., Spain. W. C. John, Diamante, Argentina,
South America.
C. P. Crager, Kenilworth, Cape,
RETARIES. W. E. Howell, Takoma Park, D. C.
H. M. Lee, Soonan, Korea.
J. R. Ferren, Mountain View, Cal. H. F. Benson,. 846 Sendagaya-
Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 2123 Twen- machi, Tokyo, Japan.
ty-fourth Ave., North, - Nash- R. B. Thurber, Meiktila, Burma.
ville, Tenn. W. W. Ruble, Alexandria Minn.
W. H. Williams, 169 Bryan St., J. L. Stansbury, Williamsdale,
Atlanta, Ga. East, Nova Scotia.
J. I. Beardsley, Lacombe, Alberta,
Mrs. J. M. Rowse, Box 244, Re- Canada.
gina, Saskatchewan, Canada. L. A. Hoopes, Warburton, Vic-
A. G. Miller, Warburton, Victoria, toria, Australia.
Australia. G. A: Grauer, Clinton, Mo.

M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson, Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan,

Minn. Korea.
G. E. Nord, R. F. D. 1, La Grange, V. L. Mann, M. D., 19 Banks Road,
Ill. Lucknow,
H. M. Hiatt, 169 Bryan St., At-
lanta, Ga.
M. M. Hare, South Lancaster, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY ASSOCI-
Mrs. Carrie R. Moon, 215 Dean ATION.
Bldg., South Bend, Ind. OFFICERS.
Secretary: K. C. Russell, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C.
MEDICAL COUNCIL. Assistant Secretary: S. B. Horton,
Takoma Park Station, Wash
OFFICERS. ington, D. C.

Secretary: Geo. Thomason, M. D., OTHER MEMBERS.

Takoma Park Station, Wash- J. 0. Corliss, Mountain View, Cal.
ington, D. C. Allen Moon, 215 Dean Bldg., South
Assistant Secretary: L. A. Han- Bend, Inu.
sen, Takoma Park Station, W. M. Healey, 657 Eighteenth St.,
Washington, D. C. San Diego, Cal.
OTHER MEMBERS. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C.
W. A. Ruble, M. D., Loma Linda, W. A. Colcord, Takoma Park Sta-
Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
D. H. Kress, M. :D., Loma Linda, L. -A. Smith, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Cal. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park W. T. Bartlett, Stanborough Park,
Station, Washington, D. C. Watford, Herts, England.
IT. F. Rand, M. D., Glendale, Cal. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
A. B. Olsen, M. D., Caterham, . tion, Washington, D. C.
Surrey, England. F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta-
C. W. Heald, M. D., Nevada, Iowa. tion, Washington, D. C.
H. N. Sisco, M. D., Takoma Park .1. S. Washburn, 665 Decatur St.,
Station, Washington, D. C. Memphis, Tenn.
W. E. Bliss, M. D., Melrose, Mass. I. IL Evans, Box 523, U. S. Postal
F. L. Hommel, Lacombe, Alberta, Agency, Shanghai, China.
Canada. A. J. S. Bourdeau, Takoma Park
Orville Rockwell, M. D., College Station, Washington, D. C.
View, Nebr. C. M. Snow, Takoma Park Station,
F. C. Richards, M. D., Wahroonga, Washington, D. C.
N. S. W., Austr alia. C. S. Longacre, South Lancaster,
P. ' A. De Forest, M. D., Gland, Mass.
Switzerland. M. N. Campbell, Nevada, Iowa.
N. P. Nelson, M. D., Skodsborg, W. F. Martin, So East Sixty-first
Denm ark. St., North, Mt. Tabor Station,
E. Meyer, M. D., Friedensau, Post Portland, Oregon.
Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger- George Teasdale, 29 Fitzroy Cham-
many. bers, Adelaide St., Brisbane,
R. H. Habenicht, M. D., Diamante, Queensland, Australia.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South C. E. Knight, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
America. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
H. W. Miller, M. D., West Milton, America.
Ohio. E. T. Russell, College View, Nebr.

J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park Miss Ida Thompson, British Post-

Station, Washington, D. C. office, Canton, China.
Chas. Thompson, Graysville, Tenn. Mrs. Allen Moon, 213 Dean Bldg.,
H. A. Weaver, 2028 Tenth St., South Bend, Ind.
Port Huron, Mich. W. W. Ruble, Alexandria, Minn.
William Guthrie, Port Hope, On- C. C. Lewis, care Pacific Union
tario. College, St. Helena, Cal.
H. W. Cottrell, Mountain View, H. M. Hiatt, 169 Bryan St., At-
Cal. lanta, Ga.
Mrs. R. C. Porter, " Wynnton,"
Selous Road, Claremont, South
YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY Mrs. H. H: Cobban, Riversdale,
Rudolph Schopbach, College View,
H. Kuniya, 846 Sendagaya-machi,
Secretary: M. E. Kern, Takoma Tokyo, Japan.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. J. L. Shaw, 19 Banks Road, Luck-
Corresponding Secretary: Miss now, India.
Matilda Erickson, Takoma N. W. Lawrence, College Place,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Wash.
C. Sorenson, Takoma Park Sta-
OTHER MEMBERS. tion, Washington, D. C.
E. E. Farnsworth, Keene, Tex.
M. M. Hare, South Lancaster,
W. J. Blake, Lorne Park, Ontario.
S. M. Butler, College, Mt. Vernon, NORTH AMERICAN FOREIGN
Mrs. M. H. C'rothers, 2123 Twen-
ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash- Department Headquarters and Of-
ville, Tenn. fice: Room 650, 440 South Dear-
Edith Graham, Queen's Road, born St., Chicago, Ill.
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New OFFICERS.
W. H. Wakeham, Stanborough Department Secretary: 0. A. Ol-
Park, Watford, Harts, England. sen.
Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Office Secretary: Bertha Lofstad.
burg, Germany. Advisory Council: 0. A. Olsen
John Lipke, EstacAo silo Ber- (chairman), J. H. Schilling, G.
nardo, Estado de Sao Paulo, F. Haffner, S. Mortenson, L. H.
South America. Christian.
H. R. Salisbury, Takoma Park GERMAN DEPARTMENT AD-
Station, Washington, D. C. VISORY COMMITTEE.
Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma J. H. Schilling (Supt. Eastern Di-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. vision), Room 904, 32 Union
Mrs. .Fannie D. Chase, Takoma Square, New York, N. Y.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. G. F. Haffner (Supt. Western Di-
Luther Warren, Loma Linda, Cal. vision), Clinton, Mo.
L. H. Christian, 1315 East Twen- Carl Leer, Lincoln, N. Bak.
ty-eighth St., Minneapolis, G. A. Grauer, Clinton, Mo.
Minn. Henry Shultz, Lodi, Cal.
S. Mortenson, 5942 Peoria St., H. F. Graf, 2325 East Eighty-sev-
Chicago, Ill. enth St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Meade MacGuire, Box 381, Love- B. E. Miller, Room 904, 32 Union
land, Colo. Square, New York, N. Y.

SWEDISH DEPARTMENT AD- T. H. Jeys, Box 414, Huntsville,

S. Mortenson (Supt.), 5942 Pearia C. J. Boyd, Box 414, Huntsville,
St., Chicago, Ill. Ala.
August Anderson, College Place,
G. E. Nord, Route 1, Box 20, La-
Grange, Ill. Allen Moon, 215 Dean Bldg., South
Bend, In.
J. F. Anderson, 827 Magnolia St..
St. Paul, Minn. R. A. Underwood, 2718 Third Ave.,
A. J. Stone, 5718 Alaska St., Ta- South, Minneapolis, Minn
coma, Wash. W. B. White, South Lancaster,
MENT COMMITTEE. C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Wash.
L. H. Christian (Supt.), 1315 East Stewart Kime, 717 Greenwood
Twenty-eighth St., Minneapolis, Ave., Richmond, Va.
Minn. Wm. Guthrie, Port Hope, Ontario.
L. Johnson, 3022 West Sixty-sec- H. S. Shaw, 1109 Fourteenth St.,
ond St., Ballard Sta., Seattle, West, Calgary, Alberta, Can-
Wash. ada.
M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson, G. A. Irwin, Mountain View, Cal.
Minn. F. R. Rogers, West Jackson, Miss.
Lars Nielson, College View, Nebr. W..H. Williams, 169 Bryan St., At-
lanta, Ga.
N. P. Neilson, Room 904, 32 Union
Square, New York, N. Y. J. W. Norwood, Fayetteville, Ark.
Foreign Literature Depositories: 3. M. Campbell, 2436 Flora St.,
Kansas City, Mo.
International Pub. Assn., Col-
lege View, Nebr.; Manager, F. J. K. Humphrey, 184 West 135th
F. Byington. New York Branch St., New York, N. Y.
of Review and Herald Pub. W. H. Green, 1409 First St., N.
Assn., 32 Union Square, New W., Washington, D. C.
York, N. Y.; Manager L. W. M. C. Strachan, Asheville, N. C.
Sydney Scott, Newbern, N. C.
D. E. Blake, 316 Foster St., Nash-
PARTMENT. T. H. Branch, 1700 Woodstock St.,
Secretary: A. J. Haysmer, 536 Philadelphia, Pa.
Fifth Ave., South, Nashville, Thomas Murphy, 1115 Fayette St.,
Tenn. Vicksburg, Miss.
Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma Page Shepard, Asheville, N. C.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. J. H. Lawrence, 3110 Grand Ave.,
Louisville, Ky.
A. J. Haysmer, 536 Fifth' Ave.,
South, Nashville, Tenn.
C. F. McVagh, 511 Cole Bldg., PRESS BUREAU OF THE GEN-
Chas. Thompson, Graysville, Tenn. ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS.
G. F. Watson, Keene, Tex. Secretary: W. L. Burgan, Ta-
C. P. Boliman, 511 Cole Bldg., koma Park Station, Washing-
Nashville, Tenn. ton, D. C.

TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta-

tion, Washington, D. C.
W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. (Also OFFICERS.
general agent for transatlantic
steamship lines.) President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
(Also general agent for trans- Vice-President: W. A. Spicer, Ta-
pacific steamship lines.) koma Park Station, Washing-
Review and Herald Publishing ton, D. C.
Association, Room 910, 32 Union Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma
Square, .-New York, N. Y. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington Secketary: H. E. Rogers, Takoma
Park, London, N., England. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Geo. E. Langdon, Room 650, 440
South Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. OTHER MEMBERS.
W. H. Williams, 169 Bryan St.,
Atlanta, Ga. W. W. Prescott, K. C. Russell,
W. A. Wilcox, 511 Cole Bldg., G. A. Irwin, 0. A. Olsen, F. M.
Nashville, Tenn. Wilcox, S. E. McNeill, H. R.
A. T. Robinson, College View, Salisbury, Allen Moon, Wm.
Nebr. Covert, A. G. Haughey, R. A.
3. F. Beatty, 61 Park St., North, Underwood, H. W. Cottrell, S.
Portland, Oregon. N: Curtiss, D. W. Reavis, G. B.
Thompson, I. H. Evans, T. E.
Executive Committee: A. G. Dan-
GENERAL CONFERENCE COR- iells, W. A. Spicer, W. T. Knox,
PORATION. F. M. Wilcox, H. E. Rogers.
Incorporated 1904.
Legal Title: " General Conference FOREIGN MISSION BOARD.
Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
ventists." Incorporated 1899.
Constituency: The General Con-
ference delegates. Legal Title: " Foreign Mission
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- Board of . Seventh-day Advent-
tion, Washington, D. C. ists."
Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; Trustees: A. G. Daniells, W. A.
Sec., H. E. Rogers; Treas., W. Spicer, W. T. Knox, 0. A. Olsen,
T. Knox. H. R. Salisbury, W. A. West-
Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, worth, G. A. Irwin, G. B.
I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, W. W. Thompson, W. W. Prescott.
Prescott, F. M. Wilcox, S. N. Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells;
Curtiss, H. E. Rogers. Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., W.
T. Knox.


Incorporated 1887. GENERAL CONFERENCE.
Legal Title: " General Conference (Only the names and addresses
Association of the Seventh-day of general workers not connected
Adventists." with mission fields appear in this
Constituency: The General Con- list; names of workers connected
ference delegates. with mission fields appear under

the directories of the various Mis- Schilling, J. H., Room 904, 32 Un-
sion Fields. This is done to save ion Square, New York, N. Y.
useless repetition of names.) Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
MINISTERS. Thomason, Dr. Geo., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C.
Anderson, J. N., Takoma Park Thompson, Geo. B., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Butler, Geo. I., Bowling Green, Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta-
Fla. tion, Washington, D. C.
Christian, L. H., 1315 East Twen- White, Mrs. E. G., " Elmshaven,"
ty-eighth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Colcord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa
tion, Washington, D. C. Co., Cal.
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Hamurg, Germany. tion, Washington, D. C.
Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. LICENTIATES.
Dowsett, R. T., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. Bourdeau, A. J. S., Takoma Park
Evans, I. H., Box 523, U. S. Postal Station, Washington, D. C.
Agency, Shanghai, China. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Farnsworth, E. W., 2201 Telegraph tion, Washington, D. C.
Ave., Oakland, al. Crisler, C. C., Sanitarium, Cal.
Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster, Dail, Guy, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Mass. burg, Germany.
Haffner, G. F., Clinton, Mo. Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Haskell, S. N., 63 Grant St., Port- tion, Washington, D. C.
land, Me. Haskell, Mrs H. H., 63 Grant St.,
Haysmer, Ai J., 536 Fifth Ave., Portland, Me.
South, NashvilYe, Tenn. Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Horton, S. B., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Irwin, G. A., Mout ain View, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Sisco, H. N., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- Snow, C. M., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Loughborough, J. N., Lodi, Cal.
Miller, H. W., West Milton, Ohio. ' MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Mortenson, S., 5942 Peoria St.,
Chicago, Ill. Erickson, Matilda, Takoma Park
Olsen, 0. A., Room 650, 440 South Station, Washington, D. C.
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Farnsworth, Mrs. V. J., 2201 Tele-
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- graph Ave., Oakland, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. MacEnterfer, Sara, Sanitarium,
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Cal.
Station, Washington, D. C. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma
Roth, G. G., 8 out a Lancaster. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Mass. Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Russell, K. C., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Sisco, Dr. Patience S. Bourdeau,
Salisbury, H. R., Takoma Park - Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Station, Washington, D. C. ington, D. C.
Organized 19ot.
Territory: The Conferences of 32 Union Square, East, New York
Maine, Northern New England, N. Y.
Massachusetts, Southern New Manager, L. W. Graham.
England, New York, Greater Union Field Agent, C. J. Tolf.
New York, and Western New
York. Educational Dept.:
Office: South Lancaster, Mass. Sec., M. M. Hare.




/1.455. CON .F.

OFFICERS. Medical Missionary Dept.:

Conference: Sec., Dr. W. E. Bliss, Melrose,
Pres., W. B. White. Mass.
Sec., Miss Pearl L. Rees.
Treas. and Auditor, C. L. Kil- Religious Liberty Dept.:
gore. Sec.,
Executive Committee: W. B.
White, the presidents of confer- Young People's Dept.:
ences composing the Atlantic Un- Sec., M. M. Hare.
ion, and C. S. Longacre, C. L. Kil-
gore, W. E. Bliss, C. J. Tolf, F. W. Negro Representative:
Stray, H. C. White, M. M. Hare. Sec., J. K. Humphrey, 184 West
Legal Assn.: " Atlantic Union 135th St., New York, N. Y.
Conference Association of S. D.
A." Pres., Wm. B. White; Sec.
and Treas., Horace B. Tucker.
W. B. White, South Lancaster,
Union Book Depository: Mass.
New York Branch of Review C. S. Longacre, South Lancaster,
and Herald Pub. Assn., Room 910, Mass.

M. M. Hare, South Lancaster, Educational Dept.:

Sec., R. D. Quinn.
Sec., B. B. Kinne, M. D.
C. L. Kilgore, South Lancaster,
Mass. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Pearl L. Rees, South Lancas-
ter, Mass. Sec., L. T. Nicola.
C. J. Tolf, South Lancaster, Mass. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., R. J. Bryant.
Foreign Dept.:
GREATER NEW YORK CON- Sec., A. Boettcher, 1815 Gates
FERENCE. Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Organized 1902.
Territory: The City of Greater
New York, Long Island, and the R. D. Quinn, Room 904, 32 Union
counties -of Westchester, Rock- Square, New York, N. Y.
land, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, 0. 0. Bernstein, 2429 Southern
and Ulster, in the State of New Boulevard, New York, N. Y.
York. A. V. Cotton, 169 Howard Ave.,
Office: Room 904, 32 Union Square, Brooklyn, N. Y.
New York, N. V. J. K. Humphrey, 184 West 135th
St., New, York, N. Y.
OFFICERS. B. E. Miller, 2028 Gates Ave.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Conference: N. P. Neilsen, 212 President St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Pres., R. D. Quinn. E. Rosenwold, 340 Beekman Ave.,
Vice-Pres., N. P. Neilsen. New York, N. Y.
Sec. and Treas., F. M. Dana. L. T. Nicola, 2342 Crotona Ave.,
Executive Committee: R. D. New York, N. Y.
Quinn N. P. Neilsen, A. Boet-
tcher, 'J. K. Humphrey, 0. 0. Bern- LICENTIATES.
'stein A. V. Cotton, L. Klebahn,
L. W. Graham, L. T. Nicola, E. F. F. Stoll, 321 Germania Ave.,
Rosenwold, B. E. Miller, F. M. Jersey City, N. J.
Dana. R. J. Bryant, 727 Forty-second
Legal Assn.: " Greater New St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
York Corporation of Seventh-day
Adventists." Pres., Rollin D. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Quinn; Clerk, Lyman W. Gra- L. F. Kucera, 434 East Seventy-
ham; Treas., Franklin M. Dana.
second St., New York, N. Y.
E. A. Manry, Room 904, 32 Union
Tract Society: Square, New York, N. Y.
Sec. and Treas., F. M. Dana. Mrs. J. M. Calvert, 2537 Amster-
Field Miss. Sec., R. J. Bryant. dam Ave., New York, N. Y.
Field Miss. Agt., E. A. Manry. Miss E. Kehrein, 638 Palmetto St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Miss A. Meyer, 78 Norwood Ave.,
Sec., M'rs. R. D. Quinn. Brooklyn, N. Y,

Miss A. Helen Wilcox, 611 West Religious Liberty Dept.:

177th St., New York, N. Y. Sec., W. 0. Howe.
L. W. Graham, Room 910, 32 Un-
ion Square, New York, N. Y. Young People's Dept.:
J. L. Johnson, 222 Sixty-first St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Sec., Jennie R. Bates.
Miss Anna Hoglund, 4205 Eighth
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Miss Sena Gjerde, 727 Forty-sec-
ond St., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. F. Piper, 53 Williams St., Port-
land, Me.
J. B. Goodrich, Blaine, Me.
Miss Ella Osborn, 212 Presiderit S. J. Hersum, Richmond, Me.
St., Brooklyn, N. Y. P. B. Osborne, 35 Western Ave.,
Fairfield, Me.
TRAINING SCHOOL. A. J. Verrill, Dexter, Me.
M. B. Butterfield, Madison, Me.
Workers' Training School, 2342 E. E. Osborne, Dyer Brook, Me.
Crotona Ave., New York, N. Y.;
Supt., L. T. Nicola.
W. 0. Howe, 1377 Washington
MAINE CONFERENCE. Ave., Woodfords Station, Port-
land, Me.
Organized 1867.
Territory: The State of Maine.
Office: 1377 Washington Ave., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Woodfords Station,. Portland,
Me. E. H. Morton, 365 Allen Ave.,
Woodfords, Me.
Jennie R. Bites, Route 3, Box 1,
Conference: West Paris, Me.
Pres., J. F. Piper. Mrs. Martha W. Howe, 1377
Sec. and Treas., A. E. Everett. Washington Ave., Woodfords
Station, Portland, Me.
Executive Committee: J. F.
Piper, A. J. Verrill, B. F. Davis,
R. S. Hobbs, E. C. Taylor.
Legal Assn.: The Maine Con-
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres.,
J. F. Piper; Sec., W. 0. Howe. MASSACHUSETTS CONFER,
Tract Society:
Organized 1910, out of territory
Sec. and Treas., A. E. Everett. formerly comprising the Central
Field Miss. Sec., A. E. Everett. New England Conference.
Field Miss. Agt.,
Territory: Massachusetts.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Office: South Lancaster, Mass.
Sec., Mrs. Martha W. Howe.
Educational Dept.:
Sec., Miss Eliza H. Morton. Conference:
Pres., H. C. Hartwell:
Medical Miss. Dept.: Sec. and Treas., H. B. Tucker.
Sec., Executive Committee: H. C.

Hartwell, F. C. Gilbert, A. E. San- Dr. B. E. Nicola, care Attleboro

derson, J. G. White, M. 0. Brad- Sanitarium, Attleboro, Mass.
ford, H. B. Tucker, L. J. Smith. J. K. Jones, 134 School St., Taun-
Legal Assn.: ton, Mass.
C. F. Ulrich, 50 Jefferson St.,
Tract Society: Westfield, Mass.
Sec. and Treas., H. B. Tucker. H. Pannkoke, 5 Adelaide St., J.
Field Miss. Sec., P., Boston, Mass.
Field Miss. Agt., Geo. R. Close.

Sabbath-school Dept.: LICENTIATES.

Sec., Mrs. L. S. Wheeler, 127
Maywood St., Worcester, Mass. A. M. Gunstead, 139 School St.,
Quincy, Mass.
Educational Dept.: W. R. Uchtmann, 196 West Can-
ton St., Boston, Mass.
Sec., Mrs. L. S. Wheeler, 127 H. T. urtis, South Lancaster,
Maywood St., Worcester, Mass. Mass.
L. W. Cobb, South Lancaster,
Medical Miss. Dept.: Mass.
Sec., Estella Houser, M. D., New
England Sanitarium, Melrose,

Religious Liberty Dept.:

Sec., L. S. Wheeler, 127 May- H. B. Tucker, South Lancaster,
wood St., Worcester, Mass. Mass.
C. E. Palmer, 7 Upland Road,
Young People's Dept.: Everett, Mass.
G. R. Close, South Lancaster,
Sec., Mrs. M. M. Hare. Mass.
George Woodward, 108 Fairmont
Jewish Dept.: St., Malden, Mass.
Sec., F. C. Gilbert, South Lan- J. G. White, Sanitarium, Melrose,
caster, Mass. Mass.
Mrs. E. M. Wilber, South Lan-
caster, Mass.
Mrs. L. S. Wheeler, 127 May wood
H. C. Hartwell, South Lancaster, St., Worcester, Mass.
Mass. Mrs. M. A. 'Wheeler, 12 Bay State
Ave., Somerville, Mass.
L. S. Wheeler, 127 Maywor ' Willard St.,
Worcester, Mass. G. ,..)11G1 G24, .1,11.0M39.
A. E. Sanderson, 254 Willow Ave., Mrs. Nellie S. Starr, Sanitarium,
Somerville, Mass. Melrose, Mass.
P. F. Bicknell, South Lancaster, Miss Margaret Stuhrke, 3 Chest-
Mass. nut Terrace, J. P., Boston, Mass.
J. H. Anderson, South Lancaster, Mrs. E. H. Watson, 45 Villa Ave.,
Mass. Everett, Mass.
E. E. Gardner, South Lancaster, Migs Cora A. Spencer, 57 Russell
Mass. St., Worcester, Mass.
G. B. Starr, care New England
Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.
S. W. Walker, 14 Charles St.,
Wakefield, Mass.
W. A. Gosrner, care New England Miss Edna R. Smith, 697 Water
Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. St., Fitchburg, Mass.

:Miss Abbie E. Apley, care Horace Field Miss. Agt., E. E. Covey.

Mann, Pine St., Athol, Mass.
Mrs. L. D. Kelsey, care M. 0. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Bradford, Acushnet, Mass. Sec., Mrs. H. F. Taylor.
Miss Ethel J. Sanderson, 17 Ever-
ard St., Worcester, Mass. Educational Dept.:
MEDICAL WORKERS. Sec., Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, 136
Elmwood Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.
Dr. W. E. Bliss, Sanitarium, Mel-
rose, Mass. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Dr. Estella M. Houser, Sanita- Sec., Dr. Isadore L. Green, 1008
rium, Melrose, Mass. Washington St., Watertown, N. Y.
Dr. Mary Sanderson, 46 Forest ,
Park Ave., Springfield, Mass. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Nora Lacey, Sanitarium,
Melrose, Mass. Sec., J. E. Jayne, 317 West
Miss Maud Sisum,. Sanitarium, Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.
Melrose, Mass.
Miss Myrna Lee, Sanitarium, Mel- Young People's Dept.:
rose, Mass. Sec., Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, 136
Elmwood Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.

NEW YORK CONFERENCE. J. E. Jayne, 317 West Bloomfield
Organized 1862; reorganized 1906. St., Rome N. Y.
J. W. Lair, 317 West Bloomfield
Territory: Eastern portion of the St., Rome, N. Y.
State of New York, east of the D. G. Turk, 525 State St., Bing-
eastern boundaries of the coun- hamton, N. Y.
ties of Cayuga, Tompkins, and E. L. Cardey, Lake Ave., Sycaway,
Tioga, excepting the counties Troy, N. Y.
of Westchester, Rockland, Put- B. M. Garton, Ogdensburg, N. Y.
nam, Orange, and Dutchess, also S. B. Whitney, Frankfort, N. Y.
the city of Greater New York.
Office: 317 West Bloomfield St., LICENTIATES.
Rome, N. Y.
H. F. Taylor, 31/ West Bloomfield
OFFICERS. St., Rome, N. Y.
Conference: W. C. Mathewson, Vienna, N. Y.
Pres., J. E. Jayne, acting.
Sec. and Treas., F. N. Johnson. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Executive Committee: J. E.
Jayne, B. M. Garton, H. F. Tay- Mary Millington, Burchard Ave.,
lor, C. D. Green, C. S. Coon, J. H. Watertown, N. Y.
Rice. Mrs. D. G. Turk, 525 State St.,
Binghamton, N. Y.
Legal Assn.: " New York Con- Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, 136 Elmwood
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.
; Sec. and Treas., F. N. F. N. Johnson, 317 West Bloom-
Johnson. field St., Rome, N. Y.
Tract Society: E. E. Covey, 317 West Bloomfield
Sec and Treas., F. N. Johnson. St., Rome, N.- Y.
Field Miss. Sec., Mrs, H. F. Tay- Dr. Isadore L. Green, 1008 Wash-
lor. ington St., Watertown, N. Y.

Edith M. White, 727 Hattie St., Sabbath-school Dept.:

Schenectady, N. Y. Sec., Miss Gertrude Sims, Man-
Florence Boyle, 859 River St., chester, N. H.
Troy, N. Y.
Mrs. H. F. Taylor, 317 West Educational Dept.:
Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.
Cora M. Briggs, 317 West Bloom- Sec., W. H. Holden, Bellows
Falls, Vt.
field St., Rome, N. Y.
Emma Lawrence, Bangor, N. Y.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Sec., C. F. Ball, M. D., Rutland,
Bronson Saxild, Vienna, N. Y. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Ella A. Iden, 136 ElmWood Ave., Sec., A. J. Clark, Grasmere,
Syracuse, N. Y. N. H.
Clara M. Stark, Norwich, N. Y.
Mrs. Fayette Evans, North Creek, Young People's Dept.:
N. Y.
Sec., Mrs. Sadie Holden, Bel-
lows Falls, Vt.

CONFERENCE. W. H. Holden, 38 Henry St., Bel-
lows Falls, Vt.
Organized as the Vermont Con- A. J. Clark, Grasmere, N. H.
ference June 15, 1862; re- 0. 0. Farnsworth, Jamaica, Vt.
organized, 1909. F. W. Stray, Center Barnstead,
N. H.
,Territory: The States of Vermont R. B. Clapp, 6 North St., Brattle-
and New Hampshire. boro, Vt.
\21ffice: Bellows Falls, Vt. LICENTIATE.

OFFICERS. E. W. Thurber, Williamstown, Vt.


Pres., W. H. Holden.
Nee. and Treas., F. H. Raley. Mrs. W. H. Holden 38 Henry St.,
Executive Committee: W. H. Bellows Falls, Vt.'
Holden, 0. 0. Farnsworth, A. P. Miss Gertrude Sims; Manchester,
Needham, F. W. Stray, A. J. N. H.
Clark, H. A. Clark, E. G. Farns- Mrs. R. B. Clapp, Brattleboro,
worth. Vt.
Legal Assn.: " The Northern Miss Cora Bowers, Bellows Falls,
New England Conference Associa-
F. H. Raley, Bellows Falls, Vt.
tion of Seventh-day Adventists."
Pres., W. H. Holden; Clerk, F. H.

Tract Society: Miss Eva B. Abbott, Pikes Falls,

Jamaica, Vt.
Sec. and Treas., F. H. Raley. Mrs. L. D. Kelsey; Keene, N. H.
Field Miss. See., Miss Florence Kidder, Center
Field Miss. Agt., Barnstead, N. H.

Miss Wilhelmina L. Ismert, Ran- MINISTERS.

dolph, Vt.
Miss Jennie Sims, R. F. D. 2, C. H. Edwards, 14 Gladstone St.,
Woodstock, Vt. Providence, R. I.
Miss Amy Cross, Marlow, N. H. J. C. Stevens, 266 West Ivy St.,
Mrs. Louis Passebois, Grasmere, New Haven, Con n.
W. R. Andrews, R. F. D. 2, Attle-
N. H. boro, Mass.

SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Mrs. Eva B. Daggett, 146 Lombard
CONFERENCE. St., New Haven, Conn.
Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 96 Brownell
Organized in 1903 from territory St., Providence, R. I.
formerly comprised in the New Mrs. W. G. Ellis, 29 Otis St., Nor-
England Conference. wich, Conn.
Mrs. Clara Ellis, 50 Dixwell Ave.,
Territory: The States of Connec- New Haven, Conn.
ticut and Rhode Island. W. E. Fortune, 51 Whitmore St.,
Office: 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Hartford, Conn.
Conn. Miss Adelina Fisher, 96 Brownell
St., Providence, R. I.
OFFICERS. C. H. Reimers, Meriden, Conn.
H. C. Wilcox, 184 Mendon Ave.,
Conference: Pawtucket, R. I.
Pres., C. H. Edwards, 14 Glad-
stone St., Providence, R. I. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Fortune. Miss Bessie E. Tilton, Fisher's Is-
Executive Committee: C. H. Ed- land, N. Y.
wards, W. E. Fortune, H. C. Wil- Miss Mattie B. Teft, Turnerville,
cox G. P. Coates, J. A. Tefft, W. Conn.
R. Andrews,
' J. C. Stevens. Miss Lena B. Taylor, Water 'ord,
Legal Assn.: " Southern New Conn.
England Conference Assn. of S. Flora J. Manton, Adamsville, L/
D. A." Pres., D. B. Parmelee;
Sec., W. E. Fortune.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Fortune. FERENCE.
Field Miss. Sec., W. E. Fortune.
Field Miss. Agt., H. C. Wilcox, Organized 1906.
184 Mendon Ave., Pawtucket, Territory: The State of Ne*i
R. I. York west of the eastern bound-
ary of the counties of Cayuga,
Sabbath-school Dept.: Tompkins, and Tioga.
Sec., Mrs. Myrtle B. Fortune. Office: 8 East Jefferson St., Sal-
Educational Dept.: amanca, N. Y.
Sec., W. E. Fortune.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Sec., -. Conference:
Religious Liberty Dept.: Pres., H. W. Carr.
Sec., C. H. Edwards. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. H. W.
Young People'i Dept.: Assistant, Ruland Bowen.
Sec., Myrtle B. Fortune. Executive Committee: H. W.

Carr, F. H. Hicks, T. B. Westbrook, C. Meleen, 516 Newland Ave.,

S. N. Worden, G. P. Gaede. Jamestown,N. Y.
Legal Assn.: " The Western J. J. Kenney, 147 Bronson Ave.,
New York Conference Association Rochester, N. Y.
of S. D. A." Pres., H. W. Carr; G. P. Gaede, 102 Eaton St., Buf-
Sec., F. H. Hicks; Treas., Wm. falo, N. Y.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. H. W. Carr. F. H. Hicks, 6 East, Jefferson St.,
Assistant, Ruland Bowen. Salamanca, N. Y.
Field Miss. Sec., Mrs. H. W. M. W. De L'horbe, 435 West
Carr. Fourth St., Elmira, N. Y.
Field Miss. Agt., P. H. Briggs,

Sabbath-school 'Dept.: Mrs. T. B. Westbrook, 717 Elm-

wood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Sec., Mrs. E. E. Prescott, 451 Miss Effa Gilbert, 451 Elmwood
Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Educational Dept.: Mrs.- H. W. Carr, 8 East Jeffer-
son St., Salamanca, N. Y.
Sec., J. Norman Kimble, Tune- Mrs. Delight Kimble, Tunesassa,
sassa, N. Y. N. y.
Miss Wilhelmina Miller, 233 Mas-
Medical Miss. Dept.: ten St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Sec., Miss Loie Osborn, 18 Gibbs Mrs. E. E. Prescott, 451 Elmwood
St., Rochester, N. Y. Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Loie Osborn, 18 Gibbs St.,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Rochester, N. Y.
Sec., T. B. Westbrook, 717 Elm- Miss Violetta Bush, 717 Elmwood
wood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ruland Bowen, 8 East Jefferson
Young People's Dept.: St., Salamanca, N. Y.
Sec., Mrs. H. W. Carr. J. W. Sypher, 138 Bartlett St., Ro-
chester,N. Y.
MINISTERS. Mrs. J. . Sypher, 138 Bartlett
St., Rochester, N. Y.
H. W. Carr, 8 East Jefferson St.,
Salamanca, N. Y.
J. W. Raymond, 211 Main St., CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Hornell, N. Y.
F. Peabody, West Valley, N. Y. H. P. Waldo, 8 Clarendon St., Ro-
T. B. Westbrook, 717 Elmwood chester, N. Y.
Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Ethel Dean, Burt, N. Y.


Organized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of OFFICERS.
Colorado, East _ Kansas, Ne-
braska, North Missouri, South Conference:
Missouri, Western -Colorado,
. West Kansas, and Wyoming; Pres., E. T. Russell.
and the St. Louis Mission field. Vice-Pres., A. T. Robinson.
Office: College View, Nebr. Sec., Miss Mettie E. Cornell.
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Press Pub. Assn., the manager of Louis, Mo.), C. J. Kunkel (5033

the International Pub. Assn., Spaulding Ave.,. St. Louis, Mo.),
and the business manager of the U. S. Willis (4309 Labadie Ave.,
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium. St. Louis, Mo.), A. T. Robinson.
Legal Assn.: '" Central Union
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." LICENTIATES.
Pres., E. T. Russell; Sec., F. F. C. G. Bellah (1109 East Twelfth
Byington. St., Kansas City, Mo.), E. C.
Union Book Depository: Kansas Witzke (Clinton German Semi-
City Branch of Pacific Press nary, Clinton, Mo.), C. E. E. San-
Pub. Assn., 1109, East Twelfth born (R. F. D. 29, Wellston, Mo.),
St., Kansas City, Mo. Man- G. A. Gaskin (4309 Labadie Ave.,
ager, James Cochran. St. Louis, Mo.).
Union Miss. Agt., C. G. Bellah.
Educational Dept.:
Theo. E. Valentiner, Mrs. Win-
Sec., Frederick Griggs; Advis- nifred Rowell, Sarah Peck, A.
ory Board, the Educational Sec- Swedberg, Hansigne Strunge, F. F.
retary of the Union, the local Byington, Mrs. A. E. Shepherd,
conference educational secre- Amelia Plass, Miss Mettie Cornell,
taries, and a representative of Miss Mertie Wheeler, S. A. Smith,
Union College. A. G. Taylor, L. L. Caviness, L. N.
Assistant Sec., Meade MacGuire. Muck, H. A. MorriSon, Mrs. Fred-
Medical Miss. Dept.: erick Griggs, Miss Bettie Svenson,
Miss Abbie St. John, Miss Mary E.
Sec., Hartwell, Mrs. Kate Hartwell,
Young People's Dept.: Dr. Elizabeth Jamieson, Charles
Sec., Meade MacGuire, Box 381,
Loveland, Colo.
Work for Blind:
Board in charge of the *" Chris- COLORADO CONFERENCE
tian Record " and the work for the
blind: E. T. Russell, F. F. Bying- Organized 1883; divided and re-
ton, Frederick Griggs, A. T. Rob- organized 1908.
inson, L. N. Muck. Editorial com-
mittee: Mrs. A. 0. Wilson, Mrs. Territory: Colorado east of the
L. N. Muck, L. N. Muck; Sec., Miss Continental Divide.
Mettie E. Cornell; Treas., Central
Union Conference. Office: 1112 Kalainath St., Den-
ver, Colo.
(The following-named persons
may be addressed at College View, Conference:
Nebr., unless other address is Pres., C. R. Kite.
E. T. Russell, Frederick Griggs, Sec. and Treas., Ralph T. Emery.
F. M. Burg, C. L. Benson, J. H. Executive Committee: C. R.
Morrison, C. A. Grauer (Clinton Kite, H. A. Aufderhar, J. S. Rouse,
German Seminary, Clinton, Mo.), Dr. H. A. Green, G. M. Alway.
L. F. Trubey (5362 Julia Place, St. Legal Assn.: " The Seventh-day
Louis, Mo.), Meade MacGuire Adventist Assn. of Colorado.'
(Box 381, Loveland, Colo.), A. C. Pres., C. R. Kite; Sec., G. M. Al-
Anderson (4527 Clayton Ave., St. way.

Tract Society.: W. H. Cox, 1112 Kalamath St.,

Sec. and Treas.,-Ralph T. Emery. Denver, Colo.
Field Miss. Sec., W. H. Cox. H. B. McConnell, 221 South Third
Field Miss. Agt., Charles B. Sut- St., Victor, Colo.
ton. Mrs. Mae Warfle, 1112 Kalamath
St., Denver, Colo.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Bessie Sufficool, 338 West Four-
Sec., Mrs. Mae Warfle. teenth Ave., Denver, Colo.
Educational Dept.: Alice Finch, 712 South Union Ave.,
Pueblo, Colo.
Sec., Mrs. Mae Warfle. Mary Doan, 1112 Kalamath St.,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Denver, Colo:
Young People's Dept.: E. E. Dunham, 409 Mountain View
Sec., Mrs. Mae Waffle. Ave., Boulder, Colo.
Pearl M. Jenkins, 635 First Ave.,
Boulder, Colo.
Vita Tindall, 237 Gay St., Long-
C. R. Kite, 1112 Kalamath St., mont, Colo.
Denver, Colo. Helen Walde, R. F. D. 1, Lyons,
G. W. Anglebarger, 531 Jason St., Colo.
Denver, Colo. Erma Bowes, R. F. D. 1, Lyons,
H. M. J. Richards, 1112 Kalamath Colo.
St., Denver, Colo. H. F. Neumann, R. F. D. 1, Lyons,
G. M. Alway, 428 Cherokee St., Colo.
Denver, Colo.
H. A. Aufderhar, Bennett, Colo.
J. S. Rouse, 457 Maxwell Ave., EAST KANSAS CONFERENCE.
_ _ Boulder, Colo.
M. A. Altman; 1125 North Pros- Organized 1910.
pect St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Territory: That portion of Kan-
W. D. Emery, 636 Dewey St., Boul- sas lying east of the eastern
der, Colo. line of the following counties:
Republic, Cloud, Ottawa, Sa-
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. line, McPherson, Harvey,
H. F. Ketring, 3529 West Forty- Sedgewick, Sumner.
fourth Ave., Denver, Colo. Office: 821 West Fifth St., To-
F. G. Specht, R. F. D. 1, Lyons, peka, Kans.
LICENTIATES. Conference:
Roy E. Hay, Monte Vista, Colo. Pres., W. F. Kennedy.
C. B. Sutton, 1112 Kalamath St., Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson.
Denver, Colo. ' Executive Committee: W. F.
E. G. Salisbury, Campion Acad- Kennedy, W. H. Clark, J. L. Bal-
emy, Loveland, Colo. lard, E. '1'. Wilson, A. B. Cornell.
P. P. Gaede, Loveland, Colo. Legal Assn.: Pres.,
Sec., .
Honorary Licentiate. Tract Society:
G. C. Mathiesen, R. F. D. 4, Lyons, Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson.
Colo. Field Miss. Sec., E. T. Wilson.
Field Miss. Agt., E. T. Wilson.
Ralph T. Emery, 1112 Kalamath Sec., Mrs. Belle Emerson,
St., Denver, Colo. Route 6, Topeka, Kans.


Sec., Mrs. Olive McGee-Leech. Organized 1878.

Medical Miss. Dept.: Territory: The State of Nebraska,

excluding the eleven western
Sec., counties belonging to the Wyo-
ming Conference.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., W. H. Clark. Office Address: 905 North Califor-
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Olive McGee-Leech.

W. F. Kennedy, 821 West Fifth Conference:

St., Topeka, Kans. Pres., J. W. Christian.
W. H. Clark, Ottawa, Kans. Vice-Pres., L. B. Porter.
D. E. Huffman, Centerville, Kans.
Sec., Pearl E. Jones.
LICENTIATES. Treas., Anna M. Peterson.
John Yates, Stark, Kans. Executive Committee: J. W.
J. W. Allison, 1042 New York St., Christian, L. B. Porter, M. E. Ellis,
Lawrence, Kans. A. F. Kirk, Fred Johnson, D. R.
A. B. Campbell, Thayer, Kans. Callahan, R. Schopbach.
Wm. Neff, Stark, Kans. Legal Assn.: " The Nebraska
Conference Assn. of the S. D. A."
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Pres., J. W. Christian; Sec. and
Treas., Anna M. Peterson,
Mrs. Belle Emerson, Route 6, To
peka, Kans. Tract Society:
Mrs. Olive McGee-Leech, 821 West
Fifth St., Topeka, Kans. Sec. and Treas., C. C. Kenaston.
Miss 'Ruby Davis, 821 West Fifth Field Miss. Sec., M. E. Ellis.
St., Topeka, Kans. Field Miss. Agt., E. M. Oberg.
E. T. Wilson, 821 West Fifth St.,
Topeka, Kans. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Miss Dorothy Roberts, 821 West Sec., Alice I. Teeple.
Fifth St., Topeka, Kans.
Esther Bergquist, Kansas City,
Kans. Educational Dept.:
Sec., P. A. Field, 983 North
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Twenty-seventh St., Omaha, Nebr.
Miss Mary Kinneburgh, Oswego,
Kans. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Emma Segebartt, Galena, Sec.,
W. J. McComb, Thayer, Kans. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Miss Myrtle Davis, Kansas City,
Kans. - Sec.,
Vienna Hamilton, &very, Kans.
Mable Watson, Thayer, Kans. Young People's Dept.:
Edith Manney, Galena, Kans. Sec., P. A. Field.


J. W. Christian, College View, I. F. Blue, 905 North California

Nebr. Ave. Hastings, Nebr.
L. B. Porter, Oakdale, Nebr. Mrs. I. F. Blue, 905 North Cali-
C. A. Beeson, Gandy, Nebr. fornia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
F. M. Burg, College View, Nebr. Hattie Brown, 905 North Califor-
Fred Johnson, College View, Nebr. nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
B. L. House, Holbrook, Nebr. Winnie Pierce, Austin Nebr.
0. E. Jones, 417 East High St., Mabel McConnell, Decatur, Nebr.
Hastings, Nebr. Anna Hendrickson, Grand Island,
F. M. Corbaley, 221 East Fourth Nebr.
St., Grand Island, Nebr. Hazella Wilkinson, Hartington,
G. R. Hawkins, 3603 North Twen- Nebr.
ty-fourth St., Omaha, Nebr. Zella Means, College View, Nebr.
R. F. Andrews, College View, Nebr. Mary Williams, Oconto, Nebr.
Lars Nielson, College View, Nebr. Ella Garner, Ringgold, Nebr.
C. H. Miller, North Platte, Nebr. Justina Maxson, Adams, Nebr.
H. R. Johnson, College View, Nebr. Zella Peterson, Arabia, Nebr.
Lillie Beeson, Curtis, Nebr.
P. A. Field, 983 North Twenty-sev-
enth St.,Omaha, Nebr.
M. E. Ellis, 905 North California NORTH MISSOURI CON-
Ave., Hastings, Nebr. FERENCE.
Irvin Blue, 905 North. California
Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Organized 1908.
A. F. Kirk, 905 North California Territory: The counties of Jack-
Ave., Hastings, Nebr. son, Saline, Lafayette, and all
E. M. Oberg, College View, Nebr. counties north of . the Missouri
R. Schopbach, College View, Nebr. River (except the counties of
C. J. Paulson, 905 North Califor- St. Charles, Lincoln, Montgom-
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. ery, and Warren, belonging to
E. L. Cook, 835 North Cedar Ave., the St. Louis Mission field), in
Hastings, Nebr. the State of Missouri.
L. B. Schick, 905 North California Office: Utica, Mo.
Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
MaueCotton, 505 South Third St., Pres., A. R. Ogden. -
Norfolk, Nebr. Sec and Treas., Miss Allie Guth-
Mrs. Libbie Collins, College View, rie.
Nebr. Executive Committee: A. R.
C. C. Kenaston, 905 North Califor- Ogden, V. Nutter, J. C. Bradley,
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. J. W. Beams, Dr. G. A. Droll.
Anna M. Peterson, 905 North Cali- Legal Assn.: " North Missouri
fornia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Pearl E. Jones, 905 North Califor- Pres., A. R. Ogden; Sec., Jas.
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Cochran.
Mrs. Emma Hawkins, 3603 North
Twenty-fourth St., Omaha, Tract Society.:
Nebr. Sec. and 'Treas., Miss Allie
Alice I. Teeple, 905 North Califor- Guthrie.
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Field Miss. Agt.; M. P. Manny.

Sabbath-school Dept.: CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.

Sec., Mrs. A. R. Ogden. H. C. Chilson, Ethel, Mo.
Miss Nellie Cosgrove, 2231 North
Educational Dept.: Seventh St., St. Joseph, Mo.
Sec., T. J. Roach, Hamilton, Mo. T. J. Roach, Hamilton, Mo.
Miss Dora Faustian, Hamilton,
Medical Miss. Dept.: 1VIo.
Sec., Dr. G. A. Droll, 2301 East
Fourteenth St., Kansas City, Mo.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., J. C. Bradley, Goldsberry, SOUTH MISSOURI CONFER-

Young People's Dept.: Organized 1908.

Sec., T. J. Roach, Hamilton, Mo. Territory: All of Missouri south
of the Missouri River except the
MINISTERS. counties of Saline, Lafayette,
Jackson (belonging to the North
Missouri Conference), and the
A. R. Ogden, Utica, Mo. counties of St. Louis, Franklin,
J. W. Beams, Hamilton, Mo. Jefferson, and Gasconade (be-
A. F. French, Hamilton, Mo. longing to the St. Louis Mission
V. Nutter, 1109 East Twelfth St., field.)
Kansas City, Mo.
J. M. Campbell, 2436 Flora St., Office: 520 West Lynn St., Spring-
Kansas City, Mo. field, Mo.
E. A. Merrell, 1308 Main St., St.
Joseph, Mo. OFFICERS.

Pres., L. W. Terry.
Vice-Pres., G. A. Grauer.
J. C. Bradley, Goldsberry, Mo. Sec. and Treas., Ralph Rhodes.
T. J. Roach, Hamilton, Mo. Executive Committee: L. W.
E. W. Swap, Cincinnati, Iowa. Terry, G. A. Grauer, H. E. Ly-
Dr. G. A. Droll, 2301 East Four- singer, W. F. H. Schroeder.
teenth St., Kansas City, Mo. Legal Assn.: " South Missouri
Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. .Pres., L. W. Terry; Sec. and
Treas., Ralph Rhodes.
M. P. Manny, Hamilton, Mo.
Mrs. A. R. Ogden, Utica, Mo. Tract Society:
Miss Alice Girthrie, Utica, Mo. Sec. and Treas., Ralph Rhodes.
Mrs. E. A. Merrell, 2636 Bellefon- Field Miss. Sec., F. L. Limerick,
taine St., Kansas City, Mo. Columbia, Mo.
Miss Lillian Lickey, Galt, Mo. Field Miss. Agt., F. L. Limerick,
Miss Helen Bergman, 1008 North Columbia, Mo.
Second St., St. Joseph, Mo.
E. Darby; LaPlata, Mo. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Mrs. H. E. Darby, LaPlata, Mo.
Wm. Whorton, Utica, Mo. Sec., Miss Minnie Robbins.
W. H. Turner, Route 1, Ethel, Mo.
Mrs. W. H. Turner, Route 1, Ethel, Educational Dept.:
Mo. Sec., J. F. Simon, Clinton, Mo.

Medical Miss. Dept.: Treas., J. L. Humbert.

Sec., Dr. G. A. Droll, 2301 East Executive Committee: E. A.
Fourteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. Curtis, J. T. Spriggs, Wm. M. An-
dress, J. A. Neilsen, W. G. Cope.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Legal Assn.: " S. D. A. Assn. of
Sec., Western Colorado." Pres., E. A.
Curtis; Sec., J. L. Humbert.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., J. F. Simon, Clinton, Mo. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., J. L. Humbert.
MINISTERS. Field Miss. Sec.,
Field Miss. Agt.,
L. W. Terry, 520 West Lynn St.,
Springfield, Mo. Sabbath-school Dept.:
M. Mackintosh, Windsor, Mo. Sec., Mrs. Blanche Spriggs.
H. E. Lysinger, 520 West Lynn
St., Springfield, Mo. Educational Dept.:
W. F. H. Schroeder, Clinton, Mo.
Sec., N. W. Kauble.
G. A. Grauer, Clinton, Mo.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Miss Minnie Robbins, 520 West
Lynn St., Springfield, Mo. Religious Liberty Dept.:
J. F. Simon, Clinton, Mo. Sec., N. W. Kauble.
F. L. Limerick, Route 3, Columbia,
Mo. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Wm. M. Andress.
John Crisp, Mountain Grove, Mo.
Miss Winnie Walters, Turners, E. A. Curtis, 122 South Eighth
Mo. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Dr. F. R. Parker, Windsor, Mo. J. T. Spriggs, 122 South Eighth
Miss Edna Walters, Lamar, Mo. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Mrs. Etta Howard, 1903 Picker St., Geo. 0. States, Cedaredge, Colo.
Joplin, Mo. Wm. M. Andress, Delta, Colo.
N. W. Kauble, Palisades, Colo.


J. A. Neilsen, 122 South Eighth

WESTERN COLORADO CON- St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Territory: That part of Colorado J. L. Humbert, 122 South Eighth
west of the Continental Divide.
St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Office: 122 South Eighth St., Grand Mrs. J. T. Spriggs, 122 South
Junction, Colo. Eighth St., Grand Junction,
Mrs. F. A. Washburn, 122 South
Conference: Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Pres., E. A. Curtis. Ray N. Studt, Grand Valley, Colo.
Sec., J. A. Neilsen. R. M. McGregor, Olathe, Colo.


Organized 1910. W. L. Nott, 508 Fifth Ave., East,

Hutchinson, Kans.
Territory: All of Kansas west of B. H. Shaw, Bennington, Kans.
the east line of the following
counties: Republic, Cloud, Ot-
tawa, Saline, McPherson, Har- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
vey, Sedgewick, Sumner.
Office: 508 Fifth Ave., East, Hut-
chinson, Kans. H. L. Shafer, Station A, Wichita,
OFFICERS. B. B. Friesen, Canton, Kans.
E. Harris, 508 Fifth Ave., East,
Conference: Hutchinson, Kans.
Pres., N. T. Sutton. L. R. Ackerman, 604 East Ninth
Sec. and Treas., Edward Harris. St., Hutchinson, Kans.
Executive Committee: N. T. Maggie Ogden, 517 South Martin-
Sutton, H. S. Osterloh, S. S. son St., Wichita, Kans.
Shrock, W. A. McCroskey, A. S.
Bringle. Lillie Bland, 213 North Elizabeth
St., Wichita, Kans.
Legal Assn.: " West Kansas S.
D. A. Conf. Assn." Pres., N. T. Eunice A. Crawford, 604 East
Sutton; Sec., Edward Harris. Ninth St., Hutchinson, Kans.
Maude I. Davis, 213 North Eliza-
Tract Society: beth St., Wichita, Kans.
Sec. and Treas., Edward Harris. Lulu Richards,721 North Jeffer-
Field Miss. Sec., Maggie Ogden. son St., Welington, Kans.
Field Miss. Agt., L. R. Acker- L. C. Christofferson, Kansas San-
man. itarium, Wichita, Kans.
District Supts.: N. T. Sutton, Mrs. L. C. Christofferson, Kansas
M. G. Huffman, A. S. Bringle. Sanitarium, Wichita, Kans.
Dr. A. B. Dunn, Kansas Sanita-
Sabbath-school Dept.: rium, Wichita, Kans.
Sec., Eunice A. Crawford. H. G. Leffingwell, Hill Academy,
Downs, Kans.
Educational Dept.:
Sec., Eunice A. Crawford.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., N. T. Sutton. Miss Mina Dixon, 1223 Munnell
St., Wichita, Kans.
Young People's Dept.: ' Miss Grace Miller, 1223 Munnell
Sec., Maggie Ogden, 517 South St., Wichita, Kans.
Martinson St., Wichita, Kans. Miss Estella Corwin, 828 East
Fourth St., Hutchinson, Kans.
MINISTERS. Miss Ada Mae Phillips, Liberal,
N. T. Sutton, 828 Fourth Ave., Kans.
East, Hutchinson, Kans. M. W. Shidler, Wellington, Kans.
S. S. Shrock, 508 Fifth Ave., H. W. Schmidt, Otis, Kans.
East, Hutchinson, Kans. Carl Wagner, Nekoma, Kans.
A. S. Bringle, Wellington, Kans. Mrs. H. G. Leffingwell, Downs,
M. G. Huffman, 508 Fifth Ave., Kans.
East, Hutchinson, Kans. Miss Sydney Bacchus, Downs,
H. R. Godfrey, Great Bend, Kans. Kans.


Organized 1907.
D. U. Hale, Crawford, Nebr.
Territory: The State of Wyom- G. W. Berry, Angora, Nebr.
ing; the following-named coun- H. E. Reeder, Sheridan, Wyo.
ties in Nebraska: Sioux, Dawes,
Sheridan, Box Butte, Scotts G. A. Kirkle, Minatare, Nebr.
Bluff, Morrill, Banner, Kimball, L. F. Starr, Garland, Wyo.
Cheyenne, Garden, Deuel; and
the following-named counties in
South Dakota: Butte, Meade, Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Lawrence, Pennington, Custer,
Fall River.
Office Address: Crawford, Nebr. M. J. Fritz, Mitchell, Nebr.
A. F. Ferguson, Clough, S. Dak.
OFFICERS. C. A. Hansen, Marsland, Nebr.
Pres., D. U. Hale. LICENTIATES.
Sec. and Treas., Asa Smith.
ExecutiVe Committee: D. U. E. A. von Pohle, Hemingford,
Hale, G. W. Berry, H. E. Reeder, Nebr.
P. H. Hahn, Asa Smith. Paul Curtis, Carpenter, Wyo.
Legal Assn.: " Wyoming Con- H. A. Fish, Sherichen, Wyo.
ference Assn. of the S. D. A."
Pres., D. U. Hale; Sec., H. E.
Reeder; Treas., Asa Smith.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Asa Smith. Asa Smith, Crawford, Nebr.
Field 'Miss. Sec.,.Asa Smith. F. H. Hahn, Marsland, Nebr.
Field Miss. Agt., F. H. Hahn, L. E. Curtis, Crawford, Nebr.
Marsland, N ebr. Jessie Welsh, Sheridan, Wyo.
Nora A. Hough, Bayard, Nebr.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Asa Smith.
Educational Dept.:
E. M. Hamlin, Bellefourchd, S.
Sec., E. A. von Pohle, Reining-
ford, Nebr.
Mrs. Asa Smith, Crawford, Nebr.
\ Medical Miss. Dept.: M. J. Rockwell, Hemingford, Nebr.
Sec., Dr. C. A. Hansen, Mars-

Religious Liberty Dept.: Mrs. L. E. Curtis, Hemingford,

Sec., D. U. Hale. Nebr.
Florence Burgess, Hemingford,
Young People's Dept.: Nebr.
Sec., E. A. von Pohle, Heming- Nora A. - Hough, Lisco, Nebr.
ford, Nebr. Alma. Van Email, Garland, Wyo.

ST. LOUIS MISSION FIELD. Sabbath-school Dept.:

Under the direction of the Central Sec., Mrs. Kate Hartwell.
Union Conference.
Organized Aug. 14, 1910. MINISTERS.

Territory: The city of St. Louis, C. J. Kunkel, 5033 Spaulding

and the following counties in Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
the State of Missouri: St. A. C. Anderson, 4537 Clayton Ave.,
Louis, Jefferson, Franklin, Gas- St. Louis, Mo.
conade, Warren, Montgomery, L. F. Trubey, 5362 Julia Place, St.
Lincoln, and St. Charles. Louis, Mo.
Office Address. 4419 Cote Bril- U. S. Willis, 4309 Labadie Ave-,
liante Ave., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo.
Conference: C. E. E. Sanborn, R. F. D. 29,
Supt., C. J. Kunkel, 5033 Wellston, Mo.
Spaulding Ave., St. Louis, Mo. G. A. Gaskin, 4309 Labadie Ave.,
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Kate St. Louis, Mo.
Executive Committee: C. J. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Kunkel, A. C. Anderson, L. F.
Trubey, U. S. Willis, C. I. Swin- Miss Abbie St. John, 4419 Cote
hart. Brilliante Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Miss Mary E. Hartwell, 4419 Cote
Young People's Dept.: Brilliante Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Mrs. Kate Hartwell, 4419 Cote
Sec., Miss Mary Hartwell. Brilliante Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Dr. Elizabeth Jamieson, .2512 Ber-
Tract Society: nays Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Kate Hart- Chas. Schwarz, 3507 Lucas Ave.,
well. St. Louis, Mo.


Organized zgo7.
Territory: The Conferences of E. R. Brown, S. M. Butler, H. N.
Ohio, Eastern Pennsylvania, Sisco, I. G. Bigelow, D. W. Reavis.
West Pennsylvania, New Jer- Legal Assn.: " Columbia Union
sey, District of Columbia, Ches- Conference Assn." Pres., B. G.
apeake, Virginia, and West Vir- Wilkinson; Sec. and Treas., E. R.
ginia. Brown.
Office: Takoma Park Station, Auditor, E. R. Brown.
Washington, D. C.
Union Book Depository:
OFFICERS. Review and Herald Publishing
Conference: Assn., Takoma Park, D. C.
Pres., B. G. Wilkinson. Manager, S. N. Curtiss.
Vice-Pres., E. K. Slade, Mt. Ver- Union Miss. Sec. and Agt., I.
non, Ohio. G. Bigelow.
Sec. and Treas., E. R. Brown.
Executive Committee: B. G. Wil- Educational Dept.:
kinson, the presidents of the con- Sec., Ned S. Ashton, Wilkins-
ferences composing the union, and burg, Pa.

Medical Miss. Dept.: Sec. and Treas., Emma S. New-

Sec., H. N. Sisco, M. D. comer.
Executive Committee: R. T.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Baer, R. H. Martin, G. R. Apsley,
Sec., J. L. McElhany. W. L. Burgan, W. A. Carroll.
Young People's Dept.: Legal Assn.: " Chesapeake Con-
Sec., I. G. Bigelow. ference Asp. of S. D. A." Pres.,



c neen E e



MINISTERS. R. T. Baer; Sec. and Treas.,

Emma S. Newcomer.
B. G. Wilkinson, Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. Tract Society:
I. G. Bigelow, Takoma Park Sta- Sec. and Treas., Miss Emma S.
tion, Washington, D. C. Newcomer.
James E. Shultz, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Field Miss. Sec., F. E. Hankins.
0. F. Butcher, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Field Miss. Agt., F. E. Hankins.
S. M. Butler, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Miss Emma S. Newcomer.
Organized 1899. Sec., R. H. Martin, 17 Stroud
Territory: Delaware and Mary- St., Wilmington, Del.
land, except the counties of Medical Miss. Dept.:
Montgomery, Prince George's, Sec., H. N. Sisco, M. D., Takoma
Charles, and St. Marys. Park, D. C.
Office: 2 Loudon Ave., Station
D, Baltiiriore, Md. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., C. B. Haynes.
Conference: Young People's Dept.:
Pres., R. T. Baer. Sec., W. L. Adkins,


R. T. Baer, 2 Loudon Ave., Balti- Conference:

more, Md. Pres., J. L. McElhany, Carroll
C. B. Haynes, 44 Loudon Ave., Ave., Takoma Park Station,
Baltimore; Md. Washington, D. C.
H. H. Martin, 17 Stroud St., Wil- Sec. and Treas., A. J. Bristol.
mington, Del. Executive Committee: J. L.
F. H. Seeney, Wilmington, Del. McElhany, W. H. Green, T. E.
H. S. Prener, 825 West Franklin Bowen, A. J. S. Bourdeau, M. E.
St., Baltimore, Md. Fern, S. B. Horton, A. J. Bristol.
Legal Assn.: " District of Co-
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. lumbia Conference Corporation of
S. D. A." Pres., J. L. McElhany;
John F. Jones, Fords Store, Md. Sec. and Treas., A. J. Bristol.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., A. J. Bristol.
W. L. Adkins, Smithsburg, Md. Sabbath-school Dept.: .
G. R. Apsley, Thurmont, Md. Educational Dept.:
G. P. Rodgers, 2 Loudon Ave., Bal- Sec., M. E. Olsen.
timore, Md. Medical Miss. Dept.:
F. E. Hankins, 2 Loudon Ave.,
Baltimore, Md. ' Sec., G. H. Heald, M. D.
Emma S. Newcomer, 2 Loudon Religious Liberty Dept.:
Ave., Baltimore, Md. Sec., S. B. Horton.
Ethel Carroll, 2 Loudon Ave., Bal-
timore, Md. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., M. E. Olsen.
Sara Hudson, Cheswold, Del.
Ella Padgette, Fords Store, Md. J. L. McElhany, Carroll Ave., Ta-
Mira Frey, Rock Hall, Md. koma Park Station, Washing-
ton, D. C.
W. H. Green, 1409 First St., N. -W.,
Washington, D. C.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA G. A. Stevens, 1210 Twelfth St.,
N. W., Washington, D. C.
Organized 1909. LICENTIATE.
Territory: The District of Colum-
W. E. Hancock, Takoma Park,
bia, the counties of Montgom-
ery, Prince George's, Charles, and D. C.
St. Mary's in Maryland, and the MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
following counties in Virginia:
AleNandria,, Fairfax, Loudoun, Miss L. M. Slocum, 1528 Ninth St.,
Prince William, Fauquier, Staf- N. W., Washington, D. C.
ford, Northumberland, King Miss Ella Marie Leach, 87 S St.,
George, Westmoreland, Rich- N. W., Washington, D. C.
mond, and Lancaster. Miss Edna Cockrell, 1434 A St.,
N. E., Washington, D. C.
Office: 1210 Twelfth St., N. W., Miss Mildred Smith, 72 Quincy St.,
Washington, D. C. N. IV., Washington, D. (3.

Mrs. M. V. Nowlin, Takoma Park, A. R. Bell, 224 South Seventeenth

D. C. St., Harrisburg, Pa.
A. J. Bristol, 1210 Twelfth St., R. E. Harter, 5340 Upland Ave.,
N. - W., Washington, D. C. Philadelphia, Pa.
C. S. Wiest, 1942 North Seven-
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
T. H. Branch, 1700 Woodstock St.,
CONFERENCE. S. D. Hartwell, 4910 Arch St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Organized 1903, out of territory
comprising the Pennsylvania LICENTIATES.
Conference, which - was organ-
ized in 1879. 0. F. Schwedrat, 2426 ,Poplar St.,
Territory: That portion of Penn- Philadelphia, Pa.
sylvania lying east of the east- B. M. Heald, Chambersburg, Pa.
ern line of Potter,'Clinton, Cen- Chas. S. Baum, Hamburg, Pa.
ter, Mifflin Huntingdon, and Frederick Harter, 113 North Fif-
Fulton count tieth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Office: 4910 Arch St., Philadelphia, J. H. McEachren, 4910 Arch St.,
Pa. Philadelphia, Pa.
L. Halsvick, 4910 ArCh St., Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Pres., W. H. Heckman.
Sec. and Treas., S. D. Hartwell. Miss J. M. Weiss, 175 South Wy-
Executive Committee: W. H. oming Ave., Kingston, Pa.
Heckman, R. E. Harter, S. D. Hart- Mary C. Kent, 141 Luray St., Phil-
well, C. S. Weist, H. Baumgartner. adelphia, Pa.
Legal Assn.: " Pennsylvania J. W. Hirlinger, 25 East German
Tract and Missionary Society." St., Lancaster, Pa.
Pres., W. H. Heckman; Sec. and H. Baumgartner, Vera Cruz, Pa.
Treas., S. D. Hartwell. James F. Phillips, 719 Quincy
Tract Society: Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Bertha Stokka, 3317 H St., Phila-
Sec. and Treas., S. D. Hartwell. delphia, Pa.
Field Miss. Sec., J. H. McEach- Laura Patterson, Wellsboro, Pa.
ern. Janet Morris, Covington, Pa.
Field Miss. Agt., J. H. Mc- George Unk, 1114 Girard Ave.,
Eachern. Philadelphia, Pa.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Martha Partington, 21 Elm St.,
Sec., Lucy P. Emerson. Plymouth, Pa.
Tillie Ertel, 111 Seminary St.,
Educational Dept.: Williamsport, Pa.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Mrs. B. M. Heald, Chambersburg,
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., A. R. Bell, 224 South Sev-
enteenth St., York, Pa.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Lucy P. Emerson. Organized 1902.

MINISTERS. Territory: The State of New Jer-

W. H. Heckman, 4910 Arch St., Office: 1909 South Clinton Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa. Trenton, N. J.

OFFICERS. John Wilson, 504 Cornell St.,

Perth Amboy, N. J.
Conference: D. P. Boersma, 114 Park Ave.,
Pres.. A. R. Sandborn. Paterson, N. J.
Sec. and Treas., W. B. Walters. A. 0. Lund, 257 Randolph Ave.,
Executive Committee: A. R. Jersey City, N. J.
Sandborn, J. G. Hanhardt, W. H.
Legal Assn.: " New Jersey Charles E. Grey, Bridgeton, N. J.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, Fairton,
Pres., A. R. Sandborn; Sec. and N. J.
Treas., W. B. Walters. Miss Anna M. Catley, 351 Schiller
Tract Society: Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Miss Anna S. Cooper, 351 Schiller
Sec. and Treas., W. B. Walters. Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Field Miss. Agt. and Sec., C. E. Miss Bessie Smith, 24 Myrtle
Grey, Bridgeton, N. J. Ave., Irvington, N. J.
'Sabbath-school Dept.: Mrs. Harriet Spies, Pleasantville,
N. J.
Sec., Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, W. B. Walters, 1909 South Clin-
Fairton, N. J. ton Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Educational Dept.: Miss Christina Valenta, 418 South.
Ninth St., Newark, N. J.
Sec., Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, Paul Matula, 432 South Ninth.
Fairton, N. J. St., Newark, N. J.
Mrs. W. G. Kneeland, 176 Arm-
Medical Miss. Dept.:
strong Ave., Jersey City, N. J.
Sec., Mrs. E. Malenghini, 520 Ocean
Religious Liberty Dept.: Ave., Jersey City, N. J.
Sec., Geo. W. Spies, Pleasant- Katheryn hulka, 487 Twelfth
'Ave., Newark, N. J.
ville, N. J.
Miss Hattie Dreyfuss, 42 Park
Young People's Dept.: St., Jersey City, N. J.
Sec., Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, Miss Pauline Thomas, 248 Twelfth
Fairton, N. J. Ave., Paterson, N. J.


Mary Barrett, 573 East Commerce
A.- R. Sandborn, 1909 South Clin-
St., Bridgeton, N. J.
ton Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Elizabeth Rambo, Fairton, N. J.
J. G. Hanhardt, 60 Kipp Ave.,
Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.
Geo. W. Spies, Pleasantville, N. J.
W. H. Smith, 24 Myrtle Ave., Ir-
vington, N. J.
W. G. Kneeland, 176 Armstrong Organized 1863.
Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Territory: The State of Ohio.
M. C. Whitmarsh, 107 Madison Post-office Adaress: Box 187, Mt.
Terrace, Atlantic City, N. J. Vernon, Ohio.
J. W. Hofstra, 20 Church St.,
Haledon, N. J. OFFICERS.
1..ICENTIA TES. Pres., E. K. Slade.
Sec. and Treas., H. D. Holtom.
E. E. Pennington, Rockaway, Executive Committee: E. K.
N. J. Slade, G. C. Quillin, S. M. Butler,

G. A. Keppler, J. J. Marietta, F. H. Henderson,249 Westbourne

W. W. Miller, Marcellus Andre. Ave., Zanesvile, Ohio.
Legal Assn.: " The Ohio Con- J. F. Olmstead, 1048 Fair Ave.,
ference Association of the S. D. A. Columbus, Ohio.
Church." Pres., E. K. Slade; Sec., W. J. Venen, 851 Prospect St.,
J. J. Marietta; Business Agent Ravenna, Ohio.
and Custodian of Conference W. C. Moffett, Box 187, Mt. Ver-
Property, G. C. Quillin. non, Ohio.
J. W. Shultz, Toronto, Ohio.
Tract Society: J. J. Marietta, Route 5, Mt. Ver-
Sec., J. I. Cassell. non,Ohio.
Treas., H. D. Holtom. W. . Miller, 5916 Bramble Ave.,
Field Miss. Sec.,Raleigh French, Madisonville, Ohio.
1048 Fair Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
Field Miss. Agt., F. B. Numbers, LICENTIATES.
Route 2, Madison, Ohio.
Sabbath-school Dept.: G. C. Quillin, Killbuck, Ohio.
Sec., Bessie E. Russell. L. R. Williams, Ohio City, Ohio.
J. H. Smith, Wheelersburg, Ohio.
Educational Dept.:
Sec., Bessie E. Russell.
Medical Miss. Dept.: H. D. Holtom, Box 187, Mt. Ver-
non, Ohio.
Sec., Dr. V. L. Fisher, Sanita-
Miss Cora B. Gibson, Route 4,
rium, Sugar and Mulberry Sts.,
Wakeman, Ohio.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Miss Bessie E. Russell, Box 187,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Sec., J. F. Olmstead, 1048 Fair Miss Ella M. Talmage, Route 4,
Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Mt. Gilead, Ohio.
Dr. V. L. Fisher, care Sanitarium,
Young People's Dept.: Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Sec., W. C. Moffett. W. M. Campbell, 2207 Lawn Ave.,
Norwood, Ohio.
MINISTERS. Mrs. W. M. Campbell, 2207 Lawn
Ave., Norwood, Ohio.
E. K. Slade, Box 187, Mt. Vernon, Miss Anna E. Smith, 12991/2 North
Ohio. High St., Columbus, Ohio.
R. R. Kennedy, 609 East Gambier Miss M. Hortense Howell, 12991/2
St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. North High St., Columbus, Ohio.
A. C. Shannon, 24 Eastern Ave., Miss Ida M. Walters, 2563 Glen
Dayton, Ohio. Mawr Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
R. G. Patterson, 2070 East 105th F. B. Numbers, Route 2, Madison,
St., Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio.
Francis M. Fairchild, 863 Bowery J. I. Cassell, Box 187, Mt. Vernon,
St., Akron, Ohio. Ohio.
C. T. Redfield, 2301 South Clifton G. E. Wales, 1614 Fernwood Ave.,
Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio.
W. E. Bidwell, Route 1, Mt. Ver- Mrs. G. E. Wales, 1614 Fernwood
non, Ohio. Ave., Toledo, Ohio.
H. F. Graf, 2325 East Eighty-sev- Miss Carrie' Askey, 1405 Addison
enth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Road, Cleveland, Ohio.
C. C. Webster, Route 2, Burton, J. 0. Young, 115 South Third St.,
Ohio. Hamilton, Ohio.
H. M. Jump, 629 Orchard St., To- Raleigh French, 1048 Fair Ave.,
ledo, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. tel, J. E. Gardner, A. J. Painter.
Legal Assn.: " Virginia Confer-
Miss Grace Kennedy, 849 South
ence Agency S. D. A." Pres., W.
Arch Ave., Alliance, Ohio.
J. Stone; Sec. and Treas., R. D.
Miss Janet L. Presley, 799 Yale Hottel.
St., Akron, Ohio.
Mrs. Clara Leslie, 417 Thurston Tract Society:
Ave., Bowling Green, Ohio.
Sec. and Treas., A. M. Neff.
Miss Lottie Gibson, Route 4,
Field Miss. Sec., A. M. Neff.
Wakeman, Ohio..
Field Miss. Agt.,
Miss Lelo Welch, Route 3, Canton,
Ohio. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Miss Bertha Laughlin, Route 4, Sec., Miss Florence N. Swan.
Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
S. F. Love, Clyde, Ohio. Educational Dept.:
Mrs. A. F. Holobaugh, 1102 Fair Sec., M. E. Carr, New Market,
Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Va.
Miss Bertha Mitchell, 24 Pleasant
Medical Miss. Dept.:
St., Dayton, Ohio.
Miss Myrtle Laughery, Route 2, Sec., Mrs. Olive P. Ingersoll,
Grafton, Ohio. M. D., 212 East Grace St., Rich-
Miss Florence I. White, care Col- mond, Va.
lege, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Miss Leila Clough, Route 3, Dres- Sec., Stewart Kime.
-den, Ohio.
Otto Hershburger, Ravenna, Ohio. Young People's Dept.:
Miss Rosella Draper, Pearl and Sec., A. M. Neff.
Catheringe Sts., Springfield,
Miss Clara Richenbaugh, Route 1, W. J. Stone, 1615 West Main St.,
Camden, Ohio. Richmond, Va.
Dr.. Ruth Merritt Miller, 5916 Stewart Kime, 1615 West Main
Bramble Ave., Madisonville, St., Richmond, Va.
Ohio. R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va.
Ira M. Rickett, Route 2, Creston, Leslie Muntz,- 516 Farmer St.,
Ohio. Petersburg, Va.

VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Honorary Ministerial Credentials.

Organized 1883. A. C. Neff, Quicksburg Va.
T. H. Painter, Stanleyton, Va.
Territory: The State of Virginia,
except the es -nties of Fauquier, D. E. Lindsey, Meherrin, Va.
Loudoun, Prk William, Fair- LICENTIATES.
fax, Stafford,\ exandria, King
George, Westm `eland, North- L. 0. Gordon, Guinea Mills, Va.
umberland, Rich 'nd, and Lan- A. J. Painter, Stanleyton, Va.
caster which belo Otto the Dis- J. B. Mallory, 2 Burruss St.,- Nor-
trict of Columbia cf rence. folk, Va.
Office: 1615 West Malt ., Rich-
Miss Anna C. Rice, 1615 West
Conference: Main St., Richmond, Va.
Pres., W. J. Stone. A. M. Neff, 1615 West Main St.,
Sec. and Treas., A. M. Neff. Richmond, Va.
Executive Committee: W. T. Miss Florence N. Swan, 1615 West
Stone, Stewart Kime, R. D. Ho..- Main St., Richmond, Va.

M. E. Carr, New Market, Va. Educational Dept.:

Miss Gertrude Johnston, 1615 Sec., Mrs. N. S. Ashton, Wil-
West Main St., Richmond, Va. kinsburg, Pa.
Mrs. Jane Wooding, Spencer, Va.
Mrs. V. 0. Jordon, 1114 East Thir- Medical Miss. Dept.:
ty-second St., Newport News, See., -
Va. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Mrs. Ella V. Ragsdale, New Ferry,
Va. Sec., N. S. Ashton, Wilkinsburg,
CHURCH -SCHOOL TEACHER. Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. V. 0. Jordan, 1114 East
Thirty-second St., Newport MINISTERS.
News, Va.
B. F. Kneeland, 7049 Hamilton St.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
1. N. Williams, Corydon, Pa.
J. W. Watt, Indiana, Pa.
WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON- W. F. Schwartz, 521 Union. St.,
FERENCE. Hollidaysburg, Pa.
N. S. Ashton, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Organized 1903. J. E. Veach, Saxton, Pa.
J. P. Gaede, 840 Estella Ave.,
Territory: All of Pennsylvania ly- Pittsburgh, Pa.
ing west of the easterly line of
C. Meleen, Jamestown, N. Y.
Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, George L. West, 719 West Fifth
Huntingdon, and Fulton coun- St., Erie, Pa.
Office: 7049 Hamilton St., Pitts- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
burgh, Pa.
J. S. Barrpivs, 7049 Hamilton St.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
OFFICERS. G. Medairy, 7049 Hamilton St.,
Conference: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mrs. Mary Matson, 7049 Hamilton
Pres., B. F. Kneeland. St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Vice-Pres., I. N. Williams.
Sec. and Treas., J. S. Barrows.
Executive -Committee: B. F.
Kneeland, 1. N. Williams, W. F. WEST VIRGINIA CON-
Schwartz, J. E. Veaeh, J. P. Gaede, . FERENCE.
N. S. Ashton, F. C. Owens. Organized 1887.
Legal Assn.: " West Pennsylva-
nia Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., B. F. Territory: The State of West Vir-
Kneeland; Sec. and Treas., J. S. ginia.
Barrows. Office: 591 Maple St., Fairmont,
W. Va.
Tract Society: Postal Address: Lock Box 353,
Sec. and Treas., J. S. Barrows. Fairmont, W. Va.
Field Miss. Sec., G. Medairy,
1307 Murtland Ave., Pittsburgh, OFFICERS.
Field Miss. Agt., V. 0. Punches,
240 Locust Ave., Washington, Pa. Pres., F. H. Robbins, 94 Winsley
St., Morgantown, W. Va.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Vice-Pres., John P. Steele, 513
Sec.; Mrs. N. S. Ashton, Wil- Virginia Ave., Martinsburg, W.
kinsburg, Pa. Va.

Sec. and- Treas., C. V. Hamer. MINISTERS.

Executive Committee: F. IL
Robbins, John F. Steele, S. F. F. H. Robbins, 94 Winsley St.,
Ross, F. E. Gibson, C. V. Hamer. Morgahtown, W. Va.
Legal Assn.: John F. Steele, 513 Virginia Ave.,
Martinsburg, W. Va.
Tract Society: Floyd E. Gibson, 1216 Charleston
Sec. and Treas., C. V. Hamer. St., Charleston, W. Va.
Field Miss. Sec., F. E. Gibson.
Field Miss. Agt., C. V. Leach: LICENTIATE.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
I. D. Richardson, Elm Grove, W.
Mrs. C. V. Hamer. Va.
Educational Dept.:
F. E. Gibson, 1216 Charleston MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
St., Charleston, W. Va.
Thomas W. Thirlwell, 422 Falkner
Medical Miss Dept.: Ave., Martinsburg, W. Va.
Sec., Clarence V. Leach, Lock Box 353,
Fairmont, W. Va.
Religious Liberty Dept.: C. V. Hamer, Lock Box 353, Fair-
Sec. John F. Steele, 513 Vir- mont, W. Va.
ginia Ave., Martinsburg, W. Va. Bertha L. Fisher, Elm Grove, W.
Young People's Dept.: Mrs. C. V. Hamer, Lock Box 353,
Sec., F. E. Gibson. Fairmont, W. Va.


Organized Igor.
Territory: The Conferences of Allen Moon; Sec. and Treas., W.
East Michigan, Indiana, North- H. Edwards.
ern Illinois, North Michigan, Auditor, J. H. Haughey.
Southern Illinois, West Michi-
gan, and Wisconsin. Union Book Depository:
Office: 213-215 Dean Bldg., 113 Review and Herald, 212 South
South Lafayette St., South Lafayette St., South Bend, Ind.
Bend, Ind. Manager, J. W. Mace.
Union Miss. Sec.,
OFFICERS. Union Miss. Agent, J. B.
Confe ice: Blosser, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Pres., 'en Moon. Sec., Mrs: Carrie R. Moon.
Sec. and -eas., W. H. Edwards.
Executive "ommittee: Allen Educational Dept.:
Moon, W. H. -ards, the presi- Sec., Mrs. Carrie R. Moon.
dents of the Cc, rences compo- Training-school Representative,
sing the Lake Ur, Conference, 0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich.
and 0. J. Graf, J.\ " Blosser, J. Medical Miss. Dept.:
W. Mace. Sec.,
Legal Assn.: " Laic. Union
Conference Association \i. Sev- Religious Liberty Dept.:
enth-day Adventists." `res., Sec.,







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Young People's Dept.: LICENTIATE.

Sec., Mrs. Carrie R. Moon. J. B . Blosser, Berrien .Springs,

Allen Moon, 213-215 Dean Bldg., W. H. Edwards, 213-215 Dean

113 South Lafayette St., South Bldg., 113 South Lafayette St.,
Bend, Ind. South Bend, Ind.

EAST MICHIGAN CONFER- J. L. Edgar,400 East Fifth St.,

ENCE. Flint, Mich.
E. I. Beebe, Ovid, Mich.
Organized 1902, from territory Wm. Ostrander, 821 Warren Ave.,
formerly comprising the Mich- Saginaw, Mich.
igan Conference. J. M. Wilbur, 911 Vaughn St.,
Territory: The southeastern por- Ann Arbor, Mich.
tion of Michigan, including the W. H. Saxby, 426 Trumbull Ave.,-
following counties: Hillsdale, Detroit. Mich.
Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Wash- Delmar P. Wood, 413 Teneyck St.,
tenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Living. Jackson, Mich.
ston, Oakland, Macomb, St. T. L. Thuemler, 249 Jefferson St.,
Clair, Lapeer, Genesee, Shia- Bay City, Mich.
wassee, Clinton, Gratiot, Sag- M. Shepard, R. F. D. 4, Fenton,
inaw, Tuscola, Sanilae, Huron, Mich.
Bay, Midland. F. H. Hoxie, Ithaca, Mich.
Office: Holly, Mich. R. W. Leach, Midland, Mich.
C. L. White, Ithaca, Mich.
Pres., H. H. Burkholder. - H. A. Boylan, Holly, Mich.
Sec. and Treas., Tillie E. Barr. H. H. Hicks, Holly; Mich. -
Executive Committee: H. H. J. W. Owens, 347 Alexanderine St.,
Burkholder, Frank Hiner, D. P. Detroit, Mich.
Wood, 0. D. Kittle, W. H. Saxby. H. A. Weaver, 2028- Tenth St.,
Port Huron, Mich.
Legal Assn.: " East Michigan H. B. Westcott, Montrose, Mich.
Conf. Assn. of the S. D. A."
Pres., H. H. Burkholder; Sec., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Treas., and Business Agent, Frank
Nora B. Ammon, 517 Lyons St.,
Tract Society: Flint, Mich.
Tillie E. Barr, Holly, Mich.
Sec. and Treas., Frank Hiner. Katherine Dunham, 300 North
Field Miss.'Sec., E. I. Beebe. Warner St., Bay City, Mich.
Field Miss. Agt., W. D. Moore. H. L. Cohoon, 39 Bryant St., De-
Sabbath-school Dept.: troit, Mich.
Sec., Miss Tillie E. Barr. Frank Hiner, Holly, Mich.
Marie Harriman, 413 Teneyck St.,
Educational Dept.: Jackson, Mich.
Sec., H. A. Boylan. W. D. Moore, Holly, Mich.
Nellie M. Stevens, 426 Trumbull
Medical Miss. Dept.: Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Sec., J. M. Wilbur, 911 Vaughn Beatrice Harter, 300 North War-
St., Ann Arbor, Mich. ner St., Bay City, Mich.
Religious Liberty Dept.: C. L. Taylor, Holly, Mich.
Sec., H. A. Weaver, 2028 Tenth Katherine Weaver, 2028 Tenth St.,
St., Port Huron, Mich. Port Huron, Mich.
Mina Pierce, R. F. D. 6, Milford,
Young People's Dept.: Mich.
Sec., H. A. Boylan.
Leola Winne, Pittsford, Mich.
H. H. Burkholder, Holly, Mich. Mrs. Lillian Miles, R. D., Jackson,
L. G. Moore, 213 Pine St., North, Mich.
Lansing, Mich. Mrs. H. M. Forshee, Holly, Mich.

:\btry Crampton, E. .D., Corunna, Medical Miss. Dept.:

Mich. Sec., Dr. F. A. Loop, Wabash
l.na Hicks, 320 Fenton St., Flint, Valley Sanitarium, Lafayette,
Mich. Ind.
Leona Boat, Hope, Mich.
Mae Marsh, Ithaca, Mich. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Ethel Dean, Munger, Mich. Sec., A. L. Miller, 1012 Oxford
Mrs. Nellie Munger, Fa i rgro ve, St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Dot McCormick, Akron, Mich. Young People's Dept.:
Geneva Holcomb, Mayville, Mich. Sec., Mrs. R. W. McMahan, 805
Ella Verney, Otter Lake, Mich. Meridian St., Anderson, Ind.

INDIANA CONFERENCE. 0. Montgomery, 2253 North Ala-

Organized 1872. bama St., Indianapolis, Ind.
W. A. Young, 904 College Ave.,
Territory: The State of Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind.
Office: 521 East Twenty-third St., A. L. Miller, 1012 Oxford St., In-
Indianapolis, Ind. dianapolis, Ind.
OFFICERS. U. S. Anderson, 1707 South Madi-
son St., Muncie, Ind.
Conference: J. M. Ellis, Idaville, Ind.
Pres., 0.. Montgomery, 2253 E. R. Lauda, Sulphur Springs, Md.
North Alabama St., Indianapolis,
Honorary Credentials.
Sec. and Treas., A. N. Anderson. F. M. Roberts, Jonesboro, Ind.
Executive Committee: 0. Mont- 0. S. Hadley, 1721 Broadway, In-
gomery, W. A. Young, A. L. Mil- dianapolis, Ind.
ler; N. H. Pool, T. A. Goodwin,
W. P. Cunningham, A. N. Ander- LICENTIATES.
Legal Assn.: '" The Indiana As- Thos. Hubbard, Waldron, Ind.
sociation of Seventh-day Advent- Chas. E. Allen, R. F. D. 29, Zions-
ists." Pres., 0. Montgomery; Sec., ville, Ind.
W; A. Young; Treas., A. N. An- Robert M. Grey, 2253 NorthAla-
derson. bama St., Indianapolis, Ind.
" The Indiana Medical Mission- E. B. Beuchel, 521 East Twenty-
ary and Benevolent Association." third St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Pres., 0. Montgomery; Sec., H. E. Geo. W. Rader, 1805 Arrow Ave.,
Sanders; Treas., T. A. Goodwin. Anderson, Ind.
Auditor: W. H. Edwards. P. L. Thompson, 521 East Twenty-
third St., Indianapolis, bid.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., A. N. Anderson. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Field Miss. Sec., R. C. Spohr.
Field Miss. Agt., 0. Morris. Prof. W. L. Avery, R. F. D. l,
Fairland, Ind.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Dr. F. A. Loop, Wabash Valley
Sec., Mrs. Dora A. Montgomery, Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind.
2253 North Alabama St., Indian- A. N. Anderson, 2916 Paris Ave.,
apolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind.
R. C. Spohr, 1014 Oxford St., In-
Educational Dept.: dianapolis, Ind.
Sec., Mrs. R. W. McMahan, 805 0. Morris, 1722 South F St., El-
Meridian St.. Anderson, Ind. wood, Ind.

.51rs. R. W. McMahan, 805 Meri- NORTHERN ILLINOIS CON-

dian St., Anderson, Ind. FERENCE.
Mrs. Dora A. Montgomery, 2253
North Alabama St., Indianapo- Formerly part of the Illinois Con-
lis, Ind. ference organized in 1871; di-
Miss J. Theresa Thompson, 1026 vided and reorganized in 1902.
North Bell St., Kokomo, Ind. Territory: The northern portion
of the .State of Illinois to the
Mrs. Ida V. Hadley, 1721 Broad- southern boundary of the coun-
way, Indianapolis, Ind. ties of Iroquois, Ford, Living-
Miss Nellie Rothbaust, 1828 Com- ston, Woodford, Peoria, Knox,
merce Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Warren, and Henderson, exclu-
Miss Pearl Miller, 1012 Oxford St., ding the city of Peoria.
Indianapolis, Ind. Office: Room 650, 440 South Dear-
Miss Lora B. Duncan, 521 East born St., Chicago, Ill.
Twenty-third St., Indianapolis, 0 EFICERS
Sec. and Treas., EL E. Moon.
Miss Susie C. Blake, 805 Meridian Executive Committee: G. E.
St., Anderson, Ind. Langdon, F. J. Harris, P. E. Brod-
Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson, R. F. D. erson, H. E. Moon, C. W. Weber,
9, Anderson, Ind. W. E. Straw, J. A. Applegate.
Miss Frieda Huber, R. F. D. 1, Legal Assn.: " The Illinois Con-
Fairland, Ind. ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres.,
G. E. Langdon; Vice-Pres., F. J.
Miss Ivah King, care R. R. Ford, Harris; Sec. and Treas., H. E.
R. F. D. 1, Dana, Ind. Moon.
Miss Beatrix K. Spohr, R. F. D..3, " Northern Illinois Med. Miss.
Greentown, Ind. and Sanitarium Assn." Pres.,
Miss Lora Tarbell, 1105 Sterling 0. E. Langdon.
St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Mrs. Gertrude Byers, H. F. D. 2, Tract Society:
Knightstown, Ind. Sec. and Treas., H. E. Moon.
Miss Jennie L. Grey, R. F. D. 4, Field Miss. Sec., 0. A. Wolcott,
Middletown, Ind. 427 South First St., Princeton, Ill.
Lowell T. Johnston, H. F. D. 1, Field Miss. Agt., J. A. Apple-
Tell City, Ind. gate, 184 Woodlawn Ave., Aurora,
Miss Linnie Vance, R. F. D. 9, Ill.
Newcastle, Ind
Miss Donna Priddy, Noblesville, Sabbath-school Dept.:
Ind. Sec., Edith, E. Shepard.
Miss Nannie Blake, care Steward
Rogers, R. F. D. 1, New Pales- Educational Dept.:
tine, Ind. Sec.,Edith E. Shepard.
Miss Agnes Smith, 710 South
Ninth St., Richmond, Ind. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Mrs. Grace Ebeling, R. F. D. 5, Sec.,
Sullivan, Ind.
Miss Blanche E. Hicks, R. F. D. 21, Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sheridan, Ind. Sec.,
Miss Grace Redwine, 303 Sinclair
St., Wabash, Ind. Young People's Dept.:
H. C. Chapman, R. F. D. 5, Albion, Sec., 0. A. Wolcott, 427 First
Ind. St., Princeton, Ill.

MINISTERS. J. A. Applegate, 184 Wooalawn

Ave., Aurora, Ill.
G. E. Laugdon, Room 650, 440 Sophia V1Tahlberg, 213 Oak St.,
South Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill.
Wm. Covert, 295 Grand Ave., Au- Luella Rasmussen, 3722 Irving
rora, Ill. Park Blvd., Chicago Ill.
L. D. Santee, 1314 Fourteenth St., Miss J. A. Lauter, 2411 ' Gilead
Moline, Ill. Ave., Zion City, Ill.
J. C. Harris, 825 West Main St., Mrs. C. A. Prescott, 61 South
Ottawa, Ill. Chestnut St., Aurora, Ill.
F. J. Harris, Route 3, Box 24 A, Miss Clara Kugel, 3417 North
Freeport, Ill. Claremont Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Wm. Lewsadder, 121 Chicago Ave., Mrs. A. E. Thomson, Room 650,
Rockford, Ill. 440 South Dearborn St., Chicago,
C. W. Weber, 3417 North Clare- Ill.
mont Ave., Chicago, Ill. Laura Alkire, 186 Clark Ave.,
C. T. Everson, 3722 Irving Park Freeport, Ill.
Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Dr. Lyman Bedford, 1152 103d St.,
P. E. Broderson, 2500 North Hum- Chicago, Ill.
boldt St., Chicago, Ill. Miss Hannah Borchgrevink, 2137
M. H. Serns, Hinsdale, Ill. North Kimball Ave., Chicago, Ill.
W. D. Fore, 5443 rmo ur Ave., CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Chicago, Ill.
B. Peterson, 2033 North Kimball Mrs. Pearl Stewart, 4025 North
Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rockwell St., Chicago, Ill.
J. M. Burdick, Momence, Ill. Miss Mae Warren, 528 East Thir-
ty-third Place, Chicago, Ill.
LICENTIATES. Miss Adeline McNett, 528 East
Thirty-third Place, Chicago, Ill.
J. Tabor, 825 East Forty-fifth St. Miss Mabel Boo, 2458 Pensacola
Chicago, Ill. Ave., Chicago, Ill.
W. E. Straw, Sheridan, Ill. Mrs. Lola Taylor, care M. D.
0. A. Wolcott, 427 South First St., Hensie, R. F. D., McHenry, Ill.
Princeton, Ill. Miss Mildred Holmes, Streator, Ill.
H. E. Moon, Room 650, 440 South Miss Mabel Rank, Aledo, ill.
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Enos Parish, Kingston, Ill.
Miss Huldah Berg, care Fox River
Academy, Sheridan, Ill.
Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey, 4069
Princeton Ave., Chicago, Ill. NORTH MICHIGAN CON-
Jean Phillips, 2500 North Hum- FERENCE.
boldt St., Chicago, Ill.
Ruth Santee, 1034 Rockton Ave., Formerly a part of the Michigan
Rockford, Ill. Conference, organized in 1861;
Anna Hibben, 2500 North Hum- divided and reorganized in 1902.
boldt St., Chicago, Ill. Territory: All of Michigan north
Ella Hancock, 6756 Yale Ave., Chi- of the counties of Bay, Midland,
cago, Ill. Gratiot, Montcalm, Mecosta,
Gertrude Merriner, 507 Wilbur Newaygo, and Oceana.
St., Elgin, Ill. Office: 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey,
Helen Odell, Room 650, 440 South Mich.
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Edith E. Shepard, Room 650, 440 OFFICERS.
South Dearborn St., Chicago, Conference:
Ill. Pres., J. J. Irwin.

Sec., Ina Baird. Grace Crouch, Petoskey, Mich.

Treas., North Michigan Tract G. D. Schoonard, Friday Station,
Society. via Brampton, Mich.
Executive Committee: J. J. Marie Baurain, Cooks, Mich.
Irwin, M. C. Guild, E. F. Peter-
son, M. Stephens, U. S. Struble.
Legal Assn.: " North Michigan
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." SOUTHERN ILLINOIS CON-
Pres., J. J. Irwin; Sec and Treas.,
S. E: Kalman. FERENCE.
Tract Society: Formerly a part of the Illinois
Sec. and Treas., S. E. Kellman. Conference organized in 1871;
Field Miss. Sec., divided and reorganized in 1902.
Field Miss. Agt., Territory: The southern portion of
the State of Illinois, south of
Sabbath-school Dept.: the counties of Iroquois, Ford,
Sec., Miss Florence Crouch. Livingston, Woodford, Peoria,
Educational Dept.: Knox, Warren, and Henderson,
and including the city of Peoria.
Sec., Miss Florence Crouch. Office: 304 West Allen St., Spring-
Religious Liberty Dept.: field, Ill.
Sec., J. J.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Miss Florence Crouch.
Pres., E. A. Bristol, 545 West
MINISTERS. Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
Sec., Miss Edith McClellan.
J. J. Irwin, 220 Michigan St., Pe- Treas., Southern Illinois Tract
toskey, Mich. Society.
M. C. Guild, Route 6, Traverse Executive Committee: E. A.
City, Mich. Bristol, Wm. Woodford, R. B.
R. J. Bellows, Zeba, Mich. Craig, .W. C. Dalbey, E. F. Ferris.
LICENTIATES. Legal Assn.: " The Southern Il-
linois Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
E. F. Peterson, Houghton, Mich. Pres., E. A. Bristol; Sec., .
P. E. Fenner, Onaway, Mich. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Miss Nettie
Field Miss. Sec., John E. Han-
Miss Inez A. E. Lay, 117 Michigan son.
St., Petoskey, Mich. Field Miss. Agt., E. M. Fishell.
Mrs. M. M. Faulkner, 403 West Sabbath-school Dept.:
Eighth St., Traverse City, Mich.
Miss Florence Crouch, 510 Petos- Sec., .
key St., Petoskey, Mich. Educational Dept.:
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Flora Jorgensen, Zeba, Mich. Sec:, R. B. Crb:ig, 120 East North
Clara Stephens, Harris, Mich. St., Decatur, Ill.
Emily Crouch, Onaway, Mich.
Jane Sweet, Traverse City, Mich. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Vesta Avery, Twining, Mich. Sec., E. A. Bristol, 545 West Al-
Anna Bjork, Mesick, Mich. len St., Springfield, Ill.

Young People's Dept.: Miss Bertha Ford, 1417 First Ave.,

Sec., Peoria, Ill.

E. A. Bristol, 545 West Allen ,St., ENCE.
Springfield, Ill.
B. F. Stureman, 303 Callender St., Formerly a part of the Michigan
Peoria, Ill. Conference, organized in 1861;
C. H. Bliss, Route 36, Peoria, Ill. divided and reorganized in 1902.
Wm. Woodford, Albion, Ill. Territory: Southwestern Michigan
L. W. Browne, 1208 South Six- south of the counties of Mason,
teenth St., Springfield, III. Lake, Osceola, and Isabella; and
west of the counties of Isabella,
Gratiot, Clinton, Ingham, Jack-
LICENTIATES. son, and Hillsdale.
W. E. Swartz, Findlay, Ill. Office: Otsego, Mich.
E. F. Ferris, Carterville, Ill. OFFICERS.
H. M. Kelley, 304 West Allen St., Conference:
Springfield, Ill.
Pres., S. E. Wight.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sec. and Treas., H. H. Todd.
Executive Committee: S. E.
E. M. Fishell, 304 West Allen St., Wight, W. C. Hebner, Eugene Le-
Springfield, Ill. land, H. H. Todd, A. L. Curtis,
Miss Nettie Eaton, 304 West Al- J. E. Root, J. J. Evans.
len St., Springfield, T11. Legal Assn.: "West Michigan
Miss Mary B. Craig, 120 East Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
North St., Decatur, Ill. Pres., S. E. Wight; Sec. and
Miss Edith McClellan, 304 West Treas., H. Ii. Todd.
Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
Tract Society:
MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Sec. and Treas., H. H. Todd.
R. B. Craig, 120 East North St., Field Miss. Sec.,
Decatur, Ill. Field Miss. A.gt.,
Mrs. R. B. Craig, 120 East North Sabbath-school Dept.:
St., Decatur, M. Sec., Miss Nellie Nelson.
Miss Anna Balding, 611 West Uni-
versity St., Champaign, Ill. Educational Dept.:
Miss Inez Howell, 611 West Uni- Sec., Mrs. Flora H. Williams.
versity St., Champaign, Ill. Medical Miss. Dept.:
H. F. Shepl.er, 512 East Capitol
Ave., Springfield, Sec.,
Religious Liberty Dept.:
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Sec., Eugene Leland, care Taber-
Miss Edna Ayars, Du Quoin, Ill. nacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
Miss Minnie Wells, 304 West Al- Young People's Dept.:
len St., Springfield, Ill. Sec., Mrs. Flora H. Williams.
Miss Luella Wells, Route 6,. Mat-
toon, Ill. MINISTERS.
Miss Lena Vance, Carterville, Ill.
Miss Ola Williamson, St. Elmo, Ill. S. E. Wight, Otsego, Mich.
Miss Marie Asey, 1819 South W. C. Hebner, 1122 Washington
Fourteenth St., Springfield, Ill. Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich.

C. A. Hansen, 394 Wealthy Ave., CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.

Grand Rapids, Mich.
C. N. Sanders, 21 Jiroch St., Mus- Elder E. Leland, care Tabernacle,
kegon, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich.
Eugene Leland, care Tabernacle, Mrs. Harriet Hef!ley, 226 West
Battle Creek, Mich. Van Buren St., Battle Creek,
Florence Howell, R. F. D. 7, Battle
Honorary Credentials. Creek, Mich.
Mildred Wilson, 22 Buckeye St.,
G. W. Amadon, 1404 Lake View Battle Creek, Mich.
Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. Alice Kelsea, 316 West Van Buren
A. C. Bourdeau, 1011 March 'St., St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Kalamazoo, 1\101. Daisie Titus, care W. M. Wilson,
M. S. Burnham, Otsego, Mich. R. F. D. 1, Jenison, Mich.
E. Van Deusen, Lowell, Mich. F. A. Schoonard, Bedford, Mich.
H. Nicola, 123 Manchester St., Olive Siemann, care College, Ber-
Battle Creek, Mich. rien Springs, Mich.
E. W. Webster, Potterville, Mich. Agnes Everest, R. F. D. 2, Bur-
A. Smith, Grandville, Mich.., lington, Mich.
John W. Covert, Cedar Springs, Anna Collige, R. F. D. 5, Hastings,
Mich. Mich.
R. C. Horton, Lawrence, Mich. R. U. Garrett, Cedar Lake, Mich.
H. W. Miller, R. F. D. 2, Box 35, .L. C. Shepard, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Battle Creek, Mich. Aimee Du Bois, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Anna Garton, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Mrs. L. C. Shepard, Cedar Lake,
Jennie Judson, ,Covert, Mich.
C. A. Russell, R. F. D. 1, Allegan, Darrell Davis, R. F. D. 3, Battle
Mich. Creek, Mich.
R. U. Garrett, Cedar Lake. Mich. Mrs. Hazel Hallock, R. F. D. 2,
J. M. Hoyt, 406 West Washington Stanton, Mich.
St., Greenville, Mich. Amy Woodruff, 1015 Garden St.,
Wm. Reefman, Holton, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich.
H. G. Bayley, Butternut, Mich. Leta I. Rumery, Box 741, Otsego,
C. H. Thompson, Butternut, Mich. Mich.
Grace Evans, R. F. D. 1, Coopers-
vill.e, Mich.

Jennie DeYoung, 44 Mason Ave., WISCONSIN CONFERENCE.

Muskegon, Mich.
Mrs. Cleora Green, R. F. D. 7, Organized 1871.
Box 51, Muskegon, Mich.
Mrs. Flora H. Williams, 467 Ham- Territory: State of Wisconsin.
blin Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Office Address: Box 57, Grand
Edna Walker, R. F. D. 7, Box 5, Rapids, Wis.
Kalamazoo, Mich. OFFICERS.
H. H. Todd, Otsego, Mich.
Nellie Nelson, Otsego, Mich. Conference:
Jennie Nelson, Otsego, Mich. Pres., W. H. Thurston.
Mable Fleming, 1122 Washington Sec. and Treas., John C. Mc-
Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Reynolds.
E. A. Merriam, care Tabernacle, Executive Committee:' W. H.
Battle Creek, Mich. Thurston, John Hoffman, B. L.

Post, C. L. Stone, W. N. Perham, W. S. Shreve, Wauzeka, Wis.

P. C. Hanson, J. E. Patterson. J. C. Nielsen, Bethel, Wis.
Legal Assn.: "Wisconsin Con-
ference Association of S. D. A." LICENTIATES.
Pres., W. H. Thurston; Sec. and
Treas., J. C. McReynolds. Louis Drews, 421 Elm St., Osh-
kosh, Wis.
Tract Society: Israel Hill, Route 2, West Depere,
Sec. and Treas., Mabel Cutler. Wis.
Field Miss. Agt., H. W. Johnson. E. E. Trowbridge, Spooner, Wis.
S. Sorenson, Box 56, Washburn,
Sabbath-school Dept.: - Wis.


Educational Dept.:
J. Steinel, 512 Lee St., Milwaukee,
Sec., Miss Frances L. Case. Wis.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Sue Jones, Merrill, Wis.
Sec., Mabel Wampole, Bethel, Wis.
Frank Halderson, Hawthorne,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Wis.
Sec., H. W. Reed, Clearwater Esther Anderson, 1324 Baxter
Lake, Wis. Ave., Superior, Wis. '
Mrs. Flora Post, 847 Fifth St.,
Young People's Society.: Milwaukee, Wis.
Sec., Miss Frances L. Case. Miss Bertha Phelps, 649 Otjen St.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
MINISTERS. Miss Amelia Roberson, Shenning-
ton, Wis.
W. H. Thurston, Grand Rapids, Mrs. Mary Howell, Grand Rapids,
Wis. Wis.
W. W. Stebbins, 236 Chatham St., Miss Mabel Cutler, Grand Rapids,
Janesville, Wis. Wis.
J. H. Hoffman, Route 3, Box 95, A. J. Olsen, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.
Grantsburg, Wis. Mrs. Mary Snow,Bethel, Wis.
T. G. Lewis, 955 South Division J. C. 1%,,cReynols, Box 57, Grand
St., Appleton, Wis. Rapid's, Wis.
C. Edwardsen, Box 56, Washburn, Agathe Johnson, Chippewa Falls,
Wis. Wis.
P. M. Hanson, 205 Summit Ave.,. Mrs. T. 0. Ritchie, Westfield, Wis.
Chippewa Falls, Wis. Miss Frances L. Case, Box 57,
Byron Post, 847 Fifth St., Milwau- Grand Rapids, Wis.
kee, Wis.
H. W. Reed, Clearwater Lake, Wis.
M. Steuckrath, 474 Fourth St., Mrs. Roxetta Runck, M. D., care
Milwaukee, Wis. Sanitarium, Madison, Wis.
L. E. Wellman, Clearwater Lake, Miss Grace Jennings, 865 Fifth
Wis. St., Milwaukee, Wis.
' P. C. Hanson, Poysippi, Wis. Miss Kate Macey, care Sanita-
F. F. Petersen, Plainfield, Wis. rium, South Madison, Wis.

Honorary Ministerial Credentials. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.

J. B. Scott, Chetek, Wis. Ruby McSparran, Clearwater

F. Stebbeds, Clearwater Lake, Lake, Wis.
Wis. Beryl 'ummings, Merrill, Wis.

Clare Waterbury, Tunnell City, Franksville, Wis.

Wis. Irma Fischell, 1632 Menomonie
Luella Eighme, Milton Junction, St., Eau Claire, Wis.
Wis. Mamie Meleen, Route 1, Mosinee,
Ella Keizer, La Farge, Wis. Wis.
Frances De Vinney, Almond, Wis. Mary Chapin, Route 5, Ft. Atkin-
Nellie Hansen, Cassville, Wis. sin, Wis.
Bertha Cass, Bethel, Wis. Mrs. N. H. Hollingsworth, care
Katherine Fries, Valley Junction, Sanitarium, South Madison,
Wis. Wis.
Mrs. John Armitage, 135 East Elmer C. Ross, Clear Lake, Wis.
Pleasant St., Portage, Wis. S. Theron Johnston, Route 2, West
Anna E. Sorenson, R. F. D. 9, De Pere, Wis.


Organized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of Vice-Pres., M. N. Campbell, Ne-
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, vada, Iowa.
and South Dakota. Sec. and Treas., T. D. Gibson.
Office Address: 2718 Third Ave., Executive Committee: R. A.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Underwood, M. N. Campbell, C. J.
Buhalts, C. M. Babcock, S. E.
OFFICERS. Jackson, T. D. Gibson, W. W. Ru-
Conference: ble, F. E. Painter, Dr. C. W.
Pres., R. A. Underwood. Heald.








Legal Assn.: "Northern Union OFFICERS.

Conference of Seventh-day Ad- Conference:
ventists, Incorporated." Pres., Pres., M. N. Campbell.
R. A. Underwood; Sec. and Treas., Sec., Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas.
S. E. Jackson. Treas., A. L. Bayley.
Union Book Depository: Executive Committee: M. N.
Campbell, J. C. Clemens, W. D.
Kansas City Branch of Pacific Parkhurst, M. W. Lewis, 0. J.
Press Pub. Assn., 1109 East Nerlund, C. W. Heald, A. P. Han-
Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo. sen.
Manager, Jas. Cochran. Legal Assn.: " Iowa Seventh-
Union Miss. Sec. and Agt., F. E. day Adventist Assn." Pres., M.
Painter, 2718 Third Ave., South, N. Campbell; Sec., A. L. Bayley.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Educational Dept.: Tract Society:
Sec., W. W. Ruble, Alexandria, See. and Treas., A. L. Bayley.
Minn. Field Miss. Agt., Glenn Shelton.
Dist. Miss. Directors, J. W. Dor-
Religious Liberty Dept.: cas, W. C. Boynton, S. B. Kephart,
Sec., M. N. Campbell, Nevada, C. V. Starr.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas.
Sec. Dr. C. W. Heald, Nevada,
Iowa. Educational Dept.:
Young People's Dept.: Sec., B. .A. Wolcott.
Sec., W. W. Ruble, Alexandria, Medical Miss. Dept.:
Minn. Sec., C. W. Heald.
MINISTERS. Religious Liberty Dept.:
R. A. Underwood, 2718 Third Ave., Sec., W. D. Parkhurst, 1446
South, Minneapolis, Minn. West Eighth St., Des Moines,
W. W. Ruble, Alexandria, Minn. Iowa.
M. L. Andreasen, Hutchinson, Young People's Dept.:
M. S. Reppe, Hutchinson, Minn. Sec., B. A. Wolcott.
P. E. Berthelsen, Hutchinson,
M. N. Campbell, Nevada, Iowa.
F. Painter, 2718 Third Ave., J. C. Clemens, 227 Mobile St.,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Waterloo, Iowa.
E. G. Olsen, Forest City, Iowa.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. W. D. Parkhurst, 1446 West
Eighth St., Des Moines, Iowa.
T D. Gibson, 2718 Third Ave., M. W. Lewis, 1716 First Ave.,
. South, Minneapolis, Minn. North, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
J. W. Dorcas, Nevada, Iowa.
Otto Madsen, Decorah, Iowa.
0. J. Nerlund, 1731 Des Moines St.,
IOWA CONFERENCE. Des Moines, Iowa.
Organized 1863. NG. Lamson, Nevada, Iowa.
_ Wolcott, Nevada, Iowa.
Territory? State of Iowa. C. W. Heald, Nevada, Iowa.
Office: Nevaaa, Iowa. J. W. McComas, Sbarpsburg, Iowa.

K. Rasmussen, 624 North St., De- MINNESOTA CONFERENCE.

corah, Iowa.
C. A. Pedicord, Nevada, Iowa. Organized 1862.
Territory: State of Minnesota.
LICENTIATES. Office: 336 East Lake St., Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Mrs. Minnie Sype, 1302 C St.,
West, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. OFFICERS.
S. B. Kephart, 932 est Fourth
St., Ottumwa, Iowa. Conference:
Chas. Metzger, Nevada, Iowa. Pres., S. E. Jackson.
Geo. R. E. McNay, Nevada, Iowa. Vice-Pres., E. M. Chapman; Al-
exandria, Minn.
Sec., E. L. Sheldon.
Executive Committee: S. E.
Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, Nevada, Jackson, E. M. Chapman, J. F. An-
Iowa. derson, A. V. Olson, H. R. Gay,
Anna M. Camp, 5 Arno Flats, Du- H. J. Sheldon, A. W. Kuehl.
buque, Iowa. Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota
Geo. J. Seltzer, Nevada, Iowa. Conference Assn. of D. A."
Laura E. Buck, 331 East Locust Pres., S. E. Jackson; Sec. and
St., Davenport, Iowa. Treas., H. R. Gay.
W. C. Boynton, Sioux Rapids,
Iowa. Tract Society:
Rose E. Boose, 227 Mobile St., Sec. and Treas., H. R. Gay.
Waterloo, Iowa. Field Miss. Sec., S. A. Ruskjer.
Alma Nelson, 1503 Division St., Field Miss. Agt., F. E. Stratton.
Burlington, Iowa.
W. A. McKibben, 1810 Sherman Sabbath-school Dept.:
St., Sioux City, Iowa. Sec., Ella E. Merickel, 713.Blue
Meta Peterson, 227 Mobile St., Earth St., Mankato, Minn.
Waterloo, Iowa. Educational Dept.:
Emma Norton, Boone, Iowa. Sec., Esther Francis.
Mintie Mater, Eddyville, Iowa.
Nellie M. Butler, Nevada, Iowa. Medical Miss. Dept.:.
Glenn Shelton, Nevada, Iowa. Sec., Dr. E. P., Hawkins, Mont-
C. V. Starr, Pleasanton, Iowa. rose, Minn.
E. D. Hopkins, Mason City, Iowa.
D. Ella Smith, 1413 Leonard St., Religious Liberty Dept.:
Davenport, Iowa. See., T. D. Gibson, 2718 Third
Ave., Smith, Minneapolis, Minn.
Sec., Esther Francis.
Ernest Nelson, 1302 C St., West,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. MINISTERS.
Una May Gourly, 1446 West
Eighth St., Des Moines, Iowa. S. E. Jackson, 336 East Lake St.,
Anna Johnson, Exira, Iowa. Minneapolis, Minn.
Marion Johnson, Exira, Iowa. A. W. Kuehl, 679 Holly Ave., St.
Eva P. Smouse, Muscatine, Iowa. Paul, Minn.
Florence Heald, Nevada, Iowa. Andrew Mead, Brainerd, Minn.
Alma Keene, Sharpsburg, Iowa.. Hans Steen, 718 Maryland St., St.
Anna Grundset, Ute, Iowa. Paul, Minn.
Laura Breeden, Bonaparte, Iowa. E. M. Chapman, Alexandria, Minn.
Oliver Breeden, Bonaparte, Iowa. W. A. Alway, Maple Plain, Minn.

C. L. Emmerson, Philbrook, Minn. CHITRCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.

J. F. Anderson, 336 East Lake St.,
Minneapolis, Minn. Myrtle Johnson, 336 East Lake
G. L. Budd, Alexandria, Minn. St., Minneapolis, Minn.
A. V. Olson, 336 East Lake St., Miss Mae Hartwick, 336 East
Minneapolis, Minn. Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Carl Svenson, 4704 West Sixth St., Miss Blanche Postier, 336 Lake
Duluth, Minn. St., Minneapolis, Minn.
C. K. Reiswig, 336 East Lake St., Miss Irene Bullis, 336 East Lake
Minneapolis, Minn. St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. Mary Kelsey, R. F. D. 8,
LICENTIATES. Mankato, Minn.
Miss Lulu Whitelock, Hutchinson,
H. J. Sheldon, Maple Plain, Minn. Minn.
Herman Olson, 336East Lake bt.,
Miss Luella Crane, Bruno, Minn.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Stemple White, 336 East Lake St.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
W. H.- S'herrig, 336 East Lake St.,
Minneapolis, Minn. NORTH DAKOTA CONFER-
B. C. Haak, 336 East Lake St., ENCE.
Minneapolis, Mimi
S. A. Ruskjer, 336 East Lake St., Organized 1902.
Minneapolis, Minn. Territory: The State of North
E. L. Sheldon, 336 East Lake St., Dakota.
Minneapolis, Minn. Office Address: Box 285, Fargo, N.
N. R. Nelson, 336 East Lake St., Dak.
Minneapolis, Minn. OFFICERS.
Ole Grundset, 336 East Lake St., Conference: .
Minneapolis, Minn.
Robert Hare, 336 East Lake St., Pres., C. J. Buhalts.
Minneapolis, Minn. Vice-Pres., Carl Leer.
F. E. Stratton, 336 East Lake St., Sec., J. J. Reiswig, 109 East
Minneapolis, Minn. Wisconsin St., Jamestown, N. Dak.
J. 0. Peet, Philbrook, Minn. Treas., E. L. Spencer.
Executive Committee: C. J. Bu-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. halts, Carl Leer, C. G. Berglin, L.
W. Kreiger, J. H. Seibel, M. Stern.
P. 0. Johnson, 336 East Lake St., Legal Assn.: " The North Da-
Minneapolis, Minn. . kota Conference Assn." Pres.,
Gust Freeman, 336 East Lake St., C. J. Buhalts; Sec. and Treas., E.
Minneapolis, Minn. L. Spencer.
Mrs. Minnie Bridges, 336 East Business Agt., Richard Graham
Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. (Rock Lake, N. Dak).
Gertrude M. Burghart, 336 East
Lake St., Minneapolis, Minn. Tract Society:
H. R. Gay, 336 East Lake St., Sec. and Treas., E. L. Spencer.
Minneapolis, Minn. Field Miss. Sec., E. L. Spencer.
Esther Francis, 336 East Lake St., Cor. Miss. Sec., Miss Regina Lit-
Minneapolis, Minn. winenco, Harvey, N. Dak.
Artha J. Zoller, 336 East Lake St., Field Miss. Agt., Jacob Peters,
Minneapolis, Minn. Harvey, N. Dak.
Clara Krassin, 336 East Lake St., Sabbath-school Dept.:
Minneapolis, Minn. Sec., Miss Regina Litwinenco,
B. 0. Engen, 336 East Lake St., Harvey, N. Dak.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Ella E. Merickel, 713 Blue Earth Educational Dept.:
St., Mankato, Minn. Sec., J. J. Reiswig, 109 East

Wisconsin St., Jamestown, N. SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE.

Asst. Sec., A. F. Schmidt, Har- Organized 1879.
vey, N. Dak. . Territory: The State of South
Religious Liberty Dept.: Dakota, excluding the Black
Sec., A. V. Rhoads, Minot, N. Office Address: Box 595, Redfield,
Dak. S. Dak.
Young People's Dept.: OFFICERS.
Sec., J. J. Reiswig, 109 East
Wisconsin St., Jamestown, N. Conference:
Dak. Pres., C. M. Babcock.
Asst. Sec., A. F. Schmidt, Har- See. and Treas., G. W. Stilson.
vey, N. Dak. Executive Committee: C. M.
Babcock, Albert Tucker, Alfred
MINISTERS. Jensen, D. N. Wall, F. R. Isaac,
Wm. Reiner, G. W. Stilson.
C. J. Buhalts, Harvey, N. Dak. Legal Assn.: " South Dakota
Carl Leer, Lincoln, N. Dak. Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
A. V. Rhoads, Minot, N. Dak. Pres., C. M. Babcock; Sec. and
N. M. Jorgensen, Grand Forks, N. Treas., G. W. Stilson.
Dak. Transportation Agt., G. W.
J. J. Reiswig, 109 East Wisconsin Stilson.
St., Jamestown, N. Dak. Business Agt., Albert Tucker,
J. H. Seibel, Bowon, N. Dak. Elk Point, S. Dak.
Martin Olson, Valley City, N. Dak.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Victor Hawley.
Field Miss. Sec., D. N. Wall.
Field Miss. Agt., Floyd Weath-
Olaf Ronning, Box 285, Fargo, N. erly, Madison, S. Dak.
M. Ruskjer, Box 285, Fargo, N. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Dak. Sec., Florence Miller, Elk Point,
Mrs. Bertha Jorgensen Grand S. Dak.
Forks, N. Dak. Educational Dept.:
A. F. Schmidt, Harvey, N. Dak. Sec., Florence Miller, Elk Point,
S. G. Burley, Harvey, N. Dak. S. Dak.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Sec., Dr. W. T. Lindsay, Cham-
berlain, S. Dak.
Richard Graham, Rock Lake, N.
Da k. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Henry Berg, Manfred, N. Dak. Sec.,
E. L. Spencer, Box 285, Fargo, N. Young People's Dept.:
Jacob Peters, Harvey, N. Dak. Sec., D. N. Wall.
J. A. Litwinenco, Herreid, S. Dak.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. C. M. Babcock, Box 595, Redfield,
S. Dak.
Henry Berg, Manfred, N. Dak. N. J. Ronlund, 933 North Main
Elizabeth Walde, Bowdon, N. Dak. Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
F. H. Kugel, Upham, N. Dak. 0. M. Kittle, Redfield, S. Dak.

D. P. Miller, Box 595, Redfield, S. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.

Dak. Selma Peterson, Chamberlain, S.
D. N. Wall, Box 595, Redfield, S. Dak.
Vesta Kier, 616 Frank Ave., Hu-
H. G. Gjording, Box 595, Redfield,
ron, S. Dak.
S. Dak. Albert Madsen, Sioux Falls, S.
E. J. Van Horn, Chamberlain, S. Dak.
L. M. Peterson, Madison, S. Dak.
Lydia Aalborg, Monroe, S. Dak.
LICENTIATES. Carl Wolter, Glenham, S. Dak.
Albert Tucker, Elk Point, S. Dak. Halcyon Shoals, Redfield, S. Dak.
C. F. Cole, Box 595, Redfield, S. Esther Aalborg, Florence, S. Dak.
Dak. Lizzie Magnuson, Elk Point, S.
F. R. Isaac, Redfield, S. Dak. Dak.
C. F. Hansen, Yankton, S. Dak. Lelia Pedicord, Elk Point, S. Dak.
Wilhelm Reiner, Bowdle, S. Dak.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Dr. W. T. Lindsay, Chamberlain,
S. Dak.
Victor Hawley, Box 595, Redfield, Dr. C. P. Farnsworth, Chamber-
S. Dak. lain, S. Dak.
Emil Oswald, Java, S. Dak. Dr. Anna B. Farnsworth, Cham-
Dr. W. T. Lindsay, Chamberlain, berlain, S. Dak.
S. Dak. Gustine M. 0. Bakke, Yankton, S.
Helen Kiehlbauch, Elk Point, S. Dak.
Dak. Alida Brown, Aberdeen, S. Dak.
C. W. Rubeudall, Redfield, S. Dak. Delbert Brown, Aberdeen, S. Dak.
G. W. Stilson, Box 595, Redfield, Beulah Payne, Aberdeen, S. Dak.
S. Dak. Edith Cilley, 515 North Lincoln
Florence Miller, Elk Point, S. Dak. St., Aberdeen, S. Dak.
Floyd Weatherly, Madison, S. Celia DuBois, 207 Seventh Ave.,
Dak. West, Aberdeen, S. Dak.


organized 1906.
Territory: Oregon, Washington, P. A. Hanson, F. S. Bunch, J. M.
Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. Willoughby, J. C. Foster, L. John-
Office: College Place, Wash. son, J. Riffel, J. F. Beatty, and the
Business Managers of the Walla
Post-office Address: Box 107, Col- Walla College and the Portland
lege Place, Wash. Sanitarium.
Legal Assn.: "North Pacifib Un-
OFFICERS. ion Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Pres., C. W. Flaiz; Sec. and
Conference: Treas., S. J. Lashier.
Pres., C. W. Flaiz. Union Book Depository:
Vice-Pres., S. W. Nellis. Portland Branch of Pacific Press
Sec. and Treas., S. J. Lashier. Pub. Assn., 61 Park St., North,
Auditor: Portland, Oregon.
Executive Committee: C. W. Manager, J. F. Beatty.
Flaiz, S. W. Nellis, H. W. Decker, Union Miss..Agt., W. R. Beatty.

' CON/ :

57 0 UTNE RN
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Educational Dept.: Sec., Mrs. Alice Rittenhouse,

Sec., M. E. Cady, College Place, Kalispell, Mont.
Wash. Treas., V. T. Armstrong.
Executive Committee: J. C.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Foster, H. 0. Shields, Paul Iver-
Sec., W. F. Martin, 80 East Six- son, S. C. Johnson, D. H. Hanson,
ty-first St., North, Portland, Ore- C. H. Rittenhouse.
gon. Legal Assn.: " The Montana
Missionary Dept.: Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Sec., S. W. Nellis, R. F. D. 2, Pres., J. C. Foster; Sec., V. T.
Battle Ground, Wash.
Tract Society.:
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec. and Treas., V. T. Arm-
Sec., M. E. Cady. strong.
Young People's Dept.: Field Miss. Sec.,
Sec., M. E. Cady. Field Miss. Agt.,
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Mrs. V. T. Armstrong.
C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Wash.
H. W. Decker, College Place, Wash. Educational Dept.:
0. A. Johnson, College Place, Sec., L. B. Ragsdale.
Wash. Religious Liberty Dept.:
M. E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
N. W. Lawrence, College Place, Sec., C. H. Rittenhouse, Boze-
Wash. man, Mont.
W. F. Martin, 80 East Sixty-first Young People's Dept.:
St., North, Portland, Oregon. Sec., Mrs. V. T. Armstrong.
E. C. Kellogg, College Place, Wash.
Fred W. Temple, Ketchikan, J. C. Foster, 812 Cherry St., Mis-
Alaska. soula, Mont.
S. J. Lashier, College Place, Wash. Paul Iverson, Culbertson, Mont.
Miss Pearl Cook, College Place,
W. R. Beatty, 61 Park St., North,
Portland, Oregon. C. H. Rittenhouse, Bozeman, Mont.
C. M. Everest, Mt. Tabor Sta., D. H. Hanson, Miles City, Mont.
Portland, Oregon. L. B. Ragsdale, Bozeman, Mont.

V. T. Armstrong, Bozeman, Mont.
Organized 1898. Mrs. C. H. Rittenhouse, Bozeman,
Territory: Montana. Mrs. Lena Foster, 812 Cherry St.,
Office Address: Box 118, Bozeman, Missoula, Mont.
Mont. Mrs. Mary Iverson, Culbertson,
OFFICERS. Mrs. L. B. Ragsdale, Bozeman,
Conference: Mont.
Pres., J. C. Foster, 812 Cherry H. E. Brockman, 1945 Second Ave.,
St., Missoula, Mont. East, Butte, Mont.
Vice-Pres., H. 0. Shields, Victor, Mrs. H. E. Brockman, 1945 Second
Mont. Ave., East, Butte, Mont.

Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Bozeman, Educational Dept.:

Mont. Supt., S. L. Frost.
Vinna M. Hart, Bozeman, Mont. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Geneva Anderson, Bozeman, Mont. Sec.,
Young People's Dept.:

Organized 1907. J. M. Willoughby, Box 43, Boise.

Territory: That part of Idaho W. L. Black, Twin FallsIdaho.
south of a line described as fol- A. C. Bird, Caldwell, Idaho.
lows: Beginning at the north-
western corner of Washington LICENTIATES.
County, thence east along the
northern line of said county, Arthur Moon, Blackfoot, Idaho.
thence north along the 116th B. M. Grandy, Eagle, Idaho.
degree to the Salmon River, S. L. Frost, Eagle, Idaho.
thence easterly along said river
to the western line of .Lemhi MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
County, thence north along the
western line of said county to Lucy Post, Parma, Idaho.
the State line; and the counties T. L. Copeland, Box 43, Boise,
of Wallowa, Union, Baker, Mal- Idaho.
heur, Harney, and Grant, in Ore- Daisy Afton, Boise, Idaho.
gon. Mrs. B. M. Grandy, Eagle, Idaho.
Office: Room 223, Boise National
Bank Building, Boise, Idaho. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Office Address: Box 43, Boise, Fern Plummer, Caldwell, Idaho.
Idaho. Fedalma Ragan, Eagle, Idaho.


Pres., J. M. Willoughby. ENCE.
Vice-Pres., A. C. Bird.
Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland. Formerly part of the Western
Executive Committee: J. M. Oregon Conference; organized
Willoughby, A. C. Bird, A. Moon, 1910.
T. E. Yeakel, T. L. Copeland. Territory: All the southern part
Legal Assn.: " Southern Idaho of Western Oregon south of the
Conference Assn." Pres., J. M. northern boundary of Lane
Willoughby; Sec., A. C. Bird; County, including the counties
Treas.; T. L. Copeland. of Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry,
Tract Society: Josephine, Jackson, Klamath,
and Lake.
Sec. and Treas., T. L. Copeland. Office: Box 148, Roseburg, Oregon.
Field Miss. Sec., T. L. Copeland.
Field Miss. Agt., W. B. Payne. OFFICERS.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Conference:
Sec., Grace Ellis. Pres., F. S. Bunch.

Sec. and Treas., J. P. Wheeler. Mrs. M. A. Neal, Cottage Grove,

Executive Committee: F. S. Oregon.
Bunch, A. D. Owens, L. A. Gibson,
Legal Assn.: " Southern Oregon
Conf. Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., Lowell Tupper,,Medford, Oregon.
F. S. Bunch; Sec and Treas., J. P. Alice Chinkinbeard, Roseburg,
Wheeler. Oregon.
Grace Davison, Cottage Grove,
Tract Society: Oregon.
Sec. and Treas., J. P. Wheeler. Minnie Corner, Gravel Ford, Ore-
Field Miss. Sec., gon.
Field Miss. Agt., J. A. Holton.
Sabbath-school Dept.: UPPER COLUMBIA CON-
Sec., Mrs. Gertrude Wheeler. FERENCE.
Educational Dept.: Organized 1880.
Sec., F. S. Bunch.
Territory: All of Washington east
Medical Miss. Dept.: of the Cascade Range; Umatilla,
Sec., Morrow, Gilliam, and Wheeler
Religious Liberty Dept.: Counties, Oregon; and all of
that portion of Idaho north of
Sec., a line described as follows: Be-
Young People's Dept.: ginning at the northwestern cor-
Sec., Mrs. Gertrude Wheeler. ner of Washington County,
thence east along the northern
line of Lemhi County, thence
MINISTERS. along the 116th degree to the
Salmon River, thence easterly
F. S. Bunch, Roseburg, Oregon. along said river to the western
T. G. Bunch, Ashland, Oregon. line of Lemhi County, thence
L. A. Gibson, Eugene, Oregon. north along the western line of
R. W. Airey, Cottage Grove, Ore- Lemhi County to the State line.
gon. Office: College Place, Wash.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
B. C. Tabor, Ashland, Oregon.
Pres., C. W. Flaiz.
LICENTIATE. Vice-Pres., Jacob Riffel.
Sec. and Treas., T. G. Johnson.
E. H. Emmerson, Box 148, Rose- Executive Committee: C. W.
burg, Oregon. Flaiz, Jacob Riffel, T. L. Rags-
dale, E. W. Catlin, C. M. Chris-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. tiansen, F. A. Detamore, August
H. E. Loop, Box 148, Roseburg, Anderson.
Oregon. Legal Assn.: " Upper Columbia
Mrs. Gertrude Wheeler, Box 148, Mission Society." Pres., C. W.
Roseburg, Oregon. Flaiz; Sec., E. W. Catlin; Treas.,
J. P. Wheeler, Box 148, Roseburg, T. G. Johnson.
Oregon. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., T. G. Johnson.
Honorary Missionary Licentiates.
Field Miss. Sec., T. G. Johnson.
Mrs. B. B. Tabor, Ashland, Oregon. Field Miss. Agt., H. E. Loop.

Sabbath-school, Educational, and Madge Moore, College Place,

Young People's Depts.: Wash.
Mrs. Guy Wolfkill, College Place,
Sec., Mrs. Emma Wilkinson. Wash.
Melvina Fox, Colville, Wash.
MINISTERS. H. W. Coffin, North Yakima,
C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. Wash.
W. A. Westworth, College Place, Edna Ford, Wenatchee, Wash.
Wash. Gladys Rosser, Coeur d'Alene,
E. W. Catlin, College Place, Wash. Idaho.
J. Riffel, k;ollege Place, ash. Neva Ells, Walla Walla, Wash.
F. A. Detamore, College Place, Bernice Coon, Pomeroy, Wash.
Wash. Mrs. Wm: Reynolds, Penawawa,
August Anderson, East 3254 Fifth Wash.
Ave., Spokane, Wash. Martha Bordow, Milton, Oregon.
Louise Schnepper, Genesee, Idaho.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
W. W. Steward, College Place,
F. D. Starr, Forest, Idaho. ENCE.
L. H. Ells, College Place, Wash.
Organized 1877; reorganized 1902.
Territory: That portion of the
F. M. Oliver, Wenatchee, Wash. State of Oregon lying west of
John Oster, Fifteenth and Ray the western boundary lines of
Sts., Spokane, Wash. Gilliam and Wheeler counties,
A. F. Mascher, North Yakima, and north of the northern boun-
Wash. dary lines of Lake, Klamath,
D. J. C. Barrett, College Place, and Lane counties.
Wash. Office: 508 East Everett St., Port-
J. K. Luther, College Place, Wash. land, Oregon.
F. A. Bower, College Place, Wash.
Ole Lee, College Place, Wash. OFFICERS.
Win. T. Hilgert, College Place, Conference:
Wash. Pres., P. A. Hanson.
Sec., C. F. Folkenberg, 1325
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. South Commercial St., Salem, Ore-
T. G. Johnson, College Place, Treas., C. E. Olcott.
Wash. Executive Committee: P. A.
Mrs. Maud Posey, Station B, R. F. Hanson, T. H. Starbuck, J. F.
D. 8, Spokane, Wash. Beatty, H. H. Haynes, C. F. Folk-
F. E. Rew, Nort Yakima, Wash. enberg, J. L. Kay.
H. E. Loop, College Place, Wash. Legal Assn.: Western Oregon
Ellen Swensen, East 3254 Fifth Conference Association of S. D. A."
Ave., Spokane, Wash. Pres., P. A. Hanson; Sec., F. W.
Mrs. Emmainson, ilk College Peterson.
Place, Wash.
Tract Society:
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Sec. and Treas., C. E. Olcott.
Field Miss. Sec., C. E. Olcott.
E. E. Ladd, Spokane, Wash. Field Miss. Agt., W. C. Thomp-
Bertha Allen, College Place, Wash. son.
Olive Adams, College Place, Wash.
Lillian Balsor, College Place, Sabbath-school Dept.:
Wash. Sec., B. L. Howe.

Educational Dept.: C. E. Olcott, 508 East Everett St.,

Sec., B. L. Howe. Portland, Oregon.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Mrs. C. L. Lingenfelter, 84 East
Sec., Sixteenth St., Portland, Oregon.
W. C. Thompson, 508 East Everett
Religious Liberty Dept.: St., Portland, Oregon.
Sec., C. F. Folkenberg, 1325
South Commercial St., Salem, Ore- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Young People's Dept.: G. E. Johnson," 1485 East Everett
Sec., B. L. Howe. St., Portland, Oregon.
Miss Mabel Dimond, Montavilla,
MINISTERS. - Oregon.
P. A. Hanson, 508 East Everett Mrs. Inez C. Eddy, Walterville,
St., Portland, Oregon. Oregon.
T. H. Starbuck, Dallas, Oregon. Miss Marguerite Versteeg, Falls
Daniel Nettleton, Port Townsend, City, Oregon.
Wash. Miss Olive Kelley, Salem, Oregon.
A. M. Dart, 84 East Sixteenth St., Miss Eliza Jenson, Forest Grove,
Portland, Oregon. Oregon.
I. G. Knight, Silverton, Oregon. Miss Maud Litten, Gaston, Oregon.
J. L. Kay, Gaston, Oregon. Miss Lovica Holland, Salem, Ore-
M. H. St. John, 508 East Everett gon.
St., Portland, Oregon. Mrs. S. J. Cloake, Hillsboro, Ore-
B. L. Howe, 508 East Everett St., gon.
Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Nellie Walling, Amity, Ore-
N. C. Ernston, Lebanon, Oregon. gon.
Adolph Johnson, 6003 Forty-fifth
Ave., S. E., Portland, Oregon.
C. F. Folkenberg, 1325 South Com- WESTERN WASHINGTON CON-
mercial St., Salem, Oregon. FERENCE.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Organized 1902.
R. D. Benham, Cornelius, Oregon. Territory: All of the State of
Fried Jog, 852 Vancouver Ave., Washington west of the Cas-
Portland, Oregon. cade Mountains.
C. A. Wyman, Gaston, Oregon. Office: 1407 East Forty-first St.,
C. Johnson, McMinnville, Oregon. Seattle, Wash.
T. F. Soule, Troutdale, Oregon. Conference:
C. L. Lingenfelter, 84 East Six-
teenth St., Portland, Oregon. Pres., S. W. Nellis.
C. J. Cummings, 08 East Forty- Vice-Pres., J. E. Graham, 2846
fifth St., North, Portland, Ore- West Sixty-first St., Seattle,
gon. Wash.
Titus Kurtichanov, Brownsville, Sec. and Treas., H. A. Green.
Oregon. Executive Committee: S. W.
Nellis, J. A. Holbrook, W. W.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sharp, L. Johnson, A. J. Stone,
John Peterson, Route 2, Wood- J. W. Boynton, J. E. Graham.
burn, Oregon. Legal Assn.: " Western Wash-
J. F. Beatty, 61 Park St., North, ington Conference Assn. of S. D.
Portland, Oregon. A." Pres., S. W. Nellis; Vice-
Mrs. Carrie Knight, Silverton, Ore- Pres., J. A. Holbrook; Sec., W. W.
gon. Sharp; Treas., H. A. Green.

Tract Society: Immanuel Lovold, 1407 East

Sec. and Treas., H. A. Green. Forty-first St., Seattle, Wash.
Field Miss. Sec., C. A. Purdom. J. Wilson Rowland, Sedro Wool-
Field Miss. Agt., S. N. Ritten- ley, Wash.
house. D. Nordenmalen, 5708 Alaska St.,
Tacoma, Wash.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Educational Dept.: Mrs. W. W. Sharp, 1407 East For-
Sec., L. I. Stiles. ty-first St., Seattle, Wash.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Mrs. J. A. Holbrook, R. F. D. 1,
Battle Ground, Wash.
Sec.. Dr. W. B. Scott. Emma Rothgeb, 1802 Second Ave-
Religious Liberty Dept.: nue, North, Seattle, Wash.
Sec., E. N. Sargeant, Mt. Ver- S. N. Rittenhouse, 1407 East For-
non, Wash. ty-first St., Seattle, Wash.
Stella B. Lowry, 2320 Broadway,
Young People's Dept.: Bellingham,. Wash.
- Sec., C. A. Purdom. B. C. Cook, 1407 East Forty-first
St., Seattle, Wash.
Bessie Woolsey, 1407 East Forty-
first St., Seattle, Wash.
S. W. Nellis, 1407 East Forty-first
J. J. Clark, R. F. D. 1, Battle
Thora Lofstad, Stanwood, Wash.
Ground, Wash. Myrtle Cornell, Centralia, Wash.
J. A. Holbrook, R. F. D. 1, Battle
Esther Lofgren, Harper, Wash.
Ground, Wash. Marie Young, Oakville, Wash.
W. W. Sharp, 1407 East Forty- Mrs. A. E. Conant, Carrallton,
first St., Seattle, Wash. Wash.
A. J. Stover, R. F. D. 2, Ridgefield, Marthea Matterand, Ferndale,
L. Johnson, 3022 West Sixty-sec- Julia Hanson, Battle Ground,
ond St., Seattle, Wash.
A. J. Stone, 5718 Alaska St., Ta- Lulu Pound, Battle Ground, Wash.
coma, Wash.
Anna Johnson, Mount Vernon,
J. W. Boynton, 2320 Broadway, Wash.
Bellingham, Wash.
Inez Row, Monroe, Wash.
J. E. Graham, 2846 West Sixty- Greg C. Robinson, Gertrude, Wash.
first St., Seattle, Wash.
Florence Rowland, Port Townsend,
E. H. Huntley, 1407 East Forty- Wash.
first St., Seattle, Wash. Flq..zel Heywood, Ridgefield, Wash.
Mrs. Effie Booth, Shelton, Wash.
LICENTIATES. Mary Chase, 1308 South Sixty-
fourth St., Tacoma, Wash.
Mrs. Emma Shafer, R. F. D. 2,
F. D. Wagner, 3014 Thirteenth Vancouver,, AN ash.
Ave.. Tacoma, Wash. Lulu Nellis, 4703 California St.,
J. B. Clymer, R. F. D. 1, Manor, Seattle, Wash.
D. D. Rees, Mt. Vernon, Wash.
0. L. Denslow, 1407 East -Forty- ALASKA MISSION.
first St., Seattle, Wash.
C. A. Purdom, 3928 Fourteenth Missionary Licentiate: Fred W.
St., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Temple, Ketchikan, Alaska.
Organized igoi.
Territory: California, Nevada, Union Miss. Sec., J. R. Ferren.
Utah, Arizona. Union Miss. Agt., A. A. Cone.
Office: Mountain View, Cal. Missionary and Publishing
Com.: C. H. Jones, H. H. Hall,
OFFICERS. A. A. Cone, J. R. Ferren.
Educational Dept.:
Pres., G. A. Irwin.
Sec. and Treas., J. J. Ireland. Committee: C. C. Lewis, C. W.








Executive Committee: G. A. Ir- Irwin, I. C. Colcord, H. G. Lucas,

win, E. E. Andross, E. W. Farns- G. K. Abbott.
worth, C. L. Taggart, J. H. Beh- Sec., C. C. Lewis, care Pacific
rens, D. A. Parsons, J. 0. Corliss, Union College, St. Helena, Cal.
C. H. Jones, H. G. Thurston, C. W.
Irwin, J. A. Burden, W. C. White, Medical Miss. Dept.:
J. J. Ireland, D. H. Kress.
Legal Assn.: Committee: D. H. Kress, M. D.;
Union Book Depository: H. F. Rand, M. D.; J. A. Burden;
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun- Julia White, M. D.
tain View, Cal. Sec., D. H. Kress, M. D., Loma
Manager, C. H. Jones. Linda, Cal.

Religious Liberty Dept.: Wheeler, Clem Stump, G. A. Rob-

Pres., G. A. Irwin. erts.
Field Director and Cor. Sec., J. Legal Assn.: "Arizona Confer.
0. Corliss. ence Corporation of S. D. A."
Pres., H. G. Thurston; Sec., G.
Temperance Dept.: A. Roberts.
Sec., C: L. Taylor. Tract Society:
Field Secretaries: E. W. Farns-
worth, W. M. Healey, E. E. An- Sec. and Treas., Mrs. M. T.
dross H. G. Thurston, D. A. Par- Poston.
sons,'J. H. Behrens, C. L. Taggart. Field Miss. Agt., W. 0. James.
Young People's Dept.: Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., C. C. Lewis, care Pacific Sec., Mrs. M. T. Poston.
Union College, St. Helena, Cal. Educational Dept.:
MINISTERS. Sec., H. G. Thurston.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
G. A. Irwin, Mountain View, Cal.
H. W. Cottrell, Mountain View, Sec., H. G. Thurston.
Cal. Young People's Dept.:
M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal. Sec., Mrs. M. T. Poston.
A. 0. Tait, care Pacific Union Col-
lege, St. Helena, Cal. MINISTERS.
L. A. Reed, Mountain View, Cal.
J. 0. Corliss, Mountain View, Cal. H. G. Thurston, Box F, Phcenix,
D. H. Kress, Loma Linda, Cal. Ariz.
F. W. Wheeler, Box F, Phcenix,
Geo. G. Sims, Box F, Phcenix,
C. W. Irwin, care Pacific Union Ariz.
College, St. Helena, Cal. M. Serna, Solomonville, Ariz.
G. W. Reaser, Tucson, Ariz.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. R. Shaeffer, Box F, - Phcenix,
H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
J. J. Ireland, Mountain View, Cal.
A. A. Cone, Mountain View, Cal. H. F. Courter, Box F, Phcenix,
J. R. Ferren, Mountain View, Cal. Ariz. -
Juan Garcia Orozco, Safford, Ariz.
ARIZONA CONFERENCE. E. A. Brown, Box F, Phcenix,

Territory: Arizona. W. 0. James, Box F, Phcenix, Ariz.

Office Address: Box F, Phcenix, Mrs. M. T. Poston, Box F,
Ariz. Phcenix, Ariz.
OFFICERS. Mrs. F. R. Shaeffer. Box F, Phce-
nix, Ariz.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. M. T. L, W. Schram, Box F, Phcenix.
Poston. Ariz.
Executive Committee: H. G. Mrs. L. W. Schram, Box F, Phce-
Thurston, G. W. Reaser, F. W. nix, Ariz.

CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE. G. W. Rine, Ilealdsburg, Cal.

D. E. Robinson, Sanitarium, Cal.
Organized 1873. G. A. Snyder, 1476 Irving Ave.,
Oakland, Cal.
Territory: The following-named J. A. Stevens, 2201 Telegraph
counties in the State of Califor- Ave, Oakland, Cal.
nia: Santa Cruz, Santa Clara,
San Mateo, Almeda, Contra H. A. St. John, Sanitarium, Cal.
Costa, Solano, Marin, Sonoma, James Taphouse, Richmond, Cal.
San Francisco, Napa, Lake, C. L. Taylor, Sanitarium, Cal.
Mendocino, Trinity, Humboldt,
and Del Norte. LICENTIATES.
Office: 2201 Telegraph Ave., Oak-
land, Cal. J. W. Brassie, Pepperwood, Cal.
L. K. Dickson, 2201 Telegraph
OFFICERS. Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Conference: R. S. Fries, 2201 Telegraph Ave.,
Pres., E. W. Farnsworth. Oakland, Cal.
Sec. and Treas., Claude Conard. L. L. Hutchinson, Eureka, Cal.
Executive Committee: E. W. G. A. Hamilton, 112 Theta Ave.,
Farnsworth, A. Brorsen, H. H. Vista Grande, Cal.
Hall, G. A. Snyder, C. W. Irwin, H. F. Rand, Glendale, Cal.
C. L. Taylor, J. A. Stevens.
Legal Assn.: California Con- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres.,
G. A. Irwin; Sec. and Treas., J. J.Miss Bertha Camp, 555 Hobart St.,
Ireland. Oakland, Cal.
Claude Conard, 2201 Telegraph
Tract Society: Ave., akland, Cal.
Mrs. E. W. Farnsworth, 2201 Tele-
Sec. and Treas., Claude Conard. graph Ave, Oakland, Cal.
Field Miss. Sec., W. D. Fleming. W. D. Fleming, 2201 Telegraph
Field 'Miss. Agt., J. T. Thomp- Ave., Oakland, Cal.
son. Miss Rosamond D. Ginther, 2201
Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Sabbath-school and Young Peo- ' August Glatt, 3304 M Street; Eu-
ple's Depts.: reka, Cal.
Sec., Miss Rosamond D. Ginther. Celia A. Green, 6270 Racine St.,
Oakland, Cal.
Educational Dept.: Katherine B. Hale, Mountain
Sec., Miss Katherine B. Hale, View, Cal.
Mountain View, Cal. G. A. Kuhns, 3444 Twentieth St.,
San Francisco, Cal.
Mrs. Lottie Kuhns, 3444 Twentieth
St., San Francisco, Cal.
E. W. Farnsworth, 2201 Telegraph Mrs. Alma E. McKibben, care Pa-
Ave., Oakland, Cal. cific Union College, St. Helena,
A. Brorsen, 828 Thirty-fourth St., Cal.
Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Bertha Moler, 2201 Telegraph
B. E. Beddoe, 2201 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Ave., Oakland, Cal. Laura Morrison, 3027 Fillmore St.,
S. T. Hare, Eureka, Cal. San Francisco, Cal.
Isaac Morrison, care Pacific Un' Mrs. E. E. Parlin, 909 Steiner St.,
ion College, St. Helena, Cal. San Francisco, Cal.
R. R. Reinhold, 2028 Forty-fifth C. W. Peter, Inspiration Knob,
Ave., Melrose, Cal. Sebastopol, Cal.

Mrs. E. Swift, 555 Hobart St., Executive Committee: J. H.

Oakland, Cal. Behrens, Nis Hansen, G. S. Reich-
J. T. Thompson, 2201 Telegraph ard, H. C. Basney, F. E. Brown,
Ave., Oakland, Cal. E. H. Adams, J. M. Church.
Tract Society:
Mrs. Lela Brown, St. Helena, Cal. Sec. and 'Treas., S. G. White.
Mary E. Clark, 6270 Racine St., Field Miss. Sec., S. G. White.
Oakland, Cal. Field Miss. Agt., J. W. Rich.
Marie Coombs, 528 Tennessee St., Sabbath-school Dept.:
Vallejo, Cal.
Jessie Hicks, Eureka, Cal. Sec., Mrs. T. D. Robison.
Max Hill, Sanitarium, Cal. Educational Dept.:
Winnifred James, Los Gatos, Cal.
Mrs. Myrtle 0. Johnson, 652 Del- Sec., Mrs. T. D. Robison.
Inas Ave., San Jose, Cal. Young People's Dept.:
F. A. Lashier, Jr., Healdsburg, Cal.
Mrs. F. A. Lashier, Jr., Healds- Sec., J. W. Rich.
burg, Cal.
Mrs. Delpha S. Miller, Pacific Col- MINISTERS.
lege, St. Helena, Cal.
J. C. Nelson, 7404 Weld St., Fitch- J. H. Behrens, Box 1304, Fresno,
burg, Cal. Cal.
Mrs. M. W. Newton, Pacific Union E. H. Adams, Box 1304, Fresno,
College, St. Helena, Cal. Cal.
L. 0. Pattison, Sonoma, Cal. J. W. Bagby, Hanford, Gal.
Lois Randall, Sanitarium, Cal. H. C. Basney, Salida, Cal.
Pearl Smith, Mountain View, Cal. A. Schlotth4uer, Exeter, Cal.
Mrs. E. L. Startzer, Sebastopol,
Laura Wagner, Mountain View,
Cal. C. W. Fuller, Watson Ave., Visa-
Lela Wheeler, Healdsburg, Cal. lia, Cal.
J. R. Patterson, Box 1304, Fresno,
J. L. Jones, Armona, Cal.
CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CON- Paul Scoggins, Tulare, Cal.
FERENCE. F. E. Brown, Hanford, Cal.
Organized 1911.
Territory: The following-named
counties in the State of Califor- Mrs. T. D. Robison, Box 1304,
nia: Tulare, Madera, San Ben- Fresno, Cal.
ito, Fresno, Kings, San Luis J. W. Rich, Box 1304, Fresno, Cal.
Obispo, Monterey, and that por- S. G. White, Box 1304, Fresno, Cal.
tion of Kern County north of
Tehachapi Mountains. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Office: Central California Confer-
ence of S. D. A., Fresno, Cal. W. A. Gonter, Route 7, Box 243,
Postal Address: Box 1304, Fresno, Fresno, Cal.
Cal. Mrs. W. A. Gonter, Route 7, Box
243, Fresno, Cal.
OFFICERS. Miss Elizabeth Gregory, 2020 I St.,
Bakersfield, Cal.
Conference: Miss Alice Brown, Selma, Cal.
Pres., J. H. Behrens. Miss Faye Hewitt, 223 East Ivy
Sec. and Treas., S. G. White. St., Hanford, Cal,

Miss Elizabeth Rice, Exeter, Cal. Educational and Young People's

Miss Louise Wood, Armoifa, Cal. Depts.:
Mrs. Nora Larimore, Lemoore, Cal. Sec., Miss Lida Ackley.
Mrs. Lena G. Morris, Route 3, Box
33a, Laton, Cal. MINISTERS.
0. F. Clough, Route 3, Box 24, Le-
moore, Cal. C. L. Taggart, Lodi, Cal.
Mrs. 0. F. Clough, Route 3, Box 24, C. M. Gardner, Auburn, Cal.
Lemoore, Cal. T. H. Watson, Lodi, Cal.
Miss D. C. Belvail, 135 Sixteenth A. J. Osborne, Turlock, Cal.
St., Pacific Grove, Cal. D. T. Fero, Lodi, Cal.
F. DeWitt Gautereau, 2301 K St.,
Sacramento, Cal.
H. Shultz, Lodi, Cal.
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA- M. C. Israel, Oakdale, Cal.
NEVADA CONFERENCE Fred Brink, Chico, Cal.
Organized 1911. LICENTIATES.
Territory: The following-named
I. C. Colcord, Lodi, Cal.
counties in the State of Califor-
nia: Merced, Mariposa, Stan- J. D. Alder, Ft. Bidwell, Cal.
W. S. Holbrook, Lodi, Cal.
islaus, Tuolumne, San Joaquin,
W. A. Johnson, Cedarville, Cal.
Calaveras, Amador, Alpine, Sac-
W. P. Dayton, Lodi, Cal.
ramento, El Dorado, Yolo, Sut-
B. E. Baldwin, Fallon, Nev.
ter, Yuba, Placer, Nevada, Si-
W. C. Baldwin, Lodi, Cal.
erra, Colusa, Glenn, Butte, Plu-
mas, Tehama, Shasta, Lassen, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Siskiyou, and Modoc; and the
following-named counties in the
Verah MacPherson, Lodi, Cal.
state of Nevada: Washoe, Hum-
Mrs. C. L. Taggart, Lodi, Cal.
boldt, Elko, Storey, Ormsby,
Miss Lida Ackley, Lodi, Cal.
Lyon, Douglas, Churchill, Lan-
Mrs. Mina Mann, Lodi, Cal.
der, Eureka, and White Pine.
Mrs. Irene Griffith, 2001 Twenty-
Office: 332 East Pine St., Lodi, Cal.
first St., Sacramento, Cal.
OFFICERS. J. K. Strever Merced, Cal.
Miss Alice Brayshaw, 828 Webber
Conference: Ave., Stockton, Cal.
Pres., C. L. Taggart. Mrs. T. H. Watson, Lodi, Cal.
Sec. and Treas., Verah MacPher-
Executive Committee: C. L.
Taggart, H. Shultz, P. J. Wolf- Mrs. J. A. L. Derby, Lodi, Cal.
sen, I. C. Colcord, B. E. Baldwin, Mrs. W. S. Holbrook, Lodi, Cal.
A. E. Parker, C. M. Gardner. Miss Frances Frye, Lodi, Cal.
Legal Assn.: " Northern Calif.:4-- Mrs. I. C. Colcord, Lodi, Cal.
nia Conference Assn, of the S. D. Mrs. P. L. Hanson, Lodi, Cal.
A." Pres., C. L. Taggart; Sec. and Mrs. F. DeWitt Gautereau, 2301
Treas., Verah MacPherson. K St., Sacramento, Cal.
Miss Edith Oakes, Turlock, Cal.
Tract Society: Miss Lois Baldwin, Turlock, Cal.
Sec. and Treas., Verah MacPher- Miss Iva Ackley, Salida, Cal.
son. Miss Lottie Belle Maxson, Red
Field Miss. Agt., W. P. Dayton. Bluff, Cal.
Miss Ada DeVoe, Paradise, Cal.
Sabbath-school Dept.: A. W. H. Millard, Chico, Cal.
Sec., Mrs. C. L. Taggart. Mrs. A. W. H. Millard? Chico, Cal,

Mice Mabel Robertson, Esmerelda, Young People's Dept.:

Cal. Sec., Mrs. Flora Paap.
Miss Grace Jones, Hughson, Cal. Committee: Mrs. Flora Paap, H.
Miss Phyllis Sargent, Merced, Cal. C. Lucas, Ernest Lloyd, Dr. A. W.
Miss Mayte Landis, 354 West Truman, Jennie L. Ireland, M. A.
Fourth St., Reno, Nevada. Hollister.

CONFERENCE. E. E. Andross, 417 West Fifth St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Organized 1901. J. W. Adams, Station M, Los An-
geles, Cal.
Territory: The following-named W. M. Healey, 657 Eighteenth St.,
counties in California: San San Diego, Cal.
Diego, Riverside, San Bernard- E. J. Hibbard, ..,an Fernando, Cal.
ino, Orange, Los Angeles, Ven- R. S. Owen, Loma Linda, Cal.
tura, Santa Barbara, Inyo, A. G. Christiansen, San Diego, Cal.
Mono, and the southeastern por- J. A. Burden, Loma Linda, Cal.
tion of Kern County lying south Luther Warren, Loma Linda, Cal.
of the Tehachapi Mountains; C. E. Ford, 724 East Eighth St.,
also the counties of Esmeralda, Long Beach, Cal.
Nye, Lincoln, and Clark, in the H. G. Lucas, San Fernando, Cal.
State of Nevada. Willis Adams, Station M, Los An-
Office: 417 West Fifth St., Los geles, Cal.
Angeles, Cal. F. I. Richardson, 447 Baldridge
Ave., San Bernardino, Cal.
OFFICERS. F. W. Paap, 376 West Eleventh
Conference: St., Riverside, Cal.
Pres., E. E. Andross. J. W. McCord, 417 West Fifth St.,
Sec. and Treas., Frank Lane. Los Angeles, Cal.
Executive Committee: E. E. Clarence Santee, Loma Linda; Cal.
Andross, C. E. Ford, A. G. Chris- A. S. Booth, 417 'West Fifth St.,
tianson, J. A. Burden, H. G. Lucas, Los Angeles, Cal.
J. W. McCord, F. W. Paap. J. E. Bond, 417 West Fifth St.,
Legal Assn.: " Southern Califor- Los Angeles, Cal.
nia Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., E. E. H. J. Hoare, 417 West Fifth St.,
Andross; Sec. and Treas., Frank Los Angeles, Cal.
Lane. G. A. Rauleder, Escondido, Cal.
Oscar Hill, 702 West Sixth St.,
Tract Society: Santa Ana, Cal. _
Sec., Ernest Lloyd.
Treas., Frank Lane.
Field Miss. Sec., Ernest Lloyd. Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Field Miss. Agt., C. C. Morlan. J. H. Rogers, 1639 East Forty-
Sabbath-school Dept.: eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Sec., Jennie L. Ireland. S. Thurston, San Bernardino, Cal.
Educational Dept.: E. S. Ballenger, Route 1, Artesia,
Sec., M. P. Robison, San Fer-
nando, Cal. LICENTIATES.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
J. F. Blunt, 149 Kern St., Los An-
Sec., geles, Cal.
Religious Liberty Dept.: C. F. Marvin, Glendale Sanita-
Sec., W. M. Healey. rium, Glendae, Cal.

Silas Davis, 417 West Fifth St., Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Olive Adams, 417 West Fifth
Ernest Lloyd, 417 West Fifth St., St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. M. P. Acosta, 417 West Fifth St.,
C. E. Andross, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal.
D. D. Fitch, 417 West Fifth St., Honorary Missionary Credentials.
Los Angeles, Cal.
Henry Zutt, 417 West Fifth St., Mrs. Belle P. Baker, 1323 Tober-
Los Angeles, Cal. man St., Los Angeles, Cal.
L. E. Brant, Redlands, Cal. Mrs. Estelle Hendrick, 346 East
Thirty-third St., Los Angeles,
T. S. Carswell, 417 West Fifth St.,
Jennie L. Ireland, 417 West Fifth Los Angeles, Cal.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Josephine Gotzian, Paradise Val-
Mrs. L. A. Parsons, 417 West Fifth ley Sanitarium, National City,
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Cal.
Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, 417 West Fifth
Frank Lane, 417 West Fifth St., TIALS.
Los Angels , Cal. W. A. Ruble, Loma Linda, Cal.
Belle Hickox, 1147 Logan Ave., San H. F. Rand, 417 West Fifth St.,
Diego, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. Florence Merrill, 417 West T. J. Evans, Loma Linda, Cal.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. J. R. Leadsworth, 417 West Fifth
M. P. Robison, San Fernando, St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Miss F. M. Eggers, Glendale, Cal. D. D. Comstock, Glendale Sanita-
Geo. McCready Price, Loma Linda, rium, Glendale, Cal.
Cal. Mrs. D. D. Comstock, Glendale
C C. Morlan, 417 West Fifth St., Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. G. K. Abbott, Loma Linda, Cal.
J. J.' Wessels, Glendale Sanita- Julia White, Loma Linda, Cal.
rium, Glendale, Cal. Mrs. Lauretta Kress, Loma Linda,
H. W. Lindsay, Paradise Valley Cal.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. A. W. Simpson, Long Beach Sani-
Miss Ethel Keough, 417 West tarium, Long Beach, Cal.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Lillis Wood-Starr, 'Loma Linda,
Miss Beulah Baker, 417 West Cal.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Alfred Shryock, Loma Linda, Cal.
Mrs. Amy Temple, 417 West Fifth B. E. Fullmer, 821 Wr. and Call.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. D. D. Fitch, 417 West Fifth Wm. Johnson, Paradise Valley
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Miss Lillian Winkler, 417 West A. W. Truman, Loma Linda, Cal.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Dorothy Harbaugh, Loma Linda,
Miss Mamie Allen, 417 West Fifth Cal.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. W. A. George, Loma Linda, Cal.
Philip Knox, 417 West Fifth St., E. H. Risley, Loma Linda, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. Evelyn Hellman, Loma Linda, Cal.
J. H. Hidley, 417 West Fifth St.,
Mrs. J. H. Hidley, 417 West Fifth
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Prof. S. P. Smith, San Fernando,
Miss Naomi Small, 417 West Fifth Cal.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. H. G. Lucas, San Fernando,
Miss Johanna Jensen, 417 West Cal.

Prof. W. S. Boynton, San Fer- UTAH CONFERENCE.

nando, Cal. '
Mrs. W. S. Boynton, San Fer- Organized 1902.
nando, Cal.
Miss Emily Johnson, San Fer- Territory: State of Utah.
nando, Cal. Office: Room 6, Eagle Block, Salt
Miss Ada Somerset, San Fernando, Lake City, Utah.
B. B. Davis, San Fernando, Cal. OFFICERS.
Mrs. B. B. Davis, San Fernando,
Cal. Conference:
Miss V. P. Stone, Escondido, Cal.
D. D. Voth, Escondido, Cal. Pres., D. A. Parsons.
Miss Mabel Swanson, 1124 Samp- Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Fisher.
son St., San Diego, Cal. Executive Committee: D. A.
James Robison, Loma Linda, Cal. Parsons, Wm. L. Sims, L. E. Lea-
Mrs. James Robison, Loma Linda, vett, W. 0. Willard, S. Elsner.
Cal. Legal Assn.: " Utah Conference
Miss Ida Bennett, 733 Dodson St.,
Incorporation of S. D. A." Pres.,
, San Pedro, Cal. D. A. Parsons; Sec. and Treas., 0.
L. Hesseltine, Escondido, Cal. J. Fisher.
Mrs. L. HesseHine, Escondido, Cal.
Miss Bertha Messick, Bishop, Cal. Tract Society:
A. W. Russell, 852 East Fifty-
seventh St., Los Angeles, Cal. Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Fisher.
Miss Crystal Eggers, 405 Mary-
Sabbath-school Dept.:
land Ave. Glendale, Cal.
Miss Bertha Burrows, Route 3, Sec., 0. J. Fisher.
Box 239, Los Angeles, Cal. Religious Liberty Dept.:
W. Miramontez, 820 Grant St.,
San Diego, Cal. See., D. A. Parsons.
Miss Emma Marchus, Station M,
Los Angeles, Cal. MINISTERS.
Mrs. Lena Robinson, 584 East
Thirtieth St., Pomona, Cal. D. A. Parsons, Room 6, Eagle
Lizzie Hennig, Rivera, Cal. Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Maude Vipond, 1015 Flower St., W. L. Sims, Room 6, Eagle Block,
Santa Ana, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kate Hafford, Garden Grove, Cal. H. Hansen, Room 6, Eagle Block,
Bertha Dart, 2144 Duane St., Los Salt Lake City, Utah.
Angeles, Cal.
Ethel Morlan, 134 N Ave. 62, Los LICENTIATES.
Angeles, Cal.
Jessie Bond, 405 Maryland Ave., 0. J. Fisher, Room 6, Eagle Block,
Glendale, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Leora Warren, El Centro, Cal.
L. E. Leavett, Room 6, Eagle
Minnie Overman, Brawley, Cal.
Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mrs. J. C. Henson, Paradise Valley
Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Lenore Dill, Escondido, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Mrs. J. P. Casey, Loma Linda, Cal.
J. G. Smith, Room 6, Eagle Block,
Mrs. H. C. Nelson, Loma Linda, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Cal. Mrs. L. E. Leavett, Room 6, Eagle
Geo. Ashbaugh, 985 Kansas Ave., Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Riverside, Cal. Mrs. L. McPherson, Room 6, Eagle
Hazel Baldwin, Colton, Cal. Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Organized igo8.
Territory: The Conferences of idents of the conferences compos-
Cumberland, Florida, Georgia, ing the union, and M. B. VanKirk,
North Carolina, and South Car- V. 0. Cole, W. H. Williams, A. L.
olina. Gregory, H. M. Hiatt.
Office Address: 169 Bryan St., 'Legal Assn.: " Southeastern
Atlanta, Ga. Union Conference Assn." Pres.,
Chas. Thompson; Sec. and Treas.,
W. H. Williams.
Conference: Auditor and Transportation
Pres., Chas. Thompson, Grays- Agt., W. H. Williams.
ville, Tenn.
Vice-Pres., C. B. Stephenson. Union Book Depository:
Sec. and Treas., W. H. Williams. Atlanta Branch of Southern
Executive Committee: Chas. Pub. Assn., 169 Bryan St., At-
Thompson, G. W. Wells, the pres- lanta, Ga.

,,, CONF.







Manager, L. D. Randall. Thompson, W. H. Williams, M. C.

Field Miss. Sec., W. H. Williams. Strachan, the Superintendents of
Field Miss. Agt., V. 0. Cole, local Negro missions, Sydney
Graysville, Tenn. Scott, J. W. Manns, Wm. Maynor,
R. E. Williams.
Educational Dept.:
Sec., H. M. Hiatt.
See., A. L. Gregory.
Organized 1900.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., Chas. Thompson, Grays- Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the
ville, Tenn. western boundary being the
western line of the counties of
Young People's Dept.: Macon, Smith, Dekalb, Warren,
Sec., H. M. Hiatt. Grundy, and Marion; also seven
counties in northwestern Geor-
MINISTERS. gia; viz., Dade, Walker, Catoosa,
Whitfield, Murray, Fannin, and
Chas. Thompson, Graysville, Tenn. Gilmer.
M. B. Van Kirk, Graysville, Tenn. Office: 1209 Chamberlain Ave.,
G. H. Baber, Graysville, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn.
G. W. Wells, 238 Haywood St.,
Asheville, N. C. OFFICERS.
M. C. Strachan, 240 Flint St., Conference:
Asheville, N. C.
Pres., P. G. Stanley.
Vice-Pres., Cyrus Simmons.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Sec. and Treas., Anna Kimlin.
0. C. Gcdsmark, 169 Bryan St., Executive Committee: P. G.
Atlanta, Ga. Stanley, Cyrus Simmons, R. L.
Smith Sharp, Graysville, Tenn. Williams, J. B. Locken, H. L.
Shoup, D. W. Dillen, J. L. Shuler.
LICENTIATES. Legal Assn.: " Cumberland Con-
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres.,
V. 0. Cole,Graysville, Tenn. P. G. Stanley; Sec., R. L. Will-
H. M. Hiatt, 169 Bryan St., At- iams.
lanta, Ga.
Tract Society:
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sec. and Treas., Anna Kimlin.
Field Miss. Agt., D. W. Dillen,
L. L. Andrews, 243 South Boule- Graysville, Tenn.
vard, Atlanta, Ga.
W. H. Williams, 169 Bryan St., Sabbath-school Dept.:
Atlanta, Ga. Sec., Mrs. Mettie S. Lenker,
A. I. Lovell, M. D., Graysville, Graysville, Tenn.
Educational Dept.:
UNION NEGRO MISSION DE- Sec., Mrs. Mettie S. Lenker,
PARTMENT. Graysville, Tenn.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Superintendent: Chas. Thompson. Sec., T. S. Dock, Graysville,
Secretary and Treasurer: W. H. Tenn.
Field Secretary: M. C. Strachan, Religious Liberty Dept.:
240 Flint St., Asheville, N. C. Sec., Cyrus Simmons, Box 522,
Executive Committee: Chas. Knoxville, Tenn.

Young People's Dept.: FLORIDA CONFERENCE.

Sec., Mrs. Mettie S. Lenker,
Graysville, Tenn. Organized 1893.

MINISTERS. Territory: The State of Florida,

excepting the counties of Es-
P. G. Stanley, 1209 Chamberlain cambia, Santa Rosa, Walton,
Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Holmes, Washington, Jackson,
J. B. Locken, 819 Morgan St., and Calhoun.
Knoxville, Tenn. Office Address: Drawer 28, Or-
H. Lesley Shoup, Bristol, Tenn. lando, Fla.

Cyrus Simmons, Box 522, Knox- Conference:

ville, Tenn. Pres., R. W. Parmele.
D. W. Dillen, Graysville, Tenn. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. R. G.
J. L. Shuler, Lenoir City, Tenn. Stringer.
A. B. Russell, Chattanooga, Tenn. Executive Committee: R. W.
Parmele, LeRoy T. Crisler, W. L.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Bird, H. A. Shreve, J. W. Ewing.
Legal Assn.: " Florida Confer-
Mrs. Mettie S. Lenker, Graysville, ence Assn. of S. D. A." Pres.,
Tenn. R. W. Parmele; Sec. and Treas.,
T. S. Dock, Graysville, Tenn. B. W. Spire.
Anna Kimlin, 1209 Chamberlain
Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., B. W. Spire.
CHITRCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Field Miss. Agt., H. A. Shreve.
Miss Flora E. Templeton, Bray- Sabbath-school Dept.:
ton, Tenn. Sec., Mrs. R. G. Stringer.
Miss Nellie Travis, Knoxville, Educational Dept.:
Tenn. Sec., B. D. Gullett.
Miss Marguerite Millar, R. F. D. 2,
Byington, Tenn. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Miss Irene Campbell, 513 Union Sec., J. E. Caldwell, M. D.
St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Religious Liberty Dept.: '
NEGRO MISSION. Sec., W. L. Bird, Formosa, Fla.
LICENTIATE. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., B. D. Gullett.
W. H. Maynor, 2302 Ross Ave.,
Knoxville, Tenn. Negro Mission Dept.:
, Committee: R. W. Parmele, J.
Mrs. W. H. Maynor, 2302 Ross MINISTERS.
Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Mrs. Emily McGlocklin, 9 Strait R. W. Parmele, Drawer 28, Or-
St., Chattanooga, Tenn. _ Lando, Fla.
LeRoy T. Crisler, Drawer 28, Or-
W. L. Bird, Formosa, Fla.
Mrs. W. H. Maynor, 2302 Ross C. V. Achenbach, Drawer 28, Or-
Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. lando, Fla.

J. E. Caldwell, M. D., Drawer 28, GEORGIA CONFERENCE.

Orlando, Fla.
Organized 1901.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
Territory: The State of Georgia,
R. H. Brock, Kissimmee, Fla. except seven counties in north-
R. G. Stringer, Orlando, Fla. western part of State, belonging
J. C. Mikkelsen, Knights Sta- to the Cumberland Conference.
tion, Fla. Office: 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga.
Luzerne Thompson, Jacksonville,

LICENTIATES. Conference:
W. K. Achenback, Gainesville, Ga. Pres., C. B. Stephenson.
A. D. Gilbert, 2708 Tenth St., Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Calla B.
Tampa, Fla. Clark.
B. D. Gullett, Drawer 28, Orlando, Executive Committee: C. B.
Fla. Stephenson, W. S. Fulbright, L. D.
Randall, J. K. Macmillan, T.. J.
Tract Society:
C. P. Whitford, Drawer 28, Or- Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Calla B.
lando, Fla. Clark.
Mrs. R. G. Stringer, Drawer 28, Field Miss. Sec., Mrs. Calla B.
Orlando, Fla. Clark.
H. A. Shreve, Drawer 28, Orlando, Field Miss. Agt., W. S. Ful-
Fla. bright.
Lydia E. Parmele, M. D., Drawer
28, Orlando, Fla. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Daisy Terry, Thomas-
Mrs. Nellie Honeywell, Ft. Ogden, Educational Dept.:
Fla. Sec., H. M. Hiatt, 169 Bryan St.,
B. D. Gullett, Orlando, Fla. Atlanta, Ga.
Miss Esther Mikkelsen, Palma- Medical Miss. Dept.:
sola, Fla.
Miss Elsie Hollingsworth, Bona- Sec., L. L. Andrews, M. D., 243
venture, Fla. South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. Mary L. Van Slyke, 17 East Religious Liberty Dept.:
Duval St., Jacksonville, Fla. Sec., C. B. Stephenson.
Miss Marie Schuster, Jacksonville,
Fla. Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Daisy Terry, Thomas-
Young People's Dept.: Negro Mission Committee: C. B.
Sec., J. W. Manns. Stephenson, W. S. Fulbright, L.
D. Randall, R. E. Williams. C.
MINISTER. ' G. Manns.
John W. Manns, Orlando, Fla. MINISTERS.

LICENTIATE. C. B. Stephenson, 169 Bryan St.,

Atlanta, Ga.
John Green, Orlando. Fla. S. T. Shadel, Alpharetta, Ga.

LICENTIATE. Brown, R. T. Nash, W. E. Lanier,

H. R. Hahn, T. J. Woodall.
F. C. Clark, 169 Bryan St., At- Legal Assn..
lanta, Ga.
Tract Society:
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sec. and Treas., M. H. Brown.
Field Miss. Agt., W. E. Lanier,
W. S. Fulbright, Alpharetta, Ga. 331 North Green St., Greensboro,
Mrs. Calla B. Clark, 169 Bryan St., N. C.
Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. Daisy Terry, Thomasville, Sabbath-school Dept.:
Ga. Sec., M. H. Brown.
M. J. Webdr, Waycross, Ga.
Mrs. Laura Whitgrove, Forsyth, Educational Dept.:
Ga. Sec.,
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Religious Liberty Dept.:
C. G. Manna, Albany, Ga. Sec., Geo. M. Brown.
R. E. Williams, 213 Madison St.,
Macon, Ga. Young People's Dept.:
Negro Mission Committee:
Miss Anna Knight, 209 Greens-
Geo. M. Brown, R. T. Nash, W.
ferry, Atlanta, Ga. E. Lanier, Sydney Scott, Page
Mrs. E. Smith, 1918 Albany St.,
Brunswick, Ga.

Miss Zulah Howington, Boston, Geo. M. Brown, Greensboro, N. C.

Ga. M. H. Brown, Greensboro, N. C.
Anna Cheshire, 209 Greensferry, R. T. N ash, Route 3, Greensboro,
Atlanta, Ga. N. C.
Mrs. M. J. Tait, 209 Greensferry, Sydney Scott, Newbern, N. C.
Atlanta, Ga.
Honorary Ministerial Credentials.
D. T. Shireman, Route 5, Hickory,
FERENCE. J. 0. Johnston, Eufola, N. C.
Organized 1901. LICENTIATES.
Territory: The State of North J. W. Beach, 11ildebran, N. C.
Carolina. W. M. Baird, Matney, N. C.
Office Address: 940 Silver Run
Ave., Greensboro, N. C.
W. E. Lanier, 331 North Green St.,
Conference: Greensboro, N. C.
Pres., Geo. M. Brown. H. B. Tilden, Route 4, Hickory,
Sec. and Treas., M. H. Brown N. C.
Executive Committee: Geo M Mrs. Fannie Scott, Newbern, N. C.

SOUTH CAROLINA CON- Honorary Ministerial Credentials.

W. H. Armstrong, 100 Sheppard
Organized 1907. St., West Charleston, S. C.
Territory: The State of South LICENTIATE.
Office: Williams St., R. F. D. 5, A. H. Evers, Chester, S. C.
Spartanburg, S. C.

Conference: Miss Eliza Warner, R. F. D. 5,

Pres., W. H. Branson. Spartanburg, S. C.
R. M. Carter, R. F. D. 5, Spartan-
Sec. and Treas., Eliza Warner.
Executive Committee: W. H. burg, S. C.
Branson, F. C. Webster, R. M. Miss Bertha Bartholomew, Campo-
Carter, J. M. Swofford, G. E. Case. bello, S. C.
Legal Assn.: S. H. Swingle, R. F. D. 4, Wood-
ruff, S. C.
Tract Society: Miss Elizabeth McHugh, 219
Sec. and Treas., Eliza Warner. Markley St., Greenville, S. C.
Field Miss. Sec., Eliza Warner.
Field Miss. Agt., R. M. Carter. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Miss Bertha Bartholomew, Campo-
Sec., Miss Bertha Bartholomew, bello, S. C.
Campobello, S. C. Wm. Johnston, care R. L. Miller, .
Educational Dept.: Greer, S. C.
Sec., H. M. Hiatt, 169 Bryan St., Miss Ada Acker, 132 Forest St.,
Atlanta, Ga. Spartanburg, S. C.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Miss Empress Brickey, Cherokee,
S. C.
Religious Liberty Dept.: NEGRO MISSION DEPARTMENT.
Sec., W. H. Branson.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Miss Bertha Bartholomew, J. F. Crichlow, Winnsboro, S. C.
Campobello, S. C.
Negro Mission Committee:
W. H. Branson, J. M. Swofford, W. E. Strother, care Oakwood
F. C. Webster, M. C. Strachan, J. School, Huntsville, Ala.
F. Crichlow.

W. H. Branson, R. F. D. 5, Spar- Edna Wright, care Thos Cherry,

tanburg, S. C. Jr., Johnston; S. C.
F. C. Webster, 11 Carolina St., Jennie Wright, 1320 Blossom St.,
Charleston, S. C. Columbia, S. C.
Organized zgoz.
Territory: The Conferences of Legal Assn.: " Southern Union
Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Mississippi, and T ennessee Pres., C. F. McVagh; Sec. and
River. Treas., W. A. Wilcox.
Office: Room 511, Cole Building,
Corner Union St. and Fourth Union Book Depository:
Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Southern Pub. Assn., 2123 Twen-




ttv. La e





OFFICERS. ty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville,

Conference: Manager, R. Hook, Jr.
Pres., C. F. McVagh. Union Miss. Sec., Mrs. M. H.
Sec. and Treas., W. A. Wilcox. Crothers, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Executive Committee: C. F. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
McVagh, W. A. Wilcox, C. P. Union Miss. Agt., A. F. Harri-
Bollman, A. F. Harrison, F. R. son, 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave.,
Rogers, B. W. Brown, E. L. Max- North, Nashville, Tenn.
well, E. G. Hayes, M. F. Knox, W. Educational Dept.:
S. Lowry, W. R. Burrow, R. Sec., M. B. Van Kirk, Grays-
Hook, Jr. vile, Tenn.

Medical Miss. Dept.: 0. R. Staines, R. F. D. No. 3,

Sec., Box 50, East, Nashville, Tenn.
Miss M. Bessie De Graw, Madi-
Religious Liberty Dept.: son, Tenn.
Sec., C. P. Bollman. Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Madison,
Young People's Dept.: Tenn.
M. F. Knox, Nashville, Tenn.
Sec., Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 2123 Ida M. Lackey, Nashville, Tenn.
Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Edith McDonald, Nashville, Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn. Floyd Bralliar, R. F. D. No. 3,
Southern Missionary Society (In- Box 50, East, Nashville, Tenn.
corporated in Tennessee):
Pres., W. R. Burrow; Sec., P.

MINISTER. Organized 1901.

Territory: The State of Alabama,
C. F. McVagh, 1712 Simkin St., and the following counties in
Nashville, Tenn. Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa,
Walton, Holmes, Washington,
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Jackson, and Calhoun.
F. R. Rogers, Box 474, West Office: Fort Payne, Ala.
Jackson, Miss. OFFICERS.
C. P. Bollman, Madison, Tenn. Conference:
P. T. Magan, Madison, Tenn.
E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. Pres., E. G. Hayes, 2222 North
F. W. Halladay, Box 414, Hunts- Seventh Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
ville, Ala. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Helen M.
W. M. Crothers, 2123 Twenty- Keate.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Executive Committee: E. G.
Tenn. Hayes, W. S. Cruzan, R. I.
Keate, A. F. Prieger, W. R. El-
Legal Assn.: " Alabama Confer-
ence Assn. of the S. D. A." Pres.,
A. F. Harrison, 2123 Twenty- E. G. Hayes.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Tenn. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Helen M.
Honorary Licentiate. Keate.
L. A. Smith, 2123 Twenty-fourth Field Miss. Sec., R. I. Keate.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Field Miss. Agt., R. I. Keate.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
W. A. Wilcox, 511 Cole Bldg., Educational Dept.:
Nashville, Tenn. Sec., W. S. Cruzan, Semmes,
Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 2123 Twen- Ala.
ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash- Medical Miss. Dept.:
ville, Tenn.
Sec., James Bellinger, Box 224,
Florence, Ala.
Honorary Missionary Licentiates.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
R. Hook, Jr., 2123 Twenty-fourth Sec., James Bellinger, Box 224,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Florence, Ala.

Young People's Dept.: Tract Society:

Sec., Mrs. Helen M. Keate. Sec. and Treas., Miss Lula E.
MINISTERS. Field Miss. Sec., Miss Lula E.
E. G. Hayes, 2222 North Seventh Schafer.
Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Field Miss. Agt., C. F. Dart, 126
W. S. Cruzan, Semmes, Ala. Clay Ave., Lexington, Ky.
James Bellinger, Box 224, Flor- Sabbath-school Dept.:
ence, Ala.
W. R. Elliott, Box 224, Florence, Sec., Mrs. Anna D. Brown.
Ala. Educational Dept.:
Sec., B. W. Brown.
E. L. Iles, New Decatur, Ala. Religious Liberty Dept.:
A. F. Prieger, Dothan, Ala. Sec., R. S. Lindsey, Lexington,
Young People's Dept.:
R. I. Keate, Fort Payne, Ala.
Mrs. Helen M. Keate, Fort Payne, Sec., Miss Nettie Hardiman,
Ala. 2600 Bismark St., Louisville, Ky.
Mrs. Margaret E. Young-Prieger,
Dothan, Ala.
Miss Delia Russell, 2222 North B. W. Brown, 1410 Beech St.,
Seventh Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Louisville, Ky.
Mrs. F. D. Hunt, 1037 North Nine- J. J. Graf, 528 Camp St., Louis-
teenth St., Birmingham, Ala. ville, Ky.
Mrs. E. G. Hayes, 2222 North Sev-
enth Ave., Birmingham, Ala. LICENTIATES.
Harry U. Jacobs, McKinney, Ky.
Luther Barker, Wisdom, Ky.
R. S. Lindsey, Lexington, Ky.
Organized 1908. Miss Anna Hornung, 1045 Sout==
Territory: All the State of Ken- Eighteenth St., Louisville, Ky.
tucky excepting the eight coun- Miss Marie Wirth, 345 East High
ties west of the Tennessee River St., Lexington, Ky.
belonging to the Tennessee Lula E. Schafer, 1410 Beech St.,
River Conference. Louisville, Ky.
Miss Nettie nardiman, 2600 Bis-
Office Address: 1410 Beech St., mark St., Louisville, Ky.
Louisville, Ky. C. F. Dart, 126 Clay Ave., Lexing-
ton, Ky.
Christian Hornung, 1045 Sou__.
Conference: Eighteenth St., Louisville, Ky.
Pres., B. W. Brown. Mrs. Anna D. Brown, 1410 Beech
Sec. and Treas., Miss. Lula E. St., Louisville, Ky.
Executive Committee: B. W. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Brown, C. F. Dart, H. U. Jacobs, Miss Nettie Hardiman, Louisville,
Dr. J. W. Ford, H. E. Beck. Ky.
Legal Assn.: " S. D. A. Assn. of Mrs. Mae Dart, Lexington, Ky.
Kentucky Conference." Pres., B. Miss Maud Rutherford, Russell-
W. Brown; Sec, C. F. Dart. ville, Ky.

Miss Naoma Grimes, Anna, Ky. 0. F. Frank, 304 Hodges St., Lake
Charles, La.
LOUISIANA CONFERENCE. W. P. McLennan, 3324 Constance
Organized 1901. St., New Orleans, La.
L. B. Spear, 810 Jackson Ave.,
Territory: The State of Louis- New Orleans, La.
iana. Miss Frances P. Goodwyn, 4021
Camp St., New Orleans, La.
Office Address: 810 Jackson Ave.,
Mrs. E. H. Rees, 810 Jackson Ave.,
New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La.
Mrs. C. A. Saxby, Woodlawn, La.
OFFICERS. S. F. Reeder, 810 Jackson Ave.,
Conference: New Orleans, La.
Miss Daisy Berry, Shreveport, La.
Pres., E. L. Maxwell, Ham- E. P. Auger, 810 Jackson Ave.,
mond, La. New Orleans, La.
Sec., Mrs. C. A. Saxby, Wood-
lawn, La.
Treas., L. B. Spear, 810 Jack-
son Ave., New Orleans, La. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE.
Executive Committee: E. L.
Maxwell, E. H. Rees, F. Peabody, Organized 1901.
S. F. Reeder.
Territory: The State of Missis-
Legal Assn.: " Louisiana Con- sippi.
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., Office Address: 932 Union St.,
E. L. Maxwell; Sec., E. H. Rees. Jackson, Miss.
Tract Society: OFFICERS.
Sec. and Treas., E. H. Rees.
Field Miss. Agt., S. F. Reeder. Conference:
Sabbath-school Dept.: Pres., W. S. Lowry.
Sec. and Treas., Miss Beulah M.
Sec., Mrs. E. H. Rees. Callicott.
Educational Dept.: Executive Committee: W. S.
Lowry, F. R. Rogers, H. G. Miller,
Sec., Mrs. C. A. Saxby, Wood- J. D. McEachern, A. H. Friberg.
lawn. La. Legal Assn.: " Mississippi Con-
Medical Miss. Dept.: ference of S. D. A." Pres., W. S.
Lowry; Sec., H. G. Miller.
Sec., Dr. A. J. Heatherington.
Tract Society:
Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec. and Treas., Miss Beulah M.
Sec., E. L. Maxwell, Hammond, Callicott.
La. Field Miss. Agt., H. G. Miller.
Young People's Dept.: Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. C. A. Saxby, Wood- Sec., Mrs. Mollie Miller.
lawn, La.
Educational Dept.:
MINISTERS. Sec., E. L. Marley, Ridgeland.
E. L. Maxwell, Hammond, La.
E. H. Rees, 810 Jackson Ave., Religious Liberty Dept.:
New Orleans, T*, Sc.,
e J. A. Morrow.

Young People's Dept.: eastern boundary being the

Sec., Mrs. Mollie Miller. eastern line of the counties of
Sumner, Trousdale, Wilson,
MINISTERS. Cannon, Coffee, and Franklin;
and the following-named coun-
W. S. Lowry, 932 Union St., Jack- ties in Kentucky: Ballard, Mc-
son, Miss. Cracken, Marshall, Graves, Ful-
J. A. Morrow, 932 Union St., Jack- ton, Hickman, Carlisle, and Cal-
son, Miss. loway.
Office: 511 Cole Bldg., Nashville,
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. Tenn.
H. C. Balsbaugh, 932 Union St., OFFICERS.
Jackson, Miss.
Pres., C. P. Bollman.
E. L. Marley, Ridgeland, Miss. Sec. and Treas., Thos. E. Pavey.
D. G. Stephenson, 932 Union St., Executive Committee:' C. P.
Jackson, Miss. Bollman, J. S. Washburn, C. N.
Martin, A. H. Jones, C. D. Wolff,
Honorary Licentiate. A. N. Atteberry, M. F. Knox.
T. C. Coltrin, Amory, Miss. Tract Society:
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sec. and Treas., 1. nos. E. Pavey.
H. G. Miller, 932 Union St., Jack- Field Miss. Agt., C. D. Wolff,
son, Miss. 2014 Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
Mrs. Mollie Miller, 932 Union St., Nashville, Tenn.
Jackson, Miss. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Mrs. Ethel Warren, Natchez, Miss.
Mrs. Emma L. Morrow, 932 Union Sec., Mrs. V. W. Baxter, 2006
St., Jackson, Miss. West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Miss Beulah M. Callicott, 932 Un- Educational Dept.:
ion, St., Jackson, Miss.
Mrs. F. R. Rogers, Ridgeland, Sec., A. N. Atteberry, Hazel, Ky.
Miss. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Mrs. Mary Balsbaugh, 932 Union
St., Jackson, Miss. Sec.,
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Religious Liberty Dept.:
Mrs. F. R. Rogers, Ridgeland, Sec., J. S. Washburn, 665 De-
Miss. catur St., Memphis, Tenn.
Miss Parizetta Smith, Amory,
Miss. Young People's Dept.:
Miss Nannie May Smith, Amory,
Miss. Sec., Mrs. V. W. Baxter, 2006
Mrs. Mary Crawford, R. F. D. 1, West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Vicksburg, Miss.
-Wm. H. Walters, Amory, Miss. MINISTERS.

C. P. Bollman, 511 Cole Bldg.,

Nashville, Tenn.
TENNESSEE RIVER CON- W. R. Burrow, 1100 Chelsea Ave..
FERENCE. Memphis, Tenn.
Organized 1888. J. S. Washburn, 665 Decatur St.,
Memphis, Tenn
Territory: Western Tennessee, the C. N. Martin, Bon Aqua, Tenn.

Honorary Ministerial Credentials. OFFICERS.

S. S. Smith, Waverly, Tenn. Mission:
R. M. Kilgore, Graysville, Tenn.
Supt., C. F. McVagh.
LICENTIATES. Field Sec., F. R. Rogers, Box 474,
West Jackson, Miss.
A. H. Jones, Leach, Tenn. Office Sec. and Treas., P. E.
C. D. Wolff, 2014 Twenty-fourth Palmer.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Executive Committee: C. F.
J. M. Boyce, 219_isgung Ave., McVagh, W. A. Wilcox, C. P. Boll-
Memphis, Tenn.\ man, P. E. Palmer, W. R. Burrow,
C. R. Callicott, Graysville, Tenn. B. W. Brown, A. F. Harrison, E.
C. F. Lowry, 2008 Twenty-fourth G. Hayes, M. F. Knox, R. Hook,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Jr., W. S. Lowry, E. L. Maxwell,
J. E. Curtis, North Station, Route F. R. Rogers, W. J. Blake, J. E.
6, Nashville, Tenn. White, D. E. Blake, Thos. Murphy,
B. N. Mulford, Fountain Head, T. B. Buckner, N. B. King, S. A.
Tenn. Jordan, A. Barry, J. A. Chiles.
Geo. W. Powers, Hazel, Ky.
Thos. E. Pavey, 511 Cole Bldg., Sec., F. R. Rogers, Box 474,
Nashville, Tenn. West Jackson, Miss.
Mrs. V. W. Baxter, 2006 West End Sabbath-school Dept.:
Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. A. M. Patton, 1237 Phillips Sec., Julia Lowe, Edenwold,
St., Memphis, Tenn. Tenn.
Miss Bonnie Wade, 1100 C.,elsea District Leaders.
Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
Mrs. R. H. Hull, 826 North Fifth District Leader Territory
St., Nashville, Tenn.
1. J. H. Lawrence, Ky. & Middle
Miss Lynne Rainwater, Hazel, Ky. 2. A. C. Chatman, Southeastern
Mrs. Garrett, care J. A. Stahl, Miss.
Springville, Tenn. 3. J. G. Dasent, Northern Ala.
Miss Amanda Gahr, care A. H. 4. S. A. Jordan, W. Tenn. & N. W.
Jones, Cedar Grove, Tenn. Miss.
C. F. Lowry, 2008 Twenty-fourth 5. Thomas Murphy, North La. &
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. S. W. Miss.
Mrs. C. F. Lowry, 2008 Twenty- 6. G. E. Peters, Southern Ala. &
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, N. W. Fla.
Tenn. 7. N. B. King, Central Miss.
Robert Treible, Hazel, Ky. 8. T. B. Buckner, New Orleans &
SOUTHERN UNION MISSION. A. Barry, 811 South St., South,
Organized 1909. Nashville, Tenn.
J. F. Brice, 128 West Fifth St.,
Continuing the work of South- Lexington, Ky.
ern Missionary Society, especially T. B. Buckner, 5016 Willow St.,
for the Negro population. New Orleans, La.
Territory: The Southern Union A. C. Chatman, 3511 Thirteenth
Conference. St., Meridian, Miss.
Office: 511 Cole Bldg., Nashville. S. A. Jordan, 712 South Third St.,
Tenn. Memphis, Tenn.

N. B. King, Brookhaven, Miss. Katie E. Holston, 1115 Fayette

C. M. Kinney, Northeast Station, St., Vicksburg, Miss.
Route 3, Nashville, Tenn. Philip Johnson, 424 Yazoo Ave.,
J. H. Lawrence, 3110 Grand Ave., Clarksdale,
Louisville, Ky. Lucinda Jones, 4716 South Rob-
Thomas Murphy, 1115 Fayette St., ertson St., New Orleans, La.
Vicksburg, Miss. Gracie Knight, Route 3, Box 61,
Geo. E. Peters, 110 Early St., Soso, Miss.
Montgomery, Ala. Maria P. Lce,kett, Decatur, Ala.
F. R. Rogers, Box 474, West Jack- Julia P. L8Tver,Edenwold, Tenn.
son, Miss. Lou Jennie Mcflroy, 514 East Sev-
enth St., Httiesburg, Miss.
LICENTIATES. J. C. Miller/Route 2, Box 6, Ellis-
ville, Miss.
D. E. Blake, 316 Foster St., Nash- S. D. Miller, 302 Delaware St.,
ville, Tenn. Mobile, Ala.
J. Gershom Dasent, 1221 Center Mrs. S. D. Miller, 302 Delaware
St., Enon Ridge, Birmingham, St., Mobile, Ala.
Ala. Josephine C. Montgomery, 1115
Fayette St., Vicksburg, Miss.
Mrs. Thomas Murphy, 1115 Fay-
ette St., Vicksburg, Miss.
Katie E. BalaPT, Box 86, Ellisville, Maitland G. Nunes, 823 North A
Miss. St., Pensacola, Fla.
D. V. Barnes, Box 231, West Jack- Alexander Osterman, Box 191, De-
son, Miss. catur, Ala.
Mrs. D. V. Barnes, Box 231, West Mary L. Washington Owen, Pal-
Jackson, Miss. mer, Miss.
L. C. Blake, M. D., -316 Foster St., Mrs. Ethel M. Peters, 110 Early
Nashville, Tenn. St., Montgomery, Ala.
C. A. Crichlow, 408 Clay Ave., Ya- J. M. Ragland, 1221 Center St.,
zoo City, Miss. Birmingham, Ala.
Mrs. C. A. Crichlow, 408 Clay Ave., Johnnye E. Vaughan, 13 Minor St.,
Yazoo City, Miss. Natchez, Miss.
W. F. Gaskin, Route 3, Box 15, Naomi E. Warnick, 13 Minor St.,
Sylacauga, Ala. Natchez, Miss.
Mrs. W. F. Gaskin, Route 3, Box Willie Geo. Washington, 562 South
15, Sylacayuga, Aia. Franklin St., Mobile, Ala.
Stella Glasco, 203 Seventh Ave., Julia A. Wesley, 14 Franklin St.,
Birmingham, Ala. Montgomery, Ala.
Mrs. Alice C. Green, 514 Union St., Chas. A. Wilson, 316 Range St.,
Greenville, Miss. Dothan, Ala.
Celia Hart, 676 Center St., Louis- Victor Wolterding, 3728 Willow
ville, Ky. St., New Orleans, La.
W. A. S. Henry, 514 Union St., Mrs. V. Wolterding, 3728 Willow
Greenville, Miss. St., New Orleans, La.


Organized Igor; reorganized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of OFFICERS.
Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mex-
ico, North Texas, South Texas, Conference:
and West Texas. Pres., G. F. Watson.
Office: Keene, Tex. Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith.

Executive Committee: G. F. Pub. Assn., 411 West Railroad

Watson, the presidents of the con- Ave., Fort Worth, Tex.
ferences composing the Union, Manager, R. L. Pierce.
Principal of Keene Academy, A. Union Miss. Agt., W. W. East-
Nelson, R. L. Pierce, W. W. East- man, Keene, Tex.
man, C. E. Smith, and E. E.
Farnsworth. Educational Dept.:
Legal Assn.: " The Southwest- Sec., E. E. Farnsworth.
ern Union Conference Assn. of S.
D. A." Pres., G. F. Watson; Sec. Medical Miss. Dept.:
and Treas., . E. Smith. Sec.,
Auditor, H. H. Hamilton.
Union Book Depository: Young People's Dept.:
Fort Worth Branch of Southern Sec., E. E. Farnsworth.

MINISTERS. Leslie Littell, Fayetteville, Ark.

W. E. Baxter, 227 Jefferson St.,
G. F. Watson, Keene, Tex. Jonesboro, Ark.
E. E. Farnsworth, Keene, Tex.
C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
J. A. Tucker, Fayetteville, Ark.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. J. Dart, Fayetteville, Ark.
M. S. Hubbell, 321 Lexington Ave.,
H. H. Hamilton, Keene Tex. Ft. Smith, Ark.
C. E. Smith, Keene, Tex. Mrs. J. W. Norwood, Fayetteville,
0. B. Watson, Keene, Tex. Ark.
Mrs. A. E. Daniels, 1401 Wolfe
St., Little Rock, Ark.
Organized 1888. Mrs. Crystal Duce, Fayetteville,
Territory: The State of Arkansas. Miss Jessie McConnell, Elm, Ark.
Office: Fayetteville, Ark. Ira H. Newkirk, Frisco, Ark.
OFFICERS. Miss Grace Elliott, Gravett, Ark.
Miss Mary Wilbur, R. F. D. 1,
Conference: Box 125 A, Ft. Smith, Ark.
Pres., J. W. Norwood.
Sec. and Treas., C. J. Dart.
Executive Committee: J. W.
Norwood, V. B. Watts, J. H. NEW MEXICO CONFERENCE.
Smith, C. J. Dart, J. A. Tucker.
Legal Assn.: " Arkansas Con- Organized 1909.
ference Assn. of the S. D. A." Territory: The State of New Mex-
Pres., J. W. Norwood; Sec., C. J. ico, and El Paso County, Texas.
Dart. Office Address: Box 286, Albu-
Tract So'ciety: querque, N. Mex.
Sec. and Treas., C. J. Dart. OFFICERS.
Field Miss. Sec., V. B. Watts.
Field Miss. Agt., J. A. Tucker. Conference:
Sabbath-school Dept.: Pres., H. L. Hoover, Estancia,
N. Mex.
Sec., Mrs. J. W. Norwood. Sec. and Treas., W. A. T. Miller.
Educational Dept.: Executive Committee: H. L.
Hoover, W. A. T. Miller, I. T.
Sec., V. B. Watts. Reynolds, Burt Bray, Frank
Medical Miss. Dept.: Weeks.
Sec., Tract Society:
Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec. and Treas., W. A. T. Miller.
Sec., J. W. Norwood. Field Miss. Agt., I. T. Reynolds,
Box 97, Hagerman, N. Mex.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. J. W. Nor*Wood. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Pearle A. Weeks.

J. W. Norwood, Fayetteville, Ark. Educational Dept.:

V. B. Watts, R. F. D. 1. Ft. Smith, Sec., Miss Ida E. Brown, Hager-
Ark. man, N. Mex.

Religious Liberty Dept.: Stephens, Eastland, Comanche,

Mills, San Saba; and north of
Sec., C. McReynolds, 1029 Third Burnet, Williamson, Lee, Burle-
St., East Las Vegas, INT. Mex. son, Washington, Waller, Har-
Young People's Dept.: ris, and Chambers.
Office: Keene, Texas.
Sec., Pearle A. Weeks.
H. L. Hoover, Estancia, N. Mex.
W. A. T. Miller, Box 286, Albu- Pres., W. A. McCutchen.
querque, N. Mex. Sec. and Treas., W. F. Field.
C. McReynolds, 1029 Third St., Executive Committee: W. A.
East Las Vegas, N. Mex. McCutchen, W. M. Cubley, C. W.
R. L. Benton, Farmington, N. Mex. Miller, E. B. Hopkins, J. W. Davis.
Legal Assn.: " North Texas Con-
Honorary Ministerial Credentials. ference Assn. or S. D. A." Pres.,
W. A. McCutchen.
C. F. Parmele, Roswell, N. Mex.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., W. R. Goss.
Burt Bray, Las. Cruces, N. Mex. Field Miss. Sec., Mrs. L. 0. Cor-
I. T. Reynolds, Box 97, Hagerman, win.
N. Mex. Field Miss. Agt., J. W. Davis.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. L. 0. Corwin.
M. R. Proctor, 1110 Texas St., El
Paso, Tex. Educational Dept.:
Mrs. M. R. Proctor, 1110 Texas St., Sec., Mrs. G. F. Watson.
El Paso, Tex.
Frank Weeks, Box 286, Albuquer- Young People's Dept.:
que, N. Mex. See., Mrs. G. F. Watson.
Pearle A. Weeks, Box 286, Albu-
querque, N. Mex. - MINISTERS.
Miss Margaret Basel, Lake Ar-
thur, N. Mex. W. A. McCutchen, Keene, Tex.
Miss Elsie Alice, Hagerman, N. W. M. Cubley, Keene, Tex.
Mex. C. W. Miller, R. F. D. 2, Waurika,
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. E. B. Hopkins, Keene, Tex.
Miss Ida. E. Brown. Hagerman, N. A. W. Jenson, Keene, Tex.
H. B. French, Keene, Tex.
Mrs. Luisa M. de Sandoval, 1024 J. H. Krum, Keene, Tex.
North Arno St., Albuquerque, E. W. Carey, Keene, Tex.
N. Mex.

J. W. Field, Keene, Tex.

J. E. Brown, R. F. D. 3, Naples,
C. U. Taylor, Avinger, Tex.
Organized 1878.
J. H. Monk, R. F. D. 2, Santa
Territory: That part of the State Anna, Texas.
of Texas lying east and north J. W. Davis, Keene, Tex.
of the following counties: East R. L. Routt, R. F. D. 1, Nacogdo-
of Wichita, Archer, Young, ches, Tex.


W. 0. Belz, R. F. D. 1, Valley Conference:

View, Tex. Pres., David Voth.
Miss Enie Martin, R. F. D. 1, Na- Sec. and Treas., William Voth.
cogdoches, Tex. Executive Committee: David
Miss Robin Hunter, Keene, Tex. Voth, U. B. Dake, N. Clausen, H.
Miss Sara McBurnett, Keene, Tex. L. Wilcox, Jacob Thomas.
Mrs. G. F. Watson, Keene, Tex. Legal Assn.: " Oklahoma Con-
W. G. FIassenpflug, R. F. D. 1, ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres.,
Valley View, Tex. David Voth; Sec., Walter L;
W. D. Dortch, Keene, Tex. Adams.
Miss Maude Dortch, 411 West
-Railroad Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Tract Society:
Mrs. 0. J. Corwin, Waco, Tex. Sec. and Treas., W. L. Adams.
Mrs. L. 0. Corwin, Keene, Tex. Field Miss. Sec., C. M. McDon-
R. L. Shoemaker, Keene, Tex. ald.
Field Miss. Agt., C. L. Collison.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Miss Laura Reynolds, R. F. D. 2, Sec., Miss Faye Eagle.
Wills Point, Tex. Educational Dept.:
Miss Louise Oliver, R. F. D. 4,
Wills Point, Tex. Sec., MisS Almetta Garrett, 114
Mary M. Day, 411 West Railroad East Eighth St., Oklahoma City,
Ave., Forth Worth, Tex. Okla.
C. U. Taylor, Avinger, Tex. German Dept.:
Mrs. C. U. Taylor, Avinger, Tex.
Mrs. J. M. Brannon, R. F. D. 1, Supt., Bernard Voth, Route 2,
Nacogdoches, Tex. Shattuck, Okla.
J. E. Brown, R. F. D. 3, Naples, Religious Liberty Dept.:
Tex. Sec., C. M. McDonald, Wewoka,
Mrs. J. E. Brown, R. F. D. 3, Na- Okla.
ples, Tex.
R. L. Shoemaker, Douglass, Tex. Young People's Dept.:
Miss Lizzie Eldredge, R. F. D. 1, Sec., Miss Almetta Garrett, 114
Valley View, Tex. East Eighth St., Oklahoma City,
Miss Flora Moffit, R. F. D. 2, Rich- Okla.
ardson, Tex. MINISTERS.
Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
Mrs. Jas. Butka, Keene, Tex.
Miss Grace Eastman, Keene, Tex. David Voth, Box 1198, Oklahoma
Miss Mable Seitz, Keene, Tex. City, Okla.
U. B. Dake, Cement, Okla.
C. M. McDonald, Wewoka, Okla.
N. Clausen, R. F. D. 1, Sfillwater,
T. J. Hickman, Oakwood, Okla.
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE. A. J. Voth, Kiel, Okla. .
I. A. Crane, R. F. D. 3, Waurika,
Organized 1894. Okla.
A. A. Meyer, Hitchcock, Okla.
Territory: The State of Oklahoma. R. B. Coberly, Crescent, Okla.
Office: 217 West Seventh St., J. R. Bagby, 905 Choctaw Ave.,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Alva, Okla.
Post-office Address: Box 1198, Bernard Voth, R. F. D. 2, Shat-
Oklahoma City, Okla. tuck, Okla.

LICENTIATES. following counties :i Lampasas,

Bell, Milam, Robertson, Brazos,
W. R. Hanson, Norman, Okla. Grimes, Montgomery, and Lib-
W. T. Ramsey, Catesby, Okla. erty, and on the west line of
G. B. Boswell, Box 1198, Oklahoma Jefferson County to the Gulf.
City, Okla. Office: 113 West Seventh St., Aus-
Office Address: Box 392, Austin,
T. J. Eagle, 2 East Seventh St., Tex.
Oklahoma City, Okla. OFFICERS.
William Voth, Box 1198, Oklahoma Conference:
City, Okla.
Miss Almetta Garrett, 114 East Pres., John I. Taylor.
Eighth St., Oklahoma City, Sec. and Treas., J. H. Wilcox.
Okla. Tract Society:
Miss Faye Eagle, 2 East Seventh Sec. and Treas., J. H. Wilcox.
St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Field Miss. Agt., N. H. Conway,
Mrs. Sopha Parker, 123 East E 4108 Avenue C, Austin, Tex.
Ave., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Miss Mary E. Baxter, Box 1198, Sabbath-school Dept.:
Oklahoma City, Okla. Sec., Mrs. G. F. Watson, Keene,
Mrs. W. R. Hanson, Norman, Okla. Tex.
Miss Gertrude Patterson, Box Educational and Missionary Vol-
1198, Oklahoma City, Okla. unteer Depts.:
W. L. Adams, Box 1198, Oklahoma Sec., Mrs. G. F. Watson, Keene,
City, Okla. Tex.
Mrs. 0. M. Hindbaugh, Meno, MINISTERS.
Miss Lottie White, Gen. Del., Enid, John I. Taylor, Box 392, Ausuin,
Okla. Tex.
C. L. Collison, Box 1198, Oklahoma J. A. Leland, R. F. D. 5, San
City, Okla. Antonio, Tex.
E. L. Neff, 4303 Avenue C, Austin,
Miss Mary E. Baxter, Box 1198, J. B. Hampton, Mercedes, Tex.
Oklahoma City, Okla. J. H. Krum, Keene, Tex.
Miss Letha Taylor, Walter, Okla. E. S. Taylor, San Antonio, Tex.
Miss Ethel Taylor, Coodys Bluff,
Miss Eva Wren, Bartlesville, Okla. N. H. Conway, 4108 Avenue C,
Miss Frankie Hindbaugh, Cres- Austin, Tex.
cent, Okla. Margaret Warnock, San Antonio,
Carl Voss, Butler,Okla. Tex.
Bernard Voth, Shttuck, Okla. Mrs. L. E. Cox, Houston, Tex.
Miss Ethel Sturgeon, Lone Wolf, Isora Watts, Box 392, Austin, Tex.
Miss Jenice Sturgeon, Trail, Okla.
J. F. Adams, Wewoka, Okla. Miss Helen Stoner, Danbury, Tex.
C. C. Voth, Hitchcock, Okla. Tressa Smith, Keene, Tex.
Dorothy King, San Antonio, Tex.


Territory: All that portion of the
State of Texas lying east of Organized 1909.
the West Texas Conference, and Territory: That part of the State
south of the south line of the of Texas lying west of the east-

ern lines of the following coun- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.

ties: Wichita, Archer, Young,
Stephens, Eastland, Comanche, H. E. Giddings, Route 1, Hamby,
Mills, San Saba, Mason, Kim- Tex.
ble, Edwards, and Val Verde, Mrs. H. E. Giddings, Route 1,
excepting the county of El Hamby, Tex.
Paso, which is attached to the E. H. Wilcox, Oplin, Tex.
New Mexico Conference. J. H. Monk, Route 2, Santa Anna,
Address: R. F. D. 1, Abilene, Tex. Tex.

Pres:, T. W. Field. SION FOR COLORED.
Sec., Mrs. J. S. McMullen.
Treas., J. S. McMullen. Organized 1910.
Executive Committee: T. W.
Field, H. Clay Griffin, H. E. Gid- Territory: The Southwestern
dings, G. A. Lagrone, E. H. Wil- Union Conference.
cox. Office: Keene, Tex.
Tract Society: OFFICERS.
Sec. and Treas., J. S. MCMullen. Mission:
Field Miss. Agt., E. H. Wilcox. Supt., G. F. Watson.
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Executive Committee: G. F.
Sec., Mrs. J. S. McMullen. Watson, the Presidents of the
Educational Dept.: Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico,
Sec., H. E. Giddings, R. F. D. 1, North Texas, South Texas, and
West Texas Conferences, and M.
Hamby, Tex. Jones, Chas S. Lightner, R. H.
Young People's Dept.: Devereaux.
Sec., E. H. Wilcox, Oplin, Tex. Sabbath-school Dept.:
MINISTERS. Sec., Mrs. G. F. Watson, Keene,
T. W. Field, Abilene, Tex.
H. Clay Griffin, Pecos, Tex. MINISTERS.
H. E. Giddings, R. F. D. 1, Hamby,
Tex. M. Jones, Hearne, Tex.
G. A. Lagrone, Oplin, Tex. R. H. Devereaux, 2507 Louisiana
Isaac Baker, Keene, Tex. St., Little Rock, Ark.
J. W. Dancer, 1501 North L St.,
LICENTIATES. Fort Smith, Ark.
Chas. S. Lightner, 806 East Lin-
J. L. Parnell, Route 2, Santa Anna, coln St., Guthrie, Okla.
N. R. Hickman, Elk City, Okla. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
E. M. Gates, 3110 Providence Ave.,
E. H. Wilcox, Oplin, Tex. Houston, Tex.
J. S. McMullen, Abilene, Tex. R. L. Bradford, R. F. D. 5, Hazen.
Mrs. J. S. McMullen, Abilene, Tex. Ark.
Organized 1901.

Territory: The Conferences of MINISTERS.

Maritime, Quebec, and Ontario,
- and the Newfoundland Mission William Guthrie, Port Hope, On-
Field. tario.
Office Address: Port Hope, On- C. H. Keslake, Box 217, St. John's,
tario. Newfoundland.





B. B. Noftsger, Port Hope, On-
Conference: tario.
Pres., Wm. Guthrie. R. A. Hubley, Box 217, St. John's.
Vice-Pres., M. C. Kirkendall, Newfoundland.
96 Bartlett Ave.. Toronto, On-
Sec. and Treas., B. B. Noftsger.
Executive Committee: Wm. Mrs. Mabel hubley, Box 217, St.
Guthrie, B. B. Noftsger, J. 0. Mil- John's, Newfoundland.
ler, C. H. Keslake, W. J. Tanner, E. R. Allen, Port Hope, Ontario.
M. C. Kirkendall, 0. K. Butler, W.
.J. Blake.
Legal Assn..
Union Book Depository:
Organized 1902.
Canadian Pub. Assn., Port Hope,
Ontario. Territory: The Provinces of New
Manager, B. B. Noftsger. Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and
Union Field Agt., E. R. Allen, Prince Edward Island.
Port Hope, Ontario. Office Address: Will iamsdale,
East, Nova Scotia.
Educational Dept.: OFFICERS.
Sec., W. J. Blake, Lorne Park, Conference:
Ontario. Pres., J. 0. Miller, 17 Metcalf

St., St. John, New Brunswick. ONTARIO CONFERENCE.

Sec. and Treas.,. Miss 0. M. Rus-
sell. Organized 1899.
Executive Committee: J. 0.
Miller, J. A. Strickland, W. C. Territory: The Province of On-
Young, Watt G. Steeves, Wm. H. tario lying east of the 89th
Cook. Parallel.
Legal Assn.: The Executive Office Address: 27 Howard Park
Board of the Province of New Ave., Toronto, Ontario.
Brunswick in connection with the
Seventh-day Adventists Church of OFFICERS.
the Maritime Provinces." Pres., Conference:
J. 0. Miller; Auditor, Geo. W.
Miller. Pres., M. C. Kirkendall, 96 Bart-
lett Ave., Toronto, Ontario.
Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., C. D. Terwil-
Field Miss. Agt., Geo. W. Miller, legar.
17 Metcalf St., St. John, New Executive Committee: M. C.
Brunswick. Kirkendall, T. H. Noble, J. T.
Smith, R. A. Heard, J. T. Erring-
Sabbath-school Dept.: ton.
Sec., Miss Terese Barrett. Legal Assn..
Educational Dept.: Tract Society:
Sec., J. L. Stansbury. See., B. B. Noftsger, Port Hope,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Ontario.
Sec., W. C. Young, 55 Nappan Field Miss. Sec., C. D. Terwille-
Roau, Amherst, Nova Scotia. gar.
Young people's Dept.: Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Miss Terese Barrett. See., Margaret Shanks, 213 Dal-
housie St., Brantford, Ontario.
MINISTERS. Educational Dept:.
J. 0. Miller, 17 Metcalf St., St. Sec., W. J. Blake, Lorne Park,
John, New Brunswick. Ontario.
J. A. Strickland, Harvey Station,
York Co., New Brunswick. Religious Liberty Dept.:
W.' C. Young, 55 Nappan Road, Sec., B. B. Noftsger, Port Hope,
Amherst, Nova Scotia. Ontario.
LICENTIATES. Young People's Dept.:
L. D. Longard, Tantallon, Nova Sec., Margaret Shanks, 213 Dal-
Scotia. housie St., Brantford, Ontario.
A. A. Livingston, 92 Agricola St.,
Halifax, Nova Scotia. MINISTERS.
J. L. Stansbury, Williamsdale,
East, Nova Scotia. M. C. Kirkendall, 96 Bartlett Ave.,
Toronto, Ontario.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Isaac Sanborn, 55 Stanley St., St.
Thomas, Ontario.
G. W. Miller, 17 Metcalf St., St. W. J. Blake, Lorne Park, Ontario.
John, New Brunswick.
Miss 0. M. Russell, Williamsdale, LICENTIATES.
East, Nova Scotia.
Miss Terese Barrett, Williamsdale, J. T. Errhfgton, 985 Dufferin St.,
East, Nova Scotia. Toronto, Ontario.

M. J. Allen, 265 York St., Hamil- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

ton, Ontario.
Leonard Payne, St. Thomas, On- M. 0. Dingman, Hemmingford,
tario. Quebec.
F. W. Johnston, Napanee, Ontario. Mabel Hillyard, 280 Vuilleneuve
St., West, Montreal, Quebec.

Miss Sadie Baker, Palmerston,

Miss Margaret Shanks, 213 Dal- NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION
housie St., Brantford, Ontario. FIELD.
Mrs. J. T. Errington, 985 Dufferin
St., Toronto, Ontario. Territory: The Island of New-
Mrs. M. J. Allen, 265 York St., foundland and Labrador.
Hamilton, Ontario. Office Address: Box 217, St.
Barbara Sherk, 94 Barton Ave., John's, Newfoundland.
Toronto, Ontario.
George W. Sowler, St. Catherines, OFFICERS.
Walter Holden, Prescott, Ontario. Superintendent: C. H. Keslake.
Mission Committee: C. H. Kes-
lake, J. R. Johnston, G. H. Mor-
QUEBEC CONFERENCE. gan, J. 0. Miller, Wm. Guthrie.
Organized 1880. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. R.
Territory: The Province of Que- A. Hubley, Box 217 St. John's;
bec. Newfoundland.
Office Address: South Bolton, Que-
C. H. Keslake, Box 217, St. John's,
Conference: Newfoundland.
Pres., W. Jay Tanner, South LICENTIATE.
Stukely, Quebec.
Sec. and Treas., D. Dingman. R. A. Hubley, Box 217, St. John's
Executive Committee: W. Jay Newfoundland.
Tanner, 0. K. Butler, D. Dingman,
Sabbath-school and Young People's
Depts.: Mrs. R. A. Hubley, Box 217, St.
John's, Newfoundland.
Sec., Reginald Noble, Fitch Bay,
Miss Lucinda Iler, Box 217, St.
W. Jay Tanner, South Stukely, John's, Newfoundland.
0. K. Butler, 280 Vuilleneuve St., CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHER.
West, Montreal, Quebec.
Jean Vuilleumier, 1477 Avenue de William Hannah, Box 217, St.
l' Hotel-Dieu, Montreal, Quebec. John's, Newfoundland.
Organized 'goy.
Territory: The Conferences of Christian Sulzle, Fanwood, Sas-
Manitoba, Alberta, and British katchewan, Canada.
Columbia, and the Saskatche- A. C. Gilbert, Box 244, Regina,
wan Mission. Saskatchewan, Canada.
Office Address: 1109 Fourteenth C. J. Rider, Swift Current, Saskat-
St., West, Calgary, Alberta, chewan, Canada.
OFFICERS. W. G. Forshaw, Box 244, Regina,
Conference: Saskatchewan, Canada.
Pres., H. S. Shaw.
Vice-Pres., C. A. Burman, La-
combe, Alberta.
Sec. and Treas., Canadian Branch
of Pacific Press Pub. Assn. ALBERTA CONFERENCE.
Executive Committee: H. S. Organized 1906.
Shaw, the presidents of the con-
ferences composing the union, and Territory: The Province of Al-
the superintendent of the Sas- berta, Canada.
katchewan Mission. Office: Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Union Book Depository: OFFICERS.
Canadian Branch of Pacific
Press Pub. Assn., 1109 Fourteenth Conference:
St., West, Calgary, Alberta (Box Pres., C. A. Burman.
1599). Sec., F. L. Hommel, 214 Under-
Manager, W. V. Sample. wood Block, Calgary, Canada.
Union Miss. Sec., Mrs. J. M. Treas., U. Wissner.
Rowse, Box 244, Regina, Saskatch- Executive Committee: C. A.
ewan, Canada. Burman, H. Block, F. L. Hommel,
Union Field Agt., W. L. Manful, L. T. Heaton, P. P. Adams, Chas.
1109 Fourteenth St., West, Cal- Rick, H. Humann.
gary, Alberta. Legal Assn.: " Alberta Confer-
Educational Dept.: ence Association, of Seventh-day
Adventists." Pres., C. A. Bur-
Sec., J. I. Beardsley, Lacombe, man; Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Tract Society:
-ec. F. L. Hommel, 214 Under- Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner.
wood 'Block, Calgary, Canada. Field Miss. Sec.. L. T. Heaton.
Field Miss. Agt., L. T. Heaton.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
Sec., A. C. Gilbert, Box 244, Sabbath-school Dept.:
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Sec., Miss Bertha Gillbank.
Young People's Dept.: Educational Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. J. M. Rowse; Box 244, Sec., J. I. Beardsley.
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
MINISTERS. Sec., F. L. Hommel, 214 Under-
H. S. Shaw, 1109 Fourteenth St., wood Block, Calgary, Alberta,
West, Calgary, Alberta. Canada.

Religious Liberty Dept.: OFFICERS.

Sec., C. A. Burman. Conference:
Young People's Dept.: Pres., J. G. Walker, Pitt
Meadows, British Columbia.
Sec., J. I. Beardsley. Sec. and Treas., Andrew Roedel.
Executive Committee: J. G.
MINISTERS. Walker, F. H. Conway, G. W.
Gibson, A. H. Nicholson, J. Rot-
C. A. Burman, Lacombe, Alberta, tacker.
Canada. Legal Assn.: " British Columbia
Henry Block, Leduc, Alberta, Can- Assn. of S. D. A."
ada. Pres., J. G. Walker; Sec. and
J. C. Christensen, Lacombe, Al- Treas., Andrew Roedel.
berta, Canada.
P. P. Adams, Lacombe, Alberta, Tract Society:
Canada. Sec. and Treas., Andrew Roedel.
H. Human, Beiseker, Alberta, Field Miss. Sec.,E. R. Potter.
Canada. Field Miss. Agt., E. R. Potter,
N. J. Aalborg, Didsbury, Alberta, South Hill Post-office, Vancouver,
Canada. British Columbia.
LICENTIATES. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Birdie Conway.
J. I. Beardsley, Lacombe, Alberta,
Canada. Educational Dept.:
C. C. Neufeld, Lacombe, Alberta, Sec., K. R. Haughey, Pitt
Canada. Meadows, British Columbia.
H. A. Niergarth, Strathcona, Al-
berta, Canada. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Sec., F. H. Conway.
Religious Liberty Dept.:
H. E. Shelstad, Lacombe, Alberta,
Canada. Sec., F. H. Conway.
L. T. Heaton, Lacombe, Alberta, Young People's Dept.:
F. L. Hommel, 214 Underwood Sec., Lydia Stickle.
Block, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. MINISTERS.
Walter A. Clemensen, Lacombe,
Alberta, Canada. J. G. Walker, Pitt Meadows, Brit-
C. Armeneau, Lacombe, Alberta, ish Columbia.
Canada. F. H. Conway, 1708 Maple St.,
Bertha Gillbank, Lacombe, Al- Vancouver, British Columbia.
berta, Canada. J. L. Wilson, 1766 Barnard St.,
U. Wissner, Lacombe, Alberta, Vancouver, British Columbia.
J. Rottacker, Armstrong, British
ENCE. E. R. Potter, South Hill Post-
office, Vancouver, British Co-
Organized 1902. lumbia.
K. R. Haughey, Pitt Meadows,
Territory: British Columbia. British. Columbia.
Office: 1708 Maple St., Vancouver, Frank Urquhart, 1708 Maple St.,
British Columbia. Vancouver, British -Columbia.


0. E. Sandnes, Box 104, Portage
Henry Pierce (Indian), Port Simp- la Prairie, Manitoba.
son, British Columbia. H. J. Dirksen, Box 104, Portage la
Andrew Roedel, 1708 Maple St., Prairie, Manitoba.
Vancouver, British Columbia. V. W. Robb, cor. Bannerman and
L. W. Ping, 1708 Maple St., Van- Aikens, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
couver,' British Columbia.
Mrs. Birdie Conway, 1708 Maple MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
St., Vancouver, British Colum-
bia. A. H. Brigham, Box 104, Portage
Lydia Stickle, 1708 Maple St., la Prairie, Manitoba.
Vancouver, British Columbia. Oscar Zipric, Box 104, Portage la
John Lowther, 1708 Maple St., Prairie, Manitoba.
Vancouver, British Columbia.
Ida Coles, 1708 Maple St., Van-
couver, British Columbia.
Organized 1907.
Chas. Smith, Pitt Meadows, Brit-
ish Columbia. Territory: The Province of Sas-
katchewan, Canada.
Office Address: Box 244, Regina,
Saskatchewan, Canada.
Organized 1903. Conference:
Territory: Manitoba, and that Supt., A. C. Gilbert.
portion of Ontario lying west of Sec. and Treas., J. M. Rowse.
the eighty-ninth meridian. Advisory Committee: A. C. Gil-
Office Address: Box 104, Portage bert, H. S. Shaw,C. Sulzle, C. D.
la Prairie, Manitoba. Speed, D. D. Neue ld.
Tract Society:
OFFICERS. Sec. and Treas., J. M. Rowse.
Field Miss. Sec., J. M. Rowse.
Conference: Field Miss. Agt., R. P. Mooney,
Pres., 0. E. Sandnes. McLean, Saskatchewan.
Sec. and Treas., A. H. Brigham. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Executive Committee: 0. E. Sec., J. M. Rowse.
Sandnes, Evan Roberts, John Mc-
Kelvy, Robert Cowan, Oscar Zip- Religious Liberty Dept.:
rick, L. F. Gretzinger, J. M. Hogg. Sec., A. C. Gilbert.
Legal Assn.: " The Manitoba
Conference of Seventh-day Ad- MINISTERS.
ventists." Pres., 0. E. Sandnes.
A. C. Gilbert, Box 244, Regina,
Tract Society: Saskatchewan, Canada.
Sec. and Treas., A. H. Brigham. Christian Sulzle, Fenwood, Sas-
Field Miss. Sec., A. H. Brigham. katchewan, Canada.
Field Miss. Agt., C. J. Rider, Swift Current, Sas-
katchewan, Canada.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Young People's Dept.: Walter G. Forshaw, Box 244, Re-
Sec., A. H. Brigham. gina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Organized =894.
Territory: The Conferences of L. Hindson, G. S. Fisher, Manager
New South Wales, New Zea- Sydney Sanitarium, L. D. A.
land, Queensland, South Aus- Lemke, A. G. Miller.
tralia, Victoria-Tasmania, West Financial Advisory Committee:
Australia, and the Mission
Fields of Micronesia, Melanesia, C. H. Pretyman, G. S. Fisher, N.
Polynesia. D. Faulkhead.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Syd- Legal Assn.: " Australasian
ney. Conf. Assn., Ltd." Pres., J. E.
Office: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. Fulton; Vice-Pres., J. Pallant;
S. W., Australia. Sec. and Treas., C. H. Pretyman.


OFFICERS. Union Book Depository:

Conference: Signs Publishing Company, Ltd.,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
Pres., J. E. Fulton. Manager, J. M. Johanson, War-
Vice-Presidents, J. Pallant and burton.
M. Lukens. Union Miss. Sec., A. G. Miller,
Sec. and Treas., C. H. Pretyman. Warburton.
Executive Committee: J. E. Ful- Union Miss. Agt., L. D. A.
ton, the presidents of the local Lemke, Warburton.
conferences, and J. Pallant, M. Book Committee: J. M. Johan-
Lukens, J. M. Johanson, B. F.. son, A. W. Anderson, G. Teasdale,
Machlan, L. A. Hoopes, C. H. Miss Agnes Bell, Mrs. A. L. Hind-
Pretyman, F. C. Richards, Mrs. A. son.

Island Book Committee: J. E. B. F. Machlan, Australasian Mis-

Fulton, E. H. Gates, R. W. Mun- sionary College, Cooranbong,
son, G. Teasdale, Mrs. A. L. Hind- N. S. W., Australia.
son, Mrs. A. G. Waugh, L. A. S. W. Carr, Port Moresby, British
Hoopes, J. M. Johanson, Mrs. B. J. New Guinea.
Cady, J. D. K. Aitken. A. G. Stewart, Suva Vou, Fiji, Pa-
cific Ocean.
Sabbath-school Dept.: A. W. Anderson, Warburton, Vic-
Sec., Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Roland toria, Australia.
Ave., Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- C. H. Parker, Vila, New Hebrides,
tralia. Pacific Ocean.
G. G. Stewart, Nukualofa, Tonga,
Educational Dept.: Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
See., L. A. Hoopes, Australasian
Missionary College, Cooranbong, LICENTIATES.
N. S. W., Australia.
Medical Miss. Dept.: C. V. Bell, " Mizpah," Wahroonga,
N. S. W., Australia.
Sec., Dr. Franklin Richards, J. ,M. Johanson, Signs Publishing
Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Company, Ltd., Warburton,
Australia. Victoria, Australia.
Religious Liberty Dept.: W. W. Palmer, Haapai, Tonga,
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Sec., G. Teasdale, " Mizpah," G. L. Sterling, Arorangi, Raro-
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific
Young People's Dept.: Ocean.
L. D. A. Lemke, Warburton, Vic-
Sec., Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Roland toria, Australia.
Ave., Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- F. L. Chaney, Australasian Mis-
tralia. sionary College, Cooranbong, N.
Western Polynesian Union Mis- S. W., Australia.
sion Advisory Committee: H. T. Howse, Apia, Apolo, Samoa,
Pacific Ocean.
Superintendent of Union Mis- A. H. Ferris, Norfolk Island, Pa-
sion, A. G. Stewart, H. T. Howse, cific Ocean.
G. G. Stewart. F. L. Sharp, Raiatea, Society Is-
Eastern Polynesian Union Mission lands, Pacific Ocean.
Advisory Committee: A. G. Miller, Waruurton, Victoria,
1. E. Lyndon, F. L. Sharp, G. L. C. H. Pretyman, " Mizpah," Wah-
Sterling. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
MINISTERS. Dr., F. C. Richards, Sanitarium,
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
J. E. Fulton, " Mizpah," Wah- P. B. Rudge, Baramba Mission,
rooriga, N. S. W., Australia. Murgon, Queensland, Australia.
J. Pallant, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, G. E. Marriott, Buresala, Ovalau,
N. S. W., Australia. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
M. Lukens, 79 Grote St., Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
L. A. Hoopes, Ausuralasian Mis- J. R. McCoy, Pitcairn Island, care
sionary Colege, Cooranbong, N. British Consul, Papeete, Tahiti,
S. W., Australia. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Pauliasi Bunoa, Suva Vou, Fiji, Alipati Rainim a, Buresala, Ovalau.
Pacific Ocean. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
F. E. Lyndon, Papeete, Tahiti, So- Gordon Smith, 186 Edward St.,
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Mrs. G. E. Marriott, Buresala, Tuaine Solomona, Port Moresby,

Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. British New Guinea.
Mrs. S. W. Carr, Port Moresby,
Mrs. E. E. Thorpe, " Mizpah," Mrs. L. G. Paap, "Beulah,"
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Queen's Road, Lower Hutt,
Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Roland Ave., Wellington, New Zealand.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Austra- Miss Eva Edwards, " Mizpah,"
lia. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Mrs. L. Thomas, Papeete, Tahiti, Mrs. A. G. Stewart, Suva Vou,
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
L. G. Paap, " Buelah," Queen's Mrs. G. L. Sterling, Arorangi, Ra-
Road, Lower Hutt, Wellington, rotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific
New Zealand. Ocean.
M. W. Carey, Papeete, lAhiti, So- C. H. Schowe, Australasian Mis-
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. sionary College, Cooranbong, N.
G. S. Fisher, Health Food Caf, 45 S. W., Australia.
Hunter St., Sydney, N. S. W., Mrs. C. H. Schowe, Australasian
Australia. Missionary College, Cooranbong,
N. D. Faulkhead, Warburton, Vic- N. S. W., Australia.
toria, Australia. Mrs. H. T. Howse, Apia, Apolo,
R. K. Piper, Arorangi, Rarotonga, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Miss A. M. Williams, Buresala,
S. V. Stratford, " Mizpah," Wah- Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Miss Rhae Allbon, Australasian
H. E. Carr, Vila, New Hebrides, Missionary College, Cooranbong,
Pacific Ocean. N. S. W., Australia.
E. B. Rudge, Adelaide Sanitarium, Miss Gladys Machlan, Australa-
Barker Road, Nailsworth, South sian Missionary College, Coor-
Australia, Australia. anbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Mrs. E. B. Rudge, Adelaide. Sanita- H. Blunden, Australasian Mission-
rium, Barker Road, Nailsworth, ary College, Cooranbong, N. S.
South Australia, Australia. W., Australia.
Mrs. C. H. Parker, Vila, New Heb- Mrs. F. L. Chaney, Australasian
rides, Pacific Ocean. Missionary College, Cooranbong,
Mrs. E. Shannon, Sanitarium, N. S. W., Australia.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Mrs. F. L. Sar
p, Raiatea, Society
Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Mrs. F. E. Lyndon, Papeete, Ta- NEW SOUTH WALES CONFER-
hiti, Society Islands, Pacific ENCE.
Ocean. Organized 1895.
Dr. E. Richards, Sanitarium, Wah-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Territory: The State of New
Dr. M. M. Freeman, Avondale South Wales.
Health Retreat, Cooranbong, Office: Burwood St., Burwood. N.
N. S. W., Australia. S. W., Australia.
Miss Lydia Parker, Apia, Apolo,
Samoa, Pacific Ocean. OFFICERS.
Mrs. G. G. Stewart, Nukualofa, Conference:
Tonga, Friendly Islands; Pacific Pres., A. H. Piper.
Ocean. Vice-Pres., R. E. Burke.
Mrs. R. K. Piper, Arorangi, Raro- Sec. and Treas., A. W. Cormack.
tonga; ' Cook Islands, Pacific Executive Committee: A. H.
Ocean. Piper, R. E. Burke, G. S. Fisher,
Bennie Tavodi, Port Moresby, B. F. Machlan, A. G. Waugh, J.
British New Guinea. Hindson, and State .r..gent.

Legal Assn.. Office: Queen's Road, Lower Hutt,

Wellington, New Zealand.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Miss F. E. Mills. OFFICERS.
Field Miss. Sec., Conference:
Field Miss. Agt.,
Pres., J. M. Cole.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Vice-Pres., W. J. Smith.
Sec., Miss L. M. Bree. Sec. and Treas., Miss E. M. Gra-
Educational Dept.:
Executive Committee: J. M.
Sec., C. H. Schowe; other mem- Cole, W. J. Smith, Eric Caro,
bers, A. W. Cormack, Miss L. M. A. E. Hodgkison, S. H. Amyes.
Bree, Miss E. James. Legal Assn.: " New Zealand
Religious Liberty Dept.: Conference, Incorporated."
Sec., A. H. Piper; other mem- Tract Society:
bers, C. II. Schowe, John Bell. Sec. and Treas., Miss I. M.
Young People's Dept.: Sharp.
Sec., Miss Ethel James. Field Miss. Agt., A. E. Hodg-
MINISTERS. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Miss J. F. Johnstone.
All of whom may be addressed
at Burwood St Burwood, N. S. Educational Dept.:
W., Australia. Sec., W. J. Smith.
A. H. Piper, R. E. Burke, W. G.
Brittain, L. J. Imrie, E. S. Butz, Medical Miss. Dept.:
C. A. Paap. Sec.,
LICENTIAES. Religious Liberty Dept.:
C. K. Myers, A. W. Cormack, A. Sec., Eric Caro.
W. Kent, R. C. Stewart.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Miss J. F. Johnstone.
Miss Annie E. Pearce, Miss I.
Robertson, Miss H. R. Pearce, MINISTERS.
R. Govett, Miss E. M. James,
Miss F. E. Mills, Miss L. M. J. M. Cole, Queen's Road, Lower
Bree, W. Cooling, R. Salton. Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
W. H. Pascoe, Queen's Road,
CHIIRCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Miss M. Robinson, Miss E. Ed- W. J. Smith, Queen's Road, Lower
wards, Miss Rita Ford, Miss . Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
Myra Ford.

W. R. Carswell, Queen's Road,

NEW ZEALAND CONFERENCE. Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Organized 1889. W. Westerman, Queen's Road,
Territory: The Dominion of New Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Zealand. Zealand.
Cable Address: Mastery, Lower H. E. Piper, Queen's Road, Lower
Hutt, New Zealand, Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. -

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. G. Hubbard, 29 Fitzroy Chambers,

A. E. Hodgkison, Miss I. M. Sharp, Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens-
G. G. James, Mrs. M. Caro, Mrs. land, Australia.
G. E. Chapman, Miss J. F. G. A. Wantzlick, 29 Fitzroy Cham-
Johnstone, Miss E. M. Graham, be'rs, Adelaide St., Brisbane,
Miss L. M. Gregg, Dr. Eric Caro, Quensland, Australia.
Miss F. Moore. B. J. Cady, 29 Fitzroy Chambers,
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens-
Mrs. H. White, Mrs. Edith Caro, J. Allen, 29 Fitzroy Chambers,
J. Mills, Mrs. J. Mills, all at Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens-
Pukekura School, Cambridge, land, Australia.
West, Waikato, New Zealand. LICENTIATES.

M. Munson, 29 Fitzroy Chambers,

QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE. Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens-
land, Australia.
Organized 1899. E. Harlow, 29 Fitzroy Chambers,
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens-
Territory: The State of Queens- land, Australia.
Office: 29 Fitzroy Chambers, Ade- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
laide St., Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia. J. H. Mills, J. L. Branford.
Conference: Ruth Cozens, Murgon, Queensland,
Pres., G. Teasdale. Australia.
Vice-Pres., B. J. Cady.
Sec. and Treas., J. H. Mills.
Executive Committee: G. Teas-
dale, J. L. Branford, F. L. Wilt- SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFER-
shire, H. J. Cooper, G. Hubbard. ENCE.
Legal Assn.:
Tract Society: Organized 1899.
Stc. and Treas., J. H. Mills. Territory: The State of. South
Field Miss. Agt., J. L. Branford. Australia, and the city of Bro-
Sabbath-school Dept.: ken Hill, N. S. W.
Sec., Miss M. Gillis. Office: 79 Grote St., Adelaide,
South Australia.
Educational Dept.:
Sec., J. H. Mills. OFFICERS.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Conference:
Pres., M. Lukens.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Sec., Miss Ethel R. Carter.
Sec., G. Teasdale. Treas., P. II: Pretyman.
Young People's Dept.: Executive Committee: M. Lu-
Sec., Miss M. Gillis. kens, S. M. Cobb, P. H. Pretyman,
W. Hodgkinson, T. J. Smith, G.
MINISTERS. Maybee, A. H. White.
Legal Assn..
G. Teasdale, 29 Fitzroy Chambers,
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens- Tract Society:
land, Australia. Sec., Miss R. V. Stratford.

Treas., P. H. Pretyman. VICTORIA-TASMANIA CON-

Field Miss. Agt., W. Hodgkin- FERENCE.
Organized 1888.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Territory: The States of Vic- .
Sec., Miss Ethel R. Carter. toria and Tasmania.
Office: Gordon St., Toorak, Vic-
Educational Dept.: toria, Australia.
Medical Miss. Dept.:
Sec., .
Pres., E. H. Gates.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Vice-Pres.; J. H. Woods.
Sec. and Treas., J. Gillespie.
Sec., A. H. White. Executive Committee: E. H.
Gates, J. H. Woods, J. C. Diverall,
Young People's Dept.: T. H. Craddock, E. H. Murfet, J.
Sec., Miss Ethel R. Carter. M. Johanson, C. Hallam, J. A. Mc-
Ainsh, J. J. Potter.
MINISTERS. Legal Assn.:
Tract SoCiety:
M. Lukens, 79 Grote St., Adelaide, Sec., Miss E. H. Gregg.
South Australia, Australia. Treas., J. Gillespie.
R. Hare, 79 Grote St., Adelaide, Field Miss. Agt., J. J. Potter.
South Australia, Australia.
S. M. Cobb, 79 Grote St., Adelaide, Sabbath-school Dept.:
South Australia, Australia. Sec., Miss E. H. Gregg.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., Miss A. S. Higgins.
N. J. Walldorff, 79 Grote St., Ade- MINISTERS.
laide, SoUth Australia, Aus-
tralia. E. H. Gates, Gordon St., Toorak,
A. H. White, 79 Grote St., Ade- Victoria, Australia.
laide, South Australia, Aus- J. H. Woods, Gordon St., Tocrak,
tralia. Victoria, Australia.
T. A. Brown, 79 Grote St., Ade- A. Smart, Gordon St., Toorak, Vic-
laide, South Australia, Aus- toria, Australia.
tralia. A. H. Rogers, Gordon St., Toorak,
W. W. Fletcher, 79 Grote St., Ade- Victoria, Australia.
laide, South Australia, Austra- T. H. Craddock, Gordon St., Too-
lia. rak, Victoria, Australia.

P. H. Pretyman, L. Currow, Miss W. H. James, Warburton, Victoria,

E. Gooding, Miss Ethel R. Car- Australia.
ter, Miss R. V. Stratford, W. J. E. Steed, Gordon St., Toorak,
Hodgkinson. Victoria, Australia.
G. Burgess, Miss H. L. Cozens, A.
Miss Hannah Shephard, Miss Chelberg, J. S. Stewart, J. Gil-
Ethel Brown, Miss M. De Jersey. lespie, J. J. Potter, C. Rall4m,

Mrs. F. Bottrill, Miss a Dunlop, MINISTERS.

H. Mitchell, Miss A. S. Higgins,
Miss E. H. Gregg. W. L. H. Baker, 103 William St.,
Perth, West Australia.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. E. Hilliard, 103 William St.,
Perth, West Australia.
Miss Rhoda Hard, Launceston, C. P. Michaelk 103 William St.,
Tasmania, Australia. Perth, West Australia.
Mist C. Bourne, Gordon St., Too-
rak, Victoria, Australia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Mrs. N. D. Faulkhead, Warburton, (All of whom may be addressed, at
Victoria, Australia. 103 William St., Perth.)
Mrs. E. Hilliard, Miss M. Chan-
dler, A. Mountain, C. E. Ash-
WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFER- croft, J. Todd, Miss C. M. Rule,
`Mrs. A. Mountain, Mrs. C. E.
ENCE. Ashcroft, R. H. Constandt, R.
Organized 1902. Howie, Mrs. 'W. L. H. Baker,
Miss D. Bartlett.
Territory: The State of West
Office: 103 William St., Perth, Miss Millie Dawkins, Miss Kath-
West Australia. leen Giblett, Miss Amy Clarke,
R. W. Brown, Mrs. R. W.
OFFICERS. Brown, H. R. Martin, Mrs. D.
Pres., W. L. H. Baker.
Vice-Pres., E. Hilliard.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Constandt. COOK ISLANDS MISSION.
Executive Committee: W. L. H.
Baker, E. Hilliard, C. E. Ashcroft, Address: Arorangi, Rarotonga,
J. Todd, R. W., Brown, J. Clarke, Cook Islands, South Pacific
R. Howie. Ocean.
Legal Assn.: Director and Licentiate: G. L.
Tract Society: .
Sec., Miss C. Rule. Missionary Licentiates: R. K. Pi-
Treas., R. H. Constandt. per, Mrs. R. K. Piper, Mrs. G.
Field Miss. Sec., J. Todd. L. Sterling. -
Field Miss. Agt., J. Todd.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. A. Mountain. FIJI MISSION.
Educational Dept.: Address: Suva You, Fiji, Pacific
Sec.,-R. W. Brown. Ocean.
Director: A. G. Stewart.
Medical' Miss. Dept.: Ministers: A. G. Stewart, Pauliasi
Sec., Bunoa.
Religious Liberty Dept.: Liecntiate: G. E. Marriott.
Sec., C. P. Michaels. Missionary Licentiates: T. A.
Driver, Alipati Rainama, Mrs.
Young People's Dept.: A. G. Stewart, Mrs. G. E. Mar-
Sec., Mrs. W. L. H. Baker. riott.
102 BRITISH UNION c,oisittithiwk.
Sabbath-school Secretary:' Miss A. PITCAIRN ISLAND MISSION.
M. Williams, Buresala, Ovalau,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Address:" Pitcairn Island, Pacific
Ocean; care British Consul, Pa-
Missionary Teacher: Miss A. M. peete, Tahiti, Society Islands.
Williams. Missionary Licentiate: J. R. Mc-
Address: Nukualofa, Tonga, SAMOAN MISSION.
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Address: Apia, Upolo, Samoa, Pa-
Director: G. G. Stewart. cific Ocean.
Minister: G. G. Stewart. Director and Licentiate: H. T.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs., H.
T. Howse, L. A. Butler, Miss
Address: Bisiatabu Station, Port
Moresby, British New Guinea.
Director and Minister: S. W. Carr. SOCIETY ISLANDS MISSION.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. S.
W. Carr, Arthur Lawson, Bennie Address: Papeete, Tahiti, Society
Tavodi, Tuaine Solomona. Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Director and Treasurer: F. E.
Minister: F. E. Lyndon.
NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION. Licentiate: F. L. Sharp.
Address: Norfolk Island, Pacific Missionary Licentiates: M. W.
Ocean. Carey, Mrs. L. Thomas, Mrs. F.
Licentiate: A. H. Ferris. E. Lyndon, Mrs. F. L. Sharp.
Sabbath-school Secretary: A. H. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. F.
Ferris. E. Lyndon.


Organized 1902.

Territory: The Conferences of OFFICERS.

North England, South England,
Scotland, Wales, British Union Conference:
District, and the Irish Mission Pres., W. J. Fitzgerald.
Field. Recording Sec., W. T. Bartlett.
Sec. and Treas., H. D. Clarke.
Cable Address: " Hygiene," Gars- Auditor, E. Spicer.
ton, Herts, England. Executive Committee: W. J.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- Fitzgerald, W. H. Wakeham, W.
ford, Herts, England. C. Sisley, W. H. Meredith, J. J.
(All persons named below may be Gillatt, S. G. Haughey, H. E.
addressed as above.) Armstrong, H. C. Lacey, Dr. A. B.

Olsen, W. T. Bartlett. Medical Miss. Dept.:

Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad- Sec., Dr. A. B. Olsen, The Hydro,
ventist Union, Limited." Pres., W. Caterham, Surrey, England.
J. Fitzgerald; Sec., W. T. Bartlett; Young People's Dept.:
Treas., W. C. Sisley. Sec., W. H. Wakeham.
Union Book Depository: MINISTERS.
International Tract Society, W. J. Fitzgerald, W. T. Bartlett,



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Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, H. C. Lacey, W. H. Wakeham.

Herts, England.
Manager, W. C. Sisley. LICENTIATE.
Union Field Agt., S. Joyce. A. B. Olsen.
Union Field Sec., W. T. Bartlett.
Sabbath-school Dept.: S. Joyce, W. M. Scott, Glen Wake-
Sec., W. H. Wakeham. ham, Miss Mary Hanna.


Executive Committee: W. H.
Organization effective January 1, Meredith, A. S. Marchus, J. J.
1912. Nethery, W. H. Baldwin, J.
Territory: The counties of Mid-
dlesex, Essex, Hertford, and Sabbath-school Dept.:
London north of the Thames.
Sec., A. G. Briscombe.
(All persons named below May be
addressed at 8 Lancaster Road, Young People's Dept.:
Stroud Green, London, N., Eng- Sec., A. G. Briscombe.
W. H. Meredith, A. S. Marchus, J.
Conference: J. Nethery, A. S. Rodd.
Pres., W. J. Fitzgerald.
Treas., H. D. Clarke. LICENTIATES.
Executive Committee: W. J.
J. Mc Avoy, J. E. Bell.
Fitzgerald, H. C. Lacey, A. Bacon,
W. T. Bartlett, J. D. Gillatt. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
J. Andrews, A. G. Briscombe, Miss
J. D. Gillatt. Clara Sanders, Miss Gertrude
Davies, Mrs. E. G. Jackson, W.
LICENTIATE. H. Musgrave, M. Vallence.
A. D. Armstrong.
Mrs. A. Rayner. ENCE.
Organized 1902; formerly a part
of the British Conference organ-
ENCE. Territory: The southern half of
England, south of the northern
Organized 1902; formerly a part boundary of the counties of
of the British Conference organ- Keni, London south of the
ized 1898. Thames, Surrey, Buckingham,
Territory: The northern half of Oxford, and Gloucester.
England, including all north of Office: 1 Devereaux Road, Wands-
the southern borders of Wor- worth Common, London, S. W.,
cester, Warwick, Northampton, England.
Bedford, Cambridge, and Suf-
folk. (All persons named below may be
Office: 78 Gregory Boulevard, Not- addressed as above.)
tingham, England.
(All persons named below may be OFFICERS.
addressed as above.)
OFFICERS. Pres., S. G. Haughey.
Sec., L. F. Langford.
conference Treas., H. D. Clarke, Stanbor-
Pres., W. H. Meredith. ough Park, Watford, Herts, Eng-
Sec. and Treas., A. G. Briscombe. land.

Auditor; E. Spicer. LICENTIATES.

Executive Committee: S. G. D. Morrison, W. Maudsley, J.
Haughey, G. Nickels, W. A. West.
Shafer, J. Bunker, E. Clifford.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Miss Jane Archibald, Miss A.
Sec., L. F. Langford. Pinkerton, W. J. Young.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., L. F. Langford.

S. G. Haughey, George Nickels, Organized 1908.

W. A. Shafer. Territory: Wales and the counties
of Hereford and Shropshire.
Office: "Alta, Vista," Llanishen St.,
Cardiff, South Wales.
L. F. Langford, F. A. Spearing.
(All persons named below may be
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. addressed as above.)
T. Whittle, G. W. Bailey, H. D. OFFICERS.
Clarke, R. J. Nethery, Mrs. E. Conference:
Hall, Miss L. Michalmore.
Pres., H. E. Armstrong.
Sec. and Treas., Miss D. Mc-
Executive Committee: H. E.
Organized 1908. Armstrong, Isaac Powell, J. W.
Territory: Scotland. Ford, C. E. Penrose, W. H. Charles.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- Sabbath-school Dept.:
ford, Herts, England. Sec., Miss D. McDougall.
(All persons named below may be Young People's Dept.:
addressed as above.) Sec., Miss D. McDougall.

Conference: H. E. Armtsrong, C. E. Penrose.

Pres., A. E. Bacon. LICENTIATES.
Sec., A. E. Bacon. R. Whiteside, R. Jacques.
Recording Sec., Mrs. E. Mauds-
Treas., H. D. Clarke.
Auditor, Jas. Hoatson. Miss D. McDougall, Miss H. Green,
Executive Committee: A. E. Mrs. M. Austin.
Bacon, W. J. Fitzgerald, A. Hogg,
J. Baird, Robert Campbell.
Sabbath-school Dept.: IRISH MISSION.
Sec., Mrs. A. E. Bacon.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
MINISTER. ford, Herts, England.
(All persons named below may be
A. E. Bacon. addressed as above.)

J. J. Gillatt, R. Mussen.
Director, J. J. Gillatt.
B. Armstrong, W. Read.
Sec. and Treas., H. D. Clarke.
Advisory Committee: J. J. Gil- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
latt, A. Cunningham, R. Mussen, Mrs. E. McCulla, E. H. Brown,
Isaac Bell, E. H. Brown. Mrs. E. H. Brown.


Organized 1909.

Territory: Eastern part of the R. Conradi;- Sec. and Treas., W.

German Empire the Prussian Krumm.
provinces of Saxony, Branden- Auditor: G. Woysch.
burg (including Berlin), Pome- Union Book Depository:
rania, Silesia, East Prussia, Internationale Traktatgesell-
West Prussia, Posen; the king- schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
dom of Saxony; the Saxon- Germany.
Thuringian States; Anhalt; Manager: H. Hartkop.
Brunswick; Hungary; Rumania; Union Field Agt., H. Dix.
Bulgaria; Servia; Croatia, Sla- Union Miss. Sec., L. Trautmann.
vonia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Mon-
tenegro, Galicia, Bukowina, and Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., L. Trautmann.
Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Advent, Hamburg. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Office Address for East German Sec., Dr. E. Meyer.
Union Conference and all East
German Union Fields and Work- Young People's Dept.:
ers: Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Sec., Otto Ltipke.
H. F. Schuberth.
Pres., H. F. Schuberth, Uhland- LICENTIATE.
strasse 189, Berlin-Charl., Ger- L. Trautmann.
Sec., L. Trautmann.
Treas., B. Severin.
Asst. Treas., Olga Hempel. EAST GERMAN UNION DIS-
Executive Committee: H. F. TRICT.
Schuberth, J. F. Huenergardt, G.
W. Schubert, L. Mathe, W. Prill- Cirganized 1909.
witz, 0. Schwenecke, Otto Liipke,
Dr. E. Meyer, W. Krumm, F. Got- Territory: Berlin, Charlottenburg,
ting, J. Seefried, H. Meyer-Bart- Potsdam, Rixdorf, Schonberg,
schy, R. Schillinger, H. Box. Wilmersdorf, Lichtenberg, Bran-
Legal Assn.: Den tscher Verein denburg, Spandau; District JO-
fiir Gesundheitspflege." Pres., L. terbo,gk Luckenwalde, Teltow,

Zauch-Belzig, Niederbarnim, Tract Society:

Jerichow I and II, and East and
West Havelland. Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann.
Address: Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Field Miss. Agt., W. Koller.
burg, Germany.. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., L. Trautma,nn.
Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Otto Schwenecke, G. Domnick, C.
Sec., L. Trautmann. Kapitz, F. Uldokat..
Treas., B. Severin.
Executive Committee: H. F. LICENTIATES.
Schuberth, Otto Liipke, R. Cunitz,
Fr. Liidtke, C. Beutin. F. Leplatoni, K. Kaszemek.

Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann. A. Majewski, G. Kryak, W. Trib-

Field Miss. Agt., H. Box. bensee, W. Milller.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., L. Trautmann.
0. Liipke, R. Cunitz, M. H. Went-
land, C. Bruck, P. Drinhaus. Organized 1909.
LICENTIATES. Territory: The Province of Sax-
ony (excepting Friedensau, Dis-
W. Oestreich, H. Palm. trict Jerichow I and II), the
Thuringian St at e s, Anhalt,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Brunswick, the southern part of
the Province of Hanover, and
Dr. F. Bauke, A. W. Muller, H. the Hessian District of Schmal-
Seidel, A. Hennig, R. Lange, W. kalden.
Becker, M. Wehowsky, E. Wal-
ther, H. Junker. OFFICERS.

Pres., L. Mathe.
EAST PRUSSIAN CON-. Sec., M. Wevers.
Treas., Olga Hempel.
FERENCE. Executive Committee: L. Mathe,
Organized 1903. C. Dangschat, H. Dierking, L.
Lusky, 0. Balschmieter.
Territory: East Prussia. Tract Society:
OFFICERS. Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann.
Field Miss. Agt., H. Hartmann.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Pres., Otto Schwenecke.
Sec., F. May. Sec., L. Trautmann,
Treas., Olga Hempel.
Executive Committee: Otto
Schwenecke, G. Domnick, F. Uldo- L. Mathe, H. Dierking, C. Dangs-
kat, G. Dobinski, J. Urgien. chat.

A. Woysch, H. Fltigel, 0. Kelle, M.
Wevers, A. Schmitt. Conference:
Pres., G. W. Schubert.
P. Riisel, F. Dorre, H. Jerchau, A. Treas., Olga Hempel.
Sommer, M. Becker, M. Thtim- Executive Committee: G. I!'.
mel, A. Ba.lschmieter. Schubert, G. W. Hockarth, G.
Schiirer, M. Rosenbusch, P. Horn.
Tract Society:
ODER CONFERENCE. Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann.
Field Miss. Agt., E. Braun.
Organized 1901, as the East Ger- Sabbath-school Dept.:
man Conference.
Sec., L. Trautmann.
Territory: Provinces of Pomerania
and Brandenburg (except that MINISTERS.
part in East German Union Dis-
trict). G. W. Schubert, G. W. Hockarth,
OFFICERS.. J. F. Ott, W. Schafer, H. Lang-
Pres., J. Seefried.
Sec., A. Minck. Aug. Krautschick, Th. Will, L.
Treas., B. Severin. Voigt, G. Freund.
Executive Committee: J. See-
fried, K. Amelung, H. Limpert, H. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Kurtzahn, R. Hauff.
Fr. Geissler, 0. Schildhauer, A.
Tract Society: Giilitzer, J. Salatzkat, H. Jaster,
See. and Treas., L. Trautmann. E. Wittig, A. Langenberg, H.
Field Miss. Agt., Limpert. Ehehalt.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., L. Trautmann.
Organized 1907.
J. Seefried, K. Amelung, W. Hoff-
man. Territory: The Province of Si-
A. Rebensburg, H. Glass, D. H. OFFICERS.
Turowski, And. Frautschick. Conference:
Sec., W. Herbert.
F. Rohne, A. Lildke, A. Minck, H. Treas., Olga Hempel.
SchBating, A. Sommer. Executive Committee: F. Got-
ting, E. Enseleit, T. Forster, H.
Dietrich, B. Schonfeld.
Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann.
Organized 1908. Field Miss. Agt., H. Dietrich.
Territory: The Kingdom of Sax- Sabbath-school Dept.:
ony. Sec., L. Trautmann.

F. Gutting, E. Enseleit, R. Lusky. Conference:
LICENTIATES. Pres., W. Prillwitz.
R. Schiitz, H. Freybott, W. Her- Sec., M. W. Zielinski.
bert. Treas., Olga Hempel.
Executive Committee: M. Prill-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. witz, M. Schiirer, 0. Kruger, Th...
A. Walter, W. Bartsch, W. Schulz, Schallon, H. Schmidt..
G. Bartsch, K. Peikert, E. von Tract Society:
Oppen, M. Rieger.
Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann.
Field Miss. Agt., R. Volzke.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
ENCE. Sec., L. Trautmann.

Organized 1910. MINISTERS.

W. Prillwitz, M. Schiirer.
Territory: Transylvania and the
counties of Bereg, Ung, Bihar,' LICENTIATE.
Hajdu, Mlramaros, Szaboles, 0. Kapitz.
Szatmar, Szilagy, and Ugocsa.
OFFICERS. M. W. Zielinski, H. Korsch, J.
Conference: Muller, St. Zielinski, A. Ktihn,
Pres., H. Meyer-Biirtschy. F. Dressler, M. R8leke.
Sec., A. Wegener.
Treas., Olga Hempel.
Executive Committee: H. ADRIATIC MISSION.
Meyer-BUrtschy, St. Kelemen, J.
Polder. Organized 1911.
Tract Society: Territory: Croatia and Slavonia,
Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann. Bosnia, Herzegovina, Servia,
Field Miss. Agt., A. Biletzky. Dalmatia, Montenegro, and the
Sabbath-school Dept.: Hungarian counties of Bacs-Bod-
rog, Torontal, Temes, and Kras-
Sec., L. Trautmann. so-Sz8reny.
H. Meyer-Bartschy, St. Kelemen.
LICENTIATE. Director, R. Schillinger.
A. Wegener. Sec., P. Todor.
Treas., B. Severin.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Advisory Committee: R. Schil-
G. Krisan, M. Ltivinger, L. Lut- linger, P. Todor, M. Ostoics.
owski. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann.
VISTULA CONFERENCE. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Organized 1911. Sec., L. Trautmann.
Territory: The Provinces 'of West MINISTERS.
Prussia and Posen. R. Schillinger, P. Todor.

M. Ludwig, A. Mocnik, A. Thomas. Th. Brzoson, G. Geier, C. Popsecu.
M. Ostoics, P. Krainean, K. P. Englert, L. Rowlin.
Kortheuer, P. Just, J. Stohr,
Judith Ambrus.

BALKAN MISSION. Territory: Hungary, excepting the
territory in the Transylvanian
Territory: Rumania and Bulgaria. Conference and in the Adriatic
Director, H. F. Schuberth. Conference:
Sec., R. P. Pauliini. Director, J. F. Huenergardt.
Treas., B. Severin.
Advisory Committee: H. F. Sec., A. Zeiner.
Schuberth, R. P. Paulini, C. Mot- Treas., B. Severin.
zer, A. Seefried, G. Danile. Executive Committee: J. F. Hu-
unergardt, Fr. Kessel, J. Chris-
Tract Society: toffers, M. Botyanszky, M. Ho-
Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann. toran.
Tract Society:
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec. and Treas., L. Trautmann.
Sec., L. Trautmann. Field Miss. Agt., A. Biletzky.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
R. P. Paulini, C. Motzer, A. Lang- Sec., L. Trautmann.
J. F. Huenergardt, Fr. Kessel, J.
J. Mantu, St. Dernetreseu. Christoffers.

G. D. Kadaleff, J. Stanescu, P. J. Murbach, W. Fiirle.


0. Gassmann, E. Liitge, S. Boty-

GALICIAN MISSION. anszky, Helen Kraus, E. Scha-
Entered 1908. fer, M. Oesz, F. Mat6escu, J.
Racz, Alois Zeiner, Alfons Zei-
Territory: Galicia and Bukowina. ner, A. Naggy, J. Fillip, Hans
Organized 1907.

Territory: The Roman-Swiss and OFFICERS.

the French Conferences, the
Latin. Union District, and the Conference:
Spanish, Italian, Nor thern Pres., Tell Nussbaum.
France, Portuguese, and Algeria- Sec., L. A. Mathy.
Tunis Mission Fields. Treas., Max Haas, Gland, Ct.
General Office: 97 rue Monge, Vaud, Switzerland.
Paris, France. Exeeutive Committee: T. Nuss-
(All the workers in the various baum, J. P. Gourguet, S. Bernard,
Latin Union fields, whose ad- A. Jaccard, Br. Bouzanquet.
dresses are not given, may be
reached through the following Sabbath-school Dept.:
address: care Max Haas, Gland, Sec., Max Haas.
Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.
Conference: T. Nussbaum, 7 rue Pharaon, Tou-
Pres., L. P. Tieche. louse, France.
Sec., Maurice Walther. J. P. Badaut, Beauvoir, Branges,
Treas., Max Haas, Gland, Ct. SaOrie et. Loire, France.
Vaud, Switzerland.
Executive Committee: L. P.
Tieche, H. . H. Dexter, Joseph F. Blanzat, E. Fawer, Victor
Curdy, J. Robert, Paul Steiner, P. Matti, L. A. Mathy.
A. De Forest, W. G. Bond, L.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Jeanne Bourquin, Esther Beau.
Sec., Max Haas. doin, Berthe Cornuz.
L. P. Tieche, 97 rue Monge, Paris, L. Seguin.

Organized 1884.
Territory: Department of Seine,
France. Territory: The French and Ital-
ian-speaking parts of Switzer-
Office: La Ligniere, Gland (Ct.
Ulysse Augsbourger, 14 rue Vaud), Switzerland.
Gramme, Paris, France. (All persons named below whose
addresses are omitted may be
addressed as above.)
Organized 1907.
Territory: Southern France. Pres., H. H. Dexter.
Office: 101 Avenue du Maine. Sec., 0. Meyer.
Paris, France, Treas., Max Haas.

Executive Committee: H. H. MISSIONARY NURSE.

Dexter, Pierre Schild, Aleide
Guenin, J. Robert, L. E. Borle. E. Jourdan.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Max Haas.
H. H. Dexter, 16 Chemin ,de Mal- Established 1908.
ley, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Paul Steiner, Gland, Switzerland. Territory: Northern France, ex-
Jules Rey, Gland, Switzerland. cept Department of Seine:
M. Raspal.
Joseph Curdy, 254 rue Valentin
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Rally, Amiens, Somme, France.
Henri Provin, M. Hanhardt, Jo- J. C. Guenin, 53 rue de Phals-
seph Moonier, Oscar Meyer. bourg, Le Havre, France.

ALGERIAN AND TUNIS E. Valat, Jean Walther.

Territory: Algeria and Tunis.
Paul Badaut, 7 rue Barnave, Territory: Portugal.
Alger, Algeria.
A. Guyot, rue Dufour prol 33, C. E. Rentfro, Largo do Bandeira
Oran, Algeria. 93, Gaya,tugal.


Jose Abella, Alger, Algeria. Paul Meyer Rua das Chagas 9 A,
Lisbon, Portugal.

Territory: Italy. SPANISH MISSION.
MINISTER. Territory: Spain.
L. Zecchetto, via de' Serragli, 51, MINISTERS.
Firenze, Italy.
W. G. Bond, Calle Mercaders
LICENTIATES. 40-10-1a, Barcelona, Spain.
L. Benezet, Boscoreale, Napoli, Frank Bond, Calle Mercaders
Italy. 40-10la, Barcelona, Spain.
Pietro Creanza, via Reccolle, Gra-
vina, Italy. LICENTIATE.
Pacileo Gennaro, Boscoreale, Na- Lope Nicolas.
poli, Italy.
Alfred Vaucher, Corso dei Colli MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
393, Sampierdarema, Italy. Lola Casals, Sanz Pedro, J. L.
Elie Bertalot, Montaldo, Bormida, MISSIONARY NURSE,
Italy. The'rse Abe11a,
Territory: Arabia, Crete, Egypt, Ibrahim al Khalil, poste restante,
Greece, and the Turkish Em- Assiuot, Egypt.
pire. Ida Schlegel, 27 S'haria Abu el
Office Address: German Post, Box MOB, Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt.
109, Galata, Constantinople,
Committee: E. E. Frauchiger,
Superintendent; Z. G. Baharian,
R. S. Greaves, W. C. Ising, C. GRECIAN MISSION.
Voigt. Territory: Greece and Crete; Vil-
Treasurer: A. Ktissner, Grindel-
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. ayets of Janina, Scutari, Sa -
lonica, Monastir, Kossovo with
Office Address: German Post, Box
ARMENIAN MISSION. 109, Galata, Constantinople,
Territory: Vilayets of Sivas,
Trebizond, Mamouret-ul - Aziz, Director: R. S. Greaves.
Diarbekr, Van, Bitlis, Erzerum. Treasurer: C. Voigt.
Office Address: German Post, Box
109, Galata, Constantinople, MINISTER.
Director: Z. G. Baharian. R. S. Greaves.
Treasurer: C. Voigt.
Fr. Scior.
Hovsep Shadarifian, Bedros Tous-
Territory: Syria (excepting Vil-
EGYPTIAN MISSION. ayet Aleppo) inclusive of Meso-
Territory: Egypt and Egyptian Director: W. C. Ising.
Under the direct charge of the MINISTER.
European Division of the General
Conference. W. C. Ising, Deutsche Post, Beirut,
George Keough, 27 Sharia Abu el
Mandl Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt. L. Krug, Deutsche Post, Jerusalem,
A. A. Elshaheed
' , Luxor, Upper Palestine, Syria.
Egypt. Wilhelmine Muller, Deutsche Kol-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. onie, Haifa, Palestine, Syria.
Fr. Gregorius, Deutsche Post,
Hermann Piotrowsky, poste re- Jaffa, Palestine, Syria.
stante, Assiout, Egypt. Tigran Zachary, Beirut, Syria.

TURKISH MISSION. Perenian, Dr. V. Pampaian, C.

Territory: Vilayets Constanti- MINISTERS.
nople, Adrianople, Kastamuni,
Aidin, Angora, Brusa, Konia, E. E. Frauchiger, A. M. Buzu-
Adana, Aleppo, and the Turk- gherian.
ish Islanus. LICENTIATES.
Office Address: German Post, Box
109, Galata, Constantinople, Dr. V. Pampaian, C. Voigt, E.
Turkey. Ayvazian, A. J. Girou.
Director: E. E. Frauchiger. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Treasurer: C. Voigt. Eunice Kalfa, E. Beredjikian, G.
Advisory Committee: E. E. Frau- Aressian, A. Armaghanian, D.
chiger, A. M. Buzugherian, 0. Keanides.



pr1 AN
M 55
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PERSIArl MISSION. Office Address: Grindelberg 15a,

Hamburg, Germany.
Entered May 18, 1911.
(Not connected with the Levant
H. Dirksen, Urumia, Persia.
Union Mission, but under the di-
rect supervision of European Di- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
vision of the General Conference.) F. F. Oster, Urumia, Persia.


(Organized 197, at Riga; began its separate existence Jan. 1, i9o8.)
Territory: European Russia, ex- Treas., P. Brandt.
clusive of Finland, and the gov- Executive Committee: J. T.
ernments in the Siberian Union. Boettcher, J. Drikis, J. Holm, P.
Address: Kleine Newastr. 12, Brandt, K. Sutta.
Riga, Russia.
Conference: J. Wilson.
Sec., E. Borm.
Treas., P. Brandt. H. Petrow.
Executive Committee: J. T.
Boettcher, H. J. Loebsack, D.
Isaak, 0. Wildgrube, J. Sprohge,
K. A. Reifschneider, Joh. Perk, A.
Auditor: G. Woysch.
Sabbath-school and Missionary (Organized 1907, at Riga, the or-
Secretary for all the Russian ganization effective Jan. 1,
fields: P. Brandt. 1908.)
Territory: The Baltic Provinces
MINISTER. (Esthonia, Livonia, Courland),
and the governments of St.
J. T. Boettcher. Petersburg and Poskov, exclu-
sive of Riga and its suburbs.

(Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.)
Pres., J. Sprohge. ,
Territory: The city of Riga and Sec., J. Schneider.
its suburbs. Treas., P. Brandt.
Address: Kleine Newastr. 12, Executive Committee: J.
Riga, Russia. Sprohge, S. Efimoff, A. Klement,
S. Spuhde, P. Brandt.
Conference: MINISTERS.
Pres., J. T. Boettcher.
Sec., S. Bojanus. J. Sprohge, J. Schneider.


Lwoff, K. Hahn. ENCE.
A. Rauk, L. Nikkar, S. Efimoff, R. Territory: The governments of
Irbe, J. Dreimann, A. Eglitt, J. Bessarabia, Kherson, Yekatrino-
Raukas, A. Klement, A. slaf, Taurien, and that part of


CAUCASIAN CONFERENCE. the region between the Don and

Organized in 1901 as South Rus- the Donetz.
sian Conference. OFFICERS.
Territory: Cis- and Trans- Cauca-
sus. Conference:
OFFICERS. Pres., D. Isaak.
Pres., K. A. Reifschneider. Secs., B. Schmidt and J. Gora-
Secs., J. Isaak and M. M. Bur- lik.
sow. Treas., P. Brandt.
Treas., P. Brandt. Executive Committee: D. Isaak,
Executive Committee: K. A. K. Schamkow, G. Donner, G. Saw-
Reifschneider, A. Ozol, P. Kohn, H. atzki, F. Soloduchin.
Schnitnikow, Th. Heyde. Tract Society:
MINISTERS. Sec. and Treas., P. Brandt.
K. A. Reifschneider, A. Osol, F. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Koch. Sec., P. Brandt.

MINISTERS. Tver, Vitebsk, Vladimir, Vol-

ogda, Voronej.
D. Isaak, G. Tetz, K. Schamkow,
B. Schmidt. OFFICERS.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Director: 0. Wildgrube.

Secretary: F. Gaidischar.
G. Fritz, M. Demidow, S. E. Nad- Advisory Committee: 0. Wild-
totschy, J. Goan, J. Petuchow. grube, J. T. Boettcher, M. Jur-
kin, E. Haring.
(Out off from Middle Russia and LICENTIATE.
South Russia, Jan. 1, 1909.)
Territory: Governments of Kief, J. Pachla.
Podolia, Poltava, Chernigof, and

OFFICERS. K. Reputin, F. Gaidischar, N. Per-

egonzew, Th. Tschepelski, A.
Director: J. Perk. Petrow, R. Kleist.
Secretary: P. Swiridow.
Advisory Committee: J. Perk, H.
Lukas, P. Swiridow, W. Soheles-
nikow, S. Prowalowsky. WEST RUSSIAN MISSION.

MINISTERS. (Dating from Jan. 1, 1908.)

J. Perk, A. E. Gontar. Territory: Poland, Kovno, Vol-

hynia, Grodno, Minsk, Vilna.
J. Pilkewitsch, P. Swiridow, S.
Prowalowsky. Director: H. J. Lobsack.
Secretary: H. Schmitz.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: H. J. Lob-
sack, H. Schmitz K. Rempfert,
A. Martin, H. Chmalewsky, K. A. Arnhold, A. Mich.
Kulikowa. Treasurer a n d Sabbath-school
and Missionary Secretary: P.


Territory: The governments of H. J. Lobsack, H. Schmitz, K.

Archangel, Yaroslaf, Kaluga, Rempfert.
Kostroma, Kursk, Moghilef, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Moscow, Nijni-Novgorod, Nov-
gorod, Olenetz, Orel, Penza, Ri- G. Arnhold, A. Geisler, A. Sen-
a.zan, Smolensk, Tambof, Tula, kewitsch, Anna Wilson.
Organized igoz.
Territory: The Conferences of Ildsgaard, C. C. Hansen, Chr. Juhl.
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Auditors: A. C. Christensen,
Finland, and the Icelandic and Chr. Hansen.
North Swedish Missions.
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copen- Tract Society:
hagen, V., Denmark. Sec. and Treas., Christian Peter-
(Workers in this field whose ad- sen.
dress is omitted can be reached Field Miss. Agt., R. P. Regel.
through the union office ad-
dress.) Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Christian Petersen.
Young People's Dept.:
Conference: Sec., Erik Arnesen.
Pres., J. C. Raft.
Sec., Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, MINISTERS.
Treas., Jens Olsen, Akersgaden C. C. Jensen, M. M. Olsen, P.
74, Christiania, Norway. Christensen.
Executive Committee: J. C.
Raft, N. C. Bergersen, S. F. Svens- LICENTIATE.
son, C. C. Jensen, L. Muderspach,
Fred Anderson, E. Lind, J. C. Ot- N. P. Hansen.
tosen, Erik Arnesen, Jens Olsen. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
MINISTER. Julius Bech, Soren Andersen, R. P.
Regel, Vald. Jakobsen, Heils-
J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Co- kov Christensen, J. P. U. Jen-
penhagen, V., Denmark. sen, Anna Jeppsson, Clara Bech,
Johanne Thoger, Marie Nielsen,
Johanne Vilhalmsen, Anna Ras-
mussen, Martha Hansen.
Organized 1880.
Territory: Denmark.
Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- FINLAND CONFERENCE.
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha- Organized 3909.
gen, V., Denmark. Territory: Finland.
(All persons named below may be Office: Unionsgatan 4, Helsing-
addressed as above.) f ors, Finland.
Conference: Conference:
Pres., C. C. Jensen. Pres., L. Muderspach.
Sec., A. Andersen. Sec., K. J. Sysimetsti.
Treas., Chr. Hedebak. Treas., N. Hammar.
Executive Committee: C. C. Executive Committee: L. Mu-
Jensen, N. P. Nelson, R. P. Regel, derspach, N. Hammar, W. Sucks-
Jens Iversen Henriksen, S. M. dorf, K. Sandelin, 0. Hoglund.

Sabbath- school Dept.: MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.

Sec., Mrs. J. Sucksdorf. A. Norheim, E. Bjaanas, Mathilde
MINISTER. Larsen, Ida Hansen.
L. Muderspach.
Hugo Mikkonen, N. Savander. SWEDISH CONFERENCE.


Territory: Sweden, except Norr-
Arne Rintala, Alma Bjugg, Agnes botten, Vasterbotten, Vaster-
Wickholm, Aina Hankavaara. norrland, Jamtland, and a part
of Gafleborgs Lan, which are in-
cluded in the North Swedish
NORWAY CONFERENCE. Office: Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm,
Organized 1887. Sweden.

Territory: Norway. (All persons named below may be

Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet, addressed as above.)
Office: Akersgaden 74, Christiania, OFFICERS.
Norway. Conference:
(All persons named below may be
addressed as above.) Pres., S. F. Svensson.
Sec. and Treas., Teckla Rosen-
Conference: Executive Committee: S. F.
Svensson, Ole Nelson, E. ,Lind, P.
Pres., N. C. Bergersen. A. Ahlstrom, A. F. Blomkvist.
Sec., C. B. Jensen. Legal Assn.: " Sallskapet San-
Treas., Jens Olsen. n ingens Harold."
Executive Committee: N. C. Pres., E. Lind; Sec., 0. Nelson.
Bergersen, 0. J. Olsen, L. Halvor- Tract Society:
sen, E. Endresen, T. Larsen.
Auditors: L. Rustad, A. C. Sec. and Treas., Teckla, Rosen-
Christensen. holm.
Field Miss. Agt., P. A. Ahlstrom.
Tract Society:
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec. and Treas., Selma Ring- Sec.. Teckla Rosenholm.
Field Miss. Agt., A. G. Sand- MINISTERS.
Sabbath-school Dept.: S. F. Svensson, 0. Johnson, K. A.
Farnstrom, E. J. Ahren, Wal-
Sec., Selma Ringstrom. lenkampf, Ole Nelson.
N. C. Bergersen, 0. J. Olsen, 0. P.
Norderhus. Oscar Carlsson, B. Berglund.
Mathilda Olsson, Seth Lundstrom,
A. 0. Narem, J. M. Narem, L. Simon Ljungberg, Oscar An-
Stene, A. Wasli. gervo, J. M. Risberg.

ICELAND MISSION. land, Jiimtland, and part of

Gitfleborgs Litn (in Sweden).
Territory: Iceland and Greenland.
Address: Reykjavik, Iceland. OFFICERS.
Director: Fred Anderson.
Olaf J. Olsen.
Fred Anderson, Kungsgatan 34,
Stockholm, Sweden.
A. J. Settergren, Kungsgatan 34,
Stockholm, Sweden.
Territory: Counties of Norrbotten,
Vasterbotten, and Vasternorr- Vendla Eriksson, Rosa Liining.


Organized rgro, at Hamburg; its separate existence dating from
Jan. 1, 1911.
Territory: Asiatic Russia east of Amur; and the Coast Terri-
the Caspian, together with the tories.
Region of the Don (exclusive of OFFICERS.
that portion between the Don
and Donetz), Astrakhan, Sara- Director: Epifan Gnitdjin.
tof, Simbirsk,. Samara, Perm, Advisory Committee: Epifan
Orenburg, Ufa, Kazan, and Vi- Gnildjin, A. Lusenko, Alex. Sitt-
atka in European Russia. nikow.
Address: Kleine Newastr. 12, Riga,
Russia. E. Gnadjin.
Superintendent: G. Perk. MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Treasurer and Sabbath-school and Alex. Sittnikow.
Missionary Secretary for all the
fields: Traktatgesellschaft in
Russia, Box 982, Riga, Russia.
Advisory Committee: G. Perk, J. TURKESTAN MISSION.
F. Ginter, H. K. Lobsack, J.
Ebel, E. Gniidjin. (Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.)
Auditor: G. Woysch.
Territory: The provinces of Ferg-
MINISTER. hana, Samareand, Syr-Daria; the
G. Perk. Transcaspian Territories; and
the vassal states of Khiva and
(Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.) Advisory Committee: J. Ebel, D.
P. Bertram, Ph. Trippel.
Territory: The governments of
Yeniseisk, Irkutsk; the prov- MINISTER.
inces of Transbaikalia, Yakutsk, J. Ebel.

URAL MISSION. Secretary: Th. Wagele.

Advisory Committee: G. Perk, G.
(Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.)
Hetze, G. Schwab, Th. Wagele.
Territory: The governments of
Samara, Orenburg, Ufa, Kazan,
Vitka, and Penn. 0. Perk, G. Hetze.


Th. Wagele, J. Hugo, J. Gaidis-
Director: J. F. Ginter. char.
Advisory Committee: J. F. Gin-
ter, Jokob Wuckert, G. K. Leh-
mann, H. Gael.
(Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.)
J. F. Ginter.
Territory: The provinces of
LICENTIATES. Uralsk, Turgai, Akmolinsk, Sem-
ipalatinsk, and Semirechinsk,
H. Ostwald, H. Gael. and the governments of Tomsk

F. Bitsch, G. Kan. OFFICERS.

Director: H. K. Lobsack.
Advisory Committee: H. K. Lob-
VOLGA MISSION. sack, J. Jurickson, J. Serejew,
K. K. Diick.
(Dating from Jan. 1, 1911.)
Territory: The Region of the Don
(exclusive of that portion be- H. K. LUbsack, J. Jurickson.
tween the Don and Donetz), and
the governments of Astrakhan, LICENTIATE.
Saratof, and Simbirsk. K. K. Diick.
Director: G. Perk. Ph. Kurbatow.


Organized 1909.

Territory: Western Germany Waldeck; Alsace-Lorraine, Ho-

the Prussian provinces of Rhine- henzollern, and Luxemburg;
land, Westphalia, Hesse-Nassau, German - Switzerland; Holland
Hanover, Sleswick-Holstein; the and Belgium; and Austria, ex-
kingdoms of Bavaria and Wurt- cepting Dalmatia and the ter-
temberg; the grand duchies of ritory of the Galician Mission
Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklen- field.
burg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, and Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Baden; principalities of Schaum- Advent, Hamburg.
burg-Lippe, Lippe-Detmold, and Office Address for West German

Union Conference and all West OFFICERS.

German Union fields and work-
ers: Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Conference:
Germany. Pres., J. G. ()blander.
Sec., O. Staubert.
OFFICERS. Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Executive Committee: J. G.
Conference: Obllinder, H. Steiner, H. Hartkop,
Pres., J. G. Oblander, Rotlint- P. John, C. von Fintel.
strasse No. 21, II, Frankfurt a.
M., Germany. MINISTER.
Sec., 0. Staubert.
Treas., for all West German II. Steiner.
fields not otherwise provided
for: N. Schlatterer; Asst. MISSIONARY CREDENTIALS.
Treas., Anna Obst.
Auditor, G. Woysch. Amanda Severin, Frieda Kroll.
Executive Committee: J. G.
Oblander, C. Sinz, 0. E. Reinke, H.
Fenner, R. G. Klingbeil, J. Wolf-
garten, E. Bahr, F. Prieser, D. P. BAVARIAN CONFERENCE.
Gaede, A. 0. Janert, J. Wibbins, Organized 1910.
J. Erzeberger, H. Hartkop, P.
John. Territory: The kingdom of Ba-
Legal Assn.: "Hamburger Ve- varia, excluding Rhenish-Ba-
rein der Siebenten-Tags-Adventis- varia.
Pres., L. R. Conradi; Sec. and OFFICERS.
Treas., H. Hartkop.
Tract Society: Conference:
'Pres., F. Prieser.
Sec. and Treas. for all West Sec., G. Seng.
German fields not otherwise pro- Treas., N. Schlatterer.
vided for, 0. Staubert. Executive Committee: F. Pri-
Sabbath-school Dept.: eser, H. Erzberger, J. G. Hopf, J.
See. for all West German fields Strauss.
not otherwise provided for, 0. Tract Society:
Staubert. Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
MINISTERS. Field Miss. Agt., E. Fuchs.
J. G. Oblander, J. Erzberger.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
LICENTIATE. Sec., O. Staubert.
0. Staubert.
F. Prieser, H. Erzberger.
Cl. von Fintel, J. Christiansen.
W. Schlegel.
Organized 1909. A. Sachsenmayer, E. Dwehus, J.
Lauks, G. Seng, E. Hofer, B.
Territory: Hamburg, Altona, Ried, A. Hausehild, F. Oppen-
Wa ndsbeek, Vierlanden. Binder, M. Scheifele.


Organized 1901. E. Bahr, R. Miller.

Territory: German-Switzerland. LICENTIATES.
Address: Nonnenweg 22, Basle,
Switzerland. F. Gassmann, R. Rall, H. Zimmer-
mann, G. Blihre.
Pres., 0. E. Reinke. C. Jonuleit, J. Jesberg, 0. Cars-
Sec., E. H. Ebner. tens, A. Thomas, M. Benner, M.
Treas., W. Sebald. Lahm, W. Friese.
Executive Committee: 0. E.
Reinke, J. Erzberger, W. Ktiry, W.
Sebald, J. Kibler.
Sec. and Treas., E. H. Ebner. ENCE.
Field Miss. Agt., G. Bohm.
Organized 1907.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., E. H. Ebner. Territory: Province of Hanover
(except the southern part, with
MINISTERS. Gottingen), Oldenburg, Bremen,
0. E. Reinke, K. Untermeyer. Ltibeck, Mecklenburg, Schles-
wig-Holstein (excepting Altona
LICENTIATES. and Wandsbeck).
Joh. Fehr, Friedr. Grieser, E. H. OFFICERS.
Ebner, J. Frei.
J. Steffen, Magd. Kobele, H. Heil. Sec., H. Feddersen.
Treas., A. Obst.
Executive Committee: C. Sinz,
P. Staubert, C. Wetzel, A. Weske,
Tract Society:
Organized 1911. Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
Field Miss. Agt., C. Wetzel.
Territory: Lower Rhineland.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., 0. Staubert.
Pres., E. Bahr. MINISTERS.
Sec., R. Rall.
C. Sinz, P. Staubert, W. Varle-
Treas., Anna Obst.
mann, A. Miller.
Executive Committee: E. Bahr,
J. Drinhaus, W. Darner, J. Keppke. LICENTIATES.
Tract Society: Hugo Feddersen, F. Weinmann, H.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert. Gilldenzopf, F. Hambrock, R.
Field Miss. Agt., K. Hacker. Those.
Sec., 0. Staubert. A. Grabig, P. Waack, C. Johnsen,

R. -Dietrich, E. SchUtt, Helen Sec., L. R. Kiepe.

Klages. Treas., Anna Obst.
Executive Committee: 0. A.
Janert, W. Schwenecke, A. Mat-
SOUTH GERMAN CONFER- ern, J. Jacobs, B. Hagemann.
ENCE. Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
Organized 1902. Field Miss. Agt., A. Posch.
Territory: Rhenish-Bavaria, Wurt- Sabbath-school Dept.:
temberg, Baden, Alsace-Lorraine, Sec., 0. Staubert.
Hohenzollern, and Luxemburg.
Conference: 0. A. Janert, W. Schwenecke.
Pres:, D. P. Gaede.
Sec., R. Liechti. LICENTIATES.
Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Executive Committee: D. P. W. Schick, J. Penner.
Gaede, F. Zerndt, K. Wittig, G. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Hofer, K. Kamm, E. Gugel, L.
Lutz. L. R. Kiepe, J. Braun, A. Holthus,
Tract Society: E. Reuss, E. Fischer.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
Field Miss. Agt., L. Lutz.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Organized 1898.
See., 0. Staubert.
Territory: The provinces of West-
MINISTERS. phalia, Hesse-Nassau, Grand
D. P. Gaede, F. Zerndt, K. Kamm, Duchy of Hesse, Waldeck,
E. Gugel, G. F. Homer. Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe-Det-
mold, and District of Wetzlar.
A. Striibel, R. Werner.
Pres., H. Fenner.
E. Nopper, R. Liechti, H. Aberle, Sec., W. John.
K. GOlzer, H. Albrecht, F. W. Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Kiimpell, Ella Ludwig, M. Bar- Executive Committee: H. Fen-
all. ner, H. Behr, A. Lammel, E. Man-
nesmann, E. Hanke.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
Organized 1911. Field Miss. Agt., A. Kollhosser.
Territory: Upper Rhineland and Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., 0. Staubert.
Pres., 0. A. Janert. H. Fenner, H. Behr, J. Wintzen.

LICENTIATES. Sec., J. L. Loots.

Treas., N. Schlatterer.
D. Brinkmann, P. Zahl, P. Uldo- Advisory Committee: R. 0.
kat. Klingbeil, Th. v. Vreckem, E.
Tract Society:
H. Potschke, W. John, C. Wede-
king, R. Wedeking, Fr. Risch- Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
miiller, W. von Oppen, L. Ad- Sabbath-school Dept.:
ams. Sec., 0. Staubert.
Entered 1901. LICENTIATES.
Fr. Jochmanns, J. H. Weidner,
Territory: Austria, excepting Gal- J. L. Loots.
icia, Bukowina, and Dalmatia,
and the territory included in MISSIONARY CREDENTIALS.
the Bohemian, and Moravian- A. Koopmans, E. Lecultre.
Silesian Missions.
Director, J. Wolfgarten. (Dating from Jan. 1, 1912.)
Sec., E. Ehinger. Territory: Bohemia.
Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Advisory Committee: J. Wolf- OFFICERS.
garten, C. Brich, C. Meyer. ' Conference:
Tract Society: Director: F. Gruber.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert. Sec., 0. Studeny.
Field Miss. Agt., P. John. Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Advisory Committee: F. Gru-
Sabbath-school Dept.: ber, E. Seidl, A. Simon.
Sec., 0. Staubert.
Tract Society:
MINISTERS. Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
J. Wolfgarten, C. Reihlen. Field Miss. Agt., P. John.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
LICENTIATES. Sec., 0. Staubert.
G. Werner, A. Berek, P. Stocker,
H. Bischoff. MINISTER.
F. Gruber.
E. Ehinger, V. Schwab, L. Zange,
E. Knebel. A. Weinert, 0. Studeny, A. Reck-
Territory: Belgium.
Territory: Holland.
Conference: Conference:
Director, R. 0. Klingbeil. Director, J. Wibbins.

Sec., P. Voorthuis, Jr. Territory: Moravia and Austrian

Treas., N. Schlatterer. Silesia.
Advisory Committee: J. Wib-
bins, P. Schilstra, Chr. Wester- OFFICERS.
daal, W. v. Eijseren, W. P. Borsje.
Tract Society: Director, J. Muth.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert. Sec., A. Wiesner.
Field Miss. Agt., A. Postema. Treas., N. Schlatterer.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Advisory Committee: J. AI uth,
A. Wiesner, J. Berke.
Sec., 0. Staubert.
Tract Society:
MINISTERS. Sec. and Treas., 0. Staubert.
Field Miss. Agt., P. John.
J. Wibbins, P. Schilstra. Sabbath-school Dept.:

T. Luchtenberg, P. Meyer, P. MINISTER.

Voorthuis, Jr., Johanne Dunne. J. Muth.



(Dating from Jan. 1, 1912.) F. Bernart, E. Schultze.

The African Missions north of German East Africa are operated
under the direction of the European Division of the General
Opened 1907.
Territory: Italian Colony of Eri- Established 1906.
trea and Abyssinia. Territory: British East Africa.
Address: Asmara, Eritrea, Poste Director, A. A. Carscallen.
Restante (via Brindisi, Italy), Sec., B. L. Morse.
East Africa. Advisory Committee: A. A.
Local Committee: Anol Grundset, Carscallen, H. H. Brooks, J. D.
Director; P. N. Lindegren, Em- Baker, B. L. Morse.
ery Lorntz.
Minister: Anol Grundset. MINISTER.
Licentiate: P. N. Lindegren. A. A. Carscallen.
Missionary Licentiate: Emery
One station, one school, one teach-
er, 20 pupils. H. H. Brooks.


J. D. Baker, B. L. Morse, Mrs. J. MISSIONS.
D. Baker. Established 1903.
Head Station: Gendia, Kisumu,
British East Africa. Territory: German East Africa.
One school, five native teachers, Supt.: B. Ohme, Post Shirati, Vic-
160 pupils. toria Nyanza, German East Af-
Second Station: Wire Hill, Kis- rica.
umu, British East Africa. Assistant Supt.: E. Kotz, Frieden-
One school, one white teacher, 20 stal, Post Buiko, via Tanga,
pupils. German East Africa.

I. SOUTH PARE MISSION Kaltenhauser, J. Persson, F. W.

FIELD. Vasenius, 0. Wallath.
Local Committee: E. Kotz, A. C.
Enns, H. Drangmeister, M. Poe- MINISTER.
nig, M. Kunze, W. Kolling. B. Ohme.
E. Kotz, A. C. Enns.
.1. Persson.
H. Drangmeister, M. Ponig, W. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
K. Kaltenhauser, F. W. Vasenius,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. 0. Wallath, F. Winter, E. Domi-
M. Kunze, Mrs. H. Ponig. nick, V. Toppenberg, Mrs. B.
Head Station: Friedenstal, Post Ohme, J. Mertke.
Buiko, via Tanga, German East Head Station: Majita, Post Shi-
Africa. rati, German East Africa.
Four substations, five schools, five Two schools, two outschools, four
native teachers, 417 pupils. native teachers, 150 pupils.
Second Station: Kihuiro, Post Second Station: Busegwe, Post
Buiko, via Tanga, German East Shirati, German East Africa.
Africa. Two schools, one white teacher, 35
One substation, two schools, three pupils.
native teachers, 164 pupils. Third Station: Kidzu, Post Shi-
Third Station: Vuasu Post rati, German East Africa.
Buiko, via Tanga, German East One school, one white teacher, 95
Africa. pupils.
Three substations, four schools, Fourth Station: Ngruimi, Post
five native teachers, 250 pupils. Shirati, German East Africa.
Fourth Station: Vunta, Post One school, one white teacher, 50
Buiko, via Tanga, German East pupils.
Africa. Fifth Station: Nyabanga, Post
Two schools, two native teachers, Shirati, German East Africa.
165 pupils. One school, one white teacher, 45
Total: Four chief stations, eight pupils.
substations, thirteen schools, fif- Total: Five chief stations, nine
teen native teachers, 996 pupils. schools, four white teachers,
Publications issued in Chassu. four native teachers, 375 pupils.
Grand total in African Missions:
II. VICTORIA NYANZA MIS- Twenty stations; 25 schools and
SION FIELD. outschools; 30 teachers; 1,571
Local Committee: B. Ohme, K. pupils.


Organized zgoz.
Territory: The Conferences of Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape Town,
Cape Colony (including Orange South Africa.
Free State) and Natal Trans-
vaal, and the Missions in Basu-
toland, Barotseland, Rhodesia, Conference:
and Nyasaland. Pres., R. C. Porter, " Wynnton,"
Cable Address: Adventists, Cape Selous Road, Claremont. South
Town. Africa.

Vice-Pres., W. S. Hyatt. Union Book Depository:

Sec. and Treas., J. V. Willson. International Tract Society, 56
Executive Committee: R. C. Roeland St., Cape Town, South Af-
Porter. W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Ed- rica.
med, Hubertus Elffers, C. P. Cra- Sec., J. V. Willson.
ger, I. J. Hankins, G. H. Clark, W. Union Miss. Agt., G. H. Clark.
H. Anderson. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Legal Assn.: Sec., Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Richmond,




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T we espri t, Orange Free State, S. M. Konigmacher, Malamulo

South Africa. Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Educational Dept.: British Central Africa.
Moko, Debe Nek, Cape, South
See., C. P. Crager, Union Col- Africa.
lege, Kenilworth, Cape, South C. P. Crager, Union College; Ken-
Africa. ilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Medical Miss. Dept.: M. D. Kalaka, Leribe, Basutoland,
Sec., South Africa.
J. Victor Wilson, Solusi Mission,
Religious Liberty Dept.: Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
Sec., I. J. Hankins, Rosemead rica.
Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Af- T. J. Gibson, Somabula Mission,
rica. Uwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Young People's Dept.: E. C. Silsbee, 7 Cheapside, Kim-
berley, South Africa.
Sec., R. G. Ryan, Union College,
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
B. J. Williams, M. D., Sanitarium,
R. C. Porter, " Wynnton," Selous Plum stead, Cape, South Africa.
Road, Claremont, South Africa. Miss Ida Thomason, Sanitarium,
W. S. - Hyatt, 56 Roeland St., Cape Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
Town, South Africa. G. H. Clark, 56 Roeland St., Cape
W. H. Anderson, S. D. A. Mission, Town, South Africa.
Pemba, Northwest Rhodesia, Mrs. R. C. Porter, " Wynnton,"
South Africa. Selous Road, Claremont, Cape,
B. Armitage, Nongoma, Zulu- South Africa.
land, via Somkele, South Africa. Mrs. M. C. Sturdevant, Tsungwesi
M. C. Sturdevant, Tsungwesi Mis- Mission, Rusape, Rhodesia, via
sion, Rusape, Rhodesia, via Sal- Salisbury, South Africa.
isbury, South Africa. Mrs. W. S. Hyatt, King William's
M. E. L'inmerson, Nolo Mission, Town, Cape, South Africa.
Don Don, Orange Free State, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, (on .furlough).
South Africa. Mrs. I. J. Hankins, Rosemead
Hubertus Elffers, "Rustica," Wyn- Ave., Claremont, Cape, South
berg, South Africa. Africa.
W. C. Walston, Solusi Mission, Mrs. E. C. Silsbee, 7 Cheapside,
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af- Kimberley, South Africa.
rica. Miss E. Edie, 56 Roeland St., Cape
I. J. Hankins, Rosemead Ave., Town, South Africa.
Claremont, South Africa. I. B. Burton, 56 Roeland St., Cape
J. C. Rogers (on furlough). Town, South Africa.
J. N. de Beer, Somabula Mission,
LICENTIATES. Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Mrs. F. B. Armitage, Nongoma,
Fl. C. Olmstead, Leribe, Basuto- Zululand, via Somkele, South
land, South Africa. Africa.
C. Robinson, Malamulo Mission, Mrs. W. C: Walston, Solusi Mis-
Blantyre, Nyasaland, British sion, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South
Central Africa. Africa.
J. R. Campbell, Pemba, Northwest Mrs. W. n. Anderson, Pemba,
Rhodesia, South Africa. Northwest Rhodesia, South Af-
G. A. Ellingworth, Malamulo Mis- rica.
sion, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Brit- Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher, Mala-
ish Central Africa. mulo Mission, Blantyre, Nyasa-

land, British Central Africa. Tract Society:

Mrs. J. Victor Wilson, Solusi Mis-
sion, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, Sec. and Treas., J. V. Willson
South Africa. Sabbath-school Dept.:
Mrs. T. J. Gibson, Somabula
Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Sec., Mrs. Bertha Smith, " Rus-
Africa. tica," Wynberg, Cape, South Af-
Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Pemba, rica.
Northwest Rhodesia, South Af-
rica. Medical Miss. Dept.:
Mrs. M. E. Emmerson, Kolo Mis- Sec.,
sion, Don Don, Orange Free
Stat, South Africa. Young People's Dept.:
Mrs. H. C. Olmstead, Leribe, Ba- Sec., R. G. Ryan, Union College,
sutoland, South Africa. Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Mrs. J. N. de Beer, Somabula Mis-
sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South MINISTERS.
David Sparrow, M4ranatha Mis- D. H. Groenewald, 156 Maitland
sion, P. 0. Martindale, via St., Bloemfontein, Orange Free
Grahamstown, Cape, South Af- State, South Africa.
rica. D. F. Tarr, Third Ave., Claremont,
Cape, South Africa.
Teachers' Certificates. O. W. Shone, Aliwal North, Chpe,
South Africa.
Miss Helen Hyatt, Union College, D. C. Theunissen, 123 Russell St.,
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Worcester, Cape, South Africa.
Mrs. J. Victor Wilson, Solusi Mis-
sion, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, LICENTIATES.
South Africa.
A. - E. Ellingworth, Nongoma, Zu- B. C. Groenewald, " Wilgehoek,"
luland, via Somkele, South Af- Lindley, Orange Free State,
rica. South Africa:
Mrs. Helen M. S. Williams, Don-
kin St., Grahamstown, Cape,
South Arica.
A. H. Van Eden, Aliwal North,
Organized 1892.
Territory: Cape Colony and Or-
ange Free State, South Africa. J. V. Willson, 56 Roeland St.,
Cable Address: " Adventist," Cape Cape Town, South Africa.
Town. Mrs. J. V. Willson, 56 Roeland St.,
Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
South Africa. Mrs. P. E. Frost, 56 Roeland St.,
Cape Town, South Africa.
OFFICERS. J. R. Mtimkulu, 102 Waaihoek,
Conference: Bloemfontein, Orange Free
State, South Africa.
Pres., W. S. Hyatt. Joseph Rasmeni, 28 Waaihoek,
Sec. and Treas., J. V. Willson. Bloemfontein, Orange Free
Executive Committee: W. S. State, South Africa.
Hyatt, R. C. Porter, R. C. Honey, Mrs. M. E. Smith, 56 Roeland St.,
H. J. Williams, D. F. Tarr, 0. 0. Cape Town, South Africa.
Fortner, D. H. Groenewald. Mrs. M. C. Morgan, 56 Roeland
Legal Assn.: St., Cape Town, South Africa.

CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. House, First St., Bezuidenhout

Miss Victoria Sutherland, " Wil- Valley, Johannesburg, South Af-
gehoek," Lindley, Orange Free rica;
State, South Africa.
Miss Minnie Tarr, Tarsus, Cath- MINISTERS.
cart, Cape, South Africa. H. J. Edmed, Stranach St., Piet-
i\iiss Helen Hyatt, Union College, ermaritzburg, Natal, South Af-
Kenilworth, 'South Africa. rica.
Miss Mary I. Cobban, Content Si- Wm. H. Haupt, 32 Ockerse St.,
ding, P. 0. Warrentown, Cape, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Af-
South Africa. rica.
J. J. Birkenstock, Hlobane, Vry- LICENTIATES.
heid, Natal, South Africa.
F. Macdonald, Stranach St., Piet-
ermaritzburg, Natal, South Af-
NATAL-TRANSVAAL E. M. Howard, 63 Clark Road,
CONFERENCE Durban, Natal, South Africa.
Territory: The Colonies of Natal Miss M. E. Robertson, Stafford
and Transvaal. House, First St., Bezuidenhout
Telegraphic Address: " Watch- Valley, Johannesburg, South Af-
man," Maritzburg, Natal, South rica.
Africa. Mrs. H. J. Edmed, Stranach St.,
Office: Stranach St., Pietermaritz- Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
burg, Natal, South Africa. Africa.
Miss A. Strachan, Stranach St.,
OFFICERS. Pietermaritzburg, Natal, Smith
Conference: Africa.
Pres., H. J. Edmed. Miss C. A. Dixie, Stranach St.,
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
Sec. and Treas., F. Macdonald. Africa.
Executive Committee: H. J. Ed- Miss B. Willmore, Stranach St.,
med, J. C. Baumann, W. H. Haupt, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
F. Sates, J. J. Bell. Africa.
Legal Assn.: " Natal-Transvaal Dr. J. J. Bell, The Hydro, Bellair,
Conference of S. D. A." Natal, South Africa.
Mrs. J. J. Bell, The Hydro, Bel-
Tract Society: lair, Natal, South Africa.
Sec. and Treas., F. Macdonald. J. J. Birkenstock, Stafford House,
Sabbath-school Dept.: Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannes-
Sec., Miss A. Strachan. burg, South Africa.
Educational Dept.: Mrs. Wm. H. Haupt, 32 Ockerse
See., St., Pretoria, Transvaal, South
Medical Miss. Dept.: Miss M. J. Dixie, 126 Longmarket
Sec., J. J. Bell, M. D., Natal St., Maritzburg, Natal, South
Health Institute, Longmarket St., Africa.
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Miss A. Staples, Stafford House,
Africa. Bezuidenhout Valley, Johan-
Religious Liberty Dept. nesburg, South Africa.
Young People's Dept.: Miss M. Bell, 394 Berger St., Mar-
Sec., J. J. Birkenstock, Stafford itzburg, Natal, South Africa.

Johannesburg City Mission, Staf- MARANATHA MISSION.

ford House, Bezuidenhout Val-
ley, Johannesburg, Transvaal, Established 1906.
South Africa; Supts., Pastor
and Mrs. H. J. Edmed. (A mission among the Kaffirs.)
Address: Maranatha Mission, P.
0. Martindale, via Grahams-
BAROTSELAND MISSION. town, Cape, South Africa.
Established 1905. Superintendent and Missionary
Licentiate: D. Sparrow.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pemba, Teacher: R. G. Ryan.
Northwest Rhodesia, South Af- School, 1; teachers, 2; pupils, 40.
Director and Minister: W. H. An-
Licentiate: J. R. Campbell.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. NYASALAND MISSION.
R. Campbell, Mrs. W. H. Ander-
son. (Acquired 1902.)
Number outschools, ten; teachers,
15; pupils, 300. Address: Malamulo Mission, Blan-
tyre, Nyasaland, British Cen-
tral Africa.
Mission Farm consists of 2,000
EMMANUEL MISSION. acres; has a school of 207 na-
tives, and a church of 167 mem-
Established 1910. bers.
Address: Leribe, Basutoland, South Director: C. Robinson.
Africa. Licentiates: C. Robinson, S. M.
Superintendent: H. C. Olmstead. Konigmacher, G. A. Elling-
Licentiates: H. C. Olmstead, M. worth.
D. Kalaka. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. S. M.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. H. Konigmacher.
C. Olmstead. Mission School Teachers: S. M.
Mission School Teacher: Murray Konigmacher, Mrs. S. M. Konig-
D. Kalaka. macher, G. A. Ellingworth.
School, 1; teacher, 1; pupils, 45. Head Station: Malamulo Mission,
Cholo, near Blantyre, Nyasa-
land, British Central Africa.
Substations: Two; Mantandane,
BASUTOLAND MISSION. Number unordained native evan-
Established 1899. gelists and helpers (not includ-
ing teachers) : 3.
Address: Kolo Mission, Don Don, Head School: Malamulo Training
Orange Free State, South Af- School, Cholo, Nyasaland.
rica. Outschools: 42; total teachers, 67;
Supt. and Minister: M. E. Em- total pupils, 2,000.
merson. Publications in Manganja and Chi'
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. M. Nyanja languages.
E. Emmerson. Special industries: cotton, rubber,
School, 1; teachers, 2; pupils, 28. stock-raising, and dairying.


Opened Nov. 6, 1910.
Established 1894.
Address: Tsungwesi Mission, Ru-
Address: Solusi Mission, Bula- sape, Rhodesia, via Salisbury,
wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. South Africa.
Supt. and Minister: M. C. Stur-
Director and Minister: W. C. devant.
Walston. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. M. C.
Licentiate: J. Victor Wilson. Sturdevant.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. Mission farm consists of 4,000
C. Walston, Mrs. J. Victor acres.
Wilson. Number attending main school,
Teacher: Victor Wilson. Ten out- 20.
schools; attendance, 200; at-
tendance at home school and
out-stations, 310.
This mission will soon start Address: Nongoma, Zululand, via
more outschools. They employ 20 Somkele, South America.
native teachers. Supt. and Minister: F. B. Arm-
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. F.
B. Armitage.
Teacher: A. E. Ellingworth.
SOMABULA MISSION. Total in South African Union:
Eleven stations, 81 schools and
Established 1901. outschools, 119 teachers, 2,825
Address: Somabula Mission, pupils.
Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa. Grand totals of mission stations
and schools in South African
Supt. and Licentiate: T. J. Gibson. Union and the African Missions
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. in Abyssinia, British East Af-
N. de Beer, Mrs. T. J. Gibson, rica, and German East Africa:
J. N. de Beer. Thirty-one main and substa-
Attendance in main school, 39; tions, 106 schools and outschools,
two outschools with an attend- 149 white and native teachers,
ance of 23. Eight native teachers. and 4,396 pupils.


Organized 1906.

Territory: Argentina, Bolivia, OFFICERS.

Chile, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Conference:
Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay.
Pres., J. W. Westphal.
Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos See. and Treas., G. E. Hartman.
Aires. Executive Committee: J. IV.
Office Address: Florida, F. C. C. Westphal, G. E. Hartman, F. H.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Westphal, Dr. R. H. Habenicht,
South America. A. N. Allen, W. W. Wheeler, F. A.

Stahl, Julio Ernst, C. E. Krieg- Spanish Publishing Committee:

hoff, W. C. John, E. M. Trummer. J. W. Westphal, G. E. Hartman,
Union Book Depository: C. E. Knight, F. H. Westphal, E.
W. Thomann.
Buenos Aires Pub. House, Flor-
ida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, General Institutional Committee:
Argentina, South America. For West Coast: J. W. West-
Manager, G. E. Hartman. phal, F. H. Westphal, G. W. Case-
Union Field Agt., E. M. Trum- beer, Damaso Soto, C. E. Krieg-
mer. h off.



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Sabbath-school Dept.: Lydia G. de Oppegard, Florida,

Sec., Mrs. Luisa P. de Everist. F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar-
gentina, South America.
W. C. John, Diamante, Entre Rios,
J. W. Westphal, Florida, F. C. C. Argentina, South America.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Meda Kerr, San Salvador 259,
South America. Montevideo, Uruguay, South
Ed. W. Thomann, Florida, F. C. America.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nora Davis, San Salvador, 259,
South America. Montevideo, Uruguay, South
R. H. Habenicht, Diamante,Entre America.
Rios, Argentina, South merica. Frances Brockman, San Salvador
A. N. Allen, Casilla 1002, Lima, 259, Montevideo, Uruguay,
Peru, South America. South America.
Julio Ernst, Posadas, Argentina, Maud Carner, San Salvador 259,
South America. Montevideo, Uruguay, South
W. W. Wheeler, Casilla 44, Quito, America.
Ecuador, South America. John Lorenz, Diamante, E. R., Ar-
W. R. Pohle, Casilla 1002, Lima, gentina, South America.
Peru, South America. R. B. Stauffer, Diamante, E. R.,
Luis A. Rojas, Villa Rica, Para- Argentina, South America.
guay, South America.
Ignacio K.albermatten Casilla 7,
La Paz, Bolivia, South
' America.
F. L. Perry, 259 San Salvador, ARGENTINE CONFERENCE.
Montevideo, Uruguay, South
Organized 1902.
Territory: Argentina (excepting
C. D. Lude, Diamante, Entre Rios, Territory of Misiones) and Falk-
Argentina, South America. land Islands, South America.
Post-office Address: Florida, F. C.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America.
Ramon Beltran, Casilla 1002, (All persons named below may be
Lima, Peru, South America. addressed as above.)
Julio N. Espinoza, Casilla 1002,
Lima, Peru, South America. OFFICERS.
F. A. Stahl, Casilla 7, La Paz,
Bolivia, South America. Conference:
Otto Schulz, Casilla 7, La Paz, Pres., C. E. Knight.
Bolivia, South America. Vice-Pres., G. Block.
0. H. Maxson, Casilla 1002, Lima, Sec., Guillermo Emmenegger.
Peru, South America. Treas., G. E. Hartman.
G. E. Hartman, Florida, F. C. C. A., Executive Committee: C. E.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Knight, G. Block, R. H. Habenicht,
America. Luis Ernst, E. M. Trummer.
E. M. Trummer, Florida, F. C. C. Sabbath-school Dept.:
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America. See., Mrs. Luisa P. de Everist.
G. B. Replogle, Diamante, Entre
Rios, Argentina, South America. MINISTER&
0. Oppegard, Florida, F. C. C. A., C. E. Knight, Luis Ernst, R. H.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Habenicht, Godofredo Block, V.
America. E. Thomann.

LICENTIATE. Telegraphic Address: " Adventis-

C. D. Lude. tas," La Paz, Bolivia.
Post-office Address: Casilla "7, La
Paz, Bolivia, South America.
0. Oppegard, Mrs. Lydia Oppe-
gard, Mrs. C. E. Knight, Guil- OFFICERS.
lermo Emmenegger, W. C. John, Superintendent: Fernan do A.
Federico Hillman,R. Stahl.
Mrs. Luisa P. ist,
ver Miss
Anna Hansen, Miss Calista Nel- MINISTER.
son, Jorge Block, John Wede- Ingacio Kalbermatten.
kfimpfer, Jorge Riffel, Ernesto
Tulin, Nicolas Hansen, Miss MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Cassie Wilson.
F. A. Stahl, Mrs. F. A. Stahl, 0.
H. Schulz, Mrs. 0. H. Schulz,
Mrs. Ignacio Kalbermatten.
Organized 1907.
Territory: Chile, South America.
Cable Address: Adventista, San- Established 1906.
tiago, Chile, South America.
Office Address: Casilla 2830, San- Territory: Ecuador, South Amer-
tiago, Chile, South America. ica.
(All persons named below may be Address: Casilla 44, Quito, Ecua-
addressed as above.) dor, South America.

Superintendent and Minister: Wil-
Pres., F. H. Westphal. liam W. Wheeler, Casilla 44,
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff. Quito, South America.
Executive Committee: F. H.
Westphal, C. E. Krieghoff, Damaso MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Soto, G. W. Casebeer, S. Mangold, John Osborne, Mrs. John Osborne.
T. H. Davis, J. C. Hidalgo.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
Sec., Mrs. Maria T. Westphal. PERUVIAN MISSION.
miNisTERS. Established 1906.
F. H. Westphal, D. Soto, G. W. Territory: Republic of Peru, South
Casebeer, Santiago Mangold. America.
Cable and Telegraphic Address:
C. E. Krieghoff, T. H. Davis, C. J. Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Foster, Octavio Navarette. South America.
BOLIVIA MISSION. Supt., A. N. Allen.
Established 1907.- Sec. and Treas., 0. H. Maxson.
Territory: Republic of Bolivia, Sabbath-school
South America. Sec., 0. H. Maxson.

Medical Miss. Dept.: LICENTIATE.

Sec., 0. H. Maxson. Luis A. Rojas.
Young People's Dept.: Native Workers.
Sec., W. R. Pohle. E. Taborda, E. Brouchy.

A. N. Allen, Casilla 1002, Lima, URUGUAY MISSION.

Peru, South America.
W. R. Pohle, Casilla 1002, Lima, Organized 1906.
Territory: Uruguay Republic,
Address: 259 San Salvador, Mon-
Julio Nerio Espinoza, Casilla 1002, tevideo, Uruguay, South Amer-
Lima, Peru. ica.
Ramon Beltran, Tarma, Peru,
South America. OFFICERS.
0. H. "Maxson, Casilla 1002, Lima,
Peru, South America. Mission:
Supt., F. L. Perry, 259 San Sal-
vador, Montevideo, Uruguay,
South America.
UPPER PARANA MISSION. Sec. and Treas., G. E. Hartman,
Established 1906. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Argentina, South America.
Territory: Paraguay and the Ter-
ritory of Misiones, Argentina. Advisory Committee: F. L.
Address: Florida, F. C. C. A., Perry, Charles Burger, Alexandro
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Ernst, Antonio Guinovart.
America. MINISTER.
Superintendent: Julio Ernst.
Secretary and Treasurer: G. E. F. L." Perry, 259 San Salvador,
Hartman. Montevideo, Uruguay, South
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- America.
ment: Mrs. Luisa P. de Everist. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Meda Kerr, Frances Brockman,
Julio Ernst. Maud Carner, Nora Davis.


Organization effective Jan. r, 1911.
Territory: The conferences of Rio OFFICERS.
Grande do Sul, Parana, Santa Conference:
Catharina, and the mission fields Pres., F. W. Spies.
of Sao Paulo, Rio-Espirito Sec. and Treas., A. Pages.
Santo, East Brazil, and North Executive Committee: F. W.
Brazil. Spies, A. Pages, the presidents of
Headquarters: Estacao Sao Ber- the conferences, and the superin-
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Bra- tendents of the organized missions
zil, South America. of the union.

Legal Assn.: " Associacao dos tav Richter, Theodor Neumann,

Adventistas do Setimo Dia no Albert Knorr.
Brazil." Pres., F. W. Spies; Sec. Sec. and Treas.: A. Pages.
and Treas., A. Pages. Minister: J. G. Kroeker.
Union Book Depository: Missionary Licentiate: Theodor
Sociedade Internacional de Trat-
ados no Brazil, Estacao Sao Ber-
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
South America.
Union Missionary Agt., H: ENCE.
Organized 1906.
Young People's Dept.:
Sec., John Lipke. Territory: The State of Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil.
MINISTERS. Office Address: Caixa Postal 106,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
F. W. Spies, Caixa Postal 768, Rio Sul, Brazil, South America.
de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer- (All persons named below may be
ica. addressed as above.)
John Lipke, Jogo do Lourenco 214,
Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil, OFFICERS.
South America.
J. G. Kroker, Estacao Sao Ber- President: W. Ehlers.
nardo, S. P. P., Sao Paulo, Bra- Sec. and Treas.: Mary Ehlers.
zil, South America. Executive Committee: W. Ehlers,
Henry Meyer, Caixa Postal 768, M. Kuempel, H. Tonjes, P. Kra-
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South mer, J. Michel.
America. Sabbath-school Sec.: Mary Ehlers.

W. Ehlers.
Jose Lindermann, Estacao srto Ber-
nardo, S. P. R., srto Paulo, Bra- LICENTIATES.
zil, South America.
R. Olm, E. C. Ehlers.
Camillc; J. Pereira, Richard Siiss- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
man, Ludvig Lotz, Richard Wil-
Manuel Kiimpel.
far, Henry Tonjes, A. Pages.


Organized 1910.
Organized 1906.
Territory: The State of Parana,
Brazil. Territory: The State of Santa
Headquarters: Curityba, Parana, Oath arina, Brazil, South Amer-
Brazil, South America. ica.
President: J. G. Kroeker. Office Address: Blumenau, Santa
Executive Committee: J. G. Catharina, Brazil, Soutn Amer-
Kroeker, Jorge Wischral, Gus- ica.

OFFICERS. Amazonas, Matto Grosso, Goyaz,

and Minas Geraes.
President: F. Kuempel. (Under direction of the Brazilian
Secretary: August Anniess. Union.)
Treasurer: Adolf Hort. Supt.: F. W. Spies, Caixa Postal
Executive Committee: F. Kuem- 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
pel, Adolf Hort, August Anni- South America.
ess, Ernst Bergold, Reinhold Missionary Licentiate: Ludwig
Belz. Lotz.

F. Kuempel, Blumenau, Santa

Catharina, Brazil, South Amer- RIO-ESPIRITO SANTO MIS-
ica.' SION.
LICENTIATE. Established 1910.
Frank Belz, Blumenau, Santa Territory: The States of Espirito
Catharina, Brazil, South Amer- Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and the
ica. Federal District.
Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio de
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Superintendent: F. W. Spies.
Adolfo Astuesiano, Blumenau, Executive Committee: F. W. Spies,
Santa Catharina, Brazil, South Joseph Lindermann, William
America. Denz, Julio Buehler, Richard
Minister: F. W. Spies.
EAST BRAZIL MISSION. Licentiate: Jose Linderman.
Established 1910. Missionary Licentiate: Richard
Territory: The States of Bahia,
Sergipe, Alagoas, and Pernam-
buco, in Brazil, South America.
Headquarters: Jogo do Lourenco
214, Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Established 1906.
Brazil, South America.
Superintendent a n d . Minister: Territory: The State of so Paulo,
John Lipke. Brazil.
Address: Estacao Sao Bernardo,
South America.
Camillo Jose Pereira. Superintendent: J. G. KrOker.
Sec. and Treas.: August Pages.
Executive Committee: J. G.
NORTH BRAZIL MISSION. Kroeker, A. Pages, Richard
Siissmann, Max Rhode, R. Zim-
Established 1910. mermann.
Ministers: J. G. Kriiker, August
Territory: The States of Para- Rockel.
hyba, Rio Grande do Norte, Missionary Licentiate: Richard
Pianhy, Ceara, Maranhao, Pare, Siissmann.
Map of the
' A 7 z 4 TERRITORY dthe WEST
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C $ 0 U T I-1 S A
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luVIA. 1".
3Eas! Mission 8 Ilaitien f
45outii Conference 9 Porto Rico n
5 British Guiana Mission
91 9. 83 84 iS ro 6s

Vice-Pres., D. E. Wellman. town, British Guiana, South

Sec. and Treas., H. H. Cobban. America.
Executive Committee: U. Ben- J. J. Smith, Frederiksted, St.
der, D. E. Wellman, J. B. Beck- Croix, Danish West Indies.
ner, H. C. Goodrich, E. W. Snyder, S. A. Oberg, Box 77, Mayaguez,
B. E. Connerly, Wm. Steele, H. C. Porto Rico, West Indies.
J. Walleker, N. V. Willess, E. C. Pedro Cruz, Apartado 35, Mari-
Boger, H. H. Cobban, -E. C. Wood, ana, Cuba, West Indies.
A. F. Haines.

Union Book Depository: H. H. Cobban, Riversdale, Ja-

The Watchman Press, Rivers- maica, British West Indies.
dale, Jamaica. Mrs. H. H. Cobban, Riversdale,
Jamaica, British West Indies.
Sabbath-school Dept.: J. E. Anderson, Omaja, Cuba,
Sec., A. F. Haines. West Indies.
Mrs. Mildred Anderson, Omaja,
Young People's Dept.: Cuba, West Indies.
Sec., Mrs. H. H. Cobban. Harry C. Bond, Camaguey, Cuba,
West Indies.
MINISTERS. C. N. Moulton, Villa Duarte, San
Domingo, West Indies.
U. Bender, Riversdale, Jamaica, S. H. Carnahan, Cabanas, San
British West Indies. Claudio, Cuba, West Indies.
E. W. Snyder, Apartado 35, Mari- Guy F. Holmes, Minas, Camaguey,
anao, Cuba, West Indies. Cuba, West Indies.
E. C. Boger, 90 Brickdam, George- E. C. Wood, Riversdale, Jamaica,
town, British Guiana, South British. West Indies.
America. A. F. Haines, Riversdale, Jamaica,
I. P. Dillon, Apartado 164, Cama- British West Indies.
guey, Cuba, West Indies. N. C. Thornton, Riversdale, Ja-
T. L. M. Spencer, Pilot and Main maica, British West Indies.
Sts., New Amsterdam, British Arioste Pean, Port-au-Prince,
Guiana, South America. Hayti, West Indies.
J. H. Matthews, St. Johns, An- Mrs. Ida Carnahan,Cabanas, San
tigua, British West Indies. Claudio, Cuba, tes Indies.
H. C. J. Walleker, Charlotte Ama- Mrs. M. E. Stele, Box 77, Maya-
lie, St. Thomas, Danish West guez, Porto Rico, West Indies.
Indies. H. Beck, 90 Brickdam, George-
William. Steele, Box 77, Maya- town, British Guiana, South
guez Porto Rico, West Indies. America.
Philip Giddings,
' Roseau, Dominica, H. M. Betton, 90 Brickdam,
British West Indies. Georgetown, British Guiana,
J. Z. Walker, Cape Haitien, Haiti, South America.
West Indies. Blanche Haynes, 90 Brickdam,
F. G. Lane, 12 Calle Oeste, 9, Par- Georgetown, British Guiana,
raquia, Altagracia, Caracas, South America.
Venezuela, South America. Estaban Monteiiez, Box 77, Maya-
guez, Porto Rico, West Indies.
Albert Cochran,, Box 77, Maya-
Michel Nord Isaac, Cape Haitien, guez, Porto Rico, West Indies.
Haiti, West Indies. G. D. Raft', Box 77, Mayaguez,
T. J. Kennedy, 90 Brickdam, Porto Rico, West Indies.
Georgetown, British Guiana, Mrs. Mabel Walleker, Charlotte
South America. Amalie, St. Thomas, Danish
R. Hyder, 90 Brickdam, George- West Indies.


ENCE. Frank Cary, Northeast Bight,
Organized 1908. Bonacca, Spanish Honduras,
Central America.
Territory: British Honduras, Eleanor Bodden, Utilla, Spanish
Spanish Honduras, Guatemala, Honduras, Central America.
San Salvador. liable Bennet, La Ceiba, Spanish
Office Address: Apartado 218, Honduras, Central America.
Guatemala. City, Guatemala, .1. G. Pettey, Apartado 218, Guate-
Central America. mala City, Central America.
Mrs. J. G. Pettey, Apartado 218,
OFFICERS. Guatemala City, Central Amer-
Conference: Saint Clair Vargos, Apartado 218,
Pres., Sec., and Treas., N. V. Guatemala City, Central Amer-
Willess. ica.
Executive Committee: N. V. W. F. Hardt, No. 29, Ave. 4,
Willess, D. Haylock, A. Harding, Guatemala City, Central Amer-
S. J. Bennett, E. Elwin. ica.
Sabbath-school Dept.:
See., Alma Osgood, Lower Cays,
Bonacca, Spanish Honduras, Cen- JAMAICA CONFERENCE.
tral America.
Young People's Dept.: Organized 1903.
Sec., Alma Osgood. Territory: Island of Jamaica, Cay-
man Islands, and Turks Island,
MINISTER. West Indies.
Cable Address: Adventist,"
N. V. Willess, Apartado 218, Kingston.
' Guatemala City, Guatemala, Office Address: 58 James St.,
Central 'America. Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
Frank Cary, Northeast Bight,
Bonacca, Spanish Honduras, Conference:
Central America. Pres., D. E. Wellman, Rivers-
Alma Osgood, Lower Cays, Bon- dale, Jamaica, West Indies.
acca, Spanish Honduras, Central Sec. and Treas., William Hay-
America. ward.
Mrs. Jas. G. Pettey, Apartado Executive Committee: D. E.
218, Guatemala City, Central Wellman, Hubert Fletcher, W. H.
America. Randle, W. F. Burkley, C: C. Mc-
J. 0. Pettey, Apartado 218, Guate- Catty.
mala City, Central America. Tract Society:
W. F. Hardt, Apartado 218, Guate-
mala City, Central America. Sec. and Treas., William Hay-
Mrs. Lena H. Hardt, Apartado 218, ward.
Guatemala City, Central Amer- Sabbath-school Dept.:
ica. Sec., Mrs. D. E. Wellman,
D. Haylock, Apartado 218, Guate- Riversdale, Jamaica.
mala City, Central America.
Mrs. Eliza Perry, Apartado 218, Young People's Dept.:
Guatemala City, Central Amer- Sec., Mrs. D. E. Wellman,
ica. Riversdale, Jamaica.

MINISTERS. rington, Joseph Williams, A. N.

D. E. Wellman, Riversdale, Ja-
maica, West Indies. Sabbath-school Dept.:
H. J. Farman, 58 James St., Sec., P. C. Carrington, Arouca,
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Trinidad, West Indies.
Hubert Fletcher, Riversdale, Ja-
maica, West Indies. Young People's Dept.:
W. H. Randle, Say-la-mar, Ja- Sec., P. C. Carrington, Arouca,
maica, West Indies.
Trinidad, West Indies.
Linton Rashford, Old Harbour, Ja-
maica, West Indies. MINISTERS.

LICENTIATES. J. B. Beckner, 31 Dundonald St.,

Port of. Spain, Trinidad, West
S. U. Powell, Santa Cruz, Jamaica, Indies.
West Indies. E. C. Widgery, Bridgetown, Bar-
L. G. Mullings, 58 James St., bados. West Indies.
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. A. N. Durrant, Grenville, Grenada,
C. B. Meed, 58 James St., Kings- British West Indies.
ton, Jamaica, West Indies.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. P. C. Carrington, Arouca, Trini-
dad, British West Indies.
A. E. Speid, Port Antonio, Ja- A. G. Peart, Hillsboro, Carriacou,
maica, West Indies. via Grenada, West Indies.
Mrs. D. E. Wellman, Riversdale, N. H. Pool, 31 Dundonald St., Port
Jamaica, West Indies. of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies.
Julia Johnston, 58 James St.,
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Miss B. D. Moore, 31 Dundonald
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad,
British West Indies.
SOUTH CARIBBEAN CONFER- Mrs. E. C. Widgery, Bridgetown,
ENCE. Barbados, West Indies.
A. Riley, Toco, Trinidad, West
Organized 1006. Indies.
Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Gren- Geo. C. Hinkson, 31 Dundonald St.,
ada, The Grenadines, St. Vin- Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
cent, St Lucia, and Barbados, Indies.
with Venezuela as a mission Mrs. A. G. Peart, Hillsboro, Car-
field. riacou, via Grenada, West In-
Office Address: 31 Dundonald St., dies.
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
West Indies.
Conference: Organized 1906.
Pres., J. B. Beckner. Territory: Panama, Costa Rica,
Vice-Pres., E. C. Widgery, Nicaragua, St. Andrews, Old
Bridgetown, Barbados, West In- Providence, and Corn Islands.
dies. Cable Address: " Adventist," Co-
Sec. and Treas., Geo. C. Hinkson. lon.
Executive Committee: J. B. Office Address: Cristobal, Canal
Beckner, E. C, Widgery, P. C. Car- Zone, Panama,

Pres., H. C. Goodrich. E. C. Boger, 90 Brickdam, George-
Sec. and Treas., Chas. Degering. town, British Guiana, South
Executive Committee: H. C. America.
Goodrich, J. B. Stuyvesant, A. E. T. L. M. Spender, St. Johns St.,
Connor, P. C. Harvey, G. C. Jenks. New Amsterdam, British Gui-
ana, South America.
Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., Chas. Degering. LICENTIATES.
Field Miss. Agt., G. C. Jenks. T. J. Kennedy, 90 Brickdam,
Sabbath-schbol Dept.: Georgetown, British Guiana,
Sec., Mrs. H. C. Goodrich. South America.
R. Hyder, 90 Brickdam, George.
Young People's Dept.: town, British Guiana; South
Sec., Mrs. H. C. Goodrich. America.
H. C. Goodrich, Cristobal, Canal H. Beck, 90 Brickdam, George-
Zone, Panama. town, British Guiana, South
H. L. Mignott, Cristobal, Canal America.
Zone, Panama. Mrs. Bertha Boger, 90 Brickdam,
J. B. Stuyvesant, Casilla 20, San Georgetown, British Guiana,
Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer- South America.
B. E. Connerly, Box 85, Ancon, Ca- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
nal Zone, Panama. Miss Johanna Daw, 90 Brickdam,
Georgetown, British Guiana,
South America.
T. M. Brown, Bocas del Toro, Miss Blanche Haynes, 90 Brick-
Panama. dam, Georgetown, British Gui-
J. A. Reid, Bocas del Toro, Pan- ana South America.
ama. T. 3.5 Kennedy, 90 Brickdam,
A. E. Connor, Box 83, Port Limon, Georgetown, British Guiana,
Costa Rica, Central America. South America.
H. Beck, 90 Brickdam, George-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. town, British Guiana, South
A. J. Wright, Bluefields, Nica- America.
ragua, Central America.
Sheridan Archbold, Cristobal, Ca-
nal Zone, Panama. CUBAN MISSION.
Chas. Degering, Cristobal, Canal
Zone, Panama. Established 1905.
Territory: Cuba and Isle of Pines.
Cable Address: Ventistad, Ha-
BRITISH GUIANA MISSION. Office Address: Apartado 35, Mar-
Organized 1906. ianao, Cuba. West Indies.
Territory: British, Dutch, and
French Guiana. Director: E. W. Snyder, office ad-
Office Address: 90 Brickdam, dress.
Georgetown, British Guiana, Sabbath-school Sec.: Mrs. Mildred
South America. Anderson, Las Tunas, Oriente,
Superintendent: E. C. Boger. Cuba.

E. W. Snyder, Apartado 35, Mar- J. J. Smith, Frederiksted, St.
ianao, Cuba, West Indies. Croix, Danish West Indies.
I. P. Dillon, Apartado 164, Cama-
guey, Cuba, West Indies. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
LICENTIATE. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Shepherd, St.
Pedro Cruz, Apartado 35, Mari- Thomas, Danish West Indies.
anao, Cuba, West Indies.
J. E. Anderson, Las Tunas, Ori- HAITIEN MISSION.
ente, Cuba. Established 1905.
Mrs. Mildred Anderson, Las Tu-
nas, Oriente, Cuba. Territory: Republic of Haiti.
Guy Holmes, Minas, Prov. Cama- Address: Cape Haitien, Republic
guey, Cuba, West Indies. of Haiti.
S. H. Carnahan, Cabanas, Cuba, OFFICERS.
West Indies.
Mrs. Ida Fischer-Carnahan, Ca- Director: J., Z. Walker.
banas, Cuba, West Indies.
Chas. Franz, Minas, Prov. Cama- MINISTER.
guey, Cuba, West Indies.
J. Z. Walker.
J. E. Anderson, Las Tunas, Ori- LICENTIATE.
ente, Cuba, West Indies.
Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Las Tunas, Michel Nord Isaac.
Oriente, Cuba, West Indies. - MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
Arioste Pean.
Organized as a Mission 1909.
Territory: Virgin Islands, and Territory: Porto Rico and Santo
Leeward Islands to and includ- Domingo.
ing Martinique. Office Address: Box 77, Mayaguez,
Office Address: Charlotte Amalie, Porto Rico, West Indies.
St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. Director and Minister: Wm. Steele.
S. A. Oberg.
Superintendent: H. C. J. Wal-
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. Albert Cochran, Box 77, Maya-
Mabel Walleker. guez, Porto Rico, West Indies.
MINISTERS. Mrs. Millie E. Steele Box 77,
Mayaguez, Porto Rico, West
H. C. J. Walleker, Charlotte Indies.
Amalie, St. Thomas, Danish C. N. Moulton, Villa Duarte, Santo
West Indies. Domingo, West Indies.
J. H. Matthews, St. Johns, An- Geo. D. Raff, Box 77, Mayaguez,
tigua, British West Indies. Porto Rico, West Indies.
Philip Giddings, Roseau, Dominica, Esteban Montafiez, Box 77, Maya-
British West Indies. guez, Porto Rico, West Indies.
Set off in 1909.

Territory: China, Japan, Korea, ans, Box 523, U. S. Postal

Malay Peninsula, Philippine is- Agency, Shanghai, China.
lands, and Straits Settlements. Advisory Committee: I. H. Evans,
Cable Address: Adventist, Shang- F. H. DeVinney, C. L. Butter-
hai. field, L. V. Finster, G. F. Jones.
Postal Address: Box 523, U. S. Legal name under which property
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. is held: " The General Confer-
OFFICERS. ence Corporation of Seventh-day
Adventists; " Arthur C. Selmon,
General Superintendent: I. H. Ev- Attorney-in-Fact.

- 147
Established Igor.
Territory: China proper and de: EAST CHINA MISSION.
Cable address: Adventist, Shang- Organized 1909.
hai, China. Territory: Kiangsu, Chekiang, and
Office: P731 Pao Shing Li, North Anhuei Provinces.
Honan Road, Shanghai, China.
Postal Address: Box 523, U. S. Postal Address: Box 523, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Union Mission: Director: J. J. Westrup.
Supt., I. H. Evans. MINISTER.
Asst. Supt., A. C. Selmon. J. J. Westrup, Box 523, U. S.
Sec., W. E. Gillis. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Treas., C. N. Woodward.
China Union Mission Commit- LICENTIATE.
tee: I. H; Evans, A. C. Selmon, Frederick Lee, Nanking, China.
George Harlow, H. W. Miller, W.
C. Hankins, J. J. Westrup, F. A. ' MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Allum, R. F. Cottrell, B. L. Ander- Mrs. Bertha L. Selmon, M. D., Box
son. 523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shang-
hai, China.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Mrs. Bothilde Miller, Box 523, U. S.
Sec., Mrs. Louise H. Roberts. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Mrs. Fred Lee, Nanking, China.
Educational Dept.: Dr. M. M. Kay, Nanking, China.
Sec., B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, Mrs. Edwina Kay, Nanking, China.
Amoy, China. F. E. Stafford, Box 523, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Medical Miss. Dept.: Mrs. Nellie J. Stafford, Box 523,
Sec., Dr. H. W. Miller (on fur- U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
lough in U. S). China.
MINISTERS. Mrs. Huldah Westrup, Box 523,
U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
Dr. A. C. Selmon, Box 523, U. S. China.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
W. F. Hills, Box 523, U. S. Postal
Agency, Shanghai, China. NORTH CENTRAL CHINA
C. P. Lillie, Box 523, U. S. Postal MISSION.
Agency, Shanghai, China.
N. P. Keh, P 731 Pao Shing Li, Organized 1909.
North Honan Road, Shanghai,
China. Territory: Honan and Hu pe h
LICENTIATE. Postal Address: Chowkiakow, Ho-
W. E. Gillis, Box 523, U. S. Postal. nan, China.
Agency, Shanghai, China. OFFICERS.
B. A. Roberts, Mrs. Louise H. Rob- MINISTERS.
erts, Mrs. Helen A. Gillis, C. N.
Woodward, Miss Eunice LeMas- 'F. A. Allum, Chowkiakow, Honan,
ter, Mrs. W. F. Hills. China.

0. A. Hall, Chowkiakow, Honan, Miss Gertrude Thompson, British

China. Post Office, Canton, China:
LICENTIATE. Mrs. George Harlow, Canton,
Esta L. Miller, 5 Pao Shan Loo, China.
Hankow, China. August H. Bach, Pakhoi, Kwang-
tung, China.
Miss Pauline Schilberg, Chowkia- Kwangtung, China.
kow, Honan, China.
Mrs. Eva Allum, Chowkiakow, Ho-
nan, China.
Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Chowkiakow, Ho- SOUTH CENTRAL CHINA
nan, China. MISSION.
Miss Olive Osborne, Chowkiakow, Organized 1909.
Honan, China.
Dr. A. G. Larson, 20 Rue de Dau- Territory: Hunan and Kiangsi
tremer, Hankow, China. Provinces, China.
Mrs. A. G. Larson, 20 Rue de Dau- Postal Address: Changsha, Hunan,
tremer, Hankow, China. China.
Mrs. E. L. Miller, 5 Pao Shan Loo, Director and Minister: R. F. Cot-
Hankow, China. trell.
Licentiates 0. J. Gibson, C. T.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Myr-
SOUTH CHINA MISSION. tie B. Cottrell, Mrs. 0. J. Gibson,
S. C. Harris, Mrs. S. C. Harris.
Organized 1909.
Territory: Kwangtung (excepting
the northeastern part about SOUTHEAST CHINA MISSION.
Swatow), Kwangsi, and the is-
land of Hainan. Organized 1909.
Postal Address: Tung-hing-fong- Territory: Fukien, the northeast-
nam-yeak, Canton, China. ern part of Kwangtung Province
about Swatow, and the island of
OFFICERS. Formosa.
Director: George Harlow. Postal Address: Kulangsu, Amoy,
George Harlow, Canton, China. Director: W. C. Hankins.
E. H. Wilbur, Canton, China.
J. P. Anderson, Wai Chau Fit. via MINISTERS.
Canton, Kwangtung, China. W. C. Hankins and B. L. Anderson.
S. A. Nagel, Wai Chau Fu, via
Mrs. Bessie L. Hankins (on fur-
Canton, Kwangtung, China. lough).
Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Wai Chau Fu, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu,
via Canton, Kwangtung, China. Amoy.
Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Wai Chau Fu,
via Canton, Kwangtung, China.
Law Keem, Fat Shan, via Canton, OTHER MISSION FIELDS.
Mrs. Edith M. Law, Fat Shan, via Not Yet Organized.
Canton, China. Northwest China, North. China,
Miss Ida E. Thompson, British West China, Mongolia, Chinese
Post Office, Canton, China. Turkestan, and Thibet.
I .11
Territory: Japan. Mrs. F. H. DeVinney, 30 Oiwake-
Cable Address: Adventist, Tokyo, cho, Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Japan. Mr's. W. D. Burden, 846 Senda-
Office Address: 30 Oiwake-cho, gaya-machi Tokyo, Japan.
Mrs. Helen Benson,
' 846 Senda-
Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan. gaya-machi, Tokyo, Japan.
John N. Herboltzheimer, 6 of 7
OFFICERS. Ninomiya-cho, 4-chome, Kobe,
Mission: Japan.
Mrs. John N. Herboltzheimer, 6 of
Supt., F. H. DeVinney. 7 Ninomiya-cho, 4-chome, Kobe,
Sec. and Treas., Chas. N. Lake. Japan.
Advisory Committee: F. H. De- Miss Etta Cornish, 846 Sendagaya-
Vinney, H. F. Benson, W. D. Bur- machi, Tokyo, Japan.
den, T. H. Okohira, H. Kuniya, K. Chas. N. Lake, Koji-rnachi ku,
Noma. Dote, No: 1 Sanban-cho, Tokyo,
Tract Society: Japan.
Mrs. Chas. N. Lake, Koji-machi ku,
Sec. and Treas., Chas. N. Lake. Dote, No. 1 Sanban-cho, Tokyo,
Field Miss. Agt., W. D. Burden, Japan.
846 Sendagaya-machi, Tokyo, Ja- Mrs. W. L. Foster, Karakasa, Yo-
pan. ba,ncho, No. 64 Shinyashi Ki,
Sabbath-school Dept.: Kumamoto, Japan.
See., T. H. Okohira, 856 Sen-
dagaya-machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Young People's Dept.: KOREAN MISSION.
See., H. Kuniya, 846 Sendagaya- Established 1908.
machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Asst. Sec., John N. Herboltz- Territory: Korea.
heimer, 6 of 7 Ninomiya-cho, Cable Address: Adventist, Seoul,
chome, Kobe, Japan. Korea.
Office Address: Seoul, Korea.
F. H. DeVinney, 30 Oiwake-cho,
Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan. Mission:
T. H. Okohira, 856 Sendagaya- Supt., C. L. Butterfield.
maehi, Tokyo, Japan. Sec. and Treas., H. A. Oberg.
H. Kuniya, 846 Sendagaya-machi, Advisory Committee: C. L. But-
Tokyo, Japan. terfield, W. R. Smith, Riley Rus-
W. D. Burden, 846 Sendagaya- sell, FL M. Lee, Ne Kun Ok, Kim
machi, Tokyo, Japan. Ku Hyok.
LICENTIATES. Tract Society:
Sec., Mimi Seharffenberg.
H. F. Benson, 846 Sendagaya-ma- Treas., Kim Pong Ku.
chi, Tokyo, Japan. Field Miss. Agt., H. A. Oberg.
W. L. Foster, Karakasa, Yobancho,
No. 64 Shinyashi Ki, Kumamoto, Sabbath-school Dept.:
Japan. See., Mimi Scharffenberg.

Educational Dept.: Borneo, Celebes, New Guinea

Sec., H. M. Lee. (except British and German),
and the lesser islands of the
Medical Miss. Dept.: East Indies.
Sec., Riley Russell, M. D.
C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Korea.
W. R. Smith, Wonsan, Korea. Address: 50 Goenoeng Sahari We-
Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan, Ko- tan, Weltevreden, Java, Dutch
rea. East Indies.
LICENTIATES. Missionary Licentiates: G. A.
Wood, J. Van de Groep, Miss P.
H. M. Lee, Soonan, Korea. Tunheim, Mrs. G. A. Wood, E. E.
R. C. Wangerin, Keizan, Korea. Thorpe, Mrs. E. E. Thorpe, T. J.
Roberts, E. K. Hungerford, H. E.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sharp, Mrs. J. Sisley-Sharp,
May Lambert.
Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, Seoul, Mission School: G. A. Wood and
Korea. Mrs. G. A. Wood in charge; lan-
Miss May Scott, Soonan, Korea. guages, Javanese, Malay, Eng-
Mrs. W. R. Smith, Wonsan, Korea. lish.
Mrs. R. Russell, Soonan, Korea. Address: Soemberwekas, Prigen,
Mrs. R. C. Wangerin, Keizan, Ko- via Bangil, Java, Dutch East
rea. Indies.
Mrs. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Ko-
Mrs. Carrie Lee, Soonan, Korea.
H. A. Oberg, Seoul, Korea. SINGAPORE MISSION.
Cable Address: Advent, Singapore.
Address: 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Singa-
pore, Straits Settlements.
SION. Ministers: G. F. Jones, B.. P.
Territory: Philippine Islands and Montgomery.
the Sulu Archipelago. Licentiate: W. W. Fletcher (on
Cable Address: Adventist, Manila, furlough in Australia).
Philippine Islands. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G.
Address: 613 Nozaleda, Manila, F. Jones, Mrs. IN. W. Fletcher
Philippine Islands. (on furlough in Australia), Mrs.
Director: L. V. Finster. R. P. Montgomery.
Ministers: L. V. Finster, E. M. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. G.
Adams. F. Jones.
Missionary Licentiates. R. A.
Caldwell, Mrs. R. A. Caldwell,
Mrs. E. M. Adams, F. Ashbaugh,
Mrs. L. V. Finster. SUMATRA MISSION.
Address: Padang, West Coast .
Sumatra, Netherlands, East In-
Connection with Asiatic Division Director and Treasurer: B. Judge.
to date from Jan. 1, 1912.
Territory: Singapore and the Ma- Missionary Licentiates: Bernard
lay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Judge, Miss C. Judge.
Organized igio.
Territory: India, Burma, and W. E. Perrin, W. R. French, V. L.
Ceylon. Mann.
Cable Address: Adventist, Luck- Legal Assn.: "India Financial
now. Assn. of S. D. A." Pres., G. F.
General Office: 19 Banks Road, Enoch; Sec. and Treas., J. L.
Lucknow, India. Shaw.
Field Miss. Agt., C. E. Weaks.
OFFICERS. Medical Sec., V. L. Mann.
Mission: Sabbath-school Sec., Mrs. E. E.
Supt., J. L. Shaw. Bruce, Annfield House, Mussoorie,
Sec., C. E. Weaks. India.
Treas., Mrs. M. M. Quantock. MINISTERS.
Advisory Committee: J. L. Shaw,
C. E. Weaks, H. H. Votaw, J. S. J. L. Shaw, 19 Banks Road, Luck-
James, G. F. Enoch, L. J. Burgess, now, India.



G. K. Owen, Annfield House, Mus- OFFICERS.

soorie, India.
G. W. Pettit, 19 Banks Road, Supt., W. R. French.
Lucknow, India. Advisory Committee: W. R.
J. M. Corner, 19 Banks Road, French, W. A. Barlow, A. G. Wat-
Lucknowy India. son, L. G. Mookerjee.
C. E. Weaks, 19 Banks Road,
Lucknow, India. W. R. French, 75 Park St., Cal-
V. L. Mann, 19 Banks Road, Luck- cutta, India.
now, India.
W. S. Mead, 19 Banks Road, Luck- LICENTIATES.
now, India.
W. A. BarloW, Bobomohal, E. I.
Ry., India.
Mrs. J. L. Shaw, 19 Banks Road, L. G. Mookerjee, 26 Creek Row,
Lucknow, India. Calcutta, India.
Mrs. C. E. Weaks, 19 Banks Road, A. G. Watson, Gopalganj, East
Lucknow, India. Bengal, India.
W. E. Perrin, 19 Banks Road,
F. 0. Raymond, 75 Park St., Cal-
cutta, India. Miss Della Burroway, Mrs. W. A.
Mrs. M. M. Quantock, 19 Banks Barlow, Mrs. W. R. French, R.
Road, Lucknow, India. A. Leech, Mrs. M. B. Leech, Miss
J. H. Reagan, 75 Park St., Cal- C. M. Brunson, Mrs. L. G. Mook-
cutta, India. erjee, Miss L. M. Scholz.
Mrs. Edith E. Bruce, Annfield
House, Mussoorie, India.
Miss A. Boardman, 75 Park St.,
Calcutta, India. BURMA MISSION.
P. C. Foley, 19 Banks Road, Luck-
now, India. Organized 1910.
Marion Belchambers, 19 Banks
Road, Lucknow, India. Territory: Burma.
Mrs. V. L. Mann, 19 Banks Road, Address: 60 Lower Kemmendine
Lucknow, India. Road, Kemmendine, Burma.
Peter A. Rick 19 Banks Road,
Lucknow, India. OFFICERS.
Rachel W. Jones, 19 Banks Road,
Lucknow, India. Supt., H. H. Votaw.
Mrs. G. W. Pettit, 19 Banks Road, Advisory Committee: H. H.
Lucknow, Votaw, R. B. Thurber, R. A.
Mrs. J. M. Corner, 19 Banks Road, Beckner, A. W. Steevens, U.
Lucknow, India. Maung Mating.
Mrs. W. S. Mead, 19 Banks Road,
Lucknow, India. MINISTERS.

BENGAL MISSION. H. H. Votaw, 60 Lower Kemmen-

dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma.
Organized 1910. R. B. Thurber, Meiktila, Burma.
Territory: Comprising areas where LICENTIATE.
the following languages are
spoken: Bengali, Oriya,, Santali, R. A. Beckner, " Civil. Lines,"
and Assamese. Mandalay, Burma.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Address: Nazareth Post-office,

Tinnevelly District, South India.
Mrs. Caroline Votaw, U. Maung
Maung, David Hpola, Mrs. R. OFFICERS.
B. Thurber, Miss Mary Gibbs, Supt., J. S. James.
Mrs. A. E. P. Rae, Mrs. R. A. Advisory Committee: J. S.
Beckner, Dr. 011ie Oberholtzer- James, G. G. Lowry, Edward
Tornblaad (Thamakan, S. S. S., Thomas.

NORTH INDIA MISSION. J. S. James, G. G. Lowry (Trichi-

nopoly, South India).
Organized 1910.
Territory: Comprising areas where
the following languages are Mrs. G. G. Lowry (Trichinopoly,
spoken: Hindi (including Hin- South India), Mrs. Minnie
dustani, Bihari, Rajasthani, James, Edward Thomas.
Punjabi, and Sindhi).
Supt., L. J. Burgess (Dwarikhal,
Garwhal District, India).
Advisory Committee: L. J. Bur- WEST INDIA MISSION.
gess, S. A. Wellman, J. L. Shaw,
C. E. Weaks. Organized 1910.
Territory: Comprising areas where
MINISTER. the following languages are
S. A. Wellman, 19 Banks Road, spoken: Marathi and Gujarati.
Lucknow, Address: Bellasis Road, Byculla,
Bombay, India.
L. J. Burgess, Mrs. Georgia A.
Burgess, Miss V. E. Chilton, Mrs. Supt., G. F. Enoch.
A. O'Connor, Mrs. S. A. Well- Advisory Committee, G. F.
man, Miss B. A. Kurtz, Miss Enoch, A. G. Kelsey, J. L. Shaw.
M. B. Shryock.
G. F. Enoch.
Organized 1910. A. G. Kelsey, Lonavla, Bombay
Territory: Comprising areas where Presidency, India.
the following languages are MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
spoken: Tamil, Telugu, Kan-
arese, Malayalam, and Singha- Mrs. G. F. Enoch, Mrs. A. G. Kel-
lese, and including Ceylon. sey, Miss Nellie Wagner, Miss
Elinora Reid.
Under General Conference Direction.


Mrs. Lena E. Williams, 767 Kinau

Entered 1909. St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Terri-
Territory: The Bahama Islands.
Address: Box 473, Nassau, Ba-
hama Islands.
Minister: W. A. Sweany. MEXICO.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. Territory: The Republic of Mex-
A. Sweany, Miss Ella Burrowes. ico.
Office: No. 1420, Avenida 20, Ta-
cubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Territory: The Bermuda Islands.
Address: Box 144, Hamilton, Ber- Mission:
muda Islands. Director and Treas., G. W. Cav-
Worker in charge: R. Loasby, Mis- iness, 1599 Avenida 22, Tacubaya,
sionary Licentiate and Teacher. D. F., Mexico.
Sabbath-school Secretary: T. Mc- Advisory Board: G. W. Cavi-
Kay Doe, Box 113, Hamilton, ness, W. S. Swayze, J. W. Erken-
Bermuda. beck, Julius Paulson.
Book Depository:
Mexican Pub. House, 1420 Ave-
CANARY ISLANDS MISSION. nida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Manager, H. A. Peebles.
Opened 1911. Field Miss. Agt., J. A. P. Green. -
Address: Las Palmas, Grand Ca- Sabbath-school Dept.:
naria, Canary Islands. Sec., Mrs. Alice M. Swayze, 60
Missionary Licentiates: B. B. Ald- Avenida Libertad, Guadalajara,
rich, Mrs. B. B. Aldrich. Mexico.

HAWAIIAN MISSION. G. W. Caviness, Avenida 22, Ntni.

1599, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Established 1895.
AddreSs: 767 Kinau St., Honolulu, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Hawaiian Territory.
Mrs. G. W. Caviness, Avenida 22,
OFFICERS. Num. 1599, Tacubaya, D. F.,
Supt., C. D. M. Williams. Juan Robles, lla Hidalgo 14, San
Sabbath-school Sec., Mrs. Lena Luis Potosi, Mexico.
E. Williams. S. Marchisio, Avenida 20, Num.
MINISTER. 1420, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Antonio Sauchez, Salinacruz, Oax-
C. D. M. Williams, 767 Kinau St., aca, Mexico.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory. H. L. Rawson, Monterrey, Mexico.

J. A. P. Green, 1420 Avenida 20, Educational Dept.:

Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Sec., T. M. French.
H. A. Peebles, 1420 Avenida 20,
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. MINISTERS.
D. C. Babcock, Freetown, Sierra
T. M. French, Freetown, Sierra
Dr. J. W. Erkenbeck, Hotel Amer- Leone, West Africa.
icano, Ameca, E. de Jalisco,
Dr. W. S. Swayze, Avenida Liber- F. S. Bolton, Freetown, Sierra
tad, No. 60, Guadalajara, Mex- Leone, West Africa.
ico. R. P. Dauphin, Freetown, Sierra
Dra. Alice M. Swayze, Avenida Leone, West Africa.
Libertad, No. 60, Guadalajara, C. E. F. Thompson, Freetown,
Mexico. Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Dr. U. C. Fattebert, Estacion Rin- W. H. Lewis, Freetown, Sierra
con, Mexico. Leone, West Africa.
Dra. Petra B. Toral de Colunga,
Arteaga No. 24, San Pedro, E. I. W. Harding, Freetown, Sierra
de Coah, Mexico. Leone, West Africa.

Mrs. D. C. Babcock, Freetown,
Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Freetown,
Address: Freetown, Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
West Africa. Mrs. R. P. Dauphin, Freetown,
Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Mrs. I. W. Harding, Freetown,
Mission Director, D. C. Bacbock. Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. D. C. Bab- M. W. Randall, Freetown, Sierra
cock. Leone, West Africa.
Advisory Committee: D. C. Bab- Henry Lynch, Waterloo, Sierra
cock, T. M. French, C. E. F. Leone, West Africa.
Thompson, W. H. Lewis, J. E.
Hartley, J. A. During. Mrs. F. S. Bolton, Freetown, Sierra
Leone, West Africa.
Sabbath-school Dept.: Mrs. C. E. F. Thompson, Freetown,
Sec., Mrs. D. C. Babcock. Sierra Leone, West Africa.
At the convention called by the Educational Department of the
General Conference, and held at College View, Nebr., June 28 to July
10, 1906, it was recommended that the work of the Intermediate Schools,
Academies, and Colleges, be organized upon a unit basis. A unit means
one study, twelve weeks, five days in the week, with recitation periods
as follows: Intermediate schools, thirty minutes; Academies, forty
minutes; Colleges, forty-five minutes. Requirements for entrance to,
and completion of, the various courses are as follows:
Age at Requirements for
Entrance Completion.
Intermediate Course 14 90 units
Academic Course 16 66 units
College Courses 18 60 units
Training Courses:
For Ministers, Missionaries, and Bible
Workers 20 36 units
For Missionary Teachers 18 39 units
For Preparatory Medical Students 18 36 units
For Music Teachers 16 48 units
For Business Workers 16 36 units
For Stenographers and Secretaries 16 33 units
For Nurses' Courses, the course of in-
struction and training given in our
sanitariums 18
Relation of Courses
Church-school Academy College
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
78 9 10

Lists of church-schools and teachers will be found in connection with
directories of the Conferences in which such schools are located. Direc-
tories of Colleges, Academies, and Intermediate Schools follow.

(Colleges, Academies, and Intermediate Schools, in Alphabetical Order.)

Holly, Mich.
Addington, Okla.
Established 1904.
Established 1909.
Board: E. W. Johnston, 0. M. Corporate Name: Adelphian Acad-
Cloniger, C. W. Robinson, W. B. emy Association.
Etchison, C. L. Kinder, S. M. Board of Trustees: H. H. Burk-
McBee, H. G. Sims. holder (Chairman), C. L. Tay-
Faculty: Principal, H. L. Wilcox; lor (Sec.), A. R. Sandborn, Del-
Miss Nora Morgan, Miss mar P. Wood, 0. D. Kittle,
Georgie Olson. Frank Hiner.

Management: C. L. Taylor, Busi- mestic Science, and Hydrother-

ness Manager; Tillie E. Barr, apy; J. W. Summey, Industrial
Treas. Foreman; Childs Glembin,
Faculty: C. L. Taylor, Principal, Broom-making; E. C. Willett,
Bible, Testimonies, History; House Painting.
Marion L. Kelley, Preceptor,
Commercial Department; Lu-
cena M. Iden, Preceptress, Eng-
lish; Mrs. Marion L. Kelley, ALPHARETTA INTERMEDIATE
Matron, Musical Department; SCHOOL.
Herbert S. Mould, Mathematics,
Spanish; Mrs. C. L. Taylor, Alpharetta, Ga.
Sewing a n d Dressmaking; Established 1910.
Henry M. Forshee, Science; Mrs.
Henry M. Forshee, Primary Board: C. B. Stephenson (Pres.),
Department; Tillie E. Barr, S. T. Shadel, W. F. Fulbright,
Treas., Operating Department. J. E. Bowen, Mrs. J. R. Brooke
Industrial Department: C. L. Tay- (Sec.).
lor, Supt.; Herbert S. Mould, Principal: A. W. Spaulding.
Carpentry; Mrs. Marion L. Kel-
ley, Culinary Science; Lucena
M. Iden, Domestic Science; Mrs.
C. L. Taylor, Dressmaking; Car-
ter E. Ledford, Agriculture; AMES ACADEMY.
Howard A. May, Tent-making;
Howard H. Hicks, Printing. Eagle, Idaho.
Established 1909.

ALBERTA INDUSTRIAL ACAD- Board of Managers: J. M. Wil-

loughby (Pres.), T. L. Cope-
EMY. land (Sec.), A. C. Bird, A. Moon,
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. T. E. Yeakel.
Faculty: S. L. Frost, Principal,
Established 1907. Academic Grades; G. C. George,
Preceptor, Asst. Academic and
Board of Managers: C. A. Bur- Intermediate Grades; Mrs. G.
man (Chairman), J. I. Beards- C. George, Preceptress, Asst. In-
ley (Sec.), P. P. Adams, F. L. termediate Grades; Mrs. S. L.
Hommel, L. T. Heaton, Henry Frost, Piano, Organ, and Voice;
Humann, Chas. Rick; Henry Mrs. Eunice Letts, Matron; Miss
Block. Fedalma Ragan, Primary
Faculty: J. I. Beardsley, Principal, Grades.
Business Manager, Preceptor, (Nov. 22, 1911, fire destroyed the
Science; Mrs. Leona Burman, Ames Academy building, with a
Secretary, English, and Geog- loss of about $20,000. " Ar-
raphy; P. P. Adams, Bible and rangements will be made to con-
History; R. E. Robinson, Math- tinue the school work.")
ematics; C. C. Neufeld, German Later: The " North Pacific Union
Department; Mrs. A. J. Beards- Gleaner," of Dec. 28, 1911, re-
ley, Assistant in Science and ports that, occasioned by the
Mathematics; Miss May Knut- loss noted above, two schools
son, Assistant in English; Mrs. are now being operated, Prof.
P. P. Adams, Instrumental Mu- S. L. Frost in charge of the one
sic; Miss Selina S'helstad, Pri- at Eagle, Idaho, and Prof. G. C.
mary Department; Miss Essie George in charge of a new
Barber, Matron-Preceptress, Do- school at Union, Oregon.

ARMONA ACADEMY. Food Dept.; F. W. Reekie, Supt.

of Farm; Miss I. B. Tur-
Armona, Cal. ner, Cooking; Miss Rhae Allbon,
Established 1906. Sloyd; Mrs. M. A. Arthur, Sew-
ing and Store; T. Escreet,
Board of Management: J. H. Behr- Blacksmithing and Engineering;
ens (Chairman), J. L. Jones, Nis F. L. Chaney, Carpentry; T. M.
Hansen, W. F. Bond (Sec.), J. E. G. Lister, Electrical Engineer-
Hackney, P. Rosenfeld, R. H. ing; J. Gillis, Horticulture; Ed-
Schwartz, A. Sehlotthauer. ward Rosendahl, Accountant.
Faculty: J. L. Jones, Principal,
Bible, Mathematics; Mrs. J. L.
Jones, English, Latin; I. R. Ab- BATTLE CREEK INDUSTRIAL
bott, Science, History; Miss ACADEMY.
Louise Wood, Intermediate
Dept.; Mrs. Nora Larimore, Pri- Battle Creek, Mich.
mary Dept.
Established 1904.
Board: Wm. Heffley (Chairman),
COLLEGE. Faculty: Eugene Leland, Prin-
cipal, Bible, Science, History;
(Formerly the Avondale School Mrs. Harriet Heffley, Bible,
for Christian Workers.) Mathematics, Language; Miss
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Mildred Wilson, Grammar
Grades; Miss. Alice Kelsea, In-
Established 1894. termediate Grades; Miss Flor-
Board: J. E. Fulton (Pres.), A. H. ence Howell, Primary Grades,
Piper, Dr. F. C. Richards, B. F. and Instructor in Music and
- Drawing.
Machlan, L. A. Hoopes, G. S.
Fisher, C. H. Pretyman.
Faculty: B. F. Machlan, Principal,
Pedagogics; L. A. Hoopes, Bible BEECHWOOD MANUAL TRAIN-
and History of Missions; T. Es- ING ACADEMY.
creet, Preceptor; Dr. M. M.
Freeman, Physiology and Hy- Fairland, Ind.
giene; C. H. Schowe, Greek and Established 1902.
Music; Mrs. C. II. Schowe, Pre-
- ceptress and Domestic Economy; Educational Board: 0. Montgom-
Miss Isabella B. Turner, Matron, ery (Pres.), W. P. Cunningham,
Assistant in Science. Assistant W. L. Avery, Wm. Applegate,
Teachers: F. L. Chaney, Mrs. S. L. Strickler, M. D.
F. L. Chaney, H. M. Blunden, Management: W. L. Avery, Busi-
Miss G. Machlan, Miss Rhae All- ness Manager; Burton Castle,
bon, Normal Dept. Treas. "
Special Lecturers: J. E. Fulton, Faculty: W. L. Avery, Principal,
Missions and Mission Work; Bible, History; Burton Castle,
Dr. Franklin Richards and Dr. Preceptor, Bible, and Science;
Eulalia Richards, Healthful Liv- Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Precept-
ing. ress, Language, and Bible; Miss
Business and Industrial Depart- Martha Bailey, Matron, Lan-
ments: B. F. Machlan, Business guage and Geography; Mrs.
Manager; J. D. K. Aitken, Su- Burton Castle, Bible and Hydro-
perintendent of Avondale Press; therapy; U. S. Clymer, Mathe-
E. J. Giblett, Supt. of Health matics.

Industrial Department: W. L. Faculty: G. E. Nord, Principal, Bi-

Avery, Agriculture; U. S. Cly- ble; J. M. Erikson, History, Bi-
mer, Mechanics; Miss Martha ble, Swedish, Greek; A. G.
Bailey, Domestic Science; Mrs. Goude, Preceptor, English, Ger-
W. L. Avery, Sewing. man, Mathematics, Science;
Teckla Nelson, Assistant in
English, Latin, Stenography;
Ruth Nelson, Piano and Organ;
BETHEL ACADEMY. C. H. Mattson, Gardening and
Bethel, Wis. Carpentry; Edith Nord-Matt-
son, Preceptress, Physiology,
Established 1899. Hydrotherapy, Nursing.
Educational Board: W. H. Thurs-
ton (Pres.), S. M. Christiansen,
J. C. McChesney, C. G. Allen, C. CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY.
L. Stone, John Cutler, Frank
Foote. Cedar Lake, Mich.
Faculty: C. L. Stone, Principal, Established 1899.
General Business Manager,
Bible; G. R. Fattic, Preceptor, Board of Managers: J. J. Irwin
History, Civics; Miss Amy G. (Chairman), R. U. Garrett (Sec.
Foote, Preceptress and Matron; and Treas.), S. E. Wight, M. C.
Mrs. C. L. Stone, Sewing and Guild, J. J. Evans, Jas. Root, U.
Drawing; N. C. Bungor, Mathe- S. Struble.
matics, Science, and Bookkeep- Faculty: R. U. Garrett, Principal
ing; Miss Maude Warren, In- and Business Manager, Bible,
strumental Music; Miss Mary L. History, Mathematics;. L. C.
Tuley, English. Shepard, Preceptor, Bible, Math-
ematics, Bookkeeping; Aimee
DuBois, Preceptress, Bible, Eng-
lish, German; Anna S. Garton,
BETHEL GIRLS' SCHOOL. Bible, Science, Music; Mrs. L. C.
Shepard, Primary Dept..; Mrs.
Address: British Post-office, Can- E. L. Jacques, Matron; E. -L.
ton, China. Jacques, Farm Superintendent.
Established 1909.
Faculty: Principal ; Treas.,
George Harlow, Tung-hing-fong- CHINA UNION TRAINING
narn-yuek, Canton, China. SCHOOL.
Chowkiakow, Honan, China.
Established 1910.
INARY. Faculty: F. A. Allum, Miss Paul-
ine Schilberg, Mrs. 0. A. Hall,
(Incorporated under 'laws of C. C. Kung.
R. F. D. r, Box zo, La Grange, Ill.
Established 1910.
Board of Trustees. Allen Moon, Kenilworth, near Cape Town,
0. A. Olsen, S. Mortenson, G. E. South Africa.
Nord, W. H. Thurston, Win.
Covert, S. E. Wight, E. K. Slade, Established 1892.
E. J. Boo, Martin Pearson, Board of Trustees: R. C. Porter
Aaron G. Lundell. (Chairman), J. V. Willson (Sec-

retary), W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Ed- lion, Advanced German, Pre-

ined, Geo. Thomason, I. J. Han- ceptor; J. F. Simon, German
kins, C. P. Crager (Treasurer), Language, History; Winnie P.
W. H. Anderson, H. Buffers, G. Hunt, English Language; Paul
H. Clark. Hennig, Mathematics, Science;
Faculty: C. P. Crager, Principal, R. Deutschmann, Commercial
Bible and Science; R. G. Ryan, Department; Mrs. E. N. Barth,
Intermediate and Industrial De- Preceptress; 0. S. Beltz, Voice
partments; Mrs. 0. B. Hatton, Culture, Harmony, Orchestra;
Matron; Miss M. E. Robertson, Anna Ray Simpson, Piano; Ma-
Preceptress; Helen M. Hyatt, rie E. Hardt, Organ; Grace Boss,
Preparatory and Normal De- Church School.
partments; John Birkenstock,
Dut eh Department; Nelly
Schonken, Music Department.


SCHOOL. Established 1910.
Clearwater Lake, Wis. Board of Managers: R. A. Under-
wood, S. E. Jackson, L. H. Chris-
Established 1906. tian, M. L. Andreasen, P. M.
Board: W. H. Thurston, F. F. Hanson, Lars Nielson, Alf. Jen-
Stebbeds, S. C. Hannon, H. Pet- sen, M. Ruskjer, A. P. Hansen.
erson, E. A. Tyler. Faculty: M. L. Andreasen, Prin-
Faculty: S. C. Hannon, Principal; cipal, Bible; P. E. Berthelsen,
Miss Ruby McSparren, Primary History, Science; J. M. Peter-
Department; Mrs. Nettie White, son, Language, Literature; M.
Assistant Teacher and Matron. S. Reppe, Norwegian Language,
History; M. Johnson, Mathemat-
ics; 0. A. Linnereu, Music;
Laura Neilsen, Matron and Pre-
CLINTON GERMAN SEM- ceptress; N. H. Olsen, Preceyr=
INARY. tor; Geo. Axelsen, Industrial!

Clinton, Mo.
Established 1910.
Heidelberg, West Australia,
Board of Managers: E. T. Russell Australia.
(Chairman), G. F. Watson, 0. A. Established 1907.
Olsen, G. F. Haffner, G. A.
Grauer, L. W. Terry Chas. Leer, Board of Managers: W. L. H.
W. F. Kennedy, E. C. Witzke, D. Baker, R. W. Brown, C. E. Ash-
Voth, H. S. Osterloh, H. A. Auf- croft, G. H. Palmateer, R. H.
derhar, H. A. Schneider. Constandt.
Executive Committee: E. T. Rus- Trustees: G. Chapman, L. Moul-
sell, G. A. Grauer, L. W. Terry, ton, James Clarke, C. E. Ash-
E. C. Witzke, W. F. Kennedy, croft, R. Howie.
G. F. Haffner. Faculty: Principal, R. W. Brown;
Faculty: G. A. Grauer, President, Assistant Teachers, H. R. Mar-
Bible, Ministers' Training; E. C. tin; Preceptor, A. Mountain;
Witzke, Latin, Greek, Hebrew; Matron, Mrs. Brown; Mrs. A.
J. F. Harder, Bible; Carl Gal- Mountain; Miss K. Giblett,

EASTERN COLORADO Laura Foster-Rathbun, English;

ACADEMY. Burton E. Huffman, Preceptor,
Bible, Science; F. Otto Rathbun,
R. F. D. 3, Loveland, Colo. Mathematics, Printing; Mrs.
Lou K. Curtis, Latin; Mrs. Ma-
Established 1907. bel L. Huffman, Piano, Organ,
Board of Trustees: C. R. Kite Theory of Music; Mrs. Roberta
(Pres.), E. G. Salisbury (Sec.), Graf, History; Olive Siemann,
EL A. Aufderhar, J. S. Rouse, Normal Training School; Ber-
G. M. Alway, W. A. Hankins, nard P. Foote, Registrar, Short-
H. M. J. Richards, Robert Beaird. hand, Typewriting; Fred Green,
Faculty: E. G. Salisbury, Science Assistant Business Manager;
and Mathematics; W. G. Wirth, Roy B. King, Agricultural Sci-
Bible, History, and Language; ence; Mrs. M. C. White, Matron,
Miss Mary Miles, English and Cooking; Bessie Steen, Painting,
Testimonies; P. V. Thomas, Drawing; Gurnie K. Young,
Commercial and Grammar De- Spanish; J. Drury Reavis, Gui-
partments; R. E. Price, Assist. tar, Mandolin, Cornet.
ant in Grammar Department; Industrial Faculty: 0. J. Graf,
Mrs. E. G. Salisbury, Manual Supt.; J. H. Haughey, Horticul-
Training and Hydrotherapy; ture, Apiculture; R. B. King,
Miss Eugenie Covert, Piano and General Agriculture; F. 0. Rath-
Latin; Mrs. E. M. Whittemore, bun, Printing; Herbert Camp-
Domestic Science; Miss Nannie bell, Fruit-growing, Gardening;
Parker, Primary Department. Ernest U. Ayars, Woodwork,
Carpentry; Edward A. Piper,
Mechanics, Plumbing; Fred
Green, Grounds; Mrs. Lou K.
EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COL- Curtis, Proof-reading; Mrs. M.
LEGE. C. White, Cooking; Rena A.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Klooster, Sewing.
Legal Title: " Emmanuel Mission-
ary College, Incorporated."
Established 1901. ESTRADA PALMA SCHOOL.
Board of Trustees: Allen Moon,
S. E. Wight, 0. J. Graf, J. H. Cabaiias, Cuba, West Indies.
Haughey, G. E. Langdon, W. H. Established 1909.
Thurston, E. A. Bristol, W. H.
Edwards, 0. Montgomery, H. H. Faculty: Mrs. Ida Fischer-Carna-
Burkholder, J. B. Blosser, J. J. han, Principal; S. H. Carnahan,
Irwin. Commercial Dept.; Maria Ama-
Officers of the Board: Pres., Allen dor, Primary Dept.; Manuel
Moon; Vice-Pres., S. E. Wight; Avila, Industrial Dept.; Warren
Treas., 0. J. Graf; Sec., J. H. Campbell, Business Manager.
Faculty: President, Otto J. Graf,
History, Philosophy; Joseph H.
Haughey, Mathematics, Ancient FERNANDO ACADEMY.
Languages; E. L. Stewart, Bible,
Public Speaking Olen R. San Fernando, Cal.
Cooper, M. D., 'Natural and Established 1902.
Physical Sciences; Benjamin B.
Smith, Commercial Department; Board of Management: E. E. An-
Myrta M. Kellogg, Normal De- dross (Pres.), H. G. Lucas (Sec.-
partment; Alma J. Graf, Pre- Treas.), C. E. Ford, E. J. Hib-
ceptress, German, Voice; Mrs. bard; J. W. McCord, A. G,

Christianson, Dr. M. A. McEl- E. Kern, M. E. Olsen, H. R. Sal-

hany. isbury, G. H. Heald, G. W.
Faculty: Harry G. Lucas, Prin- Chase, H. E. Rogers, S. E. Mc-
cipal, Commercial Department, Neill, Hattie B. Howell, Eva L.
German, Business Manager; Bowen.
Elder E. J. Hibbard, Bible, His-
tory, and Public Speaking; S.
Parker Smith, Sciences, Latin; FOREST HOME INDUSTRIAL
Lillis Wood-Starr, M. D., Sci- ACADEMY.
ences, Spanish; B. B. Davis,
Normal Supervisor; Mrs. Harry Mt. Vernon, Wash.
G. Lucas, Shorthand and Dress-
making Departments; W. S. Established 1904.
Boynton, Preceptor, Mathemat-
ics, Gardening; Miss Emily A. Board of Managers: J. W. Boyn-
Johnson, English; Miss Irma ton (Chairman), 0. C. Hollen-
Edna Lewis, Vocal and Instru- beck (Sec.), J. E. Graham, Wm.
mental Music; Miss Ada Somer- McMoran, D. D. Rees.
set, Assistant Normal Depart- Faculty: D. D. Rees, Principal,
ment; Mrs. B. B. Davis, Assist- English, Science; E. N. Sar-
ant Normal Department; Mrs. geant, Bible, History, Mathe-
E. C. Davey, Preceptress and matics; Gertrude S. Shaffer,
Matron; G. A. Wheeler, Pre- Preceptress, Vocal and Instru-
ceptor, Testimonies; Mrs. W. S. mental Music; Mabel Shaffer,
Boynton, Intermediate Depart- Matron, Nursing; Mrs. E. N.
ment; Ava Hibbard, Hydrother- Sargeant, Intermediate Grades;
apy; H. E. Hollingsworth, Cook. Anna L. Johnson, Primary De-
partment; Lilly Nelson, Music
Assistant; Mrs. D. D. Rees,
Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific

Established 1904. Sheridan, Ill.

Superintendent: G. E Marriott; Established 1900.
Assistant Teachers, Mrs. G. E.
Marriott, Miss A. M. Williams. Board of Managers: G. E. Lang-
don, J. C, Harris, Geo. McIntyre,
- E. A. Bristol, W. E. Straw.
Faculty: W. E. Straw, Principal
FIRESIDE CORRESPONDENCE and Business Manager, Bible,
SCHOOL. History; Thomas W. Steen,
Treas., English; Burton H.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Phipps, Preceptor, Mathematics;
ton, D. C. Mrs. Margaret Mallory Steen,
Established 1909. Languages, Music; Bessie E.
Acton, Preceptressi Science.
Management: Department of Edu- Industrial Faculty: W. E. Straw,
cation of General Conference. Carpentry; T. W. Steen, Me-
Board of Managers: H. R. Salis- chanical Industries; B. _H.
bury, E. R. Palmer, G. B. Phipps, Poultry Raising; Mrs.
Thompson, M. E. Kern, W. E. W. E. Straw, Sewing, Domestic
Howell. Science; C. B. Van Gorder, Agri-
Faculty: Principal, W.E. Howell; culture; Mrs. C. B. Van Gorder,
Assistants: J. N. Anderson, M. Matron.

FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL Board: The members of the Cen-

SCHOOL. tral American Conference Com-
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. mittee.
Magdeburg, Germany. Faculty: Principal, J. G. Pettey.
Other teachers: Mrs. J. G. Pet-
Established 1899. tey, W. F. Hardt, Mrs. W. F.
Principal: Otto Liipke. Hardt.
Other Teachers: Dr. E. Meyer, H.
Teich, 0. Itzmann, M. H. Went-
land, A. Hennig, Ch. Zybach, M.
Zieger, A. Wissotzky; Preceptor,
M. H. Wentland; Preceptress, HAMBY INTERMEDIATE
Ch. Zybach; Matron, M. Birkner, SCHOOL.
Business Manager, W. Krumm;
Treas., C. Bangs. Hamby, Texas.
Languages: German, Russian, Postal Address: R. F. D. 1, Abi-
English, French. lene, Tex.
Established 1909.


W. T. Moody (Sec.), "A. W.
Haynes, T. W. Field, J. J. Wyn-
Goldsberry, Mo. igear, M. J. Whitfield, W. A.
Established 1908. Peters.
Faculty: H. E. Giddings, Princi-
Board: J. C. Bradley, R. B. Tur- pal; Mrs. H. E. Giddings, Pri-
ner, Felix Turner. mary Grades.
Faculty: H. C. Chilson, Mrs. Etta
Gravel Ford, Oregon. Hastings, Nebr.
Established 1900. Established 1909.
Board of Trustees: F. S. Bunch, School Board: Nebraska Educa-
W. E. Cook, A. D. Owens, W. L. tional Secretary (Chairman), C.
Black, J. Mark Corner, W. H. C. Kenaston (Sec.), J. W. Chris-
Bunch, 0. S. Coleman, E. A. Me- tian, H. A. Hebard, I. F. Blue,
reen. 0. E. Jones.
Faculty: W. A. Hammond, Princi-
Faculty: I. F. Blue, Principal;
pal, Normal Department, Bible, Mrs. I. F. Blue, Assistant; H. A.
History; Mrs. W. A. Hammond, Hebard, Business Manager;
Preceptress, German, Mathe- Howard C. Wilson, Music Di-
matics; Miss Sarah Graies, Pi- rector; Miss Hattie Brown, Pri-
ano and Organ; Libby J. Pen- mary Department.
nie, Matron, Domestic Science;
J. R. Bunch, Business Manager.


SCHOOL. Hazel, By.
Apartado 218, Guatemala City, Established 1901.
Guatemala, Central America. Board of Managers: C. P. Bollman
Established 1908. (Pres.), C. N. Martin, J. S.

Washburn, M. F. Knox, A. H. KEENE INDUSTRIAL ACAD-

Jones, C. D. Wolff, A. N. Atte- EMY.
Faculty: A. N. Atteberry, Prin-
cipal; Mrs. A. N. Atteberry,
Keene, Tex.
Preceptress-; Robert H. Treible,
Preceptor; Miss Lynne Rain- Established 1894.
water, Assistant Preceptress
and Teacher. Board of Managers: G. F. Watson,
David Voth, W. A. McCutchen,
J. W. Norwood, T. W. Field, H.
L. Hoover, E. E. Farnsworth, C.
HILL AGRICULTURAL E. Smith, J. I. Taylor, J. J.
ACADEMY. Cochran, J. C. Mosley, J. D.
Matthews, W. W. Eastman, C.
R. F. D. 2, Downs, Kans. B. Hughes, Andrew Nelson.
Established 1910. Officers of the Board: G. F. Wat-
Board: N. T. Sutton (Chairman), son, Chairman; C. E. Smith,
H. G. Leffingwell (Vice-Chair- Sec.; L. N. Carter, Treas.; C. B.
man), C. D. McComas (Sec.), H. Hughes, Business Manager.
S. Osterloh, S. S. Shrock, W. ' Faculty: Principal, C. B. Hughes,
A. McCroskey, A. S. Bringle, New Testament Greek and Phil-
M. G. Huffman, E. D. Hill, C. A.
osophy; Secretary, H. H. Ham-
Faculty: Howard G. Leffingwell, ilton, Commercial .Department
Principal and Business Man- and Art; Preceptor, Isaac
ager; Sydney M. Bacchus, In- Baker; Assistant Preceptor, J.
termediate Dept.; Etta M. Lef- W. Field, History; Preceptress,
fingwell, Primary Dept.; M. Liz- Josephine Wilson, Assistant
zie Sutton, Preceptress and Normal Department; Matron,
Matron. Mrs. A. D. Field; Mrs. Ella E.
Hughes, Normal Department;
Grace Taylor, Music Depart-
INDIANOLA INTERMEDIATE ment; Olga Albersworth, Assist-
SCHOOL. ant Music Department; E. E.
Farnsworth, Bible and Pastoral
Ketchum, Okla. Training; A. D. Field, Mathe-
matics and Science; Mrs. Lula
Established 1911. Ward, English and Latin; Mrs.
W. A. McCutchen, Sewing;
Faculty: Principal, 0. P. Wilson; Mrs. M. E. Bodwell, Spanish; L.
Assistant, Miss Nora Kinzer. N. Carter, Assistant Commercial
Department; C. C. Mattison,
Stenographer and Assistant
ING SCHOOL. Normal Department: Principal,
846 Sendagaya machi, Tokyo, Mrs. Ella E. Hughes; Mrs. Lot-
Japan. tie E. Butka, Grace Eastman,
Mabel Seitz.
Established 1908. Industrial Department: C. B.
Board: F. H. DeVinney, W. D. Hughes, Business Manager;
Burden, H. F. Benson, T. H. James Butka, Manager Broom
Okohira. Factory; K. K. Kreiter, Farm
Principal and Manager: H. F. Ben- Manager; C. M. Hayhurst, Man-
son. ager Academy Store.

KOREAN INDUSTRIAL Faculty: E. E. Frauchiger, Bible;

SCHOOL. Dr. V. Pampaian, Geography,
Soonan, Korea. Physiology; C. Voigt, History,
Arithmetic, Bookkeeping; Eu-
Established 1907. nice Kalfa, Languages; B. Bed-
Board of Management: Mission rossian, Armenian.
Faculty: H. M. Lee, Principal,
Business Manager; May Scott, LODI NORMAL INSTITUTE.
Assistant Principal, in charge of Lodi, California.
Girls Department; assisted by
six Korean teachers. Established 1908.
Board of Management: C. L. Tag-
gart, I. C. Colcord, P. J. Wolf-
LATIN UNION SCHOOL. sen, H. Shultz, A. C. Parker, B.
Gland (Vaud), Switzerland. E. Baldwin, C. M. Gardner.
Officers: Pres., C. L. Taggart; Sec.,
Established 1904. Verah MacPherson.
Faculty: I. C. Colcord, Principal,
Board of Management: Paul Stei-
Pedagogics; D. T. Fero, Bible,
ner, L. P. Tieche, P. A. De For-
est, J. Robert. Homiletics; J. A. L. Derby, Sci-
Teachers: Paul Steiner, Dr. P. A. ence, Literature, Public Speak-
ing; Wilfred Baldwin, Mathe-
De Forest, E. Noulay, Miss Z.
Martin, Edna De Forest. matics, Farm Industries, Busi-
ness Manager; Miss Olive Hoi-
land, Spanish, French, Latin,
Matron; L. E. Westermeyer,
German; Mrs. Alice Mina Mann,
Gaston, Oregon. Bible, Review and Methods;
Established 1904. Mrs. J. A. L. Derby, Grammar
Grades, Hydrotherapy; Mrs.
Board of Managers: P. A. Han- Eva Holbrook, Intermediate
son (Chairman), G. W. Pettit, Grades; Miss Frances A. Fry,
T. H. Starbuck, H. H. Haynes, Primary; Mrs. W. B. Taylor,
C. F. Folkenberg, J. F. Beatty, Voice, Piano; Wm. Wallace,
J. L. Kay. Theory, Violin, Orchestra;
Faculty: J. L. Kay, Principal, Verah MacPherson, Commercial;
Bible and Mathematics; J. A. W. B. Taylor, Preceptor, Car-
Reiber, Preceptor, History and pentry; Mrs. Viola Miller, Pre-
Bookkeeping; Mrs. J. L. Kay, ceptress, Special Classes; Miss
Preceptress, Asst. Bible and Nellie A. Buchanan, Art, Black-
English; Miss Anna Elder, Sci- board Sketching; A. C. Stine,
ence and History; Miss Lena Cooking.
Mead, Intermediate Depart-
ment; Miss Ruth Watson, Vocal
and Instrumental Music; Miss LOMA' LINDA COLLEGE.
Katherine Van Vorhees, Matron.
Legal Title: College of Medical
Evangelists of Loma Linda.
LEVANT SCHOOL. Loma Linda, Cal.
Box iog, German Post, Galata, Established 1906.
Constantinople, Turkey.
Chartered as a Medical College
Established 1910. 1909.
Board: Members of the Levant Board of Trustees: G. A. Irwin
Union Committee. (Pres.), W. A. Ruble, A, G.

Daniells, Allen Moon, R. A. Un- Nurse, Practical Hydrotherapy

derwood, E. T. Russell, C. W. and Massage.
Flaiz, E. E. Andross, H. W.
Lindsay, H. F. Rand, J. A. Bur-
den, G. K. Abbott, Julia White,
T. J. Evans, R. S. Owen, Dr.
Geo. Thomason, W. C. White, G. Lorne Park, Ontario.
F. Watson, E. J. Hibbard, Jose-
phine Gotzian, H. J. Hoare. Established 1903.
Faculty: Wells Allen Ruble, B. S., Board of Managers: M. C. Kir-
M. D., President, Pathology and kendall, J. T. Errington, R. A.
Bacteriology; George Knapp Heard, J. T. Smith, T. H. Noble.
Abbott, M. D., Dean, Hydrother- Faculty: W. J. Blake, Principal,
apy and Practice f Medicine; Bible and Science; L. A. Jacobs,
William Aaron George, M. D., Preceptor, Bible and. Mathemat-
Anatomy and Surgery; Roder- ics; Miss Eva Johnson, Pre-
ick S. Owen, Bible and History; ceptress, Languages; Miss
Alfred Shryock, M. D., Histol- Blanche Walker, Music and
ogy and Embryology; A. W. English.
Truman, M. D., Physiology; Business Organization: W. J.
Clarence Santee, Pastoral Train- Blake, Business Manager; L. A.
ing; Julia A. White, M. D., As- Jacobs, Industrial Director;
sociate in Anatomy; E. H. Ris- Mrs. Mabel Patten, Matron.
ley, M. D., Chemistry and Ma-
teria Medica; D. H. Kress, M. D.,
Dietetics and Pathology of Nar-
cotics; Lauretta Kress, M. D., MANSON INDUSTRIAL ACAD-
Pediatrics and Gynecology; EMY.
John A. Burden, Sanitarium
Principles and Methods; Pitt Meadows, British Columbia.
Thomas J. Evans, M. D., Clin- Established 1907.
ical Medicine; Dorothy T. Har-
baugh, M. D., Obstetrics. Board of Directors: J. G. Walker
Faculty of the Training School for (Pres.), K. R. Haughey (Sec.),
Nurses: Julia A. White, M. D., F. H. Conway, Jacob Rottacher,
Superintendent, Obstetrics and G. W. Gibson, J. L. Wilson, A.
Practical Nursing; Thomas J. H. Nicholson.
Evans, M. D., General Diseases; Faculty: K. R. Haughey, Princi-
C. A. Burrows, M. D., Genito- pal, Science and Commercial
Urinary; Roderick . Owen, Branches; E. R. Potter, Bible
Bible; George Knapp Abbott, M. and Mathematics; C. 0. Smith,
D., Hydrotherapy and Materia English and Latin; Mrs. Rachel
Medica; E. H. Risley, M. D., Vreeland-Haughey, Preceptress
Chemistry; Clarence Santee, and Music; Miss Mamie Grimes,
Preceptor, Pastoral Training; Matron and Assistant Mathe-
A. W. Truman, M. D., Anatomy matics; Miss Florence Wilson.
and Physiology; John A. Bur- Primary Department.
den, Testimonies; Dorothy T.
Harbaugh, M. D., Pediatrics and
Surgical Nursing; Lauretta. MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY.
Kress, M. D., Physical Culture
and Dietetics; George M. Price, Maple Plain, Minn.
Physics and Etymology; Wm. Established 1904.
Macmillan, Head Nurse, Prac-
tical Hydrotherapy and Mas- Board of Managers: S. E. Jack-
sage; Charlotte Hoffman, Head son, J. F. Anderson, H. J. Shel-

don, A. W. Kuehl, A. V. Olson, Johnson, D. H. Hanson, H. 0.

H. R. Gay, E. M. Chapman. Shields.
Faculty: Principal, H. J. Sheldon, Faculty: L. B. Ragsdale, Princi-
History, Algebra, and Bookkeep- pal, Bible Doctrines, Prophecies,
ing; W. A. Alway, Bible; Pre- History, and Algebra; Chas. M.
ceptor, R. A. Hare, Geometry, Barker, Arithmetic, Language,
Testimonies, Senior Reviews, Science; Mrs. L. B. Ragsdale, In-
Pedagogy, and Carpentry; Pre- termediate Dept.; Miss Olive
eeptress, Cora B. Hicks, Physiol- Perkins, Preceptress, Piano, Or-
ogy and English; Matron, gan, and Chorus; Miss Vinnie
Lena S. Rosenthal, Domestic Hart, Primary Dept. and Geog-
Science; Mary D. Hopkins, Mu- raphy; Mrs. Jennie McKenzie,
sic, Stenography, and Typewri- Matron; P. F. Martin, Pre-
ting; Caroline S. Hopkins, Ag- ceptor.
riculture, Latin, Physics, and
Domestic Art.


ACADEMY. Established 1893.
Battle Ground, Wash. Officers: B. G. Wilkinson (Pres.),
S. M. Butler (Sec. and Treas.),
Established 1903. E. R. Brown (Auditor).
Board of Managers: L. D. House, Executive Committee: B. G. Wil-
' C. G. Clark, A. A. McKay, J. B. kinson, E. K. Slade, W. H. Heck-
Clymer, J. A. Holbrook. man, B. F. Kneeland, A. R.
Faculty: J. B. Clymer, Principal, Sandborn, R. T. Baer, F. H.
History, Latin, Bible; L. J. Robbins, J. L. McElhany, S. M.
Weese, English, Science; Julia Butler, C. E. Welch, W. J.
M. Hanson, Primary Dept.; Lulu Stone.
A. Pound, Assistant Primary Local Board: S. M. Butler, C. C.
Dept.; C. G. Clymer, Preceptor, Pulver, E. K. Slade, C. E. Welch,
Mathematics, Geography; So- W. A. Gibson.
phrona Dodge, Preceptress; Mrs. Faculty: S. M. Butler, President,
D. Nordenmalen, Piano, Organ, Manager; 0. F. Butcher, English
Voice; Esther Abbott, Matron. ' Bible; N. Rosella Smith, Eng-
lish Language and Literature;
Otto M. John, Science and Span-
MEIKTILA INDUSTRIAL ish; Lawrence Anderson, Mathe-
SCHOOL. matics and Ancient and Modern
Languages; Dr. Virgil L. Fisher,
Meiktila, Burma. Medical Missionary Depart-
ment; Minnie 0. Hart, Normal
Established 1910. Department and Psychology; A.
In charge of R. B. Thurber, assist- Earl Hall, History and Civil
ed by three Burmese teachers. Government; Blanche de Spel-
der, Music; C. C. Pulver, Com-
mercial Department; Mrs. A. E.
MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY. Hall, Stenography and Type-
writing; Minnie 0. Hart, Pre-
Bozeman, Mont. ceptress; Florence I. White,
Teacher in Training School, Mrs.
Established 1901. V. L. Fisher, Asst. in Medical
Board: J. C. Foster (Chairman), Missionary Department; Mrs.
C. H. Rittenhouse (Sec.), C. E. S. M. Butler, Matron and Eng-

lish Grammar; Mrs. A. E. King, matics, History; Mrs. H. H.

Sewing, Cutting, and. Fitting; Howard, Matron, Domestic Sci-
James E. Shultz, Preceptor. ence.
Special Lecturers: Elder M. N.
Campbell, C. W. Heald, M. D.,
Miss Clara Schunk, M. D.
" Annfield House," Mussoorie, OAKWOOD MANUAL TRAINING
Established 1911.
(For Colored.)
Management: India Union Mis-
sion Committee. Huntsville, Ala.
Faculty: W. S. Mead, Mrs. W. S. Established 1895.
Board of Managers: C. F. McVagh
(Chairman), W. H. Williams
NEW HOPE SCHOOL. (Sec. and Treas.), Chas. Thomp-
son, C. P. Bollman, F. R. Rog-
R. F. D. 3, Naples, Tex. ers, A. J. Haysmer, C. J. Boyd,
T. B. Buckner, M. C. Strachan.
Established 1909. Faculty: Principal and Business
Board: W. P. Richey, L. E. Han- Manager, C. J. Boyd, History
cock, G. A. Hood, W. W. Lam- and Mathematics; Thomas H.
beth, J. C. Hand. Jeys, Bible, English, Printing
Department; Fred W. Halladay,
Faculty: J. E. Brown, Principal; Preceptor, Mechanical Depart-
Mrs. J. E. Brown, Assistant. ment; Martin M. Martinson,
M. D., Supt. Nurses' Training
Department; Stella C. Martin-
son, M. D. Assistant Nurses'
OAK PARK ACADEMY. Training Department; Clarence
J. Harris, Farm Superintendent;
Incorporated as " Iowa Industrial Mrs. Carrie Harris, Matron,
Academy." Preparatory Branches; Miss L.
Nevada, Iowa. Mae Hollingsworth, Music,
Established 1903, at Stuart, Iowa,
Re-established 1911, at
Nevada, Iowa.
Board of Trustees: M. N. Camp-
bell, J. C. Clemens, W. D. Park- St. Helena, Cal.
hurst, A. P. Hansen, M. W. Established 1909.
Lewis, 0. J. Nerlund, Dr. C. W.
Heald, and the Principal of the Board of Managers: G. A. Irwin,
Academy. Pres.; E. W. Farnsworth, Vice-
Faculty: J. G. Lamson, Principal Pres.; C. C. Lewis, Secretary;
and Business Manager, Bible, C. W. Irwin, Treasurer; W. C.
History; Mrs. J. G Lamson, White, H. F. Rand, C. H. Jones.
Cashier, Commercial Branches; Faculty: C. Walter Irwin, Presi-
H. H. Howard, Preceptor, Bible, dent, New Testament Greek and
History, Grade Studies; P. A. Latin; Charles C. Lewis, Educa-
Webber, Bible, English, Ger- tion, Philosophy, and Hebrew;
man; Anna M. Nelson, Mathe- M. Wallace Newton, Higher

Mathematics, Physics, and As- Soto, G. W. Casebeer, S. Man-

tronomy; W. A. Hennig, Bible; gold, T. H. Davis, J. C. Dessig-
Frank W. Field, Preceptor, Bio- net.
logical Sciences and Chemistry; Faculty: G. W. Casebeer, Princi-
H. A. WashbUrn, History; John pal; Mrs. G. W. Casebeer;
Paap, English Language and Bantsista Raina, Agriculture;
Literature; George B. Miller, Mrs. Fanny Raina, Matron;
Organ, Harmony, and Spanish; Mrs. Mary T. Westphal, Treas.
Dr. Howard F. Rand, Director of and Preceptress.
Preparatory Medical Course; Languages: English, German, and
Miss Hattie Andre, Preceptress, Spanish.
Testimonies; Mrs. Alma E. Mc-
Kibbin, Bible, History; Mrs. M.
W. Newton, Normal Instructor; PUKEKURA TRAINING
Mrs. Geo. B. Miller, Normal In- SCHOOL.
structor; Miss Kate Sierke, Cambridge West, Waikato, New
Vocal' Music, German, and Zealand.
French; Mrs. J. H. Paap, Pi-
ano and Art; Mrs. C. W. Ir- Established 1907.
win, Bookkeeping; Mrs. M. E. Board: J. M. Cole, P. M. Keller,
George, Matron; Mrs. W. A. W. J. Smith, S. H. Amyes.
Hennig, Hydrotherapy. Principal: W. J. Smith.
Teachers: W. J. Smith, Mrs. H.
White, J. Mills, Mrs. J. Mills,
Redfield, S. Dak.
(Formerly Elk Point Academy, RIVER PLATE ACADEMY.
Elk Point, S. Dak.)
Established 1902; removed to Colegio Adventista del Plata, Dia-
Redfield 1911. mante, Prov. Entre Rios, Ar-
gentina, South America.
Board: C. M. Babcock. (Chairman),
F. R. Isaac (Treas.t, G. W. Stil- Established 1898.
son (Sec.), A. Tucker, Alfred Board of Managers: Chairman, J.
Jensen, Wm. Reiner, John Mer- W. Westphal; Sec.,C. D. Lude;
kel, M. K. Thrall. Treas., A. L. Westphal; C. E.
Faculty: F. R. Isaac, Principal, Knight, R. H. Habenicht, G.
Mathematics and History; 0. Lust, Ernesto Roscher, W. C.
M. Kittle, Bible; E. R. Johnson, John.
Preceptor and Science; Mrs. H. Faculty: Principal, W. C. John;
M. Shoals, Preceptress and Eng-
lish; Mrs. Grace V. Isaac, In- other teachers; C. D. Lude, Otto
strumental Music; I. G. Ortner, 'Heyde, Catalina Block, Camilio
German Department; Anna Gill, Mrs. Camilio Gill, R. H.
Isaac, Assistant in Music and Habenicht, M. D.
Drawing; Mrs. 0. M. Kittle, Languages: Spanish, German, and
Matron; N. G. Barber, Broom- English.
Pfia, Chile, South America. Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Established 1906. Established 1907.
Board of Managers: F. H. West- Board: The ExecUtive Committee
phal, C. E. Krieghoff, Damaso of the Southern Oregon Confer-

ence, and A. L. Chitwood, David SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY.

Estes, and R. W. Airey.
Harvey, N. Dak.
Faculty: R. W. Airey, Principal;
Frank Hartley and Mrs. Frank Established 1903.
Hartley, Intermediate Grades; Board of Managers: C. J. Buhalts,
Grace Davison, Primary Grades; Carl Leer, L. W. Krieger, J. H.
R. W. Airey, Business Manager. Seibel, Michael Stern, Richard
Graham, S. G. Berglin, S. G.
Burley, A. F. Schmidt.
Faculty: Principal, A. F. Schmidt,
SCANDINAVIAN UNION MIS- English and German Bible; C. V.
SION SCHOOL. Bond, Preceptor, Mathematics
and Science; Anna J. Olson,
Skodsborg, Denmark. Preceptress, English Language;
E. Hochschorner, German Lan-
Established 1908. guage; Mrs. Mary A. Schmidt,
History; S. G. Burley, Russian
Board of Managers: Scandinavian Language; B.atrice Tucker, In-
Union Conference Committee. strumental and Vocal Music;
Teachers: Erik Arnesen, Anna Stella Parker, Matron; E. Cole,
Moller, C. C. Hansen, Jr., Marie Farm Manager.
Norheim, Carl Werenskiold.
Languages: Danish and Norwe-
Fort Ogden, Fla.
TRAINING ACADEMY. Established 1907.
Board of Trustees: W. F. Martin
New Market, Va. (Pres.), Mrs. Nellie A. Honey-
well (Sec. and Treas.), R. E.
Established 1908. Cox, Mrs. Bertha-Rush, Mrs. C.
V. Smith.
Board of Trustees: W. J. Stone, Faculty: Mrs. Nellie A. Honey-
Stewart Kime, A. M. Neff, C. E. well, Principal; 0. A. Thomas,
Neff, A. J. Painter, M. E. Carr, Hydrotherapy and Agriculture;
A. C. Neff, R. T. Fultz, W. H. Mrs. 0. A. Thomas, Matron, Do-
Zeidler, R. D. Hottel, C. V. mestic Science.
Woods, A. W. Painter.
Officers of the Board: W. J. Stone,
Pres.; C. V. Woods, Sec.; M. E.
Carr, Treas. and Business Man- SOUTH LANCASTER ACAD-
ager. EMY.
Faculty: Marion E. Carr, Princi-
pal, Bible, History, Language, South Lancaster, Mass.
Mathematics, Instructor in In- Established 1882.
dustrial Branches; Mrs. M. E.
Carr, Matron, Music; Mrs. E. T. Officers of the Corporation: Pres.,
Rambo, Primary Grades and W. B. White; Sec., H. W. Bar-
Preceptress; R. D. Hottel, Spe- rows; Treas., C. S. Longacre.
cial Instructor in Bible Doc- Board of Trustees: William B.
trine; Stewart Kime, Special In- White, Charles S. Longacre, J.
structor in Denominational His- F. Piper, Herbert C. Hartwell,
tcry. John W. Lair, H. W. Carr, W.

H. Holden, Charles H. Edwards, R. L. Williams, C. F. McVagh,

Rollin D. Quinn, Benjamin F. A. F. Harrison.
Davis, Frederick Stray, William Officers: Pres., Charles Thompson;
E. Fortune, Hubert White, Sec., M. B. VanKirk; Business
Frank H. Hicks, Horace B. Manager and Treas., R. V. Cory.
Tucker, Lyman W. Graham; Faculty: M. B. Van Kirk, Prin.,
Henry W. Barrows, Sec. of Business and Pedagogy; H. S.
Board. Miller, Science and Mathematics;
Management: C. S. Longacre, The Sanitarium Doctor, Ad-
Business Manager; H. W. Bar- vanced Physiology, and Simple
rows, Asst. Business Manager; Treatments; R. V. Cory, Com-
Mrs. Leonora Olsen-Barrows, mercial Dept. and Assistant in
Accountant. Mathematics; C. A. Maxwell,
Faculty: C. S. Longacre, Princi- Boys' Preceptor, History, and
pal, Bible; E. E. Gardner, Bible Science; Mrs. T. S. Dock, Span-
and History; Leon W. Cobb, ish; T. D. Rowe, Girls' Precep-
Preceptor, English Language; tor, English; Mrs. Mabelle R.
Ernest \E. Pringle, Science; H. Rowe, Girls' Preceptress, Phys-
T. Curtis, Mathematics; H. P. iology; Miss Marie Van Kirk,
Flower, Ancient and Modern Language Assistant, Latin;
Languages; Mrs. E. E. Gardner, Miss Grady Brooke, Department
Preceptress, Assistant English; of Music; Mrs. Vesta Callicott,
W. A. Wilber,' Commercial Stenography; Miss Rochelle
Dept., Shorthand Course; Miss Philmon, Intermediate Depart-
H. M. Kleuser, Commercial ment; Miss Minnie Hildebrand,
Dept., Business Course; Mrs. H. Normal Department.
E. Osborne, Supt. Normal Industrial Department: M. B. Van
Dept.; Miss Marian Bissett, In- Kirk, Printing; R. V. Cory, Busi-
termediate Dept., Critic Teach- ness Manager; John Cruze,
er; Miss Florence White, Pri- Farmer; C. A. Maxwell, Carpen-
mary Dept., Critic Teacher; tering; Edd Gifford, Broom-
Miss Herminie Roth, French making; Mrs. Nellie Hunter,
Department; E. H. Dexter, Vo- Cooking, Domestic Science; Mrs.
cal Teacher and Choral Di- Mabelle R. Rowe, Sewing; H.
rector; Miss Edna S. Farns- W. Pierce, Blacksmithing.
worth, Instrumental Music;
Miss Susie H. Barrows, Matron,
Assistant Science; Mrs. Eliza-
beth Ellis, Dressmaking and STANBOROUGH PARK MIS-
Sewing; Miss Jennie Smith, SIONARY COLLEGE.
Drawing; M. N. Cross, Broom-
making; W. H. Wineland, Supt. Stanborough Park, Watford,
Agricultural Dept.; J. H. Bots-
ford, Engineering, Electricity, Herts, England.
and Plumbing.
Established 1901.

Board of Directors: W. J. Fitz-

SOUTHERN TRAINING gerald (Chairman), W. C. Sis-
SCHOOL. ley, H. C. Lacey, A. B. Olsen,
Graysville, Tenn. W. H. Meredith, S. G. Haughey,
W. H. Wakeham, J. J. Gillatt.
Established 1896.
Business Manager: H. C. Lacey.
Board of Managers: Charles
Thompson, M. B. VanKirk, S. Treasurer: J. W. Hoatson.
M. Jacobs, G. H. Baber, P. G. Instructors: H. C. Lacey, Prin-
Stanley, V. 0. Cole, R. V. Cory, cipal, Bible, Pastoral Training,

Psychology, Moral Science, An- Fannie Dickerson Chase, Mrs.

cient Languages; W. H. Wake G. B. Thorripson, Mrs. D. W.
ham, Bible, Missionary History, Reavis, H. E. Rogers.
Physiology; G. Wakeham, Ehg- Officers: N. Z. Town, Pres.; C. M.
lish, Ancient History, German, Snow, Sec.; .H. E. Rogers, Treas.
Science, Music; Miss E. Marks, Faculty: M. E. Anderson, Princi-
Preceptress, Bible, Reading; pal; Mrs. Wm. Kirstein, Miss
Mrs. L. Lacey, Mathematics, Dorothy Harris, Miss Etta M.
Bookkeeping; Monsieur Jean Spicer.
Curdy, Assistant in" French;
G. Baird, Preceptor, General and
English History, Science, Short- THATUNA INDUSTRIAL
hand, and Typewriting. ACADEMY.
Viola, Idaho.
Oswego, Kans. Board of Managers: W. A. West-
worth, Jacob Riffel, E. W. Cat-
Established 1906. lin, T. L. Ragsdale, C. M. Chris-
tiansen, F. A. Detamore, August
Board: L. W. Terry (Pres.) ,1 John Anderson.
B. White, Olive Leach, J. L. Bal- Faculty: A. E. Serns, Principal,
lard, F. I. Mohr, W. B. Hoover. Academic Department, Music,
Faculty: John B. White, Princi- Voice, Mandolin, Violin; Mrs. A.
pal; F. I. Mohr, Manager; Mrs. E. Serns, Intermediate Depart-
Florence Mohr, Matron; Miss ment; Miss Katie Bell, Pre-
Elsa Northrup, Preceptress; ceptress, Primary Department;
Miss Mary Kinniburgh, Primary Mrs. Wm. Christiansen, Organ,
Department; Walter McComb Piano; Mrs. C. M. Christiansen,
and Miss Ruby Sturgeon, As- Matron; C. M. Christiansen,
sistant Teachers. Business Manager, Treasurer.
Industrial Department: C. M.
Christiansen, Supt.; A. E.
SWEDISH MISSIONARY Serns, Cabinet-making, Photog-
raphy; Miss Katie Bell, Dress-
SCHOOL. making, Domestic Science; Mur-
Nyhyttan, Jarnbas, Sweden. ray Crook, Broom-making.

Established 1898; reorganized

Board of Managers: Swedish Con- SCHOOL.
ference Committee.
Teachers: Karl Mattson, Maria Tunesassa, N. Y.
Mattson, Ole Nelson, Ruby Lind.
Established 1907.

TAKOMA S. D. A. INTERMEDI- Board of Trustees: Homer W.

ATE SCHOOL. Carr, Frank H. Hicks, Theo. B.
Westbrook, J. Norman Kimble,
Takoma Park, D. C. Ruland G. Bowen.
Established 1907. Faculty: J. Norman Kimble, Prin-
cipal and Supt.; Mrs. J. Nor-
Board: N. Z. Town, I. A. Ford, F. man Kimbi., Pr trans and
M. 1Vilvox, C. M. snow; Mrs. Matron.

UNION COLLEGE. Preceptress; F. Burton Jewell

and Elmer N. Shepherd, pre-
College View, Nebr. ceptors; Dorothy E. White,
Established 1891. School of Music. Frederick
Griggs, Director; Alyse Swed-
Board of Managers: The presidents berg, Piano, Counterpoint, His-
of the following conferences: tory, Theory; Etta Bickert,
Central Union, Nebraska, North Piano and Organ; Carl Engel,
Missouri, South Missouri, East Violin, Wind Instruments;
Kansas, West Kansas, Colo- Marioxi Smith, Voice Culture.
rado, Western Colorado, Wyo. Model School: Sarah E. Peck, Di-
fining, Northern Union, Min- rector; Mrs. E. M. Oberg, Rose
nesota, North Dakota, South Herr, Anna Pierce, Teachers.
Dakota, Iowa, the Educational
Secretary of the Central Union, On leave of absence; W. W.
President of Union College, F. Worster in charge.
M. Burg, H. A. Morrison, A. T.
Executive Committee: E. 'X. Rus-
sell, Frederick Griggs, J. W. WALDERLY SCHOOL.
Christian, F. M. Burg, H. A. Hawthorne, Wis.
Faculty: President, Frederick Established 1907.
Griggs, Philosophy; F. M. Burg,
Bible, H. A. Morrison, Mathe- Board: A. W. Hallock, W. H.
matics; H. U. Stevens, Science; Thurston, P. M. Hansen, John
Mrs. Winifred P. Rowell, Eng- Hoffman, Miss Rosma M.
lish; C. L. Benson, History; L. Whalen, C. W. Hess, P. E. Shep-
L. Caviness, Ancient and Ro- pler.
mance Languages; E. D. Kirby, Faculty: A. W. Hallock, Principal;
English and German; Albion G. F. C. Port, Preceptor; Miss Ros-
Taylor, Commercial; Sarah E. ma M. Whalen, Preceptress; C.
Peck, Director Normal Depart- W. Hess, P. E. Sheppler, Miss
ment; Lillie Danielson, Elocu- Hattie Rathbun, Primary Dept.
tion Gymnastics; Mrs. Blanche
E. Griggs,
' Latin and Greek,
New Testament History; Peter
J. Rennings, Drawing and WALLA WALLA COLLEGE.
Painting; Mertie A. Wheeler,
Registrar, Assistant in Pho- College Place, Wash.
nography. Established 1892.
Industrial Department: S. A.
Smith, Agricultural Branches; Board of Managers: C. W. Flaiz
W. W. Worster, Household Eco- (Pres.), E. C. Kellogg (Sec.),
nomics; International Publish- H. W. Decker (Treas.), J. M.
ing House, Printing, Bookbind- Willoughby, S. W. Nellis, P. A.
ing; F. M. Burg, Woodwork, Hanson, J. Riffel, J. J. Knapp.
Carpentry, Forestry; Dorothy Faculty: E. C. Kellogg, Pres.;
E. White, Cooking; Lulu Wal- 0. A. Johnson, Bible and Pas-
lace, Laundering; Sarah E. toral Training; W. E. Nelson,
Peck, Manual Training; H. A. Physical Science and Mathemat-
Morrison, Surveying; L. A. ics; N. W. Lawrence, English
Rich, Engineer. and Bible; W. C. Flaiz, Libra-
Administration: Frederick Griggs, rian and History; 3 Winifred L.
President and Business Man- Holmden, Ancient and Modern
ager; Mrs. Anna E. Shepherd, Languages; Clara Rogers, Sec-

retary and Assistant in Eng- and the President of each local

lish; G. F. Wolfkill, Preceptor conference in the United States.
and Biological Science; Mrs. Board of Trustees: W. T. Knox,
Geneva Burnett, Preceptress and A. G. Daniel's, H. R. Salisbury,
Matron; Mrs. F. W. Vesey, As- R. T. Dowsett, H. N. Sisco,
sistant Matron; Commercial M. D., F. M. Wilcox, E. R.
Dept., C. A. Schull, Bookkeep- Palmer, M. E. Kern.
ing and Shorthand; S. C. Han- Officers of the Board: W. T. Knox,
son, Assistant; Department of President; M. E. Kern, Secre-
Music, Director (to be sup- tary; R. T. Dowsett, Treasurer.
plied); Kathryn Foster, Piano Executive Committee of the
and Voice; LeRoy Froom, Cho- Board: R. T. Dowsett (Chair-
rus and Sight Singing; Lloyd E. man), M. E. Kern, C. Sorenson,
Biggs, Violin and Orchestra; H. N. Sisco, M. D.; Mrs. Bour-
Charles Wilson, Brass Band; deau Sisco, M. D., G. W. Chase,
Normal Department, Bertha E. F. M. Wilcox.
Allen, Director; Mrs. Lydia K. Administration: M. E. Kern Pres-
Wolfkill, Intermediate Meth- ident; R. T. Dowsett, General
ods; Olive A. Adams, Music; Manager; G. W. Chase, Stew-
Madge Moore, Primary Meth- ard; Mrs. H. R. Salisbury, Pre-
ods; Adeline L. Chapman, Nor- ceptress; Mrs. C. Sorenson, Pre-
mal Art; Lillian S. Balser, Nor- ceptress; Lynn H. Wood, Pre-
mal Sloyd and Sewing; Ger- ceptor; Mrs. C. Sorenson, Mat-
man Department, John Isaac, ron; Mrs. Celia T. Koenig, Asst.
Bible and History; Carl Neu- Matron.
mann, Assistant, German Lan- Industrial Departments: G. W.
guage. Chase, Overseer; F. E. Hull,
Department of Industries: J. J. Supt. Printing; 0. F. Thompson,
Knapp, Business Manager and Supt. Farm and Dairy; Rubie
Supt.; S. D. Smith, Agriculture M. Owen, Dressmaking.
and Dairying; C. A. Lessard, Faculty: M. E. Kern, President,
Printing; S. C. Hanson, Car- History, Public Reading and
pentry and Mechanical Draw- Speaking; C. Sorenson, Director
ing; Mrs. Ethel D. Adams, Hy- Practical Christian Work, Bible,
gienic Dressmaking; Arthur G. History, Pastoral Training, Ped-
Andrus, Cooking; Ross Flaiz, agogy; J. N. Anderson, Libra-
Steam and Electrical Engineer- rian, Missions, Bible; M. Ells-
ing; Sumner E. Taft; and Mur- worth Olsen, English, Hebrew;
ry A. Crook, Broom-making; Warren Howell, New Testament
Dallas Kime, Baking. Greek; Mrs. H. R. Salisbury,
Preceptress, Latin, French,
1 On leave of absence. Physical Culture, Swedish and
Medical Gymnastics, Mohamme-
dan Fields; H. N. Sisco, M. D.,
WASHINGTON FOREIGN MIS- Tropical Hygiene and Diseases,
Physical Diagnosis, Theoretical
SION SEMINARY. Hydrotherapy, Diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat,
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Metal Diseases, Electricity,
ington, D. C. Chemistry and Microscopy;
Legal Title: " Washington For- Clemen Hamer, Voice Training,
Vocal and Instrumental Music,
eign Mission Seminary."
Bookkeeping; Isabella B. Camp-
Established 1904. bell, Bible Workers' Trainer;
Lynn H. Wood, Preceptor, Sci-
Constituency! V.,
.174-i.,e rcmmit., ern,e and Mathematics; Mrs.
tee of the General Conference Bourdeau Sisco, M. D., Obstet-

ries, Gynecology, Hygienic WESTERN SLOPE ACADEMY.

Dress, Dietetics, Cooking; Ra-
miro Garcia, Spanish, Catholic Palisades, Colo.
Countries; Esther M. Spicer,
Art; S. Grace Denny, Hydro- Established 1904.
therapy, Accidents and Emer- Board: E. A. Curtis, N. W. Kau-
gencies; RUM M. Owen, Dress- ble, J. A. Neilsen, L. N. Baylies,
making, Sewing; 0. F. Thomp- W. L. Pitcher.
son, Agriculture, Animal Hus- Officers: Pres., E. A. Curtis; Vice-
bandry, Dairying; W. J. Max- Pres. and Manager, N. W. Kau-
son, Hydrotherapy; F. E. Hull, ble; Sec., J. A. Neilsen; Col-
Printing. lector ad Bookkeeper, A. M.
Special Lecturers: A. G. Daniells, Woodall.
Church Organization; W. W. Faculty: N. W. Kauble, Principal;
Prescott, Protestantism and the Mrs. A. M. Woodall, Miss Stella
New Theology; W. A. Spicer, Voris.
Missions and Mission Work; W.
T. Knox, Denominational Fi-
nance; E. R. Palmer, Missionary WILLIAMSDALE ACADEMY.
and Publishing Department; H.
R. Salisbury, Christian Educa- Williamsdale, East, Nova Scotia.
tion and Comparative Religions;
K. C. Russell, Religious Liberty; Established 1904.
Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Sab-
bath-school Work; G. B. Thomp- Board of Management: J. 0. Mil-
son, Higher Criticism, Spiritual- ler (Chairman), J. L. Stansbury
ism, Christian Science; J. N. (Sec. and Treas), J. A. Strick-
Anderson, The How and Why of land, Wm. C. Young, W. H.
Missions; F. M. Wilcox, Inspi- Cook, H. W. Ingham.
ration of the Bible; B. G. Wil- Faculty: J. L. Stansbury, Princi-
kinson, Evidences of Christian- pal; Miss 0. M. Russell, Com-
ity; A. J. S. Bourdeau, Roman, mercial Branches; Miss Terese
ism; M. E. Kern, Missionary Barrett, Language and Music;
Volunteer Department, Biblical Mrs. J. L. Stansbury, Precept-
Archeology; H. N. Sisco, M. D., ress and Matron; J. L. Stans-
Medical Missionary' Work; M. bury, Business Manager.
E. Olsen, Ancestry of the Bible;
R. T. Dowsett, Institutional
Hemingford, Nebr.
.SCHOOL. Board of Managers: D. U. Hale
(Pres.), E. A. von Pohle (Sec.),
Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West G. W. Berry, F. H. Hahn, J. A.
Africa. Smith.
Faculty: E. A. von Pohle, Princi-
Established 1909. pal and Business Manager, Bi-
ble, History, Rhetoric; Mrs. E.
A. von Pohle, Mathematics and
Faculty: F. S. Bolton, Henry Spanish; Mrs. L. E. Curtis, Mat-
Lynch, W. H. Lewis, Mrs. F. S. ron, Assistant Teacher; Miss
Bolton; Business Manager, W. Florence Burgess, Preceptress,
H. Lewis. Grades,

YAKIMA VALLEY INTERME- Ragsdale, C. M. Christiansen, F.

DIATE SCHOOL. A. Detarnore, August Anderson.
Route 6, North Yakima, Wash. Faculty: H. T. Westphal, Princi-
pal; Miss Lucy Andrus, Church-
Established 1908. school Dept.; Mrs. H. T. West-
. phal, Preceptress, Piano and Or-
Board of Directors: C. W. Flaiz, gan; E. E. Campbell, Business
Jacob Riffel, E. W. Catlin, T. L. Manager, Industries.



Chicago Training School for Gospel Medical Missionaries, 528 East Thir-
ty-third Place, Chicago; conducting a i six months' course for city
medical missionaries. Instructors: Dr. David Paulson, Elder M. H.
Serns, Dr. Ora Barber, Helen V. Price, Hannah L. Swanson.
Chestnut Hill Farm School, R. F. D. 3, Fountain Head, Tenn.; Supt.,
H. M. Whalen.
Cumberland Industrial School, R. F. D. 2, Earley ville, Warren Co., Tenn.;
Supt., C. G. Howell. Established 1902.
East Lake Industrial School, Route 3, Box 71, Decatur, Ga.; Principal,
Miss Anna Presley. Established 1903.
Hillcrest School, R. F. D. 3, Northeast Station, Nashville, Tenn.; Prin-
cipal, F. Bralliar; Dean, 0. R. Staines. For colored students; in-
corporated 1908.
Eufola Agricultural and Mechanical Academy, Enfola, N. C.; Principal,
J. 0. Johnston. Established 1902.
Naples Agricultural and Normal Institute, Fletehers, N. C.; S. Browns-
berg& in charge.
Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute, Madison, Tenn. Estab-
lished 1904. Faculty: E. A. Sutherland (Pres.), P. T. Magan (Dean),
Mrs. N. H. Druillard (Treas.), M. B. DeGraw (Sec.), Lillian E. Ma-
gan, M. D., E. E. Brink, W. F. Rocke, Nellie A. Crandall, Linnie E.
Kinsman, E. C. Waller, Mrs. E. C. Waller.

(In alphabetical order.)
'Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Established 1899. America.
Manager: J. D. K. Aitken.
(This institution is operated as a Established 1897.
department of the Australasian
Missionary College, the work Name: "Imprenta Adventists del
being done by students.) Plata."
Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos
Post-Office Address: Florida, F. C.
BRAZIL PUBLISHING HOUSE. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Name: Sociedade Internacional de South America.
Tratados no Brazil. Publishing Board: C. E. Knight,
G. E. Hartman, E. M. Trummer,
Established 1905. A. Warren, 0. Oppegard.
Editors: La Salud y Vida, R. H. ,
Office Address: Estacao Sao Ber- Habenicht, Mrs. Lydia Oppe-
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, gard; Las Sellales de los Tiem-
Brazil, South America. pos, Edw. Thomann, C. E.
Cable Address: "Advenista," Es- Knight, Mrs. Lydia Oppegard;
tacao Sao Bernardo, Sao Paulo, Corresponding Editors, J. W.
Brazil. Westphal, R. H. Habenicht; La
Publishing Board: Manager, A. Revista Adventista, Mrs. Lydia
Pages. Committee for Publish- Oppegard, G. E. Hartman.
ing: F. W. Spies, A. Pages, Max
Port Hope, Ontario.
International Tract Society, Established 1895.
Publishing Committee: Wm. Guth-
Established 1889. rie, B. B. Noftsger, M. C. Kirk-
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- Manager and Treasurer: B. B.
ford, Herts, England. Noftsger.
Cable Address: "Hygiene, Gar- Editor Canadian Union Messen-
ston, Herta, England." ger: Mable Patterson.
Publishing Board: Chairman, W.
T. Bartlett; Manager, W. C.
Sisley; Sec., W. R. White; Di- CHRISTIAN RECORD PUBLISH-
rectors, W. C. Sisley, W. J. ING CO.
Fitzgerald, W. H. Meredith, W.
T. Bartlett, W. H. Wakeham. College View, Nebr.
Editors: Present Truth, W. T.
Bartlett; The Missionary Established 1900.
Worker, H. F. De'Ath; Good Board of Management: E. T. Rus-
Health, A. B. Olsen, M. D. sell, A. T. Robinson,. F. F. By-

ington, Frederick Griggs L. N. Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija

Muck. FOrlagsaktiebolag.
Officers: Pres., E. T. Russell; Publishing Board: L. Muderspach,
Sec., Miss Mettie E. Cornell; J. C. Raft, N..Hammar.
Treas., Central Union Confer- Editorial Board: Aikain Vartija,
ence; Editorial ComMittee of L. Muderspach, K. Soisalo.
the Christian Record, a monthly
magazine for the blind, pub-
lished in American Braille and
New York Point types: L. N. HAMBURG PUBLISHING
Muck, Mrs. L. N. Muck, Mrs. A.
0. Wilson.
The Christian Record alSo has a Internationale Traktatgesellschaft
free circulating library depart- in Hamburg, Grindelberg 15a,
ment, containing denomina-
tional tracts and pamphlets for
Hamburg, Germany.
free circulation among the blind. Established 1895.
These tracts are sent to the
reader and returned to the of- Cable Address: Advent, Ham-
fice without postage. burg.
Publishing Board: L. R. Conradi,
Chairman; H. Hartkop, H. F.
EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COL- Schuberth, J. G. ()blander, J. T.
LEGE PRESS. Bottcher, W. Krumm, 0. Liipke,
Berrien Springs, Mich. Dr. E. Meyer, G. Perk.
Auditor: G. Woysch.
Established 1901. Local Committee: H. Hartkop, J.
Board of Managers: A. Moon, S. G. Oblander, P. John, G. Dail,
E. Wight, Geo. E. Langdon, W. H. Berninger.
H. Thurston, E. A. Bristol, H. II. Editors: Herold,. der Warheit, L.
Burkholder, 0. Montgomery, J. R. Conradi; Gute Gesundheit, E.
J. Irwin, J. H. Haughey, 0. J. Meyer, M. D., P. A. De Forest,
Graf, W. H. Edwards, J. B. M. D.; Der Protestant (the
Blosser. Protestant) (German), H. F.
Publishing Board: A. Moon, 0. J. Schuberth; Der Erzieher (the
Graf, J. H. Haughey, W. H. Ed- Educator) (German), 0. Liipke;
wards. Teekenen des Tijds (Holland),
Manager: 07 J. Graf; Asst. Busi- R. G. Klingbeil; De Arbeider
ness Manager, Fred Green; (Holland church paper); Unser
Printer, F. 0. Rathbun. kleiner Freund, M. Creeper;,
Zions Wachter, A. Plass; Ut-
ols6 Uezenet (Hungarian), J.
FIJIAN PRESS. F. Huenergardt; Maslina (Rus-
sian), Editorial Committee, Th.
Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Itzmann, S. Bojanus, M. Thom-
Ocean. son; Hlasatel Pravdy (Herald
Established 1896. of Truth), Bohemian; Semnele
Manager: T. A. Driver. Timpului (Signs of the Times,
Monthly Paper: " Rarama." Rumanian), Editorial Committee,
0. Liipke, R. P. Paulini, St. De-
metrescu; Zianas Sargs (Let-
FINLAND PUBLISHING HOUSE. tonian), Editorial Committee, J.
T. Bottcher, J. Sprohge, J.
Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, Schneider; Sioni Wahimees (Es-
Finland. then; ) ; Czasii (Signs
Established 1897. of the Times, Polish); Posljed-

nja Objawa (The Last Message, INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING

Basle Branch.
I n t e r n a t i onale Traktatgesell- College View, Nebr.
schaft, Nonnenweg 22, Basle,
Switzerland. Established 1903.
Managing Board: L. R. Conradi,
Chairman; H. Hartkop, W. Se- Officers: President, E. T. Russell;
bald, 0. E. Reinke, W. Kfiry. Vice-President, A. T. Robinson;
Attorney: W. Sebald. Secretary, G. W. Erfurth;
Treasurer and Business Man-
Russian Branch. ager, F. F. Byington.
Kleine Newastr. 12, Riga, Russia. Trustees: E. T. Russell, A. T. Rob-
Board of Trustees: J. T. Boet- inson, J. W. Christian, F. F. By-
tcher, L. R. Conradi, H. Hartkop, ington, Theo. Valentiner, C. A.
J. Sprohge, H. J. Loebsack. Thorp, A. Vermelin.
Attorney: J. T. Bdttcher.
Treasurer: P: Brandt. Counselors: 0. A. Olsen, S. Mor-
tenson, L. H. Christian, Henry
Levant Branch. Shultz, J. F. Anderson, Chas.
Inter nationale Traktatgesell- Leer, N. P. Nielsen, G. A.
schaft, German Post, Box 109, Grauer, H. Hansen, Lars Nielson,
Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. A. J. Stone, August Anderson,
Manager, C. Voigt. Publishing David Voth, A. Boettcher, G. F.
in the following languages: Ar- Haffner, J. H. Schilling, Fred
abic, Armenian, Armeno- Turk- Johnson.
ish (Turkish language with Ar- Committees on Foreign Literature:
menian characters), Greek, German: J. H. Schilling, G. E.
Greco-Turkish (Turkish lan- Haffner, G. A. Grauer, Theo.
guage with Greek characters), Valentiner, J. F. Harder. Swed-
Turkish (Turkish language with ish: S. Mortenson, F. Johnson
Arabic characters). A. Swedberg, G. M. Erickson, A.
Vermelin. Danish-Norwegian:
Hungarian Branch L. H. Christian, M. L. Andrea-
Name: Vallasos iratok nemzetkozi sen, C. A. Thorp, W. S. Reppe,
KiadOhivatala. Bernhard Peterson..
Address: Vaczi kora 16, I Et., Editors: Evangeliets Sendebud,
Tiir 41, Budapest, V., Hungary, . Editor, C. A. Thorp; Lys over
Europe. Landet, Editor, C. A. Thorp;
Missionaeren, Editor, Hansigne
Strunge; ; Tidens Tecken, Ed-
INDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE. itor, A. Vermelin; Signalen, Ed-
ig Banks Road, Lucknow, India. itor, Bettie Svenson; Asst. Ed-
itor, S. Mortensen; Christlicher
Established 1898. Hausfreund and Zeichen der Zeit,
Editor, T. Valentiner; Asst. Ed-
Languages in which publications itor, G. W. Erfurth; Deutcher
are issued: English, Bengali,
Arbeiter, Editor, T. Valentiner;
Hindi, Santhali, Marafhi. Jugendbote, Editor, G. W. Er-
Editors: Oriental Watchman, S. A.
Wellman; Associate Editors, furth.
G. F. Enoch, J. S. James;East- Committee to confer with Book
ern Tidings: Editors, W. E. Per- Committee in Europe L. H.
rin, J. L. Shaw. Christian, S. Mortenson, J. H.
Manager: W. E. Perrin. Schilling.

JAPANESE PUBLISHING Cable Address: " Verdad," Mex-

HOUSE. ico City, Mexico.
Publishing Committee: G. W.
846 Sendagaya-machi, Tokyo, Caviness, W. S. Swayze, H. A.
Japan. Peebles, J. A. P. Green.
Established 1909. Officers: President, W. S. Swayze;
Secretary, Alfred Cooper; Treas-
Manager: Chas. N. Lake. urer, G. W. Caviness; Auditor,
M. B. Erkenbeck.
Editors: Las Senales de los Tiem-
pos, G. W. Caviness; El Amigo
KOREAN MISSION PRESS. de los Ninos, Mrs. G. W. Cav-
Seoul, Korea.
Established 1909.
Publishing Board: C. L. Butter- PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING
field, W. R. Smith, Riley Rus- ASSOCIATION.
sell, M. D., H. M. Lee, Mimi
Scharffenberg. Established 1875.
Officers: Supt., C. L. Butterfield;
Sec. and Treas., H. A. Oberg. Main Office: Villa Street, Moun-
Editor Sei Chyensa eui Keuip- tain View, California.
yel, Mimi Scharffenberg; Asso- Cable Address: Uprising, Moun-
ciate Editor, C. L. Butterfield. tain View, California.
Territory: The Pacific, North Pa-
cific, Central, Northern, and
Western Canadian Union Con-
Directors: H. W. Cottrell, R. A.
HOUSE. Underwood, E. T. Russell, C. W.
Established 1897. Flaiz, G. A. IrWin, E. E. An-
dross, M. C. Wilcox, C. H.
Societe Internationale de Traites. Jones, H. H. Hall, J. 0. Corliss,
A. 0. Tait, B. M. Shull, H. G.
Office: Gland (Ct. Vaud), Switzer- Childs.
land. Officers: President, H. W. Cot-
Publishing Board: L. E. Borle, L. trell; Vice-President, C. H.
P. Tieche, H. H. Dexter, J. Jones; Secretary and Treasurer,
Curdy, J. Robert, W. G. Bond. H. G. Childs; Auditor, J! J. Ire-
P. A. De Forest, L. Zecchetto, C. land; General Manager, C. H.
E. Rentfro. Jones; Manager of Book De-
Editors: Le Messager and Les partment, H. H. Hall; Manager
Signes des Temps, E. Noualy; of Periodical Department, G. C.
Le Vulgarisateur, P. A. De For- Hoskin.
est, M. D. Publishing Committee: H. H. Hall,
C. H. Jones, M. C. Wilcox, L. A.
Reed, H. W. Cottrell. A. 0. Tait.
MEXICAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. H. G. Childs, J. 0. Corliss, F. H.
Established 1899. Gage, J. R. Ferren.
Editor Signs of the Times: M. C.
Office: Na: 1420, Avenida 20, Ta- Wilcox; Associate Editor, A. 0.
cubaya, D. F., Mexico. Tait.
Corporate Name: " Compafiia de Editor Signs of the Times Month-
Publicaciones, 'La Verdad,' S. ly: L. A. Reed; Associate Ed-
itor, N. U. Wilcox.

Editor Our Little Friend: Kath- Officers: President, F. M. Wilcox;

rina B. Wilcox; Associate Edi- Vice-President, W. T. Knox;
tor, M. C. Wilcox. Manager, S. N. Curtiss; Treas-
urer, A. H. Mason; Secretary,
Kansas City Branch. D. IV. Reavis; Auditor, E. R.
1109 East Twelfth St., Kansas Brown.
City, Mo.; Manager, James Editors: Review and Herald, F.
Cochran. M. Wilcox; associate editors, W.
A. Spicer, C. M. Snow, W. W.
Portland Branch. Prescott. The Youth's In-
61 North Park St., Portland, Ore- structor, Mrs. Fannie Dicker-
gon; Manager, J. F. Beatty. son Chase. Life and Health, Dr.
Geo. H. Heald. Liberty, C. M.
Canadian Branch. Snow; associate editors, W. W.
1109 Fourteenth St., West, Cal- Prescott, K. C. Russell, S. B.
gary, Alberta, Canada (Box Horton. The Sabbath School
1599) ; Manager, W. V. Sample. Worker, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer;
associate editor, G. B. Thomp-
The Pacific Press Publishing son. The Protestant Magazine,
Assn. handles publications in W. W. Prescott. Christian Edu-
French, German, Danish, Swedish, cation, H. R. Salisbury; asso-
Spanish, and the Oriental lan- ciate editor, W. E. Howell.
guages. It also gives special at- Book Committee: S. N. Curtiss,
tention to standard school text- Chairman; F. M. Wilcox, I. A.
books and juvenile publications. Ford, AV. IV. Prescott, W. A.
Complete catalogue sent free on Colcord, C. M. Snow, E. R..
application. Palmer, O. H. Heald, D. W.
Reavi s.
LISHING ASSOCIATION. 212 South La Fayette St., South
Bend, Ind.; Manager, J. - AV.
Established 1849; incorporated Mace.
1861; reincorporated 1903. New York Branch.
Room 910. 32 Union Square, New
Main Office: Takoma Park Sta- York, N. Y.; Manager, L. IV.
tion, Washington, D. C. Graham.
Cable Address: Review, Washing- Foreign Publications: The New
ton. York Branch of Review and
Territoiy: The Atlantic, Colum- Herald Publishing Association
bia, Canadian, and Lake Union carries a very large and . com-
Conferences. plete assortment of the tracts,
Constituency: The Executive Com- pamphlets, and books issued by
mittees of the General Confer- our various foreign publishing
ence, Atlantic Union, Columbia houses. Send for catalogue.
Union, Canadian Union, Lake
Union, and of the local confer-
ences therein, as well as former
stockholders of the Seventh-day SCANDINAVIAN PUBLISHING
Adventist Publishing Associa- HOUSE.
tion who hold certificates of (Formerly the Christiania Pub-
membership in this corporation. lishing House.)
Board of Trustees: S. Curtiss,
W. T. Knox, F. M. Wilcox, H. R. Established 1879.
Salisbury, G. B. Thompson, D.
W. Reavis, R. T. Dowsett, I. A. Corporate Name: Skandinavisk
Ford. Bogforlag.

Office: Akersgaden 74, Christiania, SOUTH AFRICAN PUBLISHING

Norway. HOUSE.
Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet,
Christiania, Norway. 56 Roeland St., Cape Town,
Publishing Board: J. C. Raft, N. South Africa.
C. Bergersen, C. C. Jensen, Jens
Olsen, C. B. Jensen. Established 1894.
Treasurer: Jens Olsen.
Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C. Publishing Committee: College
Ottosen, M. D.; Evangeliets Sen- Board and Faculty.
debud, Erik Arnesen. Printing Works: Manager, C. P.
Copenhagen Branch. Editors: South African Sentinel,
Margretheyej 5, Copenhagen, V., managing editor, I. J. Hankins;
Denmark. editorial staff, R. C. Porter, W.
Corporation Name: Dansk Bog- S. Hyatt, H. J. Edmed; South
forlag. African Missionary, Mrs. R. C.
Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- Porter; South African Signs of
hagen. the Times, T. J. Hankins.
Treasurer: Chr. Hedebilk.


South Lancaster, Mass.
P 731 Pao Shing Li, North Honan
Road, Shanghai, China. Established 1903.
Post-office Address: Box 523, U. S. Committee: The Executive Com-
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. mittee of the Massachusetts
Established 1905. Conference.
Officers: Manager, A. C. Selmon, Officers: President, H. C. Hart-
M. D.; Supt. and Treas., W. E. well; Superintendent, Leonard
Gillis. J. Smith; Treasurer, H. B.
Editors: Shi Djao Yueh Bao (The Tucker.
Signs of the Times), A. C. Sel-
mon; Associate Editors, Nga
Pit Keh and B. F. Cottrell. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING AS-
2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
Established 1901.
Established 1905.
Territory: The Southeastern,
Office: Warburton, Victoria, Aus- Southern, and Southwestern
tralia. Union Conferences.
Cable Address: " Signs, Warbur- Constituency: The Executive
ton," Australia. Committees of the foregoing
Board: J. M. Johanson, J. E..Ful- Union Conferences.
ton, E. IL Gates, A. W. Ander- Board of Managers: C. F. Mc-
son, N. D. Faulkhead, A. W. H. Vagh, C. P. Bollman, R. Hook,
Merritt, L. D. A. Lemke. Jr., Chas. Thompson, L. A.
Editor: Signs of the Times, A. W. Smith, A. F. Harrison, P. T.
Anderson; Life and Health, A. Magan, R. L. Pierce, G. F. Wat-
NAT. son, V. 0. Cole, W. AT Harvey.

Officers: President, C. F. Mc- Directors: E. Lind, E. J. Ahr6n,

Vagh; Vice-President, C. P. J. R. Lindqvist.
Bollman; Secretary, L. A. Secretary: 0. Nelson.
Smith; Treasurer and General Treasurer: J. R. Lindqvist.
Manager, R. Hook, Jr. Editor: Tidens Tecken, E. J.
Editors: The Watchman, L. A. AhrC.n. Missionaren, E. J.
Smith; Contributing Editors, C. Ahren.
P. Bollman, P. T. Magan; South-
ern Union Worker, Mrs. M. H.
Fort Worth Branch. Riversdale, Jamaica, British West
411 West Railroad Ave., Fort Indies.
Worth, Tex.; Manager, R. L.
Pierce. Established 1906.
Atlanta Branch. Cable Address: " Watchman,
169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga.; Man- Kingston.
ager, L. D. Randall. Territory: West Indian Union
Publishing Board: U. Bender, H.
STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING H. Cobban, D. E. Wellman, H. C.
Goodrich, J. B. Stuyvesant, E. C.
HOUSE. Wood, A. F. Haines.
Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Officers: Chairman, U. Bender;
Sweden. Sec., A. F. Haines, Treas. and
Manager, H. H. Cobban.
Established 1895.
Editor: The West Indian Watch-
Corporate Name: Skandinaviska man, H. H. Cobban; West In-
Fiirlagsexpeditionen. dian Messenger, H. H. Cobban.


The Advent Review and Sabbath tain View, Cal.; editor, M. C.
Herald (denominational church Wilcox; associate, A. 0. Tait.
paper) ; weekly; twenty-four
pages; annual subscription, Signs of the Times Monthly Mag-
$1.75; published at Takoma azine; forty-eight pages and
Park Station, Washington, D. cover; $1 a year; published by
C.; editor, F. M. Wilcox; asso- the Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
ciate editors, W. A. Spicer, C. Mountain View, Cal.; editor,
M. Snow, W. W. Prescott. L. A. Reed; associate, M. C.
The Signs of the Times. (leading
missionary paper and prophetic The Watchman; general mission-
expositor) ; illustrated weekly; ary paper and Bible expositor;
sixteen pages; annual subscrip- illustrated monthly magazine
tion, $1.75; published by Pacific of sixty-four or more pages
Press Publishing Assn., Moun- and covers; annual subscription

(including Canada), $1; to for- The Oriental Watchman; monthly;

eign countries, $1.25; published thirty-two pages; annual sub-
by the Southern Publishing As- scription, Rs. 2-8 (eighty cents);
sociation, 2123 Twenty-fourth International Tract Society, 19
Ave.. North, Nashville, Tenn.; Banks Road, Lucknow, India;
editor, L. A. Smith; contribu- editor, S. A. Wellman; associate
ting editors, C. P. Bollman, P. editors, G. F. Enoch, J. S. James.
T. Magan.
The West Indian Watchman;
The Youth's Instructor (organ of monthly; sixteen pages and
Young People's Missionary Vol- cover 50 cents a year, Rivers-
unteer Dept. of the General dale, 'Jamaica, British West In-
Conference, and contains its dies; editor, H. H. Cobban.
Reading Courses, also the S. S. South African Sentinel (devoted
lessons for the youth); week- to an exposition of the signs of
ly; sixteen pages; annual sub- the times and Sabbath truth);
scription, $1; Takoma Park monthly; twelve pages; annual
Station, Washington, D. C.; subscription, 36 cents; to coun-
editor, Mrs. Fannie Dickerson tries outside of South Africa
Chase. and in the Postal Union, 40
cents; managing editor, I. J.
Liberty (organ of the Religious Hankins; editorial staff, R. C.
Liberty Association); a forty- Porter, W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Ed-
eight-page quarterly magazine med; Kenilworth, Cape, South
of religious freedom, devoted Africa.
to the promulgation of the fun-
damental principles of the Life and Health (devoted to health
rights of the people; annual in the home and general san-
subscription, 25 cents; pub- itary topics); monthly, sixty-
lished by Review and Herald four pages (magazine form) :
Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Sta- annual subscription, $1; pub-
tion, Washington, D. C.; ed- lished by Review and Herald
itor, C. M. Snow; associate Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Sta-
editors, W. W. Prescott, K. C. tion, Washington, D. C.; editor,
Russell, S. B. Horton. Dr. G. H. Heald.
Life and Health (the Australasian
The Present Truth (devoted to a health magazine); bi-monthly;
presentation of the doctrine of 64 pages; annual subscription, 3s
the second coming of Christ, 6d; beyond the commonwealth,
and general Bible truth) ; week-
4s; Signs Pub. Co., Warburton,
ly; sixteen pages; annual sub-
Victoria, Australia; editor, A.
scription, 6s 6d ($L60); Stan,
W. Anderson; contributing ed-
borough Park, Watford, Herts, itors, Dr. F. C. Richards, Dr. E.
England; editor, W. T. Bartlett.
Richards, Dr. P. M. Keller, Dr.
Florence Keller, Dr. A. V. Hey-
The Signs of the Times (devoted nemann, Dr. Ethel Heynemann,
to an exposition of Bible truth Dr. Howard W. James, Dr. A.
and signs of the times) ; weekly; Stuttaford, Dr. M. M. Freeman.
sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
tion, 4s 6d; to countries outside Good Health (devoted to hygiene
of Australia, and in the Postal and the principles of healthful
Union, 8s 6c1 ($2) ; Warburton, living) ; monthly; thirty-two
Victoria, Australia; editor, A. pages; yearly subscription, is
W. Anderson; contributing ed- 6d; Stanborough Park, Wat-
itors, R. Hare, G. Teasdale, R. ford, Herts, England: editor. A.
Tyl.fiuli. B. Olsen, M. D.

The Sabbath School Worker (or- tion, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub.
gan of the Sabbath-school De- Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
partment of the General Confer- South African Signs of the Times;
ence); monthly; sixteen pages; quarterly; forty-eight pages;
annual subscription, 35 cents; subscription price, 2s 6d a year;
in clubs of two or more, 30 Sentinel Publishing Co., Kenil-
cents; published at Takoma worth, Cape, South Africa; ed-
Park Station, Washington, D. itor, J. Hankins.
C.; editor, Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
mer; associate editor, G. B. Our Little Friend (a child's
Thompson. paper); illustrated weekly;
eight pages, annual subscrip-
The Protestant Magazine; a sixty- tion, 60 cents. Pacific Press
four-page quarterly magazine, Publishing Assn., Mountain
protesting against ecclesiastical View, Cal.; editor, Kathrina B.
error and promoting gospel Wilcox; associate, M. C. Wilcox.
truth; annual subscription, 25
cents; published by Review and Bible Students' Library: Send for
Herald Publishing Association, topically arranged list, to Pa-
Takoma Park Station, Wash- cific Press Publishing Assn.,
ington, D. C.; editor, W. W. Mounain View, Cal.
Prescott. Apples of Gold Library: Send for
topically arranged list to Pacific
Christian Education (organ of Ed- Press Publishing Assn., Moun-
ucational Department of the tain View, Cal.
General Conference); a forty-
eight-page bi-monthly magazine Gospel Herald; monthly; eight
devoted to the promotion of a pages; 25c; published at Oak-
broad, thorough, and rational wood Manual Training School,
education, based upon true Huntsville, Ala., under editorial
Christian principles; annual sub- supervision of the North Amer-
scription, 50 cents; published by ican Negro Dept., A. J. Hays-
Review and Herald Publishing mer, Sec., 536 Fifth Ave., South,
Association, Takoma Park Sta- Nashville, Tenn.
tion. Washington, D. C.; editor,
H. R. Salisbury; associate ed- Herald of Health; monthly; 16
itor, W. E. Howell. pages; annual subscription, Rs.
1-8 (50 cents); International
Sabbath School Quarterly: Forty- Tract Society, 19 Banks Road,
eight pages; containing the S. Luckhow, India; Dr: V. L.
D. A. International Sabbath- Mann, editor; S. A. Wellman,
school lessons; annual subscrip- associate editor.


Atlantic Union Gleaner (official cents; Port Hope, Ontario; ed-
organ of the Atlantic Union itor, Mable Patterson.
Conference); weekly; eight Central Union Outlook (organ of
pages; 50 cents a year; Miss Central Union Confe'rence);
Pearl Rees, editor, published at eight pages; weekly; annual
South Lancaster, Mass. subscription fifty cents; A. T.
Robinson, editor; associate ed-
Canadian Union Messenger (offi- itors, Frederick Griggs, C. G.
cial organ of the Canadian Bellah, Meade MacGuire; pub-
Union Conference); weekly; 50 lished at College View, Nebr.

The Educational Messenger (rep- ence); weekly; eight pages; 50

resenting the Educational De- cents yearly; published by the
partment of the Central Union Southern Union Conference,
Conference); semimonthly; eight 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
pages; 75 cents; Central Union Nashville, Tenn.; editor, Mrs.
Conference, College View, Nebr. M. H. Crothers.
Columbia Union Visitor (official Southwestern Union Record (of-
organ of the Columbia Union ficial organ of the Southwest-
Conference); eight pages; week- ern Union Conference); eight
ly; 50 cents; published at Mt. pages; weekly; 50 cents; C. E.
Vernon, Ohio; editor, Maude Smith, editor; 0. F. Watson.
Pengelly. associate editor; published at
Lake Union Herald (official or- Keene, Tex.
gan of the Lake Union Confer- Australasian Record (official or-
ence); weekly; eight pages; 50 gan of the Australasian Union
cents a year; Mrs. Lou K. Cur- Conference); weekly; eight
tis, editor; published at Berrien pages; annual subscription, 4s;
Springs, Michigan, and printed foreign countries, 5s; published
by Emmanuel Missionary Col- by the Australasian Union
lege Press. Conference, "Mizpah," Wah-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia;
Northern Union Reaper (official editor, Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Ro-
organ of the Northern Union land Ave., Wahroonga, N. S.
Conference); weekly; eight W., Australia.
pages; 50 cents a year in the
United States, 75 cents in Can- The Missionary Worker (official
ada and foreign countries; pub- organ of the British Union Con-
lished by the Northern Union ference); semimonthly; eight
Conference, at 337 East Lake pages; is a year; post-paid, is
St., Minneapolis, Minn.; editor, 6d; International Tract Society,
T. D. Gibson, 2718 Third Ave., Ltd., Stanborough Park, Wat-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. ford, Herts, England; editor,
H. F. De'Ath.
North Pacific Union Gleaner (of-
ficial organ of the North Pacific Zions-Wachter (organ of the West
German, the East German, the
Union Conference); weekly; Russian. Union Conferences, and
eight pages; 50 cents a year; the Siberian Union Mission);
published by the North Pacific semimonthly; sixteen pages; an-
Union Conference, College Place, nual subscription, 40 cents; ed-
Wash.; editor, S. J. Lashier. itor, A. Plass; Internationale
Pacific Union Recorder (official Traktatgesellschaft, Grindelberg
organ of the Pacific Union Con- 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
ference); weekly; eight pages; South African Missionary; week-
50 cents a year; editorial com- ly; four pages; annual subscrip-
mittee, D.- A. Irwin, E. W. tion, 50 cents; to countries out-
Farnsworth, E. E. Andross, H. side of South Africa and in the
G. Thurston. D. A. Parsons, J. Postal Union, 75 cents; editor,
H. Behrens, C. L. Taggart. Mrs. R. C. Porter, "Wynnton,"
Field Tidings (organ of the South- Selous Road, Claremont, South
eastern Union Conference); Africa.
eight pages; weekly; 25 cents;
edited by T. D. Rowe, and pub- The West Indian Messenger (or-
lished at Graysville, Tenn., by gan of the West Indian Union
the Southern Training School. Conference); monthly, eight
Pages; 25 OPTli a year ; Ri
Souihern Union 'Worker (organ of dale, Jamaica, British West In-
the Southern Union Confer- dies; editor, H. H. Cobham
(Arranged Alphabetically by Conferences.)
Alberta: Alberta News Letter; ference, Box 104, Portage la
six pages, bimonthly; 25 cents; Prairie, Manitoba.
-Alberta Tract Society, Lacombe, North Missouri: The Workers'
Alberta, Canada. Record; issued monthly for the
British Columbia: British Colum- North Missouri Conference; four
bia Visitor; monthly; 50 cents; pages; 25 cents; Utica, Mo.;
British Columbia Tract Society, editor, Mrs. Mae Ogden.
1708 Maple St., Vancouver, Brit- Saskatchewan Herald; 25 cents a
ish Columbia; editor, Adrew year; published monthly by the
Roedel. Saskatchewan Tract Society,
Colorado: Echoes from the Field; Box 244, Regina, Saskatchewan,
semimonthly; four pages; an- Canada.
nual subscription, 25 cents; Col- South Caribbean: South Carib-
orado Tract Society, 1112 Kal- bean Gleaner; monthly; four
amath St., Denver, Colo; editor, pages; 24 cents a. year; pub-
Ralph T. Emery. lished by South Caribbean Con-
India: Eastern Tidings; monthly; ference; editor, Geo. C. Hinkson,
eight pages; Re. 1 a year; 31 Dundonald St., Port of Spain,
printed by India Pub. House, Trinidad, West Indies.
19 Banks Road, Lucknow, for South Missouri: South Missouri
the international Tract Society; Messenger; semimonthly; four
W. E. Perrin and J. L. Shaw, pages; 35c a year; published by
editors. the South Missouri Conference,
Iowa: The Workers' Bulletin; 520 West Lynn St., Springfield,
weekly; four pages; 40 cents; Mo.; Ralph Rhodes, editor.
Iowa Tract Society, Nevada,
Iowa; editor, Mrs. Flora V. Western Colorado: The Gleaner;
Dorcas. monthly; 25 cents a year; four
pages; 122 South Eighth St.,
Manitoba Worker; monthly; five Grand Junction, Colo.; editor,
pages; 50 cents; Manitoba Con- J. A. Neilsen.

(Alphabetically arranged by languages.)
BENGALI. subscription, kr. 1.50 (America,
40 cents). Published by Inter-
Juga Lakhyan (Signs of the nationale Trak tatgesellschaft,
Times); eight-page quarterly; Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
published at 19 Banks Road, nian y.
Lucknow, India; L. G. Mooker-
jee, editor.
Shi Djao Yueh Bao (The Signs of
BOHEMIAN. the Times); thirty-two pages;
monthly magazine; yearly sub-
Hlasa t el Pravdy (Herald of scription, 50 cents; 5 to 25 cop-
Truth); monthly; 16 pages; ies, 31/, cents each; 25 or more
church and missionary paper; copies, 3 cents each. Issued in

Wen-li and Mandarin editions. ESTHONIAN.

Editor, A. C. Selmon; associate
editors, Nga Pit Keh and R. F. Sioni Wahimees; sixteen pages;
Cottrell. Published by the monthly; 50 cents; published at
Signs of the Times Publishing Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
House, Post-office address, Box many.
523, U. S. Postal Agency, Shang-
hai, China.

N. B.In the United States and FIJIAN.
Canada, all orders for Chinese
literature, aside from the paper, Rarama; monthly; eight pages;
should be sent to the Pacific Buresala, via Levuka, Fiji, Pa-
Press Publishing Assn., Moun- cific Ocean; editor, A. G. Stew-
tain View, Cal. art, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pa-
cific Ocean.

Evangeliets Sendebud; semi-
monthly; sixteen pages; annual Aikain Vartija; monthly; sixteen
subscription, kr. 2.50; rate for pages; annual subscription, 50
America, $1; Akersgaden 74, cents; Unionsgatan 4, Helsing-
Christiania, Norway, and Mar- fors, Finland; editors, L. Mu-
grethevej . 5, Copenhagen, V., derspach, K. Sandelin.
Denmark; editor, Erik Arnesen,
Skodsborg, Denmark.
Sundhedsbladet (health journal); FRENCH.
monthly; twenty-four pages; Les Signes des Temps; monthly;
annual subscription, in Norway, annual subscription, fr. 1.50 (30
kr. 3.00; in Denmark, 3.00; rate cents, foreign, 50 cents) ; pub-
for America, $1.00; Akersgaden lished at Gland (Ct. Vaud),
74, Christiania, Norway, and Switzerland; editor, E. Noualy.
Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen V.,
Denmark; editor, J. C. Otto- Le Messager (church paper) ;
sen, Skodsborg, Denmark. monthly; annual subscription,
fr. 2 (40 cents) ; Gland (Ct.
Evangeliets Sendebud; weekly; Vaud), Switzerland; editor; E.
sixteen pages; annual subscrip- Noualy.
tion, $1.50; International Pub-
lishing Assn., College View, Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de
Nebr.; editor, C. A. Thorp. l'Hygiene; monthly health
paper; sixteen pages; fr. 3.00
Missionaeren; monthly; eight (60 cents) ; Gland (Ct. Vaud),
pages; annual subscription, 50 Switzerland; editor, P. A. De
cents; International Publishing Forest.
Assn., College View, Nebr.; ed-
itor, Hansigne Strunge.
Lys over Landet; devoted to Herold der Wahrheit; semimonth-
health and temperance; thirty- ly; eight pages.; annual sub-
six pages; quarterly; 35 cents; scription, Mk. 2. (60 cents for
International Pub. Assn., College America); Grindelberg 15a,
\TIP ur, Nahr. ; erlAor, zdItcyr, L.
Thorp. R. Conradi.

Gute Gesundheit (health paper); German; annual subscription, 20

monthly; sixteen pages; annual cents; International Publishing
subscription, Mk. 2 (for Amer- Assn., College View, Nebr.
ica, 50 cents); Grindelberg 15a, Rundschau der Adventisten (Ger-
Hamburg, Germany; editors, E. man paper for circulation among
Meyer, M. D.; P. A. De Forest, S. D. A. churches in South
M. D. America); twelve pages; month-
Unser kleiner Freund (child's ly; published by the Brazil
paper); monthly; 16 pages; an- Publishing House, SSD Ber-
nual subscription, 80 Pfg. (for nardb, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
America, 30 cents); Grindelberg Brazil, South America; editor,
15a, Hamburg, Germany; editor, A. Pages.
M. Creeper.
Der Protestant; religious liberty HOLLAND (DUTCH).
quarterly; twenty-four pages; Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the
annual subscription, 1 mk. (for Times), Holland (formerly Zions
America, 25 cents); Grindelberg Wachter); monthly; eight
15a, Hamburg; editor, 'H. F. pages; annual subscription, 75
Schuberth. Holl. cents; to foreign countries,
1 florin (40 cents); Interna-
Der Erzieher; educational quar- tionale Traktatgesellschaft,
terly; twenty-four pages; an- Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
nual subscription, 1 mk. (for many; editor, R. G. Klingbeil.
America, 25 cents); Grindelberg
15a, Hamburg; editor, Otto De Arbeider; eight pages; quar-
Liipke. terly church paper for Holland
and Flemish Belgium; 80 Holl.
Christlicher Hausfreund; semi- cents; to foreign countries, 30
monthly; 16 pages; annual sub- cents; Internationale Traktat-
scription, $1; College View, gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a,
Nebr.; editor, T. Valentiner; Hamburg, Germany.
asst. editor, G. W. Erfurth. De Wachter; twelve pages;
monthly; editor, Hubertus Elf-
Deutscher Arbeiter; semimonthly; fers, " Rustica," Wynberg, Cape,
eight pages; annual subscrip- South Africa.
tion, 50 cents; College View,
Nebr.; editor, T. Valentiner.
Der Jugendbote (Youth's Messen- HUNGARIAN.
ger), an eight-page monthly for Utolso Uezenet (The Last Mes-
German young people; 50 cents sage); sixteen pages; monthly
a year; International Pub. missionary paper; 40 cents a
Assn., College View, Nebr.; ed- year (1.50 Kronen); with Evan-
itor, G. W. Erfurth. geliumi munkas, 2.50 kr., or for
Die Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of America, 60 cents; editor, J.
the Times) ; thirty-six pages; F. Huenergardt, Budapest, V.,
quarterly; 30 cents; Interna- Vaczi Kora 16. I Et., Tiir 41;
published by the Internationale
tional Pub. Assn., College View, Traktatgesellschaft, Grindelberg
Nebr.; editor, T. Valentiner; 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
asst. editor, G. W. Erfurth.
Evangeliumi munkas; quarterly;
Sabbatschul-Lektionen (Sabbath- eight pages; for circulation
school Lessons) ; quarterly; con- among believers in Hungary;
taining the S. D. A. Interna- edited and published as the
tional Sabbath-school lessons in paper noted above.

ITALIAN. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-

L'Ultimo Messaggio; monthly;
sixteen pages; 40 cents in Italy;
50 cents to United States; edi-
tor, L. Zecchetto, via de' Serragli PORTUGUESE.
51, Firenze, Italy. 0 Arauto da Verdade; monthly;
sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
tion, $1.25; in clubs of ten or
more copies, 90 cents each;
JAPANESE. Estacao Ski Bernardo, S. P. R.,
Owari No Fukuin; semimonthly; Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
twelve pages; annual subscrip- ica; editor, F. W. Spies.
tion, 50 cents; 846 Sendagaya- Revista Mensal; monthly; eight
machi, Tokyo, Japan; editors, pages; published by the Brazil
T. H. Okohira, F. H. DeVinney. Pub. House, Estacdo sao Ber-
nardo, S. P. R., sao Paulo,
Brazil, South America; editor,
KOREAN. F. W. Spies.
Sei Chyensa eui Keuipyel; month-
ly; twelve pages; annual sub-
scription, 25 cents; Korean S. RAROTONGAN.
D. A. Mission Press, Seoul, Ko-
rea; editors, Mimi Seharffen- Tuatua-Moa; monthly; eight
berg, C. L. Butterfield. pages; editor, Mrs. F. N.
Waugh, " Mizpah," Wahroonga,
N. S. W., Australia.

Zianas Sargs; sixteen pages; RUMANIAN.
monthly; illustrated; 50 cents;
Editorial Committee: J. T. Semnele Timpului (Signs of the
Biittcher, J. Sprohge, J. Schnei- Times) ; monthly; sixteen pages;
der; published at Grindelberg missionary paper; subscription
15a, Hamburg, Germany. price, Fr. 2.00 (to America, 40
cents). Editorial Committee:
0. Liipke, R. P. Paulini, St.
Demetrescu; published by the
MAORI. Tnternationale Traktatgesell-.
Te Karere o to Pono; monthly; schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
four pages; published by the burg, Germany.
Avondale Press, Cooranbong, N.
S. W., Australia.
POLISH. Maslina (Olive-tree); sixteen
pages; monthly; missionary
Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times); paper; subscription price, 50
sixteen pages; quarterly mis- cents a year (Russia, 1 Rbl.) ;
sionary paper; price; 50 pf., or, supplement (eight numbers an-
for America, 15 cents per an- nually) containing Sabbath-
num; published by the Inter- .ehool field reports,
nationale Traktatgesellschaft, 80 Kop, or 40 cents; Maslina

and Supplement, 1.50 Rbl., or Mexico: El Campo Mexicano; four

75 cents. Editorial Committee: pages; monthly; published at
Th. Itzmann, S. Bojanus, M. 1420 Avenue 20, Tacubaya, D.
Thomson; published by the In- F., Mexico.
ternationale Traktatgesell-
schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Sefiales de los Tiempos; monthly;
burg, Germany. eight pages; 50 cents a year;
published by the Imprenta Ad-
ventista, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
SAMOAN PAPER. America; editors, E. W. Tho-
mann and C. E. Knight.
Tali Moni (The Truth); monthly;
four pages; editor, Mrs. F. N. La Revista Adventista; monthly;
Waugh, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
N. S. W., Australia. tion, 50 cents; Florida, F. C. C.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America; editor, Mrs.
Lydia Oppegard; asst. editor, G.
SERVIAN. E. Hartman.
Posljedna Objawa (The Last La Salud y Vida; monthly health
Message) ; eight-page quarterly journal; 30 pages; subscription
church and missionary paper; price, $1; Florida, F. C. C. A.,
price, kr. 0.40; for America, 10 Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
cents; Servian S. S. Lesson America; editors, R. H. Habe-
Quarterly, 1 kr. per annum; for nicht, M. D., G. B. Replogle,
America, 20 cents; published by M. D., Mrs. Lydia Oppegard.
the Internationale Traktatgesell-
schaft, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Sefiales de los Tiempos; monthly;
burg, Germany. eight pages; annual subscrip-
tion, two pesetos; to foreign
countries, 50 cents; editor, W.
G. Bond, Calle Mercaders
40--10--la, Barcelona, Spain.
El Esforzador; 4-page monthly
Las Sefiales de los Tiempos; il- journal; 25 cents; address,
lustrated thirty - two - page Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain.
monthly, devoted to the expo-
sition of the prophecies, Bible
doctrines, and health and tem-
perance topics; annual subscrip- SWEDISH.
tion (in Mexico), $1.00; (Out-
side of Mexico), $1.00 United Tidens Tecken; semimonthly;
States Money; editor, G. W. eight pages; annual subscrip-
Caviness, Apartado 1554, Mex- tion, kr. 2; rate for America, 85
ico City, Mexico.. cents; Kungsgatan 34, Stock-
holm, Sweden; editor, E. J.
El Amigo de los Ninos (a paper Ahrdn.
for children); monthly; Mrs. G.
W. Caviness, editor, Apartado Missionaren (with S. S. lessons
1554, Mexico City, Mexico. for adults and children); semi-
monthly; eight pages; kr. 1.20
Estudios Biblicos; quarterly; Sab- (60 cents for America); Scan-
bath-school lessons for the en- dinavian Publishing Association,
tire Spanish field; published as Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Swe-
above. den; editor, E. J. Ahrdn.

Tidens Tecken och Sions Valtare; TAHITIAN.

weekly; sixteen pages; annual Te Maramarama (The Light);
subscription, including quar- monthly; eight pages; editor,
terly magazine, $1.50; quarterly Mrs. I. F. Cady, Assistant, Mrs.
magazine alone, 30 cents; Inter- F. N. Waugh; issued by the Av-
nation Publishing Assn., Col- ondale Press, Cooranbong, N. S.
lege View, Nebr.; editor, A. W., Australia'.
Signalen; monthly; eight pages; Talafekan Mooni; monthly; four
50 cants; International Publish. pages; editor, Mrs. F. N.
ing Assn., College View, Nebr.; Waugh; issued by the Avondale
editor, Bettie Svenson; asst. Press, Cooranbong, N. S. W.,
editor, S. Mortenson. Australia.


Bible Training School (devoted to Good Tidings of the Messiah; a
the interests of house-to-house monthly paper devoted to the
Bible work); sixteen pages; interests of gospel work among
monthly; 25 cents a year; South the Jews; twelve pages; 25
Lancaster, Mass.; editor, S. N. cents; Concord, Mass.; F. C.
Haskell. Gilbert, editor and publisher.
The Christian Record (a paper The Life Boat; an illustrated
printed for the blind, in Amer- monthly journal devoted to
ican Braille and in New York charitable, philanthropic health-
Point); monthly; thirty-two and soul-saving work; thirty-
pages; $2 a year, or sent free two pages; annual subscription,
to those who can not pay; pub- 50 cents; to foreign countries,
lished at College View, Nebr.; 65 cents; single copies, 10 cents;
Editorial Committee: Mrs. A. 0. published by the Workingmen's
Wilson, Mrs. L. N. Muck, L. N. Home and Life Boat Mission
Muck. Assn., Hinsdale, El.; editor,
David Paulson, M. D.
The Christian Record Publishing The Medical Evangelist; month-
Co. also has a Free Circulating ly; sixteen pages; 50 cents;
Library Department containing published by the Loma Linda
denominational tracts and College of Evangelists, Loma
pamphlets for free circulation Linda, near Redlands,Cal.; ed-
among the blind. These tracts itor, Dr. W. A. Rube; assist-
are sent to the reader and re- ants, G. K. Abbott, M. D.; Geo.
turned to the office without McCready Price.
postage. The Student Idea; issued monthly
Emmanuel Missionary College by South Lancaster Academy,
Bulletin; quarterly; thirty-two for the students; 50 cents for
pages; free; editorial commit- nine months; published at South
tee, Prof. 0. J. Graf, editor; La,ficaster, Mass.
Mrs. Laura Foster-Rathbun, as- The Academic Advocate; published
sociate editor; and five. students in the interests of the Iowa In-
appointed by the student body; dustrial Academy, at Nevada,
published at Berrien Springs, Iowa; 10 issues annually; 20
Mich. cents a year.

Southern Training School Quarter- Local papers 11

ly, issued quarterly; eight Foreign papers 59
pages; one number during the Private papers 10
year is the school calendar (usu- ---
ally about 78 pages) ; distrib- Total 121
uted free; published in the in- Weekly 22
terest of the school; editor, Prin- Semimonthly 12
cipal of the Southern Training Monthly 65
School,- Graysville, Tenn. Bimonthly 3
Washington Foreign Mission Sem- Quarterly 19
inary Record; quarterly, by the
Seminary, at Takoma. Park, Total 121
D. C. Total pages of one copy of
each of the foregoing jour-
nals 1864
Summary. Combined annual subscrip-
General papers 24 tion price $62.25
Union papers 17 No. languages 28

The languages in which denominational publi cations of all kinds are
now issued are the following:
Arabic Greco-Turkish Russian
Armenian Hawaiian Samoan
Armeno-Turkish Hebrew Santali
Battak Hindi Servian
Bengali Hungarian Sesuto (S. Africa)
Bohemian Icelandic Shanghai (China)
Bulgarian Italian Slovakian
Burmese Japanese Soenda (Roman)
Cantonese (China) Java-Malay Spanish
Centibele (So. Africa) Kaffir (Xosa) Swahili
Chassu (East Africa) Korean Swedish
Chi' Nyanja (British Laplandish Tagalog
Cen. Africa) Lettonian Tahitian
Chitonga (So. Africa) Lithuanian Tamil (India)
Croatian Malay (Singapore) Tongan
Danish-Norwegian Mandarin (China) Turkish
Dutch Manganja (E. Africa) Urdu (Romsn)
English Maori (New Zealand) Urdu (Persian)
Esthonian Marathi Welsh
Fijian Niue Wendic
Finnish Polish Wen-li (China)
French Portuguese Yiddish
German B arotongan Zulu
Greek (Modern) Rumanian Total languages, 70.
(Arranged alphabetically.)
Barker Road, Nailsworth, Ade- RIUM.
laide, South Australia, Boulder, Colo.
Established 1896.
Established 1908.
Board of Directors: A. T. Robin-
Board of Directors: M. Lukens, E. son, E. T. Russell, C. R. Kite, .
B. Rudge, T. J. Smith, W. G. J. G.Weller H. A. Green, Mary
Hodgkinson, H. H. White, P. H. J. Weber, Chas. E. Rice.
Manager: E. B. Rudge. Officers of the Board: A. T. Rob-
inson, Pres.; H. A. Green, Vice-
Pres.; Chas. E. Rice, Sec. and
Executive Committee: A. T. Rob-
243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga. inson, Pres.; H. A. Green, M. D.,
Established 1903. Medical Supt.; Chas. E. Rice,
General Manager; Grace E.
Board: Chas. Thompson, L. L. An- Mitchell, R. N., Head Nurse;
drews, M. D., W. H. Williams, C. with other members of the legal
B. Stephenson, V. 0. Cole, L. D. Board present; J. S. Rouse,
Randall, J. E. Bowen. Chaplain.
Officers: President, Chas. Thomp-
son; Manager and Treasurer, W. Medical Faculty: H. A. Green,
H. Williams; Medical Supt., L. M. D.; Kate Lindsay, M. D.;
L. Andrews, M. D. Mary J. Weber, M. D.
Nurses' Training School: Grace E.
Mitchell, Supt. and Sec.
AVONDALE HEALTH RE- Food Department: Ward Cooper,
TREAT. Manager and Sec.; Chas. E.
Cooranbong, New South Wales, Rice, Treas.; Earl Austin, Man-
Australia. ager Retail Dept.; James G.
Weller, Manager Denver Branch,
Board: B. F. Machlan, J: E. Ful-
1515 Stout St., Denver, Colo.
ton, A. H. Piper, F. C. Richards,
L. A. Hoopes, C. H. Pretyman, G.
S. Fisher.
Under the auspices of the Austra-
lasian Missionary College. CAPE SANITARIUM.
Medical Supt.: M. M. Freeman, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
M. B. Ch. M.
Established 1904.
Board of Trustees: R. C. Porter,
ITARIUM. G. Thomason, I. J. Hankins, C.
Bellair, near Durban, Natal, P. Crager, Prof. H. Elffers, G. H.
South Africa. Clark, W. H. Anderson.
Board of Management: J. C. Bau- Officers: R. C. Porter, Chairman,
mann, J. J. Bell, F. Macdonald. J. V. Willson. Sec.: Gen. W_
Metlivai Supt.: J. 5. Bell, M. D. Webb, Treas.

Medical Faculty: H. J. Williams, Medical Staff: Superintendent, J.

M. D., Supt.; Mrs. G. W. Webb, E. Caldwell, M. D.; Lady Phy-
Matron; G. W. Webb, Business sician, Lydia E. Parmele, M. D.;
Manager. Business Manager, L. T. Crisler;
Sec. and Treas., B. W. Spire;
Matron, Mrs. Helen Major.

Caterham, Surrey, England. FRIEDENSAU SANITARIUM.

Established 1903. Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Magdeburg, Germany.
Board of Managers: W. C. Sisley,
A. B. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett. Established 1899.
Officers: Chairman, W. C. Sisley; " Deutscher Verein fur Gesund-
Sec. and Treas., A. B. Olsen. heitspflege: " Legal organization
Medical Superintendent: A. B. Ol- for holding the Friedensau prop-
sen, M. D.; Matron, Miss C. L.
Creeper. Trustees: L. R. Conradi, President;
W. Krumm, Manager; Dr. E.
Meyer, Otto Liipke, H. F. Schu-
CHRISTCHURCH SANITARIUM. berth, J. G. ()blander, J. T.
Bottcher, H. Hartkop, G. Perk.
Papanui, Christchurch, New Members: J. G. ()blander, E.
Zealand. Frauchiger, G. W. Schubert, J.
Erzberger, L. Mathe, J. F. Hu-
Board: J. M. Cole, G. A. Brand- energardt, W. Prillwitz, E. Bahr,
stater, C. J. Driscoll, S. H. H. Fenner, K. Sinz, 0. E.
Am yes. Reinke, J. Wolfgarten, F. Wit-
ting, F. Prieser, D. P. Gaede,
Manager: G. A. Brandstater. 0. Schwenecke, J. Seefried, H.
Meyer-Biirtschy, R. Schillinger,
0. A. Janert, R. G. Klingbeil.
CHRISTIANIA HEALTH HOME. Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; Vice-
Pres., W. Krumm; Sec., 0.
Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Nor- Liipk; Auditor, G. Woysch.
way. Medical Faculty: Supt., Dr. E.
Meyer; Head Nurses, Joseph Es-
Corporate Name: Kurbadet. ser, Miss M. Kdmmerer.
Superintendent: C. M. Scott. Officers: Matron, Miss Helene Bar-
tel; Business Manager, W.
Krumm ; Treasurer, C. Banas.
Orlando, Fla.
Established 1908.
Legal Name: " Florida Sanitarium RIUM.
and Benevolent Association."
Trustees: R. W. Parmele (Pres.), Frederikshavn, Denmark.
Chas. Thompson, L. T. Crisler,
H. A. Shreve, J. E. Caldwell, M. Officers: Danish Conference Com-
D., C. V. Achenbach, W. J. mittee; Director, J. C. Ottosen,
Ewing. M. D.


Incorporated 1903.
Incorporated. 1910. Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
ford, Herts, -England.
(This association operates the Officers: Chairman, W. J. Fitzger-
Glendale Sanitarium, located at ald; Secretary, A. B. Olsen, M.
Glendale, Cal.; the Paradise Val- D.; Treas., W. C. Sisley.
ley Sanitarium, at National Trustees: W. C. Sisley, W. T.
City, Cal.; and the Los Angeles Bartlett, A. B. Olsen, W. J.
Treatment Rooms, at 417 West Fitzgerald, S. G. Haughey, W.
Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.) H. Meredith, H. E. Armstrong,
Board of Directors: E. E. Andross, H. C. Lacey, W. H. Wakeham,
D. D. Comstock, M. D., J. J. W. M. Scott, D. Redhead, J. J.
Wessels, F. F. Abbott, M. D., Gillatt, S. Joyce, E. H. Brown.
J. R. Leadsworth, M. D., H. W.
Lindsay, J. A. Rurden.
Officers: Pres., E. E. Andross;
Vice-Pres., J. J. Wessels, Sec.
and Treas., Frank Lane. GRAYSVILLE SANITARIUM.
Graysville, Tenn.
GLENDALE SANITARIUM. Established 1900.
Glendale, Cal.
Board of Directors: Chas. Thomp-
Faculty Glendale Sanitarium: D. son, M. B. Van Kirk, H. S. Mil-
D. Comstock, Medical Supt.; ler, P. G. Stanley, R. L. Will-
Belle Wood-Comstock, Supt. of iams, T. S. Dock.
Nurses' Training School; J. J.
Wessels, Manager; C. F. Mar- Officers: Pres., Chas. Thompson;
vin, Chaplain; Mrs. Dora Bas- Sec., A. L. Gregory; Business
nett, Matron; C. D. Cress, Chef. Manager and Treas., T. S. Dock.
Medical Supt.: A. L. Gregory,
M. D.
National City, Cal.
Faculty Paradise Valley Sanita- Nevada, Iowa.
rium: F. F. Abbott, M. D., Med-
ical Supt.; H. W. Lindsay, Man- (Continuing the Sanitarium estab-
ager; Mrs. Winifred Frederick lished at Des Moines in 1899.)
Lindsay, Supt. of Training
School. Board of Managers: M. N. Camp-
bell, J. M. Whitney, A. P. Han-
sen, W. D. Paikhurst, C. W.
LOS ANGELES TREATMENT Heald, J. W. Jensen, Jacob
ROOMS. Shively.
417 West Fifth St., Los Local Board: .C. W. Heald, M. D.,
Angeles, Cal. Supt.; C. A. Pedicord, Business
Superintendent Sanitarium Treat- Manager; Miss Minnie Rasmus-
ment Rooms: .L R T.Pn dsworth, SeTI ; trrm Dr P. A Wa rri cm,
M. D. Dr. Clara A. Schunk.


Wichita, Kans. 82 Regent Road, Leicester, En-
Established 1904. gland.
Board of Trustees: H. S.' Osterloh Established 1903.
(Pres.), W. F. Kennedy, W. A.
McCroskey, L. C. Christofferson Branch of Caterham Sanitarium.
(Sec. and Treas.), J. D. Mc-
Broom, John Ogden, N. T. Sut- Board of Managers: W. C. Sisley,
ton, A. B. Dunn, H. A. Schneider. A. B. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett.
Board of Management: L. C. Manager: W. M. Scott.
Christofferson, W. F. Kennedy,
H. S. Osterloh, J. D. McBroom, Medical Superintendent: A. B. Ol-
A. B. Dunn. sen, M. D.; Matron, Mrs. Wini-
fred Scott.
Medical Faculty: Medical Supt.,
A. B. Dunn, M. D.; Business
Manager, L. C. Christofferson;
Matron, Mrs. L. M. Christoffer-

Loma Linda, Cal.

KIMBERLEY BATHS. Established 1905.
7 Cheapside, Kimberley, South Board of Trustees: J. A. Burden
Africa. (Pres.), E. E. Andross (Vice-
Pres.), S. S. Merrill (Sec. and
Board of Trustees: Executive Treas.), J. J. Wessels, H. W.
Committee of the Cape Colony Lindsay, H. G. Lucas, Dr. G. K.
Conference. Abbott, Dr. Julia A. White.
Manager: E. C. Silsbee; Matron, Medical Staff: T. J. Evans, M. D.,
Mrs. E. C. Silsbee. Medical Supt.; G. K. Abbott,
M. D.; Julia A. White, M. D.;
A. W. Truman, M. D.; W. A.
LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM. Ruble, M. D.; C. A. Burrows,
M. D.; A. Shryock, M. D. Lau-
(Sanatorium du Leman) retta Kress, M. D.; Ora Kress,
M. D.; Dorothy Harbaugh, M.
Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland. D. E. H. Risley, M. D.; Evelyn
Organized 1904. Hellman, M. D.

Corporate Name: "Societe Philan-

thropique de la Ligniere."
Board of Directors: L. R. Con-
radi, Jules Robert, P. A. De For- Madison, Wis.
est, L. P. Tieche, Alcide Guenin. Established 1902.
Officers: Pres.4 L. R. Conradi; Board of Trustees: W. H. Thurs-
See. and Treas., J. Robert. ton (Pres.), P. L. Larson (Sec.
Local Board: J. Robert, P. A. De and Business Manager), John
Forest, L. E. Borle, Paul Stein- W. Hopkins, M. D., W. H.
er, George Weber. Holmes, A. C. Woodbury, D. H.
Medical Superintendent: P. A. De Oberholtzer, C. L. Stone.
Forest, M. D. Medical Faculty: Supt., Roxetta
Matron: Mrs. Eliza Robert. Runck, M. D.

NASHVILLE SANITARIUM, Medical Superintendent: 0. H.

Nashville, Tenn. Hahn; Local Manager and
Treas., Ceo. A. Williams.
Incorporated 1905.
Address: Station. 5, Nashville,
Directors: C. F. McVagh, C. P.
Bollman, W. A. Wilcox, A. J. Melrose, Mass.
Haysmer, M. F. Knox, C. H.
Moyers, W. R. Burrow. Established 1899.
Officers: C. F. McVagh, Pres.; C.
P. Bollman, Vice-Pres.; C. H. Officers: W. B. White, Pres.; J.
Moyers, Sec., Treas., and Busi- G. White, Sec. and Treas.; W.
' ness Manager. E. Bliss, M. D., Supt.; G. B.
Medical Faculty: W. Mason, M. Starr, Chaplain; W. A. Gosmer,
D.; E. D. Haysmer, M. D.; Mat- Asst. Chaplain; Mrs. J. C.
ron, Mrs. M. H. Crothers; Head White, Matron.
Nurse, Miss Velma E. Scarbor- Medical Faculty: W. E. Bliss, M.
ough.. D.; John W. Hopkins, M. D.; M.
Estella Houser, M. D., Lady
Physician; Miss Leonora Lacey,
NATAL HEALTH INSTITUTE. Supt. of Nurses; Miss M. Mabel
126 Longmarket St., Pietermar- Arnold, Physical Director.
itzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Board: J. C. Baumann, Dr. J. J.
Superintendent: Dr. J. J. Bell.
Huntsville, Ala.

NEBRASKA SANITARIUM. Established 1910.

College View, Nebr. Board: The same management as
Established 1894. for Oakwood Manual Training
Board of Trustees: Orville Rock- Faculty: M. M. Martinson, M. D.,.
well, M. D., 0. H. Hahn, M. D., Supt.; Stella C. Martinson, M.
D. R. Callahan, John W. Chris- D., Asst.; Business Manager, C.
tian, E. T. Russell, Lars Niel- J. Boyd.
son, Frederick Griggs.
Officers: Supt., Orville Rockwell,
M. D.; Business Manager, Lars
Medical Staff: Orville Rockwell,
M. D.; Amy R. Humphrey, M. Mt. Tabor Station, Portland,
D.; Matron, Hannah Larson.
Founded, 1893; reorganized, 1902;
NEBRASKA SANITARIUM. became an institution of the
North Pacific Union Conference,
Hastings, Nebr.
Established 1908. Board of Directors: C. W.. Flaiz
Under same general management (Pres.), A. M. Dart (Sec.), C.
as Nebraska Sanitarium, College M. Everest (Treas.), H. W.
view, Nebr. Decker, F. S. Bunch, S. W.

Nellis, P. A. Hanson, J. C. Fos- ST. ILELENA SANITARIUM.

ter, G. E. Langdon, J. M. Wil-
loughby. Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Officers and Medical Faculty: C. (Incorporated as California Medi-
M. Everest, Supt. and Business
Manager; W. B. Holden, M. D., cal Missionary and Benevolent
Medical Director; M. N. Can-
field, M. D., House Physician: Established 1878.
A. M. Dart, Chaplain; Mrs.
Mayme McFarlane, Matron; Board of Directors: H. W. Cot-
Miss Nettie Free, Head Nurse. trell (Pres.); G. A. Irwin, H. F.
Rand, W. C. White, E. E. Par-
lin, L. M. Bowen, B. W. Als-
berge, E. F. Stow.
Officers: Geo. Thomason, Medical
Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentina, Supt.; L. M. Bowen, Treas. and
South America. Business Manager; E. F. Stow,
Asst. Treas. and Asst. Business
Established 1900. Manager; J. B. Giddings, Sec.;
H. McDowell, Steward; C. L.
Board of Managers: R. H. Habe- Taylor, Chaplain; Mrs. J. L.
nicht (Chairman), G. B. Rep- ings, Matron.
logle, Lillian Voris, J. W.
Westphal, George Lust, Daniel
Weiss, C. E. Knight. Medical Faculty: Geo. Thomason,
Medical Faculty: Director, R. H. M. D.; G. E. Klingerman, M. D.;
Habenicht, M. D.; G. B. Rep- Ida S. Nelson, M. D.; Myrtle B.
logle, M. D. Hudson, M. D.


316 Foster St., Nashville, Tenn. TARIUM.
(For Colored.) Stanborough Park, Watford,
Herts, England.
Established 1908.
Under supervision of the British
Board: C. P. Bollman, Chairman; Union Conference Committee.
D. E. Blake, Secretary and Man-
ager; Lottie C. I. Blake, M.
D., Medical Supt.; G. W. Hub-
E. Palmer.

SKODSBORG SANATORIUM. Wahroonga, New South Wales,

Skodsborg, Denmark.
Constituency: J. E. Fulton, B. F.
Established 1897. Machlan, 'L. A. Hoopes, E. H.
Officers: Director, J. C. Ottosen, Gates, P. B. Budge, C. H. Prety-
M. D.; A. C. Christensen, Busi- man, A. H. Piper, B. J. Cady,
ness Manager and Treasurer; G. S. Fisher, J. H. Woods, J. M.
Chr. Juhl, Inspector. Johanson, A. G. Waugh, P. M.
Medical Facility: J. C. Ottosen, Keller, L. D. A. Lemke, F. C.
M. D.; N. P. Nelson, M. D.; A. Richards.
H. Larson, M. D. Board of Trustees: J. E. Fulton

(Pres.), G. S. Fisher, Dr. F. C. (Vice-Pres. and Treas.), H. E.

Richards, B. F. Machlan, A. H. Sanders (Sec.), F. A. Loop, M.
Piper, C. H. Pretyman, A. G. D. (Medical Sec.), W. P. Cun-
Waugh; Sec. and Treas., C. H. ningham (Councilman), W. H.
Pretyman. Edwards (Auditor).
Officers: Medical Supt., F. A. Loop,
M. D.; Asst. Supt., W. M. By-
SYDNEY SANITARIUM. ers, M. D.; Business Manager,
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. H. E. Sanders; Matron, Miss
Bettie States.
Established 1902. Faculty: F. A. Loop, M. D. (Pres.),
Board: J. E. Fulton, F. C. Rich- Mrs. F. A. Loop, Miss Bettie
ards, A. H. Piper, A. G. Waugh, States, Mrs. G. L. Sanders, Miss
C. H. Pretyman, G. S. Fisher. Georgia Sanders, Mr. an Mrs.
Medical Faculty: F. C. Richards, E. M. Dudley, H. E. Sanders,
M. D.; Mrs. E. S. Richards, M. W. A. Young (Chaplain).
D.; T. A. Sherwin, M. D.; Man-
ager, G. S. Fisher; Matron, Mrs.
College Place, Wash.
TRI-CITY SANITARIUM. Established 1905.
1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill. Board of Directors: C. W. Flaiz
Established 1900. (Pres.), T. L. Ragsdale, C. M.
Incorporated as " Northern Illi- Christiansen, Jacob Riffel, H. W.
nois Medical Missionary and Decker, T. G. Johnson (Sec.),
Sanitarium Association." W. E. McCully (Treas.).
Board of Trustees: Geo. E. Lang- Medical Staff: I. A. Dunlap, M. D.,
don, Frank J. Otis, Walter C. Medical Director; W. B. Holden,
Foreman, William A. Marsh, Jr., M. D., Surgeon; J. W. Summers,
William M. Lewsadder, Samuel M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose, and
D. Burgeson, James M. Osborn, Throat; W. E. McCully, Busi-
ness Manager; Miss Elsie Till-
L. D. Santee, Harry E. Moons man, Matron; Miss Elva Ap-
Officers: Geo. E. Langdon, Presi-
plington, Head Nurse.
dent; F. J. Otis, Vice-President;
W. C. Foreman, Secretary and
Treasurer; W. H. Edwards,
Medical Faculty: F. J. Otis, M.
D., Supt.; Estella G. Norman, Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
M. D., Lady Physician; Nellie
Waddell, R. N., Head Nurse and Established 1910.
Matron. Medical Supt.: Dr. W. Howard
Business Manager: W. C. Fore- James.
man; Chaplain, Elder L. D.
WABASH VALLEY SANITA- Takoma Park Station, Washing-
RIUM. ton, D. C.
La Fayette, Ind.
Dedicated June 12, 1907.
Established 1906.
Board of Directors: 0. Montgom- Corporate Name: Washington (D
ery (Pres.), T. A. Goodwin C.) Sanitarium Association.

Constituency: The Executive Com- Medical Faculty: H. N. Sisco, M.

mittees of the General Confer- D.; Mrs. P. S. Bourdeau-Sisco,
ence and of the following Con- M. D.; Margaret Evans, M. D.
ferences: Atlantic Union, Ches-
apeake, Virginia, West Virginia,
District of Columbia, and the
Board of Trustees: W. T. Knox, BRANCH.
A. G. Daniells, F. M. Wilcox, E.
R. Palmer, R. T. Dowsett, H. R. 2 Iowa Circle, N. W., Washing-
Salisbury, H. N. Sisco, M. E. ton, D. C.
Officers: Pres., W. T. Knox; Gen- Medical Staff: H. N. Sisco, M. D.;
eral Manager and Treas., R. T. Mrs. P. S. Bourdeau-Sisco, M.
Dowsett; Sec., H. N. Sisco. D.; Margaret Evans, M. 1).

Nashville Sanitarium Food Factory, Office, Nashville, Tenn.; factory,
Madison, Tenn.; Manager, M. F. Knox, Madison, Tenn. Mem-
bers of Committee: C. F. McVagh, C. P. Boni-Ilan, W. A. Wilcox,
M. F. Knox, W. R. Burrow.
British Health Food Factory.The International Health Association,
Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Directors:
W. C. Sisley, Dr. A. B. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett, W. H. Meredith,
W. R. White. Manager, W. C. Sisley; Sec., W. R. White.
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium Food Co., Boulder, Colo.; Denver Branch,
1515 Stout St.
Copenhagen Food Factory, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nebraska Sanitarium Food Co., College View, Nebr.
Portland Sanitarium Food Co., Portland, Oregon.
Sanitarium Food Company, Sanitarium, Cal.; Incorporated 1902. Di-
rectors: L. M. Bowen (Pres.), R. Rose (Vice-Pres.), H. W. Cot-
trell, W. C. White, H. F. Rand, M. D., E. H. Wallar, L. A. Whit-
ney (Sec. and Treas.).
Iowa Sanitarium Food Company, 1319 Des Moines St., Des Moines, Iowa;
F. Dryer, Manager.
Sanitarium Health Food Company, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Board:
F. C. Richards, G. S. Fisher, C. H. Pretyman, B. F. Machlan,
A. H. Piper. Manager, G. S. Fisher.

Vegetarian Caf, 43-45 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal.
Wellington, New Zealand. Manners St.; Manager, Miss T. Sandberg.
Melbourne, Australia. 289 Collins St.; Manager, C. Hallam.
Sydney, Australia. 45 Hunter St.; Manager, G. S. Fisher.
Auckland, New Zealand. Sanitarium Health Food Caf; Manager, Miss
E. M. Cooper.
Adelaide, Australia. 28 Waymouth St.;. Manager, Arch. Rogers.


(Arranged Alphabetically.)
Acushnet Sanitarium, 25 Main St., New Bedford, Mass.; Supt., J. P.
Bradford, M. D.; establishd 1907.
Arizona Sanitarium, 515 Central Ave., Phcenix, Ariz.; Supt. E. C. Bond,
M. D.; J. M. Bond, M. D.
Attleboro Sanitarium, Attleboro, Mass.; B. E. Nicola, M. D., Supt.; Mrs.
M. B. Nicola, M. D., Sec.
Black River Valley Sanitarium, 1008 Washington St., Watertown, N. Y.;
Supt., Isadore L. Green, M. D.
Chamberlain Sanitarium,Chamberlain, S. Dak.; Pres., C. P. Farnsworth,
M. D.; Sec., W. T. Lindsay, M. D.; Treas., A. C. Whitbeek;
Business Manager, Clarence Lawry; Matron, Anna B. Farns-
worth, M. D.
Chattanooga SanitUrium, 16 McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn.; 0. M.
Hayward, M. D., Supt.
Cottage Grove Sanitarium, Cottage Grove, Oregon; H. C. Schleef, M. D.,
East Lake Health Home, Route 3, Box 71, Decatur, Oa.; Supt., C. F.
Curtis, M. D.
Droll's Sanitarium, 2301 East Fourteenth St., Kansas City, Mo.; G. A.
Droll, M. D., Piop.
Dr. D. Gaede's Sanitarium, Weatherford, Okla.; Supt., D. Gaede, M. D.
Durban Health Institute, Old Dutch Road, Durban, Natal, South Africa;
Supt., C. M. Blaine.
El Reposo Sanitarium 2222 Chapel. St., Berkeley, Cal.; Supt., A. J.
Sanderson, M. D.
Fayette Sanitarium, 1.941 Virginia Ave., Connersville, Ind.; Supt., Miss
Marie Sahli.
Fort Worth Sanitarium, 1430 Lipscomb St., Fort Worth, Tex.; Supt.,
D. C. Ross, M. D.
Garden City Sanitarium, San Jose, Cal.; Dr. L. J. Belknap and Nina
Belknap, Props.
Grampian Hills Hydropathic, Crieff, Scotland; Supt., S. H. Murphy.
Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill.; Medical Supt., David Paulson;
Business Manager, A. C. Gaylord; Medica Faculty, David
Paulson, M. D.; Mary W. Paulson, M. D.; L. H. Wolfsen, M. D.;
Ora Barber, M. D.
Japanese Sanitarium, 18 Fukiai Hatatsuka dori, Goehome, Kobe, Japan;
Supt., Dr. Kiku Noma; Business Manager, T. Kawano. Board
of Directors: Kiku Noma, 1N/fl D., F. H. DeVinney, John N. Her-
boltzheimer, K. Noma, T. Kawano, T. H. Okohira.
Jared Sanitarium, 1128 Broadway, Logansport, Ind.; Jesse Jared, Supt.
Little Rock Sanitarium, 1223 Wolfe St.. Little Rock, Ark.:, Dr. W. C.
Green, Prop.

Long Beach Sanitarium, Long Beach, Cal.; R, S. Cummings, M. D.,

Supt.; Abbieegar-Simpson,
in M. D.; W. Ray Simpson, Mgr.
Madison Rural Sanitarium, Madison, Tenn. Physicians: Newton Evans,
M. D., Supt.; Lillian E. Magan, M. D.
Middletown Sanitarium, 10 Benton Ave., Middletown, N. Y.; Medical
Supt., B. B. Kinne, M. D.
Montrose Sanitarium, Montrose, Minn.; Medical Supt., E. P. Hawk-
ins, M. D.
Mt. Vernon Medical and Surgical Sanitarium, Corner Sugar and Mul-
berry Sts., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Established, 1906. Advisory
Board: V. L. Fisher, M. D., R. R. Kennedy, P. S. Stokes, Mrs.
V. L. Fisher, Miss Iva Dudgeon; Medical Supt., V. L. Fisher,
M. D.
Nauheim Sanitarium, 46 Forest Park Ave., Springfield, Mass; Mary
Sanderson, M. D., Supt.
Nauheim Sanatorium, 470 Twenty-eighth St., Oakland, Cal.; Medical
Supt., W. H. Maxson, M. D.; Mrs. H. S. Maxson, M. D.
Newark Sanitarium, Newark, Ohio; Kennedy and Montgomery, Props.
Northwestern Sanitarium, Port Townsend, Wash. Medical Supt., W. R.
Simmons, M. D.; L. A. Buss, M. D.; established
' 1906.
Otter Lake Medical and Surgical Sanitarium, Otter Lake, Mich.; M. N.
Dawson, Mgr.
Phcenix Rest Home (for incipient cases of pulmonary tuberculosis),
Near Phcenix, Ariz.; post-office address, Box 757; G. A. Rob-
erts, Manager.
Riverside Sanitarium, Montrose, Colo.; A. J. Waters, Supt.
Tampa Sanitarium, 2708 Tenth St., Tampa, Fla.; Elsie M. Gilbert,
M. D., Prop.
Thornton's Sanitarium, Stevensville, Mont.; Chas. R. Thornton, M. D.,
Virginia Sanitarium, 210 East Grace St., Richmond, Va.; R. S. Ingersoll,
M. D., Prop.


(Alphabetically by Cities.)
Atchison, Kans. Shannon's Bath and Treatment Rooms, Sixth and
p Sts.; T. A. Shannon, Prop.
Atlanta, Ga. Hydropathie Treatment Rooms, 236 Gordon St.; J. B.
Neall, M. D., Medical Supt. and Manager.
Bellingham, Wash. Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 1016 Elk St.; Clar-
ence D. Threlkeld, Prop.
Benton Harbor, Mich. Radiant Baths, 172 Pipestone St.; F. V. East-
man, Prop.

Boise City, Idaho. Boise Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 320-330 Boise

City National Bank Bldg.; J. E. Froom, M. D., Prop.
Bridgeport, Conn. Wagner's Electro-Hydrotorium, N. W. corner Golden
Hill and Main Sts.; L. G. Wagner, Prop.
Calcutta, India. Calcutta Bath and Treatment Rooms, 75 Park St.;
J. H. Reagan, Supt.; under supervision of India Union Mission.
Calgary, Canada. Alberta Massage and Bath Parlors, 214 Underwood
Block; Supt., F. L. Hommel; under supervision of Alberta
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Sanitarium Treatment Parlors; R. L. Mantz,
M. D., Prop.
Chicago, Ill. Chicago Institute of Physiologic Therapeutics, 100 State
St.; William S. Sadler, M. D., Director.
Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 213 West Oak St.; E. J. Boo, Supt.
Columbus, Ohio. Whiteis Turkish and Electric Baths, 112 East Broad
St.; U. E. Whiteis, Prop.
Cleveland, Ohio. Wade Park Hydropathic Institute, 8203 Wade Park
Ave.; D. M. Cobb, Prop.
Decatur, Ill. Decatur Treatment Rooms, 120 East North St.; Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Craig, Props.
Erie, Pa. Erie Institute of Physiologic Therapeutics, 131 West Eight-
eenth St.; R. E. Patton, Director.
Flint, Mich. Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, a branch of the Otter
Lake Sanitarium.
Liquor and Drug Treatment Institute, Flint, Mich., a branch of
the Otter Lake Sanitarium.
Fond du Lac Wis. Harris Treatment Rooms, 52 East Division St.;
G. M. Harris, Prop.
Guadalajara, Mexico. Guadalajara Medical Mission, Calle de Lopez
Portillo 747, Guadalajara, Mexico; owned and operated by Mex-
ican Mission; W. S. Swayze, M. D., in charge.
Hamilton, Ohio. Hamilton Treatment Rooms; A. R. Hasemeier, Prop.
Jacksonville, Fla. Turkish Bath and Treatment Rooms, Windsor
Hotel; Geo. B. and Ray Thompson, Props.
Jerusalem, Palestine. Jerusalem Treatment Rooms (Heiland Anstalt),
Deutsche Post; L. Krug, Manager; under supervision of Syrian
Knoxville, Tenn. Lovell's Hydropathic Institute, 513 Union Ave.; R. A.
Lovell, Prop.

Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles Treatment Rooms, 417 West Fifth St.;
J. R. Leadsworth, M. D., Supt.; under supervision of " Sanita-
rium Assn. of S. D. A. of Southern California."
Mansfield, Ohio.Mansfield Turkish Bath and Treatment Rooms, 116
Dawson Ave.; Marcellus Andre, Prop.
Mussoorie, India. " Kirkville," Mussoorie; in charge of India Union

Nashville, Tenn. Treatment Rooms, 311 Jackson Bldg.; Andrew J.

Harris, Osteopathic Physician, Prop.
Ottawa, Ill. Ottawa Treatment Parlors, 720 La Salle St., Ottawa, Ill.
E. A. Dunn, Prop.
Philadelphia, Pa. Physical Therapeutic Rooms, Suite 102, Parkway
Bldg., Broad and Cherry Sts.; Wm. Quinn, R. N., Manager.
Rochester, N. Y. Rochester Treatment Rooms, 18 Gibbs St.; in charge
of Miss Loie M. Osborn and Miss Mildred 0. Parrish.
Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City Treatment Rooms, 122 Main
St.; W. L. Gardner, M. D., Supt.
San Francisco, Cal. St. Helena Sanitarium.Dispensary, 916 Laguna St.;
operated by St. Helena Sanitarium.
Santa Ana, Cal. Santa Ana Treatment Rooms; Effie A. Brown, M. D.,
Seattle, Wash. Sanitarium. Treatment Rooms, 1317 Fourth Ave.; Ber-
ton C. Cook, Prop.
Sioux City, Ia. Sioux City Bath and Massage, 334 Massachusetts
Bldg.; Kathryn Vaughn, Prop.
South Bend, Ind. South Bend Sanitarium Treatment Parlors, 137 South
Michigan St.; H. B. Boram, M. I)., Prop.
The Life Boat Rescue Home, Hinsdale, Ill., and 52S East Thirty-third
Place, Chicago. Board of Directors: Dr. David Paulson (Pres.),
N. W. Paulson (Treas.), Mrs. Hannah L. Swanson (Matron),
A. C. Gaylord, Dr. Mary Paulson, Eva L. Borden.
The names of institutions connected with, or located within the ter-
ritory of, Union Conferences, may be conveniently found by reference to
the following list. For full information regarding such institutions, see
preceding pages, where, under appropriate grouping, all are placed in
alphabetical order. The preparation of this list seems necessary in view
of frequent changes of names of institutions, making difficult any refer-
ence to the same institution from year to year.
In the following list a * precedes the names of institutions which
are privately owned or managed, and not under conference control.
In connection with each Union Conference is stated the total assets
invested in that union, as reported for the " Financial Statement of
Seventh-day Adventist Conferences and Institutions," sixth annual re-
port, for 1910; and also the total employees connected with these insti-
tutions, as indicated in the 1910 Statistical Report.. Hence, all new in-
stitutions established or first reported during 1911, appear in this list
for the first time, and are indicated by the superior figure 1 preceding
each name. The assets of such institutions are not included, for the
reason that up to the time of preparing this list the reports for 1911
have not been secured.


South Lancaster Academy, South Lancaster, Mass.
Tunesassa Intermediate School, Tunesassa, N. Y.

New York Branch of Review and Herald, Room 910, 32 Union Square,
New York, N. Y.
South Lancaster Printing Co., South Lancaster, Mass.


* Acushnet Sanitarium, 25 Main St., New Bedford, Mass.

" Attleboro Sanitarium, Attleboro, Mass.
* Black River Valley Sanitarium, 1008 Washington St., Watertown,
N. Y.
* Middletown Sanitarium, 10 Benton Ave., Middletown, N. Y.
*Nauheim Sanitarium, 46 Forest Park Ave., Springfield, Mass.
New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.

* 'Rochester Treatment Rooms, 18 Gibbs St., Rochester, N. Y.
* Wagner's Electro-Hydrotorium, N. W. corner Golden Hill and Main
Sts., Bridgeport, Conn.
Total assets, $239,614.34; total employees, 179.


Clinton German Seminary, Clinton, Mo.
Eastern Colorado Academy, R. F. D. 3, Loveland, Colo.
Goldsberry Intermediate School, Goldsberry, Mo.
Hastings Intermediate School, Hastings, Nebr.
Hill Agricultural Academy, Downs, Kans.
Strode Industrial School, Oswego, Kans.
Union College, College View, Ner
Western Slope Academy, Palisades, Colo.
Wyoming Intermediate School, Heiiiingford, Nebr.
Christian Record Pub. Co., College View, Nebr.
International Publishing Assn., College View, Nebr.
Kansas City Branch of Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1109 East Twelfth
St., Kansas City, Mo.
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Droll's Sanitarium, 2301 East Fourteenth St., Kansas City, Mo.
Kansas Sanitarium, Wichita, Kans.
Nebraska Sanitarium, College View, Nebr.
Nebraska Sanitarium, Hastings, Nebr.
" Riverside Sanitarium, Montrose, Colo.
' Shannon's Bath and Treatment Rooms, Sixth and Commercial Sts.,
Atchison, Kans. .
'Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium Food Co., Boulder, Colo. Denver Branch,
1515 Stout St., Denver, Colo.
Nebraska Sanitarium Food Co., College View, Nebr.
Total assets, $691,842.10; total employees, 315.


Fireside Correspondence School, Takoma Park, D. C.
Mt. Vernon College, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Shenandoah Valley Training Academy, New Market, Va.
Takoma S. D. A. Intermediate School, Takoma Park, D. C.
Washington Foreign Mission Seminary, Takoma Park, D. C.
Review and Herald Publishing Assn., Takoma Park, D. C.
* Mt. Vernon Sanitarium, Cor. Sugar and Mulberry Sts., Mt. Vernon,
* Newark Sanitarium, Newark, Ohio,

* ' Virginia Sanitarium, 210 East Grace St., Richmond, Va.

Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park, D. C.
Washington Branch Sanitarium, 2 Iowa Circle, Washington, D. C.

* 1 Erie Institute of Physiologic Therapeutics, 131 West Eighteenth St.,
Erie, Pa.
*' Hamilton Treatment Rooms, Hamilton, Ohio.
* Mansfield Turkish Bath and Treatment Rooms, 116 Dawson Ave.,
Mansfield, Ohio.
Physical Therapeutic Rooms, Suite 102, Parkway Bldg., Broad and
Cherry Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
* Wade Park Hydropathic Institute, 8203 Wade Park Ave., Cleveland,
*' Whiteis Turkish and Electric Baths, 112 East Broad St., Columbus,
Total assets, $646,862.13; total employees, 256.


Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.
Battle Creek Industrial Academy, Battle Creek, Mich.
:Beechwood Manual Training Academy, Fairland, Ind.
Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis.
Broadview Swedish Seminary, R. F. D. 1, Box 20, La Grange, Ill.
Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Chicago Training School for Gospel Medical Missionaries, 528 East
Thirty-third Place, Chicago, Ill.
Clearwater Industrial School, Clearwater Lake, Wis.
Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Fox River Academy, Sheridan, Ill.
Walderly School, Hawthorne, Wis.
Emmanuel Missionary College Press, Berrien Springs, Mich.
South Bend Branch of Review and Herald, 212 South La Fayette St.,
South Bend, Ind.
* Fayette Sanitarium, 1941 Virginia Ave., Connersville, Ind.
" Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill.
* Jared Sanitarium, 1128 Broadway, Logansport, Ind.
Madison Sanitarium, Madison, Wis.
" Otter Lake Sanitarium, Otter Lake, Mich.
Tri-City Sanitarium, 1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill.
Wabash Valley Sanitarium, La Fayette, Ind.
* Chicago Institute of Physiologic Therapeutics, 100 State St., Chi-
cago, Ill.
" 'Decatur Treatment Rooms, 120 East North St., Decatur, Ill.
* Flint Treatment Rooms, Flint, Mich.
" iaYuvi arid- Drug Inztitute, Flint; Minh- -


* 1 Harris Treatment Rooms, 52 East Division St., Fond du Lac, Wis.

*'Life Boat Rescue Home, 528 East Thirty-third Place, Chicago, Ill.
*' Ottawa Treatment Parlors, 720 La Salle St., Ottawa, Ill.
*' Radiant Baths, 172 Pipestone St., Benton Harbor, Mich.
* Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 213 West Oak St., Chicago, Ill.
South Bend Sanitarium Treatment Parlors, 137 South Michigan St.,
South Bend, Ind.
Total assets, $623,863.56; total employees, 312.


Danish-Norwegian Seminary, Hutchinson, Minn.
Maplewood Academy, Maple Plain, Minn.
Oak Park Academy, Nevada, Iowa.
Plainview Academy, Redfield, S. Dak.
Sheyenne River Academy, Harvey, N. Dak.
Kansas City Branch of Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1109 East Twelfth St.,
Kansas City, Mo.
* Chamberlain Sanitarium; Chamberlain, S. Dak.
Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa.
* Montrose Sanitarium,'Montrose, Minn.

*' Sanitarium Treatment Parlors, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
" Sioux City Bath and Massage, 334 Mass. Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa.
Iowa Sanitarium Food Co., 1319 Des Moines St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Total assets, $454,254.66; total employees, 132.


Ames Academy, Eagle, Idaho.
Forest Home Industrial Academy, Mt. Vernon, Wash.
Gravel Ford Academy, Gravel Ford, Oregon.
Laurelwood Academy, Gaston, Oregon.
Meadowglade Industrial Academy, Battle Ground, Wash.
Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman, Mont.
Royal Intermediate School, Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Thatuna Industrial Academy, Viola, Idaho.
Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash.
Yakima Valley Intermediate School, Route 6, North Yakima,, Wash.
Portland Branch of Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 61 North Park St., Port-
land, Oregon.

* Cottage Grove Sanitarium, Cottage Grove, Oregon.
* Northwestern Sanitarium, Port Townsend, Wash.
Portland Sanitarium, -Mt. Tabor Station, Portland, Oregon.
* Thornton's Sanitarium, Stevensville, Mont.
Walla Walla Sanitarium, College Place, Wash.
- Boise Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 320-330 Boise City National Bank
Bldg., Boise City, Idaho.'
Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 1016 Elk St., Bellingham, Wash.
*` Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 1317 Fourth Ave., Seattle, as
Portland Sanitarium Food Co., Portland, Oregon.
Total assets, $351,696.87; total employees, 157.


Armona Academy, Armona, Cal.
Fernando Academy, San Fernando, Cal,
Lodi Normal Institute, Lodi, Cal.
Loma Linda College, Loma Linda, Cal.
Pacific Union College, St. Helena, Cal.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
" Arizona Sanitarium, 515 Central Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
" El Reposo Sanitarium, 2222 Chapel St., Berkeley, Cal.
* Garden City Sanitarium, San Jose, Cal.
Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, Cal.
Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma Linda, Cal.
" Long Beich Sanitarium, Long Beach, Cal.
*Nauheirn Sanatorium, 470 Twenty-eighth St., Oakland, Cal.
Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
*`Phoenix Rest Home, Box 757, Phoenix, Ariz.
St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Los Angeles Treatment Rooms, 417 West Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
" Salt Lake City Treatment Rooms, 1221/2 Main St., Salt Lake City,
' St. Helena Sanitarium Dispensary, 916 Laguna St., San Francisco,
Santa Ana Treatment Rooms, Santa Ana, Cal.

Sanitarium Food Co., Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Total assets, $1,256,011.24; total employees, 644.


Alpharetta intermediate School, Alpharetta, Ga.
Cumberland Industrial School, R. F. D. 2, Earleyville, Warren Co.,
*East Lake Industrial School, Route 3,-Box 71, Decatur, Ga.
* Eufola Agricultural and Mechanical Academy, Eufola, N. C.
" Naples Agricultural and Normal Institute, Fletchers, N. C.
Southern Training School, Graysville, Tenn.
South Florida Intermediate School, Fort Ogden, Fla.
Atlanta Branch of Southern Pub. Assn., 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga.
Atlanta Sanitarium, 243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga.
" Chattanooga Sanitarium, 16 McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn.
* East Lake Health, Home, Decatur, Ga.
Florida Sanitarium, Orlando, Fla.
Graysville Sanitarium, Graysville, Tenn.
*' Tampa Sanitarium, 2708 Tenth St., Tampa, Fla.
* Hydropathic Treatment Rooms, 236 Gordon St., Atlanta, Ga.
Lovell's Hydropathic Institute, 513 Union Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
" Turkish Bath and Treatment Rooms, Windsor Hotel, Jacksonville,
Total assets, $146,251.94; total employees, 71.


Chestnut Hill Farm School, R. F. D. 3, Fountain Head, Tenn.
Hazel Industrial Academy, Hazel, Ky.
* Hillcrest School, R. F. D. 3, Northeast Station, Nashville, Tenn.
*Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute, Madison, Tenn.
Oakwood Manual Training School (for Colored), Box 414, Huntsville,
Southern Publishing Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nash-
ville, Tenn.
Madison Rural Sanitarium, Madison, Tenn.
Nashville Sanitarium, Station 5, Nashville, Tenn.
Oakwood Sanitarium, Huntsville, Ala.
. Rock City Sanitarium (for Colored), 316 Foster St., Nashville, Tenn.
*' Treatment Rooms, 311 Jackson Bldg., Nashville, Tenn.

Nashville Food Company, Madison, Tenn.
Total assets, $300,964.47; total employees, 153.


Addington Intermediate School, Addington, Okla.
Hamby Intermediate School, R. F. D. 1, Abilene, Tex.
' Indianola Intermediate School, Ketchum, Okla.
Keene Industrial Academy, Keene, Tex.
New Hope School, R. F. D. 3, Naples, Tex.
Fort Worth Branch of Southern Pub. Assn., 411 West Railroad Ave.,
Fort Worth, Tex.
Fort Worth Sanitarium, 1430 Lipscomb St., Fort Worth, Tex.
* Gaede's Sanitarium, Weatherford, Okla.
*Little Rock Sanitarium,.1223 Wolfe St., Little Rock, Ark.
Total assets, $99,066.13; total employees, 52.


Lornedale Academy, Lorne Park, Ontario.
Williamsdale Academy, Williamsdale, East, Nova Scotia.
Canadian Publishing Assn., Port Hope, Ontario.
Total assets, $33,725.50; total employees, S.


Alberta Industrial Academy, Lacombe, Alberta.
Manson Industrial Academy, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia.
Canadian Branch of Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1109 Fourteenth St.,
West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (P. 0. Box 1599).
Alberta Massage and Bath Parlors, 214 Underwood Block, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada.
Total assets, $30,271.76; total employees, 11.


Australasian Missionary College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Darling Range School, Heidelberg, West Australia, Australia.
Fiji Training School, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Pukekura Training School, Cambridge, West, Waikato, New Zealand.
Avondale Press, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Fijian Press, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
Adelaide Sanitarium, Barker Road, Nailsworth, Adelaide, South Aus-
tralia, Australia.
Avondale Health Retreat, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Christchurch Sanitarium, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Warburton Sanitarium, Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
Sanitarium Health Food Co., Sydney, Australia.
Total assets, $494,912.13; total employees, 216.


Friedensau Industrial School, Friedensau, Post Grab w, Bez. Magde-
burg, Germany.
Latin Union School, Gland, Switzerland.
'Levant School, Constantinople, Turkey.
Scandinavian Union Mission School, Skodsborg, Denmark.
Stanborough Park Missionary College, Watford, England.
Swedish Missionary School, Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden.
Basle Branch of Hamburg Publishing House, Nonnenweg 22, Basle,
British Publishing House, Stanborough Park, Watford, England.
Copenhagen Branch of Scandinavian Publishing House, Margrethevej
5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Finland Publishing House, Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors, Finland.
Hamburg Publishing House, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
Hungarian Branch of Hamburg Publishing House (Vallasos iratok
nemzetkozi Kiaddhivatala), Vdczi kora 16, I Et., Tfir 41, Buda-
pest, V., Hungary.
Latin Union Publishing House, Gland, Switzerland.
Levant Branch of Hamburg Publishing House, German Post, Box 109,
Galata, Constantinople, Turkey.
Russian Branch of Hamburg Publishing House, Kleine Newastr. 12,
Riga, Russia.
Scandinavian Publishing House, Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Norway.
Stockholm Publishing House, Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Sweden.

Caterham Sanitarium, Caterham, Surrey, England.
Christiania Health Home, Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Norway.
Friedensau Sanitarium, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg,
Frydenstrand Sanatorium, Frederikshavn, Denmark.
Lake Geneva Sanitarium, Gland, Switzerland.
Leicester Sanitarium, 82 Regent Road, Leicester, England.
Skodsborg Sanatorium, Skodsborg, Denmark.
Stanborough Park Sanitarium, Watford, England.
* Grampian Hills Hydropathic, Crieff, Scotland.
* Jerusalem Treatment Rooms, Deutsche Post, Jerusalem, Palestine,
British Health Food Factory, Stanborough Park, Watford, England.
Copenhagen Food Factory, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Total assets, $873,750.70; total employees, 440.


Claremont Union College, Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
South African Publishing House, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South
Bellair Hydropathic Sanitarium, Bellair, near Durban, Natal, South
Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
Durban Health .Institute, Old Dutch Road, Durban, Natal, South
Kimberley Baths, 7 Cheapside, Kimberley, South Africa.
Natal Health Institute, 126 Longmarket St., Pietermaritzburg, Natal,
South Africa.
Total assets, $118,017.03; total employees, 48.


Pua Training School, Pua, Chile, South America.
River Plate Academy, Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentina, South

Buenos Aires Publishing House, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Argentina, South America.
River Plate Sanitarium, Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Total assets, $51,910.01; total employees, 41.


Brazil Publishing House, Estacrio sao Bernardo, S. P. R., sac* Paulo,
Brazil, South America.
Total assets, $17,809.82; total employees, 7.


Estrada Palma School, Cabanas, Cuba, West Indies.
Guatemala English School, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central
Watchman Press, RiVersdale, Jamaida, British West Indies.
Total assets, $35,165.05; total employees, 18.

Bethel Girls' School, British Post-office, Canton, China.
' China Union Training School, Chowkiakow, Honan, China.
' Japanese Mission Training School, 846 Sendagaya-machi, Tokyo,
Korean Industrial School, Soonan, Korea.
Japanese Publishing House, 846 Sendagaya-machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Korean Mission Press, Seoul, Korea.
Signs of the Times Publishing House, Box 523, U. S. Postal Agency,
Shanghai, China.
* Japanese Sanitarium, 18 Fukiai Hatatsuka dori, Gochome, Kobe,
Total assets, $33,230.86; total employees, 63.


Meiktila Industrial School, Meiktila, Burma.
1 Mussoorie Intermediate School, " Annfield House," Mussoorie,

India Publishing House, 19' Banks Road, Lucknow, India.
Calcutta Bath and Treatment Rooms, 75 Park St., Calcutta, India.
Mussoorie Treatment Rooms, "Kirkville," Mussoorie, India.
Total assets, $6,764.13; total employees, 24.


Waterloo Industrial School, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West. Africa.
Total assets, $5,300.00; total employees, 3.

Mexican Publishing House, 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Guadalajara Medical Mission, Calle de Lopez Portilio, 747, Guada-
lajara, Mexico.
Total assets, $15,313.31; total employees, 10.

Grand total assets of institutions 1 $6,526,597.74

Grand total employees 3,16o
Total Educational Institutions 90
Total Publishing Houses and Branches 38
Total Sanitariums 76
Total Treatment Rooms 37
Total Food Companies' Plants 9
Grand Total Institutions 250
This total does not include the assets of all institutions listed in.
foregoing pages with 1 preceding the name. Such institutions ap-
pear in this enumeration for the first time. All figures are for 1910,
being the latest available at time of publicatiOn. In the interests of
accuracy it should be stated that the 'assets of branch publishing houses
arc included these for the-roain 1....:.... ...7 ......1_..up, the total for the
union in which each main publishing house is located.
Abbott, F. F., Paradise Valley Dunscombe, W. C., Plumstead,
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Cape, South Africa.
Abbott, Geo. K., Loma Linda, via
Redlands, Cal. Edwards, S. P. S., Sanitarium,
Andrews, L. L., 243 South Boule- Napa Co., Cal.
vard, Atlanta, Ga. Erkenbeck, J. W., Hotel Amer-
icano, Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico.
Ball, Clarence F., Rutland, Vt. Evans, Margaret, Takoma Park
Barber, Ora, 528 East Thirty-third Station, Washington, D. C.
Place, Chicago, Ill. Evans, Newton, Murray, Ky.
Belknap, L. J., San Jose, Cal. Evans, T. Loma Linda, Cal.
Bell, J. J., Bellair, near Durban,
Natal, South Africa. Farnsworth, C. P., Chamberlain,
Blake, Lottie Isbell, 316 Foster S. Dak.
St., Nashville, Tenn. Farnsworth, Anna B., Chamber-
Bliss, W. E., care New England lain, S. Dak.
Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Fattebert, U. C., Estacion Rincon,
Bond, E. C., 515 North Central San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. Fisher, V. L., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Bond, J. M., 515 North Central Freeman, M. M., Cooranbong, N.
Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. S. W., Australia.
Boram, H. B., 137 South Michigan Froom, J. E., Rooms 320-330,
St., South Bend, Ind. Boise City National Bank Bldg.,
Bradford, Joel PI, 25 Main St., Boise, Idaho.
New Bedford, Mass.
Brighouse, Henrietta E., Healds- Gaede, D., Weatherford, Okla.
burg, Cal. Gardner, W. L., 1221/2 Main St.,
Brown, Effie A., Santa Ana, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Burrows, C. A., Loma Linda, Cal. Gardner, Eva M., 1221/2 Main St.,
Buss, L. A., Port Townsend, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Wash. George, W. A., Loma Linda, Cal.
Butterbaugh, W. S., College View, George, Lyra H., Loma Linda, Cal.
Nebr. Gilbert, Elsie M., 2708 Tenth St.,
Byers, W. M., Kennard, Ind. Tampa, Fla.
Green, H. A., Boulder, Colo.
Caldwell, J. E., Drawer 28, Or- Green, W. C., 1223 Wolfe St.,
lando, Fla. Little Rock, Ark.
Canfield, M. N., Mt. Tabor Station, Green, Isadore L., 1008 Washing-
Portland, Oregon. ton St., Watertown, N. Y.
Comstock, Daniel D., Glendale, Cal. Gregory, A. L., Graysville, Tenn.
Comstock, Mrs. D. D., Glendale,
Cal. Habenicht, R. H., Diamante, Entre
Cooper, 0. R., Berrien Springs, Rios, Argentina, South America.
Mich. Hahn, O. H., Hastings, Nebr.
Cummings, R. S., Long Beach, Cal. Hansen, C. A., Marsland, Nebr.
Curtis, C. F., Route 3, Box 71, Harbaugh, Dorothy, Loma Linda,
Decatur, Ga. Cal.
Hare, G. A., Fresno, Cal.
De Forest, P. A., Gland, Ct. Vaud, Hawkins, E. P., Montrose, Minn.
Switzerland. Haysmer, E. D., Station 5, Nash-
Droll, G. A., 2301 East Fourteenth ville, Tenn.
St., Kansas City, Mo. Hayton, C. H., Caterham, Surrey,
Dunlap, I. A., College Place, Wash. England.
Dunn, A. B., care Kansas Sanita- Hayward, 0. M., 16 McCallie Ave.,
rium, Wichita, Kans. Chattanooga, Tenn.

Heald, G. H., Takoma Park Sta- Loop, F. A., La Fayette, Ind.

tion, Washington, D. C. Lovell, A. I., Graysville, Tenn.
Heald, C. W., Nevada, Iowa.
Heatherington, A. J., 810 Jackson Magan, Lillian, Madison, Tenn.
Ave., New Orleans, La. Mann, V. L., 19 Banks Road, Luck-
Heiman, Evelyn, Loma Linda, Cal. now, India.
Heynemann, A. V., Blyth, South Mantz, R. L., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Australia, Australia. Martinson, M. M., Box 414, Hunts-
Heynemann, Mrs. Ethel, Blyth, ville, Ala.
South Australia, Australia. Martinson, Mrs. Stella C., Box
Hoare, H. J., 417 West Fifth St., 414, Huntsville, Ala.
Los Angeles, Cal. Marsh, Phillip E., Otter Lake,
Holden, W. B., Mt. Tabor Station, Mich.
Portland, Oregon. Mason, W., Murray, Ky.
Hopkins, John W., Melrose, Mass. Maxson, W. H., 470 Twenty-
Houser, M. Estella, care New eighth St., Oakland, Cal.
England Sanitarium, Melrose, Maxson, Mrs. W. H., 470 Twenty-
Mass. eighth St., Oakland, Cal.
Hudson, Myrtle B., Sanitarium, McElhany, M. A., San Fernando,
Napa Co., Cal. .Cal.
Humphrey, Amy R., College View, Menkel, H. C., on furlough from
Nebr. India (temporary address, 533
Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo.).
Ingersoll, Robert S., 210 East Meyer, E., Friedensau, Post Gra-
Grace _St., Richmond, Va. bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany.
Ingersoll, `Mrs. Olive P., 210 East Miller, H. W., West Milton, Ohio
Grace St., Richmond, Va. (on furlough from China).
Jameison, Elizabeth, 2512 Bernays Miller, Ruth Merritt, 5916 Bram-
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. ble Ave., Madisonville, Ohio.
James, W. H., Warburton, Vic- Neall, J. H., 236 Gordon St., At-
toria, Australia. lanta, Ga.
Jump, Howard M., 629 Orchard Nelson, N. P., Skodsborg, Den-
St., Toledo, Ohio. mark.
Kay, M. M., Nanking, China. Nelson, Mrs. Ida, Sanitarium,
Keem, Law, Fat Shan, via Can- Napa Co., Cal.
ton, China. Nicola, B. E., care Sanitarium, At-
Kinne, B. B., 10 Benton Ave., Mid- tleboro, Mass.
dletown, N. Y. Nicola, Mary B., care Sanitarium,
Klingerman, G. E., Sanitarium, Attleboro, Mass.
Napa Co., Cal. Noma, Kiku, 18 Fukiai Hatatsuka
Kress, D. H., Loma Linda, Cal. dori, Gochome, Kobe, Japan.
Kress, Mrs. Lauretta, Loma Linda, Norman, Estella G., 1213 Fif-
Cal. teenth St., Moline, Ill.
Kress, Ora, Lorna Linda, Cal. Olsen, A. B., The Hydro, Cater-
ham, Surrey, England.
Larson, A. G., Mokanshan, Che- Otis, F. J., 1213 Fifteenth St.,
kiang, China. Moline, Ill.
Larson, A. H., care Sanatorium, Ottosen, J. C., Sanatorium, Skods-
Skodsborg, Denmark. - borg, Denmark.
Leadsworth, J. R., 417 West Fifth
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Pampaian, Vahon, German Post,
Lindsay, Kate, Sanitarium, Boul- Box 109, Galata, Constantinople,
der, Colo. Turkey.
Lindsay, W. T., Chamberlain, S. Parmele, Mrs. Lydia E., Drawer
Da k.. 28, Orlando, riu. =

Patch, C. Clayton, Suites 7 and 8, Shryock, Alfred, Loma Linda,

Mendelson Block, Raton, N. Cal.
Mex. Simmons, W. R., Port Townsend,
Paulson, David, Hinsdale, Ill. Wash.
Paulson, Mary W., Hinsdale, Ill. Simpson, Abbie Winegar, Long
Rand, H. F., Glendale, Cal. Beach, Cal.
Replogle, G. B., Diamante, Entre Sisco, H. N., Takoma Park Sta-
Rios, Argentina, South Amer- tion, Washington, D. C.
ica. Sisco, Mrs. P. S. Bourdeau, Ta-
Richards, Frank C., Wahroonga, koma Park Station, Washing-
N. S. W., Australia. ton, D. C.
Richards, Mrs. Eulalia S., Wah- Starr, Mrs. Lillis Wood, San Fer-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. nando, Cal.
Summers, J. W., College Place,
Risley, E. H., Loma Linda, Cal. Wash.
Rockwell, Orville, College View, Swayze, W. S., 60 Libertad, Gua-
Nebr. dalajara, Mexico.
Ross, D. C., 1430 Lipscomb St., Swayze, Mrs. Alice M., 60 Liber-
Ft. Worth, Tex. tad, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Rossiter, F. M., North Yakinia,
Wash. Thomason, Geo., Takoma Park
Ruble, W. A., Loma Linda, Cal. Station, Washington, D. C.
Runck, Roxetta L., Madison, Wis. Thornton, Chas. R., Stevensville,
Russell, Riley, Soonan, Korea. Mont.
Tornblaad, 011ie Oberholtzer,
Sadler, W. S., 100 State St., Chi- Thamakan, S. S. S., Burma.
cago, Ill. Truman, A. W., Loma Linda, Cal.
Sanderson, A. J., 2222 Chapel St.,
Berkeley, Cal.
Sanderson, Mary, 46 Forest Park \Tasenius, F. W., ' Majita, PoSt
Ave., Springfield, Mass. Shirati, German East Africa.
Schleef, H. C., Cottage Grove,
Oregon. Warner, W. H., Farmington,
Schunk, Clara A., Nevada, Iowa. Wash.
Scott, W. B., 4703 California Ave., Weber, Mary J., care Sanitarium,
Seattle, Wash. Boud er, Colo.
Selmon, A. C., Box 523, U. S. White, Julia A., Loma Linda, via
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Redlands, Cal.
Selmon, Mrs. Bertha L., Box 523, Williams H. J., Plumstead, Cape,
U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, South Africa.
China. Wolfsen, L. H., Hinsdale, Ill.
Sherwin, T. A., Wahroonga, N. S. Worster, W. W., College View,
W., Australia. Nebr.
Only the names of ordained and Arnelung, K., Grindelberg 15a,
licensed ministers appear in Hamburg, Germany.
this list. To determine the na- Anderson,August, East 3254 Fifth
ture of any person's appoint- Ave:, Spokane, Wash.
ment, reference should be made Anderson, B. L., Kulangsu, Amoy,
to the directory of the Con- China.
ference operating in the field Anderson, H. P., Poysippi, Wis.
where the worker is located. Anderson, Fred, Kungsgatan 34,
This applies to the workers Stockholm, Sweden.
named above, as well as all Anderson, J. N., Takoma Park
other classes. Station, Washington, D. C.
Anderson, J. P., Wai Chau Fu, via
Aalborg, N. J., Didsbury, Alberta, Canton, Kwangtung, China.
Canada. Anderson, John F., 336 East Lake
Achenbach, C. V., Drawer 28, Or- St., Minneapolis, Minn.
lando, Fla. AndersOn, J. H., South Lancaster,
Achenbach, W. K., Gainesville, Mass.
Fla. Anderson, A. C., Box 1304, Fresno,
Adams, J. W., Station M, Los Cal.
Angeles, Cal. Anderson, A. C., 4537 Clayton
Adams, P. P., Lacombe, Alberta, Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Canada. Anderson, A. W., Warburton, Vic-
Adams, E. H., Box 1304, Fresno, toria, Australia.
Cal. Anderson, U. S., 1707 South Mad-
Adams, Elbridge M., 613 Noza- ison St., Muncie, Ind.
leda, Manila, Philippine Islands. Anderson, W. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Adams, Willis, Station M, Los Pemba, Northwest Rhodesia,
Angeles, Cal. South Africa.
Adkins, W. L., Smithsburg, Md. Andreasen, M. L., Hutchinson,
Ahren E. J., Kungsgatan 34, Minn.
Stockholm, Sweden. Andress, Wm. M., Delta, Colo.
Airey, R. W., Cottage Grove, Ore- Andrews, W. R., R. F. D. 2, Attle-
gon.. boro, Mass.
Allen, A. N., . Casilla 1002, Lima, Andrews, R. F., College View,
Peru, South America. Nebr.
Allen, Chas. E., R. F. D. 29, Zions- Andross, C. E., 417 West Fifth St..
ville, Ind. Los Angeles, Cal.
Alder, J. D., Ft. Bidwell, Cal. Andross, E. E., 417 West Fifth St.,
Allen, J., 29 Fitzroy Chambers, Los Angeles, Cal.
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens- Anglebarger, G. W., 531 Jason St.,
land, Australia. Denver, Colo.
Allen, M. J., 265 York St., Hamil- Armitage, F. B., Nongoma, Zulu-
ton, Ontario. land, via Somkele, South Africa.
Allison, J. W., 1042 New York St., Armstrong, B., Stanborough Park,
Lawrence, Kans. Watford, England.
Allum, F. A., Chowkiakow, Ronan, Armstrong, W. H., 100 Sheppard
China. St., West Charleston, S. C.
Altman, M. A., 1125 North Pros- Armstrong, H. E., "Alta Vista,"
pect St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Llanishen St., Cardiff, South
Alway, W. A., Maple Plain, Minn. Wales.
Alway, G. M., 428 Cherokee St., Armstrong, A. D., 8 Lancaster
Denver, Colo. Road, Stroud Green, London, N.,
Amadon, G. W., 1404 Lake View England.
Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. Ashton, N. S., Wilkinsburg, Pa.

Aufderhar, H. A., Bennett, Colo. Beardsley, J. I., Lacombe, Alberta,

Ausbourger, Ulysee, 14 rue Canada.
Gramme, Paris, France. Beckner, J. B., 31 Dundonald St.,
Ayvazian, E., German Post, Box Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
109, Galata, Constantinople, Indies.
Turkey. Beckner, R. A., " Civil Lines,"
Mandalay, Burma.
Babcock, D. C., Freetown, Sierra Beddoe, B. E., 2201 Telegraph
Leone, West Africa. Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Babcock, C. M., Box 595, Redfield, Beebe, E. I., Ovid, Mich.
S. Dak. Beeson, C. A., Gandy, Nebr.
Baber, G. H., Graysville, Tenn. Behr, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Bacon, A. E., Stanborough Park, burg, Germany.
Watford, England. Behrens, J. H., Box 1304, Fresno,
Badaut, Paul, 7 rue Barnave, Al- Cal.
ger, Algeria. Bell, A. R., 224 South Seventeenth
Badaut, J. P., Beauvoir, Branges, St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Saone et Loire, France. Bell, C. V., " Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Baer, R. T., 2 Loudon Ave., Sta- N. S. W., Australia.
tion D, Baltimore, Md. Bell, J. E., 78 Gregory Boulevard,
Bagby, J. W., Hanford, Cal. Nottingham, England.
Bagby, J. R., 905 Choctaw Ave., Bellah, C. G., 1109 East Twelfth
Alva, Okla. St., Kansas City, Mo.
Baharian, Z. G., German Post, Box Bellinger, J. S., Box 224, Florence,
109, Galata; Constantinople, Ala.
Turkey. Bellows, R. J., Zeba, Mich.
Baird, W. M., Matney, N. C. Belz, Frank, Blumenau, Santa
Bahr, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Catharina, Brazil, South Amer-
burg, Germany. ica.
Bahre, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Bender, U., Riversdale, Jamaica,
burg, Germany. 'West Indies.
Baker, Isaac, Keene, Tex. B6nezet, Leopold, Boscoreale, Na-
Baker, W. L. H., 103 William St., poli, Italy.
Perth, West Australia. Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oregon.
Baldwin, B. E., Fallon, Nev. Benson, H. F., 846 Sendagaya ma-
Baldwin, W. C., Lodi, Cal. chi, Tokyo, Japan.
Ballenger, E. S., R. F. D. 1, Ar- Benson, C. L., College View, Nebr.
tesia, Cal. Benton, R. L., Farmington, N.
Balsbaugh, H. C., 932 Union St., Mex.
Jackson, Miss. Berek, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Barker, Luther, Wisdom, Ky. burg, Germany.
Barlow, W. A., Bobomohal, E. I. Bergersen, N. C., Akersgaden 74,
Ry., India. Christiania, Norway.
Barrett, D. J. C., College Place, Berglund, B., Kungsgatan 34,
Wash. Stockholm, Sweden.
Barry, A., 811 South St., South, Bernstein, 0. 0., 2429 Southern
Nashville, Tenn. Blvd., New York, N. Y.
Bartlett, W. T., Stanborough Berry, G. W., Angora, Nebr.
Park, Watford,' England. Berthelsen, P. E., FIutchinson,
Basney, H. C., Salida, Cal. Minn.
Baxter, W. E., 227 Jefferson St., Beuchel, E. B., 521 East Twenty-
Jonesboro, Ark. third St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Baum, Chas. S., Hamburg, Pa. Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster,
Bayley, H. G., Butternut, Mich. Mass.
Beach, J. W., Hildebran, N. C. Bidwell, W. E., R. F. D. 1, Mt.
Beams, J. W., Hamilton. Mo. Vernon, Ohio.

Bigelow, I. G., Takoma Park Sta- Boynton, J. W., 2320 Broadway,

tion, Washington, D. C. Bellingham, Wash.
Bird, A. C., Caldwell, Idaho. Bradley, J. C., Goldsberry, Mo.
Bird, W. L., Formosa, Fla. Branch, Thomas H., 1700 Wood-
Bischoff, H., Grindelberg 15a, stock St., Philadelphia, Pa..
Hamburg, Germany. Branson, . H., R. F. D. 5, Spar-
Black, W. L., Twin Falls, Idaho. tanburg, S. C.
Blake, D. E., 316 Foster St., Nash- Brant, L. E., Redlands, Cal.
ville, Tenn. Bray, Burt, Las Cruces, N. Mex.
Blake, W. J., Lorne Park, Ontario. Breed, A. J., Takoma Park, D. C.
Blanzat, F., 101 Avenue du Maine, Bressie, J. W., Pepperwood, Cal.
Paris, France. Brice, J. F., 128 West Fifth St.,
Bliss, C. H., Route 36, Peoria, Ill. Lexington, Ky.
Block, Godofredo, Florida, F. C. C. Bringle, A. S., Wellington, Kans.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Brink, Fred, Chico, Cal.
South America. _ Brinkmann, D., Grindelberg 15a,
'Block, Henry, Leduc, Alberta, Hamburg, Germany.
Canada. Bristol, E. A.,'545 West Allen St.,
Blosser, J. B., Berrien.Springs, Springfield, Ill.
Mich. Brittain, W. G., Burwood St., Bur-
Blue, Irvin, 905 North California wood, N. S. W., Australia.
Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Brock, R. H., Kissimmee, Fla.
Blunt, J. F., 149 Kern St., Los An- Broderson, P. E., 2500 North Hum-
geles, Cal. boldt St., Chicago, Ill.
Boersma, D. P., 114 Park Ave., Brooks, H. H., Gendia, Kisumu,
Paterson, N. J. British East Africa.
Boettcher, J. T., Kleine Newastr. Brorsen, A., 828 Thirty-fourth St.,
12, Riga, Russia. Oakland, Cal.
Boger, E. C., 90 Brickdam, George- Brown, B. W., 1410 Beech St.,
town, British Guiana, South Louisville, Ky.
America. Brown, E. A., Box F, Phoenix,
Bollman, C. P., 511 Cole Bldg., Ariz.
Nashville, Tenn. Brown, F. E., Hanford, Cal.
Bolton, F. S., Freetown, Sierra Brown, G. M., Greensboro, N. C.
Leone, West Africa. Brown, M. H., Greensboro, N. C.
Bond, J. E., 417 West Fifth St., Brown, J. E., R. F. D. 3, Naples,
Los Angeles, Cal. Tex.
Bond, Frank, Calle - Mercaders Brown, T. A., 79 Grote St., Ade-
40-10la, Barcelona, Spain. laide, South Australia, Austra-
Bond, W. G., Calle Mercaders lia.
40-10la, Barcelona, Spain. - Brown, T. M., Bocas del Toro,
Booth, A. S., 417 West Fifth St., Panama.
Los Angeles, Cal. Browne, L. W., 1208 South Six-
Boswell, G. B., Box 1198, Okla- teenth St., Springfield, Ill.
homa City, Okla. Bruck, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Bourdeau, A. C., 1011 March St., burg, Germany.
Kalamazoo, Mich. Bryant, R. J., 727 Forty-second
Bourdeau, A. J. S., Takoma Park St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Station, Washington, D. C. Brzoson, Th., Grindelberg 15a,
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- Hamburg, ermany.
tion, Washington, D. C. Buckner, T. B., 5016 Willow St.,
Bower, F. A., College Place, Wash. New Orleans, La.
Boyce, J. M., 2193 Young Ave., Budd. Geo. L., Alexandria, Minn.
Memphis, Tenn. Buhalts, C. J., Harvey, N. Dak.
Boylan, H. A., Holly, Mich. Bunch, F. S., Roseburg, Oregon.
Boynton, C. ., Logan, Utah. Bunch, T. G., Ashland, Oregon.

Burma, Pauliasi, Suva Vou, Fiji, Carrington, P. C., Arouca, Trin-

Pacific Ocean. idad, British West Indies.
Burden, W. D., 846 Sendagaya Carscallen, A. A., Gendia, Kisumu,
inachi, Tokyo, Japan. British East Africa.
Burden, J. A., Loma Linda, Cal. Carswell, W. R., Queen's Road,
Burdick, J. M., Momence, Ill. Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Burg, F. M., College View, Nebr. Zealand.
Burke, R. E., Burwood St., Bur- Casebeer, Geo. W., Pfia, Chile,
wood, N. S, W., Australia. South America.
Burkholder, II, II., Holly, Mieh. Catlin, E. W., College Place,
Burley, S. G., Harvey, N. Dak. Wash.
Burman, C. A., Lacombe, Alberta, Caviness, G. W., 1599 Avenue 22,
Canada. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Burnham, M. S., Otsego, Mich. Chaney, F. L., Australasian Mis-
Burrill, A. 0., St. Paul, Minn, sionary College, Cooranbong, N.
Burrow, W. R., 1100 Chelsea Ave., S. W., Australia.
Memphis, Tenn. Chapman, E. M., Alexandria,.
Butcher, 0. F., care College, Mt. Minn.
Vernon,hio. Chatman, A. C., 3511 Thirteenth
Butler,. eo I., Bowling Green, St., Meridian, Miss.
Fla. Christian, L. H., 1315 East Twen-
Butler, S. M., care College, Mt. ty-eighth St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Vernon, Ohio. Christian, J. W., College View,
Butler, 0. K., 280 Villeneuve' St., Nebr.
West, Montreal, Quebec. Christensen, J. C., Lacombe, Al-
Butterfield, C. L., Seoul, Korea. berta, Canada.
Butterfield, Myron B., Madison, Christensen, P., Ma-rgrethevej 5,
Me. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Butz, E. S., Burwood St., Bur- Christiansen, A. G., San Diego,
wood, N. S. W., Australia. Cal.
Buzugherian, A. M., German Post, Christoffers, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, Hamburg, Germany.
Turkey. Clapp, R. B., 6 North St., Brattle-
boro, Vt.
Cady, B. J., 29 Fitzroy Chambers, Clark, A. J., Grasmere, N. H.
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens- Clark, J. J., R. F. D. 1, Battle
land, Australia. Ground, Wash.
Cady, M. E., College Place, Wash. Clark, F. C., 169 Bryan St., At-
Caldwell, J. E., Drawer 28, Or- lanta Ga.
lando, Fla. Clark, W. H., Route 1, Box 10,
Callicott, C. R., Graysville, Tenn. - Ottawa, Kans.
Campbell, A. B., Thayer, Kans. .Clausen, N., R. F. D. 1, Stillwater,
Campbell, M. N., Nevada, Iowa. Okla.
Campbell, J. M., 2436 Flora St., Clemens, .J. C., 227 Mobile St.,
Kansas City, Mo. Waterloo, Iowa.
Campbell, J. R., Pemba, North- Clymer, J. B., R. F. D. 1, Manor,
west Rhodesia, South Africa. Wash.
Cardey, E. L., Lake Ave., Sycaway, Cobb, L. W., South Lancaster,
Troy, N. Y. Mass.
Carey, E. W., Keene, Tex. Cobb, S. M., 79 Grote St., Ade-
Carlsson, Oscar, Kungsgatan 34, laide, South Australia, Aus-
Stockholm, Sweden. tralia.
Carr, H. W., 8 East Jefferson St., Coberly, Robert, Crescent, Okla.
Salamanca, N. Y. Coleord, I. C., Lodi, Cal.
Carr, S. W., Port Moresby, Brit- Coleord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta.
ish New Guinea. tion, Washington, D, C.

Cole, C. F., Box 595, Redfield, S. Cummings, C. J., 98 East Forty-

Dak. fifth St., North, Portland, Ore-
Cole, C. J., St. Johns, Oregon. gon.
Cole, J. M., Queen's Road, Lower Cunitz, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. burg, Germany.
Cole, V. 0., Graysville, Tenn. Curdy, J., 254 rue Valentin Hely,
Coltrin, T. C., Amory, Miss. Amiens, Somme, France.
Comer, J. M., 19 Banks Road, Curtis, E. A., 122 South Eighth
Lucknow, India. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Connerly, B. E., Box 85, Ancon, Curtis, H. T., South Lancaster,
Canal Zone, Panama. Mass.
Connor, A. E., Box 83, Port Limon,
Costa Rica, Central America. Curtis, J. E., R. R. 6, North Sta-
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, tion, Nashville, Tenn.
Hamburg, Germany. Curtis, Paul, Carpenter, Wyo.
Conway, F. H., 1708 Maple St.,
Vancouver, British Columbia. Dail, Guy, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Cook, E. L., 835 North Cedar Ave., burg, Germany.
Hastings, Nebr. Dale, U. B.,. Cement, Okla.
Corbaley, F. M., 221 East Fourth Dancer, J. W., 1501 North L St.,
St., Grand Island, Nebr. Fort Smith, Ark.
Corliss, J. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Dangschat, C., Grindelberg 15a,
Cormack, A. W., Burwood St., Hamburg, Germany.
Burwood, N. S. W., Australia.
Cotton, A. V., 169 Howard Ave., Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
Brooklyn, N. Y. tion, Washington, D. C.
Dart, A. M., 84 East Sixteenth St.,
Cottrell, H. IV., Mountain View, Portland, Oregon.
Cal. Dasent, J. G., 1221 Center St.,
Cottrell, R. F., Changsha, Hunan, Enon Ridge, Birmingham, Ala.
China. Dauphin, R. P., Freetown, Sierra
Courter, H. F., Box F, Phoenix, Leone, West Africa.
Ariz. Davis, J. W., Keene, Tex.
Covert, John W., Cedar Springs, Davis, Silas, 417 West Fifth St.,
Mich. Los Angeles, Cal.
Covert, Wm., 295 Grand Ave., Au- Dayton, Warren, Lodi, Cal.
rora, Ill. Decker, H. W., College Place,
Craddock, T. H.,- Gordon St., Too- Wash.
rak, Victoria, Australia. De L'horbe, M. W., 435 West
Crager, C. P., Union College, Ken- Fourth St., Elmira, N. Y.
ilworth, Cape, South Africa. Demetrescu, St., Grindelberg 15a,
Crane, I. A., Route 3, Waurika, Hamburg, Germany.
Okla. Denslow, Oliver, 1407 East Forty-
Creanza, Pietro, via Reccolle, Gra- first St., Seattle, Wash.
vina, Italy. Detamore, F. A., College Place,
Crichlow, J. F., Winnsboro, S. C. Wash.
Crisler, C. C., Sanitarium, Cal. Devereaux, R. H., 2507 Louisiana
Crisler, L. T., Drawer 28, Or- St., Little Rock, Ark.
lando, Fla. De Vinney, F. H., 30 Oiwake-cho,
Crothers, W. M., 2123 Twenty, Hongo Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Dexter, H. H., 16 Chemin de Mal-
Tenn. ley, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Cruz, Pedro, Apartado 35, Mari- Dickson, L. K., 2201 Telegraph
ana, Cuba, West Indies. Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Cruzan, W. S., Semmes, Ala. Dierking, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Cubley, W. M., Keene, Tex. Hamburg, Germany.

Dillen, D. W., Graysville, Tenn. Ellis, M. E., 905 North California

Dillon, Isaac P., Apartado 164, Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Camaguey, Cuba, West Indies. Ells, L. H., College Place, Wash.
Dirksen, H., Urumia, Persia. Elshaheed, A. A., Luxor, Upper
Dirksen, H. J., Box 104, Portage la Eypt.
Prairie, Manitoba. Emm erson, C. L., Philbrook, Minn.
Domnick, G., Grindelberg 15a, Emmerson, E. H., Box 148, Rose-
Hamburg, Germany. _ burg, Oregon.
Dorcas, J. W., Nevada, Iowa. Emmerson, Milo E., Kolo Mission,
Dowsett, R. T., Takoma Park Sta- Don Don, 0. F. S., South Af-
tion, Washington, D. C. rica.
Drangmeister, IT., Post Buiko, via Emery, W. D., 636 Dewey St.,
Tanga, German East Africa. Boulder, Colo.
Drews, Louis, 421 Elm St., Osh- Enns, E. C., Post Buiko, via
kosh, Wis. Tanga, German East Africa.
Drinhaus, P., Grindelberg 15a, Enoch, Geo. F., Bellasis Road, By-
Hamburg, Germany. culla, Bombay, India.
Droll, G. A., 2301 East Fourteenth Enoch, M., Box 144, Hamilton,
St., Kansas City, Mo. Bermuda Islands.
Dtick, K. K., Kleine Newastr. 12, Enseleit, E., Grindelberg 15a,
Riga, Russia. Hamburg, Germany.
Dunscombe, W. C., Plumstead, Erikson, J. M., R. F. D. 1, Box 20,
Cape, South Africa. La Grange, Ill.
Durrant, A. N., Grenville, Grenada, Ernst, Julio, Posados, Argentina,
British West Indies. South America.
Dwehus, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Ernst, Luis A., Florida, F. C. C.
burg, Germany. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America.
Ernston, N. C., Lebanon, Oregon.
Eastman, W. W., Keene, Tex. Errington, J. T., 985 Dufferin St.,
Ebel, J., Kleine Newastr. 12, Riga, Toronto, Ontario.
Russia. Erzberger, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Ebner, E. H., Nonnenweg 22, Hamburg, Germany.
Basle, Switzerland. Erzberger, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Edgar, J. L., 400 East Fifth St., Hamburg, Germany.
Flint, Mich. Etheredge, N. J., Hamby, Tex.
Edmed, H. J., Stranach St., Pie- Evans, I. H., Box 523, U. S. Postal
termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- Agency, Shanghai, China.
rica. Evers, A. H., Chester, S. C.
Edwards, C. H., 14 Gladstone St., Everson, C. T., 3722 Irving. Park
Providence, R. I. Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Edwardsen, C., Box 56, Washburn,
Wis. Fairchild, Francis M., 863 Bowery
Ehlers, E. C., Caixa Postal 106, St., Akron, Ohio.
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil, South America. Farman, H. J., 58 James St.,
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
Ehlers, W., Caixa Postal 106,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Farnstram, K. A., Kungsgatan 34,
Sul, Brazil, South America. Stockholm, Sweden.
Elffers, Hubertus, "Rustica," Farnsworth, E. W. 2201 Tele-
Wynberg, Cape, South Africa. graph Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Ellingworth, G. A., Malamulo Mis- Farnsworth, 0. 0., Jamaica, Vt.
sion, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Brit- Farnsworth, E. E., Keene, Tex.
ish Central Africa. Fawer, Emil, 101 Avenue du
Elliott, W. R., Box 2z4, Florence, Maine, Paris, France.
Ala. Feddersen, Hugo, Grindelberg 15a,
Ellis, J. M Idavjlle, Ind. Hamburg, Germany.

Fehr, Joh., Nonnenweg 22, Basle, Freund., G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Switzerland. burg, Germany.
Fenner, F. E., Onaway, Mich. Freybott, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Fenner, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Hamburg, Germany.
burg, Germany. Fries, Robert S., 2201 Telegraph
Ferguson, A. F. Clough, S. Dak. Ave. Oakland, Cal.
Fero, D. T., Lodi, Cal. Fritz, M.
' J., Mitchell, Nebr.
Ferris, A. H., Norfolk Island, Pa- Frost, S. L., Eagle, Idaho.
cific Ocean. Fuller, C. W., Watson Ave., Vi-
Ferris, E. F., Carterville, Ill. salia, Cal.
Field, F. W., Pacific Union Col- Fulton, J. E., " Mizpah," Wah-
lege, St. Helena, Cal. roonga N. S. W., Australia.
Field, P. A., 983 North Twenty- Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
seventh St., Omaha, Nebr. burg, Germany.
Field, T. W., Abilene, Tex. Gaede, D. P., Grindelberg 15a,
Field, J. W., Keene, Tex. Hamburg, Germany.
Finster, L. V., 613 Nozaleda, Ma- Gaede, G. P., 102 Eaton St., Buf-
nila, Philippine Islands. falo, N. Y.
Fish, H. A., Sheridan, Wyo. Gaede, John P., 840 Estella Ave.,
Fisher, 0. J., Room 6, Eagle Block, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Salt Lake City, Utah. Gaede, P. P., Loveland, Colo.
Fitch, D. D., 417 West .Fifth St., Gardner, E. E., South Lancaster,
Los Angeles, Cal. Mass.
Fitzgerald, W. J., 8 Lancaster Gardner, C. M., Auburn, Cal.
Road, Stroud Green, London, N., Gardner, R. C., 4 North. Short St.,
England. Richmond, Va.
Flaiz, C. W., College Place, Wash. Garnsey, C. E., 4 North Short St.,
Fletcher, Hubert, Riversdale, Ja- Richmond, Va.
maica, West Indies. Garrett; R. U., Cedar Lake, Mich.
Fletcher, W. W., 79 Grote St., Garton, B. M., Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Adelaide, South Australia. Gaskin, G. A., 4309 Labadie Ave.,
Fliigel, K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- St. Louis, Mo.
burg, Germany. Gassmann, F., Grindelberg 15a,
Folkenberg, C. F., 1325 South Hamburg, Germany.
Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Gates, E. H., Gordon St., Toorak,
Ford, C. E., 724 East Eighth St., Victoria, Australia.
Long Beach, Cal. Gauterau, F. D., 2301 K St., Sac-
Forde, W. D., 5443 Armour Ave., ramento, Cal.
Chicago, Geier, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Foster, J. C., 812 Cherry St., Mis- burg, Germany.
soula, Mont. Gennaro, Pacileo, Boscoreale, Na-
poli, Italy.
Foster, W. L., Karakasa, Yoban- Gibson, F. E., 1216 Charleston St.,
cho, No. 64 Shinyashi Ki, Kuma- Charlestown, W. Va.
moto, Japan. Gibson, L. A., Box 118, Bozeman,
Frank, 0. F., 304 Hodges St., Lake Mont.
Charles, La. Gibson, 0. J., Changsha, Hunan,
Frauchiger, E. E., German Post, China.
Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, Gibson, T. J., Somabula Mission,
Turkey. Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Frei, J., Nonnenweg 22, Basle, Giddings, H. E., R. F. D. 1, Hamby,
Switzerland. Tex.
French, A. F., Hamilton, Mo. Giddings, Philip, Roseau, Domin-
French, H. B., Keene, Tex. ica, British West Indies.
French, T. M., Freetown, Sierra Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster,
Leone, West Africa. Mass.
French, W. R., 75 Park St., Cal- Gilbert, A. C., Box 244, Regina,
cutta, India. Saskatchewan, Canada,

Gilbert, A. D., 2708 Tenth St., Groenewald, B. C., " Wilgehoek,"

Tampa, Fla. Lindley, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Gillatt, J. D., 8 Lancaster Road, Groenewald, D. H., 156 Maitland
Stroud Green, London, N., Eng- St., Bloemfontein, Orange Free
land. State, South Africa.
Gillatt, John J., Stanborough Gruber, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Park, Watford, England. burg, Germany.
Gillis, W. E., Box 523, U. S. Postal
Agency, Shanghai, China. Grundset, Anol, Asmara, Eritrea,
Ginter, J. F., Kleine Newastr. 12, Poste Restante (via Brindisi,
Riga, Russia. Italy), East Africa.
Girou, A. I., German Post, Box 109, Grundset, Ole J., 336 East Lake
Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Gjording, H. G., Box 595, Redfield, Guenin, J. C., 53 rue de Phals-
S. Dak. bourg, Le Harve, France.
Glass, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Gugel, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany. burg, Germany.
Gnadjin, E., Kleine Newastr. 12, Guild, M. C., Route 6, Traverse
Riga, Russia. City, Mich.
Gobel, H., Kleine Newastr. 12, Gueldenzopf, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Riga, Russia. Hamburg, Germany.
Godfrey, H. R., Great Bend, Kans. Gullett, B. D., Drawer 28, Or-
Godfrey, T., Western, Wash. lando, Fla.
Godsrnark, 0. C., 169 Bryan St., Gunstead, A. M., 139 School St.,
Atlanta, Ga. Quincy, Mass.
Goetting, F., Grindelberg 15a, Gfithrie, Wm., Port Hope, Ontario.
Hamburg, Germany. Guyot, A., rue Dufour prol 33,
Gontar, A. E., Grindelberg 15a, Oran, Algeria.
Hamburg, Germany.
Goodrich, H. C., Cristobal, Canal
Zone, Panama. Haak, B. C., 336 East Lake St.,
Goodrich, J. B., Blaine, Me. Minneapolis. Minn.
Gordon, L. 0., 1615 West Main St., Habenicht, R. H., Diamante, En-
Richmond, Va. tre Rios, Argentina, South
Gosmer, W. A., care New Eng- America.
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Hadley, 0. S., 1721 Broadway,
Graf, H. F., 2325 East Eighty- Indianapolis, Ind.
seventh St., Cleveland, Ohio. Haffner, G. F., Clinton, Mo.
Graf, J. J., 528 Camp St., Lexing- Hahn, Earl D., College View, Nebr.
ton, Ky. Hahn, K., Kleine Newastr. 12,
Graham, J. E. 2846 West Sixty- Riga, Russia.
first St., Seattle, Wash. Hale, D. U., Crawford, Nebr.
Grandy, B. M., Eagle, Idaho. Hall, 0. A., Chowkiakow, Ronan,
Grauer, G. A., Clinton, Mo. China.
Greaves, Robt. S., German Post, Halladay, F. W., Box 414, Hunts-
Box 109, Galata, Constantinople, ville, Ala.
Turkey. Halsvick, L., 4910 Arch St., Phila-
Green, John, Orlando, Fla. delphia, Pa.
Green, W. H., 1409 First St., N. Halusicz, St., Grindelberg 15a,
W., Washington, D. C. Hamburg, Germany.
Grey, Robt. M., 2253 North Ala- Hambrock, F., Grindelberg 15a,
bama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Hamburg, Germany.
Grieser, Friedr., Nonnenweg 22, Hamilton, G. A., 112 Theta Ave.,
Basle, Switzerland. Vista Grande, Cal.
Griffin, H. Clay, Pecos, Tex. Hampton, J. B., Mercedes, Tex.
Griggs, Frederick, College View, Hancock, W. E., Takoma Park,
Nebr, D. C.

Hanhardt, J. G., 60 Kipp Ave.,. Haskell, Mrs. H. H., 63 Grant St.,

Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Portland, Me.
Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy, Haughey, A. G., Warren, Ohio.
China. Haughey, K. R., Pitt Meadows,
Hankins, I. J., Rosemead Ave., British Columbia.
Claremont, South Africa. Haughey, S. G., 1 Devereaux Road,
Hansen; C. F., Yankton, S. Dak. Wandsworth Common, London,
Hansen, N. P., Margrethevej 5, S. W., England.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Haupt, Wm. H., 32 Ockerse St.,
Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta- Pretoria, Transvaal, South Ar-
tion, Washington, D. C. rica.
Hansen, H., Room 6, Eagle Block, Hawkins, G. R., 3603 North Twen-
Salt Lake City, Utah. ty-fourth St., Omaha, Nebr.
Hansen, C. A., Marsland, Nebr. Hay, Roy E., Monte Vista, Colo.
Hansen, C. A., 394 Wealthy Ave., Hayes, E. G., 2222 North Seventh
Grand Rapids, Mich. Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Hanson, D. H., Miles City, Mont. Haynes, Carl B., 44 Loudon Ave.,
Hanson, P. M., 205 Summit Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Chippewa Falls, Wis. Haysmer, A. J., 536 Fifth Ave..
Hanson, P. A., 508 East Everett South, Nashville, Tenn.
St., Portland, Oregon. Hayton, C. H., Caterham, Surrey,
Hanson, P. C., Poysippi, Wis. England.
Hanson, John E., Monroe, La. Heacock, A. P., 801 Third A ve.,
Hanson, W. R., Norman, Okla. East, Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Hare, Robert, 79 Grote St., Ade- Heald, B. M., Chambersburg, Pa.
laide, South Australia, Aus- Heald, C. W., Nevada, Iowa.
tralia. Healey, W. M., 657 Eighteenth St.,
Hare, M. M., South Lancaster, San Diego, Cal.
Mass. Hebner, W. C., 1122 Washington
Hare, Robert, 336 East Lake St., Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Minneapolis, Minn. Heckman, W. H., 4910 Arch St.,
Hare, S. T., Eureka, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa.
Harding, I. W., Freetown, Sierra Henderson, Fred H., 249 West-
Leone, West Africa. bourne Ave., Zanesville, Ohio.
Harlow, E., 29 Fitzroy Chambers, Hennig, W. A., Pacific Union Col-
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens- lege, St. Helena, Cal.
land, Australia. Herbert, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Harlow, George, Tung-hing-fong- Hamburg, Germany.
nam-yeuk; Canton, China. Herrell, H. W., Oakton, Va.
Harris, F. J., Route 3, Box 24A, Hersum, S. J., Richmond, Me.
Freeport, Ill. Hetze, G., Kleine Newastr. 12,
Harris, J. C., 825 West Main St., Riga, Russia.
Ottawa, Ill. Hiatt, H. M., 169 Bryan St., At-
Harrison, A. F., 2123 Twenty- lanta, Ga.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Hibbard, E. J., San Fernando, Cal.
Tenn. Hickman, N. R., Elk City, Okla.
Harter, R. -E., 5340 Upland Ave., Hickman, T. J., Oakwood, Okla.
Philadelphia, Pa. Hicks, F. H., 6 East Jefferson St.,
Harter, Frederick, 113 North Fif- Salamanca, N. Y.
tieth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hicks, H. H., Holly, Mich.
Hartwell, H. C., South Lancaster, Hilgert, Wm. T., College Place,
Mass. Wash.
Hartwell, S. D., 4910 Arch St., Hill, Oscar, 702 West Sixth St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. Santa Ana, Cal.
Haskell, S. N., 63 Grant St., Port- Hill, Israel, Route 2, West Do
land, Me. Pere, Wis.

Hills, W. F., Box 523, U. S. Postal Humann, H., Beisecker, Alberta,

Agency, Shanghai, China. Canada.
Hilliard, E., 103 William St., Humphrey, J. K., 184 West 135th
Perth, West Australia. St., New York, N. Y.
Hoare, H. J., 417 West Fifth St., Huntley, E. H., 1407 East Forty-
Los Angeles, Cal. first St., Seattle, Wash.
Hockarth, G. W., Grindelberg 15a, Hutchinson, L. L., Eureka, Cal.
Hamburg, Germany. Hwang, C. T., Changsha, Huna,n,
Hoerner, G. F., Grindelberg 15a, China.
Hamburg, Germany. Hyatt, W. S., 56 Roeland St., Cape
Hofstra, J. W., 20 Church St., Town, South Africa.
Haledon, N. J. Hyder, R., 90 Brickdam, George-
Hoffman, J. H., Route 3, Box 95, town, British Guiana, South
Grantsurg, Wis. America.
Hoffmann, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. Iles, E. L., New Decatur, Ala.
Holden, W. H., 38 Henry St., Bel- Imrie, L. J., Burwood St., Bur-
lows Falls, Vt. wood, N. S. W., Australia.
Holbrook J. A., R. F. D. 1, Battle Irwin, G. A., Mountain View, Cal.
Ground, ' Wash. Irwin, C. W., care Pacific Union
Holbrook, W. S., Lodi, Cal. College, St. Helena, Cal.
Hoopes, L. A., Australasian Mis- Irwin, J. J., 220 Michigan St.,
sionary College, Cooranbong, N. Petoskey, Mich.
S. W., Australia. Isaac, F. R., Redfield, S. Dak.
Hoover, H. L., Estancia, N. Mex. Isaac, Michel Nord, Cape Haitien,
Hopkins, E. B., Keene, Tex. Haiti, West Indies.
Horton, R. C., Lawrence, Mich. Isaak, Daniel, Grindelberg 15a,
Horton, S. B., Takoma Park Sta- Hamburg, Germany.
tion, Washington, D. C. Ising, W. C., Deutsche Post, Bei-
Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va. rut, Syria.
House, B. L., Holbrook, Nebr. Israel, M. C., Oakdale, Cal.
Howard, E. M., 63 Clark Road, Iverson, Paul, Culbertson, Mont.
Durban, Natal, South Africa.
Howe, W. 0., 1377 Washington Jackson, S. E., 336 East Lake St.,
Ave., Portland, Me. Minneapolis, Minn.
Howe, B. L., 508 East Everett St.,
Portland, Oregon. Jacobs, H. U., McKinney, Ky.
Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta- Jacques, R., " Alta Vista," Llani-
tion, Washington, D. C. shen St., Cardiff, South Wales.
James, J. S., Nazareth Post-office,
'Howse, H. T., Apia, Apolo, Samoa, Tinnevelly District, South India.
Pacific Ocean. James, W. H., Warburton, Vic-
Hoxie, Fred, Ithaca, Mich. toria, Australia.
Hoyt, J. M., 406 West Washing- Janert, 0. A., Grindelberg 15a,
ton St., Greenville, Mich. Hamburg, Germany.
Hubbard, G., 29 Fitzroy Chambers, Jayne, J. E., 317 West Bloomfield
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens- St., Rome, N. Y.
land, Australia. Jensen, C. C., Margrethevej 5,
Hubbard, Thomas, Waldron, Ind. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Hubley, R. A., Box 217, St. John's, Jenson, A. W., Keene, Tex.
Newfoundland. Jeys, Thos. H., Box 414, Hunts-
Huenergardt, J. F., Grindelberg ville, Ala.
15a, Hamburg, Germany. Jochmanns, Fr., Grindelberg 15a,
Huffman, D. E., Centerville, Kans. Hamburg, Germany.
Huffman, M. G., 508 Fifth Ave., Johanson, J. M., Signs Publish-
East, Hutchinson, Kans. ing Office, Warburton, Victoria,
Hughes, C. B., Keene, Tex. Australia.

Johnson, Adolph, 6003 Forty-fifth Keh, Nga Pit, P731 Pao Shing Li,
Ave., S. E., Portland, Oregon. North Honan Road, Shanghai,
Johnson, C., McMinnville, Oregon. China.
Johnson, Lewis, 3022 West Sixty- Kelle, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
second St., Seattle, Wash. burg, Germany.
Johnson, Fred, College View, Kelemen, St., Grindelberg 15a,
Nebr. Hamburg, Germany.
Johnson, H. R., College View, Kellogg, M. G., Healdsburg, Cal.
Nebr. Kelley, H. M., 304 West Allen St.,
Johnson, 0., Kungsgatan 34, Springfield, Ill.
Stockholm, Sweden. Kelsey, A. G., Lonavla, Bombay
Johnson, 0. A., College Place, Presidency, India.
Wash. Kennedy, J. J., 147 Bronson Ave.,
Johnson, W. A., Cedarville, Cal. Rochester, N. Y.
Johnston, J. 0., Eufola, N. C. Kennedy, . F., 821 West Fifth
Johnston, F. W. Napanee, Ontario. St., Topeka, Kans.
Jones, A. H., Leach, Tenn. Kennedy, R. R., 609 East Gambier
Jones, J. F., Fords Store, Md. St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Jones, John K., 134 School St., Kennedy, T. J., 90 Brickdam,
Taunton, Mass. Georgetown, British Guiana,
South America.
Jones, G. F., 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Kent, A. W. Burwood St., Bur-
Singapore, Malay Archipelago, wood, N. S. W., Australia.
Pacific Ocean. Keough, George, 27 Sharia Abu el
Jones, J. L., Armona, Cal. MaAli, Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt.
Jones, Methiisaleh, Hearne, Tex. Kephart, S. B., 932 West Fourth
Jones, 0. E., 417 East High St., St., Ottumwa, Iowa.
Hastings, Nebr. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Jordan, S. A., 712 South Third tion, Washington, D. C.
St., Memphis, Tenn. Keslake, C. H., Box 217, St. John's,
Jorg, Fried., 852 Vancouver Ave., Newfoundland.
Portland, Oregon. Kessel, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Jorgensen, N. M., Grand Forks, burg, Germany.
N. Dak. Ketring, H. F., 3529 West Forty-
Jorgensen, Mrs. Bertha, Grand fourth Ave., Denver, Colo.
Forks, N. Dak. Kilgore, R. M., Graysville, Tenn.
Jump, Howard M., 629 Orchard Kime, Stewart, 1615 West Main
St., Toledo, Ohio. St., Richmond, Va.
Jurickson, J., Kleine Newastr. 12,King, N. B., Brookhaven, Miss.
Riga, Russia. Kinney, C. M., Northeast Station,
Route 3, Nashville, Tenn.
Kalaka, M. D., Leribe, Basutoland, Kirk, A. F., 905 North California
South Africa. Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Kalbermatten, Ignacio, Casilla 7, Kirkendall, M. C., 96 Bartlett Ave.,
La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Toronto, Ontario.
Kamm, K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Kirkle, G. A., Minatare, Nebr.
burg, Germany. Kite, C. R., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Kapitz, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Denver, Colo.
burg, Germany. Kittle, 0. M., Redfield, S. Dak.
Kapitz, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Klein, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany. burg, Germany.
Kaszemek, K., Grindelberg 15a, Klingbeil, R. G., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Kauble, N. W., Palisades, Colo. Kneeland, B. F 7049 Hamilton
Kay, J. L., Gaston, Oregon. St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Kneeland, W. G., 176 Armstrong Langford, L. F., 1 Devereaux Road,

Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Wandsworth Common, London,
Knight, C. E., Florida, F. C. C. S. W., England.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Langholf, A., Grindelberg 15a,
South America. Hamburg, Germany.
Knight, I. G., Silverton, Oregon. Lauda, Emil R., Sulphur Springs,
Knott, C. F., Route 1, Spokane,. Ind.
Wash. Lauks, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- burg, Germany.
tion, Washington, D. C. Lawrence, J. H., 3110 Grand Ave.,
Koch, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Louisville, Ky.
burg, Germany. Lawrence, N. W., College Place,
'coiling, W., Post Buiko, via Wash.
Tanga, German East Africa. Leach, Robert W., Midland, Mich.
Konigmacher, S. M., Malamulo Leavett, L. E., Room 6, Eagle
Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
British Central Africa. Lee, H. M., Soonan, Korea.
Kotz, E., Friedenstal, Post Buiko, Lee, Frederick, Nanking, China.
via Tanga, German East Africa. Lee, Ole, College Place, 'Wash.
Krautschick, Andrew, Grindelberg Leer, Carl, Lincoln, N. Dak.
15a, Hamburg, Germany. Leer, V., Lodi, Cal.
Krautschick, August, Grindelberg, Leland, Eugene, care Tabernacle,
15a, Hamburg, Germany. Battle creek, Mich.
Leland, J. A., R. F. D. 5, .San An-
Kress, D. H., Loma Linda, Cal. tonio, Tex.
Kroeker, J. G., Estacao Sao Ber- Leplatoni, F., Grindelberg 15a,
nardo, S. P. R., SAD Paulo, Bra- Hamburg, Germany.
zil, South America. Lemke, L. D. A., Warburton, Vic-
Krum, J. H., Keene, Tex. toria, Australia.
Kuehl, A. W., 679 Holly Ave., St. Lewis, C. C., care Pacific Union
Paul, Minn. College, St. Helena, Cal.
Kiimpel, F., Blumenau, Santa Lewis, M. W., 1716 First Ave.,
Catharina, Brazil, South Amer- North, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
ica. Lewis, T. G., 955 South Division
Kunkel, C. J., 5033 Spaulding Ave., St., Appleton, Wis.
St. Louis, Mo. Lewis, W. H., Freetown, Sierra
Kuniya, H., 846 Sendagaya machi, Leone, West Africa.
Tokyo, Japan. Lewsadder, Wm., 121 Chicago
Kurtichanov, Titus, Brownsville, Ave., Rockford, Ill.
Oregon. Lightner, C: S. 896 East Lincoln
St., Guthrie, Okla.
Lillie, C. P., Box 523, U. S. Postal
Lacey, H. C., Stanborough Park, Agency, Shanghai, China. ,
Watford, England. Lindegren, E. N., Asmara, Eritrea,
Lagrone, G. A., Oplin, Tex. East Africa (via Brindisi,
Lair, J. W., 317. West Bloomfield Italy).
St., Rome, N. Y. Lindermann, Jose, Estaceo SOn
Lamson, J. G., Nevada, Iowa. Bernardo, S'. P. R., SAo Paulo,
Lane, F. G., 12 Calle Oeste, 9, Par- Brazil, South America.
raquia, Altagracia, Caracas, Lindsey, R. S., Lexington, Ky.
Venezuela, South America. Lindsey, D. E., Meherrin, Va.
Langdon, Geo. E., Room 650, 440 Lingenfelter, C. L. 84 East Six-
South Dearborn St., Chicago, teenth. St., Portland, Oregon.
Ill. Lipke, John, Jogo do Lourenco 214
Langenberg, H., .Grindelberg 15a, Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil,
Hamburg, Germany. South America.

Littell, Leslie, Fayetteville, Ark. Macdonald, F., Stranach St., Piet-

Livingston, A. A., 92 Agricola St., ermaritzburg, Natal, South Af-
Halifax, Nova Scotia. rica.
Lloyd, Ernest, 417 West Fifth St., Machlan, B. F., Australasian Mis-
Los Angeles, Cal. sionary College, Cooranbong, N.
Locken, J. B., 819 Morgan St., S. W. Australia.
Knoxville, Tenn. Mackint:osh, M., Windsor, Mo.
Loebsack, H. J., Grindelberg 15a, MacLay, W. D., 7049 Hamilton St.,
Hamburg, Germany. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Loebsack, H. K., Kleine Newastr.
Madsen, 0., Decorah, Iowa.
12, Riga, Russia.
Long, U. P., Sedgewick, Colo. Magan, P. T., Madison, Tenn.
Longacre, C. S., South Lancaster, Mallory, J. B., 2 Burruss St., Nor-
Mass. folk, Va.
Longard, L. D., Tantallon, Nova Manful, W. L., 1109 Fourteenth
Scotia. St., West, Calgary, Alberta,
Loots, J. L., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Canada.
burg, Germany. Mangold, Santiago, Casilla 2830,
Loughborough, J. N., R. F. D. 4, Santiago, Chile, South America.
Box 13, Lodi, Cal. Mann, V. L., 19 Banks Road, Luck-
Lovold, Immanuel, 1407 East now, India.
Forty-first St., Seattle, Wash. - Manns, C. G., Albany, Ga.
Lowry, C. F., 2008 Twenty-fourth Manns, John W., Orlando, Fla.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Mantu, J. Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Lowry, G. G., Trichinopoly, South burg, Germany.
India. Marchus, Amos S., 78 Gregory
Lowry, W. S., 932 Union St., Jack- Boulevard, Nottingham, En-
son, Miss. gland.
Lucas, H. G., San Fernando, Cal. Marietta, J. J., Route 5, Mt. Ver-
Lude, C. D., Diamante, Entre non, Ohio.
Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Marley, E. L., Ridgeland, Miss.
ica. Marriott, G. E., Buresala, Ovalau,
Ludwig, M., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
burg, Germany. Martin, W. F., 80 East Sixty-first
Lukens, Morris, 79 Grote St., Ade- St., North, Portland, Oregon.
laide, South Australia. Martin, C. N., Bon Aqua, Tenn.
Martin, R. H., 17 Stroud St., Wil-
Lund, A. 0., 257 Randolph Ave.,
mington, Del.
Jersey City, N. J.
Marvin, C. F., Glendale Sanita-
Liipke, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
rium, Glendale, Cal.
burg, Germany.
Mascher, A. F., North. Yakima,
Lusky, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Wash.
burg, Germany.
Mathe, L., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Luther, J. K., College Place, burg, Germany.
Matheisen, G. C., R. F. D. 4,Lyons,
Lwoff, J., Kleine Newastr. 12, Colo.
Riga, Russia.
Matthews, James H., St: Johns,
Lyndon, F. E., Papeete, Tahiti, So- Antigua, British West Indies.
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Mathewson, W. C., Vienna, N. Y.
Lysinger, H. E., 520 West Lynn
St., Springfield, Mo. Mathy, L. A., 101 Avenue du
Maine, Paris, France.
Matti, Victor, 101 Avenue du
Maas, J. V., Dundern, Saskatche- Maine, Paris, France.
wan, Canada. Maudsley, W., Stanborough Park,
Mac Guire Meade, Box 381, Love- Watford, England.
land, Colo. Maxwell, E. L., Hammond, La.

Maynor, W. H., 2302 Ross Ave., Miller, E. L., 5 Pao Shan Loo, Han-
Knoxville, Tenn. kow, China.
McAvoy, J., 78 Gregory Boulevard, Miller, A. L., 1012 Oxford St., In-
Nottingham, England. dianapolis, Ind.
McComas, J. W., Sharpsburg, Ia.
McCord, J. W., 417 West Fifth St., Miller, W. W., 5916 Bramble Ave.,
Los Angeles, Cal. Madisonville, Ohio.
McCutchen, W. A., Keene, Tex. Miller, H. W., West Milton, Ohio
McDonald, C. M., Wewoka, Okla. (on furlough from China).
McEachern, J. H., 4910 Arch St., Miller, H. W. R. F. D. 2, Box 35,
Philadelphia, Pa. Battle Creek, Mich.
McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park Miller, J. 0., 17 Metcalf St., St.
Station, Washington, D. C. John, New Brunswick.
McNay, Geo. R. E., Nevada, Iowa. Miller, W. A. T., Box 286, Albu-
McReynolds, C., 1029 Third St., querque, N. Mex.
East Las Vegas, N. Mex. Mocnik, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
McVagh, C. F., 1712 Simkin St., burg, Germany.
Nashville, Tenn. Moffett, W. C., Box 187, Mt. Ver-
Mead, Andrew, R. F. D. 2, Brain- non, Ohio.
erd, Minn. Moko, R., Debe Nek, Cape, South
Mead, W. S., 19 Banks Road, Africa.
Lucknow, India. Monk, J. H., R. F. D. 2, Santa
Meed, C. B., 58 James St., Kings- Anna, Tex.
ton, Jamaica, West Indies. Montgomery, 0., 2253 North Ala-
Meleen, C., 516 Newland Ave., bama St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Jamestown, N. Y. Montgomery, R. P., 12 Dhoby
Meredith, W. H., 78 Gregory Boul- Ghaut, Singapore, Malay Archi-
evard, Nottingham, England. pelago.
Merrell, E. A., 1308 Main St., St. Mookerjee, L. G., 26 Creek Row,
Joseph, Mo. Calcutta, India.
Metzger, Chas., Nevada, Iowa. Moon, Allen, 213-215 Dean Bldg.,
Meyer, A. A., Hitchcock, Okla. 113 South Lafayette. St., South
Meyer, Henry, Caixa Postal 768, Bend, Ind.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Moon, Arthur, Blackfoot, Idaho.
America. Moon, H. E., Room 650, 440 South
Meyer-Bartschy, H., Grindelberg Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
15a, Hamburg, Germany. Moore, L. G., 213 Pine St., North,
Meyer, Paul, Rua das Chagas 9A, Lansing, Mich.
Lisbon, Portugal. Morrow, J. A., 932 Union St.,
Michaels, C. P., 103 William St., Jackson, Miss.
Perth, West Australia. Morrison, D., Stanborough Park,
Mignott, H. L., Cristobal, Canal Watford, England.
Zone, Panama. Morrison, Isaac, care Pacific Un-
Mikkelsen, J. C., Knights Station, ion College, St. Helena, Cal.
Fla. Morrison, J. H., College View,
Mikkonen, Hugo, Unionsgatan 4, Nebr.
Helsingfors, Finland. Mortenson, S., 5942 Peoria St.,
Miller, A. G., Warburton, Victoria, Chicago, Ill.
Australia. Motzer, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Miller, D. P., Box 595, Redfield, S. burg, Germany.
Dak. Muderspach, L., Unionsgatan 4,
Miller, B. E., 2028 Gates Ave., Helsingfors, Finland.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Mulford, B. N., Fountain Head,
Miller, C. H., North Platte, Nebr. Tenn.
Miller, C. W., R. F. D. 2, Waurika, Mfiller, A., Grindelberg I5a, Ham-
Okla. burg, Germany.

Willer, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Nicola, H., 123 Manchester St.,
burg, Germany. Battle Creek, Mich.
Mullings, L. G., 58 James St., Nicola, L. T., 2342 Crotona Ave.,
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. New York, N. Y.
Muntz, Leslie, 516 Farmer St., Nicolas, Lope, Calle Mercaders
Petersburg, Va. 40-10la, Barcelona, Spain.
Munson, M., 29 Fitzroy Chambers, Niedoba, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Adelaide St., Brisbane, Queens- burg, Germany.
land, Australia. Nielsen, J. C., Bethel, Wis.
Munson, R. W. (on furlough in Nielson, Lars, Hastings, Nebr.
U. S.). Niergarth, H. A., Strathcona, Al-
Murbach, J., Grindelberg 15a, berta, Canada.
Hamburg, Germany. Noftsger, B. B., Port Hope, On-
Murphy, Thomas, 1115 Fayette tario.
St., Vicksburg, Miss. Nordenmalen, D., 5708 Alaska St.,
Mussen, Richard, Stanborough Tacoma, Wash.
Park, Watford, England. Norderhus, 0. P., Akersgaden 74,
Muth, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Christiania, Norway.
burg, Germany. Norwood, J. W., Fayetteville, Ark.
Myers, C. K., Burwood St., Bur- Nott, W. L., 508 Fifth Ave., East,
wood, N. S. W., Australia. Hutchinson, Kans.
Nussbaum, T., 7 rue Pharaon.
Nbrem, J. M:, Akersgaden 74, Toulouse, France.
Christiania, Norway. Nutter, V., 1109 East Twelfth St.,
Niirem, A. 0., Akersgaden 74, Kansas City, Mo.
Christiania, Norway.
Nash, R. T., Route 3, Greensboro, Oberg, E. M., College View, Nebr.
N. C.
Neff, A. C., Quicksburg, Va. Oberg, S. A., Box 77, Mayaguez,
Neff, E. L., 4303 Avenue C, Austin, Porto Rico, West Indies.
Tex. Oblfinder, J. G., Grindelberg 15a,
Neff, Wm., Stark, Kans. Hamburg, Germany.
Neilsen, J. A., 122 South Eighth Oestreich, W., Grindelberg 15a,
St., Grand Junction, Colo. Hamburg, Germany.
Neilsen, N. P., 212 President St., Ogden, A. R., Utica, Mo.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Ohme, B., Majita, Post Shirati,
Nellis, S. W., 1407 East Forty- Victoria Nyanza, German East
first St., Seattle, Wash. Africa.
Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Cal. Okohira, T. H., 856 Senddgaya-
Nelson, N. R., 336 East Lak St., machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Minneapolis, Minn. Oliver, F. M., Wenatchee, Wash.
Nelson, Ole, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Olm, R., Caixa Postal 106, Porto
holm, Sweden. Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra-
Neglund, 0. J., 1731 Des Moines zil, South America.
St., Des Moines, Iowa. Olmstead, J. F., 1048 Fair Ave.,
Nethery, Jay J., 78 Gregory Boul- Columbus, Ohio.
evard, Nottingham; England. Olmstead, H. C., Leribe, Basuto-
Nettleton, Daniel, Port Townsend, land, South Africa.
Wash. Olsen, 0. A., Room 650, 440 South
Neufeld, C. C., Lacombe, Alberta, Dearborn. St., Chicago, Ill.
Canada. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Nickels, G-., 1 Devereaux Road, tion, Washington, D. C.
Wandsworth Common, London, Olsen, A. B., Sanitarium, Cater-
S. W., England. ham, Surrey, England.
Nicola, B. E., care Sanitarium, At- Olsen, M. M., Margrethevej 5,
tleboro. Mass. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.

Olsen, 0. J., Akersgaden 74, Chris- Parker, C. H., Vila, New Hebrides,
tiania, Norway. Pacific Ocean.
Olsen, Olaf J., Reykijavik, Iceland. Parkhurst, W. D., 1446 West
Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa. Eighth St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Olsen, Martin, Valley City, N. Parmele, C. F., Roswell, N. Mex.
Parmele, R. W., Drawer 28, Or-
Olson, A. V., 336 East Lake St., lando, Fla.
Minneapolis, Minn. Parnell, J. L., Route 2, Santa
Olson, Herman, 336 East Lake St., Anna, Tex.
Minneapolis, Minn. Parsons, D. A., Room 6, Eagle
Orozco, Juan Garcia, Safford, Ariz. Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Osborne, E. E., Dyer Brook, Me. Pascoe, W. H., Queen's Road,
Osborne, P. B., 35 Western Ave., Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Fairfield, Me. Zealand.
Osborne, A. J., Turlock, Cal. Patterson, J. R., Box 1304, Fresno,
Osol, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Cal.
burg, Germany. Patterson, R. G., 2070 East 105th
Oster, John, Fifth and Ray Sts., St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Spokane, Wash. Paulini, R. P., Grindelberg 15a,
Ostrander, Wm., 821 Warren Ave., Hamburg, Germany.
Saginaw, Mich. Paulson,C. J., 905 North Califor-
Ostwald, H., Kleine Newastr. 12, niae., v Hastings, Nebr.
Riga, Russia. Payne, Leonard, St. Thomas, On-
Ott, J. F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- tario.
burg, Germany. Peabody, F. West Valley, N. Y.
.Owen, G. K., Annfield House, Peart, A. G., Hillsboro, Carriacou,
Mussoorie, India. via Grenada, West Indies.
Owen, Roderick S., Loma Linda, Peckover, C. E., Bird City, Kans.
Cal. Pedicord, C. A., Nevada, Iowa.
Owens, J. W., , 347 Alexanderine Peet, J. 0., Philbrook, Minn.
St., Detroit, Mich. Penner, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany.
Pennington, E. E., Rockaway,
Paap, F. W. 376 West Eleventh N. J.
St., Riverside, Cal. Penrose, Chas. E., " Alta Vista,"
Paap, C. A., Burwood St., Bur- Llanishen St., Cardiff, South
wood, N. S. W., Australia. Wales.
Pachla, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Perk, G., Kleine Newastr. 12,
burg, Germany. Riga, Russia.
Painter, A. J., Stanleyton, Va.
Painter, F. E., 2718 Third Ave., Perk, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. burg, Germany.
Painter, T. H., Stanleyton, Va. Perry, F. L., 259 San Salvador,
Pallant, J., " Mizpah," Wah- Montevideo, Uruguay, South
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. America.
Palm, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Persson, J., Majita, Post Shirati,
burg, Germany. Victoria Nyanza, German East
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- Africa.
tion, Washington, D. C. Peters, G. E., 110 Early St., Mont-
Palmer, W. W., Haapai, Tonga, gomery, Ala.
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Petersen, F. F., Plainfield, Wis.
Pampaian, V., German Post, Box Peterson, Bernard, 2033 North
109, Galata; Constantinople, Kimball Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Turkey. Peterson, E. F., Houghton, Mich.
Pannkoke, H., 5 Adelaide St., J. Pettit, G. W., 19 Banks Road,
P., Boston, Mass. Lucknow, India.

Pilkewitsch, J., Grindelberg 15a, Rall, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-

Hamburg, Germany. burg, Germany.
Piper, A. H., Burwood St., Bur- Ramsey, W. T. Catesby, Okla.
wood, N. S. W., Australia. Rand, H. F., Glendale, Cal.
Piper, H. E., Queen's Road, Lower Randle, IV: H.,Sal-la-mar, Ja-
Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. maica, West ndies.
Piper, J. F., 53 William St., Port- Rashford, Linton, Old Harbour,
land, Me. Jamaica, West Indies.
Pohle, W. R., Casilla 1002, Lima, Rasmussen, K., 624 North St., De-
Peru, South America. corah, Iowa.
Pohle, von E. A., Hemingford, Raspal, M., Gland, Switzerland.
Nebr. Rauleder, G. A., Escondido, Cal.
Ponig, M., Post Buiko, via Tanga, Saymond, J. W., 211 Main St.,
German East Africa. Hornell, N. Y.
Pool, N. H., 31 Dundonald St., Read, W., Stanborough Park,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Watford, England.
Indies. Reaser,G. W., Tucson, Ariz.
Popsecu, C., Grindelberg 15a, Rebensu rg, A., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Porter, R. C., " Wynnton," Selous Redfield, C. T. 2301 South Clifton
Road, Claremont, South Africa. Ave., Springfield, Ohio.
Porter, L. B., Oakdale, Nebr. Reed, H. W., Clearwater Lake,
Post, Byron, 847 Fifth St., Mil- Wis.
waukee, Wis. Reed, L. A., Mountain View, Cal.
Potter, E. R., South Hill Post- Reeder, H. E., Sheridan, Wyo.
office, Vancouver, British Co- Reefman, Wm., Holton, Mich.
lumbia. Rees, D. D., Mt. Vernon, Wash.
Powell, S. U., Santa Cruz, Ja- Rees, E. H., 810 Jackson Ave.,
maica, West Indies. New Orleans, La.
Powers, Geo. W., Hazel, Ky.
Prener, H. S., 825 West Franklin Reid, J. A., Bocas del Toro, Pan-
St., Baltimore, Md. ama.
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. Reifschneider, K. A., Kleine New-
,Pretyman, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- astr. 12, Riga, Russia.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Reihlen, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Prieger, A. F., Dothan, Ala. burg, Germany.
Prieser, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Reiner, Wilhelm, Bowdle, S. Dak.
burg, Germany. Reinhold, R. R., 2028 Forty-fifth
Prillwitz, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ave., Melrose, Cal.
Hamburg, Germany. Reinke, 0. E., Nonnenweg 22,
Prowalowsky, S., Grindelberg 15a, Basle, Switzerland.
Hamburg, Germany. Reiswig, C. K., 336 East Lake St.,
Purdom, C. A., 3928 Fourteenth Minneapolis, Minn.
St., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Reiswig, J. J., 109 East Wisconsin
St., Jamestown, N. Dak.
Rempfert, K., Grindelberg 15a,
Quillin, G. C., Killbuck, Ohio. Hamburg, Germany.
Quinn, R. D., Room 904, 32 Union . Rentfro, C. E., Rua da Boa Vista
Square, New York, N. Y. 145, Porto, Portugal.
Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn.
Rey, Jules, Gland, Switzerland.
Rader, Geo. W., 1805 Arrow Ave., Reynolds, I. T., Box 97, Hagerman,
Anderson, Ind. N. Mex.
Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Co- Rhoads, A. V., Minot, N. Dak.
penhagen, V., Denmark. Richards, F. C., Sanitarium, Wah-
Ragsdale, L. B., Bozeman, Mont. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.

Richards, H. M. J., 1112 Kalamath Rowland, J. Wilson, Sedro Wool-

St., Denver, Colo. ley, Wash.
Richardson, F. I., 447 Baldridge Ruble, W. W., Alexandria, Minn.
Ave., San Bernardino, Cal. Rudge, P. B., Baramba Mission,
Richardson, I. D., Elm Grove, W. Murgon, Queensland, Australia.
Va. Ruskjer, M., Box 285, Fargo, N.
Rider, C. J., Swift Current, Sas- Dak.
katchewan, Canada. Ruskjer, S. A., 336 East Lake St.,
Riffel, Jacob, College Place, Wash. Minneapolis, Minn. '
Rine, G. W., Healdsburg, Cal. Russell, A. B., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Rittenhouse, C. H., Bozeman, Russell, C. A., R. F. D. 1, Allegan,
Mont. Mich.
Roach, T. J., Hamilton, Mo. Russell, K. C., Takoma Park
Robb, V. W., cor. Bannerman and Station, Washington, D. C.
Aikens, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Russell, E. T., College View,
Robbins, F. H., 94 Winsley St.. Nebr.
Morgantown, W. Va. Russell, Riley, Soonan, Korea.
Roberts, E. M., Jonesboro, Ind.
Robinson, A. T., College View,
Nebr. Salisbury, E. G., Campion Acad-
Robinson, C., Malamulo Mission, emy, Loveland, Colo. .
Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Salisbury, H. R., Takoma Park
Central Africa. Station, Washington, D. C.
Robinson, Dores E., Sanitarium, Sanborn, C. E. E., R. F. D. 29,
Cal. Wellston, Mo.
Robinson, H. E., 4 Oxford Ter- Sanborn, Isaac, 55 Stanley St.,
race, Boston, Mass. St. Thomas, Ontario.
Rockel, A., Estacao Sao Bernardo,
S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sandborn, A. R., 1909 South Clin-
ton Ave., Trenton, N. J.
South America. Sanders, C. N., 21 Jiroch St., Mus-
Rodd, Arthur S., 78 Gregory Boule- kegon, Mich.
vard, Nottingham, England. Sanders, E. 0., Cove, Oregon.
Rogers, A. H., Gordon St., Toorak, Sanderson, Arthur E., 254 Willow
Victoria, Australia. Ave., Somerville, Mass.
Rogers, J. H., 1639 East Forty- Sandnes, 0. E., Box 104, Portage la
eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Prairie, Manitoba.
Rogers, F. R., Box 474, West Santee, Clarence, Loma Linda,
Jackson, Miss. Cal.
Rogers, Joel C. (on furlough in Santee, L. D.; 1314 Fourteenth St.,
U. S.). Moline, Ill.
Rojas, L. A., Villa Rica, Paraguay, Savander, N., Unionsgatan 4, Hel-
South America. singf ors, Finland.
Ronlund, N. J., 933 North Main Saxby, W. H., 426 Trumbull Ave.,
Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Detroit, Mich.
Ronning, Olaf, Box 285, Fargo, N. Schafer, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Dak. Hamburg, Germany.
Rosenwold, E., 340 Beekman Ave., Schamkow, K., Grindelberg 15a,
New York, N. Y. Hamburg, Germany.
Rottacker, J., Armstrong, British Schick, L. B., 905 North Califor-
Columbia. nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Roth, G. G., South Lancaster, Schick, W., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Mass. burg, Germany.
Rouse, J. S. 457 Maxwell Ave., Schilling, J. H., Room 904, 32 Un-
Boulder, Colo. ion Square, New York, N. Y.
Routt, R. L.. R. F. D. lf Nacog- Schillinger, R., Grindelberg 15a,
doches, Tex, Hamburg, Germany.

Schilstra, P., Grindelberg 15a, Sharp, F. L., Raiatea, Society Is-

Hamburg, Germany. lands, Pacific Ocean.
Schlegel, W., Grindelberg 15a, Sharp, W. W., 1407 East Forty-
Hamburg, Germany. first St., Seattle, Wash.
Schlotthauer, A., Exeter, Cal. Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tenn.
Schmidt, A. F., Harvey, N. Dak. Sharpe, E. D., Lodi, Cal.
Schmidt, B., Grindelberg 15a, Shaw, B. H., Bennington, Kans.
Hamburg, Germany. Shaw, J. L., 19 Banks Road, Luck-
Schmitt, A., Grindelberg 15a, now, India.
Hamburg, Germany. Shaw, H. S., 1109 Fourteenth St.,
Schmitz, H., Grindelberg 15a, West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Hamburg, Germany. Sheldon, E. L., 336 East Lake St.,
Schneider, J., Kleine Newastr. 12, Minneapolis, Minn.
Riga, Russia. Sheldon, H. J., Maple Plain, Minn.
Schoplach, R., College View, Nebr. Shepard, M., R. F. D. 4, Fenton,
Schroeder, W. F. H., Clinton, Mo. Mich.
Schubert, G. W., Grindelberg 15a, Sherrig, 336 East Lake St.,
Hamburg, Germany. Minneapolis, Minn.
Schuberth, H. F., 189 Uhland- Shireman, D. T., Route 5, Hick-
strasse, Berlin-Charl., Germany. ory, N. C.
Schuerer, M., Grindelberg 15a, Shone, G. W., Aliwal North, Cape,
Hamburg, Germany. South Africa.
Schutz, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Shoup, H. Lesley, Bristol, Tenn.
burg, Germany. Shreve, W. S., Wauzeka, Wis.
Schwartz, W. F., 521 Union St., Shrock, S. S., 508 Fifth Ave.,CE:_st,
Hollidaysburg, Pa. Hutchinson, Kans.
Schwedrat, Otto, 2426 Poplar St., Shuler, J. L., Lenoir City, 'Penn.
Philadelphia, Pa. Shultz, H., Lodi, Cal.
Schwenecke, W., Grindelberg 15a, Shultz;J. E., Box 187, Mt. Vernon,
Hamburg, Germany. Ohio.
Schwenecke, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Shultz, John W., Toronto, Ohio.
Hamburg, Germany. Silsbee, E. C., 7 Cheapside, Kim-
Scior, F., German Post, Box 109, berley, South Africa.
Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. Simmons, Cyrus, Box 522, Knox-
Scoggins, Paul, Tulare, Cal. ville, Tenn.
Scott, Sydney, Newbern, N. C. Sims, Geo.- G., Box F, Phcenix,
Scott, J. B., Chetek, Ariz.
Seefried, J., Grindelberg 15a, Sims, W. L., Room 6, Eagle Block,
Hamburg, Germany. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Seeney, F. H., Wilmington, Del. Sinz, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Seibel, J. H., Bowdon, N. Dak. burg, Germany.
Selmon, A. C., Box 523, U. S. Sisco, H. N., Takoma Park Sta-
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. tion, Washington, D. C.
Serna, Marcial, Solomonville, Slade, E. K., Box 187, Mt. Vernon,
Ariz. Ohio.
Serns, M. H., Hinsdale, Ill. Smart, A., Gordon St., Toorak,
Settergren, A. J., Kungsgatan 34, Victoria, Australia.
Stockholm, _Sweden. Smith, A., Grandville, Mich.
Shade], S. T., Alpharetta, Ga. Smith, W. J., Queen's Road, Lower
Shaeffer, F. R., Box F, Phcenix, Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
Ariz. Smith, L. A., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Shafer,W. A., 1 Devereaux Road, Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Wans worth Common, London, Smith, S. S., Waverly, Tenn. '
S. W., England. Smith, J. H., Wheelersburg, Ohio.
Shannon, A. C., 24 Eastern Ave., Smith, John J., Frederiksted, St.
Dayton, Ohio, Croix, Danish West Indies,

Smith, W. H., 24 Myrtle Ave., Steele, J. F., 513 Virginia Ave.,

Irvington, N. J. Martinsburg, W. Va.
Smith, W. R., Wonsan, Korea. Steele, Wm., Box 77, Mayaguez,
Snow, C. M. Takoma Park Sta- Porto Rico, West Indies.
tion, Washington, D. C. Steen, H., 718 Maryland St., St.
Snyder, E. W., Apartado 35, Paul, Minn.
Marianao, Cuba. Steiner, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Snyder, G. A. 1476 Irving Ave., burg, Germany.
Oakland, Cal. Steiner, Paul, Gland, Switzerland,
Sorenson, C., Takoma Park, D. C. Stene, L., Akersgaden 74, Chris-
Sorenson, S., Box 56, Washburn, tiania, Norway.
Wis. Stephenson, C. B., 169 Bryan St.,
Soto, Damaso, Casilla 2830, San- Atlanta, Ga.
tiago, Chile, South America. Stephenson, D. G., 932 Union St.,
Soule, T. F., Troutdale, Oregon. Jackson, Miss.
spearing, F. A., 1 Devereaux Road, Sterling, G. L., Arorangi, Rara-
Wandsworth Common, London, tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific
S. W., England. Ocean.
Sparrow, D., Maranatha Mission, Stevens, G. A., Room 708, Mc-
Martindale, via Grahamstown, Lachlan Bldg., Tenth and G
Cape, South Africa. Sts., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Spencer, T. L. M., Main and Pilot Stevens, Jas. Adams, 2201 Tele-
Sts., New Amsterdam, British graph Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Guiana, South America. Stevens, J. C., 266 West Ivy St.,
Specht, F. G., R. F. a 1, Lyons, New Haven, Conn.
Colo. Steward, W. W., College Place,
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Wash.
tion, Washington, D. C. Stewart, A. G., Suva Vou, Fiji,
Spies, F. W., Caixa Postal 768, Pacific Ocean.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Stewart, E. L.; Berrien Springs,
America. Mich.
Spies, Geo. W., Pleasantville, Stewart, G. G., Nukualofa, Tonga,
N. J. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Spriggs, J. T., 122 South Eighth Stewart, R. C., Burwood St., Bur- "
St., Grand Junction, Colo. wood, N. S. W., Australia.
Sprohge, J., Kleine Newastr. 12, Stocker, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Riga, Russia. burg, Germany.
Stanley, P. G., 1209 Chamberlain St. John, H. A., Sanitarium, Cal.
Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. St. John, M. H., 508 East Everett
Stansbury, J. L., Williamsdale, St, Portland, Oregon.
East, Nova Scotia. Stoll, F. F., 321 Germania Ave.,
Starbuck, T. H., Dallas, Oregon. Jersey City, N. J.
Starr, G. B., care New England Stone, A. J., 5718 Alaska St., Ta-
Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. coma, Wash.
Starr, L. F., Garland, Wyo. Stone, C. L., Bethel, Wis.
Starr, F. D., Forest, Idaho. Stone, `V. J., 1615 West Main St.,
States, Geo. 0., Cedaredge, Colo. Richmond, Va.
Staubert, P., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany.
Stover, A. J., R. F. D. 2, Ridge-
field, Wash.
Staubert, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Strachan, M. C., 240 Flint St.,
Hamburg, Germany.
Asheville, N. C.
Stbloeds, F., Clearwater Lake, Wis. Stratton, F. E., 336 East Lake St.,
Stebbins, W. W., 236 Chatham St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Janesville, Wis. Straw, W. E., Sheridan, Ill.
Steed, J. E., Gordon St., Toorak, Stray, F. W., Center Barnstead,
Victoria, Australia. N. H.

Strickland, J. A., Harvey Station, Terry, L. W., 520 West Lynn St.,
York New Brunswick. Springfield, Mo.
Stringer,Co.,. G., Orlando, Fla. Tetz, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Striibel, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany.
burg, Germany. Theumler, T. L,, 249 Jefferson St.,
S'tueckrath, M.,474 Fourth St., Bay City, Mich.
Milwaukee, is. Theunissen, D. C., 123 Russell St.,
Sturdevant, M. C., Tsungwesi Mis- Worcester, Cape, South Africa.
sion, Rusape, Rhodesia; via Sal- Thomann, E. W., Florida, F. C. C.
isbury, South Africa. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Stureman, B. F., 303 Callender South America.
Ave., Peoria, Ill. Thomann, V. E., Florida, F. C. C.
Stuyvesant, J. B., Casilla 20, San A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer- South America.
' ica. Thomas, A., Grindelberg 15a,
Sulzle, Christian, Fenwood, Sas- Hamburg, Germany.
katchewan, Canada. Thomason, Geo., Takoma Park
Sutherland, E. A., Madison, Tenn. Station, Washington, D. C.
Sutton, C. B., 1112 Kalamath St., Thompson, C. E. F., Freetown,
Denver, Colo. Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Sutton. N. T., 828 Fourth Ave., Thompson, Chas., Graysville, Tenn.
East, Hutchinson, Kans. Thompson, C. H., Butternut, Mich.
Svenson, Carl, 4704 West Sixth Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park
, St., Duluth, Minn. Station, Washington, D. C.
Svensson, S. F., Kungsgatan 34, Thompson, Luzerne, Jacksonville,
Stockholm, Sweden. Fla.
Swap, E. W., Cincinnati, Iowa. Thompson, P. L., 521 East Twen-
Swartz, W. E., Findlay, Ill. ty-third St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Sweany, W. A., Box 473, Nassau, Thompson, Victor, 454 East Sev-
Bahama Islands. enth St., Jacksonville, Fla.
Swiridow, P., Grindelberg 15a, Thoss, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Hamburg, Germany. burg, Germany.
Sype, Mrs. Minnie, 1302 C St., Thurber, E. W., Williamstown, Vt.
West, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Thurber, R. B., Meiktila, Burma.
Thurston, H. G., Box F, Phoenix,
Tabor, B. C., Ashland, Oregon. Ariz.
Tabor, J., 825 East Forty-fifth St., Thurston, S. San Bernardino, Cal.
Chicago, Ill. Thurston, W. H., Grand Rapids,
Taggart, C. L., Lodi, Cal. Wis.
Tait, A. 0., care Pacific Union Col- Tieche, L. P., 97 rue Monge, Paris,
lege, St. Helena, Cal. France.
Tanner, W. Jay, South Stukely, Tindall, J. H. N., 4 North Short
Quebec. St., Richmond, Va.
Taphouse, Jas., Richmond, Cal. Todor, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Tarr, D. F., Third Ave., Claremont, burg, Germany.
Cape, South Africa. Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta-
Taylor, C. L., Sanitarium, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Taylor, C. U., Avinger, Tex. Trowbridge, E. E., Spooner, Wis.
Taylor, E. S. 3501 South Flores Trubey, L. F., 5362 Julia Place,
St., San Antonio, Tex. St. Louis, Mo.
Tucker, Albert, Elk Point, S. Dak.
Taylor, H. F., 317 West Bloom- Turk, D. G., 525 State St., Bing-
field St., Rome, N. Y. hamton, N. Y.
Taylor, J. I., Box 392, Austin, Tex. Turowsky, D. H., Grindelberg 15a,
Teasdale, Geo., 29 Fitzroy Cham- Hamburg, Germany.
bers, Adelaide St., Brisbane, Uchtmann, W. R., 196 West Can-
Queensland, Australia. ton St., Boston; Mass,

Uldokat, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Walldorf, N. J., 79 Grote St., Ade-
burg, Germany. laide, South Australia, Aus-
Uldokat, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- tralia.
burg, Germany. Walleker, H. C. J., Charlotte Am-
Ulrich, C. F., 50 Jefferson St., alie, St. Thomas, Danish West
Westfield, Mass. Indies.
Underwood, R. A., 2718 Third Wallenkampf, J., Kungsgatan 34,
Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Stockholm, Sweden.
Untermeyer, K., Nonnenweg 22, Walston, W. C., Solusi Mission,
Basle, Switzerland. Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
Urquhart, Frank, 1708 Maple St., rica.
Vancouver, British Columbia. Wangerin, R. C., Keizan, Korea.
Wantzlick, G. A., 29 Fitzroy
Chambers, Adelaide St., Bris-
Van Deusen, E., Lowell, Mich. bane, Queensland, Australia.
Van Eden, A. H., Aliwal North, Ward, W. C. F., Hillsboro, Oregon.
Cape, South Africa. Warren, Luther, Loma Linda, Cal.
Van Horn, E. J., Chamberlain, S. Washburn, J. S., 665 Decatur St.,
Dak. Memphis, Tenn.
Van Kirk, M. B., Graysville, Tenn. Wasli, A., Akersgaden 74, Chris-
Varlemann, W., Grindelberg 15a, tiania, Norway.
Hamburg, Germany. Watson, A. G., Gopalg6.nj, East
Vaucher, Alfred, Corso dei Colli Bengal, India. -
393, Sampierdarema, Italy. Watson, G. F., Keene, Tex.
Veach, J. E., Saxton, Pa. Watson, T. H., Lodi, Cal_
' Venen, W. J., 851 Prospect St., Watt, J. W., Indiana, Pa.
Ravenna, Ohio. Watts, V. B., R. F. D. 1, Ft. Smith,
\Terrill, A. J., Dexter, Me. Ark.
Voigt, C., German ost, Box 109, Weaks, .C. E., 19 Banks Road,
Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. Lucknow, India.
Voigt, L., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Weaver, H. A. 2028 Tenth St.,
burg, Germany. Port Huron, Mich.
Votaw, H. H., 60 Lower Kemmen- Weber, C. W., 3417 North Clare-
dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma. mont Ave.,-Chicago, Ill.
Voth, A. J., Kiel, Okla. Webster, C. C., Route 2, Burton,
Voth, Bernard, R. F. D. 2, Shat- Ohio.
tuck, Okla. Webster, E. W., Potterville, Mich.
Voth, David, Box 1198, Oklahoma Webster, F. e., 11 Carolina St.,
City, Okla. Charleston, S. C.
Vuilleumier, Jean, 1477 Avenue de Wegener, A., Grindelberg 15a,
l' Hotel-Dieu, Montreal, Quebec. Hamburg, Germany.
Weidener, J. H., Grindelberg 15a,
Wagner, F. D., 3014 Thirteenth Hamburg, Germany.
Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Weinmann, F., Grindelberg 15a,
Wagner, Geo., Manfred, N. Dak. Hamburg, Germany.
Wakeham, W. H., Stanborough Wellman, D. E., Riversdale, Ja-
Park, Watford, Herts, En- maica, West Indies.
gland. Wellman, L. E., Clearwater Lake,
\\Talker, John G., Pitt Meadows, Wis.
British Columbia. Wellman, S. A., 19 Banks Road,
Walker, J. Z., Cape Haitien, Haiti, Lucknow, India.
West Indies.
Walker, S. W., 14 Charles St., Wells, G. W., 238 Haywood St.,
Wakefield, Mass. Asheville, N. C.
Wall, D. N., Box 595, Redfield, S. Wentland, M. H., Grindelberg 15a,
P0c, Hamburg, Germany.

Werner, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- enteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.

burg, Germany. Wight, S. E., Otsego, Mich.
Werner, G:, Grindelberg 15a, Wilbur, E. H., Tung-hing-fong-
Hamburg, Germany. nam-yeuk, Canton, China.
Wescott, H. B., Montrose, Mich. Wilbur, J. M., 911 Vaughn St.,
West, J., Stanborough Park, Wat- Ann Arbor, Mich.
ford, England. Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
West, Geo. L., 719 West Fifth St., tion, Washington, D. C.
Erie, Pa. - Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View,
Westbrook, T. B., 717 Elmwood Cal.
Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Wildgrube, 0., Grindelberg 15a,
Westerman, W., Queen's Road, Hamburg, Germany.
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Wilkinson, B. G., Takoma Park
Zealand. Station, Washington, D. C.
Westphal, F. H., Casilla 2830, San- Will, Th., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
tiago, Chile, South America. burg, Germany.
Westphal, J. W., Florida, F. C. C. Williams, I. N., Corydon, Pa.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Williams, C. D. M., 767 Kinau St.,
South America. Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory.
Westrup, J. J., Box 523, U. S. Williams, L. R., Ohio City, Ohio.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Williams, Mrs. Helen M. S., Don-
Westworth, Wm. A., College kin St., Grahamstown, Cape,
Place, Wash. South Africa.
Wevers, M., Grindelberg 15a, Williams, R. E.. 213 Madison St.,
Hamburg, Germany. Macon, Ga.
Wheeler, F. W., Box F, Phoenix, Willis, U. S., 4309 Labadie Ave.,
Ariz. St. Louis, Mo.
Wheeler, L. S., 127 Maywood St:; Willess, N. V., Apartado 218, Gua-
Worcester, Mass. temala City, Guatemala, Central
Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr. America.
Wheeler, W. W., Casilla 44, Quito, Willoughby, J. M.. Box 43, Boise,
Ecuador, South America. Idaho.
White, A. H., 79 Grote St., 'Ade- Wilson, J. L., 1766 Barnard St.,
laide, South Australia, Aus- Vancouver, British Columbia.
tralia. Wilson, John, 504 Cornell St.,
White, C. L., Ithaca, Mich. Perth Amboy, N. J.
White, Mrs. E. G., " Elmshaven," Wilson, J., Kleine Newastr. 12,
Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal. Riga, Russia.
White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa Wilson, J. Victor, Solusi Mission,
Co., Cal. Bulawayo. Rhodesia, South Af-
White, Stemple, 336 East Lake rica.
St., Minneapolis, Minn. Wintzen, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Whit, W. B., South Lancaster, Hamburg, Germany.
Mass. Witzke, E. C., Clinton German
White, J. E., Marshall, Mich. Sefninary, Clinton, Mo.
Whiteside, Robert, " Alta Vista," Wolcott, B. A., Nevada, Iowa.
Llanishan St., Cardiff, South Wolcott, 0. A., 427 South First
Wales. St., Princeton, Ill.
Whitmarsh, M. C., 107 Madison
Terrace, Atlantic City, N. J. Wolff, C. D.. 2014 Twenty-fourth
Whitney, S. B., Frankfort, N. Y. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Wibbens, Jacob, Grindelberg 15a, Wolfgarten, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Widgery, E. C., Bridgetown, Bar- Wood, Delmar P., 413 Teneyck
bados, West Indies. St., Jackson, Mich.
Wiest. Chas. S.. 1942 North Sev- Woodford, Wm.. Albion. Ill.

Woods, J. H., Gordon St., Toorak, Zahl, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Victoria, Australia. burg, Germany.
Woysch, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Zecchetto, L., via de' Serragli, 51,
burg, Germany. Firenze, Italy.
Wyman, C. A., Gaston, Oregon. Zerndt, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany.
Yates, John, Stark, Kans.
Young, W. A., 904 College Ave., Zimmermann, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Indianapolis, Ind. Hamburg, Germany.
Young, W. C., 55 Nappan Road, Zutt, Henry, 417 West Fifth St.,
Amherst, Nova Scotia. Los Angeles, Cal.


- (Not including children.)
1901-02 107
1903 60
1904 40
1905 60
1906 76
1907 58
1908 140
1909 134
1910 61
1911 74


" They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."
J. G. Saunders, April, 1911; Rou- F. T. Wales, Aug. 10; Memphis,
lette, Pa. Tenn.
M. W. Neal, May 18; Fort Mor- H. H. Wilcox, Sept. 2; Potsdam,
gan, COlo. N. Y.
C. D. AcMoody, July 23; Long B. Winifred Hunter, Sept. 9; Den-
Beach, Cal. ver, Colo.
0. E. Davis, July 31; British Gui- W. R. Foggin, Sept. 9; Reedsville,
ana, South America. Ohio.
Joseph Sutherland, Sept. 28; Law-
rence, Kans.
While the pages in the body of this book were in press, the fol-
lowing changes were reported, and may be noted on the pages indi-
Page 33: Office address of the District of Columbia Conference, Room
708, Mc Lachlen Building, 700 Tenth St., .N. W., Washington, D. C.
Page 33: Medical Secretary of District of Columbia Conference, Mar-
garet Evans, M. D.
Page 37: Address of Mrs. Olive P. Ingersoll, M. D., 210 East Grace St.,
Richmond, Va.
Page 37: Address of L. 0. Gordon, 1615 West Main St., Richmond, Va.
Add, as licentiates, J. H. N. Tindall, Chas. E. Garnsey, R. C. Gardner,
with address of all 4 North Short St., Richmond, Va.
Page 38: Drop M. E. Carr from list of missionary licentiates of the
Virginia Conference, and also from the directory of the Shenandoah
Valley Training Academy, page 171.
Page 45: Omit the name of Ina Baird as secretary of North Michigan
Page 54: Auditor of North Pacific Union Conference, F. W. Peterson.
Page 56: President of Montana Conference, L. A. Gibson, Box 118, Boze-
man. Omit this name in list of ministers on page 58, and insert it in
such list on page 56.
Page 74: President of North Carolina Conference, G. W. Wells, 238 Hay-
wood St., Asheville, N. C.
Page 76: Under Southern Union: Pres., S. E. Wight (elect) ; Sec., Treas.,
and Auditor, E. H. Rees; Educational and Miss. Vol. Sec., A. N.
Attebury; Religious Liberty Sec., L. A. Smith.
Page 112: Address of C. E. Rentfro, under Portuguese Mission, Rua da
Boa Vista 145, Porto, Portugal.

The rates of postage on domestic matter are as follows:
Letters and other sealed matter, two cents an ounce.
Magazines, newspapers and other periodicals, when sent entire, one
cent for each four ounces, or fraction thereof.
Books, circulars, and miscellaneous printed matter, including photo-
graphs, seeds, bulbs, roots, scions, and plants, one cent for each two
ounces, or fraction thereof.
All other matter one cent an ounce.
The domestic rates apply on matter sent between the following
countries: United States, Cuba, Canal Zone, Hawaii, Philippines, Re-
public of Panama. Porto Rico, Guam, Tutuila (Samoa), Windward Is-
lands, Canada, Newfoundland, Mexico, Shanghai, China (subject to duty,
payable on delivery), Great Britain, Ireland, and Germany (by direct
steamer to Great Britain and Germany).
The rates of postage on matter to be sent to countries of the Uni-
versal Postal Union other than those named above, are as follows:
Letters, and other sealed matter, five cents for the first ounce, and
three cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof.
Commercial papers, for the first ten ounces or less, five cents; and
for each additional two ounces, or fraction of two ounces, one cent.
Limit of weight, four pounds, six ounces.
Postal cards, two cents each.
Magazines, newspapers, etc., two ounces for one cent.
The following table indicates the population, churches and their mem-
bership, and companies and their membership, as compiled for the year
1910 for all the conferences and missions throughout the world, and
are the latest statistics available at the time of preparation of this
Year Book.
Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-
nies ship
Atlantic Union 15,666,295 173 4,902 19 107
Greater New York 5,586,975 25 1,001
Maine 742,371 21 428 .. ..
Massachusetts 3,366,416 29 1,098 8 35
New York 1,782,670 28 700 3 30
Northern. New England 786,528 23 426 3 18
Southern New England 1,657,366 19 500 2 9
Western New York 1,743,969 28 749 3 15
Central Union 7,183,488 247 8,548 35 211
Colorado 663,611 39 1,700 3 30
East Kansas 1,043,409 40 1,210 11 ..
Nebraska 1,142,240 51 2,245 6 41
North Missouri 1,156,098 18 610 4 26
South Missouri 1,230,781; 25 603 4 38
Western Colorado 135,413 16 400 4 32
West Kansas 647,540 30 1,150 1 5
Wyoming 257,940 24 474 ..
St. Louis Mission 906,456 4 156 2 39
Columbia Uiiion 20,080,867 207 6,456 12 59
Chesapeake 1,396,016 16 552 .. ..
District of Columbia 570,912 10 767 2 10
Eastern Pennsylvania 4,513,067 30 1,096 3 18
New Jersey 2,537,167 21 647 1 3
Ohio 4,767,121 68 2,100 .. ..
Virginia 1,923,421 17 399 1 7
West Pennsylvania 3,152,044 33 745 3 12
West Virginia 1,221,119 12 150 2 9
Lake Union 53,483,500 384 10,852 32 337
East Michigan 1,396,713 53 1,659 11 101
Indiana 2,700,876 69 1,782 3 18
'Northern Illinois 3,583,300 35 1,280 .. ..
North Michigan 677,202 33 911 2 12
Southern Illinois 2,055,291 22 518 - 3 43
West Michigan 736,258 72 2,216 2 23
Wisconsin ' 2,333,860 100 2,486 11 140
Northern Union 5,399,422 257 5,908 9 1 fg
Iowa 2,224,771 109 2,504 3 30
Minnesota 2,075,708 82 1,525 ..
North Dakota 577,056 31 930 2 30
South Dakota 521,887 35 949 4 59
North Pacific Union 2;580,758 148 6,218 22 112
Montana 376,053 17 399 1 3
Southern Idaho 303,872 18 475 5 37

Population Churches Membership Compa- Member

vies ship

Southern Oregon 117,337 13 503 1 10

Upper Columbia 494,264 32 1,860 - 6 60
Western Oregon 421,1.12 30 1,501
Western Washington 740,989 36 1,443 8
Alaska Mission 64,356 .... 1 2
Eastern Oregon Miss. 62,775 2 3Y
Pacific Union 3,037,129 137 8,274 15 13o
Arizona 204,354 6 275 1 13
California 1,671,080 90 5,032 6 57
Southern California 788,344 36 2,780 8 60
Utah 373,351 5 187
Southeastern Union 7,845,410 78 1,877 6 58
Cumberland 974,138 14 457 1 8
Florida 617,987 29 654 2 24
Georgia 2,531,598 10 310 3 26
North Carolina 2,206,287 13 281
South Carolina 1,515,400 12 175
Southern Union 9,304,306 74 1,603 13 83
Alabama 2,272,725 10 160
Kentucky 2,138,062 6 109 1 27
Louisiana h 1,656,388 13 264 ..
Mississippi 1,797,114 8 141
Tennessee River 1,440,017 14 522 3 16
So. Un. Miss. for Colored 23 347 9 40
Southwestern Union 7,455,447. 132 4,422 14 102
Arkansas 1,574,449 14 380 1 6
New Mexico " 379,900 10 206 5 37
Oklahoma 1,657455 66 1,854 1 9
Texas 2,153,294 21 1,336 1. 20
West Texas 617,009 6 281 2 8
South Texas Mission 1,073,640 9 257 2 10
Southwest'n U. for Colored 6 108 2 12
Canadian Union 5,426,946 4o 87o 6 29
Maritime 930,541 10 214 3 19
Ontario 2,182,942 23 450 1
Quebec 2,088,463 6 153 2 10
Newfoundland Mission 225,000 1 53

Western Canadian Union 1,584,557 40 943 2 20

Alberta 300,000 13 337
British Columbia 500,000 16 316 ..
Manitoba 484,557 7 200 1 12
Saskatchewan Mission 300,000 4 90 1 8

Australasian Union 41,137,235 122 4,172 24 f91

New South Wales 1,645,445 23 1,059 2 28
New Zealand 928,578 16 557 4 26
Queensland 558,560 6 304 1 4
South Australia 407,179 10 354 5 39 .
Victoria-Tasmania 1,245,519 25 1,098 ..

Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-

nies ship
West Australia 285,904 17 385 1 4
Cook. Island Mission 12,200 1 14
Fiji Mission 125,000 14 245 6 32
Friendly Islands Miss. 22,000 1 10
Java Mission 32,000,000 . 3 49
New Guinea Mission 350,000 1 4
Norfolk Island Mission 700 1 26
Pitcairn Island Mission 150 1 66
Samoan Islands Miss. . 40,000 1 5 ..
Society Islands Miss. 16,000 5 45 1 2
Sumatra Mission 3,500,000 . 1 7
British Union 45,015,429 59 1,826 12 107
North England 16,722,072 23 696 4 18
South England 17,207,419 18 693 2 21
Wales 1,896,000 7 190 3 45
Irish Mission 4,363,351 4 93 3 23
Scottish Mission 4,826,587 7 154 ..,
East German Union 74,370,981 77 3,525 155 2,428
East German 4,608,111 13 461 20 309
East German Union Dist. 3,225,679 9 1,042 3 50
Hungarian 18,241,872 9 218 35 519
Middle Gerinan 5,068,922 7 244 22 409
Prussia 3,671,922 16 548 30 491
Saxon 4,508,601 10 509 9 120
Silesia 6,929,248 11 348 24 428
Adriatic Mission 8,202,404 .. .... 5 43
Balkan Mission 11,112,861 2 155 4 49
Galician Mission 8,801,361 ... .... 3 10
Latin Union 106,914,842 26 819 21 241
Latin Union District 3,670,000 1 73
French 16,391,486 9 157 19 91
Roman-Swiss 1,196,349 14 548 3 16
Algerian Mission 7,060,745 .. .... 1 17
Italian Mission 34,269,764 2 41 2 11
North. France Mission . 19,190,781 .. .... 2 16
Portuguese Mission 5,423,132 1 21
Spanish Mission 19,712,585 . 2 69
Levant Union Mission 52,723,891 14 236 12 67
Egyptian Mission 15,303,383 3 23
Grecian Mission 2,631,952 .... 1 3
Persian and Arabia M. 10,450,000 .. ....
Syrian Mission 2,790,400 2 21
Turkish Mission 21,548,156 12 215 8 41
Russian Union 151,175,000 153 3,952
Baltic 6,419,300 17 864
Caucasian 12,247,950 38 869
South Russian 11,642,650 20 524
Central Asian Mission 11,118,000 4 94
East Russian Mission . 12,035,000 19 441
Little Russian Mission 17,091,500 20 544

Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-

flies ship
Middle Russian Miss 50,849,000 5 73
Siberian Mission 6,893,000 16 286
West Russian Mission 22,878,600 14 257
Scandinavian Union 13,705,621 92 3,094 4 27
Danish 2,756,873 22 1,039
Finnish 3,000,000 6 141 4 27
Norwegian 2,392,698 26 958
Swedish 4,675,000 36 905
Iceland Mission 80,000 1 44
North Swedish Mission 801,050 1 7
West German Union 67,661,936 61 3,443 123 1,898
Bavarian 5,638,539 3 304 10 142
German-Swiss 2,363,000 14 493 2 18
North German 5,462,498 8 392 19 301
Rhenish 6,436,337 13 963 16 247
South German 7,328,041 4 278 32 500
West German 7,286,956 12 541 17 198
West German Un. Dist. 1,114,000 2 354 ..- ..
Austrian Mission ' 18,820,923 2 41 14 252
Belgian Mission 7,386,444 .. .... 5 108
Holland Mission 5,825,198 3 77 8 132
East African Missions 19,020,801 4 100
Abyssinian Mission 8,279,551 1 9
British East Af. Miss. 4,038,250 1 8
German East Af. Miss 6,703,000 2 83
South African Union 9,455,784 26 935 7 61
Cape Colony 2,794,849 15 493 3 28
Natal-Transvaal 2,700,000 6 165 3 29
Barotseland Mission 350,000 1 38 ..
Basutoland Mission 218,903 1 14 ..
Emmanuel Mission 175,000 1 4
Maranatha Mission 1,613,000 ....
Nyasaland Mission 998,268 1 91
Solusi Mission 605,764 1 79
Somabula Mission 1 51
Tsungwesi Mission ....
Zulu Mission ....

South American Union 20,800,000 4o 1,436 2 13

Argentine 6,500,000 16 697
Chile 3,500,000 14 394
Bolivia Mission 2,500,000 1 8
Ecuador Mission 1,500,000 .. ....1 5
Peru Mission 4,600,000 1 66
Upper Parana Mission 1,000,000 6 199
Uruguay Mission 1,200,000 3 80

Brazilian Union 20,515,000 47 1,550 34 261
Rio Grande do Sul 1,400,000 10 372 9 111
Santa Catharina 353,000 16 480 10 72
Parana 406,000 6 178 8 13

Population. Churches Membership Compa- Member-

Mies ship
Sao Paulo Mission 3,397,000 4 100 1 20
Rio Espirito Mission 2,123,000 3 125 5 35
East Brazil Mission 4,795,000 3 75 ..
North Brazil Mission 8,041,000 5 220 1 10
West Indian Union 11,199,433 93 3,757 48 540
Central American 3,433,842 8 225 2 19
Jamaica 900,000 36 1,548 22 304
South Caribbean 650,000 14 765 4 59
West Caribbean 1,069,297 11 401 8 83
British Guiana Mission 400,000 12 400 2 10
Cuban Mission 2,028,282 3 63 1 8
East Caribbean Miss. . 600,000 5 215 . 4 25
Haiti Mission 1,000,000 4 140 3 9
Porto Rico Mission 1,118,012 ... 2 23

Asiatic Division.
China Union Mission 234,414,645 8 231
"East China Mission 49,231,241 2 46
North Cent. China M 70,597,485 1 65
South Cent. China. M 48,701,798 1 28
South China Mission 37,007,581 2 54
S. E. China Mission 28,876,540 2 38
Asiatic Division (Cont'd) 77,000,000 II 325 15 294
Japan Mission 50,00,000 6 199
Korean Mission 15,000,000 4 96 14. 255
Philippines Mission 9,000,000 1 30
Singapore Mission 3,000,000 .... 1 39
India Union Mission 315,000,000 9 166 13 424
Miscellaneous Missions 65,265,815 10 372 14 170
Bahama Mission 55,906 1 12
Bermuda Mission 18,000 1 37 .2 13
Hawaiian Mission 191,909 1 35' ..
Mexican Mission 15,000,000 4 106 9 106
West African Miss. 50,000,000 3 182 3 51
Grand Totals 1,424,424,538 2,769 90,808 669 8,089
Union Confs. in U. S. 92,036,622 1,837 59,060 177 1,318
Union Confs. in Canada 7,011,503 80 1,813 8 49
Australasian Union 41,137,235 122 4,172 24 191
European Union Confs. 530,588,501 486 16,995 327 4,768
Miscellaneous Un. Confs 753,650,677 244 8,768 133 1,763


The statistical report for 1910 shows the following grand totals:
Number of Union Conferences 23
Number of Union Missions 3
Number of local conferences 106
Number of Mission fields 87
Number of organized churches 2,769

Membership 90,808
Number of companies 669
Membership 8,089
Other Sabbath-keepers 5,629
Total Sabbath-keepers 104,526
Tithe paid in 1910 $1,338,689.65
Tithe per capita $12.81
Number of church buildings 1,256
Estimated value $1,721,178.85
Approximate seating capacity 201,121
Ordained ministers 828
Licensed ministers 458
Licensed missionaries 1234
Book and periodical canvassers 1,697
Total laborers 4,346
Retail value of book and periodical sales in 1910 $1,560,510.58
Amount of tithe appropriated to fields outside of conference $110,013.43
Total offerings to foreign missions except from S. S. and
Y. P. S. $312,339.32
Contributions for home mission work $185,397.26
Contributions for local church work $108,252.76
Grand total contributions for all purposes $2,223,767.52
Per capita $21.27
Sabbath-school Department.
Number of Sabbath-schools 4,151
Membership 101,161
Total contributions $138,037.72
Offerings to foreign missions $134,830.48
Educational Department.
Number of church-schools 594
Teachers 758
Enrolment 13,357
Estimated value of buildings and equipment $175,613.12
Expense of annual maintenance $112,243.78
Number of colleges and academies 86
Teachers 561
Enrolment 7,169
Capacity in students 8,357
Value of assets $1,940,193.15
Buildings 333
Acres 10,286
Missionary Volunteer Department.
Number of societies 647
Membership 12,408
Contributions for foreign work $11,773.90
Contributions for home mission work $3,710.85
Contributions for local society work $3,322.28
Total contributions $18,807.03
Publishing Department.
Number of publishing houses 28
Buildings 55
Employees 610

Periodicals 126
Annual book sales $1,016,311.74
Annual periodical sales $544,198.84
Total retail value of sales for 1910 $1,560,510.58
Total assets for 1910 $1,176,092.39
Medical Department.
Number of conference and private sanitariums 74
Buildings 260
Acres 1,809
Capacity 2,916
Patients treated during 1910 33,127
Value of charity work $74,532.68
Physicians 116
Nurses 1,109
Other employees 764
Total employees 1,989
Total assets $3,368,041.46


of Fund
Tithe Named
From the United States $932,519.76 69.66
From all other countries 406,169.89 30.34
Total 1,338,689.65 60.2o
Per capita 12.81

From the United States:
Reported by conferences 249,290.33
Reported by Sabbath-schools 94,530.84
Reported by Missionary Volunteer societieo 8,204.10

352,025.27 76.70
From all other countries:
Reported by conferences 63,048.99
Reported by Sabbath-schools 40,299.64
Reported by Missionary Volunteer societies . 3,569.80

106,918.43 23.30
Total 458,943.7 0 20.64
Per capita 4-39

Special Funds
Tithes appropriated by conferences in United
States for evangelistic work in mission fields 68,345.33
Tithes appropriated from all other countries .... 41,668.10

Total " offerings " noted above 458,943.70

Total for mission fields in 1910 568,957.13


Total for mission fields in 1909 481,570.34

Increase for 1910 87,384.79

Per capita of mission offerings for the 63,917 com-
municants in the United States 6.58
Per capita for the 40,609 communicants outside the
United States 3.66
Average for the world 5.44

Home Missions

Contributed for support of orphanages, religious

liberty work, work for colored people, and va-
rious lines of mission work, where the funds
are sent outside the church, but not to a for-
eign field:
From the United States:
Reported by conferences 132,530.51
Reported by Missionary Volunteer societies . 2,145.07

134,675.58 71.22
From all other countries:
Reported by conferences 52,866.75
Reported by Missionary Volunteer societies 1,565.78

54,432.53 28.78
Total 189,108.11 8.5o
Per capita 1.8i

Local Church Work

Contributed for local church work, such as dis-

tribution of literature, assisting needy poor,
church expenses, maintenance of church-schools,
and all other local missionary work or enter-
From the United States:
Reported by conferences 88,495.84
Maintenance of church-schools 107,241.83
Maintenance of local Sabbath-schools 2,967.16
Reported by Missionary Volunteer societies 2,515.35

201,220.18 84.89
From all other countries:
Reported by conferences 19,756.92
Maintenance of church-schools 15,001.95
Maintenance of local Sabbath-schools 240.08
Reported by Missionary Volunteer societies .. 806.93

35,805.88 15.11
Total 237,026.06 io.66
Per capita 2.26

Grand Total
Grand total of all funds raised by the Seventh-
day Adventist denomination in 1910 for evan-
gelistic work:
From the United States $1,620,440.79 72.87
From all other countries 603,326.73 27.13

Total for 1910 2,223,767.52 100.00

Total for 1909 1,984,557.15

Net gain 239,210.37

Per cent of gain 12.05%
Per capita for the 63,917 communicants in the
United States 25.35
Per capita for the 40,609 communicants outside
the United States 14.86
Per capita for the world 21.27

Another statement as to funds indicates that there was

Per Cent
Raised by churches, as tithes $1,338,689.65 60.20
Raised by churches, as offerings (foreign, home,
and local) 605,989.34 27.25

Total raised by churches $1,944,678.99 87.45

Contributed by Sabbath-schools 138,037.72 6.20
For maintenance of church-schools 122,243.78 5.50
By Missionary Volunteer Department 18,807.03 .85

Total by departments 279,088.53 12.55

Grand Totals $2,223,767.52 roo.00

Per capita $21.27


WORK FOR 1912.
These appropriations are designed to provide for the mission fields
in foreign lands, the home mission fields, as the great cities of the
East, with their vast foreign populations, the millions of colored people
of the South, the frontier regions beyond the resources of the local con-
ferences of Canada, and on the border toward Mexico, and the general
administrative and departmental expense of the General Conference.
These appropriations are not a resource to each field only as funds are
available, the funds being distributed on a prorata basis. The amounts
are as follows:
Brazilian Union Conference $ 9,000
Bahama Mission 500
China Union Mission 49,000
Hawaiian Mission 450
India Union Mission 33,500
Japan Mission 12,300
Korean Mission 14,000
Malaysian Mission 5,750
Mexican Mission 10,000

Philippine Islands Mission 4,500

Singapore Mission 3,000
South African Union Conference 25,500
South American Union Conference 21,750
West African Mission 7,000
Canary Islands , 1,500
West Indian Union Conference 13,250
Atlantic Union Conference 25,500
Canadian Union Conference 9,300
Columbia Union Conference 23,000
Southeastern Union Conference 6,700
Southern Union Conference 6,800
Southwestern Union Conference 7,000
Western Canadian Union Conference 1,800
Negro Department 31,500
Jewish Work 2,000
North American Foreign Department 3,000
Loma Linda College 1,000
Blind Work 6,000
Asiatic Division 2,500
General Conference laborers in field 25,000
Departmental and executive expense 42,000
General Conference Office laborers 2,500
Obligations to General Conference Association 5,000
Obligations to General Conference Corporation 15,000
Emergency 50,000

Total $476,600
As a partial offset to the appropriations voted to the Atlantic, Co-
lumbia, Southeastern, Southern, and Southwestern Unions, the General
Conference will receive approximately $35,000 from the percentage of
their tithe voted to the General Conference to assist in meeting its ex-
penses during 1912.
The appropriation of tithes from local conferences, C.; recommended
by the General Conference council held at Friedensau, Germany, July 5,
1911, is as folloWs:
" Five per cent of all tithe receipts up to $10,000, and one per cent
additional for every $1,000 above $10,000 until the appropriation reaches
twenty-five per cent of the conference tithe receipts.

First Sabbath in February Religious Liberty -Work.
First Sabbath in April Orphanage Work and Care of Aged.
First Sabbath in July Midsummer Offerings for Missions.
First Sabbath in 'October Work Among the Colored People.
December. Week of Prayer Annual Offering for Missions.
Value of Church Per Cent Per Cent Total Con- Per Cent
Union Buildings and Primary Per Cent of Grand Valuation Contributions Per Cent of Grand tributions Sabbath- Per Cent of Grand
Schools of Group Total Per Capita -All Sources of Group . Total Per Capita Keepers of Group Total
Atlantic $ 118,150.00 7.41 6.23 $21.63 $ 156,497.58 9.66 7.04 $28.66 5,461 8.54 5.22
Central 253,653.87 16.02 13.37 26.42 247,326.26 15.26 11.12 25.75 9,602 15.02 9.18
Columbia 162,940.00 10.22 8.59 24.10 155,572.21 9.60 7.00 23.01 6,760 10.58 6.47
Lake 308,770.10 19.39 16.28 26.57 248,099.31 15.31 11.15 21.35 11,620 18.18 11.11
Northern 153,450.06 9.63 8.09 23.39 177,612.81 10.96 7.99 27.08 6,559 10.26 6.27
North Pacific 150,523.75 9.44 7.94 22.61 113,448.85 10.70 7.80 26.05 6,657 10.41 6.37
Pacific 281,221.00 17.65 14.83 32.62 277,571.97 17.13 12.48 32.20 8,620 13.50 8.25
Southeastern 36,795.00 2.30 1.94 17.45 52,640.56 3.25 2.37 24.97 2,108 3.30 2.02
Southern 36,300.00 2.27 1.92 20.29 47,768.44 2.95 2.15 26.70 1,789 2.80 1.71
Southwestern 90,368.00 5.67 4.77 19.06 83,902.80 5.18 3.77 17.69 4,741 7.41 4.54
United States totals 1,592,171.72 100.00 83.96 24.91 1,620,440.79 100.00 72.87 25.35 63,917 100.00 61.14
Canadian 25,100.00 43.41 1.32 24.34 18,300.46 31.69 .82 17.75 1,031 43.37 .99
Western Canadian 32,725.00 56.59 1.72 24.31 39,437.49 68.31 1.78 29.30 1,346 56.63 1.29
Canadian totals 57,825.00 100.00 3.04 24.33 57,737.95 100.00 2.60 24.29 2,377 100.00 2.28
Australasian 77,879.15 100.00 4.10 16.94 127,322.90 100.00 5.72 27.69 4,597 100.00 4.40
British 8,279.00 10.04 .44 4.27 39,059.81 13.11 1.76 20.14 1,939 8.84 1.86
East German 6,000.00 7.28 .32 .99 88,610.72 29.75 3.99 14.74 6,012 27.39 5.75
Latin 14,000.00 16.98 .74 13.21 17,095.10 5.74 .77 16.13 1,060 4.83 1.02
Levant 2,067.56 .70 .09 6.42 322 1.47 .31
Russian 3,700.00 4.49 .19 .94 27,427.46 9.21 1.23 6.94 3,952 18.00 3.78
Scantinavian 42,473.21 51.51 2.24 13.50 37,763.95 12.68 1.70 12.01 3,145 14.33 3.00
West German 8,000.00 9.70 .42 1.47 84,757.53 28.45 3.81 15.64 5,418 24.68 5.18
E. African Missions 1,078.61 .36 .05 10.78 100 .46 .10
Totals for Europe 82,452.21 100.00 4.35 3.76 297,860.74 100.00 13.40 13.57 21,948 100.00 21.00
South African 26,151.90 30.24 1.37 23.93 38,649.94 32.09 1.74 35.36 1,093 9.36 1.05
South American 4,150.00 4.80 .22 2.82 24,455.32 20.31 1.10 16.60 1,473 12.61 1.41
Brazilian 8,678.38 10.04 .46 4.65 19,438.27 16.15 .87 10.41 1,867 15.98 1.79
West Indian 30,977.61 35.83 1.63 6.96 19,516.90 16.21 .88 4.38 4,453 38.10 4.26
Asiatic 7,471.00 8.64 .39 4.58 6,628.58 5.51 .30 4.07 1,630 13.94 1.56
India 500.00 .58 .03 .84 5,902.72 4.90 .26 9.45 593 5.05 .56
Miscellaneous 8,535.00 9.87 .45 14.78 5,813.41 4.83 .26 10.05 578 4.96 .55
Totals for Mis. Fields 86,463.89 100.00 4.55 7.40 120,405.14 100.00 5.41 10.30 11,687 100.00 11.18
Grand Totals for iglu 1,896,791.97 .... 100.00 18.15 2,223,767.52 .... 100.00 21.27 104,526 .... 100.00
Grand Totals for 1909 1,836,277.97 .... .... 18.19 1,984,557.15 19.66 100,931
Net Gain for 1910.60,514.00 239,210.37 4.61 3,595
Per Cent of Gain for 1. 910 3.30 12.05 .... 3.56
Summary of Statistical Reports of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination

Per Capita o
Year Membership Annual Tithe Mission Offerings All Other Funds Total Fun d
1863 3,500 $ 8,000.00 $2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 3.00
1870 5,440 21,822.46 4.01
1875 8,022 32,618.62 $ 7,000.00 4.94
1880 15,570 61,856.88 22,000.00 $ 2,000.00 5.51
1885 20,547 122,641.69 38,000.00 6,898.74 8.15
1890 29,711 225,433.98 50,726.61 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73,322.54 17,535.59 8.39
1900 75,767 510,258.97 95,615.24 21,558.93 8.28 .
1905 87,311 858,014.91 169,335.11 153,567.62 13.52
1906 91,531 998,275.82 193,005.86 203,080.25 15.23
1907 94,048 1,064,753.43 264,323.16 375,641.53 18.13
1908 97,579 1,101,396.47 308,045.68 361,206.92 18.14
1909 100,931 1,218,243.46 383,084.93 383,228.76 19.66
1910 104,526 1,338,689.65 458,943.70 426,134.17 21.27
Total Value one
No. Publishing Languages-all copy each publi,
Year Houses Employees Periodicals publications Total Sales ' cation
1850 .. ... 1 1 (1846) .06
1855 1 7 2 1 $ 2,000.00 ( 1854 ) .35
1860 1 17 2 1 3,000.00 (1862) 7.50
1865 1 20 2 1 4,000.00 8.33
1870 1 30 3 1 7,000.00 12.49
1875 3 71 8 2 18,000.00 29.57
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000.00 53.30
1885 6 232 21 9 141,692.36 96.60
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00 171.55
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00. 243.60
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00 267.84
1905 20 400 89 46 548,067.03 300.00
1906 22 425 92 52 824,027.69 375.00
1907 23 466 96 54 1,035,565.62 420.00
1908 26 515 109 57 1,286,981.24 488.00
1909 27 605 124 65 1,402,444.00 500.00
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58 525.00
Year No. of Sanitariums No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.60
1870 1 6 35 44,221.54
1875 1 7 125 70,189.22
1880 2 10 165 190,956.74
1885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 3 15 315 548,923.45
1895 7 33 477 800,786.99
1900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00

1906 66 90 1,400 2,000,000.00

1907 64 95 1,596 2,344,283.65
1908 80 111 1,843 2,766,346.50
1909 78 110 - 1,834 3,261,181.14
1910 74 116 1,989 3,368,041.46
No. Primary No, Colleges,
Year Schools Teachers Enrolment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrolment
1872 .. 1 3 90
1875 ... .... 1 13 289
1880 1 1 15 1 20 490
1885 3 5 125 3 38. 761
1890 9 15 350 7 56 979
1895 18 35. 895 11 157 1,974
1900 220 250 5,000 25 199 2,357
1905 417 466 7,345 51 257 3,308
1906 434 498 7,784 55 358 3,697
1907 458 506 8,007 67 415 5,455
1908 535 625 10,487 83 476 6,521
1909 579 668 11,835 83 504 6,535
1910 594 758 13,357 86 561 7,169
Donations to Per Cent to
Year No. Schools Membership Contributions Missions Missions
1878 177 5,851 ... .
1880 425 12,200 $ 2,000.00 . ...
1885 662 18,400 6,898.74 . ...
1890 1,345 32,000 28,642.75 $ 17,707.39 61.83
1895 2,210 50,266 37,336.35 19,800.76 53.03
1900 2,452 55,255 46,794.40 25,235.47 53.94
1905 3,170 75,305 68,613.71 49,894.97 72.72
1906 3,378 79,090 75,068.55 58,866.14 76.69
1907 3,573 84,744 85,105.89 - 71,475.59 83.98
1908 3,825 91,230 104,620.77 95,280.90 91.07
1909 3,967 96,673 120,682.80 114,213.88 94.64
1910 4.151 101,161 138,037.72 134,830.48 97.67
Year No. Societies Members Total Contributions
1902 186 3,478
1905 196 3,741
1906 400 5,400 $ 5,744.40
1907 461 8,933 11,122.60
1908 539 10,148 16,282.52
1909 576 10,858 18,636.60
1910 647 12,408 18,807.03

Total Denomina- Per Cent of
Year Conferer-"ss Missions Institutions tional Investment Gain
1865 7 ' 1 1 $ 2$,719.3
1875 13 2 5 282,17 9.55 628.92
1885 28 3 11 885,382.97 213.79
1895 36 22 29 2,858,725.82 222.89

1905 80 56 126 a 4,799,419.51 67.88

1910 b 106 87 188 a 10,633,266.71 b 121.54
a Including value of church buildings; not included for previous years.
b Gain for five years, instead of for ten, as above.
Laborers - 4,346 evangelistic; 3,918 institutional, a total of 8,264,-
related to entire communicants as 1 to 13.
Per Cent of Per Cent of
Institutions Number Assets Grand Total Employees Grand Total
Publishing houses 28 $1,176,092.39 11.06 610 7.38
Sanitariums 74 3,368,041.46 31.67 1,989 24.06
Colleges, etc., 86 1,940,193.15 18.25 561 6.78
Primary schools 594 175,613.12 1.65 758 9.19
Totals 782 6,659,940.12 62.63 3,918 47.41
Evangelistic Summary
Church buildings 1,256 1,721,178.85 16.19
Confs., Assns., Tr. Soc., etc. 2,252,147.74 21.18 4,346 52.59
Totals 3,973,326.59 37.37 4,346 52.59
Grand totals 2,038 10,633,266.71 100.00 8,264 100.00
Per capita ....... 101.73
All Religious Bodies S. D. Adventists in
in the United States United States
U. S. Census Report, igo6 Statistical Report, 1910
Per Capita Per Capita
Salaries of ministers $ 69,667,587 $2.11 $ 864,174.43 $13.52
Home missions 12,762,271 .39 228,653.93 3.58
Education 17,665,445 .53 107,241.83 1.67
Hospitals and asylums 8,248,203 .25 60,840.90 .95
Foreign missions 8,744,627 .27 420,370.60 6.58
Grand totals $117,088,133 $3.55 $1,681,281.69 $26.30
Protestant membership ... 20,287,742
Roman Catholic membership 12,079,142 Seventh-day Adventist com
Latter Day Saints 256,647 municants in U. S., 63,917.
All others 312,914
Grand totals 32,936,445
If the total contributions ($117,088,133) be divided into 70 parts,
S. D. Adventists contribute 1 part.
If the total membership in U. S. (32,936,445) be divided into 515
parts, S. D. Adventists constitute 1 part.
If the total population in U. S. (91,972,266 - 1910 census) be divided
into 1,439 parts, S. D. Adventists constitute 1 part.
By the late Uriah Smith.
Seventh-day Adventists have no creed but the Bible; but they hold
to certain well-defined points of faith, for which they feel prepared to
give a reason " to every man that asketh " them. The following propo-
sitions may be taken as a summary of the principal features of their
religious faith, upon which there is, so far as is known, entire unanim-
ity throughout the body. They believe:
1. That there is one God, a personal, spiritual being, the Creator
of all things, omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal; infinite in wisdom,
holiness, justice; goodness, truth, and mercy; unchangeable, and every-
where present by his representative, the Holy Spirit. Ps. 139: 7.
2. That there is one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal
Father, -the one by whom he created all things, and by whom they do
consist; that he took on him the nature of the seed of Abraham for
the redemption of our fallen race; that he dwelt among men, full of
grace and truth, lived our example, died our sacrifice, was raised for
our justification, ascended on high to be our only mediator in the sanc-
tuary in heaven, where through the merits of his shed blood, he secures
the pardon and forgiveness of the sins of all those who persistently
come to him; and as the closing portion of his work as priest, before he
takes his throne as king, he will make the great atonement for the sins
of all such, and their sins will then be blotted out (Acts 3: 19) and
borne away from the sanctuary, as shown in the service of the Levitical
priesthood, which foreshadowed and prefigured the ministry of our
Lord in heaven. See Leviticus 16; Heb. 8: 4, 5; 9: 6, 7.
3. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were
given by inspiration of God, contain a full revelation of his will to
man, and are the only infallible rule of faith and practise.
4. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church, to follow
faith and repentance,, an ordinance by which we commemorate the
resurrection of Christ, as by this act we show our faith in his burial
and resurrection, and through that, in the resurrection of all the saints
at the last day; and that no other mode more fitly represents these
facts than that which the Scriptures prescribe, namely, immersion.
Rom. 6: 3-5; Col. 2: 12.
5. That the new birth comprises the entire change necessary to fit
us for the kingdom of God, and consists of two parts: First, a moral
change wrought by conversion and a Christian life (John 5: 3); sec-
ond, a physical change at the second coming of Christ, whereby, if
dead, we are raised incorruptible, and if living, are changed to immor-
tality in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Luke 20: 36; 1 Cor.
15: 51, 52.
6. That prophecy is a part of God's revelation to man; that it is
included in that Scripture which is profitable for instruction (2 Tim.
3: 16); that it is designed for us and our children (Deut. 29: 29); that
so far from being enshrouded in impenetrable mystery, it is that which
especially constitutes the word of God a lamp to our feet and a light
to our path (Ps. 119: 105; 9 Peter 1: 19); that a blessing is pronounced
upon those who study it (Rev. 1: 1-3); and that, consequently, it is
to be understood by the people of God r,r.fficieritly io show them their
position in the world's history and the special duties required at their

7. That the world's history from specified dates in the past, the rise
and fall of empires, and the chronological succession of events down to
the setting up of God's everlasting kingdom, are outlined in numerous
great chains of prophecy; and that these prophecies are now all fulfilled
except the closing scenes.
8. That the doctrine of the world's conversion and a temporal mil-
lennium is a fable of these last days, calculated to lull men into a
state of carnal security, and cause them to be overtaken by the great
day of the Lord as by a thief in the night (1 Thess. 5: 3); that the
second coming of Christ is to precede, not follow, the millennium; for
until the Lord appears, the papal power, with all its abominations, is
to continue (2 Thess. 2: 8), the wheat and the tares grow together
(Matt. 13: 29, 30, 39), and evil men and seducers wax worse and worse,
as the Word of God declares. 2 Tim. 3: 1, 13.
9. That the mistake of Adventists in 1844 pertained to the nature
of the event then to transpire, not to the time; that no prophetic
period is given to reach to the second advent, but that the longest one,
the two thousand and three hundred days of Dan. 8: 14, terminated in
1844, and brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary.
See Note 1.
10. That the sanctuary of the new covenant is the tabernacle of God
in heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of
which our Lord, as great high priest, is minister; that this sanctuary
is the antitype of the Mosaic tabernacle, and that the priestly work
of our Lord, connected therewith, is the antitype of the work of the
Jewish priests of the former dispensation (Heb. 8: 1-5, etc.); that this,
and not the earth, is the sanctuary to be cleansed at the end of the
two thousand and three hundred days, what is termed its cleansing
being in this case, as in the type, simply the entrance of the high priest
into the most holy place, to finish the round of service connected there-
with by making the atonement and removing from the sanctuary the
sins of believers (Acts 3: 19), and occupies a brief but indefinite space
in the first apartment (Leviticus 16; Heb. 9: 22, 23); and that this work
in the Ilifitype, beginning in 1844, consists in actually blotting out the
sins of believers (Acts 4: 19), and occupies a brief but indefinite space
of time, at the conclusion of which the work of mercy for the world
will be finished, and the second advent of Christ will take place.
11. That God's moral requirements are the same upon all men in
all dispensations; that these are summarily contained in the com-
mandments spoken by Jehovah from Sinai, engraven on the tables of
stone, and deposited in, the ark, which was in consequence called the
" ark of the covenant," or testament (Num. 10: 33; Heb. 9: 4, etc.) ;
that this law is immutable and perpetual, being a transcript of the
tables deposited in the ark in the true sanctuary on high, which is
also, for the same reason, called the ark of God's testament; for under
the sounding of the seventh trumpet we are told that " the temple of
God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark
of his testament." Rev. 11: 19.
12. That the fourth commandment of this law requires that we
devote the seventh day of each week, commonly called Saturday, to
abstinence from our own labor, and to the performance of sacred and
religious duties; that this is the only weekly Sabbath known to the
Bible, being the day that was set apart before Paradise was lost (Gen.
2: 2, 3), and which will be observed in Paradise restored (Isa. 66: 22,
23) ; that the facts upon which the Sabbath institution is based con-
fine it to the seventh day, as they are not true of any other day, and
that the terms, Jewish Sabbath, as applied to the seventh day, and

Christian sabbath, as applied to the first day of the week, are names
of human invention, unscriptural in fact, and false in meaning.
13. That as the man of sin, the papacy, has thought to change times
and laws (the law of God, Dan. 7: 25), and has misled almost all
Christendom in regard to the fourth commandment, we find a prophecy
of reform in this respect to be wrought among believers just before
the coming of Christ. Isa. 56: I, 2; 1 Peter I: 5; Rev. 14: 12, etc.
14. That the followers of Christ should be a peculiar people, not fol-
lowing the maxims, nor conforming to the ways, of the world; not
loving its pleasures nor countenancing its follies; inasmuch as the
apostle says that " whosoever therefore will be " in this sense, " a friend
of the world is the enemy of God " (James 4: 4); and Christ says
that we can not have two masters, or, at the same time, serve God
and mammon. Matt. 6: 24.
15. That the Scriptures insist upon plainness and modesty of attire
as a prominent mark of discipleship in those who profess to be the
followers of Him who was meek and lowly in heart; " that the
wearing of gold, pearls, and costly array, or anything designed merely
to adorn the person and foster the pride of the natural heart, is to be
discarded, according to such scriptures as 1 Tim. 2: 9, 10; 1 Peter 3: 3, 4.
16. That means for the support of evangelical work among men
should be contributed from love to God and love of souls, not raised
by church lotteries, or occasions designed to contribute to the fun-lov-
ing, appetite-indulging propensities of the sinner, such as fairs, fes-
tivals, crazy socials, etc., which are a disgrace to the professed church
of Christ; that the proportion of one's income required in former dis-
pensations can be no less under the gospel; that it is the same as
Abraham (whose children we are, if we are Christ's. Gal. 3: 29) paid
to Melchisedec (type of Christ) when he gave him a tenth of all (Heb.
7: 1-4); the tithe is the Lord's (Lev. 27: 30); and this tenth of one's
income is also to be supplemented by offerings from those who are able,
for the support of the gospel. 2 Cor. 9: 6; Mal. 3: 8, 10.
17. That as the natural or carnal heart is at enmity with God and
his law, this enmity can be subdued only by a radical transformation
of the affections, the exchange of unholy for holy principles; that this
transformation follows repentance and faith, is the special work of
the Holy Spirit, and constitutes regeneration, or conversion.
18. That as all have violated the law of God, and can not of them-
selves render obedience to his just requirements, we are dependent on
Christ, fist, for justification from our past offenses, and, secondly, for
grace whereby to render acceptable obedience to his holy law in time
to come.
19. That the Spirit of God was promised to manifest itself in the
church through certain gifts, enumerated especially in 1 Corinthians 12
and Ephesians 4; that these gifts are not designed to supersede, or take
the place of, the Bible, which is suff,cient to make us wise unto salva-
tion, any more than the Bible can take the place of the Holy Spirit;
that, in specifying the various channels of its operations, that Spirit
has simply made provision for its own existence and presence with the
people of God to the end of time to lead to an understanding of that
word which it had inspired, to convince of sin, and to work a transfor-
mation in the heart and life; and that those who deny to the Spirit
its place and operation, do plainly deny that part of the Bible which
assigns to it this work and positien.
20. That God, in accordance with his uniform dealings with the race,
sends forth a proclamation of the approach of the second advent of
Christ; and that this work is symbolized by the three messages of

Revelation 14, the last one bringing to view the work of reform on
the law of God, that his people may acquire a complete readiness for
that event.
21. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary (see proposition
10), synchronizing with the time of the proclamation of the third
message (Rev. 14: 9, 10), is a time of investigative judgment, first,
with reference to the dead, and secondly, at the close of probation, with
reference to the living, to determine who of the myriads now sleeping
in the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection,
and who of its living multitudes are worthy of translation, points
which must be determined before the Lord appears.
22. That the grave, whither we all tend, expressed by the Hebrew
word sheol " and the Greek word " hades," is a place, or condition, in
which there is no work, device, wisdom, nor knowledge. Eccl. 9: 10.
23. That the state to which we are reduced by death is one of silence,
inactivity, 'and entire unconsciousness. Ps. 146: 4; Eccl. 9: 5, 6; Dan.
12: 2.
24. That out of this prison-house of the grave, mankind are to be
brought by a bodily resurrection, the righteous having part in the first
resurrection, which takes place at the second coming of Christ; the
wicked in the second resurrection, which takes place in a thousand
years thereafter. Rev. 20: 4-6.
25. That at the last trump, the living righteous are to be changed
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and that the risen righteous
are to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, so forever to be with
the Lord. 1 Thess. 4: 16, 17; 1 Cor. 15: 51, 52.
26. That these immortalized ones are then taken to heaven, to the
New Jerusalem, the Father's house, in which there are many mansions
(John 14: 1-3), where they reign with Christ a thousand years, judging
the world and fallen angels, that is, apportioning the punishment to
be executed upon them at the close of the one thousand years (Rev.
20: 4; 1 Cor. 6: 2, 3); that during this time the earth lies in a desolate,
chaotic condition (Jer. 4: 23-27), described, as in the beginning, by the
Greek term " abussos " (bottomless pit, Septuagint of Gen. 1: 2) ;
and that here Satan is confined during the thousand years (Rev. 20:
1, 2), and here finally destroyed (Rev. 20: 10; Mal. 4: 1); the theater
of the ruin he has wrought in the universe being appropriately made for
a time his gloomy prison-house, and then the place of his final execution.
27. That at the end of the thousand years the Lord descends with
his people and the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21: 2), the wicked dead are
raised, and come up on the surface of the yet unrenewed earth, and
gather about the city, the camp of the saints (Rev. 20: 9), and fire
comes down from God out of heaven and devours them. They are then
consumed, root and branch (Mal. 4: 1), becoming as though they had
not been (Obadiah 15, 16). In this everlasting destruction from the
presence of the Lord (2 Thess. 1: 9), the wicked meet the "everlasting
punishment " threatened against them (Matt. 25: 46), which is ever-
lasting death. Rom.. 6: 23; Rev. 20: 14, 15. This is the perdition of
ungodly men, the fire which consumes them being the fire for which
" the heavens and the earth, which are now, . . . are kept in store,"
which shall melt even the elements with its intensity, and purge the
earth from the deepest stains of the curse of sin. 2 Peter 3: 7-12.
28. That new heavens and a new earth shall spring by the power of
God from the ashes of the old, and this renewed earth with the New
Jerusalem for its metropolis and capital shall be the eternal inherit-
ance of the saints, the place where the righteous shall evermore dwell.
2 Peter 3: 13: Ps. 37: 11, 29; Matt. 5: 5.

NOTE 1, REGARDING PROPOSITION 9. The Adventists of 1844 expected

that the end of the world would come in that year, because they held that
certain prophecies would then transpire, which they believed reached to the
coming of the Lord. Chief among these was the prophecy of Dan. 8: 13, 14,
which says that at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days tyears)-
the sanctuary should be cleansed. They believed that the earth was the
sanctuary then to be cleansed, and that its cleansing was to be accomplished
with fire, which would accompany the manifestation of the Lord from
heaven. From these premises, the conclusion seemed inevitable that when
the 2300 years ended, in 1844, the Lord would come.
But the day passed, and no Saviour appeared. Suspended between hope
and fear, and waiting until every plausible allowance for possible inac-
curacies of reckoning and variations of time, was exhausted, it became at
length apparent that a great mistake had been made, and that the mistake
must be on one or both of the following points : either, first, the period of
the 2300 days did not end at that time, and they had made a mistake in
supposing that they would terminate in that year; or, secondly, the cleans-
ing of the sanctuary was not to be the burning of the earth at the second
coming of Christ, and hence they had made a mistake in expecting such an
event at that time. While there was a possibility that they had made a
mistake on both these points, it was certain that they had made a mistake
on one of them ; and either one would be sufficient to account for the fact
that the Lord did not then appear.
A movement which had enlisted the whole interest of thousands 'upon
thousands, and thrilled their hearts with enthusiastic hope, was not to be
abandoned, especially by its more conservative and sincere adherents, with-
out earnest thought and reflection. The whole field of evidence was there-
fore carefully resurveyed. It soon became apparent that two methods were
being adopted to account for the fact that the Lord did not come when
he was expected, and to explain the consequent disappointment.
One class, at a rash bound, reached the conclusion that they had made
a mistake in the time, and that the prophetic periods had not expired. This
was, of course, to abandon the whole previous movement, with all Its ac-
companying manifestations of divine power ; for if the time was wrong,
everything was wrong.
Another class, impressed with the fact that God had given too much
evidence of his connection with the movement to allow them to abandon it,
carefully reviewed the evidence on every point. The result with them was
a clearer conviction of the strength and harmony of the argument on
chronology. They saw no ground to change their views upon the reckoning
of the time, but felt more convinced than ever that the 2300 days were cor-
rectly applied, and that they terminated at the time appointed in 1844.
Thus they became satisfied that the error lay in their previous views of the
subject of the sanctuary and its cleansing, and that they had made a mis-
take in supposing that the earth would be burned at the end of the 2300
days, because the prophecy said that then the " sanctuary " should " be
This brings us to note the difference between Seventh-day Adventists and
those called First-day Adventists, as respects chronology. The latter, believ-
ing that the prophetic periods were given to make known the time of
Christ's coming, and that they have not yet ended, are held to one of two
conclusions: either that all that is said in the Bible about these periods
is so much of revelation unrevealed, or else that the time of Christ's com-
ing is to be known. The first conclusion, as consistent believers in the Bible,
they can not adopt, and hence their continual efforts to readjust the pro-
phetic periods, and fix upon some new time for Christ to come. From this
has arisen, in these later years, all the fantastic time-setting which has
very naturally disgusted the world, and worse than this, has brought a stigma
of reproach upon all prophetical study. On the other hand, Seventh-day
Adventists set no time. While they believe that the prophetic periods are
to be understood, they believe also that these periods have been correctly
interpreted, and have all terminated ; so that now there is no data from
which to reason respecting a definite time for their1LOrd to come.

In the catalogue of pul'ications issued by the Review and Herald

Publishing Association, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., will
be found works treating at length upon the principle themes mentioned
in the Statement of Fundamental Principles. See page 261. Classified
lists, giving the names of all the tracts treating on various subjects
can also be supplied. Catalogue of publications in English or in foreign
languages, sent free.
(As amended at the thirty-seventh session of the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists, held at Takoma Park, Washington,
D. C., May 13 to June 6, 1909.)

Article I Name.

This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev-

enth-day Adventists.

Article II Object.

The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the everlasting

gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Article III Membership.

Section 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of:

(a) Such Union Conferences as have been or shall be properly
organized and accepted by vote.
(b) Such local conferences not embraced in any Union Conference, as
have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote.
(c) Such mission fields as-are properly organized and accepted by
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as fol-
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) The General Conference Executive Committee.
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and
superintendents of work among the various foreign-speaking peoples in
the United States as shall receive delegates' credentials from its Exec-
utive Committee, such credentials to be given only by the consent of a
majority of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accred-
ited by Union Conferences, local conferences not included in Union Con-
ferences, or properly organized missions.
Sec. 5. Each Union Conference shall be entitled to one delegate
without regard to numbers, an additional delegate for each conference
in its territory, and an additional delegate for each five hundred of its
membership. Each local conference not included in the union conference
shall be entitled to one delegate, without regard to numbers, and one
additional delegate for each five hundred members.. Each union mission
shall be entitled to one delegate, without regard to numbers and an
additional delegate for each five hundred members. Each organized
mission, not included in a union mission, shall be entitled to one
Article IV Executive Committee.
Section 1. At each session the Conference shall elect an Executive
Committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the president,

three vice-presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, the presidents of

union conferences, the superintendents of organized union missions, the
secretaries in charge of duly organized departments, namely, the Pub-
lishing, Medical, Educational, Sabbath-school, Religious Liberty, Young
People's Missionary Volunteer, North American Foreign, North Amer-
ican Negro, and seven other persons.
Article V Officers and Their Duties
Section 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a presi-
dent, three vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer, who shall be
elected by the Conference. Two or more auditors shall also be elected
by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President : The president shall act as chairman of the Ex-
ecutive Committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference,
as the Executive oirunittee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-presidents: The first vice-president shall labor in the
European Union Conferences and Missions, as the Executive Committee
may advise, and preside at the councils of the members of the Executive
Committee, which may be held in Europe, in the absence of the president.
The second vice-president shall labor in the American Union Con-
ferences and Missions, as the Executive Committee may advise, and in
the absence of the president, preside at the councils of the memberi3 of
the Executive Committee which may be held in A1nerica.
The third vice-president shall labor in the Asiatic division, as the
Executive Committee may advise, and, in the absence of - the president,
he shall preside at the councils of the members of the Executive Com-
mittee, and at missionary conferences which may be held in the Asiatic
Sec. 4.The Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep
the minutes of the proceedings of the Conference sessions and of the
committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other facts from
Union and local Conferences and missions as may be desired by the
Conference or the Executive Committee, and to perform such other
duties as usually pertain to such office.
Sec: 5. The Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to
receive all funds and disburse them by order of the president, and to
'render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired
by the Conference or the Executive Committee.
Sec. 6. Election of Officers: All officers of the Conference, except
members of the Executive Committee who are presidents of Union Con-
ferences or superintendents of Union Mission Fields, shall be chosen by
the delegates at the regular quadrennial sessions of the General Confer-
ence, and shall hold their offices for the period of four years, or until
their successors are elected and appear to enter upon their duties.
Article VI Incorporations, Departments, and Agents
Section 1.-- Such incorporations may be authorized and departments
created as the development of the work requires.
Sec. 2. At each regular sessicut of this Conference the delegates
shall elect the trustees of all corporate bodies connected with this or-
ganization, as may be provided in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries,
treasurers, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make
such distribution of its laborers as may be necessary to effectively
execute its work. It shall also grant credentials or licenses to its min-
isters and missionaries.

Article VII Sessions.

Section 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such
date and place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice
published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald at least three
months before the date for the session.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions at such
time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice, and the transac-
tions of such special sessions shall have the same force as those of the
regular sessions.

Article VIII By-laws.

The voters of this Conference may enact By-laws and amend or

repeal them at any session thereof, and such By-laws may embrace any
provision not inconsistent with the Constitution.

Article IX Amendments.

This Constitution or its By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds

vote of the voters present at any session, provided that, if it is proposed
to amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose
shall be given in the call for such special session.


Article I Regular Sessions.

Section 1.At each session of the Conference the Executive Commit-

tee shall nominate for election the .presiding officers for the session.
See. Previous to each session of the Conference, the Executive
Committee shall provide such temporary committees as may be neces-
sary to conduct the preliminary work of the Conference.

Article II Executive Committee.

Section 1. During the intervals between sessions of the Confer-

ence, the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power,
with authority to grant and withdraw credentials and licenses, and to
fill for the current term any vacancies that may occur in its officers,
boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise,
except in cases where other provisions for filling such vacancies shall
be made by vote of the General Conference. The withdrawal of creden-
tials or filling of vacancies on the Executive Committee shall require
the consent of two thirds of the members of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 2.Any five members of the Executive Committee, including
the president or a vice-president, shall be empowered to transact such
executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by
the Committee, but the concurrence of four members shall be necessary
to pass any measure.
Sec. 3. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any
time or place, by the president or a vice-president, or by the secretary,
upon the written request of any five members of the Committee.

Article III Departments

Section 1. The work of the departments of this organization shall
be in charge of the secretaries elected by the General Conference, asso-
ciated with the committees selected by the Executive Committee, when
not otherwise provided for by the Conference.
Article IV Finance.
Section 1. This Conference shall receive a tithe from all of its Union
and local conferences, and the tithe of its Union and local Mission
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to call for
such special donations as may be necessary to properly prosecute its
Sec. 3. The Conference shall receive offerings devoted to missions.
Article V Audits.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the
Conference and of its several departments audited at least once each
calendar year, and shall report upon the same to the General Confer-
ence at its regular sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight per-
sons not in its employ, who, with the president, the vice-presidents, the
secretary, the treasurer, and not less than seven presidents of Union
Conferences, shall constitute a committee for auditing and settling all
accounts against the General Conference.


A BYSSINIAN Mission 126 British Publishing House 178
Academies, directories of 157-177 British Union Conference 102
Acushnet Sanitarium 203 Slap of 103
Addenda 245 British Union District 104
Addington Intermediate School 157 Broadview Swedish Seminary 160
Adelaide Sanitarium 195 Buenos Aires Publishing House 178
Adelphian Academy 157 Burma Mission 153
Adriatic Mission 109 Burmese School (See Meiktila
African Missions 126 School)
Map of 127
Alabama Conference 77 ("APES 202
Alaska Mission 61 ., California Conference 64
Alberta Conference 92 Canadian Branch Publishing
Alberta Industrial Academy 158 House 182
Algerian Mission 112 Canadian Union Conference 89
Map of 127 Map of 89
Alpharetta Intermediate School 158 Canadian Publishing Association 178
Ames Academy 158 Canary Islands Mission 165
Annual Offerings 255 Map of 127
Appropriations for 1912 254 Cape Colony Conference 131
Argentine Conference 136 Cape Sanitarium 195
Arizona Conference 63 Caterham Sanitarium 196
Arizona Sanitarium 203 Caucasian Conference 116
Arkansas Conference 84 Cedar Lake Academy 160
Armenian Mission 113 Central American Conference 143
Armona Academy 159 Central California Conference . 65
Asiatic Division 147 Central Union Conference 21
Map of 14. -, Map of 22
Atlanta Branch Publishing House 184 Chamberlain Sanitarium 203
Atlanta Sanitarium 195 Chattanooga Sanitarium 203
Atlantic Union Conference 14 -Chesapeake Conference .. 32
Map of 14 Chestnut Hill Farm School 177
Attleboro Sanitarium 203 Chicago Training School 177
Australasian Union Conference 95 Chile Conference 137
Slap of 95 China Union Mission 148
Australasian Missionary College 159 Slap of 147
Austrian Mission 125 China Union Training School .. 160
Avondale School (See Australa- Chinese language, periodical in 188
sian Missionary College) Chinese S. D. A. Mission Press 183
Avondale Health Retreat 195 Christchurch Sanitarium 196
Avondale Press 178 Christian Record Publishing Co. 178
Christiania Health Home 196
110AHAMA Mission 155 Christiania Publishing House (See
Balkan Mission 110 Scandinavian Publishing
Baltic Conference 115 House)
Barotseland Mission 133 Claremont Union College 160
Basle Branch Publishing House 180 Clearwater Industrial School 161
Basutoland Mission 133 Clinton German Seminary 161
Battle Creek Industrial Academy 159 Colleges, directories of 157-177
Bavarian Conference 122 Colorado Conference 23
Beechwood Manual Training Colorado Western Slope Academy 176
Academy 159 Columbia Union Conference 31
Belgian Mission 125 Map of 32
Bellair Hydropathic Sanitarium 195 Constitution and By-laws of Gen-
Bengali language, periodical in 188 eral Conference 266-269
Bengal Mission 153 Cook Islands Mission 101
Bermuda Mission 155 Copenhagen Branch Publishing
Bethel Academy 160 House 183
Bethel Girls' School 160 Cottage Grove Sanitarium 203
Bible Workers' Training School 16 Cuban Mission 145
Black River Valley Sanitarium 203 Cumberland Conference 71
Bohemian Language, periodical Cumberland Industrial School . 177
in 188
Bohemian Mission 125 ANISH-NORWEGIAN L a n -
Bolivia Alission 137 D guage, periodicals in 189
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 195 Danish-Norwegian Seminary 161
Brazil Publishing House 178 Darling Range School ' 161
Brazilian Union Conference 138 Denmark Conference 118
Map of 135 Denominational literature, lan-
British Columbia Conference 93 guages in which issued 194
British East African Mission 126 Denominational periodicals ..184-194
British Guiana Mission 145 Directory of Ministers 221-244
INDEX. 271

Directory of Physicians 218-220

District of Columbia Conference . 33 G ARDEN CITY Sanitarium
Galician Mission
Dr. Gaede's Sanitarium 203 General Conference, Directory of 5-13
Droll's Sanitarium 203 Appropriations of, for 1912 254
Durban Health Institute 203 Constitution and By-laws . 266-269
Laborers engaged under 13
E AST Africa, Missions in ....126-128 Mission fields under direction
1-, East Brazil Mission 140 of 155, 156
East Caribbean Mission 146 General Conference Executive
East China Mission 148, Committee 5
East German Conference (See General Conference Association 12
Oder Conference) General Conference Corporation 12
East German Union Conference 106 Georgia Conference 73
Map of 103 German East African Missions
East German Union District 106 127, 128
East Kansas Conference 24 German language, periodicals in
East Lake Health Home 203 189, 190
East Lake Industrial School 177 German-Swiss Conference 123
East Michigan Conference 41 Glendale Sanitarium 19'7
East Prussian Conference 107 Good Health Assn., Ltd. 197
EaSt Siberian Mission 120 Goldsberry Intermediate School 164
Eastern Colorado Academy 162 Grampian Hills Hydropathic 203
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 34 Gravel Ford Academy 164
Ecuador Mission 137 Graysville Sanitarium 197
Educational Dept. of Gen. Conf. 8 Greater New York Conference 15
Statistics of 259 Grecian Mission 113
Educational Institutions .... 157-177 Greenland, mission in 120
Outline of courses in 157 Guatemala English School 164
Egyptian Mission 113
Map of 127 HAMBURG Publishing House
Elk Point Academy (See Plain- 179
Hamby Intermediate School 164
view Academy) Hastings Intermediate School
El Reposo Sanitarium 203 164
Hawaiian Mission 155
Emmanuel Mission 133 Haitien Mission
162 146
Emmanuel Missionary College Hazel Industrial Academy
Emmanuel Missionary College 164
Remingford Intermediate School
Press 179 (See Wyoming Inter. School)
English periodicals, 184-188, 193, 194 Hill Agricultural Academy
Esthonian, periodical in 189 165
Hillcrest School 177
Estrada Palma School 162 Hinsdale Sanitarium
Eufola Agricultural and Me- 203
Holland language, periodicals in 190
chanical Academy 177 Holland Mission 125
Hungarian Branch Publishing
F AYETTE Sanitarium
Fernando Academy
House 180
Hungarian language, periodical in 190
Fiji Mission 101 Hungarian Mission
Fiji Training School 110
Fijian language, periodical in . 189
Fijian Press 179 CELAND Mission 120
Financial Summary for 1910 .. 252 I Indiana Conference 42
Finland Confer 118 India Union Mission 152
Finland Publishing House 179 Map of 152
Finnish flinguage, periodical in 189 India Publishing House 180
Fireside Correspondence School 163 Indianola Intermediate School 165
Florida Conference 72 International Publishing Assn. 180
Florida Sanitarium 196 Iowa Conference 50
lood Companies 202 Iowa Industrial Academy (See
Foreign languages, periodicals in Oak Park Academy)
188-193 Iowa Sanitarium 197
Foreign fields, workers sent to, Irish Mission 105
1901-1911 244 Italian language, periodical in 191
Foreign Mission Board 12 Italian Mission 112
Foreign periodicals 188-193
Forest Home Industrial Academy 163 T A AlAI CA Conference 143
Fort Worth Branch Publishing ) Japan Mission 150
House 184 Map of 147
Fort Worth Sanitarium 203 Japanese language, periodical in 191
Fox River Academy 163 Japanese Mission Training School 165
French Conference 111 Japanese Publishing House 181
French language, periodicals in 189 Japanese Sanitarium 203
Friedensau Industrial School 164 Jared Sanitarium 203
Friedensau Sanitarium 196 Java Mission 151
Friendly Islands Mission 102
Frydenstrand Sanatorium 196 ANSAS City Branch Publish-
Fundamental Principles of Sev- LA. ing House 182
enth-day Adventists 261-265 Kansas Sanitarium 198
972 INDEX.

Keene Industrial Academy 165 Statistics of 258

Kentucky Conference 78 Missions under the General Con-
Kimberley Baths 198 ference 155
Korean Industrial School 166 Mississippi Conference 79
Korean language, periodical in 191 Montana Conference 56
Korean Mission 150 Montrose Sanitarium 204
Map of 147 Moravian-Silesian Mission 126
Korean S. D. A. Mission Press 181 Mt. Ellis Academy 168
Mt. Vernon College 168
Mt. Vernon Sanitarium 204
L AWabash
FAYETTE Sanitarium (See
Valley Sanitarium) 'Mussoorie Intermediate School 169
Lake Geneva Sanitarium 198
Lake Union Conference 39 APLES Agricultural and Nor-
Map of 40 N mal Institute 177
Languages in which denomina- Nashville Agricultural and Nor-
tional literature is issued 194 mal Institute 177
Latin Union Conference 111 Nashville Sanitarium 199
Map of 103, 127 Natal Health Institute 199
Latin Union District 111 Natal-Transvaal Conference 132
Latin Union Publishing House 181 Nauheim Sanitarium (Oakland) 204
Latin Union School 166 Nauheim Sanitarium (Springfield) 204
Laurelwood Academy 166 Nebraska Conference 25
Legal Corporations of the Gen- Nebraska Sanitarium (College
eral Conference 12 View) 199
Leicester Sanitarium 198 Nebraska Sanitarium (Hastings) 199
Lettonian language, periodical in 191 Newfoundland Mission 91
Levant Branch Publishing House 180 Newark Sanitarium 204
Levant Union Mission 113 New England Sanitarium 199
Map of 114, 127 New Guinea Mission 102
Levant School 166 New Hope School 169
Licentiates under the General New Jersey Conference 34
Conference 13 New Mexico Conference 84
List of periodicals issued 184-194 New South Wales Conference. 97
Little Rock Sanitarium 203 New York Branch Publishing
Little Russian Mission 117 House 182
Local conference, periodicals by 188 New York Conference 18
Local periodicals 193, 194 New Zealand Conference 98
Lodi Normal Institute 166 Norfolk Island Mission 102
Loma Linda College 166 North American Foreign Depart-
Loma Linda Sanitarium 198 ment of the General Confer-
Long Beach Sanitarium 204 ence 10
Lornedale Academy 167 North American Negro Depart-
Louisiana Conference 79 ment of the General Confer-
Lower Rhenish Conference 123 ence 11
North Brazil Mission 140
1C 1I ADISON Sanitarium 198 North Carolina Conference 74
:Madison Rural Sanitarium 204 North Central China Mission 148
Maine Conference 16 North Dakota Conference 52
Malay Missions 151 North England Conference 104
Manitoba Conference 94 North German Conference ... 123
Manson Industrial Academy 167 North India Mission -154
Maori language, periodical in 191 North Michigan Conference 44
Maplewood Academy 167 North Missouri Conference 26
Maranatha Mission 133 North Pacific Union Conference 54
Maritime Conference 89 Map of 55
Massachusetts Conference 16 North Swedish Mission 120
Meadowglade Industrial Academy 168 North Texas Conference 85
Medical Department of Gen- Northern California-Nevada Con-
Conference 9 ference 66
Statistics of 258 Northern France Mission 1 12
Meiktila Industrial School 168 Northern Illinois Conference 43
Mexican Mission 155 Northern New England Confer-
Mexican Publishing House 181 ence 19
Middle German Conference 107 Northern Union Conference 49
Middle Russian Mission 117 Map of 49
Middletown Sanitarium 204 Northwestern Sanitarium 204
Ministerial Directory 221-244 Norway Conference 119
Ministers under the General Con- Nyasaland Mission 133
ference 13
Minnesota Conference
Miscellaneous missions under the
O ARLAND Sanitarium (See
Nauheim Sanitarium)
General Conference 155 Oakwood Manual Training School 169
Missionary Licentiates under the Oakwood Sanitarium 199
General Conference 13 Oak Park Academy 169
Missionary Volunteer' Department Obituary Record for 1911 244
of the General Conference... 10 Oder Conference 108
INDEX. 273

Offerings, annual 255 Sanitarium Assn. of S. D. A. of

Ohio Conference 35 Southern California 197
Oklahoma Conference 86 Sanitariums, directories of ... 195-204
Ontario Conference 90 Statistics of 258
Otter Lake Sanitarium 204 Santa Catharine. Conference 139
Sao Paulo Mission 140
ACIFIC Press Publishing As- Saskatchewan Mission 94
P sociation 181 Saxon Conference 108
Pacific Union College 169 Scandinavian Publishing House 182
Pacific Union Conference .. 62 Scandinavian Union Conference 118
Map of 62 Map of 103
Papers issued 184-194 Scandinavian Union Miss. School 171
Paradise Valley Sanitarium .... 197 Schools (See Educational Institu-
Parana Conference 139 tions)
Periodicals issued 184-194 Scottish Conference 105
Persian Mission 115 Servian language, periodical in 192
Peruvian Mission 137 Shenandoah Valley Training
Philippine Islands Mission 151 Academy 171
Phoenix Rest Home 204 Sheyenne River Academy 171
Physicians, directory of 218-220 Siberian Union Mission 120
Pitcairn Island Mission 102 Map of 116
Plainview Academy 170 Signs of the Times Pub. Co., Ltd 183
Polish language, periodical in 191 Signs of the Times Pub. House
Portland Branch Pub. House 182 (China) 183
Portland Sanitarium 199 Silesian Conference 108
Porto Rico Mission.....----r.-
_,.. .--. 146 Singapore Mission 151
Portuguese langnagriodicals Skodsborg Sanitarium 200
in 191 Society Islands Mission 102
Portuguese ,t,:iission 112 Solusi Mission ' 134
Postage rates 245 Somabula Mission 134
Press Bureau of the General Con- South African Union Conference. 128
ference 11 Map of 129
Principles of Seventh-day Ad- South African Publishing House. 183
ventists 261-265 South American Union Confer-
Private Educational Institutions. 177 ence - 134
Private periodicals 193, 194 Map of 135
Private sanitariums 203, 204 South Australian Conference.... 99
Prussian Conference (See East South Bend Branch Publishing
Prussian Conference) House 182
Pua Training School 170 South Caribbean Conference 144
Publishing Department of the South Carolina Conference 75
General Conference 7 South Central China Mission 149
Statistics of 258 South China Mission 149
Publishing Houses, directories of South Dakota Conference 53
178-184 South England Conference 104
Pukekura Training School 170 South Florida Intermediate School 171
South German Conference. 124
South India Mission 154
UEBEC Conference .. 91 South Lancaster Academy 171
QQ Queensland Conference 99 South Lancaster Printing Co 183
South Missouri Conference 27
ARATONGAN, periodical in 191 South Pare Mission 128
RI\ Religious Liberty Association 9 South Russian Conference 116
Restaurants 202 South Texas Conference 87
Review and Herald Publishing Southeast China Mission 149
Association 182 Southeastern Union Conference 70
Rio Espirito Santo Mission 140 Map of 70
Rio Grande do Sul Conference 139 Southern California Conference . 67
River Plate Academy 170 Southern Idaho Conference 57
River Plate Sanitarium 200 Southern Illinois Conference 45
Riverside Sanitarium 204 Southern New England Confer-
Rock City Sanitarium 200 ence 20
Roman-Swiss Conference 111 Southern Oregon Conference 57
Royal Intermediate School 170 Southern Publishing Association 183
Rumanian language, periodical in 191 Southern Training School 172
Russian Branch Publishing House 180 Southern Union Conference 76
Russian Union Conference 115 Map of 76
Map of 116 Southern Union Mission 81
Russian Union District 115 Southwestern Union Conference 82
Russian language, periodical in 191 Map of 83
Southwestern Union Mission 88
ABBATH-SCHOOL Department Spanish language, periodicals in 192
S of the General Conference 6 Spanish Mission 112
Statistics of 259 Springfield Sanitarium 204
Samoan language, periodical in . 192 Stanborough Park Missionary Col-
Samoan Mission 102 lege 172
274 INDEX.

Stanborough Park Sanitarium 200 Virginia Conference 37

Statistical Tables, Value of Virginia Sanitarium 204
Church Buildings; Contribu- Vistula Conference 109
tions; Communicants 256 Volga Mission 121
Statistical Tables of Union Con-
ferences 246-250 ABASH Valley Sanitarium 201
Statistical Report for 1910, Sum- W Walderly School 174
mary of 250-254 Walla Walla College 174
St. Helena Sanitarium 200 Walla Walla Sanitarium 201
St. Louis Mission 31 Warburton Sanitarium 201
Stockholm Publishing House 184 Washington Sanitarium 201
Strode Industrial School 173 Washington Branch Sanitarium 202
Stuart Academy (See Oak Park Washington Foreign Mission
Academy) Seminary 175
Sumatra Mission 151 Watchman Press , 184
Summary of Statistical Reports Waterloo Industrial School 176
258-260 Welsh Conference 105
Swedish Conference 119 West African Mission 156
Swedish Missionary School 173 Map of 127
Swedish language, periodicals in 192 West Australian Conference .. 101
Sydney Sanitarium 201 West Caribbean Conference 144
Syrian Mission 113 West German Conference 124
West German Union Conference 121
ABITIAN language, periodical Map of
I in 193 West German Union District
Tainpa Sanitarium 204 West India Mission 154
Takoma S. D. A. Intermediate. West Indian Union Conference 141
School 173 Map of 141
Thatuna Industrial 'Academy 173 West Kansas Conference 29
Thornton Sanitarium 204 West Michigan Conference 46
Transpo.tation Agents 12 West Pennsylvania Conference 38
Transylv mian Conference 109 West Russian Mission 117
Treatmez...,-Rooms, list of .. 204-206 West Siberian Missibn 121
Tri-City Sanitarium 201 West Texas Conference 87
Tongan language, periodical in 193 AWest Virginia Conference 38
Tsungwesi Mission Western Canadian Union Confer-
Tunesassa Intermediat 173. ence 92
Turkestan Mission 120 Map of 89
Turkish Mission 114 Western New York Conference 20
Western Oregon Conference 59
UNION College 174 Western Slope Academy 176
Union Conferences, institutions Western Washington Conference 60
in 207-217 Williamsdale Academy 176
Union Conference statistical ta- Wisconsin Conference 47
bles 246-250 Workers' Directory 221-244
Union Conference periodicals 186, 187 Workers' Obituary Record for
United States, map of Union 1911 244
Conferences in 4 Workers sen` foreign fields 244
Upper Columbia Conference 58 Wyoming Conference 30
Upper Parana Mission 138 Wyoming Intermediate School 176
Upper Rhenish Conference 124
Ural Mission 121 AIIIMA Valley Intermediate
Uruguay Mission 138 Y
1 School 177
Utah Conference 69 Young People's Missionary Volun-
teer Dept. of the Gen. Conf 10
V ERMONT Conference (See
Northern New Eng. Conf.)
Statistics of 259
Victoria-Nyanza Mission 128 ULU Mission 134
Victoria-Tasmanian Conference 100 z

The Times Demand It. The "Signs" Recognizes It.


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Mountain View, California
Preaching Tents
Seventh-day Adventist[ preachers demand the best in tents.
We know that to be a fact. CARNIE-GOUDIE Tents are used by
more S. D. A. conferences than any other make. The reason
they are so widely used is because they answer every tent ques-
tion satisfactorily.
Note these points where Carnie-Goudie tents excel
Canvas Mount Vernon Army and our own rain-
test ducks the best made.
Rope Pure unoiled Manila Hemp made to
our order.
Thread Special quality of almost double or-
dinary strength.
WorkmanshipSailors and Seamers with the
" know how " of long experience.
PitchCut extra high'to stand wind and rain.
Now if you are going to buy tents for meetings this summer,
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CARNIE-GOUDIE S. D. A. Tents are such tents.
Tent Book Free
Write to-day now for the CARNIE-GOUDIE Tent
Book. It also gives complete information about Seats, Flags,
Lights,rBanners, and the renting of complete outfits.
1014-16 Wyandotte, KANSAS CITY, MO.
Manufactured by

Nashville Sanitarium Food Factory

Nashville, Tenn., U. S. A.
(Owned by the Southern Union Conference)
We buy our raw material in car-load lots at the season of
the year when we can buy to the best advantage, and store
here in our warehouse. We buy the best clean grades for
the various purposes for which they are to be used. By
means of expert help and good machinery,- we convert these
materials into a full line of high-grade health foods, fully
equal to any made in this country, and let our people have
them at very low prices just enough above cost to give the
factory a safe running margin. In these low prices, we give
our people the advantage of close, careful buying and intel-
ligent management. We are operating on the following
principle: " The spirit of selfish monopoly must not enter
into this work, but the spirit to help the people get health-
ful foods freely and at moderate prices. . . . The I-->alth
food business should be regarded as God's gift to' his

Partial List of Foods and Prices

Nutfoda, similar to meat, 1-1b. can, 15c; 2%-lb. can, 25c; doz., $2.75.
Nutcysa, similar to cheese, 1-1b. can, 15c; 2%-lb. can, 25c; doz. $2.75.
Malted.Nuts, very fine, 1-lb. glass jar, 35e; 1-lb. tin, 25c.
Condensed Soups, tomato and pea, 20-oz. can, 10e; doz., $1.10.
Peanut Butter, salted, 1-1b. can, 17e; 8-lb. can, $1.10; 45-1b. can,
Health Fig Marmalade (laxative), 1-qt. can, 25c.
Vegetable Gelatine, free from animal diseases, pkg., 1.0e; doz., $1.10.
Malta, a very fine sirup made from wheat and barley, 1-qt., 25e.
Baked Beans, tomato or plain, 1%-lb. can, 10e; doz., $1.10.
Cereal Coffee, a very fine article, 1-lb. pkg., 10e; doz., $1.00.
Dixie Kernel, a superior breakfast food, 1%-lb. pkg. 15c; doz., $1.45.
Twenty-per-cent Gluten Meal, 1-lb. pkg., 12c; 5-lb. bag, 45c; 25-1b.
box, $2.13.
Malted Fruit-Nuts (breakfast food), pkg., 8c; 5-16. bag, 33e; 25-1b.
box, $1.50.
Ruskola (breakfast food), pkg.,7c; 5-1b. bag, 33e; 25-1b. box, $1.25.
Fruit Crackers, Graham or White, pkg., 15e; 5-lb. bag, 55c; 25-1b.
box, $2.50. One doz. packages, $1.45.
Crackers Plain Graham, Sweet Graham, Plain White, Whole
Wheat, Sweetened Oatmeal, pkg., 10c; 5-lb. bag, 40c; 25-1b.
box, $1.88. One doz. packages, $1.00.

AND WE PAY THE FREIGHT on all shipments of

$6 or more (except 45-lb. cans Nut Butter) east of Col-
orado, except Texas), by putting in enough extra foods of
your selection for the amount.

Nashville Sanitarium-Food Factory

Nashville, Tenn.
10: X
X 102
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Of Every Kind, and for Every Purpose

M If:
X We make a specialty of Taberna- L:
E de Tents for evangelistic meetings X
and Family Tents for outdoor liv- X
1/ ing. If you are in need of a Tent E
U of ANY KIND, write and give us X
some particulars as to size and style, X
and we will name you a price that
we believe will command your or-
der. We make Quality Tents at la
1 lowest prices. If you buy Tents,
Tent Lamps, Tent Chairs, Tent N
Seats, Flags, Pennants, etc., write X
for our 128-page catalogue mailed X
0. free. .. :: :: :: X
Ll Baker & Lockwood Mfg. Company ,
ft, 7th & Wyandotte Sts., Kansas City, Mo.
34 E
St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital 3o2
Training School for. Missionary Nurses
O lot
This sanitarium being the oldest of our denom-
O inational institutions, having a large patronage,
O and being thoroughly equipped medically and
surgically, offers exceptional opportunities for lo
O training to those who desire to take the nurse's
O course.
Gastric analysis, urinary analysis, the use of
O the microscope, physical culture, and massage are O
O taught in addition to the course of study usually
given in hospitals.
Two classes are held, beginning in April and ot
October. o2
O Address ot
O St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital Training School o
O Sanitarium, Napa County, California 3ot
Sanitarium Food Company
31 St. Helena, California
O o2
O A large, well-equipped factory under denom-
O inational control. Special prices to foreign mis- O
O sionaries.
O We have exceptional facilities for giving prompt O
O and careful attention to purchasing and forward-
ing groceries and other supplies for patrons draw-
O ing their supplies from tb , Pacific Coast.
Write for book of recipes and price-list.
rs Sanitarium, California -


Each Year Book shows us names of 10t

those whom we knew as students
who are now filling positions
O of trust and responsibility 10:
These trusts were given because of the workers' fit-
ness for the tasks. The question we put to you is this:
Are you doing all that training and consecration can fit 0:
you to do in the interest of our message ? If not, then
we have this to say to you:
UNION COLLEGE was established for the purpose 0
of helping you fit yourself to fill larger trusts. O

A College with Christian influences.
ig A College for the training of workers in the cause of
q A College with a strong force of teachers.
A College with a large equipment for study and work. 10:
Complete courses in Bible, History, Languages,
Mathematics, Science, Music, Art, and Commercial and
Normal lines.
Decide now to enlarge your abilities. 00
Consecration is good, but is only the first step. The
worker must KNOW. UNION was established to help
you know.
Frederick Griggs, President.

nEME rT-U-U-KI-M-k-E



Review and Herald The international denominational

achurch paper, issued in the interests of all denominational work. a
44 The general medium of communication between the workers 4/at
in all lands and the people in their homes the denominational
voice. $1.75 a year; go cents, six months; 5o cents, three months.
The Youth's InstructorAn illustrated weekly of 16 large C1
pages, devoted to educating and encouraging young people in a
high conception of life, supplying the mind with practical in-
Qo formation, invigorating the morals, increasing the devotion,
stimulating a high conception of God, and impressing individual
obligation. $i a year; so cents, six months; 5 or more copies
Qo a year, 75 cents each.
The Sabbath School Worker A monthly journal of spe-
cial features; practical instruction in Sabbath-school lessons. rZ
35 cents a year. Two or more copies, one year, 30 cents each.
Life and Health A live 64-page health journal presenting
facts rather than theory; issued for the purpose of helping the 11
well to remain well, and the sick to get well. $i a year; single
copies, so cents. Special rates to agents.
Liberty A 48-page quarterly. The only publication in the
United States devoted exclusively to keeping before the people
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copies, so cents. Special rates to agents.

II The Protestant Magazine A 64-page quarterly magazine

protesting against error and promoting truth; defining clearly
the principles of Protestantism and Catholicism; interpreting
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25 cents a year; single copies, so cents. Special rates to agents.
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education, based updn true Christian principles, expanding the
present conception of education to the harmonious development
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single copies, so cents. Special rates to agents.


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Easy Steps in
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Beginning with the story of crea-
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