Hudson Litchfield News 9-1-2017

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Hudson~Litchfield They
Volume 28 Number 8 September 1, 2017 12 Pages

Dedicated 25 Years
to the Students of Hudson
It is always great to
see Hudson teachers
receive a watch for
25 years of service.
In SAU 81 on Friday,
at the total gathering
of Hudson school
personnel, two
outstanding teachers
received their special
Suzanne Sawyer,
Alvirne High School
Sue Sawyer is
an Alvirne graduate
who we are fortunate
Mrs. Malizas kindergarten class lines up waiting for all their friends to arrive. to have teaching
math for us. Sue

When Youre 5 and just Starting School, is dynamic in the

classroom with
strong content

Do You Know Summer is over? knowledge and

organization to
go with her deep
care for building
relationships with her
Sue is a valued
colleague to all in
our math department
and whole school.
She simply cares
for people and her
strong sense of
Staff photos by Len Lathrop
humor and active
listening skills help Sue Sawyer with Hudson Superintendent Lawrence Russell
makes others feel
comfortable. Sue is professional at all times, collaborative,
loves her family and our dress down days insightful, and highly respected by her
Tyler Edwards and his mom, Jessica, share a moment. Georgia Palmer, crossing guard, guides people across Library Street. so she can show her Boston sports team peers, yet has a delightful sense of humor
and Alvirne Pride. that helps us all keep things in perspective.
by Len Lathrop Bev Stanley, Library Street School The ELC and the Hudson School District
Even the weather Tuesday morning helped to end Bev makes every student feel like they are better places because of Bev Stanley.
summer as all the smiling faces (almost all) were arriving are the most important
at Library Street School. While many say that summer person and student in
is over on Labor Day, when youre 5ish, doesnt it end the world to her and
when you enter the large yellow brick school building? each one of them truly
Many of the children had visited the school last Friday is. She is passionate
for Community Day, and, on the 29th, the Library Street about teaching and
teachers were more than ready for their newest students. has high expectations,
Staff photos by Len Lathrop

Everybody got a name tag and a lot of hugs as they lined yet her focus is always
up behind the very friendly signs for their respective on the child; their self-
teachers and classrooms. esteem, their progress,
The buses came around the corner and were directed their growth as learners.
into the queue by Georgia Palmer, who has been helping This has earned her the
get the Hudson students safely into schools for 22 years. respect of her students,
Palmer mentioned that many of the students she crossed parents and colleagues.
in the earlier years wave as they bring the students back Bev is that positive
to school, and some even stopped with coffee for her. teacher who makes
Hudson Master Patrolman Kevin Riley was there to help Caleb Hanscom and Kate Mosca, far right, with Layla Spencer on the workplace a better
with traffic on the first day of school, but Riley was quick the first day of school. place for everyone.
to mention he could only support Palmer as she had it all She creates a sense
under control. newest of the town students, said that all of Hudsons of community in her Bev Stanley, center, as she welcome new kindergartner
Superintendent Lawrence Russell and SAU Business schools opened without any major problems, but classroom that carries Aylah Michie and her mom, Sara, on Community Day.
Administrator Karen Burnell, who were there to greet the remember that it was 8:30 a.m. on the first day. through the school. She

Hurricane Harvey A Retrospective

on moisture from the very warm Gulf waters and Ocean temperatures control
most, like Harvey, stalled over an area for up to a where in the tropics hurricanes
week. form. The oceans reach their
There have been many flood disasters in the warmest temperatures in late
Houston area, even dating to the mid-1800s when summer and early fall, and,
the population was very low. In December of not surprisingly, that is when
1935 a massive flood occurred in the downtown the peak storm seasons are.
area as the water level height measured at Buffalo In the United States, of
Bayou in Houston topped out at 54.4 feet. This course, we focus on the
Monday morning, the water level in the same Atlantic in the late summer
location reached near 39 feet (15 feet lower than and fall. The eastern Pacific
in 1935) before dropping. also generates hurricanes
The trend has been down in recent decades. that sometimes affect Hawaii.
The last major hurricane in Texas was Bret in Some of those storms bring
1999. heavy rains to Arizona and
For the U.S., the trend is down too. We have southern California if they turn
had seven land-falling hurricanes this decade. north and move fast enough
Unless we add eight more in the next few months before they can dissipate. The
and in 2018 and 2019, this decade would be the central and western Pacific
quietest since 1850. is on average the most active
by Joseph DAleo,
region because the ocean heat affect the mainland this season. We need to stay
Certified Consulting Meteorologist
content there is the highest in wary, even here in the Northeast.
Hurricane Harvey was a major hurricane at
the global tropics. So you know, while we were all enjoying the
landfall on the Texas coast. That put to an end
In El Nio summers, eclipse a week ago Monday, Harvey was more
a streak of 4,000-plus days --nearly 12 years--
hurricanes are most common than a day away from regenerating in the western
without a major hurricane of Category 3 or higher
in eastern and central Gulf of Mexico. These storms can develop and
making landfall on the mainland. The previous
tropical Pacific. In La Nia be a threat very fast. You and your family should
record was eight years back in the 1860s.
years, it is the Atlantic and print off and review the one page hurricane
The storm surge and strong winds did major
western Pacific where storms safety tips from NOAA here:
damage near the coast, but, even in a weakened
threaten more. The Atlantic get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-
form, Harvey did incredible damage inland
goes through cycles of warm emergencies/hurricane#About.
due to the fact it stalled, keeping the tropical
and cold. A warm Atlantic And say a prayer for the good people in Texas.
deluge going for many days. Harvey produced
favors more hurricanes with
catastrophic river, stream and urban flooding. By Joe DAleo, a Hudson resident for the last 25
landfall threats on the East
the time it exited the state late this week (by the years, co-founded The Weather Channel and
Coast especially when La
time you are reading this) it will have produced served as its first director of meteorology back in
Nias occur. The Atlantic is
rains that might exceed the modern record for 1982. With more than 40 years of experience in
at latter stages of the warm
tropical rain events in the U.S. professional meteorology, he has served as chief
mode that began in 1995.
Over 4 feet of rain may fall in some location(s), meteorologist for Weatherbell Analytics since
This summer after a try
which would be a record. The previous record 2011. As a fellow of the American Meteorologist
at El Nio this spring, the
was set with what was earlier a weak tropical Society, he has testified about weather and climate
waters cooled and a La Nia
storm Amelia in 1978 that dumped 48 inches in before federal and state legislatures and taken
pattern is evolving. The
Medina, Texas, as it stalled for a full week. Six of the science lead on legal briefs to the D.C. circuit
warm Atlantic and evolving
the top 10 wettest tropical storms since 1950 were and U.S. Supreme Courts. Let Joe know what you
La Nia conditions raise the
in Texas, all 10 were Gulf storms. What made think at
concern that Harvey may not be the last storm to
these storms so wet was the fact that they drew
2 - September 1, 2017 | Hudson - Litchfield News

What Happens 104 Times Litchfield Police Help Kids

a Year in Hudson? with Back-to-School Issues
by Len Lathrop
For several years, the Litchfield
Police Association has given
administrators of all three schools
Walmart gift cards that they can use
to help students with back-to-school
issues. This year was no different.
With school starting on Monday,

Staff photos by Len Lathrop

Corporal Russell Hartley and Officer
George Ivas were at Litchfield Middle
School to present a stack of cards to
each of the school administrations.
The funding for the cards comes
from donations and fundraising
the police association receives.
While they did not want to specify
the amount, all three principals Corporal Russell Hartley, LMS Assistant Principal Martha Thayer, LMS Principal
mentioned what a help these gift Tom Lecklider, GMS Principal Scott Thompson, CHS Principal William Lonergan,
cards are with getting everyone Officer George Ivas and CHS Assistant Principal Mike Perez
prepared for the start of the school

by Len Lathrop
If the picture doesnt give it away, then
ASAP owners Jim and Diane Hedlund
mentioned that most people love the
Victim of Circumstance
a few clues are in order. It is on Lowell
Road as part of a pool business. Still lost?
messages and have heard only a few
complaints over the years. In fact, the
Plays from The Cage
A different message appears on either side, Hedlunds are stopped almost anywhere
and these change every Monday. they go in Hudson to talk about the sign
Its the sign at Advanced Spa and Pool, and the words of wisdom that appear
better known as ASAP. Unless youre a there every week. Having been at 162 by Len Lathrop
pool customer or a Facebook junkie, you Lowell Road for four years, the ASAP sign The outdoor concert at Benson Park this
may not know that all summer there has had led to a lot of conversations. past Saturday featured a group of Hudson
been a Facebook contest with real prizes Here are just a few of the best messages musicians in The Cage. The Friends of
for submissions with the winner chosen by posted by those who participated in the Benson has hosted several concerts from the
the ASAP staff. The winners who came up summer Facebook contest: cage located outside the Elephant Barn. Folks
with the best sayings for that month were Dont laugh at your wifes choice, you can sit in the shade of the trees near the Old
awarded AMC movie tickets. Best of all, were one of them Lady in the Shoe or the office building and
each message was displayed on the sign If each day is a gift, can I return see and hear what is going on.
for the month, giving the author instant Mondays? Saturday was a beautiful evening at
notoriety. Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow the park as the sounds of Victim of
Circumstance played songs that many knew.
On guitar/vocals was Cam Levesque, with
Brad Hartwick on bass and Harrison Foti on
drums. While The Cage adds many nostalgic
144 Charles Bancroft Hwy. memories, the musicians can be seen through
Litchfield, NH 03052 the wire and bars, but not really well. Yet,
the music drifts throughout the park, and, on
Staff photos by Len Lathrop

Saturday, it could be heard at the overlook

table, but by the time you reached Swan Lake
it was quiet.

We Have Our Own Butter & Sugar Corn,

Tomatoes, Raspberries and Blackberries
NH Orchard Grown Peaches and Apples. Also from our fields: Zucchini, Nashua Humane Society CEO Calls
Baby Spinach, Beet Greens, Summer Squash, Cucumbers, Lettuces,
Radishes, Green & Yellow Beans & More Produce Coming Every Week
Governors Executive Order a Step Forward
15% Senior & Military Discount courtesy of the Office of Governor Chris Sununu
and the Humane Society for Greater Nashua
Every Wednesday and Thursday Governor Chris Sununu signed an executive order revamping
the Governors Commission on the Humane Treatment of Animals.
Open 7 Days 8am-6pm Gift Cards Available He then issued this statement on Aug. 17 at the Wolfeboro
Police Department (following an incident two months earlier at a
CSA Available Full & 1/2 Shares
Wolfeboro mansion where about 80 Great Danes were removed
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and refers to from what was described by authorities as filthy living conditions):
a partnership with your local farmer (Wilson Farm) where the public Animal cruelty will not be tolerated in New Hampshire. I am
proud to revamp the Governors Commission on the Humane
is able to buy shares of the harvest.
Treatment of Animals, making it easier for the commission to
recruit members, as well as expanding their
duties to include tracking and promoting current

One Community.... legislation, which will allow them a voice in the

legislative process. I look forward to working with
the commission, advocates and legislators to pass

Four Levels of Care commonsense legislation that protects animals,

ensuring that the type of situation that took place in
Wolfeboro never happens again.
Locally, Douglas Barry, president and CEO of the
Humane Society
for Greater Nashua,
Rehabilitation believes this is a
step forward to the
Private suites state strengthening
State-of-the-art rehab gym and improving focus
203 Lowell Road, Hudson NH 03051 on animal welfare,
laws to eventually

Memory Care Assisted

come, to benefit all
animals in the state.
Specialized programs According to Barry,
his organization
Open concept, feeling of home will monitor the Courtesy photos
commissions work
closely and always
Traditional Assisted Living be available and
willing to help as
24 private suites their work unfolds.
Worry-free living This is a very
important step in
addressing the
animal cruelty and
Long Term Care neglect laws in New
Hampshire, said
Compassionate & dedicated staff Barry. The governor
Safe & caring environment has listened to our concerns and reacted promptly and
for that we are grateful.
Barry explained that Gov. Chris Sununu recently re-
Fairview offers a continuum established the Commission on the Humane Treatment

Fairview Healthcare is an established member of care that is unlike any other

of Animals, which was actually
convened well over ten years ago by
of the healthcare community since 1951. community in the area. his father, former NH governor.
The commission has been focused
on improving the environment for
domesticated animals. However,
many years went by under previous

Laurel Place
administrations where the commission
did not meet due to leadership
and lack of focus on membership
recruitment, commented Barry.
The commission has a number of
Fairview Healthcare 603-882-5261 responsibilities including monitoring
animal cruelty, legislative submissions
203 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH and advocacy for bills related to
animal cruelty and neglect. All of the animals pictured are availabe for adoption from the Humane
Another modification to this order Society for Greater Nashua.
relates to the membership of the commission. Additional individuals who have more
extensive knowledge in the area of animal cruelty and
neglect have been added to strengthen the
groups credibility, Barry explained.
Hudson - Litchfield News | September 1, 2017 - 3

Remember Hudson When ... Do You Have the Right Plan?

Blodgett Cemetery
by Ruth Parker
Our next cemetery
organized. The yard
was then enclosed by
Insurance Solutions Provided
to visit is the Blodgett a stone wall with an Karen A. Archer 603-553-9040
Cemetery, located on iron gate. The grounds Independent Licensed Agent 877-728-9593
Pelham Road at the were cleared of bushes
Londonderry, NH
intersection with Lowell and rubbish and other
Road and about one improvements were Life / Health / Dental / Long Term Care / Medicare / Disability
and a half miles south made. Family lots
of the Taylor Falls and were located and laid
Memorial Bridges. It is out using the vacant ST. JUDE'S NOVENA
the third burial yard, in grounds. Unfortunately, May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved
order of age, in Hudson. either from carelessness and preserved throughout the world now and forever.
It contains about one or willfulness, new Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of
acre of land and was lots were plotted miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray
acquired by the town upon grounds of some for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your
prayer will be answered. Say it for 9 days. It has never been
on or before 1748 from ancient graves and
known to fail. Publication must be promised.
Benjamin Whittemore they were obliterated.
Thank you St. Jude. A.J.L.
for a meeting house and In Websters History
public uses. he reported this as
The state boundary inexcusable and lacking ServingSouthernNewHampshire'sPlumbingandHeatingneedsSince1994
with Massachusetts was the respect that should
established in 1746, have been due to these
leaving the residents early settlers.
of town in need of a The most ancient
meetinghouse site more The entry gate to Blodgett Cemetery, 2007 date found among the
central to its people. inscriptions of this place Residential and Commercial - Affordable Rates - Free Estimates
This site was selected is that of Priscilla Chase Air Conditioning
and, by 1748, the second meetinghouse was erected by the town. who passed Oct. 5, 1749. The most frequent surnames found on New installation and Repair of Boilers & Hot Water Tanks
Kimball Webster in his History of Hudson describes the site of the headstones are Blodgett, Greeley, Burns, Chase, Pollard, Winn, New Construction or Repairs Combustion and Efciency Testing
the meeting house as on the south side of the yard and near the Wason, Hale, Caldwell, Page, Wilson, Cross, Merrill and Burbank.
Complete Remodeling Services Licensed Gas Pipe Fitter
present gate of the cemetery. The burial plots were the church Within this cemetery are four generations of Blodgetts with
yard, surrounding the house on the rear and on both ends. the name Joseph. Joseph, born 1760, served in the Battle of 603-883-0707
In time, the meetinghouse was moved away, and the No. 4 Bennington in 1777. Being a lad of 17 he did not receive credit
School House built on the site. By the winter of 1855 the school for his service at either the local or the national level until 2007,
house burned. Prior to this time a question was raised about the some 229 years later. His service has since been registered at the
towns title to this lot on the north side. At the town meeting of national level by Ruth (Baldwin) Williams, a descendant of his from
1839, the town appointed a special committee of Thomas Wason, Oak Forest, Ill., when she applied for membership is the Daughters
Jeremiah Smith and Daniel Davis to investigate. This committee of the American Revolution (DAR). Young Joseph served with his
met with Reuban Greeley, Esq., the abutter on the north end. After father and the records for his service were credited to his father.
this meeting, all parties agreed to establish an east/west boundary His gravesite in Blodgett Cemetery received a Revolutionary Soldier
on the north side of the town owned land. marker at a Memorial Day ceremony in 2007. Mrs. Williams
After the schoolhouse fire in 1855 that site was abandoned coordinated this event with the Cemetery Trustees, the American
in favor of a location nearby. As the land upon which the Legion of Hudson and the Hudson Historical Society.
schoolhouse had stood belonged to the town, it was added to The photo shows the gate into this cemetery in 2007 and is part
the cemetery, and, a short time later, a cemetery association was of the Hudson Historical Society collection.

Two Special Deliveries

An Excavator and Pumper Truck
Arrive in Hudson
by David S. Morin
The towns highway and fire departments
each received a new major piece of
equipment during the past week to improve
the services they provide to the residents of
The highway department took delivery
of its new excavator. The new machine is
built by Volvo and is a model EW180, said
Road Agent Kevin Burns. The new excavator
replaces a 2002 Volvo EW170. The $233,082
to purchase the new machine was approved
by taxpayers last March.
Burns went on to say the town traded in its
old machine for $22,000, and, using a five-
year lease purchase plan, the annual cost is
The fire department also took delivery of
a new piece of fire apparatus. The 2017
Seagrave SO 78J11 Marauder II pumper
arrived in town on Aug. 25. The $506,500
to purchase the new engine was approved
by taxpayers last March. The departments
The highway departments new Volvo excavator current Freightliner FL80 engine
was used for a $1,500 trade-in
The highways new excavator was
found completing work on a recent
paving project on Travis Street. The
fire departments new engine will
be placed in service at the Robinson
Road Fire Station as soon as
firefighters are trained on the
Photos by David S. Morin

The fire departments 2017

Seagrave pumper

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4 - September 1, 2017 | Hudson - Litchfield News

The Word Around Town...

Letters to our Editor
The Ultimate Betrayal to any American he wrote Zachs Stadium - Home of the Hudson Litchfield Bears. Zachary

Paying my Brother
wanted to build a stadium when he grew up. His family, friends, and Zachfund
Were you or someone you know affected by the Merrimack Valley Reliability Board members have been dedicated to someday fulfilling his dream by tirelessly
Project? fundraising, all for the good of youth sports in Hudson.
The corrupt for profit publicly traded companies, Eversource and National
Grid, lied their way to approval for this destructive and invasive project. The
Lately the buzz across town has been one of curiosity. Whats going on over
there? Is that thing ever going to be built? The simple answer to the both
to do my Chores
NH SEC ignored all the lies and dangers and negligently awarded the certificate questions is asbestos and bureaucracy, two things with which most of us are For those of you who care ... I still have yet to have a
for this project anyway. Eversource and National Grid have destroyed the lives unfamiliar. We had hoped to have had a field ready to play on by now, but for second date. I am not giving up hope though. It will
and private property of so many people without any compensation, proper the above unforeseen reasons we have been in a holding pattern these past seven happen.
rights, or permission. They have and continue to hurt and invade so many. years. In addition, due to the asbestos on the land, the size of usable land has So my parents get mad at me when I pay my little
To make matters worse, I recently found that our police department is earning been reduced greatly; therefore our plans for a stadium have been reduced to brother to do my chores. I dont want to do the
money watching this construction without even stopping them. I have also building a football field. laundry or clean the bathroom, and he will do it for
seen them watching idle equipment/site with no construction present as well. We (family, friends, and the Zachfund Board members) are bringing the money. I have a job and he does not. He wants
They have no idea what the project is. They do not see crime. They do not see Golf Tournament back to our hometown to the Green Meadows Golf Club in money and I dont want to do the chores because I
destruction. They do not see trespassing. They do not see the threats to public Hudson, with tee off time at 8 a.m., Monday, Sept. 25. am lazy. Besides, my brothers future wife should be
health. They have never bothered to follow the docket. These police officers are The funds we raise are for the youth of our community and we want to thanking me.
earning revenue billed to these companies and their subcontractors above and encourage everyone to come participate. If you dont golf, there are other ways He can now
beyond the regular pay they receive for the duties that they were sworn in to you can contribute: join us for lunch and prizes - its a minimal $35 ticket; not only put
serve; the oath they took to uphold the constitution. if you own a local business you can contribute by sponsoring or donating the laundry
This is the ultimate betrayal to any American that is adversely affected by this merchandise for our raffle; or you can help by volunteering at the event. in the wash
project. Not even so much of an apology from this town and police department. Its really a fun event to participate in. For additional information regarding and dryer,
Now I know why this town didnt bother to intervene and try to stop this registration and/or sponsorship opportunities, please e-mail Bob McCarthy at but also fold
project that is ripping through the watershed for Robinson Pond. You chose to or visit it. He can
All About

gain from it financially at the expense of the harm of so many of your citizens. If you cant make the golf tournament, we will be hosting our annual 5K also clean
So many affected are receiving no monetary compensation for the harm you which has been moved to Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 23. the shower,
are profiting from! The U.S. Constitution these police officers took an oath To those in the community who have been a part of this process now is the toilet and
to uphold affords Americans equal protection! Somehow, I see a huge disparity time more than ever, to heighten your efforts to see this project through to sink in the
in protection here. I will continue to see it this way despite the many pathetic completion. bathroom. I
attempts people in this town make to justify these actions! feel bad for my future husband because Ill be trying
Every dollar you gain from this project, there are people whose lives have been The Tompkins Family and Board Members, Hudson
to convince him to clean the bathroom for a solid $5.
destroyed! You all are really in need of some severe soul searching. Just because For some reason, I dont think its going to work out.
you survived the pathetic parameters of our Board of Ethics that enforces the Helping our Needy Students Again So the other day I was reading an article about what
mere Town Code created by the same town that hurt us, doesnt mean you didnt age your child should be left alone at and for how
do something wrong! We now all know what you did to support and profit off The Womans Fellowship of the Litchfield Community Church wants to say long. Well, I am not a parent, but I hear a third-party
this project! What other revenue will this town receive from this project? There thank you for all the backpacks and school supplies. These will be given to the opinion is always welcomed. If you have a child and
must be something else coming up. I shudder to imagine just what that will be. needy students in all five schools. The school nurses and guidance counselors you are wondering if it will make your life harder or
will distribute them. easier to leave them home alone then check out this
Peggy Huard, Hudson Donations were dropped off at the Town Hall lobby, Aaron Cutler Library website:
and the church ramp. Stephanie Marsden assisted with picking up the supplies liability/when-can-you-leave-a-child-home-alone-.
Help Fulfill the Dream of Zachs Stadium and dropping them off to the church. The 37 backpacks and bags of school html.
supplies were sorted and packed by six members of the group. Wendy Bound Well, it says that you can leave a child home alone
The Zachary M. Tompkins Memorial Fund was created to fulfill Zacharys also volunteered to help. On Thursday, Linda Peeples delivered them to all five overnight between the ages of 16 to 17 years of age.
dream that the children of Hudson have a safe place to play football. Healthy schools. They were so appreciative for the supplies. Personally, I would think that would be the age that
and athletic, 11 year old Zachary went to bed on March 7, 2010, as all children This heartwarming project could never be successful without all the generous you dont want to leave your children home alone
do. Tragically, Zachary had passed during the night unexpectedly. It was later people in our town. It is wonderful to help over 60 students by giving time, overnight. Your house might have a mixture of a pot
learned that Zachary had passed from an undetected genetic heart disease Long energy, and donations. Thanks again. and stale beer smell, and the liquor in your cabinet
Pat Jewett and the Womens Fellowship Group, Litchfield might have mysteriously disappeared.
Just two weeks prior to his passing, Zachary made a ceramic plate on which
I would say maybe 12 and up you can leave them
home alone for a few hours. I would hope that they
memorized their address and emergency numbers by
While we debate the traffic light at Lowell and Pelham roads, we need Fact checking by Selectman Morin found that, during the hurricane then. If not, then they are clearly not ready to stay
to look toward Houston and surrounding communities that have endured of 1938, there was 3.2 inches of rain, but, as Alukonis pointed out, it home alone. If youre close with your neighbors and
the wake of Hurricane Harvey. They should be in our prayers, thoughts, was in March and the river had risen with snow melt and ice flow from have dogs, its certainly easier to leave your child
and donations as each day goes by. the North Country. However, in 2006, during the Mothers Day floods, alone.
Radio reports have it that the rain has totaled up to 51 inches in some the rain amount was just over 6 inches, which closed many roads to the Its always a risk to leave your child home alone.
areas. The Fox was wondering what would happen to our towns if we point that emergency apparatus had trouble getting from one side of The bottom line is if you dont trust them, than you

received that much. So the Fox reached out Hudson to the other. Lowell Road was closed probably shouldnt leave them home alone. If you
to several people who have some history with where it meets Cedar Street. The brook there leave them home alone and they drink all your alcohol
Hudson or an understanding of our infrastructure flows into a drain pipe that is under T-Bones or burn the house down, I would maybe not leave
and roadways: Hudson Town Engineer Elvis parking lot and does not exit until it is in back of them home alone again for a little while.
Dhima; Hudson Road Agent Kevin Burns; the building.

Children do have to grow up and learn eventually
Selectman and former Firefighter for 30 years, Burns pointed out that both the surface water how to be left alone. In theory they are supposed to
Dave Morin; and Hudson Historical Society drains and the sewer system would be most fly the coop, and you want to prepare them for that so
President and a forever resident and historian likely inoperable due to mud and debris in the reality doesnt slap them hard.
Dave Alukonis. pipes. He felt that the highway department Just think your child could end up like me. Twenty-
This question was posed to these would be working around the clock for 75 days
four years old, living at home, mom and dad still

the Fox Say

knowledgeable folks: Would Merrimack River on cleanup and repair. Just a note: after the cooking the meals and paying her younger sibling to
water reach Lowell Road if we had that much 1938 storm, Nashua undertook to raise the bank do her chores.
rain? Three out of the four responded yes. of the river on their side to keep the water out of Bottom line is no one can tell you how to raise your
Both Daves looked at history from 1938 and their streets. kids. No one knows your kids or your situation like
2006; Kevin Burns also was yes, building on you do. Its your home, your family and your rules.
the river bank height from water average level. Elvis felt that in August While this Anyways, take this weeks column with a grain of
the Merrimack would be able to handle the volume, and any flooding is only a salt because I have no children, only younger siblings.
would be very limited. All four agreed that even before the river crested conversation, if it Parents, it is the best time of the year. Kids are back
the town would be in trouble from local brooks and streams not being was for real, would in school!
able to handle the volume. All agreed that Webster Street and the you leave your As always, email me at
connecting streets in that area would have flooding and Sparkling River home? A lot of us
Development would be part of the Merrimack River. would, but dont
run out and buy


flood insurance as
this is being called
Helping Victims
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved
and preserved throughout the world now and forever.
a once-in-an-800-
year storm by some of Hurricane Harvey
Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of news groups. courtesy of the Office of the NH Attorney General
A paw up to Webster Street in Hudson during Hurricane of 1938
miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray Attorney General Gordon J. MacDonald releases the
for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your seeing Selectman following statement regarding Hurricane Harvey and its
prayer will be answered. Say it for 9 days. It has never been Coutu and his lovely wife, Doris, at The Cage concert at Benson on aftermath:
known to fail. Publication must be promised. Saturday. While a free community event is super for the town and We encourage all New Hampshire citizens who wish to
Thank you St. Jude. A.J.L. its people, The Cage venue is nostalgic at best. It is a shame that the assist those in need in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
boys from Victim of Circumstance should be playing for us at the Grey to do so. However, it is important to be cautious before
Amphitheater by the pond. Seems like electricity and getting it there
Early Start Learning Academy should be a major project on the horizon. While the Fox is aware of all
making a gift. Unfortunately, every time a disaster strikes,
there are scam artists who take advantage of peoples good
the work that volunteers have done there, he wonders if power to the
and Child Care amphitheater may be more important than permanent bathrooms.
intentions and set up fake appeals to assist those in need.
Following these steps will increase the likelihood that your
donation will actually reach people in need in Texas.
Give to well-recognized charities that have a track
record of service, such as the American Red Cross, United
~ the Building Blocks to social, emotional & academic acheivement ~ Way of Greater Houston or the SPCA of Texas. For larger
Ages 13 months to 6yrs - Open 7:00 am to 6:00 pm charities, check out their reputation on Charity Navigator,
Private Country Setting, Better Business Bureaus Wise Giving Alliance or GuideStar.
Innovative, age appropriate curriculum Full Electric & Generator Service Company Research the organizations website.
Kathy Nolan, Sherry St. George Unless you know the people seeking donations, think
& Karen Richards 141 Kimball Hill Rd. Hudson, NH
Exterior Lighting
880-ESCC (3722) 24-Hr Emergency Service
Generator Systems
twice before giving to individuals raising money through
Service Upgrades online giving sites such as GoFundMe, CrowdRise, or
Building Rewiring All your
YouCaring. You cannot be sure that your gift will be used
Additions Electrical Needs
as intended, plus donations to individuals are not tax
Collins deductible. Instead, look for online giving campaigns,
whether appearing on GoFundMe, Facebook or elsewhere
Dentistry that benefit charitable organizations assisting a larger

number of people. Again, check out the organization that
Recessed Lighting will receive the money.

Children Under-cabinet Lighting Sometimes celebrities lend their name to fundraising

efforts by organizing peer-to-peer crowdfunding campaigns
Swimming Pools shared on social media. Some celebrities are already
Hot Tubs/Spa
At Collins Dentistry for Children we raising money for Texas flood relief. Before clicking to give,
research precisely who will receive the donation. You may
Free estimates!!
believe in prevention and early treatment find that it may not be a charitable organization.
Be especially cautious if you receive an email message or
ComprehensivePreventive&RestorativeCare telephone call asking for money for Texas flood relief. Do
inaKidFriendlyEnvironment not give on the spot. Research the organization before you
agree to give. Do not give out credit card information over
Saturday Appointments Emergency Appointments 603-595-2970 the telephone.

Digital X-Rays Nitrous Oxide Available Hospital Dentistry In sum, New Hampshire citizens can make a difference
by donating to assist those who need help in Texas. Payment Options. (12-M SAC for projects over $1,000.00 and 6.99% 5-year Reduced Interest Option for projects over
$3,500.00, credit approval required and cash deposits may be required. Subject to change.) **Loans provided by However, it is important to do your homework before
Find 100 Bridge St. Pelham, NH 635-1166
EnerBank USA (1245 Brickyard Rd. Suite 600, Salt Lake City, UT 84106} on approved credit, for a limited time
Repayment terms vary from 18 to 126 months (On Same-as-cash Option, interest waived if repaid in 365 days.) (On making a gift. If citizens have questions, they should call
Us On 6.99% Rl Option. Repayment term of 60-months. 6.99% fixed APR, effective as of 2/6/17, subject to change. Minimum the Attorney Generals Consumer Protection Hotline at
Facebook 76 Allds Street Nashua, NH 718-8587 loan amounts apply. The first monthly payment will be due 30 days after loan close.
Hudson - Litchfield News | September 1, 2017 - 5

Good for the Community

Your Hometown Community Calendar
September 2 thru Tuesday, September 5 Union, the Rodgers Memorial Library will be cares! Networking, prizes, cocktails and Presentation of Mary Academys 22nd Annual
nd Aaron Cutler Memorial Library closed hosting a free concert the second Saturday of each food! To register or for more information visit Fall Fun Fest, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All
2 for Labor Day Holiday weekend month throughout 2017. Concerts are at 2 p.m. in, e-mail info@ festivities and parking at PMA, 182 Lowell Rd.,
the library community room. Today join fiddlers, call 889-4731. Hudson. Rain date: Sept. 24. Funds raised at the
Monday, September 4
Sarah Jane Nelson and Cathy Mason, the High event are used for student enrichment activities
Rodgers Memorial Library closed for Friday, September 15
4th Labor Day
Strung Strummers, for a concert of old time fiddle
tunes and Ozark ballads. 1 5th Improving Your Credit Score and
throughout the year. For more information: or visit www.
Hudson Town Hall closed in observance Digging out of Debt. Jim Naugler from
of Labor Day Sunday, September 10 & Thursday, Citizens Bank will be speaking on these
ht September 21 important topics at the Rodgers Memorial Monday, September 25
Wednesday, September 6 10
6 th The GFWC Hudson Community Club
The Friends of the Library of Hudsons
Second Hand Prose Used Book Sale will
Library at 1 p.m. Learn about the importance of
credit scores, what impacts your score and what 2 5th Eighth Annual Zachary M. Tompkins
Golf Tournament (ZacharyTompkins.
will hold its first meeting of the fall at
be held Sept. 10 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and actions you can take to raise it. This workshop will org), Green Meadow Golf Club, Hudson.
Checkers Restaurant at Alvirne High
on Sept. 21 from 5to 8 p.m. in the lower level of also help individuals understand their total debt 6:30 a.m., registration opens; 8 a.m.,
School at 7 p.m. We will start the year with
the Hills Memorial Library Building at 18 Library St. picture and teach them how to develop an action shotgun starts; 1 p.m. lunch and raffles. For
a salad supper and a look at projects for the year
plan for digging out. Registration is requested, additional information e-mail Bob McCarthy at
ahead. Women interested in being part of a group Monday, September 11
walk-ins are welcome,, 886-6030.
committed to enhancing the lives of others through
volunteer service are welcome to bring a salad and 11th The Hannah Dustin Quilters Guild will
hold its initial meeting of 2017-2018 at Hudson Memorial VFW Post and Auxiliary Friday, September 29 & Saturday,
come to Checkers Wednesday night! the Hudson Community Center on Lions
Avenue. Meeting are held the first Monday
will be hosting a Meat Raffle at 7 p.m. at the
Post located at 15 Bockes Rd., Hudson. The 2 9th September 30
Fourth Annual Lumberjack Show at
Wednesday, September 6 & Thursday, September 7
of each month, except when holidays or voting proceeds from this event will go to the Department the Hills House, 211 Derry Rd., Hudson.
Hudson Fish & Game Club, 53 Pine Rd., is
days occur that week, between 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Commander and Presidents Special Project: Sponsored by the Hudson Historical
sponsoring a Junior Rifle Clinic from 6:30 to
David Sirota, national quilter and teacher, will Honor Flight New England. Honor Flight New Society.
8:30 p.m., for youth ages 6 and up. This clinic
discuss What Makes Quilters Tick. After noon he England transports World War II and Korean War
will be supervised by NRA certified coaches and Wednesday, October 4
will introduced his paper piecing method. While veterans to see their memorial in Washington,
instructors. Smallbore rifles (.22lr) and ammo
will be provided. Only $10 per child. Children
this class is full, guests are welcome at any guild D.C, at no cost to those that served. You must be 4th Hudson Chamber PM Networking with
BAE Systems, 5:30 p.m. in the function
meeting and a nominal fee of $5 is requested. 16 or older to play. For more information call our
are expected to attend both nights. For more room of at Valentinos Restaurant, 142
Canteen at 598-4594 Monday through Saturday,
information e-mail or call Free Monthly Film at Rodgers Library, 194 Derry Lowell Rd., Hudson. Networking, food and
12 to 8 p.m. Please come out and support this
(617) 594-2194. Rd., Hudson. On the second Monday of each prizes! No cost for members; $10 for soon-to-be
worthwhile cause.
month the Rodgers Memorial Library screens a members. Registration requested. To register or for
Saturday, September 9
popular film you may have missed in theatres at Tuesday September 19 more information visit,
9th Free Community Breakfast, 8 to 11 a.m.
Litchfield Community Church, 259 Charles
2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Come see films on our big
19th Hudson Police Blood Drive - Donate e-mail, call 889-4731.
screen, snacks will be served. Today, see a film Blood In Memory of Officer James K.
Bancroft Hwy. Thursday, October 19
about the Boston Marathon bombing starring Mark Stys. Hudson Community Center, 12
Hudson Chamber AM Networking
th with
Free Flu Shots, 9 to 11 a.m. Walk-ins, no
appointment needed. Bring Medicare or Medicaid
Wahlberg. Lions Ave, Hudson, 12 to 7 p.m.
19 the Friends of Benson Park, 8 a.m.,
Tuesday, September 12 The Friends of the Library of Hudsons bi- 19 Kimball Hill Rd, Hudson. No cost for
card. If you have no insurance, Walgreens is
How to be Your Own Best Friend. The monthly meeting will be held 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the members to attend; $10 for non-members.
underwriting this clinic. CMC Parish Nurse
Rodgers Memorial Library hosts a monthly Community Room of the Rodgers Memorial Library Registration is requested! Morning coffee,
Program, Litchfield Community Church, 259
life coaching workshop on the second at 194 Derry Rd. We welcome your ideas and tea and breakfast items will be served plus enter
Charles Bancroft Hwy.
Tuesday facilitated by Master Life Coach involvement. to win prizes and networking! To register or for
Friends of Hudson Fields Adult Comedy Show Diane MacKinnon, M.D. The September topic is more information visit,
Saturday, September 23
Fundraiser at the White Birch, Hudson. Doors How to Be Your Own Best Friend. Registration is e-mail, call 889-4731.
open at 7:30 p.m.; show at 8:30. Tickets are $20. requested, walk-ins are welcome,, 23rd First Baptist Church of Hudson is taking
prayer to the streets along with thousands Saturday, October 21
Cash Bar. Comedians: Paul Gilligan, Sal Votano, 886-6030.
of women across the country! Join us Cemetery Tour, 10 a.m. Back again!
Mac Livingston and Carolyn Riley. E-mail for more
Thursday, September 14 today for Hudson Prays/Walk. Time and st Join the Hudson Historical Society for a
information to
4th Hudson Chamber PM Networking Place: TBD. For more information contact Janice 21 guided tour of the cemeteries of Hudson.
or visit us on Facebook at Friends of Hudson Fields. 1 with Fairview Healthcare, 203 Lowell Russell at, church coordinator You provide the transportation, we provide
DCU Free Concert Series: High Strung Rd., Hudson, at 5:30 p.m. No cost for 2017. the expertise!
Strummers, Old Time Fiddle Tunes and Ballads. for members to attend; $10 for non-
Thanks to a generous grant from Digital Credit members. Remember to bring your business

Hudson~Litchfield News is an Area News Group Publication

Area News Errors: The liability of the publisher on account of
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50FERRYST. 370MAINST. 880-1516
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be
adored, glorified, loved and
Visit us and feel the warm welcome.
Get MORE for
HUDSON,NH your Money
NASHUA,NH preserved throughout the world now
and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Sunday Worship Services- 10:30 AM
Simply commit to running an ad in any of our newspapers for 6 months
and be rewarded with an additional long-running ad on our
pray for us. St. Jude, worker of
miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper
On the First Sunday of each month we serve communion and
have a time of fellowship and refreshments after Worship Service.
page for only an additional $100/mo.
of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this Food Pantry for Hudson residents
prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day
your prayer will be answered. Say it
Hours: Tues & Thur 10am to 12pm
Get MORE for your Money for 9 days. It has never been known
to fail. Publication must be promised.
"Best kept secret
that is right See us on Comcast Cable ch. 20 Sundays at 9AM and 6PM
Simply commit to running an ad in any of our newspapers for 6 months
and be rewarded with an additional long-running ad on our
Thank you St. Jude. in plain sight." 236 Central St., Hudson, NH 882-6116
home page for only an additional $100/mo. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF HUDSON
ELC Rolls out Red Carpet
on Community Day

Page 6 - September 1, 2017 | Hudson - Litchfield News

Helping the Scoutmasters recruit new Scouts were Ben

Free Introductory Lesson Marshall and Delcan Cox.
Convenient Online Scheduling Available

Colton Richards and his mom meet Mrs. Landry,

his first grade teacher, and check out his desk for
Tuesdays start of school.

Staff photos by Len Lathrop

by Len Lathrop
It is an annual event and seems to be getting
bigger every year. On the Friday before school
starts for a new year, community groups are
invited to set up a display of the services and
activities that they offer to the town. This works
extremely well for the community groups as
20 Constitution Drive
Hudson, NH 03051 LEARN TO PLAY they are on hand at both schools that make up
the Early Learning Center, H. O. Smith School With School Resource Officer Cassandra Avery

where Hudson first grade students attended and is Sophia Cotroneo.

LEARN TO SKate! the Library Street School where kindergarten and preschool students are first introduced to the
Hudson school system.
While students and their

10 Week Sessions September 17th to April 22nd Looking for parents are finding their
classrooms for the upcoming
1st Session: 9/24 to 11/26 Every Sunday at 8AM
@ Cyclones Arena
Music Lessons? year, meeting their teachers
and even finding their
2nd Session: 12/3 to 2/18 Private music & voice lessons seats, parents are given any
3rd Session: 2/25 to 4/29 Contact Tim Plummer: Beginners thru professional Intro to Music - information they need to All musical styles
o ns ensure their children have
We Always Make Music Lessons Fun! es LY
617-212-9801 978-846-5159 l
a successful start to the
Accordion Keyboard 4 N school year. Outside on the
Bass Guitar Piano playground community groups
Guitar Violin are set up, from Boy and Girl
Drums Scouts to Hudson Police and
the Rodgers Library, St. Johns
Rosita Lee Food Pantry and many others.
Music Center Hudson Lions were doing
eye testing in the H. O. Smith
882-8940 School. The school department
136 Lowell Rd. Hudson , NH (Next to Nottingham Square ) was displaying services they
Just over the Exit 2 Bridge, 1 mile north of Wal-Mart have.

Modern Tap
Ballet Pointe
Nashua School of Lyrical
Gymnastics Tumbling
Now Accepting Fall Registrations!! Jazz
Hip Hop
Session 1 Begins Sept. 5, 2017
Preschool Classes Girls & Boys (18 months+)
Recreational Classes Girls (6 yrs.+) FallHouse
Open Sessions
AugustStart Sept.4-7p.m.
7-10 from 5th
Tumbling Classes (7 yrs.+)
USA and Prep-Optional Competitive Teams
Celebrating Nationally Certified Instructors
12 years in Birthday Parties
880-4927 30 Pond St., Nashua, NH 03060
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved
and preserved throughout the world now and forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of
miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray
for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your
prayer will be answered. Say it for 9 days. It has never been
known to fail. Publication must be promised.
Where children learn Thank you St. Jude. A.J.L.
to love Dance.

Faith Formation|Challenging Academics
Leveled Classes|Clubs and Activities
To Believe To Achieve To Inspire
(603) 882-7011 | 6 Bartlett Ave |
7 - September 30, 2017 | Hudson - Litchfield News

Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner As Always, the Locals Know Best!

Our Favorite Neighborhood

t o D i n e !
From Our Hudson Farm to Your Table c e s
Full Line of Our Own Vegetables! RESTAURANT

131 Kimball Hill Road
Hudson, NH 222 Central St, Hudson, NH
Smith Farm in 1963
Talk to the person 603-882-1911
that grows it. Smith Farm Keeping The NK BOGO!
Agriculture Alive Buy One Buffet- Get One FREE!*
Can be used for any of our Buffets.
in Hudson *Purchase Two Buffets and Two Drinks, Gratuity Added before Deduction
Cannot be combined with any other offer, Expires September 30, 2017
In the 1920s, Elmer and Ethel Smith lived in downtown Hudson.
Looking for the peace of the country, they bought a stately home at
the edge of town, surrounded by acres of land. Later, at a time in Fresh & Fast Family Italian...Its What You Deserve!
America when everyone was moving off the farm, their oldest son
Henry took a piece of land as his own. Redefining Your
For many years, H. E. Smith & Sons was a dairy farm. Henry
WearemorethanjustSushi married Mary Kayros, who grew up Neighborhood Dining!
Ournewownersareserving nearby, and there they raised four
children: Nancy, Dustin, Tim and
Tom. The boys grew up milking We Deliver!
cows every morning (and, to hear Limited Area - $2.00 Delivery Charge
NowopenforLUNCH Tom tell it, walking 10 miles uphill

15% Off
&DINNERserving to school every day).
FULLLIQUOR In the late 1960s, Henry and
Mary realized that Toms little With This Coupon Expires 9/30/17
DeliveryandCateringAvailable Join
side-of-the-road vegetable stand
30 Lowell Rd Hudson NH Reward was both more profitable and less HUDSON
(603)889-0055 Program smelly than cows. The vegetable 1 Industrial Drive stand became the main business, Henry and Mary Smith 603-886-6704
and the flowers and garden
supplies were here to stay. Order Online at! Check for Specials
When Tom married Tina Vassilakos they moved in, and the family
Mon -Thur 11:30AM to 9PM (Diningroom) 10 PM (Lounge) worked together on the thriving business.
Fri & Sat 11:30AM - 10PM (Diningrm) 11PM (Lounge) ~ Sun 11:30AM - 8:30PM (Diningrm) 9:30 (Lounge) Today, Tom and Tina run the farm with their son, Dylan. Their

daughter, Marsha, has a successful career in Boston theater, but
still finds time to help maintain the family homestead. Their oldest
daughter, Sharon, updates the website from down in Medford,
Mass. Charli Cohen, wife of Toms brother Tim, runs the farm stand
Restaurant most mornings.

Special Event coming up?

Today, the
started by
Baby Shower, Wedding Shower, Special Birthday,
Anniversary, Reunions or anything else.
Henry and American style comfort food and
Mary more
Our Function room holds up to 90 people. than 50 years
affordable prices.
ago is keeping Weekly specials and outdoor seating.
Give us a call Let us serve you the agricultural Give us a try!
history of

&American Dining
Function and Banquet Hall with seating up to 90 Hudson alive
Come in and pick up a Catering Menu and thriving. Hours: (603) 417-5197
Italian Tues-Sat 11:30-9
142 Lowell Rd. Hudson 889-9900 Smith Farm today Courtesy photos Sundays 9am-2pm 57 Palm Street (Square) Nashua, NH

Litchfield Police Log

a s t B e ef
P a n o s R o Wednesday, August 16: 2:08 a.m. Assist
citizen, Derry Road. 7:50 a.m. Motor
Road. 6:39 p.m. Paperwork service, Talent
Road. 8:26 p.m. Medical emergency,
Motor vehicle complaint, Bradford Drive.
11:27 a.m. Complaint, Talent Road. 2:12
vehicle accident, Laurel Street and Talent Pearson Street. 9:39 p.m. Harassment, p.m. Assist other agency, Liberty Way. 2:23
Located across from Road. 7:53 a.m. Animal involved incident, Kokokehas Circle. p.m. Assist other agency, Liberty Way. 2:46
Goodwill and Laurel Street and Talent Road. 11:32 a.m. Thursday, August 17: 9:37 a.m. Identity p.m. Welfare check, Winter Circle. 6:02
Dunkin Donuts Motor vehicle complaint, Albuquerque theft, Liberty Way. 12:52 p.m. Theft, Talent p.m. Animal involved incident, Brenton
M Basket New Goodwill Avenue and Hillcrest Road. 12:51 p.m. Road. 3:03 p.m. Fingerprinting, Liberty Street. 7:37 p.m. Follow up, Winter Circle.
Donuts *
Panos Assist other agency, Talent Road. 1:08
p.m. Complaint, Albuquerque Avenue and
Way. 5:25 p.m. Motor vehicle complaint,
Derry Road. 7:10 p.m. Disabled
Saturday, August 19: 12:46 a.m.
Unsecured property, Charles Bancroft
225 Lowell Road Century Lane. 2:40 p.m. VIN check, Duck motor vehicle, Liberty Way. 8:05 p.m. Highway. 2:37 a.m. Motor vehicle
(603)595-7827 Open Mon-Sat Closed Sundays Pond Circle. 3:34 p.m. Telephone scam, Disturbance, Cranberry Lane. 8:59 p.m. complaint, Charles Bancroft Highway. 3:55
Brook Road. 3:45 p.m. Animal involved Harassment, Kokokehas Circle. 10:34 p.m. a.m. Medical emergency, Lance Avenue.
incident, Motor vehicle complaint, Derry Road. 4:10 a.m. Noise complaint, Pinecrest
St. Francis Friday, August 18: 8:45 a.m. Serve warrant, Road. 2:35 p.m. Motor vehicle complaint,
ADOPT-A-PET Sophie & Cash
3:53 p.m.
arrested Zenandre
Hi friends! 9:21
Allow mep.m.
to introduce
myself. other
of Diva Page Road. 8:34 p.m. Medical emergency,
Hi everyone! Im Diva andMeadowbrook
yes Im still here. Lane. 9:00 p.m. Motor
Assist Liberty
Jake, Way.
and no, not10:00 a.m.
Jake the Snake . JakePaperwork
the dog, Undeservingly so. Im thinking vehicle
that my name complaint,
has Derry Road. 9:34 p.m.
Hi everyone! Good things come in twos. And in this case, good things do not come to those who wait because Im confident that we are a great fit done me an injustice. SortSuspicious
of like when a dogs vehicle, Morgan Road.
citizen, service, the Liberty
happy dog with Way. 11:10
soulful eyes. Im justa.m. Animal
someones home any moment now. We are a pair that are as loveable as can be. We can say that about ourselves, cant we? Weve been together Bruiser. That said, ISunday,
m a low maintenance
Talent missing one
involved thing: a home.Liberty
incident, Im a 4 yearWay.
old, 65 11:26 August 20: 8:19 p.m. Criminal
for as long as we can remember. Sophie is 9 and Im 8 years old. Sophie is white with brown and Im black with brown and that, my friends, is calico cat thats just not a fan of allot of noise.
lb. Irish Wolfhound mix with wiry fur (which threatening, Lamper Drive.
where we are different. Oh, and Ive packed a few more pounds on over the years than Sophie but aside from appearance, were one and the same.
We dont have any health issues. Were inseparable and we love each other very much. We shared a home with a big dog for a while and we put Corn Maze Opens This Weekend
means maybe I dont shed quite as much as
others J). Im tall and strong and active, but
After a night of peace and quiet here at the
shelter, I become the most affectionate morning
Monday, August 21: 1:01 a.m.
up with him just fine but loud rambunctious, well pass on, if you dont mind us saying so. So, think about this since so many of
very friendly. They gave me a giant stuffed companion. I love mornings! If you have a home Welfare check, Lamper Dr. 3:07
you humans are busy busy busy: If you have to run off to work each day and are concerned about leaving your pet alone throughout the day without young children (an older dog would be a.m. Welfare check, Lamper
Cash because it just feels unfair, we are your answer. We dont cause any trouble, we keep ourselves company because we appreciate each other, and
hedgehog and it has become my favorite toy. If
I was active and aggressive, youd think Id okay) and would like me to just hang out with Drive. 5:47 a.m. Police service,
when you get home, were there waiting for you. Howd I do with that real life scenario? Good? Im glad we agree. Hehe. Now cmon down to the you with devotion, then please come by and visit Lamper Dr.. 6:24 a.m. Welfare
destroy that stuffed toy in minutes, but Im not
shelter at 24 Ferry Road and meet us. We wont with me. My beautiful long, white/black/tan hair check, Lamper Drive. 8:36 a.m.
like that. Im a good boy. Heres some other
Humane Society Hours
Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri...Noon to 5:00 p.m.
be here long and wed love to be your pets. Pick
attributes: Im a smarty pants. I love rides in At the
Your Ownthe car. I love to explore. Im crate trained and Peaches,
and relaxed approachStand
to life would be a perfect Theft, Derry Road. 8:46 a.m.
match for youCorn,
and your recliner.
Complaint, Kokokehas Circle.
Were up to date on my vaccines, have a microchip
Wenesday.....Closed Apples I know sit and down. Let me get some Tomatoes, To adopt theseVegetables,
pets, visit the Humane Society for
8:47 a.m. Service warrant,
Sat & Sun.... 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and were neutered.
exercise and like most bigger dogs, I transform Honey, Preserves
Greater Nashua (HSFN), 24 Ferry Road, Nashua.
And check us out at WWW.HSFN.ORG myself into a little lapdog thats full of love. Im Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Liberty Way, arrested Jan William
To adopt these pets, visit the Humane Society for 7 Days a week 8
up to date on my vaccines, have a microchip
am- 6 pmThursday and Friday noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday Vandebogart, 50, of Pittsfield,
Greater Nashua (HSFN), 24 Ferry Road, Nashua. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter is N.H., charged with Criminal
and Im neutered.
54 Elwood Rd., Londonderry Please come meet me today.
Sophie Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 434-6017
closed every Wednesday for adoptions. Keep an Threatening (intimidation, etc.).
and Friday noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday and eye at for more information,
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter is closed available pets, lost pets, and to download
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8 - September 1, 2017 | Hudson - Litchfield News

Thumbs Up? Thumbs Down?

Comments expressed in this column are the sole views of those callers and do not reflect the views of the Hudson~Litchfield News or its advertisers. Town and school officials encourage
readers to seek out assistance directly to resolve any problems or issues. The Hudson~Litchfield News editorial staff holds the right to refuse any comment deemed inappropriate.

Thumbs up. In the Thumbs down to those professional trouble Thumbs up to our Hudson selectmen for our
Residential-Commercial Serving the Southern New
Mailman War, Steve makers. Plenty of time and energy to protest; no new traffic light on Lowell Road. But I think
T,W,F 9-5, Thrs 9-8, Sat 9-3 Hampshire area for over 20 Years!
outmuscles Frank who time to work. adding five or six or stop signs would reduce the
delivers mail at Buttercup. rush hour and bring total gridlock. Maybe then

CARPET C R E A T Keep up the good work, Thumbs down to thre young man who spilled we can rename our town to Bottleneck, NH.
Frank, we love you and miss Maple syrup on his jacket on day one of the new
you but Steve is number school year Thumbs up/Thumbs down to the cheese
SPECIALISTS one! complainer. You can request number 2 on the
Carpets Vinyl Ceramic Hardwood Thumbs down to both, driving with no dial and they will know what you mean and your
Thumbs down. Why insurance and hitting my car in the parking lot cheese will not crumble.
Laminates Window Treatments Area Rugs cant we un-elect Coutu? and pushing it 10 feet.
30 Lowell Rd, Brook Plaza, Hudson, NH His mouth runs too much Thumbs up to all of those who contributed to a
with pretty much no value. smooth start to the year at all
603-886-3411 Better yet, change the
government and dump them SPRING Oil Burner Tune Up Special $125 of the Hudson schools.

all. Tune-up your furnace or boiler NOW OIL Thumbs down to

Thumbs down in Hudson as we go back to
work in the public eye and the three ds apply: GAS and SAVE on next winters fuel bills
widespread apathy in our
Thumbs down to anyone complaining about towns. The vast majority of
dishonor, distrust and deceive. Welcome back.
a set of lights going in the intersection of Pelham WE WORK ON ALL TYPES OF HEATING EQUIPMENT! people seem so caught up in
Thumbs down to Hudson Police Department!
Aug. 22, Route 3A, woman officer assistant who
and Lowell roads. Obviously you have never had
to try getting out of Pelham. And heres an idea,
Dave Chadwick Home Heating Services their personal lives that they
dont take time to look beyond
did not give her name that did nothing while your if people would have an ounce of decency to let SERVICE REPAIR INSTALLATION 24 HOURS/7 DAYS their own wants and needs.
fellow officers directed traffic. Your attitude is someone out lights wouldnt be necessary. And Over 30 years of experience - Fully Insured
as annoying as my music. Your voice shouldnt please dont start that right of way junk, everyone All Brands
be so loud! You should be arrested and fired for is in so much of a hurry just have to get in front of High Efficiency Hot Water Boilers , Furnaces & Water Heaters Available
Thank you for your submissions.
harassment and not doing your job! the other car. It takes no time to let someone go 603-635-2012 SeniorDiscounts 603-204-8581 All comments, thumbs up or down,
and keep traffic moving.
are anonymous and not written by
Thumbs up to the Rocket Scientists who shot
Thumbs up to Litchfield Police Officers Lang Thumbs down to the Manchester airport the Hudson~Litchfield News staff. Thumbs comments
rockets Tuesday night: Josh, Ben, Tyler, Trevor and
and Savage who helped me with my car late on and the increasing noise of the planes flying can be sent via telephone, 880-1516 or emailed to us at
all the others!
Sunday night. They solved the problem quickly over Litchfield. Please call in and voice your When submitting a Thumbs
Thumbs down to some of the residents at and efficiently, never making me feel foolish for complaint to the airport, otherwise they will keep comment, please specify that you would like it printed
Woodland Heights. There is a stop sign at the causing my own car trouble. When they were expanding their service over the town. I have in the Hudson~Litchfield News. During the election
end of your driveway - that means Stop. So many done, they drove off swiftly into the darkness to called before and they say no other complaints campaign, no comments will be allowed that are direct
times so many people come half way out onto keep others safe. Litchfield PD can be proud of have been received and the noise isnt loud over endorsements or censure of candidates on the thumbs page.
Melendy Street before they stop. You do not have these officers, who were helpful and kind. Thank Litchfield. The planes have been extremely loud No names are necessary. Please keep negative comments to
the right of way. Pay attention! you so much! Eileen OBrien of late. Please report this, too. the issue. Comments should be kept to 100 words or less.

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Hudson - Litchfield News | September 1, 2017 - 9
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SERVICES: Interior Fair prices, Fast response Extra, Extra
WE BUY junk cars and painting, windows, doors, and Free estimates. Call BOUTIN TREE REMOVAL.
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The Fun Ramps up at Canobie Lake Park Weekends this Fall

with a Country Music Festival and Screeemfest
courtesy of Canobie Lake Park Canobie Lake Park is known for delivering quality live One low admission price for Canobies fall events includes all
It may be back to school and off to work during the week, but entertainment at no additional charge, and fall is no exception. haunted houses, operating rides, Rocktoberfest, the petting zoo, all
Canobie Lake Park has your weekends covered with plenty of thrills Rock on with Canobies Rocktoberfest event that features a different live entertainment and much more. For park hours, show schedules,
and chills over the next two months. The park is open Labor Day rock tribute band each weekend during Screeemfest on Canobies directions, and more information, visit
weekend, Friday through Monday, when you can enjoy rides, games Midway Stage. As if that wasnt enough, the SwingShift SideShow
and the final performances of Canobies summer shows. presents strange feats of physical daring that are truly not for the
Then get ready for Canobie Lake Parks new Country Music faint of heart. And the live show, Tribute to Michael: Ghosts, will
Festival to be held over two weekends, Sept. 9-10 and Sept. 16- thrill audiences the last three weekends in October.
17. In addition to Canobie rides, games and attractions, there will
be live shows featuring tributes to the music of Taylor Swift, Tim
McGraw, Garth Brooks and Shania Twain. Live bluegrass bands NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
are also scheduled throughout each day. Bring your appetite and You are hereby notified that the Litchfield Zoning Board of Adjustments You are hereby notified that the Litchfield Zoning Board of Adjustments
dig in at the festivals Smokin BBQ, featuring a variety of apple- will meet in regular session on September 13. 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the will meet in regular session on September 13. 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the
wood smoked items including ribs, pulled pork and brisket, plus a Town Hall, 2 Liberty Way, Litchfield, New Hampshire, to hear the follow- Town Hall, 2 Liberty Way, Litchfield, New Hampshire, to hear the follow-
selection of beer and wine. ing requests for variance to the Zoning Code. ing requests for variance to the Zoning Code.
Beginning Sept. 9, Canobies Petting Zoo is also open every Case Number: 2017-03 Case Number: 2017-04
Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. through Oct. 2. Youngsters Name of Applicant: Roy & Dale R Arria Name of Applicant: Parkland Estate Cooperative, Inc.
Owner of Property: Roy & Dale R. Arria Owner of Property: Parkland Estate Cooperative, Inc.
and their families can interact with a menagerie of gentle animals.
Location of Property: 40 Louise Drive, Map 5, Lot 86 Location of Property: Page Road & Louise Drive, Map 5, Lot 75
The fun continues each weekend through October with your
favorite Canobie rides, games and more. On Sept. 23, Screeemfest Appeal requested: The Applicant seeks the following variance Appeal requested: The Applicant seeks the following variance
adds its special brand of fear to all the fun after dark, haunting 1. A request for variance from LZO Section 300.a to allow an area 1. A request for variance from LZO Section 300.a to allow 3.1 to
Canobie Lake Park each Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening of 39,821 sq. ft. where 92,120 sq. ft. is required 11.8 side/rear setback where a minimum of 20 is required
through Oct. 29. And theres plenty to screeem about, too. Original applications and other pertinent documents may be reviewed by Original applications and other pertinent documents may be reviewed by
There are five terrifying haunted houses open during Screeemfest, the public in the office of the Building Department during normal business the public in the office of the Building Department during normal business
including their newest haunt, The Culling. Youll also find roaming hours. hours.
monsters and a monster parade throughout the park, Halloween- Any interested person may appear in person or by agent or counsel and be Any interested person may appear in person or by agent or counsel and be
themed games and much more. heard at this meeting. Those unable to appear in person may file a written heard at this meeting. Those unable to appear in person may file a written
statement of approval or objection with the Building Department. A copy statement of approval or objection with the Building Department. A copy
of this Public Notice letter must accompany the written statement for filing of this Public Notice letter must accompany the written statement for filing
purposes. purposes.

PUBLIC NOTICES Sincerely, Sincerely,

Richard Riley Richard Riley
Chairperson, Board of Adjustment Chairperson, Board of Adjustment

Legal Notice
You are hereby notified that the Litchfield Zoning Board of Adjustments NOTIFICATION OF AQUATIC TREATMENT
Street Acceptance will meet in regular session on September 13. 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Robinson Pond - Hudson, NH
Town Hall, 2 Liberty Way, Litchfield, New Hampshire, to hear the follow- SOLitude Lake Management, 590 Lake Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545,
In accordance with Town Meeting vote on 3/12/94 and pursuant to RSA Telephone 508-865-1000, has been contracted by the Town of Hudson to
ing requests for variance to the Zoning Code.
674-40-a, relative to Street Acceptances, the Board of Selectmen shall hold treat portions of Robinson Pond in Hudson. Portions will be treated with
a public hearing on September 12, 2017, at 7:00 PM in the Selectmens Case Number: 2017-02
USEPA/State registered herbicide Depth Charge (flumioxazin & 2,4-D), EPA
Meeting Room at Town Hall, 12 School Street, Hudson, New Hampshire to Name of Applicant: Theroux Properties LLC
Reg# 71368-115, on or about Tuesday, September 12, 2017, in accordance
receive comment from the public in the consideration of accepting Moose Owner of Property: Theroux Properties LLC
with Special Permit SP-104 issued by the NH Division of Pesticide Control
Hill Road and the portion of Bush Hill Road which was improved by the Location of Property: 16 Colby Road, Map 20, Lot 29
developer of Moose Hill Road. The following temporary water use restrictions will be imposed on the day
Appeal requested: The Applicant seeks the following variance
of treatment:
1. A request for variance from LZO Section 801.00 to allow for the
Stephen A. Malizia No swimming for 24 hours following treatment, within 200 feet of
construction of a 80x100 warehouse
Town Administrator treated areas.
2. A request for variance from LZO Section 300.d, front setback
requirement Do not use this water for drinking, irrigation or for mixing sprays for
3. A request for variance from LZO Section 300.d, side/rear setback agricultural or ornamental plants until further notice. Some irrigation
PUBLIC NOTICE requirement restrictions may be relaxed, as per the pesticide label, at the discretion
of the applicator. These restrictions apply to all intakes within 1,200
Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b and in accordance with Article 36 of the March Original applications and other pertinent documents may be reviewed by
feet of the treatment area, and to all wells within 50 feet of shoreline
12, 1994 Town Meeting, the Hudson Board of Selectmen shall hold a the public in the office of the Building Department during normal business
that itself is within 1,200 feet of a treatment area. Contact SOLitude
public hearing in conjunction with its regularly scheduled meeting on Sep- hours.
Lake Management, 590 Lake Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, Telephone
tember 12, 2017 which starts at 7:00 p.m. and is held in the Selectmens Any interested person may appear in person or by agent or counsel and be 508-865-1000, email or go to http://www.
Meeting Room at Town Hall, 12 School Street, Hudson, NH, to accept heard at this meeting. Those unable to appear in person may file a written for information on the release
$465,327.21 in additional Highway Block Grant Funds made available statement of approval or objection with the Building Department. A copy dates of these restrictions or for additional information on the irrigation
by Senate Bill 38 for local highway aid. Any Hudson, NH resident who of this Public Notice letter must accompany the written statement for filing restrictions.
wishes to speak on this matter is invited to attend. purposes.
The shoreline will be posted with signs warning of the temporary water
Sincerely, use restrictions that will be imposed, immediately prior to treatment. If
Stephen Malizia
Richard Riley you have any questions concerning this treatment, contact SOLitude Lake
Town Administrator
Chairperson, Board of Adjustment Management using the information above
September 1, 2017 HLN edition
2 column
10 - September 1, 2017 | Hudson - Litchfield News

Two Big Firsts for this Youngster Obituaries

Peter A. Dolloff 3c
Peter A. Dolloff, 74, of Derry and formerly of He is survived by his son, David James Dolloff
Hudson, died Aug. 27, 2017, in Derry. of New Hampshire and many friends.
He was born April 27, 1943, in Cambridge, A time of visitation, with a Service of

Mass., son of the late Frank and Ruth (Woodbury) Remembrance, took place on Aug. 30 in the
Dolloff. Dumont-Sullivan Funeral Home, 50 Ferry St.,
Peter was employed for 33 years with the in Hudson. Following cremation, burial will be

Polaroid Corporation. He loved stock cars and
tinkering with all kinds of machines. At one
time, he was active in the First Baptist Church of
To share an online message of condolence,
please visit

Norah Philomena Bernadette Mills

Norah Philomena Bernadette Hudson and held her faith close to her heart.
Mills, 72, of Derry and formerly Besides her loving husband John, she is
of Hudson, died Aug. 23, 2017, survived by two sons, Shawn P. Mills and his wife

at Elliot Hospital in Manchester, Bethany of Peabody, Mass., and Patrick J. Mills
following a brief illness. She of Derry; a daughter, Colleen R. Marston and her
was surrounded by her loving husband James, Jr. of Derry; six grandchildren,
family. Joshua Marston, Samantha Marston, Faith
She was born March 22, Marston, Leah Marston, Evan Mills, and Adelynn

Courtesy photo
1945, in County Galway, Mills; as well as five brothers and sisters, Bridget
Ireland, daughter of the late Kelliher of Dublin, Ireland, Rita Maunsell and
John F. and Winnifred (Joyce) Keane. She was her husband Brendan of Methuen, Mass., Paraic
also predeceased by a brother, Jimmy Keane and a Keane and his wife Ella of Dublin, Ireland, Fr. John
sister, Maura Picanso. Keane of Galway, Ireland, and Michael Keane and

Norah was the wife of John F. Mills of Derry, his wife Catherine of Dublin, Ireland, also many
Breanna Neault, 6, gets on the bus for the first time as she starts first grade at Griffin Memorial School in Litchfield. with whom she shared 46 years of marriage. nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Norah loved her family dearly and took great Visiting hours were held Aug. 28 in the

pride in caring for them. She truly enjoyed Dumont-Sullivan Funeral Home, 50 Ferry St. in
cooking for them, shopping with them, and Hudson. A Mass of Christian Burial was held
simply being around them. Its where she found on Aug. 29 in St. Kathryn Parish, 4 Dracut Rd. in
her greatest joy. She also enjoyed gardening, bird Hudson. Burial was held in St. Patrick Cemetery
watching, and was employed for several years at in Hudson.
the familys 7-Eleven store in Derry. Norah was To share an online message of condolence,
a longtime communicant of St. Kathryn Parish in please visit

Yard Cleanups
LLC Walls, Walkways & Patios Driver Escapes Injury in Rollover Crash
Irrigation / Hydro seeding courtesy of the Hudson Police Department transported to the
Enhanced Hemlock New Lawns Shrub & Tree Pruning & Planting On Aug. 27 at about 8:18 p.m., the Hudson Hudson Police
Premium Hemlock / Red Cedar
Irrigation Lawn Expansion & Stump Removal Police and Hudson Fire departments responded Department for
to a single car roll over near 133 Dracut Road. booking. His
Stump Removal Weekly Lawn Maintenance/Mowing
Pine / Spruce Blend Upon arrival, the Hudson Fire Department bail was set at
Black/ PlaygroundLawn
MulchExpansion $100 OFF attended to the lone occupant of the vehicle while $1,000 personal
exp 9-31-17

Stone/ Loam/ Fill Stone/

/ Sand Loam/ Fill Masonry Projects, Retaining Walls,
the police officers investigated the crash. recognizance.

Courtesy photo
It was determined a 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe was He is scheduled
River Stone
Sand / River Stone Patios and Walkways traveling north on Dracut Road. The vehicle went to appear for
exp 8/31/17

(one coupon per person per order)

Specialized stone
Specialized stone off the road to the right and struck a utility pole. arraignment on
Pick up andPick
up and Delivery $2.00 OFF 891-4399 The vehicle rolled over and came to a rest on the Sept. 28 at the
exp 9/31/17

per yard driver side door. It was operated by Michael St. 9th Circuit Court
Onge, 31, $25of Nashua. OFFHe was not seat belted at - Nashua District
Trucking- Backhoe -Bobcat Service All Products the time, but Yardwas also apparently uninjured. Division.
Michael St. Onge

187 Webster St. (one coupon per person per order)

St. Onge was
Clean-Ups subsequently arrested for Driving The utility pole sustained damage and
886-0085 (3A) Hudson next to E & A Country Store 891-4399 While Intoxicated (second offense). His vehicle
(one coupon per person per order)
Eversource crews responded to replace the pole.
was towed from the scene. St. Onge was

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Hudson - Litchfield News | September 1, 2017 - 11

Do You Have your Maroon and Gold Ready for Friday Night?
by Len Lathrop
The Broncos open their 2017 season against perennial
powerhouse Pinkerton Astros Friday night at 7 pm. Early September
football is always a fun time: cold weather is not an issue, the
students are excited, and you see friends from the community that
you missed over the summer. All of these factors add up to a loud
and exciting evening.
Under new head coach Tarek Rothe and his assistant coaches, the
team will be ready for action. While the team is very young, there
are some excellent athletes on the roster. The Hudson-Litchfield
Bears of the American
Youth Football league
graduated some eighth
graders who are filling in
the ranks, and last years
Bronco freshmen team Alec Prescott, #26, on the kick-off vs. Hanover in Saturday s scrimmage. Freshman QB Kyle Gora and the offensive line get set.
had an excellent record
in 2016. The Broncos
gridironers have had
three preseason contests HANDY SANDY
this year; last playing The one you call to do it all!
Saturday at Stellos Meal Prep Dementia Care Laundry
Stadium against Hanover House Cleaning Companionship Arts & Crafts
High School who was Walks/Rides Transportation Personal Care
the D2 runner-up to state 15 years experience with elderly
champion Windham 12 years experience with dementia
High School. At Stellos Stay at home with dignity and enjoy your life
Staff photos by Len Lathrop

it was a two-period All shifts available with great rates

contest in regular season Certified Medical Assistant and Instructor
conditions with all rules
Call Sandy at 603-521-5451
applied for both eight-
minute periods. Coach
Rothe commented, We
saw a lot of positives
and some things that PRECISION GUNSMITHING
we need to continue Running back Hayden Callery, #8, breaks away. Captain Nicholas Prescott, #10, left, and his teammates combine on the Quality Craftsmanship and Innovation,
improving upon. He
highlighted that the
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so the team, as a whole, has a big learning curve to undergo.
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and Hanover had a very seasoned ball team. great leadership for the young team. The Bronco players and optimization, restoration and in-house machine shop
The biggest news from the coaching staff is that the Broncos will coaches are looking forward to the challenge of competing in Find us on
start freshman Kyle Gora at QB week 1, who barely edged out Jack Division 1.
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QB Kyle Gora looks down field. RB Jacob Donahue gets extra yardage.
Campers Learn More than Just Soccer Skills
Courtesy photos

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These campers are huddled under a shade tent while waiting to be picked up
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courtesy of Tiffeny Mackinnon they wanted (as long as they could still Years
Last week, Challenger British Soccer play soccer). Talent Thursday was an
Camp once again came to Litchfield.
About 30 campers came to play and learn
opportunity for kids to show the rest of
the campers whichever talent they chose.
some more soccer skills every morning. Some kids performed magic tricks; there Junk Car
We had two coaches from the UK working
with the kids at camp. Peyton Shaw
has been playing soccer since she was
was hula-hooping, singing and some
other unique talents on display. Friday
is usually the day where the camp ends
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Like in previous Challenger camps, the brought a heavy rainstorm to town and 55HallRd.Londonderry,NH
kids were split up into teams representing camp had to end early. Rumor has it,
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thanks especially to one of the youngest
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Alvirne Soccer Kicks Off 2017 Season

losses. But the two games could not have been a beautifully placed rebound on a shot off the
more different for the young Alvirne team. crossbar, while the last goal was scored after a run
The Broncos first game last Friday took through the middle of the Alvirne defense. The
place at Alvirnes stadium field against a much- maroon and gold got strong performances from
improved Bishop Guertin team. The result, a 3-0 Nick Cardenas and Charlie Thomas in midfield
loss in a winnable game for Alvirne, was a very against a big and physical BG midfield.
disappointing start to the season. The closely The Bronco boys looked to rebound on Tuesday
contested match could have gone either way, against a really tough Manchester Central squad,
despite the score, as the teams traded possession again at home. Although they fell by a score of
throughout the game. But the Cardinals took 2-1, they certainly gained confidence for the rest
advantage of their opportunities to score, while of the season with a very courageous effort against
the Broncos squandered a few early chances in a what looks to be one of the top teams in Division
well-played first 20 minutes and couldnt recover. 1. The Little Green played a very quick attacking
Nick Cardenas scores Alvirnes lone goal on the losing end
BG took a first-half lead on a direct kick just game, with skill and speed all over the field. The

Staff photos by Len Lathrop

of a close contest vs. Manchester Central, 2-1.
outside the box, sending a hard shot over the Broncos didnt back down though, and nearly
courtesy of Jerry Ruigrok wall and into the corner of the net. The Cardinals pulled off the upset.
The Alvirne boys soccer team kicked of their would put the game away on two defensive Central kicked off the scoring with a goal with
2017 season in NHIAA Division 1 with two tough miscues by the Broncos. The second score was 15 minutes left in the first half on a cross into the
middle of the box, finished off with a header into
the back of the net. Alvirne would even the score
ten minutes later on a play started by Connor

Public skating Lambert with a pass behind the defense to Nick

Cardenas. Nick held off a few defenders and
placed a perfect shot into the far corner, just out of
Senior Ryan Ruigrok with a strong header

the reach of the Central goalie. The Little Green

Every Friday scored the winning goal on a rebound shot off a

8:30PM - 10PM
corner kick, after Garrett Lambert saved the first
attempt with a header off the goal line, his second
such save of the game.
The defensive unit of Ryan Ruigrok, Shane
Every Saturday & Sunday Pimentel, Jake Natola, Garrett Lambert, and

3PM - 4:20PM Nathan Day played a great game under relentless

pressure. Midfielder Jackson Ramalhinho worked
hard winning balls in midfield. Goalie Jamie
Bertrand played a brilliant game with over 20
20 Constitution Drive stick & puck saves, including two spectacular tips over the

Hudson, NH 03051 The Broncos hope to build off the momentum

of their near upset with upcoming road games.
Every Friday At press time, an away game was scheduled for
Aug. 31 against Concord. On Tues., Sept. 5, the 8PM
9PM Broncos will travel to Dover for a 4 p.m. contest.
Junior Garrett Lambert, # 14, helps clear the ball from
Alvirnes goal.

FORGET THE FORECAST Campbell Boys Soccer

WHEN IT NEW Notches Two Early Wins
Staff photos by Bruce Preston

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CORNER OF HOLLIS & ELM ST., NASHUA goal, one assist), while Justin Furlong and Jake
Oberto each contributed with one goal. Brendan
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At press time, Campbell was slated to play
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#7 Justin Furlong,
with a header, also
contributed with a
goal .

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