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Medical Equivalents

By Gerald Goldberg, M.D.

(Microwave radiation effects on organs and systems of the body)
[Excerpted from Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave Oven?]

The following list includes some common conditions that affect certain organ systems.
The list is not exhaustive but does reflect some of the more common illnesses that
present today. The list is designed to help the average reader see the relationship
between the dosimetry model and the current diseases which affect the general
population. By the same token, for anyone who does research, a rise in the incidence
of any particular disease across broad geographic areas that seems to have the same
rate of change of incidence is probably related to microwave radiation.
The list is not meant to be exhaustive and it does not exclude other factors that may
contribute to illness. The point is that microwave radiation can be a powerful direct or
contributory source of illness that may masquerade amongst the many medical terms
that are used.
Microwave radiation acts indiscriminately, affecting all equally; children, men,
women and the elderly. Note the same also applies to pets, domestic and
undomesticated animals. For that matter, all forms of life. The conditions
referred to below apply equally to children as well as adults with obvious

Nervous System
Blood vessel disorders and functional disorders; stroke, CVA, headache syndrome,
migraine headache, ocular blindness or partial blindness, multiple psychiatric
disorders, depression, anxiety disorders, ADD, ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, alcoholic
syndrome, psychosis, senility, Alzheimers disease, some neuropathies, some balance
disorders, brain cancers (primary), hydrocephalus, MS, any syndrome encompassing
cognitive dysfunction along with profound fatigue, PMS, light sensitivity disorders,
sleep disorders, ALS, peripheral neuropathies, eye disorders including corneal
abrasions, cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinopathies, decreased visual
acuity, eye fatigue. Ear disorders including recurrent and repeat ear infections,
labyrinthitis, tinnitus, decreased hearing, vertigo.

Metabolic or Endocrine Disorders

Thyroid disorders, thyroid cyst, thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, pancreatic cysts,
pancreatic dysfunction, metabolic syndrome or syndrome X, adrenal dysfunction,
hypoadrenalism, gonadal dysfunction, infertility, decreased libido, decreased hormonal
production, obesity, liver dysfunction, Wilson syndrome, metabolic wasting, chronic
fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fascitis, syndrome of elevated cholesterol,
Page 2 Medical Equivalents

Gastrointestinal Disorders
Recurrent oral infections, tooth and periodontal disease, salivary tumors, pharyngeal
(upper throat) infections and tumors, swallowing disorders, esophagitis, esophageal
tumors, reflux esophagitis, stomach disorders, stomach ulcers, stomach cancer,
lymphoma of the intestinal tract, pancreatic dysfunction, liver disorders, liver cancer,
hepatitis, gallbladder dysfunction, malabsorption, constipation and diarrhea.

Kidney, Bladder and Sexual Function

Kidney cysts, decreased kidney function, glomerulopathies, frequent urination, loss of
bladder function (note the nerves, circulation to or the muscles of the bladder can be
involved), bladder tumors, prostate disorders, testicular disorders, sexual dysfunction,
decreased performance and libido, cancers of the genitourinary tract, infertility (male
and female), uterine and ovarian cancers, vaginal cancer, recurrent bladder, urinary or
vaginal tract infections (breast cancer and breast cyst are to be included in this list).

Vascular System
(Arteries, Veins, Lymphatics and Blood-Forming Organs)
Arteriosclerosis, vein thrombosis, aneurysms, ischemia, angina, claudication, venous
insufficiency, lymphedema, lymphadenopathy, lymphatic cancer, lymph node
enlargement, anemia, bone cancer, leukemias.

Bones and Mineral Metabolism

Osteoporosis, osteopenia, demineralization syndrome and mineral malabsorption,
arthritis, joint deformities, synovitis, spinal abnormalities, hip disorders.

Immune Dysfunction
Recurrent infections, immune dysfunction, persistent and life-threatening infections,
HIV syndrome, autoimmune disorders (lupus, SLE).

Respiratory System
Recurrent laryngeal (upper airway) infections, laryngeal cancer, voice abnormalities,
bronchitis, recurrent respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, lung cancer.

Skin Disorders
Skin cancers, melanoma, head and neck cancers, squamous cell cancer, basal cell
cancers, accelerated skin aging, poor wound healing, recurrent skin infection, recurrent
abscesses, psoriasis, eczema, drying skin and hair.
Overview of Research Effects
Research has shown such effects on living organisms at molecular and cellular levels
on immune processes, in DNA, on the nervous, cardiac, endocrine, immune, and
reproductive systems, modification of sleep and alteration of the cerebral electric
response (EEG), increase of the arterial pressure and changes in the heart rhythm,
and an increase in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.
Electromagnetic fields and radiation damage DNA and enhance cell death rates
and therefore they are a Ubiquitous Universal Genotoxic Carcinogen that enhances
rates of cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological disease and mortality in human
populations. Therefore there is no safe threshold level. The only safe exposure level
is zero, a position confirmed by dose-response trends in epidemiological studies.
Dr. Neil Cherry (1946-2003)
Associate Professor of Environmental Health
Lincoln University, New Zealand

Some Common Symptoms of Radiofrequency

Syndrome (also called Microwave Sickness)
Neurological: Headaches, pressure or even pain on the head, a head full of cotton
wool, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, inability to think clearly, absent
mindedness, memory loss or memory lapses, reduced intellectual activity, irritability
and increased agitation (emotional upheavals) in combination with nervous
exhaustion, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, chronic tiredness, muscle
weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and
joint pain, leg and/or foot pain, cold feet, unstable gait, back pain, weak knees, flu-like
symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis
and stroke.
Cardiac: Palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood
pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath.
Respiratory: Sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, other breathing problems
Dermatological: Skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing.
Ophthalmologic: Pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes,
deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts, eye strain and blurred vision.
Others: Digestive problems, diffuse chronic pain in the lower abdomen, enlarged
thyroid, overactive thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain, pains that move around the body,
stomach pain, appendicitis, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, dryness of lips,
tongue, mouth and eyes, great thirst, swollen throat, sweating, dehydration,
nosebleeds, internal bleeding, altered sugar metabolism, immune abnormalities,
redistribution of metals within the body, hair loss, pain in the teeth, deteriorating
Page 2 Symptoms of Radiofrequency Syndrome (Microwave Sickness)

fillings, impaired sense of smell, ringing in the ears, cold drafts where no air
movement takes place, increased sensitivity to external factors such as noise and
bright light, attacks of giddiness, disturbed dreaming.
Chronic symptoms of microwave sickness are eventually succeeded by crises of
adrenal exhaustion, ischemic heart disease, Alzheimers, cancers in various soft tissue
areas (breasts, ovaries, testicles, eyes) and other organs of the body, etc.
Its first signs [Microwave sickness] are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The later
and most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous
system [stress syndrome] and high blood pressure. This phase also often includes
headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain,
nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of
appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer. The chronic symptoms
are eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal exhaustion and ischemic heart disease
[the blockage of coronary arteries and heart attacks].
Dr. Robert O. Becker (quoted from page 314-315 of his book, The Body Electric)

There are numerous markers, which show very clearly that human biology is being
affected. All of these abnormalities have been shown in scientific studies to be caused
by long-term exposure to microwave and other forms of electromagnetic radiation.
Decreased blood flow in the brain;
Low Natural Killer Cell counts;
Depleted serotonin levels in the blood;
Altered melatonin levels in the blood;
Exhausted adrenal glands;
Reactivated viral infections (e.g. Epstein Barr Virus, Cytomegalo Virus, Human
Herpes 6 Virus, Coxsackie Virus, etc.);
Increased oxidative stress as evidenced by the biological marker MDA;
An abnormality of calcium flux in and out of cells;
T-Helper/T-Suppressor Ratio abnormalities;
Norepinephrine, Acetylcholine, and Dopamine alterations in the brain;
Blood coagulation disorders;
Increased sensitivities and allergic reactions, and so on.
The Microwave Syndrome: 13 Categories
European scientists Dr. Claude Monet and Dr. Pierre le Ruz have put together the
following detailed reference list of the thirteen basic categories of the Microwave
Syndrome. These conditions and impairments are known by medical science to be the
result of chronic exposure to non-thermal microwave radiation which now saturates our
environment from both wireless antenna installations and personal wireless devices.
Illnesses and impairments in these categories are the very symptoms which propel
millions of Americans to seek extensive medical diagnosis and treatment each year:

1. Dystonic Cardiovascular Syndrome includes:

bradycardia (abnormally slow pulse)
tachycardia (abnormally fast pulse)
hyper/hypo blood pressure (high or low blood pressure)
symptoms mimicking heart attack

2. Chronic Diencephalic Syndrome includes:

sleep disorders
concentration disturbances
chronic fatigue syndrome

3. Chronic Asthenia Syndrome includes:

muscle aches and weakness
hair loss
Page 2 The Microwave Syndrome: 13 Categories

4. Cancerous Pathology Syndrome includes:

solid tumors

5. Dermatologic Pathology Syndrome includes:

skin allergy

6. Dopaminergic Pathology Syndrome includes:

restless leg syndrome
numbness in limbs
cramps in limbs during and after sleep
Parkinsons disease

7. Immune Pathology Syndrome includes:

high lymphocyte count
abnormal white blood cells
abnormal red blood cells

8. Procreative Pathology Syndrome includes:

drastic decrease of libido
premature birth
toxic fetal syndrome
Page 3 The Microwave Syndrome: 13 Categories

retarded fetal growth

birth defects

9. Brain Pathology Syndrome includes:

benign and malignant brain tumors
breaching of the blood-brain barrier
electroencephalogram disturbances
brain fog/sudden loss of memory

10. Sensory Pathology Syndrome includes:

visual and hearing perturbations
nose bleeds, sore corner lips, jaw bleeds (bleeding gums)
tooth neuralgia (pain), especially in teeth with mercury amalgam fillings

11. Psychological Pathology includes:

lack of concern, lack of empathy
introversion, passiveness
attention deficit
agitation under demand
Page 4 The Microwave Syndrome: 13 Categories

suicidal tendencies

12. Cell Pathology Syndrome includes:

DNA and chromosome damage
abnormal calcium influx and e-flux in cells
abnormal cell membrane permeability (fluid leaks)

13. Endocrine Pathology Syndrome includes:

thyroid weakness or malfunction
serotonin deficiency
melatonin deficiency
adrenal deficiency
Non-Ionized Radiation Effects and Symptoms
Symptoms of (UV, Visible, IR, Radar, Microwaves, TV, RF, Acoustic) in general:
Localized heating on skin (Amount of heat is proportional to the radiation field intensity)
Twitches in the muscles and nerves
Irreversible cell injury with the resultant loss of vital cell functions
Disruption of cell divisions and chromosomes
Production of genetic mutations
Carcinogenic effects
Electrochemical changes
Seizures, burns, browning skin, buzzing noise, high pitch hearing problems, fever,
cardiovascular collapse, diarrhea, vomiting denaturation from temperature increase, denaturation
from photochemical reactions, leukemogenic effects, weakened immune response, sinus and
coupes, changes in innate and acquired behavior, natural avoidance and escape from radiation
response, shock from waves, hypersensitivity, pressure felt on skull or other parts of body.
Intense sensations of heat below the skin, natural radiation from the sun can only penetrate to
3mm, but artificial man-made radiation from microwaves, infrared can penetrate deep into the
muscles and bones and be felt as heat, pain, electrical shocks, and pressure.
Loss of willpower, unusual organ dysfunction
The U.S. standard limits the exposure level to 10 milliwatts per square centimeter (10mW/sq cm).
Although U.S. government officials as well as representatives for private industry indicate that the
present standard is safe, critics claim evidence to the contrary.
Some Soviet research has found evidence of damage to people caused by microwave levels
considerably below the U.S. standard.

Symptoms of Microwaves
Microwaves penetrate deeper than Infrared (3mm Deep?)
Middle ear impairment
Auditory Sensations- Microwave Auditory Effect, Pulsed Microwaves Interact with the High Pitch
Frequency Portion of the Auditory System
An acute short term exposure at power densities greater than 20m W/cm^2 can produce
permanent morphological changes in the central nervous system of an animal
Leukomogenic effects at 100m W/cm^2 with 9270 MHZ
Immune System Effects, changes in white blood cells
Most biological effects occur with chronic repeated exposure
Can change calcium levels in neural tissue
Microwave radiation can effect innate and acquired behaviors

Irritability and aggression

Motor coordination
Avoidance and escape instincts
Noxious feelings
Auditory skin tingling, tremor and shaking
earaches, swelling of face/neck
imbalance, Neurological
lowered auditory Emotional faintness, dizziness,
threshold, anger, flu-like symptoms,
tinnitus anxiety attacks, headaches,
crying, hyperactivity,
Cardiovascular depression, nausea,
altered heart rate, feeling out of control, numbness,
chest pains, irritability, sleep problems,
cold extremities logorrhoea /verbosity, tiredness
especially hands and mood swings
feet, Ophthalmologic
heart arrhythmias, Gastrointestinal eyelid tremors/tics,
internal bleeding, altered appetite, impaired vision,
lowered/raised blood digestive problems, irritating sensation,
pressure, flatulence, pain / gritty feeling,
nosebleeds, food intolerances pressure behind eyes,
shortness of breath, shiny eyes,
Genito-urinary smarting, dry eyes
thrombosis effects
smelly sweat / urine,
Cognitive urinary / bowel Other physiological
confusion, urgency abnormal
difficulty in learning menstruation,
new things, Musculoskeletal brittle nails,
incoherent talk aches / numbness / hair loss,
(temporary or pain / prickling itchy scalp,
permanent), sensations in: metal redistribution,
lack of concentration, bones, joints and thirst / dryness of
short / long-term muscles in: lips/tongue/eyes
memory impairment, ankles / arms /
spatial disorientation, elbows / feet / hips Respiratory
spoonerisms legs / lower back / asthma,
neck / pelvis bronchitis,
Dermatological shoulders / wrists / cough /throat
brown sun spots, cramp / tension in: irritation,
crawling sensations, arms / legs / toes, pneumonia,
dry skin, muscle spasms, sinusitis
facial flushing, muscular paralysis,
growths and lumps, muscular weakness, Sensitisation
insect bites and pain in: allergies,
stings, lips / jaws / teeth chemical sensitivity,
severe acne, with amalgam light sensitivity,
skin irritation, fillings, noise sensitivity,
skin rashes, restless legs, smell sensitivity

Accumulation. Cumulative exposures can produce symptoms, making

symptoms from chronic exposure more difficult to recognize than from acute

Delay. Symptoms can be delayed after acute exposure for a few hours or even
days. This is said to become more common the longer the patient has been

Diurnal state. Symptoms vary according to the diurnal state of the persons body.
A persons own endogenous electromagnetic field often declines during the day.

Duration. Individual symptoms can last for a short or long time. As a group
symptoms can become worse. They can fade after 2-12 months without EMR

Frequencies. The sufferer may react first to a single frequency or source but later
to more (e.g. first to Wi-Fi but later to mobile phones and power cables).

Intensity. As the condition progresses the level of sensitivity can increase: a

person may first have pains from a phone next to the head but later from one at 3

Ionizing similarities. Studies indicate symptoms from exposure to electro-

magnetic (non-ionizing) radiation are similar to those from radioactive (ionizing)

Severe reactions. Severe reactions can include paralysis, convulsions, seizures,

loss of consciousness and stroke, or they can exacerbate an existing medical

Variety. Individual variation in tissue/bone density, acidity, salt content, skin

conductivity, size, etc. affect absorption. This may relate to the variety of

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