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The desire for the unification of Europe

First organizations and movements that promote the ideas of the European unity after the
Second World War:

17th March 1948.

Bruxelless Pact between Great Britain, France and Benelux was signed, aiming a joint
defense, and was later renamed in Western European Union.

7th-10th May 1948.

European Congress was held in den Haag, that should have connected various European
movements and create the European Union or Federation. A decision about creation of the
European movement, an independent association that that, even today, coordinates work of
the organizations that promote European unification, was issued in that Congress. After that,
the European Council, the European charge union, the European cultural foundation in
Amsterdam and the College of Europe in Brugges were created.

5th May 1949

The statute of the European Council was signed, of the organization that ought to be the
carrier of the European association in culture, science, protection of human rights, democracy,
law and governance that should direct the European countries towards the higher levels of
integration. The European Council adopted the Convention of fundamental rights and
freedoms, founded the Commission and Court for human rights, adopted the Social Insurance
Agreement- European Social Chart, European Cultural Convention, Convention of
recognition of diplomas and patent rights.

9th May 1950

France announces the so called Schumanns plan, the project of creation of overnational organ
that would unite the industry of coal and steel of the two greatest producers, Germany and
France, into the European community for coal and steel, and that way prevents any future war
between those countries. The author of the plan was Jean Monnet, the French economist,
though his plan was named after Robert Schumann, the French minister of foreign affairs,
because of his merit in negotiations and implementations of the plan.

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