Unit 50: Moon: II. Above

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The moon revolves once on its axis each time it turns around the Earth, thus always
displaying the same face to the observers on the Earth. However, even to the unaided eye this
unchanging face shows two divergent types of landscape dark, plain-like arm of low relief,
and brighter, decidedly more rough regions which cover about two-thirds of the surface.
Early astronomers erroneously referred to the smooth dark areas as maria (or seas), giving
the name terra (or lands) to the bright upland regions.

To revolve: To rotate, to turn
Axis : Line round which a turning object spins
To display: To show, to demonstrate Observer: Viewer
Unaided : Without help Divergent : Different
Landscape : Scenery Relief: Design, carving
Decidedly: Definitely Rough: Uneven, bumpy
Region: Area Surface: Face
Erroneously: Incorrectly
To refer to: To consult, to mention
Upland: High ground
II. EXERCISES: Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words defined
1. This early style of classical dance .... the talents of each particular performer;
therefore, many rules were laid down in order to achieve perfection of movement.
2. Widely .... views are now held on the value of the formal elements of knowledge
about language.
3. Pilots who have only flown in light winds will be dangerously incompetent in ....
weather, particularly if they are also out of current flying practice.
4. Public opinion sometimes .... accuses the partly empty, off peak buses of being run
5. I.... this part of my life as my gray period.
1. To us the Moon's face ................
a. never changes.
b. changes as we move our position.
c. always changes.
d. sometimes changes.
e. isn't always the same.
2. On the moon there are
a. many kinds of landscape
b. light and dark areas
c. very few contrasts
d. only low plains to be observed
e. dark areas of seas
3. One third of the face of the moon we can see is composed of .....
a. very rough areas
b. light areas
c. low - lying areas
d. upland areas
e. contrasting types of landscape

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