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ORWA ACT 10 OF f 9%

I . Short. title, cxtent and commencement

2. Definitions
3. Eiccnce to be obtained for manufacture of reed
4. Licensing authority
5. Application for licence
6. Pees for licence
7. Granting or refusal of Licence
8. Period of validity of Iiccnce
9. Rencwaliof licence
10. Conditions regarding mnnufiicture oP feed
I I. Requirements for packing, marketing and 1abelIing
12. Submission of returns
13, Cancellation or snspension of licenc e
14. Appeal
15. Regulation of sale of feeds
16. Powers of licensing authority
17. Maintenance of records
18. Compliance with the direction and orders of a licensing authority
19. Exemption
20. Power to make rules


[Received t h e . assent of (he Goveriror on the 30th
Muicii 1979,:first- published b l - ~ i:z.extra:
ordin&y issue- of ~fhe'Oiissa "Gazette,
dated ihe'31.d ApPiZ, .'1979'] i
P~muCffIm'm QUAkmY. ''OF ',CATTLE: -AND :

W i t enaisted byitbe Legishture - . of..!the. State of

f e ' f haf lhe-.R&pu.blicof India,
OrihJ'fi; t h e q ~ ~ ~ ? Yiiae 1

as faU,o;m+ .-
I. '(1) This Act may be caTIed he - Orissa Cattle short title,
extcnt and
and Poultry Feed (Regulation) Act, 1979. comrnence-
(21, It exl'etlds'tb-thewhole of the 3tat.c-of Orissa.
(3) It shall coins into force .on such date as the
State Government may, by notilicatio~~, appoint in
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise Definitions
(a)..F-+F$m'?;me=:..:a ,- form specified:: in,-
Sche;dule'-)H; -.
(6) "licen~ee" means a peison'-to w&dm ' 2 :
licence .has been .gritnted.- f o rnanuh~tur
~, ing
or -processin$ pre;mixed .<attlc,'fecd or, ,pre-
mixed. poul try .feed; :.
(c): "licensing - authority''-. mea,ns-'.thc.! ,person,,I
appointed by the State Gov~~nruent
notification, to exercise the powers and
pe*fbrm the . fun~r~om;::.
thereuM ,; ,'
- .by :
of a .: Iicenshg
Acpor..the rafes;madot.
. ,

(4;~c.'pre-mixed=~ttle feedY::means.any ;ofb t t IC

following .artides,: namely.:,--
(i) ready-made mixed fwd in the form:-lof-:
pellets, crumps or meals used I
1. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, sec Orissa Guicrrer B b a - .
ofdjoafy, datcd the 13th February 1979 (No. 163).
7 . CaTiid ' @to fotcc with: ctfcct from' ther31st. Kove~nbtfri979, vide-
N ~ ~ ~ M ~ o I ~ 12998-$.
% A. H.;dated the 27th July,IBSI.

971'2 T E ~ONSSA
FEED Or. Act

for feeding bulls, cows, heifers, calves

milch cows and bulls; .
or dry cattle including special feeds for

( i i ) concentrates with the addition ,of pies -

cribod quantities of -1ocajly. available
ingredients, such as, .cereals and thcir ,
by'products; .
(e) "pre-mixed poultry feed",meks any' of the
fol10,wing articles, namely : - ..
(i) ready-made mixed feed id &$ forq,of!
pelIets, crumps or meals used for feeding
fow Is, ducks, geese, turkey or pe8-hens
including feeds for chicks and laying
birds; ..

(ii) concentrates with the addition df pres-

cribed quantities of locally available
( f) c'prescxibed" means prescribed by rules
111 ade under this Act.
Lioencc to be 3. Pre- nixed cattle feed or pre-mixed poultry
ob~aiacd for feed shall not be manufactured or processed for
or red. purposes of saie by m y person without a licence from
the licensing authority.
Licensing 4. The State Government may, by notification,
appoint such number of oEcers as it thinks necessary,
to be licensing authorities for the purposes of this
Act.baving such Iocal jurisdiction 3s may be specified
in the aotification.
.5. (1) Every person desiring to obtain a licence
licence. under this Act shall make an application in duplicate
to the licensing authority in Form. 'A'. ,
(2) Every application made under sub-section
(1) shall. be accompanied by the fee specified in
section 6. . .

FMSfor 6. (1) The licence fee shall be sixty'rupees paya-

lice. ble alongwith the application for the grant oi. renewal
of a licence.
(2) -ere an appfication for tho grant or
rcncwal of a licence is rejected, the licence fee paid
by &e applicant shall bc refunded.

7. (1) .The ilic~ns&g au&~ri.t-y may recuse to crew

grant ,a licence to m y applicant .if,- GCC~CC. of
(a) the ~pplicationis defective in any respect;
(b) the licence fee .has not beenipaid;
(c) the ,applicantdoes nat undertake \to ~WU-
fa~tu,reor process the feed )inn.onfwPity
with the provisions of -this A@;
(4) , ~applicant
e .isnot soluent;
(e) at any time 'his licence was w e- u e d ; .or

Cf) the applicant does not have the p r w i b d

f(2) The licensing -auth~~ity -m&yrefuse -to renew
a ;ficene if,-
(a) the quality of *fwd manufactured .or
procesqed by the hcepsee has, at .any time,
been found to be not in conformity .with
the prescribed standard ;
(b) the feed manufactured arrprocessed by .the
limnsee has., at a y t i q , been$ound to
have been adulterated ;
(c) the licensee has been -irregular51 inmanu-
facturing or .processing feed ;or
(dl due to consymplion of the f e ~ dgaanufa-
otured or processed by .~eliiensee,any
cattle ,or poultry is found to hsrve&een
subjected to:toxaemia or aqy -other.paison-
( 3 ) The licensiqg authority, ~&ile.refusing-..- - . :,to
rWew a &R?!w, shgu .speqify
. pasdhs
for such .refusal in3is.,ordqrnaa,ol:$h$f, c>6&icate

the order to tho. applicant.

(4) Whore ,anappfic.ation.for a licence is not
rejected under .sub1s.ectian.(I),the limnsing authority
shall grant tho appgcagt!a.licewe in:Form %':
Provided that where the,licenving authority doas
not communicate to the applicant his order either
grantmg or renewing or refusing to grant or renew
the licen~, ..a .peciod .of months of
receiving the appliqation, &shall be deemed that the
lic.e#c.e:has b.een @anfed.

FEED [Or. Act
( Secs. 3-11 )
Pcriod or 8. A licence granted under section 7 sh:!ll be
licence. valid for a period of one year from the date on which
it is gl-anted.
Renewal of 9. (1) A licensee desiring to renew the licence,
shall, before the date of expiry of the licence, mak
an application for renewal in duplicate to the
licensing authority in Form 'C' together with the
f eespecifwd in section 6.
(2) On receipt of snch application together with
the fee, t h e licensing authority may, unlcss it refuses
to renew the licence, renew the same for a period of
one year.
(3) Where an application for renewal of a licence
is duly made within the time specified in sub-
section (l), the licence shaII continue to be effective
till the date of passing of an order by the licensing
authority on the application for renewal.
regarding 10. (I) The standard of feed manufactured or
maaufacturc prtcessed by a licensee shalI bo, as may be prescribed
and every licensee shall be bound to adhere to the
prescribed standard.
(2) No licensse shall manufacture any type of
feed mentioned in Schedule I unless it conforms to
f he prcscri bed standard.
(3) The feed manufactured or processed by a
licensee shall be tested in the prescribed manner.
acquire- 11. (1) Every licensee and every other perso11
mQisfor act,ing on. behalf of the licensee forthetimebeing
marketing shall, in regard. to the packing, marketing and Iabell-
andlabcl[jng- ing of the containers of premixed cattle feed or pre-
mixed poultry feed, comply with the following
- namely :-
(a) every container in which -anysuch feed is
packed shall bear the number of tho lidnce
and such labels or marks as may, from
lime to time, be approved by the licensing
authority for different categories of feed ;
(b) each containor in which such feed is packed
shall specify a code number indicating the
lot and the date of manufacture of the
feed ;
(C> the labels or marks shall not contain any
statement, claim, design or device which
is fabe or misleading in any particular

co ncorning the feed contained in the con-

tainer or concerning the quantity or vaIue
of Ihe feed or in relation to the place of
origin of the contentl..
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-
section (1) the licdnsing authority, may, by order pub- '

lished in tho official gazette, specify the requi tments

with regard to packing and marking of c~ntainersof
cattle feed or poultry feed of any spccificd type or
description and every licensee and every other person
for tho time being acting on behalf of the licensee
shall comply with such requirements.
12. Every licensee shall, as soon as possible after$:;:;;
the end of every year or on or before such datc as tho
licensing authority may, by order, specify in this
behalf, submit to tho said authority a return in dupli-
cate in Ihe prescribed form in respect of each class of
feod rnanufactwed or processed by him during that
year. i
13. (1) The licensing authority may, after giving Cancellation
or suspension
the licensee an opportunity of being hoard, cancel or of Ii~cnce.
suspend the licence on all or any of the following
g o unds, namely :-
(a) that the licence had bocn obtained by mis-
representation as to matorial particuIars;
(b) that any of the provisions of this Act or
any condition of ~ h olicence has been
' contravened.
(2) Every order made under this section shaU be
cofimunicated 'by the licensing authority to the
14. Any person aggrieved by an order-
(n) refusing to grant or rcnew a licence; or
( b ) canceying or suspending a licel~ce, may,
, '

wl~hinsixty days from the date of con mu-

nication of the order, prefor an appeal t o
the Secretary t o the State Government in
the Animal Husbandry Department whose
decision thereon shaU be final.
15. No person shall sell or expose for sale Regulation
or despatch, or deIiver to any agent or brokcr OF snlc of
for the purpose of sale any yre-mixed cattle
feed or premixed poultry :feed -which is llot in

F ~ D [Or. Act

w f o r ' m i y with, the provisions of section 10 or the

mtainer of which is not packed and marked in the
mama laid down in aection 1I.
POWHS of 16. (1) The licensing authority or any officer
authoris& by.him in this behalf may, with a view to
a m i n g compliance with the provisions of this
(a>require any pe' give any information
in'hispos$e~sibnw i w respect t o the ,manu-
facture ormdibposH of any cattle- feed or
poufffy:feed manufactured or pr oc'essett or
sold by ,him ;
(b),enter upon,andtin'apct.anyprmiees where
any cartEIe feed or poultry; feed is mam-
factured or processed or is# docked. or
exhibited f o r sale, at ariy time during
business hours with a view to satisfymg
i t d f or himself thatprovisrionsl of this Act
are being complied with ;
(c> on8giving-a proper rweipt, seize or detain
any cattlo feed or poultry fecd manu-
factured, processed, marked or labelled
otherwise than in accordanm with the
provisions of this Act or suspected to be
m,anufactured;processed', marked, packed or
labelled in cornravention of tho said
(d)'seize or d'etain, on givhig a proper
receipt, any raw materkls, documents,
accaunt.books or other relevant. evidence
connected.withi the manufacture, proceesing
or sale o f cattle feed' or poultry feed in
respect of which be has reasons to believe
that tta~6cintra~entibnof this Act has been
committed ;
(el, inspect any books or other doct~ments
rdatiag to the manufsicture, processing
or sale of cattle feed-or poultry feed ;
(f)cdlec!, on payment,. of the price thereof,
samples of,cattle feed or poultry feed
intende'd: or exposed for sale or under
despatch or delivered to any dealer, agent
~ f and have
or'bf'oker'for the p ~ r p o s b >sale
, S'uGh samples andysed at a laboratory
selbcted~for the purpose by the licensing
rn thority.;

(g) collect free of charge from any person

manufacturing or processing cattle feed or
poultry feed, on giving a proper receipt,
samples of any such feed or any ingredients
used in the processing of such feed in
respxt of which he 11% masons t o believe
that any of the provisions of this-Act has
been contravened ;
(h) by an order in writing, impose temporary
ban on m m ~ f a ~ t u or
r e processing or sde
of any cattle feed or poultry feed in respect
of which he,hasreasons to beIiove that any
of the provissions of this Act has bmn
(2) The ban ,imposed under sub-section (1) shall
ferngin iH for~dfbra periocl of thee months or till
the matter is finalised after enquiry, whichever is
(3) Every person, if so required, by the lime-
sing authority or the officer referred to in sub-
sectiofil fl), shall be bound to afford all, necessary
facilities t o the lieensing authority o t such officer
for the purpose of enabling the licensing authority
or such ofimr to exercise the powers under sub-
sectiork (1).
17. Th4 hensing authority may, by order in of MaIUtenanFo
wfitirlg,; direct any- dealer in cattle ,feed or Poulffy
feed to maintain such books account and.recofds
relating to his, business and in such form as may
se- pres~dtred
lg Every poxson- to whom any dirction ?rz;piAm
order is issue'd by the licensing authority ln,direction
pursuance of any of tlis-provisions of this Act, shall 2; ;zyng
be bound to comply with such direction or o fder authority,
andl aariy fdi1uf.e on. the part of such person to
comply with such direction or order shall be
deemed t o be a contfaflehtion of this Act.
19. Nothidg ib this Act shaU apply to any cattle Exemption
feed or poultry feed manufactured or processed by
a person fog the exclusive use in his own farm.
20: (1)'The State Government may make rules for Power to
mWy'ing out all or any of the purposes of this Act. makeruIe3.
(2) In particuIar and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing powers they may make
rules ia fespe~tof all matters expressly required
or allowed by this Act; tonbe prescribed.


(See Secriorz 10)
Types of feed-
I. Starting csttlelpoultry feed
2. Growing catflelpoultry feed
3. Laying cattlelpoultry feed

(See Section 5 )
Application for licence unde the Orissa Cattlu and Poultry Feed
Regulation) Act, I 979.
I. Name and address of the applicant
2. Address of the factory
3. Description of the cattlelpouItry feed which . the applicant
wishes to manufacture or process.
4. Plan of the factory and list of equipment
5. Whether any power is used in the manufacture of fecd. If so,
state thc exact horse powey of the machine used.
6. Total quantity and value of cattlelpoultry feed if any, manu-
factured during the previous J'ear. - , .
7. I I w e hereby nnder take to comply with ali the'''pr,ovisions of tile
Orissa Cattle and Poultry Feed ( Regulation ) kt, 1979 and
the rules made thereunder and the condiiions of ,t:-;eIicence.
8. Ilwe have forwarded a sum o f RS:-.
licence fee.
. . . . .in"respect of the

Sigrrainrc (s) of the App!icn,~t(s)

(See Sectiu~z7)
Government of. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . ,licence . .
, . . . -
- -
. . . .

under the Orissa Cattle and Poultry Feed ( Regulation) Act, 1979.
Licence N o . . . , . . ..
I. Name and address of the licensee
2. Addrcss, of the authorised p~.emisesfor manuTac[ure/processing
3. Change of premises, if any . .- ,

This Iirenee is granted under rhe provisions of the Orissa CattIe

and Poultry Feed ( Regulation) Act, I979 for manufacturelprmessiag
of cattlelpoul try feed.
Date Licensing authority
-- , --
Period of Description or category Rate of Ucen- Licence Si~atu~e
validity of cattlelp oultry feed ce fee fce paid of liwnung
autharised to manu- authority
facture or proce-
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Terms and conditions of limnce:-

1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent and conspicuous
place in (z part of the birsiness premises opcn to the public.
2. The licensee shall comply wit11 the provisions of the Orissa Cattle
and Po~if-iyFeecl (Regulation) Act, 1979 and the rules and orders made
ther eundcr .
3. The licence shall come into force immediately and be valid for
a period of one year from the date on which it is granted, unless sooner
canceler1 or suspended.
4. The licensee shall, from time to time, report to the licensing
authority any change in the premises of his business of manufacturing
or processing the feed.
( See Seetim 9 )
Application for renewal of fiicence under the Orissa Cattle and
Poultry Feed ( Regulation ) Act, 1979.
The Licensing Authority
State of
Ijwe hereby apply for renewal of the licence to carry on the busi-
ness of manufacturing/p recessing cattlelpoultry feed under the name
and style of
The licensee desires the licence granted by the licensing authority
for the State of.. ............. .and allotted licence No.. ............
on the. ...... .day of. ...... ....
.19. .to be renewed.
Tbe requisite fee for renewal of licence is deposited herewith,
tire (s) of the Applicant (s)

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