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Epochal directions illustrated

E.H. Bailey, $23.95 32. Illustrations of epochal directions
33. Primary directions & the epoch
Section 7: The prenatal epoch & infant mortality
34. Infant mortality
35. Illustrations of infant horoscopes
36. The procreation of children


Section 8: Appendix
Some mathematical rules
Tables of ascendants

Comment: Many people ask, why do astrologers study

birth charts, why do they not study the moment of
conception? This is not a new question.

The reason for birth charts is that birth is a significant,

easily determined moment in time. The reason against
conception is that it's darn hard, in most cases, to figure
out exactly when that was. You need a technique.
The standard technique, which was not new to Bailey - nor
1. Objections answered & refuted
Sepharial, his muse - was to go back nine months,
interchange ascendant & moon, and call that the Epoch, or
Section 1: The scientific basis & laws of the epoch
moment of conception. This is as far as Ivy Goldstein-
2. The astro-physiological basis of the epoch
Jacobson ever took it. The problem was the simple
3. The practical uses of the epoch
interchange did not work in all that many cases. The
4. The laws of the prenatal epoch
solution, which both Sepharial & Bailey gradually arrived
5. The paramount law of sex
at, was an additional three epochs. Which one applies to
you depends on where the moon is by house, and the
Section 2: The prenatal epoch as a factor in rectification
angular relationship it has to the sun.
6. Preliminary steps
7. First steps in rectification
As to the various goodies in this book, read the Table of
8. Rectification by epochs of the first order
Contents (above) carefully: The prenatal epoch is a factor
9. Illustrations of epochs of the first order
in rectification, twins & multiple births, and birth defects.
10. Rectification by epochs of the second order
It can also be used with directions, primary directions &
11. Illustrations of epochs of the second order
more. Which amounts to an entire school of astrology, if
12. Rectification by epochs of the third order
anyone wants to push it. Towards the end of Bailey's life
13. Illustrations of epochs of the third order
(1876-1959), Hans Niggemann, of Uranian astrology
14. Rectification by epochs of the fourth order
fame, got him to admit there should be even more rules &
15. Illustrations of epochs of th fourth order
epochs, but until someone else is so inspired, E.H. Bailey's
16. The cause of irregularity
work is the standard which all others must meet.
17. Final considerations
Click here for an extract (pdf).
Section 3: Some astro-physiological problems
18. The period of gestation
Astrology Classics, 239 pages.
19. Marriage & the epoch
20. Illustrations of short & long period births

Section 4: The prenatal epoch & multiple pregnancy

21. Fallacies & facts in relation to twins
22. The astro-physiological laws of multiple births
23. Illustrations of twin births
24. An illustration of multiple birth
25. Divergence of character & fortune in twins

Section 5: The epoch in relation to prenatal affections

26. The chart of descent
27. Illustrations of prenatal abnormalities
28. The date of quickening

Section 6: The prenatal epoch as a factor in directions

29. Directing from the prenatal epoch
30. How to calculate directions from the epoch

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