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Instructed By : Mr K.W.I.P.VITHANA

Name : A.M.T.S.Bandara
Index No : 2013004CL1
Date of performance : 19.02.2017
Date of submission : 18.03.2017

Proximity sensor is a device which detects objects nearby without any physical contact up to
nominal range or sensors vicinity. In brief we can also say that Sensors which convert
information on the movement or presence of an object into an electrical signal are called
proximity sensors.

The object being sensed is defined as sensing object. A proximity sensor is a device which
detects objects when they get within a certain distance from the sensor. The proximity sensor
will then usually send a signal to an electronic circuit to perform a simple action, such as
opening a door, turning on a light or sounding an alarm Many proximity circuits detect
anything that comes too close. Others are designed to pick upon a particular type of object and
ignore everything else. Proximity switches are devices which detect when an object is nearby.
When an object gets within a certain distance, they will turn on a circuit to perform some
basic function, such as opening a door or turning on alight or an alarm. Some proximity
switches are designed to detect certain kinds of objects, while others will detect pretty much

Proximity sensors can be divided into 2 major categories

1.Active proximity sensor

2.Passive proximity sensor

Active proximity sensor

This sensors actively hunt for an object. They typically send of signal and wait for it to be
reflected back. By measuring the time between sending the signal and getting a reflection,
they can determine how far away the nearest object is.

Passive proximity sensor

Passive proximity switches work by absorbing information from their environment. when a
particular change occurs, they note the change ,and send a signal to a circuit.

Under these categorizations basically we can identify following proximity sensor





1.Connect the sensor to sensor ice board according to the pin assignment of the cable a
socket and supply indication field.

2.Plug the sensor into the carriage of the sensor ice board with sensing side left.

3.Connect the sensor and sensor cable.

4.Clamp the holder with the material sample into the material sample holder so that the material
sample pointing towards the sensor.

5.Drive the sensor slowly towards the material sample with carriage until it touches.

6.Move the material sample upwards transversely to the sensor axis in the material sample
holder until the sensor switches (LED OFF) and note the position as X and Y.

7.Move back the material sample about 2 mm transversely to the sensor axis in the material
sample holder and note the position Y2 and drive the sensor backward until light off.

8.Repeat the process.

Applications of proximity sensors

1.Position measurements.

2.Detection dynamic motion.


4.Assembly testing.

5.Ground proximity warning systems.

6.Aviation safety.

7.Air gauging.

8.Differential system.


10.Conveyor systems.

Limitations of using proximity sensors.

1.Different types of sensors should be used in different used in defferent kinds of applications


3.Sensors may give wrong data with bad environmental conditions like dust.

4.Limited life time.


a) Magnetic sensor

Y (mm) X (mm)

19 0

17 64

15 65

13 66

11 67

09 68

07 68

05 69

03 69

01 69

00 69
The graph of Y vs. X(Magnetic sensor)




X (mm)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Y (mm)
b) Capacitive sensor(Fe)

Y (mm) X (mm)

15 00

13 04

11 05
09 06

07 07

05 07

03 07

01 07

00 07
The graph of Y vs X(Capacitive sensor (Fe))

X (mm)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Y (mm)
c) Capacitive sensor (Al)

Y (mm) X (mm)
15 00
13 04

11 05

09 06

07 07
05 07

03 07

01 07
00 07
The graph of Y vs X(Capacitive sensor (Al))

X (mm)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Y (mm)
d) Inductive sensor

Y (mm) X (mm)
14 00

12 02

10 03
08 05

06 05

04 06

02 06

00 06
The graph of Y vs X (Inductive sensor)

X (mm)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Y (mm)

Inductive Proximity sensor

Inductive based proximity sensor are used in manufacturing and industry products to detect the
presence of a ferrous metal object made of steel, iron or other materials that attract magnets.
The biggest disadvantage with inductive and magnetic proximity sensor is their inability to
detect non ferrous materials like aluminum and plastic. Very little ferrous materials is actually
needed for sensor to work. So adding a small steel screw or plate is often used as a work

Capacitive proximity sensor

Capacitive proximity sensors work on the capacitor. The main components of the sensor are
the plate. Oscillator, threshold detector and an output circuit. The plate and object act as plates
and air as the dielectric. as an object comes close to the plate. The capacitance increases which
triggers the detector circuit, based on the amplitude output from the oscillator. An advantage
with these sensors is that they are capable of detecting both metallic and non metallic targets
whose dielectric constant is more than that of air. They are generally low cost and have good
resolution stability, high speed and low power usage.

Magnetic proximity sensor

These sensor are usually made of magnetic materials usually low ferro-magnetic. The reed
contact is enclose in either glass tubes or bulbs along with an inert gas. The phenomena is
happen due to the contact between the magnetic fields make the contact electrical.

Capacitive proximity sensor advantages and disadvantages.

Transparency through certain materials
Long life
Mounting configuration
Can detect metal and nonmetal, liquids and solids as well.
Sensing distance varies widely
Very sensitive to environment factors
Inductive proximity sensor advantages and disadvantages.

Have a good accuracy than other technology
High switching rate
Can work in harsh environment as well
This sensor only can detect metallic components
Certain limitation in operation range

Magnetic proximity sensor advantages and disadvantages.

magnetic field sensor is small in size, and so it can be placed close to the measurement
location and thereby achieves higher spatial resolution. Additionally, constructing a
MEMS magnetic field sensor does not involve the micro fabrication of magnetic
material. Therefore, the cost of the sensor can be greatly reduced. Integration of MEMS
sensor and microelectronics can further reduce the size of the entire magnetic field
sensing system

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