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. L I T E R A T U R E R I E V I E W
Computer Networking is a very vast project in the present developing era of electronicsand
communication. Now a days, computers are used in a wider range. All
theorganizations are using multiple computers within their departments to perform their
dayto day work. Computer network allows the user to share data , share folders and files
withother users connected in a network. Computer Networking has bound the world in a
verysmall area with it wide networking processes like LAN, MAN, WAN.The courses in
jetking comprises lecture and theory session, with a great focus on active participation
through smart lab plus ,that focuses on audio visual and learning withhands-on training and
equips students with an in depth domain knowledge that istechnical; it also equips students
with soft skills ,to face the multi-faceted challenges of corporate world


Communication is at the core of almost all aspects of modern life. Education and healthcare rely upon it, as do
everyday work and community life, and democratic governance.Since new communication technology
does offer significant opportunitiesas well asgrave risksand because the form of the communication
infrastructure of tomorrow is being shaped today, it is critical that people from all walks of life play more active
roles inthis crucial transition period. New computer-networking technology currently has many attributes that
couldundergird communication and technology that is truly democratic. Since it supports"many-to-many"
communication, community, regional, national, and even international"conversations" on any topic are
possible. This new media is unlike traditional media likenewspapers and television that are "one-to-
many" (broadcast) or telephones, and letter writing that are usually "one-to-one."Although
I argue for the development of democratic technology in general, this isfocused on the development of
community computer networks, a concrete manifestation of democratic technology that demands our attention
right now. These systems are notutopian pie in the sky. Five hundred thousand people currently use
community networksand people have launched projects in hundreds of cities and regions in the United
Statesand around the world

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