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Study Abroad: A Rewarding Challenge

August 31, 2017

Author: Lisa Perlin

As if graduating with a double major in just three years wasnt enough, California-born student,
Lisa Perlin, added visiting a foreign country to her list of accomplishments. In December 2016,
Perlin welcomed in the new year in a new country: Spain. Over twenty hours of travel each way,
a different language, and various challenges along the way did not set her back but rather push
her forward. Although the trip lasted just one week, the experiences and life lessons will live on
for years to come.

Through the Spanish department at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Perlin was able to
travel abroad on Christmas day to immerse herself in a cultural place thought once as only
attainable in her dreams. Although a frightening prospect at first, she decided to push herself past
her comfort zone and travel to Barcelona, flying with no one she knew. As an only child, Perlin
was never one to take risks. Her trip to Spain was filled with trying new foods such as tapas
which are finger foods as well as experiencing new art forms such as those by Antoni Gaudi.
This trip gave Perlin the self-empowerment to link herself with the outside world, a skill highly
valuable once brought home. Traveling to an outside country has helped her in keeping an open
mind and offering fresh perspectives to those around her.

The primary motivation for Perlins decision to travel to Barcelona was the challenge of
completing an EDGE project at her university. The EDGE project is a mandatory requirement
for graduation that offers students a wide range of options to grow and push boundaries. With
little guidance in terms of project components, choosing to study abroad is often one of the most
challenging to complete. Requiring financial resources, additional time, and often uncomfortable
situations, studying abroad is one of the best ways to get the most out of the EDGE project. For
Perlin, traveling to Barcelona became one of the most important experiences she will hold with
her for the rest of her life.


Contact Information:
Lisa Perlin
48 N. College Way
Cedar City, UT 84720
(949) 887-0701

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