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Proprietary Software: Mintec, inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS


About This Manual
MineSight and Mineral Evaluation and Planning

MineSight Dataflow for a 3-D Block Model
MineSight Dataflow for a GSM Model
Accessing the PCF
Drillhole Data Analyses
Statistical & Geostatistical Analyses
Topography Entry
Building a 3-D Mine Model
Mine Planning
Cut Generation with Truncation
Financial Modeling

Getting Started
Overview of Files
MineSight Graphical Interface
Running MineSight Programs
Writing Run Files
What to do When a Problem Arises


Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries

Program Section
M100TS - Interactive Creation of Project Control & History Files
M101V1 - Add, Update or List Project Data Table
M102TS - Interactive Creation of MineSight Data File Descriptors
M102V1 - Creation of MineSight Data File Descriptors
M104TS - Interactive List & Edit of the PCF File Table
M105TS - Interactive List of the PCF File Descriptors
M110V1 - Transfer Data Between Permanent Files

Technical Section
Determination of Efficient Data Packing

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Introduction Section
120-Series Description
Program Summaries

Program Section
M122V1 - General Purpose Graphics Program
M124TS - Coordinate Conversion of M122 Files
M126MF - View Metafiles
M140V1 - Plot Survey Files

Technical Section
Technical Information - Plotters


Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries
Introduction to Drillhole Data Entry & Manipulation
Steps for Entering Drillhole Data
Suggestions for Drillhole Items

Program Section
CONCSA - Conversion of Collar, Survey, Assay and Geology Data to 201 Format
M201V1 - Load Drillhole Data to MineSight Data Files
M202FS - Interactive Drillhole Data File Editing
M202V1 - Drillhole Data File Editing
M203V1 - List Drillhole Assay File
M203V2 - List Drillhole Assay File and Geologic Boundary Points
M204V1 - List Drillhole/Blasthole Survey File (Standard Format)
M204V2 - List Drillhole Survey File (Special Format)
M205V1 - Addition of Codes to the Assay File
M206V1 - Collar Plot (M122) of Drillhole Survey File
M207V1 - Extract Data from the Drillhole Assay and Survey Files
M208RP - Special Project Calculations (Reverse Polish Notation)
M208V1 - User Interface for Drillhole Data Files
M209V1 - Drillhole Intersection Coordinate Calculations
M210V1 - Coordinate Rotation of Drillhole Collars
M212V1 - Sort Drillhole Survey File
M215V1 - Strip Log Plot (M122) of Drillhole Data
M216SM - Cross-Section Plot with Seam Joining (M122)
M216V1 - Cross-Section Plot (M122) of Drillhole Data
M216V2 - Plan Plot (M122) of Drillhole Data
M217V2 - Assign Seam Dips to Drillhole Data Using VBM Sections
M219V1 - Convert Drillhole into 3-D Coordinates
M234V1 - Extract Drillhole Locations for Polygon Calculations
M236V2 - Generate Drillhole Polygons and Areas
M237V1 - Plot Polygon Outlines (M122)

Technical Section
Setting Up Drillhole Data
Normalized Survey Files
Selection of Data within Boundaries
M208V1 Driver Program
Access to MSTorque Assay/Geology Coverage Data

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Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries

Program Section
M300V1 - Interactive Model and Plot of Variograms
M301V1 - Compute Experimental Variograms for Assay Data
M303V1 - Compute Experimental Variograms for Composite Data
M303V2 - Compute Experimental Variograms (up to 50)
M308V1 - Lithology Contact Analysis
M311V1 - Generate H-Scatter Plots

Technical Section


Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries

Program Section
M401V1 - Statistical Analysis of Assay Data
M402V1 - Statistical Analysis of Composite Data
M403V1 - In-situ Statistical Analysis of Assay or Composite Data
M404V1 - Dip/Strike Analysis of Drillhole Data
M411V1 - Correlation Analysis of Assay or Composite Data
M411V2 - Generate Scatter Graph, Histogram and Simple Statistics
M412V1 - Cumulative Distribution Analysis of Assay or Composite Data

Technical Section
StatisticsBasic Concepts


Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries
Procedure Summary
Checks to be Performed
Suggestions for Bench Composite Items
Suggestions for Seam Composite Items

Program Section
M500V1 - Load Composites into MineSight Data Files
M501SM - Compute Seam Composites from Drillhole Data
M501V1 - Compute Bench Composites from Drillhole Data
M502V1 - Update Composite Using Batch Run
M503V1 - List Composite Files
M504V1 - Bench Plan (M122) of Composite Data
M505V1 - Addition of Codes to Composite Files
M506V1 - Sort Composite Data File

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M507V1 - Extract Composite Data

M508RP - Special Project Calculations (Reverse Polish Notation)
M508V1 - User Interface for Composite Files
M516V1 - Cross-Section of Composite Data (M122)
M516V2 - Cross-Section of Composite Data (M122, without dh traces)
M517V1 - Load VBM Codes to Assay or Composite Files
M522V1 - Drillhole Spacing Analysis
M523V1 - Decluster Composite Data
M524V1 - Point Validation for Interpolation Techniques
M525TS - Interactive Evaluation of Point Validation

Technical Section
Calculation of Composites
M508V1 Driver Program
Access to MSTorque Composite Set Data

Blasthole Section
M500BHS - Load Blasthole Assay Data into BH File 9
M502BHX - Update Blasthole Assay Data in BH File 9
M503BHS - List or Dump Blasthole Assay Data File
M507BHS - Dump Blasthole File 9 to ASCII Data File

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Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries
Mine Model Operations
Program Section
M601V1 - Initialize a Mine Model File
M601V2 - Create a Compressed Format Model File
M602FS - Interactive Mine Model File Editing
M603V1 - List Specified Data Items from the Mine Model File
M606V1 - Plan Map (M122) of Mine Model Data
M607V1 - Contour Plot (M122) of Mine Model Data
M607V4 - Create Contour Data Using Triangulation
M608V1 - Classical Statistical Analysis of Model Data
M609V1 - Cross-Section (M122) of Mine Model Data
M610V1 - Enter Integer Data into a Mine Model File
M610V2 - Enter Real Data into a Mine Model File
M612RP - Special Project Calculations for Mine Model Files
M612SM - Surface Generation
M612V1 - User Interface for Mine Model Files (Benches)
M612V2 - User Interface for Mine Model Files (Section)
M615V1 - Compute Block Codes from Digitized Plan Boundaries
M615V2 - Compute Block Codes from Digitized Section Boundaries
M617V1 - Add Mine Model Codes to Composite Data
M618V1 - Correlation Analysis of Model Data
M619V1 - Cumulative Distribution Analysis of Model Data
M620V1 - Inverse Distance Weighting Interpolation (Std. Version)
M620V2 - Inverse Distance Weighting Interpolation (Octant Version)
M621V1 - Trend Plane Search Interpolation
M624IK - Multiple Indicator Kriging Technique
M624MIK - Multiple Indicator Kriging Technique with the GSLIB routine
M624V1 - Kriging Interpolation Technique
M625V1 - Gradient Interpolation Technique
M630V1 - Load 2-D Surface File (File 13)
M633V1 - Add Topography Percent to the Mine Model
M635V1 - Create a Digital Terrain Model
M636V1 - Calculate Elevations at Grid Point in a D.T.M.
M637V1 - Cross Section Thru a D.T.M.
M639V1 - Generate Block Partials Between Two Surfaces
MSB2PR - Block Values from Sub-block Data
MSCS - Conditional Simulation
MSPCS - Conditional Simulation Post Processing
MSUC - Uniform Conditioning
ELLIPSE2MS - Create a debug ellipsoid
Technical Section
Concept of Geologic Items
Model Rotations
Technical Considerations for Interpolation
Rotation Parameters for Modeling and Variograms
Sub-block Model Data Access
Writing MineSight User Subroutines
Useful COMMON BLOCK Variables

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Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries

Program Section
M640V1 - Interpolate Seam Thickness into a VBM File
M649V1 - Load Digitized Data to a VBM File
M650AR - Outline and Average Reserves
M650BH - Interactive Ore Control Graphic Planner
M650DL - Dragline
M650ED - Interactive VBM Editor
M650IP - Interactive Graphics Planner
M650PT - Pit Expansion
M650SV - Survey Editing
M651V1 - Normalize Node Points of VBM Data
M651V2 - Combine/Add VBM Features
M651V4 - Update Line Segments in the VBM
M652V1 - List a VBM Model Index
M653AC - Convert VBM Data to AutoCAD DXF Format
M653V0 - Extract VBM Data
M653V1 - List VBM Data in Report Format
M653V2 - List VBM Data and Utility Functions
M654V0 - Plot VBM Contour Data in Plan or Section (M122)
M654V1 - Plot VBM Point Data in Plan or Section (M122)
M654V2 - Plot VBM Pits Merged with VBM Topo (M122)
M654V3 - Plot VBM Pits Clipped by File 13 Topography (M122)
M654V5 - Plot Clipped VBM Data (M122)
M655V1 - Calculate Plane Intersections from VBM Data
M655V2 - Calculate Section Intersections from VBM Data
M657V1 - Extract Intersections of VBM Data with a Grid
M657V2 - Create Gridded Data from Intersections
M658V1 - Plot Cross-Sections from VBM (M122)
M658V2 - Plot Pit Cross-Sections from VBM (M122)
M658V3 - Extract Features from VBM
M658V4 - Reformat M658V3 Points
M658V5 - Slice Features from Section VBM
M659V1 - Compute Block Partials from VBM Features
M659V2 - Calculate Waste Dump Volumes from VBM Data
M661V1 - Interpolate Intermediate VBM Planes
M662V1 - Truncate Mining Cuts Stored in the VBM
M663V1 - Compute Seam Length for 3-D Blocks from VBM Data
M664V1 - Compute Outcrop Intersections for VBM Data
M665V1 - VBM Cut Generator
M667V1 - Compute Model Codes and/or Partials from VBM Outlines

Technical Section
VBM Data
VBM Orientation
VBM Data Entry

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Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries

Program Section
M705V1 - Calculate Block Partials from Pit Outlines
M708V1 - User Interface for Reserve Calculations
M710V1 - Set Up or List the Reserve Summary File Logic
M711V1 - Calculate 3-D Mine Model Reserves
M712V1 - Reserve Summary Report Generation
M717TS - Interactive Initialization of Pit Optimization Model Descriptors
M717V1 - Initialization of Pit Optimization Model Descriptors
M718V1 - Create the Pit Optimization Model from the Block Model
M718V2 - Create the Pit Optimization Model from the Block Model with a User Subroutine
M720V1 - Economic Pit Limits (Constant Pit Wall Slope)
M720V2 - Economic Pit Limits (Complex Pit Slopes)
M720V3 - Economic Pit Limits (Lerchs-Grossman Method)
M720V4 - Economic Pit Limits (Complex Pit Slopes - Lerchs-Grossman)
M721V1 - Plan Plot of Optimized Pits (Printer)
M721V2 - Plan Plot of Optimized Pits (M122)
M721V3 - Section Plot of Optimized Pits (M122)
M722V1 - Printer Maps of Condensed Model Data
M723V1 - Pit Optimization Reserve Calculations
M724V1 - List Condensed Model Values
M727V1 - Summarize Reserves for Intermediate & Final Pit Outlines
M728V1 - Calculate Block Partials from Optimized Pits
M729V1 - Edit Surface Files or Add Mining Restrictions

Technical Section
Pit Optimization
Pit Design


Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries
Procedure Summary for GSM Routines

Program Section
M706SM - Determine Mining Limits from the GSM
M708SM - GSM Reserve Calculations
M708S0 - Create an Auxiliary Schedule File
M709SM - Reserve Targeting
M709S1 - Plot End of Target Periods
M712SM - GSM Reserve Summary
M713SM - Merge M708SM Reserves Summary Output
M714SM - Report Merged M708SM Reserves Summary Files

Technical Section
Introduction to Stratiform Deposit Tonnage Calculations

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Introduction Section
Series Description
Program Summaries

Program Section
M805V1 - Long Range Scheduling for Open Pit Mines
M806V1 - Long Range Scheduling from Pit Optimization Designs
M806V2 - Long Range Scheduling from Pit Optimization Designs
M819V1 - Extract Assay Slice Files for Outline and Average
M819V2 - Extract Composite Slice Files for Outline and Average
M819V3 - Extract Composite Slice Files for M820V1 (File 9 only)
M829V1 - Extract Plan Slice Files for IGP
M829V2 - Extract EW Section Slice Files for IGP
M831V1 - Plot M830V1 Cuts

Technical Section
Resource Calculation Logic


The Menu System

What is a procedure

Overview of Steps

How a Procedure Works

Procedure Names
Default Responses
Types of Variables

How to Build a Procedure

Logical Testing
Pop-up Windows

Sample Panel
Using Variables with ITM commands
Using Variables with TMP lines
Using Variables with Run File Names

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Glossary/Dictionary of Terms

General Pit Optimization Error Messages
General GSM Error Messages
General Subroutine Error Messages
General VBM Error Messages
General Program Termination Error Messages and Warnings

All MineSight Documentation is now included as online help.

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