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The Lost Word Is a Vibration

By James E. Harding
Fellow and Past President, Maryland Masonic Research Society

To understand why I title this paper The Lost Word Is a Vibration is not a
simple thing. I must attempt to answer with the skill of an engineer or scientist.
Let me first account for the need to solve this dilemma. In the Blue Lodge, a Fellow
Craft is told that he is being given a substitute word until he has earned the right to
the real one. In the Royal Arch Degree the candidate is told that the Lost Word
had been found and how it was found, and he is invested with the word.
What is not told to the Craft is the type of word that was lost. There is the
Word of Power. There is the Word of Creation. There is the Sacred Word.
Which of these words is supposed to have been lost? Is there some other type of
word that was lost? Is one of these the Masters Word? What was the Word of
The Masters Word is supposed to have been lost when the Grand Master
Hiram Abyff was slain before the completion of the Temple. How? The three Grand
Masters had to be together to give the Masters Word. When Grand Master Hiram
Abyff was slain, why couldnt the other two remember the missing part? This I will
approach a little later.
First let us examine what a word is. Certain vocalizations as sounds of
letters of an alphabet, put in a sequence, could be said to be a word. Therefore, we
could say that the expelling of air through the mouth, when the tongue and the lips
are in various positions, will create words. These sounds are vibrations.
According to the Kabalion, Hermetic philosophy states that the great Third
Principle is the Principle of Vibration. This establishes the truth or law that motion
or vibration is manifest in everything in the Universe. That means that nothing is
at rest; everything moves, vibrates, and circles. Modern science confirms this fact
and utilizes it in many inventions. Religious teachings are to the effect that spirit is
at one pole at the higher end of rate of vibration, and physical matter (us) is at the

lower end. Modern science has proven that matter and energy are both forms of
vibratory motion. The atom bomb shows that matter is a form of energy.
Matter can easily be said to be frozen energy. Think of ice, a solid, water, the
liquid, steam, the gas, and plasma, the very high vibration. In every solid the
electrons speed around the turning protons and neutrons. This is the same as
planets and moons orbiting the sun and planets, as the sun itself speeds in its
travels around the turning galaxy. All motion is also vibrating. All vibrates as
Hermes stated many thousands of years ago.
Our scientists avow that at about 473.6 degrees below zero degrees
Fahrenheit, all movement stops; nothing vibrates. Even deep space does not reach
this shivering degree. From that low degree to the highest imaginable
temperatures of millions to many millions of degrees, all vibrations increase.
Let me give you a related example. Take a shaft, wheel, top, or some similar
object. Start it rotating, and no noise is heard. As the speed increases, a low whine
can be heard. When the speed continues to increase, the whine becomes louder,
until it passes beyond the range of human hearing. As the speed continues to
increase, the object can bee seen to become a dull red in color. More and more
increase shows a further rise in temperature and a change in color until the red
becomes orange. The orange then changes to yellow. The yellow changes
successively into shades of green, blue, indigo, and finally violet. When the violet
disappears, the colors continue beyond the ability of human eyes to perceive; up
past X-rays and higher into the electromagnetic spectrum.
When our object reaches a certain high rate of vibration, its molecules
disintegrate into its original elements or atoms. As the rotation and vibrations
increase, the Hermetecists avow that the materials will move into the highest
vibrations and go into thre spiritual realm of energy.
The Hermetic teachings can explain more than modern science can. They
teach that all thought, emotion, reason, will, or desires, or any mental activity, and
vibrational. Some of these vibrations which are emitted affect the minds of others
by induction. Some minds are sensitive enough to receive these thoughts, and today
that is called mental telepathy.

Pythagoras could be quoted at this point to say, The world was brought forth
out of chaos by sound (vibrations) or harmony, and constructed according to the
principles of musical proportion. It may be correctly said that Music is free-form
architecture. Another way of saying the same thing is that Architecture is frozen
music. As most people realize, all music is different vibrations.
Let us spend some time examining the electromagnetic spectrum and its vast
span of vibrations. At the so-called left side, or lower end, would be ten to the first
power to ten to the third power, or cycles per second. Remember, our house current
is sixty cycles per second. Also, sound is heard in this range. In the range above
ten to the third, we move into what we use as radio waves, up to ten to the eleventh
power. Radar operates from between ten to the ninth and ten to the tenth.
Microwaves operate between ten to the tenth and ten to the twelfth. Above that
come infrared rays. We see visible light in ten to the fourteenth and ten to the
fifteenth. Above that we encounter ultraviolet rays, then X-rays and into gamma
rays, up to ten to the twenty-second power. We are now talking about 484 trillion
cycles per second. Our scientists have not yet invented instruments to register
beyond some range. Inventors and scientists have watched High C sopranos shatter
crystal goblets, and we weld fabrics and steel with ultrasonic beams. These
scientists and inventors have among them many of our Brothers and Companions,
as it should be.
Sound also creates colors. Few people realize that color as we perceive it is a
matter or certain vibrational frequencies impinging on the rods and cones of our
eyes. A range of vibrations between 380 to 484 trillion per second will be seen as a
red color. Consider the following: 470 to 520 trillion is seen as orange, 510 to 546
trillion is seen as yellow, 545 to 590 trillion is seen as green, 618 to 700 trillion is
seen as blue, 654 to 670 trillion is seen as indigo, 655 to 750 trillion is seen as violet,
and 750 to 819 trillion registers in the ultraviolet range. The Doppler effect in
astronomy is based on the vibrational principles of color.
Color has been known by even the most ancient civilizations as an enormous
aid in healing. Ultraviolet has been used to heal psoriasis, and to irradiate milk
and other food products to form Vitamin D. Niels Finsen of Denmark was the

pioneer in research on light therapy. He believed visible red light would prevent
smallpox scars. In 1896 he wrote of actinic (chemical action) properties of sunlight.
He founded a Light Institute to cure tuberculosis. He was awarded a Nobel Prize in
1903. Many scientists are convinced that color as well as light has a powerful effect
on health. Many colored lights are used on a variety of ills.
For color therapists assert that color does more than heal. The vibrations of
colors have various powers over our emotions and spirituality. Consider red: this
affects life in terms of vitality and sexual power, and those whose aura is red are
generous. Orange is a sign of health with energy to be well-balanced and down-to-
earth. Yellow is for wisdom and a thinking-type person. If the yellow is tinged with
gold, it denotes a high spiritual level.
Moving on to green, the energy color shows healing qualities and adaptability
and versatility. Green when tinged with blue shows intuition with great sensitivity.
Blue shows inspiration, integrity, sincerity, compassion, kindliness. When a blue
aura is tinged with indigo, it will indicate a high degree of spirituality. Being true
blue is a great compliment. Violet is the color of cosmic consciousness which allows
an individual to consider the universe without any formal dogmatism. This is the
color of spiritual power which transcends any race, color, nationality, sex, or
theology. No wonder Ancient Craft Masonry is called Blue Lodge. Each of the
various Masonic bodies has a predominant color. (In Royal Arch, note four colored
banners.) Each religion seems to have a color which most can identify with.
John Keely, with seven or ten others, put forth many laws of vibration which
govern how many things work. Great thinkers such as Nicola Tesla, Edgar Cayce,
Dale Pond, and many others have proclaimed the fact that all the universe is
composed of various degrees of vibration. John Keelys Law of Matter and Force is
as follows: Coextensive and coeternal with space and duration, there exists an
infinite and unchangeable quantity of atomoles, the base of all matter; these are in
a state of constant vibratory motion, infinite in extent, unchangeable in quantity,
the initial of all forms of energy.
Atomolity begins at the 87th octave of frequencies, or above 14,524 Hz. The
upper limit of this range is not known. The instruments to measure beyond this

range have not yet been invented. This frequency range is far faster in vibrations
than gamma rays. Keelys Law of Atomolic Synthesis of Chemical Elements is,
Harmonic pitches of atomolity produce association of etheric atomolic particles to
form atoms: The kind of atom is determinable by the pitches employed.
It is unknown at what rate the G.A.O.T.U. vibrates; maybe in the quintillion
of cycles, maybe even higher. Therefore, it is this writers opinion that when the
G.A. thought the word of creation, the vibrations pushed energies together to form
matter. As these vibrations raced outward in a spherical form, more and more
matter was formed from energy. Thus, by the use of high energy vibrations, the
present universe was formed.
We need now to put all of this in the context of ritual. Royal Arch Masons are
familiar with the three Grand Masters getting in position to give the Masters
Word. We are not told if the Masters Word is the Word of Power, Word of
Creation, or Word of Healing, or is it to say hello to high spiritual powers. Maybe
the Masters Word is simply saying, Hello, we are reporting for duty, so you can
tell us what to do. To say the Masters Word is lost because Grand Master Hiram
Abyff is slain seems odd.
In giving the Masters Word, surely the other two should hear what the
others had said. If they did hear what the others said, how could the word be lost?
This creates a dilemma. How could they give it, and not hear the whole word?
Maybe there is another answer.
I propose that the Lost Word is instead a combination of tones given
simultaneously; the blending of three vibrations which creates a universal
resonance. Maybe each of the three Grand Masters had to whistle or hum different
notes at the same time. If that were true, each would have to pay strict attention to
what he was doing, and would be concentrating so hard on their part that they
couldnt hear the others.
In this plan, the word is never lost, for it vibrates on the spiritual plane. To
know the Word, one must be able to communicate with that spiritual plane. This
communication could be accomplished by using the Ark of the Covenant. This

would mean that more than the High Priest would have to be present during the
operation of the Ark.
In conclusion, I postulate that the Lost Word is a combination of vibrations
that each Adept or Master is given on the spiritual plane. Each will be given this
information when they have earned the right to know the Word.

Keely, John, Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keelys Secrets, Santa Fe,
Message Company, 1996
Lewis, Robert C., The Sacred Word and Its Creative Overtones, Oceanside, CA, The
Rosicrucian Fellowship, 1986
Wood, Betty, The Healing Power of Color, Rochester, VT, Destiny Books, 1984
Isaacs, Thelma, Gemstones, Crystals, and Healing, Black Mountain, NC, Lorien
House, 1987
Lingerman, Hal A., The Healing Energies of Music, Wheaton, IL, The Theosophical
Publishing House, 1983
Hawkins and Hughan, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, New York, The Masonic
History Company, 1925
Waite, A. E., A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Weathervane Books, 1994
Three Initiates; The Kybalion, Chicago, Yogi Publication Society, 1940


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