New Municipal Council Management Book

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eTT| s=swH eT]jTT

eTT| \T deyXeTT\
sVD, y{ sb\T,
+<q\T eT]jTT
y{ $<T\T ` n~s\T


sY. ]\ e\eH, I.A.S,

|| d,
m+.m jTT& &bsyT+T,
+<|<X, neTse.

o myT.mdt.mdt.keTsE, CsTT+{ &ssT, |s|]b\HXK d+#\\ y]
s\jTeTT, >T+sT, +| ysT ydq eTT| s=swH eT]jTT eTT|
\T deyXeTT\ sVD, y{ sb\T, +<q\T eT]jTT y{
$<T\T`n~s\T nqT d+\q+ MT< d+<Xe TT yjTT H q+<+> +~.
\T sVD/sswH deyX\T @ k d+dH #|syTq neds+
eT]jTT y{ jT $~. # <+ > deyX\T sV+#& |d + es<Z s +>
+T+< HqT u$dTHqT.
|d + <s |D k d+d\ jT # <y T q $<T \T, n~s\T *jT&yT
, eTT| d+~ eT]jTT mq |C |<T \ ysT sV+# $$< deyX\
sVD # |j>s+> +T+< u$dTHqT.
|deTT ydq+<T\ HqT |+> o myT.mdt.mdt.keTsE >]

(sY. ]\ e\eH)


.quT, I.A.S,
|s|]b\H XK, >s+,
>T+TsT, +<|<X.

o myT.mdt.mdt.keTsE, CsTT+{ &ssT, |s|]b\HXK d+#\\ y]
s\jTeTT, >T+sT, +| ysT ydq eTT| s=swH eT]jTT eTT|
\T d e y X e TT\ s V D, y{ s b\T, +< q \T eT]j T T y{
$<T\T`n~s\T nqT |d+ MT< d+<XeTT yjTT H q+<+> +~.
|deTT |sqT deyX\ sVD eT]jTT sb\T, | eTT| /
eTT| s=swH jT #|syTq $~.

|d e TT |D
k d+d\ d+~ eT]jTT mq |C |<T \ y]jT
#<yTq $<T\T, n~s\T |P]> *jT&+uT, #<yTq deyX\ ysT
bZq| &T esZ<s+> +T+< n #|&+ @eeTT d+<V+ <T. |d
s|\q o myT.mdt.mdt.keTsE >] w n_q+<jTeTT.



eTT| |]b\H eed dCe>, deT+> k>\+f b\H s< q&|+#
|\# mqT=q&q HjT\L, b\H eed d+~, eT $<T \T`n~s\
bT, # du\T nsTTq eTT| \T(<) eTT| s=swH deyXeTT\
sVD, y{ s b\T, +<q\T eT]jTT y{ $<T\T`n~s\T |P]>
*d +&*.
eTT| s=swH eT]jTT eTT| \T deyXeTT\ sVD, y{
sb\T, +<q\T eT]jTT y{ $<T\T`n~s\T nH |d+ $~
sVD eT]jTT $<H\ neT\T me] u< m+ es \TdT=,
|Ck$T+> eTd\T=H+<T, <s eTT| b\H s<+ , s++> eTT+<T
k>&, Hq =~b{ |]vq+ yjT&+ ]+~.
| d]> |d+ eTT| |C HjT\ eT]jTT d+~ m+ =+
yTs |j >e TT> +T+< u$d. ........

~:15`12`2016 CsTT+{ &ssT,
neTse. |s|]b\HXK d+#\\ y] s\jTeTT,
>T+sT, +<|<X


$wjT d
eT |
d+K $wjTeTT H+.
1e n<jTeTT
eTT| s=swH ` deyXeTT\T
1.1 eTT| s=swH 1
1.1.1 duT \T 1
1.1.2 yTjTsT/&|P{ yTjTsY m+| 1
1.1.3 yTjTsY n~s\T`$<T\T 1
1.1.4 sswH | |uT nesTTw 2
1.1.5 &|P{ yTjTsT, yTjTsT> eeV]+#e\dq
d+<s+ (dH 91) 2
1.2 eTT| s=swH deyX\T 2
1.2.1 deyX\ sVD 2
1.2.2 s=swH deyX\ n< eV+#+ 3
1.2.3 deyX+ mC+& j, deyX sVD 3
1.2.4 deyX+ ysTT< 4
1.2.5 rsH\T 4
1.2.6 deyX|Ps d+K (s+) 4
1.2.7 rsq desD 4
1.2.8 eeVs\ sVD eT]jTT n+X\ eT+ 5
1.2.9 ksT d+|T+ eT]jTT | d+|T+ rsH\T 5
1.2.10 eeVs d++~+q @<H n+X+ jTT b<q 5
1.2.11 yeV] n+X\qT deTT<jT+> ese#T 5
1.2.12 s=swH deyX\ rsH\ |b<q 6

$wjT d
eT |
d+K $wjTeTT H+.
1.2.13 n<&T |d+>s\ esTd e ssTTk&T 6
1.2.14 |X b<q 7
1.2.15 zT dsD 7
1.2.16 deyX+ duT |esq 7
1.2.17 duT&T e{&TTq|&T 7
1.2.18 n<&T eT{&TTq| &T 8
1.2.19 s=swH deyX+ |X\qT eH V 8
1.2.20 eHe\dq |X\T eT]jTT nqTd]+#e\dq |<T\T 8
1.2.21 |X eH& nqTeT+#be&+ 9
1.3 ksT d+|T+ 10
1.3.1 duT\T (dH`93) 10
1.3.2 $<T\T `n~s\T 10
1.3.3 ksT d+|T+ deyX\ sVD 12
1.3.4 ksT d+|T+ s eeVs\ d++~+q
| +<He[ 13
1.4 dw $T{ 14
1.5 m&V $T{ 14
1.6 ysT $T{\T (dH`8m) 14
1.6.1 duT \T 14
1.6.2 $<T\T`n~s\T 15
1.7 @]j du\T (dH`8_) 15
1.7.1 duT \T 15
1.7.2 $<T\T`n~s\T 16

$wjT d
eT |
d+K $wjTeTT H+.
2e n<jTeTT
eTT| \T ` deyXeTT\T
2.1 eTT| \T 18
2.1.1 duT \T 18
2.1.2 #sY |sH/ydt #sY |sH m+| 18
2.1.3 n< kqeTT 18
2.1.4 #sY |sH $<T\T`n~seTT\T 19
2.1.5 #sY |sH < ydt #sY |sHqT =\+#T < dd+& #jTT 25
2.1.6 m&V $T{\T 26
2.1.7 yd t #s H| n$Xd rsqeTT |yX |&q deyXe TT 26
2.1.8 ydt #sH m deyXeTT 26
2.1.9 dw {qT b+>T $T{ deyXeTT 26
2.1.10 w&\T`I qT<V]+q deyXeTT\qT
sV+#T n<\ n~seTT\T 26
m. sVD rsT 26
_. bsTT+{ |t ssT, #sH sjT+ 27
d. duT s+ ` bdT dVjT+ 27
&. ysTT< |b<q 27
. MTwqsT b 28
m|t. duT eTs| |esq ` ddqH 28
. rsqeTT | z{+>T ` ]]+>T 29
V#Y. VsT |deTT 29
. $TT |deTT 31
C. #sqT z{+>TqT bZq+& s~+#T 31
. | $Ks |yXeTT ` @sT 32

$wjT d
eT |
d+K $wjTeTT H+.
2.1.11 $T{ |t &d+T 32
2.1.12 \TqT s<T #jTT n~s\T`neT sVD 35
2.1.13 \s $<T\T 36
2.1.14 rsqeTT s<T #jTT 37
2.1.15 sJHe 37
2.2 deyXe TT\T 38
2.2.1 deyX\ sVD 38
2.2.2 k<sD deyXeTT 38
2.2.3 neds deyXeTT 39
2.2.4 | deyXeTT 39
2.2.5 ]wqT deyXeTT 41
2.2.6 seTT 42
2.2.7 deyX|`@sT 43
2.2.8 MT{+>T H{dT C #jTT$<qeTT 44
2.2.9 nC+& 45
2.2.10 |X \T 50
2.2.11 rsqeTT |b~+#T () ywH 52
2.2.12 d+>T zT 55
2.2.13 bsTT+{ |t ssY 56
2.2.14 rsqeTT\| #s rd=qTqT d+#T ]wsT 56 rsqeTT| #s rd=qb 57
2.3 +{ ` bq\T $T{ qeyXeTT\T 57
2.4 ysT $T{\T (dH`5(_) eT]jTT 5(&)) 57
2.4.1 duT \T 57
2.4.2 $<T\T`n~s\T 58
2.5 @]j du\T dH 5(d) 58
2.5.1 duT \T 58
2.5.2 $<T\T`n~s\T 59

1e n<jTeTT
eTT| s=swH ` deyXeTT\T
1.1 eTT| s=swH :
1.1.1 duT\T :
| s=swH mq duT \T n<q+>, s=swH |]~ $$< jesZ\
qT+& m &q n+<sT m+.|.\T, m+.m.@,\T, m+.m.d\T s=swH |<$
duT\T>, zTVqT * +{sT. M] m`n|wj du T\T> |\TksT. +
M]bT dV m+| &q duT\T L& HsT. y] `|H duT\T> |\TksT.
M] zT V +&<T (dH`5)
1.1.2 yTjTsY/&|P{ yTjTsY m+| :
s=swH m\T eTTdq <T |] @sT#dq yTTyT T<{ deyX+ m+| &q
duT\T y] ] yTjTsT>, eTs=] &|P{ yTjTsT> #T&+ <s eT
m+|qT *jTCd mqTe&+ sT>TT+~ (dH 90).
1.1.3 yTjTsY n~s\T `$<T\T :
yTjTsY +~ |yTq n~s\T eT]jTT $<T\qT * +{sT.
D s=swH d++~+q | deyX yTjTsT n< eVksT . (dH 88(_))
D n+, |<$ ksT d+|T+ jTT n<\T> L& eeV]ksT. (dH 93)
D k<sD m\ sT y sV+# yTTyT T<{ deyX+ { $TqV, $T*q s=swH
deyX\+{ ~, deTjT+, sE e+{ n+X\qT yTjTsT ssTTksT.(dH
D n<&T mesH duT |esq |P]> eTsV +> q< u$+q |+,
y+H duT & s=swH deyX+ qT+& jT y eT d+#e#T.(dH ` 89)
D mesH duT&T 15 sE\ ee~ s+&T ksT $<+> deyX+ qT+&
Vw]+|&, n<&T duT&, 15 sE\ ee~ $T+#+& s=swH
deyX\ VsT +& dd+& #jTe#T.(dH`89)
D dd+& #jT&q duT&T deT]+q e|D n<&T d+| #+~qsTT,
dd+& #dq \ee~ Z+# neX+ +T+~. (dH`89)
D deyX+ reyTq eTsV+ @s&q d+<s+ n<&T deyX eT&T
sE\ $T+#+& \T|<\ #jTe#T.(dH`89)
D s=swH duT> yTjTsT n V\qT * +{s T. s=swH jTT m
&q duT > $wy T q | V\qT * +& s=swH deyX\+{qT
zT yd nsqT \ +{sT.(dH`88(|))
D &{ \uqT {, yTjTsY s. 50,000/` es, neds yTq |qT\T $TeTT
eT+psT #jTe#TqT. (yTy. H+. 23515/m\H/96`1, m+.m. ~ 3`10`96)
D s=swH s\jT| d+~ nq> +s k|t ~\ $wjTeTT MTwqsT,
yTjTsTqT d+|~+#eqT. (yTy H+. 1817/m\H /96`1.m+.m. ~. 12.9.1996
|s+) (nqT+<+`1)
D nsTT { d+|~+|\T eT+> d]bjT (yTy H+. 20507/m\H`II/
2001 m+.m. ~. 11.2001) (nqT+<+`2) <s *jTCjT&+ ]+~.
1.1.4 s=swH| |uT nesTTw :
m) dH 679-A |s+ |uTeTT s=swH ysT #dq rsqeTTqT s<T> <
\T|<\> #jTe#TqT.
_) dH 679-AA |s+ yTjTsT > &|P { yTjTsT > < duT > dd+&T
#d n~seTT |uTeTTq >\<T.
d) dH 679-B |s+ yTjTsT > &|P{ yTjTsT > |<$ qT+& =\+#
n~seTT |uTeTTq >\<T.
&) dH 679-D |s+ s=swHqT s<T #d n~seTT L& |uT eTTq >\<T.
1.1.5 &|P{ yTjTsT, yTjTsT> eeV]+#e\dq d+<s+ (dH 91) :
yTjTsT 15 sE\ |> q>s e~* y[q|&T, < nX & q d+<s+,
y T j T s T ] q> s e# + e s < ] q $< T \qT s V +# X
d+]+#TH+es yTjTsT u<\T &|P{ yTjTs T d+$TksTT.
1.2. eTT| s=swH deyX\T :
1.2.1 deyX\ sVD :
eTTd| s=swH deyX\qT sV+# $<q+ V#Y.m+.d. 1955 jTT dqT
88, 89, 98 eT]jTT 99 eT]jTT .z.m+.mdt H+. 805 m+.mdt ~. 20.08.1966
s+#+ ]+~. s=swH eeVs\T >T]+ m|{| &T deyX\T sT>T
+{sTT. deyX\ d++~+q VH\T, H{dT, deyX d\+, deyX sVD,
ysTT<\T yTT<q n+X\T # sV+#&+ sT>TT+~.
1.2.2 s=swH deyX\ n< eV+#+ :
| deyX yTjTsT n< eVksT. jTq/yT >sTVsT &|P{ yTjTsT
n< eVksT . yTjTsY eT]jTT &|P { yTjTsY sTes > s T Vsq d+<s + deyX
Vsq duT\ deyX+ <s m+| #jT&q duT &T d+<s #sH>
eeV]ksT. s=swH deyX\T eT&T $<\T> +{sTT ` k<sD+, neds+,
1.2.3 deyX+ mC+& j, deyX sVD :
deyX+ H{dT, deyX+ jTT B, deTjT+, d\+ $es\ bT>
deyX+ #]+#ujT eeVs\ d++~+q n+X\T *jTCjT&sTT.
H{dT eTTd| d <s C #jT&TT+~ (dH 88(1)).
k<sD deyXeTT\T d+ eT&T H\\ k] | d]> sV+#*. dwyTq 7
sE\ H{dT y*. n<$<eTT> neds deyXeTTq 3 sE\ H{dT y*.
k+&+> $T{ q\T>TsT duT\ nusq yTs { de yXeTT\T sV+#e#TqT.
n<$<eTT> | deyXeTTq L& 7 sE\ H{dT y*. +~ d+<seTT\
| deyXeTT sV+#e#TqT.
1 k+&+> $T{ q\T>TsT duT\ e +& q nusq|.
2 s=swH yTT+ duT\ se e+T duT\ e +& q nusq|.
3 yTjTsY nedseT u$+q|&T.
mesH duT&T @<H deyX+ n+X eH \ nqTq| &T <
|< q+> |b<q #j \ sTq| &T, $<y T q |b<q deyX+ mC+&
#s& d+<s+ duT&T q |b<qqT H{ dT <s, eTTd| d,
deyX ssTT+q ~ eT&T |P] sE\ eTT+<T> n+<CjTe\d +T+~.
$<+ > |+|q H{dT |b<q d++~+q n+X d nqT+< | q
<s deyX d+ sE eTT+<T> duT\+<] *jT |s#e\d +T+~.
neds |]d deyX @sT #dq |&T < &{ n+#H\ >T]+ deyX+
#]dTq d+<s+ $TqV>, @ deyX+HH H{dT eTT+<T> |s=q n+X\
$T+ eT] @ s eeVs\qT nqTeT+#&+ s><T.
1.2.4 deyX+ ysTT< :
@<H deyX m|{| &T deyX Vsq yTC]{ duT \ y<+ ysTT<
yjTe#T. nsTT ysTT< yjT&q deyX+ |]w]+#+& $T*bsTTq n+X\T
< |b<q\T $TqV> eT] @ s n+X+>, |b<q > #]+#&e. ysTT<
|&q deyX d++~+q |Ps H{dT ysTT< yjT&q deyXeTT C
#jTe#TqT. nsTT { ysTT< s+&T sE\ \ ee~| +&s<T. (dH 88 m+).
1.2.5 rsH\T :
| deyX+ #]+#&q s eeVs\| #dq rsH\qT n+<Td+ |+>
@sT#dq |d+ deyX+ |P] nsTTq |<|, deyX Vsq duT\ |s
bT> dw+>, eTTd| d sd, n< d+ rdTy*. rsH\
|d eTTd| s\jT+ deTTyT q y\ n+<TuT +, mesH duT \T
rsH\qT F #j\qT+f, y] qT+& mTe+{ #\T ed\T #jT+&,
+>qT < sTq |+ y] e< =+ sTdTeTTqT ed\T #d rsH\
|]o\q nqTeT+#e#T (dH 88(mH)). | |X VsT & duT\ yTC]{
duT\ z ssTT+#&, |X| z{+>T sT|&TT +~. s+&T y| deqyTq
z{+>T qsTT, n<&T q zTqT $j+#e\d +T+~. (dH 88(|)).
1.2.6. deyX|Ps d+K (s+) :
deyXeTT sVD VsT e\dq w duT\ d+KH seTT n n+<TsT.
n< \T|= yTT+ duT\ q+K 4e e+T du T\T deyX VsT
bsTTqsTT, mTe+{ n+X+ L& deyX+ #]+#L&<T. deyX+ dsq
$<+ > s+ b n< &T n|{ deyX ysTT< yd, eTs= sEq deyX
n&T deTT+> u$+q deTjT+ ssTTk&T. ysTT< y jT&q deyX+
nd+|P]> e~*ydq n+X <T|] deyX+ |]w]ksT. <T|] deyX+
L& dsq s+ sD+> ysTT< yjTe\ded nTe+{ d+<s+ n|]w
n+X+ sT y e# deyX+ q s+ b sTTqqT |]w]+#e#T. (dH 88(m|)t .
1.2.7 rsq desD :
|X d++~+q nusq, |b<q < rsqeTT k] |]w]+|&,
< eT&T H\\ \|]$T | esT #jTT M\T|&<T. nsTT eT&T H\\
sTy n{ < ] #]+, yTC]{ sjTeTT yTs rsqeTT #jTe\d +T+~.
(u`34) (.z.jT+.jTdt. H+. 805 m+.m. ~. 20.08.66)
1.2.8 eeVs\ sVD eT]jTT n+X\ eT+ :
s=swH deyX d++~+q eeVs\ n+X\qT, yTjT sT d#q\qT
nqTd]+ eTTd| d{ ~>Te d+q eT+ @sT #k&T (u`4).
D n m\ n+X\T.
D n jeT\ n+X\T.
D #+ dH 122 |s+ duT\T n&q |X\T.
D s=swH eq nusq\T/n|\T.
D ksT d+|T+ eT]jTT | d+|T+ rsH\T.
D $TwqsT qT+& eq K\T eT]jTT y<M\T.
D |uT+ < |uT s\j\ qT+& s=swH |sTq eq K\T.
D $T{, | $T{\T < * $T{\ y~\T.
D s=swH y<eTT s&T |b<q\T/n+X\T.
D s n+X\T.
1.2.9 ksT d+|T+ eT]jTT | d+|T+ rsH\T :
s=swH deyX\ ksT d+|T+ rsH\T ksT d+|T duT\ ]#
|b~+#&sTT. (u 9) | $T{ rsH\qT j $T{\ n<\T < y]
>sTVsT Vsq j | $T{\ duT\ s T |b~ksT. (u`10)
n<$<+> * $T{ y~ $T{ #sH < $ T{ duT\ ]#
|b~+#&TT+~. (u`11)
1.2.10 eeVs d++~+q @<H n+X+ jTT b<q :
@<H deyX+ Vsq duT\ yTC]{ y<+, |X | z{+>T ]q|&T,
n<&T mC+& |s=q eT+ d++<+ +&, eeVs #+~q @<H n+X+
jTT b<qqT { esT #jTe#TqT. (u`13)
1.2.11 eeV] n+X\qT deTT<jT+> ese#T :
mC+&, deTT<jT+> |s=q& bsTTq|{, n< &T q n~s
$j+, Vsq duT\ yTC]{ duT\ y<+, eeVs d++~+q
s+&T < n+ $T+q d+K n+X\T $&$&> q|&T y{ deTT<jT+>
e] deyX y~+#e#T. (u`14)
1.2.12 s=swH deyX\ rsH\ |b<q :
mesH duT&T rsH |b~+#>]q |+, rsH |+>
|s=+, *|Ps+> eTTd| d deyX @&T |P] sE\ eTT+<T>
n+<Cj*. nTe+{ rsq+ ~>Te *jTCdq wsT\qT | |s#~> +&*.
1) s=swH |rsT | k<sD |\ d\ d++~+q $wjTyT +&*.
2) dw+>, ]w+> e]+#&*.
3) yTq n+X <&+> eH< +&*.
4) y<q\T, }V>H\T, e+> esD\T, s|D\T < |sT e qw+ *+#
yK\ L& +&s<T.
5) |sTe qw+ *+#$<+> +&, < mesH e < ke esZ+ <
#+~qy] es+> y] e> >TD>D\| n_j>+ y|~> +&
6) e\ jTT n~] < |_ VA< $wj \ | , y] |esq < >TDo\qT
$#]+#< +&s<T.
7) HjTkq+ < {Tq eTT+<T, HjT sjT+ d+ |{ <K\T $wj
d++~+q< +&s<T.
8) <TMsD s|+ +&, bs+u+ that nH |<+ +&*.
| wsT\qT | |sq |+ n<&T rsH |yX|&&T. |b<q
#+~q H{dT $wj+X\T +<+> < |P]> Vs +> qT> u$+q
|+ nq dT> qsTT, n<&T j sD\qT #|, |b<qqT
|P]> s]+#e#T. (u`5)
1.2.13 n<&T |d+>s\ esTd e ssTTk&T:
deyX+ ] +f meeT+~ k] e{&{ \& qsTT, n<&T
#s nqTeT+# +&, yTTyT T< $<+ > e{&> ]q duT \ esTd e ss TT+
nqTeT+#e#TqT. sjTyT n+eT sjT+> +T+~.(u`36)
1.2.14 |X b<q :
|X jTT b<q ss TT+#&q|&T @<H #s < d+y<+ nqTeT+|&<T .
1.2.15 zT dsD :
zT k<sD+> eT s|+ n+^s \|&mdt nq |<+ q, esq T
e| s # & H nH |<+ qT d]+#e\d +T+~. @<H d+<V + q d+<s \
#T\qT | |<]+#&+ <s zTqT d]+#&+ sT>T T+~.(u`39)
1.2.16 deyX+ duT |esq :
deyX+ sT>T q| &T, #sH q dT LsT +Tq|&T, duT\T n
>se|Ps+> n_q+<q\T \|e\d +T+~. s=swH d++~+q eeVs\
d++<+ * q d+<s\ |, mTe+{ |d >, ys| > deyX+
#<Tes<T. duTesH e{&TTq|&T eyTq e sD\ , |< > y]
n+sj *+#s<T. n<, deyX+ |d+dTq duT eT< qT+&
sb\qT #jTs<T, ~+#L&<T. e{&TTq| &T | k n< d+u~+#*,
Xu b{+#*. du jTT sb\qT n&+#&+, < y{ ++ *+#&+
< duT\T e{&TTq| &T yUH\T #jT&+ L&<T . b> >s<T. (u`41)
1.2.17 duT&T e{&TTq|&T :
eH&q |X >T]+, duT&T deyX+ e{&TTq| &T +~
$<+> |e]+#s<T.
1) #s+X+ d++<+ @<H s $wjT+ >T]+ #]+# &+.
2) @<H $wjT+| #s sT>TTq| &T deyX+ qT+& < s<T #dq| &T
| < es+> e{&+ < |d+~+#f+.
3) @<H n+X+| HjT sjT+ |]o\q q| &T n+X+ >T]+ #]+#&+.
4) mesH n~], < < duT d++~+ n n~] deTs >T]+
|, n e> |esq < >TDo\ >T]+q s|D\qT #jT&+.
5) s=swH seeVs\T < |rsT >T]+ s|D|Ps yTq esDqT
6) us sww| < >essT < @<H HjTkq+ >T]+q yK\qT #jT&+.
7) deyX+ sT>TTq #s qT |u $+ #d <X + jTjTH n< |sTqT y&&+ .
8) deyX s eeVs\ n&+ @ss# <X+, nd+<syTq < $<V|P]
|sTe qw+ *+# |<\qT $j+#&+.(u`41)
1.2.18 n<&T e{&Tq| &T :
n<&T e{&TTq| &T, n e\T X+ b{d $qe\d +&, mesH
duT&T D+ e{&T H < e{&{ nu] dTH, n~ |d y+H q
kq+ Lsy*. deyX d+u~d n<&T |d+dTq| &T @ duT& L&
q dTqT e<* ys<T. (u`41)
1.2.19 s=swH deyX+ |X\qT eH V :
#+ neT\T d++~+q @ |XH ewqsY de<q+ #|e\d +T+~.
qT, duT&T MTwqsY < q>sb\ d+dqT > |+#e#T. nsTT, nTe+{
|XqT deyX+ ~ @&T sE\ eTT+<T> *|PseTT> eTTd| d
n+<CjTe\d +T+~. (dH`122(1)).
du dH (1) |s=q n+X\ $sT<+ > u$+qsTT, yTjTsT |X nqTeT
s]+#e#T. (dH`122(2))
du dH (1) s+q +<q\ & |X +<, < nH d+<V+
m<Tsq|&T, nTe+{ |X >T]+q sj yTjTsT rdT+{&T. n sjTyT
n+eT sjT+> +T+~.
n&>&q |X MTwqsY |d]> de<q+ #b\q +<q @~ <T. nsTT
nqT s=swH d u+>+ \T>TT+< u$+q|&T, |X de<H #|&+
<s q n|+q sVd de#s+ y\& neT+< u$+q d+<s+ MTwqsY
de<q+ #|& s]+#e#T (dH 122(4)).
1.2.20 eHe\dq |X\T eT]jTT nqTd]+#e\dq |<T\T :
1) @<H deyX+ duT &T eT&T |X \ +f me d+K |X \qT eHs <T.
2) eTTd| d, \|]$T $T+#+& H{dT\T n+<Cdq , n<#
nqTeT+|&q |X\+{, y{ d]+q ~\ esTd eT+ C_>
jsT#d, de<H\qT sT $TwqsY |+|, d]+q de<H\
y+{, deyX deTj ns>+ eTT+<T>, deyXyTq duT\ m<T
deT]k&T. (u`43(1))
3) n<&T | |X d++~+, |XqT eHq y] |sTqT C_
d+q esTd eT+ |\Tk&T. (u`43(2))
4) n< &T |X qT eHq duT |sTqT d+u~+q d+<s + duT &T deyX
> s T Vs qsTT |X qT =\+qT> |]>D+ #&+ sT>TT+~. (u `43(3))
5) n<&T q |sTqT |*q|&T, qT n&q |X nqT+<+> nqT+<
|XqT n&>e#T. nsTT n{ nqT+< |XqT #s nqTeT+#&+ <
nqTeT+#be&+ n<| +T+~. (u`45(1))
6) k<sD+> |X d++~+, eT&T nqT+< |X \qT eyT s duT \qT+
nqTeT+#&+ sT>TT+~. (u`45(3))
7) n< nqTeT MTwqsY, nqT+< |X d++~+q de#s+ d<+>
d+<s+ n{< y_e& s]+#e#T. nsTT, nqT+< |X C
|X s|+ sTy e# k<sD deyX+ eTT+<dT H{dT |+|&+ <s
n&> neX+ +~. (u`46)
8) | k<sD deyX+ bs+u+ yTTyTT<>, >+bT |X\T, de<H\T
+{sTT. (u`47)
9) deyX seeVs\ rsH\ |d + |X \T de<H\qT eTTd| d
b+<T|s#e#T. (u`48)
1.2.21. |X eH& nqTeT+#be&+ :
+~ $<yTq |X\ nqTeT n<\T s]+#e#T.
1) n+ Bs+>, < 50 |<\ $T+ q |X\T.
2) @<H d+y<+ L&q, }VyTq, s|D\ L&q, $XwD\ L&q,
< e+>yTq esD\ L&q |X\T.
3) |{ #]+#&, < de<q+ e&, eT&T H\\ \ee~ nqTeT+q
@<H #s d++~+q |X\T.
4) n+X d++~+, duT&T |+> < |s+>, djT+> < n
u>dT <s, @<H y{ < d * +&, e|s+> n <sT <
mesH s e s|q d #| n&> |X\T.
5) +<yTq, VsyTq < + s $<+> nu+ssyTq |X\T.
6) |X ydy\, |XqT eH duT&T u< eV+#& d<+> q| &T.

7) @<H ys| |{+#&q n+X+ ydeyTH? n | Xs|+ n&>+.
8) s=swH < s=swH d++~+q $$< $T{\T eTT~+ |{+q
seeVs\H de<H\T \T|&q |X\T.
9) @<H |sT < |q L& +&, |XqT ndw+> jsT#d n+X\T
q| &T. (u`44)
1.3. ksT d+|T+ :
1.3.1 duT\T (dH`93) :
ksT d+|T + s=swH# y] ys m+| #dT q duT \ L& +T+~. yTjTsT
< n >sTVsT &|P{ yTjTsT (m`n|wj) n~s n<&T>
1.3.2 $<T\T `n~s\T :
1) $T{ y<+ $TwqsY q d++~+q @yH $<T\T, n~s\qT mesH
eTTd| n~] n|C|e#T (dH`118(2)).
2) s=swH eeVs\ d++~+q m<H ]bsT>, ]sY>, d{yT+{>
< ]sT> k+&+> $T{ |]o\Hs+ se#TqT (dH`120).
3) $jTy& eT]jTT $XK|+ s=swq $wjT+ s. 20.00 \\ |>
ejTeTjT |qT\T < nTe+{ |qT\ d++~+q +{\qT eT+psT
#d n~s d+|T+ * +T+~. nsTT ejT+ s. 50.00 \\
$T+#s<T. ($jTy& eT]jTT $XK|+ s=swH j\ dH`5(m)(ii)).
n<$<e TT> s s=swq $wjT eTT { n~seTT 10.00 \\ |> , 50.00
\\ | q~. (+< |<X eTTd| s=swq j, 1994, dH ` 12(m)(ii)).
4) s=swH |#dTq n~sT\T, <>T\ d+K, VA<, >&T\T, |E\T eT]jTT
u \ L& q $esD eT+psT, #*+ | |b~+#&q J\T, u \ yTT+
5) |uTqTeT, jTT.&.d ksTT es < jTT.&.d J+ d\T deqyTq yq
d\T * q bdT\qT dwdT+~ (dH`137(5)).
6) m.&.d. ksTT +f | ksTT eT]jTT jTT.&.d. ksTT $T+#+& +& bdT\T
< ksTT deqyTq J+ d\T *q eTsyH bdT\ jTe\T.
7) $TwqsY @<H dsd kBq |s#Ty\+f >]w sT < <sqT y~+#&+
8) ukBq #+ 1894 |s=q yTs @<H dsd |+<+ <s kBq+
#dT |+ nTe+{ dsd kBq+ d+ |uT <sUdT #jT&+
9) s. 25,000/` $\Te $T+q @<H dsd jTT neT+ < <sTT+|d+
eT+psT (dH`148).
10) @<H dsd eT&T d+es\ \ee~ $T+#+& E e& nqTeT
eT+psT (dH`148).
11) $T>T\T <T\qT mdt._.V#Y. < |_ dL]{\ &b{/|T& |&
nqTeT eTT+psT (dH`178).
12) s=swH <jT, ejT \qT sV+#e\dq |< |+> |s=q&+
13) $TwqsY deT]+q y] |]b\H y~ eT]jTT n+ $esDqT |]o*+
dMT+#&+ (dH`180).
14) $TwqsY deT]+q &{ n+#H\T |b<q\qT qe+sT H\ 10e ~ s
|]o*+, <T|] ] d+es s=swH &{ n+#H\qT sb+~+,
s=swH deT]+#&+ (dH184).
15) &{ >+T yTT Z+#&+, &{ >+T @<H yTT yTqsY V&
qT+& eTs= yTqsY V&, < yTqsY V& +< q du]H{ V&
yTT\qT eT[+#&+, yTqsY V& +< q du]H{ V& qT+& n<
yTqsY V& +< q eTs= du]H{ V& s.5,000/` \ $T+# +&
yTT\ eT[+| (dH`191).
16) >D |&T y~+q yTs, eTTd| U\ d+ +~+q \ |]o\q,
F\qT sV+#&+ (dH`193).
17) ke d++~+, nqTyT q < neTyTq ejT+ < s=swH < eTTd|
U\T, ed nee\T d++~+, >D |]o\&T deT]+q y~
|]o*+, < s=swH eTT+<T +#&+ (dH`194).
18) > ] d+es d++~+q eTTd| U\ \ d++~+q, >D
|]o\&T deT]+q y~ |]o\q (dH`194).
19) eqe yk nqTL\+> ueH\ $j> w~+#&+, nTe+{
ydj>+ ueH\qT yk\ |se $TwqsY u$d ueq+
d+<sT, nTe+{ ueH\qT w~d <X\qT m+<T C #jTL&<
sD\T \T|e\dd+~> sT, y] duq neX q sTy
#s\qT rdTe&+ (dH`499).
20) >D |&T deT]+q ys+| eTT| \T nq> <jT ej\qT
k+&+> $T{ | yseTT seP #jTe#TqT (dH`193).
21) s=swH se\d q @<H { sTT > < yTTeTT > s{ |t #d
n~seTT (dH`281).
1.3.3 ksT d+|T+ deyX\ sVD :
1) ksT d+|T+ seeVs\ sVD d+ ys k] deyX+ s|eqT
eT]jTT neds+ nqTq| &T L& deyXeTT s|e#TqT (dH`97(m)).
2) ksT d+|T+ yTTyTT<{ deyX ~, deTj $TwqsY ssTTk&T.
sTy qT+&, k+&+> $T{ m|{| &T ssTT+q yT s deyX\qT
sV+#&+ sT>TT+~ (dH`97(_)).
3) $TwqsY d++ #d |+|q nusq|, @<H seeVs+ $wjT+, <T|]
k<sD deyX+ es ee~ < $TwqsY u$+qsTT, $T{ deyXeTT
@sT #jT eT ], | deyX ksT d+|T + n< &T 24 >+\|
@sT #jTe\d +T+~ (dH`97(d)).
4) d+|T+ yTT+ duT\ d+ d>+ eT+~ deyX+ bs+u+ qT+&, eTT+|
es VsT< mTe+{ seeVs sV+#&+ s> <T (dH`97(&)).
5) ksT d+|T+ sV+# | deyX, yTjTsT n< eVk&T. n < yT
>sY VsT, deyX+ d+|T+ #sH m+| #dq duT&T n< eV+#&+
sT>TT+~ (dH`97()).
6) | |XqT z{+> |{q|&T, deyX Vsq yTC]{ duT\T zT
#dq|&T eyT < rs+#&+ sT>TT+~. s+&Ty| d]deqyTq z{+>
q d+<s+ n<&T zT yd neXeTT +T+~ (dH `97(m|t)).
7) deyX+ rsH\qT eTT| d e< u<|s#&+ sT>TT+~. rsH\qT
deyXq+se TT d yjT> n< \T d++ #jT e\d +T+~ (dH ` 97()).
8) ksT d+|T+ | rsH #jT&+ <s qq @<H n~s <
$<T\qT |d+|\ d+$T+|CjT&+ sT>TT+~ (dH`97()).
9) s=swH |#d @ n~]HH ksT d+|T+ qT sV+# deyX\
|*q| &T VsT e\d +T+~ (dH`97(mH)).
10) ksT d+|T+ eTT+<T @<H $wj +q|&T, d+| deT]+q ~
qT+& 15 sE\> $wjT +| sj rdTy*. |q |s=q ee~ k+&+>
$T{ $wjT+| sjT+ rdTbsTTqsTT, n+X y~+qT>
u$+#&+ sT>TT+~ (dH`97(2)).
11) ksT d+|T+ |b<qqT sd]+qsTT, $TwqsY n+X, $<+>
sd]+q ~ qT+& 15 sE\ |\ s=swH sjT+ d+ deT]+#e#T.
nsTT n+X+ d+ 88 E (d) |s+ yTjTsT deyX @sT
#jTe\d +T+~ (dH`97(2)).
12) deyX+ #]+#&q @<H n+X d++~+ ksT d+|T+ mesH
duT& |+> < |s+>, djT+> n> < n u>dT > <
n d++~+q <sT, |b < mesH s e, n+X+ |
d qsTT duT n+X d++~+q z{+> bZq&+ > <
n+<T d++~+q #s bZq{ > ns +&<T (dH`97(m)).
13) ksT d+|T + duT \ e~]>H $TwqsYqT d+|T + deyX\ VsTe&,
#s bZq& V q|{ zT yd V , deyX+ @<H |b<q
#d V> +&<T (dH`97(myT)).
1.3.4 ksT d+|T+ s eeVs\ d++~+q | +<He[ :
1) eTTd| d ksT d+|T+ | duT deyX+ #]+#ujT
n+X\ C_qT d+ sE eTT+<T> |+|e\d +T+~. $<+> C_
#s n+X neds |]dT\ #sH y<+ ey T d]+#e\d
+T+~ (u`49).
2) deyX+ sV+# seeVs\T, mC+& d+q e Td+KH
d]+#&q|{, Vsq duT \ yTC]{ duT \ n+^s+ @<H n+X,
< mC+& n+X\ n<# b<q+ *+#&TT+~ (u`50).
3) n |b<q\T, desD\T eT|< |b~+#&, \|s# &sTT (u `51).
4) @<H |b<q < desD, d+w+>, >+<s> <]rd $<+>
+<, < f |b<q> z{+> |&, nks+ neX+ +<
n<&T u$+qsTT, n |b<q, desDqT s+&T < n++f
me | |b<q\T> $u+# n~s+ +T+~ (u`52).
5) z{+> |jT qT $T{jT ss TT+#e\d +T+~. | |X d++~+, n+^s+
eT]jTT nq+^s+ s+&+{ z{+>qT sV+#e\d +T+~ (u`57).
6) |X d++~+q |b<q k] |]w]+q s, |]wsD ~
qT+&, 3 H\\ \ ee~ sT y >, ] |b~+#&+ s>< T . Vsq duT \
eT&+ s+&T e+T\ duT\ y<+ +f | |XqT |q:|b~+#&+
k<+ <T (u`58).
7) ksT d+|T+ @ duT&H yTC]{ duT\ sjT+ $u~d, nqT deT]+q
_H_bjT |qqT rsH\ #se\d+~> se#T (u`61).
8) deyX ssTT+q deTjT+ <{bsTTq sTy |<VqT eTTc\ es,
deyX|Ps d+K bsTTqsTT, #sH < n > sTVsT deyX
Vsq duT\T deyX sTy >+ < u$wT ssTT+#&q eTs=
~ ysTT< yjTe#T (u`63).
1.4. dw $T{ :
s=swH | rsq+ <s q q n~s\qT dw $T{\ <s<+
#jTe#TqT. { $T{\ duT\T m s=swH rsqeTT <s #jTe\d +T+~.
nsTT s=swH nqTeT s n+X\ $wjT eTT eTT+<T> { $T{\ eTT+<T |yX | s ,
<T|] s=swH eTT+<T +#eqT.
| dw $T{qT duT&T #sH >qT eT]jTT duT&T &|P{ #sH >qT
eeV]+#e\d +T+~ (dH`98).
1.5. m&V $T{ :
n<$<eTT> s=swH @<H $wjTeTT m+ #d ]bsT #jTT m&V
$T{ jT$T+#T=qe#T (dH`99).
1.6. ysT $T{\T (dH`8m):
1.6.1 duT\T :
2008 d+es+ V#Ym+d #+ eT]jTT eTT| #+ de]+|&, |
ysT L ysT $T{ @sT#d $<q+ neT\T nsTT+~. ysT $T{ d++~+q
b++ mqT&q ysT duT&T ysT $T{ n<\T> +{sT. b+rjT du
|<T\T, eT]jTT ysT bs esZ\ m+| #jT&q |~eT+~ duT\T
$<q+ |s+ eTT| s=swH/eTT| \T <s HeTsX+ (H$TH{)
#jT&sT. ysT $T{ H$TH{ #jT&qy] d>+ eT+~ duT\T eTV
ysT $T{ \|]$Tr mqT& ysT duT\ \|]$TH eTT&|& +T+~.
ysT $T{ deyX\ s eeVs\ sVD $<H nqTd]+ +T+~. ysT
$T{ ~>Te |s=q $<T\qT sV+#e\d +T+~.
1.6.2 $<T\T`n~s\T :
{ ds|s |+|D: M~ Bb\ |rsT: s& d++~+q q q eTseTT\T:
esT, bsT\T, & d\ sVD se\ neT\T, eTTd| s=swH/\T
jT+D q |d +<\, dT|T\, s> +<\ | rsTqT |sy+#&+:
|qT\T, |qTs ed ydT\TuTqT *+#&+: |C |jH\ d+ #|f
|<\ d+ \_<sT\ C_qT jsT#jT&+: +< q\ L&q $<q+
y] ysT n_e~ |D[qT sb+~+#&+: ysT jTT eT* d<Tbj\ dqT
sb+~+#&+, eTTd| dT\ C_ j: |uT+ neT\T #d n |<\
dVs n+~+#&+: s+#&q @yH s $<T\qT sV+#&+.
ysT $T{ ysT d++~+q @<H $wj >T]+ $TwqsYqT de#s+ n&>
VqT * +~: $T{, eTTd| s=swH jTT b+\y n_e~ |D[,
eT]jTT |<q |D[ >T]+q de#s d]dT+~: eTTd| s=swH &{
>T]+ |P]> $T{ \TdT+T+~. ysT d++~+q, b+rjT +<q\T
eT]jTT u$T n_e~ $wj\qT >T]+ $T{ d+|+~#e\d +T+~: ysT
<j deTL]|f n+X\qT >T]+q |P] $es\qT d]+# V * +T+~.
1.7. @]j du\T (dH`8_) :
1.7.1 duT\T :
s=swH < eTTb*{ | ysT Hu <s+> q d+K @]j\T>
$u +#&TT+~. $<+ > $u +#&q | b++q, b+ |]~ qT+& mq
|<T\ L&q b+ duqT @sT #jTe\d +T+~. | b+, bs
de+ qT+& $<q+ eTTd| s=swH < \T <s m+| #jT&q
b+du |~ +{&T. b+du |~ jeT \|]$T, k<sD+> d++~
eTTd| s=swH < \T duT \|]$T f eTT&|& +T+~.

1.7.2 $<T\T ` n~s\T :
@]j du < jTT sVD|sy T q , k+|s y T q , ]| s y T q , eek|s y T q
keTs\ d++~+q ne>Vq, ysT b++ yd$ |]dT\qT >T]+
\TdT=, ~>Te |s=q $<T\qT, se\qT #|e\d +T+~.
D b+du |b<q\qT sb+~+, |<\ b<e\qT, neT\Ts|e\dq
n_e~ se\qT ssTT+, y{ ysT $T{ n_e~ |D[ #s&
M\T> ysT $T{ bssT #d |+|&+.
D |uT+ ssTT+q |eD\ <s+>, |C |jH\ |< \ d+ ns
*q e\ qT >T]+, nTe+{ \_<sT\ C_qT b<eT eT+ j sT#d,
ysT $T{ n_e~ |D #s& M\T> ysT $T{ bssT #d |+|&+.
D |uT ] dVjT+ |qqT, d_&\ e+{ $$< d+ eT |<\ \_b+<TTq
e\ ns\qT |]o*+#&+.
D b+du |]~ { ds|s, M~ Bb\ sVD, b]X< @s b\qT
>T]+, ysT $T{ y{ d]~< $<H\qT >T]+q d\V \e&+.
D M~ Bb\T, |_ q\T, |_ ue\T, |_ X#X\\T d++~ ysT m&&
@sT #j ysT $T{ |b~+#&+.
D b++ |_ s> +<\ sb\ dV]+#& +, eT]jTT
D |qT\ dsD u< rdT= eT<TqT n+~+#&+.
D n~sT\ qT+& y] |rsTqT, de\ d++~+q de#s b+<&+,
b++ ysT $T{ deyX+ sTy sujT eT&T H\\ ee~ #|ujT
|qT\ $es\ d++~+q de#s L& y] qT+& b+<+.
D b+ |]~ d++~+q sj\ neT\T ysT $T{ mTe+{ #s\qT
rdT+TqB $T{ <s de#s+ d]+#&+.
D b+ |]~ d++~+ eTT rdTq | sj ysT $T{ b+ du
D d++~ b++ b]X< @s \q ysT $T{ dV]+#&+.
D |C |jH\ d++~+q, Xu, |sesD |]sD, \Tw ysD e+{
n+X\| |\ ne>Vq *+#&+.
D b+ du\ deyX\qT $<q+ sV+#&+.

1.8 |uT n~s\T :
dqT 679`A +< |uT+ ysT sswH jT rsqeTTqT >, sTe\qT
>, dqT >, |]wH > s<T #jTT < * eTT> \T|<\ #jTT
n~seTT \<T.
n<$<eTT> dqT 679-AA |s+ yTjTsTqT >, &|P{ yTjTsTqT >, duT&T
> n <Ts& < <sqeTT> eTTd| sswH < > < ys= s
duT >, <w+qqT < ={qqT n dd+&T #jTT n~seTT |uTeTTq
n<$<eTT> dqT 679-B |s+ yTjTsY < &|P{ yTjTsTqT n jT |<$
<T]j>+ #dq jT&\ < #$sT<eTT> |#dq jT&\ |<$ qT+ n
=\+# n~seTT \<T.
eT]jTT dqT 680 |s+ | duT&T |_ ds+T> u$+#+ sT>TT+~.
1.9 HjT |]~ :
j H+. 11/2011 <s de]+#&q .|. jTT #eTT 1983 dqT 2
(2) |s+ | yTjTsY, &|P{ yTjTsY, duT \T n+<sT L& # |]~
+< eksT. ysT L& |_ ds+{ > |]>D+|&sT.


2e n<jTeTT
eTT| \T ` deyXeTT\T
2.1 eTT| \T :
2.1.1 duT\T :
Hu b|~ qqTd]+ j eTTdb*{\ ssTT+#&q duT\ d+K yTs
m\T sT|& mq duT\ uT> eTTdb*{ #+~jTTq sw Xdq du
eT]jTT bsy T +T duT \T eTTdb*{ |<$ m`n|w j
duT \T> +{sT.M]
n+<] zT V +T+~. M] bT dV m+| &q du T\T L& \T n+<T
+{sT. y] `|H duT \T> |\TksT . M] zT V +&<T . sT $<e TT> |<M
eq duT\T, mq duT\ L&q eT+&*H \T |sb\ d+|TeTT
> eeV]+# &TqT (dH`5).
2.1.2 #sY |sH/ydt #sY |sH m+| :
eTT| m\T eTTdq <T|] @sT #dq yTT yTT<{ deyXeTT m+|
&q duT \T y] ] #s Y |s H> eTs=] yd #t s Y |s H> mqTe&+ sT>TT+~.
2.1.3 n< kqeTT :
dH 47(_) qqTd]+ #s Y |s H eq n~seTT yTs \T jTT deyXe TT\qT
@sT #jTeqT. dH 51 qqTd]+ | deyXeTTq # sY |sH n< eV+#*.
#sY |sH VsT |eTT ydt #sY |sH, y dt #sY |sH L& VsT q|&T dH
51 (1)(_) +< H$THf& #jT&q * #sH bq\ysT, esTd eTeTT
n< eV+#*. ysTL& deyXeTTq VsT, d eyXeTT s>{ seTT
e+f Vsq duT\ m+|#jT&q duT n< q deyXeTT =qk+#*.
dH 50 (3) qqTd]+ ydt #sY |sH |DeTT esTd> |~ | ~qeTT\T q|&T
nX& eq|&T d<sT ydt #sY |sH |<$ U> eq|&T #sY |sH q
n~seTTqT * |PseTT> q seeTTqT @ \sT nsTTH n|+#e#TqT.
$<e TT> #s Y |s H jTT n~seTTqT n|+#&q duT &T, \eTT @sT #jT &q
deyXeTTq n< eV+#s<T. deyXeTTq, # sY |sH, ydt #sY |sH, *
#sY |sH\ bq\ ysesT VsT d|&T Vsq duT\ m+| &q ys
deyXeTTq n< eV+#*.
dqT 50 (3) qqTd]+ &*>wqT b+~q duT&T #sY |sH &*>T VA<
deyXe TTq n< eV+#s< ~. 20.5.1955 ~. jT+.jTdt. H+. 522 (nqT+<+ `3)
m.m.>\. |uT s T e\ yTT<{ |s $|]+jTTHsT. H&T Ns\ eTTd|
\T ]q sTTTe+{ d+|Tq| d<sT d#q\H=d+ jTTHsT.
2.1.4 #sY |sH $<T\T`n~seTT\T :
+<|<X eTTdb*{\ #eTT dH 4 qqTd]+ d<s T #eTT +<q\qT
neT\T sT| u< #sY |sH | +~. #sY |sH jTT n~seTT\T, seeTT\T sT
+< |s=q&q$.
1. dH 47 qqTd]+
m. ydt #sY |sH m @sT #jTeqT.
_. \T jTT deyX\qT @sT #jTeqT.
d. \T ysT s\Tq _qeTT> y~+q rsH |qs+#eT
\T eTT+<T+#eqT.
&. #eTT H=d+>&q n~seTT\qT nqTd]+#eqT.
2. dqT 48 qqTd]+ eTTd| |]b\q nedseT>T d \s KsT\T #sY
|sH #jTe#TqT.
m. 3e XD 2e XD eTTdb*{ s. 1500/`\|.
_. 1e XD dw d\H >&T eTTdb*{\ s T. 3000/` \|
d. n{ KsTqT n+<T sDeTT\ <T|] \T MT{+>T e+#*.
&. n{ KsTq &T\ b$qT e+&eqT.
. \T ysT w~+q KsTqT #jTs<T. sTT{ KsTqT #j TT dqT 50 +<
eTTd| MTwqsY &*>wqT #jTe#Tq ~. 19.11.71 ~. 1990 m|t 1/71`2
m+.m >\ |uT yTys+&+ $esD H=d+jTTHsT.
3. dH 49 qqTd]+ #sY |sH jTT neds n~s\T:
m. |CeT u< <c nedseT u$+q|&T \T y] eT+psT
nedsyTq|{, n{| y+H #jTT dqT 49 +< #sY |sH, sT\
H=d+>e#TqT. n{| njT KsTqT eTTd| <T\qT+& #*+#T
_. \T ysT w~+q | #jTs<T.
d. #dq | \T $wjTeTT <T|] deyXeTT \T eTT+<T e+#*.
4. * |PsyTq sT\ <s dqT 50 qqTd]+ #sY |sH q seeTT\qT
y{HqqT ydt#sH eT]jTT n&d{y $<T\qT M TwqsY n|+#e#TqT.
(>esyT+{ yTy H+. 1990 m|t 1/71`2 jT+.m. 19.11.71).
5. \T MT{+>Tq $T{ MT{+>T\ #sY |sH n< eVksT. mesH \sT
eTDsVeTT> e+f n y+H deyXeTT qT+& |+| yd n~seTT
#sY |sH \<T. nqT deyXeTTq VsT s<T. n y+& e+f
|+| #s rdT=qe#TqT. dH 51(1)(2)(3).
6. #sY |sH | d+eseTT yTT<{ MT{+>T, qT eT]jTT ydt #sY |sH VsT
deyXeTT\ n< eV+#T mq \s qT+& q\T>T] bq\qT
| d+eseTT j sT #jT eqT. ysT @ esTd H$THT #jT &H esTdH
n< eV+#*. (dH 51(_)).
7. deyXe TT reyTq n\& @s&q# #s Y |s H eT&T sE\ $T+# \eTTbT
deyXeTTq dqT 51 (4) +< *| yjTe#TqT, ysTT< yjTe#TqT.
eT&T sE\ $T+# \eTT deyXeTTqT ] @sT #jTe#TqT.
8. s\T $sT<eTT>qT, jTeT +<q\qT, u\qT, s>TwqqT n\eTT#d
sT>T#Tq deyXeTTq nes<eTT *Z+#T#T #sY |s H mksT #|q|{
$|+#=q+& deyXeTT =qk+#T n+sjTeTT *+#T duT 51(5)
+< H{ deyX| ~ qT+& eT&T H\\ \eTT $T+# +& dd+&T #jT e#TqT.
n{ duT deyXeTT qT+& dd+&T #jTT $wjTeTT \T eTT+<T e+#*.
n+> sjTeTT rd= duT dd+&T #jTs<T.
9. mesH \sY #sj+XeTT ] d++<eTT+f < \sYqT #s
bZqjTs<T. z{+>T #jTjTs<T. d|jq n+XeTT| #s ]>|&T
#sY |sH <XeTT| \sY $u~d n~ deyXeTT eTT+<T e+#*. deyXeTT
sj T eTT n+eT sj T eTT >\<T. n> #s Y |s H d++~+q ] d++<y T q
$wjT eTsTT mesH \sT n deyXe TT qT+& > s T VsT y\ rsqeTT
|b~d rsqeTT y~+#&, #sY |sH L& deyXeTTqT+& y[by*.
n+<T #sY |sH zT V L& e+&<T.(dH 52).
10. MTwqsT * |PsyTq H{dT sTT#T <s \sT, #sY |sH, ydt #sY
|sH eT |<e\ sJHe sTTee#TqT. n~ n+~q sTy, <T|] sT>T
\T MT{+>T e+#eqT. d<sT sJHe d]jTq<q \T ysT $Xdd
y~+#*. sJHe H{ qT+& neT\T edT+~. y<eTT eTT+<T
#dq sJHe * |PseTT> |d+V]#Te#TqT.
11. dqT 74 +< jsT #jT&q nusT\ bq\TqT+& <> jeT sT\T
H=d+> #sY |sH n~seTT *ZjTTHsT.
12. dqT 77 (2) qqTd]+ #sY |sH q q n~s\ &, d+CsTTw
#|=qT neXeTT q MT< n{ < =\+#T, &d dt #jTT
n~seTT *ZjTTHsT. sTTTe+{ #s rd=qT eTT+<T> |CXjTdT <c
n{ < 77 (2) dqT b$H qqTd]+ dd+&T L& #jTe#TqT.
(dH 29, 71 eT]jTT 80 +< jeTeTT #jT&q <>T\T |).
13. >T, y&T=qT dq T 140 qqTd]+ { ds| s =s |sTTyT sTT\T,
u\T |seTT HqT H=d+>T #sY |sH n~seTT \<T.
14. dqT 315 +< eTTdb*{ @<H u$ #sTe ~s d\eTT\ sT
>T ej+q#, n+Ty~ y|+#T neXeTT \< |<q
y<~] eTTd| V\T |dsY k y<~] <M]+q m&\, #sH
]w \|]$T, n{ { >T>, >VseTT\ $Te TT> rd=be
ej+#L&< |q <s w~+#e#TqT.
15. dqT 357 +< @<q | |+#T $TeTT, F #j TT $TeTT, ds#jTT
$TeTT s]+#T $TeTT #sY |sH @<H d\eTT >, ueqeTT
> |y+#T n~seTT \<T.
16. dqT 358 +< #sH | sT>T |<XeTTq bsT>Tqeq u$T |y+#T
17. #sY |sH q n~seTTqT HjTdeTeTT> $j+#T bdT dVjTeTTqT
dVTeTT> n&T>T#Tq# dqT 378 (1)(_) +< bdT ysT kjT|&e#TqT.
18. dqT 23 +< mq #sY |sH, \T q kq eTTqT d]+#T eTT+<T
dqT 386 qqTd]+ |eDeTT #jTeqT.
19. |qT\ ed d+~ |dT, |dT d+~ |qT\ ed < #jTT
$wjTeTT MTwqsT #sY |sHqT d+|~+ sT\T C#jTTeqT. <] eT<
$u< e TT ed dw, d\H >&T eTTdb*{ &s s T >], s eTTdb*{\
q &ssT >] *jTCjTTeqT. y] sjTeTT n+eT sjTeTT >\<T.
(.z.jT+.jTdt. H+.703 m+.m. ~. 17.11.77)
20. eT&T d+eseTT\ =k] _\T sTqT @]j qT+& eTs= @]j
(ysT), H\T>T d+eseTT\= |sjTeTT s$q sTTHdsTqT @]j
qT+& eT]jTT @]j (&$qT) |]b\H XjdT <c < #jTTeq.
d<sT ~\ L& ] d+eseTT |P] nsTTq <T|] #jTeq |sb\
d+#\\ y]q d#q\qT >eT+#eqT.(.z.d. H+.45162/m1/ 72 ~.
21. \T V\T eTDsV+ |e]+#T duT \T V\T qT+& jT
|+|, deyXe TT |_ |yX e TTqT |]$TeTT #jT T #s Y |s H n~seTT
\<T. (.z.jT+.jTdt H+.618 m|t/60`2 m+.m. ~. 2.5.60).
22. @ dH d++~+q |\T #&<\#T=q|&T, d++~ e |* HsT>
d<s T ]sTq T #s Y |s H |]o*+#e#TqT. MTwqsY <s |]o*+#eqH& $wjT eTT
de]+#&q~.(.z.jT+.jTdt. H+.981 m+.m. ~. 9.8.62). (nqT+<+`4)
23. #sY |sH s+&T zqT *jTTHsT, zT k<sDeTT, s+&e~ d+> zT
(ssTT zT) w&T` I s\T 5 +< $j+#T=qe#TqT. m
$j+#* nH& $wjTeTTqT >T]+ ~. 17.7.41 ~. H+. 1947 >\ |uT
sT\ $|]+jTTHsT.
24. |sE e# seTT\ eTTd| |]b\q d++~+q $wjTeTT\qT #sY
|sH *jTCjTeq n+f n~ nk<eT eTTKyTq $wjTeTT\T *jTCd
d]bT+< ~. 31.3.44 ~. jT+.jTdt H+. 737 >\ s T e\ dw ] +jTTHsT.
25. eTTd| |]b\q d++~+q $wjTeTT\| MTwqsYqT #s rd=qeT #sY
|sH d+#e#TqT. n{ d#q\qT MTwqsT b{+#bsTTq# #sY |sH |
n~sT\ sT $wjTeTT *jTCjTe#TqT. (&.&dt.H+.24616`45 ~ 20.10.45
26. #sY |sH d+q |qT\qT @ yTs #dq~ MTwqsT >T de<qeTT
*jTCjT eqT. (H+.35344/45 _.2 ~. 25.11.48 Hds Y |t n&ww H ) .
27. #sY |sH |+ >TeTk H=d+>e\djTTq~. |qT\qT |]o*+#T
y q |&T >T ed @sT #jT e\djT Tq~. #s Y |s H nHs>eTT>qTq|&T
+{ e< L& dH qT |+|e#TqT. (~. 2.8.39 .z.H+. 3058 >\ |uT
sT\ 2 eT]jTT 4e |s) eT]jTT (.z. H+. 368 m.m. ~. 12.4.64)
28 duT&T |b~+q bsTT+{ |t ssT| #sY |sH s*+> sTTe{ n~seTT
q~. s*+>| duT\T MTwqsY e{&eT s+ > $esD H=d+>eT
n&T>T> L&<T. (~.15.7.59 ~ H+. 55203/59 _2 >\ n&dwH
HdsY qs dsT\sY 4 $esD) (nqT+<+`6)
29. eTTd| MTwqsq T qq|s # T ]esT\qT>, s|D\T > $TT |d e TT
#sY |sH yjTs<T. deyXeTT sT>T n+XeTT\| sjTeTT\T eyT
yjTeqT. (~. 7.2.64 ~ H+. 5915/m|t1/61`24 m+.m >\ |uT d>]
30. eTTd| |]b\H k\ueTT qqTd]+ |\ kssyT #sY |sH @ |Hqq
#jT <\, eTTd| V |d s T , eTTd| sTT+sT, m&Twq |d s T eT]jTT
{qT b+>T |ds d#q\ jTe#TqT. y]| +{\T *jTTHsT. (.z.
jT+.jTdt. H+. 357 m+.m.~. 23.3.1966).
31. sT>T#Tq deyXeTT @ n+XyTH ysTT< yjT&q|&T n+XeTT m+<T
ysTT< yjT&q~ $esD\qT #sY |sH $TT |deTT ]sT #j\ (~.
21.1.60 H+. 1016/69/m|t1/89`1 (nqT+<+`8)) >\ &|P{ d >] K
32. ~. 19.9.81 ~ jT+.jTdt. H+. 1077 m+.m.>\ |uT s T \ <s C #jT &q
s\T s\T 3 +< k<sD m\T |P]jTq sTy ydt #sY |sH mq
<T|] 15 sE\>qT, |dTeTT |<$qTq $T{ \|]$T |P]jT>T
eTT+<T> dqT 43 eT]jTT 74 +< $T{\T e#T #sY |sH | deyX
@sT #j*. mqT sV+#*.
33. ~. 14.10.81 ~ jT+.jTdt. H+. 1124 m+.m.>\ |uT sT\ <s C
#jT&q dqT 43 eT]jTT 74 qqTd]+ @sT #jT&q $T{\ sVD
jTee[ s\T qqTd]+ #s Y |s H d<s T $T{ deyXe TTqT @sT #j *.
deyXeTT\qT sV+#*.
34. \T ysT &TqT y~+#+& e+f, q dbsT\ #sY |sH (.z.
jT+.jTdt. H+. 619 ~. 7.10.1967) >\ s\T (9) +< sT, |sb\
d+#\\ <s |uT |+b*.
35 ~. 4.12.65 ~. jT+.jTdt. H+. 1420 m+.m.>\ |uT s T \ <s C#jT &q
s\T (sVd ]sT s\T) s\T 9 qqTd]+ #sY |sH L& = |\T|
n$ |P] |]cseTjT+es sVdeTT n qy<T #j Te#TqT.
36. +<|<X eTTdb*{\ #eTT dqT 345 qqTd]+ \T |\T
#jT&q# d<sT n|\qT $#]+#& n|\T s\T s\T 2 +< (n|\T
d]+#T, |]w]+#T) #sY |sH MT{+>T @sT #j * (.z. jT+.jTdt. q+.
618 m+.m.~. 7.10.1967).
37. #s Y |s H qT nedse T u$+#Tq{ ws T \ & u$, #sT e, >T+, ]+#T
nqTeT eT+psT #jTe#TqT. (dH 236).
38. \T y] deyXeTT\qT @sT #jTT u< #sY |s H | qTq~. (w&`I
s\T 1 eT]jTT 12).
39. duT\T sTTq ]wH H{dT| deyXeTTqT @sT #jTT u< (s\T 3).
40. q n+<#j T &q $T{ |t &d+TqT #s Y |s H s T |+b*. (s\T 10).
41. #sY |sH jTT bd&+>T\T * |PseTT> dy<T #jT& eTTd| \T
eTT+<T e+#*. (s\T 13).
42. n|T MTwqsY { n|\T $#sD deTjTeTT d++~ eTTd| #sY |sH
>] d+|~+ |]w]+#eqT. (w&`I s\T 22(2)).
43. eTTd| |]b\q XjTdT <c #sY |sH \T rsqeTT neT\T sT|qT,
y{ n_e~ \T \T|qT HjT<yTq sTTs d#q\T sTTee#TqT.
n$ #<yTq# MTwqsT neT\T sT|e#TqT. (+{ |t #sY |sH zesY
$TwqsT s\T s\T 3`.z.jT+.jTdt.H+. 703 m+.m.~. 17.11.1977).
44. MTwqsT e e | #sY |sH |+|#T+& eqT, Ee e s
d\e\ $wjTeTT #sY |sH <s &ssT >] |+|#T+&eqT. d<sT d\e
n|wqT #sY |sH &ssT >] |sYysT #jTeqT. MTwqsY HsT> (&s)
| &ssT |+b*. (s\T 6).
45. |P] @&TsE\T >&Te H=d+ @ duT&H #sH |X\T |+|e#TqT. nsTT
e \ee~ H{dT eq #sY |sH qT jTTeTT n u$+q# d<sT
|X nqTeT+# e#TqT. (.z.jT+.jTdt. H+. 1467 m+.m.~. 18.12.1969 s\T
4 b$C).
46. eq |X \T nC+& #s e#TH? < nH& $wj #s Y |s H ss TT+#*.(s\T 6).
47. nqT+< |X\qT s]+#T n~seTT #sY |sH \<T. (s\T 8).
48. rsqeTT |b~+# <\q \sT 10 sE\eTT+<T> #sY |sH H{dT <s
*jT|s#eqT. nsTT 10 sE\+f e ee~ sTTqqT, #sY |sH
nqTeT+#T n~seTT \<T. nT nqTeT+q nC+& d<sT rsqeTT
#se#TqT. (.z.H+. 13.69 m+.m.~. 18.11.1965 s\T 3 b$C).
49. \T deyXeTT 15 $TweTT\T ee~+f duT\T me |d++#s<T. #sY
|sH |]wqT sTTq e{& e#TqT. (s\T 8).
2.1.5 #sY |sH < ydt #sY |sHqT =\+#T < dd+& #jTT :
#eTT +<q\qT y{ +< C#jT&q s\TqT, u\qT s>TwqqT <
n+<T| H=d+>&q HjT deTyTq sT\qT neT\T sT | T~|PseTT>
sd]+#&q|&T, \+|T+q|&T < q =d+>&q n~seTTqT <T]j>eTT
#dq|&T |uTeTT ysT d<sT #eTT dqT 60 qqTd]+ +<|<X >T
|{+#T <s #sY |sH qT>, ydt #sY |sHq T > =\+#e#TqT. =\+#T
$w j T eTT C# j T & T | q @ @ s D eTT\# =+# & T # T q~
*jTCjTe\djTTq~. nsTT $<eTT> =\+#<\#Tq|&T n{ys\ dH
60 (1) +< H{dT d+CsTTw #|=qT nH~ dV d <yTq HjTeTT. eq
| neXeTT jTeqT. $<eTT> y]| eq n_j>eTT\qT s]+#T
nu+seTT *jTCjTT neXeTT e+&, nq> H{d T C#jT y]
=\+#T #|]~ y]q neXeTT sd]+qT >\<T . eq $<eTT>
#jTT #\Hs<>TqT.
# e TT +< q \qT T~ | P s e TT> H s y s $& |T # T H& , <
s]+#T#TH&, < \+|T+#T#TH& < q # eTT<s eX|s#&q
n~seTT\qT <T]j>eTT #jTT#TH&, sTT+<T @<H $wjTyTH eT
<e|& jT&\ #s Y |s HqT >, yd t #s Y |s HqT > =\+#T M\T<T . |uT eTT y]
n_bjTeTT @u$+#T<>, n&= sjT b # +~q y& >,
|uTeTTy] | L\eTT> qT|dd+#T #TH& >, |uTeTTq |L\eTT>
| ydeTT\T, $eTs\T yjTT#TH& >, n |HdeTT\T X+ u+ >eT>,
sDeT\T #| =\+#T dVTeTT<T.
2.1.6 m&V $T{\T :
dH 31(m)(1) +< @sT #jT&q $T{\ #sY |s H n<kqeTT
deyXeTT\T s>*. ysT VsT deTjTeTT d<sT $T{ yT+s m+|q
duT n<q deyXeTT sT|e#TqT.
2.1.7 ydt #sY |sH | n$Xd rsqeTT |yX |&q deyXeTT :
dH 46 (2) eT]jTT (4) qqTd]+ dw eT]jTT d\H>&T eTTdb*{\
sT ~s eTTdb*{\ $wjTeTT s$q &$q\T | dsT n<q
deyXeTT\T sT|eqT.
2.1.8 ydt #sY |sH m deyXeTT :
dH 47 (1) (m) qqTd]+ @sT #jT&q ydt #sY |s H m deyXeTTq
yd t #s Y |s H m s\T s\T 4 qqTd]+ #s Y |s H n< e V+, sT deyXe TTqT
sV+#*. ysT q|&T yd t #s Y |s H m nu ] qTe+{ duT m+| #d =
y] n<q deyXeTTqT sV+#*.
2.1.9 dw {qT b+>T $T{ deyXeTT :
{qT b+>T $T{ #eTT dqT 37 qqTd]+ @sT #jT&q dw {qT
b+>T $T{, +<|<X {qT b+>T $T{ s\T 7 +< #sY |sH y+H
d<sT $T{ deyXeTT @sT #d $T{ |d&+TqT @+| #j*. |d&+T
dw {qT b+>T $T{\ n< kqeTT eV+ dey Xe TqT sV+#*. |d&+ T
deTjTeTTq deyXeTT duT m+| #d= deyXeTTqT y] n<q
2.1.10 w&\T`I qT<V ]+q deyXe TT\qT sV+#T n< \ n~seTT\T :
m. sVD rsT :
\T y] deyXeTTqT @sT #jTT #sY |sH |P] n~seTT \<T. du
jTeT eTeTTqT b&TjT n< jTT |<eT s eeTT. sT#jTTq|&T
eeVseTTqT q&|+#Tq|&T eTs<>qT q&|+#eqT. du qTqy] >seeTTq&T
T T+&eqT. duT \jT& deT<s q T~ *jTT+&eqT. |dT |d+ >eTT\qT
nDyjTeqT. duTesH n&q de#seTT H=d+ d+ d<eTT> qT+&eqT.
|b<q nqTL\eTT> >, | L\eTT>> e{& <\+q | yT+sT
\& duy] qT<+ |qd+#eqT. yTTyTT<{ k]> \&q \sT
deyXe TT yTT< |qd+#eqT. ~sT \T s |qd+#eqT. ksT |eT+~
\&q |eT+~ mesT s mesT e{&e\dq~ #sY |sH sjTeTT #ksT.
eTeTTH \sT e{&eqT. $<eTT> #sY |sH eTqT b{+#eqT.
@ duT&q q weTT eq+es |qd+#T V<T. =+ \ ee~
es V \<T. rsqeTTqT >T]+> desD >T]+ > = duT&T
eyT |qd+#eqT. duT eT+<*+#T >, |Hd q |HdeTTqT
#*+#e\dq< v|+#T> n< n~seTT \<T . = d+<s\ #sqT
=qk+#T eTs=] |qd+#e\dq< se#TqT.
_. bsTT+{ |t ssT ` #sY |sH sjT+ :
MT{+>Tq+<T qyTq bsTT+{ |t ss T | #s Y |sH ss TT+ s T \T #| eqT.
n+<T| #]+#T m{ kseTT H=d+>s<T. deyXeTT @< jTT n+XeTT| #s
=qk>T#Tq|&T @ duT &q bsTT+{ |t ss T rdT= eq# eTT+<T> =qk>T#Tq
#sqT | bsTT+{ |t ssY | #sY |sH sjTeTT #jTeqT. y] sjTeTT| sT
eyT desD #jTT n~seTT \<T. n> #eTT |]<T\ jTeTeTT\
$sT<e TT> sj
T eTT#jT s<T. #s Y |s H sj
T +| |+#s<T. (|s 3 ..837 m.m.
~.6.5.54) (nqT+<+`9)
d. duT s+` bdT dVjT+ :
deyXeTT sT>T#Tq|&T duT&T #sY |sH qT< + |d++#eH ys=
duT <+ e{&s<T. #sY |sH nqTeT +& @ duT&T L& e{&s<T.
#sY |sH e{&T#Tq duT LseT #|q# y] eqT \| >+<s>eTT
dw+#T#Tq#, n{y \T V\T qT+& jT|+|e# TqT. bdT dVjTeTT
nedseT u$+q# ~. 4.4.1941 ~. H+. 957 m.@.>\ |uT sT\ qqTd]+
&. ysTT< |b<q :
deyXeTT sT>T#Tq deTjTeTTq *|yjTT> sT+ XeTT> sjTeTT
rd=qT > M\T<T . ~. 10.7.1971 ~. m+.m.H+. 584 \ <s C#jT &q
deyX| seTeTT sT|qT >T]+ jTee[ s\T 3 +< d]jT q sDeTT\qT
y eT\eTT> dy <T #d, \T jTT @ deyXe TTHH #s Y |s H ysTT< yjT e#TqT.
dH 51(4) qqTd]+ @< deyXeTT reyTq n\& @s&q#, #sY |sH
eT&TsE\ $T+# \eTTbT, deyXe TTqT *|yj T e#TqT. nedse T q#
@<H n+XeTTqT eyT ysTT< yjTT deT+deTT. deyXeTT yTTeTT
ysTT< yjTT nqTeTT ~. 4.5.1972 ~ m+.mdt.H+. 356 m+.m.>\ |uT
sT $XB]+jTTHsT. eq #sY |sH q eTT eqT> H= MT{+>T
*|yjTT >, ysTT< yjTT> M\T<T.
bsTT+{ |t ssT <c deyXeTTqT #sY |sH ysTT< ydq+<Tq Vsq
=+ eT+~ duT\T deyXeTTqT =qk+ rsqeTT\T ydjTTHsT. $<eTT>
deyXeTTqT sT| d]jTq~ < nTe+{ #s sTTeTT+<T rd=qs u$d ~
6.9.54 ~. jT+.jTdt. H+. 837 m.m.>\ (nqT+<+`9) |u T sT\qT
. MTwqsT b :
deyXe TT sT>Tq|&T dq T 53 qqTd]+, eT]jTTT s >Twq qqTd]+ duT \
eT]jTT #s Y |s H q, dq T 58 qqTd]+ MTwqsY eyT e{&& n~seTT
\<T. @ $wjTeT|HqqT MTwqsYqT de#seTT H=d+> e\dq~> &s> ss<T.
| $wjTeTTqT #sY |sH <sH se\djTTq~. $wjTeTTqT >T]+ sTTHdsY
qs ysT ~. 15.7.1959 ~.H+. 5543/59 >\ dsT\sY d+jTTHsT. sTTs
n~ s T \T e{ & { # e TT m# b$qT < T . @ $w j T y T H
$|]+#e\dq|&T deyXeTTq+<T #|e\dq u< # sY |sH< jTTq+<Tq y]
nqTeT y] d#q\yTs e#T#Tq qysTTr>qT |]b\H k\ueTT <c
jTTq duT\ $X<eTT#jTe#TqT. MTwqsT \T de yXeTT\ $~> VsT
eqT. deyXeTT\ bZqT eT]jTT e{&T eeTT n~seTT \<T.
rsqeTT\T |b~+#T > z{+>T V> <T (dH 58).
m|t. duT eTs| |esq ` ddqH :
#sY |sH jTT n_bjTeTT deyXeTT #s sT>T#Tq deTjTeTT @<H
duT |esq deTeTT> #, dqT 51(3) qqTd]+ deyXeTTqT e<* yeT
#|eqT. #sY |sH <XeTTqT b{+# sTT+q dey XeTT =qkq#, duT
jT |+| #sY |sH #s rd=qeqT.
#sY |sH n~s|PseTT> #dq sjTeTT\qT b{+# #eTT H=d+>&q
n~seTT\qT, $<T\qT, n$T+ deyXeTTqT =qk+#T nes<eTT *Z+,
duT&T m #|qq $q |e]+q# eT&T esTd deyXeTT\ $T+# \eTT
dqT 51 (5) +< n \T qT+& dd+&T #jTe#TqT. (sY.z.d.H+. 40821/ ~.
8.5.88 &.jT+.m).
q+{ qT> dH 51 (5) qqTd]+ duT dd+&T #jT{ n~s
yTTd+>&< T . y duT &T #s Y |s H n~seTTqT s eTT #d, s\TqT, s >Twq q T
e\+|T+ deyXeTTqT eTT+<T =qk>jT+& T~ |PseTT>, eTseTT
s+seTT nu+seTT \T> Cdq#, n|&T d<sT du T |sT *jTCd MT{+>T
~ qT+& esTd> eT&T H\\T $T+# \eTT deyXeTT bZq+& dd+&T #d
$wjTeTT \T eTT+<T e+#*. duT&T deyXeTTH eq+<Tq sT $wjTeTTqT
>T]+ eTT+<T> H{dT C #jTe\dq nedseTT <T. d<s T deTdqT d#qqT
y~+#T , s]+#T, m+\eTH~ ssTT+# n~seTT \T
y] eyT H=d+>&q~. (&T.|.jT+. 6726/82. 3.11.92 ~ &y T +T ks+XeTT
. rsqeTT| z{+>T ` ]]+>T :
@ n+XeTT|HqqT sjTeTT rd=qTq|&T nC+& n+XeTTqT eTT+<T>
#<TeeqT. sTy du y] y<eTT rd= $TT |deTT rsqeTT s|eTT
yjTeqT. duT\qT+& $sT< |b<q\T e z{+>T rd =qe\dq |]d
qyTq|&T d<sT |b<q nqTL\TsT m+eT+~? |L\TsT m+eT+~?
dTesH eHs? nH $wjTeTT #T\T mT <s * d= n~ duT\ \eTT
qqTd]+ rsqeTT yjTeqT.
mese] m zT eq~ $TT |d e TT yjTeqT. deqyTq zT eq|&T
#sH d+>T zT (sjT| zT) VqT $j+#e#TqT. sT $wjTeTT ~.
17.7.1941 ~. H+. 1947 m.m.>\ |uT sT\ C# dq d#q\qT
>eT+#eqT. duT \T e{& q<+jT T $TT |d e TT yjTe\dq nedse TT<T .
y] desD @$T{ yTs yjTe#TqT.
V#Y. VsT |deTT :
duT\T deyXeTTq eq s deyXeTT bs+ueTTq VsT |deTT
d+eTT rdy*. VsT |deTT d<sTduT&T Vsq feTTq s+ < e>s
]esT\T d<sT VsT ]wsT yjTTs<T. $<eTT> mesH ydq #sY |sH ={
yj*. deyXeTT bs+ueTTq seTT#, $TT |deTT $wjTeTT yd
deyXeTT ysTT< yjTeqT. sT $wjTeTTqT ~. 17.5.1955 ~.jT+.jTdt.H+.508
m.m.>\ (nqT+<+`10) |uT sT\ $|]+jTTHsT.
#s Y |s H deyX bs+ue TT >, eT< > Vs T |d e TT eTT+ sTT+eT+~
VsHs ]sT #jTs<T. deyX eTT+| deTjTeTTq qT VsqT> d+eTT
#d <T|] q *| + eT+~ VsHs nseTT\ yd #sY |sH d+eTT
#jTeqT. duT\T eTT sTTweTT eq deTjTeTTq deyXeTTq VsTe#T, eTs\
e<* ye#T. sT $wjTeTT $TT |deTT ]sT #jTe\dq nedseTT<T.
deyXeTT =qk>T#Tq deTjTeTTq #sj+XeTT| sq usq ] y] sj
ndeT> \T V\T jT y#TqT ]sT#jTeT ]q $<eTT> $TT
|deTT yjTe#T. Vsq duT\T deyXeTT s T>T #sqT, z{+>TqT
$wjTeTT eq = d+<V\ eT+>] eTTd| #s Y |sH >sT $esD
s> ~. 25.6.82 ~. &.&dt. H+. 61305/81 V#Y 4 (nqT+<+`11) >\ K
&ssT>sT sTTq de<qeTT\ ks+XeTT sT +< b+<|s#&yTq~.
VsT |deTT| = deTd\T`de<H\T
deTd 1. deyXeTTq Vsq duT\ d+KqT VsT |deTT dy<T
#d #sY |sYH nf+&H ]wsTqT eTdq <T|] duT&esH
nf+&H ]wsT d+eTT #jTe#TH?
de<qeTT : ~ 31.12.81. ~q ]q eT+>] eTTd| \T deyXeTT 3
>+\ #sY |sH nf+&H ]wsT eTdyjTT deTeTT<T. deyXeTT bs+uyTq
<T|] duT\T VsT s< nf+&H ]wsT d+ eTT #jTs< @$T s\T <T.
@ n+XeTT|H H z{+>T rd=qe\ded m+eT+~ nqTL\TsT? |L\TsT m+eT+~?
n #sY |sH ]sT #j*. n+XeTT $y<d<yTq< duT\ |sT rd=qe\dq
neX eq|&T nqTL\TsT |sqT, |L\Ts |sqT qy<T #j*.
deyXeTT bs+uyT =qk>T#Tq deTjTeTT m|&H deyXeTTq duT&T
VsT L&<H nes<eTT @$TjTT<T. eq m|&H VsT e#TqT. deyXeTT
sT>T#Tq|&T qT sTTweTT eq q se#TqT, be#TqT. sTT~ y] y] sTTweTT
MT< <s|& e+&TqT. (&.&dt H+. 61305/81/V#Y 4 (nqT+<+ `11) >\ |s|] b\H
XK d+#\\ y] K.
deTd 2. nf+&qT ]wsT eTT+q <T|] duT&T deyXeTT ed
m|&T eq~ $TT |deTT qy<T #jTeH?
de<qeTT : |q |s=q&q $esDqT { duT&T deyXeTT m|&T eq~?
m|&T y[q~? $TT |deTT qy<T #jTe\dq neds eTT <T.
deTd 3. duT&esH deyXeTTq deyXeTT bs+_+q sTy
eq# nC+& #s bZqe#TH? zT yjTe#TH?
de<qeTT : deyXeTT sT>T#Tq|&T Vs $wjTeTT #sqT, z{+>TqT
bZqT | duT ns *jTTq+<Tq ]wsT d+eTT #dq <T|] #s
>, z{+>T > bZqe#TqT.
. $TT |deTT :
deyXeTT rd=q&q sjTeTT\qT ]sT #jTT |deTTH $TT |deTT
n n+<TsT. deyXeTT sT>T#Tq|&T $TT yd, deyXeTT |P]>H d<sT
|d e TTqT eTTd| MTwqsT n+<Cj
T eqT. nC+& | n+XeTTqT #<T eeqT.
| n+XeTTq rsqeTT yjTeqT. nH | rsqeTT #~$ duT \ $|+#eqT.
={y\T @yTH q# #sY |sH b& nseTT\ d +eTT #jTeqT. deyXeTT
]q eT&T ~qeTT\ |\ deyX| bd&+>T\ |T\qT ]wsT bdT<s sT>T
sd<T sT |sb\ d+#\\y] |+| eqT. (~.27.5.83 ~.
H+.29595/83 V#Y 2 >\ |sb\ d+#\\ y] dsT \sY) \Ty] deyXe TTq+<T
rsqeTT\jTT $TT |deTT yd es w&\T`I s\T 9 qqTd]+
n<\ ysT eeTT d+eTT #j*.
dH 43 eT]jTT 74 qqTd]+ @sT&q $T{ deyXeTT\ sVD
d++~+q ~. 14.10.81 ~ jT+.jTdt. H+ 1124 m+.m.>\ |uT sT\<s
C #jT&q s\T s\T 8 +< deyXeTTqT n< eV+q y] uT>
Vsq duT\T L& d+eTT #jTeqT. (j 3/1994 <s dH 74 dH
$TT |deTT \T y] bd&+>T\T eyT yjTeqT. MTwqsTqT
#T\q|s#T ]esT\T>, n_j>eTT\qT> $TT |de TT yjTs<T.
(~.7.2.1964 H+. 5915/m|t 1/61/24 m+.m.>\ &. d K). (nqT+<+`7)
C. #sqT z{+>TqT bZq+& s~+#T :
deyXeTT @< $wjTeTT #s sT>T#Tq|&T n+XeTT #sY |sH >,
duT&T> d|jqeTT *jTTHs u$+q# n{ y] dH 52 (2) qqTd]+
#s bZq+& s~+#eqT. deyXe TTqT+& > s T VsT e\dq~> se#TqT.
n{ $wjT eTT | + q d<s T n+XeTTqT deyXe TT Vsq duT \ <w rd=e
ysT rd=q sjTeTT n+eT sjTeTT> u$+#*.
\T deyXe TT n+XeTT | #s =qk>T#Tq|&T n+XeTT| due TTeq
|uT e<>, \sT > n+<T bZqs<T. (>esyT+{ yTy.H+. 70/m\T/
88 m+.m 29.12.89).
deyXeTTq #sY |sH VsT ydt #sY |sH > bq\TqTq #sY |sH\T
n< eV+ deyXe TT =qk>T#T+&> eT< > m|&H #s Y |s H d<s T V\T
|y+q# H{ deyXeTTqT n< kqeTTqTqysT d<sT dqeTTqT U
~. 21.2.1947 ~. H+. 300 m.m.>\ (nqT+<+ `12) |uT s T \ H=d+q
d#q\ qqTd]+ deyXeTTq d++~+q |\jTT >se duT\ |]o\HsyT
deyXeTTqT eT&TsE\T eTT+<T>H MT{+>T >Tek nesTTw +< fT\T|
qT+#&TqT. eq duT\ deyXeTTq eTT+<T>H nC+& qqTd]+ d<sT |\T
y] e\dq de#seTT |]o*+ *d=q# deyX| =qk+#T dT\useTT.
. |$Ks |yXeTT ` @sT :
eTTd| \T V\T sT>T | \T deyXeTTq ]>E&T |$KsT
Vs>T >T @sT #jTeqT. eT<dT eTTdb*{\ #eTT w&\T III
s\T 4 +< n<eV+#T \sT @<H | d+<seTT $TT |deTT
yd jTT+#<>T sDeTT\qT { k<sDeTT> |\qT < |eTT> @ e HH
qeyXeTTqT+& w$T+#e\dq# <+|e#TqT. eT]jTT \sT ysT yTs
]q# nT <+|e#TqT. Te+{ |]d T \ # nsT<T. (.z.H+.2443.m.jTdt.&.
~. 5.9.1941).
H= d+<seTT |+ $K] $wjTeTT | sDeTT\T+f |
k<sDeTT> #sY |sH eT]jTT ydt #sY |sH m\ deyXeTT uT> ~s
deyXeTT\ Vs>T nqTeT jTeqT. (.z.H+.298.m.m. ~. 14.2.1953).
2.1.11 $T{ |t &d+T :
\T y] deyXeTT sT>Tq|&T n+XeTT | n~ d+ U duT\T, yTC]{
eq< sjTeTT rd=q|&T sjTeTT weTT duT&T *jTCjTT |D
n_bjT u<eTTqT \T|qT &d+T n n+<TsT. ~ duT dueTTbT
d+$T+q V deyXeTT sT>T#Tq|&T \T ys T rs+q rsqeTT| qT
@u$+# |D (&d+T) qT *|q|&T = # MT |D yd sTTe+& n
deyXeTTqT eTT+<T =qkd e+{sT. sT |< d]<T. deyXeTT *
|PseTT> sTTebsTTH H{e <s |D *jTCd, $TT yjTeT
]q# rsqeTT ydq <T |] rsqeTT +< |H duT &T &d+TqT *jTCdH &
yjTeqT. (H+. 184/m\T II 84 8 m+.m.~ 7.9.90 || d >] K).
duT&T sTTq &d+T HTqT ]sT #jTT $wjTeTT w&\T`I s\T 10
desDqT 1988 d+eseTT sTTjTTHsT. sT desD ks+XeTT sTT eq~.
duT&T &d+T HT qT sTTq|&T #sY |sH, d< s T $wj $TT |d e TT
]sT #j*. y #sY |sH, quT&T sTTq &d+T HTqT $TT |deTT
]sT #jTb MTwqsT ]sT #d &d+T HTqT sTTq duT *jT CjTeqT.
(.z. jT+.jTdt. H+. 270 m+.m.~. 3.5.1988) (nqT+<+`13)
deyXy T q 48 >+\> \sY @< u< _bjTeTTqT \T| | D qT (&d+T)
w&\T`I s\T 10 +< #s Y |s H n+<Cd q #, y | #s Y |s H y+H
s T q, q\T &s s T >] |+|eqT. &d+TqT #s Y |s H |+b? MTwqsY
|+|s<? nH deTd H* eTTdb*{ eq~. n|&T .z. jT+.jTdt H+. 4324
m.m ~. 4.11.1939 >\ |uT sT\ k<sDeTT> $T{ |t &d+TqT #sY
|sH sTTeeq, y MTwqsT rd= e+f d<sT $T{ |t &d+TqT y+H
#sY |sH |+b*, n $esD sTTjTTHsT.
w&\T`I s\T 10 +< <Kq &d+T uT> d++~+q ]sT\T
eT]jTT ++<yTq s\T | #sY |sH ]esT\ sT>] |+|eqT
(>esyT+T yTy H+. 381 .| 1 s\T/69/4 m+.m.~ 22.8.1969) #sY |sH e<
qT+& eq <T |] s T d<s T &d+T HT| $#sD Cd nee \T eqT>
u$+ | n~sT\T $wjT eTT #s rd=qe\djT T+f | n~sT\ |+|eTT+<T>
+< |<X eTTdb*{\ #e TT dH 70 +< #s rdy*. n> d<s T $TT
|t &d+T| @$T #s rd=qe\dq | < ysT u$d d<s T |eTT\qT | n~sT\
|+|e\dq |<T. sT>s d<sT $wjTeTT\qT |]w]+#e#TqT. (>esyT+T
yTys+&+ H+. 222/z|/s\T/66 m+.m ~. 5.8.1966) (nqT+<+`14)
&d+T| = deTd\T y{ de<H\T
deTd 1. &d+TqT m n|wj \sY sTTee#TH?L&<?
d e < qeTT : d e Td | ~ . 26.4.69 H + . 294/m| t / 68-6 m+.m.> \
(nqT+<+`15)|uT &|P{ d >] K, \Tys T bdT #dq @ rsqeTT
|HH m n|wj \sY &d+TqT sTTeL&< *j TCjTT b$qT #eTT
< *jTCdjTTHsT. y] s~+#T b$qT q+<Tq m n|wj \sY
&d+TqT sTTee#TqT.
deTd 2. \TysT rsqeTT #dq <T|] &d+T eq|&T n{
rsqeTTqT neT\T #jTT #s rd=qe#TH? sT>]
sTe\T >, |uTeTT y] sT\T > e#+es y
de<qeTT : \T ysT rsqeTT bdT #dq <T|] \T|<\ #jTj s<T
#jTT{ ] |, d<sT rsqeTT neT\T sT|e\dq<. +<|<X eTTdb*{\
#eTT dH 56 (1) qqTd]+ \T jTT n rsqeTT\qT neT\T sT| u<
eTTd| MTwqsT |q eq~. \sY sTTq $T{ |t &d+T|q, sT #s
rd=qT es >, @$T#s rd=q e\dq nedseTT < >, sj e#+
es eTTd| MTwqsT y jTT+&e\dq nedseTT <T. \T y] deyXeTT
]q <T |] 48 >+\ |\ @ duT e< qT+&jT q $T{ |t &d+T e#THy jT
y &d+T eq# #s Y |s H, s T |+| es > yjTT+&qedse TT<T .
n+<Te\q &d+T| sT e< qT+& >, |uTeTT y] e< qT+&> sT\T
e#Tq+es yjTT+&e\dq nedseTT<, d<sT rsqeTT s<T#d | \Ty]
yTC{ sjTeTT qqTd]+, MTwqsT d<sT rsqeTTqT neT\T |sT#T #s
rd=qe#TqT.(.z.jT+.jTdt. H+. 688 m+.m. ~. 9.9.1971)
deTd 3. +{ $T{ bq\T $T{ duT\T &d+T sTTee#TH?
de<qeTT : >eTT mL{y $T{ neT\T eq|&T sTTTe+{ deTd e
eT|D eTT eTTd| #s Y |s H eTTd| &s s T >] K yd $esD ]jTTHsT.
$wjTeTT 1965 d+eseTT <|<X eTTdb*{\ #eTT |+ b$qT
@$TjTT< q <XeTTqT y*T#T <s |D ]sT #jTT <s duT> q
d+$T+q VqT $j+#Tq{ @ eeTT nu+se TT < *|jTTHsT.
(>esyT+{ yTy H+. 1155 z.|. s\T 168 ~. 5.9.1969) eq $esD qqTd]+
+{ $T{, bq\T $T{ duT\T &d+TqT sTTee#Tq u$+#&yTq~.
deTd 4. $T{ duT&T m|&T q &d+T HTqT sTTy*?
de<qeTT : eTVuq>sY eTTdb*{ sT deTd qeTT > $T{ s\T
sTT<$T<y T q b$qT @$TjTT q+<Tq, eTTd| \T y] bd&+ >T\ d++~+q
s\T d+q $<eTT>H 48 >+\ \eTH feTT *$T{ ssTT+#T deTeT
$esD sTTjTTHsT. (>esyT+{ yTys+&+ H+. 1276 z.|. s\T/69 jT+.m. ~.
27.6.1970) eq $T{ deTyXeTT ]q 48 >+\ |\ &d+TqT $T{ duT&T
eTTd| \T qeyXeTT\ sVD s\T s\T 10 +<, \T deyXeTT
]q 48 >+\ |\ q eq &d+{qT #sY |sH sY, q &ssY
|+|e\djT Tq~. eq \T deyXe TT &d+TqT sTTq|&T |s <T kseTT
+& $TT |deTT #sY |sH ]sT #jTeqT. (s.. H+. 184/m\T/84`8.
~. 7.9.90 || d).
deTd 5. duT\T q &d+T, $T{ |deTT #sY|sH ]sT
#jTb @$T #j*?
de<qeTT : duT\T q &d+T, $T{ |deTT #sY|sH ]sT #jTb
MTwqsT ]sT #j \. (.z.jT+.jTdt. H+. 270 m+.m. ~. 3.5.88 (nqT+<+ `13)
|uTeTT ysT *jTCd HsT.
2.1.12 \TqT s<T #jTT n~s\T`neT sVD :
+<|<X eTTdb*{\ #eTT, #sY |sH eT]jTT MTwqsT = $<T\qT
n~seTT\qT |+ #|jTTHsT. #eTT b$qT\ qqTd]+ jsT#d,
C #jT &q jTeT +<q \ y] y] $<T \qT, se b\q >T]+ |s=jTTHsT.
me] $<T\qT ys sV+#e , ] n~seTT\qT eTs=sT #sTT+#s<T. (dH
30 b$q) #s Y |s H MTwqsTq n|+#&q n~seTT\qT $j+#T>,
seeTT\qT HsysT>, \Ty] V <T. eq y] n~seTT\qT \T
ysT mq& #sTT+#s<T. #e TT \T y] =d+>&q n~seTT\qT, se eTT\qT
eyT ysT sV+#eqT. j n~seTT\qT deTeTT> sV+#bsTTH,
<T]j>|s H, $~ sVD s eTT #dH u< \qT $d]+H \T y]|
|uTeTT #s rdT=qe#TqT. (dH 62)
2.1.13 \s $<T\T :
1. eTTdb*{ d++~+q @ |jT H s eTT> sV+#&T #Tq|&T, eTTd|
d <T]j> eT>T#Tq|&T qweTT sT>T#Tq @ b+H ,@<H
nedseTTq# @ \sH n{ $wjTeTTqT #sY |sH <w rd= se#TqT. n<
$<eTT> e\djTTq< u$+ n_e~ seTeTT\qT d+#e#TqT. (dH
2. ~. 18.11.1965 ~ jT+.jTdt.H+. 1369 m+.m.>\ |uT sTe\ <s C
#jT&q rsqeTT\T |b~+#T s\T jTeT +<q\ nqT>TDeTT>
eTTd| |]b\q d++~+q rsqeTT\qT |b~+#e#TqT. ~. 18.12.1965
~ jT+.jTdt. H+. 1467 m+.m.>\ sTe\ <s |uTeTTysT C #dq
\sT, #s Y |s HqT |+#T jTee[ +<q \ yTs eTTd| |]b\q|
#sY |sHqT |+#T | \sT VqT *jTTH&T. (dH 53(2)).
3. #sY |sH >T ee~ H{dT |dT |#jTT y |dT ]sTqT
|]o*+#e#TqT. nsTT ~. 4.12.1965 ~ jT+.jTdt H+. 1420 m+.m.>\ |uT
sTe\ <s C #jT&q &wjT (sVdeTT) ]sT\ s\T
ssTT+#&q eTT\qT ##T M\T <T. eq sT $wjTeTT #sY |sH
#| M\T < s]+#e#TqT. (dH 53).
m|&H #s Y |s H kBqeTT qTq &yT+qT #| eT \TysT se#TqT.
|C XjT dT, \T u+ >eTT y{\> \ <, #s H u$d d<s T &yT+{qT #|e\dq
| <T. $wjTeTTqT * |PseTT> y] *jTC jTeqT.(dH 31).
eTTd| jTT d+~| eq n_j>eTT\| &bsYyT+ m+sTT
sT>T#Tq|&T eTTd| \sY mesT L& Vs>T n~seTT <T. eq n{
m+sTT eeVseTT sT>T#Tq|&T \sT mes L& VsT s<T. (.z.
jT+.jTdt. H+. 1592 m.m.~. 23.7.1953).
#sY|sH, ydt #sY|sH ysT yT+sT d++~+q +<TesZ+ eTT| |]b\H
eeVseTT\ C+ #dTs<T. (qsT\sY H+. 11856/98/m\H2 ~. 14.10.2002q)
(nqT+<+`16) >\ |s|]b\H XK d+#\\ y] d#q\T.
2.1.14 rsqeTT s<T #jTT :
\TysT bdT #dq rsqeTTqT neT\T CjTT eTTdb*{ eTseTT <
u$+q, d<sT rsqeTT #eTT qTq b$qT\ |P] > $sT<eT u$+q#,
d<sT rsqeTTqT s<T #jTT sw |uTeTTq |P] n~seTT \<T. n+<Te\q
d<sT rsqeTT neT\T CjTTqT |uTeTT ysT w~+#e#TqT. sTT{ n~seTT
sT L& \<T.
|uTeTT ysT eT+ eTT> \sT, #sY |sH MTwqsY y
eT\eTT> deT]+q ]|C+fwH | |q |s=q $<eTT> #s rdT=qe#TqT.n{
sjTeTTqT rd=qT, eTT+<T d<sT rsqeTT sT +< |s=q&q n+XeTT\ +<
s>\yy |]o*+#eqT.
1. # |seTT $sT<e TT>qT, \Ty] n~seTT\ #jT &q rsqeTT.
2. #eTT H=d+>&q n~seTT\ +< , n~seTT\qT $T+ #jT&q
rsqeTT.sTTTe+{ rsqeTT\qT s<T #jTT eTT+<T> d++~ n~]
e d+CsTTw #|=qT neXeTTjTeqT.
3. \TysT bdT #dq rsqeTT neT\T ]q#, eqe bDV, u < , u+ >eTT,
d qweTT, <=MT\T, b{\ <] rjTe#Tq, |\ X+ u<\ u+>eTT
y{\ \<, ds #s\T nedseT u$d, d+<seTTqT { rsqeTT |
#sqT sT \T|<\#d $wjTeTTqT |uTeTTq y~+#e#TqT. |
| u T eTT ys T $#]+ s T s T e\qT s < T # j T e# T qT <
<M]+#e#TqT.(dH 59, 70).
2.1.15 sJHe :
@ \sH, yH #sY |sH jTH, eTTd| MTwqsY qT d+u~d, d<d] q
|<$ sJHe #jTe#TqT. d<sT sJHe n+~q <T|] deyXeTT eTTd|
MTwqsY $wjTeTTqT \T eTT+<T e+#eqT. d++~ eqT+& d<sT sJHe
d]jTq< *d= \TysT d+| #+~q MT< y~+# e#TqT. $<eTT>
y~+#&q ~ qT+& d<s T sJHe neT\T e#TqT. d<sT sJHe yde yTq <
<, \T ysT $Xd+q# d<s T sJHe H{dT s<T >\<T. sJHe y<eTTq
eTT+<T> eTTd| MTwqsTqT d+u~d yeT\eTT> yd q sJHe |d+ V]+#T
=qe#TqT (dH 55). deyXe TT #s Y |s H eT]jTT yd t #s Y |s H sJHe #d
deyXe TTH y~d n~ #\< rsTjTTHsT, (]{ |{w H H+. 8073/82).
2.2 deyXeTT\T :
2.2.1 deyX\ sVD :
sT |sb\ d+|\ s b\qT m sV+#\H& $w j #eTT
w&\T`I qT, ~. 10`8`71 jT+.jTdt. H+. 584 m+.m. >\ |uT sT\ <s
C #jT&q deyX sVD s>TwqqT $|\+> $e]+jTTHsT.
| H\ k]jT q deyXe TTqT #s Y |s H @sT #j *. n+eeTTq n++ f
me ksT deyXeTT @sT #jTL&< <T. j |]dT\qT { nedseT #s Y
|s H u$+q# @sT #jTe#TqT. $~> deyXeTT | H\ sb*. n
s|b w&T`I s\T 1 s+q jTeTeTTqT n$T+qT >\<T.
deyX| H{dT @ d\ eTT deyX |s# T #Tq~? @ sEq? <jT e? kjT+\e?
m >+\? @ @ n+XeTT\T #]+#&TqH $wjTeTT, d<sT H{dT q+<T dweTT>
sT w&\T $e]+q < { |]o*d deyXeTT\T H\T>T $<eTT\T. 1.
k<sD deyXeTT, 2. neds deyXeTT, 3. | deyXeTT eT]jTT 4. ]wqT
2.2.2 k<sD deyXeTT :
|sb\ d+|TeTT |H\ $~> k<sD deyXeTT sb*. |H\ @ ~q
deyXe TT sb* nH& $wjT eTT w&T\T`I s\T 1 qqTd]+ \T ysT rs+#*.
n+<T sE d\e ~qyTq# eTsTd{sEq deyXeTT @sT #jTe\dq u<
#s Y |s H | e+T+~. sT $<e TT> \TysT sj T eTT rd=qT e\q duT \+<]
dsk<sD+>, k<sD deyXeTT H\ m|&T ]>~ ne>Vq @s&TT+~.
k<sD deyXeTT H{dT eT&T d+|Ps ~qeTT\ >&Te C#jT&eqT.
H{dT {& #jTT ~qeTT eT]jTT deyXeTT sT>T ~qeTT H{dT jTT ee~
~qeTT\ #ss<T. eT&T d+|Ps ~qeTT\q> H{dT |+|&q ~qeTT eT]jTT
deyXeTT sT>T ~qeTT eT<\eTT eT&T ~qeTT\ ueeTT. sT $<eTT> ee~
H=d+> k<sD deyXeTT ]q# deyXeTT ]qejTT #\Hse>TqT.
deTyTq ee~ \| H{dT =+eT+~ duT\ n+< bsTTq, nT n+<
duT \+<sT , deyXe TTq Vsq , deyXe TT rd=q sj T eTT\T #\H s $ C\e.
deTyTq ee~\| H{dT n+< duT&T deyXeTTq Vs s|D>qTq#
MT{+>T =qk+#e#TqT.
deyXeTTTq n{ duT&T VsT bsTTq# deyX eTT rd=q sjTeTT\T
eT&T d+|Ps ~qeTT\ \ee~ deyX| H{dT C #jTe\djTT+&>
duT eyT e ee~ H{dT n+~ d<sT deyX eTTq duT&T Vs
d<sT MT{+>T #\< bsTT+{ |t ssT eH jTTHsT. d+|T duT\ 33
eT+~ >qT ] e ee~ H{dT n+~ ysT L& de yXeTTq eq+<Te\
sTT>*{ Ls q< n~ m+ eeTT bsTT+{ |t ssY <, d<sT ]q
deyXeTT deTyTq<q ]{ |{wH H+. 8291/92 +<|<X VsT sTTq
rsTqT >eT+#eqT.
2.2.3 neds deyXeTT :
neds $wjTeTT\T nedseTT> \TysT #]+#e\djTTq<. |sb\
d+| < \T u$+q# eT&TsE\T ee~ +& d\ ee~ neds deyXe TTqT
@sT #jT e#TqT. neds deyXe TT #s Y |s H deyX| s # T qT. >qT deyXe TT
#sj+XeTT nedseTT> sjTeTT #jTe\dq $wjTeTT\ TTEe#jTe\dq
u< #s Y |s H |H e+&TqT. sT deyXe TTq duT &T VsTbsTTH du eTTq
nqs jTs&<T.
neds deyX| nC+& m #s j+XeTT\T e+&e#T nH $wj >T]+
|]o*d w&\T`I s\T 2 dus\T (3) +< MTwqsY @ n+XHH #sT |P]
n~seTT H=d+>&q~. m n+X\T #s*? nH $wjTeTT |] $T ssD
#jT&<T. sT $wjTeTTqT >T]+ #eTT sTT<$T<+> sTT n+XeTT\T e+&\
#|&<T. |uT d#q\T L& C#jT&<T. MTwqsT nqedseT q
n+XeTT\qT rd yjTeT, 100 n+XeTT\T neds { #s&q# n+<T eTsV
yT$TjTT< ~.13`7`66 ~. H+. 4266/m|t1/63`2 jT+.m. (nqT+<+`17) >\
|uT K d+jTTHsT. =~ >+\ ee~ H=d+L& sT deyX @sT
#jTe#TqT. H{qT duT\+<] C y*. eT] n+ neds { eyT
sT $wjTeTT sj rdTy*.
2.2.4 | deyXeTT :
sT deyX m|&|&T @sT #jTe\dedT+~? @ @ s eTeTT\T
sV+#e\d e#Tq|&T @sT #j*jTH& $wj sT~>Te $XB]+#&yTq~.
k] rs+#&q rsqeTT eTs\ eT&T H\\ s s<T # jT e#TqT. nedse T
q# esT #jTe#TqT. eT&T H\\|\H s<T #jTe\ded esT
#jTe\ded sT deyX w&\T`I s\T 8 +< | deyXeTT> @sT
#j*. deyXeTT n+XyT #sj+XyT e+&*.
deyXeTT n|&T \ eq duT\ (H{ \T U> eq
d d++~+q duT\T ) d>eTT eT+~ eq+ eT+~# y~+#&eqT.
sT deyX \ ee~ m+sTTeeH& $wjTeTT m# ]weTT> #|&<T.
dsk<sDeTT> @&T sE\T \ee~ H=d+>TjT deTTeTT.
sT | deyXeTT\T m|&|&T @sT #jT&jTH& $wj sT +<
1. +<|<X eTTb*{ #eTT dH 23 +< mq #s Y |s H dH 25 +<
#s Y |s H mq ~ qT+& 15 sE\> ydt #s Y |s H\ m\ jee[
s\T 3 eT]jTT 4 +< 3 d+|Ps~qeTT\ \ee~H=d+ | deyX
@sT #jTeqT. (.z.jT+.jTdt.H+. 652 myT.m. ~. 3.12.86)
2. +< |<X eTTb*{\ #e TT dH 31(m) $|]+#&qT>, 43 dH
du dH 1 +< +{ $T{ duT \ eT]jTT 74e dq T +< @sT #jT &T
bq\T $T{ duT\ m 19.9.81 ~. jT+.mdt.H+. 1077 m+.m.>\ |uT
sT\ <s C#jT&q s\T 3e s\T qqTd]+ 7 sE\T \ee~
H=d+ | deyX @sT #jTeqT.
3. +<|<X eTTb*{\ #eTT dH 126 qqTd]+ ~. 7.10.67 ~.
jT+.jTdt.H+. 619 m+.m. >\ |uT s T \ <s C#jT &q & T s\T
s\T 5 qqTd]+ MT{+>T ~ yseTT sE\T eTT+<T> & T n+#H\T duT \
|+|eq jTTq+<Tq sT deyXe TTqqT L& | deyXe TT>H |]>D+ #T
4. +< |<X eTT| #e TT dH 46(3) +< yd t #s Y |s H | n$Xd rsqeTT
|b<q deyXeTTq 15 sE\T |P] \ee~ H=d+ | deyXeTTqT
5. {qT b+>T #eTT dqT 37 qqTd]+ dw {qT b +>T $T{qT @sT
#jTT L& 7 sE\ \ee~ H=d+ | deyX @sT #jTeqT.
2.2.5 ]wqT deyXeTT :
w&\T`I s\T 3 +< H&Teq duT\ eT&e e+T eT+~ e
+& yeT\eTT> nu ]+q MT< @sT #dq deyXe TT ]wqT deyXe TT
nq&TqT. * |PseTT> H=d+>&q nusq d<sT d eyXeTT @ ~qeTTq, @
y\ jT+<T, @ seTT$Te TT sT|&eH *jTCjT eqT. d<s T nu sq qT eTTd|
s\jTeTT |#jTTy deyXeTTq |~|P] ~qeTT\ eTT+<T #s Y |s H >,
MTwqsT>, yTHsT> n+<CjTeqT.
n{ nusq {& #jT&q >+ yTT<\T= 48 >+\|\ n+<T \T|&q
~qeTTq < sTy eT&T sE\|\ #s Y |s H deyXeTTqT @sT #j*. nT
#jT bsTTq# usq| d+eTT #dq duT\T 3e jTeTeTT 2e |jTeTeTT
qqTd]+ sTTs duT\ H{dT sTT deyXeTT @sT #jTe#TqT. m{
deyXe TTHq qT |sb\ d+|T s\jT ue qeTT q+<T | sTTs d\ eTT sT|s<T.
HjTdeTyTq nusqqT duT\T <K\T #d=q|&T n{ nusqqT nqTd]+
deyXeTTqT @sT #jTT #s Y |s H jTT <syTjTTq~. #s Y |s H >sTVsq#, ydt
#s Y |s H d<sT ]wqT deyXeTT sT|e\djTTq~. ]wH H{ dT d+q
~H&T>, |eT 3 sE\ |\ #s Y |s H $~> deyXeTTqT @sT #jTeqT.
15e ~q n deyX| H{dT e+f ~q deyXeTT @sT #j\ <T.
18e ~|\ @sT #j*. sTT~ #sH |P] u<. y eT\yTq nusqjTq>
deyX|s#eT sT duT\T $~> d<sT nusq| d+eTT #jTeqT. H&T eq
duT\ deTT eT&e e+T nq> |sb\ d+|TeTT jTT duT\ d+K 20
eT+~ nqT=qTeTT. n+<T s+&T kqeTT\T U> eqeqT=qTeTT. n|&eq duT\T
18 eT+~ eyT. n+<T eT&e e+T sT>TsT. n+<Te\q sT>TsT duT\T d+eTT
#dq#\TqT. @&T>TsT nedseTT <T.
48 >+\ |\ d+eTT #dq duT\ =+eT+~ y] d+ eTT |d+V]+#T
=q#, ]wH H{dT ssTT+q duT\d+K n |d+ V]+#T=qTe\ Zq#
#s Y |s H ]wH MT{+>T @sT #jTT M\T+&<T. n|&T ]wH MT{+>T
qT<V]+q $wjTeTT k<sD deyXeTTq rd=se#TqT.
nu s q @ ~ j T +< T d e y X e TTqT @sT # j T e q d +# q #
#sj+XeTT k<sD deyXeTT nC+& #] #s Y |s H deyXeTTqT @sT
#jTe#TqT. nusq m+<T=s m|&T deyX|s#e\dq~ *jTCjTbsTTq#
deyXeTT @sT #jTe\dq nedseTT e+&<T.
sTT{ deyXeTT sT| <K\T #jT&q nusqqT d]+#TysT ~bT>
@\eTTq rd=q~ qy<T#jTeqT. d<sT nusq n+<Cj T&q >+qT+& 48
>+\ |\ deyXeTTqT @sT #jTT H{dT |+|eqT.
|q #|&q d#q\qT qqTd]+ ]q ]wH deyXeTT rd=q
T eTT\ ~s deyXe TT\ rd=q sj
T eTT\ > neT\T sT|e\djT T+&TqT.
2.2.6 seTT :
deyXeTT sVD VsTe\dq w duT\ d+KH seTT n n+<TsT.
w&\T`I 6e jTeTeTT d+q $<eTT> n|{ \T duT\ deTT
eT&e e+H VsT# MT{+>T @ s |eTT\T sT|s<T.
deyXeTTq ssTT+|&q deTjTeTT sTy ns>+ es seTT |P]
# Vsq duT \T sTT+q >T n+^]+q# =+ deTjTeTT yjTT+&e#TqT.
# deyXeTT ysTT< yjT&eqT. (s\T 7).
eTTdb*{ 24 eT+~ du kqeTT\T \eqT=qTeTT. n+<T s +&T kqeTT\T
U>eq# n|{ \s d+K 22 eT+~ duT\qT eyT |]>D rd= n+<T
eT&ee+T 8 eT+~ \sT Vsq MT{+>T sT| w duT \ d+K |P]jT >TqT.
w d+K |seTT duT\T VsT# H{ deyXeTT ysTT< yjTeqT. MT{+>T
sT| M\T<T. ]|H #\Hs<T. deyX bs+ueTTq seTT yTs duT\T Vs
nC+& #s sT>T deTjTeTTq =+<sT deyXeTT V\TqT e<* y[q# duTesH
w d+K yTs duT \T deyXe TT s du < <w rd= eq# du < \T
y+H deyXeTTqT eTT+ n< kqeTTqT U#jTeqT. w d+K Zq<
u$+ du qT+& y\T|\ bsTTq yT+sT deyXeTT V\T |\ VsqqT
=> eq yT+sT deyXe TTq Vs seTT d]bsTTq# MT{+>T =qk+#e#TqT.
MT{+>T eeVseTT\ bZq, de TT> $Tq+&q duT\T MT{+>T > s T Vsq T>
u$+#T M\T<T. M] \T|= w duT\ d+K rd=qeqT.(m..sY.
1926 \ d]dt 665).
w&\T`I deyX sVD jTee[ d+q seTT deyXeTT
sT>T#Tq+ d| VsT e+&e\d+<q |sb\ d+#\\ ysT b<T sT eTTd|
MTwqsY *jTCdjTTHsT (m.&dt.H+.12.551/90 4 ~. 24.4.90 >\ K).
w duT\T VsTbsTTq# MT{+>T ysTT< yjTeH |H ~ sTT
>+\ n ysTT< ydqT rs+#s<T. $<eTT> ysTT< yjTT sEq
Vsq duT\ > #s Y |s H > n~seTT<T. d<sT deyXeTT sT>qTq<H&
d+> n+<T #]+#T $wjTeTT\T duT\+<] * |PseTT> | duT eTT+<T>
ee~ qqTd]+ H{dT C #jTeqT. $<eTT> n+<C dqH | ysTT<
yjT&q deyXeTT sT| M\T<T.
H= # |d&+T m deyXeTTqT @sT #d d<sT deyXeTT seTT
eTsTd{ sEq ysTT< yd, $<eTT> ysTT< ydq sEq m ]q~.
d<sT m #\Hs< s<T #jT&q~. $wjTeTT 1925 eq rsT >eTHseTT
(m..sY. 1925 eT<dt d]dt 1152).
rsqeTT s<T #jTT > esT #jTT >. s\T 8 +< @sT
#jT&q | deyXeTT n{ rsqeTT H>Zeqq n| &T eq \s
d>eTTq e q+eT+~# \|s# e\djTTq+<Tq, d> eTT eT+~ VsT +&
deyXeTT sV+# & deyXeTTq+<T #dq rsqeTT\T #\Hse>TqT.
dqT 43 eT]jTT 74 +< $T{ yT+sqT mqT=qT sV+#&T deyXeTT
m |wj duT\ \T|= yTTeTT duT\ d> eTTeT+~ $~> VsqH |
deyXeTT =qk+#s<T.
n> ydt #s Y |s H m d>eTT eT+~ duT\T $~> VsH deyXeTTqT
=qk+#*. # ysTT< yj*. $<eTT> s+&T ksT seTT ysTT< |&
eT&e k] @sT #dq deyXe TT seTT b sTTH deyXe TTqT =qk+#e#TqT.
ydt #s Y |s HqT mqT=qe#TqT.
2.2.7 deyX| `@sT :
|sb\ d+|T s\jTeTT deyXeTT\T sT| @sT #jT&q V\TqT
\T V\T n n+<TsT. \T y] deyXeTT\jTT V s+>eTT> sTT+<T
sT>eqT. |sb\ d+|T deyXeTT\T |_ d\e ~qeTT\ sT| M\T <T.
|_ d\e ~qeTT\T nq> ~yseTT\T, |_ d\e ~qeTT\T> |uTeTT ysT
|{+q @ sTTs ~qeTT\T L& n ueq.
s\jTeTT |#jTT >+\H sT deyXeTT\T sV+#&*. s\jTeTT
| y\T <{ s b<T bjT< |sb\ d+|TeTT\T deyXeTT\T =qk>T#Tqe
|uTeTT y] <w eq~. k<sDeTT> |dT |y \ <T|] deyXeTT sT>T
d]<jTT | |]d T \ neds deTjTeTT\ ] s>e #T n~ deTeTT
<T. eq |dT |y\H Mq+yTs deyXeTT\T sT>TqT #&e\dq<
n< \y] |uT eTT ysT ]jTTHsT. (.z.jT+.jTdt.H+. 871 m+.m. ~. 2.4.1958)
{e\ L& d<sT s\TqT .#. | b{+# e\dq< sT# |sb\
d+#\\ysT <XeTT\T jTTHsT. (dsT\sY H+. 38871/87 5 ~. 26.5.89. d
n+& &.jT+.m).
sw Xdq duT&T $<qdu duT&T, eT]jTT bsyT +T duT&T dH 5(2) (m)
qqTd]+ eTTd| \T |<$ duT\T> e+<TsT. eTTd| \Ty]
deyXe TT\ MsT bZH\+f Xdqdu deyXe TT\T, $<qdu deyXe TT\T, du
deyXeTT\T, sT>T#Tq|&T sTTs B\jT+<T deyX\qT @sT #j*.
nd+_, $<q, du deyXeTT\T sT>qTe+{ nq> XyseTT+{, d\e ~qeTT
qTe+{ sE\ Mq+ es \T y] deyXeTT\T @sT #jTe\dq<
|uT d>sT #sq q+<] sT# K ydjTTHsT (H+.769/m\T 4/82
jT+.m. ~. 2.11.82) (nqT+<+`19). eq K ks+XeTTqqTd]+ nd+_/
$<q/bsyT+T deyXeTT\T sT>T ~\jT+<T +& \T deyXeTT @sT
m{ |]d T \qT nd+_ deyX\T sT>T#Tq sE\, \T y] deyXe TT\T
sT|s< > sTTq d#q\TqT | b{+#e\dq< eTTd| MTwqs
<XeTT\qT sTT jTTHsT. (>esyT+T yTys+&+ H+.250/m\T/90 m+.m. ~.
duT\ dbsT\| deyXeTT sT>TV\T |yXeTTq bdT\T H=d+>e#TqT.
sT $<+> |\ d+KqT |]$TeTT #jTT HjT|syTq nu+seTT$TjTT
e+&e ~. 2.5.60 ~.H+. 618 m|t/60`2 m+.m.>\ |uT y Tys+&+
*jTCdjTTHsT. eq sT $<eTT> L& #s Y |s H >T @sT #jTeqT.
2.2.8 MT{+>T H{dT C #jTT$<qeTT :
H{dT C#jTT $wjTeTT 1965 d+. +<|<X eTTdb*{ #eTT dH
353 $|]+q yTs H{dT C]#jT T $<e TT> jTeTeTTqT b{+#eqT.
1. d<sT duT sTT#T.
2. duT&T q&bsTTq# sTT+{jT+<T ejq duT=d+>T.
3. eP]qT+& ys=# eq# ]wsT bdT <s sTHe |+|.
4. | #| q$ k< eTT # ydeTTq n+<] |+#T |<X e TTq n+{+#T.
C\T q duT\ ~. 17.8.1942 ~. jT+.jTdt.H+. 2959 >\ |uT sT\
qqTd]+ C\T d|]+&+T <s MT{+>T H{dT s+&T | \T |+| | MT<
d+eTT rdy*.
MT{+>T H{dT {& #jTe\dq |]d nysyT ~ys eTT sE\>,
|_ d\e ~qeTT\jT+<T >, sT\jT+<T> C #jTe# TqT. deyXeTT
sT|e\dq nedyTs& | sT\+<T H{dT {& #jTT |+#eq ~.
11.5.64. H+.436 m|t`1/64`4 m+.m (nqT+<+`20) >\ yTys+&+ d+HsT.
duT&T qT MT{+>T VsT C\qjTT H{dTqT q |+|qs<
#|q|{ n H{dT n+<CjTe\djT jTTq~.
2.2.9 nC+& :
| deyXe TTqT #s j+XeTT\ d+\qyT nC+&. #s j+XeTT\qT j sT
#jTT me X< #|q# n+XeTT\qT |]w]+#TL& dT\useTT >\<T.
sT nC+&qT m jsT #j*? nH $wj w&\T` I s\T 2(3) d+|+>
#s Y |s H d+|~+ MTwqsT deyX| nC+&qT j sT #jT eqT. \Ty]#
#]+#&eq qT u$+q# MTwqsT $wjTeTTqT nC+& #se#TqT. #s Y
|s H #seT s+q @ n+XeTTHqq nC+& #seqT. nC+& #s&q
n+XeTT|qqT #s Y |s H, MTwqsT y] n_bjTeTT\qT HT <s yjTT
n~seTTqT *ZjTTHsT. d<sTHT \s dsTT #jTe#T, < \TysT
#]+#T deTjT+ $wjTeTTqT \T eTT+<T+#e#TqT.
sT $wjTeTT ~. 2.8.1939 H+. 3058 m.m.>\ |uT esTe\ 3e
|s, \Ty] #s j+XeTT> n+XeTTqT nC+& #s e\djT Tq< u$+
MTwqsT #s<\#T=q|&T n+XeTTqT nC+& #sT M\T< #s Y |s H
n&T|s<, MTwqsY yjT<\#T=q HTqT yd=qT neXeTT H=d+>eq
eTTKyTq $esD H=d+jTTHsT.
nC+& $wjTeTT = deTd\T y{ de<H\T
deTd 1. MTwqsT nC+& #]q n+XeTT\qT #sY|sYH rdyjTT
n~seTT eq<?
de<qeTT : &<y\T eTTd| MTwqsT 13.1.83 ~q |dT | nC+&qT jsT
#d #s Y |s H |+| jTTHsT. nC+& = n+XeTT\qT rdyd #s Y |s H nC+&qT
y~+ |+|&+, <T|] deyXeTT L& ]bsTT+~. |dT | nC+&qT jsT
#dq <T|], #s Y |s H n+<TqT+& = n+XeTT\qT rdyjTe#TH? nH deTd n|&T
w&`I \T bd+&+>T\ d++~+q jee[ s\T 2(3) |seTT
MTwqsT #s Y |s H d+|~+ deyXe TT jTT se\qT j sT #jT &e\jTTq,
~. 28.8.1939. H+. 3058 >\ |uT sTe\ 3e |s L&, MTwqsT #s Y
|s H d+|~+ deyXeTT jTT nC+& jsT #jTeq, MTwqsT qT>
\T y] sjTeTT =s deyXeTT eTT+<T e+#eq u$+ e+#<\#T=q#,
#s Y |s H s~+#s< eT]jTT #s Y |s H qT #|<\#T=q<yTH eq# HT <s
qT \T eTT+<T e+ @ n+XeTT|q qT #| e#Tq eq<jTT, n+<Te\q MTwqsT
nC+& #]q n+XeTTqT #s Y |s H rdyjTT n~seTT <jTT, qT #|<\#T
=q $wjTeTT HT <s #|e#TqH& n_bjTeTT y*T#T # d<sT n_bjTeTT
d]jT q <H? n <M]+#e\dq< eTTd| MTwqsT >sT eTTd| &s s T >]
n+<T\ >qT ysT 17.8.1983 ~. m.&dt.H+. 39570/83 V#Y`2 K<s
sT $esDjTTHsT.
| sX e TT MTK MTsT y*Tq n_bjTeTT d]jT q<. s\T |seTT,
nC+&qT MTwqsT >sT #s Y |s H >] d+|~+q <T|] #jTe\djTTq~.
+<qqT #s Y |s H >] <w rd= e#T MTwqsT >T #s rd<T. eT]jTT
MT{+>T d+~ L& sT $wjTeTT q n+XeTT\qT sTT eTT+<T m+{
|eTT\T sT>+& #&e\dq~.
\T y] y<eTT b+<e\dq n+XeTTqT j dq T n~| T \<s MTwqsT
se+, MTwqsT d+y T q s MT{+>T >Tek |+|+, |\ T n|Py &q
|j+\TqT { |dT | nC+& jsT#jT& #s Y |s H >] |+|&+
ds k<sD+> sT>T e+T+~. sT |j +T n|Py #jT e\dq n~syT e]~?
nH deTd | $esDs+, n+<T| ~. 21.6.1971 ~. &.&dt.H+. 22608/71_ >\
dsT \sY |sb\ d+#\\T V <u<T ysT d#q*jTTHsT. d#q\ qqTd]+
MTwqsY |jT+TqT n|Py #dq |<| |\TqT #s Y |s H |+|q# y] jTT
n_bjTeTT yd=qe#Tq, MTwqsY jTT n_bjTeTTqT esT>, rdyj T T>
L&<, $<eTT> #dq# w&\T`I s\T 2(3) qT n$T+qT >\<
$|]+jTTHsT. eq n|Py &q |j+T\T d++~+q |\T MTwqsT
e<qT+& eq sTy #s Y |s H |+| deTTeTT.
deTd 2. n|Pe &q n+XeTT\qT @ esTd eTeTT nC+&#s*?
de<qeTT : $wjTeTT ~. 10.7.1971 ~. jT+.jTdt.H+. 584 m+.m. >\ |uT
sT\<s C#jT&q |sb\ d+|T deyXeTT\ s VD jee[
$e]+jTTHsT. jee[ 2e jTeTeTT deyXeTTq+<T sT|e\dq
seTeTT jTT $eseTT\T #s Y |s H >] y<eTT MTwqsY jsT #jTeq
sT ~>Te qT<V]+q esTd eTeTT qT+&eq d+jTTHsT.
1. |X\T.
2. \T y] y<eTT =s e+#e\dq eTT\T.
3. nedseT #s Y |s H u$+ |yX|&T eeVseTT\T.
4. dqT 31(m) +< @sT #jT&q $T{y] d\V\T ]bsT\T.
5. rsqeTT\T.
$<eTT> jsT#jT&q nC+&, #s Y |s H d+eTT C #jTeq ~.
8.7.1953 ~. H+. 1478 m.m.>\ (nqT+<+ `21) |uT s T \ d+jTTHsT.
deTd 3. nC+& $wjTeTTqT \T #]+#e#?<?
de<qeTT : nH $wj |]o*d nC+& n+XeTT\qT #]+#s<, duT \+<s
Vs => #]+#<\ T#Tq n+XeTT| mes nu +se TT |b sTTq# n{ n+XeTTqT
#]+#e#Tq. ~. 3.9.1938 ~. H+. 3464 m.m. >\ |uT s T e\ d+HsT.
sT $wjTeTT |uTeTT ysT <]$T d<sT d#q\qT esT#jTT M\T<
nedsyT w&\T`I s\T 1 qqTd]+ d|yT+] nC+& C#d #]+#e#Tq
~. 9.1.39 ~ H+ 96 m.m >\ |uT sTe d+jT THsT.
~. 7.1.1972 ~q ]q sT| eTTd| \T y] deyXe TTq C#jT &q
nC+& &dq eTdyjTT nqT n+XeTT #]+ eTdy jTT sjTeTT
rd=jTTHsT. $wjTeTT +<|<X VsTysT #\< rsTqT sTTjTTHsT.
rsT ks+XeTT sT $<eTT> qTq~.
w&T`I s\T 2qqTd]+ deyXeTT sT>T~, deTjTyT +&, n+<T
sT>T s|eTT\qT \T| H{dT deyXeTT ~ deTT eT&T |P] ~qeTT\T
\ee~ H=d+ C#jTeq b$qT eq<, MTwqsT #s Y |s H d+|~+
deyXeTT jTT nC+&qT jsT #jTeq, @ $wjTeTTH H \T y]#
#]+#&ejT Tq MTwqsT q# nC+&, #s e#Tq, #s Y |s H @ n+XeTTHH
#s eT *jT Cdq # n+XeTTqT MTwqsT #s e#Tq, 3.1.72 ~q C#jT &q
MT{+>T H{dT nC+& sT n+XeTT #s&<T d]<! d<sT n+XeTTqT #s Y |s H
d+|~+ MTwqsT |yX|{qT >, #s Y |s H qT> nC+& #]qT >
<seTT\T @$TjTT sT #|&<T. n+<Te\q 7.1.1972 ~ ]q eTTd|
\T deyXe TT &dq eTdyj T T n+XeTTqT +qT<T. eq nC+&
n+XeTTqT >T]+ +#s<T. |]w]+#s<T. rsqeTT #jTs<T.
deTd 4. d|yT+] nC+& L& eT&T sE\ \ee~ +&?
de<qeTT : k<sD deyX| nC+& |+|q s d|y T +] nC+& |+|<\ #T+f
n+<T L& eT&T sE\T \ee~ e+&\ ~. 4.11.1939 ~. m+.mdt.H+.
4324 >\ |uT sTe\ 2e |s d+jTTHsT.
> deyXeTT ysTT< yjT&q n+XeTT\T sT deyX| nC+& #s*.
]wHq T MT{+>T @ n+XyT H ysTT< yjT & eTs\ dw MT{+>TH #]+#?
<T|] k<sD deyXeTT nC+& #se#? ByT H \ee~ eq<? nH
$wjTeTT |uTeTTysT ~ 14.5.70 ~. jT+.jTdt. H+. 365 m+.m.>\ sT\
B >T]+ #eTT sTT<$T<eTT> m# dw]+#< dw MT{+>T #s?
k<sD deyX| nC+& #s?nH $wjT eTT #s Y |s H sj
T eTT rd=qe#Tq
deTd 5. nC+& jsT#jTTq|&T @ nC+& nC+&esTd H+sT
sTTy? ] d+eseT+ H+sT esTd eTeTT
+{q #j?
de<qeTT : $wjTeTT ~. 13.3.1969 ~. sY.H+. ~. 194 jT+.m.>\ |uT
sT\ nC+& eeTT @ deyX| nC+& deyXeTTq | esTd
H+sT H=d+>eq, $TT |deTT rsqeTT\ eeTT ] d+eseTT
yTT<\T= n+eTTes esTd H+sT =qk+#\ d+jTTHsT.

deTd 6. deyX| H{dT\qT eT]jTT nC+& | mese] |+b*?
de<qeTT : deyX| H{dT\qT eT]jTT nC+&qT +~ y] |+|eqT :
1. \T duT\+<] n+<Cj*.
2. | $KsT ]q# y] sTTeeT ~ 28.3.1938 ~ H+. 1074 >\
|uT yTys+&+ d\V sTTjTTHsT.
3. deyX| nC+& |\qT | $Ks d|sTT #jTe#Tq ~.22.8.1950
~ H+. 1672 m.m.>\ (nqT+<+ `22) |uT s T e\ d+jTTHsT.
4. \T ysT ssTT+q yTs sjT b\ L& eTTd| \Ty]
deyX| nC+&\qT |+| |uTeTT |]wH sTTjTTHsT.
(.z.jT+.jTdt.H+.1188.m.m.~. 5.6.1950).
deTd 7. sT |jTsT nkdjTwH ysT eTTd| \T y] deyXeTT
nC+& | |+|eq ] |+b* e+<?
de<qeTT : $wjT eTT qs|PsY {Hy |s Y s T |jTsY nkdjT wH ysTs> |uT eTT
ysT, y] ]qT eT+#{ M\T < s T \ jTTHsT. d<s T s T e\ ks+XeTT
|qTe TT neT\T eq #e TT yTs nqsTT+#T=q# sT $<e TT> eq~.
+<|<X eTTdb*{ #eTT w&\T`I s\T 4 qqTd]+ eTTd|
\T jTT n deyXeTT\T Vs+>eTT> sT|eqT. sT |jTsT | *q
ysT deyXeTTq VsT e#TqT. sT>T s|eTT\T *d=qe#TqT. n+<T
e+#&q $TT |deTT H{ s|eTT\qT qy<T #jT& n y\jT+<T
m{ sTdTeTT> +&, #e TT +< eTTdb*{ |qT #*+ #T @ ej
T q |+ #T
neXeTTq~. eq eTTd| \T y] deyX| nC+& d |sTT #jTeT d<sT
nkdjTwH y] ]qT eT+#T M\T < *|jTTHsT. eq nC+& |
y] H=d+>s<T. (>esyT+T yTys+&+ H+. 1452/m|t1/64`2 ~. 11.8.64)
6. deyX| nC+& |T\T |+T #d d|sTT #jTe#TqT. |+T #jTT
Mq e |\T |+T #j*. (.z. 43 m.m.H+.~. 9.1.1952).
deTd 8. mC+&| mesT d++ #j*?
de<qeTT : .z.H+. 1475 ~.8.7.53 |s+ duT\ |+| \T mC+&|
eTT| #s|sH d++ #jTe\d +T+~.
deTd 9. mC+& | |dt n+<CjTeH?
de<qeTT : mC+& | | d]> |dt n+<CjTeqH& +<q m&
<T. |sT>TTq de#s eed nqT>TDeTT> .z H+. 1672 ~. 22.8.1950
(nqT+<+-22) |s+ y] L& n+<CjTe#TqT.
2.2.10 |X\T :
|]b\q sT>T TbqT >T]+ ydeeTT *d=qT duT&T #s Y |s HqT
|+ \T deyXeTT de<qeTT d]+#e#TqT.
sT $wjTyT ~. 18`12`1965 ~. jT+.jTdt.H+.1467 m+.m.>\ |uT
sTe\ <s |X\ jTee[ C#djTTHsT.
d<sT jee[ qqTd]+ duT\T |X\T |+|eqT. duT\T |+|q |XqT
nC+& #s eT n< \ ysT s T #dq s d<s T |X qT jT<<e TT> nC+&
#s eqT. |sb\q d++<e TT @ $wjT eTTqT |X s|eTT> n&T>s<T. @ duT &H
|X\T |+|<\#T=q# @&T sE\T \ ee~ H=d+>eqT. B e ee~
|+|q |XHH qT nC+& #s<\#T=q# #s Y |s H #se#TqT. MT{+>T ~ <{
eq |X\T <T|] s>ue deyXeTTq \ee~ eqT> u$+#
e\djTTq+<Tq, d<sT |XqT D+> |]o*+ nC+& #s <>TH?<?nH&
$wjTeTT| #s Y |s H sjTeTT rdy*. eq deyX| nC+& jsT #jT&T
eTT+<T>H duT\T |+|q |X # |seTT, jTeT<eTT>qTq# nC+& #sT
$wjTeTT #s Y |s H sjTeTT #jTeqT. sT <s |+#+>, #s Y |s H rdT=q
sj T eTTq |ejTeTT> d+#T neXeTT L& eqT q|&< T . n+ eeTTq
|X\T nC+& #sT $wjTeTT nqeds C|eTT #jTs<T. yqTy+H sjT+
rd+& C|eTT #d duT\T VsT ]{<s de< qeTT #|eT sT\T rd=#
neXeTTq <V<|&s<T. |XqT nC+& #s{ > rdyjTT{ > #s Y
|s H |P] n~syT Td+>&q~. k] #s Y |s H |X qT nC+& #s { n+^]+q
<T|] eTs\ nC+&qT+& rdyjTs<T.
nC+& #]q | |XqT |X |+|q duT&T ed+V]+#T=q bsTTq m&\
#s Y |s H de<qeTT #| rseqT. |XqT n&q duT&T, du eTT sTTqq,
deyXeTTq VsTbsTTqq de<qeTT #|e\dq |<T. #sY |sH
#|<\T#Tq# #|e#TqT.
|X de<qeTT #|q s <| #sqT>, ywqT |b~+#T>
neXeTT H=d+>s<T. nC+&qTq |X deyXeTT eTT+<T> de<qeTT #|
s n+XeTT #]+#eqT. @ eeTT ysTT< yjTs<T.
n&q |X sTTq qe<qeTT \T y] bd&+>T\ qy< T #jTeqT.
duT\T n&q |X\ MTwqsT de<qeTT jsT#d #s Y |s H y<eTT b+~
deyXe TT sEq d<e TT> e+#eqT. |X \ d++~+q |P] de#seTT |d T ysT
deyXeTTq eTT+<T>H #s Y |s H n+<CjTeqT. |X\ de<qeTT\T
j s T # j T T y{ j T T X < q T ( s H d t ) > T ]+ u< q T M Tw q s T
eV+#e\djTT+&TqT. eq de<q+ d]jTq<? <? nH& $wjTeTT |P] u<
MTwqsT| qT+&TqT. k] |P]> de<qeTT #|q |XqT eTs\ ] yjTs<T.
dsk<sDeTT> deyX\ sTT+sY|wq| qeTjT deTd\qT sTT&
|X\ $wjTeTT = deTd\T`de<H\T
deTd 1. sTTq de<H\ nqT+< |X\T duT\T yjTe# ?
de<qeTT : s\T 8 s +&e b$qT qqTd]+ n{ nqT+< |X \qT s]+#T
<T|] deyXeTT = |X> seT #| de<qeTT #| #s Y |s H
n~s H=d+>&jTTq+<Tq, H{ |]d neX, j |X\ qqTd]+,
qyTq nqT+< |X\qT nqTeT+#e#TqT. s\TqT n$ T+qe, de<qeTT
#| \ee~ e\dqjTTq< #s Y |s H u$+q# s]+#e#TqT.
deTd 2. |X\T |+|q duT\ de<qeTT\T |+|<T @eT?
deyXeTT #sY |sYHqT |+#+ sT>TT+~.
de<qeTT : n{ deTjTeTT\ ~. 4.11.39 jT+.jTdt.H+. 4324 m.m.>\ |uT
s T \q 3(m) $esD |X \T |+|q duT q de<qeTT |+|e\dq |<
eq< duT <w rd= seqT. deyXeTT nC+& esTd eTeTT de<qeTT
#~$ d]bT+~.

3 (_) +< sTTq $esD |]o*d sTT+sY|w q T jT<<e TT> (sTTH{{) nC+&
yjTT eTTKeT *|q $wjTeTT #s Y |s H >eT+#*.
deTd 3. duT\T sTTq sTT+sY|wqT \T>T sTe #jTe#TH?
de<qeTT : d+<V e #jTeT &| eTTd| MTwqsT >sT |uTeTT
y] s> n+<T\ nu+seTT @$T< *|HsT (.z.jT+.jTdt. H+. 599 m.m.
~. 5.6.1955).
deTd 4. |X\ de<qeTT\ |T\qT duT\ dsT{ #jTeH?
de<qeTT : #s Y |s H |X\ de<qeTT\T deyXeTTH #|eq eq+<Tq,
|+ de<qeTT\ |T\qT duT\ dsT{ #jTqedseTT <T. (.z.jT+.jTdt.
H+. 599 m.m. ~. 5.6.1955). sTT< $wjTeTT |uT &|P{ d] >sT ~.
7.6.1968 H+. 168 K |X\ de<H\T duT\ dsT{ #jTe\dq |<
H* eTTd| #sH dweTT #djTTHsT.
2.2.11 rsqeTT |b~+#T () ywH :
dqT 53(2) qqTd]+jTTq ~. 18.11.65 ~ jT+.jTdt.H+. 1369 m+.m.>\
|uT s T e\ <s C#jT &q deyXe TT |yX |&T rsqeTT\ jee[
qqTd]+ |s|]b\q d++<yTq rsqeTT\qT |yX|{ | duT ns
jTTq~. |b~+#<\#T=q rsqeTT jee[ qqTd]+ deTeTT> qTq#,
s~+#{ me] V<T. rsqeTTq |b~+#yT ywH n L& n+{sT.
d<sT rsqeTT ywqT jTeT<eTT> eq# s~+#s<T. @ duT&H
|b<qqT MT{+>T nC+& #s e\dq< #s Y |s HqT s<\ #T+f |~sE\T \ee~
H=d+ #s Y |s H |+b*. #s Y |s H n+^]+q# e \ee~ eq |b<HH
nC+& #se#T. @ duT&H |b~+ |+|&q rsqeTT jTee[ qqTd]+
deTeTT> b d<sT $wjTeTT #s Y |s H d+|~+ MTwqsT d<sT duT <w
rd=seqT. d<sT $wjTeTT $y<d<yTq<q# d<sT jTee[ s\T 5 +<
#s Y |s H sj
T eTT rd=qeqT. duT es H |b<q yH |+|q# #s Y |s H H{dT
b+& nC+& #ss<T.
@ duT&H MT{+>T nC+& #se\dq~> sT# |+|q |b<q nC+&
#sT eTT+<T> |Ps|s\qT $#]+, #eTT dqT\ qqTd]+ |uTeTT
C#dq s\T qqTd]+, eTTdb*{jT T ]d , \TysT <w rd=ye \dq
nedseTTq#, n{ $wjTeTT\qT MTwqsY HT <s \T *jT|s#eqT.

|b<q $wjTeTT = deTd\T`de<H\T
deTd 1. |b<q me+&*? deyXeTT m desD\T |b~+#*?
m #]+#*?
de<qeTT : |b<q\T e+>eTT>qT, |sTeqweTT *Z+#$, >&yT q$ +&,
|dTyTq$> $wjTeTTqT $e]+# $<eTT> e+&*. |u TeTTqT, |uT |+<qT
es+# $<eTT> e+&s<T. |b~+q duT&T \T deyXeTTq+<T d<sT
rsqeTTqT |yX|e#T, |d+V]+#T =qe#T. |yX|&q |b<q ys=
duT# \|] | deyXeTT #]+#s<T. |b~+q duT&T deyXeTT
|\Te&q|&T Vs jTT+&*. # ys=sH d<sT| b<qqT |yX|{*. #
n{ |b<q |d+V]+ &qT> |]>D+#*.
rsqeTT |b~+#Ty] |bsT n \|s#T y] d+&sT n n+<TsT.
|bs~+#&q rsqeTT| eTT+<T |bsT e{&eqT. \|sq rsqeTT|
#]+#T M\T<T . eq y+H duT &T \|s# e qT. |b~+#&q rsqeTT|
#s =qk>T#T+&> d<sT rsqeTT = e\TqT rdyjTT> = e\qT
\T|> yeTTq <T\T> = yeTTqT #s ]qjT&\ n+<T
desD |b~+#eqT. BH desD rsqeTT n n+<TsT.
|b~+q duT&T deyXeTT e{&{ VqT b+~jTTHsT. s+&Tks
+f me e{&s<T. d<sT |b<qyTs #s=qk+#*. |b<q #]+#&T
deTjTeTT jTee[ qT<V]+q |]~H desD |b~+#*.
duT es H e{&< \ #T=q|&T du < ! n d+u~+ e{&T |$T+#*.
>se duT\ ] H=sT e{&{> y<|y<eTT\ ~>+ |s<T.
#s Y |s H |]wHH rsqeTT| e{&*.
|sb\ d+|T duT \T rsqeTT\qT #s Y |s H |+b*. d<s T rsqeTT\qT nC+&
#s{ #s Y |s H n+^]dH eTTd| MTwqsT nC+& #s*. d<sT rsqeTT
deTeTT> # #s Y |s H d+|~+, d<sT d+> duT <w rd=seqT.
@ rsqeTTHH MTwqsT |+|jT Tq# jT<<e TT> qT> nC+& #s {
MTwqsT n~seTT<T. y{ #s Y |s H |+|, y{ \T nC+& #s?
<? nH& $wjTeTT #s Y |s H sT\ =s yjTT+&eqT.(.z.jT+.jTdt. H+.
4324 m.m. ~. 4.11.1939).

eTTd| MTwqsT +>\T y] *qZ d+<V \qT e #jT eT Hds T qs
|t \T usT y] ]jTTHsT. y{| sTTq $esD ks+XeTT\qT sT +<
deTd 2. |b<qqT es+#{ \|s# T ysT (d+&sT ) nedse ?
de<qeTT : eTTd| \T deyXeTT\ sVD eTje[ s>TwH 18
qqTd]+ rsqeTTq nqTL\e? |L\e? nH& n_bjTeTTqT duTesH
y*T#e#TqT. #s Y |s H n&q esTd eTeTTH $<eTT> y] n_bjTeTT\qT
*jTCjTeqT. rsqeTTqT es+#{ \|s#T(d+&sT)ysT nedseTT<T.
+<|<X eTTd| \T rsqeTT\T |b~+#T s\T (.z.jT+.jTdt.
H+. 1369 m+.m. ~. 18.11.1965) s\T 8 (2) +< #s sT>T#Tq rsqeTTq
desD s|D |b~+#T n e<X y T q # \|s# e \dq< nq> desD rsqeTTq
d+&sT nedseTT.
deTd 3. esqT $TT |deTT yjTeH? $TT |deTT
yjT+& bsTT+{ |t ssY > s{ #jTe#TH?
de<qeTT :n~ |HdeTT eyTjTq# ]sT #jTe\dq nedseTT< T. n~
rsqeTTq desDjT d+&sT eq# $TT |deTT yjTeqT. #
deTd 4. z{+>T rd=qeT e&#d z{+>T rdeH?
de<qeTT : z{+>T rd=H |< s>TwH H+ 8 $$]+jTTHsT. duT\T z{+>T
rd=qeT &e+&T #dq|&T #s Y |s H z{+>T rde+ | nqT sTTweTT eqT
#jTT M\T<T. z{+>T rd=qeTH &e+&TqT sTT<sT \sT e +&
e+&eqT. n|&T #s Y |s H z{+>T rd= rsqeTTq nqTL\TsT mes? |L\TsT
mes? y] |sqT yjTeqT.(.z. H+. 329 m.m. ~. 25.1.1939).
deTd 5. deyXeTT sT>T#Tq|&T @ $wjTeTT MT<HH e{&eT #sY |sYH
]|sY #jT+& &s> MTwqsTqT n&>e#TH? eT]jTT n|{
#s Y |sY H# s*+>T sTTe&q $wjT eTT eTT+<T> |]wH rd=q+&
eTTd| MTwqsT e{&e#TH?
de<qeTT : y&\T s>Twq s>TwH 12 eT]jTT 13 \sT @ |<


e{&e\dq~ *|jTTHsT. \sT m|&T L& #s H <s e{&eqT.
@$wjTeTTHH $esD sTTeeT \sT MTwqsTqT sT s\T b$qT
<T. @ $wjTeTT L& HsT> MTwqsTqT $esD sTTeeT n&T>s<T. $esD
s<\#T=q# #s Y |s H <s se#TqT. eT<dT eTTdb*{\ #eTT dH
18 (m) +<|<X eTTdb*{\ #eTT dH 58 +< eTTd| MTwqsT
deyXeTT e{&T sTTs $<eTT> bZqq n~seTT \<T. bsTT+{
|t ssT| #s Y |s H s*+>T sTTq <T|] MTwqsT e{&s<T. (dsT\sY H+
55203/59 _2 ~. 15.7.1959 .. m.m)
deTd 6. H &H ywH $T+ @sT #dq | deyXeTT bsyT+{
duT\T m n|wj duT\T> |eD ds+ #jTe#TH?
de<qeTT : { $wjT eTT |uT eTT yTy H+. 514/m\H (1)/58`1, ~: 27.05.85
(nqT+<+ `23) <s { | deyXe TT bsy T +T duT \T m n|w j
duT \T>
|eD ds+ #jTe#Tq $esD e&+ ]+~.
deTd 7. #s Y |s H ysTT< ydq deyX s duT \T ] =qkd #\TT +<?
de<qeTT : |uTeTT { $wjTeTT |uTeTT yTy H+. 4141/m|t`1/65`2,
m+.m.~: 15.01.66 (nqT+<+`24) <s $esD e&+ ]+~. B <s #sY
|sH ysTT< ydq deyX s duT\T ] =qkd n~ #\TuT <T.
deTd 8. |eD ds+ #jT bsTTH, m |wj yT+sT \T deyX
de<qeTT : { $wjTeTT d+#\\T ysT sY H+. 738/2000/m\H`1, ~:
09.04.2000 (nqT+<+ `25) <s |eD ds+ #jT bsTTH m |w j yT+sT
\T deyX bZqe#Tq $esD e&+ ]+~.
2.2.12. d+>T zT :
deyXeTT H= n+XeTT| sq usq ] T< z{+>T eq|&T
rsqeTTq nqTL\TsT, |L\TsT deq d+K qT+&qjT&\ #s Y |s H jTT
zTqT @ |eTTq d+>&H |eTTq nqTL\eTT> rsqeTT #jT&TqT.#s Y
|s H zT q s L& s+&T |eTT\T deqyTq m&\ #s Y |s H >\ s+&e
zTqT n+ sj T | zT> rd= |]w]+# e#TqT. s +& Te zTH d+ >T zT
n n+<TsT.
m|&|&T @ @ |]dT\ eTTd| #sH q yTT< { k<sDyTq zTqT
eT]jTT s+&T d+>T zTqT $j+#Ty* nHTe+{ nqTeH\T se+
<s |uTeTT y] <w b> ysT d<sT nqTeH\qT e #d sTTq $esD\
ks+XeTTqT sT +< *jTCjT&yTq~.
1. yTT< k<sD zT $wjTeTT s duT\ e~]>H #s Y |s H L& n<
deTjTeTT, n< MT{+>T zTqT $j+#T =qe#TqT. z{+>T #TT
\&T <s ] $<eTT>H #s Y |s H L& #sTT mT > \&T
#jTT <s > zTqT $j+#T=qe#TqT.
2. zT deqyTq | d+<seTTqT w&`I s\T 5 qqTd]+ #s Y |s H 2e
(sjT|) d+>T zTqT $j+#T VqT *jTTHsT.
3. #s Y |s H qT duT&T> q k<sD yTT<{ zTqT $j+# bsTTH,
deqeTT> zT eq|&T | d+<seTTqT q d+> T zTqT
$j+#T=qT HjTqTks <seTT. (.z.H+. 1947 m.m. ~. 17.7.1941)
2.2.13 bsTT+{ |t ssY :
|b<q |q>, rsqeTT|q >, desD |q>, > |X | >, ysTT< sT
ywH |q >, z{+>T|q >, |X |q >, n~ m+es HjTeTT? <X eTT
@$T{? |dTqjTeTTqT >T]+ |+#TH bsTT+{ |t ssT n n+<TsT. <
jTT ns, deTqjTeTT yTT<\>T y{ #s Y |s H <w rd=se&yT. #s sT>T#Tq
n+XeTT| m|&H sT bsTT+{ |t ssTqT rd= se#TqT. \|s#T z{+>T
|yTjT+ e+&<T.
dH 51 (2) +< #s Y |s H deyXeTT eTqT b{+#eqT. n+<TeqeT>T
bsTT+{ |t ssT q+{ |]w]+#eqT. d<sT bsTT+{ |t ss| #s
$es<T. #eTT sTTs #|& | #s Y |s H sT &|{ rsT (|q).
|sb\ d+|T deyX| se\ sVD jTee[ s >Twq T 24 qqTd]+
@ \sH , m|&H #s Y |s H T~ s T \ =s bsTT+{ |t ss T qT |yX |e#TqT.
n{ bsTT+{ |t ss T #s sT>T n+XeTTq d ++~+q< e+&eqT. bsTT+{
|t ssT | #s Y |s H sjTeTT |q nsTTq+<Tq, n eTTKyTq $wjTeTT #s Y |s H
n<seTT>, bsTT+{ |t ssT d |q# (s\TW{) #s Y |s H sTe\| sTysT
d<sT $wjTeTTqT ]yE #jTe#TqT. eT]jTT bdT #dq rsqeTTqT deTeTT> <
&sT #jTe#TqT.
2.2.14 rsqeTT\| #s rd=qTqT d+#T ]wsT :
\T ysT bdT #dq rsqeTT\| #s rd=qT C|eTT sT>T#Tq<,
M{ |]o*+#T ]wsTqT ~>Te qT<V]+q \eTT\ |seTT
yTsTTHfqT#jTeT |sb\ d+#\\ysT d+jTTHsT.
1. esTd H+., 2. \Ty] rsq+ H+sT. ~, 3. n+XeTT d+>V ds|eTT,
4. rd=q#s, 5. s+T H+sT, 6. ]esT\T.(jT.&dt.H+.5176/54 ~.4.2.55
.m.._. &dt.H+. 7484/63 ~. 2.12.63 &.jT+.@)
eq d<sT ]wsT yTsTTHfqT #d 56 (_) +< \T y] eTT+<T e+#eqT.
2.2.14(1) rsqeTT| #s rd=qb :
\T ysT bdT #dq rsqeTT| #sH > MTwqsT> #s rd=qT<
*dq|&T, d<sT rsqeTT| m+<T #s rd=q< $e]+#eT sT>sT,
y] d+CsTTw seqT. d+CsTTw #T d]jTq neXeTT jTeqT. <T|]
d<sT rsqeTT| y~ d+CsTTw eq#, d<sT d+CsTTwbT> |uTeTT
y] |+|eqT. y~ | < eTTd| \T y] L& |+|eqT.
sT qT+& y~ n+~q y+H, d+CsTTw, y ~qT eT]jTT sTTs
|]o*+ nedseT u$+q# dH 64 du dH 2 +< |uTeTT ysT #s
rd=qeqT eT]jTT rsqeTT\| \j|q>, @ $<yTq <T|] #s rdT=qb
MTwqsT djT+> u< eV+#e\d +T+< Hds T qs |t m&ww H
ysT eT dsT\sY m.&dt. 41257/55 ~. 30.8.55 eT]jTT sY..d. H+. 9710/
56`B ~. 8.2.56 <s *jTCd HsT.
y \T # $sT<+> @<H rsqeTT #jTT |PqT=+f MTwqsT n{
$wjT+ \T <w s\T bwH #|eqT. nsTTq|{ \T rsqeTT #d
n{ rsqeTTqT dd+& #jTT>qT MTwqsT <T|] #s \T rdT=qeqT. (dsT\sY
m.&dt. H+. 59792/56 ~. 12.11.56 (nqT+<+`26) |s+.
2.3 +{ ` bq\T $T{ qeyXeTT\T :
dH 43 qqTd]+ @sT &q +{ $T{> , dH 74 qqTd]+ @sT
&q bq\T $T{ >, d<sT $T{ sVD C #j T&q s\T s\T 2
qqTd]+ #s Y |s H n< eV+#*. #s Y |s H VsT |e TT d<s T $T{ yT+s
m+|q duT&T n<kqeTT q\+]+ deyXeTTqT =qk+#e#TqT.
2.4 ysT $T{\T (dH`5(_) eT]jTT 5(&)) :
2.4.1 duT\T :
2008 d+es+ V#Ym+d #+ eT]jTT eTT| #+ de]+|&, |
ysT L ysT $T{ @sT#d $<q+ neT\T nsTT+~. ysT $T{ d++~+q
b++ mqT&q ysT duT\T ysT $T{ n< \T> +{sT.
b+rjT du |<T\T, eT]jTT ysT bs esZ\ m+| #jT&q |~eT+~
duT\T $<q+ |s+ eTT| s=swH/eTT| \T <s HeTsX+
(H$TH{) #jT &sT. ysT $T{ H$TH{ #jT &qy] d>+ eT+~ duT \T eTV
+{sT.ysT $T{ \|]$Tr mqT& ysT duT\ \|]$TH eTT&|&
+T+~. ysT $T{ deyX\ s eeVs\ sVD $<H nqTd]+
+T+~. ysT $T{ ~>Te |s=q $<T\qT sV+#e\d +T+~. nsTT \
Hu| q eTTb*{\T q>s |+#sTTr\ $wjTeTT dH 5(&) |seTT
ysT du\T @sT #jTe\d +T+~.
2.4.2 $<T\T`n~s\T :`
{ ds|s |+|D: M~ Bb\ |rsT: s& d++~+q q q eTseTT\T:
esT, bsT\T, & d\ sVD se\ neT\T, eTTd| s=swH/\T
jT+D q |d +<\ dT|T\, s> +<\ | rsTqT |sy+#&+:
|qT\T, |qTs ed ydT\TuTqT *+#&+: |C |jH\ d+ #|f
|<\ d+ \_<sT\ C_qT jsT#jT&+: +< q\ L&q $<q+
y] ysT n_e~ |D[qT sb+~+#&+: ysT jTT eT* d<Tbj\ dqT
sb+~+#&+, eTTd| dT\ C_ j: |uT+ neT\T #d n |<\
dVs n+~+#&+: s+#&q @yH s $<T\qT sV+#&+. ysT $T{
ysT d++~+q @<H $wj >T]+ $TwqsYqT de#s+ n&> VqT *
+~: $T{, eTTd| \T jTT b+\y n_e~ | D[, eT]jTT |<q
|D[ >T]+q de#s d]dT+ ~: eTTd| \T &{ >T]+ |P]> $T{
\TdT+T+~. ysT d++~+q, b+rjT +<q\T eT]j TT u$T n_e~
$wj\qT >T]+ $T{ d+|+~#e\d +T+~: ysT <j deTL]|f
n+X\qT >T]+q |P] $es\qT d]+# V * +T+~.
2.5 @]j du\T dH 5(d) :
2.5.1 duT\T :
s=swH < eTTb*{ | ysT Hu <s+> q d+K
@]j\T> $u+#&TT+~. $<+> $u+#&q | b++q, b+ |]~
qT+& mq |<T\ L&q b+ duqT @sT #j Te\d +T+~. |
b+, bs de+ qT+& $<q+ eTTd| s=swH < \T <s
m+| #jT&q b+du |~ +{&T. b+du |~ jeT \|]$T,
k<sD+> d++~ eTTd| s=swH < \T duT \|]$T f eTT&|&
2.5.2 $<T\T`n~s\T :
@]j du < jTT sVD|sy T q , k+|s y T q , ]| s y T q , eek|s y T q
keTs\ d++~+q ne>Vq, ysT b++ yd$ |]dT\qT >T]+
\TdT=, ~>Te |s=q $<T\qT, se\qT #|e\d +T+~.
D b+du |b<q\qT sb+~+, |<\ b<e\qT, neT\Ts|e\dq
n_e~ se\qT ssTT+, y{ ysT $T{ n_e~ |D[ #s&
M\T> ysT $T{ bssT #d |+|&+.
D |uT+ ssTT+q |eD\ <s+>, |C |jH\ |< \ d+ ns
*q e\qT >T]+, nTe+{ \_<sT\ C_qT b<q eT+ jsT#d,
ysT $T{ n_e~ |D #s& M\T> ysT $T{ bssT #d |+|&+.
D |uT ] dVjT+ |qqT, d_&\ e+{ $$< d+ eT |<\ \_b+<TTq
e\ ns\qT |]o*+#&+.
D b+du |]~ { ds|s, M<T\ $<TBsD, b]X< @s b\qT
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D |C |jH\ d++~+q, Xu, |sesD |]sD, \Tw ysD e+{
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D b+ du\ deyX\qT $<q+ sV+#&+.
2.6 |uT n~s\T :
dqT 59 +< |uT+ ysT sswH jT rsqeTTqT >, sTe\qT >,
dqT >, |]wH > s<T #jTT < *eTT> \T|<\ #jTT n~seTT
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=\+# n~seTT \<T.
eT]jTT s\T |s+ | duT&T |_ ds+T> u$+#+ sT>TT+~.
2.7 HjT |]~ :
j H+. 11/2011 <s de]+#&q .|. jTT #eTT, 1983 dqT 2
(3) |s+ | #sY |sH, ydt #sY |sH , duT\T n+<sT L& # |]~
+< eksT. ysT L& |_ ds+{ > |]>D+|&sT.

nqT+< |{
nqT+<+ d+K | H+.
nqT+<+`1 ................................................................. 62
nqT+<+`2 ................................................................. 63
nqT+<+`3 ................................................................. 64
nqT+<+`4 ................................................................. 65
nqT+<+`5 ................................................................. 66
nqT+<+`6 ................................................................. 67
nqT+<+`7 ................................................................. 68
nqT+<+`8 ................................................................. 70
nqT+<+`9 ................................................................. 71
nqT+<+`10................................................................ 72
nqT+<+`11................................................................ 73
nqT+<+`12................................................................ 74
nqT+<+`13................................................................ 75
nqT+<+`14................................................................ 76
nqT+<+`15................................................................ 77
nqT+<+`16................................................................ 79
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nqT+<+`19................................................................ 82
nqT+<+`20................................................................ 83
nqT+<+`21................................................................ 84
nqT+<+`22................................................................ 85
nqT+<+`23................................................................ 86
nqT+<+`24................................................................ 87
nqT+<+`25................................................................ 88
nqT+<+`26................................................................ 89
J#|O^O 1
Memo No. 1817/Elections/96-1 M.A., Dated : 12-9-1996

Sub : Representation of Mayors to C.M. - Certain Powers - Delegation - Reg.


The Mayors of Municipal Corporations have represented to the Government to give

certain powers to them for smooth functioning of administration.
After careful examination of their representation and for administrative convenience,
the Government hereby give power to the Mayors of the Municipal Corporations for internal
supervision of staff. Government also direct that the commissioners should consult Mayors
while making internal transfers of staff.


All the Mayors of the Municipal Corporations in the state.
All the Commissioners of Municipal Corporations.
Copy to :
The Special Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration,

// forwarded by order //


// true copy //

Additional Commissioner
Visakhapatnam, GVMC
J#|O^O 2
Memo No. 20507/Ele. II/2001- M.A., Dated : -11-2001

Sub :- Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation -- Internal supervision. of staff - delegation of

powers to the Mayors of Municipal Corporation -- Clarification issued -- Regarding.

Ref. :-From the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Visakhapatnam

Lr. Rc. No. 13412/2001/C7, dated : 10-9-2001.
The attention of the Commissioner, Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation is invited to
the reference cited and he is informed that as per the provisions in the Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation Act, the Commissioner have powers on overall administration. As such verbal
permission of the Mayor is sufficient, while making internal transfers of the staff.


The Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation.

// forwarded by order //

SD/- X X X X

Additional Commissioner
Visakhapatnam, GVMC
J#|O^O 3
Hx g\OQ _ K q+" W=|_# L`~

G.O.Ms. No. 579, L.A., Dated : 18th April. 1956.

MUNICIPAL COUNCILS - Meetings - Chairman Delegate held incompetent to preside over

meetings of the council - Instructions issued.

G.O.Ms. No. 522 L.A., Dated : 06-06-1955

Read the following :-

From the Secretary, Andhra Chamber of Municipal Chairman Letter dated 18th
November, 1955.


In G.O.Ms. No. 522, L.A., dated 20-05-1955, it has been held that a Councillor to whom
the Chairman has delegated his functions and powers cannot preside over meetings of the
council unless he has been chosen by the Council under Section 28(i) of the Madras District
Municipalities Act, 1920. It is only the council that has power to choose one amongst councillors
to preside at the meeting in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman. A question has
now been raised as to the procedure to be adopted if at a meeting held under Section 28(i) when
both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are absent, two persons are proposed to preside at the
meeting. The Chairman - delegate cannot preside because he has no power to do so and any
other councillor cannot preside because there is a tie as to who should do so. The Chairman -
delegate may conveniently preside over the meeting for the purpose of electing a councilor to
preside over the meeting but this does not seem possible having regard to the language of Rule
5 of schedule III because, under the rule, in the event of a tie, the presiding member is given the
right to exercise his casting vote, the rule itself envisagews a member presiding over the meeting.
It will thus be seen that the existing rules do not contemplate and provide for a contingency of
the kind mentioned above. Such occasions may be very rare, but since there is a possibility of
such a contingency arising. Government consider that a regulation may conveniently be made
by the council under section 25(c) of the Act
J#|O^O 4
K~~< Q= <~Q , K=K Jx `e* L`~

MUNICIPALITIES Relations between the Commissioners and the Chairmen perusal of

Municipal Records by the Chairman - Revised instructions issued.


G.O.Ms. No. 981, M.A., Dated ; 9th August, 1962

Read :

1. G.O.Ms.No.3058, L.A., Dated 2-8-39.

2. G.O.Ms.No.737, L.A., Dated 31-3-44.
3. From the C.M.C. Kakinada Rc. C2-4836, Dated 21-4-62.


It has been brought to the notice of the Government by the Chairman, Municipal Council,
Kakinada that the orders in para 2 of the G.O.2nd cited namely that the Chairman should ask the
Commissioner for the Municipal Records which he wishes any information regarding municipal
matters, are not only humiliating to the Chairman, but also involve a lot of waste of stationery,
waste of labour and waste of precious time. He has also stated that by perusing office files,
without the permission of the Commissioner no harm will be done to any one, but on the other
hand would save a lot of time of one and all and requested the Government to issue fresh orders
recognizing the rights and privileges of the Chairman to obtain a file or other information
required by him directly from the office staff concerned.

The Government after careful examination consider that there is much truth in the above
statement of the Chairman, Municipal Council, Kakinada and therefore direct that, in
modification of the orders in para 2 of the G.O. 2nd cited, the employees of the concerned
sections in the Municipal offices be permitted to show in person the relevant records directly to
the chairman whenever required and bring them back.

(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)

Deputy Secretary to Government
J#|O^O 5
`H i` K~~< WO\ =^ <, Q= H~O HeOK@ QiOz
Education, Health and Local Administration Department.

G.O.Ms.No. 368, L.A. Dated 12th April.1.1964.

MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS - Relations with Chairman Clerical Assistance to Chairman at
his residence to be given in certain circumstances.

Read the following :-

G.O.Ms.No.3058, Local Administration dated 2nd August, 39.

G.O.Ms.No.371, Local Administration dated 5th May, 1948.


The attention of Commissioners of Municipalities is invited to the instructions issued in

para II (4) of G.O.Ms.No. 3058 Local Administration dated 2nd August, 1939 and G.O.Ms.No.
371 Local Administration dated 5th May, 1948. The Government consider that on occasions,
which should not be many, when the Chairman is sick or is otherwise engaged and desire that
the Steno-Typist, or clerk as the case may be, who is deputed to attend on him when he attends
office, should be sent to his residence of office business, the Commissioner should do so.
Government trust however that Chairman will use the privilege of getting clerks to their residence


Secretary to Government
J#|O^O 6
Hx ="x x~OK@O \OKe# Hx P^
Office of the Inspector General of
Local Administration
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Roc. No. 55203/59/B2 Dated ; 15-07-1959.
Sub : MUNICIPAL COUNCIL - Ongole - Meeting of the council certain doubts
Instructions - Issued.
Ref. : 1 Lr. No. 5653/E1/58 dt. 02-11-1958, Commissioner, Ongole addressed to
the secretary to Govt. Health & Local Administration Department.
2. Govt. Memo. No. 4721/F2/59 dt. 02-06-1959.
The Municipal Commissioner, Ongole in his letter cited has requested for clarification
on the following points in regard to conducting of Council Meeting.
1) Whether there is need for a seconder when one Councilor opposes.
2) Whether there is need to record the Opposition in the Minute book or whether
it can be ruled out as in the case of "Point of order", without recording in the Minute
3) Whether there is necessity to take poll if pressed.
4) Whether any councilor can ask the Commissioner directly during the course of the meeting
to speak on any point without referring to the Chair and whether Commissioner can
speak without the previous permission of the Chair especially in a matter over which he
has already given ruling.
After carefully examination, the following instructions are issued on the points raised by
the Commissioner.
1) According to Regulation No. 18 of Model Regulations for the conduct of Council meetings,
the Councillors are at liberty to express their opinion whether for or against any resolution.
But, he should do so in the order in when he is called by the Chairman. No seconder is
necessary to oppose a resolution. But, if it is the intention of the councilor to move (am
amendment) to the resolution under discussion then according to rule 8 (2) of the rules
relating to moving of resolutions at meeting in must be seconded.
2) If it is nearly a speech there is no need to record it. But, if it is in the shape of an amendment
to a resolution. then the Chairman has to record it, and if there is no seconder he must say
in the minute book (vide regulations 12, 18 and 21 of the model regulations).
3) Regulations no.8 prescribes the procedure to be adopted while taking poll. When a poll
is demanded by the councilors, then there is no option left to the Chairman except to take
poll. But, the demand for poll must be by not less than two Councilors, and then the
Chairman. Municipal Council should take a poll and record the name of the Councilors
who voted for and against the resolution (vide instruction given in G.O. No. 329 L.A. dt.
4) The manner in which the councilors have to talk stated in regulation 12 and 13 of Model
Regulations. The Councilors should always talk through the Chair, These rules do not
contemplate the Councilors to request the Commissioner, to explain any matters. For
any clarification the Councilors should not ask the Commissioner directly, but they should
do so through the chairman. The Commissioner has right to take part in the discussions
of the meeting under section 18 (A) of the Madras District Municipalities Act, but he
cannot speak on any point of order on which ruling has been given by the Chairman.
Sd/- X X X X
For Inspector General.
J#|O^O 7
qx\ |H x~} W=|_# q=~}


Letter No. 5915/F1/61-24 M.A. Dated ; 07-02-1964

Shri D. Kamayya, B.Sc.,
Deputy Secretary to Government
The Chairmen of all Municipal Councils,
(in Andhra Region),
Sub : Municipal Administration - Incorporation of remarks in the minutes
books -
Exclusion of disparaging remarks of - Allegations from.
I am directed to inform you that an instance has come to the notice of
Government where in a Chairman has recorded in the Minutes book certain
disparaging remarks and allegations against the Municipal Commissioner.
Government consider that no disparaging remarks or allegations should be recorded
in the minutes book as it is intended only for recording the minutes of the meeting.
Further, such actions do not enhance the dignity of the office of Chairman.
Government trust that Chairman do not resort to such indecent practices in

Yours Faithfully,
Sd/- X X X X
For Deputy Secretary to Government
J#|O^O 8
Hx JO# "~^ "# C_ JO^ H~}# ` xiQ
iH~ K x Wz# K#
Goverment L.R. No. 1016/F1/89-1 Dated ; 21-01-1960

Sub : Meeting Municipal Councils - Ad jourring of disqualifications on subjects -

Reasons to be recorded in Minutes Book - Instructions - Issued.


It has been brought to the notices of the Government that in certain Municipal
Councils, the Chairperson does not record in the minutes book the reasons for adjourning
discussions on the subjects included in the Agenda.
All the Chairman are therefore, requested to make it a point to record invariably in the
Minutes Book the reasons for adjourning discussions on the subjects included in the Agenda.

Yours Faithfully,
Sd/- X X X X
For Deputy Secretary to Government

All Municipal Chairpersons in the State
J#|O^O 9
H~ |O k q+ O Hx =i " K~ ~ <
= iOKe# f~# QiOz# q=~}
MUNICIPALITY - Chirala - Council and its Vice - Chairman advised to avoid irregularities.
Education, Health and Local Administration Dept.
G.O.Ms. No. 837 L.A. Dated : 6th September, 1954
Read the following : -
From the Commissioner, Chirala, Municipality,
Roc. No. 2913-D1/54, dated 31-3-1954
From the Inspector of Municipal Councils and Local Boards,
(Andhra) Madras, L.Dis. No. 17754/54, dated 27-7-1954.
-- : o O o : --
It is observed that resolutions which certain Municipal Councillors of Chirala sought
to get the Municipal Council to discuss at the two meetings convened on their requisition, on
29th March 54 related to the following matters.
1) abrogation of non-statutory committees presumably the committees constituted under
sec. 23 of the Madras District Municipalities Act.:
2) Requesting Government to transfer or warn certain subordinates, and
3) requesting Government to cancel statutory committees presumably the appointment
and contract committees.
In regard to item (1) Government consider that the Council is competent to abolish the
committees, which it has constituted under section 23 of the Madras District Municipalities
Act, to exercise its powers. The other items embody merely requests addressed to Government
consider that the Vice-Chairman is not in order in having rule as out of order all the resolutions
except that containing a request for cancellation of the contract and appointment committees
constituted under sections 68 and 73 of the Act, which is impossible of compliance. The Vice -
Chairman is requested to avoid such incorrect rulings.
2. The Commissioner should enquire if Councillors have any specific complaints against
the conduct of the Municipal subordinates in question and to enquire into them of there are any
and take appropriate action.
3. The attention of the Chirala Municipal Council is invited to Section 28 of the Act and it
is informed that it is not open to any Councillor to ignore, or call in question, a ruling given
from the Chairman on a point of order. The Government therefore consider that the action of
some of the Councillors on 29th March 1954, in continuing a meeting, which was dissolved
after the subject, put down for discussion there at where rule out of order by the Vice -Chairman
was irregular. Such conduct will call for a consideration of the question as to the competence of
Municipal Council as at present constituted to perform the duties imposed on it under law
within the meaning of Sec. 41 (1) of the Act. The Government trust that such irregularity will
not be allowed to recur.


Secretary to Government
J#|O^O 10
Hx g\OQ J>O_< il~ Z@=O\ i=~
" _^ Jx `e* L`~
G.O.Ms. No. 508, L.A.Dated : the 17th May, 1955,

Municipality - Vijayawada - Councilors not to make unauthorized remarks in Attendance Register.

Read :

From the Chairman Municipal Council, Vijayawada, dated : 06-03-1955.

It has been brought to the notice of the Government that a Councilor of the Vijayawada
Municipal Council recorded on 26th February 1955 in the Attendance Register of Municipal
Councilors, meant merely to register their attendance at the meeting of Municipal Councils, a
remark to say that there was no quorum at the hour mentioned therein. Under rule 5 of schedule
III to the Madras District Municipalities Act 1920, it is for the Councilors present at a meeting
of the Council within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting to decide whether to
wait longer for the formation of a quorum. It will be for the Chairman or Vice - Chairman of the
member presiding to record in the minute book the fact whether or not the meeting is adjourned
for want of quorum. It is not proper for a Coucilor to write in the attendance register his
observations on the matter or to take any entry there in other than signing his name. the
Government feel that Municipal Councilors should refrain from making such entries in The
register which will amount to defacing a public Record. It will be open to the Chairman or the
executive authority to strike out all such unauthorized entries from the Register.
The Executive authorities of Municipal Councilors are requested to place the above
order before the Municipal Councilors for the information of Municipal Councilors
(By order of the Governor)


Secretary to Govt- In-Charge
J#|O^O 11
=" Hx~ ( "~ "O|~) [~ q+ O|OkOz# q=~}

From To
Sri VENKATASWAMY, I.A.S. The Chairman,
Director of Municipal Administration, Municipal Council,
Andhra Pradesh, Mangalagiri.
D.Dis. No. 61305/81/H4 dated : 25-06-1982
Sub : Meeting - Municipal Councils - Mangalagiri Municipality taking of attendance of
Councilors - Clarification - Issued.
Ref. : Your D.O. Lr. No. 3381/81/C1, dt. 31-10-1981.
-- : o O o : --
In your D.O. letter cited you have sought for certain clarification on certain points pertaining to
the Council meetings and then the conduct of Council meetings. The matter has been examined in detail
and the following clarifications are issued on all the points raised in your D.O. letter referred to above.
The following on the points raised by you in your letter cited.
1) Whether any councilor can sign in the attendance Register after it is closed by the Chairman duly
indicating the number of Councilors present for the said meeting.
2) Whether there is any objection to record in the Minutes Book as to when any Councilor entered
the council hall after closure of the Attendance Register.
3) Whether any Councilor who attends the meeting after closure of the Attendance Register can take
part in the transaction of the business of the agenda and whether he is eligible to exercise his vote, if
voting takes place since he is not signed in the Aattendance Register.
On the first point it is to be stated that it is clear from your letter that you have closed the Attendance
Register at 3 p.m. on 31.12.1981 which is irregular. These is no rule prohibiting a Councilors from
attending the meeting of the Council after the meeting is commenced and also prohibiting him from
signing in the Attendance Register. If voting take place on any subject the number of Councilors for and
against the subject will be recorded by the Chairman. If the subject is controversial in nature requiring the
actual names of the councilors for and against the subject, the chairman
Will record them. Therefore there is absolutely no bar on a Councilor from attending the meeting
of a Council any time during the course of the meeting. A Councilors if equally at liberty from leaving the
Council hall at any time during the course of meeting.
With regard to point No.2 it has to be stated that in view the Clarification issued on item No. 1,
there is no need to enter in the Minutes book the time of arrival and departure of any Councilors.
Point No.3 mentioned above does not require separate clarification in view of what has been
stated above since any Councilor is eligible to participate in the discussions and voting on any subject as
long as he participates in the meeting.
(This has the approval of the Director)
Sd/- xxxxx
Secretary to Govt- In-Charge
J#|O^O 12
J*O_ JO Hx~ JO^@ LOKx zOK L`~

G.O. No. 300, L.A. Dated : 21-02- 1947

Meetings Municipal Councils - Files on subjects included in Agenda for meetings - placing on the table
in the meeting hall - Instruction - Issued.

Read the following paper

From the Inspector of Municipal Councils and Local Boards, Roc. No. 15282/46 date. 13th
November 1946
It has been brought to the notice of the Government that it is the practice in certain
Municipalities to circulate to all the councilors the files relating to subjects on the agenda for
meetings of Municipal Councils. Government considers that this practice involves the risk of
the files being lost. mutilated or destroyed in transit. They therefore suggest that a suitable way
of making files available to councilors reference will be for the Commissioner to place the files
on the table of the meeting hall in charge of a clerk three days before the meeting, so that the
councilors desire to look into them may do so.

(By order of his Excellency the Governor)

Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 13
_ O\ q+ O qx\ iH~ K x `e q=~}

Rules - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Councils - (Conduct of Elections) Rules, 1965 - Resolution of the
meetings - Certain amendment - Issued.


G.O.Ms. No. 270, M.A. Dated the 3rd May, 1988,

Read the following : -

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 326 read with clause (12) of section 2 of
the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 (Act of 1965) the Governor of Andhra Pradesh
hereby makes the following amendment to the rules regarding Proceedings of the Council in
Schedule - I to the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act. 1965.

In the said rules in Schedule-I, to rule 10, the following shall be added at the end,
namely ;-
"When a Councillor gives a dissent note, the Chairman / Chairperson shall incorporate
the same in the Minutes Book. If the Chairman / Chairperson fails to record the dissent note
given by any Councillor in the Minutes Book, the Commissioner shall record the same and
intimate the Councillor, who gave the dissent note".

Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 14
qx\ P _O\ fH"e# K~ q=~}

Memorandum No. 222 / OP.I-Rules / 66 M.A. dated : 5-8-1966

Sub :- Municipal Administration - Minutes of Dissent - Certain instructions - Issued.

Ref. :- From the Director of Municipal Administration, Letter No. RC. 38547/65-D1,
dated : 9-12-1965.
-- : o O o : --
Rule (10) of the rules relating to the proceedings of the councils contained in Schedule -
I to the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act. 1965 lays down that the Chairman, shall immediatcly
submit to the Collector and to the Regional Director, a copy of any minute of dissent that may
be forwarded to him within 48 hours of the meeting by any councillor. The Director of Municipal
Administration has suggested that instructions may be issued as to the procedure to be followed
in such cases by the Collectors.
2) The Government therefore issue the following instructions :
(1) The Collector on receipt of a dissent note from Chairman. Municipal Council, may
after necessary enquiry consider whether and if so what action is necessary on the minutes of
dissent. If material irregularities are noticed and action on the part of the higher authorities is
called for, he should take action under section 70 of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act.
1965, whenever necessary before forwarding the papers to the authorities concerned. If on the
other hand, he considers that no action is called for on the minutes of dissent, he need not
forward the papers to the higher authorities, but dispose them of himself.
(2) The Collectors are also requested to see that there is no delay in taking action on the
minutes of dissent received by them in respect of proceedings of Municipal Councils and that
the parties and the Municipal Councils concerned are informed of the action taken by them on
the minutes of dissent as early as possible.

Deputy Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 15
Hx =" ZH J+ # Z" _ _O\ `eK=K#< L`~
Lr. No. 294/F1/68-6, M.A., April 26,1969.
From To
Baqur Mahmood, All The Chairmen,
Deputy Secretary to Government Municipal Councils in the State.

Sub : - Regarding participation of M.L.As in the Municipal Council meetings and making
a dissent note - Instructions - Issued.
Ref : - Lr. from Sri P.A. Prasada Rao, M.L.As, Dt. 2-2-68, from the Director of Municipal
Administration L.Dis. No. 12279/68-G1, Dt. : 22-2-68.
-- : o O o : --
It has been brought to the notice of the Government that the Ex-officio Councillors are not permitted
to give dissent on any resolution of the Municipal Council under the impression that M.L.A.s., who are,
Ex-officio Councillors are not entitled to vote at the council's meetings.
All the Chairmen, Municipal Councils are informed that sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Andhra
Pradesh Municipalities Act. 1965 lays down that every member of Legislative Assembly of the State
representing a Constituency of which, Municipality forms part shall be Ex-officio Councillor of that
Municipality and every member of the Legislative council of the State whose name is entered in the
electoral roll of a Municipality shall be Ex-officio Councillor of the that Municipality. The members of
the Legislative Assembly and Council will have the same right as the elected members have unless the
Act other wise provides. Under the proviso to clause (a) of sub-section (2) of the said section a member
of the Legislative Assembly representing a constituency which comprises more than one Municipality
shall be Ex-officio Councillor of one such Municipality which he choose and he shall also have the right
to speak in and otherwise to take part in the meeting of other councils comprised within the constituency,
but shall not be entitled to vote at any such meeting. This provision only denies the member of a Legislative
Assembly who is Ex-officio member of a council in one Municipality to vote as a meeting of a council of
another Municipality in the same constituency. It is, therefore, clear that Ex-officio member of the council,
is entitled to participate in the deliberators of the meeting of the council and exercises the right of vote as
a Councillor except otherwise prohibited by the act. Where the Legislature intended that in certain meeting
of the council Ex-officio Councillors shall not be entitled to participate provisions have been made to the
effect. In sub-section (3) of section 23 and the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 23 of the Andhra
Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 the Ex-officio Councillors have been prohibited to participate in the
meeting of the council for the election of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and election of the members of
the Executive Committee. There is no provision in the Act, which either expressly or by necessary
implication denies the Ex-officio Councillors to give dissent on any resolution passed by the council.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/- For Deputy Secretary to Government.
Copy to the Director of Municipal Administration.
J#|O^O 16
ROC.No. 11856/98/Elec.2. Dated : 14-10-2002


Sub :- M.A. & U.D. Department - Municipal Councils - Non - Interference of kith
and kin of public functionaries with the administrative matters of
Municipalities -- Certain instructions - Issued.
Ref :- Govt. Memo. No. 4891/Elec.1/2002-I/MA, Dated : 17-4-2002.
It is brought to notice of the Government that several complaints have received on various
occasions regarding interference of kith and kin of Chairpersons / Ward Members etc with the
administrative matters of Municipalities particularly in cases where woman Chairpersons /
Ward Members are in office. There are certain instances where the husbands of the woman
Chairpersons sitting in the chambers of Chairpersons and insisting the staff of municipalities to
produce the official papers / files etc., and issuing instructions in the name of Chairpersons.
This sort of interference by the kith and kin of Chairpersons/Ward Members etc., in the
administrative matters is often leading to confusion among Municipal employees and officials
in discharging their official duties in accordance with the Provisions of Andhra pradesh
Municipalities Act. The interference by the outsiders in the matters of Municipal administration
is also creating hurdles in the execution of developmental works in municipalities with the
administration coming to a stand still. So, there is every need to put arend to this sort of menace.
Further Government have examined the issue in depth and they observe that any sort of
interference with the affairs of Municipal Administration by the unconnected persons against
provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 and the rules made thereunder.
All the Chairpersons of Municipal Councils / Municipal Commissioners in the State are
therefore directed not to allow any sort of interference of kith and kin of Chairpersons / Ward
members etc., with the administrative matters of Municipalities since such interference is against
provisions of Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act. 1965 and the rules made thereunder.
These circular instructions should invariably be placed before the council for record and
future guidance.
The Chairpesons of Municipal Councils in the State.
The Municipal Commissioners in the State.
Copy to all Regional Director-cum-Appellate Commissioners of Municipal Administration.
Copy submitted to Principal Secretary to Government, Municipal Administration & Urban
Development Department, A.P. Hyderabad.
Sd./- xxxxx
(R. Sambasiva Rao)
Joint Director
J#|O^O 17
Hx J*O_ JO= K~^ x q+ " q=~}
From To
Sri D. Kamayya, B.Sc., All The Chairmen,
Deputy Secretary to Government Municipal Councils.

L.R. No. 4266-F1/63-22 M.A., Date : 13-07-1966

Sub :- MEETING - Meetings of Municipal Councils - Inclusion of subjects in the
urgent meetings of the Municipal Councils - Certain instructions - Issued.
Ref :- 1. Representation dt. 22-11-63 and 23-11-63 of Sri Hanumaiah, Municipal
Councillor, Vijayawada.
2. From the Director of Municipal Administration, Lr. L.Dis. No. 73066/63- B4,
dt. 20-5-1964.
3. From the Director of Municipal Administration, L.Dis. No. 54015/64,
dt. 19-9-64.
4. From the Director of Municipal Administration, Lr. L.Dis. No. 70262/64/B4,
dt. 26-2-1965.
5. From the Director of Municipal Administration, Lr. L. Dis No. 30814/65/B4,
dt. 28-10-65.
I am directed to say that an instance has come to the notice of Government where in an
urgent meeting of the Municipal Council as many as 100 subjects were included for discussion.
According to sub-rule (3) of Rule 2 of Schedule I to the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act,
1965 the Secretary is competent to include in the agenda any subject and there is no restriction
on the number of subjects to be included in the Agenda. In the absence of any rule or executive
instructions fixing the number of subject to be included in an urgent meeting, there can be no
irregularities in including even 100 subjects in the agenda. But to call for an urgent meeting
with 100 subjects would certainly deprive the right of a Councillor who is entitled to have three
clear days notice if an ordinary meeting is to be called for, for the purpose of discussion of
subjects not of an urgent nature. I am to request you therefore to see that the Secretaries of
Municipalities who are responsible for the preparation of Agenda exercise in selection of subjects
and that such of the subjects which do not warrant inclusion in the Agenda of an urgent meeting
are eliminated.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/- D. kamayya,
for Deputy Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 18
H~ x" < Hx =" [~x `e P^


G.O.Ms. No. 871 L.A. Dated : 2nd April, 1958.

Read :


It has been brought to the notice of the Government that the meetings of the Municipal
Councils are held beyond office hours, which some time run late into night. It is considered that
it is not proper to hold council meeting after office hours in the ordinary course. Such meetings
can be held only on certain dates and urgent occasions when it cannot be helped. The Chairman,
Municipal Councils are therefore requested to see that the meetings of the Councils are as far
as possible held only during office hours.


Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 19
JOc, Hx, H =" =O g# O`=~
Hx =" [~~^< q=~}
Letter No. 769/Election-1/82-1, M.A., Dated : 2-11-1982
From : To
Sri P. Abrahim, I.A.S., The Chairmen,
Secretary to Government, All Municipalities in the State.

Sir / Madam,

Sub : Meetings - Municipal Councils - Meetings during the sessions of the Assembly/
Council / Lok Sabha - Instructions.


As per rule (1) of the rules regarding the proceedings of the Municipal Council in schedule
I of the Andhra Pradesh, date and at such times as it may fix and also at other times as often a
meeting is called by the Chairman. No meeting shall however be convened on a public holiday.
The public holidays includes Sundays and any other day declared by the Government by a
Notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette to the public holiday. The M.L.As., M.L.Cs., and
members of the House of people are Ex-officio Councillors of Municipal Councils. If the
meetings of the Municipal Councils are convened on the eve of or during the sittings of the
Legislature / Parliament the members of the Legislature / Parliament who are ex-officio
Councillors will be deprived of participation in the meetings of the Municipal Councils as they
have to attend the meetings of the Legislatures / Parliament. Such instances have already come
to the notice of the Government.

I am, therefore, to request you not to convene and hold meetings of the Municipal Councils
on the days when the Assembly / Council / Lok Sabha is in session as far as possible. However
when long duration session of the Assembly / Council / Lok Sabha are held, I request you to
arrange to hold such meetings on the days when the Assembly / Council / Lok Sabha will not
meet like Saturdays which are not public holidays, as far as possible, so that the state Legislators
and also Members of the House of people can find time to attend the meetings.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/- xxxxxxxx
for Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 20
Hx g\OQ <\ *s K @ W=|_# K#

Memorandum No. 436/F1/64-4- M.A. Dated : 11th May 1964

Sub : Municipal Administration - Service of notice of meetings on Public Holidays

etc., - Clarification - Issued.

Ref : 1. From the Municipal Commissioner, Anakapalle Lr. Roc. 6821 / 63/C2 dated
17-09-63, addressed to Director of Municipal Administration.

2. From the Director of Municipal Administration Lr. No. 57777 / 63 - B5

dated. 11-02-1964


The attention of all Municipal Commissioners in Andhra area is invited to Rule 2(1)
schedule III of the Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area District Municipalities Act, 1920) which
enquires that notice of the day and time when the meeting of the council is to be held and the
sincess to be transacted there at should be given at least three clear days before the day of the
meeting. There is no objection to such notice being served either on Sundays and Public Holidays
or during nights, if such a course becomes inevitable. However service of notice during nights
should be avoided as far as possible, unless it becomes necessary to do so in view of urgency
for the conduct of the meetings.

D. Kamayya,
Deputy Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 21
Hx ="= J*O_ K~ ~< O`HO`< ~ ~ K|_e J< P^

G.O. No. 1478, Dated : 8th July 1953.

Municipalities - Meetings of Municipal Councils - Preparation of Agenda - Instructions - Issued.

Read the following paper :

From the inspector of Municipal Councils and Local Boards, Dated 24th June 1953,
Roc. No. 28651-53



A question has been raised as to the authority in whose name agenda for meetings of
Municipal Councils should be issued to the Councilors. Having regard to the provisions of
sections 13 (b) of the Madras District Municipalities Act, 1920, and rules I & 2 in Schedule
III to the Act, Government consider that agenda for the meetings should be appropriately be
issued with the signature of the Chairman.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 22
xH uH qY~ J*O_ H ~~ K=K#x `e q=~}

Municipalities - Chirala - Supply of copies of meeting agenda to press correspondents.


G.O. No. 1672, Dated : 22-08-1950

From the president, Southern Indian Journalists Fedaration, letter dated : 13-06-1950.



It has been brought to the notice of Government that the Chirala Municipal Council has
at its meeting held on the 8th December, 1949 passed resoulution stating that in view of the
instruction issued to the Commissioner, Hindupur Municipality in Government Memorandum
No. 36866/48 - I B, dated the 22nd December, 1948 it is not necessary to supply copies of the
agenda of its meetings to the local press correspondents. In view of a little improvement in the
paper supply position, the Municipal Council is informed that it can supply copies of the agenda
for its meetings to local press Correspondents.


Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 23
< Hx_< "+< xq`O U~@ K|_# `H ="O ~"O@
ZH P+ Q =} H~O K=K#< q=~}
Memo. No. 514 / Elections (1) /85-1 M.A., Date : 27-05-1985

Sub :- Municipal Council, Warangal Sri C. Janga Reddy, Members of Parliament -

Taking of oath of - Allegiance - Regarding.
Ref :- 1. From the Commissioner Warngal Municipality Letter Roc. No. C3 / 7555 /
85, dated 10-05-1985
2. Government Memo No. 449/Elections (1) 35-2 M.A. dated 13-05-1985.
3. From Sri C. Janga Reddy, Member of Parliament, letter dated 23-05-1985


Sir, C. Janga Reddy, Member of Parliament in his letter third cited has stated that he
given a letter on 14-05-1985 to the chairman, Warangal Municipal council giving his option to
be ex-officio Councilor of that Municipality and to permit him to make the oath of allegiance in
the council meeting to be held on 14-06-1985, duly condoning the delay but it was not considered
by the council in its meeting held on 14-05-1985. He had requested the Government to issued
clarification / direction to the Commissioner, Warangal Municipality and the joint Collector,
Warangal to permit him to take the oath of allegiance in the meeting to be held on 01-06-1985
at 11.00 a.m. To consider the motion of no confidence in the Chairman.
The matter whether there is any objection to the said Member to take the oath of allegiance
in the meeting to be held on 01-06-1985 which is held to consider the motion of no confidence
in the Chairman has been examined by the Government and consider that oath taking does not
form the business of the meeting and that it is not necessary to include it in the agenda and
therefore, there can be no objection for the member to take oath or affirmation at a meeting
convened to consider a motion of Nonconfidence, as per section 46 of the A.P. Municipalities
Act 1965, which deals with the subject of taking of no confidence does not prohibit a member
from taking oath at a meeting convened to consider a motion of no confidence, Therefore, there
is no objection to a member being allowed to take oath or affirmation as it does not form part of
the business of the meeting to be held on 01-06-1985.

Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 24
K~ ~< "~^ "# ="x W`~ uiy H#y Jk K^ J< q=~}

ME MO. No. 4141/F1 / 65-2. M.A. Dated : 15-01-1966

Sub :- Municipality - Visakhapatnam Municipal Council - Validity of the meeting

held on 09-12-1964 - Orders - Issued.

Ref :- From the Director of Municipal Administration. Lr. Roc. No. 723/65-B2
Dated 05-08-1965


The attention of the Director of Municipal Administration is invited to the reference cited.

He is informed that regulation 17 of the regulation made by the Municipal Council

Visakhapatnam under Section 25 of the repealed Andhra Pradesh (AA) District Municipal Act,
1920 provides inter - alia that at any stage of the meeting the Chairman without any discussion
or voting may adjourn any meeting to any future date. The action of the Chairman of the
Municipal Council, Visakhapatnam in adjourning the meeting held on 09-12-1964 is therefore.
in accordance with regulation 17 referred to above and is therefore. in order

As the Chairman is deemed to have validity adjourned the meeting held on 09-12-1964.
the meeting held by the remaining members subsequently is not valid and consequently the
resolution passed in the subsequent meeting is also not valid. As such the question of
incorporating the said resolution in the minutes book does not arise.

D. Kamayya
Dy. Secretary to Government.
J#|O^O 25
=} H~O KH~< ZH J+ "O|~ Hx ="
#=K# x `e q=~}

From : To
Sri Ajoyendra Pyal, I.A.S. The Municipal Commissioner,
Commissioner & Director of Cuddapah / Kakinada/Janagaon.
Municipal Administration,
A.P. Hyderabad.

Roc. No. 738/2000/Elec-I, Dt.09-04-2000

Sub :- Elections ordinary- Elections of Municipalities - Rajyasabha Member

Elgibility to vote by as Ex-officio Members - Clarification - Regarding
Ref :- 1. Fax No. 5480/99/C2, dated 4-4-2000 of Municipal Commissioner. Cudapah.
2. Fax No. 1866/2000/C2, Dated 7-4-2000 of Municipal Commissioner,
3. Fax No. 816/2000/E2, dated 7-4-2000 of Municipal Commissioner,
Jangaon Nagar Panchayat
4. This office clarification in Letter No. 738/2000/Elect-1 dtd. 6-4-2000
and 7-4-2000.
5. Circular No. Rs / 7 /2000-T. Dated 3-4-2000 of Rajya Sabha Secretariat,
Parliament House, New Delhi.

In the reference 5th cited, it has been informed that six persons from Andhra Pradesh have been
elected to Rajya Sabha in the biennial elections held in March 2000, and they have been declared elected
through a Notification issued by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs (Legislative
Department), Dated 03-04-2000. It has also been informed that these Members can participate in all
Non-Legislative activities even if they do not take oath as Rajya Sabha Members. Therefore, all those
persons who have been elected as Rajya Sabha Members and who have not taken oath can function as
Ex-Officio Memebrs of the Municipality and have right to vote in any meeting including the election of
Vice Chairperson.
This Clarification is issued in nofification of the Fax Message sent in the reference
Yours 4th cited.

Copy to Chairperson, Municipal Council, Cuddapah / Kakinada
Copy to Chairperson, NagarPanchayat, Janagaon.
J#|O^O 26
Hx f~#= J= K@O fH=# K~ QiOz# q=~}
L. Dis. 59792/56 Office of the Inspector General of
Local Administration, Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad, - 4 Dated : 12-11-1956


Sub :- MUNICIPAL COUNCILS - Administration - Delay in giving effect to the

resolutions of the councils - Further instruction - Issued.
Ref :- 1. This Office Circular D.Dis. 51763/54, dated : 4-2-1955
2. This Office Circular L. Dis. 41257/55, dated 30-8-1955
3. This Office Circular Roc. 9710/56-B1, Dated : 8-2-1956

A Circular was issued in the office D.Dis. 54763/54, dated 4-2-1955 prescribing a Register to
indicated the action taken on important resolutions of Councils and for scrutinizing it periodically with
a view to verify whether prompt action has been taken on their. Subsequently in this office LDis. No.
41257/55, dated 30-8-55 and Roc. No. 9710/56-B1. dated 8-2-56 further instructions were issued on the
subject and the Commissioners were informed that they would be held personally responsible for any
delay or inaction in this regard.
An instance has now come to notice where certain councilors have complained about inaction on
the part of a Commissioner in implementing certain resolutions of the Council and when the explanation
of the Commissioner was called for, he expressed certain difficulties in their prompt implementation and
also explained pertaining irregularities in passing some of those resolutions. In this connection it is
observed that if the Commissioner had informed the council of the cause of delay in implementing the
resolutions, and if he had taken action for modification or cancellation of the irregular resolutions then
and there, would have been no room for complaint against the commissioner.
Under section 13-A of the Madras District Municipalities Act, the Executive Authorities are
responsible for carrying into effect the resolution of Councils. They should therefore, take all possible
steps so that the resoulutions implemented promptly. If it is not possible to take prompt action on any
resolution, the Commissioner should appraise timely the council of the reasons for the delay. Similarly,
if resolutions are passed by the councils contrary to the rules. the Commissioner should take prompt
action either to get them modified or cancelled. These instructions should be strict by followed in future.

For Inspector General

To All Municipal Commissioner, Through the Chairman, Municipal Councils concerned.

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