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LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS SEPTEMBER 27, 2015 3:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M, MATHEMATICS - SEY A a FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION - 120 ITEMS (MATHEMATICS) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This test booklet contains 120 test questions. Examinees shall manage to use three and one-half (8 ¥4) hours. . Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet. . Stade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer. . AVOID ERASURES. . This is PRC Property. Unauthorized possession; reproduction, and/or sale of this test booklet are punishable by law. (R.A.8981) an op INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set 2. Write the subject tile "MATHEMATICS" on the box provided. 3 . ‘Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box “B” if your test booklet is Set B. MULTIPLE CHOICE a3 Pp 2 Perform the operation given that: A=(-4,-2,0,2,4}, B= (-4,-2,0,3,4} AUB= A. {4, 2, 0, 3} B. £-4, -2,.0, 2,3, 4} Cu, -2, 6.3) D. {-4, -2,0, 2s, 4, 5} The cost of ail items sold by Guzmartoffice. supply during the month of June is Php 95,000.00. The-ovethead is Php 50,000,00. What is the breakeven point? A. Php 105,000.00. . B. Php 85,000.00° ~~ ©. Php 45,000.00 D. Php 145,000.00 Simplify: (a -5a) / (6 - a) Ae Ca Bla-5 D.5-2 MATHEMATICS - SETA 4. Simplify this expression: 3x = 18 | 2x? + 16x + 30 2 50 * e+ x+3 & a3 p 223 2x 5. List of four smatiest elements of the set, {yly = 2x + 1,x enatieral numbers} A1,2,3,4 8.1,3,5,7 3,5, 7, 9 0.3,4,5,6 6. Factor over the integers by grouping: 3x? + x? + 6x +2 A. Bx + 1)G2 +2) C. (Bx+ 1)G¢ - 2) B. (8x - 1)(x? + 2) D. (8x? + 1) +2) 7. Solve this rational expression, 2% +1 =2 zee oT 34d Ax= 13 B.x=-3 Use absolute value notation to describe the given situation: The distance between x and 3. A. -k-3| C.-K +3] Bx +3! D. k-3] 1 9. Sirnplity this complex fraction; = 17a z a4 10, Find the acute angle between two lines that have the direction numbers . [1,1,0}-and {2, 1,2] A. 20° C. 45° B. 50° D. 30° MATHEMATICS - SET nS 11. Simplify the given exponent expression: (6a°b)(-2a%S) A. 2a’ C. -12a°b° B. -4a%o® D. 4a%b® 12 By inspection, determine whether each percentage is greater than, equal to, less than, or less than and equal to the pase; 100% of 0.12 ‘A. Percentage is less than the base. B. Percentage is equal to the base. C. Percentage is less than and equal to the base. D. Percentage:is greaiter than the base: 18. Three fourths of the participants in a regional training program are from private universities Tivo thirds of these are from Teacher Education institutions. I thers are oe particisants how many of them represent private Teacher Education institutions? A72 C.48 3.18 D.24 14. fF 0) = 2x-Band.g (0 = 2-1, Find (fof) A. 4x8- 1246 C.4x-9 B, &x?.5, D. x*- ax? A total of Php 75,000.00 is deposited: into two simple interest accounts. In annual simple interest rate is fate is 7%. The amount of int: invested in each? one account tine 5%, and in the second account the annual simple intere: terest eared for 1 year was Php 4,050.00. How much was A. At 5% = Php 60,000.00; At 7% B. At 5% = Php 50,000.00; At 7% C. At 8% = Php 55,000.00; At 7% D. At 8% = Php 15,000.00; At 7% = 16, Find the direction numbers for the line that joins the points (1, 3, 4) and (-2. A [t,-1,.Q) - are B.[1, 0, -1] 2 Cf, -1, 2 D. £4, 0, 1] 17-Detsimine the percentage: Rate = 200%, ‘Base = 30 “A.60 8. 2,400 C. 360 D. 120 MATHEMATICS - SET A pe ‘ion of Sets A and Bis defined by An B = {x/xeAand €8) A= (a, 3, c,d, &}, B= fa, c, f, gh find ANB 2 The int A.{b, 0, 9} C. fa, o} B. fa. f, g} D, {a, b, c, g} 19. iff (x) = 2x-Sandg (x) = x°- 1, Find (0g) () A 4x-9 C. xt 2? B. 2x8 -5 D. 4x7 - 12x +8 20. The sun is approximately 1.44 x 10" meters from the Earth. If the fight travels 3 x 10° meters per second, how many minutes oes it take light from the sun to reach Earth? A. 20 minutes C. 8 minutes B. 28 minutes D. 10 minutes Use absolute value notation to describe the given situation: The distance between x and -2 is 4. Ak +2] B.jx-2] C.)x+ 2) =4 4 D. K=2I 22. Lyn Santos is paid a selary of Php 5,000.00/week plus 10% commission on a net sale over Php 50,000.00. What is her gross wage if her weekly net sales are Php 70,000. 00? A. Php 4,700.00 C. Php 5,000.00 B. Php 7,000.00 D. Php 2,000.00 28, The number of subsets of a Set A with n elements is defined by 2°. IFA = {1, 2,3, 4, 8) find the number of subsets of A. 7 A382 6.16 8. 20 D.10 24. If (x) = 2x-S.andg &) =x*- 1, Find Goh &) “A. 2x2 - 5 = a Cr 4x-9 --- - - B 4x? - 12x +8, Dex 2? . _25. in three dimensions, where is the point tocated if x = y = z= 0? A. xz plane C. yzplane B. origin D. xy plane MATHEMATICS ee 26. It costs @ lady's bag manufacturer Phy Php 550.00. How man P 400.00 to produce a lady's bag that sells inv ly lady's bags must he manufacturer sell to make a profit of Php 60,000.00? A. 400 C. 250, 8B. 150 D. 200 27. Annual interest at 8% for 3 months on 6,000.00 A.R480.00 C. R150.00 1, B, 120.00 D. 2160.00 28. Find the units in z°{1, 2, 3, 4,'5, 6, 7} A2 C4 B.4 De 29. Four out of every five households have cellphone. If 10,000 households in a barangay have cellphone, how many do NOT have cellphone? A. 7,500 C.9,500 B.2,000 D. 7,000 © 80. Find, the amount and. compound interest converted quarterly in 5 years or, 820,000: at 8%. ‘A. B19,600.95 : C. R25,600.00 B. 29,718.95 D. 22,700.00 + Perform the indicated operation atid reduce to lowest terms: | a2 —1 C.z= 0x Diz=xy 9. Evaluate dy / dx when = 2 for y= 6x —>? AB o.6 B.-4 Bo MATHEMATICS - SET A. es nn Se ee 34. Point P (-3, -4) is on the terminal side of angle @ in the standard position. Find tan 6. A 4/3 C.3/4 B. -3/5 D. -4/5 35. Find the area of the region bounded by the curves: y= x7, y = x AAG C.1/8 Be Dd. 3/4 36. Perform the indicated operations end reduce result to simplest form. [A)+(a} 3x+2 3x+2 xx4D "x(x + 1) 3x72 p, 3242 * 2) x(x+ iP 37. Perform the indicated operation and reduce sesult to simplest form. 2 AX a. = x xy’ x B. b., ya? 38, Find the distance between the points (-3, 2) and (5, 3). A.V45 Cc. 65 B. ¥55 D. ¥56 ae = 38. Perform the indicated operation and reduce to lowest terms: 2 + 2x= 3 see - x24 7x412 xt 44x x+i Cc. _xt5 HF DRTS) GORD . xt (e+ (xt 5) MATHEMATICS eC 40. Find the equation of an ellipse in the standard form if the equation of the ellipse ir general form is given by: 9x? + 16y? + 18x - 96y +9 =0 A &HD? V-3) fl co +N? Y-3 16 16 @- 1? B; a yt . 41, Perform the indicated operatiofis and reduce result to simplest iorm. 2x? ~3x—14 2x? -x-10 2? —3x—5. 0 x? 5x-7 co. ats 2x? + 2x41 pb, wt+4 xed 42. Form of a linear equation in one variable. + bx+0=0 B. ax? sby* + dx + ey+f=0 43. Area of an isosceles triangle with base of 2 meters and perimeter of 12 meters. A. 2V(6m*) C. 2m? B.4m? D. 6v(2m) 44. What is the area of a triangle with vertices at (6, 3), (11, 1) and (8,8)? A380 G7 B.15 s 0.24 ~ 45.-Find.the distance.betweon the.line ax ~y = 0 andthe point (2, -4) A10 - a C.-10 7 B. V10. D. -V19 46. The approximate shape of the earth is __ ‘A. sphere ~ C. cone B. circle D. cube MATHEMATICS - SET A ‘The motion of a particle is given by the equation s = t - 3t - 5. Find the velocity when t = 2. Ag C3 B10 D5 448. Samantha laid tiles on the floor. She began with 1 square tile at the comer of the room. She added three tiles to form 2 x 2 tile square.and then § tiles to form 3 x 3 tiles square She continues in this way until the whole floor is covered. Last, she adds 25 tiles. What is the size of the floor? A, 166 square tiles C. 167 square tiles B. 168 square tiles D. 169 square tiles 49. Area of the circle with equation: x° + y* = 4 is. Aer C.4n 8.0 D.S0 39. The surface on the earth between the tropic of caricer and the Arctic Circle is called A. plane ©. cone B. circle D. zone 51. Nica received an aquarium as a.graduation gift from her mother. 't has length, width and height of 9 centimeters, 7 centimeters, and 5 centimeters, respectively. Find its volume A. 315 cubic meters C.314 cubic meters B. 316 cubic meters D. 319 cubic meters 52. A cube has a volume of 64 cubic meters. What are its. dimensions? A. 16 cm x 2 cm. x2 om. C.3 orn. x3 om. x7 om B. Bem. x Bem. x1 om. D. 4.0m. x4 om. x 4.0m: 53. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the .___. ofthe polygon. A. perimeter C.area - B. leg -Divolume- 9 = - 54. if the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is'a A. rectangle C. parallelogram B, shambers D. square 55. The ULTRA football field is 100 meters from goal line to goal line, If it is 360 meters around football field, how wide is the field? A. 70 ineters C, 86 meters B. 85 meters D, 60 meters 10 MATHEMATICS - SET a 56. The average of the ages of two friends Is 19. if one of them is 17, how old is the other? Which equation will approximately solve this problem? A. x= (2) (19) - 17 C.x = (2) (i9)- 19 B. x= (2) (19) +19 D.x = (2) (19) +17 57. The first angle of a quadrilateral is 50, the sezond is twice the first and the third is eq) the second. What is the fourth angle of the quadrilateral? A. 108 CG. B. 110 D. 109 58. What is the value of x if x=log3 277 A3 c.g B27 D.-3 ‘59, What is the third side of the triangle if b=47, =58 and @=63° 2 A. 8048.2 C. 3090 B. 5573 D. ¥3097.8 60. The statement of 3=log' (x+8) implies A. 10° B. 3° ©. (x48) D. (x48) =x48 K+ 10 61. The given miuttiplication table represents a cyclic group. ele alee baeicwdee afc a da »b b}a bcd cla sc boa - dtb do aic ie : : _Find the order of the group. - . -. A2 C1 B.3 D.4 62. Loge 16 equals _ = A3 G2 Ba D4 YW MATHEMATICS - SET A 53. The given multiplication table represents a cyclic group, aocn Find a? Aa 3d 64. A. 24/25 8. 7/25 65. Tan 1/10 is equal to__ A. [2 tan (n/SjJ/(1 tan® (rr/5)] B. (sin 1/3)/{1-cos(7/5)] the A. mantissa J capo B. characteristic acon When a logarithm is expressed as an integer plus a decimal, the »pooajo epac Cb Dc Ifsin @ = 4/6, and 0 < 6 1/2, then cos 281s equal to _ ©. -7/25 D. 44/125 C. sin(n/5)/{1+cos(7/5)) Dz [2 tan (mr/20)}/[1 +tan2(m/5)} integer is called C. base D. antilogarithm 67. If fogs 16=12, then a equals A2 8.4 88. The logarithm of the product of two numbers is.equal to the. the tactors. A.sum _ B. product A. tasin x B. 1+c0s x 79. Cos (-17/12) is equa! to - A. (V3 + 1)/2V2 = B. (-1vayav2 ~ 69, What is the simplest form of (sin 1/2x-cost /2x)? ? C.8 D.32 of the logarithms ot C, difference = -- = D. quotient ©. (2 + Vaya D. (¥8-t)/2v2 12 MATHEMATICS - SEY ne emia 71. What is the exact value of sin [(211/3)+(1/4)]? A. (v6 - V2)/4 C.¥3 B.v2+1 D. (6 + /2\/4 72. if tan 6=1/3,then cot 2 8 equals A4s C. 3/2 B. 2/3 D. 3/4 78. Which among the measures of central tendency is not influenced by outliers? A. Mean C. Mode B. Weighted Mean D. Median 74, He invented a method of determining the optimal values of a linear function subject certain constraints. Ths method is known as linear programming. Who is he? A. George Canter B. Richard Dedekind C. Bertrand Russel D. George Dantzig 75. The figure shows __ A. same positive correlation C. perfect positive correlation B. sare negative correlation D. perfect negative correlation 76. A random sample of 200 adults are classified by sex and their level of education attained . | Education Male Female : a = -- | Blementary --- 98 5 eG Secondary 2e ae - College 22 We - Ifa person is picked at random from this group, find the probability that the person is male: A. 98/142 C.14/25 =" B. 14/39 D. 45/25 | 13 MATHEMATICS - SET A 7, The figure shows _ A. Same negative correlation C. Perfect negative correlation 8. Perfect positive correlation D. Same positive correlation 7S. To express that there is significant difference between the income of family A and that of the income cf Family B. A. Hoe, CH B. Hox =% D. Ha: 79. A subset of the sample space is A. discrete variable B. event C. phenomenon, D. continous variable 80. A ball 's drawn at random from a box containing 6 red balls, 4 white balls and § blue balls. Find the probability that itis white. AWS 8B. 4/5 Cc. 4/1s D. 43 81. Ife die Is ro'ied, what is the probability of getting a number divisible by 27 A168 B.1/4 C.12 0.1/3 82, He was-a 16th century mathematician, who was the first to define that the probability of an event to happen is the quotient of the number of the favourable outcomes and the number of all outcomes. Who was he? A: Stephen Baldwin = B, Blaise Pascal ©. Girolamo Cerdano D. Richard Dedekind 14 MATHEMATICS - SEY 4 85. There are § types of correlation between paired data: perfect positive correlation, perfe Negative correlation, same positive correlation, same negative correlation and ns correlation, The figure shows A. Same negative C. Perfect positive correlation B. Same positive correlation D. No correlation 84. For a sequence of events A, B, and C P(AUBUC) =P (A), + P (BIA), P (C/AUB) A. Subtraction rule C. General rule B. Addition rule D. Muttiplicative rule 85. For, mutually exclusive events A and B. P (AUB) =P (A) +P (B) A. Addition rule ~ G. Subtraction rule B. General rule D. Multiplicative rule 86. A sample of 500 respondents was selected in a large metropolitan area in ondor ' determine various information conceming behavior. Among the questions asked was. you enjoy shopping for clothing?" Of 240 males, 136 males answered yes. Of 26° females, 224 answered yes. Yes No Totals Male 136 104 240 Female 224 36 260 Totas___980 140 500 Find the probability that the respondent chosen at random is a female. en A, 12/25 7 c.49/25 - > Ges B-625 Z D. 46/25 - 87. To express that there is significant difference between the food values of the nutiition students and those of the nursing students: A. Ho: 31H] a MATHEMATICS - SET A spec tn en 89. Find the absolute maximum value of f(x) = x°*) on the interval (-2,3) A. 3V9 co 8.4 D. v9 2 9. Find the area of the triangle with vertices: (-2,0),(2,3) and (5.1) A12% c.12 B11 D.10% 90. Find two positive numbers whose product is 64-and whose sum is a minimum. A.Bande ©. 1 and 64 B, 92 and 2 D. 63 and 1 1, Find the equation of an ellipse in the genaral form if tha equation of the ellipse in the gtandaid fom is ghen'by: SH, AU 16 9 A. 25x? - 4y*- 50x + 16y + 114 B. 25x2 + 4y?- 350x - iy + 114 C, 25x dy*- 350x - 16y 4 114 , D. 25x? + ay? - 350x - 16y - 114 92, Find the absolute minimum value of f(x)= »2 on the interval (-2,3) AO ot B. v9 D.3v9 a 93, Evaluate: f (2x — 1)dx f Aa B.0 94. Find the derivative of f(x) A.BK C.xi2 a B. 2+1) D.xet 96. Find the distance between the points (-3,2) and (6,3). AYS5 : c. ¥65 B. v5S D. V45 16 MATHEMATICS - SET 4 a ——<$<——$ 96. Find the area of the isosceles trian gle that can be inscribed in a circle with radius 6 inches. A. 27¥3 C.29 B.27 D. 29V3 97. Find the equation of the parabola in the standard form if the equation of the general form is given by: y*- 2y- 12x-23 =0 perhole: A. (yt1}2=12(x+2) C. (y-1)2=-12(x+2) B, (y-1)=12(x+2) D. (y-1)#=-12(x-2) 98. Find the derivative of f(x) = x*- 2x 45 AS ch BO D. 99: Find the equation of the parabola in the standard form if the equation of the parabola in the general form is given by: x? + 2x: 4y-3 =0 A. («-1)?24(y+t) C. (x+1)?: B. (x+1)?=-4(y-1) Dz tt (y+1) (y+1) 100. Find the volume of the cone generated by revolving about y-axis the area bounded by the line 2x+y=2 and the coordinate axes. Act a. ©. 28 0 Bian : Daw 101. Find the pairs of lines that ate perpendicular. A, 2x-y43. , 2xsy-5=0 B. xet, yes D, 3x-y-5=0, x-3y+21=0 102. If a ling is extended from A (2,3) throu igh B(-2,0) to a point C so that AC=4A8, find the coordinates of - a = A. (14-10) ©. (4410) ~ = = oe B. (14,10) . 1D. (14-19) 103. Find the range of the function y=5-2x? A. all eal numbers B. ys C.y#5 Dyes 17 10a. 106. 107. 108, 109, 110. 114 MATHEMATICS - SET A Evaluate the limit: lim(~1)" 2” A. undefined C.0 B.2 0.1 if 22212 mod 6 and - =14 mod §, find the sum of the two congruences. |! 22=mod 5 and -1=14 mode §, ind the product of the two congruences. A. -22=168 mod 5 168 mod 25 C. B 68 mod 25 D. 22=168 mod 5 Find the area of the region bounded by the curves: y=x?, y=x A. 3/4 Chey 8 5.1/6 0.1/8 Find the domain of the function y = 5 - 2x A. x22 o. x20 B. x25 D-ali reat numbers g se ah . Evaluate: { (2 +5) dx er A391 6.39 9/5 8.39 9/10 + 0.39 1/2 Find the distance between the parallel lines Sx - 4y~ 10 = 0 and 8x - 4y -20=0 Ag :2- : B. v2 D. v2 The trace of the square matrix A, to (A), Is the sum.of its:diagonal elements. If 35 2\ | 1 6 3\ az(2 4 :) a=(2 3 fs) 67 1 7°19. Find the relationship betweéh tr (A+B) and tr (A) (B) A. tr (A+B) < tr(A) + tr(B) G. tr (A+B) not equal:tr(A) + tr(B) B. tr (AB) > tr(A) + tr(B) D. tr (A+B) = tr4a) + t1(B) iR 112. The set G= Find the inverse of c Ac Be 118. The trace of the square mattix A, to (A), is the sum ofits diagonal elements j.6.7 16 3) a=(2 4 3) (3 8) 67 1 719 A19 21 B.26 . find tr (A) + tr (8) 114, Which is true-for subgroups of a group? ‘A. Subgroups for a partition of a group B. The intersection of two subgroups is empty C. The union of two subgroups is also a group D. The intersection of two subgroups is also a group 115. Find the x and y intercepts of the following: y = 2x2: Sx -2 A. (02), (2,0), (-1/2,0) G. (2,0), (2,0), (-1/2,0) B. (0,2), (1.0), (-1/2,0) _ D.(,-2), (2.0), (2,0) . - - 231) - -- = a ~~” "4146. Find thé déterminant of the co-factor-of qos of (54 ‘) : = \7 8 2 A.30 6.13 B. 23 D. -13, 117. He has been described as the greatest "might-have-teen” in the history af mathematics A. Blaise Pascal ©. Bonaventura Cavalier B, Gaspard Monge D, Gregorio de Saint MATHEMATICS - SET A A 118. Who published treatise on trigonometry wnich contains the earliest use of our abbreviations: sin, tan, sec, for sine, tangent and secant? A. Gregorio de Saint C. Albert Gerard B. John Napier D. Johann Herdde ©. He invented a method of determining the optical values of a linear function subject to a ceriain constraints. This method is known’as linear programming. Wha is he? A, George Canter ©. George Dantzig B. Bertrand Russel D. Richard Dedekind 120. An 18th century Swiss Mathematician, he introduced the "LAw of Large Numbers” in his {fhe art of Conjecture). In Statistics, tyhis implies that the larger the sample, the more ‘ikely will the sample become representative of the population. Who was he? A. Girolamo Cardano: C. Jacob Bernoulli B. Bertrand Russell D. Stephen Baldwin SUBMIT THIS TEST BOOKLET TOGETHER WITH THE ANSWER SHEET TO YOUF WATCHERS. BRINGING THE TEST BOOKLET OUT OF THE ROOM WILL BE A GROUNE FOR CANCELLATION OF YOUR EXAMINATION. THIS IS PRC PROPERTY. UNAUTHORIZED POSSESSION, REPRODUCTION, AND/OI SALE OF THIS TEST BOOKLET ARE PUNISHABLE BY LAW: (R.A. 8981) *** END *** 20 MATH, 20/5 oe 26, 4 SL. > 76.0 101,.D NG 27, B 524 77. 102. ¢ 3. D 28, C 53. B 78, D 103, D aA DLA 54, B M.¢ 104, B 5 G BO Al 55, A 80. B 105. ¢ Cac 31. 56, D 81.D > 106.4 a 32. B 57, B 82. 107.3 oo 33. D SBA 83.4 108, D oa 34, 0 5.6 84,D 109.D 10. A 35, A ©. 8B 85, A 220.3 seo 36, D 6.6 86, 8 ea eee, 37. AS 62, D 87.c 112.°D HED 38. B 63. 4 88, D 113. ¢ 7 44% D 39. 6 64, B Bo. 4 114, ¢ 1 ash w. D 65, 90.4 15.5 fea 41. 8B 66, ¢ 91.0 116.4 eee 42, 8B 67, 8 920 117. [ ato 43, 68, A Osa 118.6 19. B 44, 0.6 94,0. 119.4 m4 45, 70. B 95.3 120.4 Pal. 46. m1. D 96.4 aad 1 22.8 47, 72.0 97.3 23. D “4a, 73. D 98. A ne ta 76-8 99.6 - [tee 73, 3B 7” 100.0 - -

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