A. Dugin-Third World War

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Third World War: the beginning?


Alexander Dugin

What happened on April 7, 2017? Can it be the beginning of the Third World War? No one
wants wars, but wars, alas, happen. Sometimes world wars. Therefore, I think, it is necessary
first of all - as in the case of any catastrophe - to keep calm and get ready with thoughts.

On the morning of April 7, 2017, the US Air Force, for the first time since the beginning of
the long-standing conflict in Syria, launched a massive missile attack by Tomahawk missiles
at the Syrian Air Force airbase. The strike was directed against us.

Why did not we use a missile defense complex SS-400? According to one version, because
we do not have enough weapons to repel a full-fledged attack by the US troops& Our
complexes were primarily aimed against possible missile strikes of other possible enemies of
lesser scale. Second version: Moscow did not dare to give the order, as this would mean an
irreversible start of the war with the United States. Washington instead did dare. Perfectly
knowing what will follow. We did not. What's next? Before embarking on forecasts, it is
worthwhile once again to take a look at the context - the starting conditions for what might
easily turn to be the Third World War (although it may not).
The pretext of the American invasion
The pretext, which Washington used to make a strike, was previous dyas chemical attack.
The fact that Assad did not do it is obvious, because it was highly unprofitable for him.
Moreover, resorting to chemical weapons in the current situation for Assad would mean a
suicide. There is very little chance that this is a tragic accident - the Syrian missile is getting
into a warehouse with chemical weapons, which ISIS (the organization banned in Russia)
does certainly possess. The proof of it: the terrorists were officially trained to store chemical
weapons and deal with it by European inspectors. But such a coincidence, which in a moment
brings down the most complex balance of forces on a world scale, is too surprising. But at the
other hand, for terrorists and their manipulators, representing the global World Government
(the very Swamp that Trump promised us to drain), it is not difficult at all to organize this.
And it is just profitable for them. The Swamp has failed to involve the US in the war against
Russia with Hillary, so it has decided to act in other ways - through Trump. That's seems to
be the logic of globalists.

Swamp has drained the Trump

The formal decision to attack was taken by Donald Trump. Thus he is finished as Trump, and
from now on he is but Hilary in a disguise, a kind of transvestite. All the things against which
Trump fought in the course of the election campaign and what he promised to change, he has
acknowledged and endorsed today putting his signature under strike decision. But the decision
itself was not made by him. He simply showed that from now on he could decide nothing.
Under the pressure of the media and Swamp politicians, he let dawn all his few and dedicated
followers who didnt represented CFR, Neocons, Deep State, but "good old America". This "
good old America", which has chosen Donald Trump as its president, again remained tricked.
The good old America is left without Trump. Solar Trump, real Trump, good old
Americas Trump is hijacked. What Trump did, by allowing to "convince" himself of
certain involvement in the Assad (or, in other words, of Russia) in the chemical attack
means pure surrender. It is significant that on the eve he easily has dropped Steven Bannon,
perhaps the only true conservative without the neo-prefix in his entourage. He wanted to drain
the Swamp. It's commendable. But this business is risky. Swamp has drained the Trump.
What is happening in Syria today is strictly the same as what the globalists -- that is the
Swamp -- were striving for.

Trump's factor evaporated before our eyes. He tried to be hero for a while, but he failed. From
now on he is a pawn in the game of more serious forces. He showed that he was no longer
Trump. Maybe Trump's other attempt to "become a Trump" will accur later, but it is already

American shadow powers

The story of Trump, with his brilliant election company, with his struggle against globalists,
which was unexpectedly supported by the majority of the American people, exposed the
complex structure of American society, which, as it turns out, is far from being so monolithic
as it seems.

First, there is still the "old good America", isolationist and conservative, which thought that
this time it has chosen right candidate, its own candidate, its correct representative. At least,
Trump played this role perfectly. We actually have forgotten long ago about this "old good
America", which stayed eclipsed the fanatical demoniacal globalist elite. It turns out it still is
there. This is very important, and although she does not have the power, and her promoter and
representative has proved to be too weak, now such old good America can not be dismissed
any more. It exists. And that is great news. This is the most important and most hopeful
opening of the story with Trump.

Moreover, the "good old America" has its own foreign policy platform - this is realism, that is
America first. When the situation does not directly concern US, US should never get
involved. This isolationism generally prevailed in the United States prior to the rule of
Woodruff Wilson and partly after it during the period of the three Republican presidents -
Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. Realism in international relations politics of non
interference, concentration on internal problems, renunciation of imperialism was the basis of
Trumps program. Was but is not any more.

Secondly, behind Hilary and Obama stayed the most influential structure in determining the
course of US foreign policy - the Counsel on Foreign Relations, CFR. This structure frankly
declares the will for the creation of a World Government. It is the headquarters of globalism -
the Bilderberg Club or the Trilateral Commission, as well as global financial institutions and
transnational corporations - from the Federal Reserve to the World Bank - are coordinated by
CFR. Trump called it "Swamp." The Swamp apparently did not like that at all.

Method of action of CFR is soft power, strangulation. CFR is in no hurry, gradually preparing
its agents practically in all countries of the world, promising, pretending that it could make
concessions to the national administrations, corrupting the elites and so on. Practically in all
countries there is political and economic elite, controlled by globalist but at the same time
outwardly loyal to the national authorities, but internally oriented towards globalism. We call
that phenomenon the "sixth column". Sixth column is controlled and set up precisely by CFR.
CFR enforces the interests not so much of America but of the world's transnational financial
oligarchy. The USA is only one of instrument, one of the assets for them, although the most
powerful one. Colour revolutions, soft power, infiltration of societies that do not directly
recognize the World Government are their specific weapons. CFR represent liberals (left or
right), and their goal is the spread of liberalism on a global scale, that is -- globalism.
Liberalism is their ideology that now is looking more and more totalitarian. Trump has
quarreled with CFR. It is a fact. And the CFR understood this and reacted accordingly:
bringing the whole army of American liberals, who had taken up arms against Trump inside
the US, into hence the feminist march, the obscenities of Madonna and the anarchist riots.

But CFR is not the only power center in the US. There are also neocons. They have lost their
positions in recent years, but they have nevertheless retained some influence. Neocons are
open supporters of US imperialism. For them, the international community is a burden, they
are building a global American Empire and they dont hide their agenda. If the CFR
constantly flirts with those whom it seeks to enslave, the neocons attack in the front trying to
destroy and kill (Iraq, Afganistan and so on). A typical neocon is McCain. Neocons are
supporters of direct military intervention, the overthrow of recalcitrant governments, coups
d'etat, and the extermination of the enemy. Trump also confronted them, as it can be seen in
his feud with McCain.

Finally, there is Deep State. These are the American force-men and statesmen, representing
the military industrial complex, intelligence community and a number of keepers of the
American identity - Manifest Destiny. They have no ideology and try to maintain a certain
continuity of American institutions. But of course they are not free from ideology. CFR has a
great influence on Deep State, and in the 90s the influence of the neocons also increased
significantly. A hundred years ago, realists and traditional conservatives dominated this
American Deep State, but they were gradually pushed to the periphery. That is why Deep
State - in the person of the leaders of the US special services - did not swear loyalty to Trump,
continuing to display a investigation of Russia's fictitious interference in the election process,
supporting the company of liberals, based on the massive replication of fake-news. Thus,
Deep State took the side of the enemies of Trump in the matter of his blackmailing by the
Russian factor.

Such a review shows that Trump in the presidential chair did not have any institutional
support at all. Even in GOP itself he is supported by a minority. In such situation, one could
either hope for the miracle or the genius of Trump, or we have to be ready that Swamp in one
of its three expressions - CFR, Neocons or Deep State - would subordinate Trump. And if it
does not work out, that by common efforts will simply liquidates him.

In fact, on the morning of April 7, it became clear that this had already happened. That
Trump, whom "the good old America" has chosen, is dead. The new "Trump" does exactly
the opposite of what the old Trump has promised to do. Realist Trump would not have
anything to do with what was now happening in Syria. He would rather unify efforts with the
Russians to sweep away the ISIS (banned in Russia). He promised to stop the interventionism.
But he now is acting differently. He has suddenly believed in another globalist lie (typical
fake-news) about the "Assad's chemical attack" and, without clarifying the circumstances, has
taken a "decision", that is, hurriedly signed the paper slipped on him about the missile attack
of the Syrian base.

This is reality check. Words are one thing, deeds are quite different. And something went

Who is managing Trump from now on?

If this is not old good Trump any more, and Trump is "liquidated," then who made the
decision about the missile attack? Judging by the speed it is most likely that it were the
neocons in agreement with Deep State. CFR would have acted differently. Russia would be
presented with some kind of suffocating project, they would send a black mark (although the
explosion in the St. Petersburg metro and the demonstration of the zombified schoolchildren
of Navalny were, in principle, such a black mark), and most importantly, through their
numerous agents in Russian elite. The fact that the provocation was suddenly carried out and
the blow is struck, shows that an avatar named "Trump" is governed by a group of neocons as
an operator. This is evident in the coordination of actions with Israel, which is preparing to
join the operation - on the border with Syria and Lebanon the Israeli troops are concentrated
in full combat readiness. And the closest allies of the Israelis in the United States are neocons.

It turns out that the struggle of Trump with the CFR, in the old good times when Trump was
still Trump, led on behalf of "good old America" and realism in IR, was used by neocons,
who have seized the control levers. The neocons have hijacked Trump. The euphoria of
neocon Bill Kristol after the Steve Bannon demission is very indicative: his twitter is ripped
from glee. So Trump is stolen be the neocons.
This means that the war is more than probable. With whom, against whom, when, where?

The war with whom?

Unlike Trump, who, I think, does not suspect the existence of geopolitics, the neocons are
Atlantists. For them, as for their direct predecessors of the Trotskyites, the main enemy is the
Land Power, Eurasian civilization, tellurocracy -- that is ourselves. For Deep State from the
era of the Cold War and McCarthyism, this is also common place, and even some CFR hawks
such as Zbigniew Brzezinski fully share this dualistic vision (Sea Power versus Land Power).
CFR people generally try to calm Moscow by saying that geopolitics does not exist, and that
the "war of the continents" is nonsense, but they are guided precisely by geopolitics and are
waging exactly this very war of the continents against us. Of course, it is better, when the
enemy does not know that the war is led against him - let him think that he is sunbathing
peacefully on the beach. There will be a surprise when a nuclear submarine comes up next to
its deck-chair. Bingo! Therefore, the Neo-cones understand the attack of the Syrian base with
American missiles exactly as it really is: as a military strike against the Russians. Trump is
expressed softer: "Assad's friends will be upset." This is the rhetoric of a parrot, and not a
victorious realist, who decided to make America great again. The Swamp applauds. Now
Trump is behaving exactly as he should.

One thing is clear: this is a war against us.

But it will be framed as a war against our friends and allies - against Assad (of course),
against Iran, against the Shiites and, in particular, Hezbollah. In this case, CFR networks will
be needed again - Moscow will be invited to join the operation against Assad and Tehran on
the side of the US and its allies. CFR will try to persuade Russia to change its position
overnight. Someone can erroneously calculate that if we surrender, we can avoid the Third
World War. We can not. It is being waged against us. And our friends are a secondary local
goal, and the main test for our endurance. If we betray them, then from now on they can make
of us whatever they want.

But if Trump's avatar is run by neocons, then they will not insist too much on attracting
Russia. They will just go on to move rigidly in their direction. They have a plan. And if they
managed to intercept the levers of control of American hardware, which they almost
despaired under Obama, they will act as quickly as possible, trying not to waste time.

Therefore, the Third World War will be waged by the Swamp, by the Atlantists, by the
supporters of US imperialism -- and directed against us. Formally, Assad and the Shiites will
be appointed the enemy. The coalition will be joined by the European Union, which is
completely controlled by the Swamp. Perhaps, they will make pressure on Erdogan, trying to
return him to the American zone of influence. And the participation of CIA agent in the coup
detat of last summer will be explained by CFR initiative.

The war where?

The main front of this war will obviously be the Middle East, that is, Syria and the
surrounding areas. In this moment prophecy of Orthodox, Protestants, Jews and Muslims
converge: Armageddon occurs in close proximity to the Holy Land.
But obviously the enemy will open against Russia other fronts as well. First of all, we should
wait for attacks on the Donbass, with a parallel invasion of the Crimea. Representative of the
neocons Victoria Nuland, wife of the prominent neocon Robert Cagan is now in Ukraine.

Simultaneously, a series of terrorist acts will take place in the capital and large cities of Russia
and the activation of jihadist militants in the North Caucasus.

Most likely the Karabakh conflict will be renewed.

Inside of Russia protest waves will rise, the fifth column will go out into the street. We've
seen rehearsals of all this with Navalny.

Finally, the enemy will try to carry out a coup d'etat in order to overthrow Putin, on whom the
whole of Russia as an independent sovereign state today is holding. This will be the task of
the sixth column. At the same time, the leitmotif of the conspiracy may be a liberal verdict:
"Look at what this sovereignty, Crimea is ours, conservatism, etc., has brought," or even
hurray-patriotic rhetoric: "Look how he hesitates, how great the losses are - and all that
because of his indecision. "

It is possible that the arena of war will also include other territories.

War when?
When will the Third World War begin? In a sense, it has already begun. But it can quickly
end. How? For example, if we admit defeat. Then there is no need to fight: the goal of the war
is to establish control over the enemy, over his territories, over his institutions, over his
consciousness. In part, such control of the West over Russia has already been established. The
only thing they do not control fully is Putin personally. Therefore, the Third World War will,
in a sense, be directed precisely against Putin.

But what does it mean, "the war has already begun"? This means that if Russia reacts
strongly, a series of irreversible actions of a hard type will be launched, which is called a war,
and given the direct involvement of the two world nuclear powers, it will by definition be
world war.

If we retreat, then the war has all chances to end quickly and with minimal losses. But this
will mean our surrender - with all the consequences. Not to mention the Crimea, which is
ours, while we are we. Should we retreat at least one step, and our solipsistic picture will
collapse immediately.

If we answer, then the outbreak of war can drag out and even the war can be postponed: if it is
not possible to resolve the matter abruptly and with lightning speed, then Washington will
send CFR negotiatiors, and the matter will drag on. Observe the schedule of Mr. Kissinger the
CFR negotiator of the first category when he ids going to visit Moscow next rime. He will
come not to hit, but to suffocate.

Geopolitics can never predict exactly the timing of processes. Geopoliticians perfectly
understand - what and where. But "when" depends on too many factors. Here the process is
What to do?
I noticed that every analyst or even, I would say stiffer, every moron knows what to do in this
situation today. And everyone climbs with their advice and recommendations, which sound
loud and vulgar. I do not want to participate in this choir. Moreover, the authorities do not
listen to anyone at all. And maybe they are right in that.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to confine to such a preliminary analysis and maybe even trample
(trumple) on the spot in order to correct something, something to clarify, to reconsider.
After all, in almost every war, everything depends on the starting conditions. Here they
should be analyzed as accurately as possible. An error at this level - the most insignificant -
can later give catastrophic results.


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