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Volume X Number 1

1 Special thanks for those
who ve sent us invitations to
v is it them when we go to Cal
ifornia this s p r in g , but i t
may be the Oklahoma Tax Com
mission has grounded ns for

.y fw ,?
the p re se n t. For n in e years ,
we ve operated a le t t e r s h o p
in connection with the maga
zine under the tax agent s ad
vice that we were exempt under
5 He said h is name was Al there are two tubes one to see Oklahoma la w s, but the other
phonse V. Ienatowitcz. and that the magnetic M ira , which is day we were informed that they
he represented the Pood A Drug the one psychics s e e around have changed their minds (or
Addicts. Like a typical G-man. you when you think you re be what passes for same), and our
he flashed h is card which we ing ju s t what you look li k e in customers must not only p a y
examined quite c a r e fu lly not tiie mirror while shaving, and sales taxes but we have been
that we d id n t believe him but the other tube i s the Etca- assessed on our invoices for
we wondered i f w e d heard the color a u r a a projection o f the l a s t three years plus a
name correctly which we had . rainbow colors thru a d iffr a c penalty o f about 20 percent
We had a c a r d , too r e lic of tion grating system. The mag for not knowing better than to
our old Air Force days -- so we n etic aura tube i s not being take the agent s advice. Maybe
exchanged proof o f our exis marketed at this time pending this i s how t h e pigs at the
tence. This in it s e lf probably further improvement. Anyhow, trough" g e t aronnd o u r new
was an innovation in the an Lowana has told more about the Governors promise not to in
nals o f Government snoopery . Etcacolor tube in her article crease taxes in Oklahoma . . .
Of course, we were a b i t cur on Page 4 than we could in the ^ Most women change their
ious about why we should be so limited space we allow f o r . name at least once, and others
honored--maybe they were going facetious comments in this col seem to make a habit of it , but
to seize all the banned books umn , so w e ll spend no time i t s usually the surname with
in our Rental Library but Mr. I trying to gild the lily , so to which th ey re most concerned .
(fo r short) quickly corrected speak. One o f the uses for the Bat not o u r intrepid a n d in !
our thinking on this matter tube will be in the discovery tractable handwriting a n a ly s t ,
when he asked us what we knew and treatment of cancer, Davis of Ontario. C a lif. She came to
about Scientology and the Hub tells u s , but this i s a sub us as Mrs. Maxine Dumke. but
bard E-Meter. It took us more jec t we h a v e n t space to go when she begin writing for The
than two hours to convince M r. into until next month.. . Anoth ABERREE, Just call ne M ac ,
I that we knew so l it t le about er experiment Davis sent us is she wrote. I d o n 't lik e Max
Scientology and the Hubbard E* a k it to check the radiation ine. Now, someone has suggest
Meter -- which, we s u s p e c t e d , in our area, but we goofed our ed she start s a ilin g under her
was probably more honest than firs t test by not following n iddle nane o f t o o because
anything e l s e in Washington , directions, and Eva Woodford s of better v ib ra tio n s, b u t we
the p. D. A. included that he cartoon may explain why w eve rebel. Not that we dont like
(Mr. I ) decided against draft not tried i t again y e t .. ; (PLEASE T U N TO PAGE 12)
ing us as a witness in any
possible upcoming Washington "I"'fit,,.
trial which Mr. I admitted
they d had in mind. However, we
suggested that i f they w ant
ed someone to point an accus
ing finger at the A. M. A . , or
the crooked churches, or Con
gress, o r even the Pood and Drug
Ackninistration, j u s t c a l l on
us, because th ey d find us not
only w i l l i n g b u t anxious to
take a Washington vacation a t
Government e x p e n s e . That i s ,
i f and when we get some free
time that i s n t being taken up
by alphabetical g o o n s ...
5 The next v isitor who be
gins t e llin g us about colors
(bright or dull) they can see
around us, with an I-can-do-
something-you-can t a i r , m ay
have to prove it . Because n o w ,
with the aid o f a li t t l e tube
sa lt u s by Lowana Julaine and
Ro.v D a v is o f the Davis R e
search L a b s ., in Green Cove
Springs, F l a ., w e r e all s e t "L o u is " once said that when he tried to contact us psychi-
to do a l i t t l e seeing on our ca lly , a ll he could get was "the busy s ig n a l" . So, When Te Pub
ow n. What you s e e , when y o u tried to see Te i d s aura thru the Davis Ktcacolor tube , she
look thru one e n d , i s quite had a sim ilar experience. Anyhow, this is how i t looked to Bva
startling, and almost tempting Woodford, of Lost Creek, W.7 a ,, who admitted may have
she been
enough that one c o u ld forget "exaggerating s lig h t ly ". However, i f we'd had time to look at
there are things to do o t h e r Te Pub, w e'd have found her aura also was a b it on the "busy"
than look at auras . Actually , side- depicted here by a worried look and flyin g sweat.
Th e ABERREE -APU, 1963 '*

APRIL, 1963 Recusant Voice of The Infinites
for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn,
Vol. X - No. 1 n B R R 66 Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen
Published monthly, except for the combined January-February and POLICY: Don t take it so damn* seriously.
the J u l y August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla. The infiniteness of Man is not reduced
Editorial office: 2522*1 North Monroe, Enid, Okla. to a split infinity" by wars, taxes,
or experts who seek to sell him what
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Olid, Okla. he already has in an infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies 25* our minds f r o m issue to issue, or
even from page to page, i f we desire.
Second class postage paid at Ekiid, Oklahoma. Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man h a s the inherent
right to be his own and only "Author
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART. 1-2, D .D .. D. Sen., ity with his w ife s permission.
F .S e n ., B .Sen., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum Sub-Sub-Sub-Policy: We have no objection to
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART, 1*1, HCA, SEC., WFE., L b m ., ETC. educated guesses about Mans d e s
tiny i f there *s no price tag to i t ,
ADVERTISING*-Payable in advance. Write for rates. Copy and pay and if the guesser has no obj ection to
ment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. our guessing that h e s only guessing.


Children look forward to an auditor, going about h i s
birthdays; their elders try to business o f making the world
forget them. Since w e re now safe f o r m o r e a n d better
nine years o l d , and o l d for bridges, was skidded into the
onr a g e , w e r e going to do clink for robbing the American
neither. Medical Association o f it s mon
As we look back over the 90 opoly on keeping their patients
issues that mark our "h is t o r y , safe as a source for more pre
. 77 ~TT7~/ , Three Churches Given tentious homes and newer a n d
however, t h e r e s more than a y y f- j Y ____ ! barters by New Jersey shinier Cadillacs.
b it o f nostalgia i n the maga
zine s aura. We ve changed. We Scientologists being per
have l o s t some o f the face sons who study how to get out
tiousness that characterized o f their h e a d s , some thetan
the "b a b y ABERREE (or maybe must have broadcast a few beans
i t s a case o f you c a n t be during some unguarded moment,
funny forever). and the secret leaked. We were
We s till h a v e subscribers deluged with letters asking i f
who have been with us since the pnblivb 1M; i t were true that Scientology
utma tw* of
$1. 67-a-year days, yet some of by nW M orlng CO*, eymjil was abandoning psychotherapy
r *tuik elMPtikg* m l tf
our loudest supporters in t h e I attw pi ju s t hap* am a <
' w r - j *-1 nia fu r d naath t tI4M i^ it lf tc ScSao-
for t h e c ro ss. Having spent
beginning have "g raduated to Ur letter*, bub b*.
1 am. Saa Mga I . )
l(i*ffa 3^5*23^
I t l w a 'i mara aa H ga l>.)
most o f our ready funds as
where they do n t need us any tuition and not being able to
more (We hope t h a t s why they a fiord a battery o f secretaries
dropped out). And the type of world of philosophy, ology, ism , to answer the queries being
material that f i l l s our col ics, and anity was pretty s a f e . received, we discussed the pros
umns definitely has changed . I t was a serious b u s in e s s . No and cons o f the subject for
Some of this change was u n one knew better than everybody several seconds. Were we to be
intentional; we used the best how dangerous i t was to live a parly to this covert vengeance
o f what was available, and it without preparing to die. And against the medicos? Were we
became a matter o f the buggy then, out of the ashes o f false to l i e to our friends, and tell
running away with the h o r s e . hopes, high-pressure come-on, them no such plan existed, so
But in starting our 10th and self-qualified M e s sia h s , that someone might garner a few
year o f publication, we d lik e rose not another buzzard but $ 5 0 ,000s in a surprise suit or
to reprint an auditorial from a phoenix to out-phoenix a l l two for interfering with a man s
the anniversary number o f six phoenixes: The ABERREE. right to compete legitimately
years ago. It will explain to For our 9 83 ,2 7 1 readers not w i t h soul - savers ? Thi s may
our new readers how The ABER fortunate enough to get the sound fantastic, but it was on
REE came into being. firs t fe w issues, let us rem such a basis that a great de
For old-timers, you can stop inisce a bit. cision was made. We would pub
h e r e , a n d turn to something We were i n Phoenix, taking lish a magazine! We would call
fresher to read unless you the Third Clinical Course, the it (o f all things) The ABERREE!
want to humor your n o s t a lg ia . latest super - duper teaching And we would "scoop the world
But remember, one thing h a s n t offered a "s e le c t few capable on the gigantic metamorphosis
changed and thats our policy . o f carrying on the higher ech o f the basilisk from its Dia-
W e re n o t even taking our age elons o f Scientology. The Maes netic cocoon .
" t o o damn s er io u sly . tro (instructor, ISIB D T A , e t c .) When the urge to start creat
had ju s t announced to h i s ap ing
THIRD CANDLE FOR THE ABERREE plauding near-graduates that Knocked upon o u r t r a i le r
Three years o lil How fa st the Scientology was immunizing i t door,
volumes s e lf from prosecution and per There was not a whit of warning
Gather on the shelf of tine. secution that it was donning O f what future was in store,
Untold reams o f n ic e , w hite the robes o f a r e lig io n , and But t h e b u g kept pounding,
paper henceforth would operate under pounding,
Smeared with hope, and help, the protection of a Federal With a knock like mighty
and crime. Constitution that was s e t up Thor.
Unbound f i l e s o f printed pages to guarantee freedom o f wor Since we wanted The ABERREE
Streaked with d i r t , and ink, ship. But, i t was to be a well-
to be different from the dozen
and grime. guarded secret and the fact
Up until March o f 1954, the would become known only when (PLEASE TURN TO P A G E 18)
MYSTIC GETS EXCITED cept a psychosomatically-induced suggestion.
Those who are susceptible to suggestion be


lieve they " s e e something for a few t i m e s .
Then the suggestion wears o f f and they are
disgusted, d is illu s io n e d , and down in t h e


psychic dumps a g a in . T hey reach out for an
other decoy and go thru the whole heart-break
ing procedure again and again .
From now on things should be different. The
By LOW ANA JULAINE Quackery and dishonest tricks being offered to
the psychic investigator have been put to shame ,
I 1HE ANCIENT m ystics a r e r ig h t around the and the cheating frauds that prey on the pub
I | psychic corner, breathing down our necks. l i c will be laughed into non-existence.
' Science h a s reached back into the dusty I had been hearing about the Etcacolor aura
scenes o f history to bring forth a brand- tube since the early part o f 1961. Being a
new instrument for the modern psychic re- psychic who can see the auras at w ill under
- searcher. proper conditions, and being able to distin
Those who have read my articles and stories guish one auric manifestation from another, I
know I ca ll a spade a spade . After which I was frankly skeptical of the p ossibility of
use it to dig a hole w i t h , a n d the deeper I any instrument aiding the non-psychic to see
dig the better I like it . My digging has turned this phenomenon. I arrived in Green Cove Springs
up some strange, fantastic, and often unbeliev in January 7 of this year with my tongue in my
able objects and items of interest. cheek and a "show me chip on my shoulder.
To date, I ve turned up nothing more excit The firs t thing Roy Davis did was show me
ing than a discovery in the laboratories o f and as long as I d known Roy and knew he never
Roy Davis, in Green Cove Springs, Fla. This is misrepresented anything, I should have known
the rediscovery, actually, of the ancient prin that even in this he would be true to type. He
ciple o f viewing the inner and outer magnetic took the instrument apart piece by piece and
auras. This rediscovery is still in the infant let me examine each part thoroly. Then he let
stages within the labs. I ll say no more about me s it there and watch him put i t together so
it for the present because I want to tell you I would know no trickery had been added. After
about a "d if f e r e n t a ura viewer which Roy has which he handed the Etcacolor aura tube to me
labeled the Etcacolor aura viewer. to experiment with as long as I pleased.
Being an Egyptian psychic schooled in the When I placed my band under the lamp as in
secrets of mystic seeing, I have often wit structed, I saw the indescribable living colors
nessed those vivid and vibrant colors of the o f the Etcacolor a u r a on the drape-covered
human aura which only psychics and mystics have lamp s ha de, in all its brillian t magnificense
been able to observe. But never was I able to lik e a miniature aurora borealis. Roy tested
hold them for any duration of time that would with me by placing himself in such a position
allow me to inspect them to my h e a r t s content. that I could view h is a u r ic m anifestations.
Never before have I seen these living colors Thru these tests we learned that two persons
floating in space lik e a manifestation from an may have the same colors radiating from t h e
unknown and un-named w orld. body, but there is a decided difference in shad
I have investigated and tested more highly ing and order o f these colors. This i s some
a d v er tis ed , f r a u d u l e n t objects than I can thing I had previously suspected but had been
count o r even remember. I ve looked thru in unable to determ ine.
struments that are supposed to show the magnif The color spectrum is in different order
icence o f the l iv in g aura in all its glory. I than the primary c o l o r s . The spectrum runs
saw nothing. I get so disgusted with the frauds red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and v i o l e t .
and fakes who sell this bunch of junk that I Frequencies o f this spectrum were increased by
could shake them. They drain the public d r y at least one full octave as seen thru the Etca
and give them absolutely nothing in return ex- color aura tube over the ability o f my psychic
sight. Blue that is seen with normal psychic
sight becomes purple or purple b l u e .
A plain white light seemed to increase the
aura while the fluorescent light had a tendency
to reduce the aura but increase the clarity o f
the colors.
Words like "fa n t a s t ic and amazing were
too simple to describe my deflated skepticism.
I was actually see in g , with an instrument and
without using psychic sight, the weird phenom
ena of vivid colors my grandmother showed me
when I was first learning to develop this a bil
ity as a c h i l d .
And it was done without a long p eriod of
t r a in in g , or sitting quietly in a dark room,
mumbling some special mumbo-jumbo. Nor was it
necessary to add gadgets, or color f i l t e r s . I
just looked--and there i t w a s , "p r e t t y as a
p ic tu re . A n d that c a n be done, too, photo
graph the aura. I ve seen some beautiful o n e s
Roy h a s taken which makes the a u r a tube as
fully s cien tific, and provable, as the X- ray,
re-discovered by Dr. W .K . Roentgen in the tail-
end of the last century.
-------- *---------
I t is better not to know so much than to
Roy Davis looking thru his Etcacolor Aura Tube know many things that ain t so. Josh B illin g s .

4--------------------------------------- The A E R R E E APRIL, 1963


A Hard-Boiled Look at Seership

THE DOOR TO THE FUTURE, by Jess Stearn. 327
p p ., $ U .5 0 . Doubleday & C o ,, Hew York, H .Y ,
proves as much as any of them that one can make
Nostradamus say anything. I f the above verse
predicts a "rev ival of Christianity , then i t 's
~VOR A PERSON professing so much skep- a differe nt Christianity than that preached in
I 1 ticism in fortune t e llin g , Jess the orthodox churches of today, in which death
il Stearn, calling himself a hard-boiled definitely is not the day o f birth; this sounds
I I I newspaper man (meaning, we suppose, more lik e metaphysics than Christianity.
J someone not easily fooled), has had S te a m has devoted one chapter to "A s t r o l
1 a lot of future predicted for him ogy, Fortune Tellers, and Frauds --mostly as-
trology and confesses so much time spent vis
1 not only his own but of his friends .
itin g star gazers some at $ 2 5 for an hour
And tho this strain of skepticism is that one wonders how he found time to get his
I injected anew thruout The Door to book w ritten . However, he gives them the ad
M the Future , the reader can see that vantage o f the doubt, and cites the numbers of
the author is being convinced (against times h e s learned that they could chart t h e
his will, of course), that Pope Benedict course of destiny. He even rehashes the story
XIV wasn't being as objective as he might o f H i t l e r s leaning on astrologers for h is at
when he said, The gift of prophecy occurs tempted conquest o f the world, but got rid o f
the astrologers who warned him against h is
in fools, idiots, and melancholy persons .
projected drive against Russia.
And th ey re all there--well, most o f them. As for the frauds. S te a m writes, "M aking
J e a n e Dixon, Edgar Cayce, Peter Hurkos, Nos the rounds o f the supper-club mystics, I learned
tradamus , Arthur F o rd , Mother Shipton even many diverse things about myself. On the very
the J e s u s o f the Bible. N ot only what they day I was making a trip by a i r to C a lifo r n ia ,
said about the past that D ID happen, but what I was also going by sea to S>ain. I was going
they've promised for the future. And some o f to be married this year, next year, last y e a r ,
it i s n 't good. and n o t a t a ll. I was going to lose my j o b ,
For example, J e a n e D i x o n , known as the get a promotion, and I was going to liv e to 6 0 ,
Capital (Washington, D . C . ) Soothsayer , who 75, and 8 4 . Which served him right. I f you
predicted the death of F. D. Roosevelt when he flip a coin often enough, you ll always get
was serving his fourth term , foresaw Dag Ham- both heads and t a ils probably equally. Y o u ll
m arskjold s death in an airplane crash, and also wear out the c o in .
has a long chain o f other successes to h e r There i s a p ossibility. S te a m points o u t ,
credit. Mrs. Dixon, who has predicted correctly that i f th is psychic ability to look into the
every presidential election in t h e l a s t 20 future/past/present with all- seeing eyes, is
years, has been less quoted on the fo llo w in g : developed, and accepted, i t will com pletely
Nixon would receive the most votes in 1960, but change our mode o f l i f e . How far would crimi
not all h is votes would be counted; that the n ality get i f someone can close h i s eyes, pick
successful Democratic candidate would be a s up some dust from the scene o f the crime, and
sassinated, or die during h is firs t term; that come up with full details o f the crim e, in
Russia would win the space race; Russia will cluding t h e k i l l e r s social security number?
dictate t h e peace; Khruschev, when he goes, What nation could plot a surprise attack on
will disappear q uickly . Some big p i l l s to another nation i f the warped geniuses in its own
swallow, but so were some o f those that al particular pentagon/kremlin were having their
ready are history. so-called brains scanned by a mystic who could
But there are other d o le fu l forecasts that see all a n d tell a l l ? And how long could a
have been seen hy seers other than Mrs. Dixon nation s economy be strait-jacketed by strikes
--the destruction of New York, preceded by that i f a mystic could t e ll, in advance, ju s t how
o f Los Angeles and San Francisco, was predicted much pressure t h e labor-management conferees
by Edgar Cayce, the sage o f V irginia Beach . would stand before giving in--to save face and
Unfortunately, Cayce never was asked by what their own economic doldrums? The p o ss ib ilitie s
means this destruction was to occur only that o f a complete overthrow o f our hypocrisy-rid
New York's demise was set roughly f o r 1998 . den civ iliza tio n are stupendous. I t might even
And this i s a year prior to the space war of mean a new course in school on How to be hon
July, 1999, seen by Nostradamus several cen est in spite o f yourself .
turies before Cayce even existed. However, But where does all this knowledge of the un
there are unkind persons who say one can find knowable come from? Where does the psychic get
anything i n Nostradamus, i f h e s w illin g to h i s knowledge o f the airplane t h a t s going to
juggle enough words and symbols. Stearn seems crash next week, and who ll be aboard? How did
to go along with the interpreter Stewart Munro Jea n e Dixon know President Roosevelt had only a
Robb, who thinks the "G r e a t S e e r has coded few months to liv e when he called her to the
most o f the world s highlights up to the year White House for a "r e a d in g which was some
3797. After this, S te a m (or Robb) sees in the thing a majority of the voters hadn t been able
following verse, a revival o f Christianity: to figure out only a few weeks previously? And
The body without soul w ill no longer be a sac why are some dreams so prophetic, while others
r if ic e apparently mean exactly nothing?
Day o f death w ill change to day o f birth. And w ha t about those o f us who spend so
The divine s p ir it w ill nake the soul happy, much time and money consulting seers and for
Seeing the world in its eternity. tune tellers? Even i f we learned o f tomorrow s
This reviewer thinks this verse, by i t s e l f , events, would we do anything about them, or

APRIL, 1963 Th e flBERREE 5

even try to? As Ste a m says: "Nostradam us, o f to be the conclusion S t e a m has reached, that
co u rs e, s a w an ap parent sp a ce conflict not " t h e future stretches on virtually endlessly,
very f a r o f f , b u t despite h is record in the despite a few possibly unpleasant interludes,
past for accuracy, few will believe him. I find and the order i s already established. Nothing
this d if f i c u l t to accept myself, any more than we can do, perhaps, shall change i t .
as a very young man I could accept the fact In c lo s in g . S t e a m quotes t h e C atholic
that I would some day d ie . In the same way, I "s a in t Thomas Aquinas, that G o d receives no
cannot take Edgar Cayce seriously when he tells news from the world, and nothing surprises Him .
o f the imminent destruction o f New York City " I f two servants, who do not know they need
and the two great c itie s o f the West Coast. It meet, are sent by their master to t h e same
matters not how right, again, Cayce h a s been place, the meeting o f the two servants, i f re
in the p a s t ." ferred to themselves, i s by chance, b u t a s
And again: "R egardless o f the evidence or compared to the master who had ordered it , it
proof, many people will never take seriously is directly intended.
reported instances o f psychic phenomena or We disagree and fortunately we can do this
any other phenomena that defies explanation by today without being burned at the sta k e. How
their f i v e senses. As a matter o f fact, even ever altho we know no more for certain than
when the phenomenon has been established to Aquinas d i d our own un sain ted aberrations
the satisfaction o f some o f these senses eyes dictate to us that we have more choice in this
and ears, for example they s t ill will sneer. game o f l i f e than i f we were actors in a mo
tion picture film whose only chance o f evad
Maybe we dont lik e to accept "e v ide n ce o f ing their performance i s an accidental fire in
accurate precognition because o f what i t may the projection booth.
portend that the future already i s fixed and TO think otherwise is to accept fatalism
we are not masters o f our fate; that we do not and relax since "w h a t is to be, will b e . It
have any choice but to follow the groove that sounds lik e an excellent excuse for those seek
leads from the cradle to the grave. This seems ing a way to dodge responsibility. Trah Nika.

COULTER DENIES KINSHIP even met him . And I never was interested in
Scientology I rejected it in toto as soon as


I found out what it w a s .
As for Dianetics, obviously it d id n 't work
for me, at least. My evaluation o f it was that


what was good in it wasn t new and what was
new in it w asn t good. Others may have a d i f
ferent ev aluation , but that i s their experi
ence. I reject it in toto. I have no need for
By ART COULTER any of its ideas and techniques. I remember it

primarily as a source of misery and heartache.
URPOSE of this article is to correct a false I wish I d never heard of it.
impression that some readers of The ABER- So much f o r my personal association w ith
REE may have namely, that Synergetics is D ia n e t ic s . The ideas and tools of Synergetics
in some way an offshoot o f Dianetics and have developed along quite a different p a t h .
Scientology. I o b je c t strongly to t h i s Many o f the ideas o f Synergetics are not
representation because it is not true, be new. The term "synergy was derived from medi
cause it i s an insult to me personally, andcine, where it refers to the co-operative ac
because it creates d iffic u lt ie s for Synergeti-tion o f two drugs or o f two or more muscles
cists. about a jo int. The idea of synergy it se lf goes
I realize that my enemies, and those who back to the early Greeks, and even further in
wish to destroy or invalidate Synergetics, will the civ iliza tio n of the Ea st.
continue their attacks regardless of what I What i s new about Synergetics is the dis
might s a y . I hope, however, t h a t the open- covery of the synergic mode of function. Every
minded reader will give my viewpoint a fair one experiences the phenomenon of synergy at
hearing, and that whatever h is judgment may b e , one time or another. The tools of Synergetics
he will at least communicate to others my ob when used with precision evoke synergy so
jection to such a characterization of Syner often it reaches a continuous flow . And this
getics, whenever the topic is brought up . flow, when it occurs, is a new form o f exper
The reason for this impression is plausible ience.
enough. It derives from the fact that I once Hie basic tool o f Synergetics tracking
investigated Dianetics and that, impressed by was not drawn from Dianetics . Rather it was
the gallant effort o f Don Purcell to save the inspired by James Harvey Robinson, whose book,
Dianetic Research Foundation and angered by "T h e M ind i n the M a k i n g ", written in the
the despicable attacks made upon him at the 1930 s, exerted a strong influence upon me . I
time, I tried, informally, to help him . This have yet to see a Dianeticist or Scientolo
was in the period 1950-1953. gist use this tool properly. The reason for
This was prior to the defin itiv e emergence this is easy to see it is basically incompat
o f Synergetics as a science. The first essay ible with the basic Dianetic technique, " r u n
on Synergetics was written early in 1953, and ning it o u t " . ( "R unning is it s e lf derived
privately distributed to a few friends. (I t has from an e a r ly psychiatric technique , c a lle d
been reprinted in the December, 1962, issue of " t h e cathartic method by some a u t h o r s.!
CHANGE. t When I realized the significance o f From a logical standpoint, Synergetics is
this development, I told Don it would be nec closely related to psychoanalysis, general se
essary for me to terminate my efforts in his mantics , the theory of emergent e v o lu t io n ,
b e h a l f , that Synergetics was an independent Gestalt Psychology, and Cybernetics. To these
science in its own right, and must develop ac fields, I can honestly pay tribute .
cording to its own laws. But i f I were to be asked, "W h a t worthwhile
I never at any time had any relation with idea or technique did you first honestly hear
L.Ron Hubbard. I never took any of h is courses about in D i a n e t i c s ? I would have to answer,
or received a n y o f his "d e g r e e s . I ve never "N o n e !
6----------------------------------------Th e R E R R E E APRIL, 1963
Siut }jou, Too, Gan
W A R N I N G These lessons i n #'Adva nced Percep*
ig h t 1y or delv ed
t io n " are n ot to be treeted
LESSON 12 CONCENTRATION in by the cu r i o u s lor i die or q u e s tionable
/\ UR NEXT subject I s concentration, goa 1S. AS the Author ceuti ons , they' re dange r*
ous and i t Is s u g g e s t e d two p e r s o n s with simi-
I 1 and the prerequisites for this les- 1 ar intent work as e team. One of the risks in*
I I son are an ability to meditate and vo 1ved, Mr Schroeppel warns, Is thst some who
I I a desire to be able to handle or succe ss* u 11 y de v e l o p the! r ad vanced perce pt ion
control or work with the mind. In ar e going to see some thin IS t h e y d rather not
see And don't mis with any other tech nique.
I I order to attain the higher abil- or you may f ind yours elf wo rkl ng at c r oss-pur-
I ities of the mind, it i s necessary poses. Whl ch Is no place to find yours elI, or
to be able to focus and control the for anyone else to find you espec i a 11y an in*
I f conscious m in d , to hold it t o a competent p s y c h ologist or psychiatrist. They
may get the Idea y o u re as crazy as they are.
\ J single point or subject, still and
at rest there. This is exceedingly d i f f i
cult for most persons to do. The average than, say, 10 inche s o f space, maybe six or
individual is totally incapable of holding eight feet from you--not far, at the most, not
his mind or his attention still. over 10 feet. The Yogis us ed a candle flame
So how does one get to the point? placed two feet or so in front o f the ey e s ,
Preliminary d r ills should include medita and they concentrate not on the tip o f the
tion o r holding the mind on a single s u b je ct. flame but on the base. Others sometimes use
They should also include the deliberate filling things like small statues, or a small painting
o f the mind with particular classes of thought, that is not too complicated. For myself, I use
and then the elimination o f those classes of a picture the face o f a friend. The object on
thought from the m ind. I n a team drill , t h e which you fix should be f a i r l y pleasant, and
director might say, Imagine this for a w h i l e ... it should have pleasant connotations for y o u .
All right, now stop imagining (or playing w it h , However, any mental p ictu re s held should be
or thinking about! this and imagine t h is ...N o w static mental pictures. There should be no mo
stop playing with this one and play with this tion in them, no growth, no change whatsoever.
o n e , so that the subject matter a lso comes They should not smile, or talk back to y o u ,
under control. This is a slow exercise and a change c o lo r , grow in clarity, o r anything
long haul, but you gain from it perception and lik e that.
control and direction over your own atte n tio n . Your purpose eventually is to hold your full
There is one path toward integration or the attention on the chosen object of concentra
knowledge of the soul which comprises three tion, absolutely, without a n y wavering and
steps and three alone: meditation, concentra without any interferences. You should use all
tion, and beingness. It is a slow path, and it of the attention you have the attention with
usually requires a certa in amount o f counsel which you s e e , with w hich you listen, with
ing, but it is one by which the individual who which you smell, with which you feel your body.
walks by himself toward God can travel almost In the beginning a second, two s e c o n d s , 10
completely alone. It conveys very lit t le in seconds of absolute, total attention will be
the way of power or function. It will, however, quite good. Your goal is at least 10 minutes
convey a clarity of perception and a certainty to hold your attention fixed on the object and
o f self; and properly done it should also bring nowhere els e , without wavering for any purpose
an inner peace and faith about w hat the indi whatsoever, with no awareness of anything e l s e .
vidual i s , where he i s , where he is g oin g and I f you pick the face o f a friend as your ob
why; and i t should bring about some awareness j e c t , y o u may discover some curious side-
of God and o f what the soul and its purpose effects. When you are concentrating on your
are. It is a path toward God which can be used friend, he may see you and later comment, " I
by i t s e l f . The r es u lts i n effectiven ess of saw you on the street corner this morning. What
function in present tine, telepathy, clairvoy were you doing about that time? O r , " I was
ance, or healing powers, or the ability to alone in my room about nine o clock last n ig h t ,
handle energy, are lik ely to be quite lim ited . and it seemed to me that you just came in and
Effective prayer may o r may not result from talked to me for a minute. I looked around, and
it , according to what the individual knows I actually expected to feel y ou, but I could
about prayer, rather than the technique itsel f . n t. What were you doing then ? I have run in
Probably it w ill not make him cause in his to this sort of thing . I use much longer per
particular environment, but may be more likely iods o f meditation, and with intention or some
to make him effect. such thing added, it produces definite results
Meditation has been discussed already. Con at the other end. However, what you are trying
centration is done as follows: Find a place to learn to do i s just s it s t i l l , with no in
where you can be alone completely and totally tention, no anything except attention, com
alone with no need at all to put your attention plete attention, complete focus o f conscious
on th e physical requirements of the environ ness on the picture.
ment. Pick an object or mental picture a nd When you can concentrate like this f o r 10
focus all your attention on it. I f an o b j e c t , minutes, focus on being something for a sus
i t should be small; it should occupy no more tained period of tim e. You already have had
APRIL, 1963 -The ABERREE 7
d r il l s on being, but they have been for speed: Sooner or later you should be able to be
Touch this. Get away from it . Be this. Be something and as the something examine its
something else. Be y o u r se lf. The emphasis has whole pattern o f l i f e : its growth, its purpose,
been on speed, and there was a good reason and its memories. Flowers work very nicely on
why. Actual telepathic and clairvoyant percep this sort of thing. I f you are a flower, you
tion is normally done at high speeds. One man should be able to go back and be the seed, and
I know estimates they come in bursts of a 25th feel the sun and the rain on it , and the wind
o f a second , which he has to sit and pick and the cold. You should be able to feel the
apart. I have seen as many as a thousand con shell opening, the roots going down, and the
cepts and images land in the split part of a leaves growing up, the plant coming into bloom
second, so that the receiver had to pick the and going on to seed. It may take time to be
package apart and sort it out after it had been anything this completely, but sooner or later
delivered. But this is something different from you should be able to pick up the whole exper
what we are now after. ience and being of your chosen object.
What we want here is for you to be the ob At the start you should work more or less
je c t , to be it thoroly and completely, to lose on one thing until you get good at it before
all trace of yourself as a body sitting there taking on something else. Stay with the flower,
in a chair, to concentrate and focus your at or whatever the object is, until you feel it
tention totally and completely and over a per thoroly and are quite good at being it. What
iod of time in being whatever it is you have you want to be able to do is to transfer your
chosen . complete awareness, your whole awareness, into
The object of your focus should be some the form of the flower, and then to be able ,
thing which is well worth being. You might try when the session is over, to un-be" the flower
an image o f one o f the saints. You might pick and be yourself competely and wholly.
some object which has reasonably good connota There are two important advantages of drill
tions in relation to the environment too, some well done on this sort of t h in g . First, it
bit of statuary or ceramics which you admire. enables you to control the environment in a
Preferably the o b je c t should be something very direct sense ; second, i f you keep being
fairly stationary and simple, not something other things and then coming back to being
complicated like an engine with wheels spin yourself, your concept of yourself b e c o m e s
ning or something which contains a lot of high sharper a n d clearer, a n d the self becomes
speed or random motion. The Yogis would have somewhat healthier, better contained and con
you practice on only one thing : Iswara, they trolled, with fewer past identifications, o l d
call it , or God. You might try being some good awarenesses, a nd so forth. I t will b e , or
friend whom you like; but i f you do this, be should be, more appropriate to the present time
certain you pick one in good physical condition . you are in.
I f you choose a person , make sure he or she Of course you want to make sure you do not
has ideals of which you approve and is healthy bring stuff back with you. For instance, i f you
and comfortable p h y s ica lly --in short, someone be somebody who is in poor shape, you want to
in whose being you can be comfortable . make absolutely sure, when you stop being that
Being people is fair. Being small objects-- individual and become yourself, that you be
small pretty statues, flowers, or things like come wholly and fully yourself and do not bring
that--is probably better. You can, i f you are any garbage back with you. Most people under
so minded, practice being one of the chakras. normal circumstances are carrying good- sized
I f your aim is solely union with God and knowl chunks of garbage that they have picked up
edge of God, spend your time being the chakra along the way from mother, father, and other
at the top of the head, the crown chakra, and people. Very few are being themselves wholly
while you are the crown chakra examine what and fully anyway. The number of this kind is
you a r e . so few and far between that you will have a
But whatever you pick , your purpose is to bit of a surprise when you really become able
lose yourself completely within it . You must to pick up an individual who is himself a nd
be that object and not carry any o f your iden not trying to be three or more other people
tity ( John Smith or "M ary Jo n e s or I am a such as my brother who is older than I am,
woman and my feet hurt '! along with y o u . F o r and my mother , and my father, and the school
the period o f your exercise , your beingness , teacher I liked, and a good Rotary member .
you are the object wholly, completely, total- When a student is fully and totally focused
ly--and nothing else. As the object, after you down on one point in this way, somebody else
learn to be it , you examine what you are: that should be able to walk into the room, kick his
is , get the complete structure o f i t , molecu leg, or bite him, or something else as strong
lar, muscular, clothes, whatever it may be. as t h a t , and he should be at the most only
When you get very good at this being, you mildly annoyed by the interruption. It should
establish a-form of control. As the o b je c t , go almost unnoticed until such time as he puts
you c a n move and change. You will find this h is attention b a c k i n his body. T h e s t a t e
applies to people. It is a form o f power which actually requires a lot more attention than
should be used most carefully and only for a the so-called hypnotic trance i f it i s done
good reason. However, i f someone near you is properly and effectively and you achieve what
very uncomfortable and radiating a lot o f ju n k , you are supposed to by it . I might add that i f
i t is possible for you to become the person , you can do this by yourself, there is no need
change the radiation, and then go back to be to fool around with hypnosis of any k i n d . You
ing yourself; and you will find that the other can and should take full responsibility f o r
individual is no longer putting out the junk , what happens to yourself, instead of passing
that he is putting out whatever you laid on it o ff to somebody else. In most cases what
him. O f course there are limitations to t h i s . the hypnotist provides i s : First, an external
It won * t work very well i f the individual is source of attention; second, an external source
completely responsible for himself and what he of responsibility so that the subject doesnt
is doing. But, on the other hand, the complete have to be responsible for the things he does ;
ly responsible individual will not be radiating and third (maybei, a lit t le technique. All of
a lot o f garbage all o v e r t h e environment these things you should by now be able to sup-
either. (PLEASE TURN TO P A G E 9)

8 Th e ABERREE APRIL, 1963-

1 --THE HIDDEN CREATOR and uncreated.
|HE WORU) wants to know who, what, and where A valuable discovery, unnoticed by great
Is the Creator. Ages of searching by great scientists. There i s only one basic prereq
men have failed to find Him. I f He e x i s t s , u is ite to seeing anything with the eyes it
it should be possible to locate Him. I f He must be created, and, hence, is temporal. By
is only a myth, there is no answer to the further analysis, i t i s certain t h e Looker,
question: What power creates and regulates which cannot be se e n with the eyes, has never
the world and everything in i t ? been created, and, therefore, is eternal .
Dr. Andrew D. White wrote: "T h e r e come, one The scientists found only an automatic uni
after the other, five of t h e greatest men of verse with no Creator. The Creator cannot be
modern times Copernicus, K e p le r, Descartes, seen and is , therefore, uncreated and eternal .
Newton, and L a p l a c e and when their work was He is the Absolute Reality, whose existence is
done, the Biblical conception o f the universe revealed only by H is Work, in which He i s re
was exploded and gone. flected, and appears in every plant and p l a n e t ,
S ir Isaac Newton decided to learn something in every bird and bee, in every mouse and man.
o f the Creator by learning more about the uni That is the true doctrine o f Omnipresence.
verse. He believed original creation consisted The Bible is right when it says, "T h e King
o f t h e C r e a t o r s making all things more or dom o f God is within you". But had the author
less as they now a r e . With a push of His a l or interpreter o f that remarkable passage op
mighty hand, He h a d s e t the planets g o i n g , erated on a level only one step higher in h is
having at the same time given the Law of Grav understanding, the s in g le word " w i t h i n had
itation as a guide, and from there on to the never been included; and so much different
Last Judgment no change cou ld occur in the might have been the story of human history.
eternal machine, save a stray comet that would The c le rg y p lo d blindly on with m ulish
need to be checked like dust in the works o f a faith in creed and dogma, paralleling the s c i
watch . entist in peering forever outward in h is search
The researches o f these intellectual giants for the Kingdom of God within . Some day these
were inspired by a desire to lea r n something converging lines o f search may meet in the
of the Creator by learning more about the Uni staggering light o f Knowingness, thus ending
verse the Bible says He made. Their work ended the long, dark night in which men walk and work .
with t h e discovery of an automatic universe Take a new look at the ageless wisdom in
that gets along perfectly without any Creator. the Bible and learn the secrets unnoticed since
TCiese findings leave the b ig question un the burning of the ancient libraries destroyed
answered. An automatic universe must have the precious scrolls o f the wise men o f antiq
power to produce, and it should be possible to uity. Here is a revelation for the fact seeker ,
gain some definite knowledge as to what power but not recommended for t h e f e a r f u l , fear-
creates the world and all things in i t . bound s la v e . Many mystery problems are dis
All questions have answers. So has t h i s o n e , solved and many amazing secrets are uncovered.
and this writer w as determined n o t to stop (Continued in the next issue*

searching until he found it. Where did he find ------ 4------
it? Right in the Bible, but stated in terms so (CONTINUED
simple that none had noticed them. F R O M P A G E 8)
Great scientists with giant telescopes peer
ply for yourself.
outward in an effort to find the outer limits
There are those who may consider the exer
of the universe. With powerful microscopes they
cise in concentration to be self-hypnosis. I
search as diligently for the origin o f the un
say it is much more than that. It should not
iverse . A n exciting game in both d irections, only be considerably better than the average
but yielding unsatisfactory r e s u lt s .
state o f self-hypnosis, but it must also be
The writer took another course. He saw much
under your control , and I warn you that it
in the Biblical statement that we locfc not at should not be undertaken except for particular
the things seen (with the eyes'*, but a t the
results which have a meaning, such as trying
things not seen (with the eyes*; for the things to attain awareness of God, or gaining higher
seen (with t h e eyes'* a re temporal; but the perception. In other words, you should not do
things (seen in the mind and* not seen (with it just for fu n . You might do it to find out
the eyes* are eternal (2 Cor. 4: 18*. what it will do for you; that is a legitimate
Here was a starting point. The Looker cannot rea so n .
see t h a t which lo o k s. It can see o n ly some This lesson i s a long-haul proposition. A
object other than it s e lf. All the Looker c a n year, two years, three years would not be con
see has been created or it would not be pres
sidered at all unusual for this sort o f thing.
ent to be s e e n . All objects that can be s e e n , I f y ou le a r n concentration in two or three
says the B ible, are temporal, having been cre
months, consider yourself to be a minor mira
ated. All things that cannot be seen with the
cle-- or better s t i l l , look again and see i f
eyes are eternal, not having been created. As
you really are getting the results you should.
the Looker cannot see it s e lf, i t is eternal
(Continued in the next issue*
APRIL, 1963-
MYSTERIOUS RECOVERIES an irrational p a re n t slapping the child un
expectedly and shouting, Shut up ! , the oc


clusion is s till more d iffic u lt to overcome,
the depth o f forgetfulness is increased, and
later the grown-up suffers a chronic dyspepsia,


an aching heart, and possibly has no recollec
tion o f ever having a pet as a c h ild .
Such a sufferer o f pain and anguish need no
longer make the weary rounds o f medicines that
cannot cure and healers that heal not. Thru a

system labeled Humanetics , he can by intent
and purpose ( i f need be, with a notebook to
HERE ARE occasional, valid reports o f peo
ple recovering from a supposedly "i n c u r a write down such phrases as come to o n e s own
mind) seek to recall the l ie , to effectively
ble affliction. Such events are considered
discharge from the mind manifold word phrases
mysterious , even by physicians and clergy
that bear on the childhood anguish; and to
and even when an effort is made to explain
purposefully r e - e v a l u a t e th e s e comnand
them as Acts o f God . However, i f there
phrases . Thus the l i e is n o t e d in present
is a common denominator i n such unexplained
time by the conscious mind. This constitutes a
reco veries, it seems to be that in some b rief
voluntary a c t io n . Magical results follow , but
interval ju s t before the recovery began , the
individual has c le a r ly , often un ex p ec te dly , there i s nothing mysterious about them.
An involuntary action is now taking p la c e .
recalled certain exact statements relating to
Conscious awareness and purposeful recognition
a highly emotional and/or painful experience.
o f the original l i e a l t e r s the power o f the
A physician, fearful o f performing surgery ,
unconscious to control it s victim by the past
became responsible during an emergency when he
illogical dictates o f the "command p hrases
unexpectedly recalled h is despair and embar
rassment as a student when a hypercritical in that b u ilt up such dreadful power from small
beginnings. Without blinding emotion to distort
structor t o l d h i m , You will n ev e r make a
and make lasting, words and incidents that are
surgeon .
fittin g only for the moment, these hangovers
A compulsive t h r o a t - c le a r e r remembered
th ink ing, I ju s t c a n t swallow it , when a from the past can be re-evaluated in their
loved one died unexpectedly. true p ersp ectiv e.
A victim o f pernicious anemia remembered Sometimes exact data come spontaneously,
she had been told, Y o u ve lost so much blood, producing sudden changes to show that a mira
cle h a s taken p l a c e ; other times a n d with
you w ont have enough for y o u rse lf.
Remembrance of t h e painful or emotional other people the work i s arduous, demanding
"a g re em ents actually set fo r c es into motion great determination to persevere as the words
that remolded the individual s l i f e . o f one phrase prompt variations o f t h e theme
and similar agreements are recalled up and
I t has been postulated that the exact words
down the path of o n e s history; until in the
o f some forgotten statement or thought h a d
ultimate triumph over the unconscious, the in
become lodged in the unconscious p o rtio n of
dividual has been forced to remember words
the mind without the person's conscious aware
connected w i t h m a n y painful and emotional
ness; a n d w a s somehow causing unreasonable
events long lost to conscious memory.
physical and mental anguish.
The important thing in Humanetics i s that
The benefit t h a t others might g a in from one need not be dependent upon another for help
these data is that i t contains the promise that in this search. I t needs no mumbo-jumbo or
a person with perseverance may be able to work tricks; no services o f self-appointed experts
alone--be not dependent upon the whims or fan in esoteric fields o f knowledge a n d /o r medi
cies o f another--and yet ratio n ally and pur cine; no high-priced entrepreneurs to inter
posefully prevail against a variety of unwanted pret dreams, to discuss or analyze, or review
a fflic t io n s or disagreeable compulsions. or evaluate or tell one what to do or how to
This would be accomplished by the indiv id think.
ual intentionally seeking to recall to con Yet, here are t h e reasons to be found and
scious awareness the exact words o f thoughts or set aside why one person hates to do housework
statements that they told to themselves during whereas another is a slave to i t ; why one per
times o f physical pain o r mental anguish, or son i s stagnant with idleness and boredom,
were told by others. The theory behind this is another driven to early death by tension; why
that the actual word content the concept o f a one quarrels incessantly and another flees to
palpably foolish and untrue statement can be solitude; one is sickly and cannot e a t while
come the unsuspected cause o f peculiar actions another bulges with fat and cannot control a
and chronic ailments by becoming lodged in the gluttonous appetite.
unconscious area o f the mind where they pro To escape such com pulsions, one learns to
duce unwanted effects by some l i t t l e known control the effect o f these " command phrases
process o f stimulus response a c t i v i t y . by firsjt learning how they are installed with
The concepts themselves, often originating out the' individual s own realization; p l u s a
in a stupid remark o f .some other p erson, c a n determination to not increase the problem by
be described as original lie s which have been adding to i t , day by day .
accepted as true during times o f emotional up I t will be discovered that the implant has
set and/or physical pain. This leads to a dis occurred during periods o f anger, fear, g u i l t ,
tortion o f logic which exists on the below- sickness o r p a i n , apathy, g r i e f , and o t h e r
conscious level o f the mind and thereafter be emotions that accompany critical events in a
comes t h e source which causes illogical person s l i f e especially as a child, but not
obligations for the victim to suffer such con necessarily connected with youthful experiences.
sequences as i f the li e s were actual, invari I t would be a mistake to assume that i f a
able, immutable truths. phrase caused the trouble, the effect could be
For example, a child may be terrorized a n d offset by repeating a counter-phrase i n the
sick at heart over the death of a favored p e t . popular form o f brainwashing known as posi-
The child thinks, I ll never get over t h i s .
I f the emotional upset is further augmented by ( P L E A S E T U R N 10 P A G E I D
10------------------------------------ ---------- T h e A B E RR E E APRIL, 1963
Ta les of the Unusual' That Test the C r e d ulity
of Th ose A f r a i d of What They Don't Unders t a n d .
"A lo n g about the time the Professor was
making his p re dictio n s, m ilitary s c ie n t is t s
had decided to test a very large bomb in the
southwestern d e s e r t . As y o u know, something
caused them to change their minds and substi
tute a smaller o n e .
I f they had completed testing the large
UFOS MAP DANGEROUS FISSU R E one as they were fir s t p lanning, there would
Early one morning (in 1955 or 19561, I was have been a very distinct possibil ity that this
out by the edge of a fa irly large pond trying crack would have opened up under and into the
to get a shot at some wild geese . There was no Great L a k e s . This could have caused just such
one else around the pond at the tim e. Hearing a flood as the Professor predicted.
some geese honking , I looked up to see i f they I f these scientists of yours could be in
appeared to be coming in to the water, and saw duced to look at and believe some of our charts
something more interesting to me than geese . and maps of the interior o f the ea r th , they
I d seen saucers b e fo r e , and this was to mnght be a li t t l e more careful with their
all appearances sim ilar to those I d seen pre atomic hammers.
viously. I t was alone, a silvery disc, travel As to t h e s a u c e r with the black vapor
ing slowly in an easterly direction and leaving t r a il, a saucer is sent out and will follow a
behind a lo n g , black vapor tra il. It didn 't crack in the earth by using a sort o f radar
seem to be high . Then I noticed another silvery detection system somewhat lik e a ship follow
shape coming up o n the firs t o n e , very f a s t , ing a submarine or a plane on a beam.
from the w est. This one w as leaving a white The black trail is simply a trail o f black
contrail. When it came up fa irly c lo s e , t h e smoke a mixture of chemicals that leaves a
firs t one suddenly took o f f , rapidly outdis long t r a il. This is photographed from another
tancing the other, s t ill leaving a black trail . spaceship h i g h above the e a r t h , and s o r t of
The second one suddenly peeled off , and as superimposed upon a map or chart o f the a r e a .
it turned I c o u ld see the stubby v e e w in g s This way we keep our charts up to d a t e .
o f a je t fighter p la n e . It turned rapidly and "T h e je t plane was sent to investigate the
disappeared to t h e w e s t . The saucer then UFO, and gave up the chase when he got into the
made a sudden right-angle t u r n , and w ithout black trail and got a whiff of i t . T h i s , while
leaving any more of the black t r a i l, darted off it will make a person slightly nauseated i f
to the north . The black trail in the sky went breathed in t o the lungs , i s not dangerous in
away quickly. small amounts.
That night, I contacted D (an entity with The p ilot told his superiors at the base
which I often h a d been in communication! on that the saucer tried to k ill him with p o ison
the Ouija board, and asked i f he could tell me g a s . Maybe this is why they have been ordered
what had been going on . to shoot them down . We are not worried about
"Y o u remember the Professor (In Chicago? or that what worries us is where the pieces will
Detroit?--S. C . ! who lost his job for predict fly to when and i f you guys become too enthus
ing a catastrophe? He s a i d the Great Lakes iastic (with testing! o u t th e r e on Jackass
would r i s e and flood the surrounding co u n F la t !
try. He got his information from a Spiritu al D used the expression "T h e Jackasses o f
ist source. It was accurate as to p o ss ib ili Jackass F l a t quite o f t e n . I had never been
ties, even tho it d i d n t happen. At least, it able to find anything in the news (at t h a t
h a s n t happened yet. time! about any testing go in g on at Jackass
"Between the Rocky Mountains and the moun F l a t , b u t wrote it down a s he told it . The
tainous a re a s of the eastern states lie s a news lately has brought this to mind a g a in .
great bowl, or depression in the earth s c r u s t . I have been out of contact these last couple
This is fille d with comparatively loose mater of years, due to sickness, e t c ., but intend to
ia l. This has been shaken up from time to time try again as soon as I get to a suitable so li
in the past and has caused cracks to form deep tude somewhere. Probably the desert later o n .
within the more solid parts of the earth. These Stanley Clason, Poison, Mont,
cracks or fissures extend upwards, and in some ----- 4------
places reach the surface. However, the open
ings are small on the surface and w iden con
siderably deep down in the earth . These are
f i l l e d mostly with water some of it hot, some
F R O M P A G E 10)
tive thinking . T ry in g to offset a distortion
cooler, and some of it under considerable pres by in sta llin g another only sets up internal
sure from various causes such as steam from conflict--the "hu ng er simply moves o f f in an
the hot sp o ts , from the weight of the mater other direction.
ial on top , and frequent shifting (tho slig ht! It will be noted that people talk thru their
o f the looser formations above. You do have a own distortions much o f the time, and one can
few 'pop valves , such as hot springs, geysers , gain experience for their own consideration by
and deep flows o f water to the surface (such learning to s p o t command p hrases in the
as Yellowstone Park!, but these in no wise take language o f others. (When an obvious phrase is
care of the tremendous pressures beneath some detected, i t is n o t to be called to the other
areas, and the crust of your earth is weak in person s attention without their interest o r
places . respect.) The purpose is to learn the trickier
" O l d cracks are widening from time t o 't i m e , knack o f discovering the aberrations in one s
and new ones open up frequently. These include own speech p a tt e rn , and to use these discov
a long fissure extending from your southwest eries to unload t h e emotional charges stored
ern U. S. in a northerly direction along t h e in o n e 's ow n forgotten p a s t .
eastern edge of the Rocky Mountain areas, and As s k ill develops in the practice o f this
turning i n an almost easterly direction t h r u method, it becomes nearly an automatic process ,
your part o f the country (North-central Mon in the experience o f and opinion of it s discov
tana. S . C . ! . This continues generally eastward erer, Richard Wetherill, Wtynnewood, Penn., who
and comes up in the general area beneath the i s setting up a foundation for the dissemina
Great Lakes. But not very far beneath. tion o f Humanetics on an ever-widening scale.

APRIL, 1963 Th e flBERREE 11

pearing points o f r a d ia t in g straight l i n e s .
The story i s unfolded from the top story of
the h e l i x . "J a c k is the extra sensory im
planted ferment that jacks up the he lix beyond
her critical zero s ize. In chemistry, "n o r is
a prefix denoting t h e parent compound from
which another norates. Jack is the parental " I
and the Father , the " N o r y point of the d i
chotomy t h a t n ar r ate s the story. Jack i s a
nickname for Jacob and means "supplanter or
fo llo w in g after . H is impure presence s u p
plants immortal heliocentricity with deadly
Jack-a-Nory i s the hyphenated existence o f
ends-beginnings that are so attached to each
other that there c a n t be one without the other.
Conception c a n come o n ly t h r u death. In
their interlocking common p o i n t , there i s
About Jack-a-Hory: neither o n e nor the other but the two-in-one.
And now my story1s begun. The colon after "Jack-a-Nory: " shows this end
I ' l l tell you another point dividing as colonic, droppings from above
About his brother:

as so-called blessed events. The " a in Jack-
And now my story is done, a-Nory is a negation and shows that Jack is
N THE reactive unendingness o f the helio not a Nory any m ore, nor the parent compound
centricity o f Mother Nature, there i s no any more, but ju s t an active colon. And so the
"I", no columnar u p lift that comes to an story o f objective "m y is begun. The period
end surging out on top and feeding back to after "b e g u n . shows that i t is, a t once, an
the bottom, thus X-wise. X marks the spot end heliocentrically. Jack-a-Nory i s that zero
that can come to the helix only when some fellow .
extra sensory impurity i s implanted in her " I ' l l tell you another about his brother,
coils at the bottom and becomes an erupting fo is ju s t saying that death and conception are
cal point o f in fe c t io n . The active fallout from twin brothers and the story about one is the
such a built-up solar center re a c t s a n d this story about the other. To " t e l l you another
reintegrated reactivity, that feeds back the is to tell you another t a l l story. They are
divided p ie c e s , is another unending heliocen- not t r u e brothers because they do not come
tricity, unless the engrammic implanting p r o naturally. They are b u ilt up by extra sensory
cedure is repeated and the he lix i s forced to m eans. Moreover, the story done and begun is
again come full circle to another shorted end one and the same point. Where conception goes,
beginning. But without an end-beginning there there also goes death. They supplant and fol
is no " I and no story to tell. low each other. Observe the colon after broth
Hie end o f the helical c r a to r is I and, e r :, the drop-out o f twin droppings. These
at once, the radiating Father creates the death twins are simultaneous and mutually consequen
o f Mother N a t u r e s heliocentricity and the tial. The choice between them is a choice be
conception o f straight-line radioactivity a r e tween the lesser of two identical e v i l s . The
I and the Father, who are one, that is one and natural, immortal helix has to die to win the
the same point. To tell a story is to toll the jackpot o f conception. I t takes but an extra
disappearing h e lix totally and unfold the ap

(PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 13) ______________
write like auditors who talk a and Mark Pu rdv. B u d a r t i s t ,
wonderful s e s s io n , but seldom i s n t the only one who d lik e
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2) take time to in d u lg e ... to tell Uncle Sam to h is face
"L o u (w e d better, we have a 5 I t 's " t h a t tim e again, what s wrong in Washington.
favorite sister named Louise) , Mark offered th is cartoon as a

m \m m m
but with " L o u i s " heading one \ 7& cover for Hie ABERREE, but i t s
column and "L o u another, read a b it too political for us
ers might get the idea w e re a and b e s id e s , we already h a d
b it "lo o - ney i f our column this month s cover p rin te d . . .
ists w ill forgive u s the p un . 1 We once said that our big
. . . However, there s nothing objections to some of the Hu-
looney about a new hobby Max- manetics material was repeti
i n e /L o u / M a c has p ic k e d u p - tion o f the word Humanetics
putting jigsaw puzzles togeth so often. (Must have been the
er for less persevering neigh "e d ito r in us squawking). But
bors and fr ie n d s , and getting this o bje ctio n has been e n
paid for i t . . . tirely eliminated in the latest
publication f r o m Wynnewood,
1 The other d a y , Ye Ed and Penn. Go Sane! because the
Ye Pub were accepted as mem book i s written entirely in
bers o f the Enid Writers* C lub. quoted i n t e r changes between
Which i s n t unusual many peo toe b o o k 's characters, and you
ple belong to w riting clubs , learn the techniques o f Human
but as we looked over the ros etics without finding out that
ter o f those with whom we were Humanetics was used until you
associating, we noticed th a t reach an insert page in t h e
most o f the " s e l l i n g writers back o f toe book. An excellent
are "i n a c t i v e members. Which "And I s a y , i f you watch the way o f presenting problems and
is our category too. Too many spending of the tax money a s their solutions. (And how many
writers, w e ve found, are lik e close as you watch the collect- times did we use the word " H u
a ud ito rs. They lik e to TALK ing o f i t , you c o u ld easily manetics in toe above? Wow!
w r it in g , but havent time to reduce taxes one-half. How inconsistent can one b e ? ) .. .
12 ----------------------------------- T he flBERREE APRIL, 1963
LEVEL OF ADVANCEMENT we may compare them to the rainbow. Imagine a
great rainbow c i r c l in g the earth, and suppose


it to be in motion and you will have an idea of
how these currents lode as they encircle this
p l a n e t , with each force representing one of


the colors of the rainbow only instead o f the
alleged seven colors of the rainbow you will
have five distinct colors.
It is true that the real currents have been
By ALBERTA M. O'CONNELL partly or dimly seen by men and are called the
zodiacal lights, and the many-colored Northern
(ftom the P u b l i s h e d L e c t u r e s of Ri c h a r d Ingalese. Lights also give us a glimpse o f portions of
C o p y right 1902 by Ri c h a r d Ingale se. )
these currents, which sweep round and permeate
i n HERE ARE groupings of forces and truths as the earth in every part of it .
H i well as groupings o f minds. Literary folk Perhaps you have looked over the hot pave
| are drawn together and musicians naturally ments of a city in summer and have seen heat
| seek musicians for their friends; these vibrations rising from them in wavering clo u d s.
| groups vibrate in the same common key, or Imagine those grayish-white heat vibrations to
same rate o f vibration. be of five different colors and you will have
There are currents o f thought in the great a good picture of how the Cosmmc forces l o o k .
magnetic sea of consciousness in which we l i v e , Or, suppose a handful of ribbon streamers of
and we c a n a n d do attract ourselves either these different colors were shaken rapidly be
consciously or unconsciously to different cur fore your eyes; some of you being partly color
rents with definite results. blind would see only according to h is capacity
Try to picture for a moment this magnetic for seeing, and it is the same with the a b il
consciousness of which we are a part. It pul ity to see and use the Cosmic forces. You see
sates with l i f e and is capable o f receiving and function in the color with which you are
and transmitting thoughts. In this great mag connected by reason o f your corresponding v i
netic sea there are thought currents as clear brations.
ly defined as there are currents in the a ir or The human mind is related to these currents
in the ocean. very much as a telegraph instrument is related
When two people are thinking along the same to the telegraph wires. It may be attached to
general line, they are in a current o f thought any w i r e a n d repeat all messages that pass
which i s one o f those in the Universal Con- over it . The human mind can attach i t s e lf to
sciousnessf and because their minds are attached the b l u e , the red , the y e llo w , or the green
to this current, they are for the time being current, as the case may be, and receive every
receiving in unison the same general ideas. thing in that cu rren t.
Often plagiarism may be explained in this The firs t thing to do to become conscious
manner. Man draws from the Universal according of these color currents is to image or visual
to h is mentality, and groups of men may draw ize them , and remember that nothing was ever
simultaneously the same ideas from the same imagined by mind that does not exist in the
currents o f thought. Universe .
The occultist knows that by making a mental I f you are vibrating green and the blue has
image o f w e a l t h a n d by concentrating h i s begun to .tinge your a u r a , then vis u a lize t h e
thoughts upon it , he has put into o peration a blue and i t will be drawn to you, since what
law, and thru the magnetic cord which connects ever you concentrate upon o r image y o u must
him with his creation he will draw to himself draw to yourself. I f you have developed to the
the wealth he h a s mentally created. He uses point o f the blue vibration t in g e d w it h the
the law consciously and realizes h is desires y ello w , t h e n you can draw the yellow Cosmic
much sooner than the man who uses the law semi- current into yourself.
consciously. Whenever you are able to draw to you a cur
These currents a r e spiritual forces gener rent that is vibrating higher than your pre
ated by Divine Mind. Remember that the sensi dominating color, you raise your own vibrations
tive, etheric M i n d o f t h e U nive rse is all and receive all the good that you are capable
around us, as a ir surrounds us or as the ocean o f assimilating from that current. These mental
surrounds and sustains the fish which liv e in pictures and concentrations are the two in
it. struments we u t iliz e for the purpose of con
Divine Mind i s always in motion. An ind i necting ourselves with Cosmic currents w h i c h
vidual mind cannot permanently work against a are constantly flowing around the ea rth .
Universal current or misuse it any more than (Continued in the next issue!

he could keep the tide from rising; but he can
work along the r i ^ $ lines and make use of
these great currents to his own advantage.
All force is one force, manifesting at d i f turn o f the jackscrew to lose o n e 's natural
ferent rates o f vibration, according to the
screw sense. The I never t e lls the tru th ,
media t h r u which i t a c t s , and the different because in truth, in the true helix, he is not
rates o f vibrations we w ill call separate cur there to tell one.
rents. We will consider five o f these forces An untrue Mormon i s a Jack Mormon, even as
or five great currents. Each o f these five cur a Jack-a-Nory is untrue to Mother N ature. The
rents i s subdivided into other c u rr en ts , a n d untrue story is a tale told by an idiot who
each o f these s u b d iv is io n s , l i k e the great exchanges immortality for sudden death a n d
c u rren ts, is separated from each other by a conception. To be tied to the treadmill of
difference i n their rates o f vibrations, the repetitive dy in g s and b o m i n g s , leaping from
same as the Gulf Stream i s separated from the story to story, mountain top to mountain t o p ,
main body o f water thru which it flows by a is to be lik e a jackrabbit. A jackass is one
different rate o f vibration. who i s stupid enough to t w i s t h is feminine
The Cosmic currents vibrate r e d , o r a n g e , helical orbit o u t in a shorted, generating
green, blue, and yellow, and may be pictured full circle. A jackass is an unending feminine
as vibratory currents of color. To illustrate, aspect brought to an erupting man end.
APRIL, 1963. The ABERREE 13
to 10 hours per night, I read are n o t a lo n e . The situation
recently that this is too much. as I see i t a n d t h i s is
What d o y o u suggest? P , P . , strictly my viewpoint is this :
Chicago, I I I , Everything we t a k e into o u r
DEAR F .P . I t 's your body ; body is a source o f energy. It
therefore, y o u s h o u l d have is G od expressing i t s e lf a s
some knowledge as to its c a r e . one thing o r another ; there
Most people, I feel, spend too fore, some things are more con
much time dreaming o f what they centrated than others. For ex
are going to do instead o f do ample, an apple contains alco
ing it. The advanced individual hol so does a glass o f scotch.
requires no more than five or Our bodies either control that
six hours per night -- and usu which we take into it o r the
ally less. thing c o n t r o l s u s . I would
suggest t h a t you experiment
DEAR LOUIS What is light? and find out the needs o f your
(Send jronr questions d irect to 0 , 1 . , Denver, Colo, body. R e m e m b e r , Jesus the
LO UIS, 1411 East M isso u ri, Phoenix, Christ said, it did not matter
A r l z . , enclosing a staaped, sell- DEAR O.T.--Light is a five-
letter word meaning what a so much what w ent into t h e
addressed envelope. For those vbo
aish personal re p lie s , a a ln la u i three-letter word means--GOD. mouth, but what came o u t .
contribution o1 $2 per question Many writers prefer to use the

should be in c lu d e d .) word Light instead of G o d DEAR LOUIS My husband says

DEAR L O U IS Did you read because t h e word God to many he knows you and that you were
s t ill indicates form and Light bom in S t , L o u is, and raised
the Saturday Evening POST ar there. I s this true? H .R .,
ticle on "Quacks"? What d i d does not.
S t, Louis, Mo.
you think o f it? P . L . , Los DEAR L O U IS We in Portland
Angeles, C a l i f , DEAR H. R. -- I m sorry but
sure d o m i s s you and wonder your husband has another Louis
DEAR FRIEND -- Speaking of when you are returning, J . L . , in m i n d . I ve only v i s i t e d
quacks your area must attract C .T . your fa ir city.
them for you have your share DEAR FRIENDS -- I miss Port
o f them. I thought the article land , and I ll be up there DEAR L O U IS Did you know
was e x c e l l e n t , even tho i t around June for a good s t a y . the work y o u re doing is evil
blasted one o f our ABERREANs. Contact Inez and Sylvia Whit and that y o u 'r e headed f o r
ney, 2704 N .E . 2 6 t h , for de hell? We want you to know that
DEAR L O U IS When are you tails. we are praying fo r you. Please
coming to Canada? L . J . , On send a love offering to help
tario, Canada, DEAR L O U IS Some o f the in this mission, 0 . 0 . , Hel
m e t a p h y s i c a l lessons warn ena, Mont,
DEAR FRIEND -- I spent part
against such foods as meat; DEAR BLESSED ONE They tell
o f my summer tour up your way ;
so, I was there but where were others stress t h e abstinence me it takes one to know one so
you? I ll most lik ely b e in o f alcohol. Should I give these look in the mirror sometime. I
Canada in J u l y --for details , things up? I 'm confused. V .B ., suppose you are booked w it h a
contact D r . Joseph B o u c h e r, Cincinnati, Ohio, one-way passage to heaven. I
H E . Broadway, Vancouver, B . C . DEAR V.B . Some o f the in think I l l take the escalator
dividuals who write these le s down; I m sure I d enjoy the
DEAR LOUIS I sleep eight sons are confused too so you company better.

^enecio w u e^
u vw nuy '^yypz ZUvnry' ~pwn 'ryfrvirt
I 1HE SAMPLE o f handwriting o ffe r e d here is //
| I outstanding. I would lik e to publish the there i s no skimping.
1 full analysis, but ethics forbid. Irritation will often rear its ugly head in
When you f i n d w riting t h a t i s sm all, writing o f this type, simply because the wri
neat, pleasant c o lo r , and the " l e a n in ter i s co n sc ie n t io u s , wants to do more a nd
- - the right direction plus d e fin ite indica can t ; therefore irr itatio n impatience--be
tions o f generosity you have a writer who is comes present in any writing that is done. You
worth their weight in gold. Snail writing, yet will rarely find a writer of this type with a
readable, w id e spacing between the lines as temper, but will find understanding, consider
well as words, usually mean extravagance, not ation, and courtesy, A liberal generosity for
always in the material sense b u t in helpful the weakness o f we humans. You may find ind i
ness toward others. I should say, large writ cations o f weariness, but confronted with this
ing, sprawled out, ca lls f o r t h e extravagant accusation, the writer will deny it, simply
bit, but when the writing i s small, combined because they do not have time to think o f them
with the so-called extravagance, the writer is selves how they feel physically, selflessness
out-going, a helpful individual who will give i s a 50-cent word, but pretty well covers the
all to help anyone possible. He or she concen description.
trates o n s e r v ic e . Combining indications o f You will f i n d this type of writing among
the analytical m in d, you will find one who thru nurses, doctors, social workers people who are
necessity MUST concentrate on those who need dedicated to the service o f the weaker members
what can be done, more than others. Time means o f t h i s mad world. I f you have a friend mho
l i t t l e except the fact that each day has 24 writes in this manner, you are indeed blessed;
hours in which to cover the ground, do the appreciate him or her, for you have more than
things that a r e necessary, and in this sense you realize.
14'---------------------------------------Th e ft] E R R E E APRIL, 1963
before they turn them loose. ready. We are hoping that Roy
Wing Anderson, Los Angeles, Eugene Davis will be able to
C alif. be with us at this time too to
(ED. NOTE Congrats, on the give a series o f lectures. He
speedy recovery and the nerve is planning to be on the Coast
to stand up f o r your health in about this time of y e a r , b u t
the face o f medical bla ckm ail. down California w a y ...
Now, i f y o u d j u s t do the same Louis himself is being giv
about "s m o g " , we c o u l d look en much instruction on c o lo r ,
forward to having you around in healing, in prayer, etc. He
f o r a 1ong, 1ong t i m e . ) has not elaborated on i t ; but
0 0 he has been told that this in
struction is important at this
Would you put in The ABER-
time. He says, ' Think in terms
REE that Louis is driving up
of color lamps, e t c . That s
the West Coast the last week in
vague enougi, but maybe i t will
May, and that thus far I have
invitations to stop in San D i ring a bell with you.
As to Cynthia Sunday, she
ego, Hollywood, San Francisco,
will be instructing on The Law,
and San Mateo. I m on my way
Psychology, Religion, The Law
to Portland where I ll be hold
o f Mind in Action, Five Points
ing a convocation for about six
o f the Law, Hypnotism and the
weeks, with classes, lec tu re s,
Five Points, Putting Creative
e t c . I believe Roy Davis and
Mind to Work, Concentration,
O f the 30-some magazines I others will be a part o f t h i s .
etc. Ine z Whitney, 270d M .E.
have subscribed to, The ABER- Dr. Cynthia Sunday will give
26th A v ,, Portland, Ore.
REE is the only one I read from an outstanding course on Tro-

cover to cover. In the last ward s Law . Donna Vance will I would lik e to reassure
issue,' the best page in it (my give a lecture on the New Age A. B. Pierson o f Selma, C a l i f . ,
opinion o f course) is the in Woman. Louis will talk on col (he lives close enough, I think ,
side front cover title d Hart or and sound.. . This will be the to come over here and see me
to Heart*. I t h i t the b u l l s first metaphysical summer school personally, so this i s an open
eye right in the center of the o f this calibre at least, I inv itation). Tell him he need-
target. don t know of any that stresses n t worry at all about Jesus
An interesting experience : the expanded consciousness as appearing as a n old, w rinkled,
About a month ago I caught the this w i l l . People from all feeble-eyed m a n when he re
flu. When almost over i t a walk over the United States will turns to earth. Jesus will not
in the damnable smog threw me attend. Inez Whitney, 2704 N . come back to earth in a physi
into pneum onia. I would n o t E. 26th A v ., Portland, i s hand- cal body, but will come in the
have a medic until I was so ill 1 ing arrangements . . . I m on my clouds in great glory' in the
my better 9 /10th s called a doc way to F lorence, to hold a spirit form after the earth is
tor. After examining me he convocation with Philip (Fried destroyed a n d when the new
stated that i f I wasnt in a man) and the Oasis group down heaven a n d n e w earth come
hospital that night I would there. They were the Horizons about a spiritual kingdom .
not be around long. So into a group of Oklahoma or part of Spirit is forever young--at
Queen of the (D evil s ) Angels them. " -Louis, Phoenix, A r iz, the prime (say, around the
hospital i was installed. I do (ED. NOTE We wrote M iss mid-20 s or whenever you pre
not know what was given me but Whitney f o r more i n f o r m a t io n , fer to think o f as the best
the next morning I felt O.K. and the following i s taken from part of maturity). I f Mr. P. can
When I insisted on going her r e p l y ) : project out o f his physical
home I was told I had a cancer I m not sure I can give body at the p resent, he may
in the le ft l u n g . . . S p e cia lis t you too much inform ation, b u t notice that he i s a young man
called, informed me o f the 5 ,0 00 this is what he (Louis) has in h is spiritual counterpart.
plus cancers he had seen, told written concerning the classes : He will realize he has perfect
me I had seven months to live " As to Dr. Cynthia Sunday , vision as w ell as a perfect
i f not operated on immediately . she is related to the evange psychic form. The reason for
. . . I told them I was quite fa lis t Sunday. She has been a this is that it is only in the
m iliar with A.M. A. suppression teacher and student o f meta material world (lower vibra
o f the Hoxey, Krebiozen, Koch, physics f o r n i g h on to 40 tions is a better term) that
and two other cancer remedies years. She is a fabulous teach we have decay -- and old age is
and that a cancer victim would er and teaches practical bas a form of decay, nothing else .
live longer i f n o t subjected ics that can be put into op The physical body is perisha
to the A. M. A. radiation or sur eration immediately. I talked ble not the psychic. The lat
gery. They fo un d me a hard her into giving this c l a s s , ter can be changed by thought,
sell case. for she is sorta retired. tho. I f you habitually imagine
I came to the Spears Chi T h i s class she gives i s yourself as the physical body,
ropractic hospital in Denver, usually 20 lessons, but I asked your psychic likeness will take
was given an examination on her to power pack it into 1 0 . on this image, and that is why
all four points , x- rayed from Each class takes a t least an spirits may look old right
chin to heels, and no cancer hour . . . and s h e likes large after going over, and they
was found. c la s s e s , i f possible 50 o r have to be told that this is
Cost o f six days in the more. not a reality. I t doesn t mat
Roman C a t h o lic hospital $ 3 4 5 I want my classes small , ter at what age we are on this
plus $75 M.D. plus s p e c ia lis t , intimate, personal not over a plane when we d i e , we tend to
so-called, $ 3 5 . 0 0 . . . . What a dozen; a n d I prefer to have return to a normal appearance.
crazy, greed-ridden world it is them in a home atmosphere where An infant will grow up in the
now. . . people can feel more r e la x e d ... spirit, an old man will grow
"H e r e (at Spears) they cure D r . and Mata Boyde will young. I t takes an average of
people, not try to bleed them probably be there and others . several weeks (earth time) for
white and leave them paupers I feel the vortex building a l most people to regain their
APRIL, 1963' --------T h e A B E R R E E -------- --------------------------------------------- 15
y o u th , unless they know the had lived in Long B e a c h . I they (the mischievous type) do
true facts . . . think California, but it could love to k i d people. F re d
An example is the time I have been some other state. ( I f shouldn t allow t h i s , should
was lying on the divan one anyone knew of a Dan Courtney tell them he really wants the
summer--not quite asleep , but in some town named Long Beach , truth. It is a different type
aware o f the room, the furni please contact m e, ) Dan did of material they are made o f ,
ture, and myself--in an in-be not stay in my orbit or what indeed, but this is not so
tween state of consciousness. I y o u d call vicinity, so I lost much actual difference as a
looked up and saw a man walk him for good. T h e point I matter of finer vibrations . . .
right thru the front door! He wish to make -- he had died in I t seems spirits gather par-
was about 40 in appearance and h is late 8 0 s , a nd yet he had t i d e s about their s pirit
wore tan work clothes -- very reverted to a comparatively bodies to make them visible to
neat and pressed ju s t so. His young man in ju s t a short week us when we are in the in-be
hair was light brown, combed or two maybe a bit longer, as tween state of consciousness .
straight back. He had blue-gray some spirits sleep for awhile. In this s t a t e , we are aware
eyes, a tanned skin . He was Which brings me to Jacob only of the lower vibrations
about five feet eight inches and Rose Apsel s article. I am of the psychic (ie , the psych
tall and mediun build. J noticed happy that he has resumed con ic counterpart of physical ob
he was rather shy--maybe for tact with the H. W. peop le. He j e c t s , and this is a lo w er
barging in this way but he is a very conscientious in d i plane condition. I f you a r e
came over to my side and knelt vidual, and perfectly honest- projected out of the body,
down by me and seemed to be let the chips fall etc. is his you will be aware only of the
pleading with his eyes for un motto, apparently. One thing physical plane , unless you go
derstanding. Please contact he does-not seem to r e a l i z e , to the higher planes . In that
my w i f e , he s a i d . Write to tho, is that when a soul first case , you lose contact wi th
her and tell her I am a l i v e . leaves the body at d e a t h . i t the physical. However, it is
That is when he just melted is taken by spirit helpers im absolutely impossible for a
away (really, my consciousness mediately to a place where it spirit out o f the body to see
reversed it s e l f h e r e , and I can r e s t . . . for several days physical things in actuality .
became completely aware o f the three is the normal time. Since He will s e e the psychic coun
physical -- the hair-like line the soul would be asleep , it terpart only. T h i s accounts
between the two worlds dis is not on call by the psychic for the strange things he might
solved). Right upon coming out investigator a t all hours, or encounter on an astral journey
o f t h i s , I could remember the at any time. Especially, it in the material world. He may
man s words, but in a few min would not be allowed to go out see objects as they were at
utes, even these faded some of its own o r b i t or vibra another t i m e , or including
what. This was 1959 or 1960, I tional level, as this would be these with the objects as they
t h in k . weakening and even dangerous. are now. My daughter saw a win
A few days later, a friend One reason Apsel cannot con dow in our house that she said
visited me, and we got out the tact any other entities than wasn t there, really. What she
o u ija board. I had almost dis the ones he has contacted is didn t know is that when we
missed this vision from my that these spirits are in h is remodeled this place, we filled
mind, because I just couldn t own vibratory field , and he in that window and put in oth
remember enough about it to cannot, normally, go out after ers at a different loca tio n.)
know what the man was trying spirits in another vibration. It i s p o ssib le F re d s
to get me to do. Just contact In other words, i t would be spirits were referring to this
my wife , but how, I d forgot hard for him to contact my semi-materialization the spir
ten. We were in the process of s p i r i t s , tho mine can travel its are required to undergo
talking to our guides hers, to under some conditions. In f a c t , for v is ib ilit y , and they may
be specific when all at once they travel a l o t , but it is have referred to a lattice-like
there came the w o r d s , The in groups, and conditions have structure in t h i s . I wouldn t
m a n 's name i s Dan Courtney*. to be right. Some o r b i t s are know, as I haven t delved too
Now, I h a d n 't mentioned this not safe for s p irits of a d i f deeply into this p a r t ic le s
vision to my friend, yet, so I ferent vibration. Some are har d e a l ...A spirit in the daytime
had no idea the message was for monious. The problem of being will look just like anyone in
me. I waited. Then the ouija stuck in time and space, or the flesh--you c a n t tell the
spelled out, This is for Rose being blacked out for an in d iffe r e n c e , until they walk
and repeated the message. Then , definite time, is very real. thru walls or m e lt etc. Here
he tells you that he asked It is possible ADsel s spir is the reason we s e e only
you to write to h is w i f e . I its do read the obituaries , but one or two spirits when, in re
came to with a shock. That word perhaps he should ask them and a l i t y , the space around us
w r it e brought t h e entire not guess at the source of in could be occupied with hundreds
message back to me, just as a formation. Not that this means on all levels of vibration ,
key word will unlock a hypnotic he should swallow every word and each level is unaware of
sequence. I asked for the ad as t r u t h .. . not much chance of the o t h e r s , even tho blended
dress, but Dan said, no, that this guy being g u l l i b l e . .. and actually i n s i d e the oth
he had changed his mind now and The lattice-like be in g s ers in the same * space . You
did not want to disturb her as may be pulling FredH ands leg! dont go up high, n ecessarily,
she was in her 8 0 s and very Ha! Actually, the sp irit body to go to a higher p la n e . You
i l l and would pass over soon , is a replica o f the physical , change vibrations step them
anyway. He said he had died in but much more perfect. Even up for the higher ones. But
h is late 8 0 s t o o , not long spirits b o m in the sp irit and you can t go any higher than
ago. A t the tim e, he d id n t never having been on the earth your spirit has progressed. It
understand, but now he knew are made the same as spirits can t stand the pain of i t and
h is wife would be 0 . K. I tried that have left the physical is turned back. But any spirit
to get the address, ju s t for a body. They are human. Some may can go low er for a t i m e .
test, and there was an inter not be aware o f how they look T h a t s how they can contact us
ruption here and I never got inside. But the advanced spir here. Rosalind John, 1533
it-- just that the old couple its know all about it. However Uth, Norco, C a l i f .

16- -----The f l BERREE----- APRIL, 1963

Not too much else new on have been interested in such cou ldn t more completely dis
t h e A p s e lia n e n t it le s except a areas. I ve noticed by exper agree . Tim e is r e l a t i v e .
couple o f instructive in c i ience-travel that certain are Pro cess is relative. Becom
dents . Both have to do with as, very desirable to live i n , i n g i s r e la t iv e . Unfold-
the translocation phenomenon also have very dramatic cloud ment i s r e la t iv e . And the
that i s , t h e o p e r a t i o n of formations, as well as ener relative i s m utable, subject
transferring an ego from one gizing a n d easy-to-breathe to the individual s will which
phenomenal space to another. air. Such areas are m entally, i s the individual s a c t i o n s .
Let P (ll be o n e s place of or physically vital. In the in d i Eventuality is speeded u p by
igin and let P(2l be o n e s vidual, t h e relation ship be the consideration o f things at
place of destination. Then, tween place a n d where we lo h a nd as events. Pull consid
first, focus as much atte n tio n , cate I An i s easy to s e e . eration of this last sentence
consciousness, or whatever it Sometimes the relation between will be (o r can be! of great
is on P(2l as possible. This physical location a n d mental practical v a lu e to the ind i
is like resonance. Then focus location o f the race-man s I vidual. When we stay mentally
one o r more senses on P (2 ) Am i s overlooked. The people centered in b e in g , becoming
and finagle around until the make the place indeed. Each and process, unfolding all
image is clear and looks like area in the planet has its own contract and vanish back into
something de fin ite. Then, i f individuality. Each city is a their native nothingness . Then
P ( l ) plus P (2 ) equals your at reflection of collective mental- we accept, permit, recognize ,
tention or whatnot, P ( l ) / P ( 2 ) physical agreement. Who exper and r e a liz e that ultim ate ,
equals the ratio o f attention iences collective tropical at goals , e t c . , always have
at the two places. When P ( l ) / * titudes in icy climates? Or been being with the sense of
P (2 ) is smaller than 1 , you pheus a n d Bacchus a r e not hereness, n o w n e s s .a n d I am
have translocated. The densi archetypes o f the Eskimo col that I am . To be or not to
t y o f o n e s s e lf at P (2 ) var lective u n co n scio us. T heres b e is the b ig - lie . . .
ies inversely with P ( l ) / P ( 2 ) . nothing gaunt nor gothic i n O .K ., Editor-friend. I rub
An entity seems to be actual the rhythms o f the collective ber stamp your auditorial How
or real in its own phenomenal reflexes from which realms come About Some Spiritual Research-
space and virtual in the other the conga, rumba, samba, and Development . Are we going to
space. The virtual part i s an bossa nova. wait and let them do it? O r
alogous to a stereographic im God and le t each reader do we prove our convictions?
age, but h a s a t least some make h is own interpretation What a r e the e d i t o r s id e a s ,
mass. I t seems to be a kind of bless Mary Wales; she did stir suggestions, proposals. Ran
skilful trick o f the sort, I up the glands, guts, and gusto dolph R a y , B o x 2 1 , Thousand
can t t e l1 you but I can show of q u it e a few r e a d e r s . I t Pains, C a lif.
you . (ED. NOTE ? ? ? ?? ?}- seems to this reader that the 0
Have now encountered three value o f a magazine , such as " R e 1 ig io n , re Hubbards
classes of Apselians: (1 ) The The ABEKREE, i s i n no small bootleg meters, i s a big smoke
beatnik variety; (2 ) a medi measure the response and re s creen .
ocre variety square , hum sponse-ability o f the readers The P D A has no power to
drum, and dull as ditchwater, as participants in this spec concern it s e lf with re lig io n ,
about whom y o u d meet o n a tator a g e . as such. It does concern it s e lf
downtown street or at a church As a teacher o f the occult with sharpsters peddling weird
or PTA meeting; (3 ) a psych arts, living pictures and how mislabeled contraptions, flu
otic a n d /o r mentally retarded they are made, and o f painting i d s , compounds, some t o x i c ,
variety, who are psychiatri- in which I stress painting the some dangerous. The PDA is un
cally i l l in various ways. The causative states rather than derstaffed, inadequately f i
translocation i s a s o rt o f re-presenting the living pic nanced; does not operate at the
fusing of two images, much like t u r e s , which would be merely behest of organized medicine .
learning to see a three-dimen breaking the 2nd Commandment I get some pain in my heth-
sional block instead o f two and thus an energy d i s s i p a er end to observe that in the
flat pictures when looking in tion, I found H a r o ld Schroep- entire field of metaphysics, I
a stereoscope. T h e transfer pel s letter of great i n t e r e s t . haven t seen a s in g le refer
from P (l ) to P (2 ) and back ap Its a pity that Aleister Crow ence to the fact that the FDA
pears to be instantaneous, so ley did not realize that 'When successfully moved against the
probably no physical transfer the student has conquered the biggest drug-makers in the USA
o f mass takes place. The par phantasm, he i s then made aware in the thalidomide s itu ation.
ticular phenomenal sp a ce of that this phantasm is the cre Volney G, Mathison, 1208 W.
my entities looks very much ation of h is own m i n d ... I 30th, Los Angeles 7, C a lif.
like this one except that i t prefer to believe that phan
seems a l it t l e poorer and dir tasms are not of the mind b u t George M. L am sa , an Ara
tier, much in the way an older o f collective error a n d i l l u maic scholar, has translated
city looks dirtier and poorer sion, minds many, which is un the Christian Bible from its
than a newer city. Apparently , reality and to which the in d i original language, the Aramaic.
only the beatnik entities are vidual may subscribe and ex The Aramaic Bibles have always
good looking o f these three perience such is s u e s . To my been used in that a re a , and
varieties. The mediocre ones view the individual has choice the original meanings and lo
range from plain to homely; as to whether he or she will ca litie s are understood. Con
the psychos (what few I saw ) subscribe to the mind of real sequently, we, who have trans
are real messes. --Fred Hand, ity or plurality-duality of lated from t h e Aramaic, to
2718 Eagle, Houston, Texas, collective b e l i e f ; c o n flic t , Greek, to Latin, to English (I
G should say King James English)
chaos, c o n f u s i o n , d i s c o r d ,
Would like to k n o w the doubt, dis-ease. are the baffled recip ients.
spots which, on the surface "R o sa lin d John says: What " I n t h e N e a r East, Chris
of t h e ea rth , have reduced I mean is that earthmen will tians may divorce and remarry
gravity, which Morris Swenson unfold their inborn, spiritual without stigma for (says Mr.
mentions i n h i s letter. For selves eventually, and no one Lamsa) Jesus never really for
practical and human reasons I can rush t h i s process. I bid this. He referred to an
APRIL, 1963 The ABERREE 17
other aspect. this time is not J e s u s but It was a source of amaze
And so, Jacob and Rose Ap- Shri Meyer B a b a , a n d at this ment to many that he was found
sel, please read Mr. Lamsas time he live s in India. not guilty of fortu ne t e ll
books, and h is translations of Now, I expect this letter ing, f o r there seems to b e a
the Aramaic Bible. Jesus said , i f printed will evoke a perfect strange but widely - accepted
in effect ( E l i , E li, lama storm o f p ro t e st ; however, i f idea here that you are guilty
sabachthani .) Mr God, my God information is d e sir e d , I will in the lower courts and must
for th is I was b o m * . The Ara supply such as I c a n , to in appeal to the higher courts i f
maic can mean a lso , For this terested parties upon receipt you s till contend you are not
event I was fated *, or T h i s of a self- addressed stamped guilty and have the money to
is my m ission . Ruth IngaVl envelope. Let me state that I follow t h r u . Even h i s lawyer
S p i g n e s i , 7U Standish R d ,, have nothing to s ell, nor do I seemed to regard the trial as
Stamford,, Conn, want any donations. L. H. De- a formality preceding an ap
Long, 255 E , Stuart A v ,, Lake p e a l . M .J .W o o d , Phoenix,
Since most o f your writers Wales, F la . A r iz,
seem to have some kind o f a (ED.NOTE Laws are g e ttin g
Altho The ABERREE i s , un
b e l ie f in reincarnation, a n d so complicated with incompe
fortunately, relatively new in
since this magazine is more or tent le g is la t o r s grin d in g them
my l i f e , for many years I have
less directed to crackpots, out by the dozens that it is
pursued the type of subject
Aberritio nists and what-have- only a matter o f ta k in g time
dealt with in its p a g e s .
you like myself it should to find a law that f i t s and
Twice you have mentioned
not be too d iffic u lt for read each and every one o f us could
Rev. Randolph Ray and h is e x
ers, p a r t i c u l a r l y Mr. A. B .
periences in our Capital of become banquet b ait fo r a fee
Pierson o f Selma, C a l i f ., in seeking lawyer. Some d ay, it
Conservatism . I made the ac
answer to whose plaint in March w ill be e a sie r to com pile a
quaintance o f Rev. Ray during
issue of this magazine this tome of what i s le gal than to
h is stay in Phoenix and found
letter is directed, to believe add to the lib r a r y o f books
him to be one of the most unus
also that it i s possible for that t e ll what is n t . )
ual persons I ve ever met.

God to incarnate in human form ;
which is what most churches
modest nature, we accepted the
state was the case with Christ inv a lid atio n .
Since we s till w ere in the
" I f Mr. Pierson would study or so mimeographed publications
mood to b e l i e v e everything
a b it about some of the earlier available, we decided on a fa
(well, almost everything) our
heathen r e l ig io n s , he might cetious approach. In fact, we
instructor had told us, we al
further come to the understand intended for The ABERREE to be
so accepted the ukase that No
ing that Buddha, Quetzlecoatl , so dog-goned facetious that no
one who is unable to exterior
Krishna, Zoroaster, Mohammed, one would believe anything we
ize c a n audit a preclear suc
and probably many others were said. Including ourselves.
The fir s t issue was more of cessfully . We hadn t exteri
likewise incarnations o f God
a success than we had planned. orized. Therefore, rather than
for the people of those par
throw more good money after
ticular periods in time , and Inquiries came in for cop ies.
bad, maybe we'd better h ie our
held the same Divine O ffic e in Subscriptions, at the ridicu
selves to the area o f our juve
their time as did Jesus in his lous rate o f $ 1 .6 7 a year with
n ile d e lin q u e n c ie s , where we
time -- which brings us up to no guarantee we'd print anoth
er issue , stuffed our mails . could h i d e our failure and
the present day.
shame among understanding boy
Practically all ministers I t seemed that h a lf o f Scien
hood friends and r elativ es.
are preaching that these are tology s till had $ 1. 67 le ft
the latter d a y s that Jesus after buying books and courses We confess that our resistance
will soon return or that the that t h e y d i d n t much c a r e H u n g b y n o t h i n g but a
millenium is h e r e , etc.' whether they got anything for thread,
As an ordained m inister , or n o t . As the plaudits o f our readers
I am going one great big step But we h a d been s er io u s Was like sugar on our bread.
further a n d state that Jesus about one thing: We d id n t care I t w a s easier to publish
is already here! In the flesh! whether we published again or Than to be behind our head,.
God has already incarnated in not. One was enough. We had With Issue 2, we went up to
a human body, fo r the people other plans that did not in $ 1 .6 8 , and when even this did
of this particular day and age clude meeting a continual dead not frighten away success, The
-- i f ye can receive i t . line , or t r y in g to be funny ABERREE took a full b r e a t h .
Mr.Pierson says he is now (W ed used up all our humor in But i t h a s n t been without a
feeble, wrinkled, toneless, the first iss u e ), or facetious, gasp now and then, which many
toothless, e t c . and asks, Is or sarcastic. readers will remember. There
that the Jesus that is coming No o n e be lie v e d u s . The was the open attack on us by
back? ABERREE w a s a legitim ate, i f The GHOST--and has anyone seen
This J e s u s of today is premature, "som ething that we a GHOST lately? A l s o , there
certainly old-- in years a n y couldn t drown. Not in Arid- was a threatened suit because
way, since he was born in Feb zonia, anyway. we printed Volney Mathisons
ruary o f 1894. Fragile? Well , To keep a long story short advertising, which we still d o .
perhaps, but clear-eyed, a l e r t , (Who wants to? We re trying to And ex-communication by t h e
enduring as time it s e lf, and f i l l a page), we became one of CECS, of which w e ve heard l i t
like no other man anyone liv the 22 graduate theta clears tle since it s abortive attempt
ing today has ever seen . Many from this super-duper "G e t thee to force all practitioners to
thousands of people in foreign behind me, thetan class. But sign $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 pay-on-demand
countries and in the U .S. know we w e r e n t behind our head. notes for the right to prac
o f him, have met him, and many , E x t e r i o r i z a t i o n to us w a s tice.
many have even lived in his about as real as claims t heres And thru it a ll. The A B ER
physical presence for short gold buried in Fort Knox. If REE h a s n t lost a single horn.
periods of t i m e . H i s only it was possible, w ed flunked. But we think i t s about time
teaching is L O V E . He is the I f i t w a s n 't p o ss ib le , w e ' d we quit tooting them for this
embodiment of L o v e . His name been gypped. And o f a issue.

18 -----Th e ABERREE------ APRIL, 1963

BEET JUICE , organically grown,
l iv e , raw, unheated, v a c u u a
d r ie d . Nothing reaoved except wa
ter and f ib e r . Nothing added. Dy-
n aa ic ! 150 tab lets , $ 7 . 5 0 . G A G
Sa les , P. O , Box 1697, A bile ne,
Texas.______________________________ 88-6*


q uestion. Louise Marks,
Ferry S t , , D a n v ille , Penn.
WANTED--One copy of D r . W ilb e li to weed out the f a l s it i e s or Sa THE RIPSAW " R i p s away the bark
R e ic h 's "O rgo n e T h e r a p y ". John tan . I f I had served ay God like of superstition and cuts to the
E .Jo n e s , Suite 2 0 2 .3 , Hotel Cush I served ay k i n g " s a i d sone Noble,
" I would not be in this t errib le
tru th ," Saaple 1 0 t. RIPSAW, P .O .
in g, C ushing, Oltla. 91-1** Box 3002, S t a . B, South Bend,
fix ( ? ) Now you can check a s In d ia n a . 88-6*
WANT TO B U Y "C on cep t Therapy trology in a few hours, instead
and "Conceptology co urses. Ed of aonths, and be a Knower, stand
win Heraan, 2479 S h i r l e y A v e ., ing on your bind legs instead of
Baltimore 1 5 , Maryland. 91-1* K nee lin g. (B* rules the k n e e s ,
t r u l y .) Astrology is UnB elleva-
itual c la s s ic o fa ll t in e . Steps
ble to Flat-Worldly Binds, but is
logical to Space a in ds, or New
to C h r i s t ," by Ellen G. White. Age Minds, psychics. Psychics
Large p r in t, S ' ^ X " . Price 9 1 .0 0 .
Matthew B o k n ille r , 10324 Grand
should check their planets to see
where their guides are located.
R iver, Detroit 4, M ichigan. 91-3* Send 31 and birth-data to Light Answ ers every question
and Darkness, R l , Box 62 5 , Canas,
THE B IB L E HANDBOOK -- by Foote Washington. 91-1* about l i f e here and here
and B a l l . An instructive guide after. Contains a history
to the Bible needed by a l l . UNIQUE PEN-AND-INK Drawings, i l l u s t r a of t h e p a s t , panorama of
BOOKS, P . o . Box 3002, S ta. B, tio ns, any k in d . Copy work free
South Bend, In d ia n a . 91-5* hand, prefer picture to copy froa. today, and a preview o f the
No iaaoral p ic tu res. Price depends future. 890 p a ges, Illu s
ASTROLOGY HOROSCOPE. 50 cents. on aaount of work and t in e , froa trated, $10, postpaid.
Louise Marks, 107 Ferry Street, 91. to $1 0 . per p ic tu r e . S e n d
D a n v ille , Penna. 91-2* picture and f w ill quote p ric e.

REQUEST an in vita tio n to nea-

Write Mrs. Era Woodford,
Box 4 5, Lost Creek, W. Va.
fit. 1,
bership Iron the Florida So c i
Write P . O . Box 147, Green Cove paya d ie t , $100 per aonth, with
Sp rin gs, F lo rid a . 85-10* room. Inexpensive Masters and
Doctors' degrees in V it a r ia n is n ,
Naturopathy, e t c . Journal Pros
THE BIBLE i s the w o rld 's
in flu e n t ia l book,
so for ages, so its teachings are
and has been
pectus: 204. J , Lovewisdoa, Vil-
cabaaba, L o ja , Ecuador. 90-3*
D Cell Catalysts
in h e rite d . It has two sources of For those w ish in g to ex
in s p ira t io n : sp ir it u a l and world Have you heard about THE W I S
ly . D ivine P r i e s t - k i n g s , wealth DOM POOL ? Write Arthur J .B u r k s , periment with my D -Cell
seekers and araies are in the c /o CSA, Lakeaont, Georgia. 89-6* Catalysts in the treatment
worldly lig h t of Satan, Saturn o f plants, seeds, and g a s
( B ) , and so are the s ic k , insane, SUBCONSCIOUS MIND by David Bush
c r ia in a l , vic tin and the tine of $ 1 . 9 8 . David Bush s a id , Give o l i n e , I will s e n d th r e e
these events. B 'D U (S a ta n , his ae 60 ainutes and I ' l l unlock the o f the # 2 white for charg
wife and H e ll) rule their crosses floodgates of that vast reservoir
of aental power your subcon ing a gallon o f water. Cost
(a ng les) and have the Sun ( 9 ) ,
His Wife a n d beneflc p lan ets scious B in d . Note the iaaediate $2. 50. Blue ones for charg
(s n a il le t te rs) nailed to cusps effe c t on your busin ess, s o c ia l, ing gasoline cost the same.
of his s ig n s . These good and evil and everyday l i f e . " UNIQUE BOOKS,
P .O .B o x 3 0 0 2 , S t a . B . , South Bend, Instructions with each
forces are the aaln actors in all order.
b ib le s , and were s e t in fixed In d ia n a . ________________________ 88-6*
courses by a higher power, said HANDWRITING ANALYSES Character
the a n c ie n ts, so are not to be l is t in g , $ 2 . More coaplete, $ 5 . HILARY M. D0REY
worshipped. New discoveries and More d etail by special arrange- 12X Arno ld Av. N e w p o r t , R.I..
aethods now aake it possible to n ent. Write M ac ", 322 West B S t . ,
see the Truths in the B ib le , and O n t a r i o . C alif.

PROVE LIFE The Flying Saucer E V E R V 0 N E IS TA L K I N 6 ABOUT
T he
Hoax EXPOSED! International
AFTER DEATH! By D r. John H . Manas,
P h .D . . S . D . , M s.D.
Science Meets the Occult
Our all-wood planchette The n a t u r e of the F l y i n g
Get the Wo r l d ' s Most Unusu al
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facilitates Sp irit writ Who flies then ? M a r s and our
and U n i q u e P u b l i c a t i o n with an
ing. Become your own Me E x p o s i t i o n of Both the Ortho -
Martian Visitors. Val-Thor,
dox and U n o r t h o d o x
dium. Each one used by the Venus i a n A n b a s s a d o r in
Washington. The s u b t e r r a n e a n S a mple Copies, $1 each
Spirit people before sent Subsc r i p t i o n , S3 per year
Rac es of the Deros. The a n c i
out, im p regnating i t ent A tlanteans, their s u b t e r Advertisers en c l o s e a stamp ed
with psychic vibrations . ranean c i ties and the F l ying ad d r e s s e d envelope for your
Booklet w i t h complete Saucers. Can nan ever g o to Ad Rate Chart
instructions. All ques the Moon and the plan e t s ? Space Magazine P u b l i s h e d Quarterly
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$2. 0 0 p o s t p a i d . Send f o r
JACOB & ROSE APSEL your copy today, to:
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Ch a r t e r e d by the S s vernment of
the Oist r i c t of Columbia)
1310a So. 37th St. PYTHAGOREAN SOCIETY Ad d r e s s
Milwaukee 15, Wis. 152 West 4 2 n d Street
N e w York 38. N. V.
1 8 13-b Ad a m s Mill Road, N.W.
Washin g t o n , D.C., U.S.A.

APRIL, 1963' Th e ABERREE 19

Sin c e t h e r e a r e several
hundred books in the Lending
Lib r ar y , only a p ar t ia l l is t
can b e run at one time. Save
these ads for complete l i s t
ing . Indexed by authors.

GE N E A L O G Y OF THE GOOS - - Porter
W. Conerly
--Wm. W. Cook
Read the exciting

story appearing Cot tarn

M A G I C OF M E D I T A T I O N -- Calvin
in th is issue of Cottam
GROUP T R A C K I N G - - Art Coulter
S Y N E R G E T I C S -. Art Coulter

Lowana Julaine. SYNGENEER'S

H A N D B O O K - - A rt

ON A U D I T I N 6 -- M a r t h a C o urtis


ST R E A M S I N THE D E S E R T - - M r s .
Chas. E. Cowm an
J . L. Cranm er - Byng


A. Cromwell
Y OU DO N ' T HAVE T O D I E - - N i r a m
S T O R Y OF C O N F U C I U S - - C a r I Crow
No 4onger do you have to wish, train, hope to S O C I O L O G Y -- John F. Cuber
see what the ancients reportedly saw. YOU SEE AT J ESUS- -GOD, MA N OR M Y T H - - H e r
bert Cutner
ONCE! No training. No gadgets. No letdown due to S E C R E T OF THE A N C I E N T S - - Roger
misleading advertisements. No hours sitting in a LOVE C A N OPEN P R I S O N DOORS --
(lark room, but can be used at once. SEE AT ONCE! Starr Daily
G O T A M A THE M A N - - M r s . Rhys Da-
v ids
S C IENCE OF I R I D I A G N O S I S - V i c

THIS IS A NEW SYSTEM tor S. Davidson

GR E A T H A R M O N I A - - A n d r e w J ackson
Dav Is
COME YE OUT -- Roy E. Davis


gene Oavis
-Roy Eugene Davis
See the diffraction auja of your hands, fin N EW W O R L D S BEYO ND THE ATOM--
Langs t o n Day g de la Warr
gers; see your friends head in aura colors float LOOK! THE WILD SWANS (Nove l)--
J. d e B a l r a c 1 1 - L e v y
ing in space. Use it to learn, study; marvel at C H A M E L E O N -- B e n j . DeCa s s e r e s
the glowing colors. See them floating in space in S H A D O W EATE R--Beni. D e Casseres
living colors of objects, pets, animals. R i chard deMi Ile
Ri c h a r d d e MiIle


OEVIL'S S H A R E - - D e n i s d e R o u g e -

COMPLETE .................. 5 POST

COMTE OE G A B A L I S - - Abbe N. de
Vi I lars
F I N I S H E O K I N G D O M - - Li 11ian De-
W a ters
VOICE O F R E V E L A T I O N - - Li 11ian
S E C R E T OF LONG LIFE -- Godd ard
No C.O.D.'s, please. Or, send $1.00, refundable Ezekial Dodge Diamo nd
on purchase, for the booklet, "DISCOVERY OF THE LENDING LIBRARY R U L E
For paid-up subscribers in U .
Rental fee, 25* per book .
Only one book will be sene at
a time. Alternate titles suggest
ed in case book you want is o u t .
ROY DAVIS RESEARCH LABS Please return in two weeks.


P.O.Box 528 Enid, Okla.
20 The ABERREE APRIL, 1963
Number 2

Volume X

KS- Tri-State Music Festivals'll3

we please start over, sending
him the oldest ones we have in
stock. We feel sorry for Cali
fo r n ia , l o s in g a darned good
citizen that way someone who
appreciates, a n d co llects,
such good reading material . . .
1 Mrs. A lice Galusha of Pu
eblo, C olo., is convinced that
when the Moon Sign Book says
a day will be bad for her, it
will be no p i c n i c . Recently,
1 W h e n the E dito r was on will be enough to bring the F . when she and husband John had
Tulagi in the Solomon Islands D. A ., the A. vl. A . , and maybe to go into Pueblo to get a
during World War I I , he men all $50 b illio n s o f the armed couple car title s straightened
tioned there were five mangy forces' down on our neck - - a u p , she carefully placed a l l
dogs on the islands which were more serious crime than sign the necessary papers in one big
much more e f f e c t i v e than our ing a southern college roster envelope--and, yes, you guessed
radar system , since they knew with red i n k held by black it! When they reached the no
long before the radar operators fingers . I f you know what we tary s o ffice, they found they
did when Jap bombers -- and es mean . . . had left*the envelope safely at
pecially W a s h i n g Machine 1 There were about 30 pres home. I n returning home for
Charlie were headed our way ent when the BSRA (Borderland the missing papers, they inad
for their nightly firew orks. Science Research Associates) vertently l o c k e d themselves
His letter got bogged down in group met in Los Angeles . Ten out o f the house, which meant
the c e n s o r s o f f i c e , because o f these already were ABERREE a burglary job later. Back in
it wasnt permissive to mention subscribers , and when H a ro ld town, they had difficu lty in
the word "r a d a r . Apparently, Kinney mentioned The ABERREE finding a notary in , and when
some Washington wiseacre knew and that we might make a p i l this feat finally was accom
that the Japs d id n 't know we grimage to that area in M a y , plished, Alice got lost in the
had such a de v ice, a nd no one 15 of the remaining 25 got " o n downtown shopping center, try
in Tokyo was going to find out the l i n e for s u b s c r ip t io n s . ing to find the tax o ffice. As
this deep dark secret by in Which is the type of invitation i f this w a s n t enough, after
tercepting any service mans we can understand--and appre these preliminaries had been
m ail. We were reminded o f this ciate . . . successfully n eg o tia te d , they
word ban when we mentioned the 1 A year or so ago, Norman found the insurance o ffice had
word ca n cer in this column Taylor, giving a Vancouver, B . moved, when they sought to get
last month in connection with C . , address, began ordering as the insurance transferred . It
an innocuous tube c a lle d the many back copies o f The ABER could have been worse, maybe,
Etcacolor Tube. Hardly had The REE as we could supply. Sud but A l i c e says s h e 'l l check
A8ERREE hit the mails th a n we denly, his magazines w ere re her book next time to a v o id ,
were deluged with protests and turned and only recently did i f p o ss ib le , such days w i t h
denials- - in fact, w e ve heard we learn that he went to Cali all that adversity . . .
so much about our mention o f fornia on a va ca tio n , fell in
this tube (or the word can love with the state, got a j o b , H This is copied from FACT*
cer ?! that we re net sure our and a f t e r eight months , w a s published a t 333 S .E . 46, Ok
confession that a look thru arrested and deported to his lahoma City:
the tube did n o t , repeat N O T , native Australia for illegally After deciding to get mar
cure us o f a cancer we did not adding to the C a lifo r n ia cen ried a second time as my firs t
have will be oroper repentance. sus-grab. Among things he was wife had advised in order to
It may get to the point where not perm itted to t a k e home be happy, I ran this ad in an
such conversation as " N o , I do with him was h is collection of Oklahoma C i t y weekly: Home-
not care for another can, S i r , ABERREEs. he writes, and w i l l (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 19)

Mahdah Love, Lakemont, G a ., T h e ABBRRBB's say at me holding hand with the enemy?" Louis
"L o u is ", and Heva Dell Hunter, Los Altos, C a l ., punned: " W e l l , we could do worse t h in g s we
taken recently i n Phoenix. Said Mahdah, when could hold a la t ih a n d ." Said the Bditor: "Whatl
she saw the picture: "W hat will the Subudites Three featured metaphysicians? And no f e e t ? "

2 Th e ABERREE MAY, 1963

r MAY, 1963 (Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites'
| for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn,
Vol. X, No. 2
HBRR l Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen
Published monthly, except for the combined January-Pebruary and POLICY: Dont take it so damn seriously.
the J u l y August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, okla. The inflniteness of Man is not reduced
to a split infinity by wars, taxes,
Editorial Office: 2522^ North Monroe, Enid, Okla. or "experts who seek to sell him what
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Ehid, Okla. he already has in an infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies 254 our minds f r o m issue to issue, or
even from page to page, i f we d esire.
Second class postage paid at Biid, Oklahoma. Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man has the inherent
right to be his own and only Author
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. AUWUA OMEGA HART, 1*2, D .D ., D. Sen., ity with his w ife s permission.
F .S e n ., B .Se n ., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum Sub-Sub-Sub-Policy: We have no objection to
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART, 1-1, HCA. SEC., WFE.. L b m . , ETC. * ' educated guesses" about Mans d e s
tiny if theres no price tag to i t ,
in advance. Write for rates. Copy and pay and if theguesser has no objection to
ment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. our guessing that h e s only guessing.


The three o f u s a Baptist I t a l l breaks down to one turned to the passage in ques
minister who had dropped in to fact WE are god! he said . tion. He frowned as he read.
discuss some printing, a free We are punishing ourselves. W e l l , it only says the Lord
thinker who had ju s t dropped I f we are God, then God is God sent HIM forth, but it must
in, and the Editor who was al the Legislature, too. is that be assumed that He meant man
ways i n were s it t in g there, what you mean? we asked. as a w hole, which would i n
a cup o f coffee before each of I t was the m in i s t e r s turn clude Eve, n atura lly .
us, m ildly discussing this and to chuckle. You see how con The freethinker g r i n n e d .
that--such as Castro, weather, fusing i t all can get i f you Then what did Jesus mean when
and a State Legislature in its deny t h e original story of He said the kingdom of God i s
usual state o f unpredictable crea tio n ? he ask ed, i f we within? Surely, Christ wasnt
ness. The discussion was quiet, all are God, as some proclaim referring to the Garden o f
since w e a ll seemed agreed who by their very claims de Eden, because man was without,
none o f us w ould lik e being fame the entire concept o f God , or God was, or something.
in Castro s shoes (nor in h is then we reduce God to the lev Jesus was thinking of Man's
clutches); that t h e weather el of the serpent who brought potential, the m inister s a i d .
could be improved (or could be about m a n 's original downfall I f you are w illing to believe
worse); a n d the L eg is latu re in the Garden of Eden. We elim in J e s u s , to accept that H e
would look best i f the adopted inate any need for our Blessed died for our sin s, to believe
uniform was a coat o f tar and Saviour to have died on the that by this redemption we can
feathers. cross for our sins nearly 2 ,0 0 0 have everlasting li fe , then the
God damned m orons! t h e years ago . We m ak e a mockeiy Kingdom o f God I S within , i f
freethinker exploded. o f all religion, good and b a d , you are w illing to invite God
God i s punishing u s f o r right a n d wrong, punishment to come in and live. I t s con
electing such self-seeking men and reward. fusing only i f you want to be
to make our laws, the m inis That would be bad? the confused; i f you want to twist
ter s a i d . By o u r votes we freethinker asked, i f God is the words o f Holy S crip ture
have given the reins o f gov a ll, i s n 't He as much evil as around to fi t your purpose
ernment to Satan. We sowed the He i s good? that purpose being to make a
seed; this is the harvest. Works o f Satan! the min l ia r o f the Book.
We knew b e tt e r , but could iste r exploded. Only Satan Where is within? we a s k e d ,
n't resist asking: Ifcos God? could foster such concepts. o f no one in particular. Are
The minister broke the b r ie f Maybe Satan wrote the B i you thinking of self as a bod y ,
s ile n c e . God i s the F ath er, b l e , the freethinker h a z and the w ith in would be the
and a s our F ath er, we cannot arded. Doesn t the Bible say equivalent o f trying to locate
question the wisdom o f G o d . God is a ll? your liver, or your blood, or
Nor do you, all the words you Omnipotent, o m n ip r e s e n t , are we really sp ir it usiing the
use in your magazine to the and omniscient d o e s n 't mean body o n l y temporarily? T h i s
contrary. They are mere r e d as i t affects u s , the minis would give us no location in
herrings you drag across t h e ter r e p lie d . Mien Adam and space ju s t as even the most
trail to confuse people in t o Eve were ousted from p a r a d is e , learned c a n ' t locate God in
thinking y o u a r e n t the God they became beings of volition , space. How, then, can we locate
fearing man I know you to b e . for which they alone were re God within when we are unable
Yet y o u h a v e questioned sponsible. p rior to the sins to find something for Him to
H is wisdom j u s t now, we re committed by Adam and Eve, all be within?
plied. D i d n 't H e make t h e that G o d had made was good, Not changing the subj e c t ,
Legislators and the voters but they contaminated all this but do you suppose w e ll have
who put them in power? by disobeying G o d 's laws, so , nice weather for the Band Fes
S atan s doings!1 the min as Genesis tells u s , God sent tival this year? the f r e e
iste r exclaimed. God Himself them from Eden and setup cher thinker asked.
is a loving God as you know. ubim with flaming swords to We s h o u ld , the minister
Let s d o n t blame Him for what see that they ate not o f the agreed.
the State Legislature does. tree o f l i f e . And we think the predicting
Then h o w could He punish How about Eve d id n 't He o f weather two months in ad
us for electing those Legisla send Eve out too?" we asked. vance w a s a safer subject for
tors and yet have nothing to Certainly! The m in ist e r us to discuss since, appar
do with putting them in power? walked to the bookcase, from ently, we knew more about it
The freeth in ker c h u c k le d . which he took a B i b l e , a n d than any of us did about G o d .
RED IS LOWEST, YELLOW is repellent, enters a bod y, i t demagnetizes
the atoms and prepares a condition for bacte


ria to enter and disease to fo llo w . Sometimes
the body becomes instantly disrupted by this
demagnetizing force a n d apoplexy i s caused.

Many times paralysis i s produced because the
red fcrce i s so great that the atoms which
compose the nerves o f the body become demagne
tized and never afterward regain their polarity .
By ALBERTA M. O'CONNELL Different shades o f the red compose the
sub-currents of the great red current. The
(F r o * the P u b l i s h e d L e c t u r e s of R i c h s r d Ingalese.
C o p yright 19 02 by Ri c h a r d I n g alese.) light shade, called scarlet, indicates anger;
the darker shade, c a lle d crimson, indicates

(Continued from Last Issued sex desire. Pear is indicated by a s till dark
P IT I S d i f f i c u l t for you to v isua lize the er shade a red-brown which sometimes deepens
color you d e s i r e , th en get a piece o f rib to almost brown-black, and sense gratification
bon of the proper shade a n d look at it is renresented by a shade o f wine color.
until you have the color impressed upon The orange current or force is used by
your m ind. This will help you to visualize everything that lives upon this earth. It is
the Cosmic currents , and when you are con the li fe current and sustains every plant and
centrating you should realize that they are animal that exists. Every creature that breathes
currents o f f o r c e , tho you speak o f them in inhales it with the atmosphere and things that
terms of color. When the blue current is men do not have lung capacity absorb this great
tioned, that force is meant which vibrates at a force thru their bodies, as sponges absorb wa
rate that makes it appear as blue. Electricity ter or moisture. I f an animal becomes i l l , it
is a part o f this current and when the proper immediately goes out into the sunlight and
mechanism is Used to condense and conduct i t , breathes deeply o f this orange force and i f
it manifests as blue to the physical eye. permitted to remain in the sunshine a n d all
We will study the red current firs t as that drugs, such as our sometimes unwise veterinary
is the lowest in the scale. Red vibrations in surgeons give to anim als, a r e withheld, th e
anything mean emotion of some kind. Man, like creature w ill get well.
an animal, sometimes uses the red current u n Green is the current of ind iv id u a liza tio n .
consciously and whenever he gets a n g ry , h e It also represents s e lfis h n e s s , both in its
connects himself with the Universal current of higher and its lower forms. Manifesting in this
red whether conscious o f it or n ot, and that is great current is all desire for personal pos
why he loses his self-control so quickly. sessions, distinctions, and individual aggran
As soon as he becomes e n r a g e d , his aura dizement. It is the current of intellectual-
changes to the vibration r ed; then h is aura is ization without intuition. There are many who
vibrating sympathetically with the red Cosmic have had a great deal o f book learning, whose
current and the connection between the two is objective minds are trained and who are intel
instantly m a d e . T h e red current has been lectual, and their memory o f facts and alleged
tapped, t h e m an s a u r a is the conducting in facts is wonderful; but their subjective minds
strument for that fo r c e , a n d immediately t h e may be altogether undeveloped and yet these
man becomes f i l l e d with that v ib r a t io n . Self- persons pass for very wise individuals. They
control i s swept aw ay. He has connected him- vibrate green and have but li t t l e or no real
s e l f with everybody in the world who is angry knowledge.
at that moment and he is functioning in these Selfishness i n its lowest a sp ect i s m a
vibrations. He is receiving telepathically all subcurrent a n d belongs in t h e shade called
the ugly things that other angry people a r e bottle-green. The desire for personal posses
thinking about, and he do e s things w h i l e in sions, for distinction, and for aggrandizement
that condition which he had never thought of is the color of the grass we see in the Autumn;
doing. I f he commits murder while in this con it is a very pronounced shade, but not so dark
d it io n , the legal fraternity ca lls him emotion as the bottle-green. Intellectualization with
a lly in s a n e , and he escapes punishment by be out intuition i s a s till lighter shade and a
ing incarcerated in an asylum. Red is a lo w , wise individualization without selfishness is
disruptive, jagged vibration, and when i t i s o f the shade called pastel-green.
drawn into a person it begins i t s disruptive Individualization m an ifests as the green
work upon the physical body o f the person, and vibration everywhere in the Universe and when
all the good creations which he has made a r e you look out at night and see a s t a r send
instantly repelled from his aura. And not only ing forth a green ligh t, you may know that i t ,
are good things and good people repelled from lik e our e a r t h , i s passing thru the period o f
him, but he a t tr a c t s a ll the so-called evil individualization , and lik e our own world , is
m an ifestatio ns, and unless h e recovers h i s the fourth p la n e t in a chain o f s ev e n . T h e
mental poise and gets out o f that red c u r r e n t , planet o f individualization i s where men or
nothing but misfortune w ill come u n t i l he is minds become self-dependent, independent, self-
swept out o f h is body. reliant. The grass and foliage upon earth i s
Anger demagnetizes the atoms which compose green because in the vegetable kingdom Univer
the ph ysical b o d y . There is a positive a nd sal Consciousness is making an effort to indi
negative s i d e o f every atom a s there i s to vidu alize. As man develops and becomes more and
every magnetic thing in the world. When we more individualized, he vibrates green in pro
speak o f a body having magnetic p o la r it y , w e portion to h is development. The occultist uses
mean that to the negative o f one side stands this color to create for himself and for oth
the positive o f the next and that to the nega ers wealth, honor, position, and every mater
tive o f one atom stands the positive side of ial thing that can be d e s ir e d .
another atom; and when the body i s demagne The occultist also uses this green current
t ize d , this relationship is destroyed. as an antidote for altruism . There comes a
The higher forces o f nature flow rhythmic time i n the career o f every man i n some life
a lly over these atoms when they are magnetic when he wants to bear everybodys sorrows and
a lly polarized; but when the red current, which (PLEASE TURN TO P A G E 8)

4 Th e ABERREE MAY, 1963

Self-Hypnosis a Sham Label By Dr. GEORGE T. CRAWFORD
HEN ARE the erudite and thoughtful aware of any implants that have been placed in
people who do a bit of writing, a h is automatic mind, but he w i l l proceed to

bit of teaching, a bit of counsel carry them out upon the proper stimulus or the
pushing of the right button, as it is referred
ing, going to stop confusing the
issue? Could it be that many of Time, as we think o f it , does not exist
these people a r e confused them under hypnosis. To obviate the shock o f this
selves in regard to what hypno time lapse, the technique used by the profes
tism actually is? In many of the sionals i s to try to connect some running
publications be in g merchandised thought or theme at the time they " p u t them
today by metaphysicians, or by u n d e r " with t h e same theme when they bring
them back to their self-consciousness again
those who feel that they are cosmically
aware to a degree, there seems to be an I t i s misleading and downright wrong for
absence of the real meaning of the word those who are supposed to know something about
hypnotism*. the field, or area o f control and domination
Your attention i s called to the standard which is hypnotism, to continuously u s e the
dictionary for a d e fin itio n . Hypnotism i s de words auto-hypnotism and self-hypnotism. How
fined as a trance-like state or condition. It can a subject hypnotize him self and put him
i s abnormal in relation to conscious-awareness s e lf into a somnambulistic trance (an abnormal,
o f the individual. non-physically conscious s t a t e ) and then d i
Before me are seven different recent publi rect himself, much less be aware o f anything
cations dealing with the unfolding and discov that he did? It i s totally, scientifica lly im
ery o f the power within oneself, and they have possible. I t is a confusing o f the terms " s u g
various titles. Several o f them are printed and gestive therapeutics and "hypnotism . I t is a
distributed by very f i n e organizations, from confusing of mental d i s c i p l i n e o f s e lf a n d
my point o f view, but in all these there c a n that o f hypnotism.
be found direct inference that a condition o f Why c a n t those people and organizations
self-hypnotism is possible. Others refer to it that purport to know this subject delineate
as " auto-hypnotism . Now, l e t ' s clear up the between the destructive, devolutionary process
point. L e t s stop being taken in by those idio called hypnotism and that of the evolving pro
would lik e to make hypnotism constructively cess o f mental disciplin e where the individual
acceptable. consciously directs t h e active or passive
There is no question what you can do to an awareness condition and then i s aware o f what
other or what another can do to you when a transpires?
state o f hypnotism exists between the p a r t ie s . in hypnotism, the subject i s not aware o f
Hypnotism is the control o f one by another, or what transpires nor the passing o f time-space.
the control o f others by one. The mere words, This i s n t ju s t a statement b y this w rite r.
or rather the mere suggestion, carried by the This is an absolute physiological, psychologi
words "a u t o and " s e l f naturally lead one to cal actuality. To deny i t is lik e denying the
think that he, himself, as a single individual sun in the sky, the moon in space. I t s like
or entity, can hypnotize himself. 'T h i s is u t denying the earth i s round, ju s t because you
terly false. The misuse o f the word hypnotism personally have not gotten into a rowboat a n d
by prefixin g i t with " a u t o and " s e l f i s an oared your way around the globe.
attempt to confuse the lay public, and i t seems When are those o f us who point the way, who
that they are confusing many o f t h e eru d ite , try to help others in mental discipline, going
supposedly thoughtful people also, because they to talk sense and be honest- - yes, be honest
have continued to attach these prefixes of and scientifica lly truthful when we discuss
" a u t o and " s e l f to hypnotism. hypnotism?
I wonder i f those who are writing about i t Here in 300 words i s an oversimplification
in their courses o f study, in their books, and o f the subject:
giving i t a b ill o f good health, so to s p e a k , Hypnotism is a state o f control and domina
personally know anything about the mechanics tion exercised by a hypnotist over h is subject.
o f hypnotism. Certainly i f they do (and i would The one who controls and dominates the subject
lik e to think that most o f them do since they i s the hypnotist. The subject is the person or
write so glibly about i t ) , how can they recon persons under the control and domination o f
c i l e the use o f the words "a u t o and " s e l f as the h y p n o t is t . T h ese d e fin ition s s hould be
a prefix? I f they personally know about it , by kept in m in d.
personal e x p e r ie n c e , o b s e r v a t i o n , and u s e , Hypnotism has all shades and degrees rang
they know very well that the subject when hyp ing from a state o f slight awakeness to the
notized i s disconnected from h is physical or most profound s t a t e o f complete functional
ganism as far a s directing it s activity, re suspension called a form o f "suspended anima
ceiving impulses from it , o r evaluating any tion . The trance grows deeper and more pro
thing that i s planted in the automatic or found by the continuance o f the "w illing-
storage department or subjective mind. process of tiie hypnotist. This state o f hyp
When a person is hypnotized for a period of nosis sweeps thru the brain as a wave, demon
time (as I personally have done many times be strating its effect first in the section classi
fore learning better back in the 30 s), he is fied as perceptive and culminating in the me
not aware o f any passage o f time. Nor is he dulla.
MAY, 1963 T h e ABERREE 5
In direct relation to the depth o f the hyp tism and self-hypnotism are s c ien tific impos
notic state is the degree o f complete control s ib il i t i e s . The sim ilarity a n d confusion o f
m an ifest, and once the state i s well estab terms is unfortunate.
lished, all independent reactions to the phys True suggestive-therapy is in no way asso
ical senses o f the subject are n u llifie d . The ciated with the hypnotic state. Neither is men*
subject thus sees, hears, tastes, smells, and tal d isciplin e n o r various foims o f positive
feels only that which the hypnotist says that conditioning o f the mind. These are construc
he does and nothing more! Only the will and tive and entirely opposite to the destructive
intent o f the operator can b e expressed thru process called hypnotism.
the subject. Hypnotism in any degree o r under any con
The subject will carry out the commands o f dition i s destructive in nature. I t tears down
the hypnotist only to the extent these com the su b je ct's barrier o f "will- protection . I t
mands convey the real intent o f the w ill of subjugates the will o f the subject to another
the hypnotist. The subject will not murder or totally. I t is a method o f altering the inter
steal or perform in an immoral manner unless pretation o f stimuli without consulting t h e
the actual intent and desire to do so i s with will and intent o f the subject. I t does not
in the will o f the hypnotist. T he w i l l a n d remove the weakness o f personality which per
moral values o f the subject are in no way con mitted the perverted interpretations to mani
cerned/ Mark this well. fest in the fir s t place. The changing o f in
Suggestion during a state o f hypnosis i s terpretation o f stimuli under hypnosis acts as
impossible! All direction commonly spoken of a cover-up o f symptoms, not a correction o f
as "s u g g es tio n i s nothing short o f an irre cause.
futable responsibility upon the consciousness
o f the subject. Under hypnosis the subject has Man became free when he recognized that he
absolutely no choice whatsoever. Auto-hypno was subject to law. Durant

Science Often Murders the Only Apparent Dead


help. The ambulance was called and the man was
T W AS recently published in the press that rushed on a stretcher to the hospital for ex
in one country in Europe a regulation w a s amination. The physicians who had signed his
passed by the health department according death ce rtificate accepted that they erred in
to which all dead should be buried within their diagnosis o f the death o f their patient!
12 hours from the moment of death. T o all We repeat that before the passing o f three
familiar with philosophy and metaphysics days or 72 hours no separation o f the soul from
this measure is considered as a murder of our the body takes place. Therefore, any interfer
beloved departed ones by the authorities i n ence w ith t h e bod y by the embalmer i n the
the hands o f the embalmer and the p h y s icia n . funeral home, all the pain caused thereby is
I t i s well known to all metaphysicians o f fe lt by the soul, which is unable to use its
all sch o o ls, ancient and m o d e m , that i t is body to resist these surgical interventions by
the soul, this s p ir itu al entity, which mani the embalmer or physician. Thus, the poor soul
fests th ru t h e p hysical body and its parts o f the dead man suffers helplessly in great
during the l i f e o f man on E a r t h . There is a agony in their hands.
close association a n d collaboration o f t h e A sim ilar condition is experienced by the
soul o f man and o f the physical body, which soul during dreams, when the person finds it-
continues as long as the body remains jn good sel f in an accident or is under attack and suf
condition and thus the soul can use i t for its fers all the agony therefrom without being able
various manifestations and functions in l i f e . to come back to it s physical body and defend
As soon as the physical body, either by an ac i t in this agonizing state o f the dream.
cident or by d isea se, becomes unable to keep Many years ago in Europe, when t h e dead
this union and collaboration with the spiritual were buried without being embalmed and the
soul, then the separation takes place .and the bodies were interred before the elapse o f this
physical body returns to the earth to disinte three days period o f time, there were record
grate into i t s material elements, whereas the ed in many cemeteries instances in which, when
soul disa sso cia tin g i t s e l f from the body r e the grave was opened, after two or three years,
turns to the spiritual realms o f the cosmos the skeleton o f the dead had moved from its
whence i t came. original position and i t had turned in many
Philosophical schools, ancient and m odem , positions in the grave. This person was buried
accept that after the death is declared by the under the state of necrophania. I t was interred
known signs o f the stopping o f the heart beat alive and when the man or the woman came to
ing, the rigidity o f the body, e t c ., i t takes themselves in their grave they fought to escape
three whole days or 72 hours for the separation their earthly prison to no avail and died in
o f the soul from it s physical body thru the terror, agony, and suffocation!
severance o f the silv er cord. This h a s been Such tragedies do not occur today because
proved by the so-called dead who were certified the bodies o f the dead are embalmed w ithin a
as such by the medical doctors and whose bod short time after their c e rt ifie d death or they
ies were taken to the funeral homes, when the undergo an autopsy by the physician. In both
dead regained h is senses and came out of this cases the dead man is murdered by science. Thus
temporary state o f necrephania. i t is made sure that he cannot come back from
Such a case was reported a couple o f years the dead any more and tell what happened to
ago in one o f the funeral homes in Brooklyn , him or her !
N. Y. When the embalmer began embalming t h e The Pythagorean Society and other philosoph
body, suddenly the dead started to move and ical schools and organizations know this Cos
to open his eyes, wondering what was going on ! mic law and we keep the bodies of our dead un
The embalmer was frightened by seeing the pre touched before the elapse o f this three d a y s
viously dead body come to l i f e and try to get period required for the separation o f the soul
out o f the coffin, and he fled ca llin g f o r from the physical body to take place.

6 Th e ABERREE MAY, 1963

The Magic Power in Color By DOROTHY SPRINGFIELD

O L O R , AND i t s r o le in the f i e l d o f not being done to take the place o f any medi
h e a l i n g , began a b s o r b in g my i n t e r e s t cal services they might need, or to stop any
one from seeking medical advice. However, many
some y e a r s back w h i l e I w a s in the
doctors today agree that color is a factor in
f i e l d o f n u r s in g . I n o t ic e d that the helping most persons. Walk into any modern
s ta r k w h it e w a l l s o f h o s p i t a l s , the doctors o ffic e s today and you w ill see cheer
w h ite uniform s o f th e n u r s e s , a n d ful colors on the walls, the chairs and fur
the w h it e ja c k e t s e f f e c t e d by d o c niture and there is a noticeable lack o f dol
tors, surp risin gly w e r e r e ta rd in g drums among the patients waiting.
r eco v ery e s p e c i a l l y o f p a t i e n t s in It was further noticed that adding a touch
t h e m e n t a l w a rd s. How s e r io u s t h i s o f red to the orange brought about in some of
us a tightening up; this was due to the strong
d e v i t a l i z i n g was c o u ld be n o t i c e d g r e a t ly
energy we had and the red acted a s an i r r i
d u r i n g v i s i t i n g h o u r s , when v i s i t o r s w ea r tant . For those lacking in energy, the same
in g b r ig h t ly - c o lo r e d clo th in g c a lle d f o r a touch o f red acted a s an insp ira tio n and a
p a t i e n t , o r m erely a p p e a re d in the w a rd . stepping up of energy.
I t was alm ost l i k e a h e a lin g r a y , a n d For those with a q uick temper, the orange
th e r e w a s an im m e d ia t e p e r k in g up, or had a calming effect, but seeing the red would
r i s e in to ne , i n many a s th ey were a c c i cause tempers to immediately flare, and argu
d e n t a l l y exp o sed to t h e s e c o l o r s . ments would be s ta r t e d . In a s en se , i t was
Also, i t w a s n o tic e d that when mealtimes amusing. I t was suggested that the color be
arrived, these same patients vould reach o u t breathed in, which brought about the same effect.
fir s t for the green o f a fresh vegetable, or Next, we painted the walls and c e i l i n g a
some dish that was cheerfully yellow, even tho yellow c o lo r ; then decided to make one wall
these patients might not care, taste-wise, for green, one wall blue, one red, and one p u rp le .
these same vegetables. Apparently, i t was the Bedlam broke lo o se! The effect on each w as
color that attracted them. Should the dessert d i ffe r e n t . Those who were more mental t h a n
be gelatin, mixed with fruits, they would leave physical turned towards t h e y e llo w , b u t the
on their plates the white o f an ap p le , b u t ones who were on the physical level- - that i s ,
would finish all that had color. Then, in a in their energy level started quarreling.
better mood, they would attack the meat dish Those on a lower t o n e " level would have
with red meat having an especial appeal. In nothing to do with the purple when mixed with
the mental ward, chicken would more than likely other colors in the same room, but cover the
be le ft barely touched. purple up and give them something o f an or
Some patients who were not too i l l , or just ange color to hold--and their tone le v e l was
this side o f a mental condition, would first quickly stepped up, and the breathing became
go for the color in the foods, but would finish less shallow.
what was put before them . There were some in this group who were some
Persons on the anemic side while in the what on the apathy lev el no tone at all who
hospital and even a fter discharge would always would shirk responsibility, or refuse to ac
go for anything that was red. When-these same cept responsibility for anything they might
patients had to report to C lin ic , they invar do. Altho it was treading on dangerous ground
iably wore red. One patient especially always with this type o f person, we tried having them
attended C l i n i c wearing a red dress, red hat leave the room while we covered up the purple
and shoes and there was a cheerfulness about and the red, leaving only the g r e e n , yellow ,
her that had been lacking while she had been and blue. I t had a most astonishing effect. The
in the hospital. orange and the yellow would raise their tone
The effect o f color depends a great deal on level, and they would be much more cheerful.
the p erso n s chemical makeup the colors that We next tried b l u e . I t had an e x ce llen t
are in the aura. (These are subject to change effect, bringing peace mentally and a feeling
as the person either comes up from a lower to of physical restfu lne ss. Any occultist knows
a higher level or develops toward a spiritual that blue i s a high cosmic ray; it raises the
mode o f thinking. ) tone level to a high pitch . Combined with the
Getting together a group o f persons, rang yellow, it brought peace and stimulation. Com
ing in age from 10 to the 60 s, We began to bining these two colors with a rose shade on
experiment with color i t s effect, and the why one wall brought the tone o f the voice under
o f it . control and some of the group dozed in their
For a laboratory , w e had what once had chairs; those on the couch went to sleep. The
been a chicken c o o p , which had been rebuilt atmosphere was decidedly peaceful.
into a one-room shack that w a s used f o r odds The li t t l e ones, o f whom there were three
and ends. We cleared this out, cleaned it , and when surrounded with these colors were what
painted i t white. When the white paint was d r y , might be called l i t t l e angels . Children, not
we covered i t with the color o f a lovely, ripe having their full growth, respond quite well
orange. to these colors, for there i s none o f the sar
It w a s surprising the effe ct th is had on donic in their natures; this comes much l a t e r ,
some o f those taking part in the experiment. depending on the company they keep and their
They seemed much relieved o f repressions --be natures.
came sharper in their t h in k in g . Also, they It was found that, when reciting the 91st
felt better on the physical l e v e l . This was Psalm and having the blue color, there was
MAY, 1963 Th e ABERREE 7
: Mfm.t
deep feeling put into the reciting o f t h i s walls in white with a touch of the same v i o l e t . ?
Psalm , and those with any insight could see This gave a soft glow to the room. An amethyst
waves o f color surrounding many o f the group. rug covered the floor and violet drapes were
We then switched to the color v i o l e t --which at the windows. The room formerly had been a
produced almost the same reaction as the b l u e . light green with yellow drapes, which clashed,
It seemed to step up the spiritual side, stim not only in color but brought out the worst in
ulate the imagination on the creative side. It the occupants temperaments .
is no color for those tending toward the mor Both bathrooms were done i n medium co lo r
onic mind; it is far too depressing for than , carnation, with a violet throw-rug and cama-
as they do not seem able to respond to i t . tion shower curtains. The outside of the house -
Otherwise, it is a m ost harmonious color for was painted a soft white, trimmed in the light
most persons. est of lavender.
We then decided it was time to experiment It took three months to bring about all the
with co lo rs in the home . This took a great changes in the house , but i f the saving o f a
deal o f time, and grumblings from the men of teetering marriage is im portant, they were
the house that is, some o f them. They d i d n t months well spent. This time does not include ,
want t h e respo n siblity nor, perhaps, t h e o f course, the weeks and months we as a group
upset. expended in experiments experiments which are
One member--I ll call her Mary decided that s till being carried o n , by the way, even tho
each room in her house must be different--each the group is now much smaller.

color her favorite -- with no regard for the
wishes o f the rest o f the family. There were
six in the family, and the project was viewed
with much grumbling and fault-finding. F in a l l y , thinks it a great privilege to give away every
she decided to consult other members of the thing he has in the world. He becomes a devout
household as to their likes and dislik es, and believer in poverty and piety a n d dissipates
the proj ect started with the master bedroom , himself mentally, physically, and fin a n c ia lly ,
which she made a lovely peach shade, heavy on and sooner or later nervous prostration claims
the pink side. A rug with ro se designs was added his body. For such a person, the green current
to the color scheme. To this, her husband added is used to restore him to a normal condition
white shades, with peachy-pink drapes. Light o f in d iv id u a liza tio n .
green touches were added in pillows on the Some color of the blue current represents
lounge. The effect was most lovely and peace all t h e higher mental cu rren ts. In the sub
ful. This color stepped up the tone o f both currents are literature, music, art, the high
she and her husband, and since it agreed with er education, organization, order, f o r m , e t c .
th eir own favorite colors--both o f them being This force c a n never be used by animals, but
on the less m aterialistic s id e - - it brought only by the subjective mind of man. All inspi
about an inner peace. ration along any lin e of thought is due to the
Attention next was turned to the k itc h e n . inflow o f this blue cu rren t, o f which men are
The three boys who were in their 'teens-- many times entirely unconscious. A r t is t s in
wanted gay colors, lik e reds, yellow, greens, any line express greater things than are i n
all at one time. The one daughter wanted bright their own minds to e x p ress.
sun-yellow; she had to liv e in it-- eat in the Yellow i s the h i p e s t color vibration upon
kitchen, unless company came. Again there was this p la n e t a nd i s therefore the greatest
confusion, and it closed on a sour note among fo r c e . It is spiritual and creative lo ve . I t
all o f them. i s wisdom, intuition, divine harmony, a n d is
The parents invited the children into the the highest aspect o f Deity that we are capa
bedroom and the color problem for the kitchen ble o f understanding at this time. It embraces
was threshed out. Since the daughter i s rather all the spiritual q u a lit ie s we can co n ceive,
o f an excitable nature and all yellow would and it is regrettable that man does not pos
be far too stimulating a soft shade o f blue sess very many o f them as yet. To acquire this
was decided o n , with wallpaper oh one s i d e force man must develop to the point where the
with touches o f orange in it . The boys picked subjective mind con trols the objective , a nd
out the floor covering, which was a light t a n . when he can attach himself to the yellow Cosmic
The only red in the kitchen was a china tea pot current he ca n accomplish anything he may un
--which made an excellent splash o f color on dertake to do upon this planet. An undeveloped
the yellow t i l e . Curtains were added o f a person cannot use the y e llo w current o f force
lighter shade o f blue and the table and chairs because i t is a vibration so much higher than
were on the ligh t tan side. These colors agreed h is own that there is no sympathy between him
with a l l o f them, and tone w a s decidedly and it and it can be used to help only such
stepped u p . Formerly, the kitchen had been a persons as are in sympathy with it.
dull gree n , which became a muddy green w h e n ' A knowledge o f these forces and how to use
the sun shone in on the south s i d e . them gives one almost unlimited power.
The dining area was done in the same shade
as the liv in g room a soft yellow, with touch A TIP YOU MAY NEED FOR THIS SUMMER'S DROUTH
es o f orange. The rug, a very soft brown, fitted DEAR EDITOR:
in well with th eir fu r n itu r e, which was brown. We h a v e discovered a way to have water
Drapes were o f a soft tan. The overall atmos iriienever we want i t , whether i t rains or n o t .
phere was decidedly p e a c e fu l, a n d i t was a Take a barrel (wine barrel or such) and
delight to take meals there. char t h e i n s i d e . Rinse i t well. Leave i t on
One problem arose about music and the par the back porch where o n e side i s protected.
ents insisted that there would be good music Place upon a stone we used tw o b u ild in g
or none at all -- before, during, a n d after blocks and place a large sheet o f glass o v e r
meals. No ja z z . The boys pouted and yapped it. Thru this " l i d one can see the condensa
about it, but the results spoke for themselves. tion form. In the winter time, keeping i t in a
Laughter accompanied the clatter o f d is h e s , woodshed i s O.K . Some claim they had to put in
and the indigestion o f the parents disappeared. a cup o f water to get i t started, but only a
As for the g i r l s bedroom, one side was a few found th is necessary.
lovely violet shade, with the remainder o f the Veronica Sydou, Bsperance, K .T .

8 T he flBERREE MAY, 1963

S u f Moo, 57oo, Gan IDo 3t
By HAROLD S. SCHROEPPEL W A R N I N G Th e s e lessons l n " A d v s n c e d P e r c e p
t i o n ere not to be treet ed lightly or delved
LESSON 13 HEALING TECHNIQUES In by the c u r i o u s for Idle or que s t i o n a b l e
|HE HEALING techniques which will be goals. As the Author caution s, t h e y re d a n g e r
o u s and it is s u g g e s t e d two pe r s o n s with s i m i
given here have all been tested and lar Intent work as a team. One of the risks In
have worked for some persons . No volved, Mr. Schro eppel warns, is that soma who
one of them worked for everybody successfully d e v e l o p their adva n c e d p e r c e p t i o n
who tried it , nor did any one per are going to see some things they' d rather not
s e e . And don't mi x with any other technique,
son have success with all of them . or you may find yourself w o r k i n g at c r o s s - p u r -
So try them yourself; see which you posas. Which is no place to find yours elf, or
can use, and i f one doesn t work, for anyone else to find you especial Iy an in
try something else. co m p e t e n t psychologist or p s y chiatrist. They
may get the idea y o u're as crazy as they are.
For the f i r s t t e c h n i q u e : I f you
are well aware o f p r a n a , you can flow your
s u b je c t f u l l o f i t . Load him up w ith i t ,
and t h i s a lo ne w i l l ca u se changes in some ing the h e a lin g , and pick up the flows and
forces involved. But again, don t try this i f
peo p le.
you are skeptical about i t , o r resentful, or
Here i s another: Try forming a picture, a anything lik e that. A good healer will pick up
concept, and impressing i t on the part c o n any lack o f faith, pain, dislike, or any other
cerned. Picture the affected part as it would strong feeling, and he will (r ig h tfu lly !) re
be i f it were perfect. sent the opposition. Not only th a t, he will
Try forming a model of the part, increasing usually know who did it, and he may run you o u t .
the size o f it until you can study the fine de in any case you will interfere with the h e a lin g .
ta ils for what is wrong. Imagine it to be cor Eveiy person h a s , when he is conceived, a
rected, and then check for correction. When genetic blueprint which can be picked up by a
you do get your picture o f the correction, the good clairvoyant. You may be able to key this
perfect model, duplicate it several times. Make in. This blueprint is the structure o f the in
a lot o f pictures o f it . I f the model seems to dividual and how he would feel from the inside
keep sh ifting in your pictures, keep on making out as he was designed to be, full grown and
them until i t stays put and corrected. That in good health. I t should be complete in every
will be the one you get. detail too, complete a n d perfect, without any
Now try finding a t im e in the past within broken bones or anything else wrong with i t .
the person* s memory when this part was p e r f e c t , I t should b e in completely good function, as
and then try to amplify the memory, to turn it it should h a v e been p re se n t at conception.
up and impress it on the individual again. This keying-in has b e e n done by those with
Tiy balancing out the in d iv id u a l s energy strong clairvoyant power. Sometimes i t causes
flows. O f course, to do this you have to be rather drastic changes in the su bje cts facial
able to balance your own. I f you are good at structure and things lik e t h a t .
it , you can probably balance out h i s without I f y o u c a n see shadows on your subject-
too much trouble. shadow people, shadow lim b s, shadow i n ju r i e s ,
Another frequently used healing technique shadow d e a t h try to eliminate these stray
is t h e l a y in g on o f h and s. T r y laying your shadows, to knock them out. 'Die spiritu alists
hands on the person, permitting power, love and say they see things in black and white. I f you
health to flow thru them from you to him. This can see t h e l i g h t and shadow, try turning it
usually takes some practice. Incidentally, on wholly li g h t , a n d then i f you are s t ill work
this technique and on others using energy, you ing with it , make i t beautiful.
frequently need a warm-up period o f from three And here is s till another way: I f you have
to five minutes in which to build up the ener readied cosmic consciousness yourself, try ty
gy (reference Max Freedom Long s The Secret ing the person into cosmic consciousness. Or
Science Behind Miracles ). you may be able to do the same thing with one
Try knowing that a person can be healed and o f the high level telepathic groups; try tying
letting the knowledge flow t h ru you. Turn up your subject into t h a t. Ag ain , there i s the
your knowingness i f you are good at the di same requirement: In order to t ie something
chotomies turn i t up as h ig i a s i t will go , into a high level telepathic group, you h a v e
and then take that knowingness and ju s t flow it to be aware o f the group yourself and, what is
into the individual, along with the knowledge more, your purpose h a s to b e in lin e with
that he is healed, he i s well, you can see him theirs. Now you will find and you should have
well. found by the time you get this far that there
Try contacting the power and glory o f God are a number, at least 20, high-level, higi-
and letting this flow thru y o u . order, and hard-hitting telepathic groups o p
I f you havent too many prejudices, you can erating within the world and elsewhere which
try these two: Try "b e i n g a person whom some can be picked up a n d which broadcast p o w er
one else i s h e alin g , but don t impress your which you can borrow and use, provided you are
personality on the being take i t easy. Also in lin e with their purposes.
t r y beins the healer while he is accomplish One thing you should keep in mind: D o n t
MAY, 1963.
work too hard at these. I was taught that ap cured by medicine, but some o f them may not be
proximately 30 percent o f the people who come cured by anything on God s green earth.
to you with trouble could be cured no matter Work with the ones you can work with, and
what you d o , so long as they are sure you can d o n 't b e afraid to take on the hard ones; but
do it . You could tell them to walk around the don t take i t to heart i f you c a n t find the
block, stand up and s it down, take a s p i r in , r ig it method to help them. Also, do n 't fold up
turn around three times, o r anything else, so i f somebody else comes along right behind you
long as they believe in you and have a reason and c u r e s the o n e you couldn t touch. This
ably good conviction that they will get well . happens frequently too, especially when you
The next 30 percent or so will have some are dealing with psychic m atters. You d id n t
thing objectively detectable wrong with them; touch the right key, or i t wasn t ready to fall
they will have a virus or bacteria, some p a in , into place; and he goes over to the next heal
some physical maladjustment or flaw ; but they er, who looks at him and says, Why d o n t you
w ill also have some psychic troubles and can take off that shoe? I t s too tight. So he puts
be cu re d with some skill or talen t. I h a v e on another pair, and h e s comfortable.
nothing against bacteria; I have nothing against
doctors. Viruses are not ille g a l, and people I f somebody comes w i t h a chronic som atic,
get the f l u , even people with a lot o f aware he will honestly tell within the fir s t 10 min
ness and a lot o f healing ability. However, utes and usually within the firs t -two senten
they are usually much less uncomfortable with ces exactly and precisely what i s wrong with
i t than the ones who do n 't have these powers. him . I f y o u are to help him, you must catch
Then there will be 30 or 40 percent that it. I t may seem very ordinary--something you
you can do nothing with at all. wouldnt pay any attention to normally.
Some o f you w ill find that nearly all the You may s till have to go thru the motions,
people you touch w ill be o f the firs t 30 per even tho you realize nothing will happen. That
cent. You can give them any kind o f token r it is one reason I dont lik e faith-healing groups
ual, and their troubles w i l l go away, i f you before a church full o f people. The faith
are good at effort, i f you can handle pain as healer must take on everyone who comes; I
an effort, there w ill be people you can l i f t a watched one who knew when people came to him
pain from. Then i f you want to do a thoro job which ones he would be able to help and which
you can reach back for the reason they had it ones he could not. He knew it before he prayed,
and why they are using i t , and see i f you can but he had to go thru h is ritual regardless,
hand them a better pattern with which to meet otherwise he broke up h is working pattern.
the world than a headache. There a r e a number o f healing techniques
Another t r i c k : When someone tells you he which have been used and tested. Some are avail
has a headache, ask him, "P i n e , what shape is able from Max Freedom Long and h is Huna Re
it? How thick is it? How dense is it? i s it search p u b l i c a t i o n s . He h a s worked several
moving in any way? Does it spin? I'm looking for years experimenting with a n d testing t e c h
a five-pointed headache; I know a fellow I d niques with a group o f 365 people, more or
lik e to give one to because h e played me a l e s s , a n d h a s published three books: The
dirty trick. But I c a n 't use a four-and-a-half Secret Science Behind M ira cle s , " T h e Secret
pointed one; i t s got to have five. Has yours Science a t Work , and Growing I n t o Light .
got five? Oh, it s round and fuzzy ~ w ell, I There i s a l s o a book c a l l e d " I n t h e O n e
do n t need a round and fhz 2y one a t a l l . " i f Sp irit , by Marguerite Hannan Bro, which is
you ask him several times, and get him to give the story o f Harrie Rhodes s h e a l i n g t e c h
an accurate description o f how i t feels a nd niques . For some, the techniques o f the Spir
what shape it is, i t will disappear while he i t u a l i s t s , t h e Theosophists, o r U n it y w ill
is talking to you. He may come back five min work; these all have extensive literature o f
utes la ter and say, You know it 's ftanny that their own. Christian Scientists recommend that
headache I was t e llin g you about i t s gone. I you start on removing peoples emotional troub
ca n t understand what happened. * You answer: les firs t , learning to handle grief, fear, and
0. K. You don t mind feeling good, do you? Do anger i n other people a n d working out from
you object to that? and let it go at that. t h e r e . I f you have done these lessons well ,
One very rough technique which, i f you can you should be able to do t h i s easily by now.
take it , will eliminate a lot o f garbage i s to Play with the various techniques; work around
s i t down with another person and throw the ener with them. Don t take them too seriously. And
gy which is called prana back and forth between don t shoot your doctor; d o n t throw out all
the two o f you flow i t back and forth. I t will your medicine or decide not to take vitamins
activate-a lot o f s tu ff between you. You will while you a r e going on with this. I f you are
find that your memories and so forth are stuck going to do healing work, especially i f you
out there, and this prana activates the ta ngle . are going to use energy flows or prana, you will
I f you a r e n t i n top-flight physical c o n d i need to be in top-notch physical co n d itio n .
tion, i f you have l i t t l e stored-up pains with Also, i f you are going to use energy flow s,
in the body some place, this one can be rough, dont play around with something which you had
because these pains are turned u p , and they as a ch r o n ic disease y o u r se lf, even tho you
keep turning up until you override whatever have healed it . I f you had s in u s trouble and
keyed them in and set them there in the first i t got well, lay o f f people with sinus trouble.
place. Then they will go away. But while they There w i l l be many times when i t will be
are going up, the process is quite p ainful, i f d i ffic u lt to tell what healed the p erson. He
you can tolerate it , the best thing i s not to comes to you with a headache, you take a swing
back down, but to keep riding i t out. However, at it , and h i s headache goes away. Later you
a word o f warning again: Things turned up like learned he slipped down five grains o f aspirin
th is should disappear a few minutes after the about the same time. Which one took the head
processing has been stopped. I f anything per ache out? I t s a good question; I do n t know
s is ts for a couple o f days, s e e your doctor the answer. You will run into a l o t o f t h a t ,
and find out w h a t's wrong physically. but d o n ' t fig h t the doubters. Don t try to
There will be some mho will never find any prove who did it ; don t worry about who gets
thing but th e 40 percent that n o th in g will the credit. Just t r y things, keep your eyes
touch. No matter what you do psychically, these open, keep alert, and le t i t go at that.
people w o n 't get w e l l . Some o f them may b e
(Continued i n t h e next issue)
Th e fl BERREE MAY, 1963
"physical matter and mechanical energy , has
been elevated to the status o f a r e l i g i o n .
Genesis o f the Bible i s not in it with a
school textbook on chemistry, says Prof. J. H .
Woodger. This s c ien tific dogmatism dates from
the days of our grandfathers who believed the
universe is a gigantic machine made o f h a r d ,
solid, inv isible atoms.
T h e n something s ta r t lin g happened -- t h e
splittin g of that atom. As to this remarkable
ev en t, one author s a i d :
By Dr. KARL KRIDLER "T h e splitting o f tte atom w a s the great
achievement of this age, supplying the sort of
(21 CREATIVE ACTION under-the-surface knowledge we needed in all

EFERRING to Creation, a noted author s a i d , th in g s . Until we apply it to all things, in
" I t (Creation1 i s a process by means of cluding religion , we a re but sup erficialists
which Prim al Substance i s transformed in groping in worlds not r e a l i z e d . Knowledge of
such manner as to be caused to conform to m atter s real constitution is something that
the s p e c ific a t io n s of a d e fin ite p l a n . Nature has waited for man to achieve. Ftor it
marks the turning point in the long, descend
1 Reasoning from this p rem ise, it becomes ing process of the planetary night, the process
certain that every Creative Act involves two from here on being upward.
d efin ite factors, a Creator and a Substance. Prof. Eddington said the r e s u l t o f this
He continued: The absence o f either of achievement transformed the eternal world of
these factors automatically renders Creation physics into a world of shadows, and left s c i
impossible. Without a Creator, Substance must ence dangling from a lim b.
remain an inert mass; and without Substance, Prof. J . B. Haldane, great astronomer, said :
the Creator must remain s t e r i l e , as He has "M aterialism , once a plausible theory (of s c i
nothing with which to exercise H i s creative ence! is now the fa t a lis t ic creed o f thousands
powers. I n other words, something can not be (of s c ie n t is ts !, b u t materialism i s nothing
created from nothing ; and no kind o f creation better than a superstition, on the same level
is possible without a creator to do the work . as a b e lie f in witches and d e v i l s .
Then he made this shrewd observation: There There goes s cien c e o u t the window, along
are tw o popular fallacies o f Creation which with it s baseless assumption that the world is
deceive most sincere persons who try to gain composed o f blind and unknown forces, and is
and apply an understanding o f Creative Action . exclusively chemical and mechanical.
One is the theory that Creation is the magical (Continued in th e next issue!
trick o f making something from nothing. The

. 'enecfomueb^
----- -------
other is the sc ie n t ific concept that Creation
is a haphazard and spontaneous process which
operates w ithout a motivating power to do the
w ork, a n d without a guiding in t e llig e n c e to
direct the process. Both of these theories are w u tu as 'fyyfn tn wm y ^7*/ VTjrvjn,
indefensible myths. They have no basis in f a c t ,
and serve only to increase the confusion of the By MAXINE *S. DUMKE
unwary. 0 Y OU RE puzzled about a friend? You need
These two f a l l a c i e s , taught in our schools n t be it is quite simple to figure them
and colleges, are the basic reason why clerics out with handwriting analysis. Many tim es,
and college graduates in t h e C h r is t ia n world in the course of a lifetim e, you will won
are incompetent to analyze intelligently th e der i f So-and-so i s trustworthy can be
fundamental principles of Creative A c t io n . depended upon to live up to their word.
One o f these fa llacies is taught by theol There are several ways to back up your own
ogy, w hich adheres s t r ic t ly to the literal d e cisio n s, a n d by studying their handwriting,
statements of the biblical f a b l e . It teaches you need not guess you will know. Study the
children as positively true the story o f Crea t-crossings, for one thing; the a and/or o .
tion in the first chapter of Genesis , and they A t-crossing, turned down, will give you infor
grow up thoroly steeped in this fallacy. mation that the penman is a pretty shallow
Then comes the fallacy of science, opposed individual; maybe on the surface seems to be
to the biblical fable and taught to children in all you wish in a friend or business associate
the s c h o o l s , t h a t the world is composed of but that type o f t-crossing is a dead give
blind and unknown forces ; that we are nothing away. They will be shallow," w it h no depth to
but in fin ite ly small particles on the surface anything they say .
o f a speck of dust in the immensity of the Watch the open " a a n d o ; i f they re too
cosmos; that the cosmos is totally deprived of open, th ey ll tell all they know to anyone who
L ife and Consciousness, and that the universe will l i s t e n . Combine the two and you find a
is exclusively chemical and mechanical, s in c e writer who would be interesting, but certainly
i t has been created from an unknown substratum neither dependable nor trustworthy. Something
o f a gossip.
by the techniques of physics and mechanics.
Between t h e s e two popular f a l l a c i e s , o n e The s l a n t o f the writing w i l l h a v e some
based on an ancient fable in the B ible and the bearing on a decision of this kind, but i t will
other on the wild speculations o f a material not alter the facts the old gal (o r boy) likes
i s t i c s c i e n c e , the actual facts o f Creation to yak i t up and will at the slightest open
run a terrible gauntlet in this world o f men i n g . Don t tell THEM anything you d o n t want
made public, b u t they do have their usefu l
tal darkness .
n es s: cheap tho perhaps not too accurate, ad
One o f the reasons for the lack of basic
vertising .
data at this time relative to anthropology,
(ED. NOTE Lack o f response from readers
biology, psychology, physiology, and pathology
has le d to a de cision to drop t h is feature
rises from the fact that for a century a ma
from The ABERREE. Both Mrs. Dumke and the Edi
t e r ia lis t ic science , denying the existence of
to r thank those who have shown in te re st.
a spiritual world and contending that all is
MAY, 1963 Th e ABERREE 11
understanding the structure of DEAR LOUIS When you talked
both the physical and s p ir it here, you recited a poem called
ual aspects of the u n iv e r s e . "God to M e". Would you please
Pythagoras w r o t e : When God print same in The ABERREE, for
wrote the language of the u n i I believe i t is something pre
verse he wrote it w it h num cious to be shared by all.- M .G.
bers. "
DEAR M.Q. --Yes, the poem is
DEAR L O U I S We hear that in two parts: the introduction
Canada i s i n f o r a big oil that d e fin e s terms and then
bocm. I s this true ? D .M ., the expansion of same.
Vancouver, Canada. GOD TO ME
God is P r i n c i p l e (gov erning), Mind
DEAR D. M.--In your Frazier (guiding), Sou I (susta i n i n g ) . S p i r
Valley area there is much oil , it (ble ssing). Life (preserving).
but I m not so sure it will go Truth (defending), and Love ( p r o
" b o o m . tect ing).
(Send your questions direct to
LO UIS, 1411 East M isso u ri, Phoenix, As Prin ciple, God justly gover ns
DEAR L O U IS I always seem me--
A r l z . , enclosing a s ta ip e d , self- to be broke; how can I have
addressed envelope. Por those *ho A firm, sublime, undeviating
more money? R . P . , Carmel, Cal. fact;
f is h personal r e p lie s , a i l n i i u i
As Mind, He guides my every thought
contribution of $2 per question DEAR R. P. -- Money i s the
should be In c lu d e d .) and act,
easiest thing in the world to And p o i n t s the way thru veil
h a v e , but to have-it there are and myste ry.
DEAR LOUIS I have recently a few rules, the first of these As Soul, His Stre n g t h susta i n s and
been studying numerology a n d being i f you want money then bears me up,
f in d it fa sc in a tin g. Do y o u this must be your only thought, An e v e r - p r e s e n t answer to m y
fe e l this study has any value? your total thought, and every call;
D . M ., Hew York, N . I . thing you do is directed in His Spirit bl e s s e s " m e and mine
DEAR D. N. Numerology has this direction. L e t s face i t and all",
And fills yet m o r e my o v e r f l o w
deep and profound meanings . I you want your cake and lettuce ing cup.
find i t a wonderful tool in together. As Life, my G o d p r e s e r v e s me,
sound and sure,
are instructions to guide one As perfe ct, in a measure, as is
in the choice of business part His (ruth d efends me well and c o n
ners, as well as the right time stant ly
to go into business for o n e s From error's onslaught and t e m p
self, or to apply for a posi tation' s Iure.
tio n . T h i s i s followed by a The 6od as Love prot e c t s me with
presentation of the employers His Care,
side of the problem, and points Now and forever, here and e v e r y
out how knowledge o f astrology where.
can help him in placing right

VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE B I ASTROL people in the right j o b s . DEAR LO UIS Why is your co l-
OGY, by Charles B .L u n tz, 213 Confirming the often-heard umn in The ABERREE so brief?
p p ., $ 2 .5 0 . Pub. by Llewellyn statement that 'T h e stars in We would l i k e to see more.
P u b s ., 100 S . Wabash, S t.P a u l, cline, they do not impel , M r. Who s fa u lt i s i t , yours or
Minn. Luntz claims that Vocational the e d ito r 's? M . L . , Raleigh,
Parents and counselors who Astrology allows a wide l a t i N. Car.
want to see e v e r y young person tude o f choice. Nevertheless, EAR M. L. -- I m afraid I m
find h is or her proper niche it "s t e r n ly bars certain vo the guilty party. Mr.Hart will
in l i f e , m i g h t d is c o v e r in cations as obviously unfitted
print all the answers I send
Vocational Guidance by A s to a n a t iv e ; shakes it s h e a d in ( I think), b u t , you s e e ,
trology by Charles E. L u n t z , doubtfully a t others; bestows there a re other things I must
some helpful g u i d e p o s t s to an indifferent glance at still attend to b e sid e s preparing a
point them in the right direc another set, but beams all over column. I ll try to do b e t t e r ,
tion. This is, o f course, pro in ecstatic approval when the
but I won t promise. Maybe i f
viding they have some aptitude right choices a r e finally
you read the column twice, it
toward astrology. reached.
will seem longer.
As Mr.Luntz explains, This Without delving deeply into

i s intended as a practical work the intricacies o f this sci
o f reference for students a s ence, we did learn that astrol
DEAR L O U IS Every time 1
well as professionals and, in ogy c a n furnish guidance t o
read your column (which I dear
fact, fo r individuals who ward two different types o f
ly love a n d turn to immedi
would not claim to be e it h e r , success : first, i n finding a
ately when I get The ABERREE),
but who have su fficien t e l e vocation which offers deep per
sonal satisfaction, even with I h e a r s t r a i n s o f beautiful
mentary knowledge o f astrology
to be able to set up and prog out great financial reward, music . Could you tell me why?
ress a horoscope and who de and secondly, job security, a Are y o u a m u s ic ia n ? K . M . ,
s ir e a clear set of reliable remunerative p r o f e s s i o n , or Pittsburgh, Penn.
rules formulated w h i c h , if success in accumulating world DEAR K . M. Wherever I am ,
they are followed, will y ield ly goods. In som e fortunate there must be m usic. I c a n t
the information they s e e k . horoscopes, there are indica function without it . The music
The author demonstrates the tions both of these goals may you pick up is my stereo radio
validity o f these rules by giv be attained, but in most c a s e s , or my stereo record p layer; I
ing case histories of success one must choose between peace have one or the other going
ful persons and world fig u r e s , o f mind (wealth not guaran constantly, usually night and
accompanied by illustrations o f teed) and wealth (with possi day . So . . . you tuned in quite
their horoscopes. T h ere also ble ulcers). Sophia Tryst. well. I d call i t a bull s- eye.
12 -----Th e ABERREE ----- MAY, 1963
except a specialist in cancer . seen a r e merely results of
I am not nor would I know a color dispersion. The result
cancer i f I saw one . . . ing image is not based on re
"A bout the letter you re ality. Thus the supposed color
ceived from the reader that he on your T-V receiver is com
can get diffraction grating posed o f all co lo rs o f the
for 25tf, tell him to go ahead. rainbow, regardless of the or
The kind I am using cost me iginal colors at the T-V trans
$25 a sheet, so there. Soy mitter, providing you fall for
Davis, Green Cove Springs, Fla, the grating trick instead of
buying a color T-V with true
"T h e story and a d . on the color rendition . Any encyclo
Etcacolor Viewer are both fine. pedia will explain it under
Nothing can go wrong t h e r e . Dispersion , D iffr a c t io n , I n
But t h e inner-magnetic-aura- terference , Chromatic Aberra
detector is something entirely tion , Spectroscop e, e t c . --
aside from the horseshoe-mag George W. Lagus, 111 W. Myrtle
netic-control system that the S t . , San Antonio, Texas.
group of Biomagnetic scientists
and doctors are working with .
" I wish y o ur contributors
"T h e inner - magnetic-aura-
wouldn t waste so much t ime
detector is a rediscovery, b y
and space trying to ju s t ify
Roy Davis, of an ancient prin
ciple of seeing the magnetic biblical lore with mundane a f
" T h i s w a s in Jack G u in n s fa irs . They should remember
colors of the human body. This
column in The DENVER POST, Feb . that the bible is an Eastern
s t ill is not what the mystics
27, 1963: and Oriental book and full of
and psychics call the human
" 'Somebody at the C o w le s Oriental imagery and let it go
M agazines I n s i d e r 's N ew slet aura. But it does show the col at that. The folklore o f ancient
ter h a s been stu dy in g "T h e ors of the aura in basic form. world history has passed thru
Complete Prophecies o f Nostra "T h e story on possible h eal
so many scribes who have ad
ing and magnetic control of
dam us" (Crown Publishers) and libbed to a farewell that it
tumorous growths that is being
on Page 274 found that the 16th does not pay to wage wars over
Century seer predicted as fol investigated by Biomagnetics the context.
lows : has nothing to do with the
" Y e s , this is the space a g e ,
" A t the close of the w ar, auras of either the body or the much of the space being be
to change the glory, / Near the s p ir it. It (magnetic forces of tween the e a r s .
shore shall three f a ir c h il a horseshoe magnetl does have
" I f the Mr. D. mentioned in
dren be b o m / Ruin to the peo to do w it h trying to oontrol
God Dealers in A B , Jan-Feb.,
ple by competent age/ To change cancer will write me I will carry his
that country s Kingdom and see Ali Roy did in this matter studies toward God and furnish
i t grow no m o r e ./ The en tire was develop a system for the him my books all without any
course o f a kingdom s h a ll be scientists and doctors to s e e charge. I will consider it a
changed by the appearance of the magnetic force that t h e y privilege to so do.
three brothers, who shall en are working w it h . U n t il now,
"R o sa lin d John, same i s s u e .
ter and take over the branches 't h e y have been unable to see
I note where some writer says
o f the government. --Edwin the forces emanating from a the original Garden o f Eden
and Terrie T alley, 333 E ,1 6 t h , magnet of any type except by was in Florida and backs it up
Denver, Colo, using plastic sheeting and mag w ith in ter e stin g d a t a . The
netized p a rt ic le s . Even w it h Garden o f Eden was man s en
" I n your 'Hart to Heart , I this method th ey could o n ly vironment before he came into
see the direction o f one ema
wish to thank you for this very the physical octave and w a s
fine w r it e u p , a n d as we are s t ill a spiritual b e in g . When
" N o w , th ey c a n s e e a ll
friends , I know you did this man came into physical b o d ie s ,
sides o f the fluxating forces
to assist calling our Etcacol- there w a s no more sp ir itu a l
that come from the magnet. This
or Tube to your readers ' at environment and hence no Gar
ability came from the discov
tention, for which I am grate den of Eden, so-called.
ery, by Roy Davis, to actually
ful. Except for an e r r o r. The " T o Rosalind John again. The
see and photograph the mag
mistale was your sentence, 'One last water ring which had been
netic forces o f a magnet.
o f the uses for the tube will suspended in the sky owing to
Lowana Ju la in e , 2 3 ff. Walnut,
be in the discovery and treat the faster speed o f the e a r t h ,
Green Cove Springs, F la,
ment o f ca n cer . fell when the e a r t h s speed

Since I sent you two ar slowed down and so Noah's flood
t i c l e s , one on the Etcacolor " I have here the April issue came. No more water rings up
Tube and one on the discovery o f The ABERREE. I see that a l there, Rosalind.
by doctors using the l i t t l e most two pages are devoted to "P re h is t o ric animals which
known a r t o f Biomagnetics to the device that allegedly makes thrived under the h o t watery
arrest tumors, your data sheets you see the human aura. vapor canopy disappeared when
must have got mixed up, as the " I t may come as a shock to the canopy fell and the s u n s
Etcacolor Tube has no value as many that chromatic aberration rays struck the earth d ir e c t ly .
s u c h , and could not locate a and color dispersion are phe Monkeys have no souls and so
pimple. Nor could i t t r e a t nomena that have been observed remain monkeys from generation
anything. I ask you therefore for c e n t u r i e s . Diffraction to generation. Man is the only
to call to the readers atten gratings have been sold b e fo r e . animal that is a soul and so
tion this mistake, as I am not They have been used in the de can progress until he reaches
in the medical business as o f vices that 'oonvert' your black the E d e n ic state again as a
fering anything that would lo and white T-V to colorT rV ... . spiritual b e in g .
cate cancer or treat ca n cer; The gratings do not show the "G o d i s one being and the
this is too grave a responsi human a u r a . . . The y do not make statement that God said Let
b il it y for anyone to undertake you see color T-V,...The colors us make man in our image was
MAY, 1963------ ----------------- -----Th e ABERREE----- ---------------------------------------------------- 13
inserted by some overzealous ers of the Bible the majority be via the mediums o f the pub
scribe. There is no Satan; that o f them--thought of the Bible lic means o f international com
is the human m ind, the mortal as he represents the general munications. L io n e l Bruno
mind o f Mary Baker Eddy who run o f readers today. Fifty van Hawn Dartsch-Bansbach, E.
got the right idea of i t . This years behind tim e. No writer Melbourne, V ic ., Australia,
mind fell from pure spiritual up-to-date to be had? George (ED.NOTE Most in t e r n a t i o n
condition to the material con C. Lee, Noxon, Mont. al m isu nd ersta ndin gs stem from
dition , b e i n g cast headlong m isle a d in g propaganda fed the
out o f heavenly consciousness. Perhaps your readers may peoples o f ALL n a t io n s and
The s e a t o f the mind was in be interested to know that the e s p e c i a l l y the smears used by
the head and so this immature cactus m e n t i o n e d in recent those who think they have some
mortal mind was literally cast issues (lophophoral m a y be th i n g to ga in from f r i c t i o n or
out o f its former heavenly purchased for 15 cents each war. Maybe, some day i f thought
state, headlong, or head first. from E. F r i z z e l l , Route 4, San t r a n s m is s i o n becomes standard,
There is only one rac e of Benito, Texas. It i s rumored t h e y ' l l a ls o f i n d a way to keep
mankind and there is a fixed that c u r i o u s psychological such t h i n k e r s impotent with a
number of souls , tho not all changes m a y b e produced by hate c u r t a i n . )
are in incarnation at any one taking one top an hour after
time. The explosion of popula breakfast and an hour a f t e r You f i n a l l y got me going
tion we read about i s a heavy lunch. there awhile to o , which i s
reincarnating i n f l u x at this Your readers may a lso be probably fa ir enough. So my
time. There must be a meaning interested to know that the
favorite (and o n l y ) magazine
to this heavy influx but what oldest liv in g thing i s t h e
featuring satire i n t h e oc
it is we are not aware at this creeping devil ca c tu s (mach-
cultism and witchmedical field
t im e . aerocerous eruca) which grows
i s n ow d o in g practical jokes
There i s no soul to be on and near Magdalena Is la n d ,
too? For your information, i f
B aja California. It i s immortal
lost a n d saved as taught in you haven't already found o u t ,
orthodoxy. This is a misunder and travels. I t travels by
Roy D a v is s Aurascope employs
standing o f the S c r ip t u r e s . growing forward. A plant may
th e diffraction-grating rep
God i s t h e real s e lf of you cover an acre. I t resembles a
lic a film transmission t y p e
and so cannot be lost and have giant snake.
a dvertised and sold for at
to b e s a v e d . D o e s n t make My address is simply M il least two years . . . The d e v ice,
sense, does it? ford, Utah; I hope some reader a s o r t o f toy spectroscope,
S p ir it informants do n o t will please write to me and ex w ill, o f course, display p ris
know any more than they did in plain how to attach oneself to matic colors around anything,
l i f e and so the individual may this immortal c a c t u s immedi or nothing. At $ 5 , this optical
change sex or not according to ately after death and before novelty seems greatly over
the need in incarnating each losing one s etheric body. priced . . . The only thing I r e
t im e . " I t is rumored that one can gret i s that one o f my erst
develop very curious Yoga-type
Jacob Apsel. One does not while favorite parapsychology
phenomena over a period o f time
gain unity with the Universal w r ite rs , Lowana J u la i n e , al
by gently massaging the nerve ,
by statements or tape record lowed herself to be associated
central at the back of the
ings. This union is not under with i t . . .
the control of the human mind hard palate (along the physi
" T h e issue has, as usual, a
ological white line called the
else all the smart people would number o f think-making item s.
White Nile o f Egypt. V George
have made the grade before this The Hardboiled Look a t Seer-
C. Dem on, M ilford, Utah.
and the opposite is true. Satan , s h ip --the problem o f how to
the human mind, is misleading "T h e A B E R R E E s u r e gets have the usual hankypank going
to keep people away from achiev around. When I wrote o f popo- on when ESP was widespread and
ing Oneness with the Father tillo I heard from 5 states rampant has been widely con
God as long as it can . and 2 foreign c o u n t r i e s ... sidered fictionally in the bet
Mary W a le s . There i s no "B e fo r e writing of popotil- ter S - F m ag azin es . For in
evidence t o support the claim lo I had talked to a number of stance The Demolished M a n .
that Jesus is coming again . I people who were greatly helped Non-flctionally, there is math
have been unable to find out by that herb but i t seems to ematical games theory, which
where Jesus is now, possibly be less universally helpful assumes a s a postulate that
on one of the other inhabitable than Harold K i n n e y s desert there is no information not
p la n e ts . B u t Jesus and his h e r b l a gu bem adora w h i c h known to all players. I ve seen
mission h a v e been e n t ir e ly really gives remarkable re one article speculating t h a t
misunderstood and I do n o t sults in reducing pain a n d the Soviets, may have developed
look for him to ever return in swelling in a r t h r i t i s . I 'm a form of games theory assuming
the grandiose manner pictured gathering l a gubernadora n ow secrecy and surprise, however.
in the Gospels. Remember, the and drying it and am thrilled I should think by this tim e
bib le is an O r ien ta l book and at the results friends and rel that free will/determinism had
full o f O r ie n ta l imagery. -- atives report. I haven *t been become a pseudoproblem. Pre
Addison O 'N e i l l , 1128 Hampton able to get more popotillo. cognition ca n be regarded a s
R d ., Daytona Beach, F l a . E, Graham, Box I d , Ruidoso, N. intuitive s t a t i s t i c s , e x t r a p
olating p r o b a b ilit ie s . From
I get m u c h benefit from th is point o f view t h e big
ABERREE possibly because I Having lately completed a thing to worry about i s when
become so irritate d at some tremendous amount of factual several soothsaying seers look
p a r t s . But t h a t i s what you records concerning many things beyond a certain date in the
desire, s o . . . which have happened behind the future and see n othin g.
Why do you assign to write scenes o f American p olitical COULTER DENIES I think Dr .
on The Book They Blamed on l i f e in this 20th Century, I Coulters problem arises most
God to a man who knows so now feel a deep admiration for ly from h is personal hatred of
l i t t l e about God and so lit t le the people o f America and I Hubbard because of the l a t t e r s
about the Bible? know that America is not what unkind obituary of C oulters
"P erh a ps 50 years ago read we are made to believe i t to friend Purcell. Coulter, part

14 -----Th e ABERREE----- MAY, 1963

ly as a consequence of t h i s , get the impression that Earth- and pulled h is horns jt is f a
refuses to credit D i a n e t i c s humanoid bodies a r e compara wee b i t . t h e y would be t h e
even with what m e r it i t h a s . tively strong and tough and s p i t t i n image o f each o t h e r .
As a result. Coulter i s fr e our people can get away with In March A u d ito r ia l, How
quently annoyed with people more stunts than the average . About Some S p ir it u a l Research
pointing out parallelism b e M y beings w ere, o f course, Development?' We are very much
tween Dianetics a n d Synerge referring to the actual physi for t h a t , a n d we too would
tics, which sim ilarities S y n . cal m atrix o f their virtual suggest that no theologian be
shares with any effective psy projections. The lattices are permitted to serve on that
chotherapy a t a l l . Too, D r . arrays o f several dozen points committee.
Coulter has elected to promote o f low-intensity actinic light "W e a l s o strongly endorse
the deception that Synergetics that wink on and off. They look (top middle column of that
is not a psychotherapy, a de as much lik e Alpha particles auditorial) I f we took more
ception also promoted for h is as anything I can think o f . pains to improve Democracy,
system, by H u b b a r d ... They are probably a thin d is th ered b e no threat o f Com
persion o f radioactive mole munism. D r , A lb ert B u r k e ,
LETTERS Rosalind John just whose weekly T-V lectures are
about puts the stopper in one cules. Being of the Zen faith ,
i f anything, I am, o f course, listened to from c o a s t to
t h in g . Whatever/whoever 'm y '
only cursorily interested in co a st, voiced t h e very same
en tities a r e , they seem to be
what, i f anything, happens to opinion. The Editor (Par. 2 ,
a prevalent species and a plen
people who are physically dead . Column 3) recommends a research
tiful o n e . One wonders why so
But a humanoid, i n t e l l i g e n t report to All schools . . . so
few i f any people have noticed
life-form available to us even that these students can decide
that this sort i s o f rather a
before we achieve space travel for themselves. We would a d d ,
slender build and medium brown
--that is significant. but starting with high schools
complexion before. Mrs. John s
Mathison Hubbard probably and higher, where they begin to
descriptions a l s o correlate
guffaws with glee when shown have the intelligence to choose.
with t h e Apsel-Hand observa
writings indicating that Coul Touching on Hart to H e a rt
tio ns, limited ability to com
ter and Mathison hate him to 2nd p a r ., How c an a govern
municate, the existence o f set-
pieces! D o n 't they know that ment clerk evaluate an E-me
tl ed groups and nomadic groups ,
hate glues people together al ter? Or understand anything
the 1 eptokurtic distribution
most a s tight a s love does? about freeing human so u ls ?
o f physical e f f e c t s , a n d the
The Thalidomide scandal was a " L . Ron Hubbard s Washing
carefree attitude toward facts
scandal not only for the drug ton Scientology factory takes
and consistency in communica
companies. G iv in g p r e g n a n t big money for intangibles. We
tion. (I applaud the new fea
women tranquilizers may be all insist these intangibles a r e
ture o f putting addresses on
r ig h t , b u t forbidding eveiy- not freeing human or any other
the letters to i n c i t e large
body the use o f a drug bad for so u ls. H i s assembly line of
correspondence.) I s t i l l say
that, as far as I m concerned, pregnant women? Do men have to shedding shackles sheds shek
the existence of this species be protected during pregnancy? els!
And how could the pharmacolo Churchill s potent article
o f entity is no longer doubt
gists know Thalidomide would Get Rid of I t p o i n t s up
fu l; b u t w h eth er they a r e
ghosts or not, I in sist is cause teratological births un strong reasons for Scientolo
s till moot. I f you tell them til it caused some teratologi gists to stop a nd re-evaluate
they a r e g h o s t s , they a r e cal births? -- Fred Hand, 2718 their ground. Quote: The va
ghosts. I f you tell them they Eagle, Houston, Texas, lid ity and workability o f con
are Space people, they are that. cepts and techniques ( o f D i a
I f y o u don t tell them, but The ABERREE i s a joy to netics) was finished with its
ask them, and refuse to volun read, refreshing i s the word, founder in f l i g h t .
teer a f o r e g o n e co n c lu s io n , after a l i f e of 50 yrs. with Another stronger reason for
then they dont know. What won crud. to r ea d (pronounced as D ia n e tic s ' failures and a ls o
derful Company Men they would cud), (that i s the u sound). I Scientology weaknesses is that
make, what i d e a l p o lit ic ia n s , was aware o f the religious much of their concepts and
what a punch o f ham actors. By hoax when a boy of 10 or 1 2 . techniques a r e b a s ed on in
the way, I ve followed A p s e l s My views have been substanti correct evaluations based on
and J o h n s advice in a few ated over the years. Love that limitations to explore the val
cases already. Tellin g enti truth ! -- George E . Foster, idity of information given by
ties, Never mind all o f that Richfield Springs, H . 7 . preclears in the state of r e v
schlock. Either volunteer some erie (a form o f hypnosis). I
factual information or shut up I enjoy reading The ABER would respectfully suggest that
and do n t bother m e. So they REE, but I d o n t agree th a t Mr. Churchill (and others in
shut up and don t bother m e. w e re all a b it aberrated in terested) check my cry into
About e n t i t i e s getting mind like one o f your readers the wilderness , that the A .A .
stuck some place and so on, I wrote in h is letter. I think recordings were not true.
think I found o u t a l i t t l e w e 'r e all thinkers, otherwise Our DE s (d is c a m a t e enti
about that. I t seems that some we w o u ld n t be so curious as ties a la F. N. Hand) told us
worlds or planets or whatever to the unknown. Eva Woodford, they had a barrel of fun watch
the places are have travel and R . l , Box <15, Lost Creek, W.Va. ing the dramatic effect on L .
immigration regulations, to Ron Hubbard s i n t e llig e n c ia ,
gether with police forces and I t s a b i r d ; i t s a p la n e ; when they (the D E s) spun their
possibly intrusion-alarm sys i t s superman! Well, based on fabrications (partly described
tems and entity - snaggers to our E d ito r's Auditorials, h e s in Churchills u r tic le par. 5 .)
enforce them. In fact, one of an irreligious theologian , an " T h i s is not new to us. We
the small number o f definite atheistic deist; a m aterialis have found that not all th e
statements I v e wrung out o f tic soul searcher; and a d ia l answers come from the hypno
my en tities w as, Will y o u ectic faithist. For those who tised subject. Frequently, when
please stop blundering around have met S a ta n but never met it serves their purpose, the
at random into places you do our E d ito r, I would s a y , if D E s step in, fu r n is h the an
n t know anything a b o u t ! I Satan put on Alphia s eyeshade swers. Few hypnotists are aware
HAY, 1963- ---- Th e ABERREE----- 15
o f t h i s , few e r w ill even en farm using t h e D-cell cata day as the Sun, then E aster,
tertain the i d e a , none w ill lysts , and report very good 4th of July, and Halloween are
stop, look, a n d see ! This is r e s u lt s . Another man said h is Sun-Worshipers festival dates
reason enough for wrong con dog is now free o f fleas f o r but t h e ancients s a i d that
cepts and techniques. the fir s t time in y e a r s . A n the Sun was not God for i t was
"F r e d e r ic N . Hand s a rti other says i t helps make de set i n a f i x e d course by a
cle, Exploring the W orld o f licious bread and p i z z a . A n higher power, for a purpose.
Friendly, L a t t ic e - lik e Beat- other with a very large green Many astrologers know that
nicks Proves Fun , has much o f house in Canada says cucumber Satan resides in the planet
real v a lu e , b u t h i s exchange seeds came up in just 16 hours Saturn (B ) but very few know
with ju s t a dozen or more D E s and are doing f i n e . . . that h e has in filtra ted t h i s
i s not q u ite enough to form an " I might h a v e Riley Crabb Earth (planet) with h is moons.
over-all opinion o f the people and the Mrs. v i s i t between New His moons are s p in n in g frag
and the place they reside i n . York a n d Boston in the near ments lik e h is r in g , cold and
In a letter to him I s h a l l future. Hi lary M . Dorey, 1 2 icy, no warm center, no morals
cover all he presents in his Arnold A v . , Rewport, R . I , but extremely intelligent. The
finely detailed account, but I planets are o u r m ental and
wish to b r ie fly touch on a few " F i n d enclosed a $1 b ill for moral f a c u l t i e s , n o t men or
important details. a year sub. for a new subscrib gods a s represented in t h e
" I a gree w it h h i m that er to your wonderful mag that B ible. When we tune in to B
'These en tities are curious, w a k e s up those looking f o r forces (m a lefics , c a p i t a l s )
im aginative, (but n o t that truth and more knowledge a n d Mars, not the Sun , rules sign
they are) comparatively i r the Forum where different peo 1, the Self, and self-love in
responsible . We know many who ple can express their opinions creases, then B takes Venuss
are quite responsible. on religion as to their view place a s ruler o f 7 , Others,
" I agree with him that they point. Severe on O t h e r s . Then comes
will improvise metaphysics, " I f more people really had Love of wealth 2 , then a set
p ro je c t io n s , p reh istory, and contact with the sp irit world, mind 3. Indigestible convic
theology. This holds true of and were guided by truthful tions. After this occurs, Sa
many we know here on earth. I Sp ir its o f God. Of course, many turn s women saboteurs a r e
do not agree that They c a n o f us do not know how sneaky, given t h e go-ahead o r d e r s .
display any shape . . . I t s not untruthful wanderers from the T r a g ic , s e n sation al events
easy to tell i f you * re con r e a litie s o f things to come we come when they progress to
versing with one or a g r o u p . are taught to believe in a critical p la c e s , crosses, and
We h a v e found not all can certain GOD from our childhood, sign 8, Death or it s rulers.
change their form, a nd those i t all depends on where, what " T h i s i s happening t o our
that c a n have to relinquish condition, what country we are b e s t people by c h u rc h fu ls .
their present form. This makes brought up in. Naturally you Put D and E in their horo
i t impossible to take on more would be a Hindu in In d ia and scopes, quit being a B eliever
than one form at a time. a Confucian, Buddhist. In the with c lo s e d e y e s . . . B ib l e
Their language is no d if U, S. A . , we have our parents to morals are Zionism in Jerusa
ferent than ours. I have come thank for whatever they f o i s t lem but Nazism over the fence
across religious fanatics who onto our young minds. You know in Germany. Communism in Rus
talk in tongues (? ) What a the adage, L i k e a t t r a c t s s ia . And the rocks they throw
babble, but this is not indic lik e? Anyway, the search is come from Saturn s ring or his
ative o f the language o f earth on for something d iffe r e n t . heretofore i n v i s i b l e moons
people. We in s ist on straight Vilfred J . Jodoin, 1229 Astor circlin g this planet. So, Maiy
talk and get it. D r ., Hew Port Richey, Fla. Wales is right about the evil
" i n p a r . 8, Hand mentions s pirits that abound in hordes
The entities are male and fe "H a d the pleasure o f hear in the Earth p la n e , but she
m ale. Y e s , b u t n o t in s ex . ing General Watts speak last had better check her chart to
There c a n be no sex. Where week. As you probably know, he see where she is hooked u p .
physical properties are a bsen t, is the one who forced the gang All b o r n in fle s h a r e
there c a n be no reproduction to free General Walker. Since nailed to the cross or tree of
as we h a v e i t . The sex they he is a native o f Oklahoma life. T r e e s were c a l l e d an
function in is the continua (liv es in Oklahoma City) I feel cestors by ancestor-worship
tion o f the form and features more proud o f my home s t a t e ers a n d we s till r e f e r to
they had in their last incar now than e v er . You remember family trees and have stars in
nation.--Jacob and Rose Apsel, the lines of the poem Give the Christmas trees. They are
1310-A S , 3 7 , Milwaukee, Vis. me men to match my m ountains; family lin e horoscopes that we
give me men to match my p l a in s ' are nailed to . Both character
Hundreds o f recent t e s t s well, in Generals Walker and and planetary aspects a r e in
upon plants made recently in Watts, i feel we indeed ha ve herited, and the object o f l i f e
dicated startling beneficial two to match our plains. i s to develop character, to
results. O f particular interest Ethel Foresnan, 1 W E . d6th, make our charts better. Billy
were tests by an organic gar Rew York, R. Y. Graham has made a name for him
dener in D e t r o i t , who uses D- s e lf as a Successful Debunker
cell water to grow r a d is h e s , o f Success . Satan promised it
"Som e blin d men discussing
cabbage, and cucumbers without to Christ under the usual con
elephants in the ABERREE forum
the belching aftereffect. Be ditions that all have to com
throw stones at each other be
sides growing higher than ave ply with, but was turned down.
cause they have Bible indiges
rage crops, he also grew five The t e s t f o r B illy will b e
tion. They project what i s in
and s ix stalks from a single whether h e loves success more
side themselves to an outside
kernel o f c o m , each with a t than the truth. Morris Swn-
object. MRA do e s that and so
least one ear o f c o m . He also does M ary W a l e s . T h e B ible son, R l , Box 6 25, Camas, Vash.

grew better cotton plants than Morals were indigestible to
are grown in Texas and C a lif Amos and Christ but they said " I agree w it h L o u i s that
o r n i a ... to hold the rocks. SATEVEPOST ran a good piece on
"N o w have a large chinchilla "C h r i s t has the same birth quack marriage counselors. The

16 ----- Th e ABERREE ----- MAY, 1963

POST correctly stated my work, tension stretches nerves too "M y in t e r e s t i n ABERREE
even accurately quoted my fees . much or not enough, sim ilar to stemmed from my interest in
But the POST made a prize boo- violin strings. This causes in Dianetics. Early in 1950 I took
boo by including my name in creased function or decreased a course with Ron and Dr. Win
the wrong story. This occurred function. Simple effort p r o ter. Dianetics has more or less
because 'I presented electro- cessing will demonstrate what faded from the pages of ABER
psychometry successfully be causes them to return even a f REE (with occasional spots on
fore the same California leg ter e x ce llen t adjustment f o r Scien to lo g y !.. ,
isla tiv e committee that was in no apparent reason . "P erhaps I m taking myself
vestigating fake marriage coun The three dimensional pack too damn seriously, but since
selors. I m n o t a marriage age o f the goals problems mass I had to spend the nickel any
counselor, quack o r nonquack. with all the re a c t iv e effort- way, I feel lik e registering
The . . . in v estig ator, I 'm in counter-effort i t contains i s an objection to t h e v a r io u s
formed, has been fired. He was what immediately underlies the derogatory comments about t h e
never at my office at any tim e. physical structure. The chiro Federal Government and govern
The POST would lik e to run a practic practice c a n be r e ment employes. I ve worked i n
retraction. But this would be garded a s an effort process the Federal Government almost
a mere paragraph or two, and I along s o l i d communication 25 years. I started with prob
do n 't want this at a ll. Since lines. Hands are solid communi ably the lowest paid job they
The POST i s d i s t r i b u t e d in cation line s with wide accept have--$50 per month in the L i
California, I can sue here in ance. However by finding ter brary o f Congress. In t h e
a Los Angeles court. The suit minals used for all the effort- course of time I ve moved up
will be conducted in a way that counter- effort o f interper to a fa ir ly responsible posi
should afford some front-page sonal relations and the postu tion where I feel I am doing
publicity to the great embar lates or considerations that go something , however s m a ll, to
rassment o f the P O S T . . . Thi s , along with them, the uncom improve my country. I have met
my attorneys s a y , will not be pleted action cycles o f failed and worked with a considerable
in less than TWO YEARS! and abandoned g o a ls can run number o f government workers.
Your idea o f a book delin out o f the reactive ba n k . Un I recall that the ones I knew,
eating w hat I S legal amuses limited p o ss ib ilitie s are now and know, are just people, not
me. This would be, even now, a in sig it. Try it. For anyone clucks, jerks, or knuckleheads
small book. who used to respond to some (altho I know every organiza
It s legal to be b o m pro type o f therapy a n d now no tion, government or private
vided that your mother is mar longer does. This will release industry, has its deadwood and
ried. I t s legal to contract them so that they can once more makes bloopers!, but just hu
some, but not all, o f the 1875 respond to say the least and a man beings with the same fo i
diseases liste d in the medical balance can occur between the bles a n d f e a r s , l o v e s and
le x ic o n . I t 's legal to become ta and mest, spirit and matter, l u s t s , ambitions a n d appe
a 400-lb. monstrosity o f f a t mind and body. tites , deficiencies and dis
and blubber. I t s legal to pay Volney M a t h is o n s letter appointments, as other people.
taxes. I pay 19 separate taxes did not point out that iiie in In f a c t , p u t a bunch o f them
to operate my businesses. I t ' s dividual medical doctors were in a room with bank c le r k s ,
legal to bet $2 on a horse at not p u b lic ly m a d e out to be grocers, fillin g station ow n
a legal racetrack, but not with quacks in the Thalidomide case ers, and department store man
a skulking tax-dodging bookie. thru the newspapers by the F . agers, and even the editor of
I t s legal to go to bed with a D. A. b u t the chiropractors ABERREE would be hard put to
gal a n d have sex with her were in t h e Micro-dynameter finger the government employee.
provided y o u have a scrap of case. They did not j u s t ca ll " I t seems to me that until
paper obtained at a c o s t of the instruments off the market. everyone gets to c l e a r , or
$25 o r so from some phony They raided o f f i c e s . But they whatever term you use with a
preacher. A n d f i n a l l y , i t ' s did not raid o ffic es o f M D s sim ilar connotation, govern
legal to have .15 or 20 k i d s , and-use smear news a r t i c l e s . ment will be required. (I sus
whether you c a n feed them or There is the difference in the pect that clears will need a
not. action o f the F. D- A. as re c l e a r government!. From
Beyond t h ese i t e m s , I m gards the medics /ind the chi- fa m ilie s to t r i b e s , and from
not really sure whether a n y ros. The chiros were well-in states to n a t io n s , there are
thing is legal . I ll have to tentioned but were treated un areas o f p erson a l, national ,
ask my attorney! Volney G. fairly. I might add that I was and international r e la t io n
Mathison, 1208 V ,30th, Los An not involved because I ve not ships that must be governed
ge les, C a l if , had a Micro-dynameter. There (c o n tro lle d , i f you wish!
fore I can be somewhat objec
The ABERREE e x c i t e s a lot crime, safety, health, econom
tive. T h e F. D . A. might be ics, transportation, etc. But
o f in t e r e s t in g t h in k in g a n d rough on drug interests but
all s o rt s o f viewpoints leap when you put a capital G in
they appear to be apologetic government, d o n t invest i t
into view while reading it . for t h e m e d ic s , o r AM A in
" I find a s a chiropractor with a personal ity. I ve heard
terests . . .
that the recent material of that some people conjure up a
I d lik e to see more pro- white-smocked man with dark-
the Rt. 2-12 processes as now S c i/D ia material in The ABER-
being advocated by the Hubbard rimmed g l a s s e s , when they put
REE and less anti-Hubbard ma
Guidance Centers is q uite v a l i d . a capital S in Science.
terial. An understanding of
I f y o u regard t h e body the three-dimensional nature I w ont belabor the p o in t ,
structure o f the musculo-skel- o f the goals problem mass will or even argue it , but the Dec
etal frame as a te n sio n frame help those who align them laration o f Independence (Au
such as a m g weaver uses you- selves with the forces o f truth thority! indicates that Gov
11 q uick ly realize that in and light, not to classify all ernments are instituted among
order to have a good p roduct, others as opposition and be men, deriving their just powers
the frame must be in good bal longing to those o f darkness from the consent of the gov
ance. Otherwise fibers will be and evil. Ha! J , Harold Thib erned. In our case I think you
too t a u t o r t o o s l a c k . I n odeau, Box 8 5 , Myrtle Beach, also have to r e a d into that
creased o r decreased t o n e and S . Car. * the inertia o f the governed .
MAY, 1963--------------------
-----T h e A B E R R E E -------- ------------- ----------------17
In t h e last election we h a d evening for the m a il; six miles Concentration . Fo r 17 y ea rs,
approximately 108 million peo of that a day besides all the now, I h a v e been consciously
ple elig ib le to vote. Around other walking I do around home entering the object and/or ob
68 million voted. That other in my work. George R . Clem jects I am going to paint, and
40% better keep their l i p s ents, Sebring, F la . (Box 366) then painting them in their
buttoned i f they d o n t 1 ike state of cause, it s own effe ct.
local, state, or Federal gov " I am required to i d e n t i fy I paint them also in the energy
ernment, because they could do in the presence of the Post patterns o f the cause-state.
a lot to change i t . They could master mail that is n o t con These intelligent energies are
have c r e a t e d a t h i r d p a rty nected with the enterprise the feeling, form, in-form-a-
president, for in sta n ce. and return all mail connected tion o f the object. Since the
" I think our problem is that with t h e en terp rise to the day of my 21st birthday, and a
we are getting too big, that Postmaster to be marked Fraud painting I did that day, I have
we have too many damn people , ulent a nd returned to t h e obeyed the injunction o f the
but outside of shooting mysel f , Postmaster at the point o f or second commandment and Jesus :
I m not sure w hat to do about igin, and, as I understand i t , Judge not by appearance b u t
i t ... the letters are returned in a judge righteous judgment. A
" Y o u ' re doing good with a government brown manila enve conceptive artist lives in the
d if f ic u l t task. Keep The ABER- lope. Therefore, at this end, contemplative state and usually
REE going, even i f I cancel my we ha ve complied w i t h P o s t is found traveling very much
subscription next y e a r . --Bill O ffic e department orders. The thru a variety o f experiences,
Conover, 5606 Bouffant B lv d ,, local Postmaster does not open rapidly scanning a v a r i e t y of
Alexandria, fa, and censor letters. ( ED. NOTE images . Fo r example : Sunday
But she DOES read cards ! ) I morning, L o w e ll, Joel, and I
have the right to open and ex le ft Palm S p r i n g s d e s e r t
VER, Drawer 90, Southern P i n e s , amine letters to d e t e r m i n e warmth and images and 1% hours
whether or not the letters are later were in a snow blizzard
N. C. ? I f not, a sk them for a
copy o f their March issue, in connected with the en ter p ris e. about 5 ,0 0 0 feet in the moun
which two large pages are de (ED. NOTE The above explana tains between Idyl wild a n d
voted to a review o f Cosmic tion was offered to the editor Banning. This after brunch amid
when he pro tested the return, six nuns, an Indian boy with
Radiation by P ro f. Hilton Ho-
tema, the review being written marked "F r a u d u le n t", o f l e t whom Joel was playing in the
by Col. A. E. Powell, in h is
t e r s sent Mr. Katzen in reply snow, t o b o g g a n s l e d s , etc.
80 s , a man o f l e t t e r s , also
to an ad c a r r i e d re c e n tly in Then after we Just barely e s
an author and writer of books. The ABERREE.) caped from icy roads, b liz
That is the grea test review I Volney G. Mathison ought zards immediately in agricul
ever read o f any book. to read the newspaper reports tural Banning in valley on edge
"When I wrote Cosmic Radi about the chain o f activity o f the desert where it w as
ation , I thought the readers that started with the Broome rain ing. Forty - fi v e minutes
of it would regard the author County ( N . Y . ) M edical Society later back in sunny desert
as a crazy nut, but the general complaining to the State Edu shopping for groceries. This
reaction w ent the other way, cation Department who in turn is the w ay l i f e i s w h e n we
and they consider him a w ise complained to the F. D. A. who in learn to consciously select the
man (which he i s n ot). C o l . turn got co-operation from the images with rapidity, not seek
Powell said in h i s r e v i e w : Post Office Department in their ing to arrest the images or
May I repeat that I p rize this effort to crush me. I t all our scanning flow past them.
book as one o f the most valu started when I offered go give Randolph Ray, Box 2 1 , Thous
able and illum inating of the spiritual h e a l i n g free o f and Palms, C a lif,
thousands I have rea d. charge in an effort to see i f
"T h e reaction to Cosmic i t could help to cure a case of Looks a s i f our space gave
Radiation inspired me to begin hemophilia in a boy whose par out again too soon. Sorry !
work on a r e v is e d , improved ents did not accept the o f f e r .
edition, and i t w ill even have I boubt whether any literature
was mailed to the parents. It
a n e w t i t l e , T h e Bnpyreal
Sea, this Sea being created was an F. D. A. medical doctor The Flying Saucer
by contact o f raw cosmic radi who was the only witness in my
ation with tiie electro-magnetic
emanations e m i t t e d by t h e
case with the Post O ffic e De
partment, and h is opinion was
evidence* aginst me t h o he By D r. John H . Manas,
e a r t h , c a lle d i t s aura , which P h .D ., K . D . , M s.D.
shields everything on i t s sur admitted making no tests o f my
teachings. M orris K a t ze n , The nature of the F l y i n g
face from the k i l l in g rays of sauce rs. Where they come from?
outer space, otherwise the ra Cooks F a lls. S . T.
W ho flies them ? Mars and our
diation o f our own sun would This reader believes April Martian Visitors. Val - T hor,
destroy us a hundred m i l l i o n issue best e v er . As artist- the V e n u s i a n A m b a s s a d o r in
miles away. teacher, appreciated the tech Washington. The s u b t e r r a n e a n
"T h e a n c ie n t masters knew Rac e s of the Deros. The a n c i
nique o f rooster on cov er.. .
all this, and they called Cos ent Atlant e a n s , their s u b t e r
Hart to Heart always en ranean c i ties and the F l y i n g
mic radiation Astral Light. A s joyed. Hie auditorial I found Saucers. Can m an ever g o to
we make n e w d is co v e ries we fun also revealing. I t opened the M o o n and the p l a n e t s ? Space
move up on those o ld wise m en, my eyes fu r t h e r to ce rta in c o n d i t i o n s and Cosm i c rays and
and maybe in years to come we things phoeny-cian. I wonder i f forces. C r e a t i o n of the Solar
w ill know as much as they did the official liars I encountered System. Original illustrations.
about Creation and the Creator. had been audited? E n g r a v e d c o l o r e d binding .
" I m ...n o w in my 86th y e a r , Well, friend editor, looks $2 . 0 0 p o s t p a i d . Send f o r
and to keep from growing o l d . lik e Lowana J u la in e and Roy your copy today, to:
I ve put aside my car and gone Davis took you up on your aud
to w a l k i n g . I liv e Vk m ile s ito ria l, How About Some Spir PYTHAGOREAN SOCIETY
from our post o ffic e and make 152 West 42nd Street
itual Research Development . N e w York 36. N. V.
the trip on foot morning and * R e : Schroeppel No. 12--
18- -----Th e ABERREE----- may, 1963
plete in one b o o k l e t - a l l 32 chap
t e r s - - a s . published s e r ia lly In
The ABERREE. Send $1 to The ABER-
REE. P. O. Box 528. Enid, Okla.


loving man o f means, elderly
but in excellent health, wants
forms Los Angelenos Interested itual classic of all time. "S t e p s wife--no smoking, drinking, and
in Improving themselves and help to C h r i s t ,* ' bv E l l e n G . W hite. no religious fanatic. Send de
ing others that the Los Angeles Large p r in t , tfx
5 X . Price $ 1 .0 0 . t a ils of s e lf and I will do
Synergetic group is being re- es Matthew B o k m il l e r , 10324 Grand
tab lish ed . Group meetings mill be R iver, Detroit 4 , M ic h ig an . 01-3* the same. L . Z . T a y l o r i n g ...
every tmo weeks at a l o c a t io n This ad brought 76 letters
probably vest of Figueroa. For THE BIBLE HANDBOOK by Foote
particulars c all EX- 2 - 1866 or and B a l l . An in stru ctive guide
to this bogus name and from
w rite Ben K e l l e r . 2447 Fourth to the B ib le needed by a l l . UNIQUE them I culled out 46 t h a t I
Street. Santa M onica, C a l i f . 92-1* BOOKS, P . 0 . Box 3002, S t a . B, thought about the right age and
South Bend, In d ia n a . 91-5* physical type, so I sent each
WANT TO BOY "A dv an ced P r in c i
ples of F a i t h " co urse: "Concept BEET J U I C E , o rganically grown, a copy o f Gospel of Love ' (ED.
T h e ra p y " course, and Nexology l iv e , r a w , u n n e a t e d , vacuum NOTE Some of h i s anti-Bible
course. Edwin Herman, 2479 S h i r d rie d . Nothing removed except wa
ley Avenue, Baltimore 1 5 , Mary ter and f i b e r . Nothing added. Dy
1 iterature) with a mimeographed
land. 9 2-1* namic! 150 t a b le ts . $ 7 . 5 0 . GAG sheet tellin g that I wanted a
S a le s , P . 0 . Box 1 6 9 7 , A b ile n e , mate who was somewhat in har
ORTHODOX means B e l i e v i n g - Un T exas. 88 - 6 *
believ ers were called h e r e t ic s . mony with my views as expressed
D iffe r e n t cults sprang from the GIFTED SPIRITUALIST--50 cents a in the booklet. A few days la
C atho lics by sheading B e l i e f s q uestio n . L o u i s e M a r k s , 107 ter I m ailed each a copy of
one after another, like onion Ferry S t . , D a n v il l e , Penn. 88- 1*
s k in s . Luther sh e d the Pope, he Bible Stories 1 1 1 .', and then
d i d n 't B 'e l i e v e in s e llin g w rit THE RIPSAW--"Rips away the bark I got in touch with each one
ten passes to heaven, but he B e- of superstition and cuts to the by phone or letter and I got
lleved in the B 'i b l e . Heretics t r u t h . S a m p l e 1 0 4 . RIPSAW, P .O .
who shed a ll the B ib le and God, Box 3002 , s t a . B, So u th B e n d , rebuffed by about two-thirds of
too, becoming a t h e is t s , d i d n ' t Ind ia na . 88- 6* the la d ie s , some saying they
believe anything or know anything were not in harmony at all and
either (about the B i b l e ) . Faith
has a twin brother, G ullive r (G u l ASTROLOGY HOROSCOPE. 50 cents. others saying they were n o t
Louise Marks, 107 Ferry S t r e e t ,
lib le Logic) that B 'e l i e v e s In a
D a n v ille , Penna. 91- 2* interested, but out of the lis t
d iffe r e n t Pope. Faith fa lls for I got 16 who had become favor
G lit te r and G ullive r fa lls f o r
A , B, C 's behind names. To know REQUEST an in vitatio n to mem ably impressed, most o f them
something about the b i b l e , start bership from the Florida S o c i
ety for Psychical Research, Inc. saying they did not know such
with Satan (Sa tu rn , B ) and his
henchmen, for they control Fam e, Write -- Route 4, Box 8 2 , Tam pa, things were in the Bible.
Wealth, Crime, S ic k n e ss, and In F lo rida . 85- 10* I talked to a l l o f them
s a n ity . They are calle d malefics several times and found tha t
by a stro lo gers, but you don t FAMOUS CLIMATE THAT HEALS. Pa
have to study a s t r o lo g y w h e n paya d ie t , $100 per month, with all were doubters, now. Eight
they are represented with capital room. Inexpensive M a s t e r s ' and o f them I called upon person
le t t e r s , and the signs represent Doctors* degrees in V itarian ism ,
Naturopathy, e t c . Journal Pros ally and talked many times to
ed by numbers that are c a p it a l
ized when controlled by S a ta n . I f pectus: 2 0 4 , J , Lovewisdom , Vil- them by phone and all became
you can add the days In six months cabamba, L o ja , Ecuador. 90- 3* freethinkers.
and m ultiply by 1, 2 , or 3, you Each o f the 76 who answer
c a n q u a lify . I f you d o n 't have Have you heard about "T H E WIS
t in e , please d o n 't waste my tine DOM POOL 7 Write Arthur J . Burks, ed had said that she was re
by answering. Send postage for c /o CSA, Lakemont, G eo rg ia. 89-6* ligious and o f the 16 who be
sample to New Age Center, R - l, came freethinkers, six had been
Box 6 2 5 , Camas, Wash. 92- 1* SUBCONSCIOUS MIND by David Bush
$ 1 .9 8 . David Bush said, Give Baptists, four Methodists, two
me 60 minutes and I ll unlock the Christian , a n d one Lutheran .
floodgates of that vast reservoir
of mental power - - yo u r s u b c o n
scious mind. Note the immediate
"T h e Lutheran lady had be
longed to that church for 50
effect on your b u s in e s s , s o c ia l, years and she i s now 60. She
and everyday l i f e . UNIQUE BOOKS,
JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY P .O .B o x 3 0 0 2 , S t a . B . , South Bend, is a very intellig ent and at
International In d ia n a . 88 - 6 * tractive woman who never missed
T HE BEST T H I N G T H A T EVER a Sunday from church and was
HAPPENED WHETHER YOU BELIEVE it or not, the leader and driving force
you owe it to y o u r s e lf, and God,
" S c i e n c e M e e t s the O c c u l t to read "T h e Book They Blamed on behind most o f the church ac
Get the W o r l d s Most Unusua l G o d " by D r . Karl K r i d l e r . Com- t iv itie s. She does not attend
and U n i q u e P u b l i c a t i o n with an church any more and is as fine
E x p o s i t i o n of Both the Ortho - a freethinker type of mind a s
dox and U n o r t h o d o x
S a mple Copies, each
D Cell Catalysts any reader of PACT. She is Mrs.
Jack Bays now. . .
S u b s cription, S3 per year For those w ish in g to ex Jack B a y s , the editor o f
Advertisers en c l o s e a sta mped periment with my D -Cell PACT, who announced h is recent
addressed envelope for your Catalysts in the treatment marriage in this fashion, adds
Ao Rate Chart of plants, seeds, and g a s that i f you want an atheist or
Magazine Published Quarterly o l i n e , I will s e n d th re e agnostic for a mate, just make
U n d e r Ausp i c e s of of the if!2 white for charg a few and then choose the best
A S S O C I A T I O N FOR SOCIAL P S Y ing a gallon o f water. Cost o n e . To which we a d d . Jack
CH O L O G Y must be quite a man, i f he can
$2. 50. Blue ones for charg
(A N o n - P r o f i t E d ucational and erase 50 years o f churchanity
ing gasoline cost the same .
Philanthropic Co r p o r a t i o n so s u c c e s s f u l l y ...
C h a r t e r e d by the G o vernment of Instructions with each
the District of C o l umbia) order. 5 W ere using a lot of let
ters to the editor this is s u e ;
Ad d r a s s
18 13-b Ad ams Ml I I Road, N.W.
HILARY M. D0REY but wouldnt The ARERREE be a
Wa s h i n g t o n , D.C., U.S.A. 12% A r nold A v .- - N e w p o r t , R.I.. sorry mag without its read
er-writers? We think so.
MAY, 1963
See the ETCACOLOR Since there a r e several
hundred books in the Lending
Library, only a partial list

Diffraction AURA can be run at one time. Save

these ads for complete l is t
ing . Indexed by authors.

A G H A R T A - Robt. E. Oickh off
VERY P E C U L I A R P E O P L E - - E r i c J.
0 ingwaI I

SOME HU M A N O D D I T I E S -- Eric i.

H. N o r m a n d Dodge
N I N T H HOUR -- John Dobbs

NICE. A . D . 3 2 5 -- Dean Dudle y
No longer do you have to wish, train, hope to L I V I N G T H E B I B L E - - N ew T e s t a
ment -- E idetic Foun d a t i o n
see what the ancients reportedly saw. YOU SEE AT L I V I N G WITH C H I L D R E N - Eidet ic
ONCE! No training. No gadgets. No letdown due to Found at ion
misleading advertisements. No hours sitting in a Albert Ellis
dark room, but can be used at once. SEE AT ONCE! P S Y C H O L O G Y OF S E X - - Have Iock
THIS IS A NEW SYSTEM NEVER K I N 6 O F P A R I S -- ( Novel) -- Guv

O a h s p e ) -- F. 0. Engin eer

See the diffraction aura of your hands, fin B A H A ' U LLAH A ND THE N E W ERA
J . E. Esslemont
gers; see your friend's head in aura colors float PILGR IM, PROPH ET, AND M E - - L.
ing in space. Use it to learn, study; marvel at A. Fealy
P R O S P E R I T Y -- C h a r l e s Fillmore
the glowing colors. See them floating in space in THRU N A T U R A L L A W S * TO FIRST
living colors of objects, pets, animals.


GR E A T CAUSE S. S. Fisher
T R U T H L O V E R E d ward Fjel l a n d e r

$[0 0 H A U N T E O M I N D -- Nand or Fodor

--Ethel Fores man
COMPLETE...................... !| post-
SE C R E T S OF DR. T A V E R N E R -- 01 on
Fortu ne
Sold with Money-back Guarantee. Or, send $1.00, J OURNEY INTO A S T R A N G E LAND
refundable on purchase, for the booklet," DISCOV Eloise Franco
ERY OF THE ETCACOLOR AURA". No C.O.D.'s please. C H O A N A L Y S I S -- Siground Freud
We invite the professional mediums and psychics P S Y C H O A N A L Y S I S S. Freud
to send for this completely new presentation in BASIC T E A C H I N G S OF THE GREAT
P H I L O S O P H E R S -- S . E . Frist Jr.
advancing the investigations of the Etcacolor SONG OF S A N D T A R O T -- Nancy
Aura. Your reactions will welcome such a new con FuI Iwood
BRIEF P S Y C H O T H E R A P Y Bert rand
cept in psychic investigations. S. Frohm an
OUR FO R W A R D LOOK Anni s e Gal-
Mark L. Gallert
Write for information on the Innermagnetic Aura HI ODEN F ACTORS THAT CONTR OL
Detector, to sell for $10.00. Lets your students YOUR LIFE -- M a r k L. Gallert
FADS 8 F A L L A C I E S - - M. Gardner
see what you can't express, or tell them. Nothing
like this ever placed before the professional for (Continued next issue)
visual actual seeing. Its a completely new tool, LENDING LIBRARY RULES
Ftor paid-up subscribers in U .
sold only to advanced students or professionals. S . o n ly .
Rental fee, 254 per book .
OFFERED AS TRAINING AID ONLY Only one book will be sent at
a time. Alternate titles suggest
ed in case book you want is o u t .
ROY DAVIS RESEARCH LABS Please return in two weeks.


P O B n i 5 2 8 Enid. O kla.
20- The ABERREE MAY, 1963
Volume X Number 3
Other guest speakers a s y e t
unknown will be sandwiched in
each d a y to keep the program
interesting and in s p ir in g . We
wouldn t be surprised even i f
a flying saucer or so dipped
their rims over the area, just
in acknowledgment to those who
are w illin g to b e lie v e what
they s e e , and not rationalize
i t -away with some mundane ex
H For those who look for i t ie s f o r the 18th, and tiiat planation. But such is not on
significances In our cover this they ' d really meant to say was the program that we know o f . . .
month, let us save them time that they d be in Oklahoma City i So, i f we can get away,
and trouble by assuring them on the 16th. However, they ll we hope to see some o f you
right here that THERE ARE NONE. be back , come 10 May i f we and i f we c a n t , we hope you
The picture was taken from a read the sorry card correct enjoy yourselves. Maybe there
painting by Bruce Meyers o f ly but that ll be too late for are telepathists strong enough
White Salmon, Wash., sent u s an interview for this e d it io n . to wing their pleasures back
by Lorraine Harr o f P o r t la n d , I t was (the one on the 16th/ to us--for u s to enjoy second
Ore. Since we d o n t have the 18th) a meeting we had been hand . . .
type o f equipment necessary to looking forward t o , too , b u t 1 I f y o u m is s your usual
reproduce c o l o r pictures, our maybe we can squeeze i n time quota o f I See for Y o u this
fir s t reaction was that i t was from the m ailing of the June month, blame i t on the poor
not a picture for The ABERREE issue to make the new (and we mail service between Phoenix
but we decided to try anyway, hope) corrected date . . . and B i i d , too much work f o r
even i f we had to reproduce 5 And this b r i n g s u s to a the s e e r , or ju st blame it!
i t in monotone. An d this is subject about which we ve been However, not having heard from
the result! The picture, which doing much thinking but lit tle L o u i s '* fo r a month , we just
Bruce entitled Blue Boy , has deciding--whether we shall at "scraped the barrel o f what
lost much o f it s quality as we tend the 4-day Borderland con was le ft over from last month,
were forced to reduce brown vention to be held at Harmony and crossed our fingers w ith
trees, dark shadows, and even Grove n e a r Escondido, C a l i f . , hopes h e ll be back to normal
the red mouth o f the wolf/pro- on May 30-31 and June 1-2. We next month . . . ^ Me asked Trah
tector to one shade o f b l u e , have been invited and shall Nika to pinch-hit again as he
varying only its intensity. We i f w e can possibly arrange did la st s n a e r , b u t all w e
hope Bruce d o e s n t mind. And things in Enid so that we can got was a growl and a grunt
anyhow, in a r e a l i t y where a get away -- but there are too and you c a n t p rin t THAT. . .
character such as "B lu e Boy many question marks in any ad 5 Iben Albert Rov Davis of
is part o f the environment, vanced c a lc u la t io n s . H a ro ld Green Cove Sp rings, F la. (not
who is to say that our alter Kinnev of Englewood, C a l i f . , Roy H i e H n Davis o f Garrett
ing o f h i s color scheme may and Floranee Verrico of Holly Park, M d.) , pat an ad in The
not be as accurate as the art wood, C a l i f ., e s p e c i a lly have AHHHfflK aboat h is etcacolor
i s t s , who is conditioned to written e n c o u raging 1 etters tu b e , h e really stirred up a
all those pretty colors on his that make the prospects o f go h o rn e t s n est among readers.
p alette. . . ing doubly enticing. Mrs. Ver Not since Katzea have we seen
5 Even those who know tech rico even has suggested that such a barrage o f letters from
niques for driving out evil there are those who w o u ld see those who know a ll about d if
sp ir its seem impotent before to i t that w e d not have to fraction gratings, and what the
one l i t t l e devil, who invades try and negotiate the Los Ange tube would/would not do . S o
the most sanctified sanctorums les murder lanes to attend a altho we have no q u a litie s of
with most embarrassing r e g u l meeting in Los Angeles follow se e rs h ip . w e predict that M r.
arity. This lit t le devil who ing the Harmony Grove meeting , D a v is s Psychic News Letter,
i s better known as the typo i f w e d only consent to make by it s very controversial n a
graphical error found h is way the trip. ture, w ill arouse the wrath of
into t h e correspondence o f those who would rather read
Riley Crabb. recently, messing 5 Looking over the schedule news headlines aboat war with
up completely his planned stop for the four days convinces us Cuba, bad weather in specified
in Oklahoma C i t y . R i l e y , who that the program would be more areas, illn e s s , and bank f a il
publishes the Borderland Sci than worthwhile even were we ures, than forecasts they are
ence Research publication, The not given an opportunity to on the horizon. Sin ce we d o n t
ROUND ROBIN, h a d written before meet so many of our valued sub know how accurate Mr. Davis is
starting a speaking tour that scribers and fr ie n d s . For ex as a seer, we can only w ait to
he w o u ld be in Oklahoma City ample, on the opening day- - fin d out and hope that in the
on 18 A pril. Charles and Velva Thursday, May 30 Rile.v Crabb meantime, Mr. Davis learns to
Rhodes, not being sufficiently will make the keynote talk and s p e ll.. .
all-seeing to detect the pres address o f welcome, followed 5 Breaking a long s ile n c e
ence of the playful l it t le imp , by gob Churchill, Joe JhB Sloan,. of almost nine years * A . J . S ,
sent out announcements to all Mlllesan D r e w s , and Douglas McMillan, erstwhile editor or
members o f t h e Oklahoma City Low. F rid ay books Katherine the old B. D. R . (B risto l Dia-
New Age group and then waited Kimbrough. Eric Murray. Beva netic Review), w r it e s to say
for time and the Crabbs. I t Dell Hunter, gr. Louis S e l z e r , he is working on an article
was a pleasant surprise when Riley C rabb , and Vincent H . for Hie ABERREE on the re-eval-
Riley and Judy showed up two Gaddi b . Saturday will have J U . uation of Dianetica-Scientology
days early, but not so pleas L. o . Anderson. Ir Y P r James, after 13 years, plan a expla
ant when they discovered this Dave Bhreeve , D. Grace Brun- nation o f h is long s ile n c e .
was IT that other commitments ler. and Larry Chatterton. and Not nany persons knew pianet
(barring typographical errors) Sunday will have Crabb. Jessica tes as d id t h is British andi-
placed them in farther commun Madlsan. and Q i. Craig H u nter. (PLEASE TUWW TO PME 18)
2 Th e ABERREE JiWE, 1963
JUNE, 1963 ^Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites^,
| for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn,
Vol. X No. 3 HBRR l Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen I
Published monthly, except for the combined January-Pebruary and POLICY: Dont take it so damn seriously.
the July-August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla. The Infiniteness of Man is not reduced
to a "s p l i t infinity by wars, taxes,
Editorial Office: 2522*4 North Monroe, Enid, Okla. or "experts who seek to sell him what
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Enid, Okla. he already has in an infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
Subscription Price: $2 a year, 35 for 3 years. Single copies 25* our minds f r o m issue to issue, or
even from page to page, if we desire.
Second class postage paid at Enid, Oklahoma. Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man h as the inherent
right to be his own and only Author
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART, 1-2, D .D ., D. Sen., ity with his w ife s permission.
P .S e n ., B .Se n ., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum Sub-Sub-Sub-Pol icy: We have no objection to
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART, 1-1, HCA. SEC., WPE., L b m .. ETC. "educated guesses about Mans d e s
tiny if theres no price tag to i t ,
ADVERTISING--Payable in advance. Write for rates. Copy and pay and if the guesser has no objection to
ment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. our guessing that h e s only guessing.

AN AUDITORIAL BY 103-644, 440-01-2935 , 670-59-14

Why cannot man understand men each has known and how this "P o o ls * n am es, lik e f o o l s '
or know God? Is it because he individual compares to other faces, are always found in pub
is liv in g on an identity plane individuals. Of course, t h e r e s lic p la c e s . Not very Godlike
in which th e r e is no meaning always an "A n n Landers or an --but i t ' s human.
to him o f the word ONE? And how A b b y " to complain to i f one So you want to be like God
can we be "o n e with a l l " i f feels t h e difference between to be part o f the "O neness of
we are educated from birth to what they g o t a n d what they the universe? Did you ever see
be separate and individual? wanted doesn t give them a suf God s picture on the cover of
At b ir th , man is separated ficien t advantage. His magazine? or His by-line
from oneness with h is mother, The husband, normally, be on a book, or "Copyright by
and this separateness increases comes a mechanic, salesman, God- all rights reserved ? In
with almost every breath. He architect, policeman, doctor, it s e lf, this might be a good
is given a label, so he will or lawyer, perhaps s p e c i a l i z scale on which to weigh claim
be distinguishable from others ; ing within h is particular cat ants to Deity status. How much
footprints are taken to in egory; this may be a difference are they willing to be at One
sure that Johnny Jones w o n t hard to detect, but h e ll de with their fellowman ?
go home with Mrs. Snith . fend it jealously. Even tho he Being hum an, w e 'r e a bit
At home, he quickly learns appears to conform --to " p prejudiced in favor o f this
l i t t l e tricks to gain recog along with t h e gang -- i t i s code o f difference and ind i
nition and pampering. W it h in not from a sense of "O neness . viduality, and we like to feel
days, Johnny proves h i s adapt He discovered long ago, in his that our individual efforts are
ability to "b e i n g hum an" by tight for recognition, ju s t how efforts to improve, but NOT to
discovering he c a n get e x t r a far society will let him go in be different ju st for the sake
attention by being d i f f e r e n t . h is desire to be "d if f e r e n t . o f ballooning o u r status sym
I f he has older brothers and H e ll put h is name on the o f bol. Individuality is ea rths
s i s t e r s , h e e n j o y s special fice door, store, o r business challenge, and we lik e it . If
status because he is " t h e ba and later h is tombstone not we prove our mettle as in d i
by". I f he grows up to be that because he doesnt remember v id u a ls without conceit a nd
Jones b r a t o r that " n i c e what particular desk o r piece without demeaning those around
l i t t l e k id next d o o r , he has o f real estate is h i s o r to u s w ell have succeeded in
attained a mark o f separate prevent "c la im ju m p in g ", but negotiating what is apparently
ness which h is ego w ill f e e d i t i s h i s mark in the world o f the level o f this p la n e . But
and cause him to magnify. which he wants recognition. as we do it , we err i f we prate
All t h r u l ife - - in s chool, I f h is name i s published in o f reaching the God-level. Or
at play, at work, in romance the newspaper, the e d it o r had equally we err by chastising
the inclination is to be " d i f better be certain i t s spelled ourselves for worldly successes.
ferent . Sometimes i t s a ten correctly. And published pic Maybe automation and the
dency even to be worse than tures o f crowds in which one punch card system will push
others i f he gets h i s share may be no more than a few dots mankind toward the universal
o f recognition from it . He can in the landscape will f i n d Oneness by removing the iden
be the k id who c a n 't le a r n people trying to proudly iden t it ie s we cherish. The glamour
geography, o r a rith m etic; or tify themselves from all other o f being a Johnny Jones, Bobbie
the k id who spurns athletics dots in the landscape. Sm ith, o r Pramklin Ossfedder
because h e s " c l u m s y " , or he No, m ans ego will not let will fade, as we become merely
handles a ball on the playing him approach the " O n e n e s s 99 , 2 3 4 , 102, 7 3 8 ,5 6 2 ,3 4 8 , o r
Held as i f i t w e r e g r e a s e d . that i s supposed to be an at 156-162-987.
I f h e c a n t be a bright s t a r , tribute o f Godhood. Even some We wonder i f these numbers
h e l l be a dull o n e . o f the most avowed " a v a t a r s will be applied to one and all
Even i n marriage, the min and so-called spiritual lead alike Baptist, Buddhist, Mo
iste r pronounces the p a ir a s ers c a n t seem to forego t h e hammedan, or Methodist priest
"one , but one o f the " o n e " is temptation to put their names and layman or will the fight
the husband and the other one and faces in all prints likely to be "d if f e r e n t give R o m a n
the wife, and neither will let to go before the public. In numerals to the Catholics, for
t h e remainder o f the "o n e this connection, th eres prob instance, and cardinal numbers
forget the d is tin c tio n . There ably more to an old "backhouse for "p r in c e s o f the church ?
are t r a d it io n s that must be rhyme than mere words and For other possible absurdities
obeyed, roles for the man a nd rhythm most o f you probably we leave i t to those who go in
roles for the woman -- and com have seen it, but for those o f for a b s u r d itie s w e ve been
parisons with other men and wo- you who h a v e n t , we repeat: absurd enough for one month.
FIRST ERASE PATIENTS build a new house on a s ite alre a dy occupied
THIRD: In ordinary treatment, take the left

hand o f your patient with your right hand, that
the Cosmic Force may enter your le ft side and
pass out at your right, or positive side, into

the left, o r receptive s id e , o f the p a t ie n t .
You should remain in a positive condition of
mind w h ile treating in th is manner, or your

tk J 11____
own personal magnetism or l i f e force will be
By ALBERTA M. O'CONNELL drawn from you with the Cosmic Force into the
(Prow the P u b l i s h e d L e c t u r e s of R i c h a r d Ingalese.

FOURTH: In a case o f depleted mental condi
C o p y right 1902 by Ri c h a r d Ing alese.) tion o f a patient, in epilepsy, insanity, a n d
N CURING disease by the power o f mind, there in spinal trouble, place y our right hand upon
is the conscious and unconscious use o f the the top o f the p a tie n t s head while giving the
Cosmic F o rces. A l l m o d e r n metaphysical treatment. T h i s position throws the current
schools differ somewhat among themselves in where i t is most needed.
regard to the process by which cu re s are FIFTH: I n cases o f cancers, tumors, b o i l s ,
performed, yet a l l perform some remarkable swellings or any kind o f separate growth, cover
o n e s . Some schools use strenuous denials, and the affected area with a white s ilk handker
consciously or unconsciously hypnotize their chief, then place your hand over i t while giv
p a t ie n t s , a n d while the patients are in this ing the treatment. By covering it , you do not
condition change their thought, and in t h i s see it , and are better able to picture perfec
manner change the manifestation o f the disease tion in it s p lace, and by placing your hand
from which they are suffering. Other s ch o o ls, upon the affected part, you bring the current
thru repeated suggestions, cause the patient o f force directly into it . This conserves fo r c e .
to accept a new line of thought, and with the SIXTH: Keep your le ft hand o f f the patient
change o f thought the body changes. In both when treating. Otherwise you form a complete
these classes o f cases it is the direct action circuit with him, and as the new l i f e goes in
o f mind upon mind which brings about the change to him thru h i s le ft hand o r s id e , you draw
in the condition of the p a tie n t . h is o l d , wornout or demagnetized atoms into
Other schools, thru d e n ia ls a n d affirma your s e l f , thereby lowering your own rate of
tions, or thru affirmations and denials, peti vibration, a n d bringing a physical c o n dition
tion, or prayer, and th ru picturing the d e upon yourself sim ilar to that which you are
sired results, unconsciously put into operation trying to relieve.
the Cosmic fo r c e s . SEVENTH: In separate growths, use the high
There a r e three things the occultist at est shade o f the particular Cosmic Force o r
tempts to do i n making a cure thru mental color you have selected to use for your pati en t.
m eans. F irst, he destroys the mental picture Suppose you desire t o use green; then treat
o f disease which his patient holds as a matrix ; with the ultra-ray o f green, because that is
second, he raises the vibrations o f that por the highest rate o f vibration o f that color
tion of the body which has become lowered, and and will bring the quickest r e s u l t s . Herein
makes i t vibrate normally, thus forcing o u t li e s the great success o f the occultist over
all foreign elements; and t h ir d , he supple the majority o f healers, and over those who use
ments the elements driven out with new elements mechanical processes. When the x-ray is thrown
which are introduced into the system by the upon an individualized growth, it immediately
Cosmic Force flowing thru it. commences its disruptive process, and much
Here are a few rules that may be helpful in better r e s u l t s are obtained than with the
demonstrating over disease : FIRST, it is well knife. I t s limitation i s lik e that o f surgery,
to avoid seeing the manifestation of the d is in t h a t i t d o e s not reach the blood; conse
ease , i f p o ssible. By d o in g this, you will quently, i f the germs are thru the blood, there
not have the picture of disease constantly in will be a return of the disease. But i f the
mind and will be able to see more clearly the healer p la c e s his hand over the affected part
picture o f perfect health you must create f o r and uses the ultra shade o f Cosmic color se
the p a tie n t. I f you do not see the objective lected, and directs the current thru the entire
symptoms of an ugly wound, o r an a r t i f i c i a l system, the germs will be destroyed.
growth, it i s easier to make a perfect image EIGHT: Concentrate on the aura of the pa
and to present that picture to the p a t ie n t . tient to get h is predominant color, and then
In cases where there a r e only subjective ask of Universal Consciousness that the color
symptoms, never let your sympathies go out to may be made known to y o u . This should be done
the patient, but hold yourself positive against in case y o u are not clairvoyant, and do not
any emotion o f fear which he may have. The mo see Cosmic c o lo rs at w i ll.
ment your own emotions become joined with his , NINTH: Demand o f Deity that you may be used
your power t o destroy his mental picture o f as an instrument for I t to manifest thru. This
disease i s weakened; you have then accepted demand, like any other, must, and will be, m e t,
his creatio ns a n d a r e b u t accentuating the because whatever i s held in mind constantly
pictures in his mind. must sooner or later materialize.
SECOND: When you have learned from the pa TENTH: Always treat yourself for positive
tient w hat h is creations are, you are able to ness before treating a patient. According to
destroy them by denying their permanency, if your own positiveness can you be a channel or
they exist temporarily, or by denying them ab center thru which Cosmic Forces can flow. One
solutely i f they are imaginary. After making reason for becoming positive before commenc
your denials, follow with affirmations o f that ing to treat a patient i s that you may not
which i s true; create a perfect physical con take upon yourself the pains or disease from
your patients, as many metaphysicians do.
dition for your patient, and hold that thought
ELEVENTH: Always use the color, or shade of
picture until he himself accepts it.
the color, next higher in the scale o f vibra
TO mentally affirm a healthy condition with
out denying or destroying the pictures of dis tions than the predominating color of your pa-
ease held by the patient i s like attempting to (PLEASE TURN T O PACE 6)

4 Th e flBERREE JUNE, 1963

The W atcher at the Graveyard By ARTHUR J. BURKS
HE NAKED cabocloa word which means, know for certain . Perhaps he had already

roughly, "Indian-descended, i l l i t f e d . Ihe two fire flie s dipped away, van
erate jungle B r a z il ia n " wakened ished, a n d the cat moved off thru the
easily and all at o n ce . There was blackness.
no s le e p in e s s , no rubbing of the The Watcher breathed again . His mouth
e y e s. He stood erect on his tough opened a little and moisture appeared at
bare feet and looked around . The its corners. That had been very close. He
funeral was over, had been over for shivered slightly in the lowering cold ,
a long time , and everyone had gone just off the equator.
home . The sun had sunk in the Amazon The moon rode higher. Its mellow lig h t ,
Valley hours ago and the stars were o u tby , which one out on the river might read
hanging low over the black Mapua , close a newspaper, seemed to be struggling
enough to touch. He scarcely no ted t h e against the coal-blackness, blacker even
stars , knowing them really beyond reach . than the ebony Mapua, to push it into and
He stood in the cemetery--grass-grown , under the trees . On three sides of the
rock-bordered. The crosses were all wood cemetery the jungle rose h ig h . The river
en because caboclos were too poor to buy side was open but it was blacker than the
stones . blackness that piled itself so thickly in
The ebon Mapua, one of the many tongues the trees. The Watcher had known the soft
in the mouth of the Amazon, was his river. almost-still voice of the Mapua all his
He had been bom on it , would die on it life . He heard it as he slept. It was the
as h i s immediate family h ad . The last first sound he remembered.
close relative had been buried this af Now another sound stiffened his h e ad,
ternoon. There were other relatives on a snake sound this time. It was nearer
the Taujori but that was far away and they than the cat sound had been . It crawled
were afraid of the bad air on the black along, inched a l o n g , night-hunting for
river which set peoples skins afire and squeaking mice and rats perhaps. It could
burned them until they died. They had come be a boa constrictor, a deadly bushmaster,
to the funeral . They had stayed only as even a parrot snake, or a gorgeously col
long as decency required. They were ac ored coral. One did not need to fear it
customed to death, as The Watcher was. It i f one stood very s t il l ; that was one of
was everywhere. the first things The Watcher had learned.
Right he re was death , close to the A round warmness crawled upon one of
ju ngles, where night caught only the un his f e e t , down between them, over the
wary. Fireflies, huge and silent, darted o th er, then away, but there was much of
thru the undergrowth at the riv e r 's bank. it and it kept crawling over his feet for
The tall trees were of many k in d s . There a long time, as long as he could hold his
were t h e rubber tre e , the cotton tree, breath. Then he breathed again and was
the graceful assai palm . But the slender thankful he had wakened. In sleep, one
palm d i d not grow where years of death might move without knowing, and be bitten
had erected so many weathered crosses. grievously, f a t a l l y .
They grew around t h e house wherein all The moon dropped behind a black cloud
save The Watcher h ad d ie d , the house to that covered a l l the sky and the ebon
which he would not return, into which, crosses. As The Watcher w atched, th e
when death had entirely passed, some other crosses all seemed to approach him, as if
caboclo would move with his numerous and to push him back to the river whence he
growing family, of which two in 10 lived. had com e, whither he would g o , up and
The Watcher stiffened. Even his breath down which all Brazilians traveled in
stopped. A sound had come out of the for their hardwood canoes. He shivered a g a in .
est , a gentle c a t sound. The Watcher, Winter rain was due and nights were c o ld .
there among the now-black crosses, waited He could f e e l night things crawling on
for the jaguar to approach, to leap, to him. The humming pests sang their song in
slay. It came . Its yellowish eyes , like his ears, bit him in many p la ce s. In f i
two fireflies close together flying low, nitely p a t ie n t , he did not figh t them.
appeared among the very blackest shadows They simply dodged and returned i f he did.
where the moonlight scarcely touched. They A bird began to screech, " Y o u re cheap!
stayed there, always close together, as You re cheap ! far back in the forest. He
i f f o r a long time they studied the neu knew it was the jumping bird that jumped
tral, silent Watcher. Why the jaguar did as it screeched, as if words gave it power
not rush a n d spring no one would ever to jump. It traveled at nig h t, but went
JUNE, 1963' Th e A B ERR E E --------------------------------------- 5
nowhere in particular.
Time passed. He tried to make it pass
faster. He wished he knew just when the
sun would come. He turned his head slowly
so as not to attract a t t e n t io n ; there %
might be someone to tell him . He thought
he saw a canoa on the river, but it float 1
ed out of shadow to become a drifting
tree. As he recognized it , something that
rode it splashed o f f , moved toward him
across the waters. He knew by the wriggly
wake of it that he would have to stand
still again when it reached the cemetery
until he knew what it was. So he stood for
a long time , but it did not appear. Yet Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
it could be close, c l o s e , watching the Jack jump over the candle stick .
Watcher. IRTHDAYS, marriage days, and death days are
One after the other, startlingly f a s t , candlelight days. These are the periods in
nuts began falling from a nearby b u r i t i conjunction that commemorate the end o f
palm, just out of sight up-river. Could one cycle o f events and the beginning o f
be the wind i f there were a wind so high another. A candle is symbolic o f o n e s nat
ural, u p liftin g, reactive hel iocentricity
up. More likely some predator climber that is an unending spiral. To bring the moth
seeking food. er helix to an en d, she has to be jacked up
For hours before dawn The Watcher did with extra sensory implants so that her last
not move , until the moon came out of the p air of integrating open coils are forced to
cloud again ; but it was gray and distant come full circle and shorted in marriage, into
and darkness remained almost as deep as another straigit l i n e , generating, burning
before, among the crosses. borning. So at points o f transition, from im
mortal heliocentricity to deadly r ad io ac tivity ,
Dawn must be near. The Watcher shivered the candle i s li t . Ekids and beginnings are the
again, waiting for the su n . He faced periods that o n e jumps over the stick and
where it would rise; faced intently, like crosses the bar i n t o repetitive deaths a n d
a worshipper, and almost held his breath . conceptions, which are one and the same p oint.
The night thru which The Watcher had In immaculate Mother N a tu res unendingness,
passed would have been a nightmare to any there is no jumping over the candle stick from
outlander. But The Watcher had endured as cycle to cycle. 9ie has no flame, no masculine
crator creator from which to man out. She i s a
caboclos were accustomed to endure; there
truncated, n o n - objective, autom atic! ty. To
had been nothing else to do, and a car- live forever, she requires no Jack to jack her
boclo never squirms . up, no nimbleness n o r quickness to reach her
Dawn came. He turned and walked down helical h e i g h t s . Any a ss ista n ce to her i s
to the bank of the Mapua staunchly. Maybe murder and another start. Candlelight services
now his many relatives on the Taujuri mark the spot, the place from which one leaves
would remember him, and return . He could and fire s are started.
expect them by the time the sun was near When Mother G o o s e , who is Mother N a t u r e ,
the top of the sky. tells Jack to go ahead and jump over the River
Styx, she i s being d e r is iv e . She knows that
It h ad been an uncomfortable, even one c a n learn only by do in g , and by doing,
chill night, for a naked man. It had been learns not to do it again. Candlelights s h o u l d
unspeakably trying for this naked man--The remind one of his original sinnergystic syns
Watcher, six years old. o f dyings and bornings. He is to overcome syn

A. M. OCONNELL .rV S ".,

----------- by divesting himself o f all engrammic implants
that are strangers to h is own action only. He
must decondition himself o f all so-called good
things that he is constantly adding unto h i s
tient. Suppose you are going to treat a person helical l i f e line that puts it out and lights
who vibrates in the higher shade o f green. i t up like candlelight, again and again.
Then use the blue Cosmic Force, which he must
respond t o , b u t which he will react from. By
using a color higher than h is normal one, you is listening to what you say. You should say ,
raise h i s v ib r a t io n s and when the reaction J im (or whatever), you are mind, and being
comes he will not go below the highest shades mind, you cannot be diseased. Immediately you
o f h is own color and the r e lie f he receives have made a distinction in the patient between
will be permanent. h is m in d himself--and the body, you have the
TWELFTH: U s e suggestions as a supplemental mind working with you to es tablish'the condi
aid to the treatment by color. Use i t for the tion you desire.
purpose o f destroying in the mind of your pa THIRTEENTH: Use as few words as possible to
tient the picture o f disease, and for creating express your thoughts, clearly and concisely.
a new picture o f h e alth . For example: F irst These are a few of the rules and suggestions
get full name o f your patient, and then call which may be used in successful mind h e a lin g .
him mentally by that name until you feel you There are others, but I am trying to show you
have h i s a t te n tio n . Remember, everyone m ust those which exemplify the laws which underlie
receive every thought that is repeatedly s e n t the phenomena o f healing. Having given you the
to him whether he accepts i t or not i s anoth rules, i t remains with you whether th is knowl
er matter. I f your patient has a pet name, one edge shall be purely intellectual or whether
that he hears most at home, u s e that until he you will make practical use o f it .

6 The AB ERREE JUNE, 1 9 6 3

Tragedy of an Unwanted Zygote
ONCEPTION i s a drama, the impact of
body relaxes with a feeling of great r e l i e f .!
which usually remains uncomprehended. Aud Who is saying this?
This moment of fusion seems to de PC Father is saying " I love y o u ". (There
termine, almost completely, the be is a great overwhelming emotion followed by
sobbing and crying for several minutes.! This
havior patterns of the organism cre
seems like the beginning o f the tremendous at
ated by this union of sperm and ovum. tachment between most fathers and daughters.
To clarify t h e material which Aud Who does he r e f e r to? And why the
follows, it is necessary to under feeling of grief?
stand th e meaning o f the Dianetic PC " I love y o u" refers to the n e w life ,
term valence . It is the compulsive which is me. But now the fe e l i n g o f love is
impersonation or identification with an gone, and I fee l alone and anxious.
others personality. At the time of con Aud Now you feel alone? You mentioned that
Mother was resisting at the time of conception.
ception, we find aspects of both Mothers P C Yes, now I am alone, and I don 't like
and Father s personality patterns super the fe e lin g .
imposed upon the instinctual physical body A u d The thought occurs to me: the somatic
patterns carried by the sperm and ovum. reaction you have at this time i s c a lle d a
It is p o ss ib le i n a D ia n e t ic processing c o l d ; does this mean a c o l d reception at
s e s s io n , with the use of peyote * as an addi conception?
tional tool, to recall with vivid awareness P C Tes, the fe e l i n g o f being wanted is
the emotions a n d a t tit u d e s in operation at gone, and now I fee l alone and frightened
this decisive moment o f u n io n , and also those Aud See i f you can separate the feelings of
o f the subsequent nine-month prenatal period . the newly-formed zygote and those Mother might
It seems reasonable to assume that in the be having.
event o f a complete acceptance o f conception PC I , the zy g o t e , am feeling alone a nd
by both parents, th e entity thus conceived frightened.
would become a comparatively unaberrated, well- Aud How does Mother feel?
functioning individual. This acceptance, un PC She is thinking, "I'm going to get rid
fortunately, is seldom the c a s e , a s has been of i t ."
established during m a n y hours o f clinical Aud Does Mother know she has conceived?
fin d in g s ; and it is the conflict created by PC On some level, she must, because I sure
these two o p p o s in g , inharmonious a t tit u d e s , have a rejected fe e lin g .
and some o f the resulting consequences, that Aud--Might this phrase, Get rid o f i t ,
will be presented for consideration h e r e . mostly refer to the semen? What does she do?
The quoted material following is from the PC She takes a douche.
voluminous data o f the Psychological Research Aud What is her feeling when she takes it?
Foundation of Phoenix, Ariz. It is taken ver PC She is revolted by the whole idea of sex.
batim from tape recordings of a Dianetic ses Aud How do e s s h e visualize semen, feel
sion, using peyote as a tool to fa c ilita te the about it?
recall of deeply-buried experiences. The con P C I t i s equivalent to mucous, or snot;
clusions o f equivalents arrived at do not nec sex is a snotty business.
essarily apply to any other case. Aud Snot meaning semen0
PRECLEAR My f i r s t impression i s o f warm P C Yes. I see a relationship here between
semen, and a visio of F ather's fa c e , (The emo a cold, which I have in restimulation, and sex;
tion felt is released by a g rief charge.! "Let the nose is equivalent to the vagina, and blow
me in! Let me i n ! " Father is saying this just ing the nose is equal to emitting or rejecting
before conception, "I'm coming I'm c o m in g !" the semen,
There is a fran tic fe e lin g ; it seems Mother is Aud What was that pounding of the fist into
resisting, and F a th er is making desperate the hand?
effo rts, " I ' v e got to make it this time. I t ' s PC I t meant the impact of conception; fi r s t
the end i f I do n 't make i t . " you conceive, then try to get rid of the semen.
AUDITOR--Whose feeling i s this? And what Aud--You mean Mother did this, and you now
does it refer to? replay this as a cold in the nose?
P C Both Father a nd ' I ' are fee ling t h i s ; P C Yes, that's right.
and ' i t ' r e f e r s to conception. There i s a Aud What other equals are there between a
strong impression that ' I ' w o n 't reincarnate cold and conception?
in this lifetime i f ' I ' do n 't make ' i t ' this PC Mother takes a Lysol douche, which makes
time. (There is much bodily effort here , a nd the membrane of the vagina irritate d, as the
the fist o f one hand hits the palm of the other membrane o f the nose is ir r it a t e d during a
hand many, many tim es.! I finally made i t . (The cold.
Aud This first douche was Lysol?
* P E Y O T E The s a c r e d c a c t u s of the Indian s in P C Yes, but not as strong as the one she
M exico, c o n t a i n i n g a comp le x of a l k a l o i d s , the chief took 10 days after conception. (Preclear had
one of w h i c h is m e s c a l i n e . Peyote , a m u c h - m a l i g n e d run this in a previous session.) 1
' d r u g ' , is not n a r c o t i c - - q u i t e c o n t rary. It is not Aud Would this be what we call basic-basic,
habit-fo r m i n g , and p r o d u c e s no harmfu l s i d e - e f f e c t s , the firs t engram on this chain? How many min
u n l i k e some s y n t h e t i c p r o d u c t s of the c h e m i s t - m e d i utes after conception w a s t h i s first douche
co comb i n e : Thal i d o m i d e , for e x a m p l e . taken?
JUNE, 1963' Th e ABERREE 7
PC Ten minutes. sex; when we wear dark glasses, we. do n 't have
Aud--Continue to scan Mother s thoughts and to look so much at sex.
feelings at this time. Also, what is happening Aud--And you wear dark glasses?
to the zygote? . . PC Tes.
PC There is a pressure in the head, simi- Aud- - If M other said I don t want s e x " ,
lar to the one fe lt during a cold. I t is caused could she mean e-y-e dont want sex?
by the flo w o f water from the douche. I also P C (Laughs) Tes, she certainly could.
get the phrase, " I hope everything drains o u t ". Aud Would putting drops in the eyes equate
with something else?
Aud -- Oh? Is this Mother? Does she mean as PC Of course, a douche. I use drops and
she takes the douche that she hopes everything boric acid quite often.
drains out, including you? Aud -- How do t h e ey e s really feel about
PC Tes. these drops?
Aud How does this material relate to smells? PC I t is quite a shock to the eyes.
PC Smells become shut o f f during a cold. Aud Is it on a par with pouring Lysol into
Aud What are Mother s feelings about smells a vagina?
as she takes the douche? P C Yes, it is .
P C V eil, she not only dislik e s the semen, Aud-- What might the eyes do over a long
she dis lik e s the smell o f i t ; she would rather period o f time? What might happen to them?
have the smell o f the Lysol than the semen. PC They become somewhat out of focus. They
Aud I would like to point out to you that are going to distort my vision to keep remind
you have quite a preoccupation with deodorants, ing me o f Mother's outlook on sex, and how,
all kinds o f things to neutralize odors, es when I am in her valence, I replay h e r same
pecially body odors. attitude.
P C Yes, because i f you c a n 't smell ' i t ' , So, as h a s already been mentioned, i t i s
' i t ' i s n 't there. this double valence o f acceptance and rejec
Aud--Do you have similar feelings? tion that constitutes the basic predisposition
P C Tes, i f I turn o f f the sense o f smell, to which many subsequent behavior patterns be
I c a n 't be reminded o f how offensive sex i s . come attached. I n all o n e s relationships
Aud--Is that jfoat you do with a cold, and especially a marital one the tendency to shift
i f you c a n t smell ' i t , you wont get preg from o n e v a le n c e to another, according to
nant, because i t i s n t there? whether one felt wanted or not wanted, becomes
P C Tes, especially i f I take a douche. apparent. The reaction is on a compulsive, un
Aud--Continue to scan for. any other equiv aware l e v e l, and replays a s an exaggerated
alents. need for the love of t h e accepting parent, to
PC Coughing seems to be an act o f rejec counteract the anxiety and threat to survival
tion, because when you cough, you are expelling caused by the rejecting parent s patterns that
or getting rid o f ' i t ' ; i f I cough much, I get were installed at the time o f conception. The
a headache. This goes back to the pressure in above i s only one example of this basic a c
the uterus caused by the douche. ceptance- rejection c o n fig u r a tio n , which i s
Aud--How might this coughing get connected present at the time o f so many conceptions.
as far as Mother is concerned? What might she Much o f the material quoted from the re
say i f she had a cold when she was pregnant? corded session deals with somatic reactions
PC Well, the phrase "I 'v e got to get rid of that a r e transferred from the original organ
i t " also applies to her cold. and/or function to an analog by way of associ
Aud So the cold and coughing gets hooked ation or id en tifica tio n , and linked together
up with the AA (attempted abortion'* chain be sem antically--all summed up in the word " p s y
cause o f the phrase, " I ve got to get rid of chosomatic . T h e genesis o f some o f these
it ? seems to be clearly in view in this instance.
PC Tes, there is also irritatio n and itch The resolution o f these conflicts has to
ing in the throat with both a cold and hay come about by bringing firs t i n t o conscious
fever. awareness, then re-evaluating and integrating
Aud--How about your preoccupation w it h this occluded material. The recovery o f s e lf
mouthwash? and ones own identity can come about only thru
PC Oh, good heavens, the mouthwash becomes the conscious re-experiencing o f the tim es
a douche. when one assumed another valence or viewpoint;
Aud--So, every time you use mouthwash, you the compulsive dramatizing o f another person
are being Mother taking that first douche t o ality precludes any c l e a r perception o f that
get rid o f it ? What does the mouthwash really complex system o f relationships called l i f e .
do to the throat?
P C I t bum s and irritates it the iMy a
Aud Are there any other relationships here? I realize I am s t i d l i n g my neck out for
P C Tes, i f a small bit o f mucous i s dis the a x , but about three years ago my husband
lodged along with the mouthwash, this becomes had a skin cancer removed from h is le ft temple
a successful abortion, and I fin d myself thinkr by surgery. It healed up nicely and showed no
ing, I 'm glad to get r id of that. return growth.
Aud What about the habit o f putting Men- Several months ago another growth started
tholatum in the nose? behind h is right ear; it felt lik e a nerve end,
P C Veil, it dislodges the dried-up resi was painful, and occasionally i f i t was touch
due, and when I blow that out, this is also an ed suddenly, i t b le d . I tried unsuccessfully
attempt to abort, or get rid o f ' i t ' . to get him to go to a doctor but he refuse d, so
Aud So would you say that using Menthola- I started putting a h a lf grape on it and cov
tum and mouthwash continually reactivates this ering it with a bandaid every night. I t shrunk
AA chain. and disappeared. There i s no sign o f even a
P C Yes, it certainly does. tiny lump. The skin is healthy and has remained
Aud How are the eyes r ela ted to this ma that way for months.
terial ? Please do not tell the AMA, as I prefer to
PC They also reflect on e's attitude toward remain fr e e . Myrtle Myers, Meadow Vista, Cal.

8- The RBERREE JUNE, 1963

Mut you , J7oo, Gun o 3t
By HAROLD S. SCHROEPPEL W A R N I N G Th e s e less ons In A d v a n c e d P e r c e p
t i o n " are not to be t reated light ly or delv e d
14 POUR AREAS OP PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE In by the c u r i o u s for idle or q u e s t i o n a b l e
goals. As the Auth o r cautions, t h e y re d a n g e r
|HIS LESSON consists largely of in o u s and it is s u g g e s t e d two p e r s o n s with s i m i
formation and data. The main pre lar intent w o r k as a team. One of the risks in
requisites for it are an open mind volv ed. Hr. Schroeppel werns, is that soiae who
and the ability to reserve your s u c c e s s f u l l y d e v e l o p their e d v a n c e d p e r c e p t i o n
a re goi n g to see sows things they 'd rather not
right to disagree w it h the data s e e . And don't m i x with any other technique,
until you have examined the tech or you may find yourself w o r k i n g at cros s - p u r -
niques that produced it in the first poses. Whi c h is no place to find yours elf, or
p lace. for anyone else to find you espe c i a l I y an in
co m p e t e n t psy c h o l o g i s t or psychi a t r i s t . They
Jung refe rs to the abnormal or may get the idea y o u're as crazy as they are.
unusual phenomena of the mind as the The EDITOR
collective unconscious". I was taught to
cut up people differently, and I am going tell me about another early memory, and In
to break them down into four cla sse s. I great detail. Now tell me about a memory which
will s a y the most about the one I have is close to present tim e, and i f you keep do
had the most experience with. ing this under reverie techniques, the <indi-
vidual will sooner or later fall back into in
The four classes I use a r e : cellular aware cidents which are known as past lives. Of
n e s s , ancestral memoiy, g e netic memory, and course, he may say, "Now this i s completely
spiritual phenomena; and the majority o f this imaginary, but i t s what is happening.
lesson will be on the genetic memory because Anyway, the phenomenon e x i s t s . Whether it
there i s less information available from other proves reincarnation is another argument. Per
sources on this than on any o f the o t h e r s . sonally I d o n t believe in reincarnation; I
O f c e l l u l a r awareness I will s ay almost have another idea about things. However, there
nothing except that it e x i s t s . Under special i s within the individual a complete record o f
techniques it can be turned up. Normally, i t is h is evolutionary development.
only temporary; i t lasts for ju s t a few sec I t starts with something which has been
onds or a few minutes, and continuous cellular called a photon converter, in which t h e in d i
awareness serves no particular purpose. The vidual will find he is a very small thing which
temporary state is sometimes used during heal is about to be hit by a huge particle o f light
ing procedures, but the average individual does which explodes as it h it s him. The genetic mem
not need it , and it is not normal for him no oiy comes up from there; i t includes the mi
matter how good his internal awareness may be. tosis, o r paramecium s p l i t ; the algae that
Ancestral memory presumably is that memory floated on the sea and lived only about a sin
carried back thru the living cells, thru father gle day; something lik e an amoeba; the space
and mother and ancestors. It d iffe r s from ge spore, fa llin g thru space; and a lot o f fishes
netic memory in that it is the l i f e pattern o f various k in d s . The individual may turn up
and in it nobody should get k illed . They should being a clam; this one i s quite common. He may
be b o r n , grow up , get m arried, and then the also go so far back as to be either a ring o f
next generation should be born and the thread bluish light with something dancing thru the
should continue thru them. The one individual middle o f it , o r he may be the something that
I have encountered who had ancestral memory dances thru the ring o f bluish lig h t , or he
had his pictures reversed from right to l e f t , may be both o f these at once, and give you a
but he described with otherwise apparent accu perfectly good description o f an ordinary hy
racy scenes from h is fa t h e r s l i f e long before drogen atom when he is doing it .
he was born, when his father was at the age of Another thing: As man developed, in h is early
about 15 or 16. stages, he was black. You need n t be surprised
Genetic memory is better known. I t has about t h a t . I f your subject gets back among
sometimes been turned up as " p a s t l i v e s " , and the prim itives and i s white, y o u v e got a
considered as evidence of reincarnation. It phoney not that you should be surprised a t
does exist within the individual and within that, either. You w ill get those too. But i f
every individual. It can be keyed in by effort you d o , you need do nothing about i t ; ju s t
processing, by use o f the dichotomies at high say, " A l l right, fine; now can you go a li t t l e
sp e e d s , by use o f the emotional curve tech earlier? or, "G i v e me more d etails about this
niques , and by the use of m editation. I t can thing.
also be brought out by hypnotic or other forms You will find some q uite unusual l i t t l e an
o f memory regression. imals when l i f e fir s t came out o f the sea. On
The individual does not have to know that this track there i s something called a "g rim
there is such a thing as genetic memory. If weeper which i s rather lik e a clam but lives
you get him relaxed on a couch and ask h im , on land and breathes in the tides o f the sea.
What is the earliest memory you have? Tell me You may also find volcanic history and s o m e
about it , in great detail. Now tell me some fish. The story o f Adam and Eve and the snake
memory which is fairly recent. All right, now is also found there in the fact that once upon
JUNE, 1963- Th e ABERREE 9
a time t h e r e were mostly monkeys and snakes, matic, i t will be found tied up with the way
and the monkeys d id n 't lik e snakes. he was k ille d or the way he k ille d people in
Then there i s o f course the complete prim past l i v e s , and running this o u t , picking it
it iv e history o f man, and in th is you will up, inspecting it , e t c ., should bring the dis
find, by the way, that i t w a s rather rough. ease or somatic under control, i f i t can b e
People got k il l e d o f f quite frequently a nd done. A l s o , i f the persons major purpose in
rather drastically. I t i s only in comparative l i f e is out o f line with h is environment, run
recent years that c iv iliza tio n has gotten to ning past live s will allow a complete altera
the point where people can die o f old age or tion of that major purpose, will pull i t up
enjoy the luxury o f some long, lingering d i s and set it down again completely.
ease. In the genetic memory they usually got Still another reason for running past lives
k illed, suddenly and violently. So i f somebody which occasionally comes up in therapy is the
starts running genuine past liv e s , he is not elimination o f suicidal tendencies. There is
likely to be the King of Norway or liv in g very absolutely no point in bailing out of a l i f e
many lives in ancient Egypt, o r anything like simply because it is loused up, i f you know
t h a t . I f he is running in t o past lives thru that by so doing you are only going to get
effort processing, he should be away back on handed a new o n e , and that the same problems
the primitive trail somewhere getting h is head you d id n t solve this time are go in g to be
bashed in or being run thru with a spear or handed back to you in a s lig h tly tougher form
stabbed with a sword, or something lik e that. at some later date.
I do nt mean this should happen to everybody, Now there i s a lit t le puzzle here: I f i be
but there will be a lot of i t , so do n t let it lieve that past l i f e running demonstrates such
shock you. There should also be two sides to things, why don t i b e lie v e in reincarnation?
it; i f your subject is stabbed to death in one Yes, i t i s stubborn of m e, but i t h a s to do
l i f e , in the next one he probably stabs some with time, and I will explain to those who are
body else to de a th . Also, most subjects w i l l interested, provided they can demonstrate they
cover both sexes. have access to past lives themselves.
Normally o n c e any o f these areas has been The fourth and biggest class is the spir
opened to you by the techniques in this course , itual phenomena. Remember that the phenomenon
it will remain open, and you can go on picking i t s e lf was a force structure, or an electrical
at it. However, I suggest you dont try to run discharge, or something like that in nature,
down all the dates, names, and places o f the and to bring it down into words or pictures it
various things you turn up. In most cases you has to be a ltered. When someone describes his
wont find anything. This stu ff was originally experiences in terms of a flower or a vision ,
protected from the mind f o r a very good r e a remember that i f what he sensed was truly spir
son, and it is s till protected to some extent. itual, i f it came from the direction of God or
Very seldom does an individual get accurate in that form of perception, it was originally
name, place, and date recall on past l i v e s . a structure in energy or something of that
When he does, he may find others have recalled order. When the individual brought i t down and
the same past l i f e , with the same name and the crystallized i t into a picture or a descrip
same details. That doesnt mean you c a n t go tion, when he gave a referent to it , he altered
back and check the data and see that it e x i s t s . the original. D iffe r e n t people alter th ese
Sometimes you can. But in this course that is things in radically different ways.
not our purpose for running these t h in g s . I f Hie person who sees hallucinations has no
you want to try to prove reincarnation by this particular reason to be in an asylum unless he
means, that is up to you. I dont recommend i t . is determined to shoot at h is h a llucin a tion s,
Our purpose is to check your own growth as a or chase them with an ax, or blames h is troub
human, as a personality, as a soul, and see les on them. D o n t think, simply because spir
what is out o f balance. For one t h in g , in the its do exist, or karma do e s exist, or any of
genetic memory there is always an overt moti these phenomena come within your experience,
vator s e r ie s . T h e individual w a s k ille d by that this is completely and totally responsi
th is m eans; h e k ille d others by this means. ble for your present fate in present tim e. I t
Sometimes there are two or three o f these a n d i s n t . You are.
they w ill be related to h is chronic disease i f There is much information available from
he has one and to the method by which he will other sources on the spiritual phenomena. The
die in this l i f e . All these things are pre best l is t o f these that I know i s i n the Mys
sented for a reason in terms o f the i n d iv id u a l. tical Qabalah o f the Jews. They are described
How many o f them apply to h is effort in h is there very carefully; a number o f visions are
present l i f e , a n d what do you do about them? given, and the states o f mind, colors that have
Well, i f he is too aggressive, you have him run to do with them , and much more. The Tree o f
k il l in g other people by the same method. You L if e and 1 0 sephiroth are d e ta ile d , and the
ask him for incidents where he k ille d other Qabalah also contains a good catalog o f some
people until h is aggressiveness balances o u t . of the mystical e f f e c t s , a t what le v e l they
I f he i s too placid, too easily beat up by the should happen, and how to use them.
world a Caspar Milquetoast you ask him for There are also some ancient works on magic
the other side o f i t , all the times when he and alchemy which describe spiritual phenomena.
was k ille d or disposed o f by other people. The See the Tarot cards, the 78 cards o f the Chal
same process is used i f a man is too fem inine, dean Tarot, particularly the court cards.
you can ask him for the times when he was a Look up and compare the esoteric literature
woman. I f a woman i s too m asculine, you can of the various r e lig io n s . T h is is a very in
ask her about the times when she was a man. teresting study comparison o f the legends and
Sooner or later you take the incidents which stories of the various religions. The story o f
the individual turns up or p re se n ts, and ask Buddha in the Bhagavad G i t a i s one ex a m p le .
him alw ays, How do these relate to what you The Sutras o f Patanjali contain some descrip
are doing i n present life? Are you ca r ry in g tions o f phenomena and a very nice and neatly
on what you are doing now? detailed account o f how to get there t o o .
The fundamental reason for running a past As I have said, different people experience
l i f e in terms o f therapy i s this: I f the in d i these things differently.
vidual has some chronic disease or chronic so (To be continued next issue)
10 Th e fl BERREE JUNE, 1963
cloud in sp a c e , creating the products by word
o f mouth and wave o f hand, according to the
Bible? He is not. The Creator is that myster
ious Power which does the w o r k ; and the Bible
says in that Power " w e live, and move, and
have our being .
When the biblical makers let that revealing
data get into their book, with other state
ments we shall select and present in due time,
they preserved from the precious scrolls, burnt
to destroy knowledge, some of the most vital
By Dr. KARL KRIDLER fragments o f the ageless wisdom.
What is that magic Power which does the
(3 ) CREATIVE ACTION (Continued) work? Who has defined i t ? Are we on the trail
1 0 R T H E b e n e f i t o f laics and clerics, we o f a great mystery? Are we at the door o f the
l|| shall notice some phases o f creative action crypt in which the Creator is hidden? The
U mentioned b y the five great men referred prospects look promising. We ve found the hay
|| to in Serial No. 1 by Dr. White : stack. Now all we have to do is find the pro
| 1. A decrease in temperature automati- verbial needle. Can we do it?
A cally changes inv isible vapor to water The five great men mentioned by Dr. White
which falls as rain, creating lakes and riv ers. exploded the biblical concept of creation, but
A further fall in temperature changes water to failed to find the Creator. When He eluded them
ice o f such strength that it will sustain the so completely, they logically assumed that He
weight o f elephants, p r e s e n t i n g to the mind a i s only a myth.
picture o f giant animals standing on invisible Then science steps in and tries to f i l l the
vapor. That is creation in action. gap by claiming the mysterious Power that does
2. We plant the lifeless-looking seed o f an the work i s j u s t b l i n d , mechanical energy.
apple in the ground, where i t is moistened by That s tu p id dogma rules the schools and also
the rain and warmed by the sun, and it pro the medics who administer poison to the sick
duces a tree that bears apples, under the law in an attempt to change the b o d y s function to
o f sameness that like begets lik e. The required what they think it should be. I f the sick d i e ,
intelligence to obey the law is inherent in the "d is e a s e k illed them. I f they l i v e , the
the seed. That is creation in action. poison saved them.
3. Nothing appears more l i f e l e s s than a Hie mystery of creation was not solved by
h e n s egg. After a few weeks o f brooding, the the great men whose work exploded the biblical
apparently l i f e l e s s substance o f the egg concept of creation. The mystery will never be
changes into a living chicken that steps forth solved until we shall have discovered the na
into the world, endowed with enough strength ture o f a l l elements involved in creative
and intelligence to take care of i t s n e e d s , action. And o f all the elements engaged in the
supplying i t s e l f with everything required to process, none is so vital and essential as the
sustain i t according to the law o f its b e in g . Magic Power that does the work.
That is creation in action. (Continued in the next issue)
4. Creation s greatest performance i s mak
ing man. It uses the body o f the human-mother
as it s workshop, and builds the body of man by
condensing cosmic radiation. In due time a new
body emerges from the mother s organism, born
into the world, a liv in g being. That is crea
tion in action.
Gestation is the process o f creation that
occurs in the mothers body. This process is
the work o f creation, not o f the mother. Nor
does the substance which builds the body come
from the mother. For creation never builds new
bodies o f second-hand substance. That building
material, as stated, is condensed r a d i a t i o n ,
the same as that of which all objects are cre
In the four cases o f creative action c i t e d ,
we witness a regular order of intellig en t work,
according to pre-ordained plan, with knowledge
o f the finished product apparent in advance,
the automatic process being triggered by the
condition o f the environment.
Col. James Churchward observed these facts
and wrote: "U n d e r the law o f cr ea tio n , there
must firs t come a condition (o f the environ
ment), and with i t (there comes) a suitable
l i f e (organism) to live in i t . Then he added:
Thruout the entire history o f the earth , this
has been so; and at no time do we find a n ew
creation behind the condition, as the condi
tion is the parent o f the cr ea tio n .
The condition i s absolutely essential, but
not actually the parent of the creation. The
condition is the requirement that triggers the
process o f creative action.
Where is the Creator while all this crea -By EVA L. WO O D F O R D , Lost Creek, W. Va.
tive action is occurring? I s He s ittin g on a " P l e a s e , Mother I ' d rather do it u y s e l f ,"

JUNE, 1963 T h e ABERREE 11

SPIRIT HEALER LAUDED one may drop into an apron pocket, while she
is "l a y i n g her h a n d s upon the person being

tr e a te d , whatever one wishes to give. Some
folded a dollar bill into a small square and
dropped it into her apron pocket. Many seem to


give n othin g.
The writer was told, by one long-acquainted
with Mrs. Jessel s work, that she often helped
finan cially the ill who had been bled white by
By WING ANDERSON the medics, to remain in Ashland until healing
i S O N E approaches A shland, O r e ., no bill- was accomplished.
I boards, road or other signs, guide him to No instant healer i s Mrs. J e s s e l . Healing
(I the healing center o f the woman who brings o f long-established i l l s takes time and it is
fl more money into Ashland than any other in- wise to plan to remain at Ashland a month or
I I dividual or enterprise. Nor will one find so i f arthritis or other i l l s o f a mineral na
1 1 . any identifying posters in Ashland to lead ture exist. Cancer o f the flesh is ofttimes
one to her. Neither i n the past nor present cured q uick er than the results o f surgery,
has there been any desire or attempt at adver x-ray, and orthodox methods o f the medics that
tising and one may wonder i f Susie Jessel, at leave seri ais damage to the body.
the end o f a 16-hour healing s e s s io n , d i d n t Mrs. Jessel makes no diagnosis altho s h e
wish that she was as l i t t l e known today as she may comment casually on a persons condition
was some 30 years ago when she moved to Ash and tell a patient when he can plan to return
land. home.
While she d o e s n t make a better mousetrap, There i s no poking, pulling, adju stm ents,
she do es deliver the most precious thing on or force o f any kind used. The person seeking
healing s its quietly while Mrs. Jessel passes
e a r t h ; good health to replace the ill health
her hands up and down, front and back, o f the
brought to her by the thousands she s e r v e s .
torso, strokes the arms from shoulder to h a n d s ,
Anyone i n Ashland c a n direct the newcomer and i f the trouble i s in the legs strokes them
to the Jessel healing room where one can learn also. A treatment requires from one to three
truths about healing n o t to be found in any m inutes.
medical bo o k. One can always tell when treatment is ended
I f there i s any other spiritual healer in for Mrs. Jessel w ill walk to a stand and wipe
the United States to equal the healing which her hands on a wet towel.
results from the laying on of h a nd s by Susie While treating certain types o f i l l n e s s ,
Jes se l, that individual is unknown to this the veins in her arms will swell and appear to
writer. harden. Upon wiping her hands on the wet towel
Good n ew s spreads by word of mouth from her hands and arms return to normal.
those who have been healed by M rs. Jessel. A The fir s t time one ca lls in the evening at
count of autos, lined up on the street in front the healing room, one should ask what time of
o f the healing room, added up to 20 from states
night it is best to come. The ill come and go
from Texas to Maine plus a number with Oregon all thru the night and a time may be assigned
which will result in as short a wait as possi
Who i s this Susie Jessel who treats from
ble .
200 to 300 or more individuals a night suffer The new arrival, unless an emergency case ,
ing from a cold to cancer? Mrs. Jessel is a
takes a chair in the rear row and works to the
slim woman 72 years old whose presence sheds a
front as people leave for home and release the
light upon all who meet her. Her main purpose chair they have occupied. Emergency cases re
is to heal suffering humanity. The fact that ceive treatment as soon as Mrs. Jessel can
she treats person after person, from about 6 :0 0 give it.
in the evening thru the night until the last is The writer was at Jessel s three times for
served, a n d has been doing this most o f her a month each time. Without a doubt he would not
l i f e , places her high in the sp iritu al grades. be walking today h a d h e not received great
Born in Grandview, N . C . , April 22, 1891, it benefit thru Mrs. Jessel.
was discovered while she was a baby that when Each tim e while there information w a s
placed on the lap of an ill or pain-wracked sought from others about their cases: what was
person, the pain ceased and healing b e g a n . his or her ailment ? how long had it existed?
When a g ir l , she was called upon constantly by how long had he been at Je s s e l's ? what benefit
those who knew her to heal their various i l l s . i f a ny , etc. ? Answers were astonishing for
She tried to run away from it all by teaching without exception everyone reported improve
school. Her marriage to Charles H. Jessel re ment in health.
moved her from a schoolroom and kept her busy
for some time rearing five children Joe and The writer will never cease to bless Susie
Anna, Alma, Edna, and Mary Jane. Joe and Alma Jessel for the healing received thru her. She
inherited healing power as d i d her grand is truly the worker o f modern miracles. A mir
daughter. acle is an accomplishment by powers we know
After leaving North C a ro lin a , the family l i t t l e abou t, but i s always w ith in n atu res
moved fir s t to South Dakota, later to Ashland, laws and not the setting aside o f any law. One
Ore. Many attempts have been made by c it ie s and power o f greater potency overcomes a lesser
individuals, from F. D. Roosevelt f o r Warm law ju s t as ascending sap in a tree overcomes
Springs to aid in polio recoveries to a city the resistance o f gravity.
in Switzerland which promised to bu ild her a ------------
healing colter i f she would come to Switzer DEFINITION O F A CHURCH A wooden o r stone
land. structure b u ilt half-way between heaven and
Mrs. J e s s e l makes no charges, keeps no rec hell -- with locks on the doors to keep out the
ords of the persons she serves, and has refused wicked and protect the belongings o f the saved,
many offers o f g ifts which she thought ex ce ssiv e. while they try to coax the wicked to be saved
S usie, a s h e r admirers c a l l h e r , wears an so that they, too, will contribute to the locks
apron while serving those seeking healing, and that keep out the wicked.

12 Th e ABERREE JUNE, 1963

er colors that mingle with i t .
Sorry i f I gave you unfounded
a n x ie t ie s .
DEAR LOUIS -- I 'm rather new
to the so-called new thought,
truth, o r metaphysical move
ment. I like m a t I read, but
why so many " n u t s " in the
group? A .C ., San Bernardino,
C a lif.
DEAR A. C. Whats the old
saying "All the world is queer
except thee and me. And some
times I think thee queer . Ac
tually , I know what you mean
(Send your questions d irect to for, as I go around the coun
LOUIS, 1411 East M isso u ri, Phoenix, try, I meet some "way-out in
A r i z . , enclosing a stanped, s e l f * dividuals. However, who c a n
addressed envelope. For those vho
say who is sane and who is not?
wish personal r e p lie s , a ninlnun
I suppose Jesus the Christ was
contribution of $2 per question
should be in c lu d e d .) considered a b i t daffy in his
tim e. S o , the best advice I
DEAR LOUIS I'm a 65-year- can give you is close your
In writing to an old friend
old maiden lady. Recently in eyes and listen to the message
in El Paso yesterday, I hap
The ABERREE you indicated that and pay no attention to t h e
pened on a thought which might
pink in a lady 's aura indicat messenger.
bear r ep etitio n .
ed pregnancy. I was told th a t Had Ron Hubbard, in start
my aura was very pink. Are you DEAR L O U IS What do you ing to teach Dianetics, simply
sure you're not mistaken? P . think o f I . Q . tests? G .R ., avoided a l l o r ganizational
M ., Philadelphia, Penn. Philadelphia, Penn.
DEAR FRIEND--Are you brag DEAR G.R. An intelligence is use i f you use what you
ging o r complaining? Pink in test proves but one thing you have to the f u l l e s t , then you
o n e s aura can denote many can pass or fail same, but it can be said to be an i n t e lli
t h i n g s , all depending on the does not make you i n t e l l i g e n t . gent person . But passing a test
shade, intensity, and the oth The key to all l i f e s function does not prove anything.

Son of Panther-CatTermed Anti-Christian Taunt


sequence o f events for that time and p la c e .
HE FIRST C h r istia n ap o stles openly and This term o f ridicule, th is derogatory say ing ,
proudly spoke o f Jesus, the Christ, as the with which the anti-Christians had taunted the
"Son o f the Virgin . The orthodox Jews and fir s t C h r i s t i a n s , evolved to the erroneous
the Roman pagans who desired the downfall name and story. For in those days, as in th e s e ,
o f h is followers a tta c k e d them from a l l the child is always called after the father and
. . a n g le s . Calling him Jesus Ben Pandera the mockery of the virgin and her son grew in
was one o f the ways. The Greek word for virginto a legend, tho a false one.
was parthenos, a n d s o , t h e i r enemies, t h e The laws o f Moses were active during the
anti-Christians, distorted the word to pantera,times o f Mary and o f J e s u s . T h e penalty o f
or panther-cat. The Jews laughingly calledmany crimes and/or sins was stoning to death.
him "B e n ha-Pantera or Son o f the Panther-I f Joseph had then divorced Mary (M i r ia m ), he
Cat . This ridicule o f the early C hristianswould have had to give the elders of h is v i l
was kept alive, but in time--200 years later lage the reason that she was with child. Had
the early designation was forgotten, but the he divorced h e r he would have h a d to ac
memory, and tales, lingered on. knowledge the fact he was without knowledge of
The uncertain story is that a pagan named h e r , as they used to say. There was but one
Celsus heard the f a c t s u n d o c u m e n t e d of penalty for this crime de a th. Joseph would
co u rse from an unnamed J e w , about 178 A .D . , have been sentencing her to death by ston ing.
or so >he said: Consequently, i f the sto r y were true, Mary
Miriam , divorced by her husband , the car would not have wandered until she gave b ir th
penter, for adultery wandered until she gave to Jesus they would have both been long d e a d ,
birth to Jesus son of a soldier named Pandera. for this was Mosaic law.
Now, as you can see, by 200 A . D . , the say A man named Houston S. Chamberlain wrote a
ing, Jesus, Son of the Panther-Cat , or "J e s u s book named, The Foundations of the 20th Cen-
Ben ha-Pantera had evolved into Jesus Ben tuiy . He was married to a daughter o f Wagner,
Pandera , mostly because Greek was the inter the German composer. He wrote the story of
national language among the e l i t e , but was Jesus Ben Pandera to prove that Jesus was an
misunderstood among the rabble. I t is obvious Aryan. Shades of H itler! He quoted the ancient
that they, logically enough, took the name falsehood circulated about 200 A . D. by the
Santera or "P a n d e r a to be the name of the anti-Christians. In those days the anti-Chris
father. F o r t h e y , the anti -Christians , no tians were the orthodox J e w s , a n d the Roman
longer knew t h a t t h e i r ancestors had sneer- pagans (who were throwing the Christians to
ingly called Jesus after his mother in this the lions and burning them at the stak e.) The
manner. The term of ridicule from the original anti-Christians sought to prove that Jesus was
Christian saying, Jesus, Son o f the Virgin , not the Messiah or even a Jew. The fabricated
to the taunts of Jesus, Son o f the Panther- story w as designed to blast the blasphemers
Cat . to Jesus, son o f Pandera, was a natural and heretics of that time the early C h ristia ns.

JUNE, 1963 Th e ABERREE 13

f r o n t s , conducted a personal ances. The impedances have led derstanding and personal devel
school for 80 o r so students, him to say and do things that opment who are ready, able, and
u sin g a fe w t y p i s t s and a resulted in a great deal of w illing to take chaise of their
couple s e c r e t a r ie s , he might m is e r y and heartache for me own cases. Many o f its tools
have made, net each year, well personally. I d o n t like t h i s , operation traverse, schedule
over $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . Lecturing four but I realize it is not Hub B, tracking, Operation Hercu
mornings* a week, making r e bard s f a u l t . les, etc. are designed for
cordings o f all speeches, using " I also strongly object to the individual to use working
advanced students to assist Hubbard s vicious attacks on alone . They can also be used
and a u d it newcomers, he would Don Purcell, attacks repeated by two or three people working
have had a simple organization after D o n s de a th. But this together in t o g e t h e r wo r k .
with virtually no expenses and was not the reason I wrote my Coaching is an a c t iv it y in
worry. article. I can assure Mr. Hub which the coach explicitly con
"H a d he personally trained bard that a public retraction fines himself to asking queries
some 5 0 0 people each year, I and apology on h is part would in a situation in which i t i s
am s u r e th ey would s till be be received g e n e r o u s l y and agreed and understood that the
operating and the entire move with fo rgiven ess. tracker i s in charge. This is
ment established solidly. "N o r w as i t parallelism the very antithesis o f psycho
"T h in k o f it: 5 0 0 x 12 years between Dianetics and Syner therapy where the therapist is
equals 8,000 professional o p getics , which people point in ch a rg e.
erators, probably all over the out. Such parallels exist, as To my knowledge Hand has
world now. Hand s a y s , between any two never been to a S y ne rgetic
"N o managers, paid tea ch schools. What concerned me was workshop o r participated in a
ers, overhead bother and mess the practice of some Hubbard- Synergetic group or program.
ing with intermediaries. ians of referring to Synerget Quite obviously he doesnt know
"A n d with this thought came ics in a derogatory manner as what he i s talking about. I
consideration o f the quirks in an o ffs h o o t o r v a r ian t o f believe a public retraction
him which probably would have D ia n e t ic s a minor variation and apology is in order. " Art
disdained such a program. H is on a theme by Hubbard , as one Coulter, 297 Canyon D r ,t Co
need ' for ostentation , fancy Hubbardian puts it. Aside from lumbus, O h i o .
t i t l e s , big front. He had to the personal insult involved,
out-do Freud, e t c ., but Freud this is harmful to Synergetics There i s n o t much I c a n
is still big stuff on the record in view o f the bad reputation sink my teeth i n t o in t h i s
and no one mentions H u b b a r d . Dianetics and Scientology have issue. My f r i e n d Dr.M anas
--Lee Lockhart, G e n .D e l., S ly, earned. writes about a soul, but there
Hubbard himself has never is no such soul as he imagines ,
S e v a d a done t h i s , i t s h o u ld b e a c nor is there l i f e after death.
" A s ex-Scientologists, you knowledged . True, he has, by L ife i s nothing more than an
sure print a lot o f Dia/Sci implication, insinuated that I electro - chemical m a n i festa-
material i n T h e A B E R R E E s was a criminal and Communist, tion, and when the blood stops
p a g es . Evidently you never but this can be dismissed as a circulating l i f e comes to an
have recuperated from being shrill effort t o ju s t ify con e n d , but the personality may
excommunicated by Hubbard. May duct that has been basically survive in the minds of other
I suggest you use a few command u n ju s t ifia b le . liv in g b o d ie s . The biblical
phrases in that respect. Let "H a n d goes on to accuse m e
people l i k e Harold Thibodeau eternal l i f e is the l i f e force
of deception that Synergetics it s e l f which is eternal. It is
get his D i a / S c i straight from is n o t a psychotherapy . I n
D. C. or English Hqs. Sure, Hub effect, he is calling me a l i a r .
that kind o f eternal l i f e that
we can add to our being while
bard has some good ideas, but An obvious retort to this i s we a r e a l i v e . The b ib lic a l
so does Pope John 2 3 r d , or to point out that Hand, a clin kingdom o f God is w ithin; and
Mary Baker Eddy. ical psychologist, is covertly
"K a r l Kridler is a thought the biblical God i s a God of
trying to * stack the deck in the l i v i n g . T h e G od o f the
provoker, and makes them think favor o f h i s particular field dead i s dead. And that means
for themselves. Some of t h e by lumping all approaches to
articles are really way out that the souls o f the dead are
self-understanding and per also dead. Therefore, the aim
in le ft f i e l d , b u t are okay sonal development as forms of
i f not too dogmatic. in l ife should be the acqui
psychotherapy . So broad a sition o f l i f e more than mon
"W o u ld particularly like to definition would also include
see more h u n a /s y n a articles ey. That is to say that man
education, parenthood, relig kind m u ld find more inner
and less D ia /S ci ones. ious a c t iv ity , and helping a peace, better health, greater
"Perhaps Harold S . co u ld friend with a problem.
happiness in the course of
label his articles Schroeppel-
I deny H a n d s charge, and l i f e , and a longer l i f e by
e tic s. Y e s , I do enjoy them accuse him in turn o f deliber striving for more of the ener
tho . Also enjoy Louis and his
ate distortion and misrepre gy that manifests as l i f e than
comments. P h i l F r i e d m a n is
sentation o f Synergetics. Syn to waste a large portion of
completely over my head, how ergetics i s not, basically, a l i f e i n striving for worthless
ever. Humanetics is the u l t i form of psychotherapy. Psycho pleasures and material gain
mate in my present understand therapy may be defined as psy that serve n o useful purpose.
ing. Much superior to Dianet- chological assistance given by L ife , not money, is our most
ics/Scientology in every r e a psychiatrist or c l i n i c a l precious possession.
spect . Dick Queener, 2101
psychologist to a human with a The consensus is that I
Brooks R d ., Knoxville, Term.
mental or psychosomatic d is should get a job and stop wast

order, so serious that the pa ing money in a hopeless ca u se;
I would like, i f I may, to tient cannot solve the problem that I cannot beat the A. M. A. ;
comment o n Fred Hands letter by himself alone. Synergetics that I am stepping on the toes
in the May iss u e . specifically excludes this type of the medics; that the A.M. A.
" F i r s t , I d o n t hate H u b of help. It is designed pri i s more powerful than the gov
bard. I regard him as a human marily for people who are in ernment ; and that I c annot
being with a number o f imped terested in greater self-un- w in . It is true that the A.M.

14 ------ T h e A B E R R E E ------ JUNE, 1963

A. i s a very powerful organi e t c ., will not work. The causes The prenatal bank is the
zation, but it i s also q u it e o f the trouble must be accur firs t door, the one k ey , a n d
possible that one man and God ately a s c e r t a i n e d . T h a t s the solar system catastrophe(s)
can overcome A . M. A . tyranny. where electropsychometry comes the second, one o f them being
Maybe the A. M. A. can put me in in. folney G, Mathison, 1208 documented beyond d o u b t by
to the gutter, or i n j a i l , or If, 30th, Los Angeles 7 , C a li f. Velikowski in h is books. Part
in a mental institution, but I o f this project has turned in
would rather go down fighting You ran an ad last month to an overhaul o f the data of
than t o q u it and give in to someone wanting to learn about astrology, most o f i t b e in g
tyranny. -- M o rris K a t ze n , Wilhelm Reichs Orgone Therapy. done by my brother Clark Done,
Cooks F a lls , M. 7 . Here is some information that in Westminster. A s t r o 1 ogy
may help th is gentleman: really did used to be an exact
Dr. Reich died i n p ris o n , s c ie n c e , and q u it e possibly
Not s i n c e you publicized
standing up for t r u t h , and in can become again at least much
Morris K a tze n s frantic cam
facto murdered by the FDA o f a more u s e fu l than i t i s a t
paign to save naughty humanity
broken heart. p re se n t . . .
from extinction via masturba
H is legal h e ir i s the Wil We are seriously thinking
tion have you started such a
ruckus as you have now kicked helm Reich Infant T r u s t Fund, about ways and means to get
which preserves the archives th is information , the results
up concerning diffraction-gra
o f the Orgone Institu te and of 16 months o f concentrated
ting gimmicks such as the * Et-
caco lo r tu b e . has opened the Wilhelm Reich and directed re-examination of
Museum at Organon, Ran gely , basic Dianetic concepts, plus
"L e a v in g out my own opin
Maine, to the p u b lic . (A few the missing pieces which make
ions, I d suggest your readers
o f Dr. R e i c h 's p u b lications the whole thing workable and
write Echtund S c i e n t i f i c Co . ,
are republished b y F a r r a r , explicable, out to what i s le ft
Barrington , N . J . , the major
Strauss and Cudahy recently .) o f the field . O f course the
producer o f diffraction g r a t
in g s , for their f r e e catalog The legal c a s e ( i t contains work is s till in p rogress, but
many unexploded truth-bombs) the basic data seems now solid
which l i s t s a couple pages of
can be read in the Library o f enough to present without fear
diffractio n m a t e r ia l . . . But
Congress legal lib r a r y . See o f adding to the confusion or
remember, the entire b i z is
especially the unopened and spinning a n y more people. We
optical, not psychical*.
unreviewed evidence appendices want no control operation, nc
Congrats for running B ill
by the defense ( Contact with central organization other than
Conover s letter. I ve had a
Space and a Red Thread . Al a place to continue auditing
lot o f contacts with federal
so samples o f the new mathe and research and a comm, point
people; once enjoyed having
matics (KRW system ) to show that will maintain a return
them make a detailed element-
what he was really busy with)* flo w .
by-element inspection o f elec
There are a few doctors "R e . Orgs. in Rem s jargon:
tropsychometers; put s e v e r a l
Dr. Reich had trained who try A friend and preclear, U . G
o f them on the instrument and
to apply the principles o f Powell, wrote from Denver abou:
found they actually ARE human
Orgone Therapy. . . banded to 10 days ago saying he had hap
beings. One who read very low-
gether under American Associ pened to see a PFDA T-V pro
toned explained h e d ju s t come
ation for Medical Orgonomy, gram on the Circle Theater, ai
in from the orange fields where
4101 Apalogen Road, Dr. C h a s . the end of which a character
h e d had to confiscate a lot
O ile r , Philadelphia 3, Penn. in robes was shown holding a
o f fr u it because i t was con
E v e Reich M o is e , Hancock, p air o f electrodes attached to
taminated by o v e r dosing of
M aine a meter over the usual beauti
poison sp ra ys. The fanners
ful but sick maiden, and say
acted as i f they wanted to We lit e r a lly c a n t keep up ing something like : This is
shoot him. He got no publicity , with the inflow these last two part of my religion, and any
no thanks from the many people months. I t has been a long time interference with this is a
he protected f r o m poisoned since I have fe lt hopeful alxrat violation of my religious free
fruit. Just in h is d a y s jo b . th is auditing business, much dom. I imagine that the mes
Finally, re Dr. Crawford s less practically enthusiastic. s a g e was crude enough to ar
piece about hypnotism. This We need about s ix months d e rive with a certain segment of
a rticle is in i t s e l f a fasci voted ju s t to outlining t h e the audience . After what you
nating demonstration o f self- picture which began in 1950 said about your v is it from o f
hypnosis. Dr. Crawford has com with the prenatal engrain and fic ia l lev els, i t would seem
pletely hypnotized himself in which has now expanded or un that LRH had better have some
to the notion that hypnosis folded to the real basic-basic very high-powered help o f a
comes in no shades o f effects on the level o f the solar sys legal variety. The latest poor
such as excellent, good, f a i r , tem . . . sheet from St. H i l l informs us
b a d , b u t only that i t s all This i s not ju s t a tempo there is nothing t o w o r r j
bad bad bad b a d , black black rary m an ic, as I feel that I a b o u t; that Ron almost feele
black b l a c k . This is absurd. now know something about man- sorry for the Government; and
Deep cataleptic hypnosis is ics. Preclears are now getting that he has a new electronic
saving many liv e s i n surgery into view basic data in one or organ which he i s learning to
in bad-heart conditions where two s e s s io n s , data which it play. As Tido s a i d , fiddling
in anaesthetics are dangerous. took us months to crawl thru with his electronic organ while
" 1 have a vault full o f mas before we got the two keys to Scientology b u rn s. I really
ter tapes, all self-hypnotic' the picture. They bring in es hate to see something lik e this
and I can f i l l a hall any day sentially the same things with happen to Ron or anyone else
with people who by this modal no prior knowledge or prompt who h a s , after a l l , come up
ity have been pulled out of ing, and the keys have provided with some useful d a t a . And it
situations that had refused to us with so many insights into he loses I am not looking for
y ie ld to analysis, psychiatry , what used to be puzzles and ward to the repercussions.
etc. I do agree with Dr, Craw occlusions that there now seems Bob Churchill, 8608 M.Central,
ford, however, that hypnosis, no doubt that we are really on Phoenix, A riz.
i f used in an attempt to over to something that won t slide
lay psychical traumas, engrams, around when looked a t . "I just have to throw in mj

JUNE, 1963---------------------- ------Th e fl BERREE ---------------------- 15

two c e n ts' worth when I read even knowing what is going o n . a cou ple o f days and died a
such uninformed and downright I have progressed pretty well few days l a t e r . . .
ignorance about a subject that in psychic research thru hypno Do y o u know The ABERREE
I am well-informed and exper tism on such subjects as astral gets more and more in t e r e st in g .
ienced in, as in self-hypnosis t r a v e l, c l a i r v o y a n c e . T heta And the letter de p t, is very
as put forth by some Doctor vision, mind reading, and oth much s o . I do enjoy reading
George T. Crawford in the May ers. Of course, i f the Scien everyone s far-out op inions!
issue o f The ABERREE. tologists h a d not already Wow! That one from DeLong about
" I was at one time, several thrown me out o f their associ Jesus being on earth was the
years a g o , practicing s e lf ation, they certainly would lim it. Doesnt he read the B i
hypnosis and I wish to state for practicing hypnotism . But ble? Says definitely that Jesus
right here that i t certainly hypnotism in Texas as well as is coming in the clouds--not
does work. However, i t is not all other s t a t e s , so far as 1 that he will b e born again
as strong as direct hypnotism, know, i s legal, i f one doesnt here. 'J e s u ' a l s o said his
and the person does not forget use i t for criminal purposes, kingdom was not of this w orld .
what goes on a s one usually Clem V. Johnson, B'J60 Veir He told his followers there
does under real hypnotism . I t D r . , Houston, Texas. would b e many C h r i s t s , and
i s a state o f light trance all when t h e y would say to come
right, a n d one is almost " I would lik e to thank each here or go there, to find Him ,
passedout, but holds on to his and every one who has written to believe them n o t ' , for
awareness ju s t enough to be such fine letters to me about there will b e m a n y false
aware to some extent o f what the Etcacolor tubes . One fine Christs . But I hate to stick
goes on around h im , altho he psychic student writes me he my neck out h e r e . We are a l1
doesn t do so unless there is was able to see forms other entitled to our b e l i e f s .. .
a reason such as danger, and/or than ju st the etcacolor auras; Hope J a co b and Rose and
knowing that he wishes to be he and others have told me even Fred Hand and Pierson d o n t
awake as soon as he has made by phone that they saw spir take my criticism too serious
the implants in his own m ind. itual spectres, old p eo p le, ly. I am merely making an all-
I t is very closely related to men and women, and one wrote out effort to keep this stuff
hypnotism, and is a state o f he had seen a young boy. .1 do from getting out of hand (keep
hypnosis ju s t as all the com not, nor w ill I ever, adver ing spiritual f e e t on sp ir i
mercial brainwashing on T-V i s tise the tube to be anything tual ground). I lik e the rea
a form o f hypnotic suggestion . more than a training a i d , a sonable approach to these, and
Dr.Bernheim in h is book, Sug new means unknown to many, of become frightened when someone
gestive Therapeutics , s t a t e s seeing the etcacolor auras, by floats o f f on an ethereal, in
that there are nine states of means o f diffraction gratings. tangible nothingness. " - R o s a
hypnotism in which all o f than Some have written the edi lind J o h n , 1U33 itth, Sorco,
are subject to s u g g e s t i o n . tor o f Ihe ABERREE and are C alif. _ _
They are R e fr a c t o r y , L ig h t disp le a se d. S hould any pur
Somnolence, Heaviness, Light chaser expect more than he re Reading my letter in the
Sleep, Deep Sleep, Very Deep ceived, I will be most happy good b i g letters section in
Sleep , L i g h t Somnambulism , to refund their purchase price the M ay i s s u e , I thought o f
Deep S o m n a m b u l is m . O th er s plus the postage, as the reac the s atir is t M ort Sohl, in a
have stated that there are 20 tions have been exciting and monolog at the Hungry i in San
stages o f hypnosis; but today , wonderful. Francisco he concluded, Now
these are usually condensed to Those mho know o f d iffra c is there any minority group I
about four stag es. Self-hyp tion gratings and went ahead have not offended? It appears
nosis i s , o f course, o f the and bought a tube I know will that Roy D a v is s products have
lighter stages. I f Dr. Craw not be disappointed. Those who made the best controversy since
ford prefers to call this s e lf know o f diffraction gratings Katzen , tho I doubt that was
hypnosis by some other name, and feel this is not as adver Mr. Davis s intention. I agree
that is h is p riv ile ge; but tised need not purchase o n e , th e r e s too much conditioned
please l e t s not l e t him con and i f they will send me their response and signal reaction
fuse the issue by making the name and a ddress, I will b e to ca n cer. But, like nuclear
statement that no such thing most happy to tell how to make warfare, I think i t s too dras
ex ists. I t has been said that one o f their own. I would not tic to play games w it h . . . Roy
hypnotism can be defined as a stoop to the level o f some Davis has explicitly disclaimed
state o f mind when a person publications as o ffering de medical value for h i s products
w ill accept almost any sugges vices to see the human aura, so t h a t s all o f that. Exactly
tion, or is very easily in flu as I feel this i s a misrepre what Lowana Julaine is talking
enced by suggestion, and also sentation. - -Roy D a v is, 23 . about I can t determine, after
that T-V commercials are a l Walnut, Green Cove Springs, F la , four r e a d i n g s . I understand
most pure hypnotism . T h is is she is trying to help a friend
true , and all a d v e r tis in g is . I 'v e had the flu or maybe which i s good, but her under
designed to influence o r hyp i t was the atomic illn e ss Ray standing o f elementary physics
n o tize as much as p o s s i b le , Palmer claims i t i s . Anyway, is , in a word, n e b u l o u s ...
and those people .who are easily this came with the rains, and THE ISSUE-- Red I s Lowest:
influenced or accept sugges we h a d n t had rain for over a Happily I *m out o f this. A b o m
tions easily are already a l year neither did I have colds dichromat, I c a n 't see some o f
most in a state o f h y pn osis. or flu. My cat got what ap these c o l o r s in a c o a t o f
Self-hypnosis is a light trance peared to be pneumonia a few p a in t , much l e s s an energy
thru which one accepts h is own days later. She was out in a flow. SsIf-Hypnosis The s e lf
suggestions--and it does work. brush pile sitting over a nest cannot control the self, reflex-
I have be en i n hypnotic of new kittens, protecting them ively a n d simultaneously, I
research now for a number of while the rain poured down on a g r e e . The s e lf cannot c o n
years and profess to be a fa ir h e r . I found h e r thus a nd trol the s e l f serially and
h y p n o tis t, and c an hypnotize brought the c a t and kaboodle consecutively, I deny. Consid
four out o f five people in less of kittens into the h ouse. But er a person in time, as a pro
than 30 seconds without than too late, she sot real sick in cess. Then, taking a person in
16-------------------------------- -----The ABERREE ----- 'JUNE, 1963
their present state, now, this did this unaberrated person Why c a n t we a c c e p t i d e a s
person (Self-O) can devise and get in here with all us nuts? without going overboard about
set up a conditioning to affect Apse Is Jacob is a nice guy and them? a fanatic is a man who
a future state o f this same so i s Rose. Remember I d is is crazy about a subject in
person (Self-1) so that a state claimed expertise in compari which the other chap can live
s till later (Self-2) will re son with the Apsels because my without more than a casual in
spond to a posthypnotic sugges contacts were much fewer. As t e r e s t . Charles Peacock, 130
tion given to Self-1 by Self- 0. for the entities, i t s prob W. 83rd, New York, N. Y,
Thus Self-1 conditions behav ably an off-season for my
ior o f Self-2. When conceived favorite group, since what few I sort o f liked the idea
clearly, i t s easy to see how I v e got the last f e w weeks o f a lot of letters like in the
self-hypnosis can be distribut are others. I f they happen to new issue , but I do feel that
ed along an individual s b i be in this space-time region, I am wearying of the same old
ography or 'w o r l d l i n e . A per they tune in and s o c i a l i z e a gabble from the same old geese.
son can hypnotize himself, not lit t le . The last one wanted me Wish I could think of some
now but later. See Eileen Gar to do something with my hippo b r illia n t and witty discourse
r e t t s a rticle in the Hypno campal gyrus (a brain s t r u c to liven up the pages.
s i s issue o f TOMORROW for a ture near the front), but eith Even L o u is has become a
detailed description o f s e lf er h is or my neuro-physiology drag since he quit seeing and
hypnosis from the inside . An wasnt up to making plain just started running a gabble col
eternal being cannot hypnotize what he meant. A sophisticated, umn. This is too bad as he did
it s e lf; a temporal being ca n . somewhat sardonic type, agree start out to show promise as a
Humans a r e temporal b e i n g s . able , but uncommonly detached seer o f some interesting sights
Hypnosis does require two peo attitude for an e n t it y .. . Morris and witty too before i t all
p l e , a l l right, b u t a single Katzen Katzen is getting sim became so goldarned serious
individual is not the same ila r treatment to Dr. Wilhelm and all. I wonder what he saw
person successively i f a n y Reich -- which finally k illed that spooked him out of the
thing happened in the meantime Reich. I t s a lousy shame and business of seeing? Bob Ar-
and it always does. Who I was I wish Katzen had the capital entz, 3 Planebrook Rd. , M a l
is not who I am now and who I to make a case of it. I think vern, Penn.
am is not who I will be, tho h is civil rights are being ab
all o f us have a lot in com rogated. Whether h e s right or "T o ask one i f he believes
mon. Or, I have more, in common not, he has as much right to be in God is asking i f he believes
with my contemporary friends right or wrong as anybody. in Consciousness, or Khrusch-
than with my former s e lf when I like the b ig g e r letter ev*s unknown God. I f there is
I was an adolescent. I f I sur section. I t s a good issue. no concept then i t is unknown ;
vive to be a senescent old gaf Fred Hand, 2718 Eagle, Hous I f there i s a concept i t is
fer in 2000 A. D . , I w i l l be ton, Texas. Consciousness, a n d not some
more lik e a senescent old gaf
thing apart.
Astrology has more than its "C re a tio n i s the everlast
fer then than like the mid-40-
share o f frauds and I clash ing body o f eternal Conscious
ish bloke I am i n the 1 9 6 0 's .
with the ortho-astrology b e ness. I t may be a three-phase
Me then can hypnotize me now
cause I accept fatalism . cycle (s u b , surface, and s u
to respond as me la t e r . . .
Children b o m at the same per. ) I t wells up from the sub
LETTERS Talley the flim time, same place, all have d if to become the I in id e n t i t y .
siest swat at the Kennedys I 'v e ferent mothers. Different fath There is only one I .
seen y e t . Nostradamus d i d n t ers, too, a n d all leave the "A n y names, words, o r re
say brothers and the U .S . is scene o f birth for a change or ligion by any kind of creature
no kingdom. Better would b e change o f environment as they on any world in any universe
England Elizabeth, Ph ilip , are rea red. are synonymous symbolisms. I t
and Margaret. Also, which war? Science is now engaged in all takes place NOW the only
. ..O 'N eill I agree. T h eres a a study o f D .N .A ., short for a time th e r e i s , was, o r ever
lot o f veracity going on h e r e , genetic code o f l i f e that di will be.
even i f some o f i t s buried in rects the processes o f growing "I am a disciple o f Karl
metaphor. Especially I agree things both vegetable and ani Kridler, Kenyon Klamonti, H i l
that devout theologians are mal. I t may take years o f study ton Hotema. How am I to know
mostly agreed that the Bible but science will resolve the which of the two Jesus inter
and i t s sources are almost no matter. pretations to follow? -- A . B .
where literal a n d accurate, There are other fa c t o rs , Pierson, 1439 M ill, Selina, Cal.
but refer, or point to, factual too factors of s oil, clim ate, (ED. NOTE I f you want to
events in many places. That is , environment, and culture that be a "follow er", i t d o e s n t
that as h i s to ry and moral are known as D. N. R. This is make much difference which one
philosophy and wisdom-for-liv radiation from the Cosmic Ray you believe a l l lead to the
ing, the B ible texts have much often called background radi same dump heap. Being a d i s
o f value, but, as given, they ation. Fallout can also be an c i p le of anyone is the end of
are human, all too human in flu e n c e . the t r a i l . )
distorted. That the B ible is a "Now, i f a colored man weds
handbook o f astrology seems as a white g i r l , is i t fatalism The cream* o f our educa
starkly incredible a s M a ry to say the offspring will be t e d constructed and compiled
Baker Eddy s theory that it colored? i f one plants corn , for our guidance and ed ifica
was a health book. G . C . Lee one expects corn , and surely tion dictionaries, but being a
Thanks to Mr. Lee for a peyote there is never a word o f fata subscriber to ABERREE has me
address. I ' v e already used i t lism . questioning e v e r y t h i n g that
once. I ve two others but they " L i f e i n the not-too-dis smells orthodox or status quo.
are buried under archives. I'm tant fu tu r e , perhaps, w ill be Tbe dictionary states
glad to get them because 3 /4 directed by codes o f law just Mortality, a noun, meaning, the
o f all popular articles on pe as n atu re i s already d o i n g , condition o f being subject to
yote are barefaced lie s , and I regardless. death.
welcome chances to set people So I explain my fatalism . Next, Immortality, a noun ,
straight. Eva Woodford How " A s to your other question , meaning, exemption from death;
JUNE, 1963______________________ ----Th e ABERREE------ -------------------------------- 17
t h e maintenance of eternal tors . m ultiplied, or brought to pass
l i f e in a b o d y ... or a soul- or Speaking of doctors. What as a consequence. I suggest to
spirit. is Karl Kridler a Dr. o f? H e d view ers, r a t h e r than b r in g
I thought that wee Latin make a good p o l i t i c i a n . Takes sounds, images i n , go out to
p re fix meant simply NOT! so I him longer to say l e s s th a n touch - feeling r a n g e . R eal
concluded that i f Mortal means anyone else in your good mag thought, actual f e e l i n g is
subject to death, then Immortal except Friedman who says noth embodied. That which I t o u c h
means simply N ot! subject to ing at all (to me, anyway1. really touches m e ...W e neither
death without these fringe ben Give a great big r o s e to know the individuals on T-V,
e f it s lik e exemption, etc. Harold Schroeppel (when they nor do they act-ually know u s .
Now, seeing how the dic come in season ). T h eres a man No real relationship, nor real
tionaries stretch things I m with something to say and he response-ability. With T-V one
going to forgive you for an says it . Alberta O Connell can becomes a stranger in o n e s
error in ABERREE for M arch, have a rose, too, along with own home, unable to have rela
page 19, the 7th line in t h e Ye Pub and Ye Ed for Hart to tionship with these persons .
last letter appearing on that Heart which is always amusing So w ha ts the popularity? This
p age. That w o r d should be and heart-warming or newsy or very no - responsibility for
spelled ' Daniel * and not Da something. The letters to the give and take . Yet, the
vid* * Thomas Barclay, 1427 editor are always good (for a illusion of humanity seems to
Kings Av , , V. Vancouver, B . C , laugh i f nothing e l s e .) Mrs, be at o n e s fingertips. So the
Lester Schmeling, 7U1 Del Norte individual can deceive himself
I like your policy D o n t Av, , Ontario, C a lif. with believing he is a part of
take it so damn * seriously , a great big family . Many with
and that *s mistake No. 1 among Dr. George T. C ra w fo rd s whom I have worked by mail have
most o f your writers; they are article very interesting, sig come to see me and I them. It
taking l i f e much too seriously n ifica n t. I wonder i f Dr. Craw is interesting and revealing
and I suspect missing a heck of ford and/or other readers have to observe, particularly in
a lot o f fun. done research in cases o f hu the light of universal law of
"B u t fun is fun and i f you mans hypnotized by the lower attraction and its operation as
are incarnated as a woman I kingdoms, plant, mineral, ani co-ordination, c o - efficien cy ,
think you should be the most mal, chemical. I have and would co-operation. And speaking of
womanly w o m a n possible a d be interested to compare n o t e s . law o f attraction, this reader
that takes care o f Maxine Dum- As a teacher o f Tarot-Qubalah found auditorial in May issue
kes desire to be called M ac*. I found Alberta O Con nells revealing, the three of us, a
That caricature she drew! I f article most rewarding. Miss Baptist minister, a free think
t h a t s t h e way M axine sees O Connell came within a h a i r s er, and the editor. Water lev
hersel f s h e d better start an breath of the hypnosis o f which els, feathers o f birds, e t c .
alyzing her own handwriting or I speak. I t is always inadvis Randolph Ray, Box 2 1 , Thous-
something. able to enter into that which and Palms, C a lif,________
Louis the seer is a disap we cannot exit from. Including
pointment most o f the time. He our point o f awareness which
does l it t l e foreseeing in his can b e in
any a r e a o f any
level, or kingdom of
V Cell Catalysts
column. The one Ye E d wrote
last summer w a s better than consciousness.. , For those w is h in g to ex
some o f his. periment with my " D -Cell
In line with aberrations, I Catalysts in the treatment
" P h i l i p Friedman is so far
would like to point out to the of plants, seeds, and g a s
out I do n t dig him at all .
T-V viewer reading this, there o l i n e , I will s e n d th re e
Sure hope he stays out of the is no exchange o f liv in g flows o f the #2 white for charg
clutches o f the p sy ch ia trists. between viewed images and view
Wow! C a n you imagine the con ing a gallon o f water. Cost
er. They talk at you or you at $2. 50. Blue ones for charg
sternation o f those good doc them but nothing is increa sed, ing gasoline cost the same.

Instructions with each
And maybe wading thru jungles order.
in search of a hermit who knew
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2) where the Inca riches are hid
\ 2 4 Arno l d A v . - -Newp o r t , R.l.
tor, and his analysis should den might b e therapeutic in
be almost as revealing as i f i t s e l f --even tho i t s not our
the author o f the self-labeled idea o f a way to seek health. WHY SLEEP YOUR DEATH AWAY?
It hath been said by m en of
science himself were to s a y : As f a r as that goes, neither fame and accep t a d by most people
" I m about w illing to explain does the picture johnny paints that Death and taxas cannot be
why I found i t necessary to o f vitarian living in Ecuador evaded.
Most of us forge the links that
keep jumping from one horse to s tir a n y wanderlust in o u r bind us, and it Is sq u a l l y true
another while the merry-go- anchored soul -- especially as that we cannot use the m u s c l e s we
round was in motion, or "T h e he confesses that the poisons never flex.
confessions o f an earth-bound Some people are alert to l o o p
o f civilization are encroaching holes to esca pe taxes. Some are
space pirate . O .K ., Mac, we re there, too, tho maybe not on s p i r i t u a l l y alert to looph oles to
w a i t i n g ... the full-scale basis they do e s c a p e d e a t h . . . ( r e m a i n I n g total ly
u n c o n s c i o u s or in a foggy state).
5 We suspect Johnav Love- in Am erica. . . Why sle e p your death away, when
wisdom . who i s try in g to get 5 Phil Friedman , zero mas y ou can reawa ken and live. It Is
" h e a l t h p a t i e n t s to h is new ter o f Florence, A r i z ., whos possible to train your s e n s e s of
a w a r e n e s s to be m o r e k e e n l y alert
home in Vilcabamba, Loja, Ec been taking health advice from to impres s i o n s b y p a s s e d by the
uador, was baiting those who one o f the nation s top homeo majority. We insist it Is also
care more for prospecting for paths as well as a neighboring p o s s i b l e to train your c o n s c i o u s
n e s s to a STILL A L E R T N E S S that
lost I n c a gold than they do seer (with zero o f course will refuse to be rend e r e d t o t a l
for health, when he d e v o t e d res u lts!, fina lly switched to ly u n c o n s c i o u s by the impact of
in h i s la st "E t e rn a l Youth g o a t s milk. And that did i t death . " Y o u can wake up and l i v e .
Do not ask us to h e l p you! R E
L if e so much space to stories Phil reports. H e s getting bet F L E C T A ND M E D ITATE.
o f lost fortunes in Inca gold . ter . . . (Adv.) Jac o b and Rose Apsel

18-------------------------------- Th e ABERREE---- ----------------- ---JUNE, 1963

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e x p la in s : Personal n a g n e tis i, I n to read "T h e Book They Blaued on
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WANTED--Volunteers to prove to w itchcraft (Yes! but beware! It plete in one booklet--all 32 chap
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JUNE, 1963- Th e ABERREE 19

See the ETCACOLOR Since there a r e several
hundred books in the Lending
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Diffraction AURA can be run at one time. Save

these ads for complete lis t
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L l e w e l l y n Geor ge

ter M. G ermain
Santi Priya Ghosh

ART OF M E D I T A T I O N -- Joel S.
G o l d smlth
INFINIT E WAY L E T T E R S - - J o e l S.

GO Idsmlth
S. G o l dsmith
Flor a n c e L. G o o d e n o u g h
No longer do you have to wish, train, hope to L I V I N G FAITH FOR T O D A Y - - E r n e s t
Gord on
see what the ancients reportedly saw. YOU SEE AT P S Y C H O S O M A T I C CASE B O O K - - Roy
ONCE! No training. No gadgets. No letdown due to G rinker and Fred R obbins
M O D E R N C O N C E P T OF G O D - - J o h n I.
misleading advertisements. No hours sitting in a Gross
dark room, but can be used at once. SEE AT ONCE! R E L E A S E OF P S Y C H I C ENERGY E.
O. Haas
P. Hall
AL T Y P E S - - M a n I y Hal I
See the diffraction aura of your hands, fin WAV OF H E A V E H - - M a n l y Hal I
gers; see your friend's head in aura colors float TIFIC F ASTING -- N . S . H a n o k a
ing in space. Use it to learn, study; marvel at C L I N I C A L COURSE N O T E S Alph ia
the glowing colors. See them floating in space~in N O T E S ON D O C T O R A T E C O U R S E
living colors of objects, pets, animals.
A l p h i a Hart
A U T O C O N O I T l 0 N I N 6 - - H o r n e 1 1 Hart
YOUR SHARE OF G 0 0 - - H o r n e l l
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TORS AND L A Y M E N - - E . B . H a r t m a n
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We invite the professional mediums and psychics YOU -- H a a l t h Research
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Aura. Your reactions will welcome such a new con AND H E A L I N G Max Heindel
WHY BE I L L ? - - P . S . H e t h e r l n g t o n
cept in psychic investigations. AFTER THIS L I F E - - C h a s .E.Heuer
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Horn er
see what you cant express, or tell them. Nothing
like this ever placed before the professional for (Continued next issue!
visual actual seeing. It's a completely new tool, LENDING LIBRARY R U L E
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OFFERED AS TRAINING AID ONLY O n ly one book trill be sent at
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ROY DAVIS RESEARCH LABS P le a se return in two w eeks.


P.O.Box 528 Enid, Okla.
20' Th e ABERREE JUNE, 1963
Volume X < Number 4
y&t/d and Barnomy Grove, i t was then
that Teapot (our Tempest)
decided to develop a hula hula
of its omi, amd the garage in
Fomoma sent ms to Ontario for
remli^roant o f t h e f r o n t
This i s the kind of
like, be
lt fomw mm am opportun
ity to call on Dumke.
onr e r a t d i l e graph ologist,
1 Customers had been noti-
d o promptly called a meeting
team o f scientists to. c a n y
fled w ed be out o f town, bags for the searing of members of
on h is work, his enthusiasm is
were practically packed, and the Ontario Library group in
almost boundless. Can you im
we h a d discarded all doubts agine a roundtable o f brains
her home, it sms one o f the
about attending the Borderland writing a new dictionary with
events o f the trip; two of the
convention in Harmony Grove out v o w e l s , showing how t h e
et were mediums,
in a lot o f
when an airmail letter arrived
from a psychic friend warn
addition o f a, e, i, o, or n
to a string o f consonants has
yak-yak phi r o e sp irit writ
ing us : Ple a se , I beg o f you li t t l e effect, i f any, on the
in g . Prsarot m e r e Jim and
both--don t start or make this Jessie Kil-
kinship o f the words that r e
trip to California now--not s u lt ? A b ill is a ball i s a i - Grace
this time! Adding that w e d boll is a bull is a bell, Isa n o hostess and
run into all kinds o f disap bel. (Shades o f Gertrude Stein!)
Ferguson was
pointments. But, being students Adding interest to the v i s i t ,
told that ftps John would be
o f Longfellow s Courtship of but not joining the zero d i s
with mm naanM th sooner than
Miles Standish , w e d learned proved t r u e ,
cussion, was our seer, I-ouis.
early in l i f e that he who put- ; o f as know . Asked how
who drove down from Phoenix to
teth h i s h a n d to t h e plow explain how his teaching, trav forecasts that
shouldn t look backwards and els, and other activities were roald be inundated
altho we have much respect for wearing him down to a Buddhis V n e ific, the con
this fr ie n d s seeing , within tic shadow, and causing letters tact amid m o. that Khruschev
hours we were " p l o w i n g west, w c u ld ^ e J jB t f^ a n e ^ o ^ h is giant
to p ile up on h is desk almost
certain that there d b e more as tall as Mount Camel back, We
disappointments i f we didn t gathered from this that the " I
make the trip than i f we d i d . See for You column nay suffer that nomt o f foompe and all of
Anyhow, as a Anal clincher. Ye an e c lip s e for a few months
north gfxica w o u l d change
Ed had promised Y e Pub she until its conductor catches up
places rtth L aoiria and At
could learn to drive on this on some o f h is extracurricular
lantis . h a t the only effect
trip, and she wasn t going to a c t iv itie s . We might add that
on Califoenia would be the
be cheated o f her lessons, she wiwkimg o f the Colorado River
Philip DOES have a goat (3 . in
said (which, incidentally, was b a s i ^ fkaa the G o lf o f Cali
fa ct), that he DOES live on a
a promise we d i d n t k e e p ) . . , d iet of goat milk, and that he
fornia to VWpet Sound, con
seems to be improving mightily
verting the Pastiiti a re a into
1 I t was a wonderful t r i p a huge l i l o d . R e m e m b e r i n g
and ditto for the convention, in health because o f i t . . .
t h a t w e had no pontoons on
and the temptation is r i f e to 1 Prom F lo r e n c e , we drove
abandon all features and let to San Bernardino and Pomona oar visit ioediately. but our
ters for a detailed report. But for b r ie f stops with relatives facetious expression o f con
this wouldn't be fa ir to Riley before beading for Escondido cern bnmaht reassurance that
and Judy Crabb. sponsors for this retairtimjhe wnaldnt hap
the convention, so we' 11 keep pen un til 1965. Re met so many
to the highlights (to u s ) and nice; unorthodox thinkers in
leave the convention i t s e l f to California that it would be a
the Crabbs BSRA JOURNAL. We shame to have then secede from
know they probably will do a the U. & in such a dramatic say ,
better job, since they put the but maybe, in the meantime,
lectures on tape, and can live something nay knock sane sense
over all four exciting days into the think-tanks of these
anytime they wish to thread up so-called war leaders, and the
the recorder. B e s id e s , since bomb to make obsolete a ll ge
they live in Vista, i t s easy ographies and globes w ill not
for them to personally contact be set o f f . . .
the many who seem to have so 5 Early next d a y , we con
much to o f f e r ... tinued on our route, stopping
only long enough to get Rosa
5 r o u t e , we stopped at
lind John o f Norco out o f bed
the desert ranch o f Philip and
Lena Friedman , near Florence. ( I t was REAL early, so this is
Here, P h i l i p h a s turned h i s no reflection on Rosalinds
getting-up tine), We felt a
hone into a medley o f artifices
many Chinese with overtones b it guilty at this, bat salved
our conscience hr
that carry out P h i l s "z e r o
theories, which he will explain Phil "Zero" Priedaon has a tha t^ part o f a hnen
to all who w ill stand and l i s rig h t to smile. That ju ice he's
ten. When it comes o u t o f P h i l 's squeezing fro* the sp ig o ts of
mouth, i t sounds l e s s confus one o f nis three goats i s -- was P a c ific ...
ing than i t does on the pages when whipped with f ig s , d a tes,
o f The ABERREE and when Phil and other available f r u i t
talks o f financing a "research bringing hi m health.
------T h e A B E R R E E
JULY-AUGJJST 1963 , Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites'
for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn,
Vol. X No. A
HB6RR66 Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen
Published monthly, except for the combined January-Pebruary and POLICY: Dont take it so damn seriously.
the July-August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla. The infiniteness of Man is not reduced
to a "s p l i t infinity by wars, taxes,
Editorial Office: 2522*1 North Monroe, Enid, Okla.
or "experts who seek to sell him what
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Enul, Okla. he already has in an infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies 25* our minds f r o m issue to issue, or
even from page to page, if we desire.
Second class postage paid at Enid, Oklahoma. Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man has the inherent
right to be his own and only "Author
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART, 1-2, D .D ., D. Sen., ity with his w ifes permission.
F .Sc n., B. Se n., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum Sub-Sub-Sub-Policy: We have no objection to
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART, I-I, HCA, SEC., WPE., L b m ., ETC. "educated guesses about Mans d e s
tiny if theres no price tag to i t ,
ADVERTISING--Payable in advance. Write for rates. Copy and pay and if the guesser has no objection to
ment must reach us 45 days prior to Insertion date. our guessing that h e s only guessing.

seems to be used more and more
by groups not necessarily Spir
i t u a l i s t , and there were no
tices of several meetings f o r
pretty large field , engaged in
by imaginative persons who are
not afraid to let new id ea s
trickle in--and the speakers
Brea and talk shop with the the near fu t u r e . In fact, our were researchers in their par
editors o f CHIMES. We had only old friend and fellow Aberree, ticular facet w illing to share
a Postoffice Box f o r an ad Arthur Burks, was to appear on their findings with others in
dress--which i s a bit frus the Understandorama program on exchange for fresh i d e a s . ..
trating when you want to see June 29 and 3 0 .
someone personally--but always 5 Our f i r s t evening, Mary
the optimists, we stopped at a ^ The BSRA (Borderland S c i Stevens picked us up and took
drug store to look up the ad ence Research Associates) con us t o -LaJolla for a night of
dress. CHIMES w as u n listed . vention lasted four days, and conviviality. Mary, who i s a
NOr could the clerk offer us usual attendance was more than real estate salesman o f proven
any enlightening information. 100 daily, but we couldn 't haz- talent, gave us a short tour
Inspirationally, we stopped at ard*a guess as to the total, as o f beautiful L a Jolla, but we
a printing o ffic e , and found many came only for a day or so a r e so partial to our short-
that the one we had picked was and few attended all four. The grass plains that this subal-
the one CHIMES had used before talks w e r e diversified and pine terrain, plus the mansion-
they "w e n t o f f s e t ; we were well-spaced, giving ample time proportions o f the homes, was
' provided a detailed map up a for hobnobbing between groups. an easy temptation to r e s i s t .
h ill far from B r e a , and with Speakers were available for We spent the night with Wen-
many qualms, we stopped before off-platform discussions dur den and Gladys M o y e r ,-iEo
a beautiful large house on the ing intermissions or over cof have one o f the newer homes in
summit, certain we had somehow fee at the dining h a l l . The LaJolla. Guests who dropped in
failed to follow d ir ec tio n s . weather was almost perfect to share an evening o f discus
However, this proved to be the with cool, cloudy days and sion included _A. L_. Kltselman
right house , and after they d chilly evenings and nights. In and h i s wife Betsy. B etsy s
gotten o v e r their surprise fairness to all , we refrain mother, B o n n ie ftiowne. a nd
that anyone should ferret out from singling out any one or Mary Stevens. N aturally, the
their hideaway, Leigh and June more speakers, as each con talk gravitated to D ia n e t ic s ,
Denton. CHIMES ed it o r s , made tributed h is or her b it to the E-. Therapy, and Ron Hubbard
us welcome, and for an hour or whole. Borderland science is a and it seems that the Moyers
so, we traded information and and Dave and Betty Sfareeve.
gossip. We have to admit a bit .also of L a J o l l a , are doing
o f envy for all that wording ' with E-Therapy what most o f us
space, but not their is o la t io n . had hoped to do with Dianetics
Fortunately, we have salesmen using it s u c c e s s fu lly ...
so well-trained that few of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ryder of
them bother us more than a few San Diego, and their" two chi 1 -
minutes, and we wouldn't miss dren, Adrienne and Mike, v is it
the contacts with our readers ed the Grove and i t took l i t
for anything in the world. We tle arm-twisting for us to ac
mi edit add that there probably cept an invitation to v is it
will be some changes in The with them one night after the
ABERREE a s a result of this convention clo s e d --especially
interview , because they, lik e when Mrs. Ryder ( the former
us, had to learn publishing Monica Macomber, our secretary
the hard way. Which is a sure when we were with the Hubbard
means o f picking up a lot of office in P h o e n ix ) , volunteered
useful in fo r m a t io n ... to lead u s into Los Angeles
^ We readied Harmony Grove over the network o f freeways
in mid-afternoon . T h is is a early Monday morning. We had
real grove converted into a heard so much about the Los
Sp ir itu a lis t camp -- about five Angeles freeways that such an
miles from Escondido over good That lapful o f mail which o ffer sounded almost heaven
blacktop roads, even tho a b it accumulated during our absence sent. We le ft San Diego a t 5
winding and narrow. T he camp from the o ffice doesn't seem a.m. Monday, and followed Mon
has several cottages, buildings to hold a speck o f terro r f o r i c a s c a r s t a illig h t Without
for the various activities, and Te Pub. A fte r a l l , what has d ifficu lty for the first 100
a lunchroom; in late y ears, it she got an ed ito r for? (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 11)
Tricks that Trip Truth Seekers By ROY EUGENE DAVIS
T I S obvious today that there is a is , right where we a r e . We experience fulfill

great interest in the psychic realms . ment and are not forever seeking new t h r i l l s ,
Part o f this is due to the sincere nor are we seeking to escape from a humdrum
existence. What drives people into the pursuit
urge of the soul to know the truth of truth in the psychic realms? It is ignorance
about life and part of it is due to for all delusion is the result of the soul
the need we have to be entertained . being ignorant o f its real n a t u r e . The cure is
In the latter instance, people find enlightenment. It is that simple
life so boring that psychic experi Man is dominated by one o f three qualities
ences are fascinating to investigate , in nature: Inertia, and he is lazy and s p ir it
for a while. When the novelty wears ually blind; or restlessness, and a b le n d of
off, the soul is just as bored as before .spiritual desire and the need for stimulation ;
Psychic investigation, while it may beor he aspires unto light and truth. Men and
stimulating for awhile, is n o t necessar women who remain on the astral level are dom
ily rewarding. An awareness of the psychic inated by their restless nature. They may at
times be lift e d into the heights o f spiritual
worlds does not automatically insure peace aspiration, but for the most part they desire
of mind, enlightenment, a n d the solving to become involved in the psychic w orlds. A
of human problems. wholesome interest in the p s y c h i c realms is
A person who understands the nature of Con not bad but all too often it becomes an escape
sciousness is free to that degree, regardless from the reality o f this world.
of whether he operates on this plane or an That is why many cannot understand why their
astral plane. There are liberated souls oper personal l i f e pattern is not getting better
ating on earth who s e e th ru the essential even tho*they a r e sincere about seeking the
dream nature of things and they are more free truth of li fe , on the psychic level. They fail
than many people on the astral planes who are to realize that i f their search is prompted by
involved to the point where they think their a sense of lack and they feel they will find
world is real. So it is not that any plane or the answers outside themselves, they are bound
place is more or less spiritual; it i s our to be led astray. Many spend so much time in
ability to see thru the thing that makes the the study of the astral realms that they be
d iffe r e n c e . There is no power in things to come'* other worldly and lose interest in this
control us; it is our concept o f the world that plane and its responsibilities.
enables us to be free o r causes us t o remain We all know of people who have the ability
in bondage. to see auras, bear voices, get v i s i o n s , and
A person who believes that astral worlds otherwise commune with more subtle t h i n g s .
are more real than this world is deluded, sp ir Often this i s merely self-delusion; more ob
itually short- sighted. The astral or energy viously so when such people are ignorant of
manifestations are figments, as are the things the basic facts of l i f e .
o f this world. It is all Consciousness appear Most o f us would rather have a body a nd
ing in form on this or any other plane. function on some level than be free of a body
Many think that when they leave the body altogether. This is why we resist a change in
they w ill go to an astral plane, where they viewpoint. We cling to situations because we
will be free, o r where they will be reunited want t o be involved in l i f e on some level of
with friends and members o f the family who've cr e a t io n . This need we have for t h i n g s , o b
le ft the body. In the fir s t place, there i s no jects, people, and a personal god or perhaps a
sure way to know whether you will move onto whole heaven full o f gods springs from our
the same astral level as your friends because urge to be involved. The things, objects, peo
as time goes, on you may no longer see things ple, god and/or gods exist as mental creations.
the same way. Also, by the time you leave this We make them real. We endow them with individ
plane they may have reincarnated. Besides, the u ality. It is our game, our drama. The world
clinging .to the form or body o f others is a is just as we imagine it to be. This last con
cause for pain a need to have their world re cept is so frightening to the average person
main pretty much the way it has always been in that he will not even face i t unless he is
order to feel secure. They are s till believing forced to as he sees his world fa llin g apart or
that security l ie s in things and form . They unless he feels the inner urge to know tru th .
have not yet learned to attune themselves to I think the time has come to get over t h e
the In fin it e Inv isible which i s appearing as idea there are higher truths and lower tru th s.
the forms. The astral worlds will one day d is There are degrees of clear-sightedness, that is
solve, as will this world. a ll. Everyone is ready for the facts o f l ife
It does not seem to c a r r y much weight when i f they are presented clearly and without the
we remind people that a l l enlightened souls ological im plications. Too often, even truth
have said it was unwise to become overly i n teachers make a religion o f their presentation.
volved in t h e psy chic realm s. Every truth They d o n t start out with th is intention but
teacher without exception has stressed the im they bow to the w ills of the lightened
portance o f remaining true to the basic prin people who come to them for instruction. As I
cip les o f l i f e . When we are able to move con look over the metaphysical a m e n t today I
sciously in the realization o f our real or soul see thousands wallowing in M b Ih and they
n a t u r e . we a r e able to see everything as i t think they are**in truth**.
4- The fl BERREE J U T 1 1ST, 1963
When we make a teaching a Jesus C h r is t that persons who regu larly practice such a
teach in g or a Hindu teaching o r any other trance are compelled by neurotic tendencies.
kind o f teaching, we color it with whims and Their trance becomes a way to escape from harsh
fantasies. Truth is period. It can be presented reality. Many mediums have been unable to ad
within the framework o f Christianity, Hinduism , ju s t in the world o f rational human beings.
Buddhism, or any other ism". But, to make it Often their daydreams become the means f o r
the exclusive possession of any sect is impos letting out frustrations and repressed wishes
sible. I am even surprised to hear truth stu and instincts. When the world o f fantasy be
dents say, We believe in reincarnation, karma, comes the real world, then we have a case of
treatment, e t c ., or we d o n t believe in these schizophrenia, or a split personality.
t h in g s . They simply take new concepts a n d Because the fa nta sie s o f s p ir it u a lis t ic
establish them as be lie fs which must be ac activity a r e so attractive to the neurotic
cepted blindly i f one is to be a truth stu personality, it is natural that we should find,
dent . Realization seldom enters into the pic as we do, so much deception, alcoholism, homo
ture at a l l . It i s n t what we believe, but what sexuality, and perversion among the ranks o f
we know that really counts? What do you know mediums and teachers.
for sure? Most mediums claim to have a guide or con
The idea o f paying respect to God is a be trol who is readily available and who aids them
l i e f i n duality. You cannot see the oneness to establish contact with other astral enti
and believe in duality at the same time. You ties. These guides are doctors, Indians, or
either know the truth or you d o n t . I f we be ju s t cute lit t le souls with cheerful manners.
lieve God answers prayer, then we believe i n The medium may carry on a conversation with
duality. How many prayers have you had answered the imagined guide or may act as a channel
recently. I f some were not, then is it because for the entity who desires to talk.
it w asn t best for you? I f God knows best then In most instances, the "e n t i t i e s that man
why pray at all? ifest in the seance room are figments o f im
A major problem is t h i s : When we no longer agination. They are, for the most part, the re
accept a personal God, then we often lose our flections o f the repressed wishes and impulses
direction in l i f e . We have nowhere to go. What o f the people present and the medium. What of
we must do then is to have a point o f co n tact, the fact that, while in trance, the medium may
something to give us stab ility in the shifting "b r i n g t h r u material which consciously they
seas o f human circumstances. The best thing to would not know? This can either be explained
do, outside o f releasing yourself into the In by showing how the material merely came forth
fin ite Invisible, is to have a spiritual ideal , from the subconscious, where it was stored and
literally an incarnation o f S p ir it. T h is, then , forgotten, or at times, it is q u i t e possible
gives you something with which to identify. It that a person in trance could ha ve access to
helps you to aspire unto the heights until you the storehouse o f all knowledge in the uni
reach that clear level of awareness that you versal subjective mind, which is all pervading.
are consciously or unconsciously seeking. I believe it is quite possible for a person to
Often the urge to communicate with higher be open intuitively and know things that are
beings is so strong that people s it in devel beyond t h e conscious mind s grasp, but one
opment classes to try to establish c o n t a c t . need not go into trance to do this for it can
Or they will go to a medium for an experience and should be done consciously.
in communication . In almost every instance , I have never known of a genuine instance or
when such communication i s forthcoming, it is a materialization of an astral body in a seance
either fraud or self-deception. room . We w ill, for the moment, discount the
Most people who claim contact with astral Instances of spontaneous astral manifestation
guides do not have the awareness to comprehend or true clairvoyant vision as being out of
even the most elementary truths. I f they cannot context with this discussion. Every case of
comprehend basic truths, how can they compre seance room m a t e r i a l i z a t i o n i s deliberate
hend a person who is supposed to be tile embod fraud. The appearance o f a sp ir it out o f no
iment o f Truth? where and the vanishing of said spirit into
I am constantly amazed a t the number o f thin a ir or down into the floor or into the
times that guidance proves to be wrong, that cabinet is easy for a sk ille d performer.
"advice proves to be unsound, and that wis There is no evidence to support the con
dom proves to be ignorance when held up in tention that a medium would be hurt i f a light
the light o f truth. I know o f small business were to be turned on suddenly when they are
operations that do better with an ordinary entranced. All the light would do would be to
mortal who thinks straight at the head, than expose the medium in the act of pretending. As
do many spiritual organizations which have the
for the ectoplasm that supposedly exudes from
"b l e s s in g s of the masters behind them. T h is, the medium s person, thru the openings, the
to me, is incongruous.
nose, genital organs, mouth, e t c ., the photo
The word trance is a term embracing a wide
graphs of this substance that I have seen seem
number o f psychological states. A trance may
to be what i t i s cloth that is attached for
be deep or it may be mild. It may be brought
the purpose of fooling the cameras lens. This
on by hypnosis, hysteria, or subjective c o n
can be made from cheesecloth, from strips of
templation. The common factor is that the sub
any white material, or purchased by the yard
ject is unaware of the immediate physical en
from novelty houses which specialize in such.
vironment. This unawareness need not be com
What, then, shall we do when we find our
plete it is sometimes hazy depending upon the
interesting playthings stripped of their tran
nature and depth o f the trance.
scendental aura? Where shall we turn for in
With p ra cticing mediums , discounting t h e
spiration and strength? We should turn to the
simulated trance state, we find two types o f
truth that man is able to consciously know
trance. One, which i s the least common, i n
the facts o f li fe , that he is able to find his
volves an abnormal degree o f mental dlsassoci-
place in the scheme of things and lead a pur
ation. The second type, harder to define, in
poseful existence. We should take stock of our
volves the acting out o f the inward imaginative
fantasies which are conditioned by tradition
Are you regular in meditation? Are you seek
and suggestion.
ing enlightenment instead o f phenomena? Are
In the latter instance, I think we can say (PLEASE TURN TO P A G E 7)
JULY-AUGUST, 1 9 6 3 ------------------------ T h e A ERREE 5
Unearned Spirit Contacts HitBy Dr. GEORGE T. CRAWFORD
NTERCOMMUNICATION between the two lev that which enables him to positively receive.

els o f soul manifestation h a s been I t i s suspected that t h e percentage o f
practiced for many years. This par those who have earned the r ig it and practice
ticular presentation i s to clarify P. R. circuitry i s a much sm aller group than
the two distinctly different method those who want to be m ystically important or
who naively believe that you can get something
ologies two d is t in c t methods that for nothing a n d feel t h a t you have become
are th e antithesis o f one another. "e v o l v e d by becoming negative, m the latter
One is constructive, and i s in har group are large numbers o f "s e n s i t i v e s rang
mony with the universal constructive ing from slightly negative to total negative.
laws of nature as they are known to The choice i s up to the individual, but it
mankind. The other is destructive and in is an obligation for those who are aware of
harmonious with natural law. The first is the two different methodologies to present to
all who will listen the clear explanation o f
known as. the positive -receptive ( P . R .)
P. R. circuitry as opposed to N. R. c i r c u it r y ;
mode of communication, and the other is further to point out that one i s in harmony
known as a negative-receptive (N. R .) type with the constructive laws o f nature and the
of communication. other violates the natural and constructive
You will notice that both o f these types of laws o f nature. It should be noted that viola
communication are those of receptivity. Bluntly tion o f the "individuality- of- the- entity by
stated, those o f u s on this particular plane any means (no matter how glorious the result
o f manifestation or vibration receive informa may appear at the moment) carries with i t an
tion, philosophical comment, directions, sug automatic penalty.
gestions, and the like in either of these two Many of you know persons who are cla ssified
ways. The positive-reception (P. R. 1 method is as sensitives or mediums. The question is: Are
exemplified in our physical-material world as they healthy mentally and physically by stand
the accepted way o f communication. It is writ ards you accept as healthy standards? Do they
ten or spoken to someone who reads or hears i t . suffer from aches and pains? Are they beset
Both the writer or speaker and the reader or with unhappiness? Are they troubled by wor
listener are in a positive-receptive condition. ries, annoyances, constant accidents o f a mi
Both are. fully conscious and have the p rivi nor or semi-major nature? Do they ex em p lify
lege o f choice to accept or reject as the in "POCK , meaning "p o s itiv e , optimistic, con
dividual chooses. We have this same type of structive, and k i n d , in their own l i f e a s
P. R. methodology u s e d with r a d io , with T-V, well as that which they express to others?
and in all forms o f communication acceptable These are the questions for you to ponder.
to our society. Remember that one who practices a profession
This is en tirely different from the nega which demands honesty and then in h is own l i f e
tive-receptive (N. R. i. Negative-receptive sets is not honest no matter how much good he may
aside the "Conscious - awareness department do another is a hypocrite. A doctor, for ex
from a slight bit to total disconnection. Thus ample, who cannot maintain a degree o f normal
the receiver does not retain the right of f r e e , or better-than-normal health has no honest
positive choice. Examples of this would be the right to practice as a doctor. A lawyer who is
trance medium, o r the semi-trance medium, or fundamentally dishonest and tricky has no
any shades or degrees o f mediumship where the moral right to practice his p rofession. And
individual, acting a s t h e medium , i s in the certainly you wouldnt bank your money in an
slightest degree o f semi-consciousness a n d institution whose officers in their personal
then speaks, writes, or in some other way man lives were dishonest with funds.
ife s t s the control o f the sender. Using this As you search for a philosophy for l i f e and
N. R. method, it is even possible for a human the meaning o f it a ll, you w i l l meet some who
physical organism on this plane to be possessed are positive-receptive. These few will mani
by another intelligence, either in a physical fest health, happiness, and harmony because
body, or no longer in a material body. they comply with natural laws.
N .R. is to be avoided i f for no other reason Those who d a ily strive to maintain a har
than the fact the receiver is not in f u l l , monic with universal laws e a r n the reward of
total possession o f his fa c u lt ie s . Such lack manifesting a h ig h e r vibratory cellular body.
o f possession violates the law o f individual With a higher vibratory cellular body comes
ity and separateness. The outstanding men and the P . R ., a keenness o f sense organs, it is
women o f today in the fie ld of receptivity who the sensitivity o f the organism that deter
manifest a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a mines i t s receptiveness.
healthy philosophy that word "h e a l t h y means You may ask, " I f i t is the sensitivity o f
harmonious know full well that there are no the organism that is so necessary, then what
trick courses by c a n t ic le s , drugs, or other i s wrong with using methods and chemicals that
method for th e attainment o f the reward o f make the sense organs more sensitive? What is
attunement t o the g r e a t creative source, o r wrong with using parts o f the cactus family o f
communication with individuals who have moved plants, the sacred mushroom, and other chemi
to a higher vibratory level. cals, h e rb a ls , and gases that sharpen t h e
There is no constructive, honest short-cut. senses ?
I t is a reward that is earned earned because Those using these methods are attempting to
one has learned and applied and lived and done gain th a t which they have not earned as an
evolutional^ right, as a reward for s e l f - a c inviolable and preciousness of the individual
complishment, or as a result o f mental disci ity, and are you going to maintain that in d i
pline and the effect o f daily applying t h e viduality consciously, purposefully; ev olu
natural evolving laws o f nature. t i o n a r y , thus raising your s p e c i f ic gravity
Use o f the sacred mushroom and other forms by your own mental discipline? Or are you going
o f chemical adjuncts produces more effects than to lower this human individuality, lower it to
are immediately discernible. What becomes of the depths of non-human chemicals in order to
the distinctiveness o f character, both mental temporarily stimulate a keenness of your sense
and physical, after a few years using these centers? Think carefully before casting the die .
drugs? Where is the strength of mind and the In summary, let me make it plain that the
power o f control centered-- in the person, or opening of the sense organisms of your in d i
is i t under the chemical domination o f these vidualness comes as a reward which you could
adjuncts? The answer is self-evident, for the not stop even i f you wanted. It comes as a re
person is not in a positive state o f control ward for self-accomplishment thru mental d is
o f himself and i s not directing h is sense or cipline and follows autom atically. But when
ganisms and receptive centers. He has merely you drop yourself to the level o f inorganic or
stupefied the conscious-awareness department organic matter and use these external i t e m s ,
so that the dream world and the great subjec then you are trying to fake mental discipline
tive side o f l i f e may be more discernible. and you are tearing down your conscious-aware
Outstanding demonstrations have been made ness . Thus you lower and devolute that entity
thruout ages using these chemicals. Unusual which is the you, and you pay the p r i c e for
and exciting demonstrations are being made to that devolution. Would it not be far better to
day by the same methods. I t i s s t i r r i n g up earn the right by the practice of mental d is
quite a b it o f comment in certain areas of the cip lin e (even i f it ta ke s years) than to be
United States a n d Europe. It seems to be a partly numbed and under the influence and con
popular wave that is gaining momentum a n d i t trol o f an outside substance?
h istorically exists hand-in-glove with the use The difference is very clear. One is s e lf
o f hypnosis in a culture. What good, as far as development, self-evolution. T h e other is an
evolving t h e ind iv id ual entity, comes from attempt to get something for nothing by devo-
such stimulative adjuncts that actually d e luting and lowering yourself so that you b e
press the conscious - awareness faculty o f a come a slave, temporarily at least, to a king
person? dom o f l i f e below t h a t of human. You might
Other questions o ft e n ask ed a r e : Is not just as well take to the bottle and hallucina
good accomplished by this form o f opening up tions. You would be in the same category, al-
the sensitivity? Has not this method produced tho n o t as acceptable to those who dabble in
benefit to many persons? Have not lives been pseudo-metaphysical activity today.
improved? Have not partial hallucinations and You must decide your evolutionary pathway.
psychosomatic illnesses been wiped out by those Are you going to evolute, raise your specific
who have used the sacred mushroom, peyote, and gravity by y o u r own mental discipline, or are
other ca ctus extracts? How can you say this you g oin g to drop into a la y e r o f existence
method i s in error when it is certainly obvi dependent on organic and inorganic substances
ous that great good has been done when these that temporarily make your sense organisms
methods have been used? more sensitive? -
Here we come to a very important point. Do To state it another way, you must decide in
you subscribe to the theory that the means is regard to communication whether you are going
ju s t i f ie d by the ends? Do you believe that as to use the P. R. circuitry, a n d thus evolve
long as some outward good appears to be gained thru mental discipline, or whether you are go
or accom plished, i t is n o t important as to ing to use the N. R. circuitry and deteriorate
the means o f accomplishing it? I f that be your your individuality. Your decision is vital and
conception o f idiat i s right, what i s evolu far-reaching ! ________ ^________
tionary, then I am p e r s o n a l l y sorry.
hoped that you have reached a plateau of think
ing where the means (tile methodology you use)
is t h e important th in g , in other words, i f
It is


you w illing to drop existing concepts i f they
something i s wrong on Tuesday and Thursday , are contrary to what you feel to be true? Are
then i t s wrong on all other days o f the week. you engaged in some meaningful activity? O r ,
I f the application o f domination o f another is are you bored and misdirected? Why not get in
good sometimes, but is to be abhorred other volved with some worthwhile project? Why not run
tim es, then th e r e i s something illogical , a study group, support a truth movement place
something about i t that is anti-natural that worthwhile books in l i b r a r i e s , write letters
i s vio lating nature, because nature i s always to editors when you see a worthwhile article in
consistent. No matter what the apparent good a paper or magazine? Contribute to this rolling
in your judgment or in my judgment may be, to panorama o f l i f e . Get involved and at the same
set ourselves up as judge and jury and to d ic time, remain divinely detached.
tate, to dominate, to control another o r others In truth, all forms are transitory. They
for the accomplishment of a goal which we have will change. T h e sole reality is the cause of
decided i s to their b e n e fit , i s certainly a the appearance world. Our goal should be to
direct violation of everything that we can s e e , catch this realization and then will our f u l
study, or experiment with in nature. fillment be complete.
Under nature and natural law, each entity
on the level o f human intelligence must work
out, to t h e degree o f h is mental expression,
h is own salvation meaning to seek their own
way back from whence they came.
The struggle for " selfness , for ind iv id
uality, i s at the very root o f everyones be
ing. You must make a d e fin ite choice, i f you
desire to delve into the realm o f metaphysical
development. Are you going to adhere to the


Siut Mou, Too, Gan S o 9i
By HAROLD S. SCHROEPPEL W A R N I N G These lessons In " A d v a n c e d P e r c e p
t i o n are not to be treated lightly or delv ed
LESSON 15 DUPLICATION in by the cu r i o u s for-<idle or q u e s t ionable
wv REREQUISITES fo r t h i s lesson u re : goals. As tha Author cautions, thsy' re d a n g e r
I A the a b ility to visualize things ac- o u s and It is s u g g e s t e d two pe r s o n s with s i m i

I I curately, the a b ility to perceive

lar Intent work as a team. One of the risks In
volved, Mr. Schro eppel warns, is that some who
the future to some extent, and the
mfT mind
successfully de v e l o p their advanced perc e p t i o n
a b ility to create within your own " a r e going to see some things they'd rather not

W images which you know th at you

I yourself created, to be able to do
s e e . And don't m ix with any other technique,
or you may find yours elf w o r k i n g at c r o s s - p u r
poses. Which Is no place to find yours elf, or
I anything with them, and to d iffer- for anyo n e else to find you e s p eclalIy an in
I en tiate between the images you cre- competent psyc h o l o g i s t or psychiatrist. They

ate and those which are created for may gat the idea you're as crazy as they are.

you, or presented to you.


Probably the most important technique and

thing will not disappear for someone else just
the most useful in the training and understand
because it does for you, because it will remain
ing o f perception is duplication, developing
a part of the common reality. Those things which
the ability to duplicate a picture and to handle
belong to you and do not belong to the common
duplication. Duplication is in i t s e lf a lesson
reality will disappear immediately on duplica
in perception, because actually, on the highest
level o f perception, the universe is perceived tion, and their disappearance will be permanent
by duplication. That is, you put something out i f you want it to be. Those things which belong
in your universe, and then you perceive what to the common reality will disappear only for
you put out. It is necessary for you as an in you and will still exist in the common r e a lity .
dividual, or as your particular section of God, The main application for duplication is in
getting rid o f unwanted things, foreseen events
or something, to put something out in order to
you would rather avoid, pains, something which
perceive it. You have to keep putting it out
is wrong with you, things which are in your own
there i f you are to see it and study it and
reality that you don t want there, or things
work with it and bump into it . I f you stop this
which someone else has in his own reality that
process, the thing will disappear.
he doesn t w a n t .
You can t just decide, tho, that you are How do you u s e this technique? Here is a
going to stop putting that wall, or chair, or simple example: You are riding in a car on your
whatever it may be, there. You do i t the other way home, and before your mind appears a picture
way around: I f you want to get rid o f something, o f an autooiobile accident in which you are a
you keep trying to put it there and put it participant. Immediately, not wanting that ac
there and put it there and as you keep trying cident, you duplicate the picture. You remake
to put it there, all o f a sudden it disappears. it , again and again, and all o f a sudden t h e
I f you simply sit down in a room, close your picture sh ifts. Now, instead o f being in the
eyes, and keep dupl icating the room around you , accident, you are merely watching it as a spec
making pictures o f it in complete d e ta il, even tator. You duplicate that picture a few times
tually you will open your eyes and that room and it remains that way ; so, since you are
will not be there and its disappearance will watching the accident from a nice comfortable
be no hallucination. Other people in the room distance, you let it go. Then when you have
will see it . And y o u will be able to put it gone on down the road a few m ile s , th e r e s
back whenever you so desire . your accident, just as you last pictured i t ,
This process for demonstration purposes can with yourself as spectator, not participant.
be done on any real object, such as a chair or This technique is very useful in terms o f
a vase. I f you are doing team d r i l l , have the future events that you don t want to happen,
subject s it down in front of the object, close because any given future event which you can
h is eyes, and then keep making pictures of the see in good clear detail and make a duplicate
object. These pictures should be complete in o f can be changed simply by duplicating it
every detail. They should include the time, the until it changes into something you would rather
place, the duration o f the object, the solid see. You may not be able to move it out of an
ness o f it , all its experience, and everything other 's universe, but you can at least take it
else about it . When the subject, in his own out o f yours and this is one method o f con
mind, with the eyes closed, makes a perfect du trolling the future.
plicate of the object, he will be able to open Duplication is particularly useful for peo
his eyes and the object will be gone. You and ple who have old pictures stuck in their memor
other people in the room will still be able to ies, or other obsessions they d o n t want. They
see it , but for him it will stay disappeared may say that a certain memory controls them, or
until he puts it back there. they keep wanting to see somebody because o f a
In reference to the disappearance of an ob recurring picture. I t may be of someone who
jec t and what happens when i t is fully per annoys them, who, they say, controls them. If
ceived, there are some comments in " H i e Sutras you have such a case, say to your subject, " A l l
o f Pataniali . But the main point is that the right, make a picture of that person. Now make


another picture o f him. Make another one. Now I might add that the process of duplication
make a picture o f him on this side of the wall . is also very handy for persons who are low in
Now make a picture of him on that side o f the energy. Sometimes people who are working on
w a l l . Keep him making pictures, and all o f a these lessons or sim ilar exercises get too
sudden he will say, I c a n 't make another one spread o ut, or dispersed, and their energy falls
like i t . Check him see i f he ca n . I f he c a n t , o ff. The use o f duplication is an excellent way
you w ill find that the control the other person to pull back together. Take any kind of picture
had over him has disappeared with the p ictu re. and put it out, duplicate it , put the duplicate
away out in the distance somewhere, and then
This would work very w ell, for example, on a
young woman who has decided she loves a man and pull it in to you. Make thousands and thousands
c a n t get him out of her mind, altho for one o f these duplicates and keep pulling them in to
reason or another she realizes he do e sn t be you, and you should pick up energy you should
long there. You dont in such a case tell her to pick up a lot of it.
get him out of her mind. You start her making After your creative ability goes up, and your
pictures of him detailed pictures. Soon her control of your thought images gets strong, you
agreement that the unsuitable lover controls discover occasionally that you create an idea
her w ill be gone, along with the picture. which seems very good and that for aw hile youd
I f you investigate this angle, you will find lik e to see happen; but when you consider the
a lot o f people who have stuck pictures of full aspects of the thing, you decide you don't
this sort pictures of father or mother or want it . You have put intention into this pic
someone else hanging over them. Simply ask them ture, and have put some energy into i t , and you
to make another picture lik e that, to keep on have made your prayer to God, or however you
making them, to make some more, make some more, want to say it . Now how to get r id o f it?
make some more, until they are free from the The answer is: by duplication. You take the
picture and keep duplicating it , making sure
one they d o n t w a n t .
To get rid of pain a headache, for instance you have a complete duplicate, and sooner or
--ask the individual, Can you make a picture of later you will blow up the original -- it will
that headache? What shape is it? Make a picture
What happens i f you see a major accident or
exactly the same shape as your headache. I f
disaster coming and start making duplicates of
you can keep him duplieating the picture, soon
it? Well, you can remove it from your own aware
er or later that picture will disappear.
ness and change your own relationship to i t ,
Another one: Somebody tells you he has trou but you will not remove the accident from group
bles. Ask him, "C a n you get a picture of your consciousness until you are more cause than
troubles? What do they look like? I f you put simply someone making duplicates o f i t . The
them out here on the table, what would you see? desire to have that major accident must be re
I f he can make such a picture, tell him, All moved from group consciousness, and in this
right, now make another picture of those trou case group consciousness will include all the
b l e s . Now make another. Now see i f you can make various people who are scheduled to be in the
a better picture of them. H is troubles maybe disaster. Ordinarily it is not a good thing to
symbolized by a piece of paper. I remember one fool with things lik e that. Let them go. Ar
case where a passport was the source o f emo range to be elsewhere at the scheduled time. I f
tional stress, another in which it was c itizen one of your loved ones is going to be there and
ship papers. Keep your subject making pictures you can get him or her to change the intention
of whatever bothers him; keep him duplicating to be there, a l l r ig h t , but otherwise s a y
it as perfectly as he can. I f he can move the nothing about it; the race does not need right,
picture around, that helps, but it is not nec now a lot of modern prophets who can predict
essary. plane and railroad accidents a n d t hings like
One method o f sharpening any picture which that. You could undoubtedly make such proph
is only h a lf seen, a s , for instance, at the ecies i f you work with these techniques a n d
edges o f vision any picture you are not quite learn them w e l l , b u t normally it serves no
able to identify--is to make a duplicate o f i t , purpose, as I have explained before, so let it
and another, and then some more. As it shifts go except where you might help out given indi
and changes, keep on making duplicates of the viduals who are w illing to he helped without a
new version, and sooner or later you will see lot o f detailed explanation.
the real thing exactly as it i s , or else it The best exercise in developing ability to
will disappear. I f it goes away, the bond or duplicate, the best way t o practice it , is to
tie which it had on you will be removed. sit down by yourself in a quiet place and then
Duplication is also useful in meditation to simply duplicate whatever comes to mind, what
find out where thoughts and pictures come from. ever comes within the field of awareness. Keep
Suppose you sit down to meditate, and your mind this up for, say, 10 minutes. No matter what it
suddenly gets crowded with a flock of stray is, make a duplicate of i t , with sound, smell,
thoughts or images, when what you want is com taste, touch, color, w h a t e v e r i t comprises.
plete blankness of mind. Just start duplicating Duplicate it and keep duplicating i t . A s i t
the stu ff that pours in, no matter what it is changes, change your duplicates. I f you spend
or how it comes. Continue to make duplicates of fiv e or 10 minutes a day on this, your percep
i t . I f you make enough, the pictures will stop tion of things in the universe should change
coming and you will be able to blank the screen . rather radically, provided it h a s n t already.
Duplication i s also a way o f meditating on (To be continued next issuei
an object, and o f handling people with whom you
want to communicate. You want to hold the ob
je c t or person in your mind, but i t disappears. This message received
Ih this case, ju st keep putting it back.
On our best psychograph:
After you have done a lot of work on dupli
cation, you will be able to take a good hard Have fun any season
look at something and make it disappear from For L ife is to Laugh";
your universe in broad daylight i f you want it Ve 're passing i t on
to, or put it back as you w ill. Be careful, th o ,
that you d o n t play these games while driving From The ABERREE s ta ff.
or doing anything like that.
for all cars stopped for long
periods. With four lanes hard
ly moving, we c a n understand
bad we ca n t meet more o f our
"fa m ily in other areas; but
i t may make it more d iffic u lt
why they are sometimes called to send those nasty li t t l e re
miles , while a s o f t , ge n tle t h e longest parking lots in minders when subscriptions are
rain gave this section of Cal the w o r ld ". about to expire. I t s easy to
ifo rn ia some o f it s first mois drop a name, but i t s difficult
ture in what may have been 5 H e r e , we might consent
to do likewise to friends and
that the freeways, as we found
decades -- since only the old- familiar f a c e s . ..
them in Southern C a lifo r n ia ,
timers could remember the last
are tra ffic bottlenecks even A few highlights that im
time they d seen free water
i f cars are permitted to travel pressed us at the r e c e p t io n ...
fall from the sky. However,
at 65 miles per hour. On the M illisan Drews, whose pictures
when we h it t h e L o s Angeles
old highways, you WENT places, were s u c h a feature o f t h e
t r a f f i c , it w a s bumper - to-
on the freeways, you go PAST convention, got the idea from
bumper, more stop than go, as
places and unless you know Ye E d s ever-present eyeshade
we inched our way into the
the route, getting o f f a free to invent miniature shades to
city. Eventually, we under
way for gas or food i s a hit- be clipped on eyeglasses . . .
stand, th ey re going to p u t
or-miss proposition. Every one Volnev Mathlson admitted that
parking meters on the freeways
seems in a hurry to g e t some he may find himself forced to

place yesterday, and we often jo in hands with Ron Hubbard
wondered even as we "p o k e d in his fight with the food and
along at 65 or 70 --how many drug doctors i f Hubbard uses
<------------ succeeded. Our efforts to obey for h is defense the claim that
1 . Florance Verrico regis t r a ffic laws and speed limits h i s E-meter i s a transistor
ters a group fo r the d a y 's ac must have been quite upsetting ized copy o f Mathisons Elec
tivities at the convention. to the Angelenos, as one woman tropsychometer which has been
who sped by us yelled in o b given F D A approval. . . Joanna
2 . MillisanDrews interprets Walsh "c o in ciden ta lly discov
vious anger: "G e t b a c k to Okla
one of her inspirational pas homa . She d id n t give us time ered-that she had sele cte d a
tels fo r an admirer. to tell her we were on o u r Christmas handkerchief when we
3 . Riley Crabb, BSRA direc w a y ... mentioned we s t i l l were unde
tor, rings the bell to announce cided about the cover for the
time for the next speaker, 5 In Los Angeles, a recep Annual Christmas issue o f The
tion had been planned for us ABERREE. Had we been able to
U. M i r i m J a y e , palmist, by the Friends of Dunbar Train photograph in color, that prob
ex m ines the "what -you-we re ing Center and Los Angeles BSRA ably would have beat t h i s
born -w it h " hand o f Horman at Er. It* Q. Andersons Research month s cover . . . Herb Black -
f r i t z , o f Del Mar, while daugh Center for Monday evening, but sch leg er. who claims he con
ter Ronwyn watches to see m a t as it was early morning, we trols weather, sent an emissary
kind o f "daddy" she has. dropped around to see Hardin to inquire about Oklahomas
and Joanna Walsh and the work weather, but lack o f proper
5 . T h e d in in g h a l l and
"bull sessio n s" over c o f f e e they are doing with color. It coaching caused her to a s k :
attracted many of the conven was amazing to see the in t r i "H o w s the weather in Mon
tion delegates. Here are, from cate gadgets they have cooked tana? We thought i t was a
left to r ig h t, Robert iUlliams, up to make their films and we koan, until she later discov
were literally hypnotized by ered and explained her e r r o r ...
Bonnie Browne, Mary Stevens,
the crawling, creeping, flash Florance Verrico. whose tardi
Helen Bren, B etsy Kitselman,
ing fantasies which they have ness we thought might permit
Betty Shreeve,and Dave Shreeve.
been able to produce. Appar us to escape doing it , in s ist
6 . D r. L . 0 . Anderson puts ently, the Southern California ed Ye Ed reclown h is "bathrobe
some fin ish in g touches on his area is becoming quite color act , which r e m i n d e d Oscar
much-moved faraday cage. conscious, as several o f the Weidhaas of Hollywood that he
demonstrations at the Grove
7. Mr. and M r s . A. L . K it Ka3 bought a "money-making
included color systems by Rilev
selman stop a moment to smile gadget almost identical to the
Crabb and gob Beck . Maybe the
at the "stup id" photographer. one we used, for one mark when
time will come when color will
he was in Germany as a boy.
8 . Part of the crowd during be used on the freeways paving Incidentally, h is wife, W v-
a lecture in the auditorium. not only to differentiate
n o n a , introduced herself as
9 . fred Kimball, "the man various routes, but to keep
the sister of Charles Rhoades.
drivers awake, alert, and in a
who contacts the conscious o f Oklahoma City, showing not
courteous mood. Arizona uses a
nesses o f anim als", stoops to so much that " i t s a small
type o f paving that is red and
commune with a gopherK which world , but that we do get
brown, but we doubt i f this is
rejected Fred s f i r s t offering a r o u n d ... Even Scientology was
dictated by other than availa
o f grass fo r "something with a represented in the person of
ble m a t e r i a l s ...
tuft on i t " . When Fred supplied Evans Farber. who says he still
the requested tid - b it, the 1 I t seemed rather odd for remembers an exteriorization
gopher disappeared, p u s h in g us to be honored guests at a session with Ye Ed almost a
dirt into the mouth o f his reception but we knew it was decade a g o , when both Evans
hole because o f the gathering mainly for The ABERREE and its and he were playing on the
curious. writers and contributors, so same team. O d d ly , the part
as representatives for those about the session Ye Ed remem
1 0 . What would a psychic
contributors , we tried not to bers most, Evans had forgotten ,
convention be without a p s y
do anything that might make and we had forgotten Evans had
chic? Here a r e two "Louis"
them ashamed o f u s . About 40 successfully exteriorized .....
and Heva Dell Hunter, taking a
or 50 o f our friends-subscrib Harold Kinney chided Yb Ed for
break from "s ee in g ".
ers w ere present, a n d soon not asking publicly for-more
11. Part o f the cro w d m ill these ceased being lit t le fi le (Don 't you wish we 'd shut up?
ing a r o u n d in front o f the cards with names, addresses, This i s positively t'hff? last
auditorium during intermission. and expiration dates. I t s too jim p. Please turn to Page 1 2 .)

JUIY-AUGUST, 1963-------------- -----The ABERREE----- :--------------------------------ii

o f voice? I f they were told it tical field to reach our atten
was actively working thruout tion is the 64-page copy of NEW
their b o d ie s , many would r e DIMENSIONS, edited in England
port strange symptoms and dose and printed by Llewellyn Pub
themselves with whatever was lications in St. Paul, Minn .
recommended? In the introductory editor
D o e s n 't this sound a bit ial by Basil Wilhy, its ed ito r ,
lik e t h e bromides y o u hear the purpose of NEW DIMENSIONS
MIHD-COHDIIIOHIHG, by C la r a every time you turn your radio is " t o take the mystery out o f
M ills Ward. 36-page booklet, on See your doctor; fight magic, the superstition out of
75t, pub. by Ward Cheering and cancer with a checkup and a psychism, and the pretentious
Healing Service, M etropolis, check. "G iv e - - t o stamp out ness out o f occultism. This
III. polio (tuberculosis, heart dis is quite a promise and it will
ease, or whatever). Most know be interesting to see how well
I t enough w rite rs get the that i t is the check they are
these intentions are carried
idea across t h a t o u r think fishing for -- the disease they out yet retain the support of
ing is responsible for bodily cause is only a by-product.
all mystical and occult schools
conditions, maybe such "s c a r e She adds "P o p u la r evange which have been invited to
babies who sell cancer, heart lism is no less a threat to
submit material. Few o f these
disease, po lio , sin, and " H e l l the discerning man o r woman, schools wish to be u n ve ile d
via every available means will who may discredit Christianity for what they are because be
be l e f t impotently w a g g in g because o f the seeming c h i l d s
hind m y s t e r y , superstition,
their jaws- - and we can settle play that i s resorted to in
and pretentiousness they can
down to advancing ourselves the mere signing o f a card so
operate more profitably.
instead o f reacting to the neg they may receive forgiveness
ative implants being sold to of sins and go to heaven . Of The firs t issue April/May ,
us by radio, T-V, newspapers, course, here again we have the 1963, contains articles by W.
and low-toned magazines. E. Butler, Gareth Knight, Pa
money motive, because a person t ric ia Crowther, Margaret Lum-
For example. Miss Ward says : frightened o f h is fu tu re i s
Mind-conditioning is funda more w illing to p a y bigger ley- Brown, D a v id W illiam s,
mental in action. Medicine is Margaret Bruce, Dion Fortune,
f i r e insurance premiums. Marc Edmund Jones , and Harold
a monopoly o f the f e w , but M ind- Conditioning is a
mind-conditioning i s for a l l . Mori and. A strong astrological
small booklet--but it doesnt tone covers everything, which
Why should you have your aches take a tome of long, intricate
and p a i n s dressed u p with words to give the basic facts. is natural since the Llewellyn
Latin names you do not under firm is primarily interested
Anything more i s mere window- in astrological books and study
stand? Even the simple, nat dressing. I rah H k a
ural process o f cell-division courses. However, there a r e
* * * enough of the other "w a y o u t
i s called karyokinesis.
Can you picture the effect HEW DIMEHSIOWS Bi-monthly subjects covered that one need
on many gullible people should magazine edited i n London, not be astro logically inclined 100 S . Wabash, S t.P a u l, to enjoy NEW DIMENSIONS i f he
they be given this perfectly
truthful descriptive diagnosis Minn. 50t a copy. likes magazines o f this n atu re.
in a solemnly threatening tone Latest magazine in the mys A. H .

obtainable for a fraction of
what this special " s p i r i t p en
is being priced a t . And Jacob
him in this issue o f The ABER
REE, Roy Eugene talks our lan
guage, but he does a much bet
persons to contribute to The and Rose A p s e l. o f Milwaukee , ter jo b o f i t . . .
ABERREE -- and it was a slap on who have had some experience
^ When most o f us go back
the wrist we richly deserved; in this sort o f so-called phe
to the old home town after a
We had been assuming too much. nomena, supported Ye E d s con
long absence, we meet d is a p
So , we hereby wish to correct tention by sending u s some
pointments at landmarks that
the om ission. The columns o f spirit writing done with the
no longer are as we remember.
The ABERREE (to the limits of burned end of a match. In f a c t ,
But not so Randolph Rav. After
our s p a ce ) are w id e open to he sent along t h e match as
a year or so in Arizona and
contributors who have something some kind o f supporting e v i
California, he returned to h is
dence . . .
they sincerely feel needs say old "camping ground of New
ing. We d o n t care whether we 5 A letter from BQI EUggfiS Orleans. " I t s more beautiful
agree with it or not some of Davis of Garrett P a r k , M d .,
than ever, he says. " S o ouch
the stu ff we print now has no says Am busy, busy, busy . . .
restoration work going on, old
Hope to see you in late J u l y .
editorial b le s s in g -- but we mansions more beautiful than
have our own two p a ges, and From h is speaking schedule, we
originally and the French Quar
the remainder o f the magazine understand that busy s t u f f ,
ter more like Paris than ever.
belongs to t h e readers and but he lis t s "tentative d a t e s
Since w e ve never been to New
contributors. This month, how for an Oklahoma City appear
Orleans, we ll take his word
ever, we think w e v e greatly ance as August 1 and 2, under
for i t , and won t go there
exceeded our space allowance auspices o f the New Age Cen
looking f o r things we never
but we gat carried away. Thank ter. (This should give wheth
" s a w " when we w e r e n t there
you for listening i f y ou re er i t s late J u l y o r e a r ly
b e f o r e ...
s till with u s . . . August Charlie Rhoades group
time to get their new Center 5 Our sympathies to Albert
^ In some o f h is advertis in operation at 145 N. E. 1 4 t h ). Roy Davis. Green Cove Springs ,
ing literature, Albert Ro t Dav Roy Eugene will be on his way Fla. in the loss o f his 91-
is o f Green Cove Springs, F l a . , to C a lifo r n ia , where he will year-old mother early in Ju n e.
disagrees with Ye Ed who dis make two appearances in t h e Albert Roy says he intends to
agreed with Albert Roy that Science of Mind Church in Grau- establish communications with
his special pen would do any mans Chinese theater the first h is mother as soon as h e is
better " s p i r i t w r it in g than t w o S u n d a y s i n August, A s able, and will keep ABERREE
any other writing equipment, ou ll note from an article by readers in fo m e d o f resul t s .. .
12------------- ------------------ ----- The ABERREE----- JULY-AUGUST, 1963
Father Zer point. The grand surprise o f the prize i s that
in the zero point o f aid-beginning there is

Takes a
nothing for him to have and hold.
Instead o f returning immaculately, this
li t t l e pig also went all the way, and the only

way to go all the way home to the z e r o home
plate o f death serving a conception is to take
in strange bedfellows, things foreign to o n e s
own activity. Wee, wee, wee! is the wee zero
end that o n e is conditioned to die thru, in
order to grasp that wee b it of sensed l i f e ,
which i f one wins, he loses h is helical immor
tality and also the sensed l i f e , the straight
line fallout therefrom.
By PHILIP FRIEDMAN; To p ig i s to lit te r or bring forth in the
manner o f pigs, to act and live like pigs. A
THIS LITTLB PIG p ig is a greedy person who eats up and messes
all in one. P ig iron i s such a mass, such an
This little pig went to market,
easily - melted mould. A pig is one who is so
This little pig stayed home,
stupidly obstinate and perverse as not to see
This little pig had roast beef,
and change the error o f h is ways and escape
This little pig had none,
h is earthly pigpen and the pigskin he lives
This little pig cried "Bee, wee, w e e /"
in. A pigeon is one easily swindled out of his
All the way home,

immediate birthright and purity in color. He
111 HE MARKET is a central location where fin- exchanges it for the pigmentation stained in
! ished products are brought in and sold o u t . red blood. A pigmy i s someone dim inutive in
I A market is the place that marks the spot stature.
I where Mother N ature s reactive heliocen- W e e is the root of weed that i s some
I trie spiral is finished and begun again as thing weeded o u t , and also of w eek that is
straight line r ad iations. The end o f the the weakness of being a full week ending and
journey in and the beginning of the journey starting another. Heel i s t h e so-called
out are one and the same point, the dichotomy good looks o f objective bom ings. Weep are
o f another death and conception.
the tears one sheds when his goal is reached.
As long as Mother Nature is a clean reac " W e e t is the wit it takes to kill o n e s eter
tion, putting back in place the divided pieces
nal heliocentricity and convert it to deadly
o f her own previous action only, then she is
r ad iatio n s . Death is not natural but an art
an unending spiral. Her helical coils never fully built-up job.
reach the market place and never get sold down
the river of another cycle of l i f e . Her end is
truncated. I f she elects to take herself to
market, she has to buoy and buy h e r s e l f up
with extra sensory things and force her open
coils to be shorted full circle in another mas
culine point o f gendering generation. Only by
some artificiality can she build up an erupting
center, a market place, and exchange her im
mortal helical l i f e line for fl a s h y , deadly
A pig is the female o f the species, the in
gathering kind that eats all up. To be lit t le
is to be lit t le oneself in the littleness o f

another zero end-beginning. I n the purity o f (4 ) THE UNKNOWABLE REALITY
Mother N a tu re s perpetual s p ir a l, there is no HE MYSTERIOUS Power that performs creative
this , no moment of ine rtia that one can s a y , action is the real problem remaining un
T h i s is i t . This can be said only o f her solved. Theology ca lls i t God, but cannot
dead end where the hand o f death is not s ta y ed . analyze God, and simply bypasses the prob
Here, like the market place, is also where lem without any further solution. Science
generations start and stop. This li t t l e pig ca lls i t blind, non-intelligent, mechani
and the first l i t t l e pig and all the lit t le cal energy, and regards that as final. Dr.
pigs to follow are one and the same lit t le p i g , Alexis Carrel, one o f the truly great scien
one and the same lit t le entity, liv in g in the tists o f modem times, does not agree, regard
same place, in the usual hyphenated existence ing that Power as an Unknowable Reality. He
o f dyings and bo m ings. T he roast beef that said, in Man the Unknown ; Man is made up
this l i t t l e pig had was his own hot flesh and o f a procession o f phantoms, i n t h e midst of
blood, roasted in the process o f a burning which strides an unknowable R e a lit y .
horning in the heliocentric solar center. Nothing in that statement tells us what man
The same l i t t l e pig, at th e same time, had actually i s . The same philosophy applies to
none; that is, none of her immortal h e lio c e n every living thing, to every plant and anim al.
tric l i f e in the zero end. only the nothing Science recognizes the existence o f th is Un
ness o f death, objectively and actively horn knowable Reality, but q u ic k ly bypasses i t in
ing. Once out in a course o f action a l i t t l e all discussions. Not even Carrel dared pause
p igs only recourse is another reaction, so o f at that point and make a d efin ite attempt to
the prize o f creation he sought and won be a l analyze this unknowable Reality. He d i d in
so has none. I t can only suffer to return home clude this edifying admission:
in another clean, never-ending h e lix , never to Our knowledge o f the human body i s . i n
die again, " l e e , wee, w e e ! all three are h is truth, most rudimentary. In fact, o a r ignor
I and h is parental pair, h is last p air o f ance is profound. Most o f the questions put to
helical co ils, the two-in-one, doing a grand themselves by those (s c i e n t is t s ) Who study
fina le and falling from their helical heights human beings remain without answer, immense
as an upside-down dotted i , a s an exclamation (TURN TO PAGE 14, PLEASE!
on my favorite magazine. (TRUE "C o lla p s in g toy balloon and
and ARGOSY are former favor wilted t ie are withering me
ites since my introduction to mentoes o f past gay happy times
The ABERREE ) . that he has no hope of dupli
" I t occurs to me that some cating in the present or fu
of your readers may become a ture. Were he not so wrapped
li t t l e frantic looking at a up in h im s elf, he would be
'no significance painting that aware of the next (b ea r trap)
i s so lousy with gimmicks and in the long line o f major and
symbols, so with your permis minor p it fa lls o f l i f e that
sion, here are my thoughts be he can either avoid or maneuver
hind Meyers Blue Boy ( I f himself into. Which leads us
Gainsborough can have one, so to the moral o f the story we
can I . ) a r e , a f t e r a ll is s a i d and
How b l u e I am ! Nobody done, self-made.
loves m e . Everything (b a d ) "W hy I picked an abominable
happens to me. Woe is me! De snowman t y p e i s a n y b o d y 's
cayed havingness at the bottom g u e s s . Have done an improved
o f apathy. The snowy environ version on a 12 x l 6 c a n v a s .
ment is, of course, the ever It is the same except that I
present Cold, Cruel World . have added child-like features
I t is certainly true that to the characters face, which
all the world does not love the adds more sympathy appeal.
down and o u t e r . Tho some may "When i read in a previous
"W h a t a jo l t to pull my la feel a certain amount o f com issue that you could not re
test ABERREE out o f the enve passion and want to help him , produce the painting, I decid
lope and have one o f my crea the majority would rather not ed to try something less diffi
tions jump o u t at m e. get involved (fear o f conta cult to reproduce for your
The reproduction is fine gion, perhaps.) Bystanders are consideration. It is something
terrific! I m happy about the inclined to scoff and harass from the lighter side of l ife
way i t turned out and I m also (represented by dog-wolf, what which should appeal to those
very flattered that you should ever), while friends desert with a sense o f humor. I w as
find my Blue Boy interesting (empty p e t collar) to seek a about to sound the starting
enough to consider for a cover happier environment. gun on the project when up

M U L U U H j
( c o n t in u e d
from p a g e i3)
the in a b ility of man to progress to knowledge
o f higher causes, but o f the inadequacy o f the
regions o f mans inner world are s till unknown. research method conducted by science. We said
I t i s impossible, for the present, to grasp all questions have answers, and, writh a n ade
it s (b o dy s) constitution. We must, then, be quate system o f research, i t is possible to
content with the s cientific observation o f our ascend not only to higher levels where answers
organic and mental activitie s, and, without l i e hidden in the crypt, but to advance later
any o t h e r gu id e, march forward into the un ally without limit.
known. The further we follow a false philosophy,
And so, a great scientist in the f i e l d of the denser grows the nature of the Unknowable
biology and pathology presents the sad s ta t e Reality, and the more uncertain we become at
o f mental ignorance prevailing in that realm. each step. But the dogma o f creation by the
Yet we are brazenly assured by those engaged fia t o f God having been exploded, we are in
in the work that within a comparatively short total darkness which science cannot dissipate
time d is ea s e will be conquered and become in spite o f all it s boasted progress.
only a memory, provided the money for that Law, order, system, and development are so
brand o f research w i l l continue to pour into intimately related that the thinking mind will
the medical coffers. not bring it s searchings to a close, and rest
T h is admitted ignorance a s to the most v i it s reasoning upon the b e lie f that God, with
tal element in all creation is heralded in big out the observance of law and order as revealed
publications as The march of s c ie n c e " Now we by all created phenomena, by word o f mouth and
know the direction o f that march . Carrel wave o f hand, commanded into existence out of
told us, and he goes further in these words: nothing, the countless formations of this ma
"T h o se (scientists) who investigate the je s t ic universe.
phenomena o f l i f e are as i f lost i n an inex As hard as humanity searches for knowledge
tricable jungle, in the midst of a magic forest, and the amount o f time and money expended in
whose countless trees unceasingly change their research for knowledge, make i t d iffic u lt to
places and their shape. believe that entire libraries have been burned
Dr. White was ju s t ifie d in stating that the to destroy knowledge. Such are the bald facts
biblica l concept o f creation by the f i a t of o f history, and that data are now called hate
God was exploded and gone. But h is fLve great lit e r a t u r e when published and passed out to
men did not find the deep secret o f c r e a t ion . the brainwashed slaves of modern times.
Their findings exploded the biblical concept We have discovered enough in our 65 years
but fa iled to replace it with anything definite of experience and researching for knowledge to
on the point. And so, we are no better o ff now be constrained to believe that the ancient
than we were before. masters and their mysterious symbols were far
Pursuing the trail o f physical science in from being what we have been told they are. We
all things, we invariably come to a lin e which, have found enough evidence to indicate that
we are assured, cannot be p assed "the-ring- the masters were scientists of the first order,
pass-no t . Beyond that line lie s the great un and that their symbolism, including their Zodi-
known. Further Eidvance in that dark region is akos and their Tarot cards, concealed an ama
im possible--for science says so, and t h a t s zing stoiy relative to creation. Some of that
final. story we shall describe.
We accept this position as evidence not of (Continued in the next issue)


pops your latest cover. Think and have a ' strange new b r ee d able f o r the p a t ie n t and
I ' l l send it on to you anyway , that doesnt take things too achievable in no other manner,
Just for kicks. Bruce Meyers, darn seriously! Y o u d probably are nevertheless presumed hy
H . 4 , Box 3 8 8 , White Salnon, be pleased to discover how Dr. Crawford to be misguided
Hash. much real humor there i s in fools who a r e doing an evil
(ED.NOTE Please do. We're police f i l e s . work because we ' control and
always interested in 'some For now, thanks so much dominate the subj ect . He seems
thing le s s d i f f i c u l t to repro for opening whole new areas of to fail to realize the f a c t
duce', and e sp e c ia lly i f i t thought to m e.--Maxine Clear that we a re all 'controlled
has a touch of humor.) water, dl8 B. 20th, S p o k a n e , and dominated by the various
Wash. stimuli of our environments at
You t h in k I m n o t some (ED. NOTE As a former po all times. I t is our job, if
kind o f a n u t ? Well, i f I'm lic e reporter, the e d ito r has we possess i n t e 11 i gence, to
not I ve sure got a way o u t been exposed to some o f the use, alter, change, o r avoid
way o f t h in k in g ... F in s t a n c e : humor in p o lice work. Maybe i f these stimuli over which, we
You say the June cover de the human s i d e of such work have control, depending whether
picts .nothing in p articular; was recognized more, the fear their effects are favorable or
is a s o r t o f reproduction o f and d isrespect fo r "cops" and unfavorable for us.
Blue B o y '? W e l l , he re s my "law that is a ll to o preva I t is the last paragraph
version, and i t s a duzy. lent would give way to under in Dr. Crawford s a r t i c l e
H e re s this poor baby ab standing and mutual beingness. which proves that the a rticle
ominable snow boy with a par I f The ABERREE helps, we don t is the result o f lack o f knowl
t ia lly deflated balloon a nd a mind how many "fr e e - r id e r s edge and lack o f investigation
broken yo-yo looking for c o m share your cop ie s.) o f the subject; 'Hypnosis in
panionship, but the hound dog any degree or under any condi
or dog-dog, whatever kind it tion is destructive in nature .
Our c a t ...h a d five healthy
i s , i s really s cared simple. kittens. Looks lik e the God . . . The s a m e .self-appointed
Look a t the bla n k expression dess o f F er tility image, which viewers with alarm told Col
o f the eyes, also h is mouth is umbus, without themselves ever
I bought some tim e ago for
agape and h e s simply frozen good lu c k , has been doing her leaving dry land, the terrible
by fear. He did get out o f the stu ff. I s e n t to England for disasters which would happen
collar and that far away from it. Wish s h e d get some o f my to him. They also said anaes
the chain, b u t since i t s 60 cartoons sold for me. U su a lly , thetics were of Satan, and that
degrees below zero and h e s I d o n t fall for that sort o f women were ordained by God to
also scared s t i f f , t h a t s as thing^-dont know what got in suffer in childbirth. Every
far as he could go. major medical advance has been
to me to send for i t . $ 1 .5 0 o f
" A l l the snow-boy wants is retarded, often for hundreds
my hard-earned money at that!
to play a l i t t l e ; maybe h e o f years, by such thinkers .
So, t e l l M r. Fred H a n d ,
thinks he can get some air or Hypnosis is one such example.
who says I m not aberrated ,
gas into the balloon and his Proven conclusively in thous
that h e might p o s s i b l y b e
yo-yo fixed; being sort o f 'way ands o f cases by Mesmer in the
wrong. I d o n t know whether to
o u t him self he doesn t under 1 7 0 0 s, by Esdaile and others
be flattered or insulted. I d
stand these things. in other thousands o f cases in
feel mighty lonesome i f t h e
" i s n t i t ' a l l typical of the 1 8 0 0 s, not until recently
Aberreans would all stick up
humans tho? The blank expres has it become respectable or
their noses at poor un-aber-
sion on snow-boys face, sure acceptable to orthodox m edi
rated me.
tells o f the perplexities o f c i n e . A n d t h i s acceptance,
However, I d o k n o w I m
the human race while the awe overdue as it i s , was forced
chicken when it comes to try
some fearful look about t h e by the dental use and accep
ing out Mr. Harold Schroeppels
dog also depicts human charac tance, and from that, public
Advanced Perception, I tried
ter istics. Poor doggie seems demand. . .
once the relaxing a n d tensing
to be saying, 'Ma, h e s making One o f my fir s t realiza
in one o f the first a rt ic le s;
eyes at me. tions, after realization in my
when I got up off the couch and
I t lo o k s lik e the s u n s early 30 ' s , o f the failure of
saw f a c e s (handsome a nd
shining in that place as there allopathic m edicine, which I
p r e t ty ) looking a t me very
are shadows, but i t s too cold was well ta ught, to prevent
pleasantly (both male and fe
to get thru to the animals or d is e a s e , or to produce real
m ale), i really got scared. So
what have you. So in li fe , even h e a lt h , w a s t h a t medicine
I said to myself, T h a t s a l l ,
i f you want to be friends to teaches that disease i.~ the
B ro th e r !
the other fellow, you may look normal, the u s u a l , that it
I think I ' l l ju st stick to
like a monster. Evelyn Beard, i s the 'enemy*, that d is e a s e
drawing cartoons. Congratula
17 / . 3 r d , Martins Ferry, Ohio. can strike anyone# any tim e ,
tions on the cover picture. --
that i t is no respecter o f
i v a Woodford, S t . 1 , B ox 15,
persons. These familiar cliches
" I completely enjoy The AB Lost Creek, W. fa.
are even more prevalent, ob
ERREE, and re-read each issue noxious, and false today than
several times while looking I t i s a long time' since I they were 30 years a g o . There
forward to n e x t o n e . I m a have written to you, but this may have been some excuse for
Meter M a id (w r it e p a rk in g does not mean I have n ot re such be lie fs in the dark ages.
tickets) for Spokane Police ceived and enjoyed many o f the Today there are those o f us who
D ep t., a n d The A B E R R E E is articles in The ABERREE. I feel can prove they are absolutely
passed around t i l l dog-eared! constrained, however, to take and utterly f a l s e . They c a n ,
Know y o u d prefer that they issue with the article in your like the blanket condemnation
were a l l subscribers but I May issue b y D r . George T . o f h y pn osis, apply only to
borrow back several other mag Crawford concerning hypnosis. those who refuse to investi
azines and books, so c a n t af There are many inaccuracies in gate, or do not have the a bil
ford to cut o f f my supply. the article. We who use h y p it y to investigate provable,
M eanwhile, eventually m a y be n o sis only for c l i n i c a l pur s c ien tific facts. The accept
y o u ll win over and enlighten poses , even tho our r e s u lt s ance o f the delusions that we
at least one police department are often fantastically favor- are born in sin and shaped in
JULY-AUGUST, 19tf3 ------T h e A B E R R E E ----- ---------------------- 15
i n i q u i t y o r that we are born be chosen as carefully as the physical body, are as chickens
to be diseased, to me now con surgeon, and on the basis o f s t ill in the eggs; we have no
stitutes an insult to God and results known to have been idea o f what movement a n d
to n a n . I t is a denial o f ev achieved, not on the number o f freedom o f action i s .
erything Jesus said. I t i s the Cadillacs h e h a s . S .E .R o g The element A I R may hold
real blasphemy. It is o n e o f er s , M .D ., 2391 W.
10th, Van a greater s e c r e t , o r abi 1 ity ,
the most common, unfortunate couver, B . C . than has yet been approached.
and destructive effects o f s e lf Anciently i t was stated that
h ypno sis. However, self-hyp " I m sorry I had to miss i f we would redeem t h e earth
nosis is seldom effective un the reception Monday, but that and make all the land fruitful ,
less instigated by heterohyp is the n i g h t my wife and I we would set into operation a
nosis (being hypnotized by an v is it Dr. Drown in Hollywood. chain action that would take
other). In this case, the orig You may have heard o f her work up the seas. The air then would
inal hypnotists are those in in radionics, and her fantastic become charged with a greater
authority, who should n ot be instrument with which she can and greater magnetism , people
in authority. Hie hypnotic com diagnose any patient from a would become awakened to a new
mand, now more obtrusive than drop o f the p a t ie n t s blood. li fe , and the darkness o f dis
ever, is in essence: Altho we She can also use the instru ease and death would fade away.
have failed to produce a solu ment to photograph the dis O f course this is an in
tion to the problem , you must eased area and has a booklet sane idea to those blindly
s t il l follow us blindly and o f rather amazing photos of buried under a myriad o f meth
im plicitly. Altho the problem cancer, g a l l s ton es, ulcers , ods to make money, and a school
under discussion is worsening, blood clots, etc. system teaching successful
you must s till believe in u s . As a matter o f research, ways to lead the b l i n d .
You must follow or even listen she once tuned i n to a p o r But will we ever become
to nobody else. You must, above tion o f the moon from a photo comprehensive enough t o be
a l l , NOT think for yourselves. graph obtained from the G r if practical in a real earthly
Neither I nor any doctor fith Park observatory. To her and worldly sense? Root hog or
worthy o f the name seeks to surprise she obtained a clear die and up to date it has been
break down the will b a r r ie r photo of a space s a t e l l i t e d i e . Wayne Trubshaw, 1515
o f any patient. He seek to do passing ju s t below the rim o f 8th S t . , M arysville, Wash.
the opposite by enlightenment. the moon. She * tuned in to
I f we are working in agreement the s ate llite a nd obtained a So pleased that y o u a r e
with natural laws, we succeed, somewhat blurred photo o f the going t o u s e Communication
the degree o f success being occupants. One can easily dis with Other Levels . This ties
proportional to our own s k i l l , tinguish the outline of a man s up directly with hypnotism be
and, equally important, the lower body (from the chest cause inter - level communica
w illingness o f the patient to down) s ittin g in the capsule tion o f the N. R. (negative re
lose h is aberrations. I f we are and the unmistakable faces of ceptive ) cir c u it ry type i s
two dogs near his feet. Tubes nothing more or less than 'pos
inept or untrained, and i f the
patient refuses to accept re o f some sort are attached to session o f one by another and
the dogs noses. Rather start i s hypnotism. Surely the degree
sponsibility for himself and his
acts, we fa il. At no time could ling. But, o f course, this o f hypnotic depth v a r i e s , but
would be o f no interest to i t s s till the same thing.
we do as much harm as the con
you. "Many may n ot agree w ith
ventional hypnosis o f accept
(ED. NOTE What do you mean these blunt statements, but
ing disgraceful, and sub-op
OF COURSE, it would be o f no agreement is not a requirement
timal conditions, o r methods
in t e r e s t ? Have we created such of communication. The fact that
which have failed, as 'the best
an in c o rre c t im pression o f the some will read the views e x
that can be d o n e . The best
type o f m aterial w e d l i k e to pressed regarding N-R and P-R
that can be done is perfection ,
use in The ABERREE? We re in circuitry and t h e n express
since God did not create im
te re ste d in an y th in g unortho themselves TO THE SUBJECT, not
perfection . Only man i s r e
dox, a s lo n g a s some people to the writer, can only benefit
sponsible for t h a t . . .
s in c e r e ly b e lie v e i t and that all p a rties.
There is nothing evil in in c lu d e s Dr. Drown.) The only ones that buzz me
Nature, and hypnosis is a nat I hope to find time in a few are those that do not have the
ural phenomenon. I t is the in days to dash o f f some sort o f courage o f their convictions
correct use o f anything which article for ABERREE on the D- and hide behind the fake trance
may be evil. Millions have de Cell as I p rom ised...T he a rti technique. An actual person in
stroyed themselves with food. cle will get Dorey and Harold trance (hypnotized) wi.'l n o t
A ir can k ill, so can water. Any Kinney o ff my back. Theyve feel a pin that is induced in
instrument or therapy is as been nipping at me for months to their f l e s h , unless in the
good, or as u s e l e s s , as i t s about that article for you. light stage. Further, ordinary
user. Hypnosis used by a f o o l , Joe Dun Sloan, 6315 Middleton, contact with the body of a
o r by a charlatan,or by a dev Huntington Park, C a lif. person in any degree of trance
i l , may be destructive, i f such (hypnotism) will in no way
operators can find subjects Would lik e to commend Dr. harm them.
fool enough to let them prac K ridler for h is wonderful work "Many m ild - tra n ce sensi
tice upon them. Hypnosis used in revealing the falsehoods tives put on the act o f leav
by a competent practitioner and deceptions o f the past. To ing the body, then speaking as
upon subjects where and when me a lie that builds a super i f a D r .-- , or a M r s .--- ,
i t i s indicated, will always stitious b e lie f and excites etc., is doing the originating.
be o f benefit. In c id e n t a lly , emotional erroneous imagination Hhy f a k e the act? Hhen you
hypnotists who are the most i s a very dangerous and mis- know, you know . . . say s o !
competent, judged by . results ery-causing barrier to the de "Am looking forward to at
to patients, are always o f the velopment o f potential powers. tacks on the views expressed.
highest moral and ethical in Humanity must move into Expect some will attack me as
tegrity. Those with the most greater l i f e expression and a p e r s o n ... t h a t s m adness."
integrity are given the most full understanding o f what it D r. George "Hasty Man" C ra w
ab ility . The hypnotist should is basically. He, in an organic fo rd, VO W.Main, Brevard, H .C .
16-------------------------------- -----Th e ABERREE----- ------------- JULY-AUGUST, 1963
" J u s t one problem for the Manas has said in h is a r t i c l e , sis o f the New Testament i s , I
Gripes to the E d ito r column. when I have lost consciousness suppose, formally a heresy, but
Should ire run a counter-ad to thru anesthesia my soul does I d i d n t think heresy was i l
Roy Davis Research Labs, which not feel the agony o f my bunion legal in our t im e . Why this
i s n t me? I bless their work , operation, but when my body should cause the postoffice De
whatever i t i s , but I m get has lost consciousness to such partment to stop his mail, and
ting letters from a l l o v e r an extent that doctors pro prevent various investigators
asking me about my new view nounce it d e a d , my soul feels from allowing him to attempt
er. Dont know i f the other Roy the agony of t h e embalming faith healing for nothing, are
gets my mail or not. The mail process. The two con sidera two things I dont understand
can be sorted out-- i t s the tions do not s it w e ll together. at a l l . I d o n t understand
image that might get roughed In closing let me say I sacramental defecation e it h e r ,
up--since I m not dealing in have invariably enjoyed a rti but since the Black Moslems
psychic aids o f a mechanical cles by Roy Davis for the sin are free to worship their own
nature. -- Roy Eugene Davis, cerity I felt was in them and s k i n s , surely Katzen i s en
Garrett Park, Md. for the manner o f expression t itle d to venerate h is viscera .
as well as seeming validity of Probably a case o f the creep
ing clericalism t h a t Lagus
co n tent. I do not think this
"M ay I register astonish (George W . ) disturbs himself
same man would delib erately
ment at something I s e e in about.
try to make money by sellin g a
Harold Schroeppels Lesson 13? Now anent 1 a ffa ir e Davis
tubular diffraction-grating de
Quite ca sua lly, i t seems to (Albert Roy), I was indeed re
vice thru which the purchasers
m e, h e s a y s , I f y o u have quested to butter you up about
hope to see the superphysical
cosmic consciousness y o u r se lf, the advertising. He doesnt
human aura. I note h is ad does
try tying the person into cos know me too well, does he? I ve
not actually say this; actually
mic co n scio u sn ess. W hat I read Davis s advertising pieces
it seems to me to go to some
have learned o f cosmic con (d irect mail) and also a copy
length not to say i t , but only
sciousness causes me to put it o f the autowriting course. The
to imply it a s strongly as
in a category o f one , worth long introduction appears to
p o s s ib le . R e a lly , the ad on
its own special paragraph and this device contains some re have more entertainment value
all the capitals on the type markable jewels o f meaning than information. The instruc
writer, i f such devices could lessness. For example, t h i s : tions proper, the last p a r t ,
succeed in transmitting its Your reactions will welcome seem practical enough. They
true significance. But perhaps such a new concept . . . I am w ork , anyway. I agree about
as w it h so many words a n d also q u it e fond of the accom the superfluity of the psychic
phrases e n c o u n t e r e d in the panying expression, * v is u a l p e n . Any smooth writing b a ll
field o f (what? Freethinking?l actual s e e in g . In a l l , this point pen or ink pencil should
this is used here to mean advertisement is a jewel o f do equally well. Whether just
something less revolutionary some k ind! I say, more power anybody at all can learn to
to the experiencer o f it than to people who put 2/3rds-page write automatically depends en
the Awakened State, R ecogni ads in the good old ABERREE1 tirely, o f course, on whether
tion , o r Liberation -- three They are doing good o f a s o r t , they have aptitude for i t . . .
words for the same thing which whether they intend to or n o t! About Art Coulters l e t t e r .
is also sometimes called cos I could make quite a production
Paul Perella, Vaianae, Bawaii.
mic consciousness. I f Bucke is o f this but I would ju s t as

the referrent usa ge , then the " I n y o u r April issue t h e soon n o t . . . I had no intention
cosmic consciousness meant by li t t l e a rticle by Art Coulter whatever o f offending Dr. C o u l
Mr. Schroeppel is not the ut on kinship with Dianetics is ter personally, nor did I in
terly transcendent s u b je c t iv e tend to derogate Synergetics,
very amusing. However, it has
state but any one o f several ju s t enough twist to make it nor to asperse the Synergetic
less profound states which are wrong. Having worked with Art society. For whatever distress
harbingers o f actual Nirvanic in the early days o f S y n er I have caused him, I offer my
Consciousness -- s t i ll another g e t ic s , and then le ft to be unreserved and plenary apol
synonym for this great fact come a Scientology a u d i t o r ogy. As to a public retraction ,
p o s s i b l e to consciousness , after a good e v a l u a t i o n o f I believe a public rebuttal is
which always has been the goal both, I know Art to be a sin more in order. While agreeing
o f all human effort directed cere man and hard-working, but that Dr. Cou lter does not hate
toward realization o f the so- he is trying to deny that there Hubbard, it seems transparent
called d iv in e . i s ice underfoot a s he slips ly obvious f r o m p u b lish ed
On the o t h e r hand i t may and slides on it , and puts up statements that Dr. Coulter in
well be that M r . Schroeppel skyhooks to hold on to, at the tensely dislikes Mr. Hubbard.
moves in circles where the same time. As a fellow vintage Korzybski-
highest experience open to hu I doubt he will ever know an o f the deepest d y e , I have
manity in i t s present state is that what he rejected in to t o , to take notice o f D r .C o u lt e r s
a commonplace. I f this is the he never did find out what it occasional lapses into seman
case, I would suggest that what was. So let him figure-figure tic ambiguity in the published
Mr. Schroeppel has to say i s h is way thru this small portion letter. That Hubbard did v i
highly worth the reading, al- o f tim e, we will pick him up ciously attack Don Purcell be
tho I myself respond rather next time around. Jerry Be- fore Purcell s death and that
poorly to multiple-choice in d in , 108 E . Oak, Villa Park, I I I . these attacks were distu rb in g
struction. Incidentally, I have to Purcell s friends, I agree.
found the most defin itiv e and I got a letter from Morris That Hubbard attacked Mr. Pur
logically organized work treat Katzen with thanks for t h e cell after the l a t t e r 's death
ing o f Cosmic Consciousness good wish and description of implies theoretical considera
to be not Buckes book o f that case p rog ress, demonstration tions o f Spiritualism and per
t it le , but an obscure book by frustrations, e t c . . . I f I un sonal survival a f t e r d e a t h
Dr. Franklin Merrell-Wolff en derstand the situation, Katzen which are not empirically es
t itle d Pathways T h r u to has done nothing worse than tablished, and with which I do
Space . . . . teach defecation as a sacra not concur. In my o p in io n ,
According to w h a t John ment. H is physiological exege- which is exactly a s worthless
JULY-AUfiUST, 1963------------ ----T h e A B E R R E E ------ ---------------------- 17
as that o f any human being, a broader definition originated what they mean. And I was far
dead person is immune to at w ith t h e phenomenological, ahead of you, as I had in mind
tack. I t seems a contradiction client-centered, non-directive sending in my subscription with
en tailin g a mixture o f the approach t o p s y c h o l o g i c a l a letter telling you that I am
clin ica l and p ie t is t ic points counseling which i s the_ ap paying 2 months ahead to be
o f v i e w , to say one does not proach in which I was t r a in e d . sure to get The ABERREE for
hate or condemn someone f o r I t i s a ls o t h e Existential another year, because I could-
actions arising from defects Analysis point o f view. Ac n t be without it; reading same
in th eir personality structure cording to the broad definition is lik e a fresh, clean wind is
and then o ffer to forgive the o f psychotherapy, this class blowing the cobwebs away and
same person i f they will re would include education, par clears the atmosphere.
pent o f these same actions . . . enthood, religious a c t i v i t y , I also wanted to tell you
The long, consistent record o f and helping a friend with a I am grateful to Harold Kinney
w ild, biased, and irresponsi problem. In summary, by D r . in Inglewood, who made me ac
ble statements o f hard-core C o u lte r s d e fin it io n , S y n er quainted with The ABERREE.
Hubbardians is, o f course, fa getics is not a psychotherapy; "W e ll, that was my intention
m ilia r to all o f us. i b i s sort by the wider definition I u s e , to write you, and now you get
o f thing is ju s t as irritating i t i s . " Fred, Band, 2 7 1 8 Eagle, the 2 dollars only and without
and no more meaningful tnan Houston, Texas. a nice letter.
similar statements by political And finally, 1 wish to ask
ultraconservatives and sectar "E v id en tly y o u h a v e the you young m an: Pi ease do not
ian religious zealots--both o f Davis 'psychic a u r a bit under rush me in the fu t u r e , have
which categories Hubbard close control. As to the healing or mercy with an old man, I am 73 .
ly resembles. I personally diagnosing with magnets, pros I am always good for 2 dollars
know, and can prove, that Syn ecutions and convictions on as I am very rich for I am in
ergetics pre-existed Dianetics this one, for mail fraud a n d excellent health without drug
and further that the principal what-have-you, go back some 50 store o r hospital. Have not
connection between t h e t w o years. In fact, this goes back seen a hospital since 1920 and
movements was a passing inter to Mesmer and his healing with for many y e a r s a doctor. The
est in Hubbards work expressed the lodestone until he discov ABERREE clears my mind a n d
by Dr. Coulter in 1950-1951. ered any non-magnetic rock Clear mind sound body .
I t i s distressing to be called worked ju s t as well . . . Karl Rezac S r . , 19101 Barrett
crim inal and communist . I "W ou ld hate to see some so- Lane, Santa Ana, C a li f.
have also been called b o t h . . . , called psychical healers g e t (ED.NOTE Ssh-h-h-h. We're
am under the impression that cases such a s this o n e last glad The ABERREE can keep the
any and all Americans who do week. A 32-year-old gal , U SC doctor away, but i f word gets
not agree with everybody and g r a d , s p e c ia lis t in math just
out, we might find ourselves
do exactly as they are told
now holding down a tough teach
in trouble with the A.M.A. and
are sooner o r later called i t s k it e - t a i l, the Food and
ing job, but she i s completely
crim ina l and 'communist . A Drug doctors.)
convinced that a prof in USC .
criminal is a person who has
has her hypnotized, that he is I do enjoy The ABERREE and
committed an act forbidden by
raping her with h i s 'astral most especially L o u i s . His
law. A 'communist is apparent
bod y two o r three times a column ' I See for You is just
ly anyone who is not a f u l l
time fanatical anti-communist. week; she got herself institu real in tere stin g . H i s k ee n
This name-calling i s another tionalized two years involun sense o f humor and ability to
example o f Hubbard s i r r e tarily over t h is; got out by put so much meaning into words
sponsible output. pretending to be sane the way is fabulous . . .
the stupid institutional p s y " I wonder how many realize
"A l l o w me to bypass the chiatrists want you to be, so that the marvelous gift of
deck stack ing reference on got discharged as ' success seeing takes a lot o f r e s p o n
the ground that this involves fully treated ; complained to s ib ilit y to use it wisely, and
bringing up the long-standing, the F .B . I. who told her it was as w e ll as he does. Effie
extremely bitter feud between a personal problem between Harrison, Chelan, Hash.
the psychiatric and psycholog her and the p r o f; she stopped
ical field s as to w h ic h , i f in here en route to Berkeley "V ero n ica should have stat
either, snould be allowed to to murder the p r o f ! Got her ed (May issue) that the water
practice psychotherapy. This thru a long assessment and now barrel should be exposed to
controversy has a significant have her on a personalized tape the full sun, and only the one
emotional loading for me and I with a promise to use it s i x part o f barrel against t h e
may have unconsciously dealt a months before killing the prof ; building; should have a fe w
few o f f the bottom. this may get complicated as I inches o f breathing space so
" A l i e is a statement as see signs she is already mak that the coldness of the shadow
serted as true by a person who plus the draft caused by the
ing a transference onto me. You
believes i t is false. I deny
certainly have to know y our a ir around the barrel was what
that I asserted D r . C ou lter caused or formed the moisture
business in electropsychometry.
believes Synergetics to be a to condense in the container.
The prof is o f German genetic
psychotherapy while denying i t V em Sydow, Esperance, H .7 .
sto c k, s h e is o f R u ssian
i s o n e . This point hinges on
divergent definitions o f psy Ukrainian forebears , She gets
chotherapy. The two definitions demographic teethmarks on her Eureka, I have found ' i t !
breasts a n d e l s e w h e r e in And you. . . I thank for the l e a d .
involved here coincide only in
part to a human with a men erotic a reas when t h e p r o f I refer to that beautiful sum
tal or psychosomatic disorder 'p sy c h ic a lly ' b i t e s h e r ! -- mary letter by A. B .Pierson in
so serious that t h e . patient Volney G. Mathison, 1208 Vest the June 6 3 ABERREE. Your ed
cannot solve -the problem by 30th, Los Angeles, C a lif. i t o r s note at the end o f that
him self alone. * To me, psycho
letter is the key. When phys
therapy means assistance by "Y e s , I have been watching ical man can learn to depend
anyone and by any means in the the li t t l e figures to the right completely on h is high-self
solution o f such problems. Ib i s o f my name. and I also know (kahuna) or comforter, he will

18-------------------------------- ---- Th e f l BERREE------ ______________-JULY-AUGUST, 1963

have faultless communication
with reality, in and beyond
th is physical world, in retro
spection, i t i s interesting to
note how many hundreds of
w ays I have se e n this and
yet not heeded. Detachment is
true consent. Observe care
fully the esoteric relation of
two words, (l) recondite, and for lost kinds of sickness thru are written In your hands. Time
( 2) recondition (to re-educate Radiesthesia and Homeopathy com ly advice on love, marriage, bus
(in d iv id u a ls ), to change (emo bined therapy. Widely p r a c t ic e d in ess, e t c . , w ill aid in your
In England and Europe. Sixty-three entire future success. Best hand
tional habits, attitudes, etc.) page booklet by practitio ner of prints are made by the use of oil
There i s an important t i e above gives much helpful Informa p aint, or lip stick dabbed evenly
h e r e . -- B. L . Harris, 16738 t io n . This advertiser has exper on palm and fingers to w r is t .
ienced helpful results and wishes Place hand firmly on plain sheet
27th, S .W ., Seattle, Wash. to give the Information to others of paper beneath which a folded
without money p r o f i t . Send $ 1 .0 0 handkerchief has b e e n placed
I c a n t be without ABERREE toward cost of booklet and adver under palm a rea. Trace outlines
t is in g . John Booth, Hudson Hope, of hand with p enc il. Let prints
for thought-provoking s e n se . . . B ritish Columbia, Canada. 94-1** dry. Send clear prints or both
The biggest difference be hands with $ 1 0 , date, time, and

tween people is th is: One per VICTIMS OF CANCER and other lace of b ir th , name and address
serious a fflic t io n s are saving o I-Patterns, P . O . B o x 463, W i l
son believes differently than themselves by self-treatm ent. De liamsport, Penn. 94-4*
another would! Personally, I'm scribe your i l l and enclose a
for New Age thought. I t is stamped envelope. No charge. Sim CLIMATE THAT HEALS, Naturlst
ply want none to suffe r as I d id . Colony, University degrees at
reasonable to say we may all F.B.Wortm an, 526 2nd A v e . , Albany, $10 per year plus texts, author s
have come from Mars -- that is , Ga. 94-1. six months* fasts methods, p o llu
having l i v e d the necessary tions and menstruation healing
WANT TO BUY-- I w ill pay $ 5 0 .0 0 d ie t . World Sp ir itu al Center. 20$
lives on Mars before we gradu cash for e a c h : Nexology per sub jec t, J . Lovewlsdom, v n -
ated from there to come to the course, "Advanced Prin cip les of cabamba, L o ja, Ecuador. 94-3.
F a i t h " course, "C oncept Therapy"
earth. I t takes each one o f us course, Edwin Herman, 2479 S h i r MY CLAIMS for the results ob
so many lives, over 100 I ex ley A v e ., Baltimore 15 , Md. 94-1* tainable by Sp ir itu al Healing
pect, to develop spiritually are not b eliev ed . Also un b eliev
GIFTED SPIRITUALIST--50 cents a able may be the claim that you
enough to graduate from the q uestio n. Louise Marks, 107 can get up to fifteen shaves from
planet earth so we c a n then Ferry S t . , Danville , Penn. 88-1* a sta in les s razor b lad e. The sup
live on Venus. Surely it is a ply of these blades cannot meet
THE BIBLE HANDBOOK by Foote and the demand. They are being ra
greater God that loves us thru B a ll, $ 1 .5 0 -- An Instructive t io n e d . To prove that claims which
many lives than only one puny guide to the Bible needed by a l l . appear to be unbelievable can
l i t t l e l i f e . Yes, I believe in UNIQUE BOOKS, P.O .BO X 3002, Sta. sometimes be true I decided to
B, South Bend, Ind ia na . 91-7* o ffer single sta in less s t e el
reincarnation and karma. After razor blades fo r fifteen cents
having a good l i f e this time , Have you heard about THE W IS ostpaid and I f you find that the
we might be born in a palace DOM POOL? Write A rt h u r J .B u r k s , lade is not able to give you
c /o CSA, Lakemont, G eo rg ia. 89-6* three or more times as many shaves
next time, or i f we live wick as the ordinary steel blades your
edly because we live amongst WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IT or not, money w ill be refunded. Package
wicked people not being any you owe it to yo urself, and God, of fiv e blades for seventy-five
to read "T h e Book They Blamed on cents p ostpaid. Morris Katxen,
influence for good , we would G o d " by D r. Karl K r l d l e r . Com Cooks F a l l s . N . Y .___________ 94-1*
have to live in a cold climate plete In one booklet--all 32 chap
and struggle f o r existence ters as published s e r ia lly in NEW RATE on "Coaaerclals"- - Hote
The ABERREE. Send $1 to The ABER that in fla tio n is squeezing ms
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live i t i s most important to
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truer t r u t h --in Him we live particle or wave-length .
and move and have our b e in g . Thus we dangle; but i f one
The Flying Saucer
Amelia Jacobsen, R t. <f, Box is t h e determined b e lie v e r
5 8 , Waupaca, Wis. t y p e , then a light state o f Hoax EXPOSED!
hypnosis is in evidence. By D r. John H. Manas,
Enjoyed t h e article v e ry P h .D .. H . D . , M s .D .
Now comes a b e lie f that
much in last ABERRBE (June) The nature of the F l y i n g
Satan is the true God and J e
about Susie Jessel, a very One saucers. Where they cons tron?
hovah i s t h a t o l d boy in
woman and wonderful work that Who flies then ? Mars and our
sheeps clothing . Well, l e t s
she does. Martian Visitors. Val-Thor,
give it the same consideration the Vonuslan A m b a s s a d o r in
Am w e l l acquainted w it h
as other b e l i e f s . How are we Washington. The subterranean
the work since my husband and
to know? Races of the Deros. The a n c i
daughter d o the same t h i n g ,
Fifty years ago a certain ent Atlanteans, their sebter-
only ours i s done by appoint
honest researcher by the name ranean cities and the Flying
ment only so no long waiting Saucers. Can nan ever ge to
o f Charles Darwin was preached
periods and try to hold to day the Moon end the planets? Space
into league with the D ev il. We
appointments, the working peo conditions and Cosnie rays and
d o n t hear so much about the
p le only g e t evening t r e a t forces. Creation of the Solar
old Devil nowdays. Has he taken
ment . This type treatment i s Systen. Original illustrations.
over or faded out? Engraved colored binding.
truly a wonderful G o d - g iv e n
th in g . Mrs. Robert H . John Instead o f taking a com $2.00 postpaid. Send fo r
son, R t . 1 , Box 1 5 8 , Tcmhill, fortable seat on the fence, why your copy today, to:
Ore. dont we take another look at
the o ld sun c u l t something PYTHAGOREAN SOCIETY
The humanoid creature may real to see and feel? A .B . 152 West 42nd S t r e e t
live the simple anim al l i f e . Pierson, Selma, C a lif. Men York 38. . T.

JULY-AUGUST, 1963 -----Th e ABERREE----- 19

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f l B R R
Number 5
Volume X


u n ex p ec te d ly was that o f Ran
dolph Ray. News o f Randolphs
passing c a m e the long-way-
round in a letter from IL. D .
Schencfc- La Fama, Mexico , wfTo
was advised by friends who sent

him a clipping from the New
dolph and h is son Joel were on
a Dallas-bound b u s , and just
after the bus le ft Bunkie, La . ,
Randolph slumped in h i s s e a t ,
5 THE COVER--Long p a n t s . . . Jim, h is wife M ild re d , Medium appearing to have merely gone
school books. . . a h a ir c u t .. . and Kilgore, and the group present to s l e e p . I t may h a v e been
g-i-r-r-l-l-s-s ! Ugh ! What an who " l e n t theta (as Scientol Randolph w a s on h i s way to
unpromising future ! No wonder ogists say! to the h e a l i n g . .. O lid, as he had indicated he
"l i t t l e Aberree is n t happy planned a v is it to The ABERREE
5 No matter h o w you try to
at w hat is being "sm oked u p condition yourself to the idea s ta ff before returning to Cal
for him . But, o d d l y , a s we ifornia, altbo he h adn t given
that " d e a t h " i s a graduation,
grow, so do o u r problems, and and y o u shouldn t regret the us a probable d a t e . Randolph
what we dreaded back along the passing o f a friend o r rela was a minister o f the Univer
lifepath become landmarks o f t i v e , i t s pretty hard to re sal Church o f the Master (Oak
nostalgia in later years. What member a ll this metaphysical land, C a l i f .) and an author
a fu t ile seesaw--dread the fu claptrap when i t happens to ity on the T aro t. He was an
ture and regret the p a s t . . . someone whose passing will re artist as well as prolific wri
sult in a certain void. T h a t s ter, and h is philosophic d i s
1 When we helped Jim Fereu- courses, penned in a variety
son i n and ait o f h is wheel - why it was such a shock to get
news from Ruth S o ie n e s i. o f of colored inks, will be missed
chair and up the steps of the at The ABERREE E d it o r s desk . . .
home of Maxine Dumke in Ontar Stamford, Conn., that Alberta
O Connell had passed away on 1 Tom O Neil called us from
io , C a l i f ., recently, we did- Southern Pines, N. C . , the oth
n 't realize that an era of pain June 13 o f a heart attack, two
days after she was taken to a er noon just as we were f i n
was nearing an end that with ishing a "s i e s t a behind the
in a few hours, Jim would find h o s p it a l. L e s s than a month
before, Mrs. Spignesi reports, hot e n d o f a hoe in our sun
the wheelchair an unnecessary burned garden. I t seems t h a t
Alberta had been warned in a
memento o f 16 years suffering Tom, who also publishes PSYCHIC
from multiple s c le r o s is . What dream that " h e r work here was
finished , but she thought it OBSERVER, as most o f you know,
happened sounds like a miracle i s producing an album o f ghost
one o f those now-you-see-it; referred to her work i n Con
necticut, and she was to return s t o r i e s , and wants to use an
now-you-don't events we h e a r old ABERREE cover (O cto b er,
o f occasionally, but Jim Fer to Washington and try to get
her music published * i c h was 19611 for the box. Of course we
guson 's escape from the wheel were flattered that any o f our
chair is not that kind of mir one of A lb er ta s great aims in
li fe : publication of her music a rt is tic (?l efforts should be
acle. It represents 16 years of elected to a more permanent
and getting her book, "S tra n g e
work on the part of Jim and his role than wrapping up the din
wife Mildred, a refusal to give Prologue , made into a movies.
ner scraps or passing on to
up , even tho doctors offered 5 Another "d e a t h that came <PLEASE TURN TO PAGE IN)
l i t t l e or nothing in the way.
of hope. And the end was almost
as dramatic as anything w e ve
heard about in our l i f e t i m e .
T h e s t o r y , s p lic e d together
from parts o f letters sent us
by Mrs. Dumke, is something
lik e t h i s : The night after we
le ft O n ta r io , a meeting w a s
held in the home o f Jim and
Mildred Ferguson. Among those
present was Jes sie Kilgore, a
medium who had entertained us
the night previous with spirit
writing, and others interested
in such phenomena. After r e
freshments , Mrs. K il gore went
into a trance , and almost her
f i r s t in t e llig ib le words were
orders: "J i m , stand u p ! J im ,
who w a s s i t t i n g in a large
overstuffed chair, arose at the
conmiand, and after other in
structions, walked to the med
ium, about 10 feet in front of
him, firmly, straight without
aid. And furthermore, he has-
n t needed h is wheelchair or By EVA W O O D FORD. Lost Crack, W. Va.
crutches since merely a cane Since i t 's no "Surrey w i th a fringe' on top ", we guess use'll
to steady him, as muscles can just have to use Eva's suggested t itle , "The Rocky Road to ???"
getiprettyimpotent and cranky, fo r the above sketch. Mot being symbolists, w e 'l l leave details
after 16 years o f forced iner of the picture including the "mad" look on the donkey's face
tia. A tip o f the eyeshade to and the useless reins to those who go in fo r suck things.
----- The ABERREE---- ------- ---------- septewsew, m3
7 L S' ----------- -
I Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites'
I for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn,
v _
Vol. X Mo. 5
HBRR ^ Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen
Published monthly, except for the combined JanuaryPebruary and POLICT: Don't take it so damn seriously.
the J u l y August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla. The inflniteness of Man is not reduced
to a " s p l i t inflnity by wars, taxes,
Editorial Office: 2522t& North Monroe, Enid, Okla, or "experts who seek to sell him what
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Ehid, Okla, he already has in an infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
. Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies 25* our minds f r o m issue to issue, or
even from page to page, i f we desire.
Second class postage paid at Enid, Oklahoma, Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man h a s the inherent
right to be his own and only Author
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART. 1-2, D .D ., D. Sen., ity with his w ife s permission.
F .Sc n., B .Se n ., HDA, HCA, et al ad Infinitum ad nauseum Sub-Sub-Sub-Policy: We have no objection to
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART, 1-1, HCA. SEC.. WFE., L b m . , ETC. educated guesses about Mans d e s
tiny if there's no price tag to i t ,
ADVERTISING Payabl e in advance. Write for rates. Copy and pay and if the guesser has no objection to
ment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. our guessing that h e s only guessing.


This i s not an a u d it o r ia l, a fter death , a nd these per Crazy ? Probably.
tho it probably will be class sons who call themselves athe Ana what can we do about
i f i e d as such because o f the is t s , "a g n o s tic s , and anti- it? Well, we might spend more
space it occupies. However, we Christians actually are merely time trying to find out who we
ju st want a chance to discuss putting labels on their d i s are and what i s our actual
some concepts that have been gust with t h e preposterous relationship to the body -- i f
taking possession o f our mind mouthings o f self-styled know- we are it s master or it s serv
for the l a s t few years, and it- alls who d do anything for ant. I f we discover we c a n t ,
are about to make a l ia r o u t a buck and th e r e s no way in by command or p o stu la te, get
o f our "P o l i c y as stated in th is lifetim e to prove them the body into operative condi
the masthead, in fact, we re on the lia r s and frauds they ob tion , and that we must spend
the verge o f taking some ideas viously a r e . a lifetim e as nursemaid to a
pretty d a r n seriously, which For th is, orthodox religion hunk o f animated clay which
i s one reason why this i s n t must absorb much o f the guilt as I T S goal seeks to escape
an auditorial. T h e r e s some because o f i t s refusal to a l the inevitable grave for a s
thing wrong with anything you low its teachers and p riests to long as p o s s ib le , then we can
take seriously, so l e t s ju s t look beyond the pages o f it s leave such things as spiritual
discuss t h i s , and see where own outworn creeds and book o f progress to queer people lik e
the bugs are. Anyone wanting holy myths. yogis, monks, and fakirs while
to add or detract from ideas But this i s n t the point we we dedicate ourselves to the
presented herein is welcome. are concerned with h e r e . Are psychiatrists and the o t h e r
Most systems o f l i f e that we, masters (so-called) o f the economic butterflies, flit tin g
label themselves metaphysi bo d y , o u r "temporary h o m e from sucker to sucker.
ca l in character (as well as during physical existence, be This does n o t mean neglect
some religions) in s ist that ing subjected to the greatest o f the body, any more than we
the I or You that is part mass fraud o f all time where would be slo v en ly about the
o f the eternal l i f e force is in the master,,is subject to the house we live in, or spend all
inhabiting the body on a tem s la v e . Are w e , the Causative our time weeding while ignor
porary basis. Prom h e r e , t h e Force that should control the ing the fruit-bearing trees of
various ideologies have a part body i t s u s i n g , being t h e the orchard. In t h e latter
ing o f the ways as to what effect o f the body s aberra case, we would wind up with a
happens to the I or You as tions -- it s concern over knock weedless -- and treeless -- plot
it bids farewell t o it s phys knees, big b e llie s, headaches, of ground.
ical chum, and goes to another limps, coughs, and sneezing? The body needs food, proper
plane for re- education, for I s this our goal in l i f e to care, exercise, and attention ,
rein carn atio n , or stic k s ride herd over a body s a i l but not at the expense o f our
around as an errant e n t i t y , ments rather than seek sp ir it own spiritual advancement. It
getting into mischief and try ual advancement? is probably due to our absorb-
ing to find out why things Most processing (which in tion with body matters that we
aren t as they always were. But cludes a u d i t i n g , coaching, are w illin g to accept false ,
this is not a discussion o f psychoanalysis, e t c .) , pampers half-baked theories about our
what happens 'to the s p i r i t , the body. Hours are spent try own tenancy in the universal
soul, You , I , thetan , or ing to find causes behind the scheme o f things to the point
whatever label i s acceptable. bodys i l l s . What did we do or that we think o f ourselves as
Maybe somebody knows what hap think to bring on that club being the b o d y , because that
pens but they re not able to foot, tin ear, sniffling s i n u s , is what concerns us most.
prove i t to the satisfaction galloping gout? Was i t another Longevity, apparently, is a
o f anyone else, and because o f l ife t im e s aberration that is hit-or-miss proposition attain
th is lack o f proof, fr au d s , putting u s under a d o cto rs ed at the p r i c e o f senility
psycho tics, and sensational care in this existence? "P o o r and decrepitude. He c a n t im
is t s have been able to muddy body I L e t s check thru o u r agine a world peopled by pa
the pool with their own. garbled memories for r e lie f (a t $25 an triarchs whose greatest physi
versions, usually in success h o u r ). What memories? What cal accomplishment is stacking
ful opposition to t h e o r i e s e n t it y s memories? OUR memor calendar pages on a p ile they
expressed by apparently r a ies? Or that o f a cell which hope will reach to infin ity .
tional seers and mediums. As a has a genetic lifepath o f it s Fortunately, part o f our
result, some antagonism builds own , going back to n o -one- stated policy is , " H e reserve
up to the whole idea o f l i f e knows - what ? Oonfusine? Y e s . (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 15)
JESUIT ROLE IN working in three fields religion, finance, and

Worlds Ruin
p o litic s .
There i s no question in the w r it e r 's mind
but that the Jesuits control world fin a n c e ,
banking systems, and international bankers.
The J es u its control the money and credit o f
the world, including the Federal Reserve Sys
tem o f the united states which iw owned lock ,

stock, and barrelby the banks o f this n a t io n .
The only thing Federal about i t i s its name.
The people o f this nation do not own one share
o f it s stock nor have a voice in it s co n tr o l.
The Federal Reserve System i s a member of
By WING ANDERSON the international banking system o f the w orld,
Essene Mystic controlled by the Jesuits.
The average American would be amazed at the
H I HE CREATOR of the countless millions number o f Roman Catholics in Congress and every
ill Pla n e t s . g a l a x i e s , and total important o ffic e o f the Nation.
i s a nest o f Roman Catholics a s i s also the
The Pentagon
I I I creation is ONE in reality but al- F .B . I . I t is the Jesuits who are now ruling the
I I I ways THREE in aspect. He-She is the United States and a r e the power b ehind the
actor, the thing acted upon, and White House, i f not actually o f i t .
the result of such action. He-She The Jesuits have dual organizations the
is the positive, the negative, and J es u it priest and the lay Jesuit. Were the
the neutral. The Creator includes Dulles brothers lay Jesuits? Did n o t every
the Fatherhood of Life, the Mother- policy and action indicate they were? is J. F .K .
-M- hood of Earth , and the Brotherhood a 1 ay J e s u i t ? Rome knows. Washington never
will know.
of Man . Western religions recognize the
Whenever you see S. J . following a Cath
Creator a s t h e Creator, the Sustainer, o lic p r i e s t s name , you may know he i s a mem
and the Destroyer. ber o f the Society o f Jesus a Jesuit.
Everything, to here-living humanity, appears Lay Jesuits have no such revealing insignia
to have two p o l e s . Every element o f creation but they control the money, banking, and prop
seems to be dual: light and darkness, heat and erty o f the church-state, the richest (nation)
cold, up and down each with a neutral con organization on earth today other th a n t h e
tain ing eq u al parts o f each, o r half-way be U. & & R.
tween the two, forming the duality producing a This world-wide cold-hot war has now cen
trin ity . tered into a war between Rome and Moscow. Be
The above also is true o f the Roman Catholic fore i t is over, every nation and race on earth
Church. The white pope, John X X III, as well as w ill be in it .
h is successor, Paul V I, was and is the s p ir it The work o f the J e s u i t s i s destructive
ual head o f the church. The black p ope. Com without a doubt, b u t i t is essential o f prog
manding General o f the Jesuits, is head o f the ress . The Jesuits function as the third ele
Vatican State, the m aterialistic aspect o f the ment o f the C r e a t o r Creator, S u s t a i n e r ,a n d
church-state. Destroyer. T h e Jesuits are accomplishing the
The church represents the s p ir it, the V ati C reators work, and as such, their work o f de
can State represents the body o f this world struction is good, not ev il. The Jes u its, with
wide duality. the wars, revolutions, and changes o f govern
About 1950, the Jes u its became dominant in ment, economics, and religion they are direct
the church-state and from that time on the ly or indirectly responsible for, are clearing
J e s u it s have dominated the organization. the world o f outgrown institutions so our prayer
The real power of the Roman Catholic church- may be answered , "T h y kingdom come , Thy will
state i s the Chief Executive (Commanding Gen be done on earth as i t i s in heaven.
eral) o f the Jesuits, whose existence i s known We liv e in the most decisive years a planet
to few persons. The white pope, whoever he may ever experiences when selfishness, com petition,
be , i s the front nan , the apparent ruler o f and war pass on t o be followed by self-LESS-
the church. He i s t h e o n e who receives the ness, co-operation, and peace. Every one o f the
h o n o r s , but takes h i s orders from the black 7 0 o r more bibles in use today thruout the
pope who always rem ains i n t h e background. world t e l l t h e same stoiy o f a time when
L ik e many in d iv id u a ls , the body r u l e s the h e a lt h , w e a l t h , and happiness; peace, abun
spirit- - and so it i s with the church-state o f dance and security will be enjoyed by every
Rome. Vatican State rules the Roman Catholic man regardless o f race, color, o r religion.
church . We may not lik e the work o f the J e s u i t s ,
Everything in creation follows the plan o f for seemingly i t is ev il. There is no evil in
three in one. Everything is a trinity includ fact, but mans ina bility to see that evil i s
ing man, with body, s p ir it, and soul. (S p irit lik e unripe fruit, in t i n e , e v i l will ripen
and mind are synonymous.) into good. E v il, like a green apple, nay give
The Jes u its, in this 2 0 t h Century parallel one a bellyache n o w , b u t when ripe will be
to the 3 0 Years w a r, when Roman Catholic na eaten with pleasure and profit.
tions ganged up on Protestant nations a n d ----- ------
trie d to drive them back under Roman c o n t r o l, Another W riters Conference w ill be he ld at
are now trying to make " t h e world Ca th o lic . Tahlequah, O k la ., on October 20-21, Jack F e l t s ,
The Jesuits, thruout their history, have been o f Pan press, announces. He even suggested we
makers o f wars. Altho spoken o f as World War I , appear, and in t h e n e x t paragraph , said he
World War I I , and World War I I I , they are in wanted " at least one genuine freak to spice the
fact but o ne war i n three sessions cold war show , fe night be odious and urge he wave some
from 1914 to the end o f the Battle o f Arma "l o n g green in front o f a popular Tulsa evan
geddon, with three hot wars inclu ded. g e lis t (Tulsa being so clo se), but we w o n t ;
The Jes u its follow the rule o f three by we lik e writers. Sometimes we try to be o n e .

4------------------ -------------------------------------------T h e ABERREE SEPTEMBER, 196 3

INCE 1935, Dr. Ruth B. Drown of Los

Angeles has been utilizing officially
unacknowledged energy principles of
the human body to make cross-sec
tional photographs of human organs ,
tissues, and bones. Named the Radio-
Vision Instrument, this device when
properly understood is undoubtedly
one o f the most remarkable i n v e n
tions in history. That the instru
ment, and more especially the principles
involved in its operation, have not be
come more widely known is d u e to many
factors. For one thing, Dr. Drown has cut
sharply a c r o s s t h e favored, orthodox
theories of disease, and as a consequence D r, Droun was demonstrating her instruments
has been villified, blackguarded, and mis to B r i t i s h doctors, token a blood crystal w as
delivered to the lecture room from a patient in
represented by Big Medicine. A new day Connecticut. She diagnosed the case as cancer
seems to be at hand, i f only because Rus of the stomach, a diagnosis proven by post mor
sia is about to rub Uncle Sam s face in tem surgery. A shorn the pyloric end o f the
his own stupidity in the very field where stomach, which extends ffom the right edge of
Dr. Drown has labored so long. the picture. B the white, thickened cancerous
Two Soviet experimenters have demonstrated tissue. Across the funnel-like opening of the
irrefutably, and independently o f Dr. Drown, stomach between A arid B is a blood clot, C.
that the energy p rinciples on which she has
based her work are absolutely authentic. From the matter, in June o f 1961, the writer pub
I.Leo nido v s account of the work of Semyon and lished in the Journal of Borderland Sciences
Valentina K irlian carried in FATE in September, (Box 548, Vista, C a l i f .) an article describing
1962, it i s obvious that the Soviet experi the complete experimental procedure by which
menters were unaware o f Dr. Drowns work. The any person o f normal eyesight may actually see
diagnostic and therapeutic properties o f this this molecular emanation for himself. The ex
energy , o n which these Russians so rightly periment involves no psychism, but is as phys
speculate, have already been thoroly exp lored ical and repeatable as turning on an electric
by Dr. Drown in 40 years o f slogging, selfless switch. I f the experiment i s followed, t h e
labor. same emanations recorded by the K irlia n s and
While i t i s not possible to make a final published in FATE may be directly perceivable
judgment on the K ir lia n work on the basis of by anyone.
Leonidovs necessarily sketchy a r t i c l e , i t i s This energy has distinctly fluidic properties
obvious from the published Russian photographs and does not follow the normal law o f o p t ic s .
o f t h e human finger that t h e K ir lia n s have The experiment also shows a distinct difference
photographed both molecular and vital r a d i a between mineral substances a n d living sub
tio n . T h e S o v i e t workers already have noted stances. Both h a v e a molecular emanation
the electrical differences between liv in g a nd But t h e living structure i s surrounded by a
dead substances which have always been part o f pale gray double o f it s e lf, standing o ut from
Dr. Drown's theories. the extremity o f t h e physical substance by
Central to a l l Dr. Drowns inventions and about l/3 2 n d o f an inch. There is generally
technics i s t h e postulation that everything much m ore rad iatio n around a liv in g object
having form in the physical world is made up than a mineral article.
o f molecules, wood d iffe r s from steel, for ex This double is the etheric double or forma
ample, because the molecular arrangements in tive-force body o f the liv in g organism. When
wood and steel are different. Molecules are i t is removed, at death, the liv in g asp ect or
sub-sensible particles o f electricity in per l i f e p rinciple of the organism is removed. The
petual motion. This constant whirling o f these liv in g organism is no longer constantly perme
tiny particles produces a molecular emanation ated by vital energy. The organism slowly de
from all materials, i t i s held that these ema scends to the purely mineral state and eventu
nations are a function o f the source producing ally d is in t e g r a t e s . T h i s d e c lin e o f vital
them. energy is dramatically shown in the Kirlian
Even i f the K ir lia n work did not verify le a f photographs.
that this i s indeed t r u e , there would never This energy is different to the conventional
theless s t il l be nothing hypothetical about energy employed in electronics. Both the mo-
SEPTEMBER, 1963---- ----------------- Th e AB E R R E E 5
lecular emanations and the vital radiation are pressed numerically as a Drown frequency, or
d iffere nt to conventional energy. This is why r a t e , as it is termed.
these energy forms, i f they are to be approp The nine tuning dia ls with 10 studs each,
riately analyzed, c la s sifie d , and manipulated , permit the operator to tune in on better than
require com pletely d iffe re n t instruments than two billio n separate frequencies, in order to
those used in conventional electronics. For get t h e electrostatic energy o f the physical
well over three decades. D r. Drown has sought, body to pass thru the instrument, friction has
thru books, lectures, and copious other writ to be applied by the operators hand. This is
ings, to get this fundamental point thru the done by stroking the detecting pad on the in
heads o f all who seek to understand her w ork. strument. The energy moves under this impulse
American magazines which fall over each o t h e r when t h e d ia ls are set t o some frequency or
to publicize Russian work fall o v e r themselves component o f a frequency resonant with a fre
to avoid the work o f D r . Drown, the American. quency or frequency component o f the p a t ie n t s
For this reason, a Drown Diagnostic instru body.
ment or Radio-Vision instrument cannot be By procedures which are too ramified and
authentically or usefully evaluated by any technical to compress into the sp a c e lim ita
electronics expert from the conventional field tions o f th is a r t i c l e , a complete d ia g n o sis
no matter what h is eminence. Thru the y e a r s , may be made fay the application o f these meth
various s c i e n t i f i c smart-alecks, both in the ods . The function o f every organ and gland is
employ o f the U. S. Government and others who measured, a n d a u rinaly sis, blood chem istry,
have d o n e their best to smear and ruin D r . and blood count are carried out. By procedures
Drown, have obtained Drown instruments by any which are again related to the molecular ema
means necessary and have examined them. To the nations o f healthy organs, the first cause o f a
eye o f the conventional electronics ex p er t, p a t ie n t s ailments may b e tracked down.
there is nothing useful inside. NO samples are taken from the body for u r i
There are nine dia ls , each consisting o f 10 nalysis or blood count. These tests are carried
studs, the resistance o f the whole assemblage out in the body, while the flu ids are dynamic
being one ohm. Conventional electronics would ally associated with the body processes. The
rightly s t a t e , on the basis o f conventional accuracy o f the Drown methods was consistently
energy, that the instrument could not diagnose ve rified over a period o f five years by a Flor
disease. (The claim has never been made that ida laboratory using the recognized laboratory
the instrum ent could diagnose d is e a s e .) Yet procedures. The accuracy o f the Drown blood
all such people , without excep tion , have de count, u rinaly sis, and blood chemistry methods
liberately avoided approaching t h e inventor has also been confirmed on numerous occasions
and asking her to explain the p rinciple o f op fay medical doctors and osteopaths who have work
eration . They h a v e always considered that ed hand in hand with Dr. Drown thru the y e a r s .
they knew it a ll, an attitude as unsound as it The development o f such a complete d i a g
is absurd. nostic procedure has been a g ia n t s work. Be
As a radio engineer, the writer knows the tween 1 3 0 and 140 separate measurements a r e
problem well from both sides, but i t is shame involved in every diagnosis made by Dr. Drown.
ful that an undeviatingly conventional approach Thus i t i s seen why she in s ists that a solid
to the examination o f Drown instruments has medical education i s indispensable in under
obscured the true nature o f their purposes and standing and using her work.
design. The instrument is an antenna, used for In dealing with d iffere nt forms o f energy,
collecting the molecular and vital energy o f a the conventionally educated scientist or engi
human b e i n g , and for tuning, examining, and neer finds h e m ust review certa in concepts
classifiring these energies. I t has nothing to ( P L E A S E T U R N T O P A C E 12)
do with conventional electronics and requires
a completely differe nt approach. Also required
is freedom from bias, preconceived ideas, and
the misrepresentations nationally circulated
by bodies determined to k ill thought and work
along this l i n e .
Dr. Drown has based her work on the twofold
nature o f the energy connected with the human
body. There i s the electrostatic energy o f the
physical tissues themselves, and there i s the
vital energy passing thru these tissues. Each
organ, gland, and type o f tissue has it s own
set frequency, governed entirely by the molec
ular structure o f the tissue in question. This
frequency is always the same thruout the human
and animal kingdoms for various tissues o f the
Sim ilarly, when tissue is changed by d is
ease, i t s m o l e c u l a r emanation is changed.
Healthy t i s s u e and diseased tissue are two
d iffere nt things, as any q ualified pathologist
will testify . Thru the decades, by painstaking
work, Dr. Drown has found the frequencies o f
virtually every part o f the human body, and
she has also found the frequencies o f most
d is e a s e s .
Bacteria, for example, have a certain form,
a fact which permits the trained bacteriolo
gist to identify and classify them. Like every C ross-sectional photograph by Radio-Vision
thing else in the physical world, the form of -showing a gallston e in a g a ll bladder. Stone
the bacteria i s made up o f molecules, and is shown imbedded in the tissu e , with an area
therefore each type o f bacteria can be ex o f inflammation shown as a dark sp o t, above.
6 Th e fl BERREE SEPTEMBER, 1963
Hiding Our'l'ps, Coasting Our 'Downs
Our First Breath Starts Us on Positive
an d Negative Lifewaves, Writer Claims
V VERY human being has a cycle of ex- do w hich required physical energy, you would
I 1 istence beginning with t h e f i r s t check your positive lifewave to make sure the
I 1 breath of l i f e , which responds to cycle was at h ig i t i d e . I f you were g oin g to
I ' biological, numerical, and cosmical propose marriage, you would check her emotional
I. rhythms. These rhythms regulate the lifewave to make sure she would respond favor
ably to you. (These lifewaves are indicated on
I development, maturity, and waning a graph with red and blue curves, respective
I I of all affairs of life , whether it ly. ) We are happy and confident when our emo
I I be an embryo, a disease or illness , tional or sensitive lifewaves are at high t i d e .
I I the building of a house, the devel- When they are at low tide, we feel discouraged
X J opment o f a business project, or sometimes even depressed. In our research it
anything you might name which comes into has been found that all suicides occur when we
existence, or is created thru natural law are at low time on the negative (or feminine)
or man s v o litio n . This cycle has .been lifewave. Marilyn Monroe was at minus 2 .2 on
the rhythm scale when she d i e d , o f course, we
given the term Bio-Rhytmus Bio meaning
go thru many "low s without anything disastrous
body and rhytmus meaning rhythm , named happening. A negative low period alone w i l l
and copyrighted by its discoverer, P r o f . not cause one to c a r r y out a death w is h . But
Ellerbak, of Berlin, Germany. i f i t coincides with an adverse aspect in the
A rhythm is a continuing process, r is horoscope, the story might e n d d i f f e r e n t l y .
ing to a climax, leveling off, then f a ll Likewise, a " l u c k y day wont protect you i f
ing , ever repeating themselves like the your bloodstream is at low tide.
ebb and flow of the tides. We found in the Europeans seem more aware o f the value of
beginning of our studies that the rhythms knowing your rhythms in advance. At Locarno ,
have two currents; positive and negative ; Sw itzerlan d, records have been kept in o n e
hospital o f more than 10,000 patients. Doctors
later, we discovered there was a third
there will not operate ihen the physical life-
current which we named X until we had wave is at low tide, unless i t i s an emergency
researched deeper into the subject. and cannot w a it . They learned by experience
All humans have all three rhythms. The pos that a patient has more resistance to disease
it iv e rhythm is 23 days in length and is called and will recover more quickly i f they are at
the masculine (or physical) lifewave. The neg high tide when undergoing surgery. J e ff Chand
ative rhythm i s o f 28 days in length and is ler had h is fateful surgery when he was at low
called t h e feminine (o r emotional, p a s s i v e ) tide; bad they waited a few more days, he would
lifew a v e . Then we found that the " X rhythm have been at high t i d e .
was influencing our thinking processes and was In Zurich, Switzerland, t h e public t r a n s
common to bo th s e x e s , so we c a l l e d i t the portation system keeps graphs on their b u s
neutral (or intellectual) rhythm, and i t is 33 drivers, and only the ones at high tide are
days in len gth . given'the hazardous jobs; the others are given
To determine where you are o n the rhythm the r o u tin e work. L i f e insurance companies
scale, we must fir s t begin with your birthdate have reduced their accident rates by ta kin g
(and this has nothing to do with the p la n e ts ; advantage o f this scienc e.
that belongs in the fie ld o f astrology). We Animals also are under the law of rhythm,
then make a mathematical computation to the altho horses are the only ones I have checked
date you wish to know about. E a c h day in the thoroly. A h o r s e c a n t win i f he i s at low
cycle has a numerical value. When your life- tide , even tho the odds are in favor o f i t .
waves are rising ( o r at high t id e ), your bat The announcer may say, " H e got o f f to a good
tery is discharging and you have much pep and start, but seemed to tire easily . I f the owner
energy to work w i t h . When your lifewaves are had thought enough of his horse and was in t e l
charging, you should rest and relax and give ligent enough to live by Bio-Khytmus, he would
them an opportunity to recharge. I f your car not have run it in a race when it should have
had a dead battery and was in the garage being been r e s t i n g , thereby lengthening the racing
charged, i f every few minutes you took i t out l i f e o f the animal. Like the human, it takes
and started up a motor with i t , i t would never the horse longer t o recuperate, after i t has
get "c h ar g e d in that manner, would i t ? The "pushed i t s e lf vs. Mother Nature.
same thing happens to our human battery we For example, C. V. Whitney raced h is $300,-
run here and there d o in g things we think im 000 horse, Swiss Roll, when she was at low tide
portant, a n d d o n t give ourselves a chance to on May 10, 1961. She fell and broke her fo o t .
build u p . Many doctors believe the resulting At fir s t they were afraid she might have to be
"s tre ss - sy n d ro m es are the cause o f so much destroyed, but later were able to save her for
illn e ss in our nation, today . breeding purposes -- but her racing days were
We are at our best when we are at high tide , over. Whitney him self was at a point in the
and a t our worst when at low t i d e . The low rhythm scale that we call "d o ubly ca utio us ,
tensions cause the weak moments. Disease and since both h is p ositive and negative lifewaves
death occur on ly when the negative influences were changing direction on that d a t e . His
predominate in the rhythms, i f you had a job to physical lifewave was going from low tide into
high, and his emotional lifewave was going from
Father Zer
Takes a
hitf) into low .
I t has been claimed by some that you can
win at cards o r gambling by the use o f b io

Gander at?
rhythm, but this i s n t s o . However, in the
case o f a contest where two persons were in
volved--one at high tide and one at low tide
the one who was in the high position would w i n .
I f both were at high tide, the outcome would
be determined by other factors.
There are many fields in which Bio-Rhytmus
may be used to great advantage. A salesman
wishing to make a big k i llin g should attack the
prospect when at low tide and when he himself By PHILIP FRIEDMAN
is a t high t i d e . Then the prospect s sales
resistance is at low ebb. FIHGBRS AMD TOSS
Every lady in th is land
It even works in p o litics. The presidential
election in 1932 had candidates Herbert Hoover Has twenty n a ils, upon each hand
Five, and twenty on hands and fe e t.
and Franklin R o o s e v e lt . T h eir respective
grades, rhythm-wise, for that date were: Hoover A ll th is i s tru e, without d eceit.
minus 9 .4 , and FDR plus 14. You recall who was F WE WATCH the commas that we m e e t ,"a l l this

the winner, o f course, this system wont work is true without d e c e i t . I f one is in a
i f someone juggles the ballot b o x e s . Having coma, he misses the conwna and misses the
said this much, I d ju s t as well stick my neck m eaning. A comma is an apostrophe that has
out and report on the most recent presidential fallen from i t s high e s t a t e . Whereas an
election: November, 1960. Kennedy was a plus apostrophe i s a truncation and shows that
4 .2 and Nixon a plus 1 0 .0 . Sev eral psychics

a.M '-'W
something has been forever le ft out, a comma
are on record as saying Nixon won. ( e d . NOTE: shows but a temporary p a u s e , a moment of in
It may be he DID by NOT g e ttin g the o ffic e . ) ertia in death before the exertion of horning.
Mr. Kennedy will be a plus 7 .9 on Nov. 2 3 , The Hebrew letter for ten, which is the end
1964; when I And out who h is opponent will be , of a cycle from 1 to 10, i s an apostrophe. In
I am ready to lay bets on the outcome. Mother Nature there i s no end to her unending


coils unless something extra sensory fingers
them, and forces them to come full circle that


toes them out into another cyclic round.
The Immaculate "L a d y , in whom nothing ex

me m * *
traneous i s implanted, is a " l a d y with a cap


ital L . She never b e lit t le s herself to come to
the l i t t l e zero end o f death and conception.
She i s a non-objective, automatic helix as

i t o
From a bleak backdrop o f rocks, sand, and long as she is "w it h o u t d e c e i t , that is , re-
contorted Jo sh u a t r e e s , a white dome rises actively ingathering the divided pieces o f her
from the desert near Yucca Valley lik e some own manly action o n l y , without e n d , without
thing from another world. genitalia to generate into objectivity. But
A chain link fence bearing a " h i g h voltage every lit t le "L a d y in this l a n d was b o m ob
sign rings the s tr u ctu re. From outside t h e jec tiv ely and is the result of a completion of
fence a larger sign proclaims: "The Integra a ten-cycle. Had her cycle o f ten not been
tronA ' Time Machine ' fo r basic research on artificially built up to her zero dead end, she
rejuvenation, a n ti-g ra v ity , tim e-tra vel," would not be here with 20 n ails in a flesh-and-
It s creator says the "m achine is based on blood body. She wanted to be the apostrophe.
a formula he received from a contingent from Ten fingers to go in and 10 toes to tow out
outer s p a c e . I t s design has been recorded in changes o n e s stable helical Lady into a flashy
the sign w riting o f the ancients. I t s function radioactive l o u t , changes o n e from eternal
w ill be to recharge the human body lik e a bat helical femininity to flashy radioactive mas
tery. ..w ith a side effect o f being able to turn culin ity . One cannot look upon the face o f a
back time. comma except he go into a coma.
Hie man chiefly responsible for the "In te-
gratron is George W. Van Tassel, a man known
widely in connection with the subject o f flying
saucers and v isito rs from outer space.
Van Tassel, who operates the near-by Giant
Rock A ir p o r t a mecca for the believers in
visito rs from outer space i s president o f the
" C o l l e g e o f Universal Wisdom . The college ,
thru a non-profit corporation chartered by the
state, owns the integratron.
The "m achine , says Van Tassel, i s s t i ll at
least two years from completion. So f a r , he
said, the corporation which he heads has sunk
$ 6 8 ,0 0 0 into the structure. The money came from
contributions o f some 4 ,0 0 0 persons scattered
over the n a t i o n , bu t most o f whom liv e in the
Los Angeles area.
Rejuvenation is the main goal o f the exper
im ent, s a y s the m a c h in e s inventor. Time
travel will be pursued as an interesting side mmmmm
venture. Van T assel's "Integratron", b u ilt on the d esert
Reprint from an a r tic le by AL BRDfOi in the near Tucca Valley, was b u ilt without screws,
San Bernardino (C a lif.) SUM n a ils, or any other m etal.
8- Tbe A B E R R E E --------------- Sept e m be r , 1963
f&ut you, 7oo, Gun J0o 3t
By HAROLD S. SCHROEPPEL W A R N I N G These lesso ns In Advan c e d P e r c e p
t i o n are not to be tree ted lightly or d e lved
LESSON 16 CONTROL OP THE FUTURE In by the c u r i o u s for idle or q u e s t i o n a b l e
goals. As the Author cauti ons, t h e y re d a n g e r
R E R E Q U ISIT ES f o r t h i s le s s o n a r e a l l o u s and it Is s u g g e s t e d two p e r s o n s with s i m i
the p r e c e d in g l e s s o n s a n d som e lar intent work as a lean. On e of the risks in
a b i l i t y i n a l l o f them : a b i l i t y to volv ed. Hr. Schroeppel warns. Is that sowe who
s e e and p e r c e i v e t h e fu t u r e t o some s u c c e s s f u l l y d e v e l o p their a d v a n c e d p e r c e p t i o n
a re go i n g to soo s o w e things t h e y d rather not
e x t e n t , t h e a b i l i t y t o h a n d le emo s e o . And don't w l x with any oth e r techn ique,
t i o n , t o h a n d le i n t e n t i o n a n d to or y ou w a y find y o u r s e l f w o r k i n g at C M > s s - p u r -
ch an ge i n t e n t i o n , t o understand poses. W h i c h Is no pla c e to find yours elf, or
th o ugh t, e m o t io n , and e f f o r t , and for a n y o n e else to find you o s p e c l a l l y an In
competent psychologist or p s y chiatrist. They
how to a p p ly them . ay get the idea y o u ' r e as crazy as they are.
Everybody c o n t r o ls h i s own f u _____________ The EDITOR
tu r e to some e x t e n t . E v e r y b o d y fo r e s e e s
th e f u t u r e to some e x t e n t . You know tha t pick up the emotionally colored events from
you a re g o in g t o e a t , and you s e t in mo your dreams.
Your perception o f the future will vary
tio n t h e p r e l im in a r y s t e p s tow ard that
directly according, fir s t , to how much you are
fu tu re . Y o u know that you are g o in g to w illin g to see and perceive in the way o f emo
have v ario u s o r d in a r y t h i n g s happen t o tion , r o u t in e , a n d the actual structure o f
y o u , t h a t t h e sun i s g o in g to r i s e tomor l i f e , the routine growing things; and, second,
row, and a l o t o f o t h e r s t u f f lik e t h a t . to how much o f i t you are trying to co n tr o l,
Pe rh a p s 9 5 p e r c e n t o f y o u r fu t u r e i s more because the more desire you h a v e about the
o r l e s s r o u t i n e , a nd f o r t h i s reason you future, the more effort you are making to con
h ave come t o ig n o r e i t . trol i t , tiie less o f i t you w ill be able to
see. You will not see those things which would
What most people are actually looking for interfere with the things you are trying to
in control o f the future is the means o f avoid control. So you will have to strike a balance.
ing the high spots o f unpleasant emotion -- the I am told by a number o f persons that about 50
"t i m e s when I l o s t , a n d o f setting up the percent is the proper balance; You should see
tim es when I was successful . about 50 percent o f the future in pretty good
The question then i s not whether you can detail, and the other 5 0 percent should be
see and control any o f the future, b u t how more or less random, or random-seeming, which
much o f i t do you see and control. How much o f means that actually you are trying to control
it are you apparently effect rather than the or prevent about 10 or 15 percent o f what you
controlling cause? do not see.
On the highest level o f awareness, the in I t is possible to operate on a completely
dividual continuously and in detail c r e a t e s random, completely seen fu t u r e . in this case
h i s future as he creates h is environment, and you are totally the effect o f the environment.
the control o f i t as he creates i t is not very You will e a t tills way, but the how and the
d i f f i c u l t . Bht there is a balance. In order to Therewithal w ill rather surprise you. This law
cause something, you must agree to be the effect o f possibles is stated in the B ib le in one o f
o f i t also. I f you want to control a group o f the parables o f Jesus when he says, "C o nsider
people, you have to agree to be the effect o f the l i l i e s o f the field , how they grow; they
that group; that is , you must be w illing to do toil not, neither do they spin, yet Solomon in
whatever is necessary in order to cause that all his glory was not arrayed as one of th es e.
group o f people to do what you want them to I t is also stated elsewhere when he t e lls his
do. I t i s n 't a simple matter o f saying, 1 d disciple s to go forth to teach taking only a
lik e to see the world at p ea ce , without being robe and no other s u p p lie s , i t is perfectly
ready to do something about peace. O f co u rse, possible to live an absolutely random, uncon
i f you want to b e cause for as large a group trolled future as well. But you will have to
o f people as the world, you have to be a large find out where you are before you start walk
amount o f effect a l s o . You have to be crucified in g . I f you climb out o f a boat a n d start
o r i t s equivalent perhaps murdered on some walking across the water, you are apt to get
Indian street, as Gandhi was. On smaller things wet unless you have the data on le v i t a t i o n .
you d o n t need to be q u it e so much e f f e c t , But we are considering control o f the fu
naturally. You can control then with somewhat ture and how this i s achieved. The future in
less tro u ble. But you must s t i l l be ready to terms o f a given individual i s controlled ex
make things balan ce. actly and in detail hy h i s intentions about
By now, i f you have do n e the lessons and i t , i f he is cause; or, i f he i s not cause, by
learned them well, you should be able to see the things h e has agreed to be the effe ct o f ,
fair- sized blocks o f the future. Normally you which he has agreed are cause for him. Between
can see i t in a straight-line event scan which these two, i t is always possible to determine
has a lot o f holes in i t that i s , you can see a man s future in great d e ta il. By this same
the major h ig i points from day to day. i f you p rin ciple I t i s possible to set up anybody on
have been doing the dream technique, you should an electropsychometer, whether be claims to
know the future or not, and determine what his concrete whole. These are the points a t which
intentions a r e , w hat he plans to do i n the you c a n alter y o u r future d r a s t ic a lly by
future if anything, who or what he i s the effect changing the intentions that hold it in p la c e .
o f , and what he is trying to cause. I t is even You must learn to make sure, when you plan
easier to determine h is future simply by ask something, when you set up the desire, that
ing him to imagine a number o f things and not you examine the full meaning o f that d e s ir e .
ing h is reactions to them. The ones he imagines I f you s e t u p , f o r example, a desire f o r a
the easiest are i n most cases the ones he supply of walnuts, you must be w illing to plant
would lik e to see happen . the tree, to take care o f that tree and prune
To control your future, you learn to con i t and water i t properly, and so on. I f you set
trol your intentions about it . Once the inten up the desire to have children , you must be
tions are set, the future i s esta blish e d. In fu lly w illing to care for those ch ild r en , to
tention and desire in this case are practically feed them and send than to school and wash
the same thing. A real strong desire for some their dirty faces and clean the mud o f f their
thing is in effect, as far as God is concerned, feet and a l l the rest o f the complications
a p r a y e r , a n d i s communicated to the group that go with raising c h ild r e n .
mind, the race m ind, G o d , or whatever action This i s where most people get o f f the track
i t is that i s in charge o f answering p ra y er, in controlling the future. I t is not how they
and will be recorded and acted upon. The un i ask nor the fact they set up the desire; i t is
verse i s so set up that you must get exactly usually in their fa ilin g to calculate the full
what you want; the factor which is not deter effect o f what they are asking for.
mined i s when you will get i t , how long y o u While y o u have been able to get by with
w ill have to w a it, because time i s the arbi this kind o f vague irresponsibility to some
trary, the element which changes. With this extent before you had training, you will find
one variable, your future will be based exact that, now you are trained, you cannot make a
ly and entirely on your desires and your in casual, half-hearted prayer. Anything you do
tentions at some time or other past, p r e se n t , in a half-baked way will give you an absolutely
or future. half-baked r e s u lt . The un trained individual
I f you have agreed that someone else is may be able to pray for rain without consider
cause for you for instance that some woman ing a ll t h e aspects o f i t , and have a nice
controls you completely, or you must keep your gentle shower for a result; but this w ill not
mother happy then your future will be deter work for you. You might end up with a tornado
mined by th eir intentions and d e s ir e s . and a flood.
But most o f y o u , by the time you have come You can control anything over which you are
this far, should be determining your own fu w illing to take authority, i f someone comes to
ture by your own intentions, and you should by you for help, you say to yourself, " I take
now have some inkling as to how you set i t u p . authority over this person, and you say it to
You should be able to catch y ourself th in k in g , God, o r the telepathic levels, or whatever you
I t would be real n ice i f this would happen, want to call them. But once you have claimed
and afterward see how such things happen as the authority, you cannot blame the results on
d e sir e d . The remainder o f the job o f learning, somebody else. You must be w illin g to accept
to control the future i s learning to set up whatever happens.
these l i t t l e desires properly. I f someone comes to you and says that such-
One reason for the Y o g is strong emphasis on and-such a group got together and prayed and
absolute neutrality o f thought, absolute bal prevented a war, he is talking thru h is hat
ance, being able to s it completely s t i l l , is unless that group was equally w illing to cause
that in this way the individual can shut d o m a war at some time or other. The same is true
h i s desirer , that part of him which causes o f deaths or accidents. Every use o f force
and controls his future. Having shut i t down, applied in the universe must balance. God likes
he is then in a position as he sets i t back up nice neat, balanced equations in the psychic
again to examine the future he i s causing for realm as well a s anywhere else.
himself, to see what h i s intentions and de There is only one force which can be applied
s ir e s a r e . in large quantities without causing an equally
In each o f us there are certain cycles a l large imbalance which must somehow be compen
ready in motion, a s we have previously dis sated; and that i s the force o f love. But love
cussed. Now you are the effect o f past d e s ir e s , does not control the future. Love permits i t ,
and some o f them are s t i ll in motion, and some love admires i t , love lets i t happen. The min
o f them will be unchangeable. Some o f them are ute you try to cause o r alter some p a r t i c u l a r
in motion and unchangeable because you a r e a event, you are no longer using in it s fullest
human being born into a human society; some , that force which is called love, because love
because you are a man or a woman and have s e x ; i s a force that does not bend o r alter e v e n t s ,
some, because you are a growing, evolving in but brings them to flower in their own natural
dividual with a certain relationship to an a l way. I f a person would naturally be w illing to
ready established environment. But these are do this o r that, when love is applied i t will
essentially minor, and only a few o f the de become possible for him to achieve with the
t a il s o f your fu t u r e . Most o f your future in stimulus o f love, even tho he might have thought
great detail can be altered radically from i t beyond him without this h e l p . But i f what
th is moment forth, i f you are so minded. Prac the individual would naturally do is to slug
t ic a lly everything but your sex and your age h is brother, upon application o f the force o f
can be pulled u p , taken apart, and set down love he is quite lik ely to go ahead and slug
again in a new spot, i f you w ant. h is brother anyway.
There are certain times when your future is Ordinarily i t i s not good to control your
easier to affect than a t o t h e r s . There a r e future, i f you try to maintain complete con
change p o i n t s , at which the future fans out trol over i t , you will have almost no percep
from a particular decision or set o f d e c is io n s , tion on i t except for those things which you
each one o f which has it s own complete, de are trying to cause to happen; and i f you have
ta ile d, total fu t u r e wrapped up w i t h i t so an emotional block, you will get thoroly sur
that when you come to this point you can see prised sooner or later.
the future as a more or less integrated or (Continued in the next issue)

10 Th e fl BERREE SEPTEMBER, 1963

By Dr. KARL KRIDLER OW DOES one get what he wants? F irst, one

makes a start and one way to start is to

be so vibrantly healthy, so full o f good
(5") MAKING THE BIBLE s p ir its , so alert, that anything i s ea s y .
ITH THE establishment o f the Roman State It would seem that m ost ABERREE readers
Church in the Fourth Century A . D . , came and all ABERREE writers, whether in a rti
the need o f a book to persuade the people cles o r in l e t t e r s , are soul-searchers and
to believe the Church w a s G o d s agents truth seekers. There are two kinds, those who
The giant task of compiling that book from spend some e f f o r t and motion and those who
the scrolls o f the ancient astrologers, d o n t. The ones who do may s it in m editation,
not one line o f which had a known author, was do special exercises , attend seances, write ,
begun by Eusebius o f Caesarea (264-349 A .D . 1 play a the o u ija board, lecture, think up new
renowned scholar, a learned le a d e r , some say gimmicks, originate n e w t h e o r ie s , conduct
an In it ia t e o f the Ancient M y s t e r i e s , a ngroups,
d walk their astral bodies around, o r . . .
Bnperor Constantine's right-hand-bower at the Then there are the ones who d o n t. Don 't do
F irst Council of Nicea in 325 A . D . , where and anything, that is, except, o f course, s i t and
when occurred the epochal event o f founding talk. They have no energy to do otherwise.
the above Church, not so much as a religious The apparent goal i s to be one with the
institutio n as a p o litical expediency, accord universe , know the unknowable , find the
ing to the facts o f hidden history. essence o f God or Sp irit , solve the riddle of
Had Eusebius lived to fin is h the B ible, it the universe , or ju s t to b e . There are jil-
would have been a far d iffere nt book than it lions of paths leading to b e - Many of the
turned out to b e . He died before i t was com leaders and proponents of these paths have many
pleted, and the work was taken over by Jerome ideas in common on which I w ill not elaborate
(331-420 A.D . 1 and finished in the early part except one which, o f course, leads me by this
o f the Fifth Century. verbose and devious way to the crux o f this
Jerome lacked much o f being the polished humble missive. It is th is start with the most
scholar Eusebius was. He was not so proficient obvious and logical point of reality for us all
in knowledge o f the ancient symbols and a lle --the body. A healthy body! It is an i n d i s
gories as Eusebius was. This caused him to in putable fact we must have at least an operable
clude and exclude certain scriptures, the value body for a starting point to expend the energy
of which was unknown to him, and to give the necessary to embark on the path o f choice. It
wrong slant to many o f h is interpretations o f i s always a help i f our parents have given us
the ancient language. a durable body and good food in our formative
Regardless o f who had made the B ib le, none years, but NOW is the time we are liv in g in and
o f the scribes in those tu rbu le n t t im e s had NOW is the important consideration.
dared to commit to writing in lucid language I recommend the following t h in g s : Eat no
the secret knowledge concealed in the ancient processed f o o d s , t r y to obtain organically-
symbols and a lle g o r ie s . Hence, the Bible was grown produce, meat, and eggs whenever possi
compiled not to present, in overt d e ta il, the ble. Eat plenty o f seeds and nuts. Take health
ageless wisdom o f the Masters, but to conceal food vitamins and bone meal.
i t . And so, there is much truth in a remarka This advice is d i ffic u lt to follow, I know
ble book o f 800 pages by Krypton, t it le d Quar- as supplies are scarce or non-existent in some
tum Organum, wherein he s a i d : areas . So each a n d every one start writing
The Bible i s nothing b u t mythology, and letters to your p r e s id e n t , your governors ,
when we come to deal with i t (which he did in your congressmen, your state assemblymen, your
later pages o f h is book), we will prove that federal, state, and county agricultural de
it i s plagiarized mythology at that (P. 3 20 V . partments, your food manufacturers, and gro
Christianity believes this mythology i s of cery chain owners protesting. Protest the use
Jewish o rig in . No reference to Jews occurs in o f insecticides, pesticides, weed k ille r s anc
the B i b l e until we reach 2 Kings 1 6 : 6 . Why chemical fe r t iliz e r s that make fruits and veg
theologians call Abraham, Isa a c , and J a co b etables u n fit for human consumption. ProtesJ
Jews i s not understandable. No Jews were the use o f steroids such as stilbesterol an*
known in history during their days. This is an use o f antibiotics in our meat, poultry, anc
other case to prove how mistaken theologians milk industries. Protest the pollution o f our
are as to many points in the B i b l e . water supplies by industrial wastes and use of
Making the B ible w a s a huge and delicate detergents instead o f soap. Protest the chem
task. The compilers did not relish the thought ical additives that are put wholesale into
o f recording the profound secrets o f the age processed foods.
less wisdom that had never before been put in Turn the tide in the complete annihilatioi
writing. It had to be done in such an ingenious o f our bodies while we s t ill have a chance tr
manner that the exoteric could not detect the use them. After a ll, the whole point of e x is
hidden meaning o f what they r e a d , and y e t tence is to get out of this l i f e alive! I f yo
think they d i d . And s o , every w ord, every want further data on what is being done to yoi
phrase, lin e , sentence, ana paragraph had to in the name of science , read PREVENTION MAG
be studied with extreme care, to make the mes AZINE, Rodale Press, Bamaus, Pe nn ., Silent
sages misleading to the exoteric while inform S p r in g , by Rachel Carson, and Poisons in
ing the e s o t e r ic , and yet conceal from the Tour Food , by William Longgood. Or check your
( P L E A S E T U R N TO P A 6 E 13) public library: there are many others.


tr ev o r ja m e s
previously deemed immutable.
Physicists are
appear in the Periodic Table, in 1938, however,
Dr. Drown found, and therefore p ublished , 101
elements passing over the human cranial nerve
system. Physics at that time entertained only
trained that the strength o f a radio station 9 2 elements. In the intervening time, physics
in your receiver diminishes in proportion to has found 12 more elements, and Dr. Drown has
the square o f the distance between the receiver completed her chart at 108.
and the station. Vital energy i s subject to no These aspects and many others connect D r .
such attenuation, i t has other properties that Drown's work in the most rational way to orth
portend a revolution in electrical communica odox science, and they also connect metaphysics
tion, and which have already become a part o f to p h y sics. W h ile this side of things is a
the technology developed by Dr. D r o w n . great deal more difficult to grasp, i t is truly
For example, it has been found among other destined to be her m ost sig nificant contribu
researches that the blood of a human being is tion to world thought in this age .
the bearer o f a special relationship to vital The human body is considered hy every worth
energy. Mien a dime-sized sp o t o f blood i s while e s o t e r i c approach as a microcosm , a
placed on a chip o f blotting paper, it becomes .l i t t l e u n iv erse, a t in y duplicate o f the mac
the v is ib le end o f an inv is ib le line connected rocosm . Since the earliest times, intuitively
to the body o f its owner as long as he is alive guided teachin g has related man s o rga n s,
and even for a short time after d e a th . Not glands, tissues, and general anatomy to the
until the vital energy is completely withdrawn Cosmos, in the Chaldean Qabalah, all this was
subsequent to death is the connection broken. set out in numbers.
A s im ila r phenomenon, showing t h e gradual These Qabalistic numbers are all verified by
withdrawal o f vital energy from a dead lea f , a never-ending network o f relationships b e
has been objectified by the K ir lia n s in R u ss ia . tween Drown frequencies and the numbers. This
Assuming that the owner o f the blood spot discovery w i l l certainly bring this ancient
is s t il l alive when h is blood crystal is con system of thought squarely into the 20th Cen
nected to the input of the Drown Diagnostic tury, with a firm link to modern physics and
Instrument, then electrically speaking that completely suited to modem men with contem
person is present at the input o f the instru porary problems.
ment. The connection is not to the patient as The applications o f this in psychosomatic
he was at the time when the blood spot w as medicine seem destined to be the most far-
taken, but as he is a t the moment the blood reaching of a ll. The mental attitudes of modem
crystal is connected to the instrument. He may men, their frustrations, appetites, and habits
be diagnosed in full ju s t as i f he were in the o f thought damage their physical structures by
room, and photographs made in cross-section of precise relationships o f mind to body. The
h is organs. A blood count, blood chem istiy , Drown system, for example, permits the knowl
and urinalysis may be made the same way. edgeable doctor to know from organic damage
Radio-Vision photographs have been made by what aspect o f h i s p a t ie n t s emotional and
Dr. Drown in London, before audiences of medi mental l i f e is disturbed. Within a short tim e,

cal doctors , o f patients who were physically provided that Americas good laws are not mis
in the S. A. In one dramatic instance, both used to destroy the Drown work, a whole new era
diagnosis and Radio-Vision were fully confirmed will open for psychiatry. I t could well become
by post mortem surgery in Connecticut. the king o f the medical arts and sciences.
Dr. Drown also invented an instrument for A full system o f therapy h a s a l s o been
the control o f hemorrhage. When an instrument worked out by Dr. D row n , based on t h e same
is tuned in to the parathyroid glands o f a hu principles as diagnosis, ju s t as it is possible
man and grounded, then hemorrhage is controlled to tune into bodily tissues to detect d i s e a s e ,
in that person wherever he goes on earth. A so is i t possible to tune into the same struc
prominent eastern U . S. university conducted tures for treatment, in the t h e r a p y , the pa
tests with this device in dentistry, found it t i e n t s vital energy i s the primary h e a lin g
most efficacious, and permitted the surgeon in agency.
volved to attest to this in Writing. Then the As far as tests o f the Drown work are con
university forbade publication o f the r es u lts, cerned, there have been many tests, formal and
apparently after word of success got higher u p . informal, thru the years. There never has been
Readers o f s c ien tific bent might wish to a formal test carried out by competent phys
know what relationship Dr. Drowns work does icians trained to use this work by the inven
bear to the world o f conventional physics. The tor, and in a spirit of scientific o b je c t iv it y .
relationship is much closer than might be sus Anything along this line detrimental to D r .
pected. Dr. Drown >s work is entirely a matter Drown and her discoveries has, o f course, been
o f num bers. Without numbers, i t would n o t , widely published by the powerful agencies who
could not, exist. Numbers have a s t r a n g e a f do not wish these theories to gain currency.
fin ity for the truth. Dr. Alexander Cannon, the eminent B ritish
The numbers in the Drown system, far from neurosurgeon and psychiatrist, advanced h is
being arbitrary and meaningless, bear a s ig own views about tests when h e wrote to the
n ific a n t relationship to the mathematics Which author: What is the use o f a t e s t , i f i t is
underlie all physics on the one h a n d , and to done in bias and ignorance o f what is being
the vast metaphysical system o f the Chaldean tested?
Qabalah on the other. D r . Drown illustrated in due time, i f this series o f discoveries
this relationship in 1938. can evoke the enlightened interest o f American
In London in that year D r . Drown concluded scientists determined that their nation shall
a phase o f her research into the human cranial dominate the world o f i d e a s , the Drown work
nerve system, and published a chart in England. will emerge triumphant from all properly ar
This c h a r t showed the elements found to be ranged tests. For the moment, we have only the
passing o v e r the various ascending and de hope that the lesson o f Sputnik has sunk in ,
scending branches o f the cranial system by the and that men o f intelligence and goodwill will
Drown instrument. The actual frequencies of unite to bring this new aspect o f physics into
these elements are virtually identical with the light, i f i t is not done in America, it is
the atomic weights o f the elements as they evident it is now going to be done in R u ssia .

12 T he A 3ERREE SE PTEMBER, 1963

visite d Hie ABERREE office more ly horoscopes available, and
than a year a g o , demonstrated the daily predictions in many
they have an unusual awareness newspapers. In spite o f this
o f their own E S P powers but widespread in t e r e s t , few ever
t h is can be developed by oth dream o f attempting to cast
ers, Wetherill s a y s . He adds their own horoscopes.
that it was thru logical think To make this possible was
ing and BSP that Humanetics de the aim o f Grant Lewi in writ
veloped it s system o f getting ing "Heaven Knows What , since
THE THEORY A HD PRACTICE OP rid o f distorted actions and he believed that one o f the
EZTRASBHSORY PERCEPTIOH, By thinking. Picking up "command prime uses o f astrology was in
Richard Wetherill. 150 p a g e s ; phrases which dictate aberra- self-discovery, and one should
aiweo. Pub. by Hum anetics, tive responses is in i t s e l f a not have to be dependent upon
Vyrmewood, Perm. use o f E S P , Wetherill s a y s . professionals. Mr. Lewi also
One merely has to ask for the emphasized the value of astrol
ESP i s n t something you ogy in en a bling parents to
p h ra s es , start writing them
learn, i t s something you d is down, and t h e y ll come, i f one recognize seeds o f d ifficulty
cover, Richard Wetherill points persists long enough, incidents in their children, and by early
out in this latest book in the care and train in g, stave o ff
o f picking up "command phrases
Humanetics series. I t s a bit for persons needing them but much later unhappiness.
like b r eath ing , or clearing not p re se nt, a r e c it e d , with Beginning w i t h a sam ple
our throats. I t s so habitual dramatic r e s u lt s . horoscope, thru which you are
that most o f us d o n t r ea lize carefully l e d , step by ste p ,
One o f the more spectacular
we do it . But to take full ad you are given instructions for
demonstrations o f ESP i s the
vantage o f ESP on a conscious " r e c a l l o f details o f one s casting your own, a n d i f you
level- - well, t h a t s the pur did your practice lessons con
own b ir t h - - in which persons
pose o f " T h e Theory and Prac
doing this were able to give scientiously, you shouldn t go
tice o f Extrasensory P e rc e p wrong. As insurance against
information even more accurate
tion . It shows you how to use e r r o r, a n u m b e r o f printed
than persons present who were
this lit tle understood fa c u lt y .
relying on their conscious mem horoscope blanks are furnished,
Wetheril 1 g i v e s numerous
ories. But before you start along with cardboard wheels to
examples showing how ESP works
checking your own birth scenes, assist in determining the sub
--not to convince the s k e p t i c ,
check your m otives, W etherill j e c t s squares or trin es .
but for the information of the
a d v is e s . T h e y ve got to be Grant Lewi h system o f using
many who keep library shelves
Simon-pure--and this disagrees abbreviations, such as " J u ,
empty of all books obtainable
with t h o se who in s ist there "M e r , " S a t , e t c ., removes
on the subject. Thruout these
are no "a b so lu te s . All r ig h t , much o f the mystery for begin
examples , he points o ut that
Wetherill says, i s absolute ners, but the standard astrol
motive is the important factor
or i t i s n t really r ig h t . ogy symvols a r e supplied i f
in using ESP; one must have no
A good book for those in he wishes a more p ro fe ss io n
selfish intentions -- such a s :
terested either in ESP or Hu a l- lo o k in g c h a r t . Prom the
How can I make things easier
manetics. Table o f Years at the back o f
for me? What advantages will
ESP is distributed to con the b o o k , y o u find numbers
it give me in my dealings with
tributors t o t h e Humanetics which indicate where to place
others? How can I profit? e t c .
movement. ^ ^ Trah Rika the planets in the numbered
Quit thinking about yourself ,
spaces o f the horoscope c i r c l e ;
and start thinking about your HEAVER KROVS VBAT, by Grant following which you underline
place and your function in Lewi. 215 pp. of text plus all the various combinations
G o d s divin e p l a n , he u r g e s . epheneris fo r years 1890 to
ind ica te d . You then look up
Wetherill thinks it unfor 196U, inclusive. $ 1 0 .0 0 , Pub.
the numbered paragraphs which
tunate that the word "EXTRA- by Llewellyn P u b s ., 100 South apply to each. I f you wish to
sensory perception should be Vabash, S t. Paul, Minn.
copy th es e, y o u ll find you
so universally accepted rather have a complete horoscope--
Altho referred to in the
than INNER - sensory p e r c e p many pages long--and you may
encyclopedia as an "a n c ie n t
tion , since the powers demon
art , astrology today is grow find i t so fascinating, y o u ll
strated come naturally from be doing i t for relatives and
ing like a "youngster , as ev
within , and are not " extras
idenced by the number o f as fr ie n d s . Add a turban, and
acquired from without.
trology magazines on n e w s y o u r e in business.
Mr. and Mrs. Wetherill, who stands, the generalized month Sophia Tryst

ifADT IfUTnTlTT) L lY lllj J L iIt
(c o n t i n u e d
F R O M P A G E 11)
other versions are published by groups that
have special theories of God and H is work ,
eyes o f the w o rld the hidden meaning of the such as Jehovah s W itnesses, who want a Bible
symbols and p a ra b le s. to show their postulates are the "r e a l McCoy .
Revelation i s one o f the most stupendous The press o f Sept. 21, 1952, carried t h i s
allegories ever penned by the hand o f man. It item: "R e lig io u s events o f 1952 include publi
has steadfastly baffled the best brains o f cation o f the Revised Standard Version Bible .
Christianity to decipher it s cryptic meaning. Thus the scheme goes o n , with various reasons
Even Krypton, wise in b ib lica l lore, fa ile d to offered as excuses why it is d o n e .
And it s secret message when he picked it apart But why such importance attributed to the
in his book above mentioned. B ible o r to the tyranny o f words? Hie Bible is
The work of revision and interpolation of only a book, made by men, and no book , no
the B ible has never ceased. Since about 1880 author, no pastor, no group, no organization
when the Revised Edition of the King James B i can vary or change the facts o f Creation. For
ble o f 1611 was p u b l i s h e d , numerous other those fixed facts we are here searching. They
versions have been published by groups that are much more important, valuable, and t r u s t
felt they were making matters clearer by ren worthy in m ans l i f e than any book, regardless
dering the K i n g s English o f 1611 into the o f its age, author, source, or n a t u r e .
language o f the commoners o f this e r a . s t i ll (Continued in the next issue)
( C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A G E 2)
per, but it probably wont get
t h e publicity given B r i dey
Murphy. This episode concerns
data any E-meter student could
have given them years ago. Re
member the pre-clears. who had
an annoying habit of squeezing
a Santa M onica e x - c o n v i c t ,
horrify Aunt Agatha who knows the c a n s , or loosening p r e s
Meryl B. Cork, who claims that
all about hell and w ha ts go sure, to control the reading
while in p r i s o n recovering
ing to happen to people who and confuse the auditor? O f
from gunshot wounds received
disagree with her-- and in our course , a good auditor could
in a ho ldu p , he was regressed
excitem ent, we probably ran detect such subterfuges, but
under hypnosis by prison doc
Toms long distance telephone there probably has be en many
tors (you can do anything to a
b ill away out of proportion to an auditing hour wasted trying
convict legally, apparently >.
what he expected when he put to find a n engram that w a s
While under hypnosis, Cork re
in the call to ask us a simple no more than an i t c h in the
vealed to a Dr. Paul S tu v e r
Q u estio n . But it do e s sound palm , or the recall o f some
that in h is previous l i f e " , he
lik e a good idea--this putting thing that had nothin g to do
had been William B illy t h e
ghost stories on r e c o r d . Re whatever with the question the
Kid Bonnie, who was shot to
minds us of our barefoot days auditor had a sk e d . Now, since
death in New Mexico after h e d
when we used to lie in the hay it i s o f f i c i a l , it can be
k ille d 21 white men, two wom
stack , while Dad told us some revealed that tensing the toe
en, 10 Mexicans, 13 I n d ia n s ,
d i l l i e s . Above u s , the stars muscles , when answering some
twinkled a m u s e d l y , and the and two Negroes. (He d i d n t do
so well in this l i f e , however, thing truthfully, stimulates
moon-man grinned u n de rstan d- an emotional involvement that
ingly while our eyes probed as he was shot five times by could b e m istaken for a l i e
the shadows between us and the b is would-be victim in an un response. Or the m ental p ic
successful beauty shop holdu p . 1
house, and we dreaded the time turing of something e x c it in g -
Cork say s that investigation
when w e d have to go thru or such as a b r ie f sexual fantasy
o f h is recalls have proven so
past whatever might be lurking w ill produce an emotional
in them as the ev en ings story authentic that Hollywood pro
ducers are planning a revised storm that might make the poly
t e llin g session ended. . . ^ Any
movie o f the western badmans graph run wild. Actually, with
how, i f you see a box with some all due respect to Volney Math-
l i f e , using the data as given
cavorting ghosts thereon who
by Cork under hypnosis. Since ison whose machine forced an
look familiar, stop and give a
*% illy the K i d " was not one of auditor to get his nose out o f
listen to Toms yarns. It might
our heroes, w e re not printing a science-fiction magazine a s
be fun . . .
th is to advertise the revised his pre-clear snoozed away in
5 There was such a crowd story at o f a western badman, but a dope-off , we long ago came
the recent appearance o f Ar to ask how a man can stage a to the conclusion that readings
thur Burks in Los Angeles that holdup on Dec. 12, 1962, pick on the E-meter showed less the
Floranee Verrico had to stand up five bullet wounds, go to pre-clears Tbne than it did
on the porch and turn away the prison, be regressed thru the how much he was " i n session .
latecom ers, after m ore t h a n past l i f e o f a famous t h u g , A pre-clear, facing an auditor
125 had f i l l e d the large meet and get out to help make a who was following some rote he
ing room of D u L. 0j_ Ander movie in May o f 1963. In 1 8 8 1 , had learned i n c l a s s , would
son s to capacity, sEe r e p o r t s . "ju st ic e d i d n 't include movie let h is m ind wander t o more
However, the Friends o f t h e and T-V contracts for teen pleasant things than p rov ing
Dunbar Training Center organi agers who couldn t behave. . . Hubbard was a bsolutely r i g h t ,
zation is seeking larger quar and could give such a false
ters not especially because 5 Albert Roy D a v i s . Green " h i g h reading that the poor
o f this, but Dr. Anderson him Cove S p r in g s , F l a ., r a n t h e rote auditor would start dig
s e lf is to move soon -- forced following ad. in the classified ging for " c l e a r b u tton s to
out because h is Center a t 270 section o f two F lo r id a news pin on h is v ic t im . But it was
South St. Andrews Place is be papers, t h e FLORIDA TIMES- more ennui that was showing
ing sold out from under him to UNION a n d t h e Jacksonville than i t was tone rea din g . . .
make way for a new apartment JOURNAL: It may be that the Washington
h o u s e. . . 5 Another change in 8. PERSONALSNOTICES1* o f f i c i a l s , faced with the fear
the Los Angeles area is th e o f revealing their maladminis
acquisition by the Church of L. RON HUBBARDP,si tration on the same type of
Scientology o f a larger build FRED HANDPk machine police have used f o r
ing at 1089 South Hoover, with PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH
ME! Or anyone knowing the ad* years to force prisoners into
an open house to celebrate on dress of anyone, or all, of the true or false confessions, may
present or please
above men,
June 29. The 12-hour affair was known write
Nt> have set up the exp erts to
marked w ith a party and the phone calls please. Roy Davis, confuse the issue that they
director; Rov Davis Co.; 23 W,
playing o f t a p e s . (O n e guess Walnut St.; Green Cove Springs, really d i d n t steal those m il
as to whose voice was o n the Fla. l i o n s , after a l l , but w e r e
tapes. 1 . . . 1 A ll o f which does It went to a claimed 2 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 merely tensing their big t o e s .
n t sound as i f Angelenos are readers, cost him $ 7 2 .8 0 , and Which may mean the electrodes
much w orried over bodements d i d n t garner a single answer. o f the future w ill be clamped
that Califo rnia will sink into I wanted to prove a point and on the toes not held in the
the d r i n k , with the rising of I think I d i d , Roy ex p la ins. hand. How about it Volney? . . .
Lem uria. O u r mentioning i t Well, i t proved a point to u s , 5 Apropos o f nothing (zero ,
here do e sn t mean we think it too that advertising in The that i s ) , Phil Friedman, who
"w ill happen or that i t wont . ABERREE i s a better i n v e s t i s trying to escape t h e h e a t
However, i f i t should, we sus ment IF you want r e s u l t s ... o f Florence at Lakeside , an
pect the effect on other so- Arizona seaport , sends us an
called s a f e r areas w i l l be 1 So many lia r s are turning announcement o f the birth of
ju s t as d e v a s t a t i n g ... up in Washington and so much trip lets to Lady, one o f his
need to find out just who is goats, recently. (Y es, the goat
5 Further evidence to sup lying about what that self- goes where Phil goes; aYter a l l ,
port the theory o f reincarna styled experts are taking a one must s t a y h e alth y , even
tion h a s b e e n reported b y a new look at the lowly poly when vacationing.) This gives
Santa Monica, C a l i f ., newspa graph and are coming up with ( PL E A S E TURN TO PAGE 15)


him a herd o f six to feed, take
PAGE 14]
sidering converting ORION into
a bimonthly, giving them twice
as much time for production
that m a y in d ic a t e the F D A
thinks it has grown powerful
enough for a showdown i s its
which is a rainbow we once im action in refusing the cancer
care o f, and eventually milk
agined f o r The ABERREE. How treatm ent, Krebiozen , permit
i f they re all milchable, which
ever, deadlines have a habit to ship its drug across state
Phil didn t s a y . . . 1 However,
of exerting p ressure, no mat lines out o f Illin o is . Dr. Ste-
he did call attention to some
te r how far apart they may be van Durovic, discoverer o f the
errors in the Mother Goose ar
spaced, and cne gets so he ad drug, said 400 to 5 0 0 persons
t ic le we used last month some
errors in which we substituted ju s ts to t h e m ... outside the state have been
consonants for o t h e r con so 1 A newcomer in the psychic cut o ff from treatment by the
nants, as w ell as vowels f o r field is The COSMIC STAR, tab FDA action and their only re
other vow els. Maybe t h a t s loid-type m onthly, p ublished course is suits to enjoin the
in H o lly w ood, C a l i f . (6 3 1 1 FDA from halting ship m en ts.
why out o f P h i l s m outh , it
sounds less confusing than it Yucca S t . ) From the firs t two
1 The Governments d r iv e to
does on the pages of The ABER- issues, it i s apparent COSMIC reduce all of us to tax-paying
REE , Phil quotes, in a some STAR intends to do a reporting
numbers got another boost in
what sarcastic v e i n . . . job in the entire f i e l d of
July when Zip Codes were
psychism and Spiritualism. Our
1 LOOKING AHEAD Lo wan a Ju- added to complicate the job of
congratulations t o Lo u is, who
l a i n e , whose writings in the addressing m a i l . We suspect
was interviewed as fir s t in a some will use them and some
past have proven s u c h a favo series on the lives o f Famous
r it e with ABERREE readers, has won t --which will bring about
Psychics, Sensitives, and M e a new regulation making them
agreed to conduct a Dream diums . . . 5 johnny Lovewisdom ,
Divination column for us, and mandatory as macnines are added
who spends h is l i f e trying to that c a n t r e a d E h id , Okla.
we hope to start next month .
stay healthy on special d i e t s , but can read 73701 . And what
Nightmares a specialty. There
invited us to h i s 43rd birth happens to the outworn slogan ,
will be other additions , a n d
day party in Loja, Ecuador, on Neither snow, nor rain, nor
subtractions, but news o f these
July 23rd. 43 bananas aflame heat, e t c . ? Will it undergo a
will have to wait until they
on the birthday c a k e, he prom modernization, such as, "N e i t h
occur, since we re temporarily
is e d . On the post outside our er rust, nor dir t, nor squeaky
out o f p s y c h i c s . (Louis i s
o ffic e door, t h e thermometer cogs shall stay these ferrets
busy "wowing em up Portland
was reading 114, s o anything o f numbers, maximums, and min-
way and T ra h N i k a says i t s
burning even bananas on birth imums.. . 5 Here, w e d lik e to
much too hot to be donning h is
day cakes wasnt much o f an again remind subscribers who
sees all -knows all ca p , or
inducement for this particular are planning on moving to send
anything e l s e . ) . . . 5 And while
season. But thanks, Johnny . . . us their new addresses. Added
on t h e subject o f p sy chics,
Florida may lose one o f its 5 Elsewhere in th is column , to our " Z i p code i s the Zap
psychic observers because o f mention i s made of the Elec- system, in which second class
the high cost o f a ir condi tropsychoroeter. This was writ mail goes back to the publish
tioning. Albert Roy Davis, who ten before we learned that one er with a 10 cents d u e label
of the devices had been seized thereon, even i f you merely
is responsible for the PSYCHIC
in San Antonio from C.P. Wright , move next door, or across the
NEWS LETTER, has been looking
a member of the Concept Ther street. Which means, you lose
for new quarters at Henderson
apy Institute, by the Food and a magazine. The days when peo
v ille , North Carolina. T h a t s
Drug agents , who allege the ple could move with lit t le or
smack dab in the middle o f the
Electropsychometer h a s been no n o t i c e , sick vicious dogs
tobacco and corn country, a nd
falsely la b e le d , inasmuch as on the postman, and still get
is quite a ways west o f South
literature accompanying it sug their mail, are passing. Auto
ern P i n e s , where Tom O 'N e i l
gests its effective use in the mation is twisting its icy, in
holds forth w it h h i s PSYCHIC
diagnosing of mental diseases human fingers i n t o another
OBSERVER. I seen more corn a and physical malfunction. This
growin than I have in my News fie ld o f communication, a n d
latest action by a federal we re having to take responsi
Letter down i n the State of
unit which seems so sensitive b ilit y for our own "wrong num
F lo r id a t io n , Davis r e p o r t s ...
to A .M .A. thinking hints that bers (ju st aS we did when the
5 The magazine O R I O N , pub the medical union is getting dia ls replaced the human hel
lished by fid and Lois O Neal bold or desperate as it seeks lo g i r l s of a few years back) .
at Lakemont, G a ., has taken on to cut o ff every avenue of es G ra dua lly , we become robots
a new look , w it h the combined cape for persons seeking aid to our own robots.

May and June issue, printed in without mortgaging their all
their newly-installed p l a n t . to the monopoly (since the
The merger issue w a s n e c e s Electropsychometer w a s used
sary , Editor - Printer 0 Neal extensively by chiropractors (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3)
explains, because o f the extra and those engaged in psychoso the rigit to change our minds ,
work e n t a ile d in doing their matic d is e a s e treatment!. In and it may be that the ideas
own p r in t in g . Next month, he the p a s t , our nasty remarks expressed above w i l l p r o v e
prom ises, t h e y ll be back on about the FDA have caused Vol- quite transient. In any event,
schedule. O N e a l s goal o f 64 ne.v Mathison to come to their w e d lik e your ideas on the
pages, plus cover, w a s missed defense as nice boys doing a subject even i f y o u ve solved
by only four pages which is a necessary jo b , but Volney has the secrets o f eternal physi
lot o f magazine t o e d i t , set been known to change h is mind cal ex iste nc e. O f c o u rs e, we
into type, and print. This is before and this latest in may ask for some proof ju s t
when one discovers how short a fringement on liberty may r e as we ll expect the first v i s i
month can b e . Another change mind the inventor o f the Elec tors to the moon to bring back
the O Neals have inaugurated, tropsychometer that one dares a hunk o f green cheese, or the
i s to abandon the 10 -times-a- not turn h is back on a r a t fir s t men on M ars to return
year p o l i c y , and henceforth, tlesnake, no matter how docile with a canal or two.-'
th ey ll publish every m o n t h . it appears when y o u ve got an Proof ! What an odd word
O N eal confesses t h e y re con eye on i t . . . 5 Another ruling in metaphysics and religion .
SEPTEMBER, 1963- ---- Th e ABERREE----- 15
ation, coupled with a change in and thought to say nothing of
my own circumstances, seemed money!--he gave to his alleged
to indicate a clean cut with evaluation o f S ynergetics
the f i e l d . Looking b a c k , I were only a small fraction of
think it was too abrupt, and I what he invested in diantol
apologize to those I d i d not ogy. He did pretend to be in
inform o f my decision . terested in Synergetics and I
"R ecently we have been in accepted t h i s , but I believe
touch with Bob Churchill o f now he was a covert diantolo-
the P s ycho logical R e search gist all along, trying to in
Foundation , P h o e n i x , A r i z ., filt ra t e and invalidate Syner
and have been impressed with getics .
the thoro reappraisal that he " I am sorry he now finds it
and h is co-workers have con necessary to try to invalidate
ducted i n v o l v i n g something me p u b lic ly , but this i s the
lik e 1700 hours o f a u d it in g . way diantologists are carefully
We are using h is methods here , instructed to operate by ABIL
and are pleased with the re ITY MAJOR I and the infamous
sults s o far o b t a i n e d ... I Scientologist Code o f Honor .
think we are on an interesting Art Coulter, 297 Canyon D r .,
line o f research, and I must Columbus, Ohio.
emphasize that it is research.
We cannot make any promises of "Yesterday we received the
c l e a r in g or anything else sad news that Ran di Ray h a s
"S i n c e 1950, many able peo save an increasing awareness departed the physical p l a n e .
p le became more, able thru the and self-knowledge. I know Bob The g r e a t personal loss is
techniques o f Dianetics, then would be glad to have the as tempered by the knowledge that
later Scientology. When Scien sistance o f any auditors who the indomitable sp irit w i l l
tology moved into the image of know what engrams are, and are continue in another sphere of
church, many o f these a b l e not afraid to have a look. If activity. I know your readers
people discontinued their as anyone feels lik e t h i s , per who knew him will share this
sociation with the organization haps they will get in touch with m e.
and the le a d e r , b u t not their either with him or m e. A , J . We, h e re at B udd a , feel
interest in this new fie ld o f S. McMillan, 5 O dkfield Road, that R a n d i s works, writings ,
the self-improvement s c hool
o f thought.
B risto l 8, England. and h is l i f e story would be of
inestimable value to those he
We are now trying to find I appreciate very much Fred le ft behind and for those who
these people thru the columns H a n d s remarks in his letter will follow. Therefore, we feel
o f The ABERREE. I am not affil in the Christmas issue. I ac that we would lik e to c o lle c t ,
iated in any w ay , financially cept his apology in the spirit collate, e t c ., for future ref
or otherwise, with Ron Hubbard in which i t was offered. For erence.
and his organizations. I met my part, I have a high respect "W ou ld you let all readers
him when I was processed, as and esteem for Fred, and enjoy know, perhaps by publishing in
did my husband in 1950. This and learn from what h e has to the Letters to Editor section ,
has nothing to do with the say. that Budda, Calle Hidalgo 1 0 8 ,
c r isis in Washington n o w . " A s for Mr. H e d in s l e t t e r , La Fama, N. L . M exico , would
" I n c i d e n t a l l y , th is t e c h its patronizing and derogatory lik e to hear from anyone who
nique is 500 years o ld. There tone c a n be ignored, since it knew him or has access to any
has been much interest to mo clearly is the result o f the of h is formal teachings? Nat
b i l i z e , for research purposes diantological processing a n d urally, all m aterial will be
only, a mass validation o f the indoctrination to which be has returned to the owner after
technique, not necessarily the been subjected. However, cer extraction , reproduction , or
leader, and many o f our Aber- tain statements he made are c o p y in g ." R . D . Schenck, fo r
rees have asked me to write
t h is letter to find you. Will
highly a i s l e a d i n g . Having Budda, La Fama, t . L. Mexico.
you please write me your ex
worked with Art in the "e a r l y
d a y s" o f Synergetics, and then I must break a lo n g silence
perience before and after pro le ft to become a Scientology to tee o f f on something. The
cessing, and any other p erti auditor after a good ev a lu a Tragedy o f an Unwanted Zygote
nent information helpful to
keeping u s t o g e t h e r ?
tion o f both . . . gives an en is a tragedy all rig h t, but not
b e lle Bvans, Box 21U5, Holly t ire ly f a l s e impression. The in t h e sense B o b Chu rchill
wood, Fla. fact i s that Mr. Hedin n ever
'w o rke d w i t h m e. I saw him
meant. It i s a tragedy because
some unaware people , reading
perhaps h a lf a dozen t i m e s i t , might get the idea this
" I m gla d to see that you over a period o f 4 or 5 y e a r s , was a dianetic session, as the
have kept The ABHIRBE going and h e attended two or three author says. I t was not. Dia
all these y e a r s , a n d h e r e s Synergetic workshops. During netics , per s e , is largely
wishing you wore strength to this tim e he showed l i t t l e non-directive ; about the most
your elbow. I ceased to publish real interest i n Synergetics , directing the auditor, i f he
BOR (Bristol Dianetic Review) primarily wanting to talk about is worthy of the name, will do
for several reasons, the main past live s and other esoteric i s to make sure of repetition
one being that we had virtually theories. He used diantologi to reduction or erasure ( I doubt
nothing to say. We had s a i d cal ideas and techniques at the validity of era sure , but
many times that w e were n o t workshops far more than Syner o f t h a t more another t i m e ) ,
going to w r ite the paper our getics, and came to one work drive for t h e earliest o f a
selves, contributions had a l shop trying to drum up business sequence o f in c id e n t s , a n d
most ce ase d a n d , looking at for a diantology auditor. Most thence forward thru time, and
the last 10 o r so issues o f BDR of our later contacts he spent perhaps make a fe w permissive
c r i t i c a l l y , there was l i t t l e trying to force diantology up suggestions ( i . e . , Is i t pos
that was good in them and much on me in a patronizing and in s ib le that , e t c .) .
that was low-toned. T h is situ sulting way. The time, e f f o r t , " A n auditor w ill not under
16--------------------------------------------- -- The ABERREE-- ----------------- SEPTEMBER, 1963
any conditions let the pre ably worse than the engram. he ll get to present tine some
clear know the results o f h is I f you are going to make a day. In general , the i s s u e
computations; th ese are f o r habit o f printing s e s s io n gets a B .
the n o t e s . T h e reasons are m aterial, for the sake o f our "Apropos of nothing. A i n t
two-fold : fir s t , it is the p . reputations, please print g o o d , i t n ice that Ron forgave us
c . s mental muscles one is at illustrativ e m a t e r i a l . This all for all the mean things we
tempting to exercise, not the one w a sn t good, it w a sn t i l did to him /it? Excuse me i f
auditors ...s e c o n d , any compu lustrative, and it dam well I m wrong, but I thought gen
tation the auditor makes is o f w a s n t dianetic. I t does, how eral amnesties were the prerog
necessity out o f h is own c a s e , ever, typify what Art Coulter ative of royalty. Now the ques
and q u i t e probably do e s n o t doesn 't like -- because it is tion arises do we forgive him?
a p p l y ! . . . I f a cognition, burst true that many--too many Do we even accept? I cannot see
of insight, or j ust plain real auditors act this way. any reason for an amnesty, I
ization of why I acted that Anent C o u l t e r The lady have done nothing of which I
way is to come , it will come doth protest too much, me- am n o t proud, in this l i n e .
from within the framework o f thinks. I happen to be by way Let s wait and see i f actions
reality-understanding that is of being an authority on what speak as fairly as words .
peculiarly t h e p. c . s , and occurred. It displeases me to Edward J . Robles J r . , 1153 An-
will not be imposed from out see Art put in the position of berwood R d ., Sacramento, C a lif.
side . re-reiterating what is obvious
Much harm can be done, and mon the face of i t : that Syner We hope you two enjoyed
very l it t l e good accomplished getics is not an offshoot, re that crazy merry-go-round you
by the psychoanalytic approach arrangement, or bastardization called a vacation. We liked
typified in Tragedy . I t is of dianetics. your coverage of all your ac
permissible to steer a b i t ; it I was in the original val t i v i t i e s . We commend you f o r
is n o t permissible to shove. idation group in the Syner not accepting t h e negative
Psychological p r o c e s s i n g i s getic approach. I found, as did forebodings. Y o u r stature
valid and helpful only to the o t h e r s , that in its place it stands o u t in proportion to
extent that it is non-direc was v a l i d , valuable, and in your willingness to forge ahead
tive. The I know w h a ts wrong deed the only deceit tool for w i t h or w i t h o u t favorable
with y o u approach is de a dly . present-time attack o f specific w in d s .
(That, by the way, is the chief aberrations. It is as near an "W i t h compliments to the
thing wrong with Scientology, approach to complete client- competence and a b ility o f Vol-
as such; it is guaranteed to centered processing as can be ney 6. Mathison , I would like
produce starry-eyed robots be- reached in the present state of to relate our experience touch
cause o f its heavy-handed, the art. (No pun inten ded.1 It ing on his case, the 32-year-
club-footed approach to a del is not a means o f taking care old U .S .C . graduate . . .
icate subject. Scientological o f heavily traumatic material , Seriously now, let me pre
processes, in the hands of non and it will not cure or even sent demonstrable facts. (Note :
directively o riented p r a c t i alleviate psychoses or well- Frederic Hand c a l l s Discar-
tioners, can produce very inter established neuroses. It is a nate E n t i t i e s D. E . s, Incar
esting results. Whether valid tool designed merely to make nate Entities I . E . s . We like
or valuable is arg uable, but the already a b le i n d i v i d u a l this. 1 . . .
at least they can do no harm more so . . . Here is an actual case, one
i f not worked directively. 1 The reason many think Syn which any competent operator
Tragedy , again, was not ergetics has something to do may duplicate or I can demon
a dianetic session because it with dianetics i s that it was strate f o r a n y responsible
was a drug - induced sessio n . fi r s t brought out by the D ia body o f inv estigators:
The psychedelic d r u g s have a n etic Foundation u n d e r the To check claims o f ladies
d e fin it e place i n psychother aegis o f Don Purcell. To say who charged they were being
apy, but not as an adjunct or for that reason that Synerget raped ( ? 1 by the spirit - body
in itiato r o f processing. To ic s is an oflshoot o f dianetics o f a man one very much alive
reach otherwise occluded a r e a s , makes exactly as much sense as in the physical body, or one
okay; but then it is necessary the Hubbardian claim that dia who is a resident o f the Heaven
for the practitioner to en netics is a branch o f Scien World (H.W. i, we performed the
courage the clien t, very gent t o lo g y ... i t is true there are fo llo w in g ;
ly , to work the areas thru one common elements. O f necessity , With the consent of a psy
at a t i m e , without computing any valid p s y c h o l o g i c a l ap chically-developed l a d y , we
and without pushing. The mater proach will have elements in put her into deep sleep with
ial should be recorded and used common with any other . . . the suggestion t h a t she b e
as a basis for questioning at Amusing to find me taking fu lly aware of everything that
a later date, when the drug is up the cudgels on C o u lt e r s will transpire. (Explanation
completely out o f the system. behalf. I am not, never w a s , This suggestion was not a post
The effects o f the drug must and never will be an ardent hypnotic suggestion . It was e
be worked out too. The combi S y n e r g e tic is t . Neither i s my suggestion to be part of and
nation o f m edically-trained, w ife. Nevertheless we have used respond to what will transpire
p s y c h o l o g i c ally- oriented, it and found it good. . . with full sense appreciation . 1
temptation - free characteris For tile rest of the i s s u e : I then gave her a post-hypnotic
tics required for a person to Friedman? Zero. Kridler? Amus suggestion to have full recall
be an adequate practitioner ing. O Connell? So what else of what will transpire in this
where peyote, L S D , or lopho- is new? (See Max Freedom L o n g l. experiment.
phora are involved i s r a r e . Hart to Heart? Our editor is "W i t h t h e lady i n d e e p
There are such p e o p le , but always capable o f giving o n e sleep I called in one o f her
usually the drugs are given cause to think. The letters? I male communicants, Mr. B , whom
under the supervision o f a lik e the expanded letter col she knew for more than a y e a r .
group c o lle c tiv e ly having the umn. Schroeppel? F irs t one of Mr.B was startled when I asked
necessary q u a l i f i c a t i o n s ... I h is articles in w hich I can him i f h e would lik e to have
hope the p. c. in tragedy had find no major area o f disagree sex relations with M rs.X. When
brains enough to run out the ment . I f a person must r u n I convinced him this was eas
session later; i t was prob past-life r e c a l l s , le t h i m ; i ly p o s s i b l e , he eagerly
SEPTEMBER, 1963---------------- -- The ABERREE-- -------------------------------- 17
agreed. Soon the lady began mostly by mail order, which marked myths and f a b le s and
rhythmic motions o f t h e body gives me an original record for that is that. I think Communism
accompanied by s o f t sounds repeated comparisons and an has men placed in positions in
that made it quite evident she alyses over months and y e a r s . our educational system and in
was enjoying the act of cohab My c o n c l u s i o n is that the churches and in our go v t.
itation . nearly all the mediums I h ave for the very purpose of elim i
This i s what we lea r n e d consulted are basically honest nating God. That is why I feel
from the experiment: and good (about their personal that e v e r y word spoken or
1. Affection or love for morals I have not bothered to written that lowers God in the
one another, as we know it, is learni. They have seemed to be eyes of mankind is j u s t so
not the open sesame to psy sincere with me in almost every much more brick and cement
chic intercommunication. It is , case , tho they seldom seem to building the structure o f Com
rather, a ffin it y o f a psychic get their stuff thru genuine , munism in the world.
nature known as rapport or independent spirit controls of You may think i f we ignore
psychic attunem ent. That is their own, as they think, b u t , it , it will go away (we become
why the man who was able to rather, direct from sp ir its or what we fight -- or your ideas
find enough agreement to b e subconscious mentation which I to that effect.) I m not sure .
able to enter the g i r l 's cham bring or send to them. Either Seems that we have always had
ber and affect her also met way, what i t seems t o amount to fight for our freedom here
repulsion. We found t h e r e to is an indirect way of peep in the U. S . , and i f we s it
ing into the obscured depths s t i l l , we may wake up and find
could be compulsion. We found
of my own mind where things it A L L gone. Communism has
there could be repulsion . We
are being conceived, received , taken Cuba, and is creeping up
found the stronger o f the two
and fashioned i n t o future all over South America. W e ll
prevails. Right or wrong is of
events, but always subject to soon be su r ro u n d e d ...
l i t t l e consequence. Possessed
modification or cancellation by I d i d n t like the article
o f proper understanding , pos
s till unreceived things and Tragedy o f a zy gote . Embar
session or obsession may be
perhaps a bit of free-will rassed me! Besides, it sounds
cast o f f .
action. made-up should be called The
2. We knowDEb are entities
As for Eva Woodford, who Tragedy o f E r ro rs . Who ever
without (physical b o d ie s . We
earth creatures possess t h e seems pretending, humorously , heard o f in s ta n t conception,
same body as a DE , and in ad to be suspended twixt hope and for instance? I guess it might
dition , we possess a physical fear of being aberrated--well , happen, but not likely. Hie
v e h i c l e . What the D E can do she makes no claims to medium- ovum is supposed to be impreg
with h is immaterial body , w e ship that I know of, but what nated iii the fallopian tube
can also do with our immater are her inspired guide draw then, the new cell travels to
ial body. With proper control , ings and paintings but visual the uterus and imbeds it se lf
then, a person in the physical messages from sp irit, as they into the lining. Here i t would
can do w hat that 32-year-old test out for me? Anyway, I l i s t be clear out o f reach o f a Ly-
girl claims . her as one of my best mediums, sol douche or anything o f that
We say can do '; this does after seeing her work and an sort. I t would not feel the
not mean we accept h e r claim alyzing both her and the en ti force o f the water against its
without investigation. " Jacob t ies s h e portrays. Whatever h e a d , as the tale o f t h e
they a r e , they test out as tape implies would be clear out
and Rose Afisel, 1310-A S .3 7 t h ,
real entities in their own o f reach, and fully protected.
Milwaukee, Vis, I f t h i s t a p e i s for real, I
r i g h t , distin ctly to vastly
different to her own personal believe i t w a s this wom ans
In J u l y - A u g u s t , y o u say own guilt and experiences , plus
ity, and well worth having a
Roy Eugene Davis talks o u r imagination dredged u p out o f
whole set o f . . . So, i f being a
language, but does a much bet her subconscious and that it
sensitive m e a n s aberration,
ter jo b o f i t . To me he seems had nothing to do with her own
then she is aberrated . . . Fred
too * busy, busy, busy to make mother or father or their ex
Hand i s right. She c a n t lay
h is position q u i t e c l e a r t o periences. I t sounds too con
any substantial claim to the
one not well acquainted. Seems trived. For instance, the fee l
doubtful honor of aberration.
close to extremism sometimes . ing that I T was c o ld im
Prank McConnell, 8d0 Herald
Much he says is in my own lan possible, physically, and i f a
S t , , Redlands, C a lif.
guage , but my own experience psychic reaction is meant h e r e ,
with mediums gives me a very I d o n t quite get what you twould be far fetched... Anoth
different impression than I mean when you say there are er thing conception o f the body
get a s h i s . I am not at all really no atheists . Hie d ic does not mean immediate rein
amazed at the number o f times tionary defines this to mean carnation of the soul. Accord
they at f i r s t a p p e a r to be one who disbelieves in God . ing t o my inform ation, rein
wholly w r o n g , but rather at Surely lots o f people, even carnation takes place at birth
the number o f times they even those who profess to do so, do when the soul enters the body
tually prove to have made near not really believe in God. If at the fir s t b r e a t h ...
o r s q u a r e h i t s . I quickly creation i s an accident, a nd "T h is w it h in s t u f f is
learned to take nothing for evolution i s a fact, why would greatly misunderstood, I be
granted, but to think of me God be necessary ? You might lieve . The Kingdom o f Heaven
diums and spirits as only hu say, Why, t o create by the i s within, but this means the
man, as no different to m yself, process o f evolution . Well , interpenetrating layers o f v i
except for being, usually , much wouldnt that ju s t put Him in bration o f the different planes
younger than myself in evolu the category o f unnecessary physical and spiritual. One
tionary or cosmic age I meas figureheads? And i f we are ALL ness can also mean that we are
ure both them and their spirit God anyway, we create our on a mental wave-length in
co n tr o ls , when there really s e lv e s we are just there do crowds, mobs, e t c ., this is so
are any such, which seems sel ing what we must do by some o bv iou s. B u t that d o e s not
dom. Nor do I usually depend automatic process we d o n t un mean that the electric force
upon only one medium for any derstand . Anyway, the modern that moves us emotionally or
experiment , but consult three thinker pigeonholes G o d and connects u s mentally is the
or more at a time--so f a r the d e v i l in a l i t t l e b o x real I our identity, we re
18 -- The flBERREE-- SEPTEMBER, 1963
tain f o r e v e r . M o rris Katzen work? Vs. 10: They shall now the seance room. The only in
says the dead are dead and God consider what shall be done to strument used is the medium,
i s the God o f the living. This prevent sickness. Also to con whose hands are under s p ir it
i s true. Death pertains o n l y sider what shall be done to control. All the healers have
to bodies (even these are not prevent poverty. This is bet the attitude that God-Nature
really dead according to sci ter than giving to the p o o r . ' will deliver healing to a ll and
ence * but a r e teeming w it h Vs. 1 1 : I have n o t come t o sundry, regardless o f their
l i f e , re-forming into other or heal and treat the diseased in religion, be lie f, or c p lo r .
primary forces). So God is God flesh or sp irit; nor to re-es The Great Unseen Forces o f
o f the liv in g spirits--on earth tablish any o f the a n c ie n t healing are regarded as the
and i n heaven. All is l i f e . doctrines or r eve la tion s, V s . Way o f L i f e , and there is a
Too much stress is given the 12: I am not a patcher-up of great spiritual uplift fe lt and
importance o f the dead body . old garments. Let us go back given each individual, mental
We should reduce i t to primary to Verse 7 : Now, i t s h a ll as well as,body effect. A spir
elements by cremation, a n d come to pass, early in the Kos- itual change in the viewpoint
forget i t . The sp irit lives mon e r a (after Hydesville in o f the individual concerned is
NOW in a new kingdom of vibra- cident! 1847 and at Arcadia by desired by the s p ir it d o c t o r s ,
tion there are no dead. the Pox sisters, Dr. Benjamin regardless of whether they are
Tell people to q u it pick Franklin, the director o f the healed or n o t ; the important
ing on Louis. He is g r e a t . -- band of workers. This last in thing is to know they are back
Rosalind John, 1533 itth, Sorco, formation is lit t le known to into the Light and the path of
C a lif , the present world of seekers spiritual p rogression, ready
J after spiritual t h i n g s . for a new step in the right
A thought on the present In the era of the 1848 A . direction before going into
state o f human i l ls : The world D . , or Kosmon era, according to t r a n s i t i o n . -- W ilfr e d D , Jo~
over new diseases or varia Oahspe , there would be an doin, D . C . , 1229 A s t o r D r ,,
tions o f the same old o n e s , increase of participation of Sew Port Richey, P la .
but they are not controlled as several new cults that would
usual by t h e old- fashion ed spring up, using the laying on I was disappointed in Fred
herbs, nostrums, notions. Drugs of hands for healing of physi H a n ds l a c k of understanding.
o f various strength and sur cal ills , including mental o b It seems that the more educat
gery prove unavailing to the sessions, cases of continued ed individuals a r e the hard
prevailing diseases, not count drunkenness, and all manner of est to teach. The c le rics have
ing the present ratio o f mental d is e a s e s . been brainwashed into a channel
aberrations (now 1 to 11 to We note as we go back into of thought that does not per
the population), and the need the 1850 s o n , several new re mit t h e m to think i n terms
o f psychiatric healing to all ligions sprang into being, and other than in the channels in
ages and walks o f l i f e . Moth the use o f healing by hands to w hich they have been edu
ers of th is generation of c h il became the means of getting a cated. T h e same applies to
dren seem to forget the action good following. I t would take lawyers and medics. A new idea
o f drugs, cigaret smoke, sleep too much time to enumerate the o r different channel o f thought
ing p ills, and other derogatory number and names o f organiza threatens their career. The
chemicals that are taken into tions that came into being a f c le ric must stick to the doc
the body. We seem to want to ter 1848 up t o the p r e s e n t . trine and dogma established to
live a highly - exciting l i f e There have been several noted be brainwashed into the public
on the highways with the autos healers during t h e last 100 mind as a means o f controlling
and also the doubly-exciting years who made headlines in the masses. The lawyer i s con
screen action a s de p icte d on the p r e s s , such as Harry Ed cerned only with winning a de
same to cause tension because wards, E. C. P r ic k e r , E ls ie H . bate on established rules o f
of the hours on end o f looking Salmon (the Lady in White) from procedure where the truth is
at t h e screen or the noisy A f r i c a . They are doing a big not as important as the rules
voices o f the participants in job o f healing as individuals , o f practice; where a 1 i e ut
each screen play. The eyes , compared to an older orthodox tered by q u a lifie d w itnesses
ears, and nerve endings soon religion which says they are is considered evidence while
take their toll on the nervous holders o f the true signs o f the truth from a layman is
system and n o doubt account healing. There is no pomp and not probative e v i d e n c e . And
for our present-day conditions ecclesiastical ceremonies at the medic is so puffed up with
of mental health . One reason Sp iritu a list healing services ; h is own importance that he r e-
why many would find peace a n d no selling o f holy water, no gards anybody who does not have
nerve comfort in a q u i e t com struck medals for s a l e , no a medical license as a q ua ck .
munity l i f e . simony, or pictures o f saints I f a medic today practices the
Take England for instance : to help the faithful when they way the medical art was prac
It is said that with and de canry them on their p er so n s . ticed 50 years ago he would be
spite all advances made by the The percentage o f known cures also called a quack. Therefore
medical profession, many dedi at Lourdes i s estimated at 15 wasnt he a quack 50 years ago?
cated doctors are overworked per 150,000 persons that go And will not the present meth
trying to do their best to deal there for spiritual healing a ods o f medical treatment be
with a fflic tio n s that are be very small percentage when the quackery 50 years from now? I
yond their resources. C iv ili church claims i t i s the true will adult that surgical skill
zation, with all i t s stresses and original church o f Christ- i s great, but on the whole med
and strains, seems to produce Jesus, which in reality o r i g ical practice i s quackery, and
a growing number o f new a i l inated in 325 A.D. ignorance in the field o f health
ments, o r variations o f the old S p ir itu a lis t churches pro i s profou nd ...M r.H and mentions
ones that seemingly w ill n o t duce fantastic healers of the Faith Healing but my work is
y ie ld to orthodox rem edies. physical body, and help mental not healing by fa ith . The h eal
"T h e book Oahspe s ay s : ailments as well --plus sp irit ing is done by power a power
(p .7 7 1 ) v s . 9 : 'T he healing of doctors w h o remove tu m o rs, in the body o f the healer and
the sick may be compared unto goiters, cancers, and do a sur a power generated in the body
giving aims to the p o o r, and gical appendectomy to a body o f the patient-- and no amount
saying: Have I not done a good while lying on the table in of faith can accomplish t h e
SEPTEMBER, 1963---------------- --The ABERREE-- --------------------------------- 19
restoration o f health without about space and solids. As for Zionism , N azism , Christ, or
the 'w o r k s b e c a u s e 'F a it h perception o f the physical Allah. And this is going on to
without works i s d e a d . . . I do universe and 26 channels of th is day. The Russians are un
not teach faith nor stand on perception, Voltaire says mat godly to B elievers: It is the
ceremony, b u t I do teach t h e ter (he is speakin g o f mans same argument on a national
works that can add l i f e to the body) is capable o f a thousand scale a s the Bryan-Darrow de
body. --Morris K a t z e n , Cooks properties about which neither bate on evolution. B iy & n s at
F a lls , B . 7 . you nor I know anything. torney asked Darrow, What i s
L ik e many other people, I the object of all these ques
As for the Etcacolor t u b e , was very much interested in tio ns? Darrow r e p lie d , To
I ll s till go along with that keep bigots and ignoramuses
Scientology and then became
and I d o n t ca re i f i t s made disgusted with poor communica from dominating our s c h o o l s .
from a toilet roll s elling for B 'e lie v e r s s till dominate our
tion from the center, and the
a dime a do zen or a diamond schools . Do any teachers know
continuous m a k in g c l e a r s ,
studded gold one that only Ken but I am sorry the center i s that the mental faculties are
nedy could afford to buy. All in the stars ( pi anets, e t c .1?
in trouble with PFD. Wonder
the neophytes of my tribe, who Will any o f them figure to see?
what overt act* caused t h i s ?
were trying to develop psychic " B elievers think that we
In early times, the Jews
sight, were taught and trained are godly because we put In
were divided into three s e c t s ,
from the basic foundation of God We T r u s t o n our m oney.
the Pharisees , the Sadducees ,
that phenomena of prismatic God h a s two sons, one is the
and the Essenes. Do you know
colors before they gained in whether it i s true that the astral influence coming thru
ner-development enough to d is Pharisees believed in the me the Sun, the other thru Saturn ;
tinguish between the physical i t s Saturn that has the rule
tempsychosis (reincarnation) ,
and spiritu al. That i s one o f o f money both in the B ible
the Sadducees believed that
the first things the children cf and in horoscopes. So in trust
the soul perished with the
the tribe were taught to w i t ing in money and H-bombs, we
body, and the Essenes believed
ness. We used a diamond and a are trusting in Satan, as all
souls were immortal, descend
feather. The use o f diffraction the divine kings have been do
ing in aerial form into the
grating only simplifies m atters. ing, and losing all wars. B -
body, and returning to a high
I c a n t for the l i f e o f me elieve it or not, but you c a n t
place after death o f the body?"
understand why such a simple twist the fi g u r e s , and then
Beckey B a r d in , 133 Carter
thing should raise so much show them for proof.
S t . , M ooresville, In d .
havoc. I f Roy (Davis'* had spec So on the national scale

ified that people would see the we can choose between arith
spiritual a u r a , then I could The human mind i s subject metic and bombs. Those who will
understand some o f those 'back to self-deception. All people figure are few and far between
o f the hand snide remarks. have censors lik e th ey were
at p re se n t. We depend on um
But he specified it as a train small n a t i o n s , so fact is brella s to keep o f f the bomb.
ing aid only. twisted into desired B e lie fs Faith in false logic did not
"F r a n k ly , I think the whole until tragedy s t r i k e s . Arith make the earth f l a t ; faith in
k it and kaboodle o f so-called metic can now straighten out the Piscean, Old Age fa lsit ie s
educated know -i t - a l l s are the mental tangles since the in the B ible is a poor um
acting like a bunch of idio tic discovery o f L ilit h and Lulu . brella that w ouldnt even keep
school c h i l d r e n ...I wonder how How come? P la n e t s are mental o ff the rain, or keep 10,000
big it makes them feel to run and moral faculties , and L i l Protestant ministers out of
into some poor lit t le bewilder ith and Lulu have been doing crime, sickness, or insanity
ed searcher, and say, in effect: nearly a l l o f S a tu rn , S a ta n , (breaks in moral, physical, or
Ah, you do n t wanna pay any B s w o r k , bringing t r a g ic mental p l a n e s ) . Morris B.
attention to that stuff. T h a t s
just a bunch o f junk some slob
events when they and all other
m alefics overpower the Sun and
Swenson, R t.l, Box 625, Camas,
in Florida threw together to b e n e f ic s .
make himself an easy buck. If B elievers a r e excluded " I m following closely The
you want the real McCoy go buy from the New A g e , or excluded Creation of a Creator by D r .
yourself a n ice b i g diamond from seeing it and being able Karl K ridler, naturally expect
and get yourself a feather s o to tell others about it . Their ing he 11 create that Creator
you can do i t the right w a y . censors, or systems o f l o g i c , and present him in all his
Yeah man! B i g ! --Lowana Ju- keep them from wasting time Eternal Glory. With that mys
laine, 520 If. Magnolia, Green with figures, because they c a n t tery solved, where will we go
Cove Springs, F l a . be twisted for l o n g . Censors from there?
cause mistakes in figures too , "Wayne Trubshaw, M a r y sv ille ,
"W here did Hubbard get some but they c a n be co rre cted . Wash., says he commends D r .
o f his ideas, or what stimulat Figuring is like walking, the Kridler for his wonderful work
ed t h e m , should we say? O f steps ca rry o n e to new scen in revealing the falsehoods
course he gives credit to some ery. B elievers want to be and deceptions o f the past .
authors. Engrams--isn t this a carried, want to see the logic " D o n t think h e said what
sim ilar theory to George San from where they stand and it he meant. I t s not falsehoods
tayana who sums up F r e u d s c a n t be done. The two systems and deceptions of the past
theory o f compulsive tenden are from two different points which Kridler is exposing, but
cies, 'What man cannot remem of v i e w . those of the present in which
ber, he is destined to repeat ? The authority o f divine we live and move and have our
Descartes tells u s , 'T h e soul kings rested on their B i b l e s , being.
o f man is a substance, whose every k i n g s nation and church In his 'Book They Blamed
essence is to think, w hich is being divine and others un on G o d and i n Creation of a
always thinking, and which, in godly. Those who followed oth Creator , Kridler shows that
the mothers womb, i s occupied er B ibles followed other kings Christianity i s a r e lig io u s
with f i n e metaphysical ideas and were heretics and t r a i t o r s , pystem, b u ilt upon the li t e r
and general axiom s which it hunted down lik e wild a nim als. al ization of fables and para
afterwards fo rgets. A ris They were not concerned with ble s, invented by Ancient Wise
t o t l e s physics provides ideas the truth but with p a trio tism , Men i n their attempt t o de

20 ---------------------------- --The flBERREE-- SEPTEMBER, 1963

scribe Creatio n and its var- and confusion, i t i s apparent ogy fa lls short. It postulates
ious processes and p roducts. that the trouble with people that an entity called *1 must
" T h e Mother Church built is p eo p le, a n d self-under take charge o f t h e p e r s o n s
its unscientific system by fac standing is vital to s u r v i v a l . . . a f f a i r s . Scientology does not
tual izin g ancient fables and Scientology' is an attempt realize even yet that I i s a
parables, then burnt libraries to solve the riddle o f the hu valence imposed by the parents .
and scrolls to hide i t s fraud man mind. I t fa lls far s h o r t , The child ca lls himself h e
ulent work. The burning o f l i in spite of heroic efforts b y or d i e ' or baby until the
braries and scrolls is a matter it s founder, L.Ron Hubbard, and parent s a y s You are I , call
o f h is t o r y , but the world has h is adm irers. . . yourself I . What a choice
never been truthfully told why Scientology fa lls short in identity to unravel, a n d i t
they were b u r n t ." George R. two ways. First, and most ser has to be done. ' I is a suit
Clements, Sebring, Fla, ious, i t is culture b o u n d . of clothes which make the per
It works after a fashion in son respectable. T h e person
I am happy to announce certain social strata of Oak who wishes to know himself
that I joined the A. Boy Davis land, Los Angeles, and other must give up his dignity his
Laboratories in a consulting places, as in Washington, D. C . , false front at least before
capacity. Roy has developed a and England. It does not work himself, and most people would
remarkable rejuvenating e l i x i r . in many other places. It re rather die than to admit his
But what is more important in quires a certain basic agree feral nature, to admit h is an
the cold war, Roy is develop ment among i t s followers as to imalness, his in tr ig u e, and his
ing a substance that shatters the mores o f society. I f that small cunning.
space suit helmets on co n tact. agreement i s la c k in g , S c i e n The rewards are tremendous
The mysterious crystals shatter tology does not work i t is tho, and well worth reaching
tough plastic by use o f in v is not even understood. Scientol for, tho ever beyond the reach
ible inaudible atomic vibra ogy relies heavily on certain o f I to understand. Rich
tions. I collaborated with him mechanical devicessuch as the ard Lundberg, San Jo se , C a l i f .
on t h is spectacular s c ien tific famous E-meter. The E-meter
break thru . Boy has also in and its variants seem to be a Here is a little poem which
vented an electronic device c r u t c h , to e n a b l e auditors I think go e s along with your
that ends needless T-V break with low awareness to extend lin e o f th in k in g . I thought
downs. T h e l i f e o f T-V sets their a w a re n e ss . I t i s n o t you might lik e i t . . .
c a n b e increased up to 10 necessary to those with * theta ' ADVICE TO A FRIEND
times, thus saving hundreds of percep tion, a s Hubbard terms The authority * e in v e s t in our
dollars in repair b i l l s . some psychic phenomena. B eing fellou uan
Is not according to God s p lan .
"However, I am very d is m echanical , t h e E-meter has
Vhen ve p l a c e other heads above
pleased with the a rticle by the limitations o f mechanism.
our ovn,
Dr. Crawford in which he lashes It depends on the skill o f the Ve a o v e away Irou our inner,
out against unearned E S P user to interpret i t , and the Eternal Houe.
phenomena and contacts. He ob skill depends on the indoctri To (o l io * another in his struggle
jec ts to the use o f chemical nation Mr. Hubbard gives h i s and s t r if e
aids to achieve ESP on grounds followers. That this indoctri Is to lose aw areness o f our
that it amounts to taking un nation is faulty is shown by own inner l i f e .
earned rewards (in other words the government s seizure of The Master Flan for the huaan race
i t s stealin g!) This is a f a l the device. It was seized be Is to be s t i l l , experien ce
lacy. He might ju s t as well cause of the excessive claims thru inner grace.
demand that myopic people d is made for it as a panacea f o r The h o ly g r a il i s nothing b u t
card the unearned benefits o f a l 1 , n m h l em s . thought,
eye-glasses, and try to get (ED. NOTE Actions o f the 'T i s a th in g that u a n has
along the hard moral way by Food and Drug d iv is io n o f th e wrought.
s q u in t in g . H i s reasoning is A. M. A. in s e iz in g Hubbard's To tear this v e il and experience
E-meters i s not by i t s e l f e v i self,
along H in d u orthodox l i n e s : Just put a ll a uth orities away
birth control is an unearned dence the device i s fa u lty . The
E-meter i s n t i n f a llib le , but on the s h e lf.
relief; the faithful s h o u l d
neither i s the F.D .A ., nor are Man, in his thought, is a aortal
only accept the m orally right
the au d itors who th in k them thing;
population control by famine, ' T i s only thru sile nc e he be-
war and p e s t ile n c e , by which se lv e s "too good* t o use such
coaes a K ing .
one earns good Karma. As a re mechanical a id s in th e ir pro So, ay fr ie n d , quit your struggle
sult o f such teachings thous ce ssin g. See your own rule in and s t r i f e
ands o f starving H in d u c i t i the follow ing paragraph.) Be s t i l l , and experience L if e !
zens die in the g u t t e r ." Geo, My objection to the device
stems from the fact that i t -- Thomas Colon Quaife, C a l
V. Lagos, 111 V. Myrtle, San
enables the Scientologist t o gary, Alberta, Canada.
Antonio, Texas.
avoid looking at facts too im
After a long vacation from portant to be overlooked. The The ABERREE I s my most
Scientology, I was much inter human mind i s eternally f r e e , welcome and precious guest. It
ested to see how it had evolved and seems to operate on only has no c o m p e t i t i o n because
since I dropped it . I was fav one law, which I give here for there s nothing to compete with
orably impressed with the vigor the second time. You will find it . Long may you wave and con
o f the Hayes group in O ak land . the fir s t statement in back tinue in your perfect way. --
The group was much larger than copies o f The ABHIREE under my Christian Jensen, Mt, Vernon,
I had expected, and more a c t i v e . name. The Lundberg Law r e a d s : Mash.
I t would appear that S c i The human mind works in the (ED. NOTE Us perfect? That
entology d o e s meet a need o f way i t i t s e l f postulates that would mean any changes we make
many people. This need seems i t should. I f i t postulates it and we WILL make changes
to be for some method o f inte needs an E-meter to gain under w ill downgrade us, because now
grating the mind-body-emotion- sta n din g , i t w i ll in s ist that can you improveon perfection?)
spiritual complex on a deeper only an E-meter can help i t . . .
level than other groups can And here I come t o t h e Here i s a kernel o f good
provide. In these days o f shock second way in which Scien tol out o f the acres o f words. A
SEPTEMBER, 1963 The flBERREE-- 21
Mrs. S o n e b o d y i n M em phis, by rote. The author o f i t was I live in i t and use it . O f ray-
T a m ., says we are in co-ex a vegetarian , a n d my experi s e lf I cannot do anything. My
istence with space and tim e. ence has proved he knew h is own body does all the healing
That f i t s into the jigsaw puz ok ra. and circulates the blood and
zle. "H o w did that li t t l e book moves the heart. The food does
"O cca sio n ally more evidence ever escape the eagle eye o f not h a v e the l i f e t o move
points toward t h e b ig bang the medical trust and get into things but my body does all
theory o f creation. L e t 's let the public schools? Someone the digestion and not because
our light bridge-work juggle was asleep at the switch, it o f the food. Thoughts come in
that concept. did not stay in long. I t was to my own mind. I can believe
"T h in k in g back to the one soon discovered and went o u t anything that I want to. What
big blob (Atom) all material o f circulation at t h e e n d o f is truth ?
o f the multiverse concentrated that scholastic term. But for "O n e sure t h i n g is that
to an incomprehensible w eigh t, me i t did it s work. It gave me everything dies on the earth
heat, light. the start I needed, and I never and all the rest is lies. All
"Assum ing that there i s but stopped. I ve been working for our trouble i s the dualism of
one consciousness, l e t s ca ll that healthy body for 76 years ouT 'm in ds. Oneness i s the
the blob the Big I which sees and am s till at it . tru th . Laurence Pearson,
a l l , knows a l l , and i s a ll. "L i v i n g 65 miles north o f 1332 Villoughby, Brooklyn, H .7 .
" A f t e r the last big blow i t me i s an ex - sla v e, with the
took b illio n s o f years for vigor o f a man o f 6 0 , who ce l
b illio n s o f human iden tities ebrated h is 120th birthday on .... BELONG
to evolve back to the o n e Big July 4, 196 2. He was clamber . . . to a Society or I n t e l
I. Where i s mind a n d /o r con ing up and down ladders, pick lectuals and a r t is t ic people
sciousness? I s i t in the atom ing oranges here when h e was devoted to study of ancient
o r the surrounding gases? Does 1 1 5 . Looks lik e I have to go and arcane cultures and knovl-
the God I need a physical base? some to catch him. I t s a good edge. Free lnforaation Iron
"N o w we are ready for the thing to have a mark lik e that THE INDIVIDUALIST SOCIETY
P .O .B o x 1 5 8 , Tahlequah, Okla.
big atom blob to blow into an to shoot at, I gave my car to
other c y c l e o r c r ea tio n o f my grandkids and have gone

universal g a la x ie s . back to w a l k i n g ...I may not be
" B y the way, this eternal able to catch th is ex- slave,

concentrating and blowing is but I m going to try."- -Hi lton
called God s breathing. Hoteua, Florida.
"H e r e i s a good place to fit
the dream story into the p ic " T o my knowledge I have not
t u r e . God was found at l a s t , created myself or met the crea- How many would have the
he was in the form o f a big d i tor. My body i s not my own but
courage to tell the world
amond, but as he was brought
o f t h e i r experiences in a
back to ea rth , the diamond
cracked into b illio n s o f pieces
-the big bang and that causes
D Cell Catalysts Catholic convent ?
the true story o f
H e r e is
one who
all the confusion about r e lig For those w is h in g to ex
spent some of the best years
i o n . Every tim e a p i e c e is periment with my " D -Cell
found i t is mistaken for God. Catalysts in the treatment o f her l i f e a s an inmate.
"W e assume, then, that the o f plants, seeds, and g a s This b o o k i s es p e c ia lly
purpose o f l i f e i s to be, or o l i n e , I will s e n d th re e recommended to those with
evolve back till we s e e a l l , o f the i 2 white for charg
ing a gallon o f water. Cost low blood pressure, and i t s
know all, and are a l l , a com
posite I. The above represents $ 2 .5 0 . Blue ones for charg within the reach o f a ll .
one b ig revolution o f the ing gasoline cost the same. Only $ 1 .2 5 postpaid .
eternal c y c l e o f continuous Instructions with each
creation. We can think but one order. BLANCHE L. PUCCiNELLI
thought-- that thought and the
HILARY H. OOREY 604 East D Street
NOW o f time is all we are and
all there is. I s that all God 12* A r nold v . - - N e w p o r t , R.I.. Petaluma, C alif.
is ? A. B. Pierson, 1U39 M ill
S t . , Selma, C a l if .

" I get a big kick out of the
letters you p ublish, and most
o f them show you have some un
LOWANA M A IN E Presents
usually intelligent readers in
this civ iliza tio n where brain The Easy Way ta Psychic Development
washing is c a l l e d education.
How do they escape? Maybe as I World-acclaimed Egyptian-Indian psychic and author
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was title d * A Healthy Body. . .
520 Magnolia Avenue - Green Core Springs, P l a .
As I was eager to have a heal
thy body I soon knew that book
22-------------------------------- The ABERREE SEPTEMBER, 1963
you owe I t to y o u r s e l f , and God,
to read The Book T h e y Blabed on
God by D r . Karl K t l d l e r . Com
plete In one b o o k l e t - a l l 32 chap
ters as published s e r ia lly in
The ABERREE. Send $1 to The ABER-
REE, P . O . Box 5 2 8 , E nid, O k la.
B IO - R H Y T M U S
MIND - C ON DITIONING" by Clara PROBLEM DRINKERS I Avoid t h e Everything runs In cycles. A
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Reader s a y s : "F o r those t h a t now at hand, send l l . t o Box 2145, live according to Mother Natures
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other poess, 50 cents p ostpaid: it a t iv e account of the great p h il
fros author, V l l l l a s Harder. Z osopher and teacher, considered every time wehlt a low cycle. Mr.
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E L E C T R I C BLANKETS REPAIRED. Records. Strips the veil of nys- The ancients knew and used this
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Kumber 7
Volume X
t h in g o f Bob B eck s , which
registers a thumb-print on a
sensitized p i e c e o f g l a s s ;
this, mounted between two Pol
aroid films, "m agically shows
a colored pattern , which,, Neva
reads (psychometrizes, we'sug-
gestedl to indicate how much
one uses his subconscious mind
--and i t s a darned small per
centage , most o f us should be
5 Those so d a s w iz z le r s on try and visit the silver-voiced ashamed to discover. Because we
the cover this month a r e the orator during h is solo stay , couldnt get much of the story
work o f Mark Purdy, Enid sign in one short briefing (we were
painter, it took two drawings
even i f w e r e late getting
this hunk o f paper ready f o r getting hungry tool, Neva Dell
one f o r the orange and one the zip jockeys, and their ap has promised to w r it e a y a m
for the black, drawn in regis pointed r o u n d s ... for The ABERREE readers -- and
tration to make it usable for 1 Some self- styled "s e e r s i f she can tell people how to
our limited f a c i l i t i e s . We have warned us lately that our read those patterns, maybe we
thank you, M a r k ... friend " Louis is about to quit can carry with us , in a handy
us for "g re en er pastures as k it, the means to check our
I One o f the goals o f the
i f there are any "g re en er pas friends and acquaintances to
Oklahoma City N ew Age Center
tures than The ABERREE. When gauge the q u a lity of their
has b e e n reached--its own
these "p r e d ic t io n s began to thinking. (Come to think o f
building, a large, well-locat
be backed up by a long silence it , was that a blank piece of
ed house not too far from the
downtown a r e a , a t 145 N . E . from o u r contributor, we sent sensitized glass she h a n d e d
14th S t . Formal opening was an inquiring letter is you is us when we were asking all
held 28 August, with the first or is you a i n ' t ? He is! say s those dumb questions ? 1 . . .
of four lectures and classes h e ; i t s ju s t that h e s been 1 I f y o u w a nt something
by Ro Eugene D a v i s , who made busy all summer personal ap done, assign it to a busy man ,
a stop in Oklahoma City on his pearances in the northwest, a is an old truism. Maybe t h a t s
way to Hollywood for an ap story in COSMIC STAR that gave why John Farrell has just been
pearance a t Grauman's Chinese him 7 50 extra letters to an appointed national director of
Theater . . . 1 We drove down swer, e t c ., e t c ., e t c ., etc. " I Scientology for all o f Canada.
from E M d , only to be met by may not make the current issue He and his wife Tuc have just
the tail-end of a sp o t flood but I 11 get my usual to y o u , announced the birth o f a fifth
that threatened for a bit to very soon, he writes. Adding : wee o n e: Kevin Graeme, bom in
make sections o f the highway Y o u might mention that I m Detroit on June 19 . . .
impassible. But no thanks to talking in Hollywood Oct. 1 9 , 1 For more than two years ,
a couple impatient transport at the COSMIC STAR Auditorium. Earl Dowse, of Ponca City, has
trucks (incidentally, whatever We expect around 300 so first sent u s a c a r d or n o t e , on
happened to the old picture of come get the s e a t s. We sug which were pasted one to five
truck drivers being such cour gest Louis take c a r e not to gold stars, signifying the de
teous and careful dr iv er s ?) s p r e a d himself too t h in ly , gree o f approval he was giving
we forded our way into the but the remark is more a lle that month s auditorial. In
city and joined the crowd of gorical than liter al, as most appreciation, one Saturday a f
about 45 or so who had dared of L o u i s s friends will under ternoon recently, we drove the
the storm to h e a r Davis and stand. Anyhow, w e re glad to 65 miles to Ponca City to meet
see what Charlie and Velva joe know that so many seers can Mr. and Mrs. Dowse--and after
Rhoades had done in converting be so wrong--as u s u a l . .. looking at the care given their
the old home into a New Age home and y a r d , we think each
H I t s almost nine o clock ;
Center. They are to be con and every one of those stars
the dining room closes at 10 ;
gratulated, at l e a s t ! . . . 5 Next ev ery o n e is hungry--t h e y ve should be returned. "P eop le
v is itin g dignitary for the new think i t s fu n n y the way I
been driving all d a y --but the
New Age Center will be Arthur work in the yard on my hands
editor of The ABERREE is a bit
. Burks ( i t ll be oast~tense and knees, Dowse s a i d , when
dumb and it takes a lot of ex
y the time this is in your we commended the appearance of
plaining about "Coronagraphs ,
hands.) MR. B urks wrote us h e , the yard. But we don t think
and how they are made and what
his wife Ruth, and the ca ts working on your hands and knees
they will d o . He even wanted
would leave Paradise, P e n n ., and getting something done
to see some, and their sponsor ,
on 6 September, arrive in Ok is h a lf as funny as getting on
being enthusiastic and o b lig
lahoma City on the 8th for a your knees, and begging someone
ing well, this about explains

stay until 16 September, when else to do it for you. T h a t s
the evening as Neva Dell Hun
he had to leave for an appear REALLY funny, in our books
ter. riding in a car with M r.
ance i n New York city on the and Mrs. Roy Van Hoosear and V l f t h e broken promises
18th, with a date in Chicago son, E llis , o f Lansing, M i c h ., and guarantees o f Scientology
for the 19 th. Later, Velva stopped in Enid after a 10-day were laid end to end, t hered
Rhoades informs us, he canceled Conference in Cloudcroft, N . M . , be no need for better b r id g e s ,
all the gaps would be f i l l e d ! . *
out plans to bring Ruth and the which Neva Dell described as
c a t s which, we publicly in a "wonderful success . S h e s Most of us who ve been around
form all those concerned, i s a to make a brief stop in Lan Scientology any length of time
disappointment to both the Ed sing before proceeding east know t h i s so when we get new
itor and Publisher. You s e e , for a series of appearances to promises and claims, we start
we both liked Ruth each of the last until the new year, when automatically discounting them
two times we met h e r , and the she ll return to her home in at least a million p e r c e n t ...
Publisher has an unshared af ^ Mary Long, who seems to have
Los Altos, C a lif. But it was
finity for the cats in f a c t , the "Coronagraphs which held the thankless job o f recruit
AN Y.cats. However, even with most of the conversation of ing paying students for the
the reduced attraction, w e ll the evening a weird some- (PLEASE TURN TO RASE 13)
2------------------------------ The ABERREE-- OCTOBER, 1963
Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites
OCTOBER, 1963 for Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn,
Vol. X -
No. 6
HB6RR66 Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen
Published Monthly, except for the combined January-February and POLICY: Dont take it so damn seriously.
the July-August issues, at 207 N. Washington, Enid, Okla. The inflniteness of Man is not reduced
to a split infinity by wars, taxes,
Editorial Office: 2522% North Monroe, Enid, Okla. or experts who seek to sell him what
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528, Biid, Okla. he already has in an infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve the right to change
Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years. Single copies 25* our minds f r o m issue to issue, or
even from page to page, if we desire.
Second class postage paid at Etaid, Oklahoma. Sub-Sub-Policy: Each Man h as the inherent
right to be his own and only Author
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART. 1-2, D .D ., D. Sen., ity with his w ife s permission.
F .S e n ., B.Sen., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum Sub-Sub-Sub-Pol icy: We have no objection to
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART. 1-1, HCA, SEC., WFE., L b m ., ETTC. educated guesses about Mans d e s
tiny if theres no price tag to i t ,
ADVERTISING--Payable in advance. Write for rates. Copy and pay and if the guesser has no objection to
ment must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. our guessing that h e s only guessing.


As was to be expected, last On the face of i t , the above to contact o n e s memory of
month s A u d i t o r i a l , "T e na nt argument may sound fa ultless o n e s s e lf back down the time
Wastes a Lifetim e as Valet and but the letter indicates s u f track, what has one done other
Housekeeper , brought a flood ficien t weakness in this per than wasted a few precious mo
o f p ro te sts , especially from son s character to cast strong ments that might better have
those who have built a habit- doubts that jie >s any reincar been spent improving T H I S in
pattern o f pampering the body nated genius. One gets the im carnation, THIS existence? Has
with some brand o f psychoan pression that h e s a bum, free anything been accomplished by
alysis. There were some approv o f hobo jungles only because learning you once were a fagot
ing l e t t e r s , too, but these o f his fa ther s money and so picker in the Black Forest, or
were greatly in the minority. cial position . Offered a good even to discover you once were
" I f you ignored the body, job without the necessity of called the "K n ig h t o f a Thou
i t d get to the point where it "w orking his way up , he wish sand plum es" by the subjects
would stink so bad, everybody es to guarantee success in h is who hated/loved you for what
would ignore you ! one critic unearned position by relying ever it was you d id /d id n t do?
quipped -- but we think she as on the training o f some far- The in t e llig e n t s ia o f a
making a play on words, rather o f f genius to do all his think few hundred years ago may have
than reasoning. Anyway, what ing for him in this life t im e . doubted that the world was
we said had nothing to do with I f we accept reincarnation, he fla t, b u t their actual knowl
bathing o r taking care o f the i s proving that one t h i n g he edge of t h e universe d i d n t
bodys physical needs. What we never learned in the past was compare with what is known to
objected to w a s typified by to be worthy o f whatever posi day by most pre-school-agers,
another objector: For y e a r s , tion he might have a ttained. who, in their play, have built
I ve floundered around t ry in g It is for drones such as imaginary rockets to planets
to make a success o f myself. I this and somnambulant roman they know more about than did
have a degree from one o f the ticis ts that opportunists and their historical sires about
best colleges in the State; I misguided teachers have been the land across the lim itless
am one o f the most popular men able to establish a t r a ffic in seas, is this the kind o f gen
in my social set; my father is fantasies such as past lives ius one wishes to contact
wealthy enough that he can af and r e g r e s s e d i n t e llig e n c e . the kind o f data one seeks from
ford to give me good c lo t h e s , For a few dollars (but enough h is subconscious so h e ll not
gives me a n allowance, and I to guarantee that the teach have to learn it again?
have my own car and a prom er won t have to work for a Christopher Colum bus, Ben
ise o f a well-paying job when liv in g ), you will be given ex F ra n k lin , Leonardo da V in c i ,
I get ready to settle down. ercises t h a t w i l l t a k e y o u Socrates mental lum inaries
However, I have been trying to back into Time to a point tho they might have been were
find out my background who I where you can contact a d i f intelligent only in their day
was in previous lifetim es so I ferent environment. That, they and tim e not for the data
can take advantage o f all the assure you, is you or WAS you they had but because they were
special knowledge a n d s k ills before a death o r number o f able to rise above the level
that must be hidden in my sub " d e a t h s brought y o u r con o f the environment. They had
conscious. A genius in art or sciousness up to the present their problem level, we h a v e
letters should not be forced body and environment. ours. A S ix t h Grader solves
to waste that talent by learn W e re not g oin g to argue algebra problems e a s i l y o n ly
ing to sell, or sit behind a that contacting "form er li v e s i f he has studied algebra.
desk and d ic t a t e to stenog or idiatever one wants to call Which is our answer to the
raphers. them is impossible. But we do p arasitic genius who wants to
"W hich i s exactly the op challenge the idea th a t any coast on his yesterdays. Maybe
posite o f what your auditorial benefit accrues from such con he can put us in our place by
for September recommended. Do tact. Oddly, persons discov telling us what greats o f
you o r do you not believe in ering their p a s t are n o t the past reached their emi
reincarnation ? And don t you satisfied to be a Bridey Mur nence by contacting past lives
think talents should be car phy ; nor are they w illing to patronizing t h e seers and
ried over from one lifetim e to settle for less than a Cleo oracles o f their day who knew
another? Think o f the geniuses p a tr a , a Napoleon, a Caesar, where to get all the answers--
we could create i f we d i d n t or even Jesus or one o f His all the answers, that i s , ex
have to start every life t im e D is c ip le s . cept how to keep their own
from scratch? Supposing i t were possible lives from being messed u p .
LOWANAJOINS' here and there. I will interpret-just exactly
what you send to m e, nothing more and nothing
less. So i f you want a full interpretation,

STAFF A S then send a full dream. I can promise you that

you will receive o n e o f t h e most interesting

interpretations you've ever read.
For insta nce , many psychiatrists will tell
you that to dream o f snakes usually represents
suppressed s e x u a l d e s i r e , while the "dream

books s a y snakes usually indicate worry or
difficulty . N e it h e r o f them seem to bother
about where the snake is located or what it is

Before I would even try to interpret this
symbol, I would want to know whether the snake
was in the yard or in the house. I would also
want to know whether you touched i t , killed
it , ran from i t , o r i f y o u stood seemingly
p etrified with fear. Those are the surrounding
factors that give a defin ite meaning to that
Lowana romping with Chico specific symbol. The location and action a r e
very important to the interpretation.
By LOWANA JULAINE The p sy ch ia tris t w i l l t e l l y o u that to
dream o f birds indicates that you long for
(Send your couplete drean to Loiana J u la ln e , Box
4 2 2 1 , S t a . 7 , Howard S t . , Tawpa, F l a . , I f you wish freedom. The "dream book indication i s that
an in te rp re t a tio n . Send $ 2 . 0 0 , plus stanped, s e l f * o f success or good n ew s. Neither seems to
addressed envelope. Dreans w i n be published In bother about asking i f the bird was a sparrow
this colunn as space pernlts only I f p e m i s s i o n or a hawk. There is a vast difference between
has been g ra n te d .) those two birds and their Biblical meanings.
Here are some dreams we have permission to
T I S A known fact that no matter what else publish:

we may or may not be able to d o , we each MRS. C. B . I dont know how I got into this
have one thing i n common with every other p o s it io n , b u t I w a s standing with my back
person on earth--and that i s t h is : we all against a tree. In front o f me was a big scor
dream. pion. I t was so huge the claws were on either
side o f m e , a n d reached way behind me. Its
Dreams have a strange essence. An in t r ig u e , stinger was right over my head and every time
all their own, that no other category o f phe I tried to move, the stinger would sweep in
nomena c a n compete with. All thru history we front o f my face. I fe lt as i f I had to get in
find reference o f how dreams ha ve influenced the house but w a s too scared to move.
both the conqueror and the conquered. Due to
this subtle and unconscious influence, kingdoms INTERPRETATION I just hope you s e e that
have risen and fallen. Nations have been shat "fr ie n d " fo r what they are before he or she
tered or strengthened on the whims o f a dream. sees what a weakling you would be under the
Not only have they influenced the p a s t , but circumstances. I f you don t m t c h your s t e p ,
they are an active part of today. you w ill be "pinned down" by the most poison
Have you been puzzled by a strange dream- ous kind o f person. This person w ill surround
one that haunts you for its apparent meaning? you with friendship that you can t get away
Starting this month, The ABERREE i s setting from e a s ily . They w ill take advantage of your
aside space for the interpretation o f dreams, good nature i f they can and then laugh at you.
and i v e been elected to do the honors. I am Being in the open means you probably w ill rec
proud to once again share a part in the pages ognize a false sob-story when y o u hear it .
o f this publication. Don t be a weakling, as you have a true friend
Most o f you know that I am h a lf Egyptian (represented by the tree) booking you up . Start
and h a l f American Sioux Indian. You also know sobbing right back at them. Don t ivorry, they
that my grandmother received her e s o t e r ic ll get the point. S in c e the stinger d id n 't
training in the temple o f Ra when she was a touch you, you are s afe ,
priestess and became the tribal seeress. Many
o f you know that part o f her t r a in in g was MRS, L . I was raking my back yard with one
learning to interpret dreams in the same sys of those flimsy sweepers. A g i a n t c a t was
tem that also was taught to the prophets o f asleep under my rose bush. I think i t was a
the B ib le, and which she later taught me. tiger. Every time I got near it , it would l i f t
it s head and growl. I got angry and swatted it
In order to give y o u a full and complete
with the sweeper. I t broke up into many pieces
interpretation o f your dream, I will need to
know a few things that most interpreters fail and each piece was another growling tiger. I
to deal with. F irst, let us say, that you may got scared and really started swatting until I
dream o f a specific person or animal for seven had so many tigers I d id n t know which way to
nights a week and unless the dream is identi turn. I thought to myself that i f I swatted
cal in every detail, ea c h dream co u ld, and enougii o f t h e m , long enough, they might all
probably does, have an entirely different psy get small enough to disappear, i woke up swat
chic warning or spiritual message. ting my husband.
The backgrounds o f your dreams have as much, INTERPRETATION Pure a n d simple. You've
i f not more, fa ctua l meaning than the symbol heard the old saying of "le t sleeping dog s
usually does, i f you dream o f someone, I will l i e . I n this case it means to "le t lie-ing
need to know ( l) is that person someone you tigers lie s t i l l , A big hunk of gossip w i l l
know or have known? (2) I s that person on this "growl" at your reputation. I f you fig h t back
side o f the v e il, or have they passed o v e r in at i t , it w ill spread fa nta stica lly f a s t . Your
what we call death? best bet is to ignore that tiger, arid continue
Most important is t h i s : I t w ill do you no to keep your li fe , as represented by the back
good whatsoever to try to " t e s t me against yard, swept clean as possible.
some other system by le a v in g out something
E D . N O T E Back i n tha e a r l y 1 8 S 0 ' s , whan
D l a n e t l c s was a lu s t y yo u n g ster an d i t s s l s t a t ,
S c ie n t o lo g y , was s q u a w l i n g f o r a t t e n t i o n , the
nane o f A . J . S , M c M illa n an d h is " B D R (B r is t o l
D lan e tlc R eview ) were w e l l known both i n the
U n it e d S t a t e s and in E n g l a n d . T h e n , su d d e n ly ,
BDR c e a s e d p u b l i c a t i o n , a n d le tte rs to M c M il
lan sent nnnnsw ered. L a s t a o n t h , The A B E R R E E
carried an e x p l a n a t o r A f e t t e r I r o n the e d i t o r
of the d e f u n c t n a g a z i H e I n w hich he s a i d he
q u i t BDR b e c a u s e he M i v i r t u a l l y n o t h i n g to
say . In t h i s a r t i c l e , i p a c " w r it e s h i s e v a l u a
t i o n o t D l a n e t l c s and M h a n t o l o g y , an d w h i l e he
h as d e c l i n e d the toga m " a u t h o r i t y " , son e o f
the " o l d t l e e r s " , e s p e c S l l y , s h o u ld f i n d the
v ie w s o f t h i s 13- year v^jjsran I n t e r e s t i n g .

bonk, or were able to make such limited contact

By a . j. s. McMill a n either v i s i o o r s o n ic a s to be virtually
FOREfORD-- Nothlng can be t r l t t e n ab o u t D i a b e t i c s
and S c i e n t o l o g y i l t h o n t a c k n o w le d g in g our debt to The Improved techniques and systematic ap
L .R .H u b b a r d fo r h i s p io n e e r ao rk In o r i g i n a t i n g and proach in the firs t 10 acts o f Advanced Proce
d e v e l o p in g t h e n , and t h i s I an v ery g l a d to d o . dure made previously inaccessible cases suffic
The books to w hich I r e f e r in tkc f o l l o w i n g a r iently self-determined to be able to confront
t i c l e , " D l a n e t l c s : Modern S c ie n c e o f M e n t a l H e a l t h " , and run out their service fa c s im ile s ; and the
"A d v an c e d P ro c e d u re s and A x i o n s " , "H a n d b o o k for succeeding acts were designed to clear up the
P r e c l e a r s ', and " t h a t to A u d i t " a r e a l l by H u b b a r d . remaining aberrations o f th is lifetim e, cul
I w ould l i k e to e a p h a s l z e t h a t w hat I have to
minating i n t h e realignment o f the control
say is nec essa rily a se ries o f W o a d g e n e r a liza
t i o n s , an d s t a t e d I n o v e r - s l n p l l f l e d a n d r a th e r
d o g i a t l c t e r s s . P l e a s e , t h e r e f o r e , b e a r I n n ln d that Why then did this come unstuck? Cases that
this Is n o t the word o f an A u t h o r i t y . I t I s one were i n good shape after running the service
an s o p i n i o n w hich c o u ld n o t have b een f o r n u l a t e d facsim ile often sagged badly in the remainder
w it h o u t the h e lp of uy good f r i e n d s R o b e r t M. o f the p ro c ess. I would suggest two reasons:
C h u r c h i l l , P h o e n i x , A r l z . , and M ary an d A l l a n M il e s tiie first lying in the nature o f the in d iv id u a l,
of B r is to l.
the second in the variety o f his fa csim iles.
r a i H E BASIC idea of Dianetics: Modern At the t i n e o f the fi r s t book ce rt a in ly ,
and in Advanced Procedure effectively, the pre-
1 1 1 Sci1106 of Mental Health (referred clear was considered to be an individual with
1 1 1 to as first book ) was that there an analytical mind and a reactive bank. I t was
I \ was an analytical mind and a reac- not until publication o f the theta-MEST theory
tive bank, and that the. latter could that tiie idea that the individual might be a
be cleared by running engrains, es- composite made up o f a genetic entity who was ,
pecially in the prenatal area where so to speak, the original operator of the body,
a key engrain called * basic - basic and a theta being o r s p ir it who h a d , f o r
could be located, run, and reduced reasons not apparent, invaded this physical
body. These two en tities were named by Hubbard
m by rep etition.
this technique w a s m o d ifie d in Advanced tiie genetic entity (GE) and the thetan.
AS a corollary to this i t soon became apr
procedure by the identification o f basic-basic
parent that this lifetim e was not an isolated
as the service facsimile engran , usually
phenomenon, and that both the GE and thetan
located in the v icin ity o f birth, and the use
had previous experiences and facsimiles. It
o f more precise auditing tools to locate, and
appeared that the preclear might be exhibiting
effort processing to run this engram out. The
facsim iles o f various sorts, for example:
theory was advanced by the idea o f self-deter
(a) Thetan facsimiles o f theta track (elec
minism and, in particular, the recognition of
tronics or whole track).
the self-determined decisions to use the aber-
(b) Thetan facsimiles o f previous GE tracks
rative postulates or considerations o f the
(past liv e s ).
service facsim ile to explain failure and ex
(c) Thetan facsim iles o f present GE t r a c k .
cite sympathy . In passing, I think th is hook
(d) GE facsimiles o f present GE t r a c k .
was one o f the most lucid and inspired written
(e ) GE facsimiles o f past GE tracks (genetic
hy Hubbard. lime).
Why d i d n t these ideas work i n practice?
To say n o th in g o f such things as borrow
Many persons could and did experience consid
ings , second facsim iles , dub-in , and lie
erable gains by the ilse o f the simple first-
factories , all o f which might be the source
book technique o f exhaustion o f engrams by
o f spurious facsimiles. So Dlanetlc processing
r e p e t it io n , particularly so i n r e lie f from
foundered on the lack o f recognition o f the
physical a ilm ents, behavior p a tt e r n s , and so
nature o f the individual and the Invalidation
on that were Interfering with every-day l i f e .
o f preclear and/or auditor when facsimiles o f
However, the main stumbling block was the fact
categories a , b , and c were produced, as they
that perhaps the majority o f preclears w ere
almost in v a ria b ly were, in the later acts o f
not able to run more than the lighter engrams,
Advanced Procedure.
i. e. were not able to confront the reactive
This explosion o f data caused a t u n a o il;
* ( E D . NOTE r-In the b o o k , " S c i e n t o l o g y a -8 0 " , the
Hubbard, in What to Audit , s a id : The auditor
" S e r v i c e F a c s i m i l e i s d e f i n e d as " t h e f i r s t t i n e a who in s ist s on auditing the current lifetim e
p erso n uses s death f a c s l a l l e a g a i n s t a n y o f the only when h e h a s the whole track technique
d y n a a lc s ( u s u a l l y a g a i n s t h i s f e l l o w a n a ) an d r e c available i s wasting tine and eflbrt and i s , in
o g n i z e s t h a t i t i s n o n - su rv iv a l to h l a a e l f . it is fact, swindling h i s p reclear.
the i n c i d e n t the p r e c l e a r p ic k s up a n d u s e s t o e x m e n t h e smoke cleared a n d t h e shouting
p la in ea c h o f h i s f a i l u r e s . U s u a l l y fo u n d f a r died d o m , D ia n e t ic s was virtually d e a d ; the
back on the T i n e T r a c k . ) valuable research carried on in many quarters
invalidated and dispersed; disillusionment on most low-toned, potentially aberrative postu
the one h a n d , manic enthusiasm for the new lates. Also that they are heavily charged with
" s c i e n c e o f Scientology on the other, were emotions such as fear, terror, g rief, h a t r e d ,
the various reactions o f the field. and apathy. All these factors render them d i f
ficult and very unpleasant to confront.
Die basic tenet o f Scientology w as sim ple.
Nevertheless, i t is also true t h a t , in the
It , too, recognized that there was a reactive
normal and reasonably well-balanced indiv id
bank; but, instead o f the Dianetic approach of
ual, the majority o f engrams are non-effective
enabling the individual, basically a GE plus a
thetan, to cope with the reactive bank by re (but s e e below, regarding pre-natals) . In a
word, an engram is not effective until it is
ducing the power o f the engrans by running
them out, recovering, and recognizing the self- keyed i n , th is occurring in a later engram.
determined decision to use the service facsim The individual in a state o f anaten searches
i l e to excuse failure and excite sympathy; the wildly around for facsimiles that will serve in
approach o f Scientology was to ignore the 6 E the particular circumstances on an A=A=A basis ,
component altogether and, by an enormous bat the f i t i s not necessarily good o r ratio n al;
tery o f techniques that have appeared in the the earlier facsimiles are then said to be
intervening years, to raise the ability o f the keyed-in. I t is interesting to note that the
thetan to cope with o r rise above the effects key-in engram need not be a severe one , t h e
moment o f anaten may be due only to f a i n t i n g ,
o f the reactive ba n k .
That the m ultifarious techniques o f Scien for example. Also that the picking up o f fac
tology have produced striking r e s u lt s is un similes may be very selective-- a phrase from
deniable , but i t is also undeniable that the one engram, an effort from another, a somatic
course o f Scientology over the l a s t 10 years from another, and so on .
The reason why the engrams o f the prenatal
is strewn with the bodies o f those who have
area (from the vicinity of conception to birth)
had a l i f t and then sagged to low er levels
require bringing up for examination and re-
than before they started.
evaluation is not that they are particularly
What then is the reason for the failure of
aberrative in themselves, but because o f their
the Scientology approach? I would suggest that
nature which arises from the way they are
it is because it i s a s unbalanced as the Dia
formed. The foetus is small and weak, and has
netic approach. In fact, perhaps more so . Just
had l i t t l e experience; indeed, so far as ex
as D ia n e t ic s fa iled because it did not take
perience and perception go, one might say that
into consideration the dual nature o f the in it is virtually unconscious, it is easily sub
dividual, so Scientology fa ils because it ig jec t to anaten , and during this period of un
nores the GE component o f the individual a n d consciousness it is likely to pick up conver
worse, because i t also fa ils to confront the sation (o f ten "y a k ) , and the actions producing
reactive bank. The thetan aspect can rise above anaten, especially coitus and other, reason
the reactive bank to be unaffected by it , but ably normal a c t i v i t i e s o f the mother, a r e
the bank is still there and when the sag comes, likely to be misinterpreted. Also, mothers are
as i t almost inevitably does, the bank keys in not unknown to indulge- in a ctivities with a
again with enhanced force, and the l a s t state view to terminating the pregnancy, and these
o f the preclear is worse than the first. attempted abortions (AA) have a m o s t depress
Readers w ill perhaps c r i t i c i s e me for this ing and aberrating effect on the individual.
harsh judgment o f Dianetics and Scientology. The individual i s almost completely effect
Nevertheless, while I have seen striking gains during this p e r io d , which is a blow to s e lf
by preclears and so have many other a u d it o r s , esteem , and there is likely to be confusion
the promises o f the fir s t book and the many about identity, inasmuch as he is in at least
promises o f Scientology have not been fulfilled. three valences thetan, GE, and foetus and
C ritical re-evaluation may help find out why. also quite lik ely to be in mother's as an ally ,
Consider t h i s a s a datum. For aberrative and possibly that o f another person t o o i f
fa c s im ile s , w h a t e v e r their source, to be there are engrams o f this nature.
effe ctive in this lifetim e, they must be keyed I said ea rlier that the majority o f engrains
in in t h is life t im e . in a case were non-effective. This is true, and
Here we must look a l i t t l e more closely at i f one i s interested to run all the engrams in
the nature o f aberrative fa c s im ile s and how a case one w ill find that 90% o f them will run
they a r e u s e d . As has been s a id earlier, in out easily, and have had lit t le or no traunatic
first book Dianetics a"b asic- b aaic was sought, effect. But in most cases there are a few en
and i n the r e f i n e d processing o f A d v a n c e d grams so heavy they are not c o n fre n ta b le by
Procedure, t h i s was more precisely delineated ordinaiy processing techniques, one needs aids
as the service facsim ile engraa toich i s used to get at than at a ll. They are almost occluded
to excuse failure and gain sympathy. by heavy effort (somatics) and violent emotion
This service facsimile usually arises in the (usually t e r ro r ) which may only appear as
vicin ity o f birth and often contains components overtones i n other incidents or sudden, inex
o f the birth engraa. Birth is a disturbing and plicable tone drops. Another way they can show
confusing experience for the individual, he is up i s by a version o f the incident ap p e a rin g
subjected to strong counter-e fibrts and a vio and running o f f quite lightly, usually without
lent change o f environment; co n flic tin g real the effort or emotion, o r only an attenuation
i t ie s arise, possible loss o f an ally is t h e r e , o f them. A recent example w as o f a preclear
and so o n . Unconsciousness (anaten) o f t e n too had run his service facsimile years ago and
occurs, due to autointoxication o r shock. I t thought the pre-natal area w a s more o r less
is not surprising that the store o f facsimiles cleared up. He recently h it an extremely heavy
o f every sort should be ransacked to Old those terror engram about two months after concep
suitable to explain what i s going on; to excuse tion which took about four hours to run o u t ,
h i s fa ilu re to cope and to excite sympathy or and which had held him in h is mothers valence.
gain assistance, from whatever source, in h i s So a real look at the pre-natal area a nd
predicament. the service facsimile o f this lifetim e should
Re eanno t ignore the fact that there are give some degree o f self-knowledge and an un
engrams, call them what we w ill. And we cannot derstanding o f why one behaves as one does.
ignore the fact that most engrans are full o f Unfortunately, this i s not the whole stoiy ;
pain, noise, effo rt, unconsciousness, and t h e
Birth Control and Sex Selection By MARION VER HOVEN

HE D IS T IN C T IO N b e t w e e n the male and no m o re b ig f e e s ; no more d e a t h s --only
fem ale (o r p o sitiv e* and n e g a t iv e ) p eople u s in g " c o n t r o l o f minds and p a s
rhythms does not depend on the p r e s io n s , in s t e a d o f a c t in g l i k e p ig s . We
dom inance o f the im pulses p re se n t , read a lot these days about p o p u la tio n
but on the j o i n t i n t e n s it y o f these ex p lo s io n . They say 5 0 m illi o n persons
rhythms. I f we can know the corre ct are added to the world each y ea r and that
rhythm o f an organism , we can d e in 6 00 more y ea rs , only one square yard
term ine i t s ex a ct n atu re and know o f land a r e a w ill remain fo r each person .
how i t w i l l c o n d u c t i t s e l f under A lr e a d y , two-thirds o f those b e in g born
any d e f i n i t e c ir c u m s t a n c e s . T h er e are co n ceiv e d by p arents who are unable
are fo u r group ing s fo r m easuring the imto
p ro p e rly fe e d , c lo t h e , or ed uca te them .
p u ls es o f a human : C a l i f o r n i a i n s t i t u t i o n s alone have 3 2 , 0 0 0
A . Both the man and the woman may be h igh. reta rd ed c h i l d r e n . I f I could somehow get
B . The man may be high and the woman low. t h i s message to a l l Am ericans, t h i s need
C . The woman may be high and the man low. not be .
D. Both the man and woman may be at low. I am aware o f the "r h y t h m m ethod used
T h is system i s u s efu l fo r b i o l o g i c a l by the average do cto r. One w r it e s , Even
rea so ns. In the ca se o f a m arried couple , in women who o v u la te r e g u la r ly , t here may
the sum o f t h e i r t o t a l im pulses w ill de be times when the c y c le becomes d is t o r t e d
term ine the sex of th eir o ffsp ring . If or mixed u p , a n d a n y number o f ex te rn al
they w ish a male c h i l d , they choose a time in flu e n c e s may a f f e c t the p rocess o f o v u
fo r c o p u la t io n when t h e i r im p ulses, added l a t io n , so th a t i t may come sooner than
t o g e t h e r, are predom in antly p o s i t i v e (or i t norm ally would, or it may be postponed
m a s c u l in e ). I f they d e s i r e a g i r l c h i l d , fo r days or even w e e k s . In o th er words ,
they choose a time when t h e i r to t a l im they are s a y in g they d o n 't know, and t h e i r
p u ls es a r e fem in in e (o r n e g a t i v e ) . If rhythm method i s u n s u r e , u n c e r t a in , and
they w ish no pregnancy a t a l l , they choose tho ro ly u n r e l i a b l e . I know a d o cto r i n
a time when a l l im pulses are at low. If M edford, O r e . (a New Age d o c t o r ) who has
c o p u la t io n occurs at a time when t h e a patie n t who has t w o o v u la t io n s every
rhythms a r e c h a n g in g d i r e c t i o n (c r o s s i n g month a n d one p a t ie n t who once had three
the m i d l i n e ) , s o r t o f h a n g in g i n a s t a t e in one month. How w o u ld a d o cto r figure out
o f s u s p e n d e d a n i m a t i o n , t h e fo e t u s when her s a f e p e r io d ?
born w i l l be " e i t h e r / o r i t w o n t know T h ere i s o n e b i g problem w i t h Bio-
rhytmus, and the d octors and t h e i r rhythm
fo r su re i f it is male o r fem a le, and
t h i s results in h o m o se x u a lity . T h i s can be methods have th a t i n common we cannot
a v o id e d by p a re n t a l w is d o m a t tim e o f know that the cou ple w i l l co-operate h on
estly and to the l e t t e r , a n d i f they do
co n c e p t io n . I f humans would pay as much
n o t, then the system i s , o f c o u r s e , w o r th
a t t e n t i o n t o t h e i r b r e e d in g as liv e s t o c k
less. In s t r u c t io n s must be fo llo w ed .
farm ers do w ith t h e i r anim als, we w o u l d n t
I t i s our hope th a t Bio-rhytmus w ill
have so many d e f i c i e n t and deform ed c h i l
not s u f f e r the same fa t e as many o th er
dren c o m e in t o t h e world a s we d o . H u s
t h in g s (new id e a s , i n v e n t io n s , e t c . ) We
bandmen try fo r s u p e r io r r e s u l t s , whereas
hope i t w o n t fade a w a y , even i f the
we h um an a n i m a l s j u s t s k i d a lo n g t h r u
r i g h t s c i e n t i s t , the r i g h t do c to r , or
l i f e , h i t or miss (m o s t l y ho p in g i t ' s a
the one w ith t h e r i g h t i n i t i a l s b e h in d
m i s s ). When th e r e is a low, low t o t a l o f
both p a re n ts on the rhythm ic s c a l e , there t h e i r names , d o n t take adv an tage o f i t .
P r o f. E l l e r b a k proved i t in Germany, h i s
w i l l be no pregnancy.
a s s o c i a t e s proved i t in F ra n ce, S w i t z e r
And h e r e in 'l i e s the most p e r f e c t , s a f e ,
land , A u s t r a l i a , New Z e a l a n d , A f r i c a ,
l o g i c a l , and u s e fu l method o f b i r t h c o n
South A m e r i c a , e t c . He l e f t i t to us in
t r o l . " P l a n n e d p a re n th o o d o r g a n i z a t i o n s ,
Am erica, b e l i e v i n g we would be good ste w
take n o t i c e . A doctor a t Iow a S t a t e U n i
ards o f h i s l i f e work. As the only p erson s
v e r s i t y s a y s h e can d i s t i n g u i s h between
a u t h o r iz e d to use the Bio-rhytmus nam e
boy and g ir l embryos as e a r ly as the t h ir d
and system , we seek to h e lp a l l who w ill
week o f d e v e lo p m e n t , but I have y e t to
r e c e iv e i t .
hear a do cto r s a y he can set a time for
T re vor James, author o f " T h e y L iv e in
the p re d e te rm in a t io n o f the sex o f o f f
the S k y , s a y s : " T h e more h ig h ly - tr a in ed
s p r in g . We claim t h i s fo r Bio-rhytmus and
one is i n s e l f - o b s e r v a t io n , the more a
i t h a s b e e n r esea rch ed in thousands of
stu dy o f Bio-rhytmus w ill y i e l d . I wrote
c a s e s and never f a i l e d . No r e l i g i o u s group
three m an uscrip ts when I was a t h ig h t id e ,
would o b je c t to t h i s method o f b i r t h c o n
and they a l l s o ld the f i r s t time out (to
trol ; no c r y in g women b e ggin g d o cto rs for
a p u b l i s h e r ) and at very good r a t e s . I
a b o r t io n s, then t e s t ify in g in court
f in d I am not ve ry c r e a t iv e w h e n I m at
a g a in s t the very man who " h e l p e d t h e m ; low t i d e .
OCTOBER, 1963- The flBERREE 7
Remember we said in Serial No. 1 that only
the created i s vis ib le and temporal, and the
uncreated is inv isible and eternal. Hence, fire
being vis ib le reveals that i t is created; and
the primal source o f fire in the blazing orb
o f the universe, unto which the Psalmist sings
a ly ric as follows:
The Lord (o f fir e ) reigneth; le t the earth
rejoice; l e t the multitude o f i s l e s be g la d .
Clouds o f darkness (in the sky) are r o u n d
about Him (Sun ), , . . A fire goeth before (flow-
By Dr. KARL KRIDLER eth out of) Him.
H is lightnings enlighten the
and the earth saw, and trembled. The
(6 ) CHILDREN OP CREATION h i l l s melted lik e wax at the presence o f the
T V O O K S cannot alter C r e a t iv e Action, change Lord (o f f i r e ), . . . T h e heavens declare H i s
I I human l i f e , o r c o n fe r immortality upon righteousness, and a l l the people saw H i s
1 / man. Not even the Word o f God c a n do glory (Ps. 9 7 : 1 - 6 ).
l | that. For that i s the exclusive work o f H. P. Blavatsky wrote: The esoteric teach
I I Creation, governed strictly by Cosmic L aw . ing sayeth that Fire i s the perfect, unadulter
J / No book is o f value on that point except ated reflection in Heaven as on Earth o f the
as i t presents the f a c t s , the laws, the pro One D i v i n e Flame. I t is L ife and D ea th , the
cesses, and the secrets o f Creation. origin a n d the end o f every material t h in g ."
We are the Children o f Creation, not o f the (Secret Doctrine).
B ible. Our Father i s not the pastor o f some Clymer said, All the early fathers consid
church but the Creator o f the U nive rse . Our ered the Creator to appear as Subtle F i r e .
origin, nature, and d e st in y a r e n o t d e te r ...W i t h o u t fire and the resultant beat, nothing
mined by the B ible, nor r u l e d by any creed, could e x i s t . F i r e and soul are one and the
formulated by a Council o f Bishops. These are same thing -- the Liv in g F i r e .
determined by Creation and ruled fcy Cosmic Law. Hie a n c ie n t astrologers tau^it that a l l
Creative Actio n produces everything known things are derived from fire and are eventually
and unkown, and that Action never changes. It transformed again to fire. From fire to earth
is fixed, eternal, i n constant operation, and and back again, an in fin it e number o f worlds
operates the same today as i t did a million are b o m , only to suffer annihilation (by ex
years ago. It w ill operate a m illion y e a r s plosion) i n due course, succeeded by recon
hence as i t does now. No bewhiskered prophets struction and redestruction without e n d . The
are needed to juggle that one for us. entire un iv er s e i s fire in the process o f
What i s the most vital o f all points f o r endl ess transfo rmation .
which humanity i s searching? Why do m illions (Continued in the next issue)
attend church? For a sound answer to the great
question posed in the B ible, whether a man who
dies shall live again (Job 1 4 :1 4 ). Give human
ity a sound answer to that great question a n d
the Bible may be burned. Where can this answer
be found but in the facts, laws, and processes
o f Creation?
Ancient Wisdom, sacred scriptures, religious
systems, creeds, doctrines, dogmas, b e lie f in
crucified saviors and faith in resurrected gods
may be good business for the clergy, but they
do n o t rule Creation nor govern human l i f e .
They change not the immutable, inexorable, in
flex ib le , fixed, and changeless laws o f Crea
tion. And that is well for humanity.
Hie man Eusebius who began work on the B i
ble, and became the fi r s t Christian h ist o r ia n ,
made an amazing admission about C hristianity
when he said it was nothing new ju s t the old
pagan system under a new name.
That gives u s the key. What was the basic
prin ciple o f t h e ancient, system? The fire
philosophy o f the ancient astrologers, adopted
by Pythagoras and prevailed until crushed in
the 4th, 5th, and 6 th centuries by the Roman
emperors so i t could not compete with Chris
The Pythagoreans held that fire constitutes
the heart o f the universe. I t is the monad or
fir s t created form, and extends from the earth - - By EVA W O O D F O I B . Lot Craak. I. Va.
to t h e uttermost reaches o f the Cosmos. All Husbands worried fo r fe a r their wives May
created phenomena are the product o f fire , and be subjected to a s t r a l sexual attacks night
strive ever to return to fire. try forcing then to wear a m o r pajamas, Mrs,
This goes directly back to the fire philos Woodford suggests, reflecting her amusement
ophy o f the Atlantean masters , to whose doc over recent letters in The iBBRREE from Volney
trine the Itythagoreans strictly adhered. It Mathison and Jacob A p s el, O f course, an old-
got into the Bible in such words as these: tine "chastity b e lt" might be just as effic a
The Lord thy God i s a consuming f i r e (Deut. cious if one could fin d one but each solution
4 :2 4 ) . I t had been plainer to speak right out offers its own problem as jealous husbands
and s a y , G o d works thru fire. For the facts have learned probably since 'rthe sons o f God
show fire to be the fir s t created formation. saw the daughters of men that they were f a i r , "

8~----- ----------- The A ERR EE------- -- OCTOBER, 1963

Suf lfou, 7oo, Gun S o 9 t
By HAROLD S. SCHROEPPEL W A R N I N G These lessons In " A d v a n c e d P e r c e p
t i o n " are not to be treat ed Iightly or delved
_____ L E S S O N 17--EMOTIONAL TONE SCALE In by the cu r i o u s for idle or que s t i o n a b l e
goals. As the Auth or cauti ons, t h e y re d a n g e r
' 1 IGHTY p e r c e n t or more of p sy c h ic
o u s and it is su g g e s t e d two pe r s o n s with s i m i
1 p e r c e p t io n i s b lo ck e d b e h in d t h e lar intent work as a teas. One of the risks In
i b a r r i e r s w hich l i e at e i t h e r end o f volved. Nr. Schroepp el warns, is that some who
o r d in a r y l i f e as most o f us a re successfully d e v e l o p their advanced perc e p t i o n
" a r e go i n g to see some things t h e y d rather not
! aware of--the b a r r i e r o f co n c e p t io n s e e . And d o n t m is with any other technique,
and b i r t h (w h ic h I w i l l he re r e f e r or you may find yourself w o r k i n g at c r o s s - p u r
I I to a s o n e, a lt h o they a re n o t the poses. Which Is no place to find yours elf, or
I sam e), and the b a r r i e r o f de a th. As for a n yone else to find you esp e c I a l I y an in
co m p e t e n t psyc h o l o g i s t or p s y c hiatrist. They
I 1 n e a r l y as I can t e l l from what d a ta m ay get the idea you' r e as crazy as thay are.
I h ave and from my own e x p e r i e n c e , The EDIT OR
th e soul i s im m o rtal, but fo r most p e r
sons a memory b l o c k o f p a i n and f e a r not be gone into lightly or without some prep
blo c k s p e r c e p t io n beyond both con cep tion aration. A good time for it should be chosen:
and death. Friday night, for instance, i f the subject does
not have to work Saturday and Sunday. Both the
This block o r barrier c a n be lift e d in a
subject a n d t h e director should be free to
number o f ways. L ift in g it will open up per
spend two or three hours on the session, and
ception and make available that which is c a lle d
the s u b je c t should be prepared to spend a
racial memory and that which is called Akashic
couple o f days somewhat scattered out, dis
records. These two things exist within every
connected from the universe and a b i t disor
individual; the fact has been adequately dem
iented. It is quite possible that what he ex
onstrated and can be demonstrated repeatedly.
periences w i l l be for a couple o f days more
Some have used them to support a thesis of re
real to him than the world he walks in, and
incarnation, which I personally doubt. But I
some consideration should be allowed for t h i s .
know that these records exist.
Someone should be around him during this time
The racial memory involves a complete rec
who c a n keep an eye on him and keep him from
ord of how and why the body evolved. I do not
getting lost in the physical un iverse.
know whether this is a real record, or whether
it is o n l y imaginary, but when the barriers The subject should be well fed before the
are broken y o u w i l l experience these things s e s s io n , and he should be fa irly fr es h , not
which have been called " p a s t l i v e s " . too t i r e d .
Ordinarily, breaking this block will open This should be a team d r ill o n ly , the d i
up perception to a high degree. This is why I rector coaching the subject and guiding him so
gave the games and lighter techniques first--so that he is free to devote his entire attention
that my students would be able to tolerate to what h e i s experiencing w it h in h im self.
what they found when this happened. With some This method also permits the use o f a closed-
o f the beingness and identification broken up off room, wo that no one can walk in on the ses
and some perception already opened, you should sion while the subject is in a state o f wide-
be better prepared for full awareness. In many open sensitivity a n d pitch something at blip
cases when we opened up perception by using which is damaging.
th is technique, t h e individual c o u l d n 't tol I f the technique i s properly run, the sub
erate w hat he saw, and he shut it down. When ject w ill experience past lives far down the
properly done on a totally unsuspecting in d i evolutionary t r a il, back down around the f i s h ,
vidual, it can develop wide-open perception on the clam , or even farther than that, depending
all le v e ls ; I have see n t h i s demonstrated. on how well the technique i s driven. I f the
However, to open up perception all at once individual can be thrown really far back and
lik e this i s .like turning a child loose in a then allowed to soak in what turns up, to ex
boiler factory and expecting him to operate the plore it , examine the sensations, the f e e l i n g s ,
factory. He c a n t t a k e i t . So you have been the thoughts, in thoro detail until it is very
given preparatory games firs t . sharp as clear or clearer than the room i n
The barriers can be lift e d in several ways. which he moves for two o r three days after
The Yogi approach to i t i s the suspension of ward these impressions will keep getting sharp
brea th in g , a n d S p i r i t u a l is t s h a v e v a r io u s er a n d sharper. They may be three or fo u r
other techniques. We are g o in g to use t h e times a s r e a l a s t h e physical un iverse in
emotional tone scale. which h e is living, and he w i l l be somewhat
The prerequisite for this le s s o n i s t h e disoriented. This is why it should be done i f
a b ility to express within yourself, within possible on a Friday night -- so that he has
your body, any emotion which may be suggested time to get back into good communication with
to you o r which you may decide is appropriate the r e a l universe before he must return to
to be able to express it of your own c h o ic e , workday function.
and to turn it on and turn it o ff. The emotional tone scale was given in Lesson
This is the firs t o f the heavy techniques. 6: Happiness, boredom, resentment, anger, sup
It is not an easy or a simple o n e . It should pressed anger, grief and apathy, and back up in
reverse. This is an arbitrary scale. I t is to forth a good many times.
be run in the order given, each way, and i t has
A fter he has that emotional curve down p a t ,
several p u r p o s e s. I f y o u d o n t succeed in
ask to examine the thought stream of the life
breaking the blocks on t h e g e n e tic memory ,
form while he is sh iftin g back and forth on
learning to run the tone scale and to use it
the emotion. Then ask for an ea r lier l i f e form.
will break up your patterns o f emotional ex
Normally, earlier things will be picked up at
pression, will set you free and increase your
the lowest point on the emotional scale. See
perception simply by breaking up old emotional
how far back in time you can drive him. You
might even try to send him back to the begin
Start by asking him to feel the firs t emo
ning o f time. I f he goes back to where he is a
tion, happiness, and make sure he does feel i t .
li t t l e blue light running back and forth th ru
Then take him to boredom, to resentment, ang er,
a r in g o f light, good; i f he goes back to
suppressed ang er, f e a r , grief, a n d f i n a lly
where he is fa llin g thru space, good.
apathy; then bring him backup the scale. Don 't In this technique, the individual may hit
leave breaks between the emotional tones. As ecstasy. He may hit what he feels is open com
soon as he gets thru with one, ask him to feel munication with God. I f he reaches th is p o i n t ,
the next o n e . Do n 't discuss the emotions with simply let him soak in it for a while. Also ,
him unless he is stuck or needs help. Just keep
he may h it the point where he feels he has the
him moving at a leisurely rate up and down the power to do anything he wants to do, alter any
seal e, back and forth . Run him down and up it thing, control anything. All right, this is
10 or 15 tines, from happiness to apathy and
fine, but don t expect it to last after th e
back again, and be sure he feels each one.
session i s over; leave the room quietly for
Then gradually work the transition into a
30 to 45 minutes and let him sit in the exper
smooth curve, a swing, so that he is swinging
ience and soak it up. After he has absorbed it
or ro ck in g the endocrine system o f h is body
for a while, go back and get him back into
from happiness to apathy and back. Make sure
present time.
from observation that he feels the swing all After he has begun to come back to reality ,
the way and t h a t he is fa irly well aware of
ask him what relationship the basic intentions ,
what h is endocrine system is doing. D o n t ask
the basic efforts, have to the way he is living
him for details, but make sure you see a phys
his l i f e now. How many o f these old efforts is
ical response. When your subject is happy, it
he carrying thru into present life ? How many
should show on his f a c e ; when he is in f e a r ,
is he using now, and how appropriate are they
it should show: when in apathy, it should show.
to his present time surroundings?
Once the scale i s rocking smoothly, just
I f you believe in Karma, you will find ev i
have the subject continue this for five or 10
dence for it here. I tii not saying I believe in
minutes. Have him extend the range up as far
i t . The stuff which has been turned up by these
as he can go, and as far down. And get in tune
techniques has been used as proof, but whether
with him; make sure you stay in communication
this proves Karma does exist is a matter for
with him and keep him going.
each individual to evaluate for himself, The
After f i v e o r 10 minutes of this smooth
phenomena o f genetic memory are there.
rocking o f t h e endocrine system , have him
Here i s something to be wary o f : I f the
reach for the bottom end o f the scale, ju s t as
subject has firm convictions about what is
far as he can go into apathy. Your purpose in
th is, in fact, is to drop t h e activity o f the right and what is wrong, he may run into trou
body to a state below that of death, which can ble here, because when perception opens up, he
be done . A sk him to go down as far as he c a n , w ill see what i s . What is and what are gener
and then have him stop there and examine how a lly considered right and wrong are not neces
he feels. Don t ask for general feelings; ask sarily the same thing at a ll. As far as God
for d e t a i l s : how h is hands fee l, how h i s feet and full perception are concerned, things ex
fee l, how the skin on h is back feels. Ask h i m , is t ; they a r e , whatever they are. I f you in
for instance , i f the skin on h i s legs fe e ls s is t on labeling them either right or wrong,
different from t h e s k i n on h i s f e e t , a n d you will interfere w it h y o ur perception o f
things lik e t h a t . Work him solidly on these them, and your perception will vary according
d e t a i l s , because that i s where y o u get what to the amount o f b e lie f in right and wrong you
you want. Ask i f he has any unusual fe e li n g s . have. Refer to Genesis, the fir s t book o f the
Watch particularly for a head that feels out- B ib le, and the story o f Adam and Eve dr iv en
sized, or a feeling o f having scales o r a out o f Paradise because they ate of the Tree of
sh ell, or a sensation o f swimming o r floating Knowledge o f Good and Evil. This i s the same
thru space. I f you get one o f these, ask for thing. This is one road that leads back to the
Garden o f Eden , but the opinions about right
more d e ta ils. D o n t allow him to make a gen
and wrong, the compulsion to judge and label ,
eral picture o f it until you have been driving
block the way for many people. The same will
several minutes for d e ta ils and the details
be true o f any other very strong b e lie fs about
are quite sharp. You should turn up the effort
religion or similar subjects. Believing does
You should get something, tho this does not not make for perceiving. Once your perception
always happen. Once you get this structure, ask opens up, you examine what ex is ts . You d o n t
about its major intention, it s purpose. What fight i t , you dont judge it and condemn what
was it trying to do? Why was it where it was? you d o n t l i k e . And you d o n t try to prove
And then, how did it live and how d id it die? what you see to somebody else. Simply examine
What w a s the goal i t tried to reach in its i t and act accordingly. You will determine and
l i f e , and why w a s i t k i l l e d ? Especially and prove the accuracy o f your perception by the
particularly important: Why and how did i t die? effectiveness o f your operations in the phys
When you have t h is, ask for the emotional ical universe.
curve o f the l i f e form, the way it s emotions I might a d d t h a t wide-open perception is
changed from the time i t was born, hatched, or not necessarily comfortable. I t i s sometimes
conceived until the time i t died. Run the sub- rather p a in f u l . It can be very rough on you
j ect back and forth on this emotional curve, no emotionally i f you are too curious about i t .
matter what the l i f e form i s . I f he turns up a So take it easy, d o n t crowd or fight it . Relax
tree, you still ask for the emotional curve o f to it , and grow up to it.
th is l i f e form and run i t all the way back and (Concluded in the next issue'*

T S GETTING there,, thanks to the indefatig
able a ctivities of Dr. Daniel W. Pry o f Mer
lin , Oregon (Box 1051, where Headquarters
is to b e ; where it now is. He started it By PHILIP FRIEDM AN^
back in 1955 at El Monte, C a l i f ., and became CRY, BABY, CRT
its fir s t president. On the basis o f extra Cry, baby, cry,
terrestrial communication, he gave the idea a Put your fin g er in your eye,
resounding n a m e , Understanding. Then it was And tell your mother it wasn't I ,
incorporated: Understanding, Inc. Then it had a
magazine, UNDERSTANDING. This autumn, 1963, i f I IHE FIRST thing a baby does when it sees the
nothing prevents, there will be Radio Under | | first light of day and the plight it is in ,
standing, on the air 24 hours daily. I In hoping is to cry. Plight has the word " l i g h t in
to have my blunt fingers in that somewhere. it. The P is a helical columnar u p lift, is
A couple of weeks before this writing, I an I w ith an eye on top. As pictured on
met Dr. Pry for the fir s t time he either flies the adverse side of the Great Seal of the
too high or I fly too low when we havent quite United States, the eye an top is not connected
met heretofore in G r a n t s Pass, O r e ., where I to the pyramid. The eye in the apex i s trun
was scheduled to talk at the Womans Club under cated. In the helix o f Mother Nature, in her
Understanding aegis. A quiet fellow, he makes unendingness, there is no I and no eye to look
l it t l e fuss, but he certainly must drive f a s t , out for her. She is a non-objective automati-
for he was scheduled in San Diego at 9 :0 0 the city that requires no direction. Her " I and
next morning; I met him in the afternoon about the F ath er, h e r creative gandering e n d , i s
5: 00 or 6 :0 0 . forever in potential v o l t a g e . She never, o f
There are some scores of Understanding units herself, ends, and consequently, never has to
around the country and abroad. It takes f i v e begin again. It takes an extra sensory hand or
persons to set one up, a nd dedication to keep eye to complete her helical symmetry and come
one going. I 'v e talked to some big ones, some full circle in another death and conception.
small ones, and combinations o f small ones. It The execution of any action and the execution
has been fun. Charles 0. Rhoades, o f 2856 N .W . of the helical l i f e line that goes into it are
18th S t . , Oklahoma City, sent me o f f more than inextricably bound.
a year ago, lik e a rather bulbous bottle cast Mother Goose , having no other way to teach
into the sea, to circulate, talking, among the except by tellin g one to do something so that
California u n i t s . he may learn by doing n ot to do it again, is
I ve now made my seventh flight to Califor derisively exhorting him to put h is finger in
n ia , with another scheduled for November, I h is potential eye. The extra sensory contact
almost crossed tra ils with the Harts, but not is enough to explode the I with the eye on top ,
quite. They were at Harmony Grove, where R .A. into another hom ing. Then the mothering helix
Crichton o f the V ista Understanding Unit, acted i s n t there t o tell anything. S h e i s tolled
as MC o f a convention. Early in February, I d along with the I . To her it was an eye op ener.
taken part in Understandorama, with not too She had to go out and seek out the pieces of
much emphasis on understanding . her solar center, her gandering man; this time
Now, i t s different. I m hep . There shall sans end, sans genetalia, perhaps.
be more, and s t ill more, Understanding units , The automaticity o f eternal l ife calls for
i f I have to pad the ballot boxes. Why? I ve a hands-off policy. Then the helical house
been checking on the plans for Understanding. builds it s e lf, without the use of hands or the
sound of t o o ls . Any manly assistance k i l l s
Maybe I m selfish, but I c a n see something
her. Tell it to your mother i f you can find
h e r e . . . I try to find a way to help others find
ways into the secrets o f themselves, v ia The her. S h e s out gathering up your schizophrenic
I s that want everything they s e e . It i s an
Wisdom Pool; Understanding does that too, but
evil eye that has a finger in i t . It presages
goes much farther. I t seeks to inspire t h e
death and another b eginn ing. " I t wasn t I
peoples o f the world to understand one another,
anymore but objective Me.
on the premise that i f they do they wont be so
quick to shoot one anothers insides out.
Of course, individuals can themselves write cost, would provide them with ways to fill an
to individuals abroad, but who does? And com awful lot o f the vacuum in their lives that
binations o f people set up field s o f magnetic might, come one fatal day, be otherwise filled
force that produce results. I know this for a with explosives from the sky. Nothing o f the
fact from reports received after my nealing sort, for a l l th e talk, I hasten to add, is
sessions, held at the close o f lectures around scheduled just now, but there i s something to
the country. be said for prophecies o f this kind; madmen of
imbalance can always change their minds, and
I f interested persons got together in groups the world. But so c a n lit t le people, for all
o f five, and got in touch with Esther Stilger- around g o o d , just by getting together and
bouer, 3469 Spruce S t . , Riverside, C a l i f ., or pushing.
Mrs. Coleman Campbell, Understanding, Box 22 , Have just had some intriguing contacts with
Sta. C , Pasadena, C a l i f ., or ev en with me in ham radio stations anent Understanding possi
Paradise, Lan caster C o ., Penn. ( I can always b i li t ie s . You know any such stations? Oome to
forward mail to the right persons!, they might think of it , i s n t "u n d ersta n d in g " why there
find themselves i n something that, for lit t le are such stations?
altho a lit t le reflection r e torical records o f that day.
veals that it is quite fittin g Apollonius of T y a n a , i t is
with t h e positive - negative claimed, was a historical fig
course of creation it came as ure, and the Bible stories were
a surprise to this reviewer to based upon actual events in
learn from the book, "A p o l his life .
lonius o f Tyana , by A l i c e In addition to identifying
Winston, that in the Akasha, or a number of New Testament char
Ether, both truth and error acters by their Greek names,
THE MUSE IV TAHLEQUAH, by Beth are recorded. Even the reading as they were known to Apollon
Kramer P e l t s . $ 2 . in so ft and tellin g of f a i p r t a le s ius, we are told many intimate
cover, $ 2 . 5 0 h a r d . Pub. by would record these imaginary details about their associa
Pan Press, Tahleauah, Okla. events in the Akasha on the tions,
lower mental levels, and o n e s The events in the l i f e o f
In a cover presentation, i t
only assurance o f learning the Apollonius are recounted with a
i s explained that Beth Kramer
truth is to be able to raise wealth o f descriptive detail ,
Pelts, in her home city o f New
the consciousness to the high which enables one to form viv
York, w a s in c l in e d to write
est level. Pondering on this id pictures, but the most re
unhappy and insalubrious p o e
concept o f A k a s h i c records warding parts o f the book are
try; while in California, with
leads to much speculation. his discourses, in which Apol
it s t r a ffic and smog, she w a s
Assuming t h a t the true lonius teaches the Eternal Pro
inclined to write no poetry,
Akashic records w e r e b e in g gression of L ife and our goal
but in the Oklahoma h i l l s , she
read by P h i l o , t h e Venusian o f Oneness with the I AM .
finds an a ffin it y that is re
who d ic t a t e d this book thru The beauty of these teachings
flected in this small book o f
the clairaudience of one known makes o n e hope that in this
as Celeste , we have h e r e a instance, at least, the very
Apparently, all weren t in
plausible explanation o f why highest o f a l l the Akashic
spired by the beauties of Ok
no mention o f Jesus o f Naza records had been reached.
lahoma, altho there i s plenty
reth can be found in the his- Sophia Tryst.
o f that sprinkled thruout t h e
51 pages. Opening with a trib and Children and Teenagers
ute to T a h le q u a h , t h e muse that there aint no such thing
moves swiftly thru the seasons as G o d . This h e re woman is
and emotions, winding up with sure reaching for something, I
an indictment o f mankind a n d got a good notion what she is
some o f h is stars : P ic a s s o , agoing to get in the "end , so
("What d o e s th a t splotch of do you.
paint impart?" "T h a t ," Pablo The States and Schools in
s a id , "i s Modern A rt.'"); Dar most part are not aoideing by
win, (The strong resemblance the Supremes court ruling to
is miite ee r ie : Prom Darwin's stop praying; lets see i f this
mirror came his theory!) and here Kennedy felle r will send
Sigmund Freud (Old Time h a s in Federal Troops. They h a d
blurred its printed page, And better watch out ifen they do
that day s fool is this day 's as them there kids can be
sage: Behold! Vow in a burst mighty rough at times. They
o f glory Comes Sigmund with just might take there guns
his dirty s to r y .) away from them, (as Kennedy
Fortunately for those who w on t let them there so ldier
enjoy good poetry, Beth Felts (E D . M OTE The ABERREE d i s fellers put bullets in there
knows meter and rhyme, and in claims a n y re sp o n sib ility fo r Guns, No Way.)
The Muse in Tahlequah " , has either the views expressed or the I have been getting a heap
foisted off no blank verse that SPELLING Indulged in by this col- of Mail asking Me to Predick
too often i s being peddled as usn. Albert Roy D av is, b illin g
h l i s e l f a s the Corny P s y c h i c ,
who will be the Next President
poetry these days. Again, for of these here United S t a t e s .
tunately, Mrs. F e l t s is an says he sants to ansser questions
for pay. Any 2 questions for $ 1 , Well, the way I see i t : this
authors agent, and her recog as up here in these h il l s things hear fellow Goldiewater and
nition o f poetry form probably d on 't c o s t so s u c h , he says. that there Rockeyfeller one or
means she places modem poetry D a v is 's address is 23 West Wal touther will be the Next Pres
in the same bin with Picasso nut S t . , Green Cove Sp rin gs, F l a .) ident. This hear Kenedy Presi
andhis paint-smeared canvases. dent Weuns has got now -- wont
In these days o f fast liv Howdy, Folks never be NO more President. I
ing, whep our writers will not This here felle r , Roy Eu predick t h a t Goldiew ater,
bother with books that o ffer gene D a v i s , done writ me a which has More Gold in his
l i t t l e financial reward, i t is letter and said ifen I dident name t h a n Rockeyfeller has
refreshing to s e e a n author mind, would I like to change my rocks, would be elected ifen
with something to say and the name, kind o f , as i t was a the El ection w a s tomorrow.
will to say i t in print. We bothering h is business and he Wont on Account of Rockeyfeller
hope i t encourages o t h e r s . was a getin my mail. I writ him having money to b u m . But ifen
Trah Vika. back a real nice letter a nd the lit tle people get out and
it it it told him to go jump in the vote I Predick Goldiewater to
APOLLOVIDS OF TYAVA, Pounder creek. be the Next President. But i f
o f C h r is t ia n it y . By Alice Well now, lets get down to en they all d o n t , then that
Winston. 121 p p ., $ 2 .7 5 . Pub. prediction making. I see where Rockeyfeller will be elected.
by Vantage Press, Vew York. that there woman, Mrs. Madalyn Either Rockeyfeller or Goldie
A k a s h i c records intrigue Murray, Stockton, K a n ., got a water will beat Kenedy by 10%
the earnest seeker for truth g ift of 80 acres from Carl of that there Electoral Vote.
and generally are looked upon Brown 77. Atheist. Nudest, and Keep your gunpowder dry--be
as the most accurate source of Legislature X- Politician. To seeing you soon.
information extant. T herefore, build a school to teach folks --Albert Roy Davis
a . j . s . M cM illa n
there are these other facsimiles mentioned in
physical punishm ent. In fact, i n s t a l l i n g an
engram in which the considerations accepted by
the preclear are: I d o n t know , 1 c a n t re
an earlier paragraph that do crop up, and i t member , i mustnt look , " I don t know who
does not seem possible to consider this l i f e (or where) I am , " I mustnt t e l l , " I m ustnt
time as an isolated incident much as one mould get together with others and so on. We refer
lik e t o . That i s , the reactive bank does not to all these incidents as implants.
start o f f as a clean slate at the beginning of On the basis o f self-determinism and the
this life t im e . For example, an engram appears overt act/motivator sequence, the general view
in thtypre-natal area associated with the the- was that we had, in some way n o t s p e c ifie d ,
tan taking over the body, this contains heavy done these things to ourselves. Nevertheless,
somatics and intense confusion typified by the for a fresh lo o k , one might work on the hy
consideration " I d o n t k n o w ... This struck a pothesis that someone really did make these
chord and w e looked over c a s e notes o f 10 implants with a view to controlling the popu
years o r so a g o , and were struck hy how fre lation o f this p la n e t. Such an assumption
quently th is sort o f consideration occu rred; mmght go far to explaining the delusions o f
the classic example o f this, of course, being many psychotics and the general a ir o f confu
the engram named Fac. One by Hubbard, and sion that pervades speculation o f a metaphysi
there were many other incidents that seemed to cal nature, and other areas o f confusion t o o .
imply some sort o f other-determined control , So t h e decision is to have a really good
particularly the booby-traps described by John look a t the contents o f the r ea ctiv e b a n k ,
Robinson tile " Y o u ll d ie i f you look sort o f however grim i t may appear and however booby-
t h in g . At the time these phenomena came up in trapped i t may be. I for one am consumed with
processing, the emphasis was moving away from curiosity to find out what i t is I m not sup
running incidents, we d i d n t really know what posed to know, and who the hell s a i d so any
to make o f them, and, anyway, they were tucked way. I m also aware that i t may be a rough
m illion years back in the past. passage; however, we have survived it all when
We think n o w that the time might be ripe whatever i t was happened, so we should survive
for another look at this class o f control in c i a look now in present time, perhaps we then can
dent in which someone else does something to get some understanding of our r e a l time track
the preclear, i . e. giving commands and rein here in this solar system, and why bodies have
forcing them by some sort o f ray treatment or such a fa sc in a tio n .

reminded the speaker of the
discrepancy. Whos h is audi
tor? he thundered to the rest
of it. Which would be tragedy
enough, we admit, because we
like our subscribers and dont
bottomless maw o f the S t. Hill of the class. Fellow student want to lose a single one of
Jeanette Barieau admitted her them. However, in Ind ia it is-
bargain basement of retreaded
guilt. Take him out and audit n t so simple, apparently, i f
wonders , sent u s a personal
invitation v i a a ir m ail to him he remembers too much! the experience o f Raymond Reid
throw some more money after Jeanette was advised.. . Sounds as of Trenton, N . J . , is a criter
i f Mary Long has had her audit ion. According to Reid, a man
bad and take an O r g . Briefing
ing, doesnt it? Anyhow, Mary , uscript o f h i s , "H onest Com
Course . Well, since w e d been
in answer to our suggestion munism Is Christian , was pub
briefed on the subject of S c i
she quit boasting in terms of lished as a supplement in the
entology considerably in the
generalities , declares: just magazine, The CRUSADER, by the
last decade o r so at a few
hundred dollars per brief--we one c a s e might interest you; Christ-Nagar Mission, in Bada-
figured Mary was a Mary-come- Wing Angell, who lost the sight gayedapadavu, Mangalore Taluk ,
o f one eye when a boy, began to S .In d i a . However, according to
lately who just mignt like to
go blind in the other eye. He a letter from Henry Rodrigus ,
know exactly what kind of pig
has had auditing by a St. Hill director o f the Mission print
in a poke s h e s s e llin g so we
student and is now fully re ing p l a n t , a few days after
sent her a few kind words o f
covered in one eye and is get the magazine had been m ailed
advice and some data on broken
promises and such. But poor ting some vision in the other to local subscribers, a police
Mary. S h e 's neither a Mary- ey e. . . . 1 Our congratulations inspector and a dozen consta
to W in e A n gell and his S t . bles descended on the office to
come-lately n o r a "zom bie ,
H ill student . A few c l a i m s seize all unmailed copies of
she states in a q u it e frank
discussion on the subject. She such as this that can be con the. magazine , inasmuch a s it
firmed should help make it safe was against the law to support
says s h e s been in the O r g .
for even gods to go where Communism, since India was at
( t h a t s "Hubbardese for so
needed without first requiring war with communist China. Rod
many real and pseudo amalgama
guarantees for their personal rigus says fortunately, the
tions we haven't space to lis t
safety from a Nation s Presi police inspector was my class
h a lf o f them and anyway, who
d e n t ... ^ Incidentally, as this mate and f r i e n d , to whom I
cares?) since 1956, and h a d
is written, the Labor Day Con could tip (about 100 dollars!
her training in 1953. B lu n tly ,
gress in Washington h a s been and explain , plus a promise
she disagrees with everything
reduced to a tape Congress , to remove the offending sheet
said (in the letter) and adds
since the star performer was from t h e remaining magazines
that in her 10 y e a r s experi
reported unable to a t t e n d ... prior to mailing. In the mean
ence, she has never found any
broken promises in my auditing 5 I f we started ex to lin g time, because Reid had sent a
and training career . Reminds Communism a s a v ir t u e , t h e check, he mailed Reid 2 ,0 0 0 re
us o f a Hubbard lecture we worst that might happen to u s , prints o f the article, with a
were listening to in Phoenix probably FOR W E PRESENT-- plea that he keep the p r in t e r s
when the "m a es tro " made some would be the loss of a few v i name secret so that the Mis
statements that were in direct olently disagreeing subscrib sion would avoid any further
contradiction to s o m e w e d ers, who (lik e the late Will trouble with the Indian gov
heard him make a few y e a r s Rogers! know only what they ernment. I w a s hopeful of
previously in W ic h it a . "R ig h t "read in the papers , and (un really starting something and
out in meetin we impolitely like Will Rogers!, believe all (PLEASE TURN TO P A G E 1U>
OCTOBER, 193------------------- -The ABERREE-- =----------------------------- '13
that this is only a beginning
and I am not yet ready to com
ment on it s advantages e x ce p t,
I may have done just t h a t ," i t can prove very in t e r e st in g .
Reid writes . " I have written Besides, i f th is is an ability
to Mr. Khruschev enclosing a anyone can acquire, then those
copy of the Communist a r t ic le spots or blurs we see some
and , we suppose , a dv ising times floating before the eyes
him o f I n d i a s reaction toward can be brought i n t o proper
a pro-Communist a r t i c l e in a focus so they c a n be recog
religious magazine (since India nized for what they are.
and Russia are supposed to be " A s a starter, a hair will
friendly, even i f China and do. Bring i t close to your
In d ia a r e n t l. Just shows how eyes or directly over the eye
easy it is for us to delve in glasses u n t i l it becom es
crooked po litics and intrigue blurred. Then keep on watch
--in a world where lies , brib ing. Observe its size, how it
ery, and suspicion are rampant becomes transparent, how what
on such a broad s c a l e ... is a streak at first will re
1 I f i t gets to the point solve as tubes that make up
where each s i d e in a legal the hair. I f you are lucky you
controversy must use h is own can hold down a live one by
tape recorder to make a trans pulling it over your eye while
cript o f th e proceedings b e still attached to your head
cause t h o s e conducting the *I am so grateful t o you you might even watch it grow I
hearing c a n t be trusted, this for that page o f p i c t u r e s in Try it at different distances ,
nation will have been reduced ABERREE. Wish you would do it with or without glasses ( i f
to a pretty sorry state. But often. (ED. NOTE Any ideas on you wear them!. Use any s u it
t h a t s the allegation M orris how we can get more p i c t u r e s able background to set it o f f .
Katzen makes against the Post other th a n c l o s i n g shop and PayN particular a t t e n t i o n to
O f f ic e Department. The hearing going o u t a f t e r them, a s we the rim of the glasses while
resulting in his being barred had to do f o r those at Harmony you a r e doing t h i s ; you just
from the mails took place in G r o v e ? )... might get another surprise.
Washington. D. C . , on 6 March , I have ju st returned from " I hit on it by accident. I
1 9 6 2 . Katzen appealed, asking a month in San J o s e , C a l i f . d o n t see why others cannot do
for a transcript o f the evi What you wrote about the free the same thing. Results should
dence. It finally arrived on ways is true. Anyone going out be available within m in u t e s .
21 August, 1963. " I was shocked there h a d b e tt e r g e t local All it takes is the knowledge
to find that the portion that maps first. I spent a n hour that it can be done.
I wanted to quote you i s not going round and round in San As far as I know, it does
even in the transcript, a n d Francisco when I first a r r iv e d . not h u r t my eyes. I can ob
that testimony has been alter Every turn either took me onto serve improvement o v e r t h e
ed, that I am quoted as saying a bridge or away from my goal . past two years. One thing is
what I did not say, and that Awful. sure they did clear up. A n y
the Complainant and the Hear "Am reading Martin Mayers body w illing to try?
ing Examiner are credited with "T h e Schools . Paper bound, Yes, s ir , The ABERREE gives
saying what they did n o t say $ 1 .4 5 , Doubleday-Anchor. Won me plenty to think about. I go
at the h e a r i n g ... My big story derful fresh view by a reporter for anything that will help me
was shot by the fact that the who took three years to learn to i m p r o v e my perceptions.
transcript does n o t g i v e a ALL of it. Educators c a l l it O . K . , so the writer is not a l
true account of what was said the best book on education . ways able to do consistently
at the h e ar in g . Regardless o f Really t a k e s psychologists what he implies can be done.
how we personally feel about over their humps. --Lee Lock So what? T h ese things take
K a t ze n s theories, we think an hart, Box 1138, S ly, Xev. time to develop. To be able to
a s write about i t , he must have
investigation is in order. If
Here is something interest
Katzen needs a memory course , given it some thought, has
ing fo r someone to try as an
t h a t s one thing, but i f those made observations which are
experiment. It seems the naked
conducting such hearings are true to him at the very le a s t ,
eye is capable to see a hair and he is w illing to let oth
able to doctor the evidence to plus a few other things in all
make an appeal almost impossi ers in on it. Is that so bad?
details. The eyes can briqg it "W here would I b e i f it
ble o f success , then we need in correct fo cu s even at a
another march on Washington. were n o t for guys like t h i s .
distance of 6-12 inches. Any Limping and complaining, blam
And this time , we suggest one how, I can any time at w ill.
o f the p a r t y carry a rope. ing everyone else but m yself.
"T h e question i s : is this a
( I t s so nice to coil around Maybe I cannot do all t h e
freak on my p a r t , or i s i t
you i f you have to sleep in the things they say can be d o n e,
something that has been over but I sure try to make it true
park. T w il l keep o ff rattle looked, with the assumption it
snakes, t i s s a i d . ) . . . to me i f I can. T h a t s a thing
cannot be done; but, it can be
each has to work out for him
1 We were hoping to have a acquired by anyone who is
self. As a result, I feel bet
p i c t u r e t h a t s why this item w illing to try. Up to now, I
ter a n d b e tt e r, tho I am in
is at the end o f the column have not found anyone who d i d ; the upper 60 s.
but something happened to i t . they all think I am k i d d i n g ,
"N o t everything turned out
Anyhow, to all except the par or feel sorry for my state of
as Ron Hubbard said; strayed
ents (especially the mother) , imagination . away from it some years ago .
all babies look alike- - and we "M y observations tell me But, his first book did get me
suppose this is true also o f
started on a path it is not
Henry John Rolfs J r . . son of 20 July, at Fairfax, V a ., and likely I would have found any
H. J , and Z o e D. (t h e former weighing in at 7% pounds. Con other way.
Zoe Nickerson) Rolfs, born on gratulations to the parents. "T a k e The ABERREE for exam-
14'---------------- ---------------- --The ABERREE-- --------------------OCTOBER, 1963
pie; it is the only magazine I t i o n s . . . that California would meat and w as told another
read from cover to cover. Do not be inundated, but that the horrible story. These ranchers
you think it would have come Colorado r iv e r b a s in w o u l d had bought calves that died
into existence i f i t were not sink from the Gulf o f Califor the next day. When examined ,
for w hat Ron Hubbard d id c or n ia to Puget Sound. My spirit it was found that the calves
did not d o T ' John Schoop, H65 contacts told me this long ago , had had scoures , or a d ia
Harding A v ,, Glen Ellyn, I I I , but with a different slant. I f rrhoea-like condition common
you remember, I said that even to calves. But that is not all .
As to baiting h e a lt h p a the mid-west would not be safe To avoid letting people who
tients with Inca gold, I d o n t later on. What I ve been told bought the animals find out
receive patients tho the local is that major quakes , caused about the diseased condition
health board approved my doing by explosion of the bombs un of the animals, they had stuffed
so, as you read in Journal. You der ground , would rock C a li rags or other obstructions in
probably s e e t h a t w r it in g , fornia , and tidal waves would the bowel o u t le t s .. .Naturally ,
printing, mailing o f a Journal wash over her , drowning a lot the poor things suffered agon
with correspondence i s enough of people, causing te r rific ies and died soon after. The
for one man but I don t a t damage. But California would ranchers told of another trick
tempt this in English a l o n e , not be destroyed except that common to the trade. In buying
but now do it in Spanish twice a lot of the coastal area might a bunch of live c a lv e s, they
as hard on brain, and in Span fall into the ocean (much of returned to pick them up (next
ish with no return for p a p e r , it lies on a shelf-like ledge day, I guess! and' found one of
ink, stamps, e t c . humanitarian now and the ocean washes under the c a lv e s d e a d . This o n e
mission. As you know I run no i t ! . An island would be formed goes with the bunch, said the
ads in Journal -- no income ex just as Mrs. Ferguson predict seller, and made them take it
cept when a person s e n d s a ed ; but later on there are to along. Since they had made the
' t i p ' on literature or maga be more quakes, and the result purchase before the calf d i e d ,
zine order which I produce at eventually will be to cover they were stuck. Other friends
cost. How I do it is a miracle most o f the middle states with who have worked around chick
I c a n t fathom, but here I am water -- clear to t h e Great ens have told me that many
living in comfort any American Lakes. Seems that this is the chickens that die o f heat ex
enjoys in perfect California- way it was thousands of years haustion , o r m a y b e other
lik e climate, free of frost or ago all under water. Salt de causes, a r e picked up a n d
heat waves, with papayas, ba posits in Kansas seem to ver dressed out and sold. All this
nanas, oranges, mangoes to pick ify that the ocean once roamed meat has the stamp of the U. S .
from trees perfect realization the plains. But California was Inspector. T h e insp ecto rs
of an ideal I have worked to once a part o f Lemuria the either do not happen to come
realize since I was a boy in Hawaiian Islands a r e former around at the right time , or
high school. As t o p oison s, mountain tops of that great they overlook this v ile prac
that is in commercial lands on continent (as was California! . tice of preparing meat from
west coast -- but here in fron When this area submerged, t h e already dead or diseased ani
tier, nobody can afford Yankee highest dry land became just mals . I suppose a p i e c e of
poison sprays . . . It is freest ordinary land areas. When Le meat looks ju s t the same re
region from fallout next to muria r i s e s , this land area gard] ess . . .
C h ile 's . Johnny LoveuAsdon, will rise t o o , again forming Not o n l y a r e the above
Vilcabamba, L o ja, Ecuador, huge mountains on the new shady dealings going on , but
continent. In other words, these sick calves get shots
Yesterday. . .o n e o f your things will be changed back to every day to keep them alive
fr ie n d s, Irene Schmeling, of the former t im e --complete re or standing up until they can
Ontario, paid me a v is it . She versal. Much of Europe will go be butchered . Imagine eating
was very charming, and we had down when Lemuria and Atlantis meat with all those chemicals.
a nice chat about spiritualism rise from the sea . . . Well, I have eaten many chick
and so o n . She did a b i t of I am about to turn vege ens and some beef that tasted
automatic w r i t i n g , but the tarian . There a r e numerous like disinfectants and medi
s pirits w h o cam e in were reasons to be one and all the cine. Probably w as.
strangers to us. She is going reasons for eating meat have "T h e worst o f i t i s , we
to look into this when she gets about glimmered out. Make no could buy meat f r o m these
in contact with her own, and mistake, I like meat. I am not friends a n d get good meat ,
maybe can report the solution sure The ABERREE is the place raised r i g h t from healthy
to the mystery. I think th e for such sordid comment , b u t stock . But they a re not a l
new contacts were just wan maybe it is exactly the medium lowed to sell it right o ff the
derers. Tried to convince one in which to air this awful farm . Must take out a licqpse
of them that she should find stu ff. It has just come to my and have ii inspected. They are
her own o r b i t or vibrational attention (a mild statement!! small-time ranchers and cannot
field and stay there . But if that much of our meat is unfit afford this expense , just to
she was one o f those * astral to eat. This is true informa sell to a few cu stom ers...
s p i r i t s --never lived on earth tion, as it comes from friends These rancher friends say
--this piece o f advice probably of mine. A friend of a friend that the reason a lot o f the
made her laugh. These spirits recently took a job feeding calves die is (they were told
are sort o f like what we term cattle in a feed y a r d . He by an authority on it! t h a t
* elemental s , b u t t h e y are hates his job because a lot a rtificial breeding practices
equipped with human-type bod of calves are all eaten out by make weak calves that are sus
ies. T h e y re usually totally worms , and when they die they ceptible to every disease com
irresponsible -- you c a n t be are dragged out. He asked what ing and going. Another penalty
lieve a word they tell y ou. they did with these , and was we pay for trying to out-fox
And i t s all in fun, to them. told, T h a t s where your veal nature!
I w as absolutely amazed cutlets come from--didnt you "W hich brings me to another
when reading Hart to Heart know1 l was telling another subject -- those birth-control
this Christmas issue! Refer friend about this- - a small p ills. P R E V E N T I O N Magazine
ring to Mrs. Fergusons predic rancher who raises his own t e l l s Us that they are known
OCTOBER, 1963 -The ABERREE-- 15
to cause formation o f blood fe r t iliz e r , and fed to human but havent found it or later
clots in some cases and the beings , it seems to have the ones available recently. Would
victims die of a sudden heart ability to supply the elements like to go over his work a g a in .
attack or s tr o k e symptoms. necessary to banish nutrition My successes in this special
W ell, the F. D. A, did have an al deficiencies. Anyone who ized telepathic mode have been
investigation of the p ills and may be interested in how to confined mostly to dogs, tame
cleared them as s a f e S o they grow wheat grass can obtain birds, and flying bugs (wasps
are s a f e . The F D A said so! pamphlets from Ann Wigm ore, and moths mostly!. O f course,
However, I have noticed a num Box 189, A s to r S ta tio n , B o s wild anim als a r e scarce in
ber of deaths in this area. . . A ton, mass. Send self-addressed midtown Houston, except squir
young married woman collaosed large envelope and 8 cents for rels, m ice, a n d a few small
and was rushed to the hospital 10 sheets and 16 cents for 20 snakes. I tried Kimballs thing
--dead upon arrival. Reason of s h e e t s Bmy 7. Corday, 139 at the Herman Park Z o o , but
death was listed Unknown . E. 57th, New York, N .Y. was only able to connect with
Not long after that, another 0 the a p e s . They take a very
young woman went thru the same This i s in regard to your sardonic and unflattering view
process . Cause o f death was reprint on Page 8 of the Sep of the human spectators. Very
o ff ic ia l l y unknown . Then, a tember issue o f The ABERREE. unflattering. In fact viewing
local g irl, a friend of a rel It concerns Van T a ss e l's inte- the apes and spectators, one
ative, died suddenly. Only a gratron. This machine purport got t h e impression a l l the
day or so before she had talked edly will rejuvenate people. monkey business w as ou tside
with my r e la t iv e --was happy , As y o u know, many older the primate house and all the
healthy, a n d fu ll of life . people who are sick and need civ ilized dignity was inside .
Then she ju s t fell over and help might give all they have All I conclude i s that i f our
died. They could find no reason to further such a proj e c t . species is the apex of crea
another mystery. I t is not Some of them could not afford t i o n , a s m a n y of u s ha ve
known whether these girls were this, indeed some have already claimed, then God help God! In
taking the birth-control p ills contributed who could not a f the travelog you didn t men
or not- -I mean, friends dont ford i t . tion i f there were psychedelic
k n o w ... I know for a fact that I know this i s a reprint experimenters a t the conven
most young married girls are and as such you are not re t i o n --mescaline, LSD, peyote,
taking the p i l l s --and some of sponsible f o r investigating etc. Anderson w it h Faraday
the unmarried ones t o o . . . Wish i t , but I am reasonably sure cage, seems to be working along
other ABERREE members would you would n o t like to have the lines of Andrija Puharich.
put in their two-bits on these anyone t a k e n in b y s u c h a ' I like Roy Eugene D a v is s
s ubjects. Compare notes. -- story. I know q uite a l o t article which has significant
Rosalind John, 1533 dth, Nor about this man and his Inte- sayings in it. It reflects the
co, C a l i f . 0 @ 0 gratron . . . and i f you should almost universal confusion (not
"Q u i t e some time a go , you get letters from your readers mistakel about what and where
published an article on wheat inquiring about t h i s , please the Sel f is, and who and what
grass manna by Ann Wigmore D . advise them to investigate it an Individual is . This confu
D . , Stoughton, Mass. I was in very thoroly before putting sion i s built into all Indo-
terested and sent for the l i t any money in i t . European languages and is the
erature. " I f you should publish this fault o f n o b o d y . Even i f a
" T h i s summer I decided to letter, do not put my name nor person knows what h e s talk
spend part o f my vacation at address on i t , as I would be ing about, he finds it almost
Stoughton as a visitor to ob afraid of what might happen to impossible to s a y what he
serve the preparation of t h e me i f Van Tassel knew I wrote means. I think especially of
i t . Nane withheld. the paragraph beginning, A
s o il, planting, and sprouting ;
(ED. N O T E Not often do we major problem is t h is. When we
and f i n a l l y within a week I
p u b lis h anonymous l e t t e r s , but no longer accept a personal
was served a glass of freshly-
we make an exception here only God . . . we have nowhere to go .
cut wheat grass chlorophyll
fo r the purpose o f appending But we still are left with the
(ground in a meat grinder! ,
t h i s w arn jn g : we suggest no idea t h a t we have to g o
rich i n live minerals, vita
one i n v e s t money in any th ing somewhere . . . We d o n t actual ly
mins, and trace minerals . In
even a s t i c k o f gum u nle ss have to go anywhere. W e re a l
stead o f staying o n e week I
they f i r s t in v e s t ig a t e i t . And ready t h e r e . . .
remained four and enj oyed every
the f a n c ie r the promises that Dr. George Crawford takes
moment. Before the end of the
are made, the more i n v e s t i g a - an awfully lot for granted,
first week my eyesight showed
t i on. and I grant none of it. If a
vast improvement a n d I had
(T h is i s e s p e c i a l l y true of law i s natural, it i s neces
greater p h y s ic al endurance .
persons s e l l i n g "ways o f l i f e " . sarily unbreakable. An event
Between meals I drank two or
How s u c c e s s f u l a r e they in contrary to natural law is a
three glasses of the juice d i
t h e i r personal a f f a i r s ? what logical contradiction because
luted in water .
o f t h e i r fa m ily ? and fr ie n d s ? a natural la w i s a descrip
"T h e unique characteristic
And you might check the "dead" tion of the way events happen.
o f wheat grass from a nutri
preachers of your church to see A natural law i s n t a statute
tional standpoint i s , it con
i f they went to h ell or heaven passed by somebody. It s a
tains a greater variety of hu
before y o u d r o p more than a descriptive formula. There are
man nourishment than probably
dime in the c o l l e c t i o n p l a t e . ) no exceptions. There are only
is found in any other vegeta
0 unnatural l a w s . Unconscious
ble growths. You can grow i t reception o f a communication
indoors as well as outdoors . Report on the July-August is impossible. A communication
As a matter o f fact it grows issue : The travelog was e n is a transmission o f a signal
better in boxes, indoors. After lightening and enjoyable even from a transmitter to a r e
the wheat is sown, it sprouts i f it restricted the all-im ceiver. I f the receiver is
in about five days from 5 to portant letter section. Espec turned o ff , no communication
7 which i s its be st growth ia lly the convention p ictu re s. occurs. My F.M .radio is turned
for cutting. Turned under the . . . I read K im ba lls first book o ff. A dozen or more programs
s o il, it constitutes the best ( He Who Speaks with B ea sts l, are being transmitted now, but
16------------ - --The ABERREE-- ------------------ OCTOBER, 1963
m y ...s e t is unconscious . Our normal state , as with Yoga or g u ilt y registrations related
physical senses receive sensa religious worship or prayer. to an e n t i r e l y d iffe r e n t
tions (information , what we Crawford s distinctions a r e crime . The gal had previously
d o n t already know! p assively . misleading and invalid. I will stolen a 4 9 -cent bottle of
I f our sense organs are oper continue to recommend psyche perfume in a dime store. And a
ating, we receive sensations delic drugs. " Fred Hand, 2718 li t t l e smoothie who had read
whether we nay attention to Eagle, Houston, Texas. c le a r on the polygraph was
them or n o t .. .Neither a tranced 0 the actual th ief as I ascer
person nor a hypnotized person After the F D A went after tained in a few minutes.
is unconscious . They are am Hubbard s bootleg E -meters , But now for some lightning
nesic. They sense and perceive some operators have been de bolts, i have a woman examinee
communications when communica veloping a tra ffic in old sec now using a personalized self-
tions occur but do not remember ond-hand single-dial HM-4Elec hypno-recording who disclosed
them later ( i f they are con tropsychometers of which there that she had spent close to
ditioned n o t t o remember. 1 are hundreds around, claiming $ 5 ,0 0 0 with Scientology in a
Crawford seems to object to these are legal. regional area on behalf o f her
increased sensitivity by means " A l s o , t h e r e has been a disturbed h u s b a n d . He got
of either hypnosis or psyche good deal o f buying and s e ll worse. So s h e took him to
delic chemicals because the ing of various old 2 -meter Washington, D .C ., Scientology,
subject c a n t turn i t o f f , Electropsychometers to a l l where it was declared that the
the subject cannot refuse to sorts of incompetent u s e r s . local auditors had done every
receive Communications. It The F D A action is directed thing all wrong, and had been
seems that Crawford i s afraid against this t r a ffic in old running the wrong goals . She
someone or something will harm obsolete models. N eith er I , spent another $ 5 ,0 0 0 there,
him i f he c a n t turn it o f f . the inventor, nor my company, she says--and her husband van
This consideration is not mo Arcon Manufacturing C o . , is ished. physically vanished. So
tivated by respect for natural concerned. far the FBI can find no trace
1 aw. It is motivated by fear . " A s to lie-detectors being o f him. You c a n imagine the
Crawford denies the existence fakes, this i s true. J. Edgar reaction of the FDA!
of unearned reward in the form Hoover, of the FBI, says, The "A nother vicious use o f an
of communication with a crea term " l i e detector is a com electropsychometer in an in
tive source. He therefore de plete misnomer. Accurate re surance swindle led to the de
nies the whole concept o f grace sults depend almost entirely struction o f a commercial pas
w hich, by d e f in i t io n , is an on the competence o f the u s e r . senger p la n e i n f l i g h t , a n d
unearned r e w a r d o f exactly I have a fast-growing service the death o f it s passengers.
this kind. Crawford is incon in this field, but I label mine "T h e s e are only a couple o f
sistent in that while he con Truth D etection . I am using examples. The dossier is long.
demns unearned rewards, he does special techniques that I have The government i s g o i n g to
not condemn equally unearned never published, and which' are stop S c ien tolog ists and some
ounishments . An accident that never disclosed. Examinees are other persons from using elec
results in injury or loss is often not aware of the veal tropsychometers, b o o t l e g or
an unearned punishment , just purpose of the exam ination, real ones .
as an accident that results in which is usually labeled as I note Richard Lundbergs
gain or wellbeing is an un personality ap p ra isa l a n d long scribble recommending that
earned r e w a r d ... character a n a ly s is . I get auditors use some sort of su
Communication with discar- accurate d a t a . Volney Math- perperceptivity instead o f E-
nate entities or other non ison, 1208 V. 30th, Los Ange meters. They 'll have to, now!
human beings i s , in the opin les 7, C a lif. I wonder i f Lundberg is also
ion of many, no better or worse I wrote t h e above letter in fa v o r o f medical d o cto rs
in any case than similar cfom- before seeing the references using superperceptiveness i n
munication with human beings . in the September ABERREE about stead o f X-ray. Years ago when
Conmunication with human b e lie detectors and electropsy I trained in the use o f the
ings is not necessarily re chometers. medical X-ray, I was impressed
warding either. Discarnate en "F i r s t , further about the by the power o f the equipment
t itie s , tho not strictly human, lie- d ete cto r business. I had and the danger o f its misuse.
are after all just some more an examinee recently who h ad We used to bring examinees in
peopl e. I m sure that Crawford come o u t o f a formal lie-de from the nearest park benches
has had many communications tection test in a large poly for text X-rays, paying them a
that were unearned -- with cen graph office labeled as a nar dollar per exposure. I discov
sus ta k e r s, policemen, door- cotic addict . My examination ered that one o f these exami
to-door salesmen , T-V adver disclosed that he was actually nees had been glomming o n t o
tisers, etc. Does he have to an amateur dianeticist who had the easy m oney by
make himself worthy to watch been trying to help a preclear, himself picked up for exposure
T-V commercials? I agree that a third party who was an actu tests some 30 o r 40 tim es.
whether any communication is al addict. After a lot o f un When I informed the head doc
b e n e f ic ia l , d e t r i m e n t a l , or successful auditing, the ad tor about t h i s , h e y e l l e d ,
nothing depends on the condi dict finally stole a lot o f my For X s s a k e , get t h a t bum
tion o f the r ece iv er s m ind examinees stuff, including his back onto his park bench b e
when the communication occu rs. typewriter a n d E-meter, and fore he drops dead in h e r e !
I f the mind is in an ignorant, hocked these for money with The fellow no doubt was draped
diso rg an ized , or contra s u r which to buy dope. The entire on a morgue slab a day o r so
vival state, the communication situation was completely over later.
is n o t rewarding, no matter the head o f the polygraph op "T h e electropsychometer i s
what it i s . Sensitization of erator. likewise a potentially d a n
the perceptions by externally In another case, there was gerous type o f x-ray, whether
applied psychedelic drugs o r a loss of cash in an o f f i c e . in unskilled h a n d s , o r , much
rituals is qualitatively the There were four girl suspects. w o rse, in s k i l l e d vicious
same a s sensitization by in One of these girls came out of hands. The use o f all present
ternally altering t h e body a polygraph examination label models will be stopped. A new
chemistry and nerves to an ab ed as the thief. Actually, her instrument is now being pat
OCTOBER, 1963-------------------- --The ABERREE-- ---------------------------- 17
ented, and this o n e w ill not are represented as men in the tions, inquisitions, war, and
be for sale at a l l . I t w ill be Bible are the benefic and ma slavery when the S e lf is glor
available on a perpetual lease l e f i c p la n e ts , not people of i f i e d and others v i l l i f i e d . It
basis only, so that i t cannot any certain race, rel igion, or was lately called Nazism, for
be r e s o l d . Tbere w i l l fee a b e lie f. This is plainly in the merly Zionism, or Divine King
personal e l e ctropsychometric B ib le when your censor d o e s doms. Morris Swenson, Mew
examination o f each applican t. not obscure it . Age C enter, S t , 1, Box 625,
End of lightning bolts and Ccaas, Wash,
Knowing th is much will not
thanks to those phoning ' and awaken you either. Orthodox or
w riting that they are enjoying believing a s t r o 1 o g e r s are
with me the $ 3 m illion dollar Raided t h e piggy bank
sleeping, due to inherited B i send ABERREE for another y e a r .
libel award to Butts against ble convictions. You will only
the SATURDAY EVENING POST . I d o n t know why I enjoy i t , I
r ea lize this when you begin to d o n t understand one word out
There will be no POST le ft for put over a new idea, or try to
me to sue in re my own libel of 2 0 . Perhaps i t s a h a b i t .
get someone to pick up a pen After reading an issue , I pos
c a s e . Volney G . M athison, cil to begin figuring plane
121U W, 3 0 , Los Angeles 7 , C a l. itiv ely enjoy a return to the
tary progressed places. The humdrum levels o f suburbiana!
arithmetic is simple but the Florence Hanson, Willowdale,
There are a thousand words censor is hard to overcome; he O n t ,, Canada,
and phrases used everyday that i s lik e a vicious watchdog;
only mean hypnotism , starting dangerous to s e lf and oth ers.
with the word Believe. There Reforming others in prohibi
are degrees o f hypnotism or
believing, a person in deeper WONDERFUL
states believes the hypnotist BIO-RBITIOS E V E R Y O N E IS T A L K I N G ABOUT

ssart person wn illi l take

Everything la cycles.
and rejects his 5 or 6 s e n s e s .
A person educated in school or
o f Gods lew. We show yon how to International
church forgets all that he has lir e according to Mother Nature's T HE B E S T T H I N G T H A T EVER
learned but is s till educated, plan. This is'the sensible, bal
or hypnotized, to the degree anced war to achieve the aost fron HAPPENED
life . Make every action const; no Science Meets the Occult
o f believing in authority. His lost notion. Dont try to swin
censor or mind-rudder has been against the tide; wait t i l l the Gel the W o r l d ' s Most Unusual
set and he will follow the tide i s high for TOO. an d u n i q u e P u b l i c a t i o n with an
c o u rs e , for the censor j^srks All of ns hare oar tg>s*n doms, E s p o s i t i o n of Both the Ortho -
hot we dont a ll hare mishaps dox and U n o r t h o d o x
above o r outside o f hisMJon- every tine we h it a low cycle. Hr. S a m p l e Copies, SI each
scious m in d. S o you ha ve to Churchill had a stroke in 1953
forget your education t o o , to Wien he was in a low tide, hot he Subscription, S3 per year

wake up.
is s t ill anting as. A d v e r t i s e r s e n c l o s e a s t amped
The anrfoitn knew and used this addressed envelope for your
Hypnotism is also inherit Science; i t sas then lo s t for a Ad Rate Chart
ed , a n d not e a s y to fo r g e t ; tine and Ben-War was the first to
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U n d e r A u s p i c e s of
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Knowing this will not do Hesperia, C alif. Pasad ena, Cali fornia, u.S.A,
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be. The principles of morality
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The good and evil forces that


on pain and fingers to v r l s t .
Place band f ir t l y on plain sheet
of paper beneath eblch a folded
handkerchief h a s been p la c e d
under pain a r e a . Trace outlines
of hand 11th p e n c il . Let prints
dry. Send clear prints or both
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ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING 5* A WORD ?lace of b ir t h , nane and address

o I P a t t e r n s , P .O .B o x 4 6 3 , lil-
lia n sp o rt, Penn. 94*4*
C a lifo r n ia be denollshed by an Carl Wickland M .D . , Is a c l a s you ote It to y o urself, and God,
earthquake? When Is World War I I I ? sic on s p ir it o bsessio n. A NEW to read "T h e Book They Biased on
P arallel Prophecies of R u ssia , BIBLE by E.G.M unster contains the G o d " by D r. Karl K r ld le r . Com
China, Cuba, Anerlca - A t la n t is , essence of nany blbles in u s e plete in one booklet all 32 chap
Edgar C ayce, Nostradanus, Andre* tbruout the t o r ld . $ 1 . 0 0 each, ters -- as published s e r ia lly in
Jackvon D a v is , Hanly Falser H a ll, p o stp aid. Essenes of Koston, P a l The ABERREE; Send $1 to The ABER-
Hornon, C at h o lic . H o p l Indian isa d e , Colorado. 96-1* REE, P .O .B o x 52 8 , Enid, Okla.
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PSYCHIC PENDULUM, of Aaurlte Have vou h e a r d about "THE
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L in g u a " ) . Edgar Cayce Indicated Burks, c / o C. S . A . , Lak en o n t,
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In addition to this there is a supplement in the back of the S E L F - S U G G E S T I O N -- Max F. Long
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Per copy $2.98 Loom i s and Arthur Burks

Order these two outstanding books now. Y O U R P R A C T I C A L F O R C E S -- Ernest

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Garrett Park, Maryland, U.S.A. --T. P. Lui
$ -------- V O C A T I O N A L GUID A N C E BV A S T R O L
Please send: OGY - - C h a r l e s E. Luntz
B R IDGE B E T W E E N - - C h r i s t o p h e r C.
_______copy(s) of CREATIVE IMAGINATION Lyon
______ copy(s) of TIME, SPACE and CIRCUMSTANCE NOSTRADAMUS - - L e e McCann
N am e----- _ --------------------------- ---------- -------- ------------------ ER -- John McCoy
Address ------ ----- -------------------------------------------------------- Both books bound in S O A R I N G S O F T H E E A G L E - - John
hard coven. Convenient McCoy
C ity _________ _____ ________ _____Z o n e.............State __ 5x size. H Y P N O S I S IN M E 0 I C I N E - - A . P h i l
ip Mago net
So me po s t m e n seem to take a s a d i s t i c deligh t in t h r o w W R I T I N G S OF T A L M U D S - - Mahan
ing away your m a g a z i n e if you m o v e and don't send in a
DIVI NATION. Ancient and M o d e r n
n ew add res s. Don't let that h a p p e n to your ABERREE.
--John H. Manas
RACE P R 0 B L E M - - 0 r . J o h n H. Manas
B r o . Mandus
LOWANA JULAINE Presents Gera ld Massey
E L E C T R O P S Y C H O M E T R Y -- Yol. 2 - -
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The Easy Way to Psychic Development S P A C E - A G E SELF HYPNOSI S - - Vo I -

nay 6. Math i s o n
S U P E R - Y I S U A L I Z A T I 0 N - - V o l n e y 6.
World-acclaimed Egyptian-Indian psychic and author FA L S E W I T N E S S - - Harv ey M a t u s o w
now offers the most astounding and complete PSYCHIC (C on tin u ed n e x t is s u e )
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Get your copy without delay by sending $2.00 cash , Rental fee, 254 per book .
Only one book will be sent at
check , or money order, to a time. Alternate titles suggest
ed in case book you want is o u t .
Please return in two weeks.


Rt. 4, Box 82 - Tampa, Fla. 33815
P.O.Box 528 Enid, Okla.
subject o f portraits and pho
tography, we might mention the

pleasant surprise t h a t was
ours when and Mrs. Ralph
if 1 i id Gardner o f Greeley, Colo., con

;' 'r^ea'tf
c lu d e d t h e i r two-week vacation
by stopping in Etaid on the way
home. Gardner i s a photogra
gg . pher in Greeley, and most o f
their stay was spent "t a l k i n g
shop as anyone who has ever
traded chemical formulas and

so forth will understand...
1 Temporar- nual Autumn Conclave scheduled 1 I t may have been an acci
il y , a t le a s t . for L o v e s Retreat at Lake- dent, or coincidence, but when
The ABERREE is mont, G a ., but by the time this we got Tom O N e i l 's new record
without an o f is in the mails, it s date of
( Strange Truths") by air mail
fice cat so i f October 11 to October 20 will
the other day, we began check
't h is issue is be practically over. So, all
. unusually dull , ing among our friends to see
we can say i s that we hope it
who had a 33 1 /3 record player
(blame i t on was a successful one. llahdah
T e u f e l s not we could borrow long enough to
Love reports 564 persons have
being around to listen, since our own 45 was
been in and out o f the Retreat
spice u p t h e totally inadequate for the j o b .
this season this in spite of
columns. How Imagine our surprise to dis
the fact she took an 8,000-
ever, public cover everyone we knew either
mile trip west last spring that
a c k nowl edgment h a d T8 (one even had the old
lasted for three months. But
o f our catless cylindrical type) o r 4 5 s ~
getting back to the Conclave,
state i s no which probably will have added but no long p la y . Then we
open invitation got bogged down in mailing and
greatly to that in and o ut
for the dumping figure quoted above, we notice forgot until Tom called us
t j o f h o m e l e ss names on the program inclu ded: from Southern Pines, N . C a r . ,
ca ts/k itten s in Dr. Ben Waites. Rev. Leroy E. and reminded us we hadn t even
our yard in hopes they will be Zemke. D r. George Crawford . acknowledged receipt o f same.
given the pedestal vacated by Fortunately, the Editor h a s a
Rev. Enid B ra dy . Dr. Alberta
Teufel, Lucipuss, Buttons, T i niece just a stone s throw
E llio t t. L o i s and Ed O'Neal .
tan, Socrates, e t c ., e t c ., al a number of chiropractors , o r from the ' bobby s o x stage
most ad infinitum... 5 T e u fe ls who has nothing but " 3 3 l / 3 s
men with expanded vision , as
death wasn * t dramatic as was in her albums and when we were
Mdhdhh describes t h e m ...
that o f Buttons but Teufel able to catch her one evening
1 Persons who take pictures without a date , we took o u r
wasnt a dramatic cat. Outside --amateur o r professional-
o f understanding p e o p le , and tape recorder over so that we
know how thankless the job can not o n ly could l i s t e n , but
dislik in g visitors--especially be when one takes a technique-
women and children which would could make a recording for our
perfect portrait, only to have own future use. The record is
cause him to express his re the subject r e je c t it a s It
sentment by staying away for made up o f about 18 "shorts
doesnt look a thing like me. stories o f ESP, precognition,
sometimes days at a time--his Maybe one has a different men
one excuse f o r existence was poltergeists, astral projec
tal picture o f oneself that he
that he could be cute altho tion, and ghosts giving about
is unable to present in fac
h is appetite for birds and his 45 minutes o f eerie list e n in g .
simile to the world or camera
rank failure as a mouser were Tom has an excellent vo ice ,
but Eva Woodford o f L o s t
two strikes he never trie d to and he has spiced his record
Creek, W. V a ., thinks she has
ing with sound e f f e c t s t h a t

erase from his batting record. a cu re for this. She believes
This time, when Teufel refused add much to the aura of auth
t h a t . i f one posts before him-
to eat one day, and disappeared enticity. The jacket is taken
or herself an idealized p ic
the next without any visitors from an old ABERREE c o v e r ... NOVEMBER,
ture o f himself something to
to arouse h is resentment, Y e 5 What w e r e wondering, a nd
look at every now and then in
Pub. became concerned, and she have no way of proving, i s :
stead of the mirrored r e f l e c
relayed her anxiety to Fred Does the speed o f o n e s record
tion o f all those wrinkles and
Kimball o f Gardena, C a l i f ., who player have anything to do
crows feet one will subcon
had demonstrated h i s affinity with revealing his age? . . .
sciously adjust his features to
for animals by talking to emulate what one wishes were 1 A few weeks after its
gophers while we were at the there within reasonable limi formal opening with the per
Harmony Grove convention. But tations, o f course. (Even Eva sonal blessings o f goy Eugene
Fred had a class at Bishop and admits you c a n 't imagine away Davis, the Oklahoma City New
by the time he returned home a hook or pug nose by looking Age Center had its formal ded- A
to find the letter, Ye E d s at an a r t is t s concept of an ication with a ceremony con- r;
unpsychic nose had led him to imaginary you with a. Roman ducted by Arthur J. Burks. The w
what was left o f Teufel in a or Grecian p rofile which you last report we had was that no 04
patch o f w eeds next door. have had framed and mounted as more formal ceremonies a r e Ot
Your cat says I was hurt in a bedside wishing well . ) It planned, and (die Center c a n (ij
side and I went out and d i e d , sounds lik e a dirty trick on now be considered in opera- pq
Fred reports. Which concludes the fraternity o f photo r e t i o n . . . 5 I n a bulletin out-
the saga o f Teufel, a n d for touchers, but undoubtedly they linin g plans for the Center, **
the moment, L ucip usss dynasty have a union, and some kind o f various study and prayer units
is at an end. And as the Rosi- rules to guarantee their con are scheduled to meet d a i l y ,
crucians say about a situation tinued employment a t fa lsify different hours a nd periods
they want to remain as i s , we ing portrait negatives enough being set aside to accommodate t-*
intone, So mote it be! . . . to satisfy and flatter custom those with different interests.
ers who feed the cash-box. . . For example, flying saucer en
l i t sounds lik e an interest thusiasts will get together
ing program that Fourth An 1 And w h ile w e r e on the ( P L E A S E T U R i T O P A G E 12) 2
YOU GET MORE We w ere v is itin g a friend
THAN EXERCISE the other day. H e liv e s less
IN A LONG WALK than a block f r o m a super
market, but he was out o f cig-
arets, and having a "n ic o t in e f i t " . He turned
Recu s a n t Vo i c e of 'The Inf inites' for Earth, Mars, to h is daughter. Run down to the store a nd
V e nus, S turn, Pluto , and Z y d o k u n z r u s k e h e n get me a carton of cig a rets, he ordered, giv
ing her some dollar b i l l s .
She sto o d w a itin g , hand s t i l l ex t e n d e d .
Vol. X NOVEMBER, 1963 No. 7 " T h e keys to the c a r , she prompted, when he
looked at her puzzled. He gave them to her.
Published monthly, except for thd combined January-
February and the July-August issues, at No o n e w a lk s any more. Not even a h a l f
2522 North Monroe, Enid, Okla, block. The realization startled us.
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528 , Enid, Okla, 73701 The next day, we decided to prove that walk
ing i s n t a completely forgotten art and we
Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years,
____________________ single copies, 25d headed for the post office down town more than
two miles from home. And in walking the more
Second class postage paid at Enid, Oklahoma
than four m iles there and back we discovered
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART, 1-2, D .D ., some things about our city we h a d n t noticed.
D .S e n ., F .S c n ., B .Sc n ., HCA, HDA, et al ad infi
nitum ad nauseum .
For one thing, sidewalks a re going o u t o f
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART, 1-1, HCA, SEC., WFE., style. Less than h a lf the homes have them and
_______ Hkpr., L b m ., ETC, (Degrees non-cancellablei. those that do ha v e let them go to ruin. Tree
ADVERTISING -- Payable in advance. Write for rates. roots have dislodged and broken huge slabs of
Copy must reach us 45 days prior to Insertion date. concrete; bricks are missing; grass and weeds
NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS--The Post Office does not forward have grown in the cracks , trapping dirt and
magazines, even if you guarantee postage, so keep us mud until the walk i s almost lost to sig ht;
informed of any address changes even minor ones--if tree limbs hang down so low and dense that one
you.want your magazine delivered. Also, send us your negotiates the walk area at his p eril. Nor can
ZIP code; it may not do you, or us, any good, but be
one walk in the streets because o f parked cars
big, and l e t s go along with the gag--just for fun.

and t r a ffic . We tried it for a ways only to
find ourselves being subjected to insults and
catcalls from boisterous rowdies whizzing p a s t ,
who wanted to play "c h ic k e n " even with pedes
Hart to Heart ............ , 2 All we proved i s that we s till can walk
four miles in a lit t le over an hour, that it
Auditorial "You Get More Than did not wear us out--and except for the incon
Exercise in a Long Walk" . . . 3 venience, we could do it again, and again, and
again i f we had to.
Attainment--Not Atonement, Wa But it also taught us something else. Ex
Jesus' Aim Alberta O'Connell . 4 cept for fenceless homes that can be manicured
with a power mower, people dont c a r e . There
The Essenes an Unorganized Broth are fe w flower beds that must be tended on
erhood -- George T. Crawford . 5 hands and knees. I f anyone learned how to " p o
lic e the y a r d " in b a s i c m ilitary t ra in in g ,
The Oracle of Dreams Lowana Ju t h e y ve certainly become allergic to anything
laine ...................... . 6 sim ilar now that they're in civvies again.
All these evidences o f laziness l o s e their
T h e Jungle's Deadly Virili ty ugliness as they blend into the background, as
Plants Arthur J. Burks . . . 7 we speed along in our cars, concentrating on
other cars and trucks and children who have
Advanced Perception Concluding no sidewalks only streets to run into. An un
Chapter Harold S. Schroeppel . 9

mowed lawn d o e s n t look so bad, when you see

i t only for a second from the corner o f your
Departed Psychic Guards Secret eye. And whos going to admire a well-weeded
Box Albert Roy Davis . .11
A B E R R E E ------- ---- N O V E M B E R ,

bed o f pansies as they look anxiously for an

opening in the street ahead to speed around
New Age Center Dedication Pictuires .12 the 25-mi le-an-hour "slowpoke whos frustrat
I See for You" Louis . . . .13 ing you in your intended violation o f tra ffic
Father Zero Takes a Gander a This sidewalkless fa c e t o f l i f e would be
Mother Goose Philip Friedman .13 stomachable were i t not also a reflection of
the whole. No longer a r e we w illing to do
The Creation of a Creator--Dr things for ourselves i f we can h i r e machines
Karl Kridler ........ .14 to do them for us quicker and easier. We don t
want to walk thru l i f e we want to be driven
Hi! Albert Roy Davis . ,15 thru it at a high rate of speed. We d o n t want
Letters to the Editor . . ,15 percolated liv in g we want instant liv in g .
just as we are no longer w illing to do work
that builds muscles for the body, or enter in
POLICY: Dont take it so damn seriously. The inflnlte- to long periods of study and meditation that
ness of Man is not reduced to a split infinity add to Our spiritual beingness. Even in t h i s ,
by wars, taxes, or experts who seek to sell
him what he already has in an infinite amount. we look for someone to do it for us easy and
SUB-POLICY: We reserve the right to change our minds in sta n tly . A s L o u i s s a y s , "I n s t a n t God .
from issue to issue, or even from page to page, Preachers tell us that i f we simply have faith

if we desire. and make the proper financial sacrifices to

SUB-SUB-POLICY: Each Man has the inherent right to be
his own and only Authority the church weve got it made; that t heres an
SUB-SUB-SUB-POLICY--We have no objection to educated instant reward w a itin g for us when we d ie .
guesses about Man's destiny i f there s no promoters o f esoteric "sh e ll games offer us
price tag to it, an d .if the guesser has no ob s e c r e t s o f the ancients, o f the "M a ste rs ,
jection to our guessing h e s only guessing.
By ALBERTA M. O'CONNELL should bear thee a s o n , and in Verse
XXV He (Joseph) married his wife and she
(F r o a ths P u b l i s h e d L e c t u r e s of R i c h a r d ingales*.
Co p y r i g h t 1902 by Ri c h a r d Inga les e. )
bore him a son a n d he called his name
Jesus .
HE OCCULT records say that prior to It was at this point that the unskill

the birth of Jesus, angels appeared ful m y t h - m a k e r s began their deceitful
to his mother, Mary, telling h e r work in order to ma k e Jesus a unique
that she would bring forth a S a v character in history, for political and
iour --just as they had appeared a church power. The occult records state
short time before to Elizabeth, re that Joseph married Mary and she bore him
vealing to her that she would bear a son and they named him Joshua, which in
a sacred ego; and as they had ap Hebrew means a Saviour.
peared to the mother of B u d d h a , It should be remembered that the oc
saying that her issue would redeem cult records were prepared by the Magi
the world; and to the mother of Krishnawho, attended his birth , while the imper
to whom the same message was given . fect records of the church were not com
But the further message , as narrated piled until more than three centuries
by the usually published texts of the after his alleged death.
Gospels, according to Matthew and Luke,
The occult records show that Jesus was b o m
that a virgin should bear a son is not Sept. 21, B. C. 4--Julian calendar the apparent
corroborated by the other two gospels and discrepancy i s due to the changes made by that
is distinctly contradicted by the oldest calendar i n reckoning time. The myth-makers
text now extant, of Matthew (Mt. Sinai were now at work and the son o f man was rapid
text, A.D. 350 -400), which in verse XXI ly being absorbed by the mythical, only be
says that the angel told Joseph that Mary gotten son o f God .
The occult records disclose that Jesus was
the product of this planetary system. That,
lik e the rest o f humanity, he had incarnated
many times; but unlike the majority o f man
kind, he had profited by h is experiences--had
taken l i f e seriously, had understood the pur
pose of his creation and incarnations and had
outstripped his more slowly developing broth
ers. H i s wonderful progress as an evolving
soul did not lessen his love for his fellowmen ,
but instead, fille d him with pity for their

blindness and m istakes. In several previous
lives he had tried to do what he could for the
people o f his respective ages and particularly A B E R R E E ------ --- N O V E M B E R ,
in the incarnation preceding the one as Jesus
when he was known to sacred history as the
prophet E l i s h a , which meant, in Hebrew, "G od
as a Saviour .
As Elisha, he did not accomplish all that
he d e sired or attempted, and determined to
again incarnate as a Jew in order to complete
his work. He wel l knew the messianic tradi
tions and saw that, by taking a body from the
House of David, at that particular juncture of
history, he could fu lfill many of those tradi
tions. A cycle was closing and a new teacher
had to incarnate to revive the ancient truths,
and so, he was w illing to make an oblation of
himself for the redemption-thru-truth o f the
Jewish world. His life , and not his death, was
his gift to man; and that l ife was to be an
inspiration and to reveal that we grow
by attainment a nd not by atonement.
HE WORD Essene is found in meaning

slave at all times. Hence, they would be class
in all languages, even among certain ifie d in metaphysical nomenclature a s Adepts.
groups o f people scattered around They consciously control and operate their
the earth and on other levels where vehicle whether awake or asleep.
The fourth or last group i s known as the
a written language h a s not devel
advanced c i r c l e . These are relatively fe w in
oped . Essenes are men an d women number and are adepts plus. On this physical
(boys and g ir ls , too, because the earth, with a few exceptions, these are often
calendar age on this earth i s not called M a s t e r s , but none o f them h a s called
the measure o f o n e 's actual age) themselves masters! This t it le or term is used
who have acquired thru effort the loosely in religious studies and metaphysical
basic, fundamental essences o f eternal work
, today and has lost it s true significance.
universal existence a n d are prim arily Altho known as t h e "Brotherhood o f the
Essenes", it must be explained that there i s
concerned with the laws of individualized
no formal organization or even an informal or
life. This is not an individual philosophy ganization with tabulated rules, regulations,
of life , but rather the philosophy of in dues, membership li s t s , and the like; Member
dividualized l i f e . The w ord essence ship i s maintained hy a harmonic that is un
thoroly describes in English what Essene derstood and recognized by those who have a
study represents. lik e interest, desire, and evolution! No iden
Essenes understand that they are not their tifying c a r d s , handshakes, and passwords a r e
physical bodies, now or ever. That the vehicle needed. They are bound together hy a unity o f
or body, at any stage of evolution or progress , lik e, a unity o f harmonic, vibratory relation
is t h a t thru w h i c h the entity m a n i f e s t s . s hip .
Therefore, they r ea lize that one o f the basic Certainly there are groups o f them, in the
jobs is to control, direct, and constructively inner circle and third group, gatherings do
command the vehicle thru which they express. come about. They are called by mental radio as
Who a r e th e Essenes? They are those who the attunement is close enough within these
strive to know the basic essences called cos groups to carry the c a ll, and those who a r e
mic laws and the principles derived therefrom interested at that time will respond, having
and to constructively u t iliz e them . They have earned the level o f intuitive knowingness and
developed a value system by which to weigh the mental radio use.
conduct o f themselves and others as well as fbere are the Essenes? They are literally
situation a n d t h i n g s , not weighed in t h e everywhere. Percentagewise among the e a r th s
physical, materialism o f today, but as things population th ey a r e r ela tiv ely few. in the
could be weighed with a universal set of v a lu es . erudite countries and societies there are m ore
There are four distinct phases or steps of than in China, A frica, and other underdeveloped
CO the Essenes . This does not mean that there is areas. They are not only on this planet earth ,
O. a defin ite demarcation l i n e , for there is a but elsewhere as well and constitute the ever
blending from one to the other. growing a n d evolving group that become the
The first would be known as the outer group. wise ones o f that period.
In this group can be found some who lecture or There is a responsibility that goes along
t e a c h , but not many. Those in this phase are with, the Essenes. That responsibility is that
generally content to continue their searching they are personally responsible for where they
and evolving while at the same time delivering are and what they are doing and every circum
some service to the c iv iliza t io n or society in stance that comes into their field o f environ
which they are living. ment and -acknowledgment. Never could an Essene
They would be doing some service i n t h e blame another p erson , or place, or thing, or
arts, the professions, or other avenues where group o f circumstances for that which befalls
service is involved. They may be waiters, wait him whether it be constructive o r destructive.
w resses, personal maids, secretaries. Y ou s e e , The Essene knows t h a t a l l is t h e result o f 1
w to the Essenes, having a value system that is o n e s own mental and physical doingness in the
06 universal, i t i s n t the social status that is preceding time-space s eq u e n ce . No effect is
important, but only the striving t o live-the- without a cause.
l i f e t h a t i s important. Any honest, moral Many characteristics identify an E s s e n e .
service i s equal to any other honest, moral For instance, in the mid-group a nd the phases
CQ service beyond that p o i n t , one would find t h a t th e
cc Next) there i s the second or "mid-gron> . Essene has health, happiness, and i s a joyous
in this group will be found those 1*0 are often individual, if in conversation with an Essene,
0) referred to as way-showers". These must be you would certainly notice that he or she has
-c way -showers by example , not ju s t wards a s a deOiite picture o f l i f e as an eternal, ever-
E -i would b e found in the outer o r firs t p la n e . expanding, ever-enlarging experience, symbol- |
However, only a few in the mid-group partake ized by a road to the le ft that goes clear to
o f this activity to any outstanding degree. the horizon -- a beautiful p a v ed highway that
The third group o r phase are often called loses i t s e l f in the far vistas o f the past. To

5 the inner group , and composed o f those who

are adept at making the physical vehicle their
the right the same road extends o f f into t h e
i n fin it e distance, again disappearing into the
h o r iz o n . Also t h a t the li t t l e space on that Essenes in encyclopedias o f metaphysics and
road now being occupied called this l i f e is other source material. I t i s the duty o f this
where the Essene considers that he or she is type o f speaker to cla r ify and explain away
now functioning. much o f the dogma and cloak o f celibacy, to
There are a few o t h e r characteristics that mention a few p o i n t s , that h a s been wrapped
you will find among those o f the outer group around the Essenes.
who a r e teaching o r addressing people in an
It is important to remember that what was
effort to s tir up an interest and a desire to
written about the Essenes o f ancient times was
know more about the continuity of individual
that which the Essenes themselves wrote so as
l i f e . These lecture the public in an effort to
to "k e e p from the profane the laws of cosmos .
f i l l the intellectual void that i s prevalent
Why? Because a law can be used constructively
among the thoughtful for something more than
the emotional religion that is so unsatisfac- or destructively. Choice of use depends upon
tory today. the individual. Law has no moral conscious
These speakers are talking about the mani ness, no moral accountability. The law j u s t
fest-patterns o f the Essene. Sociologically is[ Knowledge breeds responsibility. To impart
there a r e two p a tte rn s, the "m a n ife s t o r knowledge to those who are " n o t worthy and
outward cloak, and the "l a t e n t or the way it well qualified, duly and truly p repared , i s a
actually works. (An example would be the Con lia b ilit y and responsibility that no Essene
stitution a n d B ill o f Rights o f the United will knowingly take.
States that says all men and women are free Those o f the o u t e r group who are public
and equal. The impression is given very plainly speakers may collect a lecturer s fee, but when
that all citizens have an equal right in all you come to the "way-shower or mid-group, the
things. But in the United States today, that is talks become actual courses o f instruction to
only a manifest-pattern. That is the "outer- help you learn the constructive u s e o f a ll
cloak . The latent pattern is actually some natural laws. Thus a "w a y - shower in the Es
thing e l s e .) senes cannot charge for teaching and assisting
Teachers and speakers from the Essene outer a neophyte.
group talk of and about the mani fest- p a tte m . These are some o f the hallmarks you may use
They correct many o f the impressions that are to id e n t ify t h o s e of the Great Universal
found in the manifest-pattern describing the Brotherhood of the Essenes, Ancient and Modern.

THE reborn on this earth. The icy pond f i l l e d with

frozen babies are innocents who died thru c r u ^
e lt y , such as the murdered babies y o u r e a d

about in the news. Somewhere one o f these news
items wrung your heart with so much love and
compassion fo r the baby and p ity fo r the one

who d i d it that your love and pity combined
released that little soul from its bondage o f
death. This is represented by the fact that
your foot went thru the ic e . The dark man rep

resents the "E igh th A n g e l " o f death that
watches over these souls. The snow and sleet
in this dream represent the bondage. That it
f e l t friend ly means these little ones are not
"l o s t " souls. The soul you released can now go

By LOWANA JULAINE . into the children's room fo r rebirth. The music

represents the life force o f the etheric. The
(Send your complete dreau to Louana J u la ln e , Rt. warm and peaceful welcome on being inside the
4 , Box 8 2 , Taapa, F l a . , 3 3 6 1 5 , i f you wish an in house tells that you are warmly olessed f o r

t erpre ta tion . Send $ 2 . 0 0 , 'plus stanped, s e lf- a d your emotions o f compassion and pity.
dressed envelope. Dreaas w ill be published In this
coluan as space peralts only i f peralsslon has been MRS. E . P . I dreamed tbat I awoke and saw a
g ra n te d .) blinding storm o f snow covering the cars in the NOVEMBER,
parking area, and hitting the window. I could
Below are two dreams from the same person,
see the snow thru the yellow curtains. Looked
dreamed i n successive nights, with completely
down at the ground and saw a stranger in eve
d iffere nt meanings.
ning c lo t h e s , sprawled in the snow and obvi
MRS. E . P . Hotel, u p s t a i r s , large room, for
ously dead.
children, with side rooms. Soft m u sic small
children o f various ages playing quietly, or INTERPRETATION The blinding snow storm of
lying around on couches. A fish pond (skating this dream represents the P e il " between the
ring type o f arrangement) f i lle d with snow and two worlds. I n covering the cars, it means the
small young babies fitted in tightly and close spiritual quality that^was trying to o b l i t e r
together. All were fitte d in crushed i c e . I ate the various dogmas.' The window represents W
almost lost my footing and slipped into the a "way thru" fo r you. The yellow curtains are W
pond. One foot was in the pond. I took great the spiritual gold you w ill receive fo r doing
care in retracting i t , not to touch the b a b i e s . a specific jo b . The evening clothes represent pd
A real dark Negro came and helped me up a n d someone you know personally, and most likely a w
assured me I had not injured any baby. Outside "gay blade" who has passed over from your im-
was snow and sleet but inside it was warm, mediate fam ily. Being a stranger, he i s the
peaceful and welcoming. It was sheer ice o n "stranger by the wayside" who needs help. In
the slope down to the baby pool, Hie snow out this case he probably needs spiritual help to
side was friendly too. release his soul from an earth-bound (lying
down) condition* This dream has a ll the indi- M
INTERPRBTATION I n this dream the hotel
cations that someone is begging you to release h
represents one o f the many "mansions". Up
them from the earth-bound plane. i
s ta ir s denotes the spiritual plane, the ch il
dren s room with the side rooms denotes the
------- --------
empty wombs o f this plane. The various ages o f We ju d g e o u r s e lv e s by what we th in k we |
living and playing souls that are about to be can d o ; o t h e r s ju d g e us by what we do. 6
|HERE ARE strange and unusual dangers the odor o f it hangs in the atmosphere.
for the foreigner in the jungles of There are holes, covered with d e b r is , ev
Central Brazil. Not t h e least of erywhere in the Brazilian jungles , into which
these is the Jambu-I,
a plant. I t s
the unwary may s te p , fall 10 or 12 feet, and
not an upas
tree, not a Venus fly
never again be found or heard. But it is better
that even this horror overtake a man than that
trap, b u t i t can get you i f you he imbibe too freely o f n a lic ia das nulheres
dont watch out;, but it can get you (This name i s Portuguese and can be found in
more abundantly, more seductively , the dictionary o f that language)!.
i f you do
watch out. There are carnivorous fish in most B ra zil
ian streams , the infamous piranhas , of which
There &rd dangers of which every
explorer -- every adventurer especially there are four v a rieties, each one more Satanic
than the o t h e r . There are electric e e l s , one
"adventurers and explorers who never
touch of which will k ill a man. But there is a
venture more deeply into the jungles than
the "deep freeze bar of the Hotel Grande
stinging p la n t c a lle d u r tie a whose j u i c e ,
smeared over the body, will allow a swimmer to
in Belem writes with great gusto and cavort among the piranhas, electric e e ls , a n d
seeming modesty, b u t i n virtu ally no even alligators with im punity. I t will b u m
book, pamphlet, or magazine article w il l the Hades out o f tender skin, but it will save
you find mention of junco-m iudo,
tho the a mans l i f e , or a womans l i f e , provided that
facts of it may have been whispered in certain portions o f the body are excepted from
the smearing. Most jungle B razilians in the
the e a r s o f old men visitors to Padre
know would much rather see a man go swimming
Prudencio street. They touch it at their among the worst creatures in all the rivers, i f
peril, f o r t h e morning-after may well he insists taking h is chances of being de
never come, and false youth is far too vo u re d than to advise him a ll about u r tie a .
quickly spent. The burning caused by w rtiga amounts to l it t le ,
There are ja g u a r s --spotted, painted , and is soon over. But i f it con tacts the sexual
black , and maybe from the same lit t e r and region there is , lit e r a lly , Sheol to pay.
there are intrepid native hunters who will The s ix plants I have named above and you
take the American deep into the jungles and may be sure I m going to hold ever so lit t le
stand by him while batoque that eerie hammer back, in order that the un initiated may not be
ing on the ground with clubs o r jungle k nife induced to experiment i f certain parts o f
butts, which attracts, according to my infor them are used as jungle B ra zilia ns and Indians
mants, every anim al, snake, bird, and in s ec t have learned thru the ages to use them, will
to the spot (tho for me it brought only mice turn under- teen-age boys into predatory men,
with big e a r s f) i s being p r a c t ic e d . Jaguars men Into supermen, and old men into under-
have knocked the heads h a lf o ff such hunters teen-age boys!
who tried batoque a l o n e , fa ilin g thereby to For 11 months I hunted medicinal plants in
n cover th eir rear against the skulking, cunning Central B ra zil. I wanted plants believed by
great cat. But mention t h e hyphenated word Indians and Brazilians to be useful in the
S nuira-puana to such jungle h u n ter s , and they treatment o f cancer. I wanted them for process
. will clam up, tho their eyes will brighten and ing by the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer
look far away and move their hands a im le ss ly . Research in New Tork city. I f we found nothing
d They re giving away none o f their secrets to useful i n the cancer f i e l d , we might find at
5 Am ericans, i f there is the slightest chance least one thing good for something, anything,
g the American might do a bit of experimenting else the common cold, for example. We collect
* within shouting - distance of the daughters, ed more than 420 plants, at this writing being
| wives, mothers (even grandmothersll o f the processed at the Sloan-Kettering laboratory.
l jungle hunters. They know what nuira-puana can But man, down the ages jealous of h is vir
j do, but they trust no American who uses i t i l i t y , and woman, ju s t as jealous o f her mans
I especially i f he is well past middle-age. Not v i r i l it y , and ju s t as proud o f her wild de
w that they trust Americans o f any age very much, s ir e , has sought other jungle medicines, a n d ,
w in any circumstances! possibly, with more success. I have ju s t named
^ There are snakes that k ill a man as fast as six o f them.
06 winking: the stirucucu, ja ra ra ca
the , several And how do they work? Take Ja*bu-I. It is
varieties o f corals, cananina. But the jungle acclaimed as a preserver o f v i r i l i t y , which
w B ra zilia n w il l trust the most venomous o f means that the men and women who use i t s p a r
cq snakes in h is house before he w ill tell an Am- ingly maintain their sexual capacities into
a; erican abo u t naricaua and i f the American extreme age. There is ju s t one difficulty h e r e ;
knows , and the B razilian knows that he knows, i t c a n t be used sparingly . I t i s n t exactly
0) the jungle man wont trust the American on the habit-forming, but when lovers partake o f i t ,
same side of any big river with h is women f o l k . and then go down into the valleys and forests
I hasten to add that he w o n t trust any man of lo ve, that i s habit-forming, for whatever
1-1 who know naricaua around h is womenfolk, es the two had f o r ea c h other, o r dreamed that
p ecially i f the womenfolk themselves have had they had, before partaking o f J an
bu-I, they
a to u c h , or a taste of what makes naricuau have tenfold afterw ard; and with e a c h u s e ,
t i c k . Nobody, even the saint, i s trustworthy each time a little more, they have more to give
7 when the naricaua is i n him, or her, or when each other. But o f 10, 1 2 , 1 5 children produced
in areas where Janbur-I i s widely used, o n e , price i s only permission for themselves, the
possibly two, w ill survive. Why c a n 't partak women, to share in the naricaua and whatever
ers o f Jcmburl regulate their appetites? Be else contrivers nay think up to mix with i t .
cause, simply, they don *t care to. Their dreams Blood o f the tropics may be hot blood; it may
take them down into caverns measureless to cool a ll too soon tho not i f these six plants
man" where the "s u n le s s s e a s " are utterly per and th eir special uses are known to the inter
fect , and n o thing d a u n ts, even d e a t h , and ested.
nothing satiates, even constant r e p e t it io n . Muira-pvana can b e as dangerous as any of
I have sat in my hamaock in many places in the p l a n t s . It i s n t found everywhere, but
B r a zil, listening, to jungle voices, to the where i t is found is carefully marked, and men
name-calling o f frogs, the cries o f macaws and w ill fight to the death, almost, for it s pos
parrots, the far screaming o f great c a t s , the session. Macumba practitioners w i l l sell de
drumming roar o f rain on the ju n g le crown, the coctions o f the broad thick leaves o f this
factory-whistle sounds the cigarras make, the plant as love philtres, and earn their money.
low voices o f men too lazy to do anything but In fact I have never heard of a nan dealing in
plan the conception of fam ilies in the nights love philtres, even nacunba men, or " p r i e s t s " ,
to come the lower, more seductive voices o f o f which there are some on the rim o f the jun
g ir ls and women, Indian and Jungle'-Brazilian, gle in spite of the grim opposition o f t h e
the latter descended from the former with the church. Women are prime contrivers, possibly
persistent help o f many generations o f Euro because they have more time to dream up poten
peans , and I have been tempted to try s u c h t i a l i t i e s . One foreigner of whom I heard in
strange drugs as ivnco-niudo whose roots bear the jungles was the fa t h e r of scores of " l i t
tle slaves , yet he never a c t u a lly " s a w his
nodules from which a tea, o r tincture is made.
Male and female dare not imbibe together, how wives or knew that he had fathered children
ever loyal the man may be to someone els e , the at a ll. H is housekeeper fed him infusions of
one or more o f the s ix plants mentioned h e r e ,
woman to someone else or t o her r e lig io u s
faith . For once the tea or tincture is t r i e d , including nuira-puana , i n h is food and d r in k .
the e n d i s certain, nightmarish-dreamy, a nd He would sink into soundless sleep, apparently
mad--and a hundred persons can walk past the dreamless, and the housekeeper would usher se
lovers, and the lovers will not know or c a r e . lected women to him in the night; she had quite
They could be threatened with death in the a thriving business in " l i t t l e s la v e s , in
midst o f their madness, know the threat real , time, and she stuck to her eerie business until
yet they would regard each other only, and her employer left the Amazon V a lle y in a
their uncontrollable u r g e ; with their w ills s t r a it ja c k e t . O n e he ars o f something like
ravished by jwico-niudo , they could not do oth th is, and temptation is decidedly less.
erwise until complete exhaustion claimed them , U rtigar- This plant is often found in jungle
and they became unconscious, to waken and re gardens and vegetable patches. It is one p la n t ,
sume! One hears, one reads the eyes o f inform I think, which the lea f - cutting ants w o n t
ants, and one is tempted, for there is another touch. I collected several specimens. The first
property inherent in almost every one o f the one burned my entire hand lik e fire . I looked
six drug-stored plants I have mentioned h e r e : closely for fire-ants, but it was the juice of
I t nakes every nan a god to the wonan, every the plant. After that I used gloves. I had a
wonan a goddess to the nan. I 'v e le ft out sig nificant facts here, which
I ll give t o responsible persons q ualified
I t s d iffic u lt to say which o f the s ix pro
duces the strangest effBcts, but take uaricaua.
chemists, for example on request. I wouldnt
knowingly provide the most lovesick woman or
An infusion made from three to s ix leaves o f
man with enough information on even one o f the
this plant, in 200 grams o f water, produces a
plants named here, to make a love philtre pos
kind o f hypnosis, with a sensation o f well-be s ib le . Even romantic, even jungle, love i s n t
ing almost unspeakable, loss o f w ill, and the worth the end result -- which is insatiability
ability to answer questions lik e a medium i n beyond all sanity. Let the s tu ff alone. Save
trance . Now, here is something.
man or woman who partakes o f a o
Clearly the
for n a lic ia d a s n u lh e re s , I ' v e used Indian
names only. I f I provided the Latin names, far
in advance what it w ill d o , asks for what he

too many o f these five might be purchased in
gets. While the plant i s n t in i t s e l f the stuff American greenhouses, whose flo r is t s have l i t
o f which uncontrollable love i s fashioned, it tle idea o f exactly what they ve imported.
can b e , a n d i s , mixed with whatever o f the
A B E R R E E ----- --- N O V E M B E R ,

other five plants herein mentioned i s available
to the contriver o f secret rendezvous. This
one above all I wished to try, but in areas
where it is known and used, I felt there night o f any abracadabra o f jumbled letters forming
be secrets I preferred to keep to myself. I had an important sounding " i c , or ism , or ol-
no urge to do any astral traveling, which one ogy in which the wonders o f successful liv
i s quite capable o f doing while under the in ing and dying are ours for a few dollars
fluence" according to reports but I had quer and a p e w spare moments o f study and reading
ied many men and women, o f a ll ages, exhaus which they, in their drive for QUICK riches and
tively, about naricaua and each o f the other approbation, never, apparently, had time for.
five p l a n t s herein mentioned together with So we get fat, we get cancer, we have heart
perhaps a score o f others o f lik e properties ailments and we haven t the slightest idea
and I knew my new-found friends regardless o f what we a r e b u ild in g f o r o urselve s "o v e r
consequences and appreciating je s t s lik e any there . We r e w illin g to take someones word
body else would deal me a jungle "m ic k e y " i f for it- - to BELIEVE because i t s easier and
they got a chance that night well change t h e faster.
whole course o f my l i f e . I had no desire to Yes, walking t h e more than four miles was
leave any illegitimate children in the ju n g l e s , quite an experience; i t gave us time to do some
fo r in

even i f I knew they were on the way thinking, and looking, and wondering--and we re
ex a ctly th is way have someo f the m ysterious not certain we liked the conclusions we reach
" little slaves" o f the Amazon fa lle y cone in to ed any better than we did the neglected side
the world. There are, in some areas, women o f walks w e t rip p ed o v e r. Maybe w e ll try it
various colors who, for a p rice, w ill provide again, taking a different route, and see i f we
the bodies upon which unconscious fa th er s c a n t find a more optimistic " f u t u r e under
may produce such small s l a v e s ; sometimes the our feet. 8
Siut you, !7oo, Gun iDo
By HAROLD S. SCHROEPPEL W A R N I N G These lessons In " A d v a n c e d P e r c e p
t i o n are not to be treated lightly or delv ed
LESSON 18 CONCLUSION In by the cu r i o u s for idle or q u e s t i o n a b l e
|HIS LESSON is another and earlier goals. As the Auth or cauti ons, t h e y re d a n g e r
o u s and It Is s u g g e s t e d two p e r s o n s with *1*1-
version of t h e emotional curve Isr intent work as a team. One of the risks in
technique for those who can get volved, Mr. Schroepp al warns, is that some who
results with the method depicted successfully d e v e l o p their adva n c e d p e r c e p t i o n
last month. It, too, is not a one- " a r e going to See soma things they'd rather not
see". And don't m ix with any other technique,
person technique; it is strictly a or you may find yourself w o r k i n g at c r o s s - p u r
team technique, and no individual poses. Wh i c h Is no place to find yours elf, or
has any business experimenting with for a n y o n e else to find you a s p e c l a l I y an In
it by himself. This method was in co m p e t e n t psychologist or p s y c hiatrist. They
m ay get the Idea y o u're as crazy as they are.
use at the D ianetics Foundation in The EDITOR
Wichita, K a s ., at the time I w as there .
It has been used elsewhere, and many of
the old-time Dianetic auditors are famil about the incident. Act as i f it is the sort
of thing that happens every day, and you have
iar with it. However, not many of them stood by watching such things d a i ly f o r the
are familiar with it in the form in which past 10 years with nothing more than a mild
I am going to give it to you. curiosity.
This i s another form o f emotional curve; Your su bje ct w i l l s t a r t out, or should
this time the emotional curve thru which the start, on a fairly high n o t e , feeling fa irly
individual goes when he runs in t o a heavy good. As he goes along, the drop at the point
failure in l i f e . To .run it , seat your subject o f failure may be slow or fast, and the rise
comfortably in a large, soft chair, o r have will probably but not necessarily b e corres
him lie on a couch. Check his memory to make pondingly slow o r f a s t . Make sure that you
sure it is good. Then ask him for a reasonably follow the curve all the way thru the incident
heavy fa ilure, an occasion when he fa iled a t until you come out on the high side.
something. You want him to recall how he felt Have the individual, go thru this in memory
within himself in the period leading up to the a number of times until he has within himself
failure : what h is emotion w a s , how h is body the memory o f how his emotions changed. Make
felt as he approached the failure point, how sure t h a t he actually recalls within the body
he fe lt at the exact point when he agreed that the sensations he experienced as he went thru
he fa ile d , and how he felt after he had decid th is fa ilu r e, and then have him run thru these
ed that the failure was over and he went on sensations several tim es.
about his business to do something else. After he gets fa irly good at it and can go
Have your subj ect experience these emotions , thru it r a p id ly , have him go thru it ba ck
moving a ll the way thru the incident from one wards . Start a t the end of the incident and
m end to the other. You want him to get as much have him feel the emotions back thru t o the
reality on the internal sensations as possible , beginning . Have him do this a few times, and
on the change in emotions. You want h is atten- then h a v e him run the emotional curve o f the
- tion focused internally in him self, on h is own failure incident back and forth, beginning to
Z interior workings and how they function , on end and end to beginning, 15 or 2 0 times.
h is endocrine system and how it changes, what When he has done this and has it well down,
" the various glands do as he is going along the then ask him i f there were any earlier times
o curve. Keep his attention very close to t h i s . when h i s emotional pattern changed in this
* Do not ask him for his effect on the external same way. A s k him to look for such earlier
environment o f the incident. D o not yourself patterns, and see i f he turns up any. I f he
require much of his attention. See to it that does, use the same technique on these, running
the biggest part o f h is attention 90 to 95 thru the changes from front to back, from back
percent is on what h is own system, h is in to front, and then back and forth , thru the
ti) sides physical and emotional, i s doin g. He emotional changes in the body. In each inci
w should be pretty close to his own workings, in dent, when he has recalled it sharply and you
. . a state almost o f deep trance, but even i f he have swung him back and forth thru i t several
is not and is a lot more active than that, his times, ask him for something e a r lie r , an ear
attention thruout should be within himself and lie r incident like this, until you get to the
w not on creating an effect on his immediate ex- earliest one he will give you , no matter what
CQ ternal environment. D o n t get tricky with him it i s . It may be at 20 years old, i t may be
a ; and have to be watched, or anything lik e t h a t . two years old. Maybe i t 's at birth, maybe i t 's
Go very gently and carefully, quietly a n d conception, and maybe i t 's Bridey Murphy ; but
v easily. Accept what he gives you, no matter whatever i t i s , you take it quietly and say
j-. what he turns up , and do n 't reject any d a t a . nothing more t h a n , "How did you f e e l ? . . . All
I f he says, " I just c u t my grandmother's r i g h t , now go thru it a g a i n . Keep crowding
^ th ro at, answer: Fine. D id she bleed much? him for h is inward feelings in the in cid e n t.
and did you enjoy doing it? or are you unhappy Eventually, when you h i t the earliest o n e ,
about it? How did it make you feel? a n d how run him thru it several times, then have him
did she feel about it? D on t indicate in any slow down at the lowest point on the curve and
9 way that there is anything wrong or startling soak i n that particular sensation. H a v e him
become intensely aware o f it , and hold him i t s fur itches. Crowd him Into a thing, into
there for five, 10, even 15 minutes, i f h e experiencing it as himself, into being it , and
w ill stay there. Ordinarily at this point the ask him for as many details and as much real
subject will drop out the bottom and bring up ity as you can get.
something earlier. D o n t get t o o eager. Your job is to be
You want your subject to feel the emotional matter-of-fact, calm, easy, so that you do n t
curve of whatever entity he has gone back i n t o , pull the individual s attention away from him
and to go back and forth on that curve. I f he s e lf and what he is doing. I f you start get
goes back farther s t ill into the genetic mem ting excited about it , he may start putting on
o ries, the past lives of this l ife form , fo l a show for you, and this is n ot what you want
low the same p r o c e d u re : What was the thing either. You want h i s attention concentrated
doing? What was the incident involved? Run the entirely on what he is doing and experiencing
emotional curve o f it and see i f you can find internally, not on the effect he i s creating
any earlier o n es. on you. You may run into trouble with show-
o ffs anyway. You will get people who l i k e to
You should drive each path as far back as
create a r e a l effect on their environment.
i t will go in t im e ; the farther you go, the
T h a t s all right. There is no harm in creating
better . When it seems t o have gone as far as
an effect. But d o n 't encourage i t . What you
i t w ill go , work it back again towards present
are trying to do with this technique is to get
time and see i f anything new can be picked up ,
them to examine the effect which they are cre
anything different. When your subject gets the
ating within themselves, so keep them looking
whole sequence worked out, which may take two
inside: "H o w did this failure a f f e c t your
or three hours i f i t is done r i g h t , and when
stomach? When you f a i l , when you agree that
he gets back to present t im e , work him on the
this is a failure, how do you agree? What do
fir s t emotional curve again i n the same w a y .
you do? Do you ju s t fold up within yourself?
Pick up anything you can get, anything you can
What happens to your shoulders? How does the
work thru. Put him thru the emotional curve of
inside o f your head feel then? Where do you
it rather rapidly.
feel your failure in your legs, in your b u t t ,
When the individual i s back rather solidly
in your stomach, in your lungs ? Does y o u r
in present time a n d w e l l aware o f his sur
pulse slow down.
roundings, then go back and inquire about the
Keep the individual s attention on himself
basic purposes o f these various forms which he
and what he is doing and what h e i s being as
was, or his purpose at the time he was in the
he goes back . I f he is being a sperm i n con
incident. I f he d i d n t get out o f present l i f e ,
ception, keep h is attention on how he w ig g le s .
ask him what he was trying to do hardest a t
Ask him, "A r e there any more o f you around?
the time he f a i l e d . In either case, follow up instead o f, " A r e there any more sperm around?
with asking him i f that effort would be appro
And d o n t imply that he has to be going
priate i n present t im e . In my own case, away
thru any certain pattern o f experience, that
back down some place, I was being a clam and anything in particular has to happen, sim ply
trying to stay put, to take root in the sea
because you know t h e normal biological s e
bottom . Would that intention to take root, as
quence o f events, either. I t may not have hap
a major effort, be valid today?
pened that way this time. D o n t be surprised
Remember thruout that what you want is not i f it d i d n t . In a case like t h i s a subject
what is going on outside the subject in these
might turn up six unsuccessful abortions and a
incidents, except a li t t l e id e n t ific a t io n , or seventh which was successful. (There has been
what effect he is expressing upon his environ
a rumor among auditors that this is how one of
ment, but what is happening and what he i s do
them lost his subject: The subject turned up
ing inside himself.
with just such a series o f incidents , and f i
I f you want t o do this technique in real
nally he ran a successful abortion and evapo
d e ta il, y o u a l s o want to bring out how the
rated. 1
subject himself causes these various internal
So now we come to the end of these lesso n s.
changes. I f you run a person a long time on
Actually, tho, it should n o t be t h e e n d of
the emotional curve, you should actually throw
your learning by any means; rather it should
h is attention down on the switches, the lit t le

be only a good b e g in n in g . I hop e you have
things he does within his mind and within his
taken what has been given here and built with
body to cause these various sensations to ap
it and grown by it. Such building and growth,
pear, so that he becomes aware of the mechan
once started, will continue.
ic s o f the changing and can see how he makes
(The en d!
them within h im s e lf a s h e moves along t h e
curve, and how they happen. This i s the sort ----- ------
o f thing you w a n t . WISDOM, POWER NOT AUTOMATIC AT DEATH
You should always be emphasizing: "W ho is The id e a that death somehow transforms an
doing this to you? Are you doing this to your extremely limited, even s i n f u l , mortal into a
self? Do you yourself feel this way right now? perfected being of knowledge and power i s an
Would you be feeling this way i f you hadn t absurdity inherited by many S piritu alists from
ju s t now caused yourself to do so? orthodox C h r istia n ity , altho t h e ir own Bible [*)
Also emphasize: "W hat good is this emotion? distinctly t e lls them: "K now this: that beyond w
Ftor what was it used. What is the basic pur the grave thou shalt learn nothing. Yet even
pose involved in i t ? I f i t i s a past l ife this h a l f t r u th , for such i t i s , has to be
organism, ask what this organism is trying to correctly understood. I f during earth l i f e the
do, what it is trying to prove at the time the s p ir it was moribund, i t is likely to remain in W
subject is being it. a comatose condition after the death o f it s O
Note that you d o n t say, Are you being physical vehicle, until it enters upon another gg
it ? i f your subject is feeling he is a fish or incarnation, nolens volens, for undeveloped
something. Assume he i s the fish. Ask him , s p ir its shrink from sacrifice. Those who in c
"W h a t are you trying to do? and i f he s a y s , earth l i f e manifested selflessness, s er v ic e,
" V e i l , I m trying to swim this way, d o n t and striving quickly consume the coarser en-
say, "Y o u mean the fish i s . Say, All r ig h t , velopes and continue their progress on inner ^
and are there any other fish around?" Treat planes, i t i s rare, however, that they return
him as i f he is the l i f e form he is trying to to say "H e llo ! to, or exchange pleasantries
be. I f he says, " I am a bear and I have f u r , with. S p ir itu a lis tic seances.
ask him i f h i s fur i t c h e s . D o n t ask him i f Bernard Lentz, in PSYCHIC OBSHRTBS X)
Departed Psychic
Guards Secret Box By ALBERT ROY DAVIS
T T fX A C T L Y o n e year a f t e r h i s de pa rture ter, I s e le c t e d a ~
1 from this earth p la n e , D r . B. E . code fig u re, an d B.B.Roessling
1 R o e s s l i n g , former s e c r e t a r y of the s lo w ly s e n t a men
I ' F l o r id a So ciety fo r P s y c h ic a l R e t a l p ic t u r e o f him as I had la st seen him ,
ft s e a r c h , came b a c k to t e l l me o f h is and req u e sted my g u id e to a s s i s t me i n
I work on th e o th er s i d e . t h i s com munication.
H I * * * * * At once h i s code f i g u r e ap peared, and
I I it w a s e a r ly one m orn in g- - by w ith i t the m essage: I am happy. I am
I I e a r l y , I mean about 5 A. M .- - t h a t s o rr y I had t o lea v e my d e a r w i f e , mv
ft 1 D r . R o e s s l in g c a l l e d me and I went fa m ily , and f r i e n d s , b u t I am t e a c h in g
d i r e c t l y t o h i s home and o f f i c e h e re in now, and t h i s i s what I always wanted to
Green Cove S p r in g s , F l a . d o .
I am about to die," he announced in a What a re you t e a c h in g ? I ask ed.
somber voice. Then, in a quite business The c o d e rep ly w a s : A ctiv ity . H ie
like manner, he showed me his files and a c t io n of s u r ro u n d in g s th a t each must
started giving me instruction o n how he come to know o f on a r r i v a l h e r e . The way
wished the letters, papers, and reports o f e x i s t e n c e , d u t i e s , s e r v i c e one must be
to be destroyed in part and others sent ta ught to do h e r e . A f t e r they have re
to H. M. Wagner at Niceville, Fla. Wagner c e iv e d t h i s i n s t r u c t i o n , t h e y a r e then
was president of the Society. g iv e n a s u p p o r t in g t a s k a nd d u t i e s and
He pointed to a bookcase. There is a s e r v i c e they too must perform . Then they
steel box in the back of that bookcase, a c t to g u id e o t h e r s on a r r i v a l ; and those
and he pointed to some books that covered who h a d t h a t p o s i t i o n b e fo r e the new a r
the front of t h e hidden box. When I r i v a l comes c a n g o on t o a g r e a t e r ad
leave, be sure that box and its records vancement o f m o r e v a l u e d d u t i e s . T h is
are destroyed as they contain letters c h a in o f ev en ts goes on and o n .
that might hurt s o m e very fin e people. A f t e r the p sy c h ic c o d in g s t o p p e d , I
The letters are reports that I have acted knew t h a t a l l was w ell. H e s in c e h a s sen t
to prevent being made public, but must me m e s s a g e s , a n d h a s made h i s p re se nc e
have them to protect others in the event known i n t h e home o f some o f h i s n ea r
some publisher attempts at some future r e la tiv e s .
n time to discredit some of the psychics The most rem arkable event o f a l l t h i s ,
5 who are honest and dedicated to the arts . however, t r a n s p i r e d when I re t u r n e d t o
I t s too soon for m e to publish their D r. R o e s s l i n g s home t h e day f o l l o w i n g
oc research findings, as t h e world is not h i s p a s s i n g , with the i n t e n t io n o f c a r r y
s yet ready for what the box contains. ing out h i s in s t r u c t io n s about h i s papers
5 I promised--and we then started early- and rec o r d s . A f t e r this was don e, I turned
o morning meetings, each day for two weeks . my a t t e n t io n to o b t a i n i n g the s t e e l box
* The start of the third week, 1 was no b u i l t in t o the bookcase , b e h in d h i s o ld
tified that Dr. Roessling had been rushed and v a lu e d p s y c h ic books.
to the hospital in Tallahassee, because a But i t w a s n t t here -- and no tra c e o f
cancer in advanced stages had been de i t ev er has been found. Nor i s t here any
tected over his right lung, and it seemed e v id e n c e i t ever was t h e r e . .
w that the end was close. I t r i e d to s o lv e t h i s thru q u e st io n s
w He never returned from the hospital. to Dr. R o e s s l i n g h im s e lf, a f t e r w e h a d
Dr. Bernard Roessling h a d gone on to e s t a b l i s h e d com m unication, but h i s answer
greater work on the spiritual planes. was, The box is gone f o r e v e r .
w I had read and studied about the many I can t e s t i f y t o tha t -- but where d id
who had attempted t o communicate w i t h i t go? And how? D id D r . R o e s s lin g ta ke it
cC those who had passed on , and in too many w ith him? And how d id he d e st r o y the e v i
c a s e s , all these printed and published d e n ce ? I can o n ly f a l l back on a truism
stories had one ending failure. So, I f o r my answer : G r e a t e r t h in g s happen in
thought it best to wait, a n d see if he th e p s y c h ic w o rld than man d a r e s to th in k
^ made an effort to contact m e . o f. W h i l e w e m ay th in k we know m u c h ,
Nothing happened, tho I gave it every t h e r e i s so much we do n ot know.
possible avenue to happen . A y e a r went
Bad a d v ic e i s l i k e a bad ch e ck , y o u re
by, and one day I thought I would try to
communicate with B e m i e " b y the compu- in t r o u b le i f you use i t . Roy E* Shook
the firs t Saturday of each * >
month, a psychic experience
exchange group will meet on
second Saturdays, those be
longing to Dan Pry s Under
standing Unit No. 44 will meet
on the third Saturdays, and
hypnosis sessions (discussions
and practice) are to be held
on the fourth Saturday o f each
month . T h e building will be
teleported to Enid on the first
sixth Saturday of the month
for a surprise session of all
I n f i n i t e s ... K Col. Burks, or
iginally scheduled to spend
only eight days in Oklahoma
City before going to New York
and Chicago for other lectures,
cancelled his New York date
and stayed an extra cduple
days for lectures and some ex
perim ents in combination with
TIE. Byron Gentry, o f Oklahoma
City, h i m s e l f a metaphysical
healer as well as practicing
chiropractor. It is understood
Col. Burks intends to write up
the results o f these experi
ments -- and w e ll be looking
forward to his story. (You did
have The ABERREE in mind,, did-
n t you C o lo n e l? )...
1 We s u g g e s t t h a t o n e of
the surest ways to get rid of
smog in Califomia--especially
Southern C a l if o r n ia --would be
for someone to discover they
get a kick out o f it , rather
than Sore lungs and painful
eyes. T h i s observation comet
from the report that Angeles
o f f ic ia l s are really having a
hard tim e, following the pub
lication in a national maga
zin e (' Psychedelic Review ) of
a report that one can get the
same effect from morning glory
seeds as one gets from the
prohibited peyote plants. It
seems that frustrated Califor
nians are rushing to their seed
houses in such numbers that
retail outlets have been noti
fied to curtail s a l e s , esp ec
ia lly o f the two guilty types:
Heavenly Blue and Pearly Gates
both o f which are said to
contain minute amounts o f ly
sergic a c i d . Instructions say
to wash the seeds ( i f you can UPPER RIGHT The Hew Age CERTSR LEFT Mrs. Velva Joe
get em ), and put 150 o f them Center a t 1U5 northeast lUth RhoadeS caught laying out the |
in a blender with about one- S tre e t, Oklahoma C ity. This is refreshments in her dual role \
fourth cup o f cold water, and only a temporary "stop-gap" in of cashier and hostess, .
blend much . This acrid con th e ir plans fo r a mile-square CERTSR RIGHT Mr. and Mrs.
coction can be made somewhat base o f operations, Charles Charles Rhoades and Arthur J . 1
palatable by adding to some Rhoades maintains, but " i t ll Burks take time out to smile 1
saporific drink, such as orange have to do-for a couple years, fo r The ABERREE photographer
ju ic e or one o f the c o l a poi anyway." The auditorium, of ju s t before the afternoon's
s o n s ... I j i g U l a s d , p .M ., (p e f ic e , and kitchen are down ceremonies,
yote master), o f Houston, T e x . , s ta ir s ; sleeping quarters fo r BOTTOMThe dedication did
says h e s b e e n testing t h e tenants and guests u p sta irs. nt draw much o f a crowd and
s t u f f , and unless one gets a UPPER LEFTArthur J . Burks, since the camera doesn't shoot
Mexican type o f morning glory , master o f ceremonies a t the around com ers, even a ll those
it wont work. However, h e ll dedication, responds with a present d id n 't show in the
do some more experimenting, and rea l toothpaste ad a t the pho p ictu re. (Looks as i f a bus
w ill report h i s success (or tographers suggestion he "pre d rive r was in charge o f sea t
(THERES MORE ON PAGE 18) tend th is won t hurt a b it." ing arrangements, doesn't it? )
Buddhism is very interesting something has to be done. It
but after attending one ses i s too bad that such as this

ee sion, I want no part of i t . has to be handled by govern

I t s the same old story; y o u ment intervention why oh why
chant Nam Mycho Renge Kyo a didn t those involved see the
number of times and your eveiy handwriting on the wall .

wish is granted. So far as I in
concerned, this is as bad as DEAR LOUIS I want to ad
the C h r istia n s who want some vance s p ir itu ally , but I do
one to die for their sins or not have a guru, What should I
the flying saucer advocates do? R . , Hew York, H .Y .
who want to make a mess of
DEAR R. -- Y o u remind me of
things and let t h e shining
the guy who couldn t g e t to
space brothers rescue t h e m
town because he d idn t have a
By "LOUIS" from t h e i r d o i n g . Our daily
lives are our training grounds
car. i f you choose to excel or
advance physically, m aterially,
(Send your questions d irect to --here we grow--here we expand
or spiritu ally , you do so by
LOUIS, 1411 East M iss o u ri, Phoenix, our consciousness -- here we
yourself for y o urse lf. Go
A r l z ., enclosing a sta sp ed, sell- practice love. L e t s face i t
within and let the Christ
addressed envelope. For those sho too many want INSTANT GOD.
elsh personal r e p lie s , a alnlaus within be your guru.
contribution of $2 per question DEAR L O U IS What do you
should be In c lu d e d .) think o f the recent raids on DEAR LOUIS Could i t be
Mr. Hubbard's o p e r a t i o n in that Trah Hika and Louis and
DEAR LOUIS We follow your Washington? Do you fe e l that Mahdah Love are the same per
column with deep interest, and it violates religious freedom? son? H . D . , Hew York, H .Y .
we hope y o u 'r e hack soon. We --M. A ., Washington, D . C. DEAR N. D. It could be, but
noticed in LOOK Magazine, Sep t a in t . i think that I know
DEAR M. A. Mr. H u b b a r d s
tember 10, that the religion tea c h in g s a c c o r d i n g to my Louis and i t seems to me that
known as Soka Gakkai is sweep he live s in Phoenix, and I ve
t h in k in g d o n o t com e u n d e r
ing thruout Japan and United met Mahdah, and she operates
the h ea d in g o f a r e l ig io n a s
States. Could this be another Love s Retreat in Georgia. As
s u c h - - in th e s p e c i f i c s e n s e .
of L o u is 's predictions coming for Trah Nika, this is M r.
The o n l y reason fo r c a l l i n g
to pass? M .C ., Portland, Ore, Hart s friend.
the movement a church w a s to
use the church t i t l e to o p er

DEAR M. C. As you see, I m
back and I ' l l stay back as ate under. I f we th in k o f r e- DEAR LOUIS I have fa it h in
long as people send me Inter lig io n as a ll fa c e t s o f l i f e , God, but my life is so lack
esting questions to answer. then Mr. Hubbard s o p eration , ing. Why? H .M ., Los Angeles,
Yes, this is one of ray predic the l o c a l p u b , and the red C alif.
tions in p r i n t and I believe l ig h t d i s t r i c t would a l l be DEAR H. M. Faith and shov
with this one my score is part o f a r e l ig io n . Prom the els move mountains. Pjayers
something like 8 5 % l e t s hope t a l e s that have been coming to and p low s make f o r a rich
by Christmas i t s reached t h e me from Washington (and they harvest. Get of! your fanny and
100% mark, Soka Gakkai or True came from r e l ia b l e sources) , move.

purity, some extra sensory ferment , has to be

Father Zero
implanted in the helix to buoy her up beyond
her c r itic a l, radiating, zero s i z e . The open
condensing coils o f the helix must be forced

Takes a
to come full circle to a zero solar center i n
order to generate sunshiny showers. A shower
is the show-er of the way out into manifesta

Gander a

When the sunshiny radiations go out as far

as th ey can go, the straight lines return on
themselves tangentially and pi rationally as
T h e A B E R R E E ------ --- N O V E M B E R ,

another c le a n reaction. The clean, reactive ,

feed-back system i s a non-objective automati-
city and immortal as long as the three of the
3 1/7 pi ratio return unattached of themselves,
of their own inherent screw sense. But when
By PHILIP FPIEDMAN ^ the 1 over the Sabbatical seventh takes over
and is worked in as the one-zero end, then the
h e lix i s again forced to come full circle to
A sunshiny shovier another sunshiny, generating end.

Won't last h a lf an hour. The sunshiny shower i s b u t one-half t h e
SUNSHINY shower is a shower of sunshine, a complete c y c le from beginning to beginning,
fallout from a heliocentric solar ce nter, but one-half the full cyclic hour. But in ac
from an appearing point. Mother Nature is tual time it comes and goes in a flash like
that indying, undying, everlasting h e l i x . lightning, leaving it to the reactive silent
As long as she i s a clean reaction rela thunder to slowly reintegrate the pieces. The
tive to her own spou ses rad iatin g action sunshiny shower comes last on the helix but is
only, her spiral is unending and n ever buildsnot lasting Only the fastidious helix is ever
up a solar center o f sunshine. In immaculatelasting and immortal as long as it i s auto
nature there is no sun to shine. Her mascul ine matic.
, But when the helical w a l l s of o n e s
h e lica l, gandering end is truncated. There iscity are built too high by some a rtificial
no end to her and consequently no turning pointhandiwork, the sun that is built up on t o p ,
of dispersal. The end of her heliocentricitystands s t i l l . It is the moment of inertia be
is the beginning o f his straight line radia fore the horning pieces again rain down on
tion. They are one and the same point. ea'bth, before another sunshiny shower o f so-
13 To build up that end-beginning, some im called blessed events.
and watered the whole face o f the ground, and
the Lord G o d formed man of the dust o f the
ground, and breathed into his n o s t r ils t h e
breath o f l i f e , and man became a living so ul.
This m i s t ," wrote Curtiss, "w a s caused by
heat ( f i r e ) , making the water to evaporate and
moderating the cold. Hence, only as fire en
tered a s a third constituent o f the ea rth ,
could (toe body of) man b e made o f the 'dust
o f the ground .
"S i n c e to manifest i n each world (terres
trial and c e le s tia l), toe soul must necessar
ily have a vehicle o r body composed of the
(7) KING FIRE substance o f that world. To manifest on t h e
f T l N G FIRE, master o f all forces, greatest of earth, a physical body must be formed, composed
1 / all elements, reducing a l l substances to o f the same material as the earth is , o r l i t
U incandescent gas, was naturally the lead- erally 'o f the dust o f the ground , ere the
A ing symbol in all the ageless wisdom of soul can function on t h e terrestrial p l a n e .
l l the fiery creator of the un iv er s e. Since man then contained (within himself) all
11. After the proud temples were demolished the elements o f m anifestation, he became a
and the priceless scrolls w e r e destroyed by microcosm or cosmos in miniature, As above,
the army o f the newly-established Roman S ta t e so below. And th u s it is that heat (fir e )
Church to obliterate the ancient know ledge, completes man. No creation can be completed
the precious fragments thereof lay buried for until the force of heat (fir e ) has done i t s
centuries beneath the rubble o f the ruined perfecting work.
c it ie s in which the flaming torch o f King Fire The fir s t age o f the earth was toe S o l a r
had been so gloriously hailed by all the peo Age, requiring approximately 6 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 y e a r s
ple for thousands o f years as the blazing sym for-this flaming globe to cool down to its
bol o f the Lord o f Fire. present temperature. And so toe fir s t religion
Fire and light were regarded by the masters o f which we have any accurate knowledge w as
as the leading elements. The pantomophic fire the fire philosophy o f toe ancient Atlanteans,
was considered by them as t h e creative power, as we have said.
and w a s c a l l e d astral light. Hence, i t was That was an absolutely philosophical relig
logical and consistent that all ancient re ion, when science and theology walked hand-in-
lig io n s regarded fire as a direct manifestation hand as perfect brothers, du a l expositors of
o f the Creator, deeming the Sun the Universal toe cosmic unit, and men knew they manifested
Fire. within their bodies the creative fire o f the
Fire to produce heat in some degree i s ab universe, the mysterious power which charac
solutely essential to every manifestation o f terized the masters who raised themselves up
l ife . Without fire, all would be cold and l i f e by celibacy to the angelic plane, high above
less. At absolute zero (minus 273 C . ) , scien the animalistic kingdom (Mat. 2 2 : 3 0 ) .
tists say that all manifestation ends, the atom (Continued in the next issue)
then being entirely at rest.
Fire is the mysterious "unknowable r e a lity " AMERICAN INFLUENCE ABROAD
o f modem science. I t is an aspect o f divine
radiance, a m a n i f e s t a t i o n o f the C r e a t o r .
Wherever there i s fire, there the Creator is
in manifestation.
The liv in g fire , the vital breath, was held
by the masters to exercise its creative action
thru the Sun as it s focal point during the
S u n s revolution along the signs o f the Zodi-
akos, with which signs unite the paranatallons
that modify their influence and concur in fin
ishing th e symbolic attributes o f the great
luminary, which rules and regulates all crea
tion and all created phenomena, and is the de
T h e A B E R R E E ----- --- N O V E M B E R ,
pository o f all creative forces.
The Bible says: " Y e came near and stood un
der the mountain; and the mountain burned with
fire unto the midst o f heaven, with clouds and
thick darkness. And the Lord spake unto you
out o f the midst o f the fire ; y e heard the
voice o f the words, b u t saw no sim ilitu de;
only ye heard a voice. . . . F o r the Lord thy God
is a consuming f i r e . " (Deut. 4 :1 1 , 12, 24).
Clymer wrote: Fire appears as the chosen
element o f God. In the form of the flaming bush
He appeared unto Moses. His presence was de
noted by torrents o f flame; and in the form o f
fire He preceded the Isr a elites by night thru
the dreary w ilderness.
" B y fire we can a l t e r solids; part them ,
powder them, melt them, drive them out to more
and more delicate and impalpable texture f i r
ing the in v is ib le molecules, o r imponderables,
into clouds, into m ist, into gas; out o f see
ing into smelling; out o f smelling into noth
i n g (Jennings). By EVA WOODFORD. Lost Crook, W. Vo.
The Bible further says, There went up from "Tourists taught me this trick, A bigger split,
the earth (under the influence o f heat), a mist or I cut the rope and leave you up there," 1 4
see it , and I am a prediction
this: The North is a goin to
have the worst winter in all
history of weather reporting
this year, the South will be
as cold as a pigs nose on a
frosty morning and storms will
break out in the north and
east and west and south. Floods
and windstorms. This is on ac
count of them there fellers
sending up a l l that atomic
mess of busted loos atoms in
the upper atmosphere. The Old
Lady, mother nature, done got
all fussed up and is dropping
her skirts a few feet every
Lots of folks want to know
( E D . N O T E The A B E R R E E d i s ifen we are going to have a war
c laim s a n y r e sp o n sib ility fo r with Russia. Well the answer
e i t h e r the v i e i s e x p r e s s e d or the
to that is No. Mr. K is sweet
S P E L L IN G i n d u lg e d In by t h i s col-
u in . A l b e r t Roy D a v i s , b i l l i n g
talking the free world and
h lis e ir a s the C orny P s y c h i c " ,
some Commie countrys into the
says he van ts to answ er q u e s t io n s facts of li fe . These here been
fo r p a y . " A n y 2 q u e s t i o n s for $ 1 , that C h in a will start World
Auditorial on good old Page 3
as up h ere In th e se h i l l s t h in g s War 3 . R e d C h in a has the A
in this October issue, starts
d o n 't c o s t so i u c h , " he s a y s . bomb and has tested it in there
a fir e in my speech d e p a r t
D a v i s 's a d d r e s s Is 23 R est W a l underground labs without the
nut S t . , G reen Cove S p r i n g s , F l a . ) rest of the people knowing ment (o il fie ld - t y p e w o rds),
cause i know the type. Super
nothing about i t , and s till
Howdy Polks: vised men for 4 0 years, with
dont. T h a t s a fact. So watch ,
That trip we took to Hen Red China w i l l t a k e over all any number from 6 to 300 a t a
dersonville, N. C . , was a dil- time; h e s the kind who were
Communism, very soon.
ley, it rained, poured, flood the fir s t joiners o f the labor
When Red China starts test
ed and sprinkled. Got to see unions and had rules or laws
ing in the atmosphere, it will
urn a picking cotton and tebac- be done in such a manner as to passed making i t nearly impos
cy, it was purely wonderfull , cause Russian people to die in s ib le for an employer to d is
the folks up there prices on great numbers. This and simi charge the lazy a n d i n e f f i
living needs is a might high so lar testing by Russia against cien t- - - !?). Save room in the
we uns decided not to move up China s threat to there very front row for me again.
thataway. So we uns are stay "F o u n d more stars. *** .
existance will a c t to force
ing put. Earl Dow se, 619 S . Chestnut,
Red China into a world bargin- Ponca City, Okla.
Got' a letter from a lady ing power.
felle r in California, wants me Got some questions:
to writ her back and tell her MRS. P . R . Will Castro al "T h e Reincarnation auditor
when Califo rnia i s agoing to ways keep Cuba fo r the Rus ial makes sense, and I agree
fall into the Ocean. Well I sians? -- When Castro fa ils to with your idea that this is a
predick t h i s : California i s hold the Communist doctrine in waste of time. What is needed
about to have an all-fired Cuba, the Russians will replace is a methodof harnessing these
bunch o f bad quakes, t h a t s a him with a new Cuban hero. The energies that are beyond our
fact, but it wont do no jumping Russian hold on Cuba is now so concept o f existing physical
into the Pacific o c e a n . True compleat that only the people e n er g ie s .
enough t h e r e ll be some Real themselves could ever liberate A recent experiment has

Estate lost, but on the Whole , there own country. They will come in here, from a couple of
the "h o l e will be a big un . I try again soon. English members (of the Ind i
reccoment that folks on low vidu alist Society). They are
T h e A B E R R E E ----- ---N O V E M B E R ,

MRS. K .M . What foreign nar-

land could move into the firmer tion has people teaching a new working on a technique o f mne
lands east o f Los Angeles this form o f psychic beliefs in monic intelligence, the basis
would help ifen these quakes California? A n e w form of o f which i s sim ilar to the way
get worst and I sure nuf feel psychic art is now been uncov meteorologists use isotherms
they w ill. ered and taught i n California and iso b a rs . These are lines
Another letter from a S c i under the noses o f the psychics drawn on a weather map that
e n t ific Feller wants to know there, by certain groups from strike locations t h a t have
when the earths agoing to turn Japan. Check near Huntington identical thermometer and ba
on its axel. Well in about Park, C a lif. They are known as rometer readings. Thus they
200 0,0 00 y e a r s , should be " S . K . s . th e r e secret words are able to chart fronts .
close, Corse ifen you don t used to act to take you over "N ow this intelligence ex
want to stay to see i t , you is M. H .R .G .K . periment does this with t h e
dont actually have to. When DR. B . M . I s there any pos memory. I t puts the subject in
Kennedy gets through burning itive herbes that can aid a a state o f trance, or hypno
about the terrible Race rioting person go on an astral jour tism. Then he is taught how to
they called a peach march in ney. Or i s there any herbes summon up all of h is memories
Wasington, the ice caps on that c a n make you psychic? o f a single idea simultaneous
the north poles will have melt Yes, there a r e herbes that ly. in other words, he brings
ed down some and that is what deaden the mind and allow you to a focus all o f h is past a s
is goint to put o ff the old to project yourself into a i t relates to a specified idea
worlds axel changing. state of trance. No, there is (may be p erson , place, th in g ,
A Lady writes me another no drug that can make you a event, related events, etc. ) .
good one. She asked me, whats psychic. D o n t let anyone tell The use o f this is m anifold.
the weather going to be like you different. He is able to perceive and un
15 in the North and S o u th . As I ALBERT ROY DAVIS derstand h is subconscious a nd
psychic relationship to this' cerned , t h e negative takeis
the next issue of The ABERREE!
given idea. This can be done charge according to its own to tell us how this ex-slave
with any number o f ideas, and dictates. Thus, it cou ld b e
reached this 120 mark? (This
the result i s supposed to give said that the negative god was is the only way I can reach the
the personality a new under* the ruler o f the earthly world attention of Prof. Hilton Ho-
standing o f it s e lf, and by in* (the evidence can be clearly tem a.! Anthony Chirieleison,
ference, o f human cognition seen by examining conditions BD 8 , Box 16U, Boner City, Pa,
per se. Also, it allows t h e on earth at the present d a t e .
individual to realize the re This has been a mystery merely "Y o u r article (in the Sep
lationship b e t w e e n e v e n t s , because the negative operates tember issue! on the many faces
persons, places, e t c ., that by means o f the human subcon of hypochondriasis about the
actually exist, but which he scious mind , t h e mind which body getting praise and blame,
did not perceive previously. can be manipulated in hypnotic e t c ., by "sp iritua l people is,
" I am editing this, and i t fa s h io n . T hink how e a s y it
according to m e , overdue . It
is a tough job to get i t un would be to run the world i f should do good. I only want to
rav elle d . -- Jack F e lt s , box you had access to the subcon contest one item. From the van
156, Tahler/mh, Okla, scious mind of al 1 human beingstage point of Frederic N. H a n d,
' and could dictate to this mind persons who think they are a
I notice there is s till a as you pleased, and have all of body or think t h e y are some
lot o f ado over the pros and your commands obeyed? How easy polynymous e n t it y a r e bo th
cons o f sp ir itu a l l i f e . Is to make one man rich and an wrong . T h i s adult male human
there or is there not a God? other poor, one respected and thinks he is both a living or
If so, then who and what is He? another despised, one a winner ganism and a Doppelganger, such
It seems tome that the Panthe and another a loser. And while that the organism is a mutated
ists were pretty close to the all this w a s going o n , you ape and the Doppelganger is an
right idea. .The ALL is the un could tell the people that ev apparently humanoid life-form
iverse because thats all there erything was fine and the best of undetermined origin and ob
is. Where would you go outside man was merely winning. scure structure. And he further
the universe ? T h u s , if there "However, even the negative accepts that these two life-
is a living force permeating god has h is problems . F i r s t ,
forms f o r m a symbiotic pair
the u n iv e r s e , then that force there is more than one nega which, together, is a human be
would be G o d. T h i s could be tive god. And these god s op
ing. Further th a t, because of
likened to the human body with pose one another (one big-shot continuous association for two
the atoms representing p la n e ts . runs against another!. Second, generations and shared experi
The personality o f the body the god o f earth i s actually ences and common interests, the
comes from the mind of the trying to prove that negative two parts of the symbiosis hab
person and his s p i r i t perme ness is the positive, that the itually think o f the human be
ates this body. In this par wrong cause is better than the ing as * 1 or m e, seldom i f
ticular sense, then, each per right. He is trying to prove
ever a s w e or i t . T h e r e s
son is a miniature universe and that h e i s the rightful and nothing metaphysical about this
his mind is the God of this par proper boss (notice how niany that I can see. D o n t people in
ticular universe. So you could want to be the head of a n a autos say *My front tire i s
not say the person did not have tion and after they get there , s o f t or Your left blinker is
a mind just because you could they have no idea at all how out without anybody seriously
not see it , could you? to run that nation in a proper thinking a driver is an automo
*'0 f course, i t i s not as fashion!. So, while being in
simple as this sounds. For the charge of things, negativeness "H e r e , I think too, lies the
God of the universe i s G O O D , is actually suffering the pangsbasis of the grand and funda
while human beings are some of frustration and proving how mental swindle of all religions
times good but o f t e n not so ignorant it actually is , whileand most id ea lis tic metaphysi
good. Thus, complications set destroying the very thing it cal systems. Such systems pur
in as to the complete answer . is trying to accomplish. (Freeport to work to free the soul

Nonetheless, man now knows he dom in America i s being d e from the body , a process which
stroyed by mentally retarded automatically takes place in
has two minds -- the conscious
and the subconscious. He also leaders w h o a r e constantly less than 100 years. I m re ovember,
has found that these minds o f shouting about the free world ,minded of a recent insight ( a
so-called.! rather small one! that nobody
ten oppose one another. This
should show him, by deduction , " A human being is born into can actually threaten you with
his subconscious mind. He must death. They can only threaten
that obviously the body is in
T h e A B E R R E E ------- N

be born again into his analyz to hasten it . All humans d i e

habited by t w o forces--one
er. He i s then saved fromsooner or l a t e r .. . .
good and one not so good. And
the error which operates by "W O R L D S RUIN--The news that
since people consider them
selves a s q u it e proper and means of his own subconscious the Society of Jesus is admin
m ind. The good w ith in him istering most o f the planet I
good according to their ana
lyzer, then the evil (error! thep becomes t h e ruler of his find reassuring. I f I had to
which lies within them dw ells own personal universe rather pick a pressure group to run
in their subconscious mind . than the error. When this has
the world I doubt I could think
Some say there is no God occurred, the person is ready of a better o n e . J e s u it s are
at a l l . Others say a good God and q u a lifie d to return to the
intelligent, experienced, in
exists but no bad one. The la t universe from whence he came. genious, well-educated, and re
ter opinion would be correct Ludwig G, Bosecrans, B t. 2 , sponsible. The'y re even adapta
i f i t concerned the universe Apache Junction, Ariz, ble. Even Mr. Anderson seems to
only. However, here, on earth think i t s for the best. (ED .
we have e v i l (and .all other " I n reading the letter of NOTE That a in t th e way we
forms o f negativeness! and Prof. Hilton H o tern a i n the read i t . )
very l it t l e good. The good September issue o f The ABER- DIAGNOSIS AND HEALING This
part, when it does manifest i t REE, the ex-slave he mentions is one I abstain from. I spent
self, shows up at moments which (of the a ge of 120 years! is a year and a half once with a
are non-important to material not a vegetarian , would the lit t le research group fooling
istic l i f e in general. When Professor be kind enough (with around with a Radiesthesic In
ever important events are con another letter to appear in strument o f a George DelaWarr 16
of Oxford, England. J a n e s s de prove upon tnat which is per that neither masters nor stu
scription of the Drown device is fect (lik e t h e Aberration* dents of atheism are s t u p i d .
an exact description (as far as and make it m o r e p e r fe c t . Nor are they liars and frau ds
it goes* o f the DelaWarr de v ice. (This refers to a letter in as labeled by the auditor.
"B LUE PRINT PROM SPACE--As I the September i s s u e .* Atheists d o not say there
said, your auditorial is tim ely. " H a v e n t you ever heard of is no G o d ...t h e y contend there
I have a better idea. It may be the Constitution of the United is no evidence o f the exist
original. S tr a y dogs have no States which in its Preamble ence o f a God. They feel, and
dental cavities. Stray dogs are states it was set up in order justifiably so, that the burden
generally healthier than hu to establish a more perfect of proof lies with those who
mans. Stray dogs eat garbage and union , in s ist that God exists . . . who
drink polluted water -- eat and "Shame on your unenlight then holds t h e position o f
drink what they please and can ened editor! --Floyd G u r le y , * 1 iars and frauds ? Atheism is
find. L e t s study dogs and find Colony, Eas. that which be lie v e rs condemn
what th ey have we havent o r openly, b u t a r e beset with
they haven t that we have . . . . Many o f o u r wonderful, secretly.
"S e v e r a l doings with the en v a lu ab le, r e l i g i o u s b e l ie f s (ED.NOTE Evidently, Jacob,
tity communications. Automatic could be of darkness . you ve misunderstood my r e f
writing the most reliable at " I have visited or talked erences to athei sts, e t c. I
this period. I ve got several to members of various churches . contended that these merely
hypotheses, but figure I need Each declares themselves to be were la b e ls theyd adopted in
to know a lot more about para- true. I s it possible that all protest to the preposterous
human culture, mores, and maybe churches are in error in some mouthings of those who couldn t
politics before I conclude any degree? And a l s o concerning be proved the l i a r s and frauds
thing. One being remarked that the Bible, claimed by many to they obviously are. Does that
i w a s gradually learning to be absolutely correct, it being change your viewpoint?)
communicate in a c iv ilize d (dis- the only inspiration from God .
carnate en tity * m an n e r. O n e Is it a sin to perceive that Furthermore, there can be
bunch I broke o ff with. Things there are contaminations of no ignorant a th eists , for the
got t o o phenomenal . Got my darkness woven into the stor average atheist has to think
arm twisted and finally tried ies and teachings? Is one free his way out of the religious
two paranormal healing jobs to judge the B ible, the church saturation he was immersed in
that worked. One case got com and God? I s it darkness o r when he was much too young to
plicated. Matter of fact, both light that insists some one have an opinion.
did. I ll just go along with book is absolutely t r u e or "W i t h the above out o f our
the bit and see what turns u p . that we have to worship in the way, we can now dwell on our
No point in my adding to the name o f J e s u s ? Does loyalty agreements.
general confusion at this tim e. and b e lie f prevent us from "T h e physical body is com
perceiving that the Creator posed of parts and subject to
T h eres a new magazine, the
PSYCHEDELIC REVIEW by IP IP also pemmts deception to be deterioration, decomposition,
(International Foundation f o r written into the Bible by men , and death. The L ife F o r c e
Internal Freedom*, the group sp irits, angels, or what1 I s which impels and compels ac
that started with the hum^n not bondage to b e l i e f , dark tion o f the body (his vehicle*
studies project at Harvard Uni ness? Does b e lie f have wisdom, is ENERGY.
versity. Psychedelic In d o le understanding? Are books about We prove in our laborator
chemicals are catching on so truth, the living truth? Are ies that energy cannot be de
well now it takes a load o ff my books about the Creator, the stroyed . L ife F orce, being
peyotism. I learn the Heavenly Creator? I may find my Bible energy, cannot be annihilated,
Blue or Pearly G a t e s morning short, my church short , and and is therefore not subject
glory seeds have an alkaloid myself be short of wisdom . I to death. Now then, when the
equal to LSD 25. Still trying to could lose my errors and con promptings and proddings of
find right kind of seeds to try ce it. It could be the Creator L ife F orce bring no response

it. Tried ordinary improved is not captured by proclaiming from the body, t h e body has
morning glory seeds, and they any name o r church, even if died and there is a separation
tasted fine but no e f f e c t s .... some Bible claims s o . People of w a y s...
T h e A B E R R E E ------- ---- N O V E M B E R ,

I m now promoting interest who are watching, trying to "Because of our ability to
in witchcraft among local peo perceive the t r u e , and living communicate freely with intel
ple with appropriate ancestry . constructively, could be the ligences that can be heard but
I t 's not that I m getting mel - C reators people. To live and cannot be seen with the fleshy
low in my middle age, or that I labor from the wisest and best eyes, we know discarnate enti
think everybody is more or less part of your self may be the ties do exist. We also insist
right. I t s just that I d o n t good w o r s h ip . To labor for i f that which exists cannot be
think i t s particularly impor s e lf - pleasure, self-rewards , detected or communicated with ,
tant whether they re wrong or and thinking of our neighbors the shortcoming lie s with the
not. Katzen obviously disagrees . as someone to rob or kill this searcher. To argue differently
Diversity is what does it. I wbuld be more in the concept is ttf say, It cannot be seen
d o n t care whether what people of S a t a n s kingdom. Roy because I cannot see i t , i t
believe is true. I care that Thoreby, Box 40U-, Florence, cannot exist because I cannot
they believe differently from Ore. detect it . . .
other people. As for me, with a The question of who enjoys
professional psychology back The best reading in Sep pleasures and who suffers pain
ground, c o m m u n ic a t in g w i t h tember s issue is your not an is too inv olved, so we will
spooks, I can only say I ve got auditorial but a discussion of touch only the high spots.
company. Like Dr. Nandor Fodor, concepts . The fact that we " I t is the body which shows
Dr. Andrija Puharich; a n d Dr. have a difference of opinion , the results of continued well
Carl Gustav Jung, for three. -- in part, does not detract from being by bubbling with radiant
Fred Hand, 2718 Eagle, Houston, the potency o f your concepts health. The body also shows
Texas. and mental dexterity of your the results of momentary and
analyses and conclusions. prolonged impacts on its nerv
Having been an atheist for ous system, anatomical and b i
*Begging your pardon, but about 16 years (1914-1930*, I ological o r g a n i z a t i o n s . To
17 it is not impossible to im wish to point out with emphasis discuss the fairness o f this
relationship we would have to follow when a man gets a jo lt "Y e s t e r d a y , I g o t a relig
appraise more than that which o f S p ir it at a r e lig io u s re ious r e a l es t a te notice. A
meets the five senses. vival, when he starts Y o g a , group with a postoffice box at
" T h i s partnership between Rosicrucianism , T h e o s o p h y , Twin Falls, Idaho, sends o u t
The O p e r a t o r and its most Christian Science, Dianetics/- printed m atter advising that
silent o f silent p a r t n e r s , Scientology, Subud, Synerget their church intercepted a fu
The Body , is admittedly the ics, E-Therapy, and others. ture edition of the Salt Lake
most unequal arrangement p o s " A l l o f the above mentioned Tribune dated Feb. 4 , 1 96 5 .
sible from the viewpoint of mental immersions bring near The headlines s a i d ; ENTIRE
carnate people (you and I t . miraculous results f o r A LIM WEST COAST DEMOLISHED. FALSE
However, this arrangement is ITED TIM E. You, Alphia, and RADAR READINGS SET OFF ATOMIC
not entirely hopeless for the also Frederic Hand, both sug WARFARE. EARTHQUAKE CAUSES SAN
physical body which i s seem gested 'perhaps o n e should ANDREAS SLIPPAGE. So this com
ingly unrepresented; it h a s a jump from one to another for munity of New Ag e prophets
protector, guardian, and medi prolonged results . acquired land in the Rocky
ator the MIND. The Mind, with "S a d to s a y , a potpourri Mountains and is s elling plots
its head and shoulders in the blend o f stimulations o f lim to the elect, prices range from
immaterial realm, the realm of ited values can only result in $ 1 ,0 0 0 to $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 per 50-sq.
the L if e F o r c e , and its hands a giant mixture of fa ilu r e s . ft. Not only w ill the Rockies
and feet (so to speak! in ma survive the submersion of the
terial touch with the body " W e feel and recommend that west coast, but Jesus has also
completing the union o f crea a good start would be to clean chosen the Rockies for h i s
tive power with its vehicle. out the medicine chest discard second come-back.
"W e have abundant evidences all systems presented by all
the w i s e (?) men o f the past "T h u s , the new message of
o f the Mind producing extra
and present. Shut your books, Jesus is: Those who buy a lot
ordinary results in and with
put y o u r les s o n s into the will be s a v e d ... Woe unto
the body for good a n d for
wastebasket. Come now and let you, ye poor, for you a re un
us reason together. Without able to purchase a lot at $15,-
" I t is regrettable that our
much argumentation, we c a n 000, your portion shall be at
mental maturity is not reached
agree that 1. T h e mind can the bottom of the P a c i f i c ,
earlier to prevent our build
perform extraordinary t h in g s , where there shall be a gnash
ing sick bodies because o f our
and 2. Everyone has a m ind. ing o f teeth, e t c . . . Woe un
lack o f knowledge. I t is re
Let us then enter the privacy to you, ye poor, for you will
grettable also that our mental
o f our closet where no meta be excluded from witnessing .my
maturity i s not reached earl
physical k ib itz e r can distract second coming.
ie r to enable us to create
us. Let us relax the body and * I believe this religious
successes we would lik e to en
listen to our unlimited poten set-up is also tax- exem pt...
joy. But i t is never too late
to stop doing what is not good t ia lit y , our Mind without " i t might interest you tnai
for us! I t is also never too tenseness be alert to promises for years a medium deluded me
late to start constructive ef of success you will hear--we with spirit messages supposed
forts! do! Jacob and Rose Apsel, ly from men Who allegedly died
" L e t us take the evidences 1310-A S . 37th S t . , Milwaukee, in Czechoslovakia. The spir
o f constructive results that Vis. it s identified themselves and

HART to HEART writes. "T h e child a n d the

mother o f the child will be
load to the point where one
month wasn t long enough to

(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12) given the use o f two furnished get out an issue of The STAR
failures) to ABERREE readers. rooms and a kitchen free of so they combined issues, giv
( I t s getting so you c a n t tell charge, and there will be no ing them time, among other

T h e A B E R R E E --------------- -------- N O V E M B E R ,
any more what kind o f neigh charge f o r t h e healing ser things, to move to new and
bors you have by their tastes v i c e s ... Any child already doom larger quarters at 6118 Santa
in flowers. For example, some ed to die has nothing to lose Monica B lv d ... 1 To Bob , who
"e x p e r t reported recently by Spiritual Healing, and to suggested the data on increased
that dried dandelion makes a the parents it offers hope circulation might be question
better cigaret than tobacco, where there is no hope. Make able we accept i t ; it must be
since i t has no n ico tin e . So , it clear that you assume no true as so many of their sub
the white-haired " s a i n t down responsibility because of the scribers a r e s e e rs and psy
the street may not be a lover publication of my offer. Mor chics whod know immediately i f
o f beauty at a l l , but a hypo ris , already barred from the there was any hint of false
crite with a blender who en mails for trying to sell h is hood and, seer-like, would be
joys her " k i c k s and still book s, wants to take the case only too happy to report their
maintains her membership in before h is appeal against the doubts to the iconoclastic AB-
governments ruling starts. In ERREE. (What good is i t to be
the W. C. T. U . , or that dande
lion lawn may have nothing to reply to h is challenge, i f i t s a seer i f you c a n t prove your
do with neglected weeding, but being b o ld to stick somebody tal ents to peopl e n o w a n d
may be an effort to b ootle g e l s e s neck out, then we guess then?) So, since no seers have
a few smokes without paying we qualify. Do we, M o r r is ? ... exposed anybody, we accept the
the excessive cigaret taxes of 1 The COSMIC STAR of Holly figures as legitimate, and ex
a gluttonous government. Truly, wood,- newcomer to the meta tend our Hartfelt and heart
l i f e gets more complicated as physical publication field, re iest congratulations to our
we discover new ways to c ir ports in its combined August- fast-gfowing baby sister! We
cumvent the many new l a w s . . . September issue that during hope you get 5 00,000; what we
its short four-month l i f e span need is more literacy, no mat
V I f y o u a r e bolder than i t has increased its circula ter what label The STAR, OR
other E d i t o r s , you may l e t tion to 50,00 0 . Which, in our ION. CHIMES, PSYCHIC OBSERVER,;
your readers know that I am estimation, is truly remarka and, o f course, The ABERREE.
open for t h e acceptance o f a ble -- as that must be almost Orthodox ignorance has side
leukemia c a s e f o r h e a lin g , the entire literate population tracked t o o many believers
limited to a child between the of California, i s n t it? Any away from our n a t io n s heri
ages o f six and 1 3 , Morris how, the growth was responsi tage of Paine in t o a resigna- _
Katzen o f Cooks F alls, N. Y , ble for increasing the work tion to pain . . . 18
reported they died -- one for inhabit the body, but the per " I am sending you a copy o f
fear o f Commies, the other sonality is dead. There is no "B ody , Mind, and S u g a r " for
from abuse in a Commie concen such thing a s a spirit form your f r e e library with my
tration camp. So this month I outside a material body. Spir b le ss in g s...Y o u may think this
wrote to CSB and an unimpeach it manifestations are phenom does not belong in The ABERREE
able source replied both are ena associated with material but i f you note in ABERREE it
healthy, hale, and hearty. The bodies. A dead body still con is about alcoholism , you will
alleged KZ-Lager stiff has been tains an abundance of bound-up then hear from readers.
happily married for the past energy , but the * being that The interesting thing about
11 years. The other guy, an occupied that body has ceased recovered a lcoholics, who be
Episcopal Notary, sent me a to function. That b e in g was fore they do get well try
written message to remember nothing more than electrical everything under the sun re
h is Popish admonition deliv energy manifesting thru the ligion, medicine, and every
ered to me while I was a k i d . nervous system of the material thing f a i l s , e v e n assorted
I am sure t h e letter fr o m body. The electrical energy marriages they all try.
Prague, CSR, was not written that m aintains l i f e i n th e Many r e c o v e r i e s have a
by a ghost. However, the note body is generated by the union spiritual awakening . These
says that my atheist ex-teacher of oxygen and hydrogen. When are the most durable, and sel
died o f a stroke while liste n the supply o f one or the other dom relapse. Then a lcoholics
ing to a concert. You might fa ils , the body q uickly dies get interested in psychic phe
say material beings exploded because the body cannot pro nomena. B i l l W ., co-founder
spiritual t a l e s of Commie duce the necessary life force o f A. A ., is an ardent student
atrocities. Sometimes a lie to maintain li fe . The body can of Sp iritu a lism and Psychic
can be told with such refine convert f l e s h into hydrogen, phenomena. T h i s came about
ment and sup ernatural trap but oxygen is obtained by the thru the great medium , Arthur
pings, that the mark ( t h a t s body by inhalation from with Ford, who i s also a recovered
me) has no choice but be lie v e . out. A spirit cannot manifest alcoholic 14 years, and start
Mediums thru their ESP g i f t without consuming energy, and ed A.A. groups called The 13th
often are able to concoct a that is why sp irit needs a ma S te p .. . It seems when we achieve
flabbergasting m essage. This terial body to manifest. When sobriety, we are very keen in
Popish Notary is s t ill enjoy a body dies, the spirit energy tuitively. You ha ve no idea
ing his benefice in Prague. Yet that occupied that body ceases how useful this is during your
6 years ago, he talked to me to exist. Our l i f e in the past wet daze when you are tear
thru a medium, saying he was existed only in the li fe of ing around looking for that
dead, and correctly told me I our ancestors, and the only drink you must have or die
was mad at him (for stuffing my future l i f e is in the bodies tra la. On recovery i t is
brain with Popery, while a of offspring. We have but one twice as k e e n ...
young acolyte). Then he begged l i f e to live. " I ve been dry so long men
me not to be angry at him any "T h a t idea will not be pop tally, physically, and s p ir it
more. ular. The masses prefer to be ually, and b e lie v e me unless
A good number of years ago lieve that l ife exists eter recovery is th is way, you are
they made me q u i t my girl , nally. The only eternal l i f e is just a "reform ed or dry drunk
saying she would develop can li fe force i t s e lf and that is and Pppppuuuu to that my so
cer of the throat, which would only the motion of an invisible briety is very happy and com
be a great hardship for me. A substance that creates mater fo r t a b le ," M rs.Phi l lip Evans,
lady friend o f m ine, who was ial forms out of void. In oth Box 21115, Bollywood, F la.
told by s p i r i t not to have er words , the invisible s e l f
her tumor removed, now is rot is the real substance that
ting in the cemetery. Thus i created the vis ib le material "Much appreciated October
can only voice disappointment body, which is mostly v o i d , auditorial. A p iece of sanity .
when I see how many people try but in the form of the S e l f . Lohren Applegate, Scotts
to make their living o f f mis dale, A r iz,
The SELF is G OD --Light--ener

guiding men and abusing their gy < The biblical GOD is within
emotional needs. The harm done and only within , and that is
in money values is not compar why the entire kingdom o f God WONDERFUL
A B E R R E E ------ --- NOVEMBtR,

able to the emotional suffering is within . T h e one a n d only EVERYONE I S TA L K I N G ABOUT

when the mark wakes up . --Geo. God i s w ith in . God i s l i f e . The
V, Lagus, 111 Vest Myrtle, San Without l i f e there is no God. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Antonio, Texas, International
That is why the Bible says God
(ED. NOTE These are exam is o n ly a God of the living THE BEST TH I N S THAT EVER
and not a God of the dead. It HAPPENEO
p le s o f the "reward" one may
expect f o r being a b e l i e v e r . is wiser to love God than to Science Meets the Occult
B e l ie v i n g i s in i t s e l f a form love money. Life and health are Set the W o r l d ' s Most Unusual
of fraud or, at l e a s t , an ac mankind s most precious p o s and U n i q u e P u b l i c a t i o n with an
c esso ry before th e f a c t , a s sessions. E x p o s i t i o n of Both the Ortho
" A copy o f my current ad dox and U n o r t h o d o x
the l a w - b o y s would word i t .
without the b e l ie v e r , most o f (advertising spiritual healing S a m p l e Copies, $1 each
the r e l i g i o u s fa k e rs would be for asthmatics! is enclosed. No Subsc r i p t i o n , S 3 per year
forced to look twice a t them response so f a r . O n ly had Advertisers en c l o s e a stamp ed
s e lv e s , and then turn t h e i r three asthma cases in the past addressed envelope tor your
11 years and all three are Ad Rate Chart
t a l e n t s to something l e g i t i -
c u r e d --Morris Katzen, Cooks Magazine Published Quarterly
M alls, B .Y . Und e r Auspices of
*The co ver i n only black (ED. NOTE I f t h is doesn't A S S O C I A T I O N FOB SOCIAL P S Y
ink looks very good. draw c r itic s im , i t ' s because CHOLOGY

"T h e idea about l i f e after i t ' s too confusing for ration (A Non-Profit Educational and
death is no more than wishful al consideration. A "s p ir it u a l Philanthropic Corporation
t h in k in g . R o s a lin d J o h n is Chartorod by tho Government of
healer" denying there i s any tho District of Columbia)
right about t h e body beirig l i f e a fte r d e a th ... We agree Address
s t i l l a l i v e after what is on one p o in t "th at idea w ill 13 North Euclid Avenue
called death because o f the not be popular". We don t lik e Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
19 microscopic l i f e forms that i t o urse lv e s.)
Since there are several
hundred books in the Lending
vealed In o il colors fro* vour M ills Ward, gives net approach Library, only a partial list
photo. 9 * 1 2 " , $ 1 7 .0 0 ; 1 6 " * 2 0 , to success with thought control. can be run at one time. Save
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hands with $ 1 0 , d ate, t in e , and MY S I S T E R A N D I - - F r i edrich
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UNIQUE BOOKS. P . O . B o x 3 0 0 2 , S ta. nanda
B , South Bend, Ind ia na . 9 1 .7 * WHETHER YOU BELIEVE i t or not, DRA M A OF THE A G E S -- Char IOS F.
H a v e yo u heard a b o u t "T H E you owe it to y o u r s elf, and God, Noble
WISDOM PO O L" 7 Write Arthur J . to read The Book They Biased on
God by D r. Karl K r l d l e r . Con* OUR C E L E S T I A L J O U R N E Y - - C h a r I e s
Burks, c /o C .S .A ., Lakenont, plete in one booklet all 32 chap F. Noble
Georgia.___________________________ 95-7
ters as published s e r ia lly in ORIG I N AND P H I L O S O P H Y OF L A N G
GIFTED SPIRITUALIST 50 cents a The ABERREE. Send $1 to The ABER- U A G E - L u d w i g Noi re
q uestio n . Louise M a r k s , 107 REE, P.O .B o x 528, E nid, Ok la. VOI C E OF V E N U S - Ernest Norman
Ferry S t . , D a n v il l e , Penn . 92-6* S T R A N G E PROL O G U E A l berta M.
"T H E DEATH OF SOCRATES , a nd a y e a r s subscription to The
other poens, 50 cents p ostpaid, ABERREE for that long lis t t h at s ADVENTURES IN SPIRITUAL C O N
fr o i author, W lllia n Harder, 2 worrying you this tine of year? S C I O U S N E S S -- Add Ison O'Neill
G arrell S t re e t , North C a u lfie ld , And at only $1 each, you can a f FATH E R W l T H IN--AddI son O'Neill
V ic t o r ia , A u s t r a lia . 95-10* ford to play Santa to then a l l . STILL S M A L L V O I C E A ddison

O'Nei It
FUTURE IS N O W - - Arthur Osborn
WAKE UP YOUR M I N D Alex Osbo rn
MIND ALIVE -- Harry and Bonar o T h e A B E R R E E ------- ---- N O V E M B E R ,
SAVE YOUR E Y E S Sy l w o o d O'Too le
Now with Only Your Voice! P. 0. Ou s p e n s k y
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this is done. O n ly one book w ill be sent at
a time. A lternate t i t l e s suggest
Dont deiay. Write today. Send $2.00 to ed in case book you want i s o u t .
P le a se return in two w eeks.
Green Cove Springs, Fla. The ABERREE
P.O.Box 528 Enid, Okla. 20
Volume X < Number 8
someone deny O Neill's Strange
Interlude was any attempt t o
c o p y Shakespeare ? You did ?

'%'CVtt ta Well, maybe t h a t s what we like

about i t ; i t s original, and

was w ritten f o r t h e era in

| which it was to be s t a g e d ...

H Subscribers who n eglect
to send us their n ew address

/M -Jr < /
tfien they move, o r who have
neighbors who c a n t seem to
keep their cotton-pickin fin
gers off their copy o f The AB
^ I f t h ere are any readers at times resemble some local
who couldn t enter the s p ir it ERREE, now have an outlet in
adv ertisers' illustrations. I t
o f things la st summer and get the Los Angeles-Hollywood area
doesnt mean they were plagia
any reality from our Christmas where copies c a n be picked up
rizing Hie ABERREE, nor we them .
wishes, we kow-tow to ortho I t was ju s t a country cousin ( i f you d o n t a lre a d y know
doxy and wish you all the ex this and we suspect most of
o f "m ass p r o d u c t io n , since
pensive p r e s e n t s , unsigned you do). It s at the o ffic e of
neither they nor we can afford
cards, hangovers, and snow and our own special artists, art The COSMIC STAR 6311 Yucca
ice y o u ve wished for. ( I s n t Street, Hollywood, which also
is t s no longer being a class
that what Christmas means? Or has o th er good appearances as
that starves in garrets on rat
i s the eye with which we judge well as The ABERREE. We hope
cheese and water, leaving i t to
the annual mid-winter carnival they sell 5 0 ,0 0 0 copies month
their descendants to get rich
a b it inclined to brash anti- from their p r o d u c t io n s ... ly (o f T h e ABERREE, natur
nympholepsy? ) a l l y ) . ..
5 The first automobiles were
5 Because nicknamed "horseless carriages
both Ye Ed because t h a t s exactly what
and Ye Pu b they looked like--even to the
fRR are "d r o p socket for a whip. T h a t s be
outs from cause the early - day inventors
art school, of the motor car couldnt d i
covers 'f o r vorce t h em s e lv e s completely
^ The ABERREE from old habit patterns -- and
have been a today, even with its sporty
major prob lines, the automobile is noth
lem, which ing but a slow evolution from
w e ve tried the buggy and it may be cen
to solve by turies before someone comes up
subscribing with a completely new system-
to art pre only to suffer from the non-
acceptance o f new ideas as did Jack and Beth Kroner Felts
pared for newspapers and adver
Chrysler when he almost k ille d check some poetry entries.
tisers. I t s n ic e art, b u t
in most instances, it requires h is firm with his Airflow a 5 Modern a r t , poetry, a n d
a b i t o f ingenuity with paste couple decades ahead o f time . commercial writing--and their
pot, photo enlargements and re . . . J Which i s , probably, n o Dart in t h e threatened d e
ductions, and scissors to get way to introduce Subscriber struction o f America - was the
e ffe c t s we want in adapting Irving Fiske of Rochester, V t . , theme o f the w r ite rs c o n
these drawings for use as AB who is trying to take the bug ference held in Tahlequah O c t .
ERREE covers. Therefore, we gy whip out o f Shakespeare. 19 and 20. Ye Ed attended to
feel a bit o f, we hope, pardon He has completely rewritten the discuss "Copyright and L ib e l , <>
able pride inasmuch as last play Hamlet into understand again. By this time, we sup-
month, we were awarded a spe able E n g lis h , b u t c a n he get pose, regular attendees o f the
cial prize by the firm from whom i t accepted and a new bard on conference probably are con- -
we purchase our art service for the boards? Methinks not even vinced t h a t s a l l we know 5
the unusual adaptations . For tho his work was endorsed by anything about ( o r horrible
proof , we reproduce the cer the late George Bernard Shaw, thought! --they may have dis-
t i f ic a t e , which, in c id e n t a lly , who called Fiske the Beethoven covered we d o n t k n o w too
will not add a single letter to o f modern playwrights , a n d a much about t h is .) Anyhow, Jack
the degrees preceding the ad few other non-buggy-type writ Felts had announced earlier
in f in it u m " a f t e r o u r names ers , such as Saroyan, Huxley , that he wanted at lea st one
on t h e editorial m a s t h e a d ... Henry H i l l e r , etc. R ecen tly, genuine freak to spice h is con
the SATURDAY REVIEW printed a ference and since the renark
page review from Mr. F is k e 's was part o f our inv itatio n to
modern Hamlet , with coimjara- attend, we accepted i t a s a u
tive quotes, and believe it or comiand performance . . . 1 De- m
not, some of the die-hards who spite the fact we dont class- g.
want their Shakespeare unadul ify ourselves as poets, we did
terated with todays vernacul ar submit an entry in the poetry *
took pens in hands and began a contest, a n d w h i l e we were w
v it r io lic campaign to save the awarded no p r i z e , we did get CQ
good old d a y s for the good the most laughs . Jack tells ct
old fuddy-duddies. Maybe, this us. A n d what greater reward
Henry Ford of drama should can there be than to amuse in
5 T is said persons are proudest ju s t let the Bard o f Avon this day when EVERYbody, i t ^
o f achievements in fields where and the plays c r ed ited to him seems, is taking things too
they are least proficient, which molder in the archives o f the damn seriously. And because ^
may explain this b it of bragga era to which they belong; ~we it takes up very l i t t l e space,
docio on our part. Anyhow, it ourselves like the "c o p y work we herewith reprint our entry
may reveal to puzzled readers o f Eugene O N e i l l , such as in for the possible amusement of
why covers o f Hie ABERREE might Strange In t e rlu d e . . . 1 Did (P L E A SE Tuna T O PASE 15) 2
TODAYS TRUTH Last week, we got a
TOO OFTEN CAN BE letter from a reader
TOMORROWS LIE which said: The reason
I like The ABERREE is
because of the many truths I find in its
R e c u s a n t Vo i c e of The Infini tes ' for Earth, Mere, pages.
Venus, Saturn, Pluto, end Z y d o k u m z r u s k e h e n Flattering! but not quite correct. To
the best of our knowledge, there isnt a
Vol. X DECEMBER, 1963 No. 8 word of truth in The ABERREE -- nor will
there ever be. On the other hand, we feel
Published nonthly, except for thd combined January-
February and the July-August issues, at
that The ABERREE is as honest, if not more
2522 North Monroe, Enid, Okla. so, than any publication in the field of
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528 , Enid, Ofcla. 73701 religion or metaphysics. They re devoid of
Subscription Price: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years, truth, too; the difference is, they dont
____________________ single copies. 25*_____________________ know it or if they do, wont admit it.
Second class postage paid at Ebid, Oklahoma What is truth ? We dont know, and we
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OtCGA HART. 1-2, D .D ., dont believe a truth exists on the phys
D .S c n ., F .S c n ., B .Se n., HCA, HDA, et al ad infl-
nltun ad nauseum .
ical plane or if it does, its about as
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART. 1-1, HCA, SEC., F E ., transient as a ripple on a mill pond. We
_______ Hkpr., Lbrn., ETC. (Degrees non-cancellablel. accept as a form of truth for the mo
ADVERTISING Payable in advance. Write for rates. ment that which appears to our senses
Copy must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. and intellectual level more right than
NOTE TO SUBSCRIBES--The Post Office does not forward wrong.
magazines, even i f you guarantee postage, so keep us
informed of any address changes even minor ones if
When the sun shines and the thermome
you. want your magazine delivered. Also, send us your ter registers 100 degrees in the shade
ZIP code; it may not do you, or us, any good, but be
big, and l e t 's go along with the gag--just for fun.
(which it probably wont do much of for

the next few months in the Northern Hem
isphere), we say its Hot!, and were
inclined to believe were telling the
truth. At least, we re not purposely ly
HART TO H E A R T .................... 2 ing about it. Others will agree with us ,
probably, UNLESS one happens to be swim
AUDITORIAL - Todays Truth Too ming in an iced pool, or sitting in air-
Often Can Be Tomorrows Lie". 3 conditioned comfort in a modem office or
home, or having a malarial chill, or some
BUILDING STAIRCASES-Dan Moran . . 4 thing. To them, it is not hot so for a
few it is conditioned truth not abso
VAGARIES OF THE JESUS STORY lute, undisputable truth.
Prof. Hi Iton Hotema.......... 5 In a similar vein, snow and ice are
Section 4369. Title 39, United States Code)
1. Date of filing: September 25, 1963.
2. Title of publication: The ABERREE.
MOTHER GOOSE-- Philip Friedman . . 8 3. Frequency of issue: Published monthly, except for combined July-Aug
ust and January-February Issues.
4. Location of known office of publication (street, city, comaty, state,
EVOLUTION OF SYNERGETICS zip code): 2522 N. Monroe, Enid, Garfield C o., Okla., 73701.
5. Location of the headquarters or general business office of the pub

--Art Coulter....................9 lishers (Not printers): 2522 N. Monroe, Enid, Okla.

6. Names and addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor: Pub*
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Editor and Managing Editor Alphia Hart, 2522 N. Monroe, Etaid, Okie.
DIRT AND DUST PUNISH GOSSIP 7. Owner ( I f owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated
A B E R R E E ----- --- DECEMBER,

and also Immediately thereunder the names and addresses o f stockholders

-- Rosal ind J o h n ...............11 owning o r holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. I f not owned
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8. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or
THE ORACLE OF DREAMS holding l percent o r more of total amount of bonds, nortgsges or other se
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jection to our guessing h e s only guessing. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete.
F YOU WISH to build a staircase, the power lies in Mind.
It is possible with this power of Mind to build a stair
case to the No-where o r a staircase to "Some-where .
Then, too, if you desire, you also may build a staircase
to the Now-here as well. Regardless of your choice--
your mind being the power it is a sure thing that no
matter which of these you build or rebuild, y o u re the one
who can travel up or down them first.
The "other g u y may show you his in the sense that he
uses symbols of some type to provide you with the illusion
of walking up or down his flight of steps. However, the
power of his mind already has laid the foundation for his
staircase long before he ever placed the first step for you
to climb. In fact, he built and rebuilt these steps many
times before he even let you know he was constructing such
a staircase of the Now-here type.
Yet he has taken the time and effort to place a blueprint
where you might find it. This set of prints is a tangible
one, but he used still another set of blueprints which he
was unable to show or give to you while he was living nor
could he leave you this set when he was no longer living.
Now, i t s this latter set of prints that all of us are
seeking, and yet each of us has always had them. With our
very own set of prints, we have built thousands of stair
cases to the Some-where, to the No-where, to the Now-here.
For you see these very words have become just such a
staircase to the Now-here and you are climbing the steps .
But please don *t fail to recognize that this is a Now-here
staircase and it will last no longer than you wish it to ,
as you entertain the words that make up its steps with the
power of your mind. Turn the power off and it collapses,
but only in the sense that you merely diverted the applica
tion of the power. You did not shut if off.
For a period yo u divert the power to building a stair-
case to No-where; many spend much effort in building this -
type and it is surely their privilege to do so. ^
Others enjoy building staircases to Some-where and sue-
ceed in doing so over and over again, in doing so, they uti- j
lize all the blueprints their mind can find for them, a n d
all such prints are of the Now-here variety. ^
All of them have a grand time, just as this Now-here
staircase has been built from words which you may ascend
and descend to your hearts content.
But the burden of any proof of how you have climbed or may
be able to climb on this Now-here set of steps will remain in
the set of blueprints which the author cannot supply you. The w
reason is that you are the architect of the staircases you wish w
to mount. You alone have the set of blueprints that are of any 06
value whatsoever, which are in the power of your mind. 06
If you use your power of mind to build staircases to the w
No-where, you may well find a no-thing at the top of them. W
If you wish to use it to build a staircase to a Some-where, a!
you could well expect to find a some-thing on the top step.
And i f so inclined, you may build a staircase to the Now-
here, such as this one y o u ve been climbing. And the hope -G
i s that on the top step o f any o f the NOw-here v a r ie t y , t*
you either mount or construct, you will find a some-thing
on each one o f the steps.

And that as you mount the steps o f any o f them, you have
been provided a measure of s a t is fa c t io n .
of the


CAREFUL examination of the Bible
for definite evidence as to the ex in the stories o f older c u l t s in any greater
degree than the details in one work o f fiction
istence of the Gospel Jesus d i s
d iffe r from those in another which treats of
closes none. On the contrary, much the same theme.
appears to indicate open, un Later in early Christian history, we find
prejudiced mind that this Jesus is that the Virgin Mary inherited the festival o f
fiction. Just as Santa Claus is a f ic t i Cybele, Great Mother o f the Gods, the history
tious personality invented to entertain o f her worship in Home covering 600 years from
children, so Jesus is a similar character 204 B. C. until 394 A . D . , when i t was outlawed
fabricated to entertain and control- by the Roman emperor so Christianity would not
he harassed by this ancient competitor.
adults. The Pantheon at Rome, which had been dedi
All the evidence the world has to the cated by Agrippa to Cybele, was rededicated as
existence o f Jesus appears in the four a Christian e d if i c e to the Virgin Mary when
Gospels of the New Testament. They cover Christianity became the state religion, and
approximately 50 hours of h i s alleged the ancient ceremonies connected with the wor
l i f e slightly more than two days. ship o f Cybele were transferred to Virgin Mary.
In the New Testament there are 21 E p ist le s , Matthew begins with the genealogy o f J e s u s ,
14 o f vfoich are attributed to Paul (P o l , P o lo s , Showing h is descent the alleged expected de
Apollonius, the great Pythagorean philosopher scent o f the Messiah who would, according to
o f the F irst Century.) biblical interpretations o f the prophets ,
The authors o f these Epistles, which a r e resuscitate the ancient glories o f I s r a e l " as
the earliest o f the New Testament books, and a conquering king thru Solomon and David (by
the authors o f the second and the fourth of the wife o f Uriah the H it t it e ) and Jacob and
the four Canonical Gospels, make no mention of Isaac and Abraham.
a virgin birth. Hie firs t and the third o f the I t is well to state here that the 12 Tribes
four Gospels are the only authorities for the o f Israel were simply zodiacal in character- A
virgin birth, and evidence shows they were not reading o f the 49th chapter o f Genesis could
written until about the middle o f the first leave li t t l e doubt on that score, and all doubt
h a lf o f the Second Century. would surely be removed by reading the opinion
Some o f t h e apocryphal Gospels contain o f the 12 Tribes h e l d by t h e author o f the
the story in even greater detail than the can Apocalypse.
onical accounts. But most o f these Gospels are The genealogy mentioned must ha ve been in
W also late, and are so fille d with miracles, or existence before the virgin birth story w as
W otherwise so incredible, that even the mira ever thought of, for, i f th e latter be tru e,
04 cle-loving framers o f the canon rejected them.
And so, for the firs t tim e, more than 100
the genealogy is worthless. Unless Joseph was
the father o f Jesus, there could be no p o in t
years a fter the date assigned as the birth of in tracing the pedigree o f Joseph; and i f Jos
Jesus and nearly a century after the date as eph v/as the father o f Jesus, the virgin birth
signed to h is death, there appears the first
<x mention o f the virgin birth a dogma which the
story i s false, i f Joseph were only the hus
band o f Maiy and not the father o f Jesus, the
Mother Church subsequently made orthodox, and genealogy has no value nor meaning as an ac
ffi a b e l ie f in which most Christian churches to count o f the generation o f Jesus; and Jesus is
JS this day, s till in s ist on treating as a test not shown to be the son o f D a v id , as is in
H for orthodoxy, in spite o f the fact that the sisted upon in the Gospel.
majority o f educated modern opinion opposes i t . Verse 16 o f Matthew has evidently been al
Ancient history recovered in recent years tered to suit the new doctrine o f the virgin
shows the story of the virgin birth was a common birth; and that this was the case i s made all
account o f the birth o f go d s" who had come to the more certain hy the fact that in many o ld
earth as men, and the details related in Mat manuscriptic versions o f Matthew, i t actually
thew and Luke do not d iffe r from those given i s said that Joseph begat J e s u s ". In what is
probably the oldest extant* m anuscriptic ver ports and traditions must have been meager,
sion o f The Gospel according to St. Matthew , even i f there were a n y a t a ll, as even t h e
verse 16 runs: Jacob begat Joseph; and Joseph, authors of the various Efcisties apparently knew
to whom the Virgin Mary was betrothed, begat not enough o f the Gospel story o f Jesus to b e
Jesus who i s called the C h r is t a version able to refer to it in support o f their argu
which makes the genealogy applicable to j e s u s , ments. They always quote from the Old Testa
but contradicts the virginity o f Mary. ment and never anything, traditional or evan
Moreover, in this Sinai t ic Syriac version, gelical, o f Jesus.
the words, to whom the Virgin Mary w as be Mien Paul desires to convince h is audience
trothed , are undoubtedly an interpolation, as that jesus was Christ, he presents no evidence
the B ible is fil l e d with these spurious inter about the l i f e of jesus described in the Gos
polations. The original must have stated sim pels, b u t offers O l d Testament q uo ta tio n s,
ply, Joseph begat Jesus, as in the other la which h is listeners, as devout J e w s , should
te r manuscripts to which reference was made. believe must needs have been fu lfille d .
Evidently the original genealogy was writ Had Paul ever heard o f the events recorded
ten when the virgin birth stoiy was unkown , in the Gospels, they had fa iled to convince
and verse 16 i s an attempt to reconcile t h e him, as he persecuted the followers o f J e s u s ,
older story o f a descent from David with the not yet called C h ristia n s, until h e had h is
la ter story o f a virgin birth. " v i s i o n or saw the risen J es u s . Had he
I t would be an amazing thing i f the carpen never heard of these events, the jesus o f whom
ter Joseph could trace u n unbroken l i n e o f he spoke must have been a very dim personality
descent for about 4 ,0 0 0 years back to Adam. in h i s mind, or f a r different from the Jesus
But the authors o f these two Gospels pretend described in the Gospels he had never read.
they could do i t for h im . Paul presents himself as the originator o f
Chapter 2 o f Luke presents what should b e , h is doctrine, which h a s for i t s basis a code
from the point o f view o f chronology, one o f o f ethics that he designates as h is own gos
the most important t e x t s i n the Gospels, it pel, and which was preached , he declared, to
co llates the birth o f Jesus with a census o f every creature which i s under heaven, whereof
the p e o p le taken by Quirinius, governor o f I Paul am made a minister (Col. 1 :2 3 ).
Syria, the Cyrenius o f the B ible. This doctrine was not that o f the Jesus who
Matthew has the parents o f Jesus go on a performed m ira cles, walked on water, s tille d
journey so as to avoid a massacre o f young the storm, made the blind to see, the lame to
children; but Luke says they went on a journey walk, brought the dead back to l i f e , and was
to conform with the regulations o f a census. born o f a virgin without the need o f a father.
The only census to which th is could refer The doctrine o f the perpetual virginity o f
occurred in 6 or 7 A.D. But we are told the Mary w a s mooted by some o f the early church
birth o f jesus was announced to Mary during fathers, who quoted in support o f their theory
the reign o f Herod, who died in 4 B.C . the words o f Ezekiel, This gate shall be shut;
According to Matthew, Herod's death was an i t shall not be opened, and no man shall enter i
nounced to Joseph some time after h is arrival in by it ; because the Lord, the God o f I s r a e l ,
with the infant Jesus in Egypt. How long after hath entered in by it , therefore shall i t be
they arrived we are not told; but, according shut (x liv : 2 ).
to this account, jesu s must have been b o m in That words which plainly referred to a gate
the year 5 B.C . at least, and probably earlier. o f the ,temple should be taken as prophesying
According to Luke, Jesus m ust have been as to the womb o f a future mother o f God, is
b o m in 3 B. C. at the very latest. According typical o f the exegetical methods pursued by
to the second chapter, in 6 A.D. at the very early Christians and accepted by later ones.
earliest. T h e in ter v a l o f approximately 10 Furthermore, in view o f the fact that jesus
years or more cannot be bridged by any expla is said in the Gospels to have had brethren,
nation. One account, or both, are wrong. and that James is several times called the
I t i s remarkable that, after all the de brother o f J e s u s , the idea o f Marys perpetual
t a il s about the events surrounding the birth virginity and the motive for attempting to

, 1963
and a b r ie f account o f one episode in child teach this doctrine, are at first not easy to
hood, mentioned only by L u k e (2:40 - 5 2 ), no recognize. But studying comparative religion ,
further data appears as to the l i f e o f J e s u s we find the notion is an old one. The mothers
until he is about 30 years old. ecember
o f each successive Buddha are said to have died
Luke in his 3 r d chapter, lik e Matthew in shortly after giving birth to their "d i v i n e
h is, moves on to the baptism, which formed the children. Their wombs had become holy, and no
starting-point o f Mark, said to be the o r ig i other child could occupy them.
nal Gospel. After this one episode in Jerusa
T h e f l B E R R E E ------------- D

So the brothers of J e s u s , mentioned in the

lem, there is an absolute blank; and then the Gospels, while at first considered full broth
story begins again with an episode tfiich fit s ers, were later, to. preserve the virginity of
well with Mark s story, or with the remainder Mary thruout her li fe , described by the church
o f L u k e s story, but which jo in s in badly to fathers as the children o f Joseph by another
the virgin birth story that precedes it. wife; and lately, when the church, in her de
P a u l s e p is t l e s , admittedly t h e earliest sire to glorify chastity, taught that Joseph
Christian writings Miich the world has, would, had lived as a perpetual celibate, they were
i f they stood alone, leave us in almost total described as being the firs t cousins of Jes u s .
darkness o f the story told in the Gospels. We In the middle o f the Fourth Century, o n e
would know nothing o f the virgin birth, o f the jovinian, an Italian monk, had the temerity to
miracles, or of the sayings of jesus, and would assert that Maiy ceased to be a virgin when
have some very f e w , ve ry questionable, and jesus was b o m , and for this serious o ffe n s e ,
very b r ie f references to the alleged death and was flogged and banished to a desolate is la n d .
resurrection o f a Christ. During the firs t four centuries of the
I f P a u l s Epistles were the only Christian Christian era, nothing was known as to the
documents we had, we would have a fairly clear death or burial o f Mary. The church corrected
idea o f the charity and other ethical ideals this omission. Ebhesus, at the synod held with
which early Christianity taught, but no data reference to the mother of God controversy,
at all o f the l i f e and sayings o f Jesus. claimed the honor o f containing her burial
The orthodox theory is that the Epistles place. This was affirmed by the synod to be a
were addressed to those who knew something o f fa c t . Then Jerusalem, much later, claimed the
Jesus by reports and traditions; but such re ( P L E A S E T U R N T O P A G E 11) 6
Second Birthfor
the Awakening Soul
HAT I S\.INITIATION? H o w is it ex

they are not conferred upon us by masters
perienced? And how can we go about or c e le stia l educators. We break thru
being initiated? The very word these layers of self-wrought illusion un
causes us to pause with anticipa t il we come to the pure light of truth. I
tion while visions o f all that once read a book written by a man who ob
the word implies f l o a t in the viously has great mental power and is very
m ind s eye. learned, with degrees from many accred
To be initiated means to be invited ited schools. However, along with his de
into a heretofore inaccessible place a grees, he listed, Master the fifth, of
society, a secret group, a level of aware the Great White Lodge . While I feel for
ness. It is an indication that one has this man in his earnest quest, I must say
passed some boundary line and is free to that i f he has been granted this degree
move in t o new and larger areas of ex or title by anyone in Europe or the Or- '
pression . We a r e concerned with moving ient, he has been duped. There is no for
into a new level of awareness. Thus in mal white lodge and there are no such
itiation i s a birth in consciousness, degrees to be passed out.
which is something different from "change True, there are those illumined souls
o f heart or a change of mind . It actu who have been referred to as the "White
ally means a new viewpoint, a new and Brotherhood but this is a term to s i g
clearer perception of truth. nify a communion of spirit and in no way
We receive initiation into the myster is to be confused with the designs and
ies of life when we are ready, and this fanatical organization created by pre
means when we are able to confront the tenders. They have no secret handshake ,
facts. Being ready has nothing to do with no secret word, no mysterious rites, for
passing tests to anyones satisfaction. they have long risen above such shallow
Being ready means to be able to come to forms. Any organization that purports to
the point where we are willing to surren dispense "s e c re ts " f o r a fe e i s e it h e r a
der our little viewpoint in order to move fra u d u le n t operation o r i t i s headed by
into the larger one , where we find re misguided persons however sincere they
lease instead o f limitation, light in may be. S in c e r ity does not take the place
stead of darkness, everything instead of o f in s ig h t.
nothing. Can we experience the initiation on our
Many persons of superior intellect are own or must someone help us? U su ally ,

.cynical in their attitude concerning the someone who is in turn awakened, acts as
desperate students who seek light thru an awakener . This is merely the Infinite
T h e A B E R R E E ----- -- ---- D E C E M B E R ,

some mystical initiation. Many desperate Intelligence working thru natural law. It
students, unfortunately, cannot receive is interesting to read where we are to be
the true initiation because of their ten initiated in an astral experience, or in
sion, their rigid beliefs or their ina a dream by a visiting light-being, but
bility to intuitively perceive the subtle why n o t accept the same experience in
things of life. Others, wanting some outer this world? How much more practical it is
sign, seek to be accepted into the var --how much more real! It is quite possible
ious secret orders which cannot deliver one can be initiated in a dream or in an
anything except solace for weary hearts. astrally-projected condition, but it is
The trappings w h i c h abound i n t h e s e very rare. I have heard o f people re
secret" orders strike an emotional chord ceiving direction while in a dream state
within and give the illusion of authority. from some illumined souls, either on this
I have no real argument w ith these plane o r recently passed into the as
secret orders for they are doing a work tral realms. The danger in depending upon
that I do not feel led to do in educating this sort of experience is that it leads
the masses with superficial instruction to fantasy.
and in offering $ome temporary security Remember our basic rule, that when we
to lost souls who need a haven from the are ready for any experience, it happens ,
storms of life in order to catch their and it happens according to plan--the way
wind and once again march on. I like to the Infinite works it out. When we are
feel, however, that when they do feel the able to accept the awakening, we meet the
urge to march on, to experience the true right person who will act as an awak
awakening, a way will be ready for them. ener . A further value to this personal
7 There are degrees in our awakening but contact is that after we receive the in-
Father Zero
itiation we may need guidance, we may
have questions, we may require motivation

Takes a
from time to time. Only a living teacher
cian supply these in practical terms.
I know of cases where some men have ex

Gander at?
perienced partial awakening all by them
selves, just because they had come tq the
point where they w e r e bound to have a
breakthru in perception. I have seen these
men, because they experienced a partial
breakthru, assume that the partial exper
ience was the whole experience and go on

to formulate a new (to them) philosophy of
life. They could benefit from having a
living teacher to set them straight or at A S IE V E
least to make constructive suggestions. A rid dle, a r id d le , as I suppose,
In the Orient, much is made over the A hundred eyes and never a nose l
guru-disciple relationship. It is this: a N T H E (MENDING, reactive, non -objective
seeking soul meets an illumined soul and
the former recognizes the latters ability
and lets himself be initiated or awak
ened. They agree to keep in tune so the
I automaticity of the helix of Mother Nature,
there i s patently no riddle, no puzzling
questions, as to which is which, and no wis
dom i s required to determine o n e s course of
action since there is no action. Only when one
guru can aid the disciple whenever t h e
introduces into h i s helix strange, extra sen
need is there. This continues until the
sory additives, does he come to the dichoto
disciple is enlightened and can move in mous point that is, at once, the end of helio-
tuitively on his own. Then he is ready to centricity and the beginning of straight l i n e
assume the role of guru and assist others radiation. This point o f coincidence is death
who may be seeking. a n d conception, i s a riddle, a r id d l e , a
Tweedledum and a Tweedledee , in which one is
True initiation consists of instruc
forced to choose between, t h e le s s e r of the
tion as well as awakening. In fact, no in two identical ends.
itiation should be attempted unless in To suppose is to jump to conclusions. When
struction is given on how to control the the I is artificially built up on topto father
mind, h o w to understand the nature and another helical outpouring conception, he sup
function of the body and how to harmonize poses all is well because the point of all is a
with the universe. Mental and emotional well pouring o u t so-called blessed ev en ts.
stability are essential to this program. When o n e s investment h i t s p a r , he needs a
Good intentions and high ideals are also hundred e y e s , a hundred I s , to see the hun
dreds o f signs and wonders o f t h e rad ian t
emergence. T h e unimpregnated, blowout-proof
Many feei dejected after the initia h e lix has no nose to stick into everything. It
tion because the lights d i d n t light and is naturally truncated. But when the nose cone,
the bells didnt ring, or because a ce the a p e x , t h e solar father center i s put on
lestial chorus didn 't attend the service. top o f h e r , it blows o ff. The big surprise
Different people feel different things comes when the whole helical p ile blows along
during an initiation. Some feel nothing , with it .
"N e v e r a nose! is the exclamation o f find
but are able to feel the awakening later
ing o n e s dotted i flopped upside down like an

when they are relaxed. Others suddenly exclamation point. A nose on a helix is an im
feel light in a n d around them. Others p o ssib ility . " A riddle, a r id d l e , is a s ie v e ,
feel a flow of vital force thru their into which o n e s all is poured into a conjunc
body, thru the solar plexus, the s pine, tion o f death and conception, and poured out DECEMBER,
the heart. Others feel heat, and still again t h r u the nose. They are sieved out of
others feel a peculiar elation and an in the fine point as fine particles that can go
tense joy, accompanied by a clear p e r thru any sieve. These sieved particles in dis
persion i s what man calls conceiving, all of
ception of what life is all about. This
which makes things so deceiving. He is condi
glimpse into reality is enough to light tioned to believe that eternal l ife is achiev
their days for a long time to come. 'B u t , ed by adding progeny, whereas he already h a s
regardless of the experience, it is only i t in the unendingness of his h e l i x .
the beginning. The real work lies ahead. To keep o n e s nose c l e a n , one must avoid
This work is to reconcile the inner having one, by divesting himself of every ex- tn
life with the outer, in fact to make them traneous thing that builds it up. The moment w
o n e s h e lix is totally satiated it blows up in
one life. Also, to work o u t the urges
h is face. That is biting o f f o n e s nose to JJ*
and motivations which no longer seem con spite his face. The word HuNDReD is akin to 06
sistent with the new life. This has been HiNDeReD, i s akin to the dangerous H iN D R e D , W
termed purification. It is a matter of HiND DReaD, the expulsion from the hind end PQ
clearing the mind and body of incarnations that is the forbidden fruit. To come to p a r ,
Of false feeling and believing a n d it is where everything is o n p a r with everything
not done in a day, or even in a month or else, is to hinder the helical automaticity.
a year of days.
I want to stress that this can be a If all this increased cigaret adver-
joyous experience, this house-cleaning , tising is beginning to annoy you like a
smoldering butt, pity the poor ad writer
if we have the right mental attitude, if whose j o b is to sell slow suicide to a
we do not fight it. We should have an at- resistant public w h i c h has to be talked
(P L E A S E TURK TO PAGE 1 2 ) into killing itself willingly. 8
HE PURPOSE Of this article is to give

T a factual record of t h e historical

development of Analytical Procedure
and its evolution into the science
of Synergetics. Many persons do not know The Foliowing-named individuals have contributed to the development and
or have forgotten these facts. testing of Analytical Procedure to date:
Analytical Procedure was developed by me in Joseph W. Courtis Hal Annas
late 1951 and early 1 9 5 2 , and tested with a Martha Courtis, B. D.A. Ronald B. Howes
Roman Mazurelc, H. D. A. Edw. O, Robles, Jr,
few friends. It worked far better than any
William Nelson. H.D.A. Jonathan Koontz, H.D.A,
approach to self-development we had tried be*
Charles Fhillips, H.D.A. H. G. E. Rhodes, H.D.A.
fore. David Russell, H. D. A. Robert Collings
Prior to the development of Analytical Pro Don Schuster, H. D.A, James Cooper
A. E. van Vogt, H.D.A. A. W. Schrader
cedure, I had made an extensive study o f Dia-
Mayne van Vogt, H. D. A. Robert G. Hoffman
netics, including Advanced Procedure. Benefits Dorothy Woodgate, H. D, A. James Shipp, M.D., H.D.A., Staff
were negligible and since Advanced Procedure Ernest Pope Waldo T. Boyd, H.D.A., Staff
clearly contradicted Standard Procedure on the Alma Hill Richard Weigand, H.D.A., Staff
N. A. Coulter, J r ., M.D. Wayne L. Dunbar, H.D.A., Staff
cause o f aberration, I concluded that the or Don Purcell, H. D. A ,, Staff
iginator o f Dianetics was n ot trustworthy and
freed myself of a n y fu r t h e r dependence upon
h is techniques.
However, during my s tu dy o f Dianetics, I
had met a number o f sincere and intelligent
people. Among these was Don Purcell, a Wichita --produced by the sustained application of An
business man who had befriended Hubbard and alytical Procedure a new and, to my knowledge ,
nursed him back to health following Hubbards previously unknown way of functioning avail
divorce scandal. When the Dianetic Foundation able to intelligent beings.
faced a court receivership in February, 1952 , I considered t h i s t o be a development of
Hubbard withdrew from the Foundation and im revolutionary importance. Out o f this, early
mediately turned on Purcell with a series of in 1953, emerged, a new science Synergetics ,
vicious attacks and falsehoods. the science of synergy. The firs t paper on
These f a c t s a r e relevant, because they Synergetics was written in April, 1953, and
aroused in me a strong sympathy for Purcell , privately distributed but not published.
and admiration for his honesty and courage and One other fact is relevant. In the fall of
resolution. 1952, I established contact with Ronald B .
Meanwhile, Analytical Procedure had devel Howes, said to be a Dianetic clear . I told
Howes about Analytical Procedure, requesting

oped to the point where it seemed desirable to

communicate it to others. I wrote up a d e anonymity. Some time later he put out a tape
scription and sent a copy to Don . which included a variant of Analytical Proce
f l B E R R E E ------- ---- D E C E M B E R ,

Don immediately wanted to give it a field dure which he called the "BAM technique (B e
t ria l. At the time I had serious reservations l i e f , Attitude, Motivation!. A number o f peo
about associating Analytical Procedure in any ple gained the impression that Howes was the
way with Dianetics. However, Don was persist originator of Analytical Procedure. This was
ent and persuasive, and because of the strong not the case -- nor did he- claim it to be so.
sympathy I felt for him , I consented to his In June, 1953, the Denver Dianetic Congress
request on one con dition . T h a t condition was was held. The theme was supposed to be "A n a
that my authorship of Analytical Procedure not lytical Procedure . Actually, altho Analytical
be revealed. Procedure was given an honored place, much of
Don kept his bargain. By late 1952, the re the time was devoted to orthodox Dianetics a s
sponse to Analytical Procedure was so favorable presented and demonstrated by A. E. Van V o g t .
that Don asked me to write a booklet on i t . Another major emphasis was given to Ronald B .
This I agreed to do, again on condition o f an Howes, who put on a good show .
onymity. Also, I insisted that Hubbards name At this Congress, Van Vogt announced (with
be dropped from "Hubbard Dianetic Research out informing me beforehand! that I was the
Foundation in order that no presumption of originator o f Analytical Procedure. I know he
Hubbard s approval be involved . In the text did this with sincere motives, but it compelled
was a clear statement that Hubbard had not yet a major reconsideration of my position, since
had t h e opportunity t o evaluate Analytical the basic condition for my presenting Analyti
Procedure, that he had not yet given his ap cal Procedure as part of Dianetics was go n e .

proval or disapproval. Because o f this, because o f the discovery

Don told me that a copy of Analytical Pro of Synergetics, a n d because of Hubbards re
cedure w a s m ailed t o Hubbard, and that his jection o f Analytical Procedure, I decided to
response characterized it as "A gonized P r o c e terminate my association with Dianetics and to
dure . From this it may be concluded that Hub- proceed independently. Also, I had found the
bar<J did' not approve of Analytical Procedure. Dianetics framework too restricted for my pur
Meanwhile, the synergic mode was discovered poses, and Scientology, which had come out by
then, evoked revulsion and disgust, I wanted interest I did not s hare. We disagreed, bu
no part o f it, remained on friendly terms. For business rea
Don was unhappy when I told him about this sons, Don withdrew his support of Project Nu
in September, l953--understandably. The situa cleus, which came to an end in 1957.
tion was made worse when Howes was exposed In January, 1958, a dramatic event occurred.
later that f a ll. However, I saw no reason to An individual reported he had succeeded in
alter my decision. sta b ilizin g in t h e synergic mode of function.
I did offer to continue to advise the Dia- A Synergetic stable should not be identified
netic Research Foundation informally, but was with the Dianetic c le a r . In the firs t place ,
viciously attacked by a member of the Board of to my knowledge no c le ars have ever been pro
Governors, and that ended that. duced, in the original sense described in the
The Columbus Human Study Group, with which book "D ia n e t ic s . It is a hypothetical state in
I was associated, began to publish CHANGE in which all engrams have been erased .
A pril, 1954. It was sent to friends, including Synergetics i s now entering a n ew phase,
some in Dianetics. Thus the Synergetic commun called "Advance Prime . The first truly syner
ity was born. gic community is being established. We truly
Meanwhile, Don Purcell decided that the are embarked on a thrilling and unprecedented
effort to continue supporting the Foundation adventure.
was no longer worthwhile. He accordingly gave An integral part o f this is the discovery
the Foundation and all its assets back to Hub o f modes o f being beyond stable. The first of
bard. Actually, 1 had urged him to do this as these, the synergic operator , has achieved a
early as February, 1953, but he refused. higher degree of synergy than the stable --
Don suggested that he and I launch Project sometimes called second-order synergy . He
Nucleus, to draw together a new experimental u t ilize s a higher form of consciousness called
group to develop Synergetics, and I agreed. In the superconscious f i e l d (not the super-
Ap ril, 1955, the first book on Synergetics was conscious m ind of the m ystics.!
published in a preliminary edition. Synerget Synergic operators have emerged, but the
ics has not yet been presented to the general stability o f their condition is still under
public. test.
Altho Don continued to be friendly to Syn (ED. NOTE Anyone with questions about Syn
ergetics until his death, his interests turned e rg e tic s should contact the author o f th e
elsewhere--to spiritualism and occultism. This above a r t ic le at 297 Canyon Dr., Columbus, 0.)

cold and uncomfortable except to those
their orthodox beliefs are protected when
innovations in therapy are suggested or
offered especially i f those alien ideas
who enjoy winter sports and are warmly Dose a threat to their incomes.
dressed, or who have concern for the grow Religion, of course which has nothing
ing things under the blanket of snow, or to justify its existence except confusing
who c a n watch the white landscape from and unsupported b e l i e f s always has been
the comfort of a heated room. Once again , quick to protect those beliefs from the
we have conditioned truth not undispu- inroads o f advanced thinking and id e a s .
table provable truth. When Copernicus suggested that the world
This can be carried to infinite facets . might not be a fla t, square piece of real
We look about us, i f we live in the Great estate on which the sun, moon, and stars
Plains, and se e a comparatively f l a t rise and set a t God-appointed intervals ,
earth. Are we, then since we have been he drew upon himself the wrath o f the
taught to believe what we s e e Justified church and all its ecclesiastical clowns
in agreeing with our ancestors that the and pontifical p r o f ligates--who , were
world is flat? How many persons have died they not subject to a modicum o f intel- S
on deserts w ith a lake of water only lectual evolution, still would enslave "
yards from their vision as a mirage? On the world to their dogmatic fa lla c ie s. J
ly the stranger would dare a before-break Fortunately, v i n c i t omnia v e r ita s (Truth m
fast walk to the mountains from Denver , conquers all things), even medical and 5
Colo., on a clear morning since judgment religious bigotry yes, and even t r u t h ". 2
based on what he sees is not to be trusted. Today, we believe we are individuals ,
Oddly enough, those who consider them separate I a m 's who get along poorly,
selves experts or authorities are the fairly well, not at a ll, or successfully
first to reject any change that may causa with other I am 's . Maybe this, too, is
a shift in their knowingness, and are the a fallacy, and we re not individuals, but
most vehement in condemning it without a think of ourselves as an I only because w
hearing. For, tho we may depend on our this is part of the mental grooving that w
senses, we are slaves to our beliefs. We accompanies growth to adulthood. Society w
may s e e , hear, smell, taste , and fe e l has institutions and straitjackets to be
something -- but i f it disagrees with some sure none of us gets too individual.
cherished belief, we are prone to brand Some say man, on the physical plane , _
our physical observations as hallucina conforms to his environment; on the as-
tions, or rush to a doctor for a check-up tral plane, the environment conforms to
to see what 's wrong with us. the individual man and this explains why
Which is like going to the laundry for no entities tell the same story about
advice on why our washing machine doesnt life beyond . But this is conjecture,
and beyond our ken, as is truth . W e 'l l H
work. It was the doctors who were loudest hazard a guess that truth, like the teach
in damning H a r v e y 's discovery o f blood er, will appear when the student is ready
circulation as well as Pasteur's discov and no one is ready for truth a s long
eries , concerning microbes. And today, as he BELIEVES what others tell him, or
doctors a r e j u s t as quick to see that what he reads, even in The ABERREE. 10
T a l e s of the 'Unusual' That Test the Credulity
ot Those A f r a i d of What They Don't U nderstand.

perience by communicating with Jim, my spirit

guide. Here is his answer, in approximately the
same words.
Louise was working on the lower p la n e s. She
is known as a 'helper' on the other s i d e . Nat
urally, she was concerned about May, who is in
a condition of her own m aking. As she wove a
dusty web of gossip over the reputations o f
her friends and others while on the earth plane ,
so now must she live in d ir t, dust, and f i l t h .
This will be especially hard for h e r as she
was such a neat, orderly housekeeper when on
the physical expression o f l i f e . The confused
conversation encountered is the result o f her
co n ditio n .
Truly the greatest s in except murder is
the tearing apart o f another person s good
name. For he that k illeth the b o d y is not so
much to be feared as he ' that killeth the soul .
Those who do so are punished accordingly, by
their own inner s e lv e s .
By ROSALIND JOHN Louise was trying to enlighten her cousin
about the true state of being she was in, and
I TbutMAY come as a surprise to most of us , in that way open the path to a higher plane of
some of t h e little trappings of existence. It w ill take much patience and un
civilization the social buffers of derstanding before M ay can be brought to the
white lies that oil the machinery of Light; and much work on Mays part to make,
politeness between people, the petty gos amends. To this end she must labor, even on
siping, and other tricks t o o numerous to planes lower than her own, helping those even
less fortunate than h e r s e l f until she is re
mention these are not the harmless pas
leased from the dross that surrounds her soul ,
times they seem to be. After we die, some and until a true love o f her fellow souls can
phases of living, common to our society , shine f o r t h . Only then can she rise to a bet
come out into t h e cold light of the as ter l i f e and the happiness that awaits her in
tral planes a n d do n o t show up in the a higher realm.
pretty colorings w e h a v e assessed to Woe to .those o f earth who, in their ignor
them. An example of this is illustrated ance or for thoughtless, idle amusement o f the
in the following: moment, let their -tongues weave a dusty web
Louise (not h e r real name) appeared around the reputations o f their fellow bein gs.
puzzled: I must have b e e n on one of They know not the consequences or they would be
struck dumb. And to those who talk loosely of
those lower planes of the spirit-world others with evil intent with viciousness the
last night while my physical body lay price is too terrible to contemplate.
asleep. It seemed to me a very dismal S o m e months l a t e r , L o u is e wrote me: I
dreamed o f May the other night. Everything is

place where I found myself, and I seemed

to be visiting with my cousin May, who changed now! Her house was clean and lovely
died several years ago from cancer. She Just as i t used to b e . May seemed happy a nd
T h e flfi ER R E E ------------- D E C E M B E R ,

had suffered so -- before finalIV passing contented and s a i d , This is almost like my
o n - - a n d at the last, they had amputated old house on earth, don t you think?
Louise also mentioned that May looked much
her legs in an effort to save her life. younger a sure sign o f spiritual progress.
" I was really surprised to notice that, in Obviously, it did not take May long to work
spirit form , May had her legs and was walking her way out o f the negative environment once
about quite normally. However, she seemed very she had the help and understanding o f L o u i s e .
much confused, and when I tried to talk to h e r , O f course, each soul experiences in a different
her conversation d i d n t make s e n s e . And the way some advance quickly, others stay in these
condition o f her house! Dust and dirt all over conditions for years on end.
everything; cobwebs i n corners I I tried to Copyright 1963 by Rosalind John, torco, Cal,


clean up the place, but did not know where to
begin. Everything I tried to do proved a waste
of effort. I awoke feeling depressed and won
dering why my cousin should be liv in g in such
circumstances. When she w a s on e a r th , she same honor, which was eventually conferred up
had been an excellent housekeeper. on her by the church.
And then my mind stood s t ill before a very At Jerusalem, in proof o f the later claim ,
unhappy memory. While cousin May had been a the clergy used to show an empty sepulchre and
cheerful, likable person, s h e had one f a u l t : explained that the Virgin Mazy had also been
she gossiped! Not ju s t about her enemies even raised from the dead and bodily ascended into
her best friends did not escap e. It all added heaven.
up to damaged reputations. Actually, I d o n t Thus does priesthood protect and insure the
think she fully rea lized what she was d o in g . survival o f their myths.
She loved to talk and maybe d i d n t know when ----- ------
to sto p . The moment we feel angry in controversy, we
Louise wanted to know i f I could evoke some have already ceased striving for truth and be
11 sort of explanation regarding this strange ex gun striving for ourselves. Thoaas Carlyle.
DEAR LOUIS--I gave my money for what they are. They will
and complete devotion to a give you some reading material
mystery school and when I went and some by-mail fellowship
to v isit them they treated me --for a price; the rest is up
like a stranger. Why? J , C , , to you.
Watertown, Penn,
DEAR LORIS What are your
DEAR J . C. -- L e t s face i t .
impressions of Bennett's booh,
Many o f these mail order s e
"W itness"? C .M ., Chicago, I I I ,
cret wisdom schools are inter
ested in one thing those love DEAR C . M. Mr. Bennett s
ly li t t l e green slips o f paper writing reminds me o f m eta
you send them. They are s e ll physical double-talk. H is books
ing something they do not have are printed for profit and I
to sell. What they are trying don t mean the p rofit o f t h e
to sell y o u can have for free reader, i f you re really in
i f y o u ll seek it. I know of terested in growing, read some
one soul who gave this organi o f Roy Eugene Davis-- this guy
(Send your questions direct to zation you mention practically knows what he means and means
LO UIS, 1411 East M isso uri, Phoenix, every c e n t she owned, then what he says. Stick to medita
A r l z . , enclosing a stauped, s e lf* when she missed a month or so tion , and you ll come forth
addressed envelope. For those tho on her monthly payments, t h e with something, b u t go t h e
ls h personal r e p lie s , a iln la u s lessons stopped coming. I feel path o f the squirmy Subudites
contribution of $2 per question that all these schools help and you ll end up in the near
shodld be In c lu d e d .) people--but one must see things est mental sanitarium.


titude of spiritual adventure about us
have different plans working thru them. It
is not wise to compare systems and try to
prove which one is better. The best one is
as we rush to the light. Nothing shall be the one that does the job for you.
lost. Everything shall be fulfilled. The When we experience a certain degree of
trick is to throw out the vain imaginings enlightenment, and it is a relative th in g ,
and the personal stresses and strains we see the truth in all true systems. By
all of the hurts and sorrows--so that we true system I refer to any system that
are lost in the Divine Will, which, I re has as its goal the eventual liberation
peat, is an increase, not a decrease, in of the soul. The enlightened ones never
awareness. see cause to argue, it is always the dis
As we become increasingly aware, we ciples who cause the trouble and spend
find that our feeling-nature comes to the their time i n endless debates a s to
surface and that we live in a vital spir which system is better or which "master
itual world--we move in the consciousness is the greatest.
o f life . We transcend duality. I do not feel that an illumined soul
No awakened person ever had to seek would have much to do with many brands of
students to initiate. The same law that esoteric teachings which are available

led him to his awakening will a ls o lead today and which are loaded with signs and
others to him for their awakening. This symbols and great and significant por
is the way it must be, each person finding tents. He may choose to veil his teaching

A B E K R E E ------------------------ D E C E M B E R ,
his own contact. What appears right f o r for a time behind such symbology, b u t
one will not fit at all with another. This this only in a dark age when the con
is a matter of attunement. I felt at home sciousness is dim. Today, our scientists
with my guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, from know more than most of our occult books
the beginning. He accepted me as a disci even profess to know. I think we are car
ple, initiated me, and authorized me to rying this idea that the world i s n t
pass on the techniques. Thru Yogananda I ready for our teaching just a little bit
am sp iritu ally related t o a l i n e of too far. I suggest that we do not lack
teachers with whom 1 am in harmony as far for sincere students we lack intelligent
as their teaching and their motivation. and capable teachers. Even this is being
This is my line thru which the Power was corrected
transmitted. This is the fulfillment of a We have been discussing man s awaken
plan because Yogananda was trained from ing. The true initiation is the "second
boyhood to come to this country and give birth and in this experience man becomes
this initiation. I have met hundreds in my aware o f the subtle l i f e forces in na
ministry who have been drawn to this way , ture. Without this "second birth , man
therefore I must conclude that I am in my cannot comprehend the things of the spir
right place and a plan is working out. it, for things of the spirit are discerned
Altho I recognize other teachers and intuitively, directly. It is beyond mental
systems, I know that often teachings and comprehension.
philosophies do not mix. They are bound When the individual is awakened he be
comes a silent force for good in his com

to be tinged with the vibration of the

teacher and with the hidden motivations munity. Because he radiates the power
o f t h e ir l i n e o f teachers. Each true that is now awakened in him, he helps
teaching h a s i t s p la c e a n d each true others by his very presence. In tim e,
teacher has a mission. They may agree on more and more people will be awakened,
basic points, they may recognize the mer until mankind as a whole is spiritually
its o f their respective ways, but they quickened. This is in the cosmic plan. 12
THE with your money to anyone u n t i l you have
checked, and know fo r sure that it is an hon
est deal. My advice is to hold on to your money

and let the "ja c k s " work fo r a living.

DREAM--(M.-E.) - - I don t know where I got

them but I had three really large fish. After
trying unsuccessfully to h i d e them in many
different places, I put them in a big packing
box with a lock and key. This I covered with a

heavy gray quilt. I put some rainbow pillows on
it. just as I finished a handsome prince knock
ed on the door and said he was hungry. I gave
him a slice o f cake ( o r pie) and a glass of
milk. He threw them down and walked off. He
By LOWANA JULAINE was a tramp in the rear, even to patches on
the seat o f his pants. I then threw the k e y ,
(Send your complete dreaa to Loiana J u la ln e , R t . which was in my pocket, into an ocean o f sand
4 , Box 8 2 , T aip a , F l a . , 33 6 1 9 , i f you vish an in * and sat down on the boxful o f fish.
terpretatlon. Send $ 2 , 0 0 , plus sta ip ed , self-ad-
dressed envelope. Dreais ( i l l be published in this IHTERPRETATIOH Play it smart. The fish e s
c o l u m as space p erilts only i f permission has been here represent money or something o f value
that you now have. You'd better put it away
DREAM"(M rs. T . ) --I looked up and saw four
and s it on i t . I f you d o n 't some tramp-prince
large picture frames, one behind the other at
is going to talk y o u out of it and then he
an angle. Each frame held the picture of a man .
As I got c l o s e r to them I could see it was will show his contempt because you parted with
life- size playing cards. T h e f i r s t was the it s o graciously. You offered him honor and
jack of Clubs, then the Jack o f Diamonds fo l decency a s represented by the food and drink
lowed b y the jack of Hearts, and last o f all but that to him uns "contem ptible". By throwing
was the Jack o f Spades. I l i t an Aladdin-lamp the key into an ocean o f sand you placed your
sort o f thing to see them better, the jack o f possessions under God's protection. S it tight.
Clubs whirled me around in a crazy dance a n d
caught fire. I turned to the Jack o f Diamonds.
He whirled me and melted all in a puddle. The DREAM (Pauline S . ) --What does open flames
jack of Hearts started to put a wide ring on mean? Ever since I r ea d Max Freedom L o n g s
my finger but the ring turned to bracelet with book on island Magic, I 'v e fought flames night
a chain fastened to it . When I looked up, tho , after night. Sometimes I , myself, catch on fire
it was the Jack o f Spades holding the c h a i n . from a fireplace or stove. O t h e r times I m
He blew out my lamp and led me o f f into the trapped in a b u rn in g building or trying to
shadows. outrun a forest f i r e . I t is horrible and I'm
IHTERPRETAIIOS The lamp in this case rep scared to death. I run until I m out o f breath
and drop in my tracks.
resents truth. You will receive four spectacu
lar propositions. Clubs will offer you activ IHTERPRETATIOH I 'm surprised you d i d n 't
ity o f a spiritual sort which you crave, in write to Max f o r ed ification and I d o n 't know
exchange fo r your money. The light of truth which book you refer to but DO advise you to
will destroy h i s intentions. Diamonds, w i l l read it again and again and M a i n . You are
offer to put up dollar fo r dollar to get ac fighting the flames o f p urification. Something
tivity started. He too is fa lse and plays the in that book has contacted the "reasoning" por-
old "co n" game. Hearts wi ll shower you with ticn of your subconsciousness and is trying to
praise, g i f t s , and fa lse affection. Take his burn'away" a misrepresentation that your con
g ifts and you will fin d yourself in spiritual sciousness is reluctant to dispose o f . I f you
, i 3

and financial darkness, where Spades who repre read it of ten enough to recognize the "key
sents the eighth angel in this case will trans phrase" , you will do an about-face i n your
pose you from life to death. This is shown by dreams and a new, much lovelier, you will come
the blowing out of the light and the leading

out o f it like the phoenix which rises to im

into shadows. This is a warning HOT to part mortality from its own ashes.

We get a better impression of the situation

T h e ft B ER R E E ------------ D

when we realize the ancient masters were top-

level s c ie n t is t s , who knew we live in a uni
verse o f law and order, and who outclassed by
far the best scientists o f this age.
According to the m asters, the powers of
creation a r e impressed upon and reflected in
the thing created, hence t h e i r axiom "A s
abo v e--so below., That is the basic doctrine
o f Omnipresence. It means the essence o f the
By Dr. KARL KRIDLER Creator appears in every force, form, element,
object, plant, and every drop of water.

(8) BIBLICAL SYMBOLI aw The masters h a d g o d s , but they were not
STRAL l i g h t , as lig h t n in g , pierces da rk personalities. They were invented to symbolize
clouds and the resulting peals o f thunder the forces and elements of creation. The carv
shake the earth. Intensified as heat, it ings on their temples and stone monuments, not
* vaporizes the diamond and transforms all subject to change and far older than the old
o bjects from stone to steel, into incandes
est writings in the B ible, show their p rin ci
cent gas that disappears from sight. pal god was the Sun, the gigantic generator of
This almighty power i s symbolized in vari the un iv erse, without w hich there could be
ous ways in the B ible. That symbolism is o f nothing, and with which there is everything.
l i t t l e interest to the exoteric and god-hunt- Fragments o f this ancient doctrine appear
13 ers. yet conceals the secrets o f creation. in the B ib le, t h a t God is a consuming F i r e .
" F o r the Lord most high is terrible; he is a cable for man to scale in h is ascent to his
great King over all the earth (Deut. 4 : 2 4 ; Heavenly Jtome, and
Ps. 4 7 :2 ; Heb. 1 2 :2 9 , etc.l 3. J a c o b s Ladder (Gen. 28:121 may be an
Th is moralless Creator is not a God o f Love , alternate route for getting up to heaven.
but so fierce and dangerous that i f it were not The clergy teach that heaven is a place o f
for the protective atmosphere o f the earth, we eternal b lis s and how to get there is the chief
would be destroyed a hundred m illio n miles concern. H e n c e , t h e y wink at the biblical
away. There would be no escape, as told in the statement that heaven is a state o f the mind
B ib le in these words: and not a place in space (Rom. 14: 171.
"W h ith er shall 1 go from thy spirit? Or The Bible says, My people a r e destroyed
whither shall I flee from thy presence? I f I for lack o f knowledge (Hos. 4 :6 1 , and that is
ascend up into heaven, thou art there; if I the true situation today.
make my bed in h e ll, behold, thou a rt there . It is stupid to believe this symbolism has
I f I take the wings o f the morning and dwell no other point than that o f reaching a heaven
in the uttermost parts o f the s e a , even there ly home in the sky. It conceals secrets of
shall thy hand lead m e, and t h y right hand creation, but the clergy are incompetent to find
shall hold m e. (Ps. 139:7-101 that fact when they know almost nothing about
These meaningful statements should not be creative action, and nothing basic concerning
passed lightly by, for in that way we miss the i t is taught in the schools or by science.
very points for which we se a r c h . We must be unorthodox to discover the se
By symbol and allegory, the masters c o n crets o f creation; and we shall be so unortho
nected the Sun with all created phenomena,
dox as to show and prove that the symbolism
which we call nature but d o n t know what we
mean by that term. This symbolism runs a l l
(11 Deals directly with creation; (21 and
thru the B i b l e , b u t i s meaningless to t h e
leads straight to the Creator; (31 so deeply
clergy, who never connect with creation such
hidden from the orthodox , and yet (41 appears
symbolism as a Door in Heaven, the Silv er Cord,
on earth i n human form, exactly as stated in
or J a c o b s Ladder. The secret meaning of this
the B ib le, to the effect that (51 God created
symbolism is a mystery to the clergy. man in h is own image and likeness.
1. A Door Open in Heaven (Rev. 4 :1 1 may be I f these biblical statements have a mean
the port o f entry into t h e world o f Eternal ing, what do they mean? This we shall explain
B lis s and Ehdless Days; and so clearly that even a child can understand.
2. The S i l v e r Cord (Eccl. 12: 61 may be a (Continued in the next issuel

I f some o f than s u r e nuf DEAR R O T -- I am very much

P r o f i t s that drempt up all afraid o f been Hypnotized by
this fire and brimstone pre an Enity, I fe a r that I may be
dictions about California go swept away some night in my
ing to be gobbled up by the sleep, I worry a great d e a l
ocean, would get their heads over th is. What can I d o ? I
together and call on the Good like the Hi Colitm a n d your
Etheric M asters --thats them Boomer. Hi is rig h t, S .R .
there fellers lik e them that Dear S. R. --As far as run
built that there marble s ta ir ning away or been Hypnotised,
case to save them there miner and carried off in the night by
fellers. These same Good Forces unfriendly E n i t i e s , This i s
who walk among us all the time ruled out as all you have to
would clear the way to much do to stop this line of think
lesser quakes and damage and ing is to say in your mind, My
possible loss of human lives Aura will protect me and this
as the greatest evils go to releases t h e power o f y our
work to fu lfill the old evil Aura and as it is a wall around
predictions about C a lifo r n ia , you to protect y o u , you will - h
(E D. N O T E --B illi n g h l i s e l f as The sorrowful part of all this have no further fears. Most .
the Corny Psy chic , A lb e r t H o y
Davis o ilers to ansier. any three is that M ex ico , C a lifo r n ia , people do not understand t h e 2
questions lor $2 readers send hia Oregon, Washington were all in Auric Powers all man kind is
at his address of 23 Vest Walnut, the old forecast, but somehow blessed with, its a protector-
Green Cove Sp rin gs, F la . The AB-
ERREE disclaim s any resp o nslb ll* folks got to chewing on C a lif ite and i f used properly, will
ity for either the views express ornia, and it all got centered and c a n protect you against
ed or the sp e llin g Indulged in by to happen in one place. This all e v i l , that o f E n i t i t y ,
this c o lu u n .)
however a i n t s o . In I n d i a forces, playfull and harmful
Howdy Neigibors the Old Parchments show that m

Got some letters from some what we know as America was to DEAR R 0 T I am very sick
ladies over in California, they be torn asunder, on its'w estern and my wife works to support
claimed I scared urn some, when lim its , the whole lin e from \me. I f e e l like life i s not (ij
I w rit about than there quakes Perue to Mexico to C a lifo r n ia . worth liveing, what does the w
a getting worst than the last I know Professor Hilton Hot- future hold fo r me and h e r ?
one. Pact i s , they told me to water. Hes a fine man. He said 5. P. os
shut my tater trap. So I writ to me hot long ago that man DEAR S .V . Your future hold
up another prediction and told could sure nuf live on nothing a partial recovery in the sum- w
urn all what to do when i t sure but air. Prof. Hotma could be mer of 1964, so hold o n , a nd fQ
nuf quaked over near the Los right. I f he is and prices keep you will at least be able to 3 ;
Angles town. going up, we all might be liv get up and sit and talk with
Well, sure nuf, on the 14th ing on air, and then them cus your wife. The burden on her $
o f September a big one h it and sed Washington politians will will be reduced, the recovery -
rumbled and shook for almost tax that t o . Prober!y have us will r eq u ir e activity excer-
20 minutes. The next one will going around with a m e t e r size on your part, and i f you ^
be a d illey . A couple o f days strapped to our chests, meas act to follow this your health
wait by and I got some more uring and a chargeing for how will slowely return and you
letters from these same la d ie s , much we use each month . More will again become t h e bread
asking what they could do. an likely yup. winner. -- ALBERT ROY DAVIS 14

c a llin g himself Prof. Alfred
LuntsV, a former high Episco
pal clergyman, who told o f his
a reader or two : surprise when d y in g at the
ODE TO A MUTE age o f 8 1 , to discover that
Hi ! all the religious concepts he
Bye. had supported while alive and
Maybe next year someone will which had so richly supported
try to outdo our brevity, but him, were wrong, and there was
lik e the compact car--and the no God, no heaven (not even
length o f a s k i r t th e r e s a for a clergyman) and no hell .
point beyond which we simply Luntz said he was waiting for
cannot g o . . . h i s next incarnation, when he
intends to be an architect-
1 I f there were a dozen me
diums, or sensitives , in one no more clergy for h i m ... 5 All
in a ll, we considered i t one
room at one time, and the area
was being haunted by any of the most convincing demon
number o f ghosts , o r " s p i r strations w e ve been exposed
i t s " , w e d expect all present to, more than making up for
to s e e , hear, o r s en se the the corny Mark Twain and the
same entities. But this i s n t poor, homeless newsboy , both
necessarily so, t h e traveling Mark Probert stops fo r a cup o f whom "adopted us at the
team o f A lice Brady and Tom Bertie L ily Candler show a
of coffee between contacts.
B e llin s k i. told us when they couple years ago.
Oklahoma City, somethings go 5 Scheduled for Sunday eve
stopped for a three-day ap ing to have to g iv e ; we might ning, following the third of
pearance at the New Age Center even have to work faster, but Mark P roberts seances in the
in Oklahoma City. Theyre from we dont want to accept t h e afternoon, was an appearance
Canton, Ohio, and have been in alternative o f fewer trips to by Swami Preman an da. who " j u s t
Califo rnia since April; when R h o a d e s v ille ... ^ Neverthe happened to be passing t h r u .
interviewed, they were headed less, without too much d i f f i
for their h u r r i c a n e season But we couldnt make it--we d
culty, we turned o u r back on already exhausted our "t r a v e l
home near Daytona Beach, Fla. typing, layouts, and negatives
Mrs. Brady and B ellinski take time for October, much o f i t
one Saturday afternoon , a n d to Charley s place-- way down
turns lecturing, but while she headed for the second o f three
lectures, he sits and sketches upon the Swami River*:. We sus
appearances of Mark and Irene pect there ll be other days as
the entities he "s e e s , o r Probert. Fortunately, we were
senses, and after the lectu re, well as other S w a m is ...
invited to jo in the Rhoadeses
Mrs. Brady tries to match the 5 The A. M. A. has removed
and Proberts at dinner, and we another threat to its pill-
pictures up with persons in know o f no better way to get
the audience. Dont you both and-scalpel-supported Cadillac
acquainted than over the diet fleet! Harold Kinney of Ingle
see the same entities? we board. Mark told how he had
asked in o u r innocent ignor wood, C a l i f . , writes u s that
discovered h is talents when Dr. Ruth D r o w n . about whose
ance o f things spiritual, and h is eavesdropping bride re
w ell have to confess we think healing by radiesthesia The
ported to the late Mead L a y n e ,
a lot o f claims will need in ABERREE carried a story in the
head of Borderland Science Re
vestigating and re-evaluating September issue, has been in
search Associates prior to h i s
i f seeing and imagining dicted by a grand jury in Cal
death a few y e a r s a g o , that
are psychic synonyms... 5 Back ifo rn ia and she and five o f her
Mark talked in h is sleep in a
to things more mundane and o n . associates were picked up, in
foreign language she cou ld
our level, w a s t h e confes the in t e r e s t s o f protecting
n t understand. Layne guessed
sion that, stored away in their medicine. I t s getting to the
that Probert was a deep trance
car, were s i x hedge-apples point where persons who wish
medium, and proceeded to con
they were taking home in hopes to be sick havent much alter
firm h i s hypothesis by t e s t s .
this stubby ornamental t r e e , native in becoming unsick la
Since, Mark h a s been in touch
so common to roadsides in Ok ter. Theyve either got to de
with a group o f 16 e n t it i e s ,
lahoma, could be started in cide th ey ve had enough and
c a llin g themselves the Inner
Florida. I t was a surprise to get well ' * or pay some medical
Circle , a n d transcripts o f
us to discover that strangers school alumnus a fat fee to
these seances have been widely
could b e intrig ue d by some help them d i e . . .
p u b l i c i z e d ... 5 At this meet
thing our fam iliarity had tak ing-conducted in bright light 1 F u r t h e r information on
en so much for granted that we without such trappings as hid the arrest o f Dr, Drown and,
know practically nothing about den cabinets, suspicious dark her aids was contained in M a x
them except to recall that ness , and a singing audience Freedom Long s HUNA V IS T A S :
as kids we used the pimply to hide the evidence o f moving Behind the raid were investi

w green b a lls as summer snow paraphernalia fir s t to appear gators from the o ffic e o f the
w b a lls in our gang f i g h t s . . . as the leader o f the C i r c l e , District Attorney and from the
5 W ed been wanting to meet dentiiying him self a s E Yada California Food and Drug Ad
Mark P r o b e rt ever since we D1 Shi i t e . Yada t o ld o f his m in istration. Claim ing that
read o f h i s s ea n c e m essages civ iliza tio n which w a s de several patients had complain
w back when Mead L a m e was edit ed, the authorities employed a
stroyed by a violent quake a
OQ ing the B. S. R. A. Journal, but h a lf m illion years a g o , And former patient and had her go
a; we weren t prepared f o r t h e suggested people enjoy l i f e back with an undercover agent
mountain to come to Mohammed more and remain conscious of for treatm ents,. .
during our b u s ie s t , gaddiest what th ey re d o i n g . He also The report o f the agents,
month in which we had almost answered a few questions from as given in a news story, fol
not a single week-end to stay the audience on items o f gen lows :
home and manufacture th is copy eral interest (such as How Among other things they
o f The ABERREE. But i f Charley can thete be an a g e or e r a reported that:
and Velva J o e Rhoades keep i f there i s no such thing as 1. The operators claim ed
booking these interesting speak Tim e? ) After a coffee brea k , they c o u ld t r e a t p a tie n t s
15 ers at their New Age Center in Yada was followed by an entity wherever they might be in the

world, merely by exposing sam month, plus 80 patients a month

ples o f their blood to the at her San L u is Obispo o ffic e.
mysterious radio waves of the In addition to the radi
machines. onics instruments, the inves
**2. Blood samples ostensi tigators reported that in a i
bly from three children but rear room there was what ap
actually f r o m a turkey, a peared to be a very large mag
sheep, and a pig were submit netic coil with a cot placed
ted for t e s t in g . All three j
in the center of it . The c o i l
were diagnosed as having chick was made o f plywood. She said i
en p o x and one o f them mumps she was told that I t balances
as well. your magnetic forces thru in
" *3. photographs o f astro duction .
nauts a n d do g s in orbiting 5 Not a very pretty picture , $
space capsules were represented i s it? And i t ' s too bad that
aar having b e e n obtained by those who will testify against
ch an ce when the diagnostic Dr. Drown will be persons with
machines p i c k e d u p energy axes to grind who havent the
waves from the cosmos. slightest idea what radionics
*4. T h e founder o f the is , or whether it is the in
center and inventor of the ma strument that is helping its
chines boasted of having treat patients, or the operator. Max
ed about 3 5,00 0 patients since Long says he ran a P. A. (Psy
1935. Investigators estimated chometric A n a ly s is) test on There i s so much hidden
this meant a take o f $500 ,0 0 0 . the persons involved, and they hatred in your article on past
(ED. NOTE Wed l i ke t o know showed Dr. Drown with a reading incarnations -- a n d an idiot
the medical "tak e " f o r t h e of 333 fully constructive and would do better at dream in
same period, and the compara normal, and apparently con terpretation than the Grand
t i v e dol la r - f o r r d o lla r cost of vinced h e r instruments a r e daughter of the Priestess of
aid to the v ic tim s.) good and beneficial, while sim R a .
In the newspaper a r t i c l e , ila r readings on the ex-pa- Since there i s no such
i t was related that the former tient-Judas and investigator thing as a past l i f e , but all
patient employed by the inves show the former with a degree time is one, even the right to
tigators had first been exam reading of 291 and the other believe in reincarnation must
ined by medical doctors and 3 2 1 --both apparently certain be earned. The m aterialist has
c e rt ifie d to be in good health . t h e y re acting for the good o f not earned it , but even within
She was examined again, after the p u b l i c . . . And maybe they him or her there is the sub-
the v is it s to Dr. Drowns o f are. I f Mr. and Mrs. I . M. S ic k
fices, and again found to be in get the idea they are mere
the best o f health. Dr.Drown s pawns in a gigantic chess game was discussed in h is presence.
group had diagnosed her with being played by so many je a l So there, Jacob. We p u b lic ly
the use o f one o f the instru ous healers , a n d that the accuse you o f trying to make
ments, and altho she had said stakes are astronomical, maybe us the c a t s-paw in your catty
she was having stomach trouble, something c a n be done to re catal ectic canard. . .
the machine said i t was alumi move the temptations. No one 5 Albert Roy Davis o f Green
num poisoning o f the stomach is going to bring about that Cove Springs, F l a ., says we
and gall bladder, with indica state o f health euphoria, how *)nissed the p o in t in reprint
tions o f trouble in the right e v e r not until each o f us is ing the cla s sified ad (Sept
ovary and le f t kidney. She was w illin g to take responsibility ember i s s u e ) he ran in some
told to sto p using aluminum for h is own willingness to b e Florida newspapers anent the
cooking utensils and to return victim ize d. . . whereabouts o f Ron H u bba rd,
for treatm ents. fce returned Fred Hand, and Edward S chultz,

1 From Fred Kimball. The
and was treated with the use o f Which we admit t h a t s why we
man who talks with animals, has
reprinted the a d : i t was so

a small black box with nine come a message from our late
d ia ls , two foot pads, and a Teufel, who told pointless, we thought i t amus

o ffic e cat,

ecem ber
piece o f metal which was placed Fred to tell us h e d wait for ing. However, in a letter to
on her stomach. After th e us. Not wishing Teufel a n y John Farrell, Scientology pro
treatment she purchased one of bad luck , but we hope i t s a gram director in Washington,
the treatment instruments for lon-n-n-n-g-g-g w a i t . . . 5 And Davis explains he tried to in
A B E R R E E --------- D
$572. H e r ch ildren who had from Jacob Ad s el. o f Milwaukee, sert two 1 / 2 -page psychic
been diagnosed from the blood comes a sympathy c a r d , read a d s i n these papers and was
o f turkey, sheep, and pig as i n g : Our sympathies are for turned down. He was frankly
having chicken p o x and the you, Alphia and Alice. Your fe told that S p ir itu a lis t ic me
mumps, had none of these d is line friends are in a better diums and that kind of adver
eases. State than you a r e . (Adding tisin g was not possible in the
The other undercover agent parenthetically, No reference modern newspapers . Now that
told the Drown s ta ff she had to Oklahoma"). Jacob appends a we have this point explained
bit o f cattrel (i t couldn t be even tho we don t see what
been said by a doctor to have
can cer. The instrument diag DOGgerel) purportedly by Teu- Roys c la s sifie d ad had to do
nosis, however, showed no can el, a n d altho we knew Teufel with their refusal to accept
cer, but cysts and her salt- was a smart c a t , we doubt his h is ad v ertisin g we see even
sugar ratio out o f balance , authorship o f t h e following: less reason for the newspaper
caused by malfunction o f the The L ad y s swell but that AB- turning down h is two 1/2-page
liv e r a n d thymus g la n d. The ERREE m a n / H e s too high u p , psychic a ds , unless they -were
so cats-as-cats-can/ What's in unable to decipher h is spell

diagnosis charge was $ 5 0 t a n d

she was offered treatments at a name? asked Shakespeare the ing and could afford to refuse
either $50 a month on a month- bard / T r y l i f e with T e u f e l , to adm it i t , o r maybe they
to-month basis or for $35 a y o u ll know whats hard. One ju s t d id n t want to hurt Roy s
month on a six-month contract. reason w e re suspicious is the feelings by wising him up to
She said that D r . Drown told fact we always kept our volume the fact that as a speller, he
her that she had 100 in - p a o f Shakespeare up out o f c a t s seems to be suffering from a
tients and 200 out-patients a r e a c h , and the "b ard never. deep, deadly allergy to i t . . . 16
their investigation were grant
conscious realization that it being extended into a kind of
is true. ed California state tax e x
Thus, you f i g h t i t vast vacuum.
much too hard. Christmas is a
emption. We have been inv esti " T h i s note i s from one who
sacred time and should not be
gated by several U. S govern invariably enjoys the workings
celebrated in July--and people
mental agencies, including the o f your m ind as expressed in
who can, discover past incar
internal revenue service with your auditorials but o f the
nations to discover the reason
regards to federal tax exemp type that rarely takes t h e
for present karma -- blindness ,
tion. time a n d energy to stop and
illness, a l o n e n e s s , su ic id e
Anyone i s welcome to come let you and A lice both know
complex, h o m o se x u a lity , and
and investigate anything they how much we appreciate how
past l i f e talents.
wish. Perhaps, clearly you perceive and ex
who knows, even you might once
The C o lle g e o f Universal press an evaluation of current
have had love and respect for
Wisdom is a research branch of ideologies and isms. In this
Xmas--and by remembering a past
the Ministry of Universal Wis last editorial in the Hallow-
l i f e in P a le s t in e , i t would
dom, Inc. e en issue the idiosyncrasies
help many people now. --Sarah
"O u r research is based on of a vast percentage o f the
Selby, 1H2H S. Wilton P I , , Los
electrical and magnetic inter current crop of young wastrels
Angeles, C a lif.
pretations o f old religious was clearly depicted.
(ED . N O T E See what we writings and the B ible, which "Y o u r observations i n this
indicate that at one time peo editorial that the individuals
ple lived hundreds o f years in are trying to get something
"W e have really enjoyed the
one lifespan. for nothing and avoid extend
two issues of ABERREE . . .
Anonymous* w r it e s t h a t ing the effort necessary and
"S t a r t i n g in January, 1964 ,
' some have c o n t r i buted who suffer the humiliations at
I ll be booking speaking en
could not afford i t . This is tendant with innumerable d is
gagements for February, March ,
an outright l i e , o r hearsay. appointments i n order to
April, and May to cover most
Anyone who has contributed any achieve maturity, character,
o f the area o f Southern Cali
amount of money is liste d in and ultimate genuine capabil
f o r n ia . O u r subject matter
our files--and we know most of ity o f enjoying and living a
deals w i t h electrom agnetic than personally.
productive l i f e , is very apro
forces in foods -- their action " I have personally donated pos in view of the fact th a t
and reaction on the nervous 10 acres o f land with a good
both you and Alice were dealt
system, with a general outline well on it, valued at $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 ,
a very d i f f i c u l t sidereal
o f my own experiences with and five years o f my time for
hand t o p l a y . As y o u may
foods -- that h a s given me a
free, on t h e small research, recall, I once made a rather
better than average position
before we ever started build b rief 's lid e - r u le analysis of
in good health, dangerous tu ing the Inte gra tro n . The your birth dates and you have
mor notwithstanding. The will
man who p u t i n m ost o f the both consistently had to face
to l i v e and positive thinking
money lived with us here f o r innumerable frustrations, d i f
are a very necessary part of
4(4 years before he contributed fic u lt ie s and delays, in spite
our future well-being. Allan
anything. Certainly he had time o f which you are now rendering
Calhoun, U20U H ills id e , Horco,
enough to investigate in those to your fellow man a genuine
C a lif.
years, in o u r effort to get service and managing (i t ap
(ED. NOTE Mr. Calhoun i s federal tax exemption h e was pears! t o derive thereform a
ere of those fortunate persons questioned as to why he put measure o f satisfaction and
who refuse to stay dead just large amounts of money into
pleasure even tho it continues
because some doctor condemns the Ministry bank account, and to e n t a il considerable work ,
them. In 1961, he was told he he stated in writing to t h e
effort a n d r e s p o n s ib ilit y ,
never would leave the hospital Internal Revenue S e r v ic e , a f
which i s t h e only means by
a liv e because of a tumor they ter living here and investigat which anyone c a n find a real
saw no reason to remove. Al ing us for 4(4 years, that he
pleasure in being alive. When
most three years later, afte r believed it is a worthwhile
people descend to less than

a s t r i c t vegetarian d i e t , in- proj ect . this, invariably their lives

cludjng the growing and pro " i n the closing paragraph become vacant, unrewarding, and
duction of comfrey, he explains o f the anonymous letter, the not worth l i v i n g . W. Burton
T h e f l B E R R E E ----------- D E C E M B E R ,

jn the above le t t e r that dying writer stated they would be Essex, 3 87 Brookside A v ., Al
i s s t i l l not part of h i s plans afraid of what might happen to
lendale, H. J .
for the immediate future.) me i f Van Tassel knew I wrote
i t , as an excuse for not want "T h e re is no such animal as
In your October i s s u e of honest Communism . A person
ABERREE on page 16, you pub ing their name printed. The
cannot b e a Communist and
lished an anonymous letter in writer also claim s, I know still believe in God or the
regard to Van Tassel s Inte- quite a lot about this man dignity of man. Our rights and
gratron. You try to excuse your (Van Tassel). liberties and our high stand
Well hurray! So do some
own responsibility by s a y in g , ards of living are being lost
Not often do we print anony other 20 million people who --inch by inch--all because so
mous l e t t e r s . Then you claim heard me aver 300 radio and many people in this country
you did it for a warning. . . T-V shows and public lectures.
I ll wager the anonymous are asleep to the greatest im
I would like the privilege writer h a s n t got a nickel of p e r ia lis t ic and military ad
o f answering t h i s anonymous their own money listed in our vance in the history o f man
writer in a prominent place in file records as a contributor. kind. We have been brainwashed
the next issue o f ABERREE with George V. Van Tassel D , D , , P. into believing that material
the following facts : O .B o x U58, Yucca Valley, C a l. ism i s somehow akin to the
" I am President o f the Min teachings of Jesus (who became
istry o f Universal Wisdom,, in " A s you know there are cer the C hrist). Jesus was one of
corporated in the S tate of tain types of your readers who the least material of men .
California in 1958. are avid letter w r it e rs , but "T h e re is no danger in be
"W e have nine business peo the vast majority absorb your ing a Communist today as long
ple on our board o f directors. material and leave you wonder as you call it something e l s e .
We h a v e been investigated by ing whether you have made an There are a long lis t o f those
the California state attorney impression and i t must seem who instead o f being shot as
17 general s o f f i c e , and a f t e r often that your efforts are traitors has been p r o m o t e d ....
The woods are full of them. I f where in the world in drinking asserts for himself, or may
you want to tread on dangerous water or plants. Nothing in even know.
ground, just try exposing Com sc ie n t ific literature can be Mrs. Burks, unknown to her
munism o r t h e i r handiwork. found which shows fluorine to until the moment it happened,
Many have and h a v e met with be beneficial in any way to was treated over a distance of
fatal accidents--and t h e r e s human biology. In t e s t s on 1200 miles, more or less. She
a long l i s t o f them too . . . rats, a lessened mental reac knew, then and t h e r e , as bow
Try to tell the people tion was noted. Ruth Ingall should s h e n o t , when long-
about the subversive aspects Spignesi, 9d Standish Road, lasting pain disappeared at
o f fluoridation for another Stanford, Conn. the time of the treatment? The
instance. Herbert A.Philbrick , body has a habit, and can take
our counter-spy, said, The Actually, h e s an enlight the pain b a c k , i f it e l e c t s ,
Communists who have been pub- ened chiropractor in a mid- for n o t even Jesus c l aimed
lic ly urging that sodium fluo western c i t y , and because he that a healing was permanent.
ride be placed in our public is e n lig h t e n e d , we must pro Imbalance is by agreement, and
water sup ply , a r e currently tect him and his work from the careless men can let the dev
intensifying t h e i r campaign attacks of the ign oran t. Two i l s back In . . .
"wnen more recent readings
for th is measure. Major Jor years a go , we r e a d for him
for The Inv isible P h y s ic i a n
dan, U. S. A. F. retired, s a i d and he set out to prove the
(who has since a s k e d , on re
that vast quantities o f sodium reading right or wrong. He
quest o f his colleagues, that
fluoride were shipped to Rus proved i t , and more. As a re
he remain anonymous) were giv
s ia during the war (W. W. Ill sult, he can now diagnose and
en and the chiropractor spoke,
for use on prisoners to make treat at a distance even as another chiropractor in the
them docile and subservient. the Kahuna did, and do; tho he audience spoke:
Sodium fluoride is a byproduct states f l a t l y that what h e
' T h a t s all well and good.
o f aluminum and appears n o does is not Huna. He guaran
Doctor, but how do you project
tees only a chiropractic treat
your fees?
ment. My experience has been
This too has been set u p ,
that something s t r a n g e and
since the * free treatment i s
healing, continues and clings
worth exactly what is paid for
after the treatment, where
such prolongation o f healing i t : n o th in g . . .
effort is appropriate. I know But h e r e even the money
and assert for The Invisible part has to be finagled. Per
P h y s icia n much more than he sons wishing a long distance
chiropractic treatment of 'The
In v is ib le Phy sicia n sen d $ 6
to the New Age Center, 145 N E
14th S t ., Oklahoma C i t y , out
M EN T A L, lining their imbalances. The
Our all-wood pianchette Invisible Physician can check
facilitates Spirit writ EMOTIONAL, them, and will.
ing. Be your own Medium. & PH YSICA L I ' v e gone into much more
detail about the proved work
The NAME written by a BALANCE! o f The Invisible P h y s ic i a n
Spirit Person on paper T H I B O D E A U C H I R O P R A C T I C C LINICS in a pamphlet which , I trust
w i t h y o u r pianchette P. 0. Box 313 (I just sent in copy the other
sent to you. Booklet, M y r t l e Beach, South Caro l i n a day), will be ready for sale
Dr. j. HAR0L0 THIB00EAU by the time this appears, for
Information, I n s t r u c (Hubbard Certified Auditor) maybe a dollar o r s o . Y ou'll
tions postpaid, $2. We then send to the Wisdom Pool ,
coach you free. Write or Lakemont, G a ., for i t . Maybe
visit us. i S S Hal
it will even be advertised in
The ABERREE where , as it can -<
JACOB & ROSE APSEL pfcPlACllC be PLAINLY seen, I am t ry in g -
1310 A So. 3Jth Street C H I R O P R A C T I C C E NTER my subtle (?) best to s te a l

Milwaukee 1 5 , Wisconsin
of M y r t l e Beach
since 1BA8 I sound as i f I m jesting?
Far from it . I ve been so awed w
by the power a n d authority--
which is probably not unique
but seems s o --o f 'T he In v is i
WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE ble P h y s ic i a n , that I have
scheduled eight lectures on
The Fastest Growing N ation al and International Meta- Maybe some of you will have m

psychical and Astrological Group in the World. heard t h e m b e fo re you read m

this, as my reports d o n t al-
You receive o u r monthly Journal on Health, Psychic ways fi t deadlines as nearly
Research, Science, and M edical Notes o f Interest. Some as they might. Arthur Burks, fZ
o f our writers a r e noted Authorities and are from many Paradise, Penn. 19562 w
countries around the world.
Membership $5 a year-subscription Journal $2 year The 10 - day trip (to Geor- 03
Send fo r your Membership or Subscription Today gia to treat a cancer victim)
was completed last night (O c t .
2 3 ) . . . The man I went to help JS
died in a hospital four days h
FLORIDA METAPSYCHICAL ASSOCIATION after my arrival. He was a can
ALBERT ROY DAVIS, Secretary-President cer victim , but I am inclined
to believe his death was caused
GREEN COVE SPRINGS. FLA. by a lack o f blood in his body .
It was against h i s principle 18
to permit blood transfusions the body. Knowledge o f the way
or e v e n in je c t io n s , but he to attain that light i s what
consented to injections to re the Government i s trying to FREE BROCHURE
lieve pain near the end. I was keep from the people by deny
able to help relieve pain by
the laying on o f hands. This
ing me the free u s e o f the
m a ils . Morris Katzen, Cooks
led to an amazing experience. F a lls . H .Y . If you will send me a post
I was at the bedside holding card w i t h your name and a d
the man s hand and noticed he More than tino pages of let dre s s and the w o r d A B E R R E E .
was breathing in rhythm with ters left, and no place to put Ill mail you free an 18-page
my breathing. That went on for 'em! Sorry, but w e 'l l try to brochure t e l l i n g ho w c o u n t
a long time w h i l e t h e man less el d e r l y p e o p l e who have
make up fo r it in our combined
been c r i p p l e d or h e l p l e s s and
breathed deeply and loudly un January-February issue._______ in great pain h a v e b e e n h e a l

til I removed my hand and the ed or gr e a t l y helped, often
breathing s t o p p e d instantly r e t u r n i n g to work. It Is only
and it looked as i f the man be c a u s e I s u f f e r e d and could
was d e a d , but when I took his b a rely m o v e , and w a s cured,

hand again he began to breathe that I drive 150 m i l e s from
again. Then I put my o t h e r Los A n g e l e s into the desert
hand on h is head and held it and spe n d h o u r s g a t h e r i n g
these h e r b s to m a k e av a i l a b l e

there to keep the body breath
to others. I mail t h e m all
ing until a member o f the fam
over the world. The herb is
ily arrived. When I took the c a l l e d E o b e r n a d o r a and is the
hand o f f his head he stopped secret but ag e - o l d remedy of
breathing, so I held the posi the Indians.
tion with one hand on his head
and the other holding his hand HAROLD KINNEY
P. 0. Box 3285
while an attempt was made to IngIewood, Ca Iif., 90304
get a blood pressure t e s t .
Alone again with the man, h e
stopped breathing so I took my
hands o f f h is head and pushed
down on his chest a few times Enjoy the W ONDERFUL
and started up the breathing ocean breeze , The
again, but the breathing b e the year-round JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
came slower and slower and f i d e l i g h t f u l clim ate a n d International
nally i t was decided that he plenty o f way out friends TH E BEST T H I N G THAT EVER
was dead. to keep you moving in the HAPPENE0
I attended the funeral and direction you wish to go . "Science Meets the Occult
at the cemetery a man standing Write for free maps and in Get the W o r l d ' s Most Unusual
next to me had a heart a tta c k , formation about La J o l l a , and U n i q u e P u b l i c a t i o n with an
so I held h is hand and his the "Je w el o f the S e a . We E x p o s i t i o n of Both the Ortho -
head until he got h is co lo r will be pleased to help you dox and U n o r t h o d o x
ba ck , and then left to start find a home for your re S a m p l e Copies, SI each
the return trip via a stop at tirement and your Subscription, S3 per year
Aiken, S. C . , and Lakemont, G a . joyful l i v i n g . . . . Advertisers e n c l o s e a s t amped
" A S p ir it u a l H e a lin g a t addressed envelope for your
tempt at Aiken did not produce
any spectacular r e s u l t s ...
Ad Rate Chart
Published Q u a r terly
At CSA, there was a guest a nd Associates U n d e r A u s p i c e s of
who limped because o f sciatic REALTORS
nerve p a i n . . . EM O N e a l s wife CHOLOGY
sat at the foot o f the bed as (A N o n - P r o f i t E ducational and
5505 La J o l l a Philanthropic Corporation
an observer. Hie healing ses B o u le v a rd C h a r t e r e d by the Gove r n m e n t of
sion lasted about 2(4 h o u r s ...
T h e A B E R R E E ----------- -DLCtMBLH,

the Dist r i c t of C o l u mbia)

After the healing the woman La J o l l a ,
Ad d r e s s
appeared to be much younger
and walked with ease, but there Calif. 15 Nor t h Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, Califo r n i a , U.S.A.
was s t il l a slight limp. That
woman r e c e i v e d a pow erful
healing and I expect to le a m
that she will no longer have to
think about getting a nerve
severed to r e 1 i eve h e r of A MERRY CHRISTMAS and
p a in . . .
" I f t h e healings c a n be A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR
performed by spirit entities
such as the multitude believe
From the Subscribers and Members o f
exist, then why cannot others THE FLORIDA HETAPSYCHI CAL ASSOCIATION
demonstrate the powers that I
ALBERT ROY DAVIS, Secretary-President
possess by merely asking the
spirits to do the work f o r V * To A *
them? Only God can heal, and
the healing power o f God de Each and Every One of You
pends on the degree o f light
in God--the greater the light "GOD BLESS YOU ALL"
the greater the healing power. Prom ALBERT ROY DAVIS, S ecreta ry
What people still need to le a m
body. Nothing in creation is GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FLIL
more precious to a body than
19 the light that gives l i f e to (WE NELC0ME ALL OF YOU AS MEMBERS);
Sinc e t h e r e a r e several
YOUR BEAUTIFUL, SECRET SELF re THE WORLD U NIVERSITY invites hundred books in the Lending
vealed In o il colors Iron your your valued co-operation in a L ib r ar y , only a p artia l l i s t
photo, 9 " x 1 2 " , $ 1 7 .0 0 ; 1 6 " x 2 0 " , nultl- nilllo n dollar educational can be run at one time. Save
$ 3 0 .0 0 . Eva Woodford, Rt. 1 , Box developaent proposed for Tucson, these ads for complete l i s t
4 5 , Lost Creek, W. Va. it A rizo n a . Endorsed by proainent ing . Indexed by authors.
people the world over. Liberal
arts netaphysically taught. Send Swami P a n c h a d a s l
$ 1 .0 0 for annual subscription to
CAPITALED LETTERED PLANETS are T H I N K I N G A L I V E - - Wm . 0. P el l ey
International N ew sletter.
AS THOU L O V E S T Wm. D. P el l ey
Serpents of Death. The B 'lb le s forned. World U niv ersity , Box 68,
GES TALT THERAPY - - P e r i s , H e l
of all races varn against thea to Huntington Park, C a l i f . 1*
l e r I i ne, & Goodman
no a v a il, because Serpent aen did
the v r lt in g , copying froa the THREE S E V E N S , ANCI ENT I N I T I A
b 'i b l e in the S t a r s . Their S e r TI ON - - The P h e I o n s
quarters and Sp ir itu al Healing
pent G'od proalses then the earth DWELLER ON TWO P L ANET S - - - P hy I O S
to child vic tia of leukeaia as
the T hi be ta n
and aealth In Z 'i o n i s u , N a z ils a , test case to prove b en e fic ia l r e
C a t h o lic is e , Jehovah's W itnesses, HUNGRY E Y E - - R a y m o n d F. P i p e r
sults of Sp iritu a l Healing where
(Red) Hopl In d ia n , (Blao k) M u s ART OF R A P I D R EADI NG - - W a l t e r
cheaotherapy offers no hope. Mor
lin , (Y e llo t ) Coaaunlst C h i n a . ris Katzen, Cooks F a l l s , N .Y . 1*
Check the blrthcharts of their THE R E P U B L I C - - P l a t o
leaders and knot. Unless births MODERN MA R R I A GE . Handbook l o r
NOW FORMING in the h i g h lands
are restricted the H-bonb w ill be Men - - P a u l P o p e n o e
of Northern C a l if o r n ia . Co-op 0
used as told in the Star b 'i b l e . HYP NOT I S M R E V E A L E D - M e l v i n
erative New Age Colony. For in- I
New A g e C e n t e r , R - l, Box 625, P o we r s
fornatlon send staap to Walter
Casas, Wash.
J A C O B ' S LADDER T h e r e s a P r e l l s I
Jeroae G o rd o n , P. O . Box 261 ,
Soquel, C a l i f . 1*
YOUR MI NO - - A. W. P r i t c h a r d
found in new teachings of Louis Ha ve you heard about THE BEYOND TEL EPATHY - - A n d r i j a P u -
Conde* - La hlssa, waster - teacher WISDOM P O O L " ? Write Arthur J . ha r i ch
Burks, c /o C. S . A . , Lakeaont, BOY AND THE BROTHERS - - Swami
froa T ib e t . Staple talks on Hap
p in ess, Health, Mental-Spiritual Georgia. 95-7* Omananda P u r l
Developaent, Eaployer-Eaploye Co GOLDEN P R E C E P T S G . d e P u r u c k e r
operation, E f f e c t i v e u s e of FREE COLONIZATION LAND, clinate N AT I ON A L M A L N U T R I T I O N - - 0. T.
that h ea ls, triple- sin of neat Q u i g l e y . M. D.
thought, e t c ., condensed for quick
ea tin g , Naturlst U n iv e r s it y d e A D V A N C E D C O U R S E IN YOGI P H I L
reading to 155 pages. Order '. Life
grees. Inforaatlve journal 204. O S O P H Y -- R a m a c h a r a k a
Is as You Give I t " froa co ap iler,
D r. J . Lovewlsdoa, V i l c a b a a b a , 14 L E S S O N S IN YOGI PHIL O S O P H Y
Ellen G ib bs, 408 East Arastrong,
P eo ria, 111. Only $ 2 . 5 0 . ideal L o ja , Ecuador.___________________ 96-7* -Ramacharaka
g ift. ! GNANI YOGA -- R a m a c h a r a k a
LIFE 8 E Y 0 N 0 D E A T H - - R a m a c h a r a k a
MY HOBBY -- Portable appliances MYSTIC CHRISTIANITY Ramacha
APOLLONIUS OF TYANA, founder of raka
repaired for one dollar plus
l is t price of parts plus return
C h r is t ia n it y . Recorded by A lice P S Y C H I C H E A L I N G Yogi R a m a c h a >
Winston. $ 2 .7 5 p ostpaid. Author raka
postage. Toasters, stean Iro n s,
it at iv e account of the great p h i l W H A T S N E X T -W H A T ' S N E EOED
b lend ers, e lec tric perco lators,
osopher and teacher, considered Je s s e E. Ramer
ele c t r ic s k ille t s , and other snail
by aany to be the one the church TH I R O EYE - - T. L o b s a n g Rampa
appliances of leading aanufac- I
presents as J e s u s , based on c l a i r HOW T O K N O W P E O P L E 8Y THEIR m
turers General E l e c t r i c , West-
voyant research into the Akashic
ingh ouse. Waring, Sunbeaa, O ster, HAN D S -- J. Rana l d o.
records. S trip s the veil of ays- S E E R S H I P OR SOUL S I G H T - - P a s c h -
Presto, West B e n d , U n iv ersa l, K
tery froa C hristian teaching. I n al B. R a n d o l p h K
W estclox, e t c . E xception: General oe
sp ira tio n al and c h a lle n g in g . Ad L I F E U N 0 E R S T 0 0 0 - - F . L. Rawson
E lec tric b lan k ets. Allow one aonth in
for return of it e a s . Morris Eat-
d re s s : A lic e Winston, 1700 Ring P A L M I S T R Y E X P L A I N E D - - Pearl L. 00
let Road. San Marcos, C a l if o r n ia . Ra y m o n d
ze n . Cooks Falls , N .Y . 12728 1*
92089 , 97 -2* G E T T I N G THE M O S T O UT OF LIFE-- o

THE DEATH OF SOCRATES", a n d R e a d e r s Digest An t h o l o g y

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P h i l o s o p h i e s . . .and a l l i e d Send d ate, t ia e , and place of Stewart Robb
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you owe it to y o u r s e lf, and God, LENDING LIBRARY R U L S m
The f a s t e s t g r o w i n g m o n t h l y to read' The Book They Blaaed on For paid-up subscribers in U . <X

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plete in one booklet all 32 chap Rental fee, 254 per book .
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And at only $1 each, you c a n a f
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Number 9
Volume X


action, announced by the board
president, REV. Evan R. W i l
li a m s , followed a m eeting at
which Dr. Frank Stranges ap
peared before about 50 persons
and discussed reports t h a t
visitors from outer space are
now on earth in the polar re
gions. We suspect any other
subject which failed to con
form t o church b e lie fs would
have doomed u s e o f the tax-
supported institution to this
5 Two things the assassina hashing i t . But it does point portion o f the tax-paying pub
tion o f President Kennedy has up a possible reason as to why lic . James Fousel, the librar
proven, at least: 1. We are a there a r e so many auto acci ian , who headed the psychic
nation o f emotional tumble dents , and so much unsolved group whose meeting was r e
weeds, here today and gone to crime. We have become a nation sponsible for Father Williamss
morrow, p ilin g o u r tears, our o f n o n - lo o k e r s , who can see groups action, says h is mi
hates, and our laughs against only what s in front of their nority group h a s been aban
any fence in our path, and 2 . noses. Hie days o f the woods doned but we understand they
T-V may be abetting it , but we man, when even the rustle o f a have been merely forced to use
might a s well wear the old- lea f would put a man on a le r t , meeting fa c ilitie s in nearby
fashioned blinders such as have faded; even a rifle b a r re l, c itie s . . .
they used to put on h o r se s , or a fat l i t t l e k ille r , or a
since we apparently are devel car coming at us from a side- fff
street, or in the wrong traf 5 Frank Sullivan, of Farm-
oping 17-, 21-, or 23-inch-
fic lane, can escape detection in gton, MichTj who h a s devel
screen eyesight, and anything
now--until i t s too la t e ...A n y oped a form of Scientology not
can happen outside that field
talk of holding Dallas or Tex completely in line w ith t h e
of v i e w without o u r being
as responsible fo r the crime, Hubbard species, called us One
aware o f it . As for No. 1, wit
however, is part o f that emo afternoon from Anarillo, Texas,
ness the sudden reversal i n a
tional tumbleweed we mentioned and a few hours later parked
mans popularity. Prior to his
earlier. People need a scape one o f those lit t le b u gs in
a ssassinatio n , there was much
goat; and at the time this i s our driveway. He denied h e d
growing doubt t h a t he could
written, a punk by the name of flown i n , but when cars start
carry the next election , a n d
jack Rubenstein has earned the getting so small you can take
Republicans were having a field
toga. The hate with which Jack one into a plane s cabin with
day speculating on h i s suc
Ruby k illed Lee Oswald was the you, giving y o u local trans
cessor; in fa c t , the trip to
same brand o f hate Oswald had portation at your destination,
D allas was admittedly an effort
used i n the assassination o f then w e ll h a v e t h e travel
to mend some p olitical fences.
President Kennedy and, in c i problem backed into a neutral
Now, t h e r e s such a rush to
dentally the same kind of corner. But back to Frank. He
honor the memory o f John F itz
hate many Americans expressed had been on an auditing trip
gerald Kennedy by naming Cape
(auditing a Scientologists
Canaveral, streets, s c h o o l s , only a few days earlier toward
and physical prominences f o r a v is itin g woman from South excuse for asking you personal
questions y o u d resent i f you
the late President that a ru Viet Nam whose husband a n d
called i t anything e l s e ) to

A B E R R E E ----- --- JANU ARY--FEBRUARY, 1964

mor even was circulated that brother-in-law were felled by
other assassins in a coup r e Phoenix, A r iz ., and was on his
Texas might try to erase the
portedly indorsed by our own way home. Frank uses a system
stigma o f being the site of a
Government.. . As long as we are o f tracing past l i v e s , and
double assassination by renam
ing the state, or at least, a a party to hate, even tho we uncovering motives o f long-
broadcast i t towards targets gone yesteryears w h i c h a r e
county or two. As for No. 2. We
were amazed that o f all the thousands o f miles distant, we s till pretty potent a nd we
can expect to reap hate- fruit, admit this can lead to some
thousands watching the Presi
and not always from the safety rather interesting "memories
d e n t s fateful motorcade, the
battalion o f police, and small of a chair in front o f a radio i f one wishes to skim the cream
or television, e i t h e r . .. Maybe o f f the i t happened to me
army o f FBI sharp ies , none
saw the muzzle o f a r ifle pro as Phil Friedman says: Proph box. I f Frank can spare a l i t
trude from a window only 75 ets o f doom prophesy things tle time from h is processing
yards away, and remain long into existence. We all helped and publication o f h is maga
enough f o r the k ille r to aim the assassin by talking and zin e, The SECOND TERMINAL, he
thru a telescopic s ig h t a nd thinking them into being in has promised to write some ar
take three shots. I t remained h is h ead . Which i s one way of tic le s for The on how
for the alert, unemotional eye saying the propaganda which is yon. too, css do it? Do what?
being manufactured to fan our V e il, get r id o f a few inches
o f a camera to record the k i l l
er--without intention on the hatred of Russia sired Cbamon- o f w aist, for one thing sans
part o f the picture-taker . . . ist China; our hatred of Sta d ie t o r p ill swallowing. All
And the police- - a roomful of lin sired Khruschev and East th is from a system o f subcon
them at the police station-1-who Berlin, our hatred o f B atista scious retrospection, he says. . .
let an angry, armed police sired Castro, etc. then are we f
character slip past them and going to q uit siring all these 1 We w ere so intrigued by
in the full view o f a televi Medusas?.. . Bob Beck * s description of the
sion audience, fir e a bullet at ff f Lakhovsky "M u ltip le Wave O s
close range into the accused 1 Since we a re 1 ,5 0 0 miles cillator in the November issue

k i l l e r as he was being trans away, we are hardly in a po o f the JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND

ferred from the city j a i l to a sition to identify t h e odors RESEARCH t h a t we decided to
county j a i l . . . But th is is all that surround the closing of build one --until we remembered
data m ost o f you have read in the Ontario, C a l i f ., P u b l i c that we knew so l it t l e about
your newspapers, heard on your Library to the psychic phenom electronic in stra m ats that we
radios, or watched on T-V, so ena groups which have been could be classed almost w ith
we w on t spend much time re meeting therein. However, the (PLEASE TURI TO PACE 16) 2
WORK WE DO U /H Y CAN two persons, apparently
IN RECALL IS ** o f equal strength and stamina,
MOST WEARING work side by side, yet one will
complete the day ready for an
evening o f fu n , a romp w it h the k i d s , or a
strenuous session at the bowling alley while
Raeus a n t Vo i c e of The Inf i n i t e s ' for Earth, Mart, the other heads for home, a long discussion of
Ven u s , Saturn, Pluto, and Z y d o k u m z r u s k e h e n his woes with his understanding w ife , and
early retirement after dinner?
Vol. X JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1964 No. 9 This problem came up the other day when a
friend complaine'd she was simply worn o u t
Published monthly, except for the combined January- and she looked i t . On the surface, we could
Pebruary and the July-August Issues, at see no reason for i t ; s h e lived in a small
2522 North Monroe, Enid, Okla.
furnished apartment, there was only her and
Mall Address: Postoffice Box 528 , Enid, Okla. 73701 her husband. She had no outside employment, no
Subscription P ric e: $2 a year, $5 for 3 years, stairs to climb, no yard-work.
____________________ single copies, 25* Yet she could tell you in minute detail how
Second class postage paid at Slid, Oklahoma she h a d made the bed, sw ep t the two rooms,
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART, 1-2, D .D ., cleaned up the kitchen dishes, dusted the l i v
D. Se n., F .Scn., B.Scn., HCA, HDA, et al ad Infi ing room furniture, driven to the supermarket
nitum ad nauseum . for groceries, defrosted t h e refrigerator,
PUBLISHER: ALICE AGNES HART, I- l, HCA, s e c . , w f e ., made herself coffee and toast for a late break
_______ Hkpr., L b m ., ETC. (Degrees non-cancellablet.
fast and washed these dishes, typed o ff some
ADVERTISING -- Payable in advance. Write for rates. recipes she found in a magazine, and called
Copy must reach us 45 days prior to Insertion date.
Helen (her sister) five times before I got her
NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS--The Post Office does not forward s h e s never at home any more.
magazines, even if you guarantee postage, so keep us
informed of any address changes--even minor ones--if
Poor diet? This probably h a d something to
you want your magazine delivered. Also, send us your do with it, as cigarets and coffee are not ac
ZIP code; it may not do you, or us, any good, but be ceptable substitutes for food in in t e l l i g e n t
big, and l e t s go along with the gag--just for fun. health c ir c le s .

I N I 3 E X
A bid f o r sympathy? Or was she t r y in g to
assuage her guilt a t doing lit t le to j u s t i f y
her existence? These, too, probably had a role
in our f r i e n d s problem, ex p la in in g why she
was simply worn o u t when h e r body should
HART TO H E A R T .................... 2 have been capable o f much, much more without
AUDITORlAL--WorkWe Do in Recall the slightest ill effect.
Is Most Wearing ................ 3 HEN w e remembered a job we once h a d i n a
CANT SLEEP? QUIT WRIGGLING- T large California newspapers composing room.
We were setting a d s putting together the
Mark McDonald .................. 4 type for display advertisements and on busy
TEMPLE OF TOMORROWHAS A THIS- days, it wasn t unusual for 300 to 400 inches
YEAR T E M P O ......................4 o f these ads to go thru our hands and back to
1964s OMINOUS FIRST MONTHS -- the make-up department, where type was assem
bled in completed pages. Then, the union came
Sylvia DeLong .................. 5 up with a rule that no one person could set
STAR DUST --Sylvia DeLong..........6 more than 200 inches in one eight-hour d a y ,

NO SEX CHANGE BETWEEN LIVES - and to prove that none of us cheated, each had
George Thomas Crawford ........ 7 to take a tamp p ro o f o f h is own work, which
he submitted to the chapel chairman (the
f l B E R R E E ------------ ------- J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y ,

shop s union watchdog) each night.

jack p6 1ts 9 At first, we caught ourselves loafing some
RIGHT INTENT HELD KEY TO*FINDING' o f the time, tiying to s t a y within lim it s ,
"k i l l i n g minutes by measuring and remeasuring
DISTORTIONS - Marie Bothe . . . .11 the lineage on our proofs, until such time as
FATHER ZERO S MOTHER G00SE-- the hands o f the clock permitted us to call i t
Philip Friedman................. 12 a d a y s work, and go home. Gradually, however,
that 200 inches began to look bigger and big
CREATION OF A CREATOR- ger, until there were days when we had d i f f i
Dr. Karl K r i d l e r ............... 13 culty coming even near our quota. And yet we
ORACLE OF DREAMS Lowana Julaine. .14 were more tired than we had been back when we
END OF WORLD ALREADY HERE , SAYS had thougit li t t l e o f turning out twice a s
much. I t wasn t the work that was tiring us
WRITER Raymond R e i d ........... 15 i t was the system.
BOOK R E V I E W S ..................... 16
ND SO it was with our friend. Not her physi
HI! Albert Roy D a v i s ...........17 cal muscles were performing the motions, but
LETTERS........................... 18 her mental muscles w ere over and over and
over. L ik e a "b it c h in g army that gets li t t l e
done but exhausts it s e lf i n exchanging gripes
and rumor mongering, s h e was w earing herself
POLICY: Don't take it so damn'seriously. The infinite out by thinking, instead of toning up and con
ness of Man is not reduced to a "s p l i t infinity
by wars, taxes, or "experts who seek to sell ditioning those muscles by doing.
him what he already has in an infinite amount. More persons think themselves into a grave
SUB-POLICY: He reserve the right to change our minds than work themselves into one-- in spite of
from issue to issue, or even from page to page,

i f we desire. medical advice that constantly abets such a

SUB-SIB-POLICY: Each Man has the inherent right to be condition with such recommendations as: Take
his own and only "Authority it e a s y ! Don t over-do! So we coast thru
SUB-SUB-SUB-POLICY We have no objection to "educated life, saving for retirement, and condemning
guesses about Man s destiny-- i f there s no ourselves to death, ju s t when our experience
price tag to it , a n d .if the guesser has no ob
jection to our guessing h e 's only guessing.
should be o f the utmost v a lu e to ourselves,
and those coming after us.
to wander a t w ill, and there i s no conscious
effort to control anything at all except move
ment o f the body. The only important factors
are: lack o f movement of the body, and time.
In actual practice, the person u s i n g t h i s

method should s it or lie in a reasonably com
fortable p o sit io n , and, i f p o ss ib le , in the
position in which he usually goes to sleep.
After this position is attained, no matter how
strong the desire, he does not allow himself
By MARK McDONALD to move. Usually, or often, there will be var
ious d e s ir e s to move, such as a desire to
UDGING from the frightening and mounting scratch, cough, sigh, yawn, obtain a more com
use o f tranquilizers and sleeping p i l l s , fortable position, e t c ., but all these desires
insomnia i s very evidently a serious and must be resisted. I f this position is persisted
growing problem. Altho it is consideied of in, these almost overwhelming desires to move
minor importance by most of the medical pro will invariably subside, sometimes gradually,
fession, it is d iffic u lt to convince the over sometimes instantly, and the feverish whirl of
wrought insomniac o f the insignificance o f his the mind w i l l slow down, as the hypnoidal or
d istress. hypnagogic state sweeps over the body.
Here i s a method of attaining slee p that This is that wonderful, heavy, warm feeling
uses none o f the above-mentioned methods, but wherein there is no desire to do anything at
is adapted somewhat from the ideas o f Dr. Abra all no desire to move no desire to think
ham L o w in h is book, Mental Health Through and all those urgent problems seem in s ig n ifi
Will Training . Altho "w ill power is held in cant and far away. As this state takes o v e r ,
low esteem by most modem psychologists, it the body automatically relaxes, with no con
was D r . L o w s contention that the body can be scious attempt to do so , a nd one sinks into
controlled by the w ill, and thereby, indirect- the sweet nothingness of refreshing s l e e p .
Aside from t h e u s e of drugs, other common ----- ------
methods o f obtaining s lee p a r e r e la x a t i o n , Those who would give up essential liberty
control o f breathing, control o f thought, and to purchase a l i t t l e temporary safety deserve
suggestion. neither liberty nor safety.
ly, control is achieved over the mind. Benjamin Franklin
In this method o f attaining sleep, there is
no conscious attempt to control the breath, to There is no squabbling so violent as that
control the trend o f thought, to u s e sugges between people who accepted an idea yesterday
tion o r hypnosis, to relax, nor even any at and those who will accept the same idea t o
tempt to attain s le e p . The mind i s left free morrow. --Christopher Morley

Temple of Tomorrow cultural nattire . . . to inspire men and women to

a more constructive way o f l i f e by exposing

Has a This-Year Tempo

them to the various arts and various forms of
creative expression, (e) Periodic r e t r e a t s ...
to a ffo r d men and women the opportunity to
spend time in an atmosphere o f quiet, where

they can avail themselves of meditation, coun
IRST phase in the building o f the Temple sel, and practical instruction in the a r t o f

o f Tomorrow i s slated for early in 1964, meditation and deep contemplation.
and all plans are on schedule, Roy Eugene Philosophical literature is being gathered
Davis, o f Garrett Park, M d., announces in at the r a t e of several hundred volumes per

month and is being arranged for the conven
releasing an a r t i s t s concept of the completed
structure. ience of interested persons. A section o f this
Davis points out that the institution, a l library is set aside for reference works.
ready in operation ahead of it s physical p l a n t , Inspiration behind this project i s Roy Eu
has f o r it s purpose a program o f sound in gene D a v i s , known for h is writings and lec
struction in p h y s ic a l, mental, and s p i r i t u a l tures. For several years, Roy was a disciple
development and i n education o f the h ig h e s t o f Paramhansa Yogananda. in his last five years,
order. Instruction is available thru (a ) Lec he has given more than 700 lectures i n the U .
tures for the public (b) Seminars.. . to advance S. and Canada, written six books, and appeared
the main ideas o f metaphysical-occult sciences, on dozens o f radio and television shows.
(c) Classes for serious students to e n a b le In the coming year, Roy will carry h i s min
them to apply the basic principles to every istry to England and Japan, as well as enlarge
day situations, (d) Public f u n c t i o n s .. . o f a study groups at home.



An artist's concept of the temple of Tomorrow 4

*ntv*m *mlui2t*u


In fact, during Feb-
H IS YEAR opens on the h e e l s o f a broiled
uiuiicu in** her troubles.
---- fArre greafc
great o nesses
nnH1 P P 11. e c l i p s e a c r o ss the 1 st ruary a strong ars c a n r own and great
on all governments including game lfera comlng
changes will be s o u ^ t . This s ^ opposing the
into conjunction with the sun man-on-the-
^ r t 7th i h0USes o n o u r n a t i o n a l Moon takes trouble down t o ^ m H a r i s n vio-
c h a r t, p lu s a square from the 4 t h street level, acnt2 f * * g g 1 w h i l e t h e M o o n ,
and throws what may seem an ominous le? c e . a n d ^ c ^ n a t e o f Cancer, ex-
.. o v e r most o f the m ajor q ues c it e ^ a n d * stirs S wars and rebel lions, ^ r a n u s
t i o n s which we the p e o p l e worry a b o u t .
abets with explosions, fires, a ctio n
Shall we have war with Russia? No but- "w p cidents on shipboard. The n e a r e x j u n c t i o n
will have our difficulties with, of a n p la c e s , with Pluto suggests subversive activities a s
England, and these seem to stem from England's
trade policy with Cuba. being responsible for much L indicate much
Lunar c h a r ts f o r January indlcate much
Will C a lifo r n ia slid e into the sea? N o , trouble threatening t r^ s p o r t a tio n and coramn-
but Will
she w ill experience
Castro quakes
be finished? Not--yet,
one possibly
but with ication fa c ilit ie s with probable strikes. With
in February
the January along the seaboard
14 lunation fallingfrom San Fran
on Cubas 9th the Moon opposed Mars and n f*
cisco down to the border.
house Uranus, something o f a further disruptive tality among the people will be
nature seems to happen to his shipping, tra d e, ness, accidents and the aforementioned trouhles.
and communications. The Sun-Moon opposition fa llin g across the
Will integration soon be accomplished? N o , 6th and 12th houses, with Mars conjunct t h e
* and much trouble will continue as a result of Sun and square a tricky Neptune, as shown in
attempts to enforce it. the January 28 Full Moon chart, suggests that
" Are we in danger o f greater intervention in military personnel will come into a bad l i g h t .
f free enterprise? TO some extent, yes, but we This exposure seems to culminate around F e b . 15
* are faced with the question o f whether we as a with the progressed Moon opposite Uranus and
= nation should be at the mercy o f powerful la- Pluto in the 6th house o f the February lunation
bor leaders or whether the rights o f free men chart. Quickly following this, we should watch
for possible news over our nation 's troubled
" (as labor certainly i s t should be controlled
*. for the benefit of the nation. financial condition. This latter chart gives
us an alarming interna] figure with the luna
In any case, a s January opens, we find both
tion and a strong stellium in the 12th house.
a an a fflicted Sun and Mercury in the 1st house
From this we may expect the month to end filled
5 of our eclipse chart creating more and more se-
with news o f riots and attempted prison breaks
vere labor disturbances, strikes, and bad fires.
and troubles in some institutions. Again, these
People as a whole will show increasing d is
February charts point to epidemics of an un
pleasure with the adm inistrations policies .
As the month progresses, ill health, possibly usual nature with full hospitals and doctors
either inadequate or too few.
even o f epidemic proportions in some a re a s,
A poorly placed Saturn in the January Full
w ill begin to be apparent. The press will be
Moon chart shows that some of our foreign re
w full of recrimination , probably p o litic a l in
lations may take a turn for the worse. However,
w nature, with near-libelous personal attacks.
our national prestige will be at a high level
^ Unusual changes in some religibus structures
as Jupiter is placed in the 10th house of the
* are probable as shown by Uranus and Pluto in
January lunation chart and this same influence
06 the 9th house o f the eclipse chart.
is. carried into the February lunation when Ju
W Venus coming to a conjunction with Saturn
piter continues to favor our mid-heaven with a
CQ in the 2nd house presages concern over the f l
trine aspect. Since tire mid-heaven o f Russia
ee nancial condition o f the country but altho
is also now receiving Ju p ite r s benefic influ
Saturn is sure to cause a tightening of money,
ence, i t would not be out o f bounds to see the
<n a benefic Venus will be o f great help in light-
seeds o f common uni ty sprouting, in common de
r* ening this condition. A deceptive Neptunian fense, against a common foe.
~ influence forces the financial affairs o f the
'"H country to a point where the lawmakers w ill Other events to watch for -- the Republican
probably formulate some curative plan. party gaining strength by February e n d ; more
i SS ? ? ^ ef e , andJ abroad: some conflagra-
South America, particularly B ra zil, will be ^ i n London around ja n . 26; agi-
prominent in the headlines during this p eriod; industry l g l l t i n to restrict the tobacco
5 even V enezuela and the Argentine may be em
Altho The ABERREE is
not an astrological mag
azine, it is difficu lt to
ignore evidence that the
stars, S un , Moon, and
planets have an impor
tant part to play in the
collective and individual
lives of mankind. There
fore, we feel fortunate
in being able to offer an
astrological column by a
dedicated student of the
heavens. Miss Sylvia De-

By SYLVIA DE LONG Long, of Waverly, Fla.

Asked to t e ll us
DEAR SYLVIA I am concerned about my son's something about herself, Sylv ia DeLong
fu t u r e . Re has always been interested i n art Miss DeLong commented:
and has taken a course which equipped him fo r "My astrological background starts with
this type o f work. But he c a n 't seen to fin d a being born into a family of psychics with
job and we wonder i f a mistake has been made metaphysical interests. A father ordained
in his choice o f career. He was b o m at 8 a .m ., into the Spiritualist ministry and a good
on Apr. 1 1 , 1912. T . K . psychic fired my interest to explore the
unknown. Astrology provided the means with
Dear T.K . You need not fear your son has
a wider and more positive scope than psy
taken the wrong road. His chart clearly shows
chic predictions could cover. Very early I
artistic ability and that i t would be incor
found_ my charts o f much help to people,
porated in h is l i f e s work. H i s natal 10th
and since l was interested in world events,
house, which represents positions in l i f e ,
I included the mundane in my work. Actu
ideal occupation, o r self-chosen p ro fe ss io n ,
ally, there_ is no question the stars will
contains artistic Venus conjunct the Moon in
not answer if one will search long enough."
Pisces. Venus i s also the r u l e r o f h is 6th
house, which represents work entered into by THE EDITOR
force o f circumstances. With these indications
i t is evident he should choose a career in the headaches -- and being in a cardinal sign, tney
fie ld o f art. During early 1964, when he will would be violent. However, this a fflic tio n is
be receiving the favorable aspects o f benefic from your 6th house o f health, where Pluto is
Jup iter and sta b ilizin g Saturn, he should find placed in Cancer the stomach sign. Have you
an advantageous position. paid close attention t o what you eat and ob
served the effects upon these headaches? Since
DEAR S IL V IA I t was predicted I would lose the a fflictio n between these planets ties in
my f i r s t c h ild . Be is now 2 and I m anxious to the stomach and head, it appears that c a r e in
know what his horoscope says. M . D. the c h o ice o f foods and emotional quietude
(especially at meals) would give more permanent
Dear m . D . There are several configurations relief.
in your so n 's chart which point to unfortunate
(For c o n s i d e r a t i o n in this column, send question
health and accident tendencies. Mercury, ruler ith full birth d a t a date, tine, and place. If you
o f h i s A s c ., i s p la c e d i n h i s 6 t h house of want a personal reply, sand $2 . 0 0 and a sta m p with

- f e b r u a r y , i96
health and is a fflicted by Mars, ruler of his the above information. This includes a personal
birth chart bas e d on c a l c u l a t e d p o s i t i o n s of all
8 t h . This constitutes a threat to life . Mars n i n e p l a n e t s - - with good and bad pe r i o d s ahe a d for
in 6th and Mercury a f f l i c t e d th e r e suggest you, h a r m o n i o u s partne r s h i p s , vocations, ate. Chart
dangerous s i c k n e s s , l ia b ilit y to f e v e r s , and d e l i n e a t i o n o n l y w i t h o u t a question, $1.00.
S y lvia OeLong. P .O.Box 194-A,, Waverly, Fla. 33853).
inflammation, operations, and accidents. At
----- f------
birth h is Moon was separating from a good as
pect to Venus and applying to m i adverse one HOW TO TELL TIME
with Neptune. This s ig n ifie s danger before the What i s past january
4th year. With intelligence, the adverse as Unto potentiality
pects o f any chart can usually be overcome. Becomes the future.
What is ahead
DEAR SYLVIA I was born Apr.22, 1935, about Without a sense of quality

1 :3 0 a.m . I have had v io le n t headaches for I s from the past.

years. They have been diagnosed as migraine and
the best I c a n hope fo r i s temporary r e lie f. What is eternal
Can astrology help me? B .B . Out past infinity
I s now.
You have an afflicted Mercury posited in the
head sign o f A r i e s . This c le a r ly indicates By LORRES APPLEGATE

N o A lte r n a tin g B etw een
L iv e s, D oci
HE DOGMA of alternating sex annoys
quite a number of people. The dic
tum is that in reincarnation o ne
changes their sex. In other words ,
in one incarnation on this planet ,
or wherever the incarnation may be ,
a man becomes a woman, takes a w o m an s
body, and functions as a woman. And a
woman , in reincarnation, takes on the
body and characteristics of a m a n .
This has been written, talked about,
and assumed by many enlightened persons
to be a fact, or rather to be a principle
in the evolutionary process of the indi
vidual - entity called the human vortex ,
the human soul, the human being.
There i s a p r in c ip le in nature which
impels every e n tit y to seek v i b r a t o r y If the poles of receptivity (desire)
correspondence with another l i k e e n tit y and positivity (will) are going to switch
o f opposite p o la r it y . In the study of the around, like flipping a coin from side to
mineral kingdom we find, without any ex side, there would be no evolutionary de
ceptions, this principle being manifest. velopment possible. It wouldn't be needed
When an alteration of this principle oc because one would become the other in en
curs, there is produced a stream of r e suing incarnations. Thus the receptive
leased energy which we call explosion . element of desire and the positive element
The attempt to alter this principle in of will would have no need to modify,
nature h a s b e e n used in fission, and temper, and evolve as separate entities.
again in fusion. This is a temporary dis Then evolution and known science in all
tortion of nature . kingdoms below that of human is a farce

There are three kingdoms below that of and isn't so at all, and nature is a mass
the human kingdom in which we c a n do of inconsistency.
careful study, analysis, and experimenta Such dogma is illogical and unreason

tion. In these we do not find at any time able. Nature certainly is consistent!
a violation of nature s consistency. Man That which obtains in the mineral king
attempts, and has succeeded in some de dom and makes possible the manifestations
gree, to disrupt this naturalness of nat of the mineral kingdom a r e true in t h e
ural or cosmic law and thereby produce human kingdom. Those same laws of cosmic
such things as the atomic bomb, the hy intelligence manifested in t h e mineral
drogen bomb, and other forms of tom - as - kingdom are irrefutable in the vegetable
under energy. and animal kingdoms. These same laws ob
T h e f l B E R R E E ----------- -------

Stating it again , because it is the tain in the human kingdom , because they
crux of this discussion: " There i s a p rin are the continuation of nature, but on a
c ip le in nature which impels every e n tit y different level of vibration.
to seek v ib r a to r y correspondence with an Without absolute consistency in nature
other l ik e e n tit y o f opposite p o la r it y . " regarding polarity the various ions of
This principle of polarity may be called silver flowing from one pole to the other,
affinity if you like. It is the basis on as in silver-plating, would just arbitrar
which all scientific discovery, all sci ily reverse, and instead of silver-plating
entific development, has been based. a nickel slug, we would be nickel-plat
Evolution means progress by intelligent ing a silver slug. If such were the case,
affinities instead of progress by blind we would never know what was going to
physical compulsion. This logically e x happen. But nature is consistent, and it
plains the evolvement and development of is upon this consistency of polarity that
a soul entity that is masculine , which evolution is predicated. It is because of
has a driving will a n d wants to express this constantness, without exception, that
thru and control and dominate groups. Al we must assume the human kingdom is part
so the evolvement and development of an of total nature and functions within
entity that is feminine, which has a con natures laws.
suming desire to possess singular indi Let us go a step farther. The actuality
viduals. of balance in polarity is the factor gov-
erning the establishment of absolute har different environment and condition may
mony. In the animal kingdom, this is known be put to other uses and other purposes ,
as the fitting together of the two selves . quite as important to the comfort, well
This is the uniting of the male soul ele being, and happiness of the individual.
ment of will with the receptive soul ele Sex is not a thing of the body alone .
ment of the female , a ft e r each self has It is fundamentally a thing of the soul .
arrived at a point of self-completion. We (It is the polarity point.) The material
may call this polarity " s e x attraction . body gives but an objective manifestation
Quoting in general from J. E. Richard of i t . I t marks a cleavage which runs
son 's work under the heading of "S o u l and thruout all nature in all its kingdoms.
Sex : "T h e spiritual body i s an exact That is, the masculine or positive side ,
replica of the physical body with which and the feminine, or receptive side. These
it was associated upon the earth plane . are immutable. A man is always under all
It has spiritual organs corresponding to circumstances and conditions of life here
the physical organs. In other words, it and always a man (a positive half of the
has a heart, a liver, a stomach, and all total unit, a positive self) and a woman
the other o r g a ns corresponding to the is always under all conditions a n d a ll
physical body including the sex organs circumstances of life on any level or
and th e organs o f generation. Each of plane, th e receptive element (or pole)
these spiritual organs h as it s definite and is therefore, a woman. The sex of an
and specific use and function. individual never changes, any more than
"Reasoning entirely from the physical does the individual soul itself change.
viewpoint, one would be very apt to c o n There are many ways that the idea of
clude that such soiritual organs perform changing sex thru evolvement and reincar
functions analogous to those of their nation got started. Here i s an obvious
physical replicas. In this, however, one example. Taking a relatively short view
would not be entirely correct. Neverthe of eternal life, a man could reason that
less, these several spiritual organs still the learning to balance the self, meaning
have their practical purposes and uses . the one h a l f , would require the living
They are all the seats of various sensa thru the actual physical expression of
tions of the body. On the spiritual side , being a woman. Such reasoning satisfies
they employ them chiefly for the purpose some w hile irritating scientifically-
of th e sense enjoyment o f t h e highest trained minds .
measure of harmony of which they are cap This conclusion o f switching sex nul
able. The stomach is still the seat of l ifie s the entire concept of self-evolve-
sensation which tells when the spiritual ment and self-completion because it would
body is in need of nourishment and when make unnecessary right from the start the
that need has been fulfilled or supplied. creation of polarity or affinity. I f one
" I n the same s e n s e , the generating half of self is both positive and recep
organs of the spiritual body have their tive switching, then it is use
use as centers of sensation, and since less to form a unit or individualized
spiritual bodies have learned how to con whole, because we would have one half be

form their lives in all their many aspects coming a whole.
to th e law o f unfoldm ent, they have A point that has been used to validate
learned how to employ the sex organs in the viewpoint of the changing sex hypoth

processes that afford the most intense esis is the hermaphrodite. This is easily
gratification of the individual law of explained.
nature. Their function in life is to afford Each of us is a creative self, and if
the individual a spiritualized expression thru our own choosing we would want not
of the love relation. to be that sex which we are, and if we
An illustration from the plane of our kept that centered in our minds, and laid
life may help to understand this explana out in our minds the role we would play as
tion more fully. In the warm climate of such, then we would become, as far as
our physical world men often wear coats . nature would permit, that manifestation .
And in these coats are pockets. They use But nature will not be mocked. Even
these pockets as convenient receptacles tho an " individual-creative-center might
in which to carry various of their p e r choose and direct its will-power in form
sonal possessions. But in the northern ing such a matrix (and thus altering to a
countries where th e winters are c o ld , degree the endocrine system of the body), w
they use these same pockets for the pur it could only go to that point where na- w
pose of keeping their hands warm. ture blocks it , because nature does block
" T h i s illustration only brings out the development of aberrations. 06
fact that the environment in which * e find As you know, early in the fetal life , w
ourselves at various phases of evolution the body that is forming is not identifi-
has much to do with the use to which we able a s a male or female because that 03
rut things, quite regardless of what they phase approximately around the fifth week
may have been used for in a previous s it is where you have two glands that are in
uation. the abdomen developing rather higher than
It is not difficult to understand the they are later in l if e . I f they descend *"*
fact that while the original and primary all the way and push out they become part
function of the generative organs was and of the male mechanism and if they stay in
is reproduction upon the physical material the lower abdomen, they become part of
plane, these same organs in another and (PLEASEO 'U RN TO P A GE 13) 8


Or Insanity?
An Attack on Modern Education
In the Field of A esthetics
composer is not music. In short, I have
too much sense to believe there is any
thing in this modern junk, and too little
HE FASCINATING thing about so-called that education to comprehend whatever it is
Modern Art and Modern Poetry and the illuminati think they see in it.
Modern Music is that there are siz essentially You must realize that this New Art is
able hunks of humanity who think ing, a symphony, verbal, whether it is a paint
they see something in the mess. stand alone, but requires or a poem. It cannot
Chief victims of this hoax are the explanation and a handfulmany pages of
of elongated
younger folk, especially those who have terms to justify its existence. Contra-
had the benefit of a college education.
Recently I had a long discussion with sev wise, you need no such education to com
prehend and appreciate a Schubert song, a
eral college students who sought to ex Rembrandt painting, or a poem by Thomas
plain to me why three orange peels pasted More. Whereas the Modern Art is most dif
on a black piece of paper was Art. We ficult to appreciate,
concluded that I could not comprehend to create that the higherit is so simple
apes can do it.
this Art due to my lack of education.
1 964

Similarly, if my brain, when more The Art that most of us who boast of old-
fashioned sanity can comprehend, requires
elastic than it is now, had been adjusted a genius to produce. The people who can
----------- ---- J A N U A R Y " - F E B R U A R Y ,

by one of those curious specimens today create Art of the modern type outnumber
haunting college classrooms wearing badges those who can appreciate
of Professors , I would not say to you versal of the traditionalit . This is a re
position of the
that 20 words arranged geometrically on a artist to the society. Under this scheme,
piece of paper is not poetry. Nor would I society at large becomes the artists ,
declare, with the abrupt simplicity that capable of creating Art Unlimited, and
I write this, that the miscellaneous
sound produced by a polyphonic or atonal the true elite, the savants, the illumi
nati, are those few persons who can com
ED. NOTE Jack Felts
prehend the Art after it has been created .
is d ire c to r o r pan press To substantiate this argument, let me de
at Tahlequah, O k la . , and clare that there is not among us one in-
h is w i f e , Beth Kramer dividual--be he moron, idiot, genius, hand
icapped, or fully illiterate, who cannot

Felts, is a n a t i o n a l l y -
known l i t e r a r y agent. In paint a picture comparable to those now
these roles, hundreds of winning prizes at the exhibitions. Anyone
manuscripts p a s s th ru who can learn to draw quarter notes, half
th e ir hands every year notes, and whole notes on manuscript can
so Mr. Felts speaks as
an "authority" when he compose a symphony that will sound every
condemns the invasion of bit as.professiohal as the works of con
the a r t i s t i c f i e l d s by temporary composers. Students in the
Jack Felts those too lazy or stub second grade can write poems equal to,
born to learn how to use if not surpassing, those presently winning
c o r re c tly t h e i r mediums of expression the prizes at poetry contests held by the
pen, th e b r u s h , and the chromatic scale. We tax-supported colleges and universities.
believe in i n i t i a t i v e but not to the extent This i s t h e t r u ly democratic approach to
of planting onions_ in the orchid bed, with Art. T h ere are no rules, no standards, no ob
the intent of winning flower prizes fo r the servable patterns. Each a r t is t ic creation i s
o ut-o f-plac e plants. to be viewed according to i t s own laws, which

may be one way for one poem, painting, or song, say College and putting them on the insane
and entirely different for the next. asylums, and putting the asylum signs on the
But th e important p o in t i s that each of college campuses. S in c e , I have talked to a
these " a r t i s t i c creations must be explained number o f former students, who having been
in words. But i f you believe you are going to duly rendered insane were committed to toe
comprehend this art when it is translated into asylums, and they tell me it was a r e l i e f , be
Ehglish words, you are not aware of the sub cause they could learn more in the latter in
tleties o f it . Fbr you cannot comprehend the stitution. in the asylum, when a n u t " puts a
English language explanations o f i t i f you un random and unrelated scheme o f words on ap ie ce
derstand only EJiglish-English you must have a of paper, and calls it "p o e t r y , everyone
thoro background in the Language of Apprecia knows he is nuts, i f they do it on toe campus
tion, which u t ilize s variants o f both language es, it is called poetry . The nut-houses are
and logic. Nor can you rely on what you have full o f people who imagine themselves a r t is ts ,
previously thought w e r e t h e components of and who splotch paint on the bathroom w a lls,
lo g ic , as this sort o f art u t ilize s new nu the floors, the bedsheets, and whatnot. On a
ances o f logic, which can be understood only college campus, i f you are particularly fre
by those who have spent many years in intense netic and excited about the manner in which
study (or invention) o f it. Thus: anyone can you wield the brush, you may win a prize.
be an artist, but only a genius can comprehend About "95 percent o f t'he American public
Art. This i s the gist of the so-called Modern knows that this counterfeiting in the A r t s is
is t approach to painting, prosody, and music. dangerous , and I have been asked many tim es
I t is the final triumph of criticism over cre what can be done about it, what my suggestions
ativity, as predicted by Oscar Wilde some time for returning sanity in the Arts might be. The
ago. firs t thought that occurs to me, perhaps im
in lieu o f c r itic izin g those who purport to practical, i s to behead the professori involved
create the Modem Aestheticism--the bogus pro in this conspiracy against sanity. Certainly I
fessors holding chairs in the academies under am not fool enough to believe that a person o f
false certificates; the highly-lauded poseurs my meager linguistic talents i s going to be
who presume to be " a r t i s t s on the strength o f able to t a lk t h e professori o u t o f their
p rizes won at art centers operated by charwomen racket. After a ll, they are able to talk hun
who struck oil on an inherited farm, tax-dodg dreds of thousands o f innocent youth into be
ing merchants, a n d similar-minded people -- lieving a whole system o f idiat-ain t- so, and
instead o f b e in g trapped into arguing with they are professionals in the field o f merchan
these professional confidence men, we should dising hot air. T h ey get paid f o r doing and
turn our attention instead to those who sorely saying what the schizophrenics in the mental
need help: those who have been swindled into wards are locked up for, which indicates they
believing t h ese confidence men a r e actually have some skill in ling uistic hypnosis. Thou
artists, poets, o r composers. The Assyrian sands upon thousands of people are drawing pay-
traders have a traditional aphorism which says checks as teachers , instructors , and "p r o
that you can talk anyone into anything as long fessors without having to know anything about
as you can hold his attention and keep his their s u b j e c t s , and when you make such a
mouth shut. T h is i s the s ta tu s o f youth in stringent requirement as expecting an instruc
college. They are trapped. They present to the tor of literature to know something about l i t
professor! an open ear and a flexible mind. I t erature and be able to write in English-Eng
is required that they comprehend, or pretend lish, you are tampering with the economic sys
to, what i s being said about the Modem Aes tem. Keep this sort o f campaign up and soon
theticism , and i f they do not respond f a v o r the s le w in g public will, be expecting mechanics

ably they are heavily penalized for i t . They to repair automobiles s atis fac to r ily , m in is
are by law required to parrot what these slick ters to understand the doctrines they p rofess,
confidence men in the colleges order them to radio announcers to be able to pronounce such

P 1 B E R R E E ----------- -------- J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y ,
parrot. They are required to listen to an ass simple words as new correctly, and in s h o rt ,
braying i n pidgeon-Eiiglish, and they are re you will be causing a revolution.
quired by law to repeat each nuance and sub It is axiomatic t h a t t h e q uickest way to
tlety o f the a s s s message, and i f they do not pain the economy o f the United States i s to
they are declared incompetent and sent o f f to raise the cultural level. H. L. Mencken once
a psychiatrist for help, whereupon the psychi told me in a private correspondence that he
atrist adds to the burden o f toe innocent had la id hands on a secret p la n by a major
victim o f this plot. . radio network, when radio w a s popular, to
I f it were simply a matter o f presenting launch a campaign to educate chimps to basic
th is twaddle to the public and letting it stand English so they could be sold toothpaste. He
or fall on merit, we would not have to assume said the toothpaste company, a subsidiary of
the ridiculous posture o f reminding toe world the network, projected a 30 percent s a le s in
that three orange peels on a black background crease based on the number of chimps then alive .
i s in no wise A r t . But young people have for I f we are going to have to work to make our
some decades now been forced to attend class fellowmen understand that a black rectangle is
room s,, a nd in the classroom a miscellaneous not comparable to the works o f W h istle r; i f
collection o f time-wasters have been pounding we are going to have to go to press to argue
nonsense into their heads, and forcing them to folks out of their b e lie f that the siren-like
accept i t o r els e . This goes beyond anything noises, snorts, and caterwauling o f "a t o n a l
ever yet conceived by t h e Chin ese as human and polyphonic composers i s not comparable
torture. I t is a successful induction of in to Mozart; i f we must labor to point out t h e
sanity into toe human mind. Anyone who believes differences between the poetry o f Tennyson and
that a solid black rectangle i s Art is simply the junk o f Gertrude Stein--if we are this far
nuts. Anyone who thinks that Poetry i s merely submerged i n in s a n ity a n d ignorance, what
a random arrangement o f miscellaneous and un chance have we at all? I believe that when any

related words o n a piece o f paper i s n uts. human being i s so bereft o f sanity that h e
Anyone who thinks they can hear something in a will look at a p a in tin g by Rembrandt, and
George Antheil symphony i s n u t s . There is no then one by a chimp, and c a l l both o f them
other way o f saying i t so clearly. "A r t , he i s beyond help in this world. He is
Some time ago I seriously proposed to vari beyond the range o f psychiatric aid, he is be
ous state governments that th ey solve most o f yond anything that metaphysics, religion, medi
their problems simply by taking the signs that cine, or fresh air and sunlight can do for him. 10
Right Intent H eld K ey
To Finding Distortions
In Thinking and A ction
I n point in i out that "Riiht
I n t e n t " is the key to correct
use o f Humanetics, we m iih t
add that we have a sneaktni
suspicion that this ingredient
(Right Inte nt) is also the key
to l i f e i t s e lf . Consciously or
unconsciously, we ARE what we
intend to he and we change
only as our intent changes.
ULL AND comprehensive use o f Human-
etics has not yet been gained. There
a r e those who have made dramatic
changes in their lives, but no one
solves every problem as it arises
in h i s l i f e , nor is there anyone
who is entirely free of problems.
It becomes clear that now is the time
to point up and clarify the one ingredi
ent that will allow full use of Humanet-
ics. The ingredient has been discussed in
Humanetics lectures and literature, but ing them directly. Rather the solution
as yet, t h e working knowledge has been comes when we can determine exactly how
blocked by unconscious resistance . we are wrong in relation to our problems.
The precise ingredient which changes Correcting that wrongness eliminates the
Humanetics into a miraculous p r o b l e m problem. Trying to solve the problem fo
solving technique is right intent. cuses our thinking in an area where think
Right intent will be defined several ing is subconsciously distorted. The in
ways to allow for complete understanding tent t o be right gives us the co-opera

of what is meant by the term. Very simply , tion of all the natural laws.
right intent is the desire to do right. Right intent also can be defined as
In t h e struggle betw een right and willingness to get rid of selfish motives.

wrong, wrong action is taken only after a The person who wants to correct d is
series o f rationalizations h a s allowed tortions so he can resolve his health may
the individual to convince himself that not at f i r s t be aware that this is a
the wrong is not really wrong but r ig h t . selfish motive. The person who wants to
Once distortions are installed, this sim- be right for the benefits gained st ill
pie definition is not enough to destroy has a wrong motive. Even the desire to
wrong intent because now the wrong intent help others can be rooted in selfishness
is hidden from view. so subtle to almost escape detection.
Right intent can be defined as the It is common knowledge these days that
surrender of the individuals will to the people have more than one reason for what

will of God o r to the divine plan or to they do. They have one reason they tell
universal law or however you may express others, one reason they tell themselves ,

the source of all truth. and the real reason. For those of us who

There are many who feel they have made use Humanetics, it is no surprise to learn
this surrender who are, in fact, deluded. that we do not know our real reasons .
A distortion is a subconscious delusio n, They are the reasons contained in our
so i t is obvious that no one is able to distortions o f logic. One of the impor
surrender in areas where distortions de tant functions of Humanetics is to make us
lude him. Who has freed himself from d is aware that we have subconscious wrong
tortions? About the best we can do is to reasons so we can release them.
have the conscious desire to surrender One direct way o f dealing with sub
our w ill, and this enables us to learn conscious wrong intent is to make a list
about some of our subconscious wrong in of your motives on the l e f t side o f a
tent. sheet o f paper. On t h e opposite right
Right intent can be defined as the de side of the paper make a corresponding
sire to be right because it is right to list of the subconscious, u lte rio r mo
, be right. tives. They will be shocking. But i f you
n We do not solve our problems by attack persist and bring them a ll to conscious
a t t e n t i o n w it h no more in t e n t t h a n to be
Father Zero
Takes a
r ig h t be ca use i t i s r ig h t t o b e r ig h t ,
you w i l l d e str o y wrong in t e n t and re s to r e
th e i n g r e d i e n t necessary to a l l o w f u l l

u s e o f the tec h n iq u e o f H u m anetics .
F o r exam ple, we have a m otive to gu id e
our ch ild ren in the way th a t i s r i g h t .
Unbeknown to us in the same a r e a , we have
s u b c o n s c io u s m otives to con trol them, we
d e sire to have them c a r ry out our f r u s
t r a t e d c a r e e r a m b it io n s , we have a m otive
t o r e c e i v e p r a i s e a s a good p a r e n t , to
a v o id c r i t i c i s m f o r our b lu n d e r s , e t c . By PHILIP FRIEDMAN ^
T h ese m otives a r e not p le a s a n t t o c o n A WALHUI
tem plate but our w i l l i n g n e s s to do so can As soft as s ilk , as white os milk,
d e s t r o y them. Th at they e x i s t i s demon As bitter as g a l l , a strong wall,
strated by ev ery problem th a t a r i s e s in And a green coat covers me a l l ,
p a r e n t - c h ild r e l a t i o n s h i p s . We ha ve one * IFE EN DS a t the heliocentric center o f a
m otive w h ich we un d e rstan d t o be r ig h t , I reactive spiral and begins again to ac-
but we run in t o problems be ca use we a l s o tively radiate in straight lines at the
h ave wrong m otives of which w e a r e u n point where the helical rea ctio n en ds.
The end in death and the beginning in concep
a w are. O t h e r s o f t e n p ic k up our u l t e r i o r
tion are one and the same point.
m otives and h o ld them a g a in s t us to our A helix that is reactively true relative to
b e w ild er m e n t. its own action only, cannot end. As long as it
Do y o u h a v e a motive t o do what is is a reaction, it is a h elix, an unending spi
r ig h t ? H o w many sub c o n s c io u s, u l t e r i o r ral. It takes an extrasensory implant to over
m otives have you in t h i s a rea? Here a r e stock the helical pile beyond its critical zero
some o f m i n e : To get p erso n a l a t t e n t i o n , size and close its open circuits, thus shorting
to g a in r e c o g n it io n fo r my goodness, to it into another shortened life and generation
of radiating lines.
r e c e iv e the b e n e f i t s o f b e in g r ig h te o u s ,
As soft as silk is the feminine h e lix , that
to k e e p from m is s in g out on a n y t h i n g , t o is spun like a silkworm spins its cocoon. The
get a p la c e f o r m y self spiritu ally , t o silkworm worms about a n d conducts its work
prove I know more t h a n even the c le r g y , automatically w i t h o u t in s t r u c t io n , without
to have som ething ve ry f ew o th ers have , book lea r n in g . A silk on an ear of corn i s a
to get a d v an tag es . conductor of pollen into its core, even as a
How many tim es are we g u i l t y o f h a v in g he lix conducts anything extrasensory to it s e lf
into a n a p e x , a radiating s o la r center. A
u l t e r i o r m otives? A l l the tim e! U n t i l we
helix is an unending conductor.
b e g in a sy s t e m a t ic sea rch to r ig h t t h e
As white as milk is the helix just short of
wrong, w e a r e i n the predicam ent o f a it s generating end where it s ta b ilize s its in
cross- eyed man who s ig h t s the t a r g e t w it h gredients in a white cruosic crystal. Milk
one eye w h il e a im in g the gun w it h the contains every element except iron, a positive
o t h e r e y e . He do es not get the r e s u l t s he pole, an end point in action. White as milk is
t h i n k s he s h o uld g e t. We a r e not g e t t in g everything but the butt end.
th e r e s u l t s we t h in k we s h o u l d get b e As bitter as gall i s the helical that
cause o u r co n sc io u s m otives p o in t u s in adds to herself t h e sweet things th a t a r e
strangers to her helix. The so-called benefi
one d i r e c t i o n w h ile our s u b co n s cio u s mo cial implants buoy her up beyond heliocentri-
t i v e s p o in t us in a n o th e r d i r e c t i o n . city, into death and another generation. Only
Get b u s y o n a l i s t o f m o tive s. As thru t h e bitter g a l l of death are blessed
q u i c k l y as you c a n i d e n t i f y a c o n s c io u s events manifested. These blessings are signs of
m o tiv e , lo o k f o r s u b c o n s c io u s m o t i v e s what not to do and one wonders why he does i t .
t h a t c a u s e t r o u b le . Be w i l l i n g to g iv e up A strong w a ll i s the t o p of the helical
y o u r m o t iv e s , co n sc io u s a s w e ll a s u n wall, its solar center, that throws the h e li
c o n scio u s, in fa v o r o f becom ing r i g h t . cal ingredients violently, with a strong out
This will increase your right intent. stretched arm, into a hot, radiating, burning
Right intent can be further defined as tak borning, cast down to ea rth . When the radial
ing right action in the right sequence. lines reach out to their extremities , they
Have you ever awakened to the fact you were turn back on themselves tangentially and p i
pushing on a door that needed to be pulled r a t io a lly , forming a peripheral s k i n , t h e
to be opened? So long as you push on that door greensward of the e a r t h s surface. The green W
you are expressing wrong intent, inadvertent, coat that covers me a l l i s the ea r th , the
o r subconscious i f you please, b u t neverthe skin of a cellular structure of which a h e l i
cal sun is its center. 04
less, wrong inten t. A s a result the endeavor
i s frustrated. Whenever we express inadvertent, The helical c o i l s are the w a ll and its 04
subconscious wrong intent,* o u r efforts a r e solar center the nut; that is the walnut that W
is hard to crack except b y devious devices OQ
frustrated. When we can expose this wrong in
extraneously designed to do the w o r k . T h i s
tent a n d correct i t , we restore r ig h t and CC
Mother Goose is the overt sequence by which
eliminate the frustration a n d problems which
one is tied to the wheel o f repetitive births
and d e a th s.
I t requires broad understanding and use o f M
Humanetics to develop a r e a s o f right intent
and i n these areas, distortions are released wrong intent activates them. Once a distortion
as soon as they are restimulated. Problems do is activated, that fact constitutes evidence
not arise i f right intent i s present, because o f our wrong intent.
the distortions are released spontaneously. It Free information on Humanetics is available
i s r ig h t in t e n t t h a t releases d is t o r t io n s ; from Humanetics, Wynnewood, Penn. 12
system o f the body. A n d even chiropractors
will be amazed when they learn that in treat
ing the sick, they are actually dealing with
astral light, flowing thru the nerves as an
electric current.
When chiropractic schools w e r e founded a
lit tle more than h a lf a century ago, they had
to use medical text books because there were
no others. These were found, by the experience
o f chiropractors, to be so faulty as to the
nerve system, that they were discarded and re
By Dr. KARL KRIDLER placed by books prepared by experienced chiro
practors, chief of whom was the great Willard

O') THE NERVE SYSTEM Carver. Then followed the wonderful work o f
CCORDING to extant fragments of the age L it t le fie ld , Livingstone, Lakhovsky and C r i l e .
less wisdom, Anaximenes (550 B. C. 1 h e l d I f the nerves began in the brain as science
that the essence of the universe i s in claims, the vitality , consciousness, mind, and
astral light in eternal m o tio n , which intelligence o f man would be one of the great
contains all in it se lf. est of all miracles, and that is exactly what
Everything is formed
from astral light by condensation and rarefac these qualities a r e to science, to theology,
tion produced by eternally e x is te n t motion, to the whole world. This is the Unknowabl e
and heat and cold r e s u lt in g from varying deReality , and has been the subject of hundreds
grees o f density of the primal element. of writers who have sought to fathom the mys
It required the discovery of wireless t e l tery and f a i l e d .
egraphy and radio phony for science to recover Peruse all the medical text books on earth ,
this lost knowledge and other data of the as as we have done for 60 years in searching for
tral world of the Masters. the secret o f these q u a l i t i e s , and in them
The b ib l ic a l makers excluded from t h e i r there is nothing as to these qualities of the
book much that the ancient scrolls contained Unknowable Reality that satis fie s an i n t e lli
regarding the astral world in order to keep the gent man.
exoteric in darkness as to mans real nature, While almost nothing definite is known by
incorporating only some minor passages which science concerning the nature and source o f
tell the exoteric nothing o f the secret o f man these qualities, they are what makes man what
and his creation. he is . And i f we know nothing of the source
I t means lit tle to the clerics and less to and nature of these, we know lit t le about man,
the laics to read in the Bible of pfe-exist- his origin, h is nature, and his destiny,
ence--that every plant of the earth (was in the (Continued in the next issue!
----- 1------

astral world! before it was in the earth, and
every h e rb o f the fie ld (was in the astral
world! before it grew (in the earth! (Gen. 2 :5 ! .
Something does not come from nothing, and
consistency o f thought demands that we include the female mechanism, and by a n intelli
in this category of pre-existence not only the
vegetal kingdom, but also animals and humans-- gent individual willing, demanding, plan
pre-existing in the astral world as archetypal ning, scheming, wanting, desiring, there
entities prior to their advent on earth in is an interruption of this normal devel
physical forms, in created bodies which a r e opment, and the natural arrangement b e
----- ---- janiuhv- i i mkuaky, i 1'

seen and are temporal. comes malformed.

When we see th in g s whole, we realize the The occupant of such a body could not
law i s one, the source i s one, the substance switch from male to female or from female
is one, and from the ONE proceeds all the known
to male at will thereafter. The best that
and unknown. Creation is a process o f trans
formation, in which the unseen eternal entity could be don e with endocrine therapy,
is clad in a created body that can be seen. surgery, and other physical carvings and
Man, an unseen archetypal entity of the as adjustments would be to try to bring to
tral world, becomes v i s i b l e in the physical climax either the one side or the other
world when clad in a body created by the con of t h e physical attributes of the phys
densation o f astral light, like the tre e that ical body. T h i s is n o t a question of
seems to come from the seed, but which is the switching sex of the entity because the
product o f condensed astral light. polarity (sex) is a soul element. The soul
Man, that mystery which science terms a
is the spark or the vortex of the Great-
procession o f phantoms, in the midst of which
(there! strides a n unknowable reality . The Creative-Source and once It is created, It
nerve system o f this body, whose " w i r e s ex is ! Y o u r little mind and my little mind
ceed in extent all the commercial wiring in cannot alter, change, or violate It. Such
the w orld, i s charged with that unknowable is beyond our control and full understand

reality which is such a mystery to science. ing as far as we have evolved in thinking
We now face the point where the ignorance and studying. No switching of sex state
of science is glaringly apparent as to the na
ments can be found credited to any of the
ture o f l i f e and the continuation o f man.
Science says the nerves * are sinews or ten great wise ones of whom we have any writ
dons, which begin in the braih and end in var ten or symbolic records.
ious parts and organs o f the body. L it t le is For enlightened humans to c l ing to
known o f their nature, their function, or their some ancient and literal interpretation
importance, and this ignorance makes it embar of a cosmic law, just because it pleases
rassing for doctors, except chiropractors, to their intellect, will certainly retard
discuss them.
their evolutionary progress. This clinging
We are going to learn why no system of car
ing for the sick has ever grown as fast as to outmoded explanations which are devoid
chiropractic has. Accidentally discovered in of logic, reason, and scientific observa
1895 by Dr. D. D. Palm er, its amazing growth is tion, h a s b e e n t h e big stumbling block
13 due to the fact that it deals with the l ife for many sincere students of truth.
THE vent downstairs and brought boon to Mother a
bird that I think was a wild goose. She patted
the bird and told me to turn it loose. I tucked

i t in one o f those little alcoves in the hall
that holds holy statues. M RS.A.B.
INTERPRETATION-- In your dream, upstairs
represents a higher spiritual plane. The hair

represents spiritual courage. Combing means
that she was preparing herself for a specific
spiritual duty. Binding or twisting means she
is holding tight to her spiritual convictions .

Spreading the hair means she is spreading spir
itual protection. Since t h e w ild goose was
neither h u r t nor crippled, it means you will
shortly h e a r o f a disaster in which someone
you know has escaped death. Patting the bird
By LOW ANA JULAINE and telling you to turn it loose is her way of
letting you know that she has interceded for
(Send your coiplete dreai to Lovana J u la in e , Rt.
4 , Box 82, Taapa, F l a , , 33 6 1 S , i f you fis h an i n the safety of this person. Tucking it into the
terpretation . Send $ 2 , 0 0 , plus staip ed , s e lf- a d holy alcove means that your subconscious love
dressed envelope. Dreais t i l l be published In this which we call Divine L o v e has placed this
coluin as space peralts only if permission has been person in the hands of the "Father . Congratu
g r a n t e d .) lations!
DREAM Husband and I fleeing enemy. Had
placed such provisions as food arm. blankets in DREAM I was walking up a hill w it h one
station-truck. Started motor without looking to o f my very dear friend s. We came to a road. To
see i f husband was coming. Glanced in r e a r his right the road was very clear and clean
view mirror to see him coming toward truck. and smooth. To my left, trees were growing
Motioned him to r id e r s side without actually thru the road. We parted and he walked down
looking at him. Drove o ff before he shut door the pretty road w h ile I went down the tree-
firm ly. Turned right at 1st c o m e r , left at f i l l e d road. I came to an open meadow. My
2nd, right at 3 rd , left at hth, left again into friend was lying on the grass starving for
large highway. I deliberately ran red light to water and I gave him a drink from a flower that
see i f blue car behind was trailing us. I t too was growing by the roadside. M R .J.R .
ran red light. Both of us narrowly missed by INTERPRETATION -- Both you and your friend
cross-traffic. Blue car passed us but stayed seek s p ir it u a l enlightenment. He seeks the
close in fro nt. I managed to drop back enough ways that promise miracles . You plod along
to let two cars come between u s . Large truck facing and overcoming difficulties. For a time
coming up behind u s . I slowed and swung o ff you two will part in friendship but later when
highway to let truck pass. Made right turn at you h a v e received y o u r "r e w a r d , you will
junction which blue car had gone beyond. Turned again be in a position to help this person
right again into someone s yard and stopped. to achieve his h e a r t s desire. The drink you
Alt, this time there was a large dog between me gave him from the flower is what we call the
and my husband, but it sat very s t i l l and made "n e c t a r o f t h e Gods , and m e a n s spiritual
no n o ise. All the time I f e l t that running-for- courage. Congratulations!
my-life f e a r . My husband does a ll the driving,
altho he is semi-cripple. Maybe this is why I

------------- j a m u a r y - f e b r u a r y , 1 9 6 4
DREAM I 'm 67 years old and have studied
drove in my dream. Mrs. H . A. Christian Mysticism a l l my life but I just
INTERPRETATION " P r o v i s i o n s means subcon c a n 't seem to get anywhere. I h a w a dream
scious preparation for su rv iv a l; spiritual in that comes every once in a while, but i t i s
this case. Station-truck signifies large amount always the same in every d e ta il. Maybe it is a
o f courage needed to outmaneuver destruction . psychic message. I was on a motor-scooter sort
Rear-view mirror s ig n ifie s that while looking o f thing and seemed to be going a mi le a minute
ahead you are also aware o f the past, and the yet people on foot were passing me by. Just as
way youve already traveled. Seven turns sig I got to the gates o f a f a i r grounds, the scoot
n if i e s seven possible failures due to hesita er broke doun. I was so tired and disgusted.
tion. Courage (truck) will carry you to free The gate keeper came over to help. He put his
dom. Blue car following sig n ifies very deter arms around me and a wonderful feeling o f peace
mined person keeping you under surveillance for and calm came over me. We walked into the f a i r
a time. Running red light sig n ifies disregard grounds a n d I w a s s o terribly happy 1 was
o f caution in gaining freedom. Blue car pass crying.
ing indicates enemy slowly loses in ter e st. INTERPRETATION -- I may get verbally blasted
Large truck passing s ig n ifie s extra surge of for this, but I do not believe there are any
courage from disinterested party thru passing Christian mystics. There are Mystics who live
remark. Turning o f f highway s ig n ifie s contin a Christian l i f e , and there are Christianities

uance o f personal l i fe . Stopping in yard sig founded on mysticism but the form of Chris
n if i e s haven at end o f run. Large silent dog tianity that we face today is detrimental to
indicates friend o f both who i s aware o f s it mysticism in its basic form, which is actually
uation, giving no advice, but standing by you the psychic field s . Whatever you are studying
in case you need help. Fear i s the unconscious is giving you a false sense of speed and secur
and automatic creation o f self-preservation, ity as evidenced by those on foot who pass you
your husband being semi-cripple has no bearing by. And you will never find peace to calm your
on your dream. sp irit until you get o ff that scooter. The
sooner it breaks down , or you walk away from

DREAM My mother passed into sp irit some it , the sooner you will come face to face with
years a g o . In my dream I went upstairs to someone who will lead you into the happiness
Mother's room. (We have never lived in a tivo- of spiritual gaiety as represented by the fair
story house.) Mother was combing her hair, and grounds. This can be summed up by repeating:
i t was way below her waist. She twisted a bit When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears .
o f hair at the back o f her head, and lay down,
spreading the rest o f it out across the bed. I ----- * ------
Unlucky is he who depends only on luck. 14
End of World Isnt
NearIt Already Has
Come, Writer Insists
,ROM EVERY direction world-famous
astrologers, big-shot evangelists,
and right on down to street-corner
orators we are being told that the
end of the world is near and that
it is imperative that we seek shel
ter in some man-made organization or cu lt.
The end has already come just as a
school term ends and examinations are con In the Gospels recorded by Matthew, Mark ,
ducted to discover who have learned the and Luke, a great future event is foretold to
important lessons so they can give the take place at a time like the present--that is
correct answers and receive diplomas that generally referred to as "t h e coming o f the Son
will enable them to go out into the world o f Man . The three little words, Son o f Man,
and act as teachers. wean wo-wan.
The King of the Jew s gave us many In Genesis in order to teach an important
informative parables to enable us to know lesson we are told that Eve was formed from a
part o f Adams body. Therefore, it is logical
how to act at the present time. One of
--in Bible language--to speak of woman as son
these parables concerns a nobleman who had of man.
prepared a great feast for those who had In the Gospel recorded by John. "T h e Be
pretended to be his friends and was then loved Disciple , no mention is made o f this
surprised and angered because the sup coming of the Son of Man -- for John knew what
posed friends were too busy with personal would be the real nature of it.
enterprises to take time to attend the While exiled on Patinos, John wrote amore-or-
great feast. less veiled description of th is great judg
ment day (now! event.
G o d has spent much time and careful We are told that "T h e Christ o f G od (who is
thought to prepare a wonderful love f e a s t . S p ir it! is one lik e unto the Son o f Man. And
But orthodox theology has no appetite for that when Christ goes forth to victory it will
it. I t s tastebuds have been ruined by be with a "n e w name--that will end "t h e mys
swallowing great gobs of garbage. tery o f G o d -- and make it possible to preach
" t h e Everlasting Gospel .
Angels of Hell, masquerading as angels

Isaiah gave us a number of names by which

of light, have been the active salesmen God (who is Spirit! can be known. They a r e :
for this commodity. "W onderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The
In 1915, th e great truth about the
------------------- J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y ,

Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace .

coming, or revelation, of the Son of Man The most wonderful of all God's names is now
was conceived in my mind-- in the twink added. It is "Mother .
ling of an eye --when I was not thinking "T h e Everlasting Gospel can be summed up
anything at all about the problem, and in just a few points.
1. God is Spirit.
was no t even consciously aware that a
2. In this Spirit there are two elements :
problem existed. Father and Mother.
I have condensed this great revelation into 3. "T h e Christ of God is G ods Better Half
a few simple words and directed attention to --therefore, "o n e like unto the son of man .
the fact that what "T h e Beloved Disciple " d e 4. Christ is one with the Father the same
scribed as "T h e Everlasting Gospel can now be as a woman is one with the man to whom she has
preached. At the end o f the book of Revelation, been " j o i n e d " by God.
which John wrote while exiled on Patinos, he 5. The Father is Chief Executive.
warns us in a most serious manner that nothing 6. The Mother is Chief Justice.
is ever to be added to or taken away from this

7. All creative power is feminine. In con

Gospel. nection with Point 7, read the introduction to
i fear that too many woulcj-be teachers o f the Gospel recorded by the Beloved Disciple .
Christianity make the harmful mistake of think Now -- for the first time --i t can be thoroly
ing that John refers to the whole B ible which understood.
i s truly a man-made collection of writings on I t lias been truly said that real Christian
which can be played any kind o f a tune. ity is an organism not an organization.
Jesus said: "T h e words I have spoken will God never started a religion o f any kind.
be judge at the last d a y . He did not say that
a man-made book would be judge. Since m ost i lln e s s e s a r e psychosomatic,
This i s the great "r ev ela tio n which makes getting a reputation for healing should be
it possible to preach "T h e Everlasting Gospel mlich more effective than a medical diploma.
so that all things of heaven will be new. Paul
acknowledges that he could only see " a s thru a While a fanatic is said to be one who ser
glass darkly and when that which is perfect iously practices what we preach, a "crackpot
is come all those things that were only part- i s one who preaches what we occasionally rec
15 truths would be done away. ommend especially for ourselves.
g e s that will take some get heal, and once he demonstrated
ting used to by us conformists, this to some skeptical medical
but i t may be that the O N eals men with a few apparently cas
are forerunners of a trend to ual remarks to a young interne
ward a breakaway from old for with the result that he con
mats as " c o l d t y p e begins to tracted B rig h t s disease. Un
take a greater and greater able to cure their colleague,
role in publishing. the doctors wired Dr. Cbnde in
But w e h a v e n t s a id much desperation, b u t even a f t e r
about the story, which u s u a lly h is arrival on the scene they
i s the reason fo r p u b lis h in g were s t ill trying to find ex
books. I t s somewhat o f a fan cuses and called it a coinci
tasy, in which the L i t t l e s dence. H o w e v e r , they were
o f Mount Sh asta (th e g nom es, forced to admit there was no
fa ir ies , leprechauns, e t c .), thing more they c o u ld do to
59TB ABBUAL MOOB SIGB BOOK FOR d is c u ss with the " L a r g e s (th e help the patient, so agreed to
196U. 288 pages, soft cover. In d ia n s who l i v e j u s t below follow Dr. C o n d e s plan. After
$ 1 .5 0 . Llewellyn Pu b s., tim ber- line) the in v a sio n by a b i t o f play-acting, some
100 S. Wabasha, S t. Paul, Minn. Oncomer ( c i v i l i z e d m a n ), who placebos, and positive sugges
has f i v e s e n s e s b u t h as a tions, the cure began, followed
Wishful thinking makes the
job o f p redictin g a pretty rather d is t o r t e d u s e , o r un by the young mans return to
thankless task , says the edi u se, o f these s en ses o f which perfect health in about two
tor o f the 1964 Moon Sign Book. the L i t t l e s are super-aware. weeks.
The prediction t h a t i s right I t s a tragedy that man in This i s ju st a sample of
gets l it t l e attention at the vades s u c h beauty s p o ts a s the d r a m a t i c illu s tra tio n s
time it is fulfilled -- and the Mount S h a s t a , w i t h lim ited used thruout Dr. Conde's talks ,
ones who are always wrong seem awareness o f the b e a u t ie s sur making them entertaining as well
to get as much credit as those rounding him , a n d in te re s te d as inspiring. There are chap
who are right. only in clim b ing h ig h e r than ters on how to attain happi
However, since 1964 is an anyone e ls e ever has c lim bed, ness , how to overcome mental
election year, and the p o liti and g e ttin g more from the tim handicaps, and on the power of
cal picture has been somewhat ber and flow ers which he sys suggestion, clim axed by " S e
smeared by an a ss a s sin s brush , tem a tic a lly d estroys. Man has lected G e m s from L a h is s a s
probably a greater number than been to ld f o r cen tu r ie s t h a t Teachings . The value o f medi
usual will be looking to the h e s pretty much o f a m is f it tation is stressed and he de
seers f o r p o ssible answ ers. as fa r as natu re i s c o n c e r n e d , scribes h is method o f develop
And there are some in the Moon but h e takes a ll t h is c r i t i ing concentration and quieting
cism in s t r id e destro y in g as the conscious mind in order to
Sign Book--a lot of them--na
he s t r u t s . A n d i t a ll 'may be contact Universal Mind.
tio nal, international, and in
dividual. Sold by newsstands, for a subconscious purpose the Putting the teachings of
removal o f com petition f o r a Dr. Conde into practice u n i
seed companies, book de a lers,
replacement o f n a t u r e s f r a g il e versally could bring about the
and garden s to res, the Moon
Sign Book advises readers on beauty (w hich i s n t improved New E r a which he p redicted,
any by f i r e s and l i t t e r ) , with but each of us has the oppor
best times for their personal
a new landscape o f r a dio a ctiv e , tunity to use them in our own
and business affairs--from buy
ing a n d s e l l i n g to courting but d r o u t h - r e s is t a n t , t r e e s , life, adding a b it o f impetus
and getting married -- as well a r c h e s , e t c . , made o f c o n to the arrival o f the milleni-

as when fishing's best and what crete , i r o n , aluminum , an d um for which we all yearn.
Stone. Trah Rika Sophia Tryst
days to get rid of weeds a nd

warts and moles. * * *

f l B E R R E E ----------- -------- J A N U A R Y - . F E B R U A R Y ,
Nationally, there is t h e
prediction that much depends by Louis Conde (Lahissa),
upon Robert Kennedy's activi {CONTINUED FROM PACE 2)
155 p p ., $ 2 .5 0 . Compiled by
ties, which is interesting in Ellen Ethel Gibbs and Grace D. prehistoric man on this score.
view o f the fact the book was Lawson, W08 E. Armstrong, Pe Then, as we sat puzzling over
written months before Brother oria, I I I , the schematic drawing, Dr. John
John was murdered. The sugges
Prom inner s p ir itu al Tibet J o n e s . whose doctorate i s in
tion is made to watch 1964 as
came Louis Conde (Lahissa) in electronics, and B onn ie (who
it will be a " B i g Y ea r--which
1875, bringing to the Western used to be our fellow townsfolk
we promise to do, day by d a y ,
world concepts so far ahead of before moving to Cushing, O k .)
month by month, sign by sign--
their time that he was often dropped in o n e Sunday after
and subscrib er by subscriber .
repaid by persecution. Ideas noon, and John after looking
that are now receiving w ide at the to-us-enigma pronounced
acceptance, such a s the power it "s im p le , a n d promised to
LISTEB 1 0 T H E MODSTAIB, by produce o n e s o m e afternoon
Arthur J . Burks. CSA, o f prenatal i n f l u e n c e s , the
imperfections in our system of when h e had a few moments to
Lakemont, Ga.
education, and the effects of spare. When someone talks like
We suppose the 0 Neals--Ed the spoken word upon the sub that, i t makes your admitted
and L o is are more proud" o f conscious mind, were often rid ignorance on a subject seem a
the physical book, "L i s t e n to iculed when fir s t presented by hundred times dumber than i t
the Mountain , than they are Dr. Conde. N e v e r t h e l e s s , h e did before. Anyhow, we ll wait
concerned with what it says-- continued h is service to man and see. Ye Pu b., who alleges
since this is their fir s t pub kind, illustratin g in h is own she knows as much about Ye Ed.
lished book. Becoming a pub l i f e the power o f thought, and as anyone, thinks our intrigue

lish e r is quite a project, and teaching everywhere the law of is dictated by the fact its
the O Neals have done a cred compensation, t h a t " a s you healing properties may be a
itab le job in launching them give to l i f e and y our fellow- challenge to the A.M. A. but
selves. There are some innova man, so shall you receive from we deny any such nefarious
tions such as printing on one l i f e and your fellowman. ness. All we want is to see
side o f the paper only and us Dr. C o n d e taught that s u g what t h a t pretty schem atic
ing ragged margins on both ed g estio n c a n e it h e r k i l l or looks like when converted into 16
wires, coils, antennas, and
resonators. . . d e p r e s s i o n for the United
States,' a stock M arket B r e w ,
fff and the weather this w in t e r .
5 W eve said and thought so breaking all records tor it s
any nasty things about poli cruel co ld , hurricane w ind s,
tician s and especially thoste and snow. Many o t h e r factors
apparently scavenged from Ok surrounding the welfare o f the
lahoma cesspools that when People of Europe and this coun-
one indicates h e s above the
calibre o f the majority, we, in By tiy and Canada, as all cotae
under t h e phase o f this great
stark s u r p r ise a n d respect,
take o f f our visor to him. in ALBERT ROY record breaking weather we all
are to face this winter a n d
fact, we r e about ready to ask
Gov. Henry Bellmon o f Oklahoma
DAVIS spring. Oklahoma's drought and
C a lifo r n ia s e a r t h tremors
to run for President next year were not reported to the peo
( C a l l i n g h l w s e l f The C o r n y
since h e s in e lig ib le to suc P s y c h i c , Albert Roy Davis offers ple of our country as they con
ceed himself and such talent to answer any three qu e s t i o n s for tinued to worsten all t h i s
o f common sense shouldn t be $2, sent to h In at 23 Nest Walnut, . summer,
fireen Cove Springs, Fla. T he A B -
wasted. L a t e s t Bellmon p r o ERREE, not b e i n g p s y c h i c , cannot We there for must look be
nouncement to get our approba accept r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for a c c u r yond the time table we thought
tion came early i n December acy of views e x p r e s s e d in this
coluan, nor for the u n i q u e s p e l l was correct, a Near War, inr
when he announced to tile con ing indul g e d in by its auth o r . ) vasion plans for Cuba, a totigh
sternation of the greeting card Howdy Neighbor: matter in South America, a s
dealers tiiat he and Mrs. B e l l more Commies pore into other
M fM H E PASSING of Pr es id en t
mon were sending no Christmas P i t Kennedy was a shock to us South American Countrys and.
cards in 1963. The whole ri- I all. In O ctober 1962 I the UN acts to Crack down thru
didulous aspect o f our-modern the a c t i o n o f t h e united
* wrote in The NEWS LETTER,
Christmas season comes i n t o States. Cubas plans to actualy
my own publication, that Pres
focus mo s t c le a r ly thru the ident Kennedy would leave u s , send agents into Florida and
Christmas card fa d , he s a id . like the passing o f Lincoln; the other states, to committ
"S om ehow it has come to be a again i n J u n e 1963 I wrote acts similar to the smaller
status symbol to see how many that h is passing would preceed South American countries, must
Christmas cards individuals or the Election. While I am not be looked for. Our time table
businesses s e n d and receive. alone in this Psychic Impres for 1,964,. there for is now ad
He added that they take time sion, I feel that i t came sooner vanced, to a fa s t e r 'pase o f
during the holiday season to than any of the P s y c h ic Writ world happenings. Hold on to
send letters to friends with ers dreamed possible, as the your Hats as 1964 will' be a
whom they are not in close as impressions we received were real test o f the courage o f
sociation, and the money which more towards the period of the American P eople a n d the
might have been poured down Election Time. I have received Peoples o f the World.
the ChMstmas card drain has many letters and some forward
been donated to a cerebral ed from the Indian Seerers, In DEAR ALBERT R O T M V I S : My
palsy fun d. What we need in Oklahoma, Aik, and other loca Father w as accidentally r u n
this country are 49 more gov-, tions in the far west. These Over by his tractor, Mill he
ernors and maybe even a Pres seerers now say that Kennedys lose his legs? He are very
ident with s ufficien t sagacity passing allows President John worried. Miss B . K .
and gumption to help do away son to come under the period

DEAR MISS B.K. You must be

with s o m e o f .these sacred remaining in the cycle. I dis strong and Comfort your mother
cows . . . ^ ^ ^1 agree with this in this re as tho you have not mentioned
spect, F irst. We were all fore

1 When we heard that Tom her she is very worried. L ik e

O N e i l planned to change tne warned -that President Kennedy wise I sence your father will
name o f h i s PSYCHIC OBSERVER mould be taken in the Lincoln loose h is will to want to go
to The OUTLOOK, we doubted i t , Manner, noted Astrologers and home, so i t s up to you a nd
as we s till remembered t h a t a Psychics all reported t h i s your mother to convince him
previous change to The SEARCH possibility. that, after one leg is removed
ER, was only temporary- So, we The' P syc h ic s now are con he should fight to Recover. I
weren t surprised w h e n the fronted with the facts that sence the l o s s o f t h e limb
January issue arrived with its these warnings that heralded will act to crush h is s p i r i t s ,
fam iliar name, but an unfamil the passing o f President Ken so you must act to instill con
ia r dress o f many pictures. We nedy also forwarned a great fidence. Tell him you and moth
guess w e ll ju s t have to w i l l , er a r e depending on him, that
sell, and bequeath to Tom our their goal for m t n u t e SCOPE is he must get well. He will,
Sub-Policy. "W w reserve t h e to make i t a news magazine for
right to change our minds from the entire psychic f i e l d , a nd DEAR ALBERT ROT DAVIS: M y
ur issue t o is s u e , o r even from is appealing f o r news, a rti little g ir l has passed away.
pq page to p age, i f !w e d e s i r e . cles, sad pictures. Subscrip We are heart broken, I want to
rv But i t d only beia loan as we tion p r i c e o f MINUTE SCOPE, know, has she an etheric body
s t ill want t o keep the right published monthly, i s $ 3 . 0 0 a and w ill it pass on with the
* to change our mind * bat not y e a r . ; . 1 Another 1 ate-comer body? Mill we e v e r see her
w the magazine s name. We went to the magazine field i s The again? Mrs. L , B .
ffl thru th a t once and once is LIGHT W IT H IN , a pocket-size DEAR MRSL L , B . Your lit t le
CE s u f f i c i e n t . . . | Speaking' o f publication from the Winchester Girl i s with the great and fine
magazines, a new publication Healing Fellowship, 30 Christ heavenly spirits, as to. dje so
m to reach us recently has MIN- church Bpad, Winchester, Hants, young assures a place near God
jg UTE SCOPE, a semi-quality type England. This also i s a month that only the young and pure
. magazine published hy Llewel- ly, with a subscription p r i c e at heart can attain. Her ether-
^ lyn publications, o f S t . P a u l, o f $ 3 .0 0 a year. The issue we ic (s p ir it body) i s with God,
Minn. While the fir s t issue saw had 100 pages, a nice job in her likeness she w i l l come
has a preponderance o f astrol o f o f f s e t p rin tin g , a nd i n to you. You will see her again
ogy m aterial, Publisher C a r l large, readable type, wi4* a when y o u to o a r e c a lle d in
17 feschke in an editorial says sprinkling o f p i c t u r e s .. . transition.
been a grand, happy, and in long and laborious calculations
teresting 1963 season . necessary. And perhaps even
"Y o u m issed a real b e in g more because few people want
when you missed the v is it of to use this knowledge really
Swami Prem ananda, he i s not use it to develop the best in
ju s t another Swami, my lad he them in this l i f e they want
is truly one of the kind. He only to know which famous p e r
has been here four times this sonages they have been. In c i
year, I hope he comes as often dentally, I ve never y et run
next year, ju s t returned from across a reincarnation o f Cle
h is conference in Buffalo that opatra or George Washington!
was one o f the most perfectly Marie H a r l o w , Box 2 8 , Three
arranged I have ever attended, Rivers, Mich. -
and w ith 180 odd th er e, o n e (ED. NOTE It seems to us
met some real p eop le too. ttiat before one can run an as
Mahdah Love, Lakenont, Ga, tr o lo g ic a l chart on a previous
l i f e , he must date t h i s 1 i fe
In all of the varied d is which acknowledges a means of
dEa cussions of Dianetics and S ci
entology in your pages, I have
not yet seen reference to one
determining t h e
Granted one has t h i s
d a t a , a retrogressed chart
EdB-iTicjR ofthem ost penetrating studies
o f Ron Hubbard and his work
namely, the lengthy book review
seems as reveal i ng as a th i s -
1 i fe chart, i f one has time
from h i s l i v i n g to delve into
I show A B E R R E E to many o f Dianetics; the Modern S c i
these things. You want to
people and have them read your ence o f Mental H e a l t h , by elaborate on this a b it, Marie ,
Policy statements and thus I Prof. S. X. Hayakawa i n t h e for The ABERREE?)
have a complaint: You changed Summer 1951 issue o f E T C : A
the Sub-Sub-Policy and left Review o f General Semantics . "P o o r Teufel! I m so sorry
part o u t . I hope you restore Dianetics is traced to its he came to such a p a ss ...W h ich
the part which says with his source in R o n s early writings reminds me that anim als r e
w i f e s permission . This is a in pseudo- science (fictionl , member their names, and wi l l
very good part o f the overall when he conceals the distin c respond under the oddest c i r
policy statement, in my opin tion Detween his facts and his cumstances! We h a d a lovely
ion^ James D, W ardle, H2h S. imagination even from h im s e lf, Eskimo puppy that was k illed
State, Salt Lake City. Utah. as wel l as from the readers. in t h e street one fa ll. The
( E D . NOTE We l l a s k the He f al l s for h i s own p i t c h '. next January, a new l i t t e r of
wife for permission to put the And so Hubbard has produced a puppies w a s born to h is par
deleted phrase back and see fictional science. He did not ents, and when they were about
i f she approves. What else can disco v e r, a s he adm its, but four or five weeks o l d , J a n n d
we do?) created a new science. The re (our daughter! and I went out

viewer outlines in great de to the pen to watch them. We
"W e are having some summer tail the devices o f fiction h adn t named them yet and hap
weather in what is thought of found in Dianetics. Prof. Hay pened to notice that one of the
here as our fall months. Today akawa found no wheat in Hub puppies looked exactly like
the windows are open, the heat bard s chaff! Poco . Since we had heard that
is o ff, the air is l i k e I re The good Professor notes dogs sometimes come back when *
member it to be in Hawaii, and Hubbard s hatred and contempt they are greatly loved, I de-
I am confused, for I look high of women, notes his case-his cided to experiment with the -1
up the mountain peaks a n d I tories betraying a remarkable idea. I called Poco! Here Po- -
see y e t t re e s in colors of obsession with A A and female co ! n o t looking at any of
glorious h u e s , and I wonder adultery. He sees the lure of them especially, or indicating 5
who i s in charge these da y s, the pseudo s c i e n t i f i c vocabu any certain one. Immediately,
upstairs, or how come the sea lary, a n d a susceptibility to this puppy we had noticed came u,
sons are getting confused (lik e word-magic and semantic h a s h , running up to me, wagging his i"
so many people one meets -- ap a carryover from science-fic li t t l e sw irl of a t a il, a nd
pear to be on most subjects tion to fiction science. holding his ears that familiar *
you discuss with them). Any "A n d I have n o t seen i n way Poco h a d . The expression *
way, i t is glorious and we are your pages any reference to a in his eyes was the same, per-
happy as blue birds returning highly s c ien tific method of sonality the same. The other
in spring, here and n o w . ascertaining detailed informa puppies stayed where they were ,
" I am busy d r illin g wells tion concerning past lives paying no attention. Several
(fo r other people who bought the retrogressed h o ro sco p e. times we tried this--same re
acreage in the area about u s ) ; L if e is a line, extending both sults. We named this puppy Yu
our community i s growing, t h e backward and forward, and al- kon , but he always responded
North seems to want to come tho most astrologers are onl y when we called him Poco. I used w
south and the South has ideas able to progress or extend to have a lit tle ritual with W
they should go part-way north, o n e s forces futurewise, it is Poco. I d say, Coko-ka-Poco ' , 06
they converge here, and the also possible to retrogress and hed stand up on his lit t le &
mountains open up their arms the same life-force backward hind legs. Yukon was a larger w
and the well men move in, an;l into the past. dog, and couldn t manage to sit m
in nothing flat and $ 5 0 0 less Often the drawing o f these up like Poco co u ld, but the
in the bank account one has a pictures of past lives quickly firs t time I said this to h i m , tE
well they brag about for the opens doors of memory, and the he made a marvelous try. It
rest o f their lifetim e for person feels the full force of was funny to watch him . Now ,
this water is s u p e r , that is perceiving what he o r s h e how did he know what he was J3
for s u r e . . . O ffic ia lly we are really did in these other ex supposed to do ? Every time I h
supposed to be closed; u n o ffi periences . said this s illy s t u f f , h e ' d
cially people are coming and I have made hundreds of jump up, try to s i t , tumble
going so we c a n t close before these retrogressed charts, but over. No other puppy did t h i s .
first o f year, as I see i t now. make very few any more, as they We t r i e d . in
Yes, for L o ve's Retreat it has take s o much time to do the Spirit Jim told me an odd 10
thing -- that animals talk to for survival. He erases a ll man can not have creatv d a new
them over there by mental t e l the evidence of psychical re l i f e form (baby! a f t t ' his
epathy. I thought this was way searchers -- the Society for death. A m a n 100 years o l d
out and didnt discuss it with Psychical R e s e a r c h , Edgar could not likely have a child
many people b e c a u s e they'd Cayce s miracles and the evi born to him. An old woman in
think I had lost my marbles , dence he found, Herewood Car her 80 s or 90 s is u n lik e ly
maybe. But the time Andre, our rington and Sylvan Muldoon s to become a mother. Hence they
yellow Persian-type cat, d i s astral projection experiences, are not a nc esto rs. Y et many
appeared, I got out the ouija and hundreds more, including people remember former lives
and asked Jim what had happened plenty of experiences of ordi in quite some detail, includ
to him. Jim said, He is dead. nary people who have seen and ing their deaths in old a g e . . .
He c a m e t o me at once and talked with s p i r i t s . In some We do tend to be bom again
wanted to be my cat. He tells projections, the projectionist and again within the same fam
me that a car hit him i n a is SEEN by several people still ily, tho. This is caused by the
lane, and that he crawled over in the physical body. The pro law o f love -- and sometimes
into the field next door to you jection ist h a s talked with hate--drawing people together.
and then died. He says you will persons and heard their reply , My mother has been my mother
find his body about the middle the people thinking he was several times. My sister was a
of the field, in tall g r a s s . there in t h e physical. A ll sister before . . .
I asked i f he actually said this time, witnesses have ob I do enjoy Lowanas column
all this. Jim said he got it served the body, asleep--per on dreams. I try to interpret
mentally, but that anim als do haps miles away from the p s y them mysel f a n d afterwards
t a l k -- in their own language. chical body. People have seen look at her reply. Mine are
Over there, it is easily trans and heard from relatives and usually the same, with varia
cribed telepathically. I told friends who have passed o n . tions. --Rosalind. John, 1533
Jim I d look for Andre in that My great-grandfather appeared 4th, Norco, C a lif,
field. I went next door and to my grandfather and told him
told the neighbors about t h e not only that he had just died I have been on the road
cat, and that Jim said he d be but gave details as to where since the 3rd week o f June--
found in their field. So we made the will was hidden! My grand spoke at 5 conventions a n d
a search, but d i d n t find him. pa got out of bed at 3 a. m. formed one in Seattl e . . . I m
A short time later, they cut and went over to his father's trying to get an o ffice on
the h a y , and this neighbor farm, and found that his father wheels to carry equipment with
came over and told me, We had just died. Nope, it w a s n t me. I will definitely exchange
found your cat. He was j u s t expected. His father had been with you when I publish. I am
where you said he would be--in O .K . up until that morn. enclosing $ 2 . . . I enjoy i t . . .
the middle of the fie ld . I I have awakened to find my I would like t o get word
do nt know why we missed him, dead pets lying on the pillow out to people on the following
but the hay was about the same beside me. One cat, I did not news items . . .
color as the cat -- . . . know was dead. When I reached Caravan Tours--A non-profit
No need to give up coffee over and petted her (she felt plan for New Age Caravan tours
if you like it. Rodale, editor real at the time> she d is a p with singers, musicians, speak
of PREVENTION, i s drinking it peared. Later, we found h e r ers, and mobile equipment is
again. Says i t ' s good for his d e a d .' She was not in the house being formed at Boise, Idaho ,
heart . . . Rodale has made the that night, and had not gotten headquarters. We will appreci
amazing discovery" that coffee in . . . Six months after my dog ate New Age songs, o f mystical
contains B vitamins. Hear ye! died, I awoke to see her lying nature, ideas, and help. It is
1 964

The way I do it is to mix my or my bed right by my h e a d . I hoped the tours will be under
favorite brand with one-half felt her--she seemed real . I way next year. A volunteer
Sanka. That way, you can drink shook my husband awake a n d Idaho s ta ff is making p la n s .

two cups instead o f one . . . asked him t o look, There's Any who want to be on mailing
Milk i s n ' t very good f o r B lack y --but she had vanished for information on this write
you, b u t take bone meal t a b by the time h e a r o u s e d . I f to Violet Obenchain, 1901 N.
lets i f you do nt eat a lot of Katzen ever had such things 17th, Boise, Id a h o .
cheese, cottage cheese, and so happen to him, maybe he would The tours will stop for 12
on with minerals. We are n t believe . to 15 days in large c i t i e s , 7
eating beef since I wrote you , It is also rather convinc days or so in smaller commun
but use fish, cheese, e g g s , ing that nature woul d not have itie s. Co-ordination will be
and some chicken--for protein. made us with intestinal s y s planned in U. S . and Canada.
Also beans, of course. Kind of tems if they were n o t to be Later the idea may spread to
T h e f l B E R R E E ------------ -------

d iffic u lt , but not impossible, used -- likewise, reproductive other n a t i o n s . We will all
to cook for this f a mi l y . . . systems. It is hard to believe help all we c a n . The purpose
Oh, dear--so Katzen thinks that constipation, as a way of is to up lift consciousness via
that while the microscopic l ife li fe , is commendable. But heav inspirational song, music, and
forms o f our dead body a r e en forbid, I don't want to stir healing. Persons wi th a r t ,
still a l i v e , the personality up THAT controversy again . . . music, singing t a le n t , speak
is long since dead. When will Hie inv isible self is the ers, managerial interest and
he learn that nothing is ever real substance that created capability in New Age work, and
dead; it just changes form or the v i s i b l e , material b o d y , healers are asked to write in .
goes into a different vibra says Morris K. Yet he denies A spiritual feast--New Age
tion. I f his theory were t r u e , it any immortality outside the conclave will be held at Get
we could accept it without body after death. How did it tysburg, S o . D a k . , e a r l y in
wishful th ink ing because i f exist without the body before June. For information write to
you are dead (in the sense of the body was created by it? Vem ette Thompson, P. 0. B o x
lack of beingnessl vye d n o t Our life in' the past exist 271, Gettysburg, S. Dak. Hous
care any longer about it. We ed only in o u r ancestors, he ing will be at the Gettysburg
just wouldnt exist. But i f it tells us. Then how does one re Tabernacle or parsonage --also
is not true, we have a great big member the incarnation of him houses, motels, hotels. It is
worry: where do we go from s e lf as a baby or as an old a New Age calibre convention--
here? And is it bad or good? maid who never had children? non-denominational, with inter
With a flick of the pen , Also, how does he remember dy est for those seeking answers.
19 Katzen dismisses all evidence ing as an O L D person? An old Good speakers, s i n g i n g , a n d
music will be featured. Bring afraid Top Brass might walk in teresting phenomena during de
instruments. Ask to be put on her room while she was using cline period of effect. Effect
mailing lis t i f able to attend. the P. under our instru ctio n s, comparable with peyote, but
"T w in C ities New Age C o n she was too jumpy to get bet less visual imagery (for me! .
clave by Twin C ities U nder ter than wild scratchings. One More expensive than peyote; aft
standing in O c t o b e r , 1964 . did very well. The punch line effective quantity costs about
Write to Joanne Van Pop erin , o f this lie s in the fact that 90<f. Produces some hangover
628 S try k er, St. Paul, Minn . , in camp they are known as psy for me -- dizziness mostly, for
for information . . . chic, and to be caught at this several ho u r s .
"W a s a sighting o f a strange would show they could get more " O u r u n a f f i l ia t e d psyche
object (unidentified! at M il from us than from the cam p... delic group, which i s burgeon
waukee just before my lecture "S e v era l times in the p a s t , ing so well (o u r main trouble
there Oct. 31. Wayne S. Aho, I had to restrain myself from i s we keep running out o f cac
11134 Broadway, Toledo, Ohio. presenting an opinion on Kat- tus), has done the big break-
0 zen, remembering Robert Brown thru in p e y o t i s m . We have
" I ve had a b it of fun try i n g s erudite offering on truth: broken t h e fla v o r b a r r ie r
ing Schroeppel s ' I t s Danger 'Truth is within ourselves, it Peyote Frappe. Clean, pare, and
ous But You Too Can Do I t ex takes n o r i s e from outward dice a quantity o f fresh green
ercises , w i th o ut turning on source w hat e er you may be peyote. P u t in an e l e c t r i c
much o f any phenomena, prob lieve. blender with about 3 parts o f
ably due to working entirely How then would Katzen r e fr u it ju ic e to 2 parts peyote.
alone. I m just a bit puzzled spond to anything that came Blend until smooth. Pour into
by the letter a few months ago not from Katzen? pitcher. Chill. Serve in tall
o f the person who spun herself "Browning f u r t h e r said , glasses with i c e tea spoons.
ju s t trying the relaxation ex There is an inmost center in I t tastes lik e chilled fruit
ercise in the first le s s o n , us all where truth abides in ju ic e . The flavor effects are
seeing strange figures around fulness; and around and about completely absent. The alka
her. Oh, well. So she wrote it wall upon wall the gross loid effects are unchanged and
she didn t dare try anything flesh hems it in, this perfect unimpaired.
else. Guess my barriers must clear p e r c e p t i o n which is "L ik e w ise : peyote Daiquiri .
be pretty strong, at le a s t tru th . Frappe as above. Add shaved ice
nothing of that type has turned "H e r e again we would be and a dollop o f dis tille d bev
up to entertain (?! bother (?! dealing with impregnable bar erage. The only effect of the
or scare (?!m e. --5ob Gardner, r i e r s , b u t t h i s i s not a l l , alcohol is (1 ) to slightly em
2219 Kearney, Laredo, Texas. let u s listen to Browning a phasize the m escaline e ffe c t ,
(ED. NOTE On t h i s psychic b it more: A b a ffling and per and (2) to average the effect
s t u f f , some of us can and some verting carnal mesh binds i t over time, instead o f gradual
c a n 't and I don't believe i t s and makes a l l er r o r and to ly building up and tapering off
altogether a matter of tra in know rather consists in open as with plain peyote, i t builds
ing, either. Apparently, we re ing out a way whence the im- up a n d stays there f o r the
j u s t two breeds o f cats, a s prisored splendor may escape, full time, then switches off in
the saying goes. As you remem rather than in effecting entry 2 or 3 minutes.
ber, Ron Hubbard spoke d ispar for a light supposed t o be For 3 subjects last week
ag in gly of the "Black 5 ' s " who without. end, the time o f effect was 10
were proving problems at Sci " I n s u m m a t i o n t h e n , if hours.
entology these'were the en friend Katzen would stop deny We used canned pineapple
gineers, e le c tr ic ia n s , e t c . - - ing a force, a spiritual force ju ic e . I t was decided this was

the "square p e g s " who could which does h is healing, he not the best choice. Next time
find "square holes" in the ma would be able to talk less and either grapefruit j u i c e o r
te r ia l universe but couldn t say more. watermelon j u i c e . Watermelon

f i t the "round h o l e s " Hubbard " I w i s h I h a d tim e to ju ic e is probably the most e f
was trying to d r i l l . For we straighten o u t the gent who fective drink mixer known. It
who can t, what i s i t we envy: starts by speculating whether has no smell, but has a very
the a b i l i t y , or i n a b i l i t y , of there is A God, and continues strong but bland flavor that
those who can?) to reason (? ) there are many overpowers/ p r a c t i c a l l y any
G o d s ... L e ft is t and Birchist. thing y o u c a n p u t into i t .
" I had l i t t l e to say about "F r e d Hand i s as scholarly However, the peyote flavor is
our stay at Chesterfield Spir in h is letters as us u a l. rather easily defeated and al
it u a list Camp because our v is Jacob and Bose Apsel, 131C-A most a n y s t r o n g ly - fla v o r e d ,
it (my private purpose) was not S . 37th, Milwaukee, Wis. somewhat acidic ju ic e will do.
to sell planchettes, n o t to It a l s o renders the peyote
get r ea d in g s , but rather to " I ve made two tries at the somewhat more digestible.
break thru on what they saw, Mexican B l u e morning glo r y " I d o n t know o f anything
apart from what they said they seeds. The results are still that gives such s ig n ific a n t
saw, and other things beneath indeterminate f o r t h e most results o f study at such mod
the surface . . . part. The stimulation for these est cost as peyote, properly w
"P e o p le that v is it S piritu is emotional rather than sen used, peyote shows positive W
a l is t camps are o f two types: sory, as it is with p eyote. benefits fo r psychotherapy, 06
lesser mediums who come to This means the morning glory especially in t h e a r e a of od
learn t r i c k s o f t h e trade. alkaloid stimulates the mid s e lf- a n a ly s is ... m
These mediums also bring*del brain structures rather than "S o o n er o r later not only
egations from their parish*to the cerebral cortex. I now have Amerinds, b u t those o f Euro- m
be awed. T h e majority of the a third quantity and may have pean a n c e s t r y , arrive At the 05
people v is it the camps yearly a connected report after try unmistakable idea that peyote
and bring along friends and ing that. A v aila b le at any has an entity in i t --that it 9
family. There are some strays seed dept, or store. Dose is has tile nature o f a sentient js
who heard they can get their about 300 raw s e e d s . Seeds b e in g . Recall that peyote i s
fortune t o l d . . . about size of apple s e e d s , the Amerindian Eucharist. On
" I t would not do to mention variable in size. Spicy flavor, t h i s , I d i d n t get a verbal
names but we had three semi rather rough texture. I find response. . . but t h e concept
o fficials w h o b o u g h t plan chewing them tedious. Effect that there are living materi-
chettes from us. Cine was so lasts about six hours. Most in als that a r e , by themselves, 20
not s en tie n t b e in g s w h i c h , i t doubtful. 1 finally managed greatest sermon ever given was
when incorporated (incarna to view an aura display o f the the injunction written across
tion?) into a sentient being psionic variety, but i t was the portals of the Delphic Or
(human), the combination e n probably by E S P . I t closely acle: 'Man, know thyself. For
genders a sentient being which resembled the fluorescence of did not the Master say, The
is intelligent and supertiuman. p lastics under ultraviolet ra kingdom o f God i s within y ou,
This resultant being i s latent diation. and fluctuated with Behold now are we sons o f G o d ,
in t h e Sacramental M a t e r i a l . the subjects pulse. A bright, I and the Father are O n e. I t
Die nearest verbal answer I granular, s lig h t ly actinic would be much easier to pass
got to this was t h e answer to sparkle. I t does not resemble M. A., M .S c ., D .S c ., or P h D . ,
Mhat i s the meaning o f "S o n a diffraction image in the considering the rarity o f re
o f M a n " as in the New Testa least. " Fred Band, 2 7 1 8 Eagle, alized souls than to realize
ment? Which gave, Humanity Houston, Texas. to the full these simple state
begets a child upon it s e l f in (ED.NOTE Considerable in ments o f truth. Self-realiza
an extremity o f trouble and by terest in experiments with the tion is the purpose o f ex is
violence. When that child is psychedelic drugs is being ex tence. The aim of any and all
born living , he is a being who pressed by ABERREE readers. religions is to lead us to the
is not human . Die accounts of However, we do not recommend way o f l i f e which awakens us
spiritual chemicals found in indiscriminate te stin g o f any to the truth of the self.
the B ible and i n most ancient drug, seed, or cactus by per Mr. Katzen t s entitled to
mythologies, must be corrupt. sons without whom the world his co n c e p t s , but he should
The materials described: alco might be worse o f f leave it realize it is the I which we
hol, sulphur dioxide, l a u r e l , to the doctors and the FDA who all are , beyond description ,
ivy, mandrake, ba rley , lo t u s , think they alone have the God- ineffable, that transforms the
b u l l s blood, go ats milk, and given right to decide who and ridiculous to the sublime, that
mistletoe, do not, any of them, how people should die. In a makes t h e body become k e e n ,
contain s t r o n g psychedelic la t e AM A JOURNAL, a director brillia n t, alive, definite; the
alkaloids. But the effects de of health at Harvard warns of words positive, true, construc
scribed i n the accounts a r e dangers in the drugs a ft e r 2 tive, the flesh renewed, puri
unmistakably psychedelic. Die Harvard professors were d i s fied, Quickened, and all things
true psychedelics known in an missed for experimenting. The assume their true p o sitio n .
cient times -- muscarine, can- ousted professors say they in The conscious mind must seek
nibus sattiva, and ephedrine tend to set up LSD colonies in and want the Spirit in order to
are never mentioned. the U. S., for "education thru learn the power of the S p i r i t .
Alexander McNab, a fr ie n d new means" a ft e r they were This is more than an electri
and fe llo w peyotist, gave the expelled from Mexico in the cal get-together. This is Dy
opinion that the sensory (o r se ttin g up of a s i m i la r colony. namic Life--at its most beauti
parasensory) phenomena o f pe So pick your Harvard profes ful best AS MAN."--.ffoy Wool-
yote are not revelation , b u t s o r and your poison, but do ridge, WFD 2, Bradford, Ohio.
s atir e. D iscussing t h i s , we be discreet. There are other,
in c l u d e d that Aldous Huxleys and safer, ways to prove you The Hopi Indian prophecies
opinion t h a t the phenomena are Gods.) are true, but, like the Bible
were intended to invalidate a and all nations h i s t o r i e s ,
the self-concept i s c o r r e c t . Surprisingly b a d i s the the truth is twisted. They are
Rather, i t seems to be the only way I can put i t with de in the same solar system as
personally internalized cul- cency. Why? You were different the Jews (all believers in the
ture*conditioning--the ideol once. A . R . P u ly a n , B . F . D . , Bible are Jews!, and reap as

ogy which is being attacked. South Kent, Conn. they sow'. Victims in all trag
Die function o f the psychedel (ED. NOTE Dont know why. ic ca ses, baby or grown-up ,
ic phenomena a r e , then , the Maybe i t s the H-Bomb fa llo u t, have inherited horoscopes dom

employment o f illusions to de the 1962 Planetary conjunc inated by m ale fic s, capital
stroy illusion (that is , wrong tion, or maybe some of our best lettered p lanets. Capitals
v ie w or Samsara ) . once" subscribers are getting reap what the sun sows .
"Y esterday I thought of it too old to contribute t o our The Hopis also , like the
this way. A psychedelic opens "once" standards, or, i f i t s B ible, confuse men with stars
you u p , s o r t s y o u out, a n d merely temporary dyspepsia, we (planets!. Jacob is the white
throws part o f you away. Which hope th is fin d s you recovered. man, wrestling with the ser
i s what an ideal psychoanalyst Happy New Year!) pent at Beth E l , house of the
would d o . There are no ideal serpent El (h in Hebrew!. He
psychoanalysts. . . I read Morris K a tze n s ex is the wealth seeker and pro
T h e A B E F R E E ----------- -------

After extensive considera pose of what we are. I f we are ducer, defrauding his brother.
tion, (George) Lagus a n d I the inevitable culmination o f Esau is the red, hairy sun, to
have concluded that human au an improbable electrical reac be worshiped on SunDay, n ot
ras do not exist in the v isible tion , then the fa c t that we SaturnDay. These two combat
spectrum. There are, o f course , have been able t o trace o u r ing brothers are the basis of
not less than 2 physical human selves back to it i s remark all religions of all times. Set
auras. One i s the inductive able that electrical energy k i lls Horus and priest-kings
f ie l d o f t h e human nervous should come to understand i t k ill prophets Amos and Christ.
system, registered and meas s e lf i s a staggering p r o p In the star picture writing ,
ured by the electroencephalo osition it a] so is a pre s e lfish , material, civilized
graph. The other i s the infra posterous o n e . T here i s an men are serpents, enemies of
red heat aura, observable with order and purpose inside the the suu represented as men. In
a Bolometer or snooperscope- whirling cosmos of the in v is i modern history they are the
type viewer. Whether th e or ble atom a s in t h e m assive producers in combat with the
ganism gives o f f non- visible spirals o f the countless nebu c o n s u m e r s or d istrib u to rs.
radiation observable by t h e lae in e n d l e s s space. A s Neither can progress alone any
fluorescence o f a dye- filter Shakespeare put i t : ' H e re more than man could walk with
(D icy a n in e, Kellner s c reen , often most ignorant o f what only one foot. The Hopis d i d
e t c .) I h a v e n o t tested by w e re most assured. not progress with the stars of
personal experiment, not hav The way of li fe is the way precession, remaining in the
ing a dye filter. How ever, o f love and service, which is stone a g e of the earth s i g n ,
theoretical considerations make the means but not the end. The not developing fire or w a t e r .
steel and ships, or planes of is a continuous hangover, t h e vision a few days ago try ing
the air age which leaves t h e opposite o f enjoyment, it is a to explain away M .G . (Mother
B ible standing on one foot. simple m atter o f body chem Goose), which has been tried
Ih e New Testament d e a l s onl y istry. by others in the same vein. No
with fish, water, baptism, flsh- " A s a matter o f fact, both one has evolved a basic pattern
ermen--no aviators. cinnamon and van illa are mild for them all. To b e able to
The Chinese and Hindus have aphrodisiacs. So i s l i q u o r , explain 'London Bridges P a l l
been communists for ages, con coffee, or peyote for some peo ing Down by the historic fact
suming, not producing enough ; ple. Mexican witch-doctors be that they did, does not change
now that they are called Com lieve in Damiana which i s the fact that someone was try
munists they are beginning to even recognized by scientists ing to explain God in not too
be producers, with D ictators who gave i t the Latin name, favorable a light and hiding it
for kings. And the C a p i t a l i s t twmera aphrodisiaca. in some actual occurrence. S o
countries have to distribute PROHIBITION The reason it he explained, by stretching, 2
or else, and allow the people won't work is because i t c a n t or 3 M. G .'s . But let me see
to vote, or be represented in be outlaw ed. Regular bakers him explain away 3 5 0 o f them
government. The play of capi yeast will produce fine alcohol and throw in the B i b l e a n d
tal letter planets a ga in st out o f bread, rice, corn, e t c . mythology, and games, and danc
s mall letter o n e s , divides Besides, w i l d yeast flie s in ing, and music, and what-have-
nation against nation, and na the a ir on dust. you, even science, to boot. --
tions against themselves, a nd I t may take some time be Philip Frieda an, Box 767, Flor
individuals against themselves fore the Peds outlaw Morning ence, Ariz,
also. I f there w as no death Glory (see ds). The stuff makes <3>
instin ct, or death, this world people goofy makes them feel In your December issue you
would be intolerable. Destruc they are one with the Universe. published a letter written by
tion has to equal production . Ether a n d chloroform on the Ruth Ingall Spignesi o f Stam
All men love and worship the other band make people believe ford, Conn., in which the claim
sun or l if e force but follow they cease to exist while the i s made that there i s no such
the death route, k illin g and universe i s alive. One may animal as Honest Communism. In
defrauding others, then reap hear a roaring (lik e a shell reply to this charge please
ing the same crop until regen near the ear) and then fa in t , permit me to quote a few verses
eration is attained. Capitals which i s n o t unlike alcohol from an article entitled Hon
and s mall letters, selfishness stoning*, in some localities est Communism that w a s pub
and love of others, are the p lastic glue- sniffing i s i l lished in In d ia last July.
two grinding wheels of t h e legal. Glue may contain ace I quote; As proof o f the
mill o f the gods, which grinds tone, which i s anesthetic. My fact that Communism i s Chris
slow but exceedingly fine. expertence with cigars i s one t ia n , I wi l l quote the 43rd,
The Sun and Saturn are not o f seasickness. A priest told 44th, and 45th verses o f the
G o d s , being s e t in f i x e d me the Pope once interdicted second chapter of t h e book of
courses, but the Spirit o f God (forbade) smoking a s well as Acts. Pear came upon every
works thru them, and thru pre coffee drinking. Jesus certain soul; a n d many wonders a nd
cession of the equinox, Easter ly was an alcohol consumer, as signs were done by the apos
Sun. The Hopi prophecies are Jewish r i t e s prescribed t h e tles. And all that believed
in the stars and in handed- drinking o f wine during t h e were together, a nd h a d a ll
down traditions; when Perseus , P a s s o v e r Supper. Baptists things common. And sold their
the Sun at this time, rides teach that wine means grape possessions a n d goods, and
the flying horse with the for juice; where did the J e w s get parted them to a l l me n , a s *
mer slave behind him as his fresh grape ju ic e during the every man had need.
bride, he carries Al g ol , the month o f N is a n ? ... I t i s truly s a i d that a ->
H-bomb, for every hair of Al "T h e celebrated Johann Se person can be correctly judged -
gol s head is a serpent, death , bastian Bach got so high on by the nature of h is enemies
every hair, ray, of the sun is coffee, he wrote a Coffee-Can as well as by the nature o f J
l i f e , and the tradition handed tata describing the ecstasy of his friends. <*
down says that he slays kings (then) new coffee-houses. The "E v ery person who i s now
and their courts, freeing the only sure way o f terminating capable o f reading and think- f
slaves. Kings have been falling enjoyment consists of extermi ing i s well aware o f the fact
for years now, defeated by nating p e o p l e . But Puritan that the leader o f the hate- *
kings with stronger sun forces , creeds condemn birth control Communism mob i s the Roman *
s mall lettered planets. This (pleasure without punishment), dictatorship. 5
is easily checked a n d proved thus making sure there wi l l In the 22nd verse o f the
by arithmetic, simple addition always be people who get their last chapter of the book of
at t h a t . Morris Swenson, R 1, kicks. Some preachers o f by Acts we f i n d t h e following
Box 625 , Ccmas, Wash. gone days got their kicks dur words that were addressed to
ing hell fire sermons, counting Paul by the one who was to act
JUNGLE S DEADLY VIRILITY the number o f people who faint as his j a i l e r as the result of
PLANTS by Burks (Nov. ABERREE) ed, (Subliminated sadism?) S t . Paul being made a prisoner be- W
seem to make sex very glamor Thomap Aquinas says i t would cause he w as supporting t h e W
ous. However, aphrodisiacs do be unjust for God to deny His Gospel proclaimed by Jesus:
not make man * s cap acity i n f i elect the k i c k s o f watching We d e s ir e to h e a r o f thee p^
n ite. C o ffe e c a n 't enable man the torments o f the damned be what thou thinkest; for as con- ^
to go without sleep forever. low, as without it the delights c e m in g this s e c t , we know
Aphrodisiacs may increase sex o f the saved would not be per that everywhere it is spoken w
ual pleasure, but i f used to fect, a n d as God is perfect, against. <5
exceed individual L i m i t t o H is delights are p e r f e c t ... "W it h f e w exceptions, all
frequency, they bring about a VAN TASSEL COMMENT--One that the registered v oters of
temporary exhaustion o f d e sire. rejuvenated old geezer is worth the U. S. A. know about Communism xi
Sex i s like intoxication . a mi l l i o n w o r d s . L e t s see is that everywhere i t is spo- ^
LtQuor can be enjoyed only af some work of the integratron I ken against. The hammer and
ter a reasonable period o f ab George V. Lagus, 111 Vest sickle o f Communism is most
stinence. Only a fool thinks Myrtle, San Antonio, Texas. significant. All we need to do
he can stay drunk at all times now is to discard the hammer
and s t il l enjoy i t . The result Walt Disney w a s on tele o f dictatorship and leave only 22
the sickle of the Son of Man.
To understand a n d appreciate
this statement, read the 14th
and 1 5th verses o f the 14th
chapter of Revelation, the puz
zling book that was written by
Hie Beloved D i s c ip le while
he w a s exiled on the lit t le
island o f Patinos. Raymond
Reid, 905 Woodland, Trenton, ASTROLOGICAL COMPARISON SERVICE Ha ve you heard a b o u t THE
-- Are you Interested to knot
hoi such a t t r a c t io n or hareonv
WISDOM POOL 1Write Arthur J .
Burks, c /o C . S . A , , Lsk en o nt ,
exist betteen you and your sate? G eorgia. 95-T*
After reading V o l n e y G . Then send birth data (io n t h , day,
Ilathison's dissertation on the y ear, p lace, and hour I f p o ss i
b le) or the couple analyzed, ilt h Father-J .M.Navarro s.J. has
plight o f the Electropsycho tio dollars and your address t o : built a little aud church a n d
meter (September ABERREE), One schoolhouss In a backward area
cannot but admire this m ans 6 i i r ? E 91 salt Uke fl!!* of India. He is the only hope
some untouchable children have
ability- -to run with the hare PORTRAITS I N O IL COLORS f r 0 I for an education. The caste
and hunt with the hounds. photos of deceased loved ones. system is still practiced and
According to him any PDA 1 2 * 2 1 0 * . $ 2 4 .0 0 ; 1 0 * 2 2 0 * , $ 3 0 .0 0 ; he and his students sre out
u n fr a ie a , ppd. I f likeness unob casts. H e passed t h e word
difficulty stems from incom ta in a b le . i l l l refuse c o iu lss lo n . among the untouchables that hd
petent or unqualified p eo Eva Woodford, Rt. 1 , Box 4 5 , Lost was ready to start teaching an
ple handling these machines Creek, f . Va. 1* accredited grammar school. He
expected 30 or 40 students,
and any relationship between POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT f i l l not but 180 showed up. Next year
thee and m e' i s strictly on Interfere ilt h nail addressed he must have two grades so he
an ' I-know-him-not' basis a n d to S p ir itu a l H ealer, Cooks F a l l s , needs a larger school end more
Net fo rk , but the sale of ny books supplies. Because of the In
I ll -cooperate-with-you-PDA- Is s t i l l banned fron the n a i l s . volved customs laws and pro
boys-to-drive-out-the- charla Publicatio n of c ircular letters hibitive duties, the only prac
tans ill be resuned on a s t r i c t l y tical way to help him is by
S p ir itu a l Healing b a s is . Morris sending American Express Money
For the past umpteen years Katzen . __________1* Orders. A little goes a long
Volney and agents have been way to help t h e s e rejected
selling these machines willy- THE DEATH OF S O C R A T E S , and children for whom the shining
other poens, 50 cents p ostpaid. masters have no tine or money.
ni l l y to any Tom-the-masseur, fron author, V lllla n H a r d e r , 2 His address Is J.M.Navarro 1.
Dick-the-physiotherapist, Har Garrell Street, North C a u l f ie l d . J., Catholic Church, urnrath
ry- the-barber, and Jane-the- V ic t o r ia , A u s t r a lis . 05-10* ( M i r a O.T.). India. (Adv.)
hairdresser, whose only pre
requisites were the price of that h e a ls, triple- sin of neat-
the machine. Now his chickens ea tin g ,
g re es.
Naturlst U niversity d e
Infornatlve journal 20$.
are coming home to roost,
Jock McPherson, Pall City, Wash.
Dr. J. Lo veiisdo n, V l l c a b a n b a . NATURAL FOODS?
Lo ja , Ecuador. 0 0 .7 *
Beth h a s been reading
you oie it to yourself, and God, Green Cove Springs, FIs.
Father Zero . and recalls that to read "T h e Book They Blamed on
about 1953 a female Z ero came God by D r . Karl K r i d l e r . Con- Now o f f e r s new. Natural
into her office on Hollywood ?lete in one booklet a l l 32 chap-
ers as published s e r ia l l y In
Food Extracts, Wheat Ex
tracts. You d o n t have to
Boulevard, with the same theo The ABEBRER. Send $1 to The ABER- grew your own wheat, or
ries about the Cow Jumping REE, P .O .B o x 5 2 8 , E n id . O k la .
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T h e R B E R R E E ----- JANUAMY-FLbKUAttY,

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le quah, Okla. S, Lafayette, Denver, Colo.
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your publieation t h a t s why I ABERREE? I t s a new idea but PAMPHLETS.
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Volume X Number 10
discover a c o u p l e of l o s t
senses: s m e l l /t a s t e ... ^ why,
after 45 years, did you finally
quit? someone asked. Well, we
made the decision last spring
when we wrote an auditorial on
the power of the mind, and de
cided smoking wasn t proof of
a weak will, it was proof of a
weak mind -- which was a way of
looking at it we hadnt consid
ered b e fo r e . . .
5 Phil Friedman, writing
1 With only the drums and the garden, w e ve always known
bugles missing, the Surgeon from his Arctic ranch near
that our home straddled an old
G en era ls o ffic e , with a great Florence, A r i z ., bemoans t h e
river b e d , but n ow we have
fanfare, staged a three-net- fact they were suffering ( f or
reason to suspect that under the 11th or 12th d a y ) sub
work circus recently to a n this sand and shale that used
nounce what any schoolboy could freezing weather. To give the
to cradle a stream m a y lie a
have told them that cigaret devil his due, Louis warned me
pool o f o i l , ju s t waiting for
smoking is dangerous to some a month ago we were going to
a m illionaire with a derrick
people's health. Which places have a severe cold period, and
and a lot o f tools to come and
this section o f Government at suggested I pick my c it r u s .
get i t . T h i s suspicion was
True to prediction, but a few
odds with another section of aroused recently when Subscri
Government the PDA; one try days premature, the cold ar
ber Carl Katschor o f Guthrie,
ing to reduce the incidence of rived and stayed. Phil d i d n t
O k l a ., stopped in o n e beauti
mention whether h e d taken the
cancer and the other trying to ful winter afternoon f o r a
remove all competition from proper precautions and picked
b r ie f get-acquainted chat. As
that portion o f the medical his citru s or not but we have
Carl prepared to le a v e , h e
profession which finds cancer a sneaking suspicion he d id n t .
showed t h e doodle bu g h is
such a profitable business. We T h a t s the trouble with seer-
late brother used so success
refer specifically to action ing for people; they d o n t pay
fully for 35 or 40 years, and
taken within 4 8 hours o f the any attention to you unless
in explaining how i t operates,
cigaret rep o rt a g a in s t t h e you 're wrong and they ha ve a
we took hold o f the handle and
Drosnes-Lazenby Cancer C l i n ic , chance to taunt you about i t .
let the business aid hang out
o f Pittsburgh, Penn. It a p I f y o u re right, they call you
over our driveway. No m atter
pears from this that the most names--such as devil (S e e
how quiet we held our hands,
thankless, i f n o t dangerous, lines 6 and 7 a b o v e )...
that li t t l e cylinder on the
research one can engage in is end began bobbing up and down 1 Have you tried yet to see
search for a cheaper and surer just as i t did when they used how well the Post O ffic e knows
method o f cancer cure. Wonder it to find o il, Carl explained. its own Z I P system? By t h i s ,
i f the Surgeon General, now O f course, it could mean, we we mean since E n i d i s the
that he has taken such a dar suppose, that some car t h a t s only area in the C . S. desig
ing s ta n d affecting the na used the driveway in the past nated 7 3 7 0 1 , then mail coded
t i o n s fifth largest cash crop, had a leaky o il pan. Remind us to Box 528, 73701 should land
tobacco, dares to take a simi to check this point b e fo r e we in our hands ju s t as rapidly,
lar stand against another cash sink a couple hundred thousand i f not more s o , than to have
crop -- aspirin a n d similar into a dry hole that succeeds it spelled o u t . Which should
worthless drugs which proba only in blocking our entrance be a blessing for c it ie s with
bly take as large a toll o f to the garage. . . long and unusual names, such
humans as do cigarets, p ipes, as Truth or Consequences, N .
5 Readers may get the idea
and cigars . . . M ex., etc. But twon t work.
this is the Cigaret Number, i f
We heard the other d a y o f a
I We might wish w e d knock we dont get o f f the subject,
but the whole idea of the Gov man who wrote h is friend in
ed on wood before th is sees

, i 6#
California, using her s t r e e t
p r in t, but r ig it now, w e re ernment spending huge sums in
address and Z IP code, and back
glad to report that all seers research to condemn something
came t h e letter, marked in
have been pretty wrong in see that h a s been condemned more
sufficien t address . Makes you
m a r c h

ing such a terrible winter as than a h a lf century points out

wonder i f the late Bob Ripley
far as Olid is concerned. I t s the lengths Government will go
was exaggerating a b it when he
been so much lik e spring that in order to increase the na
told o f mail being delivered
A B E R R E E -------

even the quince in the flower tional d e f ic it . We had ample

with sub-cryptic addresses. Or
garden is decking itse lf out in warning even before we puffed
maybe they had a different
beautifhl pink buds, and the our firs t paper-wrapped corn-
breed o f postmen back when they
tulips are acting a s i f they silk and w ere ready to bet
were couriers fao could not be
might be rushing the calendar the Surgeon General did t o o .
stayed from their appointed
a b it . However, we havent had However, now i t c a n be told--
rounds by snow, nor rain, nor
any irr e s ist ib le urge to start Last summer, the Editor joined
that growing army o f ex-slaves beat, nor night, nor addresses
digging an onion bed y e t . . .
without ZIP or Zone n u m b e r s ...
5 I t was a beautiful star and to a booming source o f State
crescent in the sky when I flew a n d Federal income when we 5 Morris K a tze n o f Cooks
over S l i d , Bob A ren tz. whose d i d n t bu y our weekly carton F a lls, N. Y . , says this is his
family live s at Malvern, Penn . , o f slow death. As others w h o boom or bust year with his
while he business trips here have quit know, i t wasn t easy, 11-year-old car fa llin g apart,
and there, reports by post especially idien you discover and the money needed for a new
card. As much as we miss Bob s suddenly y o u are allergic to transmission used to replace a

former infrequent v i s i t s , we hard candy and chewing gum. water pump in his home -- which
c a n t suggest he drop i n But after more than six months, broke down one fine day--just
again not i f h e s going to with only an occasional c i g crumbled away ( t h e pump, not
start s t i c k i n g to high-ways aret to prove to ourselves we the car; that s till is holding
that high . . . can smoke or not as we wish, together by h is spiritual heal
we feel freed o f the weed. And ing vibrations, probably.) And
5 Prom o u r excavations in we are ju s t beginning to re (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 21) 2
UNDERSTANDING D A C K in o u r Knickerbocker

I S INGREDIENT D years, some o f us became en-
TO ACCEPTANCE slaved by a type o f lin g u a l
stultiloquy we called " p i g lat-
in , which set up an artificial caste system of
6 6 6 those who could understand and those who could
Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites' for Earth. Mars, n t. However, there came a time when the secret
Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and Zydokuatzruskahan had so thoroly leaked that only a few showoffs
continued to indulge in this false speech im
Vol. X MARCH, 1964 No. 10 pediment .
We were reminded of this the other day when,
Published nonthly, except for thd combined January- in a current piece o f Scientology propaganda,
February and the July-August issues, at
2522 North Monroe, Enid, Okla.
L. Ron Hubbard makes the statement that today's
processing i s " c r a z y simple . W e ll agree i t s
Mail Address: Postoffice Box 528 , Enid, Okla. 73701
crazy, all right, but c a n see nothing simple
Subscription Price: $2 a year, S5 for 3 years, in the several pages o f " i t s a , R3R , *T A ,
____________________ single copies. 25V____________________ P T P s jabberwocky used to show how "s im p le
Second class postage paid at Bild, Oklahoma Scientology i s n o t . bike m edicine, with it s
EDITOR: The Rev. Mr. Dr. AU>HIA OIEGA HART, 1-2, D .D ., camouflaging L a t i n nomenclature, Scientology
D. Sen., P .S c n ., B .Sc n ., HCA, HDA, et al ad infi has built a "K e e p O u t fence with such childish
nitum ad nauseum . t r i c k s o f n eo lo g y . In s t e a d o f attracting
_______ Hkpr., Lbrn., ETC. (Degrees non-cancellablet. pilgrims to it s cause, i t has said in so many
(not understandable) words that this i s a s c i
ADVERTISING Payable in advance. Write for rates.
Copy must reach us 45 days prior to insertion date. ence o f Me onlys and as a result, has le ft
it s e l f wide open to attack and censure, such
NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS The Post Office does not forward
magazines, even if you guarantee postage, so keep us as that from Melbourne. What one cannot under
informed of any address changes even minor ones if stand one normally fears. And what one fears,
you want your magazine delivered. Also, send us your he seeks to destroy, o r render harmless by
ZIP code; it may not do you, or us, any good, but be placing i t out o f reach.
big, and l e t 's go along with the gag--just for fun.

W H E N Dianetics firs t came out i n 1949-1950,
* ' much o f i t s magnetism was due to its au
th o r s a b i l i t y to express himself in language
that was clear and meaningful. Thousands flocked
to read the book and give i t a tria l. Other
HART TO H E A R T .................... 2 large numbers even coughed u p huge sums to
attend special classes where they were told
AUDITORIAL ...................... 3 they could become the leaders of the new world
1964 IS SHINY YEAR, BUT IT'LL that Dianetics was about to offer mankind.
But the "s im p lic ity o f Dianetics was short
TARNISH EASILY - Louis. . . . 4 lived. In a few months, Scientology came into
YOU ARE YOUR GOD-Mort Jaquays . . 4 the picture, and interest dwindled as words
like thetan , "e n th e ta , "A RC , "MEST , e t c .,
BOTH BODY AND SPIRIT SHOULD BE AD- became a part o f the students jargon, instead
DRESSED--F rank Ii n S. Sullivan . . 5 of building a better bridge, Scientology began
ILLNESSES PLAGUE HUNT FOR CAVERNS to build an unabridged dictionary of confused
nomenclature for the few linguists with stam
Veronica S y d o w ................7 ina and money to stay with it. And now, i t s
STAR DUST Sylvia DeLong......... 8 all labeled so "c r a z y sim ple . T h e writer of
science fiction in the 1 9 4 0 s is still writing
AUSTRALIA SEEKS TO BAN SCIENTOLOGY. .10 fiction science in the 1 9 6 0 s.
ORACLE OF DREAMS-Lowana Julaine. .11 It reminds us of the school teacher, who,
told by her physician that she was suffering
CREATION OF A CREATOR from philoprogenitiveness, began wasting away
Dr. Karl K r i d l e r .............12

until she ended up in a sanatorium, condemned

PIONEERS AND MASTERS IN CONTROL OF to an early death by a thoughtless, conceited
medico who was trying to impress his patient
MlNDS--Wing A n d e r s o n ...........13

with his heterogeneity. Had the teacher both

13-MONTH TIP IN DEATH OF PRESIDENT ered to consult a dictionary, she would have
Albert R. D a v i s ...............14 discovered she was suffering from nothing more
AMERICA'S HERITAGE OF CHANGE serious than a love of children.
---- __

There are those who say many o f the w orlds

--Andy Palmer................... 15 i l l s could be cured were all nations to adopt
FATHER ZERO S MOTHER GOOSE a universal language f o r greater understand
Phi Iip Friedman...............16 ing. But, unfortunately, there are those who
cannot learn to u t iliz e the languages we have.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR..........17-21

And more unfortunately, it is those who should

ABERRIGINAL SECURITY CHECK know b e t t e r --EX-writers, way-showers, b r id g e
Lorraine H a r r .................22 builders--who seem to want to do most to break
down any semblance of world unity by splitting
up even those who are supposed to enjoy t h e
POLICY: Dont take it so damn seriously. The inflnite- understanding of a common language.
ness of Man is not reduced to a "s p l it infinity
by wars, taxes, o r experts who seek to sell
him what he already has in an Infinite amount. INDIAN WARDS i P THE Ind ian s of America were
SUB-POLICY: We reserve the right to change our minds ARE WARNINGS 1 suddenly to become politically
from issue to issue, or even from page to page,

TO THE NEGRO powerful, undoubtedly some o f

if we desire.
SUB-SUB-POLICY: Each Man has the inherent right to be the Washington hypocrites, now
his own and only "Authority dancing a j i g to curry the black vote, could
SUB-SUB-SUB-POLICY--We have no objection to "educated quickly learn a stomp or rain dance in a bid
guesses about Man s destiny i f there s no for the red stripe in their vote-getting ban
price tag to it, and i f the guesser has no ob ner. For truly, the politician is a conscience-
jection to our guessing h e's only guessing.
Silver Year

It Tarnishes You are Your God

And only You have tie d and bound the
God th a t's You,
Strand piled on strand and thread on
sr is the Silver
Of slender strands o f gossamer and
A silken cobweb, with no strength to
hold nor bind,
Y ear . There is
much shine to i t ,
Excepting onlyas You so desire.
but, l i k e silv er , Within the Kingdom that is You, You
it tarnishes rath rule supreme; a very God in. truth,
er easily. It i s a year o f rapid move With every thought, emotion, whim and
ment; everything is speeded up. It is a deed Your very Own,
cold year. It i s a year of debate, with To do with as You wish. And only You
everyone debating, it is a 2 year, the can w ish fo r You.
number of balance. However, there can be No other power can shape your thoughts,
a balance of extremes. desires, and loves,
There is much talk of Communism in the Excepting only a s You so desire.
United States, and there are flare-ups of You are Your Godwhose merest thought
same. is fa c t. And yet
There a r e a number o f rather bloody A God who, in an e ffo rt to be Ydu,
race riots. The hot spots will be in the keeps hid and bound
South but Washington, San Francisco, and In fea r some Other might become aware
Los Angeles also can expect flare-ups. that here in fa c t is Deity.
Observe and uxitch the game You play,
Now that the White House stationery has to keep Him hidden fa r below;
L .B .J . instead of J . F . K . , we can expect,
The thoughts you c a ll so p ro u d ly
instead of a tidy ship, a leaking rowboat.
Yours hark once again
More r a p e s than at any period in the And hear the words o f some old friend
history of the U. S. will be taking place. o r foe.
I f, from the darkness of His tomb, the
There will be earthquakes in Australia,
God should think
Russia, Ja p a n , G r e e c e , Italy, and the
Beware, beware! There's danger here.
western portion of the United States, es
And a ll your life
pecially in California.
You keep Him low, by doing a ll the
New wars will break out in Asia. things You know
Weather conditions w i l l be extreme. That Others once have done to you.
January and February will bring record So, always think some Other's thoughts T h e f l B E R R E E ------------- mach, i96u
storms. Texas will be hit by a storm that fe e l th e ir regrets,
will cause millions of dollars in damages. And shape your actsdoing what Others
South America is in for floods and say
earthquakes. That th is must be the b etter way.
And so there is no opening le ft fo r
Eleven more tragic airline crashes; and lig h t to reach the God below,
these, too, are sabotage. Who lie s so helpless in th e bonds
I s e e a bridge disaster, but I m not that only You have made.
sure of the area. But, i f You can revember th is , they
have no strength:
Another rash of deformed babies. Excepting only as You so desire.
A new dance makes the news. It is less You are Your God.
frantic than the Twist .
I f You m il only look and see how You
Men w i l l be wearing false beards and keep You so tig h tly bound
such; this fad w i l l come and go almost With tie s and chains that aren't You
overnight. need only move and think
The color turquoise, will be the theme
To be aware You are Your God.
color for the year. You'll see it featured And a ll th a t's passed before is Yours,
in many magazines, etc. To use completely here and now.
And there before you wondrousnew
Fur and leather will be very popular A ll future lie s, where You are YOU;
with both s e x e s , a n d the ladies w i l l
preen themselves with feathers.
Provided only that You so desire.
Both Body and Spirit Should Be Addressed;
"Isms Bog Down in Exaggerated Half-truths

Delusions Limit Seekers of "Ulay Out" By FRANKLIN S. SULLIVAN, D.Scn.

( I N TWO PARTS P a r t 1) universe solids, is obviously structure. Within
the body, there is li fe which monitors, con
AN, I N s e e k in g t o r e g a in the h ig h trols t h e actual mass o f the body, from heart
s p i r i t u a l s t a t e w hich he knows is to other more complex stimulus - response reac
h i s tru e b e i n g n e s s , h a s searched tions, with some choice of a conscious nature.
fo r The G reat A n s w e r in terms This i s the lower echelon o f the bod y mind.
o f s im p lic ity . I t i s a g r ee d that I t knows its job, and i f let alone, will do it
a s the h i g h e r o r d e r s o f r e l a t i v e well. I t serves the lower orders o f function.
t ru th approach the a b s o lu t e , they become But the overall direction o f the body is at
the command o f the conscious, o r a n a ly t ic a l,
more s im p le. B u t, from our p re se n t s t a t u s ,
mind. I t h a s the ability to think, d e c i d e ,
th ey a l s o become more and more incomcommand, pre and act, tho i t , too, most often is
h e n s ib l e . Were we t o h e a r s u c h a tru th
influenced by response to a stimulus.
to day , i t would p r o b a b l y b e m eanin gless Now, i t has been found that the portion of
to u s . I f e e l t h a t th e s e h i g h e r tru th s mind which serves as a stimulus, to which the
cannot even b e g i n t o be a d e q u a te ly e x person responds, i s really a fixed s o l id , and
pre sse d i n words. P r e s e n t attem pts to a t herein is categorized as structure. It is well
t a in h i g h e r know ledge w ith o u t d i v e s t i n g known that the brain produces fixed responses,
but i t is not so w e ll known t h a t there are
o u r s e lv e s o f our fe e t o f c l a y can but
other fixed and non-flxed energy patterns which
lea d t o d e l u s i o n . Each is m ta k e s some move into and out from the physical body. These
segment o f r e l a t i v e t r u t h , c a l l s i t the latter, also, are herein classed as structure,
whole t r u t h . even tho they may not be visible to the phys
There is no Great Answer . It is not hidden ical eye. They are recordable, however, o n a
mystery. The way out of the Garden of Eden is heatstone bridge, balanced c ir c u it , simple
thru the same gate we entered. And i f we are lie detector type device used in Scientology,
to travel this path, we c a n d o i t o n ly by known as an electrometer. T h e changes in
starting from one place--and that one place is thought-attention pattern have been known to
right where we are right now. I f it is ourselves cause a difference in body resistance o f from
that is making the change, it i s necessary to 5 ,0 00 to 5 0 ,0 0 0 ohms, for example, in a few
understand o urselves, and accept ourselves minutes.
just as we are. So simple it sounds silly--but So, the mind, working on it s own determina
is it? tion, is function; working on a stimulusr e
If we wish to solve any problem, each ele sponse basis is structure. But the mind as is
ment within the problem must be addressed, if herein referred to i s the "an im al mind. The
the solution is to be a sound one. So it is m aterialist will tell you that is all we are
with the problem of Man just a very complex mechanism.
The common category of Body-Mind-Spirit to We refer to Spirit herein as that part of
include a l l that is Man h e re in applies. It us which is capable o f power o f choice, i n i

seems to be the custom of present s o ciety to tiativ e - crea tiv ity . It is our true beingness,
take one o f these elements-- and usually some a spark of the d iv in e . All is optimum wherein
small phase of one of them--dwell on it, and Spirit monitors mind, and mind monitors body.
H 3 H V H -------- ------ a a a a a a u

become convinced that thru this singularity of The s c ie n c e , philosophy, and p ra c t ic e o f

address all solutions will be forthcoming. Dramanatomy, body reconditioning, developed by
Most c it iz e n s consider themselves to be Monica Saxon (200 West 58th St., New York, N. Y . ) ,
just a body, and the medical or similar ad is directed against the interferences t o t h e
dress is considered to be the key to happiness . body minds monitorship o f the body. Vacuum
The psychologist/psychiatrist addresses th e Cleaning Procedure developed from a S c i e n
mind. The Scientologist talks about the Spir tology b a s i s , by myself, serves to remove the
it , or Thetan, but also mainly addresses the obstacles which inhibit the monitorship o f the
mind to the total neglect of the body. We could mind, by the spirit. The overall goal could be
go on and on, but the point is that all extant better expressed and understood as: Seeking to
s o lutio ns" are partial because they do not achieve optimum control o f the body by the
address all that is Man. It does little good body-mind; monitorship of the body a n d the
to address the Spirit alone -- i f a powerful mind by the Spirit.
reactive, stimulus-response mechanism is going
to kick in and more than defeat o n e s purpose .
The solution is to be found wherein: 1. The
T H E PRACTICE o f Dramanatomy co n sis ts mainly
of correction of posture, proper breathing,
and direct address o f specific body areas thru
mind optimumly monitors, con trols the body.
increasing o f communication with, awareness
2. The Spirit optimumly monitors, controls the
of, these areas. It is very new. A hard-cover
a a i

book by Mrs. Saxon i s in preparation. A four-
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION This is based on L . page article by her appeared in S K I M agazine,
u Ron Hubbards old theme: Function monitors October, 1963, li g h t l y d e a lin g with o bv iou s
structure. By structure is meant that which is basics. She i s a former prima ballerina, s till
fixed, s o lid . By function is meant the in t e l teaches ballet, one class a week. Tile rest o f
ligence which monitors, controls these so lid s. her time, from 9 :0 0 A .M . to 1 1 :0 0 P .M ., usually
5 The physical body, along with other physical seven d a y s a week, i s spent in working w it h

individuals and classes in Dram an atomy. get something lik e arthritis, or gall s ton es.
Please consider any description o f Drama- But in Dramanatomy, we are mainly interested
natomy to be merely something about it. I t i s in the minor, early m anifestations, which, to
not d esign ed to give you something th a t is some degree, affect everyone. And these minor
self-evident. I have been acquainted with it manifestations could be all there is to the
for about a year. And, even as a non-con form aging process .
ing Scientologist, I at first looked with d is in another interpretation--Harold Schroep-
dain on "b o d y s t u f f . But, I found that energy pel has written in The ABERREE about thought-
masses, which contain fixed misemotions, com emotion-effort, reversing same to run out what
pulsions, inhibitions, just l e f t the body. I Hubbard in 1951 - 52 called " t h e emotional
felt better physically. I looked better lost curve . What transpires is that thought, then
much o f my bay window, tho I lo s t lit tle the emotion, then the effort is impinged upon
weight, for example. I fe e l that my overall the body and sticks, at a location. When this
health improved. And as I became acquainted occurs, we " t h i n k that the subject matter of
with others, found t h a t the same thing was the thought-emotion-effort no longer bothers
happening to them. No wonder that despite her us. I t generally shows up as a sort o f numb
long hours, Mrs. Saxon i s constantly booked area. When hand-pressure, motion-communica
several weeks ahead. tion, or massage is applied to this area, it
The posturing consists of doing that which will return f r o m unconsciousness, and pain
is natural, rather than that which is habitual. will be f e l t . Then in a bit, it will become
The feet are placed parallel, about 10 inches fully alive again.
apart, with the weight mainly on the heel, and So, in Dramanatomy, what we are doing is to
the outside o f the feet. The knees are b e n t , bring the body back to life . We think of l i f e
bowed outward. The pelvis is raised, and the and death in terms o f absolutes. Not so, in
anal area lowered, tucked under. The shoulders terms of structure, related to function. Each
are raised a s high as possible, and the rib cell within the body is a l ife o f its own. As
cage raised to create space between the lower li fe , it is a minute part of the whole. It is
ribs and the hips. The bay window goes up more very lacking in a b i l i t i e s , power o f choice;
than it goes in. It goes back to where it be but it does its job, and it does it well -- i f
longs it sagged in the first place. Same for there is no interference. There i s evidence
the extra chins. Just a few clues. This will that there are other entities which have prov
be dealt with in detail in Mrs. Saxons b o o k . ince over certain specific are a s, and, it
There have been a myriad of breathing meth' seems, one that controls the entire body. Each
ods presented -- some quite fancy. The purpose operates on only the single drive surviva l.
o f breathing d r ills in Dramanatomy i s to em They become apathetic, even unconscious, in the
ploy the lungs as efficiently a s possible as presence of these external pressures , forces
an oxygen absorption machine. This is done by which are imposed upon them.
fully inhaling, then only partly exhaling not A body in an optimum condition i s an e f f i
deflating thus keeping some oxygen in the cient communication and energy flow medium. A
lungs at all times. Why is this so important? body in poor condition i s an energy reposi
Well, it seems it requires more oxygen than an tory. When the natural posture is assumed, and
adult inhales, usually, to carry the calcium under skillfu l direction, proper, o r o n e
to where i t belongs in the bones. might say, adequate breathing is achieved, at
For months this Saxon gal kept telling me tention placed upon the more affected areas
th is, and not once did I get around to asking: or "breathed i n t o , as Monica c a lls it the
"W h at i s your authority? Also, to quote some body becomes alive.
old notes: "O n e fable that Monica Saxon wishes Nothing herein stated should be regarded as
to dispel is that anyone HAS to get old. This a claim. Let there be no inference that i f you
i s j u s t an agreement. A g in g as it occurs in were to take up Dramanatomy, that what I say
this society i s m ostly b e in g the effect of w ill transpire. I am merely telling you that
aches and pains, which accumulate as time con what is herein written is my r ea lity . I do say
tinue s, a nd nothing i s done about i t . Then that certain things have happened. When 1 say
came READERS DIGEST, December, 1963, i s s u e , that bodies become more a liv e , I do so because
p g .69-- New Search for the Fountain o f Youth . I have subjective reality on this, as per the
, i9u
You ought to read i t . But i f y o u re too darned experience of my own body. I d o say that I
lazy o r busy, the author says old age i t s e lf have witnessed this happen to others, and that
may be an expression o f calcium s h i f t from these others have voiced a sim ilar subjective
m a r c h

bones to soft tissues, and i f this shift could r ea lity . This holds fo r the entire content of
be prevented, t h e aging process may b e pre this a r t ic le , a nd I speak for Monica S axon ,
vented and an ancient goal, a medical fountain others in Dramanatomy, that this holds for
T h e A B E R R E E -------------

o f youth, rea lized . T h e article go e s on to every utterance on this subject, written or

give the basis for this presumption. verbal. The same procedure is used regardless
I think M onica Saxon i s doing i t , right o f the condition o f the person. I t is far more
now. But, it sure has no connection with medi gratifying to work with people who are, shall
cine. Medicine and allied arts address struc we s a y , normally physically end emotionally
ture solely in terms o f structure. This can be healthy. Many h a v e been rejected who seek
accomplished o n l y by addressing t h e body Dramanatomy to cure physical i l l s . This policy
structure in terms of function. will be continued. This new approach is being
In Scientology but I fo r g et. Most o f you thrown open to a ll who wish to use it. At
do not know much about Scientology, and those present, however, it is highly expedient that
who do know about i t are mostly mad at it . But they be trained by Monica Saxon.
it has been my experience that those who do The ability to command a body without hav
not like it do not lik e what the organization ing it "t a l k back is a prerequisite to the
or some individuals d o /d o n t do. I have yet to other a b ilitie s Spiritual, games, the execu
find anyone who is at odds with what Hubbard tion of optimum cycles o f action in the physi
SAYS. So in Scientology, it has been definite cal universe. How often have you recognized the
ly established that there are these referred desirability of doing something but somehow,
to energy masses i n and about the body, inde you just don t do it? "Som ething" seems to
pendent of the b r a i n . These, when resisted or stop us some mysterious something. Might be
denied, move in and settle in some specific ju st a feeling; might be a somatic, like an
part o f the body. I f this fixation becomes ex ache; might even be like a voice which says,
tremely intense, it i$ indicated that we might (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE IN) ft
Illnesses Plague
Cavern Hunts
On days Papa was working some distance from
the house, I liked to carry his lunch to him,
or a pitcher of cool milk or water. Once, while
I was waiting fo r him to finish his drink, I
saw in the next field a strange lady, shading
her eyes and waving to me. I can still see her
in my m inds ey e: t a l l , with opalescent skin
(like milk diluted with water! and the bluest
eyes I ve ever seen. She was wearing a lon g,
blue gingham dress and pale blue bonnet. There
were people working beyond her, who looked to
ward me and then resumed working, b u t she just
stood there and watched me as I took the empty
pitcher back to the house.
I thought nothing more o f this incident
until our neighbor, a huge Russian whom Papa
By VERONICA SYDOW- called Jan, galloped up on his beautiful h orse,
shouting excitedly for my father. Papa came
As Told to ALICE HART running out o f the b a m cellar and Jan began
to scold in Russian (which I could understand ,
altho J a n d id not suspect i t !: Albin, y o u
IP E ON t h i s e a r th can be an e x c i t i n g
MUST keep the white-haired child w ith in t h e
e x p e r ie n c e , f u l l o f b e c k o n in g mys
fencing of this y a rd. Do not let her go wan
t e r i e s l i k e the caverns w h i c h I dering around or y o u 'll lose that lit tle o n e .
know e x i s t d e e p b e n e a th the Mohawk The cavern people are interested in your ram
h i l l s and w hich draw me l i k e a mag b l e r , s o for your own good and for her sake,
n e t . I have t r i e d to v i s i t t h e m , bu t mere remember! No harm would come to her, but you
ly a p p r o a ch in g the op en in gs a lw ays affects would never see your child a g a in .
me w ith c h i l l s and h e ad a ches. My la s t a t Papa assured Jan that he would heed his
tempt was in November of 1 962 and was f o l warning, and then invited him into the house
for refreshments. While Mama gave them cool
lowed by s e v e r a l days o f i l l n e s s , i n c l u d
milk, homemade cheese, and butter on freshly-
ing s o r e s a l l over my body a n d i n my baked b r e a d , J a n told Papa about these people
mouth -- w hich m ad e e a t in g u n c o m fo r t a b le who worked in his fields in exchange for fo o d,
fo r a month or more. clothing, and other supplies. This was my first
You may wonder how I can be so certain that introduction to the knowledge that people live
these caverns exist. The story begins in Sche inside the earth, as well as on the surface.
nectady, N. Y ., where my father owned a large A long time ago, Jan began, many thous
building, with a saloon in the basement, a hall ands of years ago, there lived on this earth
on the ground floor for meetings of all k in d s , people so clever and brillia n t that they had

two floors above for our living quarters, and machines to do all sorts of things for them,
a fourth floor rented to the bartender. T h i s while they studied, or glided about the plan
was a gathering place for many newcomers to ets in their round, wheelless ve h icles.
A B E R R E E ------------ ------- M A R C H ,

America; men such as Charles P.Steinmetz a n d In those olden days I speak of, there were
others drawn t o Schenectady by the General Elders (or the Elder Brothers!, who sat in the
Electric laboratory. Young as I was, my great Hall of Justice and Wisdom and ruled this
est thrill was to hide behind doors and furni world. They had all kinds of schools and did
ture to l i s t e n to the grown-up talk about not need armies, as they were wise, and could
strange events o f the past and prophecies of foresee the future. But there was a rebellious
the future, becoming quite a linguist in the faction among the people which was always try
process, s in c e the conversations were some ing to stir up strife and take over control of
times in Russian, Jewish, or Polish, all of the earth. Finally, the Elders could see that
which were spoken in our house. these rebels had stolen enough ray machines to
The news that Papa had sold this property do great damage, so they decided to leave the
and bought a farm high in the h i l l s overlook surface a n d go deep within the earth. They
ing the Mohawk River was received with conster used their r a y machines, or guns, to hollow
nation. But it meant very lit tle to me until out large caves, and they fashioned a focal
after we had moved. Then, for the first t im e , point of light to resemble our sun, but lack
I knew the meaning of freedom, as the hired ing t h e harmful rays o f sunlight. They were
girl who had watched over us children was left constructing the interior to resemble the outer
behind in the city and I was free to roam the surface as much as possible when they learned



woods and fields. the rebels were preparing an attack, and so

were forced to withdraw hurriedly into their
retreat, leaving a rear guard to ward o ff the
attackers. The resulting battle was so severe
and damaging that it caused the earth to f l i p ,
T a l e s o f t he U n u s u a l * That T e s t t he C r e d u l i t y changing t h e p o la rity , a nd bringing about
of T h o s e A f r a i d of What They D o n * t U n d e r s t a n d . floods and great loss of l i f e . But those in
the interior were safe. There they remain to
this day, except for some who live near the
surface-- such as those who work for me.
"Y e a r s a g o , J a n continued, Europeans
often bartered with the cavern people, giving
rise to many legends and fairy tales. Even the
early co lo n ists in t h i s country sometimes
traded with them, but now the surface people
are becoming so cruel and devoid of goodness
that the cavern people are withdrawing deeper
and come out very seldom.
During the years o f friendship between my
father and the big Russian, I eavesdropped on
many interesting conversations. They talked of
the other planets, all o f which are inhabited,
and referred to the earth as Sara (or Planet By SYLVIA DE LONG
Sorrow! a place where those spirits who h a d tfyfr ARCH enters like t h e proverbial lion and
fallen back into sin could reincarnate and re f l l should prove a memorable month since the
deem themselves. Guardian angels we ALL h a v e , # 1 1 plenilunium o f F eb ru ary s end ba r ely
but not all o f us have an appointed time to precedes a fiery Mars-Uranus opposition
die; sometimes accidents, murders, wars, e t c . , across t h e n a t i o n s s ix t h and 12th houses.
cause us tc leave sooner than we ought. This is immediately followed by a drastic Plu-
I heard them speak o f vortexes ( " w e r " , pro to-Sun opposition across the same houses with
nounced veer ), and how this earth (o r realm an adverse Mercury-Uranus configuration about
krolestwo --a kingdom--kingdom-royal) is to culminate. This a l l s p e l l s troubles, the
cemented to other realms by a Spirit Breath or least o f which a r e strikes, riots, sabotage,
thread, and I still don t know what was meant disasters, and fires. With the New Moon chart
by it . They talked o f God, and how each gener o f March 14 carpring these effects into the
ation has a different concept, as it grows in 10th house o f Administration, the 11th o f Leg
accordance with i t s search for truth . islature and the fift h house o f speculation,
To me, the most interesting topic was the
involving the stock market, we have something
cavern people. They had given Jan many proph to think about, while o v e r a l l , we have the
ecies pertaining to the future and I tried to fast approaching effect o f an ominous Satum-
remember them; but I ve forgotten their exact Uranus opposition which in all previous periods
w ording. As I grew older, I discussed these has indicated a state o f rebellion.
forecasts with my father, and h e confirmed Hie Negro i s s a i d to be governed by the
most o f what I remembered. sign P i s c e s which will soon receive t h e ob
Children o f the future will be farther ad
vanced than their parents; they will write structive and restrictive Saturn opposing the
books by the time they are 10 years old, while explosive Uranus-Pluto conjunction. This is
their elders will be the readers and discuss bound to cause an eruption, probably taking the
ers. form o f more race violence. Saturn g o e s into
A new method of central heating will be de Pisces on March 25 and the restrictive action
veloped, using the polarity of two r o d s true then can be exceedingly dangerous, for in this
north and true south--and this electricity will location, the opposition o f the Pluto-Uranus
be neutral so there will not be the danger of conjunction (from Virgo sign of the masses)
shocks from it. may well cause the pot to boil over to the ex
The air we breathe i s the same as water to tent that again may the armed forces have to
other-planet people, b u t someone will a c c i be called to the various scenes o f activity .
dentally discover a way to h a v e two h o le s Nor w i l l this be confined to the integration
d rilled n e a r th e ears so we will be able to problem, as union leaders and other minority
breathe in water and rarified air. groups, under this configuration o f rebellion,
T rials and tribulations will start when the will add their voices to the already seething
seasons move apart. melee. A lo n g w it h t h is , Mars i n t h e 12th
Books w i l l be mutilated to suit the needs bouse o f the February F u ll Moon c h a r t will
o f t h e corrupters , and history " c h a n g e d to surely bring to light news o f widespread sub
make the evil ones respected and appear r i g h t . versive activ itie s and undercover moves during
Thru fear, many will keep silent rather than March, i f it has not already been brought about
speak the truth . before this issue gops to press.
The churches will lead people into slaugh At this time, everyone will begin to show
ter, saying it is G od s w i l l . interest in the coming presidential election,
There was a prediction of a continent r is and since Saturn, representing the Democratic
ing from the sea a g a in , and a second flipping Party, is posited in top position in the Spring
o f the earth, triggered by some acts o f man Equinox chart and since an election chart cast
k i n d --and the resultant flood, or "r i n s i n g , for November shows the incumbent party in
will cleanse the earth. strongest position, i t seems safe, even in the
I d o n t recal 1 that there was any sequence face of no further information as to candidates,
given for these events. Wars over religion to forecast no change in the present adminis
were foretold, and it was said the Cathay peo tration. Yet the picture i s not a clear one,
ple (yellow) would start a war, b u t i t would since the chart shows neither party strong nor
be the children o f Ham (black) who would cause u n ifie d , with t h e Democrat strength coming
the white man s slavery. from a lesser number of adverse aspects than
Each Septem ber, on the anniversary o f my those besetting the Republican party which
seeing the "cav ern la d y (as I used to call may seem a negative way of looking at things.
her) waving to me, I f e e l the urge to revisit Saturn does come into its station at election
the scenes o f my childhood. Some fa ll, maybe, time, thus giving added strength to the Demo
I ll succeed in finding the cavern entrance cratic Party. The chart shows chaos and splits
I know is s till there on the old farm on which in both parties and tho i t appears that the
I used t o r a m b l e s o innocently. It may be present incumbents will win, yet the * f a t a lis t ic
changed--but so am I . However, what I ' l l do 29th degree overshadows them showing a possi
with it should I And i t , I h a v e n t the slight ble ominous turn or trend at election time, in
est idea. I ll figure that out when I find i t . fact, much violence is a distinct p o s s ib ility .

in any event, it promises to b e the hottest profitable and successful mental pursuits such
and most strongly contested election yet, with as writing, publishing, etc. with Uranus being
no holds barred. one o f the money house planets receiving Mer-
Our n o is y neighbor, Castro, will probably cu ry s aspect and also ruler o f your third
continue to have h is share of difficulties dur house (writings, literary pursuits), i t seems
ing February and early March as restrictive a foregone conclusion that you could very well
Saturn i s opposing h i s natal Sun. Not only become a proficient writer of unusual things
should signs o f internal revolution become and profit thereby.
apparent, but trouble with Russia, or because DEAR SYLVIA I have a small business and
o f her, may be added to h is burden. Since Sat have had a very d i ffic u lt year. I am seriously
urn s opposition comes from Moscows 9th house. thinking o f moving it to Florida but my daugh
With m alefics on the 7th house cusps o f war ter i n Forth Carolina vxmts me to move near
o f both Peiping and Moscow's Winter Solstice her. Do you think I should move and i f so,
charts, we may expect not only a deeper r ift which place would be best fo r me? I was bom
in the ideological disputes of these countries, around 6 A .M ., Feb. 2 8 , 1910. H.H.
but it would not be surprising to see the ac
DEAR H.H. -- Your natal Pisces Sun is being
tual outbreak o f h o s t ilit ie s . As a matter o f
opposed by the transiting near-conjunction o f
fact, a complete breakdown between these two
Uranus and Pluto. This could well have caused
powers i s practically assured when we see that
you quite a d iffic u lt time as it s effects are
S atu m o f P e ip in g s 7th cusp i s conjunct the
disruptive and separative and will continue to
place o f the S o v ie t s natal Uranus. We our
be so for a few years yet. Under an adverse
selves may experience some trouble involving
Alaska and the Kremlin. transit o f Uranus i t is never wise to start a
new venture as misfortune i s usually the r e
Diplomatic relations (10th-5th house oppo
sult. However, that which happens naturally is
sition) will be severely tried at this time,
meant for you -- forced issues bring the d i f f i
sparked by the explosive Mars-Uranus opposi
tion and the Sun coming into like position culties and disappointments. In other words,
the path that is before you can be walked in
with a disruptive Pluto. This configuration can
also cause much trouble in the legislature. confidence but do not turn aside to untried
The Winter Solstice chart shows malefic Uranus ventures. Florida is also ruled by Pisces and
and Pluto both in the 8th house o f death, ruled is feeling the adverse effects o f this transit
and soon will feel restrictive Satum ?s i n flu
by Mercury, which presages the death o f two or
ence. North Carolina, ruled by the money sign
more figures o f national importance--probably
o f Taurus, is receiving the benefic influence
in t h e legislature or administration. T h is
same configuration in Virgo affects the masses, o f t h i s transiting Uranus-Pluto conjunction
causing many sudden and violent deaths, disas and will also receive J u p it e r s expansive in
ters, etc. fluence thru April o f 1965. I f a move is nec
B us in es s - w is e, since Uranus i s transiting essary, North Carolina seems the better choice.
Virgo, things are on the very conservative side
and we shall probably see the buyer s market DEAR SYLVIA What can you tell me about my
strongly accentuated. An appearance o f pros daughter b o m 2 P.M . in Atlantic City, R . J . ,
perity will be striven for by the administra Jan. 6 ,1 9 5 7 ? L .K .
tion since, after all, it is an election y ear. DEAR L .K . To answer your question properly
The adm in istra tio n s economizing procedures would require a full treatment of 15 pages.
will continue thru t h e spring, due to a well- Briefly, however, with a moderately vital Gem
aspected and thrifty Satum tenanting the 10th ini rising and an eighth house Sun we may ex
house (administration) in the Equinox chart, pect not a robust child but rather a delicate
and a strong Venus in the 7th house o f the lu one. Neptune in the sixth house is an index of
nation chart indicates a period o f peace a n d illnesses most d iffic u lt to diagnose. She is
prosperity in foreign trade. Uranus, represent fortunate to have a good aspect between her
ing Russia, is, at this time, in favorable as Sun and Moon as it strengthens the constitu
pect, so i t would seem as tho our trade agree tion, favors general success and happiness in
ments with her should be favorable. l i f e and, with the Sun in the eighth, suggests
A fairly peaceful sp rin g certainly no war good financial conditions with inheritance.

--despite the appearance in headlines. She should also be fond o f music, art, and po
etry and may achieve fame -- for natives with
DEAR SYLVIA I am a beauty operator but this Sun placement often gain fame and recog
f l B E R R E E ---- -- MARCH,

have always wanted to write. I have w r it t e n a nition outliving them.

few short stories and poems but never tried do
have them published. Do you think I could be ( F o r c o n s i d e r a t i o n in t h i s c o l u mn , s e n d q u e s t i o n
successful a t this? Birth date is A p r il 1, w i t h f u l l b i r t h d a t a - - d a t e , t i me , and p l a c e . I f you
1909 1 0 :3 0 P .M ., C .S .T . M .R . want a p e r s o n a l r e p l y , s en d $ 2 . 0 0 and a s t a mp w i t h
t he a b o v e Information. Thi s in cl u d e s a personal
DEAR M. R . Mercury, the w rite r s planet, is b i r t h c h a r t b a s e d on calculated p o s it io n s of a l l
ruler o f your tenth house (Position o f ideal n i n e p l a n e t s - w i t h good a n d ' b a d p e r i o d s - a h a a - d f o r
you, h a r m o n i o u s p a r t n e r s h i p s , v o c a t i o n s , et c . Chart
occupation) and throws good aspects to the and d e l i n e a t i o n o n l y without a q u e st io n , $ i . 0 Q .
planets m your money house. This in d ica te s S y l v i a Delong, P.O.Box 194-A, Waver I y , FI a . - 3 3 8 7 7 ).
A u s t r a lia S o lo n s H a c k at B e t t e r B r id g e P ie r s

CIENTOUX5Y, s t i l l reeling from the blow Persons familiar with Scientology will rec
dealt it by Federal Food and Drug strong- ognize obvious errors in the report from Mel
arm seizure o f E-Meters and books from bourne -- which are not altogether typographi
the Washington and Los Angeles branches , cal. Much of this probably can be blamed on
may now face a much more serious threat in its Scientology's use of terms and words that are
Australia operation . According to an account not homologous, a n d , as the article s a y s ,
in a recent issue o f the New York TIMES, a Most people, still trying to fight their way
board of inquiry is investigating charges made thru the tangle of Scientological jargon, will
in the Australian Parliament that Scientolo be grateful i f the board (of inquiry! can ex
gists are exposing ch ild r e n o f tender a g eplain
, what Scientology is .
youths, and adults to intimidation and bank Such attacks as the one in Australia and the
ruptcy. ones in the United States may force Scientol
Altho d etails of the inquiry are not a v a il ogists to operate less openly, i f their claims
able, it is apparently an action instigated by of religious immunity are to be ignored. Much
medical authorities , who are deeply concerned of the trouble, of course, can be traced to
by claims allegedly made by some Scientolo the high prices being charged for training at
gists that at least 70 percent o f those pro L. Ron Hubbards baronial mansion in England
fessing to be ill can be successfully treated and f o r processing by those leaving Saint Hill
without paying tribute to the medical mono with various degrees of L. Ron Hubbard s high-
poly. ( P L E A S E TURN TO " S C I E N T O L O G Y " ON P A GE 1 1)


helps a preclear (one who is in public advertisements.
AUSTRALIANS LOOK discovering things about him-, Dr. Cunningham Dax, chair
self and who is becoming clear man of the Mental Hygiene
er) to become a clear (one Authority, has warned that
INTO SCIENTOLOGY who has straightened up this such result in seizorphrenics
lifetime) through auditing failing to get treatment, in
sessions ("sessions given by a suicides and people with hys
trained audtitor who is gov terical symptoms becoming ex
Ask If Preclear and Entheta erned by ethical codes and tech tremely anxious.
nical skill, who directs the pre- Mr. Galbally goes even
Constitute Medical Fraud clears attention to areas which, further. "There must be thous
when examined by the preclear, ands of neurotics in Melbourne
will cause a release of sufficient in desperate need of proper
By J. ANTHONY LUKAS charge to cause tone arm ac medical care who are seriously
tion, thus reaching the eventual damaging their chances of re
state of clear). covery by associating with
S P M ltl to T h t New York T im a
MELBOURNE, Australia, Dec. The scientologist auditor uses scientology, he said.
7Can a preclear gain somatic a electroencephaloneuonentim- He cited cases of three men
release through enmest, entheta, ograph, familiarly known as he said paid scientologists
lock scanning, dubins and rock- contends that an E meter $5,700, $1,250 and $840 for
slants? can be made with two jam cans, scientology courses.
A special board of inquiry ap a piece of wire and a battery. The man who paid $1,250
pointed by the state of Victoria The L meter would appear Mr. Galbally asserted, was in
is looking into this and equally to be essentially a lie-detector, duced to give up his job to
although Peter Williams, Aus work as a janitor in the as
absorbing questions in its inves tralian continent director of sociations Melbourne office.
tigation of Scientology that scientology, maintains it is far He is now in a mental institu
began here yesterday. more than that. He calls it a tion, Mr. Galbally said.
The board whs named to in truth detector. At the first session of the 1964
vestigate very serious allega Mr. Williams, an earnest board of inquiry yesterday a
tions made in Victorias Par young man with an engaging boiler attendant testified he had
A B E R R E E --------- ------ M A R C H ,

liament about the practice of smile, welcomes the inquiry. organized a College of Ability
Scientology here. We have nothing to hide, he Development here in 1960 after
Among the charges was one says. We want the lid lifted off having studied briefly with the
by John Galbally, the Labor the black picture painted of us association.
party floor leader, that scien in Parliament. Scientology was founded
tologists are a group of char He terms the recent charges about 23 years ago by L. Ron
latans who for monetary gain despicable and undemocratic Hubbard, an American mag
are exposing children of tender and says, we simply try to azine and film writer. In 1940,
age, youths and adults to in improve people by raising their he organized tile Hubbard As
timidation and bankruptcy. I. Q.s and developing their per sociation of Scientogolists In
Most people here, still trying sonalities. ternational, which today oper
to fight their way through the Bolder Claims Made ates from an old baronial man
tangle of scientological jargon, Scientologists elsewhere, how sion in Sussex, England, where
will be grateful if the board can ever, have made much bolder he now lives.
explain what scientology is. claims. They contend scientol From Saint Hill Man'or the
According to the Australian ogy can cure up to 70 per cent association sends literature to
continental headquarters of the of all illnesses, including ar its offices in the United States,
Hubbard Association of Scien France, Germany and Australia.

tologists International, which thritis, coronary diseases and In Australia it has offices in
has its office here, scientology radiation sickness. Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide,
is the common peoples science Medical authorities here, in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra.
of life and betterment. cluding psychiatrists, have been It claims 9,000 members in the
disturbed by such claims, par country, 400 of them practicing
More precisely, scientology ticularly when they are made scientologists.

THE your own reputation. To hold your friends, you
should let your convictions be known without
showing temper. Careful!

ORACLE* DREAM Large body of water. Gigantic f i s h

playing about. Fanatic holding meeting on ex

tension into water, had trained three f i s h to
lay abreast on surface o f water. Fish were
invisible but I could see the bones and en
t r a ils . Realized f i s h were dangerous and dead

ly. Climbed rope ladder from extension, up face
o f c l i f f to reach higher ground. Miss L .B .
INTERPRETATION Large body o f water s ig ni
fies world in general. Fish at play represents
enterprises in motion. Extension is something
By LOWANA JULAINE aside from world in general. Fanatic is some
one who knows you recognize them as an enemy
(S e n d your c o n p le t e d r e a n to Lovana J u l a l n e , R t . and doesn't care. Fish at rest (as described)
4 , Box 8 2 , T a a p a , F l a . , 3 3 6 1 5 , i r you t i s h an i n * indicates evil money under control o f your
te rp re ta tio n . Send $ 2 , 0 0 , p lu a s t a n p e d , s e l f ' a d
enemy. Rope ladder is tentative connections
dressed envelo p e. D r e a n s t i l l be p u b l i s h e d In t h i s
c o lu a n as sp a ce p e r n l t s o n ly i f p e r n l s s i o n has been
with decent life as presented by higher ground.
g r a n t e d .)
A false claim to honesty. You have not broken
connections with your enemy even tho you have
DREAM I m a he-man that likes my meat and
reached a degree o f material attainment with
potatoes yet I continually dream of a long ban-
out h is help.
auet table f i l l e d with nothing Hut raw fr u its
and vegetables. I t s worth two bucks i f y o u
can tell me how to stop these - -- dreams. DREAM I was a wolf standing on a high moun
Bob C. tain, A big f u l l moon floated directly over
INTERPRETATION He-man, my foot! You re an head. I opened my mouth to howl and realized I
idio t not to realize your body i s doing its was no longer w o l f , but man. I w a s nude, i f
level best to inform you o f it s desperate need that is important. (Mebraska),
for vitamins and minerals found only in raw
INTERPRETATION Every factor is important.
fruits and vegetables. Y o u d better wise up
Standing on high mountains s ig n ifie s reaching
before you go under and find yourself food for
the pinnacle o f understanding. A big moon sym
the worms. Am returning your two bucks because
bolizes subconscious reflections. D ire ctly
I do nt take money from a dying man. My advice
overhead in this case sig n ifies deception a n d
is run dont walk to the nearest doctor f o r
secret enemies. Wolf s ig n ifie s unharnessed or
a complete physical checkup.
untamed creation. From wolf to man sig nifies

death o f ignorance and birth o f spiritual
DREAM'For the past week every time I start
power. Nudity in this case indicates contempt
to do something in my dreams, there are three
for hiding behind false doctrines.
sheet-draped ,fthings" in front of me. Mo mat

ter where or how I turn, they stay before me. ------------
Miss M.V.
INTERPRETATION Young l a d y , y o u n eed a (CONTINUED
F R O M R A S E iO)
spanking. You are seriously contemplating an
immoral transaction. I ve a hunch that i f you priced "b l e s s i n g . The days when persons who
change your mind about your Christmas vacation, wanted to free themselves of aberrations could
your "t h i n g s will leave you to dream in peace. follow instructions in a $4 book, called "Dia-
I t is impossible to fool our friends on the netics , by practicing "t h e poor mans psychi
o t h e r side who stand ready to protect u s , atry , have been over since 1953 when Hubbard
even from ourselves, so dont try it. assumed control over a chain of "academ ies".
-- MARCH, 1964

It is the opinion of this writer that most

DREAM I looked down, the steps and there of the "advanced t r a in in g which has been so
was this big "cop" standing there. I ran back costly in "r e t r e a d s is no more than a desim-
into the house and got a p isto l. Ran back out pliflcation of the original techniques, w i t h a
and shot the cop in the foot. Re came in the baptism o f new ja r g o n . R e pe titive claims of
house and sat down. A doctor came and treated "c l e a r s and "r e le a s e s -- attributable o n l y
him. I made him take his shoe o f f . My friend to those making the full course of payments
came in ( I know this friend in person now). I have kept Scientologists hypoed with enthusi
started to tell the doctor why I had shot the asm and "h o p e , enthusiasm which twice-annual-
T h e f l B E R R E E ----

cop but my friend shook his head no, and said, ly boiled over at t h e cauldrons called "C o n
gresses . The fa lsity of these claims and the
"It was ju s t a lover s s p a t ." I got angry and
failure of Scientology to make good i t s prom
stalked o f f to another p a r t o f the house.
ises and guarantees have made i t vulnerable
MRS. L . F.
to such attacks; b u t whether the selfishness
INTERPRETATION You will soon be faced with and megalomania of its Dictator has put Scien
one o f the "unw ritten laws. Being armed is to tology past the "p o i n t of no return depends
be forewarned. You "b la s t e d back at this un on whether the membership is capable and w i l l
written law. The unknown doctor is someone who ing to exert enough self-determinism to guide
will not understand your motives and will more Scientology into i t s original course of help
than likely unwittingly start a rumor which you ing a sick and frustrated world break free of
will find it hard to face. This will come into its subconscious dungeon.
your home and cause dissension, i f you let i t . Nor is it odd that a "s c ie n c e which o r ig i
Forcing the cop to remove his shoe is the un nally was offered as a "b e t t e r bridge over
covering o f moral filth. Your friend will try which man might cross the River o f Unsolved
to protect you from saying something he feels Problems should f i n d it s e lf bogged down in
you shouldnt say. You have a hard de c isio n mire t h a t may prove inescapable. Maybe, what
here, shown by your righteous indignation. To Scientology n eed s most o f all i s a b i t of
hesitate f o r even a second i n letting your auditing o f its cash books, which always have
11 decision be known, you will have jeopardized been more important than its textbooks.
not begin in the b r a i n , as they are charged
with force that cannot o r ig in a t e in the b r a i n ,
and cannot be generated b y the body , as s c i
ence claim s.
Now f o r another s e c r e t of cr e a tio n : The
br ain and nerves are formed o f congealed e l e c
t r i c i t y , c a lle d astral lig h t by the M a s te rs
the same lig h t that cr ea tes the rainbow w i t h
it s seven co lo r s. T h a t congealed e l e c t r ic it y
builds the body of the baby from s ta r t to finish .


H E FINDINGS o f C r i l e and Lakhovsky regarding
r a d ia tio n gave the m odem world i t s f i r s t
b a sic law o f anim ation. Th is showed that L i f e
10 SECRET OP L IF E is a co n d itio n r e s u lt in g from a stral l i g h t
flowing as e le c t r ic it y thru b r a in and n e r v e s .
E GOT A shock years ago when we d is c o v

Mhn, t h e copyist, m ak es w ires to convey
ered that scien ce knows not what L i f e
e le c t r ic it y , thus fo llo w ing the pattern o f c r e
is . The late Dr. Robert A. M i l l i k a n ,
a tio n . H is body has " w i r e s that receive and
world-renowned s c i e n t i s t , au tho rity on
convey a s t r o - e l e c t r i c i t y to a ll parts o f i t ,
cosmic r a d ia tio n , and head o f the C a l i f o r n i a
and makes him a L iv in g So ul.
In s t i t u t e o f Technology, s a id :
The force c a lle d e l e c t r ic it y , most myster
" I cannot e x p la in why I am a l iv e rather
io us, most po w erful, and most deadly f o r c e
than d e a d . P h y s i o l o g i s t s can t e ll me much
kno w n, d a r t s thru dark clouds and presents
about the mechanical and chemical processes of
good and e v il aspects , the r e s u lts pro d u ce d
my body, but they cannot say why I am a l i v e .
depending on the co nditio ns s upplied .
(COLLIER S , Oct. 24, 1 9 2 5 ,1
E le c t r ic a l actio n is lim ited o nly by the
Is L i f e such a mystery? Or i s there some
mechanism th ru which i t op erates, i t heats
th in g hidden under the cover? What would hap-
water and fr e e z e s i t . turns w heels and illum
oen to theology and m edicology i f the nature
in a tes g l o b e s , runs clo ck s and r in g s bells ,
o f L i f e were known? W h il e the ignorance e x
d r iv e s trucks and a ir p la n e s , anim ates bodies
pressed may be genuine on the part o f those
and executes them.
who e x h i b i t i t , there seems t o be a hidden
A v a st electro-m agnetic f i e l d envelops the
reason f o r t h is ignorance. The Science o f Life
e a r th , c a l l e d i t s a u r a . I t i s created by
w ill never be taught in our schools as long as a s tra l l ig h t contactin g the e a r t h s m agnetic
theology and medicology can prevent i t . em anations, and is so dense i t has a pressure
I f we fo llo w sc ien c e i n the quest o f L i f e , o f about 1 4 .7 pounds a square inch a t sea-
we march in darkness. That is where s c ien c e is le v e l , unnoticed by man as h is body is made to
and adm its i t . Where are the c le r g y who preach r e s is t i t .
t h e i r dogma o f Eternal L i f e , w h i l e in total T h is f i e l d ' forms the A stral World o f the
dark ness as to t h e ir s u b je c t? They are in the M asters, c a lle d Heaven by C h r is t ia n it y . In it
same boat w ith the s c i e n t i s t s . e x i s t a ll l iv in g th in g s that are seen on earth
I f the nerves a c t u a lly begin in the b rain as in crea ted form, and to i t the unseen e n t it ie s
sc ie n c e claim s, whence cometh the L i f e q u a l i
return in the c r ea tiv e c y c le , c a l l e d th e Wheel
t i e s m entioned? Medical art cannot answer. I t
o f L i f e by the M asters and sym bolized in Card
has f a i l e d to solve the most elementary prob
No. 10 o f t h e ir Tarot.
lem. T h is means no doctor, save a ch iro practor ,
(Continued in the next issued
is competent to tr e a t the s ic k .
C C IE N C E d e c l a r e s the n erv es b e g i n in the
13 b r a i n , and nerve fo r c e , v i t a l i t y , con scio u s
n e s s , m i n d , a n d in t e l l ig e n c e a p p e a r in some
unknown way in the b r a i n . The b r a in i s g r e a t ,
but n o t that g r e a t . Nothing can presen t what
i t does not p o s s e s s .
According to s c ie n c e , these L i f e q u a l it ie s
r is e from body fu n ctio n , and v an ish when body
functio n cea ses. I f that i s s c ie n c e , what is MARCH, 1964
"ig n o r a n c e ? Perhaps ignorance becomes scien ce
when expressed by s c ie n t is t s !
In 1616, when W il l ia m Harvey, ph ysic ia n to
the K in g o f England, amazed medical art with
the announcement o f h is d isc o v ery o f the c i r
c u la t io n o f the blood, he could not complete
h is d iscovery by determ ining how the blood
p asses from a r t e r ie s to v e iq s, as no connect

ing tubes could be seen by the a i d o f the best

m icroscopes a v a il a h l e .
Harvey knew the blood must pass from the
a r t e r ie s to v e in s , but h e could n o t e x p la in
how. For the a r t e r ie s seemed to end in nothing
and the v e in s to b eg in in n o t h i n g - j u s t as the
nerves seem to b eg in from nothing in the b r a i n .
No conn ecting tubes were v i s i b l e between a r
t e r ie s and v e in s .
L e ar n in g l i t t l e from t h is ex p e rie n c e , medi
cal art blu n d ers on, teach in g th at n erves b e
gin in the b r a in , converge at the m edulla po r
t io n o f the b r a in , and form the spinal cord ,
w hich extends down the canal in the spine ,
w ith nerves b ranch ing from it all the way, and " I f y o u think your late w ife 's tapping on
going out thru the body and to a ll organs. the wall is going to hurry me o ff to club, so
The an c ien t M asters were too astute
d eluded by s ig h t . They knew the nerves
to be
you can have an Ouija session w it h the maid,
you're crazy. J don 't mind being l a t e ." 12
Pioneers and Masters
in Control of Minds
By They have made us a nation of cigaret
smokers. First the men were sold, then
WING the women, and now they are going after
the adolescents. Soon you may see a mother
ANDERSON light a cigaret and place it in the mouth
of her baby after he has had his bottle.
SYCHOLOGY, in one aspect at least, The Madison Avenue slave-makers have
was a science with the popes, car learned a phase of psychology that the
dinals, priests, and Jesuits cen Romans knew centuries ago.
turies before the word psychology The conscious mind is not developed
was coined. It is their knowledge much until after a child is nine years
of a basic psychological fact that has old. Anything a child is taught, fears
given the Romans their power in every implanted, or beliefs recorded in memory
country where their five gods are wor while a child is young will remain in the
shipped. memory and subconscious and wil1 dominate
Five gods did I say? Yes, five (5) gods. that person to his dying day. Unless that
Everyone should know of them for they are person recalls such beliefs, fears, and
(1) God, (2) the Holy Ghost, (3) Christ, lessons up into conscious awareness,
(4) the Virgin Mary, and (5) the devil . thinks about and judges them, accepts
From the condition the world is in today, those which are reasonable and rejects
it seems that the devil is receiving the those which are detrimental, the junk
worship and loyalty of Xtians and the poured into his subconscious (memory)
other four are on vacation. will dominate him all his life.
When a baby is born, its conscious mind Recalling from memory into conscious
enters this world at zero. The conscious ness , experiences and traumas of child
mind is a blank. It knows nothing. The hood, judging and disposing of them in a
conscious mind is the mind of the human logical manner, is the foundation of psy
spirit. choanalysis. It is also the secret weapon
But there is a subconscious mind -- the of the Roman Catholic Church .
mind with jurisdiction over the body and When a priest states, Let us have the
complete control over what we call memory. child until he is nine years old and he
There are three elements to memory : will remain a loyal Catholic all his life ,
memorizing, the memory itself, and remem the padre knows he is stating sound psy
bering. This subconscious mind records chology.
every sensory impression and every exper However, the only constant is ever
ience. It is the activating and recording present change, and people are not as
- mind, the seat of mental, emotional, and dumb as they once were. Many of them have
i action habits. learned to think. And when a thinking
When told, by the conscious mind, to person consciously judges the fear, fal
= do anything, it obeys. When told a suffi- lacies , and fakes he was fed while a
= cient number of times, it develops a habit child, he ceases to be a victim of them .
i and will follow any desire of the con Yes, the claim that many are turning
scious mind without further direction or Roman Catholic is true -- if one limits it
instruction. to the rich. However, it is the writer's
It will also carefully record (memor opinion that for every rich person who
ize) everything it learns or is taught . accepts Roman Catholicism, a hundred or
It will begin to form habits when mental perhaps a thousand dispossessed leave the
or emotional actions are repeated. church.
11 B E K R E E

The conscious mind of the human spirit It should be no mystery why Italy has
at birth knows absolutely nothing. Every a larger number of communists than any
thing you know was acquired after entry other NATO nation. They are sick of empty
into this mad world. bellies with Vatican officials, priests ,
If a person obeys every suggestion he nuns, and other church dignitaries fat
receives from environment, that person is and pompous.
no better than a zombie. His conscious The days are numbered for Rome and all
mind is not functioning properly. The duty Xtianity and Rome is well aware of it.

of the conscious mind is to judge every The purpose of the great Council at Rome
thought, emotion, and action, and reject is to discover, if possible, a way to
any and every suggestion from every source postpone the execution date of all Xtian
that might prove injurious. The tobacco ity. The church was born in blood and it
! industry does not spend $3,000,000 a year will die in a bath of blood. Its own,
13 on cigaret commercials with no results . this time.

Tip in Death
le s s l i a r , w ith only X s for e y e s , and ears
tuned only to the r u st le and t in k l e o f money .
For t h e reassurance o f re- election, he would

of President
make any sacrifice- - o f other people.
In c e n t u r i e s o f h is t o r y w r i t i n g , i t s so
easy to whitewash the p ic t u r e o f the c o lo n is ts
rush ing to foreign s h o r e s , s t e a l i n g the land
from under the n a tiv e s , branding him "h e a t h e n
By without both ering to see w hether h i s r e l ig
io n might be b ette r or as good as the " c r o s s
ALBERT ROY that w a s b ein g o ffe r e d the Red Man in more

DAVIS ways than o n e . As they drove the n a t iv e s away

from the p r iz e l a n d , and put the remainder on
reserv a tio n s under m ilit a r y b e n e ficen ce, these

CTOBER , 1962, Will live in my mind a dv en tu rers, whose descendants p a r r o t the
ifor many years to come, as that was falseho od A m e r ic a was s e ttle d by people seek
the time President Kennedy appeared in g r e l ig io u s freedom, began to deal in sla ve s
to me while I was in my study, the s e iz e d from A fr ic a , denying them any k in d o f
room in semi-darkness. He appeared stand fr e e d o m - r e lig io u s o r o t h e r w i s e --so that they
ing, quietly. I saw what appeared to be a could get t h e ir wort done cheaply.
thin stain running down from the right To say that America i s o r ever was a land
o f freedom i s a mockery o f the w o r d s in t e n t .
side of his mouth; his face was calm, no And t h e " f r e e d s l a v e s , over whom so many
expression, and he seemed to be at peace cro co dile tea rs a r e b e in g s p i l l e d , w ill fin d
with nothing in anyway expressing fear or they are b ein g used a gain that all th is regard
concern. This lasted about two minutes, fo r t h e ir w elfare i s merely a sham and su bter
then he left as he had come. fuge-- and that eventually the Negro, l i k e the
Later another figure same this time a In d ia n , w ill wind up again in ch ains .
man with hate and lust. " Y o u s h o u ld n t mind doing t h is fo r us; look
The following weeks after this exper what we did for y o u ! they w ill say, p o in tin g
out the freedoms won by them for the p o o r ,
ience, I had many thoughts, and each one down-trodden N e g r o , who had been gradually
expressed the same results. President r a is in g h im s e lf to the p o in t where h i s free
Kennedy would be k i l l e d . The question was dom and e q u a lity were earned- - not handed
how. Then it came that Lincolns face ap him on a bloody p la t t e r .
peared before me as if to answer the I f one wonders that these generous deeds
question. President Kennedy would die as fo r the Negro portend, he h as only to look at
L in co ln had. The fact that he stood before what h as happened to the I n d i a n , w a r d s " o f the
me meant he would pass into transition in th ie v e s who s to le h i s land and h i s freedom.
One h a s only to lo o k , and be forew arned. Be
a sitting position. cause what happened once can happen a g a in .
Many other small factors came to my There i s a n o ld s a y in g , Beware o f t h e
attention sometimes while writing, some Greeks b e a r in g g i f t s . This could m e a n , Beware
times while resting. The Etheric Masters o f anyone who makes a b ig n o is e about w anting
had, in fact, allowed me to see the Pres to h elp y o u . I t may mean that t h e ir m otives
ident as he would appear one year and one have never seen a bar o f soap.

month in the future. Oswald was the man I ----- ------
had seen who appeared with such force and (CONTINUED
hate. F R O M P A G E 6)
The presented facts, while not in com

MARCH, 1964
Can t do i t , or something l i k e th at. Know
plete detail, were sufficient for me to what I mean?
sit down and write an account of this in I t i s in d ic a t e d that the above are r e s u lt
October, 1962. Many of my friends and ant o f the command s tim u li, o f the i n v is ib l e
readers noted this, and have asked me s o lid s o f the energy masses which we have im
since it came to pass if I have any pre posed on the body. They command and h o ld our
sentiments concerning President Johnson. atten tio n , u s u a lly in terms o f compulsion or
T h e f l B E R R E E ---- --

That I have. I feel I should tell you in h ib it io n . These u n it s o f a ttention are not
of the most constant of these in their otherw ise a v a ila b le for o ur use. The slough ing
off o f these energy masses in Dramanatomy fr e e s
appearances to me that President Johnson these a tte n tio n u n it s , removes atten tio n from
is to receive a scar on his forehead from the body. I t enables one to fee l toward t h e
what I gather, so far, will be the result body something as a master fe e ls toward a p e t .
of a fall from one of his horses or an We can then fee l as i f i t were something to be
auto accident. used a s a p a r t o f a good games con ditio n , not
In the future, I will pay strict at that we are & tody.
tention to these sensitive and etheric J u s t what the ultim a te h eights are to Dram
presentiments, since I know that our lives anatomy wort has not been fully a s ce r tain ed as
yet. M onica Saxon lea n s toward c o n s id e rin g it
are outlined and we are destined to play a total process, w ith no top lim it s . I feel
a part, much like an actor on a stage. fo r sure that i t i s the best i n i t i a l a d d r e s s .
This stage is the stage of life, and when A ft e r c le a n in g up the body, Hubbard S c ie n t o l
the curtain falls on this act, we will go ogy p r o ce s sin g o r my Vacuum C le an in g Procedure
on to play other parts on other stages. processes are c e r ta in to run fa s ter .
(To Be Continued Next Month)
When a speaker s p e n d s h i s time t e l l i n g h is ------- -------
audience how wonderful I am , he s h o u l d n t be P u ttin g a p r ic e tag on everything w e do i s
shocked should some o f h is h ea re rs reto rt, n ot one way to get out o f l i f e only what you put
too f l a t t e r in g l y , Man, u r . in your w i l l . 14
Americas Heritage of Change
PLANET has its own charac
years or so. All this progress was pos
teristics and just as those sib le because we had the right to think,
characteristics affect persons to express ourselves, to act freely, and
to worship as we wished all o f which
born under their influence, so were innovations, in other words, we were
are nations similarly endowed. at liberty to " g o along with the t i d e
Which is why the United States to m aintain the p a c e o f change so
so strongly under the influence of strongly called for in the items marking
Uranus is subject to such radical the " b i r t h , or formation, o f the United
change. Uranus is t h e pi anet o f S ta t e s .
change. And we in the U. S. have to Palmer Our uranian influence comes not only
change faster and more completely because of the July 4, 1776, independence
than other nations which are not under chart of 2 :1 3 A.M. (L.M. T . ) Philadelphia, Penn,
such influence. (ascendant being conjunct with Uranus), b u t
During the short history of this Republic, also because of the settlement at Jamestown,
more has been invented here than has been done Va. (the first permanent by English) on May 24,
during the so-called recorded history o f 5000 1606 New Style at sunrise. At that time the Sun
and Uranus were conjunct at the ascendant in
* Gemini. Gemini is the "S i g n o f the T w ins and
The p ositions of Uranus frov 1485 to 2 0 1 1 : stands for sisters and brothers.
Capricorn 1485-92 Our Uranian influence comes not only because
Aquarius 1492-99 of the July 4, 1776, independence chart of 2 :1 3
Pisces 1499-1507 A.M. (L.M .T . 1 Philadelphia, Penn, (ascendant
Aries 1507-14 1675-1682 1843-1851
being conjunct with Uranus!, but also because
Taurus 1514-21 1682-1689 1851-1858
1521-28 1689-1696 1858-1865
o f the settlement at Jamestown, Va. (the first
Cancer 1528-35 1696-1703 1865-1872 permanent by English! on May 24, 1606 New Style
Leo 1535-41 1703-1710 1872-1878 at s u n r is e . At that time the Sun and Uranus
Virgo 1541-48 1710-1717 1878-1885 were conjunct at the ascendant in Gemini. Gem
Libra 1548-54 1717-1723 1885-1891 ini is the "S i g n of the T w ins and stands for
Scorpio 1555-61 1724-1730 1891-97 (Dec*) sister and brothers.
Sa glttar. 1562-68 1731-1737 1897-1904 In 1632 William Penn founded Phila de lp h ia ,
Capricorn 1569-76 1738-1745 1904-1912 the city o f brotherly love . Philadelphia
Aquarius 1576-83 1745-1752 1912-1919
shared the honor with New York of being the U .
Pisces 1583-91 1752-1759
Aries 1591-98 1759-1766 1927-1934 S . Capital until 1300 when Washington, D . C . ,
Taurus 1598-1605 1766-1773 1934-1941 took over the role for which it was created.
G eiin i 1605-12 1773-1780 1941-1948 As we now have entered the Aquarian E r a ,
Cancer 1612-19 1780-1787 1948-55 (A u g .) ruled or influenced by U r a n u s , the Uranian
Leo 1619-25 1787-1793 1955-61 (O C t .) vibrations of altruism or brotherly love will
Virgo 1625-32 1793-1800 1961-1968 be felt more and more thruout the U . S . during
Libra 1632-38 1800-1806 1968-1974 the next 2 ,0 0 0 years, gradually spreading a ll
Scorpio 1639-45 1807-1813 1974-1981 over the world.
Sa g itt ar. 1646-52 1814-1820 1981-1988
The fir s t Uranian cycle that a ffe c t e d the
Capricorn 1653-60 1821-1828 1988-1995
1660-67 1828-1835 1996-2003
U .S .A . ended in 1691. I f we add 84 years--the
Pisces 1667-75 1835-1843 20Q3-2011 time it takes Uranus to make a complete egg-
The 12 Zodiac signs and vhat each stands fo r: shaped circle to 1607 (founding of Jamestown!,
ARIES: Exploring, p io neering, action progress, en- we get 1691. By that time the Original States
I tb u siasn , courage, flreaen, s o ld ie r s , p o lic e , etc. were settled (except Vermont 1724 and Georgia
% TAURUS: Honey, banks, possessions, b u sin ess, art- 1733!. V irginia was settled in 1607, New York
i i s t s , a u s ic ia n s , fa raers, e tc . State 1613, New Amsterdam (later called New
GEMINI: T ran sp o rtatio n , connunications, r o a d s ,
York city! 1624- 2 6 , Massachusetts 1620, New
p r in tin g , n a i l , tra v el, etc.
CANCER: Hoaes, real e s t a t e , insurance, patents,
Hampshire 1623-1680, Maryland in 1634, Connec
a ln in g , graves, b u r ia ls , r iv e rs, c an a ls. Torts. ticut 1635, Rhode Island 1636, Delaware 1 6 3 8 ,
LEO: C hild re n , education, entertainaent, g aabling, North Carolina 1650 - 1663 , New Jersey 1664 ,
sp eculation , love, etc. South Carolina 1670, and Pennsylvania in 1682 .
VIRGO: Eaployaent, uneaployaent, labor, health, In addition there were other states settled by

s ic k n ess. Spaniards or Frenchmen: Florida 1565, New Mex

LIBRA: M arriage, divorce, partnership, balance, ico 1605, Texas 1691, Maine 1624, Michigan
j u s t i c e , dip loaacy , etc. 1668, Louisiana and Mississippi in 1699.
SCORPIO: Birth and death probleas, la a s u it s , inher
itan c e, etc . Harvard College was founded a t Cambridge,
SAGITTARIUS: Truth, re lig io n s , te a p le s, churches, M ass., in 1636. After King Philip s War 1675-
p u b lic atio n s, foreign countries, long distance 76, there was no real threat from the Indians .
trav el, outer space, sports, horses, etc. Jo liet and Marquette explored the Mississippi
CAPRICORN: The Goal, su a a it, Zen ith, success, Knoa River in 1673, L a S a lle went all the way down
the Lav, etc.
the M ississippi to the Gulf of Mexico in 1 68 2.
AQUARIUS: Inv entio n s, s p a c e tra v el, a l t r u l s a ,
brotherhood of aanklnd, etc. The second cycle of Uranus was between 1691
PISCES: H o sp it a ls, p risons, drug a d d ic ts, sp ies, and 1775. It started with opening o f William
secret en eaies, self- destruction, s u ic id e , l a v and Mary College a t Williamsburg, Va. Wil
of cause and e ffe c t , Negro race, C atho lic s, etc. liamsburg became the Capital of Virginia in
This is only a bare o u tlin e. Much can be added 1699. Yale College at New Haven, Conn., w as
to i t . In this confused vorld, the Indications of founded in 1701. The town of San Antonio, Tex . ,
15 Uranus are veil vorth fo llo ving . was founded by Spanish in 1718. Also in 1 7 1 3 ,
the French founded New O rlean s, La. Georgia As it will be noted, Uranus entered Virgo
was settled by Oglethorpe in 1733. Benjamin in October, 1961--which sign concerns health ,
Franklin constructed the lightning rod in 1733 . sickness, and labor (employments This is a per
The Gregorian calendar was adopted by the Eng iod for solution of our unemployment problems--
lish and their colonies in'September 1752. minimum wages, shorter work-week, leisure time .
The third cycle of Uranus ,started in 1776 In 1968 Uranus enters Libra and tays ln this
and lasted until 1860. This cycle began with sign until 1974. Problems arising during this
the Declaration o f Independence, the Revolu period will concern mainly partnerships, com
tionary W a r, freedom, and the Constitution. panies and corporations, ideal marriages, d i
The first U. S. President was elected. vorces, diplomacy, balance, justice, etc.
The wise Solomon i s quoted in Ecclesiastes
The fourth cycle of Uranus was from 1861 to
3:1-8: "T o everything there is a Season and" a
1945--with the Civil War, the Spanish War, and Time to every Purpose under the Heaven . Uran
two World Wars. By 1945, the U .S .A . had reached us is showing us WHEN we should do WHAT. We
its highest territorial expansion and also was should keep on changing a lit tle at a time so
being entrusted with world leadership. that changes do not accumulate. I f changes are
The fifth cycle started in 1945. Since then not made when they are supposed to be made ,
have been atomic bombs, the Korean "p o l i c e ac drastic changes must be made later to catch up
tion , rockets, guided m issiles, a rtificia l with evolutionary progress.
moons, the M arshall P l a n , e t c ., in which we We should beware of waiting too long for any
extend our bounty to the world--friend and foe needed changes to avoid such accumulations as
alike. thp destructive revolution in France in 1789-
Uranus makes a complete ellip se, or an egg- 95, the Russian Revolution in 1917-18, or our
shaped circle, every 84 years. When we divide own Civil War in 1861-65.
those 84 years into 12 equal parts, we g e t Also, we should consider that now that we
seven years each, which is the time it takes have entered the Aquarian Age, which will last
Uranus to travel thru each sign o f the Z o d ia c . for the next 2 ,0 0 0 years, even more drastic
Please refer to the Time Table which shows changes than ever before are indicated. It will
in which sign Uranus was positioned between bring new values and new human relationships .
1485 to the year 2 0 1 1 , repeatedly revolving This change can come the easy way by changing
around the Sun over and over again. When we w illingly , or it will come the hard way if we
study these Uranian cycles, we are able to see try to hold on to the old way of life .
what we should have done in the past to be able A wise man does the right thing at the right
to progress the most. We also can see what time, and why can we not become a wise nation
should be done now and in the future for max and change according to the indications of Ur
imum progress. anus?

Father Zero,
conception. The lit tle o l d man o f Derby is
that built up hard top hat of Derby blue o f
the end blackness and the Derby dog of con

Takes a
ception that always chances to get in the way
just when o n e s course seems clear. The end
beginning, t h e stop - s t a r t , i s a ho rse race

Gander al?
turned into a rat race, in which the HoRSe is
HeRS, her S-shaped spiral, come to an end and
nibbled to pieces by extra sensory rats who
are strangers in her household. The Derby is ,
at once, lost and won.
So getting to this unnatural point o f God,
that pours o ut upon the earth his so-called
b le ss in g s, is like taking away o n e s bread

By PHILIP FRIEDMAN which is his naturally rising helical loaf and

also taking away o n e s cheese, which is the

MARCH , 1969
consolidated end fruition in which the helix
THE MAM O f DERBY is pointed. The only way any strange implant
A little old nan o f Derby, can serve anyone, is by taking from immortal
How do you think he served ne? heliocentricity and giving to flashy, straight
He took away my bread and cheese, line radiation. This service robs Peter to pay

And that's the way he served n e, Paul, and steals from the rich helix to give
MAN IS the active straight line, generating to the poor unwanted conception.
T h e f l B E R R E E ---- --

end of a reactive, feminine helix. A he ---- ------

lix , in her unendingness, obviously, never BODY, AS WEIL AS FACE, SHOWS CHARACTER
1 ganders out. Since she forever has an in It seems a lit tle strange, doesnt it , that
fin ite number of years ahead of her, she c athe n average person judges at a glance with
never be called old. Only the lit tle man, fair
in accuracy the type o f thinking he sees in
the littleness of the zero mean, where l ife faces on the street, yet feels that the re
span is but an explosive flash, is , at once, mainder o f the body indicates only superfi
old and dead. He is the dead end of the helix cia. lly the mental processes o f an individual.
So the lit tle man of Derby is the end o f a He has so permitted h is own observations to be
heliocentricity, d e a t h , which i s coexistent overshadowed by the almost universal assump
with the Derby prize, conception. They are the tion that the body originates thought in the
identical twins, the interlocking z e r o s , t h a t brain, produces pain from physical conditions,
are incessantly battling to determine who is and harbors disease because o f bacteria that
the lesser of two ev ils. The lit tle old man of rarely does he take time to reason that i f the
Derby i s the winner o f the Derby p r i z e , the face tells the story o f character, the body
winner of the greatest of all blessed events , also tells the story of motives, mental reac
which, when won, serves o n ly as a punishment tions, emotions, frustrations, s e n s i b i l i t i e s ,
for having won it. T h e town o f Derby is not loves, and h ates.--Dr, Cushing Smith, in CHIMES
only famous for its stinky Derby cheese, that Magazine. __________^_________
is, coagulation in d e a th , but also f o r its
Derby china , th e easily broken up pieces of Wisdom is most acceptable i f humbly offered. 16
the lack o f evaluation o f some for $1 5233 N. 5th, Philadel
o f your articles. Possibly you phia, P e n n . , Blanche Pucci-
allow these to go unanswered n.elli, 604 E a st D S t ., Peta
to arouse the need to communi luma, C a l i f .)
cate. B u t who notices such There s no chance for Jesus
things as Raymond Reid in his Christ, w i t h o u t money, and
honest communism c o m m e n t s priestly support to even get
that this was instigated by on the ticket for president
fear, and fear does n o t breed now. I t takes a million cash
honesty. The scriptures do no t and the support of the strong
uphold t h i s e it h e r . It only est ( w e a l t h i e s t ) churches.
points out the depth to which Johnson, the papers say, wants
man must o r did sink b e fo re a Catholic running mate.
doing something like mock san This looks like the Rock
ity. o f G ib r a lta r materially, but
Also, George T. Crawford from the astral viewpoint it
writes volumes on reasons is full o f cracks, will fall
why sex does not change and he in dust and ashes. Some groups
is apparently ignorant of what are exploring the wealth crack,
causes the spirit to assume a others tracing the history of
sex. the evolution o f the B ible
Forgive me i f I m too c r it thru the Dead Sea scrolls, the
ica l. Maybe I should do some Babylonian C la y Tablets, to
thing myself instead ot tearing the stars. Picture writing in
The more I read this l i t the old star maps and handed-
down others. So here s a few
tle publication o f yours and down traditions tell the same
lines for your Editor column;
see the say some o f the cor It may be o f interest to B ible story, but with a re
respondents have, t h e more it markable difference, there God
you and your readers that at
seems y o u re actually doing a is divine and men are serpents,
least one a ud ito r does not
good thing psychologically, be turn a deaf ear to other ap lying close to earth and dead
sides providing some provoca proaches to l i f e s problems. ly , a n d the priest-kings the
tive material for thought, at The advantages of real know biggest a n d most deadly ser
least in the auditorials. At ingness is that it knows real- pents o f all.
least the crackpots are r e ness. I became interested in a Other groups are exploring
sisting the sweeping tides of woman who was trying to develop the influence of planets (Sun,
conformity and mediocrity that psychic ability , processed her moons) and show that Christ is
seems to submerge any semblance for 4 hours; after which she the astral influence of the
of individuality or inclina read accurately the past and Sun, Satan o f S a t u r n . When
tion to think for oneself. Be future of about a dozen people, this i s r ea lized , this crack
sides, people do need an outlet rapidly, and without previous will cause an avalanche. I t
for their opinions; working in thought. It amazed even her. proves that the wealth o f the
hospitals as I do, y o u can The a b i l i t y to r a i s e human churches has been gained by
surely s e e some drastic re ability is probably the most false claims. N o t only that,
sults o f too-long repression valuable art in existence. -- but they have been crucifying
of f e e l i n g s and unlikely Carol french, Box 203, Cutten, the truth. This is unBelieva-
;houghts. Also, i t s interest
Callf * ble, so B elieving church mem
ing to follow along with the
bers and secularists ju s t i g
letters and note the gradual Notice one person s a i d an
nore it. B elie fs are inherit
changes in opinion after steam idiot could do better than the
granddaughter o f the Egyptian ed bv scientists too.
ing o ff a lit tle , i s n t it? This last paragraph is
Besides, s c ie n c e h a s n t Princess (on dream interpreta proved hy arithmetic, as simple
even pretended as yet to come tions). Sure glad I m not an as adding y o u r grocery l i s t ,
up with a n y th eo r ies about idiot. Wonder i f s h e d like to ju s t as material and scientific.
what a mind could be--its in give it a w h i r l ...A l s o noticed In a l l c a s e s o f tragedy the
-MARCH, I'-"''!

teresting also to note in some the lovely l i t t l e bouquet from victim as well as the aggressor
of the physiology books that the other reader. My thanks to is possessed by B ' o r Saturn
the authors s a y in so many her. Also like the new section, and his moons circlin g this
words, everybody has a body , STAR DUST. Give Louis my love earth. U n s e e n ? Nope, ju st
that is to say, everyone is and tell him I s a i d , P l e a s e , lately located. And they were
his body . . . which they do n t keep his column in ABERREE --I described in the B i b l e , ex
seem w illing to admit is some lik e i t . Loiuana Julaine, Rt, actly as they are. But this is
thing of a paradoxical remark , U, Box 8 2 , Tampa, f l a .
old stu ff, copied from nation
no? Thelma Stetler, 5 South after nation , the last B ook
13th, San Jose, C a lif. I was a B eliever, more or taking the credit and burning
(ED. NOTE Whats paradoxi less, in psychoanalysis until its predecessors.

cal is that our laws force the I read D ianetics, a nd a B e The serpent is the enemy
youth of America to study such lie v e r in Ron Hubbard until I of Christ, offers wealth and
i l l o g i c a l trash as youve just read in ABERREE what Art Coul high position i f you will make
quoted without introducing a ter s a y s about him and h is Saturn stronger than the Sun in
possible al ternat ive_choice B o o k and B A M . your horoscope. L ife is a re
yet we grow up i n s i s t i n g we're My ancestors were B eliev- lay rac e, a continuous plasm
free thinkers. I t ' s a bit li k e ers in the B ooks of Sumeria, or scroll that records infinite
train in g a man for 10 years to Babylon, and the B ib le ; each details with perfect memory ,
operate a lathe yet h e 's sup in turn burned the B ooks o f and we reap according to this
posed t o be a v i o l i n i s t when their predecessors (and made scroll. There are no exceptions
he graduates. No generation money out o f their own B o o k ). in extreme c a s e s , all the
can "reach the s t a r s " until The B ible is the most p ro fit moons of Saturn have not been
those who have been taught the able B ook in the world today. located yet, so some cases are
s ta r s are out of reach die, or Church wealth i s being publi hard to guess. Orthodox as
at least, lose the reins.) cised and taxes on i t being trologers ignore so many known
demanded. (The LIBERAL sells things about astrology that
17 I m rather disappointed in Golden R u le 104 a copy, 12 they have to be good guessers.
to become wealthy and o f high could not possibly contradict as by t h e nature o f his
p o sitio n . Morris Swenson, or destroy to arrogantly claim friends. T h i s , however, can
R, 1 , Box 625, Como,s, Rash, that the book of Revelation cut both ways. The enemies of
0 w a s n othin g but an ancient Communism that I know or am
Sent a Thank - U-Gram to scroll that was an allegory familiar w i t h are peaceful
the author o f Building S ta ir that described t h e various persons .
c a s e s . . . ! was tickled pink to functions of the human body. The p a r t about a Roman
discover that he is o n e o f us The function named as sex dictatorship I do not under
Aberrees. Are you aware t ha t is classed by Kridler as some stand. I am capable of reading
were the truth known, that Dr. thing e v i l . . . Like Christ- and I hope of thinking and I
Carl G.Jung was one o f us too. k i l l e r s of long ago, Kridler know nothing of the anti-Com-
A gave-away fact found in his cries out: Away with i t . Cru munist movement being led by
book, Memories, Dreams, R e cify i t . I t is not f i t to any one group. It would seem
fle c tio n s . I only read the live. . . . that the very nature of a war
review o f the book. His vol The article by Jack Pelts group that advocates violence
canic eruptions w i l l rumble about the trash being sold as as Communism does would be en
across generations to come and art in the fields o f lit e r a ough to make any thinking per
his gushing fountain o f s e lf ture, painting, and music d e son against it.
experiments will provide an serves a gold medal set with In the 22nd verse of the
enormous fund o f concepts f o r pure diamonds. Raymond Reid, last chapter of Acts, the j a i l
psychologists a n d p sy ch ia 715 Roodland, Trenton, R .J . er was talking to Paul about
t r i s t s . Lucy M, Traxler, Rt, ( ED. NOTE Weve said it Christianity not Communism.
1, Pioneer, Ohio. before and we say it again Just because Communism is also
The most s e n s itiv e p a r t of a spoken against does not make
One thing that intrigues person's body, apparently, is it kin to Christianity.
me about your magazine I think h is precious Bible. You can Where he tries to equate
is the range or scope of the step on his toes, crumple his the sickle of Communism with
material -- some way -out and fenders, or insult his wife the sickle spoken of in the
some way-in. but don't attack his concept 14th and 15th verses o f Revel
What would we do without of Holy Writ no matter what ations 14 is another example
the word v i b r a t io n (which that concept may be.) of trying to twist a similarity
doesnt exist per s e ) to ex of words to make it fi t pre
plain most all phenomena. I am I would lik e to make a few conceived ideas. This is obvi
surprised that you are going comments concerning the letter ously telling o f the second
to have one o f those multi by Raymond Reid in your Janu- coming of Christ and how hu
frequency oscillators (a Tesla ary-February iss u e . T h e only manity will be harvested. For
co il). Bob Beck put on such a way I can see that Communism the sickle of Communism to be
convincing s h o w a t Harmony can be honest is when a s in t h e s a m e as t h e sickle of
Grove, most o f the crowd there cere person is duped by the Christ i t would have to repre
seemed to fall for it , and it double talk a n d double mean sent the same thing. Does it?
should work for anyone that ings of Communist semantics. Just go back to verse 13 of
has the necessary faith. But The article from India which Rev. 14 and read ... B l e s s e d
so will a r a b b it s foot, a n d was quoted and attempted to are the dead which die in the
i t has about as much physical give Biblical support o f Com L o r d . . . As Communism is athe
effect at the Tesla coil. This munism is a good example of istic, how can any of them die
Tesla coil is older than t h e semantic hogwash. in the Lord ?
Wilshire, a magnetic belt. If "T h e verses in the second And finally recall the
you would use the proper sug chapter of Acts does show that famous Sermon on the Mount ,
gestion with a Diathermy, you one specific group of individ where Jesus says, The meek
would be using something that uals got carried away with the shall inherit the e a r t h . Can
really does put energy in cell dramatic nature o f Christianity anyone really believe that a
t is s u e . R .A .S t o l le , 3880 San and believed that the second Communist is meekV --T.M.Lair,
R afael, Los Angeles, C a lif, coming was to be imm ediate. 2012 E , Cherry, Sherman, Tex,
Since no physical goods would (ED. NOTE Once upon a time

The way you have presented be needed t h e y shared what we heard of a passionate argu
(my) article about the end o f they h a d and waited for the ment in which both sides did
the world i s truly wonderful. second coming. T h i s was not n t try to prove their point by f l B E R R E E ---- -- MARCH,
I w i l l n o t personally thank Communism, but merely an an quoting the Bible, but we've
you for presenting this to the ticipation of events to come forgotten what the argument
p ublic; for God really dic in which the physical goods was about, or between whom.
tated it and God will surely were not needed. Paul in his Anyway, when you do t h i s (try
thank you and generously re later ministry warns against to bypass the Scriptures as
ward you. people doing this. I f Commun irrefutable evidence), you're
The character who s i g n s .. . ism follows Christian scrip supposed to be excommunicated,
Dr. Karl Kridler evidently re ture, then it would also have burned at the stake, and e ls e -
ceived h is copy long before to follow a few verses later wise punished it says so in
mine was delivered; for what (Acts 2:46-47): And they, con the Bible, and i f we had time,
my pen produced surely got his tinuing daily with one accord we'd look up the exact Book,
goat. I t is quite evident that in the temple, and breaking chapter, and verse.)
he, like orthodox theologians, bread from house to house, did
is scared s illy that the mar eat their meat with gladness Regarding t h e Antiquity
ket for h is babbling will be and singleness of heart, prais Unveiled book, when I broached
liquidated. ing God, and having favour with the question to the publishers ,
He addressed a letter to all the people. And the Lord Health R e se a rc h , a s to when
me with no address so I could added to the church daily such they would publish the whole

reply in which he flatly stat as should be saved. A s Com book instead of the abridged,
ed that it was a L I E about munists do not praise God (be they answered, N E V E R ! in a
Revelation being written by ing atheists), they will not notation across the letter I
the beloved disciple o f The be added to the church. had sent them.
King o f the J e w s , I t i s true that a person I f they a r e Seventh Day
The learned so-called doc can be correctly judged hy the A dventists, t h e y n aturally
tor ignored everything that he nature o f h is enemies as well would not want to go too f a r , 18
or perbaps the c o s t was too en if you succeed, what do you a worldly number. Five would
much. accomplish?) have been the proper star. The
After putting an adver color black used rather spar
tisement in your paper for two We have been fe a s t in g on ingly is the unmanifested G o d ,
consecutive times, there h a d The ABERREEs including last and the white is the manifest
to be other places to try to Novembers a whole years file! ed. It is interesting to note
get the book in full form; a f W e ve hardly begun to t a k e in that the main window which is
ter a year o f correspondence I everything, b u t we have found usual ly the rose window in most
finally located two unabridged Harold. S c h r o e p p e l s series churches is all jumbled up it
editions. very interesting. We try to represents the universe -- and
When the S piritu a lists work out some of the exercises the world is a b it jumbled up
wake up a g a in , and accept the in it when we c a n . We think right now -- not really, but it
words o f those that c a m e in i t s one o f the best things appears to be.
1888 to give the world some you ve done since the Wal sh I could go on and on, for ,
good news, showing the fallacy series (Hardin a n d Joanna without knowing it , this pic
o f a m aterialistic church or Walsh!. We re a l s o t i c k l e d ture h a s v e r y profound mean
g an izatio n , a n d note i f you with Miss J u la i n e s dream in ing.
will that the Protestants have terpretations , which we c a n t But everything i s pro
the happy faculty o f following resist comparing w i t h t h e found. Louis, Phoenix, A r iz.
most o f what they reject. It standard psychological inter (ED. NOTE You're so right;
we go to Oahspe, Page 714 Book pretations with hilarious re a l l t h a t symbolical s i g n i f i
o f E s k r a , and read concerning sults , like the lady dreaming cance was absolutely uninten
the birth o f Jesus o r IESU o f the tree and the scorpion. tio n al. We have no desire to
(the man without sin) (Y-su-ah). Just think what F reud would f o is t so much profundity o f f
I f you would care to pub have to say about that! on ABERREE readers as a matter
lish the part o f Antiquity Un In th is c o n n e c t i o n , we of abjuratory po lic y.)
veiled, where Pontius P ila t e , think i t s a dirty trick for
procurator o f Judea, page 1 1 2 , Arthur Burks to mention all
came with greeting, he does those delectable South Ameri I will answer t h e critics
mention the one Jesus Onanias can drugs , and their wondrous in the order in which you pub-
who was tried before him for e f f e c t s , and then refuse to lished their criticism in the
highway robbery and was cruci give their names. Please a sk January-February issue. Rosa
fied by his soldiers. The Jews him to print the names, and lind John can see her own dead
in those days were divided in save us a trip to South Amer cats. Her own conceit leads
to three or four different ica, which w e ll otherwise ob her into delusion. I shook the
sects, each o f these striving viously be making shortly. (ED hand of an Indian Spirit en
to become masters of the others. NOTE You'd be surprised how tity 50 feet t a ll, and a sec
I f Pontius P i l a t e can come many le t t e r s we've had to for ond time when I did not shake
back from spirit l ife , as well ward to Colonel Burks since we his hand he scowled and turned
as others who come that have printed h is a r t i c l e ! ) . . . into a snake higher than a tree
been in spirit f o r as many as T h a t s a very lo v e ly p ic as his gaping mouth came down
4 ,0 0 0 years or less, why can t ture of Alice in the July-Aug to devour me. I do not believe
such a person come thru the ust issue, and of both o f you such entities exist any more
right channel when opportune in the last January-February. than I believe l i f e can exist
time comes? The medium in this i s s u e . Alice looks rad ian t. after d e a th . L i f e i s lig h t -
case was a male person, educa (ED. NOTE I t ' s the f a l l - o u t . ) energy and energy functions
tion mediocre -- perhaps not We enjoyed all the photographs , according t o known laws o f
acquainted with history of the and thought t h e Kitselmans energy. Does the light from an
past. The evidence offered by looked particularly interesting electric light bulb continue
P ila te w i l l amount to two and Phil Friedman is really to sh in e after the filament
pages. The famous Rabbi Wise cute! The Bob Churchill pieces breaks and the bulb is d e a d ?
made a trip to Jerusalem and are first rate. As in the p a s t , Does a candle continue to shine
could find no record o f J e s u s we are enjoying all the audi after t h e wax has been con
trial, but did find other evi t o r i a l tremendously. --B a r sumed? The body is a lamp that
dence, (Page 1 1 3 ) ... bara Piske, Rochester, Vt. shines only as long as there
Millions o f Christians re is fuel to keen the flame burn
peat, crucified under Pontius The recent (December! AB- i n g . . . nature made us with in
P ila te, et c ., y e t o u r evi ERREE has great significance testinal systems to be used as
dence says he, Pilate, did not that is, the cov er h a s . I m nature intended and not abused
have anything to do with t h e sure i t was not intentional , with laxatives and e n e m a s ...
crucifixion o f Jesus. but -- Red is the Christ color ; Likewise, reproductive organs
"E v en those who have been there are two crosses showing should be used for reproduction
to many seances, a n d have had the polarity factor, the three and n o t for l u s t . . . The self
materializations shown to them , main doors are symbolic of the was created by the parent or
cannot accept the fact that Trinity. There are 18 people parents.
Jesus was b o m in the Council going into the church, which One night I w as ta kin g a

o f Nice under Constantine. is the nine, the number of in trip to Mars i n a magnificent
Wilfred J . Jodoin, 1229 Astor tellect and not only material rocket ship, enjoying all the
D r ., Sew Port Richey, Pla. but spiritual intellect. There sensations of such a trip, un
(ED. NOTE We doubt i f ANY are seven steps leading in t o t il a cat meowed outside my
evidence could counteract the the church which is indicative bedroom window to ask me to
1600 years of Jesus propagan of the balanced human be in g let her in. I f the cat called
da the church has d r i l l e d into transmuting himself to a higher me back from way out in outer
the world with a campaign of level of consciousness. There space, then I got back faster
murder for those who refused are eight tiny doorways which than the speed o f l i g h t , a nd

to believe. Anyway,' as long as is the symbol of reincarnation so far the speed of light is
we don t HAVE to accept t h i s or the continuity of all l i f e . the fastest motion known.
fable, as did some of our un The star, it is interesting to Mine a r e not empty words
fortunate forefathers, we see note, has six points which in because I backed my words with
l i t t l e reason for either th e dicates mans awareness o f the money and I offered to demon
believers or nonbelievers to birth of Ctorist i s limited to strate the truth of my teach
19 try to convert the others. Ev his physical world, for six is ings. I possess the light that
others seek to attain. With it . hand for a sure nuf shoot, o u t. to 36 fluid oz. is one awful lot.
I can heal while others ..fa il. I can draw and clear leather of,pineapple juicel With o u r
The ligh t that I possess' and in a 54 second, and fire from improved formula; 9 parts pe
can-demonstrate i s the founda the hip (c an t h i t nothing) but yote pulp; to 8 parts water,
tion for my b e lie f that I have hold the record here as the filt e r , s t o r e i n stoppered
observed correctly and reason fastest g u n in these here bottles, age 4 to 7 days--the
ed soundly. To Jacob and Hose parts, partner, so I m' a c a ll flavor problem is again solved
Apsel l e t i t be known t h a t ing you for a shoot-out... (by an enzyme apparently) while
Katzen had the opportunity to Now, my predictions have the liq uid intake is r e d u c e d
receive messages via many me been 9 8 .9 percent right for to a manageable amount. From
diums and studied the mystical 1963 . . . You say i f I was the my experience and observation,
messages received by others one that caused the weather, peyote should not be ingested
which also teach what Katzen you ll mow me down. There ju s t oftener than once a week at
is teaching, but t h e recipi a i n t no pleasing no one, no the most. Time should be al
ents do n o t understand what how, is there. A psychic is lowed to sort out and incor
they are tellin g others thru one who can foresee the future porate whatever insights are
such messages. Jacob and Rose --I have for one year b atted gained. More frequent use than
Apsel are wrong in saying that 99%. A ll t h e other cotton this tends to induce undesira
I deny a force--a spiritual pickers have been o ff, 7 5 % ble introversion and nervous
force--that do es my healing. wrong. Now, m a y I ask you, tension. I d o n t recall if I
The energy, or spiritual force, just what do you expect? Here mentioned it before, but we
that I emanate is generated I am working my head to the also established that peyote
from within my body, and t h e bone, giving you what no other is definitely contra-addictive.
person being healed must gen psychic has given you, and you My colleague here found that
erate similar energy to effect have the gol-dang nerve to sit in about 4 weeks, he was able
ively heal his or her own body. up there and tell me I play to to derive the full effect from
The strong power that I can the gallery. Who the heck are one-half the original amount.
radiate proves that I ha ve we to play t o , i f not to all Apparently t h e facilitating
learned secrets about physio the readers, and about all the effect on the central nervous
logical functions unknown to things they are interested in? system persists to some extent
others. My healing power w a s Phooey on y o u . -- Albert Soy for as long as 10 days after
tested in Georgia in October Davis, Green Cove Springs, F la, the alkaloid has been eli mi
with remarkable results. I have (ED. NOTE Since you chal nated in about 18 hours after
been invited to return in J u n e , lenge us, that gives us choice in it ia l ingestion.
1964, to g i v e more healings. of weapons so we pick Web Another finding is that
By the way Jake, did you ever s t e r ' s International, or even good j azz musicians derive only
get a message via your plan- h is C ollegiate , at s ix paces. moderate benefits from the use
chette that informed you that You s t i l l want to fig h t? Ser of peyote while playing. I t
I w as publishing falsehood? iously (what a horrid word) we seems that the psychedelic e f
Did any other reader o f The dropped the " H i ! " column be fect i s about the same as the
ABERREE get a S p i r i t message cause WE g o t no passel" of state o f consciousness required
informing him or her that my le t t e r s saying how much they for g o o d performance anyway,
teachings were n o t reliable? liked t h e column; if we had, so i t doesn t make much d if
I f so, I would li ke to know or do, we'd keep it of course, ference. Thus the alkaloid is
about it? Nobody has yet given since The ABERREE's interest o f more benefit to the audience
me a S p i r i t message that in is prim arily the readers not than to the m usicians. (ED.
dicated that I was being false the Editor or the w rite rs.) NOTE: We recommend chloroform
ly guided, but many have given for most j'azz musicians we are
me what they heard from Spirit I find no real objection to acquainted with. This, too, is
that was supposed to encourage the cautionary note on the end good f o r t h e audience.) We
me to carry on. Whose Spirit (of h is le tte r, Jan.-Feb. is nave * turned on four musicians
will be the fir s t to condemn sue). P e w p eople have more and this i s their consensus.
what I teach? What doth t h e scruples against indiscrim i Conversely, I , when t u r n e d

, i ? 1*
Spirit say unto the churches? nate experimenting with con o n , found i t easier and more
Morris Katzen, Cooks F a lls, sciousness-changing drugs than rewarding to follow the music
K.l. I do . Considering that many than i ordinarily do. I appre
readers a r e physically i l l , ciated t h e f i n e p o in t s of
m a r c h
(ED. NOTE Are you asking
for a message from something have impaired circulatory or technique and the nuance o f
you don't believe e x i s t s ? And genito-urinary systems, or are the arrangements better.
emotionally unstable, justifies Our next projected problem
T h e A B E R R E E -------------

what would you do, M orris, with

such a message were some read a caution. I was a lit t le is to condense the peyote juice
er t o claim t h e y 'd received startled, tho, to have the AMA mixture (as canned milk is
one? And it gave you no stamp JOURNAL quoted against me. In condensed) by about half. Since
of S p iritu a l approval?) ABERREE? prolonged h i g h heat partly
As with any strong stimu breaks down the complex alka
lants, the psychedelic Ind o les, loid m o l e c u l e s , this would
You a i n t no Wi lli am s. which are mostly homologous of probably require low-vacuum
Hart, nor a Hoppylong Cassidy, Amphetamine, c a n put a strain distilla tio n or evaporation.
t h a t s for sure. Ifen you were, on the heart and kidneys about Equipment and procedure f o r
you cotton picking rustler, I equal to a period o f strenuous this has not been worked out. I
would hogtie y o u and slap a exercise. The only psychologi also tried mixing peyote juice
texas b r a n d o n your h id e , cal hazard I can think o f (o r in a scotch highball. I t pre
that s for sure. I been a get have heard o f ) would b e to vented drowsiness, had some
ting more letters than a dog persons so emotionally unsta peyote e f f e c t , and ruined tile
has f l e a s , a tellin g me that ble t h a t they r e q u i r e the flavor o f the scotch. People
them there Texas folks and a constant use o f t ra n qu ilizers. who drink scotch and coca cola
passel o f others l i k e this Persons with ordinary neuroses might enjoy peyote h ighballs.
here column I been a writing are not found t o have ill They woulcto t know the d iffe r
for ABERREE. They claim they e ffe c t s , in a n y case anyone ence anyway. Vodka, which has
enjoy it a heap. Now, ifen you who makes the peyote frappe by no flavor to ru in , would seem
figure to cut i t outen o f ABER the given recipe i s unlikely better for this.
REE, I m a going t o call your to ingest too much peyote 24 As for psychedelics being 20
p o t e n t i a l l y dangerous, o f
course they are. Can you tell
me something effective which is
not potentially dangerous?
for both speculation and in
vestment. Which one uses de
pends on requirements and tem
perament. Hubbards Thing is
after a lot o f advertising for
In regard to the last part also a speculation, but I con
a p a t ie n t , he finally lands
of your editorial note, I do sider it has higher risk and one: a victim of arth ritis and
not know of a n y safe way to lower potentials than mine, a crooked spine -- plus a news
transcend the human condition. and i s thus a worse specula- reporter to observe and s e e
I adduce the high incidence of tionj"~-Fred Band, 2718 Eagle, that he makes good his boast
physical illn e ss a n d impair Houston, Texas, that he c a n heal--with o r
ment among spiritual develop
without F D A blessing. I f i
ment and self-improvement peo
Let us consider that you flunk at this (the h e a lin g ) I
ple. Or among devout C h r i s
and I are God. This calls for bite the dust hard; i f I suc
tians, for that matter. Besides
a c r e a t io n . What shall i t be ceed well, I ve succeeded be
which, the b e lie f that we are
made from? fore, but i t s difficult to get
gods (rather than we are of
Why, just manifest your people to accept, he says, in
gods) is an unsane assumption
consciousness into hypnotized other words, i t s like fighting
o f the class the old Greeks
words unlimited. Each word will a swarm o f mosquitoes you can
called h y b r is which, you may
be t h e real material t h i n g . ki ll a lot, but i f you let one
recall, was the first phase of
Now, that wasnt too difficult. get away, i t may be the one
a particularly nasty personal
How is it going? pregnant female in the bunch
debacle called nemesis. More
Oh! Oh! You made a slight that can bite you and give you
accurately (and s a f e l y ) I
error. You sent out the word malaria. I f he wins, he plans
think, we are the children of
' free will and they are get to buy a Multigraph o u t fit ,
gods, in the religious t e r mi
ting into trouble with i t . You which, in our opinion, is like
nology. Children are not their
cannot recall a word, so this saying, I f I get out o f this
parents ; when they are p arents,
requires strategy. You may send bog, I see another one ahead
they a r e no longer children.
out a word to convert your to get mired down in.
Personally, I can say that any
people (I- dentities). But i t i Ivor Darreg. o f Los Ange
godlike beings I v e ever e n
w ill have to be some special les--who lik es to chew up the
countered were so much more
kind. So you create an O n ly dictionary and spit it out in
than I am that to compare my
Begotten Son, your own special big gobs--says he has been a
present human s e lf with them
I-controlledI-dentity. He will "pogonophore for six months,
would not only be presumptuous,
have some power (hypnotic! t o and credits this growing o f a
it w o u l d be embarrassingly beard for a sudden reversal in
After a time y o u recall the condition of h is health, as
I agree about being dis
your special *1* back into i t has been improving stead
creet with psychedelic drugs.
your consciousness as part of ily, slightly, and slowly ever
I v e got discretion I h aven t
you. Then everything goes along since (he started growing the
even used yet!
for a time before it gets hope b e a r d ). He may have something
I express blanket disap
lessly out of control and you there; Castro seems to do right
proval and opposition to pa
withdraw your entire creation w e ll, despite the intimida
ternalistic p r e s s u r e groups
back into your consciousness tions o f the D. S. Navy and our
like the AMA, PDA, and various
and become a s t a t i c , i n e r t , spy factory, the C. I. A. And do
other A s both legal and
God at r e s t . you ken how Santa Claus can go
self-appointed -- that coerce
I t has been work for a God it at high gear, year after
people for their own good .
to m anifest a c r e a t io n . But year, despite obesity that d
Freedom o f opinion and be lie f
after a period y o u re a lize give any ordinary beardless (?)
is the freedom to be wrong.
that a God must be active. You man a heart attack in h a lf the
Freedom o f religion is freedom
create the great blob o f light seasons? As Darreg points out,
to be heretical. Freedom of
and explode it into space, thus he knew there had to be some
action i s the freedom to take
starting a new creation c y c le . secrets t h e B ea tn ik s h adn t
r isk s. No state anywhere, at
"H ow do you lik e to be God? been sharing with us! (And we
c any time in all history, h a s
A, B . Pierson, 1139 M ill S t ., recall from our younger days
1 ever denied its people the
Selna, C a lif. a bearded bum who insisted he
freedom to do w h a t th ey re started to grow a beard b e
told and shut up! No one ever
T h e f i B E R R E E -------- mahcm.

" I n reference to the letter cause women were doing to the

abridges the freedom to obey
by George Lagus: He says i t men what Delilah once did to
and agree. I t was the denial
c a n t be o u t la w e d because Samson and he wasn t going to
o f the freedoms to be wrong
yeast will produce alcohol . stand for it. Come to think of
and to take r i s k s that dis
How drool! That i s the very it , he was about the strongest
lodged the I F I F from Harvard
answer. Strange he can t see man we ever knew in more ways
University. It seems lik e quite
it . Just ration yeast and you than on e. ) . . .
a while now that a significant
portion of my efforts have been automatically abolish bootleg 5 After four years of driv
devoted to giving aid and com ging. Taking the yeast from a ing a special bus from city to
fort, protection and encourage bootlegger i s like taking the city, lecturing on the merits
ment, to nonconformists, d is spark coil from an auto. o f Scientology, the team of
sidents, and cultural deviants Incidentally, The ABERREE Auditors Maurice and Mary K.
o f one kind or another, as well is to be complimented upon Radell has been dissolved By
as to discriminated minority prophesying as early as last the d e a t h last Sept. 9 in
groups. June the death of President Flint, M ich., o f Mrs. Radell,
"B u t finally in regard to Kennedy. Too bad you and the Maurice writes from his winter
the psychedelics, I consider prophet F l o y d Gurley w e r e quarters at a trailer park in
that my Thing is a lot safer jerked upon the carpet by the Laredo, Tex. True to a promise
and more rewarding than Kat- F.B. I. At l e a s t , they were made Mary before her death,
z e n s Thing or Lovewisdoms well warned and i f the Secret Maurice s a y s , he p l a n s to
Thing. I agree it i s more haz Service had read your magazine carry on with h is missionary
ardous than C o u lte r's , Mathi- and acted according, Kennedy efforts o f edifying the curious
s o n s, or Ap sels Things. It would still be a liv e . Eliner throngs who look in puzzlement
also goes faster. As in the T. H e nk le , 916 M orningside, at the huge "SCIENTOLOGY la
21 stock market, there i s room Kansas City, Mo. bels painted on his b u s . . .
ABEMUGINAL SECURITY CH1CK--A HirriMe Exercise lor Readers
By LORRAINE E. HARR Rumors that anoth er natio nal m a g a z i n e lost
most of its s u b s c r i b e r s becau se of a simi lar
N THESE trying times (and certainly the hu

q u e s t i o n n a i r e don't scare us one bit. We liKe
man race keeps trying), it i s advisable for for our Edito r to live dang erously. Besides,
the editor o f The ABERREE to take some pre the " o t h e r " q u e s t i o n - a s k i n g p u b l i c a t i o n p r i n t
cautionary measures to safeguard the hard ed some a n s w e r s - which were about as r e g u r g i
core opinions o f h i s reading public . With tati ng as a dill p i ckle sundae at a chur ch C o m
this need in mind, I have designed the fo l munio n. Here, you get your Eucha rist unble ssed.
your picture? D id you said one?)
sim ilarity to a certain eight-page "S e c u r it y
Check by an insecure international securing 27. What s your least fa v o r ite o f every
organization is strictly transcendental.) thing t h a t has appeared i n The ABERREE? (Do
1. Name ( i f any). Age (answers are confi NOT include this test?)
dential. Gender ( i . e. sex). Marital status (as 28. How many people rea d your copy o f The
o f N OW ). ABERREE ? Why d o n t you buy them a gi ft sub
2. What organizations a r e you a member of? scription?
Do y o u p l o t the overthrow o f The ABERREE? 29. What interesting facts about someone
(Overtly or covertly?) else would you like to share with other ABER
3. What l o s t causes do you identify with?
( I f they are l o s t , how can you identify with 30. In what way are you masochistic? JITWOL .
them?) 31. In what way are you sadistic? ( Oh, come
4. What i s your mai n status symbol? A. $ .
B. $. C. (Mark o t h e r .) 32. At what age do you think parents should
stop spanking baby?
5. What are your prejudices? (On what sub
je c ts about which you know nothing do you have 33. In what way are YOU most irrational?
the strongest opinion?) How do you rationalize it?
6. What p e r s o n s , liv in g o r de a d, do you 34. What are you withholding from the Edi
tor? J IT W O L .
most admire? Does their being dead have any
thing to do with your choice? 35. What i s the E d it o r withholding from
you? (Don t e x p la i n .)
7. What kind o f work do you do? Avoid? What
36. What is your greatest source o f happi
form o f corruption exists in your industry? Do
n e s s . (Reread questions 30 and 3 1 .)
you prostitute yourself in any way on the job?
37. What i s your greatest source o f unhap
O f f the job? piness? (Reread question 1, part D . )
8. What a r e your favorite books? Are they 38. What personal savior are you waiting
ALL banned in Boston? Don t explain. for? What makes you think h e (she) would be
9. In what way do you cheat other ABERREEs? interested in you?
JITWOL. 39. What question would you like to ask the
10. In what way do you waste time when youEditor o f The ABERREE? Would you accept h is
are not avoiding work? JITWDL. answer? Why? Why not? Why ask then?
11. What part doe s p olitics play in your 40. Have you e v e r thought a bad thought
1 i f e?
12. What part does sex-play p lay in yourabout Alphia Hart?
41. Have you ever thought a bad thought
about Alice Hart?
13. What part doe s r e lig io n play i n your
42. How did you know they were bad thoughts?
life ? (Who are you fooling?)
14. What lag exists between your philosophy 43. Have you ever knowingly aberrated any
one? Unknowingly? Did they deserve it ? ( I f un
and the way you live? (Be honest, i f p o ssible.)
knowingly, how did you know?)
15. How many children do you have? Any ac
cusations ? (Unfounded, o f cou rse.) How many 44. Have you ever thought of canceling your
did you intend to have? I n what ways do you subscription to The ABERREE? J IT W O L .
plan to bring them up that are different from 45. Aren t you glad you d id n t cancel? ( A n

swer yes to this question. )
the ways you were aberrated?
16. Do you think sex education should be a 46. Would you want your sister to marry an
ABERREE? (Reread question 5 .)
personal matter? (What would be your choice of
T h e A B E R R E E ------- -----M A R C H ,
47. Would you like to know what the dickens
J I T W O L means?
17. What h a s been your greatest d is illu s
ionment in The ABERREE? Who was to blame? 48. When L. Ron Hubbard discovered God (ru
mor), was he looking in a mirror?
18. What i s the most important thing you
49. Has God discovered L . Ron Hubbard? O r
have learned from The ABERREE. D id you tell
you? O r me?
50. Did you count the times ABERREE oc
19. I f your l i f e were to flash by you at
this moment, what would be the highlight? Any curred in this questionnaire? (How else do you
think it got published?)
ligh t at all?
ABERREEs who send in their questionnaires
20. What is the funniest incident you wereimmediately will be given the designation , o f
ever involved in? Did you send it to The ABER Class 4 ABERREEs. Don t get cangnt napping. Be
the first Class 4 ABERREE on earth. Those AB
21. What are you most ashamed of? (ConfidenERREEs who do not (repeat, DO NOT) send in
tial. ) their questionnaires will have their aberra*
22. What are you most proud of? (Confidentions revoked until further notice. Dont be a
t ia l, t o o .) Clear. Be a Class 4. Be the FIRST!
23. Do you believe in any form o f censor * JITWOL--TO Justiry In Twenty-live Words or Less.
ship? Who fo r ? Who by ? Why? (Include box top or l a b e l .) Exaaple: " S i n c e 1 d e
24. Has The ABERREE changed you in any way?signed this q uestio n naire, I feel that I AM THE ON
Short-changed you? LY ONE (Sound f a i l l l a r ? ) exeapt froi sending In
25. Have you changed The ABERREE in any wayanseers. Please foriard lia ed lately ay Class 4 d e s
Short-changed it? JITWOL. i g n a t i o n ." (Enclosed find la b e l. I blew ay t o p .)
(ED. NOTE As a reward not punishment
26. Whats your favorite of everything that
please address any communication in connection
has ever appeared in The ABERREE? (Did we use with the above d ir e c tly to the Author.) 22
igStSs of deceased loved ones.
12PY 1 6 . $ 2 4 .0 0 ; 16'*x20", $ 3 0 . 00;
u n fr a ied , ppd likeness unob
tainable *111 refuse c o m s s i o n .
E toidtord, Rt. 1 . Box 45, Lost
Creek, W. V a . _____ ______________ 1


WANTED--One desperate vic tia of SCIENTOLOGY, DIANETICS, and r e

l ife to spend a few aonths with lated litera tu re w a n t e d for
us in C a lifo rn ia getting probleas cash by David Morgan, Biochemis
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