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Budget Overview Enter Exp

Projected Balance (Projected minus expenses) IDR (8,826,000.00)
Actual Balance (Actual minus expenses) IDR 824,000.00
Difference (Actual minus projected) IDR 9,650,000.00

Income Expenses
Income 1 IDR 9,500,000.00
Income 2
ACTUAL ACTUAL IDR 8,676,000.00
Extra income
Total income IDR 9,500,000.00

Income 1
PROJECTED Income 2 Transportation; PROJECTED IDR 8,826,000.00
Extra income
Total income IDR - Loans; 60.02%
Enter Expenses

Loans; 60.02%
ter Expenses
Budget Summary
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Category Description Sum - Projected CostSum - Actual Cost Sum - Diff
Personal Care IDR 750,000 IDR 600,000.00


Total Result IDR 750,000 ###

Budget Summary
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in 2003
an earlier
or earlier,
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Right-click PivotTable below and then click Refresh to update

Category Sum - Difference

Personal Care


Total Result
Monthly Expenses Budget Report

Description Category Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Actual Cost Overview
Rumah Housing IDR 4,450,000 IDR 4,450,000.00
Listrik Housing IDR 250,000 IDR 250,000.00
Credit Card Loans IDR 251,000 IDR 251,000.00
Belanja Bulanan Personal Care IDR 500,000 IDR 350,000.00
Makan & Minum Food IDR 1,500,000 IDR 1,500,000.00
Cicilan Motor Loans IDR 875,000 IDR 875,000.00
Tranportasi Transportation IDR 750,000 IDR 750,000.00
Pulsa HP Personal Care IDR 250,000 IDR 250,000.00
Description Category Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Actual Cost Overview

Total IDR 8,826,000.00 IDR 8,676,000.00 IDR -

PivotTable for Budget Overview chart Lookup List for Budget Details Category
Category Sum - Actual Cost Budget Category Lookup
Loans ### Food
Transportation ### Housing
Total Result ### Loans
Personal Care

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