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Lesson Plan Two

Day: ___Wed______ Date: ___XXX_______ Time: _1200_ Class: ____Y4______

Subject: HASS Civics and Citizenship Topic: Rules and Laws 2

Students Prior Knowledge and Experience:
(Outline what the Students already know about this topic) Have covered What is a rule and
what is a law. Have discussed the difference as to who it applies to, outcomes/punishments
Learning Purposes: Student Evaluation:
(Outline the specific learning outcomes to (Explain how Student learning will be
be achieved based on ACARA they should monitored)
be concise, observable and attainable) - FA Collect Placemat sheets ensure different
colours are identified
At the end of this lesson students will be - FA Collect TPS activity
able to explain the importance of laws. - Extension - FA Collect CT worksheet (if
completed) otherwise FA on Q&A and
ACARA Content Descriptors contribution to discussion could be delivered
The differences between 'rules' and 'laws' as individual homework if appropriate.

The importance and purpose of laws (e.g.

to maintain social cohesion, to reflect
society's values) (ACHASSK092)

Questioning and Research: Identify

current understanding of a topic

Evaluating: Use decision-making

processes (e.g. share views, recognise
different points of view, identify issues,
identify possible solutions, plan for action
in groups)

Communicating and Reflecting: Present

findings and conclusions in a range of
communication forms (e.g. written, oral,
visual, digital, tabular, graphic),
appropriate to audience and purpose,
using relevant terms
Preparation and Resources:
(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment
will be required)
- Butcher Paper (extra textas)
- Blank A4 paper for TPS
- Consequence Tree handout:
- ICT -Computer and Projector with sound to play video
- Whiteboard and markers
Timing: Learning Experiences:
(Specify the discussion and activities that will take place. Divide into sections for
Introduction, Main body of lesson, Closure and Transition to next lesson)

2min Revision - Recap of last session What is a law - what is a rule

Formative Assessment Q&A look to question those who may have had some
issues yesterday
5min Get examples from class based on last nights research assignment on laws
make class list on the board
1min Intro to new topic why are laws important? Hand out Butcher Paper
Students should have textas ensure extra just in case
10min Discuss the concept of reflecting societies views.
Watch video The Flip Side of Bike Helmet Laws (
5min Have students T-P-S what the differences in opinion between the two people are
5min Class discuss what would happen if we didnt have laws
10min Get students to placemat on group table butcher paper why they think laws are
2min Discuss Answers and collect worksheets
10min **ExtensionIn pairs complete CT worksheet Select one of the laws from the
list on the board from the research assignment (Time Permitting - Hand out
consequence tree activity- hand out for optional homework activity
2mins --Transition to lunch--
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the success of the lesson) Look at difficulty of video comprehension task Look
at whether the three activities were reasonable from a time perspective.

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