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of the

Seventh-day Adventist

The Official Directories


Published by the



F S. :\
Ministerial Reading Course for 1925
The year 1925 " demands greater efficiency and
deeper consecration " on the part of God's workmen.
As an aid in meeting this demand, four books have
oeen chosen for si FAIN-- not for hasty, casual reading.
To attain greater efficiency," there must be thorough
building upon a solid foundation. The Reading Guide,
furnished free, adds pleasure and profit to the study of
the books. It divides the 1,300 pages of reading mat-
ter comprising the 4,3r books, into convenient por-
tions for daily and AV'1.ekly reading, furnishing refer-
Lances to additional instruction in the writings of the
:-ririt of prophecy, which may be followed with profit.
Romans," by Bishop H. C. G. Moule. Elder A. G.
Baniells speaks of this book in the following language:
" The spiritual tone of the exposition and the constant
application of the saving truths dealt with, help to
make the book not only interesting but helpful to the
reader's spiritual life. . . He gives the reader clear,
(harming, inspiring outlines of sin, faith, works, justi-
fication, sanctification, and glorification, as set forth
in such brevity by the apostle Paul."
437 pages. Price, $1.50.
" Scientific Christian Thinking," by Howard Agnew
Johnston. One writer describes this book as follows:
" The book furnishes a valuable array of fact and
argument for the refutation of atheistic evolution and
the most illuminating presentation of the philosopy of
Christianity and Christ that I have ever read. On the
whole the book inspires and demands straight think-
ing, carrying the reader down to bedrock for a foun-
dation." Price, $1.25.
" Real Prayer," by Cortland Myers. A wonderful little
book on prayer and its meaning in the Christian life
of service. It will provoke thought, and lead to a
truer conception of the Holy Spirit and His work in
human hearts and lives. Price, 60 cents.
" The Ministry of Healing." by Mrs. E. G. White.
" This book contains the wisdom of the Great Phy-
sician." " Testimonies," Vol. IX. p. 71. Every worker
in the cause of God should be familiar with its contents.
541 pages. Prices, cloth, $2.25; flexible leather, $3.25.
First three books alone $2.95
With The Ministry of Healing," cloth 4.95
With " The Ministry of Healing," leather 5.85


Takoma Park, Washington, I). C.
Prices higher in Canada



Comprising a Complete Directory of

the General Conference, all Union
and Local Conferences, Mission Fields,
Educational Institutions, Publishing
Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums.


H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary_of .

the General Conference. 1,

in 1
Printed in the U. S. A.
jtou at
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To those who minister for Him, God says,

" Be clean, all ye who vessels bear for Me.
He who would safely, surely lead the blind,
The path of safety he himself must see."

" Be clean." There's cleansing in the Master's word

To all who fully will His will to do.
There's freedom from transgression in the One
Whose gracious promises are ever true.

So he who'd truly water other souls

Must drink himself of the lifegiving spring,
The smitten Rock from which our fathers drank,
And which alone can true refreshment bring.

Drink, deeply drink, ye messengers of God,

Then say to other souls, " Come ye to Christ,
The fountainhead of life's pure, living stream;
Come, drink of Him who truly quenches thirst."

I IP ujillipsysurrunuript
Al tttukt tct tycm !Ai !ainautmAt tn.!. yntrAt
THE following pages contain a directory of the Conferences and insti-
tutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The
territory is divided into eight division conferences, each of which has
the organizations, churches, and membership indicated below:
North America
Union conferences 12
Local conferences 62
Mission fields 5

Total conference organizations 79

Organized churches 2,254
Membership of churches 108,562

Union conferences and missions 15
Local conferences 54
Mission fields 42

Total conference organizations 111

Organized churches 2,070
Membership of churches 77,000

Far East
Union organizations 11
Local conferences 2
Mission fields 46

Total conference organizations 59

Organized churches 237
Membership of churches 13,421

South America
Union organizations 4
Local conferences 6
Mission fields 14

Total conference organizations 24

Organized churches 148
Membership of churches 12,505

Southern Asia
Union organizations 4
Mission fields 13

Total conference organizations 17

Organized churches 63
Membership of churches 1,764

Union organizations 2
Local conferences 3
Mission fields 17

Total conference organizations

Organized churches 85
Membership of churches 5,437
Union conference 1
Local conferences 8
Mission fields 12
Total conference organizations 21
Organized churches 236
Membership of churches 9,269
Union organizations 3
Local conferences 3
Mission fields 15
Total conference organizations 21
Organized churches 250
Membership of churches 8,889
Hawaiian Mission 1
Organized churches 2
Membership of churches 175
Grand Totals
Union organizations 52
Local conferences 138
Mission fields 164
Organized churches 5,345
Membership of churches 237,022
Number of advanced educational institutions listed 133
Number primary schools (1923 statistical report) 1,265
Number of publishing houses and branches 52
Number of periodicals issued 156
Number of sanitariums 38
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination
Organized May 21, 1863

Territory: The following-named APPOINTED ASSISTANTS

.Division Conferences: North
American, European, Far East - Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen.
ern, South American, Southern Assistant Auditor: Claude Conard.
Asian, African, Australasian,
Inter-American, and the Ha- SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS
waiian Mission field. Publishing: N. Z. Town; Associate,
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash H. H. Hall; Associate for North
ington. (A B C Code, fifth America, W. W. Eastman.
Telegraphic Address: General Con- Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora
ference, Washington, D. C Plummer; Associate, J. S.
(NOT Takoma Park.) James.
Express and Freight Address: Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.;
General Conference, Takoma Associate, L. A. Hansen.
Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Educational: W. E. Howell; Asso-
Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. ciate, C. W. Irwin.
Postal Address: Takoma Park Missionary Volunteer: M.-E. Kern:
Station, Washington, District of Associates, H. 1'. Elliott and
Columbia, U. S. A. Meade MacGuire.
OFFICERS Religious Liberty: C. S. Longa.cre;
Western Associate, W. F. Mar-
President: W. A. Spicer. tin.
Vice-Presidents: C. H. Watson, 0.
Montgomery, L. H. Christian. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens;
I. H. Evans, P. E. Brodersen, Associate, E. F. Peterson.
A. W. Cormack, W. H. Branson, Bureau of Home Missions: M. N._
E. E. Andross, J. E. Fulton. Campbell; Associates: German,
Secretary: A. G. Daniells. J. T. Boettcher; Danish-Nor-
Associate Secretary: C. K. Meyers. wegian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish,
Assistant Secretary: B. E. Beddoe. August Anderson; Miscellaneous
Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Language Work, Western Divi-
Associate Treasurer: C. H.Watson. sion, B. P. Hoffman; Eastern
Assistant Treasurer: H. H. Cob- Division, J. F. .Hunergardt.
ban. Negro Department: W. H. Green.
General Field Secretaries: L. R.
Conradi, W. T. Knox; (North OTHER MEMBERS OF THE
American) W. W. Prescott, G. GENERAL CONFERENCE
B. Thompson, R. D. Quinn, F. C. COMMITTEE
Auditor: J. J. Ireland. North America
Statistical Secretary; H. E. Rogers. Vice-President: 0. Montgomery.

Field Secretaries: G. B. Thompson, South Russian: K. A. Reif-

F. C. Gilbert, R. D. Quinn. schneider.
West Russian: J. A. Ljwoff.
ENCES Far Eastern
Atlantic: E. K. Slade. Vice-President: I. H. Evans.
Central: S. E. Wight. Secretary: C. C. Crisler.
Columbia: F. H. Robbins. Treasurer: H. W. Barrows.
Eastern Canadian: C. F. McVagh. Auditor: G. S. Luther.
Lake: Wm. Guthrie. Field Secretaries: H. W. Miller,
Northern: Chas. Thompson. M. D., F. Griggs.
North Pacific: M. Lukens. Department Secretaries:
Pacific: J. L. McElhany. Publishing and Home Missionary:
Southeastern: W. H. Heckman. J. J. Strahle.
Southern: G. W. Wells. Sabbath School: Mrs. I. H. Evans.
Southwestern: M. B. Van Kirk. Educational and Missionary Vol-
Western Canadian: S. A: Ruskjer. unteer: S. L. Frost.
Medical: H. W. Miller, M. D.
Europe Union Mission Superintendents:
Vice-President: L. H. Christian. Central China: 0. A. Hall.
Secretary: W. K. Ising. Chosen: H. A. Oherg.
Treasurer: C. Pedersen. East China: J. G. Gjording.
Auditors: Jens Olsen, P. Brandt, East Siberian: T. T. Babienco.
F. Brennwald. Japan: V. T. Armstrong.
Field Secretaries: J. C. Raft, H. F. Malaysian: L. V. Finster.
Schuberth, W. E. Read. Manchurian: B. Petersen.
Department Secretaries: North China: Frederick Lee.
Publishing: C. E. Weaks; Associ- Philippine: S. E. Jackson.
ate, H. Boex. South China: F. H. DeVinney.
Medical: W. A. Ruble, M. D. West China: M. C. Warren.
Sabbath School: L. L. Caviness.
Missionary Volunteer: S. Ras- South American
mussen. Vice-President: P. E. Brodersen.
Educational: W. M. Landeen. Secretary and Treasurer: W. H.
Home Missionary: E. Kotz. Williams.
Field Secretary: J. W. Westphal.
Department Secretaries:
Union Conference Presidents: Publishing: E. H. Meyer.
Baltic: D. N. Wall. Home Missionary:
British: J. E. Jayne. Sabbath School: C. P. Crager.
Central European: G. W. Schubert. Educational and Missionary Vol-
Czechoslovakian: R. Rilhling. unteer: C. P. Crager.
East German: J. H. Schilling. Union Conference Presidents:
Ethiopian: V. E. Toppenberg. Austral: R. T. Baer.
Latin: A. V. Olson. East Brazil: F. W. Spies.
Polish: John Isaac. Inca: H. U. Stevens.
Rumanian: P. P. Paulini. South Brazil: N. P. Neilsen.
Scandinavian: G. E. Nord.
West German: Paul Drinhaus. Southern Asia
Caspian: H. K. Loebsack. Vice-President: A. W. Cormack.
East Russian: B. Schmidt. Secretary and Treasurer: A. II.
North Russian: H. J. Loebsack. Williams.
Siberian: J. Wilson. Auditor: W. E. Perrin.

Department Secretaries: M. D., G. K. Abbott, M. D., F.

Publishing: L. C. Shepard. Griggs, W. W. Ruble.
Sabbath School, Home Missionary,
and Missionary Volunteer: S. A.
Educational: E. M. Meleen. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta-
Medical: H. C. Menke', M. D. tion, Washington, D. C.
Union Mission Superintendents: Officers:
Burma: J. Phillips. Secretary: N. Z. Town.
Northeast India: H. E. Wil- Associate Secretary: H. H. Hall.
loughby. Associate Secretary for North
Northwest India: I. F. Blue. America: W. W. Eastman.
South India: G. G. Lowry. Assistant Secretary: J. H. Mc-
Eachern, 1532 California St.,
African Mountain View, Cal.
Vice-President: W. H. Branson. Sec. for Far-Eastern Division: J.
J. Strahle, 25 Ningkuo Road,
Secretary and Treasurer: W. B. Shanghai, China.
Commin. Sec. for South American Division:
Publishing and Home Missionary: E. H. Meyers, Calle Pino 3801,
G. S. Joseph. Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Sabbath School: Mrs. A. P. Tarr. tina, South America.
Field and Educational: T. M. Sec. for African Division: G. S.
French. Joseph, Grove Ave., Claremont,
Medical: Cape Province, South Africa.
Union Conference Presidents: Sec. for Southern Asia Division:
South Africa: J. W. MacNeil. L. C. Shepard, P. 0. Box 15,
Zambesi: W. F. Straw. Poona, India.
Sec. for Europe: C. E. Weaks, 17
Australasia H6heweg, Bern, Switzerland.
Vice-President: J. E. Fulton. Assoc. Sec. for Europe: H. Box, 17
Hoheweg, Bern, Switzerland.
Vice-President: E. E. Andross. W. C. White, R. F. D. I, St.
Secretary and Treasurer: Helena, Cal.
Miss. Vol. and Sabbath School: 0. Montgomery, Takoma Park,
Mrs. E. E. Andross. D. C.
I. H. Evans, 25 Ningkuo Road,
Home Missionary and Publishing: Shanghai, China.
L. H. Christian, 17 Hoheweg, Bern,
Educational: Switzerland.
Union Mission Superintendents: L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
Antillian: J. A. Leland. Hamburg, Germany.
Caribbean: W. E. Baxter. W. H. Branson, Grove Ave., Clare-
Mexican-Central American: D. A. mont, Cape, South Africa.
Parsons. P. E. Brodersen, Calle Pino 3801,
Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Elective Members of General Con- tina, South America.
ference Committee A. W. Cormack, P. 0. Box 15,
W. C. White, C. H. Jones, E. R. Poona, India.
Palmer, F. M. Wilcox, H. W. E. E. Andross, Balboa, Canal Zone,
Miller, M. D., P. T. Magan, Panama.

PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGERS :E. Ashod, Galata, Post Box 109,

E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- Constantinople, Turkey.
tion, Washington, D. C. J. Schneider, Dzirnawu eela 47,
E. L. Richmond, Takoma Park Riga, Latvia.
Station, Washington, D. C. A. C. Christensen, Akersgaten 74,
C. H., Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Christiania, Norway.
2123 Twenty-fourth FL I. Smith, 399 Upper Serangoon
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Road, Singapore, Straits Settle-
G. L. Gulbrandson, Stanborough ments.
-Park, Watford, Herts, England. MANAGERS CIRCULATING DEPART-
A. Vollmer, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- MENTS AND BRANCHES
burg, Germany.
L. E. Bork, Avenue de . Chailly, Jas. Cochran, Mountain View, Cal.
Dammarie les Lys, (Seine et J. R. Ferren, Mountain View, Cal.
Marne) France. W. B. Walters, Takoma Park Sta-
A. J. Settergren, Tunnelgatan 25, tion, Washington, D. C.
Stockholm, Sweden. R. F. Woods, 2123 Twenty-fourth
G. C. Hoskin, Pacific Press Pub. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Assn., Brookfield, Ill. J. D. Snider, 212 South Lafayette
F. Ludwig, Dr. Dietriehgasse St., South Bend, Ind.
3, Troppau, Czechoslovakia. D. A. Bailey, 168 North Division
F. Brerurwald, Nakielska 64, Byd- St., Peekskill, N. Y.
goszcz, Poland, EurOpe. 3. W. Mace, Takoma Park Sta-
.1. M. Johanson, Warburton, Vic- tion, Washington, D. C.
toria, Australia. 13. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta
M. V. Tucker, EstacAo Sfio Ber- tion, Washington, D. C.
nardo, S. P. R., Sno Paulo, Bra- S. J. Abegg, 719 East Flanders
zil, South America. St., Portland, Oreg.
J. G. Slate, Grove Ave., Claremont, C. L. Paddock, 303 Nokomis Bldg.,
Cape, South Africa. ' Winnipeg, Manitoba.
E. W. Everest, Florida, F. C. C. A., L. D. Randall, 507 East Fair St.,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Atlanta, Ga.
America. L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
W. P. Henderson, 25 Ningkuo R. E. Bowles, 2215 Farnam St.,
Road, Shanghai, China. Omaha, Nebr. .
Lyman Bowers, - Soon 1, Chosen H. R. Gay, 112-114 St. Louis Ave.,
(Korea). Fort Worth, Tex.
W. A. Scott, 17 Abbott Road, H. C. Kephart, Box 5007, Cristobal,
Lticknow, India. Canal Zone, Panama.
H. H. Rans, Oshawa, Ontario, Can-
ada. Superintendents
Y. Miettinen, Annegatan 7, Hel- R. \V. ('ollard. Takoma Park Sta-
singfors, Finland. tion. Washington, 1), C.
V. E. Dietel, Apartado 492, Bar- W. A. Harvey, 2123 Twenty-fourth
celona, Spain. - Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
E. A. Moon, 239-251 Calle. Luna, S. N. Curtiss, Mountain View, Cal.
Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Bureau of Home Missions
A. B; Cole, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0.,
M. N. Catuphell, Takoma. Park
Tokyo, Japan.
Station, Washington, D. C.
R. Schillinger, Petra Zrinskog,
Street 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. HOME MISSIONARY SECRETARY
0. Fasnacht, Stranda Labirint 116, J. A. Stevens, Takoma Park Sta-
Bukharest, Rumania. Hon , Washington, D. C.


V. 0. Punches, South Lancaster, dine Road, Rangoon, Burma.
Mass. - J. C. Dean, 36 Park St., Calcutta,
H. F. Kirk, Takoma Park Station, India.
Washington, D. C. A. E. Nelson, 17 Abbott Road,
E. E. Franklin, Berrien Springs, Lucknow, India.
Mich. E. D. Willmott, Cunningham Road,
V. 0. Cole, 2001 Twenty-fourth Bangalore, India.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn; C. B. Sutton, Apartado 136, Ca-
A. F. Harrison, 518 Terminal Bldg., rcas, Venezuela.
Oklahoma City, Okla. J. C. Klose, Seoul, Chosen.
W. P. Dougherty, First Nat'l Bank E. L. Longway, Wang Gia Dun,
Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Hankow, Hupeh, China .
J. B. Blosser, College View, Nebr. E. J. Kraft, Box 7, Yodobashi P.
0., Tokyo, Japan.
G. A. Campbell, 2718 Third Ave., J. Popelka, Badergasse Tylova 1,
. South, Minneapolis, Minn. Kremsier, Czechoslovakia.
F. E. Painter, 802 East Acacia P. H. Hermann, Strada Labirint
Ave., Glendale, Cal. 116, Bukharest, Rumania. -
N. H. Conway, 719 East Flanders H. Bigalke, Nakielska 64, Byd-
St., Portland, Oreg. goszcz, Poland, Europe.
c. H. Morris, Lacombe, Alberta, L. Lutz, Tizianstr. 35, Munich,
Canada. Germany.
A. Posch, Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
H. Stacey, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Charlottenburg, Germany (care
N. S. W., Australia. Schuberth).
W. A. Bergherm, Florida, F. C. W. Knitter, Reuter Kaserne 28,
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dusseldorf, Germany.
South America. V. L. Beecham, 399 Upper Seran-
0. D. Raff, Calle Nueva, Stop 14, goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Santurce, Porto Rico. Settlements.
C. L. Bainer, Caixa Postal 1028, 4. Vogel, Dzirnavu eela 47, Riga,
Sfio Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Latvia.
ica. W. S. Lawrence, Casilla 1003,
Lima, Peru.
.1. B. Nelson, 4a Calle Queretaro,-
No. 74, Colonia Roma, Mexico
City, D. F., Mexico.
J. W. Wilhelm, Caixa Postal 768,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South DEPARTMENT
J. A. P. Green, Gland, Switzerland. Secretary: A. W. Truman, M. D.,
S. 0. Joyce, Stanborough Park, Takoma Park, D. C.
Watford, Herts, England. Associate Secretary: L. A. Hansen,
M. F. Wiedemann, P. 0. Box 813, Takoma Park, D. C.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Assistant Secretary.: H. W. Miller,
Adlai Esteb, Mukden, Manchuria, M. D., Takoma Park, D. C. (For
China. institutions in Eastern U. S.)
Nathan Brewer, 62 Ta Fang Chia, Assistant Secretary: G. K. Abbott,
Huntung, Peking, China. M. D., St. Helena Sanitarium,
R. M. Mile, P. 0. Box 310, Hong- Sanitarium, Cal. (For institu-
kong, China. tions in Western U. S.)

Assistant Secretary: P. T. Magan, Members at Large

M. D., 312 North Boyle Ave., D. H. Kress, M. D., Takoma Park,
Los Angeles, Cal. (For Medical D. C.
Education) Lauretta Kress, M. D., Takoma
Assistant Secretary: Kathryn L. Park, D. C.
Jensen, R. N., Takoma Park, G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park,
D. C. (For Nurses' Division) D. C.
H. C. Menkel, Box 15, Poona, India.
OTHER MEMBERS W. E. Howell, Takoma Park, D. C.
W. A. Ruble, M. D., " The Stan- The medical superintendent, busi-
boroughs," Stanborough Park, ness manager, and superintend-
Watford, Herts, England. ent of nurses in each regularly
C. C. Landis, M. D., Sanitarium, organized and denominationally
Cal. recognized medical institution.
Adrian Clark, M. D., Mar Lodge, The President and the Dean of the
Mussoorie, India. College of Medical Evangelists.
H. A. Green, M. D., Boulder-Col-
orado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
E. A. Sutherland, M. D., Madison,
V. L. Fisher, M. D., New England EDUCATION
Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. OFFICERS
0. S. Parrett, M. D., Rest Haven Secretary: W. E. Howell, Takoma
Sanitarium, Sidney, B. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
F. A. Stahl, Casilla 1002, Lima,
Peru, South America. Associate Secretary: C. W. Irwin,
P. Schmid, M. D., Tizianstr 37, Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Munich, Germany. ington, D. C.
J. Nussbaum, M. D., 1 his rue Field Secretary: M. E. Cady, Ta-
Bernardin de St. Pierre, Le " koma Park Station, Washing-
Havre, France. ton, D. C.
H. C. James, M. D., Lowanho, YPn- Assistant Secretary Secondary and
cheng, Honan, China. Elementary Education: C. A.
Mrs. 0. Tornblad, M. D., 60 Lower Russell, Takoma Park Station,
Kemmendine 'Road, Rangoon, Washington, D. C.
Burma (on furlough). Assistant in Elementary and
Arthur Coyne, M. D., 9 Cockburn Home Education: Flora H. Wil-
Road, Bangalore, India. liams, Takoma Park Station,
T. A. Sherwin, M. D., Sydney Washington, D. C.
Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S.
W., Australia. Foreign Assistants
Chas. Cave, M. D., 31 Dundonald Assistant Secretary for Far East:
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, B. S. L. Frost, 25 Ningkuo Road,
W. L Shanghai, China.
J. N. Andrews, M. D., Tatsienlu, Assistant Secretary for Southern
Szechwan, China. Asia: E. M. Meleen, 17 Abbott
Road, Lucknow, India.
A. H. Kretchinar, M. D., Grove Assistant Secretary for South
Ave., Claremont, Cape, South America: C. P. Crager, Calle
Africa. Pino 3801, Belgrano, Buenos
F. W. West, M. D., 747 Avenue Lib- Assistant Secretary for Africa:
ertad, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex- T. M. French, Grove Ave., Clare-
ico. Aires, Argentina, South America.

mont, Cape Province, South J. A. Tucker, Huntsville, Ala.

Africa. Union Conference Secretaries
Assistant Secretary for Europe:
W. M. Landeen, Hoheweg 17, D. D. Rees, College View, Nebr.
Bern, Switzerland. W. W. Ruble, Box 146, Glendale,
General Conference A. W. Peterson, College Place,
J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- Wash.
tion, Washington, D. C. H. J. Sheldon, 2718 Third Ave.,
M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta- South, Minneapolis, Minn.
tion, Washington, D. C. N. H. Saunders, South Lancaster,
C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Sta- M'ass.
tion, Washington, D. C. F. R. Isaac, First Nat'l Bank
Kathryn L. Jensen, Takoma Park Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Station, Washington, D. C. C. L. Stone, Obispo, Canal Zone,
A. W. Truman, Takoma Park Sta- Panama.
tion, Washington, D. C. J. C. Thompson, 2001 Twenty-
M. E. Olsen, Takoma Park Sta- fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
tion, Washington, D. C. Term.
C. K. Meyers, Takoma Park Sta- W. L. Adams, Berrien Springs,
tion, Washington; D. C. Mich.
H. T. Elliott, Takoma Park Sta- J. P. Neff, T'akoma Park Station,
tion, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma E. A. Pohle, 518 Terminal Bldg.,
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Oklahoma City, Okla.
A. W. Spalding, Takoma. Park
Station, Washington, D. C. Academy Principals
College Presidents K. L. Gant, Mount Vernon, Ohio.
H. A. Morrison, Takoma Park Sta- J. I. Beardsley, Shelton, Nebr.
tion, Washington, D. C. L. C. Palmer, Arlington, Cal.
Frederick Griggs, Berrien Springs, C. A. Shull,,Union Springs, N. Y.
Mich. Foreign School Principals
W. W. Prescott, College View,
Nebr. George Baird, Stanborough Park,
W. E. Nelson, La Jota, Napa Co., Watford, Herts, England.
Cal. A. G. Roth, Collonges sous Sa-
W. I. Smith, College Place, Wash. . 16ve, Haute Savoie, France.
B. F. Machlan, South Lancaster, J. S. Marshall, Puiggari, F. C. E. R.,
Mass. Argentina, South America.
N. G.. Evans, Loma Linda, Cal. E. D. Dick, Spion Kop, Ladysmith,
Natal, South Africa.
Seminary Presidents L. H. Wood, Cooranbong, N. S. W.,
H. 0. Olson, La Grange, Ill. Australia.
H. M. Johnson, Hutchinson, Minn. D. E. Rebok, 25 Ningkuo Road,
W. B. Ochs, Clinton, Mo. Shanghai, China.
A. N. Nelson, Box 7, Yodobashi
Junior College Presidents P. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
Lamont Thompson, Keene, Tex. W. Mueller, Friedensau, Bez. Mag-
Leo Thiel, Ooltewah, Tenn. deburg, Germany.
L. N. Holm, Oshawa, Ontario, Can- T. W. Steen, Santo Amaro, Sao
ada. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
H. J: Klooster, Lacombe, Alberta, 0. F. Sevrens, Box 1772, Manila,
Canada. Philippine Islands.

V. E. Hendershot, 399 Upper Se- YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY

rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT
A. J. Olson, Mussoorie, India. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta-
C. 0. Carlstjerna, Nyhyttan, JArn- tion, Washington, D. C.
bohs, Sweden.
- General
0. J. Graf, Loma Linda, Cal. Secretary: M. E. Kern.
Anna Knight, 2001 Twenty-fourth Associate Secretaries: Meade Mac-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Guire and H. T. Elliott.
M. P. Robison, South Lancaster, Assistant Secretary: J. F. Simon.
Mass. Junior Secretary: Harriet Holt.
Division Departmental Secretaries:
Europe: Steen Rasmussen, Rohe-
SABBATH SCHOOL weg 17, Bern, Switzerland.
DEPARTMENT Far East: S. L. Frost, 25 Ningkuo
OFFICERS Road, Shanghai, China.
Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, South America: C. P. Crager,
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Calle Pino 3801, Belgrano,
ton, D. C.. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Associate Secretary: J. S. James, America.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- Southern Asia: S. A. Wellman,
ton. D. C. P. 0. Box 15, Poona, India.
Assistant Secretary: Rosamond D. Africa: T. M. French, Grove Ave.,
Ginther. Claremont, Cape, South Africa.
OTHER MEMBERS Australia: H. C. White, " Mizpah,"
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Inter-America: Mrs. Matilda E.
Station, Washington, D. C.
Andross, Balboa, Canal Zone,
M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal.
C. K. Meyers, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS
B. E. Beddoe, Takoma Park Sta-
C. K. Meyers, Takoma Park, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
W. E. Howell, Takoma Park, D. C.
E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
C. A. Russell, Takoma Park, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
J. A. Stevens, Takoma Park, D. C.
Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma
Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Park, D. C.
T. E. Bowen, Takoma Park Sta-
A. W. Spalding, Takoma Park,
tion, Washington, D. C.
D. C.
M. L. Andreasen, 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
Frederick Griggs, Berrien Springs,
St. Paul, Minn. Mich.
C. P. Bollman, Takoma Park Sta-
J. W. Mace, Takoma Park, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Miss Kathryn L. Jensen, Takoma
C. NV Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
Park, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Miss Lora Clement, Takoma Park,
S. A. Wellman, (Southern Asia).
D. C.
Mrs. Anna L. Hindson (Austra-
C. A..Holt, Takoma Park, D. C.
Mrs. A. P. Tarr, (Africa). Union Conference Secretaries: .
C. P. Crager, (South America). Atlantic: N. H. Saunders, South
Mrs. I. H. Evans, (Far East). Lancaster, Mass.
Mrs. Matilda E. Andross, (Inter- Central: D. D. Rees, College View,
AMerica). Nebr.

Columbia; C. E. Andross, 266 Park G. A. Snyder, 3131 Pasadena Ave.,

Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. Los Angeles, Cal.
Lake: G. H. Smith, Berrien W. M. Healey, 2967 B St., San
Springs, Mich. Diego, Cal.
Northern: H. J. Sheldon, 2718 F. A. Coffin, Takoma Park Sta-
Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, tion, Washington, D. C.
Minn. C. P. Bollman, Takoma Park Sta.
North Pacific: A. W. Peterson, tion, Washington, D. C.
College Place, Wash. D. W. Iteavis, Takoma Park Sta-
Pacific: W. W. Ruble, Box 146, tion, Washington, D. C.
Glendale, Cal. F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta-
Southeastern; F. R. Isaac, First tion, Washington, D. C.
Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, C. K. Meyers, Takoma Park Sta-
Tenn. tion, Washington, D. C.
Southern: J. C. Thompson, 2001 W. L. Burgan, Takoma Park Sta-
Twenty - fourth Ave., North, tion, Washington, D. C.
Nashville, Tenn. C. W. Irwin Takoma Park Sta-
Southwestern: E. A. Pohle, 518-19 tion, Washington, D. C.
Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, A J. Clark, 200 Columbus Ave.,
Okla. Trenton, N. J.
East Canadian: L. N. Holm, Osh- H. W. Cottrell, College Place,
awa Missionary College, Oshawa, Wash.
Ontario, Canada. L. S. Wheeler, 51 Whitmore St.,
West Canadian: C. L. Stone, La- Hartford, Conn.
combe, Alberta, Canada. A. 0. Tait, Mountain View, Cal.
Negro Mission: Anna Knight, 2001 C. A. Holt, Takoma Park, Wash-
Twenty - fourth Ave., North,
Nashville, Tenn. ington, D. C.
Latin: Samuel Badaut, La Dullive, Division Conference Secretaries
Gland, Switzerland. L. H. Christian, Haieweg 17, Bern,
Scandinavian: L. Muderspach, Switzerland.
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, I. H. Evans, 25 Ningkuo Road,
Sweden. Shanghai, China.
Austral: H. B. Lundquist, Florida P. E. Brodersen, Calle Pino 3801;
F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen- Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen-
tina, South America. tina, South America.
South Brazil: W. E. Murray, Caixa A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wah-
Postal 1028, Sao Paulo, Brazil, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
South America.. E. E. Andross, Balboa, Canal Zone,
ASSOCIATION W. F. Martin, Box 146, Glendale,
Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. E. K. Slade, South Lancaster,
Secretary: C. S. Longacre, Ta Mass.
koma Park Station, Washing- F. H. Robbins, Takoma Park,
ton, D. C. Washington, D. C.
Field Secretary West of Missis- W. H. Heckman, First Nat'l Bank
sippi: W. F. Martin, 421 North Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Isabel St.. Glendale, Cal. 0. F. Frank, 2001 Twenty-fourth
OTHER MEMBERS Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, H. G. Thurston, Box 719, Boise,
Washington, D. C. Idaho.

M. B. Van Kirk, 518 Terminal N. R. Nelson, 2444 Stevens Ave.,

Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Minneapolis, Minn.
S. B. Horton, Drawer C, Berrien M. S. Reppe, Hutchinson, Minn.
Springs, Mich. J. D. Johnson, Brookfield, Ill.
Chas. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave., C. Edwardson, 2130 East Thirty-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. fifth St., St. Paul, Minn.
S. A. Ruskjer, Lacombe, Alberta, L. Halsvick, 602 Forty-fourth St.,
Canada. Brooklyn, N. Y.
S. E. Wight, College View, Nebr.
C. F. McVagh, Oshawa, Ontario, German Department
Canada. Secretary: J, T. Boettcher, 603
A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," South Washington St., Clinton,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Mo. -
E. M. Adams, Box 813, Manila, Advisory Committee:
Philippine Islands. J. T. Boettcher, 603 South Wash-
G. W. Schubert, Tizianstr. 35, Mu- ington St., Clinton, Mo.
nich, Bavaria, Germany, G. A. Grauer, R. F. D. B, Box 135a,
J. E. Jayne, Stanborough Park, Modesto, Cal.
Watford, Herts, England. W. B. Ochs, care Seminary, Clin-
E. L. Maxwell, 537 Twenty-fifth ton, Mo.
St., Oakland, Cal. B. F. Miller, 59 Twentieth Ave.,
R. T. Baer, Florida, F. C. C. A., Patterson, N. J.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South K. A. Offermann, care Pacific Press
America. Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
F. W. Spies, Caixa Postal 768, Rio Miscellaneous Languages Depart-
de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer- ment Western Division
ica. Secretary: B. P. Hoffman, 2003
W. E. Hancock, Casilla 2830, San- East Alder St., Portland, Oreg.
tiago, Chile, South America. Miscellaneous Languages Depart-
A. V. Olson, Gland, Switzerland. ment Eastern Division
J. C. Raft, litilieweg 17, Bern, Secretary: J. F. Huenergardt, La
Switzerland. Grange, Ill.
D.- A. Parsons, 4a Calle Queretaro Swedish Department
No. 74, Colonia Roma, Mexico
City, D. F., Mexico. Secretary: August Anderson,
G. E. Nord, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Broadview College, La Grange,
holm, Sweden. 111.
Advisory Committee:
August Anderson, La Grange, Ill.
BUREAU OF HOME MISSIONS H. 0. Olson, R. F. D. 1, Box 58,
Office: General Conference, Tako- La Grange, Ill.
ma Park Station, Washington, 0. Granlund, Brookfield, Ill.
D. C. Adolph Johnson, Route 4, Box 45,
Secretary: M. N. Campbell. Lodi, Cal.
Associate Secretaries:" J. T. Boett- Carl Swenson, 189 West 100th St.,
cher, N. R. Nelson, August An- New York City.
derson, B. P. Hoffman, J. F. French Division
Huenergardt. Director: L. F. Passebois, Ster-
Danish-Norwegian Department ling Junction, Mass.
Secretary: N. R. Nelson, 2444 Advisory Committee:
Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. L. F. Passebois, Sterling Junction,
Advisory Committee: Mass. -

M. N. Campbell, care General Con- Truman, G. B. Thompson, Mrs.

ference, Takoma Park Station, L. Flora Plummer, C. K: Meyers,
Washington, D. C. H. H. Cobban.
J. Curdy, Oshawa, Ontario, Can-
H. H. Rans, Box 398, Oshawa, On-
tario. Canada. F. D. Wells, South Lancaster,
And the President of Eastern Mass.
Canadian Union Conference. C. T. - Burroughs, College View,
Jewish Division E. R. Numbers, 225 Ethan Allen
Director: F. C. Gilbert, South Lan- Ave., Takoma Park, D. C.
caster, Mass. J. L. Wilson, Oshawa, Ontario,
Advisory Committee: Canada.
F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster, W. A. Butler, Berrien Springs,
Mass. Mich.
0. Montgomery, Takoma Park Anol Grundset, 1712 Fifth Ave.,
Station, Washington, D. C. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Sta- E. M. Oberg, College Place, Wash.
tion, Washington, D. C. David Voth, Box 146, Glendale,
M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park Cal.
Station, Washington, D. C. Home Missionary Dept., 226 First
B. E. Beddoe, Takoma Park Sta- National Bank Bldg., Chatta-
tion, Washington, D. C. nooga, Tenn.
Spanish Division 0. F. Frank, 2001 Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Director: H. D. Casebeex, Route 4, Anna Knight. (Southern Union
Arlington, Cal. Mission), 2001 Twenty-fourth
Advisory Committee: Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
H. D. Casebeer, Route 4, Arlington, G. F. Eichman, 518 Terminal
Cal. Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park C. L. Stone, Drawer T, Lacombe,
Station, Washington, D. C. Alberta, Canada.
A. N. Allen, 1325 North Four- PUBLISHING HOUSE
teenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. REPRESENTATIVES
C. S. Nicolas, 917 South Presa St., L. W. Graham, Review and Herald
San Antonio, Texas.
Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, D. C.
J. R. Ferren, Pacific Press Pub.
HOME MISSIONARY DEPART- Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
MENT G. C. Hoskin, Pacific Press Pub.
Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- Manager, Southern Pub. Assn.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Nashville, Tenn.
Secretary: J. A. Stevens.
Associate Secretary: E. F. Peter- FOREIGN MEMBERS
son. J. J. Strahle, 25 Ningkuo Road,
Assistant Secretary: E. F. Hack- Shanghai, China.
man. Sec. Home Missionary Dept., Calle
OTHER MEMBERS Pino 3801, Belgrano, Buenos
(All of whom may be addressed at Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- ica.
ton, D. C.) : N. Z. Town, M: E. H. C. White, " Mizpa,h," Wah-
Kern, M. N. Campbell, Dr. A. W. roonga N. S. W., Australia.

J. Harker, Stanborough Park, Randall Johnson 1715 Cass St.,

Watford, Herts, England. Nashville, Tenn.
L. Muderspach, Tunnelgatan 25, Miss Anna Knight, 2001 Twenty-
Stockholm, Sweden. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
E. Kotz, Hoheweg 17, Bern, Switz- Tenn.
erland. J. W. Allison, 1229 State St.,
S. A. 'Wellman, Box 15, Poona, Kansas City, Kans.
G. S. Joseph, Grove Ave., Clare- H. J. Miller, Box 1077, Oklahoma
mont, Cape, South Africa. City, Okla.
Samuel Badaut, 100 Rue Leibnitz, F. A. Osterman, 311 North Rosa-
Paris, France. lind Ave., Orlando, Fla.
S. E. Kellman, Balboa, Canal Sydney Scott, 819 West St.,
Zone, Panama. North, Indianapolis, Ind.
NEGRO DEPARTMENT P. G. Rodgers, 3131 Pasadena
W. H. Green, Secretary, Takoma Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Park, D. C.; or 5740 Thirtieth
St., Detroit, Mich.
G. W. Wells, 2001 Twenty-fourth MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Secretary: A. G. Daniells.
W. H. Heckman, First National Associate Secretaries: Meade Mac-
Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Guire, C. K. Meyers.
William Guthrie, Drawer C, Ber-
rien Springs, Mich. Recording Secretary: Mrs. J. W.
S. E. Wight, College View, Nebr. Mace.
M. B. Van Kirk, 518 Terminal Advisory Council: A. G. Daniells,
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. 0. Montgomery, F. M. Wilcox,
F. H. Robbins, 507 Flower Ave., G. B. Thompson, R. D. Quinn,
Takoma Park, D. C. W. W. Prescott, J. E. Fulton,
J. L. McElhany, Box 146, Glen- J. W. Westphal, W. H. Bran-
dale, Cal. son, L. H. Christian, M. E. Kern,
E. K. Slade, South Lancaster, Mass. F. C. Gilbert, C. B. Haynes, M.
J. A. Tucker, Oakwood Junior Col- N. Campbell, J. L. McElhany, C.
lege, Huntsville, Ala. K. Meyers, C. W. Irwin, L. E.
J. K. Humphrey, 141 West 131st Froom, A. W. Spalding, A. 0.
St., New York, N. Y. Tait, Mrs. A. T. Robinson,
M. C. Strachan, 2100 Fifth Ave., Meade MacGuire, B. E. Beddoe,
New York, N. Y. Mrs. J. W. Mace.
J. E. Cox, care Ohio Conference,
Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
U. S. Willis, 6421 Stanford Ave., HOME COMMISSION
Detroit, Mich.
G. E. Peters, 4406 Calumet St., (An interdepartmental committee,
Chicago, Ill. for the helping of parents and
J. H. Lawrence, 2532 Ogden St., uplift of the home.)
Denver, Colo. M. E. Kern, Chairman; A. W.
E. C. Atkinson, 157 Randolph St., Spalding, Sec.; Mrs. Flora H.
N. W., Washington, D. C. Williams, Recording and Office
B. W. Abney, First National Bank e.; F. M. Wilcox, W. E.
nldg., Uhattanooga, Tenn. Howell, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer,
J. G. Dasent, 518 Terminal Bldg., J. A. Stevens, A. W. Truman,
Oklahoma City, Okla. M. D., Mrs. U. V. Wilcox.


Secretary: W. L. Burgan, Tako- CONFERENCE
ma Park Station, Washington,
Literary Editor: L. A. Smith, Anderson, August, Broadview Col-
Glendale, Cal. lege, La Grange, Ill.
Andross, E. E., Balboa, Canal Zone,
GENERAL CONFERENCE Baker, A. L., Mountain View, Cal.
Baker, W. L. H., Oakwood Jr. Col-
CORPORATION lege, Huntsville, Ala.
Incorporated 1904 Beddoe, B. E., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Legal Title: " General Conference Berthelsen, P. E., Harvey, N. Dak.
Corporation of Seventh-day Ad- Boettcher, J. T., Clinton, Mo.
ventists." Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park Sta-
Constituency: The General Con- tion. Washington, D. C.
ference delegates. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Branson, W. H., Grove Ave., Clare-
mont, Cape, South Africa.
Officers: Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Sec., Brodersen, P. E., Calle Pino 3801,
H. E. Rogers; Treas., J. L. Shaw. Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, tina, South America.
J. L. Shaw, C. H. Watson, C. K. Cady, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Meyers, 0. Montgomery, E. R. tion, Washington, D. C.
Palmer, H. E. Rogers. Campbell, M. N., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C.
TRANSPORTATION AGENTS Casebeer, H. D., Route 4, Arling-
J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- ton, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. (Also Christian, L. H., FI6heweg 17,
general agent for trans-Atlantic Bern, Switzerland.
steamship lines.) Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamu rg, Germany.
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Cormack, A. W., Box 15, Poona,
(Also general agent for trans- India.
Pacific steamship lines.)
Cottrell, H. W., 508 East Everett
Adolph Dorn, Room 510, 30 Irving St., Portland, Oregon.
Place, New York, N. Y. (..-hone Cottrell, R. F., Loma Linda, Cal.
Number, Lexington 8463.)
(Consign freight and express Curdy, E. A., Oshawa, Ontario.
care W. A. Brown, 10 East Sev- Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
enteenth St., New York, N. Y.) tion, Washington, D. C.
A. Bacon, 17 Orford Road, Wal- Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park
thamstow, E. 17, London, Eng- Station, Washington, D. C.
land. Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park Sta-
G. C. Hoskin, Pacific Press Pub. tion, Washington, D. C.
Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Evans, I. H., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Fred Hutchinson, Drawer M, Cris- Shanghai, China.
tobal, Canal Zone, Panama. Flaiz, C. W., College Place, Wash.
Mid the Treasurers of Union Con- Fletcher, W. W., "Mizpah," Wah-
ferences in North America. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.

Froom, L. E., 2123 Twenty-fourth Olson, H. 0., Rt. 1, Box 58, La

Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Grange, Ill.
Fulton, J. E., " Mizpah," Wah- Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta-
roonga, N. S. W.,- Australia. tion, Washington, D. C.
George, W. A., M. D., Loma Linda, Passebois, L. F., Sterling Jet.,
Cal. Mass.
Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster, Peterson, E. F., Takoma Park, D. C.
Mass. Prescott, W. W., College View,
Green, W. H., Takoma Park Sta- Nebr.
tion, Washington, D. C.; or 5740 Quinn, R. D., 5332 Sumner Ave.,
Thirtieth St., Detroit, Mich. Eagle Rock, Cal.
Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta- Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn.
tion, Washington, D. C. Russell, C. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Hoffman, B. P., 2003 East Alder tion, Washington, D. C.-
St., Portland, Oregon. Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Ste
Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park
Huenergardt, J. to., Route 1, Box Station, Washington, D. C.
58, La Grange, Ill. Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Irwin, C. W., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park Sta-
James, J. S., Takoma Park Sta.- tion, Washington, D. C.
thin, Washington, D. C. Sutherland, Dr. E. A., Madison,
Johnson, H. R., Hutchinson, Minn. Tenn.
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal
tion, Washington, D. C. Thomason, Geo., M. D., 312 North
Knox, W. T., Mountain View, Cal. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Kress, D. H., M. D., Takoma Park Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
1.ongacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta- Thurber, R. B., 2123 Twenty-
tion, Washington, D. C. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Mace, J. W., Takoma Park, Wash- Tenh. -
ington, D. .C. Town, N. Z., .Takoma Park Sta-
MacGuire, Meade, Route B, Box 55, tion, Washington, D. C.
Modesto, Cal. Truman, A. W., M. D., Takoma
Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Martin, W. F., 421 North Isabel Tucker, J. A., Huntsville, Ala.
St., Glendale, Cal. Underwood, R. A., College View,
IcCoy, L., Battle Creek, Mich. Nebr.
McEa,chern, J. H., 1532 California Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, D. C.
St., Mountain View, Cal. Watson, C. H., Takoma Park Sta-
Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C.
Miller, H. W., M. D., Takoma Park Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glen-
Station, Washington, D. C. dale, Cal.
Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St.
Station, Washington, D. C. Helena, Cal.
Nelson, 'N. R., 2444 Stevens Ave., Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Minneapolis, Minn. tion, Washington, D. C.
Nichol, F. D., Mountain View, Cal. Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal.
Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Wirth, Wm. G., 312 North Boyle
tion, Washington, D. C. Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

LICENTIATES Ginther, Rosamond D., Takoma

Altman, Roger, College View, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Bralliar, F. W., Madison, Tenn. Holt, Mrs. Harriet, Takoma Park
Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park Sta- Station, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park Sta-
Coffin, F. A., Takoma Park, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Evans, Newton, M. D., Loma Lin-
da, Cal. , Jensen, Kathryn L., Takoma Park
Hall, H. H., Takoma Park Sta- Station, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Lewis, Mrs. C. C., Takoma Park
Hoskin, G. C., Brookfield, Ill. Station, Washington, D. C.
Jacobsen, E. C., Huntsville, Ala. Mace, Mrs. J. W., Takoma Park
Johnson, H. M., Hutchinson, Minn. Station, Washington, D. C.
Knox, M. F., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. McEnterfer, Sara, Sanitarium,
Long, Alex, La Grange, Ill. Cal.
Mattsson, Karl, La Grange, Ill. Peek, Sarah, La Jota, Ca].
Offerman, K. A., Brookfield, Ill. Peifer, E. C., Brookfield, Ill.
Swedberg, August, Route 1, Box Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma
58, La Grange, Ill. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Woods, R. F., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Yakovenko, A. G., Route 1, Box 58, tion, Washington, D. C.
La Grange, Ill. Sherrig, Harry, Brookfield, Ill.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES White, W. R., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Ambs, K. F., Huntsville, Ala. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park Sta- Williams, Mrs. Flora H., Takoma
tion, Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.


Organized 1901
Territory: The Conferences of Punches, N. H. Saunders, P. D.
Greater New York, Massachu- Wells, D. A. Bailey, B. P. Mach-
setts, New York, Southern New lan, V. L. Fisher, M. D., A. T.
England, New England, and the Robinson, S. E. McNeill, H. W.
Bermuda Mission. Carr.
Population: 17,786,136; churches, Legal Assn.: " The Atlantic
178; membership, 9,357. Union Conference Assn. of S.
D. A."
Office Address: South Lancaster,
Mass. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Field Miss., V. 0. Punches.
Pres., E. K. Slade. Educational and Miss. Vol., N.
Sec. and. Treas., C. L. Kilgore. H. Saunders.
Executive Committee: E. K. Medical Miss.,
Slade, the presidents of confer- Home Miss., F. D. Wells.
ences composing the Atlantic Negro Representative, J. K.
Union, C. L. Kilgore, V. 0. Humphrey.

Ministers: Haynes, J. I. Foster, Louis Hals-

E. K. Slade, B. F. Machlan, H. W. ' vick, L. K. Dickson, W. R. An-
Carr, V. 0. Punches, N. H. Saun- drews, M. H. Schuster, J. K.
ders, C. L. Taylor, F. D. Wells. Humphrey, M. C. Strachan, R. J.
Honorary: P. F. Bicknell, A. T. Ubbink.
Robinson, S. J. Hersum, D. G. Legal Assn.: " Greater New
Turk, C. Meleen. York Corporation of Seventh-day
Licentiates: Adv.entists; " Pres., C. B.
C. A. Shull, G. H. Winslow, D. Haynes; Sec. and Treas., J. I.
A. Bailey, J. L. Johnson, E. F. Foster; Associate Sec. and
Otis, M. P. Robison,J. N. Clapp, Treas., J. K. Macmillan.
C. H. Schowe, V. L. Fisher, Department Secretaries:
M. D. Book and - Bible House, Man-
Missionary Licentiates: ager, J. B. Frank; Treas., J.
C. L. Kilgore, W. M. Vehorn, I. Foster.
Mrs. A. T. Robinson, Mrs. H. Educational and Miss Vol., F. R.
W. Carr, B. B. Ross, Rowena Wood.
Purdon, S. E. McNeill, Miss Field Miss.,
Gladys Bowen. Home Miss., C. B. Haynes.
Honorary: Mrs. J. C. Hennessy, Medical Miss.,
Ellery Robinson, Mrs. M. A. Religious Liberty, C. B. Haynes.
Scribner, W. A. Wilcox, Mrs. M. Sabbath School, C. B. Haynes.
A. Wheeler, Jennie Thayer,
Florence L. Boyle. Ministers:
C. B. Haynes, Louis Halsvick, L.
K. Dickson, W. R. Andrews, M.
GREATER NEW YORK H. Schuster, R. Calderone, H.
CONFERENCE N. Gemon, J. K. Humphrey, M.
Organized 1902 C. Strachan, Carl Swenson.
Honorary: P. Z. Kinne.
Territory: The City of Greater
New York; Long Island, (exclu- Licentiates:
sive of that part contained in Percy Brownie, J. E. Hanson, J.
the City of Greater New York); L. Johnson, Wm. Schaeffler, J.
and the following-named coun- Tuzzolino.
ties in the State of New York: Missionary Licentiates:
Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Vesta Cash, J. I. Foster, J. B.
Orange, Dutchess, Ulster, Sulli- Frank, H. P. Hansen, G. M.
van, Delaware, Greene, and Co- Harris, Maija, Helvio, Margaret
lumbia. Izso, Elfreda Johansen, Alfreda
Population: 6,684,433; churches, Johnson, Mrs. J. L. Johnson,
24;. members, 2,840. Louise Johnson, Louis Klebahn,
Office: Room 1103, 120 West .Mary Lewis, Jesse M. Lynch, J.
Forty-second St., New York, N. K. Macmillan, Augusta Meyer,
Y. (Telephone, Wisconsin 4857- J. L. Moran, H. H. Morse, Car-
4858). rie Nelson, Ruth Tyrrell, Marie
Officers: Tyvold, Lilian Vaughan, Marie
Pres., C. B. Haynes. Voth, Frieda E. Wagner, F. R.
Sec. and Treas., J. I. Foster. Wood.
Associate Sec. and Treas., J. K. Church Schools:
Macmillan. Harlem: 106 West 127th St.,
. Assistant Treas., G. M. Harris. New York City. .
Executive Committee: C. B. Primary, Geneva Bryan.

Intermediate: Rebecca Yeadon. Up-State:

Grammar, Elma Engleton. Middletown (English), 11 Ben-
Middletown: 9 Benton Ave., ton Ave., Middletown, N. Y.
Middletown, N. Y. Mount Vernon, cor. Fulton St.
Primary, Myrtle Hartford. and Morris Ave., Mt. Vernon,
Grammar, Sallie Jenkins. N. Y.
Ridgewood: 1925 Gates Ave., Newburgh, Odd Fellows Hall,
Brooklyn, N. Y. 105 Broadway, Newburgh, N.
Primary, Myrtle Reinmuth. Y.
Grammar, Carl Becker. New Rochelle (Negro), 18 Brook
. St., New Rochelle, N. Y.
Temple: 201 Lenox Ave., New
York City. Port Jervis (English), Odd Fel-
Primary, Ingeborg M. Horton. lows Hall, Pike and Ham-
Intermediate, Mrs. F. R. mont Sts., Port Jervis, N. Y.
Grant. Poughkeepsie ( English ), 390
Grammar: Emily Zeh. Main St., Poughkeepsie, Y.
White Plains (Negro), 341/2
Church. Directory: Wincnester St., White Plains,
N. Y.
Danish-Norwegian, 618 Fiftieth
English, Green and Patchen
Ayes. ENCE
Finnish, 618 Fiftieth St. Organized 1870
German, 1925 Gates Ave.
Italian, 675 Hicks St. Territory: The State of Massa-
Negro, 201 Willoughby Ave. chusetts.
Swedish, 315 Forty-seventh St. Population: 3,852,356; churches,
Long Island: 31; members, 1,972.
Patchogue (English) Methodist Office Address: South Lancaster,
Chapel, River Road, Patcho- Mass.
gue, L. I.
New York: Officers:
English (Temple), 120th St., Pres., W. C. Moffett.
and Lenox Ave. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Edwards.
German, 330 East 156th St. Executive Committee: W. C.
Hungarian, 120th St. and Lenox Moffett, J. E. Edwards, R. S.
Ave. Fries, A. T. Robinson, D. P.
Italian, 237 East 112th St. Wood, J. H. Tiney, Jr.
Negro (First Harlem), 144 West 'Legal Assn.: " The Massachu-
131st St. setts Conference Assn. of S. D.
Negro (Second Harlem), 106 A."
West 127th St. Department Secretaries:
Negro (Sharon), 132 West Six- Tract Soc., J. E. Edwards.
ty-first St. Field Miss., T. M. Butler.
Swedish, 173d St. and Morris Sabbath School, Mrs. J. Schnetz-
Ave. ler.
Staten Island: Home Miss., Joseph Schnetzler.
Port Richmond (English), Ma- Religious Liberty, P. F. Bick-
sonic Hall, Richmond Ave. nell.
and Bennett St., Port Rich- Educational and Miss. Vol., J. H.
mond, Staten Island. Tiney, Jr.

Ministers: New Bedford, Portuguese, 736

W. C. Moffett, P. F. Bicknell, R. Pleasant St.
S. Fries, D. P. Wood, Joseph Northampton, I. 0. 0. F. Hall,
Schnetzler, S. E. Norton, E. E. Center St.
Osborne, H. D. Greene, A. T. Pittsfield, 28 West St., over
Robinson, S. Mortenson. Italian Bank
Licentiates: Roxbury, colored, Cabot and
J. W. Freiberger, Walter How- Sterling Sts.
ard, J: F. Knipschild. Roslindale, German, Fairview
Missionary Licentiates: Hall, Roslindale Sq.
J. E. Edwards, Mrs. Oris Arm- Sanitarium Church, New Eng-
strong, Miss Fay Coss, C. S. land Sanitarium, Melrose,
Munn, Miss Cora A. Spencer, Mass.
Mrs. Constance Wills, Miss South Lancaster, Sawyer and
Mary E. Walsh, Mrs. R. K. Gem- Narrow Lane; P. F.
belling, Mrs. J. Schnetzler, Mrs. Springfield, Central and Bleek
J. A. L. Derby, Miss Nella East- Sts.; S. E. Norton, 91 ' Park
man, Miss Florence Tate, T. M. St.
Butler, Manuel Nobrega, , W. Taunton, Arlington Chapel.
Chartier. Taunton, Portuguese, Main and
Church School Teachers: Weir Sts.
Marion. Thurlow, Estelle Bishop, Worcester, English and Swedish,
Lydia Helmer, Ruth Dimling, Highland and West Sts.;
Stella McLymond, Jessie Weiler, (English) D. P. Wood, 49
Gertrude Meier, Nina Rowell, Beaver St.; (Swedish) S.
Olive Lindberg, Mrs. Bertha Mortenson, 167 Granite St.,
Peake, Mrs. J. A. Trout. Quincy.
Church Directory:
Amesbury, S. D. A. Church,
Athol Church, South Athol Rd.
Boston, Boston Temple, cor. Territory: States of Maine, New
Warren Ave. and Canton St. Hampshire and Vermont.
Brockton, 330 Crescent St.
Danvers, Putnam St. Population: 1,563,525; churches,
Everett, Universalist Church, 45; members, 1,248.
Broadway and Summer Sts.; Office: 55 South Main St., Roches-
R. S. Fries, 95 Everett St.,' ter, N. II.
Fitchburg, No. 1, Knowlton Ter- Officers:
ra ce. Pres., D. U. Hale.
Haverhill, 33 Central St., Brad- Sec. and Treas., V. H. Hanscom.
ford. Executive Committee: D. U.
Lowell, Liberty St., near School Hale, V. H. Hanscom, D. H.
St. Hanson, W. A. Bickford, G. E.
Mansfield, Foxvale Chapel. Owens, W. E. Tatro.
Methuen, Odd Fellows' Hall.
Natick, 8 Jackson Court. Department Secretaries:
New Bedford, English, Univer- Tract Society, V. H. Hanscom.
salist Church, Williams St.; Asst. Sec. and Treas., R. W.
E. E. Osborne, 232 Dawson St. Tatro.

Field Miss., A. M. Barnhardt. Rochester, N. H., Church of the

Home Miss., H. P. Gram. Unity, Liberty and Charles
Educational and Miss Vol., K. A. Sts.
Wright. Rutland, Vt., church building,
Sabbath School, Mrs. H. P. opposite High School.
Gram. Westfield, Me., church building.
Religious Liberty, M. C. Taft.
D. U. Hale, D. H. Hanson, 0.
D. Carley, H. P. Grain, W. 0. Organized 1922
Howe, C. Meleen. Territory: That portion of the
Licentiates: State of New York north and
west of the line formed by the
G. E. Owens, C. 0. Perkins, E. northern boundaries of Dela-
E. Covey, E. E. Clayton, C. 0. ware, Green, and Columbia
Pearl, A. M. Barnhardt, K. A. Counties.
Wright, Josaphat Fortier.
Population: 3,700,794; churches,
Missionary Licentiates: 56; members, 2,277.
V. H. Hanscom, H. B. Tucker, Office: Union Springs, N. Y.
A. L. Griffis, Mrs. Pearl San- Officers:
born, Miss Cora Bowers, Mrs. Pres., J. K. Jones.
D. H. Hanson, Mrs. J. B. Rus- Sec. and Treas., J. E. Osterblom.
sell, Mrs. W. 0. Howe, Mrs. L. A. Executive Committee: J. K.
Ellsworth. Jones, J. E. Osterblom, C. A.
Church School Teachers: Shull, 0. L. Ice, H. M. Fleining,
Edward MacDonald, Carl Franz, L. H. King, W. W. Rice, J. E.
Mrs. Royal Cutts, Miss Ruby ' Belknap.
Farley, Mrs. Calvin Greenleaf, Legal Assn.: " The New York
Christine Dyer, Miss Elna Lar- Conference Association of S.
sen, Miss Martha Bartlett, D. A."
Clara Spooner, Mrs. Jennie Hills. Departmental Secretaries:
Church Directory: Tract Soc., J. E. Osterblom.
Auburn-Lewiston, Me., Sylvan Field Miss., J. E. Whelpley.
Ave., Lewiston. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Burlington, Vt., 190 North Win- C. R. Gibbs.
ooski Ave. Educational, Mrs. E. B. Mark-
Camden, Me., Central St.; 0. N. ham.
Hall, 103 Jhestnut St. Home Miss., F. Bohner.
Concord, N. H., Capital Hall, Med. Miss.,
Warren St. Religious Liberty, L. H. King.
Gardiner, Me., Lincoln Ave. Ministers:
Keene, N. H., Church Bldg., Mc- J. K. Jones, Orva Lee Ice, L. H.
Kinley St. King, Jr., IV; W. Rice, H. J.
Manchester, N. H., Odd Fellows' Capman, C. E. Eldridge, M. R.
Hall, Hanover St. Bailey.
Norridgewock, Me., church build- Licentiates:
ing. J. C. Oswald, F. Bohner, J. E.
Portland, Me., White Memorial Whelpley, A. R. P. Johnson,
Church, 75 Grant St. C. A. Shull, G. E. Miles, C. R.
Randolph, Vt., church building. Gibbs, Harold Snide, A. P.
Richmond, Me., church building. Schwarz, L. G. Sevrens.


Missionary Licentiates: St., 1 p. in.; J. C. Oswald, 867

Mrs. J. C. Oswald, J. E. Oster- Spring St.
blom, G. B. Stevens, Mrs. Clara Jamestown, Swedish, 44 Prather
O'Hare, H. A. May, R. S. Black- Ave., 9: 30 a. m.; A. 0. Lund,
burn, Mrs. E. B. Markham, Mrs. 44 Prather Ave.
Nellie C. Tickner, Edith H. Jeddo, Ridge Road and County
Bamber, Florence Campbell, Line, 11 a. m.
Mabel Vreeland. Lockport, Moose Hall, Main and
Church School Teachers: Market Sts., 9: 30 a. m.
Emma J. Hunt, Abigail Worces- Niagara Falls, Grey and Trigg
ter, Edna Baker, Mattie B. Hall, 910 Main St., 2: 30 D. m.
Tart, aviary Sumner, Lucy H. Olean, 1211/ West State St., 10
Stevens, Marion Seitz, 'Ade11 a. m. '
Robert, Synil A. Wood, Caricon Oswego, East First St., 1: 30
Masdn, H. H. Thomson, Lloyd p. m.
Allen, Martha Keller, Mae Rus- Oswego, 238 Prospect St., ,10: 30
sell, Alvilda MacKenzie, Eva a. in.
MacKenzie, Louise Hammond, Rochester, 60 Grand Ave., 9: 45
Mrs. David Shaw. a. m.
Rome, 321 West Bloomfield St.,
City Churches in New York Con- 9: 30 a. in.
ference: Salamanca, 24 East Jefferson St.,
Albany, con Swan and Jay Sts., 12 in.
10 a. In.; L. H. King, 8 Bar- Schenectady, 125 Rankin Ave., 2
clay St. P. m.
Auburn, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Garden Syracuse, 817 South Ave., 9: 30
St., 2 p. m. a. in.; M. R. Bailey, 511 Hud-
Batavia, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, 2 p. m. son S.
Binghamton, 75 Pennsylvania Troy, German Church, Seventh
Ave., 2 p. m.; C. E. Eldridge, and Fulton Sts., 2% p. m.
31 Bayless Ave. Union Springs, Academy Chapel,
Bolivar, Plum St., 11: 30 a. in. 9: 45 a. in.; C. A. Shull, Un-
Buffalo, English, 92 Hedley ion Springs.
Place, 1: 30 p. m.; Orva Lee Utica, Chapel, 1405 Miller St.,
Ice, 41 West Northrup bt. 1: 45 p. m.; H. J. Capman, 178
Buffalo, German, 92 Hedley Hobart St.
Place, 10 a. m.; A. P. Schwarz, Watertown, Clay and Academy
307 East North St. Sts., 1: la p. in.; H. E. Snide,
Burt, S. D. A. Church, 10: 30 823 Ann St.
a. m. Wellsville, Orchard Place, off
Corning, 73 West First St., Ger. North Main St., 10 a: in.
Evangelical Church, 1 p. m.
Elmira, 310 West Third St., 10
a. m.; A. R. P. Johnson, 734
Fredonia, Grange Hall, West CONFERENCE
Main St., 1:30 p. m.
Glens Falls, Bay and Sarella Ste., Organized in 1903, from territory
10 a. m. formerly comprised in the New
Herkimer, 0. W. A. M. Hall, 265 England Conference.
North Main St., 9: 30 a. m. Territory: The States of Connec-
Hornell, 1 Tobe's Hill Road, ticut and Rhode Island.
1: 45 p. m. Population: 1,985,028; churches,
Jamestown, English, 708 Cherry 21; members, 941.

Office:. 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, 312 Wilmot Ave.; 1). A.. Mo-
Conn. zar, 2345 Fairchild Ave.
Hartford, Conn., St. James
Officers: Church, Park and Washington
Pres., E. L. Cardey. Sts.; E. L. Cardey, 51 W hit-
Sec. and Treas., more St.
Asst. Sec. and Treas., H. U. Hartford, Conn. (Swedish), St.
Wendell. James Church, Park and
Executive Committee: E. L. Washington Sts.; A. Blom-
Cardey, L. S. Wheeler, A. E. stedt, 933 Park St.
Sanderson, W. F. Baker, E. F. New Haven, Conn., 64 Brewster
Henry, D. A. Mozar. St.; L. Wheeler, 15 Blaxe
Legal Assn.: " The Southern t.
New England Conference Assn. New Haven, Conn. (Colored), 28
of S. D. A., Inc." Dickerman
Department Secretaries: New London, Conn., Masonic
Book ani: Bible House, Hall, Union St.
Asst. Sec., H. U. Wendell. Pawtucket, R. I., 239 Central
Sabbath School, Educational, Ave.; Ellery Robinson, R. F.
and iviiss. Vol., Miss Louise C. D. 4, Attleboro, Mass.
Kleuser. Providence, R. I., S. D. A. Tab-
Field Miss., B. 'VI. Preston. ernacle Church, Cranston and
Home Miss., J. W. Sypher. Burgess Sts.; A. E. Sander-
Religious Liberty, E. L. Cardey. son, 161 Linwood Ave.
Ministers: Providence, R. I. (Swedish), S.
D. A. Tabernacle Church,
E. L. Cardey, W. R. Uchtman, Cranston and Burgess Sts.; A.
L..S. Wheeler, A. E. Sanderson, Blomstedt, 933 Park St.,
A. Blomstedt, David Norden- Hartford, Conn.
malm. Westerly, R. I. Lester Ave.
Licentiates: Willimantic, Conn., Y. M. C. A.
H. E. Shipley, D. A. Mozar, J. Bldg.; C. P. Lillie, Amston,
W. Sypher, B. M. Preston. Conn.
Missionary Licentiates: Woonsocket, R. I. (French), 108
Miss Elizabeth Kehrein, Mrs. D. Roberta Ave.
A. Mozar, Mrs. J. W. Sypher,
Miss E. Flodin, Miss Ethel
Meek, Miss Tibbs, Miss Candace BERMUDA MISSION
Ferguson, H. U. Wendell, Mrs.
Lee S. Wheeler (Honorary), J. Address: Hamilton, Bermuda Is-
I. Cassell. lands.
Population: 18,000; church, 1;
Church School Teachers: members, 79.
Miss Helen E. Hall, Mrs. Julia
R. Winch, Miss Estelle Broome, Officers:
Miss Marion Folsom, Miss Director, H. W. Carr.
Georgia Hood, Mrs. Marion D. Department Secretaries:
Fredericks, Raymond Libby. Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Church Directory: Mrs. E. M. Astwood.
Bridgeport, Conn., 312 Wilmot Miss. Vol., Miss Helen Gomaz.
Ave. Minister:
Bridgeport, Coma. (Slovakian), H. W. Carr.
Sylvan Ave. Church School Teacher:
Bridgeport, Conn. (Hungarian), Louisa Linch.

INSTITUTIONS IN THE AT- Hartford Intermediate School,

LANTIC UNION CON- 51 Whitmore St., Hartford,
Pine Tree Academy, Auburn, Me.
Educational: Union Springs Academy, Union
Atlantic Union College, South Springs, N. Y.
Lancaster, Mass.
Greater Boston Intermediate Publishing:
School, Warren and West New York Branch of Review
Canton Sts., Boston, Mass. and Herald Pub. Assn., Peeks-
Greater New York Academy, kill, N. Y.
120th St., and Lenox Ave.,
New York, N. Y. Sanitarium:
Harlem Academy, Carlton Hall,
108 West 127th St., New York, New England Sanitarium, Mel-
N. Y. rose, Mass.


Organized 1902
Territory: The Conferences of Col- Religious Liberty, S. E. Wight.
orado, Inter-Mountain Kansas, Christian Record Board: (Work
issouri, Nebraska, and Wyom-M for the blind) Pres., S. E.
ing Mission. Wight; Sec., Roger Altman;
Population: 7,714,449; churches, Treas., R. T. Emery; D. D.
251; members, 11,390. Rees; C. T. Burroughs.
Office: 303 West Seventh St., Col- Ministers:
lege View, Nebr. (Telephone, S. E. Wight, J. B. Blosser, D.
College 182, Lincoln, Nebr.) D. Rees, 0. M. John, W. B.
Officers: Ochs, H. F. Saxton, G. C.
Pres., S. E. Wight. George, J. F. Harder, C. T. Bur-
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, R. T. roughs.
Emery. Honorary: '
Executive Committee: S. E. A. G. Steinert, W. H. White, L.
Wight, R. T. Emery, M. L. Rice, W. Terry, W. F. H. Schroeder,
J. W. Turner, M. A. Hollister, J. P. Gardiner, -J. S. Hart, J. H.
H. C. Hartwell, S. G. Haughey, Neufeld, D. P. Miller, - C. W.
V. J. Johns, D. D. Rees, J. B. Allen, H. A. Aufderhar, R. B.
Blosser, C. T. Burroughs, W. W. Coberly, B. M. Garton, A. Ar
Prescott, W. B. Ochs, R. E. Meyer, Charles Lightner, J. R.
Bowles, Dr. H. A. Green, F. R. Staton.
Legal Assn.: " Central Union Licentiates:
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." R. T. Emery, Dr. H. A. Green,
Pres., S. E. Vight; Sec., R. T. 11. R. Neumann.
Emery. Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries: Mrs. L. N. Muck, Miss Pearl L.
Field Miss., J. B. Blosser. Rees.
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. Honorary License:
D. Rees. Miss Bessie Sufficool, Miss Anarny
Home Miss., C. T. Burroughs. Welsh, Mrs. Anna Sufficool.

COLORADO CONFERENCE J. Wallace, Miss Ethel Sander-

Organized 1908 son, J. E. Dean, Mrs. E. M. Bar-
rett, Buford Ward, Miss Hazel
Territory: The State of Colorado Ringer, F. A. Schilling, Miss
east of the Continental Divide. Esther Kraft, Miss Sidney
Smith, Miss Hazel Cook, Miss
Population: 807,543; churches, 53; Opal Holton, Mrs. M. Pinney, L.
members, 2,946. W. Taft, Miss Elsie Long, Miss
Office: 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Elma Schneider, H. C. Klement,
Colo. Mrs. Geo. Barker, Miss Bertna
Officers: Ortner, Miss Georgiana Hackett,
Pres., M. L. Rice. Miss Phylum, Nagel, Miss Mil-
Sec. and Treas., W. F. Field. dred Starr, Miss Lura Wilbourn,
Executive Committee: M. L. Miss Mildred Sanders, Miss Beu-
Rice, W. F. Field, G. R. West, B. lah Soper, Miss Marjorie Yhil-
W. Brown, N. T. Sutton, N. W. lips, Miss Alice Cox, Mrs. F'. A.
Dunn, C. L. Wilson Schilling.
Legal Association: " The Sev- Churches and Pastors:
enth-day Adventist Association Alamosa, 830 Main St.
of Colorado." Boulder, Seventh St. and High-
Department Secretaries: land Ave.; N. V. Willess, 520
Concord Ave.
Tract Society, W. F. Field. Canon City, Main St., near
Field Miss., C. N. Young. Twelfth.
Sabbath School, F. A. Page. Colorado Springs, 324 North
Home Miss., M. L. Rice. W/ahsatch St.; A. E. Lickey,
Educational and Miss. Vol., N. 1118 East Uintah.
W. Dunn. Denver:
Medical Miss., Dr. H. A. Green. First, West Eleventh Ave. and
Religious Liberty, M. L. Rice. Kalamath St.; G. R. West,
Ministers: 217 South Clarkson St.
M. L. Rice, G. W. Anglebarger, York, East Thirteenth rive.
N. T. Sutton, J. E. Patzkowski, and York St.; G. R. West.
N. V. Willess, B. W. Brown, J. North, Thirty-ninth Ave. and
H. Lawrence, G. Ti. West, John Shoshone St.; G. W. Angle-
Hoffman, G. W. Berry, A. E. barger, 2138 South Acoma
Lickey, B. H. Shaw. St.
South, Mexico and Soutn Sher-
Licentiates: man Sts.; G.W. Anglebar-
W. F. Field, F. A. Page, N. W. ger.
Dunn, H. E. Westermeyer, A. German, Thirty-ninth Ave.
Catalano, C. N. Young, Harold and Shoshone St.; J. E.
Brown. Patzkowski, 4476 Yates St.
Missionary Licentiates: Scandinavian, 1618 East Thir-
Esther Smith, Bessie. Sanders, ty-eighth Ave.; J. H. Hoff-
Emma Spillard, Mrs. Corena man, 4524 Meade St.
Rose, Arthur Edeburn, Daisy Italian, Thirty-ninth Ave. and
Guy, Evelyn Reichenecker, Vida Shoshone St.; A. Catalano,
Young. 1822 West Thirty-third Ave.
Colored, 2536 Ogden St.; J. H.
Church School Teachers: Lawrence, 2532 Ogden St.
Mrs. C. Henricksen, Miss Verlie Fort Collins, Whedbee and Mag-
Beeler, Mrs. J. A. Land, Mrs. F. nolia Sts.
_ :1

Fort Lupton, McKinley Ave., Educational, E. D. Kirk.

near First St. Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Golden, Main St., near C. and S.
Depot. Ministers:
Greeley, Fourteenth Ave. and
J. W. Turner, F. S. Chollar, W.
Eighth St. M. Andress.
La Junta, Fifth and Lewis Sts. Honorary: W. F. Kennedy, F. H.
Longmont, 236 Gay St. Hoxie.
Loveland, Lincoln Ave. and
Tenth St. Licentiates:
Monte Vista, Huxley and Kindle W. D. Kieser, E. D. Kirk, D. E.
Sts. McNiel, A. R. Vance.
Pueblo, Thirteenth and Grand Missionary Licentiates:
Ave.; B. W. Brown, 908 East Sarah Wammack, Helen Collins.
intn Ave.
Colored, 20 Townsend St., Church School Teachers:
Block U. Bonnie Tillman, Mable Carr,
Rocky Ford, 405 South Fourth Gertrude Sinclair, A. R. Vance,
St. Ellen Gardner, Miss Downing.
Salida, Fourth and B Sts.
Wray, East Third and Ash Sts.
INTER-MOUNTAIN CONFER- Organized 1875; reorganized 1914
ENCE Territory: The State of Kansas.
Organized 1916 Population: 1,769,257; churches,
Territory: That part of the State 66; members, 2,278.
of Colorado west of the Conti- Office Address: 612 Taylor St.,
nental divide; the counties of Topeka, Haus. (Telephone,
Daggett, Unita, Duchesne, Car- 2-4141.)
bon, Emery, Grand, and San
Juan in the State of Utah and Mail Address: Box 605, Topeka,
San Juan County in New Mex- Kans.
ico. Officers:
Population: 186,469; churches, 12; Pres., M. A. Hollister.
membership, 687. Sec. and Treas., Herbert Griffith.
Executive Committee: M. A.
Office: 122 South Eighth St., Hollister, H. S. Osterloh, L. C.
Grand Junction, Colo. Christofferson, Herbert Griffith,
Officers: L. B. Schick, V. P. Lovell, R. C.
Pres., J. W. Turner. Baker.
Sec. and Treas., Sarah Wam- Legal Assn.: " The Kansas Sev-
mack. enth-day Adventist Conference
Executive Committee: J. W. Assn."
Turner, E. D. Kirk, W. F. Ken- Department Secretaries:
nedy, F. S. Chollar, W. B. Davy. Tract Soc., Herbert Griffith.
Legal Assn.: "Inter-Mountain Field Miss., R. C. Baker.
Conference Assn of S. D. A." Sabbath School, Miss Edna Wal-
Department Secretaries: lace.
Tract Society, Sarah Wammack. Educational, V. P. Lovell.
Field Miss., W. D. Kieser. Miss. Vol., V. P. Lovell.
Miss. Vol., J. W. Turner. Home Miss., j. C. Clark.

Medical Miss.,' Dr. Paul Christ- Kansas City First 2200 North
man. Fifth St.; L. B. Schick, 737
Religious Liberty, M. A. Hollis- Waverly St.
ter. Kansas City Second (Colored),
Ministers: Everett and Freeman Ayes.;
M. A. Hollister, A. E. Johnson, J. W. Allison, 1229 State St.
Bern6.rd Voth, A. S. Bringle, E. Lawrence, 1000 New York Ave.
G. Hayes, L. B. Schick, J. W. Leavenworth, Ninth Ave. and
Allison. Spruce St.
Honorary: A. G. Steinert, W. E. Liberal, North Kansas Ave.
Manhattan, 600 Laramie St.
Licentiates: Newton, East Seventh and Wal-
F. G. Young, L. 0. Knowlton, nut Sts.
W. F. Surber, R. C. Baker, V. P.
Lovell, F. C. Clark. Oswego, College St.
Missionary Licentiates: Ottawa, Ninth and Main St.,
Miss Maud I. Davis, Miss Edna South.
Wallace, Miss Marie Riffell, Mrs. Topeka, 821 West Fifth St.
John Bland, Dr. Paul Christ- Wellington, cor. F and Jefferson
mann, Herbert Griffith, L. C. Sts.
Christofferson, C. E. Davis, Mrs. Wichita, Dodge and Burton
Gertrude Johnson, Mrs. L. B. Sts.; E. G. Hayes, 3200 West
Schick. Douglas St.
Church School Teachers:
Olga Almskog, Blanche Bowes,
George Loewen, Mary McComas,
Carolyn Thorp, Olivia Uhrig, MISSOURI CONFERENCE -
Mary Althof, Gladys Wagoner, Organized 1876; reorganized 1914.
Lucile Webster, P. W. Peters,
Ora Mohr, Jessie Pride, Ruth Territory: The State of Missouri.
Breeden-Schmidt, Mrs. Eva Dob- Population: 3,404,055; churches,
bins, Bernice Hollister, Thelma 46; members, 2,343.
Lucas, Mrs. C. C. Brown.
Office: 203 West Franklin St.,
Church Directory: Clinton, Mo. (Telephone, 250.)
Chanute, 521 West Second St.
Coffeyville, 1405 West Twelfth Officers:
St. Pres., H. C. Hartwell.
Columbus, Sycamore and Ohio Sec. and Treas., S. E. Ortner.
Sts. Executive Committee: H. ' C.
El Dorado, 410 South Atchison Hartwell, B. D. Robison, S. E.
St. Ortner, A. G. Wearner, R. M.
Emporia, Second Ave. and Con- Carter, Felix Turner, E. G.
stitution St. Crosier.
Herington, Olive and South Legal Assn.: Missouri Confer-
Eleventh St. ence Association of S. D. A.
Holton, Pennsylvania Ave. Pres., H. C. Hartwell; Sec. and
Humboldt, Third and Mulberry Treas., S. E. Ortner.
Hutchinson, Sixth and Bismark Department Secretaries:
Sts. Tract Society, S. E. Ortner.
Iola, 501 South St. Field Miss., R. M. Carter.

Sabbath School, Mrs. P. G. Broe- St. Louis, German, Minnesota

ckel. and Potomac Sts.
Educational, and Miss. Vol., Max St. Louis, Second, Cook St. and
Hill. Sarah Ave.
Home Miss.,
Religious Liberty, H. C. Hart-
Ministers: Organized 1878

H. C. Hartwell, B. D. Robison, Territory: The State of Nebraska,

C. J. Metzger, M. G. Nuness, A. exclusive of the counties lying
Wearner, E. G. Crosier. west of the west line of Cherry,
Grant, Arthur, and Keith Coun-
Population: 1,211,599; churches,
R. M. Carter, Albert Miller, 48; members, 2,287.
Max Hill, R. J. Roy.
Office Address: 1115 West Charles
Missionary Licentiates: St., Grand Island, Nebr. (Tele-
phone, 1760-W.)
Mrs. Ella Merrell, Mrs. D. B.
Christianson, Mrs. E. B. Smith, Officers: '
Mrs. P. G. Broeckel. Pres., S. G. Haughey.
Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall.
Church School Teachers: Executive Committee: S. G.
Haughey, C. H. Miller, A. F.
A. M. Ragsdale, Mrs. A. M. Kirk, J. W. Rogers, C. G. Bel-
Ragsdale, Miss Mabel Giddings, la, B. C. Marshall, M. Beaman.
Miss Gladys Shafer, G. E. Legal Assn., " Nebraska Confer-
Crawford, Miss Gladys Evilsisor, ence Association of the Seventh-
Miss Fannie Healzer, Milo Hill, day Adventists."
Mrs. Milo Hill, Miss Esther
Schneider, Miss Mabel Updike, Department Secretaries:
Miss Lula Leatherberry, Miss Tract Society, B. C. Marshall.
Girtrue McDaniel, E. J. Santee, Field Miss., D. T. Snideman.
Miss Helen Gaede, Mrs. Mary Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Nelson. R. E. Hay.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, B.
Church Directory: H. Wilcox.
Medical Miss.,
Joplin, Jackson St.
Kansas City, First, Linwood Ministers:
Blvd. and Charlotte St. S. G. Haughey, J. D. Johnson,
Kansas City, Second, Twenty- C. H. Miller, A. J. Meiklejohn,
third and Woodland Sts. G. W. Tucker, J. K. Fischer,
Springfield, North Main and T. H. Coopwood, R. E. Hay, C.
Lynn Sts. G. Bellah.
St. Joseph, 1701 North Second Licentiates: -
St. R. G. Tucker, R. H. Hartwell,
St. Louis, Central, 618 North D. T. Snideman, J. I. Beardsley,
Newstead Ave. W. S. James, A. F. Kirk.

Honorary License Minister: WYOMING MISSION

Charles McWilliams. Organized 1925
Missionary Licentiates: Territory: State of Wyoming.
B. C. Marshall, Eva Kimmel,
Norabel Riddels, Miss Rose Nel- Population: 190,000; churches, 8;
son, Miss Ethel Beeson, Miss members, 270.
Delia Wilson. Address: 860 C. Y. Ave., Casper,
Church School Teachers: Wyo.
Carmie Owen, Mary Brebner, Supt.: V. J. Johns.
Herbert Campbell, W. A. Wag-
ner, Gladys Reichel, Harold Treas.: Mrs. V. J. Johns.
Nash, Vida Soper, Ethel Long,
Mrs. W. Turner, Mrs. G. W. Minister: V. J. Johns.
Bowers, Christine Erickson.
Licentiate: G. T. Burgess, Chey-
Church Directory: enne, Wyo.
Beatrice, corner Ella and Tenth
College View, English, Eleventh
College View, German, Union TRAL UNION CONFERENCE
College. Educational:
Fairbury, Tenth and G Sts. Campion Academy, Loveland,
Fremont, Fifth and I Sts. Colo.
Grand Island, 409 East Eighth Clinton Theological Seminary,
St. Clinton, Mo.
Hastings, 205 East High St. Inter-Mountain Academy, R. P.
Kearney, Twenty-third St., and D., Grand Valley, Colo.
Ave. B. Enterprise Academy, Enterprise,
Lincoln, 1020 South Fifteenth Kans.
St. Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr.
McCook, 512 West First St. Union College, College View,
Nebraska City, between 14th Nebr.
and 15th on Central Ave.
North Platte, corner Willow and Publishing:
Tenth Sts. Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch,
Omaha, Memorial, 2660 St. 2215 Farnam St., Omaha,
Mary's Ave. Nebr.
Omaha, Scandinavian, 2660 St. Christian Record Pub. Co., Col-
Mary's Ave. lege View, Nebr.
Omaha, Third, 975 North Twen- Sanitariums:
ty-fifth St.
Boulder - Colorado Sanitarium,
Red Cloud, Walnut St. and Boulder, Colo.
Third Ave. - Kansas Sanitarium and Hos-
Seward, Eleventh and Main Sts. pital, Wichita, Kans.
Valentine, Valentine and Elmore Nebraska Sanitarium, Hastings,
Sts. Nebr.
Organized 1907
Territory: The conferences of E. J. Stipeck, H. F. Kirk, H. S.
Chesapeake, East Pennsylvania, Brown, T. H. Barritt, J. N.
New Jersey, Ohio, Potomac, Kimble, J. P. Neff.
West Pennsylvania, West Vir- Missionary Licentiates:
ginia. Dr Lauretta E. Kress.
Population: 23,518,434; churches, Honorary: Mrs. Elsie M. Evans,
246; members, 12,121. Miss Ella Talmage, Nellie B.
Office: 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Underwood, F. N. Johnson.
Park, D. C.
Executive Committee: F. H. Organized 1890
Pres., F. H. Robbins.
Sec. and Treas., E. J. Stipeck. Territory: The States of Delaware
Robbins, the presidents of the and Maryland, except the coun-
conferences composing the Union, ties of Montgomery, Garrett
and E. J. Stipeck, J. P. Neff, and Allegany, in Maryland; and
Dr. H. W. Miller, H. F. Kirk, including the counties of alor-
B. G. Wilkinson, D. W. Reavis, gan, Berkeley, and Jefferson in
W. B. Walters, R. M. Spencer, West Virginia, and Aceomac in
H. A. Morrison, C. E. Andross, Virginia.
E. R. Numbers. Population: 1,631,562; churches,
Legal Assn.: " Columbia Union 22, members, 1,317.
Conference Association of Sev- Office: 1901 Rosedale St., Balti-
enth-day Adventists." more, Md.
Auditor, E. J. Stipeck. Officers:
Department Secretaries: Pres., J. W. McCord.
Union Field Miss., H. F. Kirk. Sec. and Treas., N. C. Van Horn.
Minister of Education, J. P. Neff. Executive Committee: J. W. Mc-
Miss. Vol., C. E. Andross. Cord, F. D. Gauterau, L. 0.
Home Miss., E. R. Numbers. Drews, Edward Jackson; E. H.
Medical Miss., R. M. Spencer. Dye, N. C. Van Horn, M. S.
Religious Liberty, B. G. Wilkin- Banfield.
son. Legal Assn.: " Chesapeake Con-
Ministers: ference Assn. of S. D. A."
F. H. Robbins, R. T. Dowsett, Department Secretaries:
Dr. H. W. Miller, E. R. Numbers, Tract Society, N. C. Van Horn.
H. J. Detwiler, C. E. Andross, Field Miss., H. A. Wright.
H. A. Morrison, W. J. Stone, J. Sabbath School, Miss Ethel Car-
S. Washburn, C. A. Holt, J. W. roll.
Mace. Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss
Honorary: H. W. Herrell, D. E. Eloise Williams.
Lindsey, H. F. Graf, J. W.
Watt, I. N. Williams, H. K Home Miss., G. H. Clark.
Robinson, C. C. Webster. Religious Liberty, J. W. McCord.
Licentiates: Ministers:
E. G. Salisbury, A. W. Werline, J. W. McCord, Louis Drews, F.
D. W. Reavis, L. W. Graham, D. Gauterau, M. S. Bonfield, G.
E. L. Richmond, W. B. Walters, Mediary.

Licentiate: J. Kistler, J. B. Mallory, W. IL

G. H. Clark. Jones.
Missionary Licentiates: Legal Assn.: " The East Pennsyl.
vania Conference Assn. of S. D.
H. A. Wright, G. R. Apsley, E. A., Inc."
Williams, J. Cooper, Miss Ethel
Carroll, Miss Minnie Buchner. Department Secretaries:
Church School Teachers: Tract Society, W. H. Jones.
Louise B. Stuart, Ruth Wilcox, Field Miss., H. G. Lewis.
Ernel VanNockay, Edward Has- Sabbath School and Educational,
senpflug, Miss Mae Painter, Miss Ernestine R. Hochschor.
Miss Ethel Peet, Miss Ruth ner.
Sterner, Ruth Blackburn. Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., J.
A. Applegate.
Church Directory: Religious Liberty, C. V. Leach.
Baltimore No. 1 Church, Roe-
dale St, off North Ave.; Ministers:
L. 0. Drews, 319 South Thir- C. V. Leach, W. J. Venen, J. B.
teenth St. Mallory, Charles Baierle, W. A.
Baltimore No. 3 Church, Har- Nelson, H. K. Christman, G. A.
lem Ave., and Dolphin Sts.; Stevens, C. S. Baum, A. D. Hay-
M. S. &infield, 1508 Madison nal, H. A. Vandeman, D. D.
Ave. Ehrhardt, H. G. Gauker.
Hagerstown, Cross St. and Mc- Licentiates:
Comas Ave.; F. D. Gauterau, H. G. Lewis, W. H. Jones.
731 Summitt Ave.
Salisbury, 412 East Isabella St.; Missionary Licentiates:
G. Medairy, Box 415. Mrs. Mary Lester, Miss Ernes-
tine R. Hochschorner, Mrs. L. M.
Martin, Mrs. Lydia J. Hilton,
EAST PENNSYLVANIA CON- Miss Maud Belmont, Miss Louise
FERENCE V. Wurts, Mrs. J. B. Matthews,
Organized in 1903, out of territory ' J. M. Ross, Mina Dengler, Mrs.
comprising t h e Pennsylvania Ressiguie.
Conference, which was organ- Church Directory:
ized in 1879.
Allentown, Oak and Poplar Sts.;
Territory: That portion of Penn-
sylvania lying east of the east H. A. Vandeman, 425 North
ern line of Potter, Clinton, Cen- Eighth St.
ter, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and Carlisle, 115 Eas't High St.
Fulton Counties. . Covington, Main and Elmira
Population: 5,026.740; churches, Danville, 119 Spruce St.
.42; members, 1,930. Emaus, 545 Elm St.
Office: 3256 Germantown Ave., Fleetwood, Locust St., N. E.
Philadelphia, Pa. Harrisburg, 1365 Howard St.;
W. J. \t enen, 928 South Nine-
Officers: teenth St.
Pres., C. V. Leach. Honesdale, Independent Bldg.
Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. Lancaster, 419 South Prince St.;
Executive Committee: C. V. G. A. Stevens, 419 South
Leach, W. J. Venen, D. D. Ehr- Prince St.
hardt, C. S. Baum, John Ott, A. Lansdale, Broad St.

Lebanon, 128 South Seventh St. Clark, H. J. Adams, S. G. Sil-

Media, Media Club. vers, M. H. St. John, A. N. Dur-
Norristown, 228 West Main St. rant, J. H. Wierts.
Northumberland, Second St. Legal Assn.: " New Jersey Con-
Philadelphia: ference Association of S. D. A."
Colored, 1518 Lombard St.;
J. B. Mallory, 1928 West Department Secretaries:
Montgomery Ave. Book and Bible House, J. R.
German, 3256 Germantown Watts.,
Ave.; D. D. Ehrhardt, 3256 Field Miss., F. D. Myers.
Germantown Ave. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. J.
North, 3256 Germantown Ave.; Clark.
H. K. Christman, Hatboro, Educational and Miss. Vol., V.
Pa. D. Hagmann.
Slovak, 3256 Germantown Religious Liberty, A. J. Clark.
Ave.; A. D. Haynal, 4325 'Home Miss., L. G. Nyman.
North Orianna St. Ministers:
West, Fifty-first and Locust
Sts.; W. A. Nelson, 5418 A. J. Clark, A. N. Durrant, R.
Windsor St. F. Farley, J. P. Gaede, N. J.
Phoenixville, Main St. Grant, S. R. Haynes, B. E. Mil-
Reading, Hampden and Wind- ler, L. G. Nyman, D. A. Rees,
sor Sts. M. H. St. John, E. H. Swanson,
Sayre, Olive and Harrison Sts.; J. H. Wierts.
Chas. Baierle, 3256 German- Licentiates:
town Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. V. D. Hagmann, G. D. Kirich-
Scranton, Adams Ave. enko, F. D. Myers, C. P. Soren-
Sellersville, 75 Main St. sen, Andrew Yakush, 0. G.
Shunk, Community Church. Carnes.
Stroudsburg, Second St.
Wade, Opposite Public School. Missionary Licentiates:
Wellsboro, Main St. Anna Gately, Charles Cender,
Wilkes-Barre, near Market St. Mrs. A. J. Clark, Maud Gaunt-
and Second Ave.; C. S. Baum, lett, C. H. Gerald, :Signe Johan-
61 West Union St. son, Mary Nahalka, J. R. Watts.
Williamsport, Seventh St.; H. G. Church School Teachers:
Gauker, 122 Brandon Place.
Miss Grace Bryan, Miss E.
Bryne, Mrs. Lenora Patch, Miss
Olive Bryne, Mrs. 0. G. Carnes,
NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE Mrs. Helen S. Curry, Miss Lora
Organized 1902 Tarbell, Miss Ivymae Vernal,
Miss Estella Simpson.
Territory: The State of New Jer-
sey. Churches and Pastors:
Population: 3,155,900; churches, Asbury Park, Borden and Heck
39; membership, 1,671. Ayes.; N. J. Grant, 705 Cherry
Office: 1600 Brunswick Ave., St., Camden.
Trenton, N. J. Bridgeton, East Commerce and
Carroll Ave.; 0. G. Carnes.
Officers: Burlington, Conover St., South;
Pres., A. J. Clark. D. A. Rees, 1600 Brunswick
Sec. and Treas., C. H. Gerald. Ave.
Executive Committee: A. J. 4 Camden, cor. Xenwood and Fein;

broke Ayes.; S. R. Haynes, Temple Sts.; B. E. Miller, 59

3029 Porter Road. Twentieth Ave.
Camden Colored, 1030 Linden Paulsboro, Main St., cor. Dela-
St.; N. J. Grant, 705 Cherry ware; S. R. Haynes, 3029
St. Porter Road, Camden.
Elizabeth, 127 Jefferson Ave.; Perth Amboy, Danish, 411 Ne-
M. H. St. John, 36 Hollywood ville St.; C. P. Sorenson, 111
Ave., East Orange. Aldine St., Newark.
Franklin, Rutherford Ave.; J. Perth Amboy, Slovak, 411 Ne-
P. Gaede, 2 Hilton St., Clif- ville St.; Charles Lender,
ton. 'Woodbridge.
Jersey City No. 1, Stegman Ave. Plainfield, cor. Craig Place and
and Hudson Blvd. Duer St., in German Reformed
Jersey City No. 2, Congress St. Church; M. H. St. John, 36
between Summit and Central Hollywood Ave., East Orange.
Ayes. Pleasantville, Lake Place, West
Jersey City German, Congress of Main St.; R. F. Farley, 624
St. between Summit and Cen- Pear St., Vineland.
tral Ayes.; J. H. Wierts, 254 Ramah, S. D. A. School
Webster Ave. Ramiah; 0. G. Carnes,
Jersey City Colored, 621 Corn- Bridgeton.
munipaw Ave.; A. N. Dur- Swedesboro, cor. Broad St. and
rant, Seventh and Amsterdam Helms Le.; S. R. Haynes,
Ave., Roselle, N. J. 3029 Porter Road, Camden.
Jersey City Swedish, People's Trenton, 200 Columbus Ave.; D.
Palace, Bergen Ave. and For- A. Rees, 1600 Brunswick Ave.
rest St.; E. H. Swanson, 219 Vineland, Eighth and Pear Sts.;
Wilkinson Ave. R. F. Farley, 624 Pear St.
Montclair, Fullerton Hall, South Washington, 24 West Warren
Fullerton Ave.; E. H. Swan- St..
son, 219 Wilkinson Ave., Jer- Woodbury, Mechanic's Bldg., cor.
sey City. Broad and Aberdeen Sts.;. S.
Newark English, Grove and R. Haynes, 3029 Porter Road,
Grain Sts.; M. H. St. John, Camden.
36 Hollywood Ave., East Or-
*Newark Slovak, 307 Ellis Ave.; OHIO CONFERENCE
Andrew -takush, 23 Highland Organized 1863
Terrace, Irvington.
Territory: The State of Ohio.
Newark German, 307 Ellis Ave.; Population: 5,759,394; churches,
J. H. Wierts, 254 Webster 68; members, 3,437:
Ave., Jersey City.
Postal Address: Box 8, Mt. Ver-
Newark Colored, Third S. D. A. non, Ohio.
Church, 308-312 Bergen St.;
A. N. Durrant, Seventh and Officers:
Amsterdam Ave., Roselle, N. J: Pres., N. S. Ashton.
Paterson English, German S. D. Sec. and Treas., A. E. King.
A. Church, North Eighth and Executive Committee: N. S. Ash-
Temple Sts.; B. E. Miller, 59 ton, C. F. Ulrich, R. S. Lindsey,
Twentieth Ave. J. J. Marietta, D. S. Teters, I. J.
Paterson German, German S. D. Gault, J. E. Cox, R. H. Patter-
4, Church, North Eighth and son, W. F. Schwartz.

Legal Assn:: "The Ohio Confer- Bucyrus, Hill St.

ence Assn. of the S. D. A. Canton, Sixth Ave. and Smith
Church." Pres., N. S. Ashton; St., Southwest.
Sec., C. F. Ulrich. Cincinnati
Department Secretaries: 1018 Locust St.; Walnut Hills,
Tract Society, A. E. King. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Colored, 1119 Lincoln Ave.; T.
Field Miss., E. M. Fishell.
M. Rowe, 822 Wehrman-Ave.
Sabbath School and Educational,
0. S. Hershberger.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. A. E. King. East Church, 5700 Hough Ave.;
Home Miss., E. R. Corder. W. F. Schwartz, 1681 Arthur
Religious Liberty, N. S. Ashton.
German, 3161 West Fourteenth
Ministers: St.; G. F. Theiss, Route 4,
N. S. Ashton, J. E. Cox, F. M. Brooklyn Station, Cleveland,
Fairchild, L. 0. Gordon, R. S. Ohio.
Lindsay, J. J. Marietta, J. W. Columbus:
Shultz, C. F. Ulrich, Geo. Polin- Ohio Ave., near Fair St.; C. F.
kas, W. F. Schwartz, G. F. Ulrich, 230 Chittenden Ave;
Theiss, E. C. Townsend, G. L. Colored, Cleveland Ave. and
West, John Klepe, Paul Matula, Spring St.; J. M. Campbell,
E. M. Fishell. 1282 East Long Street.
Honorary: L. A. Spring, A. G. Dayton:
Haughey. Superior and Ferguson Ayes.
Licentiates: Colored, 1820 Home Ave.; Vic-
D. S. Teters, Guy Corder, E. R. tor Joseph, 436 Resaca St.
Corder, Lewis Lenheim, Victor Hamilton, North Second St., K.
Joseph, 0. S. Hershberger, C. W. of Pv Hall.
Guenther. Jackson, Pearl St.
Missionary Licentiates: Lakewood, Andrews and Detroit
Cora B. Gibson, M. Hortense Ave., Masonic Temple.
Elizabeth Morris, Mrs. Lima, Scott and Eureka Sts.
.E. Lenheim, A. E. King, Mrs. A. Marion, 224 North State St.
E. King, Miss Mary Brown, Mrs. Mt. Vernon, Academia, Academy
Katherine Weaver, Mrs. G. E. chapel.
Wales, Miss Marie Gyalay, Miss Mansfield,.100 North Walnut St.
Lillie Kraft, Miss Sophie Gooss. New Philadelphia, Tenth and
Front Sts.
Church School Teachers: Pleasant Hill, Dresden, Ohio.
May Stebbins, Pearl Taylor, Ravenna, Ohio Ave., near South
Rhoda Draper, Catherine Long, Prospect St.
0. A. Wolcott, Lottie Gibson, Springfield:
Nicholas Lessner, A. F. Kaelin, 515 Catherine St.; J. W.
Mrs. F. S. Wier, Emma Schifer, Shultz, 1712 East Main St.
Paul Arnold, Martha Hottes, Colored, 632 South Wittenberg
Catherine Carlson, Norman Ave.
Minesinger, Mrs. Norman Mine- Toledo, 113 South Race St.
singer, Mrs. Ethel Walker, Worthington, Columbus Rural
Mabel Brunton, Thelma Tracy. Rest Home, Worthington, Ohio.
Church Directory: Youngstown, 127 West Marion
Akron, 825 East Buchtel Ave.; Ave.; G. L. West, 1704 Hill-
R. S. Lindsay, Box 201, Ellet, man St.
Ohio. Zanesville, Indiana and Lazeleer
Bowling Green, West Evers Ave. Sts.

POTOMAC CONFERENCE Janet Morris, C. H. Kelly, Mrs.

G. D. BurgeSs, Mrs. Kate Baker,
Organized 1924
E. L. Workman.
Territory: The State of Virginia,
Church School Teachers:
the District of Columbia, and
the counties of Montgomery, Miss Mildred Stuart, Newell At!'
Prince George's, Charles, and St. kinson, Miss Ruth Miller, Mrs.
Mary's, in Maryland. R. R. Sollenberger, Miss Ester
Hicks, W. H. Sebastian, Mrs.
Population: 2,746,884; churches, Inez Budd, Mrs. G. D. Burgess,
33; members, 2,123. W. H. Lane, Mrs. Ethel Nell,
Office: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Miss Myrtle Schoonard, Miss
Park, D. C. Nell Keterman, Mrs. Evelyn
IVIimnis, Miss Amelia Lawrence,
Officers: Mrs. V. 0. Jordon, Mrs. Delilah
Pres., T. B. Westbrook. Gardner, Mrs. Sarah J. Spraggs,
Sec. and Treas., E. L. Workman. Miss Elizabeth Martin, Miss
Executive Committee: T. B. Mildred Martin; Mrs. N. A. Rice,
Westbrook, H. A. Morrison, E. Miss Bernice Robinson, Mrs. A.
C. Atkinson, J. Z. Hottel, J. Q. T. Kirkpatrick, Miss Bessie
Campbell, C. H. Dougherty, E. .Morgan, Mrs. L. R. Middleton,
A. Manry, L. W. Graham, Fred- Mrs. W. 0. Bels, Miss Lorina
erick Lee.. Wilcox, Miss Mabel Porter,
Legal Assn.: " Potomac Confer- Walter Place.
ence Corporation of S. D. A." Churches and Pastors:
Department Secretaries: White:
Tract Soc., C. H. Kelly. Arlington, Va., Seventh and
Field Miss., J. W. Sler. Montgomery Sts.; H. E. Rob-
Sabbath 'School, Mrs. T. B. inson, 112 Willow Ave., Ta-
Westbrook. koma Park, D. C.
Educational and Miss. Vol., Alexandria, Va., 806 Prince St.;
Miss Ruth C. Wilcox. B. E. Connerly, 217 South Pat-
Home Miss., E. A. Manry. rick St.
Medical, Dr. L. E. Elliott. Bethel, Va., Ford, Va.
Religious Liberty, T. B. West- Danville, Va., Colquehoun St.;
brook. U. D. Pickard, 887 Colquehoun
Ministers: St.
Lynchburg, Va., Parke Ave., op-
T. B. Westbrook, B. F. Bryan, posite Miller Park; F. A.
W. L. Adkins, E. A. Manry, B. Harter, 112 Federal St.
E. Connerly, F. H. Seeney, E. C.
Newport News, Va., 221 Forty-
Atkinson, F. A. Harter, U. D. fifth St.
Pickard, W. E. Bidwell, H. E. Norfolk, Va., Thirty-third St.
Robinson, J. H. Smith, R. D. and Colley Ave.
Hottel, W. H. Sebastian. Petersburg, 'Va., K. of F. Hall,
Licentiates: 124 North Sycamore St.; W.
B. E. Wagner, J. W. Siler, J. Z. W. Jennings.
Hottel, W. W. Jennings. Portsmouth, Va., 1610 County
Missionary Licentiates: Richmond, Va., 9 North Morris
Mrs. B. E. Connerly, Mrs. U. D. St.; W. E. Bidwell, 2904 Gar-
Pickard, Mrs. T. B. Westbrook, land Ave.
Miss Ruth C. Wilcox, Miss Roanoke, Va., 727 Jamison Ave.;

W. L. Adkins, 727 Jamison Kelley, W. B. Mohr, C. W. Web-

Ave. er, A. 0. Lund.
Takoma Park, Md.: Legal Assn.: " West Pennsyl-
Sligo, Washington Missionary vania Conference Assn: of S. D.
College; J. N. Anderson. A."
Takoma Park, Carroll and Department Secretaries:
Willow Ayes.; B. F. Bryan,
254 Carroll St., Takoma Tract Soc., W. B. Mohr.
Park, D. C. Field Miss., L. W. Kurz.
Washington, D. C., Capitol-Me- Sabbath School, Educ., and Miss.
morial, Fifth and F Sts., N. Vol., Miss Florence Kimmel.
W.; Frederick Lee. Med. and Home Miss., C. F.
Winchester, Va., 10 West Cork Hansen.
St. Religious Liberty, W. M. Rob-
Colored: bins.
Alexandria, Va., 1012 Pendleton Ministers:
Danville, Va., 757 Doe St.; W. W. M. Robbins, F. C. Phipps, A.
H. Sebastian, 351 Ross St. 0. Lund, C. W. Weber, M. R.
Newport News, Va., 1240 Thir- Coon, J. E. Veach.
tieth St. Licentiates:
Norfolk, Va., 1289 Calvert S. C. E. Reichenbaugh, G. S. Rapp,
Richmond, Va., 912 North Sixth C. F. Hansen.
St.; A. J. Evelyn, 1217 North
First St. Missionary Licentiates:
Washington, D. C.: Florence Kimmell, W. E. Mohr,
First, 824 Eighth St., N. E.; Mathilda Butker, Alfrida Lar-
E. C. Atkinson, 157 Ran- son.
dolph Place, Washington,
D. C. Church School Teachers:
Ephesus, 606 N St., N. W.; Miss Golden Porter, Miss Mar-
F. H. Seeney, 606 N St., garet Butka, Miss Rebecca Nor-
N. W. ris, Miss Evelyn Reichenbaugh.
Church Directory:
WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON- Altoona, Twenty-fifth St., be-
FERENCE tween Fifth and Sixth Ayes.;
J. E. Veach, Wells Tannery.
Organized 1903 Bradford, Jerome Ave., cor.
Territory: All of Pennsylvania ly- Rockland; Fred Shaw, Coud-
ing west of the easterly line of ersport.
Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Bridgeville (Colored), 653 Mc-
Huntingdon, and Fulton Coun- Keesport Ave.
ties. Corry, North Center St.
Population: 3,693,277; churches, Coudersport, West Chestnut
28; members, 1,280. St.; Fred Shaw.
Office: 121- North Pennsylvania Clearfield, Merrill St., C. E.
Ave., Greensburg, Pa. Richenbaugh, Falls Creek.
Dubois, third floor Whitehead
Officers: Hall, 15 West Washington
Pres., W. M. Robbins. Ave.; C. E. Reichenbaugh,
Sec. and Treas., W. B. Mohr. Falls Creek.
Executive Committee: W. M. Erie, 245 East Tenth St.
Robbins, F. C. Phipps, Dr. EL W. Huntingdon, Twelfth St., be-

tween Moore and Oneida Sts. Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad-
Indiana, 121 North Sixth St. ventist Book Society."
Johnstown, 213 Hickory St. Department Secretaries:
Meadville, 946y2 -Water St.
Mt. Braddock, Mt. Braddock, Pa. Book Society, C. M. Paden.
Mt. Jewett, Anderson and Main Field Miss., J. A. Bee.
Sts.; A. 0. Lund. Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
New Castle, K. of P. Ha.11, Home Miss., Miss Nell Mead.
Washington and Mercer Sts.; Educational, H. J. Detwiler.
G. S. Rapp, '804 Butler Ave. Medical, Clara M. Schunk, M. D.
North Warren, Main St. Ministers:
Pittsburgh: H. J. Detwiler, T. W. Thirlwell,
English, 167 Fortieth St.; M.
W. A. Rails, M. G. Conger.
R. Coon, 148 Crosby St.,
Brentwood. Licentiates:
Colored, Centre and Morgan J. E. Lippart, G. W. Lawrence.
Sts.; F. C. Phipps, 168 Au-
burn St. Missionary Licentiates:
German, 167 Fortieth St.; C. C. M. Paden, Miss Nell Mead,
W. Weber, 225 Michigan St., Miss Jessie Welsh, J. A. Bee,
Mt. Oliver Station. Cloda, E. Bailey, Clara M.
Sharon, Leslie Hall, second floor, &hunk.
Chestnut Ave.
Shinglehouse, Shinglehouse, Pa.; Church School Teachers:
Fred Shaw, Coudersport. F. J. Detwiler, Miss Mary San-
Warren (Swedish), S. B. and A. ford, Mrs. C. E. Russell.
Hall, Second St., near Liberty.
Washington, Odd Fellow's Hall, Church Directory:
Chestnut and Main Sts. Charleston, W. Va., 1534 Wash-
ington St.
Charleston, W. Va., Colored, Cor-
WEST VIRGINIA CONFER- ner Bream St. and Second Ave.
ENCE Clarksburg, W. Va., Masonic
Organized 1887 Cumberland, Md., Oak and
Territory: The State of West Vir- Boone Sts.
ginia, except the counties of Huntington, W. Va., 26th St.
Morgan, Berkeley, and Jeffer- and Fourth Ave.
son, and including the counties Morgantown, W. Va., Episcopal
of Garrett and Allegany in Church on Spruce St.
Maryland. Parkersburg, W. Va., Mark and
Andrew Sts.
Population:' 1,504,677; churches,
14; members, 363.
Office: 1455 Seventh St., Parkers- INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLUM-
Officers: Educational:
Pres., H. J. Detwiler. Fireside Correspondence School,
Sec. and Treas., C. M. Paden. Takoma Park, D. C.
Executive Comthittee: H. J. Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Ver-
Detwiler, J. B. Meredith, T. W. non, Ohio.
Thirlwell, S. M. Robbins, C. M.. Shenandoah Valley Academy,
Paden. New Market, Va.

Washington Missionary College, Washington Branch, Review and

Takoma Park, D. C. Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
Park, D. C.
Publishing: Sanitariums:
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Washington Sanitarium, Tako-
Takoma Park, D. C. ma Park, D. C.


Organized Igor
Territory: The Conferences of MARITIME CONFERENCE
Maritime, Ontario, Quebec, and Organized 1902
the Newfoundland Mission.
Territory: The Provinces of New
Population: 5,707,435; churches, Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and
55; members, 1,590. Prince Edward island, with the
Office Address: Box 337, Oshawa, Gaspe Peninsula.
Ontario. Population: 937,955; churches,
Officers: 16; members, 320.
Pres., C. F. McVagh. Office: Memramcook, New Bruns-
Sec. and Treas., Miss Amy wick.
Executive Committee: C. F. Pres., F. W. Stray.
McVagh, J. L. Wilson, D. J. C. Sec. and Treas., F. E. Vansickle.
Barrett, H. H. - Rans, F. W.
Stray, L. F. Passebois, L. N. Executive Committee: F. W.
Holm, F. G. Lane, B. E. Man- Stray, W. C. Young, Joseph
Capinan, E. D. Lamont, I. A.
uel. Armstrong, F. E. Vansickle, R.
Legal Assn.: " Eastern Canadi- H. Cooke.
an Union Conference Corpora-
tion of S. D. A." Department Secretaries:
Tract Society, F. E. Vansickle.
Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. H. Crooks.
Field Miss., Sabbath School, Miss Lulu Van
Educational and Miss. Vol., L. N. Buskirk.
Holm, Oshawa, Ont. Educational, I. A. Armstrong.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., W.
Home Miss., J. L. Wilson. C. Young.
Ministers: Ministers:
C. F. McVagh, J. L. Wilson, J. F. W. Stray, W. C. Young, Jo-
Curdy. seph Capman, E. D. Lamont.
Licentiate: Licentiates:
L. N. Holm. I. A. Armstrong, W. P. Young.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
H. H. Rans, Amy Frank. J. H. Crooks, F. E. Vansickle,

Miss Lulu Van Buskirk, Miss Licentiate:

Greta Hubley. M. V. Campbell.
Church Directory: Missionary Licentiates:
Halifax, Nova Scotia, '19 Parker F. E. Thumwood, C. L. Sather.
St.; Joseph Capman, 53%
Windsor St. Church School Teachers:
Moncton, New Brunswick, Free Miss Murdena McConnell, Miss
Meeting House, Steadman St.;
Abbie Culbert.
R. H. Cooke, 69 Portledge Ave.
St. John, New Brunswick, Para- Church Directory:
dise Hall, King and Charlotte
Brantford, Alfred and Darling
Sts.; E. D. Lamont, 94 Ade- Sts.
laide St.
Chatham, McKeough St.
Galt, Rose and Cambridge Sts.
Hamilton, Royal Templars' Bldg.,
ONTARIO CONFERENCE cor. Main and Walnut Sts.
London, Rectory and York Sts.
Organized. 1899 St. Thomas, Mary and Curtis
Territory: The Province of On- Sts.
tario lying between the 77th and Toronto, Awde and Dufferin Sts.
89th meridians, except the ter- Windsor, 1065 Howard Ave.
ritory east of Nipissing, Hast-
ings, and Prince Edward coun-
Population of Ontario: 2,817,890; Orga n 1880
churches, 25; members, 779.
,Territory: The Province of Que-
Office: 3 Awde St., Toronto, On- bec, with the exception of the
tario. Gaspd Peninsula, and the follow-
Officers: - ing twelve counties of Ontario:
Pres., D. J. C. Barrett. Renfrew, Lenox and Addington,
Sec. and Treas., G. L. Sather. Frontenac, Lenark, Leeds, Carle-
Executive Committee: D. J. C. ton, Grenville, Dundas, Russell,
Barrett, F. E. Thumwood, F. G. Stormont, Prescott, Glengary.
Hill, G. S. Belleau, Wm. Wasell, Population of Quebec: 2,003,232;
M. V. Campbell, L. Payne, T. F. churches, 13; members, 329.
Office' Address: At present, 2883
Department Secretaries: Dandurand St., Montreal, Que-
Tract Soc., G. L. Sather. bec. (After May 1 it will be
Field Miss.,F. E. Thumwood. 4250 Western Ave., West Mount,
ol, G. L. Sather.
Sco Montreal, Quebec.)
Miss. Volunteer, F. E. Thum- Officers:
Educational and Home Miss., D. Pres., F. G. Lane.
J. C: Barrett. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Rose V.
Ministers: Executive Committee: F. G.
D. J. C. Barrett, B. M. Chap- Lane, A. McPherson, W. H.
nut.n, CI_ R. Belleau,. Wm. Wessell. Hooper. H. M. S. Richards, W..
Honorary Ministerial Creden- R. Lindsay, Merlin Davies, E.
tials: J. T. Errington. W. Thurber, H. M. Paquette,

Department Secretaries: Office Address: Box 217, St. John's,

Tract Society, Mrs. Rose V. Newfoundland.
Lane. Officers:
Field Miss.
Home Miss., A. E. Millner. Supt., B. E. Manuel.
Sabbath School, Mrs. Rose -V. Sec. and Treas., Miss Fern
Missionary Volunteer, A. E. Mission Committee: B. E. Man-
Millner. uel, G. H. Morgan, G. Fifield, A.,
.1. Wood, L. H. Davies.
Department Secretaries:
F. G. Lane, H. M. S. Richards, Sabbath School, Miss Fern
W. B. Lindsay. Mann.
Missionary Licentiates: Home Miss., B. E. Manuel.
Mrs. Rose V. Lane, A. E. Millner, Educational, B. E. Manuel.
E. -M. Cyr, Louis Nadeau, Mrs. Miss. Vol., L. H. Davies.
Emma Nadeau. Minister:
Church School Teacher: B. E. Manuel.
Miss Edna Levy. Missionary Licentiate:
Church Directory: L H. Davies.
Montreal, English, 4250 Western
Ave., Westmount, Montreal, Church School Teachers:
Quebec. Carrie Hubley, Robert Duffett,
Montreal, French, 4250 Western Fern Mann.
Ave., Westmount, Montreal,
Ottawa, 64 Fifth Ave., Ottawa,
Kingston, cor. Collingwood and CONFERENCE
Union Sts., Kingston, Ontario. Educational:
Oshawa Missionary College, Box
30S, Oshawa, Ontario.
NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION Ma Tiffin e Academy, Memram-
Territory: The Island of New- cook, New Brunswick.
foundland, and Labrador. Publishing:
Population: 265,000; churches, Canadian Watchman Press, Box
members, 93. 39S, Oshawa, Ontario.


Organized Igor'

Territory: The Conferences of Chi- Office Address: Drawer C,.Berrien

mgo, .East Michigan, Indiana,. Springs, Mich.
Illinois, North Michigan, North
Wisconsin, South Wisconsin, and Officers:
West Michigan. Pres., Wm. Guthrie.
Population: 15,716,149; churches, Sec., Treas., and Auditor, W. E.
357; members, 15,641. Abernathy.

Executive Committee: Wm.. lott, S. T. Shadel, George J.

Guthrie, the presidents of the Seltzer, J. I. Taylor, 0. F.
conferences comprising the Lake Schwedrat, G. E. Peters, Eman-
Union Conference, and Frederick uel Remsen.
Griggs, W. L. Adams, H. 0. Ol- Legal Assn.: " Chicago Confer-
son, j. D. Snider, W. A. Aber- ence Association of S. D: A."
nathy, E: E. Franklin, W. A. Pres., J. W. Christian; Vice-
Butler. Pres., C. , E. Eice;, Sec. and
Legal Assn.: " Lake Union Con- Treas., NV. A. Woodruff.
ference Assn.. of S. D. A." Board of Trustees: J. W.
Christian, W. A. Woodruff, C.
Department Secretaries: E. Rice, 0. F. Schwedrat, G. E.
Field Miss., E E. Franklin. Peters, F. C. Carlson, A. G.
Educational, W. L. Adams. Christiansen.
Training School, Frederick
Griggs. Department Secretaries:
Miss. Vol., Book and Bible House, G. A.
Home Miss., W. A. Butler. Huse.
Ministers: Field Miss., Emanuel Remsen.
Wm. Guthrie, H. 0. Olson, Fred- Home Miss., S. T. Shadel.
erick Griggs, W. R. French, C. Sabbath School, Rosa N. Kozel.
M. Sorenson, H. E. Edwards, C. Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss
A. Burman, W. H. Wakeham, J. Grace Evans.
H. Haughey, J. W. Davis, W. A. Ministers:
Butler, W. L. Adams, R. E. J. W. Christian, Stemple White,
Harter, E. E. Franklin. G. J. Seltzer, W. H. Sherrig, S.
Licentiate: T. Shadel, J. F. Huenergardt,
J. D. Snider. J. I. Taylor, L. A. Hoopes, 0. F.
Schwedrat, G. E. Peters, A. G.
Missionary Licentiates: Christiansen, F. C. Carlson, J.
W. E. Abernathy, Frank Hiner. A. Dominski, J. Vitrano, Eman-
uel Remsen, J. W. Kasa, R. U.
Garrett, Titus Kurtichanov, J.
Organized 1919 Honorary: Emil Rosenwald.
Territory: The following-named
counties in the State of Illinois: Licentiates:
Cook, DuPage, Will, Lake, Mc- F. S. Thompson, J. 0. Fenner,
Henry, Kane, Kendall, Grundy, Andrew Koliadko, N. Oancea, H.
Kankakee; and Lake County, E. Neuf ekl, Samuel Kaplan,
Ind. Adolphus Webb, Stephen Bero,
Population: 3,628,547; churches,' Dr. J. F. Morse, E. C. Rowell,
24; members, 2,354. Emil Leffler.
Office: 619 South Ashland Boule- Missionary Licentiates:
vard, Chicago, Ill. C. E. Rice, Miis. P. T. Hyelle,
Grace Evans, Rosa N. Kozel,
Officers: Helen Payne, Mrs. Emma Nel-
Pres., J. W. Christian. son, Florence Lawrance, W. A.
Sec. and Treas., W. A. Woodruff. Woodruff, Louise Liebau, Mrs.
Executive Committee: J. W. Hazel Thompson, Amelia Rober-
Christian, W. A. Woodruff, Chas. sen, Mrs. V. Rizzo, Sophie Bus-
E. Rice, G. C. Hoskin, F. P. Fur- enberg, G. A. Huse, Dorris Davis,

G. E. Seltzer, Minnie 13. Sell, Prairie Ave.; G. E. Peters,

Mrs. M. L. McKinney, Mrs. C. L. 4406 South Calumet Ave.
Clough, Mrs. Winnifred P. Row- Rumanian, Christian Church
ell, Marianna Bohn, Mrs. G. J. on Grand Blvd., Indiana
Seltzer. Harbor, Ind.; N. Oancea,
Honorary: Mrs. Helen O'dell, Route 1, Box 58, La. Grange,
Mrs. Anna Claus. Ill.
Russian, 2914 West North
Church School Teachers: Ave.; A. Koliadko, 2914
Marie Vixie, Ragna Suserud, West North Ave.
Mrs. L. C. Derrick, Ella Foreman, Swedish, 5414 Rice St.; F.. C.
Alice Bodin, Jean B. Henry, Carlson, 5444 Iowa St.
Ruth Branson, Mae Broderson, South Side, Sixtieth Place and
Effie Vixie, Elsie Klug,, Mrs. C. Princeton Ave.; G. J. Selt-
L. Burke, Esther Olson, Mrs. zer, 6040 South Princeton
Fred Erickson, Louise Cunning- Ave.
ham, Esther Engquist.. West Central (Tabernacle),
3855 West Madison St.; W.
Churches and Pastors: H. Sherrig, 655 North Cen-
Aurora, Plum and Iowa Sts.; J. tral Ave.
I. Taylor, 298 'Woodlawn Ave. Chicago Heights Church, Odd
Broadview, Theological Seminary Fellow's Hall, Chicago
Chapel, La Grange, Ill. Heights, Ill.
Brookfield, Pacific Press Chapel; Hammond, Ind 157 State St.
J. W. Davis, 619 S. Ashland Harvey, 125 153d St., Harvey,
Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Ill.
Chicago: Hinsdale, Sanitarium Chapel; L.
Czecho-Slovakian, 2629 South A. Hoopes, Sanitarium.
Sawyer Ave.; J. W. Kasa, Joliet, Richmond and Prairie
2408 South Central Park Ayes.
Ave. Kankakee, Oak and Dearborn.
Danish-Norwegian; 2914 West La Grange, 17 West Harris Ave.;
North Ave.; A. G. Chris- J. W. Davis, Route 1, Box. 58,
tiansen, 2914 West North La Grange, Ill.
German North Side, 2318 Ros-
coe St.; 0. F. Schwedrat, EAST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE .
4133 North Maplewood Ave.
German South Side, Sixty- Organized in 1902, from territory
second and Lincoln Sts.; H. formerly comprising the Michi-
E. Neufeld, 7955 Indiana gan Conference.
Ave. Territory: The southeastern por-
Hungarian, 9228, Drexel Ave;. tion of Michigan, including the
J. F. Huenergardt, Route 1, following counties: Hillsdale,
Box 58, La Grange. St. Clair, Lenawee, Monroe,
Italian, 1213 Gilpin Place; J. Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson,
Vitrano, 1633 Richmond St. Ingham, Livingston, Oakland,
Polish, 1244 Erie St.; J. A. Macomb, Clinton, ,apeer, Ge-
Dominski, 2306 West Supe- nessee, Shiawassee, Saginaw,
rior St. Tuscoa, Sanilac, Huron, Bay.
North Shore, 656 Barry Ave.;
Stemple White, 719 Barry Population: 2,175,647; churches,
Ave. 49; members, 2,472.
Prairie Ave. (Colored), 4338 Office: Holly, Mich.

Officers: Church Directory:

Pres., W. H. Holden. Adrian, Forester's Hall, E. Mau-
Sec. and Trea., R. M. Harrison. mee St. -
Executive Committee: W. H. Ann Arbor, Prospect and Church
Holden, R. M. Harrison, W. B. Sts.
White, W. J. Webber, G. S. Bay City, 304 South Dean St.
Bugbee, J. C. Stevens, U. S. Chesaning, Gleaners Hall.
Willis. Detroit, German, 3901 Moran
Legal Assn.: " East Michigan Ave.
Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." Detroit, English, Grand River
and Calumet.
Department Secretaries: Detroit, Colored, Hartford Ave.
Book and Bible Society, C. B. Flint, 709 Stockton Ave.
Burgess. Holly, Lake St.
Field Miss., Walter Pergande. Jackson, Summit Ave. and Ten
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., C. M. Eyck St.
Bunker. Lansing, 614 West Washtenaw
Educational and Sabbath School, St.
Rose E. Herr. Pontiac, 37 Hill St.
Ministers: Saginaw, 1200 North Michigan
W. H. Holden, J. C. Stevens, G. Sandusky, Lexington Ave.
P. Gaede, 0. L. Denslow, S. N.
Rittenhouse, H. L. Peden, P. C.
Hanson, W. B. White, F. L. Ab-
bott, U. S. Willis, S. B. Horton. ILLINOIS CONFERENCE
Honorary: E. I. Beebe, H. A. Organized 1918
Boylan, W. D. Parkhurst, N. H. Territory: The State of Illinois,
Poole. except the following-named nine
Licentiates: counties in the northeastern part
C. V. Keiser, C. M. Bunker, Ili- of the State: Cook, Lake, Mc-
jah Belich, W. L. Latham. Henry, Kane, DuPage, Kendall,
Grundy, Kankakee, and Will.
Missionary Licentiates: Population: 3,016,690; churches,
Mrs. Agnes E. Webber, W. C. 36; members, 1,464.
Hannah, Mrs. G. P. Gaede, Wil-
helmine Mueller, Rose E. Herr, Offir:e: 304 West Allen St., Spring.
Ena Alger, I. M. Burke, Walter field, Ill.
Pergande, R. M. Harrison, Vin- Officers:
nie Goodner, H. A. Mickle, Mil- Pres., W. A. Westworth.
licent Jordan, Mrs. J. C. Stev- Sec. and Treas., H. E. Moon.
ens, C. B. Burgess. Executive Committee: W. A.
Honorary: Marie P. Harriman, Westworth, Geo. E. Lefger, W.
Mina Pierce, Carrie I. Irwin. W. Brayshaw, H. E. Moon, L.
Church School Teachers: Post; 0. J. Forman, F. E. En-
Essie Burgess, Dot McCormick, Legal Assn.: " The'Illinois Con-
Alfretta Sherman, Dorotha Case, ference Assn. of S. D. A."
Hazel Elwood, Louise Spencer,
Hobart Crandall, Aileen Hib- Department Secretaries:
blen, Charles Branch, Ethel Tay- Tract Society, D. E. H. Lindsey.
lor, Zella Dean, Ruth Ritten- Field Miss., W. B. Maris.
house, Olive Smith, Dorothy Co- Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., J.
hoon, Gertrude Dabney. D. Reavis.

Sabbath School and Educational, Sts.; B. L. Post, 1602 North

C. K. Wilson. Church St.
Religious Liberty, W. A. West- Springfield, 300 .West Allen St.
worth. Urbana, 1007 West Stoughton
Ministers: St.
W. A. Westworth, E. F. Ferris,
B. L. Post, G. E. Leffler, G. R. INDIANA CONFERENCE
Hawkins, J. M. Wilbur, J. D.
Reavis, C. C. Ellis. Organized 1872
Honorary: C. H. Bliss. Territory: The State of Indiana,
Licentiates: excepting the seven counties in
H. 0. Butler, Mrs. E. Flo Haw- the northern tier.
kins, Is. F. Slater, W. B. Maris. Population: 2,512,677; churches,
Missionary Licentiates: 56; members, 2,240.
H. E. Moon, C. K. Wilson, C. R. Office: Cicero, Ind.
Edgehill, D. E. H. Lindsey, J.
David, W. G. Wolfe, Mrs. Celia Officers:
McAlister, Mrs. Katie Williams, Pres., C. S. Wiest.
Mrs. J. E. Darnell, Miss Lillian Sec. and Treas., 0. G. Albert.
Hagman, Miss Roxie Brown. Executive Committee: C. S.
Honorary: Miss Mary B. uraig, Wiest, 0. G. Albert, D. S. Ham-
Miss Anna Hibben, Miss Jean mond, F. N. Hodgin, Dr. W. R.
Phillips. Simmons, M. J. Allen, F. A.
Church School Teachers: Detamore'.
Ava Kirkpatrick, Mrs. F. G. Legal Assn.: " The Indiana Assn.
Pontious, Mrs. Mabel Hicks- of S. D. A."
Gerber, Louis K. Hendrick, " The Indiana Medical Miss. and
Theodore Greer, Virginia Mott, Benevolent Assn." Pres., Wm.
Guthrie;. Vice-Pres., C. S. Wiest;
Mildred Avery, Cora B. Hicks, Sec. and Treas., Dr. W. R. Sim-
Mrs. C. K. Wilson, Clemence mons.
Volk, Genevieve Nickell; Anna-
belle Seibert, Laurabelle Drury, Department Secretaries:
Elizabeth Cabeen, Ruby Rat- Tract Society, E. L. Green.
cliffe, Mona Boles, Alma Hen- Field Miss., R. R. Brooks.
drickson, Grace Gray, Frances Sabbath School and Educational,
Michelsen. Miss Edith Shepard.
Churches and Pastors: Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., F.
Bloomington, third floor, Odd A. Detamore.
Fellows Bldg. Religious Liberty, C. S. Wiest.
Danville, Y. W. C. A.; G. R. Ministers:
Hawkins, 12 South Buchanan C. S. Wiest, H. A. Lukens, MT .
St. A. Young, W. J. Blake, Tjugh
Decatur, College and Packard Williams, Sydney Scott, F. A.
Sts. Detamore, M. J. Allen.
Galesburg,'247 Blaine Ave. Honorary: 0. S. Hadley.
Moline, 1315 Fourteenth St.; J.
M. Wilbur, 1212 Fifteenth St. Licentiates:
Peoria, North Jefferson and Ab- C. W. Marsh, Frank Caton, S.
bington Sts.; G. E. Leffler, 815 W. Porter, W. R. Simmons,
Spring St. - Charles Allen, A. L. Perkins, B.
Rockford, Myott and Auburn R. Brooks. -

Missionary Licentiates: Lafayette, Eighth and Union

0. G. Albert, Mrs. M. J. Allen, Sts.
Mrs. Mildred Bryan, Mrs. Ida Lafayette Sanitarium, Wabash
V. Hadley, E. L. Green, Miss Valley Sanitarium.
Mary Kent, Amanda Perkins, Linton, 171 First St.
Eva Pitcher, Edith Shepard, Logansport, 809 East Broadway.
Helen Woods, Mrs. Hugh Wil- Marion No. 1, Twentieth and
liams, Anna Lyons, Florence Gallatin Sts.
Tyre, R. F. Pitts, R. W. Woods. Marion No. 2, about 3300 South
Church School Teachers: Middletown, Seventh St.
Verene Payne, Marjorie Kratzer, Mount Vernon, Six miles west
Lorraine Fankhouser, Faye El- of Winamac.
lis, Bernice Hess, Mildred Sig- Muncie,East Ninth and South
ler, Mable Moore, Thomas Stot- Mulbrry Sts.
tlemyer, Mrs. Stottlemyer, Ed- Noblesville, Sixth and Pleasant
'ward Pohlman, Inez Bird, Wil- Sts.
liam P. Gilbert, Evelyn Lien, New Albany, 910 East Oak St.
Nyna hunt, Mrs. B. T. Hughes, New Harmony, care Samuel
Donna Priddy, Lee Eusey, Theo- Axton.
dore Gipson, Arville Ebert; North Vernon, Hicks St.
Louise Ambs, Ruth Johnson, Peru, Engineer's Hall.
Edith Hazleton, Ruby Downing. Richmond, No. 1, 515 North A
Church Directory: Richmond, No. 2, 615 North
Anderson, 811 West Thirteenth Fourteenth St.
St. Vincennes, Woodman's Hall,
Bloomington, 211 South Indiana Third and Busseron.
Ave. Rochester, Sixth and Fulton
Cicero, Academy. Sts.
Connersville, Thirtenth and In- Salem, seven miles 'east of Sul
diana Ave. livan.
Crawfordsville, Third floor, over Shelbyville, 742 South Harris
Bank. St.
Elwood, 102 North Seventh 'St. Terre Haute, 1101 South Fourth
Evansville, 412 Jackson Ave. St.
Frankfort, West McClurg St. Wabash, Masonic Temple.
Fort Wayne, Third and Marion.
Greenfield, Noble and Walnut NORTH MICHIGAN CON-
Honey Creek, Reynolds St.
Huntington, 522 North Jefferson. Organized 1902
Indianapolis: Territory: That portion of the
Twenty-third St., 531 East lower peninsula of Michigan
'Twenty-third St. north of a line formed by the
Onion, 1605 Sturm Ave. southerly boundaries of t h e
South Side, Orange and Lau- counties of Muskegon, making a
rel Sts. straight line across to the south-
West St., 819 North West St. ern boundaries of the counties
Hartford City, South Cherry of Montcalm, Gratiot, Midland,
St. and Arenac.
Jasonville, North Park Ave. Population: 509,400; churches, 42;
Kokomo, 914 West Taylor St. members, 1,360.

Office: Reed City, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, South Fancher St.

Muskegon, 600 Jefferson St.,
Officers: Muskegon Heights; A. V.
Pres., F. A. Wright. Morrison, 816 Maffett St.
Sec. and Treas., A. P. Petersen. Petoskey, Petoskey St. and
Executive Committee: F. A. Michigan Ave.
Wright, W. S. Cole, A. V. Morri- St. Louis, southeastern part of
son, T. M. Summerville, F. S. town.
Clarke, G. H. Simpson, Harvin Traverse City, Wadsworth Ave.
Evens. and Tenth St.; Carl Pruitt,
Legal Assn.: "North Michigan 409 West Tenth St.
Conference Association of S. D.
Department Secretaries: NORTH WISCONSIN CON-
Tract Soc., A. P. Petersen. FERENCE
Home Miss., F. G. Hibben. Organized 1916
Field Miss., C. L. Collison.
Territory: The northern portion
' Educational and Sabbath School, of Wisconsin; including the fol-
Inis Morey. lowing counties: Pepin, Pierce,
Miss. Vol., C. M. Gruesbeck.
Dunn, Rusk, Taylor, Lincoln,
Religious Liberty, F. A. Wright.
Langlade, the nine northern
Ministers: townships of Oconto County,
F. A. Wright, A. V. Morrison, T. and the counties of Marinette,
M. Summerville, 0. M. Kittle, G. Florence, Forest, Oneida, Vilas,
H. Simpson. Price, Iron, Ashland, Sawyer,
Honorary: J. C. Harris, M. C. Bayfield, Douglas, Washburn,
Guild. Burnette, Polk, St. Croix, Bar-
ron, Chippewa; also the Upper
Licentiates: Peninsula of Michigan.
A. P. Petersen, L. M. Petersen, ecpulation: 812,508; churches, 42;
F. W. James, Carl Pruitt, C. M. members, 1,108.
Gruesbeck, H. P. Evens, F. O.
Hibben, C. L. Collison. Office: 620 Tenth Ave., West,
Ashland, Wis.; address, Box
Missionary Licentiates: 482.
Inis Morey, Alma Du Bois. Officers:
Honorary: Mrs. M. M. Faulkner. Pres., J. J. Irwin.
Sec. and Treas., V. R. Neall.
Church School Teachers:
Executive Committee: J. J. Ir-
Miss Katherine Shepard, Miss win, E. A. Piper, G. H. Straight,
Maud Bisbee, Miss Mary Dine, A. W. Nelson, A. L. Beazley.
Miss Lydia Marsh, Mrs. Clinton
Losey, Miss Catherine Smith, Legal Assn.: " North Wiscon-
Mrs. Hilda Schultz. son Conference Assn. of S.
D. A."
Churches and Pastors: Department Secretaries:
Alma, Gratiot and Hastings Sts. Book and Bible House, V. R.
Cadillac, 800 Farerer St. Neall.
Cheboygan, 428 State St. Educational and Miss. Vol.,
Greenville, Cass and Franklin Leonard Light.
St. Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
Midland, Midland Ave. P. G. Herwick.

Field Miss., H. G.' Jensen. to Marinette County, and from

Religious Liberty, J. J. Irwin. there following the northern
boundary of Oconto County to
Ministers: Green Bay.
J. J. Irwin, E. A. Piper, A. L. Population, 2,152,115; churches,
Beazley, P. G. HerWick. 57; membership, 2,004.
Honorary: F. Stebbeds, R. J.
Bellows, P. M. Hanson, C. A. Office Address: Lakeside St., be-
Eckerman. yond ,Madison Sanitarium, South
Madison, Wis.
Licentiates: Office: Box 513, Madison, Wis.
J. 0. Marsh, G. H. Straight, L.
Light. Officers:
Pres., I. J. Woodman.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., L. W. Foote.
Miss Sue Jones, V. R. Neall, H. Executive Committee: I. J.
G. Jensen. Woodman, B. J. White, W. H.
Westermeyer, G. M. Pflugradt,
Church School Teachers: Dr. F. R. Thornton, J. G. Lam-
Miss Crystal Coates, Mrs. J. 0. son.
Marsh, Miss Ramona Ellis, Miss
Grace Peak, Miss Valerie Cato, Legal Assn.: " South Wisconsin
Conference Assn. of the S. D. A."
Miss Ruth Johnson, Miss Eve-
lyn Kittleson, Miss Mrytle An- Department Secretaries:
derson, Miss Clarice Bain, Mrs. Tract Soc., L. W. Foote.
T. C. Baland. Field Miss., Arva Nickless.
Church Directory: Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Ashland, Wis., (320 Tenth Ave., George Butler.
Educational and Miss. Vol., T.
West. S. Copeland.
Chippewa Falls, Wis., Wood-
Medical Miss., Dr. Olive Inger=
ward Ave. and Wisconsin St. soli.
Menominee, Mich, 1718 Broad-
way. Religious Liberty, I. J. Wood-
Merrill, Wis., cor. Eighth and man.
Spruce Sts. Ministers:
Superior, Wis., cor. Eleventh St. I. J. Woodman, Daniel Isaac, W.
and Cuming Ave. H. Westermeyer, B. J. White,
George Butler, T. S. Copeland,
A. D. Bohn, C. S. Joyce, D. C.
ENCE Honorary Ministerial Creden-
Formerly part of the Wisconsin tials: A. W. Coon, A. F. French,
Conference organized in 1871; E. A. Bristol, I. M. Martin.
divided and reorganized in 1916. Licentiates: .
Territory: All the counties of the G. A. Piper, E. A. Weaver, A.
State of Wisconsin south of the W. Perrine, A. G. Parfitt, J. E.
northern boundaries of Buffalo, Jervis, M. A. Maloney.
Eau Claire, Clark, Marathon, and
Shawano Counties, and all of Missionary Licentiates:
Oconto County south of a line Dr. R. S. Ingersoll, Dr. Olive
drawn due east from the north- Ingersoll, Miss Ida Poch, Mrs.
east corner of Shawano County Helen Jarvais, L. W. Foote,

Mrs. Irene Anderson, Miss An- Milton Junction, Vernal Ave.,

geline Precek, Arva Nickless. Milton Jet.; A. W. Coon.
Milwaukee olored, 499 Fifth
Church School Teachers: St.; J. E. Jervis.
Seville Bean, Bessie Wery, Edna Milwaukee English, 865 Fifth
Wingard, Grace Bush, Marguer- St.; A. D. Bohn, 861 Fifth St.
ite Mathe, Grace Jordan, Marie Milwaukee German, 865 Fifth
Reinhardt, Alice Grimm, Fran- St.; Daniel Isaac, 788 Ninth
ces DeVinney, Eva Lewis, Mrs. St.
Alice Beggs, Mrs. Joe Craig, Milwaukee Italian, 789 Van Bu-
Vesta Mabie, Mable Wagner, ren St.; .M. A. Maloney, 712
Helyn Hansen, Agnes Nelson, Sixth S.
Waldemar Doering, Mrs. Walde- Neenah, Henry St.; A. G. Par-
mar Doering, Marian Johnson, fitt, 407 Fourth St.
Grace Apple, Mrs. Ada Hughes, New London; Smith and Pine
Patricia Wilson, Ida Gees. Sts.
Churches and Pastors: Oshkosh, Church and Union Sts.
Oxford, -east side of village of
Almond; Almond, East Side. Oxford.
Appleton, Richmond and Gil- Pardeeville, nortn side of town
more Sts. on Main St.
Baraboo, 400 Block, Fifth St., Portage, Hollenbeck Hall; East
Beloit, Wisconsin and Keeler Cook St., over Wm. Harner's
Ave.; B. J. White, 718 Grant Store.
St. Racine, ; Washington Ave. and
Beaver Dam, Town Hall, oppo- Tenth St.
site ,City Park on Mill St. Sheboygan, 1413 Sixth St.
Bethel, Bethel, Wis., near Ar- Sparta, East Pearl St.
pin; A. F. French, R. F. D., Stevens Point, Pine St.; W. H.
Arpin. Westermeyer, 718 Clark St.
Bethel Academy; J. G. Lamson. Sturgeon Bay, Garland and Lin-
Clintonville, East Fourth St. coln Sts.
Eau Claire, Pit and Francis Sts.; Watertown, Washington and
G. A. Piper, 712 Division St. Cady Sts.
Fond du Lac, 142 South Main Waupaca, Maple St.
St., I. 0. 0. F. Hall. Wausau, Eagle's Hall, Third
Fort Atkinson, above Dexhei- and Jackson Sts.
mert's Drug Store.
Green Bay, 704 West Walnut St.
Janesville, West Milwaukee St.,
over McClellan's Store in 1. 0. WEST MICHIGAN CON-
0. F. Hall. FERENCE
La Crosse, 1300 Liberty St.; C.
S. Joyce, 1122 Cameron Ave. Formerly a part of the Michigan
La Farge, near high school, one Conference, organized in 1861;
block from Methodist church. divided and reorganized in 1902.
Lena, one block north of Main Territory: Southwestern Michigan,
St. consisting of the' following
Lodi, In Baptist church. named counties: Allegan, Barry,
Madison, Sheldon Court, South Berrien, Branch, Cass, Calhoun,
Madison; D. C. ;Newbold, Eaton, Ionia, Kalamazoo, Otta-
Sheldon Court. wa, Van Buren, and the south
Marshfield, Pine and West Fifth part of Kent County, bounded
Sts. by a straight line east of the

south boundary line of Muskegon Missionary Licentiates:

County; also the following H. P. Bloum, Mrs. Edith Cross,
named counties of Indiana: Jennie De Young, Bessie Har-
Elkhart, Lagrange, La Porte, St. riSon, Vara Lynch, Mrs. J. F.
Joseph, Steuben, Porter. Piper, Beatrice Smalley, G. W.
Population: 908,565; churches, 51; Stray, Mrs. L. Davison, E. G.
members, 2,639. Johansen, D. E. Collins.
Honorary: Frances P. Goodwyn,
Office: 129 West Dutton St., Kala- Emma Hebner, Hattie L. Porter,
mazoo, Mich. G. T. Burt, Helena Sargeant,
Alice Price.
Church School Teachers:
Pres., J. F. Piper.
Sec. and Treas., H. P. Bimini. Florence Ashley, Faye Strick-
Executive Committee: J. F. land, Viola Boat, Mrs. 0. T.
Piper, John Knox, Fred Green, Burt, EMilie Crouch, Lydia Col-
J. W. Dresher, C. N. Sanders, lison, Mae Bakeman, Aurora
G. H. Smith, Dr. C. J. Lackey. Bailey, Mae Cook, Irene Walker,
Legal Assn.: " West Michigan Myrtle Peterson, Madge Kam-
Conference " Assn. of S. D. A." erer, Eva Waite, Gladys Bake-
Pres., J. F. Piper; Sec. and man, Mrs: Alblyt Manley, Susie
Treas., H. P. Bloum. Klose, Ruby 1:4ghes, Grace Har-
Department Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, G. W. Churches and Pastors:
Stray. Albion, G. A. R. Hall, East Erie
-Educational and Miss. Vol., G. St.
H. Smith. Allegan, Cutler St.
Home Miss., E. R. Potter. Battle Creek, Washington and
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. F. Piper. West Van Buren Sts.; Jolm
Field Miss., D. E. Collins. Knox, 299 West Van Buren
Medical, Nina Fleetwood. St.
Religious Liberty, J. F. Piper. Benton Harbor, Ross and Lin-
coln Sts.
Ministers: Berrien Springs, Village, Old
J. F. Piper, John Knox, C. N. Court House Bldg.
Sanders, A. C. Gilbert, E. N. Buchanan, Third and Moccasin
Sargeant, W. H. May nor, J. M. Sts.
Campbell, G. W. Hosford, E. R. Charlotte, South Sheldon St.;
Potter, G. H. Smith, S. B. R. L. Boothby, 238 South
Slater, R. L. B:oothby, B. F. Sheldon St.
Williams. Coldwater, North Polk St.
Honorary: Byron Hagle, John Decatur, Delaware St.
Covert, H. Nicola, L. T. Nicola,' Dowagiac, Oak St. and Prairie
J. W. Beams, J. E. White. Round.
Eaton Rapids, East Plain' St.
Licentiates: Elkhart, K. P. LOdge Hall, 414
E. W. Dunbar, D. S. Osgood, South Main St.
George Wirsbinski, F. R. Wig- Grand Haven, Unitarian Church,
gins, Leon Murphy, B. H. Washington St.; George Wire-
ipps. binski,- 1139 Washington Ave.
Horiorary: E. L. Smith, 0. U. Grand Ledge, 414 Kent St.
G iddings, H. IV. Johnson. Grand Rapids, 328 Cass St.; A.

C. Gilbert, 108 Lagrave St., Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis.

S. E. Broadview Theological Seminary,
Hartford, Haver St. R. F. D. 1, Box 58, La Grange,
Hastings, Bond St.; Leon Mur- Ill.
phy, Gen. Del. Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar
Holland, Thirteenth St. and Cen- Lake Mich.
tral Ave.; G. W. Hosfo.rd, 94
West Twelfth St. Emmanuel Missionary College,
Homer, North Hillsdale St. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Ionia, h. P. Hall, Main St.; E. Fox River Academy, Sheridan,
W. Dunbar, 509 Union St. Ill.
Kalamazoo, Burdick and West Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind.
North Sts.; E. N. Sargeant, Walderly Academy, Hines, Wis.
1219 North Rose St.
Michigan City,. " Hi-y " Room, Publishing:
Y. M. C. A., Seventh and
Washington Sts.; D. S. Os- South Bend Branch of the Re-
good, Route 2. view and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Otsego, Farmer and Franklin 212 South Lafayette St.,
Sts.; S. B. Slater, Plainwell. South Bend, Ind.
Quincy, Jefferson St. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
St. Joseph, LittPary Hall, Main field, Ill.
and Elm Sts. Emmanuel Missionary College
South Bend, Ewing and St. Joe Press, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Sts.; F. R. Wiggins, 1002
Thirty-third St. Sanitarium:
Urbandale, North Hinman Ave.
Wabash Valley Sanitarium, La-
fayette, Ind.
Educational: James White Memorial Home,
Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Plainwell, Mich.


Organized 1902
Territory: The conferences of Thompson, I. G. Ortner, H. H.
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Hicks, H. Meyer, M. L. Andrea-
and South Dakota. sen, H. M. Johnson, H. J. Shel-
don, G. A. Campbell, E. H. Os-
Population: 6,018,214; churches, wald, Anol Grundset, R. E.
248; members, 9,341. Bowles.
Office: 2718 Third Ave., South, Legal Assn.: " The Northern
Minneapolis, Minn. Union Conference Assn. of S. D.
Telephone, South 0604. A., Inc."
Officers: Transportation Agent, I. G. Ort-
Pres., Chas. Thompson.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, I. G. Department Secretaries:
Ortner. Union Field Miss., G. A. Camp-
Executive Committee: Chas. bell.

Educational and Miss. Vol., H. ens, D. K. Olsen, J. W. Dorcas,

J. Sheldon. J. C. Nixon, F. E. Bresee, H. A.
Home Miss., Anol Grundset. Fish, C. A. Scriven, E. J. Lorntz.
Religious Liberty, Chas. Thomp- Licentiates:
W. H. Teesdale, Bert Rhoads,
Ministers: V. D. Hawley, M. W. Shidler,
Chas. Thompson, H. J. Sheldon, J. H. Rhoads, Verner Anderson.
Anol Grundset. Missionary Licentiates:
Honorary: O: Madsen, E. L. C. A. Regester, Mrs. Flora V.
Cooks, Martin Olsen, H. R. John- Dorcas, Evelyn Davis, Ida Rob-
son, E. T. Russell. inson, . Miss E. J. Blanchard,
Licentiates: Leila Burdick, Verna Burdick,
I. G. Ortner, G. A. Campbell. Edith McLachlin.
Missionary Credential: Church School Teachers:
R. E. Bowles. Willis H. Lyon, Olney M.
Smouse, Miss Pearl Dawkins,
Honorary Missionary Credential: Mrs. Lillian H. Robertson, Miss
Gust Freeman. June Fitch, Miss Evelyn John-
son, Miss Helen Reynolds, Miss
IOWA CONFERENCE Edna Wickham, Miss Dorothy
Organized 1863 Forman, Miss Evelyn Jepson,
Miss Lillian Anderson, Miss Min-
Territory: The State of Iowa, nie Johnson.
Population: 2,404,021; churches, Church Directory:
93; members, 2,993.
Burlington, , Central Ave. and
Office: Nevada, Iowa. Smith St.
Officers: Cedar Falls, Thirteenth and Wal-
nut Sts.
Pres., H. H. Hicks. Cedar Rapids, Kenwood Park.
Sec. and Treas., V. D. Hawley. Council Bluffs, Story and Bluff
Executive Committee: H. H.
Hicks, V. D. Hawley, W. K.
Creston, 304 North Oak St.
Smith, J. E. Shively, A. P. Han-
Davenport, 537 West Fifteenth
son, T. C. Nethery, F. E. Bresee.
Legal Assn.: " The Iowa Sev- Des Moines, Eighth and Wash-
enth-day Adventist Association." . ington Sts.
Department Secretaries: Dubuque, Elm St., bet. 21st and
Book and Bible House, C. A. 22d.
Regester. Fort Madison, Third and Alli-
Field Miss., M. W. Shidler. son Sts.
Sabbath School, Mrs. Flora V. Keokuk, Seventeenth and Ex-
Dorcas. change Sts.
Educational, Bert Rhoads. Marshalltown, First and Church
Miss.,Vol., J. C. Nixon. Sts.
Home Miss., C. A. Scriven. Mason City, Fourteenth St. and
Religious Liberty, W. K. Smith. South Delaware Ave.
Muscatine, 509 Fifth St., West.
Ministers: Oskaloosa, 606 South Second St.
H. H. Hicks, A. L. Miller, W. K. Ottumwa, Ransom and Church
Smith, V. W. Robb, T. H. Jeys, Sts.
W. A. McKibben, J. C. Clem- Sioux City, 313 Omaha St.

MINNESOTA CONFERENCE Hopkins, Erma Jondahl, Lillian

Organized 1862 Lindgren, Alice E. Mattson,
Elizabeth Magnuson, Hedvig
Territory: The State of Minne- Nelson, Vesta. Nelson, Henry
sota. Skadsheim.
Population: 2,387,125; churches, church School Teachers:
23; members, 1,415.
Office: 1854 Roblyn Ave., St: Paul, Bernice Anderson, Ruth Ander-
son, Winnifred',Babcock, Hazel
Minn. Berg, Lawrence Burgeson,
Officers: Esther Christensen, Evelyn En-
Pres., M. L. Andreasen: gen, Mrs. Edw. Feldbauer, Es-
Sec. and Treas., A. R. Smouse. tella Gleason, Mildred Granbois,
Executive Committee: M. L. Mrs. L. D..Harris, Alice Jepson,
Andreasen, A. R. Smouse, A. H. Grace Johnson, Grace Jorgensen,
Rulkoetter, M. E."Anderson, H. Eva L. Kisor, Edna. Knudson,
Christensen, A. S. Anderson, H. Mrs. K. K. Koehler, Sophie Lar-
L. Halverson. son, Mrs. Ruth Morisett,. Mrs.
Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota A. F. Newman, Mrs. Mabel Pe-
Conference Association of Sev- terson, Doris Scott, Beth Town-
enth-day Adventists." send, 'Pearl Thompson,. Ruth E.
Department Secretaries.
Book and Bible House, Alice E. Churches and Pastors:
Alexandria, Sixth Avenue and
Field Miss., L. L. Grand Pre. North St.
Sabbath School, Mary D. Hop- Austin, Cedar and Franklin Sts.;
kins. L. H. Olson.
Educational, H, M. Hiatt. Brainerd. South Seventh St.;
Miss. Vol., E. L. Sheldon. Otto. Christensen, care Y. M.
Home Miss., F. H. Yost. C. A.
Religious Liberty, M. L. An-
&easel'. Duluth, English, 932 East Sixth
St.; E. L. Sheldon.
Ministers: Duluth,' Scandinavian, 331 West
M. L. Andreasen, N. J. .zia.lborg, Twenty-third Ave., West Du-
A. S. Anderson, M. E. Anderson, luth; A. S. _Anderson, 1901
G. L. Budd, H. - Christensen, 0. West FOurth St.
J. Dahl, C. Edwardson, B. 0.
Engen, A. J. Harmer, H. A. Fergus Falls, 413 Lincoln Ave.,
Hiatt, C. W. Rubendall, A. H.
Rulkoetter, E. L. Sheldon, J. A. Hutchinson: English, Seventh
Swenson, D. F. Weatherly, W. Ave. S. E., and Main St; E.
H. Schacht. T. Russell.
Licentiates: Hutchinson: Scandinavian, Hut-
, chinson Zheo. Seminary; M.
Otto Christensen, 0. T. Gar- S. Reppe, East College Ave.
ner, L. L. Grand Pre, J. J. Mair, Mankato, 213 State St.; Il.
L. H. Olson, A. R. Smouse, F. H. Christensen, R. F.-D. 1.
Missionary Licentiates: English, Stevens Ave. and
Ellen Bodin, Erma Crook, Mrs. Twenty-seventh' St.; A. J.
V. B. Cummings, Alfreda Han- Haysmer, 1920 Feronia, Ave.;
son, Evalyn Hoblit, Mary D. St. Paul:

Norwegian-Danish, East Frank- Miss. Vol. and Sabbath School,

lin and Twenty-seventh B. A. Scherr.
Ayes., South; 0. J. Dahl. Religious Liberty, H. Meyer.
Swedish, 2421 East Franklin Educational, J. H. Peters.
Ave.; J. A. Swenson, 834 Ministers:
Curfew Ave., St. Paul.
Owatonna, Grove and Pearl Sts. H. Meyer, J. H. Seibel, A. A.
St. Paul: Carscallen, A. A. Dirksen, J. A.
English,677 Holly Ave.;' D. F. Litwinenco.
Weatherly, 679 Holly Ave. Licentiates:
Scandinavian, 606 Maryland B. A. Scherr, J. C. Michalenko,
Ave.; J. A. Swenson, 834 R. F. Bresee, R. M. Talk.
Curfew Ave., St. Paul.
St. Cloud, Unity Church, Fourth Missionary Licentiates:.
Ave., South, and Second St. Mrs. Jennie McClelland, Mrs. B.
Sherburn, Third and Main Sts. Bunnell, Mrs. Martha K. Scherr,
Still water, Laurel and Fifth F. E. Barkley, F. B. Pogue,
Sts.; N. J. Aalborg, 401 Lau- Mike Stern, J. Peters, Mrs.
rel St. Mary Kelsey.
Virginia, Seventh St: South, and
Third Ave. Church School Teachers:
Wells, Morton Ave. and Frank- Mrs. Guy Searle, Mrs. 'Mary
lin St. Kelsey, Miss Eldina Bietz, Mrs.
Winona, Chestnut Place and J. H. Peters, Miss Detha Kel-
East Eighth St. sey, Mrs. Anita J. Carscallen.
Church Directory:
NORTH DAKOTA CONFER- Fargo, Sixth Ave. and Fifth St.,
ENCE North. .
Jamestown, Third Aye.-and Sec-
Organized 1902 ond St., West.
Territory: The State of North Minot, 320 Second St., N. W.
Dakota, except Adams and Bow-
man Counties.
Population: 636,511; churches, 53-5 SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE
members, 1,736.
Office Address: Box CCC, James-
town, N. Dak. Territory: The State of South
" Dakota, except the Black Hills
Officers: Counties of Fall River, Custer,
Pres., H. Meyer. Pennington, Butte, Mead e,
Sec. and Treas., F. B. Pogue. Washington, Shannon; and in-
Executive Committee: H. Meyer, cluding the counties of Adams
C. C. Dammen, J. H. Seibel, and Bowman, North Dakota.
Jacob Wagner, A. A. Dirksen,
J. C. ,Michalenko, F. E. Barkley. Population: 509,557; churches, 29;
Legal Assn.: " The North Da- members, 1,197.
kota Conference Assn. of S. Office Address: Broadway and
D. A." Third Ave., N. E., Watertown, S.
Department Secretaries: Dak.
Tract Soc., F. B. Pogue. Postal Address: Drawer 586, Wa-
Field Miss., F. E. Barkley. tertown, S. Dak,

Officers: Church School Teachers:

Pres., E. H. Oswald. Vera Emerson, George Chapman,
Sec. and Treas., J. H. Nies. Ruth Baker.
Executive Committee: E. H.
Oswald, J. H. Nies, P. G. Stan- Church Directory:
ley, C. M. Babcock, P. P. Kier,
J. M. Christensen, G. G. Hagele. Aberdeen, Sixth Ave. and Lloyd
Legal Assn.: " South Dakota St.
Conference Association of Sev- Sioux Falls, South Duluth Ave.,
enth-day Adventists." Pres., E. between Thirteenth and Four-
H. Oswald; Sec. and Treas, J. teenth Sts.
H. Nies. Huron, 1146 Sixth St.
Department Secretaries: Watertown, Broadway and
Book and Bible House, J. H. Third Ave., N. E.
Field Miss., Karl Evenson.
Sabbath School, Mrs. Grace
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. NORTHERN UNION
Honie Miss., Gordon Oss.
Religious Liberty, E. H. Oswald. Educational:
Ministers: Hutchinson Theological Semi-
E. H. uswald, C. M. Babcock, nary, Hutchinson, Minn.
A. W. Kuehl, E. G. Olsen, E. Maplewood Academy, Maple
Hilliard, P. G. Stanley, F. F. Plain, Minn.
Schwindt. Oak Park Academy, Nevada,
Licentiates:. Iowa.
Gordon Oss, Karl Evenson, D. Plainview Academy, Redfield.
N. Reiner, W. F. Hahn, J. C. S. Dak.
Stotz. Sheyenne River Academy, Har-
Missionary Licentiates: vey, N. Dak.
J. H. Nies, Grace Stewart, Ida Sanitarium:
Rislov, Ella E. Merickel. Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa.


Organized tgo6
Territory: The Conferences of Post Office- Address: Box 598,
Montana, Southern Oregon, Walla Walla, Wash.
Southern Idaho, Upper Colum- Officers:
bia, Western Oregon, Western
Washington, and the Territory Pres., Morris Lukens.
of Alaska. Sec. and Treas., S. J. Lashier.
Executive Committee: Morris
Population: 3,171,810; churches, Lukens, S. J. Lashier, J. S.
228; members, 12,856. Rouse, J. W. Norwood, A. R.
Office Address: 202 South Palouse Ogden, A. V. Rhoads, H. G.
St., Walla Walla, Wash. Thurston, B. M. Grandy, A. W.

Peterson, W. A. Gosmer, N. H. Office Address: Box 1075, Great

Conway, E. M. Oberg, W. I. Falls, Mont.
Smith, Dr. W. B. Holden, S. J. Officers:
Legal Assn.: " North Pacific Pres., B. M. Grandy.
Union Conference Assn. of S. Sec. and Treas., M. G. Dealy.
D. A." Executive Committee: B. M.
Auditor, R. L. Walin. Grandy, M. G. Dealy, W. M.
Transportation Agent, S. J. Cubley, J. L. Tucker, A. J.
Lashier. Lockert, H. A. Green, S. C.
Department Secretaries: Legal Assn.: " The Montana
Union Field Miss., N. H. Con- Conference Assn. of the S. D.
way. A."
Educational, A. W. Peterson.
Miss. Vol. A. W. Peterson. - Department Secretaries:
Home Miss., E. M. Oberg. Missionary Society, M. G. Dealy.
Religious Liberty, H. G. Thurs- Field Miss., J. W. Roberts.
ton. Miss. Vol.,
Sabbath School and Educational,
Ministers: Mrs. M. G. Dealy.
Morris Lukens, N. H. Conway, Home Miss., J. W. Roberts.
E. M. Oberg, C. W. Flaiz, F. M. Religious Liberty, B. M. Grandy.
Burg, W. I. Smith. S. J. Lash-
ier, S. J. Abegg. Ministers:
Honorary: A. J. Breed, W. W. B. M. Grandy, W. M. Cubley,
Steward, N. W. Lawrence, A. Q. S. W. Munro, J. L. Tucker, A.
Bird, J. C. Foster, H. J. Dirk- J. Lockert.
sen, C. A. Wyman, A. J. Stone, Honorary: U. G. Adkins.
F. D. Starr, Daniel Nettleton, G.
. E. Langdon, Oscar Hill, C. Sul- Licentiates:
zle, L, A. Gibson, Paul Iverson, A. W. Wennerberg, J. W. Rob-
A. J. Stover, J. S. Kilgore. erts.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
Miss Pearl Cook, R. L. Walin, I. M. 0. Dealy, Mrs. M. G. Dealy.
Nomura, Dr. W. B. Holden.
Honorary: A. D. Guthrie, R. S. Church School Teachers:
McLain, Lucy B. Post, Asa Mrs. T. H. Friedrich, Iris Yaw.
Smith, W. V. Sample, C. M. Ev-
erest, Minnie Smith, T. G. John- Church Directory:
son. Billings, 322 South .Twenty-
ninth St.
Bozeman, 415 South Black Ave.
MONTANA CONFERENCE Butte, 521 West Porphery St.
Great Falls, 1104 Fifth Ave.,
Organized 1898 North.
Territory: The State of Mon- Helena, Hoback St. bet. EigiR,h
tana. and Ninth Ayes.
Kalispell, Seventh Ave., West,
Population: 548,889; churches, 25; and Sixth St.
' members, 879. Missoula, Fifth and Chestnut
Office: 1117 Fifth Ave., North, Sts.
Great Falls, Mont. Miles City, 520 North Lake Ave.

SOUTHERN IDAHO CONFER- Church School Teachers:

ENCE H. C. Wilson, Harold Downs,
Miss Cecil Hagood, Miss Rachel
Organized )907 Ritter, Miss Ethyl Cooper, Miss
Territory: That portion of Ida- Iva Warren, Lola Lindsay, Miss
ho south of the forty-fifth paral- Olive Cooper.
lel, including all of Lemhi coun- Church Directory:
ty, together with six counties
in Oregon, as follows: 'Wallo- Boise, 523 Main St.
wa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Har- Caldwell, Indiana and Linden
ney, Grant. Ayes.
Population: 384,110; churches, 29; Buhl, Lower Eleventh St.
members, 1,0S2. La Grande, 901 M Avenue.
Mountain Home, Baptist church.
Office: Sixth and Main Sts., Boise,
Idaho. Nampa, Century Club Rooms in
Library building.
Office Address: Box 719, Boise, Pocatello, 2331/2 North Main St.
Twin Falls, I. 0. 0. F. Hall on
Officers: Shoshone St., East.
Pres., H. G. Thurston. Weiser, _o'ourth and Court Sts.
Sec. and Treas., J. S. McMullen. Baker, bet. Fifth and Sixth, on
Executive Committee: H. G. Madison.
Thurston, F. D. Wagner,C. H.
Rittenhouse, J. S. McMulen H.
E. Weaver, Win. Butler, J.
Legal Assn.: " The Southern ENCE
Idaho Conference Assn. of S. Organized 1910
D. A."
Department Secretaries: Territory: All the southern part
of Western Oregon south of the
Tract Soc., J. S. McMullen. northern boundary of Lane
Field Miss., J. G. Hanhardt. County, including the counties
Home Miss., J. G. Hanhardt. of Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry,
Sabbath School, Miss Helen Josephine, Jackson, Klamath.
Educational and Miss. Vol., H. Population: 122,253; churches, 24;
E. Weaver. members, 1,089.
Religious Liberty, F. D. Wagner.
Office: Sutherlin, Oreg.
H. G. Thurston, F. D. Wagner, Officers:
C. H. Rittenhouse, J. G. Han- Pres., A. V. Rhoads.
hardt, G. E. Johnson. Sec. and Treas., F. A: Lashier.
Honorary: J. H. Lumper, H. W. Executive Committee: A. V.
Oliver. Rhoads, H. L. Rudy, C. H. Cas-
Licentiates: tle, T. L. Thuemler, J. B. Mee-
A. Belding, H. E. Weaver. han, J. R. Patterson, T. M.
Missionary Licentiates: Legal Assn.: " Southern Oregon
J. S. McMullen, Miss Helen Conference Association of S.
Burch, Miss Edna McKeown. D. A." 's

Department Secretaries: UPPER COLUMBIA CONFER-

Tract Soc., F. A. Lashier. ENCE
Sabbath School, Miss Ada I.
Hartman. Organized 1880
Miss. 1 ol., Territory: That portion of the
Educational, H. U. Rudy. State of Washington lying east
Home Miss. and Field Miss., J. J. of the Cascade Mountains; the
Jutzy. counties of Umatilla, Morrow,
Religious Liberty, T. L. Thuem- Gilliam, and Wheeler, in the
ler, 506 Beatty St., Medford, State of Oregon; and that por.
Oreg. tion of the State of Idaho lying
Ministers: north of the forty-fifth parallel,
excepting Lemhi County.
A. V. Rhoads, T. L. Thuemler,
C. H. Castle, J. R. Patterson. Population: 544,784; churches, 50;
members, 3,760.
F. A. Lashier, A. G. Walker, H. Office: 817 Nora Ave., Spokane,
A. Niergarth, T. M. Langburg, Wash.
H. L. Rudy, J. J. Jutzy.
Church School-Teachers: Pres., J. S. Rouse.
Mrs. Pearl Hoge, Mrs. Dell Sec. and Treas., R. R. Thrasher.
Gass, Floyd Rittenhouse, Miss Executive Committee: J. S.
Hazel Gibson, C. A. Campbell, Rouse, Dr. Silas Yarnell, J. A.
Esther Miller, Zola Pierce, G. L. Rippey, Geo. F. Watson, F. W.
Pierce, Laura Downs, Susie Abel. Devereaux, C. B. Miller, Jacob
Church Directory: Leg:al Assn.: " Upper Columbia
Ashland, Fourth and C Sts. Mission Society of S. D. A."
Drain, one door north of I. 0.
0. F. Bldg. Department Secretaries:
Eugene, using Congregational Tract Soc., R. R. Thrasher.
Church; T. M. Langburg, 222 Field Miss., B. A. Meeker.
Madison St. Sabbath School, Mrs. J. S. Rouse.
Marshfield, between Sixth and Med. Sec.,
Seventh on Commercial; H. A. Educational and Miss. Vol., A.
Niergarth, Box 332. E. Green.
Medford, 607 North Riverside; Home Miss., W. C. Thompson.
T. L. Thuemler, 506 Beatty Religious Liberty, J. S'. Rouse.
Roseburg, 1162 Military. Ministers:
Sutherlin, Sutherlin Academy. J. S. Rouse, W. C. Thompson,
Bandon, Bandon, Oreg. R. H. Martin, C. A. Hansen, C.
Coquille, Coquille, Oreg. F. Cole, B. A. Meeker, Jacob
Siuslaw, care of Bester's Camp, Riffel, G. F. Watson, J. A. Rip-
Cushman, Oreg. pey, F, E. Stratton, L. B. Losey,
Cottage Grove, Cottage Grove, B. W. Marsh, W. A. Schebo, W.
Oreg. A. Gosmer.
Hadsell Creek, Mapleton, Oreg.,
care. Bester's Camp. Licentiates:
Grants Pass, Grants Pass, Oreg. A. E. Green, D. R. Schierman,
Royal (mail address), Cottage 'W. A. Westerhout, Fred Guder-
Grove, Oreg., Lorane Route. ian, Albert Kruger.

Missionary Licentiates: Officers:

R. R. Thrasher, Winifred Kil- Pres., J. W. Norwood.
patrick, A. D. West, Mrs. J. S. Sec. and Treas., J. F. Beatty.
Rouse, Fannie Marsh. Executive Committee: J. W.
Norwood, J. T. Jacobs, J. L.
Church School Teachers: McConaughey, J. K. Fish, C. E.
Olcott, R. W. Nelson, L. I.
Miss Grace DeLand, Clarence Stiles, S. Lindley, E. A. Mereen.
Pierce, Miss Enid Sparks, Mrs.
L. E. Ladd, Miss Grace Olsen, Legal Assn.: " Western Oregon
Conference Association of Sev-
Elwin Johnson, Miss Anastacia
Hartsock, Mrs. Wm. Wagner, enth-day Adventists."
Mrs. M. V. Onley, Harold Kah- Department .Secretaries:
ler, R. E. Shafer, Miss Roberta
Houston, Miss Nida Davis, Mrs. Publishing, Clyde Lowry.
W. C. Baldwin, Mrs. Richard Field Miss., R. E. Keller.
Bergin, Mrs. R. E. Shafer, Miss Miss. Vol., J. L. McConaughey.
Margaret Johnson, Miss Genieve Sabbath School, Miss Edith
Lashier, Miss Irma Gill, Edward Starbuck.
Reiber, Miss Reta Schnore, Miss Educational, I. C. Colcord.
Edith Thompson, Annette Olson, Home Miss., F. 13. Jensen.
Miss Leah Schwartz, Miss Mary Medical Miss., W. B. Holden,
Garvin. M. D.
Religious Liberty, A. R. Bell.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Spokane, Wash., Spofford Ave. J. W. Norwood, A. R. Bell, F.
and Lincoln St. H. Conway, N. C. Ernston, W. T.
Walla Walla, Wash., Fourth and Hilgert, F. S. Bunch, J. L. Mc-
Birch Sts. Conaughey, C. T. Everson, H.
Yakima, Wash., 11 N. 11th Ave. W. Cottrell, G. W. Rine, G. W.
White, John Peterson, J. K.
Fish, V. P. Hulse, J. T. Jacobs,
Ross Dustin, C. J. Cole.
WESTERN OREGON CONFER- Honorary: T. H. Starbuck, R. D.
ENCE Benham, C. Johnson, C. M.
Organized 1877; reorganized 1902 Gardner.
Territory: That portion of the
State of Oregon lying west of I. C. Colcord, C. E. Olcott, G. M.
the western boundary lines of Thorp, I. B. Newcomb, L. E.
Gilliam and Wheeler Counties, Esteb, F. B. Jensen, D. E. Ven-
and north of the northern boun- den, C. S. Sawyer.
dary lines of Lake, Klamath, and Missionary Licentiates:
Lane Counties; also the coun- J. F. Beatty, W. 0. Asher, Win.
ties of Clarke, Skamania, Cow- Jensen, Mrs. J. W. Harmer, Mrs.
litz, Wahkiakum, and southern K. 0. Johnson, Mrs. Jane Bald-
portion of Pacific, in the State win, Asta Gehman, Clyde Lowry,
of Washington. Miss Pearl Stafford, Miss Edith
Population: 605,518; churches, 49; Starbuck, Miss Mary Treber,
members, 3,657. Miss Miranda Schmidt.
Honorary: Mrs. F. H. Conway,
Office: 508 East Everett St., Port- Mrs. W. T. Hilgert, Mrs. Eliza
land, Oreg. Cole-Thorp.

Church School Teachers: Montavilla, East Eightieth

and Everett Sts.
Mrs. Clara Webb Smith, Mrs. E. St. Johns, Central Ave. and
J. Atkins, Paid Ritz, Earl Stew- Charleston St.
art, Mrs. May Stafford, Mrs. I. Colored, Sixty-second St.,
C. Colcord, R. W. Airey, Miss - near Fortieth Ave.
Ethel Marsh, Miss Esther Tabernacle, Sixth and Mont-
Boyer, Miss Beatrice Bray, 0. gomery Sts.; G. W. White.
E. Norwood, Miss Madge Moore, Salem, Gaines St,. and Fifth
Miss Retta Bernard, Miss Rose Ave.; N. C. Ernston, 1089
Brown, Miss Myrtle Walker, North Winter St.
Miss Bessie Campbell, N. W. Silverton, Oak St. near South
Lawrence, Mrs. N. W. Lawrence, Mill.
Mrs. Edgar Miller, Miss Nora The Dalles, 420 East Fourteenth
Clark, Miss Theresa Bowman, St.; J. K. Fish, 518 Race St.
Roy Walker, Miss Emma Blis- Tillamook, Fourth St. a n d
sard, Miss Harriet Nelson, Miss Fourth Ave.
Muriel Rosenberg. Vancouver, cor. Thirteenth and
Church Directory: Grant Sts.; G. M. Thorp, 3107
H St.
Albany, cor. Third and Mont-
gomery Sts.
Astoria, Eighth and Kensing- WESTERN WASHINGTON
ton; V. P. Hulse, 319 Thirty-
Bend, Franklin and Harrison; Organized 1902
R. Dustin, Box 420.
Brownsville, South Brownsville. Territory: All of the State of
Corvallis, North Seventeenth St., Washington west of the Cas-
bet. Van Buren and Harrison; cade Mountains, except the coun-
F. H. Conway, 406 Nortu ties of Clarke, Skamania, Cow-
Thirteenth St. . litz, and Wahkiakum.
Dallas, Washington St., near Population: 911,220; churches, 50;
Jefferson. members, 2,369.
Falls City, one block north and
east of R. R. Station. Office: Room; 204, Court Bldg., 408
Forest Grove, Third St., between Marion St., Seattle, Wash.
Second and Third Ayes. Officers:
Hood River, Fifteenth and C
Sts. Pres., A. R. Ogden.
Lebanon, Fifth and Oak Sts. Sec. and Treas., 0. A. Nystrom.
McMinnville, Lincoln and B Executive Committee: A. R. Og-
Sts.; W. T. Hilgert, 336 Lin- den, 0. A. Nystrom, J. A. Hol-
coln St. brook, F. M. Oliver, L. E. Tup-
Newberg, Second and Grant Sts. per, J. A. Burman, H. H. Ham-
Oregon City, Head of Seventh ilton, G. W. Pettit, J. E. Gra-
St., opposite Eastern School. ham.
Portland: Legal Assn.: " Western Wash-
Albina, German, Skidmore St. ington Corporation of Seventh-
and Mallory Ave. day Adventists."
Central, Eleventh and East Department Secretaries:
Everett Sts.; A. R. Bell.
Lents, Ninety-fourth St., and Tract Soc., R. S. Dexter.
Fifty-eighth Ave., S. E. Field Miss., A. A. Russell.

Sabbath School and Home Miss., Chehalis, West and Rhode Is-
Mrs. M. Sype. land bts.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, Everett, Rockefeller and Ever-
Phillip Nelson. ett Sts.
Medical Miss., Dr. W. B. Scott. Hoquiam, 511 Emmerson Ave.;
Religious Liberty, T. G. Bunch. R. A. Libby, Woodlawn Addi-
Ministers: Kent, Central Ave., North.
A. R. Ogden, L. Johnson, J. A. Mt. Vernon City, North First
Holbrook, F. M. Oliver, C. L. St.
Lingenfelter, G. W. Pettit, L. E. Olympia, Fifth and Adams.
Tupper, 0. J. Nerlund, T. G. Port Angeles, bet. Oak and
Bunch, R. A. Libby, H. H. Ham- Laurel on Ninth St.
ilton, R. J. Sype. Puyallup, East Pioneer Ave.
Honorary: J. E. Graham, C. A. and Third St.
Wyman, A. C. Anderson. Sedro Woolley, Fourth St. and
Jamison Ave.
Licentiates: Seattle:
Wm. Shafer, Mrs. Minnie Sype, Central Seattle, Boylston Ave.
W. E. Atkins, Philip Nelson. and Olive St.; G. W. Pettit,
Missionary Licentiates: 116 Fourteenth Ave., North.
North Seattle, North Forty-
R. S. Dexter, G. A. Nystrom, L. seventh and Interlake Ave.;
T. Heaton, C. L. Tupper, L. S. T. G. Bunch, 6207 Evanston.
Melendy, Mrs. L. S. Melendy, Ballard English, Twenty-third
Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. G. A. Ave. N. W., and West
Thompson, A. A. Russell. Seventy-sixth St.; J. E.
Honorary: Miss Clara Silver, "Graham, 2846 'West Sixty-
- Mrs. Amos Mitchell. first St.
Ballard Scandinavian, Twenty-
Church School Teachers:
third Ave. N. W., and
Mrs. Walter Beach, Miss Laura West Seventy-sixth St.;
Biksen, Miss Emma Blisserd, Lewis Johnson, 3022 West.
MiAs Rachel Boothby, Miss Sixty-second St.
Frankie Boothby, Mrs: Estella Rainier Valley, Orchard and
Boothby, Miss Dorothy DeLand, Mead Sts.
Mrs. Marie L. Dopp, Miss Ruth Tacoma:
Edwards, Miss Florence Jacob- Tacoma Central, South Tenth
son, Julius Jacobsen, Phyllis and 'I Sts.; F. M. Oliver,
Johnson, Sarah Overton, Hilda 1621 South K St., P. 0. Box
Qualley, Mrs: Wm. R. Reynolds, 903.
Charles Wolfkill, Miss Grace Tacoma Scandinavian, South
Wooster, Miss Edrie Zigler, Miss Fifty-sixth St. and Thomp-
Dorothy Zigler. son Ave.; 0. J. Nerlund,
Churches and Pastors: 6323 South Yakima.
Aberdeen, First and E Sts.
Bellingham, Maple and Forest
Sts.; R. J. Sype, 2214 Lake ALASKA MISSION
Drive. Church, 1; members, 20.
Bremerton, Union and McKenzie
Sts. Ministers:
Centralia, Rock and Pine Sts.; 0. W. Herwick, Ketchikan,
L. E. Tupper, Route 5, Alaska,

INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTH Western Washington Academy,

FERENCE Yakima Valley Academy,
Educational: Granger, Wash..
Laurelwood Academy, Gaston, Publishing:
Oreg. Portland Branch of the Pacific
Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman, Press Publishing Association,
Mont. 719 East Flanders St., Port-
Gem State Academy, Caldwell, land, Oreg.
Columbia Academy, Battle Sanitariums:
Ground, Wash. Portland Sanitarium, East Six-
Sutherlin Academy, Sutherlin, tieth and Belmont Ste., Port-
Oreg. land, Oreg.
Walla Walla College, College Walla Walla ' Sanitarium, Col
Place, Wash. lege Place, Wash.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Arizona, Califor- Legal Assn.: " Pacific Union

nia, Central California, Nevada, Conference Assn. of S. D. A., a
Northeitn California, Southeast- Corporation Sole."
ern California, and Southern Board of Counsel: J. L. McEl-
California Conferences, and the hany, B. M. Emerson, G. W.
Utah Mission. Reaser, W. D. Salisbury, C. E.
Population: 4,245,767; churches, Kimlin.
214, members, 17,477. Auditor, F. T. Oakes.
Transportation Agents, C. H.
Office: 603 East Broadway, Glen- Jones, W. W. Ruble, B. M. Em-
dale, Cal. erson.
Postal Address: Box 146, Glen- Department Secretaries:
dale, Cal.
Field Miss., F. E. Painter.
Officers: Educational, W. W. Ruble.
Pres., J. L. McElhany. Miss. Vol.,
Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson.
Executive Committee: J. L. Mc- Home MiSs., David Voth.
Elhany, E. W. Farnsworth, B. Medical Miss., A. W. Truman,
M. Emerson, 0. 0. Bernstein, M. D.
W. M. Adams, J. J. Nethery, G. Religious Liberty and Press Bu- '
A. Roberts, E. L. Neff, A. R. reau, W. F. Martin.
Sandborn, J. A. Neilsen, V. E.
Peugh, F. E. Painter, W. W. Ministers:
Ruble, David Voth, W. F. Mar- J. L. McElhany, E. W. Farns-
tin, F. T. Oakes, G. W. Rea- worth, W. W. Ruble, W. F. Mar-
ser, C. H. Jones, W. E. Nelson, tin, David Voth, G. B. Starr, F.
Dr. A. W. Truman, J. A. Bur- E. Painter, Ernest Lloyd, B. L.
den, Dr. G. K. Abbott, F. E. House, Guy Dail, L. R. Ander-
Corson. son.

Honorary: J. W. Adams, G. M. W. Merrill, C. C. Morlan, Jessie

Aiway, W. A. Alway, A. D. F. Moser, L. C. Nelson, Mrs. L.
Armstrong, H. C. Basney, W. L. A. Parsons, H. L. Rawson, Mrs.
Black, C. H. Bliss, John Boehm, Alice H. Robinson, B. A. Rogers,
Frederic Brink, Andrew Bror- D. K. Royer, Margaret Warnock.
sen, B. J. Cady, F. M. Corbaley,
E. A. Curtis, U. B. Dake, Silas Medical Missionary:
Davis, H. W. Decker, C. 11. Ed- Honorary: S. P. S. Edwards.
wards, 0. 0. Farnsworth, D. T.
Fero, L. E. Folkenberg, E. E.
Gardner, E. H. Gates, H. G.
Gjording, G. A. Grauer, W. M. ARIZONA CONFERENCE
Healey, M. G. Huffman, C. C.
Jensen, 0. E. Jones, N. W. Organized 1902
Kauble, E. R. Lauda, Valentine
Leer, William L'ewsadder, W. D. Territory: The State of Arizona.
MacLay, C. McReynolds, E. A. Population: 334,162; churches, 12;
Merrell, R. W. Munson, R. J. members, 656.
Nethery, D. H. Oherholtzer, U.
F. Parmele, W. B. Payne, H. W. Office Address: Box 887, Phoe-
Pierce, A. E. Place, 0. E. Sand- nix, Ariz.
ness, P. E. Scoggins, Marcial Office: 615 North Tenth St.,
Selma, F. R. Shaeffer, W. W. Phoenix, Ariz.
Sharp, Melzar Shepard, H.
Shultz, G. G. Sims, J. B. ,Stuy- Officers:
vesant, Swin Swinson, James Pres., A. R. Sandborn,
Taphouse, Victor Thompson, Sec. and Treas., R. G. Lewis.
W. C. Ward, Luther Warren, H. Executive Committee: A. R.
A. Washburn, T. H. Watson, E. Sandborn, C. A. Winters, 1. T.
W. Webster, D. E. Wellman, C. Reynolds, W. L. Avery, R. G.
D. M. Williams.
Legal Assn.: " Arizona Confer-
Licentiates: ence Corporation of S. D. A."
W. E. Nelson, C. E. Weniger, L. Department Secretaries:
W. Cobb.
Tract Soc., R. G. Lewis.
Honorary Ministerial Licentiates! Field Miss., J. L. Sauder.
0. J. Graf, C. N. Miller, I. T. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Reynolds. Mrs. C. D. Stone.
Educational, W. L. Avery.
Missionary Licentiates: Home Miss., A. R. Sandborn.
C. H. Jones, B. M. Emerson, F. Ministers:
T. Oakes, Violet R. Bell, J. M.
Rowse, Dr. Mary McReynolds. A. R. Sandborn, C. A. Winters,
Honorary: Mrs. Bertha Holmes, E. R. Lauda, C. D. M. Williams,
Mrs. M. S. Boyd, Alice Bray- W. L. Bird.
shaw, W. M. Campbell, Eliza- Honorary: M. Serna.
beth Carter, Mrs. L. E. Cox, Cy-
rus Davis, M. E. George, Ella Licentiates:
Hancock, Walter Harper, Mrs. 1. T. Reynolds, W. L. Avery.
C. B. Hughes, Mrs. J. L. Kay,
Mrs. R. Leo, Peter Lindahl, Missionary Licentates:
Genevieve Lowe, Stella B. Low- J. L. Sander, Mrs. C. D. Stone,
ry, Sara McEnterfer, Florence R. G. Lewis.

Church School Teachers: Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., C.

L. Bond.
Lena E. Williams, Mrs. Carlos Religious Liberty, E. L. Maxwell.
Fattebert, Mrs. Joseph Cummins.
Chutch Directory:
G. A. Roberts, E. H. Adams, C.
Flagstaff, 319 West Beaver St. L. Bond, E. A. Brown, J. R. Dif-
Glendale, 127 North Third Ave. f enbacher, C. F. Folkenberg, E.
Globe, North Deveroux St. L. Maxwell, Salvatore Arrabito,
Phoenix, Third and Pierce Sts. Andrew Nelson, I. P. Dillon, M.
Prescott, 137 West Carlton St. B. Butterfield, L. L. Moffitt, A.
Tucson, 607 East Ninth St. V. Edwards, N. C. Petersen, K.
Yuma, Second Ave. and Sixth Nozaki, G. A. Truesdell.
A. N. Bierkle, A. C. Nelson, H.
CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE A. Johnston, 0. A. Troy, T. D.
Organized 1873 Zaharis, Dr. G. K. Abbott.
Territory: The following-named Missionary Licentiates:
counties in the State of Califor-
nia: Alameda, Contra Costa, C. H. A. Brooke, E. H. Abbott,
Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Miss Frances Fry, Miss Celia
Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Green, Miss Ida B. Hudson, Mrs.
Napa, San Francisco, Santa Ada La France, Miss Laura
Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, Morrison, Miss Ada Madison,
San Benito, Solano, Sonoma, Mrs. E. E. Parlin, Mrs. Lottie
Trinity. Kuhns, Miss Mary V. Walter,
Miss Genevieve Gladden, Miss
Population: 1,318,396; churches, Minnie E. Dauphine, Miss Hul-
40; members, 4,009. dah Windhorst, R. E. Kalfus,
Miss Marguerite Speck, Miss
Office: 537 Twenty-fifth St. (near Rose E. Boose, Henry Norton,
Telegraph Ave.), Oakland, Cal. Aaron Larson.
Officers: Church School Teachers:
Pres., G. A. Roberts. Lila Hazelton, Mrs. I. P. Dillon,
Sec. and Treas., R. E. Kalfus. Mrs. Bernice Galusha, L. Coy
Executive Committee: G. A. Steck, Mrs. N. M. liorsman,
Roberts, W. A. Johnson, E. L. Mrs. A. Thelin, Miss Esther Biz-
Maxwell, E. H. Adams, C. L. zinni, A. C. Nelson, Mrs. A. C.
Bond, C. F. Folkenberg, R. E. Nelson, B. I. Rasmussen, H. F.
Kalfus. Brown, Lloyd B. Landis, Mrs.
Legal Assn.: " California Con- R. D. Bolter, Genevieve Hansen,
ference Assn. of the S. D. A." Hila Hughes, Mrs. Bessie Har-
The President of the California per, Mrs. Charles Taylor,
Conference of S. D. A., a Cor- Charles Taylor, Nettie Bapp,
poration Sole. Mrs. Mary Van Dusen, Mary
Clark, Daisy Bremner, Kather-
Department Secretaries: ine Hale, Mrs. Edith Halvorsen,
Tract Soc., E. H. Abbott. Mrs. Minola Robinson, H. A.
Field Miss., A. V. Larson. Johnston, Otto Olson, T. H.
Sabbath School, Mary V. Walter. Huxtable, Mrs. Alma McKibbin,
Educational, Miss Frances Fry. Winea Simpson, Mrs. Pease,

Paul Meetb, Esther Jones, Har- S. D. A. Tabernacle, 673 Capp

riet Parker, Mildred Jones, Por- St.; Parsonage in rear of
tia Wood, Geneva Brookshire, church.
Nona Beeler, Mrs. M. B. Butter- San Jose, 65 South Seventh St.;
field, Mrs. C. B. Hardin, Lena N. C. Peterson, 90 SouthSev-
Butler, Vance Dickman, Mrs. enth St.
Vance Dickman, Mrs. Viola Mil- Santa Cruz, Pennsylvania Ave.;
ler, Mary Little, Ruth Terrill, D. E. Wellman, Route 2, Box
Hazel Brown, Dewey Longlaw, 44.
Mrs. Dewey Longlaw, Mauvis Sanitarium, St. Helena Sanita-
Gross, Genevieve Brennar. rium; W. W. Miller, Sanita-
Churches and Pastors: Santa Rosa, 515 Orchard St.,
Alameda, 1531 Verdi St. near Johnson; M. B. Butter-
Arcta, D and Twelfth Sts. field, Route 3, Box 155.
Byron, Railroad Ave. Sebastopol, Petaluma Ave.
Berkeey 1630 Fairview St. Soquel, Porter St.
Calistoga, Berry St. Sonoma, near Buena Vista Sta-
Eureka, E and Harris Sts.; I. P. tion.
Dillon, 2436 A St. St. Helena, Madrona Ave. and
Fort Bragg, Whipple and Pine Pine St. -
Sts. Ukiah, Bush and Henry St.; E.
Fortuna, Fortuna; A. N. Bier- A. Brown, Box 354.
kle, Box 129. Vallejo, 414 Tennessee St.
Fruitvale, Herrington Ave., at Willits, Mendocino St., bet.
San Juan St., Oakland. Humboldt and Madden.
Healdsburg, Fitch and Piper
Sts.; James Taphouse, Gen-
eral Delivery.
Monterey, 524 Foam St. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CON-
Mountain View, Bailey Ave. FERENCE
and .Dana Sts.; E. L. Max- Organized 1911
well, Mountain View.
McKinleyville, Arcata, Star Territory: The following-named
Route. counties in the State of Califor-
Napa, Church and Second Sts. nia: Tulare, Madera, Fresno,
Oakland: Kings, Mariposa, Merced, and
Market Street, Thirty-fourth Kern County north of the Te-
and Market Sts.; 0. A. hachapi Mountains.
Troy, 1916 Pacific Ave., Population: 294,241; churches, 39;
Alameda. members, 2,438.
531 Twenty-fifth St.; E. H.
Adams, 441 Thirty-eighth Office: 2524 Mariposa St., Fresno,
St. Cal.
Pacific Union College, La Jota; Postal Address:' Drawer 1304,
Guy Dail, La Jot a. Fresno, Cal.
Petaluma, English and Upham
Sts. Officers:
Richmond, Thirteenth and Ohio Pres., E. L. Neff.
Sts. Sec. and Treas.,
San Francisco: Executive Committee: E. L.
Laguna, 916 Laguna St.,, San Neff, Frank Weeks, G. A.
Francisco; S. D. Hartwell, Grauer, G. A. Wheeler, P. J.
1763 Golden Gate Ave. Wolfsen, A. N. Loper.

Department Secretaries: Coalinga, Fillmore St. and Van

Sabbath School, Opal Stone. Ness.
Field Miss., H. G. Warden. Clovis, Second and Woodworth.
Educational and Miss. Vol., A. E. Dinuba, II and El Monte Way.
. Green. Exeter, Quince and Palm Sts.
Tract Society, H. W. Christian. Fresno, 2514 Mariposa St.
Religious Liberty, E. L. Neff. Fresno, German, B St., near Cal-
Publicity, G. A. Wheeler. ifornia Ave.
Hanford, Harris and Ninth Sts.
Ministers: Hanford, Mexican, Harris and
E. L. Neff, H. S. Shaw, G. A. Ninth Sts.
Grauer, C. W. Fuller, Frank Lemoore, C and Follet Sts.
Weeks, P. E. Scoggins, B. L. .Lindsay, 605 North Mirage Ave.
Howe, G. A. Wheeler, H. F. Los Banos, Library Annex, Los
Neumann, C. F. Innis, H. G. Banos.
Thompson. Madera, Vineyard Ave., between
Yosemite and Sixth Sts.
Licentiates: Merced, Eighteenth and 0 Sts.
C. T. Hare, T. M. Beem, A. D. Selma, 2059 Whitson and North
Field, Frank Iano.
Missionary Licentiates: Tulare, 120 North H St.
H. W. Christian, H. G. Warden, Visalia, Northeast corner First
F. C. Baldwin, Dr. Myrtle B. Ave. and Bridge St.
Hudson, Opal Stone, Eva Cham-
pion, Bertha Neufeld.
Church School Teachers: NEVADA CONFERENCE
-Mrs. Florence Johnson, H. G. Organized 1920
Butler, Miss Emma. Ramstead,
Miss Edith Stoops, Mrs. L. W. Territory: The State of Nevada,
Christensen, Lester Dickman, excepting the counties of Clark
Lowell Howson, Mrs. Lowell and Lincoln; and including that
Howson, Miss Alpha Loper, Mrs. portion of the State of Califor-
Ada Allen, 'Miss Marie Schlen- nia lying east of the summit of
ker, Miss Olive D. Hayes, Miss the Sierra Nevada Mountains,
Freeda Miller, Miss May Hens- and also Plumas County, and
ley, Miss Ivy Horning, 1-1. Wil- Lake County, Oregon.
lers, Mrs. H. Willers, Miss
Esther Chambers, Ruby Spear, Population: 112,043; churches, 8;
Mrs. Edith Hare, W. W. Chris- members, 297.
tensen, D. McCafferty, Mrs. D.
McCafferty, Mrs. Beatrice Calk-. Office Address: 452 Ralston St.,
ins, Miss Ora Bancroft, Miss A. Reno, Nev.
DeFehr, Julius J. Knittel, J. F. Postal Address: Box 2072, Reno,
Richert, Jacob Bollinger, Mrs. Nev.
Leeta Stoops, Miss Olive Olm-
stead, Miss Margaret Bobst, W. Officers:
C. Olmstead, A. D. Field, N. L.
Howe, Floyd Baldwin, Lois Pres., V. E. Peugh.
Christian, Mrs. F. C. Baldwin. Sec. and Treas., A. W. Russell.
Executive Committee: V. E.
Church Directory: Peugh, J. W. Dement, A. W.
Bakersfield, 730 I St., Eighth Russell, C. W. Pierce, B. R.
and I SO, Ritz, A. B. Huenergardt.

Department Secretaries: Adams, Adolph Johnson, C. H.

Tract Society, A. W. Russell. Fink, J. G. White, E. C. Peifer,
Field Sec., A. B. Huenergardt. Wm. Voth.
Sabbath School and Educational, Legal Assn.: " Northern Cali-
Mrs. Mary VipoA-Peugh. fornia Conference Assn. of S.
Miss. Vol. and Religious Lib- D. A."
erty, V. E. Peugh. Department Secretaries:
Home Miss., A. W. Russell. .Tract Soc., J. W. Slattery.
Ministers: Field Miss., E. C. Peifer.
V. E. Peugh, J. W. Dement. Sabbath School, Mrs. W. A.
Licentiates: Educational, V. V. Wolfkill.
B. R. Ritz, A. B. Huenergardt. Home Miss., 0. B. Stevens.
Missionary Licentiates: Miss. Vol, V. V. Wolfkill.
Religious Liberty, N. W. Kau-
Mrs. Mary Vipond-Peugo, A. W. ble.
Church School Teachers:
W. M. Adams, Clarence Santee,
Mrs. Libbie P. Holmes, M rs. A. J. Osborne, Adolph Johnson,
Orva Hammersmark, H. H. W. A. Sweany, J. G. White,
O'Harrow. Carl Leer.
Church Directory: Honorary: C. L. Taggart.
Reno, 325 West Sixth St. Licentiates:
Indian Valley, Taylorsville, Cal. 0. B. Stevens, Mrs. Ella H. Os-
borne, F. A. Johnson, II. W.
Carter, E. E. Morrow, W. R.
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CON- Jefferson, A. E. Barton, M. G.
FERENCE Champion, C. E. Kellogg.
Organized 1911 Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: The following-named William Voth, J.', W. Slattery,
counties in the State of Califor- E. C. Peifer, V. V. Wolfkill,
nia: Stanislaus, Tuolumne, San Mrs. J. A. Pearson, Mrs. M. C.
Joaquin, Calaveras, - Am ad or, Morgan, Miss Ella McBroom,
Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Yuba, Mrs. W. A. Sweany.
Colusa, Glenn, Butte, Tehama,
Shasta, Siskiyou, Alpine, Eldo- Church School Teachers:
rado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra, Mrs. H. McAlexander, Miss Gen-
Plumas, with the exception of evieve Carpenter, Mrs. M. G.
that small portion of these coun- Nott, Miss Ruth Kinser, Mrs.
ties lying east of the summit of H. L. Wolfsen, Mrs. J. Goeh-
the Sierras. inger, Mrs. A. R. McElhany,
Mrs. Edith Flett, Miss Anna
Population: 397,490; churches, 30; Jensen, Mrs. Alice Makovsky,
members, 2,273. Mrs. L. M. Hesseltine, Mrs. Le-
Office: 341 East Lodi Ave., Lodi, ona Coddington, Mrs. W. D.
Cal. Owens, Miss Jeanne Middleton,
Miss Wallene Pendleton, A. W.
Officers: H. Millard, Mrs. A. W. H. Mil-
Pres., W. M. Adams. lard, Arthur Glass, Mrs. Daisy
Sec. and Treas., Wm. Voth. M. Clough, Miss Thelma God-
Executive Committee: W. M. dard, Miss Mildred Haglund,

Francis Millard, Miss Ruth Mil- Executive Committee: J. J.

lard, Miss Esther Morse, Mrs. Nethery, C. C. Mattison, R. S.
L. M. Gilstrap, Miss Lillie Wer- Owen, T. S. Whitelock, M. D.,
ner, Miss Lyda Beaman, Miss L. C. Palmer, F. G. Ashbaugh,
Lorena, Huenergardt, Miss Vera W. H. Bradley.
Johnson, Albert Werner. Legal Assns.: " Southeastern
California Assn. of S. D. A."
Church Directory: " Seventh-day Adventists Asso-
Chico, North End Esplanade. ciation of Southeastern Califor-
Corning, Peach St., bet. Solano nia, a Corporation Sole."
and South Sts.
Galt, A. St. Department Secretaries:
Gridley, Magnolia and Indiana Tract Soc., C. C. Mattison.
Sts. Field Miss., H. A. Rentfro.
Lodi: Sabbath School and Educational,
English South Central Ave., Mrs. Mina Morse Mann.
near Tokay St. Miss Vol. and Home Miss., F. G.
German, South Garfield and Hil- Ashbaugh.
born Sts. Religious Liberty, W. M. Healey.
Modesto, Sixth and J. Ministers:
Oakdale, G. St. and Third Ave.
Orland, A St., near Walker St. J. J. Nethery, L. H. Proctor,
Redding, Chestnut St., bet. F. 0. Ashbaugh, L. B. Ragsdale,
Butte and Placer Sts. R. B. Stauffer, A. E. Serns, W.
Sacramento, 1017 -Twenty-third H. Bradley, E. H. Emmerson, A.
St. M. Dart, R. R. Breitigam.
Salida, 4 miles east of Salida. Licentiates:
Stockton, Dist Miner Ave. and
North Stanislaus J. I. Robison, B. R. Spear, H. B.
Thomas, Raymond Gales, L. A.
Turlock, Orange and. Columbia
Sts. Wilcox, J. E. Johnson, H. MT.
Gober, L. C. Palmer.
Woodland, 426 Third St.
Missionary Licentiates:
C. C. Mattison, 0. 1'. Painter,
SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA H. A. Rentfro, A. D. Butterfield,
CONFERENCE M. D., Mrs. Luther Warren, J.
Organized 1915 W. Warren, M. D., Josie Shry-
oak-Warren, M. D., Mrs. Edith
Territory: The following-named Perry Stoddard, Mrs. B. R.
counties in the State of Califor-
Spear, Mrs. Mina Morse Mann,
nia: Orange, San Diego, Im-
perial, Riverside, and San Ber- Miss Reathel Jenkins, Miss Eliz-
abeth Vipond, W. C. Raley.
nardino. Honorary:- Mrs. W. W. Sharp,'
Population: 340,774; churches, 33; Mrs. Josephine Gotzian.
members, 2,609. Church School Teachers:
Office: 412-17 Citizens Natl. Bldg., Mrs. Fannie Johnson, Miss Wil-
Riverside, Cal. leta RaleY, Miss Laura Shafer,
Office Address: Box 584, River- Miss Alf hild Sandwick, Miss
side, Cal. Anna Nightingale, Mrs. Ettie V.
Brown, Mrs. Maude Scott, Miss
Officers: Mildred Gates, Miss Louise
Pres., J. J. Nethery. Wiesennutter, Mrs. 0. J. Graf,
Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Miss Fedelma Ragon, A. M.

Todd, Mrs. C. E. Hardin, Mrs. Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles,

Jennie ere Frazee, Miss Helen and that portion of Kern County
Johnson, Miss Gladys Ryder, E. lying south of the Tehachapi
L. Terrill, Miss Amy Parker, Mountains.
V. R. Brenner, Miss Gladys
Rosser, Harold Johnson, Miss Population: 1,038,169; churches,
Vivian Nightingale, H. A. Go- 40; members, 4,997.
ber, Miss Estella Gober, L. R. Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los
Mason, Miss Ellen Lambeth, Angeles, Cal.
Miss Kathryn Reid, Carl Gober,
Miss Virginia Cochran, Mrs. Officers:
Marie Marchus, Mrs. Nellie Mc- Pres., 0. 0. Bernstein.
Bride, Arthur Gober, Mrs. Laura Sec. and Treas., S. Donaldson.
S. Martin, Miss Milder Scheffel, Executive Committee: 0. 0.
Miss Alice Neilsen, Mrs. Daisy Bernstein, S. Donaldson, H. G.
Mason. Lucas, P. L. Knox, J. W. Rich,
J. A. Burden, J. D. Rhodes.
Church Directory:
Ontario, W. B. St. and Pine Ave. Department Secretaries:
Redlands, Cor. Olive and Citrus Tract Soc., D. A. Lower.
Sts. Field Miss., L. A. Reynolds.
Riverside, Tenth and Locust Sts. Sabbath School, Mrs. Cleora
San Bernardino, Hensen and F Webster.
Sts. Educational, H. G. Lucas.
San Diego, G St. Church, Eight- Miss. Vol., R. G. Schaffner.
eenth and G Sts. Home Miss., V. H. Lucas.
San Diego, University-Ave. Religious Liberty, G. A. Snyder.
Church, 2 University Ave. Field Sec., G. W: Reaser.
Santa Ana, Fifth and Ross Sts. Ministers:,
Brawley, North Imperial Ave.
San Pasqual, San Pasqual Val- 0. 0. Bernstein, P. G. Rodgers,
ley, Escondido. 0. W. Reaser, P. L. Knox, G. A.
Escondido cor. Illinois and Or- Snyder, W. J. Johnson, M. D.,
ange Sts.' B. P. Le Due, D. A. Ochs, R. W.
Orange, Palm and Cleveland Sts. Parmele, J. W. McComas, J. W.
Beaumont, cor. Eighth and Maple Rich, C. S. Prout, H. G. Lucas,
Ave. V. H. Lucas, P. P. Adams, C. J.
Centralia, Dale Ave. near Lin- Kunkel, M. AL Hare, R. G.
coln Blvd. Schaffner, A. D. Armstrong.
Rialto, cor. Olive and Second Sts. Licentiates:
Hemet, Thompson St. between . Arthur Currow, E. A. Math wig,
Acacia and Central. H. N. Brass, Howard Curran,
Garden Grove, South Euclid Ave.
Beacon Light (Colored), San Paul Campbell, George Nickel,
Diego, Hensley and L. Sts. A. R. Jarvis, S. Donaldson, E. T.
Missionary Licentiates:
CONFERENCE A. Reynolds, Miss Jennie L. Ire-
Organized 1901 , land, Miss Vienna Hamilton, P.
B. Bontemps, Miss Ana Hansen,
Territory: The following-named Mrs. Cleora Webster, Mrs. Geo.
counties in the State of Cali- Burnett, Mrs. AL E. Hoyt, Miss
fornia: San Luis Obispo, Santa Lillian A. Santee, Miss Cora A.

Rapp, Miss Mary E. Clark, Miss Glendale, California and Isabel

(Meta Butcher, Mrs. A. R. Tem- Sts. .
ple, C. C. Martin, Miss Hannah Glendale Sanitarium Church,
E. Ortner, M. E. Evans. 1509 East Wilson Ave., Glen-
Medical Missionaries: Huntington Park, 2251/ South
Julia A. White, M. D., A. W. Pacific Blvd., Odd Fellows
Truman, M. D. Hall, Huntington Park.
La Crescenta, Montrose and
Church School Teachers: Rosemont Ave., La Crescenta.
Academic: Long Beach, Tenth and Linden
D. A. Ochs, W. B. Van Atta, Sts.
Mary Bridgewater-Johnson, By- Los Angeles:
ron Dart, Mrs. W. B. Van Atta, Bell, cor. Baker Ave. and Gif-
Mabel Andre, Marjorie Chap- ford St.
man, Ward Hill, Mrs. Malcom Central Church, 141 West 14th
Hause, Will Potts, A. G. Mad- Place, between Main and
sen, Pauline Sturges, James 0 Hill Sts.
Larson, Mrs. Nellie Hankins, Conference, 3131 Pasadena
Grace Morel, J. E. Christiansen, Ave.
Malcom Hause. Ditman, 123 So. Ditman St.
Eagle Rock, 2231 Myrtle Ave.,
Church-School: Eagle Rock Sta.
Miss Olive Cox, Mrs. Lena G. East 36th St. Church, 666 E.
Morris, Miss Mattie Morris, 36th St. South Park Ave.
Carita Oliver, Miss Char- car (colored).
lotte Jewell, Jane Opelt, Mabel Edendale, Fargo St., half block
DeGroot, Byron Dart, Mrs. Caryl west -of Glendale Blvd.
Porter, Miss Emma Patterson, Exposition Park, 1041 W. 38th
Laura Lewis, Alfreda Morten- St., West f Exposition
son, Mrs. Frank Hiatt, Mrs. D. Park.
E. Stewart, Mrs. E. C. Elvin, Florence, west side Mobeck
Mrs. N. A. Johnson, Mrs. Rena Ave., half block south of
Seat, Miss Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Florence Ave. Watts car.
Aileen Wahlen, Mrs. Leora Van Hawthorne, Acacia and Haw-
Benthusen, Mrs. Ruth Van Deu- thorne Circle.
sen, Mrs. Verna M. Shryock,
Mrs. Frances Bohlander, Mrs. Hollywood,' 5150 De Longpre,
A. A. Gibbons, Mrs. Wart Mar- between Kingsley and Nor-
tin, Mrs. T. A. Van -Gundy, Miss mandie.
Edna L. Wilbur, Miss Laura Lincoln Park, East side Man-
Knowles, Mrs. Ward Hill, Mrs. itou Ave., near Daly St. So.
Florine Hollenbeck, Mrs. Ford Pasadena car.
Cady, Mrs. A. N. Tong, Mrs. Getman 337 E. Jefferson St.
Helen G. Schopen, Mrs. A. B. Maple Ave. car.
Simpson, Miss Mabel Campbell, Graham, 8801 Cedar St., Kent
Mary E. Weil. Station, 2 blocks east of
Church Directory: - Watts line.
Burbank, east side Angeline Mexican, 114 So. Gless. St.
between 3rd and 4th Sts. East First St. car.
Gardena-Moneta, Massachusetts White Memorial, cor. New Jer-
St., near Broad Acre Sta., sey and State Sts. East
Gardena. First St. car.

Monrovia, Masonic Hall, White Church School Teachers:

Oak and Primrose Ave., Mon- T. B. Moors, Erma Johnston,
rovia. Marie Coombs.
Pasadena, East side of North
Church Directory:
Wilson, one block North of
Colorado St. Ogden, 469 Twenty-ninth St.
Pomona, Sixth St. and Isabel! Salt Lake City, Sixth East and
Ave., Pomona. Fifth South.
Santa Monica, Wilshire, bet. Logan, 274 North Second, West.
Second and Third Sts., Santa Provo, bet. First and Second
Monica. North, First West.
Santa Barbara, Anapamau and
De La Vina Sts.
San Pedro, 559 West 12th St., INSTITUTIONS IN THE PACIFIC
Point Firmin car line. UNION CONFERENCE
Sawtelle 123 No. Sixth St. Educational:
Preaching, Sabbath, 2: 45 p.m. Boarding:
Van Nuys, 312 Friar St.
Watts, 515 West Arland Ave. Arizona Academy, 1325 North
Fourteenth St., Phoenix, Ariz.
La Sierra Academy, Route 4,
UTAH MISSION Arlington, Cal.
Organized 1919 Lodi Academy, Bin 8, Lodi, Gal.
Pacific Union College, La Jota,
Territory: The State of Utah, Napa Co., Cal.
excluding the counties of Dag- Non-boarding.
gett, Uinta, Duchesne, Carbon, Fresno Academy, Route J, Box
Emery, Grand, and San Juan, 43, Fresno, Cal.
and including Lincoln and Clark Glendale Academy, Route 2,
Counties in Nevada. Box 56, Hill Drive, Glendale,
Population: 410,492; churches, 6; Cal.
members, 198. Golden Gate Academy, King and
Office: 221 Kiesel Bldg., Ogden, Alcatraz Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Utah. Los Angeles Academy, 3210 Post
St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Post Office Address: Box 909, Og- Mountain View Academy, Moun-
den, Utah. tain View, Cal.
Supt., J. A. Neilsen. Publishing:
Sec. and Treas., Vesta I. Fink. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun-
Executive Committee: J. A. tain View, Cal.
Neilsen, J. L. McElhany, C. A. Sanitariums:
Purdom, W. A. Alway. Glendale Sanitarium, 1509 East
Department Secretaries: Wilson Ave., Glendale, Cal.
Tract Soc., Vesta I. Fink. Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma
Field Miss., Linda, Cal.
Sabbath School, J, A. Neilsen. Paradise Valley Sanitarium, Na-
Educational, Vesta I. Fink. tional City, Cal.
St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanita-
Ministers: rium, Cal.
J. A. Neilsen, C. A. Purdom, W.
A. Alway.
College of Medical Evangelists,
Missionary Licentiate: Loma Linda and Los Angeles,
Vesta I. Fink. Cal.
Organized rgo8
Territory: The Conferences of Car- Missionary Licentiates:
olina, Cumberland, Florida, and Miss Gertrude M. Nichols, Mrs.
Georgia. I. D. Richardson, Miss Anita
Population: 8,954,418; churches, Honorary: Miss Elizabeth Mc-
144; members, 5,615. Hugh, Miss Mary Baxter, Mrs.
Office Address: 202-216 First Na- W. W. Williams.
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Union Colored Dept.:
Tenn.. Supt., W. H. Heckman.
Officers: Sec., Burton Castle.
Pres., W. H. Heckman. Asst. Sec. Miss. Vol. and Home
Sec. and Treas., Burton Castle. Miss., R. L. Soaries.
Executive Committee: W. H. Union Evangelist, W. H. Abney.
Heckman, the presidents of the Executive Committee: W. H.
conferences composing the Un- Heckman, the presidents of the
ion, and Burton Castle, W. P. conferences composing the Un-
Dougherty, F. R. Isaac, L. D. ion, and Burton Castle, B. W.
Randall. Abney, J. F. Crichlow, W. E.
Legal Assn.: " Southeastern Un- Strothers, F. A. Osterman, R. L.
ion Conference Assn. of S. Soaries.
D. A." Minister:
Auditor, Burton Castle. B. W. Abney.
Transportation Agent, W. H.
Heckman. Licentiate:
R. L. Soaries.
Department Secretaries:
Missionary Licentiate:
Field Miss., W. P. Dougherty. Miss J. M. Gillam.
Educational and Miss. Vol., P. R. Honorary: Emily McGlocken.
Honie Miss.,
Religious Liberty, W. H. Heck- CAROLINA CONFERENCE
man. Organized in 1901 and 1907, as the
Medical, Miss Gertrude M. North Carolina and South Caro-
Nichols. lina Conferences; reorganized as
Ministers: Carolina Conference in 1918.
W. H. Heckman, V. B. Watts, F. Territory: South Carolina, and that
W. Field, F. R. Isaac, J. H. part of North Carolina lying
Behrens. east of the following counties:
Honorary: R. H. Brock, W. W. Ashe, Watauga, Avery, McDow-
Williams, H. L. Shoup, W. R. ell, and Henderson.
Hansen, H. J. Farman, J. C. Population: 3,947,952; churches,
Mikkelsen, Smith Sharp, G. H. 46; members, 1,359.
Baber, W. L. Killen, W. H. Office Address: 215 North Mc-
Armstrong, E. C. Widgery, N. Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C.
Clausen. Officers:
Licentiates: Pres., R. I. Keate.
Burton Castle, W. P. Dougherty, Sec. and Treas., H. W. Potter.
E. C. Waller, L. D. Randall, L. Executive Committee: R. I.
F. Thiel, Dr. L, L. Andrews, Keate, James Bellinger, F. A,

Starke, Thornton Woodall, Hen- Winston-Salem, Jr. Order Hall,

ry Pike. Main and Shallowford Sts.
Legal Assn.: " Carolina Confer-
ence Association of Seventh-day Colored Department
Adventists, Incorporated." Committee:
Department Secretaries: R. I. Keate, H. W. Potter, J. S.
Book and Bible House, H. W. Green, J. A. Bookhart, W. R.
Potter. Willis.
Field Miss., C. A. Woolsey. Minister:
Sabbath School, Mrs. R. I. J. S. Green.
Home Miss., Licentiates:
Educational and Miss. Vol., G. J. A. Bookhart, N. B. Smith, J.
M. Mathews. L. Martin, Charles Curtis.
Asst. for Colored Educational-
and Miss. Vol., Mrs. J. A. Missionary Licentiates:
Bookhart. Mrs. J. A. Bookhart, Thomas
R. I. Keate, J. Bellinger, A. Church School Teachers:
Walker, W. E. Lanier, E. E. Jessie R. Fordham, Mrs. J. A.
Chitwood, R. B. .Clapp, C. E. Godley, Rosetta C. Baldwin,
Boynton, J E. All. Mrs. L. A. Page, Trula E.
Honorary: H. Pannkoke. Wade, Mattie M. Johnson.
Licentiates: Church DirectOry:
C. A. Woolsey, S. M. Schleifer, South Carolina:
G. M. Mathews; Charleston, colored, Holmes St.
Columbia, colored, 1218 Hender-
Missionary Licentiates: son St.
H. WI Potter, Mrs. R. I. Keate, Darlington, 107 Jackson Si.
Mrs. R. B. Clapp, Miss Ruth Florence, 801 Cheaves St.
Orchill. Sumter, Walker Ave.
Church School Teachers (White): North Carolina:
Charlotte, colored, cor. South
J. R. Conger, Miss Christel Pa- Caldwell and East Hill Sts.
ler, Miss Mary Betts, Miss High Point, Beaman Ave. and
Mary E. Roberts, Miss Ger- R. R.
trude Holmes, Miss Elsie All- Raleigh, Cabarrus and Pear-
ran, Miss Ruth Bates, Miss Mar- son Sts.
garet Cossentine. Wilmington, colored, cor. Wood
Church Directory (White): end Fanning Sts.
Wilson, Atlanta Ave.
South Carolina: Winston-Salem, 1362 Center-
Charleston, 219 Calhoun St. ville St.
Columbia, 1012 Assembly St.
Greenville, Hampton and Echols
Spartanburg, Wolf and Wof- CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE
ford Sts. Organized 1900
West Union, West Union.
North Carolina: Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the
Charlotte, 215 North McDowell western boundary being the
St. western line of the counties of

Macon, Smith, DeKalb, Warren, Thrai]kill, Miss Delia Russell,

Grundy, and Marion; also eight- Miss Ruth. Atwell.
een counties in northwestern
North Carolina, viz., Clay, Cher- Church School Teachers:
okee, Graham, Macon, Swain, Miss Nora Krum, Mrs. T. B.
Jackson, Haywood, Transylva- Forehand, Miss Beulah Waite-
nia, Buncombe, Henderson, Mad- kar, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. A. E.
ison, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, Witt, Mrs. Roberta Ingram,
Wautatiga, Ashe, Alleghany, and Miss Masie White, Miss Louise
McDowell; also Dade, Walker, Dillard, Mrs. B. F. Kneeland,
Catoosa, 'Whitfield, \ Murray, Mrs. Wheeler Clark, Mrs. R. Q.
Fannin, Gilmer, Union, Towns, Terry, Miss Blanche Kivett, R.-
and Chattooga counties, in the E. Crabtree, Mrs. J. G. Burdick.
State of Georgia. Church Directory:
Population: 1,309,304; churches, Asheville, N. C., 240 Haywood
28; members, 1,170. St.
Office: 1410 East Magnolia ,Ave., Athens, 197 Ohio St.
Knoxville, Tenn. Chattanooga, Beech St. and Dun-
Officers: can Ave.
Pres., B. F. Kneeland. Greenville, 800 West Main St.
Sec. and Treas., Miss Cora Fel- Johnson City, 116 West Fair-
ker. view St.
Executive Committee: B. F. Knoxville, Third Ave. and Gill
Kneeland, Cyrus Simmons, Fred St.
Meister, F. C. Webster, E. W. Hendersonville, Hall on Main
Wolfe. - St.
Legal Assn.: " The Cumber- Cleveland, Twentieth St. and
land Conference Association of Ocoee Ave.
Seventh day Adventists." Colored Department
Department Secretaries: Ministers:
Book and Bible House, Miss P. M. Boyd, W. E. Strother.
Cora Felker.
Field Miss., Fred Meister. Missionary Licentiate:
Sabbath School, Miss Ruth At- Mrs. Blanche White.
Educational, Miss Ruth E. At- Church School Teachers:
well. Miss Willie Carpenter, Mrs.
Miss. Vol., H. W. Bart. Viola H. Cummings.
Home Miss., IL W. Barto. Church Directory:
Religious Liberty, Cyrus Sim-
mons. Asheville, Beumont and Pearl
Sts., Asheville, N. C.
Ministers: Knoxville, Lawson and Payne
B. F. Kneeland, E. ,W. Wolfe, Sts., Knoxville, Tenn.
H. L. Shoup, F. C. Webster.
Cyrus Simmons, Fred Meister, Organized 1893
H. W. Barto.
Territory: The State of Florida,
Missionary Licentiates: excepting the counties of Es-
Miss Cora Felker, Miss Dorothy cambia, Santa Rosa, Walton,

Holmes, Washington, Jackson, lay, H. W. Ingham, Mrs. H. W.

and Calhoun, which belong to Ingham, Miss Blanche Vaughn,
the Alabama Conference. Miss Cecil Branson, Miss Alice
Case, Miss Martha Bishop, Miss
Population: 828,618; churches, 44; Nellie Ferree, Miss Eva &m-
members, 2,057. iner, Miss Violet Trubey.
Office: 311 North Rosalind Ave., Colored Department
Orlando, Fla.; P. 0. Box 372.
Committee: J. L. Shuler, F. H.
Officers: Stevens, C. L. Stilson, I. R.
Pres., J. L. Shuler. Pain1r, F. A. Osterman.
Sec. and Treas., C. L. Stilson. Minister:
Executive Committee: J. L. F. A. Osterman.
Shuler, .C. R. Magoon, J. B.
Locken, C. L. Stilson, W. J. Licentiates:
Ewing. F. H. Stevens, Samuel Hodge.
Legal Assn.: Florida Confer- Church School Teachers:
ence Association of Seventh-day
Adventist." Zelma Cobb, Alga Bailey, Mrs.
Susie Moore, Pearl Walker, H.
Department Secretaries: T. Mitchell-Palmer.
Tract Soc., C. L. Stilson. Church Directory:
Field Miss., A. B. Deyo.
Sabbath School, Mrs. Carrie L. Arcadia, East Hickory St.
Stringer. Clearwater, East Turner St.
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. Daytona, Cypress St.
C. Ludington. Gainesville, Railroad Ave.
Home Miss., R. E. French.. Jacksonville, white, Roselle and
Religious Liberty, J. L. Shuler. Charles Sts.
Medical, Dr. A. 13alkins. Jacksonville, colored, Jessie and
Van Buren Sts.
Ministers: Miami, white, Third St., near
J. L. Shuler, C. R. Magoon, J. Ave. D.
B. Locken, Frank Dudley, L. T. Miami, colored, Second St.
Crisler, R. E. French. New Smyrna, Orange Ave.
Honorary: E. C. Widgery, J. S. Orlando, white, East Robinson
Schrock, U. S. Anderson. and Rosalind Ave.
OrlandO, colored, South Para-
Licentiates: more St.
D. C. Ludington, K. A. Macau- St. Petersburg, South Sixth St.
lay. and Fifth Ave., South.
Honorary: T. D. Gibson. Tampa, white, in 2800 Block on
Missionary Licentiates: Florida Ave.
F. H. Parrish, A. E. Deyo, Lr. Tampa, colored, East Scott St.
J. A. Balkins, Mrs. Anne E. West Palm Beach, white, Hi-
Graham, C. L. Stilson, Mrs.' biscus St.
Carrie L. Stringer, MisS Addie
Honorary: Mrs. E. C. Widgery.
Organized 1901.
Church School Teachers: Territory: The State of Georgia,
Mrs. Chas Dyer, Miss Aletha excepting the counties of Dade,
Cossentine, Miss Helen Guthrie, Walker, Catoosa, Towns, Union,
Miss Ida Mosby, Miss E. Macau- Fannin, Gilmer, Murray, Whit-

field, and Chattooga, belonging Savannah, Thirty-fifth and

to the Cumberland Conference. Whitaker St. -
Population: 2,868,544; churches, Colored Department
26; members, 1,029. Committee: A. S. Booth, H. W.
Office: 201 Cherokee Ave., Atlanta, Klaser, J. F. Crichlow, W. H.
Ga. Winston, J. D. Clark.
Officers: Ministers:
'Pres., A. S. Booth. J. F. Crichlow, W. H. Winston.
Sec. and Treas., H. W. Klaser. Licentiate:
Executive Committee: A. S. J. G. lnomas.
Booth, H. W. Klaser, J. R.
Mitchell, M. J. King, 0. B. Missionary Licentiate:
Crary. C. A. Lynes.
Legal Assn.: " Gebrgia, Confer- Church School Teachers:
ence Assn. of S. D. A." L. J. Pryor, Mrs. L. J. Pryor,
Department Secretaries: Myrtice Smith, Mrs. M. E. Kim-
Tract Society, H. W. Klaser. brough, L. Henrietta Emanuel.
Field Miss., Albert Priest. Churches and Pastors:
Educational ,and Miss. Vol.; J. Atlanta, 209 Greensferry Ave.;
P. Beach. J. F. Crichlow, 530 West
Home Miss. and Sabbath' School, Mitchell St.
W. R. Mulholland. Augusta, David and Maple Sts.
Religious Liberty, A. S. Booth. Columbus, 1312 Twenty-fourth
Ministers: Ave.; J. G. Thomas, 414
A. S. Booth, M. J. King, 0. B. Ninth St.
Crary, A. B. Russell. Macon, 207- Fourth Ave.; C. A.
Lynes, 568 Monroe St.
Licentiates: Savannah, Florence and Forty-
Dr. J. R. Mitchell, Albert Priest, third Sts.; IV. H. Winston,
J. P. Beach, W. R. Mulholland, Fifteenth and Sixth Sts.
R. 0. Strickland.
Missionary. Licentiates:
H. W. Klaser, 0. M. Waters, INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-
Miss Anna Dewers, Miss Mar- EASTERN UNION CON-
tha Feree, J. W. Williford, Dr. FERENCE
J. F. Schneider. Educational:
Church School Teachers: Graysville Academy, Graysville,
R. Post, Miss Dorothy Cope, Southern Junior College, Oolte-
Miss Glee Bird, Miss Edna wah, Tenn.
Trammell, Miss Pauline Wal- Winyah- Lake Academy, Orlando,
den, Miss Edna Beers. Fla.

Churches and Pastors: Publishing:
Atlanta, 191 Cherokee Ave.; A. Atlanta, Branch of the Southern
B. Russell, 176 Oakland Ave. Pub. Assn.,507 East Fair St.,
Fitzgerald, 650 Grant St. Atlanta, ,a.
Macon, Log Cabin Heights; M.
J. King, 177 Lawton Ave. Sanitarium:
Rome; 0. B. Crary, 702 Brooks Florida Sanitarium, Orlando,
Ave. Fla.
Organized Igor
Territory: The Conferences of Ala- Kinney, C. J. Buhalts, L. E.
bama, Kentucky, Louisiana-Mis- Wellman.
sissippi, and Tennessee River. Licentiates:
Population: 9,844,547; churches, F. L. Harrison.
96; members, 4,199.
Telegraphic Address: Phone M, ALABAMA CONFERENCE
814 J, Nashville.
Organized 1901
Office: 2001 Twenty-fourth Ave., Territory: The State of Alabama,
North, Nashville, Tenn. and the following counties in
Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa,
Officers: Walton, Holmes, Washington,
Pres., G. W. Wells. Jackson, Okaloosa, Bay, and
Sec. and Treas., F. L. Harrison. Calhoun.
Executive Committee: G. W. Population: 2,488,026; churches,
Wells, F. L. Harrison, V. 0. 28; members, 841.
Cole, J. C. Thompson, 0. F. Postal Address: Drawer E, Clan-
Frank, W. R. Elliott, C. B. ton, Ala.
Stephenson, C. W. Curtis, H. E.
Lysinger, M. F. Knox. Office Address: 500 Second Ave.,
Legal Assn.: " Southern Union South, Clanton, Ala.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Officers:
Auditor and Transportation Pres., C. B. Stephenson.
Agent, F. L. Harrison. Sec. and Treas., C. 0. Franz.
Union Negro Mission Commit- Executive Committee: C. B.
tee: G. W. Wells, F. L. Harri- Stephenson, C. 0. Franz, J. G.
son, W. R. Elliott, C. B. Steph- Mitchell, W. P. McLennan, F. W.
enson, C. W. Curtis, H. E. Ly- Schmehl.
singer, T. H. Allison, T. S. Tate, Legal Assn.: " Alabama Con-
F. S. Keitts, Randall Johnson. ference Assn. of S. D. A."
Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., V. 0. Cole. Tract Soc., C. 0. Franz.
Educational and Miss. Vol., J. Field Miss., F. W. Schmehl.
C. Thompson. Sabbath School, and Miss. Vol.,
Home Miss. and Religious Lib- Mrs: K. R. Haughey.
erty, 0. F. Frank. Educational, Southern Union
Asst. Home Miss., Educational Conference Educational Sec.
and Miss. Vol., for colored, Home Miss., K. R. Haughey.
Miss Anna Knight. Religious Liberty, C. B. Steph-
Asst. Educational, Miss Nannie enson..
May Smith.
Ministers: C. B. Stephenson, W. P. McLen-
G. W. Wells, V. 0. Cole, J. C. nan, J. G. Mitchell, K. R.
Thompson, 0. F. Frank. Haughey.
Honorary: C. N. Martin, C. M. Honorary: C. J. Rider.


F. W. Schmehl. Organized 1908
Missionary Licentiates: Territory: All the State of Ken-
C. 0. Franz, Mrs. K. R. tucky excepting the eight coun-
Haughey, Miss Kathleen Meyer, ties west of the Tennessee
Miss Nellie J. Orr. River and the counties of Trigg,
Christian, Todd, Logan, Simp-
Church School Teachers: son, and Allen, belonging to the
Faydette Smith, Lucille Hos- Tennessee River Conference.
kins, L: A. Wildes, Ruth Kinzer, Population: 2,147,838; churches,
Mildred Duncan, Ottice Statham, 20; members, 896.
Mrs. C. R. Waldron.
Office Address: Room 621, Crutcher
Negro Mission and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky.
Committee: C. B. Stephenson,
C. 0. Franz, T. II. Allison, T. S. Officers:
Tate, C. A. Wilson. - Pres., C. W. Curtis.
Ministers: Sec. and Treas., N. L. Taylor.
Executive Committee: C. W.
T. S. Tate, T. H. Allison. Curtis, N. L. Taylor, J. W.
Missionary Licentiates: Wheeler, R. J. Bryant, W. A.
Gilbert, J. H. Minnick.
C. A. Wilson, Fannie R. Wilson, Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad-
Julia Wesley. ventist Conference Association
Church School Teachers: of Kentucky." Pres., C. W. Cur-
tis; Sec., W. A. Gilbert; Treas.,
Letitia Samuels, Mrs. J. B. N. L. Taylor.
Green, Pallaa Buckley, Julia
Wesley, A. E. Johnson, Mrs. Department Secretaries:
W. G. Jones. Book and Bible House, N. L.
Churches and Pastors: Taylor.
Field Miss., G. C. Jenks.
Birmingham, 727 Tuscaloosa Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., W.
Ave.; W. P. McLennan. A. Gilbert.
Birmingham, colored, Thirteenth
St. and Ave. F; Dr. T. S. Sabbath School and Religious
Tate. Liberty, C. W. Curtis.
Clanton, 503 Second Ave., Educational, J. C. Thompson.
South; C. 0. Franz. Medical, Mrs. C. W. Curtis.
Dothan, colored, 316 Range St.;
C. A. Wilson. Ministers:
Huntsville, colored, 629 Madison C. W. Curtis, R. J. Bryant, F.
St.; .C. A. Powers. J. Harris.
Mobile, 1018 Old Shell Road and
Pine St.; J. G. Mitchell. . Licentiates:
Mobile, colored, 659 South Ham- H. R. Stearns, W. A. Gilbert,
ilton St.; T. H. Allison. N. L. Taylor, G. C. Jenks.
Montgomery, colored, 110 Early
St.; L. Frazier. Missionary Licentiates:
Pensacola, Fla., West Garden MrS. Mattie Lucas, Mrs. Tilford
St.; B. A. Dunham. Daily, Mrs. C. W. Curtis.

Church School Teachers: Officers:

Miss Alice Morton, Miss Mary Pres., W. R. Elliott.
Morton, Mrs. Edna Eurton, Mrs.
Arretha Ward, Mrs. J. C. Wat- Sec. and Treas., Al B. Schroader.
kins. Executive Committee: W. R.
Elliott, A. B. Schroader, I. C.
Negro Mission Pound, M. L. Wilson, John
Executive Committee: C. W. Brownlie.
Curtis, N. L. Taylor, C. A. How- Legal Assn.: " The Louisiana-
ard, G. S. Pinkard. Mississippi Conference Assn. of
Minister: S. D. A."
C. A. Howard. Department Secretaries:
Licentiate: Book and Bible Society, A. B.
G. S. Pinkard. Schroader.
Church School Teachers: Field Miss., M. II. Garrett.
R. I. S. Thomson, Blanche Pal- Sabbath School, Mrs. E. A. Tay-
mer. lor.
Churches and Pastors: Home Miss., Medical, and Miss.
Vol., R. A. Freed.
White: Educational, J. C. Thompson,
Bowling Green, 1122 Park St. 2001 Twenty-fourth Ave.,
F. J. Harris, 1122 Park St. North, Nashville, Tenn.
Covington, 121 East Fifteenth Religious Liberty, W. R. Elliott.
Lexington, Park and High St. Ministers:
Louisville, 1621 Fourth Ave".; R.
J. Bryant, Sta. E, Route 2, W. R. Elliott, I. C. Pound, M.
Box 248. L. Wilson, John Brownlie.
Richmond, 349 Fifth St. Licentiates:
C. R. Kinney, R. A. Freed, J. L.
Bowling Green, Park and Fourth. Cooper.
Lexington, Fifth and Upper St.;
C. A. Howard, 557 Ohio St. Missionary Licentiates:
1715 Chcstnut St. A. B. Schroader, Mrs. W. P.
Shelby and Burnett St. Stephens, Miss Elta Smith, M.
R. Garrett, Mrs. E. A. Taylor.
Church School Teachers:
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI CON- Miss Florence Harris, Miss Mar-
FERENCE garet 'Woods, Miss Lurl in
Roach, L. B. Spear, Mrs. L. B.
Organized 1920 Spear, Miss Ava Covington,
Territory: The States of Louisi- Mary Crawford.
ana and Mississippi.
lyegro Mission
Population: 3,589,127; churches,
25; members, 1,082. Executive Committee: W. R. El-
liott, A. B. Schroader, N. B.
Office: 705 South Gallatin St.; King, F. S. Keitts, C. B. Hollo-
Jackson, Miss. way.


F. S. Keitts, N. B. King. ENCE
Organized 1888
Licentiates: Territory: Western Tennessee, the
C. B. Holloway, V. R. Lee. eastern boundary being the east-
ern line of the counties of Sum-
Missionary Licentiates: ner, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon,
C. Hayes, Hattie A. Maury. Coffee, Franklin; and the fol-
lowing-named counties in Ken-
Church School Teachers: tucky: Ballard, McCracken,
Marshall, Graves, Fulton; Hick-
- W. T. Brown, Alyce M. Fra- man, Carlisle, Calloway, Trigg,
zier, C. T. Seard, Jr., I. A. Christian, Todd, Logan, Simp-
Christian, Seneva, Crosgrove, son, Allen.
Marguerite Pons.
Population: 1,619,556; churches,
23; members, 1,330.
Church Directory:
White: Office: 1715 Cass St., Nashville,
Jackson, Miss., 703 South Gal- Tenn.
latin St. Officers:
New Orleans, La., Camp and Pres., H. E. Lysinger.
Race Sts. Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell.
Shreveport, La., Frederick and Executive Committee: H. E. By-
Missouri Sts. singer, C. -B. Caldwell, James
Meridian, Miss., Eighth St. and Hickman, H. K. Halladay, A. A.
Thirty-eighth Ave. Davis, M. F. Knox.
Hattiesburg, Miss., Edwards St. Legal Assn.: " Tennessee River
Mansfield, La., on Louisiana St. Conference Assn. of S. D. A.
just off Crosby.
Vicksburg, Miss., one block Department Secretaries:
from the end of Jackson- Tract Soc., C. B. Caldwell.
Road car line. Field Miss., James Hickman.
Home Miss. and Miss. v ol., H.
Colored: K. Halladay.
Jackson, Miss., Rose and West Sabbath School, Mrs. H. K. Hal-
Pascagoula Sts. laday.
New Orleans, La., 2413 Dela- Educational, J. C. Thompson.
chaise St. Religious Liberty, S Kime
Greenwood, Miss., Scott St. and
Ave. G. Ministers:
Greenville, Miss., 647 Catley St. H. E., Lysinger, Stewart Kline,
Columbus, Miss., Fifteenth St. H. K. Halladay, W. A. Johnson,
and Ninth Ave. A. A. Davis, B. W. Spire.
Brookhaven, Miss., near cor.
South First and Chipawa Licentiates:
Sts. James Hickman, J. D. Smith.
Meridian, Miss., Seventeenth St.
between Thirty-second and Missionary Licentiates:
Thirty-third Ayes. C. B. Caldwell, -Miss Beulah
Vicksburg, Miss., 1115 Fayette Cothren, Mrs. H. Eder, Mrs. H.
St. K. Halladay, Mrs. W. C. Hag-
Yazoo City, Miss., 408 Clay St. gard.

Church School Teachers: Memphis, Parkway and Dunlap

Mrs. Jeannette White, .Miss St.
Jessie Ingram, Win. Wilkinson, Nashville, Fifth and Fatherland
Miss Minnie Brown, Mrs. Clara Sts.
Norton, Miss Ruby Roach, Mrs. Paducah, Bridge and Clements
G. E. Jenkins, Mrs. H. E. Beck, Sts.
Mrs. H. H. Ard, Miss Bertha Colored:
Laughlin, Miss Grace Zalabak, Jackson, Lane Ave. and Sims St.
Miss Florence Hartsock, Miss Memphis, 1051 Mississippi Blvd.
Ruby Mitchell, Mrs. R. B. King. Nashville, Twelfth Ave., North,
near Jefferson St.
Negro Mission Paducah, 713 South Seventh St.
Committee: H. E. Lysinger, C.
B. Caldwell, Randall Johnson,
Randall Johnson. CONFERENCE
Licentiates: Educational:
L. H. Bland, Milton Young. Oakwood Junior College, Hunts-
ville, Ala.
Missionary Licentiate: Nashville Agricultural Normal
Miss Lela Davis. Institute, Madison, Tenn.
Church School, Teachers: Publishing:
Miss Corine Bass; Mrs. M. M. Southern Pub. Assn., 2123
Young, Mrs. Lucile Douglas. Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
Church Directory: Nashville, Tenn.
White: Sanitarium:
Jackson, West Deaderick Ave. The Madison Rural Sanitarium,
and Long St. Madison, Tenn.


Organized 1901; reorganized 1902

Territory: The Conferences of J. F. Wright, W. H. Clark, R. P.

Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Montgomery, R. L. Benton, C.
Texas, South Texas, and Texico. E. Smith, A. F. Harrison, E. A.
Pohle, G. F. Eichman, P. L.
Population: 8,795,732; churches, Thompson, H. R. Gay.
13S; members, 5,397. Legal Assn.: " The Southwest-
ern Union Conference Corpora-
Office Address: 518-519 Terminal tion of S. D. A." Pres., M. B.
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. , Van Kirk; Sec., C. E. Smith.
Officers: Auditor and Transportation
Agent, C. E. Smith.
Pres., M. B. Van Kirk.
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Smith. Department Secretaries:
Executive Committee: M. B. Union Field Miss., A. F. Harri-
Van Kirk, H. M. J. Richards, son.

Educational and Miss. Vol.; E. Ministers:

A. Pohle. H. M. J. Richards, ISaac Baker,
Home Miss., G. F. Eichman. 0. J. Corwin.
Religious Liberty, M. B. Van
Kirk. Licentiates:
D. M. Twiggs, J. R. Osborn, L.
Ministers: J. Black.
M. B. Van Kirk, A. F. Harrison,
G. F. Liebman, E. A. Pohle, H. Missionary Licentiates:
M. Kelley, P. L. Thompson, J. Mrs. Bertie C. Richards, Miss
G. Dasent. Ella M. Winn, Mrs. O. J. Cor-
Honorary: H. B. French; H. R. win.
Gay, G. M. Brown, H. C. Griffin, Church School Teachers:
G. Hetze, 0. W. Wolfe, W. S.
Lowry, M. H. Brown, i. A. W. B. Miller, Mrs. W. B. Miller,
Meyer, Burt Bray, H. L. Hoover, Mrs. Etta. M. Black, Miss Fre-
I. A. Crane. mona M. Black, Mrs. Mary De
Villez, Mrs. Halstead.
Orno Follett, C. E. Smith. Church Directory:
Little Rock No. 1, 1213 Marshall
Missionary Licentiate: St.
L. N. Carter. Ft. Smith, Tenth and D Sts.
Honorary: Miss E. E. Poch. Hot Springs, St. Louis and Cen-
tral Ayes.
Fayetteville, 36 South St.
ARKANSAS CONFERENCE Hiwasse, East part of town.
Hardy, Northwest part of town.
Organized 1888 Springdale, center of town.
Territory: The State of Arkansas. Searcy, N. W. of City Park.
Gentry, 2 miles southeast of
Population: 1,752,204; churches, Gentry.
22; members, 522. Hope, 7 miles southwest of town.
Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little
Rock, Ark. Negro Mission
Officers: W. S. North.
Pres., H. M. J. Richards.
Sec. and Treas., L. J. Black. Church School Teachers:
Executive Committee: H. M. J. Mrs. Hattie J. Chatters, Miss
Richards, Isaac Baker, 0. C. Maggie Clark.
Wakenight, L. J. Black. Church Directory:
Legal Assn.: " Arkansas COnfer-
ence Assn. of S. D. A." Little Rock, No. 2, 1809 Pulaski
St. -
Department Secretaries: Marianna, South Georgia St.
Book and Bible House, L. J.
Field Miss., J. R. Osborn.
Sabbath School, Educational, NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE
and Miss. Vol., Mrs. Bertie C. Organized 1878
Home Miss., D. W. Twiggs. Territory: That part of the State
Medical Miss. and Religious Lib- of Texas lying east and north of
erty, H. M. J. Richards. the following counties: East of

Wichita, Archer, Jack, Palo Pin- Griffin, Miss Katie E. Baker,

to, Erath, Hamilton, Lampasas; Miss Edith Randall, Miss Mary
and north of Burnet, William- Woodward, Miss Tressa Smith,
son, Lee, Burleson, Liberty, Har- Miss Fairy Pettey.
din, and Orange. Church Directory:
Population: 2,189,844; churches, Dallas, 2900 Live Oak St.
29; members, 1,188. Dalworth, Dalworth Park.
Denison, 112 South Scullin St.
Office: 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Fort Worth, Hawthorne and
Tex. Hemphill Sts.
Gainesville, 424 North Taylor St.
Officers: Sherman, 712 North Lee Ave.
Pres., J.- F. Wright. Waco, Jefferson and 13th St.
Sec. and Treas., B. E. Bridwell.
Executive Committee: J. F.
Schmidt, G. W..Spikes, G. R. E.
McNay, J. M. Comer, P. L. Organized 1894
Legal Assn.: " Texas Conference Territory: The State of Okla-
Assn. of S. D. A." J. E. Wright, homa.
Pres.; B. E. Bridwell, Sec. Population: 2,028,283; churches,
49; members, 2,207.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., B. E. Bridwell. Office: 217 West Seventh St., Okla-
Field Miss., J. S. Seal. homa City, Okla.
Sabbath School and Home Miss., Office Address: Box 1077, Okla-
C. M. Norman. homa City, Okla.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, E.
G. Truitt. Officers:
Religious Liberty, J. F. Wright. Pres., W. H. Clark.
Ministers: Sec. and Treas., Lowell Estes.
Executive Committee: W. H.
J. F. Wright, Jacob Wasenmil- Clark, C. J. Dart, C. E. Grant,
ler, J. M. Coiner, G. R. E. McKay, C. D. Hein, E. W. McDaniel, B.
G. W. Spies, N. R. Hickman, E. J. Miller, T. J. Hooper.
M. Gates. Legal Assn.: " Oklahoma Con-
Honorary: W. A. McCutchen. ference Corporation of S. D. A."
Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
J. S. Seal, C. M. Norman, E. G. Book and Bible House, C. G. Ort-
Truitt. ner.
Missionary Licentiates: Field Miss., T. J. Hooper.
Mrs. F. B. Moran, B. E. Brid- Educational and Miss. Vol., F.
well, Mrs. 0. M. Hindbaugh, L. A. Moran.
R. Alexander, Katie E. Baker. Sabbath School and Isolated, C.
J. Dart.
Church School Teachers: Home Miss., Carl Riffel.
Miss Oleva Atwood, Miss Laura Religious Liberty, W. H. Clark.
Reynolds, Miss Villa Kreiter,
Miss Helen Stoner, Miss Bernice Ministers:
A. Webber, Miss Fannie L. W. H. Clark, W. L. Nott, C. J.
Woods, R. E. Griffin, Mrs. R. E. Dart, C. E. Grant, Ezra Fillman,

C. M. McDonald.; D. F. Stur- Colored Churches:

geon, C. D. Hein, A. C. Long, H. Guthrie, 921 East Vilas Ave.
J. Miller, C. E. AcMoody, Ezra Muskogee, West S. S. Boulevard
Fillman. and Seventh St.; A. B. B..
Honorary: T. J. Hickman, E. B. Storey, Box 547.
Hopkins. Oklahoma City, Durland and
Licentiates: Second S,,s.; H. J. Miller, 210
. North Durland St.
Carl Riffel, Frank Moran, T. J. _Tulsa, U. J. Love, Route 6, Box
Hooper, G. P. Loy, Adam Ruf, 314.
A. B. B. Storey.
Missionary Licentiates:
Miss Letha. Taylor, Lowell Es- SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE
tes, C. 0. Ortner, 0. J. Love,
Mrs. Lowell Estes, Miss, Irene Organized 1911
Smith, Mrs. C. E. Rechenberger,
Mrs. C. E. Riffel, Mrs. A. B. B. Territory: All that portion of the
Storey. State of Texas lying east of the
Texico Conference, and south of
Church School Teachers: the south line of the following
Almetta Garrett, Jennie Dunn, counties: Lampasas, Bell, Milam,
Mrs. A. F. Harrison, 0. K. Arn- Robertson, Madison, Walker, San
urecht, Bertha Day, Dora Ap- Jacinto, Tyler, Jasper, Newton,
pleton, Leo Kinder, Gussie Kin- and west of Louisiana to the
der, John Gepford, Geneva Bo- Gulf of Mexico.
gard, Ellen Miracle, F. F. Eich-
man, Edith Warren, Ruby Dart, Population: 1,600,136; churches,
Selma Uhrig, C. E. Smith, Vada 19; members, 915.
}luting, Dorris Cloninger, Mary
Sanders, Lola Brock, Pauline Office Address: 917 South Presa
Cash, H. L. Beltz, 0. E. Crary, St., San Antonio, Tex.
Dorothea Ditto, Mrs. H. J. Mil- Officers:
ler, Avis Wiggins, Thelma Wil-
son, Lennie Gepford. Pres., R. P. Montgomery.
Sec. and Treas., Miss.-Etta Hew-
Churches and Pastors: gley.
Ardmore, 118 B. St., S. W.; D. Executive - Committee: R. P.
F. Sturgeon, 725 McLish St. Montgomery, E. L. Stewart,
Enid, Randolph and Quincy Carlos S. Nicolas, W. S. Lowry,
Sts.; C. D. Hein, 817 West C. C. Wilcox, D. Van Campen,
Oak St. W. H. Hanhardt.
Muskogee, 1318 East Okmulgee Legal Assn.: " South Texas
St.; C. E. AcMoody, 1222 Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Summit St.
Oklahoma City, 217 West Sev- Department Secretaries:
enth St.; A. C. Long, 2209 Tract Soc., 0. D. Slater.
West Eleventh St. Field Miss., D. Van Campen.
Perry, Seventh and E Sts. Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Sapulpa, Thompson and Linden W. H. Hanhardt.
Sts.; C. E. Grant, 1301 East Educational and Miss. Vol.,
Lincoln St. C. C. Wilcox.
Tulsa, 920 East Sixth St.; W. Religious Liberty, R. P. Mont-
L. Nott, 920 East Sixth St. gomery.


R. P. Montgomery, E. L. Stew- Organized 1916
art, J. B. Hampton, W. E. Barr,
R. W. Leach, C. C. Wilcox, C. rerritory: The State of New Mex-
S. Nicolas, W. S. Lowry. ico (excepting San Juan County
belonging to the Inter-Mountain
Licentiates: Conference), and that part of
W. IL Hanhardt, P. E. Van the State of Texas lying west -
Landingham, D. Van Campen. and north of the following coun-
Missionary Licentiates: ties (excepting Lipscomb county
Miss Etta Hewgley, R. A. Bur- belonging to the Oklahoma Con-
ger, Mrs. R. A. Burger, Miss ference) : West of the Eastein
Nannie M. DeSalme, 0. D. line of Wichita, Archer, Jack,
Slater, Miss Sadie Baker. Palo Pinto, Erath, Hamilton,
Church School Teachers: Lampasas, and north of the
Miss Fannie Johnson, Mrs. J. L. south line of Lampasas, San
Rettig, Miss Ethel Stuart, L. Saba, McCulloch, Concho, Tom
E. Martin, Harold Smith, Miss Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton,
Eva Michael, Reece- Hopkins, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Culbert-
Miss Lois Robbins, C. C. Specht. son, and El Paso.
Mexican Mission Schools: Population: 1,225,265; churches,
Miss Helen Suche (for San An- 19; membership, 565.
tonio). Postal Address: 419 Rencher St.,
Negro Mission: Clovis, N. Mex.
Committee: R. P. Montgomery, Officers:
C. E. Martin. Pres., R. L. Benton.
Minister: Sec. and Treas. G. R. Soper.
C. E. Martin. Executive Committee: R. L.
Benton, Burt Bray, J. J. Landis,
Licentiate: G. L. Truitt, J. E. Brown.
R. E. Louden
Legal Assn.: "The Texico Con-
-Bureau Workers Licentiates: - ference Assn. of S. D. A." Pres.,
L. H. Lopez, S. 1'. Cunill. R. L. Benton; Sec., G. R. Soper.
Churches -and Pastors: Department Secretaries:
Corpus Christi, 1200 Block Tract Soc., G. R. Soper.
Chamberlain St. Field Miss., J. J. Landis.
Houston, 915 Yale 'St.; W. E. Sabbath School, G. A. LaGrone.
Barr, 913 Yale St. Educational and Miss. Vol.,
Berean, Houston, (Colored) Dow- Home miss., R. L. Benton.
ling and Calhoun Sts.; C.- E. Religious Liberty, R. L. Benton.
Martin, 68 Buffalo St. Medical, G. A. LaGrone.
San Antonio, 219 Winnipeg Ave. Ministers:
San Antonio, Mexican, San Fer- R. L. Benton, G. A. LaGrone, J.
nando and Sibolo Sts.; C. A. E. Brown, C. Ti. Taylor, E. T.
Walgren, 917 South Presa St. Wilson, Burt Bray.
Ephesus, San Antonio (Colored)
Hardeman. and Hack berry Licentiates:
Sts.; R. E. Louden, 811 South J. J. Landis, M. R. Proctor, G. R.
Hackberry St. Soper, A. C. Sanchez.
- Elgin, Rural, Route 5. Missionary Licentiates:
Hondo, Rural, Star Route. Mrs. M. T. Proctor, Miss Velma
El Campo, Rural, Hahn Route. Smith, Miss Ruth Lehmann.

Lubbock, Tex., Avenue H and

Church School Teachers: Fifteenth St.; J. E. Brown,
Miss Edith Cornish, Miss Lila Box 1584.
Evans, Mrs. 0. W. Dawkins, Wichita Falls, Tex., Travis and
Miss Mabel Nielsen, A. C. Grif- Seventeenth Sts.; C. U. Tay-
fin, Mrs. A. C. Griffin, Mrs. J. D. lor, 1g03 Eleventh St.
Wilburn; Miss Lottie McCoy,
Miss Abbie Diann.
Churches and Pastors: INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-
Albuquerque, N. Mex., English, FERENCE
425 North Third St.
Spanish, 1024 North Arno St,..-; Educational:
A. C. Sanchez. Addington Intermediate School,
Clovis, N. Mex., 423 Rencher St. Addington, Okla.
Clyde, Tex., northeast part of Berea Intermediate School, Jef-
town. ferson, Tex.
El Paso, Tex., English, 3927 Ketchum Intermediate School,
Westminster St.; ' M. R. Ketchum, Okla.
Proctor, 3612 Morenci St. Oklahoma City Intermediate
Spanish, 604 South Campbell School, Oklahoma City, Okla.
St.; M. Serna. Southwestern Junior College,
Hagerman, N. Mex., west of Keene, Tex.
Raton, N. Mex., City Library Publishing:
Hall. Western Branch of Southern
Roswell, N. Mex., 507 North Pub. Assn., 112-114 St. Louis
Washington St.; E. T. Wilson, Ave., Fort Worth, Tex.; H. R.
608 South Main St. Gay, Manager.


Organized 1907

Territory: The provinces of Brit- Butterfield, J. J. Reiswig, W. A.

ish Columbia, Alberta, Saskat- Clemenson, C. L. Stone, L. C.
chewan, Manitoba, and that por- Shepard, 0. S. Parrett, M. D.,
tion of Ontario lying west of the H. J. Klooster, C. R. Morris, C:
S9th meridian. L. Paddock.
Legal Assn.: " Western Cana-
Population: 3,000,000; churches, dian Union Corporation of S.
96; memberg, 3,647. D. A."
Office: Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Field Miss., C. R. Morris.
Home Miss., Educational, and
Pres., S. A. Ruskjer. Miss. Vol., C. L. Stone.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, T. R. Medical Miss., 0. S. Parrett,
Lukens. M. D.
Executive Committee: S. A. Religious Liberty, S. A. Rusk-
Ruskjer, T. R. Lukens,, C. L. jer.

Transportation Agent, T. R. Ministers:

Lukens. J. J. Reiswig, G. W. Rader, 0.
Ministers: Ziprick, Fred Johnson, P. G.
S. A. Ruskjer, C. L. Stone, W. Yakovenko, D. E. Reiner, P. A.
G. Forshaw, H. J. Klooster, H.
S. Miller. Licentiates:
Honorary: N. McGill. C. D. Smith, B. A. Reile, Dr. A.
W. Semmens.
0. S. Parrett, M. D., C. R. Mor- Missionary Licentiates:
ris. J. M. A. LeMarquand, W. B.
Missionary Licentiates: Easton, Tillie Osness, C. T. Erd-
man, E. Humann, Miss J. Kruse.
T. R. Lukens, C. L. Paddock.
Honorary: H. E. Shelstad. Church School Teachers:
Miss Margaret Nickel, Wilma
McCarty, M. D. Knoll, J. W.
ALBERTA CONFERENCE Bober, Mrs. J. W. Bober, Mrs.
Organized 1906 Hilina Williams, Miss Grace
Wilson, Miss E. McCreery, Miss
Territory: The Province of Al- E. McGee, Miss Ruby Rowse,
berta. Russel McCarty.
Population: 400,000; churches, 32; Churches and Pastots:
members, ,1,413. Calgary, Fourth St., West and
Office: Rooms 304-306, I. 0. 0. Fourteenth Ave., West; H. L.
F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Can- Wood, 1231 Fourteenth Ave.,
ada. West.
Edmonton, Ninety-sixth St. and
Officers: 109th Ave.; G. W. Racier,
Pres., J. J. Reiswig. 9744 Eighty-third Ave.
Sec. and Treas., J. M. A. Le-
Executive Committee: J. J.
Reiswig, J. M. A. LeMarquand, BRITISH COLUMBIA CON-
D. Leiske, A. V. Farnsworth, 0. FERENCE
Ziprick. Organized 1902
Legal Assn.: " Alberta Confer-
ence Association of S. D. A." Territory: British Columbia, Can-
Trustees: J. J. Reiswig; J. M. ada.
A. LeMarquand, D. E. Reiner,
0. Ziprick, A. V. Farnsworth. Population: 635,000; churches, 18;
members, 641.
Department Secretaries:
Office: 605 Carter.- Cottona,Bldg.,
Tract Soc., J. M. A. LeMar- - Vancouver, British Columbia.
Field Miss., W. B. Easton. Officers:
Sabbath School, Miss Tillie Os- Pres., W. A. Clemenson.
ness. Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett.
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. Executive Committee: W. A.
E. Reiner. Clemenson, T. S. Bowett, C. W.
Home Miss., D. E. Reiner. Degering, S. G. White, H. W.
Medical, Dr. A. W. Semi-liens. Dutton, 0. E. Lindgren, D. E.
Religious Liberty, J. J. Reiswig. Beveridge.

Legal Assn: " British Columbia Sec. and Treas., D. H. Madsen.

Association of S. D. A." Executive Committee: L. C.
Department Secretaries: Shepard, F. W. Johnston, D. Gul-
brandson, W. A. Ramsay, L.
Tract Soc., T. S. Bowett. Smith, Henry Berg, D. H. Mad-
Field Miss., J. W. Wagner. sen.
Sabbath School, Miss A. How- Legal Assn.: " The Manitoba
ling. Conference of S. D. A."
Educational, Miss. Vol., and
Home Miss., C. W. Degering. Department Secretaries:
Religious Liberty, W. A. Clem- Tract Soc., D. H. Madsen.
enson. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. C. -Shep
Ministers: ard.
Educational, L. C. Shepard:
W. A. Clemenson, A. Ritchie, S. Miss. Vol., Lois Kelly.
G. White, C. W. Degering. Field and Home Miss., A. E.
Licentiate: Grignon.
S. Krietzky. Religious -Liberty, F. W. John-
Missionary Licentiates:
T. S. Bowett, H. Cameron, Mrs.
H. Cameron, Mrs. A. Ritchie, J. Lyle C. Shepard, F. W. Johnston,
W. Wagner, Miss A. Howling. D. Gulbrandson, H. Berg.
Honorary: Neil McGill.
Church School Teachers: Licentiates:
Wm. McCreadyl. Wm. Graham, P. Sigurdsson, (1. F. Ojala, S.
C. H. Casey, Mrs. C. H. Casey, Derachuk, B. C. Clark.
Miss Marie Stickle, ,Miss E. L.
Johnson, Mrs. C. W. Degering, Missionary Licentiates:
Miss Sarah Stickle. Mrs. L. C. Shepard, Lois Kelly,
Church Directory: A. E. Grignon, Elizabeth Rob-
Vancouver: erts, Millie Fisher, D. H. Madsen.
1758 Union St. Churches and Pastors:
2056 Forty-second Ave., East. Winnipeg (English), 355 Young
Sixty-sixth Ave. and Marine St.; F. W. Johnston, 286
Drive, Poison Ave.
Victoria, 2721 Graham St. Winniper, (Icelandic), 603 Alver-
stone bAve.; D. Gulbrandson,
737 Alverstone Ave.
Territory: The Province of Mani- ENCE
toba and that portion of Ontario Organized 1912
lying west of the 89th Meridian.
Territory: The Province of Sas-
Population: 800,000; churches, 12; katchewan.
members, 467.
Population: 1,165,000; churches,
Office: 302 Nokomis Bldg., Win- 34; members, 1,131.
nipeg, Manitoba.
Office: 426 Spadina Crescent, East,
Officers: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can-
Pres., L. C. Shepard. ada.

Officers: Church Directory:

Pres., C. L. Butterfield. Saskatoon, 426 Spadina Cres-
Sec. and Treas., H. A. Shepard. cent, East.
Executive Committee: C. L. Regina, Liberty Hall, Alberta
Butterfield, H. A. Shepard, G. 'F. St.
Ruf, H. K. Martin, G. Severson,
D. D. Neufeld, F. Sires. Moose Jaw, 350 Lillooet St.;
Legal Assn.: " Saskatchewan West.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Department Secretaries:
Tract Society, H. A. Shepard. INSTITUTIONS IN THE WEST-
Field MiSs., R. Carlin. ERN CANADIAN UNION
Home Miss., G. F. Ruf.
Sabbath School, Miss Mary Neu- CONFERENCE
feld. Educational:
Educational and Miss. Vol., G. F.
Ruf. Battleford Academy, Battleford,
Religious Liberty, C. L. Butter- Saskatchewan.
field. Canadian Junior College, La-
combe, Alberta.
C. L. Butterfield, H. K. Martin, Publishing:
D. D. Neufeld, J. D. Neufeld,
Wm. Ruminson, Theo. Dimin- liVestern Branch of the Canadian
yatz, S. M. Ryan. Watchman Press, 303 Noko-
mis) Bldg., Winnipeg, Mani-
Licentiates: toba.
Luther Long, G. F. Ruf, R. Car- Canadian Junior College Press.,
lill, N. Bodrug. Lacombe, Alberta.
.Missionary Licentiates: Medical:
FI. A. Shepard, Alice Campbell.
Bethel Sanitarium, Bowness
Church School Teachers: Park, Calgary, Alberta.
Miss Mary Swanson, Miss Rest Haven Sanitarium, Sidney,
Luella Larkey. British Columbia.
Territory: Europe and that por- General Auditors, Jens Olsen,
tion of Asia and Africa not in- P. Brandt.
cluded in other Divisions, viz.: Assistant Auditor, F. Brenn-
Baltic, British, Central Euro- wald.
pean, Czechoslovakian, East Ger- Department Secretaries:
man, Latin, Polish, Rumanian,
Scandinavian, and West German Publishing, C. E. Weaks; Asso-
Union Conferences; also Soviet ciate., H. Box. .
Russia including the North, Medical Miss., W. A. Ruble,
West, South, East Russian, and M. D.
Siberian Union Conferences, and Educational, W. M. Landeen.
the Dalne Wostotschnaja Union Sabbath School, L. L. Caviness.
Mission; Unattached Fields, be- Miss. Vol., S. Rasmussen.
ing Bulgarian Mission, Hunga- Home Miss., .E. Kotz.
rian Conference, and Jugoslav- Foreign Miss., W. E. Read.
ian Mission; Missions Operated
by the European Division: East GENERAL LABORERS IN THE
African, Ethiopian, and West EUROPEAN DIVISION
African Union Missions, Egypto-
Syrian Mission and Miscellar.e- L. H. Christian, L. R. Conradi,
ops Missions as hereafter speci- J. C. Raft, H. F. Schuberth, W.
fied: Eritrea, Faroe Islands, K. Ising, H. Box, W. A. Ruble,
Greece, Iceland, Mauritius-Mad- W. M. Landeen, L. L. Caviness,
agascar, Mesopotamia, Persia, S. Rasmussen, C. E. Weaks, E.
Ruanda, and Turkey. Kotz, W. E. Read.

Population: about 600,000,000;

churches, 2,070; members, 77,000. HAMBURG SEVENTH-DAY AD-
Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Advent, Bern. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
Office Address: 17 Hoheweg, Bern, society to hold all property
Switzerland. of the denomination in Ham-
Officers: L. R. Conradi, Pres.;
Vice-President for Europe, L. H. Power of Attorney, H. Hartkop;
Christian. Treas., Alice Kfissner; other
Secretary, W. K. Ising. members: The presidents of the
Treasurer, C. Pedersen. Central European, East Ger-
Field Secretaries: L. R. Conradi, man, and West German Unions,
J. C. Raft, H. F. Schuberth. and of local conferences therein.

Organized July, 1923
Territory: Esthonia, Latvia, and Ministers:
Lithuania. ]3iirengrub, L. Nikkar, A.
Population: 6,391,000; churches, Element, M. Lass, A. Aug.
62; members, 3,163. 'Licentiates:
Cable Address: Advent, Riga. G. Trussmann, E. Miigi.
Office Address: Brivibas eelft 11, Missionary Licentiates:
Riga, Latvia. E. Ney.
Sec., A. Sproge. Organized 1920
Treas., E. Kreevs. Territory: Latvia.
Executive Committee: D. N.
Wall, K. Sutta, J. Schneider, Population: 2,220,000; churches,
M. Biirengrub, L. F. Oswald, A. 35; members, 1,848.
Sproge, M. Gnedinas, K. Rose. Cable Address: Advent, Riga.
Department Secretaries:. Office Address: Brivibas eelft 11,
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Riga, Latvia.
Home Miss., A. Sproge. Officers:
Educational, L. F. Oswald. Pres., K. Sutta.
Ministers: Sec., K. Rose.
D. N. Wall, J. Schneider, A. Treas., E. Kreevs.
Sproge. Executive Committee: K. Sutta,
Licentiates: J. Schneider, A. Sproge, M. Tom-
L. F. Oswald. S011, 0. Preedit, W. Willmann,
J. Merten.
Department Secretaries:
ESTHONIAN CONFERENCE Tract Soc., J. Schneider.
Organized 1912 Field Miss., Alfred Vogel.
Sabbath School, Home Miss.,
Territory: Esthonia. and Miss. Vol., A. Sproge.
Population: 1,500,000; churches, Ministers:
18; members, 1,178. K. Sutta, J. Sproge, P. Purina],
Cable Address: Advent J. Birsin, J. Drikis, K.- Rose, A.
Office: Merepuiestec 14-a, Tallinn, ,Eglit.
Esthonia. Licentiates:
Officers: W. Botsch, A. Vogel.
Pres., D. N. Wall. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec.,. M. Barengrub. K. Hilweg, F. Wagele, M. Sutta,
Treas., M. Raba. - E. Osol, M. Stumberg, K. Pelvis.
Executive Committee: D. N.
Wall, M. Barengrub, H. Kohler,
Department Secretaries: Organized 1920
Tract Soc., M. Raba. Territory: Lithuania.
Field Miss., E. Lillioja.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., Population: About 3,000,000;
Miss. Vol., E. Ney. churches, 9; members, 137.

Office Address: Kauno g-ve 22, Department Secretaries:

but. 3, Vilkaviskis, Lithuania. Home Miss., Sabbath School,
and. Miss. Vol., W. Strohl.
Officers: Field Miss., Jonis Goira. '
Director, M. Gnedinas. Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., W. Stroh!. M. Gnedinas, E. Enseleit, W.
Executive Committee: M. Gne- Strohl.
dinas, W. Strohl, E. Enseleit, J. Missionary Licentiates:
Kehlert, A. Krause, J. Goira. M. Morenings, J. Goira.


Organized 1902
Territory: North British Confer- Ministers:
ence and South British Confer- J. E. Jayne, W. H. Meredith, A.
ence. S. Maxwell, S. Joyce, Dr. W. A.
Population: 46,764,530; churches, Ruble.
75; members, 4,000. Honorary: J. J. Gillatt, C. H.
Cable Address: " Hygiene," Wat- Hayton, M. D.
ford, Herts, England. Licentiates:
Office:, Stanborough Park, Wat- H. D. Clarke, J. Harker, G. W.
ford, Herts, England. Honorary: Dr. F. C. Shone.
Offi6ers: Missionary Licentiates:
Pres., J. E. Jayne. A. Bacon, W. R. Raitt, E. H.
Vice-Pres., W. H. Meredith. Marsh, H. Osborne, G. L. Gul-
Sec. and Treas., H. D. Clarke. brandson, Dr. J. Reith, H. H.
Auditor, G. L. Gulbrandson. Howard, Mrs. H. H. Howard.
Executive Committee: J. E.
Jayne, W. H. Meredith, A. E.
ing, F. S. Jackson, Dr. W. A. Ru-
ble, A. S. Maxwell, G. L. Gul- Organized 1924
brandson, W. R. Raitt, H. D. (Being a combination of the South
Clarke, G. W. Baird, H. Osborne, England and Welsh Conferences
S. Joyce, J. Harker. and the Irish Mission Field.)
Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad- Territory: The Counties of Corn-
ventist Union, Ltd." Pres., J. E. wall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset,
Jayne; Sec., W. R. Raitt: Gloucester, Wilts, Oxford, Berks,
General Conference Transportation Bucks, Hants, Surrey, Sussex,
Kent, London, Middlesex, Hert-
Agent: ford, Bedford, Huntingdon, Cam-
A. Bacon, 17 Orford Road, Wal- bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex,
thamstow, E. 17, England. Isle of Wight, the Channel Is-
Department Secretaries: lands, the Principality of Wales,
Field Miss., S. Joyce. with the counties of Monmouth-
Home Miss., Sabbath School, shire, Herefordshire, and Shrop-
and Miss. Vol., J. Harker. shire, and the whole of Ireland.
Educational, G. W. Baird. Population: 22,382,242; churches,
Medical, Dr. W. A. Ruble. 45; lumbers, 2,376.

Office: Lindrick House, Seven Sis- NORTH BRITISH CONFERENCE

ters Road, Finsbury Park, Lon- Organized 1924 by uniting the
don, N. 4, England. North England and Scottish
Officers: Conferences.
Pres., F. A. Spearing. Territory: The counties of Lanca-
Vice-Pres. for Wales, W. H. shire, Yorkshire, Durham, Che-
Meredith. shire, Isle of Man, Westmore-
Vice-Pres. for Ireland, F. S. land, Cumberland, Northumber-
Jackson. land, Derbyshire, Nottingham-
Sec. and Treas., J. H. Parkin. shire, Lincolnshire, Stafford-
Executive Committee: F. A. shire, Leicestershire, Rutland-
Spearing, W. H. Meredith, F. S. shire, Northamptonshire, Worces-
Jackson, W. Maudsley, L. W. tershire, Warwickshire, the whole
Barras, J. McAvoy, H. W. Lowe, of Scotland including the Heb-
J. H. Parkin, Dr. F. C. Shone, rides, Orkneys, and Shetlands.
H. Yeates, J. H. Bunker. Population: 24,382,288; churches,
.31; members, 1,627.
Department Secretaries:
Office: 22 Zulla Road, Nottingham,
Sabbath School, Home Miss., England.
and Miss. Vol., H. W. Lowe.
Field Miss., E. J. Whiting. Officers:
Medical, Dr. W. A. Ruble. Pres., A. E. Bacon.
Educational, H. H. Howard, Vice-Pres., R. Mussen.
Sec. and Treas., W. G. Baldry.
lVfiuisters: Executive Committee: A. E.
Bacon, R. Mussen, W. A. Hall,
F. A. Spearing, W. H. Meredith, A. K. Armstrong, W. G. Baldry,
F. S. Jackson, W. Maudsley, L. F. W. Goodall, D. Davies, T.
W. Barras, W. P. Prescott, T. Thomson, G. T. Bryan, A. E. P.
H. Cooper, J. McAvoy, J. B. Rae.
West, G. Hyde, D. Morrison, 0.
M. Dorland, Ii: W. Armstrong, Department Secretaries:
S. F. Tonics, W. J. Young, R. Home Miss., Sabbath School.
Whiteside. and Miss. Vol., F. W. Goodall.
Field Miss. Sec., D. Davies.
J. J. Hyde, A. F. Bird, S. G. A. E. Bacon, R. Mussen, /A. S.
Joyce. Rodd, H. F De'Ath, J. E. Bell,
Missionary Licentiates: W. A. Hall, a. K. Armstrong,
F. C. Bailey, E. E Craven.
G. W. Bailey, R. S. Joyce, E. J.
Whiting, J. H. Parkin, J. G. Licentiates:
Bevan, R. Freeth, Mrs. E. M. F. W. Coppock, E. R. Elias, F.
Brooks, Miss E. Guntrip, Miss L.' Chapman.
G. E. Wallace, Miss W. Quibell, Missionary Licenti_ates:
Miss W. D. Clifford, Miss E. M. F. W. Goodall, W. G. Baldry,
Powell, Miss M. Anderson, Miss D. Davies, A. V. Ward, W. R. A.
B. Clarke, Miss M. Living, Miss MadgWick, Miss A. F. Clarke,
M. Murdoch, Mrs. R. Borrow- Miss H. Vandenbergh, Miss D.
dale, Miss M. E. Lenanton, Miss Brown, Miss J. Handysides,
L. Cooper, Miss 0. C. Davies, Miss M. Basher, Mrs. D. Casey,
Miss I. M. Baldwin, Miss Bal- Miss J. Archibald, Miss H. Rob-
lard, Miss J. Bastow, Miss E. R. ertson, Miss E. Donaldson, Miss
Howard, Miss A. M. Beazley. I. Hogg, A. Barr,
Organized 1912
Territory: German Switzerland, Nursing Home Wiesbaden, Rhein-
Austria, Wurtemberg, Baden, str. 64:
Bavaria, Hessen, and Rhinepfalz. Leader, Kiite Lapp.
Population: 26,000,000; churches, Nurses, Leonore Border, Marg.
177; membership, 8,370. Rosenbuseh, Anni Gareis.
Office Address: 35 Tizianstr., :Mu- Boarding-House, Karlsruhe, Krieg-
nich, Bavaria, Germany. str. 84.
Officers: Manager, Mr. and Mrs. H. Willi
Auditor, 0. Schildhauer.
Pres., G. W. Schubert.
Sec. and Treas., Otto Schild-
Office Sec., Dora Jenssen. GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE
Sub-Treas., Helene Kofink. Organized 1901
Auditor, P. Brandt. Territory: German Switzerland.
Executive Committee: 0. W. and Canton Ticino.
Schubert, E. Gugel, F. A. Prie- Population: About 2,500,000;
ser, J. Muth, C. A. Motzer, G. churches, 30; members, 1,068.
Seng, K. Sinz, 0., Schildhauer, ,
0. Schuberth, W. Edener, L. Office: St. Gallen, 58 Rorschacher-
Lutz, G. Muller, J. G. Hopf. str. Switzerland.
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Sabbath School, Home Miss., Pres., C. A. Motzer..
and Miss. Vol., W. Edener. Sec. and Treas., E. Haring.
Auditor, 0. Schildhauer.
Educational, Otto Schuberth. Executive Committee: C. A.
Field Miss., L. Lutz. Motzer, 0. Midler, R. Miller, A.
Religious Liberty, G. W. Schu- Rudolf, E. Siegrist, A. 1Vleiz,
bert. A. Stuber.
Traveling Nurse, Jandola Suyber.. Department Secretaries:
Ministers: Sabbath School, Home Miss.,
G. W. Schubert, 0. Schildhauer, and Miss. Vol., A. Junginger.
W. Edener. Field Miss., N. Stuber.
South German Building Associa- C. A. Motzer, H. Meyer-Burt-
tion: schy, E. Frauchiger, R. Biihler,
Manager: Karl Fili, Architect. A. Junginger.
Bookkeeper, Gisela Griinzeur,.
Committee: G. W. Schubert, b 0. Licentiates:
Schildhauer, E. Gugel, J. Muth, E. HUring, J. Wuffli.
C. A. Motzer, G. Seng, K. Md. Missionary Licentiates:
South German Health Associa- K. Sturzenegger, Miss E. Haas,
tion: Miss E. Tobler, Miss M. Geiss-
Committee: G. W. Schubert, 0 bidder, Miss Bertha Schmidt.
Schildhauer, E. Gugel, 0. Schu- Chapel: Stampfenbachstr. 85,
berth, K. Fill. Zurich.


AUSTRIAN CONFERENCE Sec. and Treas., Johanna Walz.

Organized 1921 Auditor, Otto Schildhauer.
Executive Committee: J. Muth,
Territory: The Austrian Repub- J. Penner, G. Hofer, Fr. Ried-
lic. linger, St. Geiger.
Population: 6,500,000; churches, Department Secretaries:
19; membership, 800. Sabbath School, Home Miss.,
Office: Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, and Miss. Vol., M. Busch.
Austria. Field Miss., F. Riedlinger.
Officers: Ministers:
Pres., F. A. Prieser. J. Muth, J. Premier, Robert Miil-
Sec. and Treas., Bertha Bruscha. ler, Fr. Gregorius, Max Busch.
Auditor, Otto Schildhauer.
Executive Committee: F. A Licentiates:
Prieser, A. Sachsenmeyer, Karl Albert Ansel, Wolfgang Gemein-
Floder, Karl Mel, R. Grabner. hardt.
Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:
Sabbath School, Home Miss., Hermann Schulte, K. Adolf, H.
and Miss. Vol., A. Weinert. Noltze, Miss L. Fiirst, Miss J.
Field Miss., Grabner. Scheible, Miss. M. Scheibenber-
Fr. Gruber, F. A. Prieser, R. Chapel: Bergstr. 22, Stuttgart.
Lange, A. Weinert, A. Sachen-
meyer, D. Eicher, J. Miihlbacher,
L. Schneebauer.'
A. Karl, B. Korinek. - Organized 1912; reorganized 1922
Missionary Licentiates: Territory: Baden.
Miss Anna Gutmann, Miss Otti- Population: 2,500,000; churches,
lie Westenberger, Miss Therese 17; members, 840.
Edenweger. Office: Karlshrue-Baben, 84 Krieg-
Meeting Halls: str., Germany.
Wimbergergasse 46, Vienna VII. OffiCers;
Nussdorferstr. 4, Vienna IX. Pres., G. Seng.
Sec. and Treas., Anny Bussinger.
Auditor, 0. Schildhauer.
WURTEMBERG CONFERENCE Executive ,Committee: G. Seng,
Organized 1912 L. Schafer, W. Kohler, E. Fitelis.
Territory: Wurtemberg incl. Ho- Department Secretaries:
. henzollern., Sabbath School, Home Miss.,
and Miss. Vol., Max Priill.
Population: 3,000,000; churches, Field Miss., E. Fuchs.
41; members, 1,405.
Office: Stuttgart, 77 Hasenberg- G. Seng, M. Ponig, H. Schwarz,
str. Germany. L. Aberle,
Officers: Licentiate:
Pres., J. Muth. 0. Neubauer

Missionary Licentiates: Population: 4,000,000; churches,

G. Kupfer, M. nil11, H. Willi, 29; members, 1,675.
A. Gassmann.
Office: Munich, 29 Alpenstr., Ba-
Chapels: varia, Germany.
Kriegstr. 84, Karlsruhe-Baden.
Grotzingen, near Durlach. Officers:
Pres., E. Gugel.
Sec. and Treas., Lydia Rein.
NORTH BAVARIAN CONFER- Auditor, Otto Schildhauer.
ENCE Executive Committee: E. Gugel,
Organized 1919 G. Dittolf, J. Kohler, J. G. Houf,
J. Gemeinhardt.
Territory: Upper, Central, and
Lower Frankonia, Upperpfalz, Department Secretaries:
excepting Regensburg. Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
Population: 3,000,000; churches, F. Rudin.
21; members, 1,168. - Miss. Vol.; W. Thiermann.
Office: Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nu- Field Miss., Kohler.
remberg, Bavaria, Germany. Ministers:
Officers: E. Gugel, 0. F. HOrner, G. Dti-
Pres., K. Sinz. rolf, G. Mai, F. Rudin.
Sec. and Treas., Laura Hagel-
stein. Licentiates:
Auditor, 0. Schildhauer. A. Stammberger, E. Adolph.
Executive Committee: K. Sinz, Missionary Licentiates:
R. Werner, Chr. Braun, 0.
Barth, H. Zuber. G. Sommer, P. Haas, Miss
Westenberger, Miss K. Buess,
Department Secretaries: Miss J. easchenegger, Miss K.
Sabbatn School, Home Miss., Zeuch.
and Miss. Vol., L. Krug.
Field Miss., H. Zuber. Chapels:
Tizianstr. 35, Mtinchen.
Ministers: Oberes Kreuz F 3571. Augsburg.
K. Sinz, R. Werner, L. Krug, F.
Grieser, A v. Wallenstern.
E. Kuscnel, M. Ganzlebn.
Organized 1920
Missionary Licentiates:
0. Zollman, Miss E. Klosch- Territory: Hessen to the right and
mann, Miss R. Miller, Miss M. the left of the Rhine, the dis-
Keller, Miss, L. Hoffman. tricts of Wiesbaden, Coblenz
Chapel: Hinterm Bahnhof 30, NU- and the Rhinepfalz.
Population: 4,365,000; churches,
19, members, 1,300.
ENCE Office: Frankfurt-Main, 32, Esch-
Organized 1919 enheimer Anlage, Germany.
Territory: Upper and Lower Bava- Officers:
ria, Swabia, Neuburg, and the Pres., 0. Schildhauer.
Southern part of the Upper- Sec. and Treas., D. Women
pfalz, including Regensburg. Auditor, Otto Schildhauer.

Executive Committee: 0. Schild- SCHOOL CHURCH

hauer, P. Hanke, K. Mall, J.
Stein. Organized 1921
Department Secretaries:
-Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Territory: Bad Aibling.
Miss. Vol., F. Diirr.
Field Miss., K. Mall. Office Address: Bad Aibling, Kur-
haus, Wittelsbach, Germany.
0. Schildhauer, J. F. Grieser, K. Officers:
Golzer, F. MIT.
Licentiates: Treas., Helene Kofink.
G. Knecht, E. Mayer. Auditor, 0. Schildhauer.
Missionary Licentiates:
F. A. Staubert, G. Bohm, H. Ministers:
Klages. 0. Schuberth, H. Schmidt.


Organized 1919
Territory: Entire Republic, com- Committee: J. Simon, J. Po-
prising the Moravia-Silesian pelka, F. Ludwig.
and North Bohemian Confer-
ences, Central Bohemian and
Population: 13,000,000; churches, ENCE
65; members, 1,834. Office Address: 12 Badergasse,
Office Address: 12 Badergasse, Troppau, Czechoslovakia.
Troppau,,,Szechosloyakia. Officers:
Officers: Pres., R. Riihling.
Pres., R. Riihling. Sec., W. Kudelka.
Sec., W. Kudelka. Treas., A. Reckziegel.
Treas., Augusta Reckziegel.
Executive Committee: R. Riihl- Executive Committee: R. Riihl-
ing, M. H. Wentland, H. Bisch- ling, K. Jelen, P. Tannenberg,
off, J.- Popelka, F. Ludwig, E. J. Petruska, F. Fiala.
Seidl, J. Doubraysky. Department Secretaries:
Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Maslo.
Field Miss., J. Popelka. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and A. Ernst.
Sabbath School, A. Ernst. Ministers:
Minister: - K. Polednik, K. Jelen, A. Go-
R. Riihling. mola.
Missionary Licentiate: Licentiate:
W. Kudelka. J. Schor.
Seventh-day Adventist Associa- Missionary Licentiates:
tion: J. Chodura, M. Bujok, W. Ku-
Manager, J. Simon. delka, P. Raska, K. Gryga.


M-Ostrau, Marienberg Palacki Office Address: Gregrova 32,
171, Czechoslovakia. Prague- Vinhorady, Czechoslo-
Troppau, Hans Kudlichgasse 6 vakia.
(Israel. Gemeindehaus), Cze-
choslovakia. Officers:
Nawsi, Adventkapelle, Nawsi Supt., J. Doubraysky.
Nr. 318, Czechoslovakia. Sec., J. Koulik.
Lazy, Adventkapelle, Lazy Nr. Treas., A. Reckziegel.
519, Czechoslovakia. Executive Committee: J. Don-
Teschen, Hohlwegstrasse, Cze- braysky, E. Balzar, J. Simon,
choslovakia. J. Mokry, S. Kupcik. .
Sschumbark, Mittelsuchau Nr. Department Secretaries:
164, Czechoslovakia.
Vsetin, Adventkapelle, Czecho- Miss. Vol., J. Simon.
slovakia. Sabbath School, J. Kroulik.
Field Miss., S. Kupcik.
J. Doubraysky, J. Simon.
ENCE J. barfly, J. Kroulik.
Office Address: 36 PragerstraSse, Missionary Licentiates:
Teplitz- Schou au, Czechoslovakia. R. Machac, A. Adam.
Church Directory:
Officers: Prague, Spalena ul. 34, Czechci-
Pres., M. H. Wentland. - slovakia.
Sec., K. Fleck.
Treas., A. Reckziegel.
Executive Committee: M. H.
Wentland, H. Aberle, E. Seidl, SLOVAKIAN MISSION
K. Taute, J. Hannitsch.
Office Address: 2 Vodna ul, Kas-
Department Secretaries: chau, Czechoslovakia.
Field Miss., R. Ortel.
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Officers:
- Home Miss., K. Fleck. Supt., H. Bischoff.
Sec., St. Macko.
Ministers: Treas., A. Reckziegel.
M. H. Wentland, H. Aberle, R. Executive Committee: H. Bisch-
Neumann, 'F. Bohm, B. Vietze. off, A. Gajdos, K. Harting, J.
Licentiate: Cernak, P. Schurmann.
K. Fleck. Department Secretaries:
Missionary Licentiate: Sabbath School, Miss A. Kmety.
F. Prauschke. Field Miss., P. Schurmann.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Re ichenberg, Rochlitzerstr 9, H. Bischoff, G. Geier.
Czechoslovakia. Licentiate:
Teplitz-Sch6nau, Pragerstr. 36, J. Mokry.
Gablonz a. N. Hofgasse 4 b- Missionary Licentiates:
$eidl,,. 3. Cismar, A. 13,14scb,
Organized 1909
Territory: The Berlin, Branden- Hans; Sec. and Treas., A. Hes-
burg, Silesian, West Saxonian, sel.
Northeast Saxonian, Pomera- Office: Uhlandstrasse 189 III, Ber-
nian, and East Prussian Con- lin-Charlottenburg, Germany.
Population: About 20,000,000;
churches, 338; members, 13,494.
Office Address: Uhlandstrasse 189, BERLIN CONFERENCE
III, Charlottenburg-Berlin, Ger- Organized _1920
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Territory: Greater Berlin.
" Missionsgesellschaft," Chariot-
tenburg. Population: 3,820,000; churches,
27; members, 1,907.
Officers: Office: Wielandstrasse 41, Chariot-
Pres., J. H. Schilling. tenburg-Berlin, Germany.
Sec., A. Heumann. Officers:
Treas., A. Hessel. Pres., P. Horn.
Asst. Treas., E. Maier. Sec. and Treas., R. Daumichen.
Financial Agent, W. Hans. Executive Committee: P. Horn,
Auditor, P. A. Brandt. D. Brinkmann, M. Golze, M.
Executive Committee: J. H. Scharer, A. Mulack, G. Frad-
Schilling, F. Witting, A. 0. Jan rich, K. Niedhardt.
ert, R. Lusky, P. Horn, B.
Ohnie, J. Seefried, H. Glass, A. Department Secretaries:
Posch, 0. Kapitz, W. Muller, E.
Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Meyer, M. D., L. E. Conradi, M. Home Miss., D. Brinkmann.
D., W. Hans, A. Hessel. Field Miss., K. Ostwald.
Department Secretaries: Medical Miss., Maria Brasina.
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Ministers:
Sabbath School, 0. Kapitz.
Medical Miss., E. Meyer, M. D. P. Horn, A. Dinner, D. Brink-
Field Miss., A. Posch. mann, M. Scharer, F. Dresslei.,
A. Schenck.
Ministers: Licentiates:
J. H. Schilling, W. Milner, 0.
Kapitz, W. Hoffman. E. Jeschke, 13. Westhofer, E.
Hildebrandt, A. 0. Faetting, K.
Licentiates: Steudel.
E. C. Witzke, F. Pieringer, P.
Hennig. Missionary Licentiates:
S. Steinkritzer, L. Eisberg, W.
Missionary Licentiates: Noack, W. Lesovsky, A. Rein-
A. Heumann, Chr. Zybach, E. hold, Martha Thiimmel, Helene
Trusen. Junker, Gertrude Pest.
Legal Building Assn.: " Mittel- Nurses Home:
d e u t s c h e Grundstacksgesell- Charlottenburg, Goethestrasse 13.
schaft m. b. H." Pres., W. Head Nurse, Martha Feder.

BRANDENBURG CONFERENCE . ExecutiVe Committee: J. See-

fried, M. Budnick, M. Zielinski,
Organized 1920 K. Amelung, R. Dietrich, K.
Jonuleit, H. Korsch, W. Ninow.
Territory: Districts of Potsdam,
Jerichow I and II, Torgau, Department Secretaries:
Liebenwerda, Magdeburg, Wit- Home Miss.,
Miss. Miss. Vol., and
tenberg and Frankfurt a. Oder. Sabbath M. Budnick.
Population: About 2,500,000; Field Miss., J. Morenings.
churches, 44; members, 1,814. Ministers:
Office: Weinbergstrasse 13, Ebers- J. Seefried, K. Amelung, M.
walde, Germany. Budnick, W. Ninow, R. Dietrich,
Officers: K. Jonuleit, H. Korsch, M. Zie-
Pres., F. Gating. linski, F. Grellmann.
Sec., F. Selle. Licentiates:
Treas., Frieda Rowert. W. Gauger, K. Pansegrau.
Executive Committee: F. Ga- Missionary Licentiates:
ting, A. Midler, R. Ostermeier, E. Rathke, H. Neumann, W.
H. Langenstrassen, E. Henk. Koller, P. Behrendt.
Department Secretaries:
Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Home Miss., A. Wachholz.
Field Miss., A. Kissling.
Ministers: FERENCE
F. Gutting, F. Baucke, W. Furle,
G. Freund, W. Radke, A. Mid- Organized 1919
ler, H. Schmitz, A. Wachholz,
F. Selle, J. Bohlmann. Territory: District of Dresden,
Bautzen, and Leipzig.
A. Brandel, E. Schwerke, W. Population: About 3,000,000;
Kloss, W. Thalmann, E. Bahr. churches, 41; members, 1,873.
Missionary Licentiates: Office: Ellasstrasse 20 c., Dresden-
H.. Ross, A. Kul-patzki, R. A., Germany.
Nickel, Antonie Martin.
Pres., B. Ohme.
Sec. and Treas., E. Kermer.
EAST PRUSSIA CONFERENCE Executive Committee: B. Ohme,
F. Hambrock, R. Volzke, H.
Organized 1903 Witschas, B. Neuhaus, M. Rich-
Territory: Province of East Prus- ter, M. Fischer.
sia, West Prussia, Danzig. Department Secretaries:
Population: About 2,370,000; Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
churches, 61; members, 1,990. Home Miss., F. Hambrock.
Office: Tiergartenstrasse 23, Field Miss., R. VOlzke.
Konigsberg, East Prussia, Ger- Medical Miss., Elfriede Schroder.
Officers: B. Ohme, F. Hambrock, E. Dwe-
Pres., J. Seefried. hus, W. Schwenecke, A.
Sec., F. May. Muller, R. SchrOder, H. Brink-
Treas., Martha D'abritz. mann, J. Brezinski.


G. Piwarz, F. Heinrich, W. Giil-
denpfennig, R. Patzig. Organized 1907
Missionary Licentiates: Territory:. Province of Silesia.
W. Muller, J. Beier, K. Mager,
P. Haufe, M. Ballack, Elfriede Population: 4,500,000; churches,
Melchoir, Gertrud Ackermann, "65; members, 2,328.
F. Schmidt. Officers: Steinstrasse 9a, Breslau,
Nursing Homes: Germany.
Dresden-A., Lothringerstrasse 8;
Head Nurse: Elizabeth Bor- Officers:
mann. Pres., R. Lasky.
Leipzig, Waldstrasse 60; Head Sec., G. Petzold.
Nurse, Klara Gruner. Treas., Martha Fuchs.
Executive Committee: R. Las-
ky, And. Krautschick, W. Nat-
POMERANIAN CONFERENCE schinski, H. Liebal, A. lion-
schake, E. Schubert, W. Kohl-
Organized 1901 mann.
Territory: Province of Pomera- Department Secretaries:
nia. Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Population: 1,800,000; churches, Home Miss., A. Krautschick.
47; members, 1,511. Field Miss., J. Kanzok.
Office: Politzerstrasse 45, Stettin, Medical Miss., Senta Rank.
Germany. Ministers:
Officers: R. busky, And. Krautschick, A.
Pres., H. Glass. Rebensburg, H. Hufnagel, A.
Sec. and Treas., M. Jackel. Langholf, E. Maher, A. Arnold,
Executive Committee: H. Glass, G. Panzig, H. Kobs.
P. Stlicker, P. Ltidtke, R. Kath, Licentiates:
E. Bahr.
E. Frauchiger, G. Petzold, A.
Department Secretaries: Walter.
Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Home Miss., H. Wittig. Missionary Licentiates:
ield Miss., R. Behnke. P. Milner, W. Schmieder, A.
Medical. Miss., Hedwig Koch. Jarschke, W. Hartmann, W.
Adamsky, W. Bartsch, H. Lang-
Ministers: ner, W. Natschinski, H. Labs.
H. Glass, P. Stificker, W. Trib-
bensee, E. Jager, H. Dietrich, Nursing Home:
W. Derlath, 0. Bauscher, W. Breslau, Auguststrasse 150, III;
Schulz. Head Nurse, Catherine Thimsen.
H. Wittig, F. Kr6ger, E. Bahr,
W. Trtiger.
Missionary Licentiates:
0. BShr, T. Botteher, W. Kul- Organized 1920
patzki, Miss von Kondratowicz,
Margarethe Soyk, Lydia Boh- Territory: District of Chemnitz
melt. and Zwickau,

Population: About 1,S00,000; Field Miss., E. User.

churches, 53; members, 2,079. Medical Miss., Hanny Sickesz.
Office: Adventhaus, Hans Sachs- Ministers:
strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
A. 0. Janert, August h_rauts-
Officers: chick, H. Schluttig, J. Effenberg,
Pres., A..0. Janert. F. Scior, J. Salatzkat, 0. Haase.
Sec., H. Schluttig. Licentiates:
Treas., Frieda Korduan.
Executive Committee: A. 0. R. Scheibitz, E. Pistoirius, B.
Janert, H. Schluttig, A. Kraut- Neef.
schick, E. Loser, R. Heidenreich,
R. Queen, K. May. Missionary Licentiates:
K. Thiele, M. Hochmuth, G.
Department Secretaries: Natschicnski, G. Walter, Klara
Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and Horn, Anita Broszat, Anna
Home Miss., H. Schluttig. Jlling.


Organized 19o2
Territory: The Leman, North Medical Miss., Dr. J. Nussbaum,
France, South France, East 1 bis rue Bernardin de St.
France, and Belgian Confer- Pierre, Le Havre, France.
ences; and the Italian, Spanish, Sabbath School, Robert Gerber.
Portuguese, and Algerian Mis-
sions. Ministers:
A. V. Olson, J. Vuilleumier, A.
Population: Approximately 120,- G. Roth, A. Vaucher, L. P.
000,000:- churches,' 7 i ; members, Tieche, J. A. P. Green, S. Bad-
3,033. aut, Robert Gerber.
General Office: Gland, Switzerland. Honorary: J. P. Badaut.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Pres., A. V. Olson. A. M. Dickey, J. De Wolf.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Robert
Executive Committee: A. V. 01- BELGIAN CONFERENCE
s'on, Robert Gerber, S. Badaut,
J. A. P. Green, Dr. J. IN uss- Organized 1920
baumT. Robert, A. G. Roth, L. Territory: Belgium.
E. Bode, J. Rey, U. Augsbour-
ger, Oscar Meyer, P. F. Richard, Office: 174 Boulevard Anspach,
A. J. Girou, D. G. Werner, L. J. Brussels, Belgium.
Stene, J. C. Guenin, Albert Officers:
Pres., A. J. Girou.
Department Secretaries: Sec. and Treas., Miss C. Beullens.
Field Miss., J. A. P. Green. Executive Committee: A. J.
Educational, A. G. Roth. Girou, J. Wibbens, J. L. Loots,
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., S. L. A. Mathy, F. Magnus, J.
Badaut. Vandenbosch, C. De Bie.

Department Secretaries: LEMAN CONFERENCE

Tract Soc., and Sabbath School,
Miss C. Beullens. Organized 1884
Field Miss. and Miss. Vol., F. Territory: The French-speaking
Magnus. parts of Switzerland.
Home Miss., J. L. Loots.
Office: Avenue de Baulieu 1, Lau-
Ministers: - sanne, Switzerland.
A. J. Girou, J. Wibbens, R. G.
Klingbeil, J. L. Loots, L. A. Officers:
Mathy, C. Kamm. Pres., J. Rey.
Sec. and Treas., M. Duval.
Missionary Licentiates: Executive Committee: J. Rey,
F. Magnus, A. Hoeland, Miss C. M. Duval, H. H. Dexter, A.
Beullens, Miss J. Gilles, Miss M. Pache, Dr. P. A. De Porest, U.
Klingbeil. Guenin, L. Monnier.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Society and Home Miss ,
(Formerly Alsace and Lorraine Field roliss. and Miss. Vol., A.
Conference) Pache.
Sabbath School, Miss M. Han-
Organized 1919 hardt.
Territory: Alsace-Lorraine, the de- Educational, Eugene Rey.
partments of Meurthe et Mo-
selle, Vosges, Haute - Saone, Ministers:
Meuse, Haute-Marne, and the J. Rey, H. H. Dexter, A. Guyot.
territory of Belfort. Missionary Licentiates:
Office: Grand 'Rue 144, Strasbourg, D. Lecoultre, M. Duval, A.
Alsace, France. Pache, M. Hanhardt, G. Ferciot,
Officers: H. Meyrial.
Pres., P. F. Richard. Church School Teachers:
Sec. and Treas., L. Ancel. . Miss A. Favarger, Miss L. 13er-
Executive Committee: P. F. lie.
Richard, J. Fehr, P. J. Frei, V-.
Monnier, G. Haberey, G. Kiehl,
Department Secretaries: Organized 1923
Tract oociety, L. Ancel.
Field Miss., Home Miss., and Territory: Departments north of
Miss. Vol., G. Haberey. Charente InfOrieure, Charente,
Sabbath School, P. J. Frei. Haute - Vienne, Creuse, Allier,
Saone et Loire, and Jura; and
Ministers: west of Meuse, Haute-Marne,
P. F. Richard, J. Fehr, P. J. Frei, and Haute-Saone.
V. Monnier.
Office Address: 1 Rue Nicolas
Licentiate: Roret, Paris 13, France.
G. Ha oerey.
Missionary Licentiates: Pres., U. Augsbourger.
L. Ancel, Miss W. Hockenberger, Sec. and Treas., George Weber.
Miss E. Gross, Miss L. Gerber. Executive Committee: U. Augs-

bourger, George Weber, Dr. J. Licentiate:

Nussbaum, J. Monnier, J. Vuil- F. Lavanchy.
leumier, A. Roth, A. Jaccard.
Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries: 0. Ganty, H. Baudoin, Miss L.
Tract Society, G. Weber. Bonnet, Miss A. Liotier.
Field Miss., P. Haignere.
Sabbath School, Miss B. Achard. ALGERIAN MISSION
Medical Miss., Dr. J. Nussbaum.
Home Miss., J. Monnier. Entered 1905
Miss. Vol., M. Tieche.
Territory: Algiers.
Ministers: -Office Address: 2 Rue Robert Es-
U. Augsbourger, J. Monnier. toublon, Algiers, Algeria.
Licentiates: Officers:
Dr. J. Nussbaum, M. Tie'clie. Supt., Albert Meyer.
Sec. and Treas., A. Gissler.
Missionary Licentiates:
G. Weber, P. Haignere, E. Gri- Mission Committee: Albert
sier, Mrs. J. Dethier, Miss B. Meyer, A. Gissler, J. Bureaud,
Achard, Miss H. Cachemaiiie. M. Simon.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Society, A. Gissler.
SOUTH FRANCE CONFERENCE Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
Albert Meyer.
Organized 1923 Miss. Vol., J. Bureaud.
Territory: Departments south of Minister:
Vencl6e, Deux Sevres, Vienne, Albert Meyer.
Indre, Cher, Nievre Cote D'Or,
Haute-SaOne, and Doubs.
' Licentiate:
Office Address: 3 Rue Ste. Marie J. Bureaud.
des Terreaux, Lyon, France. Missionary Licentiates:
Officers: A. Gissler, C. Monnier, Miss M.
Pres., .Oscar Meyer. Chevalerias.
Sec. and Treas., Oscar Ganty.
Executive Committee: 0. Meyer, ITALIAN MISSION
0. Ganty, P. Badaut, F. Joch-
mans, A. G. Roth, J. Roustain, Organized 1903
A. Vuilleumier.
Territory: Italy.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., and Sabbath School, Office Address: Casella Postale
0. Ganty. 408, Florence, Italy.
Field Miss. and Miss: Vol., F.
Levanehy. Officers:
Home Miss., P. Badaut. Supt., D. G. Werner.
Sec. and Treas., F. Mair.
Ministers: Mission Committee: D. G. Wer-
0. Meyer, P. Badaut, F. Jodi- . iier, F. Mair, G. Lippolis, G. Fer- .
mans, E. Fawer, T. Nussbaum. raris, V. Speranza.

Department Secretaries: Licentiates:

Tract Soc. and Sabbath School, Joao de Sa, A. Raposo, F. Si-
E. Mair. nio6s, A. D. Comes.
Field Miss., V. Speranza.
Home Miss., G. Lippolis. Missionary Licentiate:
Ministers: Rosalie Pires.
D. G. Werner, G. Lippolis, G.
Sabatino, H. Erzberger.
Licentiates: Organized 1903
E. Bertalot, N. Cupertino, J.
Pferschy, A. Beer, H. Loosen. Territory: Spain and Spanish
Missionary Licentiates: Office Address: Apartado 492, Bar-
V. Speranza, F. Mair, A. Long, celona, Spain.
Miss F. Glreanza. Officers:
Supt., L. J. Stene.
See. and Treas., R. FitO.
PORTUGUESE MISSION Mission Committee: L. J. Steno,
Organized 1904 Pedro Sanz, V. E. Dietel, B. B.
Aldrich, R. Eitifi.
Territory: Portugal. Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., R. FitO.
Office: Rua Joaquin Bonifacio M. Field Miss. and Home Miss., B.
A., Lisbon, Portt$g-dl. B. Aldrich.
Officers: Sabbath School, Mrs. V. E.
Dietel. -
Supt.; J. C. Guenin. Miss. Vol., A. J. Lopez.
Sec. and. Treas., A. F. Raposo.
Mission Committee: J. C. Olte- Ministers:
nia A. F. Raposo, J. Abella, F. L. J. Stene, Pedro Sanz, H.
Simoes. Struve, V. J. Garcia.
Department Secretaries: v. E. Dietel, A. J. Lopez, B. B.
Tract Soc., Sabbath School, Aldrich, 0. Andersen.
Miss. Vol., and Home Miss., Missionary Licentiates:
A. E. Raposo. J. Boix, R. FitO, Miss Maria
Nicolas, Miss Maria Abella.
Mission School Teacher:
J. C. Oltenia J. Abella. Miss M. Sanz.


Organized 1921
Territory: The Polish Republic, Officers:
(Posania, Silesia-Galicia Con-
ferences, and Warsaw Mission.) Pres., John Isaac.
Population: 30,000,000; churches, Sec. and Treas., F. Brennwald.
59; members, 1,356. Executive Committee: John
Office Address: Nakielska 64, Byd- Isaac, R. J. Cunitz, Th. Will,
goszcz, Poland, Europe. F. Brennwald, H. Bigalke.

Department Secretaries: Executive Committee: R. J.

Miss. Vol., F. Dzik. Cunitz, J. Niedoba, Joh. Berke,
Field Miss., H. Bigalke. Jan. Pieszka, Georg Czembor.

Minister: Department Secretary:

John Isaac. Field Miss., Jan. Kulak.
Miss. Vol., J. Zastawny.
Licentiates: Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
R. J. Cunitz.
F. Brennwald, .11. Bigalke.
R. J. Cunitz.
J, Niedoba, J. .Zastawny, A.
Territory: Province of Posania. Maszczak, A. 'Felte, J. Kulak.
Office Address: Nakielska 64, Byd- Missionary Licentiates:
goszcz, Poland, Europe. W. Czembor, A. Gajdzica, E.
Pres., John Isaac.
Treas., M. Babinska.
See., F. Brennwald. WARSAW MISSION
Executive Committee: J. Isaac,
A. Lfidtke, F. Brennwald, E. Territory: Congress Poland.
Maniecki, H. Bigalke. Office Address: Zakatna 3-7, War-
Dcpartment Secretaries: saw, Poland, Europe.
Field Miss., H. Bigalke. Officers:
Home Miss. and Sabbath School, -Director, Th. Will.
J. Isaac. Sec., F. Dzik.
Treas., M. Babinska.
Mission Committee:
. J. Isaac, A. Ltidtke, St. Ka- Th. Will, F. Dzik, E. Rutsch, K.
pusta. Bartel, A. A. Schilberg; P. Eng-
Missionary Licentiates: lert, H. Bartel,
L. Zobel, M. Zielinska, E. Kluth. Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., A. Niewiadomski.
Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
Th. Will.
FERENCE Ministers:
Territory: Polish Silesia and Ga- Th. Will, F. Dzik, P. Englert.
Office Address: Bielsko-Kamienica
272, Slask" polski, Poland. A. A. Schilberg, K. Bartel, F.
Kosrnowski, M. Dolgun.
Pres., R. J. Cunitz. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec., J. Zastawny. 0. Wajrauch, A. Niewiadomski,
Treas., E. Will. M. Wasidlow.
Organized 1919
Territory: All of Rumania, as per Officers:
boundaries determined by the Pres., P. P. Paulini.
treaty of peace (Muntenian, Vice-Pres., St. Demetrescu.
Moldavian, Transylvanian Con-
ferences, and Banat Mission). Sec., Dr. E. Pascu.
Executive Committee: P. P.
Population: 18,000,000; churches, Paulini, St. Demetrescu, A.
169; members, 4,947. Dark, Dr. E. Pascu, I. Stroescu.
Office Address: Strada Labirint Purpose:
116, Bukharest, Rumania.
Publishing of Christian litera-
Officers: ture and buying of buildings
Pres., P. P. Paulini. for publishing work, treatment
Sec., D. Florea. rooms, meeting halls, etc.
Treas. and Auditor, 0. Fasnacht.
Executive Committee: P. P. Building Department
Paulini, St. Demetrescu, A. Office Address: Strada Labirint
Wegner, P. Hermann, .0. Fas- 116, Bukharest, Rumania.
nacht, The Stroescu, G. Stoican,
P. Gaede, Dumitru Florea. Officers:
Department Secretaries: Pres., P. P. Paulini.
Home Miss., Petre Pilunescu. Sec., R. Plesea.
Sabbath School, 0. Fasnacht. Treas., 0. Fasnacht..
Asst. Sabbath School, Elma Executive Committee: Union
Gaede. Conference Committee.
Miss. Vol., D. Florea.
Religious Liberty, P. P. Paulini;
Committee: St. Demetrescu, MUNTENIA CONFERENCE
P. Hermann, and H. Bauer.
Field Miss., Territory: Muntenia (southern
Educational, P. J. Gaede. and western part of old Ruma-
Office Address: Strada Labirint
P. P. Paulini. 116, Bukharest, Rumania.
Licentiates: Officers:
P. PAunescu, D. Florea. Pres., P. P. Paulini.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec., D. Florea.
M. Manea, Elma Gaede. Treas., 0. 'Fasnacht.
Office Sec., M. Serbanescu.
Corporate Society Asst. Treas., J. G. Rddoi.
Societatea Cooperative " Cuvantul Executive Committee: P. P.
Evangheliei " Paulini, A. Dark, 0. Fasnacht,
I. Stroescu, C. Ouatu.
(Society for the extension of Evan-
gelical work) Department Secretaries:
Address: Strada Labirint No. 116, Miss. Vol., M. Manea.
Bukharest, Rumania. Field Miss., N. Voinea.

Home Miss., P. Phonescu. TRANSYLVANIAN CONFER-

Traveling Nurses, Ecat. Srom, ENCE
N. Dobre.
Ministers: Territory: Transylvania.
P. P. Paulini, A. N. Darie. Office Address: Burgergasse 29,
Licentiates: Sibiu,, Transylvania, Rumania.
I. Stanescu, D. Farescu, G. Das- Officers:
oveanu, C. Dobre, G. Stanescu, C.
Florescu, P. Phunescu. Pres., A. Wegner.
Sec., E. Blasiu.
Missionary Licentiates: Treas., H. Gitschner.
I. Gheorghisor, St. Stefanescu, Executive Committee: A. Weg-
St. Ivancica, V. Tolan, N. Do- ner, St. Kelemen, A. Thckelt, H.
bre, E. Srom, A. Duica, W. Bauer, F. Kessel, H. Gitschner,
Steinmeier. G. Csernia.
Department Secretaries:
MOLDAVIAN CONFERENCE Home Miss. and Sabbath school,
F. Kessel.
Territory: Northeastern part of Field Miss., Nemes Alexandru.
Rumania (Moldova, Bucovina,
and Bessarabia). Ministers:
Office Address: Strada N. Saveanu A. Wegner, St. Kelemen,, H.
No. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Bauer, F. Kessel.
Officers: Licentiates:
Pres., Stefan Demetrescu. I. Polder, I. Weber.
Sec. and Treas., I. Moisescu.
Executive Committee: St. De- Missionary Licentiates:
metrescu, B. Iliescu, C. Popescu, J. Reit; St. Kovacs, P. Corman,
G. Spulber, G. A. Eseke, 1. Po- M. Demenj, J. Antal, Z. Borzasi,
naru. K. Feinweber, A. Steinmeier, B.
Department Secretaries:
Miss. Vol., Eufr. Tudorache.
Field Miss., N. Dorobilti.
Home Miss., L. Balan. BANAT MISSION
Ministers: Territory: Banat, Chrisana, and
St. Demetrescu, C. Popescu, B. Maramures.
Office Address: Strada Closca. No.
Licentiates: 23, Temesoara, Mehala, Ruma-
N. Paduraru, I. Toma. nia.
Missionary Licentiates: Pres., P. H. Hermann.
A. Petrescu, V. Jacubovici, Sec., V. Tolici.
C. Doaga, -St. Ouatu, N. Alexe,
V. Vlahopol, P. Olteanu, G. Treas.,
Darie, E. Tudorache, L. Balan, Executive Committee: F. H.
G. Lehaci, C. Munteanu, P. Mo- Hermann, G. Motorca, P. Indri-
roschan. eau, C. Lovas, Ch. Wilwert.

Department Secretaries: Licentiate:

Field Miss., D. Parkas. G. Motorca, M. Manchen, J.
Home Miss., P. H. Hermann. Gaspar.
Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:
P. H. Hermann, P. Betea, L Tusa, J. Radulescu, V. Tolici.


Organized 1909
Territory: The Conferences of Nor- Population: 3,000,000; churches,
way, Sweden, Denmark, Fin- 44; members, 2,375.
land. Cable Address: Expedit, Copenha-
Population: 15,300,000; churches, gen.
159; membership, 7,069. Office Address: Margrethevej 5,
Cable Address: Advent, Stock- Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
holm, Sweden. Officers:
Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Pres., C. Resen.
Sweden. Sec. and Treas., Balle Nielsen.
Executive Committee: Chr. Re-
Officers: sen, M. M. Olsen, Erik Arnesen,
Pres., G. E. Nord. Chr. Tobiassen, J. I. Henriksen,
Sec., Erik Arnesen, Naerufn, J. M. Nielsen, S. M. Ilsgaard.
Treas., Erik Larsson. Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Auditor, A. C. Christensen. Home Miss Werner Hansen.
Executive Committee: G. E. Field Miss., Paul Olsen.
Nord, Chr. Resen, A. Rintala,
T. Tobiassen, J. C. Ottosen, M. Ministers:
D., C. M. Scott, Emil Atli'6n, Chr. Resen, M. M. Olsen, Erik
Erik Arnesen, A. C. Christensen, Arnesen, J. P. U. Jensen, Chr.
Elias Rjaanas, L. Muderspach. Tobiassen, L. J. Kirkelykke,
Axel Varmer.
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Educational, Licentiates:
Miss. Vol., and Home Miss., A. Guldhammer, P. G. Nelsen,
L. Muderspach. Werner Hansen, Robert Jensep,
Field Miss.; Elias Bjaanaes. Paul Olsen.
Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: Claudia Jensen, Christine An-
G. E. Nord, L. Muderspach. dersen, Jensine Knudsen, Astrid
Hansen, Mary Olsen, Thy. Jen-
sen, Henry Henriksen.
DENMARK CONFERENCE Church School Teachers:
Marie Jensen, Sarah Henriksen,
Organized 1880 Dagmar D. Petersen, Cathinka
Territory: The Kingdom of Den- Henriksen, Lydia Andersen,
mark. Dorthea Prastiin.

FINLAND CONFERENCE Executive Committee: T. To-

biassen, 0. J. 0. Riist, 0. S. Lie,
Organized 1909 A. C. Christensen, S. II. Mykle-
Territory: Finland. bust. 0. Schibstad, P. Pedersen.
Population: 3,300,000; churches, Department Secretaries:
21; members, 1,051.
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Office: Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Home Miss., V. R. Hillman.
Finland. Field Miss.,
Pres., A. Rintala. Ministers:
Sec., K. V. Osola. T. Tobiassen, 0. J. 0. Rost, 0.
Treas., Y. Miettinen. S. Lie, L. Stiboe-Larssen, N. G.
Executive Committee: A. Rin- Nielsen, 0. Jordahl, H, Grund-
tala, V. Sucksdorff, Sr., 0. Hog- set, T. Valen.
lund, 0. Jaakkola, C. Gidlund, Honorary: A. 0. Naerem.
V. Kohtanen, R. Rosengren.
Department Secretary:
A. Tillgren, B. 0. .1 andaas, V.
Sabbath School, Kaarlo Soisala. R. Dittman, I. J. Bjerke.
Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:
A. Rintala, C. Gidlund, V. Koh- Olaf Wiik, Rolf Skyllstad,
tanen, K. Soisalo, 0. Angervo. Lina Gaarclsrud, Louise Borge,
Licentiate:- Mina Jacobsen.
W. B. Lontynen.
Missionary Licentiates:
Laina Lehti, Liina Lehti, A.
Tampio, Hj. Halminen, T. Stahl- Organized 1882
berg, Anni Dahlman. Territory: The Kingdom of Swe-
Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
Organized 1887, Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm.
Territory: Kingdom of Norway. Population: 0,000,000; churches,
44; members, 1,483.
Population: 3,000,000; churches,
49; members, 2,054. Officers:
Pres., Clarence Anderson.
Cable Address: " Sundhedsbladet," Sec., S. Lundstriim.
Christiania. Treas., Oscar Grundberg.
Office: Akersgaten 74, Oslo (Chris- Auditors, A. C. Christensen, Erik
tiania), Norway. Larsson.
Executive Committee: Clarence
Officers: Anderson; C. 0. Carlstjerna,
Emil AhrOn, Wald. Johanson, S.
Pres., T. Tobiassen. Lundstrtim, C. Kahlstrihn, Abel
Sec., A. C. Christensen. Eriksson.
Treas., R. Abrahamsen.
Auditors, Erik Larsson, C. M. Legal Assn.: " Salskapet San-
Scott. ningens Harold." Pres, Emil

Ahren; Vice-Pres., C. 0. Calls- Honorary: K. A. Farnstrom, J.

tjerna; Sec., S. Lundstriim. Wallenkampf.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., 0. Olson.
Miss. Vol., Home Miss., and N.' Dahlsten, 0. Olson, Fritjof
Sabbath School, Seth Lunds- Hoglind, Wilh. Runolf, G. Lind-
trom. say, Alfred Anderson.
Missionary Licentiates:
Clarence Anderson, C. 0. Carls-
tjerna, Emil Ahren, A. J.' Set- Kristina Eriksson, Nanna Rud-
tergren, S. Lundstrom, S. Ljung- holm, Ellen Svensson, Ruth An-
berg, K. R. Sandstrom, 0. R. dersson, Elsa Hagberg, Ingrid
Nicolaysen. Olsson,. Clara Jonassori.


Organized 1909

Territory: Rhenish, Hanover, Han- Field Miss., for all West German
sa, Thuringian, and Hessia- fields not othewise Provided
Westphalian and Hollarid Con- for, W. Knitter.
ferences. Education, Dr. W. Michael.
Pcpulation: 27,000,000; churches, Ministers:
268; members, 11,130. Paul Drinhaus, Fr. Backer, 0.
Office Address: Schumannstr. 29, Schwenecke.
Bonn a-Rh., Germany. Licentiates:
Dr. W. Michael, Dr. W. Pfeiler.
Pres., Paul Drinhaus, Argeland- Missionary Licentiate:
str. 149, Bonn .a. Rhein, Ger- H. Teichmann.
Treas. and Auditor, W. Koch.
Executive Committee: P. Drin- HANOVER CONFERENCE
haus, J. Braun, C. Bruck, H. Organized 1919
Fenner, 0. Giebel, W. Schafer, J.
Wintzen, Dr. Michael, H. Marte, Territory: Province of Hanover
F. Backer, W. Knitter, 0. Hirth, (excepting the city of Harburg),
A. Vollmer, W. Schwenecke. the Free States of Brunswick
(excepting the district of Blank-
Legal Assn.: " Westdeutsche enburg), Bremen, Oldenburg,
Grundstiicks Gesellschaft m. b. and the districts of Gardelegen,
H." Salzwedel, and Stendal.
Manager, H. Marte, Schumann-
str. 29, Bonn a-Rh., Germany. Office Address: Hainh;ilzerstr. 85,
Hanover, Germany.
Department Secretaries:
Home Miss. Miss. Vol., and Officers:
Sabbath School for all West Pres., C. Bruck.
German fields not otherwise Sec., H. Detlefsen.
provided for, F. Backer. Treas., W. Russler.

Executive Committee: C. Bruck, Missionary Licentiates:

H. Detlefsen, H. Wippermann, C. von Fintel, Chr. Wetzel, G.
W. Redeker, R. Pfeiler. Dorner, 0. Pelzer, M. Ziehlke,
B. Bahr, G. Gastler, H. -Koring,
Department Secretaries: J. Volkmann, M. Kraft.
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., H.
Field ivliss., H. Wippermann.
Ministers: FERENCE
C. Bruck, W. Schick, W. Vanle-
mann, F. Weinmann, H. Pot- Organized 1898 as West German
sake, F. Hamer, F. Kbbele, A. Conference
Oesterreich, K. Adolph, H. Det- Territory: Province of Westpha-
lefsen, C. Glockner. lia and Hesse-Nassau with Up-
Licentiates: per-Hesse, (excepting the south-
F. Brandt, A. Mannesmann. ern districts of Rildesheim,
Wiesbaden, HOchst, Frankfurt a
Missionary Licentiates: M. and Hanau, including, how-
H. Knoner, W. v. Oppen,. M. ever, the northern separate dis-
Becker, 0. Thaden. trict of Rinteln a. d. Weser;)
Schaumburg Lippe, Lippe-Det-
mold and Waldeck, and District
HANSA CONFERENCE Hanover-lViiinden.
Organized 1909 Office Adress: Querallee 11, Cassel,
(Formerly West Ger. Union Dist.)
Territory: Hamburg, Province of
Schleswig-Holstein, Liibeck, Pres., H. Fenner, Dornbeyg-
Mecklenburg, Harburg. - strasse 12, Cassl
Treas., F. Meier.
Office Address: Grindelberg 11, Executive Committee, H. Fen-
Hamburg, Germany. ner, H. Drangmeister, S. hoh-
mann, H. Zahn, W. Schubert.
Pres., 0. Giebel. Department Secretaries:
Sec., F. Drescher. Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., E.
Treas., Cl. Hohmann. Hennecke.
Executive Committee: 0. Giebel, Field Miss., Fr. Zapp.
V. Diinkel, A. Vollmer, R. Fat- Sabbath School, E. Hennecke.
ting, P. Knitter.
Department Secretaries: H. Fenner, H. Drangmeister, W.
Field Miss., P. Knitter. John, P. Staubert, W. SchEin, H.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., F. Behr.
Drescher. _
0. Giebel, F. J. Ott, C. Kapitz, H. Beck, G. Fishdick, E. Hen-
R. Fattni, A. Kruse, A. Pioch. necke.
Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates,:
W. Seiler, M. Kunze, F. C. Harress, E. Wagener, E.
Drescher. Schatt, H. Holthus.

NETHERLAND CONFERENCE Department Secretaries:

Home Miss., Sabbath School, and
Organized 1901 Miss. Vol., H. Watty.
Field Miss., P. Schornstein.
Territory: Netherland. Ministers:
Population: 7,000,060; churches, J. Braun, A. Hennig, H. Watty,
23; members, 656. G. Biihre, F. Rischmiiller, R.
Office: Egelantiestr. 4, The Hague,
Netherland. Missionary Licentiate:
K. Scheele, H. Wippermann, A.
Officers: Thomas, H. Wilson, P. Wein-
Pres., J. Wintzen. and, W. Hampel, Miss A. Meyer,
Sec. and Treas., H. Schell. M. Sinz, 1 1. Lusty.
Executive Committee: J. Wint-
zen, H. Schell, A. Faber, J. To-
ben, M. Kramer..
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Home Miss., Organized 1916
and' Miss. Vol., H. Twijnstra.
Territory: The Federal State of
Ministers: Thuringia, Coburg, city and
J. Wintzen, P. Schilstra, P. rural district, the Province of
Voorthuis, H. Twijnstra, F. Saxony (excepting the districts
Wortman. of Bitterfeld to the right of the
river Mulde, Delitzach to the
Licentiates: right of the river Mulde, Tor-
H. Erasing, W. Bertram, W. gau, Wittenberg, Schweinitz,
Berthold. Liebenwerda, Gardelegen, Salz-
wede], Osterburg, Stendal, Jeri-
Missionary Licentiate: chow I and II, Magdeburg, city
A. Schmutzler, B. v. d. Woude. and rural district, the district
of Blankenburg, and the Federal
States of Anhalt, excepting the
districts of Zerbst and Dessau
to the right of the river Mulde.

RHENISH CONFERENCE Office Address: Gotthardtstr. 27,

Erfurt, Germany. _
Organized 1922
Territory: Rhineland and Saar Dis-
trict, excepting Trier. Pres., W. Schaefer.
Sec., W. Althoff.
Treas., M. Behr.
Office Address: Renter Kaserne 23,
Dusseldorf, -Germany. Executive Committee:W.
Schaefer, W. Althoff, W. Goll-
Officers: nitz, A. Lusky, C. Giltzinger.
Pres., J. Braun. Department Secretaries:
Sec. and .Treas., P. Jaschke. Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., W.
Executive Committee: J. Braun, Althoff.
H. Watty, 0. Adolf, W. Inurau, Field Miss., A. Lanz.
P. Schornstein. Sabbath School, W. Althoff.

Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:

W. Schaefer, H. Feddersen, H. W. Dennstedt, A. Klinker, E.
Dierking, A. Behrens, W. Alt- Adler, H. Stoltenberg, M.
hoff, W. Peters, W. Herbert, A. Michaelis, E. Bauermann, A.
Woysch. Sommer, K. Fischer, A. Hertwig.


Organized 1920
Territory: All the territory in- Wilson, L. L. Woitkiewici, G.
cluded in Soviet Russia, viz., T. Zierat.
North, West, South, East Rus- Department Secretary:
sian and Siberian Unions. Miss. Vol., Sabbath Schooi; and
Population: About 131,000,000; Home Miss., A. G. Gallat-
churches, 440; members, 11,700. schev. -
Office Address: 29 Konuschkov- Publishing Committee:
skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia. P. A. Swiridow, H. J. Lobsack,
A. G. Gallatschev.
Educational Committee:
Pres., J.
H. LObsack. J. J. Wilson, J. A. Ljwoff, Tep-
Sec., P. A. Swiridow. pone, H. J. Ltibsack, J. A. Jan-
Asst. Sec., A. T. Kisil. zen.
Treas., T. J. Wagele.
Auditor, T. Kauffeldt. Medical Committee:
Executive Committee: H. J. H. J. Lobsack, Doctor to be ap-
Lobsack, M. O. Demidow, J. A. pointed, J. A. Ljwoff, G. I. Zie-
Ljwoff, A. T. Kisil, I. M. Pachla, rat, T. J. Wagele.
B. Schmidt, T. J. Wagele, J. J. Minister: H. J. Loebsack.


Organized 1920
Territory: Central Russian and Department Secretary:
Neva Conferences, Northwest' Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Russian and White Sea Missions. Home Miss., A. G. Gallat-
Office Address: 29 Konuschkov-
skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia. Minister:
P. A. Swiridow.
Membership: churches, 48; mem-
bers, 1,100.
Pres., P. A. Swiridow. ENCE
Sec., A. T. Kisil. Organized 1910
Treas., T. J. Wagele
Executive Committee: P. A. Territory: The City of Moscow,
Swiridow, J. Reimer, G. Grigor- and the Moscow, Wladimir, and
jew, A. Balasch, P. Kapustin. Twer Governments.

Membership: churches, 4; mem- NORTHWEST RUSSIAN

bers, 230. MISSION
Office Address: 29 Konuschkov- Organized 1922
skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia.
Territory:-Orel, Riazan, Smolensk,
Officers: Briansk, and Tula Governments.
Pres., P. A. Swiridow. Membership: Churches, 18; mem-
Sec., A. T. Kisil. bers, 300.
Trees., T. J. Wagele. Office Address: 29 Konuschkov-
Executive Committee: P. A. skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia.
Swiridow, W. Tarassowski, P.
Kapustin, N. Smirnov, A. Kisil. Officers:
Pres., G. A. Grigorjew.
Ministers: See., A. T. Kisil.
W. Tarassowski. Treas., T. J. Wagele.
Executive Committee: G. A.
Missionary Licentiates: Grigorjew, W. E. Sadochin, N.
P. Kapustin. Michnin.
G. A. Grigorjew, N. Michnin, AV.
Missionary Licentiate:
Organized 1912 W. Shukow.
Territory: Leningrad, Olonetz,
Novgorod, and Pskov Govern-
Membership: Churches, 17; mem-
bers, 400. Organized 1912
Territory: Archangel, Vologda, N.
Address: Ropschinskaja 12, Q. 13, Novgorod, Kostroma, Kazan and
_Leningrad, Soviet Russia. Yarosla.v Governments.
Officers: Membership: Churches, 9; mem-
Pres., J. Reimer. bers, 170.
Sec:and Treas., E. Anderson.
Executive Committee: J. Rei- Office Address: 29 Konuschkov-
mer, E. Anderson, J. Anderson, skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia.
J. Kin, J. Bojahr. Officers:
Minister: Supt., W. P. Balash.
Sec., A. T. Kisil.
J. Reimer. Treas., T. J. Wagele.
Executive Committee: W. P.
Licentiates: Balash, _P. A. Swiridow, M. Wel-
A. Wan, G: Netevitsch, E. An- ikanow.
derson, A. Serkow.
Missionary Licentiates: W. P. Balash.
N. Wolkow, L. Nachkur, P. Missionary Licentiate:
Pavlo\v. G. I. Gorelik.
Organized 1913; reorganized 1924
Territory: Volhynian, Podohan, PODOLIAN CONFERENCE
Black Sea, Central and Lower Organized 1920
Dnieper Conferences, Kiev Dis- Territory: Government Podolia.
trict, Upper Dnieper, and Cri-
mean Missions. Membership: Churches, 42; mem-
bers, 1,153.
Membership: Churches, 163; mem-
bers, 4,500. Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov-
iet Russia.
Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov-
iet Russia. Officers:
Pres., G. Rauss.
Officers: Sec. and Treas., N. Baranowsky.
Pres., J. A. Ljwoff. Executive Committee: G. Rauss,
Sec. and Treas., A. Ausing. N. Baranowsky, J. Woizechow,
Executive Committee: J. A. P. Shemtsehak, G. Wesselowsky.
Lj won', G. A. Raus, J. A. Jan- Ministers:
zen, S. J. Tkatschenko, W. S. G. Rauss, M. Koledjenko.
Dyman, K. Kraus.
Departmental Secretary: J. Kutscheruk.
A. Ausing. Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: W. Jakowlew, P. Nischak, S.
J. A. Ljwoff. Kulischsky, W. Nalinowsky, N.

Territory: Wolhynian Government. Organized 1919
Membership: Churches, 26; mem- Territory: Odessa Government.
bers, 440. Membership: Churches, 21; mem-
Address: Post'Box 384, Kiev, Sov- bers, 440.
iet Russia. Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov-
iet Russia.
Pres., S. Tkatschenko. Officers:
Sec. and Treas., A. Sernjak. Pres., J. A. Janzen.
Executive Committtee: S. Tkat- Sec. and Treas., F. Grigorjew-
schenko, .A. A. Gbrtzen, A. Be- sky.
reshnuk, P. Rebant, F. Kotschu- Executive Committee: J. A.
benik. Janzen, F. Grigorjewsky, T. Ta-
rassenko, J. NSagemann, M. Ni-
Ministers: kora.
S. Tkatschenko, A. A. Gbrtzen. Ministers:
J. A. Janzen.
J. Kalmutzky. Missionary Licentiates:
A. Rjasa, D. Rempfert, F. Gri-
Missionary Licentiate: gorjewsky, A. Dudko, A. Grin-
A. Sernjak. enko.


FERENCE Organized 1917
Organized 1919 Territory: The city of Kiev, Cher-
nigov, and North-West Poltava
Territory: Kiev Government (ex- Governments.
cepting the city of Kiev.). Membership: Churches, 5; mem-
Membership: Churches, 32; mem- bers, 150.
bers, 1,176. Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov-
Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov- iet Russia.
iet Russia.
Officers: Pres., J. A. Ljwoff.
Pres., W. S. Dyman. Sec. and Treas., A. Ausing.
Sec. and Treas., A. Ausing. Executive Committee: J. A.
Executive Committee: W. S. Ljwoff, A. Ausing, T. Tscher-
Dyman, M. Gorbenko, G. Lysso- -kalsky.
gor, J. Baidala, S. Moskalenko, Missionary Licentiates:
T. Kietzenko, L. Koshuch. M. M. Griez, J. E. Derewensky.
W. S. Dyman, M. H. Gorbenko. UPPER DNIEPER MISSION
Licentiates: Organized 1924
R. Kublis, W. Laschko. Territory: White Russian Repub-
Missionary Licentiates: lic and Goniel Government.
A. Grietz, J. Lositzki, A. Klu- Membership: Churches, 10; mem-
vak. bers, 150.
Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov-
iet Russia. -
ENCE Supt., J. Kraus.
See. and Treas., A. Ausing.
Organized 1024 Executive Cominittee: J. Kraus,
Territory: Poltava and Ekaterino-
slav Governments. Minister:
J. Kraus.
Membership: Churches, 33; mem-
bers, 766.
Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov- Organized 1920
iet Russia. Territory: Government of Taurida.
Officers: Membership: Churches, 7; mem-
Pres., E. Skorobreschtschuk. - bership, 180.
Sec. and Treas., A. Ausing. Address: Post Box 384, Kiev, Sov-
Executive Committee: E. Sko- iet Russia.
tobreschtschuk, K. Fisenko, J. Officers:'
Gossen, S. Kliniko, Pogorely. Supt., W. W. Shukow.
Ministers: Sec. and Treas., A. Ausing.
.E. Skorobreschtschuk, K. Fi- Executive Committee: W. W.
senko, J. Gossen. Shukow, H. K. Lobsack, J.
Licentiate: Krinitschny.
G. Salomsky. Ministers:
Missionary Licentiates W. W. Shukow, H. K. Lobsack.
D. Hilbert, J. Kolakow, P. Sip- Missionary Licentiate:
kowski. J. Wentzlaw.-
Organized 192o; reorganized 1924
From the eastern part of the for- Ministers:
mer South Russian Union and M. 0. Demidow, F. Koch.
of the Caspian Union, except Licentiates:
Turkestan. The Caspian Union
is thus discontinued. J. S. Tislenko, N. Gadjukin.
Missionary Licentiate:
Territory: Don and North Caucas- P. J. Pilch.
ian Conferences, and Transcau:
casian, Central Caucasian, and
Membership: Churches, 88; mem- ENCE
bers, 2,600.
Address: Post Box 310, Rostov-on- Organized 1901
Don, Soviet Russia.
Territory: Stavropol and Black
Officers: Sea Governments, and Kuban
Pres., J. J. Wilson. District.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Born. Membership: Churches, 44; mem-
Executive Committee: J. J. Wil- bers, 1,340.
son, M. 0. Demidow, R. H. Born,
K. Schamkow, F. Gaidischar, A. Address: Post Box 310, Rostov-on-
Pachla, F. Koch. Don, Soviet Russia.
Departmental Secretary: Officers:
R. H. Born. Pres., K. S. Schamkow.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Born. -
Minister: Executive Committee: K. S.
J. J. Wilson. Schamkow, S. Prowalowsky, F.
Missionary Licentiate: Greeb.
Tolma. Ministers:
K. S. Schamkow, S. Prowalow-
sky, H. Ostwald.
Missionary Licentiate:
Organized 1920
J. Sudsit.
Territory: Bakhmut and Kharkov
Membership: Churches, 27; mem-
-Address: Post Box 310, Rostov-on- Organized 1912
Don, Soviet Russia.
Officers: Territory: Transcaucasian Soviet
Pres., M. 0. Demidow. Federation.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Born. Membership: Churches, 12; mem-
Executive Committee: J. J. Wil- bers, 200.
son, M. 0. Demidow, J. S. Tis-
lenko, N. Gadjukin, P. Turto- Address: Post Box 310, Rostov-on-
chin. Don, Soviet Russia,

Officers: Gaidisehar, F. Klimenko, D. Lit-

Supt., I. M. Pachla. owtchenko.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Born.
Executive Committee: I. M. Ministers:
Pachla, W. Sperling, A. Smir- F. A. Gaidischar.
now. Missionary Licentiate:
Minister: I. P. Kiktew.
I. M. Pachla.
Missionary Licentiates:
Organized 1920
Territory: Voronezh and Kursk
Membership: Churches, 7; mem-
Organized 1920 bers, 125:
Territory: Terek and Dagestan Address: Post Box 310, Rostov-on-
Districts. Don, Soviet Russia.
Membership: Churches, 8; mem- Officers:
hers, 240. ' Supt., P. Manchura.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Born.
Address: Post Box 310, Rostov-on- Executive Committee: P. Man-
Don, Soviet Russia. chura,
Officers: Minister:
P. Manchura.
Supt., F. A. Gaidischar.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Born. Missionary Licentiates:
Executive Committee: F. A. A. P. Chawrenko, Teppone.


Organized 1913; reorganized 1924
Territory: German-Volga Confer- Department Secretary:
ence, Saratov-Tambov, Samara- 0. Saalmann.
Ural, and Turkestan Missions.
Membership: Churches, 47; mem- G. Zierat.
bers, 1,300.
Address: Post Box 31, Samara, GERMAN-VOLGA CONFERENCE
Soviet Russia.
Organized 1911; reorganized 19-24
Officers: Territory: German-Volga Republic.
Pres., G. Zieiat. Membership: Churches, 28; mem-
Sec. and Treas., Olga Saalmann.
Executive Committee: G. Zie- bers, 450.
rat, K. A. Reif schneider, K. Address: Post Box 31, Samara,
Bempfert. Soviet Russia.

Officers: Membership: Churches, 5; mem-

Pres., K. A. Reifschneider. bers, 150.
Sec. and Treas., Olga Saalmann.
Executive Committee: K. A. Address: Post Box 31, Samara,
Reifschneider, K. Rempfert, G. Soviet Russia.
Winik, G. Lehmann, H. Krikau. Officers:
Ministers: Supt. G. Zierat.
K. A. Reifschneider, K. Remp- Sec. and Treas., 0. Saalmann.
fert. Executive Committee: G. Zierat,
Licentiate: -A. E. Rosental, W. Gaidischar.
R. Mandau. Minister:
A. E. Rosental.

Territory: Saratov, Tambov, and Organized 1911
Pensa Governments. Territory: Turkestan Soviet Re-
Membership: -Churches, 10; mem-
bers, 390. Membership: Churches, 9; mem-
bers, 275.
Address: Post Box 31, Samara,
Soviet Russia. Address: Post Box 31, Samara,
Soviet Russia.
Supt., J. Petuchow. Officers:
Sec. and Treas., Olga S'aalmann. Supt., G. Arnholdt.
Executive Committee: J. Petu- See. and Treas., Olga Saalmann.
chow, G. Zierat, Kaiser. Executive Committee: G. Arn-
Minister: holdt, F. Trippel, G. Gerassi-
J. Petuchow. mow.
G. Arnholdt.
Organized 1911; reorganized 1924 P. Karpow.
Territory: Samara, Orenburg, Ufa, Missionary Licentiate:
and Simbirsk Governments. H. K. Unrau.


Organized 1917; reorganized 192 4
Territory: Central and West Sibe- Officers:
rian Conferences, Irtysch and Pres., B. Schmidt.
East Siberian Missions. Sec. and Treas.,
Membership: Churches, 80; mem- Executive Committee: B.
bers, 2,210. Schmidt, J. Gorelik, L. L. Wojt-
kiewicz, J. Stieben, K. Reputin.
Address: Omsk, Post Restante,' Minister:
Soviet Russia. B. Schmidt.


Organized 1921
Organized 1920
Territory: Omsk and Semipala-
Territory: Tomsk, Novo-Nikola- tinsk Governments.
wesk, and Altai Governments.
Membership: Churches, 23; mem- Membership: Churches, 20; mem-
bers, 540. bers, 630.
Address: Omsk, Post Restante, Address: Omsk, Post Restante,
Soviet Russia. Soviet Russia.
Pres., I. G. Gorelik. Supt., I. I. Stieben.
Sec. and Treas., M. Makoi. Sec. and Treas.,
Executive Committee: I. G. Executive Committee: I. I. btie-
Gorelik, Jekinenko, Shmelew, W. ben, P. Unrau, G. Bachmatzky,
Woronin. J. Janzen, P. Neufeld.
I. G. Gorelik, S. Ratnikdw, W. A. Ministers:
Swiridow. I. I. Stieben, A. Pal.
Licentiates: Licentiate:
W. Woronin, K. Sirotenko. P. Selmann.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
S. Schtscherbakow, Rogowsky. P. Neufeld, I. Petruschenko,
Tschernikow, Nesterzow.
Territory: Akmolinsk, Kustanai Organized 1911
and Chelyabinsk Governments.
Territory: Irkutsk and Krasno-
Membership: Churches, 17; mem- yarsk Governments.
bers, 440.
Address: Omsk, Post Restante, Membership: Churches, 3; mem-
Soviet Russia. bers, 101.

Officers: Address: Omsk, Post Restante,

Pres., L. L. Wojtkiewicz. Soviet Russia.
Sec. and Treas.,
Executive Committee: L. L.
Wojtkiewicz, P. Fischer, N. Jur- DALNE WOSTOTSCHNAJA
jew, A. Schewan, W. Frolow. UNION MISSION
Minister: Territory: Transbaikalia and
L. L. Wojtkiewicz. Amur Governments.'
Membership: About 400.
Missionary Licentiates:
H. Henke, M. Pronewitsch, I. / Address: 29 Konuschkovskaja,
Kostjanoi, A. Grenew. Moscow, Soviet Russia.
BULGARIAN MISSION Sabbath School, K. Sohlmann.
Territory: Bulgaria. Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., K
Population: 4,500,000; churches, 8;
members, 200. Ministers:
A. Minck, A. Zeiner, M. Voigt,
Office Address: Losenez 104 a J. Wenezel, L. Michnay, A.
(Villa Rosa), Sofia, Bulgaria, Lauff.
K. Sohlmann, K. Tulaszewski,
Director, 0. Staubert. B. Streisinger, D. Zarka, A. Fo-
Sec., Boris Nikoloff. dor.
Treas., -.
Executive Committee: 0. Stau- Missionary Licentiates:
bert, A. Thomas, K. Stojanoff, M. BuzgO, L. Pfipai, J. Albrecht,
D. Varsano, Nedju Nedjeff. E. Lovass, Ch. Greiner, S. La-
Department Secretary:
zar, M. Roth, M. Herczeg.
Home Miss., M. Ludewig.
Miss. Vol.,
Field Miss., Nedju Nedjeff. JUGOSLAVIA MISSION
Ministers: Territory: S'ervia, Macedonia,
0. Staubert, A. Thomas, Stefan Montenegro, Bosnia, Dalmatia,
Konstantinoff. .Croatia, Slovenia, and Wojvo-
. dina.
Missionary Licentiates:
Population: 14,000,000; churches,
Boris Nikoloff, T. Bogeff 53; members, 729.
Cable and Telegraphic Address:
" Advent," Novi Sad.
Office Address: Petra Zrinskog,
Territory: Hungary. Street 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Population: 8,000,000; churches, Officers:
43; members, 1,006.
Director, R. Schillinger.
Office Address: (Dalnok ) ucca 13, Sec. and Treas., G. Sasic.
Szekely Bertalan, Budapest VI,
Hungary. Executive Committee: R. Schil-
linger, M. Ludewig, A. Mocnik,
Officers: J. Plesko, R. Radivojevic.
Pres., A. Minck. Department Secretaries:
Sec., K. Sohlmann.
Treas., Ch. Greiner. Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
M. Ludewig.
Executive Committee: A. Minck,
A. Zeiner, B. Jeszenszki, A. Miss. Vol., A. Mocnik.
Wicklein, H. Stein, J. Porcsin, G. Ministers:
Czegledy. R. Schillinger, A. Mocnik, M,
Department Secretary: Ludewig.
Tract Soc., K. Sohlmann. Missionary Licentiates:
Field Miss A. Wicklein. J. Plesko.
Organized 192r
;Territory: Kenya Colony, Tangan- Missionary Credentials:
yika, and Uganda. Miss G. Clarke, Miss B. Milne, F.
Population: About 15,000,000. Salway, H. I. Thomas.
Address: Gendia, via Kisumu,
Kenya Colony, British E. Africa.
Supt., W. T. Bartlett.
Executive Committee: W. T. Address: Ikidzu Mission, Musomo,
Bartlett, L. E. A. Lane, S. G. Tanganyika, via Kisumu, Brit-
Maxwell, W. Cuthbert, G. A. S. ish East Africa.
Madgwick, M. D. Officers:
Superintendent: W. Cuthbert.
W. Cuthbert, A. Watson.
Organized 1912 (Entered 1906) Licentiate:
E. B. Phillips.
Territory: British East Africa,
Colony of Kenya. Missionary Credentials:
A. H. Matthews, R. H. Mat-
Population: 7,700,000. thews, H. Robson.
Address: Gendia. Mission, via Ki-
sumu, Kenya, British E. Africa.
Supt., W. T. Bartlett.
Sec., L. E. A. Lane. Address: Suji Mission, P. 0. Ma-
kania, via Tanga, Tanganyika,
Ministers: British East Africa.
W. T. Bartlett, L. E. A. Lane.
W. W. Armstrong, T. G. Belton, Superintendent: S. G. Maxwell.
E. A. Beavon, E. R. Warland, Minister: S. G. Maxwell.
Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick. Licentiate: A. F. Bull.


Organized 1923

Territory: Abyssinia proper, Galla- Officers:

land, British, French, and Ital- Supt., V. E. Toppenberg.
ian Somaliland.
Sec. and Treas., Carl Jensen.
Population: 13,000,000. Executive Committee. V. E.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Toppenberg, W. Koelling, R.
P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Stein, G. Gudmundsen, M. Sor-
Abyssinia. enson.


Organized 1922
Organized 1921
Territory: Abyssinia proper. Territory: Gallaland.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Box 145, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia. Box 53, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia.
Officers: Officers:
Director, V. E. Toppenberg.
Sec. and Treas., Carl Jensen. Director, W. Koelling.
Sec. and Treas., W. Koelling.
V. E. Toppenberg. Ministers:
Missionary Licentiates: W. Koelling, R. Stein.
Mrs. V. E. Toppenberg, M. Sor- Missionary Licentiates:
enson, Carl Jensen, Mrs. M. Sor-
enson. Mrs. W. Koelling, Mrs. R. Stein.


Organized 1918
Territory: The Colonies on the Officers:
West Coast of Africa to the Director, J. H. Heide.
Cameroon s. Advisory Committee: L. F.
Langford, J. H. Heide, G. King,
Population: 19,400,000. I. W. Harding.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box Minister: J. H. Heide.
208, Coomassie, Gold Coast, Licentiates:
West Africa. Geo. King, Jacob Oster.
Officers: Missionary Credentials:
Superintendent, L. F. Langford. I. W. Harding, Mrs. G. King.
Executive Committee: L. F.
Langford, Wm. McClements, H.
W. Lowe, J. Clifford.
Organized December, 1913
SIERRA LEONE MISSION Territory: Gold Coast, West Af-
Organized 1913
Population : 1,500,000.
Territory: Sierra Leone, West
Africa. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box
208, Coomassie, Gold Coast,
Population : 1,400,000. West Africa.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Water- Officers:
loo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Director, L. F. Langford.

Advisory Committee: L. F. Population: 16,500,000.

Langford, J. W. Garbrah.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Ilorin,
Ministers: Nigeria, West Africa.
L. F. Langford, J. W. Garbrah.
Licentiates: Officers:
H. Munson, J. A. Bonney. Director, Wm. McClements.
Advisory Committee: L. F.
Missionary Credentials: Langford, Wm. McClements, J.
H. E. Boyce. E. E. Borgeaud, A. L. Balugan.
Minister: W. McClements.
Organized December, 1913
J. E. E. Borgeaud, J. Clifford.
Territory: Nigeria, West Af-
rica. Missionary Credentials: W. G. Till.

Organized July, 1923
Territory: The whole of Egypt, Officer:
Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, and Supt., George Keough.
Minister: George Keough.
Population: About 15,225,000.
Licentiate: E G. Essery.
Address: 2 Sharia Ayad Bey, Shu-
Missionary Credentials:
bra, Cairo, Egypt. Nashid Jacob, Basta Bishai.
Supt., George Keough.
Field Miss. Sec., E. G. Essery. SYRIAN MISSION
Mission Committee: George
Keough, Nils Zerne, E. G. Es- Territory: Syria and Cyprus.
sery, S. Farag, Ibrahim el Kha-
lil. Population: 2,000,000.
Address: Boite 595, Beyrout, Syria.


Supt., Nils Zerne.
Territory: Egypt.
Minister: Nils Zerne.
Population: 13,225;000.
Missionary Credentials:
Address: 2 Sharia Ayad Bey, Shu- Ibrahim el Khalil, Mrs, Hatcha-
bra, Cairo, Egypt. dorian.

Organized 1909 Territory: Iceland and Greenland.

Population: 75,000.
Territory: The Italian colony of Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Ice-
Eritrea. land.
Address: Missione Avventista, P. Officers:
0. Box 243, Asmara, Eritrea. Director, 0. J. Olsen.
Sec. and Treas., J. JOnsson.
Officers: Local Committee: 0. J. Olsen,
G. Palsson, J. JOnsson, Loftur
Director, G. Gudmundsen. Sigurdsson, Onundur J6sephsson.
Sec. and Treas.,
Department Secretary:
Ministers: Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and
Field Miss., G. PAisson.
G. Gudmundsen, 0. G. Michele.
Minister: 0. J. Olsen.
Missionary Licentiate: Missionary Licentiates:
. Mrs. G. Gudmundsen. 0. Falsson, J. Jonsson.


Territory: The Faroe Islands. MISSION
Population: 22,000. Entered 1914
Address: Niels Finsensgade, Thors-
havn, Faroe Islands. Territory: Islands of Mauritius,
_Madagascar, and Rodriquez.
Director and Minister:
Valdemar Jacobsen. ,Population: About 4,000,000.
Office Address: Salisbury Road,
Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian
Territory: Greece and Albania. Supt., Marius Raspal.
Population: 7,000,000. Sec. and Treas., R. T. E. Colt-
Office Address: Post Box 144, Salo- Mission Committee: M. Raspal,
nica, Greece. It. T. E. Colthurst, Fred. Her-
tags, Moise Johnson, Nathaniel
Officers: C angy.
Director, R. S. Greaves.
Executive Committee: R. S. Department Secretaries:
Greaves, A. H. Larson, W. E. Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Rtistig. Miss A. Le Meme.
Minister: R. S. Greaves. Ministers:
M. Raspal., R. T. E. Colthurst.
A. H. Larson, W. E. Riistig. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiate: E. Michel, S. Cuniah, L. A. Hen-
Loxandra Keanides. riot.


Territory: Iraq. Territory: Turkey.
Population: About 7,000,000.
Population: 2,849,000.
Postal Address: Galata, Post Box
109, Constantinople, Turkey.
Address: Care Bashir Abo Hasso,
Pharm., Mosul, Iraq. Telegraphic Address: Advent, Con-
Director and Minister: Officers:
J. McGeachy. Director, M. Grin.
Sec. and Treas., E. Ashod.
Mission Committee: M. Grin,
PERSIAN MISSION Mrs. Diamond Ashod, E. Ashod,
Gabriel Pirenian.
Territory: Persia. Minister: M. Grin.
Population: 9,000,000. Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. Diamond Ashod.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tabriz,

Cable Address: Oster, Tabriz. INSTITUTIONS IN THE EURO-

Director, F. F. Oster. Educational:
Advisory Committee: F. F. Os- Aibling Seminary, Kur'haus,
ter; Ruben Joseph, Gagik Resh- VVittelsbach, Oberbayern, Ger-
touni, Vagharshak Shirvanian, many (1925: Marienbiihe b-
Mrs. F. F. Oster. Darmstadt).
Baltic Union School, Suschenhof-
Minister: P. F. Oster. on-Stintsee, Riga, Latvia.
Finland S. D. A. Mission School,
Tavastehus st.; Finland.
Friedensau Missionary Semi-
RUANDA MISSION nary, Friedensau, Post Gra-
bow, Bezirk Magdeburg, Ger-
Territory: The Provinces of Ru- many.
anda and Urindi. Latin Union Training School,
Collonges sous Saleve, Haute
Population: 3,500,000.
Savoie, France.
Levant Mission School and Or-
Address: Gitwe, via Kigali, Ru- phanage, Post Box 216, Salo-
anda, Belgian East Africa, via nica, Greece.
Mombasa and Bukobo. Naerum Mission School, Nae-
Officers: rum, Denmark.
Superintendent., D. E. Delhove. Neandertal Missionary Semin-
ary, Neandertal, Post Mett-
Ministers: D. E. Delhove, A. Mat- mann, Rhld., Germany.
ter. Norway S. D. A. Mission School,
Onsrud Missionskole, Algar-
Licentiate: Henri Monnier. heim, Jessheim, Norway.

Rumanian Union Training Riga Publishing House, Brivi-

School, Strada. N. Saveanu 10, bas, eela 11, Riga, Latvia.
Foasani, Moldova, Rumania. Rumanian Publishing House,
Stanborough Missionary C,ollego, Strada Labirint 116, Buk-
Stanborough Park, Watford, harest, Rumania.
Herts, England. Scandinavian Publishing House,
Swedish Missionary School, Ny- Akersgaten 74, Oslo (formerly
hyttan, Jiirnboas, Sweden. Christiania), Norway.
Waterloo Industrial SchOol, Copenhagen Branch: Margre-
terloo, Sierra Leone, West Af- thevej 5, Copenhagen, Den-
rica. mark.
South Kavirondo Press, Gendia,
Publishing: via Kisumu, Kenya, East Af-
Barcelona Publishing House, rica.
Apartado 492, Barcelona, Stockholm Publishing House,
Spain. Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
British Publishing House, Wat- Sweden.
ford, Herts, England.
Czechoslovakian Publishing
House, Kralovo Pole, Wil- Depositories:
sonova 8, Brno 12, Czechoslo- Egyptian Depository : 2 Sharia
vakia,. Ayad Bey, Shubra, Cairo,
Finland Publishing House, An- Egypt.
negatan 7, Helsingfors, Fin- Iceland Depository, Box - 262,
'and. Reykjavik, Iceland.
I lamburg Publishing House, Turkish Depository, Box 109,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13-, Galata, Constantinople, Tur-
t many key.
Holland Branch: van Weede
van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Sanitariums:
Hague, Holland.
Swiss Branch: 31 Birmans- Bad Aibling Sanitarium, Kur-
gasse, Basle, Switzerland. haus, Wittelsba,ch, Oberbayern,
Austrian Branch: 46 Wim- Germany.
bergergasse, Vienna, Austria. Christiania Health Home, Ak-
Hungarian Branch: Nernetvol- ersgaten 74, Oslo (Chris-
gyi ut. 12, Budapest, Hun: tiania), Norway.
gary. Eriedensau Health Home (for-
Italian Publishing House, Ca- merly Friedensau Sanitarium), -
sella Postale 408, Florence, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg,
Italy. Germany.
,Tugoslavian Publishing House, Lake Geneva Sanitarium, Gland,
Petra Zrinskog Street 13, Novi Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.
Sad, Jugoslavia. Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skods-
Latin Union Publishing House, horg, Denmark.
Dammarie les Lys (Seine-et- Stanborough Park Sanitarium,
Marne) France. Stanborough Park, Watford,
Polish Publishing House, Nakiel- Herts, England.
aka 64, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Sanatorium and Klinik Wald-
Reval Publishing House, Mere- f riede, Alsenstrasse 99-109,
puiestee 14-a. Tallinn, Es- Zehlendorf-West, Berlin, Ger-
thonia. in any.
Organized 1913; reorganized 1915, 1917, 1919

Territory: The Japan, Chosen, Jackson, F. H. DeVinney, 0. A.

Manchurian, Malaysian, Philip- Hall, Frederick Lee, M. C. War-
pine, North China, South China, ren, B. Petersen, H. A. Oberg,
West China, East China, East C. C. Crisler, E. A. Moon, H. I.
Siberian, and Central China Un- Smith, W. P. Henderson, H. 0.
ion Missions; also Mongolia, Swartout, E. J. Kraft, T. T. Ba-
Tibet, Chinese Turkestan, Siam, bienco, G. .1. Gjording, V. T.
Annam. Arm strong.
Population: 625,677,132; churches, Managers of Publishing Houses:
237 ; members, 13,421.
W. P. Henderson, E. A. Moon,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: A. B. Cole, H. I. Smith, E. L.
" Adventist," Shanghai. Woods.

Postal Address: 25 Ningkuo Road, Union Field Missionary Secreta-

Shanghai, China. ries: R. M. Milne, Nathan
Brewer, M. F. Wiedemann, J. C.
Executive Board: I. H. Evans, C. Klose, John Oss, M. Popow, V. L.
C..Crisler, H. W. Barrows, B. Pe- Beecham, S. Miyake, E. J. Kraft,
tersen, H. A. Oberg, Frederick E. L. Longway, A. A. Esteb.
Lee, 0. A. Hall, M. C. Warren,
F. H. DeVinney, S. E. Jackson, Editors:
L. V. Finster, T. T. Babienco, J.
J. Strahle, Dr. C. C. Landis, S. L. H. 0. Swartout, E. R. Thiele,
Frost, Mrs. Adelaide B. Evans, S. E. Jackson; E. M. Adams, A.
V. T. Armstrong, J. G. Gjording: N. Anderson, Atelvin
Chairman, I. H. Evans. E. .1. UN ith a rt.
Sec., C. C. Crisler.
Treas., H. W. Barrows. Educational Department:
Auditor, G. S. Luther.
Secretary: S. L. Frost; other,
Legal Associations: " General Con- members: Ed. Sec'ys of Union
ference Corporation of Seventh- Missions, heads of Training
day Adventists." H. W. Bar- Schools, I. H. Evans, 0. A. Hall,
rows, Attorney-in-fact. F. Lee, C. C. Crisler, V. T. Arm-
strong, B. L. Anderson, G. .1.
" Shanghai Sanitarium Associa- Appel, 0. F. Sevrens, Ida E.
tion." Pres., I. H. Evans; Vice- Thompson, D. S. Williams, H. C.
Pres., C. C. Landis; Sec., C. C. Baumgartner, B. F. Gregory, L.
Crisler; Treas., H. W. Barrows; C. Wilcox, H. O. Bogar, P. V.
Address, 34 Nanking Road, Thomas.
Shanghai, China.

Publishing Department: Sabbath School Department:

See., J. J. Strahle. Secretary: Adelaide Bee Evans.
Advisory Committee: Mrs. L. V.
General Members: I. H. Evans, S. Finster,.Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs.
L. Frost, L. V. Finster, S. E. M. Fnkazawa, Mrs. S. E.- Jack-

son, Mrs. T. T. Babienco, Mrs. Licentiates:

W. J. Harris, Mrs. H. M. Milne, E. R. Thiele, D. E. Rebok, W. A.
Mrs. F. M. Larsen, E J. Urqu- Seharffenberg.
hart, Mrs. K. H. Wood, Mrs. A.
Mountain, H. 0. Swartout, E. R. Missionary Licentiates:
Thiele. H. W. Barrows, Mrs. H. W.
Barrows, Mrs. C. C. Crisler, Mrs.
Home Missionary Department: I. H. Evans, Mrs. S. L. Frost,
Secretary: J. J. Strahle. Mrs. C. C. Landis, C. F. Colton,
Miss Dorothy Wheeler, Miss
Missionary Volunteer Department: Lucy Andrus, Miss Ruth Mes-
senger, Mrs. D. E. Rebok, Mrs.
Secretary: S, L. Frost. W. A. ScharfIenberg, H. L. Shull,
Mrs. H. L. Shull, C. A. Carter,
Medical Department: Mrs. C. A. Carter, W. P. Hen-
Secretary: C. C. Landis, M. D. derson, Mrs. W. P. Henderson,
G. S. Luther, Mrs. G. S. Luther,
Miss Edyth Roberts (on fur-
lough), Mrs. H. 0. Swartout,
Mrs. E. R. Thiele, H. C. White,
TIALS FROM THE FAR Johnson, J. A. Guild, Mrs. J. A.
EASTERN DIVISION Guild, Miss Tillie E. Barr, Miss
Ida Thompson, Dr. R. W. Paul.
Ministers: Mrs. R. W. Paul, Miss Effie A.
I. H. Evans, C. C. Crisler, S. L. James, Fred A. Landis, Mrs.
Frost, C. C. Landis, H. 0. Swart- Fred A. Landis, Mrs. J. J.
out, A. C. Selmon, J. J. Strahle. Strahle, Miss Lulu Osborn.


, Organized izg

Territory: The following-named 0. B. Kuhn, E. L. Longway, Liu

provinces: Honan, Hunan, Hu- Djen Bang, Lin Djung Gwang,
peh, Kiangsi, Shensi, Kansu. Lou Gan. Ching, Ho Ai Deng, Wu
Shou Shan, Liu Doh.
Population: 126,302,787; churches,
24; members, 1,346. Department Secretaries:
Educational, D. S. Williams.
Office Address: Wang Gia Dun, Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Mrs. A. Mountain.
Publishing and Home Miss., E.
Officers: L. Longway.
Supt., 0. A. Hall. Women's Work,
Sec. and Treas., A. Mountain. Medical Miss., Dr. H. C. James,
Executive Committee: 0. A. Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan,
Hall, A. Mountain, A. J. 'Wear- China.
ner, D. S. Williams, W. E. Gillis, Ministers:
C. H. Davis, H. C. James, M. D.,
E. H. James, W. E. Strickland, 0. A. Hall, 0. B. Kuhn.

Licentiates: Chen; Liu Gin Bo; Djang Djeng

H. C. James, A. Mountain, D. S. Hai, Liu Si Mu, Gia Hsi Yung,
Williams, E. L. Longway. Li Hwan Hsin, Yuen Shu Shi,
Gwo Da Sao, Gi Swen
Missionary Licentiates: Djou Keh Ming, Sung Hsu Ting.
Mrs. A. Mountain, Mrs. 0. A. Church School Teachers:
Hall (on furlough), Paul Quim- Li Hwai Ren, Wang Shou Djeng,
by, Mrs. Paul Quimby. Djou Dzi Djeng, Tien Yuan Won,
Li Yueh Djen.

Organized 1917
Organized 1917
Territory: The Province of Honan.
Territory: The Province of Hunan.
Address: Lowanho, Yencheng, Ho-
nan, China. Address: S. D. A. Mission, The
Island, Changsha, Hunan, China.
Director, W. E. Strickland. Officers:
Sec. and Treas., W. I. Hilliard. Director, C. H. Davis.
Sec. and ,Treas., H. R. Dixon.
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Mrs. W. E. Department Secretaries:
Strickland. Field Miss., Yue Gwang Yao.
Pub. and Home Miss., E. L. Home Miss., Wang Deh Dzi.
Longway. Sabbath School, Mrs. C. H.
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. Davis (on furlough).
S. Williams. Educational and Miss. Vol.,
Medical Miss., Dr. H. C. James. Health and Temperance,
Women's Work, Mrs. D.. S.
Williams. Minister Ho Ai Deng.
Ministers: "Licentiates:
\V. E. Strickland, Liu Djen Bang, C. H. Davis, H. R. Dixon, Hwang
Dju Dji Ih. Djung Seng,' Tan Shao Djen.
Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
Dr. H. C. James, D. S. Williams, Mrs. C. H. Davis (on furlough),
Djao Hsi Meng, W. I. Hilliard, Mrs. H. R. Dixon (on furlough),
.E. L. Longway. Liu Li Dzi, Liu Ai Gwang, Ih
Bing Heng,,. Yell Dao Sou, Dju
Missionary Licentiates: Dzi Ai, Djang Pu Hsuan, Bu Sin
Mrs. D. S. Williams, Mrs. W. E. Ting, Peng Shill Sin, Hwang
Strickland, Mrs. Dr. H. C. James, Dzi Lin, Li Ai Ching, Hu Si
Miss E. Johnson, Mrs. W. I. Hil- Gwei, Hsu Gin Tang, Wang Deh
liard, Mrs. E. L. Longway, Li Dzi, Yue Gwang Yao, Twang.
Hsin Dzi, Li Ping An, Tang Yao Shou Ting, Ren Gwo Hwa, Djou
Giai, Tang Yao Tien, Wang Wen Pei Sin, Sieh Mo Dao, Gung Guh
Yuen, Ren Seng Tsai, Han Sung Sin, Dung Ai Djen, Tsao Ying

Pei, Dzo Gwei Hsiang, Wu Fu Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kin-

Cheng, Gao Yii Heng, Chen Mei Hang, Kiangsi, China.
Seng, Hwang Shao Bin.
Provincial School Faculty: Officers:
Dju Bing, Li Ao, Djang Fu Lin, Director, E. H. James.
Hsia Chang Yu. Sec. and. Treas., E. H. James.
Church School Teachers: S. S. Sec., Mrs. E. H. James.
Deng Shao Sien, Su Wen Djen, Field Miss. and Home Miss., T.
Peng Dzi Neng, Wang Nai Djen. A. Shaw.
E.. H. James, Liu Djung Gwang.
Organized 1909 T. A. Shaw, Djang Bao Ting;
Territory: The Province of Hupeh.
Missionary Licentiates:
Address: Wang Gia Dun, Hankow. Mrs. E. H. James Mrs. T. A.
Hupeh, China. Shaw, Fu Ling Yuin, Chen Ming
Dao, Djao Shao Hsi; Nien Chwen
Officers: Gnay, Djao Beh Ling, Wang Wan
Director, A. J. Wearner. Hwei.
Sec. and Treas., H. G. Bogar.
Church School Teachers:
Department Secretaries: Shen Hswen Hung, Wang Djen
Field and Home Miss., E. L.
Educational, Paul Quimby.
Sabbath School, SHENSI MISSION
Minister: Mo Gi Ren. Organized 1917
Territory: The Province of Shensi.
A. J. Wearner, Wu Shou San,
Djou Hsiou Lien, Li Wei Ching, Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sian-hi,
Wang Shou Ih. Shensi, China.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. A. J. Wearner, H. 0. Bo-
gar, Mrs. H. G. Bogar, Djang Director, W. E. Gillis.
Hswen Djen, Fan Tz Hsian, Liu Sec. and Treas., I. 0. Wallace.
Yang Gu, Han Yao Chen, Yang
Deh Hwei, Djang Gwan Hwan, Minister: W. E. Gillis.
Hu Beh Ching, and Chen TJ Beh.
I. 0. Wallace, Peng Hsien Djung.
KIANGSI MISSION Missionary Licentiate:
;Nil's. W. E. Gillis, Mrs. I. 0.
Organized 1917 Wallace.
Territory: The Province of Ki- Church School Teachers:
angsi. Chen Wen Hswh, Li Ai Ren.
Mission organized 1908; Conference organized 1917; Union Mission
organized 'gig

Territory: Chosen (Korea). C. Klose (on furlough), J. E.

Population: 17,284,207; churches, Riffel, Mrs. J. E. Riffel, Mrs. E.
21; members, 1,399. L. Woods, E. L. Woods, Miss H.
M. Scott, Mrs. H. M. Lee, Chang
Cable Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Sin Ill, Chae Kwan Sin, Le Sung
Ill, Kang Chong Mo, Kwak Kwe
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Ho, Kim Sang Chill, Chung Chae
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Cho- Soon, Kim Won Chae, Chang
sen (Korea). Han Chin, Nu Young Sun, Kim
Yun Mok, Chyong Won Cho],
Officers: Chyong Dong Sim.
Supt., H. A. Oberg. Training School Teachers:
sec. and Treas., L. I. Bowers. H. M. Lee, Principal, J. E. Riffel,
Executive Committee: H. A. Mrs. J. E. Riffel, Miss H. M.
Oberg, L. I. Bowers, C. W. Lee, Scott, F. Seung Eui, Pak Kee
Kim Pyong Kong, J. C. Klose, Chang, E. Kyung Ill, Kim Ung
(on furlough), Ne Keun Ok, Gen; Kim Ku Hyok, Kwak Kee
Mun Cook, W. H. Smith, H. Ho.
M. Lee, E. J. Urquhart, 'Kim
Church School Teachers:
Nae Chun, Chae Tae Son Chae Rin, Ne Myung Choon,
Legal Organization Title: Zidon Kim Hoon Kun, Chang Sin Ill,
of the Chosen) Union Conference Chae Kwan Sin.
of S. D. A.
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, E. J. Urquhart. CENTRAL CHOSEN MISSION
Educational and Miss. Vol., H. Organized 1919
M. Lee. -
Medical Miss., Territory: Provinces of North and
Field Miss. and Home Miss., J. South Ham Heung, Kang Won,
C. Mose (on furlough). Kyong Kei, North Chyong Chun
(except the counties of Po Ung,.
Ministers: Ok Chun, and Yung Tong), and
H. A. ()berg, E. .1. Until h a rt, South Chung Province (except
W. R. Smith, Chae Tae Hyon, the counties of Tae Chyon, Nan
Kim Ku Hyok, H. M. Lee. San, Pu Yo, Syo Chyon, and Po
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
J. C. Klose, L. I. Bowers, J. E. Outside East. Gate, Seoul, Cho-
Riffel, W. Pudewell. sen (Korea).
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
Mrs. H. A. Oberg, Mrs. L. I. Director, Chyong Muir Cook.
Bowers, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, Sec., S. M. Kim.
(on furlough), Mrs. E. J. Urqu- Treas., Ko Sung Sin.
hart, Mrs. W. R. Smith, Mrs. J. Executive Committee: S. C.

Kim, E. Chyong Sik, Pak Che Lee, T. S. Ch.yang, Kim Nae

Jung, .Ko Tu. Chil, So In Ho, Chun, Kim Tae Ou, H. ,I. Bass,
Chyong, Mun Cook, Ko Sung Sill. Lee Keun Pal, Kim Young Ok.
Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries,:
Sabbath School and Home Miss., Sabbath School, C. W. Lee.
E. Chyong Educational, Lee Keun Pal.
Field Cliyong 'Bong Sang. Field Miss., Yang Chung HI.
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., H. j.
Minister: Bass.
Chyong Men Cook.
C. W. Lee, N. C. Kim.
Fang Wha Syuk, Ko Too Chil,
Pak Chae Chung, Kim Young 0o, Licentiates:
Chung .Pung Syang, Kim Kite H4old Bass, Kim Hong Mo,
Nam, E. Chyong Sik. Kim Syok Young, Nam Sang Ik,
Vane, Chang Il, Kim Ung Oyu,
Missionary Licentiates: Pak Yun Sun.
Ko Sung Sin, E. Pyung Pin,
Kim Poong Tuh, Kim Young 111, Missionary Licentiates:
0. Rya Song, Kim Pil Ok, Pak Mrs. C. W. Lee, Mrs. Harold
Won Sil, E Hoe Syung, Song
Bass, Chyung Dong Sung, Pe Ku
Chae Sooh. Lara, E. Kun Pal, Kim Na Ok,
Church School Teachers: Chang Chai Pok, Kim Heung Ou,
Kim Pil Ok, Pak Won Sil, 0 Kim Twang Ok, Pak Chang Sit,
Kim Myung Kil, Pak Pu Sil,
Ryong Sun, Kim Poong Tuk, E
Kim Kyung Mo.
Hae Syung Kim Young Ul,
Snug Chae Syok.
Church School Teachers:
Lee Keun Pal, Chang Chai Pok,
Kim 1- ung Ou, Kim Kwang Ok,
SOUTH CHOSEN MISSION Pak Ch-ang ,Su, Kim Myung Kil,
Pak Pu Sil, Kim Kyung Mo.
Organized 1919
Territory: Provinces of North and
South Kyung San, North and WEST CHOSEN CONFERENCE
South Chyolla, the counties of
Po Ung, Ok. Chun, Yung Tong Organized 1919
in North Chyong Chun, and the
counties of Tae Chyon, Non Territory: North and South Pyeng
San, Au Yo Syo Chyon, and Po An, and Whang Hai Provinces.
Ryung in South Chyong Chun Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Provinces. Soonan, Chosen (Korea).
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Keizan, Chosen. Officers:
Pres., W. R. Smith.
Officers: Sec., Kim Pyung Nong.
Director, C. W. Lee. Treas., P. C. Kim.
Sec. ald Treas., T. S. Chyong. Executive Committee: W. R.
Executive Committee: C. W. Smith, Kim Pyung Nong, Ne

Keun Ok, Kim Pong Kul, H. M. Licentiates:

Lee, Cho Che Whan, Kim Tae P. N. Kim, S. H. Hong, T. P.
Loon, Kim Pyong Jik. Chyon, C. W. Cho, H. S. Chyong,
Department Secretaries: P. C. Kim, S. W. Im.
Sabbath School, Field Miss., Ed- Missionary Licentiates:
ucational, Home Miss., and
Miss. Vol., Kim Pyong Nong.. Nineteen native laborers.

Ministers: Church School Teachers:

H. M. Lee, Ne Keun Ok. Thirty-two native teachers.


Organized 'gig
Territory: The Anhwei, Kiang- ANHWEI MISSION
su, and Chekiang Provinces.
Organized 1917
Population: 75,662,029; churches,
25; members, 1,053. Territory: The Province of An-
hwei, and that portion of Kiang-
Office Address: 301-303 Yu-Yuen - su Province north of. the Yangtse
Road, Shanghai, China. River, and the district of Nan-
Supt., J. G. Gjording. Population: 32,058,455; churches,
Sec. and Treas., M. C. Ackley. 5; companies 8; members, 280.
Executive Committee: J. G.
Gjording, M. C. Ackley, K. H. Postal Address: 17 Gao Lou Men,
Wood, H. J. Doolittle, G. L. Wil- Nanking, China.
kinson, John Oss, W. A. Scharf-
fenberg. hire. K. Ti. \rood, Han Nanking Church Address: Djung
'('sung Dien, Wu Tsung Shan, Djen Mai, Nanking, China.
Wu Dzi Chia, 1.i Yu Tsiao, Pan
Li Dye. Officers:
Department Secretaries: Director, H. J. Doolittle.
See. and Treas., Mrs. C. F. Col-
Sabbath School, Mrs. K. H. ton.
Wood. Executive Committee: H. J.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., Doolittle, Han Tsung-djen, Giant
John. Oss. Tsung-gwang, Hwang Tien-do,
Educational and Miss. Vol., W. Hwang Ujung, Wu Dzeh Shan,
A. Scharffenberg, 26 Ningkuo Mrs. C. F. Colton.
Rd., Shanghai.
Ministers: Department Secretaries:
J. G. Gjording, John Oss. Sabbath School, Chang Beni-ping.
Educational and Miss Vol., Liu
Missionary Licentiates: Men-ru.
Mrs. J. G. Gjording, M. C. Ack- Publishing and Home Miss., F.
ley, Mrs. M. C. Ackley. P. Greiner.

Ministers: Department Secretaries:

H. J. Doolittle, Han Tsung Djen, Sabbath School, Mrs. K. H.
Wu Dzelt Shan. Wood. _
Field Miss. and- Home Miss.,,
Licentiates: John Oss.
H. L. Shull, Giang Tsung Educational, Shen Su Cheng.
Gwang, Hwang Djung, Hwang Russian: G. Hmelevsky, 279 Ave.
Tien Do, Wang Yu-tang, Du Joffre, Shanghai.
Djung-sin. Women's Worx; Mrs. B. Miller,
307 Yu Yuen Rd., Shanghai.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. H. J. Doolittle, Mrs. F. Ministers:
P. Greiner, 'Mrs. C. F. Col- K..H. Wood, G. Hmelevsky.
ton, F. P. Greiner, Wang . Shi- - Licentiates:
tien, Dziang Da.o-seng, Hu Dzeh- Mrs. B. Miller, Zee Suna Chua,
Ren, Pan Shui-ru, Bjang Ming- Wu Dzi Chiao, Li Yu Tsiao, Wu
deh, Mang Shou-then, Niu
Shi-teng, Han Si-mu, Djan Si- Ties Ung, -Dzung Ts Quin, Nyi
mu, Wang Bing-thing, Chang Siau Nge.
Beh-ping, Su Chi-nien, Lwan Si- Missionary Licentiates:
mu, ..Dju Si-mu, Djang Sung- Mrs. K. H. Wood, Mrs. G. Hmel-
tsing, Liu Men-ru, Bing Shu-sen, evsky, and twenty native labor-
Shao Djen-shou, Giao Si-gwang, ers.
Giao Si-mu; Djang Si-mu, Church School Teachers, 10.
Hwang Bao Feng.
Middle School Teachers, 3; Shanghai Church Addresses:
Church School Teachers, 12. Central Shanghai Church, Pc-35
Range Road.
East- Shanghai Church, 25 Ning-
kuo Road.
KIANGSU MISSION Russian Shanghai Church, 279
Ave. Joffre. _
Organized 1917
Territory: The southern portion
of Kiangsu Province, and the SOUTH CHEKIANG MISSION
northern portion of Chekiang Organized 1919
Province. Territory: The Prefectures of
Wen-chow, Chu-chow, and Tai-
Population: 25,680,750; churches, chow, in the southern portion of
14; members, 573. Chekiang Province.
Office Address: 299-301 Yu-Yuen Population: 5,966,232; churches, 6;
Road, Shanghai, China. members, 200.
Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Officers: Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Director, K. H. Wood. Officers:
Sec. and Treas., M. C. Ackley.
Executive Committee: K. H. Director, G. L. Wilkinson.
Wood, M. C. Ackley, Mrs. B. Sec. and Treas., B. F. Dregorv.
Miller, Wu Dzi-chiao, Li Yut- Executive Committee: G. L.
siao, Shen Su-cheng, Zee Sung Wilkinson, B. F. Gregory, 'Wu
Cheng. Tsung-shan, Djou Djung-heng,

Djou Li-hwai, Pan Li-dze, Dion Missionary Licentiates:

Yang (Amen. Mrs. G. L. Wilkinson, B. F. Greg-
Department Secretaries: ory, Mrs. B. F. Gregory, and
twenty-one native laborers.
Sabbath School, Mrs. G. L. Wil-
kinson. Middle School Teachers, 6; (in-
Field Miss. and Home Miss., cluding two foreigners) ; Church
Djou Djung Heng. School Teachers, 5.
Educational and Miss. Vol.,
B. F. Gregory. Church Directory:
Ministers: Wenchow Church Address: Tsau
G. L. Wilkinson, Wu Tsung- Vu Oa, Wenchow, Chekiang,
shan. China.


Organized 1921
Territory: Transbaikalia, Yakutsk, Ministers:
Amur, Maritime, and Sakhalin T. T. Babienco, A. Andronow,
provinces, and. Russians in Man- J. A. Gaidischar.
churia. (Grouped under three
mission fields: Transbaikal, Licentiates:
Amur, and Sungari.) A. N. Korshar, M. Popow, A. D.
Kalashnikow, K. Koralloshvili,
Population: 6,000,000; churches, 7; N. Mersliakow, B. Brashnikow.
mein hers. 747. Missionary Licentiates:
K. Savitsky, Mrs. T. T. Babi-
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," enco.
Postal Address: Post Box 20, New AMUR MISSION
Town, Harbin, Manchuria.
Territory: Amur, Maritime, and
Officers: Sakhalin Provinces.
Supt., T. T. Babienco. Address: Severny prospect 39, Per-
Sec. and Treas., K. Savitsky. vaja, Bechka, Vladivostock, Rus-
Executive Committee T. T. sia.
Babienco, K. Savitsky, M. Po-
pow, A. D. Kalashnikow, J. A. Officers:
Gaidischar, B. Brashnikow, V. Director, A. Kalashnikow.
DuCodel Smsliusenko, A. An- Sec. an Treas., K. Savitsky.
dronow, K. Koralloshvili. Minister:
J. A. Gaidischar.
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath school, Mrs. T. T. Ba- Licentiates:
bienco. N. Mersliakow, A. D. Kalash-
Field Miss. and Home Miss., M. nikow, T. Gladkow.
Educational and Miss Vol., T. T. Church: kitayskaya str. Dom
Babienco. Teschenko, Vladivostock.

SUNGARI MISSION Missionary Licentiates:

K. Savitsky, Mrs. T. T. Babien-
Territory: Russians in Manchuria. co, 0. Grunt, N. Zdor.
Address: Post' Box 20, New Town, Church: Corner Sadowaya and
Cicigarskaya, New Town, Har-
Harbin, Manchuria. bin.
Director, T. T. Babienco.
Sec. and Treas., K. Savitsky. Territory: Transbaikalia, Yakutsk.
Address: Post Box 20, New Town,
Minister: Harbin, Manchuria.
T. T. Babienco. Officers:
Director, T. T. Babienco.
Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., K. Savitsky.
A. N. Korshar, M. popow, B.
Brashnikow, K. Koralloshvili, M. Licentiates:
Kalabngin. M. Popow, A. Andronow.


Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, Nov. 2, 1917; and as a
Union Mission, Aug. zo, 1919

Territory: Japan proper, not in- Kobayashi, M. Fukazawa, A. N.

cluding Formosa or Korea. Anderson, Sh.ohei. Miyake, Dr. E.
Tatsuguchi, E. J. Kraft, A. N.
Population: 56,066,905; churches, Nelson.
9; members, 390.
Cable Address: " Adventist," To- Department Secretaries:
kyo. (Use Western Union code Tract Soc., A. B. Cole.
only.) Field Miss. and Home Miss., E.
Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi J. Kraft.
Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Sabbath School, Mrs. M. Enka-
Headquarters Location: 171 Ama- Educational and Miss. Vol., A.
numa, Suginami machi, Toyo- N. Nelson.
tatna gun, Tokyo Fu, Japan.
Railway Station: Ogikubo, Cen- H. F. Benson, A. N. Nelson, V.
tral Line.-60 minutes from T. Armstrong, A. N. Anderson,
Tokyo. 2 ,/, hours from Yoko- Shohei Miyake, Tokutaro Ko-
hama.. bayashi, T. H. Okohira, Hideyo-
Officers: sh i Kuniya,
Supt., V. T. Armstrong. Licentiates:
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, H. J. Alfred Koch, George Dietrich,
Perkins. Hiroshi Kuniya, Tsumon Kaji-
Executive Committee: V. T. yams, Seichi Kaneko, Yekichi
Armstrong, H. J. Perkins, T. H. Seino, Kurasaburo Sakakibara,
Okohira, H. Kuniya, Tokutaro Shinio Fnruya, Kanchi Kawase.

Missionary Licentiates: KANSAI MISSION

A. B. Cole, H. J. Perkins, E. J.
Address: Kumochi, Fukuaicho
Kraft, Bunski Doi, 'Miyokichi
Nishino, Takashi Hattori, Mrs. Shimidzu 4, Kobe, Japan.
Toku Hasegawa, Mrs. A. B. Cole, Officers:
Mrs. H. J. Perkins, Mrs. E. J. Director, T. H. Okohira.
Kraft, Mrs. H. F. Benson, Mrs. Treas., H. J. Perkins.
Alfred Koch, Mrs. George Die- Sec., Yekichi Seino, (Japanese
trich, Mrs. A. N. Anderson, Mrs.
A. N. Nelson (on furlough), Mrs.
M. Fu Kazawa, Mrs. V. T. Arm- Minister: T. H. Okohira,
Principal Churches: Yekichi Seino, Kanchi Kawase,
Tokyo, Kanda Ku, Misaki cho Y. Watanabe.
Hiroshima, Hachibori machi 107. Missionary Licentiate:
Moji, Tani machi 3 chome. TakashiHattori.
Nagoya, Higashi Ku Higashi So-
tobori cho Kasei Jo-gakko.
Osaka, Nishi ku Tanaku machi
KObe, Nunobiki Dori 2 chome 15
Wakamatsu, Daiku cho 2.
Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi
Post Office, Tokyo, Japan.
Address: Higashi Hakushima Ku- Director, H. Kuniya.
kencho 98. Treas., H. J. Perkins.
Officers: Minister:
Director, Tokutaro Kobayashi. H. Kuniya.
Treas., H. J. Perkins.
Missionary Licentiate:
Minister: Miyokichi Nishino.
Tokutaro Kobayashi.
Seikichi Seino.
HOKKAIDO MISSION Address: Higashi Hakushima,
Kukencho 98, Hiroshima, Japan.
Address: Minami 6 Jo, Nishi 11
Chome, Sapporo, Japan. Officers:
Officers: Director, Tokutaro Kobayashi.
Treas., H. J. Perkins.
Treas., H. J. Perkins. Minister: Tokutaro Kobayashi.
Licentiate: Licentiates:
Kurasaburo Sakakibara. T. Kajiyama, Hiroshi Kuniya.

TOHOKU MISSION Treas., H. J. Perkins.

Sec., Shinzo Furuya (Japanese
Address: 73 Sengokueho, Aizu- business).
Wakamatsu, Japan.
Licentiate: S. Furuya.
Officers: Missionary Licentiate:
Director, Mrs. Toku Hasegawa.


Organized 1917

Territory: British Malaysia, Dutch Licentiates:

East Indies, Siam. H. C. Baumgartner, V. L. Bee-
Population: 63,637,161; churches, cham, Melvin Munson, E. J. Jo-
16; members, 1,206. .hanson.
Missionary Licentiates:
Cable Address: " Adventist," Sing-
apore. A. E. Iverson, Mrs. L. V. Fin-
ster, F. L. Bunch, Mrs. A. E.
Postal Address: 399 Upper Seran- Iverson, H. I. Smith, Mrs. H.
goon Road, Singapore, Straits Smith, Mrs. V. E. Hendershot,
Settlements. Mrs. V. L. Beecham, J. E. Gard-
ner, M. D., Mrs. J. E. Gardner,
Officers: Mrs. H. C. Baumgartner, Mrs.
Supt., L. V. Fluster. Melvin Munson, Mrs. E. J. Jo-
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, E. J. hanson, Mrs. W. P. Barto (on
Johanson. furlough), Mrs. B. Judge.
Executive Committee: L. V. Fin-
ster, E. J. Johanson, H. I. Smith,
J. W. Rowland, 'W. P. Barto, I.
C. Schmidt, L. 0. Pattison (on SINGAPORE MISSION
furlough), F. A. Pratt (on fur- Organized 1914
lough), A. Munson, V. E. Hen-
dershot, V. L. Beecham, D. S. Office Address: 399 Upper Seran-
Kime (on furlough), L. B. Mer- goon Road, Singapore, Straits
shon, J. S. Yates, G. C. Leedy, R. Settlements.
P. Abel, 0. A. Wood, G. B.
Youngberg, Cable Address: "Adventist," Singa-
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Educational, V. E. Hendershot. Director, J. W. Rowland.
Field and Home Miss., V. L. Sec. and Treas., J. W. Rowland.
Beecham. Executive Committee: J. W.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.. Rowland, Tsen Shau The, C. M.
Mrs. L. V. Finster. Lee, Chan Thian Hee, Roefinoes
Ministers: Goeltom, G. D. Lim.
L. V. Finster, V. E. Hendershot, Department Secretary:
W. P. Barte (on furlough), B. Sabbath School, Mrs. H. C.
Judge, Phang Nyuk Thin. Baumgartner. ,

Ministers: Officers:
J. W. Rowland, Chan Thian Hee. Director, I. C. Schmidt.
Sec. and Treas., I. C. Schmidt.
Licentiates: Executive Committee: I. C.
So. Sui San, Tsen Shou Ths, Ku Schmidt, Mrs. I. C. Schmidt, K.
Huk Min. Pandjaitan, H. Aritonang, Chow
Chee Yee.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. J. W. Rowland, Liau Hon Department Secretaries:
Pin, Miss Chong Su Kew. Sabbath School, Mrs. I. C.
Minister: I. C. Schmidt.
Office Address: Sipogoe, Post Sipi- Licentiates:
rok, Tapanoeli, Sumatra, Dutch K. Pandjaitan, H. Aritonang,
East Indies. Chow Chee Yee.
Cable Address: "Kime," Sipirok, Missionary Licentiate:
Sumatra. 'Mrs. C. Schmidt.
Director, D. S. Kime (on fur-
Sec. and Treas., D. S. Kime.
Executive Committee: D. S. Organized 1913
Kime, Mrs. D. S. Kime, T. D.
Manullang, G. B. Youngberg. Office Address: 8 Zee Straat, Pa-
Ministers: dang, Siimatra, Dutch East In-
1). S. Kime, G. B. Youngberg.
Missionary Licentiates: Cable Address: " Adventist," Pa
dang, Sumatra.
Mrs. D. S. Kime (on furlough),
Mrs. G. B. Youngberg. Officers:
Intermediate School Teachers: Director, G. A. Wood.
T. D. Manullang, Heumanus Ma- Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. A. Wood.
ntillang, Julianus Pohan, Sarindo Executive Committee: G. A.
Ritonga, William Djazoni. Wood, Mrs. G. A. Wood, L. Pan-
djaitan, Lanuv Yoe Djin.
Organized 1917 Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: 11 Kartinilaan, Mrs. 0. A. Wood, G. Tamboenan,
Medan, Sumatra, Dutch East Mrs. Wong Nyen Pau, Wong
Indies. Nyen Pau, L. Pandjaitan.

Cable Address: Adventist Missicin, Church School Teacher:

Medan. H. J. Panggabean.

WEST JAVA MISSION Sec. and Treas., Mrs. F. Ditt-

Organized 1913 Executive Committee: L. 0. Pat-
tison, F. Dittmar, Mrs. F. Ditt-
Office Address: 25 Sawohlaan, N. mar, E. Mandjoentak, Bong
C., Weltevreden, Java, Nether-
lands East Indies. Hong, Tan Diem Siang, Mrs.
Cable Address: " Adventist Mis- Department Secretaries:
sion," Weltevreden, Java. Tract Soc., Field Miss., Sabbath
Officers: School, Home Miss., Mrs. L. 0.
Director, J. S. Yates. Home Miss. Correspondent, Liem
Sec. and Treas., Mrs.4. S. Yates. Soen Hoo.
Executive Committee: J. S.
Yates, H. Zimmermann, Mrs. J. Ministers:
S. Yates, Pan Ki Heng, P. Pie! L. 0. Pattison, P. Drinhaus.
tersz, M. Koentul, C. C. Yust,
Debrichy. Licentiates:
F. Dittmar, Bong Hong, Joh.
Department Secretaries: Simorangkir, Elias Mandjoentak,
Sabbath School, 0..T. Loebis. S. Kailola, K. Tamboenan, Mar-
Home Miss., H. Zimmermann. tin Hoetabarat, Salem Pandjai-
tan, R.oeseno.
Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:
J. S. Yates, H. Zimmermann. Mrs. L. O. Pattison, Mrs. F.
Dittmar, Mrs. P. Drinhaus.'
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. J. S. Yates, Mrs. H. Zim-
mermann, C. Galman, 0. J. Loe-
bis, P. Pietersz, Pan Ki Heng, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO
Mrs. Pan Ki Heng, C. C. Yust, MISSION
Kasman, Lo Shak Ken, E. E.
Missals, M. Koentul, Mrs. N. Organized 1913
Koentul, L. Tausuun, Q. Hema-
hua. Office Address: Jesselton, British
North Borneo.
Church School Teacher: Cable Address: "Adventist," Jes-
Miss J. Pineda. selton, British North Borneo.
Director, L. B. Mershon.
EAST JAVA MISSION Sec. and Treas., Mrs. L. B.
Organized 1913
Cable Address: " Adventist," So- Department Secretaries:
erabaya, Java. Publishing and Home Miss., L.
B. Mershon.
Office Address: Tangjong Anom, Sabbath School and Educational,
Toendjoengan, Soerabaya, Java, Mrs. L. B. Mershon.
Dutch East Indies. Executive Committee: L. B.
Mershon, Mrs. E. Mershon, Kong
Officers: Tsun Min, Tshin Yin Yui, Lo
Director, L. 0. Pattison. Yin Kwui.


Organized 1914
Kong Tsun Min, Lee Kwet Thin,
Tshin Yin Yui. Office Address: 1 Parry Lane, Ku-
Missionary Licentiates: ala Lumpur, Federated Malay
Mrs. E. Mershon, Yong Fen On,
Wong Nyen Siong, Johannes Officers:
Director, G. C. Leedy.
Church School Teachers: Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. C. Leedy.
Chin Fui Lim, Chin Tet Lan, Executive Committee: G. C.
Chin Kliyun Fong, Chong Yun Leedy, Mrs. G. C. Leedy, Dr. J.
Ten, Yong Shui Hin, Johannes E. Gardner, J. J. Nallaiah, Chen
Pasariboe, Lazarus Sibarani, Thin Khim, Chin Tau Yin, Im-
Mrs. Papar Yong. , manuel Siregar, Ng Slit' Kong,
Lee Hoi Yong.
Department Secretaries:
SIAM MISSION Sabbath School, Mrs. G. C.
Organized 1919 Miss. Vol,. and Educational, Wan
Office Address: 2070 Sathorn Rd., Yun Chong.
Bangkok, Siam. Medical, Dr. J. E. Gardner.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Bang- Field Miss. and Home Miss., O.
kok, Siam. Q. Leedy.
Minister: G. C. Leedy.
Officers: Licentiates:
Director, F. A. Pratt (on fur- Immanuel Siregar, Chen Thin
lough). Khiin, Ng Shu Kong, Chin Tau
Acting Director, R. P. Abel. Yin, Wan Yun Chong.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. R. P. Abel.
Executive Committee: F. A. Missionary Licentiate:
Pratt, R. P. Abel, Kon Vui Le- Mrs. G. C. Leedy.
ong, Lui Thi Then, Mrs. R. P.
Department Secretaries: CELEBES MISSION
Sabbath School, Mrs. R. P. Abel. Office Address: Menado, Celebes,
Home Missionary, R. P. Abel. Netherlands East Indies.
Minister: F. A. Pratt,' Director, A. Munson.
Sec. and Treas., A. Munson.
Licentiates: Executive Committee: A. Mun-
R. P. Abel, Kon Vui Leong, Lui son, Mrs. A. Munson, S. Ran-
Thi Then. toeng, J. Toena.
Missionary Licentiates: Department Secretary:
Tract Soc.; S. Rantoeng.
Heng Seng Teck, Mrs. F. A.
Pratt, Mrs. R. P. Abel, Chui Yit Minister: A. Munson.
Phen. Licentiate: S. Rantoeng.
Church School. Teacher, Chui Yit Missionary Licentiates:
Phen. Mrs. A. Munson, J. Toena.
Organized 1919

Territory: The three provinces of FENGTIEN MISSION

Address: Manchurian Union Mis-
Population: 22,083,434; churches, sion S. D. A., Mukden, Manchu-
9; members, 205. ria, China.

Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Officers:

Mukden. Director, Bernhard Petersen.
See. and Treas., Bertha E. Peter-
Postal Address: Manchurian Un- sen.
ion Mission S. D. A., Mukden,
Manchuria, China. Licentiates:
Hu Wen Hwan, Du Shu Ren.
Supt., Bernhard Petersen. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec. and Tr(bas., Bertha E. Peter- Tsui Yu Djang, Tung Tsung San,
sen. Wang Sheng Bo, Yang Shu
Executive 'Committee: B. Peter- Tsing, Djao Feng Shan, Liu
sen, R. M. Cossentine, F. M. Lar- T:Twan Hsin.
sen, A. A. Esteb, Mrs. F. M. Lar-
sen, Bertha E. Petersen, Hu Wen Church School Teachers:
Hwan, Du Shu Ren, Wang Clii
Yuen, Fang Cheng Gun. Bien Lien Gu, Shang Giu Djen,
.dao Ging Huri.
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Mrs. F. M. Lar-
Field Miss. and Home Miss.,
Miss. Vol. and Educational, R. Address: Changchun, Manchuria,
M. Cossentine. China.
Ministers: Director, F. M. Larsen.
B. Petersen, A. A. Esteb. Sec. and Treas., Bertha E. Peter
R. M. Cossentine, F. M. Larsen. Licentiate: Lin S'heng.
Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. Bertha E. Petersen, Mrs. Djang Fu Shwen, Yu Ging Ho.
R. M. Cossentine, Mrs. F. M.
_ Mrs. A. A. Esteb, Wang
Larsen, Church School Teachers:
Fu Yuen. Geo Deh Hsin, Hsu Djeng Hsioh.

Organized rgig
Territory: The provinces of Chi- Officers:
hli, Shantung, and Shansi. Director, W. J. Harris.
Population: 76,252,018; churches, Sec. and Treas., J. H. White.
3; members, 179.
Executive Committee: W. J.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Harris, - Frederick Lee (on fur-
" Adventist Mission," Peking, lough), J. H. White, Su Dien
China. Tsing, Wang Hsi Yuen, Meng
Djung In, Geng Fu Gwang, Han
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pao Lo.
62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Pe-
king, China. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Sabbath .School, Mrs. W. J. Har-
Supt., Frederick Lee (on fur- ris.
lough). Yield Miss., N. F. Brewer.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor,. J. H. Miss. Vol. and.-Educational,
Executive Committee: Freder-
ick Lee, J. H. White, N. F. W. J. Harris, Su Dien Tsing.
Brewer, W. J. Harris, H. L.
Graham, Su Dien Tsing, Shen Licentiates:
Chien P'an, Wang Hsi Yuen, Wang Hsi Yuen, J. H. White.
Tung Yun Chu.
Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Mrs. W. J. Har- Mrs. W. J. Harris, Mrs. J. H.
ris. White.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, J.
H. White. Peking Church Address: 62 Ta
Field Miss., N. F. Brewer. Fang Chia Hutung.
Frederick Lee (on furlough),
Licentiate: Organized 1917
J. H. White.
Territory: The Province of Shan
Missionary Licentiates: tung.
Mrs. F. Lee (on furlough), Mrs.
N. F. Brewer. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tsin-
anfu, Shantung, China.
Organized 1918 Director, H. L. Graham.
Sec. and Treas., G. J. Appel.
Territory: The province of Chihli. Executive Committee: H. L.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Graham, G. J. Appel, Mrs. H. L.
Fang Chia Hutung, Peking, Graham, Shen Chien P'an, Chang
China. Ch'ien Kwang, Tung Yun Chu.

Department Secretaries: Chiao Wen Li, Tung Yun Chu,

Sabbath School, Mrs. H. L. Gra- Chang Ch'ien Kwang, Chia
ham. Ch'wen Chih, Chiang Ch'ung Li.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, G. J.
Appel. Missionary licentiates:
Field Miss., N. F. Brewer.. Mrs. H. L. Graham, Mrs. G. J.
Minister: Appel.
G. J. Appel. Church Addresses:
Licentiates: Tientsin: Nan Ma Lou.
H. L. Graham, Shen Chien Fan, Tsinanfu: Wei Ih Lou.


Organized 1917

Territory: Philippine Islands and Ministers:

Sulu Archipelago. S. E. Jackson, L. U. Warren.
Population: 10,350,640; churches, Licentiates:
89; members, 4,690. O. F. Sevrens, M. F. Wiedemann,
Cable Address: " Adventist," Ma- L. A. Co rd a, W. B. i (rel.
nila. Missionary Licentiates:
Postal Address: 705 Vermont St., Mrs. S. E. Jackson, Mrs. 0. F.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Sevrens, E. A. Moon, Mrs. E. A.
Moon (on furlough), Delbert L.
Officers: Millam, Mrs. D. L. Millam, Har-
Supt., S. E. Jackson, P. 0. Box ley Andersen, Mrs. Harley .An-
813, Manila, P. I. dersen, Eugene Woesner, Mrs.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Eu- Eugene Woesner, Mrs. E. M. Ad-
gene Woesner. ams, Mrs. L. D. Warren, Mrs. M.
Executive Committee: S. E. F. Wiedemann, Apolonio Cruz,
,Jackson (on furlough), G. H. Regino Villanueva.
Murrin (on furlough), 0. F. Sev-
rens, E. M. Adams, L. D. War- Church School Teachers:
ren, M. F. Wiedemann, W. L. Miss Vicenta Oquealda, Julita
ROdriguez, A. N. Dela China, J. Escuadra, Tomasa Segundo, Jo-
0. Afenir, E. A. Brion, E. A. vito Naranjo, Emilio Ferrer, Na-
Moon (on furlough), W. B. Am- tividad de Rodriguez.
mundsen, Eugene Woesner, Mrs.
S. E. Jackson (on furlough), W.
H. Bergherm.
Department Secretaries: FERENCE
Sabbath School, Mrs. S. E. Jack- Organized 1916
son, P. $0. Box 813, Manila,
Philippine Islands. Territory: The Provinces of Zam-
Field Miss. and. Home Miss., M. bales, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Ba-
F. Wiedemann. taan, Bulacan, Cavite,Itizal, La-
Educational, 0. F. Sevrens, guna, Batangas, Tayabas, Pam-
Miss. Vol., L. D. Warren; panga, Mindoro, and Marindu-
Religious Liberty, E. M. Adams., que.

Office Address: 707 Vermont St., Church Directory:

Manila, Philippine Islands. Manila Church, 1402 Oroquieta
St., Santa Cruz, Manila.
Officers: San Pablo Church, 103 T. Azu-
Pres., E. M. Adams. cena St., San Pablo, Laguna.
Sec. and Treas., E. A. Brion. Malabon Church, Angel Luna St.,
Executive Committee: E. M. Malabon, Rizal.
Adams, E. A. Brion, R. R. Fig- Pasay Church, 2.53 Luna St.,
uhr, M. B. Comilang, Melchor Pasay, Rizal.
lilauria, Augustin Panaga. Tayabas Church, Tayabas, Taya-
Department Secretaries:
Tract Society, Liberato Fernan-
Field Miss., M. B. Comilang. (ForMerly Cebuan Mission)
Sabbath School, Marcario C.
Pascual. Organized 1914
Miss. Vol. and Educational, R.
Senson. Territory: Provinces of Qebu, Bo-
Home Miss., Liberato Fernandez. hol, Leyte, and Oriental Negros,
Religious Liberty, Flaviano Da- Misamis, and Surigao.
lisay. Office Address: Box 244, .Cebu,
Ministers: Cebu, Philippine Islands.
E. M. Adams, R. R. Figuhr, Officers:
Isaac Enriquez, Augustin Pan- Director and Treas., G. Hugh
aga, M. B. Comilang. Murrin (on furlough).
Department Secretaries:
Licentiates: Sabbath School,
Ricardo Magealen, Melchor Asst. Field Miss., and Home
Elauria, Roman Senson, Flavi- Miss., Vicente Rodrigo.
ano Dalisay, Jose Emralino,
Valeriano Garcia, Florentino Minister:
Jabola, Maximo Cabance, Vi- W. L. Rodriguez.
cente Santos, Ponciano Bungay, Licentiates:
Pedro S. Magsalin, Jose Javier. Manuel J. Kintanar, V. J. Gomez,
A. C. Baculpo.
Missionary Licentiates:
Carlos Salvador, Jacinto Suban, Missionary Licentiates:
Gregorio Arguzon, E A. Brion, Mrs. G. Hugh Murrin (on fur-
Angeles T. Ponce, Liberato Fer- lough), Vicente Rodrigo, Bregida
nandez, Paciencia Molinabayan, Rodriguez, Drosdado Famor, Ra-
Juana San Augustin, Felicidad mon Llaguno, Fidel C. Adlowan,
L. Alejo, Mrs. R. R. Figuhr. Alejandro K. Alkunio.
Church School Teachers:
Miss Virginia de los Rayes, Bar- NORTHERN LUZON MISSION
rio HulO, Malabon, Rizal..
Lope Balan, 1402 Oroquieta St., Entered 1913; organized 1917
Santa Cruz, Manila. Territory: Provinces of Pangasi-
Gil de Guzman, 103 T. Azucena nan, Nueva Viscaya, Isabela,
St., San Pablo, Laguna. Cagayan, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos
Miss Rosalina Macalinao, Taya- Sur, Abra, La Union, Mountain,
bas, Tayabas. and the %tames Islands.

Office Address: P. 0. Box 7, Ba- St., San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte.

guio, Mountain Province, Philip- Batac Church, Vecinal St., Batac,
pine Islands. Ilocos Norte.
Narvacan Church, Santa Lucia
Officers: St., Narvacan, Ilocos Sur.
Director and Treas., W. B. Am- Candon Churcl\Abaya St., Can-
mundsen. don, Ilocos Sur.
Executive Committee: W. B. Amaraw Church, Amaraw, Sta.
Ammundsen, Leon Z. Roda, Juan Cruz, Ilocos Sur.
0. Al enir, Emilio Valena, Tito Tagudin Church, Main St., Tag-
P. Atiga. udin, 'locos Sur.
Artacho Church, Artacho, Sison,
Department Secretaries: Pangasinan.
Sabbath School, Mrs. W.B. Am- Pias-Carusocan Church; Provin-
mundsen. cial Road, Carusocan, Asingan,
Asst. Sabbath School, J. 0. Pangasinan.
Afenir. Tayug Church, Lawton St., Ta-
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., J. 0. yug, Pangasinan.
Afenir. Cuyapo Church, Otis St., Cuya-
Field Miss., Tito P. Atiga. po, Nueva Ecija.
Religious Liberty, L. Z. Roda.
.Educational, W. B. Ammundsen.
W. B. Ammundsen, Leon Z. Organized 1914
Roda, Juan 0. Afenir, Emilio
Valera. Territory: The islands of Panay,
Guimaras, Romblon, Tablas, Si-
Licentiates: buyan, and the Province of Oc-
Tito P. Atiga,Alvaro Z. Roda, cidental. Negros.
Eugenio Sanidad, Rafael Pilar.
Office Address: 44 Luna St., La
Missionary Licentiates: Paz, Iloilo, Philippine Islands.
Mrs. W. B. Ammundsen, Matea
Rebollido, Martiria Valera, Mrs. Postal Address: P. 0. 271, Iloilo, -
A. Z. Roda, Manuel Oliva, Man- Philippine Islands.
uela Pimentel. Officers:
Church School Teacher: Director and Treas., Win. II.
Mariano Isilen (care Mission Sec., Pedro Diaz.
Office). Mission Committee: Wm. H.
Bergherm, Fausto H. Jornada,
Intermediate School Teachers:. Antonino N. dela China, Maximo
Tomas A. Filar, Rumualdo Ca- dela Paz, Juan Golez, Aquilino
bansag, Cayetano Bangloy, Se- Same, Pedro Diaz, Conrado Tor-
bastian Sahagun. tal.
Church Directory: Department Secretaries:
Bacarra Church, Bacarra, Ilocos Field Miss., Maximo dela Paz.
Norte. Educaitonal, Pedro Diaz.
Laoag Church, M. H. del Pilar Sabbath School,
St., Laoag, Ilocos, Norte. Home Miss, and Miss. Vol., An-
San Nicolas Church, McArthur tonio N. dela China.


AV. H. Bergherrn, Fausto H. Jor- (Formerly known as Bicol Mission.)
(Separated from Central South-
Licentiates: ern Luzon Conference in Janu-
Antonino dela China, Juan ary, 1924.)
Aquilino Same. Under the direction of Philippine
Union Mission.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. Wm. H. Bergherm, Maximo Territory,: The provinces of Cama-
dela Paz, Remigio Habana, Gre- rines Sur, Albay, and Sorsogon.
gorio Bacomo, Rafael Asmud,
Pedro Diaz, Tomas Habana, Licentiates:
Adrian() Aguerre, Simeon Eva- Fortuna to Milan, Melquiade.s B.
mid, Erene Guyos, Remigio Ca- Gabarra.
hilig, Conrad() Tortal, Maximino
Lirazan, Guillermo Pen don, Juan Missionary Licentiate:
Bacomo, Sofia. Aquilon. Ceferina Coreses.


Reorganized 1919

Territory: The Chinese Provinces Bates (on furlough), Wong Shiu

of Kwangsi, Kwangtung, Fu- Leung, 13. L. A ndersou.
kien, French Indo-China, and the
Islands of Formosa, Hainan and Department Secretaries:
the Colony of Hongkong. Sabbath School, Mrs. E. Ti. De-
Population: 89,699,982; churches, Field Miss., Home Miss., and
32; members, 2,154. Educational, R. M. Milne.
Miss. Vol.,
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Medical Miss., D. D. Coffin. Al. D.
"Adventist," Hongkong.
Minister: F. H. DeVinney.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310,
Hongkong, China. Licentiate: R. M. Milne.
Office Address: 13 Oriental Bldg.,
Kowloon, China. Missionary Licentiates: .
Mrs. F. H. DeVinney, Mrs. R. M.
Officers: Milne. G. E. ('lark, Mrs. G. E.
Supt., F. H. DeVinney. ('lark.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Geo.
E. Clarke. Church Directory:
Executive Committee: F. H. De- Canton, 43 Nani Kwang, Che
Vinney, MT. C. Hankins (on fur- Kwong Lai.
lough), P. V. Thomas, R. M. Foochow City, Siang siu Seng.
Milne, C. C. Morris, T. K. Ang, Hongkong, 13a Orient Bldg.,
N. P. Keh, Geo. E. Clarke, A. L. KoWloon.
Ham, J. P. Anderson, F. E. Waichow, Sin Tung Moon Ngoi.

CANTONESE MISSION Mission Committee; J. P. An-

derson, S. A. Nagel, Lo Sin
Territory: The Cantonese-speak- Tshoi, Lo Tet Tsun, Li Yit Thin,
ing portion of Kwangtung Tshi Tsok Phien.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Ministers:
Tungshan, Canton, China. J. P. Anderson, S. A. Nagel, Lo
Sin Tshoi.
Director, A. L. Ham. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., H. B. Parker. Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Mrs. J.. P.
Mission Committee: A. L. Ham, Anderson, Lo Tet Tsun, Tshi
IL B. Parker, V. M. Hansen, A. Tsok Phien, Chong Fa Min, Ng
L. Wong, T. A. Woo. Yuk Pin, Ng Yok Chhi, Lo Tet
Tshien, Li Yit Thin, Vun Shan
Department Secretaries:
field Miss., P. L. Chan.
Sabbath School, H. S. Lung. Church School Teachers:
Educational, T. M. Lai. Mrs S. A. Nagel, Mrs. Thsi Tsok
Honie Miss., K. T. Khng. Phien, Hiu Sung Chin, Ho Tshin,
Ministers: Lo Tet Tsun, Wong Tshau Sam,
Vu Hen Yin, Liong Tsu Phin,
A. L. Ham, S. L. Wong, H. B. Chung Shau Khat, Lo Than Yin.
Parker, T. S. Woo, L. C. Wilcox.
V. M. Hansen, S. M. Cheung,
P. L. Chan, C. M. KiVok, F. K.
Tam, C. L. Ma, S. Y. Lai, S. C. KWANGSI MISSION
Ha. Territory: The Province of Kwang-
Missionary Licentiates: si, and On Po, Ling Shan and
Mrs. H. B. Parker, Mrs. L. C. Yam Chow Districts in Kwang-
Wilcox, Mrs. A. L. Ham, Mrs. tung.
V. M. Hansen, C. C. Lai, K. M. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Sham, H. K. Sin, H. H. Tam, Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Y. K. Cheung, Mrs. L. P. Chan,
Miss Y. k. Leung, Mrs. T. S. Officers:
Wu, Miss S. Yick.
Director and Minister, P. V.
Sec. and Treas., P. L. Williams.
HAKKA MISSION Committee: P. V. Thomas, P. L.
Williams, D. D. Coffin, Dr. Ang,
Territory: The Hakka-speaking ..Nep Wan Ngai, Chun Chuk Ping.
portion of the Provinces of
Kwangtung and Fukien. Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. L. Williams, Mrs. P. L. Wil-
Waichow, Kwangtung, China. liams, Mrs. P. V. Thomas, Dr. D.
D. Coffin, Mrs. D. D. Coffin, Dr.
Officers: Ang, Nep Wan Ngai, Chun Chuk
Directoi, J. P. Anderson. Ping, Chau Hei Nien, Clieun,2: .
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. P. An- Saarit Sin, Laam Hung Tsoi,
derson. - Poore Foo Chi, Lau Man Wing.


Tan, K. C. Ang, C. T. Tan, C. C.
Territory: The northern portion Ong.
of the Province of Fukien.
Department Secretaries:
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sabbath. School, Mrs. B. L. An-
Foochow City, China. derson.
Publishing and Home Miss., C.
Officers: C. Ong.
Director, C. C. Morris. Miss. 'Vol., C. C. Ong.
Sec. and Treas.,
Mission Committee: C. C. Mor- Mini:sten:
ris, Ling Sing Ca, Chai Guok
Uong, Ging So Tang. W. C. Hankins (on furlough), B.
L. Anderson, V. J. Maloney, N.
Minister: C. C. Morris. P. Keh, N. K. Keh.
Evangelists: Missionary Licentiates:
Ling Sing Ca, Chai Guok Uong, Mrs. W. C. Hankins (on fur-
Ging So Tang, Eu Iiong, Uong lough), Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Mrs.
Bing Ding, Ho Do Sing, Ngu V. J. Maloney.
Den.. Ngie, Ling Die Go,, Ging
Ko 'Bing, Ho Haiu Hua, Ling Native Evangelists:
Buo Hi, Die Ing Cui, Iono Ming
Ong, Tang A Ming, LingGa 6 Gi. Ang Kheng Chiong, Tan Chheng
Tek, Ho Chu Hong, Iu Iak Lim,
Missionary Licentiate: Ngo Thien Sek, Khu Giok Iau.
Mrs. C. C. Morris.
Bible Woman (native):
Bible Women: Iu Ban Chim.
Ding Sin Ang Cia, Dang Hui Mu.
Intermediate School Teachers: Church School Teachers:
Uong Deng Gi, Ling Ga, U, Uong Iu Khim San, Lo Kin Tek, Ong
Si King, Cieng Dang U, Ging Keng Tong, Tan Bun Li, Lim
Neng Ngiong, Su S. A., Lang Sun Hoa, Woo Chheng Phek,
S. A. Chiu Po Poe, Ng Sui Ti, Chhoa
Sin Chheng.


Territory: The Amoyese-speak- SWATOW MISSION
ing portions of the Province of
Fukien and the Island of For- Territory: The Eastern slope of
mosa. the province of Kwangtimg.

Office Address: S, D. A. Mission, Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,

Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Swatow, Kwangtung, China.
Director, F. E. Bates.
Director, B. L. Anderson. Sec. and Treas., E. E. Carman.
Sec. and Treas., V. J. Maloney.
Mission Committee: B. L. An- Department Secretaries:,
derson, V. J. Maloney, N.' P. Tract Soc., Kg Koon Hua.

Minister: Bible Woman:

F. E. Bates. Mrs. Chhoa Chioh Eng.
Church School Teachers:
Licentiates: Wang Sui Seng, Tie Khiok Meng,
E. E. Carman, Tan Hiong Tsun, Li Koan Thong, Ang Kim Eng,
Tan Zui Cheng, Heng Hang Ng Liang Phiak, Chhoa -Cheng
Seng, Lo Tau Nguang, Gui Tek Hong, Khu Cheng Chhun, Lim
Kheng, Ng King Ming, Ng Tsai Pang Tau, Wang Iok Lim, Te
Theng, Ang Tsu Sung, Cheng Zui Hui, Sng Cheng Hiok, And
Tau Han, Ang Tsun Heng, Sng Tsu Chhai, Li Thiam Ti, Miss
Khiam Tsong. Go Khiok Chi, Mrs. Jim Sok
Bun, Mrs. Tan Khim Chheng,
Miss Chi Lang Eng, Tie De Bun,
Missionary Licentiates:
Is Su ,Khai, Io U Siang, Heng
Mrs. F. E. Bates, Mrs. E. E. Ke Koan, Ng Hua Siu, And Tiau
Carman. Nam.


Organized rm.

Territory: The Provinces of Sze- Ministers:

chwan, Yunnan, Kweichow. M. C. Warren, Shi Ru Ling.
Population: 70,838,390; churches, Licentiate:
2; members, 84. Alton Hughes.
Missionary Licentiates:
Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. Alton
Telegraph Address: " Adventist,"
Officers: Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chung-
king, Szechwan, China.
Supt., M. C. Warren.
Sec. and Treas., M. C. Warren. Officers:
Executive Committee: M. C. Director, E. L. Lutz (on fur-
Warren, C. L. Blanorord, Dr. J. lough).
N. Andrews, S. H. Lindt, Mrs. Sec. and Treas., M. C. Warren.
M. C. Warren, Shi Ru Ling, Liao
Minister: Shi Ru Ling.
Hsian Hsien, Mao Bin Lan.
Department Secretaries: E. L. Lutz (on furlough), Wang
Suh Tang.
Sabbath School, Mrs. M. C. War-
ren. Missionary Licentiates:
Field Miss., Home Miss., and Wang An Hsi, Li Lee Gun, Shi
Miss Vol., Si M7111, Mrs. E. L. Lutz (on fur-
Educational, S. H. Lindt. lough).

TIBETAN MISSION Malaysian Union Seminary, 390

Upper Serangoon Road, Singa-
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tat- pore, Straits Settlements.
sienlu, Szechwan, China. Nanking Industrial School, 17
Gao Lou Men, Nanking, China.
Officers: Philippine Academy, 239-251
Director, Dr. .1. N. Andrews. Luna St., Pasay, Rizal, Philip-
See. and Treas., pine Islands.
Shanghai IMissionary College, 31
Licentiate: Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
Dr. J. N. Andrews. China.
Sino-American. Middle School,
Missionary Licentiate: Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Mrs. .1. N. Andrews. Wenchow Industrial School,
Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Tsinan Industrial Mission
WEST SZECHWAN MISSION School, Tsinan, Shantung,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Cheng-
tu, Szechwan, China. Publishing:
Chosen Mission Press, Seoul,
Officers: Chosen (Korea).
Director, C. L. Blandford. Japanese Publishing House, 169
Sec. and Treas., S. H. Limit. Amanuma, Suginami - mura,
Ministers: Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan.
C. L. Blandford, S. H. Limit. Postal Address: Box 7, Yodo-
bashi P. 0., Tokyo Japan.
Missionary Licentiates: Malaysian Publishing House,
Mrs. S. H. Limit, Mrs. C. L 399 Upper Serangoon Road,
Blandford, Mao 13in Lan, Uwoa, Singapore, Straits Settlements.
Heo An, Gwoa Si Mull, Wang Philippine Publishing House,
Dzi Bing. 239-251 Calle Luna, Pasay,
Rizal, Philippine Islands.
Postal Address: Box 813, Ma-
INSTITUTIONS IN FAR EAST- nila, Philippine Islands.
ERN DIVISION Signs of the Times Publishing
Educational: House, 25 Ningkuo Road,
Shanghai, China.
Cantonese Intermediate School,
Tungshan, Canton, China. Medical:
Chosen Union Training School, Shanghai Sanitarium Assn., 34
Soonan. Chosen (Korea). Nanking Road, Shanghai,
Foochow 1 n teimed late China.
Foochow, China. Nanning Dispensary, Nanning,
Hankow Intermediate School, Kwangsi, China.
Wang Gai Dun, Hankow, Hu- Soonan Hospital, Soonan, Cho-
peh, China. sen.
Honan Intermediate School, Lo- Yencheng Hospital-Dispensary,
wanho, Yencheng, Honan, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan,
China. China.
Japan Mission Training School, Tatsienlu Dispensary, Tatsien-
169 Amanuma, Suginami-mu- lu, Szechwan. China.
ra, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Little Eden Hospital, Fatshan,
Japan. Kwangtung, China.
Organized rgr6
Territory: The Austral and South Union Field Miss. Secretaries:
Brazil Union Conferences, and C. L. Bainer, W. A. Bergherm, J.
the Inca and East Brazil Union W. Wilhelm, W. S. Lawrence.
Population: 56,612,607; churches, Editors:
148; members, 12,505. Edgar Brooks, D. R. Buckner,
Berger Johnson.
Cable Address: "Division," Bue-
nos Aires. Western Union Code
Five-letter Edition or A B C,
Office Address: Calle Pino 3801, Secretary, C. P. Crager.
Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen-
tina, South America. Other Members:
H. U. Stevens, J. S. Marshall, H.
Officers: B. Lundquist, T. W. Steen, W.
E. Murray, C. D. Striplin, E. U.
Executive Board: P. E. Broder- Ayars, G. E. Mann, L. G. Jor-
' sen, W. H. Williams, J. W. gensen.
Westphal, F. W. Spies, R. T.
Baer, H. U. Stevens, N. P. Neil=
sen, C. P. Crager, E. H. Meyers.
Chairman of Executive Board: MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DE-
P.. E. Brodersen. PARTMENT
Sec., Sub-Treas., and Auditor, Secretary, C. P. Crager.
W. H. Williams.
Other Members:
H. U. Stevens, W. E. Murray, H.
B. Lundquist, T. W. Steen, J.
S. Marshall, C. D. Striplin, L. 0.
Secretary, E. H. Meyers.
General Members:
P. E. Brodersen, J. W. West-
phal, F. W. Spies, W. H. Wil- MENT
liams, R. T. Baer, H. U. Stevens, Secretary, C. P. Crager.
N. P. Neilsen.
Managers of Publishing Houses: Other Members:
E. V. Moore, H. B. Lundquist,
Everett Everest, M. V. Tucker, F. I. Mohr, J. W. Westphal, F.
F. I. Mohr. C. Varney.



General Members: Ministers:
P. E.- Brodersen, F. W. Spies, P. E. Brodersen, J. W. West-
R. T. Baer, W. H. Williams, H. phal, C. P. Crager.
U. Stevens, N. P. Neilsen. Licentiates:
W. H. Williams, E. H. Meyers.
Union Home Miss. Secretaries:
E. V. Moore, E. Christman, Missionary Licentiate:
W. S. Lawrence, L. G. Jorgensen. W. E. Phillips.


Organized 1906
Office: Florida, F. C. C. A., Bue- Licentiates:
nos Aires, Argentina, South H. B. Lfindquist, W. A. Berg-
America., berm, J. S. Marshall, J. M.
Population: 15,746,521; churches,
63; members, 2,872. Missionary Licentiates:
G. E. Hartman, 0. Oppegard,
Officers: Lydia G. de Oppegard, 0. H.
Pres., R. T. Baer. Maxson, W. H. Wohlers, Juan
Sec. and Treas., G. B. Hartman. Wedekamper, G. B. Replogle, C.
Executive Committee: R. T. E. Westphal.
Baer, G. E. Hartman, W. E.
Christman, Dr. C. E. Westphal,
J. S. Marshall, C. E. Krieghoff, Organized 1921
Ignacio Kalbermatter, E. W. Ev- Territory: Province of Buenos
erest, W. A. Bergherm, H. B. Aires.
Office Address: Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Department Secretaries: Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Field Miss., W. A. Bergherm. America.
Educational and Miss. Vol.; H. Officers:
B. Lundquist.
Pres., R. T. Baer.
Medical Miss., Dr. C. E. West- Sec. and Treas., G: E. Hartman.
phal. Executive Committee: R. T.
Home Miss., L. E. Christman. Baer, G. E. Hartman, L. A.
Sabbath School, H. B. Lund- Rojas, J. Ayvazian, Hector Dom-
quist. inguez, T. E. Saviano.
Ministers: Department Secretaries:
R. T. Baer, Ernesto Tulin, L. E. Tract Soc., J. A. Ayvazian.
Christman. Field Miss., T. E. Saviano.

Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., Hec- Ministers: -

tor Dominguez. W. E. Hancock, V. E. Thomann,
Sabbath Scho.ol, Mrs. R. T. J. D. Haynes.
Ministers: G. D. Klatt, E. U. Ayars, Walter
L. A. Rojas, A. Buzugherian, J. Schubert, C. A. Andersen.
T. Thompson, G. Block, S. Man-
gold. Missionary Licentiates:
G. Emmeneggelr, Mrs. W. E.
Licentiate: Hancock, Andres Ascione, F.
Jose Iuorno. Martinez, Euriqueta Balada.
Missionary Licentiates:
J. A. Ayvazian, Matilda Gentile,
Caytano, Ferri, Hector Domin- NORTH ARGENTINE CON=
Church School Teachers: Organized 1921
Mrs. H. E. Herman, Mrs. W. A. Territory: Provinces of Entre
Bergherm, Silvia Vedoya. Rios, Sante Fe, Cordoba, La
Rioja, Santiago del Estero, Tu-
cuman, Catamarca, Salta, Los
CHILE CONFERENCE Andes, and Jujuy.

Organized 1907 Office Address: 167 Gualaguay,

Parana, E. R., Argentina, South
Territory: Chile, South America. America.
Cable Address: "Adventist," San- Officers:
tiago, Chile, South America. Pres., J. H. Roth.
Sec. and Treas., W. A. Ernen-
Office Address: Casilla 2830, San- putsch.
tiago, Chile, South America. Executive Committee: J. H.
Roth, W. A. Ernenputsch, R. R.
Officers: Saunders, G. Block, Jose Weiss,
Pres., W. E. Hancock., A/111 Pidoux.
Sec. and Treas., G. Emmeneg-
ger. Department Secretaries:
Executive Committee: W. E. Field Miss., R. R. Saunders.
Hancock, G. Emmenegger, An- Sabbath School, W. A. Ernen-
dres Ascione, V. E. Thomann, putsch.
E. U. Ayars, Walter Schubert,
F. Martinez. Ministers:
J. H. Roth, E. W. Thomann.
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., G. Ernmenegger. Licentiates:
Field Miss., F. Martinez. F. Sittner.
Sabbath School, Mrs. W. E. Han- Missionary Licentiates:
cock. R. R. Saunders, Teresa A. Krieg-
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., An- hoff, W. A. Ernenputsch, Juan
dres Ascioee. - Plenc.

Church School Teachers: Church School Teachers:

0. Heydecker, Emma Sailer, Ester Peverini Juan Wedekam-
Godofredo P. Block, Ana Ro- per, Eduardo Heyde.
scher, Mrs. 0. E. Schnepper,
Santiago Sittner, Jorge Schimpf.
Organized 1906
Organized 1906 Territory: Uruguay Republic,
South America.
Territory: Paraguay, the terri-
tories of Misiones, Chaco, For- Office Address: Calle Arenal
mosa, and Corrientes, Argentina. 2535, Montevideo, Uruguay,
Office Address: Posadas, Misiones, South America.
Argentina, South America.
Officers: Supt., C. E. Krieghoff:
Supt., Ignacio Kalbermatter. Sec. and Treas., Teresa Krieg-
Sec. and Treas., D. J. Weiss. hoff.
Executive Committee: Ignacio Executive Committee: C. E.
Kalbermatter, D. J. Weiss, Pedro Krieghoff, A. R. Sherman, Er-
M. Proudly, Lazar() Solis, Pedro nesto Beskow, Alejandro Ernst.
Department Secretaries:
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., D. J. Weiss, Field Miss., J. D. Replogle,
Field Miss., Pedro Tabuenca. Miss. Vol., A. R. Sherman. ,
Sabbath School, D. J. Weiss. Sabbath School, Teresa Krieg-
h off.
Ignacio' Kalbermatter, P. M. Ministers:
Brouchy. Luis Ernst, C. E. Krieghoff, W.
Licentiate: M. Leytes. B. Miramontez.
Missionary Licentiates: Licentiate: A. R. Sherman.
D. J. Weiss, Alejandro C,ecotto,
Pedro Tabuenea, Juan Wede- Missionary. Licentiates:
kamper. - Teresa Krieghoff, I. D. Replogle.


Organized 'gig
Territory: The east half of the Population: 18,283,936; churches,
State of Minas Geraes, the Fed- 26; members, 1,369.
eral District and the States of Cable Address: " Adventista,"
Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro.
Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pern-
ambuco, Parahyba, Rio Grande Postal Address: Caixa Postal 768,
do Norte, Piauhy, Ceara, Maran- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
hao, Para, and Amazonas. America.

Office Address: Rua Dr. Maia La- EAST MINAS MISSION

cerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
South America. Established 1919
Territory: East half of the State
Officers: of Minas Geraes.
Supt., F. W. Spies. Office Address: Rua Mariano Pro-
Sec. and Treas., F. C. Varney. copio 679, Mariano Procopio,
Minas Geraes, Brazil, South
Executive Committee: P. W. America.
Spies, F. C. Varney, R. J.
fart, J. W. Wilhelm, L. G. Jor- Officers:
gensen, L. B. Halliivell, E. M. Supt. and Minister, J. L. Brown.
Davis, J. L. Brown, T. W. Steen. Sec. and Treas.. Otto NI. Oroe-
Department Secretary: Department Secretary:
Field. Miss., J. W. Wilhelm. Field Miss., G. C. Wynn.
* Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and
Sabbath School, L. G. Jorgen- Licentiates:
sen. L. D. NabucO, Franklin Men-
-Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:
F. W. Spies, L. G. jorgensen. G. C. Wynn, Deodora Barbosa,
Anna Pinto.
J. W. Wilhelm.
Missionary Licentiate: ESPIRITO SANTO MISSION
F. C. Varney. Established 1919
Territory: State of Espirito San-
BAHIA MISSION Office Address: Caixa Postal 3764,
Victoria, Espirito Santo, Bra-
Established 1919 zil, South America.
Territory: States of Bahia and Officers:
Sergipe. Supt. and Minister --
Sec. and Treas., H. G. Stoehr.
Office Address: Caixa Postal 198,
Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil, Department Secretary:
South America. Field Miss.,.
Officers: Licentiates:
Supt., L. B. Halliwell. H. C. Stoehr, Cluilherme Denz,
Sec. and Treas., F. C. Varney. Francisco Belz.

Department Secretary: Missionary Licentiate:

Paulo Schulz.
Field Miss., C. P. Leite.
Church School Teachers:
Licentiates: Alberto Knuepfer, August Cross,
L. B. Halliwell, G. Storeh. Emilio Storch, Jose Moraes, An-
tonio Guimaraes, Samuel
Missionary Licentiate: C. P. Leite. Thomas.


Established 1916 Established 1910
Territory: The States of Pernam- Territory: State of Rio de Ja
buco, Alagoas, Parahyba, and neiro and Federal District.
Rio Grande do Norte. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 768,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378, America.
Recife, Pernambuco, Br azil,
South America. Officers:
Supt. and Minister, R. J.
Officers: Will art.
Supt., E. M. Davis. Sec. and Treas., Guilberme F.
Sec. and Treas., E. Langenstras- Ebinger.
sen. Department Secretary:
Department Secretary: Field Miss., E. P. Mansell.
Field Miss., Emilio Keppke. Liceutiates:
Minister: E. M. Davis. Pedro Alexandre, E. P. Mansell,
Licentiate: J. A. Silveira. C. C. Schneider.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
E. Langenstrassen, M. P. Silva, Mrs. Regina Braga, Miss Oath-
Emilio Kepnke. arina Pinto, Lucilia Fonseca.


Organized 1914
Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Department Secretaries:
Lake 1 iticaca, and Peruvian Sabbath School, F. L Mohr.
Missions. Educational and Miss. Vol., C.
D. Striplin.
Population: 10,220,790; churches, Field and Home Miss., W. S.
23; members, 5.477. Lawrence.
Cable Address: " Incaunion," Ministers:
Lima-Pert. C. D. Striplin, W. W. Wheeler,
Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Li- H. U. Stevens.
ma, Peru, South America. Licentiate: W. S. Lawrence.
Office Address: Avenida Pardo No.
724, Miraflores, Lima, Pert, Missionary Licentiates:
South America. F. I. Mohr, F. F. Osorio, Lulu P.
Officers: Honorary: Nicanor Moreno.
Supt., H. U. Stevens.
Sec. and Treas., F. I. Mohr.
Executive Committee: H. U. BOLIVIA MISSION
Stevens, P. I. Mohr, W. S. Law- Established 1907
rence, C. D. Striplin, L. D. Min-
ner, H. D. Isaac, T. L. Oswald, Territory: Republic of Bolivia,
F. A. Stahl. South Ameriea.

Telegraphic Address: " Adventis- Ministers:

tas," La Paz, Bolivia. H. D. Isaac, Orley Ford.
Postal Address: Casilla 355, La Licentiate:
Paz, Bolivia, South America.
John E. Ford.
Supt., T. L. Oswald. Missionary Licentiates:
See. and Treas., J. R. Me'VVilliam, Te6filo San-
Executive Committee: T. L. Os- chez.
wald, L. G. Beans, Wesley
Amundsen, I. C. Schneider.
Department Secretaries:
Established 1916 -
Tract Soc.,
Sabbath School, Field Miss., and Territory: Departments of Puno,
Home Miss., Madre de Dios, Cuzco, Arequipa,
Moquegua in Peru.
T. L. Oswald, R. S. Shepard (on Postal Address: Casilla 85, Puno,
furlough), I. C. Schneider. South America.
Licentiates: Cable Address: "Adventista," Pu-
L. G. Beans, Wesley Amundsen. no, Pert.

Missionary Licentiates: Officers:

Mateo Urbina, I. Cbuquimia, J. Supt., F. E. Bresee.
C. Gomez, Marcus Zentero. Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn.
Executive Committee: F. E.
Bresee, H. M. Colburn, S. T.
ECUADOR MISSION Johnson, D. E. Dalinger, Chas.
Baker, W. F. Miller, G. E. Mann.
Established 1905
Department Secretaries:
Territory: Republic of Ecuador, Tract Society, H. M. Colburn.
South America. Field and Home Miss., Chas.
Cable Address: " Adventista," Medical, Dr. S. T. Johnston.
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South Amer- Educational, Miss. Vol., and
ica. Sabbath School, 0. E. Mann.
Postal Address: Casilla 1303, Guay- Ministers:
aquil, Ecuador, South America. E. H. Wilcox (on furlough), F:
E. Bresee, W. F. Miller, 0. E.
Officers: Mann, D. E. Dalinger.
, Supt., H. D. Isaac.
Sec. and Treas., F. I. Mohr. Licentiates:
Executive Committee: H. D. Is. H. M. Colburn, G. A. SchWerin,
aac, John Ford, J. R McWil- A. H. Field, L. L. Clark, B. L.
liam, Orley Ford. Thompson, Luciano Chambe.

Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:

Field and Home Miss., J. R. Mc- A. R. Dennis, Francisco Brouchy,
William. Chas. Baker, J. S. Hindbaugh,

Mrs. A. R. Dennis, Dr. S. T. Officers:

Johnston, Clyde W. Miller, Pe- Supt., L. D. Minner.
dro Kalbermatter, Mrs. H. M. Sec. and Treas., A. R. Dennis.
Colburn, Martin Velasquez, Juan Executive Committee: L. D.
Leon Arpase, Francisco Uhambi; Minner, F. A. Stahl, A. R. Den-
E. Valleaares. nis, R. R. Coble, J. D. Lorenz, F.
D. Ruiz, Santiago Silva.
PERUVIAN MISSION Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., A. R. Dennis.
Established 1906 Sabbath School, A. R. Dennis.
Field and Home Miss., R. R.
Territory: Republic of Peru (ex- Coble. -
cept departments of Puno, Mad- Educational and Miss. Vol., C.
re de Dios, Cuzco, Arequipa, and D. S.riplin.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: L. D. 1\unner, F. A. Stahl.
" Adventista," Lima, Pere.
Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, J. D. Lorenz, P. S. Salazar.
Peru, South America.
Office Address: Plazuela de San Missionary Licentiates:
Francisco 350, Lima, Peru, South R. R. Coble, Seraffn Cortez, San-
America. tiago Silva, Augusto Amqrez.


Organized xgri

Territory: The Conferences of Rio Executive Committee: N. P.

Grande do Sul, Silo Paulo, and Neilsen, C. E. Schofield, C. L.
Santa Catharina; and the mis- Bainer, W. E. Murray, E. V.
sion fields of Parana, West Moore, the presidents of the con-
Minas and Matto Grosso; and ferences composing the Union,
the State of Goyaz. the superintendents of the or-
ganized missions of the Union,
Population: 12,361,360; churches, the director of the Brazil Train-
36; members, 2,787. ing School, and the Manager of
Cable Address: " Adventista," Sao the 13razil Publishing House.
Paulo. Legal Assn.: " Associaao dos
Adventistas do setimo dia no
Office Address: Avenida Alameda Brazil."
dos Uahetds No. 65, Bairro In-
dianapolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Department Secretaries:
South America. Field Miss., C. L. Bainer.
Officers: Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Pres., N. P. Neilsen. E. V. Moore.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. E. Educational and Miss. Vol., W.
Schofield. E. Murray.

Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:

N. P. Neilsen, J. B. Johnson. U. Wissner, J. M. Zeroth, Ger-
mano Ritter.
W. E. Murray, E. V. Moore, C. L. Church School Teachers:
Bainer, T. W. Steen, G. B. Tay- Jos6 Mendes Rabello, Carolina
lor, W. R. Holbrook. Kapteinat.
Missionary Licentiates: Church Directory:
C. E. Schofield, A. Pages, M. V. Porto Alegre, Avenida do Born
Tucker, H. Zipp. Fim 174a.


CONFERENCE Organized 1906
Organized 1906 Territory: State of Santa Cathar-
ina, Brazil.
Territory: The State of Rio Grande Postal Address: Estreito, Floria-
do Sul, Brazil. nopolis, Santa Catharina, Brazil,
South America.
Telegraphic Address: " Advent-
ista," Porto Alegre, Brazil. Officers:
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 106, Pres., Germano Streithorst.
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sec. and Treas., C. E. Schofield.
Sul, Brazil, South America. Executive Committee: Germano
Streithorst, Francisco Peggau,
Office Address: Avenida do Born Carlos Wutzow, K. Keltenhouser,
Fim 174a, Porto Alegre, Rio Reinaldo Fuckner.
Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
America. Department Secretary:
Field Miss., Saturnino Mendes
Officers: de Oliveira.
Pres., A. C. Harder. Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. Germano Streithorst, K. Kelten-
Executive Committee: A. C.
Harder, U. Wissner, F. R. Kuem- houser.
pel, Jose A. dos Reis, J. M. Ze- Church School Teacher: F. Stuhl-
roth. mann.
Legal Assn., " Associacao dos
Adventistas do . setimb dia no
Department Secretaries: Organized 1922
Tract Soc., U.' Wissner. Territory: The State of Sao
Field Miss., J. M. Zeroth. Paulo, Brazil.
Ministers: Telegraphic Address: " Tratados,"
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
A. C. Harder, F. R. Kuempel,
Jose A: dos Reis. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 1830,
Honorary: Manoel .Kuempel, G. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Ameri-
F. Graf. ca.


Office Address: Rua Appeninos 45, PARANA MISSION

Sdo Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
ica. Established 1906

Officers: Territory: The State of Parana,

Pres., H. B. Westcott.
Sec. and Treas., C. L. Bauer. Office Address: Rua Saldanha Ma-
Executive Committee: H. B. rinho 169, Curityba, Parand, Bra-
Westcott, C. L. Bauer, Manoel zil, South America.
Margarido, Raphael Ferreira, A.
E. Hagen, Luiz Braun, Flavio L. Officers:
Monteiro. Supt., N. P. Neilsen.
Executive Committee: N. P.
Department Secretaries: Neilsen, Gustavo Richter, Satur-
Tract Soc., C. L. Bauer. nino M. de Oliveira, Joao Mo-
Field Miss., Manoel Margarido. reira de Castilho.
Missionary Vol., H. B. Westcott.
Educational, W. E. Murray. Department Secretary:
Sabbath School and Home Miss., Field Miss., S. M. de Oliveira.
C. L. Bauer. Minister: A. L. Westphal.
Ministers: Licentiate: Joao Moreira de Cas-
H. B. Westcott, A. E. Hagen. tilho.

Licentiates: Missionary Licentiate: S. M. de

Luiz Braun, Mathias Alencar.
Church School Teachers:
Missionary Licentiates: Joao Moreira, Jr., Elfrieda
Manoel Margarido, Rudolpho Rocker.
Belz, Liborio Klein, C. L. Bauer,
Ottoilia Church Directory:
Curityba, Rua Saldanha MarM-
Church School Teachers: ho, No. 169.
Philonilla, dos Santos, ElM Her-
manson, Eliza Crivelare.
Established 1921 Territory: Western part of the
Territory: The State of Mateo State of Minas Geraes, Brazil.
Grosso, Brazil. Office Address: Caixa Postal 1028,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Office Address: Campo Grande, ica.
Matto Grosso, Brazil, South
America. Officers:
Superintendent: N. P. Neilsen.
Supt., Max Rhode. Licentiate: Germano Conrad.
Missionary Licentiate: Domingos
Licentiate: Max Rhode. Peixoto da Silva.


AMERICAN DIVISION Casa Editora Sudamericana,
CONFERENCE Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Educational: Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Colegio Adventista del Plata, ica.
Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Sao
Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
ica. Brazil, South America._
Colegio Adventista de Chile, Chil-
lan, Chile, South America. Sanitarium and Hospital:
Collegio Adventista, Santo Ama- Sanatorio Adventista del Plata,
ro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre'
America. Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
Ins'aut Industrial, Casilla 1003, ica.
Lima, Peru, South America. juliaca American Hospital; Ca-
Titicaca Normal School, Casilla silla 19, Juliaca, Peru, kJoutn
85, Puno, Peru, South America. America.
(Organized as the India Union Mission, 191o; reorganized, 1919)

Territory: India, Burma, Ceylon, Educational, E. M. Meleen.

and islands politically connected Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, M.
therewith. D.
Population: 325,000,000; 'churches, Ministers:
63; members, 1,764.
A. W. Cormack, A. H. Williams,
Cable Address: " Adventist," S. A. Wellman, G. F. Enoch, A.
Poona.. J. Olson, I: V. Counsell, E. M.
General Office: P. 0. Box 15, Poona, Meleen.
Officers: W. E. Perrin, G. E. Jones, A. E.
Chairman, A. W. Cormack. Clark, M. D., L. C. Shepard.
Sec. and Treas., A. H. Williams.
Division Committee: A. W. Cor- Missionary Licentiates:
mack, A. H. Williams, I. F. Blue,
G. G. Lowry, H. E. Willoughby, Mrs. A. W. Cormack, Mrs. A.
J. Phillips, H. C. Menkel, M. D., H. Williams, Mrs. G. F. Enoch,
S. A. Wellman, L. C. Shepard, Mrs. S. A. Wellman, Mrs. A. J.
E. M. Meleen, G. F. Enoch, A. J. Olson, Mrs. A. O'Connor, W. A.
Olson, W. A. Scott. Scott, Mrs. W. A. Scott; F. 0.
Auditor: W. E. Perrin. Raymond, Mrs. F. 0. Raymond,
Legal Assn.: " The India Finan- Mrs. G. E. Shannon, Miss F.
cial Association of Seventh-day Tuckey, Mrs. W. E. Perrin, Miss
Adventists." M. Broderson, C. H. Mackett,
Sec. and Treas. of Legal Assn., Mrs. C. H. Mackett, C. L. Tor-
A. H. Williams. rey, Mrs. C. L. Torrey, A.
Walker, Mrs. A. Walker, Miss
Department Secretaries: M. Matterand, Mrs. A. E. Clark,
Publishing, L. C. Shepard. A. Killoway, Mrs. A. Killoway,
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Mrs. G. E. Jones, Mrs. L. C.
Home Miss., S. A. Wellman. Shepard, Mrs. E: M. Meleen.


Organized x rg
Territory: Burma, including the Officers:
Shan States; the Nicobar and Supt., J. Phillips.
Andaman Groups.
Sec. and Treas., L. W. Melendy.
Office Address: 1 Franklin Rd., Ah- Executive Committee: J. Phil-
lone, Rangoon, Burma. lips, L. W. Melendy, E. B. Hare,
F. A. Wyman, R. A. Hubley, A.
Cable Address: "Adventist, Ran- J. Denoyer, J. 0. Wilson, L. A.
goon." Sem men s.

Department Secretaries: NORTH BURMA MISSION

Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Office Address: 1 Franklin Rd.,
Educational, Mrs. L. W. Mel- Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma.
Medical Miss., E. B. Hare.
Supt., J. Phillips.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., J. 0. Advisory Committee: J. Phil-.
Wilson. lips, L. A. Semmens, H. A. Skin-
ner, D. Hpo Hla.
Minister: J. Phillips.
Licentiate: J. 0. Wilson. R. A. Beckner, D. Hpo Hla.
Missionary Licentiates: Licentiates:
Mrs. J. Phillips, Mrs. 0. Torn- L. A. Semmens, H. A. Skinner,
blad (on .furlough), L. W. Mel- C. E. Ronfelt.
endy, Mrs. L. W. Melendy, Mrs.
J. 0. Wilson. Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. L. A. Semmens, Mrs. h. A.
Skinner, Mrs. R. A. Beckner.


Office Address: 58 Parsons Road, TENASSERIM MISSION
Henzada, Burma. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Kamamaung, Shwegon. Post Of-
Officers: fice, Saiween District, via Maul-
Supt., F. A. Wyman. mein, Burma.
Advisory Committee: F. A. Wy-
man, A. J. Denoyer, Mrs. A. J. Officers:
Denoyer, Saya Aung Zone. Supt., E. B. Hare.
Ministers: Advisory Committee: E. B. -
Hare,. H. Baird, Thra Tha My-
F. A. Wyman, R. A. Hubley. aing, Thra Paul.
Licentiates: Minister: E. B. Hare.
A. J. Denoyer, Maung Maung.
Missionary Licentiates: H. Baird, Thra, Tha Myaing,
Mrs. A. J. Denoyer, Mrs. F. A. Thra Paul.
Wyman, Mrs. R. A. Hubley.
Missionary Licentiates:
Local Workers: Mrs. H. Baird, Mrs. E. B. Hare.
Aung Zone, Deacon David, Hpo
Lwin, Saya Po Toke, D. J. Rob- Local Workers:
erts, V. J. Benjamin, K. Praka- Thra Peter, Thra John, Thra
saroa. Ohn Bwint, Thra Myat Po.
Organized 'gig
Territory: The Presidency of Ben- Missionary Licentiates:
gal; the Provinces of Bihar and Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale, Mrs. J.
Orissa; the Province of Assam; E. Saunders, Mrs. W. A. Barlow,
with connected native states. Mrs. H. R. Cleverly.
Office Address: 36 Park St., Cal- Native Workers:
cutta, India. Benjamin Peter, Matla Kisku,
Officers: Baiju Murmu, Chotka Hansdak,
Boaz Toppo, Gabriel Murmo.
Supt., H. E. Willoughby.
Sec. and Treas., T. J. Michael.
Executive Committee: H. E.
Willoughby, L. G. Mookerjee, T. EAST BENGAL MISSION
J. Michael, G. A. Hamilton, J. C. Officers:
Dean, C. C. Kellar. Supt., L. G. Mookerjee, Gopal-
Department Secretaries: ganj, Dist. Faridpur, India.
Educational, H. E. Willoughby. Advisory Committee: L. G.
Miss. Vol. and Sabbath School, Mookerjee, T. C. Boiragee.
Mrs. H. E. Willoughby. Ministers:
Publishing and Home Miss., J. C. L. G. Mookerjee, A. C. Helder.
Licentiate: P. C. Arinda.
H. E. Willoughby, G. A. Hamil- Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. L. G.
ton. Mookerjee.
Licentiates: Native Workers:
W. H. Stevens, J. C. Dean. T. Boiragee, P. N. Paroi, K. C.
Ballabh, I. B. Boiragee, J. Baroi,
Missionary Licentiates: J. C. Biswas, T. C. Baroi, D.
Mrs. W. H. Stevens, Mrs. G. A. Barikdar, M. C. Sircar, J. N.
Hamilton, Mrs. H. E. Willough- Baroi.
by, Mrs. J. C. Dean, T. J.
Michael, Mrs. T. J. Michael.
P. C. Dey, P. A. Poddar. Officers:
Supt., C. C. Kellar.
Advisory Committee: C. C. Kel-
BIHAR MISSION lar, A. G. Youngberg, P. C. Ga-
Officers: yan.
Supt., H. E. Willoughby, Ranchi,
B. N. Ry., India. Ministers:
Advisory Committee: H. E. Wil- C. C. Kellar, A. G. Youngberg.
loughby, R. J. Borrowdale, J. E. Licentiate:
Saunders, James Besra, Benja- P. C. Gayan.
min Peter. Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: Mrs. C. C. Kellar, Mrs. A. G.
J. E. Saunders, R. J. Borrowdale. Youngberg.
Licentiates: Native Workers:
W. A. Barlow, H. R. Cleverly, U. N. Helder, J. M. Baroi, H. K.
James Besra. Sircar.
Organized 1919

Territory: Bombay Presidency; BOMBAY MISSION

the Central Provinces; the Cen-
tral India and Rajputana Agen- Officers:
cies; such parts of Hyderbad Supt., I. F. Blue.
(Deccan) as are allied to the . Advisory Committee: I. F. Blue,
foregoing by language; the Unit- R. K Loasby, S. 0. Martin, W.
ed Provinces of Agra and Oudh; H. McHenry, R. A. Smithwick.
the Punjab; Kashmir; the
Northwest Frontier Provinces; Ministers:
Baluchistan. R. E. Loasby, R. A. Smithwick,
J. B. Carter, W. H. McHenry, S.
Office Address: 17 Abbott Road. 0. Martin, R. E. Hare, L. G.
Lucknow, India. Wood, 0. H. Shrewsbury.
Officers: Licentiates:
Supt., I. F. Blue. M. Oss, Peter Shinde, U. Bun-
Sec. and Treas., Miss M. H. Bel- sode.
Executive Committee: I. F. Missionary Licentiates:
Blue, M. M. Mattison, F. H. Mrs. R. 'E. Loasby, Mrs. S. 0.
Loasby, R. E. Loasby, H. C. Men- Martin, Miss E. Reid,-Mrs. J. B.
kel, A. E. Nelson, F. W. Smith, Carter, Mrs. R. A. Smithwick,
Miss M. H. Belehambers, R. E. Mrs. W. H. McHenry, Mrs. M.
Hare. Oss, Mrs. 0. H. Shrewsbury, Mrs.
R. E. Hare.
Department Secretaries:
Indian Evangelists:
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Mrs. S. A. Wellman. Govind Bhorge, S. Nowgire, B.
Educational, F. W. Smith. Thombre, Y. Waghmari, J. Wal-
Publishing, A. E. Nelson. lakar, Y. Jacob, P. Patole, 0.
Home Miss., A. E. Nelson. Pakhare, P. Kakade, J. Khanda-
Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, gale, J. Mackwan, T. Pakhare,
A. Kambele, L. Pakhare, B. Ka-
M. D. randikar, D. Bunsode, Dr. E. B.
I. F. Blue, H. C. Menkel, 14. D.,
Licentiates: Officers:
A. E. Nelson, C. C. Belgrave. Supt., F. H. Loasby, Chichoki
Mallian, N. W. Ry., India.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec., E. R. Streeter.
Mrs. I. F. Blue, Mrs. F. W. Advisory Committee: F. H.
Smith, Mrs. A. E. Nelson, Mrs. Loasby, 0. 0. Mattison, N. C.
H. C. Menkel, Miss M. H. Bel- Burns, E. R. Streeter, Sirdar
chambers, _ Miss Laura Janes, Khan.
Mrs. S. A. Wellman, Miss Wini-
fred West, Miss Thyra E Sand- Minister:
berg, Miss M. Chatterjee. F. H. Loasby.

Licentiates: Morris, Jahan Singh, R. Peters,

' N. C. Burns, 0. 0. Mattison, E. A. E. Nelson.
R. Streeter, Sirdar Khan, Mehn- Ministers:
ga Mall, Isher Singh, Viru Mall.
M. M. Mattison, Jahan Singh, R.
Missionary Licentiates: P. Morris, E. R. Reynolds, L. J.
Mrs. F. H. Loasby, Mrs. N. C. Burgess.
Burns, Mrs. 0. 0. Mattison, Mrs. Licentiates:
E. R. Streeter, Miss I. M. Dow-
ling. E. Peters, A. Gardner, 0. W.
Nolda, L. E. Allen, Robin Singh,
Indian Evangelists: B. A. Howard, N. B. Singh.
Paul Thomas, Nabi Bliksh, Hi- Missionary Licentiates:
yat Masih, Badr-uddin, A. Pe-
Mrs. M. M. Mattison, Miss M. B.
ters, Barkat Masih, Achebar Shryock, Miss V. Chilton, Mrs.
Mall, Daulat Masih, Labhu Mall,- 0. W. Nolda, Mrs. R. P. Morris,
Nawab Din, Sawan Mall, Ladhu
Mall, Hakim Rai, B. Peters, Mrs. L. E. Allen, Mrs. L. J. Bur-
gess, Mrs. E. R. Reynolds.
Bhag Masih.
Indian Evangelists:
UNITED PROVINCES MISSION A. Paul, Umarao Singh, Francis
Wray, Piyaxe Din, Narain Per-
Officers: shad, Jug Mohan Singh, Masih
Supt., M. M. Mattison. Charan, James Francis, Bakhta-
Sec., A. E. Nelson. ver, Singh, G. D. Bates, Bhajan
Advisory Committee: M. M. Singh, K. Cornelius, Davi Per-
Mattison, F. W. Smith, R. P. shad.


Organized '919

Territory: The Madras Presi- worth, E. D. Thomas, H. G.

dency with its neighboring na- Woodward, T. R. Flaiz, E. Will-
tive states, including such parts mott, H. A. Hansen.
of Hyderabad (Deccan) as are Department Secretaries:
allied thereto by language; Cey- Sabbath School, Mrs. G. G.
lon; the Maldive and Laccadive Lowry.
groups. Educational and Miss. Vol., 0. A.
Office- Address: Cunningham Road, Home Miss. and Field Miss., E.
Bangalore, India. Wulmott.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Industrial Department, C. VV.
Bangalore. Tinworth.
G. G. Lowry, P. C. Poley.
Supt., G. G. Lowry.
Sec. and Treas., C. W. Tinworth. Licentiates:
Executive Committee: G. G. C. W. Tinworth, E. Willmott,
Lowry, 0. A. Skau, C. W. Tin- 0. A. -Skau.

Missionary Licentiates: Indian Workers:

Mrs. G. G. Lowry, Mrs. 0. A. J. Joshua, A. Shadrack, I. Is-
Skau, Mrs. L. C. Shepard, Mrs. rael, ,S. Nallathambi, D. Charles,
C. W. Tinworth, D. C. Claessen, T. M. Joseph, A. Jacob, M. J.
G. F. H. Ritchie, J. C. H. Collett, Moses, K. G. Dason, M. Luckose,
Mrs. P. C. Poley, Mrs. E. Will- K. R. 'Matthew, Mrs. S. Vetha-
mott. muthu, A. John, Mrs. S. Mary,
S. Peter, M. Japheth, A. Lazar-
Indian Workers: ous, S. Masalamoney, I. Samuel.
L. DI Benjamin, G. Isaiah, B.


Supt., E. D. Thomas, Nazareth
Officers: P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist., India.
Supt., H. A. Hansen, " Glenfield," Advisory Committee: E. D.
Kynsey Road, Colombo, Cey- Thomas, A. Asirvatham, K. V.
lon. S. Daniel.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Minister: A. Asirvatham.
Colombo. Licentiate: T. W. Asprey. -
Missionary Licentiates:
H. A. Hansen. Mrs. A. Asirvatham, Mrs. T. MT.
Missionary Licentiate: Asprey.
Mrs. H. A. Hansen. Indian Workers:
Ceylonese Workers: S. Thomas, T. S. Nayagam.
D. E. Wegesinghe, E. D. Weges-
inghe, Miss Leyanagea. SOUTH TAMIL MISSION
MALAYALAM MISSION Supt., E. D. Thomas, Nazareth
Post Office, Tinnevelly Dis-
Officers: trict, India.
Supt., H. G. Woodward, Kot- Auvisory Committee: E. D.
tarakara, South Travancore, Thomas, V. Isaac, Job Miller, V.
India. D. Koilpillai.
Advisory Committee: H. G.
Woodward, J. Joshua, R. L. Wil- Minister: E. D. Thomas.
son, S. D. Nallathambi. Licentiate: V. Isaac.
Sabbath School and Women's
Industrial Depts., Mrs. H. G. Missionary Licentiates:
Woodward. Mrs. E. D. Thomas, Mrs. V.
Minister: H. G. Woodward. Isaac, Mrs. A. Asirvatham.

Licentiate: R. L. Wilson. Indian Workers:

P. David, V. D. Koilpillai, A. M.
Missionary Licentiates: Jesudass, K. G. Samuel, G. San-
Mrs. H. 0. Woodward. 'Mrs. R. L. tnanam, J. Miller, P. M. Pon-
Wilson. niah, Mrs. P. Joseph, 0. 0. Isaac,

V. Koilpillai, V. John Henry, A. Chin School, Letpankwin, Burma.

David, Miss K. S. Gnanappo, V. Hse Hseng Mission School,
Monickam, S. Packinatham, Mrs. Taungthoo, S. S. States,
Poonalasamy, J. Selvanayagam, Burma.
N. Koilpillai, Mrs. G. Robert, P. Karen Mission School, Kama-
Deyasniayam. maung, Shwegon P. 0., Sal-
ween Dist., via Maulmein,
Malayalam Intermediate School,
TELUGU MISSION Kottarakara, South Travan-
Officers: core, India.
Marathi Training School, Lasal-
Supt., T. R. Flaiz, Narsapur, gaon, G. I. P. Ry., India.
Kistna Dist., India. Marathi Boys' Boardim, School,
Advisory Committee: T. R. b India.
Lasalgaon, G. I. P. Ry.,
Flaiz, M. Prakasam, P. J. Kelly, Marathi Training School for
M. P. Daniel, Dr. A. E. Coyne. Girls, Lasalgaon, G. I. P. Ry.,
Department Secretary: India.
Sabbath School, Mrs. T. R. Flaiz. Meiktila Technical School,
Meiktila, Burma.
Minister: North India Christian Training
T. R. Flaiz. School, 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
now, India.
Licentiates: North India Girls' School, 61 Ab-
V. J. Benjamin, M. Prakasam, bott Road, Lucknow, India.
A. E. Coyne, M. D. Northeast India Union Training
Schools for Boys, Brightlands,
Missionary Licentiates: Ranchi, India.
Mrs. T. R. Flaiz, Mrs. A. E. Open View Mission School,
Coyne. Chelusain P. 0., Dwarikhal,
Indian Workers: Garhwal Dist., India.
Punjab Boys' School, Chuhar-
M. P. Daniel, A. V. Jesudass, G. kana, N. W. Ry., Punjab,
C. Joseph, C. H. Devasahayam,
M. N. Ammiraju, G. Samuel, P. India.
Moses, P. J. Kelly, C. H. Dava- Rangoon S. D. A. Telugu School,
doss, Mrs. Deenamma, K. Ma- Rangoon, Burma.
thoo, Mrs. A. V. Jesudass, G. N. Santali Boys' School, Karmatar,
Solomon. E. I. Ry., India.
Singhalese Primary School, Lu-
nawa Dist., Ceylon.
South India Training School for
INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTHERN Boys, Krishnarajapuram, My-
ASIA DIVISION sore, India.
Educational Taikgyi Girls' School, Taikgyi,
Banbwegon S. D. A. Chin School, Tamil Intermediate School, Naz-
Banbwegon, Mezaligon P. 0., areth P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist.,
Henzada Dist., Burma. India.
Bengali Girls' School, Hooghly,
Bengal, India. Telugu Intermediate School,
Bengali Middle School for Boys, Narsapur, Kistna Dist., India.
Gopalgunj, Dist. Faridpur, United Provinces Boys' School,
India. Hapur, 0. and R. Ry., India.

Vincent Hill School, Mussoorie, Medical

India. Treatment rooms at Mussoorie
and Simla.
Publishing Dispensaries at Chuharkana,
Oriental Watchman Pub. Assn.. Hapur, -Kalyan, Kamamaung,
Box 35, Salisbury Park, Poona, Karmatar, Lasalgaoni, Taik-
India; with depots at Banga- gyi, Hse Hseng, Najibabad,
lore, Calcutta, and Rangoon. Dhampur, Chichoki Mallian.
Organized zg ig

Area: 4,588,054 square miles. MacNeil, W. E. Straw, W. H.

Anderson, E. C. Boger, G. S. Jo-
Population: European, 1,566,036; seph, T. M. French, Mrs. A. P.
native, 32,721,985. Tarr, E. D. Dick, J. G. Slate.
Churches: White, 38; membership, Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Ad-
1,495; native, 47; membership, ventist Community of, Africa
3,942. (Incorporated).
Office: Grove Ave., Claremont, Department Secretaries:
Cape Province, South Africa.
Publishing and Home Miss., G. S.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Joseph.
" Adventist," Claremont, Cape. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. P. Tarr.
Field, Educational, and Young
Officers: People's, T. M. French.
Vice-President of the General Ministers:
Conference for the African Di- W. H. Branson, T. M. French,
vision, W. H. Branson. E. D. Dick, D. E. Robinson.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, W. B.
Commin. Missionary Licentiates:
Executive Committee: W. H. W. B. Commin, J. G. Slate, Mrs.
Branson, W. B. Commin, J. W. A. P. Tarr.


Organized rgoz

Territory: The conferences of Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468,

Cape, Orange River, and Natal- Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South
Transvaal; the mission field of Africa.
the Limpopo River.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist,
Area: 439,529 square miles. Bloemfontein.
Population: White, 1,502,205; na- Officers:
tive, 5,937,231. Pres., J. W. MacNeil.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. F.
Churches: White, 35; membership, Tarr.
1,395; native, 29; membership,
991. Executive Committee: J. W.
MacNeil, U. Bender, J. N. de-
Office Address: Whiteco House, St. Beer, B. M. Heald, G. S. Joseph,
Andrews St., Bloemfontein, 0. F. J. J. Birkenstock, E. E. Ladd,
S., South. Africa. A. F. Tarr.

Legal. Assn.: Seventh-day Ad- Postal Address: P. 0. Box 378,

ventist Community- of Africa Port Elizabeth, Cape, South
(Incorporated). Africa.
Department Secretaries: Telegraphic Address: Prophetic,
Field Miss. and Home Miss., G. Port Elizabeth.
S. Joseph.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, G. R. Officers:
Fattic. Pres., U. Bender.
Religious Liberty, J. W. Mac- Sec. and Treas., Miss 0. M.
Neil. Willmore.
Ministers: Executive Committee: U. Ben-
J. W. MacNeil, J. J. Birkenstock, der, E. W. H. Jeffrey, 0. 0. Fort-
G. R. Fattic. - ner, C. W. Bozarth, W. L. Hyatt,
Honorary: M. C. Sturdevant, D. J. G. Sieptrian, Claude Tarr.
F. Tarr, F. B. Armitage, I. B.
Burton, J. C. Rogers, H. Elffers, Department Secretaries:
G. W. Shone, W. S. Hyatt. Tract Society, Miss 0. M. Will-
Harlow, Sabbath School, Mrs. U. Bender.
El. G. Patchett, W.
E. E. Ladd, J. H. Raubenheimer. Educational and Miss. Vol.,
Field Miss., S. J. Stevenson.
Missionary Licentiates:
A. F. Tarr, Miss A. G'. Ministers:
Miss A. V. Sutherland. U. Bender; W. L. Hyatt.
Honorary: Miss E. E. Edie, Miss
M. Dixie, Miss C. A. Dixie, Mrs. Licentiates:
E. Bull. A. W. Staples, Claude Tarr, F.
Mission Department: G. Clifford.
Honorary Ministers: D. C. Then- Missionary Licentiates:
nissen,, R. Moko.
Miss 0. M. Willmore, Mrs. 0. 0.
Fortner, Mrs. U. Bender.

CAPE CONFERENCE Church School Teacher:

Miss Alice Antler.
Organized 1802
Colored Work:
Territory: Cape Province, except-
ing the districts north of the Or- Minister:
ange River. D. J. May.

Area: 225,012 square miles. Native Work:

Licentiate: Douglas Ntsikeni.
Population: White, 629,523; na-
tive, 2,032,108. Missionary Licentiates:
Churches: 'White, 11; membership, Jonah Bacela, J. Mbete, S. Nt-
481; native, 10; membership, 332. wana, S. Pikoli., E. Jakavula,
Bandford Scott, Mary Jele, Vir-
Office Address: 162 Russell Rd., ginia Hanue, Angelina Mahlo-
Port Elizabeth, C. P.. South Af- bisa, Stephen
b Tau; Eleanor
rica. Ngqabeni, Verbena Flange.

NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFER- Missionary Licentiates:

ENCE Abel Makhene, L. Tshabalala,
Organized 1902, Franklin Ndhlovu, A. J. Xabua,
S. H. R. Tsukudu, Joel Mabu-
Territory: The Provinces of Natal sela, M. M. Langa, Nelson Ngw-
and the 'Transvaal, also Zulu- enya.
land, and waziland.

Area: 152,412 square miles. ORANGE RIVER CONFERENCE

Population: White, 682,523; na- Organized 1912
tive, 2,968,074.
Churches: White, 12; membership, Territory: Province of the Orange
597; native, 7; membership, 244. Free State, and Basutoland.
Area: 62,105 square miles.
Office Address: 8 Stranack St.,
Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Population: White, 190,159; na-
tive, 937,049.
Telegraphic Address: " Watch-
man," Maritzburg. Churches: White, 12; membership,
317, native, 12; membership, 415.
Pres., B. M. Heald. Office Address: 41 West Burger
Sec. and Treas., A. E. Nelson. St., Bloemfontein, Orange Free
Executive Committee: B. M. State, South Africa.
Heald, E. D. Dick, H. S. Beck-
ner, A. A. Pitt, W. Birkenstock, Telegraphic Address: " Orcosda,"
C. M. Blaine. Bloemfontein.
- -
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Tract Soc., A. E. Nelson. Pres., J. N. de Beer.
Field Miss., A. Blennerhassett. Sec. and Treas., Miss E. M. Row-
Sabbath School, Mrs. A. N. Ingle. lands.
Educational and Miss. Vol., Executive Committee: J. N. de
Home Miss., A. E. Nelson. Beer, A. E. Shone, F. J. Snijman,
William Hodgson, T. J. van
Ministers: Rensburg, S. G. Hiten, W. H.
B. M. Heald, M. W. Carey, E. M. Dale.
Howard, B. P. deBeer.
Department Secretaries:
Missionary Licentiates: Tract Soc., Miss E. M. Row-
A. Blennerhassett, A. E. Nelson. lands.
Field Missionary,
Church School Teachers: Sabbath School, Mrs. A. E.
Miss A. B. Cooks, Miss V. Renou. Shone.
Home Miss., Miss E. M. Row-
Indian Work: lands.
Licentiate: K. Samson. Educational and Miss. Vol.,
Native Work: Ministers:
J. -N. De Beer, Wm. Hodgson,
Licentiates: S. G. Hiten.
J. M. Hlubi, R. M. Langa, James
Moya. Licentiate: D. B. Lee.

Missionary Licentiates: School Teacher: Miss L. deBeer.

Miss E. M. Rowlands, Mrs. A. E. Native Evangelists: 4.
Church School Teacher:
Miss A. Visser.
KOLO MISSION (Out-Station)
Native Work:
Address: Morija, Basutoland,
South Africa.
J. Rasmeni, L. S. Molokomme.
Missionary Licentiates: Native Teacher: 1.
Joshua Ndabambi, John Ross,
Hans Shai, Matthew Africa,
Lazarus Ntsoaneng, Ephraim
Phomane, Ishmael Seteka, John LIMPOPO RIVER MISSIOi'
Morris; Teko Mainoane. FIELD
(Administered by the South "Af-
EMMANUEL MISSION rican Union Conference)
Established 1910 Territory: Northern Transvaal
and Portuguese East Africa
Address: Leribe, Basutoland,
South Africa. south of latitude 22.
Director: W. Hodgson. Minister: J. R. Campbell.


Organized rgx6

Territory: Bechuanaland, North Telegraphic Address: " Zumosda,"

and South Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Bulawayo.
and Portuguese East Africa,
north of latitude 22. Comnris- Officers:
ing Nyasaland Mission Field, Supt., W. E. Straw.
North Rhodesian Mission Field, See., Treas., and Auditor, L. E.
South Rhodesian Mission Field. Biggs.
Executive Committee: W. E.
Area: 752,890 square miles. Straw, F. R. Stockil, F. E.
Population: White, 40,362; native, Thompson, G. A. Ellingworth,
3,038,557. W. C. Flaiz, C. Robinson, L. E.
Churches: 18; members, 3,005.
Department Secretaries:
Office Address: 116 Jameson St.,
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af- Miss. Vol. and Educational,
rica. W. C. Flaiz.

Postal Address: Box 573, Bula- Ministers:

wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa. W. E. Straw, W. C. Flaiz.


MISSION FIELD Established 1917
Organized 1921 Address: Musofu Mission, Private
Bag, Broken Hill, Northern Rho-
Territory: Northern Rhodesia, desia, South Africa.
Northeast Rhodesia, Caprivi Director: C. E. Vi/heeler.
Strip (comprising the follow-
ing missions: Rusangu, Kalim- Missionary Licentiate:
beza, Musofu, Chimpempe). C. E. Wheeler:
Teachers: Mrs. Wheeler, and 10
Area: 291,000 square miles. natives.
Population: White, 3,500; native,
Established 1921
Churches: 5; members, 265.
Address: P. 0. Sesheke, North
Address: Rusangu Mission, P. 0. Rhodesia, South Africa.
Monze, North Rhodesia. Director: S. M. Konigmacher.
Officers: Minister: S. M. Konigmacher.
Supt., F. E. Thompson.
Sec. and Treas., Miss E. M. Will-
Executive Committee: F. E. Established 1921
Thompson, W. W. Walker, C. E.
Wheeler, H. J. Hurlow. Address: Kawambwa, via Ndola,
Northeast Rhodesia, South Af-
Licentiate: F. E. Thompson. rica.
Director, H. J. Hurlow.
Licentiate: H. J. Hurlow.
Teachers: Mrs. H. J. Hurlow, and
Established 1905
Address: P. 0. Monze, North Rho-
Director: W. W. Walker.
Organized 1921
Licentiate: W. W. Walker. Area: 37,890 square miles.
Teachers: Population: White, 1,499; native,
Mrs. F. E. Thompson, Mrs. W. 1,186,317.
W. Walker, and 26 natives. Churches: 2; membership, 1,222.
Evangelists: 2 natives. Address: Seventh-day Adventist
Mission, P. 0. Blantyre, Nyasa-
Lusaka Out-Schools: land.
Evangelists: 3 natives. Officers:
leachers: 11. Supt., G. A. Ellingworth.

Sec. and Trea., Mrs. G. A. El- Officers:

lingworth. Supt., F. R. Stockil.
Executive Committee: G. A. El- Sec. and Treas., T. L. Bulgin.
lingworth, W. L. Davey, G. Executive Committee: F. R.
Pearson. Stoekil, T. L. Bulgin, C. Robin-
Minister: son, J. E. Symons, F. B. Jewell,
G. A. Ellingworth. W. S. Smith. ,
Teachers: Ministers:
R. C. Sharman, E. M. Cadwall- F. It. Stockil, C. Robinson.
ader; Nurse, Miss L. Southgate.
W. S. Smith, E. B. Jewell,. J. E.
Address: P. 0. Neno, Nyasaland. Missionary Licentiate:
Director: W. L. Davy.. S. Marx.
Licentiate: W. L. Davy.
School Principal: Mrs. W. L. Davy.
Native Teachers: 21. Established 1901
Address: P. 0. Box 128, Gwelo,
Rhodesia, South Africa.
Director, F. R. Stockil.
Acquired 1923
Address: P. 0. Sankulani, Nyasa- Ministers:
land. F. R. Stockil, Harry Sibagobe.
Director: G. Pearson. Native Workers: 6.
School Principal: Mrs. G. Pearson. Que Que Section: 4 native workers.
Out-Schools: 22. Belingwe Section: 6 native work-
Native Teachers: 42. ers.
SOUTH RHODESIA Postal Address: Selukwe, Rhode-
MISSION FIELD sia,-South .tilrica.
Organized 1921 Director: T. J. Gibson.
Territory: Southern Rhodesia, Licentiate: T. J. Gibson.
comprising the following mis- Native Workers: 10.
sions: Somabula, Inyazura.
Out-stations: Solusi out-schools, Lower Shangani
Hanke, Lower Shangani, and Postal Address: P. 0. Box 128,
Fort Victoria. Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
Area: 149,000 square miles. Director: W. S. Smith.
Population: White, 33,620; native, Licentiate: W. S. Smith.
773,000. Native Workers: 7.
Churches: 11; members, 1,518. Fort Victoria
Address: Box 128, Gwelo, Rhodesia, Postal Address: P. 0. Fort Victo-
South Africa. ria, Rhodesia, South Africa.

Director: S. Marx. Missionary Licentiate:

Jonah Munzara.
Missionary Licentiate: S. Marx.
Native Workers: 6.
Native Workers: 4.

Solusi Mission Out-Schools

Director: F. B. Jewell. FIELD
Licentiate: F. B. Jewell. Territory: British Bechuanaland,
and Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Native Workers: 31. Area: 275,000 square miles.
Population: White, 1,743; native,
INYAZURA MISSION George Malothoa, Kgosi, Itume-
ling, George Mashwa, J. A. Tse-
Established 1910 phe, D. Kettledas.
Address: Inyazura Mission, Inya- Missionary Licentiates:
zura Siding, via Salisbury, Rho- M. J. Nolutshungu, Eunice Mtin-
desia, South Africa. tso, Mary Maretela, D. Matimla.
Director: C. Robinson. Medical Missionary Licentiates:
Dr. A. H. Kretchmar,-Miss M. D.
Minister: C. Robinson. Ingle.


Territory: The Belgian Congo. Missionary Licentiate:
D. A. Webster.
Area: 909,654 square miles.
Population: White, 10,037; native, SONGA MISSION
Established 1921
Churches: 3; members, 46.
Address: Songa Mission, P. 0.
Address: P. 0. Box 250, Elizabeth- Mato, via Bukama, Belgian Con-
ville, Belgian Congo, South Af- go, South Africa.
Director: R. P. Robinson.
Supt., E. C. Boger. Licentiate: R. P. Robinson.
See. and Treas., D. A. Webster. Missionary. Licentiates:
Executive Committee: E. C. Bo- Amnion Musa, Samuel Palmer.
ger, R.. P. Robinson, H. L. Fer-
guson, superintendent of the Ka- Teachers: Mrs. R. P. Robinson, 10
tanga Mission, and the doctor. natives.
Minister: E. C. Boger. Evangelists: 2 natives.


Established 1923 Established 1924
Address: P. 0. Box 250, Elizabeth- Address:. P. 0. Kongolo, Belgian
ville, Belgian Congo, South Af- Congo, South Africa.
Director: B. E. Schaffner. Director: H. L. Ferguson.
Missionary Licentiates:
B. E. Schaffner, A. C. LeButt, Missionary Licentiate: H. L. Fer-
James Malinki. guson.
Teachers: 5 natives.
Evangelists: 2 natives. Native Teacher: 1.


Territory: Southwest Africa and BENGUELLA MISSION
Angola. Established. 1924
Area: 722,400 square miles. Address: Lepi, District of Ben-
Population: 2,352,093, mixed. guella, Angola.
Officers: . Director: J. D. Baker.
Supt., W. H. Anderson. Minister: J. D. Baker.
Sec. and Treas:, W. B. Commin. Missionary- Licentiate:
Executive Committee: W. H. 0. 0. Bredenkamp, A. S. D'Oliv-
Anderson, W. B. Commin, J. D. iera.
Baker, J. D. Stickle, and the
Minister: W. H. Anderson. INSTITUTIONS IN THE AF-
SOUTH WEST AFRICA Spion Kop College, Ladysmith,
MISSION FIELD Natal, South Africa.
Area: 322,400 square miles. Bethel 'training School, Butter-
worth, Transkei, C. P., Soutn
Population: White, 19,432; native, Africa.
.208,300. Solusi Mission Training School,
Director: J. D. Stickle. Bulawayo, Rhodesia, SoUth
Licentiate: J. D. Stickle. Malamulo Training School, Blan-
Native Evangelist: Lucas Modisi. tyre, Nyasaland.
Katanga Training School, Eliza-
bethville, Belgian Congo.
Territory: Comprising Benguella Sentinel Publishing Co., Ros-
Mission, and the districts of mead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape,
Lunda and Huilla, as yet unen- South Africa:
Area: 400,000 square miles. Cape Sanitarium, Plumstead,
Population: 2,124,361, mixed. Cape, South Africa.
Created a Division Conference by action of the General Conference
in session at San Francisco, Cal., May 24, 1922.
Vice-President for Australasia, J. Population: 8,257,622; churches,
E. Fulton. 236; members, 9,269.


Organized 1894

Territory: The Conferences of Statistician, H. Stockton.

North New South Wales, South Legal Assn.: " Australasian
New- South Wales, North New Conference Association. Ltd."
Zealand, South New Zealand, General Manager, E. Watson;
Queensland, South Australia, Secretary, W. 0. Johanson.
Victoria-Tasmania, West Aus- Treasurer, T. W. Hammond.
tralia; the Eastern Polynesia, Union Book Depository:
Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, New Guinea,
Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Signs Publishing Company, War-
New Hebrides, Niue, Norfolk Is- burton, Victoria, Australia.
land, and Lord Howe Island Manager, J. M. Johanson, War-
Mission. burton.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Syd- Union Field Miss. Sec., H. Stacey.
ney. Book Committee: J. M. Johan-
son, C. M. Snow, A. G. Miller,
Office: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, A. W. Anderson, Mrs. A. L.
New South Wales, Australia. Hindson.
Pres., J. E. Fulton. Department Secretaries:
Vice-Presidents, W. J: Wester- Sabbath School, Mrs. A. L. Hind-
man, F. A. Allum. son.
Secretary, W. G. Turner. Educational, L. IL WoOd.
Treas., T. W. Hammond. Asst. Educational, H. C. White.
Executive Committee: J. E. Medical Miss., Dr. T. A. Sher-
Fulton, W. J. Westerman, W. win.
G. Turner, F. A. Allum, T. W. Publishing, H. Stacey.
Hammond, the presidents of the Religious Liberty, A. W. Ander-
local conferences; superintend- son.
ents of organized mission fields; Miss. Vol., H. C. White.
A. W. Anderson, G. S. Fisher, Home Miss., H. C. White.
T. A. Sherwin, H. Stacey, J. M. Health Food, W. 0. Johanson.
Johanson, E. Watson, C. M.
Snow, W. 0. Johanson, H. C. Ministers:
White, Mrs. A. L. Hindson, L. F. A. Allum, A. W. Anderson, E.
H. Wood, E. Rosendahl, W. W. S. l3utZ, W. W. Fletcher, J. E.
Fletcher, W. H. Pascoe, G. A. Fulton, R. Hare, J. M. Johanson,
Brandstater. ,T. Mills, F. L. Sharp, W. J.
Auditor, A. R. Watson. Smith, C. M. Snow, W. G. Tur-
Asst. Auditors, A. G. Minchin, ner, H. C. White, L. H. Wood,
G. T. Chapman. W. J. Westerman, G. F. Jones.

Licentiates: the Hawkesbury and Capertee

G. Bohringer, S. C. Butler, A. J. Rivers as far west as the 150th
Dyason, G. S. FiSher, E. E. Cos- meridian of east longitude,
sentine, T. W. Hammond,- W. 0. thence east of the line running
Johanson, Dr. W. H. James, H. north to Cassilis. Thence north-
Kirk, A. L. King, H. R. Martin, east of a line running north-
H. C. Mosely, Wm. Chapman, westerly from Cassilis to where
H. S. Cozens, E. Rosendahl, Dr. the 147th meridian of east
T. A. Sherwin, H. Stacey, S. V. longitude meets the 29th paral-
Stratford, E. Watson, lel of south latitude.
Office: "Rewa," 11 Cooranbong
Missionary Licentiates: Rd., Broadmeadow, New South
G. Adair, Mrs. E. S. Butz, T. J. Wales, Australia.
Dowling, Mrs. A. L. Hindson.,
A. C. 'Miller, W. H. Nolan, Y. B.
Pres., J. M. Cole.
Otto, Mrs. L. L. Ulrich, A. R.
Sec. and Treas., R. E. G. Blair.
Watson, W. A. Wilton, F. J.
Executive Committee: J. M.
Butler, L. F. Cresswell, W. I.
Cole, H. J. Evans, A. H. White,
vVright,, W. T. Smith, A. G. Min-
J. Banks, J. J. Martin.
chin, J. Sandeman, G. T. Chap-
man; Mrs. F. L. Sharp, F. E. Department Secretaries:
Butler, Mrs. H. S. Cozens, Mrs. Field Miss., C. C. Ellis.
G. F. Jones, Mrs. Wm. Chapthan. Educational,
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
Medical Licentiates: Miss. Vol., A. H. White.
Miss I. Blair, J. W. Blackwelder,. Religious Liberty,
G. F. Brandstater, Dr. M. M.
Freeman, Miss R. Martin, Miss J. M. Cole, S. Watson, M. H.
J. McCullough, Mrs. E. M. Shan- Whittaker, G. Robinson, L. E.
non, Miss A. Thorpe, Miss R. Newbold, A. H. White.
White, Miss R. Zeininger, Miss
N. King, Miss R. Behrens, J. L. Licentiates:
Simpson, Mrs. J. L. Simpson, H. E. Carr, T1 M. Cole, R. E. G.
Miss H. Markey, Miss M. Wat- Blair, B. E. Hadfield.
son, Miss E. Brown, Miss M.
Missionary Licentiates:
Chatman, Nurse L. Daughtrey, C. C. Ellis, A. I. Mitchell, J. S.
Nurse' E. Morris, Nurse A -
Church School Teacher:
Licensed Teachers: Miss D. M. Fury.
Miss R. Allbon, Miss E. E. Ed-
wards, Miss Groube, A. E. Speck,
A. Martin, G. Masters, Miss A.
I. Shakespeare, Miss E. Walker, NEW SOUTH WALES, SOUTH
Miss D. Lockwood. CONFERENCE
Organized 1895
Territory: That part of the state
NEW SOUTH WALES, NORTH of New South Wales South of
CONFERENCE the Hawkesbury and Capertee
Rivers, as far west as the 150th
Organized 1920 meridian of east longitude,
Territory: That part of the state thence west of the line running
of New South Wales north of north to Cassilis, thence south-

west of a line running north- Church School Teachers:

westerly from Cassilis to where G. Greenaway, Miss V. G. Camp,
the 147th meridian of east longi- E. J. Felsh, Miss M. Dawkins,
tude meets the 29th parallel of Miss 0. Shapcott, Miss R. Cole,
south latitude, with the excep- Miss M. Schnepel, R. Watts, D.
tion of the city of Broken Hill Sutherland.
and such adjacent territory as is
now a part of the South Aus-
tralian Conference.
Office: " Tereora," The Boulevarde,
Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. FERENCE

Officers: Organized 1889

Pres., A. H. Piper. Territory: That portion of the
Sec. and Treas., W. H. flopkin. Dominion of New Zealand north
Executive Committee: A. H. of Cook's Straits.
Piper, R. Govelt, T. Stoney; C.
Forsyth, H. Mitchell, F. W. Cable Address: "Mastery," Auck-
Reekie, C. A. Davies. land, New Zealand.
Department Secretaries: Office: 84 Jervois Road, Auckland,
Field Miss., D. A. Speck, E. R. New Zealand.
Sabbath School, Miss A. M. Wil- Officers:
liams. Pres., H. M. Blunden.
Educational, W. J. Smith. Sec. and Treas., E. Mountain.
Home Miss., E. G. Whittaker. Executive Committee: H. M.
Asst. Home Miss., R. G. Roberts. Blunden, J. Strange, F. J. Pearce,
Religious Liberty, A. W. Ander- W. Richards, J. Bookings, J. E.
son. Steed, W. A. Tulloek.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. R. G. Roberts. Legal Assn.: " New Zealand Con-
Assoc. Miss. Vol., R. G. Roberts. ference, Incorporated."

Ministers: Department Secretaries:

A H. Piper, B. Cozens, H. Mitch- Field Miss., C. R. Farrell.
ell, G. G. Stewart, E. Behrens, Sabbath School, J. Hookings.
A. Smart, B. P. Rudge, A. W. Educational and Miss. Vol., N. H.
Kent, E. G. Whittaker. Faulkner.
Religious Liberty,
Licentiates: Home Miss.,
J. Hindson, R. Govett, W. R.
Carswell, C. J. Griffin, S. R. Ministers:
Maunder, T. R. Kent. H. M. Blunden, L. Gurrow, W.
Scragg, J. E. Steed, C. A. Paap,
Missionary Licentiates: L. R. Harvey.
E. H. Parsons, E. R. Gane, Miss
A. E. Pearse, Miss S. Read, D. A. Licentiates:
Speck, Miss I. Hoy, Miss A. Wil- C. J. Reynolds, H. L. Tolhurst,
liams, Miss E. Perry, Mrs. G. E. R. A. Anderson, J. Hookings, N.
Chapman, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. H.- Faulkner, A. Bullas, C. R.
Bridgett, Farrell.

Missionary Licentiates: QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE

Dr. Eric Caro, A. Kranz, V. Organized 1899
Nilsson, E. Mountain, Gordon
Smith, Miss F. Knowles. Territory: The state of Queens-
Church School Teachers:
Miss Sutton; Miss M. Currow, Office: Corner Peel and Grey Sts.,
Miss A. Graham, Miss I. Macdon- South Brisbane, Queensland,
ald, G. Currow. Australia.
Pres., A. C. Chesson.
Sec. and Treas., P. Glockler.
NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH CON- Dcecutive Committee: A. C.
FERENCE Chesson, F. L. Wiltshire, R. Ful-
cher, T. Coniston, J. Tribbon, G.
Organized 1915 H. Morrison, J. S. Stewart.

Territory: That portion of the Department Secretaries:

Dominion of New Zealand south Field Miss., W. Morris.
of Cook's Straits. Sabbath School, Miss V. Eard-
Office: 902 Colombo St., Christ- ley.
church, New Zealand. Educational, J. S. Stewart.
Miss. Vol., Miss V. Eardley.
Officers: Religious Liberty,
Pres., W. J. Westerman. Home Miss., J. S. Stewart.
Sec. and Treas., P. G. Foster.
Executive Committee: W. J. Ministers:
Westerman, S. H. Amyes, F. S. M. Cobb, A. C. Chesson, F.
Grubb, J. A. Farrar, E. G. Saun- Knight, J. S. Stewart, F. G.
ders, F. Byford. Rampton.
Department. Secretaries: Licentiates:
Field Miss., J. A. Farrar. C. A. Hysler, C. M. Lee, R. J.
Sabbath School, Miss A. V. Patterson, H. J. Robinson, P.
Jones. Glockler, C. A. Wrigley, T. Whit-
Educational, W. J. Westerman. tle, J. J. Crammond.
Home Miss.,
Miss. Vol., Miss A. V. Jones. Missionary Licentiates:
Religious Liberty, Miss H. L. Cozens, T. A. Ander-
son, C. F. Hodgkinson, Miss V.
Ministers: Eardley, Miss I. Craig, W. Mor-
W. J. Westerman, J. W. Kent, ris.
J. Pascoe, W. E. Gillis.
Church School Teachers:
Licentiates: Miss M. H. Williams, Miss M.
L. F. Were, A. L. Were. Macleay.

Missionary Licentiates: SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFER-

P. G. Foster, J. A. Farrar, Miss ENCE
E. Westerman, R. Powrie, Miss
A. V. Jones, G. H. Engelbrecht, Organized 1899
Miss E. Stewart. Territory: The State of South

Australia, and the city of Bro- Sec., J. L. Smith.

ken Hill, N. S. W. Treas., J. H. Mills.
Executive Committee: F. A.
Office: 116 Grote St., Adelaide, Allum, R. A. Nattrass, C. L. Lis-
South Australia, Australia. ter, W. A. Bussau, J. C. Cornell,
"W. H. Pascoe, J. H. Woods, J. L.
Officers: Smith, A. A. Craigie, A. Goten-
Pres., L. D. A. Lemke. hofer, E. M. Jeffery.
See. and Treas., J. Todd.
Executive Committee: L. D. A. Department Secretaries:
Lemke, L. J. Imrie, A. Zeunert,
F. T. Pitt, T. A. Brown, W. H. Field Miss., P. Masters, C.
Nolan, A. Moseley. Hemsley.
Sabbath School, Miss M. C. Bar-
Department Secretaries: low.
Field Miss., A. T. Start. Educational, W. Gilson.
Educational, L. D. A. Lemke. Religious Liberty, T. H. Crad-
Sabbath School, Miss B. A. dock.
Heise. Miss. Vol., A. W. Knight.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., Miss Assoc. Miss. Vol., Miss D. L.
R. V. Stratford. horley.
Religious Liberty, T. A. Brown. Home Miss., G. F. Hansford.
Ministers: Ministers:
L. D. A. Lemke, L. J. Imrie, F. A. Allum, J. H. Woods,
D. G. Meyers, E. Roenfelt. T. H. Craddock, F. H. Letts,
Licentiates: H. C. Harker, G. E. Marriott,
C. Head, W. Chapman, J. Todd. W. H. Pascoe, C. P. Michaels,
G. Hubbard, A. W. Knight, S. L.
Missionary Licentiates: Patching.
Miss R. V. Stratford, Miss B. A.
Heise, A. T. Start, A. H. Weil, R. Licentiates:
Reye, Miss E. M. Todd. J. L. Smith, C. Stafford, R. J.
Burns, F. Masters, W. E. Battye,
Church School Teachers: E. R. Whitehead.
Mrs. E. Vear, Miss D. Blucher,
Miss Z. Manners.
Missionary Licentiates:
Miss M. McDowell, Miss D. Hor.;
ley, Miss E. Britten, Miss E. F.
VICTORIA-TASMANIA CON- Hopgood, Miss C. E. Hodgetts,
FERENCE Miss A. S. Higgins, H. N. Car-
Organized 1888 ver, R. A. .Thrift, Miss M. C.
Barlow, Miss I. Robertson, F. J.
Territory: The State of Victoria, Parkin.
and the State of Tasmania.
Office: 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Church School Teachers:
Victoria, Australia. Miss L. McMahon, _Miss A.
Hardy, W. J. Gilson, E. Burns,
Officers: Miss E. Brittain, Miss D. Neely,
Pres., F. A. Allum. Miss E. T. Smith, Miss A. Rus-
Vice-Pres., W. H. Pascoe. sell, Miss B. M. Voss.

WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFER- Territory: Those islands compris-

ENCE ing the Cook or Hervey Group,
and other small islands closely
Organized 1902 adjoining. \
Territory: The State of West Headquarters: Box 16, Rarotonga,
Australia. Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Office: 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, Officers:
West Australia. Supt., H. A. Hill.
(The field is operated under the
Officers: direction of :the Australasia.n
Pres., H. E. Piper. Union Conference.)
Sec. and Treas., R. R. Gooding.
Executive Committee: H. E. Minister:
Piper, W. A. Wilton, E. Rosen- H. A. Hill.
dahl, W. G. Spencer, R. H. Con-
standt, J. Lang, S. Davies. Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. H. A. Hill.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., E. A. Turner.
Sabbath School, Mrs. S. G. Tank.
Educational, E. Rosendahl. EASTERN POLYNESIAN MIS-
Religious Liberty, H. E. Piper. SION
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., E. J.
Meyers. Established 1892; reorganized 1916
Ministers: Comprising the following former
H. E. -.Piper, A. H. Brittain, R. missions; Society Islands, and
A. Salton. Pitcairn Island.

Licentiates: Territory: All the Pacific Islands

east of the 160th degree of west
M. B. C. Smith, R. R. Gooding, longitude, and south of the tenth
R. Bramlstater, C. V. Bell, H. parallel of north latitude.
Kent, R. H. Constandt, H. Mey-
ers. Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti,
Missionary Licentiates: Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Miss F. Reed, Mrs. S. G. Tank, Officers:
A. Markey, E. A. Turner. Supt., F. E. Lyndon.
Church School Teachers: Executive Committee: F. E.
Lyndon, G. L. Sterling, and one
Miss G. Clarke, Miss Ruby native.
Clarke, Miss E. Clarke, Mrs. F.
Davey, Miss A. Clarke, Miss N. Ministers:
Sheed. F. E. Lyndon, G. L. Sterling.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. F. E. Lyndon, Iti Strick-
Established 1892. land, Koteka, Tihoni, Mrs. G. L.
(Included as part of the Eastern
Polynesian Mission, 1916 to 1923; Church School Teachers:
reorganized 1923.) M. E. McCoy, Miss L. Christian.


Established 1889 Established 1895

(Included as part of the Central
(Included as part of the Central Polynesian Conference, 1916 to
Polynesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; reorganized 1921.)
1921; reorganized 1921.)
Address: Nukualofa, Tonga,
Address: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Pacific Ocean.
Officers: (Operated under direction of
Supt., A. G. Stewart. Australasian Union Conference.)
Sec. and Treas., Miss E. M. Minister: R. W. Smith;
Ministers: C. S. Palmer, Jone Latu.
A. G. Stewart, S. W. Carr, Missionary Licentiate.
E. B. Rudge, Meciusela Naisogo, Mrs. C. S. Palmer.
Timoci Nawara, Mitieli, Sani-
paleti. Church School Teacher:
Joni Latu.
G. McLaren, G. Branster, Moapi LORD HOWE ISLAND MISSION
Vosa, Semiti Gade.
Address: Lord Howe Island, Aus-
Missionary Licentiates: tralia.
Mrs. G. Branster, Miss E. M. Licentiate: A. H. Ferris.
Cooper, Miss W. E. Haberman, Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. H.
Mrs. S. W. Carr, Mrs. E. Ferris.
Meyers, Mrs. E. B. Rudge,
Mrs. G. McLaren, H. R. Steed,
Mrs. H. R. Steed, Mrs. A. G. NEW GUINEA MISSION
Stewart, David Dudley, Golai,
Jimmie Ramkhelewan, Feresi Established 1908
Rokosalu, Kelevi Matawalu,
Jope Laweloa, Samuela Naibose, Address: Bisiatabu, Port Mores-
Tevita. Dailalu, Josia Sauliga, by, British New Guinea.
Aranaiyasa Nacukdi, Naf ata- Licentiates:
lai Namara, Emori Sauvu- W. N. Lock, Nafitalai Navara.
tini, Fineasi Kali, Pereneki
Tagi, Asesela Lewaquasila, Sueli Missionary Licentiates:
Vunimoli, Taniela Tilivarua, G. Peacock, Mrs. W. N. Lock,
Semi Tikivili, Saimoni,Nataubu, Miss E. Heise, Mrs. G. Peacock.
Tevita Railave, Apeti Dawai,
Taniela Vauvau, Joeli Lotawa,
Tomoci Moko, Joni Mataogo, NEW HEBRIDES MISSION
Semi Vuloaloa, Nellie Singh.
Established 1912
Teacher: Address: Atchin, New Hebrides,
H. Sprengel. Pacific Ocean.


C. H. Parker. Established 1914
Licentiates: Address: Marovo Lagoon, via Tu-
J: R. James, D. Nicholson, lagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
D. Smith. Ocean.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
Mrs. J. R. James, Mrs. D. Supt., H. P. B. Wicks.
Nicholson, Mrs. W. D. Smith, Sec. and Treas., A. R. Barrett.
Mrs. C. H. Parker, Miss R.
Parker. Minister: H. P. B. Wicks.
R. H. Tutty, D. H. Gray, J. D.
NIUE (OR SAVAGE) ISLAND Anderson, J. S. Archer, A. R.
Established 1914 Barrett, C. M. Lee. '
Address: Niue Island, Pacific Missionary Licentiates:
Ocean. Mrs. M. Wicks, Mrs. R. H. Tutty,
Licentiate: Mrs. C. M. Lee, Mrs. J. S. Arch-
er, Mrs. A. R. Barrett, Mrs. J.
D. Anderson, Mrs. D. H. Gray,
NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION Miss E. Totenhofer, M. Pringle,
Peo, Pana, Kere, Naga ha, Jugha,
Established 1893 Gorapava, Kimi, Ragoso, Oto,
Address: Norfolk Island, Aus- Kioto.
Licentiate: M. R. Adams. MONAMONA MISSION FOR
Mrs. M. R. Adams. Established 1913
Address: Oaklands, via Cairns,
Queensland, Australia.
Established 1895 Supt., J. L. Branford.
Asst. Supt., L. A. Borgas.
(Included as part of the Central Treas., J. L. Branford.
Polynesian Conference, 1916 to Matron, Mrs. L. A. Borgas.
1921; reorganized 1921.)
Licentiate: J. L. Branford.
Address: Apia, Samoa, Pacific
Ocean. Missionary Licentiates:
G. A. Mitchell, Mrs. G. A.
Officers: Mitchell, Mrs. J. L. Branford,
Supt., H. T. Howse. L Borgas, Miss W. Koglin, Mrs.
L. Borgas, R. Scarfe, Mrs. R.
Licentiate: H. T. Howse. Scarfe.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. H. T. Church School Teacher:
Howse.. Miss P. Branford.


TRALASIAN UNION CON- Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroonga,
FERENCE N. S. W., Australia.
Educational: Warburton Sanitarium, War-
Australasian Missionary College, burton, Victoria, Australia.
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus-
tralia. Health Food Factories:
Buresala Training School, Bure- Avondale Industries, Cooran-
sala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific bong, N. S. W., Australia.
Ocean. New Zealand Health Food Fac-
Darling Range School, Carmel, tory, Papanui, Christchurch,
West Australia. New Zealand.
New Zealand Missionary School, West Australia Health Food
Longbufn, New Zealand. Factory, Barrack St., Perth,
Publishing: West Australia.
Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., War- Victorian Health Food Factory,
burton, Victoria, Australia. Warburton, Victoria.
Organized 1922

Territory: The Bahama Islands, Department Secretaries:

the West India Islands, Trini-
dad, Tobago, Mexico, Guate- Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
mala, Honduras, Salvador, Nica- Mrs. E. E. Andross.
ragua, Costa Rica, British Hon- Educational, C. L. Stone.
duras, Panama, Colombia, Ven- Publishing and Home Miss.,
ezuela, and British, French, and
Dutch Guiana. Union Field Missionary Secreta-
Population: . 40,405,387; organized ries:
churches, 250; members, 8,889. C. D. Raff, C. B. Sutton, J. B.
Cable Address: " Interamerica,"
Balboa. Union Missionary Volunteer and.
Office: 861 Morgan Ave., Balboa, Sabbath School Secretaries:
Canal Zone, Panama. Mrs. J. A. Leland, Mrs. W. E.
Office Address: Box 143, Balboa, Baxter, Mrs. D. A. Parsons.
Canal Zone, Panama.
Laborers Holding Credentials from
Officers: the Inter-American Division:
Vice-President for Inter-Amer-
ica, E. E. Andross. Ministers:
Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, E.. E. Andross, C. E. Knight.
Executive Board: E. E. Andross,
, J. A. Leland, Missionary Licentiates:
- D. A. Parsons, W. E. Baxter,
H. C. Kephart, C. L. Stone, Mrs. Mrs. E. E.-Andross, Miss Kath-
E. E. Andross, and C. E. Knight. ryn E. FIaynal.


Reorganized 1923

Territory: The Bahamas, Cuba, Executive Committee: J. A. -

Jamaica, Porto Rico, Haiti, Leland, G. D. Rail, C. V. Achen-
Santo Domingo. bach, M. A. Altman, C. E. Wood,
H. E. Baasch, W. P. Elliott, Wil-
Population: 8,775,905 ; churches, liam Steele.
114; members, 4,285.
Department Secretaries:
Office: Corrales 2a, Havana, Cuba. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Officers: Mrs. J. A. Leland.
Supt., J. A. Leland. Publishing and Home Miss., G.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. P. D. Raff.
Christiansen. Field Miss., G. D. Ralf.

Minister: Officers:
J. A. Leland. Supt., C. V. Achenbach.
Licentiate: See. and Treas., Byrd Bullard.
Advisory Committee: C. V. Ach-
G. D. RAH. enbach, Byrd Bullard, C. J. Fos-
Missionary Licentiates: ter, G. T. Yore, Jose Veiga, J. B.
Sales, R. E. Stewart.
Mrs. J. A. Leland, Mrs. G. D.
Rail, A. P. Christiansen, Mrs. A. Department Secretaries:
P. Christiansen. Tract Soc., Byrd Bullard.
Field Miss., R. E. Stewart.
Sabbath School and MiSs. Vol.,
Home Miss., J. B. Sales.
Entered 1909
Territory: The Bahama Islands Ministers:
and Turks Islands. C. V. Achenbach, H. C. Good-
rich, G. T. Yore, Pedro Cruz, R.
Population: 60,000; churches, 2; E. Stewart.
membership, 95. Licentiates:
Office Address: Box 356, Nassau, C. J. Foster, F. W. Miller, Jose
N. P., Bahamas. Veiga, Manuel Avila, J. B. Sales,
Dr. H. G. Leland.
Supt., M. A. Altman. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. M. A. Alt- J. A. Williams, G. L. Claypole,
man. Mrs. H. C. Goodrich, Mrs. G. T.
Minister: M. A. Altman. Yore, Mrs. F. W. Miller, Mrs. C. -
Missionaryeticentiates: J. Foster, J. N. Williams, Byrd
Mrs. M. A. Altman, G. W. Law- Bullard, Mrs. B. Bullard.
rence, J. D. Carter, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Someillan. _
Church School Teacher:
Miss Enid Wright. Established 1905
Nurse: Territory: Republic of Haiti.
Miss Florence Wood.
Population: 2,600,000; churches,
20; members, 700.
CUBAN MISSION 'table Address: " Adventist," Cape
Haitien, Haiti.
Established 1905
Postal Address: Box 28, Cape
Territory: Cuba and the Isle of Haitien, Haiti, West Indies.
Population: 2,898,905; churches,
8; members, 400. Director, W. P. Elliott.
Sec. and Treas., M. D. Howard.
Cable Address: " Adventista," Ha-
vana, Cuba. Advisory Committees: W. P.
Elliott, M. D. Howard, G. G.
Office Address: Corrales 2a, Ha- Roth, M. N. Isaac, A. Nan, J.
vana, Cuba. Blot.

Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Johnston.

Tract Soc., M. D. Howard.. Religious Liberty, C. H. Keslake.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Ministers:
-W. P. Elliott.
Educational, Miss Herminie L. C. E. Wood, C. H. Keslake, W. J.
Roth. Hurdon, Hubert Fletcher, W. H.
Randle, Methuselah Jones.
W. P. Elliott, G. G. Roth, M.
N. Isaac, Arioste P6an, Jules W. H. Wineland, G. A. E. Smith,
Jean 'Baptiste, R. E. Stewart. 0. P. Reid; A. C. Stockhausen,
S. U. Powell, H. M. Johnston.
Missionary Licentiates:
Antoine Theodore, Delille Apol-
Ion, J. Blot, Philoxine J. G. Pettey, Rupert Harriott,
me. Mrs. W. J. Hurdon, Miss Viola
Brodie, Miss Essie Barber, W.
Missionary Licentiates: - F. Burkley, Mrs. J. H. Parch-
Miss Herminie L. Roth, Mrs. W: ment, Mrs. C. E. Wood, Mrs. J.
P. Elliott, M. D. Howard, Mrs. G. Pettey, Mrs. C. H. Keslake,
M. D. Howard, Mrs. Unelie Mer- Mrs. W. H. Wineland, Miss U-
cier, Herodote Lanoix, Mrs. Tan- ntil M. Bradshaw.
crede Belotte.
Organized 1903 Territory: Porto Rico and the Vir-
Territory: Island of Jamaica, gin Islands.
and Cayman Islands. Population: 1,412,000; churches,
Population: 905,000; churches, 13; members, 462.
67; members, 2,430. Cable Address: " Adventists," San
Cable Address: " Adventist," Juan.
Kingston. Office Address: Porto Rican Mis-
Office: 112 Tower St., Kingston, sion, Box 401, Calle Nueva, Stop
Jamaica, British West Indies. 14, Santurce, Porto Rico.
Officers: Officers:
Pres., C. E. Wood. Supt., H. E. Baasch.
Sec. and Treas., J. G. Pettey. Sec. and Treas., J. W. Grounds.
Executive Committee: C. E. Advisory Committee: H. E.
Wood,. J. G. Pettey, C. H. Ices- Baasch, J. W. Grounds, F. E.
lake, Hubert Fletcher, W. J. Wilson, D. C. Babcock, Salvador
Hurdon, C. C. McCatty, D. E. Rivera, Francisco Megrant.
Department Secretaries:
Department Secretaries: Tract Soc., J. W. Grounds.
Tract Soc., J. G. Pettey. Field Miss., L. H. Odom.
Field Miss., 0. P. Reid. Sabbath School, Mrs. Margaret
Home Miss., C. E. Wood. Baaseh.
Miss. Vol., P. J. Bailey. Educational and Miss. Vol., H. E.
Sabbath School, Mrs. W. J. Hur- Baasch.
don. Home Miss., F. E. Wilson.

Ministers: Officers:
H. E. Baasch, D. C. Babcock, F. Supt., William Steele.
E. Wilson, Salvador Rivera, Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Millie E.
Francisco Megrant. Steele.
Licentiates: Advisory Committee: William
Rafael Bracero, Manuel Mendez, Steele, Peter Nygaard, J. A.
Pablo Vallejo. Phipps.
Missionary Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
J. W. Grounds, Mrs. Margaret Tract Soc., Mrs. Millie E. Steele.
Baasch Mrs. D. C. Babcock, Mrs. Field Miss., -
J. W. Grounds, Mrs. F. E. Wil- Miss. Vol., Fernando Brito.
son, Mrs. Carmen Mendez, Juan Sabbath School, Dolores Ola-
Cortes Cordero, Catherine King, varria.
L. H. Odom, Mrs. L. H. Odom,
Antonio Marrero. Ministers:
W. Steele, Peter Nygaard, C. N.
Moulton, Frank Hall.
Organized 1924
J. A. Phipps.
Territory: Republic of Santo Do-
mingo. Missionary Licentiates:
Population: 1,000,000; churches, 4; R. W. Prince, Mrs. Millie E.
members, 198. Steele, Mrs. Helena Nygaard,
Office Address: Apartado 302, Mrs. Laura E. Moulton, . Mrs.
Santo Domingo City, Rep. Do- Mercedes Phipps, Dolores Ola-
minicans. varria, Fernando Brito.


Organized 1923

Territory: The Republics of Mex- H. J. Winter, C. P. Martin, E. E.

ico, Guatemala, Salvador, and Beddoe, E. P. Howard
Honduras, with British Hon-
duras. Department Secretaries:
Publishing and Home Miss., J. B.
Population: 19,737,864; churches, Nelson.
21; members, 1,014. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Mrs. D. A. Parsons. ,
Office Address: 4a Calle Queretaro
No: 74 (Colonia Roma), Mexico Ministers:
City, D. F., Mexico.
D. A. Parsons, F. M. Owen.
Supt., D. A. Parsons. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., M. R. Battee. J. W. Phillips, Mrs. J. W. Phil-
Executive Committee. : D. A. lips, Mrs. F. M. Owen, H. A. B.
Parsons, J. B. Nelson, F. M. Robinson, Mrs. H. A. B. Robinson,
Owen, Mrs. D. A. Parsons, C. F. Miss M. Owen, Mrs. M. R. Bat-
Staben, W. F. Hardt, G. G. tee, M. R. Battee, J. B. Nelson,
Brown, C. E. Moon, E. J. Lorntz, Mrs. D. A. Parsons.


Organized 1913 Supt., E. J. Lorntz.
Sec-Treas., C. V. Williams.
Territory: The Republic of Gua- Advisory Committee: E. J.
temala, Central America. Lorntz, C. V. Williams, C. E.
Overstreet, A. R. Harding.
Population: 2,119,000; churches, 1;
members, 85. Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc. and Field Miss., C. V.
Cable Address: " Adventista," Gua- Williams.
temala. Home Miss., E. J. Lorntz.
Sabbath School, Mrs. C. V. Wil-
Office: Apartado 218, Guatemala liams.
City, Guatemala, Central Amer- Miss. Vol., Mrs. E. J. Lorntz.
Officerd: E. J. Lorntz, C. E. Overstreet.
Supt., C. P. Martin. Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., E. E. Pohie. S. A. Lindo, L. H. Connolly.
Advisory- Committee: C. P. Missionary Licentiates:
Martin, E. E. Pohle. Mrs. E. J. Lorntz, Mrs. C. E.
Overstreet, C. V. Williams, Mrs.
Department Secretaries: C. V. Williams, Dr. A. L. Greg-
Tract Soc., E. E. Pohle. ory, Mrs. Lulu Gregory.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Honorary: David Haylock, A. R.
Mrs. E. E. Pohie. Harding.
Field Miss., H. A. B. Robinson.
C. P. Martin. Territory: The north half of Vera
Licentiates: Cruz, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Puebla,
E. E. Pohle, Aristeo de la Cerda. Morrelos, Queretaro, and Federal
Missionary Licentiates: Population: 3,000,000.
Mrs. C. P. Martin, Mrs. E. E. Office Address: 4a Queretaro 74,
Pohie, H. A. B. Robinson. Mexico City, D. F., Mexico.
Sec.-Treas., M. R. Battee.
Organized 1918 Executive Committee: E. E.
Beddoe, A. E. Torres, F. M.
Territory: Spanish and British Owen.
Department Secretaries:
Population: 700,000; churches, 10; Publishing and Home Miss., J.
members, 360.
B. Nelson.
Cable Address: " Adventista," San Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Pedro, Honduras. Mrs. D. A. Parsons.
Office Address: Apartado 32, San Ministers:
Pedro Sula, Rep. Honduras. E, E. Beddoe; P. M, Owen,


M. E. Ponce, J. G. Perez. Territory: The States of Lower
California, Sonora, Sinaloa, and
Missionary Licentiates: Tepic, Mexico.
Mrs. E. Verduzco, Miss J. San-
chez, Rosa C. de Flores. Office Address: 345 Fuchs, Tepic,
Nay, Mexico.
Supt., C. E. Moon.
Department Secretaries:
Territory: The States of Coahuila, Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Mrs. C. E. Moon.
and Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Minister: C. E. Moon.
Office Address: Apartado, 365,
Monterrey, Mexico. Licentiate: M. G. Alvarado.

Officers: Missionary Licentiates:

Mrs. C. E. Moon, Jocinto Cas-
Supt., C. F. Staben. tillo, Mrs. J. Castillo.
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Minister: Territory: The States of Oajaca,
C. F. Staben. Tabasco, Chiapas, and south half
of Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Office Address: 4a Queretaro 74,
A. E. Torres, V. M. Calvo. Mexico City, D. F., Mexico.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
Mrs. C. F. Staben, Sra. de Vera. Supt., H. J. Winter.
H. J. Winter.
Territory: The States of Jalisco, 0. C. Barrett.
Guana -Colima, Aguas Caliente, Missionary Licentiates:.
and Michoacan, Mexico. Mrs. H. J. Winter, Mrs. 0. C.
Office Address: Avenida Libertad Barrett.
747, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex-
Organized 1915
Supt., W. F. Hardt.
Territory: Republic of Salvador.
Population: 1,526,000; churches, 3;
W. F. Hardt, V. M. Model.
members, 166.
Missionary Licentiate: Office Address: 7a Ave. Norte,
Mrs. W. F. Hardt, Mrs. V. M. Nilm. 43, San Salvador, El Sal-
Model. vador, Central America.

Officers: Minister:
Supt., E. P. Howard. E. P. Howard.
Treas., R. G. Jones.
Department Secretaries: J. V. Hernandez.
Tract Soc., R. G. Jones.
Educational, H. V. Clymer. Missionary Licentiates:
Sabbath School, Mrs. E. P. How- H. V. Clymer, Mrs. E. P. HOW -
ard. a r d , R. G. Jones, Mrs. II. V. Cly-
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., Mrs. mer, Mrs. Altha. 0. Jones, Elisea
Alma 0. Jones. Canas, Julia& Canas.


Reorganized 1923

Territory: The islands of Trinidad, BRITISH GUIANA MISSI014

Barbados, Tobago, the Lesser Organized 1924
Antilles, the three Guianas, and Territory: British Guiana, South
the republics of Venezuela, Co- America.
lombia, Panama, Costa Rica, and
Nicaragua. Population: 270,000; churches, 24;
members, 450.
Population: 12,175,000 churches, Office: Georgetown, British Guiana,
92; members, 3,603. South America.
Office: Apartado 136, Caracas, Supt., D. D. Fitch.
Venezuela, South America. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. D. D.
Officers: Advisory Committee: D. D.
Supt., W. E. Baxter. Fitch, A. E. Riley, E. C. Hen-
Sec. and Treas., C. E. Knight. riques, Field Miss. See.
Executive Committee: W. E. Ministers:
Baxter, C. E. Knight, C. B. Sut- D. D. Fitch, A. E. Riley, E. C.
ton, H. J. Mimed, W. R. Pohle, Henriques.
E. M. Trummer, E. R. Johnson.
Department Secretaries: James Carrington.
Field Miss., Publishing, and Missionary Licentiates:
Home Miss., C. B. Sutton. Mrs. D. D. Fitch, Mrs. A. E.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Riley, Mrs. E. C. Henriques,
Mrs. W. E. Baxter. Jonathan Riley.


W. E. Baxter, C. E. Knight, C.
. B. Sutton. Organized 1922
Territory: Republic of - Colombia,
Missionary Licentiate: South America.
Mrs. W. E. Baxter, Mrs. C. E. Population: 5,855,000; churches, 2;
Knight, Mrs. C. B. Sutton. members, 35.

Cable Address: "Adventists," Bo- Officers:

gota. Pres., H. J. Edmed.
Sec. and Treas., Benjamin Yip.
Postal Address: Apartado 436, Bo- Executive Committee: H. J. Ed-
gota, Colombia, South America. med, I. G. Knight, S. A. Crichlou,
Office and Chapel: Carrera 9, No. P. Gidaing, I. V. Minner, S. L.
304, Bogota, Colombia. Ash, B. Yip.
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Supt., E. M. Trummer. Tract Soc., Miss Ethel M. Ed-
Advisory Committee: E. M. med.
Trummer, L. V. Cleaves, N. M. Field Miss., P. E. Shakespeare.
Brayshaw, F. A. Brower. Sabbath School and Educational,
Miss Mary E. Robertson.
Department Secretaries: Home Miss.,
Field Miss., F. A. Brower. Miss. Vol., J. D. Wood.
Sabbath School Sec., Mrs. No- Medical Miss., Dr. Chas. Cave.
ema F. Trummer.
Minister: H. J. Edmed, I. G. Knight, I. V.
E. M. Trummer. Minner, J. J. Smith, S. L. Ash,
P. Gidding, W. H. Lewis, J. D.
Licentiates: Wood, Thomas Warner.
L. V. Cleaves, N. M. Brayshaw.
Missionary Licentiates: Nathan Payne, Dr. C. Cave,
Mrs. N. F. Trummer, Mrs. L. V. Henry Wiseman, B. Yip, George
Cleaves, Mrs. N M. Brayshaw, Packard.
Antonio Redondo 'B., F. A.
Brower. Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. I. G. Knight, Miss M. E.
Robertson, Miss E. M. Edmed,
SOUTH CARIBBEAN CON- Mrs. I. V. Minner, Mrs. S. L.
FERENCE Ash, Mrs. P. Gidding, Mrs. N.
Payne, Mrs. W H. Lewis, Mrs.
Organized 1906 J. D. Wood, Miss A. Osborne,
Samuel Jones, John Roberts.
Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Bar-
bados; Windward and Leeward
Population: 1,800,000; churches,
41; members, 2,127. Territory: Republic of Venezuela,
and islands of Curacao, Grubs,
Cable Address: " Adventists," Buen Ayre, and Margarita.
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
West Indies. Population: 2,850,000; churches, 3;
members, 110.
Office Address: 31 Dundonald St.,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British Cable Address: " Adventists," Car-
West Indies. aeas.
Postal Address: Box 66, Port of Office Address: Carcel a Pilita No.
Spain, Trinidad, British West 2, Caracas, Venezuela, South
Indies. America.

Postal Address: Apartado 136, Office Address: Masonic Temple,

Caracas, Venezuela, South Am- Eleventh and Bolivar Sts., Cris-
erica. tobal, Canal Zone, Panama.
Officers: Postal Address: Box M, Cristo-
Supt., Union Mission Superin- bal, Canal Zone, Panama.
Sec. and Treas., Union Mission Officers:
Sec. and Treas. Pres., W. R. Pohle.
Advisory Committee: Union Sec. and Treas., Fred Hutchin-
Mission Superintendent, Union son.
Mission Sec. and Treas., L. J. Executive Committee: W. R.
Borrowdale, F. W. Steeves, Fran- Pohle, Fred Hutchinson, H. C.
cisco Cabrera. Kephart, J. A. Reid, Linton
Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc.; J. A. Lamas. Department Secretaries:
Field Miss. and Home Miss., F. Tract Society, Fred Hutchinson.
W. Steeves. Field and Home Miss., J. E.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Shidlei.
Mrs. W. E. Baxter. Educational,
Sabbath School, Mrs. Fred
Minister: L. J. Borrowdale. Hutchinson.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. E. R. Johnson.
Licentiate: Francisco Cabrera.
Missionary Licentiates:
R. E. Greenidge, J. Garcia Diaz, W. R. Pohle, E. R. Johnson, Lin-
J. A. Lamas, F. W. Steeves, ton Rashford, J. A. Reid, E. W.
Amelia Correa, Blanca Orta, Mrs. Halladay.
L. J. Borrowdale, Mrs. F. W.
Steeves, Mrs. R. E. Greenidge, Licentiates:
Mrs. Carolina Crummel, Mrs. A. A. Grizzle, G. H. Nembhard.
Leanor Hermoso, Juan Porras.
Missionary Licentiates:
Fred Hutchinson, H. C. Kephart,
Mrs. Fred Hutchinson, -Mrs. H.
WEST CARIBBEAN CON- C. Kephart, Mrs. Lura Davison,
FERENCE Mrs. Amy Walters, Mrs. Amelia
Organized 1906 Downer, J. L. Holder, Mrs. J. L.
Holder, Mrs. E. R. Johnson, C. E.
Territory: Republics of Panama, Nelson, M. D., C. F. Brooks, S.
Costa Rica, and Nicaragua; and T. Archbold, R. T. Newball, Mrs.
the islands of San Andres and J. A. Reid, A. G. Nelson.
Old Province (Colombian), and
Corn Island (Nicaraguan). Church School Teachers:
Population: 1,400,000; churches, D. P. Abbott, P. A. MacGregor,
22; members, 881. Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon, J. A. May-
nard, Ismael Ellis, Miss Edwedge
Cable and Wireless Address: "Ad- Lawrencin, Miss Euphemia Sal-
ventist," Cristobal, Canal Zone, mon, R. T. Newball, S. T. Arch-
Panama. bold, J. B. Haughton.

INSTITUTIONS IN THE INTER- Haitien Seminary, Box 28, Cape

Mexico Training School, Tacu-
Educational: baya, D. F., Mexico.
West Caribbean Training School,
Aibonito Academy, Aibonito, Obispo, Canal Zone, Panama.
Porto Rico. West Indian Training School,
Central American Training Mandeville, Jamaica.
School, Siguatepeque, Hon-
duras. Publishing: Pacific Press Publish-
ing Association, Central Amer-
Colegio Adventista Industrial, ican Branch, Box 5007, Cristo-
Bartle, Oriente, Cuba. bal, Canal Zone.

Entered 1895
Territory: The Hawaiian Islands. Sabbath School, Mrs. C. R. Web-
Population: 250,027; churches, 2; Miss. Vol., C. R. Webster.
members, 175. Oriental, F. E. Stafford.
Educational, 1'. A. Webber.
Office Address: 1112 Keeaumoku
St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Ministers:
L. L. Hutchinson, S. T. Hare,
Officers: H. E. Giddings, R. J. McKeague.
Supt., L. L. Hutchinson.
Sec. and Treas., R. J. McKeague.
Asst. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. L. L. F. E. Stafford, C. R. Webster,
Dr. Hans Ronde, P'. A. Webber.
Advisory Committee: L. L. Missionary Licentiates:
Hutchinson, S. T. Hare, H. E. Mrs. C. R. Webster, Mrs. Mabel
Giddings, R. J. McKeague, C. R. McKeague, Mrs. S. T. Hare, Mrs.
Webster, F. E. Stafford, Jonah H. E. Giddings, Mrs. L. L. Hut-
Kumalae. chnison, F. M. Hansen, Mrs. F.
M. Hansen V. W. Thompson,
Department Secretaries: Mrs. Willa Culp
' Thompson, -Miss
Tract Soc. and Home 11/Iiss., R. Elsie Hanson, Mrs. Herschel
J. MeKeague. Wheeler.

At the Educational Council held at St. Helena, Cal., June 4-14, 1915,
it was recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, acad-
emies, and colleges be organized upon a semester (half year) basis,
each semester to be subdivided into three periods of six weeks each.
It was also recommended that the credits given in these schools be
reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a study pursued 36
weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length, or its
equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a
semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a
week for eighteen weeks. The scope of the various courses conducted
in these schools is as follows:
Grades Years
Intermediate Course 7-10 4
Academic Course 9-12 4
College Course (General) 13-16 4
College Course (Special):
For Ministers (Complete) 13-16 4
For Ministers (Shorter Course) 13, 14 2
For Bible Workers and Missionaries
one- and two-year courses
Teachers (Elementary) 13, 14 2
Business and Shorthand 13, 14 2
Business only 12k, 13 li
Shorthand only 121,13 li
Music the conservatory course
College course (Medical) 13-16 4
For Medical Evangelists 4
For Nurses the instruction given in our sanitariums 3
For Preparatory Medical Students 13, 14 2
Lists of church schools and teachers will be found in connection with
directories of the conferences in which such schools are located. Di-
rectories of colleges, academies, and intermediate schools follow in al-
phabetical order. t

AIBLING SEMINARY Faculty: Otto Schuberth, B. A.,

Principal, Psychology; P. Schwa-
Bad Aibling, Kurhaus, Wittelsbach, derer, Business Manager; Ed-
Bavaria, Germany . mund Miller, B. A., Preceptor,
Languages; Christine Baumann,
Founded 1921 Preceptress, Physiology; Her-
mann Schmidt, Bible; raulus
School Board: G. W. Schubert, E. Schubert, Ph. D., History; Er-
Gugel, F. A. Prieser, J. Muth, win Berner, Latin, Music; Eu-
C. A. Motzer, G. Seng, K. Sinz. ph rosine Edelmann, German,
0. Schildhauer, 0. Schuberth, W. Mathematics; S. Packer, Com-
Edener, L Lutz, G. Muller, J. G. mercial Dept.; Rosa Staerr, Ma-
Hopf. tron; M. Schriidl, Printing.


ADELPHIAN ACADEMY Winters, I. T. Reynolds, W. L.

Holly, Michigan Avery, C. D. Stone, D. C. Field,
R. G. Lewis, D. L. Wagner, A.
Established 1904 Sanchez.
Corporate Name: " Adelphian Faculty: W. L. Avery, Principal,
Academy Association." History; W. L. Bird, Bible; J.
Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, Cummins, Preceptor, Science;
Chairman; W. C. Hannah, Sec.; Miss Lola Preston, Preceptress,
W. B. White, J. C. Stevens, U. English; Miss Alice Hiscox, Pi-
S. Willis, R. M. Harrison, G. S. ano, Voice; Miss Gertrude Steen,
Bugbee, W. J Webber; W. D. Spanish; Mrs. Carlos Fattebert,
Rittenhouse. Grades 5-8; Mrs. J. Cummins,
Faculty: W. C. Hannah, Principal Grades 1-4.
and Business Manager, Amer-
ican History; F. L. Abbott, Bi- Industrial Faculty: NV. L. Avery,
ble; L. G. Sevener, Preceptor, Business Manager; D. L. Wag-
Science, Mathematics; Agnes ner, Farming; Mrs. W. L. Avery,
Anderson, Preceptress, Spanish; Sewing; Mrs. P. Hall, Matron,
I. M. Burke, English; M. E. Mun- Domestic Science; W. L. Bird.
ger, Cafe, Cooking; A. E. Mob- Carpentry.
ley, Accountant, Bookkeeping,
Woodwork; Maude Warren, Mu-
sic; Mrs. W. C. Harinah, Sew-
ing; W. D. Rittenhouse, Farm ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE
Squth Lancaster, Mass.
Elementary School: Ruth Ritten-
house, Grammar Grades; Essie Established 1882
Burgess, Primary Grades..
Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade,
(Pres.), B. F. Machlan, B. M.
AIBONITO ACADEMY Heald, E. L. Cardev, R. S. Fries,
Aibonito, Porto Rico J. A. Trout, W. C. Dunscombe,
A. E. Sanderson, E. E. Miles,
Established 1920 J. K. Jones, D. U. Hale, J. E.
Board: H. E. Baasch, Pres.; J. W. Jayne, H. A. Vandeman, C. B.
Grounds, Manuel Mendez, Sec. Haynes, W. C. Moffett, F. C.
Gilbert, N. H. Saunders, C. F.
Faculty: H. E. Baasch, Principal, Ball.
Manager, Bible, and History;
Manuel Mendez, Spanish; Officers of the Corporation: E. K.
English and Normal; In Slade. President; J. A. Trout,
strumental Music. Secretary and Treasurer.
Local Board: E. K. Slade, B. F.
ARIZONA ACADEMY Machlan, J. A. Trout, W. C.
1325 North Fourteenth St., Moffett, N. H. Saunders.
Phoenix, Arizona Administration: B. F. Machlan,
Established 1920 Pres. and Business Manager;
J. A. Trout, Sec. and Asst. Man-
Board: R. L. Benton, R. T. Mont- ager; W. E. Bement, Preceptor;
gomery, J. J. Nethery, H. B. Miss Violet Morgan, Preceptress;
Casebeer, A. R. Sandborn, A. C. Mrs. May M. Quantock, Matron.

Faculty: B. F. MachIan, Pres., sic; Miss R. .Allbon, English;

School Administration; C. L. Miss A. L. Shakespeare, Precep-
Taylor, Bible; B. B. Ross, His- tress; Miss E. Walker, Domestic
tory; J. N. Clapp, English; C. D. Science, and Matron; 0. S.
Utt, Registrar, Ancient Lan- Fisher.
guages; Mrs. B. B. Ross, Modern
Languages; J. W. Salisbury,
Physical Science.; G. H. Winslow, AZTEC UNION TRAINING
Biological Science; Rowena E. SCHOOL
Purdon, Mathematics; Miss Vio-
let Morgan, Preceptress, Ex- Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico
pression and Physical Culture; Established 1923
W. E. Bement, Missions, Precep-
tor; C. H. Schowe, Musical Di- Faculty: F. M. Owen, Principal;
rector, Voice; Miss Edna Farns- other members, A. E. Torres,
worth, Piano; C. S. Corkham, Mrs. M. Hummel, Eloisa Her-
Commerce; Mrs. Geo. Edgerton, nandez.
Stenography; Milton Robison,
Normal Director; Miss Olive
Lindberg, Grammar Department, BALTIC UNION SCHOOL
Critic Teacher; Mrs. Bertha
Peake, Intermediate Department, Suschenhof-on-Stintsee, Riga,
Critic Teacher; Mrs. J. A. Trout, Latvia
Primary Department, Critic
Teacher; Mrs. May M. Quan- Established 1923
tock, Matron, Cooking, Home Board of Managers: D. N. Wan, K.
EconOmics; Mrs. G. W. Hastings, Sutta, L. F. Oswald, J. Schnei-
Sewing; Dr. Clara Otis, Practical der, A. Sproge, M. Biirengrub, M.
Nursing, Hydrotherapy; Uttarles Gnedinas, K. Rose.
Sumner, Agriculture; H. B.
Rudolph, Carpentry. Faculty: L. F. Oswald, Principal,
Business Manager, History; K.
Rose, Bible, History; A: Eglit,
AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY Mathematics, Science; M. Os-
COLLEGE wald, English; F. Breede, Music;
F. Pawulan, Arithmetic, Stenog-
Cooranbong, New South Wales,
raphy; J. Misse, German.
Established 1894
Board: J. E. Fulton, Chairman; BATTLEFORD ACADEMY
L. H. Wood, G. S. Fisher, E. Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada
Watson, A. H. Piper, W. W. Established 1916
Fletcher, H. C. White, W. G.
Turner, T. W. Hammond, J. M. Board of Managers: C. L. Butter-
Cole. field, Chairman; J. J. Jutzy,
See.; H. K. Martin, D. D. Neu-
Faculty: L. H. Wood, Principal feld, G. F. Ruf, F. Sires, G.-
and Technical Studies; S. V. Severson.
Stratford, Business Manager; W.
W. Fletcher, Bible; E. S. Butz, Faculty: H. K. Martin, Principal,
Preceptor, Physiology and Home History; L. H. Martin, Bible;
Nursing; J. Mills, History and C. F. Hubbard, Science; Cather-
Languages; A. E. Speck, Normal ine Nickel, Grammar and Com-
Department; A. C. Martin, Mu- position; Mrs. H. K. Martin,

Literature, Language, Voice; Faculty: B. A. Wolcott; Principal;

Mrs. C. F. Hubbard, Mathemat- Miss Laura Reynolds, Interme-
ics; W. G. Wood, Music;. E. A. diate; Miss Fannie Lou Woods,
Edstrom, Commercial; L. Goro- Primary; Mrs. M. S. Baldwin,
venko, Russian; Elizabeth E. Musie.
Nickel, Grades 7 and 8; Esther
V. Dahl, Grades 1 to 6.
Administration: H. K. Martin, Bethel, Wis.
Business Manager; E. A. Ed-
strom, Accountant; C. A. Bart- Established 1899
lett, Preceptor; Catherine Nick- Board of Managers: 1: J. Wood-
el, Preceptress; Mrs. P. Finkle, man, Pres.; J. G. Lamson, Sec.
Matron; J. R. Buhler, Farm. and Treas.; Dr. F. R. Thornton,
Vocational Faculty: H. K. Martin, G. M. Pflugradt, E. P. Weaver,
Supt.; Mrs. C. F. Hubbard, Art B. J. White, W. H. Westermeyer..
and Sewing; Perry Finkle, Car- Faculty: J. G. Lamson, Principal,
pentry. General Manager, Bible, Govern-
ment; E. P. Weaver, Preceptor,
Asst. Manager, Bible, Mechan-
BENGALI GIRLS' SCHOOL ics; Otto Johnson, Accountant,
Bible, Bookkeeping, Typewrit-
Hooghly, Bengal, India ing; P. L. Hallock, Farm Man-
Established 1916 ager, Agriculture, Physiology,
German; C. L. Witzel, Manager
In charge of Mrs. C. C. Kellar, as- of Wood Shop, Shop Work, Gen-
sisted by N. Bhattacharyya and eral Mathematics, Science; J. W.
other Bengali teachers. Craig, Garage Manager, History;
Miss Blanche Hicks, 'Preceptress,
Librarian, English; Mrs. J. G.
BENGALI MIDDLE SCHOOL Lamson, Bible Stenography, Of-
FOR BOYS fice Practice; Miss Flora Mc-
Chesney, Matron, Domestic Sci-
S. D. A. Mission, Gopalganj, Dist. ence, Sewing; Mrs. J. W. Craig,
Faridpur, India Spanish, Grade 8; Miss Lucile
Dobson, Piano; Chas. Anderson,
Established 1921 Graduate Nurse for men, Hydro-
In charge of Mrs. L. G. Mookerjee, therapy and Home Nursing;
assisted by Jonas Singh (head- Graduate Nurse for Women, to
master) and other Bengali be supplied.
BEREA INTERMEDIATE Address: Butterworth, Transkei,
SCHOOL C. P., South Africa.
Jefferson, Tex. Board of Managers: J. W. Mac-
Neil, U. Bender, J. N. deBeer,
Established 1914
B. M. Heald, E. E. Ladd, A. F.
Board: R. F. Culpepper, Chairman; Tarr.
B. A. Wolcott, Sec.; 0. A. Faculty-: Principal, E. E. Ladd,
Graves, E. Woods, E. E. Bal- Mrs. E. E. Lacid, Miss A. V.
lard; C. C. Greenehill, J. F. Sutherland, assisted by three
Wright, E. G. Truitt. native teachers.

BRAZILIAN SEMINARY Board of Trustees: Wm. Guthrie,

Pres.; H. 0. Olson, Sec. and
(Collegio Adventista) Treas. August Anderson, M. N.
Established 1915 Campbell,
' J. W. Christian, J. A.
Swenson, I. J. Woodman, J. M.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Erickson, J. J. Irwin, F. C. Carl-
Sao Paulo. son, Charles Thompson, 0. Gran-
Postal Address: Collegio Adven- lund, W. A. Westworth, S. Mor-
tista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, tenson, J. F. Piper.
Brazil, South America. Local Board: J. W. Christian,
Board of Directors: N. P. Neilsen, Chairman; H. 0. Olson, Sec.;
T. W. Steen, F. W. Spies, E. M. August Anderson, 0. Granlund,
Davis, W. E. Murray, F. R. J. F. Huenergardt.
Kuempel, A. C. Harder, R. Wil- Faculty: H. 0. Olson, Pres., Sacred
f art, H. B. Westcott, J. L. Brown, History, Philosophy; Titus Kur-
G. B. Taylor, L. G. Jorgensen, tichanov, Dean of School of The-
and the Superintendent of the ology, Preceptor, Bible, Evangel-
Espirito Santo Mission. ical Training; August Swedberg,
Officers of the Board: N. P. Neil- Bible, Missions; E. C. Rowell,
sen, Pres.; T. W. Steen, Sec., English; Winifred P. Rowell,
Treas., and Director; C. E. Ancient Languages, Spanish;
Schofield, Auditor. Karl Mattsson, Mathematics,
Swedish; Maria Mattsson, Swed-
Executive Board: T. W. Steen, N. ish; Emil Leffler, Director of
P. Neilsen, H. B. Westcott, G. Admissions, History, Education;
B. Taylor, C. H. Palmer, F. W. Fred J. Ericson, History; R. E.
Spies, J. L. Brown. Hoen, Registrar, Physics, Chem-
Faculty: T. W. Steen, Director; istry; F. G. Trautmann, Biology;
Wilbur Holbrook, Bible; G. B. 0. S. Beltz, Director, History of
Taylor, Preceptor and Sciences; Music, Chorus, Sight Singing,
Mable Patterson, Preceptress, Orchestra; Rene Engel-Lidge,
Matron, and Normal Depart- Piano; Arvid Anderson, Piano,
ment; C. H. Palmer, Commer- Theory; Pearl Kurtichanov,
cial Dept.; Flavio L. Monteiro, Voice; J. S. Berndtson, Violin;
National Language and History; W. F. Neff, Art; Alexis Ya,koven-
Mrs. T. W. Steen, Music and ko, Russian; J. F. Huenergardt,.
English; Adolpho Bergold, Farm Hungarian, Bible; N. Oancea,
Superintendent, AgricultUre; Rumanian Bible; Anna Oancaa,
Carmen Monteiro, Asst. in Por- Rumanian; J. A. Dominski, Pol-
tuguese; Alma M. Bergold, ish; Alexander Long, Italian;
Mathematics; Luisa. Dassow, Evelyn Calkins, Preceptress;
Asst. Matron; Mrs. G. B. Tay- Hazel Mattson, Matron; Minnie
lor, Mrs. C. H. Palmer and Mrs. Olson, Home Economics; Agnes
W. Holbrook, Asst. teachers. Wendth-Johnson, Asst. Home
Economics; C. R. Bruns, Farm
Supt., Agriculture, Bookkeeping,
BROADVIEW COLLEGE AND Penmanship; Rhoda C. Ander-
THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY son, Librarian, Library Science;
La Grange, Ill. Jennie M. Anderson, School
Nurse, Physiology, Practical
Established 1910 Nursing; E. R. Swanson, Ac-
Corporate Name: Broadview Theo- countant; Adelaide L. Anderson,
logical Seminary. Stenography; Ivar Carlson, Me-

chanical Department, Manual W. E. Belleau, HiStory; Mrs. F.

Training; Vivian Purdy-Ericson, B. Howard, Mathematics; 0. W.
Grades 1-3; Esther M. Olson, Reinmuth, Ancient and Modern
Grades 4-8. Languages; H. A. Shepard, Com-
merce; Miss Margaret Nickel,
Grade 8; Miss Wilma McCarty,
BURESALA TRAINING SCHOOL Grades 5-7; Miss Ruby Rowse,
Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Grades 1-4; Miss Susie Wagner,
Ocean Cook, Matron;. Mrs. H. J. Al-
cock, Preceptress; J. C. Haussler,
Established 1904 Preceptor; Miss Eunice Keller,
Faculty: -G. Branster, Principal; Dressmaking; Fred G. Jerome,
H. Sprengel. Printing.


Loveland, Colorado
Tungshan, Canton, China
Established 1907
Operated for Cantonese, Kwangsai,
Board of Managers: 1VL L. Rice, and Hakka Missions .
Pres.; H. E. Westermeyer, Sec.;
N. T. Sutton, B. W. Brown, W. Established 1915
F. Field, N. W. Dunn, C. L. Wil- Board of Directors: A. L. Ham, J.
son. P. Anderson, P. V. Thomas, H.
Faculty: H. E. Westermeyer, Prin- B. Parker, Dr. S. L. Wong, T. S.
cipal and Manager; Ernest Heim, Wu, R. M. Milne.
Mathematics, Science; Frank
Wallace, Preceptor, History; Faculty: L. C. Wilcox, Principal
Edna Kilcher, Preceptress, Lan- and Manager, Mrs. H. B. Parker,
guage; Clara Erickson, Piano; Bookkeeper; C. N. Tso, Mrs. A.
John Hickman, Voice, Violin; L. Ham, Mrs. V. M. Hansen, H.
Mrs. F. J. Wallace, Intermediate S. Leung, S. K. Cheung, T. M. Li,
Grades; Ethel J. Sanderson, Miss L. T. Wong, W. M. Hah,
Primary; C. W. Reeder, Print- Mrs. R. M. Milne, Mrs. L. C.
ing; Mrs. I. 0. Alcox, Matron; I. Wilcox, P. H. Chung.
0. Alcox, Engineer and Farm
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada Established 1899
Established 1907 Board of Managers: J. F. Piper,
Pres.; G. H. Simpson, Sec. and
Board of Managers: S. A. Ruskjer, Treas.; F. A. Wright, A. P. Pe-
C. L. Butterfield, J. J. Reiswig, tersen, G. H. Smith, W. S. Cole,
W. A. Clemenson, C. L. Stone, C. N. Sanders.
T. Ray Lukens, C. R. Morris,
L. C. Shepard, 0. S. Parrett, C. Faculty: G. H. Simpson, Principal
L. Paddock, H. J. Klooster. and _Business Manager; B. F.
Faculty: H. J. Klooster, President Williams, Bible; C. S. Field,
and Business Manager; H. S. Preceptor and Science; Mrs. H.
Miller, Bible; G. E. Shankel, M. Forshee, Preceptress, Eng-
English; H. S. Rupert, Science; lish; Grace - Fairchild, Piano;

Luella Wells, Matron; H. J. Hal- Faculty: H. M. Lee, Principal and

vorsen, Farm Supt., Agriculture; Manager; J. E. Rifle], Hyun
Mrs. C. S. Field, Language; A. Young Hun, Treasurer; Mrs. J.
M; May, Mechanical 'Depart- E. Riffel, Miss H. M. Scott, E.
ment; Mrs. A. M. May, Prac- Seung Eui, Pah Ku Chang, E.
tical Nursing; Jennie Nelson, Kyung Ill, Kim Ung Gen, Kim.
Accountant, Primary and Inter- Ku Hyok, Kuah Ku Ho.
mediate Grades; Lydia Marsh,
Catherine Shepard.

ACADEMY Clinton, Mo.
619 South Ashland Blvd., Founded 1910
Chicago, Ill. Legal Title: " Clinton Theological
Academy. Board: J. W. Christian, Seminary."
Stemple White, F. S. Thompson, Board of Trustees: S. E. Wight,
W. H. Sherrig, Grace Evans, G. M. B. Van Kirk, E. T. Russell,
J. Seltzer,.Thorvald Steen. J. T. Boettcher, M. N. Campbell,
Faculty: F. S. Thompson, Princi- D. D. Rees, Wm. Guthrie, H. C.
pal; Mrs. F. S. Thompson, H. Hartwell, G. A. Grauer, B. E.
Ruth Bunston. Miller, W. B. Ochs, Henry Meyer,
W. H. Clark, F. J. Wright, R. R.
Neuman, B. L. Schlotthauer, M.
L. Hollister, M. L. Rice, J. F.
(Colegio Adventista de Chillan) Officers of the Board: S. E. Wight,
Address: Casilla 319, Chillan, Chile, Pres.; W. B. Ochs, Sec. and
South America Treas.
Established 1906 Executive Committee: W. B. Ochs,
S. E. Wight, J. T. Boettcher, H.
Board of Managers: W. E. Han- C. Hartwell, R. R. Neuman, B. L.
cock, E. U. Ayars, V. E. Tho- Schlotthauer, J. F. Harder.
mann, Walter Schubert, G. Em- Faculty: W. B. Ochs, Pres., Treas.,
menegger. and Business Manager; H. E.
Faculty: E. U. Ayars, Principal; Hein, Science; Miriam Switzer,
Mrs. E. U. Ayars, Preceptress; Mathematics, Domestic Science;
Emeterio Arias, Catalina B. de R. R. Neuman, European and
Arias. American History, Librarian; J.
F. Harder, Bible; Miss Hilda M.
Boettcher, English; H. G. Rein-
CHOSEN UNION TRAINING muth, Ancient Languages; J. B.
SCHOOL Penner, German; B. L. Schlott-
Soonan, Chosen (Korea) hauer, Commerce and Account-
ing; G. E. Hansch, Stenography
Established 1909 and Typewriting, Registrar;
Board: H. A. Oberg, H. M. Lee, Bernhard Ledington, Director of
J. E. Riffel, W. R. Smith, Ne Music, Instructor in Voice and
Kem Ok, Kim Pyong Yong, C. Theory; Ethel B. Ochs, In-
W. Lee, Kim Kyu Hyok, Kim structor in Piano; Mrs. J. D.
Ung Choon. Hardt, Normal Director, Educa-

tion; . -1\frs. R. R. Neuman, Hy- Faculty: E. Rosendahl, Principal

drotherapy; Mrs. P. G. Broeckel, and Manager; S. C. Butler, Miss
Sewing; A. G. Ortner, Carpentry; E. E. Edwards, H. S. Streeter.
S. C. Ortner, Printing and Bochk-
binding; Mrs. C. L. Dinius, Pre-
ceptress and Matron; Carl Beck, EMMANUEL MISSIONARY
Preceptor; Esther Schneider and COLLEGE
Fannie Healzer, Grade Teachers;
Miss' Mollie Diel, Cook; J. F. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Schmidt, Mechanic, Farm Man- Established 1901
ager; rienry Reininuth, Asst. Legal Title: "Emmanuel Mission-
Mechanic. ary College, Incorporated."
Board of Trustees: Wm. Guthrie,
COLEGIO ADVENTISTA Frederick Griggs, Fred Green,
Bartle, Oriente, Cuba W. A. Westworth, C. S. Wiest,
J. F. Piper, G. R. Fattic, J. W.
Established 1923 Christian, I. J. Woodman, J. J.
Faculty: Principal; other Irwin., W. H.. Holden, F. R.
members, Geo. T. Vore, Mrs. Wright, K. F. Ambs, S. A. Smith,
G. T. Vore, Issasi Vasquez, Mar- W. E. Abernathy, C. F. McVagh.
got Gonzalez. Offcers of the Board: Wm. Guth-
rie, Pres.; Frederick Griggs,
Treas.; Fred Green,'Sec.
Faculty: Frederick Griggs, Pres.,
Battle Ground, Wash. Philosophy; J. H. Haughey, An-
Established 1921 cient Languages; W. H. Wake-
Board of Managers: L. F. Burdoin, ham, Biblical Exegesis; 0. R.
Chairman; L. I. Stiles, See.; A. Cooper, M. D. Chemistry, Bi-
E. Fleck, Mrs. J. D. Morton, A. ology, and Physics; W. R.
Skadsheim. French, Homiletics and Com-
Faculty: D. E. Venden, Principal, parative Religions; S. A. Smith,
Bible; V. C. Becraft, History, Agriculture; Birt Summers, Mu-
English; H. M. Lodge, Mathe- sical Director; Voice; C. M. Sor-
matics, Woodwork, Preceptor; enson, History; P. N. Pearce,
Lilly B. Tabor, Spanish, Precep- English; W. R. Lake, College
tress; Mrs. Lucretia Pyke, Ma- Nurse, Hydrotherapy; Mrs. Clare
tron; Mrs. Myrtle Atkins, Lake, College Nurse, Hydrother-
Grades 1-6; Mrs. Clara Webb apy and Home Nursing; E. E.
Smith, Grades 6-8; T. Ealken- Gardner, Commerce; H. L. Pear-
berg, Violin, Orchestra; Mrs. son, Public Speaking; Mary E.
Mildred Ward, Piano, Voice; Lamson, Dean of Women, De-
Mrs. Jenny Pulford. Sewing; nominational History; Mrs. Lela
Miss Ruth Clark, Registrar; Beuchel, Home Economics; Dor-
James Hale, Librarian. othy E. White, Normal Director,
Pedagogy and Methods; Bertha
E. Allen, Registrar, Librarian,
DARLING RANGE SCHOOL Library Science; Fred Green, Fi-
Carmel, West Australia nancial Secretary; K; F. Arabs,
Asst. Manager; C. A. Burman,
Established 1907 Dean of Men, Bible; John Samp-
Board:IL E. Piper, E. Rosendahl, son, Director of Mechanical De-
G. H. Palmateer, G. Chapman, partment and Carpentry; Mrs.
W. A. Wilton. Birt Summers, Piano; Mrs. H. E.

Sorenson, Matron; Mrs. Blanche Faculty: L. Q. Knowlton, Prin-

E. Griggs, Asst. in Ancient Lan- cipal and Manager, Mathematics;
guages; Grace - R. Harrison, F. G. Young, Bible; C. E. Lowry,
Critic Teacher, Model School; Science, Farm Manager, - P. T.
Rubie L. Hughes, Grade Teacher, Gibbs, English, Preceptor; Mar-
Model School; S. Ellen Klose, garet 'Jenkins, Languages, Pre-
Critic Teacher Model School; ceptress; Mrs. C. E. Lowry, Mu-
Mrs. Leona: Summey-Burman, sic Director, Voice; Mrs. P. T.
Asst. in English; L. P. Thorpe, Gibbs, - Piano; Mrs. Ruth Bree-
Wind and String Instruments; den-Schmidt, Normal Grades 7
Mrs.. Ella Iden-Edwards, French and 8; Miss Olga Alm.skog, Pri-
and German; Mrs. Olive S. Fat- mary Grades; Mrs. G. Christof-
tic, Spanish; Ardenne May, Art; ferson, Matron; Merle Innis,
- H. E. Edwards, Director College Printing.
Preparatory School, Science and
Mathematics; Anna D. Mast,
Asst. in Home Economics; J. B. FINLAND S. D. A. MISSION
Krauss, Director of Thrinting; SCHOOL
Miss Martha, Hutchison, Asst.
in Piano; A. E. Smith, Asst. in (Suomen S. P. A:n Lahetyskoulu)
Agriculture; Mrs. Etta M. Yea- Tavastehus st., Finland
ger, Director of Laundry; L. T. Established 1918
Samuels, Director of Commer- Board of Managers: Finnish Con-
cial Canning. ference Committee.
School of Theology and Missions Faculty: E. Hilmnrii, Principal;
Faculty: Frederick Griggs, Pres- K. V. Osola, Rauha Holmlund.
ident,. Evidences of Christianity;
W. R. French, Dean, Homi-
letics and Comparative Relig-
ions and Mission Polity; W. H. FIRESIDE CORRESPONDENCE
Wakeham, Biblical Exegesis; J. SCHOOL
H. Haughey, Secretary, Greek
and Hebrew; C. M. Sorenson, Takoma Park Station, Washing-
History; 0. R. Cooper, M. D., Sci- ton, D. C.
ence; Birt Summers, Musical Established 1909,
Director; P. N. Pearce, English;
Dorothy E. White, Education; Constituency: The General Con-
Bertha E. Allen, Registrar, Li- ference Committee.
brarian; H. L. Pearson, Puolic
Speaking. Board of Managers: C.. W. Irwin,
Chairman; M. E. Olsen, Sec. and
Treas.; W. E. Howell; G. B.
Thompson, J. L. Shaw, M. E.
Enterprise, Kans. Advisory Council: Frederick Griggs,
Organized 1919 H. A. Morrison, W. W. Prescott,
W. E. Nelson, W. I. Smith.
Board of Managers: M. A. Hollis-
ter, Pres.; L. 0. Knowlton, Sec.; Faculty: M. E. Olsen, Principal,
L. B. Schick, Roy Baker, L. C. English Language and Litera-
Christofferson, A. S. Bringle, ture; B. G. Wilkinson, Bible Doc-
Herbert Griffith, A. C. Irvine, V. trines; W. E. Howell, New Tes-
P. Lovell, H. S. Osterloh. tament Greek; J. N. Anderson,

New Testament History, He- FRESNO ACADEMY

brew; E. G. Salisbury, Educa- Route J, Box 43, Fresno, Cal.
tion; A. W. Werline, History;
H. C. Lacey, Major and Minor Established 1918 as an Intermedi-
Prophets; R. .A. Duffy, Regis- ate School; as an Academy 1921.
trar and Accountant, Bookkeep- School Board: T. H. Nelson, Chair-
ing; H. E. Rogers, Graham Short- man; W. U. Walder, Sec.; Clyde
hand; Geoffrey Williams, M. D., Baldwin, Treas.; Frank Weeks,
Physiology; F. L. Chaney, Ge- H. J. Winter, G. A. Wheeler, G.
ology; J. W. Osborn, Harmony; A. Driver, A. D. Field.
Mrs. Myrta Kellogg-Lewis, Old
Testament History, School Man- Faculty: A. D. Field, Principal;
agement; Mrs. H. A. Morrison, N. L. Howe, Science; F. U. Bald-
Latin, Mathematics; Mrs. F. M. win, Bible, Woodwork; Lois
Wilcox, Practical Nursing; Miss Christian, Librarian, English,
May Stanley, Home Economics; Latin; Ruby Spear, Domestic
Bryan Votaw, Gregg Stenogra- Science, Sewing; Mrs. F. C. Bald-
phy. win, Music, Sight Singing; Olive
Hays, Grades 7 and 8; Freeda
Miller, Grades 5 and 6; May
FOOCHOW INTERMEDIATE Hensley, Grades 3 and 4; Iva
SCHOOL Horning, Grades 1 and 2.
Foochow, China
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Magdeburg, Germany
Sheridan, Ill. Established 1899
Established 1900 Board: J. H. Schilling, W. Miller,
Board of Managers: W. A. West- Sec., G. W. Schubert, P. Drin-
worth, Pres.; H. 0. Butler, Sec. haus, Dr. E. L. Conradi, H.
and Treas; William Guthrie, Glass, F. Gutting, W. Hans, P.
B. L. Post, F. E. Endriss, G. E. Horn, A. 0. Janert, W. Krumin,
Lefler, "W. A. Melendy, O. J. R. Lusky, Dr. W.Michael, B.
Forman, J. W. Christian, W. J. Clime, F. Pieringer, 0. &biz-
Woodruff. berth, J. Seefried, Dr. E. C.
Faculty: H. 0. Butler, Principal,
Business Manager, and Bible; Faculty: W. Muller, Principal,
Forest Schoonard, Preceptor, and Bible, Homiletics; W. Witting,
History; Marjorie West, Pre- Business Manager; A. Kahl,
ceptress, and Modern Lan- Treas.; W. Hoffman, Bible and
guages; Reka Volers, Matron, Pastoral Training; Dr. E. C.
and Domestic Science; Ralph Witzke, 'Latin, Greek, Hebrew,
Stanton, Superintendent of In- Philosophy; F. Pieringer, His-
dustry; Gladys Scott, English, tory, Mathematics, Physics; P.
Languages; E. M. Christenson, Hennig, Educational Branches,
Science, Printing, Music; Mrs. Astronomy; J. Esser, Preceptor,
E. M. Christenson, Sewing; Biological Science, Chemistry,
Ruby Ratcliff, Primary Grades; Denominational History, Testi-
Marion Puels, Primary Grades. monies; Chr. Zybach, Church

History, History of Missions, ence; Mrs. Mary Johnson, Mu-

Comparative Religions, English; sic; Mrs. Ward Martin, Grade
M. Birkner, Preceptress, Music, S; Mabel De Groot, Grade 7;
Shorthand; E. Trusen, German Mrs. A. A. Gibbons, Grades 5
Language, Literature, French; and 6; Mrs. Francis Bolander,
M. Wehowsky, German for For- Grades 4 and 5; Jane Opelt,
eigners; H. Esser, Home Eco- Grades 2 and 3; Charlotte
.nomics; A. Hartmann, Church Jewell, Grades 1 and 2.
School; W. Blume, Bookkeeping.


GEM STATE ACADEMY King and Alcatraz Ayes.,
Caldwell, Idaho. Berkeley, Cal.
Established 1918 Established 1923
Board of Managers: H. G. Thurs- Board of Directors: E. H. Adams,
ton, Pres., F. D. Wagner, H. E. Chairman; A. C. Nelson, Sec.; G.
Weaver, Joseph Stith, J. S. Mc- A. Roberts, Miss Frances Fry, A.
Mullen, William Butler, G. E. Brorsen, H. W. Crane, C. F. Fol--
Johnson, Sec. kenberg, H. J. Henning, S. D.
Faculty: G. E. Johnson, Principal, Hartwell, Miss Marion More-
Bible; Wallace Lusk, Language, house, W. A. Johnson, 0. A.
English; C. F. Thurston, Sci- Troy.
ence, History, Woodwork; Fred- Faculty: A. C. Nelson, Principal,
eric E. Flahaut, Piano, Theory, Manager, History; B. I. Ras-
Violin, and Mathematics; Vera muson, Treas.,Mathematics, Sci-
Thurston, Voice; Helena Frei- ence; H. F. Brown, Bible, Span-
man, Dressmaking; Harold Pres- ish; Mrs. A. C. Nelson, English,
ton, Preceptor; Ila Slater, Pre- Millinery; Mrs. R. D. Bolter,
ceptress; Queda Preston, Pre- Domestic Science, Sewing, Cafe-
paratory Grades; Lola Lindsay, teria; L. B. Landis, Industrial
Primary Grades. Trades, Latin 11; Mri. B. I.
Rasmuson, Registrar, Typing;
Miss Genevieve Hanson, Grades
GLENDALE ACADEMY 7 and 8; Miss Hila Hughes,
Sycamore Canyon, Box 56, R-x, GradeS 4, 5, 6; Mrs. Bessie
Glendale, Cal. Harper, Grades 1, 2, 3.
Established 1923
Board of Managers: Dr. E. W.
Alsberge, D. A. Ochs, J. How- GRAYSVILLE ACADEMY
arth, C. H. Jones, 0. 0. Bern- Graysville, Tenn.
stein, H. G. Lucas, R. W. Par-
male. Established 1893
Faculty: D. A. Ochs, Principal, Board of Managers: B. F. Knee-
Bible; W. F. Van Atta, Treas., land, Pres.; L. A. Jacobs, Sec.;
Woodworking; W. B. Dart, F. E. Washburn, E. T. McNett, _-
Mathematics; A. C. Madsen, S. H. Van Voorhis, Miss Cora
Bible, History; James Larson, Felker.
Sciences; Pauline Sturges, Eng- Faculty: L. A. Jacobs, Principal
lish, Expression; Mrs. Nellie and Manager; Miss Masie 'White,
Hankins, Spanish, Sewing; Mrs. Preceptress, Primary Grades;
W. F. Van Atta, Domestic Sci- Archa Dart, Preceptor, Asst. in

Intermediate Grades, Band and ceptor; M. D. Howard, Treas.;

Orchestra; Mrs. Roberta, Ingram, Herminie L. Roth, Preceptress,
Intermediate Grades; Mrs. Eva, Bible, Literature, Sciences; Mrs.
A. Jenks, Bible and History; W. P. Elliott, Matron;
Mrs. C. F. Dart, Matron. English and Mathematics.


Warren and West Canton Sts., Wang Gia Dun,Hankow, Hupeh,
Boston, Mass. .Chind 7

Established 1920 Established 1918
Board of Managers; R. S. Fries, Faculty: H. G. Bogar, Principal;
Chairman; James Ray, Treas.; Lou Gan Ching, Asst. Principal;
W. H. Howard, Sec.; A. R. Mrs. H. 0. Bogar, Accountant;
Newman, Mrs. C. G. Steele, Mrs. Hsu Gao Lieh, Preceptor; Mrs.
A. L. Offer, Oliver Doughty, Mrs. Djang Dzai Deh, Preceptress;
R. S. Fries. Hwang Dzi Gan, Dzou rung
Teachers: Stella McLymond, Ruth Shien, Djou Dzi Tsou.


ACADEMY rob West 127th St., New York,
r2oth St. and Lenox Ave., N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Established 1920
Established 1920
Board: Executive Committee of Board: Executive Committee of
Greater New York Conference. the Greater New. York Confer-
Faculty: H. H. Morse, Princi-
pal, Science; Mrs. Martha B. Faculty: J. L. Moran, Principal
Emerson, English, French; Miss English, Mathematics; A. W.
Merle Silloway, Mathematics, Bontemps, History, Science; M.
History; Mrs. Harry Morse, C. Strachan, Bible; Mrs. M. C.
Bible, Cooking; Miss Emily 'Leh, Strachan, Domestic Science;
Grammar Department; Mrs. Elma Engleton, Preparatory
Frank Grant, Intermediate De- Dept.; Rebecca Yeadon, Interme-
partment; Miss. Ingeborg 'Hor- diat2 Dept.; Geneva Bryan, Pri-
ton, Primary Department. mary Dept.

Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn.
Board: W. P. Elliott, Pres., M. D. Established 1921
Howard, Sec., G. G. Roth, M. N..
Isaac, A. Pearl, J. Blot., 'Board: E. L. Cardey, President;
Faculty: Miss Herminie Roth, R. W. Hall, 1. I. Castle, Louise
Principal; W. P. Elliott, Pre- Kleuser, L. S. Wheeler,

Administration: R. W. Hall, Prin- HUTCHINSON THEOLOGICAL

cipal and Business Manager; SEMINARY
H. U. Wendell, Treas. Hutchinson, Minn.
Faculty: R. W. Hall, Principal, Established 1910
History, Mathematics, Science; Board of Trustees: Chas. Thomp-
Mrs. R. W. Hall, Bible, French; son, H. M. Johnson, H. J. Shel-
Miss Virginia Shull, English, don, M. L. Andreasen, W. H.
Bible. Clark, E. H. Oswald, L. Halsvick,
M. N. Campbell, N. R. Nelson,
M. S. Reppe, C. A. Thorpe, C.
HAWAIIAN MISSION Edwardsen, A. P. Hanson, Wil-
ACADEMY liam Guthrie, Henry Meyers, S.
1417 Makiki St., Honolulu, T. H. E. Wight, M. M. Kier.
Established 1922 Executive Board: H. M. Johnson,
J. M. Peterson, Chas. Thompson,
Faculty: P. A. Webber, Principal, N. R. Nelson, J. 0. Hanson.
Bible; F. M. Hanson, History;
V. W. Thompson, Piano, Chorus Faculty: H. M. Johnson, Pres.,
Harmony; Mrs. F. M. Hanson, M. S. Reppe, Bible and Norwe-
English, Latin; G. H. Menchm, gian; A. W. Johnson, History;
Commercial; Mrs. V. W. Thomp- Hakon Muderspach, Danish; J.
son, Art, Sewing; Herschel M. Peterson, English, German;
Wheeler, Grades 7, 8;. Mrs, Her- Esther Knudsen, English; J. 0.
schel Wheeler, Grades 4, 5, 6; Hanson, Mathematics; G. C. Jor-
Miss Elsie Hanson, Grades 1, 2, genson, Science; Caroline Hop-
3, Supervisor of Grades. kins, Commercial; Ida Christen-
sen-Axelson, Normal; S. Leding-
ton, Director of Music; Mrs. S.
HONAN INTERMEDIATE Ledington, Voice; Thurber Mad-
ison, Violin; Mabel Levison, Hy-
SCHOOL drotherapy, Nursing; Mrs. F.
Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China Anderson, Matron; A. E. Axel-
son, Preceptor; Anna Paulson,
Established 1917 Preceptress; George Axelson,
Farm Manager.
Facility: D. S. Williams, Princi-
pal; W. I. Hilliard, Treasurer; Assistants and Instructors of In-
Mrs. D. S. Williams, Mrs. W. I. dustries: Caroline Hopkins, Do-
mestic Science; A. M. Martin,
Hilliard, Mrs. E. L. Longway; Sloyd, Carpentry; Harold Olson,
Wang Gin-ho, Lu Shou-djeng,
Tang Sin-loh, Niu Siu-sh.en, Bookbinding; Elmer Nilson,
Peng Gwei-yueh, Gia, 'Wen-deb, Printing.
Peng Hsien-djung.
Cicero, Ind.
Established 1902
(Taungthoo Language) Board of Managers: C. S. Wiest,
Hse Hseng, Hsa Tung State, S. S. Pres.; C. W. Marsh, Sec. and
States, Burma Treas.; and the members of the
Indiana Conference Committee.
Established 1922
Faculty: C. W. Marsh, Principal
In charge of C. E. Ronfelt. and Manager, Mathematics; W.

J. Blake, Bible and History; Mrs. Principal and Manager: A. N. Nel-

W. J. Blake, English, Sewing; son.
R. W. Woods, Preceptor, Span- Teachers: A. N. Nelson, Bible; A.
ish, Science; Gladys McDill, N. Anderson, Bible and History;
Preceptress; R. F. Pitts, Violin, H. F. Benson, Science; Shiro
Orchestra; C. J. Harris, Farm Ogura, Translation and Bible;
Manager, Agriculture; Mrs. Hajime Akebi, Mathematics;
Jane Albro, Matron, Hydrother- Mrs. A.- N. Anderson, English;.
apy; Mae L. Hitchcock, Piano; Mrs. H. J. Perkins, English; H.
Faye Ellis, Normal, Grades 7 J. Perkins, English and Type-
and 8; Lorraine Fankhouser, writing.
Grades 1-6.


S. D. A. Mission,Kamamaung,
Located at Rulison, Colo. Shwegon P. 0., Saween Dist., via
Maulmein, Burma.
Established 1918
Established 1918
Postal Address: Route 1, Grand
Valley, Colo. In charge of E. B. Hare, assisted
by H. Baird, Thra Paul, Thra
Board of Managers: J. W. Turner, Ohn Bwint, and Thra Myat Po.
E. D. Kirk, W. F. Kennedy, F. (Anglo-Karen, lst-7th standards;
S. ChoBar, W. B. Davy. Weaving and other industries.)
Faculty: E. D. Kirk, Principal, His-
tory; W. M. Andress, Bible; A. KETCHUM INTERMEDIATE
D. Holmes, Preceptor, Mathe- SCHOOL
matics; Juliette Herscher, Pre-
ceptress, English; Viola Artlip, Ketchum, Okla.
Music; Olga Loren, Matron, Do-
mestic Science; Frieda Downing, Established 1911
Grades; E. E. Seamount, Far-
mer. Board of Directors: F. C. Hughes,
Pres., Ezra Hillman; Sec.; D. H.
Kinzer, Treas.; R. W. Sufficool,
JAPAN MISSION TRAINING G. R. Bracken, 0. B. Garver.
SCHOOL Faculty: 0. K. Arnbrecht, Princi-
169-171 Amanuma, Suginami pal; Miss Bertha Guy, Asst.;
machi, Toyotama gun, Miss Dora Appleton, Assistant.
Tokyo Fu, Japan
Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi
Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. LAKE GROVE MISSION SCHOOL
Established 1908 Lake Grove, Thoreau, N. Mex.
Board: Executive Committee of Established 1918
Union Mission.
Local Board of Management: V. T. Board of Managers: M. B. Van
Armstrong, H. J. Perkins, E. J. Kirk, H. L. Benton, Orno Follett.
Kraft, A. B. Cole, A. N. Nelson, Faculty: 0. W. Wolfe, in charge;
A. N. Anderson, Shohei Miyake, Mrs. 0. W. Wolfe, Miss Lottie E.
Hide Kuniya. McCoy. .

LA SIERRA ACADEMY R. Gerber, 0.. Meyer, A. Vaucher,

Arlington, California. Dr. P. A. De Forest, J. Robert.
Established 1922 Faculty: A. G. Roth, Principal' and
Business Manager, Astronomy,
Board of Managers: J. J. Nethery, Church Organization; A. Vauch-
Chairman; L. C. Palmer, Sec.; er, Bible, Homiletics, Church
C. C. Mattison, W. C. Raley, J. History and Comparative Reli-
A. Burden, F. F. Abbott, J. I. gions; F. Charpiot, PreCeptor,
Robison, E T. Bush, R. F. Em- Asst. Bible, History of Mission's,
merson. Denominational History; Miss S.
,Administration: L. C. Palmer, Youschevitch, Preceptress, Ma-
Principal; W. C. Raley, Busi- tron, Hydrotherapy; Miss S.
ness Manager; Allen Dazey, Armenga.ud, French; H. Evard,
Bookkeeper; R. Cales, Precep- Sciences and Mathematics; J. H.
tor; Mrs. J. J. Koehn, Precep- Weidner, Flemish, Greek, Latin;
tress; Mattie Vixie, Matron. D. Walther, History, Geography;
Faculty: L. C. Palmer, Principal; E. Rey, 'Normal Director; Miss
E. H. Einmerson, Bible; J. I. L. Eppener, Commercial Depart-
Robison, Normal Director; L. J. ment; W. I. Owen, Pianci, Voice,
Vollmer, History; Sarah Huener- and Chorus; L. Vez, Agriculture;
gardt, English; Lilah Godfrey, Miss E. Binns, English, German.
Science and Mathematics; Grace
Nelson, Piano and Harmony; LAURELWOOD ACADEMY
Pearl Cooper, Vocal Music, Art
and Sewing; R. Cales, Asst. in Gaston, Oreg.
Bible; P. W. Stuyvesant, Span- Established 1904
ish; Olive Severs-Palmer, Regis- Board of Managers: J. W. Nor-
trar, French, Latin; E. T. Bush, wood, J. L. AlcConnaughey, J. K.
Agriculture; C. J. Tolle, Car- Fish, J. T. Jacobs, R. W. Nelson,
pentry; Mrs. J. J. Koehn, Nurs- E. A. Mereen, P. I. Stiles, S.
ing; Battie Vixie, Domestic Sci- Lindley, C. E. Olcott, R. R. Rees,
ence; Allen Dazey, Bookkeeping; F. S. Bunch.
Mrs. J. A. Scott, Grammar
Grades; Louise Wiesenhutter, Officers of the Board: J. W. Nor-
Intermediate Grades; Mildred wood, Chairman, R. W. Nelson,
Gates, Primary Grades. Sec.; R. R. Rees, Treas.
Industrial Faculty: W. C. Raley, Faculty: F. S. Bunch, Principal,
Superintendent; E. T. Bush, Bible; R. R. Rees, Business Mgr.;
Farm Superintendent; C. J. W. H. Bunch, Mathematics, Sci-
Tolle, Carpentry; Mattie Vixie, ence; Mae Macklin, Registrar,
Matron; Mrs. Pearl Ferguson, English; Glen S. Ray, Preceptor,
Commercial Sewing. Language; J. L. Christian, His-
tory; E. S. Cubley, Accountant,
Woodwork; Mrs. E. S. Cubley,
LATIN UNION TRAINING Preceptress, Piano; Mrs. Anna
SCHOOL Van Ausdle, Matron, Sewing;
(Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve) Mrs. Mary E. Little, Normal Di-
rector, Professional Subjects;
Collonges sous Saleve, Haute Myrtle Walker, Grades 6, 7, 8;
Savoie, France Bessie Campbell, Grades 1-5; R.
Established 1904 A. Caviness, Engineer; Lowell
Board of Management: A. V. Ol- Knapp, Musical Organizations,
son, Chairman; A. G. Roth, Sec.; Printing. .

LEVANT MISSION SCHOOL Fentzling, English; G. C. Hein-

AND ORPHANAGE rich, German; Mrs. R. S. J.
Hamilton, PreceptresS, Mathe-
(Established 1922 at Constanti- matics; Velma Wallace, Normal
nople; temporarily removed Director, Art; Marie A. Lucas,
to Salonica, 1923). Asst. Normal Director, Sewing;
Address: Post Box 216, Salonica, -Mrs. Arthur Zeismer, Asst. Nor-
Greece. mal Director; Minnie Belle
Faculty: A. H. Larson, director; Scott, Registrar, Shorthand,
assisted by native teachers. Typewriting; G. W. Greer,
Voice, Directing; Ivanette Green,.
Pianoforte; Fern HI Wyant,
LIMA TRAINING SCHOOL Asst. Pianoforte; A. E. Coch-
rane, Stringed Instruments; Mrs.
(Instituto Industrial) G. W. Greer, Librarian; Mrs. C.
Miraflores, Lima, Peril, South M. Wyant, Matron, Cooking;
America ' Conrad Goeringer, Farm Supt.;
Anna Jensen, Grade '8; Mrs.
Established 1919 Thomas Makovsky, Grade 7;
Mrs. L. M. Hesseltine, Grades 5,
Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima, 6; Mrs. Leona Coddington,
Peril. ' Grades 3, 4; Mrs. W. D. Owens,
Board of Managers: H. U. Stev- Grades 1, 2.
ens, Chairman; C. D. Striplin,
Sec. and Treas.; F. I. Mohr, F.
E. Bresee, L. D. Minner, H. D. LOMA LINDA COLLEGE OF
Isgac, T. L. Oswald, R. R. Coble, MEDICAL EVANGELISTS
Faculty: C. D. Striplin, Principal Loma Linda, Cal.
and Manager. Bible, Science: E
F. Osorio, Language, History; Chartered 1909
Mrs. A. R. Dennis, Primary Board of Trustees: W. T. Knox,
Grades; Mrs. C. D. Stripiin, J. L. McElhany, Dr. Newton. Ev-
Music. ans, S. S. Merrill, F. E. Corson,
Dr. E. H. Risley, Dr. W. A.
George, Dr. Alfred Shryock, Dr.
LODI ACADEMY A. N. Donaldson, G. A. Calkins,
Lodi, Cal. Dr. P. M. Keller, G. H. Curtis,
J. J. Nethery, 0. 0. Bernstein,
Established 1908 Dr. George Thomason, Dr. P. T.
Magan, A. G. DankHs, S. E.
Board of Management: W. M. Ad- Wight, Morris Lukens, J. L.
ams, Chairman; R. S. J. Hamil- Shaw, Wm. Guthrie.
ton, See.; E. L. Neff, V. E.
Peugh, H. L. Wallace, R. E. Officers of the Board: IV. T. Knox.
Wheeler, P. J. Wolfsen, Carl Pres.; J. L. McElhany, First
Leer, C. E. Kellogg. Vice-Pres.; Newton Evans,
Second Vice-Pres.; S. S. Mer-
Faculty: C. E. Kellogg, Principal; rill, Sec. and Treas.; F. E.
R. S. J. Hamilton, Business Corson, Comptroller; G. A. Calk-
Manager, Commercial Depart- ins, Asst. Comptroller, Loma
ment; H. L. Wallace, Bible; J. Linda Division; G. H. Curtis,
E. Young, Preceptor, History; Asst. Comptroller Los Angeles
E. E. Backus, Manual Training; Division; L. V. Roberson, Audi-
Arthur Zeismer, Science; J. P. tor.

Executive Faculty, Loma Linda: MALAYSIAN UNION

Newton Evans, E. H. Risley, Al- SEMINARY
fred Shryock, A. N. Donaldson,
W. A. George, I. S. Ritchie, A. (Formerly Singapore Training
B. Roos, L. C. Kellogg, F. B. School) .
Moor, R. S. Owen, Floyd Gard-
ner, F. E..Corson, Winifred Lind- 399-I and 399-2, Upper Serangoon
Road, Singapore, Straits
Executive Faculty, Los Angeles: P.
T. Magan, E. C. Kellogg, P. M. Settlements
Keller, Florence Keller, D. D. Established 1916
Comstock, George Thomason, C.
H. Lewis, V. L. Mann, H. E. Seminary Board: L. V. Finster,
Butka, W. G. Wirth, B. E. Chairman; V. E. Hendershot,
Grant, Jr., G. H. Curtis, Martha Sec., and all other members of
Borg. the Union Committee.
Faculty: V. E. Hendershot, Head-
LOS ANGELES SEVENTH-DAY master, and Principal; H. C.
ADVENTIST ACADEMY Baumgartner, Business Mana-
3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, ger; Wong En Yin, Asst. Man-
Calif. ager; Mrs. L. V. Fin.ster, Ad-
Board: H. G. Lucas, Chairman; visor; Mrs. V. E. Hendershot,
G. A. Snyder, E. H. Hurlbut, J. Standards VI and VII; Miss
W. Hofstar, P. B. B:ontemps, J. Eveleen Goodenough, Standards
F. Gernhardt, E. W. Cairneross, IV and V; Miss Maude Thomas,
R. I. Warner, Jesse Huffman, C. Standards II and III; Miss Es-
J. Kunkel, Peter Lauritsen, F. ther Goonasagaram, Standard I;
W. Brazelton, C. E. Hall, Charles Miss Monica Bayocot, Primary;
Totten, F. H. vVestphal, M. M. Miss Gregoria, Burgos, Asst.
Blue, La Verne Osborne, J. G. Teacher; F. L. Bunch, Industrial.
Rhoads, 0. 0. Bernstein. Chinese Department:
Faculty: Miss Mabel H. Andre, Pastor Phang Nyuk Thin, Head
Principal; Miss Marjorie Chap- of Department; C. M. Lee, Asst.;
man, Miss Grace Morel, J. E. Chong Yok Chee, Preceptor;
Christiansen, J. F. Gernhardt, Mrs. Wong En Yin, Preceptress.
M. D., Lecturer; Mrs. A. E. Hol-
lenbeck, Mrs. H. L. Dixon. Malay Department:
V. E. Hendershot, Head of De-
partment; K. Mandias, Asst.;
MALAMULO MISSION TRAIN- Soetan Mangatas, Preceptor;
ING SCHOOL Mrs. Soetan Mangatas, Precept-
Acquired 1902 ress; Roefinoes Goeltom, In-
Address: P. 0. Blantyre, Nyasa- structor; Albinus Mamora.
land. Industries:
Teachers: R. C. Sharman, E. M.
Cadwallader. Industrial Manager, F. L.
Bunch; Tom Khin, Cabinet
Nurse: Miss L. Southgate. Work; Phang Nyuk Thin, Weav-
Out-Schools: 21. ing; Mrs. L. V. Finster, Em-
Native Teachers and Evangelists: broidery; Misses Bayocot and
41. Burgos, Assts.


Maple Plain, Minn.
Established 1904 Established 1920
Executive Board: M. L. Andrea- Grades 1-7 Marathi. Industry,
sen, Pres.; J. J. Mair, Sec.; A. Sewing, Knitting.
H. Rulkoetter, H. M. Hiatt, Cal- In charge of Mrs. W. H. McHenry,
vin Kinsman, M. E. Anderson, Headmistress, and two assist-
Albert Guy, H. L. Halverson, ant teachers.
Herbert Christensen, H. E.
Faculty: J. J. Mair, Principal, His-
tory; A. H. Rulkoetter, Bible; MARITIME ACADEMY
H. F. Halenz, Mathematics, Sci- Memramcook, New Brunswick
- ence; Wavie D. Tubbs, English,
Latin; Isom Dunn, Preceptor, Established 1904
Manual Training, Normal; Mrs.
Gertrude M. Rulkoetter, Precep- Board of Management: F. W.
tress, Sewing; Mrs. Pearl S. Pet- Stray, Chairman; I. A. Arm-
tis, Piano, Organ, Voice; Lillie strong, Sec.; and members of
Iverson, Accountant, Commer- Maritime Conference Committee.
cial Subjects; Clara A. Holm,
Home Nurse, Hydrotherapy, Administration: I. A. Armstrong,
First Aid, Sanitation; , Ma- Principal and Business Manager;
tron, Domestic Science; Benja- II. 0. Sangster, Treas.; J. Suth-
min Harper, Farm Superintend- erland, Preceptor; Miss Helen
ent. Barrows, Preceptress; Miss
Sadie Oickle, Matron.
MARATHI BOYS' BOARDING - Faculty: I. A. Armstrong, Princi-
SCHOOL pal, Bible, Science; J. Suther-
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Lasal- land, Mathematics and Lan-
gaon, G. I. P. Ry., India. guages; Miss Sadie Oickle, His-
tory, and English; Miss Helen
Grades: 1-7 in Marathi; 1-5 in Barrows, Commercial, Hydro-
English. therapy, Music; Mrs. Alex.
Vickers, Church School.
Industry: Weaving.
In charge of R. E. Loasby; Head-
master, Peter Shinde, with five MEIKTILA TECHNICAL
assistant teachers.
Meiktila, Burma
Established, 1910
Established 1920.
Anglo-Vernacular, first to seventh
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Lasal- standards, and workers' class.
goan, G. I. P. Ry., India.
In charge of R. E. Loasby, assisted In charge of L. A. Semmens, as-
by B. Bunsode. sisted by D. Hpo Hla and other
Three years' Ministerial Course. teachers.

MEXICAN TRAINING SCHOOL and English; Miss Ethel Kropp,

Primary; Mrs. R. A. Jensen, .,.
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Preeeptress, Matron, and Domes-
Established 1923 tic Science.

Faculty: H. F. Brown, Principal;

other members, Victor Model, E. MOUNT VERNON ACADEMY
Ponce, Eloisa Hernandez.
Mount Vernon, Ohio
Established 1893
Executive Board: N. S. Ashton, F.
Mountain View, CaL H. Robbins, D. S. Teters, K. L.
Established 1922 Gant, L. B. Taylor, I. J. Gault,
C. F. Ulrich, C. E. Welch, Wm.
School Board: F. H. Gage, Chair- Robbins.
man; H. A. Johnston, Sec.; Mrs. Officers of the Board: N. S. Ash-
C. A. Pellymonter, Treas.; Edgar ton, Pres.; K. L. Gant, Sec.; L.
Tucker, G. A.. Fields, Mrs. E. L. B. Taylor, Treas.; E. J. Stipeck,
Maxwell, E. F. Counter, C. F. Auditor.
Jones, G. A. Perrine.
Local Board: N. S. Ashton, K. L.
Faculty: H. A. Johnston, Princi- Gant, I. J. Gault, L. B. Taylor,
pal, History and Bible Doc- C. E. Welch.
trines; Mrs. Alma E. McKib- Faculty: K. L. Gant, Principal,
bin, Bible History, Literature; Bible; E. W. Tonjes, History;
T. R. Huxtable, Carpentry; Miss H. B. Horn, Commercial; E. M.
Winea Simpson, English, Latin; Andross, Science; Mrs. P. A. Ar-
0. S. Olson, Mathematics, His- nold, English; H. A. Miller, Mu-
tory; Mrs. Amanda Pease, Sew- sic; Verna Schuster, Asst. in
ing, Cooking; Miss Mildred Music; Mrs. N. S. Ashton, Bi-
Jones, Grades 1 and 2; Miss ble; R. R. Ashton, Preceptor and
Harriet Parker, Grades 3 and 4; Agriculture; Mrs. Robert _Ash-
Miss Esther Jones, Grades 5 and ton, Preceptress, Sewing; Mrs. L.
6; Paul Meeth, Grades 7 and 8. B. Taylor, Cooking; L. B. Tay-
lor, Business Manager; 0. J.
Bell, Cashier and Registrar;
Matron; R. B. Wheeler, Asst. in
Bozeman, Montana
Board of Managers: B. M. Grandy, Nmrum, Denmark.
Pres.; M. G. Dealy, Sec.; W. M. (Nmrum FItijskole)
Cubley, J. L. Tucker, A: J. Lock-
ert, H. A. Green, S. C. Johnson, Established 1908.
T. G. Johnson, Ernest Wethern. Address: Nmrum Hojskole, Nmrum,
Faculty: C. D. Overton, Principal,
Business Manager, Preceptor; Board of Managers: Danish Con-
Mrs. C. D. Overton, Intermediate ference Committee.

Faculty: Erik Arnesen, Principal; Faculty and Commissioned Work-

Miss Othilia Nielsen, Matron; P. ers: E. A. Sutherland, M. D.,
A. Christiansen, C. J. Henriksen, Pres., Medical Supt.; M. Bessie
Mrs. Ingeborg Hjartarson. DeGraw, Seca and Treas.; Mary
Dale, M. D., Lady Physician;
Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Sanitarium
Receiving Matron, Food Factory
NANKING INDUSTRIAL Manager; Mrs. S. V. Sutherland,
SCHOOL Director of Cafeteria, Home Eco-
Organized 1920 nomics; Sidney Brownsberger,
Languages, Mathematics; Floyd
Address: Hsiu Hwa Siang, Nan- Bralliar, Natural Sciences; Mrs.
king, China. Lida F. Scott, Director of Ex-
tension Work; Mrs. Sidney
Postal Address: 17 Gao Lou Men, Brownsberger, English, Piano;
Nanking, China. W. F. Rocke, Purchasing Agent;
Principal and Business Manager: Mrs. Olive Wheeler, Supt. of
Food Factory R. B. King,
Liu Meng-ruh.
Commercial; Florence Hartsock,
Board: Executive Committee of Normal Director; C. F. Alden,
the Anhwei Mission. Director of Agriculture A. J.
Wheeler, Gardening; J. E. Suth-
Faculty: Liu men,?-ruh, Principal; erland, Horticulture; E. E.
Ding Shu-sen, s'Preceptor; Dju Brink, Dairy, Bee Raising; A. E.
Bao-ling, Preceptress; Gao Djen- Putnam, Farm; A. A. Robey,
hwa, Teacher; Wu Sien Seng. Mechanics; N. C. Wilson, Bible,
History; Mrs. K. K. Bertram,
Dressmaking; Francis Dittes,
NORMAL INSTITUTE Weaving; Mrs. Laura Rimmer,
Baking; Mrs. R B. King, Laun-
Madison, Tenn. (Near Nashville) dering; H. E. Standish, Build-
Established 1904 ing, Cabinet Work; I. H. Sar-
Board of Trustees: Dr. E. A. Suth- gent, Plumbing, Electric Work ;
erland, Preis., M. B. DeGraw, G. B. McClure, Printing; Eliz-
Sec. and Treas.; Dr. P. T. abeth Windhorst, Medical Office
Magan, W. C. White, Mrs. N. H. Attendant; Florence Dittes, Di-
Druillard, Mrs. Josephine Got- rector Women Nurses; Neil Mar-
zian, Mrs. E. C. Gray, Nis Han- tin, Director Men Nurses;
sen, Mrs. Lida F. Scott, Dr. G. Gladys Robinson and J. G. Rim-
T. Harding, Jr. mer, City Treatment Rooms;
Mrs. Goldie Conser, Business Of-
Rural Educational Association Les- fice Asst.; Mabel Robinson, San-
see of The Nashville Agricultu- itarium House Matron; Mrs.
ral and Normal Institute. Stella Robey, Gotzian Home Ma-
Board of Directors: W. F. Locke, tron; Mrs. I. H. Sargent, Kinne
Pres.; E. A. Sutherland; M. D., Hall Matron; Mrs. Ethel. Tol-
G. W. Wells, J. C. Thompson, N. man, Cottage Matron; G. F.
H. Druillard, Lida F. Scott, C. F. Knapp, Shipping Clerk; W. R.
Alden, Floyd Bralliar, M. F. Tolman, Commissary; W. S.
Knox, M. B. DeGraw, Sec. and Wilson, Auto Mechanic; M. W.
Treas., E. E. Brink, Francis Dit- Wells, Blacksnuthing; J. C.
tes, A. E. Putnam, R. B. King, Howell and Eva Wheeler, Exten-
Florence Dittes. sion Work.


(Missions-Schule Neandertal) Or- Established ,1920',
ganized 1921 ,
(Urdu, Hindi, and English lan-
Neandertal, Post Mettman, Rhld., guages)
17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India
Board: The West German Union Principal, Floyd W. Smith, as-
Conference Executive Committee. sisted by Mrs. F. W. Smith and
Local Board: P. Drinhaus, Dr. 'W. C. C. Belgrave.
Michael, W. Schwenecke, J.
Braun, Dr. W. Pfeiler.
Faculty: Dr. W. Michael, Principal, NORTH INDIA GIRLS' SCHOOL
German, Greek; 0. Schwenecke, 6i Abbott Road, Lucknow, India
Business Manager; Dr. med. H.
Feldmann, Hygiene; Dr. W. (Grades 1-7)
Pfeiler, Bible; W. Teich, Phys-
ics, Chemistry, Pedagogy; H. Established 1919
Wilson, Music; Frau Marianne
Kokolsky, Domestic Science; Frl In charge of Mrs. A. E. Nelson,
Dora Moyer, Matron, Nursing; assisted by Miss M. Cha:teerjee
H. Teichmann, English; History. and Miss W. West, and four In-
dian lady teachers.


Longburn, New Zealand
(Onsrud Missionsskole)
Established 1907 Algarheim, Jessheim, Norway
Board: H. M. Blunden, G. F. Established 1922
Wright, W. R. Scragg, Dr. E. Board of Managers: T. Tobiassen,
Caro. Henry Grundset, 0. J. 0. Rost,
Faculty: E. E. Cossentine, Prin- C. M. Scott, A. A. Berger.
cipal; F. L.. Sharp, Miss G. faculty: Henry Grundset, Prin-
Groube, H. Kirk, G. F. Boll- cipal; Borghild Fulsbakke, Ma-
ringer, Mrs. F. L. Sharp, Miss tron; Herbert Hansen, K. Niir-
H. Osmond. land, Gudrun Nilsen.


BOYS Nevada, Iowa
S. D. A. Mission, Brightlands, Established 1911
Ranchi, India
Established 1917 Board of. Managers: H. H. Hicks,
Pres.; W., H. Teesdale, Sec.;
Principal: J. E. Saunders, assisted F. E. Bresee, A. P. Hansen, V. D.
by Indian teachers. Hawley, Nethery, Bert

Rhoads, J. E. Shively, W. K. nie Stratton, Sewing; Mrs. A.

Smith. Hall, Bible Worker's Training;
Faculty: W. H. Teesdale, Princi- Mrs. E. I. Cunningham, Domes-
pal and Manager; T. H. Jeys, tic Science.
Bible; Paul Ford, Preceptor, Sci- Preparatory Department: Mrs. J.
ence; Alice Weaver, Preceptress, A. Tucker, Principal; 0. B. Ed-
Commerce; K. J. Reynolds, His- wards, Critic Teacher, Grades 7,
tory, Spanish; Ruby McGee, 8; Mrs. Grace Frazier, Critic
English, Mathematics; Winifred Teacher, Grades 1-6.
Hayes, Music; Jeanette Richard-
son, Matron; Alvin Johnson, Industrial: J. A. Tucker, Director;
F.arni Manager. E. C. Jacobsen, Fruit, Campus;
R. A. Jorgensen, Mechanical; J.
D. Finley, Farm, Garden, Broom-
making; C. R. Wood, Printing;
OAKWOOD JUNIOR COLLEGE Mrs. Empress Samson, Nursing;
Mrs. E. I. Cunningham, Boarding
(For Colored) Club; G. L. Samson, Dairy; Jen-
Huntsville, Ala. nie Stratton, Sewing; C. L.
Dortch, Woodwork, Carpentry;
Established 1895 C. G. Stewart, Garage.

Board of Managers: G. W. Wells;
Chairman; J. A. Tucker, Sec.;
F. R. Isaac, J. C. Thompson, d. ATE SCHOOL
B. Stephenson, B. F. Kneeland,
114 East Eighth St.,
B. W. Abney, T. S. Tate, Randall
Johnson, W. E. Strother. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Executive Committee: G. W. Established 1921
Wells, Chairman; J. A. Tucker,
Sec.; F. R. Isaac, W. H. Heck- (Revised directory not received;
man, J. C. Thompson, C. B. hence former matter reprinted.)
Stephenson. Board: F. L. Griffin, Mrs. C. E.
Administration: J. A. Tucker, Smith, W. T. Loftin, Mrs. Rosa
Pres.; Chas. Degering, Treas.; Irick, C. J. Dart.
Monroe Winn, Accountant; F. L. Faculty: Miss Almetta Garrett,
Peterson, Preceptor; Julia F. Grades 8, 9, 10; Miss Elizabeth
Baugh, Preceptress; Mrs. E. I. Lothian, Grades 5-7; Mrs. A. F.
Cunningham, Matron; Mrs. Fan- Harrison, Grades 1-4.
nie Cox, Orphanage.
Faculty: J. A. Tucker, Pres.; W.
L. H. Baker, Bible; E. C. Jacob-
sen, History; R. A. Jorgensen, "OPEN VIEW" MISSION
Science, Mathematics; F. L. Pe- SCHOOL
terson, English, Music Mrs. J.
A. Tucker, Normal Director;
' Established 1910
Julia F. Baugh, Normal Meth-
ods, C. L. Dortch, Woodwork, Address: Chelusain P. 0., Dwari-
Carpentry; Mrs'. Monroe Winn, khal, Garhwal Dist., India.
Commercial Training; C. R. Anglo-Hindi to Seventh standard.
Wood, Printing; Mrs. Empress In charge of R. Peters, assisted by
Samson, Nurses Training; Jen- Indian teachers,

OSHAWA MISSIONARY- Weniger, Guy Dail, T. L. Cope-

COLLEGE land, A W. Lane
Fadulty: W. E. Nelson, President;
Oshawa, Ontario B. L. House, Bible and Homile-
tics; M. W. Newton, Higher
Established 1912; Incorporated Mathematics, Astronomy; Guy.
Dec. 20, 1920 Dail; Greek, Bible; N. E. Paulin,
Violin, Orchestra, Theory; C. E.
Board of Trustees: C. F. McVagh, Weniger, English Language,
Pres.; L. N. Holm, Sec.; F. G. Literature, Public Speaking; L.
Lane, D. J. C. Barrett, F. W. R. Anderson, History; R. A. Mor-
Stray, H. H. Rans, L. F. Passe- tensen, Physics, Chemistry; F.
bois, J L. Wilson. 0. Rathbun, Physics, Chemistry;
W. B. Taylor, Manual 'Training,
Faculty: L. N. Holm, Principal and Bible; H. W. Clark, Biology, Ge-
Business Mgr., History; E. A. ology; Mary McReynolds, Med-
Curdy, Bible; J. Curdy, French; idal Evangelism, Physical Edu-
J. B. Clymer, Preceptor, Science, cation; A. W. Lane, Account-
Mathematics; Edith Beebe, Li- ancy, Commerce; Katherine B.
brarian, English; Vera Van Bus- Hale, Educational and Normal
kirk, Accountant; Daisy A. Ding- Methods; Alma J. Graf, Precep-
wall, Piano; Abbie Culbert, torial Methods; C. W. Dortch,
Training School; Minnie E. Ab- Pipe Organ, Chorus, Voice; Mrs.
ray, Preceptress, Grade 8; H. H. William B. Taylor, Piano,
Bans, Accounting; Mrs. E. J. Voice; Anna J. Olsen, Registrar;
Westman, Matron; Archie Mor- Maude O'Neil, Asst. in English;
gan, Farm Manager. Mrs. Lucy Whitney, Spanish;
Mrs. Jessie E. Paap, Art; Mrs.
William E. Nelson, Domestic
Science; Harold Dail, French,
PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE German; Ellen P. Anderson,
Latin; Mrs. Daisy McConnell,
La Jota, Cal. Asst. Normal Director; Mrs.
Marie Reynolds, Sewing; M. E.
Established 1909 Ellis, Printing; Minola P. Rob-
inson, Supervisor Grammar
Board of Trustees, Pacific Union Grades; Edith R. Halverson, Su-
College Association: J. L. Mc. pervisor, Primary Grades; A. E.
Elhany, Pres.; W. E. Nelsoi Barnes, Gospel Salesmanship.
Vice-Pres. and Sec.; L. W. Cobb,
Treas.; G. A. Roberts, J. J. College Administration: W. E. Nel-
Nethery, E. L. Neff, 'W. M. Ad- son, President and Manager;
ams, W. C. White, B. M. Emer- L. W. Cobb, Treas., Asst. .acan-
son, M. W. Newton, T. L. Cope- ager; Lysle Spear, Matron;
land, A. R. Sandborn, V. E. Alma J. Graf, Preceptress, South
Peugh, W. MI. Ruble, 0. 0. Bern- Hall; E. E. Farnsworth, Precept-
stein. or, North Hall; M. E. Ellis,
Printing; J. K. Battin, Store and
Local Board of- Management: W. Post Office; Mrs. C. M. Horning,
E. Nelson, Chairman; L. W. Laundry; Donald O'Neil, Garage;
Cobb, Sec.; M. W. Newton, C. E. H. Ross, Engineer.

PHILIPPINE S. D. A. ACADEMY Preceptor, Science, Mathemat-

ics; Alfred Thurlow, Farm Man-
239-251 Luna St., Pasay, Rizal, ager, History; Ruth Blakney,
Philippine Islands Preceptress, Language, Music;
Mae Grills, Matron, Home Eco-
Postal Address: Box 1772, Manila, nomics; Hazel Nicola, English,
Philippine Islands Commercial; Mrs. Alfred Thur-
Established 1917 low, Business Department.
'Board of Directors: S. E. Jack-
son, Pres.; 0. F. Sevrens, Sec.; PLAINVIEW ACADEMY
I. H. Evans, G. H. Murrin, W. Redfield, S. Dak.
B. Ammundsen, Eugene Woes-
ner, E. M. Adams, M. F. Wiede- Established 1902
mann, W. L. Rodriguez, J. 0. School Board: Emil Oswald, Chair-
Afenir, E. A. Brion, M. B. Comi- man; W. F. Hahn, Sec.; J. H.
lang, A. N. dela China. Nies, Peter Peer, G. G. Hagele;
Faculty: 0. F. Sevrens, Principal, J. M. Christensen; C. M. Bab-
Science; L. 1). Warren, Bible, cock, P. G. Stanley, C. M. Striv-
History; Delbert L. Milian], Pre- en, John Merkel.
ceptor; Mrs. Delbert L. Millam, Faculty: W. F. Hahn, Principal
Preceptress; Mrs. S. E. Jackson, and Manager, Mathematics; C.
Mathematics; Mrs. L. D. War- M. Babcock, Bible; Virginia
ren, English, Commercial, Sew- Rees, English; G. G. Doflinger,
ing; Mrs. E. M. Adams, Matron; Printing, Languages; H. C. Hart-
Mrs. D. L. Millam, Physiology, man, Mathematics, Science;
Nursing; Mrs. R. R. Figuhr, Grace Rosenthal, Normal, Eighth
Music. Grade; Rollin Nesmith, Precep-
Intermediate: Roman Senson, Prin- tor, History; Lena Rosenthal,
cipal; Assistants: Mrs. S. E. Matron; MrS. 1-1. C. Hartman,
Jackson, Mrs. H. Andersen; Pri- Music; Emma Binder, Precep-
mary Dept., Conegunda Cruz. tress; Ware JOrdan, Farm Man-
Industrial Faculty: 0. F. Sevrens, ager.
Business Manager; Agustin La
- Madrid, Carpentry; Mrs. L. D.
Warren, Embroidery.
Normal Training Department: D.
L. Millam, Director; Methods, Address: Chuharkana, N. W. Ry.,
Conegunda Cruz, Roman Senson, Punjab, India.
Mrs. R. R. Figuhr.
Manager: E. R. Streeter, assisted
by Bhugtu Mall, and other Pun-
PINE TREE ACADEMY jabi teachers.
Auburn, Me.
Established 1921 RANGOON S. D. A. TELUGU
School Board: D. U. Hale, D. H. SCHOOL
Hanson, W. A. Bickford, W. E.
Tatro, H. Hanscom, K. A. (Address, care Union Office)
Wright, G. E. Owens. Established 1922
Faculty: G. E Owens, Principal, Anglo-vernacular, First to Fourth
Bible, History; Hubert Redding, standards.

In charge of V. J. Benjamin, as- SANTALI BOYS' SCHOOL

sisted by K. Prakasaroa and A.
Annandon. ' S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I.
Ry., India.
Established 1915
In charge of Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale,
(Colegio Adventista del Plata) assisted by Indian Teachers.
Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios,
Argentina, South America
Established 1898
Board of Managers: R. T. Baer, COLLEGE
Pres.; J. S. Marshall, Sec.; G. E.
Hartman, IL B. Lundquist, J. 31 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China
H. Roth, W. E. Hancock, Ignacio
Kalbermatter, C. E. Krieghoff, Established 1910
C. E. Westphal, W. H. Wohlers.
Executive Committee: J. S. Mar- Board of Directors: I. H. Evans,
shall, Chairman; J. M. Howell, F. H. DeVinney, 0. A. Hall, J. G.
Sec.; R. T. Baer, C. E. Westphal, Gjording, M. C. Warren, Fred
W. H. Wohlers. Lee, Bernhard Peterson, H. W.
Faculty: J. S. Marshall, Principal, Barrows, C. C. Crisler, S. L.
Business Manager, Pedagogy, Frost, D. E. Rebok.
Science, History; J. H. Roth,
Bible; Mrs. J. S. Marshall, Nor- Local Board: I. H. Evans, Chair-
mal, English; Mrs. E. de Demar- man; C. C. Crisler, H. 0. Swart-
sico, Spanish, Mathematics; out, H. L. Shull, H. W. Barron s,
Amalia Block, Intermediate; J. W. A. Scharffenberg, D. E. Re-
H. Meier, Preceptor. bok, K. 0. Yeh, T. K. Swen,
Industrial Department: W. H. .Hwang Da Wei, S. L. Frost.
Wohlers, Agriculture and Stock- Faculty: D. E. Rebok, Principal
ralsing; Carlos Schmidt, Carpen- (on furlough); S. L. Frost, Act-
try; Carlos Kunzm an, Bakery; ing Principal, Bible, Mathemat-
Andres Tabuenca, Gardening;
ics; H. L. Shull, Treas., Commer-
Miss Frieda Trefz, Domestic cial Dept.; W. A. Scharffen-
Science and Sewing. berg, Normal Department; Mrs.
S. L. Frost, Music Department;
Miss Ida E. Thompson, Matron,
RUMANIAN UNION TRAINING English; Miss Annie Loo, Pre-
SCHOOL eeptress; Swen Tshong Kwang,
Preceptor; Sie Sui An, 'Wenli; H.
Strada N. Savcanu, Io, Focsani,
O. Swartout, Science; E. R.
Moldova, Rumania Thiele, New Testament; Paul
Established 1924 Quimby, Bible Teacher; J. A.
Board of Managers: P. Paulini, St. Guild, Physics; Yeh Kitten Can,
Demetrescu, A. Wegner, P. Her- Teacher; Chen Si Mu, Grade
mann, P. .j. Onede, 0. Fasnacht, Teacher; Djung Dz Djen,
M. Manea. Teachef, Hwang Da, Wei; F. A.
Faculty: P. J. Oaede, Director; M. Landis, Industrial; C. A. Carter,
Gehann, Elma Gaede. M. Mo- History; -Mrs. W. A. Scharffen-
torea, Translator. berg, English; Su Hsing,

SHELTON ACADEMY Jacob Wagner, Michael Stern,

Shelton, Nebr. John Michaelenko, J. H. Peters,
A. A. Dirksen, F. E. Barkley.
Established 1919
Board of Managers: S. G. Haugh- Faculty: R M. Falk, Principal,
ey, Chairman; J. I. Beardsley, Manager, Science; P. E. Berthel-
Sec.; C. G. Bellah, J. W. Rogers, sen, Bible, History; G. S. Liv-
C. H. Miller, A. F. Kirk, B. C. ingston, English, Mathematics;
Marshall, Myre Beaman, Wil- F. F. Zumbaum, German, Wood-
bur James. work; John Nahorny, Russian,
Faculty: J. L Beardsley, Principal, Preceptor;- Mary Ruth Miller,
Bible; Charles Larsen, Preceptkr, Music; J. S. Koehler, Book-
History; Linnie Keith, Precep- 'keeper, Farmer; Bertha Astel-
tress, English, Domestic science;- ford, Preceptress; Mrs. F. F.
A. A. Rupert, Mathematics, Sci- Zumbaum, Matron.
ence; Carrie Graves, Grades 7
and 8; Ethel R. Page, Piano and
Voice; Edna Ragsdale, Matron; SINGHALESE PRIMARY
Lucile Beaman, Cashier, Com-
mercial Department; Victor E. SCHOOL
Bascom, Farmer. Lunawa Dist., Ceylon
Established 1923
ACADEMY Manager: H. A. Hansen; Head-
master, D. E. Wegesinghe, as-
New Market, Va. sisted by Miss Leyanagea.
Established 1906
Board of. Managers: T. B.- West-
brook, R. D. Hottel, J. Z. Hot-
tel, Dr. L. E. Elliott, L. W. Gra- SINO-AMERICAN MIDDLE
ham, C. H. Daugherty, J. Q. SCHOOL
Campbell, J. W. Siler. (A Training School-)
Faculty: J. Z. Hottel, Principal, Kulangsu, Amoy, China
Manager, History; J. H. Smith,
Bible; H. A. Weaver, Preceptor, Principal: B. L. Anderson.
Science, Language; Mrs. J. Z.
Hottel, Accountant, English:, School Board: B. L. Anderson, F.
Margaret Cosby, Mathematics, E. Bates, T. K:Ang, V. J. Ma-
Home Nursing; Dottie Frank- loney, N. P. Keh, N. K. Keh, Lim
lin, Preceptress, English; Rus- Tung Hok, Li Kim Choan, Tan
sell MacMeans, Elementary De- Nai Se.
partment, Music; Mrs: H. A.
Weaver, Matron, Sewing; Carl Teachers: Lim Tiong Hok, Li Kim
V. Woods, Industrial. Chow], Si Ian Teng, Ho Siam
Hong, W. S. Kong Sun, Tan Nai
Se, V. J. Maloney, Mrs. B. L.
Harvey, N. Dak.
Junior Dept. Teachers: Kg Sit
Established 1903 Teng, Ang Kim Hi, So Khum Ti,
Board of Managers: H. Meyer, Ong Chi Chhon.g, Charlie Chheel,
Pres.; R. M. Falk, John Seibel, Lo Phek Sin.

SOLUSI MISSION TRAINING ence; Mrs. 0. L. Dart, Inter-

SCHOOL grade Department; 'Ruby E. Lea,
Stenography; Martha. Montgom-
Established 1894 ery, Registrar; Roy Carr,
Address: Solusi Mission, Bulawa- Treas.; G. N. Fuller, Account-
yo, Rhodesia, South Africa. ant; Mrs. G. N. Fuller, Sewing;
Board of Managers: W. C. Flaiz, W. F. Ray, Woodworking.
Director, Manager; W. E. Straw,
F. R. Stockil, C. Robinson, G. A. Industrial Faculty: Helen M.
Shull, Cooking; F. W. Field,
Ellingworth, F. E. Thompson, W. _Agriculture; B. J. Fountain,
C. Flaiz, L. E. Biggs.
Blacksmithing; C. E. Ledford,
Faculty: Principal, S. W. Palmer; AgriZulture; Cush Sparks, Print-
Asst. Teachers, Mrs. S. W. Pal- . ing; B. A. Wood, Asst. in Print-
mer, Mrs. F. B. Jewell, assisted ing; W. E. Bailey, Basketry;
by three native teachers; Farm B. F. Wren, Carpentry.
Manager, E. Tarr.


Ooltewah, Tenn. - AND GIRLS

Established 1896 at Graysville, Krishnarajapuram (near Banga-

Tenn., as the Southern Training lore), Mysore State, India
School; removed to Ooltewah, Established 1915
Tenn., in 1916.
Board of Managers: G: G. Lowry,
Board of Managers: W. H. Heck- 0. A. Skau, P. C. Poley, G. E. H.
man, Pres.; Leo Thiel, Sec.; G. Ritchie.
W. Wells, F. L. Harrison, Bur-
ton Castle, F. R. Isaac, J. C. Faculty: 0. A. Skau, .Principal;
Thompson, R. I. Keate, W. R. assisted by P. C. Poley, J. C. H.
Elliott, A. S. Booth, J. L. Shuler, Collett, G. F. H. Ritchie.
C. W. Curtis, C. B. Stephenson,
H. E. Lysinger, B. F. Kneeland,
Faculty: Leo Thiel, President; J. COLLEGE
H. Behrens, Bible and Pastoral
Training; F. W. Field, Bible and Keene, Tex.
Greek; W. P. Bradley, Science Established 1894
Mathematics; A. N. Atteberry,
History; E. L. Parrish, Precep- Board of Managers: M. B. Van
tor, History; Iva Dell Kirk, Kirk, Chairman; Lamont Thomp-
Piano; J. L. Butler, Voice; Brent son, Sec.; P. H. Barnes, H. S.
Zachary, Violin; Myrtle V. Max- Prenier, L. N. Carter, C. E.
well, Preceptress; K. M. Adams, Smith, E. A. Pohle, H. R. Gay,
Normal Dept.; Beulah Walleker, A. F. Harrison, H. M. J. Rich-
Critic Teacher; Mrs. K. M. Ad- ards, J. F. Wright, R. P. Mont-
ams, Critic Teacher, Model gotnery, G. F. Eichman, R. L.
School; Maude I. Jones, English, Benton, 'W. H. Clark.
Language; Elizabeth Cowdrick,
Agst. in English; Helen M. Administration: Lamont Thomp-
Shull, Matron, Domestic Sci- son, Pres.; F. H. Barnes, Treas.;


0. W. Tucker, Preceptor; Mrs. SPION KOP COLLEGE

F. B. Moran, Preceptress;
Mrs. Minnie Cook, Matron; Address: Private Bag, Ladysmith,
Mrs. A. M: Woodall, Registrar. Natal, South Africa.
Faculty: Lamont Thompson, Pres.; Board: W. H. Branson, E. D. Dick,
H. S. Prenier, Bible; Julian W. B. COmmin,- T. M. French,
Thompson, Science; H. M. Kel- J. W. MacNeil, J. N. de Beer,
ley, History, Missions; Agnes B. M. Heald, W. E. Straw; As-
Sorenson, Languages; Laura E. sociate Members: 0. 0. Fortner,
Patterson, English; L. N. Car- F. Snijman, C. M. Blaine.
ter, Commercial; Mrs. A. M.
Woodall, Asst. Commercial; Faculty: E. D. Dick, Principal
Madge Gould, Voice; Doris Holt, and Business Manager;
Piano; Mrs. A. M. Woodall, Reg- Bible; Preceptress,
istrar; 0. W. Tucker, Precep- English; A. Boekhout, Modern
tor; Mrs. P. B. Moran, Precep- Languages; J. H. Stearns,
tress; Irene Couch,- Normal Di- Mathematic and Science; Mrs.
rector; P. H. Barnes, Treas.; J. H. Stearns, Normal; E. D.
Mrs. Minnie Cook, Matron. Hanson, History; Miss, A. B.
Cooks, Elementary Grades; C. C.
Industrial Department: R. C. Marais, Preceptor; Miss Edna
Hampton, Broom-making; C. N. Davies, Music; Mrs. R. C. Honey,
Woodward, Printing; Martin Matron; J. V. Wilson, Farm
Moll, Woodwork; Mrs. P. H. Supt.
Barnes, Domestic Science; Mrs.
0. W. Tucker, Sewing; May
Wilhelin,- Laundry; 0. W.
SPANISH-AMERICAN TRAIN- Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
ING SCHOOL England ,
1325 North Fourteenth St., Established 1901
Phoenix, Ariz.
Board of Directors: J. E. Jayne,
Established 1920 Chairman; Dr. W. A. Ruble, F.
Board: A. R. Sandborn, Chairman.; A. Spearing, W. R. Raitt, G. L.
W. L. Avery, Sec. and Treas.; Gulbrandson, A. S. Maxwell.
D. C. Fields, D. L. Wagner, I. T. Faculty: G. Baird, Principal, His-
Reynolds, C. D. Stone, F. H.
tory, Economics, Latin; G. M.
Westphal, H. D. Casebeer, R. G.
Lewis,T. J. Nethery, R. T. Price, Bible, Geology; H. H.
Montgomery, W. W. Ruble, R. L. Howard, Preceptor, Old and
New Testament Histories, Mis-
Benton, Adiel Sanchez.
sionary History; Mrs. H. H.
Faculty: W. L. Avery, Principal; Howard, Normal Dept.; J. Ford,
C. D. Stone, Director, Bible, Me- Mathematics, Science; Dr. W. A.
chanics; Miss Gertrude Steen, Ruble, Physiology; J. W. Pigott,
English, Mathematics; Miss Lola English, Mathematics, Geogra,-
Preston, Preceptress; Joseph phy; Miss D. Moseley, Precep-
Cummins, Preceptor; Mrs. Ger- tress, Bible Readings; Miss F.
trudis Davis, Spanish, Sewing; Barrett, Matron, Domestic Sci-
Mrs. Hall, Matron, Hydrother- ence; Miss M. Wharrie, Asst.
apy. Treas., Business Course; Miss B.

A. Terry, French; Miss P. Hai.- TAIKGYI GIRLS' SCHOOL

(tinge, Music; Mrs. Denne, Cho- Taikgyi, Burma
ral Work, Elocution; W. Mur-
doch, Librarian, Greek, Hebrew; Established 1920
J. McA voy, Pastoral Training; Address: S. D. A. Mission, Taikgyi,
A. S. Maxwell, Journalism; E. Burma.
Ashton, Carpentry; J. L. Mur-
doch, Farm; Mr. Chattle, Mar- Anglo-vernacular, First to Fifth
ket Garden; A. Carey, Business Standards; Domestic Science
Manager. and Weaving.
In charge of Mrs. A. J. Denoyer.
Sutherlin, Oreg.
Established 1918
Board of Trustees: A. V. Rhoads, Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly District,
Chairman; C. H. Castle, Sec.
and Treas.; T. L. Thuemler, India
J. R. Meehan, J. R. Patterson, Established 1909
H. L. Rudy, T. M. Langburg.
Address: Nazareth P. 0., Tinne-
Faculty: C. H. Castle, Principal velly Dist., India.
and Manager, Bible, Commer- Manager: E. D. Thomas.
cial; G. L. Beane, Preceptor, Sci-
ence; Harry Tippett, English, Head Master: V. D. Koilpillai, as-
History; Ada Hartman, Precep- sisted by nine Tamil teachers.
tress, Spanish; Lulu Hallock,
Matron; Edna Gould, Shorthand,
Typewriting, Accountant; Edna
Bauer, Voice; Esther Boyer,
Piano; Hazel Gibson, Grades 1-
5; Floyd Rittenhouse, Grades Narsapur, Kistna Dist., India
6-s. Established 1921
Industrial: C. III. Castle, Supt. Address: Narsapur, Kistna Dist.,
and Manager; G. L. Beane, India.
Woodwork; C. M. Condon, Print- Manager: T. R. Flaiz.
ing; Lulu Hallock, Sewing and Head Master: A. V. Jesudass, as-
Cooking. sisted by four Telugu teachers.

Nyhyttan, JarnhoAs, Sweden (Escuela Normal del Lago
Established 1898; reorganized 1908 Titicaca)
Board of Managers: Swedish Con- Established 1922
ference Committee.
Postal Address: Casilla 4, Juliaca,
Faculty: C. 0. Carlstjerna, Mrs. Peru, South America.
C. 0. Carlstjerna, Ellis Col-
son, Emmy Larsson, Gust. Lind- Board of Managers: F. E. Bresee,
say, Clara Andersson. Chairman; H. M. Colburn, See.

and Treas.; B. L. Thompson, G. souri, Kansas, Inter-Mountain,

E. Mann, W. F. Miller, Dr. S. T. Colorado, Wyoming, Northern
Johnston, C. W. Miller. Union, Minnesota, North Dako-
ta, South Dakota, Iowa, South-
Principal and Manager: H. M. Col- western Union, and Oklahoma;
burn. the educational secnetiaries of
the Central Union, Northern
Faculty: H. M. Colburn, Principal; Union, and Southwestern Union;
B. L. Thompson, Mrs. H. M. Col- the president of Union College;
burn, Normal Department, , 0. M. John, H. F. Saxton, G. C.
Spanish Department. George.

Executive Committee: S. E. Wight,

SCHOOL Prescott, S. G. Haughey, D. D.
Rees, Charles Thompson, M. B.
Tsinan, Shantung, China VanKirk, H. F. Saxton, G. C.
Established 1920 George.

(Revised directory not received; Administration Committee: W. W.

hence former matter reprinted.) Prescott, Pres. and Manager;
Board of Directors: H. L. Graham, Roy Kinzer, Asst. 'Mgr.; 0. M.
Mrs. H. L. Graham, G. J. Appel, John, Dean; H. L. Keene, Treas.;
Shen Chien P'an, Tung Yun Chu, G. C. George, Dean of Men;
Chang Ch'ien Kwang, Goh Chiao Pearl L. Rees, Dean of Women;
Liang. Ruby Adams, Matron; Blanche
M. Woods, Registrar and Libra-
Faculty: G. J. Appel, Supt., Goh rian.
Chiao Liang, Principal; Chang
Tsuen Pu, Goh Chiao Ou, Chiao Faculty: W. W. Prescott, Pres.;
Yuen, Mrs. H. L. Graham, Mrs. O. M. John, Dean, Biology; H. F.
G. J. Appel. Saxton, Bible, Greek; W. J. Mc-
Comb, History; Rochelle Phil-
Primary Department: Goh Tseu
mon, English; B. B. Davis, Di-
Dji, Tung Sua Eu. rector of Normal Department
Factory: G. J. Appel, Manager; and Education; Rosella A. Sny-
Chiao Yuen, Supt. der-Davis, Education and Art;
J. M. Price, Geology; G. F. Wolf-
Intermediate School Teachers: kill, Chemistry and Physiology;
4 (in Tsinan). Lee Davis, Spanish, French, Ger-
man; H. K. Schilling, Physics
Church School Teachers: 7 (3 in and Mathematics; Rex Jacob-
Peking and 4 in Tsinan). son, Commerce; Lydia Kime-
Wolfkill, Home Economics;
Blanche M. Wood, Library Sci-
UNION COLLEGE ence; C. C. Engel, Director of
College View, Nebr. School of Music; Alice Swed-
berg, Pianoforte; Estelle Kiehn-
Established 1891 hoff, Voice; Elizabeth Fran-
cis, Health and Hygiene; Mrs.
Board of Managers: The presidents Winnie Turner, Mrs. George
of the following conferences: Bowers, and Christine Erickson,
Central Union, Nebraska, Mis- Teachers in Model School.

Heads of Industrial Departments VINCENT HILL SCHOOL

and Instructors in Vocational
Work: D. G. Hilts, Carpentry (Formerly " Annfield School ")
and Woodwork; George Jeys, Mussoorie, India
Printing; B. F. Perriman, Laun-
dry; R. L. Elstrom, Hydrother- Established 1911
apy; Capitola Mills, Millinery; (Grades in English up to 1st year
Geo. Underwood, Gymnasium. Junior College)
Board: A. W. Corrnack, Chairman;
UNION SPRINGS ACADEMY A. J. Olson, Vice-Chairman; G.
Union Springs, N. Y. E. Jones, Sec.; A. H. Williams,
Established 1921 I. E. Blue, G. F. Enoch, I. V.
Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones, J.
E. Osterblom, C. A. Shull, Orva Faculty: A. J. Olson, Principal,
Lee Ice, L. H. King, Mrs. E. B. History; G. E. Jones, Preceptor,
Markham, G. E Miles, H. M. Bible Mathematics, Manual
Fleming, W. W. Rice, N. H. Training; I. V. Counsell, Bible,
Saunders, H. A. May. Bookkeeping; C. J. Ritchie, Gen-
Officers of Corporation: (The New eral Form Subjects; Miss M.
York Conference Association.) Matterand, Preceptress, Normal
J. K. Jones, Pres.; J. E. Oster- Subjects, Dress Making; Miss E.
blow, Sec. and Treas. Hanson, General Form Subjects,
Kindergarten; Miss M. Broder-
Faculty: C. A. Shull, Principal, son, General Form Subjects;
Manager, History; L. G. Sevrens, Mrs. A. J. Olson, English; Mrs.
Bible; G. E. Miles, Science, G. E. Jones, French, General
Mathematics; W. B. Higgins, Form Subjects; Miss A. Wilkin-
Preceptor, History, Woodwork- son, Stenography; Miss M. Hem-
ing; Annabel Orr, Preceptress ingway, Asst. in Piano; Miss F.
and School Nurse, Practical Tuckey, Matron, Domestic Sci-
Nursing; Ruth Garber, Matron, ence; J. L. Shannon, Account-
Domestic Science; Viola Severs, ant; also teachers in Music,
Music, English; Mrs. L. G. Sev- Drawing, and Urdu.
rens, French; Caroline Eells, Lit-
erature, Stenography; Emma
Hunt, Preparatory Academic, WALDERLY ACADEMY.
Grades 7, 8; Abigail Worcester,
Grades 1-6; R. W. King, Print- Hines, Wis.
ing; H. A. May, Treas.; H. M. Established 1907
Fleming, Farm Manager:, Board of Directors: J. J. Irwin,
0. H. Straight, V. R. Neall, E. A.
UNITED PROVINCES SCHOOL Piper, A. W. Nelson, A. L. Beaz-
Established 1917 Faculty: G. H. Straight, Principal
and Manager, Bible; A. J. Skeels,
(Urdu and Hindi Languages) Preceptor, Science; Maggie Wee-
Address: Hapur, 0. & IL Ry., den, Preceptress, English; Helen
India. Melton, Matron, Domestic Sci-
In charge. of Mrs. M. M. Mattison. ence; 0. P. Wilson, History;
Headmaster, A. Howard, assisted Leta Hill, Music; Andrew Lidell,
by Indian teachers. Woodwork.

WALLA WALLA COLLEGE W. C. Baldwin, Grades 3, 4;

Enid Fern Sparks, Grades 1, 2;
College Place, Wash.
Industrial Departments: Ray Col-
Established 1892 lins, Printing; H. R. Sittner,
Woodwork; Mrs. M. E. Mullin-
Board of Trustees: Morris Lukens, nex, Dressmaking; E. E. Beail,
J. S. Rouse, J. W. Norwood, Engineer; Richard Bergin, Store
Alfred Ogden, C. W. Flaiz, A. V. Manager; E. W. McCormick,
Rhoads, S. A. Ruskjer, B. M. Baking; Raymond Hempel, Cook-
Grandy, H. G. Thurston, S. J. ing; W. C. Baldwin, Farm Man-
Lashier, W. L. Adams, P. W. Pe- ager.
terson, W. I. Smith.
Officers of the Board: Morris WASHINGTON MISSIONARY
Lukens, Chairman; W. I. Smith,
Sec., F. W. Peterson, Treasurer. COLLEGE

Administration: W. I. Smith, Pres- Takoma Park Station,

ident; F. W. Peterson, Manager; Washington, D. C.
C. W. Dime, Preceptor; Mrs. R. Established 1904; reorganized 1914
B. Ray, Preceptress and Matron;
E. 0. Becker, Accountant; Mer- Legal Title: Washington Mission
tie A. Wheeler, Registrar and ary College.
Board of Trustees: F. H. Rob-
Faculty: W. I. Smith, President, bins, R. G. 13o-wen, H. A. - Mor-
Mathematics and Astronomy; F. rison, D. W. Reavis, N. S. Ash-
W. Peterson, Treas.; F. M. Burg, ton, J. P. Neff, Wm. Robbins,
Dean of the School of Theology; E. G. Salisbury, W. F. Schwartz,
C. W. Flaiz, Bible and Minis- J. L. Shaw, H. J. Detwiler, W. A.
terial Training; Winifred L. Spicer, J. Z. Hottel, E. J. Sti-
Holmden, Ancient Languages; peck, F. R. Isaac, Leo Thiel, C.
T. A. Little, English; Clara E. V. Leach, J. C. Thompson, C. E.
Rogers, English; H. A. Peebles, Ulrich, C. S. Longacre, J. W.
Spanish; B. B. Smith, Com- McCord, G. W. Wells, H. W. Mil-
merce; H. 0. AleClimber, His- ler, B. G. Wilkinson, R. M. Spen-
tory; J. E. Weaver, Normal Di- cer, W. H. Heckman.
rector, Education; Mrs. R. B.
Ray, Preceptress and Matron; Local Board: F. H. Robbins, R. G.
W. M. Heidenreich, Chemistry, Bowen, H. W. Miller, H. A. Mor-
Biology; C. W. Kime, Preceptor, rison,. C. S. Longacre, J. P.
Physics; W. C. Baldwin, Farm Neff, E. G. Salisbury.
Superintendent, Agriculture; - H.
R. Sather, Mathematics, Wood- Administration: H. A. Morrison,
work; Mrs. George Miller, Art; Pres.; B. G. Wilkinson, Dean of
Bertha Lofstad, Expression and Theology; Elsie Gibbs, Precep-
Public Speaking; Mertie A. tress; L. R. Marsh, Preceptor;
Wheeler, Registrar and Libra- R. G. Bowen, Treas.; Mary
rian; E. 0. Becker, Accountant. Montgomery, Matron.
Normal School Critic Teachers: Faculty: H. A. Morrison, Pres..;
J. E. Weaver, Normal Director; B. G. Wilkinson, Dean School of
Mrs. R. A. Bergin, Grades 7, 8; Theology, Professor of Biblical
Grace DeLand, Grades 5, 0; Mrs. Exegesis; E. G.. Salisbury, Profes-

tron; R. E. Brooks, Cashier; Jon- WATERLOO INDUSTRIAL

athan Buchanan, Preceptor; SCHOOL
Amelia Downer, Preceptress;
Edwedge Lawrencin, Primary Waterloo, Sierra Leone,
sor of Education; A. G. Taylor, West Africa
Professor Economics and Govern-
ment; J. N. Anderson, Profes- Established 1909
sor of Missions and Greek; L. C.
Damsgard, Professor of Mathe- Board: J. H. Hyde, L. F. Lang-
matics and Astronomy; A. W. _ford, G. King, J. A. During, H.
Werline, Professor of History; E. Lynch.
Jessie R. Evans, Professor of Faculty: L. F. Langford, G. King,
English; J. N. Kimble, Profes- E. Lynch.
sor of Chemistry and Biology; Girls' School Teachers:
M. E. Olsen, Professor of Com-
parative Literature; H. W. Mil-
ler, Professor of Hygiene and
Tropical Diseases; Virginia Hoel- WENCHOW INDUSTRIAL
zel, Professor of Modern Lan- SCHOOL
guages; May Stanley, Professor Organized 1920
'of Home Economics; Lela Leslie,
Registrar, Director of Depart- Postal Address: Wenchow, Che-
ment of Commerce; J. W. Grant, kiang, China.
Instructor in History and Eco-
nomics; E. E. Helligso, In- Principal and Business Manager:
structor in Physics and Mathe- B. F. Gregory.
matics; Elsie Gibbs, Preceptress, Board: The Executive Committee
Instructor in English; Elihu of the South Chekiang Mission.
Wood, Professor of Architecture
and Building Construction; L. R. Faculty: B. F. Gregory, Principal;
Marsh, Preceptor, Instructor in Asst. Principal, Chen Yu Sih;
Bible; Nellie P. Gage, Director Mrs. B. F. Gregory, Djeng Dji-
of Normal Department; J. W. can, Teachers, Wu G ing-f u,
Osborn, Director of Music, Voice, Djang Siang.
Piano; Vera E. Morrison, In-
structor in Mathematics; Emma
V. Mallatt, Librarian and In-
structor in English; L. R. Gage, WEST CARIBBEAN TRAINING
Instructor in Woodwork; Etta SCHOOL
M. Spicer, Instructor in Art;
H. B. Hannum, Instructor in Obispo, Canal Zone, Panama
Piano; Lucile Harper, Instruct-
or in Latin; Robert Edwards, Established 1921
Instructor in Violin; Lorena
Wilcox, Instructor in Elemen- Board of Trustees: W. R. Pohle,
Chairman; C. L. Stone, Sec.;
tary School; R. W. Bickett, In-
structor in Expression and Com- ' Fred Hutchinson, H. C. Kephart,
merce; Bryan Votaw, Instructor Linton Rashford, J. A. Reid.
in Commerce; Bessie Morgan, Faculty: C. L. Stone, Principal,
Instructor in Elementary School; History, Mathematics; P. W.
Mabel Porter, Instructor in Ele- Halladay, Bible, Mechanical De-
mentary School; W. L. Place, partment; Music and Com-
Instructor in Elementary School. mercial Departments, Ma-

Department; Lilly F. Webster, ton, Mathematics, Science; Anna

Sewing, Girls' Trades; Ellen G. Roedel, Preceptress, Domestic
Palmer, Cooking and Culinary Science; Frank Steunenberg,
Department; A. E. Bailey, Car- Voice, Woodwork; Mildred Wy-
pentry; 0. M. Bryan, Farm-Su- man, Piano; Carl Rottmiller,
perintendent; Rudolphus Rodri- Asst. Manager, Bookkeeping;
quez, Stenographer. Mrs. Beatrice Gyes, Cook, Ma-


SCHOOL Orlando, Fla.
Mandeville, Jamaica, British West Established 1918
Indies (Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Grades)
Established 1918 Board of Managers: J. L. Shuler,
F. R. Isaac, D. C. Ludington, F.
Board of Managers: C. E. Wood, H. Parrish, L. L. Andrews, M. D.
Chairman; W. H. Wineland, Sec.; Faculty: F. H. Parrish, Principal,
H. Fletcher, C. H. Keslake, W. Business Manager, Preceptor,
J. Hurdon, C. C. McCatty, D. E. Woodwork; Mrs. Mettie S. Len-
Walker, J. G. Pettey, H. M. ker, Matron, Bible, Arithmetic;
Johnston. Miss Ethel Griese, Preceptress,
English, Sewing; Mrs. 'F. H.
Faculty: W. H. Wineland, Princi- Parrish, History, Algebra; Latin,
pal, Business Manager; C. H. Grammar; Mrs. C. W. Lynn,
Keslake, Bible; L. S. Crawford, Bookkeeping, New Testament
Preceptor; H. M. Johnston, History, Eighth Grade subjects.
Mathematics; Essie Barber, Pre-
ceptress; Mrs. J. H. Parchment,
English; Mymis Randall, Asst. YAKIMA VALLEY ACADEMY
Matron; Rosamond Harrison,
Music; Mrs. W. H. Wineland, Granger, Wash.
Sewing; Eric Parchment, Farm Established .1920
Supt; Lowell Johnston, Board of Trustees: J. S. Rouse,
Bert Miller, Dr. Silas Yarnell,
J. A. Rippey, L. B. Losey, A. E.
WESTERN WASHINGTON Green, F. W. Devereaux, J. Riffel,
ACADEMY W. M. Clark, Manuel Matson,
Auburn, Wash. and Chairman of the County
Commissioners, Yakima County.
Established 1918
Faculty: L. B. Losey, Principal
Board of Managers: A. R. Ogden, and Business Manager, Agricul-
Pres.; H. H. Hamilton, Sec.; J. ture; Kenneth Aplington, Pre-
A. Holbrook, G. W. Pettit, F. M. ceptor, Spanish, Histqry; Mrs.
Oliver,.L. E. Tupper, G. A. Ny- Kenneth Aplington, Science,
strom, C. A. Burman, Dr. W. B. Bookkeeping; Evelyn Knoll, Pre-
Scott. ceptress, English; Harold Quade,
Faculty: H. H. Hamilton, Princi- Bible, History, Voice; Mrs. Har-
pal, Manager; C. A. Wyman, old Quade, Music; Sylvia Lewis,
Bible, Agriculture, Baking; Matron, History, Mathematics;
W. R. Beach, Preceptor, His- Mrs. L. B. Losey, Sewing, Libra-
tory, Spanish; Georgia Heaton, rian, Registrar; Mrs. Laving
English, hewing; Claude Thurs- Wagner, Grades 7 and 8.
Number of advanced and intermediate schools, 133.
(In alphabetical order)
HOUSE Stanborough Press, Ltd.
(Editorial Espanola) Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain England
Established 1915 Established 1889
Telegraphic Address: Tratados,
Barcelona. Cable Address: " Hygiene," Wat-
ford, Herts, England.
Local Publishing Board: L. J.
Stene, R. FitO, B. B. Aldrich. Board of Directors: J. E. Jayne,
Chairman; G. L. Gulbrandson,
Manager: R. Fit5. A. E. Bacon, A. S. Maxwell, F.
Periodicals: Sefiales de los Tiem- A. bpearing.
pos, and La Revista Adventista. Officers: Manager and Treas., G.
L. Gulbrandson; Sec., E. H.
Marsh; Supt., A. Warren.
BRAZIL PUBLISHING HOUSE Editors: Present Truth and Mis-
(Casa Publicadora Brazileira) sionary. Worker, A. S. Maxwell;
Good Health, Dr. W. A. Ruble.
Established 1905 Book Committee: J. E. Jayne, G.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: L. Gulbrandson, A. S. Maxwell,
"Atalaia," Estacao Sao Bernardo. J. Harker, S. Joyce, F. A. Spear-
Postal Address: srto Bernardo, S. ing, Dr. W. A. Ruble.
P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Board of Directors: N. P. Neilsen,
Schofield, August Pages, C. L. HOUSE
Bainer, J. W. Wilhelm, H. B. Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Westcott, R. Wilfart, F. C. Var- South America
ney, J. B. Johnson, H. B. Fisher, " Casa Editora Sud Americana "
E. V. Moore. Established 1897
Officers: Pres., N. P. Neilsen; Vice- Cable Address: " Casatora," Bue-
Pres., C. E. Schofield; Manager nos Aires.
and Sec., M. V. Tucker; Treas., Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C.
August Pages. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Department Managers: Book and South America.
Periodical, M. V. Tucker; Super-
intendent, H. B. Fisher. Board of Managers: W. H. Wil-
liams, E. W. Fiverest, P. R.
Book Committee: M. V. Tucker, Miramontes, J. W. Westphal,
J. B. Johnson, Henrique Zipp, R. T. Baer, E. H. Meyers, H. U.
N. P. Neilsen, F. W. Spies. Stevens, F. I. Mohr, W. E. Han-
Editors: 0 Atalaia, J. B. Johnson; cock, J. H. Roth, W. A. Berg-
Revista Mensal, J. B. Johnson; herm, Edgar Brooks, E. H. Wil-
Rundschau der Adventisten, J. cox.
B. Johnson. Officers: Pres., W. H. Williams;
Assistant Editors and Proofread- Manager and Treas., E. W. Ev-
ers: Luiz Waldvogel, Isolina erest; Supt. and Sec., P. R. Mir-
Wald.vogel. amontes.

Book Committee: J. W. Westphal,, CHRISTIAN RECORD PUB-

Chairman; E. W. Everest, Sec.; LISHING CO.
Edgar Brooks, M. I. Fayard, W. College View, Nebr.
E. Hancock, C. P. Crager, E. H.
Meyers. Established 1900
Editors: El Atalaya, Edgar Board- of Managers: S. E. Wight,
Brooks; Associate Editor, M. I. C. T. Burroughs, R. T. Emery,
Fayard; La Revista Adventista, Roger Altman, D. D. Rees.
D. R. Buckner; El Monitor de la Officers: Pres., S. E. Wight; See.,
Juventud, D. R. Buckner. Roger _Altman; Treas., R. T.
Lima Branch
Casilla 5003, Lima, Peru Periodical: The Christian Record,
Manager: F. I. Mohr. a monthly magazine for the
blind, published in Revised
Braille and New York Point
types; Editor and Manager,
The Christian Record also has a
Established 1924 free circulating library depart-
ul Zar Krum g, Sofia, Bulgaria ment, containing denominational
Director: 0. Staubert. books and pamphlets for free
circulation among the blind.
These are sent to the reader and
returned to the office without
Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario
Organized 1895; incorporated 1920
Berrien Springs, Mich.
Territory: The Eastern and West- Established 1901
ern Canadian Union Conferences.
Board of Directors: C. F. Mc- Board of Managers: Lake Union
Vagh, H. H. Bans, F. W. Stray, Conference Committee.
S. A. Ruskjer, C. G. Maracle, Officers: Manager, Frederick
C. L. Paddock, D. J. C. Barrett, Griggs; Sec., Fred Green; Supt.,
L. N. Holm. J. B. Krauss.
Officers: C. F. McVagh, Pres.; H. Editors: Lake Union Herald, Mrs.
H. Rans, Vice-Pres. and Man- L. K. Curtis; The Student Move-
ager. ment, Fred Fuller.
Department Manager: Book and
Periodical Dept., H. H. Hans.
Editors: Canadian Watchman Mag:- CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PUBLISH-
azine, C. F. McVagh; Le Messa- ING HOUSE
ger Franco-American; L. F. Pas- Office Address: Brtinn - Kralovo
sebois; Les Signes des Temps. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslo-
Winnipeg Branch vakia.
Officers: Pres., R. Riihling; Man-
303 Nokomis Bldg., Winnipeg, ager, F. A. Ludwig.
Committee: R. Riihling, F. A. Lud-
Manager: C. L. Paddock. wig, J. Popelka.

Editor: Hlasatel Pravdy and Straz Holland Branch

Zionska, F. Fiala. Books in Bo- Internationaal -Advent Zendings-
hemian, German, Polish, Slo- genootschap, van Weede van
vakian, Hungarian, Russian, and Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague,
Ruthenian. Holland.
Manager: H. Schell.
FINLAND PUBLISHING Local Committee: H. Schell, J.
HOUSE Wintzen, P. Rozendal.
Editors: Teekenen des Tijds, J.
Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Wintzen; De Werker, J. Wint-
Established 1897 Swiss Branch
Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija. Internationale Traktatgesellschaft,
Birmannsgasse 31, Basle, Swit-
Publishing Board: A. Rintala, zerland.
0. HOglund, Y. Miettinen. Manager: P. 'John.
Editors: Aikain Vartija, E. Ham- Local Committee: P. John, A.
ara; Siionin Ystava, A. Rintala; Motzer, N. Stuber.
orsamlings Budbararen, A. Rin- Austrian Branch
tala. Advent-Verlag (E. V.), VII, Wim-
bergergasse 46, Vienna, Austria.
Manager: H. Gotting.
HAMBURG PUBLISHING Local Conimittee: H. Gotting, F. A. -
HOUSE Prieser, R. Grabner.
Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindel- Hungarian Branch
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany Vallasos Iratok Nemzetkozi Ki-
Established 1895 adohivatala, I, Nemetv61gyi-ilt
12, Budapest, Hungary.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Manager: H. Stein.
" Advent," Hamburg. Local Committee: H. Stein, A.
Publishing Board: L. R. Conradi, Minck, A. Wicklein.
H. Hartkop, A. Vollmer, P. Drin-
haus, H. Box, G. W. Schu-
bert, 0. Schildhauer, W. Krumm, ITALIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE
W. (Casa Editrice "L'Araldo della
Officers: President, L. R. Conradi; Verita ")
Managers, A. Vollmer, H. Hart- Casella Postale 408, Florence, Italy
kop. Established 1923
Local Committee: L. R. Conradi, Manager: F. Mair.
H. Hartkop, A. Vollmer, K. Periodical: L'Araldo della Verita.
Banas, 0. Bilcklers, H. Hoth.
Department Managers: Circulation
Department, K. Banas; Manu- JAPAN SEVENTH-DAY AD-.
facturing Department, 0. Buck- VENTIST PUBLISHING
lers. HOUSE
Editorts: Herold der Wahrheit, L. (Owari no Fukuinsha)
R. Conradi, W. Becker; Der Ad- Established 1908
ventbote, B. Rocholl; Kirche and
Staat, G. W. Schubert; Unser Address: 169-171 Amanuma, Sugi-
kleiner Freund, C. Sinz; Gute' nami machi, Toyotama gun, To-
Gesundheit, M. A. Creeper. kyo Fu, Japan.

Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi House Committee: L. E. Borle, H.

Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. L. Henriksen, J. Vuilleumier, E
Meyer, IT! Archer.
Manager: A. B. Cole.
Officers: L. E. Borle, Manager and
Field Miss. Sec.: E. J. Kraft. Supt.; H. L. Henriksen, Sec. and
Publishing Committee: Executive
Committee of the Union Mission. Book Committee: L. E.- Borle,
Chairman J. Vuilleumier, L. L.
Editors: Jicho Zashi, A. N. Ander- Caviness,'A. Vaucher, A. V. 01-
son, associate, S. Miyake; Shi- son, J. A. P. Green, J. Rey, S.
mei No Otodzure, A. N. Ander- Badaut, Dr. J. Nussbaum.
son, Associate, S. Miyake.
Editors: Editor, J. Vuilleumier;
La Revue Adventiste and Les
JUGOSLAVIA PUBLISHING Signes des Temps, J. Vuilleu-
HOUSE mier; Vie et Sante, Dr. P. A. De
Established 1919
Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Postal Address: Petra Zrinskog, 3g9 Upper Serangoon Road, Singa-
Street 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. pore, Straits Settlements
Publishing Board: R. Schillinger, Established 1917
A. Moenik; Manager and Treas-
urer, 0. Susie. Cable Address: " Adventist," Sing-
Periodicals published in Servian,
Croatian, and Slovenian, their Board: Malaysian Union Com-
title being Voice of the Times. mittee.
Editors, R. Schillinger, A. Moc- Manager and Supt.: H. I. Smith.
Editor: Pertandaan Zaman, Mel-
vin Munson.
HOUSE Languages in which publications
Librairie " Les Signes des Temps," are issued: Malay (Dutch Rom-
Dammarie les Lys, (Seine-et- anized), Batak, Nias, Siamese,
Marne) France., (Formerly Soc- and Javanese (Romanized).
iete International de Traitds,
Gland, Switzerland.)
Established 1896
Telegraphic Address: " Signes," Post Box 35, Salisbury Park,
Dammarie les Lys, (S. et M..) Poona, India
Established 1898
Managing Board: A. V. Olson,
Chairman; H. L. Henriksen, Sec.; Telegraphic Address: " Watch-
L. E. Bork, U. Augsbourger, J. man," Poona.
Vuilleumier, S. Badaut, J. A. P. `Board of Directors: A. W. Cor-
Green. mack, A. H. Williams, G. P.

Enoch, S. A. Wellman, L. C. Officers: Pres., C. H. Jones; Vice-

Shepard, C. L. Torrey, W. A. Presidents, J. H. Cochran, H. H.
Scott. Hall; Sec. and Treas., H. G.
Childs; Auditor, General Con-
Officers: Chairman, A. W. Cor- ference Auditor.
mack; Vice-Chairman, S. A.
Wellman; Manager and Sec., W. Advisory Committee: H. W. Cot-
A. Scott; Treas., C. L. Torrey. trell, Chas. Thompson, Morris
Lukens, S. E. Wight; 0. 0. Bern-
Literature Committee: Chairman, stein, W. M. Adams, J. J. Neth-
A. W. Cormack; Sec., G. F.
Enoch, S. A. Wellman, L. G. ery, E. L. Neff.
Mookerjee, L. C. Shepard, A. H. Managers and Department Heads:
Williams. General Manager, C. H. Jones;
Editors: The Oriental Watchman Assts., J. H. Cochran, H. G.
. and. Herald of Health, G. F. Childs; Book Department, J. H.
Enoch; Eastern Tidings, S. A. Cochran; Asst., C. F. Jones;
Wellman. Periodical Department, J. R.
Ferren; Asst.; G. A. Perrine;
Languages in which publications Asst. Treasurer and Cashier,
are issued: English, Urdu, Hindi, R. Hook, Jr.; Asst. Cashier, R. P.
Gurmukni, Marathi, ujerati, Rowe; Superintendent, S. N.
Santali, Bengali, Oriya, Malaya- Curtiss; Traffic Manager, C. F.
lam, Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Jones; Art Director, M. B.
Singhalese, Burmese, Sgau Ka- Drake.
Publishing Committee: C. H. Jones,
Book- Depots: 17 Abbott Road, H. H. Hall, W. T. Knox, J. H.
Lucknow; 36 Park St., Calcutta; Cochran, B. M. Shull, J. R. Fer-
1 Franklin Road, Ahlone, Ran- ren, A. O. Tait, H. G. Childs,
goon, Burma; 7 Cunningham C. N. Lake, R. Hook, Jr., M. C.
Road, Bangalore. Wilcox, F. H. Gage, A. L. Baker,
J. M. Rowse, C. F. Jones, M. B.
Drake, Ada M. Leavett, Ernest
Lloyd, S. N. Curtiss, F. D.
Editors: Signs of the Times, A. 0.
ASSOCIATION Tait; Associate Editor, A. L.
Mountain View, Cal. Baker; Asst. Editor, F. D.
Nichol; Our Little Friend, Er-
Established 1875 nest Lloyd, Sabbath School
Lesson Quarterly, Mrs. L. Flora
Cable Address: " Uprising," Moun- Plummer.
tain View, Cal.
Central Branch
Territory: The Pacific, North Pa- 2215 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr.
cific, Central, Northern, and the
Inter-American Conferences. Manager: R. E. Bowles.
Board of Directors: C. H. Jones, Northwest Branch
J. H. Cochran, H. G. Childs, J. R. 719 East Flanders St., Portland,
Ferrell., W. T. Knox H. H. Hall, Oreg.
J. L. McElhany, S. N. Curtiss,
G. A. Roberts. Manager: S. J. Abegg.

Pacific Branch manian, Russian, Ruthenian,

Serbian, and Slovakian.
Box Q, Mountain View, Cal. Books, Pamphlets,. and Tracts in
Manager: J. M. Rowse. English, Arabic, Armenian, Bo-
Central American Factory ,Branch hemian, Bulgarian, Croatian,
Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Danish-Norwegian, Dutch, Es-
Panama. thonian, Finnish, French, Ger-
man, Greek, Hungarian, Ice-
Manager: H. C. Kephart. landic, Italian, Lettonian, Pol-
Editor: El Centinela Magazine, ish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Rus-
E. R. Johnson. sian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slo-
vakian, Spanish, Swedish, Syr-
International Branch iac, and Yiddish, and stocks the
Office: Brookfield, Ill. Oriental languages.
General Manager: G. C. Hoskin. Special attention is also given to
Superintendent: G. C. Hoskin. the publication of standard
school textbooks and juvenile
Manager Book Department: G. C. literature. Complete catalog
Hoskin. sent free on application.
Manager Periodical Department,
H. W. Sherrig.
Advisory Committee: G. C. Hos- HOUSE
kin, H. W. Sherrig, M. N. Camp-
bell, C. A. Thorp, B. L. Grund- Established 1914
set, Wm. Guthrie, J. W. Chris- Factory located at 239-251 Luna
tian, K. A. Offerman, Olaf Gran- St., Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Is-
lund. lands.
Editors: Christlicher Hausfreund, Cable Address: " Adventist," Man-
K. A. Offerman; Deutscher Arbe- ila, Philippine Islands.
iter, K. A. Offerman; Evange-
liets Sendebud, C. A. Thorp; Postal Address: Box 813, Manila,
Missionaren, C. A. Thorp, Sions Philippine Islands.
Vaktare, Olaf Granhind; Rus- Board: The Executive Committee
sian Signs, A. G. Yakovenko; of the Philippine Union Mission.
Italian Signs, Alex Long; Bohe- Manager: E. A. Moon (on fur-
mian Signs, L. F. Kucera; Yid- lough); Acting Manager, Eugene
dish Magazine, F. C. Gilbert; Woesner; Treas., Eugene Woes-
Hungarian Signs, J. F. Huener- ner; Supt., Harley Anderson.
gardt. Editors: Ang Tanglaw (Tagalog),
The Pacific Press Publishing Assn., S. E. Jackson; assistants, F.
at its main office and two fac Dalisay, L. A. Gorda; Ang Ta-
tory branches, issues: landaan Sang Panag-on (Pana-
Periodicals and Magazines in Eng- yan), S. E. Jackson; Ti Damag
lish, Bohemian, Danish-Norwe- ti Pagarian (Ilocano), S. E.
gian, Finnish, German, Hunga- Jackson; assistants, L. Z. Roda,
rian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Regino Villaneuva.
Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, Languages in which publications
Spanish, Swedish, and Yiddish. are issued: Tagalog, Panayan-
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies Visayan, Cebuan-Visayan, Ilo-
In English, Bohemian, German, cano, Pampangan, Bicol, Ibanag,
Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Ru- and Pangasinan.

POLISH PUBLISHING HOUSE Constituency: The trustees of the

(" Polyglot" Limited) corporation; members of the ex-
ecutive committee of the Gen-
Established 1921 eral Conference; members of
Address: 64 Nakielska, Bydgoszcz, the executive committees of
Poland, Europe. the Atlantic, Columbia, and
Manager: F. Brennwald. Lake" Union Conferences, and
of each local conference
Publishing Board: John Isaac, R. therein, as well as the Un-
J. Cunitz, H. Bigalke, Fr. Brenn- ion Field Missionary and Union
wald, Th. Will. . Home Missionary secretaries, the
Power of Attorney: F. Brennwald. local conference Field Missionary,
Literature: Published in Polish Home Missionary, and Tract So-
(Latin characters only), Ger- ciety, secretaries therein; the ed-
man, Russian, Ukrainian. itors of the periodicals published
by the Review and Herald Pub-
lishing Association, the mana-
gers of the publishing house de-
PORTUGUESE PUBLISHING partments and its branch offices,
HOUSE " and such stockholders of the
Established 1924 Seventh-day Adventist Publish-
ing Association of Battle Creek,
Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A., Mich., as shall donate their stock
Lisbon, Portugal in said association to the Gen-
eral Conference of Seventh-day
Manager: A. F. Raposo. Adventists, and shall make writ-
ten application to the Secretary
of said Conference for such mem-
bership, previously to Jan. 1,
Address: Merepuiestee 14-a. Tal- Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox,
linn, Esthonia. E. R. Palmer, E. L. Richmond,
Established 1922 J. L. Shaw, G. B. Thompson, M.
Corporate Name: Rahwuswaheline E. Kern, E. K. Slade, F. H. Rob-
Traktaati Selts Osakond. bins, Wm. Guthrie, J. W. Mace,
L. W. Graham, R. T. Dowsett,
Directors:) Esthonian Conference C. P. Bollman, H. H. Cobban,
Committee. R. W. Conard.
Editor: M. Bilrengrub.
Officers: Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Vice-
Presidents, J. L. Shaw, E. R.
Palmer; General Manager, E. R.
REVIEW AND HERALD PUB- Palmer; Manager, E. L. Rich-
LISHING ASSOCIATION mond; Treas., R. T. Dowsett;
Sec., L. W. Graham.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Department Managers: Supt., 11.
Establi3hed 1849; incorporated W. Conard; Book Dept., J. W.
1861; reincorporated 1903 Mace; Periodical Dept., L. W.
Graham; Present Truth Dept..
Cable Address: "Review," Wash- D. W. Reavis.
ington. Editors: Review and Herald, F. M.
Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia, Wilcox; associates, W. A. Spicer,
and Lake Union Conferences. G. B. Thompson, C. A. Holt,

C. P. Bollman; special contribu- RIGA PUBLISHING HOUSE

tors, A. G. Daniells, J. L. Shaw,
Brivibas eela. ir. Riga, Latvia
C. H. Watson, I. H. Evans, L.
H. Christian, E. E. Andross, J. Established 1922
E. Fulton, 0. Montgomery, W.
Corporate Name: Latvijas Rakstu
H. Branson, P. E. Brodersen, A.
Cormack. Youth's Instruct-
or, Miss Lora Clement; Editorial Local Committee: J. Schneider, K.
Council, C. W. Irwin, H. T. El- Sutta, A. Vogel, A. Sproge, J.
liott, C. A. Holt. Life and Buile.
Health, L. A. Hansen, Dr. G. Treasurer: J. Buile.
H. Heald. Liberty, C. S. Long- Editor: J. Schneider.
acre; associate, W. F. Martin;
Managing Editor, C. P. Boll-
man. Sabbath School Worker, RUMANIAN PUBLISHING
Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associ- HOUSE
ate, Rosamond D. Ginther Home Established 1920
and School, W. E. Howell; asso-
Office Address: Strada Labirint
ciates, A. W. Spalding, Flora H.
110, Buklrarest, Rumania.
Williams. Present Truth, F. A.
Coffin; associate, C. P. Bollman. Officers: Manager, Treas., 11.
Church Officers' Gazette, T. E. Plesea.
Bowen; associates,. M. E. Kern, Managing Board: Union Commit-
J. A. Stevens. tee.
Book Committee: E. R. Palmer, House Committee: P. P. Paulini,
Chairman; F. M. Wilcox, W. W. 0. Fasnacht, R. Plesea.
Eastman, G. H. Heald, D. W. Book Committee: P. P. Paulini, St.
Reavis, E. L. Richmond, C. P. Dernetresett, Dr. E. Easel'.
Bollman, G. B. Thompson, J. W. Editor: Durnitru Flores,.
Mace, L. W. Graham, R. T. Dow-
sett, L. A. Hansen, M. E. Kern, Publishing Branch
C. A. Holt, F. A. Coffin, C. K. Office Address: Schlangengasse No.
Meyers, N. Z. Town, U. V. Wil- 27, Hermannstadt, Transylvania,
cox, W. B. Walters, R. W. Con- Rumania.
ard, C. W. Irwin, Miss L. E. Manager: H. Gitschner.
Clement, Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
mer, H. T. Elliott, H. H. Cobban.
South Bend Branch HOUSE
432 South Fellows St., South Bend,
A'kersgaten 74, Oslo (Chris-
tiania), Norway
Manager: J. D. Snider.
Established 1879
New York Branch Corporate Name: Skandinavisk
168 North Division St., Peekskill, Bokforlag.
N. Y.
Cable Address: Sundhed sblad et,
Manager: D. A. Bailey. Christiania, Norway.
Washington Branch Publishing Board: G. E. Nord, T.
Tobiassen, Chr. Resen, A. C.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Christensen, Elias Bjaanfis, S. H.
Manager: W. B. Walters. Myklebust.

Manager and Treasurer: A. C. SIGNS OF THE TIMES PRESS

Christensen; Circulating Man- Seoul, Chosen (Korea)
ager, Elias Bjaands. Established 1909
Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C. Ot- Publishing Board: H. A. Oberg, L.
tosen, M. D.; Evangeliets Sende- I. Bowers, E. J. Urquhart, J. C.
bud and Missionsefterretninger, Klose, C. W. Lee, Chyong Mun
to be supplied. Cook, E. L. 'Woods, W. R. Smith,
Copenhagen Branch S. C. Kim.
Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., Manager and Superintendent: E.
Denmark. L. 'Woods.
Editors: Signs of the Times, E. J.
Corporate I(ame: Dansk Bogfor- Urquhart; Church Compass, E.
lag. J. Urquhart.
Cable Address: " Expedit," Copen-
Treasurer: Chr. Hedebilk. SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUB-
Shanghai, China
COMPANY Postal Address: 25 Ningkuo Road,
Shanghai, China.
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, Advisory Board: I. H. Evans,
South Africa
Chairman; F. H. DeVinney, Fred
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Lee, H. 0. Swartout, W. P. Hen-
" Sentinel," Kenilworth, Cape. derson, 0. A. Hall, M. C. War-
ren, B. Petersen, H. W. Barrows,
Publishing Board, W. H. Branson, C. C. Crisler, C. E. Weaks, J. G.
J. W. MacNeil, W. E. Straw, J. Gjording, G. S. Luther, Sec.
G. Slate, W. B. Commin, G. S.
Joseph, T. M. French, J. N. de- Board of Management: I. H. Evans,
Beer, D. E. Robinson, E. M. Rob- Chairman; W. P. Henderson,
Vice-Chairman; H. W. Barrows,
inson. C. E. Weaks, H. 0. Swartout,
Officers: W. H. Branson, Chair- C. C. Crisler, J. G. Gjording, G.
man; J. G. Slate, Manager and S. Luther, Sec., J. J. Strahle,
Treas. H. C. White.
Editors: The Signs of the Times,
Officers: Manager, W. P. Hender-
son; Supt., H. C. White; Treas.,
D. E. Robinson; De Afrikaanse
Wachter, D. E. Robinson; asso-
G. S. Luther; Stenographer, Miss
E. Roberts (on furlough).
ciate, H. Elffers; The African
Division Outlook, W. B. Com- Reading Committees: For the Man-
min; associate, Miss P. E. Will- darin, H. 0. Swartout, Chair--
mom. man; 0. A. Hall, E. R. Thiele.
For the Wenli, H. 0. Swartout,
Languages in which publications Chairman; B. N. Liu, T. M. Dzo,
are issued: English, Dutch, Zulu, W. A: Scharffenberg.
Sechuana, Sesuto, Xosa, Chi-
tonga, Lamba. Editors: Shi Djao Yueh Bao (The
Signs of the Times), H. 0. Swar-
Native Translators: M. D. Kalaka, tout; associates, E. R. Thiele
E. ka J. Kuboni. and Dzo Tien MM. Far Eastern

Division Outlook, C. C. Crisler; ciety secretaries, the field mis-

Dluh Shih, Muh Seng, E. R. sionary secretaries, and the home
Thiele; associates, H. 0. Swart- missionary secretaries, both un-
out, Dzo Tien Ming. Sabbath- ion and local, within the above
School Helper (Wenli), Mrs. A. named union conferences; to-
B. Evans; associates, H. 0. gether with the Board of Direc-
Swartout, E. R. Thiele. China tors, managers of branch houses,
Christian Educator, S. L. Frost; and heads of Departments of
associates, W. A. Scharffenberg, said Southern Publishing Asso-
D. E. Rebok. ciation.
Board of Managers: G. W. Wells,
, W. H. Heckman,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia Randall, M. F. Knox, M. B. Van
Kirk, H. R. Gay, W. A. Harvey.
Established 1905
Cable Address: " Signs," Warbur- Officers: Pres., G. W. Wells; Vice-
ton. Pres. and (Jen. Manager,
Sec. and Treas., M. 1?.
Manager: J. M. Johanson. Knox; Supt., W. A. Harvey;
Board: J. M. Johanson (Chair- Manager Book Dept., , asso-
man), J. E. Fulton, A. G. Miller, ciate Manager Book Dept., W.
E. Watson, H. Stacey, E. Par- R. White.
kinson, C. Iu. ono w, F. A. Allum, The Watchman Magazine: Editor,
H. C. White. L. E. Froom; associate editor,
Editors: Signs of the Times and R. B. Thurber; Circulation Man-
The World Outlook, C. M. Snow; ager, R. F. Woods. -
associate editor Signs of the Publishing Committee:
Times, A. L. King; editorial con- , Chairman; R. B. Thur-
tributor, A. W. Anderson. ber, See.; G. W. Wells, M. F.
Knox, W. A. Harvey, L. E.
Froom, Mary H. Moore, R. F.
SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSO- Woods, F. E. Robert, V. 0. Cole,
CIATION OF SEVENTH- W. R. White, Stewart Kime, L.
F. Durscher.
Fort Worth Branch
2119-2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., 112-14 St. Louis Ave., P. 0. Box
North, Nashville, Tenn. 802, Fort Worth, Tex.
Established 1901 Manager: H. R. Gay.
Cable Address: " Watchman," Atlanta Branch
Nashville. 507 East Fair St., Atlanta, Ga.
Manager: L. D. Randall.
Territory: T h e Southeastern,
Southern, a n d Southwestern
Constituency: Members of the Gen- Address: Gendia, via Kisumu, Ken-
eral Conference Executive Com- ya, East Africa.
mittee; members of the execu-
tive committees of the Southeast- Superintendent: J. H. Thomas.
ern, Southern, and Southwestern Board: East African Union Mis-
Union Conferences; the tract so- sion Committee.

STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING (This institution is operated as

HOUSE a department of the Washington
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Missionary College, a large part of
Sweden the work being done by students.)
Established 1895
Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm. EGYPTIAN DEPOSITORY
Corporate Name: Skandinaviska Address: 2 Sharia Ayad Bey, Shu-
Forlagsexpeditionen. bra, Cairo, Egypt.
Directors: A. J. Settergren, Emil Director: Geo. Keough.
Ahre'n, G. B. Nord, Clarence An-
derson, 0. Olson. ICELAND DEPOSITORY
Treasurer: A. J. Sett,ergren
Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Ice-
Editor: Tidens Tecken and Mis- land.
sionaren, Emil Ahran.
Director: 0. J. Olsen.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Address: Box 109, Galata, Con-
Board of Managers: College Board. stantinople, Turkey.
Superintendent: C. H. Taylor: Director: A. E. Ashod.

Number of Publishing Houses and branches, 52.

Advent Review and Sabbath Her- 20 cents; yearly subscription, 35
ald: Denominational church pa- cents. Published by the Review
per, established 1849; published and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
weekly; annual subscription, Park Station, Washington, D.
2.75; six months, $1.50; two C.; editor, C. S. Longacre; as-
years, $5.25; three years, 7.75; sociate, W. F. Martin; manag-
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., ing editor, C. P. BoIlman.
Takoma Park Station, Washing-
ton, D. C., editor, F. M. Wilcox; The Present Truth: a one-topic 4-
associate editors, W. A. Spicer, page semimonthly for general
G. B. Thompson, C. P. Bollman, missionary purposes; illustrated.
C. A. Holt. Single subscription, 25 cents.
Postage extra to foreign coun-
The Signs of the Times (leading tries. Published by the Review
missionary paper and prophetic and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
expositor); illustrated 16-page Park Station, Washington, D.
weekly; annual subscription, C.; editor, F. A. Coffin, associate
$2.00; published by the Pacific editor, C. P. Bollman.
Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View,
Cal.; editors, A. 0. Tait, A. L. The Present Truth (English) : De-
Baker, F. D. Nichol. voted to a presentation of the
second coming of Christ, and
The Watchman Magazine: General general Bible truth; 16-page
missionary journal and Bible ex- semimonthly, annual subscrip-
,positor; an illustrated monthly tion, 5/6 ($1.30); Stanborough
magazine; annual subscription Park, Watford, Herts, England;
$1.75; editor, L. E Froom; asso- editor, A. S. Maxwell.
ciate editor, R. B. Thurber; cir-
culation manager; R. F. Woods. The Signs of the Times (devoted
Published by the Southern Pub. to an exposition of Bible truth
Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., and signs of the times) ; 16-page
North, Nashville, Tenn. weekly; annual subscription 5s;
to countries outside of Australia,
The Youth's Instructor: organ of and in the Postal Union, 8s 6d
Young People's Missionary Vol- ($2)_; Warburton, Victoria, Aus-
unteer Department of the Gen- tralia; editor, C. M. Snow.
eral Conference, also the Sab-
bath School lessons for the Canadian Watchman Magazine:
youth; published weekly; an- 32-page monthly (except during
nual subscription $1.75; six October, when semimonthly);
months, $1.00. Published by the annual subscription, $2.00 a
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., year; published by the Cana-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- dian Watchman Press, Box 398,
ton, D. C.; editor, Miss Lora E. Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
The Signs of the Times: Devoted
Liberty: a magazine of religious to an explanation of the signs
freedom; an illustrated quar- of the times and Sabbath truth;
terly; organ of the Religious 8-page monthly; annual sub-
Liberty Association; single copy, scription 2/6; editor, D. E. Rob-

inson; published by the Sentinel published by General Conference

Publishing Company, Rosmead of Seventh-day Adventists, 'Pa-
Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South korna, Park Station, Washington,
Africa. D. C.; editor, W. E. Howell; as-
sociate editors, A. W. Spalding,
Life and Health: 'National health Mrs. Flora H. Williams.
magazine; an illustrated month-
ly; a practical journal for the Sabbath School Quarterly: forty-
common people; yearly subscrip- eight pages; containing the Gen-
tion, 75 cents; no extra charge on eral Conference Sabbath School
foreign subscriptions; published Department lessons; annual sub-
by the Review and Herald Pub. scription, 20 cents; Pacific Press
Assn:, Takoma Park Station, Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
Washington, D. C. Editors, L.
A. Hansen, G. H. Heald, M. D. Our Little Friend (a child's pa-
per); illustrated weekly; an-
The World Outlook: A 48-page il- nual subscription, $1.00; Pa-
lustrated magazine, published cific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
bimonthly, containing articles View, Cal.; editor, Ernest Lloyd.
on the prophecies, health, and
dietetics and on general topics Church Officers' Gazette: 'sixteen-
of interest to the public. An- page monthly, containing instruc-
nual subscription 6/6, postpaid. tions to church officers, and pro-
Signs Publishing Company, War- grams for the Home Missionary,
burton, Victoria, Australia. and Senior and Junior" Mission-
ary Volunteer societies of the
Good Health: devoted to hygiene churches; annual subscription,
and principles of healthful liv- 90 cents; published by the Re-
ing; 16-page monthly; annual view and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta-
subscription, 4/0, ($1.00)1 Stan- koma Park Station, Washington,
borough Park, Watford, Herts, D. C.; editor, T. E. Bowen; as-
England; editor, Dr. W. A. sociates, M. E. Kern, J. A. Stev-
Ruble. ens.
Sabbath School Worker (organ of Missionary Leader: Eight-page
the Sabbath School Department monthly, devoted to church Mis-
of the General Conference) ; 32- sionary and Missionary Volun-
page monthly; annual subscrip- teer programs, Second Sabbath
tion, 90 cents; in clubs of two Readings, as well as occasional
or more, 75 cents; published by instruction to our church officers
the Review and Herald Pub. as to their duties; published by
Assn., Takoma Park Station, the Australasian Union Confer-
Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. ence,"Mizpah," Wahroonga; N.
L. Flora Plummer; associate, S. ., Australia. Editorial Com-
Rosamond D. Ginther. mittee: J. E. Fulton, F. A. Al-
lum, W. G. Turner; Office Ed-
Home and School (Organ of the itor: Mrs. A. L. Hindson.
Educational Department of the
General Conference and the The Christian Record (a paper
Home Commission) ; published printed for the blind in Revised
monthly; devoted to the inter- Braille and in -New York Point) ;
ests of the home, and to a broad, monthly; thirty-six pages; sent
thorough, and rational educa- free to blind persons; -pub-
tion, based upon true Christian lished at College View, Nebr.;
principles; thirty-two pages; an- editor and manager, Roger Alt-
nual subscription price, $1.50; man.

The Christian Record Pub. Co. year; G. F. Enoch, editor; Post

also has a Free Circulating Li- Box 35, Poona, India.
brary Department containing de- The Medical Evangelist: Devoted
nominational books and pam- to medical missionary and health
phlets for free circulation among reform principles; published
the blind. These are sent to the weekly by the College of Med-
reader and returned to the ical Evangelists, at. Loma Linda,
office without postage. Cal., with no subscription price;
The Oriental Watchman and Her- 0. R. Staines, editor; Newton
ald of Health: 16 pages and Evans, M. D., Chairman Publi-
cover; issued monthly; $1.12 a cation Committtee.


Atlantic Union Gleaner (official or- Northern Union Reaper (official or-
gan of the Atlantic Union Con- gan of the Northern Union Con-
ference) ; eight-page weekly; 50 ference, 2718 Third Ave., South,
cents a year; editor, Gladys Minneapolis, Minn.); eight-page
Bowen; published at South Lan- weekly; 50 cents a year in the
caster, Mass. United States, 75 cents in Canada
and foreign countries; published
Central Union Outlook (organ of by the Northern Union Confer-
Central Union Conference); 8- ence at the Hutchinson Theo-
page weekly; annual subscrip- logical Seminary, Hutchinson,
tion, 50 cents; editor, R. T. Em- Minn.; editor, S. Ledington.
ery; published at College View,
Nebr. North Pacific Union Gleaner (offi-
Columbia Union Visitor (official or- cial organ of the North Pacific
gan of the Columbia Union Con- Union Conference); eight-page
ference); eight-page weekly; 50 weekly; 50 cents a year; pub-
cents; published at Mt. Vernon, lished by the North Pacific Un-
Ohio; editor, Miss Genevieve ion Conference, College Place,
Melendy. Wash.; editor, S. J. Lashier.
Eastern Canadian Messenger (offi-
cial organ of the Eastern Cana- Pacific Union Recorder: " (official
dian Union Conference); 8-page organ of the Pacific Union Con-
weekly; $1.00; Box 337, Oshawa, ference); 8-page weekly; 50
Ontario; editor, Miss Amy cents; editor, B. M. Emerson;
Frank. published at Glendale, Cal.
Lake Union Herald (official organ
of the Lake Union Conference) ; Field Tidings (organ of the South-
16-page weekly; $1.50 a year; eastern Union Conference); 8-
editor, Mrs. L. K. Curtis; pub- page weekly; 50 cents yearly;
lished at Berrien Springs, Mich., editor, Leo Thiel; published by
and printed by the College Press. the Southern Junior College at
Ooltewah, Tenn.
The Missionary Worker: (official
organ of the British Union Con- Southern Union Worker (organ of
ference); 8-page semimonthly the Southern Union Conference);
annual subscription, 4/0 ($1.00); 8-page weekly; 50 cents yearly;
Stanborough Park, Watford, Leo Thiel, editor; published by
lierts, England; editor, A. 6. the Southern Junior College,
Maxwell. Ooltewah, Tenn.

Southwestern Union Record (offi- cial organ of the Southern Asia

cial organ of the Southwestern Division. Editor, S. A. Well-
Union Conference); eight-page man, Post Box 35, Poona, India:
weekly; 50 cents; published at
Keene, Texas; Editor, C. N. The African Division Outlook: Bi-
Woodward. monthly; English, annual . sub-
scription, 5/-; editor, W. B.
Western Canadian Tidings (official Cornmin; associate, Miss P. E.
organ of the Western Canadian Willmore; punished by the Sen-
Union Conference); 4 - page tinel Publishing Company, Ken-
weekly; 50 cents a year; pub- ilworth, Cape, South Africa.
lished by the Western Canadian
Union Conference. at Lacombe, Australasian Record (official organ
Alberta; editor, T. R. Lukens; of the Australasian Union Con-
asociate editors, Myrtle Fitchett ference); 8-page weekly; annual
and F. G. Jerome; Lacombe, Al- subscription 5s; foreign coun-
berta, Carmda. tries 5s; published by the 'Aus-
The Far Eastern Division Outlook: tralasian Union Conference,
Organ of the Far-Eastern Divi- " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W.,
sion of the General Conference; Australia; Editorial Committee:
subscription price, 75 cents gold J. E. Fulton, F. A. Allum, W. G.
a year; monthly; twelve pages; Turner; Office Editor: Mrs. A.
editor, C. C. Crisler; issued at L. Hindson.
25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
China. Quarterly Review: Organ of the
European Division of the Gen-
Eastern . Tidings: 8 page semi- eral Conference; editor, W. K.
monthly; 65 cents a year; offi- Ising.

The Messenger: 16-page monthly; Committee; published at Berrien
35 cents a year; 112 Tower .St., Springs, Mich.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West The Student Movement: monthly;
Indies; C. H. Keslake, editor: 32 pages; $1 a year; ten issues;
SCHOOL JOURNALS editor, E.. R. Maas; manager,
Academy Forum: 50 cents; pub- Morton Green; published at Ber-
lished by the Union Springs rien Springs, Mich.
Academy, Union Springs, New Oakwood Bulletin: Semimonthly;
York; editor, Leland Kite. published at Oakwood Junior
The Educational Messenger: 32- College, Huntsville, Ala., in the
page monthly; $1.00; edited by interest of Christian education
the students of Union College, for the Negro.
College View, Nebr.; published Southern Junior College Calendar:
by the Central Union Confer- one number a year, (usually
ence, College View, Nebr.; edi- about 78 pages); distributed
tor, E. L. Pingeno. free; published in the interests
Emmanuel Missionary College Bul- of the school; edited by a com-
letin: quarterly; free; editorial mittee appointed by Southern
committee: Frederick Griggs, Junior College Faculty, Ool-
and the Faculty Publication tewah, Tenn.

The Student Echo: 16-page-month- The Hillside Radiogram: A 24-

ly; in the interests of the Shen- page quarterly, issued by the
andoah Valley Academy, New Alumni Association of the St.
Market, Va.; 75 cents; editor, Helena Sanitarium Training
Louise Meneken. School and Hospital for Nurses.
Subscription - price $1.00 per
The Student Idea: monthly; $1.00 year; editor, Mrs. Bertha Haub-
for eight months; published at Stow, R. N.; business manager,
South Lancaster, Mass., by the Oscar Woesner.
Student Association.
The Sligonian: issued monthly The Laurel: monthly; issued by
during school year; nine issues; the Laurelwood Academy, Gas-
annual subscription $1.00; pub- ton, Oregon; 75 cents.
lished by the Students' Associa- The Rocky Mountain Academican:
tion of Washington Missionary published by the students of
College, Takoma Park, D. C. Campion Academy, Loveland,
James Leland, editor; Russell Colo.; 75 cents; 'editor, Paul
James, business manager. Lonneke.
The Walla Walla Collegian: 40-
page monthly; issued by the The Student: 12 pages; 50 cents;
student body of Walla Walla ten issues; editor, Miss Martha
College; $1.00 a year; published Hoist; manager, Donald Haynes;
at College Place, Wash.; editor, issued by the Greater New York
Ira M. Gish. Academy, New York City.
The Mountain Echo: 24-page Hutchinson Seminary Waymark:
monthly; issued ten times dur- Monthly; $1.00; published at
ing the college year, by the stu- Hutchinson, Minn., in the inter-
dents of Pacific Union College, ests of the Hutchinson Theolog-
La Jota, Calif.; $1.00 a year; ed- ical Seminary; editor, Esther
itor, Elizabeth Evans. Larson.

BENGALI azine ; yearly subscription, $1.00,
Juga Lakhan: 20-page magazine, gold; issued only in Easy Wenli;
issued serially; P,pst Box 35, editor, H. 0. Swartout; asso-
Poona, India; editor, L. G. Mook- ciates, E. R. Thiele, Dzo Tien
erjee. MM.
BURMESE The Last Day Shepherd's Call
Kin Saung: 24-page magazine, (The Church Record); Manda-
published serially; No. 1 Frank- rin; 32:page semimonthly; year-
lin Road, Ahlone, Rangoon, Bur- ly subscription, 60 cents, gold;
in-a; editor, D. Hpo 111-a. editor, E. R. Thiele; associates,
H. 0. Swartout, Dzo Tien Ming.
CHINESE Sabbath-School Helper (Wenli) :
(Periodicals issued by the Signs 32-page monthly; subscription,
of the Times Publishing House, 25 cents gold; editor, Mrs. A. B.
25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, Evans; associates, H. 0. Swart-
China.) out, E. R. Thiele.
Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the China Christian Educator: 32-page
Times); 32-page monthly mag- monthly; subscription, 60 cents,.


gold; editor, S. L. Frost; asso- Evangeliets Sendebud: 16-page

ciate editors, W. A. Schartfen- weekly; annual subscription,
berg, D. E. Rebok. $2.50 in U. S., $2.75 outside;
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
CROATIAN field, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp.
Voice of the Times: 16-page quar- Missionaeren: 8-page monthly; an-
terly; editor, A. Mocnik; Jugo- nual subscription $1.00 in U.
slavia Publishing House (Nak- S.; $1.10 outside; Pacific Press
ladno Drustvo), Petra Zrinskog, Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; edi-
Street 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. tor, C. A. Thorp.
Znameni Casu (Signs of the Times) ;
8 and 20 page bimonthly; 50 Toe Sonumid: 16-page monthly;
cents a year; Pacific Press Pub. 120 Emk. a year, for America 50
Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, L. cents; editor, M. Blirengrub,
F. Kucera. Merepuiestee 14a Tallinn, Es,
Hlasatel Pravdy (Herald of FIJIAN
Truth); 16 page monthly; edi-
tor, F. Fiala; Brann-Kralovo Rarama: 8-page monthly; annual
Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslo- subscription 1/6; published at
vakia. the Avondale Press, Cooranbong,
N. S. W., Australia.
Strai Zionslth (Advent - Messen-
ger): quarterly; published by FINNISH
Czechoslovakian Publishing Aikain Vartija: 16-page monthly;
House; editor, F. Fiala; Briinn- annual Subscription, 51 cents
Kralovo Pole, Wilsonova 8, Cze- (in Finland); Annegatan 7, Hel-
choslovakia. singfors, Finland; editor, E. Ha-
Evangeliets Sendebud: 16-page Siionin Ystava: 8-page monthly;
semimonthly; annual subscrip- annual subscription, 38 cents;
tion, kr. 5.00; Akersgaten 74, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Fin-
Christiania, Norway, and Mar- land; editor, A. Rintala.
grethevej 5, Copenhagen; V., Forsamlings Budbararen: 4-page
Denmark; editor, monthly; 38 cents; Annegatan
lVfissionsefterretninger: eight-page 7, Helsingfors, Finland; editor,
A. Rintala.
monthly (church paper); pub-
lished as Evangeliets Sendebud; FRENCH
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of
Sundhedsbladet (health journal); the Times); 16-page monthly;
24-page monthly; annual sub- annual subscription, for France,
scription, kr. 8.00; Akersgaten 9.50 francs; for Switzerland, 3.50
74, Christiania, Norway, and Swiss francs; for other coun-
Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., tries, 10.50 francs. Published at
Denmark; editor, J. C. Ottosen, Dammarie les Lys (S. et M.)
M. D., Skodsborg, Denmark. France; editor, J. Vuilleumier.

Le Revue Adventiste (The Advent Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the

Review); 16-page semimonthly times) bi-monthly; 16 pages;
church paper; annual subscrip- missionary paper; subscription
tion for France, 12 francs; for price, Lei 24. (to America,
Switzerland, 7. Swiss francs; $1.50) ; editors, P. P. Paulini, A.
for other countries 14. francs. Wegner, St. Demetrescu, d.
Published at Dammarie les Lys, Bauer. Author: A. Wegner,
(S. et M.) France; editor, J. Burgergasse 29, Hermannstadt,
Vuilleumier. Transylvania, Rumania.

Vie et Sante (Life and Health); Herold der Wahrheit (Herald of

16-page monthly health paper; Truth); monthly; 8 pages; an-
for France 12. francs; for nual subscription, 35 cents; Ad-
Switzerland, 5. Swiss francs; vent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindel-
for other countries, 13. francs. berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany;
Published at Dammarie les Lys editors, L. R. Conradi, and W.
(S. et M.), France; editor, 1'. A. Becker.
De Forest, M. D.
Gute Gesundheit (Good Health);
Le Messager Franco-American; monthly; 16-pages; annual sub-
semimonthly; 50 cents a year in scription, 60 cents; Advent-Ver-
Canada outside, 60 cents; Ca- lag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a,-
nadian 'Watchman Press, Osha- Hamburg, Germany; editor, M.
wa, Ontario;
- editor, L. F. Passe- A. Creeper.
Unser kleiner Freund (Our Little
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of Friend); monthly; 8 pages; an-
the Times); 20-page quarterly.; nual subscription, 30 cents; Ad-
75 cents a year; Canadian vent-1, erlag (E. V.), Grindel-
Watchman Press, Oshawa, On- berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany;
tario, Canada. editor, C. Sinz.
GERMAN Der Adventbote (The Advent Mes-
senger); semimonthly church
Christlicher Hausfreund: 8-page paper; 16 pages; annual sub-
weekly; annual subscription, scription, $1..30; Advent-Verlag
$1.50 to U. S.; outside, $1.75; (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Ham-.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- burg, Germany; editor, E. Ro-
field, Ill.; editor, K. A. Offer- choll.
Kirche and Staat (Church and
Deutscher Arbeiter: 8-page week- State); quarterly; 16 pages,
ly; annual subscription, $2.00 annual subscription, 25 cents;
to U. S.; outside, $2.25; Pacific Advent-Verlag, (E. V.), Grindel-
Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany;
editor, K. A. Offermann. editor, G. W. SChubert.
Sabbatschul-Lektionen (Sabbath Rundschau der Adventisten: 4-
School Lessons) ; quarterly; con- page monthly; free of charge to
taining the S. D. A. Sabbath German constituency in Brazil.
School lessons in German; an- Published by the Casa Publica-
nual subscription, 20 cents; Pa- dora Brazileira, L'stacTio de Silo
cific Press Pub. Assn., Brook- Bernardo, S. P. R., STK, Paulo,
field, Ill. Brazil, South America.

HINDI yearly subscription $1.00; pub-

Signs of the Times: 12-page mag- lished by Vallasos Iratok Nem-
azine, issued serially; Oriental zetkozi Kiadohivatala, Ndmet-
Watchman .Publishing Assn., P. viilgyi fit 12, Budapest I, Hun-
0. Box 35, Poona, India; editor, gary; editor, H. Stein, M. Voigt.
F. W. Smith. Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times);
HOLLAND (DUTCH) bimonthly; 16 pages; mission-
ary paper; subscription Lei 64.
Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the (to -America $1.50); editor A.
Times); monthly; sixteen pages; Wegner, Bureergasse No. 29,
annual subscription 75 cents; Sibiu, Transylvania, Rumania.
Internationaal Adven,t Zendings-
genootschap, van Weede van Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times) ;
Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, 8 and 20 page bimonthly; .50
Holland; editor, J. Wintzen. cents a year; Pacific Press Pub.
De Werker (The Worker): 8 num- Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
bers annually; 8 pages; annual ICELANDIC
subscription 50 cents; with the
Sabbath School Quarterly, $1. Ljosvakinn (Missionary paper) 16-
International Advent Zendings- page monthly; 2.75 Icel. kroner
genootschap, van Weede van a year; editor, 0. J. Olsen, Box
Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, 262, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Holland; editor, J. Wintzen.
De Afrikaanse Wachter: devoted ILOCANO
to an explanation of the signs of Ti Damag Ti Pagarian; 12-page
the times and Sabbath truth; 8- monthly; 50 cents gold, a year;
page monthly; annual subscrip- editor, S. E. Jackson; assts., L.
tion, 2/6; editor, D. E. Robin- Z. Roda and Regino Villanueva;
son; associate, H. Elffers; pub- Philippine Publishing House,
lished by the Sentinel Publish- Box 813, Manila, Philippine Is-
ing Company, Kenilworth, Cape,. lands.
South Africa.
Utolsd Uezenet (The Last 1Vies, L'Araldo della Verita (Herald of
sage); monthly; 16 pages; an- Truth) ; 16-page monthly; an-
nual subscription $1.00; Val1(1.- nual subscription for Italy, 8
sos Iratok Nemzetkozi Kiadb- liras; foreign countries, 10.
hivatala, Nemetvolgyi fit 12, liras; published at Florence,
Budapest I, Hungary; editor, A. Italy; editor, G. Lippolis.
Minck. I Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the
Evangeliumi munkas (Gospel Times); 8 and 20 page bi-
Worker); quarterly church pa- monthly; 50 cents a year; Pa-
per; 16 pages; annual subscrip- cific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
tion 40 cents; Vallasos Iratok field.; editor, Alexander Long.
Nemzetkozi Kiad6hivatala,
Nemetvolgyn tit 12, Budapest I, JAPANESE
Hungary; editor, A. Minck. Jicho Zashi (Signs of the Times);
Elet es Egeszseg (Life and 64-page monthly; annual sub-
Health): Health magazine; an scription, $2.25 (gold) ; published
illustrated bimonthly, 16 pages; by the Japan S. D. A, Pub,

House, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., MALAYALAM

Tokyo, Japan; editor, A. N. An- Athirkala Sathium (Present
derson; associate, S. Miyake. Truth): 24 pages, issued serial-
Shimei no Otodzure (Tidings of ly; price, three cents a copy;
the Message); 48-page monthly; editor, H. G. Woodward, Rot-
annual subscription, $1.00 (gold). tarakara, South Travancore, In-
Editor and publisher same as dia.
above. MARATHI
KOREAN Pralia Kalachi Chinha: 16-page
Seijo Walbo (The Signs of the magazine, issued serially; Ori
Times); 64-page monthly; sub- ental Watchman Publishing
scription, $2.00; published by Assn., P. 0. Box 35, Poona, In-
the Signs of the Times Press, dia; editor, G. F. Enoch.
Seoul, Chosen; editor, E. J. Ur- Marathi Messenger: For Indian be-.
quhart. lievers; editor, R. E. Loasby;
printed by students in Marathi
Kyo Hae Chin-Nam (Church Com- Training School, Lasalgaon, G.
pass); 16-page monthly; annual I. P. Ry., India.
subscription 50 cents; published
by the Signs of the Times Press, PANAYAN
Seoul, Chosen; editor, E. J. Ur-
quhart. Ang Talangdaan Sang Panag-on:
12-page monthly; 50 cents gold
LATVIAN a year; editor, S. E. Jackson;
Zianas Sargs (Zion's Watchman): published by the Philippine Pub-
16-page monthly, illustrated; lishing House, Box 813, Manila,
Ls. 2., for America, $1.00; ed- Philippine Islands,
itor, J. Schneider,. Brivibas eela
11, Riga, Latvia. POLISH
Adwentes Westnesis (Advent Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times):
Messenger): 8 months, 8-page; 8 numbers annually; 8 pages;
4 months, 16-page; Ls for annual subscription, 50 cents;
America $1.00; editor, J. Schnei- Polish Publishing House (" Poli-
der. glot " Limited,) Nakielska 64,
LITHUANIAN Bydgoszcz, Poland, Europe; ed-
tor, Th. Will.
Krisciones Namu Prietelis (Chris-
thin Friend of the Home): as PORTUGUESE
needed, illustrated; editor, E.
Enseleit, Karlstr. 20a, Klaipeda, 0 Atalaia: 28-page monthly; $2.00
Lithuania. a year; published by the Casa
Publicadora Brazileira, Estaedo
MALAY (Dutch Romanized) Sdo Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao
Paulo, Brazil, South America;
Pertandaan Zaman:'monthly; pub- editor, J. B. Johnson.
lished at 399 Upper Serangoon
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- Revista Mensal: 16-page monthly;
ments; editor, Melvin Munson. annual subscription $1.25; pub-
lished by the Casa Publicadora
Sabbath School Quarterly: About Brazileira, Estacdo Sao Bernar-
32 pages. Single copy sells 71/2 do, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
cents; published by Malaysian South America; editor, J. B.
Signs Press, Singapore. Johnson.

Sabbath School Lessons: Sabbath SPANISH

School Lessons for the entire
Portuguese field for both adults Las Seib.les de los Tiempos (Signs
of the Times): 16-page monthly;
and children; annual subscrip-
`annual subscription 3 Pesetas;
tion for adult lessons, 40 cents; to foreign countries 4 Pesetas;
Children's lessons, 35 cents per
published at Barcelona (Aparta-
year. Published by the Casa
do 492), Spain.
Publicadora Brazileira, Estaello
de Silo Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao El Atalaya: 36-page monthly;
Paulo, Brazil, South America. $2.00 a year; published by the
Casa Editora Sudamericana,
RAROTONGAN Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Tuatua-Mou: 8-page monthly; an- Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
nual subscription 2s; editor, H. ica; editors, Edgar Brooks and
A. Hill; published by the ast- 'M. I. Fayard.
ern Polynesian Mission, Tahiti,
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. La Revista Adventista: Church
paper; 16-page semimonthly ;
RUMANIAN annual subscription $1.50 pub-
lished by the' Casa Editora Sud-
Semnele Timpului (Signs of the americana, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Times); monthly; 16 pages; Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
missionary paper; subscription America; editor, D. R. Buckner.
price Lei 64. (to America
$1.50); with Sabbath School El Monitor de laJuventud: a paper
Quarterly, (to America $2.00) ; for young people; eight pages,
editors, P. P. Paulini and St. semimonthly; annual subscrip-
Demetrescu, and D. Florea. tion $1.00 gold; published by
the Casa Editora. Sudamericana,
Curierul Misionar (Missionary Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Messenger); bimonthly; 16 Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
pages; church-paper; subscrip- ica; editor, D. R. Buckner.
tion price, Lei 24. (to America
$1.00) ; editors, P. Paulini, St. Lecciones para la Escuela Sabat-
Demetrescu, A. Wegner. ica: quarterly; Sabbath School
leSsons for the ,entire Spanish
RUSSIAN field, for both adults and chil-
Znamenie Wremeni (Signs of the dren; 20 cents a year each; Casa
Times) ; 16-page monthly; an- Editora Sudamericana, Florida,
imal subscription, $2.00; Pacific F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen-
Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, tina, South America.
Ill.; editor, A. G. Yakovenko. El Centinela: 20-page monthly;
annual subscription, $1.50; Pa-
SERVIAN cific Press Pub. Assn., Box 5007,
Voice of the Times: 20-page quar- Cristobal, Canal Zone; editor,
terly; editor, R. Schillinger, Ju- E. R. Johnson.
goslavia Publishing House (Nak-
ladno Drustvo), Tetra Zrinskog, SWEDISH
Street 13, Novi-Sad, Jugoslavia. Sions Vaktare: 8-page weekly; an-
Messenger of the Advent: 32-page nual subscription, $1.75 to U. S.;
quarterly; editors, R. Schillinger, outside, $2.00; Pacific Press Pub.
M. Ludewig, Jugoslavia Publish- Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor,
ing House. Olaf Granlund.

Tidens Tecken: 8-page semimonth- TAMIL

ly; annual subscription, kr. 4:50, Nakalkala Sattium (Present
rate for America, kr. 7: 00; Truth): 24-page monthly; 64
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, cents a year; editor, E. D.
Sweden; editor, Emil Ahren. Thomas, Nazareth Post Office,
Missiondren (with Sabbath School Tinnevelly Dist., India.
lessons for children.) ; 12-page
semimonthly; kr. 4.00; Tunnel- TELUGU
gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; Thathkala Sathiama (Present
editor, Emil Ahre'n. Truth) : 24 pages, issued serial-
ly; price 4 cents per copy; ed-
TAGALOG itor, T. R. Flaiz, Narsapur,
Ang Tanglaw: 12-page monthly Kistna Dist., India.
50 cents gold a year; editor, S. URDU
E. Jackson; assistants, F. Dali-
say, L. A. Corda ' Philippine Nishanat-i - Qiyamat: 12 -page
Publishing House, Box 813, Man- magazine, issued serially; Ori-
ila-, Philippine Islands. ental Watchman Publishing
A.ssn., P. O. 35, Poona, India;
Mizpa: 8-page semi-monthly; editor, F. H. Loasby.
church paper; editor, E. M. Ad-
ams; 50 cents gold a year; 707. Qasid: Issued quarterly for In-
Vermont St., Manila, Philippine dian believers; Oriental 1,v atch-
Islands. man Publishing Assn., P. 0. 35,
Poona, India; editor, C. C. Bel-
Tiarama (the Light) ; 8-page YIDDISH
monthly; annual subscription
2s; editor, F. E. Lyndon; issued The Present Issues: 20-page quar-
by the Eastern Polynesian Mis- terly; 50 cents a year; Pacific
sion, at Tahiti, Society Islands, Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.;
Pacific Ocean. editor, F. C. Gilbert.
Total periodicals published, 156.

The languages in which denominational publications of all kinds
are now issued are the following:
Language Country Where Language Predominates
Amharic Abyssinia
Amoyese Amoy, China
Arabic Syria, Arabia, Egypt, North Africa
Armenian The Caucasus
Armeno-Turkish Turkey
Atchinese Island of Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean
Baba-Malay Malaysia
Battak (Taft) Sumatra
Bengali Bengal, India
Bicol Philippine Islands
Bulgarian Bulgaria
Bunyore British East Africa
Burmese Burma
Cantonese South China
Cebuan (Visayan) Island of Cebu, Philippine Islands
Chilamba Northern Rhodesia, South Africa
Chinyanja Nyasaland, South Africa
Chitonga Barotseland, South Africa
Croatian Jugoslavia
Czechian (Bohemian) Western Czechoslovakia, Europe
Danish Denmark
Dobeli Solomon Islands
Dutch Holland
English England, America, and British Possessions
Estljonian Esthonia
Fijian Fiji
Finnish Finland
Flemish Belgium
French France
Garo Caro Hills, India
German Germany, Apstria
Greek Greece
Greco-Turkish Greece, Turkey, etc.
Gujerati Bombay Presidency, etc., India
Hawaiian Hawaii
Hebrew Among Jews
Hindi North India
Hungarian Hungary, Transylvania, etc.
Ibanag Philippine Islands
Icelandic Iceland
Ilocano Philippine Islands
Italian Italy
-- Japanese Japan
Javanese Java
Kafir (Xosa) South Africa
Kanarese Mysore, India
Kinya manila Ituanda, Br. E. Africa

Kipare (Chassu or Asu) Kenya Colony, British East Africa

Kisanaki Kenya Colony, British East Africa
Kisii Kenya Colony, British East Africa
Kisukuma Kenya Colony, British East Africa
Kiswaheli Kenya Colony, British East Africa
Korean Chosen, (Korea) .
Laplandish Lapland
Latgalian Latvia
Lettonian La%via
Lithuanian Lithuania
Luo (Kavirondo) Northeast Victoria Nyanza, British East Africa
Malay Malaysia
Malayalam South India
Mandarin North and Central China
Maori New Zealand
Marathi Bombay Presidency, India
. Marquesas (Nukahivan).Marquesas Islands
Navajo Arizona and New Mexico, United States of
Nias Island of Nias, Sumatra [America
Nivan Niue, or Savage Islands
Norwegian Norway
Nyangore British East Africa
Oriya Province of Orissa, India
Pampangan Philippine Islands
Panayan (Visayan) Island of Panay, Philippine Islands
Pangasinan Philippine Islands
Polish (Latin and Gothic) Poland
Portuguese Portugal and Brazil
Punjabi (Gurmukhi) Punjab, India
Ranoga Solomon Islands
Rarotongan Cook's Islands
Roviana Solomon Islands
Rumanian Rumania
Russian Russia
Ruthenian (Ukrainian) Galicia, East Czechoslovakia
Samoan Samoa
Santali Bihar, India
Sechuana Beuchuanaland, South Africa
Servian Jugoslavia
Sesuto Basutoland, South Africa
Sgau-Karen Sgau-Karens of Burma
Shanghai Shanghai, China, and vicinity
Singhalese Ceylon
Sintebele Matabeleland, Rhodesia
Slovenian South Austria
Slovakian Central Czechoslovakia
Soenda Java
Spanish Spain and Latin America
Swedish Sweden
Syriac . Syria,. etc.
Tagalog Philippine Islands
Tahitian Tahiti
Tamil South India

Telugu South India

Tibetan Tibet
Tongan Friendly Islands
Turkish Turkey, etc.
Ulisaghi Solomon Islands
Urdu (Persian) North India, etc.
Visayan (see Cebuan
and Panayan)
Welsh Wales
Wendic Wends in Hungary
Wenli Literary language, China
Xosa (see Kafir)
Yiddish Jews in Europe and America
Zulu Zululand, South Africa
Total 114.


For the Year 1923
(Issued in 114 Languages)
No. Pages Value
Papers 1.56 36,320 $119.18
Books 947 225,104 1,016.27
Pamphlets 010 40,088 69.57
Tracts 2,400 31,569 39.13

Totals 4,113 333,081 $1,244.15

(Arranged alphabetically)


Health House, " Wittelsbach " Established 1904
. Established 1920 Address: Plumstead, Cape, South
Address: Bad Aibling, Kurhaus, Board of Trustees: W. H. Bran-
Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Ger- son, Dr. C. Birkenstock, W. 13.
many. Commin, T. M. French, J. W.
Officers: P. Schwaderer, Manager; MacNeil, J. G. Slate, C. _W. Bo-
Rosa Staerr, Matron; A. Staerr, zarth.
Cook. Faculty: Carl. Birkenstock, M. D.,
Local Board: G. W. Schubert, 0. L. R. C. P. and S., Me.dical Su-
Schuberth, P. Sch waderer, A. perintendent; Miss Ida Thoma-
Staerr, Mrs. Rosa Staerr, Chr. son, R. N., Superintendent of
Baumann. Nurses.


Akersgaten 74, Oslo (Christiania),
Bowness Park, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada Norway
Established 1900
Established 1917.
Corporate Name: " Kurbadet."
Board of Directors: J. J. Reiswig,
Pres.; J. M. A. LeMarquand, Superintendent: C. M. Scott.
Sec.; A. W. Semmens, M. D.,
A. V. Farnsworth, Dan Leiske,
Local Board: J. J. Reiswig, J. M. Orlando, Fla.
A. LeMarquand, A. W. Sem- Established 1908
mens, M. D., F. C. Finch, 0. Zip-
rick. Legal Name: " The Florida- Sani-
tarium and Benevolent Associa-
BOULDER-COLORADO Board of Managers: W. H. Heck-
SANITARIUM man, Burton Castle, J. L. Shuler,
A. S. Booth, B. F. Kneeland, R.
Boulder, Colo. I. Keate, E. L. Place, L. L. An-
drews, L. T. Crisler.
Established 1896
Officers: W. H. Heckman, Pres.;
Board of Trustees: S. E. Wight, E. L. Place, Sec., Treas., and
H. A. Green, N. L. Beebe, F. R. Business Manager.
Eastman, M. L. Rice, J. W. Tur- Medical Staff: L. L. Andrews, A.
ner. B., M. D., Supt.; A. J. Balkins,
Faculty: H. A. Green, M. D., Med- M. D., Asst. Supt.; Miss Laura
ical Superintendent; N. L. Beebe, H. Dietrich, R. N., Supt. of
M. D., Asst. Medical Supt.; F. R. Nurses; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
Eastman, BUsiness Manager. Sanborn, Matron.


(Formerly "Friedensau Sanitar- AND HOSPITAL
ium ") Glendale, Cal.
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Established 7.905
Magdeburg, Germany
Incorporated as Glendale Sani-
Established 1899 tarium and Hospital.
Operated by the German Health Board. of Directors: J. L. WEL-
Association. hany, Pres.; '0. 0. Bernstein,
Under the auspices of the " Fried- Vice-Pres.; James Howarth, Sec.;
ensau Missionary Seminary." F. E. Corson, B. M. Emerson,
W. D. Salisbury, G. W. Reaser,
Manager: M. Birkner. J. A. Burden, J. J. Nethery, A.
W. Truman, M. D., E. G. Fulton,
H. G. Westphal, M. D.
GERMAN HEALTH ASSOCIA- Training School Faculty: A. W.
TION Truman, M. D.; Medical Supt.;
Address: Friedensau, Post Gra- H. W. Vollmer, M. D., Asst.
boW, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Med. Supt.; W. J. Johnson, M.
D.; Julia A. White, M. D.; Fred
Legal Name: " Deutscher Verein E. Herzer, M. D.; Mrs. J. W.
fiir Gesundheitspflege e. V." Harris, R. N., Director of School
Operates the Sanitarium at Ber- of Nursing; Miss M. V. Kisz, R.
lin, the Friedensau Health Home, N.; Asst.- Supt. of Nurses; Miss
the Friedensau Old People's Mabel. Shafer, R. N., Precep-
Home. tress; Miss Lenora Lacey, R. N.;
J. A. Burden, Gen. Manager; A.
Officers: W. Krumm, Pres.; W. T. Hopman, -Sec. of Faculty; E.
Willer, Sec.; W. Hans, Mana- G. Fulton, House Manager; R.
ger. W. Munson, Chaplain.
Trustees: W. Krumm, W. Hans,
W. Willer, J. H. Schilling, E. L.
Members: L. R. Conradi, H. F.
Schuberth, W. Krumm, E. Meyer, . Incorporated 1903
M. D., F. Glitting, A. 0. Janert,
L. E. Conradi, M. D., W. Hans, Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
W. Muller, W. Hoffmann, R. ford, Herts, England.
Lusky, P. Horn, J. Seefried, J. Trustees: J. E. Jayne, G. L. GuI-
H. Schilling, 0. Kapitz, A. Posch, brandson, W. H. Meredith, Dr. F.
B. Ohme, W. Witting, H. Glass. C. Shone, A. E. Bacon, E. H.
Marsh, H. Osborn, Dr. W. A.
Ruble, A. Carey,- F. A. Spearing,
OLD PEOPLE'S HOME W. R. Raitt, Dr. C. H. Hayton,
G. Baird, J. McAvoy, S. Joyce.
Address Friedensau, Post Grabow,
Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Officers: J.. E. Jayne, Chairman;
Dr. W. A. Ruble, Sec.; A. Carey,
Manager: W. Krumm. Treas.

IOWA SANITARIUM H. S. Osterloh, E. R. Harris, J.

Nevada, Iowa L. Ballard, S. S. Mohr.
Established at Des Moines, Faoulty: Paul Christman, M. D.,
Iowa, in 1899. Removed and es- Medical Supt.; H. G. Schaumlof-
tablished at Nevada, Iowa, in 1909. fel, M. D., associate physician;
Reincorporated June 15, 1915. Cora Marshall, R. N., Supt. of
Corporate Name: "Iowa Sanitar- Nurses; Flossie Miller, R. N.,
ium and Benevolent Associa- Head of Ladies Bath and Surgi-
cal Supervisor; Edward Nelson,
tion." R. N., Head of Men's Bath; E.
Board of Managers: H. H. Hicks, G. Hayes, Chaplain; L. C. Christ-
Pres.; T. C. Nethery, Sec. and offerson, R. N., Business Man-
Treas.; J. F. Morse, M. D., V. D. ager.
Hawley, W. H. Teesdale, R. L.
Mantz, M. D., W. J. Davis.
Faculty: J. F. Morse, M. D.; T. C. KENYA HOSPITAL
Nethery; Daisy Randolph, Head Established 1924
Nurse and Matron.
Address: Gendia, via Kisumu,
Kenya, British East Africa.
JAMES WHITE MEMORIAL Supt.:, G. A. S. Madgwick,..M. D.
Plainwell, Mich. Nurses: Miss Carenza Olsen, Miss
Established 1898 Carrie Nielsen.
Board of Trustees: William Guth-
rie, Pres.; W. A. Westworth,
Vice-Pres.; W. E. Abernathy, LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM
Sec. and Treas.; J. F. Piper, F. (Sanitorium du Leman)
Faculty: Frank Hiner, Business Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland
Manager; Mrs. Frank Hiner, Established 1904
Corporate Name: " Societe Philan-
JULIA.CA AMERICAN thropique de la Ligniere."
HOSPITAL Board of Directors: A. V. Olson,
Casilla 19, Juliaca, Peru J. Robert, Dr. P. A. De Forest,
Established 1922 . Dr. H. Muller, J. Rey, R. Gerber,
Officers: S. T. Johnston, M. D., J. Erzenberger, L. Guenin.
Medical Supt.; C. W. Miller, Officers: J. Robert, Manager; J.
Manager. Erzberger, Asst. Manager; Dr.
H. Miler, House Doctor.
KANSAS SANITARIUM AND Local Board: J. Robert, Dr. H.
HOSPITAL Muller, Dr. P. A. De Forest, J.
Wichita, Kans. Erzberger, F. Moser, E. Ville-
Established 1902 neuve.
Board of Trustees: M. A. Hollis- Physicians: H. Muller, M. D., P. A.
ter, Pres.; L. C. Christofferson, De Forest, M. D.
Sec. and Treas.; Paul Christman,
M. D., W. L. Notl, Bernard Voth, Matron; Miss 4. Villepeuvei


(Incorporated with College of Hastings, Nebraska
Medical Evangelists)
Established 1908
Loma Linda, Cal.
Established 1905 Board of Trustees: S. G. Haughey,
C. G. Bellah, C. H. Miller, S. E.
Officers: F. E. Corson, Comptroller; Wight, R..A. Underwood, J. W.
L. V. Roberson, House Manager; Rogers, M. M. Beaman, B. C.
S. S. Merrill, Sec. and Treas.; Marshall, A. F. Kirk.
Edna Anderson, Matron; S. T.
Hare, Chaplain; C. P. Frye, Officers; S. G. Haughey, Pres.;
Steward. A. F. 'Kirk, Sec., Treas., and
Medical Staff: A. N. Donaldson, Business Manager.
A. M., M. D., Medical Director;
J. J. Weir, M. D. E. H. Risley,
M. D.; F. W. Gardner, A. B.,
M. D.; Martha N. Canfield, M. D. NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM
Lyra Hunt-George, M. D.; I. S. AND HOSPITAL
Ritchie, M. D.; L. C. Kellogg, A.
B., M. D.; Gordon Reynolds, M. Melrose, Mass.
D.; A. R. Roos, M. D.; W. A.
George, A. M., M. D.; F. B. Established 1899
Moor, A. B., M. D.; Phillips Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade,
Tunnel', M. D.; Newton Evans, Pres.; S. E. McNeill, Clerk; V. L.
B. S., M. D.; R. 0. Williams, D. Fisher, M.. D., A. T. Robinson,
D. S.; C. G. Williams, M. D.; B. F. Machlan, C. B. Haynes, J.
Ethel Williams, M. D.; Lois Bar- K. Jones, F. C. Gilbert, R. S.
ton, Dietitian. Fries, E. L. Cardey, L. K. Dick-
son, D. U. Hale, W. C. Moffett.
Local Board: E. K. Slade, Chair-
Madison, Tenn., (near Nashville) man; P. L. Baker, Secretary; V.
Established 1904 L. Fisher, M. D., F. H. Weber,
M. D., E. F. Otis, M. D., S. E.
Conducted as a department of McNeill, W. C. Moffett.
the Nashville Agricultural Normal
Institute, having the same Board Faculty: V. L. Fisher, M..D., Med-
of Trustees and the same Board of ical Supt.; F. H. Weber, M. D.,
Managers. E. A. Sutherland, M. Asst. Medical Supt.; S. E. Me-
D., Medical Superintendent; Mary Neill, Business Manager and
B. Dale, M. D.; N. H. Druillard, Treas.; E. F. Otis, M. D.; Mary
Receiving Matron. For corps of J. Weber, M. D.; R. W. Maker,
workers, see Nashville Agricultu- M. D., X-Ray and Laboratory;
ral Normal Institute. Irene B. Watt, R. N., Supt. of
Nurses; E. Bernice Hammond,
R. N., Nurse Instructor; Mrs.
MUSSOORIE SANITARIUM Alice .-N.0 Bourdeau, B. S., Social
Mar Lodge, Mussoorie, India Director; Mrs. Hilda N. Searle,
Established 1908 Matron; A. T. Robinson, Cnap-
lain; Mrs. A. T. Robinson, Bible
Under supervision of Southern Teacher; G. E. Cornforth, Die-
Asia Division Committee. titian; L. E. Peterson, R. N.,
Medical Supt.: A. E. Clark, M. D. Supervisor Male Nurses.

PARADISE VALLEY vera Hendrickson, R. N., 'Ruby

SANITARIUM Cook, R. N., Mrs. Mary Moon, R.
National City, Cal. N., Etta Alsberge, Matron; Cora
(Incorporated as Southeastern
California Conference Association
of Seventh-day Adventists.) RESTHAVEN SANITARIUM
Established 1906 Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
Board of Directors: J. J. Nethery, Established 1921
Pres.; C. C. Mattison, Sec.; R.
R. Cook, A. D. Butterfield, M. D., Board of Directors: S. A. Ruskjer,
T. S. Whitelock, M. D., Frank T. R. Lukens, W. A. Clemenson,
Ford, W. C. Raley, B. M. Em- J. J. Reiswig, C. L. Butterfield,
merson, J. A. Burden. L. C. Shepard, C. L. Stone, 0. S.
Managing Committee: A. D. But- Parrett, M. D., C. R. Morris, H.
terfield, M. D., Medical Director; J. Klooster, F. L. Hommel, C. L.
R. R. Cook, Business Manager; Paddock.
Frank Ford, Treas. Local Board: S. A. Ruskjer, T. R.
Faculty: A. D. Butterfield, M. D.; Lukens, W. A. Clemenson, 0. S.
J. W. Warren, M. D.; Josie M. Parrett, M. D., F. L. Hommel,
Warren, M. D.; R. A. Falconer, Ira Mooney.
M. D., Miss Helen N. Rice, R. N., Officers: Supt., 0. S. Parrett, M.
Supt of Nurses; R. R. Cook, D.; Business Manager, F. L.
Frank Ford, R. R. Breitigam, Hommel.
Mrs. R. R. Cook, Miss Mary Han- Faculty: 0. S. Parrett M D., W.
naford. G. Forshaw, Mrs. 0. S. Parrett,
F. L. Hommel.
East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM
Portland, Oreg.
(Sanatorio Adventista del Plata)
Founded 1893; reorganized 1902;
became an institution of the Puiggari,F. C. E., Entre Rios,
North Pacific Union Conference Argetina, South America
1906. Control transferred to Established 1909
Western Oregon Conference 1920.
Board of Directors: J. W. Nor- Board of Directors: R. T. Baer,
wood, Pres.; R. W. Nelson, Sec. Pres.; G. B. Replogle, Sec.; G.
and Treas.; H. W. Cottrell, J. F. E. Hartman,H. D. Lundquist,
Beatty, W. B. Holden, M. D., I. Kalbermatter, W. E. Hancock,
Morris Lukens, C. E. Foster, C. J. S. Marshall, C. E. Westphal,
A. Haysmer, M. D., N. C. Ernt- 0. H. Maxson, J. H. Roth, C. E.
Son .
Executive Committee: C. E. West-
Medical Faculty: W. B. Holden, M. phal, Pres.; G. B. Replogle, Sec.;
Supt.; R. W. Nelson, Man- 0. H. Maxson, J. S. Marshall.
ager; Eva A. Zielke, R. N., Supt.
of Nurses' Training School; G. Medical Faculty: C. E. Westphal,
W. Rine, Chaplain; C. A. Hays- M. D., Director; G. B. Replogle,
mer, M. D., A. D. Smith, Carrie M. D.
L. Nelson, R. N., Frances J. Officers: C. E. Westphal, M. D.,
Tautfest, R. N., Izella Ells, R. Medical Supt.; 0. H. Maxson,
N., Rena M. Weed, R. N., La- Treas., and Business Manager.


ASSOCIATION (Skodsborg Badesanatorium)
25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Skodsborg, Denmark
Incorporated Oct. 13, 1920 Established 1897
Board of Trustees: I. H. Evans, Officers: J. C.. Ottosen, M. D.,
C. C. Landis, H. W. Barrows, C. Director; Chr. Hansen, Business
C. Crisler, J. G. Gjording, S. L. Manager and Treas.
Frost. R. W. Paul, M. D. Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen, M.
Officers: I. H. Evans, Pres.; C. C. D., A. Andersen, M. D., Miss
Landis, Vice-Pres.; C. C. Crisler, Jensine Iversen, M. D., David
Sec.; H. W. Barrows, Treas.; G. Ottosen, M. D., C. C. Hansen, Jr.,
S. Luther, Auditor. M. D.
City Office: C. C. Landis, M. D.,
Medical Supt.; Manager, R. W. STANBOROUGH PARK
Paul, M. D., Miss Tillie E. Barr, SANITARIUM
Treas.; Miss Edyth Johnson, Stanborough Park, Watford,
Mrs. R. W. Paul.
Harts, England
Established 1912
SHANGHAI SANITARIUM Board of Directors: J. E. Jayne,
34 Nanking Road, Shanghai, China Dr. W. A. Ruble, A. Carey, W.
R. Raitt, G. L. Gulbrandson.
Established 1917 Officers: Dr. W. A. Ruble, Medical
Board: I. H. Evans, Chairman; Dr. Supt.; Dr. John Reith; A. Carey,
C. C. Landis, R. W. Paul, M. D., Business Manager; Miss E.
H. W. Barrows, C. C. Crisler, S. Crooks, Medical Matron; Miss J.
L. Frost, J. G. Gjording. Bartlett, Domestic Matron.
Officers: Dr. C. C. Landis, Medical
Supt. and Manager; R. W. Paul,
M. D.; H. W. Barrows, Treas.; ST. HELENA SANITARIUM
Miss Tillie E. Barr, Treas. City Sanitarium, Napa County, Cal.
Office; Mrs. C. C. Landis, Miss .Established 1878
Edyth Johnson, Mrs. R. W. Paul. (Operated by the California Med-
ical Missionary and Benevolent As-
SIMLA SANITARIUM HYDRO- Board of Directors: J. L. McEl-
ELECTRIC INSTITUTE hany, Pres.; C. H. Jones, G. K.
Simla, India Abbott, T. L. Copeland, M. C.
Lysinger, R. Rose, E. R. Rhymes,
Established 1915 E. F. Stow, W. T. Knox, E. L.
Under supervision of Northwest Neff, G. A. Roberts, Clarence
India Union Committee. Santee, W. E. Nelson, W. C.
Address: " Belvedere," Simla, In- Officers: G. K. Abbott, M. D., Med-
dia. ical Supt.; T. L. Copeland, Treas.
Manager: H. C. Menkel, M. D., as- and Business Manager; A. C.
sisted by Miss Thyra E, Sand- Larson, Sec.; Miss Ellen Love-
berg. stedt, R. N., Sec. of the Train-

ing School and Head Lady Wm. Westworth) It. Holden,

Nurse; S. J. Whitney, Gentle- J. N. Flodgiit
men Head Nurse; Mrs. Anna M.
Cole, Matron; Mrs. S. A. James, Faculty: Medical Supt., W. R.
Dietitian; W. W. Miller, Chap- Simmons; W. A. Young, Chap-
, lain. lain; A. G. Larson, M. D.; Mrs.
Abbott, M. D., Leah Griffee, Supt. of Nurses;
Medical Staff: G. Miss Floy King, Head Nurse;
Clyde Gregory, M. D., N. C. Mc- Mrs. R. T. Mitchell, Matron.
Lafferty, M. D., Ida S. Nelson,
M. D.; Ruth Miller, M. D.
The California Medical Missionary
and Benevolent Association also "WALDFRIEDE" SANATORIUM
operates the following: AND CLINIC
Sanitarium Food Company: Sani- Established 1920
tarium, Cal.; R. Rose, Factory
Supt. Address: Alsenstrasse 90.109, Zeh-
Sanitarium Mercantile Company: lendorf-West, Berlin, Germany,
Sanitarium, Cal.; E. R. Rhymes, Capacity: 110 patients. The insti-
Supt. tution is conducted as Sanita-
City Office: Rooms 340 and 341, rium and general hospital and
Phelan Building, San Francisco, has government recognition as
Cal. a benevolent institution 'and as
a nurses' training school: Pat=
ronage of resident patients fat
SYDNEY SANITARIUM 1924, 1,020, Operated by the
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia German Health .Association.
Established 1902 Local Committee: Dr. L. E. Con-
Manager: G. A. Brandstater. radi, Dr. E. Meyer, P. Horn, A.
Behrens, Mrs. A. Conradi.
Board: J. B. Fulton, Dr. T. A.
Sherwin, E. Watson, G. S. Fish- Medical Faculty: Dr. L. E. Con-
er, T. W. Hammond, A. H. Piper, radi, Supt.; Dr. E. Meyer, Dr.
W. G. Turner, H. C. White. W. Bockshammer.
Medical Faculty: T. A. Sherwin,
- M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; M. M.
Freeman, M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM
H. B. Shallard, M. B., Ch., M.,
Sydney; G. A. Brandstater, College Place, Wash.
Manager Mrs. Elsie Shannan, Established 1905
Matron; 'W. J. Smith, Chaplain;
J. W. Blackwelder, Head luale Board of Directors: J. S. Rouse, H.
Nurse. A. Erickson, M. D.; P. W. Ochs,
Silas Yarnell, M. D:, C. B. Miller,
C. M. Christiansen, F. W. Peter-
RIUM Medical Staff: H. A. Erickson, M.
Lafayette, Ind. D., Supt.; E. L. Whitney, M. D.;
Established 1906 J. C. Lyman, M. D.; J. T. Rooks,
M. D.; C. J. Johannesson, M. D.;
Board of Trustees: Wm. Guthrie, Miss Wilda Flower, R. N., Supt.
Pres.; W. R. Simmons, Sec. and of Nurses; P. W. Ochs, Business
Treas.; C. S. Wiest, J. F. Piper, Manager,

WARBURTON SANITARIUM ing Association; President and

' Manager of the Washington
Warburton, Victoria, Australia Missionary College.
Established 1910 Board of Directors: J. L. Shaw,
Chairman; H. W. Miller, Sec.;
Officers: J. L. Simpson, Manager. C. C. Pulver, F. M. Wilcox, F.
Board: J. M. Johanson, J. E. Ful- H. Robbins, T. B. Westbrook, D.
ton, H. Stacey, E. Watson, C. M. :H. Kress, 0. Montgomery, H. A.
Snow, A. G. Miller, E. Parkin- Morrison.
son, F. A. Allum, H. C. White,
J. L. Simpson. Officers: J. L. Shaw, Pres.; H. W.
Miller, Medical Supt. and Sec.;
Medical Supt.: W. H. James, M. C. C. Pulver, Treas. and Busi-
B., B. S., Melbourne. ness Manager.
Matron: Miss H. Markey. Medical Faculty: H. W. Miller, A.
B., M. D., Supt. D. H. Kress,
M. D.; Geoffrey Williams, M. D.;
L. E. Elliott, M. D.; L. E. Cool-
idge, M. D.; Marvel Beem, M.
WASHINGTON SANITARIUM :D.; C. C. Pulver, Manager; &a.-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- abeth Redelstein, R. N., Supt. of
Nurses; Howard Wilson, R. N.
ton, D. C. , Chaplain; Mrs. H.
Dedicated June 12, 1907 P. Kirk, Matron.

Corporate Name: "Washington

(D. C.) Sanitarium Associa- Number of Sanitariums, 38.
In addition to the foregoing Con-
Constituency: The Executive Com- ference institutions, there are a
mittee of the General Confer- number of sanitariums and treat-
ence; Board of Trustees of the ment rooms owned and operated
Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium by private individuals and organi-
Association; Faculty and head zations.. While under private or
of departments of the Washing- semi-private management, many
ton (D. C.) Sanitarium Associa- of these enterprises are doing a
tion; President and Treasurer work which adds greatly to the
and Medical Secretary of the volume of medical work of the
Columbia Union Conference; denomination as a whole. As our
Presidents of the local Confer- Year Book gives only such institu-
ences within the Columbia Un- tions as are directly owned and
ion; President and Manager of managed by the denomination,
the Review and Herald Publish- these enterprises are not listed.
Bergen, Norway. Treatment Rooms, Vestre Torvgate 11; Manager, B.
Chichoki Mallian, India. Dispensary, in charge of Mrs. F. H. Loasby.
Chuharkana Dispensary. Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., Punjab, India. In
charge of Miss I. M. Dowling.
Hapur, India. Dispensary, in charge of M. M. Mattison.
Henzada Dispensary. Address, Care of F. A. Wyman, 58 Parsons Road,
Henzada, Burma. In charge of F. A. Wyman, assisted by Mrs.
F. A. Wyman.
Hse Hseng Mission Dispensary. Established in 1923. In charge of
C. E. Ronfelt.
Kalyan, India. Dispensary, in charge of M. Oss.
Kamamaung Dispensary, Established 1915, Address, S. D. A. Karen
Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon Post Office, Salween Dist., via
Maulmein, Burma; in charge of H. Baird, assisted by Mrs. H.
Baird and Karen helper.
Lasalgaon, India.-- Dispensary. In charge of Mrs. R. E. Loasby.
Little Eden Hospital. Shek La Tau St., Fatshan, Kwangtung, China;
in charge of Dr. S. L. Wong, with four native assistants. Board
of Directors: Same as Cantonese Mission Committee.
Najibabad, India. Dispensary. In Charge of E. R. Reynolds.
Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Nanning, Kwangsi, Dispensary, S. D. A.,
in charge of D. D. Coffin, M. D.; Asst., Dr. Ang; Treas. and
Nurse, P. L. Williams.
Nashville Treatment Rooms. 151 Sixth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.,
conducted as a department of the Nashville Agricultural Normal
Institute. J. G. Rimmer in charge of the Men's Department;
Miss Gladys Robinson in charge of Women's Department.
Nyhyttan, JArnboAs, Sweden. Treatment Rooms; Manager, C. 0. Carls-
Soonan, Chosen. Soonan Dispensary Hospital; Superintendent,
Dispensary Hospital Board: H. A. Oberg, W. R. Smith, Mrs.
Smith, E. Keun Ok, J. E. Eiffel,
Stockholm, Sweden. Hydro-Electric Institute, HumlegArdsgatan 18;
Manager, P. Lindberg.
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 308 George
Taikgyi Dispensary. Address Care Mrs. A. J. Denoyer, Taikgyi, Burma.
Established in 1920.
Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Tatsienlu Dispensary, Medical Supt., Dr.
J. N. Andrews.
Yencheng, Honan, China. Yencheng Hospital Dispensary, Lowanho, Yen-
cheng, Honan,China; Medical Supt., H. C. James, M. D.; Lady
Physician Mrs. H. C. James, M. D.; Treasurer, W. I. Hilliard
Chen Lo 'San, Fan Deli Yu, Fan Gwei Lan, Wang His Min,
Mao Ti Een, Ren Yung Deh, Su Dzi Chi, Dju Ren Ai, Djo Ai
Niu Siu Yuen, Ma Bao Djen, Wang Si Mu; nurse, Edith
Johnson. Established 1919.
Colorado Sanitarium Food Co., Boulder, Colorado.
Copenhagen Food Factory. Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark;
Business Manager, Chr. Hansen.
German Health Food Factory (Deutscher Verein fiir Gesundheitspflege,
Hamburg.) Members of the D. V. G. Association: L. R. Con-
radi, H. Hoth, H. Hartkop, G. W. Schubert, P. Drinhaus, W.
Krumm, W. Milner, 0. Schildhauer, A. Vollmer; Manager, H.
Hoth. Campestr. 18 and Grindelberg 13, Hamburg, Germany.
Gland Hygenic Food Factory.(Fabrique de Produits Alimentaires Hy-
gieniques " Phag"); ' Gland, Switzerland. Established 1896.
Corporate Name: Societe Philanthropique de la Ligniere. Board
of Directors: A. V. Olson, J. Robert,,Dr. P. A. De Forest, Dr. H.
Milner, J. Rey, R. Gerber, J. Erzberger, L. Guenin. Manager,
J. Robert.
International Health Association,Ltd. (British Health Food Factory),
Stanborough Park, Wato rd, Herts, England. Directors: J. E.
Jayne, Dr. W. A. Ruble, G. L. Gulbrandson, W. R. Raitt; Man-
ager and Sec., H. Osborne.
Food Department of Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute, located at
Madison, Tenn.; Manager, N. H. Druillard; Supt., Mrs. A. J.
St. Helena- Sanitarium Food Co. Sanitarium, Cal.
Sanitarium Health Food Company.Head Office, " Mizpah," Fox Valley
Road, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. General Board, E. Wat-
son, G. S. Fisher, W. 0. Johanson, T. W. Hammond, W. G. Tur-
ner, J. E. Fulton, H. C. White. Avondale Industries, Cooran-
bong, N. S. W., Australia; Manager, G. S. Fisher; Board: E.
Watson (Chairman), G. S. Fisher, L. H. Wood, J. M. Cole W. 0.
Johanson, J. E. Fulton, T. W. Hammond. New Zealand Cen-
tral Health Food Board: W. J. Westerman (Chairman), F. C.
Wilkinson, E. Watson, W. 0. Johanson, H. M. Blunden, G. Adair,
S. H. Amyes, P. G. Foster, H. C. Moseley. New Zealand Food
Factory, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. Manager, G.
Adair; Board: W. J. Westerman, Chairman; S. H. Amyes, G.
Adair, E. Watson, W. 0. Johanson, P. G. Foster, H. C. Mosely.
Perth Factory, Barrack St., Perth, W. Aust. Manager, W. A.
Wilton. Board: H. E. Piper, W. A. Wilton, H. Ward, G. H.
Palmateer, E. Watson, W. 0. Johanson. Warburton Factory,
Warburton, Victoria; Manager, A. J. Dyason. Board: J. M.
Johanson (Chairman), G. M. Snow, J. E. Fulton, F. A. Allum,
H. Stacey, H. C. White, E. Watson, W. 0. Johanson, A. J. Dya-
son, E. Parkinson, A. G. Miller.
Shops and Wholesale Depots
Sydney, N. S. W., 308 George St.; Manager, P. B. Otto.
Melbourne, Victoria, 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, J. S. Sand-
Adelaide, South Australia, 7a Rundle St.; Manager, W. H.
Perth, West Australia, 116 Barrack St.; Manager, W. A. Wilton.
Brisbane, Queensland, 360 Queen St.; Manager, F. E. Butler.

Hobart, Tasmania, 160 Collins St.; Manager, T. J. Dowling.

Auckland, New Zealand, Strand Arcade; Manager, W. I. Wright.
Wellington, New Zealand, 83 Willis St.; Manager, L. T. Cress-
Christchurch, New Zealand. 678 Colombo St.; Manager, G. E.
Dunedin, New Zealand, 93 Princes St.; Manager, W. T. Smith.
Wholesale Depot: Sydney, New South Wales, 319 Sussex St.;
Manager, P. B. Otto.
Wholesale Depot: Windsor, Victoria, 118 Union St.; Manager,
J. S. Sandeman.

Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. 306-308 George St., Sydney; Manager,
P. B. Otto.
Melbourne, Victoria. 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, J. S. Sandeman.
Adelaide, South Australia. 7a Rundle St.; Manager, W. H. Nolan.
Perth, West Australia. 116 Barrack St.; Manager W. A. Wilton.
Brisbane, Queensland.-360 Queen St.; Manager, F. E. Butler.
Hobart, Tasmania.-160 Collins St.; Manager, T. J. Dowling.
Auckland, New Zealand. Strand Arcade, Queen St.; Manager, W. I.
Wellington,New Zealand.-83 Willis St.; Manager, L. T. Cresswell.
Christchurch, New Zealand.= 678 Colombo St.; Manager, G. E. Adair.
Dunedin, New Zealand. 93 Princes St.; Manager, W. T. Smith.
Nashville Vegetarian. Cafeteria, 151 Sixth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.,
conducted by the Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute, Mad-
ison, Tenn.
Home Missionary Day, January 3.
" Signs " Campaign, January 26 to February. 7.
Foreign Missions Rally Day, February 21.
Religious Liberty Offering, March 7.
Missionary Volunteer Day, March 14.
Missionary Volunteer Spring Week of Prayer, March 14 to 21.
Home Missionary Day, April 4.
Offering for Rural Schools, April 11.
"Big Week " Rally Day, May 2.
" Big Week," May 2 to 9.
Foreign Missions Big Week Rally Day Offering, May 9.
Medical Missionary Day, June 6.
Sabbath School Rally Day, June 13.
Home Missionary Day, July 4.
Midsummer Rally Day Offering, July 18.
Home ForeignForeign Translation Fund Offering, August 1.
Educational Day, August 8.
Harvest Ingathering Campaign Rallying Service, September 5.
Official Ingathering Campaign Period, September 5 to October 17.
Harvest Ingathering Foreign Missions Rally Day, October 17.
Offering for Negro Department, October 31.
Home Missionary Day, November 7.
Week of Prayer, December 5 to 12.
Annual Offering for Missions, December 12.
Thirteenth Sabbath Offerings, March 28, June 27, September 27,
December 26.

The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General.Con-
ference for evangelistic work, for the years stated:
1905 $143,796.86
1906 163,755.56
1907 253,445.74
1908 272,873.08
1909 351,414.61
1910 410,611.48
1911 404,922.53
1912 476,600.00
1913 523,763.00
1914 Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00
1915 Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92
1916 Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853,153.57
1917 Foreign, 680,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,953.17

1918 Foreign, 1,071,929.90; Home, 276,960.00 1,348,889.90

1919 Foreign, 923,686.21; Home, 453,054.01 1,376,740.22
1920 2,171,156.70
1921 2,535,062.79
1922 3,547,582.50
1923 3,224,058.93
The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expendi-
tures; for 1912 to ,1924, appropriations voted. The amounts expended
for most of the years was in excess, of that appropriated, rarely less,


(Not including children or workers returned from furlough)
1901-02 107
1903 60
1904 40
1905 60
1906 76
1907 58
1908 140
1909 134
1910 61
1911 74
1912 97
1913 157
1914 103
1915 76
1916 147
1917 59
1918 103
1919 83
1920 310
1921 212
1922 137
1923 110
1924 142


Name Date of Service
1. John Byington May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865
2. James White May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867
3. J. N. Andrews May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868
4. James White May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871
5. Geo. I. Butler Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874
6. James White Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880
7. Geo. I. Butler Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. 0. A. Olsen Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897

9.. G. A. Irwin Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901

10. A. G. Daniells April 2, 1901, to May 11, 1922
- 11. W. A. Spicer May 11, 1922, to


Name Date of Service
1. Uriah Smith May 21, 1863, to Mu 12, 1868
2. M. S. Burnham May 12, 1868, to May lg, 1869
3. Uriah Smith May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873
4. S. Brownsberger Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874
5. Uriah Smith Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876
6. C. W. Stone Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877
7. Uriah Smith Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881
8. A. B. Oyen Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883
9. Uriah Smith Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888
10. Dan T. Jones Oct. 17, 1888, to March 5, 1891
11. W. A. Colcord March 5, 1891, to March 6, 1893
12. L. T. Nicola April, 1893 to Feb. 19, 1897
13. L. A. Hoopes Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
14. H. E. Osborne April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903
15. W. A. Spicer April 11, 1903, to May 11, 1922
16. A. G. Daniells May 11, 1922, to
In the two preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when
the Conference sessions were convened.

Foreign All Per Cap. of
Year Membership Annual Tithe Miss. Offgs. Other Fds. Tot. Fds.
1863 3,500 $ 8,000.00 $2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 3.00
1870 5,440 21,822.46 4.66
1875 8,022 32,618.62 $ 536.57 ' 4.13
1880 15,570 61,856.88 3,160.22 $ 2,784.35 4.35
1885 20,547 122,641.69 21,649.85 6,898.74 7.36
1890 ' 29,711 225,433.98 50,495.63 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73,331.54 24,819.40 8.55
1900 66,547 510,258.97 130,151.09 21,558.93 8.74
1905 77,443 858,014.91 169,335.11 153,567.62 13.52
1907 80,897 1,064,753.43 264,138.12 375,826.57 18.13
1908 83,145 1,101,396.47 308.045.68 361,206.92 18.14
1909 88,502 1,218,243.46 383,084.93 383,228.76 19.66
1910 90,808 1,338,689.65 458,943.70 426,134.17 21.27
1911 93,378 1,477,590.26 485,245.43 400,252.60 21.68
1912 98,044 1,653,624.54 595,004.72 453,569.76 23.66
1913 114,557 1,771.989.60 658,524.04 436,213.76 23.42
1914 125,844 1,818,436.08 772,248.39 499,800.33 24.56
1915 136,879 1,968,168.26 872,666.84 566,463.07 24.89
1916 141,488 2,291,423.46 963,700.23 695,368.09 27.92
1917 153,857 2,946,907.49 1,353,686.07 819,089.88 33.28
1918 162,667 3,841,317.96 2,072.917.21 981,484.65 42.39
1919 178,239 4,989,305.28 2,091,278.38 1,496.467.20 48.12
1920 185,450 7,195,463.04 8,251.550.01 1,407.391.18 63.92
1921 198,088 4,237,745.31 2,781,728.23 1,488,582.65 42.95
1922 208,771 4,230,230.04 2,765,461.51 1,325,170.29 39.86
1923 221,874 4,814,554.87 3,004,641.73 1,337,585.35 41.45


Donations to Per Cent to
Year No. Setola Membership Contributions Missions Missions
1878 177 +5,851 $ 25.00
1880 451 11,821 2,784.35
1885 716 10,570 6,898.74
1890 1,414 33,783 28,642.75 $ 17,707.39 61.83
1895 2,143 50,266 44,629.16 19,809.76 44.59
1900 2,334 5%804 46,704.40 25,235.47 53.94
1905 3,170 75,305 68,613.71 49,894.97 72.72
1907 3,573 84,744 85,105.89 71,475.59 83.98
1908 3,825 91,230 104,620.77 95,280.90 91.07
1909 3,967 96,673 120,682.80 114.213.88 94.64
1910 4,151 101,161 138,037.72 134,830.48 97.67
1911 4,267 106,000 160,762.39 160,091.50 99.58'
1912 4,450 114,897 232,682.40 232,389.36 99.89'
1913 4,732 123,068 291,711.76 291,711.76 100.00'
1914 4,936 133,815 344,390.23 344,390.23 109.00'
1915 5,225 147,784 412,759.28 412,759.28 100.00
1916 5,390 153,781 452,187.62 452,187.62 100.00
1917 5,519 168,239 600,932.71 600,932.71 100.00
1918 5,610 171,914 725,895.08 725,895.08 100.00
1919 5,804 182,459 903,658.00 903,658.00 100.00
1920 6,151 195,653 1,441,962.40 1,441,962.40 100.00
1921 6,690 211,973 1,305,995.04 1,305,995.04 100.00
1922 6,770 224,717 1,164,646.46 1,164,646.46 100.00
].923 7,292 249,089 1,392,041.82 1,392,041.82 100.00

No. Pub. Em- Peri- Languages-all Total Tot.Val. 1 copy
Year Houses ployees odicals publications Annual Sales each pub.
1850 .. .. 1 1 ... - (1846) .93
1855 1 7 2 1 , $ 2,000.00 (1854) 6.08
1860 1 17 2 1 3,000.00 (1862) 7.50
1865 1 20 2 1 4,000.00 8.33
1870 1 30 3 1 7,000.00 12.49
1875 3 71 8 2 18,000.00 29.51
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000.00 53.30
1885 6 232 21 9 121,692.36 96.60
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00 171.55
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00 243.60
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00 267.84
1905 20 400 89 46 548,067.03 300.00'
1907 23 466 96 54 1,035,565.62 420.00
1908 26 515 109 57 1,286,981.24 488.00
1909 27 605 124 65 1,402,444.00 500.00
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58 525.00
1911 37 645 125 71 1,627,657.83 Est. 540.00
1912 37 684 123 75 1,836,527.86 " 550.00
1913 37 734 128 80 1,869,714.48 " 575.00
1914 38 735 134 88 2,109,834.60 " 600.00
1915 40 698 120 95 2,174,591.94 " 640.00
1916 40 740 130 90 2,181,340.27 " 680.00
1917 41 802 134 94 2,937,422.88 _, 704.50
1918 41 853 142 94 3,416,500.00 758.48
1919 43 1020 138 96 5,215,626.49 812.53
1920 45 1125 144 99 5,682,972.35 877.74
1921 46 1040 148 100 4,764,521.06 1,000.80
1922 51 961 154 114 3,656,481.31 1,153.23
1923 51 923 156 114 4,067,460.49 1,244.15
No. of Sanitariums
Year and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.60
1870 1 6 35 44,221.54
1875 1 7 125 70,189.22

1880 2 10 165 190,956.74

1885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 3 15 315 548,923.45
1895 7 33 477 800,786.99
1900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00
1907 64 95 1,596 2,344,283.65
1908 80 111 1.843 2,766,346.50
1909 78 110 1,834 3,261,181.14
1910 74 116 1,989 3,368,041.46
1911 69 134 2,404 3,792,421.35
1912 69 129 2,359 4,254,500.33
1913 * 44 110 1,727 2,810,711.10
1914 42 122 1,696 2,894,605.67
1915 40 131 1,729 2,774,058.94
1916 41 141 1,808 2,895,483.70
1917 47 147 1,912 3,148,692.82
1918 46 1144 2,065 3,225,110.25
1919 41 150 2,263 4,263,383.25
1920 41 163 2,308 4,309,701.10
1921 .44 175 2,424 4,580,093.90
1922 50 196 2,541 5,361,230.10
1923 51 241 3,077
* After 1913 not including privately owned institutions.


Year No. Societies Members Total Contributions
1902 186 3,478
1905 196 3,741
1906 400 5,400 $ 5,744.40
1907 461 8,933 11,122.60
1910 - 647 12,408 18,807.03
1913 964 19,428 24,380.20
1914 1,070 19,898 34,676.53
1915 1,196 23,442 44,497.58
1916 1,342 25,836 54,944.59
1917 1,369 26,337 75,652.48
1918 1,446 27,879 78,983.50
1919 1,681 32,921 115,724.98
1920 2,030 41,916 191,848.80
1921 2,147 45,012 196,492.92
1922 2,285 46,933 . 157,292.33
1923 2,341 48,760 140,731.99

No. Primary 1 No. Colleges
Year Schools Teachers Enrolment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrolment
1872 ... ... 1 3 90
1875 ... ... 1 13 289
1880 1 1 15 1 20 490
1885 3 5 125 3 38 761
1890 9 15 350 7 56 079
1895 18 35 895 11 157 1,974
1900 220 250 5,000 25 199 2,357
1905 417 466 7,345 51 257 3,308
1907 458 i 506 8,007 67 415 5,455
1908 535 625 10,487 83 476 6,521
1909 579 668 11,835 83 504 6,535
1910 594 758 13,357 86 561 7,169
1911 613 790 15,498 89 640 8,043
1912 573 674 15,602 90 631 8,205
1913 510 592 10,206 70 557 7,563
1914 611 703 12,044 67 538 7,656
1915 692 849 13,413 67 574 7,623
.1916 824 1059 17,178 68 583 7,964
1917 738 869 15,635 68 669 9,375

1918 848 1043 18,105 77 729 9,908

1919 881 1166 20,525 88 884 12,695
1920 928 1273 23,481 97 1,020 14,614
1921 1,196 1614 27,730 114 1,110 15,103
1922 1,259 1718 34,034 123 1,159 15,505
1923 1,265 1632 34.553 122 1,314 16,298


(Applies in North America Only)
Publication Quantity Foreign Edition Amount
Year Used Printed Lan. Quan. Collected

1908 Review & Herald 692,000 $14,136.77

1909 Review & Herald 689,315 41,183.46
1910 Review & Herald 510,000 41,643.92
1911 Signs 550,000 32,654.45
1912 Signs 490,000 50,164.45
1913 Review & Herald 606,565 56,282.99
1914 Review & Herald 683,063 57,598.73
1915 Signs 823,500 78,333.25
1916 Signs 1,077,470 126,158.66
1917 Watchman 1,206,203 169,170.18
1918 Watchman 1,201,527 198,116.76
1919 Watchman 1,500,000 338,470.73
1920 Watchman 1,850,000 15 267,000 543,324.68
1921 Watchman 2,414,471 17 276,000 518,296.34
1922 Watchman 2,120,000 19 383,000 528,314.06
1923 Watchman 2,110,000 25 433,000 568,744.67

General Summary

Union Local Mission Total Denomina-

Year Conferences Conferences Fields Institutions tional Investment

1865 7 1 1 $38,712.53
1875 13 2 5 282,179.55
1885 .. 28 3 11 885,382.97
1895 1 36 22 29 2,858,725.82
1905 13 80 56 126 4,799,419.51
1910 23 106 87 188 10,086,245.27
1912 23 126 100 196 12,084,438.13
1913 25 126 101 * 151 12,812,783.61
1914 26 128 106 147 14,039,279.39
1915 26 130 109 147 14,254,615.45
1916 26 130 113 149 15,284,215.27
1917 31 135 119 156 16,873,422.54
1918 35 141 117 164 19,975,500.49
1919 44 133 141 172 25,432,582.52
1920 46 148 153 183 30,699,461.49
1921 51 139 160 204 34,196,049.15
1922 55 143 153 224 36,903,593.95
1923 54 146 150 234
After 1918 not including privately owned institutions.
Denominational Investment, 1922
From 1922 Financial Statement :
North America Outside Total

Conference $2,977,948.10 $3,663.361.32 $6,641,309.42
Association 4,284,325.23 2,160,002.30 6,444,327.53
Tract Society 530,649.52 211,896.72 742,546.24
Educational 4,845,622.55 942,821.27 5,788,443.82
Publishing 2,246,084.99 1,911,055.39 4,157,140.38
Sanitarium 3,785,443.49 1,575,786.61 5,361,230.10
Food Company 1,138,593.77 1,138,593.77

Totals $18,670,073.88 $11,603,517.38 $30,273,591.26
From 1922 Statistical Report :
Churches $ 4,910,255.37 $ 899,735.68 $ 5,809,991.05
Church Schools 772,606.81 47,404.83 820,011.64
Totals $ 5,682,862.18 $ 947,140.51 $ 6,630,002.69
Grand Totals, 1922 .$24,352,936.06 $12,550,657.89 $36,903,593.95
Grand Totals, 1921.. 22,368,409.68 11,827,639.47 34,196,049.15
Increase .$ 1,984,526.38 $ 723,018.42 $ 2,707,544.80
Per Cent of Increase 8.87 6.11 7.92
Per Cent of Whole 65.99 34.01 100.00

Article I N ame

This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev-

enth-day Adventists.
Article II Object
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the command-
ments of God and the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Article III Membership
Section 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of:
(a) Such union conferences and union missions as have been or shall
be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General Conference
in session.
(b) Such local conferences and properly organized missions not in-
cluded in any union conference or in any union mission as have been or
shall be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General Confer-
ence in session.
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as follows:
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) All members of the General Conference Executive Committee.
(b) Such representatives of mission fields who are not regular dele-
gates as may be present and as may be recommended by the division
fields, such credentials to be ratified by the General Conference in session.
(c) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and of
general institutions and departments of work, and such general laborers
and field secretaries as shall receive delegates' credentials from the
Executive Committee of the General Conference, such credentials to be
ratified by the General Conference in session. The number of these
delegates thus seated shall not exceed 25 per cent of the regular dele-
gates in attendance.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited
by union conferences and union missions, and by local conferences and
properly organized missions not included in any union conference or
union mission.
Sec. 5. Each union conference and union mission shall be entitled to
one delegate, in addition to its) president or superintendent, without re-
gard to numbers, an additional delegate for each local conference or
organized mission in its territory, and an additional delegate for each
one thousand or fraction thereof of its membership.
Sec. 6. Each local conference and local mission not included in a union
conference or union mission shall be entitled to one delegate without

regard to numbers, and one additional delegate for each one thousand
members or fraction thereof.

Article IV -- Officers and Their Duties

Sec. 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a president,
vice-presiderits, a seeretafy, an associate secretary, a treasurer, an asso-
ciate treasurer, and an auditor, who shall be elected by the Conference.
Sec. 2: President: The President shall act as chairman of the Execu-
tive Committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference,
as the Executive Committtee may advise.
See: S Vice-Presidents: The Vice-Presidents shall preside over the di-
vision fields to which the General Conference has elected them, and shall
assist the President in administering the aftaifs of the Conference as
they be directed by the General Conference in session, or by the General
Conference Committee.
Sec. 4. Secretary and Associate Secretary: It shall be the duty of the
Secretary and the Associate Secretary to keep the minutes'of the pro-
ceedings of the General Conference sessions and of the General Confer-
ence Committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other facts
from union and local conferences and missions, as may be desired by the
Conference or by the Executive Committee, to maintain correspondence
With the fields and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to
such office.
See. 5. Treasurer and Associate Treasurer: It shall be the duty of
the Treasurer, or in his absence, of the Associate Treasurer to receive
ail funds of the General Conference, and disburse them in harmony with
the actions of the Executive Committee of the General Conference, and
to render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired
by the Conference or by the Executive Committee.
Sec. 6. Election of Officers: All officers of the Conference, and the
members Of the Executive Committee except presidents of union confer-
ences and superintendents of union missions, shall be chosen by the dele-
gates at the regular quadrennial sessions of the General Conference, and
shall hold their office for the period of four years, or until their suc-
cessors are elected, and appear to enter upon their duties.
Article V Executive Committee
Sec. 1. At each regular session the Conference shall elect an Executive
Committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the
Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, the Associate Secretary, the Assistant.
Secretary, the Division Secretaries, the Treasurer, the Associate Treas-
urer, the Assistant Treasurer, the Division Treasurers, the Statistical!
Secretary, the General Field Secretaries, the Division Field Secretaries,.
the Presidents of the union conferences, the Superintendents of union.
missions, the Secretary and Associate Secretary in charge of each duly
organized General Conference Department, namely, the Publishing, Med-
ical, Educational, Sabbath School, Religious Liberty, Young People's
Missionary Volunteer, Home Missionary, North American Negro, and
Bureau of Home Missions, the Division Departmental Secretaries, the
ex-Presidents of the General Conference having credentials from this.
Conference, and other persons not to exceed fifteen in number.

Article VI Incorporations, Departments and Agents

Sec. 1. Such incorporations may be authorized by the General Con-
ference in session, or by the General Conference Executive Committee
as the development of the work may require.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall
elect such trustees of corporate bodies connected with this organization
as may be provided in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries,
treasurers, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make
such distribution of its laborers, as may be necessary effectively to exe-
cute its work.
Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or license to ministers
and missionaries except 'in division fields, in union and local conferences,
and in organized union missions.
Article VII Sessions
Sec. 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such time
and place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice pub-
lished in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald in three consecutive
issues at least four months before the date for the opening of the session.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions of the
General Conference at such time and place as it deems proper by a like
notice as of regular sessions, and the transactions of such special ses-
sions shall have the same force as those of the regular sessions.
Sec. 3. The election of officers, and the voting on all other matters of
business shall be by viva voce vote unless otherwise demanded by a ma-
jority of the delegates present.
Article VIII By-Laws
The voters of this Conference may enact By-Laws and amend or repeal
them at any session thereof, and such By-Laws may embrace any pro-
vision not inconsistent with the Constitution.
Article IX Amendments
This Constitution or its By-Laws may be amended by a two thirds'
vote of the voters present and voting at any session; provided that, if
it is proposed to amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of
such purpose shall be given in the call for such special session.

Article I Division Sections
Sec. 1. The General Conference shall conduct its world-wide work in
division sections, each section to operate within a specified territory in
harmony with the policy of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. Union Conference and union mission field organization shall be
preserved, and such fields, together with all other organizations and in-
stitutions within the territory, shall be responsible to the respective
division committees.

Sec. 3. The Division fields shall be North America, Europe, the Far
East, Africa, South America, Southern Asia, Australasia, and Inter-
America. The boundaries of these division sections shall be subject to
adjustment at any regular biennial council.
Article II Vice-Presidents
Sec. 1. Vice-Presidents shall be elected as follows to their respective
fields: one for general administrative work, one for North America, one
for Europe, one for Africa, one for Southern Asia, one for the Far East,
one for Australasia, one for South America, and one for Inter-America.
Sec. 2. The General Vice-President shall assist the President in his ad-
ministrative work as the Executive Committee may direct. The Vice-
President for North America shall work under the direction of the Gen-
eral Conference Committee.
Sec. 3. The Vice-Presidents elected for the divisions outside of North
America shall act as chairmen of the division committees operating in
their respective fields, and shall have charge of the work in those fields
under the direction of the division committees.
Article III Associate Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term " associate secretary " shall be used to designate the
Secretary elected to be associated with the Secretary of the General
Conference, or' such secretary or secretaries as may be elected to be asso-
ciated with any Departmental Secretary, in carrying the primary re-
sponsibilities of his office.
Sec. 2. An associate secretary shall be elected to share the work of the
General Conference Secretary. Such Associate Secretaries shall also be
elected as may be deemed necessary to assist the Departmental Secreta-
ries in the conduct of their work.
Article IV Assistant and Division Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term " assistant secretary " shall be used to designate the
person elected to assist the Secretary and the Associate Secretary of the
General Conference in carrying on their work in the headquarters office.
The term " division secretary " shall be used to designate the persons
elected to serve in the division fields.
Sec. 2. One Assistant Secretary shall be elected to serve at the head-
quarters office. Division Secretaries shall be elected, one for the Euro-
pean field, one for Africa, one for Southern Asia, one for the Far East,
one for Australasia, one for South America, and one for Inter-America.
Sec. 3. The Division Secretaries shall work under the direction of the
division committees. It shall be their duty to keep the minutes of the
division committee meetings, to furnish to the Secretary of the General
Conference a copy of their minutes, to collect information and to make
such reports as may be required, and to do such other work as usually
pertains to such office.
Article V Assistant and Division Departmental Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term " assistant departmental secretary" shall be used
to designate such persons as are appointed to assist the Departmental
Secretaries and their Associate Secretaries in the Departmental work of
the general office.

Sec. 2. Division Departmental Secretaries shall be elected for the re-

spective division fields and shall labor under the direction of the division
Article VI General Field Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term " general field secretary " shall be used to designate
such persons as may be employed by the General Conference to travel
extensively both at home and abroad in the interests of the general
Sec. 2. Such General Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be
deemed necessary to assist the officers of the General Conference in car-
rying on the world-wide work, and they shall labor under the direction
of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 3. Such Division Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be
deemed necessary to labor in the divisions under the direction of the
division committees.
Article VII Associate and Assistant Treasurers
The Associate and Assistant Treasurers shall be elected to share with
the Treasurer the work of his office. They shall perform such duties
connected with the Treasury Department as may be assigned to them by
the Treasurer or by the Executive Committee, and in the absence of the
Treasurer shall have full power to act as treasurer of the Conference in
harmony with the policy and plans of the head of the Treasury Depart-
ment. They shall have authority to sign checks under instruction of the
Article VIII Division Treasurers
Sec. 1. The term " division treasurer " shall be used to designate the
treasurers elected for the respective divisions outside of North America.
Sec. 2. Division Treasurers shall be elected as follows: One for Europe,
one for Africa, one for Southern Asia, one for the Far East, one for
Australasia, one for South America, and one for Inter-America.
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Division Treasurers to receive and
disburse the funds of the General Conference made available for their
territory, under the direction of the division committee, and to perform
such other duties as usually pertain to such office.
Article IX Executive Committee
Sec. 1. During the intervals between sessions of the General Confer-
ence, the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power,
with authority to grant credentials and licenses,' and to fill for the
current term any vacancies that may occur in its offices, boards, com-
mittees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise. The Executive
Committee shall also have power to withdraw credentials or licenses by
a two thirds' vote of the members present and voting at any regular
council meeting.
Sec. 2. A majority of the full membership of the Executive Commit-
tee, including the President or any other officer of the General Confer-
ence appointed temporarily as chairman, is empowered to transact busi-
ness at any time and place. Any seven members of the Executive Com-
mittee, including an officer of the General Conference, shall after due
notice to available members, constitute a quorum of the Executive Com-
mittee, and shall be empowered to transact such executive business as

is in harmony with the general plans outlined by the committee at the

designated place of meeting of the Executive Committee as hereinafter
Sec. 3. All meetings of the Executive Committee, except majority
meetings, shall be held at the general headquarters, or at such other
place as may be definitely arranged by a majority meeting of the
Executive Committee, or by the quorum of at least seven members
meeting in regular session at general headquarters.
Sec. 4. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any
time by the ranking officer of the Conference who may be present at
headquarters, and such officer, or any member of the committee ap-
pointed by him, shall act as chairman of the meeting.
Sec. 5. Minority meetings of less than seven members of the Executive
Committee v may be held at the general administrative office for the
transaction of necessary routine business, but actions taken at such
-meetings shall not be final until the minutes of such meetings have been
approved in a regular session of the Executive Committee.
Article X Division Committees
Sec. 1. In each division outside of North America, a division commit-
tee shall be constituted as hereinafter provided, for the transaction of
business peraining to the division.
Sec. 2. The members of a division committee shall be the Vice-Presi-
dent, the Division Secretary, the Division Treasurer, the Presidents of
union conferences, the Superintendents of union missions, the Division
Field Secretaries, the Division Departmental Secretaries, and any other
members of the General Conference Committee present. Other persons
may also be appointed as -members by the division committee.
Sec. 3. The actions taken by division committees pertaining to the
administration of affairs in the division field, shall be considered final,
provided they are in harmony with the plans and policy of the General
Conference as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws, and in its
Executive Committee actions at regular Autumn Councils.
Sec. 4. It shall be arranged as far as practicable for each division
field outside of North America to send its Vice-President or one of its
officers to the annual councils of the General Conference Executive Com-
Sec. 5. Five members of a division committee, including the chairman,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Sec. 6. Ast the Australasian field consists of only one union, organiza-
tion, the time and extent of the development of the division feature of
that organization shall be optional with the Australasian Union Confer-
ence, it being understood that until the divisional feature is developed,
the President of the Australasian Union Conference shall be a Vice-
President of the General Conference, and the Australasian Union Confer-
ence will function as a division of the General Conference in all phases
of its relation to the world movement.
Article XI Corporation Boards
At each regular session of the General Conference seven persons shall
be elected as a Board of Trustees of the General Conference Corporation.
These Trustees shall also constitute the Board of Trustees of the Gen-
eral Conference Association.

Article XII Departments

Sec. 1. The Departmental Secretaries and Associate Secretaries elected
by the General Conference shall work under the direction of the Execu-
tive Committee of the General Conference and shall occupy an advisory
relation to the field.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint a representative de-
partmental committee of counsel for each department. Such committee
shall in each case be composed of the secretaries of the department,
the secretaries of departmental work in the divisions, and of such depart-
mental leaders in union conferences and institutional work as the
Executive Committee may deem necessary.
Article XIII Auditors and Audits -
Sec. 1. The General Conference Committee shall appoint such Auditors
as may be necessary to do the auditing which should properly come
under the supervision of the General Conference Committee.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the Gen-
eral Conference and of its legal corporations audited at least once each
calendar year, and the' Auditors shall report upon the same to the
Executive Committee annually. The Auditors shall report also, for the
full quadrennial period, to the General Conference at its regular sessions.
The General Conference Auditors shall also be made available for audit-
ing the accounts of union conferences and general institutions.
Article XIV Wages and Expenses
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight persons
not in its employ who, with the officers of the General Conference, and
not less than seven presidents of union conferences, shall constitute a
committee to audit the expense accounts of employees, and to fix their
wages for the succeeding year.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to make such ad-
justments from time to time in the wage of clerks, stenographers, and
other routine workers as may be necessary.

Article XV Funds
Sec. 1. The funds of the General Conference shall be as follows:
(a) A tithe of the tithe receipts of the union conferences and union
missions and of the local conferences and missions not included in union
conferences and union missions.
(b) Regular mission offerings.
(c) Special donations.
(d) Such percentage of the regular tithe of local conferences as may
be determined at 'a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and con-
ference presidents.
(e) Surplus tithes which may be appropriated by local and union
conferences for the mission fields.
(f) A tithe of the profits of publishing houses, sanitariums, and other
profit-earning institutions which are under the control of the General
Conference, or which, because of the character of their work, have more
than local influence and responsibility. Such percentage of the annual
profit also of these institutions, after deducting the tithe, as may be

arranged by joint council of the Executive Committee of the General

Conference with the Board of Management of the institution.
(g) Such percentage of the funds of union conferences and missions
and of institutions and tract societies, as may be arranged by the Gen-
eral Conference Committee in counsel with conference presidents, the
same to be known as the Sustentation Fund for the support of aged
and infirm workers, and for the dependent widows and orphans of
Article XVI Appropriations
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall make its appropriations for
home and foreign work at the Autumn councils, said appropriations to
be based on budgets from the fields requiring financial help.
Sec. 2. Appropriations shall be made subject to the receipt of the full
amount of funds estimated in the General Conference budget. In case
of a shortage, the distribution shall be on a pro-rata basis to all the
interests represented in the budget.
Sec. 3. Appropriations for major permanent investments shall be held
in trust for the purpose for which the appropriation was designated.
In case the project is abandoned the funds shall revert to the General
Conference. Other funds appropriated to division fields shall be ad-
ministered by the division committees.
Sec. 4. All funds raised in division fields, except the regular funds
belonging to the General Conference, as indicated under Article XV,
may be used for the advancement of the work in the fields in which
they were raised.
Sec. 5. General Conference funds in all the world shall be made avail-
able to meet the annual appropriations of the General Conference. Fields
requiring appropriations shall receive not less than the amount of their
mission funds till such time as finances shall permit the General Confer-
ence to retain such funds for general distribution.
Article XVII Finance
Sec. 1. The Treasurer of the General Conference shall carry a reserve
fund to tide over a possible financial depression, equal to one fourth the
regular appropriations of the preceding year, said reserve fund to be
held in cash and in readily convertible securities.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee acting through its legal agency, the
General Conference Corporation, shall have power to make such annuity
contracts as may seem desirable; but all moneys obtained in this way
shall be invested in securities, and not be made available for appropria-
tion until the annuity contracts have expired.
Sec. 3. The tithes and mission offerings received by the General Con-
ference shall be held as a trust for appropriation to the work of the.
Seventh-day Adventist denomination. It shall not be within the pre-
rogative, therefore, of the General Conference Committee, the Treasury
Department, nor of any agent or agency of the denomination, to loan
these funds to private individuals, to indorse notes, sign bonds or other
securities, or in any way to divert the funds of the General Conference
from their intended purpose.
Sec. 4. The basis for computing per-capita funds shall be the member-
ship at the close of the second preceding year as published in the report
of the Statistical Secretary.
Only the names of ordained and Adolph, E., 29 Alpenstr. Munchen,
licensed ministers appear in Bavaria, Germany.
this list. To determine the Adolph K., 85 Hainholzerstr., Han-
nature of any person's ap- nover, Germany.
pointment, reference should be Afenir, Juan, P. 0. Box 7, Baguio,
made to the directory of the Mountain Province, Philippine
Conference operating in the field Islands.
where the worker is located. Ahren, E. J., Tunnelgatan 25,
This applies to the workers Stockholm, Sweden.
named above as well as all Aldrich, B. B., Apartado 492, Bar-
other classes. celona, Spain.
Alencar, Mathias, Caixa Postal
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil,- South
A ALBORG, N. J., 401 Laurel St..
Stillwater, Minn. America.
Abbott, F. L., Adelphian Academy, Alexandre, Pedro, Caixa Postal
Holly, Mich. 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Abbott, G. K., 537 Twenty-fifth South America.
St., Oakland, Cal. All, J. E., 1029 Bryan St., Colum-
Abegg, S. J., Box 598, Walla Walla, bia, S. C.
Wash. Allen, A. N., 1325 North Four-
Abel, R. P., 2070 Sathorn Road, teenth St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Bangkok, Siam. Allen, Chas., 1207 West Jefferson
Abella, Jose, Rua Joaquim Boni- St., Frankfort, Ind.
facio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Allen, C. W., College View, Nebr.
Aberle, II., 36 Pragerstrasse, Tep- Allen, L. E., 17 Abbott Road,
litz-Schonau, Czechoslovakia. Lucknow, India.
Aberle, L., Friedrichstr 5/I, Frei- Allen, M. J., 515 North A St., Rich-
burg i/Br., Germany. mond, Ind.
Abney, B. W., 202-216 First Na- Allison, J. W., 1229 State St., Kan-
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, sas City, Kans.
Tenn. Allison, T. H., 659 South Hamilton
Achenbach, C. V., Corrales 2a, Ha- St., Mobile, Ala.
vana, Cuba. Allum, F. A., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
AcMoody, C. E., 1222 Summit St., thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Muskogee, Okla. Althoff, W., Gotthardtstr. 27, Er-
Adams, E. H., 441 Thirty-eighth furt, Germany.
St , Oakland, Cal. Altman, M. A., Box 356, Nassau,
Adams, E. M., 707 Vermont St., N. P., Bahama Islands.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Altman, Roger, College Vievti, Nebr.
Adams, J. W., Hinkley, Cal. Alvarado, M. 0., 345 Puebla, Tepic,
Adams, M. R., Norfolk Island, Aus- Nay, Mexico.
tralia. Alway, G. M., 2142 Marshall St.,
Adams, P. P., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Stockton, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. Alway, W. A., 359 South Fifth
Adams, W. L., Drawer C, Berrien West, Provo, Utah. -
Springs, Mich. Amelung, K., 23, I, Tiergarten-
Adams, W. M., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. strasse, Konigsberg, East Prus-
Adkins, U. G., Box 1075, Great sia, Germany.
Falls, Mont. Ammundsen, W. B., P. 0. Box 7,
Adkins, W. L., 727 Jamison Ave., Baguio, Mountain Province,
Roanoke, Va. Philippine Islavds.

Amundsen, Wesley, Casilla 355, La Andross, C. E., 507 Flower Ave.,

Paz, Bolivia, South America. Takoma Park, D. C.
Andersen, C. A., Casilla 2830, San- Andross, E. E., Balboa, Canal
tiago, Chile, South America. Zone, Panama.
Andersen, 0., Apartado 492, Bar- Angervo, 0., Annegatan 7, Helsing-
celona, Spain. fors, Finland.
Anderson, A. C., 729 North Fourth Anglebarger, G. W., 2138 South
.St., Mt. Vernon, Wash. Acoma St., Denver, Colo.
Anderson, Alfred, Tunnelgatan 25, Ansel, Albert, 77 Hasenbergstr.,
Stockholm, Sweden. Stuttgart, Germany.
Anderson, A. N., Box 7, Yodobashi Apollon, D., Box 28, Cape Haitien,
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Haiti, West Indies.
Anderson, August, Broadview Col- Appel, G. J.,' S. D. A. Mission,
lege, La Grange, Ill. Tsinanfu, Shantung, China.
Anderson, August S., 1901 West Archer, J. S., Marovo Lagoon, via
Fourth St., Duluth, Minn. Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Anderson, A. W., " Mizpah," Wah- Ocean.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Arinda, P. C., Gopalganj, District
Anderson, B. L., S. D. A. Mission, Faridpur, India.
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Aritonang, H., 11 Kartinilaan, Me-
Anderson, C. V., Tunnelgatan 25, dan, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies.
Stockholm, Sweden. Armitage, F. B., Box 468, Bloem-
Anderson, E. 12 Roptschinskaja, Q. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
13, Leningrad, Soviet Russia. Armstrong, A. D., Box 68, Glen-
Anderson,J. D., Marovo Lagoon, dale, Cal.
via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pa- Armstrong, A. K., 22 Zulla Road,
cific Ocean. Nottingham, England.
Anderson, J. N., Takoma Park, Armstrong, H. W., Lindrick House,
D. C. Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
Anderson, J. P., S. D. A. Mission, Park, London, N. 4, England.
Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Armstrong, I. A., Memramcook,
Anderson, L. R., La Jota, Cal. New Brunswick.
P Anderson, M. E., 1246 Lake Ave., Armstrong, V. T., Box 7, Yodo-
Detroit, Minn. bashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
Anderson, R. A., 84 Jervois Road, Armstrong, W. H., B. F. D. 3, Box
Auckland, New Zealand. 52, Statesville, N. C.
Anderson, U. S., 311 North Rosa- Armstrong, W. W., Gendia Mission,
lind Ave., Orlando, Fla. P. 0. Kenya, Kisumu, British
Anderson, Verner, Nevada, Iowa. East Africa.
Anderson, W. IL, Grove Ave., Arnesen, Erik, Margrethevej 5,
Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Andreasen, M. L., 1854 Roblyn Arnholdt, G., Post Box 31, Samara,
Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Soviet Russia.
A ndress, Wm. M., Grand Valley, Arnold, A., 9a. Steinstrasse, Bres-
Colo. lau, Germany.
Andrews, J. N., S. D. A. Mission, Arraoito, Salvatore, 537 Twenty-
Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. fifth St., Oakland, Cal.
Andrews, L. L., Dr., Box 1100, Or- Ash, S. L., Box 66, Port of Spain,
lando, Fla. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Andrews, W. '11., 52 Washington Ashbaugh, F. G., Box 584, River-
St., Middletown, N. Y. side, Cal.
Andronow, A., Post Box 20, New Ashton, N. S., Box 8, Mt. Vernon,
Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Ohio.

Asirvatham, A., Nazareth P. 0., Biihr, E., 13 Weinbergstrasse, Eh-

Tinnevelly Dist., India. erswalde, Germany.
Asprey, T. W., Nazareth P. 0., Biihre, G., Reuter. Kaserne 28, Diis-
Tinnevelly Dist., India. seldorf, Germany. .
A tiga, T. P., P. 0. Box 7, Baguio, Baierle, Chas.,3256, Germantown
Mountain Province, Philippine Ave., Philaelphia, Pa.
Islands. Bailey, D. A., 168 North Division
Atkins, W. E., Route 1, Box 524a, St., Peekskill, N. Y.
Everett, Wash. Bailey, F. C., 22 Zulla Road, NOt-
Atkinson, E. C., 157. Randolph tingham, England.
Place, Washington, D. C. Bailey, M. R., Union Springs, N. V.
Aufderhar, H. A., Pierce, Colo. Bainer, C. L., Caixa Postal 1028,
Aug, A., Merepuiestee 14-a. Tal- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
linn, Esthonia.
Augsbourger, Ulysse, Rue Nicolas Baird, G. W., Stanborough Park,
Roret, Paris 13, France. Watford, Herts, England. -
Avery, W. L., Box 887, Phoenix,
Ariz. Baird, H., S. D. A. Mission, Kam-
amaung, Post Office Shwegon,
Avila, Manuel, Corrales 2a, Ha- Salween District, via Maulmein,
vana, Cuba. Burma. -
Ayars, E. U., Casilla 2830, Santi- Baker, A. L., Mountain View, Cal.
ago, Chile, South America. Baker, Isaac, 223 Pecan St., Hot
Springs, Ark.
Baker, J. D., Lepi, Benguella Dis-
BAASCII, H. E., Porto Rican
Mission, Box 401, Calle trict, Angola, West Africa.
Baker, B. C., Box 605, Topeka,
Nueva, Stop 14, Santurce, Porto
Rico. Kans.
Babcock, C. M., Drawer 586, Wa- Baker, W. L. H., Huntsville,Ala.
tertown, S. Dak. Balash, W. P., 29 Konusck ovs-
Babcock, D. C., Porto Rican Mis- kaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia.
sion, Box 401, Calle Nueva, Stop Banfield, M. S., 1508 Madison Ave.,
14, Santurce, Porto Rico. Baltimore, Md.
Baber, G. H., Graysville, Tenn. Baptiste, J. J., Box 28, Cape Hai-
Babienco, T. T., care East Siberian tian, Haiti, est Indies.
S. D. A. Mission, Post Box 20, Baranowsky, N., Post Box 384,
New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, Kiev, Soviet Russia.
China. Biirengrub, M., Merepuiestee 14-a.
Ncker, Fr., 29 Schumannstr. Bonn Tallinn, Esthonia.
a/1111., Germany. Barlow, W. A., Ranchi, B. N. Ry.,
Bacon,A. E., 22 Zulla Road, Not- India.
tingam, England. Barnhardt, A. M., 55 South Main
Baculpo, A. C., P. 0. Box 244, Cebu, St., Rochester, N. H.
Cebu, Philippine Islands. Barr, 'W. E., 913 Yale St., Houston,
Badaut, J. P., Gland, Switzerland. Tex.
Badaut, Paul, 3 Rue Ste. Marie des Barras, L. W., Lindrick House,
Terreaux, Lyon, France. Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
Badaut, S., LaLigni&e, Gland, Park, London, N., 4, England.
Baer, R. T., Florida, F. C. C. A., Barrett, A. R., Marovo Lagoon, via
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
America. Ocean.
Bhhler, B., 1 Mittlere Bahnhofstr., Barrett, D. J. C., 3 Awde St., To-
Burgdorf, Kt. Bern, Switzerland. ronto, Ontario.

Barrett, .0. C., 4a Calle Queretaro Beckner, R. A., 1 Franklin Road,

No. 74, Colonia Roma, Mexico, Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma.
D. F., Mexico. Beddoe, B. E;Takoma Park Sta-
Barritt, T. II., 507 Flower Ave., tion, Washington, D. C.
Takoma Park, D. C. Beddoe, E. E., 4a Queretaro 74,
Bartel, K., Zakatna 3-7, Warsaw, Mexioc City, D. F., Mexico.
Poland, Europe. Beebe, E. I., Route 2, Box 55, St.
Bartlett, A. W., 225 West Adams Charles, Mich.
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Beecham, V. L., 399 Upper Seran-
Bartlett, W. T., Gendia Mission, goon Road, Singapore, Straits
P. 0. Kenya, Kisumu, British Settlements.
East Africa. Beer, A., Casella Postale 408, Flor-
'Barth, H. W., 1410 East Magnolia ence, Italy.
Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Beem, T. M., Box 514, Dinuba,
Barto, W. P., 399 Upper Serangoon Behr, H., Querallee 11, Cassel,
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- Germany.
ments. Behrens, A., Gotthardtstr. 27, Er-
Barton; A. E., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. furt, Germany.
Basney, H. C., Route 1, Box 249 J, Behrens, E., " Tereora," The
Arlington, Cal. Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Bass, Harold, S. D. A. Mission, Australia.
Keizan, Chosen. Behrens, J. H., Southern Junior
Bates, F. E., S. D. A. Mission, College, Ooltewah, Tenn.
Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Belding, A., Route 4, Caldwell,
Battye, W. E., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Idaho.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Belgrave, C. C., 17 Abbott Road;
Baueke, F., 13 Weinbergstr, Ebers- Lucknow, India.
walde, Germany. Belich, Iliga, Holly, Mich.
Bauer, Hans, Burgergasse 29, Sibiu, Bell, Alexander R., 111/2 East
Transylvania, Rumania. Twelfth St., North, Portland,
Baum, C. S., 61 West Union St., Oreg.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Bell, C. V., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Baumgartner, H. C., 399 Upper Perth, West Australia, Austra-
Serangoon Road, Singapore, lia.
Straits Settlements. Bell, J. E., 22 Zulla Road, Not-
Bauscher, 0., 45 Politzerstrasse, . Eingham, England.
Stettin, Germany. Bellah, C. G., 1110 South Thirty-
Baxter, 'W. E., Apartado 136, Car- second St., Omaha, Nebr.
acas, Venezuela, South America. Belleau, 0. S., 3 Awde St., To-
Beach, J. P., 201 Cherokee Ave., ronto, Ontario, Canada.
Atlanta, Ga. Bellinger, J. S., Sumter, S. C.
Beams, J. W., Box 472, Kalamazoo, Bellows, R. J., Cooks, Mich.
Mich. Belton, T. G., Gendia Mission, P. 0.
Beans, L. G., Casino, 355, La Paz, Kenya, Kisumu, British East
Bolivia, South America. Africa.
Beardsley, J. I., Shelton, Nebr. Belz, Francisco, Caixa Postal 3764,
Beacon, E. A., Gendia Mission, Victoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil,
P. 0. Kenya, Kisumu, British South America.
East Africa. Bender, U., P. 0. Box 378, Port
Beazley, A. L., 1321 Ludington St., Elizabeth, South Africa.
Escanaba, Mich. Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oregon.
Beck, H., Querallee 11, Cassel, Benjamin, V. J., Narsapur, Kistna
Germany. District, India.

Benson, H. F., Box 7, Yodobashi Blair, R. E. G., " Rewa," 11 Coor-

P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. - anbong Road, Broadmeadow, N.
Benton, R. L., 419 Rencher St., S. W., Australia..
Clovis, N. Mex. Blake, W. J., care Academy, Cicero,
Berg, Henry, 302 Nokomis Bldg., Ind.
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Bland, L. H., 1715 Cass St., Nash-
Bergherm, Walter A., Florida, F. ville, Tenn.
C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen- Blandford, C. L., S. D. A. Mission,
tina, South America. Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
13ergherm, W. H., P. 0. 271, Iloilo, Bliss, C. H., 805, East Wilson Ave.,
Philippine Islands. Glendale, Cal.
Bernstein, 0. 0., 3131 Pasadena Block, Godofredo, . Florida, F. C.
Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Bero, Stephen, 619 South Ashland Blomstedt, Adolph, 933 Park St.,
Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Hartford, Conn.
Berry, G. W., -1112 Kalamath St., Blosser, J. B., College View, Nebr.
DenVer, Colo. Blot, J., Box 28, Cape Haitien,
Bertalot, Elie, Casella Postale 408, Haiti, West Indies.
Florence, Italy. Blue, I. F., 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Berthelsen, P. E., care Academy, now, India.
Harvey, N. Dak. Blunden, H. M., 84 Jervois Road,
Berthold, W., Egelantierstr. 4, The Auckland, New Zealand.
Hague, Netherland. Boehm, F., 36 Pragerstrasse, Tep-
Bertram, W., Egelantierstr. 4, The litz-Schbnau Czechoslovakia.
Hague, Netherland. Boehm, J. H., Chowchilla,
' Cal.
Betea, Petru; Strada Closca 23, Boettcher, J. T., Clinton, Mo.
Teniesoara, Mehala., Rumania. Bodrug, N., Box 1138, Saskatoon,
Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster, - Saskatchewan.
. Mass. Boger, E. C., Box 250, Elizabeth-
Bidwell, W. E., 2904 Garland Ave., ville, Belgian Congo, South Af-
Richmond, Va. rica.
Bierkle, A. N., Box 129, Fortuna, I3ohlmann, J., 13 Weinbergkrasse,
Cal. Eberswalde, Germany.
Bigalke, H., Nakielska 64, Byd- Bohn, A. D., 861 Fifth St., Milwau-
goszcz, Poland, Europe. _ kee, Wis.
Bird, A. C., Caldwell, Idaho'. Bohner, F., Union Springs, N. Y.
Bird, A. F., Lindrick House, Seven Bohringer, G. F., "Mizpah," Wah-
Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, roonga, New South Wales, Aus-
London, N. 4, England. tralia.
Bird, W. L., Box 887, Phoenix, Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park Sta-
Ariz. tion, Washington, D. C.
Birkenstoek, 3. J., Box 468, Bloem- Bond, C. L., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
fontein, 0. P. S., South Africa. Oakland, Cal.
Birsin, J., Brivibas eela 11, Riga, Bonde, Dr. Hans, 1112 Keeaumoku
Latvia. St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bischoff, H., 2 -Vodna ul., Kaschau,
Czechoslovakia. Bonney, J. A., S. D. A. Mission,
Bjerke, I. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo Box 208, Coomassie, Gold Coast,
(Christiania), Norway. West Africa.
Black, L. J., 1215 Marshall St., Bookhart, J.. A., 215 North Mc-
Little Rock, Ark. Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C.
Black, W. L., 163 Palm Court, Riv- Booth, A. S., 201 Cherokee Ave.,
erside, Cal. Atlanta, Ga.

Boothby, R. L., 232 Sheldon St., Bray, Burt, 1144 Forrester Ave.,
Charlotte, Mich. Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Borgeaud, J. E. E., S. D. A. Mis- Brayshaw, N. M., Apartado 436,
sion, Ilorin, Nigeria, West Af- Bogota, Colombia, South Amer-
rica. ica.
Borrowdale, L. J., Apartado 136, Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash.
Caracas, Venezuela, South 13reitigam, R. R., Box 584, River-
America. side, Cal.
Borrowdale, R. J., Ranchi, B. N. Brendel, A., 13, Weinbergstrasse.
Ry., India. Eberswalde, Germany.
Botsch, AV., Brivibas eela 11, Riga, Brennwald, F., Nakielska 64, -Byd-
Latvia. goszcz, Poland, Europe.
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- Bresee, F. E., Casilla 85, Puno,
tion, Washington; D. C. Peru, South America.
Bowers, L. I., S. D. A. Mission, Bresee, R. F., Box CCC, James-
Outside East Gate, Seoul, town, N. Dak.
Chosen (Korea). Brewer, N. F., S. D. A. Mission, 62
Box, El., Hoheweg 17, Bern, Switz- Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking,
erland. Chinn..
Boyd, C. J., Berrien Springs, Mich. Bringle, A. S., Enterprise, Kans.
Boyd, P. M., College St., Knoxville, Brink, Frederic, -Westwood, Cal.
Tenn. Brinkmann, D., 41 Wielandstrasse,
Boylan, H. A., Holly, Mich. Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany.
13oynton, C. E., Route 4, Alber- Brinkmann, H., Eliasstrasse 20c,
marle, N. C. Dresden-A., Germany.
Boynton, J. W., 1346 East Third Bristol, E. A., Box 513, Madison,
St., Newburg, Oreg. Wis.
Bracero, Rafael, Porto Rican Mis- Britten, A. H., 47 Hay St., Subi-
sion, Box 401, Calle Nueva, Stop aco, Perth, West Australia, Aus-
14, Santurce, Porto Rico. tralia.
Bradley, W. H., Box 584, River- Brock, R. H., Kissimmee. Fla,.
side, Cal. Brodersen, P. E., Calle Pino 3801
Bralliar, F. W., Madison, Tenn. Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Brandstater, R., 47 Hay St.,- Su- tina, South America.
biaco, Perth, West Australia, Brooks, R. R., Cicero, Ind.
Australia. Brorsen, A., 844 Thirty-fourth St.,
Brandt, F., 85 Hainholzerstr., Han- Oakland, Cal.
nover, Germany. Brouchy, P. M., Posadas, Misiones,
Branster, G., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Argentina, South America.
Pacific Ocean. Brown, B. W.. 908 East Ninth Ave.,
Branford, J. L., Oaklands, via Peublo, Colo.
Cairns, Queensland. Australia:
Branson, W. H., Grove Ave., Clare- Brown, E. A., Box 354, Ukiah, Cal.
' mont, Cape, South Africa. Brown, G. M., R. F. D. 3, Searcy,
Brashnikow, B., Post Box 20, New Ark.
Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Brown, Harold, 1112 Kalamath St.,
Brass, H. N., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Denver, Colo.
Los Angeles, Cal. Brown, H. S., 507 Flower Ave.,
Braun, J., Reuter Kaserne 28, Diis- Takorna Park, D. C.
seldorf, Germany. Brown, J. E., Box 1584, Lubbock,
Braun, Luiz, Caixa Postal 1830, Tex.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Brown, M. H., Route 1, Searcy,
ica. Ark.

Brownie, Percy, Box 102, North Butler, S. C., " Mizpah," Wah-
White Plains, N. Y. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Brownlie, John, 2024 Carrie St., Butler, W. A., Drawer C, Berrien
Shreveport, La. Springs, Mich.
BIlICK, C., 85 Hainholzerstr., Han- Butterfield, C. L., Box 1138, Sas-
nover, Germany. katoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Bryan, B. F. 254 Carroll St., Ta- Butterfield, M. B., Route 3, Box
koma Park, D. C. 155, Santa Rosa, Cal. -
Bryant, R. J., Room 621, Crutcher Butz, E. S., " Mizpah," Wahroon-
and Starks Bldg., Louisville, ga, N. S. W., Australia.
Ky. Buzugherian, A., Florida, F. C.
Brzezinski, J., Eliasstrasse 20c, C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Dresden-A., Germany. South America.
Budd, G. L., Alexandria, Minn.
Budnick, M., 23, I, , Tiergarten-
strasse, Konigsberg, East Prus-
sia, Germany. C ABRERA, FRANCISCO, Apar-
tado 136, Caracas, Venezuela,
Buhalts, C. J., 2001 Twenty-fourth South America.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Cady, B. J., 1491 East Wilson Ave.,
Bull, A. F., Suji Mission, P. 0. Ma- Glendale, Cal.
kania, via Tanga, Tanganyika Cady, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Territory, British. East Africa. tion, Washington, D. C.
Bullas, A., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Calderone, R., 1860 Fifty-fourth
land, New Zealand. St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Bufich, P. S., 508 East Everett St., Cales, Raymond, Box 584, River-
Portland, Oreg. side, Cal.
Bunch, T. G., 6207 Evanston St., Calvo, V. M., Apartado 365, Mon-
Seattle, Wash. terrey, Mexico.
Bunker, C. M., Holly, Mich. Campbell, G. A., 2718 Third Ave.,
Burden, J. A., care Sanitarium, South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Glendale, Ca]. Campbell, J. M., 101 Glenurban St.,
Bureaud, J., 2 Rue Robert Estou- Battle Creek, Mich.
blon, Algiers, Algeria. Campbell, J. R., Box 468, Bloem-
Burg, F. M., Box 598, Walla Walla, fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Wash. Campbell, M. N., Takoma Park,
Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park Sta- Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Campbell, M. V., 3 Awde St., To-
Burgess, L. J., 17 Abbott Road, ronto, Ontario.
Lucknow, Campbell, Paul, 3131 Pasadena
Burman, C. A., Drawer C, Berrien Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Springs, Mich. Capman, H. J., Union Springs,
Burns, N. C., Chichoki Mallian, N. N. Y.
W. Ry., Punjab, India. Capman, J., 53% Windsor St., Hal-
Burns, R. J., 8 Yarra St., Haw- ifax, Nova Scotia.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Cardey, E. L., 51 Whitmore St.,
Burroughs, C. T., College View, Hartford, Conn.
Nebr. Cardey, 0. D., 460 St. John St.,
Burton, I. B., Box 468, Bloemfon- Portland, Me.
tein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Carey, M. W., 8 Stranack St., Mar-
Busch, M., Pfilhlstr. 82, Heilbronn, itzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Germ any. Carlill, R., Box 1138, Saskatoon,
Butler, G., Box 513, Madison, Wis. Saskatchewan.
Butler, H. O., 304 West Allen St., Carlson, F. C., 5444 Iowa St., Chi-
Springfield, Ill. cago, Ill.

Carlstjerna, C. 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Chan, T. H., 399 Upper Serangoon

Stockholm, Sweden. Road, Singapore, Straits Settle-
Carman, E. E., S. D. A. Mission, ments.
1Swatow, .Kwangtung, China. Chapman, E. M., 3 Awde St., To-
Carnes, 0. 'G., Bridgeton, N. J. ronto, Ontario.
Carr, H. E., " Rewa " 11 Cooran- Chapman, F. L., 22 Zulla Road,
bong Road, Broadmeadow, N. S. Nottingham, England.
W., Australia. Chapman, W., 116 Grote St., Ade-
Carr, H. W., Hamilton, Bermuda laide, South Australia, Austra-
Islands. lia.
Carr, S. W., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Chesson, A. C., corner Peel and
Pacific Ocean. Grey Sts., South Brisbane,
Carrington, James., Georgetown, Queensland, 'Australia.
British Guiana, South America. Chitwood, E. E., Box 43, Salem
Carscallen, A. A., Box CCC, James- Station, Winston-Salem, N. C.
town, N. Dak. Chollar, F. S., 122 South Eighth
Carswell, W: R., " Tereora," The St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Chow, C. Y., 11 Kartinilaan, Medan,
Australia. Sumatra, Dutch East Indies.
Carter, H. W., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. Christensen, Herbert, Route 1,
Carter, J. B., 17' Abbott Road, Mankato, Minn.
Lucknow, India. Christensen, Otto, Brainerd. Minn.
Carter, R. M., 203 West Franklin Christian, J. W., 619 South Ash-
St., Clinton, Mo. land Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Casebeer, H. D., Route 4, Arling- Christian, L. H., Iliiheweg 17, Bern,
ton, Cal. Switzerland.
Castilho, JcIao Moreira de, Rain Christiansen, A. G., 2914 West
Saldanha Marinho No. 169, Curi- North Ave., Chicago,
tyba, Parana, Brazil, South Christman, H. K., Hatboro, Pa.
America. Christman, L. E., Florida, F. C. C.
.Castle, Burton, 202-216 First Na- A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, South America.
Tenn. Clapp, J. N., South Lancaster,
Castle, C. H., Sutherlin, Ore. Mass.
Caton, Frank, 915 South Fifteenth Clapp, R. B., Box 795, Durham,
St., Terre Haute, Ind. N. C.
Clark, A. E., M. D., P. 0. Box 15,
Catalano, Anthony, 1822 West Poona, India.
Thirty-third Ave., Denver, Colo. Clark, A. J., 1600 Brunswick Ave.,
Cave, Chas., Dr., Box 66, Port of Trenton, N. J.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Clark, B. C., Manitou, Manitoba.
Indies. Clark, F. C., Box 605, Topeka,
Caviness, L. L., Gland, Switzer- Kans.
land. Clark, G. H., 1901 Rosedale St.,
Cerda, de la Aristeo, Apartado Baltimore, Md.
218, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Clark, L. L., Casilla 85, Puno,
Central America. Peru, South America.
Clark, W. H., Box 1077, Oklahoma
Chae, Tae Hyon, S. D. A. Mission, City, Okla.
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Clarke, H. D. Stanborough Park,
Chosen (Korea). s, England.
Watford, Heft
Chambe, Luciano, Casilla 85, Puno, Clausen, N., Box 372, Orlando, Fla.
Peru, South America. Clayton, E. E., 55 South Main St.,
Champion, M. G., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. Rochester, N. H.

Cleaves, L. V., Apartado 436, Bo- Connolly, L. H., Apartado 32, San
gota, Colombia, South America. Pedro Sula, Rep. Honduras.
Clemens, J. C., 909 Grand Ave., Conrad, Germano, Caixa Postal
Davenport. Iowa. 1028, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South
Clemenson, W. A., 605 Carter-Cot-
ton Bldg., Vancouver, British Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a,
Columbia. Hamburg, Germ any.
Cleverly, H. R., Ranchi, B. N. Ry., Constandt, R. H., 47 Hay St.,
India. Subiaco, Perth, West Australia,
Clifford, F. C., Box. 378, Port Eliz- Australia.
abeth, South Africa. Conway, F. H., 406 North Thir-
Clifford, J., S. D. A. Mission, Bo- teenth St., Corvallis, Oreg.
nin, Nigeria, West Africa. Conway, N. H., Box 598, Walla
Cobb, J., 116 Grote St., Adelaide, Walla, Wash.
South Australia. Australia. Cook, Chyong Nun, S. D. A. Mis-
Cobb, L. W., LaJota, Napa Co., sion, Outside East Gate, Seoul,
,Cal. Chosen (Korea).
Cobb, S. M., cor. Peel and Grey Cooks, E. L., 2718 Third Ave.,
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- South, Minneapolis, Minn. -
land, Australia. Coon, A. W.; Vernal Ave., Milton
Coberly, 11. B., 1120 West Kiow 0, Junction, Wis.
Colorado Sprines, Colo. Coon, N. R., 148 Crosby St., Brent-
Coffin, P. A., Takoma Park, D. C. wood, Pa.
Colburn, H. M., Casilla 85, Puno, Cooper, J. L., 2027 South St.; Lake
Peru, South America. Charles, La.
Colcord, 1. C., 508 East Everett St., Cooper, T. H., Lindrick House,
Portland, Oregon. Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
Cole, C. F., 817 Nora Ave., Spo- Park, London, North, 4, England.
- kane, Wash. Coop Nood, T. H., 2739 Caldwell St.,
Cole, C. J., 508 East Everett St., Omaha, Nebr.
Portland, Oregon. Copeland, T. S., Box 513, Madison,
Cole, J. N., " Rewa," 11 Cooran- Wis.
bong Road, Broadmeadow, N. S. Coppock, F. 'V., 22 Zulla Road,
W., -Australia. Nottingham, England.
Cole, T. M., " Rewa," 11 Cooran- Corbaley, F. M., 225 Norwood St.,
bong Road, Broadmeadow, N. Redlands, Cal.
S. W., Australia. Corda, L., 705 Vermont St., Manila,
Cole, V. 0., 2001 Twenty-fourth Philippine Islands.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Corder, E. R., 'Box 8, Mt. Vernon,
Collison, C. L., Reed City, Mich. Ohio.
Colthurst, R. T. E., Rose Hill, Mau- Corder, Guy, Route 1, Mt. Vernon,
ritius, Indian Ocean.
COrmack, A. W., Box 15, Poona,
Corner, J. M., 4713 Reiger St., Dal- India.
las, Tex. Corwin, 0. J., 415 North M St.,
.Comilang, M.. B., 707 Vermont St., Fort Smith, Ark.
, . Manila, Philippine Islands. Cossentine, E. E., Longburn, New
CippeA. A., 3256 Germantown Ave., Zealand.
Philadelphia, Pa. Cossentine, R. M., Manchurian
Conger, M. G., 1455 Seventh St., S. D. A. Mission, Mukden, Man-
Parkersburg, W. Va. churia.
Connerly, B. E., 217 South Patrick Cotton, A. V., 802 East Thirteenth
St.; Alexandria; Va: St.; Des Moines; Iowa:
miNi8TatiAt DIRECTORY 295

Cottrell, H. W., 64 East Tenth St., Curdy, J., Box 337, Oshawa, On-
North, Portland, Oleg. tario.
Cottrell, R. F., Loma Linda, Cal. Curran, Howard, 3131 Pasadena
Counsell, 1. V., P. 0. Box 15, Poona, Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
India. Currow, A., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Covert, J. W., R. F. D. 2, Climax, Los Angeles, Cal.
Michigan. Currow, L., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Covey, E. E., 55 Soath Main St., land, New Zealand.
Rochester, N. H. Curtis, Chas., 215 North McDowell
Cox, J. E., 2163 East 74th St., St., Charlotte, N. C.
Cleveland, Ohio. Curtis, C. W., Room 622, Crutcher
Coyne, A. E., M. D., Narsapur, and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky.
Kistna Dist., .India. Curtis, E. A., 215 Lander Ave.,
Cozens, B., " Tereora," The Boule- Turlock, Cal.
varde, Stratli field, New South Cuthbert, W., Ikidzu Mission, Mu-
Wales, Australia. somo, Tanganyika, Kisumu, Brit-
Cozens, H. S., " Mizpah," ish East Africa.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Craddock, T. H., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Crager, C. P., Calle Pino 3801, Bel- nAHL, 0. J., 2417 South Ninth
grano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, St., St. Paul, Minn.
SoUth America. Dahlsten, N., Tunnelgatan 25,
Crammond, J. J., cor. Peel and Grey Stockholm, Sweden.
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- Dail, Guy, La Jota, Napa Co., Cal.
land, Australia. Dake, U. B., Star Route, St. Hel-
Crane, I. A., Keene, Tex. ena; Cal.
Crary, 0. B., 702 Brooks Ave., Dalinger, D. E., Casilla 85. Puno,
Rome, Ga. Peru, South America.
Craven, E. E., 22 Zulla. Road, Dangschat, R., Reuter Kaserne 2S,
Nottingham, England. Disseldorf, Germany.
Crisler, C. C., 25 Ningkuo Road, Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
Shanghai, China. tion, Washington, D. C.
Crisler, 'L. T., Box 1100, Orlando, Dark, A. N., Strada Labirint 116,
Fla. Bukharest, Rumania.
Crichlow, J. F., 530 West Mitchell Dart, A. M., Box 584, Riverside,
St., Atlanta, Ga. Cal.
Crosier, E. G., Gen. Del., Jefferson Dart, .C. J., Box 1077, Oklahoma
City, Mo. City, Okla.
Daent, J. G., 51S Terminal Bldg.,
Cruz, Pedro, Corrales at, Havana, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Cuba. Dasoveanu, G., Strada Labirint
Cubley, W. M., Boa 1075, Great 116, Bukharest, Rumania.
Falls, Mont. Davis, A. A., 146 Clements St.,
Cunill, S. P., 917 South Presa, St., Paducah, Ky.
San Antonio, Tex. Davis, C. H., S.D. A. Mission, The
Cunitz, R. J., 272 Bielsko-Kamie- Island, Changsha, Hunan, hina.
Mca Slask polski, Poland, Eu- Davis, E. M., Caixa Postal 378,
rope. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil,
Cupertino, N., Casella Postale 408, South America.
Florence, Italy. Davis, H. B., Deadwood, S. Dak.
Curdy, E. A., care Oshawa Miss. Davis, J. W., 619 South Ashland
College, Oshawa, Ontario. Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

Davis, Silas, 1422 Euclid Ave., Dieffenbacher, J. R., 537 Twenty-

Santa Barbara, Cal. fifth St.,Oakland, Cal.
Davy, W. L., -.Matandani Mission, Dierking, H., Gotthardtstr. 27, Er-
P. 0. Neno, Nyasaland, British furt, Germany`.
Central Africa. Dietel, V. E., Apartado 492, Bar-
De'Ath, H. F., 22 Zulla Road, celona, Spain.
Nottingham, England. Dietrich, G., Box 7, Yodobashi P.
Dean, J. C., 36 Park St., Calcutta, 0., Tokyo Japan.
India. Dietrich, 1E, Politzerstrasse 45,
De Beer, B. P., 8 Stranack St., Stettin, Germany.
Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Dietrich, R., 23. I, Tiergartenstras-
De Beer, J. N., 41 West Burger St., se, Konigsberg, East Prussia,
Bloemfontein, Orange Free Germany.
State, South Africa. Dillon, I. P., .2436 A St., Eureka,
Decker, H. W., Paradise Valley Cal.
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Diminyatz, Theo., 900 Victoria
Degering, C. W., 605 Carter-Cotton Ave., Regina, Saskatchewan.
Bldg., Vancouver, British Colum- Dirksen, A. A., Box CCC, James-
bia. town, N. Dak.
Delhove, D. E., Gitwe, via Kigali, Dirksen, H. J., 930 Rodney Ave.,
Ruanda, Belgian East Africa, via Portland, Oreg.
Mombasa and Bukobo. Dittmar, F., Tandjong
Demchuk, S., 302 Nokomis Bldg., Toendjoengan, Soerabaja, Java,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Dutch East Indies.
Dament, J. W., Box 2072, Reno, Dixon, H. R., S. D. A. Mission,
Nev. The Island, Changsha, Hunan,
Demetrescu, St., Strada N. Save- China..
anu No. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Djang, Bao Ting, S. D. A. Mission,
Demidow, M. 0., Post Box 310, Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China.
Rostov-on-Don, Soviet Russia. Djao, Hsi Meng, Lowanho, ,Yen-
Denoyer, A. J., 58 Parsons Road, cheng, Honan, China.
Henzada, Burma. Djou, Hsiou Lien, Wang Gia Dun,
Denslow, 0. L., 507 First St., Jack- Hankow, Hupeh, China.
son, Mich.
Denz, Guilherme, Caixa Postal Dju, Dji Ih, Lowanho, Yencheng,
3764, Victoria, Espirito Santo, Honan, China.
Brazil, South America. Dobre, C., Strada Labirint 116,
Derlath, W. F., Politzerstrasse 45, Bukharest, Rumania.
Stettin, Germany. Dolgun, M., Zakatna 3/7, Warsaw,
Detamore, F.. A., Cicero, Ind. Poland, Europe.
Detlefsen, H., 85 Hainhiilzerstr.,
Hannover, Germany. , Dominski, J. A., 2306- West Supe-
Detwiler, H. J., 1455 Seventh St., rior St., Chicago, Ill.
Parkersburg, W. Va. Donaldson, S., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
De Vinney, F. H., P. 0. Box 310, Los Angeles, Cal.
Hongkong, China. Doolittle, H. J.,' 17 Gap Lou Men,
Dexter, H. H., 1 Avenue de Beau- Nanking, China.
lieu, Lausanne, France. Dorcas, J. W., Nevada, Iowa.
Dick, E. D., Grove Ave., Clare- Dorland, 0. M., Lindrick House,
mont, Cape Province, South Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
Africa. Park, London, N. 4, England.
Dickson, L. K., 24 East 120th St., Darner, A., 41 Wielandstrasse,
New York, N. Y. Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany.

Doubraysky, - .j., 32 GIegrova Edmed, H. J., Box 66, Port of

Prague-Vinhorady, Czechoslova- Spain, Trinidad, British West
kia. Indies.
Dougherty, W. P., 202-216 First Edwards, A. V., 537 Twenty-fifth
National Bank Bldg., Chat- St., Oakland, Cal.
tanooga, Tenn. Edwards, C. H., 317 East D St.,
Dowsett, R. T. 123 Willow Ave., Ontario, Cal.
Takoma Park Station, Wash- Edwards, H. E., Drawer C, Ber-
ington, D. C. rien Springs, Mich.
Drangmeister, H., Querallee 11, Edwardson, U., 2130 East Thir,,y-
Cassel, Germany. fifth St., St. Paul, Minn.
Eelsing, H., Egelantierstr. 4, The
Drescher, Fr., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
burg, Germany. Hague, Netherland.
Dressler, F., 41 Wielandstrasse, Elfenberg, 9 Hans Sachsstrasse,
Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany, Adventhaus, Chemnitz, Germany.
Drews, Louis, 319 South Thir- Eglit, A., Brivibas eela 11, Riga,
teenth St., Baltimore, Md. Latvia.
Ehrhardt, D. D., 3256 Germantown
Drikis, J., Brivibas eela 11, Riga,
Latvia. Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Drinhaus, P., Kesanibiveg 1, Sem- Eicher, D., 4 Margaretenplatz, Vi-
arang, Java, Dutch East Indies. enna V, Austria.
Drinhaus, Paul, 149 Argelander- Eichman, G. F., 518 Terminal
strasse, Bonn a/Rh., Germany. Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Dudley, Frank, 311 North Rosa- Eldridge, C. E., Union Springs,
lind Ave., Orlando, Fla. N. Y.
Dunbar, Eldine, 509 Union St., Elffers, Hubertus, Box 468, Bloem-
Ionia, Mich. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Dunn, N. W., 1112 Kalamath St., Elias, E. R., 22 Zulla Road, Not-
Denver, 'Colo. tingham, England.
Diirolf, G., 21 Morellstr., Augs- Ellingworai, G. A., Seventh-day
burg, Bavaria, Germany. Adventist . Mission, Blantyre,
Nyasaland, British Central Af-
Darr, F., 56 Weberstr., Frankfurt- rica.
Main, Germany. Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park Sta-
Durrant, A. N., Seventh and Am- tion, Washington, D. C.
sterdam Ave., Roselle; N. J. Elliott, W. P., Box 28, Cape Hai-
Dustin, Ross, Box 420, Bend, Oreg. tien, Haiti, West Indies.
Dwehus, E., Eliasstrasse 20e, Dres-
Elliott, W. R., 705 South Gallatin
den-A., Germany. 'St., Jackson, Miss.
Dyason, A. J., " Mizpah," Wah- Ellis, C. C., 315 South Eighteenth
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. St., Mt. Vernon, Ill.
Dynan, W. S., Post Box 384, Kiei, Emery, R. T., College View, Nebr.
Soviet Russia. Emmerson, E. H., Arlington, Cal.
Dzik, F., Zakatna 3-7, Warsaw, Engen, B. 0., Box 796, interna
Poland, Europe. tional Falls, Minn.
Englert, P., Zakatna 3/7, Warsaw,
Poland, Europe.
ASTMAN, W. W.,Takoma
E Park Station, ashington,
Enoch, G. F., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
D. C.
Eckerman, C. A., Route 1, Plum Enriquez, Isaac, 707 Vermont St.,
City, Wis. Manila, Philippine Islands.
Edener, W., Lindwurmstr. 30, Mu- Enseleit, E., Kauno grve. 22. but. 3,
nich, Bavaria, Germany. Vilkaviskis, Lithuania.

Erickson, J. M., Brookfield, Ill. Faurescu, D., Strada Labirint 116,

Ernst, Adolph., 12 Badergasse, Bukha,rest, Rumania.
Troppau, Czechoslovakia. Fawer, Emile, 3 Rue Ste. Marie
Ernst, Luis, Calle Arenal 2535, des Terreaux, Lyon, France.
Montevideo, Uruguay, South Feddersen, H., 27 Cotthardtstrasse,
America. Erfurt, Germany.
Ernston, N. C., 1089 North Winter Fehr, J., Grand ' Rue 144, Stras-
St., Salem, Oreg. bourg, Alsace, France.
Ellington, J. T., 3 Awde St., To- Felte, A., 272 Bielsko-Kamienica
ronto, Ontario. Slask polski, Poland, Europe.
Erzberger, H., Casella Postale, 408, Fenner, H., Querallee 11, Cassel,
Florence, Italy. Germany.
Essery,E. G., 2 Sharia Ayal Bey, Fenner, J. 0., 619 South Ashland
Shubra, Cairo, Egypt. Blvd., Chicago; In.
Esteb, A. A., Manchurian Mission, Fero, D. T., Route A, Box 239,
S. D. A., Mukden, Manchuria, Lodi, Cal.
China. Ferris, A. H., Lord Howe, Island,
Esteb, L. E., 508 East Everett St., Australia.
Portland, Oreg. Ferris, E. F., 718 South Washing-
Evans, I. H., 25 Ningkuo Road, ton St., Du Quoin, Illinois.
Shanghai, China. Field, A. D., Box 1304, Fresno, Cal.
Evans, N. G., M. D., Loma Linda, Field, A. H., Casilla 85, Puno,
Cal. . Peru, South America.
Evens, H. P., Reed City, Mich. Field, F. W., Southern Junior Col-
Evenson, Karl, Drawer 586, 'Water- lege, Ooltewah, Tenn.
town, S. Dak. Field, T. W., Keene, Tex.
Everson, C. T., 508 East Everett. Field, W. F., 1112 Kalamath St.,
St., Portland, Oreg. Denver, Colo.
Figuhr, R. R., 707 Vermont St.,
Manila, Philippine Islands.
p Ali:TUNG, A. 0., 41 Wieland- Fillman, Ezra, Ketchum, Okla.
' strasse, Charlottenburg-Berl Finster, L. V., .399 Upper Seran-
Germany. goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Fairchild, F. M., Jackson, Ohio. Settlements.
Falk, R. M., Box Cr c, Jamestown, Fish, H. A., Nevada, Iowa.
N. Dak. Fish, J. K., 518 Race St., The Dal-
Farley, E. F., 624 Pear St., Vine- les, Oregon.
land, N. J. Fischdick, G., Querallee 11, Cassel,
Farman, H. J., New Smyrna, Fla. Germany.
Fiirnstrom, K. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Fischer, J. K., College View, Nebr.
Stockholm, Sweden. Fisenko, K., Post Box 384, Kiev,
Farnsworth, E. W., 1491 East Soviet Russia.
Wilson Ave., Glendale, Cal. Fisheil, E. N., Box 8, Mt. Vernon,
Farnsworth, 0. 0., Route 2, Box 2, Ohio.
Francis and Bon View Ave., On- Fisher, G. S., "Mizpah," Wah-
tario, Cal. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Farrell, C. R., 84 Jervois Road, Fisher, V. L., M. D., Melrose, Mass.
Auckland, New Zealand. Fitch, D. D., Georgetown, British
Pattie, G. R., Box 378, Port Eliza- Guiana, South America.
beth, Cape, South Africa. Flaiz, C. W., College Place, Wash.
Fatting, R., Grindelberg 11, Ham Flaiz, T. R., - Narsapur, Kistna
burg, Germany. District, India.
Faulkner, N. H., 84 Jervois Road, Flaiz, W. C., Box 573, Bulawayo,
Auckland, New Zealand. Rhodesia, South Africa.

Fleck, IC, 36 Pragerstrasse, Tep- Freund, G:, 13 Weinbergstrasse,

litz-Schonau, Czechoslovakia. Eberswalde, Germany.
Fletcher, Hubert, 112 Tower St., Fries, R. S., 95 Everett St., Arling-
Kingston, Jamaica, British West ton, Mass.
Indies. Froom, L. E., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Fletcher, W. W., " Mizpah," Wah- Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Frost, S. L., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Florea, D., Strada Labirint 116, Shanghai, China.
Bukh.arest, Rumania. Fuller, C. W., Box 1304, Fresno,
Florescu, C., Strada Labirint 116, Cal.
Bukharest, Rumania. Fulton, J. E., " Mizpah," Wah-
Fodor, A., Dalnok ucca 13, Szekely roonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Bertalan, Budapest Vt, Hungary. tralia.
Folkenberg, C. F., 537 Twenty- Fiirle, W., 13 Weinbergstrasse,
fifth St., Oakland, Cal. Eberswalde, Germany.
Folkenberg, L. E., 3707 Maybelle Furuia, S., Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0.,
Ave., Oakland, Cal. Tokyo, Japan.
Follett, Orno, Beaumont, Cal.
Ford, J. E., Casilla 1303, Guaya-
quil, Ecuador, South America. ODJUKIN, N., Post Box 310,
Ford, Orley, Casilla 1303, Guaya- Rostov-on-Don, Soviet Russia.:
quil, Ecuador, Peru. Gaede, G. P., 3541 Hurlbut Ave.,
Forshaw, W. G., Lacombe, Alberta, Detroit, Mich.
Canada. Gaede, J. P., 2 Hilton St., Clifton,
Forshee, IL M., Cedar Lake; Mich. N. J.
Fortier, Josaphat, 55 South Main Gaidischar, F. A., Post Box 310,
St., Rochester, N. H. Rostov-on-Don, Soviet Russia.
Foster, C. J., Corrales 2a, Havana, Gaidischar, J. A., Post Box 20,
Cuba: New Town, Harbin, Manchuria.
Foster, J. C., Dundee, Oreg. Cant, K. L., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.'
Frank, 0. F., 2001 Twenty-fourth Ganzleben, El., 30 Hinterm, Bahn-
Ave., Nokh, Nashville, Tenn. hof, Niirnberg, Bavaria, Ger-
Franklin, E. E., Drawer C, Berrien many.
Springs, Mich. Garbrah, J. W., S. D. A. Mission,
Frauchiger, E., 9a Steinstrasse, Box 208, Coomassie, Cold Coast,
Breslau, Germany. West Africa.
Frauchiger, E., 33 Birkenweg, Bern, Garcia, V. J., Apartado 492, Barce-
Switzerland. lona, Spain.
Freed, R. A., 705 South Gallatin Gardiner, J. P., College View, Nebr.
St., Jackson, Miss. Gardner, A., 17 Abbott Road,
Frei, P. J., Grand' Rue 144, Stras- Lucknow, India.
bourg, Alsace, France. Gardner, C. M., 508 East Everett
Freiberger, J. W., South Lancaster, St., Portland, Oreg.
Mass. Gardner, E. E., 304 North Boyle
French, A. F., R. F. D., Arpin, Wis. Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
French, H. B., Keene, Tex. Gardner, R. C., 634 West Thirty-
French, R. E., 311 North Rosalind eighth St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Ave., Orlando, Fla. Garner, 0. T., 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
French, T. M., Grove Ave., Clare- St. Pdul, Minn.
mont, Cape Province, South Garrett, R. U., care Sanitarium,
Africa. Hinsdale, Ill.
French, W. R., Berrien Springs, Carton, B. Al., Route 2, Box 197,
Mich. Boulder, Colo.

Gaspar, J., Strada Closca 23, Tem- Gillis, 3V., 902 Colombo St., Christ-
esoara, Mehala, Rumania. church, New Zealand.
Gates, E. H., Route 1, Mountain Gillis, W. E., S. D. A. Mission,
Ave., Monrovia, Cal. Sianfu, Shensi, China.
Gates, E. M., 2900 Live Oak St., Girou, A. J., 174 Boulevard Ans-
Dallas, Texas. pach, Brussels, Belgium.
Gauger, W., 23. I, Tiergartenstras- Gjording, H. G., 8822 Cedar St.,
se, Konigsberg, East Prussia, Los Angeles, Cal.
Germany. Gjording, J. 0., 301-303 Yu-Yuen
Gauker, H. G., 122 Brandon Place, Road; Shanghai, China.
Williamsport, Pa. Gladkow, T., Post Box 20, New
Gauterau, F. D., 731 Summitt Ave., ToWn, Harbin, Manchuria.
Hagerstown, Md. Glass, H., 45 Folitzerstrasse, Stet-
Gay, H. R., Box 802, Fort Worth, tin, Germany.
Tex. Mockler, P., eon Peel and Gray
Gayan, P. C., Box 15, Poona, India. Sts., South Brisbane, Queensland,
Geier, G., 2 Vodna ul., Kaschau, Australia.
Czechoslovakia. GlOckner, C., 85 Hainholzerstr.,
Gemeinhardt, W., 77 Hasenberg- Hannover, Germany.
str., Stuttgart, Germany. Gnedinas, M., Kauno g-ve 22. but.
Gemon, H. N., 57 Bainbridge St., 3, Vilkaviskis, Lithuania.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Gober, H. W., Box 584, Riverside,
George, G. C., College View, Nebr. Cal.
George, W. A., M. D., Loma Linda, Golzer, K., 8 Schmiedstr., Kaiser-
Cal. lantern, Germany.
Gerber, Robert, LaLigniere, Gland, Gomes, A. D., Rua Joaquim, Boni-
Switzerland. facio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Gibbs, C. R., Union Springs, N. Y. Gomez, Venancio, P. 0. Box 244,
Gibson, L. A., College Place, Wash. Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands.
Gibson, T. D., 425 North First St., Goniola, A., 12 Bauergasse, Trop-
Daytona, Fla. pau, Czechoslovakia.
Gibson, T. J., Somabula Mission, Gooding, R. R., 47 Hay St., Subi-
P. 0. Box 128, Gwelo, Rhodesia, ace, Perth, West Australia, Aus-
South Africa. tralia.
Giddings, H. E., 1112 Keeaumoku Goodrich, H. C., Corrales 2a, Ha-
St., Honolulu, Hawaii. vana, Cuba.
Giddings, 0. U., 129 West Dutton Gorbenko, M. H., Post Box 384,
St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Kiev, Soviet Russia.
Giddings, P., Box 66, Port of Gordon, L. 0., 431 Falls Ave.,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Youngstown, Ohio.
Indies. Gorelik, I. G., Omsk, Poste. Res-
Gidlund, C., Annegatan 7, Helsing- tante, Soviet Russia.
fors, Finland. Gortzen, A. A., Post Box 384, Kiev,
Giebel, 0., Grindelberg 11, Ham- **1 Soviet Russia.
burg, Germany Gosmer, W. A., 817 Nora Ave., Spo-
A. C., 108 Lagrave St., kane, Wash.
S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Gossen, J., Post Box 384, Kiev,
Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster, Soviet Russia.
Mass. Gutting; F., 13 Weinbergstrasse,
Gilbert, W. A., Room 621, Cruteher Eberswalde, Germany.
and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Govett, R., " Tereora," The Boule-
Gillatt, J. J. Stanborough Park, varde, Strathfield, New South
Watford, Herts, England. Wales, Australia.

Graf, G. F., Caixa Postal 106, Griffin, C. J., " Tereora," The
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sid, Bouevarde, btratlutield, N. S. W.,
Brazil, South America. Australia.
Graf, H. F., 507 Flower Ave., Ta- Griffin, H. C., Route 2, Box 14,
koma Park, D. C. Gentry, Ark.
Graf, 0. J., Loma Linda, Cal. Griggs, Frederick, Berrien Springs,
Graham, H. L., S. D. A. Mission, Mich.
Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Grigorjev, G. A., 29 Konuschkovs-
Graham, J. E., 2846 West Sixty- kaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia.
first St., Seattle, Wash. Grin, M., Galata, Post Box 109,
Graham, L. W., Takoma Park Sta- Constantinople, Turkey.
tion, Washington, D. C. Grizzle, A. A., Box M, Cristobal,
Gram, H. P.,-'55 South Main St., Canal Zone, Panama.
Rochester, N. H. Gruber, F., Walterstr. 21, Linz,
Grand Pre, L. L., 1854 Roblyn Ave., Donau, Austria.
St. Paul, Minn. Gruesbeck, C. M., Reed City, Mich.
Grandy, B. M., Route 4, Bozeman, Grundset, Anol, 2718 Third Ave.,
Mont. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Grant, C. E., 1301 East Lincoln St., Grundset, -H., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Sapulpa, Okla. (Christiania), Norway.
Grant, N. J., 705 Cherry St., Cam- Guderian, Fred, 817 Nora Ave.,
den, N. J. kane, Wash.
Grauer, 0. A., Route B, Box. 135a, Gudmundsen, G., Missione Avveri-
Modesto, Cal. tista, P. 0. Box 243, Asmara,
Gray, D. H., Marovo Lagoon, via Eritrea.
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Guenin, J. C., Rua Joaquim Boni-
Ocean. facio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Greaves, R. S., Box 144, Salonica, Guenther, C. W., 424 East Eureka
Greece. St., Lima, Ohio.
Green, A. E., 817 Nora Ave., Spo- Gugel, E., 29 Alpenstr., Munchen,
kane, Wash. Bavaria, Germany.
Green, H. A., Care_ Sanit4arium, Guillaume, Philoxine, Box 28, Cape
Boulder, Colo. Haitien, Haiti, West Indies.
Green, J. A. P., La Ligniere, Gland, Guild, M. C., Reed City, Mich.
Switzerland. Gulbrandson, David, 737 Alver-
Green, J. S., 215 North McDowell - stone Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
St., Charlotte, N. C. Gilldenpfennig, W., Eliasstrasse
Green, W. H., Takoma Park Sta- 20c, Dresden-A., Germany.
tion, Washington, D. C.; or 5740 Guldhammer, A., Margrethevej 5,
Thirtieth St., Dt roit, Mich. - Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Greene, H. D., South LancaSter, Guthrie, Wm., Drawer C, Berrien
Mass. Springs, Mich.
Gregorius, F., Trompeterstr. 13, Guyot, A., 1 Avenue de Beaulieu,
Ulm Donau, Germany. Lausanne, Switzerland.,
Greiner, F. P., 17 Gao Lou Men,
Nanking, China.
Grellmann, F., 23 I, Tiergarten-
strasse, Konigsberg, East Prus- H AASE, 0., 9 Hans' SachsstrasSei
Adventhaus, Chemniti;
. -per-
sia, Germany. Many.
Grieser, F. C., 1. Kreuzerstr., Roth- Habonicht, R. H., 1112 Kalamittli
enburg 0/ Tauber, Germany. St., Denver, Colo. ' r
Grieser, J. F., 99 Karlstr., Darm- Haberey, G., Grand' Rue 144, Stras-1
stadt, Germany. bourg, Alsace, France.

Hackman, E. F., Takoma Park Sta- Hanhardt, W. H., 917 South Presa
tion, Washington, D. C. St., San Antonio, Tex.
Hadfield, B. E., "Rewa," 11 Coor- Hankins, I. J., Madison, Tenn.
anbong Road, Broadmeadow, N. Hankins, W. C., S. D. A. Mission,
S. W., Australia. Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Hadley, 0. S., 2151 College Ave., Hansen, C. Avery, 817 Nora Ave.,
Indianapolis, Ind. Spokane, Wash.
Hagen, A. E., Caixa Postal 1830, Hansen, C. F., 121 North Pennsyl-
sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- vania Ave., Greensburg., Pa.
ica. Hansen, H. A., " Glenfield," Kyn-
Hagle, Byron, Box 597, Mendon, sey Road, Colombo, Ceylon.
Mich. Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Hagmann, V. D., 1600 Brunswick tion, Washington, D. C.
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Hansen V. M., S. D. A. Mission,
Hahn, W. F., Box 586, Watertown, Tungshan. Canton, China.
S. Dakota. Hansen, Werner, Margrethevej 5,
Haldar, A. C., Gopalganj, Dist. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Faridpur, India. Hansen, W. R., 511 North Cham-
Hale, D. U., 63 Summer St., Roch- berlain St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
ester, N. H. Hanson, D. H., 9% Beech St., Gar-
Hall, Frank, Apartado 302, Santo diner, Me.
Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana. Hanson, J. E., 327 Mansion St.,
Hall, H. H., Takoma Park Sta- Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
tion, Washington, D. C. Hanson, P. C., 325 East Hunt St.,
Hall, 0. A., Wang Gai Dun, Han- Adrian, Mich.
kow, Hupeh, China. Hanson, P. M., 700 Woodward
Hall, W. A., 22 Zulla Road, Not- Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis.
tingham, England. Harder, A. C., Caixa Postal 106,
Halla day, F. W., Box M, Cristobal, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Canal Zone, Panama. Brazil, South America.
Halladay, H. K., 1715 Cass St., Harder, J. F., College View, Nebr.
Nashville, Tenn. Hardt, W. F., Avenida Libertad
Halliwell, L. B., Caixa Postal 198, 747, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex-
Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil, ico.
..9-..tuth America. Hare, C. T., 216 Katherine St.,
Halsvick, L., 602 Forty-fourth St., Hanford, Cal.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Hare, E. B., S. D. A. Mission,
Ham, A. L., S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Post Office Shwe-
Tungshan, Canton, China. gon, Salween District, via Maul-
Hambrock,F. Eliasstrasse 20c, mein, Burma.
Dresden-A., G-er
many. Hare; M. M., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Hamilton, H. H., Auburn, Wash. Los Angeles, Cal.
Hamilton, G. A., 36 Park St., Cal- Hare, Robert, " Mizpah," Wah-
cutta, India. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Hammond, T. W., " Mizpah," Wah- Hare, R. E., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. India.
Hampton, J. B., 917 South Presa Hare, S. T., 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
St., San Antonio, Tex. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Han, Tsung Djen, 17 Gao Lou Men, Wiring, E., 58 Rorschacherstr., St.
Nanking, China. Gallen, Switzerland.
Hancock, W. E., Casilla 2830, San- Harker, H. C., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
tiago, Chile, South America. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Hanhardt, J. G., Box 719, Boise, Harker, J., Stanborough Park,
Idaho. Wato rd, Herts, England.

Harris, F. J., 1122 Park St., Bow- Head, C., 116 Grote St., Adelaide,
ling Green, Ky. South Australia, Australia.
Harris, J. C., Cedar Lake, Mich. Heald, B. M., 8 Stranack St., Mar-
Harris, W. J., S. D. A. Mission, 62 itzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking, Healey, W. M., 2967 B St., San
China. Diego, Cal.
Harrison, A. F., 518-519 Terminal Heckman, W. H., 202-216 First
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. National Bank Bldg., Chat-
Harrison, F. L., 2001 Twenty- tanooga, Tenn.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Heide, J. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Tenn. Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West
Hart, J. S., College View, Nebr. Africa.
Harter, F. A., 112 Fee ral St., Hein, C. D., 817 West Oak St.,
Lynchburg, Va. Enid, Okla.
Harter, R. E., Drawer C, Berrien Heinrich, F., Eliasstrasse 20c,
Springs, Mich. Dresden-A., Germany.
Hartwell, H. C., 203 West Frank- Hendershot, V. E., 399 Upper Se-
lin St., Clinton, Mo. rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits
Hartwell, R. H., 1115 West Charles Settlements.
St., Grand Island, Nebr. Henderson, F. H., 25 Bowen St.,
Hartwell, S. D., 1763 Golden Gate Battle Creek, Mich.
Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Hennecke, E., Querallee 11, Cassel,
Harvey, L. R., S4 Jervois Road, Germany.
Auckland, New Zealand. Hennig, A., Reuter Kaserne 28,
Haughey, A. G., Box 8, Mt. Ver- Dfisseldorf, Germany.
non, Ohio. Hennig, P., Uhlandstr. 189, Berlin-
Haughey, J. H., Drawer C, Berrien Charlottenburg, Germany.
Springs, Mich, Henriques, E. C., Georgetown, Brit-
Haughey, K. R., Drawer E, Clan- ish .Guiana, South America. '
ton, Ala. Herbert, W., Gotthardtstr. 27, Er-
Haughey, S. G., 1115 West Charles furt, Germany.
St., Grand Island, Nebr. Hermann, P. H., Strada, Closca No.
Hawkins, G. II., 12 South Buchanan 23, Temesoara, Mehala, Rumania.
St., Danville, Ill. Hernandez, J. V., 7a Ave. Norte,
Hawkins, Mrs. E. Flo., 12 South Num. 43, San Salvador, El Sal-
Buchanan St., Danville, Ill. vador, Central America.
Hawley, V. D., Nevada, Iowa. Herrell, H. W., Oakton, Va.
Hay, R. E., 1115 West Charles St., Hershberger, 0. S., Box 8, Mt. Ver-
Grand Island, Nebr. non, Ohio.
Hayes, E, G., care Kansas Sani- Herstn, S. J., R. F. D. 3, Gorham,
tarium, Wichita, Kans. Me.
. Haynal, A. D. 4325 North Orianna Herwick, P. G., Box 482, Ashland,
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wis.
Haynes, C. B., 1740 Van Buren St., Herwick, 0. W., Ketchikan,
New York, N. Y. Alaska.
Haynes, J. D., Casilla 2830, San- Hetze, G., Okeene, Okla.
tiago, Chile, South America. Hiatt, H. M., Anoka, Minn.
Haynes, S. R., 3029 Porter Road, Hibben, F. G., Reed City, Mich.
Camden, N. J. Hickman, James, 1715 Cass St.,
Haysmer, A. J., 1920 Feronia, Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
St. Paul, Minn. Hickman, N. R., 2900 Live Oak St.,
Hayton, C., H., M. D., White Me- Dallas, Tex.
morial Hospital, Loma Linda, Hickman, T. J.. Elk City, Okla:
Cal. Hicks, H. H., Nevada, Iowa.

Hildebrandt, E., 41 Wielandstrasse, Holt, C. A., Takoma Park, D. C.

Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany. Hooper, T. J., Box 1077, Oklahoma
Hilgert, W. T., 336 Lincoln St., Mc- City, Okla.
Minnville, Oreg. Hoopes, L. A., care Sanitarium,
Hill, H. A.; Box 16, Rarotonga, Hinsdale, Ill.
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Hookiims, J., 84 .Jervois Road,
Hill, Max, 203 West Franklin St., Auckland, New Zealand.
Clinton, Mo. Hoover, H. L., Estancia, N. Mex.
Hill, Oscar, College Place, Wash. Hopkins, E. 13., 817 Sixth Ave., N.
Hilliard, E., Gen. Del., Huron, S. W., Ardmore, Okla.
Dak. Horn, P., 41 Wielandstrasse, Char-
Hilliard, W. I., Lowanho, Yen- lottenburg-Berlin, Germany.
cheng, Honan, China. Horner, G. F., 18 Munchnerstr., In-
Hillman, V. R., Akersgaten 74, golstadt, Bavaria, Germany.
Oslo (Christiania), Norway. Horton, S. B., Box 139, Flint, Mich.
Hiliner, F., 85 Hainholzerstr., Han- Hosford, G. W., 94 West Twelfth
nover, Germany. St., Holland, Mich.
Hindson, J., " Tereora,"_ The Boule- Hoskin, G. C., Brookfield, Ill.
varde, Strathfield, New Sousa Hottel, J. Z., New Market, Va.
Wales, Australia. Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va.
Hirlinger, J. W., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. House; B. L., La Jota, Napa Co.,
Hiten, S. G., 41 West Burger St., Cal.
Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, Howard, B. A., 17 Abbott Road,
South Africa. Lucknow, India.
Hmelevsky, George, 299-301 Yu Howard, C. A., Room 621, Crutch-
Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. er and Starks Bldg., Louisville,
Ho, Ai Deng, S. D. A. Mission, Ky.
The Island, Changsha, Hunan, Froward, E. M., S Stranack St.,
China. Maritzburg, Natal, South Africa.
Hodge, Samuel, 311 Norll Rosa- Howard, E. 7a Ave. Norte,
lind Ave., Orlando, Fla. _ Num. 43, San Salvador, El Sal-
Hodgson, W., 41 West Burger St., vador, Central America.
Bloemfontein, Orange Free Howard, Walter, South Lancaster,
State, South Africa. Mass.
Hoffman, B. P., 2003 East Alder Howe, B. L., 155 H St., Bakersfield,
St., Portland, Oreg.. - Cal.
Hoffman, J. H., 4524 Meade St., Howe, W. 0., 64 Brentwood St.,
Denver, - Colo. Woodfords, Me.
Hoffman, W., Uhlanclstrasse 189, Howell, J. M., Florida, F. C. C. A.,
III, Charlottenburg-Berlin, Ger- Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
many. America.
Hoglind, Fritjof, Tunnelgatan 25, Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Stockholm, Sweden. tion, Washington, D. C.
Holbrook, J. A., Mt. Vernon, Wash. Howse, H. T., Apia, Samoa, Pa-
Holbrook, W. R., Caixa Postal cific Ocean.
1028, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South Hoxie, F. H., 122 South Eighth
America. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Holden, W. H., Holly,. Mich. Hubbard, G., S Yarra St.; Haw-
Hollister, M. A., Box 605, Topeka, thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Ka ns.
Holloway, C. B., 809 Atlanta St., Hubbard, T. F., 1715 Cass St.,
Hattiesburg, Miss. Nashville, Tenn.
Holm, L. N., Oshawa Miss. College, Hubley, R. A., 58 Parsons Road,
Oshawa, Ontario. Henzada, Burma.

Huenergardt, A. B., Box 2072, Erwin, J. J., Box 482, Ashland,

Reno, Nev. Wis.
Huenergardt, J. F., Route 1, Box Isaac, Daniel, 788 Ninth St., Mil-
58, La Grange, Ill. waukee, Wis.
Huffman, M. G., Box 340, San Ber- Isaac, F. R., 202-216 First National
nardino, Cal. . Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Hufnagel, H., 9a Steinstrasse, Isaac, H. D., Casilla 1303, Guaya-
Breslau, Germany. quil, Ecuador, South America.
Hughes, Alton, S. D. A. Mission, Isaac, John, Nakielska 64, Bydgos-
Clingkine., Szechwan, China. zcz, Poland, Europe.
Hulse, V. P., 319 Thirty-ninth St., Isaac, M. N., Box 28, Cape Hai-
Astoria, Ore.'. tien, Haiti, West Indies.
Humphrey,. J. K., 141 West 131st Isaac, V., Nazareth P. 0., Tin-
St., New York, N. Y. nevelly Dist., India.
Hurdon, W. J., 112 Tower St., Ising, W. K., Hoheweg 17, Bern,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Switzerland.
Indies. Iverson, Paul, Box 1331, Myrtle
Hurlow, H. J., Chimpempe Mis- Point, Oreg.
sion, Kawambwa, via Ndola, Iuorno, Jose, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Northeast Rhodesia, South Af- Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
rica. America.
Hurlow, W. H., Box 468, Bloemfon-
tein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Hutchinson,'L. L., 1112 Keeaumo- d more, ACKSON, F. S., Killead, Mucka-
ku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Co. Antrim, Ireland.
Hwang, Djung Seng, S. D. A. Mis- Jackson, S. E., P. 0. Box 813,
sion, The Island, Changsha, Hu- Manila, Philippine Islands.
nan, in a . Jacobs. J. T., Box 542, Kelso, Wash.
Jacobsen, F.. C.. Huntsville, Ala.
Hyatt, W. L., P. 0. Box 378, Port , Jacobsen,
Elizabeth, South Africa. V., Niels Finsensgade,
Hyatt, W. S.; Box 468, Bloemfon- Thorshavn, Faroe Islands.
tein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Jager, E., Palitzerstrasse 45, Stet-
Hyde, J. J., Lindrick House, Seven tin, Germany.
Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, James, E. H., S. D. China. A. Mission,
London, N. 4, England. Kiukiang, Kiangsi,
Hyde, G., Lindrick House, Seven James, F. W., Reed City, Mich.
Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, James, Dr. H. C., Lowanho, Yen-
London, N. 4, England. cheng, Honan, China.
Hysler, C. A., cor. Peel and Grey James, J. R., Atchin, New Hebri-
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens- des, Pacific Ocean.
land, Australia. James, J. S., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
James, Dr. W. H., " Mizpah,"
ANO, FRANK, Box 1304, Fresno, Wahroonga, New South Wales,
I Cal. Australia.
Ice, Orva Lee, Union Springs, N. Y. James, W. S., 1115 West Charles
Iliescu, B., Strada N. Saveanu No. St., Grand Island, Nebr.
10, Focsani, Rumania. Janert, A. 0., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse,
Imrie, L. J., 116 Grote St., Ade- Adventhaus, Chemnitz, Germany.
laide, South Australia, Austra-
lia. .Tanzen, J. A., Post Box 364, Kiev,
Innis, C. F., Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Soviet Russia.
Irwin, C. W., Takoma Park Sta- Jarvis, A. R., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Los Angeles, Cal.

Jayne, J. E., Stanborough Park, Johnson, H. W., Box 472, Kalama-

Watford, Herts, England. zoo, Mich.
Jefferson, W. R., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. Johnson, J. B., Caixa Postal 1028,
Jelen, K., 12 Badergasse, Troppau, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Czechoslovakia. ica.
Jenks, G. C., Room 621, Crutcher. Johnson, J. D., Box 247, Norfolk,
and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Nebr.
Jennings, W. W., Petersburg, Va. -Johnson, J. E., Box 584, Riverside,
Jensen, C. C., Route 2, Box 535, Cal.
440 Cypress Ave., Burbank, Cal. Johnson, J. L., 142 West 131st St.,
Jensen, F. D., 508 East Everett St., New York, N. Y.
Portland, Oreg. Johnson, L., 3022 West Sixty-sec-
Jensen, J. P. U., Margrethevej 5, ond St., Seattle, Wash.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Johnson, Randall, 1715 Cass St.,
Jensen, Robert, Margrethevej 5, Nashville, Tenn.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Johnson, W. A., 1715 Cass St.,
Jervis, J. E., 499 Fifth St., Mil- Nashville, Tenn.
waukee, Wis. Johnson, W. J., 3131 Pasadena
Jeschke, E., 41 WielandstrasSe, Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Charlottenburp,--Berlin, Germany. Johnston, F. W., 286 Poison Ave.,
Jeys, T. H., Nevada, Iowa. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Jewell, F. B., Box 128, Gwelo, Rao Johnston, H. A., 537 Twenty-fifth
desia, South Africa. St., Oakland, Cal.
Jochmans, Fr., 3 Rue Ste. Marie des Johnston, H. M., 112 Tower St.,
Terreaux, Lyon, France. Kingston, Jamaica, British NA; est
Johansen, E. J., 399 Upper Seran- Indies.
goon Road, Singapore, Straits Jones, G. E., P. a Box 15, Poona,
Settlements. India.
Johanson, J. M., " Mizpah," Wah- Jones, G. F., Mizpah," Wahroon-
roonga, N. S. Wales, Australia. ' ga, N. S. W., Australia.
Johanson, W. 0., " Mizpah," Wah- Jones, J. K., Union Springs, N. Y.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Jones, M., 112 Tower St., Kings-
John, 0. M., College View, Nebr. ton, Jamaica, British West In-
John W., Querallee 11, Cassel, Ger- dies. .
many. Jones, 0. E., 244 West 105th St.,
Johns, V. J., 860 C Y Avenue, Cas- Los Angeles, Cal.
per, Wyo. Jones, W. H., 3256 Germantown
.Johnson, Adolph, Route 4, Box 45, Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Lodi, Cal. Jonuleit, K., 23. I, Tiergarten-
Johnson, A. E., Enterprise, Kans. strasse, Konigsberg, East Prus-
Johnson, A. R. P., Union Springs, sia, Germany.
N. Y. Jordahl, Ole, Akersgaten 74, Oslo
Johnson, C., 508 East Everett St., (Christiania), Norway.
Portland, Oreg. Jorgensen, L. G., Caixa Postal 768,
Johnson, E. R., Box M, Cristobal, ' Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Canal Zone, Panama. America.
Johnson, F. A., Bin 7, Lodi, Gal. Jornada, Fausto, Box 271, Iloilo,
Johnson, Fred, Falun, Alberta, Philippine Islands.
Canada. Joseph, Victor, 436 Resaca St.,
Johnson, G. E., Route 4, Caldwell, Dayton, Ohio.
Idaho. - Joyce, C. S., 1122 Cameron Ave.,
Johnson, H. M., Hutchinson, Minn. La Crosse, -Wis.
Johnson, H. R., Route 2, Box 89, Joyce, S., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Luck, Wis. ford, Herts, England.

Joyce, S. G., Lindrick House, Sev- Kelemen, St., Burgergasse 29,

en Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, Sibiu, Transylvania, Rumania.
London, N. 4, England. Kellar, C. C., S. D. A. Mission,
Judge, B., 399 Upper Serangoon Krishnagar, Dist. Nadia, India.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- Kelley,. H. M., Keene, Tex.
. ments. Kellogg, C. E., Bin 8, Lodi, Cal.
Junginger, A., 58 Rorschacherstr., Keltenhouser, K., Estreito, Flori-
St. Gallen, Switzerland. _ anopolis, Santa Catharine, Bra-
Jutzy, J. J., Sutherlin, Oreg. zil, South America.
Kennedy, W. F., 122 South Eighth
St., Grand Junction, Colo.
V AJIYAMA, T., Box 7, Yodo- Kent, A. W., " Tereora," The
bashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Boulevarde, Strathfield, New
Kalabngin, M., Post Box 20, New South Wales, Australia.
Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Kent, ft., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Kalaschnikow, A. D., Post Box 20, Perth, West Australia, Austra-
New Town, Harbin, Manchuria. lia.
Kalbermatter, I., Posadas, Mis- Kent, J. W., 902 Colombo St.,
siones, -Argentina,. South Amer- Christchurch, New Zealand.
ica. Kent, T. R, " Tereora," The
Kalmutzky, J., Post Box '384, Kiev, Boulevarde, Strathlield, New
Soviet Russia. South Wales, Australia.
Kamm, Ch., 174 Boulevard, An- Keough, Geo., 2 Sharia Ayad Bey,-
spach, Brussels, Belgium. Shubra, Cairo, Egypt.
Kaneko, S:, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Kern, M. E.. Takoma Park Sta-
Tokyo, Japan. tion, Washington, D. C.
Kapitz, C., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Keslake, C. H., 112 Tower St.,
burg, Germany. Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Kapitz, 0., Uhlandstr. 189, III, Indies.
Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany. Kessel, F., Burgergasse No. 29,
Kaplan, S., 619 Soutn Ashland Sibiu, Transylvania, Rumania.
Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Kieser, W. D., 122 South Eighth
Kapusta, St., Nakielska 64, Byd- St., Grand Junction, Colo.
goszcz, Poland, Europe. Kilby, S. E., 917 South Presa St.,
Karl, A., Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna San Antonio, Tex.
XV, Austria. Kilgore, J. S., 508 East Everett St.,
Karpow, P., Post Box 31, Samara, Portland, Oreg.
Soviet Russia. Killen, W. L., II. F. D. 3, High
Kasa, J. W., 2408 South Central Point, N. C.
Park Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Kauble, N. W., 222 Hilborn St., Kim, K. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Lodi, Cal. Seoul, Chosen (Korea).
Kawase, K., Box 7, Yodobashi P. Kim, N. C., S. D. A. Mission,
0., Tokyo, Japan. Keizan, Chosen.
Keate, R. I., 505 Circle Ave., Char- Kimble, J. N., Takoma Park Sta-
lotte, N. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Keh, Nga Pit, S. D. A. Mission, Kime, D. S., Sipogoe, Post Sipirok,
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Tapanoeli, Sumatra, Dutch
Keh, N. K., S. D. A. Mission, Ku- East Indies.
langsu, Amoy, China. Rime, Stewart, 1715 Cass St.,
Keiser, C. V., Holly, Mich. Nashville, Tenn.
Keitts, F. S., 2623 Delachaise St., King, A. L., " Mizpah," Wah-
New Orleans, La. roonga, N. S. W.,'Australia.

King, Geo.,- S. D. A. Mission, Knel'land, W. G., Berrien Springs,

Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Mich.
Africa. Knight, A. W., 8 Yarr, St., Haw-
King, L. H., Union Springs, N. Y. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
King, M. J., 177 Lawton Ave., Ma- Knight, C. E., Apartado 136, Ca-
con, Ga. racas, Venezuela, South Amer
King, N. B., 104 Baker St., Shreve- ica.
port, La. Knight, F., Corner Peel and Grey
Kinne, P. Z., 10 Benton Ave., Mid- Sts., _ South Brisbane, Queens-
dletown, N. Y. land, Australia.
Kinney, C. M., Route 3, Box 157, Knight, I. G., Box 66, Port of
Nashville, Tenn. Spain, Trinidad, British West
Kinney, C. R., 705 South Gallatin Indies.
St., Jackson, Miss. Knipschild, J. F., South Lancaster,
Kintanar, M. J., P. 0. Box 244, Mass.
Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Knowlton, L. 0., Enterprise, Kans.
Kinzer, Roy, 860 C Y Avenue, Cas- Knox, John, 299 W. Van Buren
per, Wyo. St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Kirichenko, G. D., 1600 Brunswick Knox, M. F.. ,2123 Twenty-fourth
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Kirk, A. F., Hastings, Nebr. Knox, P. 'L., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Kirk, E. D., 122 South Eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal.
- Grand Junction, Colo. Knox, W. T., Mountain View, Cal.
Kirk, H., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Kobayashi, T.,' Box 7, Yodobashi
N. S. W., Australia. P. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
Kirk, H. F., 507 Flower Ave., Ta- KObele, F., 85 Hainhfilzerstr., Han-
koma Park, D. C. nover, Germany.
Kirkelykke, L. J., Margrethevej Kobs, H., 9a. Steinstrasse, Breslau,
5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Germany.
Kittle, 0. M., Reed City, Mich. Koch, Alfred, Box 7, Yodobashi P.
Klatt, G. D., Casilla 2830, Santi- 0., Tokyo, Japan.
ago, Chile, South America. Koch, F., Post Box 310, Rostov-on-
Klement, A., Merepuiestee, 14-a. Don, Soviet Russia.
Tallinn, Esthonia. Koelling, W., S. D. A: Mission, P.
Klement, H. C., 860 C Y Avenue, 0. Box 53, Addis Abeba, Abys-
Casper, Wyo. sinia.
Klepe, John, 5601 Detroit Ave.,
Suite 5, Cleveland, Ohio. Kohtanen, V., Annegatan 7, Hel-
Klimenko, N., Post Box 310, Ros- singf ors, Finland.
tov-on-Don, Soviet Russia. Koledjenko, M., Post Box 384,
Klingbeil, R. G., 174 Boulevard Kiev, Soviet Russia.
Anspach, Brussels, Belgium. Kolidako,- Andrew, 2914 West
Klooster, H. J., Lacombe, Alberta, North Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Canada. Konigmacher, S. M., P. 0. Sesheke,
Klose, J. C., S. D. A. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, South Af-
Outside East Gate, Seoul, rica.
Chosen (Korea). Konstantinoff, Stefan, Losenez
Kloss, W., 13 Weinbergstrasse, 104a (Villa Rosa), Sofia, Bul-
Eberswalde, Germany. garia, Europe.
Knecht, G., 32 Eschenheimer An- Korinek E., Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna,
lage, Frankfort a. M., Germany. XV, Austria.
Kneeland, B. F., 1410 East Mag- Korshar, A. N., Post Box 20, New
nolia Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Town, Harbin, Manchuria.

Korsch, H., 23. I, Tiergartenstrasse, Kunze, M., Grindelberg 11, Ham-

Konigsberg, East Prussia,. Ger- burg, Germany.
many. Kurtichanov, Titus, Route 1, Box
Kosmowski, F., Zakatna 3/7, War- 58, La Grange, Ill.
saw, Poland, Europe. :Kuschel, E., 30 Hinterm, Bahnhof,
- Kotz, E., Hoheweg 17, Bern, Switz- Niirnberg, Bavaria, Germany.
erland. Kutscheruk, J., Post Box 384,
KOralloshvili, K., Post Box 20, Kiev, Soviet Russia.
New Town, Harbin Manchuria.
' Kiev, Sov-
Kraus, J., Post Box 384, ACEY, H. C., Takoma Park,
iet Russia. LEd D. C.
Krautschick, And., 9a. Steinstrasse, Ladd,. E. E., Box 468, Bloemfon-
Breslau, Germany. tein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Krautschick, Aug., 9 Hans Sachs- LaGrone, G. A., Box 170, Amarillo,
strasse, Adventhaus, Chemnitz, Tex.
Germany. Lamont, E. D., 94 Adelaide St., St.
Kress, D. H., Takoma Park Sta- John, New Brunswick.
tion, Washington, D. C. Lamson, J. G., Bethel, Wis.
Krieghoff, C. E., Calle Arenal 2535, Landaas, B. .0., Akersgaten 74,
Montevideo, Uruguay, South Oslo (Christiania), Norway.
America. Landeen, MT. M., Hoheweg 17,
Krager, F., 45 Politzerstrasse, Bern, Switzerland.
Stettin, Germany. Landis, C. C., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Krietzky, M. S., 605 Carter-Cotton Shanghai, China.
Bldg., Vancouver, British Colum- Landis, J. J., Box 524, Lubbock,
bia. Tex.
Kroulik, J., 32 Gregrova, Prague- Lane, F. G. 2883 Dandurand St.,
Vinhorady, Czechoslovakia. Montreal, -Quebec.
Krug, L., 22, Roonstr., Hof/Saale, Lane, L. E. A., Gendia Mission,
Germany. P. 0. Kenya, Kisumu, British
Kruger, Albert, 817 Nora Ave., Spo- East Africa.
kane, Wash. Langberg, T. M., 222 Madison St.,
Kruse, A., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Eugene, Oreg.
burg, Germany. Langdon, G. E., College Place,
Kublis, R., Post Box 384, Kiev, Wash.
Soviet Russia. Lange, R., Innsbruck-Hotting,
Kuehl, A. W., 102 South State St., Probstenhofweg 12, Austria.
Aberdeen, S. Da.k. Langford, L. D. A. Mission,
Kuempel, F. R., Caixa Postal 106, Box 208, Coomassie, Gold Coast,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, West Africa..
Brazil, South America. Langholf, A., 9a Steinstrasse, Bres-
Kuempel, Manoel, Caixa Postal lau, Germany.
106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Lanier, W. E., 802 East Fourth St.,
Sul, Brazil, South America. Charlotte, N. C.
Kuhn, 0. B., Wang Gia, Dun, Han- Larsen, F. M., Manchurian Union
kow, Hupeh, China. Mission S. D. A., Mukden, Man-
Kulak, J., 272 Bielska-Kamienica churia, China.
Slask polski, Poland, Europe. Larson, A. H., Post Box 144,
Kuniya, Hideyashi, Box 7, Yodo- S'alonica, Greece.
bashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Laschko, W., Post Box 384, Kiev,
Kuniya, Hiroshi, Box 7, Yodobashi Soviet Russia.
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Lashier, F. A., Sutherlin, Oregon
Kunkel, C. J., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Lashier, S. J., Box 598, Walla
Los Angeles, Cal. Walla, Wash.

Lass, M., Merepuiestee 14-a. Tal- Letts, F. H., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
linn, Esthonia. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Latham, W. L, Holly, Mich. Lewis, H. G., 3256 Germantown
Lauda, E. R., Route 8, Box 68, Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phoenix, Ariz. Lewis, W. H., Box 66, Port of
Lauff, A., Dalnok ucca 13, Szekely Spain, Trinidad, British West -
Bertalan, Budapest VI, Hungary. Indies.
Lavanchy, F., Rue Ste. Marie des Lewsadder, Wm., La Jota, Cal.
Terreaux, Lyon, France. Leytes, M., Posadas, Misiones, Ar-
Lawrence, G. W., 1455 Seventh St., gentina, South America.
Parkersburg, W. Va. Li Wei Ching, Wang Gia Dun,
Lawrence, J. H., 2532 Ogden St., Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Denver, Colo. Libby, R. A., Woodlawn Addition,
Lawrence, N. W., College Place, Hoquiam, Wash.
Wash. Lickey, A. E., 1118 East Uintah
Leach, C. V., 3256 Germantown St., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Lie, 0. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo
Leach,' R. W., 917 South Presa St., (Christiania), Norway.
San Antonio, Tex. Light, L., Box 482, Ashland, Wis.
Le Due, B. P., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Lightner, Chas., 2631 Charles St.,
Los Angeles, Cal. Omaha, Nebr.
Lee, C. M., Marovo Lagoon, via Lillie, C. P., Amston, Conn.
Tulagi, Solomon islands, Pacific Lindo, S. A., Apartado 32, San
Ocean. Pedro Sula, Rep. Honduras.
Lee, C. W., S. D. A. Mission, Lindsay, Gust, Tunnelgatan 25,
Keizan, Chosen. _ Stockholm, Sweden.
Lee, D. B., 41 West Burger St., Lindsay, R. S., Box 201, Ellet,
Bloemfontein; 0. P. S., South Ohio;
Africa.- Lindsay; W. B., 651 Princess St.,
Lee; Frederick, S. D. A. Mission, Kingston, Ontario.
62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Pe- Lindsey, D. E., 20 Herbert St.,
kinu, China (on furlough). - Richmond, Ohio.
Lee, H. M., Soonan, Chosen. Lindt, S. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Lee, 0. S., Aitersgaten 74, Oslo Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
(Christiania), Norway. Lino.offelter, C. L., Box 306, Enum-
Lee, V. R., 1090 Lynch St., Jack- claw, Wash.
son, Miss. Lippart, J. E., 1455 West Seventh
Leedy, G. C., 1 Parry Lane, Kuala St., Parkersburg, W. Va.
Lumpur, Federated Malay Lippolis, G., Casella Postale 408,
- States. Florence, Italy.
Leer, Carl, Galt, Cal. Litwinenco, J. A., Box CCC, James-
Leer, V., 537 Flora St., Lodi, Cal. town, N. Dak.
Leffler, Emil, Broadview College, Liu, Djen Bang, Lowanho, Yen-
La Grange, Ill. eheng, Ronan, China.
Leffler, G. H., 815 Spring St., Peo- Liu, Djang twang, S. D. A. Mis-
ria, Ill. sion, Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China.
Leland, Dr. H. C., Corn;les 2a, Ha- Liu, Doh, S. D. A. Mission, Kiuki-
vana, Cuba. ang, Kiangsi, China.
Leland, J. A., Corrales 2a, Havana, Livingston, J. D., Candler, N. C.
Lemke, L. D. A., 116 Grote St., Ljingbcrg, S., Tunnelgatan 25,
Adelaide, South Australia. Stockholm, Sweden.
Lenhehn , Lewis, 4018 Ardmore Ljwoff, J. A., Post Box 384, Kiev,
Ave.; Cleveland, Ohio. Soviet Russia.

Lloyd, Ernest, care Pacific Press, Lucas, V. H., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Mountain View, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal.
Lo,Sin Tshoi, S. D. A. Mission, Ludewig, M., Mission Society of
ai Kwangtung, China. Seventh-day Adventists., Petra
Loasby, F. H., Chichoki Mallian, Zrinskog, Street 13, Novi Sad,
N. W. Ry., India. Jugoslavia.
Loasby, R. E., 17 Abbott Road, Ludington, D. C., P. 0. Box 372,
Lueknow, India. Orlando, Fla.
L5bsack, H. J., 29 Konuschkov- Lildtke, A., Nakielska 64, Bydgos-
skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia. zcz, Poland, Europe.
Lock, W. N., Bisiatabu, Port Lukens, H. A., Box 1261, Indian-
Moresby, British New Guinea. apolis, Ind.
Locken, J. B., 311 North Rosalind Lukens, Morris, Box 598, Walla
Ave., Orlando, Fla. Walla, Wash.
Lockert, A. J., 322 Twenty-ninth Lumper, J. H., Box 719, Boise,
St., South, Billings, Mont. Idaho.
Loebsack, H. K., Post Box 384, Lund, A. 0., Mt. Jewett, Pa.
Kiev, Soviet Russia. Lundquist, H. B., Florida, F. C. C.
Long, A. C., 2209 West Eleventh A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. South America.
Long,Alex, La Grange, Ill. Lundstrom, S., Tunnelgatan 25,
Long, Luther, Box 1198, Saska- Stockholm, Sweden.
toon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Lusky, R., 9a Steinstrasse, Bres-
Long, U. P., Milton, Oreg. lau, Germany.
Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta- Lutz, E. L., Paradise Valley Sani-
tion, Washington, D. C. tarium, National City, Cal.
Longway, E. L., Lowanho, Yen- Lyndon, F. E., Papeete, Tahiti,
cheng, Ronan, China. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Loosen, H., Casella Postale 408, Lysinger, H. E., 1715 Cass St.,
Florence, Nashville, Tenn.
Loots; J. L., 174 Boulevard Ans-
pach, Brussels, Belgium.
Lopez, A. J., Apartado. 492, Barce-
lona, Spain. M ACAULAY, K. A., 311 North
Rosalind Ave., Orlando, Fla.
Lopez, L. H., 917 South Presa St., Mace, J. W., Takoma Park Sta-
San Antonio, Tex. tion, Washington, D. C.
Lorenz, J. D., Casilla 1002, Lima, MacGuire, Meade, Route E, Box
Peru, South America. 369, Modesto, Cal.
Lorntz, E. J., Apartado 32, San Pe- Machlan, B. F., South Lancaster,
dro Sula, Rep. Honduras. Mass.
Losey, L. B. 817 Nora Ave., Spo- MacLay, W. D., 1180 Jane St., Los
kane, Wash. Angeles, Cal.
Louden, R. E., 811. South Hack- MacNiel, J. W., Box 468, Bloem-
berry St., San Antonio, Tex. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Lovell, V. P., Box 605, Topeka, Madgwick, G. A. S., M. D., Gen-
Kans. dia Mission, P. 0. Kenya, Kisu-
Lowry, G. G., Cunningham Road, mu, British East Africa.
Bangalore, South India. Madsen, O., Ruthven, lows.
Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North
Lowry, W. S., Hondo, Tex. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Loy, G. P., 524 East Tenth St., Miigi, E., Merepiuestee 14-a. Tal-
Claremore, Okla. linn, Esthonia.
Lucas, H. G., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Magoon, C. R., 1333 King St., Jack-
Los Angeles, Cal. sonville, Fla,

Mai, G., 45 Elisabethstr., Miinchen, Martin, H. K., Box 489, Battleford,

Germany. Saskatchewan, Canada.
Mair, J. J., Maplewood Academy, Martin, H. R., " Mizpah," Wah-
Maple Plain, Minn. roonga N. S. W., Australia.
Mallory, J. B., 1928 West Mont- Martin, I. M., Milton Junction,
gomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Wis.
Maloney, M. A., 712 Sixth St., Mil- Martin,J. L., 215 North McDowell
waukee, Wis. St., harlotte, N. C.
Maloney, V. J., S. D. A. Mission, Martin, R. H., 817 Nora Ave., Spo-
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. kane, Wash.
Mamara A., Sipogoe, Post Sipi- Martin, S. 0., 17 Abbott Road,
rok, Tapanoeli, Sumatra, Dutch Lucknow, India.
East Indies. Martin, W. F., 421 North Isabel
Manchen, M., Strada Closca 23, St., Glendale, Cal.
Temesoara, Mehala, Rumania. Masters, F., 8 Yarra, St., Haw-
Manchura, P., Post Box 310, Ros- thorn, Victoria, Australia.
tov-on-Don, Soviet Russia. Maszczak, A., 272 Bielsko-Kamie-
Mangold, S., Florida, F. C. C. A., nica Slask polski, Poland, Eu-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South rope.
America. Mathews, G. M., 215 North Mc-
Mann, G. E., Casilla 85, Puno, Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C.-
Peru, South America. Mathwig, E. A. 3131 Pasadena
Mannesmann, A., 85 Hainholzerstr., Ave., Los Angele s, Cal.
Hannover, Germany. Mathy, L. A., 174 Boulevard Ans-
Manry, E. A., 411 Cedar St., Ta- pach, Brussels, Belgium.
koma Park, D. G. Matter, A., Gitwe, via Kigali, Ru-
Mansell, E. P., Caixa Postal 768, anda, Belgian East Africa, via
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Mombasa and Bukabo.
America. Mattison, M. M., 17 Abbott Road,
Manuel, B. E., Box 217, St. John's, Lucknow, India.
Newfoundland. Mattison, 0. 0., Chichoki Mallian,
Marietta, J. J., 219 Edgewood Ave., N. W. Ry., Punjab, India.
Dayton; Ohio. Mattsson, Karl, Route 1, Box 58,
Maris, W. B., 304 West Allen St., La Grange, Ill.
Springfield, Ill. Matula, Paul, 3314 West Forty-
Marriott, G. E., 8 Yarra St., Haw- eighth St., Cleveland, Ohio.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Maudsley, W., Lindrick House,
Marsh, B. W., 817 Nora Ave., Spo- Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
kane, Wash. Park, London; N. 4, England.
Marsh, C. W., care Indiana Acade- Maunder, S. R., " Tereora," The
my, Cicero, Ind. Boulevarde, Strati) field, New
Marsh, J. 0., 914 Winter St., Supe- South Wales, Australia.
rior, Wis. Maung Maung,-58 Parsons Road,
Marshall, J. S., Florida, F. C. C. A., Henzada, Burma.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Maxwell, A. S., Stanborough Park,
America. , Watford, Herts, England.
Martin, C. E., 68 Buffalo St., Hous- Maxwell,. E. L., Mountain View,
ton, Tex. Cal.
Maxwell, S. G., Suji Mission, P. 0.
Martin, C. N., 2001 Twenty-fourth Makania, via Tanga, Tangan-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. yika Territory, British East Af-
Martin, C. P., Apartado 218, Gua- rica.
temala City, Guatemala, Cen- May, D. J., P. 0. Box 378, Port
tral Amerjoa- Elizabeth, South Africa.

Mayer, Edward, 32 Eschenheimer, Meeker, B. A., 817 Nora Ave., Spo-

Anlage, Frankfurt a/Main, Ger- kane, Wash.
many. Megrant, Francisco, Porto Rican
Maynor, W. H., 1006 East Madison Mission, Box 401, Calle Nueva,
St., South Bend, Ind. Stop 14, Santurce, Porto Rico.
McAvoy, J., Lindrick House, Seven Meiklejohn, A. J., College View,
Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, Nebr.
London, N. 4, England. Meister, Fred, 1410 East Magnolia
McClements, W., S. D. A. Mission, Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
florin, Nigeria, West Africa. Meleen, C., R. F. D. 1, Jemtland,
McComas, J. W., 3131 Pasadena Me.
Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Meleen, E. M., Box 15, Poona,
McConaughey, J. L., 508 East Ev- India.
erett St., Portland, Oregon. Melsen, P. G., Margrethevej 5,
McCord, J. W., 1901 Rosedale St., Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Baltimore, Md. Mendau, R., Post Box 31, Samara,
McCoy, L., Battle Creek, Mich. Soviet Russia.
McCutchen, W. A., 2900 Live Oak Mendez, Manuel, Porto Rican Mis-
St., Dallas, Tex. sion, Box 401, Calle Nueva,
McDonald, C. M., R. F. D. 3, We- Stop 14, Santurce., Porto Rico.
woka, Okla. Mendonca, Franklin, Rua Mariano
McEachern, J. H., 1532 California Procopio 679, Mariano Procopio,
St., Mountain View, Cal. Minas Geraes, Brazil, South
McElhany, J. L., 327 West Califor- America.
nia rive., Glendale, Cal. Menke', H. C., 17 Abbott Road,
McGill, Neil, Giroux, Manitoba. Lucknow, India.
McGeachy, J., c/o Bashir Abo Meredith, W. H., Stanborough
Haski, Pharm., Mosul, Iraq. Park, Watford, Herts, England.
McHenry, W. H., 17 Abbott Road, Merrell, E. A., 10521/2 South Cata-
Lucknow, India. lina St., Los Angeles, Cal.
McKeague, R. J., 1112 Keeaumoku Mershon, L. B., Jesselton, British
St., Honolulu, Hawaii. North Borneo.
McKibbin, W. A., 703 South Penn- Mersiliakow, N., Post Box 20, New
sylvania Ave., Mason City, Iowa. Town, Harbin, Manchuria.
McLaren, G., Suva , Vou, Suva, Metzger, C. J., 1710 Dewey Ave.,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. St. Joseph, Mo.
McLennan, W. P., 4104 Oak St., Meyer, A. A., Hitchcock, Okla.
Central Park, Birmingham, Ala.
McNay, G. R. E., 1814 Galveston Meyer, Albert, 2 Rue Robert
Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. Estoublon, Algers, Algeria.
McNiel, D. E., 122 South Eighth Meyer, H., Box CCC, Jamestown,
St., Grand Junction, Colo. N. Dak.
McReynolds, C., La Jota, Napa Co., Meyer, Oscar, 3 Rue Ste. Marie des
Cal. Terreaux, Lyon, France.
McVagh, C. F., Box 337, Oshawa, Meyer-Biiitschy, H., 8 Museggstr.,
Ontario. Luzerne, Switzerland.
McWhinny, H. E., Route A, Box
122, San Fernando, Cal. Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park Sta-
McWilliams, Chas., 1115 West tion, Washington, D. C.
Charles St., Grand Island, Nebr. Meyers, D. G., 116 Grote St., Adel-
Mead, Andrew, 2112 West Sev- aide, South Australia, Australia.
entieth St., Seattle, Wash. Meyers, E. H., Calle Pino 3891,
Mediary, G., Box 415, Salisbury, Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Md. tina, South America.

Meyers, H., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Miramontez, W. B., Calle Arena!

Perth, West Australia, Austra- 2535, Montevideo, Uruguay,
lia. South America.
Michael, Dr. W., 29 Shumannstr., Mitchell, H., " Tereora," The
Bonn a/Rh., Germany. Boulevarde, Sti.athfield, N. S. W.,
Michaels, C. P., b Iarra Australia.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. . Mitchell, J. G., 101.8 Old Shell Road,
Michalenko, J. C., Box CCC, James- Mobile, Ala.
town, N. Dak. Mitchell, Dr. J. R., 201 Cherokee
Michele, 0. G., Missione Avvent- Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
ista, P. 0. Box 243, Asmara, Eri- Miyake, S., Box 7, Yodobashi Post
trea. Office, Tokyo, Japan.
Michnay, L., Dalnok ucca 13, Sze- Mo, Chi Ren, Wang Gia Dun, Han-
kely Bertalan, Budapest VI, kow, Hupeh, China.
Hungary. Mocnik, A., Mission Society of 8
Michnin, N., 29 Konuschkovskaja, D. A., Petra Zrinskog, Street
Moscow, Soviet Russia. 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Mikkelsen, J. C., Plant City, Fla. Model, V. M., Avenida Libertad
Miles, G. E., Union Springs, N. Y. 747, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex-
Miller, Albert, 1803 East Twenty- ico.
third St., Kansas City, Mo. Moffett, W. C., South Lancaster,
Miller, A. L., Nevada, Iowa. Mass.
Miller, Mrs. B., 299-301 Yu Yuen Moffitt, L. L., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
Road, Shanghai, China. Oakland, Cal.
Miller, B. E., 59 Twentieth Ave., Moko, R. Box 468, Bloemfontein,
Paterson, N. J. 0. F. S., South Africa.
Miller, C. H., College View, Nebr. Mokry, J., 2 Vodna. ul, Kaschau,
Miller, C. N., Route 2, Box 14-A, Czechoslovakia.
Bakersfield, Cal. Molokornme, Lazarus, 41 West
Miller, D. P., College View, Nebr. Burger St., Bloemfontein, 0. F.
Miller, F. W., Corrales 2a, Havana, S., South Africa.
Cuba. Monnier, Henri, Gitwe, via Kigali,
Miller, H. J., 216 North Durland Ruanda, Belgian East Africa,
St., Oklahoma City, Okla. via Mombasa and Bukobo.
Miller, H. S., Lacombe, Alberta, Monnier, J., rue Nicolas Roret, 1,
Canada. Paris, XIII, France.
Monnier, Vital, Grand 'Rue 144,
Miller, H. W., M. D., Takoma Park
Strasbourg, Alsace, France.
Station, Washington, D. C.
Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park
Miller, W. F., Casilla 85, Puno, Station, Washington, D. C.
Peru, South America. Montgomery, R. P., 917 South
Mills, Joseph, " Mizpah," Wah- Presa St., San Antonio, Tex.
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Mookerjee, L. G., Gopalganj, Dist.
tralia. Faridpur, India.
Milne, R. M., P. 0. Box 310, Hong- Moon, C. E., 4a Calle Queretaro
kong, China. No. 74, Colonia Roma, Mexico
City, D. F., Mexico.
Minek, A., Dalnok ucca 13, Szekely
Moore, E. V., Caixa Postal 1028,
Bertalan, Budapest VI, Hun-
gary. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Am-
Minner,I.V.,Box 66, Port of Spain, Moran, Frank, Box 1077, Okla-
Trinidad, British West Indies. homa City, Oklahoma.
Minner, L. D., Casilla 1002, Lima, Morris, C. C., S. D. A. Mission,
Peru, South America. Foochow City, China.

Morris, C. R., Lacombe, Alberta, Munson, R. W., Glendale Sanita-

Canada. rium, Glendale, Cal.
Morris, D., Lindrick House, Seven Murphy, Leon, Gen. Del., Hastings,
Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, Mich.
Loudon, N. 4, England. Murray, W. E., Caixa Postal 1028,
Morris, R. P. 17 Abbott Road, Sao Paulo, Brazil South Amer-
Lucknow, India. ica.
Morrison, A. V., 816 Maffett St., Mnssen, R., 22 Zulla, Road, Not-
Muskegon, Mich. tingham, England.
Morrison, H. A., Takoma Park, Muth, J., Hasenbergstr. 77, Stutt-.
Washington, D. C. gart, Germany.
Morrow, E. E., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. Myers, F. D., 1600 Brunswick Ave.,
Morse, J. F., care Sanitarium, Trenton, N. J.
Nevada, Iowa.
Mortenson, S., 167 Granite St.,
Quincy, Mass.
Moseley, H. C., " Mizpah," Wah- N ABIJCO, L. D., Rua Mariano
Procopio 679, Mariano Proco-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. pion, Minas Geraes, Brazil,
Motorca, G., Strada Closca 23; South America.
Temesoaro, Mehala, Rumania. Nagel, S. A., Waichow, Kwang-
Motzer, C. A., 58 Rorschacherstr., tong, China.
St. Gallen, Switzerland. Naisogo, Meciusela, Suva Vou,
Moulton, C. N., Apartado 302, San- Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
to Domingo City, Rep. Domini- Niirern, A. 0., Akersgaten 74,
cane. Oslo (Christiania), Norway.
Mountain, A., Wang Gia Dun, Han- Niither, E., 9a. Steinstrasse, Bres-
kow, Hupeh, China. lau, Germany.
Mozar, D. A., 2345 Fairfield Ave., Nawara, T., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
.Bridgeport, Conn. Pacific Ocean.
Muderspach, L., Tunnelgatan 25, Neef, B., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse, Ad-
Stockholm, Sweden. venthaus, Chemnitz, Germany.
Mulholland, W. R., 201 Cherokee Neff, E. L., Box 1304, Fresno, Cal.
Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Neff, J. P., 507 Flower Ave., Ta-
Miihlbacher, J., Volkermarkterstr. koma Park, D. C.
33, Klagenfurt, Austria. Neff, W. E., Route 8, Ottawa,
Miiller, A., 13 Weinbergstrasse, Kans.
Eberswalde, Germany. Neilsen, J. A., Box 909, Ogden,
Miller, A. W., 20c. Eliasstrasse, Utah.
Dresden-A., Germany. Neilsen, N. P., Caixa Postal 1028,
.Milller, R., Christophstr. 70, Cann- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
statt, Germany. ica.
Miiller, W., Uhlandstr. 189 III, Nelson, A. C., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany. Oakland, Cal.
Munro, S. W., 716 Cleveland St., Nelson, A. E., 17 Abbott Road,
Missoula, Mont. Lucn ow, India.
Munson, A., Menado, Celebes, Neth- Nelson, A. N., Box 7, Yodobashi
erlands East Indies. P. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
Nelson, Andrew, 537 Twenty-fifth
Munson, H., S. D. A. Mission, Box St., Oakland,
208, Coomassie, Gold Coast, West Nelson, N. R., .2444 Stevens Ave.,
Africa. Minneapolis, Minn.
Munson, Melvin, 399 Upper Seran- Nelson, Philip, Room 204, Court
goon Road, Singapore, Straits Bldg., 408 Marion St., Seattle,
Settlements. Wash.

Nelson, W. A., 5418 Windsor St., Nielsen, N. G., Akersgaten 74,

Philadelphia, Pa. Oslo (Christiania), Norway.
Nelson, W. E., La Jota, Napa .Co., Niergarth, H. A., Box 332, Marsh-
Cal. field, Oregon.
Nembhard, G. H., Box M, Cristobal, Nikkar, L., Merepuiestee 14-a, Tal-
Canal Zone,' Panama. linn, Estlionia.
Nerlund, 0. J., 6323 South Yakima, Ninow, W., 23.1, Tiergartenstrasse,
Tacoma, Wash. Konigsberg, East Prussia, Ger-
Netevdsch, G., 12 Roptschinskaja, many.
Q. 13, Leningrad, Soviet Russia. Nixon, J. C., Nevada, Iowa.
Nethery, J. J., Box 584, Riverside, Nolda, 0. W., 17 Abbott Road,
Cal. Lucknow, India.
Nethery, R. J., 445 Arlington Ave., Nord, G. E., Tunnelgatan 25,
Arlington, Cal. Stockholm, Sweden.
Nettleton, Daniel, Box 449, Belling- Nordeninalm, David, Butler, Pa.
ham, Wash. Norman, C. M., 2900 Live Oak St.,
Neubauer, 0., 84 Kriegsstr., Karls- Dallas, Tex.
ruhe-Baden, Germany. North, W. S., 3602 West Eigh-
Neufeld, D. D., Waldheim, Sas- teenth St., Little Rock, Ark.
katchewan, Canada. Norton, S. E., 91 Park St., Spring-
Neufeld, H. E., 7955 Indiana Ave., field, Mass.
Chicago, Ill. Norwood, J. W., 508 East Everett
Neufeld, J. L., Fenwood, Saskat- St., Portland, Oreg.
chewan, Canada. Nott, W. L., 920 East Sixth St.,
Neufeld, J. H., 3617 Smart St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Kansas City, Mo. Nozaki, K., 537 Twenty-fifth St.,
Neumann, H. F., 815 Belmont Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Fresno, Cal. Numbers, E. R., Takoma Park
Neumann, R., 36 Pragerstrasse, Station, Washington, D. C.
Teplitz-ISchOnau, Czechoslovakia. Nunes, M. G., 3973 Cook Ave., St.
Neumann, R. R., College View, Louis, Mo.
Nebr. Nussbaum, Dr.. J., Rue Nicolas
Newbold, D. C., Sheldon Court, Roret I, Paris, XIII, France-
Madison, Wis. Nussbaum, T., 3 Rue Ste. Marie
Newbold, L. E., "Rewa," 11. Coor- des Terreaux, Lyon, France.
anbong Road, Broadmeadow, Nygaard, Peter, Apartado 302,
N. S. W., Australia. Santo Domingo City, Republica
Newcomb, I. B., 508 East Everett Dominica.
St., Portland, Oreg. Nyman, L. G., 1600 Brunswick
Nichol, F. D., Mountain View, Cal. Ave., -Trenton, N. J..
Nicholson, D., Atchin, New Hebri-
des, Pacific Ocean.
Nickel, Geo., 3131 Pasadena Ave., CIANCEA, N., Route 1, Box 58,
Los Angeles, Cal. La Grange, Ill.
Nicola, H., 123 Manchester Si., Oberg, H. A., S. D. A. Mission, Out-
Battle Creek, Midi. side East Gate, Seoul, Chosen,
Nicola, L. T., 768 West Van Bu- (Korea).
ren St., Battle Creek, Mich. Oberg, E. M., Box 598, Walla
Nicolas, C. S., 917 South Presa St., Walla, Wash.
San Antonio, Tex. Oberholtzer, D. H., Hollister, Cal.
Nicolaysen, 0. R., Tunnelgatan 25, Oborny, J., 32 Gregrova, Prague-
Stockholm, Sweden. Vinhorady, Czechoslovakia.
Niedoba, J., 272 Bielsko-Kamienica Ochs, D. A., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Slask polski, Poland, Europe. Los Angeles, Cal.

Ochs, W. B., Clinton, Mo. Osgood, D. S., Route 2, Michioan

Oesterreich, A., 85 Hainholzerstr., City, Ind.
Hannover, Germany. Oss, Gordon, Drawer 586, Water-
Offerman, K. A., Brookfield, Ill. town, S. Dak.
Ogden, A. R., Room 204, Court Oss, John, 301-303 Yu Yuen Road,
Bldg., 408 Marion St., Seattle, Shanghai, China.
Wash. Oss, M., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow,
Ohme, B., Eliasstrasse 20e, Dres- India.
den-A., Germany. Oster, F. F., S. D. A. Mission, Ta-
Ojala, G. F., 519 Dawson St., Port briz, Persia.
Arthur, Ontario. Oster, Jacob, Box 208, Coornassie,
Ok, Ne Keun, S. D. A. Mission, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Soonan, Chosen (Korea). Osterman, F. A., 311 North Rosa-
Okohira, T. H., Box 7, Yodo..,ashi lind Ave., Orlando, Fla.
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Ostwald, H., Post Box 310, Rostov-
Olcott, C. E., 508 East Everett St., on-Don, Soviet Russia.
Portland, Oreg. Oswald, E. H., Drawer 586, Water-
Oliver, F. M., Box 903, Tacoma, town, S. Dak.
Wash. Oswald, J. C., Union Springs, N. Y.
Oliver, H. W., Box 719, Boise, Oswald, L. F., Brivibas eela
Idaho. Riga, Latvia.
Olsen, D. K., Nevada, Iowa. Oswald, T. L., Casilla 355, La Paz,
Olsen, E. G., Drawer 586, Water- Bolivia, South America.
town, S. Dak. Otis, E. F., M. D., Melrose, Mass.
Olsen, Martin, 2718 Third Ave., Ott, F. J., Grindelberg 11, Ham-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. burg, Germany.
Olsen, M. E., Takoma Paik, Wash- Overstreet, C. E., Apartado 32, San
ington, D. C. Pedro Sula, Rep. Honduras.
Olsen, M. M., Margrethevej 5, Owen, F. M., 4a Calle Queretaro
Copenhagen. V., Denmark. No. 74, CoIonia Roma, Mexico
Olsen, 0. J., Box 262, Reykjavik, City, D. F., Mexico.
Iceland. Owens,. G. E., 55 South Main St.,
Olsen, Paul, Margrethevej 5, Co- Rochester, N. H.
penhagen, V., Denmark.
Olson, A. J., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
Olson, A. V., Gland, Switzerland. P AAP, C. A., 84 Jervois Road,
Auckland, New Zealand.
Olson, H. 0., R. F. D. 1, Box 58, Pachlya, I. M., Post Box 310, Ros-
La Grange, Ill. tov-on-Don, Soviet Russia.
Olson, L. H., 510 Water St., Aus- Paduraru, N., Strada N. Saveanu
tin, Minn. No. 10, Focsani, Rumania.
Olson, Oscar, Tunnelgatan 25, Page, F. A., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Stockholm, Sweden. Denver, Colo.
Ortner, I. G., 2718 Third Ave., Painter, F. E., 802 East Acacia
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Ave., Glendale, Cal.
Osborn, J. R., 2900 Bishop St., Lit- Pal, A., Omsk, Poste Restante,
tle Rock, Ark. Soviet Russia.
Palmer, C. S., Nukualofa, Tonga,
Osborne, A. J., Route 4, Box 59, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Lodi, Cal.
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta-
Osborne, Mrs. Ella H., Route 4, tion, Washington, D. C.
Box 59, Lodi, Cal. Palmer, L. C., Arlington, Cal.
Osborne, E. E., 210 Harvard St., Panaga, Augustin, 707 Vermont
13rock ton, Mass. St., Manila, Philippine Islands.

Pandjaitan, K., 11 Kartinilaan, Payne, W. 13., Rialto, Cal.

Medan, Sumatra, Dutch East Pean, Arioste,' Box 28, Cape Hai-
Indies. tien, Haiti, West Indies.
Pannkoke, H., Box 1282 Wilming- Pearl, C. G., 55 South Main St.,
ton, N. C. Rochester, N. H.
Pansegrau, K., 23. I, Tiergarten- Peden, H. L., 262 Auburn Ave.,
strasse, Konigsberg, East Prus- Pontiac, Mich.
sia, Germany. Peng, B.sien Djunc,,, S. D. A. Mis-
Panzig, 0., 9a. Steinstrasse, Bres- sion, Siangfu, Shensi, China.
lau, Germany. Penner, J., Sondelfingerstr. 31,
Parfitt, A. G., 407 Fourth St., Nee- Reutlingen, Germany.
a a h, 'Wis. Perez, J. G., 4a Queretaro 74, Mex-
Parker, C. H., Atchin, New Heb- ico City, D. F., Mexico.
rides, Pacific Ocean. Perkins, A. L., 819 North West St.,
Parker, H. B.,S. D. A. Mission, Indianapolis, Ind.
Tungshan, anton, China. Perkins, C. 0., 55 South Main St.,
Parkhurst, W. D., Somerset, Mich. Rochester, N. H.
Parmele, C. F., Route 2, Escondido, Perrin, W. E., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
Cal. India.
Parmele, R. W., 3131 Pasadena Perrine, A. W., imx 513, Madison,
Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Wis.
Parrett, 0. S., M. D., Sidney, Brit- Perry, F. L., 2900 Live Oak St.,
ish Columbia, Canada. Dallas, Tex.
Parsons, D. A., 4a Calle Queretaro Peters, G. E., 4406 Calumet Ave.,
No. 74 (Colonia Roma), Mexico Chicago, Ill.
City, D. F., Mexico. Peters, R., 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Pascoe, J., 902 Colombo St, Christ- now, India.
church, New Zealand. Peters, W., Gotthardtstr. 27, Er-
Pascoe, W. H., 8 Yarra St., Haw- furt, Germany.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Petersen, A. P., Reed City, Mich.
Passebois, L. F., Sterling Jet., Petersen, B., Manchurian S. D. A.
Mass. Mission, Mukden, Manchuria,
Patching, S. Yajra St., Haw- China.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Petersen, L. M., Reed City, Mich.
Patchett, H. G., Box 468, Bloem- Petersen, N. C., 90 South Seventh
fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. St., San Jose, Cal.
Patterson, J. R., Sutherlin, Oreg. Peterson, A. W., 202 South Pal-
Patterson. R. J., corner Peel and ouse St., Walla Walla, Wash.
Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Peterson, E. F., Takoma Park,
Queensland, Australia. Washington, D. C.
Pattison, L. 0., Tandjong Anom, Peterson, John, 508 East Everett
Toendjoengan, Soerabaya, Java, St., Portland, Oregon.
Dutch East IndieS. Pettibone., M. S., 201 Cherokee
Patzig, R., Eliasstrasse. 20c, Dres- Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
den-A., Germany. Pettit, G. W., 116 Fourteenth Ave.,
Patzkowski, J. E., 4476 Yates St., North, Seattle, Wash.
Denver, Colo. Petuchow, _ J., Post Box 31, Sa-
Paulini, P. P., Strada Labirint 116, mara, ..oviet Russia.
Bukharest, Rumania.
Paunescu, P., Strada Labirint 116, Petzold,-G., 9a. Steinstrasse, Bres-
Bukharest, Rumania. lau, Germany.
Payne, Nathan, Box 66, Port of Peugh, V. E., Box 2072, Reno, Nev.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Pfeiler, Dr. W., 29 Schumannstr.,
Indies. Bonn a/Rh., Germany.

Pferschy, J., Casella Postale 408, Polder, J., Burgergasse No. 29,
Florence, Italy. Sibiu, Transylvania, Rumania.
Phang, Nyuk Thin, 399 Upper Polednik, K., 12 Badergasse, Trop-
Serangoon Road, Singapore, pall, Czechoslovakia.
Straits Settlements. Polinkas,Geo., 3741 West 134th
Phipps, B. H., Box 472, Kalamazoo, eland, Ohio.
St., Clv
Mich. Poley, P. C., Cunningham Road,
Phipps, F. C., 168 Auburn St., Bangalore, India. .
Pittsburgh, Pa. Ponce, M. E., 4a Queretaro 74,
Phipps, J. A., Apartado 302, Santo Mexico City, D. F., Mexico.
Domingo. City, Rep. Dominicana. P6nig, M., 12 Wilhemstr., Lorrach,
Phillips, E. B., Ikidzu Missian, Mu- Germany.
somo, Tanganyika, Kisumu, Pfintynen," W. B., Annegatan 7,
British East Africa. Helsingfors, Finland.
Phillips, Joseph, 1 Franklin Road, Poole, N. H., Holly, Mich.
Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma. Popescu, C., Strada N. Saveanu,
Pickard, U. D., 887 Colquehoun St., No. 10, Focsani, Rumania.
Danville, Va. P'opow, M., Post Box 20, New
Pierce, H. W., 1200 Villa St., Town, Harbin, Manchuria.
Mountain View, Cal. Porter, S. W., 1447 South Center.
Pieringer, F., UhlandstF: 189, III, St., Terre Haute, Ind.
. Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany. Post, B. L., 1602 North Church St.,
Filar, R., P. 0. Box 7, Baguio, :Rockford, Ill.
Mountain _ Province, Philippine Paschke, H.,' 85 HainhOlzerstr.,
Islands. IETannover. Germany.
Pinkard, G. S., Room 621, Crutcher Potter, E. R., Box 472, Kalamazoo,
and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Mich.
Pioch, Albert, Grindelberg 11, Pound, I. C., -810 Jackson Ave.,
Hamburg, Germany. New Orleans, La.
Piper, A. H., " Tereora,," The Powell, S. U., 112 Tower St.,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, New Kingston, Jamaica, British West
South Wales, Australia. Indies.
Piper, E. A., 136 West Aurora St., Prakasam, M., Narsapur, Kistna
Ironwood, Mich. Dist., India.
Piper, G. A., 712 Division St., Eau Pratt, F. A., 2070 Sathorn Road,
Claire, Wis. Bangkok, Siam (on furlough).
Piper, H. E., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Prenier, H. S., Keene, Tex.
Perth, West Australia, Aus- Prescott, W. P., Lindrick House,
tralia. Seven -Sisters Road, Finsbury
Piper, J. F., Box 472, Kalamazoo, Park, London, North, England.
Mich. Prescott, IV. W., College View,
Pistorius, E., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse, Nebr.
Adventhaus, Chemnitz, Germany. Preston, B. M., 51 Whitmore St.,
Piwarz, G., Eliastrasse 20c, Dres- Hartford, Conn.
den-A., Germany. Prieser, F. A., Loeschenkohlgasse
Place, A. E., 1028 East Santa Clara 7, Vienna XV, Austria.
St., San Jose, Cal. . Priest, Albert, 201 Cherokee Ave.,
Pohle, E. A., 518 Terminal Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Proctor, L. H., Box 584, Riverside,
Pohle, E. E., Apartado 218, Guate- Cal.
mala City, Guatemala, Central Proctor, M. R., 3612 Morenci St.,
America. El Paso, Tex.
Pohle, W. R., Box M, Cristobal, Prout, C. S., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Canal Zone, Panama. Los Angeles, Cal.
Prowalowsky, S., Post Box 310, Raubenheimer, J. H., Box 468,
Rostov-on-Don, Soviet Russia. Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South
Pruitt, Carl, 409 West Tenth St., Africa.
Traverse City, Mich. Rauss, G., Post. Box 384, Kiev,
Pudewell, W., S. D. A. Mission, Soviet Russia.
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Cho- Read, W. E., 1-16heweg 17, Bern,
sen (Korea). Switzerland.
Punches, V. 0., South Lancaster, Reaser, G. W., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Mass. Los Angeles, Cal.
Purdom, C. A., 1267 Westminster Reavis, D. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. tion, Washington, D. C.
Purmal, P., Brivibas eela 11, Riga, Reavis, J. D., 304 est Allen St.,
Latvia. Springfield, Ill.,
Rebensburg, A., 9a Steinstrasse,
UINN, R. D., 5332 Sumner Ave., Breslau, Germany.
Q Eagle Rock,. Cal. Rebok, D. E., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Shanghai, China.
Rees, D. A., 1600 Brunswick Ave.,
Trenton, N. J.
G. W., 9744 Eighty-
Ave., Edmonton, Al- Rees, D. D., College View, Nebr.
berta, Canada. Reichenbaugh, C. E., Falls Creek,
Radke, W., 13 Weinbergstrasse, Pa.
Eberswalde, Germany. Reid, J. A., Box M, Cristobal, Ca-
Raff, G. D., Corrales 2a, Havana, nal Zone, Panama._
Cuba. Reid, 0. P., 112 Tower St., .King-
Raft, J. C., Hoheweg 17, Bern, ston, Jamaica, British West In-
Switzerland. dies.
Ragsdale, L. B., -Box 584, River- Reifschneider, K. A., Post Box 31,
side, Cal. Samara, Soviet Russia.
Rails, W. A., 1455 Seventh St., Reile, B. A., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Parkersburg, W. Va. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Rampton, F. G., cor. Peel and Grey Reimer, J., 12 Roptschinskaja, Q.
Sts., South Brisbane, Queensland, 13, Leningrad, Soviet Russia.
Australia. Reiner, D. E., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Randall, L. D., 507 East Fair St., Calgary, Alberta.
Atlanta, Ga. Reiner, D. N., Drawer 586, Water-
Randle, W. H., 112 Tower St., town, S. Dak.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Reis, J. A., Caixa Postal 106,
Indies. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Raposo, A. F., Rua Joaquin Boni- Brazil, South America.
facio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Reiswig; J. J., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Rapp, G. S., 804 Butler Ave., New Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Castle, Pa. Rempfert, K., Post Box 31; Sa-
Rashford, L., Box M, Cristobal, mara, Soviet Russia.
Canal Zone, Panama. Remsen, Emanuel, - 1732 North
Rasmeni, J., 41 West Burger St., Francisco Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn.
South Africa. Resen, Chr., Margrethevej 5, Copen-
Rasmussen, Steen, Hoheweg 17,
Bern, Switzerland. hagen, V., Denmark.
Raspal, M., Rose Hill, Mauritius Rey, J., 1 Avenue de Beaulieu,
Island, Indian Ocean. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Ratnikow, S., Omsk, Poste Res- Reynolds, C. J., 84 Jervois Road,
tante, Soviet Russia. Auckland,. New Zealand.

Reynolds, E. R., 17 Abbott Road, Ritz, B. R., Box 2072, Reno, Nev.
Lucknow, Rivera, Salvador, Porto Rican -
Reynolds, I. T., 1142 'East Fillmore Mission, Box 401, Calle Nueva,
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Stop 14, Saturce, Porto Rico.
Rhoads, A. V., Sutherlin, Oregon. Robb, V. W., Nevada, Iowa.
Rhoads, Bert, Nevada, Iowa. Robbins, F. H., 507 Flower Ave.,
Rhoads, J. H., Nevada, Iowa. Takoma Park, D. C.
Rice, M. L., 1112 Kalamath St., Robbins, 'Wm., 121 North Pennsyl-
Denver, Colo. vania Ave., Greensburg, Pa.
Rice, W. W., Union Springs, N. Y. Roberts, G. A., 537 Twenty-fifth
Rich, J. W., 3131 Pasadena Ave., St., Oakland, Cal.
Los Angeles, Cal. Roberts, J. W., Route 4, Bozeman,
Richard, P. F., Grand Rue 144, Mont.
Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Robinson, A. T., Melrose, Mass.
Richards, H. M. J., 1215 Marshall Robinson, C., P. 0. Box 128, G welo,
St., Little Rock, Ark. Rhodesia, South Africa.
Richards, H. M. S., 137 Rochester Robinson, D. E., Grove Ave., Clare-
St., Ottawa, Ontario. mont, Cape Province, South
Richardson, I. D., Ooltewah, Tenn. Africa.
Richmond, E. L., Takoma. Park Robinson, G., " Rewa," 11 Cooran-
Station, Washington, D. C. bong Road, Broadmeadow, N. S.
Rick, P. A., 304 I. 0. 0. E. Bldg., W., Australia.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Robinson, H. J., cor. Peel and Grey
Rickard, Geo., Box 66, Port of Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
Spain, Trinidad, British West land, Australia.
Indies. Robinson, H. E., 112 Willow Ave.,
Rider, C. J., Drawer E, Clanton, Takoma Park, D. C.
Ala. Robinson, R. P., Songa Mission, P.
Riffel, Carl, Box 1077, Oklahoma 0. Mato, via Bukama, Belgian
City, Okla. Congo, South Africa.
Riffel, J., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Robison, B. D., 3230 Charlotte St.,
Wash. Kansas City, Mo.
Riffel, J. E., S. D. A. Mission, Robison, J. I., Arlington, Cal.
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen Robison, M. P., South Lancaster,
(Korea). Mass.
Riffel, W. B., 705 Vermont Ave.,
Manila, Philippine Islands. Roda, A. Z., P. 0. Box 7, Baguio,
Riley, A. E., Georgetown, British Mountain Province, Philippine
Guiana, South America. Islands.
Rine, G. W., 508 East Everett St., Roda, L. Z., P. 0. Box 7, Baguio,
Portland, Oreg. Mountain Province, Philippine
Rintala, A., Annegatan 7, Helsing- Islands.
fors, Finland. Rodd, A. S., 22 Zulla Road, Not-
Rippey, J. A., 817 Nora Ave., tingham, England.
Spokane, Wash. Rodriguez, W. L., Box 244, Cebu,
Rischmiiller, Fr., Reuter Kaserne Cebu, Philippine Islands.
28, Diisseldorf, Germany.
Ritchie, A., 605 Carter-Cotton Roenfelt, E, 116 Grote St., Ade-
Bldg., Vancouver, British Co- laide, South Australia, Austra-
lumbia. lia.
Rittenhouse, C. H., 189 Washing- Rodgers, P. G., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
ton St., North, Twin Falls, Idaho. Los Angeles, Cal.
Rittenhouse, S. N., 321 South Wal- Rogers, J. C., Box 468, Bloemfon-
nut St., Lansing, Mich. tein, 0. F. S., South Africa.

Rojas, L. A., Florida, F. C. C. A., Ruminson; Wm., Box 489, Battle-

Buenos Aires, Argentina, South ford, Saskatchewan, Canada.
America. Runolf, Wilh., Tunnelgatan 25,
Ronfelt, C. E., 1 Franklin Road, Stockholm, Sweden.
Alllone, Rangoon, Burma. Ruskjer, S. A., Lacombe, Alberta,
Rose, K., Brivibas eela 11, Riga, Canada.
Latvia. Russell, A. B., 176 Oakland Ave.,
Rosendahl, E., " Mizpah," Wah- Atlanta, Ga.
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Russell, C. A., Takoma Park Sta-
tralia. tion, Washington, D. C.
Rosental, A. E., Post Box 31, Sa- Russell, E. T., 2718 Third Ave.,
mara, Soviet Russia. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Rosenwald, Emil, 619 South Ash- Rustig, W._ E., P. 0. Box 144, Salo-
land Blvd., Chicago, Ill. nica, Greece.
Rost, 0. J. 0., Akersgaten 74, Ryan, S. M., 152 Lillooet St., West,
Oslo (Christiania), Norway. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Can-
Roth, A. G., Gland, Switzerland. ada.
Roth, G. G., Box 28, Cape Haitien,
Haiti, West Indies. CA, JOAO DE, Rua Joaquim Bon-
Roth, J. H., 167 Gualaguay, Para- k-7 ifacio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
na, E. R., Argentina, South Sabatino, G., Casilla Postale 408,
America. Florence, Italy.
Rouse, J. S., 817 Nora Ave., Spo- Saboe-Larssen, L., Akersgaten 74,
kane, Wash. Oslo (Christiania), Norway.
Rowell, E. C., Broadview College, Sachsenineyer, A., 3 Koflergasse,
La Grange, Ill. Vienna XII, Austria.
Rowland, J. W., 399 Upper Seran- Sadochin, W. E., 29 Konuschkov-
goon Road, Singapore, Straits skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia.
Settlements. Sakakibara, K., Box 7, Yodooashi
Roy, R. J., 136 West Jasper St., P. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
Aurora, Mo. Salatzkat, J., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse,
Rubendall, C. W., 2502 St. Louis Aclventhaus, Chemnitz, Germany.
Ave., Hibbing, Minn. Salazar, P. S., Casilla 1002, Lima,
Ruble, W. A., Stanborough Park, Peru, South America.
Watford, Herts, England. Sales, J. B., Corrales 2a, Havana,
Ruble, W. W., 345 North Isabel Cuba.
St., Glendale, Cal. Salisbury, E. G., Takoma Park
Rudge, E. B., Suva You, Suva, Station, Washington, D. C.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Salomsky, G., Post Box 384, Kiev,
Rudge,P. B., "Tereora," The Soviet Russia.
Boulevarde, Strathfieht, New Salton, R. A., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
South Wales, Australia. Perth, West Australia, Austra-
Rudin, F., 29 Alpenstr., Munchen, lia.
Bavaria, Germany. Sanchez, A. C., 1024 North Arno
Rudy, H. L., Sutherlin, Oreg. St., Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Ruf, Adam, Shattuck, Okla. Sandborn, A. R., Box 887, Phoenix,
Ruf, G. F., 426 Spadina Crescent, Ariz.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can- Sanders, C. N., Berrien Springs,
ada. Mich.
Riihling,, R., 12 Badergasse, Trop- Sanderson, A. E., 161 Linwood
pau, Czechoslovakia. Ave., Providence, R. I.
Rulkoetter, A. H., Maplewood Sandness, 0. E., 3510 F St., .c.u-
Academy, Maple Plain, Minn. rek a, Cal.

Sandstrom, K. R., Tunnelgatan 25, Schillinger, R., Mission Society of

Stockholm, Sweden. S. D. A., Petra Zrinskog, Street
Sanidad, Eugenio, P. 0. Box 7, 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Baguio, Mountain Province, Schilstra, P., Egelantierstr. 4, The
Philippine Islands. Hague, Netherland.
Santee, Clarence, Route C, Box Schleifer,. S. M., 215 North Mc-
87b, Modesto, Cal. Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C.
Sanz, Pedro, Apartado 492, Barce- Schluttig, H., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse,
lona, Spain. Adventh.aus, Chemnitz, Germany.
Sargeant, E. N., 1219 North Rose Schmehl, F. IV., Drawer E, Clan-
St., Kalamazoo, Mich. ton, Ala.
Saunders, J. E., Ranchi, B. N. Ry., Schmidt, H., Villa Franzisca, Bad
India. Aibling, Kurhaus,. Wittelsbach,
Saunders, N. H., South Lancaster, Germany.
Mass. Schmidt, B., Omsk, Post Restante,
Saxton, H. F., College View, Nebr. Soviet Russia.
Sawyer, C. S., 508 East Everett Schmidt, I. C., 11 Kortiniloon, Me-
St., Portland, Oreg. dan, Sumatra, Dutch East In-
Schacht, W. H., 1854 Roblyn Ave., dies.
St. Paul, Minn. Schmitz, H., 13 Weinbergstrasse,
Schaefer, W., 27 uotthardtstrasse, Eberswalde, Germany.
Erfurt, Germany. Schneebauer, L., 4 Franz-Josefstr.,
Schaeffler, Wm., 103 East Nine- Salzburg, Vienna XV.., Austria.
tieth St., New York, N. 1. Schneider, C. C., Caixa Postal 768,
Schaffner, R. G., 3131 Pasadena Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. America.
Schamkow, K. S., Post Box 310, Schneider, Isaac, Casilla 355, La
Rostov-on-Don, Soviet Russia. Paz, Bolivia, South America.
Scharffenberg, W. A., 25 Ningkuo Schneider, 3., Brivibas eela 11,
Road, Shanghai, China. Riga, Latvia.
Schebo, W. A., 817 Nora Ave., Spo.- Schnetzler, Joseph, South Lancas-
kane, Wash. ter, Mass.
Scheibitz, R., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse, Scholl, AV., Querallee 11, Cassel,
Adventhaus, Chemnitz, Germany. Germany.
Schenck, A., 41 Wielandstrasse, Schor, J., 12 Badergasse, Troppau,
Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany. Czechoslovakia.
Scherr, B. A., Box CCC, James- Schowe, C. H., South Lancaster,
town, N. Dak. Mass.
Schick, L. B., 737 Waverly St., Schriieder, R., 20c. Eliasstrasse,
Kansas City, Kans. Dresden-A, Germany.
Nchick, W., 85 Hainhillzerstr., Han- Schroeder, W. F. H., Bland, Mo.
nover, Germany. Schubert, G. W., Tizianstr. 35, Mu-
Schierman, D. R., 817 Nora Ave., nich, Bavaria, Germany.
Spokane, Wash. Schubert, Walter, Casilla 2830,
Schilberg, A. A., Zakatna 3/7, Santiago, Chile, South America.
Warsaw, Poland, Europe. Schuberth, H. F., Hoheweg 17,
Schildhauer, 0. E., Tizianstr. 35, Bern, Switzerland.
Miinich, Bavaria, Germany. Schuberth, 0., 133 Rosenstr., Bad
Schildhauer, 0., 32 Eschenheimer Aibling, Kurhaus, Wittelsbach,
Anlage 32, Frankfurt-Main, Ger- Germany.
many. Schulz, W., 45 Politzerstrasse,
Schilling, J. H., Uhlandstr. 189, Stettin, Germany.
III, Berlin - Charlottenburg, Schilrer, M., 41 Wielandstrasse,
Germany. Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany.

Schuster, M. H., 1265 College Ave., Semmens, L. A., 1 Franklin Road,

New York, N. Y. Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma.
Schwartz, W. F., 1681 Arthur Selig, G., 84 Kriegsstr., Karlsruhe-
Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. Baden, Germany.
Schwarz, A. P., Union Springs, Serkow, A., 12 Roptschinskaja, Q.
N. Y. 13, Leningrad, Soviet Russia.
Schwarz, H., 13 Friedrichstr., Kon- Serna, M., Box 604, South. Campbell
stanz a/B, Germany. St., El Paso, Tex.
Schwedrat, 0. F., 4133 North Ma- Serns, A. E., Box 584, Riverside,
plewood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Cal.
Schwenecke, 0., 29 Schumannstr., Settergren, A. J., Tunnelgatan 25,
Bonn Germany. Stockholm, Sweden.
Schwenecke, W., Eliasstrasse 20c, Sevrens, L. G., Union Springs, N.Y.
Dresden-A., Germany. Sevrens, 0. F., 705 Vermont St.,
Schwerin, G. A., Casilla 85, Puno, Manila, Philippine Islands.
Peru, South America. Shadel, S. T., 619 South Ashland
Schwerke, E., 13 \Veinbergstrasse, Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Eberswalde, Germany. Shafer, Wm., Sequim, Wash.
Schwindt, F. F., Drawer 586, Shaeffer, F. R., Box 226, Sawtelle,
Watertown, S. Dak. Cal.
Scior, F., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse, Ad- Sharp, F. L., " Mizpah," Wahroon-
venthaus, Chemnitz, Germany. ga, N. S. W., Australia.
Seoggins, P. E., 606 Safford St., Sharp, W. W., Route 1, Box 53,
Fresno, Cal. National City, Cal.
Scott, Sydney, 819 West St., North, Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tenn.
Indianapolis, Ind. Shaw, B. H., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Scragg, W., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Denver, Colo.
land, New Zealand. Shaw, H. S., Box 891, Merced, Cal.
Striven, C. A., Nevada, Iowa. Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta-
Seal, J. S., 2900 Live Oak St., Dal- . tion, Washington, D. C.
las, Texas. Shaw, T. A., S. D. A. Mission, Kiu-
Seat, E. T., 3131 Pasadena Ave., kiang, Kiangsi, China.
Los Angeles, Cal. Sheldon, E. L., 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
Sebastian, W. H., 351 Ross St. Paul, Minn.
Danville, Va. Sheldon, H. J., 2718 Third Ave.,
Seefried, J., 23 I., Tiergarten- South, Minneapolis, Minn.
strasse, Konigsberg, East Prus- Shepara, Loren C., Box 15, Poona,
sia, Germany. India.
Seeney, F. H., 606 N St., N. W., Shepard, Lyle C., 302 Nokomis
Washington, D. C. Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Seibel, J. H., Box CCC, Jamestown, Shepard, 1VIelzar, 818 South Third
N. Dak. St., San Jose, Cal.
Seiler, W., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Shepard, Reid, Casilla 355, La Paz,
burg, Germany. Bolivia, South America.
Seino, Yekichi, Box 7, Yodobashi Sherman, A. R., Calle Arenal
1'. 0., Tokyo, Japan. 2535, Montevideo, Uruguay,
Selle, F., 13 Weinbergstrasse, South America.
Eberswalde, Germany. Sherrig, W. II., 655 North Central
Selmann, P., Omsk, Post Restante, Ave., Chicago, lil.
Soviet Russia. Sherwin, T. A., Dr., "Mizpah"
Seltzer, G. J., 6040 South Prince- Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
ton Ave., Chicago, Ill. Shi, Ru Ling, S. D. A. Mission,
Semmens, A. W., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Shidler, M. W., Nevada, Iowa.

Shipley, h. E., 2345 Fairfield Ave., Skau, 0. A., Cunningham Road,

Bridgeport, Conn. Bangalore, India.
Shone, F. C., Dr., Stanborough Skinner, H. A., 1 Franklin Road,
Park, Watford, Herts, England. Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma.
Shone, B. W., .Box 40S, Bloemfon- Skorobreschtschuk, E., Yost Box
tein, 0. F. S., South Africa. 384, Kiev, Soviet Russia.
Shoup, H. L., 238 Haywood St., Slade, E. K., South Lancaster,
Asheville, N. C. Mass.
Shrewsbury, 0. H., 17 Abbott Slater, E. F., 304 West Allen St.,
Road, Lucknow, India. Springfield, Ill.
Shrock, J. S., 663 West Main St., Slater, S. B., Plainwell, Mich.
North Gainesville, Fla. Smart, A., " Tereora," The Boule-
Shukow, W. W., Post Box 384, varde, Strathfield, New South
Kiev, Soviet Russia. Wales, Australia.
Shuler, J. L., 311 North Rosalind Smith, Clarence E., 518 Terminal
Ave., Orlando, Fla. Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Shull, C. A., Union Springs, N. Y. Smith, C. D., Room 304, I. 0. 0. F.
Shultz, H., 417 East Oak St., Lodi, Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Cal. Smith, E. L., 561 Garfield St., Bat-
Shultz, J. E., South Lancaster, tle Creek, Mich.
Mass. Smith, Floyd W., 17 Abbott Road,
Shultz, J. W., 1712 East Main St., Lucknow, India.
Springfield, Ohio. Smith, G. A. E., 112 Tower St.,
Sibagobe, Harry, Somabula. Mis- Kingston, Jamaica, British West
sion, Box 128, Gwelo, Rhodesia, Indies.
South Africa. Smith, G. H., 1103 Washington
Sigurdsson P., Selkirk, Manitoba. Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Siler, J. W., 411 Cedar St., Ta- Smith, J. D., 1715 Cass St., Nash-
koma Park, D. C. ville, Tenn.
Silveira, J. A., Caxia Postal 378, Smith, J. H., New Market, Va.
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, Smith, J. J., Box 66, Port of Spain,
South America. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Simmons, Cyrus, Box 558, Knox- Smith, J. L., S Yarra St., Haw-
ville, Tenn. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Simmons, W. R., care Sanitarium, Smith, M. B. C., 47 Hay St., Su-
Lafayette, Ind. biaco, Perth, West Australia.
Simoes, F., Rua Joaquim, Bonifa- Smith, N. B., 215 North McDowell
cio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. St., Charlotte, N. C.
Simon, J., 32 Gregrova, Prague- Smith, R. W., Nukualofa, Tonga,
Vinhorady, Czechoslovakia. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Simon, J. F., Takoma Park, D. C. Smith, W. D., Atchin, New Heb-
Simpson, G. H., Reed City, Mich. rides, Pacific Ocean.
Sims, G. 0., Route 3, Box 8, Chico, Smith, W. I., College Place, Wash.
Cal. Smith, W. J., " Mizpah," Wah-
Singh, J., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
now, India. Smith, W. K., Nevada, Iowa.
Sins, K., 30 Hinterm Bahnhof, Smith, W. R., S. D. A. Mission,
Nurnberg, Bavaria, Germany. Outside East Gate, Seoul,
Sirotenko, K., Omsk, Poste Res- Chosen (Korea).
tante, Soviet Russia. Smith, W. S., Box 128, Gwelo,
Sittner, F., 167 Gualaguay, Para- Rhodesia, South Africa.
na, E. R., Argentina, South Smithwick, R. A., 17 Abbott Road,
America. Lucknow, India.

Smouse, A. R., 1854 Roblyn Ave., Stafford, F. E., 1112 Keeaumoku

St. Paul, Minn. St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Snide, Harold, Union Springs, N. Y. Stahl, F. A., Casilla 1002, Lima,
Snideman, D. T., 1115 West Peru, South America.
Charles St., Grand Island, Nebr. Staines, 0. R., Loma Linda, Cal.
Snider, J. D., 212 South Lafayette Stammberger, A., 29 Alpenstr.,
St., South Bend, Ind. Munchen, Bavaria, Germany.
Snow, C. M., Warburton, Victoria, Stanescu, G., Strada Labirint 116,
Australia. Bukharest, Rumania.
Snyder, G. A., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Stanescu, I., Strada Labirint 116,
Los Angeles, Cal. Bukharest, Rumania.
Soaries, R. L., 202-216 First Na- Stanley, P. G., Drawer 586, Water-
tional. Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, town, S. Dal:.
Term. Staples, A. W., jr., P. 0. Box 378,
Sohlmann, K., Dalnok ucca Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Szekely Bertalan, Budapest VI, Starbuck, T. H., 506 East Everett
Hungary. St., Portland, Oregon.
Soisalo, K., Annegatan 7, Helsing- Starr, F. D., Box 150, Route 2,
fors, Finland. Lewiston, Idaho.
Soper, G. R., 419 Rencher St., Starr, G. B., Loma Linda, Cal.
Clovis, N. Mex. Staton, J. R., College View, Nebr.
Sorenson, C. M., Drawer C, Berrien Staubert, 0., Lasenez 104a (Villa
Springs, Mich. Rosa), Sofia, Bulgaria, Europe.
Sorenson, C. P., 111 Aldine St., Staubert, P., Querallee 11, Cassel,
Newark, N. J. Germany.
Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park Stauffer, R. B., Box 584, Riverside,
Station, Washington, D. C. Cal.
Spear, B. R., Box 584, Riverside, Stearns, Hugh, Room 621, Crutch-
Cal. er and Starks Bldg., Louisville,
Spearing, .F. A., Lindrick House, Ky.
Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake,
Park, London, N. 4, England. Wis.
Spencer, R. M., 621 Carroll Ave.. Steed, J. E., 84 Jervois Road,
Takoma Park, D. C. Auckland, New Zealand.
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Steele, Wm., Apartado 302, Santo
tion, Washington, D. C. Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana.
Spies, F. W., Caixa Postal 768, Steen, T. W.; Caixa Postal 1028,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South S-do Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
America. ica.
Spies, G. W., 1209 North Ninth St., Stein, R., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Waco, Tex. Box 53, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia.
Spire, B. W., Murray, Ky. Steinert, A. G., Shaffer, Kans.
Spring, L. A., Box 8, Mt. Vernon, Stene, L. J., Apartado 492, Barce-
Ohio. lona, Spain.
Sproge, A., Brivibas eela 11, Riga, Stephenson, C. B., Drawer E, Clan-
Latvia. ton, Ala.
Sproge, J., Brivibas eela 11, Riga, Sterling, G. L., Papeete, Tahiti,
Latvia. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Staben, C. F., Apartado 365, Mon- Steudcl, 1C., 41 Wielandstrasse,
terrey, Mexico. Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany.
Stacey, H., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Stevens, F. H., 311 North Rosalind
N. S. W., Australia. Ave., Orlando, Fla.
Stafford, C., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Stevens, G. A., 419 South Prince
thorn, Victoria, Australia. St., Lancaster, Pa.

Stevens, H. U., Casilla 1003, Lima, Stover, A. J., Route 1, Box 2,

Peru, South America. Ridgefield, Wash.
Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park Sta- Strachan, M. C., 2100 Fifth Ave.,
tion, Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y.
Stevens, J. C., 2299 Monterey Ave., Strahle, J. J., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Detroit, Mich. Shanghai, China.
Stevens, 0. B., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. Straight, G. H., Hines, Wis.
Stevens, W. H., 36 Park St., Cal- Stratford, S. V.," Mizpah," Wah-
cutta, India. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Steward, W. W., Milton, ,Oreg. Stratton, F. E., 817 Nora Ave.,
Stewart, A. G., Suva Vou, Suva, Spokane, Wash.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Straw, W. E., Box 573, Bulawayo,
Stewart, E. L., 917 South Presa Rhodesia, South Africa.
St., San Antonio, Tex. Stray, F. W., Memramcook, New
Stewart, G. G., " Tereora," The Brunswick.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Streeter, E. R., Chichoki Mallian,
Australia. N. W. Ry., Punjab, India.
Stewart, J. S., corner Peel and Streisinger, B., Dalnok ucca, 13,
Grey Sts., South Brisbane, Szekely Bertalon, Budapest VI,
Queensland, Australia. Hungary.
Stewart, R. E., Corrales 2a, Ha- Streithorst, G., Estreito, Floriano-
vana, Cuba. polis, Santa Catharina, Brazil,
Stickle, J. D., Grove Ave., Clare- South America.
mont, Cape, South Africa. Strickland, R. G., 201 Cherokee
Stieben, I. I., Omsk, Poste Restan- Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
te, Soviet Russia. Strickland, W. E. Lowanho, Yen-
Stipeck, E. J., 507 Flower Ave., cheng, Honan,
Takoma Park, D. C. Striplin, C. D., Casilla 1003, Lima,
St. John, M. H., 36 Hollywood Ave., Peru, South America.
East Orange, N. J. Stroh], W., Kauno g-ve 22, but. 3,
Stticker, P., Politzerstrasse 45, Vilkaviskis, Lithuania.
Stettin, Germany. Strother, W. E., 311 Hampton St.,
Stockhausen, A. C., 112 Tower St., Chattan000u, Tenn.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Struve, H., Apartado 492, Barce-
Indies. lona, Spain.
Stockil, F. R., Box 128, Gwelo, Stueekrath, M., 4725 Lewis Place,
Rhodesia, South Africa. St. Louis, Mo.
Stoehr, H. G., Caixa Postal 3764, Sturdevant, M. C., Box 468, Bloem-
Victoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
South America. Sturgeon, D. F., 725 McLish St.,
Stone, A. J., Box 146, Tacoma, Ardmore, Okla.
Wash. Stuyvesant, J. B., Alpine, Cal.
Stone, C. L., Obispo, Canal Zone, Su, Dien Tsing, S. D. A. Mission,
Panama. 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Pe-
Stone, W. J., Box 224, Loma Linda, king, China.
Cal. Sulzle, C., Startup, Wash.
Storch, Gustavo, Caixa Postal 198, Summerville, T. M., Reed City,
Bahia, Estado de Bahia, Brazil, Mich.
South America. Surber, W. F., Thayer, Kans.
Storey, A. B. B., Box 547, Musko- Sutherland, Dr. E. A., Madison,
gee, Okla. 'Tenn.
Stotz, J. C., Drawer 586, Water- Sutta, K., Brivibas eela 11, Riga,
town, N. Dak. Latvia.

Sutton, C. B., Apartado 136, Ca- Taylor, J. I., 298 Woodlawn Ave.,
racas, Venezuela, South America. Aurora, El.
Sutton, N. T., 1112 Kalamath Taylor, N. L., Room 621, Crutcher
Denver, Colo. and Starks Bldg., Louisville, Ky.
Swanson, E. H., 219 Wilkinson Teesdale, W. H., Nevada, Iowa.
Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Terry, L. W., 1249 North Main bt.,
Swartout, H. 0., 25 Ningkuo Road, Nevada, Mo.
Shanghai, China. Teters, D. S., Van Wert, Ohio.
Sweany, W. A., Route 4, Box 53, Thalmann, W., 13 Weinbergstrasse,
Lodi, Cal. Eberswalde, Germany.
Swedberg, August, Route 1, Box Theiss, G. F., Route 4, Brooklyn
58, La Grange, Ill. Station, Cleveland, Ohio.
Swenson, Carl, 189 West 100th St., Theodore, Antoine, Box 28, Cape
New York, N. Y. Haitian, Haiti, West Indies.
Swenson, J. A., 2845 Oakland Ave., Theunissen, D. C., Box 468, Bloem-
South, Minneapolis, Minn. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
S winson, Swin, 210 North Fourth Thiel, L. F., Southern Junior Col-
St., Fresno, Cal. lege, Ooltewah, Tenn.
Swiridow, P. A., 29 Konuschkov- Thiele, E. R., 25 Ningkuo Road,
skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia. Shanghai, China.
Swiridow, W. A., Oinsk, Poste Res- Thirlwell, T. W., 1455 Seventh St.,
tante, Soviet Russia. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Symons, J. E., Box 128, Gwelo, Thomann, E. W., 167 Gualaguay,
Rhodesia, South Africa. Parana, E. R., Argentina, South
Sype, Mrs. Minnie, 2214 Lake America.
Drive, Bellingham, Wash. Thomann, V. E., Casilla 2830,
Sype, R. J., 2214 Lake Drive, Bel- Santiago, Chile, South America.
lingham, Wash. Thomas, A., Losenez 104a (Villa
Sypher, J. W., 51 'Whitmore St., Rosa), Sofia, Bulgaria, Europe.
Hartford, Conn. Thomas, E. D., Nazareth, Tinnev-
elly Dist., India.
Thomas, H. B., Box 584, Riverside,
TAGGART, C. L, 341 East Lodi Cal.
Ave., Lodi, Cal. Thomas, J. G., 414 Ninth St., Co-
Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal. lumbus, Ga.
Tan, Shao Djen, S. D. A. Mission, Thomas, P. V., S. D. A. Mission,
The Island, Changsha, Hunan, Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Taphouse, Jas., Healdsburg, Cal. Thomason, Geo., M. D., 312 North
Tarassowski, W., 29 Konuschkov- Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
skaja, Moscow, Soviet Russia. Thompson, B. L., Casino, 85, Puno,
Tarr, Claude, P. 0. Box 378, Port Peru, South America.
Elizabeth, South Africa. Thompson, Chas., 2718 Third Ave.,
Tarr, D. F., Box 468, Bloemfontein, South, Minneapolis, Minn.
0. F. S., South Africa. Thompson, F. E., Rusangu Mission,
Tate, Dr. T. S., Route 8, Birming- P. 0. Monze, Northern Rhodesia,
ham, Ala. South Africa.
Taylor, C. L., South Lancaster, Thompson, F. S., 619 South Ash-
Mass. land Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Taylor, C. U., 1803 Eleventh St.,
Wichita Falls, Tex. Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park
Taylor, G. B., Caixa Postal 1028, Station, Washington, D. C.
SAo Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Thompson, H. G., Box 1304, Fres-
ica. no, Cal.

Thompson, J. C., 2001 Twenty- Tribbensee, W., 45 Politzerstrasse,

fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Stettin, Germany.
Tenn. Troger, W., 45 Politzerstrasse,
Thompson, J. T., Florida, F. C. Stettin, Germany.
C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Troy, Owen, 1916 Pacific Ave., Ala-
South America. meda, Cal.
Thompson, Luzerne, Keene, Tex. Truesdell, G. A., 537 Twenty-fifth
Thompson, P. L., Keene, Texas. St., Oakland, Cal.
Thompson, Victor, 127 South Ev- Truitt, E. G., 2900 Live Oak St.,
erett St., Glendale, Cal. Dallas, Tex.
Thompson, W. C., 817 Nora Ave., Truman, A. W., M. D., Glendale,
Spokane, Wash. Cal.
Thorp, G. M., 3107 H St., Van- Trummer, E. M., Apartado 436,
couver, Wash. Bogota, Colombia, South Amer-
Thuemler, T. L., 506 Beatty St., ica.
Medford, Oreg. Trussman, G., Merepuiestee 14-a.
Thurber, R. B., 2123 Twenty-fourth Tallinn, Esthonia.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Tucker, G. W., Oxford, Nebr.
Thurston, H. G., Box 719, Boise, Tucker, J. A., Huntsville, Ala.
Idaho. Tucker, J. L., 2633 Harvard St.,
Thurston, S., 1229 East Orange Butte, Mont.
Grove Ave., Glendale, Cal. Tucker, R. G., 1115 West Charles
Tieche, M., 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, St., Grand Island, Nebr.
Paris, XIII, France. Tulaszewski, K., Dalnok ucca 13,
Tilgren, A., Akersgaten 74, Oslo Szekely, Bertalan, Budapest VI,
(Christiania), Norway. Hungary.
Tinworth, C. W., Cunningham Tulin, Ernesto, Florida, F. C. C.
Road, Bangalore, India. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Tislenko, J. S., Post Box 310, South America.
Rostov-on-Don, Soviet Russia. Tupper, L. E., Route 5, Centralia,
Tkatschenko, S., Post Box 384, Wash.
Kiev, Soviet Russia. Turk, D. G., 12 Dickinson Ave.,
Tobiassen, Chr., Margrethevej 5, Hill Crest, Binghamton, N. Y.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Turner, J. W., 122 South Eighth
Tobiassen, T., Akersgaten 74, St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Oslo (Christiania), Norway. Turner, W. G., " Mizpah," Wah-
Tolhurst, H. L., 84 Jervois. Road, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Auckland, New Zealand. Tutty, R. H., Marovo Lagoon, via
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pa-
Toma, I., Strada, N. Saveanu No. cific Ocean.
10, Focsani; Rumania. Tuzzolino, J., 163 West Ninth St.,
Tonks, S. F., Lindrick House, Seven Brooklyn, N. Y.
Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, Twijnstra, H., Egelantierstr. 4, The
London, N. 4, England. Hague, Netherland.
Toppenberg, V. E., S. D. A. Mis- Twiggs, D. M., 1215 Marshall St.,
sion, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Little Rock, Ark.
Torres, A. E., Apartado 365, Mon-
terrey, Mexico.
Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta-
U CHTMAN, W. R., 237 Brook
St., New Britain, Conn.
Ulrich, C. F., 230 Chittenden Ave.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Columbus, Ohio.
Townsend, E. C., 511 Oliver St., Underwood, R. A., College View,
Toledo, Ohio. Nebr.
Urquhart, E. J., S. D. A. Mission, Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park Sta-
Outside East Gate, Seoul, tion, Washington, D. C.
Chosen (Korea). Voth, Bernard, Durham, Kans.
Voth, David, 1801 Orchard Ave.,
Glendale, Cal.
Vuilleumier, J., La Ligniere, Gland,
VALEN, T., Akersgaten 74,
Oslo (Christiania), Norway. Switzerland.
Valera, Emilio, P. 0. Box 7, Bag-
uio, Mountain Province, Philip-
pine Islands.
Vallejo, Pablo, Porto Rican Mis-
WACHHOLZ, A., 13 Weinberg-
strasse, Eberswalde, Germany.
Wagner, B. E., 411 Cedar St., Ta-
sion, Box 401, Calle Nueva, Stop koma Park, D. C.
14, Santurce, Porto Rico. Wagner, F. D., Baker, Oreg.
Van Campen, D., 917 South Presa Wakeham, W. H., Drawer C, Ber-
St., San Antonio, Tex. rien Springs, Mich.
Vance, A. R., 122 South Eighth. St., Walker, A., \Valhalla, S. C.
Grand junction, Colo. Walker, A. G., 1015 Rose St., Kla-
Vandeman, H. A., 425 North math Falls, Oreg.
Eighth St., Allentown, Pa. Walker, J. G., Box 382, Battleford,
Vanlandingham, P. E., 917 South Saskatchewan, Canada.
Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Walker, W. W., Rusangu Mission,
P. 0. Monze, Northern Rhodesia,
Van Kirk, M. B., 518-519 Terminal South Africa.
Bldg., Oklahoma. City, Okla. Wall, D. N. Brivibas eela 11, Riga,
Varlemann, W., 85 Haintdilzerstr., Latvia.
Hannover, Germany. Wallace, I. 0., S. D. A. Mission,
Varmer, Axel, Margrethevej 5, Sianfu, Shensi, China.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Wallenkampf, J., Tunnelgatan 25,
Vaucher, A., La Ligniere, Gland, Stockholm, Sweden.
Switzerland. Wallenstern, A. v., Hinterm Bahn-
\Teach, J. E., Wells Tannery, Al- hof 30, Nurnberg, Bavaria, Ger-
toona, Pa. many.
Veiga, Jose, Corrales 2a, Havana, Waller, E. C., 202-210 First Na-
Cuba. tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga,
Vendee, D. E., 508 East Everett Tenn.
St.; Portland, Oreg. Walston, W. C., Box 468, Bloem-
Venen, W. j., 928 South Nine- fontein, 0. E. S., South Africa.
teenth St., Harrisburg, Pa. Walter, A., 9a. Steinstrasse, Bres-
Vietze, B., 36 Pragerstrasse, Tep- lau, Germany.
litz-SchOnau, Czechoslovakia. Walters, W. B., Takoma Park Sta-
Vitrano, Guisto, 1633 Richmond tion, Washington, D. C.
St., North, Chicago, Hi. Wan, A., 12 Roptschinskaja Q. 13,
Vogel, A., Brivibas eela. 11, Riga, Leningrad, Soviet Russia.
Latvia. Wang, Shou, Ih, Wang Gia Dun,
Voigt, M., Dalnok ucca 13, Szekely Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Bertalan, Budapest VI, Hungary. Ward, W. C., 2 Sutphen St., Santa
Voorthuis, P., Jr., Egelantierstr. 4, Cruz, Cal.
The Hague, Netherland. Warland, E. R., Gendia Mission,
Vore, G. T., Corrales 2a, Havana, P. 0. Kenya, Kisumu, British
Cuba. East Africa.

Warner, Thomas, Box 66, Port of Webb, Adolphus, 619 South Ash-
Spain, Trinidad, British West land Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Indies. Webber, P. A., 1112 Keeaumoku
Warren, L. D., Box 813, Manila, St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Philippine Islands. Weber, C. IV., 225 Michigan St.,
Warren, Luther, Paradise Valley Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburgh,
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Pa.
Warren, M. C., S. D. A. Mission, Weber, J., Burgergasse No. 29,
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Sibiu, Transylvania, Rumania.
Wasell, Wm., 3 Awde St., Toronto, Webster, C. C., 507 Flower Ave.,
Ontario. Takoma Park, D. C.
Wassenmiller, Jacob, 2900 Live Webster, C. R., 1112 Keeaumoku
Oak St., Dallas, Tex. St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Washburn, H. A., R. F. D, Box 76, Webster, E. W., 105 North Chester
St. Helena, Cal. Ave, Pasadena, Cal.
Washburn, J. S., 348 Eastern Ave., Webster, F. C., Route 1, Chatta-
Takoma Park, D. C. nooga, Tenn.
Watanabe, Y., Kumachi, Fukuai- Weeks, F., 614 Palm Ave., Fresno,
cho, Shimdzu 4, Kobe, Japan. Cal.
Watson, A., lIkidzu Mission, Mu- Wegner, A., Burgergasse 29, Sibiu,
somo, Tanganyika, Kisumu, Brit- Transylvania, Rumania.
ish East Africa. Weinert, A., Brockmannsgasse 22,
Watson, C. H., Takoma Park Sta- Graz, Austria.
tion, Washington, D. C. Weininann, F., 85 Hainholzerstr.,
Watson, E., "Mizpah," Wahroon- Hannover, Germany.
ga, N. S. W., Australia. Wellman, D. E., Route 2, Box 44,
Watson, G. F., 817 Nora Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal.
Spokane, Wash. Wellman, L. E., 2001 Twenty-
Watson, " Rewa," 11 Cooran- fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
bong Road, Broadmeadow, N. S. Tenn.
W., Australia. Wellman, S. A., P. 0. Box 15,
Watson, T. H., Route 3, Box 32-A, Poona, India.
Lodi, Cal. Wells, F. D., South Lancaster,
Watt, J. W., H. F. D. 7, Mansfield, Mass.
Ohio. Wells, G. W., 2001 Twenty-fourth
Watts, V. B., 202-216 First Na- Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Wenczel, J., Dalnok ucca 13, Sze-
Tenn. kely Bertalan, Budapest VI,
Watty, H., Reuter Kaserne 28, Hungary.
Dusseldorf, Germany. Weniger, C. E., La Jota, Napa Co.,
Weaks, C. E., Hiiheweg 17, Bern, Cal.
Switzerland. Wennerberg, A. W., Gen. Del., Har-
Wearner, A. G., 5319 Northland lowton, Mont.
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Wentland, M. H., 36 Pragerstrasse,
Wearner, A. J., Wang Gia, Dun, Teplitz-SchOnau, Czechoslovakia.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Were, A. L., 902 Colombo St.,
Weatherly, D. F., 679 Holly Ave., Christchurch, New Zealand.
St. Paul, Minn. Were, L. F., 902 Colombo St.,
Weaver, E. A., Box 513, Madison, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Wis. Werline, A. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Weaver, H. E., Box 719, Boise, tion, Washington, D. C.
Idaho. Werner, D. G., Casella Postale 408,
Weaver, J. E., Sutherlin, Oreg. Florence, Italy.

\Verner, IL, 20 1 rrerstr., Nurnberg, White, J. E., Hammond St., Otse-

Bavaria, Germany. go, Mich.
\Vest, 0. L., 1704 Hillman St., White, J. G., 2920 I St., Sacra-
Youngstown, Ohio. mento, Cal.
\Vest, 0. R., 217 South Clarkson White, J. H., S. D. A. Mission, 62
St., Denver, Colo. Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking,
West, J. B., Lindrick House, Seven China.
Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, White., Stemple, 719 Barry Ave.,
London, North 4, England. Chicago, Ill.
Westbrook, T. B., 411 Cedar St., White, S. G., 605 Carter-Cotton
Takoma Park, D. C. Bldg., Vancouver, British Co-
Westcott, H. B., Caixa Postal 1830, lumbia.
SAo Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- White, W. B., Holly, Mich.
ica. White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St.
Westerhout, Wm., 817 Nora Ave., Helena, Cal.
Spokane, Wash. White, W. H., Adams Crossing,
Westerman, W. J., 902 Colombo Colorado Springs, Colo.
St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Whitehead, E. B., 8 Yarra St.,
Westermeyer, H. E., 1112 Kala- Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
math St., Denver, Colo. Whiteside, R., Lindrick House,
Westermeyer, W. H., 718 Clark St., Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
Stevens Point, Wis. Park, London, N. 4, England.
Westhofer, B., 41 Wielandstrasse, Whittaker, E. G., " Tereora," The
Charlottenburg-Berlin, Germany. Boulevarde, Strathfield, S. W.
Westphal, A. L., Rua Saldanha Australia.
Marinho No. 169, Curityba, Par- Whittaker, M. H., " Rewa," 11
ana, Brazil, South America. Cooranbong Road, Broadmead-
Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glen- ow, N. S. W., Australia.
dale, Cal. Whittle, T., cor. Peel and Grey
Westphal, J. W., Calle Pino 3801, Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen- land, Australia.
. tina, South America. Wibbens, Jacob, 174 Boulevard
Westworth, Wm. A., 304 West Al- Anspach, Brussels,Belgium.
len St., Springfield, Ill. Wicks, H. P. B. arovo Lagoon,
Wevers, M., Grindelberg 11, Ham- via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pa-
burg, Germany. cific Ocean.
Wheeler, G. A., Box 1304, Fresno, Widgery, E. C., 512 South Sapa-
Cal. dilla Ave., West Palm Beach,
Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr. Fla.
Wheeler, L. S., 15 Blake St., New Wiedemann, M. F., 705 Vermont
Haven, Conn. St., Manila, Philippine Islands.
Wheeler, W. W., Casilla 1003, Wierts, J. H., 254 Webster Ave.,
Lima, Peru, South America. Jersey City, N. J.
Whelpley, J. E., Union Springs, Wiest, C. S., Cicero, Ind.
N. Y. Wiggins, F. R., 1002 Thirty-third
White, A. H., " Rewa," Cooran- St., South Bend, Ind.
bong Road, Broadmeadow, N. S. Wight, S. E., College View, Nebr.
W., Australia.
White, B. J., 718 Grant St., Beloit, Wilbur, J. M., 1212 Fifteenth St.,
Wis. Moline, Ill.
White, G. W., 65 East Fiftieth Wilcox, C. C., 917 South Presa St.,
St., Portland, Oreg. San Antonio, Tex.
White, H. C., " Mizpali" Wah- Wilcox, E. H., Casilla 85, Puno,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Peru, South America.

Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta- Wilson., J. 0., 1 Franklin Road,

tion, Washington, D. C. Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma.
Wilcox, L. A., Box 584, Riverside, Wilson, M. L.:856 South Magnolia
Cal. St., Laurel, Miss.
Wilcox, Lyle C., S. D. A. Mission, Wilson, R. L., Kottarakara, South
Tungshan, Canton, China. Travancore, India.
Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal. Wineland, W. H., 112 Tower St.,
Wilfart, R. 3., Caixa Postal 768, Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Indies.
America. Winslow, G. H., South Lancaster,
Wilhelm, J. W., Caixa. Postal 768, Mass.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Winston, W. H., Fifteenth and
America. Sixth, Savannah, Ca.
Wilkinson, B. G., Takoma Park, Winter, H. J., 4a Queretaro 74,
D. C. Mexico City, D. F., Mexico.
Wilkinson, G. L., S. D. A. Mission, Winters, C. A., Box 887, Phoenix,
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Ariz.
Will, Th., Zakatna 3-7, Warsaw, Wintzen, J., Egelantierstr. 4, The
Poland, Europe. Hague, Netherland.
Willess, N. V., 520 Concord Ave., Wirbinski, George, 1139 Washing-
Boulder, Colo. ton Ave., Grand Haven, Mich.
Williams, A. H., Box 15, Poona, Wirth, Wm. G., 312 North Boyle
India. Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Williams, B. F., Academy, Cedar Wiseman, Henry, Box 66, Port of
Lake, Mich. Spain, Trinidad, British West
Williams, C. D. M., Route 2, Box Indies.
65, Tucson, Ariz. Wittig, H., 45 Politzerstrasse, Stet-
Williams, D. S., Lowanho, Yeng- tin, Germany.
cheng, Honan, China. Witzke, E. C., Uhlandstr. 189, III,
Willliams, Hugh, 222 West Fourth Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany.
St., New Albany, Ind. Wojtkiewicz, L. L., Omsk, Poste
Williams, I. N., 18 Green St., Fre- Restante, Soviet Russia.
donia, N. Y. Wolfe, 0. W., Lake Grove Mission,
Williams, W. H., Calle Pino 3801, Thoreau, N. Mex.
Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argen- Wolfe, E. W., 1730 Washington
tina, South America. Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Williams, W. W., Route 1, Box 95 Wong, S. L., S. D. A. Mission,
Miami, Fla.. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Willis, U. S., 6421 Stanford Ave., Wood, C. E., 112 .Tower St., Kings-
Detroit, Mich. ton, Jamaica, British est In-
Willoughby, H. E., 36 Park St., dies.
Calcutta, India. Wood, D. P., 49 Beaver St., Wor-
Wilhnott, E., Cunningham Road, cester, Mass.
Bangalore, India. Wood, G. A., 8 Zee Straat, Pa-
Wilson, E. T., Box 104, Roswell, dang, Sumatra, Dutch East In-
N. Mex. dies.
Wood, H. L., Rooms 304-306, I. 0.
Wilson, F. D., Porto Rican Mission, 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta,
Box 401, Calle Nueva, Stop 14, Canada.
Santurce, Porto Rico. Wood, J. D., Box 66, Port of
Wilson, J. V., Post Box 310, Ros- Spain, Trinidad, British West
tov-on-Don, Soviet Russia. Indies.
Wilson, J. L., Box 337, Oshawa, Wood, K. H., 299-301 Yu- luen
On tario. Road, Shanghai, China.

Wood, L. G., 17 Abbott . Road, Yates, J. S., 25, N. G.,

Lucknow, Wetevreden, Java, Dutch East
Wood, L. H., Cooranbong, New Indies.
South Wales, Australia. Yip, Benjamin, Box 66, Port of
Woodman, I. J., Box 513, Madison, Spain, Trinidad, British West
Wis. Indies.
Woods, J. H., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Yost, F. H., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Paul, Minn.
Woods, R. F., 2123 Twenty-fourth Young, C. N., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Denver, Colo.
Woodward, H. G., Kottarakara, Young, F. G., Enterprise, Kans.
South Travancore, India. Young, Milton, 1715 Cass St.,
Woolsey, C. A., 25 North Mc- Nashville, Tenn.
Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Young, W. A., care Sanitarium,
Woronin, 'W., Omsk, Poste Res- Lafayette, Ind.
tante, Soviet Russia. Young, W. C., Memramcook, New
Wortman, F. J. L., Egelantierstr. 4, Brunswick.
The Hague, Netherland. Young, W. J., Lindrick House,
Woysch, A., Gotthardtstr.. 27, Er- Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury
furt, Germany. Park, London, N. 4, England.
Wright, F. A., Reed City, Mich. Young, W. P., Memramcook, New
Wright, J. F., 2900 Live Oak St., Brunswick.
Dallas, Tex.; under appointment Youngberg, A. G., Box 15, Poona,
to South African Division. India.
Wright, K. A., 55 South Main St., Youngberg, G. B., Sipogoe, Post
Rochester, N. H. Sipirok, Tapanoeli, Sumatra,
Wrigley, C. A., cor. Peel and Grey Dutch East Indies.
Sts., South Brisbane, Queens-
land, Australia.
Wu, Dzeh Shan, 17 Gao Lou Men,
Nanking, China.
Wu, Shou San, Wang Gia Dun,
T. D., 537 Twenty-
fifth Oakland, Cal.
Zarka, D., Dalnok ucca 13, Szekely
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Bertalan, Budapest VI; Hungary.
Wu, T. S., S. D. A. Mission, Tung- Zastawny, 3., 272 Bielsko-Kamie-
shan, Canton, China. nica Slask polski, Poland, Eu-
Wu, Tsung Shan, S. D. A. Mis- rope.
sion, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Zeiner, Alois, Dalnok ucca 13, Sze-
Wulfli, J., 58 Rorschacherstr., St. kely Bertalan, Budapest VI,
Gallen, Switzerland.. - Hungary.
Wyman, C. A., Route 1, Box 25a, Zerne, N., Boite 595, Beyrout,
Auburn, Wash. Syria.
Wyman, F. A., 58 Parsons Road, Zielinski, M., 23. I, Tiergarten-
Henzada, Burma. strasse, Konigsberg, East Prus-
sia, Germany.
Zierat, G., Post Box 31, Samara,
YAAKAVENKO, Peter, 304 I. 0.
0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Soviet Russia.
Zimmermann, H., 25 Sawohlaan,
Yakovenko, A. G., Route 1, Box N. G., Weltevreden, Java, Dutch
58, La Grange, Ill. East Indies.
Yakush, Andrew, 23 Highland Ter- Ziprick, 0., 304 I. 0. O. F. Bldg.,
race, Irvington, N. J. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
"They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."

Isaac Morrison, December 24, 1923; T. B. Buckner, May 7; Battle

La Jota, Cal. Creek, Mich.
D. E. Welch, January 5; Loveland, C. E. Garnsey, June 3; Melrose,
Colo. Mass.
Watson Ziegler, January 10; E. J. Hibbard, June 16; Portland,
Mountain Home, Ark. Oreg.
Marshall Enoch, January 14; Ham- Mrs. E. H. Woolsey, June 17;
ilton, Bermuda. Plainwell, Mich.

Henry Balsbaugh, January 15; E. L. Peterson, July 12; Green

Murray, Ky. Bay, Wis.
R. J. Borrowdale, Sr., February; N. P. Nelson, M. D., July 15;
Bristol, England. Skodsborg, Denmark.
Mrs. H. J. Edmed, February 13; Wm. Ostrander, July 19; Takoma
Port of Spain. Park, D. C.
0. F. Gaylord, March 17; Takoma J. Allen, August 8; Cooranbong,
N. S. W., Australia.
Park, D. C.
H. Hansen, August 15; Belling-
J. W. Raymond, March 29; Buf-
ham, Wash.
falo,.N. Y.
W. H. Thurston, August 25; Col-
J. N. Loughborough, April 7; San-
lege Place, Wash.
itarium, Cal.
A. R. Satterlee, M. D., August 30;
Mrs. H. J. Winter, April 7; Fres- College Place, Wash.
no, Cal.
M. W. Lewis, October 9, Modesto,
H. W. Reed, April 18; Healdsburg, Cal.
C. C. Lewis, October 28; Takoma
S. S. Shrock, April 19; Scranton, Park, D. C.
T. H. Branch, November 6; Los
S. Norman Nilsen, April 23; Buk- Angeles, Cal.
harest, Rumania. E. H. Rees, November 21, Glen-
Frank Bond, April 25; Fresno, Cal. dale, Cal.

ABYSSINIA, Missions in ...124, 125 Berea Intermediate School 204
Academies, Directories of 201-234 Berlin Conference . 100
Adelphian Academy 202 Berlin Sanitarium (See Waldfriede
African Division of the Gen. Conf 174 Sanitarium and Clinic)
Institutions in 181 Bermuda Mission 25
Aibling Seminary 201 Bethel Academy 204
Aibonito Academy 202 Bethel Sanitarium 168
Alabama Conference 78 Bethel Training School 204
Alaska Mission 62 Bihar Mission 168
Alberta Conference 88 Black Sea Conference 117
Alberta Academy (See Canadian Bohemian language, periodicals in .251
Junior College) Bolivia Mission 160
Alberta Sanitarium (See Bethel Bombay Mission 169
Sanitarium) Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 260
Algeria Mission 105 Brandenburg Conference 101
Alto Parana Mission 158 Brazil Publishing House 235
Amoy Mission (See South Fukien Brazilian Seminary 205
Mission) British Columbia Conference 88
Amur Mission 138 British East Africa, Missions in . 124
Angola Mission Field 181 British Guiana Mission 197
Anhwei Mission 136 British North Borneo Mission ... 143
Antillian Union Mission 191 British Publishing House 235
Appropriations to Missions 271 British Union Conference 93
Arabic-Syrian Mission (See Meso- Broadview College and Theolog-
potamian Mission) ical Seminary 205
Argentine Conference (See North Brookfield Branch Pub. House 240
Argentine and Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Conference 156
Conferences) Buenos Aires Publishing House 235
Arizona Conference 64 Bulgarian Mission 123
Arizona Academy 202 Bulgarian Publishing House .... 236
Arkansas Conference 83 Bureau of Home Missions 14
Atlanta Branch Publishing House 244 Buresala Training School 206
Atlantic Union College 202 Burma Union Mission 166
Atlantic Union Conference 19 Burmese language, periodical in 250
Institutions in 26
Austral Union Conference 156
Australasian Division Conference 182
Australasian Union Conference 182 CAFES 270
Institutions in 190 California Conference 65
Australasian Missionary College 203 Campion Academy 206
Austrian Branch Pub. House ... 237 Canadian Junior College 206
Austrian Conference 96 Canadian Watchman Press 236
Aztec Union Mission 194 Cantonese Intermediate School 206
Aztec Union Training School 203 Cantonese Mission 151
Cape Conference 175
Cape Sanitarium 260
Caribbean Union Mission 197
BAD AIBLING Sanitarium .... 260 Carolina Conference 73
Bahamas Mission 192 Cebuan Mission (See East Visa-
Baden Conference 96 yan Mission)
Bahia Mission 159 Cedar Lake Academy 206
Baltic Union Conference 92 Celebes Mission 144
Baltic Union School 203 Central Abyssinian Mission 125
Banat Mission 109 Central American Factory Branch
Barcelona Publishing House 235 Publishing House 240
Barotseland Mission (See Rusangu Central Branch Pub. House 239
Mission) Central Bohemian Mission 99
Basle Branch Publishing House . 237 Central California Conference 66
Basuto Mission Field (See Orange Central Caucasian Conference 120
River Conference) Central China Union Mission 131
Batakland Mission 142 Central Chosen Mission 134
Battleford Academy 203 Central Dnieper Conference 118
Bechuana Mission Field 180 Central European Missionary
Belgian East African Mission 128 Seminary (See Aibling Semi-
Belgian Conference 103 nary)
Bengali language, periodical in 250 Central European Union Conf. 95
Bengali Schools 204 Central Mexican Mission 195
Benguella Mission 181 Central Russian Conference 115


Central Siberian Conference 122 East France Conference 104

Central-Southern Luzon Conf. 147 East German Union Conference 100
Central Union Conference 26 East Java Mission 143
Institutions in 31 East Michigan Conference 44
Ceylon Mission 171 East Minas Mission 159
Chesapeake Conference 32 East Pennsylvania Conference 33
Chicago Conference 43 East Prussian Conference 101
Chicago Conference Academy 207 East Russian Union Conference 120
Chihli Mission 146 East Siberian Mission 122
Chile Conference 157 East Siberian Union Mission 138
Chile Training School 207 East Szechwan Mission 153
Chimpempe Mission 178 East Visayan Mission 148
Chinese language, periodicals in 250 Eastern Canadian Union Conf. 40
Chinese Publishing House 243 Institutions in 42
Chosen Union Mission 134 Eastern Polynesian Mission 187
Chosen Union Training School 207 Ecuador Mission 161
Christiania Health Home 260 Educational Dept. of Gen. Conf. 10
Christian Record Pub. Company 236 Statistics of 275, 276
Chugoku Mission 140 Educational Institutions 201-234
Church Directory (See at close of Outline of courses in 201
each local conference) Egyptian Depository 245
Clinton Theological Seminary 207 Egyptian Mission 126
Collegio Adventista 208 Egypto-Syrian Mission 126
Colleges, Directories of 201-234 Emmanuel Mission 177
Periodicals by 249 Emmanuel Missionary College 208
Colorado Conference 27 Emmanuel Miss. College Press 236
Colombia Mission 197 Enterprise Academy .. 209
Columbia Academy 208 Eritrea Mission 127
Columbia Union Conference 32 Espirito Santo Mission 159
Institutions in 39 Esthonian Conference 92
Congo United Missions 180 Esthonian, periodical in 251 ,
Constitution of General Confer- Ethiopian Union Mission 124
ence 278 European Division 91
Cook Island Mission 187 Institutions in 128
Copenhagen Branch Pub. House 243 Laborers in 91
Crimean Mission 118 Miscellaneous Missions 127
Croatian language, periodical In 251 Missions operated by 124
Cuban Mission 192 Unattached Fields of 123
Cumberland Conference 74
Czechian (Bohemian) periodicals 251
Czechoslovakian Union Conf. 98
Czechoslovakian Pub. House 236
General Conference 130
Institutions in 154
Faroe Islands Mission 127
DAL NE WOSTOTSCHNAJA Fengtien Mission 145
Union Mission 122 Fiji Mission 188
Danish-Norwegian language, peri- Fiji Training School (See Bure-
odicals in 251 sala Training School)
Danish-Norwegian Seminary (See Fijian language, periodical in 251
Hutchinson Theological Sem- Finland Conference 111
inary) Finland Mission School 209
Darling Range School 208 Finland Publishing House 237
Denmark Conference 110 Finnish language, periodicals in 251
Denominational literature, lan- Fireside Correspondence School 209
guages in which issued 257 Florida Conference 75, 76
Denominational periodicals 246 Florida Sanitarium 260
Denominational Investment 277 Foochow Intermediate School 210
Directory of Ministers 286 Food Companies 269
Dispensaries 268 Foreign fields, workers sent to,
District of Columbia Conference 1901-1924 272
(See Potomac Conference) Foreign languages, periodicals
Don Mission 119 in 250-256
Ft. Worth Branch Pub. House .. 244
Fox River Academy 210
French language, periodicals in ' 251
AST AFRICAN Union Mission 124 Fresno Academy 210
E East Bengal Mission 168 Friedensau Missionary Seminary 210
East Brazil Union Mission 158 Friedensau Health Home 261
East China Union Mission 136 Friendly Islands Mission 188

rIALLALAND MISSION 125 Ilocano language, periodical in .. 253

Gem State Academy 211 Inca Union Mission 160
General Conference, Directory of. 5-19 India, publishing house in (See S
Appropriations of 271 D. A. Pub. House, India)
Constitution of 278 India Union Mission (See Southern
Laborers engaged 'under ..17, 18, 19 Asia Division of Gen. Conf.)
Presidents and Secretaries of Indiana Academy 213
272, 273 Indiana Conference 46
General Conference Corporation . 17 International Branch Pub. House 240
General Conf. Executive Comm. 5-7 Inter-American Division Conf. 191
Georgia Conference 76 Institutions in 200
German Health Association .... 261 Inter-Mountain Academy 214
German language, periodicals in 252 Inter-Mountain Conference 28
German-Swiss Conference 95 Inyazura Mission 180
German-Volga Conference 120 Iowa Conference 53
Glendale Academy 211 Iowa Sanitarium 262
Glendale Sanitarium 261 Irish Mission (See South British.
Gold Coast Mission 125 Conference)
Golden Gate Academy 211 Irrawaddy Delta Mission 167
Good Health Assn. Ltd. 261 Irtysch Mission 122
Graysville Academy 211 Italian Language, periodical in 253
Greater Boston Inter. School 212 Italian Publishing House 237
Greater New York Academy 212 Italian Mission 105
Greater New York Conference .. 20
Grecian Mission 127
Guatemala Mission 195
Gulf Mission 196 AMAICA CONFERENCE 193
J James White Memorial Home 262
Japan Union Mission 139
T_TAITIEN MISSION 192 Japanese language, periodicals in 253
Haitien Seminary . 212 Japanese Mission Training School 214
Hakka Mission 151 Japan Publishing House 237
Hamburg Pub. House 237 Jugoslavian Mission 123
Hamburg S. D. A. Assn. 191 Jugoslavia Publishing House .... 238
Hankow Intermediate School 212 Juliaca American Hospital 262
Hannover Conference 112
Hansa Conference 113
Harlem Academy 212
Hartford Intermediate School 212 TZ" AFIRLAND Mission Field (See
Harvest Ingathering, statistics of 276 Cape Conference)
Hawaiian Mission 200 Kalimbeza Mission 178
Hawaiian Mission Academy .... 213 Kansdi 'Mission 140
Hessia-Westphalian Conference . 113 Kansas Conference 28
Hindi language, periodical in ... 253 Kansas Sanitarium 262
Hokkaido Mission 140 Kanto Mission 140
Holland Branch Pub. House .... 237 Karen Mission School 214
Holland language, periodicals in 253 Katanga . Mission 181
Holland, Conference in (See Neth- Kentucky Conference 79
erland Conference) Kenya Hospital 262
Home Commission 16 Kenya Mission 124
Home Missions, Bureau of 14 Ketchum Intermediate School ... 214
Home Missionary Department Kiangsi Mission 133
Statistics of 276 Kiangsu Mission 137
Honan Intermediate School 213 Kiev District Mission 118
Ronan Mission 132 Kirin Mission 145
Honduras Mission 195 Kolo Mission 177
Hse Hseng Mission School 213 Kongolo Mission 181
Hunan Mission 132 Korean language, periodicals in . 254
Hungarian Conference 123 Korean S. D. A. Mission Press .. 243
Hungarian Branch Pub. House 237 Kwangsi Mission 151
Hungarian language, periodicals 253 Kyushu Mission 140
Hupeh Mission 133
Hutchinson Theological Seminary 213

A-I (See Wabash Valley Sanitar.)
T 245 Lake Geneva Sanitarium 262
Iceland Mission 127 Lake Grove Mission School 214
Icelandic language, periodical in 253 Lake Union Conference 42
Illinois Conference 45 Institutions in 52

Lake Titicaca. Mission 161 Ministers under the Gen. Conf. 17

Lancaster Junior College (See At- Minnesota Conference 54
lantic Union College) Mission Offerings 271, 274
Languages in which denomina- Missionary Licentiates under the
tional literature is issued 257 General Conference 19
La Sierra Academy 215 Missionary Volunteer Department
Latin Union Conference 103 of the General Conference 12
Latin Union Publishing House 238 Statistics of 275
Latin Union Training School 215 Missions, Appropriations to 271
Latvian Conference 92 Mississippi Conference (See Louis-
Latvian language, periodical in 254 iana-Mississippi Conference)
Laurelwood Academy 215 Missouri Conference 29
Legal Corporation of the General Moldavian Conference 109
Conference 17 Monamona Mission 139
Leman Conference 104 Montana Conference 57
Lettonian Conference (See Latvian Moravian-Silesian Conference 98
Conference) Mountain View Academy 219
Lettonian language, periodicals in Mt. Ellis Academy 219
(See Latvian periodicals) Mt. Vernon Academy 219
Levant Mission School and Or- Muntenia Conference 108
phanage 216 Musofu Mission 178
Licentiates under the Gen. Conf. 19 Mussoorie Sanitarium 263
Lima Branch Pub. House 236 Mussoorie Sanitarium 263
Lima Training School 216 Mwanza Mission 124
Limpopo River Mission Field 177
Literature, languages in which is-
sued 257
Lithuanian language, periodical in 254
Lithuanian Mission 92 N SERUM MISSION SCHOOL . 219
Nanking Industrial School 220
Local Periodicals 249 Nashville Agricultural Normal In-
Lodi Academy 216 stitute 220
Loma Linda College 216 Natal-Transvaal Conference 176
Loma Linda Sanitarium 263 Neandertal Missionary School 221
Lord Howe Island Mission 188 Nebraska Conference 30
Los Angeles Academy 217 Nebraska Sanitarium 263
Louisiana-Mississippi Conference 80 Negro Dept. of Gen. Conf 16
Lower Dnieper Conference 118 Netherland Conference 114
Neva Conference 116
Nevada Conference 67
Newfoundland Mission 42
A 4ADISON RURAL SANITA.- New England Conference 22
-'v-L rium 263 New England Sanitarium and
Main-Neckar Conference 97 Hospital 263
Maine Conference (See New Eng- New Guinea Mission 188
land Conference) New Hebrides Mission ....... 188
Malamulo Mission Training School 217 New Jersey Conference 34
Malay language, periodical in 254 New South Wales, North Conf. 183
Malay States Mission 144 New South Wales, South Conf. 183
Malayalam Language, periodical 254 New York Conference 23
Malayalam Mission 171 New York Branch Pub. House 242
Malaysian Union Mission 141 New Zealand, North Conference 184
Malaysian Union Seminary 217 New Zealand, South Conference 185
Malaysian Signs Press 238 New Zealand Missionary, School 221
Manchurian Union Mission 145 Nigeria Mission 126
Manitoba Conference 89 Niue Mission 189
Maplewood Academy 218 Norfolk Island Mission 189
Marathi language, periodical in 254 North Argentine Conference 157
Marathi Schools 218 North Bohemian Conference 99
Maritime Academy 218 North Bavarian Conference 97
Maritime Conference 40 North British Conference 94
Massachusetts Conference 21 North Burma Mission 167
Matandani Mission 179 North Carolina (See Carolina Conf.)
Matto Grosso Mission 164 North Caucasian Conference 119
Mauritius-Madagascar Mission 127 North China Union Mission 146
Medical Miss. Dept. of Gen. Conf 9 North Dakota Conference 55
Meiktila Technical School 218 North England Conference (See
Mesopotamian Mission 128 North British Conference)
Mexican Mission 195 North France Conference 104
Mexican Training School 219 North Fukien Mission 152
Ministerial Association 16 North India Mission Schools 221
Ministerial Directory 286-334 North Michigan Conference 47

North New South Wales Conf. 183 Portland Branch Pub. House 239
North New Zealand Conference 184 Portland Sanitarium 264
North Pacific Union Conference 56 Porto Rican Mission 193
Institutions in 63 Portuguese language, periodicals
North Rhodesia Mission Field 178 in 254
North Russian Union Conference 115 Portuguese Mission 106
North Sumatra Mission 142 Portuguese Publishing House 241
North Tamil Mission 171 Posania Conference 107
North Texas Conference 83 Potomac Conference 37
North Wisconsin Conference 48 Press Bureau of Gen. Conf. 17
Northeast Indian Union Mission 168 Pua Training School (See Chile
Northeast India Union Tr. School 221 Training School)
Northeast Rhodesian Mission (See Pub. Dept. of Gen. Conf. 7
Chimpempe) Publishing Houses, directories of
Northeast Saxon Conference 101 235-245
Northern California Conference 68 Statistics of 274
Northern Luzon Mission 148 Punjab Mission 169
Northern New England Conference Punjab School 224
(See New England Conf.)
Northern Union Conferelice 52
Institutions in 56
Norway Conference 111 QUEBEC CONFERENCE
Queensland Conference
Norway Mission School 221
Northwest Branch Pub. House 239
Northwest India Union Mission 169
Northwest Russian Mission
Nyasaland Mission Field
Rarotongan, periodical in 255
Religious Liberty Association 13
Resources Classified for 1923 277
Resthaven Sanitarium
Oakwood Junior College 222 Reval Publishing House 241
Obituary Record for 1924 335 Review and Herald Pub. Assn. 241
Occidental Mission 196 Rhenish Conference 142
Offerings, annual 271 Rio de Janeiro Mission 160
Ohio Conference 35 Rio Grande do Sul Conference 163
Oklahoma Conference 84 River Plate Academy 264
Oklahoma City Inter. School 222 River Plate Sanitarium 225
Ontario Conference 41 Ruanda Mission 128
" Open View " Mission School 222 Rumania Union Conference 108
Orange River Conference 176 Rumanian Union Pub. House 242
Oriental Watchman Publishing Rumanian language, periodicals
Assn. 238 in 255
Oroua Missionary School (See New Rumanian Union Training School 225
Zealand Missionary School) Rusangu Mission 178
Oshawa Missionary College 223 Russia, Conferences in 115-122
Russian language, periodical in . 255

pACIFIC Press Publishing Assn 239

A' Pacific Union College 223 SABBATH SCHOOL DEPART-
Pacific Union Conference 63 ment of the General Conf. .... 12
Institutions. in 72 Statistical Tables 274
Panayan language, periodical in 254 Salvador Mission 196
1 apers issued 246-259 Samara-Ural Mission 121
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 264 Samoan Mission 189
Parana Mission 164 Sanitariums, directories of ...260-267
Periodicals issued 246-256 Statistics of 274, 275
Pernambuco Mission 160 Santa Catharina Conference .... 163
Persian Mission 128 Santall Boys' School 225
Peruvian Mission 162 Santo Domingo Mission 194
Philippine Academy 224 Sao Paulo Mission 163
Philippine Union Mission 147 Saratov-Tambov Mission 121
Philippine Publishing House 240 Saskatchewan Conference 89
Pine Tree Academy 224 Scandinavian Publishing House 242
Plainview Academy 224 Scandinavian Union Conference . 110
Podolian Conference 117 School Journals 249, 250
Polish language, periodicals in . 254 Schools (See Educational Institu-
Polish Publishing House 241 tions)
Polish Union Conference 106 Scottish Conference (See North
Pomeranian Conference 102 British Conference)

Seminaries, directories of ....201-234 South Sumatra Mission 142

Sentinel Publishing Company 243 South Tamil Mission 171
Servian language, periodicals in 255 South Texas Conference 85
Seventh-day Adventist Pub. House South Wisconsin Conference 49
(India) (See Oriental Watch- Southeastern California Conf. 69
man Publishing Assn.) Southeastern Union Conference 73
Shantung Mission 146 Institutions in 77
Shanghai Missionary College 225 Southern Asia Division of the Gen.
Shanghai Sanitarium 265 Conference 166
Shelton Academy 226 Institutions in 172
Shenandoah Valley Academy 226 Southern California Conference 70
Shensi Mission 133 Southern Idaho Conference 58
Sheyenne River Academy 226 Southern Junior College 227
Siam Mission r 144 Southern Luzon Mission 150
Siberian Union Conference 121 Southern New England Conf. 24
Sierra Leone Mission 125 Southern Oregon Conference 58
Signs Pub. Co. (Australia) 244 Southern Publishing Association . 244
Signs of the Times Pub. House Southern Union Conference 78
(China) 243 Institutions in 82
Signs of the Times Press (Korea) 243 Southwest Africa Mission Field . 181
Silesia-Galicia Conference 107 Southwestern Junior College 227
Silesian Conference 102 Southwestern Union Conference . 82
Simla Sanitarum 265 Institutions in 87
Singapore Mission 141 Soviet Russia, Conferences of 115-122
Singapore Press (See Malaysian Spanish-American Training School 228
Signs Press) Spanish language, periodicals in . 255
Singapore Training School (See Spanish Mission 106
Malaysian Union Seminary) Special Days 271
Singhalese Primary School 226 Splon Kop College 228
Sino-American Middle School 226 Stanborough Missionary College . 228
Skodsburg Sanitarium 265 Stanborough Park Sanitarium 265
Slovakia Mission 99 Statistical Tables 271-277
Solomon Island Mission 189 St. Helena Sanitarium 265
Solusi Mission Training School 227 Stockholm Publishing House 245
Somabula Mission 179 Sungari Mission 139
Songa Mission 180 Sutherlin Academy 229
Sonora Mission 196 Swatow Mission 152
South African Pub. House (See Sweden Conference 111
Sentinel Pub. Co.) Swedish language, periodicals in 255
South African Training School 228 Swedish Missionary School 229
South African Union Conference 174 Sydney Sanitarium 266
South American Division of the Syrian Mission 126
General Conference 155
Institutions in 165
South Atlantic United Missions 181
South Australian Conference 185, 186 TAGALOG language, periodicals
South Bavarian Conference 97 in 256
South Bend Branch Pub. House 242 Tahitian language, periodical in 256
South Brazil Union Conference 162 Taikgyi Girls' School 229
South Caribbean Conference 198 Tamil Intermediate School 229
South Carolina (See Carolina Tamil language, periodical in 256
Conference) Tamil Mission 171
South Chekiang Mission 137 Tanganyika Missions 124
South China Union Mission 150 Tasmania, Conferences in (See 174)
South Chosen Mission 135 Tehuantepec Mission 196
South Dakota Conference 55 Telugu Intermediate School 229
South England Conference (See Telugu language, periodical in 256
South British Conference) Telugu Mission 172
South France Conference 105 Tennasserim Mission 167
South Fukien Mission 152 Tennessee River Conference 81
South India Union Mission 170 Texico Conference 86
South India Training Schools 227 Thekerani Mission 179
South Kavirondo Press 244 Thuringian Conference 114
South Lancaster Academy (See Tibetan Mission 154
Atlantic Union College) Tithes and Offerings 273
South New South Wales Conf. 183 Titicaca Normal School 229
South New Zealand Conference . 185 Tohoku Mission 141
South Pare Mission 124 Trans-Baikal Mission 139
South Rhodesia Mission Field 179 Trans-Caucasian Mission 119
South Russian Union Conference . 119 Transportation Agents 17
South Siberian Conference 121 Transvaal Mission Field 17G

Transylvanian Conference 109 Welsh Conference 93

Treatment Rooms, list of 268 Wenchow Industrial School 233
Tsinan Industrial Mission School 230 West Africa Union Mission 125
Turkish Depository 245 West Australian Conference 187
Turkestan Mission 121 West Bengal Mission 168
Turkish Mission 128 West Caribbean Conference 199
West Caribbean Training School 233
West China Union Mission 153
West Chosen Conference 135
NION COLLEGE 230 West German Union Conference . 112
U Union Conference periodicals 248 West Indian Training School ... 234
Union Springs Academy 231 West Java Mission 143
United Provinces Mission 170 West Michigan Conference 50
United Provinces School for Boys 231 West Minas Geraes Mission 164
Upper Columbia Conference .... 59 West Pennsylvania Conference 38
Upper Dnieper Mission 118 West Russian Union Conference . 117
Upper Zambesi Mission (See Hal- West Saxon Conference 102
imbeza) West Siberian Conference 122
Urdu language, periodicals in ... 256 West Szechwan Mission 154
Uruguay Mission 158 West Virginia Conference 39
Utah Mission 72 West Visayan Mission 149
Western Canadian Union Conf. 87
Institutions in 90
Western Oregon Conference 60
VERMONT (See New England Western Washington Academy 234
Conference) Western Washington Conference 61
Venezuela Mission 198 White Sea Mission 116
Victoria-Tasmania Conference ... 186 Winnipeg Branch Pub. House 236
Vincent Hill School 231 Winyah Lake Academy 234
Virginia Conference (See Potomac Wolhynian Conference 117
Conference) Workers' Directory 286
Voronezh Mission 120 Workers' Obituary Record, 1924 335
Workers sent to foreign fields .. 271
Wurtemberg Conference 96
Wyoming Mission 31
WABASH VALLEY Sanitarium 266
Walderly Academy 231
Waldfriede Sanitarium and Clinic 266
Walla Walla College 232 VAR-1MA VALLEY Academy .. 234
Walla Walla Sanitarium 266 Yiddish dialect, periodical in 256
Warburton Sanitarium 267 Young People's Missionary Volun-
Warsaw Mission 107 teer Dept. of the Gen. Conf. . 12
Washington Branch Pub. House . 242
Washington Missionary College 232
Washington Missionary College
Washington Sanitarium
Zulu Mission Field (See Na-
Waterloo Industrial School 233 tal-Transvaal Conference)
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Life of Abraham Lincoln, by J. W. MeSpadden,
John Williams the Shipbuilder, by Basil Matthews
Early Writings, by Ellen G. White.
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The Children's Congo Picture Book, by Mrs. E. C.
Stories Mother Told, by Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth

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