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Bushells Fijis Biggest Morning

Tea special coverage Pages 12 - 13


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Pacific TAFEs tourism boost

Zareena Bi

The regions premier ter-

tiary education provider,
the University of the South
Pacific has embarked on
providing accredited Hos-
pitality and Tourism cours-
es through their Pacific
Technical and Further Edu-
cation (TAFE) Institute.
Their investment in a
new $1.3 million state of
art facility in Nadi is a tes-
timony towards their com-
mitment in enhancing the
vast and rapidly growing
tourism sector
During the official open-
ing of USPs Nadi Hospi-
tality and Tourism Train-
ing Centre on August 18,
Vice Chancellor Professor
Rajesh Chandra highlight-
ed that tourism is an im-
portant industry not only in
Fiji but in the Pacific as a
whole. USP Vice Chancellor Professor Rajesh Chandra (left), CEO International Centre for Excellence in Tourism and Hos-
USP of course is a ca- pitality Education Ms Pauline Tang, USPs Deputy VC Professor Richard Coll and Pacific TAFEs Executive Director
pacity building institution Hasmukh Lal at the opening of their new Nadi Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
and we have continued to
respond to the need of ca- the demand and the fact food and beverage and fession but it will make created many career op-
pacity building in different that the heart of Fijis Tour- front office, commer- a major contribution to the portunities in the hospital-
areas and for the tourism ism industry is this side and cial cookery and culinary people who are already in ity and tourism service sec-
and hospitality industry we we need to be present this programs. the workforce. tor.
have through the discus- side to be able to meet the The Vice Chancellor Meanwhile, the chief Furthermore, it has
sion with the industry re- demand. encouraged students from guest, Chief Executive Of- reached a point where the
sponded by setting up the This is a simulated outside of Fiji to take full ficer of International Centre nature and quality of hu-
Pacific TAFE. training centre which has advantage of their accred- of Excellence in Tourism man resources would play
The launching of this a commercial kitchen, a ited programs. and Hospitality Education a critical role in its success.
Training Centre is really an restaurant and bar as well He added that it will not Ms. Pauline Tang stressed Hence the completion
expansion of the operations as classrooms and staff of- only be able to provide new that the projected continu- of this training facility by
of Pacific TAFE but essen- fices. for the delivery of programs for people who ous growth in Fijis tour- Pacific TAFE is very time-
tially recognition of hospitality that is event are entering the pro ism has ly and appropriate.
02 NEWS AUGUST 25, 2017

Prestigious certification for Punjas

Zareena Bi

One of the top biscuit manufacturers in the

country Punjas Biscuits has been awarded the
esteemed British Retail Consortium (BRC)
A+ accreditation within two and half years of
its operations.
BRC is the leading trade association for
United Kingdom (UK) retailing and although
the BRC food safety standard began in the
UK, it is now recognized as a global standard.
According to Punjas Biscuit Limited Man-
aging Director Mr Nitin Punja this is an aus-
picious milestone for the company to reach
this level of growth in the Southern Hemi-
sphere and they are understandably proud of
this achievement.
It is not only the BRC Auditors who have
recognized our capabilities and commitment
to quality and consistency, Punjas Biscuit Ltd
has also passed a full Fontera New Zealand
Food Safety and Quality Audit and have been
appointed as one of their approved packing for
export markets.
Punjas Dairy too has been certified by
Fonterra, as a result we have been contracted
to pack Anchor Milk Powder in sachets for
their export customers. This is truly a vote of
confidence in our company by Fonterra.
Punjas Group Marketing Manager Gopal Jadhav (left), Managing Director Nitin Punja, Director Rajesh Punja and Director Jagdish Punja
A lot of these achievements would not
during the announcement of the A + certification. Photo: Sanjay Goundar

have been possible without our long term vi-
sion at the conception and implementation All our staff not only made the commit-
stages. Right from the beginning we planned ment but took ownership of putting quality
to produce the best quality product that would into practice.

provides opportunities
be capable of standing up in any market any- On behalf of the Punjas family we thank
where in the world.
While announcing the achievements in the
you sincerely for doing your job so diligently
and contributing to these outcomes. Mr Pun-

presence of prominent business stakeholders ja informed that the company volunteered for
on August 9 the Managing Director publicly the unannounced audit so they were judged
acknowledged the contribution that the staff by the auditors on how they operated the fac-
have made to both these achievements. tory everyday and not on a predetermined day.

Miss Ba Riverside Carnival 2017 Miss Singhs Rental Kelera Sauliga (sitting) with her
runner up queens. Photo: Anushil Kumar / Vodafone Media

Sanjay Goundar take ownership and become the change they

want to see in our country.
Fijis pioneer mobile network provider Voda- The Carnival this year has also been a learn-
fone Fiji is providing opportunities to the ing platform for the 9 contestants to advocate
younger generation to come forward, realize on the theme Save our Environment.
their potential and make a positive change in On the other hand as a company through this
the society. carnival we have been able to strengthen our
During the crowning night of the 2017 Voda- bond with the Ba communities and further our
fone Riverside Carnival in Ba on August 26, commitment to the People of the Vanua.
Vodafone Fijis Sponsorship Manager Adriu For the past 20 years, the carnival has gath-
Vakarau stressed that they are empowering ered retailers, families and contestants in one
all contestants in their sponsored carnivals to ground to learn enjoy and most importantly
gain confidence and become ambassadors of contribute towards charity.
the communities in bringing forth positive so- Meanwhile, Miss Singhs Rental Kelera Sau-
cietal changes. liga was crowned the 2017 Miss Ba Riverside
This is the true essence of POWER TO YOU; Carnival and will represent the people of Ba in
to be the enabler and to provide such opportu- this years Miss Fiji Pageant.
nities to our younger generation to come forth,
AUGUST 25, 2017 NEWS 03

Whittakers storms Fiji market

Sanjay Goundar

New Zealands number one chocolate Whittakers is taking

the Fiji market by storm.
The iconic Kiwi brand is now widely available throughout
the country after the Motibhai Group recently took over the
distribution right for the local market. The Whittakers brand
was previously available in limited range in small number of
outlets in Fiji for a number of years.
Whittakers Head of International market Matt Whittaker re-
vealed during a press conference at Prouds Nadi on August 23
that their full range of chocolates is now available for choco-
late lovers in Fiji to enjoy.
The range includes Whittakers Fairtrade certified 5-Roll
Refined Creamy Milk Block and 72 percent Dark Ghana Block
and a wide range of other unique flavours and sizes.
Mr Whittaker informed that they are delighted to now have
the opportunity to build their relationship with chocolate lov-
ers in Fiji via the strong distribution network of Motibhai
Group and Prouds retail outlets.
We have been in Fiji market for some time now but we
needed a household name to become our major distributer in
the country and the Motibhai Group is our ideal choice.
Motibhai Group is a great company and through this part-
nership the Whittaker brand of chocolates will become a
household name in Fiji.
Prouds Director Tejash Patel pointed out that Fijian custom-
ers are getting smarter and with their taste profile improving
Whittakers chocolate is definitely one of the best choices for
them. Prouds Director Tejash Patel (right) with Head of International Markets of Whittakers chocolates Matt Whittaker (middle)
Mr Patel stressed that they are now giving a large percentage during the press conference. Photo: Sanjay Goundar

Central national poster

of the population in Fiji the opportunity to taste something new
which they will enjoy a lot with the first bite.
Mr Whittaker added that as a company they are steadfastly
committed to producing only chocolates of the highest quality.

competition champion
Whittakers ensure quality by controlling the whole manu-

facturing process- from bean to bar from our one factory in
Wellington, New Zealand, he revealed.


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Lautoka Central Primary student Nikeel Vikash after receiving his cheque and gift pack from FNU
Photo: Sanjay Goundar
Sanjay Goundar schools.
This year we launched the productivity aware-
A Year 7 student of Lautoka Central Primary ness campaign in the month of June which was
School has scooped another very lucrative reward done by the Minister for Education.
for his institute. During this launch it was recommended that
Nikeel Anand Vikash of Year 7 Blue was re- we have this productivity awareness program in
cently declared the national champion in an art both primary and secondary schools.
competition organized by the Fiji National Uni- So the team at NTPC put together a program
versitys National Training and Productivity Cen- which resulted in an essay competition for the
tre. For his gallant effort Vikash received a cash secondary schools and a poster competition for
reward of $500 from FNU. primary schools throughout Fiji, he informed.
Out of various prominent schools of around the Head Teacher of Lautoka Central Primary
country Vikashs poster was chosen as the best School Dilip Kumar commended the hard work
depicting the theme My Productive School. put in by Vikash, his parents and the class teacher.
NTPCs Manager Quality Service Bob Mitchell Mr Kumar stressed that becoming a national
revealed that when Vikashs poster was reviewed champion in any competition is a major achieve-
it stood out from the rest of posters received from ment for the school and the effort by all stake-
throughout the country. holders of the school is highly applauded.
The various ways in which a school can be- Meanwhile, Natabua High School was declared
come productive was clearly depicted in this par- the national champion in the essay competi-
Mobile: 833 4049 P.O Box 4555, Lautoka ticular poster. tion with the winner receiving the cash prize of
Email: He informed that part of NTPCs role is to cre- $600.00.
ate awareness to industries, organisations and the



Council workers engage in artistic beautification

Sanjay Goundar

Certain Lautoka City Council employees

have been given the opportunity to explore
their artistic skills in further beautifying the
Sugar City.
If one drives along the Queens Wharf in
Lautoka they will surely not miss the painting
on the walls near the port of entry.
The manner in which the painting has been
done on the walls which also harbours murals
showing the history of the city is very artistic.
According to Lautoka City Council Chief
Executive Officer Jone Nakauvadra they have
received lot of praises from members of the
public on giving the city another very attrac-
tive look through the paintings.
People thought we have hired professional
artists to paint the walls with different kind of
designs but they were amazed to learn that our
own employees have created this magic.
These are the employees who carry out
beautification and cleaning works on daily ba-
sis throughout the city.
The Council is very delighted to have
given our own employees the opportunity to
These are the very artistic painting done by the employees of Lautoka City Council to beautify the walls along the Queens Wharf.
beautify the city with their own imagination.
Photo: Maika Kasami
This project clearly shows the depth of tal-

Handover Recyclables at IYC Childrens Park

ents our own employees have which unfortu-
nately was not brought to the limelight in the
Mr Nakauvadra added that similar artistic Fiji like other Pacific Island countries is environment, tourism, trade, economy, living cleansing services, garbage collection, main-
paintings will soon be seen on the walls of the heavily dependent on imported goods and conditions, food supplies, public health, water tenance of disposal site etc.
councils Sugar City Mall. materials from industrial nations and consid- and air quality, climate change, severely con- Lautoka City Council after implementa-
He stressed that the council together with its ering the small size, environmental issues, straint existing limited resources etc tion and evaluation of Separate Collection
employees will do their level best to further land rights and isloated location, sound waste The key facts remains that 48.1 tons of of Recycables in Veitari Ward decided to
beautify Lautoka and maintain its image as the management and disposal is becoming a sig- waste per day is generated in Lautoka City extend the RECYCLING INITIATIVE to all
cleanest city in the county. nificant CHALLENGE !!!. Increasing waste which tantamount to about 0.830kg per residents and visitors .
generation amounts if not managed properly person/day. Council spends about 20% (more
will result in negative impacts on our fragile than $1.06 million) of its annual budget on


LCC fines litter offenders
AUGUST 25, 2017

LCC monitors Food

Business Operators
All the Food Business Operations within the jurisdic-
tion of Lautoka City Council have been subject to routine
inspections, restaurant grading including instituting of ap-
plicable enforcement mechanisms and legal proceedings.
Routine work is conducted as required by the relevant food
safety legislations to ensure that food is prepared, handled,
stored and sold under safe, hygienic and sanitary conditions
to ensure that the health and quality of life of members of
the public is safeguarded and promoted.
The Council has so far achieved 95 % of grading exercise
for the eateries within the city area. The grading exercise
has been carried out after series of awareness on Good Hy-
giene Practices and Food Establishment (Grading) Regula-
tion 2012 for all owners of catering premises.
Members of the public are advised that grade cards are
usually displayed either on the frontage of the eateries or
on the menu boards. Grade cards are issued upon audit car-
ried out of the eateries using official grading checklist. The
audit reveals the compliance level in terms of good hygiene
practices and food safety. Grade card A indicates highest
level of compliance being 90% or more followed by B
Citizens are advised to cooperate with the council in keeping services for discharge of house hold.
grade which denotes compliance level of 80 % to 90 %.
the city clean and beautiful. Council has been creating aware- Refrain from disposing commercial waste in the Be Tidy
C grade denotes lower compliance rating of 70% to 80
ness to citizens regarding litter problems and the need to refrain public bins as it is also an offence.
%. D grade indicates lowest level of compliance being
from littering as it pollutes our environment and becomes an Refrain from sweeping wastes from shops and offices onto
less than 70% and these eateries are issued with abatement
eye sore to the public especially tourists. councils footpaths and streets.
notices to rectify the non-compliances.
Council has appointed additional four (4) litter prevention of- Councils Litter Prevention Officers have been carrying out
The purpose of the grading exercise is to ensure the
ficers in an attempt to reinforce the litter enforcement works litter prevention awareness and enforcement works within the
safety of food and quality of conditions and services in all
with in the city area. Citizens are reminded to adopt environ- city and have so far issued total of seven hundred and sixty two
eateries. More so, creating awareness to consumers about
mental friendly practices and prevent littering by adhering to (762) fixed penalty notices since 2009.
the hygiene status of eateries and assist them in making an
following: Citizens are further advised that anyone found littering in
informed decision in terms of their choice of eatery to buy
Make use of the public litter bins for discharging rubbish public places will be issued with on the spot fixed penalty no-
whilst in the city; tice of $40.00 without any further warning. Failure to pay fixed
Citizens are informed that the council also instituted le-
Refrain from littering in drains/creeks, roads, parks, market, penalty will result in legal action against offenders.
gal proceedings against sixteen (16) Food Business Opera-
bus stand, footpaths etc; Council therefore seek cooperation of all citizens to adopt en-
tors for contravention of Food Safety Act 2004 and Food
Put a stop to burning especially in public places; vironment friendly initiatives like practice recycling, compost-
Safety Regulation 2009. Restaurants and even other Food
Heavy goods vehicle and buses to maintain the vehicles on ing, use of eco bags when shopping, stop burning of wastes and
Business Operators found operating under insanitary and
regular basis to stop oil leakages; refrain from littering to pledge our support for Fijis Presidency
unhygienic conditions are issued Abatement Notice under
Provision of litter bins within public service vehicles; of COP 23 and mitigate climate change impacts.
Section 51 of the Food Safety Act 2003.
Use councils garbage collection and bulky refuse collection

$25.60 $33.20


06 NEWS AUGUST 25, 2017

EDITORIAL SI Lautoka support girls soccer

Final school term
Jokes aside, the final school term has begun and students
will need to treat the next 14 weeks or so very seriously. It
is what you would call the business end of the school year.
If this was a movie, it would be the last part, as they say.
If you had been stealing time by doing secret revisions
in your spare time and you had been scoring good marks in
term one and term two exams, then you dont need to press
the panic button.
You are surely on the right path and need to continue to
do the good work. But if you have been taking it easy and
waiting for term three to start with your serious learning
then it might not be a surprise if you find your hands full
with more to learn in limited time.
How can you give yourself an edge this time around? The
most important thing you can do is give yourself plenty of
time to prepare.
First is study, then test yourself with a practice test, dis-
cover your weak areas, study again and then test yourself
There are many recent studies that show that it is impor-
tant to study in stages. The findings say that its best to start SI Lautoka members providing financial assistance to the U 14 Lautoka Girls soccer team for the recent primary schools IDC.
early and give your brain a rest, then study again. Photos: Sanjay Goundar
For best results, you should make several copies of each Zareena Bi teams.
old exam and keep taking the tests until you score perfectly The interest needs to be generated so there is a bigger pool
on each one. Soccer as a competitive sporting activity for girls is not a of players to choose from when taking a district team to com-
Parents and the government of the day have done their very popular notion in the country at the moment but hopefully petition level.
part in making sure education is the key component in ones with the initiatives taken recently this will change in future. This year only six primary schools from Lautoka identified
life. Soroptimist International (SI) Lautoka club has set the ball and sent their players and because of the short fall the girls had
Free education plus the care and love from home is the rolling with cash assistance towards the Lautoka Under 14 to train with boys to build up a good team.
best remedy for a child to perform well at school. girls soccer team for their preparation towards the Fiji Primary SI Lautoka President Ranjini Mudaliar informed that the club
Its a childs uniform duty to dedicate most of their pre- Schools Football Association organized Fiji Primary School has been organizing annual sports awards for the last six years
cious time in school and bring about maturity in their day Inter district championship (IDC) which was played at Prince to acknowledge sporting talents in primary schools in Lautoka
to day life in a bid to combat the world in the so-called Charles Park in Nadi from August 22 to 24. and they are happy to assist in this development.
knowledge based society. According to one of the teachers assisting with the develop- It is vital that as a club we look at the holistic development
As we draw closer to the end of November, the end of ment of the soccer team Mrs Sashi Prasad, this is the first time of children so apart from education we also need to focus on
another school year, the power is the hands of the students that the initiative has been taken to take a district under 14 girls extra curricula activities.
to make it or break it. team to championship level and a lot more effort has to be put We will continue to assist with such initiatives in future to
There is no short cut to success. If you do fail its not the in place for the future. benefit the students.
end of the world. If you make it, its a reward of all your It is very important now for all primary schools to develop Meanwhile, the Under 14 girls team went on to win the
hard work and sacrifices. their girls soccer teams at individuals schools and run competi- championship in their category.
We wish you all the very best in Term 3. tions just like what is the current practice for the boys soccer
Happy studies!

Maika Kasami ANZ Lautoka volunteers at Sunshine Special

Zareena Bi

Employees of the ANZ

bank in Lautoka took their
time out to assist in painting
one of the classrooms at the
Sunshine Special School in
PUBLISHER : SANJAY GOUNDAR Lautoka on August 26.
PH: 9960 129 According to ANZ Lau-
toka Branch Manager Linda
Hanfakaga they have a staff
foundation for such social
PH: 9189 779 work and the team decides on
the number of projects which
MARKETING MANAGER: ZAREENA Bi PH: they wish to volunteer on for
9322 621 the year.
This is part of our Social
T/A : WESTERN MEDIA ENTERPRISES corporate responsibility we
have decided to take up this
EMAILS: / work at Sunshine Special School.
This project does not end
here for us and if there is oth- Staff members of ANZ bank Lautoka branch during their social work at Sunshine
Follow us on facebook with daily updates : CityS- er projects at the school that Special School
TAR-Newspaper they can give us we will be Meanwhile, she also in-
happy to take it on as part of decided to take on this pro- school to volunteer if it is formed that the other projects
OFFICE : 15 TUKANI STREET, our volunteer work. ject seeing that there is a need something continuous that they have previously em-
LAUTOKA This volunteer work is in the school. they need we can continue barked on is the hospital pro-
done annually as its gives us We have started with with that. jects and sea wall clean up.
POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 4230, an opportunity to give back to painting one classroom to- This weekend we have Hanfakaga further informed
Lautoka the community. day and next week there will eight of the team members that the team members in her
Hanfakaga added that they be another team from ANZ working here and next week team have previously volun-
there are various other pro- Lautoka coming in to paint there will be another eight to teered and done such work
jects that they have done as a another classroom. ten members doing the same in Ba and worked with other
team in Lautoka but they We actually came to the work here. NGOs on their projects.
Printed by: Universal Print

Sugar Festival remains strong

Sanjay Goundar

Despite having no major sponsor the 56th chapter of the

Sugar Festival will proceed with the usual fun and entertain-
ment for the people of the entire western division this year.
The much awaited annual festival will be staged at Churchill
Parks carnival ground from September 16 23.
Lautoka Sugar Festival Association President Brijesh Chan-
dra pointed out that it is very unfortunate that their major spon-
sor since the last few years pulled out their support just few
months before the event.
Chandra informed that because the main sponsor of the festi-
val withdrew their sponsorship in June it became very difficult
for them to secure any other prominent organization to take the
naming rights of the festival in such a short span of time.
Nonetheless, with the never ending support of my entire
committee members we decided whatever the situation maybe
the festival will go ahead.
We are also planning to stage this years festival in a much
bigger and better way from any other previous festivals.
The good part for us is that all food stalls and flea market
stalls have been sold out as the craze among business operators
for our festival never drops.
The daily night programs will also proceed without any
shortfalls for the full entertainment of all those that will visit The 2017 Sugar Festival Queen contestants vying to represent Lautoka in the Miss Fiji Pageant. Photos: Sanjay Goundar
the carnival ground during the duration of the festival.
This year Miss Sugar will be able to choose between Aus-
tralia, New Zealand or Singapore as her reward while Miss
Charity can decide between a return trip to Australia or New
Zealand, Chandra informed.
He added that the community service provided by the as-
sociation will continue for the benefit of the people of Lautoka
despite the setback faced with no major sponsor this year.
The former Lautoka City Mayor informed their new wheel-
chair assistance program which started early this year is pro-
gressing well.
We are ready to assist anyone with a new wheelchair be-
cause of leg amputation upon receiving a request at our office.
We are making sure that those people who come to us re-
questing for a wheelchair are assisted the same day without
any major delay.
However, at this juncture I would like to once again ap-
peal to all those prominent business houses in the city to come
forward and assist the association through their sponsorship so The King contestants for the 2017 Sugar Festival
that we can assist more people in need, he emphasized.

Name: Kesaia Cakacaka

Age: 20
Hobbies: Listening to music,
Occupation: Sales assistant
at Prouds Lautoka.

Name: Mereoni Raitala

Age: 20
Hobbies: Dancing and so-
Occupation: Retail sales

The hardworking executive and committee members in charge of bringing the 2017 Sugar Festival

Queen Contestant Profiles

Name: Neha Name: Emmaline
Name: Taranalagi Mariane Lewgor
Natasha Singh Waqabaca
Age: 23 Age: 23
Age: 20 Hobbies: Cooking,
Hobbies: Hobbies: Martial
Watching mov- listening to music,
Arts, reading, watching movies
ies, listening to dancing
music, social- Occupation: Former Name: Sulita Naibita
Occupation: FNU student and at-
izing. Buzzer at Tappoo Age: 20
Occupation: tachment at MOIT Hobbies: Cooking,
City Name: Tulia Levunia
Registered Age: 20, Hobbies: Singing, listen- socializing
Nurse ing to music Occupation: FNU
Occupation: FNU student student
08 NEWS AUGUST 25, 2017

Andhra family celebrates founders day

Indian High Commissioner Mr Vishvas Sapkal (middle with the Lautoka Andhra College Principal Aruna Singh (3rd from left) and DIAS officials celebrating the Andhra Day.
Photo: Sanjay Goundar
Sanjay Goundar DIAS National President Justice Kamal Kumar pointed out It is my firm belief that better and quality facilities lead to
that after years of toil late Alipati Tataiya with the support of quality education and here at Andhra we are exactly providing
The hard work and dedication of the founders of any organi- few pioneers established Andhra Sangam for the social, cultur- that, Kumar highlighted.
zation remains the best inspiration and motivation for the cur- al and education betterment and uplifting of the Telegu com- Chief Guest at the Andhra Day celebration Indian High
rent generation to succeed. munity in the country. Commissioner to Fiji Vishvas Sapkal reminded the students
Extreme sacrifice and tireless efforts of the Founder of Dak- He revealed that along with maintaining the vision of its that they should take full advantage of the great facilities avail-
shina India Andhra Sangam of Fiji Late Alipati Tataiya were founder Andhra Sangam today is not only serving the Telegu able at any Andhra school.
once again remembered on August 2 this year at Lautoka community but all those who are interested in educating them- Mr Sapkal told the students to learn from the founder of
Andhra College. selves. DIAS late Alipati Tataiya to strive for excellence in whatever
According to the School Principal Aruna Singh the first As a result we now have five primary schools and two sec- they do in their academic life.
Wednesday of each August every year marks an important day ondary schools in the western division. Meanwhile, along with the Andhra Day, Lautoka Andhra
in the Andhra Schools calendar. At the juncture I would like to thank all our past execu- College also held its open day the same day providing oppor-
She revealed that this day marks the birth of Dakshina India tive and committee members of the national body and district tunity to various primary school students to learn about what
Andhra Sangam in Fiji and the tireless efforts of its Founder branches and committee members of our various schools for all the school can offer them once they enter secondary school.
Alipati Tataiya are once again relived. bringing us this far.

Ministry monitors drought affected farmers

Source: DINFO

The Ministry of Agriculture is closely monitoring the dry weather situation following the Moreover, livestock and crop farmers are continuously receiving advice from the Ministry
recent drought affecting the Western and Northern Division. while the distribution of seeds for crop farmers will depend on reports from the fields on the
The Ministry of Agriculture permanent secretary Mr Jitendra Singh said farmers in the West- severity of the dry weather condition if it continues.
ern and Northern Division were experiencing the long dry spell. Mr Singh added that this is a continuous extension activity whereby farmers are advised
Rakiraki, Tavua, Ba, Lautoka and Macuata are the major affected areas. This is normal due namely livestock farmers on how well they can identify some of the wet areas and dig up tem-
to the shallow depth of the current soil that exists and the stony areas within some of the hills, porary ponds and water troughs to allow animals to drink as part of the immediate response.
said Mr Singh. The Ministry will continue to assess the situation and if the need arises for us to respond in
We have been receiving few showers lately which could assist some of the standing crops terms of the provision of water tanks for animals, animal feeds and also for irrigation then we
on the ground and if it continues then it will have an implication towards the cropping program will do that according to the situation on the ground.
and production at this particular time.



Keep Going !
AUGUST 25, 2017

to become a teacher because of his disposi-

tion for abstract and mathematical thought in
light of his lack of imagination and practi-
cal ability. Two years later, Einstein was ac-
cepted into the school, but was unable to find a
permanent teaching position. It was during his
employment at a patent office that he penned
his Theory of Relativity, and the rest is history
(OConnor & Robertson, n.d.).
Motivation largely depends upon our needs,
expectations, and incentivesfactors that are
mostly learned. Since these learned factors de-
termine what we do and how far we get in life,
Ravinesh Prasad its safe to say that motivation can be taught.
Lecturer in Education Some students come bounding through the
School of Education doors of their school ready to learn, while oth-
College of Humanities ers enter reluctantly and spend a good deal of
and Education their energy avoiding work. The discrepancy
Fiji National University, between ability and product can be found as
Lautoka Campus early as lower-primary school when a young-
ster excels in reading during class but fails to
complete assignments or makes sloppy mis-
Allowing students to set goals is probably takes on the comprehension test. In upper-
the most effective means of having them be- primary school, underachievement emerges in
gin to take charge of their learning (Bartho- both academic and nonacademic areas, where
lomew, 2007). One can lead a horse to water, behaviors range from withdrawal to defiance. Learning certain subjects becomes difficult for many students but how they are guided to
but you cant make it drink. Why do some stu- By high school, the child has been labeled an succeed in difficult circumstances is to be pondered about. Photo: Supplied
dents turn in quality work while others do just underachiever and is likely denied access to
enough to get by? Why are some students able honors classes and encouraged to take voca- anything new because past experiences for who he or she is but refuse to accept un-
to verbalize great intentions but fail miserably tional classes. A situation such as this becomes have revealed that they cannot be successful derachievement as an acceptable approach to
on their assigned projects? Why can the sim- a self-fulfilling prophecy (Battle, 2002). in this particular discipline. Such students as- learning. The first step to identifying the root
plest of assignments be met with great dissen- Many students had seen school as a place sume that failure is inevitable and unavoidable cause for underachievement is to look for the
sion? For a variety of reasons, there can be a where they performed and were judged, but (Lavoie, 2007). Some students avoid failure personal thing that makes the student tick
significant gap between what underachieving now they understood that they had an active by lapsing into plagiarism and other forms of this is the connection between desire and edu-
students produce in school and what they are role to play in the development of their minds cheating. These students do not have the luxu- cational achievement.
actually capable of producing. (Dweck, 2008, p. 116). I feel that the key to ry of getting away with a learned helplessness A number of strategies that can be catego-
Such underachieving students have often rewarding effectively is to do so in ways that attitude. When they avoid assignments, the rized as best teaching practices for all can also
been labeled as lazy or difficult. Teach- support students motivation to learn and avoid teacher will notice and take action. Persistent help prepare the underachieving student to be
ers have been known to write them off as encouraging them to think that they engage in avoidance pushes the child further and further successful; for example:
unteachable. Students underachieve for a learning activities only to earn rewards. behind academically. Help students organize their time and ma-
variety of reasons, the least of which is be- The student, who appears disinterested, fails This is especially detrimental to students terials so they are better able to concentrate on
cause they are lazy, difficult, unteachable, or to contribute to classroom discussions, and with learning disabilities, whose chronic fail- the business of learning.
learning disabled. The challenge for each and turns in shoddy homework may be labeled as ure and frustration leave them with feelings Employ cooperative learning groups that
every teacher is to find the individual key that lazy. This is not necessarily true. The student of helplessness and a reluctance to learn any- are contingent upon group interdependence
unlocks a childs motivation to succeed and who puts his head down on his desk in the thing new. Teachers can best address learned and individual accountability.
build on that foundation. One thing is certain: back of the room is highly motivatedhes helplessness by taking three definitive steps: Set specific learning goals for your stu-
teachers cannot expect to use a one-size-fits- motivated to keep silent and not participate! 1. Understand and embrace the nature of dents; and have students create their own
all technique to motivate all students. Instead, The correct interpretation of such an action the learned helplessness. Why is the student learning goals with a focus on mastery.
they must ask and answer the question, What would be to say that the student is not moti- avoiding the given assignment(s)? Provide students with choices in what they
makes this student tick?. Underachievers are, vated to do what the teacher has asked him to 2. Change the students thought process so will learn and how they will demonstrate their
in fact, highly motivatedin directions other do (Lavoie, 2007). Researchers Harvey Man- he or she no longer believes that failure is in- understanding.
than getting good grades. And finding out pre- del and Sander Marcus (1995) have come to evitable. This means considering both the ac- Expect the same amount of effort from
cisely where their motivation lies is the key to the conclusion that underachievers are, in fact, tual failures and the childs perception of the each student, not the same performance. Do
helping them turn around and become achiev- highly motivatedin directions other than reasons for his or her failure. Such students not compromise your expectations because of
ers at school (Mandel & Marcus, 1995, p. 3). getting good grades. need to relearn that they are in charge of their students attitudes, cultures, or socioeconomic
Albert Einstein, the great mathematician Many students who are considered lazy are progress. backgrounds.
and physicist, has been labeled by various actually experiencing learned helplessness. 3. Create a learning environment that is sup- Praise specific accomplishments.
sources as an underachiever. Einstein him- We have all experienced learned helplessness portive and non-threatening, where mistakes Finally, people are not born with a specific
self admitted that language was difficult for in one area or another and as adults, we accept are viewed as inevitable and useful! Measure- talent or an aptitude for a certain subjectit
him and he struggled to learn the French and it in each other. This is not always the case able successes need to be an integral part of must be nurtured. The brain is a constantly
English languages. At the age of 16, he failed with children. Learned helplessness comes the learning environment. changing muscle that can be cultivated. When
the entrance exam to an electrical engineer- into play when we encounter a situation in It is an unfortunate reality that every class- students are challenged, make mistakes and
ing program at Zurich Polytechnic, probably which we have been unsuccessful in the past. room will have at least one unmotivated un- learn from them, and apply the newly found
due to his inability to read the questions accu- There are students who struggle in a partic- derachiever, probably more. Since there is not information to future lessons, they take con-
rately in French. Einstein knew his strengths ular subject and, as a result, withdraw during a remedy for underachievement as a whole, trol of their learning and, in essence, motivate
and his shortcomings, writing that he wished a lesson or demonstrate a reluctance to learn teachers need to learn to accept each child themselves.


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scheduling of training and other logistics. Dates, Days & Applications Due Venue Fee
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Learning outcomes: Evening Class - September 2017 USP Lautoka $560 pp
At the successful completion of the training participants will be able to: Campus
Explain the roles & functions of OHS representatives and the committee. Two Evenings per
Demonstrate the use of workplace arrangements to resolve workplace health
& safety issues. 5-8pm
Describe methods used to identify workplace hazards & assess their risk
factors. Class will be scheduled once sufficient number of applications is received.
Apply OHS technology & communication skills To obtain enrolment form and for further information, contact: Rajendra Singh, tel:
Identify the relevant OHS regulations & codes of practice 6666800; fax: 6667133; email: or Babita Sharma, email: babita.
Training content
or enquire at the USP Lautoka Campus, Western House, corner of Vidilo Street, Lautoka
OHS Act 1996 application
or visit our website:
Workplace arrangements


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Determine how to enhance learning process in order to meet day to day Lautoka- USP Lautoka
operation Campus
(2 evenings per week) To be announced once suf- 5 - 8pm
Create a persona; agenda for self-improvement and set goals to productivity ficient number of applica-
throughout the organization tions are received
New tools and technique and able to foster innovation. (Monday and Thursday 5 - 8pm
Capacity building and skills transfer evening Class)

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at Work Skills Skills
Workplace Ethics Conducting Effective Professional Supervisor
Class may be re-scheduled if sufficient number of applications is not received
Performance Review in time.
To obtain enrolment form and for further information, contact:
Safety at the Workplace Performance Team Building Initiatives
Rajendra Singh Tel: 666 6800/ Fax: 6667133 or Email:
Management in the workplace
or Babita Sharma Email:
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Address By Mr Shalendra Prasad Manager Public Relations | Corporate Marketing,

Motibhai Group of Companies
While Motibhai Group has been As we always say, every cup of ry packet of Bushells tea sold from
According to statistics revealed actively involved in various phil- Bushells tea counts in the battle May until September end towards
by the Fiji Cancer Society, an esti- anthropic works around the coun- against cancer. the Fiji Cancer Society. We are ex-
mated 79% of deaths in Fiji are due try, the Bushells Fijis Morning Tea Apart from our initial sponsorship pecting funds raised from this new
to Non-Communicable Diseases campaign which is in its 11th year of this great event, in 2014 Motibhai campaign to be in excess of $30,000
(NCDs) and premature mortality always holds a special place in our Group made a further commitment which should be good enough to
from NCDs is rising. company. of $15k for the next five years this take the entire funds raised from this
Of these NCDs, cancers are the Since 2006 when the BFBMT was arrangement ends in 2018 with a to- campaign to reach around $100K
third leading cause of death behind first launched, thousands of dollars tal of $75,000 in donation from our this year.
cardiovascular diseases and diabe- have been raised and thousands of Group. Therefore ladies and gentlemen,
tes. lives have been saved as well. To further strengthen the efforts of we urge you to host a morning tea
Looking at these alarming statis- If it was not for this campaign and the Fiji Cancer Society, our Group event at your business premises as
tics, fundraising events such as the the good work being carried out by this year launched an additional well between now and the end of
Bushells Fijis Biggest Morning Tea the Fiji Cancer Society, thousands campaign in May. Known as the September. Please feel free to con-
is playing a very important role in of survivors would not have been Bushells Five Cents Campaign, we nect with us for more information
cancer advocacy. around with us today. will be donating five cents from eve- on hosting your own BFBMT.

Cancer survivor advises women to be proactive

Zareena Bi

A 53 years old uterine cancer survivor is advocating for women to be more

proactive and seek medical advice as soon as abnormalities are noticed in the
monthly menstrual cycles.
Speaking at the Bushells Fijis Biggest morning tea fundraising drive for the
Fiji Cancer Society by the Motibhai Group in Nadi on August 30, Reapi Naya-
cakalou shared that it is important to break cultural barriers and talk about the
issues regarding this killer disease.
Nayacakalou who is a mother of 9 year old twin boys spoke about her emo-
tional journey two years ago where she went through considerable physical and
emotional pain.
There was no signs and I didnt even know that I had cancer and after my
50th birthday when I did not have my normal monthly menstruation I was think-
ing it is menopause.
After a few months when the cycle came back I thought it would go on
gradually and finish but it did not finish and I started bleeding heavily and then
passing out clots.
It took several visits to the hospital for the cancer to be identified and I was
stunned when I learnt that I had 85% cancer in my uterus.
Nayacakalou revealed that she was given an option by the doctors of either a
surgery or chemotherapy and she opted for surgery.
The thought that came into my mind was what will happen to my children
because they were only seven at that time. The fear was not of the disease but
the fear was that they are so young and I was going to die.
A lot of complications were expected because I had opted for surgery so I
shared this with my husband and I told him to prepare for it. The easier part was
telling my husband but the harder part was telling my children.
Thankfully they removed my uterus and ovaries and they managed to contain
the cancer. It has been two years now since I have been cancer free.
She added that during the trying times it was her children, family and faith
that took her through.
My husband and my bosses were very supportive and it is always important
that anyone who has cancer receives family support.
I have started advocating on facebook and also advising my friends and fam-
ilies not to wait and seek medical advice as life is too short. Cancer survivors Reapi Nayacakalou (left) and Vika Fong at the Bushells Fijis Biggest
Morning Tea event at Motibhai head office in Nadi. Photo: Sanjay Goundar


Address By Divisional Medical Officer West Dr Susana Nakalevu
I am deeply honored this morning to be Cancer. Exposure to environmental factors
present here amongst you all beautiful people that promote gene damage is by far the most
with a shred passion in supporting the mem- important determinant of whether we develop
bers of our communities who are suffering cancer or not - environmental carcinogens.
from this dreadful disease commonly termed Cancer is part of the NCDs which are domi-
as cancer. I believe that the Bushells Fijis nant here in our nation prematurely killing our
Biggest Morning Tea initiative was launched people and contributing to approximately 60
in 2006 with the hope to build a Cancer Hos- to 80% of all deaths. As NCDs are lifestyle
pice in Fiji and this year marks the 11th year diseases, our risk of developing cancers are
of this great partnership between Motibhai determined by the choices we make in terms
Group and Fiji Cancer Society in raising funds of poor nutrition, physical inactivity, smoking
and promoting Cancer awareness in Fiji. Over and consumption of alcohol.
the years, the cancer awareness campaign From year 2000 to 2009, incidences of can-
through this initiative have gained tremendous cer were between 300 to 500 cases annually
momentum where people when hearing the and a sharp increase was noted from 2010 to
name Bushells Fijis Biggest Morning tea 2015 with incidences doubling to 1000s and
relates it straight away with Cancer support. even tripled with the highest number noted
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services in 2014 to be 1,682. The female reproductive
is very appreciative of such initiatives by the tract cancers such as breast, cervix, endome-
relevant stakeholders such as this partnership trium and ovary are the main contributors to
by Motibhai Group and Fiji Cancer Society the incidence and mortality rates of cancers
who are committed in the love and care of as compared to other forms of cancers. For
our patients and ensuring the wide coverage males, Prostate Cancer is common followed
of cancer awareness messages in preventative by Liver and Rectal cancers. What is alarm-
measures such as screening for early detection ing are the marked increase in cancers with
and management. unknown primary focus in both sexes.
Cancer is a term for diseases in which ab- The high death rate for certain cancers es-
normal cells divide without control and can pecially cervical and breast are due to very
invade nearby tissues which can also spread late detection and presentations so awareness
to other parts of the body through the blood are targeted towards early detection through
and lymph systems. There are more than 100 screening and effective management and fol- Dr Susana Nakalevu (right) with Fiji Cancer Society board member Margaret Round.
types of cancers and most of them are named low up. A challenging issue also is the emo- Photos: Sanjay Goundar
after the organ or the type of cells in which tional fear that some women go through once
they start (Primary Focus) eg. Breast cancer informed about the outcomes of their screen- parents to know that it is extremely unlikely swelling, unexplained paleness or loss of
(Organ) or Basal Cell Carcinomal (Cell Type). ing which hinder them from accessing early there is anything they or their children could energy, easy bruising, ongoing pain in one
Cancers cab be Benign where they are local- treatment and contribute to their late presenta- have done to prevent it. Cancers in children area of the body, limping, unexplained fe-
ized and can be removed or Mallignant where tions. can be hard to recognize right away because ver or illness that does not go away, frequent
they can spread. Most illnesses including For children as compared to adults, life- early symptoms are often like those caused by headaches with vomiting, sudden eye or vi-
cancers are multifactorial so there is no sin- styles and environment exposures are not common illnesses or injuries. Children often sion change, and sudden unexplained weight
gle cause for any type of cancer. A carcinogen common and their risk of developing cancer get sick or have bumps and bruises that might loss. Treatment success rates have improved
is something that can aid in causing cancers. are mainly due to DNA changes that may be mask the early signs and symptoms. Cancer in for children but it is important to continue
Some causes may be preventable, although inherited but mostly changes that happen ear- children is not common, but its important to with follow up as some side effects of treat-
DNA damage promotes cancer, only 5-10% ly in life and even before births. If a child does have your child checked by a Doctor if they ment might not show up until years later. As
causes are directly inherited such as Breast develop cancer, it is important for the have some unusual signs or symptoms that time goes by the risk of cancer coming back
does not go away such as unusual lump or goes down.

11 year fight against cancer

Sanjay Goundar ficial and sole distributor of Bushells
label, for coming up with this initia-
The Motibhai Group has been suc- tive 11 years ago and for being our
cessfully hosting the Bushells Fijis major partner for this event, in its 11
Biggest Morning Tea fundraising successive year since.
drive for local cancer patients for the So, in keeping with tradition, the
last 11 years. Motibhai Group of Companies kick
Speaking during the event at the started our awareness and fundrais-
company head office in Nadi, Fiji ing campaign this year by hosting
Cancer Society board member Mar- the first of these iconic events at
garet Round revealed that ever since their headquarters in Walu Bay Suva
this initiative began 11 years ago, it on July 12.
is always customary that the Motib- We thank the company for show-
hai Group host the first morning tea ing their staunch commitment to the
every year and would then be fol- cause in hosting another event at
lowed by other organisations. their national headquarters in Nadi,
We would like to wholeheartedly Rounds added.
Motibhai Group CEO and Chairman Kirit Patel (left) and Executive Director Bhupendra Patel with Fiji
thank the Motibhai Group the of-
Water CEO Rokoseru Nabalarua (middle) at the biggest morning tea event at Motibhai Nadi head office.


14 SPORTS AUGUST 25, 2017

Blues wrap up season undefeated

Maika Kasami

A true champion team is one that wins the

National League.
The reason being is they play all the teams
to get the desired results.
Tournament wins is classed secondary be-
cause teams only play a selected few.
If the above statement is correct then Lau-
toka are the true champions of Fiji soccer for
the year 2017.
The Sugar City side won 13 out of their 14
matches. They unexpectedly drew with min-
nows Rakiraki at home who have now been
demoted back to the senior division.
They won six out of their seven matches in
the first round and maintained a hundred per-
cent record in the second round.
When interviewed earlier in the season,
Lautoka FA president Abdul Kadar had set a
goal and that was to qualify for the Oceania
Champions League by winning the Vodafone
Premier League.
Kadar knew he had the players to win the
League. They might have faltered in tourna-
ments this year but that was not a worry.
LFA and coach Kamal Swamy set up a plan
to never lose focus but remain committed to
return the Blues in to the O-League competi-
tion. The Lautoka soccer team pictured before facing Suva and in which they were declared and the 2017 Vodafone Premier League winners.
Its a great feeling to have won the League, Photos: Sanjay Goundar
Kadar said.
It was our goal from the start to win it and Champion versus Champion series to their O-League next season. win the Courts IDC on home soil for Lau-
we are happy to have achieved our goal. trophy cabinet and are seriously looking at Meanwhile, young Sekove Finau says this toka.And on the other hand, coach Kamal
I must thank my officials, players and their adding the Courts Inter-District Champion- season has been a career changing one for Swamy admits it will be tough for the Blues
families for their continued support towards ship Lloyd Farebrother trophy as well to their him as he got his break and scored some good playing at home during the IDC. The Sugar
the team, he added. trophy cabinet in a bid to start the new season goals for Lautoka too. He says he feels more City side last won the prestigious title in 2008
Lautoka finished with 40 points, 12 more with a bang. special to have his elder siblings Peni Finau at Govind Park. Lautoka heads Pool A with
than second placed Ba who ended with 28. Lautoka as the number one and Ba as the and Osea Vakatalesau in the same team. The Jacks Nadi, Suva and either Seaqaqa or Tavua.
The Blues added the Pillay Garments second best team will now represent Fiji in the Natabua High School student now wants to

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Lautoka FA President Abdul Kadar with his reliable captain Valerio Nawatu.


AUGUST 25, 2017 SPORTS 15

JK Builders Nadi Veterans wins

The JK Builders Nadi veterans soccer team celebrates winning the RC Manubhai/APCO Coatings International Nadis Josefata Malakai (17) battles Maika Waqa (19) of Lautoka
Veterans tournament at Prince Charles Park in Nadi. Photos: Anushil Kumar Masters during the final.

Maika Kasami Niulevu, who was part of they were ably led brothers feated the Orisi Vunisa led JK is the main man behind stood tall till the final day,
the National League win- Maika Waqa and Bakalevu Nadroga Stallions 3-0 while the running of the team. He Sarju said.
Former Nasinu, Suva and ning team for Suva in the Moceimereke, Tevita Rasolo, Lautoka Masters beat Saula has spent a lot for the well- The JK Builders Nadi
Nadi striker Sairusi Niulevu mid-1980s under the leader- Irinale Nabalarua, and Lai- Waqanicakaus Sydney Suva being of the players and the Veterans team will be the
rekindled his goal scoring ship of former coach Brijwan siasa Vetaukula who was the by 2-0. players have deservingly re- lone team from Fiji that will
days by scoring the winner Singh, nailed in the winner captain. Victorious coach Lambert warded him with the tourna- now represent the country at
for JK Builders Nadi Vet- late in the second half against The result would have been Sarju said they remained fo- ment win. the Pacific Cup tournament
erans in the final of the RC Lautoka Masters for the home different had the Sugar City cused throughout the tourna- And of-course the players scheduled to be held at Bill
Manubhai/APCO Coatings side to pocket the $4000 first side converted their penalty ment which enabled them to who have worked their socks McKinley Park in Auckland,
sponsored International Vet- prizemoney. in the first spell which was lay their hands on the trophy. off to deliver for themselves New Zealand at the end of
erans Tournament at Prince Like the Jetsetters, the Mas- well stopped by goalkeeper Sarju thanked Jitendra Ku- and for Nadi. The team had November.
Charles Park on August 20. ters who settled for $1000 en- Ilaitia Vueti. mar (JK) and the players for been united from Day 1 and
tered the final undefeated and In the semifinals, Nadi de- their effort. it was no surprise when we


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Fiji Savu Water 7s wins in US

AUGUST 25, 2017

Maika Kasami

Smarting from its Rio Olympics win, Jasa

Veremalua and Kitione Taliga led the Fiji
Savu Water sevens team to a victory in the 6th
edition of the Rugby Town 7s tournament at
Infinity Park, Glendale Colorado on August
28 (Fiji Time).
Also laced with players like Aminoni Nasi-
lasila, Josua Vici and the never say die maes-
tro of sevens Waisale Serevi the side bounced
back from its first up loss in the pool stages to
claim the $US10,000 first prizemoney.
The side tamed a strong Ramblin Jesters
side 31-14 in the final after having lost to them
21-26 in the pool opener.
The Fiji Savu Water side went on to defeat
Collegiate All-Americans in their second pool
match winning 31-12 before thumping Cana-
da Maple Leafs 38-0 and edged a formidable
Atavus All Stars 21-19 to finish second best.
In the quarterfinal, the Fiji Savu Water side
cruised past US All Army 31-5 before beating
British Army 26-12 in the semis.
Rugby 7s legend Serevi who is a partner to
the tournament, mentioned some of his goals
for the future of Rugby Town 7s in an inter-
My goal for the Rugby Town 7s for the
next couple of years is for it to be the biggest
7s tournament in the world. Thats where we
are heading to, Serevi explained.
The world will now be looking this way exception. The Fiji (SAVU Water) Selects, sorts for rugby aficionados, due primarily to Jasa Veremalua enjoys the moment with Fiji
with the presence Viti Barbarians, and next which comprised of members of Team Fiji, the annual Rugby Town 7s tournament. 7s fans after guiding the Fiji Savu Water
year it is going to be bigger and I believe that who won gold at the Olympics in 2016 entered Results: team to victory at Infinity Park, Glendale
Africa will send a team; I believe Australia the tournament as fan favorites and front run- Semifinal: British Army 12-26 Fiji/Savu Colorado. Veremalua who is sure retain a
and New Zealand might send a team this way. ners and they played like one. Water, Rugby Utah 7-31 Ramblin Jesters. spot in the Vodafone national 7s team teamed
Rugby Town 7s often features new teams As 7s grows in popularity, Glendale, Final: Ramblin Jesters 14-31 Fiji/Savu Wa- up with his fellow Fijians alongside Waisale
and talent and this years tournament was no Colo. has become a pilgrimage destination of ter. Serevi. Photo: Supplied.


AUGUST 25, 2017 SPORTS 17
Baby Blues win Primary School soccer

The Lautoka Under 14 soccer team in jubilant mood after winning the Fiji Primary Schools IDC tournament in the girls division at Prince Charles Park in Nadi.
Photo: Anushil Kumar/Vodafone Media.

Maika Kasami after they had lodged a protest after the final. winners. And the parents for releasing their children
There was just a small issue where Nadi Meanwhile, Lautoka coach Lelesh Kumar to participate as in the past we know that fe-
The Lautoka Under 14 girls were crowned which had two-teams had a player who fea- whole heartedly thanked all those involved on males were being neglected as far as sports are
the winners of the 2017 Vodafone Fiji Primary tured in Nadi 2 and also in Nadi 1. their way to victory. concerned.
Schools Football Championship despite los- And according to the by-laws a player can First of all I would like to thank the players We also acknowledged the contribution
ing the final 1-0 to host Nadi. only play in one team so the player concerned for their dedication. Being females and trav- made by Fiji FA for financing us through Fiji
Narendra Rao, the general secretary of Fiji played in the morning for Nadi 2 and also elling from far to do their training and even Primary in terms of preparation costs and oth-
Primary Schools Football Association re- played for Nadi 1 in the afternoon. So Lautoka I want to thank my female representative too ers, Kumar added.
vealed that Lautoka won on technical grounds based its protest on that ground and through for assisting me and guiding me throughout
technical issues Lautoka were declared the the tournament.

Dinamani is new FPSFA President

Maika Kasami To get to the top is pleasing indeed and I must thank the
association for electing me. I urge all the executives and offi-
Senior match official Dinamani Mudaliar (Pictured) has cials of FPSFA to work hand in hand and bring about positive
been elected as the new Fiji Primary Schools Football Asso- changes, he said.
ciation (FPSFA) president. The top whistle man who is affiliated to Lautoka Football
The Dreketi Sangam School head teacher was appointed Association first began his refereeing career in 2001.
during the recent FPSFA tournament meet in Nadi. Eight-years later in 2009 he received the best referee award
Mudaliar said he felt honoured to be appointed as the new during the annual Fiji FA awards.
president. And I have been associated with Lautoka Primary School
He said he will serve his four years with purpose and bring Football Association since 2001 to 2005 when we won the
about changes for the betterment of the association. Courts IDC and now to be president of FPSFA is something I
I was the vice-president of Fiji Primary School Football did not even dream of, Mudaliar added.
Association before being elected.

Family affair in classic snooker final

Maika Kasami maturity to clinch the title win- 3-1 in the semis. Garments and Amar Digging
ning 3-1. Sahil met his elder brother Ra- Works for always supporting
Sahil Prasad finally tasted He collected $700 while Yo- hil in the pre-quarters and won snooker. And also Carz and
success winning the South Seas gend received $300. 3-1. Carz for sponsoring the tro-
Club Classic Open Snooker The semifinalists walked A total of 48 participants fea- phies.
Championship on August 27. away with $100 each while the tured in the Classic Open where Quarterfinals: Simon Reddy
And the grand final meeting quarterfinalists took home $25 they were distributed in 16 1-3 Sahil Prasad, Viliame Umu
between dad Yogend Prasad each. pools of three-players in each 3-1 Pene Erenio, Yogend Pras-
and his son Sahil was always In the quarterfinal, Sahil beat pool. ad 3-0 Nitesh Chand, Ismail
going to be a memorable one as Simon Reddy 3-1 before edg- The tournament was a suc- Wati 3-0 Vikrant Sharma.
they both tried to outplay each ing Viliame Umu 3-2 in the cess where some top snooker Semifinals: Sahil Prasad 3-2
other with their mind game. semifinal. was witnessed, said player/co- Viliame Umu, Yogend Prasad
But it was Sahil who had been Yogend defeated Nitesh ordinator Nitesh Chand. 3-1. Fiji number one Super Premier division Rahil
on top of his game in the lead Chand 3-0 in the quarters be- We must thank our sponsors Final: Yogend Prasad 1-3 Sa- Prasad lines up his shot Photo: Maika Kasami
up to the final showed plenty of fore accounting for Ismail Mali Valentines Refrigeration, Oz hil Prasad.
18 SPORTS AUGUST 25, 2017

win Pro-AM
Overall nett winner Joe Drauna (left), Amateur category champ James Krishna and professionals Sam Lee and
Roneel Prakash. Photos: Maika Kasami

Maika Kasami

Islands Electric Wholesalers Lautoka Golf Club captain James Krishna won the Amateur
category while Roneel Prakash stood tall amongst the profes-
10 Marine Drive, P O Box 3317, Lautoka Fiji sionals during the Phils Autoport/Islands Electric Wholesalers
Phone: (679) 6668188, 6668444 Fax: (679) 6668190 Email: sponsored Pro-Am tournament on August 26.
The HFC Bank officer, Krishna won on a countback over
DONT BE FOOLED INTO BUYING CHEAP BRAND PRODUCTS WITH NO 2016 Ford Shreedhar Motors Lautoka Open Championship win-
Prakash edged Fijis current number one Sam Lee. The Delana
TRY THE EXPERTS WITH QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SERVICE Primary School teacher Prakash who had caddied for Lee during
SEE OUR RANGE OF TOP BRAND QUALITY PRODUCTS the recent Fiji International at the Natadola Golf Course mas-
tered the Golf Links course to perfection to record a fine score.
Meanwhile, in the tournament proper Robert Joseph was third
in the C-grade with a score of 68, LGC President Chong Lee
settled for a nett 68 while Land Transport Authority employee
Arvind Chand recorded a fine nett 66.
Abdul Jalal won on a countback on 68 to finish third in B-
grade, Charles Bhaskaran on nett 67 was 2nd while Sunia Ra-
dovu ended on top.
LGC chairman of trustees Raymond Singh acknowledged the
Bussmann Fuses big field of 55 on the day.
Singh thanked Philip Gock of Phils Autoport for his generous
contribution towards the staging of the tournament.
To have Fijis current number one golfer Sam Lee amongst
the 13-professionals here with us today shows the caliber of
tournaments we stage here at the Lautoka Golf Club.
I must also thank our members for coming in full force to
make this Pro-Am tournament a success, Singh added.
He said LGC is gearing up to stage the 86th Lautoka Open
Championship with the date to be confirmed later.
We are looking at having $4000 up for grabs for our Lautoka
Omron Range Open and also we will be staging the Geo-Tech Drilling spon-
TESLA Products sored Season Opening with an increased sponsorship to $3000.
Longest Drive: Rusiate, NTP 2nd- Anil Kumar, NTP 9th hole-
Samu Ratulele.
C-grade: 3rd Robert Joseph (68), 2nd nett 68 Chong Lee,
1st nett 66 Arvind Chand; B-grade: 3rd Abdul Jalal (68), 2nd
Charles Bhaskaran (67), 1st Sunia Radovu; A-grade: 3rd Prem
Chand, 2nd Isei Waqa (66), 1st Raymond Singh; Overall nett
63- Joe Drauna; Champion Amateur- James Krishna; Profes-
LED Lights sional category- Roneel Prakash.




Quality, Reliability & Service is our Tradition Fijis number one professional Sam Lee present prizes to the junior


AUGUST 25, 2017 SPORTS 19
Mayweather plans for life after retirement
Maika Kasami

In a professional boxing career for over a span of 21 years,

Floyd Mayweather admits he has earned over a billion dollars.
Following his 10th round technical knockout win over Conor
McGregor, Mayweather revealed that he was retiring from the
sport for the second time with an unblemished 50-0 record.
I cant ask for a better career. This was it, my farewell fight.
To come into the sport, be in the sport for 21 years and make
over a billion dollars is truly amazing, said the champion
Mayweather made a point before the fight he felt he needed
to make it up to his fans for the way he bowed out last time.
Rocky Marciano is a legend and I look forward to going
down in the hall of fame one day.
On his life after retirement, the American said, Im going to
make smart investments, more smart investments and continue
to live a happy and healthy life.
Meanwhile, Mayweather is expected to make atleast
$US100million, but that could balloon to four times after tak-
ing into account its monetary metrics. McGregor will make
atleast $US30million which is twice his made for any UFC
event. McGregor has made millions from endorsements and
other revenues, but has never made this kind of money only
for fighting.
Boxing Kingdom estimates the purse could be as high as
$US400m for Mayweather and $US127m for McGregor de-
pending on the overall success of the event.
Thats the type of purse that could seemingly set an athlete Floyd Mayweather connects a right on to Conor McGregor in their highly anticipated fight. Both fighters are expected to
up for life with no real need to compete again, as is the case for collect a combined total of close to $US600m. Photo: Supplied.
the super welterweight champion of the world who has hit 40. Courts director marketing Anil Senewiratne said, This is
Maika Kasami

Courts to renew IDC

our final year of sponsorship with Fiji FA for the IDC. How-
Fiji Football Association and Courts (Fiji) Limited are ever we have started negotiations with Rajesh Patel and his
looking forward to continuing their historic relationship with Fiji FA officials to renew the contract for further five-years.

dates back to 1938. The Courts IDC is so special; the festival like atmosphere
Courts sponsorship for Inter-District Championship enters in which this tournament is held is keenly contested by all the
its final year in 2017 but negotiations have begun for a further soccer teams and also the enthusiasm that is built around the
five-year contract extension. country for the IDC.

Tui wins Victor Clarke trophy

Maika Kasami
We recorded a good field and it was
Rewa Bowling Clubs Samuela Tui great to see the national reps playing along-
carved his name on the Shipping Services side some upcoming talents like Zainal.
(Fiji) Limited sponsored Victor Clarke tro- The first Victor Clarke tournament was
phy when he defeated rising star Zainal played in 1967. It was initially for the
Mohammed in the final at the FSC Lau- Northwest Open Singles but then gradu-
toka Bowling Green. ally it has become one of the most looked
The senior and experienced Tui, who had forward tournaments in the bowling calen-
last won the trophy back in 1998, scored a dar, Bennion added.
comprehensive 21-9 victory of Zainal. Results:
In the semifinal, Tui proved too strong Elimination: Permal (retired) - Rajnesh
for Arun Kumar winning 21-13 while Prasad, Semesa 21-16 Arun, Rajnesh
Zainal upset David Aitcheson in clinical Narayan 19-15 Asaeli, Tui 21-13 Sitiveni,
fashion by 21-4. David Aitcheson 21-16 Kushal, Bobby
Tournament coordinator David Bennion 21-7 Nadan, Ramesh 21-3 Kaushik, and
said the tournament attracted some fine Dev 13-14 Zainal.
bowlers from around the country. Quarterfinal: Arun 21-4 Rajnesh Prasad,
This included national reps like Pine- Tui 18-12 Rajnesh Narayan, David 21-4
apple Cup winner, Semesa Naiseruvatu, Bobby, Zainal 21-15 Ramesh.
David Aitcheson, Arun Kumar and joint- Semifinal: Tui 21-13 Arun Kumar, Zain-
defending champions Bobby Prasad and al 21-4 David.
Rajnesh Prasad. Final: Zainal 9-21 Tui.


20 AUGUST 25, 2017

$22,000 for Courts IDC Winner

Maika Kasami purse and the handsome trophy this year, Pa-
tel said.
The winner of the 2017 Courts Inter District Fiji FA CEO Mohammed Yusuf confirmed
Championship in the Premier division will either Tavua or Seaqaqa will replace Rakiraki
collect a cool $22,000. in the Premier division and will make their
This was revealed during the official pool first appearance beginning with the IDC.
draws that was done at the Courts outlet in The IDC will be played over October 10-15
Lautoka City on August 26. at Churchill Park in Lautoka.
Courts (Fiji) Limited Director Marketing Labasa are the defending champions of the
Anil Senewiratne revealed an increased spon- Courts IDC. They defeated Ba in the final at
sorship of $130,000 for the annual tourna- the ANZ Stadium in Suva last year.
Senewiratne also added that they have The Pool draws done were as follows:
reached their final five-year of partnership
with Fiji FA this year. Senior Division: Pool A: Tavua/Seaqaqa,
This is our final year of agreement but ne- Nadogo, Naitasiri, Navua; Pool B: Rakiraki
gotiations have started for a further five year Savusavu, Nadroga, Lami.
of partnership which we should announce dur-
ing the Courts IDC, Senewiratne said. Premier Division: Pool A: Lautoka, Suva,
IDC is a peoples competition which soccer Nadi and Tavua/Seaqaqa; Pool B: Labasa, Ba,
fans look forward to and which teams always Rewa, Dreketi.
come well prepared for to compete as it has a
lucrative prizemoney so we are delighted to be Prizemoney breakdown:
the major sponsor for such a prestigious tour-
nament which has a very rich history. Premier: $22,000 (Winner), $6,000 (Runner-
Fiji FA president Rajesh Patel announced up); $1,000 (semifinalists)
that there will be an increase in the first prize-
money. Senior: $7,500 (Winner), $2,500 (Runner-up),
Since Courts have increased their total $500 (semifinalists).
prizemoney to $130,000 this year, we have
also decided to top up our first prizemoney
to $22,000 for the winner in the Premier divi-
The money is for the participating districts
and we thank Courts for their 18 consecutive
partnership with Fiji FA. History will con-
tinue. Suva and Labasa have laid their hands
on the new IDC trophy and we are very much Fiji FA president Rajesh Patel does the official Courts IDC draw in Lautoka.
looking forward to see who claims the top Photo: Sanjay Goundar.

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