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1) What are the features of the new moile phone for dogs?

A: Its is shaped like a bone, operates only as a speakerphone , pick up automatically

When called, is mounted on a red strap for wearing around the neck and is labelled with a large paw.

B: Its is shaped like a bone.

C: Its is shaped like a book, is mounted on a red strap for wearing around the neck and is labelled with a
large paw.

2) What does the writer mean when he says te mobile phone industry is a victim of its own

A:Mobile phone are stimulaneously the worlds most widespread communications devices.

B: Sales have been so good that industry is running out mobiles y the minute.

C: Computing devices.

3) How are some countries allowing poor people to use mobile phones?

A: Entrepreneurs such as telephone ladies renting out mobiles y the minute.

B: Entrepreneurs such as telephone gentleman renting out mobiles y the minute.

C: Entrepreneurs such as telephone ladies renting out mobiles y the minute, putting phones into the
hands of even the poorest.

4) How can the potential market for mobile phones in Japan be at least five times greater than the

A: Each person might want at least five phones.

B:DoCoMo, Japans leading mobile opera-tor, estimates that the potential market for mobile phones in
Japan is at least five times the numer of people.

C: Each person might want at least five phone for themselves and also for their car, computers etc

5) Why is it good to make use of peoples phones when they are asleep?

A: Its good to make use of networks during the night as theyre almot empty then.

B: Even being asleep, it seems, need not prevent you from using your phone.

C: Evidently, the industry has far to before it reaches the limits of mankinds desire to commuicate.

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