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Department of Education

Region III-Central Luzon

Schools Division of Bulacan
Baliwag North District
Aurea Village, Subic, Baliwag, Bulacan




II. Objective:
The Council aims to involve the community/stakeholders in the management of the school to
improve the school performance.
Key objectives
The Governing Council will work with the School's management team to develop the
high quality all-round education.
To work with the school on planning, developing policies to achieve students full potential.
To set high standards for all children and clear targets for improvement
To help the school be responsive to the needs of parents and the community.
III. Membership Guidelines
1. Members of the Council are either elected by the sectors they belong or
by appointment by the Council or School Head
2. To council will have a term of office of one school year
3. Council members are eligible for re-election or reappointment.
4. Members of the Council shall be elected/appointed from the following sectors 2 students
2 teachers
2 staff
2 parents
2 community members
2 alumni
2 church representatives
2 LGU officials
2 government organizations
2 non-government organizations
2 private institutions/business sectors
1 school head
IV. Core Values of the SGC Members
Wholesome-promotes health and well-being of mind and spirit.
Exercises leadership guided by its constitutions and by laws,
Operating procedures and code of conduct.
Collaborative-works together towards improving learning outcomes.
Accountable - assumes responsibility for all actions, decisions, policies, outputs
Respectful - recognizes differences among its members and constituents and
Appreciates all viewpoints.
Effective- continuously makes a difference in their students learning.
V. Code of Conduct of SGC Members
Must not take improper advantage of the position of an SGC member
Must not let personal interests conflict with the interests of the school.
Has an obligation to ensure that sound decisions are made by the School
Governing Council.
Must treat confidential information appropriately.
Must not dishonor upon the school
VI. Roles and Powers of the School Governing Council
Participates in the development of the School Improvement Plan.
Assists the school in the monitoring and evaluation of SIP implementation
Generates mobilizes resources to support the implementation of SIP
Organizes committees to support the school head and staff in the implementation of SIP
Works for the welfare and well being of students
Be informed of the school-based funds allocated to school
Helps determine policies for the school including policies for safely, welfare and discipline
of students
Established linkages with various stakeholders in order to improve facilities and
VII. Limitations of the SGC in Exercise of its Authority
It shall not directly manage the school as that is the responsibility of the School Head
The powers and responsibilities of the School Governing Council shall be lodged in the
School Governing Council acting as one body and not with individual members
It shall act through the School Head in the conduct of its affairs and shall not act on its own
in any financial transactions involving the school.
It shall not enter into or be bound by any contractual transactions for and in behalf of the
school unless authorized for such purpose on its Constitution and By-laws.
All decisions of the School Governing Council shall conform to existing laws policies and
regulations of the Department of Education. It shall conduct its affairs in keeping with
the schools decision-making processes. It shall adopt a Constitution and By-laws to
guide its decision.
VIII. Role of the Principal in the Council
The Principal is answerable to the DepEd for providing educational leadership in the
The principal must also;
Implement the School Improvement Plan and school policies
Provide accurate and timely reports, information and advice relevant to the Councils
Report on learning outcomes
Supervise and promote staff and teachers development
Be responsible for the financial, physical and human resource management of the
Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council with full voting rights.
Chair the first meeting of the Council held for the purpose of organizing and electing
new officers
Contribute or be consulted for the formulation of the agenda of the
Council meeting.
IX. Officers of the SGC and their Duties

1. Officers of the Council elected by among themselves:

1.1 Chairperson
1.2 Vice-Chairperson
1.3 Secretary
1.4 Treasurer
1.5 Auditor
1.6 Chief Executive Officer (School Head)

2. Duty Statements
2.1 Chairperson
2.1.1 Act as a presiding officer of the Council
2.1.2 Chairs all the meeting of the Council
2.1.3 Initiates and responds to all communications which are for the
attention of the Council.
2.1.4 Ascertain that in all meetings, a quorum is present
2.1.5 Presents any report for which the Chairman is responsible
2.1.6 In consultation with the principal, prepares the agenda for meetings.
2.1.7 Is available to the wider school community for consultation
and information sharing.
2.1.8 Works with the principal regarding direction of the School Governing
2.2 Vice-Chairperson
2.2.1 Be prepared at all meetings and acts as proxy of any function
as required in absence of the Chair.
2.2.2 Be aware of the duties of the Chair in the event of that
persons absence.
2.2.3 Be prepared to assist the Chair when requested.
2.2.4 Assists in publishing the work of the Council
2.3 Secretary
2.3.1 Assists with the writing of reports and correspondence when
2.3.2 Files paper works into governing council file
2.3.3 Assists in publicizing the works of the School Governing Council
2.3.4 Assists in the preparation and circulation of the Council agenda
2.3.5 Assists the Chair in the gathering of additional items for the
Council agenda
2.3.6 Records and documents accurately minutes of all Council
2.3.7 Provides all Council members legible copies of the minutes at
least seven (7) days prior to the next meeting.
2.3.8 Sends and does follow up of notice of meeting to all members
2.3.9 Takes the attendance and apologies of the Council during the meeting.
2.4 Treasurer
2.4.1 takes charge of the funds receipts and disbursements of the
Governing Council
2.4.2 Keeps the money and the valuables of the Council on a book that
the Council designates
2.4.3Keeps and have a charge of book of accounts.
2.5 Auditor
2.5.1 Assists the treasurer in the processing of all financial
transactions and records
2.5.2 Audits funds, receipts, and disbursements for
submission to the Council
2.5.3 Assists the treasurer in keeping the clear record book of accounts
2.5.4 Prepares an audits report of all school Governing Council funds and
2.6 Principal (Chief Executive Officer)
2.6.1 Plans meeting, time and format
2.6.2 Arranges for information to be communicated to all Council members
before and after meetings
2.6.3 Prepares Council meeting agenda in coordination of the Chairman
2.6.4 Provides the Council accurate and clear information necessary for
decision making.
2.6.5 Arranges report to be available to all members of the Council
2.6.6 Keeps the Council up-to-date with new initiatives that are
X. Vacancies
Members of the Council ceases when the member
1. Dies
2. Resigns by written notice to the Council
3. Is removed by the Council because of violation of the Code of Conduct
4. Has been convicted of any grave offense.
5. Is absent for three (3) consecutive Council meetings without leave of absence
approved by the Council. Acceptance of an apology at a Council meeting will be
deemed a grant of such leave.

XI. Council Meeting

The Council shall meet once a month, the time and date shall be agrees
upon by the members during the first meeting
Notice of the meeting must be given at the previous Council meeting or by at least 7
days written notice distributed to all members.
Special or Emergency Meetings
The Chairperson of the Council may call a special or emergency meeting as the
need arises.
Notice of meeting must be given by written notice to all members within reasonable
time, setting out of time, date, place and given object of the meeting.
XII. Proceedings of the Council
1. Meetings
1.1 The quorum for the Council meeting is a majority of the filled positions
of the Council.
1.2 If the expiration of thirty (30) minutes after the appointed time for
meeting there is no quorum arrived at, the meeting must stand
1.3 Except in the case of a special resolution, a decision of majority of
those members present and eligible to vote is decision of the Council.
2. Minutes
2.1 Minutes of any Council meeting must be properly recorded and kept
for future reference.
2.2 The minutes must be read at the next Council Meeting and signed by
the Chairperson.
2.3 Upon reasonable notice, the books containing the minutes of any
meetings must be made available for inspection by any member.
XIII. Committees
The council may appoint committees, composed of members which will meet
as directed by the Council.
1. Ways and Means Committee

Ways and Means Committee will take charge of the methods of raising money of
sources out funds to support school improvement based on School Improvement Plan.

2. Student Discipline Committee

Students discipline committee is organized to support the existing school committee on
discipline headed by the guidance teachers.
3. Staff Development Committee
This committee will take charge of teachers in-service trainings and annual search for
outstanding teachers.
4. Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee shall manage the Adopt a Scholar Program. It is
responsible in scouting for benefactors and beneficiaries and in the disbursing and
liquidation of scholarship funds.
5. Spiritual Development Committee
This committee plans and recommends programs and activities to train students to
become God-fearing individuals.
6. Academic Achievement and Student Development Committee
This committee shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of various intervention
programs to raise the achievement level of the students including extra curricular
7. Environmental Protection and Waste Management Committee
This committee shall plan and recommend activities to promote proper waste
management and environmental protection and related projects.
8. Documentation Committee
This committee shall be responsible for the documentation of all meetings and
other activities of the Council.
9. Committee on Consultation and By-Laws
This committee shall draft the Constitution and By-Laws and present it to the
Council for comments, suggestions and approval.


Adopted this 17th day of July, 2015 at Subic Elementary School, Subic, Baliwag, Bulacan by
the affirmative votes of the undersigned members representing a majority of the members of the
Council in a special meeting duly held for the purpose.

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