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of the

Seventh-day Adventist

The Official Directories


Published by the


Printed in the U. S. A.
Missionary Volunteer .

Reading Courses
for 1929
THESE nine books bring a great inspiration to the
young people of this denomination. They are care-
fully selected, both as to manuscripts and complete
books, selected for their helpfulness as well as their
interest. The three courses are as follows:

Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, by
Ellen G. White $1.50
Knowing Birds Through Stories, by Floyd
Bralliar 2.00
Isles of Opportunity, by L. D. Warren 1.50
Ideals of Earnest Youth, by A. T. Rowe 1.00
Course price, postpaid, $4.35

Stories of Grit, by Archer Wallace $1.00
Book of Missionary Heroes, by Basil Mathews 1.50
Trees Every Child Should Know, by Julia
Rogers 1.00
Course price, postpaid, $3.00

Spick and Span, by G. C. Hoskin $1.25
World in a Barn, by Gertrude C. Warner 1.25
Course price, postpaid, $2.15

Order of your Book and Bible House




Comprising a Complete Directory of

the General Conference, all Union
and Local Conferences, Mission Fields,
Educational Institutions, Publishing
Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums.

H. E. ROGERS. Statistical Secretary of
the General Conference.



Printed in the U. S. A.
THE souls of men and are they worth so much?
The exiled life, and all it gives of pain,
Of loneliness and fear, or aching hearts, and such,
The stress and strife, the tears that seem in vain?
And all the things that claim our time and strength
Found in the mission life in all its length?

The souls of men oh, who can tell their worth?

Can they be valued with the things men prize?
A candidate for heaven, though on earth,
With promise of a life that never dies,
Be weighed against the things that time lays low?
Ah, can you weigh them thus? Oh, no; oh, no.

Not so did highest .heaven value them

When God gave up His Son for human souls,
And Jesus, sin's engulfing flood to stem,
Took human life with all that it enfolds
Of sorrow, pain, and tears, to die that men
Might taste Edenic joys and live again.

And since God values men so high, can we

Pass on indifferent to the hour's demands?
Ah, no! However hard the task may be,
However stern the life of mission lands,
We would not choose a better place to live;
The souls of men are worth all we can give.
The following pages contain a directory of the conferences and in-
stitutions connected with, the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The
territory is divided into the following division conferences, each of which
has the organizations, churches, and membership indicated below:
Confer- Total Mem-
Division Unions ences Missions Orgs. Churches bershin
North America 12 59 6 77 2,246 118,114
Central Europe 6 24 17 47 1,076 41,317
Northern Europe 6 12 18 36 441 22,402
Southern Europe 7 17 11 35 490 14,569
Soviet Russia 4 17 6 27 632 13,519
Far East 11 2 41 54 358 22,302
South America 4 5 19 28 181 19,252
Southern Asia 4' .. 15 19 73 2,687
African Division 6 3 53 62 102 9,086
Australasian .. 9 14 23 275 10,922
Inter-America 5 5 22 32 302 12,400
Totals 65 153 222 440 6,176 286,570
Other information from latest returns available:
Number of advanced educational institutions 150
Number of primary schools 1,307
Total enrolment of all schools 59,053
Number of publishing houses and branches 54
Number of sanitariums and treatment rooms 62
Number of food factories, etc. 21
Total institutions 287
Number. of languages in which literature is published 132
Number of periodicals issued 201
Number of books, pamphlets, tracts, etc. 5,108
Value of one copy of each $1,594.00
Total languages in which work is conducted orally and by
publications 279
Annual sales of denominational literature $4,638,127.18
Number of countries in which work is conducted 127
Number baptized and received as members in 1927 26,100
Ten-year gain in members 120,207
Per cent of gain 78.13
Number of Sabbath-schools 8,502
Membership of Sabbath schools 323,992
Number of ordained ministers 1,774

To find matter readily, use the Index.


Number of licensed ministers 1,140

Number of licensed missionaries 2,492
Number of colporteurs 2,712
Total number of evangelistic laborers 9,873
Total number of institutional laborers 8,434
Number of new evangelistic laborers (recruits) sent into
foreign mission service (not including children) dur-
ing the past three years, 1926, 1927, and 1928 559
Appropriations to missions during past three years $12,835,166.65
Per capita offerings to foreign missions from members in
North America: In 1925, $23.43; 1926, $25.11; 1927 $24.35
Denominational investment at close of 1926, hi 4,571
churches and organizations $48,025,317.33
Per capita for the entire membership $183.42
Total funds contributed during 1927 for evangelistic work $11,944,815.02
Per capita for entire membership throughout the world $43.58
Total income for both evangelistic and institutional work
during 1926 $41,337,362.44
Per capita for the entire membership $157.88

General Conference and Departments 5-24
North America 25
Central European Division 104
Northern European Division 127
Southern European Division 145
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 161
Far Eastern Division 170
South American Division 199
Southern Asia Division 212
African Division 221
Australasian Division 239
Inter-American Division 249
Schools 262
Publishing Houses 299
Periodicals 311
Sanitariums 329
Statistics 342
Ministerial Directory 358
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination
Organized May 51, 1863
Territory: The following-named APPOINTED ASSISTANTS
Division Conferences: North Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen.
American, Central European,
Northern European, Southern Auditor: J. J. Ireland.
European, United Socialist Sov- Assistant Auditor: W. E. Aber-
iet Republics (Russian), Far nathy.
Eastern, South American, South-
ern Asian, African, Australasian, SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS
Inter-American. Publishing: N. Z. Town; Associate,
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash. H. H. Hall; Associate for North
ington. (A B C Code, fifth America, W. W. Eastman.
Telegraphic Address: General Con- Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora
ference, Washington, D. C Plummer; Associates, S. A. Well-
(NOT Takoma Park.) man, J. C. Thompson.
Express and Freight Address: Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.;
General Conference, Takoma Associates, L. A. Hansen, C. E.
Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Rice.
Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry.
Educational: W. E. Howell; Asso-
Postal Address: Takoma Park ciates, C. W. Irwin, C. A. Russell.
Station, Washington, District of
Columbia, U. S. A. Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern;
Associates, H. T. Elliott, C. L.
President: W. A. Spicer.
Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre;
Vice-Presidents: 0. Montgomery, Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C.
J. L. McElhany, L. H. Christian, Taft.
H. F. Schuberth, A. V. Olson,
H. J. Loebsack, I. H. Evans, C. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens;
B. Haynes, A. W. Cormack, W. H. Associates, E. F. Hackman, L. E.
Branson, E. E. Andross, C. H. Christman.
Watson. Bureau of Home Missions: M. N.
Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Campbell; Associates: German,
Associate Secretaries: B. E. Bed- J. T. Boettcher; Danish-Nor-
doe, E. Kotz. wegian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish,
Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. H. 0. Olson; Miscellaneous
Language Work, Western Divi-
Assistant Treasurers: H. H. Cob- sion, J. J. Reiswig; Eastern
ban, Claude Conard. Division, J. F. Huenergardt.
General Field Secretaries: L. R.
Conradi, W. T. Knox, W. W. Ministerial Association: A. G. Dan-
Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. iells; Associates, L. E. Fromm,
Schubert, G. W. Wells. Meade MacGuire.
Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Negro Department:
Members at Headquarters Other Members by Divisions:
President: \V. A. Spicer.
Vice-President, 0. Montgomery. North America
Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Vice-President: J. L. McElhany:
Associate Secretaries: B. E. Bed- Union Conference Presidents:
doe, E. Kotz.
Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Atlantic: E. K. Slade.
Assistant Treasurers: H. H. Cob- Central: J. J. Nethery.
ban, Claude Conard. Columbia: F. H.. Robbins.
General Field Secretaries: L. R. Eastern Canadian: W. C. Moffett.
Conradi, W. T. Knox, W. W. Lake: W. H. Holden.
Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. Northern: Chas. Thompson.
Schubert, G. W. Wells. North Pacific: M. Lukens.
Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Pacific: J. E. Fulton.
Southeastern: W. H. Heckman.
Secretaries of General Depart- Southern: N. S. Ashton.
ments Southwestern: M. B. Van Kirk.
Publishing: N. Z. Town; Asso- Western Canadian: S. A. Ruskjer.
ciates, H. H. Hall, W. W. East-
man. Central European
Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Vice-President: H. F. Schuberthi
Plummer; Associates, S. A. Secretary: Guy Dail.
Wellman, J. C. Thompson. Treasurer: 0. Schildhauer.
Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; Field Secretary: L. R. Conradi.
Associates, L. A. Hansen, C. E.
Rice. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational: W. E. Howell; Asso- Publishing: H. Box.
ciates, C. W. Irwin, C. A. Rus- Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
sell. and Missionary Volunteer: W.
Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern. Muller.
Associates, H. 7. Elliott, C. L. Medical: Dr. L. E. Conradi.
Bond. Educational: Guy Dail.
Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; Ministerial Association: L. R. Con-
Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. radi.
Taft. Union Conference Presidents:
Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens;
Associates, E. F. Hackman, L. E. East German: Paul Drinhaus.
Christman. West German: J. Wintzen.
Bureau of Home Missions: M. N. South German: E. Gugel.
Campbell ; Associates : G ern' an, Czechoslovakian: R. Riihling.
J. T. Boettcher; Danish-Nor- Hungarian: A. Minek.
,wegian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish, Arabic: W. K. Ising.
H. 0. Olson; Miscellaneous Lan- Netherlands East Indies: B. Ohme.
guage Work, Western Division,
J. J. Reiswig; Eastern Division, Northern European
J. F. Huenergardt. Vice-President: L. H. Christian.
Ministerial Association: A. G. Dan- Secretary: W. E. Read.
iells; Associates, L. E. Froom,
Meade MacGuire. Treasurer: Chr. Pedersen.
Negro Department: Field Secretary: J. H. Schilling.

Departmental Secretaries: Union Conference Presidents:

Publishing: C. E. Weaks. Northeastern: J. J. Wilson.
Sabbath School: Gus. Lindsay. Siberia: B. C. Schmidt.
Missionary Volunteer: Gus. Lind- Southeastern: P. A. Sviridov,
say. Ukrainian: G. J. Zirat.
Educational and Home Miss.: L. F.
Oswald. Far Eastern
Medical: Dr. W. A. Ruble.
.Ministerial Association: J. _H. Vice-President: I. H. Evans.
Schilling. Secretary: C. C. Crisler.
Treasurer: H. W. Barrows.
Union Conference Presidents: Field Secretaries: H. W. Miller,
Baltic: T. T. Babienco. M. D., F. Griggs.
British: W. H. Meredith. Departmental Secretaries:
Polish: John Isaac.
Scandinavian: G. E. Nord. Publishing: J. J. Strahle.
East African: S. G. Maxwell. Home Miss.: L. V. Finster.
Ethiopian: V. E. Toppenberg. Sabbath School: Mrs. I. H. Evans.
Educational and Missionary Vol-
unteer: S. L. Frost.
Southern European Medical: H. W. Miller, M. D.
Vice-President: A. V. Olson.
Secretary: L. L. Caviness. Union Mission Superintendents:
Treasurer: F. Brennwald. Central China: N. F. Brewer.
Field Secretary: J. C. Raft. Chosen: H. A. Oberg.
East China: K. H. Wood.
Departmental Secretaries: Japan: V. T. Armstrong.
Publishing: F. Charpiot. Malaysian: J. G. Gjording.
Home Missionary and Missionary Manchurian: B. Petersen.
Volunteer: Steen Rasmussen. North China: G. J. Appel.
Educational and Sabbath School: Philippine: S. E. Jackson.
L. L. Caviness. South China: C. C. Morris.
Medical: Dr. J. Nussbaum. West China: M. C. Warren.
Ministerial Assn.: J. C. Raft.
Union Conference Presidents: South American
Franco-Belgian: Oscar Meyer. Vice-President: C. B. Haynes.
Rumanian: D. N. Wall. Secretary and Treasurer: C. L.
Swiss: P. P. Paulini. Bauer.
Iberian: Robert Gerber. Field Secretary: J. W. Westphal.
Italian: G. L. Lippolis.
Jugoslavian: A. Mocnik. Departmental Secretaries:
North African: Jules Rey. Publishing: J. L. Brown.
Home Missionary: R. R. Breitigam.
United Socialist Soviet Republics Sabbath School: C. P. Crager.
Division (Russia) Educational and Missionary Vol-
Vice-President: H. J. Loebsack. unteer: C. P. Crager.
Secretary: A. Ausin. Union Conference Presidents:
Treasurer: A. Kauffeldt.
Austral: E. L. Maxwell.
Departmental Secretaries: East Brazil: E. H. Wilcox.
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Inca: V. E. Peugh.
Home Miss., A. F. Ausin. South Brazil: N. P. Neilsen.

Southern Asia Congo: C. W. Curtis.

Vice-President: A. W. Cormack. East Congo: C. W. Bozarth.
Secretary and Treasurer: C. L. South Africa: J. F. Wright.
Southeast Africa: N. C. Wilson.
Torrey. Zambesi: E. C. Boger.
Departmental Secretaries:
Publishing and Home Missionary:
L. C. Shepard. Vice-President: C. H. Watson.
Sabbath School, Missionary Volun-
teer, and Educational: E. M. Me- Inter-America
leen. Vice-President: E. E. Andross.
Medical: H. C. Menkel, M. D. Secretary and Treasurer: F. L.
Union Mission Superintendents: Harrison.
Burma: J. Phillips. Field Secretary: C. E. Wood.
Northeast India: G. G. Lowry. Departmental Secretaries:
Northwest India: A. H. Williams.
South India: H. Christensen. Miss. Vol. and Sabbath School:
Mrs. E. E. Andross.
African Publishing: J. A. P. Green.
Home Missionary: C. E. Wood.
Vice-President: W. H. Branson. Educational: C. L. Stone.
Secretary and Treasurer: A. E. Union Mission Superintendents:
Nelson. Antillian: A. R. Ogden.
Field: E. D. Dick, T. M. French. Central American: W. E. Baxter.
Departmental Secretaries: Colombia-Venezuela: H. E. Baasch.
East Caribbean: W. R. Elliott.
Publishing and Home Missionary: Mexican: D. A. Parsons.
L. A. Vixie.
Sabbath School: J. L Robison. Elective Members:
Educational: E. D. Dick. W. C. White, C. H. Jones, E. R.
Medical: A. N. Tonge, M. D. Palmer, F. M. Wilcox, G. B.
Missionary Volunteer: J. I. Rob- Thompson, P. T. Magan, M. D.,
ison. G. K. Abbott, M. D., J. F. Morse,
M. D., W. L. Adams, M. F. Knox,
Union Conference Presidents: F. E. Corson,H. W. Vollmer, M.
Angola: W. H. Anderson. D., C. H. Watson.
PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- America.
tion, Washington, D. C. A. W. Cormack, P. 0. Box 15,
Poona, India.
Officers: E. E. Andross, Box 0, Balboa,
Secretary: N. Z. Town. Canal Zone, Panama.
Associate Secretary: H. H, Hall. A. V. Olson, Box 60, Bern 16, Switz-
Associate Secretary for North land.
America: W. W. Eastman. H. F. Schuberth, Coblenzerstr. 3,
Sec. for Far-Eastern Division: J. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
J. Strahle, 25 Ningkuo Road,
Sec. for South American Division: E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
J. L. Brown, Calle Pino 3801, tion, Washington, D. C.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
America. M. F. Knox, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Sec. for African Division: L. A. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Vixie, Grove Ave., Claremont, A. S. Maxwell, Stanborough Park,
Cape Province, South Africa. Watford, Herta, England.
Sec. for Southern Asia Division: A. Vollmer Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
L. C. Shepard, P. 0. Box 15, burg 13, Germany.
Poona, India. H. L. Henriksen, Librairie " Les
Sec. for Central European Divi- Signes des Temps," Dammarie
sion: H. Box, Coblenzerstr. 3, les Lys, (Seine et Marne) France.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. A. J. Settergren, Tunnelgatan 25,
Sec. for Northern European Divi- Stockholm, Sweden.
sion: C. E. Weaks, Box 60, Bern G. C. Hoskin, Pacific Press Pub.
16, Switzerland. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Sec. for Southern European Divi- F. A. Ludwig, Kr1d. Pole, Wilso-
sion: F. Charpiot, Box 60, Bern nova 8, Brno 12, Czechoslovakia.
16, Switzerland. W. 0. Johanson, Warburton, Vic-
Sec. for Inter-American Division: toria, Australia.
J. A. P. Green, Box 143, Balboa, F. W. Spies, Estacao Sao Ber-
Canal Zone, Panama. nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Bra-
zil, South America.
GENERAL MEMBERS J. G. Slate, Grove Ave., Claremont,-
W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. Cape, South Africa.
Helena, Cal. M. V. Tucker, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park Sta- Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
tion, Washington, D. C. America.
C. H. Watson, " Mizpah," Wah- W. P. Henderson, 25 Ningkuo
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Road, Shanghai,na. hi
tralia. H. A. Anderson, Seoul, Chosen
I. H. Evans, 25 Ningkuo Road, (Korea).
Shanghai, China. J. S. James, Box 35, Salisbury
L. H. Christian, 17 Hoheweg, Bern, Park, Poona, India.
Switzerland. H. H. Rans, Box 398, Oshawa, On-
L. R. Conradi Grindelberg 15a, tario, Canada.
Hamburg, Ger many. Y. Miettinen, Annegatan 7, Hel-
W. H. Branson, Grove Ave., Clare- singfors, Finland.
mont, Cape, South Africa. R. Fito, Apartado 492, Barcelona,
C. B. Haynes, Calle Pino 3801, Spain.

E. A. Moon, 239-251 Calle Luna, Herbert Griffith, Pacific Press Pub.

Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
A. B. Cole, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., R. E. Bowles, Mountain View, Cal.
Tokyo, Japan. C. L. Paddock, Oshawa, Ontario.
P. Brennwald, Petra Zrinjskog
ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Superintendents and Treasurers
Th. Dresen, Strada Labirint 116, E. L. Richmond, Takoma Park Sta-
Bukharest, Rumania. tion, Washington, D. C.
J. Schneider, Brivibas iela 11, W. R. White, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Riga, Latvia. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
A. C. hristensen, Akersgaten 74, H. G. Childs, Mountain View, Calif.
Oslo, Norway. R. W. Conard, Takoma Park Sta-
A. F. Raposo, Rua Joaquim Boni- tion, Washington, D. C.
facio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. W. A. Harvey, 2123 Twenty-fourth
V. Speranza, Casella Postale 408, Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Florence, Italy. Lew Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
F. H. Thomas, Gendia, via Kisumu,
Kenya, East Africa. Bureau of Home Missions
H. I. Smith, 399 Upper Serangoon M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- Station, Washington, D. C.
Joh. M. Nielsen, Suomisvej 5, Co- HOME MISSIONARY SECRETARY
penhagen, V., Denmark.
Th. Will, Aleja Roz 9, Warsaw, Po- J. A. Stevens, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
MENTS AND BRANCHES H. F. Kirk, South Lancaster, Mass.
Jas. Cochran, Mountain View, Cal. E. M. Fishell, Takoma Park Sta-
J. D. Snider, 432 South Fellows tion, Washington, D. C.
St., Southd,en Ind. E. E. Franklin, Berrien Springs,
D. A. Bailey, 168 North Division Mich.
St.,Peekskill, N. Y. F. W. Schmehl, 2001 Twenty-
J. . Mace, Takoma Park Sta- fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
tion, Washington, D. C. Tenn.
D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta- A. F. Harrison, 518 Terminal Bldg.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Oklahoma City, Okla.
S. J. Abegg, 719 East Flanders N. H. Conway, First Nat'l Bank
St., Portland, Oreg. Bldg.. Chattanooga, Tenn.
J. C. Neithercut, 304 Travellers E. H. Meyers, College View, Nebr.
Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. G. A. Campbell, 2718 Third Ave.,
L. D. Randall, 507 East Fair St., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Atlanta, Ga. Emanuel Remsen, P. 0. Box 146,
L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta- Glendale, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. C. R. Morris, Box 598, Walla Walla,
H. W. Sherrig, 2211 Farnam St., Wash.
Omaha, Nebr. R. Carlill, Oshawa, Canada.
E. H. Abbott, 112-114 St. Louis F. G. Rampton, " Mizpah," Wah-
Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
J. R. Ferren, Mountain View, Calif. Walter Pergande, Florida, F. C.
H. R. Gay, 2123 Twenty-fourth C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. South America.
E. W. Everest, Box 5007, Cristobal, W. A. Bergherm, Corrales 2a, Ha-
Canal Zone, Panama. vana, Cuba.
M. Margarido, Caixa Postal 2898, B. B. Aldrich, Apartado 9061, Mad-
Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South rid, Spain,
America. Z. Krdjalic, Rankeova ulica 24a,
H. A. B. Robinson, 4a Calle Quere- Belgrade, Jugoslavia.
taro, No. 74, Colonia Rdrna, Mex,- K. Saknit, Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
ico City, D. F., Mexico. Latvia.
S. -G. Joyce, Stanborough Park, 0. Hollenweger, Casella Postale
Watford, Herts, England. 408, Florence, Italy.
M. F. Wiedemann, P. O. Box 813,
Manila, Philippine Islands.
Ira 0. Wallace, Mukden, Manchu-
John Oss,301-303 Yu Yuen Road, DEPARTMENT
Shanga i, China. 0117110ERS
Adlai A. Esteb, 62 Ta Fang Chia
Hutung, Peking, China. Secretary: A. W. Truman, M. D.,
R. M. Milne, P. 0. Box 310, Hong- Washington Sanitarium, Ta-
kong, China. koma Park, D. C.
C. A. Woolsey, Chungking, Szech- Associate Secretaries: L. A. Han-
wan, China. sen, Takoma Park, D. C.; C. E.
J. 0. Wilson, 7 Voyle Road, Ran- Rice, Takoma Park, D. C.
goon, Burma. Assistant Secretary: H. W. Voll-
George Lundquist, 17 Abbott Road, mer, M. D., St. Helena Sanita-
Lucknow, India. rium, Sanitarium, Cal. (For in-
E. D. Willmott, 7 Cunningham stitutions in Western U. S.)
Road, Bangalore, India. Assistant Secretary: P. T. Magan,
W. D. Kieser, Apartado 1059, San M. D., 312 North Boyle Ave.,
Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer- Los Angeles, Cal. (For Medical
ica. Education)
Ralph Pearson, Keizan, Chosen.
E. L. Longway, Wang Gia Dun, Assistant Secretary: Kathryn L.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Jensen, R. N., Takoma Park,
A. Koch, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., D. C. (For Nurses' Division)
Tokyo, Japan.
J. Popelka, Stredni ul. 10, Brno, MBAR MEMBERS
Czechoslovakia. W. A. Ruble, M. D., "'The Stan-
H. Bigalke, Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, boroughs," Stanborough Park,
Poland, Europe. Watford, Herts, England.
L. Lutz, Schumannstr. 29, Bonn a. H. W. Miller, M. D., 25 Ningkuo
Rh., Germany. Road, Shanghai, China.
A. Posch, Tizianstr. 18, Munich, H. C. Menkel, M. D., Box 15, Poona,
Bavaria, Germany. India.
W. Knitter, Coblenzerstr. 3, Ber- Adrian Clark, M. D., Narsapur,
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. West Godavari Dist., South
N. Dorobat, Strada Labirint 116, India.
Bukharest, Rumania. F. A. Stahl, Casilla 161, Iquitos,
J. D. Lorenz, Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America.
Peru, South America. E. Meyer, M. D., Alsenstrasse 99-
A. Wicklein, Szekely Bertalan, 109, Zehlenclorf-West, Berlin,
ucca 13, Budapest, VI, Hungary. Germany.
C. Rieckmann, Advent Villa, Ma- R. W. Paul, M. D., Box 1281,
taria (Cairo), Egypt. Shanghai, China.
Elias Bjaands, Akersgateii 74, D. D. Coffin, M. D., Box 310, Hong-
Oslo, Norway. kong, China.

J. Nussbaum, M. D., 1 bis rue The medical superintendent, busi-

Bernardin de St. Pierre, Le ness manager, and superintend-
Havre, France. ent of nurses in each regularly
L. H. Butka, M. D., Lowanho, Yen- organized and denominationally
cheng, Honan, China. recognized medical institution.
Mrs. 0. Tornblad, M. D., 7 Voyle The President and the Dean of the
Road, Rangoon, Burma. College of Medical Evangelists.
Arthur Coyne, M. D., Nuzvid,
Kistna Dist., India.
L. E. Conradi, M. D., Alsenstrasse
No. 99-10, Zehlendorf West, DEPARTMENT OF
Berlin, Germany.
H. Muller, M. D., Gland, Switzer- EDUCATION
Chas. Harrison, M. D., Sydney
Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. Secretary: W. E. Howell, Takoma
W., Australia. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
T. A. Sherwin, Sydney Sanitarium, Associate Secretary: C. W. Irwin,
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
C. E. Westphal, M. D., Puiggari, F. ington, D. C.
C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina,
South America. Associate Secretary Secondary and
Chas. Cave, M. D., Box 66, Port Elementary Education: 0. A.
of Spain, Trinidad, B. W. I. Russell, Takoma Park Station,
J. N. Andrews, M. D., Tatsienlu, Washington, D. C.
Szechwan, , China. Assistant in Elementary and
G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D., Gendia Home Education: Flora H. Wil-
Mission, Kenya, via Kisumu, liams, Takoma Park Station,
Kenya Colony, British East Af- Washington, D. C.
F. W; West, M. D., 747 Avenue Lib- Foreign Assistants
ertad, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex-
ico. Assistant Secretary for Far East:
E. B. Hare, S. D. A. Mission, Kama- S. L. Frost, 25 Ningkuo Road,
maung, t.P. 0. Shwegon, via Shanghai, China.
Maulmein, Burma. Assistant Secretary for Southern
H. A. Erickson, M. D., S. D. A. Mis- Asia: E. M. Meleen, Box 15,
sion, P. 0. Blantyre, Nyasaland, Poona, India.
Dritish Central Africa. Assistant Secretary for South
Bernard Graybill, M. D., Casilla America: C. P. Crager, Calle
1002, Lima, Peru, South Amer- Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argen-
ca. tina, South America.
J. E. Gardner, 399 Upper Seran-
goon Road, Singapore, Straits Assistant Secretary for Africa:
E. D. Dick, Grove Ave., Clare-
Settlements. mont, Cape Province, South Af-
Members at Large rica.
D. H. Kress, M. D., Takoma Park, Assistant Secretary for Central
D. C. Europe: Guy Dail, Berlin-Wil-
G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park, mersdorf, Coblenzerstr. 3, Ger-
D. C. many.
W. E. Howell, Takoma Park, D. C. Assistant Secretary for Northern
All Union Conference Medical Sec- Europe: L. F. Oswald, Box 60,
retaries. Bern 16, Switzerland.

Assistant Secretary for Southern C. 0. Smith, College Heights, ,via

Europe: L. L. Caviness, Box 60, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Bern 16, Switzerland. J. A. Tucker, Huntsville, Ala.
Assistant Secretary for Inter- H. M. Johnson, Arlington, Calif.
America: C. L. Stone, Obispo, Union Conference Secretaries
Canal Zone, Panama.
H. G. Lucas, Box 146, Glendale,
Assistant Secretary for Austral- Cal.
asia: E. E. Cossentine, Cooran- A. W. Peterson, Box 598, Walla
bong, New South Wales, Aus- Walla, Wash.
tralia. H. J. Sheldon, 2718 Third Ave.,
General Conference South, Minneapolis, Minn.
J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- N. H. Saunders, South Lancaster,
tion, Washington, D. C. Mass.
M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta- F. R. Isaac, First Nat'l Bank
tion, Washington, D. C. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Sta- W. P. Bradley, 2001 Twenty-
tion, Washington, D. C. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Kathryn L. Jensen, Takoma Park Tenn.
Station, Washington, D. C. W. L. Adams, Berrien Springs,
M. E. Olsen, Takoma Park Sta- Mich.
tion, Washington, D. C. J. P. Neff, 507 Flower Ave. Ta- ,
C. K. Meyers, Takoma Park Sta- koma Park Station, Washington,
thin, Washington, D. C. D. C.
H. T. Elliott, Takoma Park Sta- E. A. Pohle, 518 Terminal Bldg.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Oklahoma City, Okla.
J. C. Thompson, Takoma Park Sta- C. W. Marsh, College View, Nebr.
tion, Washington, D. C. Academy Principals
A. W. Spalding, Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. A. J. Olson, Mount Vernon, Ohio.
J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park Sta- J. Z. Hottel, Holly, Mich.
tion, Washington, D. C. L. B. Losey, Auburn, Wash.
Claude Conard, Takoma Park Sta- V. P. Lovell, Enterprise, Kans.
tion, Washington, D. C. D. Ochs, Lodi, Cal.
L. G. Sevrens, Union Springs, N. Y.
College Presidents A. W. Johnson, Hutchinson, Minn.
H. H. Hamilton, Takoma Park Sta- Foreign School Principals
tion, Washington, D. C.
G. F. Wolf kill, Berrien Springs, L. H. Wood, Stanborough Park,
Mich. Watford, Herts, England.
P. L. Thompson, College View, A. G. Roth, Collonges sous Sa-
Nebr. Nye, Haute Savoie, France.
W. E. Nelson, Angwin, Napa Co., J. Simon, Lodenice 51, p. Beroun
Cal: u. Prahy, Czechoslovakia.
W. I. Smith, College Place, Wash. 0. Angervo, Hameenlinna, Suomi,
0. M. John, South Lancaster, Mass. Finland.
P. T. Magan, Loma Linda, Cal. W. Michael, Friedensau, Post Gra-
T. W. Steen, La Grange, Ill. bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany.
0. Schuberth, Marienhoehe-Darm-
Junior College Presidents stadt, Hessen, Germany.
C. E. Kellogg, Keene, Tex. P. A. Christiansen, Naerum, Den-
H. J. Klooster, Ooltewah, Tenn. mark.
L. N. Holm, Oshawa, Ontario, Can- H. Erzberger, Neandertal, Post
ada. Mettmann, Rhineland, Germany.

V. E. Toppenberg, Box 145, Addis J. K. Jones, Union Springs, N. Y.

Abeba, Abyssinia. C. V. Leach, Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Herbert Hanson, Algarheim, Jess- M. L. Rice, 1112 Kalamath St.,
heim, Norway. Denver, Colo.
P. J. Gaede, Strada Viilor 53, Dicio- Members of Survey Committee
sanmartin, Transylvania, Ru-
mania. C. W. Irwin, Takoma Park Station,
H. L. Rudy, Bielsko-Kamienica 230, Washington, D. C.
Slask, Poland. W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta-
C. 0. Carlstjerna, Tunnelgatan 25, tion, Washington, D. C.
Stockholm, Sweden. J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station,
J. S. Marshall, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Washington, D. C.
Argentina, South America. J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park Sta-
Milton Robison, Box 22, Somerset tion, Washington, D. C.
West, Cape, South Africa. Claude Conard, Takoma Park Sta-
E. E. Cossentine, Cooranbong, N. tion, Washington, D. C.
S. W., Australia.
D. E. Rebok, Chiao Tou Djen, via
Siashu, Kiangsu, China. SABBATH SCHOOL
A. N. Nelson, Box 7, Yodobashi
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. DEPARTMENT
G. B. Taylor, Collegio Adventista, OFFICERS
Santo Amaro, Silo Paulo, Brazil, Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer,
South America. Takoma Park Station, Washing-
W. B. Ammundsen, Box 1772, Man- ton, D. C.
ila, Philippine Islands.
V. E. Hendershot, 399 Upper Se- Associate Secretaries: S. A. Well-
rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits man, J. C. Thompson.
Settlements. Assistant Secretary: Rosamond D.
I. F. Blue, Mussoorie, India. Ginther.
W. E. Murray, Casilla 4, Juliaca, Office Secretary: Miss Margaret
Peru, South America. Weir.
W. W. Prescott, Takoma, Park, E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
W. H. Holden, Berrien Springs, C. W. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
Mich. - tion, Washington, D. C.
J. J. Nethery, College View, Nebr. F. A. Coffin, Takoma Park Sta-
Morris Lukens, Box 598, "Walla tion, Washington, D. C.
Walla, Wash. C. P.lman,
ol Takoma Park Sta-
J. E. Fulton, Box 146, Glendale, tion, Washington, D. C.
Calif. M. L. Andreasen, 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
E. K. Slade, South Lancaster, Mass. St. Paul, Minn.
F. H. Robbins, 507 Flower Ave., T. E. Bowen, Takoma Park Sta-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- tion, Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma
W. H. Heckman, 202-216 First Park Station, Washington. D. C.
Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, L. L. Caviness, Box 60, Bern 16,
Tenn. Switzerland.
S. A. Ruskjer, College Heights, via M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal.
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. E. Kotz, Takoma Park, D. C.
P. E. Broderson, Box 332, Sta. A, W. H. Wakeham, Berrien Springs,
Los Angeles, Calif. Mich.

Foreign Members North America

W. Mtiller (Central European). N. H. Saunders, South Lancaster,
Gus. Lindsay (Northern Euro- Mass.
pean). C. W. Marsh, 303 W. 7th St., Col-
L. L. Caviness (Southern Euro- lege' View, Nebr.
pean). H. K. Christman, 507 Flower Ave.,
J. A. Ljwoff (S. S. S. R.) `Takoma Park, D. C.
E. M. Meleen (Southern Asian). W. C. Moffett, Box 338, Oshawa,
Mrs. Anna L. Hindson (Austra- Ontario, Canada.
lasian. G. H. Smith, Drawer C, Berrien
J. I. Robison (African). Springs, Mich.
C. P. Crager (South American). H. J. Sheldon, 2718 Third Ave.,
Mrs. I. H. Evans (Far Eastern). South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. Matilda E. Andross (Inter- J. L. McConaughey, Box 598, Walla
American). Walla, Wash.
C. A. Holt, Box 146, Glendale, Calif.
F. R. Isaac, First Nat'l Bank Bldg.,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY W. P. Bradley, 2001 Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT E. A. Pohle, 518-19 Terminal Bldg.,
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- Oklahoma City, Okla.
tion, Washington, D. C. D. E. Reiner, College Heights, via
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
OFFICERS F. L. Peterson, 2001 Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Secretary: M. E. Kern. Anna Knight, First National Bank
Associate Secretary: H. T. Elliott. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Associate Secretary: C. Lester
Bond. . Africa
Office Secretary: Emma, E. Howell. E. D. Hanson, P. 0. Box 4d8,
Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South
Division Departmental Secretaries: Africa.
Steen Rasmussen, H6heweg 17, C. W. Bozarth, Box 573, Bulawayo,
`Bern, Switzerland. Rhodesia, South Africa.
W. Muller, Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin- Mrs. G. A. Ellingworth, Malamulo
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Gus. Lindsay, Box 60, Bern 16, British Central Africa.
Switzerland. D. A. Webster, P. 0. Box 250, Eliza-
S. L. Frost, 25 Ningkuo Road, bethville, Belgian Congo, Central
Shanghai, China. Africa.
C. P. Crager, Calle Pino 3801, Miss Ina L. Moore, Benguela Mis-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South sion, Huambo, Dist. Benguela,
America. Angola, Portuguese West Africa.
E. M. Meleen, P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
India. Central European
J. I. Robison, Grove Ave., Clare- H. Wittig, Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
mont, Cape, South Africa. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
N. H. Faulkner, " Mizpah," Wah- M. Busch, Tizianstr. 18, Munich,
rocinga, N. S. W., Australia. Bavaria, Germany.
Mrs. Matilda E. Andross, Box 0, W. Peter, Schumannstr. 29, Bonn
Balboa, Canal Zone, Panama. a-Rh., Germany.

K. Sohlmann, Budapest VI, Sze- Delbert L. Millam, Box 1772, Man-

kely Bertalan ucca 13, Hungary. ila, Philippine Islands.
W. Lesovsky, Stredni ul. 10, Brno, L. C. Wilcox, P. 0. Box 310, Hong-
Czechoslovakia. kong, China.
Mrs. M. C. Warren, S. D. A. Mis-
Northern European sion, Chungking, Szechwan,
J. Harker, Stanborough Park, Wat- A. Ivanoff, Box 20, New Town,
ford, Herts, England. Harbin, Manchuria.
P. G. Nelsen, Tunnelgatan 25,
Stockholm, Sweden. South America
Wm. Czembor, Lipowa 10, Byd-
goszcz, Poland. C. D. Striplin, Florida F. C. C.
A. Sproge, Zala iela 19 dz. 15, A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Jelgava, Latvia. South America.
L. G. Jorgensen, Caxia Postal 768,
Southern European Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
W. R. Beach, 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, G. F. Ruf, Caixa Postal 2898, Cap-
Paris 13, France. - ital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
G. L. Lippolis, Casella Postale' 408, America.
Florence, Italy. H. B. Lundquist, Casilla 1003, Lima,
R. Gerber, Apartado 9061, Madrid, Peru, South America.
P. Paunescu, Strada Labirint 116, Southern Asia
Bukharest, Rumania.
A. Lorenzin, Rankeova ulica 24a, T. J. Michael, 1 Franklin Road,
Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma.
G. Roulet, Boite Postale 7, Mosta- 0. A. Skau, Krishnarajapuram
ganem, Algeria. (near Bangalore), Mysore State,
Soviet-Russia Mrs. G. G. Lowry, 36 Park SL, Cal-
cutta, India.
A. F. Ausin, Konjuschkovskaja 29,
Moscow 69, U. S. S. R. Australasian
Far East N. H. Faulkner, " Mizpah," Wah-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
D. S. Williams, Wang Gia Dun,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Inter-American
H. M. Lee, S. D. A. Mission, Soonan,
Seoul, Chosen. Mrs. D. A. Parsons, Calle De
W.. A. Scharffenberg, 25 Ningkuo Jalapa No. 210, Mexico City, D.
Road, Shanghai, China. F., Mexico.
A. N. Nelson, Naraha, Chiba Ken, Mrs. W. E. Baxter, Apartado 1059,
Japan. San Jose, Costa Rica, Central
, 399 Upper Ser- America.
angoon Road, Singapore, Straits
Settlements. OTHER MEMBERS
R. M. Cossentine, S. D. A. Man- Meade MacGuire, Route E, Box
churian Union Mission, Mukden, 369, Modesto, Calif.
Manchuria, China. C. K. Meyers, Takoma Park, P. C.
Goh Djao Liang, S. D. A. Mission, L. E. Froom, Takoma Park, D. C.
62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking, W. E. Howell, Takoma Park, D. C.
China. C. A. Russell, Takoma Park, D. C.

J. A. Stevens, Takoma Park, D. C. A. L. Baker, Mountain View, Calif.

Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma Wm. G. Wirth, 312 North Boyle
Park, D. C. Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
A. W. Spalding, Takoma Park, B. G. Wilkinson, Takoma Park Sta-
D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
J. W. Mace, Takoma Park, D. C. F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster,
Miss Kathryn L. Jensen, Takoma Mass.
Park, D. C.
Miss Lora Clement, Takoma Park, Division Conference Secretaries
D. C.
H. F. Schuberth, Hoheweg 17, Bern,
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY L. H. Christian, Watford, England.
ASSOCIATION A. V. Olsen, Bern, Switzerland.
H. J. Lobsack, Moscow, 69, Kon-
Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta juschkovskaja 29, U. S. S. R.
tion, Washington, D. C. I. H. Evans, 25 Ningkuo Road,
General Secretary: C. S. Longacre, Shanghai, China.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- C. B. Haynes, Calle Pino 3801, Bue-
ton, D. C. nos Aires, Argentina, South
Associate Secretaries: H. H. Vo- America.
taw and M. C. Taft, Takoma A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wab-
Park, Washington, D. C. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
E. E. Andross, Balboa, Canal Zone,
J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park Sta-
Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
W. F. Martin, 411 Cedar St., Ta-
G. A. Snyder, 1028 20th St., Santa
Monica, Cal. W. M. Adams, 341 East Lodi Ave.,
W. M. Healey, 2967 B St., San Lodi, Calif.
Diego, Cal. E. K. Slade, South Lancaster,
L. E. Froom, Takoma Park Sta- Mass.
tion, Washington, D. C. A. J. Clark, Takoma Park, Wash-
F. A. Coffin, Takoma Park Sta- ington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. H. Heckman, First Nat'l Bank
C. P. Bollman, Takoma Park Sta- Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
tion, Washington, D. C. 0. F. Frank, 2001 Twenty-fourth
D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta- Ave., North. Nashville, Tenn.
tion, Washington, D. C. M. B. Van Kirk, 518 Terminal
F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta- Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
tion, Washington, D. C. S. T. Shadel, Drawer C, Berrien
C. K. Meyers, Takoma Park Sta- Springs, Mich.
tion, Washington, D. C. Chas. Thompson, 2718 Third Ave.,
W. L. Burgan, Takoma Park Sta- South, Minneapolis, Minn.
tion, Washington; D. C. J. J. Nethery, College View, Nebr.
C. W. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta- S. A. Ruskjer, College Heights, via
tion, Washington, D. C. Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Stemple White, Dallas, Texas. W. C. Moffet, Oshawa, Ontario,
H. W. Cottrell, Paradise Valley Canada.
Sanitarium, National City, Calif. F. W. Spies, Caixa Postal 768, Rio
F. D. Nichol, Takoma Park, Wash- de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer-
ington, D. C. ica.

J. C. Raft, Hliheweg 17, Bern, Advisory Committee:

Switzerland. J. T. Boettcher, Takoma Park,
D. A. Parsons, Calle De Jalapa, D. C.
No. 210, Mexico City, D. F., Mex- G. A. Grauer, Route B, Box 135a,
ico. Modesto, Cal.
G. E. Nord, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- W. B. Ochs, .2126 Harmon St.,
holm, Sweden. Brooklyn, N. Y.
A. R. Ogden, Josefina 56, Vibora, E. H. Oswald, Box 513, Madison,
Havana, Cuba. Wis.
K. A. Offerman, care Pacific Press
' Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
BUREAU OF HOME MISSIONS Miscellaneous Languages Depart-
Office: General Conference, Tako- ment Western -Division
ma Park Station, Washington, Secretary: J. J. Reiswig, Box 202,
D. C. College Place, Wash.
Secretary: M. N. Campbell. Miscellaneous Languages Depart-
Associate Secretaries: J. T. Boett- ment Eastern Division
cher, N. R. Nelson, H. 0. Olson, Secretary: J. F. Huenergardt, 100
J. J. Reiswig, J. F. Huenergardt. Grand Blvd., Brookfield, Ill.
French, L. F. Passebois. Advisory Committee:
Spanish, H. D. Casebeer. J. F. Huenergardt, Brookfield, Ill.
Paul Matula, 3901 Stickney Ave.,
Jewish, F. C. Gilbert.
S. W., Cleveland, Ohio.
Advisory Committee: M. N. Camp- R. Calderone, 3256 Germantown
bell, J. T. Boettcher, N. R. Nel- Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
son, H. 0. Olson, J. J. Reis- D. A. Mozar, La Grange,
wig, J. F. Huenergardt, L. F. S. G. Burley, La Grange, Ill.
Passebois, H. D. Casebeer, F. C. M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park Sta.
Gilbert. tion, Washington, D. C.
Danish-Norwegian Department
Swedish Department
Secretary: N. R. Nelson, 2427 First
Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Secretary: H. 0. Olson, Broadview
College, La Grange, Ill.
Advisory Committee:
N. R. Nelson, 2427 First Ave.,
Advisory Committee:
H. 0. Olson, c/o BroadvieW College,
South, Minneapolis, Minn.
La Grange, Ill.
M. S. Reppe, Hutchinson, Minn. August Anderson, La Grange, Ill.
J. D. Johnson, 1100 South Second 0. Granlund, 642 North Arthur
St., Norfolk, Nebr. Ave., Brookfield, Ill.
C. Edwardson, 1854 Roblyn St., Carl Swenson, 26 Dodge Ave., Wor-
St. Paul, Minn. . cester, Mass.
A. 0. Lund, Mt. Jewett, Pa.
L. Halsvick, 3329 30th Ave., So.,
Minneapolis, Minn. French Division
A. G. Christiansen,)734 Main St.,
Nevada, Iowa. Director: L. F. Passebois, Ster-
ling Junction, Mass.
German Department Advisory Committee:
Secretary: J. T. Boettcher, Takoma L. F. Passebois, Sterling Jnnction,
Park, D. C. Mass.

M. N. Campbell, care General Con- Kern, M. N. Campbell, G. W.

ference, Takoma Park Station, Wells, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer,
Washington, D. C. E. Kotz, H. H. Cobban.
J. Fortier, South Lancaster, Mass.
H. H. Rans, Box 398, Oshawa, On- Division Department Secretaries:
tario, Canada.
And the President of Eastern Far East: J. J. Strahle, 25 Niugkuo
Canadian Union Conference. Road, Shanghai, China.
South America: R. R. Breitigam,
Jewish Division Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires,
Director: ' F. C. Gilbert, Loma Argentina, South America.
Linda, Calif. Australasia: W. J. Westerman,
Advisory Committee: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W.,
P. C. Gilbert, Loma Linda, Calif. Australia.
J. L. McElhany, Takoma' Park Sta- Assistant: Robert Hare, " Mizpah,"
tion, Washington, D. C. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
N. Z. Town, Takoma Park Sta- Southern Europe: Steen Rasmus-
tion, Washington, D. C. sen, Hoheweg 17, Bern, Switzer-
M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park land.
Station, Washington, a - c.
S. Kaplan, care Pacific Press, Central Europe: W. Muller, Cob-
Brookfield, Ill. lenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf,
Spanish Division Northern Europe: L. F. Oswald,
Director: H. D. Casebeer, Route 1, Box 60, Bern 16, Switzerland.
Arlington, Cal. Southern Asia: L. C. Shepard, Box
Advisory Committee: 15, Poona, India.
H. D. Casebeer, Route 1, Arlington, Africa: L. A. Vixie, Grove Ave.,
Cal. Claremont, Cape, South Africa.
M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park Inter-America: C. E. Wood, Box
Station, Washington,D. C. 0, Balboa, Canal Zone, Panama.
C. S. Nicolas, 1815 urango St.,
San Antonio, Texas. UNION CONFERENCE
F. H. Westphal, Box 146, Glendale, SECRETARIES
Cal. North America
C. A. Striven, South Lancaster,
HOME MISSIONARY DEPART- C. T. Burroughs, College View,
MENT Nebr.
Headquarters: Takoma Park Sta- E. A. Manry, 507 Flower Ave.,
tion, Washington, D. C. Takoma Park, D. C.
W. C. Moffett, Oshawa, Ontario,
.Officers: Canada.
Secretary: J. A. Stevens. S. T. Shadel, Drawer C, Berrien
Associate Secretaries: E. F. Hack- Springs, Mich.
man, L. E. Christman. Anol Grundset, 2718 Third Ave.,
Office Secretary: Ruth Tyrrell. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
E. M. Oberg, Box 598, Walla Walla,
Other Members: Wash.
(All of whom may be addressed at David Voth, Box 146, Glendale, Cal.
Takoma Park Station, Washing- J. C. Klose, 204 First National
ton, D. C.) N. Z. Town, M. E. Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.;

Asst. Sec., Anna Knight, 204 Inter-America

First National Bank Bldg., Chat-
tanooga, Tenn. W. A. Bergherm, Josefina 56, Vi-
0. F. Frank, 2001 Twenty-fourth bora, Havana, Cuba.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.; C. B. Sutton, Apartado 1059, San
Asst. Sec., E. F. Peterson, 2001 Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Twenty-fourth Ave., North, ica.
Nashville, Tenn. R. M. Carter, Box 221, Port of
G. F. Eiehman 518 Terminal Bldg., Spain, Trinidad, British West
Oklahoma City, Okla. Indies.
D. E. Reiner, College Heights, via H. A. B. Robinson, Calle de Jalapa,
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. No. 210, Mexico City, D. F., Mex-
Northern Europe
E. D. Hanson, Box 468, Bloemfon-
tein, Orange Free State, Africa. A. Sproge, Zala iela 19, dz. 15,
C. W. Bozarth, Box 573, Bulawayo, Jelgava, Latvia.
Rhodesia, Africa. J. Harker, Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts, England.
Australasia Th. Will, Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz,
W. J. Westerman, " Mizpah," Wah- P. G. Nelsen, Tunnelgatan 25,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Stockholm, Sweden.
Central Europe
E. Edener, 32 Eschenheimer An-
lage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. J. A. Janzen, Moscow, 69, Konjusch-
W. H. Leosowsky, 12 Badergasse, kovskaja 29, U. S. S. R.
Troppau, Czechoslovakia.
P. Stocker, Coblenzerstrasse 3, Ber- South America
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
K. Sohlmann, Szekely Bertalan Henry Brown, Florida F. C. C. A.,
ucea 13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436,
F. Backer, Post Box 109, Galata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Constantinople, Turkey. America.
E. H. Wilcox, Rua Oswaldo Cruz
Far East 32, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio,
E. L. Longway, Box 29, Wang Gia Brazil, South America.
Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. J. D. Lorenz, Casilla 1003, Lima,
R. W. Pearson, S. D. A. Mission, Peru, South America.
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. G. F. Ruf, Caixa Postal 2898, Cap-
John Oss, 305 Yu-Yuen Road, ital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Shanghai, China.
V. T. Armstrong, Box 7, Yodobashi Southern Asia
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
I. 0. Wallace, S. D. A. Mission, T. J. Mitchell, 1 Franklin Road,
Mukden, Manchuria, China. Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma.
M. F. Wiedemann, Box 813, Ma- G. G. Lowry, 36 Park St., Calcutta,
nila, Philippine Islands. India.
C. C. Morris, P. 0. Box 310, Hong- Home Missionary Department, 17
kong, China. Abbott Road, Lucknow, India.
C. A. Woolsey, S. D. A. Mission, 0. A. Skau, 7 Cunningham Road,
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Bangalore, India.


R. Gerber, Apartado 9061, Madrid, , Secretary, Takoma Park,
Spain. D. C.
A. Lorenzin, Rankeova ulica 24a, OTHER MEMBERS
Belgrade, Jugoslavia.
W. R. Beach, 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, N. S. Ashton, 2001 Twenty-fourth
Paris 13, France. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
P. Paunescu, Strada Labirint 116, W. H. Heckman, First National
Bukharest, Rumania. Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.
0. L. Lippolis, Casella Postale 408, W. H. Holden, Drawer C, Ber-
Florence, Italy. rien Springs, Mich.
G. Roulet, Boite Postale 7, Mosta- J. J. Nethery, College View, Nebr.
- ganem, Algeria. M.- B. Van Kirk, 518 Terminal
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
PUBLISHING HOUSE F. H. Robbins, 607 Flower Ave.,
J. E. Fulton, Box 146, Glendale,
L. W. Graham, Review and Herald Calif.
Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, D. C. E. K. Slade, South Lancaster, Mass.
J. R. Ferren, Pacific Press Pub. J. A. Tucker, Oakwood Junior Col-
Assn., Mountain View, Calif. lege, Huntsville, Ala.
J. K. Humphrey, 141 West 131st
G. C. Hoskin, Pacific Press Pub. St., New York, N. Y.
Assn., Brookfield, Ill. M. C. Strachan, 123 Edgecombe St.,
M. F. Knox, Southern Pub. Assn., New York, N. Y.
Nashville, Tenn. H. D. Greene, South Lancaster,
H. H. Hans, Canadian Watchman J. E. Cox, 3256 Germantown Ave.,
Press, Oshawa, Ontario. Philadelphia, Pa.
Manager British Pub. House, Stan- U. S. Willis, Room 1103, 120 West
borough Park, Watford, Herts, 42d St., New York, N. Y.
England. G. E. Peters, 6643 East Marquette
Road, Chicago, Ill.
Manager Hamburg Pub. House,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- E. C. Atkinson, 1300 Florida Ave.,
many. Apartment 105, N. W., Washing-
" ton, D. C.
Manager Shanghai Pub. House, B. W. Abney, Cook St. and Sarah
25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
J. G. Dasent, Box 517, Mt. Vernon,
Manager Oriental Watchman Pub. Ohio.
House, P. 0. Box 35, Salisbury Miss Anna Knight, 202-216 First
Park, Poona, India. National Bank Bldg., Chatta-
Manager Buenos Aires Pub. House, nooga, Tenn.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos J. W. Allison, 2859 Marion St.,
Aires, Argentina, South Amer- Denver, Colo.
ica. H. J. Miller, 518 Terminal Bldg.,
Manager Sentinel Pub. House, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape J. F. Critchlow,311 North Rosa-
Province, South Africa. lind Ave., Orlando,
Manager Australasian Pub. House, P. G. Rodgers, 1207 West 98th St.,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Los Angeles, Cal.

T. H. Allison, 402 South Twenty- HOME COMMISSION

eighth St., Louisville, Ky. (An interdepartmental committee,
F. L. Peterson, 2001 Twenty-fourth for the helping of parents and
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. uplift of the home.)
M. E. Kern, Chairman; A. W.
Williams, Asst. Sec.; F. M. Wil-
(Address at General Conference cox, W. E. Howell, Mrs. L.-Flora
office.) Plummer, J. A. Stevens, L. A.
Hansen, B. E. Beddoe, L. E.
Officers Froom.
Secretary: A. G. Daniells.
Associate Secretaries: L. E. Froom, PRESS BUREAU
Meade MacGuire.
Secretary: W. L. Burgan, Tako.
Office Secretary: Mrs. J. W. Mace. ma Park. Station, Washington,
D. C.
Division Secretaries Literary Editor: L. A. Smith,
(Address at respective Divisional 745 South Adams St., Glendale,
offices.) Calif.
Africa: E. D. Dick.
Australasia: A. W. Anderson, W. GENERAL CONFERENCE
Central Europe: L. R. Conradi. Incorporated 1904
Far East: Frederick Griggs.
Inter-America: C. E. Wood. Legal Title: "General Conference
Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
Northern Europe: J. H. Schilling. ventists." '
Russia: (U. S. S. R.) Constituency: The General Con-
Southern Asia: J. S. James. ference delegates.
Southern Europe: J. C. Raft. Office Address: Takoma Park Sta-
South America: J. W. Westphal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Advisory Council: A. G. Daniells, Officers
0. Montgomery, J. L. McElhany, Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Treas., J. L.
C. K. Meyers, L. E. Froom, Meade Shaw; Sec., H. E. Rogers.
MacGuire, F. M. Wilcox, W. W. Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox,
Prescott, B. E. Beddoe, G. W. J. L. Shaw, J. L. McElhany, C. K.
Wells, M. E. Kern, W. E. Howell, Meyers, 0. Montgomery, E. R.
I. H. Evans, F. Griggs, L. H. Palmer, H. E. Rogers.
Christian, J. H. Schilling, H. F.
Schuberth, L. R. Conradi, A. V.
Olson, J. C. Raft, H. J. Lobsack, TRANSPORTATION AGENTS
C. H. Watson, A. W. Anderson,
W. W. Fletcher, W. H. Branson, J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta-
E. D. Dick, E. E. Andross, C. E. tion, Washington, D. C. (Also
Wood, C. B. Haynes, J. W. West- general agent for trans-Atlantic
phal, A. W. Cormaek, J. S. steamship lines.)
James, J. E. Fulton, E. K. Slade, C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
T. G. Bunch, Rose E. Boose, Mrs. (Also general agent for trans-
J. W. Mace. Pacific steamship lines.)

Adolph Dorn, 30 Irving Place, New Christian, L H., HiSheweg 17,

York, N. Y. Room 610. (Phone Bern, Switzerland.
Number, Algonquin 0079.) Cable Christman, L: E., Takoma Park
Address, "Adventist, New York." Station, Washington, D. C.
(Consign freight to office ad- Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a,
dress, and express care Century Hamburg, Germany.
Transportation Company, 113 Cormack, A. W., Box 15, Poona,
Broad St., New York, N. Y.) India.
IL A. Shepard, 609-611 Province Cottrell, H. W., Paradise Valley
Bldg., 198 Hastings St., West Sanitarium, National City, Calif.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Cottrell, R. F., Loma Linda, Cal.
Canada. (Phone number, Sey- Daniells,A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
mour 3986.) Cable Address: tion, Vashington, D. C.
" Adventist," Vancouver.
C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford St., Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park
London, W.' 1, England. Cable Station, Washington, D. C.
address: " Adventist London." Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park Sta-
(Telephone, Regent 7570.) tion, Washington, D. C.
IL Drangmeister, Cawpestr. 18, Evans, I. H., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Hamburg 30, Germany. Shanghai, China.
G. C. Hosin, Pacific Press Pub. Froom, L. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Assn., Brookfield, Ill. tion, Washington, D. C.
And the Treasurers of Union Con- Gilbert, F. C., Loma Linda, Calif.
ferences in North America. Hackman, F. F., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C.
Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
PERSONS HOLDING CREDEN- Haynes, C. B., Calle Pino 3801,
TIALS FROM THE GENERAL Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
MINISTERS ' Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Abbott, G. K., M. D., Glendale San-
itarium, Glendale, Calif. Huenergardt, J. F., 100 Grand Blvd.,
Adams, W. L., Berrien Springs, Brookfield, Ill.
Mich. Irwin, O. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Andros'S, E. E., Box 0, Balboa, tion, Washington, D. C.
Canal Zone, Panama. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Beddoe, B. E., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Knox, W. T., Mountain View, Cal.
Boettcher, J. T., Takoma Park, Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta-
D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Bond, C. L., Takoma Park, D. C. MacGuire, Meade, Route E, Box
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- 369, Modesto, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North
Branson, W. H., Grove Ave., Clare- Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
mont, Cape, South Africa. McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park
Cady, M. E., Takoma Park, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Campbell, M. N., Takoma Park Kotz, E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Station, Washington, D. C. ton, D. C.
Carey, E. W., Takoma Park Sta- Loebsack, H. J., Konjuschkovskaja
tion, Washington, D. C. 29, Moscow 69, U. S. S. R.
Casebeer, H. D., Route 1, Arling- Kress, D. H., M. D., Takoma Park
ton, Cal. Station, Washington, D. C.

Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park Sta- Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park Wells, G. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Morse, J. F., M. D., care Sanita- Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glen-
rium, Nevada, Iowa. dale, Cal.
Nelson, N. R., 2427 First Ave., White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Helena, Cal.
Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Olson, A. V., Box 60, Bern 16, Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal.
Olson, H. 0., La Grange, Ill. LICENTIATES
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Passebois, L. F., Sterling Jet., Hall, H. H., Takoma Park Station,
Mass. Washington, Ds.C.
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park, Jones, C. H., Mountain View, Calif.
Washington, D. C. Knox, M. F., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Reiswig, J. J., Box 202, College Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Place, Wash. Rice, C. E., Takoma Park Station,
Russell, C. A., Takoma Park Sta- Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Vollmer, H. W., Sanitarium, Calif.
Sanderson, A. E., Takoma Park, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES
D. C.
Schubert, G. W. Takoma, Park Abernathy, W. E., Takoma Park
n, D. C.
Station, Washingto Station, Washington, D. C.
Schuberth, H. F., Coblenzerstr. 3, Burgan, W. L., Takoma Park Sta-
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. tion, Washington, D. C.
Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- Conard, Claude, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park Ginther, Rosamond D., Takoma
Station, Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park Sta- Jensen, Kathryn L., Takoma Park
tion, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park Lewis, Mrs. C. C., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Thompson, J. C., Takoma Park Mace, Mrs. J. W., Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C.
Peck, Sarah, care Pacific Press,
Town, N. Z. Takoma Park Sta- Mountain View, Calif.
tion, Washington, D. C. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma
Truman, A. W., M. D., Washington Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Underwood, R. A., Loma Linda, Taft, M. C., Takoma Park, Wash-
Cal. ington, D. C.
Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, D. C. Tyrrell, Ruth, Takoma Park Sta-
Watson, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- tion, Washington, D. C.
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Williams, Mrs. Flora H., Takoma
tralia. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Organized zgor
Territory: The Conferences of L. Johnson, E. F. Otis, M. D.,
Greater New York, New York, V. L. Fisher, M. D.
Southern New England, North- Honorary: W. S. Lawrence, H. G.
ern New England, and the Ber- Patchett, Geo. Furnival.
muda Mission.
Missionary Licentiates:
Population: 17,786,136; churches, C. L. Kilgore, W. M. Vehorn,
181; membership, 10,144. Mrs. A. T. Robinson, Mrs. W. A.
Office Address: South Lancaster, Sweany,
Mass. (Telephone,Clinton 682.) Honorary: Mrs. J. C. Hennessy.
Officers: Ellery Robinson, Mrs. M. A.
Scribner, W. A. Wilcox, Jennie
Pres., E. K. Slade. Thayer, Miss Elizabeth Kehrein.
Sec. and Treas., C. L. Kilgore. Mrs. Ella Wilber, Mrs. Eva Dag-
Executive Committee: E. K. gett, Miss Cora Spencer, Ethel
Slade, the presidents of confer- Meek, Mary M. Lester, Mrs.
ences composing the Atlantic Pearl Sanborn, H. B. Tucker,
Union, C. L. Kilgore, W. A. Miss Frieda Wagner, Miss Emma
Sweany, N. H. Saunders, D. A. Wells, W. E. Fortune, Mrs. L. A.
Bailey, 0. M. John, V. L. Fisher, Ellsworth, Lena W. Lewis, H. P.
M. D., A. T. Robinson, C. A. Hansen, Augusta Meyer.
Scriven, H. F. Kirk.
Legal Assn.: " The Atlantic
Union Conference Assn. of S.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., H. F. Kirk. Organized 1902
Educational and Miss. Vol., N. Territory: The City of Greater
H. Saunders. New York; Long Island, (exclu-
Medical Miss., V. L. Fisher, M. D. sive of that" part contained in
Home Miss., C. A. Scriven. the City of Greater New York);
Negro Representative, J. K. and the following-named coun-
Humphrey. ties in the State of New York:
Transportation Agent, C. L. Kil- Westchester, Rockland, Putnam.
gore. Orange, Dutchess, Ulster, Sulli-
van, Delaware, Greene, and Co-
Ministers: lumbia.
E. K. Slade, 0. M. John, N. H.
Saunders, C. L. Taylor, W. A. Population: 7,181,267; churches,
Sweany, H. F. Kirk, C. A. 26; members, 3162.
Scriven, C. 0. Perkins, E. E. Office: Room 1103, 120 West
Miles. Forty-second St., New York, N.
Honorary: P. F. Bicknell, A. T. Y. (Telephone, Wisconsin 4857-
Robinson, D. G. Turk, C. Meleen, 4858).
H. W. Carr, W. R. Uchtman, J.
E. Jayne, C. E. Van Gulick. Officers:
Pres., L. K. Dickson.
Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., J. K. Macmillan.
G. H. Winslow, D. A. Bailey, J. Assistant Treas., G. M. Harris.

Executive Committee: L. K. Louise Johnson, Mary Lewis,

Dickson, J. K. Macmillan, W. R. Mrs. Jessie Lynch Heslip, J. K.
Andrews, J. K. Humphrey, M. C. Macmillan, Augusta Meyer, Ethel
Strachan, D. P. Wood, J. A. Carroll, Mrs. C. S. Sawyer, Lil-
Swenson, 0. L. Ice, W. B. Ochs. lian Vaselenko, Marie Voth, S.
Legal Assn.: " Greater New Armstrong, Arna W. Bontemps,
York Corporation of Seventh-day Mrs. Hattie McDade, Alfreda
Adventists; " Pres., L. K. Dick- Johnson, H. Ulloth, L. W. Kurz,
son; Sec. and Treas., J. K. Mac- Mrs. Katherine Mauritzen.
millan. Church Schools:
(General Conference S. D. A.
Transportation Agency: 30 Irv- Harlem: 106 West 127th St.,
ing Place, Room 510; Telephone, New York city..'
Algonquin 0079. Adolph Dorn, Primary, Miss M. Lawrence.
Transportation Agent. Cable Intermediate, Miss G. Bryan.
Address: " Adventist, New Grammar, Mrs. E. Perkins.
York." Consign freight to office Middletown: 10 Benton Ave.,
address, and express in care of Middletown, N. Y.
Century Transportation Co., 113 Grammar, Miss Christine Dyer.
Broad St., New York.) Newburgh: Cor. N. Miller and
Farrington Sts., Newburgh, N.
Department Secretaries: Y.
Book and Bible House, Man- Grammar, C. E. Wittschiebe.
ager, J. B. Frank; Treas., J. Ridgewood: 1925 Gates Ave.,
K. Macmillan. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Educational and Miss. Vol., Miss Primary, Mrs. Gertrude Dol-
Louise C. Kleuser. linger.
Field Miss., H. Ulloth. Grammar, Jacob Dollinger.
Home Miss., J. B. Frank. Temple: 469 West 140th St.,
Medical Miss., New York City.
Religious. Liberty, L. K. Dickson. Primary, Helena Nosworthy.
Sabbath School, Miss Louise C. Grammar, Mrs. Breta Frank.
Church Directory:
Ministers: Brooklyn :
L. K. Dickson, W. R. Andrews, Danish-Norwegian, 618 Fiftieth
D. P. Wood, R. Calderone, J. K. St.
Humphrey, M. C. Strachan, J. A. English, Greenpoint Lodge, Cor.
Swenson, J. B. Penner, 0. J. Nostrand and Jefferson Ayes.
Dahl, 0. L. Ice, U. S. Willis, Finnish, 618 Fiftieth St.
W. A. Rails, W. B. Ochs, I. M. German, 1925 Gates Ave.
Martin, Titus Kurtichanov, J. E. Italian, 176 Atlantic Ave.
Jervis. Negro, Herkimer St. and Troy
Honorary: Ave.
P. Z. Kinne. Swedish, 315 Forty-seventh St.
Licentiates: Long Island:
J. E. Hanson, C. S. Sawyer, M. S. Cedar Manor (White), Swedish
Krietzky, G. Varga. Pilgrim Chapel, Mathias St.
near New York Ave., Jamaica,
Missionary Licentiates: L. I.
Vesta Cash, J. B. Frank, Caro- Jamaica Colored, Methodist .
line Halley, H. P. Hansen, Ma- Church, 160th St. near South
tilda Helvm, Louise Kleuser, St., Jamaica, L. I.

Patchogue (English) Methodist Office: Union Springs, N. Y. (Tele-

Chapel, River Avenue, Patcho- phone, Union Springs, 35.)
gue, L. I.
New York: Pres., J. K. Jones.
English (The City Temple), 229 Sec. and Treas., J. E. Osterblom.
West 48th St. Executive Committee: J. K.
German, 330 East 156th St. Jones, J. E. Osterblom, H. M.
Hungarian, 307 East 112th St. Fleming, L. H. King, J. C. Sauer,
Italian, 307 East 112th St. M. R. Bailey, H. J. Capman.
Negro (First Harlem), 144 West
131st St. Legal Assn.: " The New York
Negro (Second Harlem), 106 Conference Association of S.
West 127th St. D. A."
Negro (Sharon), 203 West 61st Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones,
St. J. E. Osterblom, L. H. King, M.
Swedish, 173d St. and Morris R. Bailey, H. M. Fleming, J. C.
Ave. Sauer, H. J. Capman.
Staten Island: Departmental Secretaries:
Port Richmond (English), Ma- Tract Soc., J. E. Osterblom.
sonic Hall, Richmond Ave. Field Miss., W. B. Maris.
and Bennett St., Port Rich- Miss. Vol. and Educational, Mrs.
mond, Staten Island. E. B. Markham.
Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Up-State: F. Bohner.
Middletown (English), 10 Ben- Med. Miss.,
ton Ave. Religious Liberty, L. H. King.
Newburgh (English), N. Miller Ministers:
and Farrington Sts.
New Rochelle (Negro), 128 Win- J. K. Jones, L. H. King, W. W.
throp Ave. Rice, H. J. Capman, C. E. Eld-
Peekskill (English), Red Mens ridge, M. R. Bailey, C. IL Gibbs,
Hall, 988 Main St. J. E. Whelpley, A. R. P. John-
Port Jervis (English), Odd Fel- son.
lows Hall, Pike and Ham- Licentiates:
mond Sts. F. Bohner, H. E. Snide, L. G.
Poughkeepsie (English), 32 So. Sevrens, C. R. Edgehill, H. W.
Cherry St. Walker, W. B. Maris.
White Plains (Negro), 341/2
Winchester St. Missionary Licentiates:
J. E. Osterblom, Q. B. Stevens,
Mrs. Clara O'Hare, Mrs. E. B.
NEW YORK CONFERENCE Markham, Edith H. Claus, Mabel
Vreeland, Cecil Higgins, Mrs.
Organized 1922 Helen Armstrong, Miss Effa Gil-
Territory: That portion of the bert.
State of New York north and Church School Teachers:
west of the line formed by, the D. I. Shaw, Mrs. D.. I. Shaw,
northern boundaries of Dela- Letha Blom, Annabel Blom, Mrs.
ware,. Green, and Columbia
Counties. Fern Herrick-Edmister, Mrs.
Ruth Nelson, Hedvig Nelson,
Population: 3,700,794; churches, Marion G. Seitz, Mrs. Clifford
57; members, 2,499. Coon, Mrs. H. W. Walker, Eva

MacKenzie, Myra B. Kite, Dor- Richburg, Richburg S. D. A.

cas Robinson, E. Mae Hodgdon., church, 10 a. m.
Dorothy Bartlett, Florence El- Rochester, 60 Grand Ave., 10
dridge, Ruth Rice. a. m.; M. R. Railey, 71 Queens
City Churches in New York Con- St.
ference: Rome, 321 West Bloomfield St.,
Albany, Cor. Swan and Jay Sts., 9: 30 a. In.
9: 45 a. m.; H. J. Capman, 1 Salamanca, 24 East Jefferson St.,
Mereline Ave. 1: 30 p. m.
Auburn, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Garden Saranac Lake, Lake Flower Ave.,
St., 2 p. m. 10 a. m.
Batavia, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, 2: 30
p. m. Schenectady, 125 Rankin Ave., 2
Binghamton, 75 Pennsylvania P. m.
Ave., 2 p. m.; H. W. Walker, Syracuse, 817 South Ave., 9: 45
5 Livingstone St. a. in.; C. R. Gibbs, 531 Cort-
Buffalo, English, 92 Hedley land Ave.
Place, 10 a.. in.; L. H. King, Troy, German Church, Seventh
115 Carmel Road. Ave. and Fulton St., 2 p. m.
Buffalo, German, 92 Hedley Union Springs, Academy Chapel,
Place, 1: 30 p. m. 9: 45 a. in.
Burt, S. D. A. Church, 10: 30 Utica, St. Davids Hall, South
a. m. St., 2 p. m.; W. W. Rice, 605
Corning, 73 West First St., Ger. James St.
Evangelical Church, 1 p. in.
Cortland, Cor. Church and Elm Watertown, 409 Clay St., 1: 15
Sts.; 10: 30 a. m. p. in.; C. E. Eldridge, 223
Elmira, 310 West Third St., 10 Winslow St.
a. m.; J. E. Whelpley. Wellsville, Orchard Place, South
Fredonia, Grange Hall, West Main St., 10: 30 a. m.
Main St., 1: 30 p. m.
Glens Falls, Bay and Sarella Sts.,
10 a. m.
Herkimer, 0. U. A. M. Hall, 235 NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND
North Main St., 9: 30 a. m. CONFERENCE
Hornell, 1 Tobe's Hill Road,
2: 00 p. m. Territory: States of Maine, New
Jamestown, English, 708 Cherry Hampshire, and Vermont.
St., 1 p. m.; A. R. P. Johnson, Population: 1,563,525; churches,
137 Wilson Place. 40; members, 1,181.
Jamestown; Swedish, 44 Prather
Ave., 9: 30 a. in.; A. 0. Lund, Office: 55 South Main St., Roches-
44 Prather Ave. ter, N. H.
Jeddo, Ridge Road and County (Telephone, 540.)
Line, 10: 30 a. m. Officers:
Lockport, Hodge Opera House,
Market St., 2: 30 p. m. Pres., F. D. Wells.
Niagara Falls, Harris and Lever Sec. and Treas., V. H. Hanscom.
Hall, Main St., 2: 15 p. m. Executive Committee: F. D.
Olean, 121% West State St., Wells, V. H. Hanscom, H. P.
9: 30 a. in. Gram, Joseph Capman, I. A.
Oswego, East First St., 10 p. in. Armstrong, W. E. Tatro, 0. D.
Owego, 238 Prospect St., 10 a. m. Cardey.

Legal Assns.: Keene, N. H., Church Bldg., Mc-

Maine Conference Assn. of S. D. Kinley St.
A.; Pres., F. D. Wells; Treas., Manchester, N. H., American
V. H. Hanscom; Sec., W. 0. Legion Hall.
Howe. Norridgewock, Me., church build-
Nor. New England Conf. S. D. A. ing.
Inc.; Pres., F. D. Wells; Treas., Portland, Me., White Memorial
V. H. Hanscom; Sec., M. C. Taft; Church, 75 Grant St.
W. E. Tatro. Randolph, Vt., church building.
Richmond, Me., church building.
Department Secretaries: Rochester, N. H., Church of the
Assistant Secretary and Treas- Unity, Liberty and Charles
urer, R. S. Blackburn. Sts.
Book and Bible House, V. H. Rutland, Vt., church building,
Hanscom. opposite High School.
Field Miss., B. M. Preston. Westfield, Me., church building.
Home Miss., V. C. Townsend..
Educational and Miss. Vol., G.
Sabbath School, Mrs. V. C.
Religious Liberty, W. 0. Howe. Reorganized 1926, combining the
Massachusetts Conference, or-
Ministers: ganized in 1870, and the South-
F. D. Wells, 0. D. Cardey, W. 0. ern New England Conference,
Howe, H. P. Gram, H. H. Dexter, organized in 1903.
Joseph Capman.
Territory: Commonwealth of Mas-
Licentiates: sachusetts, and States of Con-
V. C. Townsend, E. E. Covey, necticut and Rhode Island.
B. M. Preston, I. A. Armstrong, Population: 5,837,384; churches,
G. Dalrymple, E. J. Clark. 56; members, 3,225.
Missionary Licentiates: Office Address: South Lancaster,
V. H. Hanscom, R. S. Blackburn, Mass. (Telephone, Clinton
Ruby Farley. 255-M.)
Church School Teachers: Officers:
Miss Marion Thurlow, Mrs. Julia Pres., D. J. C. Barrett.
R. Winch, Miss Lillian Eastman, Sec. and Treas., J. E. Edwards.
Miss Vera E. Lowe, Mrs. R. G. Executive Committee: D. J. C.
Cutts, Mrs. Jennie Hills, Mrs. Barrett, Stewart Kime, E. D. La-
Bernal Thurlow, Mrs. Walter mont, J. F. Knipschild, J. E.
Twing. Edwards, J. Schnetzler, W. E.
Church Directory: Fortune, J. E. Shultz.
Auburn-Lewiston, Me., Sylvan Legal Assn.: " The Massachu-
Ave., Lewiston. setts Conference Assn. of S. D.
Burlington, Vt., 190 North Win- A." and " The Southern New
ooski Ave. England Conference Association
Camden, Me., Central St.; G. N. of S. D. A., Inc."
Hall, 103 Chestnut St. Department Secretaries:
Concord, N. H., Salvation Army Book and Bible House, J. E. Ed-
Hall. wards.
Gardiner, Me., Lincoln Ave. Field Miss., T. M. Butler.

Sabbath School, Mrs. J. Schnetz- Church Directory:

ler. Amesbury, S. D. A. Church,
Educational and Miss. Vol., W. Spring St.
E. Bement. Athol, Mass., S. D. A. Church,
Home Miss., Joseph Schnetzler. South Athol Road.
Religious Liberty: Conn., E. E. Boston, Mass., English, Boston
Osborne; R. I., Stewart Kime; Temple, Cor. Warren Ave. and
Mass., J. E. Shultz. West Canton St.; J. E. Shultz,
311 Atlantic Street, Atlantic,
Ministers: Mass.
D. J. C. Barrett, J. E. Shultz, J. Boston, Mass., German, Boston
Schnetzler, E. E. Osborne, H. D. Temple.
Greene, C. Swenson, J. W. Frei- Boston, Mass. (Colored), 712-714
berger, J. F. Knipschild, A. Blom- Shawmut Ave., Roxbury,
stedt, Stewart Kime, F. E. Gib- Mass.; H. D. Greene, 52 Wind-
son, W. E. Bement, J. Fortier, sor St., Boston, Mass.
E. D. Lamont, Manuel Nobrega. Bridgeport, Conn., 312 Wilmot
Ave.; G. F. Furnival, .190 Pa-
Licentiates: cific St.
E. L. Branson, J. T. McAllister, Bridgeport, Conn. (Slovakian),
A. Nagy, Gerald Shultz, Smith Sylvan Ave.
Webb, T. M. Butler, A. W. Bridgeport, Conn. (Hungarian),
Clarke, 0. Snipes, A. Houghton, 312 Wilmot Ave.; Andrew
J. W. Jones. Nagy, 47 Whittier St.
Missionary Licentiates: Brockton, Mass., 330 Crescent
St.; E. L. Branson, Brookville,
J. E. Edwards, Mrs. J. Schnetz- Mass.
ler, C. S. Munn, Miss Mary Brookfield, Mass., (meets at East
Walsh, Miss Harriet Hollovitty, Brookfield).
Ellen Bodin, Mrs. Mary Stocks,
Miss Candace Ferguson, Mrs. M. Danvers, Mass., Putnam St.,
L. Douglas, L. E. Aldrich, Mrs. East Falmouth, Mass.
Katie Baker. Everett, Mass., Vernal St.
Fall River, Mass., Y. M. C. A.
Church School Teachers: Bldg.
Mrs. L. E. Patchett, Miss Marion Fitchburg, Mass., No. 1 Knowl-
Smith, Lloyd Allen, Carl Franz, ton Terrace.
Miss Mildred Stuart, Miss Lucy Gardner, Mass., 18 Harvard St.
Stevens, Miss Olive Lindberg, Guilford, Conn., 240 Boston St.
Miss Estelle Broonie, Miss Bea- Hartford, Conn., 449 Washington
trice Ware, Miss Mildred Wood, St.; E. E. Osborne, 51 Whit-
Frank Fuller, Miss Miriam Bur- more St.
gess, Mrs. G. W. Hastings, Miss Hartford, Conn., (Swedish), 449
Esther Feltus, Miss Edith Ek- Washington St.
roth; Miss Margaret Mower, Miss Haverhill, Mass., 33 Central St.,
Florence Kidder, Miss Annie Bradford.
Belle Hall, Robert Hall, Miss Hebron, Conn., Union Chapel.
Edna Levy, Miss Ruth Allen, Hudson, Mass., Lincoln and
Miss Marie Sward, Miss Ruth Packard Sts.
Fowler, Miss Lillian Wilson, Lowell, Mass., Liberty St., near
Miss Jennette Anderson; Miss School St.; F. E. Gibson, 17
Myrtle Brown. Coral Ave., Lowell, Mass.

Lynn, Mass., 45 Market St.: Slocum, R. I., 1/2 mile north of

Smith Webb, 28 Herschel St., Slocum R. R. Station.
Lynn, Mass. South Lancaster, Mass., Sawyer
Mansfield, Mass., Spring and St. and Narrow Lane; P. F.
Center Sts. Bicknell, South Lancaster,
Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Oak Mass.
Bluffs. Springfield, Mass., Central and
Methuen, Mass., Odd Fellows' Beech Sts.; J. T. McAllister,
Hall. 161 College St.
Springfield, Mass. (Colored),
Natick, Mass., First Baptist Eastern Ave. and Quincy St.;
Church, Common St. A. W. Clarke, 51 Orleans St.
New Bedford, Mass:, 100 Willow Taunton, Mass., Christian Ad-
St.; Oscar Snipes, 127 Robeson vent Church, Pine St.
St., New Bedford, Mass. Taunton, Mass. (Portuguese),
New Bedford, Mass. (Portu- Christian Advent Church, Pine
guese), 736 Pleasant St.; Man- St.; J. F. Knipschild, 223 Hart
uel Nobrega, 259 Acushnet St., St.
New Bedford, Mass. Westerly, R. I., Lester Ave.
New Haven, Conn., 64 Brewster Williamsburg, Mass., Post Office
St.; A. Houghton, 79 First St., Bldg.
Highwood, New Haven, Conn. Willimantic, Conn., Y. M. C. A.
New Haven, Conn. (Colored), 28 Woonsocket, R. I. (French), 304
Dickerman St.; J. W. Jones, Park Ave.; J. Fortier, 451
28 Dickerman St., New Haven, Providence St.
Conn. Worcester, Mass., Highland Ave.
New London, Conn., Masonic and West St.; E. D. Lamont,
Hall, Union St.; J. W. Frei- 1 Dayton Apartments.
berger, 32 Cutler St., New Worcester, Mass. (Swedish),
London, Conn. Highland Ave. and West Sts.;
Northampton, Mass., I. 0. O. F. C. Swenson, 26 Dodge Ave.
Hall, Center St. Worcester, Mass. (French),
Norwich, Conn., Odd Fellow's Highland Ave. and West St.
Hall, Main St.
Pawtucket, R. I., 239 Central
Ave.; Ellery Robinson, R. F. BERMUDA MISSION
D. 4, Attleboro, Mass. Address: Box 370, Hamilton, Ber-
Peace Dale, R. I., Columbia St. muda.
Pittsfield, Mass., 8 Smith St. Population: 27,000; churches, 2;
Providence, R. I., Cranston and membership, 77.
Burgess Sts.; Stewart Mime,
72 Hanover St. Officers:
Providence, R. I. (Swedish), Director and Minister: W. A.
Swedish Workingmen's Bldg., Sweany.
Carl Swenson, 26 Dodge Ave., Sec. and Treas.: Mrs. W. A.
Worcester, Mass. Sweany.
Sanitarium Church, New Eng- Sabbath School and Home Miss.:
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mrs. W. A. Sweany.
Mass.; A. T. Robinson, Sani-
tarium. C. 0. Perkins, care of Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W. A.
Sanitarium. Sweany.

INSTITUTIONS IN THE AT- Pine Tree Academy, Auburn, Me.

LANTIC UNION CON- Union Springs Academy, Union
FERENCE Springs, N. Y.
Educational: Publishing:
Atlantic Union College, South New York Branch of Review
Lancaster, Mass. and Herald Pub. Assn., Peeks-
Greater New York Academy, kill, N. Y.
469 West 140th St., New York,
N. Y. Sanitarium:
Harlem Academy, Carlton Hall,
108 West 127th St., New York, New England Sanitarium, Mel-
N. Y. rose, Mass.


Organized zgoz
Territory: The Conferences of Col- Home Miss., C. T. Burroughs.
orado, Inter-Mountain Kansas, Religious Liberty, J. J. Nethery.
Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyom-
ing Mission. Christian Record Board:
Population: 7,658,098; churches, (Work for the blind) Pres., J. J.
227; members, 10,672. Nethery; Sec., D. D. Rees;
Treas., R. T. Emery; C. T. Bur-
Telegraphic Address: Telephone roughs.
College 182, Lincoln, Nebr.
Office: 303 West Seventh St., Col-
lege View, Nebr. J. J. Nethery, C. T. Burroughs,
C. W. Marsh, D. D. Rees, P. L.
Officers: Thompson, H. U. Stevens, H. S.
Pres., J. J. Nethery. Prenier, A. J. Meiklejohn, G. C.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, R. T. George.
Emery. Honorary: M. A. Altman, G. M.
Executive Committee: J. J. Alway, H. A. Aufderhar, W. L.
Nethery, R. T. Emery, M. L. H. Baker, G. W. Berry, A. S.
Rice, J. W. Turner, C. S. Wiest, Bringle, B. M. Garton, J. S. Hart,
H. C. Hartwell, S. G. Haughey, 0. M. Kittle, Herman Langen-
C. J. Metzger, C. T. Burroughs, berg, E. R. Lauda, Charles Light-
C. W. Marsh, E. H. Meyers, P. L. ner, A. A. Meyer, C. W. Miller,
Thompson, Dr. H. A. Green, R. J. D. P. Miller, E. G. Olson, Conrad
Brown, Dr. R. J. Brines, H. W. Reiswig, W. F. H. Schroeder,
Sherrig. W. H. White, J. P. Gardiner,
Legal Assn.: " Central Union E. H. Meyers.
Conference Assn. of the S. D. A."
Pres., J. J. Nethery; Sec., R. T. Licentiates:
R. T. Emery, ,Dr. H. A. Green,
Department Secretaries: H. W. Sherrig.
Field Miss., E. H. Meyers. Honorary License: R. L. Brad-
Educational and Miss. Vol., C. ford, J. H. Neufeld, W. F. Sur-
W. Marsh. ber, J. B. White.

Honorary Missionary Credentials: Church School Teachers:

Mary L. Doan, Meda Kerr, Es- Mrs. Frank Barrow, Mary Ann
ther Smith, Lizzie Sutton, Ammy Shover, Dorothy Whitnack, Mrs.
W. Welch, Lottie 'White. James Oss, H. J. Halvorsen, Mrs.
J. D. Rosenbach, Clara Curtis,
A. N. Shafer, Juanita Paxton,
COLORADO CONFERENCE Hazel Ringer, Elizabeth Lothian,
C. C. Lienbaum, Pearl Dawkins,
Organized 1908 Margie Northey, Mrs. John Wil-
Territory: The State of Colorado son, Lois Robbins, Dan Butherus,
east of the Continental Divide. Mrs. Dan Butherus, Mrs. Fred
Population: 807,543; churches, McNeil, Mrs. J. D. Wilburn,
48; members, 2,537. Elsie Beltz, Irene Schmidt, Car-
mie Owen, Martha D. MacEl-
Office: 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, vaine, H. P. Andersen, Edna
Colo. (Telephone, Main 1827.) Oster, Mrs. E. L. Johnson, Mrs.
Officers: Paul Bringle, Paul Bringle,
Pres., M. L. Rice. Jessie McNeely, Lila Hazelton.
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Field.
Executive Committee: M. L. Churches and Pastors:
Rice, W. F. Field, N. T. Sutton, Alamosa,.830 Main St.
C. L. Wilson, A. E. Lickey, 11: Boulder, Seventh St. and High-
C. Baker, E. F. Heim. land Ave.; N. T. Sutton,
Legal Association: " The Sev- 729 Concord Ave.
enth-day Adventist Association Campion, Campion Academy
of Colorado." Building; Ernest Heim, Route
Department Secretaries: 3, Loveland.
Book and Bible House, W. F. Canon City, Main St., near
Field. Twelfth.
Field Miss., P. E. Shakespeare. Colorado Springs, 324 North
Sabbath School, F. A. Page. Wahsatch St.; C. E. Grant, 822
Home Miss., M. L. Rice. East Monument St.
Educational and Miss. Vol., R. E. Denver:
Nelson. First. West Eleventh Ave. and
Medical Miss., Dr. H. A. Green. Kalamath St.; A. E. Lickey,
Religious Liberty, M. L. Rice. 4546 Irving St.
Ministers: York, East Thirteenth Ave.
M. L. Rice, N. T. Sutton, W. M. and York St.
Andress, J. W. Allison, J. H. North, Thirty-ninth Ave. and
Hoffman, A. E. Lickey, G. W. Shoshone St.
Anglebarger, G. T. Vore, C. E. South, Mexico and Souta Sher-
Grant. man Sts.
Scandinavian, 1618 East Thir-
Licentiates: ty-eighth Ave.; J. H. Hoff-
W. F. Field, F. A. Page, L. Cope, man, 4524 Meade St.
R. C. Baker, Alger Johns, E. L. Italian, Thirty-ninth Ave. and
Pingenot, Ernest Heim, C. F. Shoshone St.
Lickey, Reuben Nelson, M. J. Colored, 2536 Ogden St.; J. W.
Mayer, P. E. Shakespeare, Carlos Allison, 2859 Marion S.
Fort Collins, Whedbee and Mag-
Missionary Licentiates: nolia Sts.; C. F. Lickey, 323
Ruth Lamb, Edith Brauchi. Park St.

Fort Lupton, McKinley Ave., Department Secretaries:

near First St. Tract Society, Claire Winingar.
Fort Morgan; L. Cope, 331 First Field Miss., F. J. Mackey.
St. Miss. Vol., J. W. Turner.
Golden, Main St., near C. and S. Sabbath School, Claire Winingar.
Depot. Educational, Janice McCormack.
Greeley, Thirteenth Ave. and
Ninth St.; R. C. Baker, 1603- Ministers:
12th St. J. W. Turner, J. L. Tucker, A. C.
La Junta, Fifth and Lewis Sts. Long.
Longmont, 236 Gay St. Honorary: W. F. Kennedy.
Loveland, Lincoln Ave. and
Tenth St. Licentiates:
Monte Vista, Huxley and Kindle W. A. Nelson, Geo. Chambers,
6ts. F. J. Mackey.
Pueblo, Thirteenth and Grand
Ave. Missionary Licentiate:
Colored, 20 Townsend St., Claire Winingar.
Block U.
Rocky Ford, 405 South Fourth Church School Teachers:
St. Frieda Mackey, Howard Case,
Salida, Fourth and B Sts. Opal Dickerson, Lois Doney.
Church Directory:
Grand Junction, Eighth and Col-
ENCE Delta, Meeker and Sixth Sts.
Organized 1916 Montrose, North 5th St.

Territory: That part of the State

of Colorado west of the Conti- KANSAS CONFERENCE
nental divide the counties of
Daggett, Unita,
' Duchesne, Car- Organized 1875; reorganized 1914
bon, Emery, Grand, and San
Juan in the State of Utah and Territory: The State of Kansas.
San Juan County in New Mex- Population: 1,822,989; churches,
ico. 59; members, 2,427.
Population: 186,469; churches, Office Address: 612 Taylor St.,
18; membership, 651. Topeka, Kans. (Telephone,
Office: 122 South Eighth St.,
Grand Junction, Colo. (Tele- Mail Address: Box 605, Topeka,
phone 939.) Kans.
Officers: Officers:
Pres., J. W. Turner. Pres., C. S. Wiest.
Sec. and Treas., Claire Winingar. Sec. and Treas., B. L. Schlott-
Executive Committee:. J. W. Executive Committee: C. S.
Turner, W. G. Cope, J. E. John- Wiest, V. P. Lovell, R. L.
son, W. A. Nelson, J. L Tucker. Boothby, B. L. Schlotthauer, T.
Legal Assn.: " Inter-Mountain J. Eagle, E. A. Nixon, J. B.
Conference Assn of S. D. A." Mohr.

Legal Assn.: " The Kansas Sev- Emporia, 128 Constitution St.
enth-day Adventist Conference Eureka, 5th and School Sts.
Assn." Fort Scott, Southeast cor. Lin-
Department Secretaries: coln and Pine Sts.
Galena, cor. Main and Windsor.
Tract Soc., B. L. Schlotthauer. Garden City, 301 Seventh St.
Field Miss.,B. E. Wagner.
Sabbath School, Miss Edna Wal- Glen Elder, College St.
lace. Great Bend, 1411 Hubbard St.
Educational, Bert Rhoads. Herington, South Eleventh St.
Miss. Vol., Bert Rhoads. Holton, North Pennsylvania Ave.
Home Miss., A. C. Griffin. Humboldt, Third and Mulberry
Religious Liberty, C. S. Wiest. Sts.
Hutchinson, 800 East 6th St.
Ministers: Independence, cor. Nineteenth
C. S. Wiest, N. J. Aalborg, R. L. and Laurel Sts.
Boothby, F. S. Chollar. Independence II, 917 West Rail-
Honorary: W. E. Neff. road St.
Licentiates: Iola, 501 South St.
B. Rhoads, R. E. Griffin, W. F. Junction City, 600 So. 9th St.
Surber, V. P. Lovell, F. C. Clark, Kansas City I, Eighteenth Street
B. E. Wagner, J. C. Harder. and State Avenue; F. S. Chol-
lar, 3007 North 11th St., Phone
Missionary Licentiates: Fifield 0401-R.
Miss Maud I. Davis, Miss Edna Kansas City II, 713 Freeman
Wallace, B. L. Schlotthauer. Avenue.
La Harpe, South Main Street,
Church School Teachers: east side of street.
Miss Thelma Jantzen, Miss Lawrence, 1000 New York St.
Thelma McBroom, Miss Ruth Lelianon, two blocks east and
Norwood, Miss Carolyn Thorp, one-half block north of bank.
Mrs. Leonard Wood, Miss Geor- Liberal, Ninth and Kansas Ave.
gina Hackett, Miss Laurinda Manhattan, 600 Laramie St.
Mohr, Miss Gladys Wagner, Miss Neodesha, 303 South 2nd St.
Corine Sunderland, Gerald Min- Newton, 7th St., in 400 block.
chin, Miss Sylvia Simon, Miss Oswego, College and Ohio Sts.
Opal Potter, P. W. Peters, Mrs. Ottawa, Ninth and South Syca-
P. W. Peters, Ralph Wilson, Mrs. more.
May A. McNamee, Miss Mary Ozawkie, Elm St.
Witchey, Milo Hill, Mrs. Milo Pittsburg, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, West
Hill, Miss Olivia Brickman, P. U. 5th St.
Schmidt, Miss Grace McComas. Portis, Southeast of Portis 44
Church Directory: Shaffer, Two miles north and
Arkansas City, 921 South A St. one mile west of Shaffer.
Atchison II, 907 9th North St. Topeka, 821 West Fifth St.
Bazine, 1 mile north of Bazine. Topeka II, Eighth and Buchanan
Chanute, cor. 2nd and Lafayette. Sts.
Columbus, Sycamore and Ohio Wellington, Cor. 11th and Jef-
Sts. ferson Sts.
Durham, three blocks northeast Wichita I, cor. Dodge and Bur-
railway station. ton Sts.; N. J. Aalborg, 2525
El Dorado, 410 South Atchison West Douglas Ave.
St. Wichita II, 1121 Wabash Ave.

MISSOURI CONFERENCE Nelson, W. V. Albee, Mrs. W. V.

Albee, Miss Olga Almskog, E. J.
Organized 1876; reorganized 1914. Santee, Miss Hazel Baughman,
Wm. Dickman, W. W. Stringer,
Territory: The State of Missouri. Mrs. W. W. Stringer, Mrs. 0. E.
Borton, Mrs. R. V. Kime, Miss
Population: 3,404,055; churches, Gladys Cooke.
41; members, 2,318.
Church Directory:
Office: 616 South Second St., Clin- Jefferson City, Washington and
ton, Mo. (Telephone 250.) Miller Sts.
Officers: Joplin, Jackson St.
Kansas City, Memorial Church,
Pres., H. C. Hartwell. Linwood Blvd. and Charlotte
Sec. and Treas., S. E. Ortner. Sts.; G. R. West, 3219 Norton
Executive Committee: H. C. St.
Hartwell, S. E. Ortner, W. K. Kansas City Beacon Light, 1224
Smith, Theo. Sponas, W. H. Nis- Euclid Ave.; A. L. Perkins,
wonger. 2738 Norton St.
Legal Assn.: Missouri Confer- St. Joseph Church, 1701 North
ence Association of S. D. A. Second St.
Pres., H. C. Hartwell; Sec. and St. Louis, Central Church, 618
Treas., S. E. Ortner. North Newstead Ave.; W. K.
Smith, 5319 Northland Ave.
Department Secretaries: St. Louis South, Minnesota and
Book and Bible House, S. E. Potomac Sts.; Martin Stueek-
Ortner. rath, 4725 Lewis Place.
Field Miss., D. W. Gahagan. St. Louis Berean (Second), Cook
Sabbath School and Home Miss., St. and Sarah Ave.; B. W. Ab-
Mrs. M.J. Whitsett, 6945 Ar- ney.
thur Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Sedalia Church, 11th and Lafay-
Educational and Miss. Vol., Alva ette.
Ragsdale. Springfield, North Main and
Religious Liberty, H. C. Hart- Lynn Sts.
H. C. Hartwell, G. R. West, W.
K. Smith, E. G. Crosier, L. W. Organized 1878
Terry, Martin Stueckrath, K. R.
Haughey, B. W. Abney. Territory: The State of Nebraska.
Licentiates: Population: 1,296,372; churches,
Alva. Ragsdale, A. L. Perkins, 51; members, 2,437.
Donald Mackintosh, D. W. Gaha- Office Address: 1115 West Charles
gan. St., Grand Island, Nebr. (Tele-
phone 1760-W.)
Missionary Licentiates:
S. E. Ortner, Mrs. Helen Max- Officers:
. well, Mrs. M. J. Whitsett, Miss Pres., S. G. Haughey.
Ida Robinson, Miss Alta Nesbit. Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall.
Executive Committee: S. G.
Church School Teachers: Haughey, H. H. Humann, B. C.
Miss Thelma Lucas, Lloyd Co- Marshall, E. D. Kirk, M. W.
win, Mrs. Lloyd Cowin, Mrs. N. Blue, R. T. Baer, J. Wi! Rogers.

Legal Assn., " Nebraska Confer- Hastings, 205 East High St.
ence Association of the Seventh- Kearney, Twenty-third St., and
day Adventists." Ave. B.
Department Secretaries: Lincoln, 1020 South Fifteenth
Tract Society, B. C. Marshall. Lincoln German Church, 675 A
Field Miss., Albert Priest. St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Sabbath School and Home Miss., McCook, 512 West First St.
R. E. Hay. Nebraska City, cor. Fifteenth St.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, J. A. and First Corso.
Deapen. North Platte, corner Willow and
Religious Liberty, S. G. Haughey. Tenth Ste.
Ministers: Omaha, Memorial, 2660 St.
Mary's Ave.
S. G. Haughey, J. D. Johnson, Omaha, Third, 975 North Twen-
G. W. Tucker, R. E. Hay, 0.--13. ty-fifth St.
l3e.11.9.11, T. H. Allison, A. E. Red Cloud, Walnut St. and
Johnson, E. G. Hayes, R. T. Baer, Third Ave.
H. H. Humann, H. F. Saxton. Seward, Eleventh and Main Ste.
Honorary: J. H. Wheeler. Valentine, Valentine and Elmore
Licentiates: Sts.
Albert Priest, A. F. Kirk, J.
A. Deapen, G. E. Hutches, E. D. WYOMING MISSION
Kirk, C. E. Brinley.
Honorary Licentiate: Organized 1925
Charles McWilliams. Territory: State of Wyoming.
Missionary Licentiates: Population: 194,402; churches, 10;
B. C. Marshall, Miss Ethel- Bee members, 302.
eis, Mrs. A. E. Daniels, Mrs. C. Address: 1203 South Oak St., Cas-
-CAHelier; Miss Lucinda Jobst, per, Wyo. (Telephone 1053.)
- Mrs. E. M. Long, Mrs. H. E.
Brockman, Rachel Landrum, Supt.: C. J. Metzger.
Opal Rogers. Executive Committee: C. J.
Metzger, J. J. Nethery, R. T.
Church School Teachers: Emery.
Gerald Mosier, Miss Edith Mar-
tin, Miss Sidney Smith, Miss Departmental Secretaries:
Myrtle Reinmuth, Miss Hazel Book and Bible House, C. J.
Brebner, Miss Sylvesta Davies, Metzger.
Miss Mary Brebner, C. D. Adams, Miss. Vol., Educational, and
Mrs. C. D. Adams, Miss Iva Home Miss., C. J. Metzger.
Thorp, Miss Gladys Fritmill. Sabbath School, Miss Orpha Ed-
Church Directory: gerton.
Beatrice, corner Ella and Tenth Ministers:
Ste. C. J. Metzger, C. A. Purdom.
College View, Eleventh and K
Streets. Church School Teachers:
Fairbury, Tenth and G Sts. Miss Mabel Canaday, Miss Ethel
Fremont, Fifth and I Sts. Canaday, Miss Violet Larson,
Grand Island, 409 East Eighth Miss Hazel Souders, Miss Celia
St. Long, Rolland Jenkins.

Church Directory: Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr.

Casper, 1203 South Oak St. Union College, College View,
Cheyenne, 608 Randall Ave. Nebr.
Lovell, 472 East Main St. Publishing:
Sheridan, 304 West Whitney St.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch,
2211 Farnam St., Omaha,
INSTITUTIONS IN THE CEN- Christian Record Pub. Co., Col-
Educational: Sanitariums:
Campion Academy, Loveland, Boulder - Colorado Sanitarium,
. Colo. Boulder, Colo.
Enterprise Academy, Enterprise, Wichita Sanitarium, Wichita,
Kans. --Kans.
Inter-Mountain Academy, IL F. Nebraska Sanitarium, Hastings,
D. 1, Grand Valley, Colo. Nebr.


Organized rgo7
Territory: The conferences of Miss. Vol., H. K. Christman.
Chesapeake, East Pennsylvania, Home Miss.. E. A. Manry.
New Jersey, Ohio, Potomac, Religious Liberty, A. J. Clark.
West Pennsylvania, West Vir-
ginia. Ministers:
Population: 23,518,434; churches, F. H. Robbins, B. G. Wilkinson,
260; members, 12,969. 11:- A. Morrison, W. J. Stone,
J7 S. Washburn, E. A. Maawy,
Office: 507 Flower Ave., Takoma H. K. Christman, C. P.-Bollman,
Park, D. C. (Telephone, Shep. R. T. Dowsett, H. L. Shoup, J. W:
3163.) Mace, H. H. Hamilton, A. J.
Officers: Clark, E. M. Fishell, F. D. Nichol.
Pres., F. H. Robbins. Honorary: H. W. Herren, J. W.
Sec. and Treas., E. J. Stipeck. Watt, L N. Williams, H. K
Executive Committee: F. H. Robinson, C. C. Webster, R. D.
Robbins, the presidents of the Hottel, C. L. White, C. H. Kes-
conferences composing the Union, lake.
J. P. Neff, B. G. Wilkinson, D. Licentiates!
W. Reavis, Dr. A. W. Truman, IL
H. Hamilton, E. M. Fishell, E. A. A. W. Werline, E. J. Stipeck, U.
Manry, H. K. Christman, E. J. L. Woods E. R. Thiele, J. P.
Stipeck, C. E. Palmer. Neff, F. A. Coffin, C. E. Weniger,
Legal Assn.: " Columbia Union D. W. Reavis, E. L. Richmond,
Conference Association of Sev- L. W. Graham, C. C. Pulver.
enth-day Adventists." Missionary Licentiates:
Auditor, E. J. Stipeck.
Dr. Lauretta E. Kress, R. W.
Department Secretaries: Conard, Lora Clement, Esther
Union Field Miss., E. M. Fishell. Bergman, C. E. Palmer, Dr. R. L.
Minister of Education, J. P. Neff. Runk.

CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE Blackburn, Mrs. E. L. Knight,

Mrs. W. C. Witt, Miss Mary
Organized 1890 Taltamus, Miss Bessie Steele,
Territory: The States of Delaware Mrs. Elsie Gumbs, Herald
and Maryland, except the coun- Stone, W. C. Edwards.
ties of Montgomery, Garrett
and Allegany, in Maryland; and Church Directory:
including the counties of ivior- Baltimore No. 1 Church, English,
gan, Berkeley, and Jefferson in Rosedale St. and Roseland
West Virginia, and Accomac and Place; R. S. Lindsay, 4601 Pall
Northampton in Virginia. Mall Ave.
Population: 1,631,562; churches, Baltimore No. 2 Church, German,
23; members, 1,235. J. H. Wierts, 2819 Frederick .
Office: 24 Fusting Ave., Catons- Baltimore No. 3 Church, Colored,
ville, Md. (Telephone, Catons- Harlem Ave. and Dolphin St.;
ville 991.) M. S. Banfield, 1110 West La-
Officers: fayette St.
Pres., J. A. Leland. Clifton Park Church, English,
Sec. and Treas.. N. C. Van Horn. Gorsuch and Kennedy Ayes.
Executive Committee: J. A. Le- Hagerstown Church, English,
land, R. S. Lindsay, J. S. Wash- Cross St. and McComas Ave.,
burn, M. S. Banfield, E. H. Hagerstown, Md.; G. Medairy,
Dye, Edw. Jackson, and N. C. 419 McDowell Ave.
VanHorn. Salisbury Church, English, 412
Legal Assn.: " Chesapeake Con- East Isabella St.; G. R. Apsley,
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Salisbury, Md.
Wilmington No. 1 Church, Eng-
Department Secretaries: lish, 11th and Adams Sts.,
Book and Bible House, N. C. Van Wilmington, Del.; J. S. Wash-
Horn. burn, 1100 North Adams St.
Field Miss., W. H. Groves.
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. A. Le-
Educational and Miss. Vol., Mrs.
U. D. Pickard. FERENCE
Home Miss., U. D. Pickard. Organized in 1903, out of territory
Religious Liberty, J. A. Leland. comprising t h e Pennsylvania
Conference, which was organ-
Ministers: ized in 1879.
J. A. Leland, R. S. Lindsay,
J. H. Wierts, M. S. Banfield, Territory: That portion of Penn-
0. Medairy, A. J. Evelyn, U. D. sylvania lying east of the east-
Pickard. ern line of Potter, Clinton, Cen-
ter, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and
Missionary Licentiates: Fulton Counties.
G. R. Apsley, W. H. Groves, Mrs. Population: 5,026,740; churches,
U. D. Pickard. 45; members, 2,179.
Church School Teachers: Office: 3256 Germantown Ave..
Miss Naomi Kime, Miss May Philadelphia, Pa. (Phone, Tioga
Painter, R. 0. Dodge, Miss Ruth 4897.)

Officers: Harrisburg, 615 North 17th St.;

Pres., C. S. Prout. Dr. W. J. Venen, 615 N. 17th
Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. St.
Executive Committee: C. S. Honesdale, Independent Bldg.
Prout, W. J. Venen, W. A. Nel- Lancaster, 2nd and Carol; R. B.
Clapp, 1227 Windsor St., Read-
son, J. E. Cox, J. Ott, H. G. ing, Pa.
Lewis. Lansdale, Broad St.
Legal Assn.: " The East Pennsyl- Lebanon, 128 South Seventh St.;
vania Conference Assn. of S. D. R. B. Clapp, 1227 Windsor St.,
A., Inc." Reading.
Department Secretaries: Mansfield, Main and Elmira Sts.
Book and Bible House, D. A. Media, Providence Road, Pa.
Cone. Norristown, 228 West Main St.
Field Miss., 0. C. Weller. Northumberland, Second St.
Sabbath School and Educational,
Miss Ernestine R. Hochschor- Philadelphia:
ner. German, 3256 Germantown
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., Ave.; Carl Becker, 121 Ros-
George Butler. mar St., Philadelphia.
Religious Liberty, C. S. Prout. North, 3256 Germantown Ave.;
Medical, Dr. A. J. Kistler. ' IV. A. Nelson, 1620 N. 68th
Ministers: Slovak, 3256 Germantown
C. S. Prout, R. B. Clapp, W. A. Ave.; A. G. Yakovenko, 113
Nelson, H. A. Vandeman, Dr. W. Rosmar St.
J. Venen, George Butler, J. E. West, Fifty-first and Locust
Cox, R. M. Spencer, M. R. Coon. Sts.; M. R. Coon, 12 Stuart
Ave., Glen Olden.
Licentiates: Italian, 12041 South Broad St.;
W. H. Jones, Carl Becker, J. A. A. Catalano, 1400 South
Nordstrum, A. G. Yakovenko, 0. Thirteenth St.
C. Weller. Color scl, 1518 Lombard St.:
Missionary Licentiates: J. E. Cox, 5535 Girard Ave.,
J. A. Baugh, H. G. Lewis, Miss
Ernestine R. Hochschorner, Mrs. Phoenixville, Main St.
L. M. Martin, Miss Jessie M. Reading, Hampden and Wind-
Weiss, Miss Maud Belmont, Don- sor ISts.; R. B. Clapp, 1227
ald Cone, Miss Sadie Baker, Mrs. Windsor St., Reading, Pa.
W. H. Jones, Mrs. W. E. Barr. Sayre, Olive and Harris Sts.
Scranton, 1409 Wyoming Ave.;
Church Directory: W. E. Barr, 1314 Marion St.
Allentown, Oak and Poplar Sts.; Sellersville, 75 Main St.
H. A. Vandeman, 504 Fourth Shunk, Community Church.
St., Fullerton, Pa. Stroudsburg, Second St.
Carlisle, 115 East High St. Wade, Opposite Public School.
Danville, 119 Spruce St. Wellsboro, Main St.
Emaus, 545 Elm St. Wilkes-Barre, near Market St.
Easton, Washington Hall, South and Second Ave.; Miss Jessie
Seventeenth St. Weiss, 414 Market -St., Kings-
Fleetwood, Locust St., N. E. ton, Pa.
Hatboro, Old York Road and Williamsport, Seventh St.; R. M.
County Line. Spencer, Lambs Creek, Pa.

NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE Mrs. Mabel Baker, Mrs. Sara

Hanson, Edward Hanson.
Organized 1902
Churches and Pastors:
Territory: The State of New Jer- Asbury Park No. 1, Farmingdale,
sey. N. J.; S. E. Norton.
Population: 3,155,900; churches, Asbury Park, Colored, Borden
43; membership, 1,746. and Heck Ayes.; F. C. Phipps,
610 Chestnut St., Camden,
Office: 1600 Brunswick Ave., N. J.
Trenton, N. J. (Telephone 4197.) Annandale, 'White House Sta.,
Officers: N. J.; S. E. Norton, 1677
Pres., H. J. Detweiler. Boulevard, Jersey City.
Sec. and Treas., C. H. Kelly. Bridgeton, East Commerce and
Carroll Ave.; S. R. Haynes, 51
Executive Committee: H. J. North Giles St.
Detweiler, S. G. Silvers, B. E. Burlington, Conover St., South ;
Miller, J. A. Dominski, E. H. 0. G. Carnes, 108 Virginia Ave.,
Swanson, J. C. Dickson, F. C. Westmont, N. J.
Phipps. Burlington, Colored; F. C.
Legal Assn.: " New Jersey Con- Phipps, 610 Chestnut St., Cam-
ference Association of S. D. A." den.
Department Secretaries: Burlington, Polish, Conover St.,
South; J. A. Dominski, 211
Book and Bible House, C. H. Lincoln Ave., Burlington.
Kelly. Camden, cor. Kenwood and Brad-
Field Miss., F. E. Thumwood. ley Ave.; 0. G. Games, 108
Sabbath School, E. R. Numbers. Virginia Ave., Westmont.
Educational and Missionary Vol., Camden, Colored, 620 Chestnut
Miss Ruth Wilcox. St.; F. C. Phipps, 610 Chest-
Home Miss., E. R. Numbers. nut St.
Religious Liberty, H. J. Det-
weiler. Cape May Court House, S. D. A.
Church, south of town; Wm.
Ministers: F. Schmidt, South State St.,
H. J. Detweiler, S. R. Haynes, Vineland.
B. E. Miller, Carl Bruck, E. H. Dover, Church St., Rockaway;
Swanson, 0. G. Carnes, S. E. B. E. Miller, 59 Twentieth
Norton, J. M. Campbell, A. Ave., Paterson.
Yakush, M. H. St. John, J. A. Elizabeth, All Souls Church, 501
Dominski, F. C. Phipps, E. R. Westfield Ave.; S. E. Norton,
Numbers. 1677 Boulevard, Jersey City.
Licentiates: Englewood, Colored, Warren and
W. F. Schmidt, F. E. Thumwood. Fourth St.; J. M. Campbell,
56 Atlantic Ave., Jersey City.
Missionary Licentiates: Franklin, Rutherford Ave.; B.
C. Kelly, Mrs. A. Parkins, E. Miller, 59 Twentieth Ave.,
Miss Ruth C. Wilcox, Mrs. E. M. Paterson.
Kester. Hackensack, Carpenters' Hall,
Church School Teachers: Berger St.; M. H. St. John, 36
Hazel Johns, Helen Johns, Irma Hollywood Ave., East Orange.
Martin, Hattie Keslake, Minnie Jericho, S. R. Haynes, 51 North
Vogel, Marie Fuchs, Anna Fuchs, Giles St., Bridgeton,


Jersey City No. 1, Stegman Ave. Paulsboro, Main St., cor. Dela.
and Hudson Blvd.; S. E. Nor- ware; 0. G. Carnes, 108 Vir-
ton, 1677 Boulevard. ginia Ave., Westmont.
Jersey City No. 2, Congress St. Perth Amboy, Slovak, 411 Ne- .
between Summit and Central via St.; Andrew Yakush, 507
Ave.; M. H. St. John, 36 Holly- 18th Ave., Newark, N. J.
wood Ave., East Orange. Perth Amboy, Danish-English,
Jersey City German, Congress 411 Neville St.; E. H. Swan-
St. between Summit and Cen- son, 219 Wilkinson Ave., Jer-
tral Ayes.; C. Bruck, 15 Oak sey City.
St., Weehawken, N. J. Plainfield, cor. Graig Place and
Jersey City Colored, 56 Atlantic Duer St., in German. Reformed
Ave.; J. M. Campbell, 56 At- church; S. E. Norton, 1677
lantic Ave. Boulevard, Jersey City.
Jersey City Swedish, People's Pleasantville, Lake Place, West
Palace, Bergen Ave. and For- of Main St.; Wm. F. Schmidt,
rest St.; E. H. Swanson, 219 South State St., Vineland.
Wilkinson Ave. Ramah, S. D. A. School Build-
Mount Holly, Grant and King ing, Ramah; S. R. Haynes, 51
Ste.; 0. G. Carnes, 108 Vir- N. Giles St., Bridgeton, N. J.
ginia Ave., Westmont. Swedesboro, cor. Broad St. and
Newark English, Grove and Helms Ave.; Wm. F. Schmidt,
Grain Sts.; M. H. St. John, South State St., Vineland, N. J.
36 Hollywood Ave., E. Orange. Trenton, 200 Columbus. Ave.
Newark Slovak, 307 Ellis Ave.; Vineland, Eighth and Pear Sts.;
Andrew Yakush, 507 18th Ave. Wm. F. Schmidt, South State
Newark German, 307 Ellis Ave.; St.
C. Bruck, 15 Oak St., Weehaw- Williamstown, Linden Ave., near
ken, N. J. Main St.; S. R. Haynes, 51
Newark Swedish, First Reform North Giles St., Bridgeton,
Church, Clinton and Halsey N. J.
Sts.; E. H. Swanson, 219 Wil- Woodbury; 0. G. Carnes, 108
kinson Ave., Jersey City. Virginia Ave., Westmont.
Newark Colored, Third S. D. A.
Church, 308-312 Bergen St.;
J. M. Campbell, 56 Atlantic
Ave., Jersey City.
New Brunswick, Mechanics Hall, Organized 1863
George St.
Passaic, AU Souls Church, 108 Territory: The State of Ohio.
Prospect St.; M. H. St. John, Population: 5,759,394; churches,
36 Hollywood Ave., E. Orange. 68; members, 3,421.
Paterson English, German S. D. Postal Address: Box 517, Mt. Ver-
A. Church, North Eighth and non, Ohio. (Telephone 1175.)
Temple Sts.; B. E. Miller, 59
Twentieth Ave. Officers:
Paterson German, German S. D. Pres., C. V. Leach.
A. Church, North Eighth and Sec. and Treas., A. E. King.
Temple Sta.; B. E. Miller, 59 Executive Committee: C. V.
Twentieth Ave. Leach, C. F. Ulrich, I. J. Gault,

W. F. Schwartz, C. G. Atterholt, Kraft, Miss Zelia Miller, Miss

G. T. Harding, Jr., D. S. Teters, Naomi Ingle, E. Traub, Miss C.
J. G. Dasent. Louise Mencken, Miss Maxine
Legal Assn.: " The Ohio Confer- Anderson, Miss Betty Nicholson,
ence Assn. of the S. D. A. Mrs. Florence Upton, Mrs. Ethel
Church." Pres., C. V. Leach; Walker, Miss Lottie Gibson, Miss
Sec., A. E. King. Ellen Acton, Miss Grace Wag-
ner, Miss Ethel Peet, Mrs. Ella
Department Secretaries: French.
Book and Bible House, A. E.
King. Church Directory:
Field Miss., L M. Evans. Akron, 825 East Buchtel Ave.,
Sabbath School and Educational, G. L. West, 49 Jewett Street.
0. S. Hershberger. Bowling Green, West Evers Ave.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. A. E. King. Bucyrus, Hill St.
Home Miss., E. R. Corder.
Religous Liberty, C. V. Leach. Canton, Sixth Ave. and Smith
Medical, C. E. Welch. St., Southwest; L. 0. Gordon,
917-9th St., N. W.
Ministers: Cincinnati:
C. V. Leach, Lewis Lenheim, 1018 Locust St., Walnut Hills;
C. W. Guenther, A. N. Durrant, G. W. Hosford, 2533 Park
0. F. Schwedrat, L. 0. Gordon, Ave.
J. W. Shultz, C. F. Ulrich, W. F. Cincinnati German, 1018 Locust
Schwartz, G. L. West, Paul Mat- Street; D. F. Roth, 3133
ula, C. C. Webster, J. G. Dasent, Hackberry Ave., East Wal-
J. P. Gaede, G. W. Hosford, D. F. nut Hills.
Roth, S. Demchuk, S. Bero, S. Colored, T. M. Rowe, 865
Diminyatz, L. D. Warren, A. J. Beuna Vista Place.
Olson. Cleveland:
Honorary: L. A. Spring. East Church, 5700 Hough Ave.;
Licentiates: W. F. Schwartz, 1681 Arthur
Drive. ,
D. S. Teters, Guy Corder, E. R.
Corder, 0. S. Hershberger, T. M. German. 3161 West Fourteenth
Rowe, Geo. Carter, I. M. Evans, St.; 0. F. Schwedrat, 4503
W. F. Houck, C. E. Welch. Spokane Ave.
Colored, Cedar and East 71st
Missionary Licentiates: St.; J. G. Dasent, 7017 Cedar
Miss Bonnie Dobbins, M. 'Hor- Ave.
tense Howell, Mrs. E. Lenheim, Columbus:
A. E. King, Mrs. A. E. King, 26 N. 21st Street; C. F. Ul-
Miss Marie Gyalay, Miss Lillie rich, 230 Chittenden Ave.
Kraft, Miss Sophie Gooss, Mrs. Colored, Cleveland Ave. and
Gertrude Reseguie. Spring St.; A. N. Durrant,
Church School Teachers: 310 W. Goodale St.
Miss Virginia Douglass, Miss Dayton:
Pearl Kattelman, Miss Emma Superior and Ferguson Ayes.;
Schifer, Miss Marybelle Deite- J. W. Shultz, 1015 Superior
meyer, Miss Mae Stebbins, Miss Ave.
Ruby Ingle, A. W. Perrine, Mrs. Colored, 1820 Home Ave.
A. W. Perrine, Miss Frances Din- Hamilton, North Second St., K.
gee, Raphael Warnick, Raymond of P. Hall.

Jackson, Pearl St. Hannah, C. H. Dougherty, L. W.

Lakewood, Andrews and Detroit Graham.
Ave., Masonic Temple. Legal Assn.: " Potomac Confer-
Lima, Scott and Eureka Sts.; ence Corporation of S. D. A."
L. C. Evans, 633 Eureka St. Department Secretaries:
Marion, 224 North State St. Book and Bible House, E. F.
Mt. Vernon, Academia, Academy Willet.
chapel. Field Miss., J. A. Bee.
Mansfield, 100 North Walnut St. Sabbath School, Mrs. C. P. Sor-
New Philadelphia, Tenth and enson.
Front Sts. Educational, Mrs. C. P. Sorensen.
Miss. Vol., C. P. Sorensen.
Pleasant Hill, Dresden, Ohio. Home Miss., W. S. Mead.
Ravenna, Ohio Ave., near South Religious Liberty, W. F. Martin.
Prospect St. Medical, Laura E. Witzke.
515 Catherine St. Ministers:
Colored, 632 South Wittenberg W. F. Martin, B. F. Bryan, B.
Ave. E. Connerly, E. C. Atkinson, J.
Toledo, 885 Orchard St.; C. W. H. Smith, H. G. Gauker, R. F.
Guenther, 1060 Orchard St. Farley, R. D. Hottel, J. W. Mac-
Neil, W. P. Elliott.
Worthington, Columbus Rural
Rest Home, Worthington, Ohio. Licentiates:
Youngstown, 127 West Marion J. A. Bee, M. J. Shanko, W. C.
Ave. Hannah, C. P. Sorenson, 'W. 0.
Zanesville, Indiana and Lazeleer Berry, W. J. Banks, G. H. Clark,
Sts. W. S. Mead, L. 0. Coon, C. T.
Jackson, G. E. Johnson.
Missionary Licentiates:
POTOMAC CONFERENCE W. B. Mohr, Mrs. B. E. Connerly,
Organized 1924 Mrs. G. D. Burgess, Mrs. C. P.
Sorenson, E. F. Willett, Mrs. G.
Territory: The State of Virginia E. Wales, P. Hafenmayr, Laura
(excepting Accomac and North- E. Witzke.
ampton Counties), the District of
Columbia, and the county of Church School Teachers:
Montgomery in Maryland. Mrs. Inez Budd, Mrs. D. Brown,
Mrs. Victor Campbell, Mrs. Jane
Population: 2,746,884; churches, Carlyle, Mrs. Hester Davis, Miss
39; members, 2,795. Lorraine Fankhouser, Mrs. R. F.
Farley, Mrs. Delilah Gardner,
Office: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Mrs. Amanda Kirkpatrick, Mrs.
Park, D. C. (Telephone, Georgia Alma J. Scott, Miss Virginia
1256.) Stevens, Miss Louise Stuart,
Miss Violet Wills, Miss Reta
Officers: Wood, Mrs. M. Symonds, Miss
Pres., W. F. Martin 0. Derby, Miss V. Baldwin, Mrs.
Sec. and Treas., W. R. Mohr. R. Eldridge, Miss H. Conard,
Executive Committee: W. F. Miss N. Ketterman, B. Gibson,
Martin, H. A. Morrison, H. H. Mrs. F. Predmore, Miss G. Bram-
Hamilton, E. C. Atkinson, W. C. ble, Mrs. H. B. Calkins, L. Tuc-

leer, Miss L. Hagadone, Mrs. N. Danville, 757 Doe St.

Gage, Mrs. E. Nell, Miss V. Cly- Newport News, Va., 1224 Thir-
mer, Miss B. Shoup. tieth St.; G. E. Johnson, 1213
Churches and Pastors: . Dubois Ave., Richmond, Va.
Arlington, Va., Glebe Road near Norfolk, Va., 1289 Calvert St.;
Columbia Pike. G. E. Johnson, 1213 Dubois
Alexandria, Va., 806 Prince St. Ave., Richmond, Va.
Bethel, Ford, Va. Richmond, Va., 912 North Sixth
St.; G. E. Johnson, 1213-Du-
Capitol Heights, Greater Capitol bois Ave.
Heights, Md.
Washington, D. C.:
Danville,.Va., 889 Colquehoun St. First, 624 Eighth St., N. E.;
Lynchburg, Va., Parke Ave., op- E. C. Atkinson, 1300 Florida
posite Miller Park. Ave., N. W.
Mayberry, Meadows of Dan, Va. Ephesus, cor. Sixth and N Sts.,
New Market, Va.; J. H. Smith. N. W.; J. B. Mallory, 606
Newport News, Va., 219 Forty- N St., N. W.
fifth St.
Norfolk, Va., Twenty-ninth St.
and Colley Ave.; H. G. Gauker, WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON-
2E-Earle Court, 33rd and FERENCE
Granby Sts., Norfolk, Va.
Oak Ridge, Republican Grove, Va. Organized 1903
Petersburg, Va., 124 North Sey-
more St. Territory: All of Pennsylvania ly-
Portsmouth, Va., 1610 County ing west of the easterly line of
St. Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin,
Richmond, Va., 9 North Morris Huntingdon, and Fulton Coun-
St. ties.
Roanoke, Va., 747 Jamison Ave. Population: 3,693,277; churches,
Takoma Park Md.: 27; members, 1,128. .
Sligo, Washington Missionary
College; R. F. Farley, Wash- Office: P. 0. Box 235, Greensburg,
ington Sanitarium. Pa. (Telephone, Greensburg
Takoma Park, Carroll and 2520.)
Willow Ayes.; B. F. Bryan,
254 Carroll St., Takoma Officers:
Park, D. C. Pres., W. M. Robbins.
Vienna, Va., Court House Road Sec. and Treas., H. E. Garrarde.
and State Pike. Executive Committee: W. M.
Washington, D. C.: Robbins, H. E. Garrarde, C. W.
Capital-Memorial, Fifth and F Weber, A. 0. Lund, S. 0. Cherry,
Sts., N. W. G. S. Rapp, E. F. Boucher.
Mt. Pleasant Church, Arcadia Legal Assn.: " West Pennsyl-
Auditorium, 14th St. and vania Conference Assn. of S.
Park Road, N. W. D. A."
Winchester, Va., 10 West Cork
St. Department Secretaries:
Colored: Book and Bible House, H. E.
Alexandria, Va., 1002 Pendleton Garrarde.
St. Field Miss., J. R. Ridenour.

Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., New Castle, K. of P. Hall,

Stanley Brown. Washington and Mercer Sts.
Home Miss., C. B. Newmyer. North Warren, Main St.
Educational, A. E. Hoist.
Religious Liberty, W. M. Rob- Pittsburgh:
bins. English, cor. Race and Sterrett
Sts., Homewood, Pittsburgh,
Ministers: Pa.; G. S. Rapp.
W. M. Robbins, N. J. Grant, A. Colored, Center and Morgan
0. Lund, C. W. Weber, J. C. Sts.; N. J. Grant.
Oswald, G. S. Rapp, A. E. Hoist. German, 167 Fortieth St.; C.
W. Weber, 225 Michigan St.,
Licentiates: Mt. Oliver Station.
C. B. Newmyer, J. R. Ridenour, Port Allegany, at Burtville, Pa.
Stanley Brown. Sharon, Leslie Hall, second floor,
Missionary Licentiates: Chestnut Ave.
H. E. Garrarde, Mathilda Butker, Six Mile Run, Bedford County,
Alfrida Larson. Six Mile Run, Pa.
Shinglehouse, Shinglehouse, Pa.
Church School Teachers: Uniontown, Municipal Bldg.
Mrs. H. Kurry, Miss Helen Wil- Warren (Swedish), S. B. and A.
liams, A. D. Kaelin, Clarence Hall, Second St., near Liberty.
Robinson. Washington, Odd Fellow's Hall,
Chestnut and Main Sts.
Church Directory:
Altoona, Twenty-fifth St., bet.
Fifth and Sixth Ayes.
Bradford, Jerome Ave., cor. WEST VIRGINIA CONFER-
Rockland, Coudersport; J. C. ENCE
Oswald, 50 Lindwood Ave.,
Bradford, Pa. Organized 1887
Corry, North Center St. Territory: The State of West Vir-
Coudersport, West Chestnut ginia, except the counties of
St. Morgan, Berkeley, and Jeffer-
Clearfield, Merrill St. son, and including the counties
Dubois, third floor Whitehead of Garrett and Allegany in
Hall, 15 West Washington Maryland.
Erie, 245 East Tenth St.; A. E. Population: 1,504,677; churches,
-Hoist, 518 West 5th St. 15; members, 465.
Greensburg, Central Fire Co., Office: 1455 Seventh St., Parkers-
Penna. Ave. burg, W. Va. (Telephone, 394.)
Huntingdon, Twelfth St., be-
tween Moore and Oneida Sts. Officers:
Johnstown, 213 Hickory St.; C. Pres., D. A. Rees.
B. Newmyer. Sec. and Treas., C. M. Paden.
Meadville, 946y2 Water St. Executive Committee: D. A.
Mt. Braddock, Mt. Braddock, Pa. Rees, J. E. Meredith, Charles
Mt. Jewett, Swedish, Anderson Balerle, C. M. Paden, J. H. Mc-
and Main Sts. A. 0. Lund, R. Henry.
F. D. 1, Box 72,
' Mt. Jewett, Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad-
Pa. ventist Book Society."

Department Secretaries: Huntington, W. Va., 26th St.

Book Society, C. M. Paden. and Collis Ave.
Field Miss., A. G. Drott. Morgantown, W. Va., 3rd Floor
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and Second National Bank Bldg.
Home Miss., Miss Nell Mead. Parkersburg, W. Va., 1305 An-
Educational, D. A. Rees. drew St.
Medical, Wheeling, W. Va., A. 0. U. W.
Auditorium, 1121 Chapline St.,
Ministers: two doors from Post Office.
D. A. Rees, T. W. Thirlwell,
M. G. Conger, Charles Baierle,
C. A. Lynes.
Missionary Licentiates: Fireside Correspondence School,
C. M. Paden, Miss Nell Mead, Takoma Park, D. C.
Miss Jessie Welsh, A. G. Drott, Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Ver-
Miss Mina Dengler. non, Ohio.
Church School Teachers: - Shenandoah Valley Academy,
B. B. Bridges, Mrs. B. B. Bridges, New Market, Va.
Miss Mildred Reichenbach. Washington Missionary College,
Takoma Park, D. C.
Church Directory:
Charleston, W. Va., 1534 Wash-
ington St. Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Charleston, W. Va., Colored, Cor- Takoma Park, D. C.
ner Bream St. and Second Ave. Washington Branch, Review and
Chester, W. Va., I. 0. 0. F. Hall Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
on Fifth St. Park, D. C.
Clarksburg, W. Va., American
Legion Hall, West Pike St. Sanitarium:
Cumberland, Md., Oak and Washington Sanitarium, Tako-
Boone Sts. ma Park, D. C.


Organized 'got
Territory: The Conferences of Sec. and Treas., Miss Amy
Maritime, Ontario, St. Lawrence, Frank.
and the Newfoundland Mission. Executive Committee: W. C.
Population: 5,707,435; ,churches, Moffett, W. H. Howard, H. H.
61; members, 1,525. Rans, F. W. Stray, L. F. Pas-
sebois, L. N. Holm, R. Carlill,
Office Address: Box 337, Oshawa, M. V. Campbell, H. N. Williams.
Ontario. Phone 2054.
Legal Assn.: " Eastern Canadi-
Officers: an Union Conference Corpora-
Pres., W. C. Moffett. tion of S. D. A."

Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:

Field Miss., R. Carlill. John Sutherland, Arthur Keir-
Educational, L. N. Holm, Box steadF. E. Crump, Alex. Vickers,
308, Oshawa, Ont. Owen Munroe, Mrs. R. H. Cooke.
Home Miss., Church School Teachers:
Miss. Vol., W. C. Moffett.
Miss Carrie Hubley, Miss Mil-
Minister: dred Mosher, Miss Fern Mann.
W. C. Moffett. Church Directory:
Licentiates: Halifax, Nova Scotia, 19 Parker
L. N. Holm, W. C. Loveless, R. St.
Carlill. Moncton, New Brunswick, Free
Meeting House, Steadman and
Missionary Licentiates: Union Sts.
H. H. Rans, Amy Frank, C. L. St. John, New Brunswick, cor.
Paddock. Carleton and Peel.


Organized 1902 Organized 1899
Territory: The Provinces of New Territory: The Province of On-
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and tario lying between the 77th and
Prince Edward Island, with the 89th meridians, except the ter-
Gaspe Peninsula. ritory east of Nipissing, Hast-
ings, and Prince Edward coun-
Population: 940,000; churches, 16; ties.
members, 323.
Population of Ontario: 2,817,890;
Office: Box 88, Moncton, New churches, 25; members, 760.
Office: 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, On-
Officers: tario. (Telephone: Kenwood
Pres., F. W. Stray. 4767.)
Sec. and Treas., F. E. Crump.
Executive Committee: F. W.
Stray, R. H. Cooke, John Suther- Pres., M., V. Campbell.
land, A. Keirstead, F. E. Crump, Sec. and Treas., G. L. Sather.
W. N. Cargeeg. Executive Committee: M. V.
Campbell, G. L. Sather, W. C.
Department Secretaries: Young, F. G. Hill, L. Payne, T.
Book and Bible House, F. E. F. McKee.
Crump. Legal Assn.: " Ontario Confer-
Field Miss., Arthur Keirstead.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., ence of Seventh-day Adventists "
Miss. Vol., and Educational, (Incorporated) .
Alex. Vickers. Department Secretaries:
Minister: Book and Bible House, G. L.
F. W. Stray.
Field Miss., W. A. White.
Licentiate: Sabbath School, Mrs. Edna P.
R. H. Cooke. Maracle.

Miss. Vol. and Educational, Mrs. Office: 4250 Western Ave., West-
Ethel S. White. mount, Quebec, Canada.
Home Miss., M. V. Campbell.
Postal Address: Box 248, West-
Ministers: mount, Montreal, Quebec. (Tele-
M. V. Campbell, W. C. Young, R. phone, Westmount 3164.)
A. Hubley.
Honorary: J. T. Errington. Officers:
Licentiates: Pres., W. H. Howard.
Sec. and Treas., Vera Van Bus-
R. E. Walsh, A. M. Baybarz. kirk.
Missionary Licentiates: Executive Committee: W. H.
G. L. Sather, W. A. White, Kath- Howard, E. M. Chapman, H. M.
leen Brightwell, Mrs. Ethel S. Paquette, A. E. Millner, B. E.
White, Mrs. Edna P. Maracle. Manuel] D. F. Nadeau, I. S.
Church School Teachers:
Miss Abbie Culbert, Mrs. H. Department Secretaries:
Lease, Mrs. A. C. Laing, Miss Tract Society, Vera Van Buskirk.
Ina McElroy, Miss Nettie Knis- Field Miss., G. Maurer.
ter. Home Miss., Miss Vol., and Edu-
Church Directory: cational, W. H. Howard.
Sabbath School, Mrs. W. H.
Brantford, Alfred and Darling Howard.
Chatham, McKeough St. Ministers:
Galt, Rose and Cambridge Sts. W. H. Howard, B. E. Manuel, A.
Hamilton, Royal Templars' Bldg., E. Millner, E. M. Chapman.
cor. Main and Walnut Ste.
London, Rectory and York Sts. Licentiates:
Oshawa, City; S. 0. E. Hall. L. F. Nadeau, E. M. Sears.
Oshawa College, Chapel.
Paris, S. 0. E. Hall. Missionary Licentiates:
St. Catherines, S. 0. E. Hall. Vera Van Buskirk, G. Maurer,
St. Thomas, Mary and Curtis Mrs. L. M. Crate, H. M. Paquette,
Ste. Miss Mable MacDougall, Mrs. W.
Toronto, Awde and Dufferin Sts. H. Howard.
Windsor, 407 Moy Ave.
Church Directory:
Montreal, English, 4250 Western
Ave., Westmount.
ST. LAWRENCE CONFERENCE Montreal, French, 4250 Western
Organ ircl 1880 Ave., Westmount.
Ottawa, 64 Fifth Ave.
Territory: The Province of Que- Kingston, Alfred and Princess
bec, with the exception of the Sts.
Gaspe Peninsula, and the follow-
ing counties of Ontario: Ren-
frew, Lenox, Addington, Fronte- NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION
nac, Lenark, Leeds, Carleton,
Greenville, Dundas, Russell, Territory: The Island of New-
Stormont, Prescott, Glengary. foundland, and Labrador.
Population of Quebec: 2,520,000; Population: 265,000; churches, 4;
churches, 16; members, 338. members, 104.

Office Address: Box 106, St. John's, Bible Teacher: Miss Ethel West-
Newfoundland. (T eleph on e gate.
Church School Teachers:
Officers: W. R. Duffett, Hazel Avery, and
Supt., H. N. Williams. Margaret Wood.
Sec. and Treas., Miss Ethel West-
Mission Committee: H. N. Wil-
liams, G. H. Morgan, J. Fifield, INSTITUTIONS IN THE EAST-
W. R. Duffett, W. C. Baird, Ed- ERN CANADIAN UNION
ward Butler, and Miss Ethel CONFERENCE
Department Secretaries: Educational:
Sab. School, Miss Ethel West- Maritime Academy, Memram-
gate. cook, New Brunswick.
Home Miss., Mrs. Ida C. Wil- Oshawa Missionary College, Box
liams. 308, Oshawa, Ontario.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, H. N. Publishing:
Williams. Canadian Watchman Press, Box
Minister: H. N. Williams. 398, Oshawa, Ontario.


Organized zgoz
Territory: The Conferences of Chi- Legal Assn.: " Lake Union Con-
cago, East Michigan, Indiana, ference Assn. of S. D. A."
Illinois, West Michigan, Wis-
consin. Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., E. E. Franklin.
Population: 15,716,149; churches, Educational, W. L. Adams.
361; members, 16,998.
Training School, G. F. Wolfkill.
Office Address: Drawer C, Berrien Miss. Vol., G. H. Smith.
Springs, Mich. (Telephone, 20J.) Home Miss., S. T. Shadel.
Officers: Religious Liberty, S. T. Shadel.
Medical, Dr. W. R. Simmons.
Pres., W. H: Holden.
Sec. and Treas., L. W. Foote. Ministers:
Auditor, H. P. Bloum. W. H. Holden, Wm. Guthrie, G.
Executive Committee: W. H. F. Wolfkill, T. W. Steen, W. L.
Holden, the presidents of the Adams, S. T. Shadel, G. H.
conferences comprising the Lake Smith, E. E. Franklin, W. A.
Union Conference, and G. F. Westworth, W. R. French, C. M.
Wolfkill, W. L. Adams, T. W. Sorenson, H. E. Edwards, C. A.
Steen, J. D. Snider, E. E. Frank- Burman, W. H. Wakeham, R. E.
lin, S. T. Shadel, G. H. Smith, Harter, M. H. Schuster, K. A.
TI. P. Bloum, Dr. W. R. Simmons, Offerman, Samuel Kaplan, Au-
G. E. Peters, K. F. Ambs, L. W. gust Anderson, D. A. Mozar, A.
Foote. D. Haynal, S. G. Burley.

Honorary Credentials: J. M. Board of Trustees: J. W. Chris-

Wilbur, F. H. Henderson, T. F. tian, F. S. Thompson, G. E.
Hubbard, E. Rosenwald, J. B. Peters, R. C. Spohr, Verah Mac-
Blosser. Pherson.
Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
J. D. Snider, E. Leffler, Alex Book and Bible House, Mrs.
Long, Karl Mattsson, E. C. Row- Nellie Crowe.
ell, 0. Granlund, G. C. Hoskin, Field Miss., W. I. Coleman.
C. A. Thorp, H. G. Reinmuth, Home Miss., E. R. Potter.
Samuel Bara, J. H. Haughey. Sabbath School and Educational,
Missionary Licentiates: Rosa N. Kozel.
Frank Hiner, H. P. Bloum, B. L. Miss. Vol., E. W. Dunbar.
Grundset, Herbert Griffith, L. W. Religious Liberty, H. A. Lukens.
Foote. Ministers:
WEM'C (Radio Lighthouse). J. W. Christian, J. I. Taylor, H.
Address, W E M C, Berrien A. Lukens, L. B. Schick, A. D.
Springs, Mich. Director and Bohn, J. E. Patzkowski, P. G.
Pastor, W. A. Westworth. Man- Herwick, G. E. Peters, 0. J. Ner-
ager Program Publicity, W. F. lund, M. A. Hollister, J. Vitrano,
Shadel. Chief Technician, J. E. Milan Ostoich, P. G. Broeckel, T.
Fetzer, I. R. E. M. Beem, E. R. Potter, G. H.
Simpson, W. I. Coleman, E. W.
CHICAGO CONFERENCE Honorary Credentials: W. H.
Organized 1919 Sherrig.
Territory: The following-named Licentiates:
counties in the State of Illinois: F. S. Thompson, Verah Mac-
Cook, DuPage, Will, Lake, Mc- Pherson, V. A. Joseph, An-
Henry, Kane, Kendall, Grundy, drew Koliadko, Frank Kertesz,
Kankakee; and Lake County, Percy Christian, E. R. Maas, Ar-
Ind. thur Wellman.
Population: 4,500,000; churches, Missionary Licentiates:
29; membership, 2,836. Isabel Russell, Rosa N. Kozel,
Office: 619 South Ashland Boule- Helen Payne, Florence Lawrance,
vard, Chicago, Ill. Telephone, Emelia Roberson, Doris Oak-
Monroe 6760. land, Mrs. Anna Lipsey, Mrs.
C. L. Clough, Keturah Wagner,
Officers: Nellie Crowe, Martin Davis, Mrs.
Pres., J. W. Christian. G. E. Peters, Mrs. Bertha de
Sec. and Treas., F. S. Thompson. Vries, N. S. Pappas.
Executive Committee: J. W.
Christian, E. R. Potter, G. C. Hos- Church School Teachers:
kin, J. I. Taylor, H. A. Lukens, Esther Engquist, Esther Schnei-
L. B. Schick, G. E. Peters, J. E. der, Fannie Healzer, Georgiana
Patzkowski, N. W. Paulson, F. S. Manley, May Broderson, Rose
Thompson. De Benedetto, Gertrude Dabney,
Legal Assn.: " Chicago Confer- Rose Skowbo, Edna Wingard,
ence Association of S. D. A." Mildred Ostoich, Mrs. Anna Gil-
Pres., J. W. Christian; Sec. and lespie, Florence Utter, E. A. Jar-
Treas., F. S. Thompson. reau, Arthur Wellman.

Churches and Pastors: 6643 East Marquette Road,

Aurora, Plum and Iowa Sts. Phone Wentworth 0859.
Broadview, Broadview College Serbian-Croatian, 619 South
Chapel, La Grange, Ill. Phone Ashland Blvd.; Milan Os-
La Grange 2075. toich, 1125 North Richmond
Brookfield, Pacific Press Chapel. Ave. Phone Brunswick 9748.
Phone, Brookfield 606. South Side, Cor. 60th Place and
Princeton; H. A. Lukens,
Chicago: 6040 Princeton Ave. Phone,
Czechoslo yak i a n, John Huss Englewood 5067.
Church, cor. Sawyer and Swedish, 5414 Rice St.; 0. J.
24th Sts.; A. D. Haynal, Nerlund, 5656 Augusta Ave.
Broadview College, La Grange, Phone Mansfield 6032.
111. West Central, Cor. Midway
German North Side, 2318 Ros- Park and Waller Ave.; A.
coe St.; J. E. Patzkowski, D. Bohn, 4829 23rd St.,
3654 North Robey St., Phone Cicero, Ill. Phone Cicero
Graceland 6058. 3174.
German South Side, Sixty- Chicago Heights, Odd Fellow's
second and Lincoln Sts.; P. Hall, Chicago Heights, Ill.
G. Broeckel, 7040 South Oak- Gary, Moose Temple, Seventh
ley Ave. Phone, Hemlock Ave. and Adams St., Gary,
0279. Ind.; Pastor, T. M. Beein, 601
Humboldt Park (Danish-Nor- Rhode Island Ave., Gary, Ind.
wegian) 2914 West North Phone, Gary 7130.
Ave.; P. G. Herwick, 2914 Hammond, 1203 Jefferson St.,
West North Ave., Phone Hammond, Ind.
Armitage 9843. Harvey, 125 East 153rd St., Har-
Hungarian, 9228 Drexel Ave.; vey, Ill.
Frank Kertesz, 457 West Hinsdale, Sanitarium Chapel,
119th St. Hinsdale, Ill.; M. A. Hollister,
Italian, 1213 Gilpin Place; J. Sanitarium.
Vitrano, 2225 South Austin Joliet, Prairie and Richmond.
Blvd., Cicero, Ill. Phone Kankakee, Cor. East Oak and
Cicero 2128M. North Dearborn St.; J. I. Tay-
Morgan Park (Colored), 1545
West 110th St.; V. A. lor, 1658 East Court St., Kan-
kakee, Ill. Phone, Kankakee
Joseph, 11168 South Ash- 4629.
land Ave. Phone, Beverly
10304. LaGrange,Odd Fellows Hall,
North Shore, cor. Diversey Westris arSt., LaGrange, Ill.
and Seminary Ave.; L. B. Waukegan, cor. May and Mc-
Schick, 5045 Glenwood Ave. Allister St., Waukegan, Ill.
Phone, Longbeach 6524.
Polish, 1244 Erie St.; Andrew
Koliadko, 6309 West Diver- EAST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE
sey Ave. Phone Merrimac
8860. Organized in 1902, from territory
Russian, 2914 West Forth formerly comprising the Michi-
St.; Andrew Koliadko, 6309 gan Conference.
West Diversey Ave. Territory: The southeastern por-
Shiloh (Colored) cor. 46th and tion of Michigan, including the
St. Lawrence Ave., Phone following counties: Hillsdale,
Atlantic 5152; G. E. Peters, St. Clair, Lenawee, Monroe,

Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson, Torac, Okareda Ketterman, Dor-

Ingham, Livingston, Oakland, othy Woolley, Agnes Webber.
Macomb; Clinton, Lapeer, Ge- Honorary: Marie P. Harriman,
nessee, Shiawassee, Saginaw, Mina Pierce, Carrie I. Irwin.
Tuscola, Sanilac, Huron, Bay.
Population: 2,175,647; churches, Church School Teachers:
50; members, 2,980. Dot McCormick, Hazel Elwood,
Hobart Crandall, Bertha Bol-
Office: Holly, Mich. (Telephone, linger, Dora Greve, Viola Boat,
143 F 2.)
Savilla Birmingham, L. K. Hen-
Officers: dricks, Stone Bowman, Louise
Pres., J. F. Piper. Cunningham, Harold Dean, Gert-
Sec. and Treas., R. M. Harrison. rude Bollinger, Katherine Smith,
Executive Committee: J. F. Frances Reed, Dorothy Dean,
Piper, R. M. Harrison, A. V. Helen Hyatt, Beulah Unger,
Morrison, Dr. B. 0. Janes, Floyd Ruth Warren.
Quackenbush, I. M. Burke. Churches and Pastors:
Legal Assn.: " East Michigan Adrian, Forester's Hall, East
Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." Maumee St.
Ann Arbor, Prospect and Church
Department Secretaries: Sts.
Book and Bible House, C. B. Bay City, 304 South Dean St.
Burgess. Belleville, Liberty St.
Field Miss., S. L. Clark. Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill Center.
Miss. Vol., G. R. Fattic. Clarenceville, Liberty St.
Home Miss., R. R. Brooks. . Detroit, English, Grand River
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. F. Piper. and Calumet; I. M. Burke, 2299
Educational, G. R. Fattic. Monterey Ave.
Religious Liberty, F. L. Abbott. Detroit, German, Field and Syl-
vester Sts.; H. F. Neumann,
Ministers: 4103 Sheridan St.
J. F. Piper, F. L. Abbott, Ilija Detroit, Colored, Hartford Ave.
Belich, C. M. Bunker, I. M. and Cobb St.; A. E. Webb,
Burke, G. R. Fattic, P. C. Han- 6421 Stanford Ave.
son, C. V. Keiser, A. V. Morrison, Detroit, Serbian , Ilija
H. L. Peden, W. L. Latham, H. Belich, 13462 Arlington.
F. Neumann, W. P. Ortner, H. B. Detroit, Rumanian , Alex
Taylor, A. E. Webb, B. F. Wil- Torac, 13462 Arlington.
liams. Flint, 709 Stockton Ave.; W. L.
Honorary: E. I. Beebe,H. A. Latham, 806 East 5th St.
Boylan, W. D. Parkhurst, N. H. Hillsdale, Oak and Vine Sts.
Poole. Holly, Lake St.; C. M. Bunker,
Licentiates: Holly, Mich.
L. C. Lee, H. A. Mickle, J. Z. Jackson, Summit Ave. and Ten
Hottel, D. W. Hunter, M. E. Eyck St.; H. B. Taylor, 803
Munger, R. R. Brooks. South Jackson St.
Lansing, 614 West Washtenaw
Missionary Licentiates: St.; F. L. Abbott, 606 West
Mrs. J. F. Piper, C. B. Burgess, Washtenaw St.
S. L. Clark, Ethel Copp, Hazel Lapeer, Genesee and Mason.
Griggs, R. M. Harrison, Millicent Owosso, East Corunna St.; C. V.
Jordan, Jody Ketterman, Alex Keiser, 1602 Corunna Ave.

Oxford, Park St. Licentiates:

Pontiac, Hill and Cherry Court; E. P. Weaver, H. E. Bisel, F. L
A. V. Morrison, 350 Judson St. Pickett.
Port Huron, Port Huron; H. L.
Peden, 516 Glenwood Ave. Missionary Licentiates:
Saginaw, 1200 North Michigan
Ave.; W. P. Ortner, 1012 Union Mrs. Celia McAlister, W. E.
Ave. Ryan, Mrs. Sadie Cook, Miss
Sandusky, Lexington Ave. Beulah Walleker, C. P. Wertzbar.
Vassar, Prospect St. Honorary: Miss Mary B. Craig,
Wyandotte, K. P. Hall. Miss Anna Hibben, Miss Katie
Church School Teachers:
ILLINOIS CONFERENCE Edna Greer, Ruth E. Hopper,
Organized 1918 Marion Hopper, Miss Elizabeth
Brown, Ella Foreman, Iva Bran-
Territory: The State of Illinois, son, Ava Kirkpatrick, Bernice
except the following-named nine Hess, Mrs. H. E. Bisel, Marjorie
counties in the northeastern part Summerton, Laurabelle Drury.
of the State: Cook, Lake, Mc-
Henry, Kane, DuPage, Kendall, Churches and Pastors:
Grundy, Kankakee, and Will. Aledo, 7 Miles Southwest of
Population: 3,016,690; churches, Town.
36; members, 1,574. Alton, Odd Fellows Hall, Main
and College Sts.
Office: 304 West Allen St., Spring- Bloomington, Odd Fellows' Hall,
field, Ill. Tele. Main 2276. East Jefferson St.
Officers: Bluford, 600 South Twenty-first
St., Mt. Vernon, Ill.
Pres., S. N. Rittenhouse. Carterville, End of Elles Ave.
Sec. and Treas., C. P. Wertzbar. Danville, Cor. East Main and
Executive Committee: S. N. Rit- Edwards (Old Church of God).
tenhouse, E. P. Weaver, C. P. Decatur, Cor. Packard and Col-
Wertzbar, B. F. Tucker, F. E. lege.
Endriss, J. L. Wilson, G. E. Lef- Duquoin, 1 Mile S. W. in country.
fler. First East Louis, Grotto Hall,
Legal Assn.: " The Illinois Con- 8th St. and St. Clair Ave.
ference Assn. of S. D. A." East St. Louis, Colored, 1401
Walnut Ave.
Department Secretaries: Farmington, 461 West Fort St.
Book and Bible House, C. P. Galesburg, 247 Blaine Ave.
Wertzbar. Kingman, 3/2 Mile North.
Field Miss., W. E. Ryan. Kewanee, 404 East First St.
Sabbath School, J. L. Wilson. Lovington, 4 blocks south of sta-
Home Miss., J. L. Wilson. tion.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, Martinsville, South York St.
Beulah Walleker. Mattoon, 216 North Twenty-first
Religious Liberty, S. N. Ritten- St.
Moline and Rock Island, 1310
Ministers: Fourteenth St.
S. N. Rittenhouse, E. F. Ferris, Monmouth, Y. M. C. A. Hall, 205
G. E. Leffler, J. L. Wilson. South First.

Noble, 4% Miles South and West " The Indiana Medical Miss. and
of Noble. Benevolent Assn." Pres., W. H.
Ottawa, Old Swedish Methodist Holden; Vice-Pres., F. A.
Church, edge of town, Prairie Wright; Sec. and Treas., W. R.
St.; E. F. Ferris, 1925 Colum- Simmons, M. D.
bus St.
Department Secretaries:
Peoria, 1939 North Jefferson St.
Tract Society, E. G. Johansen.
Pittwood, South of Town, South Field Miss., Arva Nickless.
Lyman. Sabbath School and Educational,
Pontiac, City Hall, North Main Miss Edith Shepard.
St. Miss. Vol.,
Princeton, 713 North First St. Home Miss., F. A. Detamore.
Quincy, 914 South Eighth St. Religious Liberty, F. A. Wright.
Rockford, Myott and Auburn Sts. Ministers:
Sheridan, Academy Building. F. A. Wright, 0. K. Butler, W.
Springfield 1, 300 West Allen St. A. Young, A. W. Coon, 0. L.
Springfield 2, 1221 South Fif- Denslow, W. D. Forde, F. A.
teenth St. Detamore.
Stewardson, North Side. Honorary: 0. S. Hadley, T. F.
Streator, 113 First St. Hubbard.
Stockton, Endriss Residence. Licentiates:
Twin City, 1007 West Stoughton W. R. Simmons, M. D., Charles
St. Allen, R. F. Pitts, E. Lugenbeal,
W. Frankfort, 907 North Coch- F. Sanders, Arva Nickless, J. W.
ran St. Craig, Theo. Kroeger.

Missionary Licentiates:
E. G. Johansen, Mrs. Ida V. Had-
INDIANA CONFERENCE ley, Edith Shepard, Miss J. M.
Gillam, Miss Mary Kent.
Organized 1872
Church School Teachers:
Territory: The State of Indiana,
excepting the seven counties in Miss Vesta Adams, Miss, Louise
the northern tier. Ambs, Chester Budd, Mrs. Ches-
ter Budd, Miss Ruth Byers,
Population: 2,512,677; churches, Fordyce Detamore, Mrs. Fordyce
52; members, 2,100. Detamore, Vern Hoffman, Mrs.
Vern Hoffman, Theodore Kroe-
Office: Cicero, Ind. (Telephone 22.) ger, Mrs. Theodore Kroeger,
Officers: Theodore Lucas, Mrs. Theodore
Lucas, Edward Lugenbeal, Mrs.
Pres., F. A. Wright. Edward Lugenbeal, Miss Ruth
Sec. and Treas., E. G. Johansen. Lee, Mrs. Roxie Marshall, Vern
Executive Committee: F. A. Payne, Floyd Sanders, Mrs. San-
Wright, E. G. Johansen, W. R. ders, Thomas Stottlemeyer, Mrs.
Simmons, M. D., 0. K. Butler, Thomas Stottlemeyer.
0. L. Denslow, J. W. Goodwin,
D. H. Renforth. Church Directory:
Legal Assn.: " The Indiana Assn. Anderson, 811 West Thirteenth
of S. D. A." Incorporated. St.

Bloomington, 211 South Indiana WEST MICHIGAN CON-

Cicero, Academy.
Formerly a part of the Michigan
Connersville, Thirteenth and In- Conference, organized in 1861;
diana Ave. divided and reorganized in 1902,
Evansville, 515 S. Garvin. and again reorganized in 1926.
Fort Wayne, Third and Marion.
Territory: All of the southern
Greenfield, Noble and Walnut peninsula excepting the follow-
St. ing East Michigan Conference
Indianapolis: counties: Hillsdale, St. Clare,
Twenty-third St., 519 East Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Wash-
Twenty-third St. tenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Living-
ston, Oakland, Macomb, Clinton,
Union, 1605 Sturm Ave. Lapeer, Genessee, Shiawassee,
South Side, Orange and Lau- Saginaw, Tuscola, Sanilac,
rel Sts. Huron, Bay. Also the follow-
West St., 819 North West St. ing-named counties of Indiana:
Elkhart, LaGrange, LaPorte, St.
Hartford City, South Cherry Joseph, Steuben, Porter.
Jasonville, North Park Ave. Population: 1,417,965; churches,
Kokomo, 914 West Taylor St. 94; members, 4,315.
Lafayette, Eighth and Union Office: 120 Madison Ave., S. E.,
Sts. Grand Rapids, Mich. Telephone,
Lafayette Sanitarium, Wabash Dial 48840.
Valley Sanitarium. Officers:
Linton, 171 First St. Pres., S. E. Wight. Phone Dial
Logansport, 809 East Broadway. 83958.
Marion No. 1, Twentieth and Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell,
Gallatin Sts. Phone Dial 88715.
Marion No. 2, about 3300 South Executive Committee: S. E.
Washington. Wight, A. G. Wearner, T. M.
Summerville, C. B. Caldwell, F.
Middletown, Seventh St. S. Clarke, J. C. Stevens, J. W.
Muncie, East Ninth and South Dresher.
Mulberry Sts. Legal Assn.: " West Michigan
New Albany, 910 East Oak St. Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Peru, Engineer's Hall. Pres., S. E. Wight; Sec. and
Richmond, No. 1, 515 North A Treas., C. B. Caldwell.
Street. Department Secretaries:
Richmond, No. 2, 615 North Book and Bible House, G. W.
Fourteenth St. Stray.
Vincennes, Woodman's Hall, Field Miss., D. E. Collins.
Third and Busseron. Home Miss., H. K. Halladay.
Salem, seven miles east of Sul- Educational, B. B. Davis.
livan. Miss. Vol., L. L. Murphy.
Sabbath School, Inis Morey.
Terre Haute, 1101 South Fourth Medical, Nina Fleetwood.
St. Religious Liberty, S. E. Wight;
Wabash, Masonic Temple. Asst., H. K. Halladay.

Ministers: Bangor, G. A. R. Hall, Railroad

S. E. Wight, B. J. White, A. G. St.
Wearner, J. C. Stevens, C. N. Battle Creek, cor. Washington
Sanders, A. C. Gilbert, H. K. and Van Buren Sts.; J. C.
Halladay, W. C. Hankins, R. U. Stevens, 299 West Van Bu-
Garrett, T. M. Summerville, D. S. ren St.
Osgood, F. R. Wiggins, F. G. Belding, cor. Congress and Alder-
Hibben, C. M. Gruesbeck, C. W. man Sts.
Pruitt, F. G. Lane, W. B. White. Benton Harbor, Ross St. Chapel,
Honorary: J. C. Harris, M. C. Ross and. Lincoln Sts.
Guild, F. J. Harris, H. Nicola, Berrien Springs, North Cass St.,
L. T. Nicola, J. W. Covert, Byron Old Court House Bldg.
Hagle, J. J. Irwin, R. J. Bellows,
W. E. Videto. Buchanan, cor. Moccasin and
Third Sts.
Licentiates: Cadillac, Farrar St.
T. E. Unruh, B. B. Davis,
Roy MacKenzie, L. L. Murphy, Carlton Center, R 5, Hastings.
P. H. Augustine, B. H. Phipps, Charlotte, South Sheldon St.
D. E. Collins, Leonard Light, H. Cheboygan, State St.
J. Alcock, H. P. Waldo. Clare, East Seventh St.
Missionary Licentiates: Coldwater, Cor. Polk St. and
C. B. Caldwell, Jennie DeYoung, Whitton Ave.
Mrs. Edith Cross, Bessie Har- Covert, on U. S. 31 in Covert.
rison, Nina Fleetwood, Mrs. L. Decatur, East Delaware St.
Davison, Inis Morey, Alma Du-
Bois, Ida M. Poch, Mrs. Mabel Dimondale, North Main St.
Stevens, H. E. Moon, Vinnie Douglas, one block south of
Goodner, 0. W. Stray, Mae Ka- Douglas Hotel.
merer. Dowagiac, cor. Prairie Ronde and
Church School Teachers: Oak St.
L. Faye Strickland, Emilie Eaton Rapids, East Plain St.
Crouch, Ethyl Ivey, Seville Bean, Edenville, on Trunk Line 30,
Maude Bisbee, S. Ellen Klose, Edenville.
Luella Wells, Grace Harrison, Edmore, one block south of Main
Maxine Atteberry, Virginia St.
Mott, Faye Ellis, Edith Murner, Elkhart, On Goshen, near Mid-
Mildred Wonders, Mrs. Stanley dlebury.
Clark, Grace Maas, Ellen Collin,
Dorothy Thibeau, Mary Whit- E. M. College, College Chapel.
ford, Mable Keller, Florence Fennville, Maple St., North of
Orth, Maude Deming, Mrs. Flor- Post Office.
ence Spooner, Madge Kamerer, Grand Haven, Cor. Grant and
Gladys Bakeman, Dorothy Shel- Despelder Sts.
don, Astrid Holmquist. Grand Ledge, 414 Kent St.
Churches and Pastors: Grand Rapids, All Soul's Church,
Allegan, 229 Cutler St. Cor. Oakes and Sheldon Sts.;
Alma, Corner of Hastings and A. G. Wearner, 1447 Milton St.,
Gratiot Sts. S. E.
Alpena, Cor. Fourth and Tawas Greenville, cor. of Cass and
St. Franklin Sts.

Hastings, corner of East and Rhodes, village of Easty.

East Bond Sts. Riverdale, 2 miles north and V2
Holland, Cor. Thirteenth and mile east of Riverdale.
Central; T. M. Summerville. Shelby, Sixth St.
Homer, 314 North Hillsdale St. South Bend, 1, Corner of St.
Horr, 5 miles north, 31/2 miles Joseph and Ewing Sts.; B. J.
east of Remus. White, 207 East Ewing Ave.
Ionia, 210 Pleasant St. South Bend, No. 2, 215 Monroe
Ithaca, Corner of Ithaca and Street.
Emerson St. St. Louis, South East St.
Kalamazoo, 117 West North St.; Three Rivers, 111 River Drive.
F. G. Line, 725 Dayton St., R 2. Traverse City, Cor. Tenth and
Kent City, South Main St. Wadsworth.
LaGrange, village of LaGrange, Trufant, 21/2 miles southwest of
Ind. Trufant.
Lakeview, Cor. Washington and Urbandale, 162 Hinman Ave.
Seventh Sts. Wright, 2 miles on M. 16, then
Lawton, Lawton, Mich. one mile north.
Long Lake, Long Lake, Mich. Wyoming Park, one block west
Lowell, M. W. A. Hall, on Main of Wyoming Park on Byron
St. Center Rd.
Ludington, 509 East Filer St.
Michigan City, Cor. Seventh and WISCONSIN CONFERENCE
Washington Sts., Y. M. C. A.
Midland, Midland Ave. Organized 1871; divided as North
and South Wisconsin Conferences
Monterey, South Monterey. 1916; reunited, 1927.
Mt. Pleasant, South Fancher Ave.
Muskegon, Cor. Jefferson and Territory: The State of Wisconsin
Delano Avenue, Muskegon and the Upper Peninsula of
Population: 2,964,623; churches,
Nashville, Gregg St. 100; membership, 3,193.
Niles, Carmon Hall, Main St.
Office: East Lakeside St., beyond
North Liberty, East Center St. Madison Sanitarium, South Madi-
Ola, 2 miles south and 4 miles son, Wis.
west of Ashley.
Office Address: Box 513, Madison,
Omer, East of Omer Post Office. Wis. (Telephone, Badger 2210.)
Onaway, Corner of Lynn St.
Otsego, 226 South Farmer St.
Paw Paw, Cedar St. Pres., E. H. Oswald.
Sec. and Treas., E. L. Green.
Petoskey, Cor. Petoskey and
and Michigan Sts. Executive Committee: E. H. Os-
wald, E. L. Green, George Nel-
Plainwell, James White Me- son, G. H. Straight, Wm. Butler,
morial Home. Hugh Williams, P. L. Larson,
Portland, Woodman Hall over Dr. M. 0. Bentley, C. S. Joyce.
Finis and Earl Meat Market. Legal Assns.: " South Wisconsin
Quincy, East Jefferson St. Conference Assn. of the S. D. A."

" North Wisconsin Conference Churches and Pastors:

Assn. of S. D. A." (Continuing Almond, East Side.
as long as there is business to be
done under that name.) Antigo, Wis., 8th Ave. between
Virginia and Hudson Sts.
Department Secretaries: Appleton, Richmond and Gil-
Book and Bible House, E. S. more Sts.
Field Miss., J. M. Jackson; Asst., Ashland, Wis., 620 Tenth Ave.,
L. P. Knecht. West.
Educational, C. K. Wilson. Baraboo, 400 Block, Fifth St.
Sabbath School, Miss Eva Erick- Beloit, Wisconsin and Keeler
son. Ayes.
Miss. Vol., W. Holbrook. Beaver Dam, Town Hall, oppo-
Home Miss., C. S. Joyce. site City Park on Mill St.
Religious Liberty, C. S. Joyce. Bethel, 2% Miles West of Arpin;
Ministers: Wm. A. Butler, R. F. D. 1.
E. H. Oswald, Henry Berg, A. L. Bethel Academy, T. S. Copeland.
Beazley, J. F. Olmstead, T. S. Chippewa Falls, Wis., Wood-
Copeland, Hugh Williams, C. S. ward Ave. and Wisconsin St.;
Joyce, W. A. Butler, C. E. Rent- P. M. Hanson, 700 Woodward
fro, A. J. Lockert, B. L. Post. Ave.
Honorary: F. Stebbeds, P. M. Clintonville, East Fourth St.
Cudahy, 423 Hammond Ave.
Licentiates: Escanaba, Mich., cor. Ludington
C. L. Vories, M. A. Maloney, 0. and North 19th St.
A. Lyberg, J. 0. Marsh, G. H.
Straight, Wilbur Holbrook, C. K. Eau Claire, Pitt and Francis Sts.
Wilson. Fond du Lac, 142 South Main
St., I. 0. 0. F. Hall.
Missionary Licentiates: Fort Atkinson, above Dexhei-
Mrs. Helen Jarvais, Sue Jones, mert's Drug Store.
Eva Erickson, E. S. Knecht, J.
M. Jackson, E. L. Green. Green Bay, 704 West Walnut St.
Janesville, West Milwaukee St.,
Church School Teachers: over McClellan's Store in I. 0.
Miss Frances De Vinney, Walter 0. F. Hall.
Nelson, Mrs. Walter Nelson, La Crosse, 1300 Liberty St.; A.
Charles Smith, H. L. Higgins, J. Lockert, 164 Rose St.
Mrs. H. L. Higgins, Miss Elsie La Farge, near high school, one
Roach, Reuben Schwartz, Miss block from Methodist church.
Cora McChesney, Miss Jewel Lena, one block north of. Main
Hanson, Miss Vera Lashua, Miss St.
Martha Hughes, Miss Myrtle Lodi, in Baptist church.
Johnson, Miss Dorotha Case,
Miss Grace Bush, Miss Marian Madison (south), Cor. Olin Ave.
Johnson, Miss Murdena McCon- and Colby St., South Madison.
nell, Miss Daisy Sterns, Chester Madison, East, Schenk's Hall,
Villemain, Miss Evelyn Dybda,h1, Atwood Ave., Madison, Wis.
Miss Ethel Randall, Miss Ra- Marshfield, Pine and West Fifth
mona Ellis, Miss Jessie Tatton, Sts.
Miss Kathryn de Vries, Miss Menominee, Mich, 1718 Broad-
Adelia Wickstrom. way.

Merrill, Wis., cor. Eighth and Wausau, Eagle's Hall, . Third

Spruce Sts. and Jackson Sts.
Milton Jct., Vernal Ave.; A. G.
Milwaukee English, 865 Fifth
St.; Hugh Williams, 861 Fifth INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE
Milwaukee German, 865 Fifth UNION CONFERENCE
St.; Henry Berg, 965 18th St. Educational:
Milwaukee Italian, 789 Van Bu-
ren St.; M. A. Maloney, 312 Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.
Lyon St. Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis.
Milwaukee Colored, 499 Fifth Broadview College and Theologi-
St. cal Seminary, R. F. D. 1, Box
Moon, 6 miles southwest of 58, La Grange, Ill.
Mosinee. Cedar Lake Academy, Cedaz
Neenah, Henry St. Lake Mich.
New London, Smith and Pine Chicago Conference Academy,
Sts. 619 South Ashland Blvd., Chi-
Oshkosh, Church and Union Sts.; cago, Ill.
J. F. Olmstead, 93% Wright Emmanuel Missionary College,
St. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Oxford, east side of village of Fox River Academy, Sheridan,
Oxford. Ill.
Pardeeville, north side of town Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind.
on Main St.
Portage, Hollenbeck Hall, East Publishing:
Cook St., over Wm. Harner's Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
Store. field, Ill.
Racine, Washington Ave. and South Bend Branch of the Re-
Tenth St. view and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Sheboygan, 1413 Sixth St.; 432 South Fellows St., South
Daniel Isaac, 915 Michigan Bend, Ind.
Ave. The College Press, Berrien
Sparta, East Pearl St. Springs, Mich.
Stevens Point, Pine St.
Sturgeon Bay, Garland and Lin- Sanitarium:
coln Sts. Wabash Valley Sanitarium, La-
Superior, Wis., cor. Eleventh St. fayette, Ind.
and Cuming Ave.; B. L. Post,
2315 Tower Ave. Old People's Home:
Watertown, Washington and James White Memorial Home,
Cady Sts. Plainwell, Mich.
Organized 1902
Territory: The conferences of IOWA CONFERENCE
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota,
and South Dakota. Organized 1863
Population: 6,074,565; churches, Territory: The State of Iowa.
228; members, 9,593.
Population: 2,404,021; churches,
Office: 2718 Third Ave., South, 76; members, 2,660.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Telephone, South 0604. Office: 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa.
Officers: Telephone 158.
Pres., Chas. Thompson. Officers:
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, 1. G. Pres., C. F. McVagh (Tel. 782) .
Ortner. Sec. and Treas., G. A. Nystrom
Executive Committee: Chas. (Tel. 211).
Thompson, I. G. Ortner, C. F. Executive Committee: C. F.
McVagh, H. Meyer, M. L. An- McVagh, G. A. Nystrom, J. E.
dreasen, H. J. Sheldon, G. A. Shively, A. P. Hanson, T. C.
Campbell, G. R. E. McNay, Anol Nethery, J. C. Nixon, R. F. Bre-
Grundset, J. F. Morse, M. D., A. see.
J. Haysmer.
Legal Assn.: " The Iowa Sev-
Legal Assn.: " The Northern enth-day Adventist Association."
Union Conference Assn. of S. D. C. F. McVagh, Chairman; C. A.
A., Inc." Nystrom, Sec. and Treas.
Transportation Agent, I. G. Ort-
ner. Department Secretaries:
Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, G. A.
Field Miss., G. A. Campbell. Nystrom.
Educational and Miss. Vol., H.. Field Miss., C. R. McIvor.
J. Sheldon. Sabbath School, Mrs. Flora V.
Home Miss., Anol Grundset. Dorcas (Tel. 275).
Religious Liberty, Chas. Thomp- Educational and Miss. Vol., J. C.
son. Nixon (Tel. 656).
Medical Miss., J. F. Morse, M. D.
Home Miss., V. G. Anderson.
Ministers: (Tel. 391).
Chas. Thompson, H. J. Sheldon, Medical Sec., J. F. Morse, M. D.
Anol Grundset, H. Grundset, A. (Tel. 24).
G. Christiansen. Religious Liberty, C. F. McVagh.
Honorary: 0. Madsen, W. A. Mc-
Kibben, N. M. Jorgensen, J. H. Ministers:
C. F. McVagh, A. L. Miller, T. H.
Licentiates: Jeys, J. W. Dorcas, J. C. Nixon,
I. G. Ortner, G. A. Campbell. H. A. Fish, J. F. Morse, M. D., R.
F. Bresee, V. G. Anderson, J. H.
Missionary Licentiates: Rhoads, F. W. Johnston, W. C.
Honorary: Mrs. N. M. Jorgen- Flaiz, V. J. Johns, E. L. Sheldon,
sen, P. L. Hoen. A. G. Christiansen.


J. R. Nelson, J. C. Christenson,
Arthur Axelsen. Organized 1862
Missionary Licentiates: Territory: The State of Minne-
Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, Evelyn sota.
Davis, Miss E. J. Blanchard, Population: 2,387,125; churches,
Ruby McSparran, T. C. Nethery, 64; members, 3,376.
Dr. R. H. Dunn, G. A. Nystrom.
Office: 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul,
Church School Teachers: Minn. (Telephone, Midway
Miss Edna Wickham, Miss Lulu 8441.)
Leech, Mrs. Gladys Huston, Miss
Velma Millard, Miss Alvena Mil- Officers:
lard, Miss Lillian Axelsen, Miss Pres., M. L. Andreasen (Tel. Lo-
Olga Holweger, Miss Alice Sorn- cust 3459).
son, Miss Ruth Fry, Miss Gladys Sec. and Treas., A. R. Smouse
Zimmerman, Miss Florence Krie- (Tel. Midway 9482).
sel, Mrs. Arthur Axelsen, Miss Executive Committee: M. L. An-
Elsie Hanson. dreasen, A. S. Anderson, A. A.
Dirksen, H. L. Halverson, C. H.
Church Directory: Miller, A. H. Rulkoetter, A. R.
Burlington, Central Ave. and Smouse.
Smith St. Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota
Cedar Rapids, Kenwood Park. Conference Association of Sev-
Council Bluffs, Story and Bluff enth-day Adventists."
Sts. Department Secretaries.
Creston, 304 North Oak St.
Book and Bible House, Alice E.
Davenport, 537 West Fifteenth Mattson (Tel. Locust 1850).
Field Miss., Marcus Odegaard
Des Moines, Eighth and Wash- (Tel. Geneva 2461).
ington Sts.
Sabbath School, Mary D. Hop-
Dubuque, Elm St., bet. 21st and kins (Tel. South 0949).
Educational, H. M. Hiatt (Tel.
Fort Dodge, Fifth Ave. South and Anoka, 531W).
19th St.
Miss. Vol., F. H. Yost (Tel. Du-
Fort Madison, Third and Alli- pont 2975).
son Sts.
Home Miss., A. J. Haysmer (Tel.
Keokuk, Seventeenth and Ex- Midway 1525).
change Sts.
Religious Liberty, M. L. An-
Marshalltown, First and Church dreasen.
Mason City, Fourteenth St, and Ministers:
South Delaware Ave. M. L. Andreasen, A. S. Anderson,
Muscatine, 509 Fifth St., West. M. E. Anderson, 0. 0. Bernstein,
Nevada, 5th and " F " Avenue. G. L. Budd, A. A. Carscallen,
Oskaloosa, 606 South Second St. Otto Christensen, A. A. Dirksen,
C. Edwardson, B. 0. Engen, 0. T.
Ottumwa, Ransom and Church Garner, H. Grundset, A. J. Hays-
Sts. mer, Louis Halsvick, H. M. Hiatt,
Sioux City, 313 Omaha St. C. H. Miller, M. S. Reppe, A. H.

Rulkoetter, W. A. Schebo, 0. W. Minneapolis:

Wolfe, F. H. Yost. English, Stevens Ave. and
Licentiates: Twenty-seventh St.; 0. 0.
Bjerke, A. W. Johnson, E. Bernstein, 3020 Portland
G. Sauer, A. R. Smouse, Ave.
Missionary Licentiates: Norwegian-Danish, East Frank-
lin and 27th, South; Louis
Mrs. V. B. Cummings, Lillie De- Halsvick, 3329 30th Ave.,
ters, M. E. Hagen, Esther M. South.
Hagen,-Mary D. Hopkins, Flor-
ence G. Kimmel, Alice E. Matt- Swedish, 2421 East Franklin
son, M. H. Odegaard, T. F. Wiik. Ave., South; W. A. Schebo,
4036 Minnehaha Ave.
Church School Teachers: Owatonna, Grove and Pearl Sts.
Mrs. August Anderson, Dorothy
Anderson, Mrs. Rex Andrus, St. Paul:
Lawrence Burgeson, Mrs. H. W. English, 675 Holly Ave.; C. H.
Denton, Esther Guishard, L. W. Miller, 957 Selby Ave.
Fuller, Mrs. L. W. Fuller, Alice Scandinavian, 606 Maryland
Jepson, Mrs. C. H. Jepson, Flor- St.
ence Longwell, Margaret Long- St. Cloud, Second Ave., North.
well, Herbert Nelson, Mrs. Julia
Peavey, Anna Peterson, Mrs. Sherburn, Third and Main Sts.
Mabel Peterson, Mrs. L. L. Rock- Stillwater, Laurel and Fifth
well, Earl. Rohlf, Mrs. Earl Sts., M. E. Anderson, 213 West
Rohlf, Grace Rosenthal, Bernice Elm St.
Searle, Mrs. Minnie Searle, Alice Virginia, Seventh St. South, and
Sivertson, Mrs. M. Skadsheim, Third Ave.
Mrs. Ralph Staples, Beth Town- Wells, Morton Ave. and Frank-
send, Mrs. G. H. Ward, Ellen lin St. -
Wentworth, Mayree Wentworth.
Willmar, Second St., between
Churches and Pastors: Becker and Trott Ayes.; I. J.
Alexandria, Sixth Avenue and Bjerke, 903 Third St., East.
North St. Winona, Chestnut Place and
Austin, Cedar and Franklin Sts. East Eighth St.; A. A. Cars-
Bemidji, America Ave. and callen, 521 East Seventh St.
Ninth St.; H. Grundset,, 706
Fourteenth St.
Brainerd, South Seventh St.;
E. G. Sauer, 201 Juniper St. NORTH DAKOTA CONFER-
Duluth First, 932 East Sixth St.; ENCE
0. T. Garner, 1500 East Boule- Organized 1902
Scandinavian, 331 West Twen- Territory: The State of North
ty-third Ave., West Duluth; Dakota.
T. F. Wiik, 1912 West Third Population: 646,872; churches, 55;
St. members, 2,016.
Fergus Falls, 413 Lincoln Ave.,
West. Office Address: 312 Second St.,
Hutchinson, A. H. Rulkoetter, West, Jamestown, North Dakota
Maplewood Academy. (Telephone 676).
Mankato, 317 State St.; A. A. Postal Address: Box. C C C,kines-
Dirksen, 425 West Seventh St. town, N. Dak. ,,


Pres., H. Meyer. Organized 1879
Sec. and Treas., W. I. Montanye.
Executive Committee: H. Meyer, Territory: The State of South
W. I. Montanye, B. A. Scherr, Dakota.
P. E. 13erthelsen, J. C. Michal- Population: 646,908; churches,
enko, Ludwig Kaftan, J. H. 33; members, 1,496.
Legal Assn.: " The North Da- Office Address: Broadway and
kota Conference Assn. of S. Third Ave., N. E., Watertown, S.
D. A." Dak. (Telephone, 2115.)
Department Secretaries: Postal Address: Drawer 586, Wa-
Book and Bible House, W. I. tertown, S. Dak.
Montanye. Officers:
Field Miss., George Brand. Pres., G. R. E. MeNay.
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., B. A. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Nies.
Executive Committee: G. R. E.
Sabbath School and Educational, McNay, J. H. Nies, C. M. Bab-
Harry Wentland. cock, Gordon Oss, P. P. Kier, G.
Religious Liberty, H. Meyer. G. Hagele, J. R. Staton.
Ministers: Legal Assn.: " South Dakota
Conference Association of Sev-
H. Meyer, P. E. Berthelsen, J. A. enth-day Adventists." Pres., G.
Litwinenco, F. F. Schwindt, B. A. R. E. McNay; Sec. and Treas., J.
Scherr, J. C. Michalenko, E. A. H. Nies.
Piper, G. P. Gaede.
Honorary: J. H. Seibel, D. K. Department Secretaries:
Olsen. Book and Bible House, J. H.
Licentiates: Nies.
G. J. Engevik, A. A. Leiske, S. Field Miss., K. A. Evenson.
A. Reile, H. Wentland, R. H. Sab. School, Esther Christensen.
Wentland, R. R. Neuman. Educational and Miss. Vol., C.
M. Babcock.
Missionary Licentiates:
'Home Miss., Gorden Oss.
W. I. Montanye, George Brand,
Mrs. Jennie McClelland, Mrs. B. Religious Liberty, G. R. E. Mc-
Bunnell. Nay.
Church School Teachers: Ministers:
Mrs. Mary Kelsey, J. A. Kurtz, G. R. E. McNay, C. M. Bakeock,
Miss Ida Schumacher. A. W. Kuehl, P. G. Stanley, J. R.
Staton, J. C. Stotz, I. V. Minner,
Church Directory: Gorden Oss, C. D. Hein.
Bismarck, 623 Seventh St. Licentiates:
Fargo, Sixth Ave. and Fifth St., Perry Hills, Carl Mock, 13. C.
North. Hartman.
Jamestown, Third Ave. and Sec-
ond St., West. Missionary Licentiates:
Minot, 320 Second St., N. W. J. H. Nies, Ida Rislov, K. A.

Evenson, Zada H. Field, Esther INSTITUTIONS IN THE

Christensen, Ivamae Crouse. NORTHERN UNION
Church School Teachers: CONFERENCE
Gladys Flatten,Mrs. Nellie Educational:
Holtz, Dolphy sen,
Jn Jeanette Maplewood Academy, Hutchin-
Hawley, Mrs. A. E. Merkel. son, Minn.
Oak Park Academy, Nevada,
Church Directory: Iowa.
Aberdeen, Sixth Ave. and Lloyd Plainview Academy, Redfield,
St. S. Dak.
Sioux Falls, South Duluth Ave., Sheyenne River Academy, Har-
between 13th and 14th Sts. vey, N. Dak.
Huron, 1146 Sixth St.
Watertown, Broadway and Sanitarium:
Third Ave., N. E. Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa.


Organized zgo6

Territory: The Conferences of Legal Assn.: " The North Pacific

Montana, Southern Oregon, Union Conference Assn. of S.
Southern Idaho, Upper Colum- D. A."
bia, Western Oregon, Western Auditor, S. J. Lashier.
Washington, and the Alaska Transportation Agent, S. J.
Mission. Lashier.
Population: 3,171,810; churches, Department Secretaries:
225; members, 13,807. Union Field Miss., C. R. Morris.
Educational, A. W. Peterson.
Office Address: 202 South Palouse (Phone 3341-J.)
St., Walla Walla, Wash. Miss. Vol. J. L. McConaughey.
Post Office Address: Box 598, (Phone 2584-J.)
Walla Walla, Wash. (Telephone Home Miss., E. M. Oberg.
702.) (Phone 2313-R.)
Religious Liberty, Morris Lu-
Officers: kens (Phone 3561).
Pres., Morris Lukens (Tel. 3561). Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., S. J. Lashier. Morris Lukens, N. H. Conway,
(Phone 3341-R.) E. M. Oberg, F. M. Burg, W. I.
Executive Committee: Morris Smith, A. W. Peterson, J. L. Mc-
Lukens, S. J. Lashier, T. B. Conaughey, F. B Jensen, W. C.
Westbrook, I. J. Woodman, E. F. Baldwin.
Peterson, E. L. Neff, B. M. Honorary: A. J. Breed, W. W.
Grandy, A. W. Peterson, W. A. Steward, A. C. Bird, J. C. Foster,
Gosmer, N. H. Conway, E. M. A. J. Stone, Daniel Nettleton, G.
Oberg, W. I. Smith, Dr. W. B. E. Langdon, Oscar Hill, C. Sulzle,
Holden, S. J. Abegg, F. W. Peter- A. J. Stover, Andrew Mead, R.
son, J. L. McConaughey, C. R. W. Airey, R. B. Coberly, J. J.
Morris, H. R. Wood. Clark, E. H. Curtis, S. H. Rime,


J. S. Rouse, A. G. Steinert, C. F. Department Secretaries:

Stevens, Martin Olsen, F. D. Book and Bible House, J. Wheeler
Wagner, H. G. Thurston, J. F. Freeman.
Harder, R. D. Benham, C. John- Field Miss., G. E. Taylor.
son, C. M. Gardner, J. W. Boyn- Home Miss:, J. G. Hanhardt.
ton, T. H. Starbuck, F. S. Bunch, Sabbath School, Mrs. B. M.
T. L. Thuemler, W. D. Emery, Grandy.
John Peterson, W. T. Hilgert, Miss. Vol., G. E. Taylor.
W. R. Smith, H. J. Winter. Religious Liberty, J. G. Han-
Licentiates: hardt.
S. J. Abegg, S. J. Lashier, C. R. Ministers:
Honorary: J. S. Kilgore. B. M. Grandy, S. W. Munro, L.
T. Heaton, J. G. Hanhardt.
Missionary Licentiates:
Miss Pearl Cook, Dr. W. B. Licentiates:
Holden, Miss Helen Burch, K. J. Wheeler Freeman, H. C. Kle-
Inouye. ment, G. E. Taylor.
Honorary: A. D. Guthrie, F. L. Missionary Licentiates:
Hommell, Lucy B. Post, Asa
Smith, W. V. Sample, C. M. Ev- Mrs. B. M. Grandy, Mrs. J.
erest, Minnie Smith, T. G. John- Wheeler Freeman.
son, Cyrus Davis, A. E. Everett, Church School Teachers:
W. L. Manful, Mabel Gage, Clara Julius Jacobson, Veta Morford,
B. Silver, Nellie J. Orr, Mrs. Elwin Johnson, Lula Clark, Mrs.
Myra Wade, Nellie Nelson. Ira Jackson, Mrs. Jay Lansing,
Della Potter, Ila Sleighter, Elsie
Hoff statter.
Organized 1898 Anaconda, Corner Fifth and
Territory: The State of Mon-
tana. Big Timber, Fourth Ave. and
Anderson St.
Population: 548,889; churches, Billings, 322 South Twenty-
25; members, 889. ninth St.
Office: Room 410, Stapleton Bldg., Bozeman, 415 South Black Ave.
13illings, Mont.
Butte, 521 West Porphery St.
Office Address: First class mail, Great Falls, 1104 Fifth Ave.,
Box 1284; Parcel post, freight, North.
express, 410 Stapleton Bldg., Bil-
lings, Mont. (Telephone 1408.) Harlowton, west of High School.
Helena, Hoback St. bet. Eigi,,o
Officers: and Ninth Ayes.
Pres., B. M. Grandy. Kalispell, Second Ave. East and
Sec. and Treas., J. Wheeler Free- Third St.
Livingston, 429 South Fifth St.
Executive Committee: B. M.
Grandy, J. Wheeler Freeman, Missoula, Fifth and Chestnut
S. W. Munro, H. A. Green, T. M. Sts.
Couch, A. Kloss, H. C. Klement. Miles City, 520 North Lake Ave.
Legal Assn.: " The Montana Mt. Ellis, Mt. Ellis Academy, Rt.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." 4, Bozeman.

SOUTHERN IDAHO CONFER- Church School Teachers:

ENCE Mrs. G. R. Soper, L. E. Martin,
Organized 1907 Miss Hester Freeman, Mrs.
Vivian Morton, John Baerg, Miss
Territory: That portion of Ida- Hazel Hatch, Mrs. Myrtle John-
ho south of the forty-fifth paral- son, R. C. Harsh, Mrs. R. C.
lel, including all of Lemhi coun- Harsh, Miss Sylvia Ferguson,
ty, together with six counties Mrs. R. E. Wolgamott, Mrs. Ber-
in Oregon, as follows: 'Wallo- tha Towler.
wa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Har-
ney, Grant. Church Directory:
Baker, bet. Fifth and Sixth, on
Population: 384,110; churches, Madison.
24; members, 966. Bellevue, Main St.
Office: 523 Main St., Boise, Idaho. Boise, 523 Main SL
Buhl, Lower Eleventh St.
Office Address: Box 719, Boise, Caldwell, Indiana. and Linden
Idaho (Tel. 1651). Ayes.
Officers: La Grande, 901 M Avenue.
Mountain Home, Congregational
Pres., W. A. Gosmer. Church.
Sec. and Treas., G. R. Soper. Nampa, Century Club Rooms in
Executive Committee: W. A. Library Bldg., on Second St.,
Gosmer, G. R. Soper, Wm. Butler, between Fourteenth and Fif-
C. C. Wilcox, R. L. Hubbs, J. H. teenth Ave., South.
Shultz, M. A. Belding. Pocatello, 233%. North Main St.
Twin Falls, 1314 Kimberly Rd.
Legal Assn.: " The Southern Weiser, .i'ourth and Court Sts.
Idaho Conference Assn. of S. Union, North Main St.
D. A."
Department Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, G. R. SOUTHERN ORGEON CONFER-
Soper. ENCE
Field Miss., J. J. Landis. Organized 1910
Sab. School and Home Miss.,
M. A. Belding. Territory: All the southern part
Educational and Miss. Vol., C. C. of Western Oregon south of the
Wilcox. northern boundary of Lane
County, including the counties
Religious Liberty, W. A. Gosmer. of Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry,
Ministers: Josephine, Jackson, Klamath.
W. A. Gosmer, M. A. Belding, C. Population: 122,253; churches,
C. Wilcox, B. W. Marsh. 21; members, 1,017.
Honorary: Paul Iverson, C. J.
Rider. Office: 1292 Lincoln St., Eugene,
Oregon. Box 630. (Telephone
Licentiates: 2346.)
G. R. Soper, C. D. Smith, J. J. Officers:
Landis, W. S. Boynton.
Pres., T. B. Westbrook.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., J. J. Jutzy.
R. L. Hubbs, Miss Edna Mc- Executive Committee: T. B.
Keown. Westbrook, J. J. Jutzy, T. M.

Langberg, J. B. Meehan, C. H. Sutherlin, West Central Ave.,

Rittenhouse, A. M. Gilbert. chapel of Sutherlin Jr. Acad-
Legal Assn.: " Southern Oregon emy.
Conference Association of S.
D. A."
Department Secretaries: ENCE
Book and Bible House, J. J. Organized 1880
Field Miss., J. J. Jutzy. Territory: That portion of the
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., Ray State of Washington lying east
Chubb. of the Cascade Mountains, ex-
Sabbath School and. Educational, cepting that portion of Klickitat
Mrs. T. B. Westbrook. County lying west of the Klicki-
Religious Liberty, T. L. Thuem- tat River; the counties of Uma-
ler, Route 2, Medford, Oreg. tilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and
Wheeler, in the State of Oregon;
Ministers: and that portion of the State of
T. B. Westbrook, T. L. Thuemler, Idaho lying north of the forty-
T. M. Langberg, F. S. Bunch, C. fifth parallel, excepting Lemhi
H. Rittenhouse, G. E. Johnson. County.
Licentiate: Population: 544,784; churches,
51; members, 3,792.
J. J. Jutzy.
Office: 817 Nora Ave., Spokane,
Missionary Licentiate: Wash. (Telephone, Broadway
Mrs. T. B. Westbrook. 0597.)
Church School Teachers:
Pres., E. F. Peterson.
S. C. Hanson, Mrs. S. C. Hanson, Sec. and Treas., H. C. Kephart.
Miss Esther Miller, J. B. Meehan, Executive Committee: E. F.
Mrs. J. B. Meehan, F. S. Bunch, Peterson, M. L. Matson, Dr. G. F.
T. F. Folkenberg, Mrs. T. F. Hilton, J. J. Wagner, P. W. Ochs,
Folkenberg, Miss Cora Smith, H. E. Willoughby, H. C. Kephart.
Mrs. W. H. Quaif, H. E. Goffar,
Mrs. H. E. Goffar, Percy Godfrey, Legal Assn.: " Upper Columbia
Mrs. J. P. Oliver, Miss Ethel Mission Society of S. D. A."
Sanderson. Department Secretaries:
Church Directory: Book and Bible House, H. C.
Eugene, cor. Seventh and Char- Field Miss., R. E. Keller.
nelton. Sabbath School, .
Grants Pass, East E St., bet. Medical, H. E. Horner, M. D.
Seventh and Eighth Sts. Educational, C. A. Shull.
Marshfield, Commercial Ave., bet. Miss. Vol., Fred Guderian.
Sixth and Seventh Sts.; T. M. Home Miss.,
Langberg, 1392 North Eighth Religious Liberty, E. F. Peterson.
Medford, cor. Beatty and Ed- Ministers:
wards Sts.; Pastor, C. H. Rit- E. F. Peterson, W. C. Thompson,
enhouse. R. H. Martin, C. A. Hansen, C.
Roseburg, 1162 Military St.; G. F. Cole, A. W. Wennerberg, F.
E. Johnson, 946 Military St. M. Oliver, Jacob Riffel, F. E.

Stratton, C. A. Shull, W. A. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, cor. 5th

Westerhout, H. E. Willoughby, and Maple Sts.; Wm. A. West-
J. K. Luther, J. M. Corner, R. A. erhout, 801 Government Way.
Smithwick. Lewiston, Idaho, 215 Eighteenth
Honorary: U. G. Adkins. St.; Dr. C. A. Hansen, 734 12th
St., Clarkston, Wash.
Fred Guderian, Herman Schultz,
Carl Beck, R. J. Kegley, H. C. WESTERN OREGON CONFER-
Kephart, Dewey Payne, 0. E. ENCE
Schnepper, R. 0. Garner, Mrs.
Minnie Sype, R. E. Keller, D. C. Organized 1877; reorganized 1902
Westerhout, W. G. McCready. Territory: That portion of the
Missiohary Licentiates: State of Oregon lying west of
the western boundary lines of
A. D. West, Mrs. Helen Williams, Gilliam and Wheeler Counties,
Freda Guderian, Dr. H. E. Hor- and north of the northern boun-
ner, Esther Brock. dary lines of Lake, Klamath, and
Lane Counties; also the coun-
Church School Teachers: ties of Clarke, Skamania, Cow-
Mrs. Oliver Lange, Mrs. Geo. litz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat west
Bowers, Ethel Johnson, Enid of Klickitat River, and southern
Sparks, Mac Jackson, Mrs. Mac ' portion of Pacific, in the State of
Jackson, Geraldine Kirklin, Mrs. Washington.
L. E. Ladd, Mrs. M. V. Olney, Population: 605,518; churches,
Sadie McKeown, Harry Hempel, 51; members, 4,222.
Mrs. Harry Hempel, Geneva
Rogers, Ray Alderson, Mrs. Ray Office: 508 East Everett St., Port-
Alderson, Reta Schnore, J. J. land, Oreg. (Telephone, East
Knittle, Ruth Beck, Mrs. Grace 0181.)
Maxson, Arthur Warner, Mrs. Officers:
Arthur Warner, A. L. Zumwalt, President, I. J. Woodman.
Mrs. Enid Zumwalt, Orson Sec. and Treas., W. A. Woodruff.
Fields, Mrs. Orson Fields, Mary Executive Committee: I. J.
Garvin, J. A. Johnson, Sabre Woodman, W. A. Woodruff, R.
Eighme, Mrs. Ray Hackett, Les- W. Nelson, C. E. Olcott, J. T.
sie Anspauch. Jacobs, H. C. Peterson, S. Lind-
Church Directory: ley, L. I. Stiles, J. A. Rippey.
Legal Assn.: " Western Oregon
Spokane, Washington: Conference Association of Sev-
English, Spofford Ave. and Lin- enth-day Adventists." Pres., I.
coln St.; H. E. Willoughby J. Woodman; Sec. and Treas.,
(Tel., Glenwood 2186). W. A. Woodruff.
Swedish, East 12th and Perry;
A. W. Wennerberg (Tel., Department Secretaries:
Lakeview 2837). Book and Bible House, M. G.
Walla Walla, Wash., Fourth and Dealy.
Birch St.; W. C. Thompson. Field Miss., J. W. Roberts.
Yakima, Wash., 11 North Elev- Sabbath School, Edith Starbuck.
enth Ave.; F. M. Oliver. Miss. Vol., D. E. Venden.
Wenatchee, Wash., cor. Cascade Educational, I. C. Colcord.
and Lewis; R. A. Smithwick, Home Miss., L. E. Esteb.
525 Cascade St. Religious Liberty, L. E. Esteb.

Ministers: E. Moore, Mrs. Carrie Appel,

I. J. Woodman, G. J. Seltzer, N. Roberta Houston, Mrs. Albert L.
W. Lawrence, G. S. Belleau, G. Betts, Evelyn Peterson, Mrs. E.
F. Watson, J. A. Rippey, J. T. J. Terrill.
Jacobs, Albert Kruger, F. H.
Conway, Alexander Ritchie, Church Directory:
Ross Dustin, L. E. Esteb, H. E. Albany, cor. Third and Mont-
Westermeyer, C. T. Everson, gomery Sts.; D. R. Schierman,
John Ford, D. E. Venden, V. C. 737 Madison St., Telephone
Recraft, J. G. Lamson, D. R. 383-R.
Schierman, P. 0. Campbell. Astoria, Eighth and Kensing-
Honorary: T. H. Starbuck, R. D. ton.
Benham, C. Johnson, C. M. Gard- Bend, Franklin and Harriman
ner, J. W. Boynton, John Peter- Sts.; Albert Kruger, 137 Flor-
son. ida.
Licentiates: Brownsville, South Brownsville.
I. C. Colcord, J. W. Roberts, C. Camas, (Wash.), Odd Fellows
E. Olcott, T. M. Cole. Hall.
Missionary Licentiates: Corvallis, North Seventeenth St.,
W. A. Woodruff, W. B. Holden, bet. Van Buren and Harrison
M. G. Dealy, H. M. Lodge, J. E. Sts.
Weaver, Edith Starbuck, Pearl Dallas, Washington St., near
Stafford, Mrs. Lula M. Hirsch, Jefferson.
Mrs. J. W. Harmer, Mrs. Jane Falls City, one block north and
Baldwin, Pearl Cooper, Mrs. Ad- east of R. R. Station.
die Esteb, Minna W. Smith, Mrs. Forest Grove, Third St., between
C. T. Everson, Mrs. W. R. Bab-
cock, Mary Trebel-, Miranda Second and Third Ayes.; G. S.
Schmidt, Olive Houghton, Mrs. Belleau, Laurelwood Academy.
Ross Gage. Gaston, near depot, one block
off highway.
Honorary Licentiates: Mrs. J. T.
Jacobs, Mrs. F. H. Conway, Mrs. Hood River, Fifteenth and C
Eliza Cole-Thorp, Mrs. Geo. J. Sts.; Alex. Ritchie, Hood
Seltzer, Mrs. Alexander Ritchie. River, Oreg.
Church School Teachers: Hillsboro, on Pacific Highway,
Mrs. H. McAlexander, Mrs. west edge of city.
Harry W. Baker, Mrs. Clara Kelso (Wash.), 8th and Allen
Webb-Smith, Ruth Irvine, Mrs. Sts.; V. C. Becraft, 1205 South
E. J. Atkins, Marie Harris, Fourth St., Telephone: 883-M.
Blanche Blair, Myrtle Walker, Laurelwood, Laurelwood Aca-
Mrs. Inez Knutson, Geraldine demy, Gaston Oreg.; G. S.
Phelps, L. M. Knapp, Mrs. L. M. Belleau.
Knapp, Ethel Kropp, Esther Lebanon, Fifth and Oak Ste.
Skadsheim, Mrs. E. D. Hargrove,
Mrs. Ada Kensler, Edith Scott, McMinnville, Lincoln and B
Mrs. Burnadee Culick, Beatrice Sts. G. F. Watson, 1008 N.
Bray, J.-E. Weaver, Mrs. Jack Hembree
' St.
Rooke, Earl Stewart, Mrs. Karl Meadow Glade (Wash.), Colum-
Moran, Mrs. I. C. Colcord, Mrs. bia Academy, Battle Ground,
L. H. Booth, Anna Pierce, Celia Wash.; N. W. Lawrence, R.
Sires, Mrs. Louise Beers, Madge F. D. 2, Battle Ground, Wash.

Newberg, Second and Grant Sts. WESTERN WASHINGTON

Oregon City, Head of Seventh CONFERENCE
St., opposite Eastern School.
Portland: Organized 1902
Albina, German, Skidmore St. Territory: All of the State of
and Mallory Ave. Washington west of the Cas-
Central, Eleventh and East cade Mountains, except the coun-
Everett Sts.; G. J. Seltzer, ties of Clarke, Skamania, Cow-
1125 E. Twenty-third St., litz, and Wahkiakum.
North (Garfield 5980).
Lents, Ninety-fourth St. and Population: 911,220; churches,
Fifty-eighth Ave., S. E. 52; members, 2,899.
Montavilla, East Eightieth
and Everett Sts. Office: 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle,
Wash. (Tel., Garfield 8231).
St. Johns, Central Ave. and
Charleston St.
Colored, Sixty-second St.,
near Fortieth Ave. Pres., E. L. Neff (Tel., Capitol
Sunnyside, Forty-third and 1524).
East Washington Sts.; J. G. Sec. and Treas., L. E. Biggs.
Lamson, 1431 Belmont (Tel. (Tel., Garfield 3428.)
Tabor 7931). Executive Committee: E. L. Neff,
Tabernacle, Sixth and Mont- L. E. Biggs, G. A. Davis, Dr. W.
gomery Sts.; J. A. Rippey, B. Scott, J. A. Burman, J. A.
898 East 37th St., North. Holbrook.
(Trinity 5387). Legal Assn.: " Western Wash-
Ridgefield (Wash.), Main St., ington Corporation of Seventh-
north end of town near depot. day Adventists."
Salem, Gaines St. and Fifth
Ave.; J. T. Jacobs, 1873 Court Department Secretaries:
St. (Tel. 1273). Book and Bible House} R. S.
Silverton, Oak St. near South Dexter (Tel., Beacon 0566).
Mill. Field Miss., L. A. Reynolds.
Taft-Delake, on Roosevelt High- Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
way, near city. A. G. Walker.
The Dalles, 420 East Fourteenth Miss. Vol. and Educational,
St. H. E. Weaver.
Tillamook, Fourth St. a n d Medical Miss., Dr. W. B. Scott.
Fourth Ave.; F. H. Conway, Religious Liberty, E. L. Neff.
208 West 10th St.
Trout. Lake (Wash.), on high- Ministers:
way near Trout Lake.
Vancouver (Wash.), 13th and E. L. Neff, L. Johnson, J. A. Hol-
Grant Ste.; Ross Dustin, 405 brook, A. R. Bell, V. P. Hulse,
West 31st St., Telephone L. E. Tupper, R. A. Libby, G. A.
742-R. Thompson, C. A. Wyman, C. J.
Waldport, Community Church. Cole, A. G. Walker, L. B. Losey.
Woodburn, Christian Science Honorary: J. E. Graham, A. C.
Church. Anderson.

Licentiates: Sedro Woolley, Fourth St. and

H. E. Weaver, L. R. Reynolds, Jamison Ave.
Dr. W. B. Scott, V. A. Lidner, Seattle:
Raymond Hempel, C. J. Good- Central Seattle, Boylston Ave.
man, Merlin L. Neff. and Olive St.; G. A. Thomp-
son, 123 West 39th St.
Honorary Ministerial Licentiate: North Seattle, North Forty-
Amos Mitchell. seventh and Interlake Ave.;
Missionary Licentiates: V. P. Hulse, 2105 North
R. S. Dexter, L. E. Biggs, Mrs. 64th St.
Amos Mitchell, Miss Jessie Ter- Ballard English, Twenty-third
kelson, Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. G. Ave. N. W., and West
A. Thompson, Mrs. C. J. Cole, Seventy-sixth St.; J. E.
Mrs. Anna Larson, Miss Esther Graham, 2846 West Sixty-
Nerlund, Miss Alta Long. first St.
Ballard Scandinavian, Twenty-
Church School Teachers: third Ave. N. W., and
Mrs. W. C. Christensen, Miss Lu- West Seventy-sixth St.;
ella Crane, Miss Myrtle Hopke, Lewis Johnson, 3022 West
Miss Florence Jacobson, Miss Sixty-second St.
Dicy Johnson, Miss Jessie Kitto, Rainier Valley, Orchard and
Miss Ruth Little, Glenn Pierce, Mead Sts.
Mrs. Glenn Pierce, Miss Anna Tacoma:
Repp, Miss Louise Robertson, Tacoma Central, South Tentn
Mrs. Alice Rogers, Miss Beulah and I Sts.; V. A. Lidner,
Sires, Alex B. Steinert, Miss Iola 4512 South L St.
Van Akin, Miss Ethel Walker, Tacoma Scandinavian, South
Charles Wolf kill, Miss Elva Fifty-sixth St. and Thomp-
Zachrison. son Ave.; V. A. Lidner, 4512
South L St.
Churches and Pastors:
Aberdeen, First and E Sts.
Bellingham, Forest and Rose ALASKA MISSION
Bremerton, Union and McKenzie Church, 1; members, 22.
Sts. Supt., H. R. Wood.
Centralia, Iron and Pine Sts.
Chehalis, West and Rhode Is Ministers:
land ,its. H. R. Wood, Ketchikan, Alaska.
Everett, Corner Twenty-second 0. W. Herwick, Ketchikan,
and Wetmore Ave. Alaska.
Hoquiam, 511 Emmerson Ave. Missionary Licentiate:
Kent, Central Ave., North.
Marysville Church, Second St. S. F. Hance, Anchorage, Alaska.
between Cedar and Beach.
Mt. Vernon City, North First
Olympia, Fifth and Adams. PACIFIC UNION CON-
Port Angeles, bet. Oak-- and FERENCE
Laurel on Ninth St.; L. E.
Tupper, Gen. Del. Educational:
Puyallup, East Pioneer Ave. Columbia Academy, Battle
and Third St. Ground, Wash.

Gem State Academy, Caldwell, Publishing:

Idaho. Northwest Branch of the Pacific
Laurelwood Academy, Gaston, Press Publishing Association,
Oreg. 719 East Flanders St., Port-
Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman, land, Oreg.
Walla Walla College, College Sanitariums:
Place, Wash. Portland Sanitarium, East Six-
Western Washington Academy, tieth and Belmont Sts., Port-
Auburn, Wash. land, Oreg.
Yakima Valley Academy, Walla Walla Sanitarium, Col-
Granger, Wash. lege Place, Wash.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Arizona, Califor- Board of Counsel: J. E. Fulton,

nia, Central California, Nevada, B. M. Emerson, P. E. Brodersen,
Northern California, Southeast- James Howarth, G. W. Reaser,
ern California, and Southern C. H. Jones, W. D. Salisbury.
California Conferences, and the Auditor, W. C. Raley.
Utah Mission. Transportation Agents, C. H.
Population: 4,287,826; churches, Jones, B. M. Emerson.
232; members, 21,166. Department Secretaries:
Office: 1531 East Wilson Ave., Field Miss., Emanuel Remsen.
Glendale, Calif. (Tel., Douglas Asst. Field Miss., E. C. Peifer.
1097.) Educational, H. G. Lucas.
Miss. Vol., C. A. Holt.
Postal Address: Box 146, Glen- Home Miss., David Voth.
dale, Calif. Medical Miss.,
Officers: Religious Liberty, W. M. Adams.
Pres., J. E. Fulton. Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson. J. E. Fulton, E. W. Farnsworth,
Executive Committee: J. E. Ful- David Voth, H. G. Lucas, C. A.
ton, E. W. Farnsworth, B. M. Holt, H. M. Blunden, Emanuel
Emerson, P. E. Brodersen, W. M. Remsen, B. L. House, E. H. Em-
Adams, G. A. Roberts, H. H. merson, B. P. Hoffman, A. L.
Hicks, G. A. Calkins, J. H. Mc- Baker, Ernest Lloyd, A. 0. Tait,
Eachern, J. A. Neilsen, Adolph VT. G. Wirth, Dr. W. A. George,
Johnson, David Voth, H. G. Lu- 0. R. Staines, Dr. George Thom-
cas, C. A. Holt, H. M. Blunden, ason, S. T. Hare.
W. C. Raley, Emanuel-Remsen, Honorary: K. M. Adams, J. W.
C. H. Jones, W. E. Nelson, J. A. Adams, Ii. C. Basney, Floyd
Burden, Dr. H. W. Vollmer, Dr. Bates, J. H. Boehm, Frederic;
P. M. Keller, F. E. Corson. Brink, F. M. Corbaley, E. A. Cur-
Legal Assn.: " Pacific Union tis, U. B. Dake, C. H. Edwards.
Conference Assn. of S. D. A., a 0. 0. Farnsworth, E. H. Gates,
Corporation Sole." F. D. Gauterau, L. A. Gibson,

S. D. Hartwell, Dr. C. H. Hayton, ARIZONA CONFERENCE

W. M. Healey, H. L. Hoover, C.
C. Jensen, 0. E. Jones, William Organized 1902
Lewsadder, C. McReynolds, E. A.
Merrell, J. R. Patterson, H. W. Territory: The State of Arizona.
Pierce, A. E. Place, F. I. Rich- Population: 334,162; churches, 10;
ardson, Clarence Santee, F. R. members, 546.
Shaeffer, W. W. Sharp, H. S.
Shaw, Melzar Shepard, G. G. Office Address: Box 1359, Phoe-
Sims, G. H. Skinner, G. B. Starr, nix, Ariz.
J. B. Stuyvesant, Swin Swinson,
Luzerne Thompson, Victor Office: 615 North Tenth St.,
Thompson, S. Thurston, Luther Phoenix, Ariz. (Telephone, 4154.)
Warren, H. A. Washburn, E. W.
Webster, C. D. M. Williams, Officers:
E. E. Farnsworth, Melvin Mun- Pres., Adolph Johnson.
son, R. J. Nethery. Sec. and Treas., C. C. Martin.
Executive Committee: Adolph
Licentiates: . Johnson, C. A. Loe, J. P. Kent,
W. E. Nelson, B. M. Emerson, E. B. Bray, C. T. Hare, E. S.
L. W. Cobb, H. W. Clark, Dr. Beall, C. C. Martin.
Newton Evans, Dr. E. H. Risley, Legal Assn.: " Arizona Confer-
E. C. Peifer. ence Corporation of S. D. A."
Honorary Ministerial Licentiates: Department Secretaries:
0. J. Graf, C. C. King, E. L.
Lutz, W. B. Payne, I. T. Reyn- Book and Bible House, C. C.
olds. Field Miss., J. F. Kent.
Missionary Licentiates: Sab. School and Miss. Vol., Mrs.
W. C. Raley, Opal Stone, Violet A. Johnson.
R. Bell, J. M. Rowse, Dr. Mary Educational, J. E. Young.
McReynolds, H. G. Childs, J. H. Home Miss., J. F. Kent.
Cochran, J. R. Ferren, C. F. Jones, Religious Liberty, Adolph John-
F. E. Corson, G. H. Curtis, Rose son.
Boose. Ministers:
Honorary: Mrs. M. S.' Boyd. Adolph Johnson, C. D. M. Wil-
Alice Brayshaw, W. M. Camp- liams, E. B. Bray, C. T. Hare,
bell, Elizabeth Carter, Mrs. L. B. R. Spear.
E. Cox, M. E. George, Ella Han-
cock, Walter Harper, Mrs. Emma Licentiates:
A. Hebner, Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Antonio Fernandez, H. A. Cur-
Mrs. J. L. Kay, Myrna C. Lee, ran, J. F. Kent, E. J. Young, J.
Mrs. R. Leo, Peter Lindahl, A. Salazar.
Stella B. Lowry, Sara McEnter-
fer, Mrs. Florence W. Merrill, Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. Jessie F. Moser, L. C. Nel- Mrs. II. A. Curran, C. C. Martin,
son, Mrs. L. A. Parsons, Cora A. Ruth Lehmann.
Rapp, H. L. Rawson, Mrs. Alice
H. Robinson, B. A. Rogers, Mar- Church School Teachers: .
garet Wa rnoek.
Mrs. F. W. Webka, Miss Gladys
Medical Missionary: Carpenter, Catherine Siemens,
Honorary: S. P. S. Edwards. Miss Alma Lorenz.

Church Directory: Home Miss., John D. Haynes,

Flagstaff, 319 West Beaver St. Asso., 0. W. Dolph.
Glendale, 127 North Third Ave. Misc. Language, John D. Haynes.
Globe, North Deveroux St. Religious Liberty, E. H. Adams;
Phoenix, Third and Pierce Sts. Asso., A. L. Baker.
Prescott, 137 West Carlton St. Medical Miss., H. W. Vollmer, M.
Tucson, 609 East Ninth St. D.; Associate, 0. W. Dolph.
Yuma, Second Ave. and Sixth Ministers:
Sanchez, Solomonsville. G. A. Roberts, E. H. Adams,
Andrew Nelson, I. P. Dillon, K.
Nozaki, G. A. Truesdell, J. H. N.
Tindall, L. E. Folkenberg, 0. A.
land, George Hmelevsky, 0. A.
Organized 1873 Troy, C. F. Folkenberg, F. G.
Young, J. D. Haynes.
Territory: The following-named
counties in the State of Califor- Honorary: Andrew Brorsen, W.
nia: Alameda, Contra Costa, W. Miller, 0. E. Sandness, P. E.
Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Scoggins, James Taphouse, D. E.
Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Wellman, W. L. Bird, R. J. Bry-
Napa, San Francisco, Santa ant, G. W. Rine, L. A. Reed,
Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, C. C. Landis, M. D., H. M. J.
San Benito, Solano, Sonoma, Richards, A. J. Wearner, E. A.
Trinity. Brown.
Population: 1,876,358; churches, Licentiates:
52; members, 4,551. W. D. Frazee, Jr., Walter Lind,
A. C. Nelson, T. D. Zaharis, L.
Office: 537 Twenty-fifth St. (near M. Stump, Frank Iano, H. B.
Telegraph Ave.), Oakland, Cal. Fate, H. W. Vollmer, M. D., A. E.
(Tel., Lakeside 0338.) Barnes, J. W. Reid.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Pres., G. A. Roberts.
Sec. and Treas., R. E. Kalfus. Miss Celia Green, Mrs. Ada La
France, Miss Laura Morrison,
Executive Committee: G. A. Miss Ada Madison, Mrs. E. E.
Roberts, E. H. Adams, R. E. Kal- Parlin, Mrs. Lottie Kuhns, Miss
fus, H. G. Childs, E. C. Chapman, Minnie E. Dauphinee, B. E. Kal-
C. C. Landis, H. W. Vollmer. fus, Henry Norton, R. G. Lewis,
Legal Association: " California 0. W. Dolph, Miss Florence. E.
Conference Association of the Shull, Mrs. Susan Wilbur, Miss
Seventh Day Adventists." Violet Gilstrap, Harold Graham,
Corporation Sole: " The Presi- D. K. Royer, Miss Sarah Crowe.
dent of the California Conference
of S. D. A., a Corporation Sole." Church School Teachers:
Miss Ruby Spear, Mrs. D. N.
Department Secretaries: Crisp, Miss Hazel Striplin, Mrs.
Tract Soc., Henry Norton: Lillian Gilstrap, A. 0. Forbes,
Field Miss., Walter Lind. Mrs. A. 0. Forbes, Mrs. I. P. Dil-
Sab. School, T. L. Copeland. lon, Miss Aurora Bailey, Mrs. B.
Educational, F. M. Owen. R. Hoover, Mrs. Maybelle Lacy,
Miss. Vol., Miss Minnie E. Dau- Miss Ora Bancroft, Mrs. Lura E.
phinee. Davison. Mrs. Jennie One Frazee,

0. D. Hancock, Mrs. 0. D. Han- Fortuna, 10th and B Sts.

cock, Mrs. Agnes McKinsey, Miss Healdsburg, Fitch and Piper
Lena M. Butler, C. D. Stone, Sts.
Mrs. C. D. Stone, Miss Hazel Hollister, 624 Sixth St.
Brown, Mrs. A. Lobsien, Mrs. J. King City, Pearl St., between 1st
E. Qualls, Miss Genevieve Brook- and 2nd.
shire, Miss Esther Bizzini, Martinez, Mellus and Willow Sts.
Dewey Longlaw, Mrs. Lena Mor- Monterey Peninsula, 225 Laurel
ris, Mrs. Bula Longlaw, Mrs. L. St., Pacific Grove, Calif.
E. Andrews, Ernest Annofsky, Mountain View, Bailey A ve
Miss Olive Wheeler, Paul Lieb- and Dana St.
hart, Miss Florence Standley, McKinleyville, Arcata, Star
Miss Leta Temple, Walter Van- Route.
Eman, Mrs. E. M. Giddings, Mrs. Napa, Church and Second Sts.
Gladys Lantz. Oakland:
Twenty-fifth Street, 531 25th
Academy Teachers: St.
L. M. Stump, Rollin Axtell, Mrs. Fruitvale, Harrington Ave. at
Blanche Palmer, Mrs. M. Wall, San Juan St.
Miss Neva Sandborn, Mrs. Daisy Market Street, Thirty-fourth
Glasford, Miss Gladys Sims, F. and Market Sts.
G. Young, Alfred Stump, A. C. Spanish, 619 Market St.
Nels' a, Mrs. k. C. Nelson, B. I. Pacific Grove, 225 Laurel
Rashiussen, Mrs. R. D. Bolter, Pacific Union College, .Angwin.
Ray Duncan, H. H. O'Harrow, Palo Alto, Channing Avenue and
Warren Maxwell, Mrs. Margaret Guinda St.
Owen-Battee, Miss Genevieve Petaluma, English and Upham
Hansen, Miss Julia Look, Hugh Sts.
B. Fate, Mrs. Hugh B. Fate, F. Redwood City, 524 Maple St.
A. Lashier, J. E. Christian, Miss Richmond, Thirteenth and Ohio
Olah Cresap, Mrs. A. Pease, Paul Sts.
Meeth, Miss Eva Beeler, Mrs. San Francisco:
Alice Tait, Miss Zella Bernard. Central, Cor. California and
Supervisors Normal Department P. Broderick Sts.
S. D. A. Tabernacle, 673 Capp
U. C. St.
Mrs. H. E. Osborne, Miss Marion San Jose, 65 South Seventh St.
Wilbur, Mrs. Minola Robinson, Santa Cruz, 19 Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Loleta Hall-Barron, Alstrup Sanitarium, St. Helena Sanita-
N. Johnson. rium.
Church Directory: Santa Rosa, 515 Orchard St.,
near Johnson.
Alameda, 1531 Verdi St.
Sebastopol, on Petaluma Ave.,
Arcata, D and Twelfth Sts. one block west of electric
Byron, Railroad Ave. depot.
Berkeley, 1630 Fairview St. Soquel, Porter St.
Burlingame, Woman's Club Bldg. Sonoma, near Buena Vista Sta-
Calistoga, Berry St., between tion.
Cedar St. and Napa Creek. Smith River, Westbrook Tract.
Eureka, E and Harris Sts. St. Helena, Madrona Ave. and
Fort Bragg, Whipple and Pine Pine St.
Sts. Ukiah, Bush and Henry Sts.

Vacaville, Stevenson and Eliz- B. L. Howe, H. G. Thompson, A.

abeth Sts. B. Huenergardt, C. C. Ellis, W. B.
Vallejo, 414 Tennessee St. Lindsay, H. E. McWhinny, H. L.
Watsonville, Odd Fellows Hall. Wallace.
Willits, Mendocino St., bet. Licentiates:
Humboldt and Madden. A. E. Green, Robert Ditto, H. A.
Davis, A. P. Hanson.
CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CON- Missionary Licentiates:
FERENCE Dr. Myrtle B. Hudson, Bertha
Neufeld-Walder, Mildred Swan-
Organized 1911 son, Wanah Guernsey, Esther
Grauer, C. C. Mattison; Mrs.
Territory: The following-named Florence Button, Henry de
counties in the State of Califor- Fluiter.
nia: Tulare, Madera, Fresno,
Kings, Mariposa, Merced, and Church School Teachers:
Kern County north of the Te- C. T. E. Johnson, Paul Heubach,
hachapi Mountains. Mrs. Lecy Marney, Miss Eliza-
Population: 350,462; churches, 38; beth Epp, C. D. Overton, Mrs.
members, 2,476. C. D. Overton, Miss Lois Evans,
A. E. Gish, Mrs. A. E. Gish, Miss
Office: 2524 Mariposa St., Fresno, Flora Owen, Miss Vera Owen,
Calif. F. I. Mohr, Miss Edith Graham,
Postal Address: Box 1304, Fresno, Miss Leah Pretzer, Clarence
Calif. (Telephone, Dial 2-0521.) Pierce, Mrs. Clarence Pierce,
Miss Lois Dorland, Miss Mae
Officers: Hensley, Mrs. Addie Owens, J.
Pres., H. H. Hicks. J. Paulson, Mrs. J. J. Paulson,
Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Miss Edith Stoops, Austin Hun-
Executive Committee: H. H. ter,, Miss Frances England, Alvin
Hicks, H. M. S. Richards, P. J. Toews, Mrs. Ruth Morse Squier.
Wolfsen, P. J. Buller, B. A. Fra-
ser, C. C. Mattison, A. B. Hue- Church Directory:
nergardt. Bakersfield, 730 I St., Eighth and
Legal Assn.: " Central California I Sts.
Conference Association of Sev- Clovis, Second and Woodworth.
enth-Day Adventists, a Corpora- Dinuba, H and El Monte Way.
tion." Exeter, Quince and Palm Sts.
Fresno, Cor. 0 and Mariposa.
Department Secretaries: Fresno German, B St., near Cal-
Bible House, C. C. Mattison. ifornia Ave.
Field Miss., A. P. Hanson. Fresno Ital., Cor. Tuolumne and
Home Miss., A. B. Huenergardt. Snow Streets.
Sabbath School, Wanah Guern- Hanford, Harris and Ninth Sts.
sey. Lemoore, C and Follet Sts.
Educational, A. E. Green. Lindsay, 605 North Mirage Ave.
Miss. Vol., C. C. Ellis. Madera, Vineyard Ave., between
Religious Liberty, H. H. Hicks. Yosemite and Sixth Sts.
Merced, 20th and H Streets.
Ministers: Selma, 2059 Whitson and North
H. H. Hicks, H. M. S. Richards, Sts.
H. C. Olmstead, G. A. Wheeler, Tulare, 120 North H St.


Reno, 325 West Sixth St., Reno,
Organized 1920 Nev.
Territory: The State of Nevada, Indian Valley, Taylorsville, Calif.
excepting the counties of Clark Bishop Church, Bishop, Calif.
and Lincoln; and including that Lake City Church, Lake City,
portion of the State of Califor- Calif.
nia lying east of the summit of Lakeview Church, Lakeview, Ore.
the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Westwood Church, Westwood,
and also Plumas County, Cali- Calif.
fornia, and Lake County, Oregon. Standish Church, Standish,
Population: 112,043; churches, Fallon Church, Fallon, Nev.
12; members, 331.
Office Address: 452 Ralston St.,
Officers: FERENCE
Pres., J. H. McEachern. Organized 1911
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Lulu P.
Wilcox. Territory: The following-named
Executive Committee: J. H. Mc- counties in the State of Califor-
Eachern, J. L. Sauder, H. M. nia: Stanislaus, Tuolumne, San
Peak, D. M. Mathisen, Mrs. Lulu Joaquin, Calaveras, Am ado r,
P. Wilcox, Dr. J. J. Mayers. Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Yuba,
Colusa,' Glenn, Butte, Tehama,
Department Secretaries: Shasta, Siskiyou, Alpine, Eldo-
Book and Bible House, Mrs. rado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra,
Lulu P. Wilcox. Plumas, with the exception of
Field and Home Miss., J. L. that small portion of these coun-
Sauder. ties lying east of the summit of
Sabbath School, H. M. Peak. the Sierras.
Educational, H. M. Peak. Population: 397,490; churches,
Miss. Vol., H. M. Peak. 30;members, 2,453.
Religious Liberty, J. H. Mc-
Eadhern. Office: 341 East Lodi Ave., Lodi,
Calif. Telephone 101.
J. H. McEachern, C. A. Winters. Officers:
Licentiates: Pres., W. M. Adams.
Sec. and Treas., Wm. Voth.
H. M. Peak, 0. B. Gerhart, Wal-
lace Christensen, M. E. Davis. Executive Committee: W. M.
Adams, C. H. Fink, J. G. White,
Missionary Licentiates: J. C. Rasmussen, Carl Leer, Win.
Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox, J. L. Sauder. Voth, R. G. Schaffner.
Legal Assn.: "Northern Cali-
Church School Teachers: fornia Conference Assn. of the
Miss M. Scheffel, Mrs. A. R. Mc- S. D. A."
Elhaney, Miss Alma Rettig, Miss
Eileen Webber, Wallace Chris- Department Secretaries:
tensen, M. E. Davis, Mrs. Ira E. Book and Bible House, W. L.
Thompson. Mecum.

Field Miss., Albert J. Werner. Lodi:

Sabbath School, Mrs. Ella H. English, South Central Ave.,
Osborne. near Tokay St.
Educational, E. G. Truitt. German, South Garfield ar.
Home Miss., 0. B. Stevens. Hilborn Sts.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. Ella H. Osborne. Modesto, Sixth and J Sts.
Religious Liberty, W. M. Adams. Oakdale, G St., and Third Ave.
Orland, A St., near Walker St.
Oroville, Mitchell Ave., near
W. M. Adams, J. G. White, Carl Meyers St.
Leer, A. J. Osborne, N. C. Peter- Red Bluff, cor. Lincoln and
sen, M. J. King, A. R. Sandborn, Breckenridge Sts.
H. L. Wallace, D. A. Ochs, F. R. Redding, Chestnut St., bet.
Armitage, R. G. Schaffner. Butte and Placer Sts.
Honorary: C. L. Taggart. Sacramento, 1017 Twenty-third
Licentiates: Salida, 4 miles east of Salida.
0. B. Stevens, Mrs. Ella H. Os- Stockton, cor. Monroe and Wil-
borne, W. R. Jefferson, E. G. low Sts.
Truitt. Turlock, Orange and Columbia
Missionary Licentiates: Woodland, 426 Third St.
William. Voth, W. L. Mecum,
Miss Ella McBroom, Mrs. J. A.
Pearson, M4:s. Hazel Roth, Miss
Church School Teachers:
Organized 1915
Miss Ruth Rice, Miss Vera Hills,
Arthur Stickle, Mrs. Arthur Territory: The following-named
Stickle, Mrs. Dee L. Stoops, Miss counties in the State of Califor-
Catherine Bond, Mrs. L. M. Hes- nia: Orange, San Diego, Im-
seltine, Miss Veda Marsh, Miss perial, Riverside, and San Ber-
Marie Lucas, Miss Susie Pternac- nardino.
chi, Miss Bernice Wyatt, Miss
Esther Chambers, Miss Minnie Population: 566,900; churches, 35;
Glantz, Miss Lorene Putnam, members, 4,114.
Mrs. M. E. Harness, Mrs. H. P.
Flowers, Miss Mildred Haglund, Office: 805 Magnolia Ave., River-
side (in Arlington), California.
Miss Doris Stevens, Miss Aleta
(Telephone, 9013.)
Osborne, Miss Vivian LaFoun-
taine, Miss Ivy M. Horning, T. R. Office Address: Box 584, Arlington,
Werner, Miss Coy Steck, Miss California.
Irma Fewell, Miss Lyda Beaman.
Church Directory:
Pres., G. A. Calkins.
Chico, North End Esplanade.
Sec. and Treas., H. B. Thomas.
Corning, Peach St., bet. Solano
and South Sts. Executive Committee: G. A.
Calkins, H. B. Thomas, R. S.
Galt, A St. Fries, W. H. Bradley, H. C. La-
Gridley, Magnolia and Indiana cey, J. A. Burden, F. E. Corson,
Sts. C. M. Huguley, F. G. Wayman.

Legal Assns.: " Southeastern Butka, C. A. Grant, Mrs. Daisy

California Assn. of S. D.,A." Sturges, Mrs. Frances C. Rags-
" Seventh-day Adventists Asso- dale, Mrs. Florence Adams, W. F.
ciation of Southeastern Califor- Hardt, Mrs. Lena Hardt, L. W.
nia, a Corporation Sole." Vollmer, Miss Fedalma Ragon,
Mrs. LaVina Wagner, Mrs. Crys-
Department Secretaries: tal Duce, Miss Helen Johnson,
Tract Soc., H. W. Christian. C. E. Gober, Mrs. C. E. Gober,
Field Miss., R. H. Fickling. Miss Oma Gentry, Claude Cy-
Sab. School, Mrs. Mina Morse phers, Miss Valerie Caro, Miss
Mann. Gladys Rosser, Miss Myrtle Wil-
Educational and Miss. Vol., G. E. liams, Mrs. Louise L. Kiehnhoff,
Mann. Mrs. Grace Dunn, A. A. Rupert,
Home Miss., H. A. Rentfro. Mrs. Mabel Pierce, Richard
Religious Liberty, R. S. Fries. Lewis, William Reike, Miss Ruth
Higgins, Mrs. D. C. Ross, Miss
Ministers: Ellen Lambeth, Mrs. Rilla Man-
L. R. Anderson, W. H. Bradley, ning, Miss Ethel Nash, Mrs.
J. A. Burden, G. A. Calkins, A. Alice N. Judson, Mrs. Marie B.
M. Dart, R. S. Fries, J. E. John- Marchus, Miss Cleo Fenderson,
son, H. C. Lacey, G. E. Mann, R. Mrs. Ione Martin, Miss Laura
B. Stauffer, L. A. Semmens, L. Shafer.
A. Wilcox. Church Directory:
Licentiates: Anaheim, Adele and Paulina
S. T. Borg, Raymond Cales, Wil- Ste.
liam Jensen, H. M. Johnson, Beacon Light (Colored), cor.
Glenn Millard, F. A. Moran, E. B. Hensley and L Sts., San Diego.
Stoddard, L. A. Skinner, H. B. Beaumont, cor. Eighth St. and
Thomas. Maple Ave.
Brawley, cor. Imperial and C Sts.
Missionary Licentiates: Cedar Springs, Summit.
A. D. Butterfield, M. D., Miss Colton, Cor. Ninth and G Sts.
Cora Bowers, Mrs. Dona Burnett, East San Diego, Cor. Orange and
H. W. Christian, Mrs. Josephine Estrella Sts.
Gotzian (Honorary), Miss Rea- El Cajon, cor. Lexington and
thel Jenkins, S. A. Lockwood, Lincoln Sts.
M. D., Myrtle Lockwood, M. D., El Centro, 1011 Holt St.
Mrs. Mina Morse Mann, Otto Elsinore, Cor. Kellogg and West
Nieman, F. T. Oakes, Mrs. E. B. Graham.
Stoddard, H. A. Rentfro, M. D. Escondido, Cor. Orange and
Romero, J. W. Warren, Josie Illinois Sts.
Shryock-Warren, M. D., Mrs. Fullerton, Cor. Commonwealth
Luther Warren, Mrs. Marguerite Ave. and Spadra Road.
Williamson. Garden Grove, cor. Euclid and
Pen Ave.
Church School Teachers: Hemet, Thompson St. between
E. L. Terrill, Mrs. Amy Terrill, Acacia and Central.
Clarence Kaufman, Miss Bessie La Mesa, East Fresno St. near
Campbell, Mrs. E. G. Haley, Mrs. Edendale St.
Clara W. Crouch, Miss Bernice La Sierra, Southern California
Hodge, Miss Vera Bogdanoff, Junior College.
Miss Verla Austin, Mrs. Lottie Loma' Linda, Loma Linda, Calif.

New River, six miles Southwest Treas., W. H. Williams.

of El Centro. Executive Committee: P. E.
National City, 1403 First Ave. Brodersen, S. Donaldson, W. H.
National City, Mexican, Cot. 5th Williams, J. W. Rich, Dr. M. M.
Ave. and 18th St. Hare, P. G. Rodgers, Dr. W. G.
Oceanside, Odd Fellows Hall. _ Wirth, P. P. Adams, I. A. Ford,
Ontario, End of West B St. on Hans Von Hofgaarden, T. A.
Vine Ave. Goodwin.
Orange, Palm St. and Cleveland Legal Assns.: " Southern Cali-
Ave. fornia Association of Seventh-
Paradise Valley Sanitarium, day Adventists, a -Religious Cor-
National City. poration."
Redlands, cor. Olive and Citrus " The President and Presiding
Sts. Elder of the Southern California
Rialto, Cor. Olive and Second Sts. Conference of Seventh-day Ad-
Riverside, Tenth and Locust Sts. ventists, A Corporation Sole."
San Bernardino, 771 D St.
San Bernardino Mexican, Colton Department Secretaries:
church. Book and Bible House, D. A.
Santa Ana, 200 West Fifteenth Lower.
St. Field Miss., L. L. Grand Pre.
San Pasqual, eight miles South- Sabbath School, Mrs. Cleora
east of Escondido. Webster.
San Diego G St. Church, Eigth- Educational, W. L. Avery.
teenth and G Sts. Miss. Vol., J. F. Simon.
University Heights Church, San Home Miss., V. H. Lucas.
Diego, 4104 Illinois St. Religious Liberty, G. A. Snyder.
Field Sec., G. W. Reaser.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P. P. Adams, A. D. Armstrong,
CONFERENCE W. L. Avery, P. E. Brodersen,
R. F. Cottrell, Arthur Currow,
Organized 1901 G. A. Grauer, C. A. Holt, John
Knox, P. L. Knox, C. J. Kunkel,
territory: The following-named V. H. Lucas, L. R. Marsh, E. A.
counties in the State of Cali- Mathwig, R. W. Munson, F. W.
fornia: San Luis Obispo, Santa Paap, F. E. Painter, R. W. Par-
Barbara, Ventura,Los Angeles, mele, N. W. Philips, G. W. Rea-
and that portion o Kern County ser, E. R. Reynolds, J. W. Rich,
lying south of the Tehachapi P. G. Rodgers, W. H. Schacht, J.
Mountains. F. Simon, G. A. Snyder, W. H.
Population: 2,485,918 ; churches, Williams.
48; membership, 6,504. Honorary: M. M. Hare, M. D.,
J. W. Hofster, W. J. Johnson,
Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los M. D., Riley Russell, M. D.
Angeles, Calif. (Telephone,
Capital 5784) Licentiates:
Postal Address: Box 332, Sta. A, Carol Bond, S. Donaldson, L. L.
Los Angeles, Calif. Grand Pre, P. Martin Keller, M.
D., D. A. Lower, A. C. Madsen,
Officers: C. C. Morlan, W. S. Potts, Ralph
Pres., P. E. Brodersen. Prout, Alden Sage, E. T. Seat.
Sec., S. Donaldson. W. W. Worster, M. D.

Missionary Licentiates: Church Directory:

P. B. Bontemps, Mrs. L. Brosi, Alhambra, Women's Club, 204
Mrs. H. E. Buchheim, Miss 0. South Second St.
Butcher, Miss M. E. Clark, Mrs. Arroyo Grande, Allen St.
G. Davis, Miss V. Hamilton, Mrs. Baldwin Park, 210 North Main
M. E. Hoyt, Miss J. L. Ireland,
Bellflower, 339 Eucalyptus Ave.
Harold Johnson, Miss Julia Le-
land, Miss Lillian Santee, Mrs. Burbank, Angeleno Ave.,- bet.
3rd and 4th Sts.
A. R. Temple, Mrs. Cleora Web-
ster, Miss Hester Walsh. Compton, 143 Myrrh St.
Gardena, Moneta, 16506 Massa-
chusetts Ave., Gardena.
Church School Teachers:
Glendale, Corner Isabel St. and
Carol Bond, Harold Mauk, Al- California Ave.
frieda Mortensen, Mrs: J. G. Jac- Glendale San. Church, 1509 East
ques, Esther Heim, Martha Tur- Wilson Ave.
ner, Alida Sipkins, Mavis Smith, Glendora, Cor. Whitcomb and
Fee Northey, Mrs. Lloyd Over- Vermont Ayes.
holt, Mrs. A. A. Bibbons, Mrs. Graham, 8801 Cedar St., Los
A. E. Hollenbeck, Mrs. M. E. Angeles.
Weil, Mrs. Mayte Cline, Mrs. N.
A. Johnson, Mrs. Lucille Henry,
Hawthorne, 131 Menlo St., one-
half block from Ballone.
Mrs. A. Johnson, Roberta Beaird,
Fern Halverson, Virginia DeFehr, Huntington Park, 2762 East
Edna Kilcher, Margaret Johnson, Clarendon.
Mrs. Irma Leech, Mrs. Emma LaCrescenta, Rosemont St., and
Patterson, Liv Blekastad, E. C. Montrose Ave., Montrose.
Jacobsen, Mrs. Ruth Carnes, Lomita, Weston St. at Walnut
Caroline Carrick, Genevieve Car- St.
penter, Mabel Nielsen, Mrs. Vio- Long Beach, Tenth and Linden
let Pierce, Ernestine Volkers, Sts.
Margaret Porter, Helen Gurtein,
Mrs. Gurtien, Mildred Wheeler, Los Angeles:
Mrs. Lona Caldwell, Mrs. J. A. Belvedere Gardens, 921 South
Land, Vada Ruling, Mrs. N. Os- Fetterly Blvd. near Whittier
tendorph, Lillie Nordeen, Mrs. J. Blvd.
B. Folkenberg.
Central, 650 West 21st St.
Academic Teachers: Ditman, 123 So. Ditman St.
L. R. Marsh, W. F. Van Atta, Eagle Rock, 2239 Merton Ave.,
Mrs. W. F. Van Atta, A. C. west of Eagle Rock Blvd.
Madsen, Grace Morel, P. M. Edendale, Fargo St., half block
Foster, Mrs. Nellie Hankins, Mrs. west Glendale Blvd.
A. E. Hollenbeck, Ithiel E. Gillis,
Exposition Park, 1041 West
Mrs. Retta Nelson, Mrs. L. R.
38th St., half block west of
Marsh, R. B. Prout, Mabel An-
Vermont Ave.
dre, Katherine Speh, C. C. Mor-
rison, J. E. Light, E. M. Hause, Florence, 7343 Miramonte
Mrs. R. B. Prout, Mrs. Lila Mor- Blvd., block south Florence
gan, Mazie C. Lucas, Mrs. C. E. Ave.
Swartsfager, W. S. Potts, Joseph German, 337 East Jefferson
Cummins, Esther Olson, Edna St., two blocks east of Main
Kilcher. St.

Hollywood, 5150 De Longpre UTAH MISSION

Ave., Hollywood Blvd. to Organized 1919
Kingsley Dr., south to De
Longpre Ave., half block Territory: The State of Utah,
east. excluding the counties of Dag
Lincoln Park, 2422 Manitou gett, Uinta, Duchesne, Carbon,
Ave., half block west of Emery, Grand, and San Juan,
Daly St. and including Lincoln and Clark
Mexican, 114 South Gless St. Counties in Nevada-
Van Nuys, 312 Friar St. Population: 410,492; churches.
Wadsworth (Colored), 9S1 7; members, 191.
East 37th St., block east of Office: 326 Kiesel Bldg., Ogden,
Central Ave. Utah. Tel. No. 1575J.
White Memorial, Corner New
Jersey and State Sts. Post Office Address: Box 909, Og-
den, Utah.
Monrovia, Masonic Temple, 104
West White Oak Ave. Officers:
Norwalk, 222 Sproul St. Supt., J. A. Neilsen.
Pasadena, 72 North Wilson Ave., Sec. and Treas., Esther A. Smith.
half block north of Colorado Executive Committee: J. A.
Blvd. Neilsen, J. E. Fulton, B. W.
Brown, W. S. Casey, W. D. Flem-
Pasadena Second (Colored), ing.
Mountain and Fair Oaks, Pas-
adena. Department Secretaries:
Paso Robles, Tenth and Vine Sts. Book and Bible House, Esther
A. Smith.
Pomona, 508 East Sixth St., cor. Field Miss., W. D. Fleming.
Linden Ave. Sab. School, Esther A. Smith.
Rivera, Bequette St. and Per- Educational, Mrs. J. A. Neilsen.
kins Ave. Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., J. A.
San Fernando, North Brand, bet. Neilsen.
6th and 7th Sts. Religious Liberty, .
San Luis Obispo, Buchon and Ministers:
Santa Rosa Sts. J. A. Neilsen, B. W. Brown, J. A.
San Pedro 555 West 12th St., Chaney.
(Point Firmin car or bus.) Missionary Licentiates:
Santa Barbara, Corner Dela Vina W. D. Fleming, Esther A. Smith,
and Anapamu Sts. Marguerite Speck.
Santa Monica, Wilshire Blvd., Church School Teachers:
near Third St.
C. A. Randolph, Iris Chrisman,
Sawtelle, 1527 Purdue Avenue. Rosa Woodruff, Mildred Sanders.
South Pasadena,Christian
Church, cor. Lyno n awl Fre- Churches and Pastors:
mont Avenue. Ogden, 469 Twenty-ninth St.
Ventura, 718 Ventura Ave. Salt Lake City, Sixth East and
Fifth South; B. W. Brown,
Watts (Colored), Arland St., 845 South Ninth East, Salt
half block west of Compton Lake City, Utah.
Ave. Logan, 274 North Second, West;
Wilmington, 1056 Island Ave., J. A. Chaney, 165 West Sec-
South of K St. ond North, Logan, Utah.

Provo, bet. First and Second INSTITUTIONS IN THE PACIFIC

Liberty Park (colored), 820
South Third East, Salt Lake Educational:
City. Boarding:
Arizona Academy, 1325 North
Fourteenth St., Phoenix, Ariz.
HAWAIIAN MISSION Hawaiian Mission Academy, 1417
Entered 1895 Makiki St., Honolulu, T. H.
Humboldt Academy, 4001 F St.,
Territory: The Hawaiian Islands. Box 912, Eureka, Cal.
Population: 348,767; churches, Lodi Academy and Normal, Bin
2; members, 200. 8, Lodi, Cal.
Pacific Union College, Angwin,
Office Address: 1112 Keeaumoku Napa Co., Cal.
St., Honolulu, Hawaii (Tele- Southern California Junior Col-
phone, 3713). lege, Route 1, Arlington, Cal.
Officers: Non-boarding:
Supt., C. L. Lingenfelter. Fresno Academy, Cor. Belmont
Sec. and Treas., Beatrice Gordon. and Teilman, Route J, Box 43,
Advisory Committee: C. L. Ling- Fresno, Cal.
enfelter, R. J. McKeague, C. R. Glendale Union Academy, 700
Webster, W. E. Atkin, F. E. Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Cal.
Stafford, Jonah Kumalae. Golden Gate Academy, King and
Alcatraz Sts., Berkeley, Cal.
Department Secretaries: Long Beach Academy, 1880 Daw-
son Ave., Long Beach, Cal.
Tract Soc., Beatrice Gordon. Los Angeles Academy, 3210 Post
Home Miss., W. E. Atkin. St., Los Angeles, Cal. (Mail
Sabbath School, Beatrice Gordon. address, Box 332, Station A,
Miss. Vol., C. R. Webster. Los Angeles, Calif.)
Oriental, F. E. Stafford. Mountain View Academy, Moun-
Educational, J. A. Simonson. tain View, Cal.
Ministers: Publishing:
C. L. Lingenfelter, R. J. Mc- Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun -
Keague, C. R. Webster, W. E. tain View, Cal.
Atkin, R. W. Smith.
Licentiates: Glendale Sanitarium and Hospi-
F. E. Stafford, Dr. Hans Bonde, tal, 1509 East Wilson Ave.,
E. D. Moore. Glendale, Cal.
Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma
Missionary Licentiates: Linda, Cal.
Mrs. C. R. Webster, Mrs. Mabel Paradise Valley Sanitarium, Na-
McKeague, J. A. Simonson, Mrs. . tional City, Cal.
J. A. Simonson, Mrs. C. L. Ling- St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanita-
enfelter, Miss Ellen Wilson, Miss rium, Napa Co., Cal.
Clara Witzke, Miss Mildred
Avery, Miss Florence Pfeiffer, Medical:
Miss Beatrice Gordon, Mrs. E. D. College of Medical Evangelists,
Moore, Mrs. R. W. Smith, Edu- Loma Linda and Los Angeles,
ardo Quirantes. CaL
Organized igo8
Territory: The Conferences of Car- Licentiates:
olina, Cumberland, Florida, and H. W. Klaser, J. C. Klose, L. D.
Georgia. Randall, E. C. Waller, Dr. L. L.
Population: 8,954,418; churches, Andrews.
142; members, 6,727. Honorary: L. J. Black.
Office Address: 202-216 First Na- Missionary Licentiates:
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Otis Hudson.
Tenn. Phone, Main 1831. Honorary: Miss Ruth Orchill,
Officers: Miss Elizabeth McHugh, Miss
Pres., W. H. Heckman. Mary Baxter, Mrs. W. W. Wil-
Sec. and Treas., H. W. Klaser. liams, Mrs. Alice M. Howard,
Mrs. E. C. Widgery.
Executive Committee: W. H.
Heckman, R. I. Keate, B. F. Union Colored Dept.:
Kneeland, C. L. Butterfield, A. S. Pres., W. H. Heckman.
Booth, H. W. Klaser, F. R. Isaac, Sec., H. W. Klaser.
J. C. Klose, N. H. Conway, L. D. Asst. Sec. Miss. Vol. and Home
Randall. Miss. Dept., Miss Anna Knight.
Legal Assn.: " Southeastern Un- Union Evangelist, J. G. Thomas.
ion Conference Assn. of S. Executive Committee: W. H.
D. A." Heckman, H. W. Klaser, R. I.
Auditor, H. W. Klaser. Keate, B. F. Kneeland, A. S.
Transportation Agent, W. H. Booth, C. L. Butterfield, J. G.
Heckman. Thomas, J. F. Crichlow, F. A.
Osterman, J. S. Green, P. M.
Department Secretaries: Boyd.
Field Miss., N. H. Conway.
Educational and Miss. Vol., F. R. Minister: J. G. Thomas.
Home Miss., J. C. 'Close. Missionary Licentiates:
Medical, Dr. L. L. Andrews. Miss Anna Knight.
Union Evangelist, J. L. Shuler. Honorary: Mrs. Emily MeGlock-
Religious Liberty, W. H. Heck- lin.
man. .
W. H. Heckman, F. R. Isaac, N. CAROLINA CONFERENCE
H. Conway, H. J. Klooster, J. H.
Behrens, F. W. Field, N: J. Wal- Organized in 1901 and 1907, as the
dorf, U. Bender. North Carolina and South Caro-
lina Conferences; reorganized as
Honorary: J. L. Shuler, W. W. Carolina Conference in 1918.
Williams, J. C. Mikkelsen, Smith
Sharp, W. L. Killen, W. H. Arm- Territory: South Carolina, and that
strong, J. H. Krum, L. T. Crisler, part of North Carolina lying
V. 0. Cole, 0. a Crary, C. E. east of the following counties:
Boynton, R. H. Brock, C. B. Ashe, Watauga, Avery, McDow-
Stephenson. ell, and Henderson.

Population: 3,947,952; churches, Pine Grove, Eufola on State

42; members, 1,229. highway No. 10.
Wilmington, cor. Ninth and Mar-
Office Address: 215 North Mc- ket Sts.
Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C.
(Telephone, Hemlock 1224.) South Carolina:
Charleston, 219 Calhoun St.
Officers: Columbia, 1012 Assembly St.
Pres., C. L. Butterfield. Greenville, Hampton and Echols
Sec. and Treas., R. G. Bowen. Sts.
Executive Committee: C. L. But- Math Mountain, six miles from
terfield, T. M. Woodall, A. E. Central on State highway
Deyo, J. E. All, R. G. Bowen. No. 4.
Spartanburg, Wolf and Wof-
Legal Assn.: " Carolina Confer- ford Sts.
ence Association of Seventh-day
Adventists, Incorporated." Colored Department
Department Secretaries: Committee:
Book and Bible House, R. G. C. L. Butterfield, R. G. Bowen,
Bowen. J. S. Green, MT. R. Willis, J. A.
Field Miss., A. E. Deyo. Bookhart.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Miss Marie Mooney. Minister: J. S. Green.
Home Miss., L. G. Nyman. Licentiates:
Educational and Religious Lib- J. A. Bookhart, Chas. Curtis, N.
erty, C. L. Butterfield. B. Smith.
Ministers: Missionary Licentiate:
C. L. Butterfield, J. E. All, MT. E. Miss Charlotte Weeks.
Lanier, L. G. Nyman.
Honorary: W. H. Armstrong. Church School Teachers:
Miss Trula \Vade, Miss Rosetta
Licentiates: Baldwin, Mrs. L. A. Page, Miss
S. M. Schleifer, H. N. Brass, Bernice Palmer, Mrs. J. A. God-
A. E. Deyo. ley, Mrs. Ella B. Canty, Miss
Missionary Licentiates: Margaret Caldwell, Miss Myrtle
R. G. Bowen, Miss Marie Mooney. McAlister, Miss Inez S. Brown.
Church School Teachers (White): Church Directory:
Miss Lois Walker, Miss Gertrude North Carolina:
Holmes, Miss Sadie Erickson, Charlotte, Corner East Hill and
Miss Lois Bain, Miss Ruth New- South Caldwell Sts.
ton, Miss Bertha Laughlin. Durham, con Lincoln Ave. and
Douglass St.
Church Directory (White): Greensboro, Market St. near
North Carolina: NocO St.
Charlotte, 215 North McDowell La Grange, two miles west and
St. one mile south from village.
Glen Alpine, Glen Alpine Rural Lumberton, one-half mile from
School. village on Fairview highway.
Goldsboro, over Nash Printery. New Bern, West St., near North
High Point, Springdale Road. Main.
Kernersville, one-half mile south Raleigh, cor. South Person and
of village. Cabarrus Sts.

Wilmington, Corner Wood and Department Secretaries:

Fanning Sts. Book and Bible House, F. R.
Wilson, Atlanta Ave. Boggs.
Winston-Salem, Ogburn St., near Field Miss., James Hickman.
East Ninth. Sabbath School, Miss Ruth E.
South Carolina: Atwell.
Charleston, Holmes St. Educational, Ruth E. Atwell.
Columbia, 1218 Henderson St. Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., H.
Darlington, 107 Jackson St. W. Barto.
Florence, 801 Cheves St. Religious Liberty, Cyrus Sim-
Greenville, 215A Oscar St. mons, Box 558, Knoxville, Tenn.
Orangeburg, 65 Macey St.
Sumter, Walker Ave. Ministers:
R. I. Keate, E. W. Wolfe, F. C.
Webster, V. B. Watts, W. H.
Organized 1900 Licentiates:
Cyrus Simmons, James Hickman,
Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the H. W. Barto.
western boundary being the
western line of the counties of Missionary Licentiates:
Macon, Smith, DeKalb, War- Miss Ruth E. Atwell, Mrs. R. I.
ren, Grundy, and Marion; also Keate, Mrs. E. W. Wolfe, Mrs.
eighteen counties in western Margaret Smith, P. R. Boggs,
North Carolina, viz., Clay, Cher- C. E. Smith.
okee, Graham, Macon, Swain,
Jackson, Haywood, Transylva- Church School Teachers:
nia, Buncombe, Henderson, Mad- Ruth E. Bates, Mary Grace Bon-
ison, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, ner, C. A. Taylor, Mrs. C. A. Tay-
Wautauga, Ashe, Alleghany, and lor, C. A. Anderson, Mrs. H. E.
McDowell; also Dade, Walker, Beck, Mrs. B. T. Hughes, Myrtle
Catoosa, Whitfield, Murray, V. Maxwell, Ruth Rittenhouse,
Fannin, Gilmer, Union, Towns, Mrs. M. J. Hansen, Mrs. A. A.
and Chattooga counties, in the Jasperson, Mrs. S. S. Gray, Mrs.
State of Georgia. R. L. Underwood, Mrs. Wm.
Population: 1,309,304; churches, Steinman, W. E. McClure, Ed.
29; members, 1,307. Hassenpflug, Mrs. Claudia Dillard,
E. C. Banks, Mary Betts, L. A.
Office: Cor. Lovenia and Luttrell Jacobs, Mrs. L. A. Jacobs, Frances
Sts., Knoxville, Tenn. (Tel., E. Johnson, Mrs. W. P. Warren,
Hemlock 5047). Bernice Gibson, Hazel Collins, J.
A. Byrd, Mrs. J. A. Byrd, Mrs.
Officers: W. H. Westermeyer, Mrs. J. G.
Pres., R. I. Keate. Burdick, L. R. Page, Mrs. L. R.
Sec. and Treas., F. R. Boggs. Page, Mrs. J. M. Levering.
Executive Committee: R. I.
Keate, E. W. Wolfe, F. C. Web- Church Directory: (White)
ster, Cyrus Simmons, James North Carolina:
Hickman. Asheville, 240 Haywood St.
Legal Assn.: " The Cumber- Fletcher, Mountain Sanitarium.
land Conference Association of Candler, Pisgah Industrial Insti-
Seventh-day Adventists." tute.

Tennessee: Office: 311 North Rosalind Ave.,

Athens, 197 Ohio St. Orlando, Fla.; P. 0. Box 372.
Bristol, Strans Hall, King St. (Telephone, 4276.)
Chattanooga, Beech St. and Dun- Officers:
can Ave.
Cleveland, Twentieth St. and Pres., A. S. Booth.
Ocoee St. Sec. and Treas., J. I. Cassell.
Greeneville, 614 W. Main St. Executive Committee: A. S.
Johnson City, 116 West Fair- Booth, M. C. Bird, H. M. Kelley,
view St. J. I. Cassell, Chas. Baum.
Knoxville, cor. Lovenia and Lut- Legal Assn.: Florida Confer-
trell Sts. ence Association of Seventh-day
Morristown, Episcopal Church. Adventists."
Collegedale, Southern Junior Col- Department Secretaries:
lege, Ooltewah, Tenn. Book and Bible House, J. I. Cas-
Colored Department sell.
Field Miss., .
Committee: Sabbath School, Mrs. Carrie L.
R. I. Keate, P. M. Boyd, T. C. Stringer; sso., Anita Martin.
Du-'can, W. C. Cleveland.
Educational and Missionary Vol.,
Minister: H. M. Kelley.
P. M. Boyd. Home Miss., R. E. French.
Licentiates: Medical, Dr. L. L. Andrews.
J. L. Martin, R. L. Ryles. Religious Liberty, A. S. Booth.
Church School Teachers: Ministers:
Lucille I. Heyward, Thelma Win- A. S. Booth, C. R. Magoon, J. B.
ston. Locken, F-'ank Dudley, R. E.
French, H. M. Kelley, Chas.
Church Directory: Baum, F. A. Harter, James Bel-
Asheville No. 2, 249 Market St. linger.
Chattanooga No. 2, 1024 Cross Honorary: E. C. Widgery, W. G.
St. Kneeland, C. B. Stephenson, J. H.
Knoxville No. 2, cor. University Krum.
and Wallace. Licentiates:
K. A. Macaulay.
Honorary: T. D. Gibson.
FLORIDA CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiates:
Organized 1893 D. C. Ludington, Mrs. Anne E.
Graham, J. I. Cassell, Mrs. Carrie
Territory: The State of Florida, L. Stringer, Miss Addie Mae
excepting the counties of Es- Kalar, Miss Lucy Page Emerson,
cambia, Santa Rosa, Walton, Mrs. Myrtle Asay Hendy, Miss
Holmes, Washington, Jackson, A. C. Dewers, Anita Martin.
Oskaloosa, Bay, and Calhoun, Honorary: Mrs. E. C. Widgery,
which belong to the Alabama Mrs. W. G. Kneeland.
Conference. Church School Teachers:
Population: 828,618; churches. S. G. Northcott, Mrs. S. G.
46; members, 3,029. Northcott, Mrs. Ida Sollenberger,

Clay Millard, C. A. Van Fossen, Tampa, colored, East Scott St.

Mrs. Van Fossen, Mrs. L. J. West Palm Beach, white, Hi-
Black, Miss Beulah Johnson, biscus St.
Miss Nellie Ferree, Mrs. Irva B.
Baessler, Miss Nora Krum, Mrs.
B. J. Jameson, Miss Blanche
Vaughn, Miss Emma J. Hunt, GEORGIA CONFERENCE
Miss Mae B. Murrell, Mrs. E. W. Organized 1901.
Anderson, J. G. MacIntyre, Miss
Freda Burger, Mrs. Esther Gra- Territory: The State of Georgia;
ham, Mrs. E. R. Allen. excepting the counties of Dade,
Walker, Catoosa, Towns, Union,
Colored Department Fannin, Gilmer, Murray, Whit-
Committee: A. S. Booth, J. I. field, and Chattooga, belonging
Cassel, J. F. Crichlow, A. B. B. to the Cumberland Conference.
Storey, F. H. Stevens. Population: 2,868,544; churches,
Ministers: 25; members, 1,162.
J. F. Crichlow, A. B. B. Storey, Office: 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E.,
F. H. Stevens. Atlanta, Ga. Phone, Main 4536.
Church School Teachers:
Pres., B. F. Kneeland.
Henrietta Emmanuel, Mrs. L. H. Sec. and. Treas., Miss Cora Fel-
Stevens, Blanche Palmer, Mar- ker.
guerite Pons, James Fisher, Mil- Executive Committee: B. F.
dred Mobley. Kneeland, J. R. Mitchell, A. Wid-
Church Directory: maier, Cora Felker, H. F. Taylor.
Legal Assn.: " Georgia Confer
Arcadia, East Hickory St. ence Association of Seventh-day
Clearwater, East Turner St. Adventists" (Incorporated).
Daytona, Cypress St.
Gainesville, Railroad Ave. Department Secretaries:
Jacksonville, white, Roselle and Book and Bible House, Miss Cora
Charles Sta. Felker.
Jacksonville, colored, Jessie and Field Miss., F. L. Meister.
Van Buren Sts. Educational and Missionary Vol.,
Miami, white, Ninth Ave. and Archa Dart.
Fourth St. Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
Miami, colored, Second St. Vance LaGrone.
New Smyrna, Orange Ave. Medical, Dr. J. F. Schneider.
Ocala, white, 408 Magnolia St. Religious Liberty, B. F. Knee-
Orlando, white, East Robinson land.
and Rosalind Ave.
Orlando, colored, South Para- Ministers:
more St. B. F. Kneeland, H. F. Taylor, A.
Sanitarium, white, Box 1100, Or- A. Cone.
lando. Honorary: B. H. Shaw.
St. Petersburg, South Sixth St.
and Fifth Ave., South. Licentiates:
St. Petersburg, colored, 10th Dr. J. R. Mitchell, Vance La
Ave. and 20th St., South. Grone, F. L. Meister, Leo Odom,
Tampa, white, in 2800 Block on R. G. Strickland, J. 0. Fenner,
Florida Ave. W. H. Lyon.

Missionary Licentiates: C. Morris, Pauline Emanuel, Mrs.

Miss Cora Felker, Miss Myrtle M. F. Sweedenberg, Marian F.
Bateman, Dr. J. F. Schneider. Cobb.
Church School Teachers: Churches and Pastors:
Jesse Cowdrick, W. H. Lyon, Mrs. Atlanta, 200 Greensferry Ave.,
Ruth King-McKee, Corrie Lee S. W.; W. H. Winston, 3301
Oglesby, Nora Peoples, Mrs. W. Lee St., S. W.
H. Clark, Mrs. Frank Kohler, J. Augusta, David and Maple Sts.;
R. Conger, Mrs. J. R. Conger, F. A. Osterman, 1431 Forest
Frances Arnold, Marie Walden. St.
Columbus, 1312 Twenty-fourth
Churches and Pastors: Ave.; H. T. Mitchell-Palmer,
Atlanta, 543 Cherokee Ave., S. 13111/2 Pou St.
E.; A. A. Cone, 1903 Boulevard Macon, 509 Third Ave.; L. J.
Drive, N. E. Pryor, 219A East.
Augusta, 1824 Walton Way; F. Savannah, Cor. Florence and
E. Courtney, P. 0. Box 345. Forty-third St.
Columbus, Cor. Seventeenth St.
and Fifteenth Ave.
Macon, Cor. Montpelier and
Rome, Highland Ave. and Park EASTERN UNION CON-
Boulevard. ' FERENCE
Savannah, Thirty-fifth and Whit-
taker Sts.; R. G. Strickland, Educational:
P. 0. Box 797. Southern Junior College, Oolte-
wah, Tenn.
Colored Department
Forest Lake Academy, Alta-
Committee: B. F. Kneeland, monte Springs, Fla.
Cora Felker, F. A. Osterman, W.
H. Winston, Estee Prather. Publishing:
Ministers: Atlanta Branch of the Southern
Pub. Assn., 405 Fair St., S. E.,
F. A. Osterman, W. H. Winston. Atlanta, Ga.
Licentiate: L. J. Pryor. Sanitariums:
Church School Teachers: Orlando-Florida Sanitarium and
H. T. Mitchell-Palmer, Myrtice Hospital, Orlando, Fla.


Organized Igor

Territory: The Conferences of Ala- Office: 2001 Twenty-fourth Ave.,

bama, Kentucky, Louisiana-Miss- North, Nashville, Tenn.
issippi, and Terinessee River. Officers:
Population: 9,844,547; churches, Pres., N. S. Ashton.
97; members, 4,167. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Burton
Telegraphic Address: Phone 7-6660. Castle.

Executive Committee: N. S. ALABAMA CONFERENCE

Ashton, Burton Castle, F. W.
Schmehl, 0. F. Frank, W. P. Oiganized 1901
Bradley, F. H. DeVinney, A. B.
Russell, F. G. Ashbaugh, H. E. Territory: The State of Alabama,
Lysinger, M. F. Knox, W. R. and the following counties in
White, J. A. Tucker. Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa,
Walton, Holmes, Washington,
Legal Assn.: " Southern Union Jackson, Okaloosa, Bay, and
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Calhoun.
Transportation Agent, Burton
Castle. Population: 2,488,026; churches,
26; members, 862.
Department Secretaries: Office Address: 500 Second Ave.,
Field Miss., F. W. Schmehi. South, Clanton, Ala. (Telephone,
Educational and Miss. Vol., W 132-J.)
P. Bradley. Postal Address: Drawer E, Clan-
Home Miss. and Religious Lib- ton, Ala.
. erty, 0. F. Frank.
Ministers: Pres., A. B. Russell.
N. S. Ashton, 0. F. Frank, H. R. Sec. and Treas., C. 0. Franz.
Gay, R. B. Thurber, J. A. Tucker, Executive Committee: A. B.
H. J. Doolittle, W. P. Bradley. Russell, C. 0. Franz, Frank
Honorary: R. ,S. Donnell, C. J. Weeks, 0. P. Ivie, Allen
Buhalts, Dr: E. A. Sutherland. Walker, Chas. Degering, R. R.
Licentiates: Legal Assn.: " Alabama Confer-
P. W. Schmehl, Burton Castle, ence Assn. of the Seventh-day
L. F. Thiel, A. N. Atteberry. Adventists."

Missionary Licentiates: Department Secretaries:

Hazel Wood, Chas. Degering. Book and Bible House, C. 0.
Union Colored Dept.: Field Miss., R. R. Coble.
Committee: N. S. Ashton, Bur- Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
ton Castle, F. H. DeVinney, F. W. W. Walker.
G. Ashbaugh, H. E. Lysinger, A. Educational and Missionary Vol.,
B. Russell, F. S. Keitts, L. H. R. E. Cowdrick.
Bland, F. L. Peterson, J. B. Mal- Religious Liberty, A. B. Russell.
Asst. Home Miss., Educational, Ministers:
and Miss. Vol., F. L. Peterson. A. B. Russell, Allen Walker,
Frank Weeks.
Honorary: C. M. Kinney, N. B.
King. W. W. Walker, W. W. White,
J. C. Baldwin.
Licentiate: F. L. Peterson. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiate: C. 0. Franz, R. R. Coble, R. E.
0. B. Edwards. Cowdrick, Mrs. Lucille Smith.

Church School Teachers: KENTUCKY CONFERENCE

Earline' Foshee, Lucille Hoskins, Organized 1908
Mrs. A. H. Liles, Minnie Duncan,
Bessie Cooke, Ester Walker, Mrs. Territory: All the State of Ken-
Roy Jorgensen, Mrs. W. H. Har- tucky excepting the eight coun-
bolt, Jeanette White, Flora Sa- ties west of the Tennessee
velle. River and the counties of Trigg,
Christian, Todd, Logan, Simp-
Colored Department son, and Allen, belonging to the
Committee: A. B. Russell, C. 0. Tennessee River Conference.
Franz, T. S. Tate, W. H. Baker, Population: 2,147,838; churches,
E. Wilkins. 18; members, 876.
Minister: Office Address: 3434 Taylor Blvd.,
T. S. Tate. Louisville, Ky. (Telephone, Mag-
nolia 3790.)
Licentiates: Officers:
W. H. Baker, E. Wilkins. Pres., F. G. Ashbaugh. Tele-
phone, Magnolia 1986W.
Missionary Licentiate: Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Bell (Tel.,
Julia Wesley. Magnolia 143-W).
Executive Committee: F. G. Ash-
Church School Teachers: baugh, 0. J. Bell, J. D. Reavis,
Frances Fountain, Corine Bass, A. W. Ott, J. C. Mitchell, J. W.
Ida Faison, Julia Wesley. Wheeler.
Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad-
Churches and Pastors: ventist Conference Association
Birmingham, 727 Tuscaloosa of Kentucky." Pres., F. G. Ash-
baugh; Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Bell.
Ave.; W. W. White, 443 Val-
ley Road, Fairfield, Ala. Department Secretaries:
Birmingham (colored), 13th St. Book and Bible House, 0. J. Bell.
and Avenue F; T. S. Tate. Field Miss., J. Culpepper.
Clanton, 503 Second Ave., Home Miss. and Sab. School,
South; C. 0. Franz, Drawer E. J. D. Reavis.
Huntsville, colored, 629 Madison Educational and Miss. Vol., W.
St. J. Wilkinson.
Mobile, Old Shell Road and Pine Religious Liberty, .
St.; Frank Weeks, Box 72, Ministers:
Crichton, Ala. F. G. Ashbaugh, J. D. Reavis,
Mobile, colored, Dearborn St., J. G. Mitchell.
bet. Congress and Adams Sts.;
W. H. Baker, 504 St. Michael Missionary Licentiates:
St. Mrs. Mattie Lucas, Mrs. Wm. C.
Montgomery, colored, 110 Early Leouing, 0. J. Bell.
St.; E. Wilkins, 110 Early St. Church School Teachers:
Pensacola, Fla., cor. East Gads- Miss Jean] Wingate, Mrs. Robert
den St., and Sixth Ave. O'Brien, Bernice Soliday, Miss
Pensacola, Fla., colored, 919 Clarabelle Culver, Mrs. W. T.
West Gadsden St. Collins.

Colored Department Field Miss.,C. A. Boykin.

Executive Committee: F. G. Ash- Sabbath School, Mrs. E. A. Tay-
baugh, 0. J. Bell, J. B. Mallory. lor.
Home Miss. and Missionary Vol.,
Minister: J. B. Mallory. C. E. Botimer.
Educational, W. P. Bradley.
Church School Teachers: Religious Liberty, F. H. DeVin-
Myrtle Gates, Ivan A. Christian. ney.
Church Directory:
F. H. DeVinney, I. C. Pound,
White: M. L. Wilson, J. Brownlie, J. D.
Bowling Green, 1122 Park St. Smith.
Covington, cor. 18th and Greenup
St.; J. G. Mitchell, 100 East Licentiate: J. L. Cooper.
44th St. (Tel., Covington 7758). Missionary Licentiates:
Louisville, 1621 South Fourth
Ave. Mrs. E. A. Taylor, C. E. Botimer,
C. A. Boykin.
Bowling Green, Park and Fourth. Church School Teachers:
Lexington, Fifth and Upper Sts. Mrs. Mary Crawford, Miss Mable
Louisville, 1715 Chestnut St.; J. Wood, Miss Esther Thomson,
B. Mallory. Mrs. F. M. Robison, Miss Rosa-
belle Wood, Miss Rossie Fay
Murphy, Miss Lurline Roach.
Executive Committee: F. H. De-
Mississippi Organized 1900 Vinney, Mrs. J. G. White, F. S.
Louisiana Organized 1900 Keitts, C. B. Holloway.
Consolidated 1920
Territory: The States of Louisi- F. S. Keitts.
ana and Mississippi.
Population: 3,589,127; churches,
28; members, 1,078. C. B. Holloway, E. Kelly, E. S.
Dillette, B. H. Ewing.
Office: 705 South Gallatin St.,
Jackson, Miss. (Telephone, 1134.) Church School Teachers:
W. T. Brown, Allen Humphrey,
Officers: Seneva Crosgrove, George Mur-
Pres., F. H. DeVinney. phy, Effie Seard.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. G. White.
Executive Committee: F. H. De- Church Directory:
Vinney, Mrs. J. G. White, I. C. White:
Pound, M. L. Wilson, J. Brown- Jackson, Miss., 703 South Gal-
lie, C. E. Botimer, H. 0. Rogers. latin St.
Legal Assn.: " The Louisiana- New Orleans, La., Camp and
Mississippi Conference Assn. of Race Sts.
S. D. A." Shreveport, La., Frederick and
Missouri Sts.
Department Secretaries: Meridian, Miss.,Eighth St. and
Book and Bible House, Mrs. J. G. Thirty-eigth Ave.
White. Hattiesburg, Miss., Edwards St

Mansfield, La., on Louisiana St. Knox, W. P. McLennan, D. U.

just off Crosby. Hale, R. F. Woods, J. W. Dement.
Vicksburg, Miss., one block Legal Assn.: " Tennessee River
from the end of Jackson- Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
Road car line.
Department Secretaries:
Jackson, Miss., Rose and West Book and Bible House, A. B.
'Pascagoula Sts. Schroader.
New Orleans, La., 2412 Dela- Field Miss., R. 0. Hoover.
chaise St. Home Miss., R. F. Woods.
Greenville, Miss., 647 Catley St. Educational and Sabbath School,
Greenwood, Miss., Scott St. and Miss Nannie May Smith.
Ave. G. Young People's, M. E. Chapman.
Columbus, Miss., Fifteenth St. Religious Liberty, H. E. Ly-
and Ninth Ave. singer.
Brookhaven, Miss., near cor.
South First and Chipawa
Sts. H. E. Lysinger, J. W. Dement,
Meridian, Miss., Seventeenth St. W. P. McLennan, D. U. Hale, B.
between Thirty-second and 'W. Spire, I. D. Richardson.
Thirty-third Ayes. Licentiates:
Vicksburg, Miss., 1115 Fayette
St. R. F. Woods, M. E. Chapman.
Yazoo City, Miss., 408 Clay St. Missionary Licentiates:
A. B. Schroader, R. 0. Hoover,
Miss Hilda Brown, Miss Nannie
TENNESSEE RIVER CONFER- May Smith, Mrs. D. B. Christian-
ENCE son.
Organized 1888 Church School Teachers:
Miss Minnie Brown, Mrs. Bennie
Territory: Western Tennessee, the Woods, Mrs. R. B. King, Ed-
eastern boundary being the east- ward MacDonald, Mrs. Edward
ern line of the counties of Sum- MacDonald, Mrs. Geo. Coffin,
ner, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon, Bennie Woods, Miss Dorothy Au-
Coffee, Franklin; and the fol- gustus, A. E. Kephart, H. A.
lowing-named counties in Ken- Gober, Mrs. H. A. Gober, Mrs.
tucky: Ballard, McCracken, E. E. Bachus, Miss Carrie Gregg.
Marshall, Graves, Fulton, Hick-
man, Carlisle, Calloway, Trigg, Colored Department
Christian, Todd, Logan, Simp-
son, Allen. Committee: H. E. Lysinger, A.
Population: 1,615,861; churches, B. Schroader, L. H. Bland, J. H.
25; members, 1,351. Wagner.

Office: 1715 Cass St., Nashville, Minister:

Tenn. Telephone 7-6616. L. H. Bland.
Officers: Licentiates:
Pres., H. E. Lysinger. J. H. Wagner, G. E. Jenkins.
Sec. and Treas., A. B. Sehroader.
Executive Committee: H. r.. Ly- Missionary Licentiate:
singer, A. B. Schroader, M. F. Miss Lela Davis.

Church School Teachers: Nashville, Twelfth Ave., North,

Mrs. F. L. Peterson, Mrs. E. R. near Jefferson St.
Jones, Miss J. V. Mills. Paducah, 713 South Seventh St.

Church Directory:
Memphis, North Parkway and CONFERENCE
Dunlap St.
Nashville, Fifth and Fatherland Oakwood Junior College, Hunts-
Ste. ville, Ala.
Paducah, Bridge and Clements
Ste. Publishing:
Southern Pub. Assn., 2123
Colored: Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
Memphis, 1051 Mississippi Blvd. Nashville, Tenn.


Organized zgor; reorganized zooz
Territory: The Conferences of Educational and Miss. Vol., E.
Arkansas, Oklahoma, North A. von Pohle.
Texas, South Texas, and Texico. Home Miss., G. F. Eichman.
Population: 8,795,732; churches, Religious Liberty, M. B. Van
142; members, 6,247. Kirk.
Office Address: 518-519 Terminal Ministers:
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
(Telephone, Walnut 2049.) M. B. Van Kirk, A. F. Harrison,
G. F. Eichman, E. A. von Pohle,
Officers: C. H. Castle, H. S. Miller, H. J.
Pres., M. B. Van Kirk. Miller.
Sec. and Treas., C. H. Castle. Honorary: U. B. Dake, H. C.
Executive Committee: M. B. Griffin, A. G. Haughey, M. Serna,
Van Kirk, E. T. Wilson, F. L. M. H. Brown, G. M. Brown, H. B.
Perry, W. H. Clark, R. P. French, I. A. Crane, D. F. Stur-
Montgomery, R. L. Benton, C. H. geon, V. W. Robb, Daniel Isaac,
Castle, A. F. Harrison, E. A. von C. M. McDonald, E. B. Hopkins,
Pohle, G. F. Eichman, C. E. Kel- W. A. McCutchen, J. G. Oblan-
logg, E. H. Abbott. der, L. G. Beans, R. W. Leach,
Legal Assn.: " The Southwest- H. A. Moreno, Bernard Voth.
ern Union Conference Corpora-
tion of S. D. A." Pres., M. B. Licentiates:
Van Kirk; Sec., C. H. Castle. E. H. Abbott, E. A. Smith, Orno
Auditor and Transportation Follett.
Agent, C. H. Castle. Honorary: C. N. Woodward.
Department Secretaries:
Union Field Miss., A. F. Harri- Missionary Licentiates:
son. L. N. Carter, Geneva Oldham.

ARKANSAS CONFERENCE Gentry, 2 miles southeast of

Organized 1888 Hiwasse, East part of town.
Hope, 7 miles southwest of town.
Territory: The State of Arkansas. Springdale, center of town.
Population: 1,752,204; churches, Searcy, N. W. of City Park.
22; members, 753. Colored Department
Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little
Rock, Ark. Phone 4-4501. Minister:
W. S. North.
Pres., R. P. Montgomery. Church School Teachers:
Sec. and Treas., J. B. Ross. Hattie J. Chatters, Lula Bell.
Executive Committee: R. P. Church Directory,:
Montgomery, Isaac Baker, G. M.
Brown, W. H. Hanhardt, C. N. Little Rock, No. 2, 1809 Pulaski
Young. St.
Legal Assn.: " Arkansas Confer- Marianna, South Georgia St.
ence Assn. of S. D. A."
Department Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Ella M.
Winn. Organized 1878
Field Miss., C. N. Young.
Sabbath School, J. B. Ross. Territory: That part of the State
Miss. Vol. Home Miss., Educa- of Texas lying east and north of
tional, W. H. Hanhardt. the following counties: East of
Medical Miss. and Religious Lib- Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Has-
erty, R. P. Montgomery. kell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels,
Ministers: Conche; and north of Mason,
Llano, Burnet, Williamson, Lee,
R. P. Montgomery, Isaac Baker. Burleson, Brazos, Grimes, Mont-
Licentiates: gomery, Liberty, Hardin, and
C. N. Young, J. B. Ross, W. H. Orange.
Hanhardt. Population: 2,189,844; churches,
Missionary Licentiate: Miss Ella 29; members, 1,480.
M. Winn. Office: 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas,
Church School Teachers: Texas. (Telephone 3-3102.)
J. H. Nylander, Mrs. J. H. Ny- Officers:
lander, Gladys Shafer, Maude Pres., R. L. Benton.
McComas, Wesley Wolcott, Mrs. Sec. and Treas., C. G. Ortner.
Wesley Wolcott, Edith Harper, Executive Committee: R. L.
Grace Shafer, Martha Lassiter, Benton, C. G. Ortner, H. Schmidt,
John Kibbey, Clarence Sander. J. S. Yates, J. W. McComas, C.
Church Directory: W. Rubendall, H. J. Hassenpfiug.
Little Rock No. 1, 1213 Marshall Legal Assn.: " Texas Conference
St. Assn. of S. D. A."
Ft. Smith, Tenth and D Sta.
Hot Springs, St. Louis and Cen- Department Secretaries:
tral Ayes. Tract Soc., C. G. Ortner.
Fayetteville, 36 South St. Field Miss., T. J. Hooper.

Sab. S'ch., Ethic., and Miss. Vol., Population: 2,028,283; churches,

A. F. Ruf. 53; members, 2,169.
Home Miss., C. W. Rubendall.
Religious Liberty, R. L. Benton. Office: 217 West Seventh St., Okla-
homa City, Okla. (Telephone,
Ministers: Walnut 1678.)
R. L. Benton, C. F. Staben, J. W. Office Address: Box 1077, Okla-
McComas, A. F. Ruf, C. W. Ru- homa City, Okla.
bendall, Stemple White. Officers:
Honorary: J. S. Yates. Pres., W. H. Clark.
Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., Lowell Estes.
Executive Committee: W. H.
C. G. Ortner, T. J. Hooper, A. K. Clark, C. J. Dart, C. E. AcMoody,
Watkins. George Schultz, N. V. Willess,
Missionary Licentiates: W. L. Nott, J. A. Wasenmiller.
Mrs. Beulah Langdon, Edith Legal Assn.: " Oklahoma Con-
Randall, Mrs. H. Eder. ference Corporation of S. D. A."
Church School Teachers: Department Secretaries:
Lee Carter, Glenmore Carter, Book and Bible House, B. E.
Laura Reynolds, Mildred Bald- Bridwell.
win, Flora Moyers, Irma Shafer, Field Miss., C. M. Norman.
Mary Woodward, Hazel Berg, Educational and Miss. Vol., K. L.
Lottie Woodruff, Mrs. D. B. Gant.
Payne, Miss Tressa Smith, Edith Sabbath School, Nadine Harris;
Randall, Dorothy Blake, Marga- Isolated, C. J. Dart.
ret Pierce, Frances Bleakley, Home Miss., E. E. Beddoe.
Hazel Strader, Mrs-. H. B. French, Religious Liberty, W. H. Clark.
Irene Kretsinger, Miss Lilah Ministers:
Beth Hopps, Mrs. S. D. Green- W. H. Clark, W. L. Nott, C. J.
hill, Miss Gibson, Katie Baker. Dart, Ezra Tillman, E. E. Bed-
Church Directory: doe, N. R. Hickman, C. E. Ac-
Moody, J. A. Wasenmiller, N. V.
Beulah, 3612% Thomas Ave., Willess, K. L. Gant.
Corsicana, Eighth Ave. and South Licentiates:
Seventh. C. E. Riffel, F. 0. Fowler, Samuel
Dallas, 2900 Live Oak St. Hodge, R. E. Louden, C. M.
Dalworth, Dalworth Park. Norman, C. C. Voth, George Loe-
Denison, 112 South Scullin St. wen.
Fort Worth, Hawthorne and
Hemphill Sts. Missionary Licentiates:
Gainesville, 424 North Taylor St. Lowell Estes, Abbie Dunn, Mrs.
Sherman, 712 North Lee Ave. C. E. Rechenberger, Selma
Waco, Jefferson and 13th St. B. E. Bridwell, Laura Winn, Na-
Wichita Falls, Seventeenth and dine Harris, Rosa Irick.
Travis Sts. Church School Teachers:
A. G. Haughey, Miss Ruth
Haughey, Harry Burkett, Miss
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE Jewel Spurgeon, DeWitt' Smith,
Organized 1894 Miss Marguerite Aitkens, Miss
Lucille Bailey, Mrs. A. B. Mohr,
Territory: The State of Okla- Mrs. Maude Shaw, R. A.
homa and Lipscomb Co., Texas. Widmer, Miss Olivia Uhrig, Miss

Lennie Gepford, Miss Eva Gaede, counties: Lampasas, Bell, Milam,

Mrs. Carrie Westmoreland, Miss Robertson, Madison, Walker, San
Minnie Ruf, Cecil Conquest, Miss Jacinto, Tyler, Jasper, Newton,
Florence Kinder, Miss Irene and west of Louisiana to the
Jones, Miss Dorothy Ellis, Clyde Gulf of Mexico.
Stuart, Mrs. Clyde Stuart, Mrs. Population: 1,600,136; churches,
B. E. Bridwell, Miss Genevieve 20; members, 1,172.
Plumleigh, Miss Ina Riffel, Solo-
mon Ortner, Miss Leota Haffner, Office Address: 917 South Presa St.,
Miss Ophelia Riffel, Miss Ophelia San Antonio, Tex. Telephone,
Voth, Miss Jewel Chase, Mrs. Crockett 4707.
May Griffith, Mrs. Laura Lee Officers:
Mooy, Miss Olive Louise Cum- Pres.; F. L. Perry.
mings, Miss Edith Wilson, Miss Sec. and Treas., J. S. McMullen.
Hattie Stewart, Mrs. R. E. Lou- Executive Committee: F. L.
den. Perry, E. L. Stewart, Carlos S.
Churches and Pastors: Nicolas, J. S. McMullen, D. Van
White: Campen, 0. J. Corwin, J. W.
Ardmore, 118 B St., S. W.; N. Jones.
R. Hickman, 1022 4th Ave. Legal Assn.: " South Texas
N. E. Conference Assn. of Z. D. -A."
Enid, Randolph and Quincy Sts.
Muskogee, Court and Seventh Department Secretaries:
Sts.; C. E. AcMoody, 2118 Tract Soc., J. S. McMullen.
Court St. Field Miss., D. Van Campen.
Oklahoma City, 217 West Sev- Sabbath School, Miss Helen
enth, St.; N. V. Willess, 605 Kunz. -
W. 26th St. Home Miss., F. L. Perry.
Perry, Seventh and E Sts. Educational and Miss. Vol., P. E.
Sapulpa, Thompson and Linden Van Landingham.
Sts. Religious Liberty, F. L. Perry.
Tulsa, 920 East Sixth St.; W. Ministers:
L. Nott, 920 East Sixth St.
F. L. Perry, E. L. Stewart, J.
Colored: B. Hampton, C. S. Nicolas, J. W.
Ardmore, 902 Seventh Ave., N. E. rasa, 0. J. Corwin.
Guthrie, 921 East Vilas Ave.
Muskogee, West S. S. Boulevard Licentiates:
and'Seventh St.; Sam'l Hodge, D. Van Campen, C. A. Walgren,
622 West S. S. Blvd. L. H. Lopez, S. P. Cunill, Jose
Oklahoma City, Durland and Castillo, P. E. Van Landingham.
Second Sts.; R. E. Louden, 216
N. Durland. Missionary Licentiates:
Tulsa, 1313 North Madison. J. S. McMullen, Mrs. 0. J. Cor-
win, Miss Helen Kunz, Kathleen
SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE Church School Teachers:
Organized 1911 Mrs. E. L. Stewart, Miss Er-
mina Powell, Mrs. H. J. Spicer,
Territory: All that portion of the Mrs. L. B. Spear, Lucile Harper,
State of Texas lying east of the Miss Alice Prentice, Agnes
Texico Conference, and south of Barnes, Howard Mattison, Lil-
the south line of the following lian Taylor, Lola Sears.

Mexican Mission Schools: Concho, and north of the south

L. G. Beans, Mrs. L. G. Beans, line of Concho, Green, Irion,
L. H. Lopez, Jose Castillo. Reagan, Upton, Crane, Ward,
Reeves, Culbertson, Hudspeth, El
Colored Department Paso.
Committee: F. L. Perry, J. S. Population: 1,225,265; churches,
McMullen, T. H. Coopwood, M. 18; members, 673.
M. Young, J. A. Carroll. Postal Address: Box 188, Clovis,
N. Mex. (Tel., 107).
T. H. Coopwood. Officers:
Pres., E. T. Wilson.
Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., 0. D. Slater.
M. M. Young, 0. J. Trotter. Executive Committee: E. T. Wil-
son, 0. D. Slater, C. U. Taylor,
Churches and Pastoii: A. G. Nelson, H. E. Blackwelder.
Legal Assn.: " The Texico Con-
Corpus Christi, 1200 Block ference Assn. of S. D. A."
Chamberlain St.
Houston, 915 Yale St.; J. B. Department Secretaries:
Hampton, 1335 Packard St.
Berean, Houston, (Colored) Dow- Tract Soc., 0. D. Slater.
ling and Calhoun Sts. Field Miss., W. L. Kinder.
San Antonio, 219 Winnipeg Ave.; Sabbath School, C. U. Taylor.
E. L. Stewart, Route B, Box Educational, E. T. Wilson.
28-J. Miss. Vol., C. U. Taylor.
San Antonio, Mexican, San Fer- Home Miss., C. U. Taylor.
nando and Sibolo Sta.; C. S. Religious Liberty, E. T. Wilson.
Nicolas, 411 Thompson Place. Medical, G. A. LaGrone.
Ephesus, San Antonio (Colored) Ministers:
Hardeman and Hack berry
Sts. 4, T. H. Coopwood, 220 E. T. Wilson, G. A. LaGrone, C.
Connelly St. U. Taylor, F. E. Wilson, A. G.
Elgin, Rural, Route 5. Nelson, E. M. Gates, J. Z.
Hondo, Rural, Star Route. Walker.
El Campo, Rural, Hahn Route. Licentiates:
M. R. Proctor, W. L. Kinder.
TEXICO CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiates:
Organized 1916 Mrs. M. T. Proctor, 0. D. Slater,
Miss Alice Rice. _
Territory: The State of New Mex- Church School Teachers:
ico (excepting San Juan County
belonging to the Inter-Mountain Miss Frances Mundell, Mrs. C. D.
Conference), and that part of Colburn, Miss Flora Moffit, Mrs.
the State of Texas lying west C. 0. Doub, C. F. Jenkins,
and north of the following coun- Mrs. C. F. Jenkins, Rosa Jane
ties (excepting Lipscomb county Ham, Mamie Chatfield, Mrs. H.
belonging to the Oklahoma Con- A. Moreno, Mrs. E. T. Wilson,
ference): West of the Eastern Mrs. Glen_L. Bee, Miss Clara E.
line of Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Johnson, Miss Lois Cagle, Miss
Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels, Edith Artibee.

Churches and Pastors: Lubbock, Tex., Ave. 20th and

Albuquerque, N. Mex., English, K; J. C. Curry, Box 1592.
425 North Third St. Amarillo, Tex., 1301 East Sixth
Spanish, 1024 North Arno St.; St.; G. A. LaGrone, 902 Locust
F. E. Wilson. St.
Clovis, N. Mex., 423 Rencher St.
El Paso, Tex., English, 3927
Proctor, 3612 Morenci St. WESTERN UNION CON-
Spanish, 3425 Durazno St.; M. FERENCE
Hagerman, N. Mex., west of Educational:
railroad. Southwestern Junior College,
Keene, Tex.
Maxwell, N. Mex., 1 mile south,
1 mile west. Publishing:
Raton, N. Mex., cor. of Mesa and Western Branch of Southern
Maxwell Ave. Pub. Assn., 112-114 St. Louis
Roswell, N. Mex., 107 Lee; J. E. Ave., Fort Worth, Tex.; E. H.
Rose, Box 12. Abbott, Manager.


Organized 1907

Territory: The provinces of Brit- M. D., C. 0. Smith, F. T. Balmer.

ish Columbia, Alberta, Saskat- Legal Assn.: " Western Cana-
chewan, Manitoba, that portion dian Union Corporation of Sev-
of Ontario lying west of the 89th enth-day Adventists."
meridian, Yukon, and Northwest
territories. Department Secretaries:
Population: 3,250,000; churches, Field Miss., .
88; members, 3,873. Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Edu-
cational, D. E. Reiner.
Office: College Heights, via La- Medical Miss., H. Burden, M. D.,
combe, Alberta, Canada. (Tele- Sidney, B. C.
phone, " Lacombe 7, Ring 3.") Religious Liberty, S. A. Rusk-
Officers: Transportation Agent, T. R.
Pres., S. A. Ruskjer. Lukens.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, T. R.
Lukens. Ministers:
Executive Committee: S. A. S. A. Ruskjer, D. E. Reiner, C. 0.
Ruskjer, T. R. Lukens, A. V. Smith, D. C. Newbold, R. S.
Rhoads, W. A. Clemenson, L. C. Greaves, J. I. Beardsley.
Shepard, H. L. Wood, A. Bern- Honorary: N. McGill, Fred John-
hard, D. E. Reiner, H. Burden, son.

Licentiates: Licentiates:
II. G. Burden, M. D., T. R. Lu- Arthur Buckwalter, Adolph
kens, S. Leiske, M. D., J. J. Ernst.
Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates: E. A. Emery, H. E. McEwen, E.
A. Bernhard, C. Erdman, F. T. S. Humann, Minnie Fife, Mrs.
Balmer. Lorna Berg, Miss Thea Dentman,
Honorary: H. E. Shelstad. Alison Robertson.
Church School Teachers:
Miss Mary Anderson, Sadie Bok-
Organized 1906 Church Directory:
Territory: The Province of Al- Bridgeland, 232-8 A St., N. E.,
berta. Calgary, Alberta.
Calgary, Fourth St., West and
Population: 650,000; churches, Fourteenth Ave.
31; members, 1,551. Edmonton, Ninety-sixth St. and
Office: Rooms 304-306, I. 0. 0. 109th Ave.
F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Can-
ada. (Telephone, Main 6840.)
Pres., A. V. Rhoads. FERENCE
Sec. and Treas., E. A. Emery. Organized 1902
Executive Committee : A. V.
Rhoads, E. A. Emery, 0. Ziprick, Territory: British Columbia, Can-
A. V. Farnsworth, S. W. Shankel, ada.
Dan. Leiske, P. A. Rick, C. J. Population: 635,000; churches,
Hanson. 14; members, 724.
Legal Assn.: "Alberta Confer- Cable Address: Adventist, Van-
ence Association of S. D. A." couver.
Trustees: A. V. Rhoads, E. A. Office: 609-611 Province Bldg., 198
Emery, 0. Ziprick, S. W. Shan- Hastings St., West, Vancouver,
kel, D. N. Reiner. British Columbia. (Telephone,
Department Secretaries: Seymour 3986.)
Book and Bible House, E. S. Officers:
Field Miss., H. E. McEwen. Pres., H. L. Wood.
Sabbath School, Miss Thea Dent- Sec. and Treas., H. A. Shepard.
man. Executive Committee: H. L.
Missionary Volunteer, D. N. Wood, N. C. Erntson, H. W. Dut-
Reiner. ton, 0. E. Lindgren, R. E. Robin-
Educational, Miss Thea Dentman. son, H. A. Shepard, W. J. Shafer.
Home Miss., D. N. Reiner. Legal Assn: " British Columbia
Religious Liberty, A. V. Rhoads. Association of S. D. A." Pres.,
H. L. Wood; Sec. and Treas., H.
Ministers: A. Shepard.
A. V. Rhoads, G. 'W. Rader, 0.
Ziprick, Fred Johnson, P. A. Department Secretaries:
Rick, G. W. White, W. M. Rum- Book and Bible House, H. A.
inson, D. N. Reiner. Shepard.

Field Miss., Alex. Clark. Officers:

Sabbath School, Miss Annie Pres., Lyle C. Shepard.
Rowling. Sec. and Treas., D. H. Madsen.
Educational, W. J. Shafer. Executive Committee: Lyle C.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., W. Shepard, E. N. Sargeant, D. Gul-
J. Shafer. brandson, B. A. Reile, A. Brusch,
Religious Liberty, H. A. Shepard. D. H. Madsen.
Ministers: Legal Assn.: " The Manitoba
H. L. Wood, S. G. White, W. J. Conference of S. D. A."
Shafer, N. C. Erntson.
Department Secretaries:
Licentiate: Book and Bible House, D. H.
A. B. Bellchambers. Madsen.
Sabbath School, Miss Millie
Missionary Licentiates: Fisher.
H. A. Shepard, H. Cameron, Mrs. Educational, Lyle C. Shepard.
H. Cameron, Miss A. Rowling, Miss. Vol., Millie Fisher.
Miss Grace Snowden, Alexander Field Miss, P. D. Gerrard.
Clark. Home Miss., Millie Fisher.
Church School Teachers: Religious Liberty, E. N. Sar-
Miss E. L. Johnson, Miss Gladys
Burman, Miss Milly E. Greening, Ministers:
T. B. Moore.
Lyle C. Shepard, D. Gulbrandson,
Church Directory: E. N. Sargeant, B. A. Reile.
Vancouver: Missionary Licentiates:
Central Church, services being Millie Fisher, D. H. Madsen, Geo.
held in the Swedish Soloniuk, P. D. Gerrard.
Lutheran Church, cor. of
Princess and Pender Sts. Church School Teachers:
Services: Sabbath school, Theo. Weis, Catherine Neufeld.
10:00 a. m.; preaching 11:00
a. m. Churches and Pastors:
Victoria, 2721 Graham St. Winnipeg (English), 355 Young
St.; E. N. Sargeant, 306 Sher-
brooke St.
MANITOBA AND WESTERN Winnipeg (Icelandic), 603 Alver-
ONTARIO CONFERENCE stone Ave.; D. Gulbrandson,
737 Alverstone Ave.
Organized 1903
Territory: The Province of Mani-
toba and that portion of Ontario SASKATCHEWAN CONFER-
lying west of the 80th Meridian. ENCE
Population: 800,000; churches, Organized 1912
14; members, 522. Territory: The Province of Sas-
Office: 306 Sherbrooke St., Winni- katchewan.
peg, Manitoba. (Telephone, Population: 815,000; churches,
31708.) 29; members, 1,076.

Office: 603 Standard Trust Bldg., Church School Teachers:

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can-
ada. (Telephone, 2561.) Miss E. Lehmann, Miss E. Wall,
Miss E. Pilblad, Miss W. Vin-
Officers: nard.
Pres. W. A. Clemenson.
Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett. Church Directory:
Executive Committee: W. A. Saskatoon, Odd Fellows Hall,
Clemenson, C. W. Degering, 0. 416 21st St. East.
Meilicke, G. Severson, K. W. Regina (English), Liberty Hall,
Lehmann, P. G. Yakovenko, T. S. Albert St.
Bowett. East Regina (Rumanian) cor.
Legal Assn.: " Saskatchewian Atkinson St. and Twelfth
Conference Assn, of S. D. A." Ave.; Theo. Diminyatz, 1900
Pres., W. A. Clemenson. Atkinson St.
Sec. and Treas., T. S. Bowett.
Department Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, T. S. INSTITUTIONS IN THE WEST-
Field Miss., J. M. Hnatyshyn. ERN CANADIAN UNION
Home Miss., E. J. Westman. CONFERENCE
Sabbath School, Miss Mary Neu-
feld. Educational:
Educational, E. J. Westman. Battleford Academy, Battleford,
Miss. Vol., L. T. Hagle. Saskatchewan.
Religious Liberty, W. A. Clemen- Canadian Junior College, College
son. Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta.
Ministers: Publishing:
W. A. Clemenson, D. D. Neufeld,
J. D. Neufeld, P. G. Yakovenko, Winnipeg Branch of the Cana-
Theo. Diminyatz, S. M. Ryan, dian Watchman Press, 304
C. W. Degering, L. H. Hartin. Travelers Bldg., Winnipeg,
Licentiates: Canadian Junior College Press.
Wm. Brown, Luther Long, Nickel College Heights, via Lacombe.
Bodrug, S. E. Ursin. Alberta.
Missionary Licentiates:
J. M. Hnatyshyn, E. J. West-
man, Mary E. Neufeld, Alice Rest Haven Sanitarium, Sidney,
Campbell, T. S. Bowett. British Columbia.
Organized at Darmstadt, Germany, 1928
Territory: The East German, West Institutions
German, and South German (for-
merly Central European), Hun- Educational:
Arabic Union Mission Training
garian, and the Czechoslovakian School, Mataria (Cairo),
Union Conferences, the Nether-
lands, East Indies, and the Arabic Egypt.
Czechoslovakian Mission School,
Union Missions, and Bulgaria,
Greece, Albania, Turkey, Persia, Lodenice, p. Beroun u Prahy,
Liberia; also the Spanish and
Portuguese colonies of North- Friedensau Missionary Seminary,
west Africa. Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Magdeburg, Germany.
Population: About 223,070,825; Marienhohe Seminary, Darm-
churches, 1,076; members, 41,317. stadt-Marienhohe, Hessen, Ger-
Cable Address:. Adventist, Berlin. Neandertal Seminary for Minis-
terial and Missionary Stu-
Postal Address: Coblenzerstr. 3, dents, Neandertal Post Mett-
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. mann, Rhineland, Germany.
Officers: Church School:
Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Sec., Guy Dail. Magdeburg.
Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Publishing:
Field Sec., L. R. Conradi, Grin- Bulgarian Publishing House, So-
delberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Ger- lunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria.
many. Czechoslovakian Pub. House,
Auditor, P. A. Brandt, Campestr. Kralovo Pole, Wilsonova 8,
18, Hamburg, Germany. Brno 12, Czechoslovakia,
Trans. Agent, H. Drangmeister, Hamburg Publishing House,
Campestr. 18, Hamburg, Ger- Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13,
many. Germany.
Department Secretaries: Holland Branch: van Weede
Publishing, M. 136x. van Dijkveldstraat 77, The
Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Hague, Holland.
Miss. Vol., W. Muller. Austrian Branch: Advent-Ver-
Educational, Guy Dail. lag (E. V.) VII, Wimberger-
Medical, Dr. L. E. Conradi, Sani- gasse 40, Vienna, Austria.
tarium " Wald friede," Alsen- Hungarian Branch: Vallasos
strasse 99-109, Berlin-Zehlen- Iratok Nemzetkozi Kiado-
dorf-West, Germany. hivatala, I, Nemetvolgyi ut
Ministerial Association, L.. R. 12, Budapest, Hungary.
Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Depositories:
Hamburg 13, Germany. Egyptian Depository, Advent
Villa, Rue Balasan, Mataria
Ministers: (Cairo), Egypt.
H. F. Schuberth, Guy Dail, 0. Turkish Depository, Box 109,
Schildhauer, L. R. Conradi, H. Galata, Constantinople, Tur-
B6x, W. Muller. key.

Sanitariums: Chemnitz, Schlosstr. 7, Ger-

Bad Aibling Sanitarium, Kur- many.
haus Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Cologne, " Felicitas," Luxem-
Germany. burgerstr. 75, Gremany.
Waldfriede Sanatorium and Cli- Dresden, Lothringerstr. 8, Ger-
nic, Alsenstr. 99-109, Berlin- many.
Zehlendorf-West, Germany. Leipzig, Waldstr. 60, Germany.
Treatment Rooms: Frankfurt-Main, Eschenheimer
Cologne-Rhine, Germany, Pan- Anlage 32, Germany.
taleonswall 42-44, Treatment Wiesbaden, Rheinstr. 64, Ger-
Rooms. many.
Hamburg-Eimsbiittel, Char- Hostel and Home " Friedens-
lottenstr. 24, Germany. heim," Pappelallee 25, Berlin
Nurses Homes: N, Germany.
Berlin, Coblenzerstr. 3, Ger- Old People's Home, Friedensau,
many. Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg,
Breslau, Lohestr. 79, Germany. Germany.


Organized 1927
Territory: Includes the East Ger- S. D. A. Welfare and Health Work
man, West German, and South in Germany. Leader, Miss
German Unions. Hulda Jost, Coblenzerstr. 3, Ber-
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Office Address: Coblenzerstr. 3,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Pres., H. F. Schuberth. CIATION "FRIEDENSAU"
See. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer.
Other members: L. .R. Conradi, Organized 1927
P. Drinhaus, J. Wintzen, E. Legal Name: Deutscher Verein ftir
Gugel, A. Vollmer. Gesundheitspflege " Friedensau,"
E. V., Sitz Berlin, Coblenzerstr.
3, Germany.
ADVENT MISSION SOCIETY Operates the Sanitarium at Zehl-
(Advent-Missionsgesellschaft E. V.) endorf, the Old People's Home,
the Treatment Rooms, the Hos-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, tel and Home " Friedensheim "
Germany. and eight Nurses' Homes in Ger-
Organized 1913 many.
Board: Officers:
Pres., H. F. Schuberth. ' Pres., H. F. Schuberth.
Vice-Pres., L. R. Conradi. Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer.
Rec. Sec., 0. Schildhauer. Board of Trustees: H. F. Schuberth,
Treas., 0. Schildhauer. 0. Schildhauer, L. R. Conradi, P.
Other members: W. K. Ising, W. Drinhaus, J. Wintzen, E. Gugel,
Hans, E. Gugel, P. Drinhaus, J. A. Vollmer, Dr. med. L. E. Con-
Wintzen, A. Minsk. radi, Dr. med. E. Meyer, Miss

Elfriede Schroeder, Miss Elisa- Wiesbaden, Rheinstrasse 64, Ger-

beth Bruhn. many.
Executive Committee: H. F.
Schuberth, 0. Schildhauer, Dr. L. HAMBURG SEVENTH-DAY AD-
E. Conradi, Dr. E. Meyer, Miss VENTIST ASSOCIATION
Elfriede Schroeder.
Institutions: (Hamburger Verein der Siebenten-
" Waldfriede " Sanitarium and Tag-Adventisten)
Clinic, Zehlendorf-West, Berlin, Grindelberg rya, Hamburg, Ger-
Alsenstrasse 99-109, Germany. many
Old People's Home (org. 1900). (Legal society to hold all property
Manager, W. Krumm, Frieden- of the denomination in Ham-
sau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magde- burg.)
burg, Germany.
Hostel and Home " Friedel) s- Officers:
heim," Pappelallee 25, Berlin N, Pres., L. R. Conradi.
Germany; Mgr., R. C. Franck. Vice-Pres., H. F. Schuberth.
Treatment Rooms, Pantaleons- Power of Attorney, A. Vollmer.
wall 42-44, Cologne-Rhine, Ger- Asst. Power of Attorney, Alice
many. Kiissner.
Nurses Homes: Other Members: P. Drinhaus, J.
Berlin, Coblenzerstr, 3, Germany. Wintzen, E. Gugel, W. Krumm,
Breslau, Lohestr. 79, Germany. 0. Schildhauer.
Chemnitz, Schlosstr. 7, Germany. Other Institutions:
Cologne, " Felicitas," Luxem- German Health Food Factory
burgerstr. 75, Germany. (Deutscher Verein fiir Gesund-
Dresden, Lothringerstr. 8, Ger- heitspflege, Hamburg, E. V.),
many. Manager, H. Hoth, Campestr.
Leipzig, Waldstrasse 60, Ger- 18, Hamburg, Germany.
many. Hamburg Publishing House,
Frankfurt/Main, Eschenheimer Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13,
Anlage 32, Germany. Germany.


Organized 1909
Territory: The Berlin, Branden- Executive Committee: P. Drin-
burg, East Prussian, Lower Si- haus, E. L. Bahr, J. Becker, H.
lesian, Northeast Saxonian, Pom- Glass, F. GOtting, W. Hans, P.
eranian, Upper Silesian, and Horn, A. 0. Janert, R. Kath, W.
West Saxonian Conferences. Krumm, W. Knitter, E. Maier,
Dr. E. Meyer, Dr. W. Michael, A.
Population: About 20,650,000, Miller, P. Stocker, H. Wittig.
churches, 376; members, 14,939.
Legal Building Assn.: " Mittel-
Office Address: Coblenzerstrasse 3, d e u t sche Grundstllcksgesell-
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. schaft m. b. H." Manager: W.
Officers: Hans.
Pres., P. Drinhaus. German S. D. A. Assn., Frieden-
Sec. and Treas., E. Maier. sau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magde-
Auditor, P. Brandt. burg, Germany.

Department Secretaries: Berlin - Centrum, Lottumstrasse

Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and 9/10; H. Herkt.
Sabbath School, H. Wittig. Berlin-Osten, Weidenweg Nr. 36;
Medical Miss., Dr. med. E. Meyer. A. Mulack.
Field Miss., W. Knitter. Berlin- Westen, Potsdamer
Ministers: Strasse 64; 0. Milner.
P. Drinhaus, H. Kobs, H. Wittig. Berlin-Sildosten, Wiener Strasse
17; W. Gothert.
Institution: Berlin-Steglitz, Ahornstrasse 27;
Friedensau Missionaiy Seminary, G. Fradrich.
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Berlin-Spandau, Bo r k u m e r
Bez, Magdeburg, Germany. Strasse 1; W. Oestreich.

Organized 1920
Organized 1920
Territory: Greater Berlin.
Territory: Districts of Potsdam,
Population: About 4,000,000; Jerichow I and II, Torgau,
churches, 28; members, 2366. Magdeburg, Wittenberg, Frank-
Office Address: Coblenzerstrasse 3, furt a. d. 0., Landsberg a. d. W.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Population: About 2,500,000;
Officers: churches, 56; members, 2,144.
Pres., P. Stiicker. Office Address: Coblenzer Strasse
Sec. and Treas., R. DRumichen. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Executive Committee: P. Stoc-
ker, H. Wittig, R. Daumichen, Officers:
M. Golze, A. Mulack, G. Friid- Pres., P. Stocker.
rich, K. Schwiederowitz. Sec., E. Schwercke.
Treas., Miss Frieda Rowert.
Department Secretaries:
Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and Executive Committee: P.
Home Miss., H. Wittig. Stocker, F. Gtitting, J. Esser, E.
Field Miss., K. Ostwald. Henk, W. Hauff.
Ministers: Department Secretaries:
P. Stocker, A. Dorner, F. Dress- Field Miss., A. Kiessling.
ler, A. Schenck, R. Daumichen,
B. Westhofer, A. 0. Faetting, A. Ministers:
Behrens, 0. P. Milner. F. Gotting, F. Bauche, G. Freund,
W. Radke, A. Wachholz, J. Bohl-
Licentiates: mann, R. Dietrich, A. Brendel, O.
M. Schmidt, R. Langholf. Bauscher, E. Schwercke.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
0. Kiehnast, W. Wegwerth, W. F. Meyer, K. Hoffmann, R. Schii-
Quass, G. Ronisch, Miss Martha fer, C. Dietrich, H. Schaper, L.
Thiimmel, Miss Helene Junker, Bohm elt.
Miss Gertrude Pest, Miss Frieda, Church Directory:
Kehr. Brandenburg (Havel), St. An-
Church Directory: nenstr. 32; P. Heiland.
Berlin - Wilmersdorf, Coblenzer Eberswalde, Schickleratrasse 48;
Strasse 3; A. Behrens. F. Seltrecht.

Frankfurt a. d. Oder, Lindenstr. LOWER SILESIAN CON-

5; A. Matthiius. FERENCE
Magdeburg, Steinstr. 6; H. Lan-
genstrassen. Organized 1925.
Potsdam, Elisabethstrasse 22;
C. Gorsch. Territory: Districts of Liegnitz,
Wittenberg, Bez. Halle, Coswiger Steinau, Striegau, and Wohlau.
Strasse 25, Germany; F. Schu-
macher. Population: About 1,350,000;
churches, 41; members, 1226.

EAST PRUSSIAN CONFERENCE Office Address: Bahnhofstrasse 40,

litz, Germany.
Organized 1903
Territory: Province of East Prus- Pres., II. Glass.
sia, West Prussia, Danzig. Sec., W. Schmieder.
Population: 2,850,00; churches, Treas., M. Diibritz.
64; members, 2,040. Executive Committee: H. Glass,
Office Address: Tiergartenstrasse W. Kohlmann, Schifonfeld, A. Re-
23, Konigsberg Germany. bensburg, J. Kanzoek.
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Pres., Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Sec. and Treas., F. Andersson. Home Miss., A. Rebensburg.
Field Miss., J. Kanzoek.
Executive Committee: 0. Ka-
pitz, F. Hambrock, G. Dobinski, Ministers:
J. Heimann, F. May. H. Glass, A. Langholf, E. Dwe-
Department Secretaries: hus, A. Rebensburg, H. Hufnagel.
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Licentiates:
Sabbath School, F. Hambrock. W. Schmieder, K. Keller, F.
Field Miss., J. Morenings. Jurke, H. Langner.
Ministers: Church Directory:
- 0. Kapitz, F. Hambrock, H. Gorlitz, Berliner Str. 10; A.
Brinkmann, M. Zielinski, W. Weiss.
Gauger, H. Korsch, W. Giildek- Hirschberg, Cavalierberg 7; H.
pfenning, W. Kloss, E. Ratlike. Feige.
Licentiates: Sprottau, Kaiser - Otto - Strasse
K. Pansegrau, H. Neumann, P. 74, Germany; H. Iske.
Behrendt. Liegnitz, Victoriastrasse 15,
Germany; W. Milke.
Missionary Licentiates: Bunzlau, Gnadenberger Strasse
F. Rinder, H. Dombrowsky, Ganz. 28; W. Kohlmann.
Church Directory:
Danzig, Gr. Milhle 14; F. Girnus. NORTHEAST SAXONIAN CON-
Elbing, Roonstrasse 8; G. Mich-
aelis. FERENCE
Konigsberg i-Pr., Freystrasse
12; J. Urgien. Organized 1919
Tilsit, Goldschmiedestrasse 12; Territory: District of Dresden,
E. Gropp. Bautzen, and Leipzig.

Population: About 3,000,000; Office Address: Barnimstrasse 10

churches, 43; members, 2,118. I., Stettin i/P., Germany.
Office Address: Ostbahnstrasse 9 Officers:
I., Dresden-A., Germany., Pres., A. 0. Janert.
Officers: Sec. and Treas., M. Jackel.
Pres., A. Willer. Executive Committee: A. 0.
Sec. and Treas., E. Kenner. Janert, H. Wittig, Fr. Schroder,
Executive Committee: A. Milner, R. Kath, P. Schramm.
M. Budnick, R. Volzke, R.
Scholz, B. Neuhaus, W. Jlippner, Ministers:
M. Fischer. A. 0. Janert, W. Tribbensee, E.
Department Secretaries: Jager, H. Dietrich, W. Derlath,
W. Schulz, D. Brinkmann.
Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Home Miss., M. Budnick. Licentiates:
Field Miss., R. Volzke. 0. Bahr, T. Bottcher.
Missionary Licentiates:
A. Miiller, M. Budnick, A. Kraut-
schick, R. Schroder, W. Schwen- A. Porsch, C. Maier, Miss Mar-
.ecke, K. Jonuliet, J. Brzezinski, garete Soyk.
R. Patzig, F. Heinrich, W. Thal- Chuicn Directory:
Stettin-Nord, Politzerstrasse 45;
Licentiates: P. Kiaatz.
A. W. Milner, J. N. Beier, P. Stettin-Siid, Wilhelmstrasse 20;
Hennig, K. Mager, P. Haufe, M. R. Kath.
Ballack. Stralsund, Bleistrasse 9; Fr.
Missionary Licentiates: Schrtider.
Swinemiinde, Schulstrasse 27;
0. Krause, K. Erlecke, G. Piwarz, H. Wiedemann.,
A. Burger, Miss Elfriede Mel- Kolbera, Treptowerstrasse 41;
chior, Miss Gertrud Ackermann. 0. Frank.
Church Directory: Stolp i/P., Weberstrasse 1; P.
Dresden-A, Bernhardstrasse 2;
M. Richter.
Dresden-Joh; Johannesstrasse
3; M. Thiermann. UPPER SILESIAN CON-
Leipzig-Centrum, Johannisplatz FERENCE
5, I; E. Gross.
Zittau, Hospitalkirche. Organized 1907
Territory: Upper Silesia.
POMERANIAN CONFERENCE Population: About 3,150,000;
churches, 32; members, 1,257.
Organized 1901
Office Address: Tauentzienstrasse
Territory: Province of Pomerania, 100, Breslau 2, Germany.
Districts of Friedeberg, Soldin,
Arnswalde. Officers:
Pres., P. Horn.
Population: About 1,800,000; Sec., A. Heumann.
churches, 47; members, 1,307. Treas., E. Tulaszewski.

Executive Committee: P. Horn, Cable and Telegraphic Address:

J. Becker, A. Heumann, 0. Ster- Adventhaus, Chemnitz.
nagel, A. Lieberwirth.
Office Address: Adventhaus, Hans
Department Secretaries: ' Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger-
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab- many.
bath School, A. Heumann. Officers:
Field Miss., R. Sroka. Pres., E. L. Bahr.
Ministers: Sec., H. Schluttig.
P. Horn, H. Lusky, E. Nather, 0. Treas., M. Dargel.
Haase, F. Grellmann, A. Walter, Executive Committee: E. L.
G. Petzold. Bahr, H. Schluttig, A. Kraut-
schick, E. Lippert, R. Queck, F.
Licentiates: Neunes, M. Baier.
A. Heumann, W. Noaek.
Department Secretaries:
Missionary Licentiates: Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab-
W. Adamski, J. Ganz, Zschocke, bath School, H. Schluttig.
W. Sudhoff. Field Miss., E. Loser.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Breslau S., Clausewitzstrasse 25; E. L. Bahr, A. Krautschick, H.
A. Schultz. Schluttig, R. Scheibitz, A. Ar-
Gleiwitz, Wilhelmplatz 14; A. nold, J. Salatzkat, 0. Panzig, E.
Schaffer. Pistorius, B. Neef, K. Thiele.
Oppeln, Zimmerstr. 15; E. Rade-
wahn. Licentiates:
Waldenburg, Kreuzstrasse 3a; M. Hochmuth, R. Biller, W.
K. Biller. Schubert.
Missionary Licentiates:
WEST SAXONIAN CON- G. Natschinski, W. Oswald, W.
FERENCE Riistig, E. Kok, A. Dolling, Klara
Horn, Anita Broszat, Anna Il-
Organized 1920 ling, ,Frieda Korduan.
Territory: District of Chemnitz Church Directory:
and Zwickau. Chemnitz, Hans Sachsstrasse,
Population: 2,000,000; churches, Plauen i/V., Hammerstrasse 99;
66; members, 2,365. F. Neunes.


Organized rgog
Territory: Hanover, Hansa, Hes- Office Address: Schumannstrasse
sia-Westphalian, Rhenish, Thur- 29, Bonn a. Rhine, Germany.
ingian, and Netherland Confer- Officers:
ences. Pres., J. Wintzen, Argelanderstr.
149, Bonn a. Rh. Germany.
Population: 31,626,700; churches, Sec., Treas., and Auditor, W.
311; members, 11,905. Koch.

Executive Committee: J. Wint- Officers:

zen, C. A. Motzer, H. Fenner, 0. Pres., 0. Giebel.
Giebel, W. John, F. A. Prieser, Sec., A. Oesterreich.
W. Althoff, H. Erzberger, W. Treas., W. Russler.
Koch, H. Marte, L. Lutz, W. Executive Committee: 0. Giebel,
Schubert, A. Vollmer. H. Schmidt, W. Redecker, A.
Legal Assn.: " Westdeutsche Weske, H. Wippermann, H.
GrundstUcks-Gesellschaft m. b. H. Spohr, 0. Muller.
Manager, H. Marte, Schumann-
str. 29, Bonn a. Rhine, Germany. Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., H. Wippermann.
Department Secretaries: Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., A.
Field Miss., L. Lutz. Oesterreich.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
Miss. Vol., W. Peters. Ministers:
0. Giebel, H. Schmidt, A. Oes-
Ministers: terreich, 0. Schwenecke, F. Ko-
J. Wintzen, H. Erzberger, R. bele, C. Glockner, W. Herbert, F.
Dangschat, W. Peters, - Brandt, F. Hilmer.
Honorary: H. Behr.
Licentiate: W. Eberhard. W. Haas, A. Mannesmann, H.
Missionary Licentiate: Knoner, M. Ziehlke, F. Riicker,
J. Schmidt. H. Wippermann, W. Russler.
Institutions: Missionary Licentiates:
Neandertal Seminary for minis- H. Claus, K. Hossfeld, J. Woysch,
terial and missionary students, K. SchOnmann, A. Kohler, Mrs.
Neandertal, Post Mettmann, 0. Thaden, Miss M. Becker, Miss
Rhineland, Germany. E. Schulze,
Treatment Rooms, Hamburg-
Eimsbiittel, Charlottenstr. 24,
Organized 1909
HANOVER CONFERENCE Territory: Hamburg, Province of
Schleswig-Holstein, Lilbeck,
Organized 1919 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklen-
Territory: Province of Hanover burg-Strelitz and Harburg.
(excepting the district of Har- Population: 3,660,000; churches,
burg, and the district of Han-
over-Munden), the free States 51; members, 2,259.
of Brunswick (excepting the dis- Office Address: Grindelberg 15a,
trict of Blankenburg), Bremen, Hamburg 13, Germany.
Oldenburg, and the districts of
Gardelcgen, Salzwedel, Stendal, Officers:
and Cuxhaven. Pres., F. A. Prieser.
Population: 4,500,000; churches, Sec., H. Drangmeister.
57; members, 2165.. Treas., Miss Cl. Hohmann.
Executive Committee: F. A.
Office Address: Lange Laube 29, Prieser, W, Bentlin, B. Kohlhaus,
Hanover, Germany. sen., F. Sommer.

Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries:

Field Miss., P. Schornstein. Field Miss., F. Zapp.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., G. Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., H.
Dolmen Beck.
Ministers: Ministers:
W. Althoff, 0. Staubert, W.
F. A. Prieser, C. Kapitz, A. Pioch, Fiirle, H. Beck, G. Fischdick, A.
A. Hennig, M. Kunze, F. Dre-
scher, H. Detlefsen, H. Drang- Kruse.
meister. Licentiates:
Licentiates: L. Schmoll, R. Kaufmann, K.
G. Dorner, K. Steudel, A. Bre-
mer. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates: C. Harress, A. Amian, E. Wenzel,
E. Knorr, P. Paprotny, W. Bege-
C. v. Fintel, E. Schmitz, R. Rit- mann, F. Zapp, Miss E. Meier.
tau, A. Ahring, G. Wucherer, E.
Kaufmann, R. Eichwald, Miss
M. Bahr, Miss J. Volkmann, W.
Willer, P. Schornstein, Miss Cl. RHENISH CONFERENCE
Organized 1922
Territory: Rhineland, the Under-
HESSIA-WESTPHALIAN CON- lahn, and Kreuznach districts.
FERENCE Population: 7,000,000; churches,
57; members, 2,682.
Organized 1898 as West German
Conference Office Address: Kreuzstr. 21. II.,
Diisseldorf, Germany.
Territory: Province of Westpha-
lia and Hessia-Nassau, Schaum- Officers:
burg-Lippe, Lippe-Detinold, the Pres., C. A. Motzer.
District Hanover-Munden and Sec., K. Adolph.
Rinteln, without the districts Treas., Miss M. Fuchs.
Wiesbaden, Upper and Lower Executive Committee: C. A. Mot-
Taunus, Rheingau, Usingen, zer, K. Adolph, A. Lanz, P.
H6chst, Hanau, Gelnhausen, Shulz, R. D6rner, F. Metz, H.
Sehluchtern, Fulda, Minfeld, Pfannkuch.
Department Secretaries:
Population: 5,550,280; churches, Field Miss., A. Lanz.
57; members, 1707. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and
Miss. Vol., K. Adolph.
Office Address: Oststrasse 103. I.,
Bielefeld, Germany. Ministers:
C. A. Motzer, H. 1Vatty, K.
Officers: Adolph, H. Potschke, P. Stau-
Pres., W. Althoff. bert, F. Rischmilller, W. Schou,
Sec., H. Beck. H. Wilson.
Treas., Miss F. Meier.
Executive Committee: W. Alt- Licentiates:
hoff, H. Beck, S. Hohmann, F. W. Jakobs, W. Bertling, W.
G6Iner, A. Bente. Schroer, K. Driige.

Missionary Licentiates: Feddersen, F. Weinmann, E1 Ad-

A. Thomas, W. Gericke, W. ler, H. Stoltenberg.
Hampel, K. Grebe, H. Schor, W.
Pohland, H. Baumhofner, A. Missionary Licentiates:
Lanz, Miss A. Meyer, Miss J. H. Ross, A. Klinker, M. Michae-
Peters, Miss M. Fuchs. lis, W. Gehl, H. Correus, P. Pae-
tow, Ed. Muller, Miss A. Huf-
nagel, Miss K. Fischer, Miss M.
THURINGIAN CONFERENCE Diekmann, K. Borowsky, Paul
Knitter, Miss Ch. Ohgke.
Organized 1916
Territory: The Federal State of
Great-Thuringia, Blankenburg NETHERLAND CONFERENCE
city and rural district, the Free Organized 1901 ,
State Saxony-Anhalt, without
the little part east of the river Territory: Netherland.
Elbe and of the river Mulde.
From the province Saxony the Population: 7,416,420; churches,
administrative district Erfurt 27; members, 890.
and of the administrative dis- Office Address: De Bruynestr. 3,
trict Merseburg, the districts: The Hague, Netherland.
Zeitz, Weissenfels, Naumburg,
Merseburg, Bitterfeld, Delitzsch, Officers:
Sangerhausen, Querfurt, Eck- Pres., W. John.
ardtsberga, Saale district, the Treas., P. Bridde.
districts Mansfeldersee and Sec., P. Voorthuis, Jr.
mountains. From the adminis- Executive Committee: W. John,
trative district Magdeburg the P. Bridde, J. Toben, M. Kramer,
districts: Wansleben, Oschersle- P. Voorthuis, Jr.
ben, Kalbe, Halberstadt, Ascher-
sleben, Wernigerode. Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., J. Iterson.
Population: 3,500,000; churches, Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab.
62; members, 2,202. School, W. John.
Office Address: Krampferstr. 63. II., Ministers:
Room 22, Erfurt, Germany. W. John, P. Voorthuis, H. Twi-
Officers: jnstra, F. J. L. Wortmann, W.
Pres., H. Fenner, Newwerkstr. 3, Betram, W. Berthold, A. Seh-
Erfurt, Germany. mutzler.
Sec., W. Peters. Licentiates:
Treas., Miss Charl. Ohgke. A. Ringelberg, F. Voorthuis, W.
Executive Committee: H. Fen- Holwerda.
ner, H. Dierking, K. Gotzinger, A. Missionary Licentiates:
Lusky, W. Gollnitz.
H. Jansen, P. v. Ooszanen, E.
Department Secretaries: Leewe, J. Lankhorst, J. v. Iter-
Field Miss., P. Knitter. son.
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab- Institutions:
bath School, W. Peters. Publishing House (Branch of
Ministers: Hamburg House), Van Weede
H. Fenner, H. Dierking, W. van Dijkveldstr. 77, The
Peters, G. Durolf, G. Bahre, H. Hague, Netherland.
Organized 1912
Territory: Wurtemberg, Baden, Bad Aibling Sanitarium, Kur-
Bavaria, Hessia, Rhine, Palati- haus Wittelsbach, Oberbayern,
nate, Republic Austria, viz., the Germany.
Austrian, Baden, Main Neckar,
North Bavarian, South Bavarian,
and Wurtemberg Conferences, AUSTRIAN CONFERENCE
and the Marienhohe School
Church. Organized 1921
Population: 24,565,000; churches, Territory: The Austrian Repub-
166; members, 8,268. lic.
Office Address: Tizianstr. 18, Mu- Population: 6,665,000; churches,
nich, Bavaria, Germany. 23; members, 1,071.
Officers: Office: Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV,
Pres., Emil Gugel. Austria.
Office Sec., Gisela Griinzeug. Officers:
Treas., Helene Kofink. Pres., J. Braun.
Executive Committee: E. Gugel, Treas., Berta Bruscha.
K. Sinz, J. Braun, G. Seng, W. Auditor, H. Kofink.
Schick, W. Edener, G. Mai, 0. Executive Committee: J. Braun,
Schuberth, W. Busch, A. Posch, K. Floder, J. Muhlbacher, K.
K. Kafitz. Brich, F. Hasel.
Legal Assn.: South German Build- Department Secretaries:
ing Assn. Field Miss., F. Hasel.
Manager and Bookkeeper, Wil- Sabbath School, Home Miss.,
helm Amelung. and Miss. Vol., J. Braun.
Committee: E. Gugel, K. Sinz, Ministers:
G. Seng, W. Schick, W. Edener,
G. Mai, W. Amelung, A. Posch, J. Braun, Fr. Gruber, A. Wein-
J. G. Hopf. ert, A. Sachenmayer, J. Muhl-
bacher, L. Schneebauer.
South German Health Associa-
tion: Licentiates:
Committee: E. Gugel, K. Sinz, P. F. Bieringer, W. Weinand, 0.
Schwaderer. Saur.
Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:
Field Miss., A. Posch. E. Schwarz, H. Nau, F. Lub-
Educational, Otto Schuberth. schina, Miss A. Klisch, Miss A.
Sab. School, Home Miss., and Wasinger, Miss E. Gritsch, Miss
Miss. Vol., M. Busch. R. Halounek.
Ministers: Church Directory:
E. Gugel, 0. Schuberth, M. Busch.
Chapel: Voitsberg, Austria.
Marienhohe Seminary, Darm- Meeting Halls:
stadt - Marienhohe, Hessen, Vienna VII, Wimbergergasse 46,
Germany. Austria.

Vienna IX, Nussdorferstr. 4, Pforzheim, Bleichstr. 21, Ger-

Austria. many.
Vienna IV, Grosse Neugasse 44, Rastatt, Ludwig, Wilhelmplatz
Austria. 3, Germany.
Graz, Mehlplatz 2, Austria. Sehofheim, Austr. 1, Germany.
Salzburg, Rudolf skai 34, Austria. Mannheim, J. 1, 14.


Organized 1912; reorganized 1922 Organized 1920
Territory: Baden. Territory: The provines of Hessia-
Darmstadt and Rhinehessia, of
Population: 2,500,000; churches, the Hessia-Nassau Province: St.
19; members, 920. Goarshausen, Untertaunus, Ober-
taunus, Rhinegau districts, also
Office: Kriegstr. 84, Karlsruhe- Wiesbaden and Frankfort. Of
Baden, Germany. the Hessia Province: Hanau dis:
Officers: trict, Rhine Palatinate and the
Rhineland between Moselle and
Pres., G. Mai. the Rhine Palatinate.
Treas., A. Bussinger.
Auditor, Miss Helene Kofink. Population: 5,000,000; churches,
Executive Committee: G. Mai, 22; members, 1,451.
H. Schwarz, W. Kohler, K. Ka- Office: 32 Eschenheimer Anlage,
fitz, F. Riedlinger. Frankfurt-Main, Germany.
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Field Miss., Fr. Riedlinger. Pres., W. Edener.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Sec., E. Mayer.
Miss. Vol., G. Mai. Treas., F. Degner.
Auditor, Miss H. Kofink.
G. Mai, L. Krug, H. Schwarz, H. Executive Committee: W. Ed-
Zimmermann. ener, R. Lange, P. Hanke, K.
Fritz, R. Grabner.
E. Adolph, A. Henger, W. Bi- Department Secretaries:
nanzer, M. Schwab. Field Miss., R. Grabner.
Missionary Licentiates: Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
Miss A. Gutmann, Miss A. Fuchs. Miss. Vol., W. Edener.
Church Directory: Ministers:
Chapels: W. Edener, A. Wegner, K. Golz-
ner, R. Lange, E. Mayer.
Karlsruhe-Baden, Kriegstr. 84,
Germany. Licentiates:
Grotzlingen, near Durlach, Ger-
many. A. Stammberger, E. Berner.
Meeting-Halls: Missionary Licentiates:
Heidelberg, Friedrichstr. 13, Ger- W. Staubert, P. Gode, G. Knecht,
many. 0. Bareis, Fr. Pfingstl, W.
Konstanz, a. B., Stefansplatz 41, Schank, Miss H. Klages, Miss L.
Germany. Fiirst, Miss Th. Edenweger.

Church Directory: Ministers:

Chapels: K. Sinz, W. Gemeinhardt, R.
Frankfurt-Main, Eschenheimer Muller, F. Diirr, A. von Wallen-
Anlage 32, Germany. stern, E. Kusehel.
Wiesbaden, Rheinstr. 64, Ger- Licentiate: M. Ganzleben.
Me eting- Halls : Missionary Licentiates:
Frankfurt-Main, Bergstr. 213, F. Schrattenholzer, G. Zollmann,
Germany. Miss Rosa Milner, Miss Lina
Frankfurt-Main, Kaulbachstr. 50, Hofmann.
Darmstadt, Grafenstr. 24, Ger- Church Directory:
many. Chapels:
Mainz, Gaustr. 52, Germany. Nuremberg, Hinterm, Bahnhof
Offenbach, Ludwigstr. 7, Ger- 30, Germany.
Hanau, Herrnstr. 7, Germany. Meeting-Halls:
Kaiserlautern, Fruchthallenstr. Nuremberg, Kohlenhofstr. 12-1,
22, Germany. Germany.
Pirmasens, Alleestr. 31, Germany.
Neustatt a. H., Pflanzbankstr. 2. Nuremberg, Krelingstr. 47, Ink,
Germany. Germany.
Worms a/Rh., Karolingerstr. 6, Nuremberg, Munkerstr. 5.
Germany. Bayreuth, Spitalgasse 1, Ger-
Hof a. S., Marienstr. 67, Germany.
NORTH BAVARIAN CONFER- Rothenburg o. T., Johanniter-
ENC gasse 18.
Wiirzburg, Sofienstr. 17, Ger-
Organized 1919 many.
Territory: Upper, Central, and
Lower Frankonia, Upper Palati-
nate, excepting Regensburg. SOUTH BAVARIAN CONFER-
Population: 3,200,000; churches, ENCE
22; members, 1,237.
Organized 1919
Office: Sulzbacherstr. 35, Niirem-
berg, Bavaria, Germany. Territory: Upper and Lower Bava-
Officers: ria, Swabia, Neuburg, and the
southern part of the Upper Pal-
Pres., K. Sinz, Meuschelstr. 13, atinate, including Regensburg.
Niiremberg, Germany.
Treas., Miss Dora Wilmer. Population: 4,200,000; churches,
Auditor, Miss H. Kofink, 34; members, 1,843.
Executive Committee: K. Sinz,
W. Gemeinhardt, 0. Peetz, M. Office Address: Isartalstr. 40, Mu-
Herterich, M. Dietel. nich, Bavaria, Germany.
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Field Miss., H. Zuber. Pres., W. Schick.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Treas., G. Rein.
Miss. Vol., K. Sinz. Auditor, Miss H. Kofink.

Executive Committee: W. Schick, Officers:

F. C. Grieser, K. Gall, A. Zelzer, Pres., G. Seng.
H. Konrad, A. Schneider, Dr. A. Treas., Miss Johanna Walz.
Rosenthal. Auditor, Miss H. Kofink.
Department Secretaries: Executive Committee: G. Seng,
Field Miss., A. Schneider. J. Muth, J. Penner, G. Hofer, E.
Miss. Vol., . Haas. Fuchs, St. Geiger, K. Hipp.
Sabbath gchool and Home Miss., Department Secretaries:
W. Schick.
Field Miss., Ernst Fuchs.
Ministers: Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
W. Schick, G. F. Horner, J. F. Miss. Vol., G. Seng.
Grieser, F. C. Grieser, L. Aberle,
M. Priill, 0. Kelle. Ministers:
Licentiates: G. Seng, J. Muth, R. Werner, J.
P. Haas, Th. Schrejak, W. Lor- Penner, Fr. Gregorius, A. Ansel,
enz. D. Eicher.
Missionary Licentiates: Licentiates:
J. G. Sommer, Miss K. Westen- H. Schulte, 0. Neubauer.
berger, Miss J. Baschenegger,
Miss M. Scheibenberger, Miss J. Missionary Licentaites:
Marx, Miss M. Kuffer. K. Adolph, H. Noltze, H. Zett-
woch, Miss 0. Westenberger,
Church Directory: Miss A. Koehle, Miss E. Wagner,
Chapels: Miss E. Kilspert.
Munich, Tizianstr. 18. Church Directory:
Munich, Innere Wienerstr. 34,
Germany. - Chapels:
Munich, Isartalstr. 40, Germany. Stuttgart, Bergstr. 22, Germany.
Augsburg, Oberes Kreuz F 357,
Germany. Meeting-Halls:
Stuttgart, Schwarenbergstr. 83.
Meeting-Halls: Stuttgart, Furtbaehstr. 12, Ger-
Munich, Klenzestr. 34, Germany. many.
Munich, Theresienstr. 34. Freudenstadt, Forststr. 20, Ger-
Augsburg, Katharinengasse, Ger- many.
many. Heilbronn, Allee 64, Germany.
Kempten, Vogtstr. 31, Germany. Ulm a/D., Friedenskapelle, Ger-
, Donaukaserne. many.
Penzberg, Neubau Mandl.
Organized 1912 Territory: Darmstadt-Marienhohe.
Office Address: Missions-Seminar,
Territory: Wurtemberg including Darmstadt-Marienhohe, G e r -
Hohenzollern. many.
Population: 3,000,000; churches, Officers:
45; members, 1,564. Treas., Miss Helene Kofink.
Office: Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Auditor, P. A. Brandt.
Germany. Minister: A. Hofmann.
Organized 1919
Territory: Entire Republic, com- Executive Committee: K. Poled-
prising the Moravia-Silesian nik, E. Balcar, J. Simon, J.
and North Bohemian Confer- Mokry, S. Kup5ik.
ences, Central Bohemian and Department Secretaries:
Slovakian Missions.
Field Miss., S. Kupcik.
Population: 13,614,000; churches, Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
93; members, 2,330. Miss. Vol., W. Lesovsky.
Office Address: Sti:ednf ul. 10, Ministers:
Brno, Czecholovakia, K. Polednik, J. Simon.
Officers: Licentiate:
Pres., R. Riihling. P. Raka.
Sec. and Treas., J. Hrzebawet- Missionary Licentiates:
zky. A. Adam, A. Konvalina.
Executive Committee: R. Riihl- Church Directory:
ing, M. H. Wentland, J. Popelka,
F. Ludwig, E. Hanitsch, J. Dou- Pardubice, Karlova ul., Czecho-
braysky, F. Theiss. slovakia.
Prague, Spalena ul. 34, Czecho-
Seventh-day Adventist Associa- slovakia.
Manager, J. Doubravaky.
Department Secretaries: ENCE
Field Miss., J. Popelka.
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab- Organized 1919.
bath School, W. Lesovsky.
Minister: Population: 3,500,000; churches,
R. Rtlhling. 33; members, 934.
Missionary Licentiates:
J. Schwietal, J. Hrzebawetzky. Office Address: Hulvaky, Mor, Os-
trava, Riegrova 784, Czechoslo-
Organized 1919. Pres., J. Doubraysky.
Sec., W. Heller.
Territory: Central Bohemia. Treas., Miss A. Reckziegel.
Population: 5,114,000; churches, Executive Committee: J. Dou-
13; members, 326. braysky, H. Bischoff, 1g. Nolo-
Office Address: 11 Lucemburska, necny, Jan Kaleta, J. Hurta,
Prague-Zuskov, Czechoslovakia. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Field Miss., A. Maslo.
Supt., K. Polednik. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
Sec., S. Kup6k. Miss. Vol., W. Heller.

Ministers: Department Secretaries:

J. Doubraysky, H. Bischoff, R. Field Miss., R. Ortel.
Reumann, J. Chodura. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
Miss. Vol.,
J. Oborny, W. Heller. Ministers:
M. H. Wentland, H. Aberle, E.
Missionary Licentiates: B6hm, B. Vietze, K. Fleck, J.
M. Bujok, R. Gomola, A. Marti- Schor, G. Geier.
soya. Missionary Licentiates:
Church Directory: 0. Thiel, M. Hartmann.
M. Ostrau, Marienberg, Palacky Church Directory:
171, Czechoslovakia. Chapels:
Troppau, Hans Kudlichgasse 6 Gablonz, Glasseheiferstr. 61.
(Israel. Gemeindehaus), Cze- Hohenelbe, Elbegasse 8.
choslovakia. Reichenberg, Wehrgasse 22.
Naysi, Adventkapelle, Naysi
318, Czechoslovakia.
Lazy, Adventkapelle, Lazy 519, SLOVAKIAN MISSION
Teschen, Adventkapelle, Hol- Organized 1919.
wegstrasse, Czechoslovakia. Territory: Slovakia.
Mittelsuchau, Adventkapelle, Population: 2,500,000; churches,
Mittel-Suchau 164, Czechoslo- 18; members, 434.
Vsetin, Adventkapelle, Jablunkov Office Address: 6, Bohnengasse,
a. B., Czechoslovakia. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
Brno, Saedni ul. 10, Czechoslo- Officers:
vakia. Supt., F. Theiss.
Petersvald, Zast. Hedvika, Cze- Sec., P. Schurmann.
choslovakia. Treas., A. Reckziegel.
Executive Committee: F. Theiss,
J. Strba, A. Gajdos, K. Josifek,
ENCE Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., P. Schurmann.
Organized 1919. Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab-
Territory: North Bohemia. bath School,
Population: 2,500,000; churches, Minister: F. Theiss.
29; members, 636. Licentiate:
J. Mokry.
Office Address: Demantiusstr. 10,
Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Missionary Licentiates:
B. Czismar, A. Rusch, J. Gajan,
Officers: J. Rusniok, I. Bacikova, A. Zig-
Pres., M. H. Wentland. mundova.
Sec., M. Hartmann. Church Directory:
Treas., M. Marthe. Bratislava, Palacky Platz 9. II.,
Executive Committee: M. H. Czechoslovakia.
Wentland, H. Aberle, K. Taute, Ko6ice, Kova6 ul. 43, Czechoslo-
E. Hanitsch, B. Hiibner. vakia.
Organized xgr7; reorganized ig.25

Territory: Hungary, viz., East and EAST HUNGARIAN CON-

Central Hungarian Conferences FERENCE
and West Hungarian Mission.
Organized 1925.
Population: 8,000,000; churches,
59; members, 1,609. Territory: Heves-, Bors6d-, Sza-
boles-, Szatmdr-, Hajdu-, Bihar-,
Telegraph Address: " Advent," Bu- Bekes-, Csanad-, Jasznag,ykun-,
dapest. Szolnok-Comitates; Gom6r-Kish-
ont-, Bereg-, Arad-, Torontal-
Office Address: Szekely Bertalan Restcomitates.
ucca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Population: 2,500,000; churches,
Officers: 27; members, 706.
Pres., A. Minck.
Sec., J. Jenik. Office Address: Ffibifin-ucca 5,
Treas., Miss Ch. Greiner. Miskolc, Hungary.
Executive Committee: A. Minck, Officers:
A. Zeiner, H. Stein, A. Wicklein,
M. Voigt, K. Sohlmann, L. Mich- Pres., L. Michnay.
Sec., A. Katona.
Treas., Miss Ch. Greiner.
Legal Assn.: Building Society Executive Committee: L. Mich-
" Koch es Tarsa, Budapest VI, nay, A. Lauff, K. Tulaszewski,
Szekely Bertalan ucca 13. B. Jeszenszky, I. Poresin.
Manager, A. Minck.
Department Secretaries:
Department Secretary: Field Miss., A. Wicklein.
Field Miss., A. Wicklein. Assistant Field Miss., L. Czmor.
Asst., L. Leak. Sabbath School, K. Sohlmann.
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab- Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., K.
bath School, K. Sohlmann. Sohlmann.
Ministers: Ministers:
A. Minck, K. Sohlmann. L. Michnay, A. Lauff, K. Tulas-
J. Jenik. Licentiates:
M. Buzg6, St. Stoics, A. Fodor,
Missionary Licentiates: A. Katona.
A. 'Wicklein, L. Lenk, H. Stein,
Miss Ch. Greiner, Miss E. Nagy. Missionary Licentiates:
S. Juhasz, K. Berzenczey, L.
Institution: Czmor, Miss M. Herczeg.
Hungarian Publishing House
(Branch of Hamburg Publish- Church Directory:
ing House) Budapest I, Name- Miskolc, Fabian-ucca 5, Hungary.
tvolgyiut. 12, Hungary. BekOs III, Kert. ucca 1, Hungary,

Sarkad, Zsibong6 ucca 611, Hun- Church Directory:

garY Szekely Bertalan ucca 13, Buda-
Bekecsaba, JOkai-ucca 28, Hun- pest VI, Hungary.
gary. Budapest VIII, Baross ucca 88.
Battonya, Vaskr-ucca 141, Hun- fsz. 3.
gary. Budapest II, Margit kora 58, I.


Organized 1925.
Organized 1926
Territory: Pest P. S. Kiskun-,
Csongred-, Fejer-, Komdron-, Territory: Baranya-, Somogy-,
Esztergon-, Nograd-Comitates. Tolna-, Zala-, Vas-, Sopron-,
Bees-Bodrog- and Hont-Rest- Meson-, Veszprem-, and Gybr-
comitates. Comitates.
Population: 3,375,000; churches, Population: 2,125,000; churches,
20; members, 728. 12; members, 175.
Office Address: Margit keret 58. I. Office Address: Szekely Bertalan
3, Budapest II, Hungary. ucca. 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Officers: Officers:
Pres., A. Zeiner. Supt., A. Minek.
Sec., L. Bajor. Vice-Supt., M. Voigt.
Treas., Miss Ch. Greiner. Sec., J. Jenik.
Executive Committee: A. Zeiner, Treas., Miss Ch. Greiner.
D. Zarka, A. Rooz, F. Bir6, L. Executive Committee: The Union
Egyed. Executive Committee.
Department Secretaries:
Department SecretarieS:
Field Miss., A. Wicklein.
Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Field Miss., A. Wicklein.
Miss. Vol., K. Sohlmann, Sabbath School, Home Miss. and
Miss. Vol., K. Sohlmann.
A. Zeiner, D. Zarka.
M. Voigt.
J. Albrecht, J. Veszelovszky, L. Missionary Licentiates:
Bajor. I. Berghauer, St. Danhauser,
Mrs. I. Veszpremi, Miss E.
Missionary Licentiates: Lovass.
J. SzabO, L. Halasz, K. Berzenc-
zey, S. Debreezeni, Mrs. M. Roth, Church Directory:
Miss M. Bajor. Gyor, Arpad-ucca 44, Hungary.
Organized November, 1927
Territory: Egypt, Northern Anglo- Mission Committee: G. Keough,
Egyptian Sudan, Arabia, Cyprus, E. G. Essery, C. Rieckmann,
Syria, Palestine, Transjordan, Nashed Jacob.
and Iraq, viz., the Egypt, Syria, Department Secretary:
and Iraq Missions. Field Miss., C. Rieckmann,
Population: 30,000,000. Minister: Geo. Keough.
Cable Address: Advent, Mataria. Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: Advent Villa, Ma- Nashed Jacob, B. Bishai.
taria (Cairo), Egypt.
Supt., W. K. Ising. SYRIAN MISSION
Sec. and Treas., E. Schubert.
Mission Committee: W. K. Is- Entered 1899
ing, George Keough, Nils Zerne, Territory: Syria, Palestine, and
W. Steffen, C. Rieckmann. Transjordan.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss. and Home Miss., C. Population: 4,200,000.
Rieckmann. Address: Boite 595, Beyrout, Syria.
W. K. Ising, Geo. Keough. Officers:
Director, Nils Zerne.
Missionary Licentiates: Mission Committee: N. Zerne, S.
C. Rieckmann, E. Schubert, H. Bull, W. Steffen, S. Nowfel.
Minister: Nils Zerne.
Depository, Advent Villa, Ma- Licentiates:
taria (Cairo), Egypt. W. Steffen, S. Bull.
Training School, Principal, ,
Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo), Missionary Licentiates:
Egypt. S. Nowfel, E. Simon.


Entered 1899 Organized 1923
Territory: Egypt, Northern Anglo- Territory: Iraq.
Egyptian Sudan, Arabia, Cyprus. Population: 3,000,000.
Population: 22,800,000.
Address: c/o Hasso Bros., Mosul,
Address: Advent Villa, Mataria Iraq.
(Cairo), Egypt.
Director, George Keough. Licentiate:
Sec. and Treas., E. Schubert. A. Barr.

Organized 1929
Territory: Netherlands East In- Office Address: Kemaweg Pal 2,
dies. Manado, Celebes, Netherlands
East Indies.
Population: 51,013,878; churches,
24; members, 1,553. Officers:
Office Address (Temporary): Ta- Director, A. Munson.
nah Tinggi 68, Weltevreden, Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Loebis.
Java, Netherlands East Indies. Executive Committee: 'A. Mun-
son, 0. J. Loebis, A. Laloan, G.
Officers: D. Liem, W. Pandelaki, A. Londa,
Supt:, B. Ohme. J. Soemaijkoe.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, H. Departmental Secretaries:
Field and Home Miss., A. Mun-
Executive Committee: B. Ohme. son.
H. Schnell, D. S. Kime, A. Mun- Sabbath School, G. D. Liem.
son, A. H. Zimmermann, I. C.
Schmidt, B. Judge, H. Eelsing, Ministers:
P. Drinhaus, L. 0. Pattison, K. A. Munson, Samuel Rantoeng.
Mandias, Samuel Rantoeng.
Licentiate: K. Tilstra.
Department Secretaries:
Educational, . Missionary Licentiates:
Field and Home Miss., Mrs. A. Munson, Mrs. K. Tilstra,
Medical, 0. J. Loebis, A. Londa, L. Tua-
Miss. Vol., suun, Serfius Rantoeng, K. M. P.
Sabbath School, Tan, P. T. Kalitouw, W. Riri-
B. Ohme, I. C. Schmidt.
Missionary Licentiates:
H. Schnell, Mrs. I. C. Schmidt. Organized 1927
Territory: Residency of Tapanoeli.

CELEBES MISSION Population: 896,862; churches, 1;

membership, 84.
Organized 1923
Office Address: Sipogoe, via Sipi-
Territory: Celebes, Amboina, Mol- rok, Sumatra, Netherlands East
luccas islands, Dutch New Indies.
Guinea. Officers:
Population: 3,923,060; churches, Director, D. S. Kime.
3; members, 534. Sec. and Treas., D. S. Kime.
Executive Committee: D. S.
Cable Address: " Advent Zending," Kime, Mrs. D. S. Kime, S. N.
Manado. Siregar.

Minister: Missionary Licentiates:

D. S. Kime. R. Goeltom, P. Pakpahan, E. W.
Missionary Licentiate: Silitonga, S. Silitonga, J. Lu-
Mrs. D. S. Kime. mentut, J. D. Siregar, Mrs. G. A.
Wood, Mrs. F. J. J. Dittmar.
Church School Teachers:
U. H. Manullang, A. Mamora, S.
Ritonga, S. N. Siregar, K. Pan-
djaitan, W. Hoetapea, I. Pandjai- NORTH SUMATRA MISSION
tan, Miss M. Harahap. Organized 1917
Territory: Residencies of East
Coast, Atjeh, Riouw.
Population: 2,015,551; churches,
Organized 1913 1; membership, 50.
Territory: Residencies of Djokja- Cable and Telegraphic Address:
karta, Soerakarta, Madioen, Ke- " Advent Zending," Medan.
dira, Soerabaja, Madoera, Pa-
soeroean, Besoeki, Southeast Office Address: Kartinilaan 17, Me-
Borneo, with Islands to East of dan, Sumatra, Netherlands East,
Java up to and including Timor. Indies.
Population: 30,578,730; churches, Officers:
4; membership, 378. Acting Director, P. Drinhaus.
Acting Sec. and Treas., P. Drin-
Cable Address: " Advent Zending," haus.
Soerabaja. Executive Committee: P. Drin-
Office Address: Tandjong Anom, 3, haus, H. Aritonang, M. T. Bado-
Soerabaja, Java, Netherlands gil, P. P. Siregar.
East Indies. Minister: P. Drinhaus.
Officers: Licentiates:
Director, A. H. Zimmermann. - H. Aritonang, M. T. Badogil.
Sec. and Treas., J. D. Siregar.
Executive Committee: A. H. Missionary Licentiates:
Zimmermann, J. D. Siregar, G. A. Mrs. P. Drinhaus, P. P. Siregar,
Wood, Tan Kim-siang, K. Man- A. Siregar.
dias, E. Hengst, Lini Soen-ho.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., R. Goeltom. SOUTH SUMATRA MISSION
Sabbath School, . Organized 1913
Territory: Residencies of West
A. H. Zimmermann, G. A. Wood, Coast, Bengkoeloe, Bilitong,
F. J. J. Dittmar. Bangka, Djambi, Palembang.
Licentiates: Population: 3,073,299; churches,
K. Mandias, P. J. Simorangkir, 2; membership, 102.
S. Kailola, P. Pietersz, S. H.
Pandjaitan, Choo Yun-fatt, M. Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Tamboenan, P. Roesno. " Advent Zending," Padang.

Office Address: Zee Straat 6, Pa- Population; 10,526,376; churthes,

dang, Sumatra, Netherlands East 13; membership, 405.
Indies. Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Officers: "Advent Zending," Weltevreden.
Director, B. Judge. Office Address: Tanah Tinggi 68,
Sec. and Treas., B. Judge. Weltevreden, Java, Netherlands
Executive Committee: B. Judge, East Indies.
Mrs. B. Judge, S. L. Pandjaitan,
M. Tamboenan, Lauw Yoe-djin, Officers:
Mrs. Liem Toan-nio. Director, H. Eelsing.
Sec. and Treas., M. Burian.
Department Secretaries:
Educational and Field Miss., B. Executive Committee: H. Eels-
Judge. ing, H. M. Burian, L. 0. Pattison,
Home Miss., M. Tamboenan. M. Kauntoel, S. Pattikawa, S.
Sabbath School, Mrs. B. Judge. T. Sailon, R. A. Pohan.
Ministers: Ministers:
B. Judge, A. E. E. Galman Mat- H. Eelsing, L. 0. Pattison, M.
zen. Kauntoel.
Licentiates: Licentiates:
Lauw Yoe-djin, S. L. Pandjaitan.
Lee Kwet-thin, J. Antou, S. Pat-
Missionary Licentiates: tikawa, J. Toena.
E. Losu, M. Tamboenan, Mrs. B.
Judge. Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. H. Eelsing, Mrs. L. 0. Pat-
WEST JAVA MISSION tison, R. A. Pohan, S. T. Sailon,
M. L. Hoetabarat, J. H. Purima-
Organized 1913 hua, A. Hoetapea, Z. Tuasuun, J.
Territory: Residencies of Banten, P. A. Watoelingas, B. C. Dom-
Batavia, Cheribon, Preanger, pas, D. Sahertian, Mrs. C. He-
Lampdeng (Sumatra), West. hamahuwa, H. M. Burian, Mrs.
Coast of Borneo. Tan Ek-you.

BULGARIAN MISSION Executive Committee: A. Thom-
Organized 1911 as, St. Konstantinoff, D. Varsano,
N. Nedjeff, Wladi. Boneff.
Territory: Bulgaria.
Departmental Secretaries:
Population: 5,483,125; churches, Field Miss., Nedju Nedjeff.
15; members, 276. Miss. Vol., A. Dabritz.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Advent, Sofia. A. Thomas.
Office Address: Solunska 49, Sofia, Ministers:
Bulgaria. A. Thomas, Stefan Konstantinoff.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Supt., Alfred Thomas. Otto Dilbritz, T. Bogeff, B. Wla-
Sec. and Treas., Otto Dabritz. doff, B. Nikoloff, K. Waswasoff,

Miss Nonka Gantschewa, S. Mol- Missionary Licentiates:

lowa, Miss Mara Menkowa. E. Ashod, D. Norlin, Mrs. E.
Church Directory:
Sofia, Solunska 49 (Advent Institution:
House), Bulgaria. Turkish Depository, Box 109,
Galata, Constantinople, Tur-
Publishing House: key.
Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Entered 1903 Territory: Persia.
Territory: Greece and Albania. Population: 12,000,000.
Cable Address: Oster, Tabriz.
Population: 7,832,000.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tabriz,
Office Address: Lahana Str. 36, Sa- Persia.
lonica, Greece.
Postal Address: Post Box 144, Sa- Supt., F. F. Oster.
lonica, Greece. Mission Committee: F. F. Oster,
Officers: 0. Olson, Dr. H. E. Hargreaves,
Supt., E. Hennecke. Mrs. F. F. Oster, Mrs. 0. Olson.
Sec. and Treas., I. Trifonides. Department Secretaries:
Executive Committee: E. Hen- Medical, Dr. H. E. Hargreaves.
necke, M. Grin, N. Stabellos. Ed., Pub., and Miss. Vol., Oscar
Ministers: Olson.
E. Hennecke, M. Grin. Sabbath School, Mrs. F. F.
Missionary Licentiates: Ministers:
Miss Sophie Busenberg, N. Sta- F. F. Oster, 0. Olson.
Missionary Licentiate:
Dr. H. E. Hargreaves.
Entered 1899
Territory: Turkey.
Organized 1927
Population: 14,000,000.
Territory: Liberia.
Postal Address: Post Box 109, Ga-
lata, Constantinople, Turkey. Population: 2,500,000.
Office Address: 14 Seray Arkassi, Address: Poste Restante, Mon-
Ayaz Pasha, Pera, Constanti- rovia, Liberia, West Africa.
nople, Turkey. Officers:
Supt., A. Helbig.
Officers: Mission Committee: A. Helbig,
Supt., F. Backer. E. Flammer, K. Noltze.
Sec. and Treas., E. Ashod. Licentiate:
Mission Committee: F. Backer, A. Helbig.
E. Ashod, D. Norlin. Missionary Licentiates:
Minister: F. Backer. . E. Flammer, K. Noltze.
Organized I9z8
Territory: British Isles, Norway, Transportation Agent: C. H.
Sweden, Finland, Esthonia, Lat- Anscombe, 29 Oxford St., Lon-
via, Lithuania, Poland, Iceland, don, W. 1. England; Telephone
Greenland, Faroes, Abyssinia, Regent 7570; Cable Address,
Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda, Tan- " Adventist, Westcent. London."
ganyika, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan,
British, French and Italian Department Secretaries:
Somalilands, Zanzibar, Pemba, Publishing, C. E. Weaks.
French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Medical, W. A. Ruble, M. D.
Niger, Dahomey, Upper Volta, Min. Asso., J. H. Schilling.
French Sudan, that portion of Educational and Home Miss.,
French Equatorial Africa lying L. F. Oswald.
north of latitude 10 North ex- Miss. Vol., and Sabbath School,
tending North to Lybia and Al- Gus. Lindsay.
geria, Togo, Fernando Po, An-
nobon, Corisco, Elobey, St. Ministers:
Thomas and Group, Nigeria, L. H. Christian, W. E. Read, W.
Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Gam- M. Landeen, J. H. Schilling, C.
bia; viz., the Baltic, British, E. Weaks, W. A. Ruble, M. D.
Polish, and Scandinavian Union
Conferences; the East African INSTITUTIONS
and Ethiopian Union Missions,
and Detached Missions: Sierra Educational:
Leone, Gold Coast, Nigeria, Faroe
Islands, and Iceland. Baltic Union School, Brivibas iela
11, Riga, Latvia.
Population: 164,934,500; churches, Finland S. D. A. Mission School,
441; members, 22,402. Hiimeenlinna, Suomi, Finland.
Naerum Mission School, Nae-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: rum, Denmark.
Advent, Berne.
Norway S. D. A. Mission School,
Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne, Algarheim, Jessheim, Norway.
Switzerland (until Mar. 1, 1929). Polish Union School, Bielsko,
Kamienica 230, Slask, Poland.
Postal Address;- Box 60, Berne 16, Stanborough College, Stanbor-
Switzerland (until Mar. 1, 1929). ough Park, Watford, Herts,
From April 1: 41 Manor Gardens, England.
Edgware, Middlesex, England. Swedish Missionary School, Ny-
hyttan, Jdrnbois, Sweden.
Kenya Training School, Kama-
Pres., L. H. Christian. gambo, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya
Sec., W. E. Read. Colony, East Africa.
Treas. and Auditor, Chr. Peder- Pare Training School, Suji, P. 0.
son. Tanga, Tanganyika Territo-
Field Sec., J. H. Schilling. ry, East Africa.

Church Schools: Finland Publishing House, Anne-

gatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
British Union Latvian Publishing House, Brivi-
Stanborough Park, Watford, bas iela 11, Riga, Latvia.
Herts, England. Polish Publishing House, Aleja
London-W., Stamford Brook Rd., Roz 9, Warsaw, Poland.
Hammersmith, W. 6. Scandinavian Publishing House,
London, E. Grove Road, Wal- Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway.
thamstowe, E. 17. South Kavirondo Press, Gendia,
Plymouth, 19, Greenbank Ave., P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, East Af-
St. Judges, England. rica.
Stockholm Publishing House,
Scandinavian Union Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
Aarhus Meninghedsskole, Nr. Sweden.
Alle 30, Denmark.
Copenhagen, Suomisvej 5, Copen- Depositories:
hagen V., Denmark. Iceland Depository, Box 262,
Esbjerg, Finlandsgade 28, Den- Reykjavik, Iceland.
mark. Lithuanian Depository, Maironio
Frederikshavn, Salem, Haabats g-ve 22, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Allee, Denmark. Addis Abeba, Abyssinia, P. 0.
Gredstedbro, Denmark. Box 145.
Jerslev pr Bronderslev, Den- Gold Coast, West Africa, S. D. A.
mark. Agona. Mission.
Naerum, via Skodsborg, Den- Nigeria, West Africa, S. D. A.
mark. Aba Mission.
Stockholm, Tunnelgatan 25, Nigeria, West Africa, P. 0. Box
Stockholm, Sweden. 19, Ibadan.
Oslo, Kingosgate 1, Norway.
Sierra Leone, West Africa, S. D.
East African Union Mission A. Waterloo Mission.
Pare, Suji, P. 0. Tanga, Tan- Sanitariums:
ganyika Territory, East Af-
rica. Hultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors,
Kenya S. D. A. Hospital, Gendia,
Iceland, Westman Islands. P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
East Africa.
Oslo Health Home, Akersgaten
British Publishing House, Stan- 74, Oslo, Norway.
borough Press Ltd., Stanbor-
ough Park, Watford, Herts, Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skods-
England. borg, Denmark.
Copenhagen Publishing House, Stanborough Park Sanitarium,
Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Stanborough Park, Watford,
Denmark. Herts, England.
Esthonian Publishing House, Ras Tafari Hospital, Dessie,
Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Es- Postal Address: Box 145, Ad-
thonia. dis Abeba., Abyssinia.

Treatment Rooms: Polish Union

Bergen, Norway, Treatment Building Assn., Warsaw, Aleja
Rooms, Vestre Torvgate 11. Roz 9, Poland.
Helsingfors, Finland, Hydro-
Elektric Institute, Annegatan 7. Scandinavian Union
Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden.
Stockholm, Sweden, Hydro-Elek- Scandinavian Philanthropic Soc.,
tric Institute, Humleg5rds- Skodsborg, Denmark.
gatan is. Aarhus Church Property, Norre-
allee 30, Denmark.
Legal Associations: Ebenezer," Suonlisvej 5; Copen-
Baltic Union hagen, V., Denmark.
Riga Mission Property, Brivibas Oslo S. D. A. Assn., Akersgaten
iela 11, Riga, Latvia. 74, Oslo, Norway.
Esthonian Building Department, Oslo Church Property, Akersga-
Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Es- ten 74, Oslo, Norway.
thonia. Stockholm Mission Property;
British Union Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
Seventh-day Adventist Union Sanningens Harold Assn., Tun-
Ltd., Watford, Herts, England. nelgatan 25, Stockholm, Swe-
Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanbor- den.
ough Park, Watford, Herts,
England. Bergen Church Property, Sigurds-
Good Health Assn., Ltd., Stan- gaten 25, Bergen, Norway.
borough Park, Watford, forts, Finland Mission Property, Anne-
England. gaten 5, Helsingfors, Finland.


Organized 1923
Territory: Esthonia, Latvia, and M. Barengrub, L, Nikkar, K.
Lithuania. Rose, L. F. Oswald, A. Sproge,
M. Gnedinas.
Population: 5,145,000; churches,
67; members, 3,768. Legal Associations:
Riga Mission Property, Brivibas
Cable and Telegraph Address: Ad- iela 11, Riga, Latvia.
vent, Riga. Esthonia Building Dept., Mere-
Office Address: Brivibas iela 11, puiestee 14a, Tallinn, Esthonia.
Riga, Latvia. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Home Miss., A. Sproge.
Pres., T. T. Babienco. Field Miss., K. Saknit.
Sec., A. Sproge, zaia iela, 19, dz. Educational, L. F. Oswald.
15, Jelgava, Latvia.
Treas., E. Krievs. Ministers:
Executive Committee: T. T. T. T. Babienco, J. Schneider, A.
Babienco, K. Sutta, J. Schneider, Sproge.


Licentiates: Church Directory:

E. Krievs, L. F. Oswald. Auce, Mieru ield 12, Latvia.
Bauska, Sudmalu iela 34, Latvia.
Institutions: Cesis, Palasta ield 15, Latvia.
Baltic Union School, Brivibas Daugavpili, Kaunas ield 26, Lat.-
iela 11, Riga, Latvia. via.
Latvian Publishing House, Brivi- Dobele, Pils iela 16, Latvia.
bas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Jekabpill, Sosejas iela 2.
Esthonian Publishing House, Jelgava, Sykes kid 27, Latvia.
Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Es- Kandavd, Kalna kid 2, Latvia.
thonia. Liepaja, Ulicha iela 70, Latvia.
Lithuanian Depository, Maironio Rezekne, M. Nikolajas iela 10,
g-ve 22, Kaunas, Lithuania. Latvia.
Riga, Baznicas ield 12a, Latvia.
High, Martas iela 5, Latvia.
Riga, Slokas iela 66, Latvia.
LATVIAN. CONFERENCE Rfijiena, Pasta iela Zaula miljd,
Organized 1920 Talsi, Parka ield 1, Latvia.
Territory: Latvia. Tukums, Ddrza iela 8.
Valka, Kdru ield 1, Latvia.
Population: 1,845,000; churches, Valmierd, Mieru ield 7, Latvia.
40; members, 2,164. Ventspili, Karla jell 5, Latvia.
Cable Address: Advent, Riga.
Office Address: Brivibas ield. 11,
Officers: Organized 1912
Pres., K. Sutta. Territory: Esthonia.
Sec., A. Sproge. Population: 1,100,000; churches,
Treas., R. Ausin. 18; members, 1,427.
Executive Committee: K. Sutta, Cable Address: Advent Tallinn.
J. Schneider, A. Sproge, M. Tom- Office Address: Merepuiestee 14-a,
son, J. Bauman, P. Weizel, O. Tallinn, Esthonia.
Department Secretaries: Pres., L. Nikkar.
Tract Soc., J. Schneider. Vice-Pres., M. Barengrub.
Field Miss., K. Saknit. Sec., E. Magi.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., Treas., P. Allweiss.
and Miss. Vol., A. Sproge. Executive Committee: L. Nik-
Ministers: kar, M. Barengrub, A. Klement,
E. Ney, P. Raudsepp, E. Wee-
K. Sutta, P. Purina', J. Birsin, dam, E. Magi.
K. Rose, A. Eglit, J. Drikis, K.
Hilweg. Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., M. B6rengruh.
Licentiates: Field Miss., J. Wilba.
W. Botsch, J. Buile, D. Platonov. Sabbath School, Home Miss.,
Missionary Licentiates: Miss. Vol., E. Ney.
K. Saknit, R. Ausin, P. Maca- Ministers:
now, E. Klotin, A. Mednis, K. L. Nikkar, M. Barengrub, A.
Fogel, W. Wachhaus, A. Tschol- Klement, A. Aug, E. Magi, E.
der, M. Stumberg, A. Freinberg. Ney.

Licentiate: P. Aliweiss. Telegraphic Address:

Missionary Licentiates: Office Address: Maironio g-ve 22,
J. Wilba, J. Daniel, H. Undritz, Kaunas, Lithuania.
H. Karu. Officers:
Church Directory: Director, M. Gnedinas.
Sec. and Treas., W. Stroh'.
Raapsalus, Kalda tan. 15. Executive Committee: M. Gne-
Kuresaares, Kubermangu Ulu. 6. dinas, W. Strohl, A. Krause, M.
Narvas, Peetri turg No. 10. Morenings, J. Oltin.
Paides, Lai tlin. 9.
Parnus, Karja tlin. 3. Department Secretaries:
Otepiia, Kupli tan. 11. Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Rakveres, Pikk tan. 68. Home Miss., W. Strohl.
Tallinn, Merepuiestee 14a. Field Miss., M. Morenings.
l'apal, Kabala tan. 4. Ministers:
Tartus, Bilrgermusse. M. Gnedinas, W. Strohl, H.
TUrvas, Plima tlin. Linde.
Valgas, Uus tan. 22. Licentiate: J. Oltin.
Viljandi, Tasuja puiestee 5.
Vtirus, Jtiri tan. 6. Missionary Licentiates:
M. Morenings, A. Jurkevitz, S.
Church Directory:
Organized 1920 Kybartai, Gedimino g-ve 9a.
Siauliai, Dvaro g-ve 71.
Territory: Lithuania. Zagare, Daukanto g-ve 36.
Population: 2,200,000; churches, Kaunas, Kestucio g-ve 16a.
9; members, 177. Heydekrug, Waldstr. 1.


Organized 1902
Territory: North England Confer- Vice-Pres., W. T. Bartlett.
ence and South England Confer- Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A.
ence, Welsh Mission, Scottish Carey.
Mis'sion, Irish Mission. Executive Committee: W. H.
Population: 47,152,538; churches, Meredith, A. E. Bacon, F. A.
65; members, 4,622. Spearing, Dr. W. A. Ruble, A. S.
Maxwell, W. R. Raitt, H. D.
Cable Address: " Hygiene," Wat- Clarke, L. H. Wood, H. Osborne,
ford, Herts, England. S. Joyce, J. Harker, W. Mauds-
ley. 0. M. Dorland, A. Carey, H.
Telephone: Watford 1751 (three W. Lowe, S. 0. Joyce.
Legal Assn.: S. D. A. Union, Ltd.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- Pres., W. H. Meredith; Sec., W.
ford, Herta, England. R. Raitt.
Officers: General Conference Transportation
Pres., W. H. Meredith. Agent: C, H. Anscombe, 29 Ox-

ford Street, London, W. 1. Tele- NORTH ENGLAND CON-

phone Regent 7570. FERENCE
Cable Address: " Adventist," Lon- Organized 1919; Reorganized 1928
Territory: The counties of Lanca-
Department Secretaries: shire, Yorkshire, Durham, Che-
Field Miss., S. Joyce. shire, Isle of Man, Westmore-
Home Miss., Sabbath School, land, Cumberland, Northumber-
and Miss. Vol., .1. Harker. land, Derbyshire, Nottingham.
Educational, L. H. Wood. shire, Lincolnsh ire, Stafford-
Medical, Dr. W. A. Ruble. shire, Leicestershire, Rutland-
shire, Northamptonshire, Worces-
Ministers: tershire, Warwickshire.
W. H. Meredith, W. T. Bartlett, Population: 18,594;415 ; churches,
A. S. Maxwell, S. Joyce, Dr. W. 25; members, 1,545.
A. Ruble, J. Harker, H. F.
De'Ath, L. H. Wood. Office: 22 Zulla Road, Magdala
Honorary: J. J. Gillatt. Road, Nottingham, England.

Licentiate: G. W. Baird. Officers:

Pres., F. A. Spearing.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec. and Treas.. J. H. Parkin.
W. R. Raitt, H. Osborne; A. Executive Committee: F. A.
Carey, E. IL Heppenstall, \V. Spearing, J. H. Parkin, E. E.
Emerson, Miss G. Brown, Miss Craven, F. C. Bailey, L. Brook-
E. M. Argent, Miss E. Chattle, ing, G. T. Bryan, J. H. Hanson.
F. D. Buckle, Miss E. Crooks. Department Secretaries:
Institutions: Home Miss., Sabbath School.
and Miss. Vol., J. M. Howard.
British Publishing House, Stan-
Field Miss., C. Bell.
borough Park, Watford, Hefts,
England. Ministers:
Stanborough Missionary College, F. A. Spearing, A. K. Ar mstron7,,
Stanborough Park, Watford, F. C. Bailey, J. E. Bell, E. E.
Herts, England. Craven, W. A. Hall, W. P. Pres-
Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanbor- cott, A. S. Rodd, J. B. West.
ough Park, Watford, Herts,
England. Licentiates:
Sanitarium, The Stanboroughs, F. W. Coppock, 0. D. King, C. A.
Watford, Herts, England. Reeves, A. V. Ward, J. M. How-
ard, J. H. Parkin.
Church Schools:
Missionary Licentiates:
Stanborough Park, Watford,
Herts, England. Miss M. Basher, Miss J. E. Bas-
tow, Mrs. D. Casey, Miss A. F.
London, W. Stamford Brook Rd., Clarke, Miss E. Donaldson, Miss
Hammersmith, W. 6, England. J. Handysides, G. Bell.
London, E. Grove Road, Wal-
thamstowe, E. 17, England. Church Directory:
Plymouth, 19, Greenbank Ave., Birmingham, S. D. A. Church,
St. Judges, England. Nineveh Road, Handsworth.

Hull, S. D. A. Church, Clarendon Missionary Licentiates:

Street, Londesborough St. G. W. Bailey, B. Belton, O.
Kettering, Memorial Church, Lewis, Mrs. M. E. Brooks, Miss
Cannon St. M. Anderson, Miss D. E. Mose-
Leeds, Lees Hall, Vicar Lane. ley, Miss M. Living, Miss M. E.
Manchester S., Parkheld S reef, Lenanton, Miss 0. C. Davies,
Moss Lane East, Rusholme. Miss I. M. Baldwin, Miss M.
Savage, Miss E. F. Brewer, Miss
E. Stone, Miss IL Vandenbergh,
SOUTH ENGLAND CON- Miss G. E. Wallace, Miss A. M.
FERENCE Beazley, Miss N. LeVierge, Miss
T. Seagrave, Miss M. James,
Organized 1902; Reorganized 1928
Miss P. Yeates.
Territory: The Counties of Corn-
wall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Church Directory:
Offincester, Wilts, Oxford, Berks, London:
Bucks, Hants, Surrey, Sussex. North London, 395 Holloway
Kent, London, Middlesex, Hert- Road, N. 7. .
ford. Bedford, Huntingdon, Cam- West London, S. D. A. Church,
bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk. Essex, Stamford Brook, Bedford
isle of Wight, and the Channel Park, Chiswick, W. "
Islands. \Valthamstowe, S. D. A.
Church, Boundary Road, Off
Population: 16,222,496; chu relies, I-foe Street, Walthamstowe,
26; members, 2,205. E. 17.
Office: Eagle House, 395 Holloway Wimbledon, Stanley Hall, Stan-
Road, London, N. 7, England. ley Road, S. W.
Plymouth, Beaumont Hall, Beau-
Officers: mont Road.
Pres., 0. M. Dorland. Southampton, The Academy,
Sec. and Treas., H. D. Clarke. Shirley Road.
'Executive Committee: 0. M. Southend, S. D. A. Church, North
Dorland, H. D. Clarke, F. W. View Drive, Westcliffe-on-Sea.
Goodall, H. W. Armstrong, F. S. Stanborough Park, S. D. A.
jackson, Dr. IF. C. Shone, A. Church, Stanborough Park,
Warren. Watford, Herts, England.
Watford, Herts, S. D. A. Church,
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Home Miss., Leavesden Road.
and Miss. Vol., F. W. Goodall. Bristol, S. D. A. Church, Arley
Hill, Cotham, Bristol. -
Field Miss., B. Belton.
Medical, Dr. W. A. Ruble.
Educational, L. H. Wood.
Organized 1902
0. M. Dorland, W. J. Young, F.
S. Jackson, R. Mussen, J. Mc- Territory: Principality of Wales,
Avoy, D. Morrison, H. W. Arm- Counties of Monmouthshire,
strong, S. F. Tonks, R. White- Shropshire, and Herefordshire.
side, H. W. McCrow, L. E. A.
Lane, R. S. Joyce, J. G. Bevan. Population: 3,013,4S9; churches,
8; members, 416.
H. D. Clarke, F. W. Goodall, R. Office: Stanborough Park, Watford,
A. Freeth, T. M. Timpany. Herts, England.

Officers: Minister: W. Maudsley.

Supt., H. W. Lowe.
Advisory Committee: H. W. Licentiates:
Lowe, A. F. Bird, R. Jacques, T. W. R. A. Madgwick, L. Murdoch.
Morris, W. R. Smith. Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: Miss J. Archibald, Miss H. W.
H. W. Lowe, A. F. Bird, T. II. Robertson.
Cooper. Church Directory:
Licentiate: L. A. Watson. Glasgow, (Partick) Thornwood
Missionary Licentiates:
Miss E. Guntrip, Miss W. Buckle,
Miss D. Brown.
Church Directory:
Aberdare, Swawr Street, Abera- Organized 1902; Reorganized 1928
man. Territory: North Ireland and Irish
Blaenavon S. D. A. Church, Llan- Free State.
over Road.
Newport, Chepstow Road, Eves- Population: 4,390,219; churches,
well. 2; members, 145.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
ford, Herts, England.
Reorganized 1928 Officers:
Supt., S. G. Joyce.
Territory: Scotland, including The Advisory Committee: S. G.
Hebrides, Orkneys, and Shet- Joyce, G. Hyde, Dr. Houston, G.
lands. Reid, R. Mercer.
Population: 4,931,919; churches, Ministers:
4; members, 311. S. G. Joyce, G. Hyde.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
ford, Herts, England. Licentiate: J. McMillan.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Supt., W. Maudsley. Miss L. Adair, Miss M. Spittal,
Miss M. Ballard.
Advisory Committee: W. Mauds-
ley, W. R. A. Madgwick, J. Bleas- Church Directory:
by, A. Kinnon, R. Kennedy. Belfast, Florenceville Avenue.


Organized igzr
Territory: The Polish Republic, Office Address: Lipowa 10, Bydgo-
viz., Posania, Silesia-Galicia, szcz, Poland.
Central Polish, and East Polish
Conferences, and the North Po- Officers:
lish Mission. Pres., John Isaac.
Population: 30,000,000; churches, Sec., Th. Will.
97; members, 2,268. Treas., Miss M. Babinska.
PouSEI tINIoN eoNPRRtMdt 135

Executive Committee: John Ministers:

Isaac, Th. Will, R. J. Cunitz, A. P. Englert, J. Niedoba, K. Jelen.
Luedtke, P. Englert, St. Ka-
pusta, H. Bigalke, Dr. A. Kube, Licentiate: F. Kosmowski.
H. L. Rudy, K. Bartel, M. Wasid- Missionary Licentiates:
L. Zobel, M. Schaefer, L. Schil-
Building Assn., Aleja ROz, 9, berg, L. Polcyn, E. Niedoba.
Warsaw, Poland.
Department Secretaries; Church Directory:
Bydgoszcz, Seinkiewicza 68, Po-
Field Miss., H. Bigalke. land.
Educational, H. L. Rudy.
Miss. Vol., Wm. Czembor. Torun, Bydgoska 46.
Grudziadz, Radzynska 1.
Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
Th. Will.
John Isaac, Th. Will, F. Dzik. SILESIA-GALICIA CON-
H. Bigalke, H. L. Rudy, Wm. Organized 1920.
Territory: Polish Silesia and West
Missionary Licentiates: Galicia.
M. Wasidlow, Miss M. Babinska.
Population: 4,500,000; churches,
Institutions: 22; members, 768.
Polish Publishing House, Aleja
ROz 9, Warsaw, Poland. Office Address: Bielsko-Kamienica
Polish Union School, Bielsko- 272, Slask, Poland.
Kamienica 230, Slask, Poland. Officers:
Pres., R. J. Cunitz.
Sec., E. Kulesa.
Executive Committee: R. J.
Organized 1918 Cunitz, A. Felte, Jan Berke,
Territory: Province of Posania. Jerzy Pieszka, Jerzy Czembor.
Population: 3,500,000; churches, Department Secretaries:
14; members, 337. Field Miss., K. Rucki.
Miss. Vol., E. Kulesa.
Office: Maleckiego 28-3, Poznan, Home Miss., A. Felte.
Poland. Sabbath School, A. Gajdzica.
Pres., P. Englert. Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., V. Mikolajczak. R. J. Cunitz, A. Felte.
Executive Committee: P. Eng- Licentiates:
lert, J. Niedoba, H. Bigalke, R. J. Gomola, E. Kulesa, J. Zielin-
Baensch, 0. Kruger. ski.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., H. Bigalke. Missionary Licentiates:
Home Miss:, F. Kosmowski. F. Stella, I. Tischler, J. Chodura,
Miss. Vol. and Sabbath School, F. Kubaczka, A. Koenig, L.
P. Kube. Berke, A. Gajdzica.

Church Directory: Church Directory:

Bielsko-Kamienica 272, Slask, Senatorska 8, Warsaw.
Poland. Andrzeja 17, LOdz,
KrakOw, ul. Bosacka No. 11, Gostynska 1, Gabin.
Galicia. DanielOw, pocz. Nowy Kaminsk,
Cieszyn, ul. Polna 20, Slask Pol- pow. PiotrkOw.
Katowice, ul. Francuska 6, G. S.
Jaworze, Nr. 187, pow. Bielsko,
Slask Polski.
Skoczow, Nr. 370, Slask Polski. EAST POLISH CONFERENCE
.Wisla, Nr. 663, pocz. Ustron, Organized 1927
Slask Polski.
Bielsko-Kan-denim Nr. 230, Slash Territory: East Galicia and Polish
Polski. Volhynia.
Zebracs, Silesia Dziedzice, Slack
Polski. Population: 7,000,000; churches,
37; members, 666.
Office: Lwowskich dzieci 57, LwOw,
Organized 1927 Pres., A. Luedtke.
Sec. and Treas., M. NastalkOwna..
Territory: Congress Poland.
Executive Committee: A. Lued-
Population: 10,000,000; churches, tke, A. A. Schilberg, A. Maszc-
10; members, 250. za,k, M. Olszewska, J. Zawadzki.
Office Address: Zakatna 2, 7, War- Department Secretaries:
saw, Poland. Field Miss., M. Czch.
Officers: Home Miss., A. A. Schilberg.
Sabbath School, A. Maszczak.
Pres., St. Kapusta. Miss. Vol.) J. Knlak.
Sec. and Treas., M. Groschang.
Executive Committee: St. Ka- Ministers:
pusta, E. Rucz, 0. Ginter, R. A. Luedtke, A. A. Schilberg, A.
Bartel, K. Schaefer.
Maszczak, M. Dolgun.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., K. Schaefer.
Sabbath School, E. Kluth. J. Kulak, A. Niewiadoniski,
Miss. Vol., A. Kruk.
Home Miss., St. Kapiista. Missionary Licentiates:
G. Gawrylowicza,. M. Czech, D.
Minister: St. Kapusta. Wolodzko.
Licentiate: E. Kluth. Church Directory:
Missionary Licentiates: LwOw, Kutasiewicza 1.
0. Wajrauch, J. Rosiecki, E. Swiniuchy, pow. Horoch6w, Vol-
Kryger, A. Dudkowna, K. Schae- hynia.
fer, B. Fernwarn. Pozarki, pow. Luck.

NORTH POLISH MISSION Executive Committee: K. Bartel,

Organized 1928 A. Szewczuk, M. MatuszewiCh.
Territory: The Northeast Prov- Department Secretaries:
inces-Bialystok, Brzesc, Nowo- Field Miss., A. Szewczuk.
grodek, and Vilna. Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
K. Bartel.
Population: 5,000,000; churches,
14; members, 247. Minister: K. Bartel.
Office: JagellOnska 22, Grodno, Po- Missionary Licentiate:
A. Szewczuk.
Supt., K. Bartel. Church Directory:
Sec.-Treas., Miss M. Babinska. Jagellonska 22, Groduo, Poland.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Conferences of Nor- Field Miss., Elias Bjaaniis, Ak-

way, Sweden, Denniark, Fin- ersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway.
Population: 15,806,750; churches, G. E. Nord, E. Bjaaniis, P.
167; members, 8,405. Nelsen, Erik Arnesen.
Cable Address: Advent, Stock- Institutions of Scandinavian Union
holm, Sweden. Conference
Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Educational:
Sweden. Finland S. D. A. Mission School,
Illimeenlinna as., Finland.
Officers: Naerum Mission School, Naerum,
Pres., G. E. Nord. Denmark.
Sec., Erik Arnesen, Akersgaten Norway S. D. A. Mission School,
74, Oslo, Norway. Algarheim,Ilessh eim, Norway.
Treas., Erik Larsson. Swedish Mission School, Nyhyt-
Auditor, A. C. Christensen. tan, Jiirnboas, Sweden.
Executive Commit tee: (1. E.
Nord, L. Muderspach, T. Tobias- Church Schools:
sen, C. V. Anderson, A. Rintala, Aarhus .Meninhedsskole, Nr.
J. C. Obtosen, M. D., A. Ander- 30, Denitiark.
sen, M. D., C. M. Scott, Emil Copenhagen, V., Suomisvej 5,
A.hren, Erik Arnesen, A. C. Chris- Denmark.
tensen, Elias Bjaans, P. G. Nel- Esbjerg, Finlandsgade 28, Den-
sen, A. J. Settergren, C. Gidlund. mark.
Frederikshavn, Salem, Haabats
Department Secretaries: Allee, Denmark.
Sab. School, Educational, Miss. Gredstedbro, Denmark.
Vol., and Home Miss., P. 0. ,Ilerslev pr. Br6nderslev, Den-
Nelsen. ark.

Naerum, via Skodsborg, Den- Trustees: J. C. Raft, Carl Ottosen,

mark. L. H. Christian, G. E. Nord, L.
Stockholm, Tunnelgatan 25, Swe- Muderspach, T. Tobiassen, C. V.
den. Anderson, A. Rintala, Jensine
Oslo, Kingosgate 1, Norway. Iversen, A. Andersen, Chr. Han-
sen, H. E. Eriksen, C. C. Hansen,
Publishing: Jr., Substitute, H. P. Panduro.
Finland Publishing House, Anne-
gatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Officers:
Scandinavian Publishing House, President, J. C. Raft.
Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Vice-President, Carl Ottosen.
Copenhagen Pub. House, Suomis- Secretary, Dr. A. Andersen.
vej 5, Copenhagen, V., Den- Treasurer, Chr. Hansen.
mark. Auditor, Jens Olsen.
Stockholm Publishing House,
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
Sanitariums: Organized 1880
Rultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors,
Sweden. Territory: The Kingdom of Den
Oslo Health Home, Akersgaten
74, Oslo, Norway. Population: 3,434,555; churches,
Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skods- 46; members, 2,665.
borg, Denmark. Cable Address: Expedit, Copen-
Treatment Rooms: hagen.
Bergen, Norway, Treatment Office Address: Suoinisvej 5, Cop-
Rooms, Vestra Torvgate 11. enhagen, V., Denmark.
Helsingfors, Hydro-Electric In- Officers:
stitute, Annegatan 7, Finland. Pres., L. Muderspach.
Nyhyttan Treatment Rooms, Sec. and Treas., R. F. Jensen.
Jarnboas, Sweden. Executive Committee: L. Mu-
Stockholm, Sweden, Hydro-Elec- derspach, Chr. Hansen, A. Var-
tric Institute, Humlegardsga- mei-, P. A. Christiansen, N. P.
ta n 18. Nielsen, Jacob Jorgensen, H. Jor-
Food Factories:
Copenhagen Food Factory, Bald- Department Secretaries:
ersgate 14, Copenhagen L., Den- Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
mark. Home Miss., Werner Hansen.
Field Miss., O. S. Sorensen.
Auditor: The Auditor of the Union.
L. Muderspach, Chr% Resen, Chr.
Organized 1897 Tobiassen, L. J. Kirkeltikke, J. P.
U. Jensen, A. Wasli, A. Varmer,
Address: Skodsborg, Badesanato- A. Guldhammer.
rium, Skodsborg, Denmark.
Legal Name: Skandinavisk filan- R. F. Jensen, Werner Hansen, G.
tropisk Selskab. E. Westman, Sv. Broberg.

Missionary Licentiates: NORWAY CONFERENCE

Chr. G. Jensen, A. Berg, Emanuel Organized 1887
Pedersen, Poul Knudsen, 0. S.
Sorensen, Claudia Jensen, Chris- Territory: Kingdom of Norway.
tine Andersen, Astrid Hansen,
Mary Olsen, Sophie Jensen, Population: 2,797,827; churches,
Kathrine Hedeman. 51; membership, 2,367.
Cable Address: " Sundhedsbladet,"
Church School Teachers: Oslo, (Norway).
Anna Simonsen, Cathinka Hen-
riksen, Marie Jensen, Kirstine Office: Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor-
Lund, Dorthea Prmstiin, Olga way.
Johannessen, Oline Bruun, Jo- Officers:
hanne Wilhelmsen, Erna Schou. Pres., T. Tobiassen.
Church Directory: Sec. and Treas., R. Abrahamsen.
Auditor, A. C. Christensen.
Aalborg, Skolegade 13.
Aarhus, Niirre Alle 30. Executive Committee: T. To-
biassen, L. Smboe-Larssen, A. C.
Copenhagen, Silomisvej 5. Christensen, G. F. Johansen, Her-
Frederikshavn, " Salem," Haab- bert Hanson, P. Pedersen, S.
ets Alle. Lien.
Herning, Afholdshotellet, Smalle-
gade. Department Secretaries:
Hiller6d, Frederiksvmrksgade 7. Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Holhmk, Godthaabsvej 56.. Home Miss., Karl Abrahamsen.
Jerslev (pr. Bronderslev), " Eris- Field Miss., Paul Olsen.
Juelsminde, " Kuranstalten."
T. Tobiassen, 0. S. Lie, L. Sboe-
Nykobing, Falster, Gedservej 32. Larssen, 0. Jordahl, T. S. Valen,
Nyborg, N. I. 0. G. T. Lokale. A. J. Tiligren, G. T. Glandrange.
Naerum, Nmrum_Missionsskole.
Neestved, Riddergade 6. Licentiates:
Lille Norlund, Skolehuset, Ikast. Rolf Skyllstad, Elmar Stinesen,
Odense, Provstegade 8. Herbert Hanson.
Randers, Fhv. Folketeater. Missionary Licentiates:
Roskilde, Good Templarlokalet, R. Abrahamsen, Karl Abraham-
Absalonsgade. sen, Louise Borge, Mina Jocob-
" Bethania," Damprnolle- sen, Ruth Behring, Helga Peder-
gade 26. sen, Marie Mehus, Borghild Ful-
Skodsborg, Badesanatoriet. sebakke, Mathilde Larsen.
Slagelse, Afholdshotellet, Valde- Church School Teachers:
marsgade. K. Nmrland, Lina Mordahl.
Sydjysk Menighed, Finlandsgade Church Directory:
28, Esbjerg.
Arendal, Losje " Alles Vel,"
Siinderborg, N. I. 0. G. T. Lokale, Stromsboveien.
Reba I agergade. Bergen, " Betania," Sigurdsgaten
Vejle, Logebygningen, Vedels- 25.
gade 36. Drammen, Stromso Good Tern-
Viborg, Afholdshotellet, Gray- plar Lokale, Tordenskjolds-
erne. gaten 2.

Hadsel, " Adventlokalet," Hok- Settergren, Wald. Johanson,

land. S. Lundstrom, Axel Bengtssou,
Halden, Kongegaarden. P. Johansson.
Hammerfest, Betania." Legal Assn.: " Siilska pet San
Harstad, Good Templar Lokalet. ningens Harold." Pres., A. J.
Haugesund, " Bethel," Breida- Settergren; Vice-President, C. 0.
blikgaten 97. Carlstjerna; Sec., S. Lundstrom;
Borten, Beta n i a ." Storua ten 97. Treas., G. V. Eriksson.
Kristiansand, " Bethel," Toldbod-
gaten 62. Department Secretaries:
Kristiansund, Arbeiderforningen. Field Miss., Oscar Johanson.
Larvik, odtempl a r- loka I et. Miss. Vol., 1-Tome Miss., and Sab-
Levanger, Jernbanegaten 28. bath School, K. H. Sandstriirn.
Mandal, " Bethel," Torjushei-
gaten 4. Ministers:
Molde, Losje "Urd." C. V. Anderson, C. 0. Carl-
Moss, "Bethel," Vincent Bugges- stjerna, Emil Ahren, A. J. Set-
gate 5. tergren. S. Lundstrom, S. Ljung-
Narvik, Losjen. berg, K. R. Sandstrom, 0. T.
Onsrud, Onsrud Misjonsskole. Fritjof litiglind,
Oslo, Bethel," Akersgaten 74. Lindsay.
Porsgrund. Folkets Hus. Honorary: K. A. Fernstrom, J.
Sandefjord, Hotel Kong Karl. Wallenkampf.
Sarpsborg, " Fram," Jernbane-
gaten. Licentiates:
Stavanger, " Libanon," Storhaug Wilhelm Runolf, Alfred Ander-
Alle 4. son.
Svolvar, Haandverforeningen.
Trondhjem, Totalen, Kjobmands- Missionary Licentiates:
gaten 20. Giista Hermansson, Oscar Grund-
Tonsberg, Hand el sstan d s f oren- berg, Oscar Johanson, Ellen
ingen. Svensson, Elsa Hagberg, Ingrid
Olsson, Clara Jonason, Signe Jo-
SWEDEN CONFERENCE Church School Teachers:
Organized 1882 Ingeborg Jacobson, Signe Sand-
(I vist, E. Wester.
Territory: The Kingdom of Swe-
den. Church Directory:
Population: 6,074,368; churches, Stockholm, Tunnelgaten 25.
45; membership, 1,883. Jarnboas, Nyhyttan Mission Sch.
Grythyttehed, K. Fernstrom.
Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm. Goteborg, Kungstorget 2.
Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Jonkoping, Kanalgatan 48.
Sweden. Halsingborg, Karlkroksgatan 8-
Officers: Malmo, Spangatan 13.
Pres., C. V. Anderson. Landskrona, Codtamplarhuset, C.
Sec. and Treas., 0. Grundberg. Rattvik, J. Wallenkampf.
Auditors, A. C. Christensen, Erik Falun, Frambyvagen.
H. Larsson. Viistehas, Foreningsgaten 9-11.
Executive Committee: C. V. Orebro, Oskarsparken 11.
Anderson, C. 0. Carlstjerna, A. Linkoping, Platensgatan 9e.

Norrkiiping, Priistgat. 5 B. Department Secretaries:

Giivle, 5:e TvArgatan 40. Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Sundsvall, Thulegatan 33. Home Miss., K. Soisalo.
Uppsala, Vaksalagatan 38. Field Miss., 0. Hoglund.
Ostersund, Kiipmansgatan 29.
Harnosand, Tyra WAhlstrand. Ministers:
Hasslehohn, Tyra Diiring. A. Rintala, C. Gidlund, V. Koh-
Hultafors, Sanatoriet. tanen, K. Soisalo, 0. Angervo.
Karlshamn, N. Fogdelyckeg. 18.
Kristianstad, V. Boulev. 18. Licentiates:
W. B. Piintynen, T. Stdhlberg,
Kumla, Natanael.
R. Svenson, P. Nousiainen, 0.
Ronneby, Vesperklockan.
Iiiiglund, K. V. Osola.
Missionary Licentiates:
Liina Lehti, Anni Dahlman, Hilja
FINLAND CONFERENCE Hirvonen, Greta Erickson.
Organized 1909 Church Directory:
Helsinki (Helsingfors), Adventti-
Territory: Finland. kirkko (Adventkyrkan), An-
Population: 3,500,000; churches, /1,1k. 7 (Annegatan 7).
25; membership, 1,490. Tampere (Tammerfors), Rukous-
huone, Ilindentie 5.
Office: Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Abo, Gubhemmet (Ukkokoti).
Finland. Pori (Bj6rneborg), Mikonkatu 6.
Officers: iiiimeeniinna (Tavastehus),
Pres., A. Rintala: " Ebeneser " Palokunnankatu
Sec., Kaarlo Soisalo. 28.
Treas., Y. Miettinen. Viipuri, Ent. Merkurliiton huo-
Executive Committee: A. Rin- neisto.
tala, C. Gidlund, 0. HOglund, K. Lahti, Seurojen Kotitalo.
Soisalo, V. Sucksdorff, M. D., R. Lovisa, Hoittis gArd.
Rouhe, 0. 3itakkola. Borga, Brunnsg. 29.
Savonlinna, Rouhen talo.
Swedish Department: HangO, Adventisternas Bonehus,
Director, C. Gidlund. T.Ang:_rntan 46.
Advisory Committee: C. Gid- Jyviiskyla, Miiki-Matti, -Vihtori
lund, V. Sucksdorff, M. D., K. Vuolion
Sandelin, W. Warro, L. Sand- Kokoushuone, Koivis-
i/01m. tonkatu 2.


Organized 1912; reorganized 1926

Territory: Kenya Colony, Tangan- Address: Gendia Mission, P. 0.

yika, and Uganda; viz., the Ken- Kisumu, Kenya Colony, British
ya, Mwanza, Pare, Uganda Mis- East Africa.
sions. Officers:
Population: About 13,818,000; Supt., S. G. Maxwell.
churches, 23; membership, 1788. Sec. and Treas., F. H. Thomas.

Executive Committee: S. G. MWANZA MISSION

Maxwell, W. Cuthbert, A. F. Entered 1903
Bull, G. A. Ellingworth, MT. W.
Armstrong, G. A. S. Madgwick, Territory: Western part of Tan-
M. D., F. H. Thomas. ganyika Territory.
Minister: S. G. Maxwell. Population: About 4,000,000.
Address: Ikidzu Mission, P. 0.
Institutions: Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
South Kavirondo Press, Manager, via Kisumu, British East Africa.
F. H. Thomas, Gendia, P. 0.
Kisumu, Kenya Colony, British Officers:
East Africa. Superintendent: W. Cuthbert.
Kenya S. D. A. Hospital, Dr. G. Local Committee: W. Cuthbert,
A. S. Madgwick, Gendia, P. 0. H. Robson.
Kisumu, Kenya Colony, British
East Africa. Ministers:
W. Cuthbert, A. Watson, E. B.
Training School Kenya, Prin- Phillips, A. H. Matthews.
cipal, R. Warland, Kamagambo
Mission, P. 0. Kisii, Kisumu, Licentiates:
Kenya Colony, British East Af- H. Robson, F. Muderspach.
rica. Missionary Credentials:
Suji Training School, Principal, Miss M. Morgan.
A. F. Bull, Suji Mission, P. 0.
Tanga, Tanganyika Territory,
British East Africa. PARE MISSION
Entered 1903
Territory: Eastern part of Tangan-
yika Territory.
Population: 2,500,000.
Organized 1912 (Entered 1906) Address: Suji Mission, P. 0. Tanga,
Territory: Kenya Colony. Tanganyika Territory, East Af-
Population: 4,000,000.
Address: Gendia Mission, 1'. 0. Supt., A. F. Bull.
Kisumu, Kenya, British East Minister: A. F. Bull.
Licentiate: J. Oster.
Officers: Supt., W. W. Armstrong. Missionary Credentials:
Local Committee: W. W. Arm- Miss W. Clifford.
strong, E. R. Warland, E. A.
Ministers: Organized 1926
W. W. Armstrong, E. R. War- Territory: Uganda.
land, E. A. Beavon.
Population: 3,318,000.
Licentiate: F. L. Chapman. Address: Nchwanga, P. 0. Muben-
Missionary Credentials: di, Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick, Miss G. Officers:
Clarke, F. H. Thomas, Miss Supt., G. A. Ellingworth.
Karen Nielsen, Miss Carentze. Ol- Minister: G. A. Ellingworth.
sen, Miss R. Raitt, F. Salway. Licentiate: Rye Andersen.
Entered 1907. Organized 1923
Territory: Abyssinia proper, Galla- EASTERN ABYSSINIAN
land. British, French, and Ital- MISSION
ian Somaliland, and Eritrea. Organized 1922; reorganized 1926
Population: 12,000,000. Territory: Part of Gallaland.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventists, Address: S. D. A. Mission, Balba-
Adisababa." _ Teti, Post Aouache, Abyssinia.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Supt., R. Stein.
Box 145, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia,
Northeast Africa. Minister:
R. Stein.
Supt., V. E. Toppenberg. Missionary Licentiate:
Sec. and Treas., P. M. Myhre. A. Hessel.
Executilie Committee: V. E.
Toppenberg, M. Sorensen, Dr.
Organized 1922; reorganized 1926
CENTRAL ABYSSINIAN Territory: Part of Gallaland.
MISSION Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Box 145, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia.
Organized 1921 (Entered 1907) Officers:
Supt., Sec. and Treas., C. Jensen.
Territory: Abyssinia proper.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. C. Jensen.
Box 145, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia.
Supt., V. E. Toppenberg,
Territory: The Italian colony of
Ministers: Eritrea.
V. E. Toppenberg, G. Gudmund- Population: 400,000.
sen. Address: Missione Avventista, P.
0. Box 106, Asmara, Eritrea,
Licentiate: Northeast Africa.
M. Sorenson.
Missionary Licentiates: Supt., G. Sabatino.
Dr. G. Bergman, P. M. Myhre, Minister:
Miss Haseneder. 0. Sabatino.

Entered 1894; organized 1913 H. Gronert, J. W. Harding.
Territory: Gold Coast, West Af- Licentiate: E. Berglund.
rica. Missionary Licentiates:
Population: 1,500,000. Miss S. Henriksen, T. Tranborg.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box
208, Coomassie, Gold Coast, Entered 1898
West Africa. Territory: The Faroe Islands.
Officers: Population: 22,000.
Supt., J. H. Hyde.
Address: Sanatorievejen, Mors-
Ministers: havn, Faroe Islands.
J. H. Hyde, J. W. Garbrah. Officer:
Licentiate: Supt., S. Andreassen.
H. Munson. Licentiate:
Missionary Licentiate: F. Stokes. S. Andreassen.


Organized December, 1913 Entered 1897
Territory: Nigeria, West Af- Territory: Iceland and Greenland.
Population: 114,355; churches,
Population: 19,000,000. 4; members, 307.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box No. Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Ice-
19, Ibadan, Nigeria, 'West Af- land.
Officers: Supt., 0. J. Olsen.
Supt., Wm. McClements. Sec. and Treas., J. Jonsson.
Ministers: Local Committee: 0. J. Olsen,
W. McClements, J. Clifford. G. Paulsson, J. Jonsson, Loftur
Licentiates: Sigurdsson, S. Einarsson.
W. G. Till, L. Edmunds.
Department Secretary:
Missionary Licentiate: Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Field
W. Hyde. Miss., J. Jonsson.
Organized 1913 Licentiate: G. Paulsson.
Territory: Sierra Leone, West Missionary Licentiates:
Africa. J. Jonsson, Miss K. Sigurdsson.
Population: 1,400,000.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Water- Iceland Depository, Box 262,
loo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Officers: S. D. A. Church School, West-
Supt., H. Gronert. man Islands, Iceland.
Organized 1928
Territory: Switzerland, France, LABORERS HOLDING CREDEN-
Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, TIALS FROM THE SOUTHERN
Portugal, Italy, Jugoslavia, Ru- EUROPEAN DIVISION
mania, Libya, Algeria, Tunis,
Morocco, Senegal, Mauritania, Ministers:
that portion of French Equato- A. V. Olson, L. L. Caviness, J. C.
rial Africa that lies South of Raft, Steen Rasmussen, F. Char-
latitude 10 North, Madagas- piot.
car, Comoro Islands, Mauritius
and Dependencies, Seychelles Licentiate: Dr. J. Nussbaum.
Islands, viz., the Franco-Belgian, Missionary Licentiates:
Swiss, and Rumanian Union F. Brennwald, Amy M. Dickey,
Conferences, the Iberian, Italian, Erna Borm, Erna Ihlenburg,
Jugoslavian, and North African Badeline Golding.
Union Missions, and. the Cam-
`. croon, Madagascar, and Mauri-
Population: 180,057,000; churches, ERN EUROPEAN DIVISION
490; members, 14,569. Educational:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve,
Advent, Berne. Collonges-sous-Saleve, Haute-
Savoie, France.
Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne, Rumanian Union Training
Switzerland. School, Strada Viilor No. 53,
Postal Address: Box 60., Berne 16, Diciosanmartin, Transylvania,
Switzerland. Rumania.
Officers: Church Schools:
Pres., A. V. Olson. La Chaux-de-Fonds, Temple A!le-
mand, Switzerland; teacher, R.
Sec., L. L. Caviness. Guenin.
Treasurer and Auditor, F. Brenn- Gland, Canton Vaud, Switzer-
wald. land; teacher, L. Berlie.
Field Sec., J. C. Raft.
Department Secretaries: Barcelona Publishing House,
Home Miss., and Miss. Vol., Apartado 492, Barcelona,
Steen Rasmussen. Spain.
Educational and Sabbath School, French Publishing House, Li-
L. L. Caviness. brairie " Les Signes des
Publishing, F. Charpiot. Temps," Dammarie les Lys
Medical Miss., Dr. J. Nussbaum, (Seine et Marne), France.
1 bis Rue Bernardin de St. Italian Publishing House, Ca-
Pierre, Le Havre, France. sella Postale 408, (via Trieste)
Ministerial Assn., J. C. Raft. Florence, Italy.

Jugoslavian Publishing House, Sanitarium:

" G. Sah-i6 i komp.," Petra Lake Geneva Sanitarium, La
Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Ligniere, Gland, Canton Vaud,
Jugoslavia. Switzerland.
Portuguese Publishing House,
Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A., Food Factories:
Lisbon, Portugal.
Rumanian Publishing House, " Phag," Gland, Canton Vaud,
"Cuvantul Evangheliei," Switzerland.
Strada Labirint 116, Buk- " Pur Aliment," Rue du Mont-
harest, Rumania. Cenis 128, Paris XVIII, France.


Organized 1928
Territory: France and Belgium. Institutions:
Les Signes des Temps, Dam-
Population: 48,823,200; churches, marie-les-Lys, Seine et Marne,
49; members, 1,629. France.
Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve,
Office Address: 1 Rue Nicolas Collonges-sous-Saleve, Haute
Roret, Paris XIII, France. Savoie, France.
Officers: Food Factory " Pur Aliment,"
Pres., Oscar Meyer. Rue du Mont-Cenis 128, Paris
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Jules XVIII, France.
Executive Committee: Oscar
Meyer, Jules Robert, A. J. Girou, BELGIAN CONFERENCE
P. F. Richard, U. Augsbourger, Organized 1920
W. R. Beach, A. G. Roth, H. L.
Henriksen, Oscar Ganty, Dr. Territory: Belgium,, Luxembourg.
Jean Nussbaum. Population: 8,073,200; churches,
Department Secretaries: 10; members, 435.
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., Edu- Office: 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Brus-
cational, and Home Miss., sels, Belgium.
W. R. Beach. Officers:
Medical, Dr. Jean Nussbaum. Pres.,
Field Miss., -- Sec. and Treas., H. J. Roeland.
Ministers: Executive Committee:
J. Wibbens, J. L. Loots, H.
Oscar Meyer, A. G. Roth, A. Roeland, C. De Bie, E. Herman,
Vkucher, J. C. Guenin, J. Vuil- De Wilde.
leumier, J. H. Weidner, W. R.
Beach. Department Secretaries:
Honorary: J. P. Badaut. Tract Society, H. Roeland.
Field Miss. and Miss. Vol., G.
Missionary Licentiates: Desmet.
Jules Robert, H. L. Henriksen, Home Miss., J. L. Loots.
Oscar Ganty. Sabbath School, H. Roeland.

Ministers: Licentiates: J. E. Frick, E. Rooks.

, J. Wibbens, J. L.
Loots, C. Kamm, P. Schilstra. Missionary Licentiates:
Miss W. Hockenberger, J. Hof,
Licentiates: Miss F. Schultz, Miss L. Zimmer,
A. Roeland, M. Ringoot, G. Des- J. Erzberger.
met, Ch. Gerber.
Missionary Licentiates: Church Directory:
H. J. Roeland, Miss L. Gerber, Strasbourg, Chapelle Adventiste,
Miss L. Vleminckx, J. V an- 5, Boulevard d'Anvers.
dromme, E. Ducret. Colmar, 13, Rue Stanislas,
Church Directory: Munster, Route de Gunsbach 3.
Brussels, 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Ste. Marie aux Mines, 49 Rue
Belgium. St. Louis, France.
Antwerp, Rempart St. Georges, Haguenau, 8 Rue du Chteau,
92r-Belgium. France.
Ghent, Place du Bdguinage, 12,
Luxembourg, Rue St. Nicolas, 5.
Organized 1923
Territory: Departments north of
Organized 1919 Charente Inferieure, Charente,
Haute - Vienne, Creuse, Allier,
Territory: Alsace-Lorraine, the de- Saone et Loire, and Jura; and
partments of Meurthe et Mo- west of Meuse, Haute-Marne,
selle, Vosges, Haute - Saone, and Haute-Saone.
Meuse, Haute-Marne, and the
territory of Belfort. Population: 22,000,000; churches,
8; members, 342.
Population: 4,000,000; churches,
12; members, 348. Office: 1 Rue Nicolas-Roret, Paris
Office: 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, 13, France.
Strasbourg, Alsace, Fiance. Officers:
Officers: Pres., U. Augsbourger.
Pres., P. F. Richard. Sec. and Treas., G. Haberey.
Sec. and Treas., J. Erzberger. Executive Committee: U. Augs-
bourger, G. Haberey, Dr. J.
Executive Committee: P. F. Nussbaum, J. Vuilleumier, P.
Richard, A. Junginger, P. J. Meyer, M. Tieche, 0. Ganty.
Frei, G. Kiehl, C. Zigan, J. E.
Frick. Department Secretaries:
Department Secretaries: Tract Society, Home Miss., and
Field Sec., Bentz. Sabbath School, G. Haberey.
Tract Soc., J. Erzberger. Field Miss., C. Dudragne.
Sabbath School, P. J. Frei. Miss. Vol. and Educational, M.
Home Miss., E. Rooks. Tieche.
Miss. Vol., J. E. Frick. Medical, Dr. J. Nussbaum.
Ministers: Ministers:
P. F. Richard, P. J. Frei, A. U. Augsbourger, P. Meyer, J.
Junginger. Monnier.

Licentiates: Executive Committee: 0. Meyer,

Dr. J. Nussbaum, G. Haberey, M. Ch. Wehrli, F. Jochmans, L. A.
Tieche, L. Gerber. Mathy, A. G. Roth, Jules Rous-
taM, J. Boyer.
Missionary Licentiates: Legal Assn.: South France Conf.
P. Haignere, Mrs. L. De':Iiier, Assn., Marseille, 5 Boulevard
B. Jaccord, C. Dudragne, E. Hu- Longchamp, France.
guenin, W. Fuchs, M. Roth, E.
Keller, C. Marconi. Department Secretaries:
Tract Soc., Ch. Wehrli.
Church Directory: Field Miss. and Home Miss., E.
Paris, 79 Rue Denfert-Rochereau, Benezech.
France. Sab. School and Miss. Vol., F.
Le Hftvre, Hetel des Societes, Lavanchy.
Rue Lord Kitchner, France.
Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.) Ministers:
Avenue de Chailly, 92, France. P. Badaut, F. Jochmans, E.
Lille, 13 Place du Colisee, Lam- Fawer, L. A. Mathy.
bersart. (Nord) France. Licentiates:
F. Lavanchy, B. Pfenniger.
Missionary Licentiates:
SOUTH FRANCE CONFERENCE Ch. Wehrli, E. Benezecb, Miss A.
Liotier, M. Chevalerias, G. Fel.-
Organized 1923 clot.
Territory: Departments south of Church Directory:
Vendee, Deux Sevres, Vienne, Collonges sous Saleve, Haute-
Indre, Cher, Nievre, Cite d'Or, Savoie, Seminarie Adventiste,
Haute-Savoie, and Doubs. France.
Population: 16,000,000; churches, Pierre-Segade (Tarn), Eglise Ad-
19; members, 504. ventiste, France.
Marseille, 5 Boulevard Long-
Office: 5 Boulevard Longchamp, champ, France.
Marseille, France. Valence, Place Madier Montjean,
Officers: Montpellier, Ecole de Droit 27,
Pres., Oscar Meyer. France.
Sec. and Treas., Ch. Wehrli. Nice, 10, 130111. Carabacel, France.


Organized nig
Territory: .All of Rumania, as per Population: 18,000,000; churches,
boundaries determined by the 206; members, 8,241.
treaty of peace, viz., the East
Muntenian, West Muntenian, Office Address: Strada Labirint
116, Bucharest, Rumania.
North Moldavian, South Molda-
vian, Transylvanian and Banat- Officers:
Crisana Conferences. Pres., D. N. Wall.

Sec., St. Demetreseu. Officers:

freas. and Auditor, 0. Fasnacht. Pres., St. Demetreseu.
Executive Committee: D. N. Sec., M. D. Faurescu.
Wall, St. Demetreseu, P. H. Treas., 0. Fasnacht.
Hermann, H. Bauer, F. Kessel, Executive Committee: Union
C. Popescu, :D. Faurescu, G. Conference Committee.
Stanescu, 0. Fasnacht, P. J.
Gaede, Th. Dresen, D. Florea,
I. Stroescu, P. Paunescu, N.
Representative Board: St. Demet- ENCE
reseu, P. Paunescu, P. H. Her-
mann. Organized 1928
Department Secretaries: Territory: East Muntenia and Do-
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab- brugea.
bath School, P. Paunescu. Population: 2,300,000; churches,
Field Miss., N. Dorotati. 36; members, 1,230.
Religious Liberty, St. Deme-
treseu. Office Address: Strada Stelorian
Zamfiresen 8, Ploesti, Rumania.
D. N. Wall, St. Demetreseu, P. Officers:
Paunescu, P. J. Gaede, D. Florea. Pres., M. David Faurescu.
Sec. and Treas., R. Plesea.
Executive Committee: M. David
Corporate Society Faurescu, Or. Dasoveanu, Ed.
Seefried, 0. Nastiiseseu, 0. Tan-
Societatea CooperativA " CuvAntul ase.
Evangeliei "
(Society for the extension of Evan- Department Secretaries:
gelical work) 1-tome Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab-
bath School,
Address: Strada Labirint No. 116, Field Miss., I. Tachici.
Bukharest, Rumania.
Officers: M. D. Faurescu, Ilie Gheorghisor,
Pres., St. Demetreseu. Gr. Dasoveanu, W. Steinmeier.
Vice-Pres., P. Paunescu.
Sec., D. M. Faurescu. Licentiate: Pavel Olteanu.
Executive Committee: St. De-
metreseu, P. Paunescu, D. M. Missionary Licentiates:
Faurescu, A. Darie, H. Bauer. Nicolae Arcaliefsky, Chirita Do-
agii, Cristiloff Dobre, Iordan
Purpose: Mihailoff, P. Ioan Abusef, Du-
Publishing of Christian litera- mitru Ceausu, Mihail Ganea,
ture and buying of buildings Scarlat Popa.
for publishing work, treatment
rooms, meeting halls, etc. Church Directory:
Baicoi, Jud. Prahova, Rumania.
Building Department Bazargie, Strada Eminescu No.
Office Address: Strada Laoirint s9, Rumania.
116, Bukharest, Rumania. Brdila, Strada Rahovei 266.

Buzau, Strada Triumf ului, No. Church Directory:

40. Alexandria, Strada Cuza Voda
Campina, Colonia Bucea 1. No. 55
Constanta, Strada Dumbrava Bucuresti:
Rosie 9. Strada Labirint 116.
Constanta Ville Noi, Rumania. Strada Popa Tatu 38.
Moreni, Jud. Prahova, Rumania. Bulevard Basarab 134.
Ploesti, Strada I. C. BrAtinau 28. Strada Sffinta Vineri No. 20.
Ramnicu-Sarat, Strada Princi- Strata Gogu Zamfirescu No. 7.
pile Ferdinand, No. 35, Ru- Buciumeni, Jud. Dambovita, Ru-
mania. mania.
Turtucaia, Piata Bucuresti 100. Putineiu, Jud. Teleorman, Ru-
Ziduri, Jud. Ramnicu-Sara t, Ru- mania.
mania. Valea-Lunga, Jud. Teleorman,
C5mpulung, Jud. Mused, Strada
Negru Voda No. 37, Rumania.
WEST MUNTENIAN CONFER- Craiova, Strada Horia, No. 22,
ENCE Rumania.
Giurgiu, Strada Oinac 55.
Organized 1928 Pitesti, Strata Egalitatii, No. 47,
Territory: West Muntenia and Rumania.
Oltenia. Ramnicu Valcea, Strada General
Praporgescu 41 bis.
Population: 3,400,000; churches, Targoviste, Strada Berzei, No.
47; members, 1,906. 11, Rumania.
Office Address: Strada Popo Tatu Tfirgu-Yiu, Strada Unirei, No. 20.
38, Bukharest, Rumania. Turnu-Magurele, Strada Fr.
Golesti, No. 14 bis., Rumania.
Officers: Turnu Severin, Strada Balcescu,
Pres., I3. Bauer. No. 3, Rumania.
Sec., A. Munteanu.
Treas., T. Coconcea.
Executive Committee: H. Bauer,
C. Florescu, A. Darie, G. Teodo- NORTH MOLDAVIAN CONFER-
rescu, I. Moraru, I. Tachici, P. ENCE
Paunescu. Organized 1928
Department Secretaries:
Territory: Northern part of Mol-
Field Miss., I. Tachici. davia, Bessarabia and Bucovina.
Home Miss., Miss. Vol., arid Sab-
bath School, P. Paunescu. Population: 3,300,000; churches,
33; members, 1,102.
H. Bauer, A. N. Dafie, C. Flo- Office Address: Stradela Mutu No.
rescu, 1. Toma, V. Mocanu. 19, Jasi, Rumania.
Licentiates: I. Stanescu, V. Tolan. Officers:
Pres., G. Stanescu.
Missionary Licentiates: Sec. and Treas., G. Radoi.
C. Trasca, I. Mazilu, A. Duica, Executive Committee: G. SO-
1). Parachiv, St. Stefanescu, I. nescu, G. Radoi, P. Betea, N.
Petrescu, Miss Maria Drago- Alexe, L. Balan, A. Knittel, V.
mirescu, St. Ivancica. Besleaga.

Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries:

Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab- Home Miss., Miss. Vol. and Sab-
bath School, Leon Balan; Asst., bath School,/ C. Andries.
C. Ionescu Grfijdnioiu. Field Miss., V. Zamfir,
Field Miss., Andrei Rizea. Ministers:
Ministers: C. Popescu, St. Ouatu.
G. Stnnescu, P. Betea, N. Alexe, Licentiate: A. Petrescu.
P. Morosan, L. Balan, M. Man- Missionary Licentiates:
ch en. C. iVIunteanu, D. Irod, R. Rein-
Missionary Licentiates: heimer, A, Pandit.
N. Voinea, G. Dark, G. Oresciuc, Church Directory:
Gr. rehaci, Alex. Popov. Galati, Strada Sf. Imparatie No.
Church Directory: Cuza Voda, Rumania.
Botosani, Piata Ferdinand, No. Crivita, Jud. Tecuci, Rumania.
28, Rumania. Tecuci, Rumania.
Cadobesti, Jud, Cernauti, Ru- Grivita, Jud. Tutova,Rumania.
mania. Bfirlad, Strada Dr. odrescu 12.
Capu Codrului, Jud. Campulung, Bacau, Bulevard Carol No. 24,
Bucovina, Rumania. Rumania.
Cernauti, Strada 11 November Focsani, Strada, N. Savenau No.
No. 7,' Rumania. 10.
Chisinfiu, Strada Nicu Gane No. P. Neamt, Strada Cosla No. 2.
22, Rumania. Roman, Strada D. Cantemir
Cfimpulung, Strada Vitelor, Bu- No. 19.
covina, Rumania.
Fundul Moldovi, Catunul Batusi,
Jud. Campulung, Bucovina, TRANSYLVANIAN CONFER..
Rumania. ENCE
Jasi, Strada Ghica Voda No. 28, Organized 1911.
TSrgu Frumos, Strada I, Tesaru Territory: Transylvania.
No. 5, Rumania. Population: 3,200,000; churches,
94; members, 2,199.
Office Address: Strada Clemenceau
ENCE Officers:
Organized 1928 Pres., Fritz Kessel.
Sec. and Treas., Elena Blasiu.
Territory: The Southern part of Executive Committee: F. Kes-
Moldavia and Bassarabia. sel, St. Kelemen, I. Polder, D.
Population: 1,800,000; churches, Roman, Zsigmond Miklos.
21; members, 815. Department Secretaries:
Office Address: Strada N. Saveanu Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab-
No. 10, Focsani, Rumania. bath School, Daniel Farkas.
Officers: Field Miss., A. Nemes.
Pres., C. Popescu. Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., C. Andries. F. Kessel, Stefan Kelemen, Ioh.
Executive Committee: C. Pop- Polder, Ioh. Reit, B. Iliescu, Ioh.
escu, C. Andries, C. Ouatu, St_ Weber, V. Truppel, P. Cormann,
Maxim, St. Baston. T. D91.)Ter

Licentiate: Office Address: Strada Diaconovici

Barter Balass, Jozsef Tot6sy, Loga No, 4, Timisoara 1, Ru-
Rud. Kestner. mania.
Missionary Licentiates: Pres., P. H. Hermann.
Ioh. Prevlitz, Janos Galdy, Sec., C. Tolici.
Jozef Pastor. Treas., P. Mucusan.
Executive Committee: P. H.
Church Directory: Hermann, G. Motorca, P. Mucu-
Cluj, Strada Clemenceau No. 5/a. san, C. Lovas, Ch. Wilwert, Josef
Rumania. Gaspar, Pentea Laszlo.
Sibiu, Strada Rosenfeld No. 2/a.
Rumania. Department Secretaries:
Tiirgu-Mures, Strada Ciilarrasilor Home Miss., Miss. Vol., and Sab-
No. 60, Rumania. bath School, C. Tolici.
Siirmasul Mare, Jud. Cluj. Field Miss., Al. Mustafa.
S'ighisoara, Strada Andrei Mure- Ministers:
san No. 35. P. H. Hermann, G. Motorca, J.
Dej, Strada Avaram Ianeu No. Gaspar, I. D. Radulescu.
40, Rumania.
Petroseni, Strada Aurel Vlaicu Licentiate: C. Tolici.
No. 70, Rumania. Missionary Licentiates:
Vulcan, Strada Kendeli No. 15, D. Roibescu, F. Cionca, I. Duma,
Rumania. P. Mucusan, Z. Rad, L. Berezcki.,
Brasov, Strada Fabrici, Rumania.
Fligaras, Strada Romania de sus Church Directory:
No. 4, Rumania. Arad, Strada Pompiliu No. 1.
Caransebes, Strada Ovid No. 660.
Lugoj, Strada Olari No. 12.
Oradea Mare, Strada Victoriei
Organized 1920 Sighetul Marmatiei, Strada Aba-
torului No. 8.
Territory: Banat, Crisana and Timisoara, Strada Diaconovici
Maramures. Loga No. 4. Cetate.
Population: 4,000,000; churches, Salonta Mare, Strada Oitus No.
35; members, 989. 18, Rumania.


Organized 1928
Territory: Switzerland, viz., the Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Jules
German Swiss and the Leman Robert.
Conferences. Executive Committee: P. P.
Population: 4,000,000; churches, Paulini, Jules Robert, R. Baehler,
49; members, 2,113. Dr. H. Mailer, V. Monnier, G.
Miiller, A. Haenel, H. Schild,
Office Address: 8 Avenue Eglise Luc Monnier.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Legal Assn., Societ6 Philanthrop-
Officers: ique de la Ligniere, Gland,
Pres., P. P. Paulini. Switzerland.

Ministers: Church Directory:

P. P. Paulini, V. Monnier; Hon- Chapel:
orary: T. Nussbaum, J. Curdy, Zurich, Stampfenbachstr. 85,
H. Meyer-Biirtschy. Switzerland.
Licentiate: Honorary: H. Provin. Meeting-Halls:
Basel, Gerbergasse, Schmieden-
Missionary Licentiate: hof, Switzerland.
Jules Robert. Bern, Gutenbergstr. 4, Switzer-
Institutions: Institut Physiotheta- land.
pique " La Ligniere," Gland,
- Switzerland.
Food Factory: " Phag," Gland, . LEMAN CONFERENCE
Organized 1884
GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE Territory: The French-speaking
parts of Switzerland.
Organized 1901
Population: About 1,300,000;
Territory: German Switzerland. churches, 21; members, 989.
Population: About 2,700,000; Office: 8 Rue de 1'Eglise Ang-
churches, 28; members, 1,124. laise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Office: Stampfenbachstr. 85, Mich, Officers:
Switzerland. Pres., P. P. Paulini.
Officers: Sec. and Treas., G. Weber.
Pres., R. Biihler. Executive Committee: P. P.
Sec. and Treas., E. Haring. Paulini, G. Weber, C. Veuthey,
Auditor, J. Robert. L. Monnier, P. Tissot, A. Guyot,
Executive Committee: R. Bahler, H. Schild.
J. Fehr, N. Stuber, 0. Milner ; Department Secretaries:
A.. Rudolf, A. Merz, A. Haenel. Tract Society, G. Weber.
Legal Assn.: German Swiss Build- Field Miss., C. Veuthey.
ing Assn., 85, Stampfenbachstr. Sabbath School, Ch. iVlonnier.
Zurich, Switzerland. Home Miss., and Miss. Vol., Ch.
Department Secretaries: Medical, Dr. P. A. De Forest.
Field Miss., N. Stuber.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Minister: A. Guyot.
Miss. Vol., V. BtiLler.
Ministers: D. Lecoultre, A. Schmid, F. Augs-
R. Bahler, E. Frauchiger, J. Fehr, bourger, G. Nassogne, C. Loosen,
F. Rudin. W. Ruf, Ch. Monnier.
Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
E. Haring, K. Sturzenegger, J.
Bommer, H. Willi. 0. A. Weber, C. Veuthey, H.
Meyrial, J. Petter, M. Vuil-
Missionary Licentiates: rnier, S. Cornaz, E. Bachmann,
V. Btitler, Gust. Tobler, K. Fisch- V. Charcouchet.
bacher, Miss B. Schmidt, Miss
E. Haas, Miss E. Tobler, Miss E. Church School Teachers:
Groh, Miss M. Rommel. Miss L. Berlie, R. Guenin.

Church Directory: Neuchatel, Chapelle Adventiste,

Bienne, 1 Rue Neuhaus, Switzer- Faubourgde l'Hopital, Switzer-
land. land.
Chateau - d' Oex, Villa d' Oex, Renens, Maison du Peuple,
Switzerland. Switzerland.
Chaux-de-Fonds, 39 Rue du Tem-
ple Allemand, Switzerland. St. Imier, B5timent des Services
Geneve, 62 Boulevard de la Industriels, Switzerland.
Cluse, Switzerland. Tramelan, Eglise Adventiste,
Gland, La Ligniere, Switzerland. Grand'Rue, Switzerland.
Lausanne, 8, Avenue de l'Eglise Yverdon, Les Charmiiles, rue de
Anglaise, Switzerland. la Plaine, Switzerland.


Organized 1926
Territory: The East Spanish, the Institutions:
West Spanish, and the Portu- Barcelona Publishing House,
guese Missions, viz., Spain and Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain.
Portugal, including Canary, Ma- Portuguese Publishing House,
deria, and Azores Islands. Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A.,
Lisbon, Portugal.
Population: About 29,033,000;
churches, 13; members, 489.
Telegraph Address: Advent, Ma- EAST SPANISH MISSION
drid. Organized 1926
Office: Calle General Porlier 35, Territory: The provinces of Bar-
Madrid, Spain. celona, L6rida, Gerona, Tarra-
gona, Caste11On, Teruel, Valen-
Postal Address: Apartado 9001, cia, Alicante, Albacete, Cuenca,
Madrid, Spain. Zaragoza, Huesca, Soria, Burgos,
Logroflo, Navarra, Santander,
Officers: Vizcaya, Guipfizcoa, Alava and
Supt., Robert Gerber. the Baleares Islands.
Sec. and Treas.,
Executive Committee: R. Gerber, Population: 10,000,000; churches,
B. B. Aldrich, V. E. Dietel, A. F. 5; members, 201.
Raposo. Office Address: Calle Consejo de
Department Secretaries: Ciento 370, Barcelona, Spain.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., B. Post Office Address: Apartado 492,
B. Aldrich. Barcelona, Spain.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
R. Gerber. Officers:
Supt., V. E. Dietel.
Minister: R. Gerber. Sec. and Treas., E. Abenia.
Mission Committee: V. E. Dietel,
Licentiate: Pedro Sanz, Jose Boix, E.
B. B. Aldrich. Abenia.

Department Secretaries: Department Secretaries:

Tract Soc., E. Abenia. Field Miss. and Home Miss., B.
Home Miss., Jose Boix. B. Aldrich.
Miss. Vol. and Sab. School, Mrs. Sab. School and Miss. Vol., R.
V. E. Dietel. Gerber.

Ministers: Minister: II. Struve.
V. E. Dietel, Pedro Sanz, Vic. .7.
Garcia. Licentiates:
0. Andersen, A. J. Lopez.
Jose Boix. Missionary Licentiates:
I. Aguilar, M. Iserte, Miss M.
Missionary Licentiates: Blasquez.
E. Abenia, Miss Maria. Abella.
Church Directory:
Church Directory: Madrid, Raimundo Lulio 5, Spain
Barcelona, Consejo de Ciento,
370, Spain.
Tarrasa, 17, Norte, Spain.
Jerica, (Castilian) Capuchinos 25, PORTUGUESE MISSION
',arida, Jaime II, 8, Spain. Organized 1904
Territory: Portugal.
Population: 6,033,000; churches, 4;
Organized 1926 Office: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M.
A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Territory (27 Provinces): The
provinces of Madrid, Guadala- Officers:
jara, Segovina, Valladolid, .Avila, Supt.,
Salamanca, Zamora, Palencia, Sec. and Treas., A. F. Raposo.
Lean, Oviedo, Orense, Lugo,
Coruna, Pontevedra, Toledo, Mission Committee: A. F. Ra-
poso, F. Simoes, M. Lourinho,
Caceres, Ciudad-Real, Murcia,
J. Miiian.
Almeria, Granada, Malaga, Jaen,
Badajoz, COrdoba, Huelva, Se- Department Secretaries:
villa and Cadiz. Tract Soc., Sabbath School,
Population: 13,000,000; churches, Miss. Vol., and Home Miss.,
4; members, 79. A. F. Raposo.
Field Miss., J. Milian.
Office: Calle General Porlier 35, Minister:
Madrid, Spain.
Postal Address: Apartado .9061,
Madrid, Spain. A. F. Raposo, F. Simoes, A. D.
Gomes, J. Minan, M. Lourinho.
Church Directory:
Supt., Robert Gerber.
Sec. and Treas., Lisbon, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio,
Mission Committee: R. Gerber, M. A., Portugal.
B. B. Aldrich, Hans Struve, 0. Tomar, 64 Rua, Torres Pinheiro,
Andersen. Portugal.
Organized. 1928

Territory: Italy, Sicily, and Sar- Officers:

dinia. Supt., G. L. Lippolis.
Population: About 44,000,000; Sec. and Treas., G. Fenz.
churches, 19; members, 410. Mission Committee: G. L. Lip-
polis, G. Fenz, V. Speranza, U.
Office Address: Via Trieste 17, Hollenweger, E. Bertalot.
Florence, Italy.
Department Secretaries:
Post Office Address: Casella Post- Field Miss., 0. Hollenweger.
ale 408, Florence Italy. Sabbath School, Mich. Creanza.
Officers: Minister: E. Bertalot.
Supt., G. L. Lippolis. Licentiate: N. Cupertino.
Sec. and Treas., G. Fenz.
Executive Committee: G. L. Lip- Missionary Licentiates:
polis, G. Fenz, V. Speranza, 0. G. Ferraris, P. Cupertino, R.
Hollenweger, G. Pferschy, L. A. Bongini, Metzenbauer.
Beer, Mich. Creanza. Church Directory:
Department Secretaries: Florence, 17, Via Trieste, Italy.
Field Miss., 0. Hollenweger. Genoa, 14 Via San Bernardo,
Sab. School, M. Creanza. Pisa, Piazza Giovanni da Rivalta,
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., G. Italy.
L. Lippolis.
Minister: G. L. Lippolis.
Missionary Licentiates: NORTH ITALIAN MISSION
G. Fenz, 0. Hollenweger, Mich.
Creanza, V. Speranza, M. Pieroni. Organized 1928
Institution: Territory: The provinces of Pie-
Italian Publishing House " Aral- monte, Lombardia, and the three
do della Verita," via Trieste 17, Venezie.
Florence, Italy. Population: 16,000,000; churches
and Companies, 6; members, 140.
Office Address: Viale Campania 7,
Organized 1928
Territory: The provinces of Lig-u- Supt., A. L. Beer.
ria, Emilia, Toscana, Marche, Sec. and Treas., G. Fenz.
-Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzi-Molise in Mission Committee: A. L. Beer,
Italy and the Island of Sardinia.
F. Einspieler, 0. Hollenweger, A.
Population: 15,000,000; churches Karl, G. Ferraro.
and companies, 5; members, 136.
Department Secretaries:
Postal Address: Casella Postale Field Miss., 0. Hollenweger.
408, Florence, Italy. G. Sabbath School, Mich. Creanza.
Office Address: Via Trieste 17, Ministers:
Florence, Italy. A. L. Beer, F. Einspieler.

Licentiate: A. Karl. Population: 13,000,000; churches

and companies, 8; members, 134.
Missionary Licentiates:
G. Ferraro, G. Cupertino, Miss Office Address: Via Dalmazia 13-
C. Pipgras. III, Bari, Italy.
Church Directory: Officers:
Mont aldo-Borrn ida, Ch iesa Av- Supt., G. Pferschy.
ventista. Italy. Sec. and Treas., G. Fenz.
Torre-Pellice, Via Appiotti, 6, Mission Committee: 0. Pferschy,
Italy. It. Valerio, F. Rimoldi.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., F. Rimoldi
SOUTH ITALIAN MISSION Sabbath School, Mich. Creanza.
Organized 1928 Minister: 0. Pferschy.
Territory: The provinces of Canr- Missionary Licentiates:
panic, PugliZ, Basilicata, Cala- E. Rimoldi, J. Fischer, B. Valerio,
bria and Sicilia. v. Marzocchini, M. Infranco.


Organized 5925
Territory: The Kingdom of the Licentiate: A. Lorenzin.
Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, Institution: Jugoslavian Publish-
called Jugoslavia, viz., the Ser- ing House, Petra Zrinjskog ulica
vian, and Vojvodina Conferences, 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
and the Croatian Mission.
Population: 13,100,000; churches,
79; members, 1,330. SERVIAN CONFERENCE
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Organized 1925; reorganized 1928.
Zora Belgrade, Jugoslavia.
Territory: Servia, Macedonia, and
Office Address: Rankeova, TJlica Montenegro.
24a, Belgrade, Jugoslavia.
Population: 4,400,00; churches, 18;
Officers: members, 372.
Supt., A. Mocnik.
Sec. and Treas., P. Brennwald. Cable and Telegraph Address:
Executive Committee: A. Moc- Zora Belgrade, Jugoslavia.
nik, P. Brennwald, M. Ludewig,
R. Schillinger, Z. Krdialie, G. Office Address: Rankeova Ulica.
24a, Belgrade, Jugoslavia.
Saie, S. Pozen,
Department Secretaries: Pres., A. Mocnik.
Field Miss., Z. Krdjalic. Treas., P. Brennwald.
Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, and
Home Miss., A. Lorenzin. Executive Committee: A. Mod-
nik, Z. Krdjalid, N. Slankamenac,
Minister: S. Zivanovic, V. Semkovid, Lj.
A. Mocnik. UroAevie, B. Miloevie.

Ministers: Ministers:
A. Mo6nik, N. Slankamenac. M. Ludewig, J. Pleko.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
G. Semkovi6, S. PetroviC", R. D. Krsti6, I. Danyi, S. Strangar,
Radivojevi6, G. Kalesi6. M. Sar&t.nski.


Territory: Baika, Banat, Baranja,
Territory: West Slavonia, West
Syrmia, Slavonia, Bosnia, Herze- Bosnia, Croatia, North Dalmatia,
govinia, and South Dalmatia. and Slovenia.
Population: 4,400,000; churches,
48; members, 737 Population: 4,300,000; churches,
13; members, 221.
Office Address: Petra Zrinjskog
ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Office Address: Djure Daeli6a
prilaz 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia.
Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Balkan Novisad Jugoslavia. Officers:
Supt., R. Schillinger.
Officers: Treas., P. Brennwald.
Pres., M. Ludewig.
Treas., P. Brennwald. Mission COmmittee: R. Schil-
linger, G. Godina, S. Barge, T.
Executive Committee: M. Lude- Kavur, P. Pui:ar, S. Manester,
wig, M. Pap, J. Prakatur, M. I. Prernuiak.
Kaludjerski, D. Pecarski, Z.
Milovanov, M. Mora.. Minister: R. Schillinger.


, Organized 1928
Territory: Algeria, Morocco, and ALGERIAN MISSION
Organized 1905; reorganized 1928
Population: 14,000,000; churches,
6; members, 126. Territory: Algeria and Tunis.
Postal Address: Boite Postale 7, Population: 9,000,000; churches, 5;
Mostaganem, Algeria. members, 113.
Supt., Jules Rey. Postal Address: Boite Postale 7,
Sec. and Treas., G. Roulet. Mostaganem, Algeria.
Executive Committee: Jules Rey, Officers:
G. Roulet, A. Meyer, E. Rey, Supt., Jules Rey,
A. Gissler, M. Simon. Sec. and Treas., G. Roulet.
Department Secretaries: Mission Committee: Jules Rey,
Field Miss., G. Roulet, E. Rey, M. Simon, A.
Home Miss, Sabbath School, and Avelin.
Miss. Vol., G. Roulet.
Minister: Jules Rey. Minister: E. Rey.
Missionary Licentiate; G. Roulet, Licentiate: A. Gissler.

Missionary Licentiates: Office Address: Villa Theodora,

D. Asiano, A. Bard, Miss L. Rue de Malines, Quartier de
Bonnet. Mers-Sultan, Casablanca, Mor-
Church Directory:
Algiers, 1 Rue Tirman. Officers:
Mostaganem, La Pepiniere, Villa Supt., Albert Meyer.
Tortoza. Sec. and Treas., Miss E. Rey-
Oran, Musee Nessler, Boulevard naud.
de l'Industrie. Mission Committee: Albert
Relizane, 4 Rue de l'HOpital. Meyer, Miss E. Reynaud, J. Rey-
naud, E. Veuthey, M. Arnone.
MOROCCAN MISSION Minister: Albert Meyer.
Organized 1928 Licentiates: J. Reynaud, E.
Territory: Morocco. Veuthey.
Population: 5,000,000; churches, 1; Missionary Licentiate:
members, 13. Miss Eva Reynaud.

Supt., M. Raspal.
Entered 1928
Territory: French Mandated Cam- M. Raspal, M. J. Bureaud.
Missionary Licentiates:
Population: 1,500,000. A. Long, A. Rasamoelina, Rami-
Address: Care C. E. A., Yaounde,
Cameroon, West Africa.
Supt., R. L. Jones.
Missionary Licentiates:
R. L. Jones, Mrs. R. L. Jones. Entered 1914
Territory: Islands of Mauritius,
Reunion, Rodriquez, and Sey-
Entered 1926 Population: About 588,700;
churches, 6; members, 201.
Territory: Madagascar.
Telegraphic Addresses: Adventist,
Population: 4,000,000; churches, 3; Mauritius and Adventist, Rod-
members, 30. riquez (respectively).
Office Address: Villa Betania, Office Address: Salisbury Road,
Square Poincare, Tananarive, Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian
Madagascar. Ocean.

Officers: Sabbath School, Miss Alice Le-

Supt., A. J. Girou. Meme.
Local Committee: A. J. Girou, Ministers:
R. T. E. Colthurst, Fred. Hertogs, A. J. Girou, R. T. E. Colthurst.
Moise Johnson, Nathaniel Cangy. Missionary Licentiates:
E. Michel, S. .Cuniah, L. A. Hen-
Department Secretaries: riot, G. Sibilant, Mrs. Fanny
Home Miss., Miss L. LeM6me. Moi-Keenah, Miss Marg. Wrier.
Organized igzo; Reorganized 1928

Territory: All the territory of So- Executive Committee: H. J. Lob-

viet Russia, viz., the Northeast- sack, J. A. Ljwoff, J. J. Wilson,
ern, Siberian, Southeastern, and G. J. Zirat, B. C. Schmidt, P. A.
Ukrainian Union Conferences. Sviridov, L. L. Wojtkiewicz, G.
A. Raus, S. J. Tkatchenko, A. F.
Population: About 147,000,000; Ausin, A. A. Kauffeldt.
churches, 632; members, 13,519.
Publishing Committee:
Office Address: Konjuschkovskaja H. J. L6bsack, J. A. Ljwoff, A.
29, Moscow 69, USSR M. Demidov.
Officers: Department Secretary:
Pres., H. J. Lobsack. Sab. School, Miss. Vol., and
Field Secretaries, J. A. Ljwoff, Home Miss., A. F. Ausin.
J. J. Wilson.
Secretary, A. F. Ausin. Ministers:
Treas., A. A. Kauffeldt. H. J. Lobsack, J. A. Ljwoff, A. F.
Auditor, G. G. Galladshev. Ausin.


Organized xgz4; reorganized 1928 from the former North and East
Territory: Moscow, North Rus- CENTRAL RUSSIAN CONFER-
sian, Volga, Central Russian, ENCE
Volga-Kama Conferences and the Organized 1911; reorganized 1925
White Russian District. as Northwest Conference, and
Churches: 128; members, 2,804. reorganized 1928
Address: Woronzovskaja 5, I., Territory: Tula, Orel, Kaluga,
Moscow, USSR. Brjansk, Rjazan, Voronesh,
Officers: Kursk, and Smolensk govern-
Pres., J. J. Wilson. ments.
Field Secretary, L. L. Wojtkie- Churches: 31; members, 504.
Secretary, W. M. Bitilev. Address: Hospital Str. 4, Tula,
Treasurer, Miss M. K. Blau. USSR.
Executive Committee: J. J. Wil- Officers:
son, L. L. Wojtkiewicz, J. W. Pres., J. W. Kraus.
Kraus, K. A. Reifschneider, E. I. Sec.. W. M. Bitilev.
Skorobreschtchuk, E. D. Ander- Treas., Miss M. K. Blau.
son, W. M. Bitilev. Executive Committee: J. W.
Minister: J. J. Wilson. Kraus, F. W. Sadohin, Th. T.
6 161

Grigorevsky, W. E. Besrebry, S. Address: Gr. Puschkarskaja 34-a,

A. Liventzev. I., Leningrad, USSR.
Ministers: Officers:
J. W. Kraus, E. W. Sadohin, Pres., L. L. Wojtkiewicz.
Th. T. Grigorevsky. Sec., W. M. Bitilev.
Treas., Miss M. K. Blau.
Licentiates: Executive Committee: L. L. Koj-
A. J. Wan, P. S. Kulakov. tkiewicz, J. M. Pachla, J. Pur-
Missionary Licentiates: mal, Th. M. Kurkov, J. A. Pomi-
A. B. Dulberg, A. J. Nedoshivin. anek.
L. L. Wojtkiewicz, J. M. Pachla,
MOSCOW CONFERENCE A. M. Serkov, J. E. Petukhov.
Organized 1925 as Central District; Licentiate: J. P. Shitkov.
reorganized 1928 Missionary Licentiates:
N. M. Arefjev, E. P. Maximova.
Territory: Moscow, Tver, Ivanovo-
Vosnesensk and Vladimir Gov-
Churches: 8; members, 448.
Organized 1911
Address: Woronzovskaja 5, 1. Mos-
cow, USSR. Territory: German-Volga Republic.
Churches: 29; members, 701.
Pres., J. J. Wilson. Address: P. 0. Box 16, Pokrovsk,
Sec., W. M. Bitilev. A. S. S. R. of the Volga Germans.
Treas., Miss M. K. Blau. Officers:
Executive Committee: J. J. Wil- Pres., K. A. Reifschneider.
son, P. A. Kapustin, A. F. Dudko, Sec., W. M. Bitilev.
I. N. Fedosov, J. I. Wassiliev, Treas., Miss M. K. Blau.
T. K. Ivanov, A. A. Kopylova. Executive Committee: K. A.
Ministers: Reifschneider, G. A. Arnhold, D.
P. A. Kapustin, A. F. Dudko. Krenz, H. Arndt, K. Simon, H.
H. Michaelis, W. K. Weibert.
Missionary Licentiates:
L. P. Nachkur, F. K. Herold, A. Ministers:
D. Wasjukov, D. G. Zirat. K. A. Reifschneider, G. A. Arn-
Organized 1912; reorganized 1928 Missionary Licentiates:
by uniting the Neva Conference F. M. Kiel, P. A. Penner, K. K.
and the White Sea Mission Rempfert:
Territory: Leningrad, Pskov, Nov-
gorod, Tcherepovetz, Carelian, VOLGA-KAMA CONFERENCE
Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vol- Organized 1922; reorganized 1928
ogda, Vjatka, Kostroma, Yaro- by uniting the Central and
slavl governments, and the auto- Upper Volga Conferences
nomous Komi district.
Territory: Votsk and Mariisk au-
Churches: 27; members, 482. tonomous areas, Chuvashian, Ta-

tarian, Bashkirian Republiks, WHITE RUSSIAN DISTRICT

and Nishegorodsk, Samara, Oren-
burg, Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Penza, Organized 1924; reorganized 1925
and Tambov governments. Territory: White Russian S. S. Re-
Churches: 22; members, 530. public.

Address: Galaktionovskaja 142, P. Churches: 11; members, 139.

0. Box 31, Samara, USSR. Address: P. 0. Box 19, Home!,
Officers: USSR.
Pres., E. D. Anderson. Officers:
Sec., W. M.' Bitilev. Supt., E. I. Skorobreschtchuk.
Treas., Miss M. K. Blau. Sec., W. M. Bitilev.
Executive Committee: E. D. An- Treas., Miss M. K. Blau.
derson, L. W. Shukov, A. A. Executive Committee: E. I. Sko-
Reisig, I. E. Laluev, J. N. Kaiu- robreschtchuk, F. N. Kusemko,
kov. Th. Th. Shimanski, A. B. Proti-
Ministers: shevski, L. A. Kholiavko.
E. D. Anderson, P. D. Pop-
chenko, L. W. Shukov. Minister: E. I. Skorobreschtchuk.
Licentiates: Licentiates:
G. I. Gorelik, G. W. Kitchaev. R, F. Kuplis, F. N. Kusemke.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiate:
P. D. Fedorov, W. F. Makarov. A. M. Schakov.


Organized 1917; reorganized 1928
Territory: From the Ural to Vla- Department Secretary:
divostok and from the North S. A. Brova.
Arctic ocean to the borders of
Manchuria, Mongolia, China, and Minister: B. Chr. Schmidt. "
the Hungry desert.
Churches: 145; members, 2,926.
Address: Serebrennikovskaja str. ENCE
90, Novo`-Sibirsk, USSR.
Organized 1920
Officers: Territory: Novo-Sibirsk, Kamensk,
Pres., B. Chr. Schmidt. Barnaul, Biisk, Tomsk, Kuznetzk
Sec. and Treas., S. A. Brova. and Rubtzov districts, and the
Executive Committee: B. Chr. Oirat autonomous Area.
Schmidt, J. A. Gaidishar, I. G.
Gorelik, W. A. Sviridov, A. M. Churches: 39; members, 673.
Andronov, G. A. Razes, S. A. Address: Demyan Bedny str. 16-a,
Brova. Novo-Sibirsk, USSR.

Officers: _ Officers:
Pres., I. G. Gorelik. Pres., G. A. Raus.
Sec. and Treas., S. A. Brova. Sec. and Treas., S. A. Brova.
Executive Committee: I. G. Executive Committee.
Gorelik, Ph. D. Mamaev, A. Th. Ministers:
Schmilev, 0. A. Lasarenko, J. G. G. A. Rails, A. A. Khruljkov.
Silman, T. P. Furlet. Licentiates:
Ministers: A. T. Kisil, I. J. Audsit, S. M.
I. G. Gorelik, G. A. Grigorjev. Siakhor, W. N. Voronin.
Licentiates: Missionary Licentiate:
K. E. Sirotenko, P. G. Silman. G. Skatchkov. '


Organized 1911 Organized 1921
Territory: Atchinsk, Krasnoy- Territory: Semipalatinsk govern-
arsk, Minusinsk, Kansk, and ment, and the Slavgorod, Bara-
Ustj-Abakansk districts and the binsk, Omsk, and Tatarean dis-
Irkutsk Government. tricts.
Churches: 7; members, 166. Churches: 41; members, 791.
Address: 5th Soviet str. 41, Ir- Officers:
kutsk, USSR. Pres., J. A. Gaidishar.
Officers: Sec. and Treas., S. A. Brova.
Supt., A. M. Andronov. Executive Committee: J. A.
Sec. and Treas., S. A. Brova. Gaidishar, I. I. Niomenko, P. P.
Executive Committee: A. M. An- Unrauh, G. K. Titel, P. M. Sviri-
dronov, E. P. Jakimov, M. A. dov, A. A. Paal.
Vorobiev, A. I. Suvorov, L. Ministers:
3. A. Gaidishar, A. A. Paal, N. I.
Minister: A. M. Andronov. Klimenko.
Licentiate: E. P. Jakimov. Licentiate:
P. K. Neufeld.
Missionary Licentiate:
M. K. Pronevitch.
Organized 1925 as Far Eastern
Union Mission; reorganized 1928
Territory: Mongolia, Burjat au- NORTHWEST SIBERIAN CON-
tonomous districts, Transbai- FERENCE
kalia, Amur, Coastal region, Organized 1911; reorganized 1928
Kamtchatka governments, and
the Yakutsk province. Territory.: Ural district, Akmo-
Churches: 30; members, 566. linsk, Turgaisk, and Kustanai
Address: Barabashevskaja 52, Kha-
barovsk, USSR. Churches: 28; members, 730.

Address: Lassal str. 20, Tchelia- Sibirtzev, P. I. Fisher, Th. Reh-

hinsk, USSR. band, A. K. Schevtchuk.
Officers: Ministers:
Pres., W. A. Sviridov. W. A. Sviridov, S. K. Ratnikov,
Sec. and Treas., S. A. Brova. K. Th. Reputin.
Executive Committee: W. A. Missionary Licentiates:
Sviridov, N. T. Jurjev, S. S. K. S. Bielenky, W. A. Shelkov.


Organized 1924
Territory: Northern Transeauca- Churches: 13; members, 293.
sus, Kalmyck autonomous area,
Crimea and Daghestan auto- Address: Pishpek str. 19., Tash-
nomous republics, Stalingrad and kent, USSR.
Astrakhan governments, Uzbek,
Turkmen and Tadjik Socialist Officers:
Soviet Republics. Pres., K. F. Rempfert.
Sec., R. H. Born.
Churches: 106; members, 2,671. Treas., E. P. Friesen.
Address: Rostov-Don, Post Box Executive Committee: K. F.
310, U. S. S. R. Rempfert, E. A. Wenzlav, H. G.
Ott, F. Faber, I. E. Gudoshnikov.
Pres., P. A. Sviridov. Minister: K. F. Rempfert.
Sec., R. H. Born. Licentiate: J. A. Wenzlay.
Treas., E. P. Friesen.
Executive Committee: P. A. Missionary Licentiates:
Sviridov, K. S. Schamkov, W. P. I. M. Ostapenko, I. G. Kosminin,
Balasch, W. M. Teppone, A. G. S. M. Demidov, J. A. Kiimmel.
Galladshev, K. F. Rempfert, R.
H. Born.
Department Secretary: CENTRAL CAUCASIAN CON-
Minister: P. A.. Sviridov. Organized 1920
Territory: Terek, left side of the
Armavir RJR and Stavropol dis-
CENTRAL ASIA MISSION trict, Karatcha, Kabardin- Bab
karian autonomous districts,
Organized 1917 North Caucasus and Daghestan
Territory: The Soc. Sov. Repub- S. S. Republic.
lics of Kasakstan, Uzbekstan, Churches: 28; members, 692.
Turkmen, Kirghizia and Tadjik,
and the Kara-Kalpak autono- Address: P. 0. Box 26, Pjatigorsk,
mous district. USSR.

Officers: autonomous district of North

Pres., W. M. Teppone. Caucasus.
Sec., R. H. Born.
Treas., E. P. Friesen. Churches: 26; members, 589.
Executive Committee: W. M. Address: Khalturin Str., 128, Ar-
Teppone, I. I. Shonemann, D. M. mavir, USSR.
Ushakov, A. P. Tartchevsky, R.
H. Born. Officers:
Minister: Pres., K. S. Shamkov.
W. M. Teppone, I. I. Shonemann, Sec., R. H. Born.
J. S. Tislenko. Treas., E. P. Friesen.
Licentiate: A. J. Grinev. Executive Committee: K. S.
Shamkov, P. J. Karpov, W. P.
Missionary Licentiates: Kosminin, G. J. Klimenko.
F. E. Skorobreschtchuk, H. H.
Silivestrov. Ministers:
P. J. Pilch, P. J. Karpov, N. G.
Missionary Licentiate:
Organized 1922 V. G. Kaiser, A. P. Khavrenko.
Territory: The Crimean Socialist
Soviet Republic.
Churches: 8; members, 214. DON CONFERENCE
Address: Gogolevskaja ul. 101, Organized 1922
Simferopol, USSR.
Territory: Don, Taganrog, Salsk,
Officers: Shachty, Donetz, North Cau-
Supt., W. P. Balash. casian districts, Stalingrad and
Sec., R. H. Born. Astrakhan governments.
Treas., E. P. Friesen.
Churches: 17; members, 509.
Executive Committee: W. P.
Balash, H. K. Lobsack, I. A. Address: Post Box 310, Rostov-
Mikhnenko, I. A. Salamatin, A. Don, USSR.
H. Teske.
Ministers: Pres., P. A. Sviridov.
W. P. Balash, H. K. Lobsack. Sec., R. H. Born.
Treas., E. P. Friesen.
Missionary Licentiates:
Executive Committee: P. A.
K. E. Titarenko, I. N. Sholkev- Sviridov, J. J. Koch, A. N. Alex-
ski. eev, A. L. Smirnov, R. H. Born.
CUBAN-BLACK SEA CON- J. J. Koch, N. M. Baranovsky,
FERENCE A. E. Rosenthal.
Organized 1925 Licentiate: I. G. Kolokolnikov.
Territory: Cuban-Black Sea, Mai-
kop, right side of the Armavir Missionary Licentiates:
RJR district, and the TcherlOss A, G. Lasarenko, I, D. Ga,vrilov.


Pres., A. G. Galladshev,
Organized 1920 Sec., R. H. Born.
Treas., E. P. Friesen.
Territory: The Socialist Soviet Re- Executive Committee: A. G.
publics of Georgia, Armenia, As- Galladshev, N. I. Gadjukin, W.
erbaidjan, Abhasia, Adjaria, and S. Shukov, G. M. Ovsepian, J. D.
the South Osetia autonomous Lukianov.
Churches: 14; members, 374. A. G. Galladshev, N. I. Gadjukin.
Missionary Licentiates:
Address: Teherkesskaja square, A. H. Strack, G. M. Ovsepian,
II, Tiflis, USSR. E. Sukosian.


Organized 1913
Territory: The Ukraine S. S. Re- Krementchuk, Kupiansk, Lug-
public, viz., the Central Dnieper, ansk, Mariupol, Melitopol, Pav-
Black Sea, Podolian, Volhynian, lograd, Poltava, Stalin, Staro-
Asov Conferences and the Kiev belsk, Ssunny, Kharkov districts.
Churches: 253; members, 5,113. Churches: 41; members, 824.
Address: P. 0. Box 59, Kiev, USSR. Address: Serafimovskaja 17, Khan
Officers: kov-Ivanovka, USSR.
Pres., G. J. Zirat.
Field Sec., W. S. Dymanj. Officers:
Sec., A. J. Gontcharov. Pres., W. G. Tarassovsky.
Treas., Miss M. N. Ankirskaia. Sec., A. J. Gontcharov.
Executive Committee: G. J. Treas., Miss M. N. Ankirskaia.
Zirat, W. S. Dymanj, F. A. Glad- Executive Committee: W. G.
kov, J. K. Reimer, S. I. Tkat- Tarassovsky, I. P. Kalmutzky,
chenko, G. I. Gadjukin, W. G. P. T. Ostrikov, W. Pavlitchenko,
Tarasovsky, A. J. Gontcharov, S. W. Klimenko, P. Golubenko.
T. S. Tarasenko, P. T. Tara-
senko. Ministers:
Department Secretary: W. G. Tarassovsky, A. P. Khav-
A. J. Gontcharov. renko, I. P. Kalmutzky, D. K.
Minister: G. J. Zirat. Rempfert.
J. S. Kulakov, A. M. Griz, I. M.
ASOV CONFERENCE Kutcheriavenko.
Organized 1912; Reorganized 1925 Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: Artemovsk, Dniepro- P. I. Tchernenko, M. S. Musyt-
Petrovsk, Saporoshje, Izjum, chenko, A. W. Likarenko.

BLACK SEA CONFERENCE J. S. Moskalenko, K. N. Fedor-

jak, S. D. Naumenko.
Organized 1919
Territory: Odessa, Kherson, Niko- Ministers:
laev, Sinovievsk, Pervomaisk, F. A. Gladkov, M. S. Gorbenko,
part of Krivososhsk districts, I. A. Wereschtchak, K. J. Fis-
and the Moldavian S. S. Repub- senko.
Churches: 33; members, 622. W. A. Lashko, W. S. Kljuvak.
Address: P. 0. Box 1,041, Odessa,
USSR. Missionary Licentiates:
J. I. Tuptchienko, E. 0. Koshuh,
Officers: S. W. Litvin.
Pres., J. K. Reimer.
Sec., A. J. Gontcharov.
Treas., Miss M. N. Ankirskaia.
Executive Committee: J. K. Rei-
mer, W. W. Shukov, F. A. Gai- Organized 1917; reorganized 1925
dishar, J. D. NVagemann, H.
Chr. Kast, M. Th. Nikora, I. M. Territory: The city of Kiev, Cher-
Sa.zev. nigov, and the North and West
Poltava districts.
J. K. Reimer, W. W. Shukov, Churches: 9; members, 403.
F. A. Gaidishar.
Address: P. 0. Box, 59, Kiev,
Licentiate: P. P. Myshak. USSR.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
E. E. Schweizer, I. W. Shilenko, Pres., G. I. Zirat.
A. W. Washjukovitch. Sec., A. J. Gontcharov.
Treas., Miss M. N. Ankirskaia.
Executive Committee: W. S. Dy-
CENTRAL DNIEPER CON- manj, A. J. Gontcharov, P. Lapi,
FERENCE D. Petrovsky ,T h.Ovsiankin.
Organized 1919 Minister: W. S. Dymanj.
Territory: Biely-Tserkov, Umanj,
Schevtchenko and Tcherkassk Licentiates:
districts. A. K. Riesa, T. A. Tovma, J. E.
Churches: 62; members, 1,381.
Address: P. 0. Box 24, Biely-Tser- Missionary Licentiates:
kov, USSR. S. T. Gutnik, A. J. Tuptchienko.
Pres., F. A. Gladkov.
Treas., Miss M. N. Ankirskaia.
Organized 1920
Executive Committee: F. A.
Gladkov, I. A. Wereschtchak, T. Territory: Vinniza, Tuljtchin,
Kutzenko, P. J. Reidalenko, A. Mohilev, Proskurov, Kamenetz-
A. Pantchenko, M. J. Klotchan, Podolsk districts.

Churches: 59; members, 1,358. VOLHYNIAN CONFERENCE

Address: Ukrainskaja II, Vinniza, Organized 1923
Territory: Shitomir, Berdytchev,
Officers: S'ehepetovka, Novgorod-Seversk
Pres., S. I. Tkatchenko. districts.
Sec., A. J. Gontcharov. Churches: 32; members, 530.
Treas., Miss M. N. Ankirskaia.
Address: P. 0. Box 28, Shitomir,
Executive Committee: S. I. USSR.
Tkatchenko, M. S. Koljadenko,
S. I. Pavlenko, G. N. Weselov- Officers:
sky, W. A. Wlasik, A. S. Gu- Pres., G. I. Gadjukin.
deintehuk. Sec., A. J. Gontcharov.
Treas., Miss M. N. Ankirskaia.
Executive Committee: G. I. Gad-
S. I. Tkatchenko, M. S. Kolja- jukin, A. A. Goertzen, W. Dis-
denko, A. F. Grinenko. terhoft, N. G. Baby, M. A. Pas-
Licentiate: S. Kulyshsky. tushenko.

Missionary Licentiates: Ministers:

G. I. Gadjukin, A. A. Goertzen.
G. I. Stunder, K. J. Domashev-
sky, J. L. Bondarenko, Th. 0. Missionary. Licentiates:
Sh ivotenko. W. D. Yakovenko, F. F. Goosen.
Territory: The Japan, Chosen, Officers:
Manchurian, Philippine, North President, I. H. Evans.
China, South China, West China, Sec., C: C. Crisler.
East China, Central China, and Treas., H. W. Barrows.
Malaysian Union Missions; Executive Board: I. H. Evans, C.
the Sungari-Mongolian Mission, C. Crisler, H. W. Barrows, Fred-
also Tibet, Chinese Turkestan, erick Griggs, H. W. Miller, B.
Annam. Petersen, H. A. Oberg, N. F.
Brewer, M. C. Warren, C. C.
Population: 656,352,217; churches, Morris, S. E. Jackson, L. V.
358; members, 22,302. Finster, J. J. Strahle, S. L. Frost,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Mrs. I. H. Evans, V. T. Arm-
" Adventist," Shanghai. Codes strong, J. G. Gjording, K. H.
used: Western Union, 5 letter, Wood, G. J. Appel.
A B C Fifth edition. Field Secretaries:
Postal, Express, and Freight Ad- Frederick Griggs.
dress: 25 Ningkuo Road, Shang- H. W. Miller, M. D.
hai, China. Auditor: Eugene Woesner.
Note. To find the Ningkuo Legal Associations: " General Con-
Road, Shanghai, Mission Com- ference Corporation of Seventh-
pound from the wharves or the day Adventists." ' H. W. Bar-
railway station, ask to be taken rows, Attorney-in-fact.
to Broadway, E-_.d continue along Publishing Department:
Broadway to the end of the Secretary, J. J. Strahle.
street, known as " Wayside," Members: The General Confer-
and from thence proceed on any ence divisional secretaries for
one of three or four short streets this department; all Union field
for a block or two to the begin- and home missionary secretaries
ning of Ward Road, and continue within our territory; field and
along Ward Road for a mile and home missionary secretaries of
a half, past a cement bridge local mission fields operated di-
known as " Go-lang-jah," to a rectly by the Far Eastern Divi-
wooden bridge crossing a canal, sion; the heads of the five pub-
where the "Ningkuo Road " lishing houses in the Far East,
sign will be found. The Mission together with the chief editor of
Compound is immediately be- each as appointed by the Divi-
yond the bridge. It is in the dis- sion Committee; the superintend-
trict of Shanghai known as ents of all Union missions; also
" Yang-tze-poo." The No. 10 I. H. Evans, C. C. Crisler, and S.
Omnibus running past the Palace L. Frost.
Hotel, at the head of Nanking
Road, will take passengers along Educational and Young People's
Ward Road as far as Lay Road, Missionary Volunteer Depart-
where the " Go-lang-jah ' bridge ments:
is located. Continue along Ward Secretary: S. L. Frost.
Road from the end of omnibus Members: S. L. Frost, Sec.; I.
line, to Ningkuo Road. H. Evans, Frederick Griggs, H.

W. Miller, C. C. Crisler, S. H. The Home Commission:

Lindt, head of the Bible Depart- Secretary, Frederick Griggs.
ment of the China Missionary Members: S. L. Frost, Mrs.
Junior College; the educational I. H. Evans, J. J. Strahle, Dr.
and Y. P. M. V. secretaries of H. W. Miller, Mrs. B. Miller,
Union missions; the heads of Mrs. Frederick Griggs, Mrs. K.
training schools in the Division; H. Wood, Mrs. it. W. Paul, Mrs.
the heads of senior and junior E. A. Moon, Mrs. V. E. Hender-
middle schools; the superintend- shot, Mrs. Melchor Elauria, Mrs.
ents of Union missions in the Ai Fukazawa, Mrs. A. N. And-
Far East. erson, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, Mrs.
Sabbath School Department: Frederick Lee.
Secretary: Mrs. I. H. Evans. Transportation Agents: H. W.
Advisory Committee: The Divi- Barrows (Chairman) ; the Union
sion Sabbath school secretary; treasurers of the Japan, South
all Union Sabbath school secre- China, Philippine, Malaysian,
taries; assistant editor of the and Central China Union Mis-
(Chinese) " Sabbath School sions.
Helper; " editor of the (Chinese)
child's paper. Division Building Committee: H.
W. Barrows (Chairman), I. H.
Home Missionary Department: Evans, H. W. Miller, Frederick
Secretary, L. V. Finster. Griggs, C. C. Crisler, W. P. Hen-
Members: the General Confer- derson, E. C. Wood, F. A. Landis
ence divisional home and field
missionary secretaries; the LABORERS HOLDING CREDEN.
Union mission home missionary TIALS FROM THE FAR
secretaries as appointed.
Medical Department: Ministers:
Secretary, H. W. Miller, M. D. I. H. Evans, C. C. Crisler, Sr. L.
Members: The Division medical Frost, Dr. H. W. Miller, Freder-
secretary, with the physicians ick Griggs, S. H. Lindt, D. E.
connected with all recognized Rebok, Giang Tsung Gwang, J. J.
sanitariums, treatment rooms, Strahle, W. A. Scharffenberg,
and hospital-dispensaries in the Max Popov, J. G. Gjording, G. J.
Far Eastern Division. Appel, C. C. Morris, E. J. Urqu-
Ministerial Association: hart, M. C. Warren, Frederick
Lee, V. T. Armstrong, S. E. Jack-
Secretary, Frederick Griggs. son, B. Petersen, L. V. Finster.
Asst. Sec., S. L. Frost.
Advisory Council: Vice-president Licentiates:
and secretary of the General P. E. Quimby, C. B. Green,
Conference for the Far Eastern Charles Larsen, L. W. Shaw, L. I.
Division; the Field and Depart- Bowers, W. I. Hilliard, F. L.
mental Secretaries of the Far Chaney, Nils Dahlsten, E. J.
Eastern Division; the Superin- Johanson, Dr. R. W. Paul, Yeh
tendents of Union Missions; the Kwen Gan, A. Mountain, C. A.
directors of local missions not Carter, H. N. Brodersen.
within a Union Mission, and the
Principals of the advanced train- Missionary Licentiates:
ing schools in the Far Eastern H. W. Barrows, Mrs. H. W.
Division. Barrows, Mrs. C. C. Crisler, Mrs.

I. H. Evans, Mrs. S. L. Frost, Shadel, Mrs. C. B. Green, Mrs.

Miss Dorothy Wheeler, Mrs. D. Charles Larsen, Mrs. H. N. Brod-
E. Rebok, H. L. Shull, Mrs. H. ersen, Mrs. P. E. Quimby, Lo
L. Shull, Mrs. C. A. Carter, W. P. Gan Ching, Su Hsing, Hsu Shi
Henderson, Mrs. W. P. Hender- Gwang, Peter Cheng, Lu Shoil
son, Miss Tillie E. Barr, Miss Ida Dao, David Hwang, Dzo Tien
Thompson, Dr. R. W. Paul, Mrs. Min, H. A. Anderson, Mrs. H. A.
R. W. Paul, Miss Effie A. James, Anderson, Mrs. Laura E. Appel,
F. A. Landis, Mrs. F. A. Landis, Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. Ly-
Mrs. J. J. Strahle, Mrs. H. W. man Shaw, Miss Edith Mc-
Miller, Mrs. Frederick Griggs, Dr. Lachlin, Miss Lola Lindsay, Miss
Donald Griggs, Mrs. Donald Elizabeth Redelstein, A. B. Cole,
Griggs, Ernest Hurd, Mrs. Er- Mrs. B. Petersen, P. L. Williams,
nest Hurd, 0. G. Erich, Mrs. 0. H. J. Perkins, Hsu Yung Chi,
G. Erich, Miss Bessie Mount, Hsu Pao Djen, Hsu Hwa, H. H.
Mrs. E. W. Miller, Eugene Woes- Morse, Mrs. H. H. Morse, Miss
ner, Mrs. Eugene Woesner, Mrs. Lillian A. Anderson, Miss Ma-
S. H. Lindt, Mrs. W. A. Scharf- tilda Follet, A. R. Boynton, Mrs.
enberg, E. C. Wood, Mrs. E. C. A. R. Boynton, Karl Schroetter,
Wood, W. E. Eberhardt, Mrs. Mrs. Karl Schroetter, Erich
W. E. Eberhardt, Miss Hazel Aurich, Mrs. Erich Aurich.


Organized 1919
Territory: The following-named Department Secretaries:
provinces: Honan, Hunan, Hu- Educational and Miss. Vol., C.
peh, Kiangsi, Shensi, Kansu. A. Carter.
Sabbath School, E. H. James.
Population: 126,282,787; churches, Publishing, E. L. Longway.
25; members, 1,578. Women's Work, Miss Ida Thomp-
Telegraphic Address: "Advent- Home Miss., E. L. Longway.
ist," Hankow. Medical Miss., Dr. L. H. Butka,
Office Address: Wang Gia Dun, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. (Tele- China.
phone, 2715.) Ministers:
Officers: N. F. Brewer, E. H. James.
Supt., N. F. Brewer. Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., W. I. Hilliard. L. H. Butka, E. L. Longway,
Executive Committee: N. F. W. I. Hilliard, T. A. Shaw, C. A.
Brewer, W. I. Hilliard, C. H. Carter, C. D. Nichols.
Davis, L. H. Butka, M. D., E.
H. James, W. E. Strickland, H. Missionary Licentiates:
L. Graham, E. L. Longway, C. A. Mrs. N. F. Brewer, Mrs. W. I.
Carter, Liu Djen Bang, Mo Gi Hilliard, Miss Lola Lindsay, Mrs.
Ren, Liu Djen Gwang, Wang Deli T. A. Shaw, Mrs. E. H. JaMes,
Dzi, Wu Dzeh Shan, Hwang Miss Ida Thompson, Mrs. E. L.
Djung Sung. Longway, Dzou Pei Hsin.

Church Directory: Wen, Wang Chwen Yung, Ling

Wuchang, S. D. A. Mission. Da Sao.
Church School Teachers:
6 native teachers.
HONAN MISSION Church Directory:
Yencheng, Lowanho.
Organized 1917 Shangtsai, South Suburb.
Territory: The Province of Honan. Gutswen, Shangtsai Hsien.
Hsu Wang, Shangtsai Hsien.
Population: 30,831,909; churches, Shuai Dzai, East Suburb.
7; members, 689.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist,"
Address: Lowanho, Yencheng, Ho- Organized 1917
nan, China.
Territory: The Province of Hunan.
Population: 28,443,279; churches,
Director, W. E. Strickland.. 6; members, 476,
Sec. and Treas., H. R. Dixon.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist
Department Secretaries: Mission," Changsha.
Sabbath School, Djang Djen Hai.
Publishing, Djang Dzi Chang. Address: S. D. A. Mission, The
Home Miss., Djang Djen Hai. Island, Changsha, Hunan, ina.
Educational and Miss. Vol., Officers:
B. C. Clark.
Medical Miss., L. H. Butka, M. D. Director, C. H. Davis.
Sec. and Treas., A. N. Bierkle.
Department Secretaries:
W. E. Strickland, Liu Djen Bang, Field Miss., Ejou Hai Ru.
Djao Hsi Liang. Home Miss., Dju Dzi Ai.
Licentiates: Sab. School, Wang Deh Dzi.
Educational and Miss. Vol., G.
B. C. Clark, L. H. Butka, Wang G. Hamp.
Gin Bo, Lu Shou Djeng, Djang
Djen Hai, Tang Hsin Loh, Peng Ministers:
Hsien Djeng. C. H. Davis, Hwang Djung Seng.
Missionary Licentiates:
G. G. Hamp, Tang Hsiao Djen,
H. ,R. Dixon, Mrs. L. H. Butka, Djang Fu Hsuan, Dju Dzi Ai,
Mrs. W. E. Strickland, Miss E. Hsu Gin Tang, Wang Deh Dzi,
Johnson, Mrs. H. R. Dixon, Mrs. Yu Gwang Yao, Wu Shou San,
B. C. Clark, Tang Yao Tien, Ren A. N. Bierkle.
Seng Tsai, Han Seng Chen,
Liu Si Mu, Cria. Hsi Yung, Li Missionary Licenhittes:
Hwan Hsin, Yuen Shu Shi, Gi Mrs. C. H. Davis, Mrs. G. G.
Swen Shih, Liu Deh Seng, Sung Hamp, Chen Deh En, Djeng Hsi-
Deh Djuin, Wang Chuen Ih, ang Pu, Hsia Chang Yu, Liu Li
Wang Shou Djen, Tien Yean Dzi, Liu Ai Gwang, Yeh Dao Su,

Hwang Dzi Lin, Li Ai Ching, Missionary Licentiates:

Hu Si Gwei, Kwang Shou Ting, Mrs. H. L. Graham, Liu Yang Ku,
Sieh Mo Dao, Gung Gieh Sin, Hsiang Yao Ch'en, Wan Ch'ing
Dung Ai Djen, Tsao Ying Pei, Ch'ien, Hu Hai Fang, Hsia Cheng
Wu Fu Cheng, Chen Mei Seng, Fu, Hu Pei Ch'ing, Ch'en Yu Pei,
Hwang Shao Bin, Peng Dao Wang Chin Men, Ch'en Li Chun,
Seng, Fangtsu Tsai, Wu Yao Li Wei Ch'ing, Chang Shun Chen.
Lan, Chou Hai Ru, Mrs. A. N.
Bierkle. Church School Teachers:
8 natives teachers.
Provincial School Faculty:
G. G. Hamp.
Church school Teachers: KIANGSI MISSION
Wang Nai Djen, Deng Ching Organized 1917
Seng, Chang Fu Lin, Yang Fu En.
Territory: The Province of Ki-
Church Directory:
Population: 24,446,800; churches,
Changsha, Fu Djen Kai. 3; members, 97.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist
Mission," Nanchang. .
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nan-
Organized 1909 chang, Kiangsi, China.
Territory: The Province of Hupeh. Officers:
Population: 27,167,244; churches, Director, Liii Djung Gwang.
7; members, 300. Sec. and Treas., S. F. Tai.
Departnient Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist,"
Hankow. S. S. Sec., Wang Wen Hwei.
Field Miss. Sec., Djao Fu Th.
Address: Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Educational, Shen Shwen Hung.
Hupeh, China. Home Miss., Liu Djung Gwang.
Telephone: 2715. Ministers:
Liu Djung Gwang, Dju Dji lb.
Director, H. L. Graham.
Sec. and Treas., W. I. Hilliard. C. D. Nichols, Djao Beh Ling.
Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries:
Mrs. C. D. Nichols, Mrs. C. A.
Educational, Carter, Wang Wen Hwei, Loh
Sabbath School, Fan Chili Hsing Djou, Liang Si An, Nien
Hsiang. Chwen Kuei.
Field Miss., Lung Yu Sheng.
Home Missionary, Fan Chih Church School Teachers:
Hsiang. Shen Hswen Hung, Ching Wen
Kai, Li Hung Pu, Nien Chwen
Ainisters: Hwa.
H. L. Graham, Mo Chi Jen.
Church Directory:
Licentiate: Fan Chih Hsiang. Kiukiang, Do Fu Han.

SHENSI MISSION Mission Committee: Director,

Treasurer, Chen Wen Hsiou,
Organized 1917 Li Kwang Ren, Beh Hseng Gieh.
Territory: The Province of Shensi. Department Secretaries:
Publishing, Beh Hseng Gieh.
Population: 9,465,558; churches, 2; Home Miss., Wu Tsieh Shan.
members, 64. Sabbath School and Educational,
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Li Kwang Ren.
Mission," Sianfu. Minister: Wu Tsieh Shan.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sianfu, Licentiate: Chen Wen Hsiou.
Shensi, China.
Missionary Licentiates:
Officers: Li Kwang Ren, Beh Hseng Gieh.
Director, Wu Tsieh Shan.
Treas., W. I. Hilliard. Bible Woman: Liu Si Mu.


Mission organized 1908; Conference organized 1917; Union Mission
organized 1919

Territory: Chosen (Korea). Department Secretaries:

Population: 18,313,800; churches, Sabbath School, Mrs. Theo.
20; members, 1,716. Wangerin.
Educational and Miss. Vol., H.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Seoul. M. Lee.
Western Union Five letter Code. Medical Miss.,
Field Miss. and Home Miss., R.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, W. Pearson.
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Cho-
sen (Korea). Ministers:
H. A. Oberg, E. J. Urquhart, Kim
Officers: Ku Hyok, H. M. Lee, Kim Hang
Superintendent, IL A. Oberg. Mo, C. W. Lee (on furlough),
Sec. and Treas., L. I. Bowers. Kim Pyong Nong.
Executive Committee: H. A. Licentiates:
Oberg, E. J. Urquhart, L. I. L. I. Bowers, J. E. Riffel (on
Bowers, Kim Hang Mo, H. J. furlough), Ernst Bahr, Chyong
Bass, Ne Keun Ok, H. M. Kwan Sin, Chyong Boong Sang,
Lee, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, Chae Chyong Dong Sim.
Tae Hyon, Kim Ku Hyok, W. E.
Pudewell, Kim Syok Young, R. Missionary Licentiates:
W. Pearson, Nam Sang Ik, Pak Mrs. H. A. Oberg, Mrs. L.
Yun Soon. I. Bowers, Mrs. Theo. Wan-
Legal Organization Title: Zidon gerin, Mrs. E. J. Urquhart,
of the Chosen Union Conference Ralph Pearson, Mrs. Ralph Pear-
of S. D. A. son, R. S. Watts, Mrs. R. S.

Watts, E. Sung We, Chang Han Executive Committee: Chae Tae

Chin, Kim Yun Mok, Chung Dong Hyon, Min Young Soon, Nam
Syung, Mrs. Ernst Bahr, Kim Sang Ik, Chyong Hui Nam, Kim
Chang Chip, Mrs. J. E. Riffel (on Na Chun, 'Wining Young Ill, Pak
furlough), Miss H. M. Scott, Mrs. Chae Jung.
H. M. Lee, Le Kyung Ill, Hyun
Young Hun, Mrs. H. J. Bass, Mrs. Department Secretaries:
C. W. Lee (on furlough), A. R. Sabbath School, Home Miss., Pak
Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, Kim Chae Jung.
Ung Gen, Kim Sang Chil, Pak Miss. Vol. and Educational,
Chang Ouk, Nu Hong Soon, Kwak Kee Ho.
Kim Young Yul, E Syung Field Miss., Kim Young Ok.
Ill, Pak Meriam, Chyung Syung
Kop, Chai Ma Tai, Kim Chun Ik, Ministers:
Han Phil Chin. Chae Tae Hyon, Kim Na Chun,
Nam Sang Ik.
Training School Teachers:
H. M. Lee, Principal, J. E. Riffel, Licentiates:
Miss H. M. Scott, C. W. Lee, Pak Chae Chung, E Chyong
T. Narahashi, K. Matsumoto, Ne Sang Syung, Kim Tuk Su,
Hyun Yung Hun, E Kyung Ill, Han Hoi Sun.
Kim Ung Gen, Kim Hang Mo,
Kim Sang Chil, B. Higashi, Missionary Licentiates:
Chyong Hui Nam, Kim Young
Church School Teachers: Ouk, Song Kee Young, E Yu
Chang Sin III, Kim Young Yul, Sik, 0 Young Pil, 0 Ryung
Lim Tae Whan. Syung, Nam Syung Yun, Min
Chae Hui, Pak Yun Sil, Ou Pil
Won, 0 Hul Da, Kwak Kee Ho,
O Hyung Pil, Ne Hae Syung.
Church School Teachers:
Organized 1919 0 Ryong Sun, MM Chae Hui,
Territory: Provinces of North and Pak Yun Sil, Nam Syung Yun,
South Ham Tfeung, Kang Won, E Yu Sik, 0 Hyung Pil, On Pil
Kyong Kei, North Chyong Chun Won, Kwak Kee Ho, Ne Hae
(except the counties of Po Ung, Syung.
Ok Chun. and Yung Tong), and
South Chung Province (except SOUTH CHOSEN MISSION
the counties of Tae Chyon, Nan
San, Pu Yo, Syo Chyon, and Po Organized 1919
Territory: Provinces of North and
Telegraphic Address: Adventist," South Keung San, North and
Seoul. South Chulla,, the counties of
Po Ten, Ok Chun, Yung Dong
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, in North Chyung Chung, and the
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Cho- counties of Tae Chun, Ron San,
sen (Korea). Pu Wo in South Chyung Chung,
and the county of Ul Chin in
Officers: Kang Wone Provinces.
Director, Chae Tae Hyon.
Sec. and Treas., Chyong Hui Telegraphic Address: " Adventist,"
Nam. Keizan.

Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,

Keizan, Chosen. Soonan, Chosen (Korea).
Officers: Officers:
Director, H. J. Bass.
Sec. and Treas., Ko Sun Sin. Pres., Ne Keun Ok.
Executive Committee: H. J. Sec. and Treas., Ne Myung Gen.
Bass, Ko Sun Sin, W. E. Pude- Executive Committee: Ne Keun
well, Pak Yoon Soon, Chung Ok, Im Syong Won, Ne Myung
Dong Pil, Chung Choe Soon, Sin Gen, Ne Syung Su, H. M. Lee,
Ke Poo. Kim Syok Young, Cho Che
Department Secretaries:
Miss. Vol., &b. Sch., Educ., and Department Secretaries:
Home Miss., Chung Chae Soon. Sabbath School, Home Miss., Ed-
Field Miss., Lim Chong Hai. ucational, and Miss. Vol., Son
Chae Rin.
Ministers: Field Miss., Kim Chang Soon.
H. J. Bass, W. E. Pudewell.
Licentiates: Ministers:
Yang Chong Il, Pak Yoon Soon, Ne Keun Ok, Kim Syok Young,
Chung Dong Pil, Kim Ung Kyu, Im Syong Won.
Kim Yun Syung, Pak Chu Kook,
Yun Yung Sul, Pak Yung Joon, Licentiates:
Pak Kyum Syu, Pak Ke Poong, Son Chae Rin, Cho Che Whan,
Lun Chong Hai, Chung Chae Pak Kee Chang, Ko Chi Ku, Pak
Soon. Che Syun, Cha Yun Gen, 0
Syung Nong, Kim Kyu Youn,
Missionary Licentiates: Lee Hyok.
Mrs. H. J. Bass, Mrs. W. E. Pude-
well, Ko Sun Sin, Song Young Missionary Licentiates:
Soo, Kim Chyung Ho, Kim
Kyung Oo, Chae Hyung Yul, Pak Ne Myung Gen, Kim Chang
Hui Young, Chyung Pok Soon, Soon, Pang Nae Tu, Hyun Ma
Chang Miriam, Kim Il Yang, Rea, Syun Po Syung, Ne Hang
Tuk Soon, Kim Wone Do, Chae Sik, Pak In Sik, Pak Che Soon,
Il Hwah. An Choong Whal, Kim Ne Ok,
Kim Pyung Chyul, Syuk Wall
Church School Teachers: Bin, Chyung Tae Ku, Ne Chong
Kim Hyung Oo, Chae Hyung Yul, Sam, Kim Choong Nin, Lim
Pak Hui Young, Kim Wone Do, Chung Sil, Ko Pong Kun.
Kim Il Yong,
Church School Teachers:
Kim Choong Nin, Lim Chung Sil,
Organized 1919 Kim Pyung Chyul, Chyung Tae
Ku, Pak In Sik, Pak Che Soon,
Territory: North and South Pyeng Ne Chong Sam, Ko Pong
An, and Whang Hai Provinces. Chyung Syung Kul, Kim Man
Ok, Myung Hui Cho, Kim Dong
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Sin, Im Syung Chae, Kim Hyung
Soonan. Do, Kim On Choon.
Organized rgrg

- Territory: The Anhwei, Kiang- ANHWEI MISSION

su, and Chekiang Provinces.
Organized 1917
Population: 75,662,029; churches,
37; members, 1,921. Territory: The Province of An-
hwei, and that portion of Kiang-
Cable Address: " Mizpah," Shang- su Province north of the Yangtse
hai. River, also the district of Nan-
king, and Chinkiang.
Office Address: 301-303 Yu-Yuen
Road, Shanghai, China. Population: 40,000,000; churches,
6; companies, 11; members, 474.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist,"
Supt., K. H. Wood. Nanking.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. S.
Sissons. Postal Address: 17 Gao Lou Men,
Executive Committee: K. H. Nanking, Kiangsu, China.
Wood, W. E. Gillis, 0. B. Kuhn,
G. L. Wilkinson, John Oss, W. A. Officers:
Scharffenberg, Mrs. K. H. Wood, Director, 0. B. Kuhn.
H. P. Evens, Wu Tsung Shan, Sec. and Treas., Djang Sung
Wu Dzeh Shan, Wu Dzi Chiao, Tsing.
Li Yu Chiao, Djou Yang Chun, Executive Committee: 0. 13.
Hu Dzeh Ren. Kuhn, Giang Tsung-gwang,
Hwang Tien-do, Wu Tsung Shan,
Department Secretaries: Djang Sung Tsing, Swen Tsung
Sabbath School, Mrs. K. H. Gwang, Li Dzung Dzan.
Field Miss., John Oss. Department Secretaries:
Home Miss., W. E. Gillis. Sabbath School, Pan Shui-Ru.
Medical, R. W. Paul, M. ,D. Educational and Miss Vol., Liu
Educational and Miss. Vol., W. Men-ru.
A. Scharffenberg; Asst., Liu Asst. Pub., Gas Dzen Hwa.
Meng Ruh. Home Miss., Leclare E. Reed.
Ministers: Ministers:
K. H. Wood, John Oss, H. P. 0. B. Kuhn, Wu Tsung Shan,
Evens, W. A. Scharffenberg, W. Hwang Tien Do.
E. Gillis, 0. B. Kuhn. Licentiate: Pan Shui-ru.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. K. H. Wood, Mrs. John Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn, L. E. Reed,
Oss, Mrs. W. A. Scharffenberg, Mrs. L. E. Reed, Wang Shitien,
Mrs. H. P. Evens, A. Fossey, Mrs. Meng-Chi-en, Pan Si Mu, Wang
A. Fossey, Mrs. W. E. Gillis, Yu Tien, Lei Hsien-Gwang, Du
Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn, Mrs. B. F. Hong Seng, Djang Ming Deli,
Gregory, C. S. Sissons. Niu Shi-Peng, Han Si-mu, Djan

Si-mu, Lwan Si-mu, Dju Si-mu, Licentiates:

Djang Sung-tsing, Wang Chien, Mrs. B. Miller, S. C. Zee, T. U.
Shao Djen-siu, Giao Si-gwang, Wu, T. Y. Dzung, S. N. Nyi,
H. C. Shen, R. D. Miau, L. S.
Middle School Teachers: Waung, L. F. Dzung, D. H. Yih,
Whang Tien Do, Chen Hwa T. J. Yih.
Wu Shao Djen, Wu Pei Ling, Gu
Shao Chiao. Missionary Licentiates:
T. Z. Yang, S. Y. Waung, D. U.
Church School Teachers: Tsang, Z. M. Soong, S. P. Tsang,
Gao Djen Hwa, Li Hsiang Ting, Y. T. Dzau, H. W. Sung, W. A.
Hsu Shili Deh, Tang Djuen Fu. Chien, Mrs. K. H. Wood, Miss Z.
Nanking Church Address: Sheng Tsu, Mrs. Feng, Mrs. Zah, Mrs.
Ping Chiao, Nanking, Kiangsu, Yih, Mrs. Zee, Mrs. Nyi, Mrs.
China. Thaung, Mrs. M. A. Nyien, Mrs.
M. Y. Li, Mrs. T. U. Wu, Mrs.
S. C. Zee, D. V. Dzau, H. P.
Organized 1913 Church School Teachers: _
T. N. Dzung, B. A. Hsing, G. S. -
Territory: The southern portion Hoong, Mrs. H. C. Shen, Miss
of Kiangsu Province, and the T. M. Wu, S. 0. Sung, T. Z. Ying,
northern portion of Chekiang G. W. Ma.
Shanghai Church Addresses:
Population: 29,405,152; churches, Central Shanghai Church, 35
20; members, 1,027. Range Road.
Telegraphic Address: " Mizpah," East Shanghai Church, 31 Ning-
Shanghai. kuo Road.
West Shanghai Church, 150 Ru-
Office Address: 299 Yu-Yuen Road, bicon Road.
Shanghai, China.
Director, K. H. Wood.
Sec. and Treas., H. C. Shen. Organized 1919
Executive Committee: K. H. Territory: The Prefectures of
Wood, Mrs. B. Miller, T. G. Wu, Wen-chow, Chu-chow, and Tai-
H. C. Shen, H. P. Evens, S. K. chow, in the southern portion of
Zee, D. H. Yih, T. U. Woo, Miss Chekiang Province.
Z. Tsu.
Population: 6,981,134; churches,
Department Secretaries: 11; members, 420.
Tract Society, W. A. Chien.
Field Miss., Telegraphic Address: f' Adventist,"
Sabbath School, Mrs. K. H. Wenchow.
Wood; Asst., Miss Z. Tsu. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Home Miss., T. G. Wu. Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Educational, H. a Shen.
Women's Work, Mrs. B. Miller. Officers:
Director, G. L. Wilkinson.
Ministers: Sec. and Treas., B. F. Gregory
K. H. Wood, T. G. Wu, Y. Z. Li. (on furlough).

Executive Committee: G. L. Wen Ting, Chiang Sz, Djiao Ming

Wilkinson, B. F. Gregory, Wu Shien, Djio Ih Chuem, Dju Teh
Dzi Wen, Djang Shih, Djou Ming, Chen Wen Sz, Chen Ih Fu,
Yang Chun, Djang Wen Ding, Chen Wen Bu, Ku Kuo Sling,
Dju Teh-ming. Pan Tszr Chiang, Wang Fu Ren,
Yung Keh Liao, Chen Loh Ming,
Department Secretaries: Dzing Mi Chang, Dziao Ong Ping,
Sabbath School, Chen Ming. Lin Shiao Tie, Tsai Tsz Cheng.
Asst., Mrs. G. L. Wilkinson.
Middle School Teachers:
Field Miss. and Horne Miss.,
Djou Yang Chun. A. Fossey, Principal, Mrs. B.
Educational, B. F. Gregory. F. Gregory, Chen Ming, Chen Yu
Miss. Vol., Chen Yu Shih. Szi, Djeng Dji San, Whoug Bu
G. L. Wilkinson. Church School Teachers:
Ng'tsz Cheng, Djiao Han Djio,
Licentiates: Chen Yung Yuen, Lio Ko Zang,
Pan Li Dzeh, Hu Dzeh Ren, Djao Kung Shie Z.
Li Heng.
Church Directory:
Missionary Licentiates: Wenchow Church Address:
Mrs. G. L. Wilkinson, B. F. Greg- Tsangho hsiang, Wenchow,
ory, Mrs. B. F. Gregory, Chiang Chekiang, China.


Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, Nov. 2, 1917; and as a
Union Mission, Aug. 20, 1919
Territory: Japan proper, not in- Sec. and Treas, H. J. Perkins.
cluding Formosa or Korea. Executive Committee: V. T.
Population: 59,992,430; churches, Armstrong, H. J. Perkins, H. F.
12; membership, 562. Benson, A. N. Anderson, Seikichi
Kaneko, Hide Kuniya, Shohei
Cable Address: " Adventist," To- Miyake, E. J. Kraft, A. B. Cole,
kyo. (Use Western Union code A. N. Nelson, Mrs. Ai Fukazawa,
only.) M. Fukazawa, Yekicho Seino, T.
Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi H. Okohira, Tokutaro Kobayashi,
Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. T. Kajiyama, Alfred Koch, S.
Headquarters Location: 171 Ama- Morita.
numa Suginami machi, Toyo-
tama gun, Tokyo Fu, Japan. Department Secretaries:
Railway Station: Ogikubo, Cen- Tract Soc., A. B. Cole.
tral Line. 60 minutes from Field Miss., E. J. Kraft.
Tokyo. 21/2 hours from Yoko- Home Miss.,, V. T. Armstrong.
hama. Sabbath School, Mrs. Ai Fuka-
Officers: Educational and Miss. Vol., A.
Supt., V. T. Armstrong. N. Nelson.

Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., Li Telegraphic Address: " Adventist

Yun Ting. Mission," Changchun.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
Li Yun Ting, Li Feng I, Djou Director, Nils Dahlsten (acting).
Ging Tien, Lin Rih Hsin, Li Tien Sec. and Treas., Nils Dahlsten.
Gwei, Djao Feng San, Liang Gwo
Tai, Wang Fu Yuen, Hwang Hsi Department Secretaries:
Peng, Gwan Sung Yao, Wang Tract Soc. Sec., Yen Shao Kung.
Ging Yang. Sab. School, Hwang Hsi Peng.
Field Miss, Liang Rui Ho.
Church School Teachers: Home Miss.,--Yu Ging Ho.
Hwang Pei Djang, Mrs. Li Su
Djang, Mrs. Hwang Ya Li, Miss Missionary Licentiates:
Tsi Gwei Feng. Yu Ging Ho, Hsiao Dzi Fu,
Djang Fu Sven, Li Deh Ren,
Tung Yung Hsin, Mrs. Chen,
KIRIN MISSION Liang Rui Ho, Yen Shao Kung.
Address: Changchun, Manchuria, Church School Teacher:
China. Gao Deh Hsin.


Organized igig
Territory: The provinces of Chi- Department Secretaries:
hli, Shantung, and Shansi. Sab. School, H. N. Brodersen,
Miss. Vol. and Educational, J. IL
Population: 76,225,199; churches, White.
5; members, 415. Field Miss., A. A. Esteb.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Ministers:
" Adventists," Peking. G. J. Appel, A. A. Esteb.
Licentiate: H. N. Brodersen.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Pe- Missionary Licentiate:
king, China. 'Mrs. G. J. Appel.

Supt., G. J. Appel. CHIHLI MISSION
Sec. and Treas., H. N. Brodersen.
Organized 1918
Executive Committee: G. J. Ap-
peL J. H. White, W. J. Harris, Territory: The province of Chihli.
L. H. Davies, A. A. Esteb, Su Population: 34,341,127; churches,
Dien Ching, Shen Chien P'en, 3; members, 207.
Wang Hsi Yuen, Goh Chiao
Liang, Keng Fu Kwang, H. N. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta
Brodersen, Meng Chung Ih, Goh- Fang Chia Hutung, Peking,
Chiao-eo. China.

Ministers: Officers:
Tokutaro Kobayashi, T. Kaji- Director, A. N. Anderson; Acting
yama. Director, Seikichi Kaneko.
Missionary Licentiate: Treas., H. J. Perkins.
K. Ishibe.
TOHOKU MISSION A. N. Anderson, Seikichi Kaneko.
Address: Daiku eho 2, Aizu-Waka Licentiate:
matsu, Japan. H. Takaya.


Organized 1919
Territory: The three provinces of Licentiates:
Manchuria. A. N. Kovshar, Nils Dahlsten, I.
0. Wallace.
Pouplation: 23,139,510; churches,
9; members, 307. Missionary Licentiates:
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mrs. Bertha E. Petersen, Mrs. R.
Mission," Mukden. M. Cossentine, Mrs. A. N. Kov-
shar, Mrs. Nils Dahlsten, Mrs. I.
Postal Address: Manchurian Un- 0. Wallace, Hwang Hsi Peng.
ion,Mission S. D. A., Mukden,
Manchuria, China.
Supt., Bernhard Petersen.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Bertha E. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist
Petersen. Mission," Mukden.
Executive Committee: B. Peter- Address: Manchurian Union Mis-
sen, R. M. Cossentine, F. M. Lar- sion S. D. A., Mukden, Manchu-
sen, Mrs. Bertha E. Petersen, A. ria, China.
N. Kovshar, Nils Dahlsten, Du Officers:
Shu Ren, Li Yun Ting, Tsui Yu
Djang, Yu Ging Ho, Hsiao Dzi Director, A. N. Kovshar.
Fu, I. 0. Wallace, Hwang Hsi Sec. and Treas., Wang Fu Yuen.
Peng. Executive Committee: A. N.
Kovshar, R. M. Cossentine, Wang
Department Secretaries: Fu Yuen, Hwang Hsi Peng, Tsui
Sab. School, Hwang Hsi Peng. Yu Djang, Li Yun Ting, Wang
Field Miss. and Home Miss., I. 0. Ging Yang, Chen Djung Shan.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, R. Department Secretaries:
M. Cossentine. Tract Society Sec., Djao Hsi Gia.
Sabbath School, Hwang Hsi
Ministers: Peng.
B. Petersen, R. M. Cossentine, F. Field Miss., Wang Ging Yang.
M. Larsen, Du Shu Hen. Educational, R. M. Cossentine.

Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., Li Telegraphic Address: " Adventist

Yun Ting. Mission," Changchun.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
Li Yun Ting, Li Feng I, Djou Director, Nils Dahlsten (acting).
Ging Tien, Lin Rih Hsin, Li Tien Sec. and Treas., Nils Dahlsten.
Gwei, Djao Feng San, Liang Gwo
Tai, Wang Fu Yuen, Hwang Hsi Department Secretaries:
Peng, Gwan Sung Yao, Wang Tract Soc. Sec., Yen Shao Kung.
Ging Yang. Sab. School, Hwang Hsi Peng.
Field Miss, Liang Rui Ho.
Church School Teachers: Home Miss.,Yu Ging Ho.
Hwang Pei Djang, Mrs. Li Su
Djang, Mrs. Hwang Ya Li, Miss Missionary Licentiates:
Tsi Gwei Feng. Yu Ging Ho, Hsiao Dzi Fu,
Djang Fu Swen, Li Deh Ren,
Tung Yung Hsin, Mrs. Chen,
KIRIN MISSION Liang Rui Ho, Yen Shao Kung.
Address: Changchun, Manchuria, Church School Teacher:
China. Gao Deh Hsin.


Organized igig
Territory: The provinces of Chi- Department Secretaries:
hli, Shantung, and Shansi. Sab. School, H. N. Brodersen.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, J. H.
Population: 76,225,199; churches, White.
5; members, 415. Field Miss., A. A. Esteb.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: Ministers:
" Adventists," Peking. G. J. Appel, A. A. Esteb.
Licentiate: H. N. Brodersen.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Pe- Missionary Licentiate:
king, China. -Mrs. G. J. Appel.

Supt., G. J. Appel. CHIHLI MISSION
Sec. and Treas., H. N. Brodersen.
Organized 1918
Executive Committee: G. J. Ap-
pel, J. H. White, W. J. Harris, Territory: The province of Chihli.
L. H. Davies, A. A. Esteb, Su Population: 34,341,127; churches,
Dien Ching, Shen Chien P'en, 3; members, 207.
Wang Hsi Yuen, Goh Chiao
Liang, Keng Fu Kwang, H. N. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta
Brodersen, Meng Chung Ih, Goh- Fang Chia Hutung, Peking,
Chiao-eo. China.

Telegraphic Address: " Advent- Officers:

ists," Peking. Director, W. J. Harris.
Sec. and Treas., C. B. Green.
Executive Committee: W. J.
Director, G. J. Appel. Harris, C. B. Green, Su Dien
Sec. and Treas., H. N. Brodersen. Ching, Hsu Yao Tang.
Executive Committee: G. J.
Appel, H. N. Brodersen, Wang Ministers:
Hsi Yuen, Meng Djung Ili, Keng W. J. Harris, Su Dien Cluing.
Fu Kwang, II. Y. Dzau.
Licentiate: C. B. Green.
Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School, H. Y. Dzau. Missionary Licentiates:
Field Miss., Keng Fu Kwang. Mrs. W. J. Harris, Mrs. C. B.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, Green, Mrs. Su.
H. Y. Dzau.
Home Miss., C. I. Meng. Church Directory:
Yung Ho Hsiang.
G. J. Appel, Wang Hsi Yuen.
Keng Fu Kwang, Meng Chung Ih, Organized 1917
H. N. Brodersen.
Territory: The Province of Shan. ,
Missionary Licentiates: tung.
Lucy Andrus, Pai Tze Heng,
Shen Tze Chang, Wang Chieh Population: 30,803,245; churches,
Chen, Keng Chiao Chun, Hsii- 2; membership, 200.
Tao-Tang, Tuan-Yuan-Chien. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist,"
Church Directory: Tsinan.
Peking, Seventh-day Adventist Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tsin-
Central Church, 63 Chi Hua anfu, Shantung, China.
Men Ta Chieh, Peking.
Tientsin, Seventh-day Adventist Officers:
Mission Chapel, Nan Ma Lu, Director, L. H. Davies.
Tientsin, Chihli. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. L. H.
Executive Committee: L. H.
SHANSI MISSION Davies, J. H. White, Mrs. L. H.
Davies, Shen Chien P'en, Choke
Organized 1928 Ming, Goh Chiao Eo, Chiao Wen
Territory: The Province of Shansi.
Department Secretaries:
Population: 11,114,592; churches,
1; membership, 7. Field Miss., Chiao Wen Li.
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Telegraphic Address: " Advent- Educational, Goh Chiao Eo.
ists," Taiyuanfu. Home Miss., Chiao Wen Li.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, 4 Yung Minister:
Ho Hsiang, Shansi, China. Shen Chien P'en.

Licentiates: Ting, Hsu Wen . Ping, Chang

Chiao Wen Li, Goh Chiao Eo, L. Ch'ien Kwang, Mrs. L. H. Davies,
H. Davies, J. H. White, Goh Mrs. J. H. White, Ih Meng Chi,
Chiao Liang. Choke Ming.
Missionary Licentiates: Chia Kou Church Address:
Chin, Wang Tze Shan, Li Feng Tsinanfu: Wei Ih Lou.


Organized 1917

Territory: The Philippine Islands. Ministers:

S. E. Jackson, W. B. Ammund-
Population: 11,234,409; churches, sen, R. R. Figuhr (on furlough).
146; members, 10,338.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Ma- M. F. Wiedemann, L. A. Corda.
Missionary Licentiates:
Postal Address: Post Office Box Mrs. S. E. Jackson, Mrs. Hazel
813, Manila, Philippine Islands. B. Sevrens, E. A. Moon, Mrs. E.
A. Moon, D. L. Millam, Mrs. D.
Office Address: 239 Luna Street, L. Millam, Mrs. E. M. Adams,
Pasay, Rizal, P. I. (Please do Mrs. M. F. Wiedemann, Apolonio
not direct mail to this address.) Cruz, Regino Villanueva, Mrs.
Officers: R. R. Figuhr (on furlough); J. P.
Fentzling, Mrs. J. P. Fentzling,
Supt., S. E. Jackson. Mrs. W. B. Ammundsen, Mrs.
Sec. and Treas., E. A. Moon. B. Shanks Chaney, C. E. Thurs-
Executive Committee: S. E. ton, Mrs. C. E. Thurston, Dr. H.
Jackson, F. L. Chaney, E. A. A. Hall, Mrs. H. A. Hall, F. R.
Moon, W. B. Ammundson, J. 0. Millard, Mrs. F. R. Millard, C. F.
Afenir, Dr. H. A. Hall, Alvaro Joys, Mrs. C. F. Jeys.
.Roda, W. H. Bergherm, Fausto
Jornada, W. L. Rodriguez, W. B.
Riffel, Marcos B. Comilang, M. F. CENTRAL LUZON CON-
Wiedemann, E. M. Adams, Mrs. FERENCE
B. Shanks Chaney, D. L. Millam,
E. A. Brion. Organized 1916
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: The Provinces of Zam-
Field and Home Miss., M. F. bales, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Ba-
Wiedemann. taan, Bulacan, Cavite, Rizal, La-
Sabbath School, Mrs. B. Shanks guna, Batangas, Tayabas, Pam-
Chaney. pangs, Mindoro, and Marindu-
Educational and Miss. Vol., D. L. que.
Millam. Membership: 3,726.
Religious Liberty, E. M. Adams;
Asst., Flaviano Dalisay. Office Address: 1402 Oroquieta St.,
Medical, Dr. H. A. Hall. Manila, Philippine Islands.

Cable Address: " Adventist," Ma- vestre, Miss Justa Santos, Miss
nila, Philippine Islands. Bernandina Macalinao, Miss
Officers: Candida Banzen, Miss Irene Flor-
endo, Gabriel Pablo.
Pres., E. M. Adams.
Sec. and Treas., E. A. Brion. Church Directory:
Executive Committee: E. M. Manila Church, 1402 Oroquieta
Adams, E. A. Brion, L. P. Fer- St., Santa Cruz, Manila.
nandez, Jose Emraline, Melchor San Pablo Church, A. Flores St.,
C. Elauria, Ricardo Magcalen, San Pablo, Laguna.
Flaviano Dalisay.
Malabon Church, Angel St.,
Department Secretaries: Malabon, Rizal.
Tract Society, Angel Ponce. Pasay Church, 253 Luna St.,
Field Miss., Liberato Fernandez. Pasay, Rizal.
Sabbath School and Educational, Bucal Maragondon, Cavite.
Marcario Pascual. Tayabas Church, Tayabas, Taya-
Miss. Vol., Lope B. Balan. bas.
Home Miss., Isaac Enriquez. Meycawayan Church, Meycawa-
Religious Liberty, Flaviano Dali- yan, Bulacan.
say. Bocawe Church, Bocawe, Bulacan.
Limay Church, Limay, Bataan.
Ministers: Balanga Church, Balanga, Ba-
E. M. Adams, Isaac Enriquez, taan.
Agustin A. Panaga, Melchor C. Batangas Church, Barrio Santa, - -
Elauria, Flaviano Dalisay, Pon- Clara Batangas, Batangas.
ciano Bungay, Pedro S. Magsa- Polillo Church, Polillo, Tayabas.
lin, Vicente T. Santos. Arayat Church, Arayat, Pam-
Angeles Church, Angeles, Pam-
Florentino Jabola, Jose Emral- panga.
ino, Maximo Cabance, Ricardo Zaragosa Church, Zaragosa, Nu-
Magcalen, Liberate P. Fernandez, eva Ecija.
Charles Salvador, Valeriano Gar- Singalong Church, San Andres
cia, Bernandino Nepomuceno, St., Paco, Manila.
Canuto Cara, Macario C. Pas- Infanta Church, Infanta, Taya-
cual, Lope B. Balan, Vidal Ja- bas,
bola, Lorenze Yutuc, Generose
Missionary Licentiates:
Emilie A. Brion, Jacinto Suban, EAST VISAYAN MISSION
Angel T. Ponce, Fausto Reyes, (Formerly Cebuan Mission)
Florentino Lagonera, Florentino
Martin, Severine Barrameda, Organized 1914
Felicidad A. Martin, Victoria C.
Quintal, Gregoria Burgos, Ar- Territory: Islands of Cebu, Bohol,
senic Santos, Fortunata Ibiel, Leyte, Samar, Mindanao, and the
Salome C. Pages, Juliana Crusin, Provinces of Sulu and Oriental
Rufi na Emraline, Conigunda Negros.
Membership: 2,127.
Church School Teachers:
Miss Dionisia Akiatin, Miss Ros- Office Address: 29 Fructuoso Ramos
anna Macalinao, Miss Paulin Sil- St., Cebu, Cebu, P. I.

Post Office Address: Box 244, Cebu, NORTHERN LUZON MISSION

Cebu, P. I.
Entered 1913; organized 1917
Director and Treas., F. L. Territory: Provinces of Pangasi-
Chaney. nan, Nueva Viscaya, Isabela,
Sec., M. J. Kintanar. Cagayan, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos
Executive Committee: F. L. Sur, Abra, La Union, Mountain.
Chaney, M. J. Kintanar, W. L. and the Batanes Islands.
Rodriguez, V. R. Rodrigo, Abdon
Capobres, T. della Calzada, and Population: 2,163,771; membership,
Romon Llaguno. 1585.
Departmental Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: Adventist
Field Miss., V. L. Rodrigo. Mission, San Fernando, La Union.
Home Miss., Ramon Llaguno.
Sab. School, Perpetuo Suico. Office Address: P. 0. Box 41, San
Educational and Religious Lib- Fernando, La Union, Philippine
erty, F. L. Chaney. Islands.
F. A. Mote, F. L. Chaney, W. L. Officers:
Rodriguez, M. J. Kintanar, Director, J. 0. Afenir.
Licentiates: Sec.-Treas., Aguinaldo Balinao.
Fidel Adlawan, Vicente Rodrigo, Executive Committee: J. 0.
Tiburcio dela Calzada, Mamerto Afenir, A. Z. Roda, J. A. Valdez,
Yorac, Ramon Llaguno, Alberto R. A. Pilar, Urbano Oliva, J.
Cabardo, Ruperto Somoso, Apo- Salagubang, Aguinaldo Balinao.
lonio Somoso.
Department Secretaries:
Missionary Licentiates:
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
Perpetuo L. Suico, Conrado B. Miss. Vol., Alvaro Z. Roda.
Ladion, Pedro Abatayo, Luis Educational, Urbano Oliva.
Noval, Antonio Somoso, Publio Field Miss., Angel Santa. Rita.
Postrero, Agapito Arrangues,
Pascual Guerrero, Blas Ferraren, Ministers:
Eriberto Monreal, Alejandro J. 0. Afenir, Emilio Valera 1st,
Alkuino, Doroteo Noval, Gre- Alvaro Z. Roda.
gorio Somoso, Genoveva Abrea
Somoso, Genoveva Ricarte, Do- Licentiates:
lores Flores. T. P. Atiga, R. A. Pilar, J. A.
Church Schools: Valdez.
Grade School: Cebu, Cebu. Missionary Licentiates:
Primary Schools:
Burabud, San Antonio, Samar. Martina Valera, Honorata dela
Cabunga-an, Misamis, Min- Cruz, Auspicio Rapacon, Manuel
danao. Valera, Antero Sanidad, Juan
Picong Plantation, near Mala- Yovan, Antonino Z. Roda, Ur-
bang, Lanao, Mindanao. bana Oliva, Eugenio Sanidad,
Eleuterio Vigilia, Feliza
Church School Teachers: Fredo Malapira, Poten-
Rustico Cruz, Gabriel Briones, ciano Jimeno, Victor Medina,
Rafaela Monterde, Epafina Ta- Irineo Rebutoc, Angel Santa
din, Marcelo Barroga, Rita, Aguinaldo Balinao,

Church School Teachers: Tagudin Church, Main St., Tag-

Urbano Oliva, Romualdo *Caban- udin, Ilocos Sur.
sag, Restituta Florendo, Quintin Tayug Church, Lawton St., Ta-
Cabansag, Mercedes Pablo, Leon- yug, Pangasinan.
cia Mejia. Urdaneta Church, Urdaneta, Pan-
Church Directory:
Alcala Church, Alcala, Pangasi-
Amaraw Church, Amaraw, Sta.
Cruz, Ilocos Sur. (Formerly known as Bicol Mission.
Artacho Church, Artacho, Sison, Separated from Central South-
Pangasinan. ern Luzon Conference in Janu-
Bacarra Church, Bacarra, Ilocos ary, 1924.)
Batac Church, Vecinal St., Batac, Organized 1926
Ilocos Norte.
Bayambang Church, Bayambang, Territory: The provinces of Cama-
Pangasinan. rines Sur, Camarines Norte, Al-
Camiling Church, Camiling, Tar- bay, and Sorsogon, and the Is-
lac. lands of Ticao and Burias.
Candon Church, Abaya St., Can- Population: 800,000; churches,
don, Ilocos Sur. 8; members, 225.
Cuyapo Church, Otis St., Cuya-
po, Nueva Ecija. Office Address: Box 32, Legaspi,
Laoac Church, Laoac, Manaoag, Albay, P. I.
Pangasinan. Office located at Daraga, Albay,
Laoag Church, M. H. del Pilar P. I.
St., Laoag, Ilocos Norte.
Luilgog Church, Luilgog, Narva- Officers:
can, Ilocos Sur. Director and Treas., W. B. Riffel.
Nagtablaan Church, Nagtablaan, Sec., Fortunato Parlan.
Sta. Lucia, Ilocos Sur. Executive Committee: W. B.
Narvacan Church, Santa Lucia Riffel, Fortunato Parlan, Vi-
St., Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. cente Ganzon, Marcos Comilang,
Natividad Church, Natividad, Tranquilino Banday.
Pias-Carusocan Church, Provin- Department Secretaries:
cial Road, Carusocan, Asingan, Sabbath School, Mrs. W. B. Riffel.
Pangasinan. Field Miss., M. Mercado.
Pasuquin Church, Pasuquin, Ilo- Home Miss., Miss. Vol., M. Comi-
cos Norte. lang.
Pozorrubio Church, Pozorrubio, Religious Liberty, W. B. Riffel.
Pangasinan. Educational, Mrs. W. B. Rife!.
Rosales Church, Rosales, Pan-
gasinan. Ministers:
San Felipe Church, San Felipe, W. B. Riffel, Marcos Comilang,
San Nicolas, Pangasinan. Fortunato Parlan.
San Nicolas Church, San Nicolas, Missionary Licentiates:
Pangasinan. Mrs. W. B. Riffel, J. M. Imperio,
Solano Church, Solano, Nueva David Hizon, Crisanto Abellera,
Vizcaya. Vicente Ganzon, Francisco Duka,

Simon, Gabarra, Mrs. N. T. San Mission Committee: W. H.

Juan, Restituta Sotaso, Candido Bergherm, F. H. Jornada, Aquil-
Barnedo, M. Mercado. ino Same, Remigio Cahilig, Jo-
vito Naranjo, Pedro Diaz, Ray-
Church Directory: mund de la Paz.
Magarao Church, Magarao, Cam-
arines Sur. Department Secretaries:
Guinobatan Church, Guinobatan, Tract Society, Anatolio Alvarez.
Albay. Field Miss., acting, Jeronimo Ra-
Donsol Church, Donsol, Sorsogon. mos.
Bulan Church, Bulan, Sorsogon. Educational, Miss. Vol., and Sab.
Matnog Church, Matnog, Sorso- School, Pedro Diaz.
gon. Home Miss. and Religious Lib-
Daraga Church, Daraga, Albay. erty, F. H. Jornada.
San Roman Church, San Roman,
Daraga, Albay. Ministers:
Gate Church, Gate, Bulan, Sbr- Wm. H. Bergherm, F. H. Jor-
sogon. nada, A. C. Same.
Juan Golez, Remigio Cahilig, -
WEST VISAYAN MISSION . Conrad Tortal, Jovito Naranjo.
Organized 1914 Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: The provinces of Iloilo, Mrs. W. H. Bergherm, Maximino
Capiz, Antique, Romblon, and Lirazan, Adriano Aguirre, Pedro
Occidental Negros, The Cuyo Is- Diaz, Ciriaco Zarandona, Guil-
lands. lermo Pendon, F. de Pendon, Es-
Population: 1,407,508; churches, peranza de Tortal, Demetrio
44; members, 2,850. Juanillo, Demetrio Bautista,
Diego Sabrina, Balbino Tortal,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 271, Ilo- Soledad Escultor, Sabas Esmer-
ilo, Philippine Islands. alda, Anatolio Alvarez, Estela
de Asis, Restituto Tabares.
Office Address: 62 Luna St., La
Paz, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Church School Teachers:
Canuto Trinidad, Arturo Maca-
Officers: ciano, Angel Solivio, Teodorico
Director and Treas., Wm. H. Tortal, Vicenta de Trinidad,
Bergherm. Francisco Cabansag, Maria Bus-
Sec., Jovito Naranjo. tamante.


Organized 1917
Territory: British Malaya, British goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Borneo, Siam, French Indo-China. Settlements.
Population: 30,930,087; churches, Telegraphid Address: " Adventist,"
Singapore. Codes: A. B. C., 5th
14; m embership, '855. Edition, and Western Union,
Office Address: 399 Upper Saran- Five-letter Edition.

Officers: Cable Address: "Adventist Mis-

Supt., J. G. Gjording. sion," Jesselton.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, E. J. Office Address: Jesselton; British
Johanson. North Borneo.
Executive Committee: J. G.
Gjording, E. J. Johanson, H. I. Officers:
Smith, J. E. Gardner, M. D., Acting Director, J. W. Rowland.
V. E. Hendershot, L. B. Mershon, Acting Sec. and Treas., J. W.
F. A. Pratt, W. W. R. Lake, C. M. Rowland.
Lee, Phang Nyuk-thin, J. W. Executive Committee: J. W.
Rowland. Rowland, Lim Gin-djong, Tshi
Department Secretaries: Hwa-yin, L. Sibarani, Tshin Yin-
Educational, J. G. Gjording. yui, Chong Yun-ten, M. Agian.
Field and Home Miss., Department Secretaries:
Medical, J. E. Gardner, M. D.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., .Field and Home Miss., J. W.
Sabbath School; Educational, and
Ministers: Miss. Vol., Mrs. J. W. Rowland.
J. G. Gjording, G. B. Youngberg,
W. P. Barto, L. B. Mershon (on Minister: J. W. Rowland.
furlough), V. E. Hendershot, Licentiates:
Phang Nyuk-thin.
Tshin Yin-yui, Lim Gin-djong, L.
Licentiates: Sibarani, Tsen Shau-ths, M.
J. E. Gardner, M. D. (on fur- Agian, Chong Yun-ten, Tshi
lough), E. J. Johanson, F. L. Hwa-yin, Kong Tsun-min.
Bunch, Roger Altman, J. H. Stu- Missionary Licentiates:
ivenga, Paul Ritz.
Gulangsau, B. L. Tobing, Mrs. J.
Missionary Licentiates: W. Rowland.
H. I. Smith, L. Fox, S. Manga- Church School Teachers:
tas, Miss M. A. Rosenberg, Pan Yong Shui-hin, Kong Khi-fong,
Lok-liong, Chin Tau-ching, Lee Tan Tsak-yu, Tan Chin-khim,
Shin-chong, Khung Kiet-seng, M. Mrs. Tshi Hwa-yin, Lo Thau-
Arokiasamy, M. E. Diredja, yung, Yong Kyun-shin.
Mrs. G. B. Youngberg, Mrs. W.
P. Barto, Mrs. L. B. Mershon (on
furlough), Mrs. V. E. Hender-
shot, Mrs. J. E. Gardner (on fur- MALAY STATES MISSION
lough), Mrs. E. J. Johanson, Mrs.
F. L. Bunch, Mrs. R. Altman, Organized 1914
Mrs. J. H. Stuivenga, Mrs. H. I.
Smith, Mrs. L. Fox. Territory: Perak, Selangor, Negri
Sembilan, Pahang, Kedah, Perlis,
Kelantan, Trengganu, Penang,
Organized 1914 Population: 2,624,457; churches,
3; membership, 226.
Territory: British North Borneo,
Brunei, Labuan, Sarawak. Office Address: Bukit Bintang
Population: 883,255; churches, Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated
6; members, 251. Malay States.

Cable and Telegraphic Address: Ministers:

" Adventist Mission," Kuala F. A. Pratt, R. P. Abel (on fur-
Lumpur. lough).
Officers: Licentiates:
Director, Kon Vui-leong, Wan Yun-chong,
See. and Treas., . Djung Dzi-djen, Heng Seng-teck,
Executive Committee: Director, Missionary Licentiates:
Secretary-Treasurer, J. E. Gard- Mrs. F. A. Pratt, Mrs. R. P. Abel,
ner, M. D., J. J. Nallaiah, Chin Lee Kon-chung, Kho Tsui-seng,
Tau-yin, Phang Yin-hee. Boon Chuey.
Licentiates: Church School Teachers:
Chin Tau-yin, Phang Yin-bee, Miss Tio Mui-lang, Boon Nark.
Liew Chuk-san.
Missionary Licentiates:
J. J. Nallaiah, Liew Kam-min. SINGAPORE MISSION
Organized 1914
Church School Teachers:
Chong Yin, Yong Fook-choo, Lee Territory: Singapore Island, State
Chin-hin. of Johore.
Population: 703,146; churches,
4; membership, 274.
SIAM MISSION Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Organized 1919 " Adventist," Singapore.
Territory: Kingdom of Siam. Office Address: 186 Rangoon Road,
Population, 9,724,000; churches, Singapore, S. S.
1; membership, 104.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Director, W. W. R. Lake.
" Adventist Mission," Bangkok. Sec. and Treas., W. W. R. Lake.
Office Address: 903 Windmill Executive Committee: W. W.
R. Lake, C. M. Lee, 3. T. Pohan,
Road, Bangkok, Siam. Pan Ki-heng.
Officers: Department Secretary:
Director, F. A. Pratt. Sabbath School, Mrs. W. W. R.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. F. A. Pratt. Lake.
Executive Committee: F. A.
Pratt, Mrs. F. A. Pratt, R. P. Minister:
Abel (on fourlough), Kon Vui- W. W. R. Lake.
leong, Dr. Chan, Heng Seng-teck.
Department Secretaries: Licentiates:
Field Miss., R. P. Abel (on fur- Pan Ki-heng, J. T. Pohan.
Educational, F. A. Pratt. Missionary Licentiates:
Home Miss., Kon Vui-leong. Mrs. W. W. R. Lake, S. Richards,
Sabbath School, Mrs. F. A. Pratt. G. H. Siew, Ti Kam-chin.
Reorganized 1919
Territory: The Chinese Provinces L. Williams, K. 0. Tan, David
of Kwangsi, Kwangtung, Fu- Hwang.
kien; the Islands of Formosa,
Hainan; the Colony of Hong- Church Directory:
kong. Canton, 43 Nam Kwang, Che
Kwong Lai.
Population: 69,889,938; churches, Foochow City, Ching Du Guang.
42; members, 2,145. Hongkong, S. D. A. Hall, 7 Dud-
Telegraphic and Cable Address: dell St.
" Adventist," Hongkong.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310, CANTONESE MISSION
Hongkong, Chi na..
Territory: The Cantonese-speak-
Office Address: "La Rue Villa," ing portion of Kwangtung
Stubbs Road, at Repulse Bay Province; and Macao.
Road, Hongkong.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist,"
O fficers: Canton.
Stipt., C. C. Morris.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, P. L. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Williams. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Executive Committee: C. C.
Morris, P. L. Williams, J. P. Officers:
Anderson, D. S. Ho, S. A. Nagel, Director, A. L. Ham; Asso. Di-
T. K. Ang, N. K. Keh, B. L. An- rector, K. T. Khng.
derson, S. T. Lo, C. P. Chun, V. Sec., K. T. Khng.
J. Maloney, P. V. Thomas, T. P. Treas.,
Tshi, R. M. Milne, Mrs. C. C. Accountant, S. H. Ng.
Morris, S. L. Wang, T. S. Woo, Mission Committee: A. L. Ham,
A. L. Ham, D. D. Coffin, L. C. H. B. Parker, L. C. Wilcox, K. T.
Wilcox. Khng, S. L. Wong, T. S. Woo, C.
N. Tso.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., R. M. Milne. Department Secretaries:
Home Miss., C. C. Morris. Field Miss., F. K. Tom.
Educational and Miss. Vol., L. C. Sabbath School, H. S. Leung.
Wilcox. Educational, K. M. Sham.
Sabbath School, Mrs. C. C. Home Miss., K. M. Sham.
Medical, D. D. Coffin, M. D. Ministers:
A. L. Ham, S. L. Wong, H. B.
Minister: Parker, T. S. Woo, L. C. Wilcox,
C. C. Morris. C. N. Tso.
Licentiate: R. M. Milne. Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates: S. M. Cheung, P. L. Chan,
Mrs. C. C. Morris, Mrs. R. M. C. M. Kwok, F. K. Tam,
Mime. P. 1.. Williams, Mrs. P. C. L. Ma, S. Y. Lai, S. C.

Ha, K. M. Sham, H. K. Siu, C. C. Ng Yok Chhi, Lo Tet Tshien, Li

Chan, Y. T. Fung, W. H. Hoh, Yit Thin, Vun Shau Vun, Ho
Dr. Lung-Ping-Hang, S. H. Ng, Tshin, Wong. Tshau Sam, Li
T. M. Lai, H. S. Leung. Thau Fong, Lo Mo Yen, Liu
Thau On, Chu Tsu Tshiang,
Missionary Licentiates: Sung Nyuk Yi, Chong Sin Tso.
Mrs. H. B. Parker, Mrs. L. C.
Wilcox, Mrs. A. L. Ham, C. Church School Teachers: .
Y. Lai, H. H. Tam, Mrs. Mrs. Thsi Tsok, Phien, Ng Yuk
L. P. Chan, Miss Y. K. Chhi, Chin Chhun Fa, Chung Yuk
Leung, Mrs. T. S. Wu, P. T. Hon.
Lo, Y. N. Chow, Chow Sam Koo,
Mrs. K. P. Li, Y. M. Chiu, Miss
M. S. Wong, Miss M. K. Chan, KWANGSI MISSION
Dr. T. K. Wong, Miss C. S. Siu,
Mrs. K. H. Siu. Territory: The Province of Kwang-
si, and On Po, Ling Shan and
Yam Chow Districts in Kwang-
HAKKA MISSION Telegraphic Address: Adventist
Territory: The Hakka-speaking
Mission, Nanning.
port ion of the Provinces of Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Kwangtung and Fukien. Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist Officers:
Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung. Director and Minister, P. V.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sec. and Treas., P. V. Thomas.
Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Committee: P. V. Thomas, D. D.
Coffin, Nep Wan Ngai, Chun
Officers: Chuk Ping, Cheung Yan Kin, L.
Director, J. P. Anderson. F. Schutt.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. P. An-
derson. Licentiate:
Mission Committee: J. P. An- Dr. D. D. Coffin.
derson, Dr. H. C. James, Mrs. Missionary Licentiates:
J. P. Anderson, Lo Sin Tshoi,
Lo Tet Tsun, Li Yit Thin, Tshi Mrs. P. V. Thomas, L. F. Schutt,
Tsok Phien, Ng Yuk Pin, Chong Mrs. L. F. Schutt, Mrs. D. D.
Fa Min, Ho Tshin, Vun Shau Coffin, Nep Waji Ngai, Chun
Chuk Ping, Chau Hei Nien,
Laam Hung Tsoi, Lau Man
Ministers: Wing, Cheung Yan Kin, Cheung
J. P. Anderson, Lo Sin Tshoi, Pui Hung, Siu Kam Hing.
Tshi Tsok Phien, Chong Fa Min.
Dr. H. C. James, V. M. Hanson,
Lo Tet Tsun, Ng Yuk Pin. Territory: The northern portion
of the Province of Fukien.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. H. C. James, M. D., Mrs. J. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
P. Anderson, Mrs. V. M. Hansen, Foochow City, China.

Telegraphic Address: " Adventist SOUTH FUKIEN MISSION

Mission," Foochow.
Territory: The Anaoyese-speak-
Officers: ing portions of the Province of
Director, V. J. Maloney. Fukien; Formosa.
Sec. and Treas., H. N. Quade. Population: 12,000,000.
Mission Committee: V. J. Ma-
loney, H. N. Quade, Ling Sing Cable Address: " Adventist Mis-
Ca, Chai Guok Uong, Ging So sion," Amoy.
Tang, Eu Iong Ching, Ho Do Office Address: S. D. A. Mission;
Sing, Ling Die Go. Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Field Miss., Kiu Daik Bo. Director, B. L. Anderson.
Sabbath School, Ngu Ong Ing. (On furlough.)
Tract Society, Ging Neng Song. Sec. and Treas., E. E. Carman.
Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., (Acting Director.)
Cieng Dang U. Mission Committee: B. L. An-
Educational, H. N. Quade. derson, N. K. Keh, N. S. Tan,
C. T. Tan, E. E Carman, C. Y.
Minister: V. J. Maloney. Hung.
Licentiate: Department Secretaries:
IL N. Quade. Sabbath School, Mrs. B. L. An
derson (on furlough) Mrs. E.
Native Evangelists: E. Carman, Ang Kim Hi.
Chai Guok Uong, Die Ing Cui, Publishing, Ngo Eng Hwa.
Ding Chung Hung, Eu Iong Home Miss., T. S. Ngo.
Ching, Ging Ko Bing, Ging So Educational, K. T. So.
Tang, Ho Do Sing, Ho Haiu Miss. Vol, S. T. Hwang.
Hua, Iek Chung Guong, long Huo
King, Tong Ming Ong, Kiu Daik Ministers:
Bo, Ling Die Go, Ling Buo Hi, B. L. Anderson (on furlough), N.
Uong Ting Sing, Wong Bing K. Keh, E. E. Carman, C. Y.
Dung. Hung.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. V. J. Maloney, Mrs. H. N. Mrs. B. L. Anderson (on fur-
Quade. lough), Mrs. E. E. Carman.
Native Evangelists:
Bible Women:
C. T. Tan, N. S. Tan, T. H. Ho,
Ding Seuk Ching, Mrs. Ho Do I. L. Yang, So Khan Ti, So Chi
Sing, Ling Huoi Mu, Sia Seuk Tiong, Lee Sek Eng, Lim Chhau
Hiong. Eng.
Church School Teachers: Bible Women (native):
Chai Ung Gieu, Ciong Liong Ca, Iu Ban China, Sia Tsu Ko, Lim
Dang' Seuk Ing, Ding Ngiong Giok Tsu.
Ang, Uong Cong Keng.
Church School Teachers:
Church Directory: In Ho Tsu, Tiu Pheh Loan, Ang
Foochow City Church, Ching Du Un Tian, Keh Hong Mo, Lim.
Guang. Sun Hoa, Lim Iu Su.

SWATOW MISSION Tan Zui Cheng, Yong Su Khai,

Ng Hi Tong, David Huang.
Territory: The Easton: slope of
the province of Kwangtung. Missionary Licentiates:
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Mrs. I. B. Newcomb, Mrs. S. A.
Swatow. Nagel, Lim Pang Tau, Wong
Teng Cheng, Sng Cheng Hiok,
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Joseph Huang, Ng Mia. Cheng,
Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Kang Pun Cho, Gou Soh Lau,
Lee Theng Huang, Lee U Chiang,
Officers: Mrs. D. Huang, Mrs. Ic Mui
Director, S. A. Nagel. Cheng, Mrs. Tan Guki, Miss Lee
Sec. and Treas., I. B. Newcomb. Khiok Seng, Miss Khu Song
Department Secretaries: Honorary: Sng Khiam Tshong,
Tract Society, Joseph Huang. Tie Khiok Meng, Khu Keng
Sabbath School, Mrs. S. A. Nagel. Thang.
Ministers: Church School Teachers:
S. A. Nagel, T. K. Ang. Ang Tsu Chhai, Mrs. David
Huang, Miss Li Khiok Seng, Ng
Licentiates: Mia Cheng, Lee Theng Huang,
I. B. Newcomb, Tan Hiong Tsun, Ic Mui Cheng.


Organized 'gig.
Territory: The Provinces of Sze- Field Miss. and Home Miss., C.
chwan, Yunnan, Kweichow. A. Woolsey.
Population: 95,979,380; churches, Educational
10; members, 385. Minister:
Telegraph Address: " Adventist M. C. Warren.
Mission," Chungking. Licentiate: C. A. Woolsey.
Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Missionary Licentiates:
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. C. A.
Officers: Woolsey.
Supt., M. C. Warren.
Sec. and Treas., M. C. Warren.
Executive Committee: M. C. EAST KWEICHOW MISSION
Warren, Dr. J. N. Andrews, A.
E. Hughes, C. A. Woolsey, Mrs. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kwei-
M. C. Warren, J. Effenberg, yang, Kweichow, China.
Hwang Dzi Gin, Ho Ai Deng, C. Officers:
B. Miller, H. K. Smith.
Director, H. K. Smith.
Department Secretaries: Sec. and Treas., A. B. Buzzell.
Sabbath School, Mrs. M. C. War-
ren. Licentiate; H. K. Smith,


Missionary Licentiates: WEST KWEICHOW MISSION

A. B. Buzzell, Mrs. A. B. Buzzell,
Mrs. H. K. Smith, Li Wan Chuen. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh,
Kweichow, China.
Sec. and Treas., N. J. Lee.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chung- Mission Committee: Ho Ai Deng,
king, Szechwan, China. N. J. Lee, Gao Sang Lu, Lo Wen
Officers: Bi, Kwang Yu Tsen.
Director, J. Effenberg. Department Secretaries:
Sec. and Treas., M. C. Warren. Sabbath School, N. J. Lee.
Mission Committee: J. Effen- Educational, Gao Sang Lu.
berg, M. C. Warren, Hwang Dzi
Chiang, Wang An Hsi, Li Gen Minister:
Yu, Liu Yu Hsiang. Ho Ai Deng.
Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:
Sab. School, Hwang Dzi Chiang. Lo Wen Bi, Kwang Yu Tsen,
Educational, Liu Yu Hsiang. Gao Sang Lu, N. J. Lee, Tsen
Gwei Guin, Lo Gwei I, Dzu Yeh
Ministers: Hsi, Tsen Lu Deb, Lo Fu Ren.
J. Effenberg, Shi Ru Lin, Wang
An Hsi. Church School Teachers:
Lin Chi Min, Nina E. Lee, Mrs.
Licentiate: Ho, Lo Yun Chin.
Li Gen Yu.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. J. Effenberg, Giang Dzen WEST SZECHWAN MISSION
Hwa, Yang Gi Dzou, Liu Ru
Gieh, Liu Deb San, Den Ru Address: S. D. A. Mission, Cheng-
Hsieh, Hwang Dzi Chiang, Liu tu, Szechwan, China.
Yu Hsiang, Chuen Tin Wan.
Church School Teachers: Officers:
Giang Ho Chow, Tsen Sang Dzi, Director, A. E. Hughes.
Wang Si Mu, Dzan Shi Gwang, Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Emma N.
Gao Dzao Lin,.Tsen Gien Wen. Hughes.
A. E. Hughes, Hwang Dzi Gin.
TIBETAN MISSION Missionary Licentiates:
Tsao Deh Ren, Gwei Hou An, Yu
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Ta- Tsei MM, Dzen Fu Yun, Tsen
tsienlu, Szechwan, China. Hera Hsuen, Tsen Reh Dzi, Lu
Officers: Din Fang.
Director, Dr. J. N. Andrews.
Sec. and Treas., R. H. Hartwell.
Dr. J. N. Andrews, R. H. Hart- Address: S. D, A. Mission, Yun-
well. nanfu, Yunnan, China.
Missionary Licentiates: Officers:
Mrs. J. N. Andrews, Mrs. R. H. Director, C. B. Miller.
Hartwell, Wu Yun Sec, and Treas., D. R, Wbite.

Licentiate: C. B. Miller. INSTITUTIONS 01 FAR EAST-

Missionary Licentiates:
D. R. White, Mrs. D. R. White, Educational:
Mrs. C. B. Miller, Feng Deh Sen, Anhwei Junior Middle School, 17
Mrs. Dora Lee. Goa Lou Men, Nanking,
Kiangsu, China.
Batakland English School, Sipo-
goe, Post Sipirok, Tapanoeli,
SUNGARI-MONGOLIAN Sumatra, Netherlands East
(Not a part of any Union Mission Canton Middle School, Tung-
in China) shan, Canton, China.
Organized 1925 China Theological Seminary,
Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu,
Territory: Mongolia, and Russians Kiangsu Province, China.
in Manchuria. Chosen Union Training School,
Soonan, Chosen (Korea).
Population: 8,000,000; churches, 2; Far Eastern Academy, 32 Ning-
members, 440. kuo Road, Shanghai, China.
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Fireside Correspondence School:
Harbin. Far Eastern Branch, 31 Ning-
kuo Road, Shanghai, China.
Postal Address: Post Box 20, New Foochow Intermediate School,
Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Foochow, China.
Hankow Junior Middle School,
Officers: Wang Gai Dun, Hankow, Hu-
Acting Supt., NI. Popov. peh, China.
Sec. and Treas., K. Savitsky. Honan Junior Middle School, Lo-
Executive Committee: M. Po- wanho, Yencheng, Honan.
pov, K. Savitsky, B. Brashnikoff, China.
K. Koralloshvili. Hunan Provincial Junior Middle
School, Changsha, Hunan.
Department Secretaries: China.
Sabbath School, Mrs. E. I. Brash- Japan Mission Training Schsmi,
nikoff. Kimitsu-gun, Chiba, Japan.
Field Miss and Home Miss., M. Kiangsu Junior Middle school.
Popov. 31 Range Road, Shanghai,
Educational and Miss. Vol., A. China.
Ivanoff. Malaysian Union Seminary, 399
Upper Sera ngoon Road, Singa-
Minister: pore, Straits Settlements.
M. Popov. Manchuria Provincial School.
S. D. A. Mission, Mukden,
Licentiates: Manchuria.
P. Maevsky, K. Koralloshvili, M. North China Junior Middle
Kalabugin, B. Brashnikoff, K. School, Tsinanfu, Shantung,
Savitsky, N. Mersliakoff. China.
Philippine Junior College, 239-
Missionary Licentiates: 251 Luna St.. Pasay, Rizal,
A. Kirilloff, N. Dimoff, V. Suda- Philippine Islands.
reff, N. Jeldack, S. Oriel, A. Hal- Shanghai School of Mandarin
turin, I. Mal-hev, B. Poroshen- Studies, 31 Ningkuo Road,
kov, F. Kosizin. Shanghai, China.

Shanghai Training School for Medical:

Nurses. Postal Address, Box Shanghai Sanitarium. Postal
1281. 150 Rubicon Road Address, Box 1281. 150 Rubi-
Shanghai, China. con Road, Shanghai China;
Sino-American Middle School, also a branch establishment at
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. 35 Range Road, Shanghai,
South Chekiang Junior Middle China.
School, Wenehow, Chekiang,
China. Nanning Hospital - Dispensary,
Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Publishing: Soonan Hospital - Dispensary,
Japanese Publishing House, WI Soonan, Chosen.
Amanurna, Suginaini - maelii, Yencheng Hospital-Dispensary,
Toyotarna-gun, Tokyo Fu, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan,
Japan. Postal Address: Box China.
7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Tatsienlu Dispensary, Tatsien-
Japan. lu, Szechwan, China.
Malaysian Signs Press, 399 Up- Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary,
per Serangoon Road, Singa-
Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan,
pore, Straits Settlements. Kwangtung, China.
Philippine Publishing House,
239-251 Calle Luna, Pasay, Canton Dispensary, 42 Nam
Rizal, Philippine Islands. Kwan, Chekwang Lai, Canton,
Postal Address: Box 813, Ma- China.
nila, Philippine Islands. Chiao Ton Djen Hospital-Dispen-
Signs of the Times Publishing sary, China Theological Semi-
House, 25 Ningkuo Road, nary, Chiao Tou Djen, via
Shanghai, China. Slash-6, Kiangsu, China.
Signs of the Times Publishing S. D. A. Mission Clinic, 108 Mun-
House, Outside East Gate, tri St., Penang, Straits Settle-
Seoul. Chosen (Korea). ments.
Sungari-Mongolian Mission Press Waichow S. D. A. Hospital-Dis-
(for Russian and Mongolian), pensary, Adventist Mission,
P. 0. Box 20, Newtown, Harbin, Waichow, Kwano.-tung, China
'Manchuria, China. Japan S. D. A. Hospital-Dispen-
Tibetan Mission Press, Tatsienlu, sary, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0.,
Szechwan, China. Toyko, Japan.
Organized 1916

Territory: The Austral and South Editors:

Brazil Union Conferences, and Edgar Brooks, M. I. Fayard,
the Inca and East Brazil Union Berger Johnson.
Population: 64,981,106; churches, EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT
181; members, 19,252.
Secretary, C. P. Crager.
Cable Address: " Division," Bue-
nos Aires. Western Union Code Other Members:
Five-letter Edition or A B C, J. S. Marshall, H. B. Lundquist,
Fifth Edition. G. B. Taylor, W. E. Murray, C.
D. Striplin, L. G. Jorgensen, J.
Office Address: Calle Pino 3801, M. Howell, David Lust, J. W.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Westphal, G. F. Ruf.
Pres., C. B. Haynes. PARTMENT
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. L.
Bauer. Secretary, C. P. Crager.
Transportation Agent, F. C. Other Members:
Varney. H. B. Lundquist, C. D. Striplin, L.
Executive Board: C. B. Haynes, G. Jorgensen, G. F. Ruf, J. H.
C. L. Bauer, J. W. Westphal, Roth, W. E. Murray, R. R.
E. H. Wilcox, E. L. Maxwell, Breitigam.
V. E. Peugh, N. P. Neilsen C. P.
Crager, J. L. Brown, R. R. Breiti-
Field Sec., J. W. Westphal.
Secretary, C. P. Crager.
Other Members:
PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT H. B. Lundquist, L. G. Jorgensen,
C. D. Striplin, Teresa Krieghoff,
Sec., J. L. Brown. R. Belz.
General Members:
C. B. Haynes, J. W. Westphal, HOME MISSIONARY DEPART-
E. H. Wilcox, C. L. Bauer, E. L. MENT
Maxwell, V. E. Peugh, N. P.
Neilsen. Secretary, R. R. Breitigam.
Managers of Publishing Houses: General Members:
C. B. Haynes, E. H. Wilcox, C. L.
M. V. Tucker, F. W. Spies. Bauer, E. L. Maxwell, V. E.
Union Field Miss. Secretaries: Peugh, N. P. Neilsen.
M. Margarido, J. D. Lorenz, Union Home Miss. Secretaries:
Benedicto Silveira, W. R. Per- H. F. Brown, G. F. Ruf, J. D.
gande. Lorenz, E. H. Wilcox.


TIALS FROM THE SOUTH G. B. Taylor, Edgar Brooks.
Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: C. L. Bauer, F. C. Varney, Gmo.
C. B. Haynes, J. W. Westphal, Everist, Teresa Krieghoff, Etta
C. P. Crager, R. R. Breitigam, F. Hewgley, M. V. Tucker, M. I.
W. Spies, J. B. Johnson, J. L. Fayard, A. Pages, H. B. Fisher,
Brown. W. G. Lawson.


Organized 1906

Territory: The Conferences of Home Miss., H. F. Brown.

Buenos Aires, Chile, and North Sabbath School, C. D. Striplin.
Argentina; and the mission fields
of Alto Parana, Mendoza, Magal- Ministers:
lanes, and Uruguay. E. L. Maxwell, H. F. Brown,
Santiago Mangold, C. D. Striplin,
Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos V. E. Thomann, E. W. Thomann.
Aires, S. A.
Telegraphic Address: Austral," Licentiates:
Florida, B. A. J. S. Marshall, J. H. Meier, Har-
old Brown, C. E. Westphal, M. D.
Telephone Number: Florida 236.
Office Address: Calle Esteban Ech- Missionary Licentiates:
everrfa 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., F. C. Varney, W. R. Pergande, 0.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Oppegard, Lydia G. de Oppegard,
America. 0. H. Maxson, G. B. Replogle, M.
D., Freda Trefz, I. E. Mohr, H, E.
Population: 16,716,702; churches, Herman, M. D., P. H. Smith, Mrs.
70; members, 3,877. J. H. Meier, Mrs. J. S. Marshall,
Mrs. H. C. Brown, Celia Peverini,
Officers: S. R. Penis, P. E. Wensell.
Pres., E. L. Maxwell.
Sec. and Treas., F. C. Varney.
Executive Committee: E. L.
Maxwell, F. C. Varney, J. H. ALTO PARANA MISSION
Roth, T. L. Oswald, H. F. Brown, Organized 1906
Dr. C. E. Westphal, J. S. Mar-
shall, C. E. Krieghoff, W. A. Territory: Paraguay, Province of
Ernenputsch, C. D. Striplin, W. Corrientes, and the Territories
H. Pergande, M. V. Tucker. of Misiones, Chaco, Formosa, in
Department Secretaries:* Population: 1,577,961; churches,
Field Miss., W. R. Pergande. 11; members, 520.
Educational and Miss. Vol., C. D.
Striplin. Office Address: San Martin 1472,
Medical Miss., Dr. C. E. West- Corrientes, Argentina, South
phal. America.

Officers: Department Secretaries:

Supt., W. A. Ernenputsch. Tract Society, J. A. Ayvazian.
Sec. and Treas., D. J. Weiss. Field Miss., P. R. Tabuenca.
Executive Committee: W. A. Sabbath School and Home Miss.,
Ernenputsch, D. J. Weiss, Felipe Miss. Vol. and Educational, .
Department Secretaries: L. A. Rojas, A. M. Buzgherian,
Tract Soc., D. J. Weiss. P. M. Brouchy.
Field Miss.,
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Licentiates:
Miss. Vol., . Godofredo Block (h), C. D. Chris-
tensen, P. R. Tabuenca.
W. A. Ernenputsch, Felipe Sitt- Missionary Licentiates:
ner. J. A. Ayvazian, Miss M. M. Cao,
Miss Matilde Gentile.
Licentiate: Mateo Leytes.
Church School Teachers:
Missionary Licentiates: Miss L. Frey, Mrs. C. D. Striplin,
D. J. Weiss, Juan Wedekamper, T. E. Block.
Alejandro Cecotto.
Church School Teachers:
Juan Wedekamper, Marl a CHILE CONFERENCE
Schimpf, Donato Sabino, Estela Organized 1907
Territory: Chile, South America,
(except Territory of Magellan).
BUENOS AIRES CONFERENCE Population: 3,951,842; churches,
15; members, 1,249.
Organized 1921
Territory: City of Buenos Aires, Cable Address: "Adventist,- San-
tiago, Chile, South America.
Province of Buenos Aires, Ter-
ritory of La Pampa, Territory Office Address: Casilla 2830, San-
of Rio Negro, Territory of tiago, Chile, South America.
Population: 4,915,018; churches,
11; members, 573.
Pres., T. L. Oswald.
Sec. and Treas., G. E. Emmen-
Office Address: Llavallol 2175, egger.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Province of Executive Committee: T. L.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Oswald, G. E. Emmenegger,
America. J. M. Howell, Walter Schubert,
J. D. Leslie, J. C. Dessignet, E. R.
Officers: Kunstmann.
Sec. and Treas., J. A. Ayvazian. Department Secretaries:
Executive Committee: Tract Society, G. E. Emmenegger.
J. A. Ayvazian, L. A. Rojas, Field Miss., .1. D. Leslie.
P. M. Brouchy, P. R. Tabuenca, Sabbath School, G. E. Emmeneg-
Juan Ferri, M. I. Fayard. ger.

Miss. Vol. and Home Miss., E. R. Address: Mendoza, Argentina.

Educational, J. M. Howell. Officers:
Director, Ignacio Kalbermatter.
T. L. Oswald, W. Schubert, A. Minister:
Berchin, Andres Ascione. Ignacio Kalbermatter.
J. D. Leslie, G. E. Emmenegger,
Carlos Mayr, E. R. Kunstmann, NORTH ARGENTINE CON-
J. M. Howell, Luis Griott. FERENCE
Missionary Licentiates: Organized 1921
Eliel Almonte, Hugo Beskow,
Annie Cameron, Corina Navar- Territory: Provinces of Entre Rfos,
rete, Juan Pidoux, H. P. Beskow. Santa Fa, Cordoba, Santiago del
Estero, Tucuman, Catamarca,
Church School Teachers: Rioja, Salta, Jujuy, Gobernacian
Hevila Soto, Alfredo Aeschli- de los Andes.
mann, Mrs. E. P. Olivares, Ed-
uardo Torreblanca, Sara Balbon- Area: 527,205 sq. miles.
tin, Carmen Faye.
Population: 3,872,877; churches,
24; members, 1,185.

MAGELLAN MISSION Office Address: Cervantes 144.

Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina,
Territory: Territories of Chubut, South America.
Santa Cruz, Tierra de Fuego
(Land of Fire) in Argentina. Officers:
Territory of Magellan in Chile, Pres., J. H. Roth.
and the Falkland Islands. Sec and Treas.,
Executive Committee: J. H.
Population: 88,590; church, 1; Roth, R. R. Saunders, 0. H. Max-
members, 12. son, Samuel C. Weber, Josd
Weiss, Natalio Pidoux.
Office Address: Casilla. 43, Punta
Arenas, Chile. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Field Miss., R. R. Saunders.
Director, C. A. Andersen. Sabbath School,
Educational and Miss Vol., J. H.
Minister: Roth.
C. A. Andersen. Home Miss.,
J. H. Roth, S. C. Weber, Godo-
Territory: Provinces of Mendoza, Licentiate: Gamilo Gil.
San Juan, and San Luis, Argen- Missionary Licentiates:
R. R. Saunders, Ernesto Steger,
Population: 670,200; church, 1; Max. J. Salvini, Hdctor J. Peve-
members, 46. rini, Ida E. Beskow, Luisa Chini.

Church School Teachers: Officers:

Conrado Hertlein, Ema Sailer, Supt., C. E. Krieghoff.
Ana R. de Hertlein, Olga Trenk- Sec. and Treas., Ner Soto.
ler, Julia Roscher, Daniel Weiss, Executive Committee: C. E.
Laura Ernst, Elvira Peverini, Krieghoff, Ner Soto, W. B. Mira-
Eduardo Heyde, Jorge F. Sittner, montes, Julio Ernst, Alejandro
Santiago Sittner, Guillermo Ernst, Carlos Gerber (h), Jose
Ernst, Maria Julia Ernst, Emilia Vinolo.
Frey, Eloida Roster', Emilia Department Secretaries:
Schreiber, Elisa Sittner. Tract Society, Ner Soto.
Field Miss., Jose Viiiolo.
Home Miss. and Sabbath School,
C. E. Krieghoff.
URUGUAY MISSION Miss. Vol., Ner Soto.
Organized 1906 Ministers:
C. E. Krieghoff, Luis Ernst, A.
Territory: Uruguay Republic, R. Sherman, W. B. Miramontes.
South America.
Missionary Licentiates:
Population: 1,640,214; churches, Ner Soto, Jose Vinolo, Esteban
7; members, 292. Cairns.
Office Address: Calle Guaviye 2532, Church School Teachers:
Montevideo, Uruguay, South Edith B. Rhys, Ana Krieghoff,
America. Adela Dupertuis.


Organized 1919
Territory: State of Minas Geraes, - Officers:
the Federal District and the Supt., E. H. Wilcox.
States of Rio de Janeiro, Espi- Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner.
rito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Ala- Executive Committee: E. H.
goas, Pernambuco, Parahyba, Wilcox, U. Wissner, E. M. Davis,
Rio Grande de Norte, Piauhy, L. G. Jorgensen, L. B. Halliwell,
Ceare, Maranhao, Para, Am- H. G. Stoehr, C. C. Schneider,
azonas, Acre. Ricardo J. Wilfart, E. P. Man-
sell, Benedict Silveira, G. B.
Population: 25,764,404; churches, Taylor.
25; members, 2,156. Legal Assn.: " Assoeiacito da
Unifto Este Brasileira dos Ad-
Cable Address: "Adventista," ventistas do Setimo Dia.
Rio de Janeiro.
Department Secretaries:
Postal and Office Address: Rua Field Miss., Benedict Silveira.
Oswaldo Cruz 32, Nictheroy, Miss. Vol., Sabbath School and
Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Educational, L. G. Iorgensen.
South America. Home Miss., E. H. Wilcox.

Ministers: Officer:
E. H. Wilcox, L. G. Jorgensen, Supt., L. B. Halliwell.
Ricardo J. Wilfart. Minister: L. B. Halliwell.
Licentiate: Benedicto Silveira.
Missionary Licentiate:
Established 1919
BAHIA MISSION Territory: The State of Minas
Established 1919
Population: 6,902,511; churches,
Territory: States of Bahia and 4; members, 212.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal tfl,
Population: 4,383,336; churches, Juiz de Fora, Minas Geraes, Bra-
4; members, 210. zil, South America.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 198, Office Address: Rua Mariano Pro-
Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil, copio 679, Mariano Proeopio,
South America. Minas Geraes, Brazil, South
Office Address: Rua do Travasso
50. Officers:
Officers: Supt., E. M. Davis.
Supt., Sec. and Treas., Edwin Langen-
Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. strassen.

Department Secretary: Department Secretary:

Field Miss., Jose Seabra. Field Miss., Saturnino Mendes
de Oliveira.
Minister: G. Storch.
Missionary Licentiates: E. M. Davis.
C. P. Leite, Jose Seabra.
Missionary Licentiate:
Church School Teachers:
Philonilla Assumpcao, Cordelia Saturnino Mendes de Oliveira.
Brannao de Carvalho. Church School Teachers:
Margarida Buhler, Deodoro Bar-
Established 1927
Territory: Ceara, Piauhy, Maran-
hao, Para, Amazonas, Acre. Established 1916
Population: 5,091,698; churches, Territory: The States of Pernam-
1; membership, 18. buco, Alagoas, Parahyba, and
Rio Grande do Norte.
Postal Address: Rua de Industria
82, Caixa Postal 658, Belem, Population: 5,594,518; elm-chest 5;
Para, South America. members, 355.

Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378, Department Secretary:

Recife, Pernambuco, Br a zi 1, Field Miss., Raul Cordeiro de
South America. Araujo.
Office Address: Rua Mamede Si- Minister: H. G. Stoehr.
moes 144, Pernambuco, Brazil,
South America. Licentiate: Guilherme Denz.
Officers: Missionary Licentiates:
Supt., E. P. Mansell. Otto M. Groescbel, Clara Ebin-
Sec. and Treas., G. F. Ebinger. ger, Raul Cordeiro de Araujo.
Department Secretary: Church School Teachers:
Field Miss., Jose Moraes. Alberto Knuepfer, Emilio Storch,
Licentiates: Conrado Stoehr, Maria Denz,
E. P. Mansell, J. A. Silveira. Samuel Thomas.

Missionary Licentiates:
M. P. Silva, Guilherme Ebinger.
Church School Teacher:
Julia de Araujo. Established 1910
Territory: City of Rio de Janeiro,
Nictheroy, and Governer Island.
Population: 2,704,890; churches,
Established 1919 4; members, 616.
Territory: State of Espirito Santo
and the northern part of the Postal Address: Rua Maia Lacerda
State of Rio de Janeiro. 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Population: 1,087,451; churches,
7; members, 745.
Supt., C. C. Schneider.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 3941, Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner.
Victoria, Estado do Espirito
Santo, Brazil, South America. Department Secretary:
Field Miss., Benedicto Silveira.
Office Address: Avenida Capichaba
53, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Minister: C. C. Schneider.
Santo, Brazil, South America.
Licentiate: Jose dos Passos.
Supt., H. G. Stoehr. School Teachers:
Sec. and Treas., Otto M. Groe- Alzira de Sonza Barros, Renato
schel. Bivar, Elvira Buehler.
Organized 1 914
Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Telegraphic Address: " Adven-
Lake Titicaca, Peruvian, and tista," La Paz, Bolivia.
Amazon Missions.
Postal Address: Casilla 355, La
Population: 10,500,000; churches, Paz, Bolivia, South America.
37; members, 9,323.
Office Address: Calle Recreo, No.
Cable Address: " Incaunion," Lima, 68.
Office Address: Avda. Comandante Supt., L. D. Minner.
Espinar, near Calle Angamos, Sec. and Treas., Santiago
Miraflores, Lima, Peru, South Schmidt.
Executive Committee: L. D. Min-
Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima, ner, Santiago Schmidt, D. E.
Peru, South America. Dalinger, J. D. Replogle, J. H.
Supt., V. E. Peugh. Department Secretaries:
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Phillips. Tract Society, Santiago Schmidt.
Executive Committee: V. E. Sabbath School, Educational, and
Peugh, W. E. Phillips, H. B. Miss. Vol., L. D. Minner.
Lundquist, J. D. Lorenz, F. A. Home Miss. and Field Miss.,
Stahl, F. E. Bresee, Orley Ford, Ministers:
L. D. Minner, J. T. Thompson.
L. D. Minner, D. E. Dalinger, J.
Department Secretaries: D. Replogle.
Educational, Miss. Vol., and Missionary Licentiates:
Sabbath School, H. B. Lund-
quist. Santiago Schmidt, Niels Wensell,.
Field and Home Miss., J. D. J. H. Worden, Mateo Urbina,
Lorenz. Inocencio Chuquimia, Leon Re-
plogle, C. Diaz.
V. E. Peugh, H. B. Lundquist, J.
D. Lorenz.
Missionary Licentiates:
W. E. Phillips, Nicanor Moreno, Established 1906
David Lust.
Territory: Republic of Ecuador
South America.
BOLIVIA MISSION Churches: 3, members, 46.
Established 1907
Cable Address: " Adventista,"
Territory: Republic of Bolivia, Cajabamba.
South America.
Postal Address: Cajabamba, Ecua-
Churches: 8; members, 1,112. dor, South America.

Officers: Licentiates:
Supt., Orley Ford. C. H. Baker, Luciano Chambi,
Sec. and Treas., W. E. Phillips. Rufus. Roy, Jacob Wagner, Juan
Plenc, I. E. Maxwell, H. M. Col-
Department Secretaries: burn.
Field Miss., J. M. Linares.
Missionary Licentiates:
Orley Ford. P. H. Barnes, Guy Lodge, Dr. M.
B. Graybill, J. C. Ruskjer, Luis
Licentiate: G. A. Schwerin. Leichner, Alfredo. Biaggi, Mrs.
W. E. Murray, Mrs. G. F. Lodge,
Missionary Licentiates: Benigno Chavaria, Mariano Cha-
Te6filo Sanchez, RamOn RedIn, varia, Cipriano Ccacallaca, Ju-
Mateo Mamani, J. M. Linares. lian Yanque, Apolinario Ruiz, F.
G. Ruiz.


Established 1916 Cable and Telegraphic Address:
" Adventista," Tingo, Peru.
Territory: Departments of Puno, Postal Address: Casilla 252, Are-
Madre de Dios, Cuzco, Arequipa, quipa, Peru, South America.
Moquegua in Peril
Churches: 12; members, 7,340.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Pu- PERUVIAN MISSION
no, Peril. Established 1906
Office Address: Calle Acora No. 6,
Puno, Peru. Territory: Republic of Peru, ex-
cepting the Departments making
Postal Address: Casilla 85, Puno, up the Lake Titicaca and Ama-
Pert, South America. zon Missions.
Officers: Churches: 12; members, 645.
Supt., F. E. Bresee.
Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn. Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Executive Committee: F. E. " Adventista," Lima, Peru.
Bresee, P. H. Barnes, W. E. Mur-
ray, Dr. M. B. Graybill, H. D. Office Address: Plazuela de San
Isaac, Juan Plenc, H. M. Colburn. Francisco 350, Lima, Peru, South
Department Secretaries:
Tract Society, H. M. Colburn. Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima,
Educational, Miss. Vol., and Sab- Peru, South America.
bath School, H. D. Isaac.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., Officers:
Apolinario Ruiz. Supt., J. T. Thompson.
Medical, Dr. M. B. Graybill. Sec. and Treas., V. L. Gambetta,
Executive Committee: J. T.
Ministers: Thompson, V. L. Gambetta, A.
F. E. Bresee, H. D. Isaac, W. E. R. Dennis, Santiago Silva, II. B.
Murray. Christianson.

Department Secretaries: Huallaga River and the portion

Tract Soc., V. L. Gambetta. of the Department of Junin east
Sab. School, Educational, and of the rerene River, but not in-
Miss. Vol., H. B. Lundquist. cluding La Merced, in the Peru
Field and Home Miss., Robert Mission.
Maxson. Churches: 2; members, 178.
Ministers: Cable and Telegraphic Address:
J. T. Thompson, G. D. Klatt. " Adventista," Iquitos, Peru.
Licentiates: Postal Address: Casilla 161, Iqui-
Pedro Kalbermatter, A. R. Den- tos, Peru, South America.
nis, H. B. Christianson.
Missionary Licentiates: Supt., F. A. Stahl.
V. L. Gambetta, Santiago Silva, Sec. and Treas., W. E. Phillips.
Augusto Amords, Robert Max-
son. Minister:
F. A. Stahl.
Wm. Schaefiler, H. J. Westphal.
Organized 1927
Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: The Department of B. Chavez, J. P. Ramos, R. V.
Loreto, that part of the Depart- Pacho, Raffl Chavez, Samuel
ment of Hutinuco east of the Condori.


Organized nu
Territory: The Conferences of Rio Officers:
Grande do Sul, SAo Paulo, and Pres., N. P. Neilsen.
the mission fields of Santa Sec., Treas., and Auditor, G. E.
Catharina-Parana, Goyaz, and Hartman.
Matto Grosso.
Executive Committee: N. P.
Population: 12,000,000; churches, Neilsen, G. E. Hartman, G. F.
49; members, 3,896. k Ruf, A. C. Harder, Germano
Streithorst, Ennis V. Moore, F.
Cable Address: " Adventista," W. Spies, G. B. Taylor, Manoel
Paulo. Margarido.
Office Address: Avenida Alameda Legal Assn.: " AssociacAo dos
dos Cahetds, 30, Bairro Indian- Adventistas do setimo dia no
opolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Brazil."
America. (Do not send mail Department Secretaries:
Field Miss., Manoel Margarido.
Post Office Address: Caixa Postal Sabbath School, G. E. Hartman.
2898, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Home Miss., Educational, and
South America. Miss. Vol., G. F. Ruf.

Ministers: Postal Address: Praca da Repub-

N. P. Neilsen, G. F. Ruf, H. B. lica 24, Campo Grande, Matto
Westcott. Grosso, Brazil, South America.
Licentiate: Manoel Margarido. Officer:
Missionary Licentiate: Supt., Max Rhode.
G. E. Hartman.
Licentiate: Max RhMe.


Established 1928
Territory: The territory adjacent CONFERENCE
to the Araguaya River in the
States of Goyaz and Matto Organized 1906
Grosso, Brazil.
Territory: The State of Rio Grande
Churches: 1; members, 7. do Sul, Brazil.
Postal Address: Leopoldina, Goyaz, Population: 2,500,000; churches,
Brazil. 22; members, 1,136.
Officer: Telegraphic Address: " Advent-
Supt., A. N. Allen. ista," Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Minister: A. N. Allen. Office Address: Avenida Bom
Fim 1004, Porto Alegre, Rio
Missionary Licentiate: Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
Emilio Gutzeit. America.
Postal Address: Caixa. Postal 106,
GOYAZ MISSION Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil, South America.
Established 1927
Territory: The State of Goyaz. Pres., A. C. Harder.
Population: 600,000; churches, Sec. and Treas., G. Doerner.
1; members, 42. Executive Committee: A. C..
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 2898, Harder, Guilherme Doerner, J. M.
Sao Paulo, Estado de Sao Paulo, Zeroth, Domingos Peixoto, Josd
Brazil. Kuempel, Joao Ferreira, Arthur
Rodrigues de Azevedo.
Legal Assn., " Associacao dos
Supt., N. P. Neilsen. Adventistas do setimo dia no
Rio Grande do Sul."

MATTO GROSSO MISSION Department Secretaries:

Tract Society, Guilherme Doer-
Established 1921 ner.
Territory: The State of Matto Field Missionary, J. M. Zeroth.
Grosso, Brazil. Home Miss. and Educational, A.
C. Harder.
Population: 400,000; churches, Sab. School, Guilherme Doerner.
1; members, 39. Missionary Volunteer, .

Ministers: Sabbath School, Home Miss., and

A. C. Harder, Domingos Peixoto. Miss. Vol., R. W. Belz.
Honorary: G. F. Graf. Educational, E. V. Moore.

Missionary Licentiates: Ministers:

E. V. Moore, Luiz Braun, Jose
Guilherme Doerner, Otto Keppke, A. dos Reis.
J. M. Zeroth, Jose Mendes Ra-
bello. Licentiates:
R. W. Belz, J. G. Garcia.
Church School Teachers:
Henrique Knoener, Federico Missionary Licentiates:
Stuhlmann, Roberto Mendes de Emilio Doehnert, Olinda Bel-
Oliveiro, Oliveiro Mendes Ra- choir, Iracema Zorub.
bello, Querino Dau, Frieda
Schenck. Church Directory:
Sao Paulo (Capital), Rua Taguft
Church Directory: No. 14.
Porto Alegre, Avenida Bom Fini
Reorganized 1927
Organized 1922
Territory: States of Santa Cathar-
Territory: The State of Sao Paulo ina and Parana.
and the Southwest corner of the
State of Minas Geraks, Brazil, Population: 1,500,000; churches,
South America. 17; members, 1,378.
Population: 7,000,000; churches, Telegraphic Address: " Adven-
7; members, 1,301. tista," Curityba, Brazil.
Telegraphic Address: " Advent- Office Address: Rua Saldanha Ma-
ista," Sao Paulo, Brazil. rinho 169, Curityba, Parana,
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 1830, Brazil, South America.
Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Postal Address: Caixa Postal H,
Curityba, Parana., Brazil.
Office Address: Rua Tagua, No 14,
Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Mail should
not be sent to this address.) Supt., Germano Striethorst.
See. and Treas., Germano Ritter.
Officers: Executive Committee: Germano
Pres., E. V. Moore. Streithorst, Germano Ritter, A.
Sec. and Treas., . E. Hagen, A. L. Westphal, K.
Executive Committee: E. V. Kaltenhauser, W. Ehlers.
Moore, Jose A. dos Reis, Rephael
Ferreira, Luiz Braun, Manoel Department Secretaries:
Margarido, R. W. Belz. Tract Society, Germano Ritter.
Sabbath School, Germano Ritter.
Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Emilio Keppke.
Tract Society, . Home Miss. and Educational,
Field Miss., Emilio Doehnert. Germano Streithorst.

Ministers: Argentina, South America.

Germano Streithorst, K. Kalten- (River Plate Junior College.)
hauser, A. E. Hagen, A. L. West-
phal, F. R. Kuempel, Alfredo Colegio Adventista de Chillan,
Suessmann. Casilla 319, Chillan, Chile,
South America.
Honorary: W. Ehlers, Manoel
Kuempel. Collegio Adventista, Santo Ama-
Licentiate: ro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Mathias Alencar. America.
Missionary Licentiates: Institute Industrial, Casilla 2102,
Germano Ritter, Emilio Keppke, Lima, Peru, South America.
Hanna Lindquist. Titicaca Normal School, Casilla
Church School Teachers: 4. Juliaca, Peru, South Amer-
Manoel Kuempel, Martha Franz, ica.
Emilio Hein, Maria Marquez, Publishing:
Joao Moreira, Elin Hermanson,
Elisa Crivellaro. . Casa Editora Sudamericana,
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Church Directory: Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Curityba, Rua Saldanha Ma- ica.
rinho 169.
Ponta Grossa, Rua Santos Du- Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Sao
mont 169. Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
Uniao da Victoria, Rua Visconde Brazil, South America.
de Nacar. Sanitarium and Hospital:
Sanatorio Adventista del Plata,
AMERICAN DIVISION Rios, Argentina, South Amer.
Educational: Juliaca A.merican Hospital, Ca-
Colegio Adventista del Plata, silla 22, Juliaca, Peru, South
Fuiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, America.
(Organized as the India Union Mission, row; reorganized, 1919)

Territory; India, Burma, Ceylon, Department Secretaries:

and islands politically connected Publishing and Home Miss., L. C.
therewith. Shepard.
Educational, Sabbath School,
Population: 341,240,000; churches, and Miss. Vol., E. M. Meleen.
73; members, 2,687. Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, .M.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Ministers:
Poona. A. W. Cormack, I. F. Blue, E. M.
Meleen, J. S. James.
Postal Address: Box 15, Poona,
India. Licentiates:
W. E. Perrin, L. C. Shepard, J.
Officers: C. Dean, D. W. McKinlay, J. F.
Pres., A. W. Cormack. Ashlock, E. W. Pohlman, F. E.
Sec. and Treas., C. L. Torrey.
Missionary Licentiates:
Division Committee: A. W. Cor- Mrs. A. W. Cormack, Mrs. I. F.
mack, C. L. Torrey, A. H. Wil- Blue, Mrs. A. O'Connor, Miss F.
liams, I. F. Blue, G. G. Lowry, Tuckey, Mrs. W. E. Perrin, C. H.
J. Phillips, T. J. Michael, H. C. Mackett, Mrs. C. H. Mackett, C.
Menkel, M. D., L. C. Shepard, L. Torrey, Mrs.- C. L. Torrey,
E. M. Meleen, J. S. James. A. Killoway, Mrs. A. Killoway,
Auditor, W. E. Perrin. Mrs. D. W. McKinlay, Mrs. L. C.
Shepard, Mrs. E. M. Meleen, C. J.
Legal Assn.: " The India Finan- Ritchie, Miss N. Killoway, Mrs.
cial Association of Seventh-day J. C. Dean, Mrs. J. S. James,
Adventists." Miss Kate Scott, C. A. Hart, Miss
Sec. and Treas. of Legal Assn., Anna Wilkinson, R. A. Garner,
C. L. Torrey. Mrs. R. A. Garner, Jessie Bragan.


Organized 1919
Territory: Burma, including the Office Address: 7 Voyle Road, Ran-
Shan States: the Nicobar and goon, Burma.
Andaman Groups.
Area: 236,850 sq. miles. Supt., J. Phillips (on furlough) ;
Population: 13,239,278; churches, Acting Supt., T. J. Michael.
8; members, 250; companies, 5. Sec. and Treas., T. Killoway.
Cable Address: " Adventist, Ran- Executive Committee: J. Phil-
goon." lips, T. J. Michael, T. Killoway,

E. B. Hare, F. A. Wyman, J. 0. Missionary Licentiates:

Wilson, R. A. Beckner, G. W. Mrs. A. J. Denoyer, Mrs. F. A.
Pettit, J. L. Christian. Wyman, Mrs. R. A. Beckner, Mrs.
G. W. Pettit, Dr. 0. Tornbald, F.
Department Secretaries: T. Hartin, Mrs. F. T. Hartin, Miss
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., Edu- E. Lonsdale, J. L. Christian, Mrs.
cational, and Home Miss., T. J. L. Christian, Miss L. A. Baird.
J. Michael.
Medical Miss., E. B. Hare. Local Workers:
Field Miss., J. 0. Wilson. Deacon David, Hpo Lwin, Saya
Po Toke, Paul, Aung Zone, Ba
Minister: J. Phillips. E, Po Aung, Harry David, Ah
Lone Shoke, Hla Shin, Ma Kyaw,
Licentiate: J. 0. Wilson. Ma Nyein Yin, Ma Shwey, Ma
Rosie, Ma Shuve Kyin.
Missionary Licentiates:
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. J. Phillips, T. Killoway, Miss L. A. Baird, Miss Elsie
Mrs. T. Killoway, Mrs. J. 0. Lonsdale (Assistant).
Wilson, T. J. Michael, Mrs. T. J.
Michael, A. J. Sargent.

IRRAWADDY MISSION Stations: Kamamaung, Kawma-
raung, Nicha, Awbawa, Lapota,
Stations: Bamokyaung, Taikgyi, Thakwekla.
Myaungmya, Meiktila, Maymyo,
Rangoon. - Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Kamamaung, Shwegon Post Of-
Office Address: 7 Voyle Road, Ran- fice, via Maulmein, Burma.
goon, Burma.
Officers: Supt., E. B. Hare.
Supt., J. Phillips; Acting Supt., Advisory Committee: E. B.
T. J. Michael. Hare, H. Baird, Thra Tha My-
Advisory Committee: J. Phillips, aing, Thra Peter.
T. J. Michael, R. A. Beckner, F. Ministers:
A. Wyman, A. J. Denoyer, Mrs. E. B. Hare, H. Baird, Thra Tha
A. J. Denoyer, Saya Hpo Hla, Myaing.
Deacon David, Maung Maung.
Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: Mrs. H. Baird, Mrs. E. B. Hare.
F. A. Wyman, G. W. Pettit, R.
A. Beckner, Hpo Hla, Maung Local Workers:
Maung. Thra Tha Myaing, Thra Peter,
Thra. John, Thra Ohn Bwint,
Licentiates: Thra Myat Po, Thra Hla Baw,
A. J. Denoyer, Deacon David, Shwey Nywet, Tha Kyn, Chilt
Potoke. Maung, Maungkho, Ma Ngai.
Organized 1919

Territory: The Presidency of Ben- CALCUTTA MISSION

gal; the Provinces of Bihar and
Orissa; the Province of Assam; (Unorganized)
with connected native states. Address: 36 Park St., Calcutta.
Population: 100,000,000; churches, Minister:
18; members, 466.
G. A. Hamilton.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist,
Ranchi. Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. G. A. Hamilton, Miss B.
Office Address; Hinoo, Ranchi, In- Andrews.
Indian Worker:
Officers: N. G. Mookerjee.
Supt., G. G. Lowry.
Sec. and Treas., .
Executive Committee: 0. G. CHOTA NAGPUR MISSION
Lowry, L. G. Mookerjee, G. A.
Hamilton, J. E. Saunders, 11. J. (Unorganized)
Borrowdale, C. C. Kellar, A. G.
Youngberg, J. S. Johnson, Dr. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Ranchi,
C. F. Schilling. India.

Department Secretaries: Minister:

J. E. Saunders.
Educational, G. G. Lowry.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. G. G. Lowry. Missionary Licentiates:
Sabbath School, Mrs. G. G. Mrs. J. E. Saunders, Miss L. C.
Lowry. Scholz.
Home Miss., G. G. Lowry.
Field Miss., S. J. Johnson. Indian Workers:
Medical, Dr. C. F. Schilling. Prabhu Sahay Topno, Barnabas
Ministers: Hanuk Tiru, Omah Ekka.
G. G. Lowry, L. G. Mookerjee.
E. R. Osmunson, W. B. Votaw. Stations: Gopalgunj, Chaurkhuli,
Suagram, Bisherkandi, Saren-
Missionary Licentiates:
kati, Juluhar, Barisal.
Mrs. G. G. Lowry, S. J. Johnson,
Mrs. S. J. Johnson, Mrs. L. G. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gopal-
Mookerjee, Mrs. C. A. Larsen, gunj, Faridpur Dist: East Ben-
Mrs. W. B. Votaw,- Mrs. E. R. gal, India.
Osmunson, L. J. Shannon, Mrs.
L. J. Shannon, George Dickinson, Officers:
Mrs. George Dickinson. Supt., A. G. Youngberg.

Advisory Committee: A. G. Licentiates:

Youngberg, Dr. C. F. Schilling, C. Jensen, W. A. Barlow, James
A. K. Bairagee, T. C. Bairagee, Besra.
G. C. Shikaree.
Missionary Licentiates:
Ministers: Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale, Mrs. C.
A. Q. Youngberg, A. C. Haider. Jensen, Mrs. H. G. Hebard, Dr.
H. G. Hebard.
Licentiates:. Indian Workers:
T. C. Bairagee, Jonas Singh. Benjamin Peters, G. Murmu, M.
Missionary Licentiates: Kisku, C. G. Hansdak, Elizabeth
Peters, Bikram Kisku, J. Hem-
Dr. C. F. Schilling, Mrs. C. F. brom, B. B. Kisku, Rengha Tudu,
Schilling, Mrs. A. G. Youngberg. B. Murmu.
Indian Workers:
A. K. Bairagee, T. C. Baroi, B. K.
Haider, A. A. Baroi, J. N. Baroi, SOUTHWEST BENGAL MISSION
S. C. Madhu, G. C. Arinda, C. T.
Baroi, Jagendra Baroi, H. K. Stations: Hooghli, Aramdanga,
Haider, G. C. Shikari, P. Poddar. Dinghada, Sehalabonia.
Address: Hinoo, Ranchi, India.
Supt., .C. C. Kellar.
Stations: Karmatar, Jagadishpur, Advisory Committee: C. C. Kel-
Taljhari. lar, P. C. Gayen, U. N. Haider.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kar- Minister: C. C. Kellar.
matar, E. I. Ry, India.
Officers: P. C. Gayen, I. B. Baroigee.
Supt., R. J. Borrowdale.
Advisory Committee: R. J. Bor- Missionary Licentiates:
rowdale, Dr. H. G. Hebard, James Mrs. C. C. Kellar, Miss F. Richie.
Besra, Benjamin Peter, Gabriel
Murmu. Indian Workers:
U. N. Haider, M. M. Biswas, S. N.
Minister: Biswas, Ganesh Baroi, Mrs. H.
R. J. Borrowdale. Biswas.


Organized 1919
Territory: Bombay Presidency; ed Provinces of Agra and Oudh;
the Central Provinces; the Cen- the Punjab; Kashmir; the
tral India and Rajputana Agen- Northwest Frontier Provinces;
cies; such parts of Hyderabad Baluchistan, Afghanistan.
(Deccan) as are allied to the Population: 159,000,000; churches,
foregoing by language; the Unit- 22; members, 1,128.

Office Address: 17 Abbott Road. Ministers:

Lucknow, India. R. E. Loasby, J. B. Carter, W. H.
Officers: McHenry, S. 0. Martin, L. G.
Supt., A. H. Williams.
Sec. and Treas., Miss M. H. Bel- Licentiates:
chambers. M. Oss, Peter Shinde, Govind
Executive Committee: A. H. Bliorge, 0. Pakhare, T. Pakhare.
Williams, F. H. Loasby, R. E.
Loasby, H. C. Menkel, F. W. Missionary Licentiates:
Smith, Miss M. H. Be'chambers, Mrs. R. E. Loasby, Mrs. S. 0.
G. Lindquist, 0. 0. Mattison (on Martin, Mrs. J. B. Carter, Mrs.
furlough) . W. H. McHenry, Mrs. M. Oss.
Department Secretaries: Indian Evangelists:
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., B. Thombre, Y. Waghrnari, J.
Miss T. E. Sandberg. Wallakar, P. Patole, J. Khanda-
Educational, F. H. Loasby. gale, J. Mackwan, D. Bunsode,
Field Miss. and Home Miss., G. D. Waghmare, S. Chandiker, Y.
Lindquist. Athayle, R. Aswale, B. Nirmal,
Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, S. R. Dongre, A. G. Waghmare,
M. D. P. Rakshe, B. Bunsode, John
Pagar, Steven Chavan.
A. H. Williams, F. H. Loasby, J.
Licentiates: (Unorganized)
C. C. Belgrave, A. E. Nelson.
Minister: 0. H. Shrewsbury.
Missionary Licentiates: Licentiate: J. M. Steeves.
Miss M. H. Belchambers, Miss Missionary Licentiates:
Laura Janes, Miss Winifred Mrs. 0. H. Shrewsbury, Mrs. J.
West, Miss Thyra E. Sandberg, M. Steeves.
Miss M. Chatterjee, Mrs. C. C.
Belgrave, Mrs. F. H. Loasby,
Mrs. A. H. Williams, G. Lind-
quist, Mrs. G. Lindquist, Miss F. GUJERAT MISSION
E. Cormack, George Nelson, M, (Unorganized)
D., Mrs. George Nelson, G. Hib- Address: S. D. A. Mission, Udhna,
bard, Mrs. G. Hibbard.
Dist. Surat, India.
Minister: R. A. Smithwick (on fur-

Stations: Bombay, Nevasa, Kal- Licentiates:

yan, Lasalgaon, Poona. T. K. Ludgate, U. Bunsode.

Officers: Missionary Licentiates:

Mrs. R. A. Smithwick, Mrs. T. K.
Supt., Union Superintendent. Ludgate.
Advisory Committee: R. E.
Loasby, S. 0. Martin, W. H. Mc- Indian Workers:
Henry, J. B. Carter, L. G. Wood. J. Mackwan, J. Petumber,


Stations: Chichoki Mallian, Chu- Stations: Lucknow, Cawnpore, Na-
harkana, Lahore, Simla. jibabad, Roorkee, Kashipur, Ha-
pur, Amroha, Muradnagar, Che-
Officers: lusain (Garhwal).
Supt., F. W. Smith.
Advisory Committee: F. W. Officers:
Smith, M. G. Champion, 0. 0. Supt., S. D. A. Mission,
Mattison, E. R. Streeter. Hapur, U. P., India.
Ministers: Advisory Committee: Union
Supt., A. Gardener, R. P. Morris,
F. W. Smith, 0. 0. Mattison, Jahan Singh, L. E. Allen.
0. W. Nolda, H. C. Menkel.
Licentiates: Jahan Singh, R. P. Morris, A.
E. R. Streeter, M. G. Champion, Gardener, Robin Singh.
Mehnga Mall, Isher Singh, Viru
Mall, P. K. Simpson. Licentiates:
R. Peters, L. E. Allen, B. A. How-
Missionary Licentiates: ard, J. B. Conley, A. E. Nelson,
Mrs. 0. 0. Mattison, Mrs. E. R. R. L. Kimble.
Streeter, Mrs. M. G. Champion, Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. 0. W. Nolda, Mrs. F. W. Miss V. Chilton, Mrs. J. B. Con-
Smith, Mrs. P. K. Simpson, Mrs. ley, Mrs. R. P. Morris, Mrs. L. E.
H. C. Menkel, S. Brownsberger, Allen, Mrs. R. L. Kimble, Mrs.
M. D., Claire Brownsberger, M. D. A. E. Nelson, Geo. Nelson, M. D.,
Indian Evangelists: Mrs. G. Nelson.
Paul Thomas, Nabi Baksh, Ha- Indian Evangelists:
yat Masih, Badr-Uddin, A. Pe- Piyare Din, Narain Pershad, Jug
ters, Barkat Masih, Daulat Mohan Singh, Masih Charan,
Masih, Labhu Mall, Nawab Din, James Francis, G. D. Bates, Bha-
Sawan Mall, Labhu Mall, Hakin jan Singh, K. Cornelius, Piyare
Rai, K. Peters, Bhag Masih, Mela Lal, Alpheus Harrison, Farman
Ram, Garib Dass, B. Peter, Umar Ali, Mangal Sen, Nirmal Singh,
Din, Khair Din, Allah Ditta, Tez Singh, Albert Chand, Fran-
Samuel Dallu, Harnam Dass, cis Wray, W. Cornelius, Devi
Prem Masih. Pershad.


Organized 1919

Territory: The Madras Presi- Population: 69,000,000; churches,

dency with its neighboring na- 25; members, 843.
tive states, including such parts Stations: Bangalore, Krishnaraja-
of Hyderabad (Deccan) as are puram.
allied thereto by language; Cey-
lon; the Maldive and Laccadive Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
groups. Bangalore.

Office Address: 7 Cunningham Ministers:

Road, Bangalore, India. H. A. Hansen, P. C. Poley, G. F.
Supt., H. Christehsen. Missionary Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., N. B. Nielsen. Mrs. H. A. Hansen, Mrs. P. C.
Executive Committee: H. Chris- Poley, Mrs. G. F. Enoch, A. F.
tensen, N. B. Nielsen, 0. A. Skau, Jessen, Mrs. A. F. Jessen.
H. A. Hansen, E. D. Thomas, H.
W. Carter, T. R. Flaiz, E. D. Ceylonese Workers: E. D. Wijes-
Willmott, A. E. Coyne, A. E. inghe, J. I. Fernando, Miss Goo-
Clark, H. G. Woodward. netilleke, Y. G. Prakasam, A. M.
Jesudawson, F. H. de Mel, A. R.
Department Secretaries: Peries, B. Leyanage.
Sabbath School, Educational,
Home Miss., and Miss. Vol.,
Field Miss., E. D. Willmott.
Medical, A. E. Clark, M. D. Station: Kottarakara.
Ministers: Officers:
H. Christensen, E. D. Thomas. Supt., H.0. Woodward (on fur-
Licentiates: Asst. Supt., R. L. Wilson, Kari-
E. D. Willmott, 0. A. Skau, A. E. ckam, Kottarakara, Travan-
Rawson. core, India.
Missionary Licentiates: Advisory Committee: H. G.
N. B. Nielsen, Mrs. N. B. Niel- Woodward, R. L. Wilson, J.
sen, Mrs. 0. A. Skau, D. C. Claes- Joshua, I. Samuel, S. N. David.
sen, Mrs. D. C. Claessen, J. C. H. Sabbath School, Mrs. H. 0.
Collett, Mrs. E. D. Thomas, Mrs. Woodward (on furlough).
E. D. Willmott, Mrs. A. E. Raw- Minister: II. G. Woodward.
soY, Mrs. H. Christensen, Miss
G. Lyons, C. A. W. Ritchie, Mrs. Licentiates:
C. A. W. Ritchie. R. L. Wilson, S. N. David, J.
Indian Workers:
S. A. Paul, Mrs. S. A. Paul, B. Missionary Licentiates:
Surappah. Mrs. H. G. Woodward; Mrs. R. L.

CEYLON MISSION Indian Workers.

.M. Lucas, I. Samuel, A. I. Laza-
Stations: Colombo, Kottawa, Pan- rus, G. P. Crussiah, U. J. Japhet,
nipitiya, Moratuwa, Bolavalana, K. C. David, P. S. John, K. S.
Negombo, Uduvil, Jaffna. Peter, P. Daniel, K. G. Dason,
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," A. C. Jacob, A. Shadrack, K. R.
Colombo. Matthew, P. Vedamuthu, A. Je-
mima, C. Gnanamma, M. Bliag-
Officers: gien, T. M. Joseph, D. Charles,
Supt., H. A. Hansen, " Glenfield," C. Moses, D. Mary, A. Abel, M.
Kynsey Road, Colombo, Cey Joseph, A. Martha, J. Pressoo-
lon (on furlough). nam, S. Mariamma.


Supt., T. R. Flaiz, Nuzvid, Kistna
Stations: Madras, Trichinopoly, District, S. India.
Pondicherry, Naareth, Neyyoor,
Colachel, Sarodu, Atbur, Kan- Advisory Committee: T. R.
nanvillai, Kattumangodu, Put- Flaiz, C. A. Schutt, N. Pra,kas-
tathi, Chellankonarn, Kalloorany, sam, M. P. Daniel, P. J. Kelly,
Kariananthal, Allagianalloor, Ch. Devadas.
Palamcottah, Madura. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Educational, C. A. Schutt.
Superintendent, H. W. Carter, Sabbath School, Mrs. T. R. Flaiz.
Prakasapuram, Nazareth P. 0., Minister:
Tinnevelly District, S. India. T. R. Flaiz.
Advisory Committee: H. W. Car-
ter, T. W. Asprey, V. D. Koil- Licentiates:
pillai, V. Isaac, S. Thomas. M. Prakassam, C. A. Schutt, A.
Licentiates: E. Clark, M. D.
H. W. Carter, T. W. Asprey, Missionary Licentiates:
V. Isaac, V. D. Koilpillai. Dr. A. E. Coyne, Mrs. T. R. Flaiz,
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. A. Schutt, Mrs. A. E.
Clark, Mrs. A. E. Coyne, Miss
Mrs. H. W. Carter, Mrs. T. W. Peacock.
Indian Workers:
Indian Workers:
M. P. Daniel, A. V. Jesudass, G.
V. D. Koilpillai, V. Isaac, K. G. C. Joseph, Ch Devasahayam, P.
Samuel, Mrs. K. G. Samuel, Moses, P. J. Kelly, Ch Devadas,
G. Santhanam J. Miller, P. Deenamma, G. N. Solomon, P.
M. Ponniah, Mrs. P. Joseph, Devadanam, D. Samuel, K. Sat-
C. G. Isaac, M. Pakkia- yanandam, M. Brahmanandam,
nathan, Mrs. G. Roberts, A. J. Reuben, R. J. Moses, P. Sun-
Yesudian, K. David, P. Raju, derau, M. Prakassam, 0. Isaiah,
Mrs. P. Raju, J. Samuel, J. Paul- L. Wilson David, N. B. Laban,
pandian, M. Vedamuthu, M. R. J. V. Henry, B. Solomon, V.
Swamidas, I. D. Jeganathan, A. Amos, K. Solomon, N. Aron, P.
Selvanayagam, Mrs. A. Selvan- Asirvadam, N. Nehemiah.
ayagam, Dason Samuel, Miss T.
Gnanapoo, Mrs. Ruth John, Y.
Yesudason, V. Devadoss, Mrs.
Dynaver, S. Thomas, N. Vinaya-
Arumanayagam, C. John, G. Gu- ASIA DIVISION
rubatham,' N. Arputham, Miss
Rebecca Samuel, D. Paul, S. See- Educational
niappan. Burma Union Mission:
Karen Mission School, Kama-
-. maung, Shwegon P. 0., Sal-
TELUGU MISSION ween Dist., via Maulmein,
Stations: Narsapur, Nuzvid, Nan- Burma.
clagama, Lakawaram, Sreeranga- Meiktila Technical School, Meik-
patam, Bezwada. tila, Burma.

Taikgyi S. D. A. Girls' School, Meyyannoor Elementary School,

Taikgyi, Burma. Kottarakara P. 0., South Tra-
1 Church School. vancore, India.
4 Vernacular Primary Schools. Pandarathara Element a r y
School, Neyyattinkara P. 0.,
Northeast Union Mission: Travancore, India.
Bengali S. D. A. Girls' School, Singhalese S. D. A. Elementary
Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Sch., Kottawa, Pannipitiya,
Bengali S. D. A. Elmentary Ceylon.
School .for Boys, Gopalgunj, South India S. D. A. Training
Dist. Faridpur, Bengal, India. School, Krishnarajapuram,
Northeast India Union S. D. A. Mysore, India.
Training School (Boys), Bara- Tamil High School, Nazareth P.
gain, Ranchi, India. 0., Tinnevelly Dist., India.
Santali-Hindi S. D. A. Girls' Telugu Mission High School,
School, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., Narsapur, Kistna Dist., India.
India. Malayalam S. D. A. Secondary
11 Vernacular Village Primary School, Adventpuram, Neyyat-
Schools. tinkara, South Travancore,
26 Vernacular Village Primary
Northwest India Union Mission: Schools.
Marathi S. D. A. Training
School, Lasalgaon, G. I. P. Ry., Division:
India. Vincent Hill School, Mussoorie.
Marathi Boys' Boarding School, India.
S. D. A. Mission, Lasalgaon,
G. I. P. Ry., India. Medical
Marathi Kalyan, School fbr Girls, Burma Union Mission:
North India S. D. A. Christian Dispensaries: Kamamaung,
Training School, Roor Kee, Taikgyi, Meiktila, Myaung-
U. P. mya. 0
Punjab S. D. A. Boys' School,
Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., Pun- Northeast Union Mission:
jab, India. Dispensary: Karmatar.
United Provinces S. D. A. Boys'
School, Hapur, 0. and R. Ry., Northwest Union Mission:
India. Dispensaries: Kalyan, Lasal-
United Provinces Girls' School, ' gaon, Dhampur, Chichoki Mal-
17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, lian, Surat.
India. Treatment Room, Simla.
27 Vernacular Village Primary
Schools. -South India Union Mission:
Hospitals: Narsapur.
Dispensaries: Krishnarajapuram,
South India Union Mission: Nazareth.
Kattackada Elementary School,
Nedumangaud Taluk, Neyyat- Publishing
tinkara P. I., South Travan- Oriental Watchman Pub. Assn..
core, India. Box 35, Salisbury Park, Poona,
Mhlayalam S. D. A. Secondary India; with depots at Banga-
School, Karikam, Kottara- lore, Calcutta, Lucknow, and
kara, South Travancore, India. Rangoon.
Organized igig
Territory: The Union of South Af- Department Secretaries:
rica, British Bechuanaland, Publishing and Home Miss., L. A.
Southwest Africa, Portuguese Vixie.
East Africa, Belgian Congo, An- Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., J.
gola, Island of San Thome, Ru- I. Robison.
anda, Urundi, Nyasaland, Bri- Educational, E. D. Dick.
tish Bechuanaland Protectorate, Medical, A. N. Tonge, M. D.;
Northern Rhodesia, Southern Asst., Miss H. J. Davies.
Ministerial Association, Advisory
Area: 4,914,765 square miles. Board, W. H. Branson, E. D.
Population: European, 1,763,269; Dick (Sec.), J. F. Wright.
Native, 43,161,782. Departmental Committees:
Educational: E. D. Dick, M. P.
Churches: White, 37; membership, Robison, J. I. Robison, S. W. Pal-
1,774; colored, 5; membership, mer, E. D. Hanson, E. M. Cad-
138; native 60; membership, wallader, C. W. Curtis, W. H.
7,174; total, 9,086; believers not Anderson.
baptized, 8,868; total believers, Sabbath School: J. I. Robison, E.
17,954. D. Dick, Mrs. E. C. Boger, Mrs.
Office: Grove Ave., Claremont, A. P. Tarr, J. G. Slate, Mrs. N.
Cape Province, South Africa. C. Wilson, Mrs. A. F. Tarr.
Missionary Volunteer: J. I. Robi-
Telegraphic and Cable Address: son, E. D. Hanson, E. D. Dick, F.
" Adventist," Claremont, Cape. E. Thompson, L. A. Vixie, M. P.
Robison, Mrs. N. C. Wilson, Miss
Officers: Ina L. Moore, C. W. Bozarth.
President, W. H. Branson. Home Missionary: L. A. Vixie,
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. E. I. Robison, L. L. Moffitt, E. C.
Nelson. Boger, J. F. Wright, J. G. Slate,
Executive Committee: W. H. E. D. Dick.
Branson, J. F. Wright, E. C. Publishing: W. H. Branson, L. A.
Boger, W. H. Anderson, C. W. Vixie, J. G. Slate, J. I. Robison,
Curtis, T. M. French, A. E. Nel- E. D. Dick, L. L. Moffitt, J. F.
son, J. I. Robison, E. D. Dick, J. Wright, E. C. Boger, C. W. Cur-
G. Slate, N. C. Wilson, L. A. tis, N. C. Wilson, W. H. Ander-
Vixie, M. P. Robison, W. B. Corn- son.
min, C. W. Bozarth, 0. R. Shreve,
A. N. Tonge, M. D. Medical: W. H. Branson, E. G. Mar-
cus, H. A. Erickson, A. N. Tonge,
Field Secretaries: J. H. Sturges, A. Huse, Miss H.
E. D. Dick, T. M. French. J. Davies.
Building Committee: W. H. Ministers:
Branson, A. E. Nelson, 0. R. W. H. Branson, T. M. French,
Shreve, J. I. Robison, E. D. Dick, E. D. Dick, J. I. Robison, M. P.
J. F. Wright, E. C. Boger, C. W. Robison, F. E. Thompson, A. W.
Bozarth, Staples, W. S. Hyatt.

Licentiates: Mrs. G. E. Shankel, Mrs. J. I.

A. E. Nelson, L. A. Vixie, G. E. Robison, C. C. Marais, Mrs.
Shankel, F. M. Robinson. C. C. Marais, Miss S. Nel,
F. Visser, Jr., Mrs. A. E. Nelson,
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. F. M. Robinson, Miss T.
W. B. Commin, J. G. Slate, A.
Venter, J. Belvail, Mrs. J. Bel-
Boekhout, 0. R. Shreve, Miss I.
vail, J. H. de Lange, Mrs. J. H.
Thomason, Miss H. J. Davies,
de Lange, Miss E. Staples, Miss
Miss B. Webb, Miss P. Ansley,
J. Kleinert, Henry Bell, Miss P.
Miss V. Fortner, Mrs. S. Steven- Naude, Mrs. C. Burton, E. L.
son, Miss A. Visser, Mrs. W. B. Tarr, Miss Eileen de Beer, Mrs.
Commin, Mrs. W. H. Branson, J. L. Milford.
Mrs. F. E. Thompson, Mrs. L. A.
Vixie, Mrs. M. Robison, Mrs. J. Legal Association: Seventh-day
G. Slate, Mrs. A. Boekhout, Mrs. Adventist Community of Africa
E. D. Dick, Mrs. 0. R. Shreve, (Inc.).


Organized 1902

Territory: The Union of South Telegraphic Address: Adventist,

Africa, British Bechuanaland, Bloemfontein.
South West Africa, and that por-
tion of Portuguese East Africa, Officers:
lying south of Latitude 22, and Pres., J. F. Wright.
comprising The Cape, Orange Sec.. Treas., and Auditor, A. F.
River and Natal-Transvaal Con- Tarr.
ferences, the Kaffirland, Trans- Executive Committee: J. F.
vaal-Delagoa, and Basuto-Bech- Wright, A. F. Tarr, T. M. French,
uana Mission Fields. L. L. Moffitt, J. R. Campbell, E.
M. Howard, S. G. Hiten, B. E.
Area: 888,483 square miles. Schaffner, L. A. Vixie, M. P.
Population: White, 1,703,908; na- Robison, E. D. Hanson.
tive, 6,887,639; Asiatics, 169,737; Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Ad-
colored, 587,847. ventist Community of Africa
Churches: White, 34; membership,
1,765; colored, 5; membership Department Secretaries:
134; native, 36; membership, Field Miss., L. A. Vixie.
].,204. Home Miss., E. D. Hanson.
Miss. Vol. and Educational, E. D.
Office Address: 4 and. 5 Market Hanson.
Chambers, cor. Charles and East- Religious Liberty, J. F. Wright.
burger Streets, Bloemfontein,
0. F. S., South Africa. Ministers:
J. F. Wright.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468, Honorary: J. C. Rogers, E. W.
Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South H. Jeffrey, M. C. Sturdevant,
Africa. J. J. Birkenstock.

Licentiate: E. D. Hanson. gan, Snr., F. M. Robinson, P. W.

Missionary Licentiates:
A. F. Tarr, Miss P. E. Willmore, Department Secretaries:
Mrs. J. F. Wright, Mrs. E. D. Religious Book Depository (Port
Hanson, Mrs. J. J. Birkenstock. Elizabeth), P. W. Willmore.
Honorary: Mrs. I. B. Burton, Home Miss., L. L. Moffitt.
Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Mrs. M. C. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. L.
Sturdevant, Miss E. Edie. Moffitt.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. L. L. Moffitt.
Mission Department: Field Miss., F. E. Potter.
Honorary Minister: R. Moko. Educational, E. D. Hanson.
L. L. Moffitt, M. W. Carey, F. G.
CAPE CONFERENCE Clifford, Wm. Hodgson.
Organized 1892 Ministerial Licentiate:
Territory: The Cape Province, with A. N. Ingle.
the exception of the districts of
Hay, Herbert, Hopetown, Kim- Honorary Minister: P. Smailes.
berley, Barkley West, Kuruman,
Taungs, Vryburg, Mafeking, Ali- Missionary Licentiates:
wal North, and the territory P. W. Willmore, F. E. Potter,
served by the railway line from Mrs. L. L. Moffitt, Mrs. M. W.
Aliwal North to New England. Carey, Mrs. F. G. Clifford, Mrs.
W. Hodgson, Mrs. E. Bull.
Area: 222,072 square miles.
Church School Teachers:
Population: White, 629,899; Cape
colored, 455,658. Miss A. Armer, Miss R. Visser,
Miss A. Visser, Miss V. Fortner.
Churches: White, 13; membership,
703; Cape colored, 5; member- Colored Department:
ship, 134. Honorary Minister: D, C. Theu-
Telegraphic Address: Prophetic, Missionary Licentiate: A. G.
Port Elizabeth. Koen.
Office Address: 162 Russell Road,
Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, Church Directory:
South Africa. Cape Town, 56 Roeland St.
Claremont, Grove Ave.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 378, Wynberg, Church St.
Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, Port Elizabeth, Upper Parlia-
South Africa. ment St.
George, Market St.
Officers: Worcester, Cor. High and Napier
Pres., L. L. Moffitt. Sts.
Sec. and Treas., P. W. Willmore. Helderberg College, Somerset
Executive Committee: L. L. West, C. P.
Moffit, M. W. Carey, F. 0. Clif- Salt River (Colored), York St.
ford, Wm. Hodgson, A. Willard Port Elizabeth (Col), Mechanics
Staples, Robert Tarr, A. Late- Hall, Donkin St.

NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFER- Missionary Licentiates:

ENCE A. Blennerhassett, Mrs. B. P. de-
Beer, W. S. Ayes, Mrs. Wm. H.
Organized 1902 Hurlow, Mrs. T. M. French, Miss
Aileen G. Fleming, Mrs. A. E.
Territory: The Transvaal Province, Cameron, Mrs. D. F. Tarr, Mrs.
(excepting the districts of W. L. Hyatt, Miss Yvonne Re-
Bloemhof and Wolmaransstad); noux.
the Province of Natal, Zulzuland
and Swaziland. Church School Teacher:
Area: 222,156 square miles. Mrs. E. Webley.

Population: White, 755,773. Church Directory:

Durban Church, Keits Ave. off
Churches: White, 12; membership, Berea Road.
697. Johannesburg Church, cor. Claim
and deVilliers Sts.
Telegraphic Address: " Watch- Maritzburg Church, 8 Stranack
man," Johannesburg. St.'
Office Address: 14 Claim St., Jo- Potchefstroom Church, Potgie-
hannesburg, Transvaal, South ter St.
Africa. Hlobane Church, Sanitarium,
Postal Address: 14 Claim St., Jo- Ermelo Church, Macdonald St.
hannesburg, Transvaal, South Pretoria, Schoeman St.
Africa. Krugersdorp Church, Odd Fel-
low's Hall.
Pres., T. M. French.
Sec. and Treas., W. S. Ayes.
Executive Committee: T. M. ORANGE RIVER CONFERENCE
French, B. P. deBeer, A. A. Pitt, Organized 1912
Win. H. Hurlow, Dr. H. G. Han-
' kips, W. Birkenstock, W. S. Territory: Province of the Orange
Ayes. Free State, British Bechuana-
land, and northern Cape Prov-
Department Secretaries: ince.
Religious Book Depository (Jo-
hannesburg), W. S. Aires. Area: 122,255 square miles.
Field Miss., A. Blennerhassett.
Sabbath School, Mrs. A. E. Cam- Population: White, 298,804.
eron. Churches: White, 9; members, 365.
Miss. Vol., Miss Yvonne-Renoux.
Educational, E. D. Hanson. Telegraphic Audress: " Orcosda,"
Home Miss., T. M. French. Bloemfontein.
Medical, Miss Aileen C. Fleming.
Office Address: Corner of Aliwal
Ministers: St. and Selbourne Ave., Bloem-
T. M. French, W. L. Hyatt, W. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
H. Hurlow, B. P. deBeer.
Honorary: D. F. Tarr. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 270,
Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South
Licentiate: J. H. Raubenheimei. Africa.

Officers: Office' Address: Bethel Mission,

Pres., S. 0. Hiten. Butterworth, C. P., South Africa.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. M. Botes.
Executive Committee: S. G. Officers:
Hiten, A. W. Staples, J. J. Bell, Superintendent, E. M. Howard.
G. W. Webb, H. J. Moohnan, F. Sec. and Treas., A. P. Tarr.
Snyman, P. A. Venter, Jr. Executive Committee: E. M.
Howard, A. P. Tarr, Dr. A. Huse,
Department Secretaries: Chas. Sparrow, J. N. deBeer.
Religious Book Depository
(Bloemfontein), Mrs . M. Department Secretary:
Botes. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. P. Tarr.
Field Miss., S. J. Fourie.
Sabbath School, Mrs. A. F. Tarr. Minister:
Home Miss., S. G. Hiten. E. M. Howard.
Educational, E. D. Hanson.
Native Workers:
Ministers: Ministers: Amos Magalela, D.
S. G. Hiten, G. W. Shone, P. A. Ntsikeni.
Venter, Jr. Licentiates: Griffiths Mayaba,
Bandford Scott, Gaylord Tyali,
Licentiates: Stanford Ntwana, Simon Mg-
S. J. Stevenson, S. S. Hiten. qamqo, James Gacula, E. H. Msu-
sen, A. Mredlane.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiate: Johnson
Mrs. A. F. Tarr, S. J. Fourie, Bacela.
Mrs. M. Botes, Miss M. J. Dixie, Teachers: Jemema Mbana, An-
Miss C. A. Dixie, Mrs. S. G. gelina Mahlobisa, Verbena
Hiten, Mrs. P. A. Venter, Jr. Hange, Grace Moko.
Church Directory:
Bloemfontein Church, cor. Sel-
borne Ave. and Aliwal St. CANCELE MISSION
Beaconsfield Church, Blacking St.
Kimberley, Upper Jones St. Postal Address: Mount Frere, East
Taungs Church, Taungs, B. B. Griqualand, Cape Province, South
Bolivia, Reitz, 0. F. S. Africa.
Lady Grey Church, Lady Grey.
Director: J. N. deBeer.
Farm Manager: .
Reorganized 1926
Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: Native work in Cape Dr. A. Huse, Mrs. A. Huse, Mrs.
Province, Transkei, Tembuland, J. N. deBeer.
Pondoland, and East Griqualand.
Area: 222,072 square miles.
Population: Native, 1,444,139;
Asiatics, 6,137. Postal Address: Butterworth, Cape
Province, South Africa.
Churches: Native, 13; membership,
272. Difector: A. P. Tarr.

Faculty: Native Workers.

A. P. Tarr, Mrs. A. P. Tarr, R. Ministers: L. S. Molokomme,
E. Ansley, I. C. Sparrow, assisted Agrippa Mzozoyana, James
by Esther Gcwabe. Moya.
Licentiate: A. P. Tarr. Licentiates: J. M. Hlubi, H. R. S.
Tsukudu, Joel Mabusela, Jonah
Missionary Licentiates: Bacela, E. J. Kuboni,
R. E. Ansley, Mrs. A. P. Tarr,
I. C. Sparrow, Mrs. I. C. Spar- Missionary Licentiates: Milton
row, Solomon Ngxabani. Hlubi, Edith Hlubi, M. M. Langa,
F. Ndhlovu, Theo Ntla, John
Sabisa, Kutlane Morallana, R. M.
Langa, W. Makanye, E. Ngwen-
Reorganized 1926
Territory: Native work in Natal, BASUTO-BECHUANA MISSION
Transvaal, Zululand, Swaziland FIELD
and Portuguese East Africa Reorganized 1926
south of latitude 22.
Territory: Native work in the
Area: 222,156 square miles. Orange Free State, British Bech-
Population: Native, 4,125,450; Asi- uanaland, Basutoland and north-
atics, 161,066; colored, 52,569. ern Cape Province.
Churches: 13 native; membership, Area: 122,255 square miles.
521. Population: Native, 1,140,588;
Office Address: 108 Ivy Road, Nor- Asiatics, 2,534; colored 48,775.
wood, Johannesburg, Transvaal, Churches: Native 13; membership,
South Africa. 411.
Officers: Postal Address: P. O. Box 468,
Superintendent, J. R. Campbell. Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. R. Camp- Africa.
Executive Committee: J. R. Office Address: 4 and 5 Market
Campbell, W. C. Walston, J. E. Chambers, cor. Charles and East-
Symons, A. A. Pitt, W. C. Tarr. burger Sts., Bloemfontein, 0. F.
S., South Africa.
Department Secretary:
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. R. Officers:
Campbell. Superintendent, B. E. Schaffner.
Sec. and Treas., A. F. Tarr.
J. R. Campbell, W. C. Tarr, W. C. Executive Committee: B. E.
Walston, J. E. Symons. Schaffner, R. C. Sharman, A. C.
LeButt, H. J. Hurlow, J. M. Vor-
Missionary Licentiates: ster, A. F. Tarr.
Mrs. W. C. Tarr, Mrs. J. R.
Campbell, Mrs. J. E. Symons, Department Secretary:
Mrs. W. C. 'Walston. Sabbath School, Mrs. B. E.
Indian Work:
Minister in Charge: W. C. Wal- Minister: B. E. Schaffner.
ston. Licentiate: A. C. LeButt.

Missionary Licentiates: Director: R. C. Sharman.

Mrs. B. E. Schaffner, Mrs. A. C. In Charge of Dispens*ary: Nurse,
LeButt. L. Southgate.
Native Workers:
Minister: Lucas Modise. Licentiate:
Licentiates: John Ross, George R. C. Sharman.
IVIashwa, John Morris, Hans Shai,
K. S. Itumeleng. Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates: Matthew Nurse L. Southgate, Mrs. R. C.
Africa, Ephraim Phomane, Dod- Sharman.
die Kobe. Native Workers:
Teachers: Mrs. Rachel Morris, Licentiate: Andrew Xabba.
Wilhelmina Solontsi, Kate Mon- Teachers: Enuel Pholosa, Ish-
tsioa, Johanna Matunda, Mrs. mael Seteka, Junia Molokomme,
Johanna Africa, Manana Itume- Staddson Tsoetetsi.
leng, Matilda Makhena.


Address: Morija, Basutoland,
ti South Africa. Unorganized
Director: H. J. Hurlow. Area: 322,000 square miles.
Licentiate: H. J. Hurlow. Population: White, 19,432; native,
In charge of Dispensary: H. J. 177,462; colored, 30,845.
Missionary Licentiate:
Licentiate: Joshua Ndabambi. Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa
Teachers: Samuel Nkosi, Mrs.
Matilda Nkosi. Faculty: Director, J. G. Siepman;
R. A. Buckley, Miss A. V. Suth-
erland, M. D. Kalaka, E. H.
EMMANUEL MISSION Ndwandwa, Mrs. E. H. 'Ndwan-
Established 1910 dwa.
Address: P. 0. Leribe, Basutoland, Minister: M. D. Kalaka.
South Africa. Licentiate: J. G. Siepman.


Territory: The Belgian Congo ex- Officers:
cepting the Kivu District.
Supt., C. W. Curtis.
Area: 909,654 square miles.
Sec., W. Norcott.
Population: White, 10,037; native, Treas., C. W. Curtis.
Churches: 4; membership, 174. Executive Committee: C. W. Cur-
Address: P. 0. Box 250, Elizabeth- tis, R. P. Robinson, 0. U. Gid-
ville, Belgian Congo, Central Af- dings, J. V. Wilson, W. R. Vail,
rica. L. Ferguson, Dr. J. H. Sturges.

Department Secretaries: Officers:

Educational, C. W. Curtis. Supt., 0. U. Giddings.
Medical, Dr. J. H. Sturges. Treas., 0. U. Giddings.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. C. W. Curtis. Executive Committee: 0. U.
Sab. School, Mrs. C. W. Curtis. Giddings, Mrs. 0. U. Giddings,
Minister: C. W. Curtis. Dr. J. H. Sturges.
Missionary Licentiate: Minister: 0. U. Giddings.
Mrs. C. W. Curtis.
Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. 0. U. Giddings.
Organized 1925
Address: P. 0. Box 250, Elizabeth-
vine, Belgian Congo, Central . Established 1921
Africa. Address: Songa Mission, P. 0.
Officers: Bukama, Belgian Congo, Central
Supt., J. V. Wilson. Africa.
Treas., J. V. Wilson. Director: 0. U. Giddings.
Executive Committee: J. V. Wil-
son, C. W. Curtis. Missionary Licentiates:
Dr. J. H. Sturges, Mrs. J. H.
Ministers: Sturges, F. V. Curtis.
J. V. Wilson, Albert Kawumbwa, Native teachers: 8.
Licentiate: H. L. Ferguson.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. V.
Organized 1925
Address: P. 0. Box 26, Kongolo,
Established 1923 Belgian Congo, Central Africa.
Address: P. 0. Box 250, Elizabeth- Officers:
ville, Belgian Congo, Central Af- Supt., R. P. Robinson.
rica. Treas., Mrs. R. P. Robinson.
Director: J. V. Wilson. Executive ,Committee: R. P.
Ministers: Robinson, L. S. Billes, Mrs. R.
Matthew Chiponda, Jim Ma - P. Robinson.
Minister: R. P. Robinson.
Licentiate: Desert.
Missionary Licentiate: Missionary Licentiate:
H. J. Moolman. Mrs. R. P. Robinson.
Native Teachers: 6.
Established 1924
Organized 1925
Address: P. 0. Box 26, Kongolo,
Address: Songa Mission, P. 0. Bu- Belgian Congo, Central Africa.
kama, Belgian Congo, Central Af-
rica. Director: R. P. Robinson.

Licentiate: L. S. Billes. Officers:

Missionary Licentiates: Supt., W. R. Vail.
Mrs. L. S. Billes, W. Norcott. Treas., W. R. Vail.
Native teachers: 2. Licentiate: W. R. Vail.
Native evangelist: 1. Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. W. R. Vail.


FIELD Address: Kirundu, Congo Belge,
Central Africa.
Address: Kirundu, Congo Belge,
Africa. Director: W. R. Vail.


Organized 1928
Territory: Ruanda and Urundi, Mrs. M. Duploy Miss Matter,
and also the Kivu District of Mrs. C. Johnson.
the Belgian Congo.
Population: 7,000,000. GITWE MISSION
Address: Gitwe, via Mombasa and Address: Gitwe, via Mombasa and
Bukobo, Ruanda, East Africa. Bukobo, Ruanda, East Africa.
Officers: Director: D. E. Delhove.
Supt., C. W. Bozarth.
Sec. and Treas., C. W. Bozarth.
Executive Committee: C. W.
Bozarth, D. E. Delhove, A. Mat- Address: Gitwe, via Mombasa and
ter, Henri Monnier. Bukobo, Ruanda, East Africa.
Director: A. Matter.
C. W. Bozarth, D. E. Delhove, A.
Matter, Henri Monnier. BUGANDA. MISSION
Missionary Licentiates:
M. Duploy, C. Johnson, Mrs. C. Address: Gitwe, via Mombasa and
W. Bozarth, Mrs. D. E. Delhove, Bukobo, Ruanda, East Africa.
Mrs. A. Matter, Mrs. H. Monnier, Direbtor: H. Monnier.


Territory: Angola, Island of San Address: Angola Union Mission of
Thome. Seventh-day Adventists, Caixa
Area: 480,000 square miles. Postale No. 3, Huambo, Angola,
Population: 8,117,000.
Churches: 1; membership 71 in- Distrito de Benguela, Portuguese
cluding 49 natives and 5 colored. West Africa.

Cable and Telegraphic Address: BONGO MISSION. STATION

Adventists, Huambo, Angola.
Address: Missao Adventists, Lepi,
Officers: Distrito de Benguela, Angola,
Portuguese West Africa.
Supt., W. H. Anderson.
Sec. and Treas., Miss Ina Moore. Director: A. N. Tonge, M. D.
Executive Committee: W. H. Faculty:
Anderson, A. N. Tonge, M. D., J. A. N. Tonge, T. R. Huxtable,
D. Baker, D. P. Harder, 0. 0. Portuguese Teacher, Mrs. A. N.
Bredenkamp. Tonge, Mrs. T. R. Huxtable, I.
L. Moore.
Department Secretaries: Native Teachers: 6.
Sabbath School, Mrs. W. H. An-
Miss. Vol., Ina L. Moore. NAMBA MISSION STATION.
Medical, A. N. Tonge, M. D.
Educational, W. H. Anderson. Director: .
Outschools: 2 with native teachers
Minister: W. H. Anderson. in charge.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Ina L. CHOKWE MISSION FIELD
Moore. Territory: Districts of Luchases,
Moxico, and Lunda.
Population: 2,750,000.
OVAMBUNDU MISSION FIELD Address: Missao de Luz, Poste
Established 1924 Restante, Vila Luzo, Distrito de
Moxico, Angola, Portuguese West
Territory: Districts of Benguela, Africa.
Cuanza de Sul and Bie.
Telegraphic Address: Adventists,
Address: Missao Adventista, Dis- Vila Luzo.
trito de Benguela, Lepi, Angola, Superintendent:
Portuguese West Africa.
Executive Committee: Union Ex-
Officers: ecutive Committee.
Supt., A. N. Tonge, M. D. Licentiates:
Sec. and Treas., Ina L. Moore.
0. 0. Bredenkamp, Joao Gnutz-
Executive Committee: A. N. man.
Tonge, M. D., T. R. Huxtable,
D. P. Harder, and Director of Missionary Licentiates:
Namba Mission. Mrs. 0. 0. Bredenkamp, Mrs.
Joao Gnutzman.
A. N. Tonge, M. D., T. R. Hux-
Address: Missao de Luz, Poste
Missionary Licentiates: Restante, Via Luzo, Distrito de
Mrs. A. N. Tonge, Mrs. T. R. Moxico, Angola, Portuguese West
Huxtable. Africa.

Director: 0. 0. Bredenkamp. Director: D. P. Harder.

Faculty: 0. 0. Bredenkamp and Faculty:
Joao Gnutzman. D. P. Harder, Mrs. D. P. Harder.
Outschools: 2 with native teachers Licentiate: D. P. Harder.
in charge. Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. D. P. Harder.
Territory: Districts of Mossamedes,
Population: 1,000,000. Territory: Cuanza de Norte, Congo,
Address: Missao Adventista, Qui- Milange, Intendencia de Cabinda
pungo, Distrito de Huila, Via and Zaire.
Mossamedes, Angola, Portuguese
West Africa. Address: Missao Adventista, Lepi,
Benguela Dist., Angola, Portu-
Executive Committee: Union Ex- guese West Africa.
ecutive Committee.
Superintendent: J. D. Baker.
Executive Committee: Union Ex-
HUILA MISSION STATION ecutive Committee.
Address: Missao Adventista, Qui- Minister: J. D. Baker.
pungo, Distrito de Huila, Via
Mossamedes, Angola, Portuguese Missionary Licentiate:
West Africa. Mrs. J. D. Baker.


Organized 1925
Territory: Nyasaland, Portuguese Officers:
East Africa between latitude 11 Supt., N. C. Wilson.
and 22; Northeast Rhodesia, Sec. and Treas., T. L. Bulgin.
east of meridian 32. Executive Committee: N. C.
Area: 275,000 square miles. Wilson, Dr. H. A. Erickson, M.
M. Webster, T. L. Bulgin, E. M.
Population: White, 3,000 approx.; Cadwallader, G. Pearson, Dr.
native, 4,186,000 approx. Marcus.
Churches:' 8; membership, 2,334. Department Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Educational, E. M. Cadwallader.
Blantyre, Nyasaland. Medical, Dr. H. A. Erickson.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. N. C. Wilson.
Address: Southeast African Union Sabbath School, Mrs. N. C. Wil-
Mission of Seventh-day Advent- son.
ists, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre,
Nyasaland, British Central Af- Minister:
rica. N. C. Wilson.

Licentiate: E. M. Cadwallader. Licentiates:

Dr. H. A. Erickson, G. R. Nash,
Missionary Licentiates: Melvin Sparrow, M. M. Webster,
Mrs. N. C. Wilson, Mrs. E. M. Yalam K., Victor Simon Msu-
Cadwallader, Mrs. T. L. Bulgin, seni, John Thomas.
T. L. Bulgin, Eugene Jewell,
Mrs. Eugene Jewell. Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. M. M. Webster, Mrs. G. R.
Nash, Miss M. D. Ingle, Mrs. H.
A. Erickson.
Territory: South Nyasaland. MALAMULO MISSION
Area: 21,000 square miles.
Medical Superintendent:
Population: White, 2,900. Dr. H. A. Erickson.
Churches: 7; membership, 2,337. Nurse: Miss M. D. Ingle.
Address: P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Native Orderlies: 6.
Nyasaland, British Central Af-
Supt., N. C. Wilson.
Sec. and Treas., T. L. Bulgin. Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland,
British Central Africa.
Executive Committee:N. C. Wil-
son, H. A. Erickson, M. M. Web- Director: W. L. Davy.
ster, W. L. Davy, J. L. Grisham.
Minister: Ben Ritch.
MALAMULO MISSION TRAIN- W. L. Davy, Harry Konje, Simon
Established 1902 Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. W. L. Davy.
Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, British
Central Africa. Outschools: 16.
Director: M. M. Webster. Teachers:
Faculty: M. M. Webster, G. R. Mrs. W. L. Davy and 22 natives.
Nash, Mrs. M. Webster, Melvin
Sparrow, Mrs. G. R. Nash, as-
sisted by 10 native teachers. THEKERANI MISSION
Outschools: 26. FIELD

Native Teachers: 41. Acquired 1923

Ministers: Address: Sankulani, Nyasaland,

British Central Africa.
Simon Ngaiyaye, Roman Chi-
mela, Morrison Malinki. Director: J. L. Grisham.

Licentiates: Nurse: Miss E. Vos.

J. L. Grisham, Edward Martin, Native Orderlies: 1.
Yokaniah Sesola, Jonathan Ka-
Missionary Licentiate: MWAMI MISSION
Mrs. J. L. Grisham.
Address: P. 0. Box 47, Fort Jame-
Outschools: 23. son, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa.

Teachers: Director: Dr. E. G. Marcus.

Mrs. J. L. Grisham and 29 na- Licentiate: B. Sopha.
Missionary Licentiate:
Dispensary: Mrs. J. L. Grisham. Miss E. Vos.

SION FIELD Address: P. 0. Box 47, Fort Jame-
son, N. E. Rhodesia, Africa.
Territory: The Central Province
of Nyasaland and territory adja- Minister: James Ngaiya ye.
cent in Northeast Rhodesia east
of meridian 32. Native Teachers: 2.

Area: 26,000 square miles.

Population: 'White, 550; native, NORTH NYASALAND MISSION
490,000. FIELD

Churches: 1, membership, 7. Territory: The Northern Province

of Nyasaland and adjacent ter-
Address: P. 0. Box 47, Fort Jame- ritory in Northeast Rhodesia
son, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. east of Meridian 32.

Officers: Area: 32,500 square miles.

Supt., Dr. E. G. Marcus. Population: White, 35; native, 485-
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. E. G. 000.
Executive Committee: The Temporary Address: Box 51, Blan-
_ Union Committee. tyre, Nyasaland, British Central
Licentiate: Dr. E. G. Marcus.
Missionary Licentiate: Supt., G. Pearson.
Mrs. E. G. Marcus. Executive Committee: The
Union Committee.
Ministers: G. Pearson, James Ma-
Address: P. 0. Box 47, Fort Jame- Missionary Licentiate:
son, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Mrs. G. Pearson.
Superintendent: Dr. E. G. Marcus. Native Teachers: 5.
Organized zgr6
Territory: British Bechuanaland SOUTHERN RHODESIA
Protectorate, Northern a n d
Southern Rhodesia. Comprising MISSION FIELD
Northern Rhodesia Mission Field, Organized 1921
Northeast Rhodesia Mission
Field, Southern Rhodesia Mis- Territory: Southern Rhodesia,
sion Field, Bechuanaland Mission comprising the following mis-
Field. sions: Solusi, Lower Gwelo, In-
yazura, Hanke, Lower Shangani,
Area: 715,000 square miles. and Solusi Outschools.
Population: White, 46,324; native, Area: 149,000 square miles.
Population: White, 39,000; native,
Churches: 19; total membership, 862,319.
3,477: 3 European, membership,
59; 16 native, membership, 3,418. Churches: 12; membership, 2,114.

Office Address: 116 Jameson St., Address: P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo,

Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
South Africa. Officers:
Postal Address: Box 573, Bula- Supt., H. M. Sparrow.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, South Sec. and Tieas., Miss G. Brown.
Africa. Executive Committee: H. M.
Sparrow, S. W. Palmer, C. Robin-
Officers: son, W. Higgins, John van de
Superintendent, E. C. Boger. Merwe.
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, D. A. Department Secretaries:
Webster. Sabbath School, Miss G. Brown.
Executive Committee: E. C. Miss. Vol., Isaac Xiba,
Boger, D. A. Webster, H. M.
Sparrow, A. V. Edwards, Super- Ministers:
intendent of Northeast Rhodesia H. M. Sparrow, R. Glenn Morton,
Mission Field, Dr. Richard Mor- Isaac Xiba.
ton, B. M. Heald.
Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries: Mrs. H. M. Sparrow, Miss G.
Educational, S. W. Palmer. Brown.
Miss. Vol., C. E. Sparrow.
Home Miss., C. E. Sparrow.
Minister: E. C. Boger. SCHOOL
Established 1894
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. E. C. Boger, D. A. Webster, Address: Solusi Mission, Bula-
Mrs. D. A. Webster, Miss E. M. wayo, Southern Rhodesia,
Willmore, C. E. Sparrow, Mrs. Africa.
C. E. Sparrow. Director: W. Higgins.

Faculty: Director, W. Higgins; Director: F. R. Stockil.

Principal, Roy Mote, assisted by Ministers:
6 natives. F. R. Stockil, John Ngani.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiate:
W. Higgins, Mrs. W. Higgins, Mrs. F. R. Stockil,
Roy Mote, Mrs. Roy Mote.
Native Evangelist: 1.
Native Teachers: 10.
Solusi Mission Outschools
Address: Solusi Mission, Bula-
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. LOWER SHANGANI MISSION
Inspector: John van de Merwe. STATION
Ministers: Address: Box 78, Gwelo, Southern
Clarence Silombe, Alfred Gama. Rhodesia, Africa.
Licentiate: John van de Merwe. Director: E. V. Tarr.
Missionary Licentiate: Licentiate: E. V. Tarr.
Mrs. John van de Merwe.
Missionary Licentiate:
Native evangelists: 4. Mrs. E. V. Tarr.
Native Teachers: -31.
Native Teachers: 7.
Native Colporteur: 1.
No. of Outschools: 31. Native Evangelist: 1.
No. of Outschools: 6.


(Formerly Somabula)
Established 1910
Established 1901
Address: Inyazura Mission, Inya-
Address: Box 78, Gwelo, Southern zura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: S. W. Palmer. Director: C. Robinson.
Licentiate: S. W. Palmer. Ministers:
Missionary Licentiate: C. Robinson, Emory Mdalazi.
Mrs. S. W. Palmer. Licentiate: F. B. Jewell.
Minister: Harry Sibagobe. Missionary Licentiates:
Native Evangelist: 1. Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. F. B.
Native Teachers: 15. Jewell.
No. of Outschools: 16. Teachers:
Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. F. B.
Jewell, with 17 native teachers.
Native Evangelists: 4.
Postal Address: Selukwe, Southern
Rhodesia, Africa. No. of Outschools: 14.

NORTHERN RHODESIA Licentiate: C. E. Wheeler.

MISSION FIELD Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. G. S. Joseph, Mrs. C. E.
Organized 1921 Wheeler.
Territory: Northern Rhodesia, Ca- Teachers:
privi Strip, comprising the fol- G. S. Joseph, Mrs. C. E. Wheeler,
lowing missions: Rusangu, Up- and 6 native teachers.
per Zambesi, Musofu, Muchenje, Dispensary: Mrs. G. S. Joseph.
Native Evangelists: 4. '
Area: 291,000 square miles. Native Teachers: 18.
Population: White, 5,581; native, Outschools: 17.
Churches: 5; members, 1,240. MUCHENJE MISSION
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 30, Lu- Formerly Lusaka Outschools
saka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Address: P. 0. Box 30, Lusaka,
Officers: Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Supt., B. M. Heald. Directot: W. Mason.
Sec. and Treas., Miss L. M.
Kleinert. Minister: Henry Mabona.
Exectitive Committee: B. M. Licentiate: W. Mason.
Heald, G. S. Joseph, S. M. Konig-
macher, W. S. Smith, C. E. Missionary Licentiate:
Wheeler. Mrs. 'W. Mason.
No. of Schools: 12.
Department Secretary:
Sab. School, Miss L. M. Kleinert. Teachers:
Mrs. W. Mason and 14 natives.
Minister: B. M. Heald.
Native Evangelist: 1.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. B. M.
Heald, Miss L. M. Kleinert.
RUSANGU MISSION AND Established 1917
TRAINING SCHOOL Address: Musofu Mission, Private
Bag, Broken Hill, Northern Rho-
Established 1905 desia, Africa.
Address: P. 0. Mission, Northern
Rhodesia, Africa. Director and Outschool Inspector:
W. S. Smith.
Director: G. S. Joseph.
Licentiate: W. S. Smith.
Head Master: C. E. Wheeler.
Farm Manager: . Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. W. S. Smith.
Outschool Inspector: G. S. Joseph.
Ministers: W. S. Smith and 12 natives.
G. S. Joseph, Samuel Moyo, Ste-
phen Mulambo. Minister: Matthew Chiwanga.


STATION Supt., E. C. Boger.
(Formerly Katima Mulilo) Treas., D. A. Webster.
Executive Committee: Zambesi
Established 1921 Union Mission Committee.
Address: Sesheke, Northern
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director and Inspector of out- STATION
schools: G. L. Willmore.
Established 1921
Minister: Gladstone Isku.
Address: Kawambwa, Via N'Dola,
Missionary Licentiates: Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
G. L. Willmore, Mrs. G. L. Will- Director: I. B. Burton.
Minister: Pastor Lawson.
Licentiate: I. B. Burton.
Mrs. G. L. Willmore and 12 na-
tives. Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. I. B. Burton.
Native Evangelists: 1.
I. B. Burton, Mrs. I. B. Burton,
and 5 natives.
STATION No. of Outschools: 2.
Established 1928 Dispensary: Mrs. I. B. Burton.
Address: Liumba Hill, Kalabo, P.
0. Mongu, Barotseland, Northern
Rhodesia, Africa. BECHUANALAND
Director: S. M. Konigmacher. MISSION FIELD
Minister: S. M. Konigmacher. Territory: British Bechuanaland
Missionary Licentiate: Protectorate.
Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher. Area: 275,000 square miles.
Teacher: Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher. Population: White, 1,743; native,
Native Evangelists: 1. 151,240.
Address: Kanye, via Lobatsi, Brit-
ish Bechuanaland Protectorate,
DESIA MISSION FIELD Church: 1; membership, 74.
Territory: Northeastern Rhodesia, Officers:
west of meridian 32. Supt., A. V. Edwards.
Sec.-Treas., Mrs. A. V. Edwards.
Address: Kawambwa, Via N'Dola, Executive Committee: A. V.
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Edwards, Dr. Richard Morton,
Church: 1; membership, 50. Miss L. D. Melvill.

Department Secretary: INSTITUTIONS IN THE AFRI-

Sabbath School, Mrs. A. V. Ed- CAN DIVISION
Minister: A. V. Edwards. Helderberg College (for Euro.
peans), Somerset West, Cape
Licentiate: William Myengwa. Province, South. Africa.
Bethel Mission Training School,
Missionary Licentiates: Butterworth, Transkei, C. P.,
Mrs. A. V. Edwards, Kgwedia- South Africa.
phukwi, Philemon, Mark, Alfred. Malamulo Training School, P. 0.
Medical Missionary Licentiates: Cholo, Nyasaland, British Cen
Dr. Richard Morton, Miss L. D. tral Africa.
Melvill. Rusangu Training School, P. 0.
Mission, Northern Rhodesia,
Solusi Training School, Bula-
KANYE MEDICAL MISSION wayo, Rhodesia, Africa.
Medical Superintendent: Spion Kop Training School,
Dr. Richard Morton. Ladysmith, Natal, South Af-
Nurse: Miss L. D. Melvill.
Native Orderlies: Sentinel Publishing Co., Ros-
Masadikobo, Nicodimous, Rapas. mead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape,
South Africa.
Plumstead Nursing Home, Main
Head Teacher and Evangelist: Road, Plumstead, Cape, South
William Myengwa. Africa.
Created a Division Conference by action of the General Conference
in session at San Francisco, Cal., May 24, 1922.
Population: 8,500,000; churches, Vice-President for Australasia, C.
275; members, 10,922. H. Watson.


Organized 1894

Territory: The Conferences of B Rudge, R. Reye, F. E.

North New South Wales, South Lyndon, N. H. Faulkner, Dr. T.
New South Wales, North New A. Sherwin, G. T. Chapman, Mrs.
Zealand, South New Zealand, A. L. Hindson, F. G. Rampton, W.
Queensland, South Australia, 0. Johanson, T. J. Dowling, G. S.
Victoria, West Australia, and Fisher,F. A. Allum, C. H. Par-
Tasmania; Eastern Polynesia, ker, . F. Jones, E. Rosendahl,
Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, New Guinea, E. E. Cossentine, C. M. Snow,
Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, W. N. Lock.
New Hebrides, Niue, Norfolk Auditor, A. G. Minchin.
Island, Lord Howe Island, and Asst. Auditor, R. R. Gooding.
North Queensland Missions. Statistician,
Cable Address: " Adventist," Syd- Legal Assn.: " Australasian
ney. Conference Association, Ltd."
General Manager, C. H. Watson.
Office: " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Sec. and Treas., T. W. Ham-
New South Wales, Australia. mond.
Officers: Union Book Depository:
Pres., C. H. Watson. Signs Publishing Company, War-
Vice-President for the Home burton, Victoria, Australia.
Field, W. W. Fletcher. Manager, W. 0. Johanson, War-
Vice-President for the Island burton.
Mission Field, A. G. Stewart. Union Field Miss. Sec., F. G.
Secretary, A. H. Piper. Rampton.
Treas., T. W. Hammond. Book Committee: W. W. Fletch-
Field Secretaries, A. W. Ander- er, C. M. Snow, A. W. Anderson,
son, W. J. Westerman. F. G. Rampton, W. 0. Johanson.
Executive Committee: C. H. Department Secretaries:
Watson, W. W. Fletcher, A. G. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. L. Hind-
Stewart, A. H. Piper, T. W. Ham- son.
mond, A. W. Anderson, W. J. Educational, N. H. Faulkner.
Westerman, G. G. Stewart, H. A. Medical Miss., Dr. T. A. Sher-
Hill, S. Watson, S. L. Patching, win.
W. G. Turner, L. D. A. Lemke, Publishing, F. G. Rampton.
W. M. R. S'cragg, H. E. Piper, Religious Liberty, A. W. Ander-
E. G. Whittaker, G. Peacock, E. son.

Miss. Vol., N. H. Faulkner. E. M. Shannan, Mrs. H. Franks,

Home Miss., W. J. Westerman. R. A. Thomson, R. Wood, Miss R.
Health Food, G. T. Chapman. Zeininger, R. G. L. Cooper, Miss
L. Daughtrey, Miss M. Foster,
Ministers: H. J. Gibson, Miss V. Fraser,
C. H. Watson, F. A. Allum, A. W. Miss F. Kringle, Miss I. M. Blair,
Anderson, S. W. Carr, A. C. Miss V. Lyndon, Miss F. De-
Chesson, W. W. Fletcher, R. Laney, Miss C. Russell, Miss M.
Hare, A. W. Knight, C. M. Speck.
Snow, W. J. Westerman, G. F.
Jones, A. H. Piper, F. G. Ramp- Licensed Teachers:
ton, A. G. Stewart, A. E. Speck, Miss E. Clarke, A. Martin, Miss
E. E. Cossentine, N. H. Faulkner, A. Risbey, Miss A. L. Shaks-
E. Rosendahl, A. F. J. Kranz, peare, Miss L. Vetter, Mrs. T. C.
H. K. Martin, P. B. Rudge, R. E. Lawson, Miss E. Robson, Mrs.
Hare. C. H. Schowe, G H. Greenaway,
Mrs. E. L. Minchin, B. Schwartz-
Licentiates: kopf.
G. A. Brandstater, G. S. Fisher,
T. W. Hammond, W. a Johan-
son, Dr. W. H. James, A. L. King,
Win. Chapman, Dr. T. A. Sher- NORTH NEW SOUTH WALES
win, S. V. Stratford, C. H. Prety- CONFERENCE
man, Dr. C. W. Harrison, T. R. Organized 1920
Kent, E. A. Turner, W. Morris,
A. M. Fraser, A. G. Miller, C. V. Territory: That part of the state
Bell, G. F. Bohringer, T. C. Law- of New South Wales north of
son, E. L. Minchin, C. H. Schowe, the Hawkesbury and Capertee
R. E. G. Blair, A. Judge. Rivers as far west as the 150th
meridian of east longitude,
Missionary Licentiates: thence east of the line running
G. E. Adair, F. E. Butler, L. A. north to Cassilis. Thence north-
Butler, T. J. Dowling, Mrs. A. L. east of a line running north-
Hindson, Mrs. L. L. Ulrich, westerly from Cassilis to where
R. I. Wright, W. T. Smith, A. the 147th meridian of east
G. Minchin, J. S. Sandeman, G. longitude meets the 29th paral-
T. Chapman, Mrs. G. F. Jones, lel of south latitude.
H. C. Moseley, R. R. Gooding, H. Office: Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P.
J. Halliday, H. E. Mills, J. L. 0. Box 27), New South Wales,
Simpson, H. Stockton, C. J. Australia.
Boulting, T. Bush, J. H. Mills,
G. E. Salisbury, H. J. Baron, Officers:
Miss E. M. Cooper, Mrs. E. Mey- Pres., H. A. Hill.
ers, Mrs. P. B. Rudge, Geo. Sec. and Treas., P. G. Foster.
Thomson, C. W. Tinworth. Executive Committee: H. A. Hill,
W. F. Martin, W. H. Pascoe,
Medical Missionary Licentiates: G. S. Fisher, W. Gale, C. J. Rey-
Miss M. Budd, Miss N. Dray, Dr. nolds, A. R. Robinson.
M. M. Freeman, H. Franks, 0.
V. Hellestrand, Miss H. Judge, Department Secretaries:
Dr. G. A. Hardwicke, Miss J. Mc Field Miss., D. A. Speck.
Oillough, Dr. D. I. Mills, L. G. Educational, H. A. Hill.
Munro, Dr. E. S. Richards, Mrs. Home Miss., J. L. Smith.

Religious Liberty, A. W. Ander- Department Secretaries:

son. Field Miss., C. F. Hodgkinson,
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Sabbath School, Miss L. V.
Miss A. E. Douglass. Booth.
Ministers: Educational, N. H. Faulkner.
H. A. Hill, W. H. Pascoe, M. H. Home Missions, C. Head.
Whittaker, C. J. Reynolds, R. A. Religious Liberty, A. W. Ander-
Salton, B. Cormack, J. E. Steed. son.
Miss. Vol., E. H. Parsons; Asso-
Licentiates: ciate, Miss Iva Hoy.
J. L. Smith, J. S. Jackson, P. G.
Foster, H. A. Kent. Ministers:
C. H. Parker, A. H. White, H.
Missionary Licentiates: Mitchell, J. W. Kent, A. Smart,
Miss A. E. Douglass, A. S. At- B. Cozens, H. Letts, E. Behrens,
kins, A. F. Parker, D. A. Speck, E. R. Whitehead, J. Thompson,
Miss E. Heise, R, Bullas. H. C. Harker.
Church School Teachers: Licentiates:
Mrs. E. E. Faulkhead, Miss W. C. J. Griffin, R. Govett, J. Hind-
Niebuhr, Miss M. Dawkins, Miss son, S. R. Maunder, W. H. Hop-
E. Brittain. kin, E. H. Parsons, T. Anderson,
C. Head, J. Eggins, W. J. Rich-
ards, W. R. Carswell, J. J. Cram-
SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES mond, G. J. Parker, W. H. Stev-
Organized 1895 Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: That part of the state Miss A. E. Peace, Miss S. Read,
of New South Wales South of Miss Iva Hoy, Mrs. G. E. Chap-
the Hawkesbury and Capertee man, Mrs. H. Bridgett, Mrs. M.
Rivers, as far west as the 150th Morgan, Miss L. V. Booth, Miss
meridian of east longitude, F. Carver, Mrs. G. Evans, J. C.
thence west of the line running Lawson, W. S. Renn.
north to Cassilis, thence south- Church School Teachers:
west of a line running north- E. J. Felsch, E. A. Butler, D.
westerly from Cassilis to where Sutherland, Miss M. Schnepel,
the 147th meridian of east longi- Miss V. G. Camp, H. Totenhofer,
tude meets the 29th parallel of Miss L. Fisher, G. Currow, V.
south latitude, with the excep- Pascoe.
tion of the city of Broken Hill
and such adjacent territory as is
now a part of the South Aus-
tralian Conference. NEW ZEALAND, NORTH CON-
Office: " Tereora," The Boulevarde, FERENCE
Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Organized 1889
P'res., C. H. Parker. Territory: That portion of the
Sec. and Treas., W. H. Hopkin. Dominion of New Zealand north
of Cook's Straits.
Executive Committee: C. H.
Parker, W. J. Wright, J. Edsall, Cable Address: " Mastery," Auck-
B. Hart, 0. V. Hellestrand. land, New Zealand.

Office: 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, Officers:

New Zealand. Pres., H. E. Piper.
Sec. and Treas., A. S. Herbert.
Executive Committee: H. E.
Pres., W. M. R. Scragg. Piper, S. H. Amyes, J. Pascoe,
Sec., P. Clocker. W. Wilkins, J. Lowry, G. E.
Treas., Miss R. G. Dray. Adair.
Executive Committee: W. M. R.
Scragg, F. L. Sharp, W. J. Broad, Department Secretaries:
W. Jack, E. Rosendahl, J. Jones, Field Miss., A. Jackson. '
H. 0. Belworthy. Sabbath School, R. H. Powrie.
Legal Assn.: " New Zealand Con- Educational, H. E. Piper.
ference, Incorporated." Home Miss., R. H. Powrie.
Miss. Vol., R. H. Powrie.
Department Secretaries: Religious Liberty, H. E. Piper.
Field Miss., E. A. Turner.
Sabbath School, J. Bookings. Ministers:
Educational and Miss. Vol., C. S. H. E. Piper, J. Pascoe.
Palmer. Licentiates:
Religious Liberty, F. L. Sharp. R. H. Powrie, H. T. Howse, A. J.
Home Miss., M. B. C. Smith. Mitchell, D. Sibley.
Ministers: Missionary Licentiates:
W. M. R. Scragg, F. L. Sharp, A. S. Herbert, Miss E. Stewart,
C. A. Wrigley, C. A. Paap, L. R. Miss R. Hook, Miss P. Kilroy,
Harvey, M. B. C. Smith, W. E. R. Greive, A. Jackson, L. Jones.
Battye, E. S. Butz, H. J. Meyers.
Church School Teacher:
Licentiates: Miss M. Smart.
J. Bookings, T. Bradley, C. S.
Palmer, A. Barron, P. Glockler,
Missionary Licentiates: Organized 1899
0. K. Anderson, Miss R. G. Dray, Territory: All that portion of the
Miss B. Strange. State of Queensland lying south
Church School Teachers: of a line drawn from Yeppoon
west to Kumviarara on the Marl-
Miss L. Beavis, Miss L. Potter, borough line, and thence due
Miss D. Ashton, W. Whisker. south to the top of the range
just west of Deeford, and from
thence in a direct line to the
NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH CON- South Australian border.
FERENCE Office: Corner O'Connell Terrace
and Sneyd St., Bowen Bills,
Organized 1915 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Territory: That portion of the Officers:
Dominion of New Zealand south Pres., W. G. Turnei..
of Cook's Straits. Sec. and Treas., E. L. Pengilley.
Office: 902 Colombo St., Christ- Executive Committee: W. G.
church, New Zealand. Turner, H. Stacey, T. A. Mitch-

ell, J. H. Mills, J. S. Stewart, W. Gillis, W. J. Smith.

McFayden, W. G. Flodgkinson. Honorary: A. H. Rogers.
Department Secretaries: Licentiates:
Field Miss., T. A. Mitchell. F. Masters, J. Todd, J. S. Sweet,
Sabbath School, Miss H. Lewin, J. J. Potter.
Educational, W. G. Turner. Honorary: T. A. Brown.
Miss. Vol., -Miss H. Lewin. Missionary Licentiates:
Religious Liberty, H. C. Moseley. Miss R. V. Stratford, Miss W. E.
Home Miss., J. S. Stewart. Haberman, A. C. Ball, V. Reye.
Ministers: Church School Teacher:
W. G. Turner, J. S. Stewart, R. Mrs. E. Year.
A. Anderson.
C. A. Hysler, F. McFarlane, T. A.
Missionary Licentiates: Formerly included in Victoria-Tas-
Miss H. L. Cozens, C. Anderson, mania Conference, organized as
E. L. Pengilley. separate conference 1926.
Address: Box 291, Hobart, Tas-
ENCE Pres., S. L. Patching.
Organized 1899 Sec. and Treas., F. J. Butler.
Executive Committee: S. L.
Territory: The State of South Patching, H. J. Halliday, A. E.
Australia, and the city of Bro- Craigie, A. W. Roberts, E. P.
ken Hill, New South Wales. Fehlberg, R. A. Thrift, A. A.
Office: 27 Prospect Terrace, Pros- Appeldorff.
pect, South Australia, Australia. Department Secretaries:
Officers: Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Pres., S. Watson. F. J. Butler.
Sec. and Treas., J. Todd. Field Miss. and Home Miss., S. L.
Executive Committee: S. Wat- Patching.
son, A. Zepnert, B. J. Smith, Religious Liberty, R. A. Thrift.
G. Robinson, J. S. Sweet, T. A. Educational, S. L. Patching.
Brown, L. Johnson, E. Lock, W. Minister: S. L. Patching.
Department Secretaries: R. A. Thrift, F. J. Butler, C. E.
Field Miss., J. S. Sweet. Bird, A. J. Dyason.
Educational, .
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Missionary Licentiates:
Miss W. E. Haberman. Miss I. Robertson, Miss E. Hop-
Home Miss., F. Masters. good, Miss C. E. Hodgetts.
Religious Lib., T. A. Brown.
Church School Teachers:
inisters: Miss A. Hardy, Miss M. Sutton,
- S. Watson, G. Robinson, W. E. Miss B. Voss.


Organized 1888
Organized 1902
Territory: The State of Victoria.
Territory: The State of West
Office: 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Australia.
Victoria, Australia.
Office: 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth,
Officers: West Australia.
Pres., G. G. Stewart.
Sec. and Treas., E. H. Guilliard. Officers:
Pres., E. G. Whittaker.
Executive Committee: G. G. Sec. and Treas., S. C. Butler.
Stewart, J. A. McAinsh, P.
Preuss, L. J. Imrie, W. J. Gilson, Executive Committee: E. G.
T. N. Bush, L. T. Giblett. Whittaker, E. E. Roenfelt, A. E.
Speck, A. R. Boxall, W. Donald,
Department Secretaries: G. W. Spencer.
Field Miss., J. Kent. Department Secretaries:
Sabbath School., Miss M. C. Bar- Field Miss., H. G. Moulds.
low. Miss. Vol. and Sabbath School,
Educational, W. J. Gilson.. Mrs. S. G. Tank.
Religious Lib., T. H. Craddock, Educational, T. C. Lawson.
Home Miss., E. R. Gane. Religious Lib., E. G. Whittaker.
Miss. Vol., W. J. Gilson. Home Miss., E. V. Clark.
Ministers: Ministers:
G. G. Stewart, E. H. Guilliard, E. G. Whittaker, E. E. Roenfelt.
G. E. Marriott, L. J. Imrie, L.
Currow, T. H. Craddock, C. P. Licentiates:
Michaels, L. F. Were. S. C. Butler, R. Brandstater,
H. G. Moulds, E. V. Clarke, H. S.
Licentiates: Streeter.
R. J. Burns, M. A. Connell, R. J. Missionary Licentiates:
Paterson, W. J. Gilson, E. R.
Gane, C. E. Ashcroft, M. Groli- Mrs. S. G. Tank, L. V. Wilkinson.
mund, C. R. Farrell. Church School Teachers:
Missionary Licentiates: Miss G. Clark, Miss N. Sheed,
A. P. Dyason, T. C. Lawson, N.
Miss M. McDowell, Miss E. Brit- White, Miss L. Baird.
ten, Miss A. S. Higgins, Miss M.
C. Barlow, Mrs. K. M. Thorpe,
Miss F. Grolimund, W. A. Beatty,
Mrs. T. H. Craddock, J. R. Kent, COOK ISLAND MISSION
Mrs. G. E. Marriott, A. H. E. Established 1892.
(Included as part of the Eastern
Church School Teachers: Polynesian Mission, 1916 to 1923;
reorganized 1923.)
Miss.D. Lockwood, Miss B. Ait-
ken, B. H. McMahon, Miss E. Territory: Those islands compris-
Cleary, Miss R. Vetter, Miss E. ing the Cook or Hervey Group,
T. Smith, Miss J. Mitchell, Mrs. and other small islands closely
V. Edwards, G. Neuman. adjoining.

Headquarters: Box 16, Rarotonga, Address: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,

Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Pacific Ocean.
Officers: Officers:
Supt., H. B. P. Wicks. Supt., E. B. Rudge.
(The field is operated under the Sec. and Treas., W. R. Litster.
direction of, the Australasian
Union Conference.) Ministers:
E. B. Budge, H. R. Martin, G.
Minister: Branster, N. C. Burns, J. R.
H. B. P. Wicks. James, Meciusela Naisogo,
Timoci Nawara, Mitieli Naka-
Missionary Licentiates: samai,, Sanivalati Ramuwai,
Mrs. H. B. P. Wicks, Tauraki. Ratu Sailosi Ralago.
G. M. Masters, Na Bahadur
EASTERN POLYNESIAN MIS- Singh, G. McLaren, H. R. Steed,
SION R. W. Lane, Semiti Gade, Moapi
Vosa, Feresi Rokosala, Jope
Established 1892; reorganized 1916 Leweloa, Kelevi Matauwalu,
Comprising the following former Asasela, Lewaqausila, Josaia
missions Society Islands, and Sauliga, Fineasi Kali, Maimoni
Pitcairn 'Island. Nala.uba.
Territory: All the Pacific Islands Missionary Licentiates:
east of the 160th degree of west Mrs. G. Branster, Mrs. G. Mc-
longitude, and south of the tenth Laren, Mrs. H. R. Steed, Mrs.
parallel of north latitude. N. C. Burns, F. Lang, Mrs. F.
Lang, Mrs. E. B. Rudge, Mrs. G.
Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti, M. Masters, Mrs. J. R. James, W.
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. R. Litster, Miss E. E. Edwards,
Mrs. R. W. Lane, Mrs. W. R.
Officers: Litster, Emori Savatine, Semi
Supt., F. E. Lyndon. Tikivili, Tomasi Vunisinu, Pere-
Ministers: niki Tagi, Sueli Namali, Ta-
F. E. Lyndon, G. L. Sterling. niela Tilivaiva, Tevita Ralave,
Joeli . Lotawa, Vuniani, Taito,
Missionary Licentiates: Taniela Vauvau, Meli Sowakai,
Mrs. F. E. Lyndon, Mrs. G. L. Ratu Meli Salabogi, Wiliami
Sterling, Iti Strickland, Koteka, Alipati Koro, Jolami, Wesele,
Tihoni. Epeli, Timoci Moki, Eroni, Orisi,
Joni Mataogo.
Church School Teachers:
M. E. McCoy, Miss L. Christian.
Established 1895
(Included as part of the Central
Established 1889 Polynesian Conference, 1916 to
1921; reorganized 1921.)
(Included as part of the Central
Polynesian Conference, 1916 to Address: Nukualofa, Tonga,
1921; reorganized 1921.) Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.

Officers: Missionary Licentiates:

. (Operated under direction of Mrs. J. L. Branford, Mrs. L. A.
Australasian Union Conference.) Borgas, Mrs. IL Mills, Miss P.
Branford, H. Mills, M. Pringle,
Minister: H. L. Tolhurst. Mrs. M. Pringle.
Church School Teacher:
Jone Latu, B. E Hadfield.
Miss P. Branford.
Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. H. L. Tolhurst, Mrs. B. E.
Hadfield, Apeti Dawai.
Church School Teacher:
Established 1908; Organized 1928
Jone Latu.
Address: Bisiatabu, Port Mores-
by, British New Guinea.
ABORIGINES Supt., W. N. Lock.
Sec., C. J. Howell.
Address: Dempsey, New South
Wales, Australia. Minister:
Minister: P. B. Rudge. W. N. Lock.
Missionary Licentiate: Licentiates:
Mrs. P. B. Budge. G. H. Engelbrecht, Nafitalai Na-
vara, Maika Dauniika.
Missionary Licentiates:
LORD HOWE ISLAND MISSION Mrs. W. N. Lock, C. Mitchell,
Mrs. C. Mitchell, C. J. Howell,
Address: Lord Howe Island, Aus- Mrs. C. J. Howell, Mrs. G. H. En-
tralia. gelbrecht.
Licentiate: A. H. Ferris.
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. H. NEW HEBRIDES MISSION
Organized as separate mission
in 1924
ABORIGINES Address: Atchin, New Hebrides,
Pacific Ocean.
Established 1913
Address: Oaklands, via Cairns, Supt., R. Reye.
Queensland, Australia. Sec., W. 0. Broad.
Officers: Ministers:
Supt., L. A. Borgas. D. Nicholson, W. D. Smith.
Matron, Mrs. L. A. Borgas.
Licentiates: W. A. Taylor, A. H. Weil, R.
J. L. Branford, L. A. Borgas. Reye.

Missionary Licentiates: SAMOAN MISSION

Mrs. D. Nicholson, Mrs. W. D.
Smith, Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Mrs.
Established 1895
A. H. Weil, Mrs. R. Reye, J. C. (Included as part of the Central
Radley, Mrs. J. C. Radley, W. 0. Polynesian Conference, 1916 to
Broad, Mrs. A. Wiles. 1921; reorganized 1921.)
Address: Apia, Samoa, Pacific
NIUE (OR SAVAGE) ISLAND Licentiate: J. F. Strange.
Missionary Licentiate:
Established 1914 Mrs. J. Strange.
Address: Niue Island, Pacific
Missionary Licentiate: SOLOMON ISLANDS MISSION
Mrs. A. G. Head.
Established 1914: Organized 1920
Address: Marovo Lagoon, via Tu-
NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION lagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Established 1893
Address: Norfolk Island, Aus- Supt., G. Peacock.
tralia. Sec. and Treas., A. R. Barrett.
Lincentiate: Ministers:
G. Peacock, R. H. Tutty.
D. H. Gray, C. M. Lee, A. R.
Campbell, N. A. Ferris.
Formerly included in Queensland
Conference. Operated as Mission Missionary Licentiates:
under direction of Aust. Union Mrs. R. H. Tutty, Mrs. C. M.
Conference from Jan. 1, 1929. Lee, Mrs. H. E. Barham, Mrs. A.
R. Barrett, Mrs. D. H. Gray, Miss
Territory: All that portion of the E. Totenhofer, H. E. Barham,
State of Queensland lying Pana, Kere, Nagaha, Jugha,
north of a line drawn from Gorapava, Kimi, Ragoso, Oti,
Yeppoon west to Kumviarara Kioto, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs.
on the Marlborough line, and N. A. Ferris, Mrs. G. Peacock,
thence due south to the top of Mrs. J. D. Anderson.
the range just west of Deeford,
and from thence in a direct line
to the South Australian border.,
Supt., A. C. Chesson. FERENCE
Minister: A. C. Chesson. Educational:
Australasian Missionary College,
Licentiates: Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus-
T. R. Kent, W. Morris. tralia.

&tuna Training School, Solomon Sanitariums:

Islands, Pacific Ocean. Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroonga,
Buresala Training School, Bure- N. S. W., Australia.
sala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Warburton Sanitarium, War-
Ocean. burton, Victoria, Australia.
Navuso Intermediate School,
Wainibuka River, via Viria, Health Food Factories:
Fiji. Avondale Industries, Cooran-
New Zealand Missionary School, bong, N. S. W., Australia.
Longburn, New Zealand. Grain Products, Ltd., 659 Par-
West Australian kissionary ramatta Rd., Annandale, New
School, Carmel, West Aus- South Wales.
tralia. New Zealand Health Food Fac-
tory, Papanui, Christchurch,
Publishing: New Zealand.
Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., War- Victorian Health Food Factory,
burton, Victoria, Australia. Warburton, Victoria.
Organized /922
Territory: Mexico, Guatemala, Wood, E. W. Everest, C. L.
Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Stone, Mrs. E. E. Andross..
Costa Rica, Panama; Colombia, Field Sec., C. E. Wood.
Venezuela, British, Dutch, and
French Guiana, West Indies, Department Secretaries:
Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Santo Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Domingo, Porto Rico, Trinidad, Mrs. E. E. Andross.
Windward and Leeward. also Educational, C. L. Stone.
Virgin and Bahama Islands. Publishing, J. A. P. Green.
Population: 43,311,194; organized Home' Miss., C. E. Wood.
Transportation Agent, F. L.
churches, 302; members, 12,400. Harrison.
Cable and Wireless Address: " In- Cashier, C. L. Stilson.
teramerica," Balboa. (Bentley
Code and Western Union Travel- Laborers Holding Credentials from
ers' Cable Code used in the fields the Inter-American Division:
of the Inter-American Division.) Ministers:
E. E. Andross, .1. A. P. Green,
Office: cor. Balboa and Gavilon C. E. Wood.
Roads, Balboa, Canal Zone, Pan-
ama. Licentiates:
F. L. Harrison, E. W. Everest.
Office Address: Box " 0," Balboa,
Canal Zone, Panama. Missionary Licentiates:
C. L. Stilson, Mrs. E. E. Andross,
Officers: Mrs. F. L. Harrison, Miss Kath-
President, E. E. Andross. ryn E. Haynal, Mrs. J. A. P.
Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, F. L. Green, J. A. Leland, Jr., Mrs. J.
Harrison. A. Leland, Jr., Mrs. C. E. Wood,
Division Committee: E. E. An- Mrs. C. L. Stilson, Mrs. Mary
dross, F. L. Harrison, A. R. Clausen, D. R. Buckner, Mrs.
Ogden, D. A. Parsons, W. E. E. W. Everest, Miss Sallie J.
Baxter, J. A. P. Green, W. R. Jenkins, Miss Lauretta Wood,
Elliott, H. E. Baasch, C. E. Homer Stilson.


Reorganized 1923
Territory: The Bahamas, Cuba, Office Address: Genaro Sanchez 11,
Jamaica, Porto Rico, Haiti, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Santo Domingo. Officers:
Population: 8,984,249; churches, Supt., A. R. Ogden.
138; members, 5,377. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, N. L.
Cable Address: "Unionantil," Ha- Executive Committee: A. R.
vana, Cuba. Ogden, N. L. Taylor, H. J. Ed-

med, L. J. Borrowdale, A. A. CUBA MISSION

Davis, R. J. Sype, Peter Nygaard,
J. de Caenel, W. A. Bergherm. Established 1905
Territory: Cuba and the Isle of
Department Secretaries: Pines.
Field Miss, and Home Miss., W.
A. Bergherm. Population: 3,368,923; churches,
Minister: 13; members, 717.
A. R. Ogden. Cable Address: " Adventista," Mat-
Licentiates: anzas, Cuba.
N. L. Taylor, W. A. Bergherm. Office Address: Box 210, Matanzas,
Missionary Licentiates: Cuba.
Mrs. A. R. Ogden, Mrs. N. L.
Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Bergherm, Officers:
Miss Mabel L. Head. Supt., A. A. Davis.
Sec. and Treas., W. H. England.
Advisory Committee: A. A.
Davis, W. H. England, R. E.
BAHAMA MISSION Stewart, J. B. Sales, J. D. Liv-
Entered 1909 ingston.
Territory: The, Bahama Islands Department Secretaries:
and the Turks Islands. Book and Bible House, W. H.
Population: 60,000; churches, England.
7; members, 170. Field Miss., R. R. Mattison.
Sabbath School, R. E. Stewart.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Nas- Home Miss, and Miss. Vol., R.
sau, Bahamas. Stewart.
Office Address: Box 356, Nassau,
Bahamas. Ministers:
A. A. Davis, R. E. Stewart, J. B.
Officers: Sales, F. W. Miller, Pedro Cruz,
Supt., R. J. Sype. Manuel Avila, H. C. Goodrich, J.
Sec. and Treas., H. E. Beddoe. D. Livingston.
Advisory Committee: R. J. Sype,
H. E. Beddoe, W. W. Antonio, Licentiates:
W. H. Hall, E. H. Someillan. C. J. Foster, Jose Veiga, J. N.
Department Secretaries: Williams, G. L. Claypole.
Book and Bible House, H. E. Missionary Licentiates:
Beddoe. W. H. England, R. R. Mattison,
Home Miss., H. E. Beddoe. C. F. Montgomery, V. W. Ferney,
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Ana Rosa Avarado, Jaime Zar-
Mrs. H. E. Beddoe. goza, Mrs. E, A. Baisden, Mrs.
A. A. Davis, Mrs. W. H. England,
Minister: R. J. Sype. Mrs. R. E. Stewart, Mrs. R. R.
Missionary Licentiates: Mattison, Mrs. C. J. Foster, Mrs.
Mrs. R. J. Sype, Harry E. Bed- H. C. Goodrich, Mrs. C. F. Mont-
doe, Mrs. H. E. Beddoe, W. W. gomery, Mrs. V. W. Ferney, Mrs.
Antonio, Mrs. Elizabeth Someil- F. W. Miller.
lan. Church Directory:
Church School Teacher: Havana, Cerro, Rosa 6.
H. T. Saulter. Matanzas, San Alejandro 53.

Santo Clara, Reparto Dobarga- JAMAICA CONFERENCE

Moron, Callejas y Padre Cano. Organized 1903
Camaguey, Ave. Camaguey 6.
Santiago de Cuba, Calle Tres Es- Territory: Island of Jamaica,
quina Portirio Valiente. and Cayman Islands.
Population: 857,921; churches,
72; members, 2,803.
Cable Address: " Adventist,"
Established 1905 Kingston.
Territory: Republic of Haiti.
Population: 2,500,000; churches, Office: 112 Tower St., Kingston,
24; members, 1,082.
Jamaica, British West Indies.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Cape Officers:
Haitien, Haiti. Pres., H. J. Edmed.
Sec. and Treas., J. W. Grounds.
Office Address: Box 28, Cape Hai- Executive Committee: H. J. Ed-
tien, Haiti, West Indies.
med, J. W. Grounds, G. A. E.
Officers: Smith, F. 0. Rathbun, H. P. Law-
Supt., J. A. de Caenel. son, L. Bernard.
Sec. and Treas., A. Orville Dunn.
Advisory Committee: J. A. de
Department Secretaries:
Caenel, A. 0. Dunn, Joseph Blot, Book and Bible House, J. W.
Dorce Dorcinville, Leonce Pain- Grounds.
son. Field Miss. and Home Miss., B.
A. Meeker.
Department Secretaries: Miss. Vol. and Educational, P. J.
Book and Bible House, A. 0. Bailey.
Dunn. Sabbath School, Mrs. H. J. Ed-
Field Miss., H. Lanoix. med.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Religiousi Liberty, H. J. Edmed.
Mrs. J. A. de Caenel.
Home Miss., . Ministers:
H. J. Edmed, S. U. Powell, Hu-
Ministers: bert Fletcher, W. H. Randle, Me-
J. A. de Caenel, G. G. Roth, Jules thuselah Jones, G. A. E. Smith,
Jean-Baptiste, Antoine Theo- A. C. Stockhausen, H. P. Lawson,
dore, Delille Apollon, Joseph B. A. Meeker.
Blot, Philip Giddings.
Licentiates: 0. P. Reid, F. 0. Rathbun, Frank
Philoxine Guillaume, Dorce Dor- Fletcher, P. J. Bailey.
Missionary Licentiates:
Missionary Licentiates: J. W. Grounds, Mrs. H. J. Edmed,
A. 0. Dunn, Miss Herminie Roth, Mrs. F. 0. Rathbun, Mrs. B. A.
H. Lanoix, A. L. Christiansen, Meeker, Rupert Harriott, Mrs.
Theodore Abel, Mrs. J. A. de Bertha Peake, Mrs. J. W.
Caenel, Mrs. A. 0. Dunn, Mrs. A. Grounds, L. S. Crawford, Mrs. L.
L. Christiansen, Mrs. Tancrede -S. Crawford, Mrs. J. H. Parch-
Belotte, Mrs. Philip Giddings. ment, Miss Ethel Edmed.

PORTO RICO MISSION Mrs. Caroline Crummel, Mrs. J.

P. Welsh, Mrs. C. V. Achenbach.
Organized 1909
Territory: Porto Rico.
Population: 1,300,000; churches,
15; members, 379. Organized 1924
Cable Address: "Adventists.," San Territory: Republic of Santo Do-
Juan, Porto Rico. mingo.

Office Address: Stop 14, Santurce, Population: 897,405; churches, 7;

Porto Rico. members, 226.

Postal Address: Box 3,005, San- Cable Address: " Adventista "
turce, Porto Rico. Santo Domingo City.

Officers: Office Address: Avenida Capotillo

143, Santo Domingo City.
Supt., L. J. Borrowdale.
Sec. and Treas., Byrd Bullard. Postal Address: Box 568, Santo
Advisory Committee: L. J. Bor- Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana,
rowdale, Byrd Bullard, H. Man-
gold, Francisco Megrant, C. V. Officers:
Achenbach. Supt., Peter Nygaard.
Sec. and Treas., R. G. Jones.
Department Secretaries: Advisory Committee: Peter Ny-
Book and Bible House, Byrd Bul- gaard, R. G. Jones, J. A. Phipps,
lard. C. N. Moulton, Paul Johnson.
Field Miss., J. P. Welsh.
. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. J. Bor- Department Secretaries:
rowdale. Book and Bible House, R. G.
Home Miss. and Miss. Vol., A. Jones.
Marrero. Field Miss., Paul Johnson.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Ministers: Mrs. R. G. Jones.
L. J. Borrowdale, C. V. Achen- Home Miss., J. A. Phipps, R.
bach, Francisco Megrant.
Licentiates: Peter Nygaard, C. N. Moulton,
Rafael Bracero, Manuel Mendez, J. A. Phipps.
Pablo Vallejo, A. Marrero, H.
Mangold. Missionary Licentiates:
R. G. Jones, 0. A. Succar, Paul
Missionary Licentiates: Johnson, Wellington Williams,
Byrd Bullard, Mrs. L. J. Borrow- Leonela Gonzales, Manuela Ji-
dale, Mrs. Byrd Bullard, J. P. menez, Mrs. Peter Nygaard, Mrs.
Welsh, Miss Helene Suche, Be- R. G. Jones, Mrs. 0. A. Succar,
nigno Rosario, Lucia Fuentes, Mrs. Mercedes Phipps, Mrs. C.
Andres Torres, Mrs. H. Mangold, N. Moulton.
Reorganized 1926
Territory: Panama, Costa Rica, Cable Address: " Adventista," San
Nicaragua, Honduras, British Jos6, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Honduras, Bay Islands, Guate- ica.
mala, Salvador.
Office Address: Apartado 1059, San
Population: 6,591,632; churches, Jos6, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
50; members, 2,139. ica.
Cable Address: " Adventista," San Officers:
Jose, Costa Rica. Officers of Central American
Office Address: Apartado 1059, San Union Mission.
Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer- Director of English Work: C. B.
ica. Sutton.
Supt., W. E. Baxter. Department Secretaries:
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. P. Those of the Central American
Christiansen. Union Mission.
Executive Committee: W. E. Minister: C. B. Sutton.
Baxter, A. P. Christiansen, C. B.
Sutton, L. L. Hutchinson, E. J. Missionary Licentiate:
Lorntz, Ellis P. Howard, Wal- Mrs. C. B. Sutton.
lace A. Lusk, J. R. McWilliam,
C. L. Stone, W. H. Wineland, W.
D. Kieser, Mrs. W. E. Baxter.
Department Secretaries:
Field Miss. and Home Miss., W. Reorganized 1927
D. Kieser.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., Territory: The Republic of Guate-
Mrs. W. E. Baxter. mala, Central America.
Ministers: Population: 2,454,000; churches, 3;
W. E. Baxter, C. L. Stone. members, 122.
Licentiate: W. D. Kieser. Cable Address: " Adventista," Gua-
Missionary Licentiates: temala.
A. P. Christiansen, Mrs. W. E. Office Address: Apartado 218, Gua-
Baxter, Mrs. A. P. Christiansen, temala, Republic of Guatemala,
W. H. Wineland, Mrs. W. H. Central America.
Wineland, Frances Light, Mrs.
C. L. Stone, G. W. Chapman, Mrs. Officers:
G. W. Chapman, Mrs. W. D. Supt., J. R. McWilliam.
Kieser. Sec. and Treas., Harry Larrabee.
Advisory Committee: J. R. Mc
COSTA RICA MISSION William, Harry Larrabee, J. L.
Organized 1927 Holder, J. E. Boehne.
Territory: Republic of Costa Rica. Department Secretaries:
Population: 520,000; churches, Tract Soc., Harry Larrabee.
4; members, 148. Field Miss., J. L. Holder.

Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., J. W. Cole, Mrs. C. E. Overstreet,

Mrs. L. H. Olson, Mrs. Lula V.
Home Miss., J. R. McWilliam. Gregory, Mrs. A. Fanselau.
Honorary: David Haylock.
J. R. McWilliam, L. H. Connolly.
Missionary Licentiates: NICARAGUA MISSION
Harry Larrabee, J. E. Boehne,
Juan S. Ramos, Mrs. Harry Lar- Organized 1928
rabee, Mrs. J. R. McWilliam, Territory: Republic of Nicaragua
Mrs. J. E. Boehne, Mrs. Rosa B. and Corn Island.
Population: 700,000; churches,
3; members, 91.
HONDURAS MISSION Cable Address: "Adventist a,"
Organized 1928 Managua, Nicaragua, Central
Territory: Spanish and British
Honduras; also Bay Islands. Office Address: Apartado 122, Ma-
nagua, Nicaragua, Central Amer-
Population:- 807,632; churches, ica.
13; members, 393.
Cable Address: " Adventista," San Supt., E. P. Howard.
Pedro Sula, Honduras. Sec.-Treas., E. P. Howard.
Office Address: Apartado 32, San Advisory Committee: E. P. How-
Pedro Sula, Republic of Hon- ard, Linton Rashford, Roger
duras. Brooks.
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Supt., E. J. Lorntz. Tract Soc. and Home Miss., E. P.
Sec. and Treas., J. W. Cole. Howard.
Advisory Committee: E. J. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Lorntz, J. W. Cole, C. E. Over- Mrs. E. P. Howard.
street, A. Fanselau, E. E. Neb- Ministers:
blett. E. P. Howard, Linton Rashford.
Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:
Book and Bible House, J. W. Mrs. E. P. Howard, Roger
Cole. Brooks.
Field Miss., A. Fanselau.
Home Miss., A. Fanselau.
Sab. School, Mrs. A. Fanselau.
Miss. Vol., Mrs. Lula V. Gregory. PANAMA CONFERENCE
(Formerly West Caribbean Conf.)
E. J. Lorntz, C. E. OVerstreet, Organized 1906
L. H. Olson, E. C. Henriques.
Territory: Republic of Panama,
Licentiate: Canal Zone, Talamanca Valley,
A. de la Cerda. and the islands of San Andres
and Old Providence (Colombian).
Missionary Licentiates:
J. W. Cole, A. Fanselau, Juan Population: 500,000; churches,
Lanza, Mrs. E. J. Lorntz, Mrs. 23; members, 1,166.

Cable and Wireless Address: "Ad- N. W. Dunn, Miss V. E. Cooke,

ventist," Cristobal, Canal Zone, S. T. Archbold, Amelia Correa.
Office Address: Masonic Temple,
Eleventh and Bolivar Sts., Cris- SALVADOR MISSION
tobal, Canal Zone, Panama. Reorganized 1927
Postal Address: Box M, Cristo- Territory: The Republic of El
bal, Canal Zone, Panama. (Phone Salvador, Central America.
Population: 1,610,000; churches,
Officers: 4; members, 235.
Pres., L. L. Hutchinson.
Sec. and Treas., A. V. Larson. Cable Address: " Adventista," San
Executive Committee: L. L. Salvador, Salvador.
Hutchinson, A. V. Larson, C. L. Office Address: 8a Ave., Norte, No.
Stone, E. W. Everest, N. W. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de El Sal-
Dunn, A. A. Grizzle. vador, Central America.
Department Secretaries: Officers:
Book and Bible House, A. V. Supt., W. A. Lusk.
Larson. Sec. and Treas., Geo. Hasbun.
Field and Home Miss., Wm. R. Advisory Committee: W. A.
Mulholland. Lusk, Geo. Hasbun, J. L. Holder,
Educational, C. L. Stone. Juan V. Herndndez.
Sabbath School, Miss V. E.
Cooke. Department Secretaries:
Miss. Vol., Mrs. E. W. Everest. Tract Society, Geo. Hasbun.
Field and Home Miss., J. L. Hol-
Ministers: der.
L. L. Hutchinson, N. W. Dunn, Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
J. J. Smith, A. A. Grizzle, G. H. Mrs. W. A. Lusk.
Licentiates: Minister: W. A. Lusk.
W. R: Mulholland, Ishmael Ellis, Licentiates:
Delroy Andrean. J. L. Holder, Juan V. Hernandez.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
A. V. Larson, Mrs. A. V. Lar- Mrs. W. A. Lusk, Mrs. J. L. Hol-
son, Mrs. L. L. Hutchinson, Mrs. der, Angel Hernandez.

Organized 1927
Territory: The Republics of Vene- Cable and Wireless Address: " In-
zuela and Colombia, and the teramerica," Balboa.
Islands of Curacao, Bonaire, and
Aruba. Office Address: Box 0, Balboa,
Canal Zone, Panama.
Population: 10.084,495 (division of
Colombia estimated) ; churches, Officers:
11; members, 325. Supt., H. E. Baasch.

Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Inter- Postal Address: Apartado 261, Bar-
, American Treasury Depart- ranquilla, Colombia, South Amer-
ment. ica.
Executive Committee: H. E. Director: E. W. Thurber.
Baasch, C. L. Stilson, Wm.
Steele, D. C. Babcock, E. W. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. A. C. Lien.
Thurber, E. M. Trummer, G. C. Minister: E. W. Thurber.
Minister: Licentiate: Antonio Redondo B.
H. E. Baasch. Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. E. W. Thurber, A. C. Lien,
Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. C. Lien.
Mrs. H. E. Baasch.
Church School Teachers:
Victoria Davila, Carmen Re-
ANTIOQUENA MISSION dondo, Narcisa M. Lopez.
Reorganized 1926
Territory: Provinces of Antioquia,
Caldas, Santander, and North CENTRAL COLOMBIA MISSION
Reorganized 1926
Population: 2,470,466; churches, 1;
members, 9. Territory: Provinces of Boyaca,
Cable Address: " Adventista," Me- Cundinamarca, Tolima, Huila,
dellin, Colombia. Arauea, Viehada, Meta, Vaupes,
Caoueta, Putumayo, C h o c o,
Postal Address: Apartado 39, Me- Cauca Valley, Cauca and Nariiio.
dellin, Colombia, South America.
Population: 3,457,801; churches,
Director: E. M. Trummer. 2; members, 54.
Sec. and Treas., E. M. Trummer.
Minister: E. M. Trummer. Cable Address: " Adventista," Cali,
Missionary Licentiates:
C. G. Christiansen, Mrs. C. G. Postal Address: Apartado 313,
Christiansen, Mrs. Noema F. Cali, Colombia, South America.
Trummer, Svend Andersen.
Director: G. C. Nickle.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. G. C. Nickle.
Organized 1926 Field Miss.-Sec., F. A. Brower.
Sabbath School, Mrs. G. C.
Territory: Departments of Atlan- Nickle.
tico, Bolivar, Magdalena, and La
Goaj ira. Minister:
Population: 1,071,733; churches, 1; G. C. Nickle.
members, 43. Missionary Licentiates:
Catle Address: " Adventis-ta," Bar- F. A. Brower, Mrs. F. A. Brower,
ranquilla, Colombia. Mrs. G. C. Nickle.

CURACAO MISSION Office Address: Carcel a Pilita No.

2, Caracas, Venezuela, South
Reorganized 1926 America.
Territory: Islands of Curacao, Bon- Postal Address: Apartado 136,
aire, Aruba. Caracas, Venezuela, South Am-
Population: 57,619; churches, 1;
members, 20. Officers:
Supt., Wm. Steele.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Cur- Sec.-Treas., Demetrio Peralta.
Advisory Committee: Wm.
Office Address: 4 Gravenstraat, Steele, F. W. Steeves, Demetrio
Curacao, Dutch West Indies. Peralta, L. V. Cleaves, J. A.
Lamas, R. E. Greenidge.
Department Secretaries:
Director, D. C. Babcock.
Sec. and 'Treas., Mrs. D. C. Bab- Tract Society, Demetrio Peralta.
cock. Field Miss, and Home Miss., F.
W. Steeves.
Minister: D. C. Babcock. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Mrs. Millie E. Steele.
Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. D. C. Babcock. Ministers:
Wm. Steele, L. V. Cleaves.
Francisco Cabrera, Julio Gar-
Territory: Republic of Venezuela, Missionary Licentiates:
and islands of Tortuga and Demetrio Peralta, R. E. Green-
Margarita. idge, J. A. Lamas F. W. Steeves,
Population: 3,026,876; churches, Mrs. F. W. Steeves, Mrs. R. E.
6; members, 203. Greenidge, Mrs. L. V. Cleaves,
Miss Ana Hansen, Mrs. Wm.
Cable Address: " Adventista," Car- Steele, Alberto Acosta H., Miss
acas, Venezuela. Sara E. Acosta H.


Organized 1926

Territory: Trinidad, the Wind- Office Address: 1 St. Anne Ave.,

ward, Leeward, and Virgin Is- Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
lands, British, Dutch, and French West Indies.
Postal Address: Box 221, Port of
Population: 2,068,396; churches, Spain, Trinidad, British West
71; members, 3,504. Indies.
Cable Address: " Eastcai ibbean,"
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British Officers:
West Indies. Pres., W. R. Elliott.

Sec., Treas., and Auditor, M. D. Missionary Licentiates:

Howard. Mrs. C. E. Knight, Mrs. A. E.
Executive Committee: W. R. El- Riley, Jonathan Riley.
liott, M. D. Howard, C. E. An-
dross, C.'E. Knight, R. M. Carter.
Department Secretaries: CONFERENCE
Home Miss. and Field Miss., R.
M. Carter. Reorganized 1926
Educational, Territory: British, French, and
Dutch islands included in Lee-
Minister: W. R. Elliott. ward and Virgin Islands groups.
Licentiate: R. M. Carter. Population: 626,605; churches,
Missionary Licentiates: 16; members, 707.
M. D. Howard, Mrs. W. R. Elliott, Cable Address: " Adventist," An-
Mrs. M. D. Howard, R. S. J. tigua.
Hamilton, Mrs. R. S. J. Hamil- Postal Address: Box 93, St. Johns,
ton, Miss Eloise Williams, Linda Antigua, British West Indies.
Austin, Mrs. R. M. Carter.
Officers: 4
Pres., J. M. Cole.
Sec. and Treas., H. Skadsheim.
GUIANA CONFERENCE Executive Committee: J. M
Reorganized 1926 Cole, H. Skadsheim, I. G. Knight,
J. A. Reid, M. N. Isaac, M. E.
Territory: British, Dutch a n d Lowry, C. G. van Putten.
French Guiana, South America.
Department Secretaries:
Population: 478,965; churches, 15; Book and Bible House, H. Skad-
members, 562. sheim.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Cable A d d r e s s: " Adventists," Mrs. H. Skadsheim.
Georgetown. Field and Home Miss., M. E.
Office Address: 222 Almond St., Lowry.
Georgetown, British Guiana, Ministers:
South America. J. M. Cole, I. G. Knight, J. A.
Officers: Reid, M. N. Isaac, C. G. van
Pres., C. E. Knight. Putten.
Sec. and Treas., Licentiate: M. E. Lowry.
Executive Committee: C. E.
Knight, A. E. Riley. Missionary Licentiates:
H. Skadsheim, Mrs. H. Skad-
Department Secretaries: sheim, Mrs. I. G. Knight, Mrs. J.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., A. Reid, Mrs. J. M. Cole, Mrs.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., M. E. Lowry.
Mrs. C; E. Knight.
Church Buildings:
C. E. Knight, A. E. Riley. 24 Church St., St. Johns, Anti-
Licentiate: James Carrington. St. Thomas, V. I.

Christiansted, St. Croix, V. I. Department Secretaries:

Frederiksted, St. Croix, V. I. Tract Soc., Benjamin Yip.
Tortola, B. V. I. Field Miss. and Home Miss.,
St. Eustatius, D. W. I. C. H. Carter.
Basseterre, St. Kitts. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Mannings, Nevis. R. J. Christian.
Friths, Montserrat. Medical Miss., Dr. Chas. Cave.
Roseau, Dominica, and Liberta, Ministers:
S'etons, Old Road, Johnsons C. E. Andross, M. B. Butterfield,
Point and Bolans, Antigua. S. L. Ash, W. H. Lewis, J. D.
Wood, Thomas Warner, Nathan-
iel Payne.
FERENCE Dr. Chas. Cave, C. H. Carter,
Henry Wiseman, B, Yip, G. A.
Reorganized 1925 Coon.
Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Bar- Missionary Licentiates:
bados, and Windward Islands. Mrs. C. E. Andross, R. J. Chris-
Population: 1,030,000; churches, tian, Mrs. C. H. Carter, Mrs. R. J.
39; members, 2,227. Christian, Mrs. S. L. Ash, Mrs.
N. Payne, Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Mrs.
Cable Address: " Adventist," J. D. Wood, Miss A. Osborne,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British Samuel Jones, E. A. Baptiste.
West Indies.
Office: 31 Dundonald St., Port of
Spain, Trinidad, British West MT. RORAIMA INDIAN
Postal Address: Box 60, Port of Established 1927
Spain, Trinidad, British West Postal Address: Mt. Roriama S.
Indies. D. A. Mission, Georgetown, via
Officers: Potaro Landing, British Guiana.
Pres., C. E. Andross. Officers:
Sec. and Treas., Benjamin Yip. Snpt., A. W. Cott.
Executive Committee: C. E. An- Sec.,
dross, B. Yip, M. B. Butterfield, Missionary Licentiates:
W. H. Lewis, S. L. Ash, J. D. A. W. Cott, Mrs. A. W. Cott, Jo-
Wood. seph Gonsalves.


Organized 1923

Territory: The Republic of Mexico. Officers:

Population: 15,582,422; churches, Supt., D. A. Parsons.
32; members, 1,055; Sabbath Sec., ^Treas., and Auditor, J. G.
School membership, 2,327. Pettey.
Office Address: Calle De Jalapa Executive Committee: D. A.
No. 210, Mexico City, D. F., Mex- Parsons, J. G. Pettey, E. Pohle,
ico. Mrs. D. A. Parsons, C. E. Moon,

A. G. Parfitt H. A. B. Robinson, Officers:

J. B. Nelson, W. R. Pohle and Supt., A. G. Parfitt.
C. L. Dinius. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. A. G. Par-
Department Secretaries: fitt.
Field Miss. and Home Miss., H. Committee: A. G. Parfitt, Mrs.
A. B. Robinson. A. G. Parfitt, S. M. Arteaga, M.
Sabbath School and Miss. Vol., E. Ponce.
Mrs. D. A. Parsons.
Department Secretaries:
Minister: D. A. Parsons. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Licentiate: H. A. B. Robinson. Mrs. A. G. Parfitt.
Missionary Licentiates: Minister:
J. G. Pettey, Mrs. D. A. Parsons, A. G. Parfitt.
Mrs. J. G. Pettey, Mrs. H. A. B.
Robinson, V. M. Calvo. Licentiates:
M. E. Ponce, S. M. Arteaga.
Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: The north half of Vera Honorary: Sra. de Vera.
Cruz, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Puebla,
Morrelos, Queretaro, and Federal
Office Address: Agricultura 79,
- Colonia Eseondon, Tacubaya, D. Territory: The States of Jalisco,
F., Mexico. Guanajuato, Colima, Aguascali-
entes, and Michoacan, Mexico.
Supt., C. E. Moon. Membership: 45.
Sec.-Treas., 0. C. Barrett.
Executive Committee: C. E. Office Address: Avenida Lopez Co-
Moon, J. G. Perez, A. E. Torres, tilla 1504, Guadalajara, Jalisco,
0. C. Barrett. Mexico.
Department Secretaries:
Publishing, Home Miss., Sabbath Officers:
School, and Miss. Vol., 0. C. Supt., E. E. Pohle.
Barrett. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. E. E. Pohle.
Ministers: Department Secretaries:
C. E. Moon, J. G. Perez, Antonio
E. Torres, J. A. Salazar. Sabbath School and Miss. Vol.,
Mrs. E. E. Pohle.
Missionary Licentiates:
0. C. Barrett, Mrs. C. E. Moon, Minister: E. E. Pohle.
Mrs. 0. C. Barrett.
Licentiate: J. Castillo.
GULF MISSION Missionary Licentiate:
Mrs. E. E. Pohle.
Territory: The States of Coahuila,
Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi,
Membership: 236.
Office Address: Av. 5 de Mayo No. Territory: The States of Baja Cal-
37, San Luis Potosi, S. L. P., ifornia, Sonora, Sinaloa and
Mexico. Nayarit, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Membership: 86. Licentiates:

I. D. Sanchez, M. J. Martinez,
Office Address: Apartado Postal
No. 104, Ciudad Juarez, Chih., Lauriano Sauza, Florentino B.
Mexico. Zaynos, Aurelio Jimenez.

Officers: Missionary Licentiates:

Supt., W. R. Pohle. F. L. E. Ulmer, Mrs. Ulmer, Mrs.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs.. W. R. J. B. Nelson, R. H. Aguilar.
Department Secretaries: YUCATAN MISSION
Sabbath School, Miss. Vol., and
Tract Soc., Mrs. W. R. Pohle. Territory: Yucatan, Quintana Roo,
and State of Campeche.
W. R. Pohle, A. C. Sanchez. Population: 1,000,000; members, 6.
Licentiate: M. G. Alvarado. Office Address: Calle 63 No. 536.
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. W. R. Pohle, Mrs. A. C. Officers:
Sanchez, Mrs. V. Verduzco. Supt., C. L. Dinius.
Sec. and Treas., Mrs. C. L. Di-
Tract Society: Agencia de Publica- nius.
ciones de Sonora.
Department Secretary:
Sab. School, Mrs. C. L. Dinius.
Organized 1924 Missionary Licentiate:
L. Arriaga.
Territory: The states of Oaxaca,
Tabasco, Chiapas, and southern
half of Vera Cruz, Mexico. INSTITUTIONS IN THE INTER- .
Population: 2,000,000. Educational:
Membership: 490. Aibonito Academy, Aibonito,
Porto Rico.
Office Address: Avenida Montiel Central American Union Acad-
93, Orizaba, Vera Cruz, Mexico. emy, Apartado 1059, San Jose,
Costa Rica, C. A.
Officers: Colegio Adventista Industrial,
Supt., J. B. Nelson. Bartle, Oriente, Cuba.
Sec. and Treas., F. L. E. Ulmer. East Caribbean Union Training
Advisory Committee: J. B. Nel- .School, La Realista Estate, St.
son, I. D. Sanchez, M. J. Mar- Joseph, Trinidad, B. W. I.
tinez, R. H. Aguilar, F. L. E. Ul- Haitien Seminary, Box 16, Cape
mer, Mrs. F. L. E. Ulmer. Haitien, Haiti.
West Caribbean Training School,
Departmental Secretaries: Obispo, Canal Zone, Panama.
Tract Society, F. L. E. Ulmer. West Indian Training School,
Sab. School, Mrs. F. L. E. Ulmer. Mandeville, Jamaica.
Field and Home Miss., R. H.
Aguilar. Publishing: Pacific Press Publish-
ing Association, Inter-Amer-
Minister: ican Brandi, Box 5007, Cristo-
J. B. Nelson. bal, Canal Zone.
At the Educational Council held at St. Helena, Cal., June 4-14, 1915,
it was recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, acad-
emies, and colleges be organized upon a semester (half year) basis,
each semester to be subdivided into three periods of six weeks each.
It was also recommended that the credits given in these schools be
reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a study pursued 36
weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length, or its
equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a
semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a
week for eighteen weeks. The scope of the various courses conducted
in these schools is as follows:
Grades Years
Intermediate Course 7-10 4
Academic Course 9-12 4'
College Course (General) 13-16 4
College Course (Special):
For Ministers (Complete) 13-16 4
For Ministers (Shorter Course) 13,14 2
For Bible Workers; and Missionaries
one- and two-year courses
Teachers (Elementary) 13,14 . 2
Business and Shorthand 13,14 2
Business only 12,1,13 1i
Shorthand only 121,13 14
Music the conservatory course
College Course (Medical) 13-16 . 4
For Medical Evangelists 4
For Nurses the instruction given in our sanitariums 3
For Preparatory Medical Students 13,14 2
Lists of church schools and teachers will be found in connection with
directories of the conferences in which such schools are located. Di
rectories of colleges, academies, and intermediate schools follow in al-
phabetical order.

ADELPHIAN ACADEMY Faculty: J. Z. Hottel, Principal

Holly, Michigan and Manager, History; T. H.
Joyner, Preceptor, Science and
Established 1904 Mathematics; Maggie Weeden,
Corporate Name: " Adelphian Preceptress, Language and Eng-
Academy Association." lish; C. M. Bunker, Bible; Eliza
Hummel', Matron, Cooking; A.-
Board of Trustees: J. F. Piper, E. Mobley, Treasurer, Bookkeep-
Chairman; J. Z. Hottel, Sec.; R. ing; Mrs, J. Z. Hottel, Piano,
M. Harrison, F. L. Abbott, C. V. English; Walter Boucher, Farm
Keiser, B. 0. Janes, F. A. Superintendent; H. W. Parish,
Quackenbush, G. R. Fattic. Mill Superintendent and Wood-

work; Mrs. A. E. Mobley, Sew- ARABIC UNION MISSION

Elementary School: Hobart Cran-
dell, Grammar Grades; Dot Mc Established 1927
Cormack, Primary Grades. Address: Advent Villa, Mataria
(Cairo), Egypt.
ADVENTPURAM Principal: .
Neyyattinkara P. 0., South Tra-
vancore, India Teachers: Ibrahim al-Khalil, Sa-
lim Nogeimie.
Established 1916
Manager: H. G. Woodward; Head-
master, M. Bhaggien, assisted by
two Malayalese teachers. ARIZONA ACADEMY
1325 North Fourteenth St.,
Phoenix, Arizona
AIBONITO ACADEMY Established 1920
Aibonito, Porto Rico
Board: A. Johnson, Chairman; J.
Established 1920 E. Young, Sec.; H. G. Lucas, B.
Board: L. J. Borrowdale, Chair- M. Emerson, P. E. Broderson,
man; H. Mangold, Sec.; Byrd 0. A. Calkins, C. C. Martin, B.
Bullard. R. Spear, C. A. Loe, M. E. Pen-
Faculty: H. Mangold, Principal, dergraft, Hubert Hawkins.
Manager, Bible, History, and Faculty: J. E. Young, Principal,
Education; Mrs. H. Mangold, In- Manager, Bible; J. H. Whitney,
strumental music, sight-singing; Bookkeeper, Science, Mathema-
Miss Helene Suehe, Preceptress, tics; Lottie E. McCoy, English,
Matron, English,- Manual Arts; History; E. R. Johnson, Manual
--, Geography, New Testa- Training; Mrs. Ellen B..Fatte-
ment History; Julio Espinoza, bert, Spanish; Mrs. J. E. Young,
Preceptor, Grammar, Mathe- Sewing; Mrs. E. R. Johnson,
matics; Miss Ana Maria Gonza- Piano, Voice; Spanish Depart-
lez, Arithmetic, Bible, Old Testa- ment; E. R. Johnson, Bible,
ment History. Language; Mrs. Ellen B. Fatte-
bere,.Seventh and Eighth Grades.
Organized 1920 South Lancaster, Mass.
Postal Address; Ying Shang Hsien,
Anhwei, China. Established 1882
Principal and Business Manager: Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade,
Hwang Tien Do. (Pres.), 0. M. John, N. H. Saun-
ders, J. H. Tiney, Jr., D. J. C.
Board: Executive Committee of Barrett, L. K. Dickson, J. K.
the Anhwei Mission. Jones, V. L. Fisher, W. E. Be-
Faculty: Hwang Tien Do, Prin- ment, J. E. Osterblom, J. K. Mac
cipal; Chen Hwa Ting, Wu Shao Milian, V. H. Hanscom, F. D.
Djen, Wu Pei Ling. Wells, E. E. Miles.

Officers of the Corporation: E. K. Piper, W. Westerman, H. K.

Slade, Pres.; J. H. Tiney, Jr., Martin, N. H. Faulkner, W. W.
Sec. and Treas. Fletcher.
Local Board: E. K. Slade, 0. M. Faculty: E. E. Cossentine, Prin.,
John, N. H. Saunders, D. J. C. Technical Studies; H. K. Martin,
Barrett, J. H. Tiney, Jr. Bible; S. V. Stratford, Business;
Administration: 0. M. John, Pres. C. H. Schowe, History, Lan-
and Bus. Mgr.; J. H. Tiney, Jr., guages; Mrs. H. K. Martin, Eng-
Treas. and Asst. Mgr.; C. D. Utt, lish; G. F. Bohringer, Farm
Registrar; H. H. Howard, Dean .Manager; G. H. Greenaway, Nor-
of Men; Catherine Shepard, mal Dept.; Miss A. L. Shake-
Dean of Women; Anna M. Al- speare, Preceptress; Mrs. M. V.
dridge, Matron. White, Domestic Science and
Matron; S. W. Carr, Preceptor;
Faculty: 0. M. John, Pres.; C. L. G. S. Fisher; B. H. Schwartz-
Taylor, Bible and Evangelism; kopf, Art; Mrs. B. H. Schwartz-
G. H. Winslow, History; C. D. kopf, Expression.
Utt, Registrar, English; Mabel
Cassell Trout, Normal Director;
H. T. Curtis, Librarian, Mathe-
matics; J. W. Salisbury, Science, BALTIC UNION SCHOOL
Vocal Music; Edna S. Farns- Riga, Brivibas iela xi, Latvia
worth, Piano; H. Ruth Bunston,
Expression, Public Speaking; Established 1923
Catherine Shepard, Dean of
Women, Asst. Normal; H. H. Board of Managers: T. T. Bab-
Howard, Dean of Men, Asst. in ienco, K. Sutta, L. F. Oswald,
History; G. V.. Martin, Asst. in J. Schneider, M. Biirengrub, L.
Science; H. U. Wendell, Com- Nikkar, M. Gnedinas, K. Rose, A.
merce; Mrs. H. U. Wendell, Ste- Sproge.
nography, Typewriting; H. B. Faculty: L. F. Oswald, Principal,
Rudolph, Carpentry; Rowena E. Business Manager, History; K.
Purdon, Asst. in English; Olive Rose, Bible and History; R.
Lindberg, Grammar Dept., Critic Kipur, Science and Mathe-
Teacher; Lucy Stevens, Inter- matics; A. Eglit, Languages;
mediate Dept., Critic Teacher; M. Iverson, Languages.
Mildred L. Stuart, Primary
Dept., Critic Teacher; Anna M.
Aldridge, Matron, Domestic Sci-
ence; Ellenora Thrush, Practical BATTLE CREEK ACADEMY
Nursing, Hydrotherapy; R. C. 233 North Kendall St., Battle
Tyler, Farm Manager.
Creek, Mich.
Board of Managers: The Battle
AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY Creek Tabernacle Board com-
COLLEGE prises the Academy Board with
Cooranbong, New South Wales, George E. Judd, Pres.; M. H.
Australia Minier, Sec.
Established 1894 Faculty: B. H. Phipps, Principal,
Manual Training; R. U. Garrett,
Board: C. H. Watson, Chairman; Bible, General History; C. R.
E. E. Cossentine, G. S. Fisher, H. Smith, Mathematics, Science;
A. Hill, T. W. Hammond, A.. H. Grace Kader, English, French,

American History; Grace Fair- BEE HOA MIDDLE SCHOOL

child,: Piano, Theory of Music, (A Training School, Established
Sight singing, Orchestra; Mrs.
B. H. Phipps, Bookkeeping; Mrs. 1909)
R. U. Garrett, Sewing; R. J. Kulangsu, Amoy, China
Manzano, Spanish 2; Faye
Strickland, Spanish 1, Grade 8; Principal: E. E. Carman.
Mrs. Mae Clark, Grade 7; Faye School Board: B. L. Anderson (on
Ellis, Grades 5. and 6; Grace furlough), E. E. Carman, S. A.
Maas, Grades. 3 and 4; Emilie Nagel, C. Y. Hung, T. S. Ang,
Crouch, Grades 1 and 2. Alexander Lee, N. K. Keh.
Local Board: B. L. Anderson (on
BATTLEFORD ACADEMY furlough), E. E. Carman, K. T.
Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada Lee, C. Y. Hung, K. T. So.
Established 1916 Faculty: E. E. Carman, Principal;
Alexander Lee, Si Ian Teng, K.
Territory: The Saskatchewan and H. Ang, S. T. Hwang, Mrs. E. E.
Manitoba and Western Ontario Carman, Mrs. B. L. Anderson,
Conferences. Mrs. K. L. Lee, E. 0. Tsng, Ho
Board of Managers: W. A. Clemen- Tsu Hong, K. C. Tan.
son, Chairman; Secretary;
C. W. Degering, L. C. ' Shepard,
0. Meilicke, G. Severson, P. G.
Yakovenko, C. Lehman. BENGALI BOYS' MIDDLE
Faculty: C. W. Degering, Prin-
cipal; L. H. Hartin, Bible; C. H. S. D. A. Mission,Gopalgunj,
Casey, History; Robert Lay, Faridpur Dist.,tas Bengal
Science and Mathematics; Marie Established 1921
Hansen, English; Mrs. C. W.
Degering, Languages; Miriam In charge of A. G. Youngberg, as-
Harder, Piano; Muriel King, sisted by Indian teachers.
Nurse; E. A. Edstrom, Com-
merce; Emma Lehman, Ele-
Administration: C. W. Degering,
Manager; E. A. Edstrom, Treas- Hinoo, Ranchi
urer; C. H. Casey, Preceptor; Established 1916
Marie Hansen, Preceptress; Mrs.
J. R. Buhler, Matron; J. R. Buh- Principal: Miss F. Ritchie.
ler, Farm; Perry Finkle, Repairs. Assistants: Indian teachers.
Vocational: C. W. Degering, Supt.;
Mrs. C. H. Casey, Horne Eco-
nomics; Perry Finkle, Carpentry BETHEL ACADEMY
and Blacksmithing; C. H. Casey,
Art. Arpin, Wisconsin
Established 1899
Board of Managers: E. H. Oswald,
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean Pres.; G. H. Straight, Sec. and
Established 1923 Treas.; T. S. Copeland, E. L.
Faculty: A. R. Barrett, Principal; Green, H. W. Williams, P. L.
Miss E. Totenhofer, Matron. Larson, George Nelson, W. A.

Butler, Dr. M. 0. Bentley, C. K. Adolpho Bergold, Farm Manager,

Wilson, C. S. Joyce. Agriculture; J. D. Hardt, Pre-
ceptor; Dna. Maria Baar, Pre-
Faculty: T. S. Copeland, Principal, ceptress, History; Mrs. J. D.
History; G. H. Straight, Busi- Hardt, Normal; Dna. Alma M.
ness Manager, Science; Wm. A. Bergold, Shorthand, Piano; Mrs.
Butler, Pastoral Work, Bible; G. B. Taylor, English Depart-
P. L. Hallock, Preceptor, Mathe- ment; Mrs. Arabella J. Moore,
matics; Ruth Olson, Preceptress, Piano; Frederico Ceding, Car-
English, Spanish; Victor Marsh, pentry, Woodwork.
Farm Manager, Science; Vivien
Copeland, Music, Art; Mrs. Irene
Anderson, Matron, Domestic Sci-
ence; Mrs. G. H. Straight, Sew- BROADVIEW COLLEGE AND
La Grange, Ill.
Established 1910
Corporate Name: " Broadview Col-
(Collegio Adventista) lege and Theological Seminary,
Established 1915
Board of Trustees: M. N. Camp-
Telegraphic Address: " Collegio," bell, Pres.; J. W. Christian, Vice-
Sao Paulo. Pres.; Emil Leffler, Sec.; T. W.
Postal Address: Collegio Adven- Steen, Treas.; H. 0. Olson, J. L.
tista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, McElhany, J. T. Boettcher, W.
Brazil, South America. E. Howell, W. H. Holden, Au-
gust Anderson, M. B. VanKirk,
Board of Directors: N. P. Neilsen, E. K. Slade, J. F. Huenergardt,
F. W. Spies, E. H. Wilcox, G. B. IV. L. Adams, H. P. Bloum,
Taylor, H. B. Westcott, A. C. Charles Thompson, F. H. Rob-
Harder, E. M. Davis, C. C. bins, A. 0. Lund, J. J. Reiswig,
Schneider, Germano Streithorst, Olof Granlund, K. A. Offerman,
L. G. Jorgensen, G. F. Ruf, Ra- W. B. Ochs, J. J. Nethery.
phael Ferreira, Adolpho Bergold.
Executive Committee: J. W. Chris-
Officers of the Board: N. P. Neil- tian, Chairman; Emil Leffler,
sen, Pres. F. W. Spies, Vice- Sec.; T. W. Steen, J. F. Huener-
Pres.; G. B.
' Taylor, Sec., Bus. gardt, E. R. Swanson, W. H.
Mgr.; Chas. A. Rentfro, Treas.; Holden, August Anderson, M. H.
G. E. Hartman, Auditor. Schuster.
Executive Committeg: - G. B. 'Tay-
lor, N. P. Neilsen, F. W. Spies, Faculty: T. W. Steen,Pres.; M. H.
Raphael Ferreira, Adolpho Ber- Schuster, Biblical Exegesis,
gold, E. V. Moore, Chas. A. Rent- Homiletics; .August Anderson,
fro. Biblical Exegesis, Homiletics;
Emil Leffler, Registrar, History,
Faculty: G. B. Taylor, Director; Education; E. C. Rowell, Eng-
H. B. Westcott, Bible; Raphael lish; Miriam Switzer, Director of
Ferreira, Mathematics and Na- Normal Dept., Education; H. F.
tional Language; Dna. Albertina Halenz, Physics, Chemistry; C.
Simon, National Language, His- S. Hansen, Biology, Agriculture;
tory and Geography; C. A: Rent- Karl Mattsson, Mathematics,
fro, Commercial Department; Swedish; Maria Mattsson, Swed-

ish; H. G. Reinmuth, German, CAMPION ACADEMY

Greek; Gladys S. Higginbotham, Loveland, Colorado
English; --Donato Internoscia,
History, Spanish; D. A. Mozar, Established 1907
Hungarian; S. G. Burley, Rus-
sian; Alexander Long, Italian; Board of Trustees: M. L. Rice,
Samuel Bara, Rumanian; A. D. Pres.; E. F. Heim, Sec.; W. F.
Haynal, Slovakian; C. R. Bruns, Field, N. T. Sutton, C. L. Wilson,
Commerce, Poultry Raising; Ger- C. J. Metzger, R. C. Baker, A. E.
trude Hansch, Stenography; Lickey.
Rhoda A. Lehto, Librarian, Li- Faculty: E. F. Heim, Principal,
brary Science; Anna D. Paul- Manager, Bible Doctrines; G. M.
son, Physiology, Nursing; R. F. Mathews, Preceptor, New Testa-
Gilman, Woodwork; Esther D. ment History, Old Testament
Schneider, Critic Teacher, Model History, General History; J. C.
School; Fannie Healzer,' Critic Turner, Print Shop, Language;
Teacher, Model School; Mona S. 'Alfred Hanson, Science, Mathe-
Bruns, Sewing; David Anderson, matics, American History; Doro-
Printing. thy Foreman, Preceptress, Eng-
School of Music: Stanley Leding- lish; Miss Said Johnson, Matron;
ton, Director, Piano, Theory, Irwin Harrison, Commercial;
Chorus; J. S. Berndtson, Violin, Miss Helen Foremah,
Orchestra; Esther Ledington, Voice, English I; Clarence
Voice; Mabel VanGorder, Piano, James, Violin; Martha Doris
Art. MacElvaine, Grades. 6, 7 and 8;
Carmie Owen, Grades 1-5; E. F.
Administration: T. W. Steen, Busi- Heim, Farm Manager.
ness Manager; E. R. Swanson,
Accountant; J. W. Wagner,
Dean of Men; Julia Witzke,
Dean of Resident Women; Anna CANADIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE
D. Paulson, Dean of Non-resi-
dent Women; Ada C. Swanson, College Heights, via Lacombe,
Matron; C.. S. Hansen, Farm and Alberta, Canada
Dairy Supt.; C. R. Bruns, Poul-
try Supt.; R. F. Gilman, Mill Phone Lacombe 7r2
Supt.; Adelaide Anderson Bleuer, Established 1907
Stenographer; Evelyn Fern-
strom, Stenographer; Leslie An- Board of Trustees: S. A. Ruskjer,
derson, Bookkeeper; F. R. Jo- C. 0. Smith, L. C. Shepard, W.
hansSon, Engineer; David An- A. Clemenson, A. V. Rhodes, H.
derson, Printer; K. A. E. Lehto, L. Wood T. R. Lukens, C. R.
Storekeeper. Morris, H. G. Burden, M. D.,
Adolph Bernhard, D. E. Reiner,
C. L. Paddock, F. T. Balmer.
Faculty: C. 0. Smith, Pres., His-
BURESALA TRAINING SCHOOL tory; Adolph Bernhard, Treas.,
Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Commerce; D. C. Newbold, Bib-
Ocean lical Exegesis, Pastoral Training;
Evelyn Knoll, Registrar, English,
Established 1904 Literature; Florence B. Howard,
Faculty: G. Branster, Principal; Librarian, Mathematics; C. W.
F. Lang, assistant. Shankel, Chemistry, Agricul-

ture;' A. J. Skeels, Violin, Phys- Sargent, Preceptress, English;

ics, Manual Arts; W. G. Wood, A. M. May, Mechanical Depart-
Music, Piano; Georgia Neither- ment; G. E. Crawford, Farm
cut, French, Household, Econom- Superintendent; Alyse S wed-
ics, Voice; L. R. Ogden, Print- -berg, Piano; Sarah Stickle, Ma-
ing; C. W. Mayor, Dean of Men, tron; Mrs.. G. M. Gibbs, Lan-
German; Mrs. J. J. Koehn, Dean guage; Elsie Mack, Accountant;
of Women, School Nurse; Mary Sevilla Bean, Mildred Wonders,
Anderson, Senior Instructor Ele- Prim a r y and Intermediate
mentary School; Sadie Bokoroy; grades.
J. W. Burgess, Farm Supt.; Su-
sie A. Wagner, Culinary Dept.,
Matron; F. W. Westphal, Auto CENTRAL AMERICAN
Mechanics; M. H. Philbrick, ACADEMY
Ukrainian; Mrs. W. G. Wood, (La Academia Adventista Centro-
Laundry; D. C. McFeters, Store. Americana)
Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa
Established 1927
Tungshan, Canton, China
General Board: Central American
Operated for Cantonese, Kwangsai, Union Committee.
and Hakka Missions
Local Board: W. E. Baxter, W. H.
Established 1915 Wineland, A. P. Christiansen, C.
B. Sutton, Mrs. W. E. Baxter.
Board of Directors: A. L. Ham (on
furlough), C. C. Morris, J. P. An- Faculty: W. H. Wineland, Prin-
derson, P. V: -Thomas, H. B. Par- cipal and Business Manager, Ma-
ker, Dr. S. L. Wong, 1. S. Wu, thematics, History; G. W. Chap-
L. C. Wilcox, T. M. Lei, K. M. man, Farm Manager, Preceptor,
Sham. Bible, English; Mrs. G. W. Chap-
man, Matron, Preceptress, School
Faculty: L. C. Wilcox, Principal; Nurse, Hydrotherapy; Juan Por-
K. M. Sham, T. M. Lei, H. S. ras, Music, Spanish.
Leung, Miss. M. S. Wong, W. P.
Wan, Mrs. R. M. Milne, Mrs. L.
C. Wilcox.
CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY big South Ashland Blvd.,
Cedar Lake, Mich. Chicago, Ill.
Established 1899 Academy Board: J. W: Christian,
A. W. Jones, L. B. Schick, Ellis
Board of Managers: S. E. Wight, R. Maas, Rosa Kozel, H. Steen,
Pres.; T. E. Unruh, Sec.; J. W. A. D. Bohn.
)3resher, A. G. Wearner, J. C.
Stevens, T. M. Summerville, F. Faculty: Ellis R. Maas, Principal,
S. Clark, B. B. Davis, C. B. Cald- History; Aletha Usborne, Eng-
well. lish, Sewing; :P. W. Christian,
Geometry; Mrs. Evelyn Maas,
Faculty: T. E. Unruh, Principal; Spanish, Bible; Grace M. Han-
C. M. Gruesbeck, Bible; G. M. sen,- Violin; Mildred.H. Hanson
Gibbs, Preceptor, Science; Helena Piano.

CHILLAN TRAINING SCHOOL Commercial Dept.; P. E. Quimby,

(Colegio Adventista de Milan) Department of Evangelism; Mrs.
S. H. Lindt, Preceptress, Music;
Postal Address: Casilla 319, Chil- Su Using, Wenli; F. A. Landis,
lan, Chile. Industrial and teaching; Giang
Established 1906 Tsung Gwang, Bible; Mrs. D. G.
Executive Committee: f. L. Os- Liu, Music; Ernest Hurd, Agri-
wald, Pres.; G. E. Emmeneg- culture; Mrs. E. Hurd, Normal
ger, Sec.; J. M. Howell, Treas.; Supervisor; H. B. Lai, Secretary;
J. D. Leslie, Ernest Kunstmann, S. D. Lu, Mathematics; D. G.
W. Schubert. Liu, Preceptor; 0. S. Williams,
Science, Industrial; Mrs. D. S.
Faculty: J. M. Howell, Principal, Williams, Music and teaching;
Normal Branches, Bible, Mrs. D. E. Rebok, English and
History; H. P. Beskow, Account- Secretarial work; Djang Hsi
ant, Commerce; Annie Cameron, Hsin, assistant Treasurer and
Preceptress, School Nurse; J. Teacher; Mrs. H. L. Shull, Dis-
Pidoux, Preceptor; Flora B. de pensary.
Beskow, Piano and Vocal; Mrs.
Florence Howell, English; Clau-
dio Dessignet, Farm Manager; CHOSEN UNION TRAINING
Avelina Arias, Grades 5 and 6, SCHOOL
National Language; Olga Oy- Soonan, Chosen (Korea)
anader, Grades 1-4; E. L. Bar-
clay. Established 1909
Board: H. A. Oberg, H. M. Lee,
CHINA THEOLOGICAL L. I. Bowers, Ne Kun Ok, Kim
SEMINARY Pyong Ryong, H. J. Bass, Hyun
Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Yung Hun, Kim Pong Kol, Hong
Kiangsu, China Tae Hoop, Chae Tae Hyon.
(Formerly Shanghai Missionary Faculty: H. M. Lee, Principal and
College and China Mission- Manager; J. E. Riffel, C. 'W. Lee,
ary Junior College) Miss H. M. Scott, E Kyung
Kim Hang Mo, Kim Ung Gen,
Established 1910 Hyun Yung Hun, Chang Han
Board of Directors: 1. H. Evans. Tin, Kim Sang Chil, T. Naraha-
Dr. H. W. Miller, Frederick shi, K. Matsumoto, B. Higashi.
Griggs, C. C. Morris, J. G. Gjord-
ing, M. C. Warren, N. F. Brewer,
Bernhard Petersen, H. W. Bar- COLEGIO ADVENTISTA
rows, C. C. Crisler, S. L. Frost,
D. E. Rebok, G. J. Appel, S. H. Bartle, Oriente, Cuba
Lindt. Established 1923
Local Board: I. H. Evans, D. E. Faculty: J. D. Livingston, Princi-
Rebok, Giang Tsung Kwang, Yeh pal, Manager, Spanish, Mathe-
Kwen Gan, F. A. Landis, H. L. matics; C. F. Montgomery, Bible,
Shull, Ernest Hurd, B. A. Liu, History; Mrs. C. F. Montgomery,
Djang Hsi Hsin. Matron, Domestic Science,
Faculty: D. E. Rebok, Principal, Music, Grades; V. W. Ferney,
Business -Manager; S. H. Lindt, Farm Director; Mrs. V. W. Fer-
Bible; B. A. Liu, Registrar, Nor- ney, and Isacio Vasquez, Assts.
mal Director; H. L. Shull, Treas., Grades.

COLEGIO ADVENTISTA DEL of Chemistry; Alfred Shryock,

TITICACA Sec., Prof. of Histology and Em-
bryology; T. G. Bunch, Prof. of
Established 1922 Biblical Exegesis; D. L. Burge-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: son, Asst. Prof. of Medicine; F.
" Colegio," Juliaca, Peru. E. Corson, Comptroller; C. E.
Counter, Asst. Prof. of -Bacteri-
Postal Address: Casilla 4, Juliaca, ology; C. B. Courville, Asst.
Peru, South America.
Prof. of Anatomy; G IL. Curtis,
Board of Managers: F. E. Bresee, Asst. Comptroller; 0. I. Cutler,
Chairman; W. E. Murray, Sec. Asst. Prof. of Pathology; Floyd
and Treas.; P. H. Barnes, Dr. M. Gardner, Asso. Prof. of Chemis-
B. Graybill, L. D. Minner, D. E. try; W. A. George, Prof. of Sur-
Dalinger, H. D. Isaac, Juan Plenc, gery (Principles) ; L. C. Kellogg,
H. M. Colburn. Prof. of Anatomy; Walter Mac-
pherson, Asso. Prof. of Pathol-
Faculty: W. E. Murray, Principal,
Manager, Bible; M. Aguilar, Pre- ogy; F. B. Moor, Professor of
ceptor, Science; G. F. Lodge, Therapeutics; A. R. Roos, Asso.
Farm Supt., Agriculture; Mrs. Prof. of Pathology; 0. R.
Staines, Coordinator; H. M. Wal-
W; E. Murray, Normal; Mrs: M. ton, Instructor in Dietetics,
Aguilar, Preeeptress; Mrs. G.
F. Lodge, Geography, Arithmetic; Executive Faculty, School of Medi-
Felipe G. Ruiz, National Sub- cine, Los Angeles: Newton
jects; E. Valladares, Primary; Evans, Dean, Prof. of Pathology;
Dr. M. B. Graybill, Medical. Ethel Andre, Asst. Prof. of Medi-
cine; H. E. Butka, Asso. Prof, of
Pathology; R. M. Clarke, Prof.
'of Clinical Medicine; D. D. Com-
COLLEGE OF MEDICAL stock, Prof. of. Medicine; F. R.
EVANGELISTS Eastman, Asst. Comptroller;
Loma Linda, Cal. Florence Keller, Prof. of Gyne-
Chartered 1909 cology; E. C. Kellogg, Asst. Prof.
of Surgery (Otolaryngology) ; V.
Board of Trustees: W. T. Knox, L. Mann, Prof. of Medicine (Neu-
Chairman; P. E. Brodersen, D. L. rology) ; Elmer Nelson, Asst.
Burgeson, H. E. Butka, G. A. Prof. of Surgery; John Potts, In-
Calkins, F. E. Corson, G. H. Cur- structor in Obstetrics; G. M.
tis, A. G. Daniells, F. R. East- Taylor, Instructor in Surgery;
man, B. M. Emerson, Newton George Thomason, Prof. of Sur-
Evans, J. E. Fulton, W. H. Hol- gery; Ralph Thompson, Asst.
den, Morris Lukens, J. L. Mc- Prof. of Obstetrics; W. G. Wirth,
Elhany, P. T. Magan, C. K. Mey- Prof. of Biblical Exegesis.
ers, Fred B. Moor, J. J. Nethery,
E. H. Risley, J. L. Shaw, Alfred Executive Faculty, School of Die-
Shryock, George Thomason, tetics: P. T. Morgan, Pres.; Har-
Chas. Thompson. old M. , Walton, Dean, Medical
Officers of the Board: W. T. Knox, Dietetics; Pearl M. Jenkins,
Pres.; E. Corson, First Vice- Asst. Dean, Economics, Foods
Pres. and Comptroller; S. S. Mer- and Cookery, Food Marketing;
Mrs. Gentille 'Frederick, Precep-
rill, Sec. and Treas.
tress; F, W. Gardner, Chemis-
Executive Faculty, SchOol of Medi- try; E. H. Risley, 'Chemistry;
cine, Loma Linda: -P. T. Magan, Alfred Shryock, Anatomy and
Pres.; E. H. Risley, Dean, Prof. Biology.

Executive Faculty, School of Nurs- tary; C. M. Everest, J. C. Mor-

ing, Loma Linda: Mrs. Daisy B. ton, A. Ritchie, J. E. Preston,
Walton, Director School of Nurs- G. M. Thorp, V. C. Becroft, L. I.
ing; P. T. Magan, Pres., College Stiles,
of Medical Evangelists; D. L. Faculty: H. M. Lodge, Principal
Burgeson, Medical Director; Al- and Bus. Mgr., Mathematics;
fred Shryock, Secretary, College N. W. Lawrence, Bible; H. D.
of Medical Evangelists; G. H. Strever, Preceptor, History;
Curtis, Asst. Comptroller; Mrs. Mrs. H. M. Lodge, Spanish, Sew-
Marion H. Bowers, Nurse In- ing; N. T. Ourtice, Science,
structor; Mrs. Charlotte E. Sut- Woodwork; Mrs. Ada Hartman
ter, Sanitarium Supervisor; Es- Nichols, Preceptress, Commer-
ther C. Nash, Hospital Super- cial; Mrs. Opal Smith, Matron,
visor; Mrs. Gentille Frederick, Cooking; Stanley Walker, Pi-
Preceptress. ano; Bessie Wheeler, Piano;
Executive Faculty, White Memo- Mrs. Clara Webb-Smith, Grades
rial School of Nursing: Martha 6-8; Miss Ruth Irvine, Grades
E. Borg, R. N., Director, School 1-5; Mrs. Ada Hartman Nichols,
of Nursing; P. T. Magan, M. D., Accountant; N. W. Lawrence,
Pres., College of Med. Evangel- Librarian.
ists; Newton Evans, M. D., Dean,
College of Medical Evangelists;
Ida Johnson, R. N., Preceptress; CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MISSION
Mary Colby, R. N., Instructor of SCHOOL
Nurses; Josephine Jones Paap, (Misijni iistav)
R. N., Practical Instructor and Established 1925
Asst. Dir. School of Nursing;
Elmer Nelson, M. D., Medical Di- Address: Lodenice, 51 p. Beroun u
rector; F. R. Eastman, Business Prahy, Czechoslovakia.
Mgr.; Ethel Clifton, R..N., Ma-
ternity Supervisor; Edna Beaird Board: R. Rilhling, M. H. Went-
Coxe, R. N., Women's Surgical land, J. Doubraysky, F. Theiss,
and Medical Supervisor; Wini- F. A. Ludwig, J. Popelka, J.
fred James, R. N., Men's Surgi- Simon, H. Seidl.
cal and Medical Supervisor; Bes- Faculty: J. Simon, Principal and
sie Falconer, R. N., Supervisor Business Manager; G. Schwital,
Private Room Section; Grace J. Cepl.
Shull, R. N., Supervisor Operat-
ing Room; Lylyan O'Connor
Soule, R. N., Night Supervisor; EAST CARIBBEAN TRAINING
Dorothy Blaine, R. N., Super- SCHOOL
visor Children's Ward; Edna
Burney, R. N., Superintendent of Established 1927
Out-Patient Department; Lois Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
Shafer, Dietitian. West Indies
School Address: " La Realista "
COLUMBIA ACADEMY Estate, St. Joseph, Trinidad,
Battle Ground, Wash. British West Indies.
Established 1921 Board of Managers: W. R. Elliott,
Chairman; R. S. J. Hamilton,
Board of Managers: L. D. House, Treas.; C. E. Andross, C. E.
Chairman; H. M. Lodge, Secre- Knight, M. D. Howard.

Faculty: R. S. J. Hamilton, Mrs. Asst. in Home Economics; Mabel

R. S. J. Hamilton, Miss Eloise Curtis-Butterfield, Expression,
Williams, L. H. Gardiner, and Physical Education for Women;
Linda Austin. Ella Iden-Edwards, German,
French; Agnes L. Sorenson,
Spanish; E. E. Gardner, Com-
merce; Earl Beaty, Accounting;
EMMANUEL MISSIONARY K. F. Ambs, Economics; L. S.
COLLEGE Williams, Art, Physical Educa-
tion for Men; C. A. Burman,
Berrien Springs, Mich. Dean of Men; Mary E. Lamson,
Established 1901 Dean of Women; Wanda West-
cott-MacMorland, Registrar;
Legal Title: " Emmanuel Mission- Anna L. Blackney, Librarian;
ary College, Incorporated." Lydia Kime-Wolfkill, Secretary
of the Faculty; Hattie E. Soren-
Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, son, Matron; E. T. Bush, Direc-
G. F. Wolfkill, K. F. Ambs, Earl tor of Agriculture; Alvin John-
Beaty, J. W. Christian, S. E. son, Farm Manager; W. H.
Wight, J. F. Piper, E. H. Oswald, Wohlers, Dairy; Charles An-
F. A. Wright, S. N. Rittenhouse, drews, Director of Woodwork;
W. C. Moffett, W. L. Adams, F. W. Griffin, Architectural
W. A. Westworth, L. W. Foote, Drawing, Woodwork; J. B.
W. H. Wakeham, J. D. Snider. Krauss, Director of Printing; C.
Officers of the Board: W. H. Hol- F. West, Director of Engineer-
den, Pres.; K. F. Ambs, Treas.; ing; Waive McAllister-Green,
Earl Beaty, Secretary. Basketry; Morton Green, College
Supply Store; Ella King-San-
Faculty: G. F. Wolfkill, Pres., ders, Normal Grade Teacher; S.
Philosophy of Science; J. H. Ellen Klose, Normal Critic
Haughey, Professor Emeritus; Teacher; Luella Wells, Normal
W. H. Wakeham, Biblical Exe- Critic Teacher; Grace R. Harri-
gesis; W. R. French, Dean of son, Normal Critic Teacher; W.
School of Theology, Mission Pol- A. Westworth, Director and Pas-
ity, Greek; C. M. Sorenson, His- tor of Radio, WEMC; J. E. Fet-
tory; R. B. MacMorland, Asst. zer, Radio Transmission, Chief
in History; H. M. Tippett, Eng- Engineer, WEMC; W. F. Shade],
lish; Leona Summey-Burman, Director of Music, WEMC.
Asst. in English; A. D. Field,
Physics, Mathematics; F. L. School of Theology and Missions
Marsh, Asst. in Science; 0. R. Faculty: G. F. Wolfkill, Presi-
Cooper, M. D., College Physician, dent, Bible and Science; W. R.
Physiology, Biology; Birt SUM- French, Dean, Homiletics, Com-
mers, Director of the School of parative Religions and Mission
Music, Pipe Organ; W. I. Morey, Polity, Greek; W. H. Wakeham,
Voice, Conducting; Fanchon Biblical Exegesis; C. M. Soren-
Kyle-Summers, Piano; Vesta son, History; 0. R. Cooper, M.
Dunbar-Friend, Asst. in Piano; D.,. Science; Birt Summers,
A. E. Cochran, Violin, Fretted Musical Director; H. M. Tippett,
and Wind Instruments; H. E. English; Rose E. Herr, Educa-
Edwards, Education; Rose E. tion; Mabel Curtis-Butterfield,
Herr, Director of the School of Public Speaking; Anna L. Black-
Normal Training; May Stanley, ney, Librarian; - Wanda West-
Home Economics; Anna Mast, cott-MacMorland, Registrar.

ENTERPRISE ACADEMY Advisory Council: H. H. Hamilton,

Enterprise, Kans. G. F. Wolfkill, W. E. Nelson, W.
I. Smith, P. L. Thompson, Otto
Organized 1919 John, T. W. Steen.
Board of Trustees: C. S. Wiest, Faculty: M. E. Olsen, President,
Pres.; V. P. Lovell, Sec.; T. J. English Language and Litera-
Eagle, J. B. Mohr, J. C. Harder, ture; B. G. Wilkinson, Bible Doc-
Bert Rhoads, R. L. Boothby, B. trines; A. W. Werline, History;
L. Schlotthauer, E. A. Nixon. C. E. Weniger, American Litera-
Faculty: V. P. Lovell, Principal ture; Edwin Miller, French, Ger-
and Manager, Bible; A. D. man, Spanish; R. F. Farley,
Holmes, Science, Mathematics; J. New Testament Greek; Lizzie M.
C. Harder, History, Bible; E. 0. Gregg, Registrar and Account-
Westermeyer, Preceptor, Lan- ant; H. E. Rogers, Graham
guage; 0. E. Simon, Printing, Shorthand; H. B. Hannum, Har-
Office Business, Language; Eliza- mony; Mrs. Myrta Kellogg-Lewis,
beth Cowdrick, Preceptress, Eng- Old Testament History, Rhetoric,
lish; Ethel R. Page, Piano, School Management; J. B.
Voice; Lula M. York, Matron, Clymer, Latin, Bookkeeping,
Home Economics. Geometry, Advanced Algebra,
Trigonometry; C. R. Bruns, Ac-
countancy; Mrs. R. F. Farley,
English Literature, Com-
FINLAND S. D. A. MISSION position; E. W. Carey, Bible
SCHOOL Doctrines, New Testament His-
(Suomen S. P. A:n Lahetyskoulu) tory, Bible Readings, American
Hameenlinna, Suomi (Finland) History and Government; Mrs.
F. M. Wilcox, Practical Nursing,
Established 1918 Home Economics; B. P. Foote,
Board of Managers: 0. Angervo, A. Gregg Stenography and Type-
writing; W. L. Burgan, Journal-
Rintala, K. Soisalo, K. V. Osola. ism; Mrs. N. A. Rice, Arithme-
Faculty: 0. Angervo, Principal, tic, Algebra; Mrs. A. W. Spald-
Bible; K. V. Osola. Science, Fin- ing, Mother Teacher's Course.
nish, History; Helmi Sihvola,
Modern Languages.
25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
Takoma Park Station, Washing- China
ton, D. C.
Established 1922
Established 1909
Constituency: The Far Eastern
Constituency: The General Con- Division Conference Committee.
ference Committee.
Board of Managers: C. W. Irwin, Board of Managers: The Far East-
Chairman; M. E. Olsen, Sec. and ern Division Conference Com-
Treas.; W. E. Howell, J. L. mittee.
Shaw, M. E. Kern, F. M. Wilcox, Faculty: W. A. Scharffenberg.
N. Z. Town, J. A. Stevens, L. E, Principal; Mrs. S. L. Frost,
Froom. Treas.; Mrs. W. A. Scharffen-

berg, Registrar; Mr. Li Wei R. Magoon, M. C. Bird, H. M.

Ching, Office Secretary. Kelly.
Chinese Courses: W. A. Scharffen- Faculty: D. C. Ludington, Prin-
berg, School Management, His- cipal; L. A. Butterfield, Precep-
tory of Education and Child tor; Mrs. Roberta Ingram,
Study; S. H. Lindt, College Bi- Matron; Miss Louise Ewing,
ble; Giang Tsung Gwang, Aca- Preceptress; L. E. Trubey, Farm
demic Bible; Liu Men Ru, Wenli Manager; Mrs. Mettie Lenker,
and Chinese History; John. Oss, Instructor.
Gospel Salesmanship; P. E.
Quimby, Pastoral Training.
English Courses: W. A: Scharffen-
berg, School Management, His- Sheridan, Ill.
tory of Education, Psychology Established 1900
and Christian Education; Mrs.
0. B. Kuhn, English Department; Board of Managers: S. N. Ritten-
Mrs. Charles Larson, Bookkeep- house, Pres.; E. P. Weaver, Sec.
ing; Frederick Lee, Daniel and and Treas.; J. L. Wilson, F. E.
Revelation; H. H. Morse, New Endriss, G. E. Leffler, B. F.
Testament, Old Testament and Tucker, C. P. Wertzbar,
Bible Doctrines; Mrs. Frederick
Griggs, Ancient Languages; Faculty: E. P. Weaver, Principal
Charles Larson, History Depart- and Manager, Science; W. T.
ment; Gia Fuh Tan, Chinese Weaver, Preceptor, Bible, His-
Language Courses. tory; Miss Evelyn Lien, Precep-
tress, Voice, Rhetoric, New Tes-
tament History; Miss Evelyn
Karr, English and Spanish; E.
FOOCHOW INTERMEDIATE W. Marsh, Farm Manager, Agri-
SCHOOL culture;. Miss Elizabeth Nickel,
Foochow, China Matron, Physiology; G. E. Crary,
Accountant, Bookkeeping, Alge-
Established 1916 bra, Orchestra; Mrs. G. E. Crary,
Board of Directors: V. J. Maloney, Piano; Miss Ruth McConnell,
H. N. Quade, Da.ng Neng Cu, Stenographer, Typing.
Ging So Tang, Kiu Daik Bo, Ngu
Go Hwa, Ling Sing Sing Ca.
Faculty: H. N. Quade, Principal FRESNO ACADEMY
and Manager; Ngu Ong Ing, Pre-
ceptor; Mrs. Bang Seuk Ing, Route J, Box 43, Fresno, Cal.
Preceptress; Ging So Tang, Ging
Neng Ngiong, Ling Buong Sieng, Established 1918 as an Intermedi-
Ling Ga U, Ngu Go Hwa, Wong ate School; as an Academy 1921.
Cong Keng; Mrs. H. N. Quade,
Music. School Board: H. H. Hicks, Chair-
man; Robert Kitto, Sec. and
Treas.; H. C. Olmstead, A. E.
FOREST LAKE ACADEMY Green, G. A. Wheeler, C. C. Mat-
Route 2, Maitland, Fla. tison,- E. Johnson, H. B. Rasmus-
sen, J. R. Church, D. M. David-
Established 1926 ian, Iver Hansen.
Board of Directors: A. S. Booth, Faculty: Robert Kitto, Principal,
J. L Cassell, D. C. Ludington, C. History, Bookkeeping; H. E. Mc-

Whinny, Bible, 'Wood work; Nina Butler, G. R. Soper, C. C. Wilcox,

E. Williams, English, Librarian; John Shultz.
Mrs. B. Calkins, Domestic Sci-
ence, Science, Mathematics; Al- Faculty: R. L. Hubbs, Principal
berta Jones, Spanish, Violin, and Manager, History; Bruce
Science; Ellsworth Whitney, Pi- Wilcox, Preceptor, Mathematics
ano; C. E. Pierce, Grades 7 and and Science; G. L. Beane, Span-
8; Mrs. C. E. Pierce; Grades 5 ish, Commercial Accountant;
and 6; Lois Dorland, Grades 3 W. S. Boynton, Bible and Agri-
and 4; May Hensley, Grades 1 culture; Lillian Beatty, Precep-
and 2. tress, English; Doris Parkinson,
Piano; Mrs. W. A. Gosmer, Vo-
cal; Mrs. Zim Berntson, Matron,
FRIEDENSAU MISSIONARY Sewing; Mrs. Myrtle Johnson,
SEMINARY Grades 5-8; Miss Hazel Hatch,
Grades 1-4.
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Magdeburg, Germany
Board: P. Drinhaus, Dr. W. Mich-
ael, E. Bahr, Dr. L. E. Conradi, 70o Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Calif.
H. Erzberger, H. Glass, F. Got-
ting, W. Hans, P. Horn, 0. Jan- Established 1923
ert, W. Knitter, W. Krumm, E.
Maier, Dr. E. Meyer, A. Muller, Board of Directors: Dr. E. W.
0. Schuberth, P. St6cker, H. Wit- Alsberge, Chairman; L. R.
tig. Marsh, Sec.; W. G. Wirth, A.
D. Armstrong, John Knox, W. L.
Faculty: Dr. W. Michael, Principal, Avery, P. E. Brodersen, F. W.
German, Ancient Languages; W. Paap, C. H. Jones, T. A. Van-
Hans, Business Manager; H. Gundy, G. .M. Wissner, G. W.
Robs, Bible; S. Liipke, History; Reaser, H. G. Lucas.
H. Wertenauer, Science, Educa-
tion; Ph. Schuil, English lan- Faculty: L. R. Marsh, Principal,
guage; J. Langholf, German lan- -Bible; W. F. Van Atta, Treas.,
guage, Choir; J. Esser, Precep- Woodwork; A. C. Madsen, Bible,
tor, Anatomy, Nursing; M. Ko- History; Grace E. Morel, Eng-
kolsky, Home Economics and
Nurse Training; S. Hoyer, Nurse lish; P. M. Foster, Mathematics,
Training, Preceptress; M. Birk- Science; Mrs. Nellie Hankins,
ner, Music; G. Moczarski, Church Home Economics, Spanish; Mrs.
School. Retta Nelson, Voice; Edna S.
Marsh, Piano; Mrs. W, F. Van
Atta, Office; Mrs. Florence Hol-
lenbeck, Supervisor, .Bible ; Mrs.
GEM STATE ACADEMY Bee Overholt, Grade 8; Miss Fae
Caldwell, Idaho. Northey, Grade 7; Mrs. A. A.
Gibbons, Grade 6; Mavis Smith,
Established 1918 Grades 4, 5; Alida Sipkins,
Board of Managers; W. A. Gosmer, Grades 2, 3; Mrs. Martha Tur-
Pres.; R. L. Hubbs, Sec.; William ner, Grade 1.


1709 Alcatraz St., Berkeley, Calif.
Established 1923 469 West moth St., New York,
N. Y.
Board of Directors: K. J. Henning, Established 1920
Chairman; A. C. Nelson, Sec.;
G. A. Roberts, E. C. Chapman, Board: Ekecutive Committee of
A. Brorsen, H. W. Crane, H. Greater New York Conference.
Norton, 0. A. Troy, F. M. Owen, Faculty: Titus Kurtichanov, Prin-
R. E. Kalfus, R. Gritzmaker, T. cipal, Science; C. S. Sawyer,
L. Copeland, H. H. Winslow, Mrs. Bible and History; Virginia
F. C. Koerber, A. A. Hilback, A. Shull, English, Languages, Li-
N. Lindstrom, 0. A. Strube. brary; S. W. Tymeson, Com-
Faculty: A. C. Nelson, Principal, mercial; Helena Nosworthy, Pri-
Manager, History, Registrar; B. mary Dept.; Mrs. J. B. Frank,
I. Rasmuson, Treas., Mathe- Intermediate Dept.
matics, Science; R. H. Duncan,
Bible, Physical Education; Mrs.
A. C. Nelson, English, Orchestra,
Chorus; Mrs. R. D. Bolter, Do- HANKOW JUNIOR MIDDLE
mestic Science, Sewing; Mar- SCHOOL
garet Owen - Battee, Spanish,
Typewriting; H. H. O'Harrow, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh,
Woodwork; E. C. Chapman, China
Printing; Mrs. Nels Johnson, Established 1918
Piano; Warren Maxwell, Grades
7, 8; Miss Genevieve Hanson, Faculty: Mrs. H. L. Graham, Prin-
Grades 4, 5, 6; Miss Julia Look, cipal, Industries, Music; Hu Bing
Grades 1, 2, 3. Chen, Asst. Principal; A. F. Tai,
Treas.; Mrs. Li Hung Tsai, Pre-
ceptress; Chin Tse Min, Mrs. N.
F. Brewer.
Graysville, Tenn.
Established 1893 HARLEM ACADEMY
Board of Managers: V. B. Watts, la West 127th St., New York,
Chairman; W. E. McClure, Sec.; N. Y.
J. N. Connell, F. A. Washburn,
L. D. VanVoorhis, E. D. Haskell, Established 1920
C. F. Dart.
Board: Executive Committee of
Faculty: W. E. McClure, Principal; the Greater New York Confer-
V. B. Watts, Bible; H. W. Ing- ence.
ham, English and Science; Mrs.
V. B. Watts, Preceptress; Mrs. Faculty: A. W. Bontemps, Prin-
H. W. Ingham, Matron and Do- cipal, Literature and Languages;
mestic Science; Mrs. Claudia Dil- L. G. Sutherland, Librarian, Sci-
lard, Primary; Mrs. W. E. Mc ence and History; Mrs. E. Van
Clure, Music; Edward Hassen- Nockay Smith, Registrar, Eng-
pflug, Preceptor and Intermedi- lish and Bible; Mrs. B. M.
ate. C. Shepard, Mathematics; Mrs. E.

D. Perkins, Grammar Dept.; Miss Miss E. de Beer, Music; Mrs.

Geneva Bryan, Intermediate C. C. Marais and Miss V. Fort-
Dept.; Miss Mabel Lawrence, Pri- ner, Critic Teachers; J. Belvail,
mary Dept. Agriculture, Farm Manager.


1417 Makiki St., Honolulu, T. H. Hinsdale, Ill.
Established 1915 Established 1915
Phone 4655 Academy Board: V. MacPherson,
Faculty: J. A. Simonson, Principal Pres.; G. H. Simpson, Sec.; N.
and Manager; Mrs. R. W. Smith, W. Paulson, R. P. Wipperman,
Bible; Mrs. J. A. Simonson, Eng- Aimee DuBois, Louise Dedeker,
lish; Miss Florence Pfeiffer, M. A. Hollister.
Grades; Miss Clara Witzke, In- Faculty: G. H. Simpson, Principal,
termediate; Beatrice Gordon, Bible; Louise Dedeker, English
Treasurer. and History; R. P. Wipperman,
Science, Mathematics; Eva M.
Pitcher, Preceptress, Sewing;
HELDERBERG COLLEGE Aimee DuBois, Language; C. W.
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Hess, Woodworking; E. J. Moore,
Hydrotherapy; C. D. Walker,
Province, South Africa Cooking.
Board: W. H. Branson, M. P.
Robison, W. B. Commin, E. D.
Dick, J. F. Wright, E. D. Hanson, HUMBOLDT ACADEMY
E. C. Boger, W. H. Anderson, C. Box 912, Eureka, Cal.
W. Curtis, N. C. Wilson, T. M. Established 1925
French, L. L. Moffitt, S. G. Hiten,
A. E. Nelson, A. W. Staples C. Board of Trustees: M. E. Cookson,
W. Bozarth, G. W. S. Marais, Chairman; L. M. Stump, Sec. and
0. 0. Fortner, Dr. E. F. Birken- Treas.; G. A. Roberts, F. M.
stock. Owens,. C. C. Burg, Mrs. Helen
Cook, Mrs. Anna Klemp, 0. E.
Local Board: W. H. Branson, M. Sandness, R. E. Kalfus, Mrs.
P. Robison, E. D. Dick, W. B. Blanche Palmer.
Commin, A. E. Nelson, A. W.
Staples, James Belvail, J. I. Rob- Faculty: L. M. Stump, Principal;
ison. F, G. Young, Bible; Mrs. Blanche
Palmer, Preceptress, Spanish; R.
Faculty: M. P. Robison, Principal P. Axtell, English, Science; 0. E.
and Normal; 0. R. Shreve, Sandness, Construction; A. 0.
Business Manager; A. W. Sta- Stump, Preceptor, Asst. Mgr.;
ples, Bible; G. E. Shankel, Eng- Miss Neva Sandborn, Typing,
lish and History; A. Boekhout, Office; Mrs. Edith Wall, Music;
Afrikaans, French; H. Bell, Miss Gladys Sims, Supervisor
.Science; Mrs. G. S. Stevenson, Grades 1-6; Mrs. Daisy Glasford,
Mathematics; Miss P. Naude, Supervisor Grades 7, 8.; Mrs. L.
Preceptress; Mrs. C. Burton, Ma- M. Stump, Domestic. Science,
tron; E. L. Tarr, Preceptor; Mrs. Registrar; Mrs. H. F. Jenecke,
J. L. Milford, Asst. Afrikaans; Matron.


Located at Rulison, Colo.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission,
" The Island," Changsha, Established 1918
Hunan, China
Established 1919 Postal Address: Route 1, Grand
Valley, Colo.
Board of Directors: The Committee
of the Hunan Provincial Mission Board of Managers: J. W. Turner,
of Seventh-day Adventists. W. A. Nelson,W. G. Cope, J. E.
Johnson, J. L. Tucker.
Faculty: G. G. Hamp, Principal and
Manager; and several Chinese Faculty: W. A. Nelson, Principal,
teachers and assistants. Spanish; George Chambers; Pre-
ceptor, Bible; Janice J. McCor-
mack, Preceptress, English; 0.
ILOCANO JUNIOR MIDDLE S. Specht, Mathematics, Science,,
SCHOOL History; Rose Hutchison, Mu-
sic; Eva Michael, Matron, Book-.
Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, keeping; Opal Dickerson, Ele-
Philippine Islands mentary Grades; Mrs. George
Established 1924 Chambers, Primary Grades; E.
E. Seamount, Farm Manager.
Board of Management: The Execu-
tive Committee of the Northern
Luzon, Mission.
Faculty: Urbano Oliva, Principal; JAR& JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL
Restituta Florendo, Quintin Ca-
ba nsag, Mercedes Pablo. P. 0. Box 27!, Iloilo, Iloilo,
Philippine Islands
Established 1923
Board of Managers: The executive
Cicero, Ind. committee of the West Visayan
Established 1902 Mission.

Board of Managers: F. A. Wright, Faculty: Canuto Trinidad, Vi-

Pres.; J. W. Craig, Sec. and centa de Trinidad.
Treas.; and the members of the
Indiana Conference Committee.
Faculty: J. W. Craig, Principal KAREN MISSION SCHOOL
and Manager, Physics; 0. K. Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., via
Butler, Bible; Mrs. W. J. Blake, Maulmein, Burma
English, Sewing; P. B. Fairchild,
Preceptor, Violin; MrS. Mae L. Established 1918
Hitchcock, Preceptress, Piano;
Walter Gettys, Farm Manager; In charge of E. B. Hare, assisted
Mrs. 0. K. Butler, History; Ma- by H. Baird, Thra Peter, Thra
tron, Hydrotherapy; Mrs. J. W. Ohn Bwint, Thra Myat Po, Thra
Craig, Spanish; 0. A. Blake, Ac- Tha Kyn (Anglo-Karen, lst-7th
countant, Commefce, Orchestia; standards; weaving and other
Mrs. 0. A. Blake, Typing. industries).

KATTACKADA English Literature, Gen. His.;

Nedumanguad Taluk, Neyyattin- L. 0. Knowlton, Mathematics,
kara P. I., South Travancore, Science; F. J. Wallace, Preceptor,
India History; Mrs. Lee Moran, Pre-
ceptress; George Belleau, Bible;
Established 1925 L. M. Knapp, Grades 6-8; Roy
Manager: H. G. Woodward; Head- Caviness, Farm Manager; L. M.
master; A. I. Lazarus, assisted Knapp, Printing; John Hickman,
by two Malayalese teachers. Violin, Vocal; Lilly Tabor, Lan-
guage, English, Art; W. T. Up-
ton, Accountant and Confiner-
KIANGSU JUNIOR MIDDLE cial; Mrs. John Hickman, Piano;
SCHOOL OF S. D. A. Miss Geneva Kern, Cooking and
Sewing; Ethel Kropp, Grades
3i Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China 1-5; Mrs. Helen Cole, Nurse.
Established 1925
Board of Directors: K. H. Wood,
Chairman, M. R. Liu, Sec.; T. G. LIMA TRAINING SCHOOL
Wu, H. C. Shen, W. A. Scarffen- (Instituto Industrial)
berg, J. G. Gjording, S. K. See,
Y. K. Yeh, Mrs. B. Miller. Miraflores, Lima, Peru, South
Faculty: M. R. Liu, Principal; H.
C. Shen, Treasurer; D. H. Ging, Established 1919
Preceptor; Miss Elsie Lin, Pre- Postal Address: Casilla 2102, Livia,
ceptress; M. R. Liu, Bible; D. H. Peru.
Ging, Language; Mrs. Mi Deh
Fan, Music; Mrs. F. Griggs, Eng- Board of Managers: V. E. Peugh,
lish, Mathematics, Science; Mrs. Chairman; W. E. Phillips, Sec.
J. G. Gjording, Girl's Industrial and Treas.; D. E. Lust, H. B.
Instructor; H. H. Yeh, Boy's In- Lundquist, Orley Ford, F. E.
dustrial Instructor; I. N. Chen, Bresee, L. D. Minner, J. T.
Higher Primary; Mrs. D. L. Tren, Thompson, F. A. Stahl, J. D.
Primary; Miss Shan Bao-Djung, Lorenz.
Primary; Hsing Li Ren, Primary. Faculty: D. E. Lust, Principal and
Manager, Science and- Bible; A.
Alva, Spanish and Mathematics;
LAURELWOOD ACADEMY Mrs. D. E. Lust, English; Mrs.
Gaston, Oreg. J. T. Thompson, Music; Mrs. V.
E. Peugh, Special classes.
Board of Managers: I. J. Wood-
man, I. C. Colcord, J. T. Jacobs,
R. W. Nelson, L. I. Stiles, S. LODI ACADEMY AND NORMAL
Lindley, C. E. Olcott, H. E. Wes- Lodi, Calif.
termeyer, Harley Peterson, W.
A. Woodruff, J. E. Rippey. Established 1908
Officers of the Board: I. J. Wood- Board of Management: W. M.
man, Chairman; H. E. Wester- Adams, President; J. F. Beatty,
meyer, Sec.; and W. A. Wood- Sec.; H. H. Hicks, J. H. McEach-
ruff, Treas. ern, E. G. Truitt, D. A. Ochs,
Faculty: H. E. Westermeyer, Prin- Robert Kitto, A. E. Green, J. W.
cipal and Manager, Expression, Yoth, Q. C. Mathison, A. Rimche.

Faculty: D. A. Ochs, Principal, Coombs, A. Tennyson, W, Hill,

Bible; J. F. Beatty, Mgr, Agri- H. W. Gober, E. W. Cairncross,
culture; H. L. Wallace, Bible; F. Humbert, J. T. Miller, C. H.
Max Hill, English; L. C. Palmer, King, E. L. Tunsen, C. J. Kun-
Science, Mathematics; P. S. kel, P. Lauritsen, N. A. Johnson,
Nelson, Preceptor, History; Mrs. L. B. Hildebrand, J. F. Gern-
L, C. Palmer, Preceptress, Ma- hardt, R. R. Holbrook, L. New-
thematics; Dorothy E. White, man, E. M. Hause, L: M. Nelson,
Director of Normal Department, J. G. Graham, F. H. Westphal, P.
Bernice Webber, Assistant Nor- B. Bontemps, L. Osborn, H. L.
mal Director; Freda Smith, Ma- Bishop, R. W. Parmele, W. L.
tron, Domestic Science; Velma Avery, F. Mathews, C. Kane, A.
Wallace, Spanish, Art; K. D. A. Synder, M. Munson.
Cople, Bookkeeper, Bookkeeping; Faculty: R. B. Prout, Principal,
Mrs. K. D. Cople, Registrar, Typ- Bible and Bookkeeping; E. M.
ing; C. A. Whitlock, Manual Hause, History, Vocational; -
Training, Wicker; Mrs. A. A. Miss Kathryn Speh, English; C.
Saunders, Sewing; Frank Steun- C. Morrison, Science and Mathe-
enberg, Vocal, Band, Orchestra, matics; Miss Mable Andre; Span-
Chorus; Matilda Dollinger, Pi- ish, Home Economics; J. E.
ano; Veda Marsh, Grades 7 and Light, Expression; J. F. Gern-
8; Mrs. L. M. Hesseltine, Grades hardt, M. D., Lecturer; Miss M.
5 and 6; Catherine Bond, Grades Lucas, Piano; Mrs. W. Morgan,
3 and 4; Mrs. Dee L. Stoops, Vocal; Mrs. Swartsfager, Violin;
Grades 1 and 2. Mrs. Fern Prout, Commercial.


188o Dawson Ave., Long Beach, Cal. SCHOOL
Board: Hans Von Hofgaarden, Magallon, Isabela, Occ. Neg.,
Chairman; W. S. Potts, Sec.; Philippine Islands
W. L. Avery, N. P. Philips, B. F.
Established 1928
Yoeman, Lulu Jones, Mrs. E.
Waller. Board of Managers: The Executive
Faculty: W. S. Potts, Principal; Committee of the West Visayan
J. Cummins, Mrs. B. Silkwood, Mission.
L. Weber, Mrs. A. Poulsen, Edna Faculty: Arturo Macaciano, Fran-
Filcher, Mrs. Estelle Holloway, cisco Cabansag.
Miss Ruth Halverson, Miss Vir-
ginia De Fehr.
ADVENTIST ACADEMY Established 1902
3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles,
California Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, British
Central Africa.
Board: J. E. Light, Chariman; R.
B. Prout, Sec.; S. Donaldson, G. Director: M. M. Webster.
F. Enoch, J. W. Hofstar, J. W. Faculty: M. M. Webster, G. R.
Rich, P. G. Rodgers, W. W. Wor- Nash, Mrs. M. Webster, Melvin
ster, J. S. Davis, G. Halverson, Sparrow, Mrs. G. R.h, as as-
P. Bracey, A. V. Foerster, S. H. sisted by 10 native teachers.


SCHOOL Hutchinson, Minn.
Karickam, Kottarakara, India. Established 1904 at Maple Plain,
Established 1925 Minn.; transferred to Hutchin-
Address: S. D. A. Mission High son, Minn., in 1928.
School, Karickam, Kottarakara Executive Board: M. L. Andrea-
P. 0., Travancore, India. sen, Pres.; Alvin W. Johnson,
Manager: R. L. Wilson, assisted Sec.; A. H. Rulkoetter, A. R.
by six Malayalese teachers. Smouse, H. L. Halverson, August
Anderson, A. A. Dirksen, A. G.
Guy, H. M. Hiatt, C. H. Miller.
Faculty: A. W. Johnson, Principal
MALAYSIAN UNION and Manager, History; A. H.
SEMINARY Rulkoetter, Bible; H. E. Hein,
401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singa- German, Science; Wavie D.
pore, Straits Settlements Tubbs, English, Latin; A. E.
Hall, Preceptor, History; R. E.
Established 1916 Hoen, Science, Mathematics; Mil-
dred Yaeger, Preceptress, Asst.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: in English; Mrs. Pearl Pettis,
" Adventist," Singapore. Piano, Voice; Theodora A.
Board: Southeast Asian Union Wirak, Accountant; Grace M.
Mission Executive Committee. Johnson, Commercial; - Lena
Rosenthal, Matron; C. P. Mer-
Faculty: V. E. Hendershot, Princi- ickel, Farm Supt.; Mrs. Gertrude
pal; W. P. Barto, Business Man- Rulkoetter, Asst. Piano; Ethel
ager and Treasurer; F. L. Bunch, Hartzell, Art; Fern Fulk, R. N.,
G. B. Youngberg, Mrs. V. E. Hen- School Nurse, Hydrotherapy.
dershot, Mrs. G. B. Youngberg,
Miss M. A. Rosenberg, L. Fox,
Mrs. L. Fox, Mrs. W. P. Barto,
Mrs. F. L. Bunch, Mrs. M. Mc- MARATHI BOYS' BOARDING
Call, Mrs. M. Angus, G. de Guz- SCHOOL
man, Mrs. G. de Guzman, S. Mail- Address: S. D. A. Mission, Lasal-
gatas, A. Pasoehoek, Phang gaon, G. I. P. Ry., India.
Anglo-Marathi Middle School.
(About 9th grade.)
MANCHURIAN UNION MISSION- Industries: Weaving, Farming.
ARY TRAINING INSTITUTE In charge of R. E. Loasby, and
Seventh-day Adventist Mission, six assistant teachers.
Mukden, Manchuria, China
Board of Directors: The Manchu- S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan, India
rian Union Mission Committee.
Faculty: R. M. Cossentine, Princi- Established 1920
pal and Manager; Shih Du Hsin, Grades 1-7, Marathi.
Asst. Principal; Yu Ging Fang,
Preceptor; Mrs. Shih Du Hsin, In charge of Mrs. M. Oss, Head-
Preceptress; Miss Djou Ai Hsi, mistress, and two assistant
Mrs. R. M. Cossentine. teachers.

MARIENHOEHE SEMINARY 1-8; Mrs. A. Vickers, Music; F.

E. Crump, Typewriting and
Darmstadt-Marienhoehe, Germany Bookkeeping.
Established 1921
School Board: E. Gugel, chairman; MEIKTILA TRAINING SCHOOL
K. Sinz, J. Braun, J. Muth, G. Meiktila, Burma
Seng, W. Schick, W. Edener, G.
Mai, 0. Schuberth, M. Busch, A. Established 1910
Posch, K. Kafitz, P. Schwaderer,
W. Michael, H. Erzberger. Anglo-Vernacular, first to tenth
Local Board: 0. Schuberth, chair-
man; P. Schwaderer, E. Vetter, Board: J. Phillips, T. J. Michael,
L. Westermann. J. 0. Wilson, D. Hpo Hla, Paul,
J. L. Christian.
Faculty: Otto Schuberth, Princi-
pal; Paul Schwaderer, Sec. and Faculty: J. L. Christian, Mrs. J.
Treas.; Erich Vetter, Preceptor, L. Christian, F. T. Hartin, Mrs.
German and Ancient Languages; F. T. Hartin, Paul, Hpo Hla,
Luise Westerinann, Preceptress Aung Zone, Harry David, Ba E
and Matron; Wilhelm Hoffmann, Ah Lone Shoke, Ma Nyein Yin,
Bible; Hans Werner, History; Ma Shwe Kyin.
Christine Zybach, Modern lan-
guages; Siegfried Paeher, Com-
mercial Department; Michael MEYYANNOOR
Schroedl, Printing; Karl Zeiss,
Agriculture; Hemline Geist, Mu- Kottarakara P. 0., South Travan-
sic; Heinz Schmidt, Science; Ar- core, India
thur Windisch, Assistant in An- Established 1924
cient Languages; Rosemarie
Philipp, Methods; Maria Manager: H. G. Woodward; Head-
Schmidt, Sewing; 0. Elsiisser, master, I. Samuel, assisted by
Smith Shop. one Malayalese teacher.


Mountain View, CaL
Memramcook, New Brunswick
Established 1922
Established 1904
School Board: H. M. J. Richards,
Board of Management: F. W. Chairman; C. N. Lake, Sec.; H.
Stray, Chairman; F. E. Crump, G. Childs, Mrs. E. Lloyd, Mrs.
Sec.; J. Sutherland, Treas.; and B. J. Snow, 0. A. Perrine, A. A.
the members of the Maritime Weseman, E. H. Tucker, Mrs.
Conference Committee. Roy Bernard, H. B. Fate.
Administration: J. Sutherland, Faculty: H. B. Fate, Principal,
Principal, Bus. Mgr. and Precep- History ; F. A. Lashier,
tor; Mrs. A. Vickers, Preceptress Bible, Bookkeeping; Miss Ola
and Matron; Roy Longard, Farm Cresap,- English, Commerce; J. E.
Christiansen, Wood-Work, Sci-
Faculty: J. Sutherland, grades 9 ence; Mrs. Amanda Pease, Sew-
and 10; Mildred Mosher, grades ing, Cookery, Mathematics; Miss

Zella Bernard, Grades 1, 2; Mrs. Twila Nixon, Preceptress, Eng-

Alice C. Tate, Grades 3, 4; Miss lish; R. R. Ashton, Farm Man-
Eva Beeler; Grades 5, 6; Paul ager, Agriculture; E. M. An-
Meeth, Grades 7, 8. dross, Science, Mathematics; H.
A. Miller, Music; R. W. Tatro,
Treas., Accounting; L. D. War-
MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY ren, Bible, Education; Mrs. L. D.
Bozeman, Montana Warren, Registrar, Commercial;
Mrs. E. R. Corder, Asst. Bible;
Established 1901 Mrs. R. H. McClary, Matron,
Cooking, Hydrotherapy; L. J.
Board of Managers: B. M. Grandy, Smith, Printing; R. H. McClary,
Pres.; H. C. Klement, Sec.; S. Carpentry.
W. Munro, J. W. Freeman, H. A.
Green, T. M. Couch, A. Kloss, J.
N. King.
Faculty: H. C. Klement, Principal
and Mnaager; C. B. Behrens, As- Nmrum, Denmark.
sistant Principal, Mathematics (Nierum litijskole)
and Science; Jay Lansing, Pre-
ceptor, Bible, History; Mrs. C. Established 1908.
B. Behrens, Preceptress, English;
Mrs. Edith Carleton, Matron, Board of Managers: Danish Con-.
Sewing; Mrs. H. C. Klement, ference Committee.
Bookkeeping; Oretta Hanhardt, Faculty: P. A. Christiansen, Prin-
Spanish, Music; Mrs. Jay Lan- cipal, Mathematics; Miss Othilia
sing, Lower Grades. Nielsen, Matron; A. Varmer,
Bible; Vagn Rasmussen, His-
tory; Mrs. Ingeborg Hjartarson,
MOUNT VERNON ACADEMY Modern Languages; Miss Marie
Schmidt, Arithmetic, Geography.
Mount Vernon, Ohio
Established 1893
Executive Board: C. V. Leach, A. NAVUSO INTERMEDIATE
J. Olson, W. F. Schwartz, C. E. SCHOOL
Welch, I. J. Gault, W. M. Rob-
bins, F. H. Robbins, D. A. Rees, Wainibuka River, via Viria, Fiji
E. J. Stipeck, C. F. Ulrich, D. S. Faculty: H. R. Steed, Principal;
Teters. Mrs. H. R. Steed, Assistant;
Officers of the Board: C. V. Leach, Miss E. E: Edwards, Matron.
Pres.; R. W. Tatro, Treas.; A.
J. Olson, Sec.; E. J. Stipeck, Au-
Local Board: C. V. Leach, Pres.; MINISTERIAL AND MISSION-
A. J. Olson, Sec.; I. J. Gault, ARY STUDENTS
A. E. King, R. W. Tatro, C. E. Organized 1921
Welch, 0. S. Hershberger.
Address: Neandertal, Post Mett-
Faculty: A. J. Olson, Principal, mann, Rhineland, Germany.
Business Manager, History; F.
0. Rittenhouse, Preceptor, Span- Board: The West German Union
ish, American History; Miss Conference Executive Committee.

Local Board: J. Wintzeii, H. Erz- Faculty: J. H. White, Principal

berger, C. A. Motzer, R. Dang- and Business Manager, Bible;
schat. Goh Chiao Liang, Asst. Prin.,
Mathematics; Lu Tsi Heng, Pre-
Faculty: H. Erzberger, Principal, ceptor, Wenli; Chen Yu Ming,
Bible, Missions; R. Dangschat, History, etc.; Miss Yen Shu Pin,
Bible, Greek; J. Schmidt, Science, Preceptress; Mrs. J. H. White,
Mathematics; A. M. Hanhardt, English; Wang Chuen, Fac-
English, Preceptor; W. Eber- tory Supt.; Cho Ching Mei,
hardt, German, History; H. Wil- Higher Primary and Art Dept.
son, Music; Mrs. L. Erzberger, Supt,; Mrs. L. H. Davies,
French, Kindergarten Teacher's Supt. of Girls' Industries; Mrs.
Training; Miss Martha Riickert, W. P. Hsu, Asst. in Girls' Indus-
Domestic Science; Miss M. Jung, tries.
Matron, Cooking; Miss Hermina
Holthus, Nursing.


SCHOOL Baragain, Ranchi, Behar and
Orissa, India
Longburn, New Zealand
Established 1917.
Established 1907
Board: W. R. Scragg, F. C. Wil- Faculty: L. G. Mookerjee, Princi-
kinson, G. F. Wright, G. E. Adair, pal; assisted by C. A. Larsen,
E. Rosendahl, H. E. Piper, C. S. Mrs. L. G. Mookerjee, P. D. Ku-
Palmer. jur, D. N. Munroop, J. Hembrom,
and Hindi and Bengali pundits.
Faculty: E. Rosendahl, Principal;
A. Judge, Miss G. Young, L. Min-
chin, A. J. F. Kranz, Miss E.
Robson, Miss E. Clarke, C. V. NORWAY S. D. A. MISSION
'(Onsrud Misjonsskole)
NORTH CHINA BIBLE SCHOOL Algarheim, Jessheim, Norway
Tsinan, Shantung, China Established 1922 ,
Established 1920 Board of Managers: T. Tobiassen,
Board of Directors: G. J. Appel, G. E. Nord, Herbert Hanson, C.
J. H. White, W. J. Harris, L. H. M. Scott, A. C. Christensen.
Davies, A. A. Esteb, H. N. Bro- Faculty: Herbert Hanson, Princi-
dersen, Su Dien Tsing, Shen pal, Mathematics, Physics, Eng-
Chien P'an, Wang Hsi Yuen, Gob lish; G. T. Glendrange, Bible;
Chiao Liang, Geng Fu Gwang, Olaf Wiik, Norwegian, English,
Meng Chung Ih, Coh Chiao Eo. History; Miss Gudrun Nilsen,
Local Board: J. H. White, L. H. Arithmetic, Geography, German;
Davies, Mrs. L. H. Davies, Mrs. J. Miss Valborg Johansen, Matron;
H. White, Goh Chiao Liang, Cho Mrs. Della Hanson, Music; Her-
Keh Min, Goh Chiao Eo. bert Hanson, Farm Supt.

OAK PARK ACADEMY ods; A. N. Atteberry, History;

Alyce Frazier, Domestic Science;
Nevada, Iowa C. R. Wood, Printing; R. A.
Established 1911 Jorgensen, Science and Mathe-
matics; 0. B. Edwards, Music;
Board: C. F. McVagh, Pres.; W. Jennie Stratton-Dobbins, Sew-
C. Flaiz, Sec.; A. P. Hanson, T. ing; Walter Martin, Agriculture.
C. Nethery, J. E. Shively, T. H. Preparatory Department: Mrs. R.
Jeys, G. A. Nystrom, J. C. Nixon, D. Musselman, Principal; Viola
R. F. Bresee. Rivers, Alyce Frazier, Critic
Faculty: W. C. Flaiz, Principal, Teachers, Grades 7-8; Corine
Latin; A. E. Axelsen, Bible; M. Bass, Critic Teacher, Grades 1-6.
S. Culver, Preceptor, History; Industrial: J. A. Tucker, Director;
Annah Vaughn, Preceptress, Charles Degering, Transporta-
English; Paul Ford, Mathema- tion and Store; L. 0. Irons,
tics, Spanish; Asterid Anderson, Apiary; Walter Martin, Dairy;
Music; Evelyn Reicbeneeker, Ac- J M. Swofford, Farm; A. W.
countant; Esther Larson, Com- Kimbrough, Garden, Cannery
mercial; Ethel Dunks, Matron, and Campus; A. N. Atteberry,
Domestic Science; Thomas Ev- Poultry; C. R. Wood, Printing;
ans, Farm Manager, (Student). Roy Cole, Planing Mill and Build-
ing; H. D. Dobbins, Assistant;
Myrtle Bain, Sanitarium; R. A.
Jorgensen, Heat, Light, Water;
OAKWOOD JUNIOR COLLEGE Mrs. E. I. Cunningham, Board-
(For Colored) ing Department, Laundry; F. J.
Huntsville, Ala. Bryant, Janitors; J. M. Swof-
ford, Shop.
Established 1895
Board of Managers: N. S. Ashton, OSHAWA MISSIONARY
Chairman, W. H. Heckman, Vice- COLLEGE
Chairman, J. A. Tucker, Sec.,
C. W. Irwin, M. B. VanKirk, F. Oshawa, Ontario
R. Isaac, W. P. Bradley, A. B. Established 1912; Incorporated
Russell, R. I. Keate, B. W. Ab- Dec. 20, 1920
ney, F. L. Peterson, F. S. Keitts,
Charles Degering, P. M. Boyd. Board of Trustees: W. C. Moffett,
Pres.; L. N. Holm, Sec.; M. V.
Administration: J. A. Tucker, Campbell, F. W. Stray, W. H.
Pres.; Charles Degering, Treas.; Howard, B. E. Manuel, H. H.
L. 0. Irons, Office Asst.; Viola Bans, L. F. Passebois, R. Carlin,
C. Rivers, Registrar; F. J. Bry- Amy Frank.
ant, Preceptor; Mrs. Jennie
Faculty: L. N. Holm, Pres., Biol-
Stratton-Dobbins, Preceptress;
Mrs. E. I. Cunningham, Matron. ogy; Theresa Brickman, Sec.-
Treas., Accounting; Sara V.
Faculty: J. A. Tucker, President; Gage, French; W. C. Loveless,
F. L. Perry, Bible, Pastoral Dean of Men, Bible Department;
Training; Mrs. R. D. Musselman, Abbie Culbert, Dean of Women,
Normal Director; Charles Deger- Grades 7 and 8; Violet Morgan,
ing, Commercial; Leo Thiel, Li- English and Expression; Mary
brarian, English; Roy Cole, Man- Loveless, Registrar, Commercial;
ual Training; F. J. Bryant, Lan- Florence Davies, Nurse and Li-
guages; Julia F. Baugh, Meth- brarian; Blanche de Spelder, Mu-

sic Department, Piano and Voice; Alma J. Graf, Preceptorial Meth-

Harold Lease, Science and Ma- ods; G. W. Greer, Chorus, Voice;
thematics; Alice Lease, Church Anna J. Olson, Registrar; Mrs.
School; H. T. Terry, History De- Lucy Whitney, Spanish, Greek;
partment; Bertha W. Terry, Ma- Mrs. Jessie E. Paap, Art; Elsie
tron, Education; Frances M. Ca ylor, Shorthand, Typing; C. P.
Kennedy, Assistant Mathema- Baldwin, Asst. in History; Edna
tics; Gladys Laing, Asst. Church L. Walker, Home Economics;
School; Earl Wood, Factory Su- Marjorie Chapman, Sewing; Lois
perintendent; Archie Morgan, Christian, Asst. in English, Li-
Farm Manager. brarian; G. H. Jeys, Printing,
Asst. in English; 0. C. Baldwin,
Agriculture; Grace II. Nelson,
PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE Pipe Organ; . Marion Wilber,
Principal of Training School;
Angwin, Napa Co., Cal. Minola P. Robinson, Supervisor
Established 1909 Grammar Grades; Edith R.
Halvorsen, Supervisor Primary
Board of Trustees, Pacific Union Grades.
College Association: J. E. Ful- College Administration: W. E.
ton, Pres.; W. E. Nelson, Vice- Nelson, President, Manager; L.
Pres. and Sec.; L. W. Cobb, W. Cobb, Treas., Asst. Manager;
Treas.; G. A. Roberts, P. E.
Brodersen, H. H. Hicks, W. M. Lysle Spear, Matron; Alma J.
Graf, Dean of Women; C. R.
Adams, W. C. -White, B. M. Baldwin, Dean of Men; M. E.
Emerson, M. W. Newton, G. A. Ellis, Printing; J. K. Battin,
Calkins, Adolph Johnson, J. H. Post-Office; H. W. Emmerson,
McEachern, H. W. Vollmer, H. G. Store; Mrs. E. E. Farnsworth,
Lucas. Laundry; Mexle K. Smith, Ga-
Local Board of Management: W. rage; H. C. White, Engineer.
E. Nelson, Chairman; L. W.
Cobb, Sec.; M. W. Newton, W.
B. Taylor, R. A. Mortensen, B. PANDARATHARA
P. Hoffman, M. C. Lysinger.
Neyyattinkara P. O., Travancore,
Faculty: W. E. Nelson, President;
B. L. House, Bible and Homile-
tics; B. P. Hoffman, Bible and Established 1924
Homiletics; E. H. Emmerson, Manager: H. G. Woodward.
Asst. in Bible, Public Speaking; Headmaster: K. C. David, assisted
M. W. Newton, Higher. Mathe- by one Malayalese teacher.
matics, Astronomy; N. E. Pau-
lin, Violin, Orchestra, Theory;
J. M. Peterson, English Lan-
guage, Literature; W. H. Tees- PHILIPPINE JUNIOR, COLLEGE
dale, History; R. A. Mortensen, 239-251 Luna St., Pasay, Rizal,
Physics, Chemistry; W. B. .Tay- Philippine Islands
lor, Manual Training; H. W.
Clark, Biology. Geology; Mary Postal Address: Box 1772,-Manila,
McReynolds, Medical Evangel- Philippine Islands
ism, Physical Education; H. D. Established 1917
Wheeler, Accountancy, Com-
merce; Mrs. H. E. Osborne, Edu- Board of Directors: S. E. Jackson,
cational and Normal Methods; Pres.; W. B. Ammundsen, Sec.;

I. H. Evans, M. B. Comilang, E. cation; D. F. Ellis, Preceptor,

A. Moon, J. 0. Afenir, E. A. Brion, Woodworking, History; Ruth
E. M. Adams, M. F. Wiedemann, Bunston, Preceptress, French;
W. L. Rodriguez, W. H. Berg- C. H. Gerald, Treasurer, Book-
herm, R. Villanueva, W. B. Riffel. keeping, Old Testament History;
Faculty:' W. B. Ammundsen, Pres., Mrs. C. H. Gerald, Sewing; Ever-
Business Manager, Bible; Mrs. 0. ett Watrous, English; Mrs. Er-
F. Sevrens, Treasurer, Asst. Busi- land Thurlow, Music, Commer-
ness Manager, Stenography; Mrs. cial Nursing; Miss Merle Sillo-.
S. E. Jackson, Registrar, Eng- way, Matron, Mathematics; Er
lish; Mrs. W. B. Ammundsen, land Thurlow, Farm Superin-
Bookkeeping; D. L. Millam, Nor-
mal Director, Normal Subjects;
Mrs. D. L. Millam, Physiology,
Domestic Science; Mrs. E. A. PLAINVIEW ACADEMY
Moon, Matron; Agueda, Soria, Redfield, S. Dak.
Preceptress; J. P. Fentzling,
English; Mrs. J. P. Fentzling, Established 1902
Normal Subjects; Tomas Pilar,
Preceptor, Penmanship; C. E. School Board: G. R. E. McNay,
Thurston, Science; Mrs. C. E. Chairman; H. C. Hartman, Sec.;
J. H. Nies, Peter Kee', G. G.
Thurston, Music; Marina Villa-
nueva, Asst. Registrar, Short- Hagele, C. M. Babcock, J. M.
Christensen, Gordon Oss, John
hand; F. R. Millard, Bible, Eng- Merkel, J. R. Staton.
lish; Mrs. F. R. Millard, Mathe-
matics, English. Faculty: H. C. Hartman, Princi-
pal-Manager, Mathematics; Carl
Intermediate: Rogaciano Imperio, Mock, Bible; G. G. Dollinger,
Antonio Cosio, Tomas Pilar; German, Printing, Science; Dena
Mrs. W. B. Ammundsen, English. Nelson, Latin, English; Esther
Primary: Josefa Villanueva, Josefa Hartzell, Preceptress, English;
Ages. E. K. Vande Vere, Preceptor,
Industrial Faculty: W. B. Am- History; Margarete Hayes-
mundsen, Industrial Manager; Vande Vere, Music; I. I. Loewin,
Mrs. W. B. Ammundsen, Embroi- Farm Supt., Manual Training;
dery; Mrs. E. M. Adams, Sew- Edna Mohr-Dollinger, Matron.
ing; D. L. Millam, Gardening;
C. E. Thurston, Carpentry.
Bielsko-Kamienica Nr. 230, Slask,
Auburn, Me.
Established 1926
Established 1921
Board: John Isaac, ChairnAn; H.
School Board: F. D. Wells, 0. D. L. Rudy, Sec.; Th. Will, R. J.
Cardey; W. E. Tatro, V. H. Cunitz, A. Luedtke, P. Englert,
Hanscom, K. A. Wright, G. Dal- St. Kapusta, H. Bigalke, Dr. A.
rymple, J. Capman, H. P. Gram. Dube.
Faculty: K. A. Wright, Principal Faculty: H. L. Rudy, Principal,
and Manager, Bible Doctrines, Business Manager, General His-
Zoology, Botany, Physical Edu- tory,- Science, Engish; F. Dzik,

Bible, Polish History and Lan- Dora Gambetta, Grades 5, 6; Fe-

guage; M. Ostapowicz, Geogra- lisa Gambetta, Grades 1-4; An-
phy, Mathematics; Mrs. H. L. dres Tabuenca, Gardening; Car-
Rudy, Preceptress, Matron. los Schmidt, Carpentry.


Address: Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., (Institul Biblic)
Punjab, India. Anglo-Urdu Mid-
dle School, about 9th grade. Established 1924
Principal: M. G. Champion, assisted Address: Strada Viilor No. 53.
by Punjabi teachers. Diciosanmartin, Transylvania,
Industries: Weaving and Farming.
Board of Managers: D. N. Wall,
P. J. Gaede, St. Demetrescu, 0.
Fasnacht, P. Hermann, H. Bauer,
RIVER PLATE JUNIOR C. Popescu, F. Kessel, 1). Fau-
COLLEGE rescu, G. Stanescu.
(Colegio Adventista del Pla ta) Faculty: P. J. Gaede, Director; D.
Florea, Bible; V. Diaconescu,
Established 1898 Language; Elma Gaede, Matron;
M. Manea, Preceptor; G. Stanica,
Postal Address: Puiggari, F. C. E., Accountant.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Board of Directors: E. L. Maxwell, SANTALI-HINDI GIRLS'
Pres.; J. S. Marshall, Sec.; C. E. SCHOOL
Krieghoff, T. L. Oswald, Dr. C. S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I.
E. Westphal, J. H. Roth, C. D. Ry., India.
Striplin, W. A. Ernenputsch.
Established 1915.
Executive Committee: J. S. Mar-
shall, Chairman; J. H. Meier, In charge of Mrs. C. Jensen, as-
Sec.; Dr. C. E. Westphal, J. H. sisted by Indian teachers.
Faculty: J. S. Marshall, Pres.,
Psychology, History; Harold SEMINAIRE ADVENTISTE
Brown, Bible, Pastoral Training; (Haitien Seminary)
E. I. Mohr, Science, Mathemat-
ics; J. H. Meier,Preceptor, Ger- Box 16, Cape Haitien, Haiti
man; P. C. Beskow, Commercial;
Ester N. Peverini, Spanish; Board: J. A. deCaenel, President;
Marian B. Marshall, Normal , Secretary; A. 0. Dunn,
Director; Freda Trefz, Precep- Joseph Blot, Dorce Dorcinville,
tress, Matron, Hydrotherapy, Leonce Painson.
Home Nursing; Mrs. J. H. Meier, Faculty: , Principal; A. L.
English, Sewing; Ruth H. Brown, Christiansen, Mechanical Dept.;
Music; Amadeo Jones, Agricul- Philip Giddings, Bible; Mrs. A.
ture; P. H. Smith, Cooking; L. Christiansen, Frederic Jean-
Angelica Peverini, Grades 7, 8; Baptiste.


Collonges sous Saleve, (Haute 6o Kwenming Road, Shanghai,
Savoie), France. China
Established in present location,
1921 Established 1927
Board of Management: A. V. Ol- Constituency: The Far Eastern
son, Chairman; A. G. Roth, sec- Division Conference Committee.
retary; all the other members of
the Southern European Division Board of Managers: The Far East-
Committee, A. Vaucher, the Edu- ern Division Committee.
cational secretaries of the Swiss Faculty: W. A. Scharffenberg,
and Franco-Belgian Unions, the Principal; Mrs. S. L. Frost,
Presidents of the South France, Treasurer; Mrs. W. A. Scharffen-
French-Swiss, and German-Swiss berg, Registrar; Gia Fuh Tang,
Conferences. Head Chinese Teacher; Wang Ts
Faculty: A. G. Roth, Principal and Ping, Asst. Head Chinese
Business Manager; A. Vaucher, Teacher; and other Chinese
Bible and History; J. C. Guenin, Teachers as required.
Bible; J. H. Weidner, Latin,
Greek, Flemish; H. Evard,
Science, Mathematics; Roger
Poilbarbe, French; Miss Lydie SHANGHAI TRAINING SCHOOL
Augsbourger, Assistant French; FOR NURSES
Miss L. Eppner, Commerce; Miss 15o Rubicon Road, Shanghai
Anna Clare, Preceptress, Ma- China
tron; P. Tissot, Preceptor; W.I.
Owen, Piano, Voice, Chorus; Established 1918
Miss Morgan, English; Miss
Williams, German; Miss Ven- Board Of Directors: The same as
erella, Italian; Miss Blasquez, for the Shanghai Sanitarium.
Spanish; L. Vez, Agriculture; Faculty: The same as the Medical
E. Drumm, Sewing, Dressmak- Faculty of the Shanghai Sanita-
ing. rium.

For Indian Workers (Marathi) SHELTON ACADEMY
Established 1920 Shelton, Nebr.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Lasal- Established 1919
goan, G. I. P. Ry., India.
In charge of R. E. Loasby. Board of Managers: S. G. Haughey,
B. C. Marshall, E. D. Kirk, J. W.
Rogers, H. H. Humann, R. T.
S. D. A. TRAINING SCHOOL Baer, M. W. Blue, J. A. Deapen.
For Indian Workers (Urdu)
The Retreat, Roorkee, India Faculty: E. D. Kirk, Principal,
Bookkeeping; H. J. Welch, Pre-
Theological and Normal Training ceptor, Bible; E. Marybelle Huff-
in Urdu and English man, Preceptress, Librarian;
Established 1920 Linnie Keith, English, Spanish;
Faculty: F. H. Loasby, Principal; T. I. Durm, Mathematics, His-
assisted by J. Ali Bakhsh. tory; Mrs. T. I. Durm, Music;

V. E. Bascom, Farm Manager, Beck, Preceptress, Typewriting,

Agriculture; Essie Barber, Ma- Shorthand, Sewing; J. S. Koeh-
tron; E. Margie Knudson, Book- ler, Accountant, Farm Manager;
keeper, Commerce. Vesta B. Rubendall, Piano,
Voice; Mrs. W. 0. Lenz, Matron.

New Market, Va. SCHOOL

Established 1906 Kottawa, Pannipitiya, Ceylon

Board of Trustees: W. F. Martin, Established 1923
Chairman; W. C. Hannah, Sec.; Faculty: A. F. Jessen,
W. B. Mohr, R. D. Hottel, J. H. Miss Goonetilleke, Headmistress
Smith, L. W. Graham, J. P. Neff, of Singhalese Department, pre-
H. H. Hamilton, C. H. Dough- ceptress and food matron; other
erty, Mrs. C. P. Sorenson. teachers; Mrs. Jessen, Miss B.
Faculty: W. C. Hannah, Principal, Leyanage, A. R. Peiris (precep-
Manager, History; J. H. Smith, tor).
Bible, Woodwork, Farm Man-
ager; Victor H. Campbell, Pre-
ceptor, Mathematics, Science; SOUTH CHEKIANG JUNIOR
Hazel Brent, Preceptress, Eng- MIDDLE SCHOOL
lish, Expression;, Pansy E. Pal-
mer, Matron, School Nurse; Rus- Organized 1920
sell H. MacMeans, Music Depart-
ment; Mrs. Victor Campbell, La- Postal Address: Wenchow, Che-
tin, Elementary Dept.; Mrs. W. kiang, China.
C. Hannah, Accountant; Mrs. Board: The Executive Committee
Cecil Predmore, Librarian. of the South Chekiang Mission.
Faculty: Chen Yu Shih, Principal;
Alfred Fossey, Treas. and Bus.
SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY Mgr.; Djeng Dji-san, Chiang
Harvey, N. Dak. Hsiang, Whang Bu-tang, Djio
Hung-ping, and Mrs. Benj. F.
Established 1903 Gregory.
Board of Managers: H. Meyer,
Pres.; R. R. Neuman, Sec.; W. I. SOUTH INDIA TRAINING
Montanye, J. C. Michalenko, P. SCHOOL
E. Berthelsen, B. A. Scherr, Lud-
wig Kaften, John Schmidt, John Krishnarajapuram (near Banga-
Miller, Charles Dammen. lore), Mysore State, India
Faculty: R. R. Neuman, Principal, Established 1915
Manager, History; P. E. Berthel-
sen, Bible; G. S. Livingston, Board Members: H. Christensen,
English; G. J. Lang, Mathema- 0. A. Sham, J. C. H. Collett, E. D.
tics, Science, German; J. C. Mi- Thomas, N. B. Nielsen.
chalenko, Russian, Bible; W. 0. Faculty: 0. A. Skau, Principal;
Lenz, Preceptor, German, Man- E. D. Thomas, Bus. Mgr. and
ual Training; Katherine E. Asst. Principal; J. C. H. Collett,


Thomas, V. Stewart-Jacks, H.
W. Nissanka. Ooltewah, Tenn.
Other Workers: S. Job, L. D. Ben- Established 1896 at Graysville,
jamin. Tenn., as the Southern Training
School; removed to Ooltewah,
Tenn., in 1916.
JUNIOR COLLEGE Board of ,Managers: W. H. Heck-
man, Pres.; N. S. Ashton, Vice-
Arlington, California Pres.; H. J. Klooster, Sec.; Carl
Rottmiller, Treas.; Burton Cas-
Established 1922
tle, F. R. Isaac, C. L. Butterfield,
Board of Managers: P. E. Broder- W. P. Bradley, R. I. Keate, F. H.
sen, Chairman; H. M. Johnson, DeVinney, A. S. Booth, F. G.
Sec.; J. E. Fulton, B. M. Emer- Ashbaugh, H. E. Lysinger, B. F.
son, H. B. Thomas, Dr. Claude Kneeland, L. L. Andrews, M. F.
Steen, Dr. E. H. Risley, J. A. Knox, A. B. Russell, H. W. Kla-
Burden, S. Donaldson, H. G. Lu- ser.
cas, G. A. Calkins, Hans Von- Faculty: H. J. Klooster, President
Hofgaarden, W. L. Avery, Fred-
and Manager; J. H. Behrens,
eric T. Oakes.
Bible, Pastoral Training; F. W.
Administration: H. M. Johnson, Field, Bible, New Testament
Pres.; F. T. Oakes, Mgr.; F. W. Greek; J. C. Hausler, History;
Baldwin, Preceptor; Mrs. F. T. Maude I. Jones, English Lan-
Oakes, Preceptress; Dorothea guage, Literature, Latin; Law-
VanGundy, Matron; Mrs. W. E. rence West, Dean of Men; R. W.
Clark, Accountant. Woods, Physics and Mathema-
Faculty: H. M. Johnson, Pres.; F. tics; Lorena Wilcox, Dean of
T. Oakes, Manager; L. A. Wil- Women; Mrs. O. L. Dart, Span-
cox, Bible; K. M. Adams, Asst. ish, Asst. in Normal Training;
Bible; K. J. Reynolds, History; Walter Clark, Printing; Iva
Mrs. Frederic T. Oakes, Precep- Dell Kirk, Director of Music, Pi-
tress; Ruth Miller, Languages; ano; Mrs. L. P. 'West, House-
Maybel Jensen, Normal Direc- hold Economics; Malvina Zacha-
tor; Lilah G. Godfrey, Science, ray, Violin; Margaret E. Nickel,
Mathematics; Pauline Sturges, Sewing, Asst. in Normal Train-
English; F. W. Baldwin, Precep- ing; E. R. Swain, Woodwork,
tor; Minnie Belle Scott, Regis- Carpentry; MrT. Mabel N. Beh-
trar; Mrs. F. W. Baldwin, Pi- rens, Director Normal Depart-
ano, Theory; Ruth Haystad., Vo- ment; Ruth Rittenhouse, Senior
cal; Wm. Beisel, Violin; Esther Instructor of Model School; Myr-
Nash, School Nurse; Mrs. Marie tle V. Maxwell, Junior Instruc-
Reynolds, Household Economics; tor of Model School; Carl Rott-
Nola B. Wallack, Asst. Precep- miller, Treas., Asst. Manager;
tress, Asst. English; Howard Glee H. King, Commerce; Stella,
Miller, Woodworking; Titus Fra- Mae Beauchamp, College Nurse;
zee, Printing; W. H. Nash, Sheet Mrs. J. C. Hausler, Assistant in
Metal; Mrs. W. H. Nash, Bas-
ketry; Nis Hanson, Jr., Asst. Industrial Faculty: Lorena Wilcox,
Science; Caroline Hopkins, Com- Matron;- C. E. Ledford, Agricul-
mercial; Condi Osgood, Art, ture; W. C. Starkey, Printing;

W. P. Whitaker, Bakery; L. F. ward, Critic Teacher, Primary

Cunningham, Manager of Col- Grades.
lege Store; Eva Wilson, Laun- Industrial Department: W. T. Pet-
dry; E. R. Swain, Woodwork; tey, Broom-making; C. N. Wood-
Howell Trammell, Quarry; Paul ward, Printing; A. L. Crutcher,
Mouchon, Engineer, Automobile Planing Mill; G. A. Taylor, Me-
Mechanic. chanical; A. M. Woodall, Pecan;
Mrs. Marie Becker, Kitchen;
Mrs. Avy Phillips, Laundry.
Established 1894 Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa
Board of Managers: M. B. Van Director: J. G. Siepman.
Kirk, Chairman; Chester E. Kel-
logg, Secretary; R. P. Montgom- Faculty:
ery, R. L. Benton, E. A. Pohle, J. G. Siepman, R. Buckley, Miss
A. F. Harrison, G. F. Eichman, A. V. Sutherland, .M. D. Kalaka,
0. W. Tucker, E. T. Wilson, F. L. E. H. Ndwandwa, Mrs. E. H.
Perry, L. N. Carter, W. H. Ndwandwa.
Clark, C. H. Castle, E. H. Abbott,
C. N. Woodward.
Administration: C. E. Kellogg, STANBOROUGH COLLEGE
President; 0. W. Tucker, Treas.
and Asst. Bus. Manager; C. N. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
Woodward. England
Faculty: C. E. Kellogg, President; Established 1902
0. W. Tucker, Treas. and Asst. Board of Directors: W. H. Mere-
Bus. Mgr.; Mrs. F. B. Moran, dith, L. H. Wood, A. Carey, F. A.
Dean of Women; E. D. Ryden, Spearing, A. E. Bacon, Dr. W. A.
Dean of Men; H. S. Miller, Bi- Ruble, A. S. Maxwell, H. Os-
ble; J. L. Thompson, Science; E. borne, J. Harker.
L. Parrish, History; Letha Tay-
lor, English; Geneva Bogard, Executive Committee of Board of
Registrar, Spanish; R. L. Carr, Directors: W. H. Meredith, L. H.
Commerce; Mrs. A. M. Woodall, Wood, A. Carey, Dr. W. A. Ru-
Asst. in Commerce; Lotta E. ble, A. S. Maxwell.
Bell, Normal Director; C. W.
Dortch, Voice; Mrs. E. D. Ryden, Faculty: L. H. Wood, B. Sc., Prin-
Piano; Helen Stoner, Librarian; cipal; A. Carey, Bus. Mgr.; G.
F. F. Zumbaum, German, Mathe-- W. Baird, History, English Lan-
matics; Mrs. W. 0. Belz, Home guage and Literature; H. F.
Economics; Maymie Harper, De'Ath, English, Bible; J. Me-
Nurse; Mrs. Marie Becker, Ma- Avoy, Homiletics; William G. C.
tron; Mrs. Flora Moyers, Critic Murdock, (on leave of absence) ;
Teacher, Grades 7 and 8; Irma F. A. Schilling, B. A., Greek and
Shafer, Critic Teacher, Inter- Latin; John W. Ford, B. Sc.,
mediate Grades; Mary Wood- Physics and Chemistry; Elsie R,

Binns, M. A., German and TAIKGYI GIRLS' SCHOOL

French; Doris McClements, B.
Sc., Mathematics and Geogra-
Taikgyi, Burma
phy; A. H. Thompson, A. L. Established 1920
C. M., Commercial Subjects and
Choral Work; Kate Hargreaves, Address: S. D. A. Mission, Taikgyi,
Piano, Organ; Miss L. D. Lewis, Burma.
Normal Supervisor; E. A. Hep-
penstall, Preceptor; Gwen W.
Anglo-vernacular, First to Sixth
Brown, Preceptress.
Standards; Domestic Science
and Weaving.
Heads of Departments: E. Ashton, Board: J. Phillips, T. J. Michael,
Woodwork; J. S. Freeman, Mrs. A. J. DeNoyer, A. J. De-
Farm; Miss E. Cooksey, Laun- Noyer.
Faculty:Mrs. A. J. DeNoyer, Ma
Kyaw, Ma Shwe, Ma Rosie.
Sutherlin, Oregon TAMIL HIGH SCHOOL
Established 1926 Established 1909
Board of Trustees: 0. C. Lucter- Prakasapuram,Nazareth P. 0.,
hand, Chairman; M. T. Holm, Tinnevely District,
Sec.; E. R. Holm, Treas.; A. A. S. India
McKinzie, C. B. Carson, Mrs. I.
A. Dunlap, Mrs. E. R. Holm, A. Principal: H. W. Carter, assisted
S. Burroway, Mrs. A. S. Burro- by eleven Tamil teachers.
way, Mrs. Dorothy Rice-Goffar.
Faculty: S. C. Hanson, Principal, TELUGU MISSION HIGH
Grades 9, 10; H. E. Goffar, SCHOOL
Grades 6-8; Mrs. S. C. Hanson,
Grades 1-5. Narsapur, West Godavary,
South India
Principal: C. A. Schutt.
SWEDISH MISSIONARY Teachers: P. J. Kelly, G. Isaiah,
SCHOOL V. Amos, N. Aron, Mrs. C. A.
Nyhyttan, JArnbotts, Sweden Schutt.
Established 1898; reorganized 1908
Board of Managers: Swedish Con-
ference Committee. College View, Nebr.
Faculty: C. 0. Carlstjerna, Princi- Established 1891
pal, Bible; Mrs. C. 0. Carlstjerna,
Music, Geography, Mathemat- Board of Managers: The presidents
ics; Ellis Colson, Church History, of the following conferences:
English, Greek, Science; Gillis Central Union, Nebraska, Mis-
Linde, Swedish, German; Holger souri, Kansas, Inter-Mountain,
Lindsjo, Swedish, Biology, His- Colorado, and Wyoming Mission;
tory; Clara Anderson, Precep- Northern Union, Minnesota,
tress. North Dakota, South Dakota,

Iowa; Southwestern Union, and Work: A. G. Ortner, Carpentry,

Oklahoma; the educational sec- Woodwork; Eugene Stout, '
retaries of the Central Union, Farm; Edwin Ogden, Engineer;
Northern Union, and Southwest- Cush Sparks, Printing Arts;
ern Union; the treasurers of the Vernon Dunn, Laundry.
Northern, Central, and South-
western Union Conferences; the Union College Academy
president of Union College; H. L.
Keene, H. U. Stevens, G. C. Facility: Rollin Nesmith, Princi-
George, W. F. Hahn. pal, Bible, History; Guy Haben-
icht, Mathematics, Science;
Executive Committee: J. J. Neth- Ruby D. McGee, Latin, English.
ery, Pres.; P. L. Thompson, Sec.;
C. W. Marsh, Charles Thompson,
M. B., Van Kirk, R. T. Emery,
I. G. Ortner, 'H. L. Keene, H. U.
Stevens, G. C. George, W. F. UNION SPRINGS ACADEMY
Union Springs, N. Y.
Administration Committee: P. L.
Thompson, Pres. and Manager; Established 1921
W. F. Hahn,, Asst. Mgr.; H. L.
Keene, Treas.; B. H. Wilcox,
Dean of Men; Pearl L. Rees, Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones, J.
E. Osterblom, L. H. King, Jr.,
Dean of Women; Mrs. Minnie
Cook, Matron; Ruby Lea, Regis- M. R. Bailey, F. Bohner, N. H.
Saunders, Mrs. E. B. Markham,
trar. X. P. Walton, H. M. Fleming, L.
Faculty: P. L. Thompson, Pres.; G. Sevrens, J. C. Sauer, H. J.
H. S. Prenier, English Bible; H. Capman.
U. Stevens, Church History, Mis-
sions; A. J. Meiklejohn, Hom- Local Board: J. K. Jones, J. E.
iletics; W. J. McComb, History, Osterblom, Mrs. E. B. Markham,
Government; Rochelle Philmon, F. Bohner, X. P. Walton, H. M.
English Language, Literature; Fleming, L. G. Sevrens.
Irene Couch, Director of Normal
Department, Education; G. C. Faculty: L. G. Sevrens, Principal,
Jorgensen, Chemistry, Biology; Agriculture; H. E. Snide, Bible;
Lulu Blanche Hiatt,. Romance C. S. Field, Preceptor, American
Languages and Literature; Dan- History, Geometry, Physics; X.
iel Walther, German, French; H. P. Walton, Treas., Bookkeeping;
K. Schilling, Physics, Mathemat- C. J. F. Henriksen, Printing,
ics; G. C, George, Economics, General History; G. H. Edger-
Commerce; Minnie Olson, Home ton, Woodworking, General Sci-
Economics; Edwin Ogden, Math- ence, Physiology, English I; H,
ematics; D. G. Hilts, Public M. Fleming, Farm Manager: F.
Speaking, Library Science, Eng- W. Culver, Culinary Depart-
lish; C. C. Engel, Violin, Orches- ment; Mrs. G. H. Edgerton, Pre-
tra; Estelle Kiehnhoff, Voice; ceptress, Shorthand, Typewrit-
Verne Waldo Thompson, Piano; ing, Nursing; Mrs. L. G. Sevrens,
Myrtle Reinmuth, Sidney Smith, Registrar, French; Evelyn Weg-
and Mrs. Ethyl Bruce, Teachers ner, Music, English II, General
in Model School. Mathematics; Mrs. E. W. Cul-
ver, Matron, Domestic Science;
Heads of Industrial Departments Dorothy Bartlett, Grades 6-8;
and Instructors in Vocational Eva F. MacKenzie, Grades 1-5.

UNITED PROVINCES SCHOOL eral Form Subjects; Miss R. A.

FOR BOYS Meister, General Form Subjects;
Established 1917 Miss A. Wilkinson,. Asst. Pre-
ceptress, Stenography; Miss F.
Anglo-Urdu and Hindi Middle Turkey, Food Matron, Domestic
School (About ninth grade). Science; G. F. Ritchie, General
Address: Hapur, 0. & R Ry., Form Subjects; C. A. Hart,
India. Treas.; Mrs. D. W. McKinlay,
Small Boys' Matron,
In charge of L. E. Allen, assisted Hospital Nurse; other teachers
by Mrs. L. E. Allen, and A. How- in Music, Drawing, French, and
ard, and other Indian teachers. Urdu.
Industries: Weaving and Farming.


17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India Established 1892
Anglo-Urdu High School, about Board of Trustees: Morris Lukens,
12th grade. E. F. Peterson, I. J. Woodman,
E. L. Neff, T. B. Westbrook, S.
Established 1919 A. Ruskjer, B. M. Grandy, W. A.
Staff: Miss M. Chatterjee, Miss Gosmer, S. J. Lashier, A. W.
West, Mrs. A. H. Williams, Mrs. Peterson, F. W. Peterson, W. I.
M. Dass, Miss L. Tej Smith, H. 0. McCumber.
Industry: Health Food Making, Officers of the Board: Morris
Gardening, Lukens, Chairman; W. I. Smith,
Sec., F. W. Peterson, Treasurer.
Administration: W. I. Smith, Pres-
VINCENT HILL SCHOOL AND ident; F. W. Peterson, Manager;
JUNIOR COLLEGE L. P. Thorpe, Director of Pre-
paratory School; H. S. Hanson,
Dean of Men; Mrs. Maude Per-
Mussoorie, India kins, Dean of Women; Mrs. Es-
tella. Boothby, Matron; Mertie
Established 1911 A. Wheeler, Registrar, Libra-
rian; E. 0. Becker, Accountant.
Board: A. W. Cormack, Chairman;
I. F. Blue, Vice-chairman; A. H. Collegiate Faculty: W. I. Smith,
Williams, G. G. Lowry, J. Phil- President, Public Speaking, Col-
lips, E. M. Meleen, C. L. Torrey, lege Life; F. M. Burg, Dean of
D. W. McKinlay. the School of Theology, Bible;
Winifred L. Holmden, Ancient
Faculty: I. F. Blue, Principal, His- Languages, German; H. A.
tory; D. W. McKinlay, Precep- Peebles, Spanish; L. P. Thorpe,
tor, Bible, Science, Manual Train- Education; Mrs. M. E. Little,
ing; A. H. Larson, Bible, Book- Normal Training, Education; P.
keeping; C. J. Ritchie, General T. Gibbs, English; Clara E. Rog-
Form Subjects; Miss K. Scott, ers, English; H. 0. McCumber,
Preceptress, English, Dressmak- History; H. E. Horner, M. D.,
ing, , Normal Train- College Physician; G. W. Bow-
ing; Miss G. Maseyk, Gen- ers, Chemistry, Biology; G. G.

Kretchmar, Mathematics, Phys- E. J. Stipeck, H. H. Hamilton,

ics; Mettie E. Cornell, Com- W. P. Bradley, C. F. Ulrich, W.
merce; H. S. Hanson, Commerce; C. Hannah, A. J. Olson, E. R.
Jeanette Richardson, Home Eco- Palmer, J. A. Leland, A. A. Cone,
nomics; Lulu Hill-Miller, Art; D. A. Rees, H. J. Klooster.
F. B. Jensen, Assistant in Bible; Local Board: F. H. Robbins, R. L.
Luella Latham-Kretchmar, Cook- Walin, H. H. Hamilton, C. S.
ery, Dietetics. Longacre, W. F. Martin.
Academic Faculty: L. P. Thorpe.
Director, History, Bible; W. C. Administration: H. H. Hamilton,
Baldwin, Mathematics, Bible; H. Pres.; B. G. Wilkinson, Dean of
A. Peebles, Spanish; Clara E. Theology; Minnie Abray, Dean
Rogers, English; H. R. Emmer- of Women; Eric Jones, Dean of
son, Special Subjects. Men; R. L. Walin, Treas.; Mary
Montgomery, Matron.
School of Music: Grace Wood-
Reith, Director, Voice; Gwendo- Faculty: H. H. Hamilton, Pres.;
lyn, Lampshire-Hayden, Violin; B. G. Wilkinson, Dean of School
Madge Gould, Piano, Theory; L. of Theology; A. W. Werline,
C. Metcalf, Voice, Conducting; Professor of History; C. E. Wen-
Irene Brown, Piano. iger, Professor of English; C. E.
Normal School Critic Teachers: Blue, Professor of Chemistry
Enid Sparks, Grades 1 and 2; and Biology; E. R. Thiele, In-
Ethel Johnson, Grades 3 and 4; structor in Missions; Ruby
Mrs. G. W. Bowers, Grades 5 and Owen, Instructor in Home Eco-
6; Mrs. 0. W. Lange, Grades 7 nomics; Lela M. Dortch, Regis-
and 8. trar, Secretary, Director of De-
partment of Commerce; C. L.
Industrial and Vocational: F. W. Woods, Instructor in Physics
Peterson, Superintendent; Ray and Mathematics; Frances A.
Collins, Printing; H. R. Emmer- Howell, Director of Normal De-
son, Woodwork, Carpentry; John partment; Gladys Manchester-
Bauer, Jr., Store Manager; Jea- Walin, Director of Music, Voice;
nette Richardson, Home Econom- Virginia Hoelzel, Instructor in
ics; Randall Sloop, Baking; S. Modern Languages; Josephine
Estella Boothby, Matron. Hagberg, Instructor in Lan-
guages; Eric Jones, Dean of
Men, Instructor in Physics; Ro-
WASHINGTON MISSIONARY zetta Thurston, Instructor in
COLLEGE English ; H. B. Hannum, Instruc-
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. tor in Piano; G. A. Huse, In-
structor in Printing; John Samp-
Established 1904; reorganized 1914 son, Instructor in Woodwork;
Etta M. Spicer, Instructor in
Legal Title: Washington Mission- Art; Minnie Abray, Dean of
ary College. Women; B. P. Foote, Instructor
Board of Trustees: F. H. Robbins, in Shorthand and Typewriting;
R. L. Walin, N. S. Ashton, A. W. Marie Rogers, Librarian, In-
Werline, H. J. Detwiler, W. F. structor in Cooking; Vesta Cly-
Martin, W. H. Heckman, F. R. mer, Critic Teacher; Louise B. .
Isaac, C. V. Leach, C. S. Long- Stuart, Critic Teacher; Blanche
acre, J. L. McElhany, B. G. Wil- Shoup, Grades 7 and 8; Victor
kinson, J. P. Neff, W. M. Rob- Johnson, Instructor in Violin and
bins, J. L. Shaw, C. W. Irwin, Orchestra.

WEST AUSTRALIAN MISSION- Faculty: , Principal, F. 0.

ARY SCHOOL Rathbun, Mrs. F. 0. Rathbun,
L. S. Crawford, Mrs. L. S. Craw-
Carmel, West Australia ford, E. E. Parchment, Mrs. E.
Established 1907 E. Parchment, Mrs. Bertha
Peake, Rosamond Harrison.
Board: E. G. Whittaker, A. E.
Speck, G. H. Palmateer, A. J.
Faculty: A. E. Speck, Principal WESTERN WASHINGTON
and Manager R. B. Watts, Mrs. ACADEMY
R. B. Watts, Wm. Chapman, Miss
A. Risbey, Miss E. M. Cooper. Auburn, Wash.
Phone: Auburn 3F21
Obispo, Canal Zone, Panama Board of Managers: E. L. Neff,
L. B. Losey, Sec.; J. A. Burman,
Established 1921 Dr. W. B. Scott, L. E. Biggs, G.
General Board: Central American A. Davis, A. J. Cole, H. E.
Union Committee. Weaver, A. E. Holbrook.
Local Board: L. L. Hutchinson, Faculty: L. B. Losey, Principal,
Chairman; C. L. Stone, Sec.; F. Manager; C. A. Wyman, Baking;
L. Harrison, E. W. Everest. W. P. Gilbert, Preceptor, History,
Mathematics; Mrs. W. P. Gilbert,
Faculty: C. L. Stone, Principal, English Expression, Registrar;
Bible, Normal Training; Mrs. C. Anita Thurgood, Preceptress;
L. Stone, General Matron, Eng- Strauss Cubley, Treas., Book-
lish; Roy E. Brooks, Preceptor, keeping; Mrs. Strauss Cubley,
Cashier, Commercial; Mrs. R. E. Piano; Violet Scott, Science; C.
Brooks, Sewing and Dress-mak- L. Witzel, Woodworking; W. R.
ing; Mrs. A. F. Downer, Precep- Emmerson, Farm Manager; Mrs.
tress; Jemuel Archbold, Span- A. F. VanAusdle, Sewing, Do-
ish, History; Jennie Archbold, mestic Science; Florence Jacob-
Music; Mrs. Ellen Palmer, Cul- son, Grades 7, 8.
inary Dept.
Under General Management: Car-
pentry, Broom Making, Farm.
Granger, Wash.
SCHOOL Established 1920
Mandeville, Jamaica, British West Board of Trustees: E. F. Peterson,
Indies C. A. Shull, P. W. Ochs, J. J.
Established 1918 Wagner, H. C. Kephart, Manuel
Matson, H. E. Willoughby, Dr.
Board of Managers: H. J. Edmed, Frances G. Hilton, J. C. Chris-
Pres.; F. 0. Rathbun, Sec. and tiansen, William Schoepflin, and
Treas.; J. W. Grounds, P. J. Bai- Chairman of the County Com-
ley. missioners, Yakima County,

Faculty: F. E. Stratton, Principal keeper and Commercial; Mrs. R.

and Business Manager; W. G. 0. Garner, Music; E. C. Reiber,
McCready, Preceptor and Bible Science, Woodwork; Miss Rachel
teacher; Miss Zella V. Rine, Weinheimer, Matron and Sew-
Preceptress, Mathematics; Mrs.
W. G. McCready, Registrar and ing; R. D. Kaylor, Spanish and
English; R. 0. Garner, Book- History.

Number of Educational institutions, 150.

(In alphabetical order)
BARCELONA PUBLISHING Rundschau der Adventisten, J
HOUSE B. Johnson.
(Editorial Espaiiola) Assistant Editors: Luiz Waldvogel,
Apartado 492, Barcelona, Spain. August Pages.
Established 1915
Telegraphic Address: Tratados, BRITISH PUBLISHING HOUSE
Barcelona. Stanborough Press, Ltd.
Publishing Board: R. Gerber, R. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
Fit& B. B. Aldrich, V. Dietel. England
Treasurer: R. Fit& Established 1889
Editor: " Senales de los Tiempos " Cable Address: " Hygiene," Wat-
ford, Herts, England.
and " La Rivista Avventista," R.
Gerber. Board of Directors: W. H. Mere-
dith, A. E. Bacon, A. S. Max-
well, F. A. Spearing, G. M. Price.
Manager and Secretary, A. S.
(Casa Publicadora Brazileira) Maxwell; Circulation Manager,
Established 1905 A. Warren; Treasurer, J. Rigby.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Editors: Present Truth and Mis-
"Atalaia," Estacao Sao Bernardo. sionary Worker, A. S. Maxwell;
Good Health, W. A. Ruble, M. D.
Postal Address: Estacao de Sao
Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Book Committee: W. H. Meredith,
Brazil, South America. A. S. Maxwell, J. Harker, S.
Joyce, F. A. Spearing, Dr. . A.
Board of Directors: E. H. Wilcox, Ruble, A. Warren.
N. P. Neilsen, F. W. Spies, Au-
gust Pages, Benedicto Silveira,
H. B. Fisher, G. B. Taylor, U.
Wissner, M. Margarido, E. V. BUENOS AIRES PUBLISHING
Moore. HOUSE
Officers: Pres., E. H. Wilcox; Vice- Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Pres., Manager and Sec., F. W. South America
Spies; Treas., A. Pages; Supt., " Casa Editora Sud Americana "
H. B. Fisher.
Established 1897
Book Committee: F. W. Spies, J.
B. Johnson, N. P. Neilsen, E. H. Cable Address: " Casatora," Bue-
Wilcox, H. B. Fisher. nos Aires, Argentine.
. Editors: 0 Atalaia, J. B. Johnson; Telegraphic Address: " Casa Edi-
Revista Mensal, J. B. Johnson; tora,," Florida, Buenos Aires.

Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C. C. L. Paddock, L. N. Holm, L. F.

A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Passebois, A. V. Rhoads.
South America.
Officers: W. C. Moffett, Pres.; H.
Board of Managers: M. V. Tucker, H. Rans, Vice-Pres., Manager,
Edgar Brooks, M. I. Fayard, and Treas.; C. G. Maracle, Sec.
W. G. Lawson, E. L. Maxwell,
W. R. Pergande, J. H. Roth, Department Managers: Supt., C.
T. L. Oswald, C. E. Krieghoff, 0. Maracle; Book and Periodical
V. E. Peugh, J. D. Lorenz, J. L. Dept., C. L. Paddock.
Brown. Editors: Canadian Watchman Mag-
Officers: President: , Vice- azine, 'W. C. Moffett; Associate,
Pres., Manager, and Treas., M. V. C. L. Paddock; Contributing
Tucker; Supt., W. G. Lawson; Editor, S. A. Ruskjer; Les
Sec., Edgar Brooks; Auditor, C. Signes des Temps, L. F. Pas-
L. Bauer. sebois; Associates, Mrs. Sarah
Vuilleumier-Gage, C. L. Paddock.
Book Committee: M. V. Tucker,
Chairman; Edgar Brooks, Sec.; Winnipeg Branch
J. W. Westphal, E. L. Maxwell,
Pedro Brouchy, M. I. Fayard, 304 Travellers Bldg., Winnipeg,
J. L. Brown. Manitoba (Tel. 88864)
Editors: El Atalaya, Edgar Manager: J. C. Neithercut.
Brooks; Associate Editor, M. I.
Fayard; La Revista Adventista,
M. I. Fayard.
HOUSE College View, Nebr.
Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria Established 1900
Established 1924 Board of Managers: J. J. Nethery,
C. T. Burroughs, R. T. Emery,
Corporate Name: Christianako Ad-
ventno. Obshtestvo. D. D. Rees.
Manager: , Sec., Otto Dith- Officers: Pres., J. J. Nethery; Sec.,
ritz. D. D. Rees; Treas., R. T. Emery.
Editor: " A Westitel na. Istinata," Periodicals: The Christian Record,
Stefan Konstantinoff. a monthly magazine for the
blind; The Christian Record Sab-
bath School Monthly, containing
CANADIAN WATCHMAN PRESS the denominational lessons. Both
these publications are printed in
Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario Revised Braille and New York
Telephone 2054 Point types, and furnished free
to all blind who desire them.
Organized 1895; incorporated 1920 Editor and Manager, D. D. Rees.
The Christian Record Pub. Assn.
Territory: The Eastern and West- also has a free circulating li-
ern Canadian Union Conferences. brary department, containing de-
Board of Directors: W. C. Moffet, nominational books and pamph-
H. H. Rans, M. V. Campbell, lets and other books of general
S. A. Ruskjer, C. G. Maracle, interest for free circulation

among the blind. These are Editor: Hlasatel Pravdy and Straz
sent to the reader and returned Sionska, F. Fiala. Books in Bo-
to the office franked by the gov- hemian, German, Polish, Slo-
ernment. vakian, Hungarian, Russian, and
Established 1901 HOUSE
Board of Managers: Lake Union Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Esthonia
Conference Committee. Established 1922
Officers: Manager, K. F. Ambs, Corporate Name: S. P. A. Eesti
Sec., Earl Beaty; Supt., J. B. Liidu kirjastus.
Krauss. Directors: Esthonian Conference
Editors: Lake Union Herald, Mrs. Committee.
L. K. Curtis; The Student Move- Editor: Toe Sonumid, M. Bliren-
ment, R. J. Swartz. grub; Missioniteated, M. Baron-

Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
Denmark Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Corporate Name: Dansk Bogforlag. Established 1897
Cable Address: " Expedit," Copen-
hagen. Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija.
Local Board: Joh. M. Nielsen, L. Publishing Board: Y. Miettinen, A.
Muderspach, 0. S. Sorensen. Rintala, 0. Hoglund, C. Gidhuid,
K. Soisalo.
Business Manager: Joh. M. Nielsen.
Manager: Y. Miettinen.
Editors: Aikain Vartija, K. Soi-
CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PUBLISH- salo; Fiirsamlings BudbAraren
ING HOUSE K. Soisalo; Siionin Ystava, K.
Brno-Kral. Pole, Wilsonova 8,
Corporate Name: Adventni nakla- (Formerly Latin Union Publishing
datelstvi, Brno-Kral. Pole Wil- House)
sonova 8, Czechoslovakia. Librairie " Les Signes des Temps,"
Officers: Dammarie-les-Lys, (Siene et
Director, R. Riihling. Marne) France
Manager and Treas., F. A. Lud-
wig. Established 1896
Board: R. Riihling, F. A. Ludwig, Telegraphic Address: Dammarie-
J. Popelka. les-Lys, (S. et M.), France.

Managing Board: Oscar Meyer, stern, H. Wittig; Gegenwarts-

Chairman; H. L. Henriksen, fragen, C. Sinz; Aller Diener, P.
Sec., J. Vuilleumier, F. Charpiot, Drinhaus; Der Biichersendbote,
W. R. Beach, P. P. Paulini. K. Banas; Adventbote in der
Heidenwelt, L. E. Conradi;
House Committee: H. L. Henrik- Rundschau der Gemeinschaft der
sen, J. Vuilleumier, E. Meyer, S. T. A. in Mitteleuropa, Guy
F. Archer, H. Hecketsweiler. Dail.
Officer: Manager, Sec., and Treas.,
H. L. Henriksen. Holland Branch
Intern,ationaal Advent Zendings-
Book Committee: H. L. Henriksen, genootschap, van Weede van
Chairman, J. Vuilleumier, Dr. J. Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague,
Nussbaum, A. \rancher, F. Char- Holland.
piot, R. Gerber, M. Tieche, E.
Noualy, A. J. Girou. Local Committee: P. Bridde, W.
John, Z. van Iterson.
Editors: " Les Signes des Temps,"
J. Vuilleumier; " La Revue Ad- Manager: P. Bridde.
ventiste," E. Noualy; " Vie et
Sante," Dr. J. Nussbaum. Editors: Teekenen des Tijds, De
Werker, J. Wintzen.
Austrian Branch
HAMBURG PUBLISHING Advent-Verlag (E. V.), VII, Wim-
HOUSE bergergasse 46, Vienna, Austria.
Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindel- Manager: H. Gotting.
berg rya, Hamburg, Germany
Local Committee: H. Gotting, J.
Established 1895 Braun, F. Hasel.
Cable and Telegraphic Address.
" Advent," Hamburg. ABC Code Hungarian Branch
Fifth Edition. VallAsos Iratok Nemzetkozi Ki-
adohivatala, I, Neinetvillgyi-91
Publishing Board: L. IL Conradi, i2, Budapeit, Hungary.
H. F. Schuberth, A. Vollmer, P.
Drinhaus, J. Wintzen, E. Gugel, Local Committee: H. stein, A.
H. Box, K. Banns, 0. Schildhauer. Minck, A. Wicklein, A. Zeiner,
K. Sohlmann,
Officers: President, L. R. Conradi;
Manager, A. Vollmer. Manager: H. Stein.
Local Committee: L. R. Conradi,
A. Vollmer, K. Banas, W. Liihr,
Department Managers: Circulation (Casa Editrice " L'Araldo della
Department, K. Banas; Manu- Verita ")
facturing Department, W. Liihr. Vie Trieste 17, Florence, Italy
Editors: Herold der Wahrheit, L.
R. Conradi; Der Adventbote, E. Established 1923
Rocholl; Kirche Und Staat, H. F. Manager: V. Speranza.
Schuberth; Unser Kleiner
Freund, P. John; Gute Gesund- Editor: " L'Araldo della Verita,"
heit, Dr. E. Meyer; Jugend Leit- M. Creanza.


VENTIST PUBLISHING Brivibas iela ix, Riga, Latvia
Established 1922
(Owari no Fukuinsha)
Corporate Name: Latvijas Rakstu
Established. 1908 Apgadiba.
Address: 169-171 Amanuma, Sugi- Local Committee: J. Schneider, K.
nami inachi, Toyotama gun, To- Sutta, A. Sproge, K. Saknit, E.
kyo Eu, Japan. Kreevs.
Manager: J. Schneider.
Cable Address: " Adventist,"
Tokyo. Editor: Zianas Sargs, J. Schneider;
Adwentes Wehstnesis, J. Schnei-
Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi der.
Post Office, Tokyo, Japan.
Field Miss. Sec.: E. J. Kraft. 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singa-
pore, Straits Settlements
Publishing Committee: Executive
Committee of the Union Mission. Established 1917
Cable Address: " Adventist," Sing-
Editors: Jicho Zashi, S. Miyake; apore. Codes: A. B. C., Fifth
Associates, A. N. Anderson, V. T. Edition, and Western Union,
Armstrong; Shimei, (Message) Five-Letter Edition.
S. Miyake; Associates, A. N.
Anderson, V. T. Armstrong. Manager: H. I. Smith.
Editor: R. Altman; Associate
HOUSE Diredja.
Established 1919 Languages in which publications
Corporate Name: Nakladno Drus- are issued: Malay (Dutch Ro-
tvo G. SaSic i komp. (Publ. manized), Malay (Arabic), Ba-
Soc. G. SsSic and Company.) tak, Javanese (Romanized), Nias,
Postal Address: Petra Zrinjskog
ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: LISHING ASSOCIATION
Balkan Novisad. Post Box 35, Salisbury Park,
Manager, P. Brennwald. Poona, India

Managing Committee: Union Mis- Established 1898

sion Committee. Telegraphic Address: " Watch-
man," Poona.
Local Committee: P. Brennwald,
G. SaSic, M. Ludewig. Board of Directors: A. W. Cor-
mack, L. C. Shepard, C. L. Tor-
Periodicals and books published rey, W. E. Perrin, J. S. James,
in Servian, Croatian, Slovenian. E. M. Meleen, L. C. Shepard.

Officers: Chairman, A. W. Cor- Advisory Committee: H. W. Cot-

mack; Manager and Vice-chair- trell, Chas. Thompson, Morris
man, J. S. James; Sec. and Lukens, J. J. Nethery, J. E. Ful-
Treas., J. S. James. ton, G. A. Calkins, W. M. Adams,
H. H. Hicks, P. E. Brodersen.
Literature Committee: Chairman,
A. W. Cormack; Sec. J. S. Managers and Department Heads:
James; L. G. Mookerjee, A. H. General Manager, C. H. Jones;
Williams, G. G. Lowry, J. Phil- Assts., J. H. Cochran, H. G.
lips, E. D. Thomas, L. C. Shep- Childs; Book Department, J. H.
ard. Cochran; Asst., C. F. Jones;
Periodical Department, J. R.
Editors: The Oriental Watchman Ferren; Asst., G. A. Perrine;
and Herald of Health, J. S. Asst. Treasurer and Cashier,
James; Eastern Tidings, J. S. R. P. Rowe; Asst. Cashier, C. N.
James. Lake; Superintendent, J. L.
Jones; Traffic Manager, C. F.
Languages in which publications Jones; Art Director, M. B.
are issued: English, Urdu, Hindi, Drake; Book Editor, M. C. Wil-
Gurmukni, Marathi, Gujerati, cox.
Santali, Bengali, Oriya, Malaya-
lam, Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Book Committee: Chairman, J. H.
Singhalese, Burmese, Sgau Ka- Cochran; C. H. Jones, H. H. Hall,
ren. W. T. Knox, B. M. Shull, J. R.
Ferren, A. 0. Tait, H. G. Childs,
Book Depots: 17 Abbott Road, C. N. Lake, M. C. Wilcox, F. H.
Lucknow; Hinoo P. 0., Ranchi; Gage, A. L. Baker, J. M. Rowse,
7 Voyle Road, Ahlone, Ran- C. F. Jones, M. B. Drake, Ada M.
goon, Burma; 7 Cunningham Leavett, Ernest Lloyd, J. L.
Road, Bangalore. Jones, R. P. Rowe, G. A. Perrine.
Editors: Signs of the Times, A. 0.
Tait; Associate Editor, A. L.
PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING Baker; Our Little Friend, Ernest
ASSOCIATION Lloyd; Sabbath School Lesson
Quarterly, Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
Mountain View, Cal. mer.
Established 1875 Central Branch
Cable Address: "Uprising," Moun- 2215 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr.
tain View, Cal. Manager: H. W. Sherrig.
Territory: The Pacific, North Pa- Northwest Branch
cific, Central, Northern, and the
Inter-American Conferences. 719 East Flanders St., Portland,
Board of Directors: C. H. Jones, Manager: S. J. Abegg.
J. H. Cochran, H. G. Childs, M. C.
Wilcox, W. T. Knox, J. R. Ferren, Pacific Branch
G. A. Roberts, J. L. Jones, A. 0. Box Q, Mountain View, Cal.
Manager: R. E. Bowles.
Officers: Pres., C. H. Jones; Vice-
President, J. H. Cochran; Sec. Inter-American Factory Branch
and Treas., H. G. Childs; Auditor, Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone,
General Conference Auditor. Panama.

Manager and Supt.: E. W. Everest. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies

Editor: El Centinela Magazine, In English, Bohemian, German,
D. R. Buckner. Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Ru-
manian, Russian, Ruthenian,
Advisory Committee: E. W. Ever- Serbian, and Slovakian.
est, E. E. Andross, D. R. Buck-
ner, Jas. Leland, L. L. Hutchin- Books, Pamphlets, and Tracts in
son. English, Arabic, Armenian, Bo-
hemian, Bulgarian, Croatian,
International Factory Branch Danish-Norwegian, Dutch, Es-
Office: Brookfield, Ill. thonian, Finnish, French, Ger-
man, Greek, Hungarian, Ice-
Manager: G. C. Hoskin. landic, Italian, Lettonian, Pol-
Superintendent: G. C. Hoskin. ish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Rus-
sian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slo-
Manager Book Department and vakian, Spanish, Swedish, Syr-
Periodical Department, Herbert iac, and Yiddish, and stocks in
Griffith. the Oriental languages.
Cashier: B. L. Grundset.
Special attention is also given to
Advisory Committee: G. C. Hos- the publication of standard
kin, H. A. Varney, M. N. Camp- school textbooks and juvenile
bell, C. A. Thorp, B. L. Grund- literature. Compleia catalog
set, Wm. Guthrie, J. W. Chris- sent free on application.
tian, K. A. Offerman, Olaf Gran-
lund, Herbert Griffith.
Editors: Christlicher Hausfreund,
K. A. Offerman Deutscher Arbe-
iter, K. A. Offerman; Evange- PHILIPPINE PUBLISHING
liets Sendebud, C. A. Thorp; HOUSE
Missionaren, C. A. Thorp, Sions
Vaktare, Olaf Granlund; Rus- Established 1914
sian Signs, S. G. Burley;
Italian Signs, Alex Long; Yid- Postal Address: Box 813, Manila,
dish Magazine, D. C. Gilbert, Philippine Islands.
Samuel Kaplan; Czecho-Slovak-
ian Signs, Assoc. Editor, Andrew Cable Address: " Adventist," Man-
Haynal; Hungarian Signs, Assoc. ila.
Editor, D. A. Mozar; Polish Factory located at 239-251 Luna
Signs, Editor, J. A. Dom- St., Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Is-
inski; Miscellaneous Languages, lands. (Please do not send mail
Editor in Chief, J. F. Huener- to this address.)
gardt; Miscellaneous Languages,
Managing Editor, G. C. Hoskin. Executive Committee: S. E. Jack-
son, Chairman; E. A. Moon, Sec.;
The Pacific Press Publishing Assn., F. L. Chaney, W. B. Ammund-
at its main office and two fac- sen, J. 0. Afenir, Dr. H. A.
tory branches, issues: Hall, Alvaro Roda, W. H. Berg-
Periodicals and Magazines in Eng- herm, Fausto Jornada, W. L.
lish, Bohemian, Danish-Norwe- Rodriguez, W. B. Riffel, Marcos
gian, Finnish, German, Hunga- B. Comilang, M. R Wiedemann,
rian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, E. M. Adams, Mrs. B. Shanks,
Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, Chaney, D. L. Millam, E. A.
Spanish, Swedish, and Yiddish. Brion.

Board of Management: S. E. Jack Literature: Published in Polish

son, Chairman; E. A. Moon, Vice- (Latin characters only), Ger-
Chairman; R. Villanueva, Sec.; man, Russian, Ukrainian, Cze-
E. M. Adams, M. F. Wiedemann, choslovakian.
N. F. Legaspi, F. L. Chaney.
Manager and Treasurer: E. A.
Editors: Ang Tanglaw (Tagalog),
E. M. Adams; Associate, S. E. Established 1924
Jackson; Asst., L. A. Corda; Ti
Damag ti Pagarian (Ilocano), E. Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A.,
M. Adams; Associate, S. E. Lisbon, Portugal
Jackson; Asst. R. Villanueva; Manager: A. F. Raposo.
Mizpa (Tagalog church paper),
E. M. Adams; Associate, S. E. Local Board: A. F. Raposo,
Jackson; Mizpa (Ilocano church
paper), E. M. Adams; Associates,
J. 0. Afenir, S. E. Jackson;
Mizpa (Cebuan-Visayan church
Paper), E. M. Adams; Associ- REVIEW AND HERALD PUB-
ates, F. L. Chaney, S. E. Jack- LISHING ASSOCIATION
son; Mizpa (Panayan-Visayan
Church Paper,), E. M. Adams; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Associates, W. H. Bergherm, S. Established 1849; incorporated
E. Jackson; Pampangan, Panga- 1861; reincorporated 1903
sinan, Bicol, Cebuan-Visayan,
and Panayan-Visayan undated Cable Address: " Review," Wash-
magazines, E. M. Adams; Asso- ington.
ciate, S. E. Jackson. Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia,
Languages in which publications and Lake Union Conferences.
are issued: Tagalog, Panayan- Constituency: The trustees of the
Visayan, Cebuan-Visayan, Ilo- corporation; members of the ex-
cano, Pampangan, Bicol, Ibanag, ecutive committee of the Gen-
and Pangasinan. eral Conference; members of
the executive committees of
the Atlantic, Columbia, and
POLISH PUBLISHING HOUSE Lake Union Conferences, and
of each local conference
("Polyglot " Limited) therein, as well as the Un-
ion and local Field Missionary
Established 1921 and Union and local Home
Missionary, and Book and
Aleja Rem 9, Warsaw, Poland Bible House secretaries therein;
Manager: M. Wasidlow. the 'editors of the periodicals
published by the Review and
Publishing Board: John Isaac, Th. Herald Publishing Association,
Will, R. J. Cunitz, H. Bigalke, the managers of the publishing
M. Wasidlow. house departments and its branch
offices, " and such stockholders
Power of Attorney: Th. Will. of the Seventh-day Adventist
Editor: Th. Will. Publishing Association of Battle

Creek, Mich., as shall donate Bollman. Sabbath School

their stock in said association to Worker, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer;
the General Conference of Sev- associate, Rosamond D. Ginther;
enth-day Adventists, and shall assistant, Mar gar et Weir.
make written application to the Church Officers' Gazette, T. E.
Secretary of said Conference for Bowen; associates, M. E. Kern,
such membership, previously to J. A. Stevens; editorial council,
Jan. 1, 1905." J. L. McElhany, C. K. Meyers,
E. Kotz. Present Truth, F. A.
Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, Coffin; associate, C. P. Bolin-Lan.
E. R. Palmer, E. L. Richmond, The Ministry, L. E. Freon'.
J. L. Shaw, G. B. Thompson, M.
E. Kern, E. K. Slade, F. H. Rob- Book Editor: C. P. Bollman; as-
bins, W. H. Holden, J. W. Mace, sociate, F. A. Coffin.
L. W. Graham, C. P. Bollman,
H. H. Cobban, R. W. Conard, H. Book Committee: E. R. Palmer,
H. Hamilton. Chairman; F. A. Coffin, Secre-
tary; E. L. Richmond, C. P. Boll-
Officers: Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Vice- man, F, M. Wilcox, J. W. Mace,
Presidents, J. L. Shaw, E. R. L. A. Hansen, P. D. Nichol,
Palmer; General Manager, E. R. E. Kotz, Miss L. E. Cle-
Palmer; Assistant Manager, E. ment, Mrs. L. Flora Plum-
L. Richmond; Treas., E. L. Rich- mer, G. H. Heald, G. B. Thomp-
mond; Sec., L. W. Graham; son, L. W. Graham, C. W. Irwin,
Auditor, J. J. Ireland. D. W. Reavis, M. E. Kern, R.
Department Managers: Supt., It. W. Conard, H. T. Elliott, H. H.
W. Conard; Book Dept., J. W. Cobban, H. H. Hamilton, C. E.
Mace; Periodical Dept., L. W.
Graham; Present Truth Dept.. South Bend Branch
D. W. Reavis.
432 South Fellows St., South Bend,
Editors: Review and Herald, F. M. Ind.
Wilcox; associates, W. A. Spicer, Manager: J. D. Snider.
C. P. Bollman, F. D. Nichol;
special contributors, A. G. Dan- New York Branch
iells, J. L. Shaw, C. K. Meyers, 168 North Division St., Peekskill,
B. E. Beddoe, E. Kotz, I. H. N. Y.
Evans, 0. Montgomery, L. H. Manager: D. A. Bailey.
Christian, J. L. McElhany, E. E.
Andross, W. H. Branson, C. H. Washington Branch
Watson, C. B. Haynes, A. W. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Cormack, A. V. Olsen, H. F. Manager: C. E Palmer.
Schuberth, H. J. Lasack. The
Youth's Instructor, Lora E. Cle-
ment; Editorial Council, C. A.
Russell, H. T. Elliott, Mrs. L. RUMANIAN PUBLISHING
Flora Plummer Contributing HOUSE
Editors, C. K. Meyers, Mrs. L.
L. Caviness, Mrs. Stella P. Established 1920
Peterson. Life and Health, Office Address: Strada Labirint
L. A. Hansen, G. H. Heald, 116, Bukharest, Rumania.
M. D. Liberty, C. S. Longacre;
associates, W. F. Martin, H. H. Manager: Th. Dresen.
Votaw; managing editor, C. P. Treasurer, A. Vacilreanu.

Managing Board: Rumanian Union Managing Board: W. H. Branson,

Committee. Chairman; J. G. Slate, Sec.; J.
Local Committee: Th. Dresen, 0. F. Wright, E. C. Boger, E. D.
Fasnacht, A. Vdcareanu, D. N. Dick, L. A. Vixie, S. G. Hiten,
Wall, St. Demetrescu. A. E. Nelson, F. M. Robinson.
Manager and Treasurer: J. G.
Book Committee: D. N. Wall, St. Slate.
Demetrescu, D. Florea, V. Trup-
pel. Editors: Signs of the Times, J. I.
Robison; associate, J. G. Slate;
Editor: St. Demetrescu; Asst. Contributing Editors, W. H.
Editor, V. Florescu. Branson, T. M. French; The Af-
rican Division Outlook, A. E.
Nelson; Associate, W. H. Bran-
SCANDINAVIAN PUBLISHING son; office editor, Miss J. Davies.
HOUSE Languages in which publications
are issued: English, Afrikaans,
Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Zulu, Sechwana, Sesuto, Xosa,
Established 1879 Chitonga, Lambs, Dutch, Chib-
emba, Shishona, Chinyanja, Sik-
Corporate Name: Skandinavisk ololo.
Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet, SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUB-
Publishing Board: G. E. Nord, T. Shanghai, China
Tobiassen, L. Muderspach, A. C. Established 1905
Christensen, E. Bjaanaes, Joh.
M. Nielsen, Leif Nilsen. Postal Address: 25 Ningkuo Road,
Shanghai. China.
Local Board: A. C. Christensen, E.
Bjaanaes, T. Tobiassen, Erik Ar- Cable Address: " Signs," Shanghai.
nesen, C. M. Scott, Leif Nilsen, Advisory Board: I. H. Evans,
T. Opsahl. Chairman; C. C. Morris, Fred
Lee, W. P. Henderson, M. C.
Manager and Treasurer: A. C. Warren, B. Petersen, H. W. Bar-
Christensen; Union Field Sec- rows, C. C. Crisler, J. J. Strahle,
retary, E. Bjaanaes. J. G. Gjording, G. J. Appel, N. F.
Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C. Ot- Brewer.
tosen, M. D.; Tidens Tale and Board of Management: I. H. Evans,
Missionsefterretninger, Erik Chairman; W. P. Henderson,
Arnesen. Vice-Chairman; H. W. Barrows,
Frederick Lee, C. C. Crisler, H.
W. Miller, Frederick Griggs, J. J.
SENTINEL PUBLISHING Strahle, Wang Wen Tien, Hsu
Bao Chuen, Hsu Hwa.
Officers: Manager and Treas., W.
Address: Rosmead Ave., Kenil- P. Henderson; Supt.,
worth, Cape Province, South Reading Committee.
Chairman; B. N. Liu, T. M. Dzo,
Telegraphic and Cable Address: C. M. Lee, J. Oss, W. A. Scharff-
" Sentinel," Kenilworth, Cape. enberg.


Editors: Shi Djao Yueh Bao (The G. G. Stewart, H. J. Franks,

Signs of the Times), Frederick W. J. Westerman, G. T. Chap-
Lee; associates, Dzo Tien Min, man, T. Bush, F. G. Rampton.
Hsu Hwa. Far Eastern Division Editors: Signs of the Times, C. M.
Outlook, C. C. Crisler; Mo Shi Snow; asst. editor, A. M. Fraser;
Muh Sheng (Last Day Shep- editorial contributor, A. W. An-
herd's Call), Frederick Lee; derson; Life and Health, A. L.
associates, C. C. Crisler, Dzo Tien King.
Min. Contributing editors : C.
C. Morris, B. Petersen, M. C.
Appel, N. F. Brewer. Sabbath CIATION OF SEVENTH-
School Helper, Mrs. A. B.
Evans; assistant, Frederick DAY ADVENTISTS
Lee. China Christian Edu- 2119-2123 Twenty-fourth Ave.,
cator, S. L. Frost; associates, North, Nashville, Tenn.
Frederick Griggs, W. A. Scharf-
fenberg, J. J. Strahle, Su Hsing, Established 1901
Bessie Mount, Yeh Kwen Gen. Cable Address: " Watchman,"
ashvil le.
SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUB- Territory: The Southeastern,
LISHING HOUSE Southern, a n d Southwestern
Seoul, Chosen (Korea) Union Conferences.
Established 1909 Constituency: Members of the Gen.
Cable Address: " Adventist," Seoul. eral Conference Executive Com-
Local Press Board: Chairman H. naitfee; members of the execu-
A. Oberg; Treas., Pak Chang Ok; tive committees of the Southeast-
Field Sec., R. W. Pearson; Mrs. ern, Southern, and Southwestern
Theo. Wangerin, Chai Tai Elyun, Union Conferences; the Book and
L. I. Bowers, E. J. Urquhart, Lee Bible House secretaries, the field
Sung Eui. missionary secretaries, and the
home missionary secretaries both
Manager: H. A. Anderson. union and local, within the above
Editors: Signs of the Times, E. J. named union conferences; to-
Urquhart; associates, E. A. gether with the Board of Direc-
Oberg, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin; tors, managers of branch houses,
Church Compass, E. J. Urquhart; and heads of Departments of
associates, H. A. Oberg, Mrs. said Southern Publishing Asso-
Theo. Wangerin. ciation.
Board of Managers: N. S. Ashton,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia H. Abbott, W. R. White, H. E.
Lysinger, W. H. Heckman, L. D.
Established 1905 Randall, M. B. Van Kirk, H. R.
Cable Address: " Signs," Warbur- Gay, W. A. Harvey.
Officers: Pres., N. S. Ashton; Vice-
Manager: W. 0. Johanson. President and General Manager,
Board: W. 0. Johanson (Chair- M. F. Knox; Sec. and Treas., W.
man), C. H. Watson, A. G. Mil- R. White; Supt., W. A. Harvey;
ler, E. Parkinson, C. M. Snow, Manager Book Dept., H. R. Gay.

The Watchman Magazine: Editor, UNION COLLEGE PRESS

R. B. Thurber; associate editor, College View, Nebr.
, J. F. Ashlock,
Circulating Manager. Manager: C. Sparks.
Publishing Committee: M. F.
Knox, Chairman; R. B. Thurber,
vey, Mary H. Moore, F. E. Rob-
ert, W. R. White, L. F. Durocher, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
H. E. Lysinger, H. R. Gay, Wil- Board of Managers: College Board.
bur Noss, J. F. Ashlock.
Manager: G. A. Huse.
Fort Worth Branch - (This institution is operated as
112-14 St. Louis Ave., P. 0. Box a department of the Washington
802, Fort Worth, Tex. Missionary College, a large part of
Manager: E. H. Abbott. the work being done by students.)
Atlanta Branch
405 Fair St., S. E., Atlanta, Ga.
Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo),
Manager: Geo. Keough.
Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya,
Brit. East Africa
Superintendent: F. H. Thomas. ICELAND DEPOSITORY
Board: East African Union Mis- Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Ice-
sion Committee. land.
Manager: 0. J. Olsen.
Editor: Ljosvakinn, 0. J. Olsen;
STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING Braedrabandid, J. Jonsson.
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
Established 1895 Established 1925.
Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm. Address: Maironia g-ve 22, Kaunas.
Corporate Name: Skandinaviska
Forlagsexpeditionen. Corporate Name: Lietuvos Kny-
gyno Leidinys " Cola."
Directors: A. J. Settergren, Emil
Ahren, 0. E. Nord, C. V. Directors: Lithuanian Mission
Anderson, S. Lundstrom. Committee.
Manager: A. J. Settergren.
Editor: Tidens Tecken and Mis-
sionaren," Emil Ahren; " Sund- Address: Box 109, Galata, Con-
hedsbladet," Dr. Gottfrid Thorell, stantinople, Turkey.
Dr. Carl Ottosen. Manager: E. Ashod.
Number of Publishing Houses and Branches, 54.

Advent Review and Sabbath Her- Liberty: a magazine of religious
ald: Denominational church pa- freedom; an illustrated quar-
per, established 1849; published terly; organ of the Religious
weekly; annual subscription, Liberty Association; single copy,
$2.50; six months, $1.40; Review 20 cents; yearly subscription, 35
and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma cents. Published by the Review
Park Station, Washington, D. C., and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
editor, F. M. Wilcox; associate Park Station, Washington, D.
editqrs, W. A. Spicer, C. P. C.; editor, C. S. Longacre; as-
Bollman, F. D. Nichol. sociates, W. F. Martin, H. H.
Votaw; managing editor, C. P.
The Signs of the Times (leading Bollman.
missionary paper and prophetic
expositor); illustrated 16-page The Present Truth: a one-topic 4-
weekly; annual subscription, page semimonthly for general
$1.50; published by the Pacific missionary purposes; illustrated.
Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Single subscription, 25. cents.
Cal.; editors, A. 0. Tait, A. L. Postage extra to foreign coun-
Raker. tries. Published by the Review
and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
The Watchman Magazine: General Park Station, Washington, D.
missionary journal and Bible ex- C.; editor, F. A. Coffin; associate
positor; an illustrated monthly editor, C. P. Bollman.
magazine; annual subscription,
$1.00; editor, R. B. Thurber; as- The Present Truth (British) : De-
sociate editor, voted to a presentation of the
J. F. Ashlock, circulation man- second coming of Christ, and
ager; Published by the Southern general Bible truth; 16-page
Pub. Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth semimonthly, annual subscrip-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. tion, 4/0 ($1.00) ; Stanborough.
Park, Watford, Herts, 1,ngland;
The Youth's Instructor: organ of editor, A. S. Maxwell.
Young People's Missionary Vol- The Signs of the Times (devoted
unteer Department of the Gen- to an exposition of Bible truth
eral Conference, also the Sab- and signs of the times) ; 16-page
bath School lessons for the weekly, annual subscription, 7/6;
youth; published weekly; an- to countries outside of Australia,
nual subscription, $1.75; Six and in the Postal Union, 11/-
months, $1.00. Published by the ($2.50) ; Wa-rburton, Victoria,
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Australia; editor, C. M. Snow.
Takoma Park Station, Washing-
ton, D. C.; editor, Miss Lora E. Canadian Watchman Magazine:
Clement. 32-page monthly (except during
311 '

October, when semimonthly); Rosamond D. Ginther; assistant,

annual subscription, $2.00 a Margaret Weir.
year; published by the Cana-
dian Watchman Press, Box 398, Home and School (Organ of the
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Educational Department of the
General Conference and the
The Signs of the Times: Devoted Home Commission); published
to an explanation of the signs monthly; devoted to the inter-
of the times and Sabbath truth; ests of the home, and to a broad,
8-page monthly; annual sub- thorough, and rational educa-
scription, 2/6; editor, J. I. Rob- tion, based upon true Christian
ison, associate editor, J. G. principles; thirty-two pages; an-
Slate; contributing editors, W. nual subscription price, $1.50;
H. Branson, T. M. French; pub- published by General Conference
lished by the Sentinel Publish- of Seventh-day Adventists, Ta-
ing Company, Rosmead Ayenue, koma Park Station, Washington,
Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. D. C.; editor, W. E. Howell; as-
Life and Health: National health sociate editors, A. W. Spalding,
magazine; an illustrated month- Mrs. Flora H. Williams.
ly; a practical journal for the Sabbath School Quarterly: forty
common people; yearly subscrip- pages; containing the General
tion, 75 cents; no extra charge on Conference Sabbath School De-
foreign subscriptions; published partment lessons; annual sub-
by the Review and Herald Pub. scription, 20 cents; Pacific Press
Assn. Takoma Park Station, Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
Washington, D. C. Editors, L.
A. Hansen, G. H. Heald, M. D. Our Little Friend (a child's pa-
per); illustrated weekly; an-
Life and Health: A 32-page maga- nual subscription, $1.00; Pa-
zine, published bimonthly; de- cific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
voted to healthful living. An- View, Cal.; editor, Ernest Lloyd.
nual subscription, 3/6 postpaid.
Signs Publishing Co., Warbur- Church Officers' Gazette: sixteen-
ton, Victoria, Australia; editor, page monthly, containing instruc-
A. L. King. tions to church officers, and pro-
grams for the Home Missionary,
Good Health: devoted to hygiene and Senior and Junior Mission-
and principles of healthful liv- ary Volunteer societies of the
ing; 16-page monthly; annual churches; annual subscription,
subscription, 3/0, England; 5/0, 90 cents; published by the Re-
abroad; ($1.00.) Stanborough view and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta-
Park, Watford, Herts, England; koma Park Station, Washington,
editor, Dr. W. A. Ruble. D. C.; editor, T. E. Bowen; as-
Sabbath School Worker (organ of sociates, M. E. Kern, J. A. Stev- -
the Sabbath School Department ens.
of the General Conference) ; 32- The Ministry: 32-page monthly.
page monthly; annual subscrip- A medium of communication be-
tion, 90 cents; in clubs of two tween the members of the Min-
or more, 75 cents; published by isterial Association of Seventh-
the Review and Herald Pub. day Adventists; annual subscrip-
Assn.. Takoma Park Station, tion, $1.00; published for the
Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. Ministerial Association of Sev-
L. Flora Plummer; associate, enth-day Adventists by the Re-

viewand Herald Pub. Assn., Sabbath School Monthly, con-

Takoma Park, Washington, D. taining the denominational Sab-
C.; L. E. Froom, editor. bath school lessons. The asso-
ciation also has a free Circulat-
Missionary Leader: Eight-page ing Library Department contain-
monthly, devoted to church Mis- ing denominational books and
sionary and Missionary Volun- pamphlets and other books of
teer programs, Second Sabbath general interest for free circu-
Readings, as well as occasional lation among the blind. These
instruction to our church officers are sent to the reader and re-
as to their duties; published by turned to the office franked by
the Australasian Union Confer- the government.
ence, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N.
S. W., Australia; editor, Mrs. A. The Oriental Watchman and Her-
L. Hindson. ald of Health: 24 pages and
cover; issued monthly; $1.25 a
The Christian Record (a paper year; J. S. James, editor; Post
printed for the blind in Revised Box 35, Poona, India.
Braille and in New York Point);
monthly; thirty-six pages; sent The Medical Evangelist: Devoted
free to blind persons; pub- to medical missionary and health
lished at College View, Nebr.; reform principles; published
editor and manager, D. D. Rees. weekly by the College of Med-
ical Evangelists, at Loma Linda,
The Christian Record Pub. Assn. Cal., with no subscription price;
also issues The Christian Record 0. R. Staines, Editor.

Quarterly Review: Organ of the 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Southern European Division of South America.
the General Conference; editor,
L. L. Caviness, Box 60, Berne 16, Eastern Tidings: 8-page semi-
Switzerland. monthly; 80 cents a year; offi-
cial organ of the Southern Asia
The Far Eastern Division Outlook: Division. Editor: J. S. James,
Organ of the Far-Eastern Divi- Post Box 35, Poona, India.
sion of the General Conference; The African Division Outlook:
subscription price, 75 cents gold Bimonthly; annual subscription,
a year; monthly; twelve pages; 5/-; editor, A. E. Nelson; associ-
editor, C. C. Crisler; issued at ate editor, W. H. Branson; of-
25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, fice editor, Miss J. Davies; pub-
China. lished by the Sentinel Publish-
South American Bulletin: (organ ing Company, Kenilworth, Cape,
of the South American Division South Africa.
of the General Conference) ; an- Australasian Record (official organ
nual subscription price, 50 cents of the Australasian Union Con-
gold a year; monthly; 8 pages; ference); 8-page weekly; annual
Editor. ; Asso. Editor, subscription 5s; foreign coun-
C. B. Haynes; Etta Hewgley, tries, 5s; published by the Aus-
office editor; issued at Calle Pino tralasian Union Conference,

" Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., 50 cents a year; Box 143, Bal-

Australia; editor, Mrs. A. L. boa, Canal Zone, Panama; Mrs.
Hindson. E. E. Andross, editor. This is
Inter-American Division Messen- also printed in Spanish, under
ger (English): 8-page monthly; the title of " El Mensajero."


Atlantic Union Gleaner (official or- North Pacific Union Gleaner (offi-
gan of the Atlantic Union Con- cial organ of the North Pacific
ference) ; eight-page weekly; 50 Union Conference) ; eight-page
cents a year; editor, Herminie E. weekly; 50 cents a year; pub-
Passebois; published at South lished by the North Pacific Un-
Lancaster, Mass. ion Conference, College Place,
Wash.; editor, S. J. Lashier.
Central Union Outlook (organ of
Central Union Conference); 8- Pacific Union Recorder: (official
page weekly; annual subscrip- organ of the Pacific Union Con-
tion, 50 cents; editor, D. D. Rees; ference); 8-page weekly; 50
published at College View, Nebr. cents; editor, B. M. Emerson;
published at Angwin, Napa Co.,
Columbia Union Visitor (official or- Calif.
gan of the Columbia Union Con-
ference); eight-page weekly; 50 Field Tidings (organ of the South-
cents; published at Mt. Vernon, eastern Union Conference) ; 8-
Ohio; editor, Mrs. A. J. Olsen. page weekly; 50 cents yearly;
editor, F. W. Field; published by
Eastern Canadian Messenger (offi- the Southern Junior College at
cial organ of the Eastern Cana- Ooltewah, Tenn.
dian Union Conference); 8-page
weekly; $1.00; Box 337, Oshawa, Southern Union Worker (organ of
Ontario; editor, Miss Amy the Southern Union Conference) ;
Frank. 8-page weekly; 50 cents yearly
F. W. Field, editor; published by
Lake Union Herald (official organ the Southern Junior College,
of the Lake Union Conference) ; Ooltewah, Tenn.
16-page weekly; $1.50 a year;
editor, Mrs. L. K. Curtis; pub- Southwestern Union Record (offi-
lished at Berrien Springs, Mich., cial organ of the Southwestern
and printed by the College Press. Union Conference) ; eight-page
weekly; 50 cents; published at
Northern Union Reaper (official or- Keene, Texas; Editor, C. N.
gan of the Northern Union Con- Woodward.
ference, 2718 Third Ave., South,
Minneapolis, Minn.); eight-page Western Canadian Tidings (official
weekly; 50 cents a year in the organ of the Western Canadian
United States, 75 cents in Canada Union Conference) ; eight-page
and foreign countries; published weekly; 50 cents a year; pub-
by the Northern Union Confer- lished by the Western Canadian
ence at Maplewood Academy, Union Conference at College
Hutchinson, Minn.; editor, M. S. Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta;
Reppe. editor, T. R. Lukens; associate

editors, Charlotte Erdman, and herts, England; editor, A. S.

L. R. Ogden; College Heights, Maxwell.
via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Zambesi Union Missionary: month-
The Missionary Worker: (official ly; 4 pages; is per year; Zam-
organ of the British Union Con- besi Union Mission, Box 573,
ference); 8-page semimonthly; Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia,
annual subscription, 4/0 ($1.00); Africa; D. A. Webster, editor;
Stanborough Park, Watford, E. C. Boger, associate editor.

The 'Jamaican Visitor: 8-page The Campus Chronicle: 4 page
monthly; 25 cents a year. Ed- weekly, issued by the Student
itor, F. 0. Rathbun; published by Pub. Assn. of Pacific Union
the Jamaica Book and Bible College during the school year.
House, 112 Tower St., Kingston, $1.00 per year. Edna Edeburn,
Jamaica, British West Indies. editor. Angwin, Napa Co., Calif.
Field Gleanings: 6-page monthly; The Clock Tower: published every
48 cents a year; 31 Dundonald Thursday of the school year and
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad; C. monthly during the summer va-
E. Andross, editor. cation, by the Student Associa-
tion of Union College; Merrill
The Outlook: monthly; by the Lee- Smith, president; C. E. Sten-
ward Island Conference, Box 03, berg, editor-in-chief. Subscrip-
St. Johns, Antigua, British West tion price, $1.00 a year; College
Indies. View, Nebr.
The Courier: 12 pages; 50 cents;
SCHOOL AND SANITARIUM ten issues: issued by the Greater
JOURNALS New York Academy, New York
Academy Forum: 50 cents; pub-
lished by the Union Springs Emmanuel Missionary College Bul-
Academy, Union Springs, New letin: quarterly; free; editorial
York; editor, Adelbert Bowen. committee: G. F. Wolf kill, and
The Acorn: monthly; published at the Faculty Publication Com-
the Oak Park Academy, Nevada, mittee; published at Berrien
Iowa; editor, Annah Vaughn. Springs, Mich.
Boulder Canon Sentinel: 4-page The Hillside Radiogram: A 24-
issued semimonthly, by the page quarterly, issued by the
Boulder-Colorado Alumni Asso- Alumni Association of the St.
ciation, Boulder, Colo.; subscrip- Helena Sanitarium Training
tion price -50 cents per year; ed- School and Hospital for Nurses.
itor, Ethel Templeton; associate Subscription price, $1.00 per
editor, Lilly D. Guy. year; editor, Mrs. Bertha Haub-
Stow, R. N.
The Broadview Exponent: 32-page
monthly; $1.00 a year; editor, The Lancastrian: hi-monthly, 14
Reuben Engstrom, Broadview numbers, $1.00; published by the
College, La Grange, Ill. College Council of Atlantic

Union College, South Lancaster, free; published in the interests

Mass.; editor, Miss Susie Briggs. of the school; edited by a com-
mittee appointed by Southern
The Laurel: bi-weekly; issued by Junior College Faculty, Oolte-
the Laurelwood Academy, Gas- wah, Tenn.
ton, Oregon; 70 cents.
The Southland: 120 pages. Pub-
Oakwood Bulletin: Quarterly; pub- lished as an annual by the So-
lished at Oakwood Junior College, juconians, the student body.
Huntsville, Ala.,in the interest Subscription, $1. Southern Jun-
of Christian eucation for the ior College, Ooltewah, Tenn.
The Student Echo: 4-page monthly
Pacific Union College Bulletin: newspaper, eight issues and
Quarterly; free; published by senior annual; in the interests of
the Faculty Publication Com- the Shenandoah Valley Academy,
mittee, at Angwin, Napa Co., New Market, Va.; $1.00; editor,
Calif. Miss Delores Cornett.
The Sligonian: issued semi- The Student Movement: weekly;
monthly during school year; 4 pages; $1 a year; 36 issues;
annual subscription, $1.00; pub- editor, Russell J. Swartz; pub-
lished by the Students' Associa- lished at Berrien Springs, Mich.
tion of Washington Missionary
College, Takoma Park. D. C.; The Walla Walla Collegian: 4-page
Nathaniel Krum, editor. weekly; issued by the student
body of Walla Walla college;
Southern Junior College Catalog: $1.00 a year; published at Col-
one number a year, (usually lege Place, Wash., editor, Cecilia
about S4 pages); distributed Schlotthauer.

Juga Lakhan: 20-page magazine, (Periodicals issued by the Signs
issued serially; 36 Park St., Cal- of the Times Publishing House,
cutta, India; editor, L. G. Mook- 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
erjee. China.)
Shi Djao Yueh Bao ( Signs of the
BULGARIAN Times); 36-page monthly mag-
A Westitel Na Istinata (Herald of azine; yearly subscription, $1.00,
Truth) ; 16-pages, six times a gold; editor, Frederick Lee; as-
year; annual subscription, Leva sociates, Hsu Hwa, C. C. Crisler ;
40.00; editor, St. Konstantinoff, assistant, Dzo Tien MM; circu-
Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria. lation Mgr., W. P. Henderson.
Mo Shi Muh Sheng: (The Last
CEBUAN-VISAYAN Day. Shepherd's Call) Manda-
Mizpa (Cebuan-Visayan language rin; 32-page semimonthly; year-
area church paper): semi-month- ly subscription, 60 cents, gold;
ly; 50 cents, gold a year; editor, editOr, Frederick Lee; associates,
E. M. Adams; associate, S. E. C. C. Crisler, Dzo Tien Min.
Jackson; Philippine Publishing Contributing Editors: N. F.
House, Box 813, Manila, Philip- Brewer, C. C. Morris, B. E.
pine Islands. Petersen, M. C. Warren, J. G.

Gjording, G. J. Appel. Circula- Brookfield, Ill.; editor, C. A.

tion Mgr., W. P. Henderson. Thorp.
Sabbath-School Helper: 32-page Missionaeren: 8 - page Church
monthly; subscription, 25 cents monthly; annual subscription,
gold; editor, Mrs. I. H. Evans; $1.00 in U. S.; $1,10 outside;
assistant, Frederick Lee. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
field, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp.
China Christian Educator: 48-page
monthly; subscription, 60 cents, Tidens Tale: 24-page monthly
gold; editor, S. L. Frost; asso- (missionary paper); annual sub-
ciate editors, Frederick Griggs, scription, kr. 6.00; Akersgaten
W. A. Scharffenberg, J. J. Strah- 74, Oslo, Norway; and Suomisvej
le; assistant editor, Su Hsing; 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark;
B6ssie Mount, Yeh Kwen Gen; editor, Erik Arnesen.
circulation manager, W. P. Hen- Missionsefterretninger: 8 - page
derson. monthly (church paper); pub-
CROATIAN lished in common for Norway
and Denmark; Akersgaten 74,
Preporod (Regeneration): 8-page Oslo, Norway; and Suomisvej 5,
quarterly; annual subscription, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; ed-
Dinar 12.00; editor, Miss Dr. itor, Erik Arnesen.
Raniekovie, Zagreb, Djure De- Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal):
tieli6a prilaz 77, Jugoslavia. 24-page monthly; annual sub-
Glasnik (Messenger) : 16 - page scription, kr. 8.00; Akersgaten
monthly church paper; annual 74, Oslo, Norway, and Suomisvej
subscription, Dinar 60.00 (for 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; ed-
U. S. A. $4.00); editor, Miss Dr. itor, J. C. Ottosen, M. - D.,
Hantiekovid, Zagreb, Djure De- Skodsborg, Denmark; asst. ed-
tielnIa prilaz 77, Jugoslavia. itor, Erik Arnesen, Akersgaten
Zivot I Zravlje (Life and Health) 74, Oslo, Norway.
16-page quarterly. Published by
Nakladno Dru-stvo G. SaSie i ESTHONIAN
komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Toe Sonumid (True Message): 16-
Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Editor, page monthly; annual subscrip-
Miss Dr. Hatiekovi6. tion Emk. 180.- (for America
$0.50). Editor, M. Barengrub,
CZECHIAN (BOHEMIAN) Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Es
Hlasatel Pravdy (Herald of thonia.
Truth) : 16-page monthly: edi- Missioniteated: (Missionary News)
tor, F. Fiala; Brno-Kral. Pole, 16-page quarterly; editor, M.
Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia. Bfirengrub, Merepuiestee 14a,
Strati Sionska (Advent-Messen- Tallinn, Esthonia.
ger): quarterly; published by
Czechoslovakian Publishing FIJIAN
House; editor, F. Fiala; Brno- Rarama: 8-page monthly; annual
Kral. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Cze- subscription, 1/6; published at
choslovokia. the Avondale Press, Cooranbong,
N. S. W., Australia.
DANISH-NORWEGIAN Na Davui ni Lotu: 8-page monthly;
Evangeliets Sendebud: 16-page 25 cents; editor, H. R. Martin:
Missionary weekly; annual sub- asst., R. W. Lane; published at
scription, $2.50 in U. S., $2.75 Avondale Press, Cooranbong,
outside; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., N. S. W., Australia.

FINNISH The Messenger Haitien: 4-page

Aikain Vartija: 16-page monthly; monthly; 40 cents a year; pub-
annual subScription, in Finland, lished by the Hatien Book and
Fmk. 20.00, for other countries Bible House, Box 28, Cape
Fmk. 30.00; Annank. 7. Helsinki, Haitien, Haiti; editor, J. A. De
Suomi (Finland); editor, K. Caenal.
Soisalo. GERMAN
Siionin Ystavii: 8-page monthly; Christlicher Hausfreund: 8-page
annual subscription, in Finland Missionary weekly; annual sub-
Fmk. 18.00, for other countries, scription, $1.75 to U. S.; outside,
Fmk. 25.00; Annank. 7, Helsinki, $2.00; Pacific Press Pub. Assn,
Suomi (Finland) ; editor, K. Brookfield, Ill.; editor, K.. A.
Soisalo. Offerniann.
Forsamlings Budbararen: 8-page Botschafter: 8- page Church
monthly; annual subscription, in weekly; annual subscription,
Finland, Fmk. 18.00; for other $2.00 to U. S.; outside, $2.25;
countries, Fmk. 25.00; Annega- Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
tan 7, Helsingfors, Finland; ed- field, Ill.; editor, K. A. Offer-
itor, -K. Soisalo. mann.
Herold der Wahrheit (Herald of
FRENCH Truth): 16-page monthly; an:
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of nual subscription, 70 cents;
the Times); 8-page monthly; editor, L. R. Conradi, Edvent-
75 cents a year; Canadian Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a,
Watchman Press, Oshawa, On- Hamburg, Germany.
tario, Canada. Gute Gesundheit (Good Health) ;
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of monthly; 16 pages; annual sub-
the Times): 16-page monthly; scription, 60 cents; Advent-Ver-
annual subscription, for France, lag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a,
FFr. 12.00; for Switzerland SFr. Hamburg, Germany; editor, Dr.
3.50; for other countries, FFr. E. Meyer.
15.00. Editor, J. Vuilleumier, Unser kleiner Freund (Our Little
Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.), Friend) ; monthly; 8 pages; an-
France. nual subscription, 30 cents; Ad-
Vie et Sante (Life and Health): ventA erlaff (E. V.), Grindel-
16-page monthly health paper; berg 15a, bHamburg, Germany;
annual subscription, for France, editor, P. John.
FFr. 18.00; for Switzerland, SFr. Der Adventbote (The Advent Mes-
6.00; for other countries, FFr. senger); semimonthly church
24.00. Editor, Dr. J. Nussbaum, paper; 16 pages; annual sub-
Dammarie-les-Lys, (S. et M.), scription, $1; Advent-Verlag
France. (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Revue Adventiste (The Advent Re- burg, Germany; editor, E. R.o-
view) : 16-page semimonthly choll.
church paper; annual subscrip- Aller Diener (Everybody's Serv-
tion for France, FFr. 12.00; for . ant) : quarterly; 32 and 4 pages;
Switzerland, SFr. 7.00; for annual subscription, 30 cents;
other countries, Fier. 14.00. Ed- Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindel-
itor, E. Noualy, Daminarie-les- berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany;
Lys, (S. et M.), France. editor, P. Drinhaus.

Kirche and Staat (Church and Rundschau der Adventisten: 4-page

State): bimonthly; 20 pages; an- monthly; editor, J. B. Johnson;
nual subscription, 30 cents; Ad- asst. editor, August Pages; Casa
vent-Verlag (E. V.) Grindelberg Publicadora Brazileira, Estacao
15a, Hamburg, Germany; editor, de Sao Bernardo, Sao Paulo,
H. F. Schuberth. Brazil, South America.
Jugend-Leitstern (Leading Star for Sabbatschul-Lektionen (Sabbath
the Youth): bimonthly; 16 School Lessons) ; quarterly; con-
pages; annual subscription, 30 taining the S. D. A. Sabbath
cents; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), School lessons in German; an-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- nual subscription, 20 cents; Pa-
many; editor, H. Wittig. cific Press Pub. Assn., Brook-
field, Ill.
Gegenwartsfragen (Questions of
Today); monthly; 16 pages; an- HOLLAND (DUTCH)
nual subscription, 70 cents; ed-
itor, C. Sinz, Advent-Verlag Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the
(E. V.) Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Times): 16-page monthly; an-
burg, Germany. nual subscription, SO cents; ed-
itor, J. Wintzen, Internationaal
Der Biichersendbote (Book Messen- Advent Zendingsgenootschap,
ger) 8-page monthly; with no van Weede van Dijkveldstraat
subscription price; editor, K. 77, The Hague, Holland.
Banas, Advent-Verlag (E. V.)
Grindelberg, 15a, Hamburg, Ger- De Werker (The Worker): 8 num-
many. bers annually; 8 pages; annual
subscription, 50 cents; with the
Adventbote in dei. Heidenwelt (Ad- Sabbath School Quarterly, $1.
vent-Messenger in Heathen Internationaal Advent Zendings-
Lands): quarterly; editor, L. R. genootschap, van Weede van
Conradi, Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Holland; editor, J. Wintzen.
Rundschau der Gemeinschaft der
S. T. A. in Mitteleuropa (Review Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times):
of the S. 1). A. Assn. in Central quarterly missionary paper; 16
Europe) : quarterly; editor, Guy pages; annual subscription, 50
Dail, Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wil- cents; editor, L. Michnay, Val-
inersdorf, Germany. lasos Iratok Nemzetkozi KiadS-
hivatala, I, Nametv61gyi ut. 12,
Unser Seminar (Our Seminary) : Budapest, Hungary.
students' paper of the Seminary
Marienhoehe, Darmstadt; 32- Evangeliumi munkas (Gospel
pages, issued 5 times a year; Worker); 24-page quarterly
subscription price, Mk. 2.00; ed- church paper of the Hungarian
itor, Herm. Gmehling, Marien- Union; annual subscription, 50
hoehe-Darmstadt, Hessen, Ger- cents; editor, B. Streisinger;
many. Valasos Iratok Nemzethozi Kia-
dahivatala, I, Nametvolgyi ut.
Der Adventbote (Advent Messen- 12, Budapest, Hungary.
ger): 24-page monthly church
paper. Rbl. 0.25 per issue (for- Elet es Egeszeg (Lif e and
eign, $2.00 annually); editor, H. Health) : monthly; 16 pages;
J. Lobsack, Moscow 69, Konjusch- annual subscription, $1.25; ed-
kovskaja 29, U. S. S. R. itor, M. Szant6; Vallasos Iratok

Nemzetkozi KiadOhivatala, I, La Verita (The Present Truth):

Ndmetvolgyi fit. 12, Budapest, 4-page monthly missionary pa-
Hungary. per; annual subscription, 50
cents to U. S.; outside, 75 cents;
A Jelenvald Igazsag (The Present Pacific Press Publishing Assn.,
Truth) 4-page monthly mission- Brookfield, Ill.
ary paper; annual subscription,
50 cents to U. S.; outside, 75 Sabbath School Quarterly: 32
cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., pages; containing the General
Brookfield, Ill. Conference Sabbath School De-
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 partment lessons in Italian; an-
pages; containing the General nual subscription, 20 cents; Pa-
Conference Sabbath School De- cific Press Publishing Assn.,
partment lessons in Hungarian; Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A.
annual subscription, 20 cents; Rivista Avventista (Advent Re-
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., view) : 16-page quarterly; an-
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. nual subscription for Italy, 5
ICELANDIC liras; foreign countries, 6 liras.
Editor, M. Creanza, via Trieste
Ljosvakinn (Missionary Paper): 17, Florence, Italy.
24-page quarterly; annual sub-
scription Icel.kroner 2.75; editor, JAPANESE
0. J. Olsen, Box 262, Reyk-
javik, Iceland. Jicho Zashi (Signs of the Times);
Braedrabandid (Church Paper): 32-page monthly; annual sub-
6-8 pages monthly; editor, J. scription $1.00, gold; published
jonsson, Box 262, Reykjavik, by the Japan S. D. A. Pub.
Iceland. House, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0.,
Tokyo, Japan; editor, S. Miyake;
ILOCANO associate editors, V. T. Arm-
Ti Damag Ti Pagarian: 12-page strong, A. N. Anderson.
monthly; 50 cents gold, a year; Shimei (The Message): 48-page
editor, E. M. Adams; associate, monthly; annual subscription,
S. E. Jackson; assistant, R. Vil- $1.00 (gold). Editors and pub-
lanueva. Philippine Publishing lisher same as above.
House, Box 813, Manila, Philip-
pine Islands. KOREAN
Mizpa (Ilocano language church Seijo Walbo (The Signs of the
paper) ; 8-page semi-monthly; 50 Times); 32-page monthly; sub-
cents gold a year; editor, E. M. scription, $1.00; published by
Adams; associates, S. E. Jack- the Signs of the Times Publish-
son, J. 0. Afenir, Philippine Pub- ing House, Seoul, Chosen; editor,
lishing House, Box 813, Manila, E. J. Urquhart; associate edi-
Philippine Islands. tor, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin.
ITALIAN Kyo Hae Chin-Nam (Church Com-
L'Araldo della Verita (Herald of pass): 32-page monthly; annual
Truth): 16-page bimonthly; an- subscription, 50 cents; published
nual subscription for Italy, 8 by the Signs of the Times Pub-
liras; foreign countries, 10 liras. lishing House, Seoul, Chosen;
Editor, M. Creanza, via Trieste editor, E. J. Urquhart; associate
17, Florence, Italy. editor, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin.

Zianas Sargs (Zion's Watchman): South India Messenger: a monthly
16-page monthly, illustrated; church paper published by the
annual subscription Ls. 4.00 (for South India Union Mission, and
America, $1.00); editor, J. printed at the South India
Schneider; Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Training School, Krishnaraja-
Latvia. puram; 12 pages; 16 cents, an-
Adwentes Wehstnesis (Advent nually.
Messenger): 8 months, 8-page; MARATHI
4 months, 16-page: Ls. 2. for
America $1.00; editor, J. Schnei- Marathi Messenger: For Indian be-
der; Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Lat- lievers; editor, R. E. Loashy;
Via. Lasalgaon, G. I. P. Ry., India.
Pertandaan Zaman (Signs of the Mizpa (Panagan-Visayan language
Times) : published monthly by area church paper): semimonth-
the Malaysian Signs Press, 399 ly; 50 cents, gold a year; editor,
Upper Serangoon Road, Singa- E. M. Adams; associates, W. H.
pore, Straits Settlements; editor, I3ergherm, S. E. Jackson; Philip-
R. Altman; associate editors, L. pine Publishing House, Box 813,
V. Finster, M. E. Diredja. Sub- Manila, Philippine Islands.
scription price, U. S. $1.00 per
annum. POLISH
Sabbath School Quarterly, Pri- Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times):
mary: Published by the Malay- 8 numbers annually, 8-pages;
sian Signs Press., 399 Upper published by the Polish Pub-
Serangoon Road, Singapore, S. S. lishing House " Poliglot," Ltd.,
Price, U. S. 8 cents per copy. Aleja. Roz 9, Warsaw, Poland;
Sabbath School Quarterly, Senior: editor, Th. Will.
Published by the Malaysian Sluga Zboru (Church servant) a
Signs Press, 399 Upper Seram quarterly church paper, 32
goon Road, Singapore, S. S. pages; editor, Th. Will, Aleja
Price, U. S. 8 cents per copy. Roz 9, Warsaw, Poland.
Warta Geredja (Church Record): Obecna Prawda (The Present
Published monthly by the Ma- Truth) 4-page monthly mis-
laysian Union Mission of S. D. sionary paper; annual subscrip-
A. (printed by the Malaysian tion 50 cents to U. S.; outside,
Signs Press), 399 Upper Seran- 75 cents.
goon Road, Singapore, S.-S.; ed-
itor, R. Altman; associate ed- Sabbath School Quarterly: 32
itors, L. V. Finster, M. E. Di- pages; containing the General
redja. Subscription price, U. S. Conference Sabbath School De-
30 cents per annum. partment lessons in Polish; an-
nual subscription, 20 cents; Pa-
MALAGASY cific Press Publishing Assn.,
Vavolombelona (Missionary Pa- Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A.
per): 8-page monthly; annual
subscription, EFL 6.25. Editor, PORTUGUESE
M. Raspal, Villa Betania, Square 0 Atalaia: 28-page monthly; $1.50
Poincar6, Tananarive, Madagas- a year; published by the Casa
car. Publicadora Brasileira, Estacao

de Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao sionary paper; annual subscrip-

Paulo, Brazil, South America; tion Lei 130.00 (to America
editor, J. B. Johnson; asst. $1.50); with Sabbath School
editor, Luiz Waldvogel. Quarterly, $2.00. Editor, St. De-
metrescu, Strada Labirint 116,
Revista Mensal: 16-page monthly; Bukharest, Rumania.
annual subscription, $1.25; pub-
lished by the Casa Publicadora Curierul Misionar (The Missionary
Brazileira, Estacao Sao Bernar- Messenger) : 16-page monthly
do, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, church paper; annual subscrip-
South America; editor, J. B. tion Lei 96.00 (to America, 75
Johnson. cents). Editor, St. Demetrescu,
Sabbath School Lessons: Sabbath Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest,
School Lessons for the entire Rumania.
Portuguese field for both adults RUSSIAN
and children; annual subscrip-
tion for adult lessons, 40 cents; Goths Istiny (Voice of Truth): 32-
Children's lessons, 35 cents per page monthly; Rbl. o. 35 per
year. Published by the Casa issue (foreign $2.00 annually);
Publicadora Brazileira, Estacao editor, H. J. Lobsack, " Patmos,"
de SAo Bernardo, S. P. R., SAo Moscow 69, Konjuschkovskaja
Paulo, Brazil, South America. 29, U. S. S. R.
0 Auxiliador da Escola Sabbatina Blagovestnik (Gospel Messenger):
(Portuguese organ of the Sab- 32-page quarterly; Rbl. o. 35 per
bath School Department of the issue (foreign $0.75 annually) ;
General Conference): 8-page editor, J. A. Ljwoff, Post Box 59,.
monthly; annual subscriptioln, Kiev, U. S. S. R.
50 cents; published by the Casa Znamenie Vremeni (Signs of the
Publicadora Brazileira, Estacao Times: 16-pages, two numbers
de Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao annually. Editor, Th. Will,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Aleja R6z 9, Warsaw, Poland.
Editor, C. P. Crager; office ed-
itor, Teresa Krieghoff. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32
pages: containing the General
RAROTONGAN Conference Sabbath School De-
Tuatua-Mou: 8-page monthly; an- partment lessons in Russian;
nual subscription, 2s; editor, G. Annual subscription, 20 cents;
L. Sterling; published by the Pacific Fress Publishing Assn.,
Eastern Polynesian Mission, Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A.
Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Nastoyaschaya Estina (The Pres-
Ocean. ent Truth): 4-page monthly mis-
RUMANIAN sionary paper; annual subscrip-
tion 50 cents to U. S.; outside,
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 75 cents; Pacific Press Publish-
pages; containing the General ing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Conference Sabbath School De-
partment lessons in Rumanian; RUTHENIAN
annual subscription, 20 cents; (Ukrainian)
Pacific Press Publishing Assn.,
Znaky Zasy (Signs of the Times):
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. 16-pages, two numbers annually.
Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Editor, A. Maszczak, Aleja Rtiz 9,
Times) : 16-page monthly mis, Warsaw, Poland.

Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 Pacific Press Publishing Assn.,

pages; containing the General Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A.
Conference Sabbath School De-
partment lessons in Ukrainian; Preporod (Regeneration) : 8-page
annual subscription, 20 cents; quarterly, annual subscription,
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Dinar 12.00. Editor, F. Zupanei6,
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Ljubljana, TrZ"aka cesta. Pub-
lished by Nakladno Drultvo G.
Said i komp., Petra Zrinjskog
SERVIAN ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 Zivljenje in Zdravje (Life and
pages; containing the General Health) : a 16 -page magazine
Conference Sabbath School De- devoted to healthful living. Ed-
partment lessons in Servian; itor, F. Zupan66 - Ljubljana,
annual subscription, 20 cents; Tr2alka cesta. Published by
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Nakladno Druetvo G. Sai6 i
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13,
Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Glasnik (Messenger) ; 16 - page
monthly church paper with Sab-
bath School lessons; annual SPANISH
subscription, Dinar 6000 ( for El Atalaya: 20 page monthly;
U. S. A. $4.00). Publisher and $1.00 a year, ten cents a copy;
editor, A. Moiinik, Rankeova published by the Casa Editora
ulica 24a, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Sudamericana, Florida, F. C. C.
A., Buenos Aires, Argentine,
Preporod (Regeneration:) 8-page South America; Editor, E.
quarterly; annual subscription, Brooks; Associate Editor, M. I.
Dinar 12.00. Publisher and ed- Fayard.
itor, A. Modnik, Rankeova ulica
24a, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. La Revista Adventista: Spanish
Church paper; 16-page semi-
Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health): monthly; annual subscription,
16-page quarterly, devoted to $1.50; published by the Casa Edi-
healthful living. Published by tora Sudamericana, Florida, F.
Nakladno Drutvo G. Saeid i C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen-
komp., Novi Sad, Petra Zrinjskog ina, South America; editor, M. I.
ulica 13, Jugoslavia. Fayard.

SLOVENIAN El Auxiliar de la Escuela Sabatica

(Spanish organ of the Sabbath
Pritomna Pravda (The Present School Department of the Gen-
Truth) 4-page monthly mission- eral Conference) : 16 - page
ary paper; annual subscription monthly; annual subscription,
50 cents to U. S.; outside, 75 50 cents; published by the South
cents. Pacific Press Publishing American Division of the Gen-
Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. eral Conference of S. D. A. for
the Sabbath School Depaitment,
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires,
pages; containing the General Argentina, South America. Ed-
Conference Sabbath School De- itors: C. P. Crager, Mrs. M. E.
partment lessons in Slovakian; Andross; office editor, Teresa
annual subscription, 20 cents; Krieghoff,

El Centinela: 20-page monthly; TAGALOG

annual subscription, $1.00; 10 Ang Tanglaw: 12-page monthly:
cents per copy. Pacific Press 50 cents gold a year; editor, E.
Pub. Assn., Box 5007, CristoVal, M. Adams; associate, S. E.
Canal Zone; editor, D. R. Buck- Jackson; assistant, L. A. Corda;
ner. Philippine Publishing House,
La Mensajero; 4-page monthly; Box 813, Manila, Philippine
50 cents a year; published by the Islands.
Cuban Book and Bible House,
Apartado 210, Matanzas, Cuba; Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly;
editor, W. H. England. church paper; editor, E. M.
Adams; associate, S. E. Jackson;
Las Sellales de los Tiempos (Signs 50 cents, gold a year; Philippine
of the Times): 16-page monthly; Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813,
annual subscription, 3 pesetas; Manila, Philippine Islands.
to foreign countries, 4 pesetas.
Editor, R. Gerber, Barcelona, TAHITIAN
Apartado 492, Spain.
Tiarama (the Light); 8-page
SWEDISH monthly; annual subscription
2s; editor, F. E. Lyndon; issued
Sions Vaktare: S-page weekly by the Eastern Polynesian. Mis-
church and missionary paper; an- sion, at Tahiti, Society Islands,
nual subscription, $1.75 to U. S.; Pacific Ocean.
outside, $2.00; Pacific Press Pub.
Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, TAMIL
Olaf Granlund.
South India Messenger: a monthly
Tidens Tecken: 8-page semimonth- church paper published by the
ly; annual subscription, kr. 4:50, South India Union Mission and
rate for other countries, kr. printed at the South India
7:00; Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Training School, Krishnaraja-
holm, Sweden; editor, Emil puram; 8 pages; 16 cents, an-
Ahren. nually; editor, E. D. Thomas,
Missionaren: 12-page monthly; South India Training School,
annual subscription, kr. 2: 50; Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore
rate for other countries, 1cr. District, South India.
4: 00; Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
holm, Sweden; editor, Emil Tamil Signs of the Times and Her-
.A.hren. ald of Health: A monthly mis-
sionary paper, published at
Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal) : Poona; editor, E. D. Thomas,
24-page monthly; annual sub- South India Training School,
scription, kr. 8: 00, for other Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore
countries, kr. 10:00. Tunnel- District, South India.
gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden;
editors: Dr. Gottfrid Thorell, TELUGU
and Dr. Carl Ottosen.
South India Messenger: a monthly
Ungdomens Budbarare: Students' church paper published by the
paper of the Mission School, South India Union Mission, and
Nyhyttan, Jarnboris, Sweden; printed at the South India
8-page monthly; subscription, Training School, Krishnaraja-
kr. 3: 00; editors: Gus. Lindsay, puram; 8 pages; 16 cents, an-
Gillis Linde, nually.

URDU price, Rs. 1/- ($.36) per annum,

Qasid: Issued monthly for Indian editor, J. AIi Bakhsh, The Re-
believers; published Union Of- treat, Roorkee, India.
fice, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, YIDDISH
India; editor, C. C. Belgrave.
The Present Issues: 20-page quar-
Amad: 16-pages; issued monthly; terly; 50 cents a year; Pacific
published by Northwest India Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.;
Union Mission; subscription editor, F. C. Gilbert.
Total number of periodicals, 201.
The languages in which denominational publications of all kinds
are now issued are the following:
Language Country Where Language Predominates
Aclim Burma
Afrikaans South Africa
Amharic Abyssinia
Amoyese Amoy, China
Arabic Syria, Arabia, Egypt, North Africa
Armenian The Caucasus, Asia Minor, Greece.
Armeno-Turkish Turkey
Atchinese Island of Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean
Aymara Peru, South America
Batak (Toba) Sumatra
Bengali Bengal, India
Bicol Philippine Islands
Bulgarian Bulgaria
Burmese Burma
Cantonese South China
Cebuan (Visayan) Island of Cebu, Philippine Islands
Chijita Kenya Colony
Chibemba Northern Rhodesia, Africa
Chinyanja Nyasaland, South Africa
Chisbona Africa
Chitonga Barotseland, South Africa
Croatian Jugoslavia
Czechian (Bohemian) Western Czechoslovakia, Europe
Danish Denmark
Dovele Solomon Islands
Dusun British North Borneo
Dutch Holland
English England, America, and British Possessions
Esthonian Esthonia
Ethiopic Abyssinia
Fijian Fiii
Finnish Finland
Flemish Belgium
French France
German Germany, Austria _
Greco-Turkish Greece, Turkey, etc.
Greek Greece
Guarany Paraguay, South Americr.
Gu j era ti Bombay Presidency, etc., India
Hawaiian Hawaii
Hebrew Among Jews
Hindi North India
Hungarian Hungary
lbanag Philippine Islands
Icelandic Iceland

Ilocano Philippine Islands

Italian Italy
Japanese Japan
Javanese Java
Kafir (Xosa) South Africa
Kanarese Mysore, India
Khasi Northeast India
Kiikidzu Tanganyika Territory
Kijita Tanganyika Territory
Kinyarwanda Ruanda, Belgian Congo
Kipare (Chasu or Asu) Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
Kisanaki Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
Kisii (Ekegusii) Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Kisukuma Tanganyika Territory, East Africa
Kiswaheli Kenya Colony and Tanganyika, East Africa
Korean Chosen, (Korea)
Kuboro (Choiseul Dia- Solomon Islands
Lamba Northern Rhodesia, Africa
Lapland ish Lapland
Latgalian Latvia
Latvian (Lettonian) Latvia
Lithuanian Lithuania
Luganda Uganda, Africa
Luo (Dholuo) Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Malagasay Madagascar
Malay (Arabic) Malaysia
Malay (Dutch Roman- Malaysia
Malayalam South India
Mandarin North and Central China
Maori New Zealand
Marathi Bombay Presidency, India
Marquesas (Nukahivan) Marquesas Islands
Marovo Solomon Islands
Mende West Africa
Mongolian Mongolia
Navajo Arizona and New Mexico, United States of
Nias Malaysia [America
Nivan Niue, or Savage Islands
Norwegian Norway
Oriya Province of Orissa, India
Pa mpangan Philippine Islands
Panayan (Visayan) Island of Panay, Philippine Islands
Pangasinan Philippine Islands
Persian Persia
Polish (Latin and Gothic) Poland
Portuguese Portugal and Brazil
Punjabi (Gurmukhi) Punjab, India
Quechua Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru
Ranoga Solomon Islands
Rarotongan Cook's Islands
Roviana Solomon Islands

Rumanian Rumania, Transylvania

Russian Russia
Ruthenian (Ukrainian) Galicia, East Czechoslovakia, and Southern
Samoan Samoa [Russia
Santali Bihar, India
Santo New Hebrides
Sechuana Beuchuanaland, South Africa
Servian Jugoslavia
Sesuto Basutoland, South Africa
Sgau-Karen Sgau-Karens of Burma
Shanghai Shanghai, China, and vicinity
Siamese Siam
Singhalese Ceylon
Sintebele Matabeleland, Rhodesia
Slovakian Central Czechoslovakia
Slovenian Jugoslavia
Spanish Spain and Latin Americo
Swedish Sweden
Syriac Syria, etc.
Tagalog Philippine Islands
Tahitian Tahiti
Tamil South India
Telugu South India
Temne West Africa
Tibetan Tibet
Tigrinya Eritrea
Tongan Friendly Islands
Turkish Turkey, etc.
Twi Gold Coast, West Africa.
Urdu (Persian) North India, etc.
Visayan (see Cebuan
and Panayan)
Welsh Wales
Wendie Wends in Hungary
Wenli Literary language, China
Xosa (see Kafir)
Yiddish Jews in Europe and America
Yoruba Nigeria, West Africa
Zulu Zululand, South Africa
Total 132


For the Year 1927
(Issued in 132 Languages)
No. Pages Value
Papers 201 43,868 $ 148.43
Books 1,240 282,189 1,310.75
Pamphlets 794 48,902 88.10
Tracts 2,873 36,604 46.72

Totals 5,108 411,563 $1,594.00

(Arranged alphabetically)


Established 1920 Address: P, 0. Box 47, Fort Jame-
son, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa.
Address: Bad Aibling, Kurhaus,
Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Ger - Supt., Dr. E. G. Marcus; nurse,
many. Miss H. Vos.
Local Board: E. Gugel, A. Staerr, Nuzvid, Kistna Dt., South India
Rosa Staerr. Established 1925
Supt., A. E. Coyne, M. D.
Asst. Supt., Emma Hughes, M. D.
BOULDER-COLORADO Managing Committee: H. Christen-
SANITARIUM sen (Chairman), A. E. Coyne,
Boulder, Colo. M. D. (Sec.), H. C. Menke',
M. D., H. A. Hansen, H. W.
Established 1890 Carter, E. D. Thomas, 0. A.
Skau, E. D. Willmott, N. Belle
Board of Trustees: J. J. Nethery, Nielsen, T. R. Flaiz, A. E. Clark,
II. A. Green, N. L. Beebe, R. J. M. D.
Brown, M. L. Rice, J. W. Turner,
C. J. Metzger. Staff: A. E. Coyne, M. D., L. R. C.
P. and S. (ED); Emma Hughes,
Faculty:' H. A. Green, M. D., F. A. B. A., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S.
C. S., Surgery; F. C. Klopfen- (Ed.), D. T. M. & H. Mrs. A. E.
stein, M. D., Obstetrics and Coyne, H. N., Head Nurse;
Pediatrics; L. E. Elliott, M. D. Georgiana Peacock, Nurse; A. V.
Internal Medicine; L. L. Jones, Jesudas, Evangelist; Jacob De-
M. D., Roentgenologist; Paul vadhason, Compounder; M. B.
Nilsson, M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose Laban, Interpreter; V. J. Henry,
Throat; R. J. Brown, Business Technician; P. Asirvadam, Dres-
Manager; D. M. Boyd, Asst. ser; M. V. Nehemiah, Dresser.
Business Manager; W. M. An-
dress, R. N., Chaplain; Maria
Hornbacker, R. N., Supt. of GLENDALE ANITARIUM
Nurses; Helen Baylies, R. N., AND HOSPITAL
Preceptress; Carbon Gillaspie,
M. D., F. A. C. S., Orthopedics. Glendale, Cal.
Established 1905
Incorporated as Glendale Sani-
FLORIDA SANITARIUM AND tarium and Hospital.
HOSPITAL Board of Directors: J. E. Fulton,
See Orlando-Florida Sanitarium Pres.; P. E. Brodersen, P. M.
and Hospital. Keller, M. D.; E. G. Fulton, G.

W. Reaser, B. M. Emerson, J. A. IOWA SANITARIUM

Burden, F. E. Corson, I. A. Ford, Nevada, Iowa
David Voth, Dr. W. W. Worster,
James Howarth. Established at Des Moines,
Iowa, in 1899. Removed and es-
Officers: P. M. Keller, M. D., Med- tablished at Nevada, Iowa, in 1909.
ical Director; E. G. Fulton, Busi- Reincorporated June 15, 1915.
ness Manager; James Howarth, Corporate Name: " lowa Sanitar-
Sec. and Treas.; Miss Edna An- ium and Benevolent Associa-
derson, Matron; C. L. Burke, tion."
Credit Manager; Miss Christine
Manson, R. N., Director of Board of Managers: C. F. McVagh,
School of Nursing; Mrs. Lois Pres.; T. C. Nethery, Sec. and
Barton Stuckey, Dietitian; W. L. Treas.; J. F. Morse, M. D., R. L.
Phillips, Steward and Purchas- Mantz, M. D., R. H. Dunn, M.
ing Agent; F. W. Paap and Roy D., G. A. Nystrom, W. C. Flaiz.
F. Cottrell, Chaplains: Faculty: J. F. Morse, M. D., Med.
Medical Faculty: P. M. Keller, Supt.; R. H. Dunn, M. D., Asst.
M. D., Medical Director; J. W. Supt.; T. C. Nethery, Mgr.; Miss
Hopkins, M. D., G. K. Abbott, Daisy Randolph, R. N., Acting
M. D., W. J. Johnson, M. D., Supt. of Nurses; Miss Eva A.
J. S. Davis, M. D., Leslie D. Russell, R. N., Instructor of
Trott, M. D., Ben. E. Grant, Nurses; Miss Katherine Adams,
M. D., Julia A. White, M. D:, Preceptress and Matron.
Cora Richards Abbott, M. D.;
Miss Christine Manson, R. N.,
Director of School of Nursing; THE JAMES WHITE MEMO-
E. G. Fulton, Business Manager; RIAL HOME
Mrs. R. B. Ray, Preceptress.
Plainwell, Mich.
LIMITED Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden,
Incorporated 1903 Pres.; J. F. Piper, Vice-Pres.;
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- L. W. Foote, Secy-Treas.; J. W.
ford, Herta, England. Christian, S. E. Wight.
Trustees: W. H. Meredith, Dr. F. Faculty: Frank Hiner, Business
C. Shone, A. E. Bacon, H. Os- Manager; Mrs. Frank Hiner,
borne, Dr. W. A. Ruble, F. Matron.
Throssell, J. Rigby, A. S. Max-
well, Dr. S: McClements, F. A.
Spearing, W. R. Raitt, G. W. JULIACA AMERICAN
Baird, J. McAvoy, S. Joyce, J. HOSPITAL
Harker. Established 1922
Officers: W. H. Meredith, Chair-
man; Dr. W. A. Ruble, Sec. and Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Treas. " Clinica," Juliaca, Peru.
Postal Address: Casilla 22, Juliaca,
Hultafors, Sweden
Board of Directors: F. E. Bresee,
Established 1926 P. H. Barnes, Dr. M. B. Graybill,
Manager: Axel Bengtsson. W. E. Murray, H. D. Isaac, Juan
Matron: Miss Asta Svensson. Plenc, H, M. Colburn.

Officers: F. E. Bresee, Chairman; F. R. Eastman, B. M. Emerson,

H. M. Colburn, Sec. and Treas.; Dr. Newton Evans, J. E. Fulton,
M. B. Graybill, M. D., Medical W. H. Holden, Dr. F. B. Moor,
Supt.; Luis Leichner, Head W. T. Knox, Morris Lukens, Dr.
Nurse. P. T. Magan, J. L. McElhaney,
C. K. Meyers, Dr. E. H. Risley,
J. L. Shaw, Dr. Alfred Shryock,
KENYA HOSPITAL Chas. Thompson, Dr. George
Established 1924 Thomason, J. J. Nethery.
Address: S. D. A. Hospital, Gendia,
P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, British Officers of Board of Trustees: W.
East Africa. T. Knox, President; F. E. Cor-
son, First Vice-President and
Supt.: G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D. Comptroller; S. S. Merrill, Sec-
Nurses: Miss Carenza Olsen, Miss retary-Treasurer.
Karen Nielsen. . Officers of Loma Linda Sanitarium:
Daniel Burgeson, Medical Direc-
tor; Myron S. King, Assistant
LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM Medical Director; G. H. Curtis,
" La. Ligniere " Estblissement Phy- Business Manager; A. R. Smith,
siotherapique, Gland, Ct. Vaud, Asst. Business Manager; S. T.
Switzerland. Hare, Chaplain; Daisy E. Wal-
fon, Superintendent of Nurses.
Established 1904.
Medical Staff: Daniel Burgeson,
Corporate Name: Societe Philan- M. D., Medical Director, Surgery,
thropique de la Ligniere. Obstetrics; Myron S. King, A. B.,
Board of Directors: A. V. Olson, M. D., Gastro-intestinal Dis-
J. Robert, Dr. H. Muller, Dr. eases; William A. George, A. M.,
P. A. De Forest, P. P. Paulini, M. D., Surgery; Fred B. Moor,
V. Monnier, H. Schild, L. E. A. B., M. D., Director Physio-
Bork. therapy, Internal Medicine, J. J.
Officers: Dr. H. Muller, Manager; Wier, M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose and
V. Monnier, Asst. Manager. Throat; Alfred R. Roos, M. D.,
Allergy and Dermatology; E. C.
Local Board: Dr. H. Willer, Dr. Ehlers, M. D., Cardio-Respira-
P. A. De Forest, V. Monnier, F. tory; H. M. Walton, M. D., Dis-
Moser. eases of Metabolism; Alma L.
Physicians: H. Mailer, M. D.; P. A. Goude, M. D., Gynecology; Lyra
DeForest, M. D. Hunt George, M. D., Obstetrics;
Elizabeth Hiscox, M. D., Pediat-
rics, X-ray; Olive Smith, M. D.,
LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM Assistant in department of
AND HOSPITAL Allergy and Dermatology; Roy
S. Williams, A. B., D. D. S.,
(Incorporated with College of Dentistry; V. L. Mann, M. D.,
Medical Evangelists) Consulting Neurologist; F. W.
Loma Linda, Cal. Gardiner, M. D., Diabetes; W. E.
Macpherson, M. D., Diseases of
Established 1905 the Chest; W. C. Koebig, M. D.,
Board of Directors: P. E. Broder- Consultant in Orthopedics; Cyril
son, Dr. D. L. Burgeson, Dr. H. E. B. Courville, A. B., M. D., Neu-
Butka, G. A. Calkins, F. E. Cor- rologist; Herbert F. Tindall,
son, G. H. Curtis, A. G. Daniells, M. D., Genito-Urinary; L. C.

Kellogg, M. D., Orthopedics; Board of Trustees: S. G. Haughey,

Clara M. Knowles, Dietitian; Pres.; A. F. Kirk, Sec. and
Mrs. H. C. Nelson, Dietitian. Treas.; B. C. Marshall, R. T.
Baer, H. H. Humann, M. W. Blue,
E. D. Kirk, J. W. Rogers, A. J.
Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, British Officers: A. F. Kirk, Manager;
Central Africa. Cordia Mathers, Supt. of Nurses.
Medical Supt., Dr. H. A. Erick- (Failure on the part of those in
son. charge of the Nebraska Sanitarium
to submit revised matter, makes
Nurse, Miss M. D. Ingle, assisted necessary the publication of the
by six native orderlies. directory as it appeared in the
former issue.)
Established 1925
In charge of Dr. A. E. Clark,
Narsapur, West Godavary, South Melrose, Mass.
India. Established 1899
Name of Mission: Telegu Mission.
Name of Institution: Seventh-day Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade,
Adventist Mission Hospital. Pres.; E. L. Place, Sec.; V. L.
Location of Institution: Narsapur, Fisher, M. D., A. T. Robinson,
West Godavary, South India. 0. M. John, J. K. Jones, D. J. C.
Barrett, J. K. MacmiLlan, P.
Managing Committee: Executive L. Baker, J. E. Osterblom, L. K.
Committee, South India Union Dickson, D. A. Bailey, J. E.
Mission. Shultz, N. H. Saunders, F. D.
Hospital Staff: Medical Superin- Wells.
tendent: A. E. Clark, M. D.; Local Board: E. K. Slade, Chair-
Nursing Superintendent, Alta B. man; P. L. Baker, Secretary; V.
Clark, R. N.; Telugu Evangelist, L. Fisher, M. D., E. F. Otis, M.
M. Prakasam; Telegu Registrar, D., D. J. C. Barrett, A. T. Robin-
C. H. Sampson; Telegu Trans- son, E. L. Place.
lator, B. Solomon; Telegu Com-
pounder: C. H. Samuel; Indian Faculty: V. L. Fisher, M. D., Med-
Nurse: T. Maryumma; Ward ical Supt.; Associate Physicians,
Girls: Mrs. B. Solomon; Santho- E. F. Otis, M. D.; Clara Beckner
summa; Ward Boys: J. J. Jo- Otis, M. D.; L. H. Rhyme:,,
seph; K. Joseph; Pramah. M. D.; H. S. Brown, M. D.; E. L.
Place, Business Manager and
Treasurer; Mrs. V. L. Fisher,
NEBRASKA SANITARIUM Acting Supt. of Nurses; Mrs.
Hastings, Nebraska Edith F. Strand, Instructor of
Nurses, Miss M. Helen Guthrie;
Established 1908 Preceptress and Social Director;
Corporate Name: The Nebraska Miss Susan G. Fiske, Matron:
Sanitarium and Benevolent As- A. T. Robinson, Chaplain; G. E.
sociation. Cornforth, Chef and Dietitian.

ORLANDO-FLORIDA SANITA- Managing Committee: J. A. Bur-

RIUM AND HOSPITAL den, Manager; A. D. Butterfield,
Drawer Imo, Orlando, Florida M. D., Medical Director; Frank
Ford, Treasurer.
Established 1908 Purchasing Agent, V. B. Anspach.
Legal Name: " The Florida Sani- Faculty: A. D. Butterfield, M. D.;
tarium and Benevolent Associa- J. A. Burden; J.W. Warren, M.
tion." D.; S. A. Lockwood, M. D.;
Myrtle Lockwood, M. D.; Miss
Board of Directors: W. H. Heck- Helen Rice, R. N., Supt. of
man, Pres.; 0. A. Hudson, Sec. Nurses; Mrs. J. A. Burden,
and Treas.; A. S. Booth, B. F. Frank Ford, Migs Mary Hanna-
Kneeland, R. I. Kea.te, C. L. ford, Mrs. A. R. Merickle, R. N.;
Butterfield, Dr. L. L. Andrews, V. B. Anspach, L. A. Semmens,
H. W. Klaser. Mrs. A. H. Olsen, R. N.; Gladys
Staff and Faculty: L. L. Andrews, House, R. N., Eva Borden, R. N.
A. B., M. D., Medical Director;
Otis A. Hudson, Business Man-
Westcott, M. D.; K. C. Ashley,
M. D.; Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman, AC.dress: Main Road, Plumstead,
Supt. of Nurses; Miss Kate L. Cape Province, South Africa.
Macey, Nurse Instructor; Mrs. Board: W. H. Branson, E. D. Dick,
Wm. Munn, Matron; N. J. J. G. Slate, J. I. Robison, Miss
Waldorf, Chaplain; Miss L. Ful- I. Thomason, A. E. Nelson.
ler, Preeeptress.
Matron in charge: Miss Ida Thom-
Treasurer: A. E. Nelson.
Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway
Corporate Name: "Kurbadet." East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts.,
Superintendent: C. M. Scott. Portland, Oreg.
Telephone, Tabor 8674.
Founded 1893; reorganized 1902;
PARADISE VALLEY became an institution of the
SANITARIUM North Pacific Union Conference
National City, Cal. 1900. Control transferred, to
Western Oregon Conference 1920.
(Incorporated as Southeastern
California Association of Sev- Board of Directors: I. J. Wood-
enth-day Adventists.) man, Pres.; R. W. Nelson, Sec.
and Treas.; Morris Lukens, T. G.
Established 1906 Bunch, Dr. W. B. Holden, Dr. E.
Board of Directors: G. A. Calkins, E. Rippey, N. C. Ernston, D. J.
Pres.; H. B. Thomas, Sec.; J. Chitwood, J. E. Weaver.
A. Burden, A. D. Butterfield, Medical Faculty: W. B. Holden, M.
M. D., T. S. 'Whitelock, M. D., D., Supt.; R. W. Nelson, Man-
Frank Ford, W. C. Raley, B. M. ager; Frances J. Tautfest, R.
Emerson, V. B. Anspach. N., Supt. of Nurses' Training

School; E. E, Rippey, M. D., M. D.; J. S. Marshall, C. E.

Ferol L. Jackson, R. N., Ruby Krieghoff, T. L. Oswald, C. D.
Cook, R. N., Charlotte Robbins, Striplin, W. A. Ernenpustch,
R. N.; Laura A. Brenner, R. N.; J. H. Roth.
W. Lee Parker, R. N.; Carrie L.
Nelson, R. N., Mrs. Anna M. Executive Committee: C. E. West-
Wasell, R. N., Pauline Young, R. phal, M. D., Pres.; 0. H. Maxson,
N., Faye Pritchard, R. N., Ruth Sec.; G. B. Replogle, M. D., J.
Featherston, R. N., Margurette H. Meier, J. S. Marshall.
Torrence, R. N., Miss Etta Als- Medical Faculty: C. E. Westphal,
berge, L. L. Wasell, A. D. Smith; M. D., Director; G. B. Replogle,
J. G. Lamson, Chaplain. M. D.; 0. H. Maxson, Celia Pe-
verini, Lady Head Nurse and
Matron; B. F. Bishop, Men's
Sidney, (Near Victoria) British Officers: C. E. Westphal, M. D.,
Columbia, Canada Medical Supt.; 0. H. Masson,
Treas., and Business Manager.
Established 1921
Board of Directors: S. A. Ruskjer,
T. R. Lukens, W. A. Clemenson,
A. V. Rhoads, L. C. Shepard, SHANGHAI SANITARIUM
H. L. Wood, H. G. Burden, M. D., Box 1281, Shanghai, China
D. E. Reiner, C. 0. Smith, A.
Bernhard, C. R. Morris, F. T. City Office:
Balmer. 35 Range Road, Shanghai.
Officers: H. G. Burden, M. D., Medi- Established 1917
cal Supt.; Business Manager and Board: I. H. Evans, Chairman; H.
Treas., F. T. Balmer. W. Miller, M. A., M. D., Vice-
House Committee: H. G. Burden, Ch airm an ; A. Mountain, Sec.;
M. D., F. T. Balmer, Mrs. C. C. C. Crisler, H. W. Barrows,
Courser, R. S. Greaves, S. W. Frederick Griggs, J. G. Gjording,
Leiske, M. D. R. W. Paul, M. D., D. E. Griggs,
M. D., K. H. Wood, S. L. Frost.
Faculty: H. G. Burden, M. D., F. Officers: H. W. Miller, M. A., M. D.,
T. Balmer, R. S. Greaves, Mrs. Medical Director; D. E. Griggs,
C. Courser, R. N., Celia Beach, M. D.; Asst. Medical Director;
Ira Mooney, C. F. Courser, F. C. A. Mountain, Asst. Business
Finch, S. W. Leiske, M. D. Manager and Treasurer.
Faculty: H. W. Miller, M. A., M.
D.; Medical Director and Man-
RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM ager; D. E. Griggs, M. D., Asst.
(Sanatorio Adventists del Plata) Med. Director; A. Mountain,
Asst. Business Manager; R. W.
Established 1908 Paul, M. D.; Mrs. R. W. Paul,
Postal Address: Puiggari, Entre R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Eliza-
Rios, Argentina, South America. beth Redelstein, R. N., Matilda
Follet, R. N., 0. G. Erich, R. N.,
Board of Directors: E. L. Maxwell, Mrs. C. G. Erich, R. N., W. E.
Pres.; 0. H. Maxson, Sec.; C. E. Eberhardt, Dietitian; Mrs. W. E.
Westphal, M. D., G. B. Replogle, Eberhaidt, Mrs. Moses Swen,

R. N., A. R. Boynton, R. N., Medical Matron; F. Throssell,

Mrs. A. R. Boynton, R. N., P. L. Secretary; Miss G. Rawson,
Chang, Pharmacist; Y. C. Hsu, Cashier; Pastor McAvoy, Chap-
Cashier; E. C. Wood, Engineer, lain; G. Clarke, Domestic Ma-
Mrs. E. C. Wood, Matron. tron.


ELECTRIC INSTITUTE Sanitarium, Napa County, Cal.
Simla, India Established 1878
Established 1915 (Operated by the California Med-
ical Missionary and Benevolent As-
Under supervision of Northwest sociation.)
India Union Committee.
Board of Directors: Pres., G. A.
Address: " Galway House," Simla, Roberts; J. E. Fulton, B. M.
India. During winter season: Emerson, C. H. Jones, H. W.
B. D. S. Building, The Mall, La- Vollmer, M. C. Lysinger, E. F.
hore, India. Stow, H. H. Hicks, W. M. Ad-
Manager: H. C. Menkel, M. D. ams, W. E. Nelson, W. C. White,
C. A. Gregory, A. C. Larson,
C. E. Nelson.
(Skodsborg Badesanatorium) H. W. Vollmer, M. D., Medical
Skodsborg, Denmark Director; M. C. Lysinger, Treas-
urer and General Manager; A.
Established 1897 C. Larson, Sec. and Assistant
Manager; Miss Franke Cobban,
Officers: J. C. Ottosen, M. D., R. N., Supt. of the Training
Director; Chr. Hansen, Vice-Di- School and Head Lady Nurse;
rector, Business Manager, and W. W. Miller, Chaplain.
Medical Staff: H. W. Vollmer, M.
Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen, M. D.; C. A. Gregory, M. D.; C. E.
D., A. Andersen, M. D., Miss Nelson, M. D.; W. D. Edwards,
Jensine Iversen, M. D., C. C. M. D.; Ida S. Nelson, M. D.;
Hansen, M. D., David Ottosen, Ruth Miller, M. D.
M. D., H. E. Ericksen, M. D. The California Medical Missionary
and Benevolent Association also
operates the following:
STANBOROUGH PARK Sanitarium Food Company: Sani-
SANITARIUM tarium, Cal.; Gilbert Steck, Fac-
(The Stanboroughs) tory Supt.
Stanborough Park, Watford, Sanitarium Mercantile Company:
Sanitarium, Cal.; I. C. Emmer-
Harts, England son, Supt.
Established 1912
Oakland Branch: Treatment
Officers: Dr. W. A. Ruble, Medical Rooms, Rooms, 307, 308, 300,
Supt.; Dr. S. McClements, Med- Franklin Building, Oakland,
ical Assistant; Miss E. Crooks, California.

SYDNEY SANITARIUM Wight, J. F. Piper, J. D. Snyder,

H. P. Bloum.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia
Faculty: W. R. Simmons, M. D.,
Established 1902 Medical Supt.; W. A. Young,
Bbard: C. H. Watson, Dr. C. W. Chaplain; A. G. Larson, M. D.;
Harrison, T. J. Dowling, G. S. Mrs. Jennie Benner, Head
Fisher, T. W. Hammond, A. H. Nurse; Mrs. Leah Griffee, Supt.
Piper, C. H. Parker, Dr. T. A. of Nurses; Miss Maggie Dell
Sherwin. Hicks, Matron.
Medical Faculty: C. W. Harrison,
M. D., F. R. C. S.; T. A. Sherwin,
Freeman. M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; AND CLINIC
T. J. Dowling, Manager; Mrs. Established 1920
Elsie Shannan, Matron; C. H.
Pretyman, Chaplain; R. G. L. Address: Alsenstrasse 99-109, Zeh-
Cooper, Head Male Nurse; Ma- lendorf-West, Berlin, Germany.
tron, E. Dray; Dr. D. I. Mills.
Telegraphic Address: Sanitarium
Waldfriede, Zehlendorf, Ger-
TOKYO SANITARIUM; Capacity: 130 patients. The in-
HOSPITAL stitution is conducted as Sanita-
rium and general hospital and
Established 1928 has government recognition as a
Cable Address: " Adventist, To- benevolent institution and as a
kyo." nurses' training school. Patron-
age of resident patients for 1928,
Address: 171 Amanuma, Suginami- 1,575. Operated by the German
Mura, Toyotama-Gun, Tokyo-f u, Health Association.
Local Committee: Dr. L. E. Con-
Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi radi, Dr. E. Mayer, Johannes
Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Seefried, Elisabeth Bruhn, Carl
Board: Executive Committee of Rohleder.
the Union Mission. Medical Faculty: Dr. L. E. Con-
Officers: E. E. Getzlaff, M. D., radi, Supt.; Dr. E. Meyer, Dr.
A. B., Medical Director; Shogo P. Schmid, Dr. W. Bockshammer.
Watanabe, M. D., Assistant Med.
Director; H. J. Perkins, Business
Manager and Treasurer. WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM
College Place, Wash.
WABASH VALLEY SANITA- Established 1905
RIUM Board of Directors: E. F. Peterson,
Lafayette, Ind. Howard E. Horner, M. D., P. W.
Ochs, Silas Yarnell, M. D., C.
Established 1908 Avery Hanson, M. D., C. B. Mil-
Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, ler, F. W. Peterson.
Pres., F. A. Wright, Vice-Pres.; Medical Staff: Howard E. Horner,
W. R. Simmons, Sec.; S. E. M. D., H. J. Flower, M. D., John

Rieth, M. D., Mrs. W. E. Mc- Pulver, Sec., Treas., and Busi-

Cully, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; ness Manager.
P. W. Ochs, Business Manager. Hospital Staff: A. W. Truman, M.
D., Medical Director; D. H.
Kress, M. D.; D. E. Davenport,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia C. C. Pulver, Business Manager;
J. C. Shull, Credit Manager;
Established 1910 J. C. Dimock, Steward; R. F.
Officers: H. J. Franks, Manager. Farley, Chaplain; Mrs. S. A.
Board: W. 0. Johanson, C. H. Wat- James, R. N., Director and In-
son, H. J. Franks, C. M. Snow, structor of Nurses; H. F. Wil-
G. G. Stewart, T. Bush, Dr. E. S. son, R. N., Physiotherapy Dept.;
Richards. R. L. Runk, M. D., Eye, Ear,
Nose, and Throat Dept.; S. A.
Medical Supt.: W. H. James, M. James, X-ray Dept.; Grace
B., B. S., Melbourne. Parker, R. N., Laboratory Tech-
nician; Nellie Ogle, Pharmacist;
Miss Ellen Swenson, R. N.,
WASHINGTON SANITARIUM Surgical and Hospital Super-
Takoma Park Station, Washing- 6 visor; Emma Iverson, R. N.,
ton, D. C. Instructor of Hydrotherapy;
Fanny Hiday, R. N., Supervisor
Dedicated June 12, 1907 Sanitarium; Lillie Stuart, R. N.
Corporate Name: " Washington Supervisor Annex; Kathryn
(D. C.) Sanitarium Associa- Witmer, R. N.; Night Super-
tion." visor; Deena Ingels, Record Li-
brarian; Miss Helen Shull, Ma-
Constituency: The Executive Com- tron; Mrs. Alice Bourdeau, So-
mittee of the General Confer- cial Matron; Myrta Cornor, Su-
ence; Board of Trustees of the pervisor Culinary Dept.
Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium
Association; Faculty and head
of departments of the Washing-
ton (D. C.) Sanitarium Associa- WHITE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
tion; President and Treasurer
and Medical Secretary of the Cor. Boyle and Michigan Aves.,
Columbia Union Conference; Los Angeles, Calif.
Presidents of the local Confer- Board of Trustees: W. T. Knox,
ences within the Columbia Un- Chairman, P. E. Brodersen, D. L.
ion; President and Manager of Burgeson, H. E. Butka, G. A.
the Review and Herald Publish- Calkins, F. E. Corson, G. H.
ing Association; President and Curtis, A. G. Daniells, F. R.
Manager of the Washington Eastman, B. M. Emerson, New-
Missionary College. ton Evans, J. E. Fulton, W. H.
Board of Directors: J. L. Shaw, Holden, Morris Lukins, J. L. Mc-
Chairman; C. C. Pulver, Sec.; Elhany, P. T. Magan, C. K.
A. W. Truman, M. D.; D. H. Meyers, Fred B. Moor, J. J.
Kress, M. D.; F. M. Wilcox, F. Nethery, E. H. Risley, J. L.
H. Robbins, W. F. Martin, G. Shaw, Alfred Shryock, George
Montgomery, H. H. Hamilton. Thomason, Chas. Thompson.
Officers: J. L. Shaw, Pres.; A. W. Officers of Board: W. T. Knox,
Truman, Medical Director; C. C. President; F. E. Corson, First

Vice-President and Comptroller; WICHITA SANITARIUM

S. S. Merrill, Secretary-Treas- 3200 West Douglas Ave.,
urer. Wichita, Kansas
Officers of Hospital: H. E. Butka,
M. D., Superintendent; E. A. Telephone, Market 2187
Nelson, M. D., Medical Director; Established 1902
F. R. Eastman, Business Man-
ager. Incorporated as Wichita
Sanitarium 1927
Executive Medical Staff: H. E.
Butka, M. D., Chief of Depart- Board of Trustees: J. J. Nethery,
ment of Pathology; Ethel Andre, Pres., R. J. Brines, Sec.; R. T.
M. D., Resident in Pediatrics; , Emery, C. S. Weist, S. G.
Ora Barber, M. D., Resident Haughey, H. C. Hartwell.
Anesthetist; Marie Boehm, M. Officers and Faculty: R. J. Brines,
D., Junior Resident Obstetrics; M. D., Medical Director and
Martha Borg, R. N., Superin- Business Manager; Mrs. Ruth
tendent of Nurses; Edna Bur- Mohr, R. N., Supt. of Nurses;
ney, R. N., Superintendent of E. E. Nelson, R. N., Gents' Bath
Out-Patient Department; D. D. Supervisor; N. J. Aalborg, Chap-
Comstock, M. D., Chief of De- lain; Miss Iva Rowland, Chief
partment of Medicine; E. C. Kel- Acct.; S. S. Mohr, Outside De-
logg, M. D., Resident in Eye, partment Manager.
Ear, Nose, and Throat; Samuel
Dime, M. D., Medical Director Number of Sanitariums, 37.
of Out-Patient Department; P.
T. Magan, M. D.; E. A. Nelson, In addition to the foregoing Con-
M. D., Senior Resident in Sur- ference institutions, there are a
gery; John Potts, M. D., Resi- number of sanitariums and treat-
dent in Obstetrics, 0. B. Pratt, ment rooms owned and operated
M. D., Pathology; T. G. Rey- by private individuals and organi-
nolds, M. D., Senior Resident in zations. While under private or
Surgery; R. F. Tatro, M. D., semi-private management, many
Junior Resident in Medicine; of these enterprises are doing a
G. M. Taylor, M. D., Resident .in work which adds greatly to the
Orthopedic Surgery; George volume of medical work of the
Thomason, M. D., Chief of De- denomination as a whole. As our
partment of Surgery; Ralph Year Book gives only such institu-
Thompson, M. D., Chief of De- tions as are directly owned and
partment of Obstetrics and managed by the denomination,
Gynecology. these enterprises are not listed-

Bergen, Norway. Treatment Rooms, Vestre Torvgate 11; Manager, B.
Chiao Tou Djen Hospital-Dispensary. China Theological Seminary,
Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China. Established 19lh.
Board of Managers: The same as for the China Theological
Seminary. Mrs. H. L. Shull, R. N., in charge.

Chichoki Mallian, India. Dispensary, in charge of Mrs. P. K. Simpson.

Cologne-Rhine, Germany. Treatment Rooms, Pantaleonswall 42-44.
Fui On Hospital-Dispensary. Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Medical
Superintendent: H. C. James, M. D.; Medical Staff: H. C. James,
M. D., Mrs. Ethel M. James, M. D.; Nurses: V. M. Hansen, Mrs.
V. M. Hansen; Native Helpers: Vun Shun Yin, Wong Pang
Shau, Chong Shau San, Liu Thien MM, Chu Tsun Yung.
Hamburg-Eimsbiittel. Treatment Rooms, Charlottenstr. 24, Germany.
Haugesund, Norway. Treatment Rooms, Breidablikgaten 97. Corporate
Name: Haugesunds Kurbad. Superintendent: 0. Stavdal.

Helsingfors, Finland. Hydro-Electric Institute, Annegatan 7. Corpor-

ate Name: Helsingfors Fysikaliska Institut. Manager, V.
Sucksdorff, M. D. Managing Committee: V. Sucksdorff, M. D.,
A. Rintala, Y. Miettinen, E. Nevalainen.
Kalyan, India, Dispensary.In charge of Mrs. M. Oss.
Kamamaung Dispensary, Established 1915. Address, S. D. A. Mission,
Kamamaung, Shwegon Post Office, via Maulmein, Burma; in
charge of II. Baird, assisted by Mrs. H. Baird and Karen helpers.

Krishnarajapuram Dispensary.Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District,

South India. In charge of Mrs. 0. A. Skau. Establishd 1924.
Lasalgaon, India. Dispensary. In charge of Mrs. R. E. Loasby.
Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary. Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwang-
tung, China; in charge of Dr. S. I. Wong, with four native
assistants. Board of Directors: Same as Cantonese Mission
Meiktila Dispensary. Established in 1925. In charge of Mrs. J. L.
Christian and helpers, Meiktila, Burma.
Myaungmya Dispensary. Established 1928. In charge of F. A. Wyman,
assisted by Mrs. F. A. Wyman. Address: S. D. A. Mission,
Mo So Kwin Road, Myaungmya Burma.
Nanning, Kwangsi, China.Nanning, Kwangsi, S. D. A. Hospital, in
charge of D. D. Coffin, M. D.
Nazareth Dispensary. Prakasapuram, Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist.,
South India. In charge of Mrs. H. W. Carter. Established 1909.
Nyhyttan, Jarnbas, Sweden. Treatment Rooms; Manager, C. 0. Carl-
Penang, Straits Settlements. Seventh-day Adventist Mission Clinic,
108 Muntri St., Penang. S. S. Medical Superintendent, J. E.
Gardner, B. A., M. D., M. R. C. S. (Eng.), L. R. C. P. (Lond.);
Nurse, Mrs. J. E. Gardner; Helpers, Ng Hong-boon, Spurgeon
Balasundram, Lee Chin hin.

Soonan, Chosen. Soonan Dispensary-Hospital; Acting Superintendent;

R. S. Watts. Dispensary-Hospital Board: Supt. of the Chosen
Union, Pres. of the West Chosen Conference, R. S. Watts, Di-
rector of the Central Chosen Mission, Director of the South
Chosen Mission, H. M. Lee, Kim Pyong Nong, L. I. Bowers, Mrs.
R. S. Watts, Chyong Hong Syung.
Stockholm, Sweden. Hydro-Electric Institute, Humleg1rdsgatan 18;
Manager, D. Ekdal.
Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 308 George
Taikgyi Dispensary. In charge of Mrs. A. J. Denoyer, Taikgyi, Burma.
Established in 1920.
Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Tatsienlu Dispensary, Medical Supt., Dr.
J. N. Andrews.
Vermont Street Treatment Rooms. Operated by the Philippine Union
Mission. Established 1928. Address: 705 Vermont St., Manila,
Philippine Islands. Physician in charge: Dr. H. A. Hall.

Colorado Sanitarium Food Co., Boulder, Colorado.
Copenhagen Food Factory. Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark;
Director, Chr. Hansen; Business Manager, W. Nissen.
Food Factory " Pur Aliment" Rue du Mont-Cenis 128, Paris XVIII,
German Health Food Factory. Hamburg, Campestr. 18. (Deutscher
Verein ftir Gesundheitspflege Hamburg e. V.) Board: Pres.,
L. R. Conradi; Manager, H. Hoth; Treasurer, F. Reinken. Other
Members: P. Drinhaus, J. Wintzen, E. Gugel, A. Vollmer, W.
Krumm, 0. Schildhauer. Local Committee: L. R. Conradi, H.
Hoth, A. Vollmer, F. Reinken, C. Thalmann.
Gland Hygienic Food Factory. (Fabrique de Produits Alimentaires
Hygidniques " Phao."); Gland, Switzerland. Established 1896.
Corporate Name: S' ociete Philanthropique de la Ligniere. Board
of Directors: A. V. Olson, J. Robert, Dr. P. A. DeForest, Dr. H.
Miiller, P. P. Paulini, V. Monnier, H. Schild, Local Board: V.
Monnier, H. Schild, L. Lavanchy. Manager, V. Monnier.
Granose Foods Limited.(British Health Food Factory), Stanborough
Park, Watford, Herts, England. Directors: W. H. Meredith,
Dr. W. A. Ruble, H. Osborne, A. S. Maxwell, W. R. Raitt;
Manager and Sec., H. Osborne.
St. Helena Sanitarium Food Co. Sanitarium, Cal.
Sanitarium Health Food Company.Head Office, " Mizpah," Fox Valley
Road, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. General Secretary,
G. T. Chapman, General Board, C. H. Watson, 0. T. Chapman,

u. S. Fisher, A. H. Piper, T. W. Hammond, W. J. Westerman,

and Chairmen of Local Boards. Avondale Industries, Cooran-
bong, N. S. W., Australia; Manager, G. S. Fisher; Board: C. H.
Watson, G. S. Fisher, E. E. Cosentine, G. T. Chapman, H. A.
Hill, T. W. Hammond. New Zealand Central Health Food
Board: H. E. Piper, W. M. R. Scragg, C. H. Watson, G. T.
Chapman, G. E. Adair, S. H. Amyes, F. C. Wilkinson, W.
Wilkins. New Zealand Food Factory, Papanui, Christchurch,
New Zealand. Manager, G. E. Adair; Board: H. E. Piper, G. T.
Chapman, C. H. Watson, W. Wilkins, W. G. Smith, G. E. Adair,
S. H. Amyes, A. S. Herbert. Washburton Factory, Warburton,
Victoria; T. Bush, Manager. Board: C. H. Parker, C. H. Wat-
son, G. T. Chapman, T. Bush, J. S. Sandeman, W. 0. Johanson,
Geo. Thomson.
Grain Products, Ltd.-659 Parramatta Rd., Annandale, N. S. W. C. Ul-
rich, Manager. Board: C. H. Watson, G. T. Chapman, C. Ulrich,
G. S. Fisher, T. W. Hammond, C. H. Parker, F. E. Butler.

Shops and Wholesale Depots

Sydney, N. S. W., 308 George St.; Manager, C. W. Tinworth.
Melbourne, Victoria, 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, Geo.
Adelaide, South Australia, 7a Rundle St.; Manager, H. E. Mills.
Perth, West Australia, 757 Hay St., Subiaco; Manager, G. E.
Brisbane, Queensland, 360 Queen St.; Manager, H. C. Moseley.
Hobart, Tasmania, 85 Elizabeth St., Manager, H. J. Halliday.
Auckland, New Zealand, 174 Queen St.; Manager. R. I. Wright.
Wellington, New Zealand, 83 Willis St.; Manager, H. J. Baron.
Christchurch, New Zealand. 708 Colombo St.; Manager, G. E.
Dunedin, New Zealand, 93 Princes St.; Manager, W. T. Smith.
.Wholesale Depot: Sydney, New South Wales, 319 Sussex St.;
Manager, F. E. Butler.
Wholesale Depot: Prahran, Victoria, 118 Union St.; Manager,
J. S. Sandeman.

Sydney, N. S. W., Australia. 306-308 George, St., Sydney; Manager,
C. W. Tinworth.
Melbourne, Victoria. 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, Geo. Thomson.
Adelaide, South Australia. 7a Rundle St.; Manager, H. E. Mills.
Perth, West Australia. 757 Hay St., Subiaco; Manager, G. E. Salisbury.
Brisbane, Queensland. 360 Queen St.; Manager, H. C. Moseley.
Hobart, Tasmania. 85 Elizabeth St.; Manager, H. J. Halliday.
Auckland, New Zealand. 174 Queen St.; Manager, R. I. Wright.
Wellington, New Zealand. 83 Willis St.; Manager, H. J. Baron.
Dunedin, New Zealand. 93 Princes St.; Manager, W. T. Smith.
January 5 Home Missionary.
February 2 Christian Home.
March 2 Religious Liberty.
March 9 Missionary Volunteer.
April 6 Medical Missionary.
April 27 Big Week Rally.
May 4 Home Missionary.
June 1 Home Missionary.
June 8 Sabbath School Rally.
July 6 Home Missionary.
August 3 Home Missionary Offering for
FOreign Translation Fund.
August 10 Educational.
September 7 Harvest Ingathering Rally.
October 5 Home Missionary.
November 2 Home Missionary.
December 7 Home Missionary.
January 26 Elementary Schools,
February 16 Foreign Missions Rally Day.
April 13 Rural Schools.
May 18 Foreign Missions Rally Day.
June 15 Elementary Schools. .
July 20 Midsummer Offering for Missions.
August 10 Elementary Schools.
October 19 Foreign Missions Rally Day.
October 26 Offering for Negro Enterprises.
November 9 Elementary Schools.
December 21 Annual Offering.
Feb. 10-23 " Signs of the Times."
Mar. 9-16 Educational and M. V. Week of Prayer.
Apr. 27-May 4 Missions Extension, Fund Big Week.
Sept. 1-Oct. 12 Harvest Ingathering for Missions.
Nov. 23-30 Week of Sacrifice.
Dec. 14-21 Annual Week of Prayer.

The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General Con-
ference for evangelistic work, for the years stated:
1905 $143,796.86
1906 163,755.56
1907 253,445.74
1908 272,873.08
1909 351,414.61
1910 410,611.48
1911 404,922.53

1912 476,600.00
1913 523,763.00
1914 Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00
1915 Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92
1916 Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853,153.57
1917 Foreign, 680,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,953.17
1918 Foreign, 1,071,929.90; Home, 276,960.00 1,348,889.90
1919 Foreign, 923,686.21; Home, 453,054.01 1,376,740.22
1920 2,171,156.70
1921 2,535,062.79
1922 3,547,582.50
1923 3,224,058.93
1924 3,486,154.76
1925 4,023,415.31
1926 4,190,260.46
1927 4,215,699.01
1928 4,429,207.18
The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expendi-
tures; for 1912 to 1928, appropriations voted. The amounts expended
for most of the years was in excess of that appropriated, rarely less.


(Not including children or workers returned from furlough).
1901-02 107
1903 60
1904 40
1905 60
1906 76
1907 58
1908 140
1909 134
1910 61
1911 74
1912 97
1913 157
1914 .103
1915 76
1916 147
1917 59
1918 103
1919 83
1920 310
1921 212
1922 137
1923 110
1924 142
1925 175
1926 216
1927 184
1928 159


Name Date of Service
1. John Byington May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865
2. James White May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867
3. J. N. Andrews May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868
4. James White May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871
5. Geo. I. Butler Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874
6. James White Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880
7. Geo. I. Butler Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. 0. A. Olsen Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897
9. G. A. Irwin Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
10. A. G. Daniells April 2, 1901, to May 11, 1922
11. W. A. Spicer May 11, 1922, to


Name Date of Service
1. Uriah Smith May 21, 1863, to May 12, 1868
2. M. S. Burnham May 12, 1868, to May 18, 1869
3. Uriah Smith May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873
4. S. Brownsberger Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874
5. Uriah Smith Aug, 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876
6. C. W. Stone Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877
7. Uriah Smith Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881
8. A. B. Oyen Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883
9. Uriah Smith Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888
10. Dan T. Jones Oct. 17, 1888, to March 5, 1891
11. W. A. Colcord March 5, 1891, to March 6, 1893
12. L. T. Nicola April, 1893 to Feb. 19, 1897
13. L. A. Hoopes Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
14. H. E. Osborne April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903
15. W. A. Spicer April 11, 1903, to May 11, 1922
16. A. G. Daniells May 11, 1922, to May 27, 1926
17. C. K. Meyers May 27, 1926, to
In the two preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when
the Conference sessions were convened.

Foreign All Per Cap. of
rear Membership Annual Tithe Miss. Offgs. Other Fds. Tot. Fds.
1868 8,500 $ 8,000.00 $2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 3.00
1870 5,440 21,822.46 4.66
1875 8,022 32,618.62 $ 536.57 4.13
1880 15,570 61,856.88 3,180.22 $ 2,784.35 4.35
1885 20,547 122,641.69 21,649.85 6,898.74 7.86
1890 29,711 225,433.98 50,495.63 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73,331.54 24,819.40 8.55
1900 66,547 510,258.97 130,151.09 21,558.93 8.74
1905 77,443 858,014.91 169,335.11 153,567.62 13.52
1907 80,897 1,064,753.43 264,138.12 375,826.57 18.18
1908 83,145 1,101,396.47 308,045.68 361,206.92 18.14
1909 88,502 1,218,243.46 383,084.93 383,228.76 19.66
1910 90,808 1,338,689.65 458,943.70 426,134.17 21.27
1911 93,378 1,477,590.26 485,245.43 400,252.60 21.68
1912 98,044 1,653,624.54 595,004.72 453,569.76 23.66
1913 114,657 1,771,989.60 658,524.04 436,213.76 28.42
1914 125,844 1,818,436.08 772,248.39 499,800.33 24.56
1915 136,879 1,968,168.26 872,666.84 566,463.07 24.89
1916 141,488 2,291,423.46 963,700.23 695,368.09 27.92
1917 153,857 2,946,907.49 1,353,686.07 819,089.88 33.28
1918 162,667 3,841,317.96 2,072,917.21 981,484.65 42.39
1919 178,239 4,989,305.28 2,091,278.38 1,496,467.20 48.12
1920 185,450 7,195,463.04 3,251.550.01 1,407,391.18 63.92
1921 198,088 4,237,745.31 2,781,728.23 1,488,582.65 42.95
1922 208,771 4,230,230.04 2,765,461.51 1,325,170.29 39.86
1923 221,874 4,814,554.87 3,004,641.73 1,337,585.35 41.45
1924 238,657 5,466.431.17 3,344,723.07 1,530,407.03 43.33
1925 250,988 5,909,496.99 3,520,347.95 1,665,502.37 44.21
1926 261,834 5,964,331.83 3,757,579.06 1,730,206.30 43.74
1927 274,064 6,211,759.20 3,770,888.29 1,962,167.53 43.58


Donations to Per Cent to
Year No. Schools Membership Contributions Missions Missions
1878 177 5.851 $ 25.00
1880 451 11,821 2,784.35
1885 716 19,679 6,898.74
1890 1,414 83,783 28,642.75 $ 17,707.39 .6.1183
1895 2,143 60,266 44.629.16 19,809.76 44.39
1900 2,334 60,804 46.794.40 25,235.47 53.94
1905 3,170 75,305 68,613.71 49,894.97 72.72
1907 8,573 84,744 85,105.89 71,475.59 83.98
1908 3,825 91,230 104,620.77 95,280.90 91.07
1909 8,967 96.673 120,682.80 114.213.88 94.64
1910 4,151 101,161 138,037.72 134,830.48 97.67
1911 4,267 106,000 160.762.39 160,091.50 99.58
1912 4,450 114,897 232,682.40 232,389.36 99.89
1918 4,732 123.068 291,711.76 291,711.76 100.00
1914 4,936 133.815 344,390.23 344,390.23 100.00
1915 5,225 147.784 412,759.28 412,759.28 100.00
1916 5,390 153,781 452,187.62 452,187.62 100.00
1917 5,519 168,239 600.932.71 600,932.71 100.00
1918 5,610 ,171.914 725.895.08 725,895.08 100.00
1919 6,804 182,459 903.658.00 903,658.00 100.00
1920 6,151 195,653 1,441.962.40 1,441,962.40 100.00
1921 6,690 211,973 1.305,995.04 1,305,995.04 100.00
1922 6,770 224,717 1,164,646.46 1,164,646.46 100.00
1923 7,292 249,089 1,392,041.82 1,392,041.82 100.00
1924 7,472 274.455 1,584,411.23 1,584,411.23 100.00
1925 7,957 287,752 1,674,446.40 1.674.446.40 100.00
1926 8,276 311.018 1,776,746.96 1,776,746.96 100.00
1927 8,502 323,992 1,816,419.18 1,816,419.18 100.00

No. Pub. Em- Peri- Languagesall Total Tot.Val. 1 copy
Year Houses ployees odicals publications Annual Sales each pub.
1850 .. .. 1 1 (1846) .93
1855 1 7 2 1 $ . 2,000.00 (1854) 6.08
1860 1 17 2 1 3,000.00 (1862) 7.50
1865 1 20 2 1 4,000.00 8.33
1870 1 30 8 1 7,000.00 12.49
1875 3 71 8 2 18,000.00 29.57
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000.00 53.30
1885 6 232 21 9 121,692.36 96.60
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00 171.55
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00 243.60
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00 267.84
1905 20 400 89 46 548,067.03 300.00
1907 23 466 96 54 1,035,565.62 420.00
1908 26 515 109 57 1,286,981.24 488.00
1909 27 605 124 65 1,402,444.00 500.00
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58 525.00
1911 37 646 125 71 1,627,657.83 Eat. 540.00
1912 37 684 123 75 1,836,527.86 " 550.00
1913 37 734 128 80 1,869,714.48 " 575.00
1914 38 735 134 88 2,109,834.60 " 600.00
1915 40 698 120 95 2,174,591.04 640.00
1916 40 740 130 90 2,181,340.27 680.00
1917 41 802 134 94 2,937,422.88 704.50
1918 41 853 142 94 3,416,500.00 758.48
1919 43 1020 138 96 5,215,626.49 812.53
1920 45 1125 144 99 5,682,972.35 877.74
1921 46 1040 148 100 4.764,521.06 1,000.80
1922 51 961 154 114 3,656,481.31 1,153.23
1923 51 923 156 114 4,061,460.49 1,244.15
1924 52 953 156 114 4,236,120.09 1,301.68
1925 53 965 177 128 4,631,706.47 1,417.23
1926 56 933 194 131 4,831,431.43 1,523.51
1527 56 1000 201 132 4,638,127.18 1,594.00
No. of Sanitariums
Year and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.60
1870 1 6 35 44,221.59
1875 1 7 125 70.189.2-
1880 2 10 165 190,956.74
1885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 8 15 315 548,923.45
1895 7 33 477 800,786.99
1900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00
1907 64 95 1.596 2.344,283.65 .
1908 80 111 1.843 2.766,346.50 .
1909 78. 110 1,834 3,261,181.14
1910 74 116 1,989 3,368,041.46
1911 69 134 2,404 3,792,421.35
1912 69 129 2,359 4,254,500.33
1918 44 110 1,727 2,810,711.10
1914 42 122 1,696 2,894,605.67
1915 40 131 1,729 2,774,058.94
1916 41 141 1,808 2,895,483.70
1917 47 147 1.912 3,148,692.82
1918 46 144 2,065 3,225,110.25
1919 41 150 2,263 4,263.383.25
1920 41 163 2,308 4.309,701.10
1921 44 175 2,424 4,580,093.90
1922 50 196 2,541 5.361.230.10
1023 51 241 3,077 6,386,311.32
1924 63 323 3,276 6.634,477.72
1925 65 347 3,501 6,599,665.15
1926 62 375 3,547 7,088,086.56
1927 71 435 3,714
After 1913 not Including privately owned Institutions.


Year No. Societies Members Total Contributions

1902 186 3,478
1905 196 3,741
1906 400 5,400 $ 5,744.40
1907 461 8,933 11,122.60
1910 647 12,408 18,807.03
1913 964 19,428 24,380.20
1914 1,070 19,898 34,676.53
'1915 1,196 23,442 44,497.58
'1916 1,342 25,836 54,944.59
1917 1,369 26,337 75,652.48
1918 1,446 27,879 78,983.50
1919 1,681 32,921 115,724.98
1920 2,030 41,916 191,848.80
1921 2,147 45,012 196,492.92
1922 2,285 46,933 157,292.33
1923 2,341 48,760 140,731.99
1924 2,579 53.522 114.780.54
1925 3,042 59,723 143.723.47
1926 3.121 66,031 167,859.52
1927 3,320 65,186 182,674.00

No. Primary No. Colleges -
Year ' Schools Teachers Enrolment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrolment
1872 ... ... 1 3 90
1875 ... ... 1 13 289
1880 1 1 15 1 20 490
1885 3 5 125 3 38 761
1890 9 15 350 7 56 979
1895 18 35 895 11 157 1,974
1900 220 250 5,000 25 199 2.357
1905 417 466 7.345 51 257 3,308
1907 458 508 8,007 67 415 5.455
1908 535 625 10.487 83 476 6.521
1909 579 668 11.835 83 504 6,535
1910 594 758 13.357 86 561 7,169
1911 613 790 15.498 89 640 8,043
1912 573 674 15.602 90 631 8,205
1913 510 592 10.206 70 557 7,563
1914 611 703 12,044 67 538 7.656
1915 692 849 13.413 67 574 7.623
1916 824 1059 17,178 68 583 7,964
1917 73R 869 15.635 68 669 9.375
1918 R48 1043 18.105 77 729 9.908
1919 881 1166 20.525 88 884 12.695
1920 928 1273 23.481 97 1,020 14,814
1921 1.196 1614 27,730 114 1,110 15.103
1922 1.259 1718 34,034 123 1,159 15.505
1923 1.265 1632 34.553 122 1,314 16.298
1924 1.225 1647 38.267 133 1,430 17,943
1925 1.411 1847 48.769 148 1.506 18.692
1926 1,479 2041 46,(/28 121 1,399 18.866
1927 1,307 1787 38,008 144 1,433 21.045


(Applies in North America Only)
Publication Quantity Foreign Edition Amount'
Year Used Printed Lan. Quan. Collected

1908 Review & Herald 692,000 $14,136.77

1909 Review & Herald 689,315 41,183.46
1910 Review & Herald 510,000 41,643.92
1911 Signs 550,000 32,654.45
1912 Signs 490,000 50,164.45
1913 Review & Herald 606,565 56,282.99
1914 Review & Herald 683,063 57,598.73
1915 Signs 823,500 78,333.25
1916 Signs 1,077,470 126,158.66
1917 Watchman 1,206,203 169,170.18
1918 Watchman 1,201,527 198,116.76
1919 Watchman 1,500,000 338,470.78
1920 Watchman 1,850,000 15 267,000 543,324.68
1921 Watchman 2,414,471 17 276,000 518,296.34
1922 Watchman 2,120,000 19 383,000 528,314.06
1923 Watchman 2,110,000 25 433,000 568,744.67
1924 Watchman 1,945,000 24 559,410 589,318.92
1925 Watchman 2,133.063 18 379,000 641,502.49
1926 Watchman 2,263,000 22 424,000 687,276.14
1927 Watchman 2,283,260 22 497,200 747,552.38

General Summary
Union Local Mission Total Denomina-
Year Conferences Conferences Fields Institutions tional Investment

1865 7 1 1 $ 38,712.53
1875 13 2 5 282,179.56
1885 .. 28 3 11 885,382.97
1895 1 36 22 29 2,858,725.82
1905 13 80 56 126 4,799,419.51
1910 23 106 87 188 10,086,245.27
1912 23 126 100 196 12,084,438.13
1913 25 126 101 151 12,812,783.61
1914 26 128 106 147 14,039,279.39
1915 26 130 109 147 14,254,615.45
1916 26 130 113 149 15,284,215.27
1917 31 135 119 156 16,873,422.54
1918 35 141 117 164 19,975,500.49
1919 44 133 141 172 25,432,582.52
1920 46 148 153 183 30,699,461.49
1921 51 139 160 204 34,196,049.15
1922 55 143 153 224 36,903,593.95
1923 54 146 150 234 40,675,238.72
1924 52 138 164 248 44,971,881.12
1925 60 139 180 266 45,648,299.24
1926 65 143 198 255 48,025,317.33
1927 64 146 211 291
After 1913 not including privately owned institutions.


From 1926 Financial Statement :
No. Organization North America Outside Total
300 Conferences $4,016,392.77 $5,043,441.61 $9,059,834.38
105 Associations 5,419,855.60 3,976,461.88 9,396,317.48
136 Bible Houses 455,122.13 328,342.43 783,464.56
97 Schools 5,627,100.22 1,851,499.07 7,478,599.29
34 Publishing 2,125,514.14 1,860,937.41 3,986,451.55
43 Sanitariums 5,077,100.63 2,010,985.93 7,088,086.56
16 Food Companies 1,773,218.49 1,773,218.49
731 Totals $22,721,085.49 $16,844,880.82 $39,565,972.31
From 1926 Statistical Report :
2,361 Church Buildings $6,441,980.55 $1,066,555.85 $7,508,536.40
1,479 Church Schools 840,684.01 110,124.61 950,808.62
3,840 Totals $7,282,664.56 $1,176,680.46 $8,459,345.02
4,571 Grand Totals 830,003,750.05 $18,021,567.28 $48,025,317.33
Grand Total 1925 28,930,016.11 16,718,283.13 45,048,290.24
Increase, 1926 $1;073,733.94 $1,303,284.15 $2,377,018.09
Per Cent Increase 3.71 7.79 5.21
Per Cent of Whole 62.47 37.53 100.00


Year Amount Per Capita

1907 $ 7,281,645.29 $ 90.01
1908 8,436,309.41 101.46
1909 9,562,722.05 108.05
1910 10,086,245.27 111.07
1911 11,204,962.35 119.99
1912 12,084,438.13 123.26
1913 12,812,783.61 111.84
1914 14,039,279.39 111.56
1915 14,254,615.45 104.14
1916 15,284,215.27 108.02
1917 16,873,422.54 109.66
1918 19,975,500.49 122.80
1919 25,432,582.52 142.69
1920 30,699,461.49 165.54
1921 34,196,049.15 172.63
1922 36,903,593.95 176.77
1923 40,675,238.72 183.33
1924 44,971,881.12 188.44
1925 45,648,299.24 181.87
1926 48,025,317.33 183.42
(As revised at the session held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1926.)
Article 1Name
This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev-
enth-day Adventists.
Article II Object
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the command-
ments of God and the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Article III Membership
Section 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of:
(a) Such union conferences and union missions as have been or
shall be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General Con-
ference in session.
(b) Such local conferences and properly organized missions not
included in any union conference or in any union mission as have been
or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General
Conference in session.
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as follows:
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) All members of the General Conference Executive Committee,
and such members of the division committees as are not members of
the General Conference Committee.
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and
of general institutions and departments of work, and such general
laborers and field secretaries as shall receive delegate's credentials from
the Executive Committee of the General Conference, such credentials to
be ratified by the General Conference in session. The number of these
delegates thus seated shall not exceed 25 per cent of the total number
of delegates in attendance otherwise provided for.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited
by division committees and union conferences.
Sec. 5. Each division shall be entitled to one delegate for each union
mission organization within its territory, and one delegate for each one
thousand members or fraction thereof within its union mission territories.
Sec. 6. Each union conference shall be entitled to one delegate in
addition to its president without regard to numbers, an additional
delegate for each local conference in its territory, and an additional
delegate for each one thousand or fraction thereof of its membership.
In the case of union conferences operating under division committees,
these delegates shall be appointed in counsel with the division com-
mittees, and shall be seated as part of the division delegation.

Article IV =Officers and Their Duties

Sec. 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a president,
vice-presidents, a secretary, associate secretaries, and a treasurer, who
shall be elected by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The President shall act as chairman of the Execu-
tive Committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference,
as the Executive Committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-Presidents: The Vice-Presidents shall preside over the
division fields to which the General Conference has elected them, and
shall assist the President in administering the affairs of the Conference
as may be directed by the General Conference in session, or by the
General Conference Committee.
Sec. 4. Secretary and Associate Secretaries: It shall be the duty of
the Secretary and the Associate Secretaries to keep the minutes of
the proceedings of the General Conference sessions and of the General
Conference Committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other
facts from union and local conferences and missions as may be desired
by the Conference or by the Executive Committee, to maintain cor-
respondence with the fields, and to perform such other duties as usually
pertain to such office.
Sec. 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all
funds of the General Conference, and disburse them in harmony with
the actions of the Executive Committee of the General Conference, and
to render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired
by the Conference or by the Executive Committee.
Sec. 6. Election of Officers: All officers of the Conference, and the
members of the Executive Committee, except presidents of union con-
ferences and superintendents of union missions, shall be chosen by the
delegates at the regular quadrennial sessions of the General Conference,
and shall hold their office for the period of four years, or until their
successors are elected, and appear to enter upon their duties.
Article V Executive Committee
Sec. 1. At each regular session the Conference shall elect an Executive
Committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the
Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, the Associate Secretaries, the Division
Secretaries, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurers, the division Treas-
urers, the Statistical Secretary, the General Field Secretaries, the
division Field Secretaries, the presidents of the union conferences, the
superintendents of union missions, the' Secretary and Associate Secre-
taries of the Ministerial Association, the Secretary and Associate Secre-
taries in charge of each duly organized General Conference Department,
namely, the Publishing, Medical, Educational, Sabbath School, Religious
Liberty, Young People's Missionary Volunteer, Home Missionary, North
American Negro, and Bureau of Home Missions, the division Depart-
mental Secretaries, the ex-presidents of the General Conference having
credentials from this Conference, and other persons not to exceed fifteen
in number.
Article VI Incorporations and Agents.
Sec. 1. Such incorporations may be authorized by the General Con-
ference in session, or by the General Conference Executive Committee,
as the development of the work may require.

See. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall

elect such trustees of corporate bodies connected with this organization
as may be provided in the statutory laws governing each.
See. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries,
treasurers, auditors, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons,
and make such distribution of its laborers, as may be necessary effec-
tively to execute its work.
Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to ministers
and missionaries except in division fields, in union and local confer-
ences, and in organized union missions.
Article VII Sessions
Sec. 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such time
and place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice
published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald in three consecutive
issues at least four months before the date for the opening of the
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions of the
General Conference at such time and place as it deems proper, by a
like notice as of regular sessions, and the transactions of such special
sessions shall have the same force as those of the regular sessions.
Sec. 3. The election of officers, and the voting on all other matters of
business shall be by viva voce vote unless otherwise demanded by a
majority of the delegates present.
Article VIII By-Laws
The voters.of this Conference may enact By-Laws and amend or repeal
them at any session thereof, and such By-Laws may embrace any pro-
vision not inconsistent with the Constitution.
Article IX Amendments
This Constitution or its By-Laws may be amended by a two thirds'
vote of the voters present and voting at any session: provided that, if,
it is proposed to amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of
such purpose shall be given in the call for such special session.
Article I Division Sections
Sec. 1. The General Conference shall conduct its world-wide work in
division sections, each section to operate within a specified territory in
harmony with the policy of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. Union conference and union mission field organization shall
be preserved, and such fields, together with all other organizations and
institutions within the territory, shall be responsible to the respective
division committees.
Sec. 3. The division fields shall be North America, Europe, the Far
East, Africa, South America, Soutnern Asia, Australasia, and Inter-
America: The boundaries of these division sections shall be subject to
adjustment only at the General Conference sessions, except under an
emergency, such as war; in such case the General Conference Com-
mittee shall make such provision as is necessary for the conduct of the
work in the territory concerned.

Article II Vice-Presidents
Sec. 1. Vice-Presidents shall be elected as follows to their respective
fields: One for general administrative work, one for North America, one
for Europe, one for Africa, one for Southern Asia, one for the Far East,
one for Australasia, one for South America, and one for Inter-America.
Sec. 2. The General Vice-President shall assist the President in his
administrative work as the Executive Committee may direct. The
Vice-President for North America shall work under the direction of the
General Conference Committee.
Sec. 3. The Vice-Presidents elected for the divisions outside of North
America shall act as chairmen of the division committees operating
in their respective fields, and shall have charge of the work in those
fields under the direction of the division committees, and shall be
designated within their respective division territories as presidents of
the divisions over which they preside.
Article III Associate Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term " associate secretary " shall be used to designate the
Secretaries elected to be associated with the Secretary of the General Con-
ference, or such secretary or secretaries as may be elected to be asso-
ciated with any Departmental Secretary, in carrying the primary re-
sponsibilities of his office.
Sec. 2. Associate Secretaries shall be elected to share the work of the
General Conference Secretary. Such Associate Secretaries shall also be
elected as may be deemed necessary to assist the Department Secretaries
in the conduct of their work.

Article IVAssistant and Division Secretaries

Sec. 1. The term " assistant secretary " shall be used to -designate the
person elected to assist the Secretary and the Associate Secretary of
the General Conference in carrying on their work in the headquarters
office. The term " division secretary " shall be used to designate the
persons elected to serve in the division fields.
Sec. 2. One Assistant Secretary shall be elected to serve at the head-
quarters office. Division Secretaries shall be elected, one for the
European field, one for Africa, one for Southern Asia; one for the Far
East, one for Australasia, one for South America, and one for Inter-
Sec. 3. The Division Secretaries shall work under the direction of
the division committees. It shall be their duty to keep the minutes of
the division committee meetings, to furnish to the Secretary of the Gen-
eral Conference a copy of their minutes, to collect information and to
make such reports as may be required, and to do such other work as
usually pertains to such office.
Article V Assistant and Division Departmental Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term " assistant departmental secretary " shall be used to
designate such persons as are appointed to assist the Departmental Sec-
retaries and their Associate Secretaries in the Departmental work of
the General Office.
Sec. 2. Division Departmental Secretaries shall be elected for the
respective division fields, and shall labor under the direction of the
division committee.

Sec. 3. Division committees shall appoint such other secretaries as

may be needed to serve in special capacities, to labor under the direction
of the division committee.
Article VI General Field Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term " general field secretary " shall be used to designate
such persons as may be employed by the General Conference to travel
extensively both at home and abroad in the interests of the general
Sec. 2. Such General Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be
deemed necessary to assist the officers of the General Conference in
carrying on the world-wide work, and they shall labor under the direction
of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 3. Such Division Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be
deemed necessary to labor in the divisions under the direction of the
division committees.
Article VII Assistant Treasurers
Assistant Treasurers shall be elected to share with the Treasurer the
work of his office. They shall perform such duties connected with the
Treasury Department as may be assigned to them by the Treasurer or
by the Executive Committee. They shall have authority to sign checks
under instruction of the Treasurer.

Article VIII Division Treasurers

Sec. 1. The term " division treasurer " shall be used to designate the
treasurers elected for the respective divisions outside of North America.
Sec. 2. Division Treasurers shall be elected as follows: One for
Europe, one for Africa, one for Southern Asia, one for the Far East,
one for Australasia, one for South America, and one for Inter-America.
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Division Treasurers to receive and
disburse the funds of the General Conference made available for their
territory, under the direction of the division committee, and to perform
such other duties as usually pertain to such office.

Article IX Executive Committee

Sec. 1. During the intervals between sessions of the General Con-
ference, the Eiecutive Committee shall have full administrative power,
with authority to grant credentials and licenses, and to fill for the cur-
rent term any vacancies that may occur in its offices, boards, commit-
tees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise. The Executive Com-
mittee shall also have power to withdraw credentials or licenses by a two
thirds' vote of the members present and voting at any regular council
Sec. 2. A majority of the full membership of the Executive Committee,
including the President or any other officer of the General Conference
appointed temporarily as chairman, is empowered to transact business
at any time and place. Any seven members of the Executive Committee,
including an officer of the General Conference, shall, after due notice to
available members, constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee,
and shall be empowered to transact such executive business as is in
harmony. with the general plans outlined by the committee at the

designated place of meeting of the Executive Committee as hereinafter

Sec. 3. All meetings of the Executive Committee, except majority
meetings, shall be held at the general headquarters, or at such other
place as may be definitely arranged by a majority meeting of the Execu-
tive Committee, or by the quorum of at least seven members meeting in
regular session at general headquarters.
Sec. 4. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any
time by the ranking officer of the Conference who may be present at
headquarters, and such officer, or any member of the committee ap-
pointed by him, shall act as chairman of the meeting.
Sec. 5. Minority meetings of less than seven members of the Execu-
tive Committee may be held at the General administrative office for the
transaction of necessary routine business, but actions taken at such
meetings shall not be final until the minutes of such meetings have
been approved in a regular session of the Executive Committee.

Article X Division Committees

Sec. 1. In each division outside of North America, a division com-
mittee shall be constituted as hereinafter provided, for the transaction
of business pertaining to the division.
Sec. 2. The members of a division committee shall be the Vice-
President, the Division Secretary, the Division Treasurer, the Presidents
of union conferences, the Superintendents of union missions, the Division
Field Secretaries, the Division Departmental Secretaries, and any other
members of the General Conference Committee present. Other persons
may also be appointed as members by the Division Committee.
Sec. 3. The actions taken by Division Committees pertaining to the
administration of affairs in the division field, shall be considered final,
provided they are in harmony with the plans and policy of the General
Conference as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws, and in its
Executive Committee actions at regular Autumn Councils.
Sec. 4. It shall be arranged as far as practicable for each division
field outside of North America to send its Vice-President or one of its
officers to the annual Councils of the General Conference Executive
Sec. 5. Five members of a division committee, including the chair-
man, shall constitute a, quorum for the transaction of business.
Sec. 6. As the Australasian field consists of only one union organiza-
tion, the time and extent of the development of the division feature of
that organization shall be optional with the Australasian Union Con-
ference, it being understood that until the divisional feature is developed,
the president of the Australasian Union Conference shall be a Vice-
President of the General Conference, and the Australasian Union Con-
ference will function as a division of the General Conference in all phases
of its relation to the world movement.

Article XI Corporation Boards

At each regular session of the General Conference seven persons shall
be elected as a Board of Trustees of the General Conference Corporation.
These trustees shall also constitute the Board. of Trustees of the General
Conference Association.

Article XII Departments

Sec. 1. The Departmental Secretaries and Associate Secretaries elected
by the General Conference shall work under the direction of the Executive
Committee of the General Conference, and shall occupy an advisory
relation to the field.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint a representative de-
partmental committee of counsel for each department. Such committee
shall in each case be composed of the secretaries of the department, the
secretaries of departmental work in the divisions, and of such depart-
mental leaders in union conferences and institutional work as the
Executive Committee' may deem necessary.
Article XIII Auditors and Audits
Sec. 1. The General Conference Committee shall appoint such Auditors
as may be necessary to do the auditing which 'should properly come
under the supervision of the General Conference Committee, including
division accounts.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the Gen-
eral Conference and of its legal corporations audited at least once each
calendar year, and the Auditors shall report upon the same to the
Executive Committee annually. The Auditors shall report also, for the
full quadrennial period, to the General Conference at its regular sessions.
The General Conference Auditors shall also be made available for audit-
ing the accounts of union conferences and general institutions.
Sec. 3. The division committees shall have authority to appoint au
auditor or auditors to audit the books of such organizations or institu-
tions within their territories as the division committee shall direct.
Article XIV Wages and Expenses
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight persons
not in its employ who, with the officers of the General Conference, and
not less than seven presidents of union conferences, shall constitute a
committee to audit the expense accounts of employees, and to fix their
wages for the succeeding year.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to make such
adjustment from time to time in the wage of clerks, stenographers, and
other routine workers as may be necessary.
Article XV Funds
Sec. 1. The funds of the General Conference shall be as follows:
(a) A tithe of the tithe receipts of the union conferences and union
missions and of the local conferences and missions not included in union
conferences and union missions.
(b) Regular missions offerings.
- (c) Special donations.
(d) Such percentage of the' regular tithe of local conferences as may
be determined at a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and con-
ference presidents.
(e) Surplus tithes which may be appropriated by local and union con-
ferences for the mission fields.
(f) A tithe of the profits of publishing houses, sanitariums, and other
profit-earning institutions which are under the control of the General
Conference, or which, because of the character of their work, have more

than local influence and responsibility. Such percentage of the annual

profit also of these institutions, after deducting the tithe, as may be
arranged by joint council of the Executive Committee of the General Con-
ference with the board of management of each institution.
(g) Such percentage of the funds of union conferences and missions
and of institutions and tract societies, as may be arranged by the Gen-
eral Conference Committee in counsel with conference presidents, the
same to be known as the Sustentation Fund for the support of aged
and infirm workers, and for the dependent widows and orphans of
Article XVI Appropriations
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall make its appropriations for
home and foreign work at the Autumn Councils, said appropriations
to be based on budgets from the fields requiring financial help.
Sec. 2. Appropriations shall be made subject to the receipt of the
full amount of funds estimated in the General Conference budget. In
case of a shortage, the distribution shall be on a pro-rata basis to all the
interests represented in the budget.
Sec. 3. Appropriations for major permanent investments shall be held
in trust for the purpose for which the appropriation was designated. In
case the project is abandoned, the funds shall revert to the General Con-
ference. Other funds appropriated to division fields shall be administered
by the division committees.
Sec. 4. All funds raised in division fields, except the regular funds
belonging to the General Conference, as indicated under Article XV,
may be used for the advancement of the work in the fields in which
they were raised.
Sec. 5. General Conference funds in all the world shall be made avail-
able to meet the annual appropriations of the General Conference.
Fields requiring appropriations shall receive not less than the amount
of their mission funds till such time as finances shall permit the General
Conference to retain such funds for general distribution.
Article XVII Finance
Sec. 1. The Treasurer of the General Conference shall carry a Re-
serve Fund to tide over a possible financial depression, equal to one
fourth the regular appropriations of the preceding year, said Reserve
Fund to be held in cash and in readily convertible securities.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee acting through its legal agency,
the General Conference Corporation, shall have power to make such
annuity contracts as may seem desirable; but all moneys obtained in
this way shall be invested in securities, and not be made available for
appropriation until the annuity contracts have expired.
Sec. 3. The tithes and mission offerings received by the General Con-
ference shall be held as a trust for appropriations to the work of the
Seventh-day Adventist denomination. It shall not be within the pre-
rogative, therefore, of the General Conference Committee, the Treasury
Department, nor of any agent or agency of the denomination, to loan
these funds to private individuals, to indorse notes, sign bonds or other
securities, or in any way to divert the funds of the General Conference
from their intended purpose.
Sec. 4. The basis for computing per capita funds shall be the mem-
bership at the close of the second preceding year as published in the
report of the Statistical Secretary.
Only the names of ordained and Adolph, E., Kriegstr. 84, Karls-
licensed ministers appear in ruhe-Baden, Germany.
this list. To determine the Adolph, K., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Diis-
nature of any person's ap- seldorf, Germany.
pointment, reference should be Afenir, Juan, San Fernando, La
made to the directory of the Union, Philippine Islands.
Conference operating in the field Ahr6n E. J., Tunnelgatan g5,
where the worker is located. olm, Sweden.
This applies to the workers Airey, R. W., Box 2, Gaston, Oreg.
named above as well as all Albrecht, J., Trefort ucca 3, Buda-
other classes. pest VIII, Hungary.
Alcock, H. J., Longlake, Iosco Co.,
AALBORG, N. J., 2525 West
Douglas Ave., Wichita, Kans. Aldrich, B. B., Apartado 9061,
Madrid, Spain.
Abbott, P. L., 606 West Wash-
tenaw St., Lansing, Mich. Alencar, Mathias, Caixa Postal
Abbott, E. H., 518 Terminal Bldg., H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil,
Oklahoma City, Okla. South America.
Abbott, G. K., M. D., Glendale, Cal. Alexe, N., Stradela Mutu 19, Jasi,
Abegg, S. J., 719 East Flanders St., Rumania.
Portland, Oreg. All, J. E., 19 South Seventh St.,
Abel, R. P., 4257 Nom-chitr Road, Wilmingt6n, N. C.
Bangkok, Siam (on furlough). Allen, A. N., Leopoldina, Goyaz,
Aberle, H., Demantiusstr. 10, Brazil, South America.
Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Allen, Chas., Cicero, Ind.
Aberle, L., Isartalstr. 40, Munich, Allen, L. E., S. D. A. Mission,
Bavaria, Germany. Hapur, U. P., India.
Abney, B. W., Cook St. and Sarah Allison, J. W., 2859 Marion St.,
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Denver, Colo.
Achenbach, C. V., Box 3005, San- Allison, T. H., 1115 West Charles
turce, Porto Rico. St., Grand Island, Nebr.
AcMoody, C. E., 2118 Court St., Allum, F. A., " Mizpah," Wahroon-
Muskogee, Okla. ga, New South Wales, Australia.
Adams, E. H., 210 Seale Ave., Palo Allweiss, P. Merepuiestee 14a,
Alto, Calif. Tallinn, Eslhonia.
Adams, E. M., 1402 Oroquieta St., Althoff, W., Oststrasse 103 I. Biele-
Manila, Philippine Islands. feld, Germany.
Adams, J. W., 715 West Lugonia Altman, M. A., 731 Bonfoy Ave.,
Ave., Redlands, Calif. Colorado Springs, Colo.
Adams, K. M., Route 1, Arlington, Altman, Roger, 399 Upper Seran-
Cal. goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Adams, P. P., Box 453, San Luis Settlements.
Obispo, Cal. Alvarado, M. G., Apartado Postal
Adams, W. L., Drawer C, Berrien 104, Ciudad Juarez, Chili., Mex-
Springs, Mich. ico.
Adams, W. M., Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. Alway, G. M., care W. Simpgin,
Adkins, U. G., 426 West Third St., 4129 College Ave., Kansas City,
Moscow, Idaho. Mo.
Adler, E., Krltmpferstr. 63. II., Ammundsen, W. B., Box 813, Man-
Erfurt, Germany. ila, Philippine Islands.

Andersen, C. A., Casilla 43, Punta Andreassen, S., Sanatorievejen,

Arenas, Chile, South America. Thorshavn, Faroe Islands.
Andersen, 0., Apartado 9061, Ma- Andress, Wm. M., Boulder Sani-
drid, Spain. tarium, Boulder, Colo.
Andersen, Rye, Nchwanga, P. 0. Andrews, Dr. J. N., S.D. A. Mission,
Mubendi, Uganda, East Africa. Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China.
Anderson, A. C., 2610 Nob Hill Andrews, Dr. L. L., Box 1100, Or-
Ave., Seattle, Wash. Undo, Fla.
Anderson, Alfred, Tunnelgatan 25, Andrews, W. R., 52 Washington
Stockholm, Sweden. Ave., Middletown, N. Y.
Anderson, A. N., Daiku cho 2, Aizu- Andronov, A. M., Fifth Soviet Str.
Wakamatsu, Japan. 41, Irkutsk, U. S. S. R.
Anderson, August S., Box 158, Andross, C. E., Box 66, Port of
Lindstrom, Minn. Spain, Trinidad, British West
Anderson, August, Broadview Col- Indies.
lege, La Grange, Ill. Andross, E. E., Box "0," Balboa,
Anderson, A. W., " Mizpah," Wah- Canal Zone, Panama.
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Ang, T. K., S. D. A. Mission,
tralia. Swatow, Kwangtung, China.
Anderson, B. L., S. D. A. Mission, Angervo, 0., Annegatan 7, Helsing-
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. fors, Finland.
Anderson, C. V., Tunnelgatan 25, Anglebarger, G. W., 2138 South
Stockholm, Sweden. Acoma St., Denver, Colo.
Anderson, E. D., Galaktionovskaja Ansel, Albert, Hasenbergstr. 75,
142, Samara, Post Box 31, U. S. Stuttgart, Germany.
S. R. Apollon, D., Box 28, Cape Haitian,
Anderson, J. D., Marovo Lagoon, Haiti, West Indies.
via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Appel, G. J., S. D. A. Mission,
Pacific Ocean. 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking,
Anderson, J. N., Milton, Wis. China.
Anderson, J. P., S. D. A. Mission, Aritonang, H., Kartinilaan 17, Me-
Wa icho w, Kwangtung, China. dan, Sumatra, Netherlands East
Anderson, L. R., Box 584, Arling- Indies.
ton, Cal. Armitage, F. B., Yreka, Cal.
Anderson, M. E., 213 West Elm
St., Stillwater, Minn. Armstrong, A. D. 1307 East Lex-
Anderson, R. A., Cor. O'Connell ington Drive, Glendale, Calif.
, Terrace and Sneyd St., Bowen Armstrong, A. K., 22 Zulla Road,
Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Aus- Magdala Road, Nottingham, Eng-
tralia. land.
Anderson, T., " Tereora," The Armstrong, H. W., Eagle House,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., 395 Holloway Road, Londoii, N.
Australia. 7, England.
Anderson, V. G., 734 Main St., Armstrong, I. A., 55 South Main
Nevada, Iowa. St., Rochester, N. H.
Anderson, W. H., Angola Union Armstrong, V. T., Box 7, Yodo-
Mission of S. D. A., Caixa Pos- bashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
tale No. 3, Huambo, Angola, Armstrong, W. H., Route 1, Box 95,
Dist. Benguela, Portuguese West Morganton, N. C.
Africa. Armstrong, W. W., Gendia Mission,
Andrean, Delroy, Box M, Cristobal, P. 0. Kenya, Kisumu, British
Canal Zone, Panama. East Africa.
Andreasen, M. L., 1854 Roblyn Arnesen, Erik, Akersgaten 74,
Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Oslo, Norway.

Arnhold, G. A., Post Box 16, Babcock, D. C., 4 Gravenstraat,

Pokrovsk, A. S. S. R. of the Curacao, Dutch. West Indies.
Volga Germans. Babienco, T. T., Brivibas iela 11,
Arnold, A., Adventhaus, Hans Riga, Latvia.
Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- Backer, Fr., Post Box 109, Galata,
many. Constantinople, Turkey.
Arteaga, S. M., Av. 5 de Mayo Bacon, A. E., Eagle House, 395
No. 37, San Luis Potosi, S. L. P., Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Mexico. England.
Ascione, Andres, Casilla 2830, San- Badaut, J. P., 1 Rue Nicolas Roret,
tiago, Chile, South America. aris 13, r ranee.
Ash, S. L., Box 66, Port of Spain, Badaut, Paul, 6 Boulevard Long-
Trinidad, British West Indies. ' champ, Marseille, France.
Ashbaugh, F. G., 3434 Taylor Blvd., Baer, R. T., College View, Nebr.
Louisville, Ky. Bahler, R., Stampfenbachstr. 85,
Ashlock, J. F., Box 15, Poona, Zurich, Switzerland.
India. Bahr, E., S. D. A. Mission, Outside
Ashcroft, C. E., 8 Yarra St., Haw- East Gate, Seoul, Chosen (Ko-
thorn, Victoria, Australia. rea).
Ashton, N. S., 2001 24th Ave., Bahr, E. L., Adventhaus, Hans
North, Nashville, Tenn. Sachsstrasse 9, Chenmitz, Ger-
Asprey, T. W., Prakasapuram, many.
Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist., Bahr, 0., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stet-
South India. tin i. Pr., Germany.
Atkin, W. E., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Biihre, G., Krampferstr. 63. II.,
Honolulu, Hawaii. Erfurt, Germany.
Atkinson, E. C., Apt. 105, 1300 Baierle, Chas., 1455 Seventh St.,
Florida Ave., N. W., Washington, Parkersburg, W. Va.
D. C. Bailey, D. A., 168 North Division
Atteberry, A. N., Oakwood Jr. Col- St., Peekskill, N. Y.
' lege, Huntsville, Ala. Bailey, F. C., 22 Zulla Road, Mag-
Audsit, I. J., Barabashevskaja 52, dala Road, Nottingham, England.
Khabarowsk, U. S. S. R. Bailey, M. R., 71 Queens St.,
Aufderhar, H. A., Pierce, Colo. Rochester, N. Y.
Aug, A., Merepuiestee 14-a. Tal- Bailey, P. J., 112 Tower St., Kings-
linn, Esthonia. ton, Jamaica, British West In-
Augsbourger, F., 8 Rue de l'Eglise dies.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Baird, G. W., Stanborough Park,
Augsbourger, Ulysse, 1 Rue Nico- Watford, Harts, England.
las Roret, Paris 13, France. Baird, H., S. D. A. Mission, Kam-
Augustine, P. H., 120 Madison Ave., amaung, Post Office Shwegon,
S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. via Maulmein, Burma.
Ausin, A. F., Konjuschkovskaja Bajor, L., Margit korut 58, I, 3,
29, Moscow 69, U. S. S. R. Budapest II, Hungary.
Avery, W. L., 729 Glenmore Blvd., Baker, A. L., Mountain View, Cal.
Glendale, Calif. Baker, C. H., Casilla 85, Puno,
Avila, Manuel, Box 210, Matanzas, Peru, South America.
Axelsen, Arthur, 734 Main St., Baker, Isaac, 1215 Marshall St.,
Little Roc, Ark.
Nevada, Iowa.
Baker, J. D., Missao Adventista,
AASCH, H. E, Box " 0," Bal- Lepi, Benguela District, Angola,
B boa, Canal Zone, Panama. Portuguese West Africa.
Babcock, C. M., Drawer 586, Wa- Baker, R. C., 1603 Twelfth St.,
tertown, S. Dak. Greeley, Colo.
Baker, W. H., 504 St. Michael. St., Basney, H. C., Route 1, Box 244,
Mobile, Ala. Arlington, Calif.
Baker, W. L. H., Crestone Heights, Bass, H. J., S. D. A. Mission, Kei-
Colorado Springs, Colo. zan, Chosen (Korea).
Bakhsh, J. A., 17 Abbott Road, Bates, Floyd, Loma Linda, Cal.
Lucknow, India. Battye, W. E., 84 Jervois Road,
Balan, L., Stadele Mutu 19, Jasi, Auckland, New Zealand.
Rumania. Baucke, F., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
Balasch, W. P., Gogolevskaja ul. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
101, Simferopol, U. S. S. R. Bauer, H., Strada Popa Tatu 38,
Balass, Barta, Strada Clemenceau Buharest, Rumania.
5a, Cluj, Rumania. Baum, C. S., Box 372, Orlando, Fla.
Baldwin, J. C., Drawer E, Clanton, Bauscher, 0., Coblenzerstr. 3, Ber-
Ala. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Baldwin, W. C., Box 598, Walla Baybarz, A. M., 3 Awde St., To-
Walla, Wash. ronto 4, Ontario.
Ballack, M., Ostbahnstrasse 9, I, Baxter, W. E., Apartado 1059, San
Dresden- A., Germany. Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Banfield, M. S., 1110 West Lafay- ica.
ette St., Baltimore, Md. Beach, W. R., 1 Rue Nicolas Roret,
Banks, W. J., 411 cedar St., Ta- Paris 13, France.
koma Park, D. C. Beans, L. G., Laredo, Texas.
Baptiste, J. J.,Box 28, Cape Hai- Beardsley, J. I., College Heights,
tien, Haiti, est Indies. via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Baranovsky, N. M., Post Box 310, Beavon, E. A., Gendia Mission,
Rostov on Don, U. S. S. R. P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
Barengrub, M., Merepuiestee 14-a. East Africa.
Tallinn, Esthonia. Beazley, A. L., 615 Franklin Place,
Barlow, W. A., S. D. A. Mission, Shawano, Wis.
Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Beck, Carl, 817 Nora Ave., Spokane,
Bara, Samuel, R. F. D. 1, La Wash.
Grange, Ill. Beck, H., Oststrasse 103 I, Biele-
Barnes, A. E., Route 1, Box 155, feld, Germany.
Santa Rosa, Calif. Beckner, Carl, 121 Rosmar St.,
Barr,A., care Bashir Abo Hasso, Philadelphia, Pa.
Parm., Mosul, Iraq. Beckner, R. A., 7 Voyle Road, Ran-
Barr, W. E., 1314 Marion St., goon, Burma.
Scranton, Pa. Becraft, V. C., . 1205 South Fourth
Barrett, A. R., Marovo Lagoon, via St., Kelso, Wash.
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Beddoe, B. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Ocean. tion, Washington, D. C.
Barrett, D. J. C., South Lancaster.
Mass. Beddoe, E. E., 441 West Ninth St.,
Barron, A., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Oklahoma, City, Okla.
land, New Zealand. Bee, John A., 411 Cedar St., Ta-
Bartel, K., Jagellonska 22,. Grodno, koma Park, D. C.
Poland, Europe. Beebe, E. I., Route 2, Box 55, St.
Bartlett, W. T., Stanborough Park, Charles, Mich.
Watford, Herts, England. Beem, T. M., 601 Rhode Island
Barto, H. W., cor. Lovenia and Ave., Gary, Ind.
Luttrell Sts., Knoxville, Tenn. Beer, A., Viale Campania 7, Milano,
Barto, W. P., 399 Upper Serangoon Italy.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- Behr, H., Schumannstrasse 29,
ments. Bonn a. Rhine, Germany.

Behrendt, P., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Berglund, E., S. D. A. Mission,

Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West
Behrens, A., Coblenzerstrasse 3, Africa.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Berner, E., 32 Eschenheiiner An-
Behrens, E., " Tereora," The lage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Bernstein, 0. 0., 3020 Portland
Australia. Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Behrens, J. H., Southern Junior Bero, Stephen, Box 517, Mt. Ver-
College, Ooltewah, Tenn. non, Ohio.
Beier, J. N., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Berry, G. W., 481 West Fifth St.,
Dresden-A., Germany. Loveland, Colo.
Belding, M. A., Box 719, Boise, Berry, W. 0., 411 Cedar St., Ta-
Idaho. koma Park, D. C.
Belgrave, C. C., 17 Abbott Road, Bertalot, Elie, 17 Via Trieste, Flor-
Lucknow, India. ence, Italy.
Belich, Ilija, 13,462 Arlington St., Berthelsen, P. E., care Academy,
Detroit, Mich. Harvey, N. Dak.
Bell, Alexander R., 2610 Nob Hill Berthold, W., De Bruynestr. 3, The
Ave., Seattle, Wash. Hague, Netherland.
Bell, C. V., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Bertling, W., Kreuzstr. 21, II.,
N. S. W., Australia. Diisseldorf, Germany.
Bell, J. E., 22 Zulla Road, Mag- Besra, James, S. D. A. Mission,
dala Road, Nottingham, England. Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India.
Bellah, C. G., 1110 South Thirty- Betea, P., Stradela Mutu 19, Jasi,
second St., Omaha, Nebr. Rumania.
l3ellchambers, A. B., 609 Province Retrain, W., De Bruynestr. 3, The
Bldg., Vancouver, British Colum- Hague, Netherland.
bia. Bevan, J. G., Eagle House, 395
Belleau, G. S., R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Oreg. England.
Bellinger, J., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Bhorge, G., 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Bellows, R. J., Paw Paw, Mich. now, India.
Belz, R. W., Caixa Postal 1830, Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster,
Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South Mass.
America. Bierkle, A. N., S. D. A. Mission,
Bement, W. E., South Lancaster, The Island, Changsha, Hunan,
Mass. China.
Bender, U., 202-216 First Nat'l Bigalke, H., Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz,
Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Poland, Europe.
Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oregon. Biller, R., Adventhaus, Hans Sachs-
Benson, H. F., Minami 6 Jo, Nishi strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
11 Chome, Sapporo, Japan. Billes, L. S., P. 0. Box 26, Kongolo,
Benton, R. L., 2900 Live Oak St., Belgian Congo, Central Africa.
Dallas, Tex. Binanzer, W., Kriegstr. 84, Karls-
Berchin, A., Casilla 2830, Santiago, ruhe-Baden, Germany.
Chile, South America. Bird, A. C., Route 3, Caldwell,
Berg, Henry, 965 18th St., Mil wan- Bird, A. F., Stanborough Park,
kee, Wis. Watford, Herts, England..
Bergherm, Walter A., Genaro San- Bird, C. E., Box 291, Hobart, Tas-
chez 11, Vibora, Havana, Cuba. mania.
Bergherm, W. II., Box 271, Iloilo, Bird, W. L., 1513 Verdi St., Ala-
Philippine Islands. meda, Calif.

Birkenstock, J. J., Box 468, Bloem- Boix, Jose, Apartado 492, Barce-
fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. lona, Spain.
Birsin, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park Sta-
Latvia. tion, Washington, D. C.
Bischoff, H., Hulvakyo Mor. Ost- Bond, Arroyo Grande, Calif.
rava, Riegrova 784, Czechoslo- Bond, C. L., Takoma Park, Wash-
vakia. ington, D. C.
Bisel, H. E., 304 West Allen St., Bonde, Dr. Hans, 1112 Keeaumoku
Springfield, Ill. St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bjaanaes, E., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Bookhart, J. A., 607 North Eighth
Norway. St., Wilmington, N. C.
Bjerke, I. J., 903 Third St., East, Bommer, J., StampfenbachStr. 85,
Willmar, Minn. Zurich,, Switzerland.
Black, L. J., 202-216 First Nat'l Booth, A. S., Box 372, Orlando, Fla.
Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Boothby, R. L., Box 605, Topeka,
Blair, R. E. G., " Mizpah," Wah- Kans.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Borg, S. T., Box 584, Arlington,
Bland, L. H., 2105 Scovel St., Nash- Calif.
ville, Tenn. Borgas, L. A., Oaklands, via Cairns,
Block, G., Cervantes 144, Parana, Queensland, Australia.
E. R., Argentina, South America. Borrowdale, L. J., Box 3005, San-
Block, Godofredo, Jr., Llavallol turce, Porto Rico.
2175, Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. Borrowdale, R. J., S. D. A. Mis-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South sion, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India.
America. Botsch, W., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Blomstedt, Adolph, 142 Wade St., Latvia.
Bridgeport, Conn. Bottcher, T., Barnimstrasse 10 I,
Blosser, J. B., Cooks, Mich. Stettin i. Pr., Germany.
Blot, J., Box 28, Cape Haitien, Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Haiti, West Indies. tion, Washington, D. C.
Blue, I. F., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- Bowers, L. I.,S. D. A. Mission,
now, India. Outside ast Gate, Seoul,
Blunden, H. M., 1562 North Chevy Chosen (Korea).
Chase Drive, Glendale, Cal. BOx, H., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
Bodrug, N., 603 Standard Trust Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Boyd, C. J., Box 221, Port of Spain,
Canada. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Boehm, J. H., Route '2, Box 373, Boyd, P. M., cor. Lovenia and Lut-
Chowchilla, Cal. trell Sts., Knoxville, Tenn.
Boettcher, J. T., Takoma Park, Boylan, H. A., Holly, Mich.
Washington, D. C. Boynton, C. E., Graysvile, Tenn.
Boger, E. C., P. 0. Box 573, Bula- Boynton, J. W., 1346 East Third
St., Newburg, Oreg.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Boynton, W. S., Box 719, Boise,
Bohlmann, J., Coblenzerstr. 3, Ber- Idaho.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Bozarth, C. W., Gitwe, via Mom-
Barn, E., Demantiusstr. 10, Reich- basa and Bukobo,, Ruanda, Af-
enberg, Czechoslovakia. . rica.
Bohn, A. D., 4829 23d St., Cicero, Bracero, Rafael, Box 3005, San-
Ill. turce, Porto Rico.
Bohner, F., Union Springs, N. Y. Bradford, R. L., 917 North Water
Bohringer, G. F., "Mizpah," Wah- St., Witchita, Kans.
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Bradley, T., 84 Jervois Road
tralia. Auckland, New Zealand.

Bradley, W. H., Box 584, Arlington, Brinkmann, D., Barnimstrasse 10

Cal. I., Stettin i/Pr., Germany.
Bradley, W. P., 2001 24th` Ave., B-rinkmann, H., Tiergartenstrasse
North, Nashville, Tenn. 23, Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany.
Brandstater, G. A., " Mizpah," Brinley, C. E., Valentine, Nebr.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Broberg, Sv., Suomisvej 5, Copen-
Brandstater, R., 47 4-Thy St., Su- hagen, V., Denmark.
biaco, Perth, West Australia, Brock, R. H., Box 354, St. Cloud,
Australia. Fla.
Brandt, F.; Lange Laube 29, Han- Brodersen, H. N., S. D. A. Mission,
over, Germany. 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutting, Pe-
Branster, G., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, king, China.
Pacific Ocean. Brodersen, P. E., Box 332, Station
Branford, J. L., Oaklands, via A, Los Angeles, Calif.
Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Broeckel, P. G., 7040 South Oakley
Branson, E. L., Brookville, Mass.
Branson, W. H., Grove Ave., Clare- Ave., Chicago,.I11.
mont, Cape Province, South Brooks, Edgar,Casa Editora Suck-
Africa. " mericana, Forida, F. C. C. A.,
Brashnikoff, B., Post Box 20, New Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. America.
Brass, H. N., 215 North McDowell Brooks, R. R., Holly, Mich.
St., Charlotte, N. C. Brorsen, A:; 844 Thirty-fourth St.,
Braun, J., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna Oakland; Cal.
XV, Austria. Brouchy, P. M., Llavallol 2175,
Braun, Luiz, Caixa Postal 1830, Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. of
Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
America. America.
Bray, F. B., Box '1359, Phoenix, Brown,-B. W., 845 South Ninth
Ariz. East, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bredenkamp, 0. 0., Missao de Luz, Brown, E. A., Box 533, Santa Rosa,
Poste Restante, Vila Luzo, Dis- Cal.
trito de Moxico, Angola, Portu- Brown, G. G., Shafter, Calif.
guese West Africa. Brown, G. M., Route 3, Searcy,
Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Ark.
Breitigam, R. R., Calle Pino 3801, Brown, Harold, Calle Esteban
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C.
America. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Bremer, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- South America.
burg 13, Germany. Brown, H. F., Calle Esteban- Eche-
Brendel, A., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin- verria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Bresee, F. E., Casilla 85, Puno, America.
Peru, South America. Brown, J. L., Calle Pinoi 3801, Bu-
Bresee, R. F., 734 Main St., Nevada, enos Aires, Argentina, South
Iowa. America.
Brewer; N. F., Wang Gia Dun,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. , Brown, M. H., Route 3, Searcy,
Brzezinski, J., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Ark.
Dresden-A., Germany. Brown, Stanley, Box 235, Greens-
Bringle, A. S., Box 223, Enterprise, burg, Pa.
Kans. BrOwn, T. A., 27 Prospect Terrace,
Brink, Frederic, Box 642, West- -"Prospect, South Australia, Aus-
wood, Cal. tralia.

Brown, Wm., 603 Standard Trust Burroughs, C. T., 303 West Seventh
Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, St.,_College View, Nebr.
Canada. Burton, I. B., Kawambwa, Via N'-
Brownlie, John, 705 South Gallatin Dola, Northern. Rhodesia, Africa.
St., Jackson, Miss. Busch, M., Tizianstr. 18, Munich,
Bryan, B. F., 254 Carroll St., N. 'Bavaria, Germany.
W., Washington, D. C. Butka, Dr. L. H., Lowanho, Yen-
Bryant, R. J., 1733 Hearst Ave., . cheng, Honan, China.
Berkeley, Cal. Butler, F. J., Box 291, Hobart, Tas-
Buckwalter, Arthur, 304 I. 0. 0. F. mania.
Bldg., Calgary, Canada. Butler, G., 3256 Germantown Ave.,
Budd, G. L., Alexandria, Minn. Philadelphia, Pa.
Budnick, M., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Butler, 0. K., Cicero, Ind.
Dresden-A., Germany. Butler,-S. C., 47 Hay St., Subiaco
Buhalts, C. J., Uniontown, Ala. Perth, West Australia.
Buile, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Butler, T. M., South Lancaster,
Latvia. Mass.
Bull, A. F., Suji Mission, P. 0. Butler, W. A., R. F. D. 1, Arpin, Wis.
Tanga, Tanganyika Territory, Butterfield, C. L., 215 North Mc-
East Africa. Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C.
Bull, S., Boite 595, Beyrout, Syria. Butterfield, M. B., Box 66, Port of
Bunch, F. L., 399 Upper Serangoon' Spain, Trinidad, British West
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle. Indies.
ments. Butz, E. S., 84 Jervois Road, Auck=
Bunch, F. S., Route 1, Box 39X, land, New Zealand.
Medford, Oreg. Buzgo, M., Vasar ucca 141, Bat-
Bunch, T. G., Lorna Linda, Cal. tonya, Hungary.
Bungay, P., 1402 Oroquieta St., Buzugherian, A., Llavallol 2175,
Manila, Philippine Islands. Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. Buenos
Bunker, C. M., Adelphian Acadeflay, Aires,; Argentina, South America.
Holly, Mich.
Bunsoda, U., S. D. A. Mission,
Udhna Dist., Surat, India.. C
%-dtado 136, Caracas, Venezuela,
Burden, H. G., Dr., care Sanita- South America.
rium, Sidney, near Victoria, Cadwallader, E. M. Box 51, Blan-
British Columbia, Canada. tyre, Nyasaland,. Central
Burden, J. A., care Paradise Valley Africa.
Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Cady, M. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Bureaud, J., Villa Betania, Square ington, D. C.
Poincar6, Tananarive, Madagas- Caenel, Jeane de, Box 28, Cape
car. Haiten, Haiti, West Indies.
Burg, F. M., College Place, Wash. Calderone, R., 307 East 112th St.,
Burgess, L. J., Box 301, La Mesa, New York, N. Y.
Cal. Cales, Raymond, Box 584, Arling-
Burke, I. M., 2299 Monterey Ave., ton, Cal.
Detroit, Mich. Calkins, G. A., Box 584, Arlington,
Burley, S. G., R. F. D. 1, La Grange, Cal.
Ill. Campbell, A. J., Marovo Lagoon,
Burman, C. A.,' Berrien Springs, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands,
Mich. Pacific Ocean.
Burns, N. C., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Campbell, G. A., 2718 Third Ave.,
Pacific Ocean. South. Minneapolis, Minn.
Burns, R J., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Campbell, J. M., 56 Atlantic Ave.,
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Jersey City, N. J.

Campbell, J. R., 108 Ivy Road, Casebeer, H. D., Route 1, Arling-

Norwood, Johannesburg, Trans- ton, Cal.
vaal, South Africa. Castillo, Jose, Avenida Lopez Co-
Campbell, M. N., Takoma Park, tilla 1504, Guadalajara, Jalisco,
Washington, D. C. Mexico.
Campbell, M. V., 3 Awde St., Tor- Castle, Burton, 2001 Twenty-
onto 4, Ontario. fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
Campbell, P. 0., 508 East Everett Tenn.
St., Portland, Oreg. Castle, C. H., 518 Terminal Bldg.,
Capman, H. J., 1 Mereline Ave., Al- Oklahoma City, Okla.
bany, N. Y. Catalano, Anthony, Room 1103,
Capman, J., 55 South Main St., 120 West 42d St., New York,
Rochester, N. H. N. Y.
Cardey, 0. D., 55 South Main St., Cave, Dr. Chas.,Box 66, Port of
Rochester, N. H. Spain, Triniad, British West
Carey, E. W., Takoma Park, D. C. Indies.
Carey, M. W., Box 378, Port Eliza- Caviness, L. L., Box 60, Bern 16,
beth, Cape Province, South Af- Switzerland.
rica. Cerda, A. de la, Apartado 32, San
Carlill, R., Box 337, Oshawa, On- Pedro, Sula, Republic Honduras.
tario, Canada. Chambers, Geo., 122 South Eighth
Carlstjerna, C. 0., Tunnelgatan 25, St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Stockholm, Sweden. Chambi, Luciani, Casilla 85, Puno,
Carman, E. E., S. D. A. Mission, Peru, South America.
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Champion, M. G., 17 Abbott Road,
Carnes, 0. G., 108 Virginia Ave., Lucknow, India.
Westmont, N. J. Chaney, F. L., Box 244, Cebu, Cebu,
Carr, H. W., 164 Saxton St., Lock- Philippine Islands.
port, N. Y. Chaney, J. A., 165 West Second
Carr, S. W., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, North, Logan, Utah.
New South Wales, Australia. Chapman, E. M., Box 248, West-
Carrington, James, 222 Almond St., mount, Montreal, Quebec, Can-
Georgetown, British Guiana, ada.
South America. Chapman, F. L., Gendia Mission,
Carscallen, A. A., 521 East Seventh P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
St., Winona, Minn. East Africa.
Carswell, W. It, " Tereora," The Chapman, M. E., 1715 Cass St.,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Nashville, Tenn.
Chapman, W., " Mizpah," Wah-
Australia. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Carter, C. A., Kiukiang, Kiangsi, Charpiot, F., Box 60, Bern 16,
China, Switzerland.
Carter, C. H., Box 66, Port of Spain, Chesson, A. C., " Mizpah," Wah-
Trinidad, British West Indies. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Carter, Geo., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Chodura, J.,' Hulvaky, Mor. Ost-
Ohio. rava, Riegrova 784, Czechoslo-
Carter, H. W., Prakasapuram, Naz- vakia.
arath P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist., Chollar, F. S., 3007 North Eleventh
South India. St., Kansas City, Kans.
Carter, J. B. 17 Abbott Road, Christensen, C. D., Llavallol 2175,
Lucknow, Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. Buenos
Carter, R. M., Box 221, Port of Aires, Argentina, South America.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Christensen, Herbert, 7 Cunning-
Indies. ham Road, Bangalore, India.

Christensen, Otto, 704 First Ave., Clemenson, W. A., 603 Standard

S. E., Wadena, Minn. Trust Bldg., Saskatoon, Sas-
Christensen, Wallace, 452 Ralston katchewan, Canada.
St., Reno, Nev. Clifford, F. G., Box 378, Port Eliz-
Christenson, J. C., 734 Main St., abeth, Cape Province, South Af-
Nevada, Iowa. riea.
Christian, J. W., 619 South Ash- Clifford, J., S. D. A. Mission, Box
land Blvd., Chicago, Ill. No. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West
Christian, L. H., Box 60, Bern 16, Africa.
Switzerland; after April 1, 41 Cobb, L. W., Angwin, Napa Co.,
Maynbr Gardens, Edgware, Mid- Cal.
dlesex, England. Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park, D. C.
Christian, Percy, 619 South Ash- Coberly, R. B., Caldwell, Idaho.
land Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Coffin, D. D., Dr., S. D. A. Mission,
Christiansen, A. G., 734 Main St., Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Nevada, Iowa. Coffin, F. A., Takoma Park, D. C.
Christianson, H. B., Casilla 1002, Colburn, H. M., Casilla 85, Puno,
Lima, Peru, South America. Peru, South America.
Christman, H. K., 507 Flower Ave., Colcord, I. C., 101 East 65th St.,
Takoma Park, D. C. North, Portland, Oregon.
Christman, L. E., Takoma Park, Cole, C. F., Granger, Wash.
D. C. Cole, C. J., 2610 Nob Hill Ave.,
Clapp, R. B., 1227 Windsor St., Seattle, Wash.
Reading, Pa. Cole, J. M., Box 93, St. Johns,
Clark, A. E., M. D., Narsapur, Antigua, British West Indies.
West Godavary Dist., South In- Cole, T. M., 2644 Haiel Ave., Salem,
dia. Oreg.
Clark, A. J., 507 Flower Ave., Ta- Cole, V. 0., Route 6, Box 437C,
koma Park, D. C. Jacksonville, Fla.
Clark, B. C. Lowanho, Yencheng, Coleman W. I., 619 South Ashland
Honan, Blvd., 'Chicago, Ill.
Clark, E. J., 55 South Main St., Collins, D. E., 120 Madison Ave.,
Rochester, N. H. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Clark, F. C., Box 605, Topeka. Colthurst, R. T. E., Salisbury
Ka ns. Road, Rose Hill, Mauritius, In-
Clark, G. H., 411 Cedar St., Ta- dian Ocean.
koma Park, D. C. Corner, J. M., 817 Nora Ave., Spok-
Clark, H. W., Angwin, Napa Co., ane, Wash.
Cal. Comilang, M. B., Box 32, Legaspi,
Clark, J. J., Battleground, Wash. Albay, Philippine Islands.
Clark, W. H., Box 1077, Oklahoma Cone, A. A., 1903 Boulevard Drive,
City, Okla. N. E., Atlanta, Ga.
Clarke, A. W., 51 Orleans St., Conger, M. G., 1455 Seventh St..
Springfield, Mass. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Clarke, E. V., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Conley, J. B., S. D. A. Mission,
Perth, West Australia, Australia. Hapur, U. P., India.
Clarke, H. D., Eagle House, 395 Connell, M. A., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Holloway Road, London N. 7, thorn, Victoria, Australia.
England. Connerly, B. E., 411 Cedar St., Ta-
Claypole, G. L., Box 210, Matanzas, koma Park, D. C.
Cuba. Connolly, L. H., Apartado 218, Gua-
Cleaves, L. V., Apartado 136, Cara- temala City, Guatemala, Central
cas, Venezuela, South America. America.

Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Cottrell, R. F., 306 Vallejo, Drive,

Hamu rg 13, Germany. Glendale, Cal.
Conway, F. H., 208 West 10th St., Counsell, I. V., Box 15, Poona, India.
Tillamook, Oreg. Covert, J. W., Box 100, Mongo, Ind.
Conway, N. H., 202-216 First Nat'l Covey, E. E., 55 South Main St.,
Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Rochester, N. H.
Cooke, R. IL, Box 88, Moncton, Cox, J. E.p5535 Girard Ave., Phila-
New Brunswick. delphia, Pa.
Coon, A. W., Cicero, Ind. Cozens, B., " Tereora," The Boule-
Coon, G. A., Box 66, Port of Spain, varde, Strathfield, New South
Trinidad, British West Indies. Wales, Australia.
Coon, L. 0., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Craddock, T. H., S Yarra St., Haw-
Park, D. C. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Coon, M. R., 12 Stuart Ave., Glen Crager, C. P., Calle Pino 3801,
Olden, Pa. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Cooper, J. L., 705 South Gallatin America.
St., Jackson, Miss., Craig, J. W., Cicero, Ind.
Cooper, T. H., Stanborough Park, Crammond, J. J., " Tereora," The
Watford, Herts, England. Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Coopwood, T. H., 220 Connelly Australia.
St., San Antonio, Tex. Crane, I. A., Keene, Tex.
Cope, L., 331 West St., Fort Mor- Crary, 0. B., Route 4, Box 623-C,
gan, Colo. West Tampa, Fla.
Copeland, T. L., 537 Twenty-fifth Craven, E. E., 22 Zulla Road,
St., Oakland, Calif. Magdala Road, Nottingham,
Copeland, T. S., Box 513, Madison, England.
Wis. Crisler, C. C., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Coppock, F. W., 22 Zulla Road, Shanghai, China.
Magdala Road, Nottingham, Crisler, L. T., Care N. A. N. I.,
England. Madison, Tenn.
Corbaley, F. M., 225 Norwood St., Crichlow, J. F., Box 372, Orlando,
Redlands, Cal. Fla.
Corda, L. A., Box 813, Manila, Crosier, E. G., Box 231, Poplar
Philippine' Islands. Bluff, Mo.
Corder, E. R., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Cruz, Pedro, Box 210, Matanzas,
Ohio. Cuba.
Corder, Guy, Route 1, Mt. Vernon, Cunill, S. P., 917 South Presa St.,
Ohio. San Antonio, Tex.
Cormack, A. W., Box 15, Poona, Cunitz, R. J., Bielsko-Kamienica
India. 272, Slask, Poland, Europe.
Cormack, B., Gordon Ave., Hamil- Cupertino, N., 17 Via Trieste, Flor-
ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., ence, Italy.
Australia. Curdy, E. A., Black Mountain,
Cormann, P., Strada, Clemenceau N. C.
5a, Cluj, Rumania. Curdy, J., 8 Avenue Eglise Ang-
Corwin, 0. J., 917 South Presa; St., laise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
San Antonio, Tex. Curran, H. A., Box 1359, Phoenix,
Cossentine, E. E., Cooranbong, New Ariz.
South Wales, Australia. Currow, A., Box 1352, Van Nuys,
Cossentine, R. M., Manchurian Un- Cal.
ion Mission, S. D. A., Mukden, Currow, L., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Manchuria. Victoria, Australia.
Cottrell, H. W., Paradise Valley Curtis, Chas., 215 North McDowell
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. St., Charlotte, N. C.

Curtis, C. W., P. 0. Box 250, Eliza- Davis, H. A., Box 1304, Fresno, Cal.
bethville, Congo, Central Africa. Davis, M., E., 452 Ralston St.,
Curtis, E. A., Route A, Box 180-A, Reno, Nev.
Redlands, Cal. Davy, W. L., Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Curtis, E. H., Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. British Central Africa.
Cuthbert, W., Ikidzu Mission, Mu- De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park,
somo, Tanganyika Territory, via Watford, Harts, England.
Kisumu, East Africa. Dean, J. C., Box 15, Poona, India.
Czembor, W., Lipowa 10, Bydgo- Deapen, J. A., 1115 West Charles
szcz, Poland, Europe. St., Grand Island, Nebr.
De Beer, B. P., 14 Claim St., Jo-
hannesburg, Transvaal, South
D MIL, 0. J., 614 Fiftieth St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y. De Beer, J. N., Mount Frere, East
Griqualand, Cape Province, South
Dahlsten, N., Manchurian S. D. A. Africa.
Mission, Mukclen, Manchuria.
Dail, Guy, Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin- Degering, C. W., 603 Standard
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Trust Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskat-
chewan, Canada.
Dake, U. B., Route 1, Cement, Okla. Delhove, D. E., Gitwe, via Mombasa
Dalisay, F., 1402 Oroquieta St., and Bukobo, Ruanda, South Af-
Manila, Philippine Islands. rica.
Dalinger, D. E., Casilla 355, La Demchuk, S., Box 517, Mt. Vernon,
Paz, Bolivia, South America. Ohio.
Dalrymple, G., 55 South Main St., Dement, J. W., 620 Fumbanks
Rochester, N. H. Ave., Dyersburg, Tenn.
Dangschat, R., Schumannstrasse Demetrescu, St., Strada Labirint
29, Bonn a. Rhine, Germany. 116, Bukharest, Rumania.
Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta- Dennis, A. R., Casilla 1002, Lima,
tion, Washington, D. C. Peru, South America.
Dark, A., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Denoyer, A. J., 7 Voyle Road, Ran-
Bukharest, Rumania. goon, Burma.
Dart, A. M., Box 584, Arlington, Denslow, 0. L., Cicero, Ind.
Cal. Denz, Guilherme, Caixa Postal 3941,
Dart, C. J., 1317 East Eleventh St., Victoria, Estada do Espirito,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Santo, Brazil, South America.
Dasent, J. G., 7017 Cedar Ave., Derevinsky, J. E., Box 59, Kiev,
Cleveland, Ohio. U. S. S. R.
Dasoveanu, Gr., Strada Stelorian Derlath, W., Barnimstrasse 10 L,
Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Stettin i/Pr., Germany.
Dfiumichen, R., Coblenzerstrasse 3, Desmet, G., 11 Rue. Ernest Allard,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Brussels, Belgium.
Davies, L. H., S. D. A. Mission, Detamore, F. A., Cicero, Ind.
Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Detlefsen, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Davis, A. A., Box 210, Matanzas, Hamburg 13, Germany.
Cuba. Detwiler, H. J., 1600 Brunswick
Davis, B. B., 120 Madison Ave., S. Ave., Trenton, N. J.
E., Grand Rapids, Mich. De Vinney, F. H., 705 South Gal-
Davis, C. H. S. D. A. Mission, The latin St., Jackson, Miss.
Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Dexter,H. H., 55 South Main St.,
Davis, E. M., Caixa Postal 91, Juiz Rochster, N. H.
de Fora, Minas Gereas, Brazil, Deyo, A. E., 215 North McDowell
South America. St., Charlotte, N. C.

Dick, E. D., Grove Ave., Claremont, Doubraysky, J., Hulvaky, Mor. Ost-
Cape, South Africa. . rava, .Riegrova 784, Czechoslo-
Dickson, L. K., Room 1103, 120 vakia.
West 42d St., New York, N. Y. Dowsett, R. T., Takoma Park Sta-
Dierking, H., Krtimpferstr. 63. II., tion, Washington, D. C.
Erfurt, Germany. Drangmeister, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Dietel, V. E., Apartado 492, Bar- Hamburg 13, Germany.
celona, Spain. Drescher, Fr., Grindelberg 15a,
Dietrich, G., Kumochi, Fukuaicho Hamburg 13, Germany.
Shimidzu 4, Kobe, Japan. Dressler, F., Coblenzerstrasse 3,
Dietrich, H., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Berlin-Wihnersdorf, Germany.
Stettin i/P., Germany. Drikis, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Dietrich, F., Coblenzerstr. 3, Ber- Latvia.
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Drinhaus, P., Kartinilaan 17, Me-
Dillette, E. S., 705 South Gallatin dan, Sumatra, Netherlands East
St.; Jackson, Miss. Indies.
Dillon, I. P., 526 Fourth St., Hol- Drinhaus, Paul, Coblenzerstrasse
lister, Calif. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Diminyatz, S., Box 517, Mt. Ver- Druge, K., Kreuzstr. 21, II, Diissel-
non, Ohio. dorf, Germany.
Diminyatz, Theo., 603 Standard Dudko, A. F., Woronzovskaja 5, I.,
Trust Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskat- Moscow, U. S. S. R.
chewan, Canada. Dudley, Frank, Box 372, Orlando,
Dinius, C. L., Calle 63 No. 536, Fla.
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Dunbar, E. W., 619 South Ashland
Dirksen, A. A., 425 West Seventh Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
St., Mankato, Minn. Dunn, N. W., Box M, Cristobal,
Dittmar, F. J. J., Tandjoeng Anom Canal Zone, Panama.
3, Soerabaja, Java, Netherlands Diirolf, G., Krampferstr. 63, II,
East Indies. Erfurt, Germany.
Dobre, T., Strada Clemenceau 5a, Durr, F.; Sulzbacherstr. 35, Niirem-
Cluj, Rumania. berg, Bavaria, Germany.
Dolgun, M., Lwowskich dzieci 57, Durrant, A. N., 310 West Goodale
Lwow, Poland, Europe. St., Columbus, Ohio.
Dominski, J. A., 211 Lincoln Ave., Dustin, Ross, 405 West 31st St.,
Burlington, N. J. Vancouver, Wash.
Donaldson, S., Box 332, Station A, Dwehus, E., Bahnhofstrasse 40,
Los Angeles, Cal. Gorlitz, Germany.
Dyason, A. J., Box 291, Hobart,
Donnell, R. S., 619 Pearce St., Mem- Tasmania.
phis, Tenn. Dymanj, W. S., Kiev, Post Box 59,
Doolittle, H. J., 2001-24th Ave., U. S. S. R.
North, Nashville, Tenn. Dzik, F., Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Po-
Dorcas, J. W., 734 Main St., Ne- land, Europe.
vada, Iowa.
Dorcinville, Dorce, Box 28, Cape
Haitien, Haiti, West Indies.
Dorland, 0. M., Eagle House, 395
Holloway Road, London, N. 7, E ASTMAN, W. W., 'Fa kom a
Park Station, Washington,
England. D. C.
Dorner, A., CoblenzerStraSse 3, Ber- Eberhard, W., Schumannstrasse 29,
1 in -Wilmersdorf, Germ any. Bonn a. Rh., Germany.
Darner, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Edener, W., 32 Eschenheimer An-
burg 13, Germany. lage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany.

Edgehill, C. R., Union Springs, Emery, R. T., 303 West Seventh

N. Y. St., College View, Nebr.
Edmed, H. J., 112 Tower St., King- Emery, W. D., Box 244, College
ston, Jamaica, British West In- Place, Wash.
dies. Emmenegger, G. E., Casilla 2830,
Edmunds, L., S. D. A. Mission, P. Santiago, Chile, South America.
0. Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Emmerson, E. H., Angwin, Napa
Africa. ' Co., Cal.
Edwards, A. V., Kanye, via Lobatsi, Engelbrecht, G. H., Bisiatabu, Piirt
British Bechuanaland Protector- Moresby, British New Guinea.
ate, South Africa. Engen, B. 0., 113 Kendall Ave.,
Edwards, C. H., 317 East D St., North, Thief River Falls, Minn.
Ontario, Cal. Engevik, G. J., Elmwood Addition,
Edwards, H. E., Berrien Springs, Minot, N. Dak.
Mich. Englert, P., Maleckiego 28-3, Poz-
Edwardson, C., 1854 Roblyn Ave., nan, Poland, Europe.
St. Paul, Minn. Enoch, G. F., " Glenfield," Kynsey
Eelsing, H., Tanah Tinggi 68, Road, Colombo, Ceylon.
Kramat, Weltevreden, Java, Enriquez, Isaac, 1402 Oroquieta St.,
Netherlands East Indies. Manila, Philippine Islands.
Effenberg, J., S. D. A. Mission, Erickson, H. A., Dr., Cholo, Ny-
Chungking, Szechwan, China. asaland, British Central Africa.
Eggins, J., Tereora " The Boule- Erickson, J. M., 244 Grand Blvd.,
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Brookfield, Ill.
Australia. Ernenputsch, W. A., San Martin
Eglit, A., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, 1472, Corrientes, Argentina,
Latvia. South America.
Ehlers, W., Caixa Postal H, Curi- Ernst, Adolph, 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
tyba, Parana, Brazil, South Calgary, Canada.
America. Ernst, Luis, Calle Guaviyu 2532,
Eicher, D., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stutt- Montevideo, Uruguay, South
gart, Germany. America.
Eichman, G. F., 518 Terminal Ernston, N. C., 609 Province Bldg.,
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Einspieler, F., Viale Campania 7, Errington, J. T., 3 Awde St., To-
Milano, Italy. ronto 4, Ontario.
Elauria, Melchor C., 1402 Oroquieta Erzberger, H., Schumannstr. 29,
St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Bonn a. Rh., Germany.
Eldridge, C. E., 223 Winslow St.,
Watertown, N. Y. Esteb, A. A., S. D. A. Mission, 62
Ellingworth, G. A., Nchwanga, P. Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking,
0. Mubeni, Uganda, East Africa. China.
Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park Sta- Esteb, L. E., 1601 East Burnside
tion, Washington, D. C. St., Portland, Oreg.
Elliott, W. P., Takoma, Park, Evans, I. H., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Washington, D. C. Shanghai, China.
Elliott, W. R., Box 221, Port of Evans, I. M., Box 517, Mt. Vernon,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Ohio.
Indies. Evans, N. G., M. D., 304 North
Ellis, C. C., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Ellis, Ishmael, Box M, Cristobal, Evelyn, A. J., 719 Locust St., Wil-
Canal Zone, Panama. mington, Del.
Emerson, B. M., 441 Salem St., Evens, H. P., 301-303 Yu Yuen
Glendale, Calif. Road, Shanghai, China.

Everest, E. W., Box " 0," Balboa, Field, A. H., Route A, Box 165,
Canal Zone, Panama. Redlands, Cal. (On furlough.)
Everson, C. T., 210 North 14th St., Field, F. W., Southern Junior Col-
Salem, Oreg. lege, Ooltewah, Tenn.
Ewing, E. H., 705 South Gallatin Field, W. F., 1112 Kalamath St.,
St., Jackson, Miss. Denver, Colo.
Figuhr, R. R., Box 813, Manila,
Philippine Islands (on furlough).
Fillman, Ezra, Ketchum, Okla.
F SETTING, A. 0., Coblenzer-
strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Finster, L. V., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Shanghai, China.
Farley, R. F., Washington Sani- Fischdick, G., Oststrasse 103 I,
tarium, Takoma Park, D. C. Bielefeld, Germany.
Ffirnstrom K. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Fissenko, K. J., Box 24, Biely-Tser-
Stockholm, Sweden. kov, U. S. S. R.
Farnsworth, E. E., Angwin, Napa Fish, H. A., 734 Main St., Nevada,
Co., Calif. Iowa.
Farnsworth, E. W., 1491 East Fishell, E. M., 507 Flower Ave.,
Wilson Ave., Glendale, Cal. Takoma Park, D. C.
Farnsworth, 0. 0., Route 2, Or- Fisher, G. S., " Mizpah," Wah-
land, Cal. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Farrell, C. R., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Fisher, V. L., M. D., Melrose, Mass.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Fitch, D. D., 1434 East California
Fate, H. B., 537 25th St., Oakland, Ave., Glendale, Cal.
Calif. Flaiz, T. R., Nuzvid, Kistna Dist.,
Fattic, G. R., Holly, Mich. South India.
Faulkner, N. H., Mizpah," Wah- Flaiz, W. C., 734 Main St., Nevada,
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Iowa.
tralia. Fleck, K., Demantiusstr. 10, Reich-
Faurescu, M. D., Strada Stelorian enberg, Czechoslovakia.
Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Fletcher, Frank, 112 Tower St.,
Fawer, Emile, 5 Boulevard Long- Kingston, Jamaica, British West
champ, Marseille, France. Indies.
Feddersen, H., Krampferstr. 63. II., Fletcher, Hubert, 112 Tower St.,
Erfurt, Germany. Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Fehr, J., Stampfenbachstr. 85, Zu- Indies.
rich, Switzerland. Fletcher, W. W., "Mizpah," Wah-
Felte, A., Bielsko-Kamienica, 272, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Slask, Poland, Europe. Florea, D., Strada Labirint 116,
Fenner, H., Krampferstr. 63, II, Bukharest, Rumania.
- Erfurt; Germany. Florescu, C., Strada Popa Tatu 38,
Fenner, J. 0., Tifton, Ga. Bukharest, Rumania.
Ferguson, H. L., Box 250, Eliza- Fodor, A., Fabian ucca 5, Miskolc,
bethville, Belgian Congo, Central Hungary.
Africa.. Folkenberg, C. F., 239 Zerr 'Court,
Fernandez, Antonio, Box 1359, Glendale, Cal.
Phoenix, Ariz. `. Folkenberg, L. E., 18 Keystone
Ferris, A. H., Lord Howe Island, Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif.
Austialia. Follett, Orno, Beaumont, Calif.
Ferris, E. F., 1925 Columbus St., Ford, J. E., 765 Academy St.,
Ottawa, Ill. Salem, Oreg.
Ferris, N. A., Marovo Lagoon, via Ford, Orley, Cajabamba, Ecuador,
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific South America.
Ocean. Forde, W. D., Cicero, Ind.

Fortier, J., 451 Providence St., (-1 ADJUKIN, G. I., Box 28,
Woonsocket, R. I. tomir, U. S. S. R.
Foster, C. J., Box 210, Matanzas, Gadjukin, N. I., Tcherkesskaja
Cuba. Square II, Tiflis U. S. S. R.
Foster, J. C., Dundee, Oreg. Gaede, G. P., 718 Fifth Ave., North,
Foster, P. G., Gordon Ave., Hamil- Jamestown, N. Dak.
ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Gaede, J. P., Box 517, Mt. Vernon,
Australia. Ohio.
Fowler, F. 0., Box 1077, Oklahoma Gaede, P. J., Strada Labirint 116,
City, Oklaoma. Bukharest, Rumania.
Frank, 0. F., 2001 Twenty-fourth Gahagan, D. W., 616 South Sec-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. ond St., Clinton, Mo.
Franklin, E. E., Drawer C, Berrien Gaidischar, F. A., Post Box 1041,
Springs, Mich. Odessa, U. S. S. R.
Fraser, A. M., " Mizpah," Wahroon- Gaidischar, J. A., Serebrennikov-
ga, New South Wales, Australia. skaja Str. 90, Novo-Sibirsk, U.
S. S. R.
Frazee, W. D., Jr., 537 25th St., Cane, E. R., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Oakland, Calif. Victofia, Australia.
Frauchiger E., Stampfenbachstr. Galladshev, A. G., Tcherkesskaja
85, Zurich, Switzerland. Square II, Tiflis, U. S. S. R.
Freeman, J. Wheeler, Box 1284, Gant, K. L., 1510. West 16th St.,
Billings, Mont. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Freeth, R. A., Eagle House), 395 Ganzleben, M., Sulzbacherstr. 35,
Holloway Road; London, N. 7, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany.
England. Garbrah, J. W., S. D. A. Mission,
Frei, P. J., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Box 208, Coomassie, Gold Coast,
Strasbourg, Alsace, France. West Africa.
Frieberger, J. W., 32 Cutler St., Garcia, J. G., Caixa Postal 1830,
New London, Conn. Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
French, H. B., Gen. Del., Wichita America.
Falls, Tex. Garcia, Julio D., Apartado 136, Ca-
French, R. E., Box 372, Orlando, racas, Venezuela, South America.
Fla. Garcia, V. J., Apartado 492, Barce-
French, T. M., 14 Claim St., Johan- lona, Spain.
nesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Gardiner, J. P., Eli, Nebr.
rica. Gardener, A., S. D. A. Mission,
French, W. R., Berrien Springs, Hapur, U. P., India.
Mich. Gardner, C. M., Route 1, Box 8a,
Freund, G., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin- Hillsboro, Oreg.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Gardner, J. E., M. D., 108 Muntri
Frick, Jacob, 5 Boulevard d'An- St., Penang, Straits Settlements.
' vers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. (On furlough.)
Fries, R. S., Box 584, Arlington, Garner, 0. T., 1500 East Boulevard,
Cal. Duluth, Minn.
Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, D. C. Garner, R. 0., Granger, Wash.
Frost, S. L., 25 Ningkuo Road, Garrett, R. U., 80 Bowen Ave., Bat-
Shanghai, China. tle Creek. Mich.
Fulton, J. E., Box 146, Glendale, Garton, B. M., 1038 Elm St.,
Calif. Seward, Nebr.
Dirk, W., Oststrasse 103 I, Biele- Gaspar, J., Strada Diaconovici
feld, Germany. Loga 4, Timisoara 1, Rumania.
Furnival, G. F., 184 Pacific St., Gates, E. H., Route 1, Box 477-A,
Bridgeport, Conn. Mountain Ave., Monrovia, Cal.

Gates, E. M., Box 188, Clovis, N. Gillatt, J. J., Stanborough Park,

Mex. Watford, Herts, England.
Gauger, W., Tiergartenstrasse Gillis, W. E., 27 Prospect Terrace,
23, Klinigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Prospect, South Australia, Aus-
GaukeT, H. G., 2E-Earle Court, 33d tralia.
and Granby Sts., Norfolk, Va. Gillis, Walter E., 301-303 Yu Yuen
Gauterau, F. D., 537-25th St., Oak- Road, Shanghai, China.
land, Calif. Gilson, W. J., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Gay, H. R., 2123 24th Ave., North, thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Nashville, Tenn. Girou, A. J., Salisbury Road, Rose
,Gayen, P. C., Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Geier, G., Demantiusstr. 10, Reich- Gissler, A., Boite Postale 7, Mos-
enberg, Czechoslovakia. taganem, Algeria.
Gemeifihardt, W., Sulzbacherstr. Gjording, J. G., 399 Upper Seran-
35, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Ger- goon Road, Singapore, Straits
many. Settlements.
George G. C., Union College, Col- Gladkov, F. A., Box 24, Biely-
lege 'View, Nebr. Tserkov, U. S. S. R.
George, W. A., M. D., Loma Linda, Glandrange, G. T., Akersgaten 74,
Cal. Oslo, Norway.
Gerber, C. H., 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Glass, H., Bahnhofstrasse 40, Gor-
Brussels, Belgium. litz, Germany.
Gerber, L., 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, Glockler, P., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Paris 13, France. land, New Zealand.
Gerber, Robert, Apartado 9061, Glockner, C., Lange Laube 29, Han-
Madrid, Spain. over, Germany.
Gerhart, 0. B., 452 Ralston St., Gnedinas, M., Maironio g-ve 22,
Reno, Nev. Kaunas, Lithuania.
Gheorghisor, I., Strada, Stelorian Gnutzman, J., Mission Luz, Poste
Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Restante, Vila Luzo, Distrito de
Gibbs, C. R., 531 Cortland Ave., Moxico, Angola, Portuguese
Syracuse, N. Y. West Africa.
Gibson, F. E., 17 Coral Ave., Low- Goertzen A. A., Box 28, Shitomir,
ell, Mass. U. S.S.R.
Gibson, L. A., 469 Grand Ave., Golzner, K., 32 Eschenheimer An-
Riverside, Calif. lage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany.
Gibson, T. D., 342 North First St., Comes, A. D., Rua Joaquim, Boni-
Daytona, Fla. facio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Gomola, J., Bielsko-Kamienica 272,
Giddings, 0. U., Songa Mission, Slask, Poland.
P. 0. Bukama, Belgian Congo, Goodall, F. W., Eagle House, 395
Central Africa. Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Giddings, P., Box 28, Cape Haitien, England.
Haiti, West Indies. Goodman, C. J., 2610 Nob Hill Ave.,
Gidlund, C., Annegatan 7, Helsing- Seattle, Wash.
fors, Finland. Goodrich, H. C., Nueva Gerona,
Giebel, 0., Lange Laube 29, Han- Isle of Pines, Cuba.
over, Germany. Gorbenko, M. S., Box 24, Biely-
Gil, Gamilo, Cervantes 144, Parana, Tserkov, U. S. S. R.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Gordon, L. 0., 917 Ninth St., N. W.,
America.' Canton, Ohio.
Gilbert, A. C., 134 Manchester St., Gorelik, G. I., Galaktionovskaja
Apt. B, Battle Creek, Mich. 142, P. 0. Box 31, Samara, U. S.
Gilbert, F. C., Loma Linda, Cal.

Gorelik, I. G., Demyan Bedny Str. Grieser, J. F., Isartalstr. 40, Mu-
6a, Novo-Sibirsk, U. S. S. R. nich. Bavaria, Germany.
Gosmer, W. A., Box 719, Boise, Griffin, C. J., " Tereora," The
Idaho, Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W..
Clotting, F., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin- Australia.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. -. Griffin, H. 'C., Route 2, Box 14,
Govett, R., " Tereora," The. Boule- Gentry, Ark.
varde, Strathfield, New South Griffin, R. E., Box 605, Topeka,
Wales, Australia. Kans.
Graf, G. F., Caixa Postal 106, Griggs, Frederick, 25 Ningkuo
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Road, Shanghai, China.
Brazil, South America. Grigorev, G. A., Derpyan Bedny Str.
Graf, O. J., Loma Linda, Cal. 16-a, Novo-Sibirsk, U. S. S. R.
Graham, H. L., Wang Gia Dun, Grigorevsky, Th. T., Hospital Str.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. 4, Tula, U. S. S. R.
Graham, J. E., 2846 West Sixty- Grin, M., Post Box 144, Salonica,
first St., Seattle, Wash. Greece.
Graham, L. W., Takoma Park Sta- Grinenko, A. F., Ukrainskaja. 11,
tion, Washington, D. C. Vinniza, U. S. S. R.
Gram, H. P., Gardiner, Me. Grinev, A. J., P. 0. Box 26, Pjati-
Grandy, B. M., Box 1284, Billings, gorsk, U. S. S. R.
Mont. Griott, Luis, Casilla 2830, Santiago,
Grand Pre, L. L., Box 332, Station Chile, South America.
A, Los Angeles, Cal. Grisham, J. L., Sankulani, Nyasa-
Granlund, 0., Brookfield, Ill. land, British Central Africa.
Grant, C. E., 822 East Monument Griz, A. M., Serafimovskaja, 17,
St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Kharkov-Ivanovka, U. S. S. R.
Grant, N. J., Centre and Morgan Grizzle, A. A., Box M, Cristobal,
Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. Canal Zone, Panama.
Grauer, G. A., 5216 Eagle Rock Grolimund, M., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Blvd., Eagle Rock, Calif. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Gray, D. H., Marovo Lagoon, via Gronert, H., S. D. A. Mission,
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West
Ocean. Africa.
Greaves, R. S., College Heights, via. Gruber, F., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. XV., Austria.
Green, A. E.,-Box 1304, Fresno, Cal. Gruesbeck, C. 1\1., Academy, Cedar
Green, C. R., S. D. A. Mission, 4 Lake, Mich.
Yung Ho Hsiang, Taiyuanfu, Grundset, AnoI, 2718 Third Ave.,
Shansi, China. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Green, H. A., Care Sanitarium, Grundset, H., 706 14th St., Bemidji,
Boulder, Colo. Minn.
Green, J. A. P., Box " 0," Balboa, Guderian, Fred, 817 Nora Ave.,
Canal Zone, Panama. Spokane, Wash.
Green, J. S., 215 North McDowell Gudmundsen, G., S. D. A. Mission,
St., Charlotte, N. C. P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba,
Greene, H. D., 52 Windsor St., Bos- Abyssinia.
ton, Mass. Guenin, J. C., Seminaire Adventiste
Gregorius, F., Hasenbergstr. 75, dn. Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve
Stuttgart, Germany. (Haute Savoie), France.
Grelbnann, F., Tauentzienstrasse Guenther, C. W., 1060 Orchard St.,
100, Breslau, Germany. Toledo. Ohio.
Grieser, F. C., Isartalstr. 40, Mu- Gugel, E., Tizianstr. 18, Munich,
nich, Bavaria, Germany. Bavaria, Germany.

Guillaume, Philozene, Box 28, Cape Hambrock, F., Tiergartenstrasse

Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. 23, Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany.
Guild, M. C., Route 2, Bear Lake, Hamilton, G. A., 36 Park St., Cal-
Mich. cutta, India.
Guilliard, E. H., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Hamilton, H. H., Washington Mis-
thorn, Victoria, Australia. sionary College, Takoma Park,
Gulbrandson, David, 306 Sher- D. C.
brooke St., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Hammond, T. W., " Mizpah," Wah-
Gilldenpfennig, W., Tiergarten- roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
strasse 23, KOnigsberg Hamp, G. G., S. D. A. Mission,
Germany. The Island, Changsha, Hunan,
Guldharnmer, 4., Suomisvej 5, China.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Hampton, J.. B., 1335 Packard St.,
Guthrie, Win., Drawer C, Berrien Houston, Tex.
Springs, Mich. Hancock, W. E., Box 1375, Van
Guyot, A., 8 Rue de 1'Eglise Nuys, Calif.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Hanhardt, J. G., Box 1284, Billings,
H AAS, W., Lange Laube 29,
Hanover, Germany.
Hanhardt, W. H., 1215 Marshall
St., Little Rock, Ark.
Haase, 0., Tauentzienstrasse 100, Hankins, I. J., Paradise Valley
Breslau 2, Germany. Sanitarium, National City, Calif.
Haberey, G., 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, Hankins, W. C., Route 3, }Berrien
Paris 13, France. Springs, Mich.
Hackman, E. F., Takoma Park Sta- Hannah, . C., New Market, Va.
tion, Washington, D. C. Hansen, C. Avery, 734 Twelfth St.,
Hadfield, B. E., Nukualofa, Tonga, Clarkston, Wash.
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Hansen,H. A. " Glenfield," Kyn-
Hadley, O. S., 2151 College Ave., sey d,oa Colombo, Ceylon.
Indianapolis, Ind. Hansen,L. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Hagen, A. E., Caixa Postal H, tion, shington,
a D. C.
Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South Hansen, V. M., S. D. A. Mission,
America. Waichow, Kwangtung, China.
Hagle, Byron, Union City, Mich. Hansen, Werner, Suomisvej 5,
Haider, A.` C., Gopalgunj, Dist. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Faridpur, Bengal, India. Hanson, A. P., Box 1304, Fresno,
Hale, D. U., Box 432, Paducah, Ky. Calif.
Hall, H. H., Takoma Park Sta- Hanson, E. D., Box 468, Bloemfon-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Hall, 0. A. Route 6, Box 30, Santa tein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Rosa, Cal. Hanson, Herbert, Akersgaten 74,
Hall, W. A., 22 Zulla Road, Mag- Oslo, Norway.
dala Road, Nottingham, England. Hanson, J. E. 184 Winthrop St.,
Halladay, F. W., Box 221, Cicero, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ind. Hanson, P. C., Holly, Mich.
Halladay, H. K., 120 Madison Ave., Hanson, P. M., 700 Woodward
S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis.
Halliwell, L. B., Rua de Industria Harder, A. C., Caixa Postal 106,
82, Caixa Postal 658, Belem, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Para, South America. Brazil, South America.
Halsvick, L., 3329-30th Ave., South, Harder, D. P., Missao Adventistas
Minneapolis, Minn Quipungo, Distrito de Huila, via
Ham, A. L., S. D. A. Mission, Mossamedes, Angola, Portu-
Tungshan, Canton, China. guese West Africa.
Harder, J. C., Box 605, Topeka, Harvey, L. R., 84 Jervois Road,
Kans. Auckland, New Zealand.
Harder, J. F., College Place, Wash. Haufe, P., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I.,
Harding, J. W., S. D. A. Mission, Dresden-A., Germany.
Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Haughey, A. G., Motor Route A,
Africa. Waurika, Okla.
Hare, C. T., Box 1359, Phoenix, Haughey, J. H., Berrien Springs,
Ariz. Mich.
Hare, E. B., S. D. A. Mission, Haughey, K. R., 405 Hovey St.,
Kamamaung, Post Office Shwe- Springfield, Mo.
gon, via Maulmein, Burma. Haughey, S. G., 1115 West Charles
Hare, M. M., M. D., 2383 Colorado St., Grand Island, Nebr.
Blvd., Eagle Rock, Calif.
Hare, Robert, " Mizpah," Wah- Hay, R. E., 1115 West Charles St.,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Grand Island, Nebr.
Hare, R. E., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Hayes, E. G., 544 South Shelton
N. S. W., Australia. Ave., Chadron, Nebr.
Hare, S. T., Loma Linda, Cal. Haynal, A. D., La Grange, Ill.
Hfiring, E., Stampfenbachstr. 85, Haynes, C. B., Calle Pino 3801
Zfirich, Switzerland. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Harker, H. C., " Tereora," The America.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Haynes, J. D., 537 Twenty-fifth
Australia. St., Oakland, Calif.
Harker, J., Stanborough Park, Haynes, S. R., 51 North Giles St.,
Watford, Herts., England. Bridgeton, N. J.
Harris, F. J., Route 1, Cadillac, Haysmer, A. J., 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
Mich. St. Paul, Minn.
Harris, J. C., Cedar Lake, Mich. Hayton, C. H., M. D., 607 South
Harris, W. J., S. D. A. Mission, 4 Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif.
Yung Ho Hsiang, Taiyuanfu, Head, C., " Tereora," The Boule-
Shansi, China. vard, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Harrison, A. F., 518-519 Terminal Australia.
Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Heald, B. M., Box 30, Lusaka,
Harrison, F. L., Box "0," Balboa, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Canal Zone, Panama. Healey, W. M., 2967 B St., San
Harrison, Dr. C. W., Wahroonga, Diego, Calif.
New South Wales, Australia. Heaton, L. T., Box, 1284, Billings,
Hart, J. S., 142 East Eighth St., Mont.
College View, Nebr. Heckman, W. H., 202-216 First
Hartin, L. H., 603 Standard Trust National Bank Bldg., Chat-
Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, tanooga, Tenn.
Canada. Heim, Ernest, Route 3, Loveland,
Harter, F. A., Box 372, Orlando, Colo.
Fla. Hein, C. D., Bowdle, S. Dak.
Harter, R. E., Drawer C, Berrien Heinrich, F. Ostbahnstrasse 9 I.,
Springs, Mich. Dresden-A., Germany.
Hartman, H. C., Drawer 586, Wa- Helbig, A., Poste Restante, Mon-
tertown, S. Dak. rovia, Liberia, West Africa.
Hartwell, H. C., 616 South Second Heller, W., Hulvaky, Mor. Ostrava,
St., Clinton, Mo. Riegrova 784, Czechoslovakia.
Hartwell, R. IL, S. D. A. Mission, Helleras, 0. T., Tunnelgatan 25,
Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Stockholm, Sweden.
Hartwell, S. D., Route A, Redlands, Hempel, Raymond, 2610' Nob Hill,
Calif. Ave., Seattle, Wash.

Hendershot, V. E., 399 Upper Se- Hills, Perry, Drawer 586, Water-
rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits town, S. Dak.
Settlements. Hilweg, K., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Henderson, F. H., 178 Manchester Latvia..
St., Battle Creek, Mich. Hindson, J., " Tereora," The Boule-
Henger, A., Kriegstr. 84, Karls- varde, Strathfield, New Soucn
ruhe-Baden, Germany. Wales, Australia.
Hennecke, E., Post Box 144, Sa- Hiten, S. G., Post Box 270, Bloem-
lonica, Greece. fontein, Orange Free State,
Hennig, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- South Africa.
burg 13, Germany. Hiten, S. S., Post Box 270, Bloem-
Hennig, P., Ostbahnstrasse 9, I., fontein, Orange Free State,
Dresden-A., Germany. South Africa.
Henriquez, E. C., Apartado 32, San Hmelevsky, George, 1792 Ellis St.,
Pedro Sula, Republic Honduras. San Francisco, Calif.
, Herbert, W., Lange Laube 29, Han- Hockmuth, M., " Adventhaus,"
over, Germany. Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz,
Hermann, P. H., Strada Diacono- Germany.
vici Loga 4, Timisoara 1, Ru- Hodge, Samuel, 622 West South
mania. Side Boulevard, Muskogee, Okla.
Hernandez, J. V., 8a Avenue Norte, Hodgson, W., Box 378, Port Eliza-
No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de beth, C. P., South Africa.
El Salvador, Central America. Hofmann, A., Missions- Seminar,
Herrell, H. W., Oakton, Va. Darmstadt-Marienhoehe, Ger-
Hershberger, 0. S., Box 517, Mt. many.
Vernon,o. hi Hoffman, B. P., Pacific Union Col-
Herwick, 0. W., Ketchikan, Alaska. lege, Angwin, Cal.
Herwick, P. G., 2914 West North Hoffman, J. H., 4524 Meade St.,
Ave., Chicago, Ill. Denver, Colo.
Hessel, A., S. D. A. Mission P. 0. Hofstar, J. W., 1034 North Town-
Box 145, Addis Abeba, Aqssinia. send St., Los Angeles, Calif.
Heumann, A., Tauentzienstrasse Hoglind, Fritjof, Tunnelgatan 25,
100, Breslau 2, Germany. Stockholm Sweden.
Hiatt, H. M., Anoka, Minn. .Hoglund, 0.,Anciegatan
, 7, Helsing
Hibben, F. G., 435 West Ninth St., fors, Finland.
Traverse City, Mich. Holbrook, J. A., 2610 Nob Hill Ave.,
Hickman, James, cor. Lovenia and Seattle, Wash.
Luttrell Sts., Knoxville, Tenn. Holbrook, Wilbur, Box 513, Madi-
Hickman, N. R., 1022 Fourth Ave., son, Wis.
N. E., Ardmore, Okla. Holden, W. H., Drawer C, Berrien
Hicks, H. H., 1365 Ferger Ave., Springs, Mich.
Fresno, Cal. Holder, J. L., 8a Avenue Norte,
Hidalgo, Carlos, 802 Champa St., No. 67; San Salvador, Rep. de
Denver, Colo. El Salvador, Central America.
Hilgert, W. T., Fairview, Oreg. Hollister, M. A., Sanitarium, Hins-
Hill, H. A., Gordon Ave., Hamilton; dale, Ill.
P. 0. Box 27, N. S. W., Australia. Holloway, C. B., 705 South Galla-
Hill, Oscar,College Place, Wash. tin St., Jackson, Miss.
Hilliard, ., 7 Cunningham Road, Holm, L. N., Oshawa Miss. College,
Bangalore, India. Oshawa, Ontario.
Hilliard, W. I., Wang Gia Dun, Hoist, A. E., 518 West Fifth St.,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Erie, Pa.
Hilmer, F., Lange Laube 29, Han- Holt,.C. A., 286 West Terrace Ave.,
over, Germany. Altadena, Calif.

Hoiwerda, W., DeBruynestr. 3, The Huenergardt, A. B., Box 1304,

Hague, Netherland. Fresno, Calif.
Hooper, T. J., Keene, Tex. Huenergardt, J. F., 100 Grand
Hookings, J., 84 Jervois Road, Blvd., Brookfield, Ill.
Auckland, New Zealand. Hufnagel, H., Bahnhofstrasse 40,
Hoover, H. L., Route 1, Box 3201, Gorlitz, Germany.
Perris, Calif. Hughes, A. E., S. D. A. Mission,
Hopkin, W. H., " Tereora," The Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Boulevarde,Strathfield, N. S. Hulse, V. P., 2105 North 64th St.,
W., Austrai a. North, Seattle, Wash.
Hopkins, E. B., Route I, Bonner- Humann, H. H., College View,
dale, Ark. Nebr.
Horn, P., Tauentzienstrasse 100, Humphrey, J. K., 141 West 131st
Breslau, Germany. . St., New York, N. Y.
Horner, G. F., Isartalstr. 40, Mu- Hung, C. Y., S. D. A. Mission,
nich, Bavaria, Germany. Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Hosford, G. W., 2533 Park Ave., Hunter, D. W., Holly, Mich.
Cincinnati, Ohio. Hurlow, W. H., Morija, Basuto-
Hoskin, G. C., Brookfield, Ill. land, South Africa.
Hottel, J. Z., Adelphian Academy, Hutches, G. E., 416 on Tenth Ave.,
Holly, Mich. Nebraska City, Nebr.
Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va. Hutchinson, L. L., Box M, Cristo-
Houck, W. F., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, bal, Canal Zone, Panama.
Ohio. Huxtable, T. R., Missao Adventista,
House, B. L., Angwin, Napa Co., Cal. Distrito de Benguela, Lepi, An-
Houghton, Alexander, 79 First St., gola, Portuguese West Africa.
Highwood, New Haven, Conn. Hyatt, W. L., 14 Claim St., Johan-
Howard, B. A., S. D. A. Mission, nesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Hapur, U. P., India. rica.
Howard, E. M., Bethel Mission, Hyatt, W. S., Grove Ave., Clare-
Butterworth, C. P.; South Africa. mont, Cape, South Africa.
Howard, E. P., Apartado 122, Ma- Hyde, G., Stanborough Park, Wat-
nagua, Nicaragua, Central Amer- ford, Herts, England.
ica. Hyde, J. H., S. D. A. Mission, Box
Howard, J. M., 22 Zulla Road, 208, Coomassie, Gold Coast, West
Magdala Road, Nottingham, Africa.
England. Hysler, C. A., cor. O'Connel Ter-
Howard, W.,H., Box 248, West- race and Sneyd St., Bowen Hills,
mount, Montreal, Quebec, Can- Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Howe, B. L., 155 H St., Bakersfield,
Calif. IANO, FRANK, 537 25th St., Oak-
Howe, W. 0., 55 South Main St., land, Calif.
Rochester, N. H. Ice, Orva Lee, 90 Hart Ave., Yon-
Howell, J. M., Casilla 2830, Santi- kers, N. Y.
ago, Chile, South America. Iliescu, B., Cluj, Strada Clemen-
Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta- ceau 5/a., Rumania.
tion, Washington, D. C. Imrie, L. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Howse, H. T., 902 Colombo St., Victoria, Australia.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Ingle, A. N., Box 378, Port Eliza-
Hubbard, T. F., Boggstown, Ind. beth, C. P., South Africa.
Hubley, R. A., 3 Awde St., Toronto Irwin, C. W., Takoma Park Sta-
4, Ontario. tion, Washington, D. C.

Irwin, J. J., Copemish, Mich. Jeffrey, E. W. H., P. 0. Box 468,

Isaac, Daniel, 1128 East Main St., Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South
Enid, Okla. Africa.
Isaac, F. R., 202-216 First National Jelen, K., Maleckiego 28-3, Poznan,
Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Poland.
Isaac, H. D., Casilla 85, Puno, Jenik, J., Szekely Bertalan ucca 13,
Peru, South America. Budapest VI., Hungary.
Isaac, John, Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Jenkins, G. E., 1231 South Eighth
Poland, Europe. St., Paducah, Ky.
Isaac, M. N., 56 Lazarre Carnot, Jensen, C., S. D. A. Mission, Kar-
Fort du France, Martinique. matar, E. I. Ry., India.
Isaac, V., Prakasapuram, Nazareth Jensen, C., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist., South Box 145, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia.
India. Jensen, C. C., 156 North Alta Vista
Ising, W. K., Advent Villa, Mata- Ave., Monrovia, Calif.
ria (Cairo), Egypt. Jensen, F. B., College Place, Wash.
Isku, Gladstone, Sesheke, Northern Jensen, J. P. U., Suomisvej 5, Cop-
Rhodesia, Africa. enhagen, V., Denmark.
Iverson, Paul, Ontario, Oregon. Jensen, R. F., Suomisvej 5, Copen-
hagen, V., Denmark.
Jensen, Wm., Box 584, Arlington,
J ACKSON, C. T., 411 Cedar St.,
Takoma Park, D. C. Jervis, J. E., Room 1103, 120 West
Jackson, F. S., Eagle House, 395 42d St., New York, N. Y.
Holloway Road, London, N. 7, Jeys, T. H., 734 Main St., Nevada,
England. Iowa.
Jackson, J. S., Gordon Ave., amil- Jewell, F. B., Inyazura, Mission,
ton (Box 27), N. S. W., Aus- Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia,
tralia. Africa.
Jackson, S. E., P. 0. Box 813, Jimenez, Aurelio, Avenida Montiel
Manila, Philippine Islands. 93, Orizaba, Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Jacobs, J. T., 1873 Court St., Salem, Jochmans, Fr., 5 Boulevard Long-
Oreg. champ, Marseille, France.
Jager, E., Barnimstrasse 10, I., Johanson, E. J., 399 Upper Saran-
Stettin i/P., Germany. goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Jakimov,E. P., Fifth Soviet Str. Settlements.
41, Iru
tsk, U. S. S. R. Johanson, W. 0., " Mizpah," Wah-
Jakobs, W., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Dtis- roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
seldorf, Germany. John, 0. M., South Lancaster,
James, E. H., Wang Gia Dun, Han- Mass.
kow, Hupeh, China. John, W., De Bruynestr. 3, The
James, Dr. H. C., S. D. A. Mission, Hague, Netherlands.
Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Johns, Alger, 1112 Kalamath St.,
James J. R., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Denver, Colo.
Pacific Ocean. Johns, V. J., 734 Main St., Nevada,
James, J. S., Box 15, Poona, India. Iowa.
James, Dr. W. H., Sanitarium, Johnson, Adolph, Box 1359, Phoe-
Warburton, Victoria, Australia. nix, Ariz.
Janert, A. 0., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Johnson, A. E., Box 1016, Alliance,
Stettin i/P., Germany. Nebr.
Jayne, J. E., Sanitarium, Acush- Johnson, A. R. P., in Wilson
net, Mass. Place, Jamestown, N. Y..
Jefferson, W. R., 308 Walnut St., Johnson, A. W., Maplewood Acad-
Yuba City, Cal. emy, Hutchinson, Minn.

Johnson, C., 508 East Everett St., Joseph, G. S., P. 0. Mission,

Portland, Oreg. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Johnson, Fred, Box 43, Wetaski- Joseph, V. A., 11168 South Ashland
l Canada. Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Johnson, G. E., 946 Military St., Joyce, C. S., Box 513, Madison, Wis.
Roseburg, Oreg. Joyce, R. S., Eagle House, 395
Johnson, G. E., 1213 Dubois Ave., Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Richmond, Va. England.
Johnson, H. M., Box 584, Arling-
ton, Calif. Joyce, S., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Johnson, H. R., Route 2, Box 89, ford, Herts, England.
Luck, Wis. Joyce, S. G., Stanborough Park,
Johnson, J. B., Casa Publicadora Watford, Herts, England.
Brazileira, Estacao de Sao Ber- Judge, A., " Mizpah," Wahroonga,
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, N. S. W., Australia.
South America. Judge, B., Zee Straat 6, Padang,
Johnson, J. D., 736 North Lexing- Sumatra, Netherlands East
ton St., Hastings, Nebr. Indies.
Johnson, J. E., Box 584, Arlington, Juninger, A., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
Cal. Strasbourg, Alsace, France.
Johnson, J. L., 2432 University Jurke, F., Bahnhofstrasse 40, Gra-
Ave., Apt. 3a, Bronx, N. Y. litz, Germany.
Johnson, L., 3022 West Sixty-sec- Jutzy, J. J., Box 630, Eugene, Oreg.
ond St., Seattle, Wash.
Johnson, W. J., Glendale Sanita-
ALABTJGIN, M., Post Box 20,
rium, Glendale, Calif.
Johnston, F. W., 734 Main St., K
/IL New Town, Harbin, Manchu-
Nevada, Iowa. ria, China.
Jones, C. H., Mountain View, Calif. Kalaka, M. D., Ladysmith, Natal,
Jones, G. F., Mizpah," Wahroon- South Africa.
ga, N. S. W., Australia. Kalbermatter, I., Mendoza, Ar-
Jones, J. K., Union Springs, N. Y. gentina, South America.
Jones, J. W., 28 Dickerman St., Kalbermatter, Pedro, Casilla 1002,
New Haven, Conn. Lima, Peru, South America.
Jones, M., 112 Tower St.,Kings- Kalmutzky, I. P., Serafimovskaja
ton, Jamaica, British est In- 17, Kharkov-Ivanovka, U. S. S. R.
dies. Kaltenhauser, K., Caixa Postal H,
Jones, 0. E., 3833 East Broadway, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South
Huntington Park, Cal. America.
Jones, W. H. 3256 Germantown Kamm, C., 11 Rue Ernest Allard,
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Brussels, Belgium.
Kapitz, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Jonuleit, K., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., burg 13, Germany.
Dresden-A., Germany. Kapitz, 0., Tiergartenstrasse 23,
Jordahl, Ole, Akersgaten 74, Oslo Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany.
(Christiania), Norway. Kaplan, S., Brookfield, Ill.
Jorgensen, L.. G., Rua Oswaldo Kapusta, St., Zakatna 3, 7, War-
Cruz 32, Nictheroy, Estado do saw, Poland, Europe.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Kapustin, P. A., Woronzovskaja 5,
America. I., Moscow, U. S. S. R.
Jorgensen, N. M., 125 Fourth St., Karl, A., Viale Campania 7, Milano,
Boone, Iowa. Italy.
Jornada, Fausto, Box 271, Iloilo, Karpov, P. J., Khalturin Str. 128,
Philippine Islands. Armavir, U. S. S. R.

Kasa, J. W., 917 South Presa St., Kestner, Rud., Strada Clemenceau
San Antonio, Tex. 5a, Cluj, Rumania.
Katona, A., Fabian-ucca 5, Miskolc, Khavrenko, A. F., Serafimovskaja
Hungary. 17, Kharkov-Ivanovka, U. S. S. R.
Kaufmann, R., Oststrasse 103 I., Khruljkov, A. A., Barabashevskaja
Bielefeld, Germany. 52, Khabarovsk, U. S. S. R.
Keate, R. I., cor. Lovenia and Lut- Kieser, W. D., Apartado 1059, San
trel Sts., Knoxville, Tenn. Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Kegley, R. J., Ferdinand, Idaho. ica. -
Keh, N. K., S. D. A. Mission, Ku- Kilgore, J. S., 508 East Everett St.,
langsu, Amoy, China. Portland, Oreg.
Keiser, C. V., 1602 Corunna Ave., Killen, W. L., R. F. D. 3, High
Owosso, Mich. Point, N. C.
Keitts, F. S., 705 South Gallatin Kimble, R. S. D. A. Mission,
St., Jackson, Miss. Hapur, U. P., India.
Kelemen, St., Cluj, Strada Clemen- Kime, D. S., Sipogoe, via Sipirok,
ceau 5/a., Rumania. Sumatra, Netherlands East In-
Kellar, C. C., Hinoo, Ranchi, India. dies.
Kelle, 0., Isartalstr. 40, Munich, Kime, Samuel H., College Place,
Bavaria, Germany. Wash.
Keller, K., Bahnhofstrasse 40, Mr- Kime, Stewart, 72 Hanover St.,
litz, Germany. Providence, R. I.
Keller, P. M., M. D., Sanitarium, Kinder, W. L., Box 188, Clovis, N.
Glendale, Calif. Mex.
Keller, R. E., 817 Nora Ave., Spo- King, A. L., " Mizpah," Wah-
kane, Wash. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Kelly, E., 705 South Gallatin St., King, C. C., Summit, Calif.
Jackson, Miss. King, G. D., 22 Zulla Road, Mag-
Kelley, H. M., Box 372, Orlando, dala Rdad, Nottingham, England.
Fla. King, L. H., 115 Carmel Road, Buf-
Kennedy, W. F., 122 South Eighth falo, N. Y.
St., Grand Junction, Colo. King, M. J., 209 Forbes Ave., Yuba
Kent, H. A., Gordon Ave., Hamil- City, Cal.
ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., King, N. B., 368 Washington St.,
Australia. Yazoo City, Miss.
Kent, J. F., Box 1359, Phoenix, Kinne, P. Z., 10 Benton Ave., Mid-
Ariz. dletown, N. Y.
Kent, J. W., " Tereora," The Boule- Kinney, C. M., Ligon Lane, Nash-
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- ville, Tenn.
tralia. Kintanar, M. J., P. 0. Box 244,
Kent, T. R. " Mizpah," Wah- Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Kirk, A. F., Sanitarium, Hastings,
Keough, Geo., Advent Villa, Ma- Nebr.
taria (Cairo), Egypt. Kirk, E. D., care Shelton Academy,
Kephart, H. C., 817 Nora Ave., Shelton, Nebr.
Spokane, Wash. Kirk, H. F., South Lancaster,
Kern, M. E. Takoma Park Sta- Mass.
tion, Washington, D. C. Kirkelokke, L. ?J., Suomisvej 5,
Kertesz, Frank, 457 West 119th St., Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Chicago, Ill. Kiser, T. J., P. 0. Box 16, Pok-
Keslake, C. H., R. F. D. 8, Texas rovsk, A. S. S. R. of the Volga
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Germans.
Kessel, Fr., Cluj, Strada Clemen- Kisil, A. T., Barabashevskaja 52,
ceau 5/a, Rumania. Khabarovsk, U. S. S. R.

Kitchaev, G. W., Galaktionovskaja Kobele, F.:Lange Uaube 29, Han-

142, P. 0. Box' 31, Samara, U. over, Germany.
S. S. R. Kobs, H., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
Kittle, 0. M., Salida, Colo. Wilmersdorf, Germany..
Kitto, Robert, Route J, Box 43, Koch, Alfred, Box 7, Yodobashi P.
Fresno, Calif. 0., Tokyo, Japan.
Klaser, H. W., 202-216 First Na- Koch, J. J. Rostov-Don, Post Box
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, 310, U. S. S. R.
Tenn. Koehn, J. J., College Heights, via
Klatt, G. D., Casilla 1002, Lima, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Peru, South America. Koelling, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Klement, A., Merepuiestee, 14-a. Hamburg 13, Germany..
Tallinn, Esthonia. Koen, A. G., Box 378, Port Eliza-
Klement, H. C., Route 4, Bozeman, beth, C. P., South Africa.
Mont. Kohtanen, V., Annegatan 7, Hel-
Klimenko, N. I., Serebrennikov- singf ors, Finland.
skaja Str. 90, Novo-Sibirsk, U. Koljadenko, M. S., Ukrainskaja 11,
S. S. R. Vinniza, U. S. S. R.
Kljuvak, W. S., Box 24, Biely- Kolokolnikov, I. G., Box 310, Ros-
Tserkov, U. S. S. R. tov on Don, U. S. S. R.
Klooster, H. J., Southern Junior Koliadko, Andrew, 6309 West Di-
College, Ooltewah, Tenn. versey Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Klose, J. C., 202-216 First Nat'l Konigmacher, S. M., Liumba Hill,
Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Kalabo, P. 0. Mongu, Barotse-
Kloss, W., Tiergartenstrasse 23, land, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Konstantinoff, Stefan, Solunska 49,
Kluth, E., Zakatna, 3, 7, Warsaw, Sofia, Bulgaria, Europe.
Poland. Korsch, H., Tiergartenstrasse 23,
Kneeland, B. F., 547 Cherokee Ave., Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany.
S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Kosmowski, P., Maleckiego 28-3,
Kneeland, W. G., Box 491, Lake Poznan, Poland, Europe.
Worth, Fla. Kotz, E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Knight, A. W., " Mizpah," Wah- ton, D. C.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Koralloshvili, K., Post Box 20,
Knight, C. E., 222 Almond St., New Town, Harbin, Manchuria,
Georgetown, British Guiana, China.
South America. Kovshar, A. N., Manchurian Union
Knight, I. G., Box 475, St. Thomas, Mission S. D. A., Mukden, Man-
Virgin Islands. churia, China.
Knipschild, J. F., 223 Hart St., Kranz, A. F. J., " Mizpah," Wah-
Taunton, Mass. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Knoner, H., Lange Laube 29, Han- Kraus, J. W., Tula, Hospital Str. 4,
over, Germany. U. S. S. R.
Knox, John, 429 North Verdugo Krautschick, A., Ostbahnstrasse 9
Road, Glendale, Calif. I., Dresden-A., Germany.
Knox, M. F., 2123 Twenty-fourth Krautschick, Aug., Adventhaus,
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz,
Knox, P. L., Box cor. Glenn Ave. Germany.
and Atkins Drive, Glendale, Cal. Kress, D. H., Takoma Park Sta,
Knox, W. T., Mountain View, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Kobayashi, Tokutaro, Higashi Ha- Krieghoff, C. E., Calle Guaviyu
kushima, Kukencho 98, Hiro- 2532, Montevideo, Uruguay,
shima, Japan. South America.

Krietzky, M. S., 2808 Church Ave., 1 ACEY, H. C., Box 584, Arling-
Brooklyn, N. Y. ton, Cal.
Krievs, E., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, La Grone, G. A., 902 Locust St.,
Latvia. Amarillo, Tex.
Kroeger, Theo., Cicero, Ind. La Grone, Vance, 547 Cherokee
Krug, L., Kriegstr. 84, Karlsruhe- Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga.
Baden, Germany. Lake, W. W. R., 186 Rangoon Road,
Kruger, Albert, 137 Florida St., Singapore, Straits Settlements.
Bend, Oreg. Lamont, E. D., 1 Dayton Apt.,
Krum, J. H., Santos, Fla. Worcester Mass.
Kruse, A., Oststrasse 103 I., Biele- Lamson, J. G.,' 1431 Belmont St.,
feld, Germany. Portland, Oreg.
Kuehl, A. W., 118 North Grange Landeen, W. M., Box 60, Bern 16,
Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Switzerland; after April 1: 41
Kuempel, F. R., Caixa Postal 'H, Maynor Gardens, Edgware, Mid-
Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South dlesex, England.
America. Landis, C. C., M. D., 620 O'Farrell
Kuempel, Manoel, Caixa Postal H, St., San Francisco, Cal.
Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South Landis, J. J., Box 719, Boise, Idaho.
America. Lane, F. G., 725 Dayton Ave., Kal-
Kuhn, 0. B., 17 Gao Lou Men, Nan- amazoo, Mich.
king, Kiangsu, China. Lane, L. E. A., Eagle House, 395
Kulak, J., Lwowskich dzieci 57. Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Lwow, Poland. England.
Kulakov, J. S., Serafimovskaja 17, Lane, R. W., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji.
Kharkov-Ivanovka, U. S. S. R. Pacific Ocean.
Kulakov, P. S., Hospital Str. 4, Langberg, M., 1392 North
Tula, U. S. S. R. Eighth St., Marshfield, Oreg.
Kulesa, E., Bielsko-Kamienica 272, Langdon, G. E., College Place,
Slask, Poland. Wash.
Kulyshsky, S., Ukrainskaja II, Lange, R., 32 Eschenheimer An-
Vinniza, U. S. S. R. lage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany.
Kuniya, Hide, Box 7, Yodobashi Langenberg, Herman, 159 East
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. 12th St., College View, Nebr.
Kuniya, Hiroshi, Higashi Haku- Langholf, A., Bahnhofstrasse 40,
shima Kukencho 98, Hiroshima, Giirlitz, Germany.
Japan. Langholf, R., Coblenzerstr. 3, Bey-
Kunkel, C. J., 3912 Boyce Ave., lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Los Angeles. Cal. Langner, H., Bahnhofstrasse 40,
Kunstmann, E. R., Casilla 2830, G orlitz, Germany.
Santiago, Chile,' South America.
Kunze, M., Grindelberg - 15a, Ham- Lanier, W. E., 2405 Santee Ave.,
burg 13, Germany. Columbia, S. C.
Kuplis, R. F., Post Box 19, Homel, Larsen, Charles, 25 Ningkuo Road,
U. S. S. R. Shanghai, China.
Kurtichanov, Titus, 425 Riverside Larsen, F. M., Manchurian Union
Drive, New York, N. Y. Mission S. D. A., Mukden, Man-
Kuschel, E., Sulzbacherstr. 35, churia, China.
Niiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Larson, A. H., Vincent Hill School,
Kusemko, F. N., P. 0. Box 19, Mussoorie, India.
Homel, U. S. S. R. Lashko, W. A., Box 24, Biely-Tser-
Kutcheviavenko, I. M., Serafimov- kov, U. S. S. R.
skaja 17, Kharkov-Ivanovka, U. Lashier, S. J., Box 598, Walla
S. S. R. Walla, Wash.

Latham, W. L., 806 East Fifth St., Leslie, J. D., Casilla 2830, Santiago,
Flint, Mich. Chile, South America.
Latu, Jone, Nukualofa, Tonga, Letts, IL, " Tereora," The Boule-
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. varde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Lauda, E. R., 1212 North Wahsatch. Australia.
Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Lewis, W. H., Box 66, Port of
Lauff, A., Medgyesi ut. 19, OTO- Spain, Trinidad, British West
shaza, Hungary. Indies.
Lavanchy, F., 5 Boulevard Long- Lewsadder, Wm., 419 Coghlan St.,
champ, Marseille, France. Vallejo, Cal.
Lawrence, N. W., R. F. D. 2, Battle Leytes, M., San Martin 1472, Cor-
Ground, Wash. rientes, Argentina, South Amer-
Lawrence, W. S., South Lanoaster, ica.
Mass. Libby, R. A., 2610 Nob Hill Ave.,
Lawson, H. P., 112 Tower St., Seattle, Wash.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Lickey, A. E., 4546 Irving St., Den-
Indies. ver, Colo.
Lawson, T. C., " Mizpah," Wah- Lickey, C. F., 323 Park St., Fort
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Collins, Colo.
Lidner[V. A., 4512 South L St.,
Leach, C. V., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Tacchiia, Wash.
Ohio. Lie, 0. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo
Leach, R. W., 917 South Presa St., (Christiania), Norway.
San Antonio, Tex. Light, L., 134 West North St.,
Le Butt, A. C., P. 0. Box 468, Cadillac, Mich.
Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Lightner, Chas., 2631 Charles St.,
Africa. Omaha, Nebr.
Lecoultre, D., 8 Rue de l'Eglise Lind, Walter, 537-25th St., Oak-
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. land, Calif.
Lee, C. M., Marovo Lagoon, via' Linde, H., Maironio g-ve 22, Kau-
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific nas, Lithuania.
Ocean. Lindsay, Gus., Tunnelgatan 25,
Lee, C. W., Chosen Union Training Stockholm, Sweden.
School, Soonari, Chosen. Lindsay, R. S., 4601 Pall Mall Ave.,
Lee, Frederick, 31 Ningkuo Road, Baltimore, Md.
Shanghai, China. Lindsay, W. B., Box 1304, Fresno,
Lee, H. M., Chosen Union Training California.
School, Soonan, Chosen. Lindt, S. H., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Lee, L. C., 405 Cherry St., Wyan- Shanghai, China.
dotte, Mich. Lingenfelter, C. L., 1112 Keeaumo-
Leer, Carl, 744 South Central Ave., ku St., Honolulu. Hawaii.
Lodi, Calif. Lippolis, G., Casella Postale 408,
. Leffler, Emil, Broadview College, Florence, Italy.
La Grange, Ill. Litwinenco, J. A., Herried, X. Dak.
Leffler, G. E., 304 West Allen St., Livingston, J. D., Box 210, Matan:
Springfield, Ill. zas, Cuba.
Leiske, A. A., Ellendale, N. Dak. Ljungberg, S., Tunnelgatan 25,
Leiske, S., M. D., care Sanitarium, Stockholm. Sweden.
Sidney, near Victoria, British Ljwoff, J. A., Konjuschkovskaja
Columbia, Canada. 29, Moscow 69, U. S. S. R.
Leland, J. A., 24 Fusting Ave., Ca- Lloyd, Ernest, care Pacific Press,
tonsville, Md. - Mountain. View, Cal.
Lenheim, Lewis, Box 517, Mt. Ver- Loasby, F. H., 17 Abbott Road,
non, Ohio. Lucknowl India.

Loasby, R. E., 17 Abbott Road, Lowry, G. G., Hinoo, Ranchi, India.

Lucknow, India. Lowry, M. E., Box 93, St. Johns,
Liibsack, H. J., Konjuschkovskaja Antigua, British West Indies.
29, Moscow 69, U. S. S. R. Lowry, W. S., 800 Fourth St., Co-
Lobsack, H. K., Gogolevskaja ul. lumbia, S. C.
101, Simferopol, U: S. S. R. Lucas, H. G., 314 Hill Drive, Glen-
Lock, W. N., Bisiatabu, Port dale, Calif.
. Moresby, British New Guinea. Lucas, V. H., 2007 El Serano Ave.,
Locken, J. B., Box 372, Orlando, Pasadena, Calif.
Fla. Ludewig, M., Petra Zrinjskog ulica
Lockert A. J., 164 Rose St., La 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Crosse, Wis. Ludgate, T. K., S. D. A. Mission,
Loewen, George, 1027 East Oak St., Udbna, Dist. Surat, India.
Cushing, Okla. Ltidtke, A., Lwowskich dzieci 57,
Long, 122 South Eighth St., Lwow, Poland, Europe.
Grand Junction, Colo. Lugenbeal, E., Cicero, Ind.
Long, Alex, La Grange, Ill. Lukens, H. A., 6040 Princeton Ave.,
Long, Luther; 603 Standard Trust Chicago, Ill.
Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Lukens, Morris, Box 598, Walla
Canada. Walla, Wash.
Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park Sta- Lukens, T. R., College Heights, via
tion, Washington, D. C. Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Longway, E. L., Wang .Gia Dun, Lund, A. 0., R. F. D. 1, Box 72, Mt.
FLankow, Hupeh, China. Jewett, Pa.
Loosen, C., 8 Rue de I'Eglise Aug- Lundquist, H. B., Casilla 1003,
Anise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lima, Peru, South America.
Loots, J. L 3 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Lundstrdm, S., Tunnelgatan 25,
Brussels, Belgium. Stockholm, Sweden.
Lopez, A. J., Apartado 9061, Ma- Lusk, Wallace, 8a Avenue Norte,
drid, Spain. No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de El
Lopez, L. H., 917 South Presa St., Salvador, Central America.
San Antonio, Tex. Lusky, R., Tauentzienstrasse 100,
Lorenzin, A., -Rankeova Ulica 24a, Breslau 2, Germany.
Belgrade, Jtigoslavia. Luther, J. K., Granger, Wash.
Lorenz, J. D., Casilla 1003, Lima, Lutz, E. L., Summit, Cal.
Peru, South ;America. Lyberg, 0. A., Tomahawk, Wis.
Lorenz, W., Isartalstr, 40, Munich, Lyndon, F. E., Papeete, Tahiti,
Bavaria, .0;e:1:many. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Lorntz, E. J., Apartado 32, San Pe- Lynes, C. A., 1455 Seventh St.,
tiro Sula, Rep. Honduras. Parkersburg, W. Va.
LOsey, L. B., care Academy, Au- Lyon, W. H., 117 Brady St., Savan-
burn, Wash.. nah, Ga.
Lourinho, M., Rua Joaquim Boni- Lysinger, H. E., 1715 Cass St.,
facio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Nashville, Tenn.
-Loveless, W. C., Box 308, Oshawa,
Ontario, Canada.
Lovell, V. P., Box 605, Topeka;
Kans. MM AAS, E. R., 619 South. Ashland
Blvd., Chicago,
Louden,.R. E., 216 North Durland Mabona, Henry, P. 0. Box 30, Lu-
St., Oklahoma City, Okla. saka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Lowe, H. W., Stanborough Park, Macaulay, K. A., Box 372, Orlando,
Watford, Harts, England. Fla.
Lower, D.- A., 4923 Maywood Ave., Maee, J. W., Takoma Park Sta-
Eagle Rock, Calif.... tt9All liNtiug:ton, D. C.

MacGuire, Meade, noute E, Box Manry, E. A., 507 Flower Ave., Ta.,
369, Modesto, Cal. korna Park,
MacKenzie, Roy, 129 Dunning St., Mansell, E. P., Caixa Postal .378,
Route 4, Bold 329, Battle Creek, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil,
Mich. South America.
MacNeil, J. W., 411 Cedar St., Ta- Manuel, B. E., Box 248; West-
koma Park, D. C. Mount, Montreal, Quebec, Can-
MacPherson, Verah, Sanitarium, ada.
Hinsdale, Ill. Marcus, Dr. E. G., Fort Jameson,
Mackey, F. J., 122 South Eighth Northeast Rhodesia, Africa.
St., Grand Junction, Colo. Margarido, Manoel, Caixa Postal
Mackintosh, Donald, 616 South 2898, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Second St., Clinton, Mo. South America:, .
Madgwick, W. R. A., Stanborough Maris, W. B., Union Springs, N. Y.
Park, Watford, Herts, England. Marrero, A., Box 3005, Santurce,
Madsen, A. C., 700 Kimlirf Drive; Porto Rico.
Glendale, Calif. Marriott, 0. E., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Madsen, 0., Spirit Lake, Iowa. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Maevsky, P., Post Box 20, New Marsh, B. W., Box 719, Boise,
Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Idaho.
Megan, P. T., M. D., 304 North Marsh, C. W., College View; .Nebr.
Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Matsh, J. 0., Cumberland, Wis.:,
Hager, K., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Marsh, L. R., 630 Glenmore Blvd.,
Dresden-A., Germany. Glendale, Calif.
E., Merepiuestee 14-a. Tal- Marshall,. J. S. Calle Esteban.
linn, Esthonia. Echeverria 1436,
. Florida, F. C.
Magoon, C. R., Box 372, Orlando, C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Fla. South America.
Magsalin, P. S., 140'2 Oroquieta Martin, Edward, Sankulani, Ny-
St., Manila, Philippine Islands. asaland, British Central Africa.
Mai, G., Kriegstr. 84, Karlsruhe- Martin, H. K., Australasian Miss.
Baden, Germany. College, Cooranbong, New South
Malinki, Morrison, Cholo, Nyasa- Wales, Australia.
land, British Central Africa. Martin, H. R., Suva Vou, , Suva,
Mall, M., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
now, India. Martin, J. L., cor. Lovenia and Lut-
Mallory, J. B:, 3434 Taylor Blvd., trel Sts., Knoxville, Tenn.
Louisville, Ky. Martin, R. H., College Place, Wash:
Maloney, M. A., 312 Lyon St., Mil- Martin, S. 0., 17 Abbott Road,
waukee, Wis. Lucknow, India.
Maloney, V. J., S. D. A. Mission, Martin, W. F., 411 Cedar St:, Ta-
Foochow City, China. "koma Park, D. C.
Manchen, M., Stradela Mutu 19, Martinez, M. J., Avenida Montiel
Jasi, Rumania. 93, Orizaba, Vera Cruz; Mexico.
Mangold, H., Box 3005, Santurce, Mason, W., Box 30, Lusaka; North-
Porto Rico. ern Rhodesia, Africa.,
Mangold, S., Calle Esteban Eche- Masters, F., 27 Prospect ,Teirace;
verria 1436, Buenos Aires, Ar- Prospect, South Australia,-Aus-
gentina, South America. tralia.
Mann,, G. E., Box 584, Arlington, Masters, G. M., Suva v9u, pvia,
Calif. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Mannesmann, A., Lange Laube 29; Maszczak, A., Lwowskieh dzieci 57,
Hanover, Germany. Lwow, Poland, Kurope.,,,,

Mathwig, E. A., 907 Bay View Ave., McConaughey, J. L., Box 598,
Wilmington, Calif. Walla Walla, Wash.
Mathy, L. A., 5 Boulevard Long- McCready, W. G., Granger, Wash.
champ, Marseille, France. McCord, J. W., 6355 Elmwood Ave.,
Matter, A., Gitwe, via Mombasa Philadelphia, Pa.
and Bukobo, Ruanda, South Af- McCrow, H. W., Eagle House, 395
rica. Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Matthews, A. H., Ikidzu Mission, England.
Musomo, Tanganyika Territory, McCutchen, W. A., 4233 Haskell
via Kisumu, British East Africa. Place, Dallas, Tex.
Mattison, 0. 0., 17 Abbott Road, McDonald, C. M., R. F. D. 3, We-
Lucknow, India (on furlough). woka, Okla.
Mattsson, Karl, Route 1, Box 58, McEachern, J. H., 452 Ralston St.,
La Grange, Ill. Reno, Nev.
Matula, Paul, Box 517, Mt. Vernon, McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park,
Ohio. D. C.
Matzen, A. F. E. Galman, Zee McFarlane, F., cor. O'Connell Ter-
Straat 6, Padang, Sumatra, race and Sneyd St., Bowen Hills,
Netherlands East Indies. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Maudsley, W., Stanborough Park, McGill, Neil, 605 Province Bldg.,
Watford, Herts, England. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Maunder, S. R., " Tereora," The McHenry, W. H., 17 Abbott Road,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, ew Lucknow, India.
South Wales, Australia. McKeague, R. M., 1112 Keeaumoku
Maung Maung, 7 Voyle Road, Ran- St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
goon, Burma. McKibbin, W. A., Nevada, Iowa.
Maxwell, A. S., Stanborough Park, McKinlay, D. W., Box 15, Poona,
Watford, Herts, England. India.
Maxwell, E. L., Calle Esteban Ech- McLaren, G., Suva Vou, Suva,
everria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South McLennan, W. P., 1397 Tutwiler
America. St.Memphis, Tenn.
Maxwell, I. E., Casilla 85, Puno, McMillan, J, Stanborough Park,
Peru, South America. Watford, Herts, England.
Maxwell, S. G., Gendia Mission, P. McNay, G. R. E., Drawer 586,
0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Watertown, S. Dak.
Africa. McReynolds, C., Box 92, Angwin,
Mayer, Edward, 32 Eschenheimer Napa Co., Cal.
Anlage, Frankfurt-Main, Ger- McVagh, C. F., 734 Main St., Ne-
many. vada, Iowa.
Mayer, M. J., 2439 West 28th Ave.,
Denver, Colo. McWhinny, H. E., Route J, Box 43,
Mayr, Carlos, Casilla 2830, Santi- Fresno, Calif.
ago, Chile, South America. McWilliam, J. R., Apartado 218,
McAllister, J. T., 161 College St., Guatemala, Republic of Guate-
Springfield, Mass. mala; Central America.
McAvoy, J., Eagle House, 395 McWilliams, Chas., 1115 West
Holloway Road, London, N. 7, Charles St., Grand Island, Nebr.
England. Mead, Andrew, 2112 West Sev
MeClements, W., S. D. A. Mission, entieth St., Sat
tle, Wash.
Box No. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, Mead, W. S., 411 Cedar St., Takoma
West Africa. Park, D. C.
McComas, J. W., 4720 Panola St., Mediary, G., 419 McDowell Ave.,
Ft. Worth, Tex. Hagerstown, Md.

Meeker, B. A., 112 Tower St., King- Michaels, C. P., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
ston, Jamaica, British West thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Indies. Michalenko, J. C., care Academy,
Megrant, Francisco, Box 3005, San- Harvey, N. Dak.
turce, Porto Rico. Michnay, L., Fabian-ucca 5, Mis-
Meier, J. H., Calle Esteban Echev- kolc, Hungary.
erria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Mickle, H. A., 3409 Baldwin Ave.,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Detroit, Mich.
America. Mikkelsen, J. C., 202-216 First Na-
Meiklejohn, A. J., Union College, tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga,
College View, Nebr. Tenn.
MeMer, F. L., 547 Cherokee Ave., Miles, E. E., South Lancaster,
S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Mass.
Meleen, C., 19 Columbia Ave., Millard, Glenn, Box 584, Arlington,
Jamestown, N. Y. Calif.
Meleen, E. M., Box 15, Poona, Miller, A. L., 734 Main St., Nevada,
India. Iowa.
Melendy, L. S., 734 Main St., Ne- Miller, A. G., " Mizpah," Wah-
vada, Iowa. roonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Mendez, Manuel, Box) 3005, San- tra IM.
turce, Porto Rico. Miller, Mrs. B., 299 Yu Yuen Road,
Menkel, Dr. H. C., Galway House, Shanghai, China.
Simla, India. Miller, E., _59 Twentieth Ave.,
Meredith. W. H., Stanborough Paterson, N. J.
Park, Watford; Herts, England. Miller, C. B., S. D. A. Mission,
Merrell, E. A., 1054 South Cata- Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China.
lina St., Los Angeles, Cal. Miller, C. H., 957 Selby Ave., St.
Mershon, L. B., Jesselton, British Paul, Minn.
North Borneo (on furlough). Miller, C. W. R. F. D. 6, Box 158,
Mersliakoff, N., Post Box 20, New Lincoln, Nebr.
Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Miller, D. P., 602 J St., College
Metzger, C. J., 1203 South Oak St., View, Nebr.
Casper, Wyo. Miller, F. W., Box 210, Matanzas,
Meyer, A. A., Lehigh, Kans. Cuba.
Meyer, Albert, Villa Therodora, Miller, H. J., 518 Terminal Bldg.,
Rue de Malines, Quartier de Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mers-Sultan, Casablanca, Mo- Miller, H. S., Keene, Texas.
rocco. Miller, H. W., M. D., Box 1281,
Shanghai, China.
Meyer, H., Box CCC, Jamestown, Miller, W. W., Sanitarium, Calif.
N. Dak. Millner,-E. A., Box 248, Westmount,
Meyer, Oscar, 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Paris XIII, France. Milne, R. M., P. 0. Box 310, Hong-
Meyer, P., 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, kong, China.
Paris 13, France. Milian, J., Ruai Joaquim Bonifacio,
Meyer-Bartschy, H., 8 Avenue M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Minchin, E. L., " Mizpah," Wah-
Switzerland. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park Sta- Minck, A., Szekely Bertalan ucca
tion, Washington, D. C. 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Meyers, E. H., 303 West Seventh Minner, I. V., 409 South Dakota
St., College View, Nebr. St., Aberdeen, S. Dak.
Meyers, H. J., 84 Jervois Road, Minner L. D., Casilla 355, La Paz,
Auckland, New Zealand. . Bolivia, South America.

Miramontes, W. B., Calle Guaviyu Moran, F. A., Box 584, Arlington,

2532, Montevideo, ,Uruguay, Calif.
South America. Morenings, M., Maironio g-ve 22,
Mitchell, A. J., 902 Colombo St., Kaunas, Lithuania.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Moreno, H. A., 3425 Duranzo St.,
Mitchell, Amos, 2610 Nob Hill Ave., El Paso, Tex.
Seattle, Wash. Morlan, C. C., Box 332, Station A,
Mitchell, H., " Tereora," The Los Angeles, Cal.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Morosan, P., Stradela Mutu 19,
Australia. Jasi, Rumania.
Mitchell, J. G., 100 East 44th .St., Morris, C. C., P. 0. Box 310, Hong-
Covington, Ky. kong, China.
Mitchell, T. A., con O'Connell Ter- Morris, C. R., Box 598, Walla
race and Sneyd St., Bowen Hills, Walla, Wash.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Morris, R. P., S. D. A. Mission,
Mitchell, Dr.. J. R., 547 Cherokee Hapur, .U. P., India.
Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Morris, W., " Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Miyake, Shohei, Box 7, Yodobashi N. S. W., Australia:
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Morrison, A. V., 350 Judson St.,
Mocanu, Vlad., Strada Popa Tatu Pontiac, Mich.
38, Bukharest, Rumania. Morrison, D., Eagle . House, 395
Mock, Carl, Redfield, S. Dak. Holloway. Road, London, N. 7,
Mocnik, A., Rankeova -Mica 24a, England.
Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Morrison, H. A., 425 Flower Ave.,
Moffett, W. C., Box 337, Oshawa, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Ontario. Morse, J. F., M.- iD., care Sanita-
Moffitt, L. L., P. 0. Box 378, Port rium, Nevada, Iowa.
Elizabeth, C. P., South Africa. Mote, F. A., Box244, Cebu,, Cebu,
Mokry, J., 6 Bohnengasse, _Bratis- Philippine Islands
lava, Czechoslovakia. Morton, R. O., Box 573, Bulawayo,
Monnier, Ch., 8 Rue de l'Eglise SOuthern Rhodesia, Africa.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Motorca, G., Strada
Monnier, Henri Gitwe, via Mom- Loga 4, Tirnisoaro '1, Rumania.
basa and Bukobo, Ruanda, Sou'th Motzer, C. A., Kreuzstr. 21, II.,
Africa. Dusseldorf, Gerinany.
Monnier, J., 1 rue Nicolas Roret, Moulds, H. G., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Paris, XIII, France. Perth, West Australia.
Monnier, V., 8 Avenue Eglise Ang- Moulton, C. N., Apartado 568, San-
laise, Lausanne, Switzerland. to Domingo . City, Rep. Domini-
Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park elna.
Station, Washington, D.-C. Mountain, -A., Box 1281, Shanghai,
Montgomery, R. P., 1215 Marshall Moyo, Samuel, P. 0. Mission,
St., Little Rock, Ark. Northern Rhodesia, Africa. -
Mookerjee, L. G., Baragain, Ifanchi, Mozar, D. A., La Granr.,e, Ill.
Behar and Orissa, India. Muderspaeh, F., Ikidzu Mission,
. Moon, C. E., Agricultura 79, Colo- P. 0. Musoma,' Tanganyika Ter-
nia Escondon, Tacubaya, D. F., ritory, via Kisumu, East Africa.
Mexico. Muderspach; L., Suomisvej 5, Co-
Moore, E. D., 1112 Keeaumoku St., penhagen, V., Denmark.
Honolulu, Hawaii. _ Mill ach er, J., Pelzgasse 2- 1 0,
Moore, E. V., Caixa Postal 1830, Vienna XV, AuStria.
Capital, Sao . Paulo, Brazil, Mula.mbii, Stephen, P. 0; MisSion,
South America. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.


Mulholland, W. R., BoX M, Cristo- Nakasamai, M., Suira Voir, Suva,

bal, Canal Zone, Panama. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Miler, A., Ostbahnstrasse 9 1., Nash, G. R., P. 0. Cholo, Nyasa-
Dresden-A., Germany. land, British Central Africa.
Muller, A. W., Ostbahnstrasse 9 1.,
Nassogne, G., 8 Rue de l'Eglise
Dresden-A., Germany. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Minder, 0, P., Coblenzerstrasse 3, '
Niither, E., Tauentzienstrasse 100,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Breslau 2, Germany.
Miiller, R. Sulzbacherstr. 35, Navara, N., Bisiatabu, Port Mores-
remberg, Bavaria, Germany.: by, British New Guinea.
Willer, W., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
NaWara, T., Suva Von, Suva, Fiji,
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Pacific Ocean.
Munger, M. E., Holly, Mich. Neef, B., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse, Ad-
Munro; S. W., Route 4, Bozeman, venthaus, Chemnitz, Germany.
Mont. Neff, E. L., 2610 Nob Hill Ave.,
Munson, A., Kemaweg Pal 2, Man- Seattle, Wash.
ado, Celebes, Netherlands East Neff, J. P., 507 Flower Ave., Ta-
Indies. koma Park, D. C.
Munson, H., S. D. A. Mission, Box Neff, Merlin L., 2610 Nob Hill Ave.,
208, Coomassie, Gold Coast, West Seattle, Wash.
Africa. Neff, W. E., &ix 605, Topeka,
Munson, Melvin, 50Z-Ncirth:Valen- Kans.
cia St., Burbank, Cal. Neilsen, J. A., Box 909, Ogden,
Munson, R. W., 1406 Kowalski St., Utah.
Santa Barbara, Calif. Neilsen, N. P., Caixa Postal 2898.
Murdock, L., Stanborough Park, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Watford, Hefts, England. South America.
Murphy, L. L., 120 Madison Ave., Nelsen, P. G., Tunnelgatan 25,
S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Stockholm, Sweden.
Murphy, T. A. 2000-East Stuart Nelson, A. C., 537 25th St.; Oak-
St., Springfield, Ill. land, Calif.
Murray, W. E., Casilla 4, jirliaci,
Nelson, A. E., Grove Ave., Clare-
Peru, South Ainerica. . mont, Cape, South Africa.
Mirssen, R., Eagle House, 395 Hollo-
Nelson, Albert E., S. D. A. Mission,
Way Road, Loridoir, N. 7, Eng- Hapur, U. P., India.
land. , Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Calif.
Muth, J., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stutt-Nelson, A. G., Box 188, Clovis, N.
gart, Germany. Mex. -
Myaing, Thra Tha, S. D. A. Mis- Nelson, A. N., ;Box 7, Yodobashi
sion, Kamamaung, Schwegon P. 0., Tokyoi Japan.
Post Office, via Maulmein, Nelson, J. B., Montiel 93, Orizaba.
Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Myshak, P. P., Box 1041, Odessa, Nelson, J. R., 734 Main St., Nevada,
U.S.S.R. Iowa.
Nelson, N. R., .2.427 First Ave..
South, Minneapolis, Minn.
ADEAU, L. F., BOx 248, West: Nelson, Reuben, 2237 South Wil-
NI mount, Montreal, Quebec. liams St., Denver, Colo.
Nagel, S. A., S. D. A. Mission, Nelson, Walter A., 1620 North 68th
gwato*, Kwangtung, China. Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Nagy, Andrew, 47 Whittier St., Nelson, W. A., 122 South Eighth
Brideport, Conn. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Naisogo, Meciusela, Suva Von,. Nelson, W. E., Angwin, Napa Co..
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. California.

Nembhard, G. H., Box M, Cristobal, Nikkar, L., Merepuiestea la-a, al-

Canal Zone, Panama. Esthonia.
Nerlund, 0. J., 5656 Augusta Ave., Nixon, J. C., 734 Main St., Nevada,
Chicago, Ill. Iowa.
Nethery, J. J., 303 West Seventh Noack, W., Tauentzi.enstrasse 100,
St., College View, Nebr. Breslau 2, Germany.
Nethery, R. J., 445 West Arling- Nobrega, Manuel, 259 Acushnet
ton Ave., Riverside, Calif. Ave.. New Bedford, Mass.
Nettleton, Daniel, Port Townsend, Nolda, 0. W., 17 Abbott Road,
Wash. Lucknow, India
Neubauer, 0., Hasenbergstr. 75, Nord, G. E., Tunnelgatan 25,
Stuttgart, Germany. Stockholm, Sweden.
Neufeld, D. D., 603 Standard Trust Nordstrum, J. A., 3256 German-
Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, town Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Canada. Norman, C. M., Box 1077, Oklahoma
Neufeld, J. D., 603 Standard Trust City, Okla.
Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, North, W. S., 1215 Marshall St.,
Canada. Little Rock, Ark.
Neufeld, J. H., 4450 Tracy Ave., Norton, S. E., 1677 Boulevard, Jer-
Kansas City, Mo. sey City, N. J.
Neufeld, P. K., Serebrennikovskaja Nott, W. L., 920 East Sixth St.,
Str. 90, Novo-Sibirsk, U. S. S. R. Tulsa, Okla.
Neuman, It R., Harvey, N. Dak. Nousiainen, P., Annegatan 7, Hel-
Neumann, H., Tiergartenstrasse 23, singfors, Finland.
Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Nozaki, K., 2103 Bush St., San
Neumann, H. F., 4103 Sheridan St., Francisco, Calif.
Detroit, Mich. Numbers, E. R., 1600 Brunswick
Newbold, D. C., College Heights, Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Via Lacombe, Alberta. Nussbaum, Dr. J., 1 bis rue Bernar-
Newcomb, I. B., S. D. A. Mission, din de St. Pierre, Le Havre,
Swatow, Kwangtung, China. France.
Newmeyer, C. B., 213 Hickory St., Nussbaum, T., 8 Avenue Eglise
Johnstown, Pa. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Ney, E., Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Nygaard, Peter, Apartado 568,
Esthonia. Santo Domingo City, Republica
Nichol, F. D., Takoma. Park, D. C. Dominicana.
Nichols, C. D., S. D. A. Mission, Nyman, L. G., 215 North McDowell
Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. St., Charlotte, N. C.
Nicholson, D., Atchin, New Hebri-
des, Pacific Ocean.
Nickle, G. G., Apartado 313, Cali,
Colombia, South America.
Nickless, Arva, Cicero, Ind.
O BERG, H. A., S. D. A. Mission,
Outside East Gate, Seoul,
Nicola, H., 123 Manchester. St., Oberg, E. M., Box 598, Walla
Battle Creek, Mich. Walla, Wash.
Nicola, L. T., 123 Manchesl,er St., Oblander, J. G., Enid, Okla.
Battle Creek, Mich. Oborny, J., Hulvaky, Mor. Ostrava,
Nicolas, C. S., 411 Thompson Place, Riegrova 784, Czechoslovakia..
San Antonio, Tex. Ochs, D. A., Bin 8, Lodi, Cal.
Niedoba, J., Maleckiego 28-3, Poz- Ochs, W. B., 6217 60th St., Mas-
nan, Poland. peth, Long Island.
Niewiadorn ski, A., Lwowskich Odom, Leo, Box 347, Thomaston,
dzieci 57, Lwow, Poland. O a.

Oesteireich, A., Lange Laube 29, Osborne, E. E., 51 Whitmore St.,

Hanover, Germany. Hartford, Conn.
Offerman, K. A., Brookfield, Ill. Osgood, D. S., 120 Madison Ave.,
Ogden, A. R., Genaro Sanchez 11, S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Vibora, Havana, Cuba. Osmunson, E. R., Hinoo, Ranchi,
Ohme, B., Tanah Tinggi 68, Wel- India.
trevreden, Java, Netherlands Osola, K. V., Annegatan 7, Helsing-
East Indies. fors, Finland.
Okohira, T. H., Kuraochi, Fukuai- Oss, Gorden, Drawer 586, Water-
cho Shimidzu 4, Kobe, Japan. town,S. Dak.
Olcott, C. E., 92 East 63d, North, Oss, Jon
, 301-303 Yu Yuen Road,
Portland, Oreg. Shanghai, China.
Oliver, F. M., 11 North Eleventh Oss, M., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow,
Ave., Yakima, Wash. India.
Olmstead, H. C., Route H, Box 23, Oster, F. F., S. D. A. Mission, Ta-
Fresno, Cal. briz, Persia.
Olmstead, J. F., 931/2 Wright St., Oster, Jacob, Suji Mission, P. 0.
Oshkosh, Wis. Tanga, Tananyika Territory,
Olsen, D. K., Box CCC, Jamestown, East Africa.
N. Dak. Osterman, F. A., 1431. Forest St.,
Olsen, E. G., Greeley, Colo. Augusta, Ga.
Olsen, Martin, 60 Linden Ave., Ostoich, Milan, 1125 North Rich-
Long Beach, Calif. mond Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Oswald, E. H., Box 513, Madison,
ington, D. C. Wis.
Olsen, M. M., Suomisvej 5, Copen- Oswald, J. C., 50 Lindwood Ave.,
hagen, V., Denmark. Bradford, Pa.
Olsen, 0. J., Box 262, Reykjavik, Oswald, L. F., Brivibas iela. 11,
Iceland. Riga, Latvia.
Olson, A. J., Mt. Vernon Academy, Oswald, T. L., Casilla 2830, Santi-
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. ago, Chile, South America.
Olson, A. V., Box 60, Bern 16, Otis, E. F., M. D., Melrose, Mass.
Switzerland. Ouatu, St., Strada N. Saveanu No.
Olson, H. 0., R. F. D. 1, Box 58, 10, Focsani, Rumania.
La Grange, Ill. Overstreet, C. E., Apartado 32, San
Olson, L. H., Apartado 32, San Pedro Sula, Rep. Honduras.
Pedro Sula, Rep. Honduras. Owen, F. M., 4180 Huntington
Olson, 0., S. D. A. Mission, Tabriz, Ave., Oakland, Calif.
Olteanu, Pavel, Strada Stelorian
Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania.
Oltin, J., Maironio g-ve 22, Kaunas,
P AAL, A. A., Serebrennikov-
skaja Str. 90, Novo-Sibirsk, U.
S. S. R.
Lithuania. Paap, C. A., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Ortner, C. G., 2900 Live Oak St., land, New Zealand.
Dallas, Tex. Paap, F. W., 2332 Hollister Ter-
Ortner, W. P., 1012 Union Ave., race, Glendale, Calif.
Saginaw, Mich. Pachla, J. M., Leningrad 3, Bo1j-
Ortner, I. G., 2718 Third Ave., schaja Puschkarskaja 34-a I,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. U. S. S. R.
Osborne, A. J., Route 4, Box 59, Page, F. A., Route 3, Loveland,
Lodi, Cal. Colo.
Osborne, Mrs. Ella H., Route 4, Painter, F. E., 802 East Acacia
Box 59, Lodi, Cal. Ave., Glendale, Cal.

Pakhare, 0., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- Patterson, J. R., Box 912, Eureka,
now, India. Calif.
Pakhare, T., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- Paterson, R. J., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
now, India. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Palmer, C. S., 84 Jervois Road, Pattison, L. 0., Tanah Tinggi 68,
Auckland, New Zealand. Kramat, Weltevreden, Java,
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- Netherlands East Indies.
tion, Washington, D. C. Patzig, R., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I.,
Panaga, Augustin, 1402 Oroquieta Dresden-A., Germany.
St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Patzkowski, J. E., 3654 North
Pansegrau, K., Tiergartenstrasse Robey St., Chicago, Ill.
23, Konigsberg i-Pr., Germany. Paul, R. W., M. D., P. 0. Box 128],
Panzig, 0., Adventhaus, Hans Shanghai, China.
S'achsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- Paulini, P. P., 8 Avenue Eglise
many. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Parfitt, A. G., Av. 5 de Mayo No. Paulsson, G., Box 262, Reykjavik,
37, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Iceland.
Parker, C. H., " Tereora," The Paunescu, P., Strada Labirint 116,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Bukharest, Rumania.
Australia. Payne, Dewey, Box 38, Boardman,
Parker, G. J., " Tereora," The Oreg.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Payne, Nathaniel, Box 66, Port of
Australia. Spain, Trinidad, British West
Parker, H. B., Hok Sha. Wan 13, Indies.
Macao, China. Payne, W. B., Route 1, Arlington,
Parkhurst, W. D., Somerset, Mich. Calif.
Parkin, J. H. 22 Zulla Road, Mag- Peacock, G., Marovo Lagoon, via
dala Road, Nottingham, Eng- Tulagi, Solomon Islands, acific
land. Ocean.
Parlan, Fortunato, Box 32, Legaspi, Peak, H. M., 452 Ralston St., Reno,
Albay, Philippine Islands. Nev.
Parmele, R. W., 1818 New Jersey Pearson, G., Box 51, Blantyre, Ny-
Si., Los Angeles, Calif. ' asaland, British Central Africa.
Parsons, D. A., Calle De Jalapa Peden, H. L., 516 Glenwood Ave.,
No. 210, Mexico City, D. F., Port Huron, Mich.
Mexico. Peifer, E. C., Mountain View, Cal.
Peixoto, Domingos, Caixa Postal
Parsons, E. H., " Tereora," The 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Sul, Brazil, South America.
Australia. Penner, J., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stutt-
Pascoe, J., 902 Colombo St., Christ- gart, Germany.
church, New Zealand. Penner, J. B., 1105 Teller Ave., -
Pascoe, W. H., Gordon Ave., Ham- New York, N. Y.
ilton, P. 0. Box 27, New South Perez, J. G., Agricultura 79, Col-
Wales, Australia. onia Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F.,
Passebois, L. F., Sterling Jet., Mexico.
Mass. Perkins, A. L., 2738 Norton St.,
Passos, Jose dos, Rua Maia La- Kansas City, Mo.
cerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Perkins, C. 0., South Lancaster,
South America. Mass.
Patchett, H. G., 5 Spring St., Perrin, W. E., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
Amesbury, Mass. India
Patching, S. L., Box 291, Hobart, Perry, F. L., 917 South Presa St.,
Tasmania. San Antonio, Tex.

Peters, G. E., 6643 East Marquette Pieringer, F., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vi-
Road, Chicago, Ill. enna XV, Austria.
Peters, R., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, Pilar, R., San Fernando, La Union,
U. P., India. Philippine Islands.
Peters, W., Schumamstr. 29, Bonn Pingenot, E. L., 1112 Kalarnath St.,
a. Rh., Germany. Denver, Colo.
Petersen, B., Manchurian Union Pilch, P. J., Khalturin Str. 128,
Mission, S. D. A., Mukden, Man- Armavir, U. S. S. R.
churia, China. Pioch, Albert, Grindelberg 15a,
Petersen, N. C., Box 133, Lodi, Hamburg 13, Germany.
Calif. Piper, A. H., " Mizpah," Wahroon-
Peterson, A. W., Box 598, Walla ga, New South Wales, Australia.
Walla, Wash. Piper, E. A., 715 Eighth St., East,
Peterson, E. F., 817 Nora Ave., Devils Lake, N. Dak.
Spokane, Wash. Piper, H. E., 902 Colombo St.,
Peterson, F. L., 2001 Twenty- Christchurch, New Zealand. .
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Piper, J. F., Holly, Mich.
Tenn. Pistorius, E., Adventhaus, Hans
Peterson, John, R. F. D. 2, Battle Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger-
Ground, Wash. many.
Petrescu, Al., Strada N. Saveanu Pitts, R. F., Cicero, Ind.
No. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Place, A. E., 1028 East Santa Clara
Pettit, G. W., 7 Voyle Road, Ran- St., San Jose, Cal.
goon, Burma. Platonow, D., Brivibas iela 11,
Petukhov, J. E., Gr. Puschkarskaja Riga, Latvia.
34-a, I., Leningrad, U. S. S. R.
Petzold, G., Tauentzienstrasse 100, Please, Juan, Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Breslau 2, Germany. , South America.
Peugh, V. E., Casilla 1003, Lima, Plesko, J., Petra Zrinjskog ulica
Peru, South America. 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Pfenniger, B., 5 Boulevard Long- Pohle, E. A., 518 Terminal Bldg.,
champ, Marseille, France. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Pf erschy, G., via Dalmazia 13/III, Pohle, E. E. Avenida Lopez Cotilla
Bari, Italy. 1504, Guada lajara, Jalisco, Mex-
Philips, N. W., 818 Olive St., Long ico.
Beach, Calif. Pohle, W. R., Apartado Postal Nu-
Phipps, B. H., 233 North Kendall mero 104, Ciudad Juarez, Chih.,
St., Battle Creek, Mich. Mexico.
Phipps, F. C., 610 Chestnut St., Pohlman, E. W., Box 15, Poona,
Camden, N. J. India.
Phipps, J. A., Apartado 568, Santo Polder, I., Cluj, Strada Clemenceau
Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana. 5/a, Rumania.
Phillips, E. B., Ikidzu Mission, Mu- Polednik, K., 11, Lucemburska,
somo, Tanganyika Territory, via Prague-Zuskov, Czechoslovakia.
Kisumu, East Africa. Poley, P. C., " Glenfield," Kynsey
Phillips, Joseph, 7 Voyle Road, Road, Colombo, Ceylon, India.
Rangoon, Burma. Ponce, M. E., Av. 5 de Mayo No. 37,
Pickard, . U. D., 24 rusting Ave., San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Catonsville, Md. Pintynen, W. B., Annegatan 7,
Pickett, F. L, 304 West Allen SI., Helsingfors, Finland.
Springfield, Ill. Poole, N. H., Loma Linda, Calif.
Pierce, H. W., 1200 Villa St., Popescu, C., Strada N. Saveanu No.
Mountain View, Cal. 10, Focsani, Rumania.

Poptchenko, P. D., Galaktionov- Pryor, L. J., 219 A East, Macon,

skaja 142, P. 0. Box 31, Samara, Ga.
U. S. S. R. Pudewell, W., S. D. A. Mission,
Popov, M., Post Box 20, New Town, Keizan, Chosen (Korea).
Harbin, Manchuria, China. Pulver, C. C., Washington Sanita-
Post, B. L., 2315 Tower Ave., Su- rium, Takoma. Park, D. C.
perior, Wis. Purdoni, C. A., 133 West Whitney
Potschke, H., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Diis- St., Sheridan, Wyo.
seldorf, Germany. Purmal, P., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Potter, E. R., 619 South Ashland Latvia.
Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Potter, J. J., 27 Prospect Terrace,
Prospect, South Australia, Aus- UADE, H. N., S. D. A. Mission,
tralia. Q Foochow, China.
Quimby, P. E., 25 Ningkuo Road,
Potts, W. S., 1890 Dawson Ave.,
Long Beach, Calif. Shanghai, China.
Pound, I. C., 705 South Gallatin
St., Jackson, Miss. R %.CKER, F., Lange Laube 29,
Powell, S. U., 112 Tower St., Hanover, Germany.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Rader, G. W., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Indies. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Powrie, R. H., 902 Colombo St., Radke, W., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
Christchurch, New Zealand. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Prakassam, M., Nuzvid, Kistna Radulescu, I. D., Strada Diacono-
Dist., South India. vici Loga 4, Temisoara 1, Ru-
Pratt, F. A., 903 Windmill Road, mania.
Bangkok, Siam. Raft, J. C., Box 60, Bern 16, Switz-
Prenier, H. S., Union College, Col-, erland.
lege View, Nebr. Ragsdale, Alva, 616 South Second
Prescott, V. P., 22 Zulla Road, St., Clinton, Mo.
Magdala Road, Nottingham, Ralago, R. S., Suva Vou, Suva,
England. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park, Ralls, W. A., R. D. 1, North Plank
Washington, D. C. Road, Newburgh, N. Y.
Preston, B. M., 55 South Main St., Hampton, F. G., " Mizpah," Wah-
Rochester, N. H. roonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Pretyman, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- tralia.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Ramuwai, S., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
Prieser, F. A., Grindelberg 15a, Pacific Ocean.
Hamburg 13, Germany. Randall, L. D., 405 East Fair St.,
Priest, Albert, 1115 West Charles S. E., Atlanta, Ga.
St., Grand Island, Nebr. Randle, W. H., 112 Tower St.,
Proctor, M. R., 3612 Morenci St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West
El Paso, Tex. Indies.
Prout, C. S., 3256 Germantown Rantoeng, S., Kemaweg Pal 2,
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Manado, Celebes, Netherlands
Prout, Ralph, Box 332, Station A, East Indies.
Los Angeles, Calif. Raposo, A. F., Rua Joaquim Boni-
Provin, H., 8 Avenue Eglise Ang- facio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
laise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Rapp, G. S., Race and Sterrett Sts.,
Pruitt, C. W., 120 Madison Ave., Homewood, Pittsburgh, Pa.
S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rashford, L., Apartado 122, Mana-
Prtill, M., Isartalstr. 40, Munich, gua, Nicaragua, Central Amer-
Bavaria, Germany. ica.

Raska, P., 11 Lucemburska, Reifschneider, K. A., P. 0. Box 16,

Prague-Zuskov, Czechoslovakia. Pokrovsk, A. S. S. R. of the
Rasmussen, Steen, Box 60, Bern 16, Volga Germans.
Switzerland. Reile, B. A., 306 Sherbrooke St.,
Raspal, M., Villa Betania, Square Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Poincar6, Tananarive, Madagas- Reile, S. A., Hebron, N. Dak.
car. Reimer, J. K., Box 1041, Odessa,
Rathbun, F. 0., 112 Tower St., U. S. S. R.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Reinmuth, H. G., La Grange, Ill.
Indies. Reiner, D. E., College Heights, via
Rathke, E., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Konigsbera i. Pr., Germany. Reiner, D. N., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Ratnikov, S.6 K., Lassal Str. 20, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Tcheliabinsk, U. S. S. R. Reis, J. A., Caixa Postal 1830, Cap-
Raubenheimer, J. H., 14 Claim St., ital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South America.
Africa. Reiswig, Conrad, College View,
Raus, G. A., Barabashevskaja 52, Nebr.
Khabarovsk, U. S. S. R. Reiswig, J. J., Box 202, College
Rawson, A. E., 7 Cunningham Place, Wash.
Road, Bangalore, India. Reit, I., Cluj, Strada Clemenceau
Read, W. E., Box 60, Bern 16, 5/a., Rumania.
Switzerland; after April 1: 41 Remfert, D. K., Serafimovskaja 17,
Maynor Gardens, Edgware, Mid- Kharkov-Ivanovka, U. S. S. R.
dlesex, England. Rempfert, K. F., Pishpek Str. 19,
Reaser, G. W., 121 North Adams Tashkent, U. S. S. R.
St., Glendale, Calif. Remsen,Emanuel, 1948 Eden Ave.,
Reavis, D. W., Takoms. Park Sta- Glena le, Calif.
tion, Washington, D. C. Rentfro, C. E., Box 523, Iron Moun-
Reavis, J. D., 3434 Taylor Blvd., tain, Mich.
Louisville, Ky. Replogle, J. D., Casilla 355, La Paz,
Rebensburg, A., Bahnhofstrasse 40, Bolivia, South America.
Gorlitz, Germany. Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn.
Rebok, D. E., 25 Ningkuo Road, Reputin, K. Th., Lassal Str. 20,
Shanghai, China. Tcheliabinsk, U. S. S. R.
Redondo, Antonio B., Apartado Resen, Chr., Suomisvej 5, Copen-
261, Barranquilla, Colombia, hagen, V., Denmark.
South America. Reumann, R., Hulvaky, Mor. Ost-
Reed, L. A., 1211 Broadway St., rava, Riegrova 784, Czechoslo-
Oakland, Calif. Rey, Eugene, Boite Postale. 7, Mos-
Rees, D. A., 1455 Seventh St., taganem, Algeria.
Parkersburg, W. Va. Rey, J., Boite Postale 7, Mostaga-
Rees, D. D., 135 East Eleventh St., nem, Algeria.
College View, Nebr. Reye, R., Atchin, New Hebrides,
Reeves, C. A., 22 Zulla Road, Mag- Pacific Ocean.
dala, Road, Nottingham, England. Reynaud, J., Villa Theodora, Rue
Reid, J. A., Box 169, Plymouth, de Malines, Quartier -de Mers-
Montserrat, British West Indies. Sultan, Casablanca, Morocco.
Reid, 0. P., 112 Tower St., King- Reynolds, C. J., Gordon Ave., Ham-
ston, Jamaica, British West In- ilton, P. 0. Box 27, N. S. W.,
dies. Australia.
Reid, J. W., 2129-42d Ave., Oak- Reynolds, E. R., 151 East Fifth St.,
land, Calif. Downey, Calif.

Reynolds, I. T., 216 Poppy Ave., Ringelberg, A., De Bruynestr. 3,

Monrovia, Calif. The Hague, Netherland.
Reynolds, L. R., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Ringoot, M., 11 Rue Ernest Allard,
Seattle, Wash. Brussels, Belgium.
Rhoads, A. V., Room 304, I. 0. 0. Rintala, A., Annegatan 7, Helsing-
F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Can- fors, Finland.
ada. Rippey, J. A., Box 32, Maplewood,
Rhoads, Bert, Box 605, Topeka, Oreg.
Kans. Rischmaller, Fr., Kreuzstr. 21, II.,
Rhoads, J. H., 734 Main St., Ne- Diisseldorf, Germany.
vada, Iowa. Risley, E. H., Loma Linda, Calif.
Rhode, Max, Praca da Republica Ritch, Ben, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
24, Campo Grande, Matto Grosso, British Central Africa.
Brazil, South America. Ritchie, A., 807 Park St., Hood
Rice, C. E., Takoma Park, D. C. River, Oreg.
Rice, M. L., 1112 Kalamath St., Rittenhouse, C. H., Box 630, Eu-
Denver, Colo. gene, Oreg.
Rice, W. W., 605 James St., Utica, Rittenhouse, S. N., 304 West Allen
N. Y. St., Springfield, Ill.
Rich, J. W., 460 South Rugby St., Ritz, Paul, 399 Upper Serangoon
Huntington Park, Calif. Road, Singapore, Straits Settle-
Richard, P. F., 5 Boulevard d'An- ments.
vers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Robb, V. W., Box 124, Weatherford,
Richards, H. M. J., 724 Pettis Ave., Okla.
Mountain View, Calif. Robbins, F. H., 507 Flower Ave.,
Richards, H. M. S., 631 Mildreda Takoma Park, D. C.
Ave., Fresno, Calif. Robbins, Wm., Box 235, Greens-
Richards, W. J., " Tereora," The burg, Pa.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Roberts, G. A., 537 Twenty-fifth
Australia. St., Oakland, Cal.
Richardson, F. I., 117 East Fifth Roberts, J. W., 1452 East Couch
St., San Bernardino, Cal. St., Portland, Oreg.
Richardson, I. D., 2315 Seifried St., Robinson, A. T., Melrose, Mass.
Nashville, Tenn. Robinson, C., Inyazura Mission,
Richmond, E. L., Takoma Park Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia,
Station, Washington, D. C. Africa.
Rick, P. A., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Robinson, D. E., Madison, Tenn.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Robinson, F. M., Rosmead Ave.,
Rider, C. J., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Kenilworth, Cape Province, South
Ridenour, J. R., Box 235, Greens- Africa.
burg, Pa. Robinson, G., 27 Prospect Terrace,
Riesa, A. K., Box 59, Kiev, U. S.
S. R. Prospect, South Australia, Aus-
Riffel, C. E., Devol, Okla. tralia.
Riffel, J., College Place., Wash. Robinson, H. A. B., Calle De Ja-
Riffel, J. E., S. D. A. Mission, Out- lapa No. 210, Mexico City, D. F.,
side East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Mexico.
Riffel, W. B., Box 32, Legaspi, Robinson, H. E., 117 Willow Ave.,
Albay, Philippine Islands. Takoma Park, D. C.
Riley, A. E., 222 Almond St., Robinson, R. P., Box 26, Kongolo,
Georgetown, British Guiana, Belgian Congo, Central Africa.
South America. Robison, J. I., Grove Ave., Clare-
Rine, G. W., 1916 Russell St., mont, Cape Province, South Af-
Berkeley, California. rica.

Robison, M. P., Box 22, Somerset Rowell, E. C., Broadview College,

West, Cape, South Africa. La Grange, Ill.
Robson, H., Ikidzu Mission, Mu- Rowland, J. W., Jesselton, British
somo, Tanganyika Territory, via North Borneo.
Kisumu, East Africa. Roy, Rufus, Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Roda, A. Z., San Fernando, La South America.
Union, Philippine Islands. Rubendall, C. W., 2900 Live Oak
Rodd, A. S., 22 Zulla Road, Mag- St., Dallas, Tex.
dala Road, Nottingham, England. Ruble, W. A., Stanborough Park,
Rodgers, P. G., 1207 West 98th St., Watford, Herts, England.
ng Cal. Rudge, E. B., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
Rodriguez, W. L., Box 244, Cebu, Pacific Ocean.
Cebu, Philippine Islands. Rudge, P. B., Kempsey, New South
Roeland, A., 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Wales, Australia.
Brussels, Belgium. Rudin, F., Stampfenbachstr. 85, Z-
Roenfeldt, E. E., 47 Hay St., Su- rich, Switzerland.
biaco, Perth, West Australia. Rudy, H. L., Bielsko-Kamienica
Rogers, A. H., 27 Prospect Terrace, 272, Slask, Poland.
Prospect, South Australia, Aus- Ruf, A. F., 2900 Live Oak St., Dal-
tralia. las, Tex.
Rogers, J. C., Box 468, Bloemfon- Ruf, G. F., Caixa Postal 2898,
tein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Rojas, L. A., Llavallol 2175, Florida, America.
E. C. C. A., Prov. Buenos Aires, Ruf, W., 8 Rue de l'Eglise Ang-
Argentina, South America. laise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Rook, E., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Riihling, R., Stredni ul. 10, Brno,
Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Czechoslovakia.
Rose, K., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Rulkoetter, A. H., Maplewood
Latvia. Academy, Hutchinson Minn.
Rosendahl, E., " Mizpah," Wah- Ruminson, W. M., 304 I. 0. 0. F.
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
tralia. Runolf, W., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Rosenthal, A. E., Box 310, Rostov holm, Sweden.
on Don, U. S. S. R. Ruskjer, S. A., College Heights, via
Rosenwald, Emil, care College, La Lacombe, Alberta, Canada.
Grange, Ill. Russell, A. B., Drawer E, Clanton,
Ross, J. B., 1215 Marshall St., Lit- Ala.
tle Rock, Ark. Russell, C. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Roth, A. G., Seminaire Adventists tion, Washington, D. C.
du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve, Russell, Riley, M. D., 129 South
Haute Savoie, France. Carr Drive, Glendale, Calif.
Roth, D. F., 3133 Hackberry Ave., Russler, W., Lange Laube 29, Han-
East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, over, Germany.
Ohio. Ryan, S. M., 603 Standard Trust
Roth, G. G., Box 28, Cape Haitieh, Bld
., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Haiti, West Indies. Canada.
Ryles, R. L., cor. Lovenia and Lut-
Roth, J. H., Cervantes 144, Parana, trell Sts., Knoxville, Tenn.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Rouse, J. S., 817 Nora Ave., Spok-
ane, Wash.
SABATINO, G., Missione Avven-
tista, P. 0. Box 106, Asmara,
Eritrea, Northeast Africa.
Rowe, T. M., 865 Buena Vista Sachsenmayer, A., Pelzgasse 2-10,
Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Vienna XV, Austria.

Sadohin, E. W., Hospital Str. 4, Sawyer, C. S., 607 West 137th St.,
Tula, U. S. S. R. New York, N. Y.
Saeboe-Larssen, L., Akersgaten 74, Saxton, H. F., Kimball, Nebr.
Oslo (Christiania), Norway. Scewczuk, A., Jagellonska 22,
Sage, A., 301 Magnolia St., Haw- Grodno, Poland.
thorne, Calif. Schacht, W. H., 813 Seventeenth
Salatzkat, J., Adventhaus, Hans St., Santa Monica, Calif.
Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- Schaeffler, Wm., Casilla 161, Iqui-
many. tos, Peru, South America.
Salazar, J. A., Agricultura 79, Schaffner, B. E., P. 0. Box 468,
CoIonia. Escandon, Tacubaya, D. Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Af-
F., Mexico. rica.
Sales, J. B., Box 210, Matanzas, Schaffner, R. G., 1116 West Willow
Cuba. St., Stockton, Cal.
Salton, R. A., Gordon Ave. Hamil-
ton (Box 27), N. S. W., Aus- Scharffenberg, W. A., 25 Ningkuo
tralia. Road, Shanghai, China.
Same, A. C., Box 271, Iloilo, Philip- Schebo, W. A., 4036 Minnehaha
pine Islands. Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Sanchez, A. C., Apartado Postal Scheele, K., Oststrasse 103 I, Biele-
104, Ciudad Juarez, Chih., Mex- feld, Germany.
ico. Scheibitz, R., Adventhaus, Hans
Sanchez, I. D., Montiel 93, Orizaba, Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger-
Vera Cruz, Mexico. many.
Sandborn, A. R., 129 Roselawn Schenck, A., Coblenzerstrasse 3,
Ave., Modesto, Calif. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Sanders, C. N., Berrien Springs, Scherr, B. A., Box COO, James-
Mich. town, N. Dak.
Sanders, F., Cicero, Ind. Schick, L. B., 5045 Glenwood Ave.,
Sanderson, A. E., Takoma Park, Chicago, Ill.
D. C. Schick, W., Isartalstr. 40, Munich,
Sandness, 0. E., Spruce and D Sts., Bavaria, Germany.
Eureka, Calif. Schierman, D. R., 737 Madison St.,
Sandstr5m, K. R., Tunnelgatan 25, Albany, Oreg.
Stockholm, Sweden. Schilberg, A. A., Lwowskich dzieci
Santee, Clarence, Loma Linda, Cal. 57, Lwow, Poland,' Europe.
Santos, V. T., 1402 Oroquieta St., Schildhauer, Otto, Coblenserstr. 3,
Manila, Philippine Islands. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Sanz, Pedro, Apartado 492, Barce- Schilling, J. H., Box 60, Bern 16,
lona, Spain. Switzerland; after April 1: 41
Sargeant, E. N., 306 Sherbrooke Maynor Gardens, Edgware, Mid-
St., Winnipeg, Manitoba. dlesex, England.
Sauer, E. G., 201 Juniper St., Brain- Schillinger, R., Djure Dezelica
erd, Minn. prilaz 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia.
Saunders, J. E., S. D. A. Mission,
Ranchi, India. Schilstra, P., 11 Rue Ernest Allard,
Brussels, Belgium.
Saunders, N. H., South Lancaster,
Mass. Schleifer, S. M., Gen. Del., Wilson,
Saur, 0., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna N. C.
XV, Austria. Schluttig, H.; Adventhaus, Hans
Sauza, L., Avenida Montiel 93, Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger-
Orizaba, Vera Cruz, Mexico. many.
Savitsky, K., Post Box 20, New Schmehl, F. W., 2001 24th Ave.,
Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. North, Nashville, Tenn.

Schmid, A., 8 Rue de l'Eglise Ang- Schuberth, H. F., Coblenzerstr. 3,

laise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Schmidt, B. C., Serebrennikov- Schuberth, 0., Missions-Seminar,
skaja Str. 90, Novo-Sibirsk, U. Darmstadt-Marienhohe, Hessen,
S. S. R. Germany.
Schmidt, H., Lange Laube 29, Han- Schulte, H., Hasenbergstr. 75,
over, Germany. Stuttgart, Germany.
Schmidt, I. C., Tanah Tinggi 68, Schultz, Herman, 724 Second, St.,
Weltevreden, Java, Netherlands Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
East Indies. Schulz, W., Barnimstrasse 10 I.,
Schmidt, M., Coblenzerstrasse 3, Stettin i/P., Germany.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Schuster, M. H., Drawer C, Berrien
Schmidt, M., Grindelberg 11, Ham- Springs, Mich.
burg 13, Germany. Schutt, C. A., Nuzvid, Kistna Dist.,
Schmidt, W. F., South State St., South India.
Vineland, N. J. Schwab, M., Kriegstr. 84, Karls-
Schmieder, W., Bahnhofstrasse 40, ruhe-Baden, Germany.
Gorlitz, Germany. Schwartz, W. F., 1681 Arthur
Schmoll, L., Oststrasse 103 I., Biele- Drive, Cleveland, Ohio.
feld, Germany. Schwarz, H., Kriegstr. 84, Karls-
Schmutzler, A., De Bruynestr. 3, ruhe-Baden, Germany.
The Hague, Holland. Schwedrat, 0. F., 4503 Spokane
Schneebaueri, L., Pelzgasse 2-10, Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Vienna XV, Austria. Schwenecke, 0., Lange Laube 29,
Schneider, C. C., Rua Maia La- Hanover, Germany.
cerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Schwenecke, W., Ostbahnstrasse 9
South America. I., Dresden-A., Germany.
Schneider, J., Brivibas iela 11, Schwerin, G. A., Cajabamba, Ecua-
Riga, Latvia. dor, South America.
Schnepper, 0. E., Tonasket, Wash. Schwercke, E., Coblenserstr: 3, Ber-
Schnetzler, Joseph, South Lancas- lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
ter, Mass. Schwindt, F. F., 409 South Twelfth
Schein, W., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Diissel- St., Bismarck, N. Dak.
dorf, Germany. Scoggins, P. E., 385 Liberty St.,
Schor, J., Demantiusstr. 10, Reich- San Francisco, Calif.
enberg, Czechoslovakia. Scott, Dr. W. B., 2610 Nob Hill
Schowe, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- Ave., Seattle, Wash.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Scragg, W. M. R., 84 Jervois Road,
Schrejak, Th., Isartalstr. 40, Mu- Auckland, New Zealand.
nich, Bavaria, Germany. Scriven, C. A., South Lancaster,
Schroeder, R., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Mass.
Dresden-A, Germany. Sears, E. M., Box 248, Westmount,
Schroeder, W. F. H., Bland, Mo. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Schubert, G. W., Takoma Park, Seat, E. T., 675 Glenmore Drive,
D. C. Glendale, Calif.
Schroer, W., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Dq- Seibel, J. H., Bowdon, N. Dak.
seldorf, Germany. Seltzer, G. J., 1125 East Twenty-
Schubert, W., Adventhaus, Hans third St., North, Portland, Oreg.
Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- Semmens, L. A., Box 584, Arling-
many. ton, Cal.
Schubert, Walter, Casilla 2830, Seng, G., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stutt-
Santiago, Chile, South America. gart, Germany.

Serkov, A. M., Leningrad 3, Bolj- Sherrig, W. H., 2200 North La

schaja, Puschkarskaja 34-a, I., Porte Ave., Chicago, Ill.
U. S. S. R. Shidler, J. E., Box M, Cristobal,
Serna, M., 3425 Duranzo St., El Canal Zone, Panama.
Paso, Tex. Shinde, Peter, 17 Abbott Road,
Settergren,A. J., Tunnelgatan 25. Lucknow, India.
, Sweden. Shitkow, J. P., Gr. Puschvarskaja,
Sevrens, L. G., Union Springs, N. Y. 34-a, I., Leningrad, U. S. S. R.
Shadel, S. T., Drawer C, Berrien Shone, G. W., Box 270, Bloemfon-
Springs, Mich. tein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Shaeffer, F. R., Box 226, Sawtelle, Shonemann, I. I., P. 0. Box 26,
Cal. Pjatigorsk, U. S. S. R.
Shakespeare, P. E., 1428 West Shoup, H. L., Takoma Park, D. C.
Alameda St., Denver, Colo. Shrewsbury, 0. H., 17 Abbott Road,
Shafer, W. J., 609 Province Bldg., Lucknow, India.
Vancouver, British Columbia. Shukow, L. W., Galaktionovskaja
Shankel, G. E., Grove Ave., Clare- 142, P. 0. Box 31, Samara, U. S.
mont, Cape, South Africa. S. R.
Shanko, M. J., 411 Cedar St., Ta- Shukov, W. W., Box 1041, Odessa,
koma Park, D. C. U. S. S. R.
Sharman, R. C., Leribi, Basutoland, Shuler, J. L., Route 1, Brevard,
South Africa. N. C.
Sharp, F. L., 84 Jervois Road, Shull, C. A., 817 Nora Ave., Spo-
Auckland, New Zealand. kane, Wash.
Sharp, W. W., Route 1, Box 58, Shultz, Gerald, 72 Hanover St.,
National City, Cal. Providence, R. I.
Sharp, Smith, 202-216 First Na- Shultz, J. E., 311 Atlantic St., At-
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, lantic, Mass.
Tenn. Shultz, J. W., 1015 Superior Ave.,
Shaw, B. H., 2050 Jefferson St., Dayton, Ohio.
San Diego, Calif. Shwab, H. J., P. 0. Box 16, Pok-
Shaw, H. S., Box 402, Mountain rovsk, A. S. S. R. of the Volga
View, Calif. Germans.
Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- Siakhor, S. M., Barabashevskaja
tion, Washington, D. C. 52, Khabarovsk, U. S. S. R.
Shaw, L. W., 25 Ningkuo Road, Sibley, D. 902 Colombo St., Christ-
Shanghai, China. church, INew Zealand.
Shaw, T. A., Wang Gia Dun, Han- Siepman, J. G., Ladysmith, Natal,
kow, Hupeh, China. South Africa.
Sheldon, E. L., 734 Main St., Ne- Silman, P. G., Demyan Bedny Str.
vada, Iowa. 16-a, Novo-Sibirsk, U. S. S. R.
Sheldon,H. J., 2718 Third Ave., Silveira, Benedicto, Rua Oswaldo
South Minneapolis, Minn. Cruz 32, Nictheroy, Eastado do
Shepard, Loren C., Box 15, Poona, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
India. America.
Shepard, Lyle C., 306 Sherbrooke Silveira, J. A., Caixa, Postal 378,
St., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil,
Shepard, Melzar, 308 Hilborn St., .South America.
Lodi, Calif. Simmons, Cyrus, Box 558, Knox-
Sherman, A. R., Calle Guaviyn ville, Tenn.
2532, Montevideo, Uruguay, Simmons, W. R., M. D., care Sani-
South America. tarium, Lafayette, Ind.
Sherrig, H. W., 2215 Farnam St., Simoes, F., Rua Joaquim, Bonifa-
Omaha, Nebr. cio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Simon, J., 11, Lucemburska, Smith, H. K., S. D. A. Mission,
Prague-Zuskov, Czechoslovakia. Kweiyang, Kweichow, China.
Simon, J. F., 1460 East California Smith, J. D., 705 South Gallatin
St., Glendale, Calif. St., Jackson, Miss.
Simpson, G. H., 619 Ashland Blvd., Smith, J. H., New Market, Va.
Chicago, Ill. Smith, J. J., Box M, Cristobal,
Simpson, P. K., 17 Abbott Road, Canal Zone, Panama.
Lucknow, India. Smith, J. L., Gordon Ave., Hamil-
Sims, G. G., Route 3, Box 8, Chico, ton, P. . Box 27, N. S. W.,
Calif. Australia.
Singh, Isher, 17 Abbott Road, Smith, M. B. C., 84 Jervois Road,
Lucknow, India. Auckland, New Zealand.
Singh, J., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, Smith, N. B., 215 North McDowell
U. P., India. St., Charlotte, .N. C.
Singh, Robin, S. D. A. Mission,
Hapur, U. P., India. Smith, R. W., 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
Sinz, K., Sulzbacherstr. 35, Nur- Honolulu, Hawaii.
emberg, Bavaria, Germany. Smith, W. D., Atchin, New Heb-
Sirotenko, K. E., Demyan Bedny rides, Pacific Ocean.
Str. 16-a, Novo-Sibirsk, U. S. Smith, W. I., College Place, Wash.
S. R. Smith, W. J., 27 Prospect Terrace,
Sittner, F., San Martin 1472, Cor- Prospect, South Australia, Ans-
rientes, Argentina, South Amer- tralia.
ica. Smith, W. K., 5319 Northland Ave.,
Skau, 0. A., 7 Cunningham Road, St. Louis, Mo.
Bangalore, India. Smith, W. R., Box 110, College
Skinner, G. H., Loma Linda, Cal. Place, Wash.
Skinner, L. A., Box 584, Arlington, Smith, W. S., Musofu Mission, Pri-
Calif. vate Bag, Broken Hill, Northern
Skorobreschtchuk, E., P. 0. Box 19, Rhodesia, Africa.
Homel, U. S. S. R. Smithwick, R. A., 525 Cascade St.,
Skyllstad, Rolf, Akersgaten 74, Wenatchee, Wash. (On furlough
Oslo, Norway. from India)...
Slade, E. K., South Lancaster, Smouse, A. R., 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
Mass. St. Paul, Minn.
Slankamenac, N., Rankeova Ulica Snide, H. E., Union Springs, N. Y.
24a, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Snider, J. D., 432 South Fellows
Smailes, P., Box 378, Port. Eliza- St., South Bend, Ind.
beth, C. P., South Africa. Snipes, Oscar, 127 Robeson St.,
Smart, A., " Tereora," The Boule- New Bedford, Mass.
varde, Strathfield, New South
Wales, Australia. Snow, C. M., Warburton, Victoria,
Smith, C. D., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Australia.
Smith, C. 0., College Heights, via Snyder, G. A., 4126 53d St., May-
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. wood, Calif.
Smith, E. A., 518 Terminal Bldg., Sohlmann, K., Szekely Bertalan
Oklahoma City, Okla. ucca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Smith, Floyd W., 17 Abbott Road, Soisalo, K., Annegatan 7, Raising-
Lucknow, India. fors, Finland.
Smith, G. A. E., 112 Tower St., Soper, G. R., Box 719, Boise, Idaho.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Sopha, B., Fort Jameson, North-
Indies. east Rhodesia, Africa.
Smith, G. H., Drawer C, Berrien Sorenson, C. M., Berrien Springs,
Springs, Mieh. Mich.

Sorenson, C. P., 411 Cedar St., Ta- Staton, J. R., 1225 Kansas City St.,
koma Park, D. C. Rapid City, S. Dak.
Sorenson, M., S. D. A. Mission, P. Staubert, 0., Oststrasse 103 I,
0. Box 145, Addis Abeba, Abys- Bielefeld, Germany.
sinia. Staubert, P., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Dus-
Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park seldorf, Germany.
Station, Washington, D. C. Stauffer, R. B., Box 584, Arlington,
Sparrow, H. M., Box 573, Bula- Cal.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake, Wis.
Sparrow, aVielvin, Cholo, Nyasa- Steed, J. E., Gordon Ave., Hamil-
land, British Central Africa. ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W.,
Spear, B. R., Box 1359, Phoenix, Australia.
Ariz. Steed, H. R., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
Spearing, F. A., 22 Zulla Road, Pacific Ocean.
Magdala Road, Nottingham, Steele, Wm., Apartado 136, Car-
England. acas, Venezuela, South America.
Speck, A. E., " Mizpah," Wah- Steen, T. W., Broadview College,
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. La Grange, Ill.
Spencer, R. M., Lambs Creek, Pa. Steeves, J. M., 17 Abbott Road,
Spicer, W, A., Takoma Park Sta- Lucknow, India.
tion, Washington, D. C. Steffen, W., Boite 595, Beyrout,
Spiess, F. E., Box 15, Poona, India. Syria.
Spies, F. W., Estacao de Sao Ber- Stein, R., S. D. A. Mission, Balba-
nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South leti, Post Aouache, Abyssinia.
America. Steinert, A. G., College Place,
Spire, B. W., Box 368, Murray, Ky. Wash.
Spring, L. A., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Steinmeier, W., Strada, Stelorian
Ohio. Zamfirescu, 8, Ploesti, Rumania.
Sproge, A., Zala iela 19, dz. 15, Stephenson, C. B., Brooker, Fla.
Jelgava, Latvia. Sterling, G. L., Papeete, Tahiti,
Staben, C. F., 1422 Washington Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Ave., Waco, Tex. Steudel, K., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Stafford, F. E., 1112 Keeaumoku burg 13, Germany.
St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Stevens, C. F., 3221 62d St., S. E.,
Stahl, F. A., Casilla 161, Iquitos, Portland, Oreg.
Peru, South America. Stevens, F. H., Box 372, Orlando, Fla.
Stablherg, T., Annegatan 7, Hel- Stevens, H. U., Union College, Col-
singf ors, Finland. lege View, Nebr.
Staines, 0. R., Loma Linda, Cal. Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Stammberger, A., 32 Eschenheimer tion, Washington, D. C.
Anlage, Frankfurt-Main, Ger-
many. Stevens, J. C., 299 West Van Buren
Stanescu, G., Jasi, Stradela Mutu, St., Battle Creek, Mich.
No. 19, Rumania. Stevens, 0. B., Bin 7, Lodi, Cal.
Stanescu, I., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Stevens, W. H., " Tereora," The
Bukharest, Rumania. Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Stanley, P. G., 803 First St., N. E., Australia.
Madison, S. Dak. Stevenson, S. J., Box 270, Bloem-
Staples, A. W., Jr., Grove Ave., fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Steward, W. W., College Place,
Starbuck, T. H., 506 East Everett Wash.
St., Portland, Oregon. Stewart, A. G., " Mizpah," Wah-
Starr, G. B., Box 253, Loma Linda, roonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Cal. tralia.

Stewart, E. L., Route B, Box 28J, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.

San Antonio, Tex. Stratton, F. E., Granger, Wash.
Stewart, G. G., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Stray, F. W., Box 88, Moncton, New
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Brunswick.
Stewart, J. S., cor. O'Connell Ter- Streeter, E. R., 17 Abbott Road,
race and Sneyd St., Bowen Hills, Lucknow, India.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Streeter, H. S., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Stinesen, Elmar, Akersgaten 74, Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Oslo, Norway. Striethorst, G., Caixa Postal H,
Stipeck, E. J., 507 Flower Ave., Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South
Takoma Park, D. C. America.
Stirling, J. C., 84 Jervois Road, Strickland, R. G., Box 797, Savan-
Auckland, New Zealand. nah, Ga.
St. John, M. H., 36 Hollywood Ave., Strickland, W. E., Lowanho, Yen-
East Orange, N. J. cheng, Honan, China.
Stocker, P., Coblenzerstrasse 3, Ber- Striplin, C. D., Calle Esteban
lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C.
Stockhausen, A. C., 112 Tower St., C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West South America.
Indies. Strobl, W., Maironio g-ve 22, Kau-
Stockil, F. R., Selukwe, Southern nas, Lithuania.
Rhodesia, Africa. Struve, H., Apartado 9061, Madrid,
Stoddard, E. B., Box 584, Arling- Spain.
ton, Calif. Stueckrath, M., 4725 Lewis Place,
Stoehr, H. G., Avenida Capichaba St. Louis, Mo.
53, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Stuivenga, J. H., 399 Upper Seran-
Santo, Brazil, South America. goonad, o Singapore, Straits
Stoics, St., Epreskert ucca 12, Settlements.
Gyula, Hungary. Stump, L. M., 537 25th St., Oak-
Stoltenberg, H., Kriimpferstr. 63 land, Calif.
II., Erfurt, Germany. Sturdevant, M. C., Box 468, Bloem-
Stone, A. J., Route 4, Box 275b, fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Tacoma, Wash. Sturgeon, D. F., Gen. Del., Enid,
Stone, C. L., Obispo, Canal Zone, Okla.
Panama. Sturzenegger, K., Stampfenbachstr.
Stone, W. J., 689 Loma Vista St., 85, Zurich, Switzerland.
Riverside, Cal. Stuyvesant, J. B., Alpine, Cal.
Storch, Gustavo, Caixa Postal 198, Suessmann, Alfredo, Caixa Postal
Bahia, Estado de Bahia, Brazil, H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil,
South America. South America.
Storey, A. B. B., Box 372, Orlando, Sulzle, C., Startup, Wash.
Fla. Summerville, T. M., 285 East 13th
Stotz, J. C., Burke, S. Dak. St., Holland, Mich.
Stover, A. J., Route 1, Box 2, Surber, W. F., Thayer, Kans.
Ridgefield, Wash.
Strachan, M. C., 231 Edgecombe Sutherland, Dr. E. A., Madison,
Ave., New York, N. Y. Tenn.
Strahle, J. J. 25 Ningkuo Road, Sutta, K., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Shanghai, China. Latvia.
Straight, G. H., Box 513, Madison, Sutton, C. B., Apartado 1059, San
Wis. Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Strange, J. F., Apia, Samoa, Pa- ica.
cific Ocean. Sutton, N. T., 729 Concord Ave.,
Stratford, S. V.,-" Mizpah," Wah- Boulder, Colo.

Svenson, R., Annegatan 7, Helsing- Taylor, C. U., Box 188, Clovis, N.

foxs, Finland. Mex.
Sviridov, P. A., P. 0. Box 310, Taylor, G. B., Collegio Adventista
Rostov on Don, U. S. S. At. Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Sviridov, W. A., Lassal Str. 20, South America.
Tcheliabinsk, U. S. S. R. Taylor, G. E., Box 1284, Billings,
Swanson, E. H., 219 Wilkinson Mont.
Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Taylor, H. B., 803 South Jackson
Sweany, W. A., Box 370, Hamilton, St., Jackson, Mich.
Bermuda. Taylor, H. F., 547 Cherokee Ave.,
Sweet, J. S., 27 Prospect Terrace, S. E., Atlanta, Ga.
Prospect, South Australia, Aus- Taylor, J. I., 1658 East Court St.,
tralia. Kankakee, Ill.
SwensOn, Carl, 26 Dodge Ave., Taylor, N. L., Genaro Sanchez 11,
Worcester, Mass. Havana. Cuba.
Swenson, J. A., 602 West 180th Taylor, W. A., Atchin, New Heb-
St. (Apt. 44), New York, N. Y. rides, Pacific Ocean.
Swinson, Swin, Route B, Box 436, Terry, L. W., Appleton City, Mo.
Fresno, Calif. Teters, D. S., Box 517, Mt. Vernon,
Symons, J. E., Rabe St., Potgie- Ohio.
tersrust, Transvaal, South Af- Thalmann, W., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I.,
rica. Dresden-A., Germany.
Sype, Mrs. Minnie, 104 North Pine Theiss, F., 6 Bohnengasse, Bra-
St., Ellensburg, Wash. tislava, Czechoslovakia.
Sype, R. J., Box 356, Nassau, Ba- Theodore, Antoine, Box 28, Cape
hamas. Haitien, Haiti, West Indies.
Theunissen, D. C., Box 378, Port
Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa.
TI 2175,
ABUENCA, P. R., Llavallol
Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. Thiel, L. F.,, Oakwood Jr. College,
Huntsville, Ala.
of Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America. Thiele, E. R., College, Takoma
Taggart, C. L., Box 774, Modesto, Park, Washington, D. C.
Cal. Thiele, K., " Adventhaus," Hans
Tait, A. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger-
Taphouse, Jas., 91 Bentley Ave., many.
Los Gatos, Cal. Thirlwell, T. W. 1455 Seventh St.,
Tappone, W. M., P. 0. Box 26, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Pjatigorsk, U. S. S. R. Thomann, E. W., Calle Esteban
Tarassovsky, W. G., Serafimov- Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C.
skaja 17, Kharkov-Ivanovka, U. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
S. S. R. South America.
Tarr, A. P., Bethel Mission, Butter- Thomann, V. E., Calle Esteban
worth, Cape, South Africa. Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C.
Tarr, D. F., 14 Claim St., Johan- C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina,
nesburg, Transvaal, South Af- South America.
rica. Thomas, A., Solunska 49, Sofia,
Tarr, E. V., Box 78, Gwelo, South- Bulgaria, Europe.
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Thomas, E. D., 7 Cunningham
Tarr, W. C., 108 Ivy Road, Nor- Road, Bangalore, India.
wood, Johannesburg, Transvaal, Thomas, H. B., Box 584, Arlington,
South Africa. Cal.
Tate, T. S., 13th St. and Avenue F, Thomas, J. G., 202-216 First Nat'l
Birmingham, Ala. Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn.

Thomas, John, Cholo, Nyasaland, Taylor, C. L., South Lancaster,

British Central Africa. Mass.
Thomas, P. V., S. D. A. Mission, Tillgren, A. J., Akersgaten 74,
Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Oslo, Norway.
Thomason, Geo., M. D., 317 Hol- Tilstra, K., Kemaweg Pal 2, Ma-
lingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles, nado, Celebes, Netherlands East
Cal. Indies.
Thompson, Chas., 2718 Third Ave., Timpany, T. M., Eagle House, 395
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Thompson, F. E., Somerset West, England.
Cape, South Africa. Tindall, J. H. N., Box 675, San
Thompson, F. S., 619 South Ash- Bruno, Calif.
land Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Tislenko, J. S., P. 0. Box 26, Pjati-
Thompson, G. A.,'123 West 39th gorsk, U. S. S. R.
St., Seattle, Wash. Tkatchenko, S. I., Ukrainskaja 11,
Thompson, G. B. Takoma Park Vinniza, U. S. S. R.
Station, Washingt on, D. C. Tobiassen, Chr., Suomisvej 5,
Thompson, H. G., Twentieth and Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
H Sts., Merced, Calif. Tobiassen, T., Akersgaten 74,
Thompson, J., " Tereora," The Oslo (Christiania), Norway.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Todd, J., 27 Prospect Terrace, Pros-
Australia. pect, South Australia, Australia.
Thompson, J. C., Takoma Park, Tolan, V., Strada Popa Tatu 38,
D. C. Bukharest, Rumania.
Thompson,J. T., Casilla 1002, Tolhurst, H. L., Nukualofa, Tonga,
Lima, Pru, South America. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Thompson, Luzerne, Gen. Del., Tolici, C., Strada Diaconovici Loga
Glendale, Calif. No. 4, Timisoara 1, Rumania.
Thompson, P. L., Union College, Toma, I., Strada Popa Tatu 38,
College View, Nebr. Bukharest, Rumania.
Thompson, Victor; Box 167, La Tonge, A. N., Dr., Angola
Verne, Calif. Union Mission of S. D. A.,
. Thompson, W. C., College Place, Huambo, Distrito de Benguela,
Wash. Angola, Portuguese West Africa.
Thorp, C. A., Brookfield, Ill. Tonks, S. F., Eagle House, 395
Thrift, R. A., Box 291, Hobart, Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Tasmania. England.
Thuemler, T. L., Route 2, Box 101, Toppenberg, V. E., S. D. A. Mis-
Medford, Oreg. sion, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Abeba,
Thumwood, F. E., 1600 Brunswick Abyssinia.
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Torres, Antonio, Agricultura 79,
Thurber, E. W., Apartado 261, Bar- Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya,
ranquilla, Colombia, South Amer-
ica. D. F., Mexico.
Thurber, R. B., 2123 Twenty-fourth Totesy, Jozef, Strada Clemenceau
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. 5a, Cluj, Rumania.
Thurston, H. G., Woodlake, Tulare Tovma, T. A., Box 59, Kiev, U. S.
Co., Calif. S. R.
Thurston, S., 1229 East Orange Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta-
Grove Ave.. Glendale, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C.
Tieche, M., 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, Townsend, V. C., 55 South Main
Paris 13, France. St., Rochester, N. H.
Till, W. G., S. D. A. Mission, Box Tribbensee, W., Barnimstrasse 10
19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. I., Stettin i/P., Germany.

Trotter, 0. J., 917 South Presa

St., San Antonia, Tex. VAIL, W. R., Kirundu, Congo
Beige, Africa.
Troy, 0. A., 934 35th St., Oakland, Valen, T. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Calif. Norway.
Truesdell, G. A., 1844 Broderick Valera, Emilio, San Fernando, La
St., San Francisco, Calif. Union, Philippine Islands.
Truitt, E. G., Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. Vallejo, Pablo, Box 3005, Santurce,
Truman, A. W., M. D., Sanita- Porto Rico.
rium, Takoma Park, Washing- Van Campen, D., 917 South Presa
ton, D. C. St., San Antonio, Tex.
Trummer, E. M., Apartado 39, Me- Vandeman, H. A., 504 Fourth St.,
dellin Colombia, South America. Fullerton, Pa.
Truppei, V., Cluj, Strada Clemen- Van Gulick, C. E., Route 2, Staats-
ceau 5/a., Rumania. burg, N. Y.
Tso, C. N., S. D. A. Mission, Tung- Van Kirk, M. B., 518-519 Terminal
shan, Canton, China. Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Tucker, G. W., 210 Park Ave., Nor- Van Landingham, P. E., 917 South
folk, Nebr. Presa St., San Antonio, Tex.
Tucker, J. A., Oakwood Junior Van Putten, C. G., Box 93, St.
College, Huntsville, Ala. Johns, Antigua, British West
Tucker, J. L., 122 South Eighth St., Indies.
Grand Junction, Colo. Van de Merwe, John, Solusi Mis-
Tulaszewski, K., Fabian ucca 5, sion, Bulawayo, Southern Rho-
Miskolc, Hungary. desia, Africa.
Tupper, L. E., Gen. Del., Port An- Varga, G., 409 East 71st St., New
geles, Wash. York, N. Y.
Turk, D. G., 12 Dickinson Ave., Varlemann, W., Hainholzerstr. 85,
Hill Crest, Binghamton, N. Y. Hanover, Germany.
Turner, E. A., Mizpah," Wah- Varmer, Axel, Suomisvej 5, Copen-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. hagen, V., Denmark.
Turner, J. W., 122 South Eighth Vaucher,A., Seminaire Adventiste
St., Grand Junction, Colo. du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve,
Turner, W. G., cor. O'Connell Ter- Haute Savoie, France.
race and Sneyd St., Bowen Hills, Veiga, Jose, Box 210, Matanzas,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Cuba.
Tutty, R. IL, Marovo Lagoon, via Venden, D. E., 105 East 65th St.,
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pa- North, Portland, Oreg.
cific Ocean.
Twijnstra, H., De Bruynestr. 3, Venen, W. J., M. D., 615 North
The Hague, Netherland. Seventeenth St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Venter, P. A., Jr., Post Box 270,
Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South
U CHTMAN, W. R., 56 Worces-
ter St., Boston, Mass. Africa.
Veszelovsky, J., Hunn ucca 4a,
Ulrich, C. F., 230 Chittenden Ave.,
Columbus, Ohio. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Underwood, R. A., Loma Linda, Veuthey, E., Villa Theodora, Rue
Cal. de Malines, Quartier de Mers-
Unruh, T. E., Academy, Cedar Sultan, Casablanca, Morocco.
Lake, Mich.
Urquhart, E. J., S. D. A. Mission, Videto, W. E., 297 Champion St.,
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Battle Creek, Mich.
Chosen (Korea). Vietze, B., Demantiusstr. 10, Reich-
Ursin, S. E., 603. Standard Trust enberg, Czechoslovakia.
Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Vitrano, J., 2225 'South Austin
Canada. Blvd., Cicero, Ill.
Vixie, L. A., Grove Ave., Claremont, Walker, W. W., Drawer E, Clanton,
Cape, South Africa. Ala.
Voigt, M., Fecske ucca 4, Gyor, Wall, D. N., Strada Labirint 116,
Hungary. Bukharest, Rumania.
Vollmer, H. W., M. D., Sanitarium, Wallace, H. L., Academy, Lodi, Cal.
Calif. Wallace, I. 0., Manchurian S. D.
Vore, G. T., Route B, Box 21-a, A. Union Mission, Mukden, Man-
Monte Vista, Colo. churia, China.
Vories, C. L., 126 Garfield Ave., Wallenkampf, J., Tunnelgatan 25,
Evansville, Wis.
Voorthuis, F., De Bruynestr. 3, Stockholm, Sweden.
The Hague, Netherland. Wallenstern, A. v., Sulzbacherstr.
Voorthuis, P., De Bruynestr. 3, 35, Ntiremberg, Bavaria, Ger-
The Hague, Netherland. many.
Voronin, W. N., Barabashevskaja Waller, E. C., care Pisgah Insti-
52, Khabarovsk, U. S. S. R. tute, Candler, N. C.
Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, D. C. Walsh, R. E., 3 Awde St., Toronto
Votaw, W. B., Hinoo, Ranchi, 4, Ontario.
dia. Walston, W. C., 108 Ivy Road, Nor-
Voth, Bernard, Enid, Okla. wood, Johannesburg, Transvaal,
Voth, C. C., Box 1077, Oklahoma South Africa.
City, Okla. Walter, A., Tauentzienstrasse 100,
Voth, David, 1801 Orchard Ave., Breslau 2, Germany.
Glendale, Cal. Wan, A. J., Hospital Str. 4, Tula,
Vuilleumier, J., Dammarie-les-Lys, U. S. S. R.
S. et Marne, France. Ward, A. V., 22 Zulla Road,
Magdala Road, Nottingham,
ACHHOLZ, A., Coblenzerstr. Warland, E. R., Gendia Mission,
WW 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Ger- P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
many. East Africa.
Wagner, B. E., Box 605, Topeka, Warner, Thomas, Box 66, Port of
Kans. Spain, Trinidad, British West
Wagner, F. D., Pickabo, Idaho. Indies.
Wagner, Jacob, Casilla 85, Puno, Warren, L. D., Box 517, Mt. Ver-
Peru, South America. non, Ohio.
Wagner,J. H., 1067 Shaw St., Warren, Luther, Paradise Valley
Memphis, Tenn. Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Wakeham, W. H., Berrien Springs, Warren, M. C., S. D. A. Mission,
Waldo, H. P., 120 Madison Ave., S. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Wasli, A., Suomisvej 5, Copen-
Waldorf, N. J., Box 1100, Orlando, hagen, V., Denmark.
Fla. Wasenmiller, J. A., 714 South In-
Walgren, C. A., 917 South Presa St., dependence St., Enid, Okla.
San Antonio, Tex. Washburn, H. A; Route 1, St.
Walker, Allen, Drawer E, Clanton, Helena, Cal.
Ala. Washburn, J. S., 1100 North Adams
Walker, A. G., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., St., Wilmington, Del.
Seattle, Wash. Watkins, A. K., 2407 North Wash-
Walker, H. W., Union Springs, ington St., Dallas, Tex.
N. Y. Watson, A., Ikidzu Mission, Mu-
Walker, J. Z., Box 188, Clovis, N. somo, Tanganyika Territory, via
Mexico. Kisumu, East Africa.

Watson, C. H., " Mizpah," Wah- Weidner, J. H., Seminaire Advent-

roonga, New South Wales, Aus- iste du Saleve, Collonges sous
tralia. Saleve, Haute Savoie, France.
Watson, G. F., 1008 North Hembree Weil, A. H., Atchin, New Hebrides,
St., McMinnville, Oreg. Pacific Ocean.
Watson, L. A., Stanborough Park, Weinand, W., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vi-
Watford, Herts, England. enna XV, Austria.
Watson, S., 27 Prospect Terrace, Weinert, A., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna
Prospect, South. Australia, Aus- XV, Austria.
tralia. Weinmann, F., Krdmpferstr. 63. II.,
Watt, J. W., R. F. D. 7, Mansfield, Erfurt, Germany.
Ohio. Welch, C. E., Box 517, Mt. Vernon,
Watts, V. B., Graysville Academy, Ohio.
Graysville, Tenn. Weller, 0. C., 3256 Germantown
Watty, H., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Dus- Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wellman, Arthur, 619 South Ash-
seldorf, Germany. land Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
Weaks, C. E., Box 60, Bern 16, Wellman, D. E., Route 5, Box 451,
Switzerland; after April 1: 41 Watsonville, Calif.
Maynor Gardens, Edgware, Mid- Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park,
dlesex, England. D. C.
Wearner, A. G., 1143 Neland St., Wells, F. D., 55 South Main St.,
S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Rochester, N. H.
Wearner, A. J., Route 1, Box 54, Wells, G. W., Takoma Park, D. C.
St. Helena, Cal. Weniger, C. E., Washington Mis-
Weaver, E. P., 304 West Allen St., sionary College, Taxoma Park,
Springfield, Ill. D. C.
Weaver, H. E., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Wennerberg, A. W., 1308 East
Seattle, Wash. Eleventh Ave., Spokane, Wash..
Webb, A. E., 6421 Stanford Ave., Wentland, Harry, Box CCC, James-
Detroit, Mich. town, N. Dak.
Webb, Smith, 28 Herschel St., Wentland, M. H., Demantiusstr. 10,
Lynn, Mass. Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia.
Weber, C. W., 225 Michigan St., Wentland, R. H., Bottineau, N.
Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburgh, Dak.
Pa. Wenzla v, J. A., Pishpek Str. 19,
Weber, Ich., Cluj, Strada Clemen- Tashkent, U. S. S. R.
ceau 5/a, Rumania. Were, L. F., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Weber, S., Cervantes 144, Parana, Victoria, Australia.
E. R., rgentina, South America. Wereschtchak, I. A., Box 24, Biely-
Webster, C. C., Jackson, Ohio. Tserkov, U. S. S. R.
Webster, C. R., 1112 Keeaumoku Werline, A. W., Washington Mis-
St., Honolulu, Hawaii. sionary College, Takoma Park,
D. C.
Webster, E. W., 105 North Chester Werner, R.. Hasenbergstr. 75,
Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Stuttgart, Germany.
Webster, F. C., cor. Lovenia and West, G. L., 49 Jewett St., Akron,
Luttrell Sts., Knoxville, Tenn.
Webster, Max, Cholo, Nyasaland, West, G.. R., 3219 Norton St , Kan-
British Central Africa. sas City, Mo.
Weeks, Frank, Box 72, Crichton, West, J. B., 22 Zulla Road, Mag-
Ala. dala Road, Nottingham, England.
Wegner, A., 32 Esehenheimer An- Westbrook, T. B., Box 630, Eugene,
lage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Oreg.

Westcott, H. B., Caixa Postal 2898, White, J. G., 1642 Thirty-eighth

Capital, Silo Paulo, Estado do St., Sacramento, Calif.
Slio Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- White, J. H., S. D. A. Mission,
ica. Tsinanfu, Shantung, China.
Westerhout, D. C., Harrison, Idaho. White, Stemple, 2900 Live Oak St.,
Westerhout, W. A., 801 Govern- Dallas, Tex.
ment Way, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. White, S. G., 609 Province Bldg.,
Westman, G. E., Suomisvej 5, Cop- Vancouver, British Columbia.
enhagen, V., Denmark. White, W. B., 818 Fairview Ave.,
Westerman, W. J., " Mizpah," N. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, White, W. C., h. F. D. I, St.
Australia. Helena, Cal.
Westermeyer, H. E., R. F. D. 2, White, W. H., Route 1, Grand Val-
Gaston, Oreg. ley, Colo.
Westermeyer, W. H., cor. Lovenia Whitehead, E. R., " Tereora," The
and Luttrell Sts., Knoxville,- Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Tenn. Australia.
Westhofer, B., Coblenzerstrasse 3, White,W. W., 443 Valley Road,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germary. Faireld, Ala.
Westphal, A. L., Caixa Postal H, Whiteside, R., Eagle House, 395
Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
America. England.
Westphal, C. E., Puiggari, F. C. E., Whittaker, E. G., 47 Hay St., Subi-
Entre Rios, Argentina, South aco, Perth, West Australia.
America. Whittaker, M. H., Gordon Ave.,
Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glen- Hamilton, P. 0. Box 27, N. S. W.,
dale, Cal. Australia.
Westphal, H. J., Casilla 161, Iqui- Wibbens, Jacob, 11 Rue Ernest Al-
tos, Peru, South America. lard, Brussels, Belgium.
Westphal, J. W., Calle Pino 3801, Wicks, H. B. P., Box 16, Rarotonga,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
America. Widgery, E. C., Raleigh, Tenn.
Westworth, Wm. A., WEMC, Ber- Wiedemann, M. F., Box 813, Ma-
rien Springs, Mich. nila, Philippine Islands.
Wheeler, C. E., P. 0. Mission, Wierts, J. H., 2819 Frederick Ave.,
Northern Rhodesia, Africa; Baltimore, Md.
Wheeler, G. A., 3336 Illinois Ave., Wiest, C. S., Box 605, Topeka,
Fresno, Calif. Kans.
Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr. Wiggins, F. R., 120 Madison Ave.,
Wheeler, L. S., Wheelerville, Pa. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Wight, S. E., 120 Madison Ave.,
Whelpley, J. E., 310 West Third
St., Elmira, N. Y. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Wilbur, J. M., Drawer C, Berrien
White, A. H., " Tereora," The Springs, Mich.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Wilcox, C. C., Box 719, Boise, Idaho.
Australia. Wilcox, E. H., Rua Oswaldo Cruz
White, B. J., 120 Madison Ave., 32, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio de
S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
White, C. L., Washington Sanita- Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
rium, Takoma Park, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
White, G. W., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Wilcox, L. A., Box 584, Arlington,
Calgary, Alberta, Cal.
White, J. B., Route 3, Loveland, Wilcox, Lyle C., S. D. A. Mission,
Colo. Tungshan, Canton, China.

Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Cal. Wilson, J. V., Box 250, Plizabeth-
Wilfart, R. J., Rua Oswaldo Cruz vine, Belgian Congo, Central Af-
32, Nictheroy, Est. do Rio de rica.
Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Wilson, M. L., 705 South Gallatin
Wilkins, E., 110 Early St., Mont- St., Jackson, Miss.
gomery, Ala. Wilson, N. C., Southeast African
Wilkinson, B. G., 7120 Piney Union Mission of S. D. A., Box
Branch Road, Takoma Park, 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British
D. C. Central Africa.
Wilkinson, G. L., S. D. A. Mission, Wilson, R. L., Karikam, Kottara-
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. kara, Travancore, India.
Will, Th., Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Winslow, G. H., South Lancaster,
Poland. Mass.
Willess, N. V., 605 West 26th St., Winston, W. H., 3303/4 Lee St., S.
Oklahoma City, Okla. W., Atlanta, Ga.
Willi, H., Stampfenbachstr. 85. Winter, H. J., Rt. 1, Box 66, Ed-
Ziiricb, Switzerland. monds, Wash.
Williams, A. H., 17 Abbott Road, Winters, C. A., 182 South Orange
Lucknow, India. St., Orange, Calif.
Williams, B. F., Pittsford, Mich. Wintzen, J., Argelanderstr. 149,
Williams, C. D. M., Box 294, Glen- Bonn a. Rhine, Germany.
dale, Ariz. Wippermann, H., Lange Laube 29,
Williams, Hugh, 861 Fifth St., Hanover, Germany.
Milwaukee, Wis. Wirth, Wm. G., 5447 El Verano
Williams, H. N., Box 106, St. Johns, Ave., Eagle Rock, Cal.
Newfoundland. Wiseman, Henry, Box 66, Port of
Williams, I. N., 18 Green St., Fre- Spain, Trinidad, British West
donia, N. Y. Indies.
Williams, J. N., Box 210, Matan- Wittig, H., Coblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
zas, Cuba. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Williams, W. W., 202-216 First Na- Wojtkiewicz, L. L., Leningrad 3,
tional Bank Bldg., Chattanoctga, Boljschaja Puschkarskaja 34-a I,
Tenn. U. S. S. R.
Willis, U. S., 304 Herkimer St., Wolfe, E. W., cor. Lovenia and
Brooklyn, N. Y. Luttrell Sts., Knoxville, Tenn.
Willoughby, H. E., 1903 East Illi- Wolfe, 0. W., 2310 Hibbing Ave.,
nois St., Spokane, Wash. Hibbing, Minn.
Willmott, E. D., 7 Cunningham Wolfkill, G. F., Berrien Springs,
Road, Bangalore, India. Mich.
Wilson, C. K., Box 513, Madison, Wolkov-Ldbsack, N. G., Khalturin
Wis. Str. 128, Armavir, U. S. S. R.
Wilson, E. T., Box 188, Clovis, N. Wong, S. L., S. D. A. Mission,
Mex. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Woo, T. S., S. D. A. Mission, Tung-
Wilson, F. E., 1024 North Arno St., shan, Canton, China.
Albuquerque, N. Mex. Wood, C. E., Box " 0," Balboa,
Wilson, H., Kreuzstr. 21, II., Dus- Canal Zone, Panama.
seldorf, Germany. Wood, Chancy, 1455 Seventh St.,
Wilson, J. J., Woronzovskaja 5, I., Parkersburg, W. Va.
Moscow, U. S. S. R. Wood, D. P., 2015 Bedford Ave.,
Wilson, J. L., 304 West Allen St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Springfield, Ill. Wood, G. A., Tandjong Anom 3,
Wilson, J. 0., 7 Voyle Road, Ran- Toendjoengan, Soerabaya, Java,
goon, Burma. Netherlands East Indies.

Wood, H. L., 609 Province Bldg., Yip, B., Box 66, Port of Spain,
Vancouver, British Columbia. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Wood, H. R., Ketchikan, Alaska. Yost, F. H., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St.
Wood, J. D., Box 66, Port of Paul, Minn.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Young, C. N., 1215 Marshall St.,
Indies. Little Rock, Ark.
Wood, K. H., 301-303 Yu-Yuen Young, E. J., Box 1359, Phoenix,
Road, Shanghai, China. Ariz.
Wood, L. G., 17 Abbott Road, Luck- Young, F. G., Box 912, Eureka,
now, India. Calif.
Wood, L. H., Stanborough Park, Young, M. M., 917 South Presa St.,
Watford, Herts, England. San Antonio, Tex.
Woodman, I. J., 508 East Everett Young, W. A., care Sanitarium,
St., Portland, Oreg. Lafayette, Ind.
Woods, C. L., Takoma Park, D. C. Young, W. C., 3 Awde St., To-
Woods, R. F., 1715 Cass St., Nash- ronto 4, Ontario.
ville, Tenn. Young, W. J., Eagle House, 395
Woodward, C. N., Keene, Tex. Holloway Road, London, N. 7,
Woodward, H. G., Karikam, Kot- England.
tarakara, Travancore, India. Youngberg, A. G., S. D. A. Mission,
Woolsey, C. A., S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Bengal, India.
Worster, W. W., 201 South Mis- Youngberg, G. B., 399 Upper Seran-
sion Drive, San Gabriel, Calif. goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Wortman, F. J. L., De Bruynestr. Settlements.
3, The Hague, Netherland.
Wright, F. A. Cicero, Ind.
Wright, J. F.;Post Box 468, Bloem-
fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Z AHARIS,
T. D., 1423 Fourth
Ave., Oakland, Calif.
Wrigley, C. A., 84 Jervois Road, Zarka, D., Csillag ucca 1, Hodme-
Auckland, New Zealand. z5vasarhely, Hungary.
Wu, T. G., 299 Yu-Yuen Road, Zaynos, F. B., Avenida Montiel 93,
Shanghai, China. Orizaba, Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Wyman, C. A., care Academy, Au- Zeiner, A., Margit Korut 58, I., 3,
burn, Wash. Budapest, II, Hungary.
Wyman, F. A., 7 Voyle Road, Ran- Zerne, N., Boite 595, Beyrout,
goon, Burma. Syria.
Ziehlke, M., Lange Laube 29, Han-
over, Germany.
VIRA, Isaac, Solusi Mission, Bula- Zielinski, J., Bielsko-Kamienica
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, 272, Slask, Poland.
Africa. Zielinski, M., Tiergartenstrasse 23,
Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany.
Zithmerman, A. H., Tandjong
AKOVENKO, P. G., 603 Stand- Anom 3, Toendjoengan, Soera-
Yard Trust Bldg., Saskatoon, baya, Java, Netherlands East
Saskatchewan, Canada. Indies.
Yakovenko, A. G., 113 Rosmar St., Zimmermann, H., Kriegstr. 84,
Philadelphia, Pa. Karlsruhe-Baden, Germany.
Yakush, Andrew, 507 18th Ave., Ziprick, 0., 304 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg.,
Newark, N. J. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Yates, J. S., Route 4, Jefferson, Zirat, G. J., Box 59, Kiev, U. S.
Texas. S. R.
" They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."

Karl Amelung, Dec. 6, 1927; Gor- B. F. Machlan, May 21; Takoma

litz, Germany. Park, D. C.
I. B. Burton, January 4, 1928; Na- T. Daivalu, May 23; Port Moresby,
tal, South Africa. Papua.
Mrs. R. A. Underwood, Jan. 19; J. E. White, May 30; Otsego, Mich.
Loma Linda, California. M. D. Learned, June 15; Sawtelle,
Mrs. Minnie Robbins, Jan. 26;
Gentry, Ark. Mrs. D. E. Wellman, July 2; St.
Helena, Calif.
Mrs. L. R. Conradi, February 17; Mrs. Laura Lewis, July 3; St.
Hamburg, Germany. Helena, Calif.
J. M. Johanson, Feb. 29; Wah- Mrs. J. J. Nethery, July 11; Lin-
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. coln, Nebr.
L. P. Tieche, Feb. 29; Geneva, H. J. Farman, July 22; Atlanta, Ga.
Switzerland. Mrs. F. M. Larsen, July 24; Shang-
Mrs. F. Charpiot, March 3; Lyon, hai, China.
France. H. C. White, July 31; Subiaco,
J. Sproge, March 5; Riga, Latvia. West Australia.
Arioste Pean, March 14; Haiti. D. D. Ehrhardt, August 8; Tallinn,
R. B. Nordyke, March 20; Moun- Esthonia.
tain View, Calif. R. D. Quinn, August 13; Eugene,
Clyde Lowry, March 30; Milton,
Wis. C. F. Parmele, August 19; Los An-
geles, Calif.
J. F. Steele, April 18; Terre Haute,
Ind. M. G. Huffman, August 29; Glen-
dale, Calif.
H. G. Gjording, April 22; Los An- W. W. Wheeler, October 8; Puno,
geles, Calif. Peru.
Mrs. H. Zimmermann, April 26; Randall Johnson, October; Birm-
The Hague, Holland. ingham, Ala.
R. G. Klingbeil, April 27; Holland, W. H. Green, October 31; Detroit,
Mich. Mich.
Mrs. H. W. Vollmer, May 2; St. Gust. Freeman, November 25;
Helena, Calif. Minneapolis, Minn.
J. Abella, May 4; Felgueiras, Por- C. W. Flaiz, Jan. 6, 1929; College
tugal. Place, Wash.
M. M. Mattison, May 20; enroute Mrs. A. E. Clark, Jan. 14, 1929;
to Wichita, Kans. Narsapur, South India.

ABYSSINIA, Missions in 143 Berlin Sanitarium (See Wahuriede
Academies, Directories of ....262-298 Sanitorium and Clinic)
Adelphian Academy 262 Bermuda Mission 31
Adventpuram 263 Bethel Academy 265
Advent Mission Society 105 Bethel Mission 225
African Division 221 Black Sea Conference 168
Institutions in 238 Bohemian language, periodicals in 317
Aibling Seminary (See Marienhoehe Bolivian Mission 206
Seminary) Bombay Mission 216
Aibonito Academy 263 Bongo Mission Station 230
Alabama Conference 91 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 329
Alaska Mission 72 Brandenburg Conference 107
Alberta Academy (See Canadian Brazil Publishing House 299
Junior College) Brazilian Seminary 266
Alberta Conference 101 British Borneo Mission 190
Algeria Mission 168 British Columbia Conference 101
Alto Parana Mission - 200 British East Africa, Missions in 141,142
Amazon Mission of Peru 208 British Guiana, Conference in 258
Amoy Mission (See South Fukien British Publishing House 299
Mission) British Union Conference 131
Angolo Union Mission 229 Broadview College and Theologi-
Anhwei Junior Middle School 263 cal Seminary 266
Anhwei Mission 178 Brookfield Branch Pub. House 305
Antillian Union Mission 249 Buenos Aires Conference 201
Antioquena Mission 256 Buenos Aires Publishing House 299
Appropriations to Missions 342 Buganda Mission 229
Arabic Union Mission 122 Bulgarian Mission 125
Arabic Union Mission Training Bulgarian Publishing House 300
School 263 Bureau of Home Missions 18
Araguaya Indian Mission 209 Buresala Training School 267
Argentine Conference (See North Burma Union Mission 212
Argentine and Buenos Aires
Conferences) CAFES 341
Arizona Academy 263 Calcutta Mission 214
Arizona Conference 74 California Conference 75
Arkansas Conference 96 Cameroon Mission Field 159
Asov Conference 167 Campion Academy 267
Atlantic Branch Publishing House 310 Canadian Junior College 267
Atlantic Colombia Mission 256 Canadian Watchman Press 300
Atlantic Union College 263 Cancele Mission 225
Atlantic Union Conference 25 Canton Middle School
32 268
Institutions in Cantonese Mission 192
Austral Union Conference 200 Cape Conference 223
Australasian Division Conference 239 Carolina Conference 85
Australasian Missionary College 264
239 Cebuan Mission (See East Visayan
Australasian Union Conference Mission)
Institutions in 247,248
302 Cebuan-Visayan language, periodi-
Austrian Branch Pub. House cal in 316
Austrian Conference 114
Cedar Lake Academy 268
Celebes Mission 123
B AD AIBLING Sanitarium 329 Central Abyssinian Mission 143
" Bahama Mission 250 Central American Academy 268
Baden Conference 115 Central American Factory Branch
Bahia Mission 204 Publishing House 304
Baltic Union Conference 129 Central American Union Mission 253
Baltic Union School 264 Central Asia Mission 165
Banat-Crisana Conference 152 Central Bohemian Mission 118
Barcelona Publishing House 299 Central Branch Pub. House ...... . 304
Barotseland Mission (See Rusangu Central California Conference .... 77
Mission) Central Caucasian Conference 165
Basuto-Bechuana Mission Field 226 Central China Union Mission 172
Battle Creek Academy 264 Central Chosen Mission 176
Battleford Academy 265 Central Colombia Mission 256
Batuna Training School 265 Central Congo Mission Field 229
Bechuanaland Mission Field 237 Central Dnieper Conference 168
Bee Hoa Middle School 265 Central European Division Conf. 104
Belgian Conference 146 Institutions in 104, 105
Bengali language, periodical in 316 Central Hungarian Conference 121
Bengali Schools 265 Central Italian Mission 156
Berlin Conference 107 Central Luzon Conference 185

Central Mexican Mission 260 EAST AFRICAN Union Mission 141
Central Nyasaland Mission Field .. 233 East Bengal Mission 214
Central Polish Conference 136 East Brazil Union Mission 203
Central Provinces Mission 216 East Caribbean Training School .. 271
Central Russian Conference 161 East Caribbean Union Conference 257
Central Siberian Conference 163 East China Union Mission 178
Central Sumatra Mission 123 East Congo Union Mission 279
Central Union Conference 32 East France Conference 147
Institutions in 38 East German Union Conference 106
Ceylon Mission 218 East Hungarian Conference 120
Chesapeake Conference 39 East Java Mission 124
Chicago Conference 51 East Kweichow Mission 195
Chicago Conference Academy 268 East Michigan Conference 62
Chihli Mission 183 East Muntenian Conference 149
Chikamba Mission 228 East Pennsylvania Conference 39
Chile Conference 201 East Polish Conference 136
Chillan Training School 269 East Prussian Conference 107
Chimpempwe Mission Station 237 East Russian Union Conference 145
China Theological Seminary 269 East Siberian District 164
Chinese languages, periodicals in 316 East Spanish Mission 154
Chokwe Mission Field 230 East Szechwan Mission 196
Chosen Union Mission 175 East Visayan Mission 186
Chosen Union Training School 269 Eastern Abyssinian Mission 143
Chota Nagpur Mission 214 Eastern Canadian Union Conf. 47
Christian Record Pub. Company 300 Institutions in 50
Chugoku Mission 181 Eastern Polynesian Mission 245
Church Directory (See at close of Ecuador Mission 206
each local conference) Educational Dept. of Gen. Conf. 12
Colegio Adventists 269 Statistics of 347
Colegio Adventists del Titicaca 270 Educational Institutions 262-298
College of Medical Evangelists 270 Outline of courses in 262
Colleges, Directories of 262-298 Egyptian Depository 310
Periodicals by 315 Egyptian Mission 122
Colombia Missions 255 Emmanuel Mission 227
Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission 255 Emmanuel Missionary College 272
Colorado Conference 33 Emmanuel Miss. College Press 301
Columbia Academy 271 England, conferences in 132, 133
Columbia Union Conference 38 English periodicals 311-316
Institutions in 47 Enterprise Academy 273
Congo, Missions in 227-229 Equatorial Africa Mission Field 159
Congo Union Mission 227 Eritrea Mission 143
Connecticut, Conference in, (See Espirito Santo Mission (See Rio-
Southern New England) Espirito Santo Mission)
Constitution of General Conference 350 Esthonian Conference 130
Cook Island Mission 244 Esthonian language, periodicals in 817
Copenhagen Pub. House 301 Esthonian Publishing House 301
Costa Rica Mission 263 Ethiopian Union Mission 143
Crimean Mission 166 European Divisions 104
Croatian language, periodicals in 317
Croatian Mission 158 AR EASTERN DIVISION 170
Cuban-Black Sea Conference 166 Institutions in 197, 198
Cuba Mission 250 Far Eastern Conference (Russia) 164
Cumberland Conference 87 Faroe Islands Mission 144
Curacao Mission 257 Fengtien Mission 182
Czechian (Bohemian) periodicals in 317 Fiji Mission 245
Czechoslovakian Mission School 271 Fiji 'Training School (See Bure-
Czechoslovakian Pub. House 301 sala Training School)
Czechoslovakian Union Conf. 118 Fijian language, periodicals in 317
Finland Conference 141
riANISH-Norwegian language, pe- Finland Mission School 273
4-' riodicals in 317 Finland Publishing House 301
Denmark Conference 138 Finnish language, periodicals in 318
Denominational Investment 348, 349 Fireside Correspondence School .. 273
Denominational literature, lan- China Branch 273
guages in which issued 326-328 Florida Conference 88
Denominational periodicals 311-325 Florida Sanitarium (See Orlando-
Directory of Ministers 358 Florida. Sanitarium and Hos-
Dispensaries 338-340 pital)
District of Columbia, conference in Foochow Intermediate School 274
(See Potomac Conference) Food Companies 340
Division Periodicals 313 Foreign fields, workers sent to,
Don Conference 166 1901-1928 343
Foreign languages, periodicals in 316-325 Honduras Mission 254
Forest Lake Academy 274 Huila Mission Field 231
Ft. Jameson Hospital 233, 329 Huila Mission Station 231
Ft. Worth Branch Pub. House 310 Hultafors Sanitarium 330
Fox River Academy 274 Humboldt Academy 277
Franco-Belgian Union Conference 146 Hunan Mission 173
French language, periodicals in 318 Hunan Prov. Junior School 278
French Publishing House 301 Hungarian Branch Pub. House 302
Fresno Academy 274 Hungarian language, periodicals in 319
Friedensau Missionary Seminary 275 Hungarian Union Conference 120
Friendly Island Mission 245 Hupeh Mission 174
ALLALAND, missions in, see
G Gem State Academy
Iceland Depository
General Conference, Directory of 6-24 Iceland Mission 144
Appropriations of 342, 343 Icelandic language, periodicals in 320
Constitution of 350 Illinois Conference 54
Departments of 9-23 Ilocano Junior Middle School 278
Laborers engaged under 23 Ilocano language, periodicals in 320
Presidents and secretaries of 344 Inca Union Mission 206
General Conference Corporation 22 India, publishing house in (See
General Conf. Executive Corn. 6-8 Oriental Watchman Publish-
General Periodicals 311-313 ing Assn.)
Georgia Conference 89 India Union Mission (See Southern
German Good Health Assn. 105 Asia Division of Gen. Conf.)
German Inter-Union Assn. 105 Indiana Academy 278
German language, periodicals in 318, 319 Indiana Conference 65
German-Swiss Conference 153 International Branch Pub. House 305
Giffard Mission Hospital 329 Inter-American Division Conf. 249
Gitwe Mission 229 Institutions in 261
Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital 329 Inter-American Factory Branch
Glendale Union Academy 275 Pub. House 304
Gold Coast Mission 144 Inter-Mountain Academy 278
Golden Gate Academy 276 Inter-Mountain Conference 34
Good Health Assn. Ltd. 330 Inter-Union Assn., in Germany 105
Goyaz Mission 209 Investment, denominational .... 848, 349
Graysville Academy 276 Inyazura Mission Station 235
Greater New York Academy 276 Iowa Conference 61
Greater New York Conference 25 Iowa .Sanitarium 330
Grecian Mission 126 Iraq Mission 122
Guatemala Mission 253 Irish Mission 134
Guiana Conference 258 Irrawaddy Mission 213
Gujerat Mission 216 Irtysh Conference 164
Gulf Mission 260 Italian language, periodicals in 320
Italian Publishing House 302
TT AITIEN MISSION 251 Italian Union Mission 156
' Haitien Seminary (See Semi-
naire Adventiste) T AMAICA CONFERENCE 251
Hakka Mission 193 J James White Memorial Home
302 330
Hamburg Pub. House Japan Publishing House 303
Hamburg S. D. A. Assn. 106 Japan Union Mission
235 180
Hanke Mission Station Japanese language, periodicals in 320
Hankow Junior Middle School 276 Jaro Junior Middle School
111 278
Hanover Conference Jugoslavia Publishing House 303
Hansa Conference 111 Jugoslavian Union Mission
276 157
Harlem Academy
Harvest Ingathering, statistics a 348 Juliaca American Hospital 330
Hawaiian Mission 84
Hawaiian Mission Academy 277 V AFFIRLAND MISSION FIELD 225
Helderberg College 277 ."- Kansai Mission 181
Hessia-Westphalian Conference 112 Kansas Conference 34
Hinsdale Sanitarium Academy 277 Kansas Sanitarium (See Wichita
Hokkaido Mission 181 Sanitarium)
Holland Branch Pub. House 302 Kanto Mission 181
Holland, Conference in (See Neth- Kanye Medical Mission 238
erland Conference) Karen Mission School 278
Holland language, periodicals in 319 Katanga Mission 228
Home Commission 22 Kattackada 279
Home Missionary Department .... 19 Kempsey Mission 246
Statistics of 348 Kentucky Conference 92
Home Missions, Bureau of 18 Kenya Hospital 331
Honan Mission 173 Kenya Mission 142
Kiangsi Mission 174 Main-Neckar Conference 116
Kiangsu Junior Middle School 279 Maine Conference (See Northern
Kiangsu Mission 179 New England Conference)
Kibundu Mission Field 281 Malagasy language, periodical in 321
Kiev District 168 Malamulo Mission Hospital 232, 332
Kirin Mission 183 Malamulo Mission Training School
Kirundu Mission 229 232, 280
Kolo Mission 227 Malay language, periodicals in 321
Kongolo Mission (See Chikamba Malay States Mission 190
Mission) Malayalam Intermediate School 281
Korean language, periodicals in 320 Malayalam language, periodical in 321
Kwangsi Mission 193 Malayalam Mission 218
Kyushu Mission 181 Malayalam Secondary School 281
Malaysian Signs Press 303
T AFAYETTE SANITARIUM (See Malaysian Union Mission 189
Wabash Valley Sanitarium) Malaysian Union Seminary 281
Lake Geneva Sanitarium 331 Manchurian Union Mission 182
Lake Mission 260 Manchurian Union Mission Train-
Lake Titicaca Mission 207 ing Institute 281
Lake Union Conference 50 Manitoba and West. Ontario Conf 102
Institutions in 60 Manyana Out-Station 238
Lancaster Junior College (See At- Maplewood Academy 281
lantic Union College) Marathi language, periodical in 321
Languages in which denominational Marathi Schools 281
literature is issued 326-328 Marienhoehe Seminary 282
Latin Union Conference (See Maritime Academy 282
Franco-Belgian Union) Maritime Conference 48
Latin Union Publishing House (See Massachusetts, Conference in, (See
French Publishing House) Southern New England)
Latin Union Training School 289 Matandani Mission 232
Latvian Conference 130 Matto Grosso Mission 209
Latvian language, periodicals in 321 Mauritius Mission 159
Latvian Publishing House 303 Medical Miss. Dept. of Gen. Conf 11
Laurelwood Academy 279 Meiktila Technical School 282
Leeward Islands Conference 258 Mendoza Mission 202
Legal Corporation of the General Mexican Union Mission 259
Conference 22 Meyyannoor 282
Leman Conference 153 Minas Mission 204
Lettonian Conference (See Latvian Ministerial Association 22
Conference) Ministerial Directory 358
Lettonian language, periodicals in Ministers under the General Conf 23
(See Latvian periodicals) Minnesota Conference 62
Liberian Mission 126 Mission Offerings 345
Licentiates under the Gen. Conf. 24 Missionary Licentiates under the
Lima Training School 279 General Conference 24
Literature, languages in which Missionary Volunteer Department
issued 326-328 of the General Conference 15
Lithuanian depository 310 Statistics of 347
Lithuanian Mission Field 131 Missions, Appropriations to 342
Liumba Hill Mission Station 237 Mississippi Conference (See Louis-
Local Periodicals 315 iana-Mississippi Conference)
Lodi Academy and Normal 279 Missouri Conference 36
Loma Linda College (See College of Moldavia (See 150 and 151)
Medical Evangelists) Monamona Mission 246
Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hos- Montana Conference 66
pital 331 Moravia-Silesia Conference 118
Lomami-Kasai Mission 228 Moroccan Mission 159
Long Beach Academy 280 Moscow Conference 162
Lord Howe Island Mission 246 Mountain View Academy 282
Los Angeles Academy 280 Mt. Ellis Academy 283
Louisiana-Mississippi Conference 93 Mt. Roraima Indian Mission 259
Lower Amazonas Mission 204 Mt. Vernon Academy 283
Lower Gwelo Mission Station 235 Muchenje Mission 236
Lower Shangani Mission Station 235 Muntenia (See 149 and 150)
Lower Silesian Conference 108 Musofu Mission Station 236
Lusaka Outschools (See Muchenje Mwami Mission 233
Mission) Mwanza Mission 142
Luz Mission Station 280
MADAGASCAR MISSION 159 Namba Mission 230
Magallon Junior Middle School 280 Narsapur Mission Hospital 332
Magellan Mission 202 Natal-Transvaal Conference 224

Navuso Intermediate School 283 nAK PARK ACADEMY 285

Neandertal Missionary Seminary 283 -''' Oakwood Junior College 285
Nebraska Conference 36 Obituary Record for 1928 414
Nebraska Sanitarium 332 Offerings, annual 842, 345
Negro Dept. of General Conf. 21 Ohio Conference 42
Netherland Conference 113 Oklahoma Conference 97
Netherlands East Indies Un. Miss 123 Ontario Conference 48
Nevada Conference 78 Orange River Conference 224
Newfoundland Mission 49 Orlando-Florida Sanitarium and
New England Sanitarium and Hospital 333
Hospital 332 Oriental Watchman Pub. Assn. 303
New Guinea Mission 246 Oshawa Missionary College 285
New Hampshire, Conference in (See Oslo Health Home 333
Northern New England Confer- Ovambundu Mission Field 231
New Hebrides Mission 246
New Jersey Conference 41 P ACIFIC PRESS PUB. ASSN 304
New South Wales, North Conf. 240 Pacific Union College 286
New South Wales, South Conf. 241 Pacific Union Conference 73
New York Branch Pub. House 307 Institutions in 84
New York Conference 27 Panama Conference 254
New Zealand Missionary', School 284 Panayan language, periodical in .. 321
New Zealand North Conference 241 Pandarathara 286
New Zealand, South Conference 242 Papers issued 311-326
Nicaragua Mission 254 Paradise Valley Sanitarium 833
Nigeria Mission 144 Pare Mission 142
Niue Mission 247 Periodicals issued 811-325
Norfolk Island Mission 247 Pernambuco Mission 204
North African Union Mission 158 Persian Mission 126
North Argentine Conference 202 Peruvian Mission 207
North Bavarian Conference 116 Philippine Junior College 286
North Bohemian Conference 119 Philippine Publishing House 305
North Carolina (See Carolina Conf.) Philippine Union Mission 186
North China Bible School 284 Pine Tree Academy 287
North China Union Mission 183 Plainview Academy 287
North Dakota Conference 63 Plumstead Nursing Home 333
North England Conference 132 Podolian Conference 168
North France Conference 147 Polish language, periodicals in 321
North Fukien Mission 193 Polish Publishing House 806
North Italian Mission 156 Polish Union Conference 134
North Moldavian Conference 160 Polish Union School 287
North New South Wales Conf. 240 Pomeranian Conference 109
North New Zealand Conference 241 Portland Branch Pub. House (See
North Nyasaland Mission Field 233 Northwest Branch Pub. House)
North Pacific Union Conference 65 Portland Sanitarium 833
Institutions in 72, 73 Porto Rico Mission 262
North Polish Mission 137 Portuguese languages periodicals in
North Queensland Mission .......... 247 321, 322
North Russian Conference 162 Portuguese Mission 155
North Sumatra Mission 124 Portuguese Publishing House 806
North Texas Conference 96 Posania Conference 135
Northeast India Union Mission 214 Potomac Conference 44
Northeast India Union Tr. School 284 Press Bureau of General Conf. 22
Northeast Saxonian Conference 108 Pua Training School (See Chillan
Northeastern Rhodesia Miss. Field 237 Training School)
Northeastern Union Conference Publishing Dept. of General Conf. 9
(Russia) 161 Publishing Houses, directories of
Northern California Conference 78 299-310
Northern European Division Con- Statistics of 346
ference 127 Punjab Mission 217
Institutions in 127-129 Punjab School 288
Northern Luzon Mission 187
Northern New England Conference 28
Northern Rhodesia Mission Field 236 y-ITIEBEC CONFERENCE (See St.
Northern Union Conference 61 `-1 Lawrence Conference)
Institutions in 65 Queensland Conference 242
Norway Conference 139
Norway Mission School 284 p AROTONGAN, periodical in 822
Northwest Branch Pub. House 304
215 Religious Liberty Association 17
Northwest India Union Mission
Northwest Siberian Conference 164 Resources Classified for 1926 348, 349
Nyasaland Missions, See 231-233 Restaurants 841.

Resthaven Sanitarium 334 Singapore Mission 191

Reval Publishing House (See Es- Singapore Press (See Malaysian
thonian Pub. House) Signs Press)
Review and Herald Pub. Assn. 306 Singapore Training School (See
Rhenish Conference 112 Malaysian Union Seminary)
Riga Publishing House (See Lat- Singhalese Elementary School 290
vian Publishing House) Skodsborg Sanitarium 335
Rio de Janeiro Mission 205 Slovakian Mission 119
Rio-Espirito Santo Mission 205 Slovenian language, periodicals in 323
Rio Grande do Sul Conference 209 Solomon Island Mission 247
River Plate Junior College 288 Solusi Mission Outschools 235
River Plate Sanitarium 334 Solusi Mission Training School 234
Ruanda-Urundi Mission See 229 Songs Mission 228
Rumanian language, periodicals in 322 South African Pub. House (See
Rumanian Publishing House 307 Sentinel Publishing Co.)
Rumanian Union Conference 148 South African Union Conference 222
Rumanian Union Training Institute 288 South American Division of the
Rusangu Mission and Training General Conference 199
School 236 Institutions in 211
Russia, Conferences in 161-169 South Australian Conference 243
Russian language, periodicals in .... 322 South Bavarian Conference 116
Ruthenian, periodicals in 322 South Bend Branch Pub. House 307
Rwankeri Mission 229 South Brazil Union Conference 209
South Caribbean Conference 259
S A BBATH SCHOOL DEPART- South Carolina (See Carolina Con-
') ment of the General Conf. 14 ference)
Statistical Tables 346 South Chekiang Jr. Middle School 290
Salvador Mission 255 South Chekiang Mission 179
Samoan Mission 247 South China Union Mission 192
Sanitariums, directories of 829-338 South Chosen Mission 176
Statistics of 346 South Congo Mission 228
Santa Catharina-Parana Mission 210 South Dakota Conference 64
Santali-Hindi Schools 288 South England Conference 133
Santo Domingo Mission 252 South France Conference 148
Sao Paulo Conference 210 South Fukien Mission 194
Saskatchewan Conference 102 South German Union Conference 114
Scandinavian Philanthropic Society 138 South India Training School 290
Scandinavian Publishing House 308 South India Union Mission 217
Scandinavian Union Conference 137 South Italian Mission 157
Institutions in 137 South Kavirondo Press 310
School Journals 315 South Lancaster Academy (See
Schools (See Educational Institu- Atlantic Union College)
tions) South Moldavian Conference 151
Scottish Mission 134 South New South Wales Conf. 241
Seminaire Adventiste (France) 289 South New Zealand Conference 242
Seminaire Adventiste (Haiti) 288 South Nyasaland Mission Field 232
Sentinel Publishing Company 308 South Sumatra Mission 124
Servian Conference 157 South Texas Conference 98
Servian language, periodicals in 323 Southeast African Union Mission 231
Seventh-day Adventist Pub. House Southeast Behar Mission 215
(India) (See Oriental Watch- , Southeastern California Conf. 79
man Publishing Assn.) Southeastern Union Conference 85
Shanghai Sanitarium 334 Institutions in 90
Shanghai School of Mandarin Southeastern Union Conf. (Russia) 166
- Studies 289 Southern Asia Division 212
Shanghai Training Sch. for Nurses 289 Institutions in 219, 220
Shansi Mission 184 Southern California Conference .... 81
Shantung Mission 184 Southern California Jr. College 291
Shelton Academy 289 Southern European Division Conf 145
Shenandoah Valley Academy 290 Institutions in 145
Shensi Mission \ 175 Southern Idaho Conference 67
Sheyenne River Academy 290 Southern Junior College 291
Siam Mission 191 Southern Luzon Mission 188
Siberian Union Conference 163 4 Southern New England Conf. 29
Sierra Leone Mission 144 Southern Oregon Conference 67
Sierra Madre Mission 260 Southern Publishing Association 309
Signs of the Times Press (Korea) 309 Southern Rhodesia Mission Field 234
Signs of the Times Pub. House Southern Union Conference 90
(China) 308 Institutions in 95
Signs Publishing Co. (Australia) 309 Southwest Africa Mission Field 227
Silesia-Galicia Conference 135 Southwest Bengal Mission 215
Simla Sanitarium 335 Southwestern Junior College 292
Southwestern Union Conference 95 A TENEZUELA MISSION 257
Institutions in 100 Y Vermont (See Northern New
Soviet Republics, Conferences in 161-169 England Conference)
Spanish language, periodicals in 823 Victorian Conference 244
Spain, Missions in 164, 155 Vincent Hill School 296
Special Days 342 Virginia Conference (See Potomac
Spion Kop Mission and Training Conference)
School 227,292 Vojvodina Conference 158
Stanborough College 292 Volga Conference 162
Stanborough Park Sanitarium ... 336 Volga-Kama Conference 162
Statistical Tables 342-349 Volhynian Conference 169
St. Helena Sanitarium 335
St. Lawrence Conference 49 WABASH VALLEY Sanitarium 386
Stockholm Publishing House 810 Waldfriede Sanatorium and
Sungari-Mongolian Mission 197 Clinic
Sutherlin Junior Academy 336
293 Walla Walla College 295
Swatow Mission 195 Walla Walla Sanitarium
Sweden Conference 336
140 Warburton Sanitarium
Swedish language, periodicals 337
324 Washington Branch Pub. House 307
Swedish Missionary School 298 Washington Missionary College 296
Swiss Union Conference 162 Washington Missionary College
Sydney Sanitarium 336 Press 310
Syrian Mission 122 Washington Sanitarium 337
Welsh Mission 133
cals in 824 West Abyssinian Mission 143
Tahitian language, periodical in 324 West African Missions 144
Taikgyi Girls' School 293 West Australian Conference 244
Tamil High School 293 West Australian Missionary School 297
Tamil language, periodicals in ..... 824 West Caribbean Training School 297
Tamil Mission 219 West China Union Mission 195
Tanganyika Mission Field 228 West Chosen Conference 177
Tasmanian Conference 243 West German Union Conference 110
Tehuantepec Mission 261 West Hungarian Mission 121
Telugu language, periodical in 324 West Indian Training School 297
Telugu Mission 219 West Java Mission 125
Telugu Mission High School 293 West Kweichow Mission 196
Tennasserim Mission 218 West Michigan Conference 56
Tennessee River Conference 94 West Muntenian Conference 150
Tete Mission 233 West Pennsylvania Conference ... 45
Texico Conference 99 West Saxonian Conference 110
Thekerani Mission 232 West Spanish Mission 155
Thuringian Conference 112 West Szechwan Mission 196
Tibetan Mission 196 West Virginia Conference 46
Tingo Rest Home 207 West Visayan Mission 189
Tithes and Offerings 845 Western Canadian Union Conf. 100
Titicaca School 270 Institutions in 103
Tohoku Mission 182 Western Oregon Conference 69
Tokyo Sanitarium and Hospital 336 Western Washington Academy 297
Transcaucasian Mission 167 Western Washington Conference 71
Transportation Agents 22, 23 White Memorial Hospital 837
Transvaal Delagoa Mission Field .... 226 White Russian District 168
Transylvanian Conference 151 Wichita Sanitarium 338
Treatment Rooms, list of 388-340 Winnipeg Branch Pub. House . 300
Turkish Depository 310 Wisconsin Conference 68
Turkish Mission 126 Workers' Directory 358
Workers' Obituary Record, 1928 414
UGANDA MISSION 142 Workers sent to foreign fields 343
Ukrainian Union Conference 167 Wurtemberg Conference 117
Union College 293 Wyoming Mission 37
Union College Press 310
Union Conference periodicals 314 VAKIMA VALLEY Academy 297
Union Springs Academy 294
217 Yiddish dialect, periodical in 325
United Provinces Mission Young People's Missionary Volun-
' United Provinces Schools 296 15
Upper Columbia Conference 68 teer Dept. of the Gen. Conf. .
109 Yucatan Mission 261
Upper Silesian Conference Yunnan Mission 196
Upper Zambesi Mission Station 237
Urdu language, periodical in 825
Urdu language, school in 289 ZAMBESI UNION MISSION 234
Uruguay Mission 203 Zulu Mission Field (See Trans-
Utah Mission 88 vaal Delagoa Mission Field)
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