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Document Number: GL-IM-WI-03018

Document Title: Testing Standards

Current Content Brown, Kim Document Adye, Arthur
Owner: Coordinator:
Status: Effective Effective Date: 11/19/2016
Version: 4.0 End Effective

Approver's Name and Title Approver's Signature Date/Time

Motiwala, Naeem Director, IT Governance Risk & motiwaln 11/18/2016 8:52:55
Brown, Kim Manager, SDLC & IT Change Mgmt. brownkj 11/8/2016 1:45:35 P

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document have not been issued since it was printed.
Work Instruction

1. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this Work Instruction (WI) is to define the process that must be followed when
writing, approving, executing, and reviewing System, User Acceptance Test (UAT), Installation
Qualification (IQ) and Data Migration test scripts and the associated defects.
This WI is governed by GL-IM-SOP-05433, Mead Johnson Nutrition System Development Life
This WI is applicable to all Mead Johnson Nutrition (MJN) Information Management (IM)
employees, consultants, and business area clients, who write, modify, approve, execute, or review
test scripts and defects following the MJN SDLC.
Formal documentation of Unit Testing is not required and is not within scope of this document.

2. Requirements
Procedures and methodology used for controlling installation qualifications and when writing,
modifying, approving, executing, and reviewing test scripts and defects must be consistent within
MJN in order to facilitate testing. MJN IM has accountability for ensuring execution of the
installation and testing activities is managed in a controlled manner, generates required
documentation and acquires the required reviews and approvals.
The following requirements must be met prior to executing this WI:
Project managers, business clients, MJN IM support personnel, consultants, and persons
involved in installation qualifications and testing activities, including test script writers,
approvers, executers, reviewers, defect processors, release managers, requirement

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authors, and administrators following MJN SDLC must be trained on this WI
Test script writers, approvers, executers, reviewers, defect processors, release managers,
requirements authors, and administrators must be trained on HP Quality Center (HPQC) if
applicable to the project or application.
Test script writers, approvers, executers, reviewers, defect processors, release managers,
requirements authors, and administrators must be trained on the applicable Work
Instruction(s) depending on where testing will be conducted. These documents are:
o GL-IM-WI-06800HP ALM Quality Center Training if testing is conducted in HPQC
o GL-IM-WI-06801 Paper-Based Testing if testing is conducted on paper.
The following are considered deliverables of the installation qualification and testing activities:
Each qualification or testing phase must include approved, executed and reviewed test
scripts with evidence where appropriate.
All defects found while executing qualification or testing activities must be logged and
Approved project summary reports with all qualification, testing, and defects reported.

2.1 General Information

2.1.1 Test Strategy Approach

Installation Qualifications
Installation Qualifications are performed in the system environment(s) that typically includes
development, test, production and training. Application IQs, however, are not required for
development. Each successive installation of the Hardware or Application IQ will use the
approved scripts from the previous installation or updated and approved scripts from the
previous installation.

Application and Data Migration Testing

Application and Data Migration Testing activities are to be performed in a test environment
that closely mirrors the planned production environment. For validated applications, testing
is to be performed in a qualified test environment. Any deviations must be noted in the
corresponding project summary report. The test environment should be identified in the
System Components Management Document for the application and reported in the
corresponding project summary report.
Execution of the actual data migration occurs in the production environment. The results are
documented in the Data Migration Production Summary Report. The production
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environment should be identified in the System Components Management Document for the

Common to Installation Qualifications, Application Testing and Data Migration Testing

Testing shall be considered complete when test scripts have been executed and the results
are as expected and / or the appropriate defects have been completed documenting the
resolution of any test failures or the plan to do so.
Once the testing is completed, all executed test scripts are reviewed for completeness of
testing documentation and the ability to satisfy the testing objective and business or system
The original testing documentation will be retained in accordance with MJN records retention
policy. Assumptions and Exclusions Assumptions
For System and User Acceptance testing activities, it is assumed that hardware/software
infrastructure components and tools (including PCs, peripherals, networks, servers,
operating system, the database management system, development and test tools and off-
the-shelf utilities) are not explicitly tested during the testing effort. These components are
expected to operate correctly after successful completion of the Installation Qualification. Exclusions
Any items considered out-of-scope for the testing activity must be documented within the
project summary report at the conclusion of the project activities. Data Requirements

If production data is being used in the Test Environment, all sensitive data should be
scrubbed or sanitized prior to loading into the Test Environment.
Data may be provided as part of the script, within the test steps, or as an attached data
sheet. Test Environment

If a System Component Management Document has been created for the application,
definition of the hardware, software, and data structures that comprise the system test
environment is documented in the SCMD. If a SCMD does not exist for the application, the
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definition of the Test Environment will be described in the associated project summary
Testing will be performed in a dedicated and secure environment that closely mirrors the
planned production environment.
If testing must be conducted using non-standard, non-MJN imaged, specific hardware and
software such as client workstations, web servers, application servers, database servers,
these components will be described in the associated project summary document. Test Tools

The following tools are available for use in support of testing. The project team may select
one or more of these tools for use in capturing screen prints/shots, data extract/data dumps,
test execution and defect management. The version of the tools used will be current as of
the test phase execution. If other tools are used, they should be identified in the project
summary report.


Software Tool Description of Use

HP ALM Quality Center Test execution and Defect Management

SQL Navigator Extracting Data

SnagIt Capture Screen Shots

3. Roles and Responsibilities

Note: The Roles in parentheses are the names used in HPQC (if different than those used in this

Roles Responsibilities
Manager, SDLC and IT Approve this WI
Change Management

GL-IM-WI-03018 Testing Standards Page 5 of 12

This document is Mead Johnson Nutrition Company confidential and proprietary information.
Individuals printing a copy of an MJN Procedural Documents are responsible for ensuring that revisions to the
document have not been issued since it was printed.
Director, Global Approve this WI
Controls &
Risk Management
Defect Manager Review the contents of the defects to ensure completeness of
information, and manage the routing of the defect to the
appropriate resources for correction and approvals.
Post Execution Review the executed test script to ensure that testing standards
Reviewer have been followed, all documentation from the test execution is
(Technical) complete, and all attachments have been included. The Post
Execution Reviewer cannot be the Test Script Executer.
Project Administrator Responsible for the administration of the project within HPQC.
Release Manager Defines and creates releases and cycles pertaining to the use of
the Requirements module.
Requirement Author Responsible for creating, modifying, and linking requirements to
test scripts and defects.
Test Script and Defect Review the test script to ensure that the steps support the test
Approver (Business) scenario defined and follow the approved design/requirements.
Test Script Approver must not be the Test Script Writer. Review
the defect to ensure the resolution meets the business
Test Script Executer Execute test scripts based on the documentation requirements in
(Tester) the testing standards. Test Script Executer should not be the Test
Script Writer.
Test Script Writer (Test Write/modify test scripts based on the scenarios identified,
Designer) approved design/requirements, and testing standards. The Test
Script Writer should not be the Test Script Executer.
Testing Manager Coordinate testing activities within the project or testing phase
Validation Consult with the testing team when questions arise for tests of
Representative validated systems
(QA) Approve defects with a QA Signature Required value of Y

4. Definitions
Term Definition
Dashboard The Dashboard module allows centralized reporting based on
application status.
HP ALM Quality Center An implementation of Hewlett Packards Application Lifecycle
(HPQC or HP ALM QC) Management Quality Center product configured and customized for
use at MJN. A web-based system for manual software testing and
management. Hewlett Packard Quality Center includes several
integrated software testing products including Quality Center.
IQ Installation Qualification
IT Information Technology
Management Module The Management module helps manage application releases and

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cycles more efficiently.
Requirements Module The Requirements module is a central repository for managing
multiple requirements types and provides visibility of requirements
coverage. Traceability is supported between requirements and
SDLC Systems Development Lifecycle
System Testing Tests all of a systems designed functionality from end to end. It
should include negative (test to break), positive and boundary tests.
All touch points and integration points should be included within the
tests. System Tests are more technical in nature and should be
written by IT development resources. Sometimes referred to as
Integration or OQ Testing.
Unit Testing Tests all coding/configuration to ensure modules perform as
specified in the design document.
User Acceptance Testing Verifies the application meets the users business needs and
(UAT) ensures it supports the actual business process. UAT tests the
requirements in the Requirements Specification document. UAT
Tests are business focused, and should be written by client area
resources. Few defects should be detected during this phase.

5. Appendices

Not applicable.

6. Forms and Templates

Not applicable.

7. References

Document Number Title

GL-IM-SOP-05433 Mead Johnson Nutrition System Development Life Cycle
GL-IM-WI-06800 HP ALM Quality Center Training
GL-IM-WI-06801 Paper-Based Testing

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This document is Mead Johnson Nutrition Company confidential and proprietary information.
Individuals printing a copy of an MJN Procedural Documents are responsible for ensuring that revisions to the
document have not been issued since it was printed.
8. Contact Information
Direct Questions about this Procedural Document to:

Manager, SDLC and IT Change Management

Mead Johnson Nutrition IM
Evansville, IN

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This document is Mead Johnson Nutrition Company confidential and proprietary information.
Individuals printing a copy of an MJN Procedural Documents are responsible for ensuring that revisions to the
document have not been issued since it was printed.
Document History

Effective Date Version Author(s) Description

February 19, 1.0 Sandra Brown First Issue
March 17, 2010 2.0 Sandra Brown IM-CR-0430:
Updated Appendix F, HP QC
Training Matrix
Added Appendix G, Defect
Categories and Severities
May 20, 2011 1.0 Sandra Brown This document has been migrated from
the BMS EpicStar Legacy system. The
current effective version in the legacy
system was selected and loaded into the
Global Procedural Document
Management System in Draft status. It
will go through the approval process to
be made effective and assigned version
number 1 regardless of the previously
approved version numbers.
Updates include: Combine Purpose &
Scope (1. & 2.); new roles added;
reformat sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.3;
update the required training matrix;
update the Defect Categories; update
information related to the installation of
the Requirements module in HPQC.
Jan. 24, 2012 2.0 Kim Brown Updates include:
Approvers Name and Title
References to IM-WI-27000 changed
to IM-WI-021
Section 3.1, Task 2, step 7 -
Section 3.4.3, Test Script Executor
Section 4, roles and responsibilities
Section 5, Definitions
Section 8, References to reflect
renamed document numbers
Section 9, Contact information

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This document is Mead Johnson Nutrition Company confidential and proprietary information.
Individuals printing a copy of an MJN Procedural Documents are responsible for ensuring that revisions to the
document have not been issued since it was printed.
Effective Date Version Author(s) Description
Appendix C, Comments on QA
Signature Required and Target
Release fields.
Appendix F, Training Matrix to align
to MJN Learning Management
Appendix G, definition of Defect
Category Other-See Comment Field.
Added Appendices H through K and
updated the list of Appendices in
Section 6.
April 16, 2012 3.0 Kim Brown Updates include:
Section 2.2, Testing Best Practices
Section 3.4.1, Requirements and
Management Modules,
Appendix C, HPQC Defect Required
Fields for MJN
Appendix F, HPQC Training Matrix
Appendix G, Defect Categories and
April 25, 2013 4.0 Kim Brown Updates include:
3.4.2 Creating and Approving a
System/UAT Test Script
3.4.3 Executing and Reviewing a
System/UAT Test Script
3.5 Defects in HP Quality Center
Appendix B, HPQC Test Plan
Required Fields for MJN
Appendix C, HPQC Defect Required
Fields for MJN
Appendix D, HPQC Test Plan
Template in Excel
Appendix E, HPQC Test Plan
Template Instructions
May 7, 2014 5.0 Kim Brown Updates include:
GL-IM-WI-03018 Testing Standards Page 10 of 12
This document is Mead Johnson Nutrition Company confidential and proprietary information.
Individuals printing a copy of an MJN Procedural Documents are responsible for ensuring that revisions to the
document have not been issued since it was printed.
Effective Date Version Author(s) Description
Section 2 Requirements
Section 2.1 Prerequisites for
Section 2.2 Testing Best Practices
Section 3.1 Unit Testing on Paper
Section 3.3 Defects on Paper
Section 3.5 Defects in HP Quality
Section 4 Roles and
Appendix B, HPQC Test Plan
Required Fields for MJN
Appendix C, HPQC Defect
Required Fields for MJN
Appendix D, HPQC Test Plan
Template in Excel
Appendix E, HPQC Test Plan
Template Instructions
February 18, 6.0 Kim Brown Updates include:
2015 Glossary
Removed version number from
Appendices B, C, D, E and H
Removed references to v10.0
Modified references from PER to
SME or SME-Technical.
Field names and descriptions in
Appendix B.
May 14, 2015 7.0 Kim Brown Updates include:
Section 3.4.3 Test Script Executor
and Post Execution Reviewer
Section 3.5 Defect Manager
updated field name.
Section 4 Roles and
Appendix B field names and
Appendix E field names and
GL-IM-WI-03018 Testing Standards Page 11 of 12
This document is Mead Johnson Nutrition Company confidential and proprietary information.
Individuals printing a copy of an MJN Procedural Documents are responsible for ensuring that revisions to the
document have not been issued since it was printed.
Effective Date Version Author(s) Description
August 7, 2015 1.0 Migrated This document was programmatically
Document migrated from GPDMS to PDMS,
renamed from IM-WI-1752 to GL-IM-
WI-03018, and version number reset to
1.0. No content changes were made.
October 21, 2.0 Kim Brown Updated footer and references for new
2015 PDMS numbers.
June 29, 2016 3.0 Kim Brown Updated Purpose and Scope
Added General Information
Updated document to include
Installation Qualification and
Data Migration testing.
Corrected Technical and
eApprove Administrator role
names in Appendix F.
Upon Last 4.0 Kim Brown Reorganized the document to remove
Approval work instructions specific to HPQC and
paper-based testing. This information
was moved to separate WIs. Also,
best practices were moved to a
guidelines document.

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This document is Mead Johnson Nutrition Company confidential and proprietary information.
Individuals printing a copy of an MJN Procedural Documents are responsible for ensuring that revisions to the
document have not been issued since it was printed.

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