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Name: _________________________________ Per: ________

Weekly Science Extra Credit

You can earn extra credit in science every week, as well as on specific assignments. To be eligible for EC,
students must have no more than 2 missing assignments in that grading period. The maximum number of EC
points a student can earn per progress report is 20 points.

Science News Summary (5 pts)

Topics we study in class are important issues in the world and in our lives.
Scientific discoveries influence the way we understand ourselves and the
world around us. To earn your Weekly Science Extra Credit, find a current
article or an informational source that is related to something we are
studying in class. Read the article and then write a summary. You may use
magazines, books, or reputable online websites.

Please include ALL the following:

1. Name, Period, and Date (at top right of summary page)

2. Paragraph Summary (3 paragraphs minimum):

Paragraph 1: In complete sentences, please introduce the

topic and describe how it is related to what we are studying
in class.

Paragraph 2: In complete sentences summarize the main

points of the article or informational source.

Paragraph 3: In complete sentences answer the following

o How does this topic connect to my life now or how may it affect my life later?
o Why was this topic interesting enough for me to research?
o This paragraph should be well thought out and be at least 5 sentences!!

3. Bibliography: Please use the standard MLA bibliography format outlined in your English class.

4. Staple or paper clip your article to the summary (A photocopy or printout of the article is fine).

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