Computational Solution of Stochastic Differential Equation T. Sauer

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Computational solution
of stochastic differential equations
Timothy Sauer

Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) provide accessible mathematical models

that combine deterministic and probabilistic components of dynamic behavior.
This article is an overview of numerical solution methods for SDEs. The solutions
are stochastic processes that represent diffusive dynamics, a common modeling
assumption in many application areas. We include a description of fundamental
numerical methods and the concepts of strong and weak convergence and order
for SDE solvers. In addition, we briefly discuss the extension of SDE solvers to
coupled systems driven by correlated noise. 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article:

WIREs Comput Stat 2013. doi: 10.1002/wics.1272

Keywords: stochastic differential equations; computational methods; diffusion


INTRODUCTION section shows how the methods can be generalized to

multidimensional equations.
S tochastic differential equations (SDEs) have
become standard models for diffusive processes
in the physical and biological sciences as well as SOLUTIONS OF SDES
economics and finance. Diffusion processes represent
Under appropriate conditions, ordinary differential
heat transfer and the movement and mixing of
equations have a unique solution for each initial con-
molecules in physics and chemistry, and transport
dition. SDEs, on the other hand, have solutions that
of substances across membranes in cellular biology.
are continuous-time stochastic processes. Methods for
In modern finance, the BlackScholes formula for
the computational solution of SDEs are based on tech-
options pricing and other fundamental asset price
niques for ordinary differential equations, but adapted
models are based on SDEs where the diffusion
to account for stochastic dynamics.
coefficient represents price volatility.
Some fundamental concepts from stochastic
Computational methods to solve SDEs are
calculus are needed to describe the numerical methods.
roughly analogous to solvers for ordinary differential
A set of random variables Xt indexed by real numbers
equations, adapted for the probabilistic context.
t 0 is called a continuous-time stochastic process.
We include a self-contained brief introduction to
Each instance, or realization of the stochastic process
stochastic calculus, and then survey the development
is a choice from the random variable Xt for each t,
of SDE solvers, beginning with the analogue of the
and is therefore a function of t.
Euler method. The important concepts of order and
Any (deterministic) function f (t) can be trivially
strong and weak convergence are explained. A final
considered as a stochastic process, with variance
V(f (t)) = 0. An archetypal example that is ubiquitous
in models from physics, chemistry, and finance is
the Wiener process Wt , a continuous-time stochastic

Correspondence to: process with the following three properties: (1) For
Department of Mathematics, George Mason University, Fairfax, each t, the random variable Wt is normally distributed
VA, 22030, USA
with mean 0 and variance t. (2) For each t1 < t2 , the
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of normal random variable Wt2 Wt1 is independent of
interest for this article. the random variable Wt1 , and in fact independent of

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Advanced Review

all W t , 0 t t1 . (3) The Wiener process Wt can be Because f and Wt are random variables, so is the
represented by continuous paths. Ito integral I = c f (t) dWt . The differential dI is a
The Wiener process is a formal version of notational convenience; thus
random behavior first characterized by the botanist  d
Robert Brown1 in 1827, commonly called Brownian
I= f dWt
motion. Brownian motion is crucial in the modeling c
of stochastic processes since it represents the integral
of idealized noise that is independent of frequency, is expressed in differential form as dI = f dW t . The
called white noise. Often, the Wiener process is called differential dW t of Brownian motion Wt is called
upon to represent random, external influences on an white noise. A typical solution is a combination of
otherwise deterministic system, or more generally, drift and the diffusion of Brownian motion.
dynamics that for a variety of reasons cannot be To solve SDEs analytically, we need to introduce
deterministically modeled. the chain rule for stochastic differentials, called the Ito
A typical diffusion process is modeled as formula.2 Let X be defined as in (1) and let Y = f (t,X).
a differential equation involving deterministic, or Then
drift terms, and stochastic, or diffusion terms, the f f
latter represented by a Wiener process, as in the dY = (t, X) dt + (t, X) dX
t x
1 2f
+ (t, X) dX dX (2)
2 x2
dX = a (t, X) dt + b (t, X) dWt . (1)
where the dX dX term is interpreted from the
SDEs are given in differential form, unlike identities
the derivative form of ODEs. That is because
many interesting stochastic processes, like Brownian dt dt = dt dWt = dWt dt = 0
motion, are continuous but not differentiable. dWt dWt = dt. (3)
Therefore, the meaning of the SDE (1) is, by definition,
the integral equation For example, to show that Y = Wt2 is a solution
to the SDE dY = 1 dt + 2W t dW t , apply Itos formula
  with f (t,x) = x2 and X = W t . Then
t   t  
X (t) = X (0) + a s, y ds + b s, y dWs ,
0 0 f f
dY = (t, X) dt + (t, X) dX
t x
where the meaning of the last integral, called an Ito
1 2f
integral, will be defined next. + (t, X) dX dX
Let c = t0 < t1 < < tn 1 < tn = d be a grid of 2 x2
points on the interval [c,d]. The Riemann integral is 1
= 0 + 2Wt dWt + 2 dWt dWt
defined as a limit 2
 = 1 dt + 2Wt dWt .
f (x) dx = lim f ti ti , The Ito formula is the stochastic analogue
c t0
of the chain rule of differential calculus. Although
it is expressed in differential form for ease of
where ti = ti ti 1 and ti1 ti ti . Similarly, the understanding, its meaning is precisely the equality
Ito integral2 is the limit of the Ito integral of both sides of the equation. It is
 proved under rather general hypotheses by referring
the equation back to the definition of Ito integral.
f (t) dWt = lim f (ti1 ) Wi
c t0 More complete details on Ito integrals and stochastic
calculus can be found in a number of texts, including
Refs 37.
where Wi = Wti Wti1 , a step of Brownian motion
For a second example, consider the stochastic
across the interval. The difference is that while the ti
differential equation
in the Riemann integral may be chosen at any point in

the interval (ti 1 ,ti ), the corresponding point for the dX = X dt + X dWt
Ito integral is required to be the left endpoint of that (4)
interval. X (0) = X0

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WIREs Computational Statistics Computational solution of SDEs


The simplest effective computational method for the
approximation of ordinary differential equations is
the Euler method; see Ref 8. The EulerMaruyama
method9 is the analogue of the Euler method
for ordinary differential equations. To develop an
approximate solution on the interval [c,d], assign a
grid of points

c = t0 < t1 < t2 < < tn = d.

0 1 Approximate X values

FIGURE 1 | Solution to the BlackScholes stochastic differential x0 , x1 , x2 , ... , xn

equation (4). The exact solution (5) is plotted as a gray curve. The
EulerMaruyama approximation with time step t = 1/8 is plotted as a will be determined at the respective t points. Given
dark curve. The drift and diffusion parameters are set to = 0.2 and the SDE initial value problem
= 1, respectively.

dX (t) = a(t, X)dt + b(t, X)dWt
with constants and . The solution of this SDE is X (c) = Xc
geometric Brownian motion
the approximate solution is computed as follows:

12 2 t+ Wt
X (t) = X0 e . (5)
EulerMaruyama Method
 this, write X = f (t,Y) = X0 e , where
To check
1 2
x0 = X 0
Y = 2 t + Wt . By the Ito formula,
xi+1 = xi + a (ti , xi ) ti+1 + b (ti , xi ) Wi+1 (7)
1 Y
dX = X0 eY dY + e dY dY where
  ti+1 = ti+1 ti
where dY = 12 2 dt + dWt . Using the differ-
ential identities from the Ito formula, Wi+1 = W (ti+1 ) W (ti ) . (8)

dY dY = 2 dt, The Brownian motion is modeled by the

increments W i , which are determined from a normal
and therefore random number generator. Define N(0,1) to be the

standard random variable that is normally distributed
1 1 with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The random
dX = X0 eY r 2 dt + X0 eY dWt + 2 eY dt
2 2 increment W i is computed as
= X0 eY dt + X0 eY dWt
Wi = zi ti (9)
= X dt + X dWt

as claimed. where zi is chosen from N(0,1).

Figure 1 shows a realization of geometric This is a clear difference from the Euler
Brownian motion with constant drift coefficient method in the deterministic ordinary differential
and diffusion coefficient . Similar to the case of equation case. Each set of {w0 , . . . ,wn } produced
ordinary differential equations, relatively few SDEs by the EulerMaruyama method is an approximate
have closed-form solutions. It is often necessary to realization of the solution stochastic process X(t)
use numerical approximation techniques, the central which depends on the random numbers zi that
focus of this article. were chosen. Since Wt is a stochastic process,

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Advanced Review

The definition of convergence for SDE approximation
methods is similar to convergence for ordinary
differential equation solvers, aside from the differences
0 1 2 3 4
caused by the fact that a solution to an SDE is a
stochastic process, and each computed trajectory is
only one realization of that process. Each approximate
solution path w(t), gives a random value at T, so that
w(T) is a random variable as well. The difference
between the values at time T, e(T) = X(T) x(T), is
therefore a random variable.
FIGURE 2 | Solution to Langevin equation (11). The path is the A discrete-time approximation is said to
solution approximation for parameters = 10, = 1, computed by the
converge strongly to the solution X(t) at time T if
EulerMaruyama method with stepsize t i = 0.01 for all i .

lim E {|X (T) xt (T)|} = 0

each realization will be different and so will the t0
As a first example, the EulerMaruyama method where xt is the approximate solution computed with
is applied to the SDE (4). The EulerMaruyama constant stepsize t, and E denotes expected value.
equations (7) have the form For strongly convergent approximations, we further
quantify the rate of convergence by the concept of
x0 = X 0 (10) order. An SDE solver converges strongly with order
xi+1 = xi + xi ti + xi Wi . m if the expected value of the error is of mth order in
the stepsize, i.e., if for any time T,
We will use the drift coefficient = 0.2 and  
diffusion coefficient = 1. An exact realization, E {|X (T) xt (T)|} = O (t)m
generated from the solution (5), along with the
corresponding EulerMaruyama approximation, are for sufficiently small stepsize t. This definition
shown in Figure 1. By corresponding, we mean generalizes the standard convergence criterion for
that the approximation used the same Brownian ordinary differential equations, reducing to the usual
motion realization as the true solution. Note the definition when the stochastic part of the equation
close agreement between the solution and the goes to zero.
approximating points. Although the Euler method for ordinary
As another example, consider the Langevin differential equations has order 1, the strong order
equation10 for the EulerMaruyama method for SDEs is 1/2.
This fact was proved [8] under appropriate conditions
dX (t) = X (t) dt + dWt (11) on the functions a and b in standard form (6). In
particular, the drift term a(t,x) must be globally
where and are positive constants. In this case, it is Lipschitz continuous or grow at most linearly in the
not possible to analytically derive the solution in terms variable x.
of elementary processes. The solution of the Langevin One way to produce higher-order solvers for
equation is a stochastic process called the Ornstein- ordinary differential equations is to make use of
Uhlenbeck process.11 Figure 2 shows one realization higher-order terms in the Taylor series of the solution.
of the approximate solution. It was generated from an We use a similar approach to build a strong order 1
EulerMaruyama approximation, using the steps method for SDEs. The analogue of the Taylor series
for SDEs is the Ito-Taylor expansion. See Ref 12
x0 = X 0 (12) for details. The Milstein method,1315,16 introduced
in the mid-1970s, includes one more term from this
xi+1 = xi xi ti + Wi
expansion. Consider the SDE
for i = 1, . . . , n. This SDE is used to model systems 
that tend to revert to a particular state, in this case the dX (t) = a(X, t)dt + b(X, t)dWt
state X = 0, in the presence of a noisy background. X (0) = X0 .

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WIREs Computational Statistics Computational solution of SDEs

TABLE 1 Average Error Versus Step Size for the EulerMaruyama factor of 4 is required to reduce the error by a factor of
and Milstein Approximations of Eq. (15) 2 with the EulerMaruyama method. For the Milstein
t EulerMaruyama Milstein
method, cutting the stepsize by a factor of 2 achieves
the same result.
2 1 0.169369 0.063864 The Milstein method is an Ito-Taylor method,
2 2 0.136665 0.035890 meaning that it is derived from a truncation of the
2 0.086185 0.017960 stochastic Ito-Taylor expansion of the solution. This
2 4 0.060615 0.008360 is in many cases a disadvantage, since the partial
2 5 0.048823 0.004158 derivative appears in the approximation method, and
must be provided explicitly by the user. This is
2 6 0.035690 0.002058
analogous to higher-order Taylor methods for solving
2 0.024277 0.000981 ordinary differential equations, which are seldom used
2 8 0.016399 0.000471 in practice for that reason. To counter this problem,
2 9 0.011897 0.000242 RungeKutta methods were developed for ODEs,
2 10 0.007913 0.000122 which trade these extra partial derivatives in the
Taylor expansion for extra function evaluations from
the readily-available differential equation.
In the SDE context, the same trade can be made
Milstein Method with the Milstein method, resulting in a strong order 1
method that requires evaluation of b(X) at two places
on each step. A heuristic derivation can be carried out
x0 = X 0 by making the replacement
xi+1 = xi + a (xi , ti ) ti + b(xi , ti )Wi b xi + b (xi ) ti b (xi )
bx (xi )
1 b b (xi ) ti
+ b (xi , ti ) (xi , ti )(Wi2 ti ). (14)
2 x
in the Milstein formula (14), which leads to the
RungeKutta method.
The Milstein method has order 1, meaning that it
will converge to the correct stochastic solution process
more quickly than EulerMaruyama as the stepsize Strong Order 1.0 RungeKutta Method
ti goes to 0. The Milstein method is identical to the
EulerMaruyama method if there is no X term in the x0 = X 0
diffusion part b(X,t) of the equation.
To compare the EulerMaruyama and Milstein xi+1 = xi + a (xi ) ti + b(xi )Wi
methods, we apply them to the BlackScholes SDE 1
+ [b(xi + b (xi ) ti ) b(xi )](Wi2 ti )/ ti .
dX = X dt + X dWt . (15)
A proper derivation can be found in Rumelin.17
We discussed the EulerMaruyama approxima- The orders of the methods introduced here for SDEs,18
tion above. The Milstein method becomes 1/2 for EulerMaruyama and 1 for Milstein and
the RungeKutta counterpart, would be considered
x0 = X 0 (16) low by ODE standards. Higher-order methods can
1  be developed for SDEs, but become much more
xi+1 = xi + xi ti + xi Wi + Wi2 ti . complicated as the order grows. As an example,
consider the strong order 1.5 scheme for the SDE
Applying the EulerMaruyama and the Milstein (13) proposed by Platen and Wagner.19
methods with decreasing stepsizes t results in
successively improved approximations as shown in
Strong Order 1.5 Taylor Method
Table 1.
The two columns represent the average of the
error {x(T) X(T)} at T = 8 over 100 realizations. The x0 = X 0
orders 1/2 for EulerMaruyama and 1 for Milstein are xi+1 = xi + ati + bWi + bbx Wi2 ti
clearly visible in the table. Cutting the stepsize by a 2

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Advanced Review

for all polynomials f (x). According to this definition,
1 1
+ ay Zi + aax + b2 axx ti2 all moments converge as t 0. If the stochastic
2 2 part of the equation is 0 and the initial value

1 is deterministic, the definition agrees with the
+ abx + b2 bxx (Wi ti Zi )
2 strong convergence definition, and the usual ordinary
1  1 differential equation definition.
+ b bbxx + b2x ( Wi2 ti )Wi (17) Weakly convergent methods can also be assigned
2 3 an order of convergence. We say that a solver
converges weakly with order m if the error in the
where partial derivatives are denoted by moments is of mth order in the stepsize, or
subscripts, and where the additional random variable    
E f (X (T)) E f (xt (T))  = O((t)m
Z i is normally distributed with mean 0, variance
E Z2i = 13 ti3 and correlated with W i with
covariance E (Zi Wi ) = 12 ti2 . Note that Zi can for sufficiently small stepsize t.
be generated as In general, the rates of weak and strong
convergence do not agree. Unlike the case in ordinary
1  differential equations, where the Euler method has
Zi = ti Wi + Vi / 3
2 order 1, the EulerMaruyama method for SDEs is
guaranteed to converge strongly with order m = 1/2,
where V i is chosen independently from
and converge weakly with order 1.
ti N (0, 1). Higher-order weak methods can be much
Whether higher-order methods are needed in simpler than corresponding strong methods, and
a given application depends on how the resulting are available in several different forms. The most
approximate solutions are to be used. In the ordinary direct approach is to exploit the Ito-Taylor expansion
differential equation case, the usual assumption is that referred above. An example SDE solver that converges
the initial condition and the equation are known with weakly with order 2 is as follows.
accuracy. Then it makes sense to calculate the solution
as closely as possible to the same accuracy, and higher-
order methods are called for. In the context of SDEs, Weak Order 2 Taylor Method
in particular if the initial conditions are chosen from
a probability distribution, the advantages of higher- x0 = X 0
order solvers are often less compelling, and if they 1 
come with added computational expense, may not be xi+1 = xi + ati + bWi + bbx Wi2 ti

1 1
+ ax bZi + aax + axx b2 t2
2 2

SOLVERS + abx + bxx b2 (Wi ti Zi ) (18)
Strong convergence allows approximations to be
computed accurately on an individual realization where W i is chosen from ti N (0, 1) and Zi is
basis. For some usages, such detailed pathwise distributed as in the Strong Order 1.5 method.
information is required. In other applications such A second approach is to mimic the idea
as Monte Carlo estimates,2023 the goal is to learn the of RungeKutta solvers for ordinary differential
probability distribution of the solution X(T); single equations. These solvers replace the explicit higher
realizations may not be of interest. derivatives in the Ito-Taylor solvers with extra
Weak solvers are devised to fill this need. function evaluations at interior points of the current
They are often simpler than corresponding strong solution interval. Platen24,25 proposed the weak order
methods, since their goal is to replicate the probability 2 solver of RungeKutta type.
distribution only. In analogy with strong convergence,
we offer the following definition. Weak Order 2 RungeKutta Method
A discrete-time approximation xt with stepsize
t is said to converge weakly to the solution X(T) if x0 = X 0
lim E f (xt (T)) = E f (X (T)) xi+1 = xi + [a (u) + a(xi )]ti
t0 2

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WIREs Computational Statistics Computational solution of SDEs

dynamics applications. They are also an appropriate

+ [b (u+ ) + b(u ) + 2b(xi )]Wi choice for practical financial modeling uses, in
4 particular when the goal is to investigate the
+ [b (u+ ) b(u )](Wi2 t)/ ti (19) probability distribution of an asset price or interest
4 rate, or when stochastic sampling is used to price a
complicated derivative. In such cases it is typical to be
where primarily interested in one of the statistical moments
of a stochastically defined quantity, and weak methods
u = xi + ati + bWi may be simpler and still sufficient for the sampling
u+ = xi + ati + b ti Monte Carlo (MC) simulation20,27,23 is used
in many fields to compute quantities of interest in
u = xi + ati b ti . stochastic modeling scenarios. In simplest form, the
quantity of interest is expressed as the expected value
Figure 3 compares the EulerMaruyama of a random variable, which is approximated as the
method, which converges with order 1 in the weak average of the random variable over many random
sense, to the Weak Order 2 RungeKutta method. realizations. In many applications, the quantity of
Note the difference between strong and weak con- interest is a function of the solution value X(T) of
vergence. In Figure 3 the mean error of the estimate an SDE at time T, where X(0) is known exactly, or
of the expected value E[X(T)] is plotted, since we chosen from a known distribution. For example, the
are comparing weak convergence of the methods. The values of exotic financial derivatives28,29 are often
weak orders are clearly revealed by the loglog plot. computed in this way, where X(t) represents the price
Several other higher-order weak solvers can of an underlying asset.
be found in Kloeden and Platen.12,26 Weak Taylor A recent key development in the research on MC
methods of any order can be constructed, as well approximation is the emergence of multilevel Monte
as RungeKutta analogues that reduce or eliminate Carlo (MLMC),30,31 which is a way of accelerating
the derivative calculations. In addition, standard convergence to the desired expected value. The
Richardson extrapolation techniques [49] can be used method works as a type of variance reduction, where
to bootstrap weak method approximations of a given both a nearby quantity with lower variance and the
order to the next order. difference between the two quantities are separately
Weak solvers can be used in diffusion models calculated, with reduced total effort relative to the
where information is carried primarily by means original problem. A number of researchers3234 have
or variances, as in many biological and molecular reported useful applications of MLMC to improve
MC approximation of quantities modeled by SDEs.
100 The development of MLMC has stimulated the search
for more efficient and more generally applicable strong
and weak SDE solvers.35

Multidimensional SDEs
So far we have described solution methods for

scalar SDEs. Extending the methods to computational
approximation of coupled SDEs is straightforward, as
long as the noise contributions are uncorrelated. We
begin with such an example, and then discuss changes
needed to handle correlated noise inputs.
A common asset model in contemporary finance
10 101 100 is the Heston model36
Time step t
dXt = rXt dt + Vt Xt dWt1
FIGURE 3 | The mean error of the estimation of E (X (T )) for SDE
(15). The plot compares the EulerMaruyama method (circles) which dVt = ( Vt ) dt + c Vt dWt2 . (20)
has weak order 1, and the weak order 2 RungeKutta type method
(squares) given in (19). Parameters used were where Xt and V t represent asset price and volatility,
X (0) = 10, T = 1, = 3, = 0.2. respectively. The Heston model is a generalization

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Advanced Review

of the BlackScholes asset model37 that allows a specified correlation is by taking a matrix square
volatility to change stochastically, yet yields an root of R. One can use the Cholesky factorization
analytic form for the pricing of contingent assets R = CC for this purpose, or alternatively one can use
like options. If we assume that Wt1 and Wt2 are the singular value decomposition (SVD) (see Ref 8 for
independent Wiener processes, the EulerMaruyama description of both).
discrete version would be To create a noise process with correlation R,
begin with k independent, uncorrelated Wiener pro-
x0 = X 0 cesses Z1 , . . . , Zk , satisfying dZi dZi = dt, dZi dZj = 0
for i = j. Define the column vector dW = CdZ, and
v0 = V0 check that the covariance matrix, and therefore the
correlation matrix, of dW is

xi+1 = xi + rxi ti + vi xi Wi1  
dWdW = CdZ CdZ

vi+1 = vi + ( vi ) ti + c vi Wi2 . (21)
= CdZdZ C
with Wi1 = = CC dt = R dt.
independent Brownian increments
zi ti , Wi = zi ti , where zi and z2i are
1 2 2 1

independent draws from the standard normal For example, we could consider two molecular
distribution. processes X1 and X2 that are driven by negatively
However, coupled SDEs often involve noise that correlated noise, say with correlation matrix
is driven by a correlated multidimensional Wiener  
process. The solution of multidimensional SDEs is 1
complicated in general; here we give only a glimpse of 1
the issues involved.
For where = 0.8. The matrix
 multifactor Wiener processes
Wt1 , . . . , Wtk , the generalization of Itos formula  
1 0
requires that (3) is replaced with C=
1 2
dt dt = dt dWti = dWti dt = 0
is the Cholesky square root of R, so the noise can be
j generated as
dWti dWt = ij dt (22)
dW 1 = dZ1
where ij represents the statistical correlation between
Wti and Wt . As usual, correlation of two random dW 2 = dZ1 + 1 2 dZ2 . (23)
variables X1 and X2 is defined as

cov (X1 , X2 ) CONCLUSION

(X1 , X2 ) = .
V (X1 ) V (X2 )
Numerical methods for the solution of SDEs are
essential for the analysis of random phenomena.
Note that (X1 ,X1 ) = 1, and X1 and X2 are Strong solvers are necessary when exploring
uncorrelated if (X1 ,X2 ) = 0. characteristics of systems that depend on trajectory-
To construct discretized correlated Wiener level properties. Several approaches exist for strong
processes for use in SDE solvers, one begins with solvers, in particular Taylor and RungeKutta
a desired correlation matrix methods, although these methods tend to increase
greatly in complexity for orders greater than one.
11 1k
.. In many applications, major emphasis is placed
R = ... . on the probability distribution of solutions, and in
k1 kk particular mean and variance of the distribution. In
such cases, weak solvers may be sufficient, and have
for the Wiener processes W 1 , . . . , W k . The matrix the advantage of comparatively less computational
R is symmetric positive semi-definite (all eigenvalues overhead.
are nonnegative) with units on the main diagonal. A In addition to the choice of SDE solver,
straightforward way to create noise processes with methods of variance reduction exist that may increase

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computational efficiency. MLMC methods offer a Approximation of solutions of SDEs depends on

promising means of variance reduction and increases the existence of powerful normal random number
in efficiency in simulation of SDE trajectories. generators, typically produced by a uniform random
Moreover, the replacement of pseudorandom numbers generator together with the Box-Muller method.40
with quasirandom numbers8,22 from low-discrepancy Computational techniques for the generation of ran-
sequences38 is applicable as long as statistical dom numbers is itself an interesting story; see Refs 21,
independence along trajectories is maintained. 4144 for general information on random number
A more in-depth explanation of the mathemat- generation. We have emphasized evenly-spaced time
ics behind the algorithms, including the Ito-Taylor stepping in our discussion, but there is a growing lit-
expansions, can be found in Kloeden and Platen.12 erature on adaptive time-step methods.4547 Progress
Another readable survey of SDE solvers which on error and stability issues for SDE solvers4854 is
discusses implementation issues is due to Higham.39 an important and ongoing research area.

This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-1216568.

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