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Green Roofs

Course No: C03-007

Credit: 3 PDH

Steven Liescheidt, P.E., CCS, CCPR

Continuing Education and Development, Inc.

9 Greyridge Farm Court
Stony Point, NY 10980

P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774
Technology Focus
A New Technology Demonstration Publication

Leading by example, Green Roofs

saving energy and
taxpayer dollars in Green roofs can improve the energy performance of federal buildings,
federal facilities help manage stormwater, reduce airborne emissions, and mitigate the
effects of urban heat islands

Executive Summary
Because of their many energy-saving and environmental benefits, green roofs are a promis-
ing technology for energy-efficient buildings. In a green roof, a layer of vegetation covers the
surface of a roof to provide shade, cool indoor and outdoor temperatures, stormwater
management, and more. The main components are waterproofing, soil, and plants.
Federal facility managers in particular might want to consider
Katrin Scholz-Barth/PIX13397

green roofs in responding to Executive Order 13123, Greening

the Government through Efficient Energy Management. That
order, signed in 1999, directs agencies to improve the energy
performance of their buildings, reduce their use of potable
water, and assist in curbing the greenhouse gas emissions
associated with energy use in the United States.
Today, there are two distinct types of green roofs: extensive
and intensive. An extensive green roof contains shallow soil
and low-growing, horizontally spreading plants. These plants
are primarily succulents that can thrive in the somewhat
alpine conditions of many rooftops. In other words, there
is not much water or soil, but the roof does experience a
significant amount of exposure to the sun and wind.
Intensive green roofs are more complex, and they require
more maintenance. They feature deeper soil (usually more
The roof of the 12- than 12 inches in depth) and more diverse plants, such as
story Chicago City shrubs and trees. They are usually not as cost-effective as extensive green roofs, and they
Hall building has require more structural support. They are also considered to be less environmentally effective
been retrofitted with
a 22,000-square-foot than extensive green roofs. Therefore, this Federal Technology Alert focuses on the design and
rooftop garden. The implementation of extensive green roofs.
primary goal of this This technology is especially effective in urban areas, because roofs make up such a large per-
installation, which was
completed in 2001, centage of a citys impervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces contribute to two key problems
was to demonstrate the urban heat island effect and urban stormwater runoffand both affect the consumption
that green roofs help of energy and water as well as the demand on energy and water systems.
to reduce urban air
temperatures. Green roofs contribute to energy- and water-saving goals both directly and indirectly. By shad-
ing the surfaces of a roof, they reduce heat gain through it by nearly 100 percent. In addition,
a green roofs soil and vegetation layer absorbs and filters rain, preventing it from quickly
becoming runoff from the roofs surface. Studies have also shown that the photosynthesis
process of the plants reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the surrounding air.

No portion of this publication may be altered in any form without
prior written consent from the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and the authoring national laboratory.
Federal Technology Alert

Energy- and Water- of energy saved by a green roof. parking lots, and streetscannot
However, a cool roof study by absorb it.
Saving Mechanisms LNBL concluded that another alter- Runoff from a rainstorm can quickly
Conventional roof surfaces absorb native surface, a reflective roofing overburden an urban sewer system,
solar radiation, and this has an impact membrane, should save $65,000 over especially a combined one that
on both outdoor and indoor air qual- the lifetime of the roof on a 100,000- captures sanitary waste as well as
ity. Outdoors, the absorbed radiation square-foot retail store.1 And studies storm water. Curbs, gutters, pipes, and
raises the temperature not only of the by the National Research Council of gullies all direct the runoff to the same
roof (and other impervious surfaces) Canada have shown that green roofs sewer system and outlets. Therefore,
but also of the surrounding air in are very effective in reducing heat the first half-inch of runoff is the
densely populated urban areas; this transfer through a roof; one green most challenging because of its large
is known as the urban heat island roof reduced average daily energy volume at peak flow rates. Runoff can
effect. The result is ground-level demand by 75 percent in a test overload sewers, cause floods, and pre-
ozone, in many citiesa temperature- facility with a 400-square-foot roof.2 vent the replenishing of local aquifers.
dependent reaction. The higher ambi-
The extensive research conducted Untreated runoff also carries non-
ent air temperature acts like a catalyst
by national laboratories and others point-source pollutantssuch as sedi-
and adds to smog, making air quality
to understand the urban heat island ment, nutrients, oil, and greaseinto
problems worse.
effect and develop strategies to reduce sewer and water treatment systems.
Indoors, the higher air temperatures it could be tremendously helpful in Another environmental problem
caused by solar gain through the roof introducing green roofs into the main- can occur when urban roofs heat up
result in greater use of air condition- stream building industry. However, stormwater runoff before it reaches
ing. This in turn raises electricity the two technologiescool roofs and the receiving streams. The subsequent
demand and causes additional waste green roofshave different objectives. thermal shock to the streams can
heat to be emitted into the urban A highly reflective cool roof is primar- have adverse effects on the aquatic
environment. ily intended to reflect solar energy ecology. Any runoff that occurs from
A green roof forms a buffer zone away from a building, whereas a living a green roof, however, will have a
between the roof and the suns radia- green roof absorbs solar energy but lower temperature than runoff from a
tion and shades the roof, prevent- reduces heat transfer through the roof conventional roof, so thermal shock is
ing its surface from heating up and by means of biochemical processes usually not a problem.
increasing outdoor and indoor air and added mass.
On a green roof, rain passes slowly
temperatures. Thus, this technology These two technologies might not through a layer of soil. This reduces
directly benefits both air tempera- be suitable for every type of build- the peak flow rate of the runoff and
tures and air quality and reduces the ing, however, although they are both aids in regulating flow into sewer and
amount of energy needed for air con- very effective in reducing surface water treatment facilities during peri-
ditioning. In addition, green roofs use temperatures. But sometimes they can ods of heavy rain. On an impervious
rainwater for irrigation needs, reduc- be applied in tandem to maximize roof, rainwater is usually conveyed
ing the demand for potable water for benefits. Because urban heat islands quickly to gutters and downspouts as
irrigation. clearly contribute to increases in tem- runoff and then pumped through sew-
Scientists at the U.S. Department of perature, energy use, and pollution, ers and treatment plants; a green roof,
Energys Lawrence Berkeley National the U.S. Environmental Protection however, can absorb and use much of
Laboratory (LBNL) have been studying Agency (EPA) and the Cool Roof this rainwater. Thus, green roofs help
the urban heat island effect. They esti- Rating Council are preparing a guide- to reduce the energy costs associated
mate that using alternative surfaces to book on strategies for reducing the with pumping and treating storm-
reduce the temperature of ambient air effects of these heat islands. water runoff as well as the cost of
in cities by just 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit Green roofs are not just effective in heating and cooling buildings.
(3 degrees Celsius) would save up to reducing urban heat islands, however;
$6 billion per year in energy costs, they also provide several cumulative Potential Applications
nationwide. Green roofs could help benefits. Stormwater management
cities achieve these temperature Considering the vast number of fed-
is probably the most tangible direct
reductions. eral buildings, there is great potential
benefit. In urban areas, precipitation
for green roof applications in this
No specific studies have been done becomes runoff because impervious
sector. There are good candidates in
in the United States on the amount surfacessuch as buildings, sidewalks,
all government building categories,


Federal Technology Alert

including office buildings, housing, data can be collected and energy cost occupants, and outdoor and indoor
and hospitals. The energy benefits savings can be estimated. environments. The lack of data on
of green roofs are probably greater Therefore, this publication is based these benefits is another hurdle that
for single-story or low-rise buildings, in part on experiences in Europe and appears to be difficult to overcome.
however. in part on anecdotal evidence from Other barriers include a lack of, and
Green roofs could also provide cost- observations of green roofs in the need for, the following:
effective stormwater management for United States. As a result, we are not Information and familiarity with
nearly all federal facilities or housing yet able to calculate with precision the green roof technology, design,
complexes. Therefore, facility manag- cost savings resulting from the energy- and function
ers in areas with strict stormwater and water-saving features of a green Knowledge about maintenance
regulations should seriously consider roof on a federal facility. Rather, we requirements
using green roofs in lieu of conven- can lay out a road map for interested
tional methods to control the quality facility managers who wish to become Industry standards and design
and quantity of stormwater on site. familiar with the technology and guidelines and specifications

Nutrients stemming from urban better understand its broad potential Qualified designers and contractors
runoff are the number one viola- impact on buildings, regions, and Incentives to make green roof
tion of National Pollutant Discharge resources. applications more attractive
Elimination System permits, which Available funding to absorb higher
are issued under a federal monitoring Implementation Barriers first costs
program to protect U.S. waterways. Despite the growing interest in green
The EPA is in the process of publishing These implementation barriers
roofs technology, there is some
regional criteria for total maximum are reflected in the low number of
resistance to applying it widely. One
daily loads of nutrients for the entire installed green roofs in the United
reason for this is that there are no
country; these criteria will be more States. They also reflect the com-
consistent guidelines or standards
stringent then ever before. To help plexity of green roof designs and
for determining structural and load
cities meet the criteria, green roofs can functions. Many industry members,
requirements and then designing and
be designed to have a specific water- researchers, and practitioners are
installing a green roof. However, these
retention capacity. They can then be conducting research, development,
standards are now being developed.
incorporated into stormwater man- and demonstrations to address and
Implementation barriers can be overcome these barriers.
agement plans without the need for
attributed in part to decision mak-
additional land for retention basins.
ers experiences with poorly installed Conclusion
Federal buildings that are concen-
waterproofing systems and persistent
trated in a particular area, as is often Green roof technology is emerging as
leaks from conventional roofs. As a
the case, could realize even greater an effective, practical way to increase
result, building and facility managers
energy and environmental benefits by the energy performance of buildings
have some reservations about retain-
combining or clustering their green and limit stormwater runoff. Adapting
ing water on their rooftops. They
roofs. green roofs for federal buildings can
know that a waterproofing failure
underneath a green roofs vegetation provide significant benefits, especially
Field Experiences layer would mandate very expensive to low-rise office buildings and facili-
Green roofs technology has been a repairs, including the cost of remov- ties in districts with strict stormwater
subject of great interest in business ing and reinstalling vegetation. Also, regulations. Integrating green roofs
and academic communities over the decision makers sometimes fear that into stormwater permitting require-
past two years. However, only a few installing a green roof retrofit could ments may become a realistic solution
U.S. green roof applications have been void the waterproofing warranty of to making them financially viable.
monitored to provide data for future their existing roof system. For those who would like more
projects. Although extensive research The fear of leaks thus appears to be information, a list of manufacturers,
has been conducted in Europe for the single greatest barrier to imple- contractors, consultants, and addi-
many years, resources are still needed mentation. It can even outweigh the tional publications is provided at the
on the design, construction, and realization that a green roof provides end of this publication.
installation of green roofs in the numerous cumulative benefits, both
United States, so that performance direct and indirect, to facilities,


Federal Technology Alert

This report was sponsored by the United States Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Federal Energy Management Program. Neither the United States Government nor any agency or contractor thereof, nor any
of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would
not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
mark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring
by the United States Government or any agency or contractor thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein
do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency or contractor thereof.


Federal Technology Alert

Abstract ................................................................................................. 2
About the Technology ......................................................................... 3
Application Domain
Energy-Saving Mechanism
Architectural Criteria
Federal-Sector Potential ...................................................................... 12
Estimated Savings and Market Potential
Laboratory Perspective
Implementation Barriers
Application.......................................................................................... 14
Where To Apply
What To Avoid
Installation, Integration, and Maintenance
Warranties, Standards, and Codes
Utility Incentives and Support
Technology Performance .................................................................... 21
Case StudyChicago City Hall Rooftop Garden Retrofit ................... 22
The Technology in Perspective........................................................... 23
Technology Development
Technology Outlook
Conclusion.......................................................................................... 24
For More Information ......................................................................... 24
Consultants and Designers
Waterproofing and Green Roof Systems Manufacturers
Modular Green Roof Systems
Selected Nurseries
Other Resources
References ........................................................................................... 25


Federal Technology Alert

to obtaining a silver rating by earn- to green roof design and installation.

Abstract ing two credits in the sustainable It is intended to help federal facility
In North America, green roofs are sites section for on-site stormwater managers determine whether or not a
gradually being accepted as a sustain- management (Credit 6: Stormwater green roof is appropriate for their facil-
able design practice for the environ- Management) and for shading the ities and if so, what types of green roof
mental benefits they provide. The U.S. impervious roof surface (Credit 7: systems are available. Energy-saving
Green Building Council (USGBC) has Landscape and Exterior Design to mechanisms and benefits are reviewed
adopted green roofs as an effective Reduce Heat Islands). for inclusion in the design process in
technology for reducing stormwater order to maximize returns on invest-
A cost-benefit analysis will not favor
runoff and mitigating urban heat ments. Also included are architectural
such an installation for LEED credits,
islands. The council has incorporated criteria such as additional loads, roof
however, unless the green roof is
green roofs into the Green Building slopes, and equipment integration.
integrated into the building design
Rating System of the Leadership in
and stormwater plan. Green roofs can Finally, this publication addresses
Energy & Environmental Design
also be helpful in meeting Executive material selection, waterproofing
(LEED) program (LEED is a trade-
Order 13123, Greening the Government and related warranties, codes and
mark of the USGBC).
Through Efficient Energy Management, standards, incentive programs, and
In addition, the General Services established to improve the energy technology performance. A case study
Administration (GSA) has issued a performance of government buildings includes a cost-benefit analysis com-
directive that requires all new federal and reduce the use of potable water. paring initial capital costs and antici-
buildings or renovations completed pated payback periods. There are also
This Federal Technology Alert discusses
after 2002 in the National Capital lists of sources of further information.
the benefits that green roofs provide
Region to achieve a LEED silver rating.
as well as the design, function, main-
Installing a green roof contributes
tenance and technical issues related


Federal Technology Alert

especially in urban areas, because Green roofs contribute to energy

About the Technology roofs make up such a large percentage management and water conservation
A green roof is a continuous layer of of the impervious surfaces in cities. in both direct and indirect ways. They
vegetation and soil that covers a roofs Thus, they contribute to two key provide shade, which reduces solar
surface. The main components are problems: the urban heat island heat gain through the roof by almost
waterproofing, soil, and the plants effect and urban stormwater runoff. 100 percent and mitigates the urban
themselves. Green roofs are an impor- Both problems affect the consumption heat island effect. Also, a green roofs
tant conservation technology because of energy and water and the demand soil and vegetation layer absorbs and
they increase the energy performance on energy and water systems. filters rain, preventing it from becom-
of buildings, improve indoor as well ing polluted runoff from the roofs
Pavement (roadways, sidewalks,
as outdoor air quality, and enhance surface. And the photosynthesis pro-
parking lots), and buildings are the
the health of urban watersheds. There cess in vegetation has been shown to
predominant surface covers in urban
are two distinct types of contemporary help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
areas. These hard surfaces absorb solar
green roofs: extensive and intensive.
radiation and transmit heat back into Green roofs absorb, filter, and tempo-
An extensive green roof consists of a the atmosphere, and they prevent rarily store precipitation. This water
shallow soil profile with low-growing, rainwater from filtering down through storage and filtration feature helps to
horizontally spreading plants. These subsoil. Green roofs technology makes mitigate the impacts of urban storm-
plants are primarily succulents that use of the natural processes and func- water runoff. Volume, peak runoff
are adapted to the alpine (high- tions of vegetation to minimize the rates, and associated non-point-source
elevation) conditions that predomi- adverse effects of these impervious pollutionprimarily sediments and
nate on a rooftop, where there is often surfaces, especially where green space nutrients such as nitrogen and phos-
little water and soil but significant is limited and there are few trees to phorusare of great concern to the
exposure to sunlight and wind. absorb water.
Intensive green roofs are more com-
plex systems that require greater main- Conventional gravel-ballasted roof
tenance. They are constructed with
deep soil profiles (more than 12 inches
of soil depth) and feature greater plant Protection layer
diversity, including shrubs and trees. Waterproofing
Intensive green roofs are considerably Moisture barrier
less cost-effective than extensive green Insulation
roofs are, however. Separation layer
Extensive green roofs usually require
less structural support than intensive
ones, and they are considered to Green roof
be more environmentally effective.
Therefore, this publication focuses
on the design and installation of
extensive green roofs.
All green roofs are natural systems Substrate
that effectively cool the temperature Filter fabric
of ambient air at roof level. The Drainage
vegetation layer shades the roofing Protection layer
membrane, thus significantly reduc- Waterproofing
ing heat gain through the roof. The Moisture barrier
vegetation cover itself adds green
space to areas that otherwise would
remain impervious and uninhabitable Separation layer
to birds, butterflies, and other small
The drawings show the general buildup of a gravel-ballasted roof and that of a green
wildlife. roof, in cross section. The buildup is very similar in both, but the performance of a green
Green roofs are important to consider roof is superior to that of gravel-ballasted roofs on many levels. (Source: A. Drr, Roof
in designing a sustainable facility, Greening; An Ecological Balance, 1995; reprinted with permission)


Federal Technology Alert

Application Domain

Charlie Miller/PIX
The design intent and goals of a green
roof need to be defined before the
design begins. Installation techniques
and material and plant selections
can vary and depend on the climate
zone in which the roof is installed.
In general, green roof applications
are appropriate for a variety of gov-
ernment buildings and roof types,
including office buildings, housing,
and hospitals in warm or cool climates
throughout North America. Green
roofs are particularly effective when
used to increase the energy efficiency
of single-story or low-rise buildings,
because of the high roof-to-wall ratio.
They are also very effective when used
for stormwater management on large-
footprint buildings.
Facilities in areas with strict storm-
An extensive green roof by Charlie Miller, Roofscapes, Inc., for the Chiropractic Life water regulations, and those that must
Expression Wellness Center in Sugar Loaf, Pennsylvania. meet National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit
health of watersheds, aquatic life, and and mitigate the impacts of urban requirements and criteria for total
air quality, especially in urban centers. runoff and urban heat islands. maximum daily loads (TMDLs),
During low-intensity periods of The following sections provide more should consider using green roofs
rainfall (about one-half inch or less), detailed information and criteria for in lieu of conventional systems to
green roofs have the potential to federal facility managers to use in con- control the quality and quantity of
completely eliminate runoff as the soil sidering, evaluating, and implement- stormwater. Since federal buildings
layer absorbs the rain. During longer ing green roofs at their facilities. Note, are often concentrated in one area,
periods of rainfall, or rainstorms of however, that green roof technology they can combine and maximize the
greater intensity (1 to 2 inches or is a general technique rather than a environmental benefits of individual
more), green roofs reduce peak flow specific system that can be universally green roofs.
rates and delay any runoff that might applied. It is thus important to under- Green roofs are appropriate for both
occur later, thus reducing the total stand the concept before selecting new and existing federal buildings.
volume of water that reaches sewer appropriate design criteria and design- They can be incorporated into new
systems. Watersheds are also protected ing a site-specific green roof. A case building designs without much dif-
from non-point-source pollution, such study is included to show how these ficulty. Structural load requirements
as sediments and nutrient overload. concepts are implemented. will usually need to be adjusted to
Green roofs are considered to be a Energy and cost savings are difficult accommodate the additional weight,
form of low-impact development, and to predict because monitoring data are beyond wind and snow loads, as
they are becoming more accepted as not yet available in North America. required by building codes.
sustainable planning and design prac- However, many research projects are It is also possible to retrofit existing
tices. Today, green roofs technology is under way, and several have produced buildings with green roofs. But this
anchored in the U.S. Green Building data that verify the cooling effective- requires a feasibility study to evaluate
Councils Leadership in Energy & ness of green roofs. the structural integrity of the existing
Environmental Design (LEED) build- building and roof. Gravel-ballasted
ing rating system because of the ways roofs are often suitable for a green roof
that green roofs help to minimize the retrofit because the gravel layer can
environmental footprint of buildings be replaced with a green roof layer


Federal Technology Alert

without adding much weight. It is

important to protect existing water-
proofing systems from root penetra-
tion, however. Tile and metal roofs
are not usually suitable for green roof

Energy-Saving Mechanism
Green roofs represent a unique,
unconventional approach to increas-
ing the energy performance of build-
ings through shading, insulation,
evapotranspiration, and thermal mass.
Measurable direct benefits are lower
roof surface temperatures and reduced Heat flow through a gravel-ballasted roof (left) and through a green roof. The added
thermal mass of the green roof prevents a large amount of air from escaping through
heat transfer through the roof, which the roof system. (Source: A. Drr, Roof Greening; An Ecological Balance, 1995;
reduce peak air-conditioning and reprinted with permission)
energy demand. These energy-saving
properties are different in summer thereby shading the roofing system use the energy in sunlight to form
and winter. from direct ultraviolet (UV) radiation. carbohydrates from the carbon diox-
Summer energy savings. In summer, From March to November, a chemical ide in the air and the water in the soil.
a green roof forms a protective layer process occurs in plants known Plants on a green roof thus prevent
over the waterproofing membrane, as photosynthesis, in which plants the surface of the roof from absorbing

Average Daily Heat Flow Through Roof Systems

(Nov. 22, 2000 Sep. 30, 2002)

Heat Flow (kWh/day)

0 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

2000 2001 2002

Measurements of heat flow show that average daily energy demand for the green roof was significantly less than that
of the reference roof in spring and summer. (Source: National Research Council of Canada)


Federal Technology Alert

Table 1. Daily Maximum Temperatures of Roof Membranes on Test Green Roof and Reference Roof during
a 660-Day Observation Period

Reference Roof Green Roof Ambient

Greater Than No. of % of Days No. of Days % of Days No. of Days % of Days

86F (30C) 342 52 18 3 63 10

104F (40C) 291 44 0 0 0 0

122F (50C) 219 33 0 0 0 0

140F (60C) 89 13 0 0 0 0

158F (70C) 2 0.3 0 0 0 0

Source: National Research Council of Canada

Table 2. Normalized (per unit area) Heat Flow through the Roof Surfaces of the Test Roof during the
Observation Period (November 22, 2000September 30, 2002)

Reference Roof Green Roof Reduction

5900 Btu/ft2 270 Btu/ft2
Heat Gain 95%
(19.3 kWh/m2) (0.9 kWh/m2)
13500 Btu/ft2 10100 Btu/ft2
Heat Loss 26%
(44.1 kWh/m2) (32.8 kWh/m2)
19400 Btu/ft2 271 Btu/ft2
Total Heat Flow 47%
(63.4 kWh/m2) (33.7 kWh/m2)
Source: National Research Council of Canada

the suns heat energy. This has a direct the roof. Small air pockets in the soil The study found that the daily maxi-
impact on the temperature of the and around the roots add insula- mum membrane temperature under-
indoor air immediately beneath the tion. The insulation value depends neath the green roof was significantly
roof. The plenum heat gain is reduced, on the soils moisture content, and it lower than the daily maximum mem-
and energy demand for space condi- decreases with greater moisture. brane temperature of the reference
tioning is correspondingly reduced. The plants, with their various heights roof. During a 660-day monitoring
As plants take up water from soil and and surface textures, help to reduce period, the temperature of the green
transport it through their leaves to the the velocity of cold winter winds over roof exceeded 86 degrees Fahrenheit
atmosphere (transpiration), water also the roof, preventing additional heat (F) (30 degrees Celsius [C]) on only
evaporates from the soils surface and loss through the surface. 18 days, or 3 percent of the time.
leaves. The total water lossevapo- The National Research Council of In contrast, the ambient air tem-
transpirationhelps to effectively cool Canada conducted a field study over perature exceeded 86F (30C) on
ambient air temperatures at roof level. a two-year period (2000 to 2002) to 63 days, or 10 percent of the time.
This has a significant impact on miti- evaluate the thermal performance of The temperature of the reference roof
gating the urban heat island effect. green roofs. The test facility in Ottawa was significantly higher throughout
Winter energy savings. In winter, has a total roof surface of 800 square the monitoring period. Temperatures
plants are dormant, and neither pho- feet (72 square meters). The test roof climbed above 122F (50C) on more
tosynthesis nor evapotranspiration was evenly divided into an extensive than 219 days, or 33 percent of the
take place. During this season, the green roof (green roof) and a modified time, as shown in Table 1.4
thin vegetation layer of an extensive bituminous roof covered with light The data show that green roofs
green roof adds thermal mass and gray gravel (reference roof).3 effectively cooled the roofing mem-
provides a barrier that prevents some brane underlying the green roof to
of the warm air from escaping through below ambient air temperatures in
this field study.


Federal Technology Alert

The study also found that the test Table 3. Typical Surface Albedo Values
green roof significantly reduced heat
flow through the roof. It also reduced Surface Albedo
the average daily energy demand for
space conditioning by 75 percent in Highly reflective roof 0.60-0.70
summer. Table 2 shows heat gain and
White paint 0.50-0.90
heat loss in total Btu per square foot;
the graph on page 5 shows average Grass 0.25-0.30
daily heat flow through the reference
Brick/stone 0.20-0.40
roof in comparison to that of the
green roof. Colored paint 0.15-0.35
The green roof appeared highly effec- Trees 0.15-0.18
tive in reducing heat gain in summer.
It was less effective in winter, reducing Red/brown tile 0.10-0.35
heat loss an average of 26 percent, as Concrete 0.10-0.35
compared with a reduction in heat
transfer of 75 percent in summer. Corrugated roof 0.10-0.16

Tar and gravel 0.08-0.18

Asphalt 0.05-0.20
Green roofs provide a wide array of
Source: U.S. EPA, Cooling Our Communities. A Guide to Tree Planting and Light
benefits: Colored Surfacing.

Shading the roof and cooling ambi-

ent air temperatures in summer Several of these benefits are addressed sunlight than dark, conventional roofs
in greater detail below. do. This means lower heat gain, which
Shielding the roof from wind and impacts the energy performance of a
preventing heat transfer in winter In regard to energy savings, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency building directly.
Absorbing, retaining, filtering, and (EPA) estimates that annual U.S. Hashem Akbari of Lawrence Berkeley
storing precipitation energy demand for air conditioning National Laboratory (LBNL) has
Reducing the temperature of runoff accounts for almost one-sixth of the tested and evaluated the performance
Minimizing the impacts of impervi- energy generated per year. That also of reflective roofing membranes. A
ous surfaces on watersheds represents an expenditure of approxi- 100,000-square-foot, single-story retail
mately $40 billion to fight heat gain store in Austin, Texas, served as the
Extending the lifetime of roofing in buildings. Careful selection of test site. Energy used for air condition-
membranes building materials and their surface ing was measured before and after
Increasing the areas green space albedo (or reflectivity) values can have the installation of a reflective roofing
and wildlife habitat a significant effect on the heat gain of membrane. In the test, the reflec-
Enhancing the aesthetic of surfaces as well as on ambient air tem- tive membrane lowered the average
cityscapes peratures, which in turn can reduce summertime roof surface temperature
the demand for air conditioning. from 168F (76C) to 126F (52C), a
Improving air quality difference of 42F.
New studies indicate that reflec-
Sequestering carbon dioxide tive surfaces, especially those used The final report on this test states,
Reducing traffic noise through on roofs, can help reduce cooling The total air-conditioning energy
absorption by the soil layer demand by 10 to 15 percent. This can use was reduced by 11 percent and
Ballasting the roofing membrane result in direct energy savings of up to peak air-conditioning demand fell by
50 percent.5 14 percent. The 100,000 square feet
Mitigating floods in certain regions building is predicted to save $65,000
Several kinds of reflective roofing
Reducing runoff and the need membranes have been tested. Within over the life of the roof.6
to expand the urban stormwater EPAs ENERGY STAR Program, reflec- The typical albedo value for green
infrastructures capacity tive roofs are encouraged to improve roofs is not as high as that of the
energy efficiency. Reflective roofing reflective roofing materials featured
membranes are usually light in color; in the study above, which means
therefore, they absorb less heat from that green roofs are not as reflective


Federal Technology Alert

Maximum Temperature Fluctuations for a Conventional Roof and a Green Roof

+ +
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 80 50 25
40 40

Avg. course of temperatures

on summer day (simplified)
30 30
Max. temp.
20 Avg. course of temperatures fluctuation in 20
on summer day (simplified) a year: 100C Max. temp.
10 10 fluctuation in
a year: 35C
0 Avg. course of temperatures 0
on winter day (simplified)
10 10
Avg. course of temperatures
20 20 on winter day (simplified)

30 30
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Hour Hour
In the graph on the left, the arrow shows the maximum temperature fluctuation of a typical flat conventional roof, up to 60C (140F) in a
single day, and up to 100C (212F) during the year. The graph on the right shows a significantly lower temperature fluctuation on a green
roof. The protective green-roof layer moderates temperature extremes and protects the roofing membrane from accelerated aging caused
by UV radiation. 7 (Source: A. Drr, 1995; adapted with permission)

(see also Table 3). However, compar- Therefore, albedo value is not an effec- mitigating the effects of impervious
ing only the reflectivity of a green tive or accurate measure for predicting surfaces.
roof with that of a light-colored the energy efficiency of green roofs. They do not reflect sunlight into
roof surface can be misleading when Nevertheless, cool roofs can be very adjacent buildings; rather, they use
determining the more energy-efficient effective on some buildings. Because radiant energy to cool ambient air.
surface. Almost all traditional build- steeply sloped roofs can be unsuitable
ing materials, regardless of color, will They are not vulnerable to UV
for cost-effective green roof technolo- radiation.
transmit some heat; a green roof, gies, a reflective roofing membrane
however, is a live ecosystem that should be considered because of its They can protect the roofing mem-
performs natural processes. Green energy benefits and ability to allevi- brane and increase its longevity.
roofs, though darker in color and cor- ate the urban heat island problem. A They provide green space and have
respondingly lower in reflectivity than cool roof should be considered when aesthetic value.
light roof surfaces, do not reflect solar an existing roof cannot withstand
radiation; instead, this solar energy is They reduce noise by absorbing
the additional load of a green roof. In sound in the soil medium.
used by the green roofs vegetation. summary, these are some advantages
Almost none of the suns heat passes and disadvantages to be aware of in Some disadvantages of green roofs
into the building. The vegetation uses choosing between the two kinds of in comparison to reflective roofs:
the solar energy to provide effective roofs:
cooling through the evapotranspira- They have higher first costs because
tion process described above. Some advantages of green roofs of the additional material needed
in comparison to reflective roofs: and high installation costs.
Also, because green roofs do not
reflect solar radiation, occupants of Besides reducing heat transfer They require higher maintenance
neighboring buildings do not have through the roof, they are also for plant care and upkeep until
to restrict reflections from them beneficial in controlling storm- plants are fully established and the
by installing additional shading. water quality and quantity and in roof is fully covered (about two
years); some ongoing maintenance


Federal Technology Alert

is also required, such as fertilizing benefit is the extended lifetime of the green roof can eliminate runoff from a
vegetation annually and checking waterproofing system. Conventional building and reduce the peak flow rate
on plants. roofing systems are typically replaced and volume of the sewer system.
They are vulnerable to high winds every 20 to 30 years. A green roof, in A layer of soil 3 to 4 inches deep in
because they are not mechanically contrast, protects the waterproofing an extensive green roof can absorb
fastened to the roof. membrane from UV exposure and about 1 inch of water. Green roofs are
temperature fluctuations that acceler- estimated to absorb, filter, retain, and
It is more difficult to locate any ate the breakdown of the membrane. store an average of about 75 percent of
leaks in waterproofing material. In Europe, green roofs have extended the annual precipitation that falls on
Waterproofing must be protected the lifespan of a roofing membrane to them. This applies to most areas in the
from root penetration. two or three times that of a conven- United States.
They do not work well (if at all) on tional roofing system.
A green roofs health, durability, and
roofs with very steep slopes. Stormwater management: return on investment increase along
Note that cool roofs also tend to Converting conventional roof sur- with the depth of the soil. Plants grow
collect airborne dust and particulate faces to green roofs is potentially the and spread more vigorously in 3 to
matter. Some cool roofs, such as metal single greatest way to reduce or delay 4 inches of soil than in more shallow
ones, are less susceptible to the ele- stormwater runoff on a large scale. soils. This depth also allows greater
ments. However, the dust that usually The stormwater benefits of green plant diversity and provides greater
accumulates on light-colored roofs, roofs are greatest in densely populated resistance to diseases.
and the acid rain that stains them, urban centers. Cities that are serviced
The water-retention capacity of a
can darken the surface, reducing by combined sewer networks benefit
green roof depends on the type of
solar reflectance and infrared emit- from the resulting reductions in the
growing media used. Water retention
tance properties by 8 to 11 percent. volume and rate of runoff. Green roofs
can be increased by either mixing
However, cool roofs can usually be should be incorporated into a build-
lightweight, water-retaining aggregate
power-washed to reinstall their reflec- ing design in the conceptual planning
into the soil, or using this kind of
tive properties. phase for new construction to reduce
aggregate for the topsoil layer. See also
the need for a costly stormwater reten-
In comparison, airborne dust and the sections on architectural criteria
tion and treatment infrastructure.
particulate matter are usually fixed on and installation for load issues associ-
Depending on the intensity of rainfall,
the leaves and foliage of a green roof ated with different growing media.
the growing season, and the soil mois-
and do not compromise its heat-flow ture content at the site, an extensive
reduction properties or any other
performance parameter. Because of
Runoff vs. Water Retention at Different Soil Depths
the benefits a green roof provides as
an ecosystem, it can outperform a
reflective roof with regard to energy Runoff
efficiency and mitigating urban heat
islands. Water retention capacity
The multifunctional, cumulative
benefits of green roofs make them
attractive and unmatched by other
technologies. Therefore, designers and 71%
facility manager might select a green
roof for reasons other than its energy 67%
efficiency. Besides technical perfor- 1 in. 2.5 in. 4 in.
mance, green roofs offer improved 58% soil soil soil
aesthetics and a multitude of other The graphs show runoff vs. water retention capacities of extensive green roofs at 1-inch,
benefits, as listed below. 2.5-inch, and 4-inch depths. The first bar represents a 1-inch deep soil and vegetation
Cost: Green roofs offer direct cost mat over a 2-inch gravel bed. This green roof can retain an average of 58% of annual
precipitation. The second bar represents a 2.5-inch-deep soil and vegetation mat, which
benefits when the design is integrated can retain an average of 67% of annual precipitation. The third represents a 4-inch soil
into a stormwater management plan and vegetation mat, which can retain an average of 71% of annual precipitation.8
to offset permit fees and runoff treat- (Source: A. Drr, 1995; adapted with permission)
ment requirements. Another cost


Federal Technology Alert

1-Hour Precipitation in Washington, D.C. about $10 billion.10 This estimate is

based on the cost of health care as
well as the loss of productivity. Smog
120 accounts for about 30 percent of air
pollution, or $3 billion per year.11
100 Smog forms when nitrogen oxides
(NOx) react with volatile organic
Number of Events

80 compounds, and it accelerates at high

ambient air temperatures. Acid rain,
60 smog-related respiratory illnesses, and
impaired visibility (because of brown
clouds over cities). Air pollution can
40 also reduce water quality by polluting
runoff, as noted earlier.
20 Green roofs have great potential
to collectively improve air quality
0 because they can reduce air tempera-
(a) < 1/2 inch (b) 1/2 1 inch (c) > 1 inch tures. As evapotranspiration lowers
Rainfall Intensity (inches) the ambient air temperature at roof
level, this slows the formation of
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 lower atmospheric ozone, the prime
component of smog. Green roofs can
This graph shows the total number of annual rainfall events for the District of Columbia also improve air quality by fixing
over five years at (a) less than 1/2-inch, (b) from 1/2-inch to 1-inch, and (c) greater than dust particles and particulate matter
1-inch intensities. (Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adiministration, National
Weather Service; see
from the atmosphere on plant foliage.
Particulate matter includes dust par-
Engineers who design stormwater Green space and wildlife: Green ticles that are smaller than 10 microns
infrastructure usually design for a roofs benefit urban areas by adding and that pass right through air filters
worst-case scenariourban runoff green space and offering resting places without being trapped; they can cause
from a 100-year storm. Green roofs, and food sources for wildlife. These lung damage, respiratory illnesses, and
however, absorb and use much of the elevated ecosystems are sheltered from even premature death.
rain that falls on them at intensities at human activities and traffic noise as Utilities burn fuels at high tem-
or below 1/2 inch. The first 1/2-inch well as from predators. Migratory birds peratures to generate energy, which
of runoff, referred to as the first flush, and butterflies especially benefit from emits 27 percent of all NOx into the
is of the greatest concern to munici- green roofs, because their habitat in air. Nitrogen oxide emissions from
palities because it carries the most urban areas is limited and fragmented. motor vehicles and from combined
concentrated pollutants. Extensive Studies show that butterflies will fly as industrial, commercial, and residential
green roofs can absorb up to 1 inch high as 20 stories for access to green sources also generate NOx emissions:
of rain and effectively reduce storm space.9 Green roofs might not be able 49 percent and 19 percent, respec-
runoff to sewer systems. Excess rainfall to replace ecosystems, but multiple tively.12 The foliage in trees and other
can them be conveyed away by a green roof applications in urban areas vegetation, such as green roofs, can
smaller-than-usual system. may play an important role in recon- help to reduce these emissions in the
Nitrogen and phosphorus stemming necting fragmented habitats. air through pollutant fixation and
from atmospheric deposition become Air quality: Densely built-up urban uptake. Studies show that trees near
fixed in the soil and serve as plant areas often lack enough green spaces streets reduce both particulate and
fertilizer. Sediments are trapped as and trees to enrich the urban environ- gaseous pollution up to 90 percent.
water slowly percolates through the ment and offset air pollution. Green Some measurements show about
soil medium. Green roofs reduce this roof plants sequester carbon dioxide 10,00012,000 dust particles per liter
non-point-source pollution, and any like other plants do, and release oxy- of air in streets without trees and
runoff is thus cooler and cleaner than gen back into the environment. about 1,0003,000 dust particles per
it would be if it came from conven- liter of air in streets with trees.13
The annual cost of air pollution in
tional roofs. the United States is estimated to be


Federal Technology Alert

It is difficult to predict specific emis- advantage of these systems is that, in irrigation system is required. The mod-
sion reductions from green roofs on a most cases, only one contractor will ules interlock for greater stability.
per-building basis. However, the Rocky be needed to install the waterproofing A disadvantage is that the height of
Mountain Institute estimates that and the green roof system, minimiz- the module dictates the soil depth,
electricity demand in buildings could ing the number of contractors at and this limits design flexibility.
be reduced by 45 percent through the site and potential damage to the Also, modules might not suitable for
conservation alone. This reduction in waterproofing. Green roof systems are a retrofit because of load restrictions.
energy use could result in a 10 percent most cost-effective on large surfaces, They are very heavy and thus must be
reduction in total carbon emissions, because the larger size often results in lifted onto the roof by a crane and put
which in turn would yield a net material discounts per square foot. in place by a forklift or manual labor.
energy cost savings of $56 per ton of Because only one contractor is used, Some modules are made of plastic
carbon emission reductions associated manufacturers warranty questions that is not UV-resistant and can
with reductions in energy use.14 Green and maintenance calls can be directed degrade over time. The coordination
roofs could help to increase this result to a single point of contact. A disad- of preplanting and scheduling, as well
by reducing the heating and cooling vantage is limited design flexibility. as high costs, still limit wider use of
needs of spaces underneath the roofs. Because they are proprietary, these modular systems.
Aesthetic: Green roofs can enhance kinds of green roof systems come as
urban environments by adding green fixed assemblies. This makes it harder Architectural Criteria
space and habitat that attract wildlife. to design for specific site conditions Loads and structural upgrades:
They do not reflect sunlight, and they and to meet design goals. The weight added by an extensive
contribute to the urban aesthetic. Design consultants: For small proj- green roof is comparable to that of the
Traffic noise: Green roofs also pro- ects or those with restricted budgets, gravel ballast on a conventional roof
vide noise-reduction benefits. The soil it might be more appropriate to work about 15 to 30 pounds per square
layer in a green roof can absorb traffic with a green roof consultant who will foot, depending on the soil media, the
noise. The amount of the reduction specify components individually. The depth of the soil layer, and the weight
depends on the thickness of the layer. advantages of a site-specific green roof and depth of any additional layers.
An 8-inch deep cover has been found design are greater design flexibility The load of the green roof must be
to reduce traffic noise by as much as and better cost control. Materials and figured in addition to snow and wind
46 decibels.15 layers can be selected that perform loads, as required by all applicable
Roof ballast: Green roofs can replace multiple necessary functions, thus building codes, to ensure that it does
conventional gravel ballast while eliminating the labor and costs associ- not exceed the structural capacity of
providing the same benefits. The sole ated with optional layers that are the building. The maximum weight of
purpose of gravel ballast on traditional unnecessary in some applications. a green roof occurs at full saturation
roofs is to weigh down the waterproof- Modular systems: Modular green or supersaturation. Supersaturation,
ing membrane and protect it from roof systems are also available for roof- a kind of worst-case scenario, could
being uplifted by wind. The gravel top applications, and they are effec- occur if malfunctioning roof drains
ballast can easily be replaced with an tive for large roof applications with cause the roof to flood to a certain
extensive green roof to function as uninterrupted surfaces. Traditionally depth. Therefore, the design load must
ballast. used for athletic fields, modules can be always be calculated at full saturation.
pregrown as green roofs. The advan- Structural upgrade requirements for
Variations tage of modular systems is that they green roofs on new buildings add a
Contractors can design and install can be installed quickly. negligible increase in cost. For existing
green roofs as entire manufactured The modules are perforated, which buildings, a structural analysis is nec-
systems. Green roofs can also be permits drainage and eliminates the essary to determine whether structural
designed specifically for a site by a need for an additional drainage layer. upgrades are required. The cost benefit
consultant or installed as prefabricated Drainage channels on the bottom must be determined on a case-by-case
roof modules. provide sufficient space for excess basis.
Entire systems: Several American water to flow freely to reach gutters, Roof slope: Almost any roof surface
roofing companies have partnered or drains, and other collection points. can be vegetated. Typically, govern-
arranged franchise agreements with The channels can also be used for ment buildings have flat or only
European manufacturers to offer green irrigation piping, if a permanent slightly sloped roofs. These surfaces
roof systems in North America. The


Federal Technology Alert

are the most suitable for green roof

Katrin Scholz-Barth/PIX13398
applications and retrofits, depending
on the roofs structural integrity. Roofs
with steep slopes can be used in some
green roof applications, but they are
more difficult to accommodate. The
friction coefficient between two
neighboring materials (for example,
waterproofing and geotextile, water-
proofing and root-resistant liner, or
root-resistant liner and geotextile)
defines the critical practical slope
angle. Roofs pitched at up to a
10-degree angle (17 percent, or up
to 2:12) can be greened without using
special stabilization techniques.
Roofs pitched between 10 and 30
degrees (17 percent to 58 percent, or
2:12 to 7:12) require standard slope
stabilization techniques, such as
wooden lath grids, eave-supported
The Montgomery Park Business Center in Baltimore, Maryland, features a 20,000-square-
frames, or ridge-supported mesh. foot extensive green roof that has a suitable slope for this technology.
These techniques help to form smaller
fields that reduce friction forces and
barrier within the membrane. Thus, means lower indoor air temperatures
keep soil and vegetation in place until
no additional barrier is needed. and less need to use air conditioning
plants have formed a dense vegetation
Drainage: The performance and suc- for cooling. Energy savings result from
mat with interlocking roots. Greening
cess of green roofs depend to a great these reductions in energy use.
or retrofitting steeper roof surfaces
with an extensive green roof would extent on efficient drainage. Although Research and pilot studies on build-
be more material- and labor-intensive green roofs are designed to retain ings have been conducted by SHADE
and thus more expensive. water, they are not intended to hold Consulting, using a roofing system
water beyond the absorption capacity heat transfer analysis method. They
Roofs with a pitch greater than 30
of the soil layer, and standing water indicate that green roofs consistently
degrees (58 percent, or 7:12) require a
is detrimental to the plants. Thus, flat outperform cool roof systems (highly
mechanically fastened, pregrown veg-
roofs require drainage mats to allow reflective roofs) in terms of energy
etation mat. However, in most cases
excess water to drain away. Drainage cost savings and long-term overall
this is cost-prohibitive and will not
on low-sloped roofs occurs via gravity, savingsin some cases, by a signifi-
yield substantial stormwater retention
which eliminates the need for addi- cant amount.16 If these data could
tional drainage mats. Along the perim- be verified and made available to the
Root barrier: In sharp contrast to eter of the roof, a gravel strip conveys public, green roofs could soon become
conventional gravel-ballasted roofs, water to a standard gutter system. another viable alternative to high-
green roofs need a root-resistant performing roofs.
liner as well as waterproofing.
Federal Sector Potential Additional energy savings could be
Waterproofing based on organic
obtained by carefully locating air
materials (such as bitumen or asphalt) Estimated Savings and Market intake vents. Placing the air intake
is susceptible to root penetration. Potential vent over or near a green rooftop takes
If these materials are used, a bar-
Improvements in energy efficiency advantage of the smaller tempera-
rier will be needed to prevent roots
resulting from the use of green roofs ture difference between outdoor and
from puncturing the waterproofing.
can be attributed to reductions in roof indoor air for a green roof than for a
Synthetic waterproofing membranes,
surface temperatures, in heat transfer conventional roof. This means that
such as rubber (EPDM) and polyvinyl
through the roof, and in peak power less energy would be needed to cool
chloride (PVC) plastic, provide a root
demand. Reduced heat gain ultimately indoor air to desired levels, and


Federal Technology Alert

it would also improve the efficiency than 500,000 facilities nationwide These lower ambient air temperatures
of the mechanical system. and spends about $8 to $10 per square could help reduce energy demand by
It is important to note, however, foot to replace a roof and dispose of as much as 5 to 10 percent, for a direct
that every green roof has a different old materials every 15 to 35 years.20 savings of more than $1 million in
thermal impact on a building. Small Assuming that the average roof surface annual energy costs. The study also
variations in the design, installation, of each building is 10,000 square feet, shows that 1,600 acres (6.5 square
components, material selection, and the savings from green roofs could kilometers) of green roofs could help
geographic location will affect the amount to $80,000 to $100,000 per reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
energy performance of the roof and building in roof replacement costs particularly carbon dioxide, by an
the building. alone. This is roughly equivalent to estimated 2.2 megatons and remove
the initial capital investment in a 30 tons of pollutants from the air.21
Building scale: Exact energy savings green roof system (see the section on
are difficult to predict at this time. costs), excluding maintenance. If only Laboratory Perspective
However, field tests17 (see the section half of all government facilities were Laboratory testing, field-testing, and
on energy-saving mechanisms) and retrofitted with green roofs, the sav- theoretical analyses are currently
research18 have already produced data ings could be in the millions of dollars under way at various research univer-
that indicate the potential of green over 15 to 25 years, despite additional sities, such as Pennsylvania State. Data
roofs to save energy by lowering roof maintenance expenses. could be available in a few years that
surface temperatures as well as energy
To minimize extra costs, green roofs will provide additional statistical and
could be installed on existing build- empirical evidence as to the effective-
The effects of UV radiation and heat ings to coincide with the next water- ness of green roofs and their associ-
exposure can accelerate the aging proofing replacement. The potential ated cost savings.
process of waterproofing systems; this savings and environmental impact
can compromise the quality of the of such a phased-in approach are Implementation Barriers
waterproofing and the durability of a significant. If only 50 percent of all The fear that waterproofing will
roofing system. As noted earlier, green buildings are suitable for a green roof leak underneath a green roof is one
roofs shade the roofing system and application, approximately 2.5 billion implementation barrier that seems
protect the waterproofing membrane square feet, or nearly 60,000 acres, to outweigh all its benefits, for some
from exposure to UV radiation and of green roof installations could be people. They often assume that green
extreme temperature fluctuations. completed within the next 15 to 25 roofs cause leaks. But actually, a water-
Thus, they can be said to slow down years on government buildings alone. tight system is the single most impor-
the aging process. Long-term savings This example is based solely on the tant prerequisite for any effective
result from extending the lifetime of a extended life cycle of the waterproof- roof, whether it is a gravel-ballasted
waterproofing system, but they cannot ing system; it does not take energy-use inverted roof membrane assembly
be predicted because they depend on reductions and savings into account. (IRMA) or a green roof. Waterproofing
the quality of workmanship and the keeps precipitation out of the building
long-term performance of the water- Regional scale: Air and water quality
improvements will be measurable only and is the basis of a successful green
proofing. In Berlin, Germany, 100- roof.
year-old green roofs have not failed,19 when enough green roof installations
and they have more than doubled are completed to make measurements Additional barriers involve a lack of
the lifetime of their waterproofing meaningful. Meanwhile, the green the following:
systems. roof initiative conducted by the Information and familiarity with
National Research Council of Canada, green roof technology, design, and
The waterproofing of a roof on a along with field studies conducted by
GSA-managed building is typically function
Environment Canada, has produced
replaced every 15 to 25 years. Even if a data that could lead to greater accep- Knowledge about maintenance
green roof only doubles the lifetime of tance of green roofs. requirements
the waterproofing system, the result- Industry standards and design
ing savings could significantly offset The Canadian study finds that if only
6 percent of Torontos roofs, or 1,600 guidelines and specifications
the initial costs of the roof. Savings
to the federal government could be acres (6.5 square kilometers), were Qualified designers and contractors
considerable. For example, the federal green roofs, summer temperatures Incentives to make green roof
government owns or manages more could potentially be reduced by 1.8 to applications more attractive
3.6F (1 to 2C) in this urban center.


Federal Technology Alert

Lack of information and famil- studies show that, once green roofs are Lack of incentives to make green
iarity with green roof technology, established, they require only annual roof applications more attractive:
design, and function: This lack of maintenance surveys and occasional Green roofs have higher up-front costs
information, as well as inadequate fertilizing if the soil becomes too than other kinds because of the addi-
distribution of currently available acidic because of nitrogen deposits. tional materials and special installa-
information, has to be overcome However, they should always be tion required. Too often, this premium
before green roofs can be adopted inspected for damage to plants and is used as an excuse to forego a green
more widely. But several groups are soil following severe weather (e.g., roof application without evaluating
making progress. Green Roofs for high winds, drought, hurricanes, its potential for savings and ameni-
Healthy Cities, a Toronto-based orga- tornadoes, or heavy snow and ice ties. Limited funding may be avail-
nization, is advocating the technol- storms). able for green roofs that are designed
ogy, organizing annual green roof Lack of industry standards and to manage stormwater and control
conferences, and helping to develop a design guidelines and specifica- non-point-source pollution. More
viable industry to support the emerg- tions: The term green roof is not readily available research data are
ing green roofs market.22 The City of yet standard and has been criticized as needed to further demonstrate that an
Chicago hosted Greening Rooftops misleading by some GSA consultants. integrated green roof design pays for
for Sustainable Communities, the For example, in terms of environmen- itself when we take into account the
First North American Green Roofs tal qualities, green roofs could mean savings resulting from reduced energy
Infrastructure Conference, Awards, reflective roofs, roofs made of recycled demand, reduced stormwater manage-
and Trade Show in May 2003. About materials, vegetated roofs, or any ment requirements (treatment and
500 attendees from a wide range of other sustainable type. retention basin size), and extended
professions learned about green roof roof life.
designs and opportunities for applica- To address this lack, a green roof task
group under the American Society
tion. The City of Portland, Oregon,
for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
hosted the second annual conference
Subcommittee E06.71 on sustainabil- Many governmental buildings have
in 2004; 512 professionals attended.
ity is developing a standard practice flat or low-sloping roofs, and some
In addition, green roof consultants, guide. It will establish a procedure have multiple roof elevations. These
roofing manufacturers, and other for assessing green roofs and include types are ideally suited for green roof
organizations have started offering technical requirements as well as applications.
green roof seminars nationwide to considerations for sustainable devel-
staff in government, industry, and opment. The Canadian-based Green Where To Apply
design firms. Research is being con- Roofs for Healthy Cities has developd Green roof technology can be used on
ducted by universities, government, a green roof training seminar that was most building types that have con-
and the public as well as private enti- first presented in June 2004, during crete, wood, or composite (wood fibers
ties,23 but English-language publica- the second annual green roof confer- and cement) roof decks. Metal roofs
tions evaluating and discussing the ence in Portland, Oregon. expand and contract and are thus not
data usually lag months or even years suitable for a green roof retrofit. To
behind. A number of book projects are Lack of qualified designers and
contractors: Designing a green roof maximize their benefits, green roofs
under way, however, and publications should be considered for office build-
by Schiffer Books, Timber Press, and requires knowledge of the complex
interactions and performance of all ings in urban areas, military facilities,
Wiley and Sons have been scheduled and buildings along coastal areas, in
for 2004 and 2005. Basic monitoring its layers. Training seminars would
help to offset the shortage of qualified areas with combined sewer systems,
devices such as temperature gauges and in areas where green space and
could also be installed easily on green designers. However, the practical skills
and knowledge needed to install a habitat are limited or fragmented,
roofs to collect more data for wide- once microclimate and plant selection
spread use. green roof are not highly specialized.
Most qualified contractors can install criteria are fully understood.
Lack of knowledge about mainte- one successfully without special train-
nance requirements: People often What To Avoid
ing. The industry guidelines described
mistakenly assume that green roofs above should make it possible for both Except for the best practice guide
require a lot of maintenance through- designers and contractors to specify being developed by ASTM, there
out their life cycle. Rather, case green roofs with little difficulty. are no recognized industrywide


Federal Technology Alert

design specifications for green roofs. withstand the extreme sun and wind to stabilize the soil immediately, and
Therefore, it is essential to define a exposure on roof tops. it avoids exposing a barren soil layer
primary design goal before beginning to erosion by wind or precipitation.
the design. This will determine what Installation, Integration, and
Contractors: Few U.S. contractors
materials and layers are required to Maintenance
have special experience with green
achieve your goal. Here are some Green roofs can be used in place of roof installations. However, any
general guidelines on what to do conventional gravel-ballasted roofs. roofing contractor who is commit-
and what to avoid. All the materials needed are readily ted to high-quality work should be
DO: Prioritize desired green roof bene- available in the United States. Aside qualified to install a green roof under
fits and specify one primary goal. This from specific layers for the green roof, the supervision of an experienced and
allows you to stay focused during the construction and installation processes knowledgeable consultant.
design and specification process, while are very similar to those for con-
Soil media: The soil media add
still receiving additional benefits. ventional roofs and do not required
weight to the structure; the type and
specialized tools or equipment.
DONT: Try to make every benefit a thickness of the media determine the
priority. Time: In general, installing a green systems water-absorption capacity.
roof requires more time and labor The soil has also a significant impact
DO: Ask an experienced professional
than a conventional roof needs. on how well plants will establish and
to develop or review your green roof
Additional material has to be applied how much maintenance and weeding
design specifications, to avoid costly
according to specifications. The will be necessary. Lightweight aggre-
mistakes and streamline the bidding
planting can be handled by a roofing gate is often preferred. Pumice, lava
contractor or by a contracted land- rock, perlite, compost, peat, or sand
DONT: Combine the cost estimate scape company. can be added to create suitable weed-
for the waterproofing with that of the free soil media. The added weight
Scheduling: To ensure a high plant
green roof. The basic waterproofing of water in the spaces between soil
survival rate, green roofs should be
system is usually not part of the green particles must also be calculated.
installed in cool seasons, such as
roof bid, because waterproofing is part
spring or fall, when natural precipita- The weight of green roof soil media
of the building, whether you are plan-
tion can be utilized most effectively is always specified at maximum water-
ning new construction or a replace-
to establish the plants. Hot and dry retention capacity per inch depth. See
ment for an existing roof. Separating
seasons should be avoided. If con- Table 4 for examples.
the cost of green roof components
struction schedules dictate installation
from that of the basic waterproofing Aside from weight considerations, soil
and planting during hot or dry peri-
system allows you to make a more media must have some very important
ods, plants must be watered enough
realistic cost estimate. characteristics. These include grain
to avoid damage.
DO: Coordinate the selection of a size, soil density, porosity, water reten-
The installation of the soil and the tion capacity, pH, organic substances,
waterproofing system with your green
planting should coincide. This helps and nutrients.
roof application, and choose one that
is suitable, such as a root-resistant syn-
thetic membrane. Avoid asphalt-based Table 4. Loads for Various Green Roof Soil Media or Substrates
systems for waterproofing, because
they are not root-resistant. Load per 1-inch
Depth (lb/ft2)
DONT: Choose single-ply roofing
Topsoil with mineral and
membranes with adhered seams, 8-10
organic content
because there is a greater risk of leaks.
Mineral substrate with high
DO: Use a heat welding or vulcanizing organic content
process to adhere seams on water- Mineral substrate with low
proofing. 5-7
organic content
DONT: Use grasses or sod for green Expanded clay or slate 3.5-4
roof vegetation, as they are not Recycled aggregates (broken
suitable and can be a fire hazard. 5-7
DO: Choose suitable vegetation for Expanded clay or slate 3.5-4
your extensive green roof, that can


Federal Technology Alert

Katrin Scholz-Barth/PIX13399
It is important to select the right growing media for a green roof. Selection criteria depend on the intent and desired performance of
the green roof. The photo shows, from left, plant establishment in 100 percent gravel, an 80/20 mix of gravel and topsoil, a 20/80 mix of
topsoil and expanded clay, 100 percent topsoil, 100 percent expanded clay, and a mix of compost, clay, and sand.

Not surprisingly, plants generally are easily ignited by summer thunder- regions of the United States. The plant
establish best in topsoil, because it storms; thus, they can be fire hazards. hardiness zones defined by the USDA
provides the best environment for Unless they are irrigated, grasses and should be used as a guideline for
plants in terms of nutrients, porosity, sod should not be considered for selecting green roof plants for specific
and grain size. Plant establishment extensive green roof plantings. regions. Zone 1 has the coldest aver-
was poor in pure gravel and expanded There are important distinctions age temperature year-round, and Zone
clay aggregate and fair in the three among the plants to use in different 11 has the warmest winter tempera-
other soil compositions shown in tures. Please see Table 5 for a selected
the photo. The disadvantage of using

Katrin Scholz-Barth/PIX13400
topsoil in a green roof is (a) its weight
and (b) decomposition, because of
its high organic content. In order to
maintain a constant medium depth,
the soil medium should have a high
mineral content that does not decom-
pose. Mixing in 15 percent compost
maximizes plant establishment while
maintaining the overall performance
of the green roof.
Plants: Plants must withstand sig-
nificant exposure to the sun and wind
and thrive in both stormy and dry
conditions. Alpine and rock garden
types of plants are well suited to
these conditions. They store water in
their leaves, which makes them ideal
for the often harsh environment of
Grasses and sod are not well suited to
the green roof environment. Grasses
dry up during hot, dry periods and Plants growing on the Montgomery Park Business Centers roof include Sempervivum
tectorum, Sedum spurium Roseum, Sedum sexangulare, and Sedum album.


Federal Technology Alert

list of suitable plants for extensive

Ed Snodgrass/PIX13401
green roofs in different zones.
Plants are a vital component of green
roofs. Their hardiness, aesthetics, and
survival define the success of a green
roof. There are three principal ways to
establish a vegetation layer:
1. Use plant plugs with established
root systems,
2. Apply plant cuttings to the soil
layer, or
3. Seed the soil layer.
Plant plugs have fully established root
systems and thus an 80 to 90 percent
survival rate. They spread their roots
horizontally almost instantly after
installation, helping to stabilize the
soil layer. Within one to two vegeta-
tion seasons, plant plugs will grow
into a dense vegetation mat and
almost fully cover the designated roof Plants make up a large part of the cost of a green roof. The photo shows establishment
using both plant plugs (background) and cuttings (foreground). The plant plugs are
surface. Because plugs are planted by forming a dense vegetation cover, whereas the cuttings are developing slowly, leaving
hand, this is a labor-intensive option most of the soil exposed.
and the most expensive one of the
three. may disappear when the roof has to be Mechanical systems, including air
In the second method, plant cuttings replanted. The third method, seeding, intake vents for the main HVAC sys-
(mostly from sedum) are applied is not recommended. tems, are usually on a large buildings
directly over the soil layer and held Green roof plants vary in appearance, rooftop. Green roofs can be installed
in place by a jute fabric. They have depending on the time of year. Many to easily accommodate these systems
to develop roots before they can hold nondeciduous plants change color as and their maintenance requirements.
soil particles together and protect the they go dormant; others remain green To provide proper access to equipment
soil from erosion, which takes time. throughout winter. and ensure proper airflow, the vegeta-
Under ideal conditions, root develop- tion layer should be installed at least
ment and growth can take from 3 to In terms of integration, large, single- 2 feet away from mechanical systems
6 months during the growing season story buildings benefit more from and air intakes.
(e.g., between April and October). installations of green roofs than tall,
multistory buildings do. The large Pathways in the form of pavers or
Root development usually does not gravel can be installed along the
occur in the dormant season (e.g., roof-to-wall ratio of single-story
buildings maximizes energy savings, perimeter and around equipment for
between November and March). access and routine maintenance. For
Using plant cuttings as an installation because total energy use has a direct
correlation to roof area. Because window cleaning and repair tasks
method is cheaper than using plant other than HVAC maintenance,
plugs. But if the condition of the cut- they help to improve energy effi-
ciency, green roofs installed along facility managers might want to
tings and the soil preparation are not consider installing a walkway made
optimum, the survival of the cuttings with other energy-efficient measures
often allow facility managers to of 5-foot-wide pavers or a sufficiently
is greatly compromised. wide gravel path around the perimeter
downsize a buildings chiller capacity.
Cuttings may appear more attractive An existing heating, ventilating, and of the vegetation.
from a first-cost perspective. However, air-conditioning (HVAC) system might Historic preservation may need to
their survival rate is only about 50 also be able to operate less intensively be addressed in regard to green roof
percent, compared with 80 percent for and at higher efficiency. installations in some areas. For exam-
plant plugs. Initial savings on labor ple, Washington, D.C., has established


Federal Technology Alert

Table 5. Plants Suitable for Green Roofs in Various USDA Zones

Height USDA
Botanical Name Common Name Flower Color Bloom Time
(Inches) Zone
Antennaria diocia* Pink Pussy Toes 3 Pink
Armeria juniperifolia* Spanish Thrift 2 Pink 2 June
Armeria maritima Pride of Dusseldorf* Common Thrift 5 Pink 2 April-June
Aubrieta Argenteo-variegata* Rock Cress 4 Purple 4 April-June
Campanula Birch Hybrid Bellflower 4 Blue 4 June-Sept
Sedum acre Aureum Golden Stonecrop 3 Yellow 3 June-August
Sedum aizoon 4 Yellow 5 July-August
Sedum album Murale 1 White 4
Sedum cyaneum Rose Carpet 2 Pink
Sedum dasyphyllum 3 White 5 June
Sedum dasyphyllum Blue Cadet 1.5 White 5
Sedum dasyphyllum Blue Carpet 1 White/Pink 5
Sedum divergens Old Man Bones 4-6 Yellow 5 July-August
Sedum ewersii Pink Stonecrop 6 Rose-Pink 3 Late Summer
Sedum Jelly Bean Jellybean Sedum 4
Sedum kamtschaticum Russian Stonecrop 6 Yellow 3 June-July
Sedum linare Variegatum 5 Yellow
Sedum lineare Golden Teardrop 3 Yellow 3 May-June
Sedum matrona 24 Pink 6 Sept
Sedum Mentha Requein False artillery fern 2 4
Sedum pinifolium Blue Spruce 8 Yellow 4 June-July
Sedum reflexum 4 Yellow
Sedum sexangulare 4 Yellow 4
Sedum spurium Fuldaglut Dragons Blood Sedum 6 Red 3 Fall
Sedum spurium Roseum 6 Pink 3
Sedum spurium Tri-Color 6 Pink 3
Sedum spurium White Form 6 White 3
Sedum ternatum Larinem Park Shale Barrens 2 White 3 May-June
Sedum tetractinum 4 5
Sedum floriforum Weihenstephaner Gold Yellow
Sedum Arthur Branch 18 Red 4 August-Sept
Sempervivum arachnoideum Sparkle Spider-web Hen & Chicks
Thymus praecox Coccineus Red Creeping Thyme 1 Red/Purple 2 July-August
Thymus praecox Elfin Miniature Thyme 1/2 Pink 2 July-August
Thymus praecox Pseudolanuginosus Woolly Thyme 1 Pink 2 July-August
Note: Invasive sedum speciessuch as Sedum sarmentosum, a native of Chinashould be avoided on green roof applications. Delosperma, or ice plant, is also difficult to control on some roofs.

* These require about 4 inces of soil.


Federal Technology Alert

some strict guidelines for historic be reduced to once a year after the Flood-test the roof before the green
preservation, and green roof retrofits second year. roof installation to detect any
might not be allowed on certain roofs construction-related damage while
Irrigation: If natural precipitation
of historic significance. there is time to correct it fairly easily
at the site is insufficient to establish
and while the membrane is acces-
Typically, historic preservation the plants at the time of installation,
sible. Whether it is a prefabricated
guidelines require that the appearance green roofs may need at least initial
system or assembled with separate
of a building from street level may irrigation. The planting schedule and
materials, a green roof requires care
not be altered. However, many time of year can often be chosen to
and quality control to prevent
government-style buildings have make use of natural irrigation. Note,
damage to the waterproofing.
parapet walls around the edges of the however, that a permanent irrigation
roof. These walls can ensure the conti- system that waters the plants regularly Some roofing and green roof con-
nuity of a buildings appearance from would keep the soil moist constantly sultants offer leak detection services
street level while allowing a green roof and thus reduce the capacity of the that will locate a leak underneath
application, if desired and permitted. green roof to retain and redirect any protective roofing system, gravel
Specific design details would need to precipitation. Therefore, permanent ballast, IRMA, or vegetation layer. The
be addressed on a case-by-case basis. irrigation should be avoided unless it electric field vector mapping (EFVM)
is required by climate conditions at technique is a method frequently used
If a green roof is installed as part of an
the site. Selecting suitable, site-specific to test the water-tightness of existing
on-site stormwater management plan,
plants helps to eliminate this problem. roof surfaces before installing a green
the design should be integrated with
roof. It can also be used for annual
the plan early in the design process, Fertilizer: A thin layer of soil can
surveys of green roofs to verify that
in collaboration with site engineers. become acidic over time. Therefore,
the waterproofing system remains
Only if the green roof becomes an it is advisable to apply a slow-release
watertight below the vegetation. The
integral part of the whole project can fertilizer during an annual mainte-
EFVM method enables the source of
its benefits be fully realized. nance walk, either in spring or in fall
any leak, even pin-hole-sized defects,
In terms of maintenance, an immedi- (whichever is the drier season).
to be located, but it requires that a
ate commitment to weed control Weeding: Initially, during one to fine grid of metal wire be installed
is imperative. Although plants on two growing seasons, weeding may be initially within the green roof and
extensive green roofs do not typically required at least quarterly. After the waterproofing layers.
produce the pollen that can cause soil layer is fully shaded by plants,
Occasional replanting: If large
allergic reactions in people working weeding may be required only annu-
areas remain bare, replanting is recom-
in or around the building, during ally, in conjunction with regular roof
mended to stabilize soils and control
the first two years weed control is drain cleaning and maintenance.
erosion. If a green roof is designed
needed to prevent ragweed and other Leaks in waterproofing: Leaks in for a specific performance goal (e.g.,
pioneer exotics from taking root. the waterproofing can result from stormwater retention), the soil depth
Once the plant community forms a problems with the waterproofing itself has to remain constant to ensure a
dense mat of vegetation, the oppor- or with quality control and workman- certain water-retention capacity. If
tunity for weeds to invade is greatly ship during installation. These leaks the growing medium compacts or
reduced because the soil, where weed are difficult to detect and repair once decomposes to a lower depth, the
seeds settle and sprout, is no longer vegetation covers the waterproofing. green roof needs to be top-dressed
exposed. Maintenance can thus be Here are a few simple measures that with additional soil.
less frequent. can reduce the potential for leaks:
Gutters: These require routine clean-
In fact, extensive green roofs are Coordinate and time your water- ing, just as those of conventional
designed to require very little mainte- proofing installation to prevent roofs do, to avoid standing water and
nance. When they are first installed, debris from falling onto it before hydrostatic pressure, which could lead
green roofs require some care to the green roof is installed. to leaks.
ensure that plants take root in the
new environment, remain healthy, Limit access to the roof once the Monitoring is not a maintenance
and grow vigorously to form a dense waterproofing is installed to prevent requirement. However, government
vegetation mat. During the first two workers from stepping on sharp agencies might want to monitor
years, weed control can be done objects like nails or glass and performance to quantify benefits in
monthly or quarterly, depending on causing potential damage to the specific regions and to contribute to
the sites conditions; this can often waterproofing.


Federal Technology Alert

data on the most suitable green roofs developed by the ASTM green roof mixed with topsoil to almost 100
for various building types. task group will establish a procedure percent expanded clay or shale aggre-
for assessment that includes both gates. The cost of the growing media
Warranties, Standards, and Codes technical requirements and consider- varies widely, from $1 to $5 per square
Manufacturers typically guarantee ations for sustainable development. foot for a 4-inch-deep layer. Plant
waterproofing systems for 15 to 25 plugs should be budgeted at a mini-
years. These warranties can generally Costs mum of $1 per square foot, or about
be extended to the same number of The cost of a green roof varies widely, $0.50 per plant plus shipping and
years for a green roof application if depending on geographic area, materi- handling, not including installation.
the same contractor installs the water- als used, and the contractor selected. In addition, the cost of drainage
proofing and the green roof, or if the Excluding structural upgrades, green mats, optional irrigation and water-
green roof system is supplied by the roofs used to be widely quoted in retention layers, root-resistant liners,
same manufacturer as the waterproof- the United States at $15 to $20 per and other layers must be included
ing membrane. The warranty may square foot. But over the past few in the cost estimate. In line with the
also be extended if a representative years, quotes have fallen to $8 to $15 overall sustainability of a project, all
of the waterproofing company is on per square foot. These quotes might green roof components should be
site during the subsequent green roof appear high in comparison to those obtained locally, if possible, to reduce
installation to ensure that no dam- common in Europe. This might be costs.
age was done to the waterproofing. due in part to contractors unfamiliar- Retrofit costs are harder to estimate.
Warranties for maintenance and repair ity with the technology, to the use The cost of disposing of old material,
of the waterproofing are commonly of imported materials from European structural upgrades, and new water-
based on the condition that the build- manufacturers, and to the current lack proofing might have to be added to
ing owner bears the responsibility for of industry standards. the estimate, and these can make the
removing the overburden (green roof) Waterproofing can cost from $3 to total cost somewhat misleading.
in case of a leak. $6 for built-up or PVC roofs. The cost The payback period for a green roof
Currently, there are no codes or of the soil media varies, depending is also not easy to calculate, because
standards for green roofs in the United on its content, which can range from it depends on many variables. These
States. The best practice guide being lightweight shale or clay aggregates include new construction versus a
retrofit; the scope and cost of the
green roof design; whether the roof
Voltage Indicator is installed on a single or multistory
building; the total energy demand
of the building versus the offset in
energy demand; and stormwater
Leak Survey permit requirements. At present, no
System procurement information is known
to be available for green roofs on
Energizer government buildings.

Utility Incentives and Support

Electric Field Vector Executive Order 13123, Greening the
Waterproofing Government Through Efficient Energy
Membrane Defect Management, signed in 1999, directs
all federal agencies to significantly
Insulation improve the energy performance of
Roof of government buildings and to reduce
Deck greenhouse gas emissions. In addition,
agencies have to reduce their energy
consumption per gross square foot by
35 percent by the year 2010, relative
Electric field vector mapping (EFVM) technique for detecting leaks (Sources: International to 198524 levels, and green roofs can
Leak Detection, Ltd.; Roofscapes, Inc.). contribute to all these directives. At


Federal Technology Alert

present, no direct rebates or incentive to remove barriers for green building stormwater management, and the
programs support the installation of practices and to address green roofs mitigation of heat gain. The study also
new green roofs or retrofits. specifically. Landscaped roofs and aims to evaluate a green roofs impacts
Stormwater quality and quantity roof gardens are generally allowed on indoor environments and ability
requirements apply almost every- in building codes, as long as the roof to neutralize acid rain, as well as to
where. However, several jurisdictions structures are properly designed to define physiological, biological, and
and regulatory agenciesincluding carry the additional loads. ecological factors influencing plant
the Maryland Department of the The City of Chicago recently updated survival.25
Environment; the City of Portland, its energy code, requiring light-colored The research project makes use of
Oregon; the City of Seattle; and the roofs as one way to reduce the urban six small structures; three of them
District of Columbiaallow the runoff heat island effect. Chicago might also are covered with an extensive green
rates and volume of green roofs to allow the use of green roofs that have roof with a 4-inch thick soil layer.
be like those of forests or meadows. the same benefits to meet this code. The other three structures have
The resulting credits can help ease In addition, landscape ordinances conventional black roof surfaces.
and speed the environmental permit throughout North America now All the buildings are equipped with
process and save on construction costs specify minimum shading require- multiple sensors and connected to an
for stormwater controls that would be ments for large lots to reduce urban electronic data logger to continually
required otherwise. heat islands and to meet open space collect and record data, including
Some communities and cities in North requirements. Those ordinances might heat flux, stormwater runoff, and
America collect stormwater utility also allow green roofs to be used to nutrient filtration. Each building is
fees. Revisions are under way to assess comply with those goals, in whole or metered separately to evaluate its
how these fees can be adjusted to in part. energy consumption for heating and
reflect the actual impact of impervious cooling. These data will be published
surfaces on sewer systems and urban Technology Performance to aid in establishing protocols for
watersheds, based on the actual foot- the performance of green roofs. Note,
Green roofs technology is not new.
print of a building rather than on a however, that the roof-to-wall ratio
However, it has only recently been
universal flat fee. This would allow the in this study is not representative of
introduced into North America. A
calculation of the actual amount of a typical single-story building with a
limited number of projects have been
stormwater runoff generated by each large footprint.
completed, and little performance
property. Because green roofs filter, data are available to date. International performance and
store, and absorb rainwater, buildings evaluation: In Europe, green roof
Project monitoring: The roof of the
with a green roof do not generate the technology has been applied for more
combined City Hall and Cook County
usual peak runoff rates, volume, or than 20 years. Many projects have
building in Chicago was retrofitted
non-point-source pollution gener- been monitored, and performance
with a 22,000-square-foot green roof
ally associated with urban runoff. To data are available, but not in English.
on the City Hall side in 2001. The
encourage low-impact development Germany recently developed an evalu-
rooftop of the countys portion of the
strategies, utilities might want to ation matrix in an effort to quantify
building remains black. These two
create incentive programs or provide green roof performance. This matrix
roof surfaces are undergoing intensive
exemptions to stormwater fees. will allow comparisons of several dif-
monitoring programs to evaluate the
Many local governments in the United ferent green roof systems, despite the
green roofs performance in mitigat-
States have based their green building broad spectrum of design parameters
ing heat gain at the surface and thus
initiatives on the U.S. Green Building used, based on a point value rating
in reducing the effects of urban heat
Councils LEED rating system, and system.
islands. Data should be available in
they grant floor area ratio and height the near future. Performance is rated on the basis of
bonuses to those achieving a mini- ecological functions, ability to miti-
Academic research: The State
mum LEED rating. However, a cost- gate the effects of impervious surfaces,
University of Pennsylvania, under
benefit analysis would probably not and economic benefits. Design param-
the supervision of Dr. David Beattie
support installing a green roof as eters include the type of green roof
in the Horticulture Department, is
a way to obtain LEED credits. (single- or multiple-layer construc-
undertaking an extensive research
In terms of building codes, many cities tion), the use of recycled and locally
project to evaluate the performance
and communities in North America available materials, soil depth, plant
of green roofs for energy efficiency,
are reviewing and revising their codes diversity, maintenance requirements,


Federal Technology Alert

insulation properties, and cost-benefit model estimated that City Hall For construction to proceed, a build-
ratio. However, it stops short of actu- might save $4,000 in annual energy ing permit was required. Questions
ally requiring monitoring the green costs from reduced heating and air- arose about how to permit a green
roofs performance. conditioning demands. The model roof and which building codes applied
also estimated that the entire city to the project. The design was found
Case Study could reduce its energy demand by to not have to meet requirements
as much as 720 megawatts and thus for accessibility in the Americans
Chicago City Hall Rooftop Garden save as much as $100,000,000 if all with Disabilities Act, nor were long
Retrofit the buildings in Chicago were covered plumbing extensions needed. The
with green roofs. The lower energy building permit was granted in 6
Chicago, Illinois demand would also result in a 460- weeks. However, another major set-
The City of Chicago is one of five U.S. ton reduction in NOx and a 570-ton back was prompted by the extensive
cities selected by the EPA to partici- reduction in sulfur dioxide (SO2) deterioration in the parapet walls. The
pate in the Urban Heat Island Pilot each year.26 brick mortar, which was susceptible
Project. The goal of the pilot study is The soil layer of the Chicago City to the penetration of water, had to be
to measure elevated ambient air tem- Hall green roof was designed to have repaired before the installation could
peratures in a metropolitan area and a variety of depths, ranging from 3- to continue. When the waterproofing
study the benefits of cooling urban 4-inch layers to semi-intensive layers installation was completed, a flood
heat islands to improve air quality. of about 8 to 10 inches. Two small test was conducted.
Chicagos current Mayor, Richard M. intensive areas contain one tree each. The City Hall roof measures about
Daley, learned about green roofs when The initial green roof design turned 38,800 square feet. The green roof
he visited Europe. Upon his return out to be cost-prohibitive at $2.9 mil- now occupies 22,000 square feet of the
to the United States, he decided to lion, or about $1.5 million over bud- total and consists of 156 plant variet-
support a demonstration of green roof get. As a result, it was redesigned and ies. Planting occurred in two stages,
technology on the City Hall building rebid by an experienced installer. This from September to early November
(see cover photo) for three reasons: setback shows how an unfamiliarity 2000, and the installation was com-
(1) to showcase green roof technology with green roofs can cause unneces- pleted in spring 2001.
in Chicago and lead by example, (2) to sary, time-consuming, and expensive The first interesting effect, the reduc-
study its effectiveness in lowering delays in the design process. The tion in heat flow resulting from the
ambient air temperatures, and (3) to experienced green roof consultant green roof, was observed during
promote public interest in this new was brought in too late to maximize the first winter. A snowfall in late
technology. the functionality of the roof, beyond 2000 offered a protective cover for
City Hall shares a 12-story building its ability to reduce ambient air the tender plants that were feared
in downtown Chicago with Cook temperatures. lost because of the lateness of the
Countys administrative offices. Each
government agency is responsible

Credit: City of Chicago

for the maintenance and upkeep
of its half of the buildings roof. All
mechanical systems are located on
the roof in the penthouse. The green
roof retrofit of the City Hall half
including permitting, structural, and
maintenance issueswas quite
a challenge for city engineers.
During the design process, energy
modeling was conducted to predict
the environmental benefits of a green
roof on the City Hall roof and on
those of all the buildings in Chicago,
which make up about 30 percent of
the citys surface area. The energy Plantings for the green roof of Chicagos City Hall were done in two stages in the fall of


Federal Technology Alert

installation. The snow lasted for an Chicago, IL, Rooftop Ambient Air Temperature
extended period of time, as observed August 2002
by engineers in the citys Environment 120
Department, while the snow on the Cook County Black Tar Roof
adjacent county buildings roof melted 113.4 F
in just two weeks, indicating reduced 110
heat flow on the green roof.
Data loggers were used to monitor
ambient air temperatures over City 100
Halls green roof and over the County
Buildings black tar roof, collecting Temperature (F)
data every 30 minutes. In August
2001, the temperature of ambient air
over the County Buildings black tar
roof measured 114F (45.5C), and
the temperature over City Halls green 80

roof measured 107F (41.6C). The air

over the green roof was thus cooler by
7F (3.9C) than that over the black 70
tar roof, which is consistent with mea-
City Hall Green Roof
surements taken in a Toronto project 08/11/02
and with estimates by LBNL. 60
99.9 F
08/02/02 08/31/02
The roof temperatures shown below
were taken with an infrared thermom-
eter on August 9, 2001. Although this it was constructed as a combined, Green roofs and traditional sod bricks
method is less accurate than using a semi-extensive/intensive green roof. It have been used for many centuries in
data logger, surface temperatures can includes the cost of irrigation and two Iceland, Scandinavia, Alaska, and parts
be instantly measured and recorded trees, which are usually not part of an of Africa to protect inhabitants from
by using a hand-held infrared ther- extensive green roof design. The total the effects of extreme climate condi-
mometer. The August 2001 data are costincluding removal and disposal tions. Both the Vikings and the French
as follows: of the old roof, new waterproofing, apparently brought the practice with
City Hall green roof paved surfaces structural upgrades, and the green them to areas that are now part of
126130F (52.254.5C) roof retrofitwas $1.5 million. Actual Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in
City Hall green roof surface energy savings have not yet been northeastern Canada.
91119F (32.748.3C) determined and will be needed to In modern times, the architects Le
calculate the payback period for this Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright
Cook County black tar roof retrofit.27
169F (76C) were both notable advocates of green
roof technology. In northern Europe,
The average temperature difference The Technology in there has been a considerable resur-
between the citys and the countys
roof surfaces was thus found to be
Perspective gence of interest in green roofs since
the 1960s for their ability to improve
64F (35.5C). This indicates the Technology Development the environment of densely populated
potential of green roofs to efficiently urban areas. Germanys interest in
Some of the earliest known examples
lower ambient air temperatures. The the technology began to surge about
of green roofsroof gardens dating
graph on this page compares cumula- 20 years ago, when it became evident
back to 600 B.C. and earliermight
tive data for the City Hall green roof that stormwater runoff in densely
have been similar to the fabled
and the Cook County black tar roof populated areas was exceeding the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon. These
taken during August 2002. capacity of the sewer systems to
apparently were planted on terraced
The City Hall green roof cost $24.60 rooftops to cool the buildings under- handle it.
per square foot (about $500,000). The neath them.
cost was higher than average because


Federal Technology Alert

In Germany, people began to realize integrated into building design and For More Information
that the capacity of the sewer infra- stormwater permitting processes, they
structure could not be expanded in The following lists include companies
would be more cost-effective because
many areas, so alternatives had to be identified as being involved in design-
the resulting cost savings would be
found. They discovered that using ing, manufacturing, or installing green
green roofs in lieu of conventional roofs. We made every effort to identify
Because they are such a beneficial, current manufacturers; however, this
roof surfaces could be the single great-
multifunctional technology, green listing is not purported to be complete
est way to reduce and delay storm-
roofs are likely to become more widely or to reflect future market condi-
water runoff and to significantly
used in the United States in future tions. Please see the Thomas Register
reduce the load on a sewer system.
years. This is particularly true in ( for more
Several private companies have
urban areas, where the need for such information.
brought some of Europes newest
a benign technology is becoming
green roof designs across the Atlantic
more urgent all the time. Consultants and Designers
to North America.
Charlie Miller, P.E.
Technology Outlook Conclusion Roofscapes, Inc.
In recent years, several research, dem- Green roof technology is an effective, 7114 McCallum Street
onstration, and test projects have been practical way to increase the energy Philadelphia, PA 19119
conducted in both Canada and the performance of buildings and limit Phone: 215-247-8784
United Statesin cities like Ottawa, stormwater runoff. Adapting green Fax: 215-247-4659
Winnipeg, Chicago, and Portland, roofs for federal buildings can pro-
among others. Early results indicate vide important benefits, especially Katrin Scholz-Barth
that green roofs hold great promise to low-rise buildings and facilities in Katrin Scholz-Barth Consulting
as an effective way to help solve a districts with strict stormwater regula- 1246 Duncan Place, N.E.
number of modern urban problems tions. Integrating green roofs into Washington, D.C. 20002
in North America. stormwater permitting requirements Phone: 202-544-8453
may be the most realistic way to make
Recent studies conducted by the Robert Hermann
them more financially viable. Green
National Research Council of Canada Uncommon Plants
roofs are also effective in reducing the
show that green roofs are highly effec- P.O. Box 493
effects of urban heat islands.
tive in reducing heat transfer. And New Hartford, CT 06057
extensive research is being conducted The lack of information and education
Phone/fax: 860-379-0327
in the United States on strategies for about green roofs must be addressed,
mitigating urban heat islands; it could however, if they are to be used more
prove to be very helpful in introduc- widely. This is especially important Waterproofing and Green Roof
ing green roofs into the mainstream of in areas with combined sewer systems Systems Manufacturers
the building industry in this country. and in coastal areas where reducing American Hydrotech,
stormwater runoff can be critically in partnership with Zinco, Inc.
Because thousands of government
important to public health and to the 303 E. Ohio Street
buildings are good candidates for
health of our watersheds. Chicago, IL 60611
green roof retrofits, there is great
potential for this technology in Phone: 800-877-6125
federal facilities. Green roofs could be Fax: 312-661-0731
gradually phased in as part of standard
roof replacement and moderniza- Barrett Company
tion efforts. This would also assist in P.O. Box 421
extending the lifetimes of replacement Millington, NJ 07946
roofs. Phone: 800-647-0100
Fax: 908-647-0278
For new construction, federal agencies
could make green roofs mandatory
because of their energy and environ-
mental benefits, such as stormwater
management. If green roofs could be


Federal Technology Alert

The Garland Company ItSaul Natural Mortgage and Housing Corporation,

3800 East 91st Street 1115 West Nancy Creek Drive March 1999.
Cleveland, OH 44105 Atlanta, GA 30319 grhcc/Greenbacks.pdf.
Phone: 800-741-3157 Phone: 404-257-3339 Scholz-Barth, Katrin. Green Roofs:
Storm-water Management from the
Sarnafill, Inc. Rice Creek Gardens, Inc. Top Down. Environmental Design and
100 Dan Road 11506 Highway 65 Construction, January/February 2001:
Canton, MA 02021 Blaine, MN 55434 pp. 63-69.
Phone: 781-828-5400 Phone: 763-754-8090 cda/articleinformation/features/bnp_
Fax: 781-828-5365 features_item/0,4120,18769,00.html.
Other Resources
Suprema, Inc. Pennsylvania State University
310 Quadral Drive Green Roof Research Center References
University Park, PA 16802 http: 1Konopacki, S., and H. Akbari.
Wadsworth, Ohio 4428
Phone: 800-356-3521 // Measured Energy Savings and Demand
or 330-334-0066 greenroofcenter/research.html Reduction from a Reflective Roof
Membrane on a Large Retail Store in
W. P. Hickman Systems, Inc., Green Roof Innovations, Austin. Report LBNL-47149. Berkeley,
in partnership with the German a division of SHADE Consulting, LLC CA: Lawrence Berkeley National
firm FAMOS P.O. Box 2775 Laboratory, June 28, 2001.
30700 Solon Industrial Parkway Carmel, CA 93921 2 Liu, K.L., and B. Baskaran. Thermal
Solon, Ohio 44139 Phone: 831-625-5625 Performance of Green Roofs through
Phone: 440-248-7760 Fax: 831-625-0525 Field Evaluation. Presented at
Fax: 440-248-6524 Publications Greening Rooftops for Sustainable
Modular Green Roof Systems Communities, the First North
The Green Roof Infrastructure Monitor,
American Green Roofs Infrastructure
GreenTech, Inc. an online newsletter published by
Conference, Awards, and Trade
8401-F Mayland Drive the Cardinal Group, Inc.; avail-
Show, Chicago, IL, May 29-30, 2003.
Richmond, VA 23294 able at
National Research Council, Institute
Phone: 804-965-0026 publications.htm.
for Research in Construction, 1500
Fax: 804-965-9630 Johnston, Jacklyn, and John Newton. Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario,
Building Green: A Guide to Using Canada K1A O6R.
GreenGrid Plants on Roofs, Walls, and Pavements. 3 Ibid.
20 North Wacker, Suite 1210 London: The London Ecology Unit,
Chicago, IL 60606 4 Ibid.
Phone: 312-424-3306 5 U.S.Department of Energy. Recent
Osmundson, Theodore. Roof Gardens:
Fax: 312-424-3330 Studies and New Financial Incentives
History, Design and Construction.
Selected Nurseries New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Bolster Use of Cool Roofs. Rebuild
1999. America Web site,
Emory Knoll Farms
3410 Ady Road Peck, Steven, and Monica Kuhn.
Accessed April 2004. See also the U.S.
Street, MD 21154 Design Guidelines for Green Roofs.
Environmental Protection Agency
Phone: 410-452-5880 Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Ontario
Web site, Energy Star for Roof
Fax: 410-452-5319 Association of Architects, with the
Products, Fact Sheet for Contractors,
Canada Mortgage and Housing
North Creek Nurseries, Inc. Corporation SCHL. Accessed in
388 North Creek Road April 2004.
pdf>. Accessed May 2004.
Landenberg, PA 19350 Greenroofs101/how-tos.htm.
6 Konopacki, S., and Akbari, H.
Phone: 610-255-0100 Peck, Steven, Chris Callaghan, Monica
Fax: 610-255-4762 Measured Energy Savings and Demand
E. Kuhn, and Brad Bass. Greenbacks
Reduction from a Reflective Roof
from Green Roofs: Forging a New
Membrane on a Large Retail Store in
Industry in Canada. Toronto: Canada
Austin. Op. cit., 2001.


Federal Technology Alert

7 Drr,A. Dachbegrunung: Ein 19 Drr,A. Roof Greening: An Ecological

Okologischer Ausgleich (Translated: Balance. Op. cit., 1995.
Roof Greening: An Ecological Balance). 20 Interviewwith representative of
Gtersloh, Germany: Bauverlag BV Seal Engineering, Inc., Roofing and
GmbH. 1995. Waterproofing Consultant for the
8 Ibid. General Services Administration.
9 Johnston, J., and J. Newton. Building February 2004.
Green: A Guide to Using Plants on Roofs, 21 Burton,B. NRC Launches Green
Walls, and Pavement. London: The Roof Demonstration Project.
Ecology Unit, 1992, p. 49. Landcaping and Groundskeeping Journal.
10 Akbari,
H. Heat Island Reduction: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada:
An OverviewEffects of Trees and Baum Publications Ltd., July/August
Implementation Issues. Presentation 2003.
by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at 22 Green
Roofs for Healthy Cities.
the University of Pennsylvania, LAPR Accessed April
760. November 13, 2002. 2004.
11 Ibid. 23 For a list of selected research insti-
12 U.S.
Environmental Protection tutes conducting green roof research,
Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning see <
& Standards. NOxHow Nitrogen links.htm>.
Oxides Affect the Way We Live and 24 ExecutiveOrder 13123, Greening
Breathe. September 1998. U.S. EPA the Government Through Efficient
Web site, Energy Management. Signed June 3,
nox/index.html. Accessed May 2004. 1999. 64 FR 30851, June 8, 1999.
13 Johnston, J., and J. Newton. Building <
Green: A Guide to Using Plants on Roofs, cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=1999_
Walls, and Pavement. Op. cit., 1992. register&docid=fr08jn99-171.pdf>.
Accessed March 2003.
14 McCann, R.J., and S.J. Moss. NUTS
25 Seethe Penn State Green Roof
AND BOLTS: The Implications of
Choosing Greenhouse-Gas Emission Research Center Web site, <http:
Reduction Strategies. Reason Public //
Policy Institute, Policy Study No. greenroofcenter/research.html>.
171. November 1993. RPPI Web Accessed May 2004.
site, < 26 Laberge,K.M., P.E., Chicago
ps171.html>. Accessed May 2004. Department of Environment.
15 Drr,A. Roof Greening; An Ecological Urban Oasis: Chicagos City
Balance (transl.). Op. cit., 1995, p. 17. Hall Green Roof. Presented at
Greening Rooftops for Sustainable
16 Scholz-Barth,K. Personal con- Communities, the First North
versation with Chris Warck, Shade American Green Roofs Infrastructure
Consulting. September 2003. Conference, Awards, and Trade Show.
17 Liu,K.L., and B. Baskaran. Thermal Chicago, IL May 29-30, 2003.
Performance of Green Roofs through 27 Seethe City of Chicago Rooftop
Field Evaluation. Op. cit., 2003. garden Web site, <www.cityofchicago.
18 Pennsylvania State University. org/Env/rooftopgarden/index.html>.
Green Roof Research Center Web site, Accessed April 2004.
Accessed May 2004.


Federal Technology Alert

About FEMPs New Technology Demonstrations

The Energy Policy Act of 1992 and Technology Installation Reviews applications, and field experience
subsequent Executive Orders man- concise reports describing a new to date; a list of manufacturers; and
date that energy consumption in technology and providing case study important contact information.
federal buildings be reduced by results, typically from another demon- Attached appendixes provide supple-
35% from 1985 levels by the year stration or pilot project. mental information and example
2010. To achieve this goal, the U.S. Other Publicationswe also issue worksheets on the technology.
Department of Energys Federal other publications on energy-saving FEMP sponsors publication of the
Energy Management Program (FEMP) technologies with potential use in the FTAs to facilitate information-sharing
sponsors a series of activities to federal sector. between manufacturers and govern-
reduce energy consumption at fed- ment staff. While the technology
eral installations nationwide. One More on Federal Technology Alerts featured promises significant federal-
of these activities, new technology sector savings, the FTAs do not
demonstrations, is tasked to accelerate Federal Technology Alerts, our signa-
ture reports, provide summary infor- constitute FEMPs endorsement of a
the introduction of energy-efficient particular product, as FEMP has not
and renewable technologies into the mation on candidate energy-saving
technologies developed and manu- independently verified performance
federal sector and to improve the rate data provided by manufacturers.
of technology transfer. factured in the United States. The
technologies featured in the FTAs have Nor do the FTAs attempt to chart
As part of this effort, FEMP sponsors already entered the market and have market activity vis-a-vis the technol-
the following series of publications some experience but are not in general ogy featured. Readers should note the
that are designed to disseminate use in the federal sector. publication date on the back cover,
information on new and emerging and consider the FTAs as an accurate
technologies: The goal of the FTAs is to improve picture of the technology and its per-
the rate of technology transfer of new formance at the time of publication.
Technology Focusesbrief informa- energy-saving technologies within
tion on new, energy-efficient, envi- Product innovations and the entrance
the federal sector and to provide the of new manufacturers or suppliers
ronmentally friendly technologies of right people in the field with accurate,
potential interest to the federal sector. should be anticipated since the date
up-to-date information on the new of publication. FEMP encourages
Federal Technology Alertslonger technologies so that they can make interested federal energy and facility
summary reports that provide details educated judgments on whether the managers to contact the manufactur-
on energy-efficient, water-conserving, technologies are suitable for their ers and other federal sites directly, and
and renewable-energy technologies federal sites. to use the worksheets in the FTAs to
that have been selected for further The information in the FTAs typically aid in their purchasing decisions.
study for possible implementation in includes a description of the candidate
the federal sector. Additional informa- technology; the results of its screening
tion on Federal Technology Alerts tests; a description of its performance,
(FTAs) is provided below.

Federal Energy Management Program

The federal government is the largest energy consumer in the nation. Annually, the total primary energy consumed
by the federal government is 1.4 quadrillion British thermal units (quads), costing $9.6 billion. This represents 1.4%
of the primary energy consumption in the United States. The Federal Energy Management Program was established
in 1974 to provide direction, guidance, and assistance to federal agencies in planning and implementing energy
management programs that will improve the energy efficiency and fuel flexibility of the federal infrastructure.
Over the years, several federal laws and Executive Orders have shaped FEMPs mission. These include the Energy
Policy and Conservation Act of 1975; the National Energy Conservation and Policy Act of 1978; the Federal Energy
Management Improvement Act of 1988; the National Energy Policy Act of 1992; Executive Order 13123, signed in
1999; and, most recently, Executive Order 13221, signed in 2001, and the Presidential Directive of May 3, 2001.
FEMP is currently involved in a wide range of energy-assessment activities, including conducting new technology
demonstrations, to hasten the penetration of energy-efficient technologies into the federal marketplace.


A Strong Energy Portfolio for a Strong America For More Information

Energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy will mean a stronger econo- EERE Information Center
1-877-EERE-INF or
my, a cleaner environment, and greater energy independence for America. 1-877-337-3463
Working with a wide array of state, community, industry, and university
partners, the U.S. Department of Energys Office of Energy Efficiency and General Program Contacts
Renewable Energy invests in a diverse portfolio of energy technologies. Ted Collins
Program Manager
New Technology Demonstrations
Federal Energy Management Program
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
Phone: (202) 586-8017
Fax: (202) 586-3000
Log on to FEMPs Web site for information about
Steven A. Parker
New Technology Demonstrations Pacific Northwest National Laboratory P.O. Box 999, MSIN: K5-08
Richland, WA 99352
You will find links to Phone: (509) 375-6366
Fax: (509) 375-3614
A New Technology Demonstration Overview
Information on technology demonstrations Technical Contacts and Authors
Downloadable versions of publications in Adobe Portable Stephanie Tanner
Document Format (pdf) National Renewable Energy Laboratory
901 D Street, S.W., Suite 930
A list of new technology projects under way Washington, DC 20024
Phone: (202) 646-5218
Electronic access to a regular mailing list for new products E-mail:
when they become available
Katrin Scholz-Barth
How federal agencies may submit requests to us to assess 1246 Duncan Place, N.E.
new and emerging technologies Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 544-8453

Produced for the U.S. Department

of Energy, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, by the Nation-
al Renewable Energy Laboratory


August 2004

Printed with a renewable-source ink on paper containing

at least 50% wastepaper, including 10% postconsumer waste

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