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Knowledge Area: Project Integration Management

Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group
- Contract (when applicable) - Project selection methods
- Project statement of work - Project management methodology
Project Initiation - Project Charter
- Enterprise environmental factors - Project management information system
- Organizational process assets - Expert judgment
- Preliminary Project scope statement
- Enterprise environmental factors - Project management methodology
Planning - Organizational process assets - Project management information system - Project Management Plan
- Historical Information - Expert judgment
- Assumptions & Constraints
- Deliverables
- Project management plan - Requested changes
- Approved corrective actions - Implemented change requests
Direct and
- Approved preventive actions - Project management methodology - Implemented corrective actions
Execution - Approved change requests - Project management information system - Implemented preventive actions
- Approved defect repair - Work Authorization System (WAS) - Implemented defect repair
- Validated defect repair - Work performance information
- Administrative closure procedure - Completed Project
- Work Results
- Recommended corrective actions
- Project management methodology
Monitor and - Project management plan - Recommended preventive actions
Monitor and - Project management information system
control project - Work performance information - Forecasts
Control - Earned value techniques
work - Rejected change requests - Recommended defect repair
- Expert judgment
- Requested changes
- Project management Plan - Approved change requests
- Project management methodology
- Requested changes - Rejected change requests
- Work performance information - Project management plan updates
- Expert judgment
Integrate - Recommended corrective actions - Project scope statement updates
Monitor and - Change control Board (CCB)
change - Recommended preventive actions - Approved corrective actions
control - Change management system (CMS)
control - Recommended defect repair - Approved preventive actions
- Eng. Review Board (ERB)
- Deliverables - Approved defect repairs
- Technical review board (TRB)
- Work results - Deliverables
- Technical assessment board (TAB)
- Change requests - Lessons learned (Brain Storming)
- Project management plan
- Contract documentation - Administrative closure procedure
- Project management methodology
- Enterprise environmental factors - Contract closure procedure
Close Project Closing - PMIS
- Organizational process assets - Final product, service or result
- Expert judgment
- Work performance information - Organizational process assets updates
- Deliverables

Knowledge Area: Project Scope Management

Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group

- Enterprise environmental factors

- Organizational process assets
Scope - Expert judgment
Planning - Project charter - Project scope management plan
Planning - Templates, forms and standards
- Preliminary project scope statement
- Project management plan

- Organizational process assets

- Product analysis - Project scope statement
- Project charter
Scope - Alternative identification - Requested changes
Planning - Preliminary project scope statement
definition - Expert judgment - Project scope management plan
- Project scope management plan
- Stakeholder analysis updates
- Approved change requests

- Project scope statement updates

- Organizational process assets
- WBS dictionary
- Project scope statement - WBS templates
Create WBS Planning - Scope baseline
- Project scope management plan - Decomposition
- Project scope management plan
- Approved change requests
- Requested changes

- Project scope statement

- Acceptable deliverables
Scope Monitor and - WBS Dictionary
- Inspection - Requested changes
verification control - Project scope management plan
- Recommended changes
- Deliverables

- Project scope statement updates

- Project scope statement
- WBS updates
- Change control system - WBS Dictionary updates
- WBS Dictionary
Scope Monitor and - Variance analysis - Scope baseline updates
- Project Scope management plan
Control Control - Re-planning - Requested changes
- Performance report
- Configuration management system - Recommended corrective actions
- Approved change requests
- Organizational process assets updates
- Work performance information
- Project management plan updates

Knowledge Area: Project Time Management

Project Management
Activities Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Decomposition
- Organizational process assets - Activity list
- Templates
Activity - Project scope statement - Activity attributes
Planning - Rolling wave planning
definition - WBS - Milestone list
- Expert judgment
- WBS Dictionary - Requested changes
- Planning component
- Project management plan
- Precedence diagramming method (PDM)
- Project scope statement - Arrow diagramming method (ADM)
- Project schedule network diagrams
- Activity list - Graphic evaluation review technique (GERT)
Activity - Activity list updates
Planning - Activity attributes - Conditional diagramming method (CDM)
Sequencing - Activity attributes updates
- Milestone lists - Schedule network templates
- Requested changes
- Approved change requests - Dependency determination
- Applying leads and lags
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets - Expert judgment
- Activity resource requirements
Activity - Project scope statement - Alternatives analysis
- Activity attribute updates
resource Planning - Activity list - Published estimating data
- Resource breakdown structure
estimating - Activity attributes - Project management plan software
- Requested changes
- Resource availability - Bottom-up estimating
- Project management plan
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets
- Project scope statement
- Expert judgment
- Activity list
- Analogous estimating
Activity duration - Activity attributes - Activity duration estimates
Planning - Parametric estimating
estimating - Activity resource requirements - Activity attributes updates
- Three-point estimates
- Resource calendars
- Reserve analysis
- Project management plan
- Risk register
- Activity cost estimates
- Schedule network analysis
- Critical path method
- Organizational process assets
- Program evaluation review technique (PERT) - Project schedule
- Project scope statement
- Schedule compression - Schedule model data
- Activity list
- What-if scenario analysis - Schedule baseline
- Activity attributes
Schedule - Resource leveling - Resource requirement updates
Planning - Project schedule network diagram
development - Critical chain method - Activity attributes updates
- Activity resource requirements
- Project management software - Project calendar updates
- Resource calendars
- Applying calendars - Requested changes
- Activity duration estimates
- Adjusting leads and lags - Project (schedule) management plan updates
- Project management plan
- Schedule model
- Monte-carlo simulation
- Schedule model data updates
- Schedule baseline updates
- Progress reporting
- Performance measurements
- Schedule management plan - Schedule change control system
- Requested changes
Schedule - Schedule baseline - Performance measurement
Monitor and Control - Recommended corrective actions
control - Performance report - Project management software
- Organizational process assets updates
- Approved change requests - Variance analysis
- Activity list updates
- Schedule comparison bar charts
- Activity attributes updates
- Project management plan updates

Knowledge Area: Project Cost Management

Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group

- Enterprise environmental factors

- Analogous estimating
- Organizational process assets
- Determine resource cost rates
- Project scope statement
- Bottom-up estimating - Activity cost estimates
Cost - WBS
Planning - Parametric estimating - Requested changes
Estimating - WBS Dictionary
- Project management software - Cost management plan updates
- Project management plan (Schedule,
- Vendor bid analysis
- Cost of quality
- Risk register

- Project scope statement

- WBS Dictionary - Cost aggregation - Cost baseline
Cost - Activity cost estimates - Reserve analysis - Project funding requirements
budgeting - Project schedule - Parametric estimating - Cost management plan updates
- Resource calendars - Finding limit reconciliation - Requested changes
- Contracts
- Cost management plan

- Cost estimate updates

- Cost baseline - Cost change control system - Cost baseline updates
- Project funding requirements - Performance measurement analysis - Performance measurements
Monitor and - Performance reports - Forecasting - Forecasted completion
Cost control
control - Work performance information - Project performance reviews - Requested changes
- Approved change requests - Project management software - Recommended corrective actions
- Project management plan - Variance management - Organizational process assets updates
- Project management plan updates

Knowledge Area: Project Quality Management

Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group
- Cost benefit analysis - Quality management plan
- Enterprise environmental factors - Benchmarking - Quality metrics
Quality - Organizational process assets - Design of experiments - Quality checklists
planning - Project scope statement - Cost of quality - Process improvement plan
- Project management plan - Additional quality planning tools - Quality baseline
- - Project management plan updates

- Quality management plan

- Quality metrics
- Process improvement plan - Quality planning tools and
- Work performance information techniques - Requested changes
- Approved change requests - Quality audits - Recommended corrective actions
Quality Executing
- Quality control measurements - Process analysis - Organizational process assets updates
- Implemented change requests - Quality control tools and - Project management plan updates
- Implemented corrective actions techniques
- Implemented defect repairs
- Implemented preventive actions

- Cause and effect diagram (Fish-

- Quality control measurements
bone diagram / Ishikawa diagram)
- Validated defect repair
- Quality management plan - Control charts
- Quality baseline updates
- Quality metrics - Flowcharting
- Recommended corrective actions
Perform - Quality checklists - Histogram
Monitor and - Recommended preventive actions
quality - Organizational process assets - Pareto chart
control - Requested changes
control - Work performance information - Run chart
- Recommended defect repair
- Approved change requests - Scatter diagram
- Organizational process assets updates
- Deliverables - Statistical sampling
- Validated deliverable
- Inspection
- Project management plan updates
- Defect repair review.

Knowledge Area: Project Human Resource Management

Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group

- Enterprise environmental factors - Organization chart and position

Human - Roles and responsibilities
- Organizational process assets description
resource Planning - Project organization chart
- Project management plan - Networking
planning - Staffing management plan
- Activity resource requirements - Organizational theory

- Enterprise environmental factors

- Pre-assignment
- Organizational process assets - Project staff assignments
Acquire - Negotiation
Executing - Roles and responsibilities - Resource availability
project team - Acquisition
- Project organization chart - Staffing management plan updates
- Virtual teams
- Staffing management plan

- General management skills

- Training
- Project staff assignments
Develop - Team building activities
Executing - Staffing management plan - Team performance assessment
project team - Ground rules
- Resource availability
- Co-location
- Recognition and rewards

- Organizational process assets

- Project staff assignments
- Requested changes
- Roles and responsibilities - Observation and conversation
- Recommended corrective actions
Manage Monitor and - Project organization chart - Project performance appraisals
- Recommended preventive actions
project team control - Staffing management plan - Conflict management
- Organizational process assets updates
- Team performance assessment - Issue log
- Project management plan updates
- Work performance information
- Performance reports

Knowledge Area: Project Communication Management

Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group

- Enterprise environmental factors

- Organizational process assets - Communication requirement
Planning - Project scope statement analysis - Communication management plan
- Project management plan - Communication technology
- Assumption and constraints

- Communication skills
- Information gathering and retrieval
Inform - Organizational process assets updates
Executing - Communication management plan systems
Distribution - Requested changes
- Information distribution methods
- Lessons learned processes

- Work performance information

- Information presentation tools
- Performance measurements - Performance reports
- Performance information
- Forecasted completion - Forecasts
Performance Monitor and gathering and compilations
- Quality control measurements - Requested changes
reporting control - Status review meetings
- Project management plan - Recommended corrective actions
- Time reporting system
- Approved change requests - Organizational process assets updates
- Cost reporting system
- Deliverables

- Resolved issues
- Communication management plan - Approved change requests
Manage Monitor and - Communication methods
- Organizational process assets - Approved corrective actions
stakeholders control - Issue logs
updates - Organizational process assets updates
- Project management plan updates

Knowledge Area: Project Risk Management

Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group
- Enterprise environmental factors
- Organizational process assets
management Planning - Planning meetings and analysis - Risk management plan
- Project scope statement
- Project management plan
- Enterprise environmental factors - Documentation reviews
- Organizational process assets - Information gathering techniques
Planning - Project scope statement - Checklist analysis - Risk Register
- Project management plan - Assumptions analysis
- Risk management plan - Diagramming techniques

- Risk probability and impact

- Organizational process assets assessment
Quantitative - Project scope statement - Probability and impact matrix
Planning - Risk register updates
Risk analysis - Risk management plan - Risk data quality assessment
- Risk register - Risk categorization
- Risk urgency assessment

- Organizational process assets

- Project scope statement - Data gathering and representation
Qualitative - Risk management plan techniques
Planning - Risk register updates
Risk analysis - Risk register - Quantities risk analysis and
- Project management plan modeling techniques
(Schedule and cost)

- Strategies for negative risk or

Risk - Strategies for positive risks or - Risk register updates
- Risk management plan
Response Planning opportunities - Project management plan updates
- Risk register
Planning - Strategies for both threats and - Risk-related contractual agreement
- Contingent response strategy

- Risk assessment
- Risk register updates
- Risk management plan - Risk audits
- Requested changes
Risk - Risk register - Variance and trend analysis
Monitor and - Recommended corrective actions
Monitoring - Approved change requests - Technical performance
control - Recommended preventive actions
and control - Work performance information measurements
- Organizational process assets updates
- Performance reports - Reserve analysis
- Project management plan updates
- Status meetings
Knowledge Area: Project Procurement Management
Activities Management Input Tools & Techniques Output
Process Group
- Enterprise environmental factors
Plan - Organizational process assets - Procurement management plan
- Make-or-buy analysis
purchases - Project scope statement - Contract statement of work
Planning - Expert judgment
and - WBS - Make-or-buy decisions
- Contract types
acquisitions - WBS dictionary - Requested changes
- Project management plan
- Procurement management plan
- Procurement documents
Plan - Contract statement of work - Standard forms
Planning - Evaluation criteria
contracting - Make-or-buy decisions - Expert judgment
- Contract statement of work updates
- Project management plan
Request - Organizational process assets - Bidder conferences - Qualified sellers list
seller Executing - Procurement management plan - Advertising - Procurement document package
response - Procurement documents - Develop qualified sellers list - Proposals
- Organizational process assets - Weighing system
- Selected sellers
- Procurement management plan - Independent estimates
- Contract
- Evaluation criteria - Screening system
- Contract management plan
Select Sellers Executing - Procurement document package - Contract negotiation
- Resource availability
- Proposals - Seller rating systems
- Procurement management plan updates
- Qualified sellers list - Expert judgment
- Requested changes
- Project management plan - Proposal evaluation techniques

- Contract change control system

- Buyer-conducted performance
- Contract
review - Contract documentation
- Contract management plan
- Inspection and audits - Requested changes
Contract Monitor and - Selected sellers
- Performance reporting - Recommended corrective actions
administration control - Performance reports
- Payment system - Organizational process assets updates
- Approved change requests
- Claims administration - Project management plan updates
- Work performance information
- Records management system
- Information technology

- Procurement management plan

Contract - Contract management plan - Procurement audits - Closed contracts
closure - Contract documentation - Records management system - Organizational process assets updates
- Contract closure procedure
o Tools and Techniques are same for all the processes, except Develop Project charter has "Project Selection Methods" and Monitoring
and Control project work has "Earned value technique".
o Remember there is no Expert Judgement in Direct and Execute project Work.
o Scope Definition TT is APES ( Alternatives Identificaiton, Product Analysis, Expert Judgement and Stakeholder Analysis )
o Scope Verification has only one TT which is Inspection. The only other place where you will find Inspection as TT is in Quality
Control process.
o Activity Attributes is updated in all the process except in Activity Definition where it is created.
o Memorize TT for Schedule Development
o Activity Definition TT are PERTD ( Planning component, Expert Judgement, Rolling wave planning, Templates, Decomposition )
o Schedule Control TT are PS PS PV ( Progress reporting Schedule Change control System, Performance Measurement,Schedule
comparision Bar charts, PM software Variance analysis )

o Memorize TT For Cost Estimating. Remember that this overlaps with Activity Duration Estimate process.
o Cost budgeting has Funding Limit Reconcilation as TT which produces output Project funding requirements
o Cost Management plan is updated in Cost Estimating process
o Quality Planning creates 3 plans in output and 3 other outputs which start with Quality.
o TT for Quality planning is ABCDC
o QC has all the outputs of QA + 6 more outputs.
o There are 10 TT for QC. Out of which there are 7 Tools for QC. Remember Inspection appears as TT here and only other place it
appears is in Scope verification
HR - Constraints for HR Planning are C E O ( Collective bargaining agreements, Economic condition and Organizaiton Structure )
o First 4 processes have only one output.
o Risk Register is updated in all the processes after its created.
o We recommed that you memorize ITTO for Risk Management process
o This is a tough chapter and we recommend you keep your focus here and try and memorize as much as you can.

General Guidelines:
This is the best way to address ITTO. You should try to memorize it at artifact level, instead of process level. Meaning you should know everything
that happens with Project Charter, WBS, Contract and so on. If you remember this then you will be able to answer many questions in exams.
Project Charter is input for only following:

Preliminary Scope Statement

Scope Planning
Scope Definition.
Resource Calendars - There may be questions in exam asking you about resource calendar. You should remember that it is
o Input for Activity Duration Estimates, Schedule Development and Cost Budgeting
o Activity Resrouce Estimates have Resource calendars as outputs.
Project Calendar: Talking about calendars, remember that project calendar is updated in Schedule Development.
Scope Statement - is input to all the planning processes after its created except
o Activity Resources Estimating
o HR Planning
o Risk Resonse Planning
o Plan Contracting

Remember that Scope Statement is updated in Integrated Change control process, Create WBS and Scope control
WBS and WBS dictionary are inputs to
o Scope control
o Activity Definition
o Cost Estimating
o Cost Budgetting
o Plan Purchases and Acquisitions

Remember that Scope Verification only has WBS Dictionary as input not WBS.
All Monitoring and Control Processes Except ( Integration Management & Manage Stakeholders ) will have following 4 outputs:

Requested Changes
Recommeded Corrective Actions
Project Management plan ( Updates) ( Except in Performance Reporting )
Organizational Process Assets ( Updates)

PAW - Scope control, Cost Control, Risk Monitoring and control and Contract Administration processes have PAW in Inputs :) . PAW stands
for Performance Reporting, Approved change requests and Work Performance Information. The other M & C Processes have two of PAW
inputs except ( Integration Management & Manage Stakeholders )
o You can remember this as SCRC has PAW
Recommeded Preventive Actions: This occurs in only 4 processes - Monitor and Control Project work, Risk Monitoring and Control,
Quality control and Manage project team.
Recommeded Defect Repair is output of only two processes
o M & C project work
o Quality Control

Cost of Quality - Input to Quality Planning and TT For Cost Estimating.

o Forecasts are outputs of M & C project work and Performance Reporting
o Forecasted completion is output of Cost control and input to Performance Reporting
o Forecasting is TT for Cost Control
Five outputs of Direct and Manage Project Execution are inputs to Quality Assurance namely
o Implemented Change requests,
o Implemented Corrective actions
o Implemented Preventive actions
o Implemented Defect Repair.
o Work Performance Information.
Contract which is output of Select Selles process is input to Contract Administration and Cost budgeting

Tips for Memorizing ITTOs

Here are some pneumonics to memorize ITTOs

* Tips are provided only for Tools and Techniques (except for Integration and Scope)

Project Integration Management

- OPA is common for all processes
- EEF is common for all processes except 4.6 Close Project or Phase
- EJ for all processes
- All processes have only 1 TT except 4.3 Direct & Manage Project Execution and 4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control, which have
Project Management Information System and Change Control Meetings, respectively

Project Scope Management

- Requirements Documentation is for all processes except 5.1 Collect Requirements
- 5.2 Collect Requirements
.1 Interviews
.2 Focus groups
.3 Facilitated workshops
.4 Group creativity techniques
.5 Group decision making techniques
.6 Questionnaires and surveys
.7 Observations
.8 Prototypes

Here is a technique.
* 1-to-1 = Interviews
* 1-to-5 = Focus Groups
* 1-to-15 = Facilitated Workshops
* 1-to-50 = Questionnaires and surveys
* Think of Focus Group - think of two group techniques, "creativity" and "decision making"
We are left with two,
* Observations - think of job-shadowing
* Prototype - think of Concept Cars

- 5.2 Define Scope

F Facilitated Workshop
A Alternatives Analysis
P Product Analysis
E Expert Judgment

You can remember it as For All Project Experts

Project Time Management

6.1 Define Activities

.1 Decomposition
.2 Rolling wave planning
.3 Templates
.4 Expert judgment
You can remember it as "DERT"

6.2 Sequence Activities

.1 Precedence diagramming method (PDM)
.2 Dependency determination
.3 Applying leads and lags
.4 Schedule network templates
You can remember it as "PADS"

6.3 Estimate Activity Resources

.1 Expert judgment
.2 Alternatives analysis
.3 Published estimating data
.4 Bottom-up estimating
.5 Project management software
You can remember it as "BAPPE"

6.4 Estimate Activity Durations

.1 Expert judgment
.2 Analogous estimating
.3 Parametric estimating
.4 Three-point estimates
.5 Reserve analysis
You can remember it as "TARPE"

6.5 Develop Schedule

.1 Schedule network analysis
.2 Critical path method
.3 Critical chain method
.4 Resource leveling
.5 What-if scenario analysis
.6 Applying leads and lags
.7 Schedule compression
.8 Scheduling tool
You can remember it as "SWARS SCC"

6.6 Control Schedule

.1 Performance reviews
.2 Variance analysis
.3 Project management software
.4 Resource leveling
.5 What-if scenario analysis
.7 Adjusting leads and lags
.7 Schedule compression
.8 Scheduling tool
You can remember it as "SWARS VPP"

Project Cost Management

7.1 Estimate Costs
.1 Expert judgment
.2 Analogous estimating
.3 Parametric estimating
.4 Bottom-up estimating
.5 Three-point estimates
.6 Reserve analysis
.7 Cost of quality
.8 Project management estimating software
.9 Vendor bid analysis

You can remember it as "TARPE PC PV" - notice TARPE is also in 6.4

7.2 Determine Budget

.1 Cost aggregation
.2 Reserve analysis
.3 Expert judgment
.4 Historical relationships
.5 Funding limit reconciliation
Remember it as "use Historical Relationships and Expert Judgments to aggregate Costs, analyze Reserves and Reconcile
Funding limits Project"

7.3 Control Costs

.1 Earned value management
.2 Forecasting
.3 To-complete performance index (TCPI)
.4 Performance reviews
.5 Variance analysis
.6 Project management software
Remember it as "FET" - note, the "VPP part is the same for 6.6 Control Schedule

Project Quality Management

Project Human Resource Management
Project Communication Management
Project Risk Management
11.2 Identify Risks
.1 Documentation reviews
.2 Information gathering techniques
.3 Checklist analysis
.4 Assumptions analysis
.5 Diagramming techniques
.6 SWOT analysis
.7 Expert judgment
You can remember it as "SAD DICE".
How does it relate to Risk?
Risk is an uncertain event - DICE represents uncertainity
and it has a negative connotation and when it happens, the outcome is SADness

Project Procurement Management

12.2 Conduct Procurements
Think about the chronology of procurement
1. You search for potential sellers - 2. If you don't find what you need, you place ads - Advertising
3. Then, after you have a list of sellers, you evaluate them - Proposal Evaluation Techniques
4. Then, to find out if the price quote was good you use - Independent Estimates
5. With all the above information, then you go to experts in your company - Expert Judgment
6. to evaluate sellers - Proposal Evaluation Technique
7. After you zero out sellers, you bargain - Procurement Negotiations

12.3 Administer Procurements

There are 3 Actions and 4 Systems
1.Procurement Performance Reviews
2.Performance Reporting
3.Inspections and Audits

1.Contract Change Control Systems (CCCS)
2.Payment Systems
3.Claims Administration (system)
4.Records Management system (RMS)

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