G2 Kids Page 12.08.2010

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The summer holidays just get better and better! Keep sending
your reviews, stories and photos to g2kids@guardian.co.uk

This slightly tricky puzzle was invented
in Japan. You have to fill in the spaces
with numbers from 1-9, so that when it is The giggler
finished, every row, column and 3x3 box
contains all the numbers from 1-9. Q What kind of food do
maths teachers eat?
How to solve it A Square meals.
• Look for the place where there are
most numbers. Q Why didn’t the skeleton
• Try to work out which numbers go where, go to the disco?
by looking at the other rows and columns. A He had no body to go with.
• By process of elimination, guess which
number fits, and check it by trying to fill Did you know?
other spaces in the line or 3x3 box.
• If you are still confused ask an adult. For most of his life, the astronomer
­Tycho Brahe wore a fake nose
made of gold and ­silver. His own
nose was ­destroyed in a
duel in 1566 when he
Can you work

What Crack
was aged only 20.
out the phrase
or saying

am I? the code represented

here? It helps
Book club
Jessica the Jazz Fairy by Daisy Meadows
if you say out

Can you identify loud what you This is my favourite book because it is
these things that can see. very exciting and has detailed pictures.
you might find It is about three towns: a fairy town, a

on a farm? human town and an evil town. The evil
town is ruled by the king

55 55
Jack Frost, along with
his nine goblins, who
steal the fairy town’s
treasures. The fairies
get revenge on a gob-
For answers see tomorrow’s G2 lin by making him slip
in a puddle of water,
Activity Stargazing and he comes out all
wet and soggy. It was
really funny, and a good
If you look up at the sky tonight you This is one for a streak of light as they burn up – so
way of getting revenge.
will see a spectacular natural fireworks older kids – be there is no need to worry about one
Review by Carmen Bywater, 7.
display, thanks to a meteor shower sure to ask your landing on your head!
Tell us about your favourite book at
called the Perseids. parents to let you g2kids@guardian.co.uk
stay up late! How to see the perseids
Where do meteors • You don’t need a telescope. The
The riddler
come from? shower can be seen with the eye from
• Each summer the Earth passes anywhere in the UK. Can you work out the important person
through a trail of cosmic dust, which is • The best time to look is from hidden in this riddle?
the debris left from an ancient comet 10.30pm tonight, but it will continue My first is in quick but not in fast.
called Swift-Tuttle. When bits of debris into the weekend. My second is in future but not in past.
hit the Earth’s atmosphere they be- • Try to stay away from city lights, or My third is not in bus but is in aeroplane.
come meteors. better still, get out into the countryside My fourth is in bicycle but not in train.
• Tonight the Earth will be at the where the added darkness means My fifth is the letter that comes before “O”.
heart of the debris zone, creating ­visibility of the shower will be
a ­meteor shower. It is known as greatly improved. Yesterday’s answers
• Choose a spot without any ob- Spot the difference Missing zeppelin;
the Perseids because the
“Radiator sprang” on billboard; route 68;
structions such as buildings or
puzzles by clarity media

­meteors appear to fly out from

es ds

shorter tower; front blue cars have eyes

pi ki

the direction of the star trees to increase the amount of in wrong direction and an eye missing.
ge co g2
pa re k/

­constellation Perseus. sky you can see. Crack the code Final straw
is o .u
th t m .co

• The meteors are the size of • Then all that’s left to do is find Number sequence 243 – add
of ou ian

a grain of sand and hit the yourself a comfy seat or lie on a half the number each time.
in rd

blanket and watch the show unfold. The riddler Towel

pr ua

Earth’s atmosphere at an in-

to to g

credible 140,000mph, producing Sam Smith


The Guardian 13

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