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People and Organisation - HRM30105

July Semester 2017

TUTORIAL 2 (Week 3):



0 Revise Lecture 2

0 Group discussion


0 Explain what the external environment is and why its important. p . 59

0 Discuss how the external environment affects managers. p. 62
0 Define what organizational culture is and explain why its important. p. 66
0 Describe how oragnisational culture affects managers. p. 68


Questions 1.

a) Describe Henri Fayols four managerial functions with appropriate examples.

1. Planning:
- Ensure that there are right people for the right job
- Setting priority levels for certain tasks
- Discuss short and long-term goals (#Strategic planning, how to improve)

2. Organizing:
- Altering the teams internal structure in response to companys growth
#Delegate work (as in I cannot finish everything by myself so I let others do it) *use by superior to a staff

3. Leading(#to guide and support someone):

- Handling conflicts between team members fairly and decisively
- Encouraging and motivating
#lead/guide/support people into achieving the goals/objectives/aims/targets of the organization
#Ensure things are done within the time
#Need to understand, care, control, communicate
#A good listener(to problems, opinions)
^as you listened to them, they respect you, they like you and obeyed.
^Or else, the performance and productivity will be affected

4. Controlling:
- Controlling the flow
#Controlling Capital resource(making sure they are well used and not wasted)
#Human resource(right ppl for the right job)
#Raw materials(control the information- what should and should not be shared)
#Training people (making sure the employees have technical skills)

*Why do short term planning?

#Technology and trend changes
#Make plans according to the demand
#Due to the competitors and customers demand

b) Do managers at different levels of management perform similar functions? Does a

president of a company perform similar managerial functions as a supervisor of a
production department? Discuss based on Exhibit 1-6 above.
#Top manager: Long term planning, organizing
*Level of managers
#Top, Middle, Lower level
#Top, Tactical, Operational, Line Management

Question 2
a) Based on Exhibit 1-7 above explain the different roles perform by managers in small and
large businesses.
Small business
- Speak for the organization
- Transmitting info about the company to people outside

- Create and control change within the organization
- Solving problems
- Generating new ideas
#Business-minded person-make $$

- Have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities
- Act as the source of inspiration
- Someone people look up to as a person with authority
#An authority figure

- Manage the performance and responsibilities of the group

- Communicate potentially useful information to the colleagues

Large business
Resource allocator:
- Allocating funding
- Assigning staffs

- Communicate with internal and external contacts
- Be network effectively on behalf of the organization
#Somebody I can go to discuss with

- Seek out for relevant information
- Detect changes in the environment
#Observe whats happening
#Monitor the performance and direction

Disturbance handler:
- Managing negative circumstances
#Resolve conflicts

- Take part in negotiations within the team, department and organization
#Discuss(debate) on deals

- Create and control change within the organization

b) Why do you think managers in small businesses perform different roles as compared to
large businesses?
Because the environment and operational system are different.
#Smaller businesses are easier to handle, larger business will be harder to handle.

Question 3

a) Why is it important for managers to pay attention to demographic trends and shifts?
Because large numbers of people at certain stages in the life cycle can constrain decisions and actions
taken by businesses, governments, educational institutions, and other organizations
#Diversity Force
#Because they have different skills and personalities etc.

b) Businesses operate in the external environment. Discuss whether managers experience

environmental stability in their business operations. Provide local examples of
environmental stability and environmental uncertainty.
No, because the external environment will keep changing. As external environmental conditions change,
managers face the impact of these changes on jobs and employment.
#Internal environment: whats happening inside the organizations
#External environment: demographic, competitors(threats), socio culture, political, globalization,
economic, suppliers

c) Discuss the impact of a strong culture on organizations and managers

The organizations will be in order and consistent.
Managers need not be concerned with developing formal rules and regulations as it will internalized in the
employees. Managers will be easier to manage the employees.

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