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COST REPORT scores apply for the cost and

manufacturing event:
The objective of the cost and In case of missing items within
manufacturing event is to the BOM, points are deducted up
evaluate the teams until zero points scoring for
understanding of the Content and Completeness of the
manufacturing processes and BOM:
costs associated with the build Missing Item Points
of a prototype race car. This Assembly 5
includes trade off decisions Part 3
Process/Material 1
between content and cost,
make or buy decisions and
Cost and Manufacturing
understanding the differences
between prototype and mass
production. 1. Prior to the competition, three
Cost Report Documents (CRD)
Cost and Manufacturing must be submitted to the
Scoring. competition website by the
deadline specied in the
The following maximum
competition handbook.
Category 2. During the competition, a
Points discussion with the judges will
Format and Accuracy 5 take place, next to the teams
of Documents
vehicle . The discussion is split
Knowledge of 5 into two parts:
Documents and
Vehicle Part 1Bill of Material
Content and 30 (BOM) Discussion: A
Completeness of the
BOM discussion to evaluate the teams
Realism of the CBOM 10 ability to prepare an accurate
Discussion Part 2 50 engineering and manufacturing
Cost understanding BOM for the complete vehicle.
Total 100
The team must prove the 4. The teams must present their
following: vehicle at the designated time to
the judges. Teams that miss their
The specication of the
time slot will lose all cost points
vehicle in the CRD accurately
reects the vehicle brought to the for that day.
competition. 5. Teams are allowed to bring
electronic, handwritten, or printed
The costs within the
hand-outs, ip charts or similar to
Costed Bill of Material (CBOM)
the event, but the given space may
part of the BOM are correct and
realistic. be limited.
6. If the team takes too long,
The manufacturing
blocks the bay or does not show
feasibility of the vehicle.
up on-time, ve penalty points
will be deducted from the teams
Part 2Cost cost event score.
Understanding: A discussion to Cost Report Documents
evaluate the general cost and
manufacturing knowledge of the
team. The following topics might 1. The CRD consist of the
be judged: following documents:
Differences between The BOM created online on the
prototype and mass production competition website
Resource and cost planning The supporting material le
uploaded as a pdf le to the
Financial and production
competition website
risk management
The cost explanation le
Make or buy decisions
uploaded as a pdf le to the
Environmental inuence of competition website
the vehicle production
2. An addendum for the CRD is
Effectiveness of nancial not possible and changes will not
planning be permitted after the deadline.
3.All CRD documents must be The BOM is broken down into
printed by the team and brought systems (see S2.4.4), which are
as a hard copy to the event dened by the website tool.
Each system is broken down
4. The website tool will provide a into assemblies, which are
printable pdf version of the BOM. dened by the website tool.
5. The hard copy must be in a ring Each assembly is broken
binder with DIN A4 pages (or down into parts, which must be
similar). dened by the team.
6. The hard copy must be Each part is broken down into
identical to the uploaded version. materials and processes.
Bill of Material(BOM) Each process may be broken
down into tooling and
1. The BOM is a sorted list for
fasteners, if applicable.
every vehicle part including the
associated manufacturing 4. The systems are:
processes. Brake System
2. The BOM must: Engine and Drivetrain
List every part and equipment Frame and Body
tted on the prototype vehicle at
any time during the competition. Electrical

Be based on the actual Miscellaneous, Fit and Finish

manufacturing processes used for Steering System
the prototype.
Suspension System
Include tooling (e.g. welding
Wheels, Wheel Bearings and
jigs, moulds, patterns and dies).
Not include any cost, except for
5. The assemblies of each
the systems described in S2.5.
system are given by the website
3. The BOM is structured as tool.
6.When adding parts to the 14. Within the BOM, only metric
BOM, the comments section units must be used.
should be reviewed thoroughly.
15.Only the dry tires and wheels
The chosen part name must
per rule
clearly describe what is included. T1.5.1needtobeincludedandmustb
For example, if a spring is
emountedon the vehicle during
included, the part should not be judging.
called damper.
16. One or two systems of the
7. Each part of an assembly
BOM have to be a CBOM, see
must be classied as bought or S2.5.
8. For each bought part, only
fasteners must be included Cost Bill of
(ifrequired). If the part was Material(CBOM)
modied, the associated processes
1. The actual costs of the
for this modication must to be
prototype vehicle as
presented must be included
9. For each made part the raw for one or two BOM
material, all production processes, system(s) specied in the
tooling and all required fasteners competition handbook.
must be included. 2. The cost calculations must
10. Processes are the necessary include the costs of
operations to produce the part materials, fabrication,
out of the material. bought parts and assembly
to the vehicle and must be
11. Material is the used raw done as realistic as possible.
material of a part, e.g. aluminium. 3. The cost calculations must
12. Tooling are the necessary exclude research,
tools used for transforming the development and capital
material into the desired shape. expenditures for real estates
(e.g. plant or development
13. Fasteners are additional
hours of the team).
items necessary to assemble the
4. All costs must be displayed Cost Explanation File
in EUR. For calculating the
prices in EUR from other 1.The cost explanation le is a
currencies, the team must document containing
provide the exchange rates additional explanations, which
used. allow the judges to understand
5. There is no maximum cost. the costs within the CBOM
Receipts are not required for part of the BOM.
any items. 2.The cost explanation le
6. If production tooling is should point out which cost model
associated with processes was used and which types of costs
that are specic to the part are included. It should also
geometry, it must be contain which specic cost gures
included. For example the were used, e.g. the cost of one
dies to stamp out a chassis machine operation hour.
bracket are tooling.
7. The costs of hand or power
tools must not be included.
8. The estimations for
machining rates, hourly
rates, included overheads
etc. must be shown.
1. The supporting material
le is a document
containing additional
information which allows
the judges to understand
the BOM. It should
include drawings,
exploded view drawings
and/or pictures of the
vehicle and the parts
included in the BOM.
Last years score. 11. No emphasis on the 1st
cost report.
Top 10 teams. 12. Real case scenario.

Our team.

Last years mistakes:- Even though we didnt scored

1. No colour coding of well in cost report our cost
individual systems. score was better than top 6
2. No CAD drawings included. teams in cost event. Real case
3. No reaction tools included. scenario was a major downfall
4. No jigs, fixtures, molds for us we only scored 11 out
included. of 40 marks. Accuracy, clarity
5. Paint price was included. & visual inspection was also a
6. All responsibility on one major downfall for us, as we
person. didnt knew how to present
7. Poor presentation. the cost report.
8. Every system should have a
different file.
9. Fasteners grade not
10. Zip ties not included.
1. The cost report will be
divided into multiple
2. Each system must be
completed by the
members responsible for
the technical system.
3. CAD drawings of each &
every manufactured
component will be
4. Colour coding of each
department will be done.
5. We have to make the cost
report as if we were
presenting the estimated
cost of a car that is to be
mass manufactured.
6. Reaction tools price will
be included.
7. Mock sessions will be
conducted every month
for improving the
presentation skills.

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