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The Elementary Functions

and some of their Properties

type of function domain range symmetry

power(-law) functions

xn , n an integer [except x = 0 for n negative]

n odd odd
n even [note: 0 is undefined] y0 even

xp/q , p and q integers [omit x = 0 if (p/q) < 0 ]

q odd, p odd odd
q odd, p even y0 even
q even, p odd x0 y0 none
q even, q even y0 even

xr , r irrational restricted to x 0 restricted to y 0 none

rational functions , except where Q(x) = 0 various

for P(x) and Q(x) polynomials even, if P(x) and Q(x) have
the same symmetry,
odd, if they have opposite
type of function domain range symmetry

(circular) trigonometric functions

sin x 1 y +1 (period 2) odd

cos x 1 y +1 (period 2) even

tan x = (sin x)/(cos x) except odd multiples of (period ) odd

cot x = (cos x)/(sin x) except multiples of (period ) odd

sec x = 1/(cos x) except odd multiples

of y 1 , y +1 (period 2) even
csc x = 1/(sin x) except multiples of y 1 , y +1 (period 2) odd

exponential functions ax , a > 0 y>0 none

logarithmic functions logax , a > 0 x>0 none

inverse trigonometric functions [restricted ranges]

arcsin x or sin x 1 x +1 odd
2 2
arccos x or cos x 1 x +1 0y none
arctan x or tan x odd
2 2
[others are seldom used]

symmetry rules for combinations of functions

even even = even odd odd = odd even odd or odd even = none

even even = even odd odd = even even odd or odd even = odd

even / even = even odd / odd = even even / odd or odd / even = odd

polynomials (sums of power functions with positive integer exponents)

domain: for any polynomial

range: for polynomials of odd degree; polynomials of even degree have maximum or minimum values

symmetry: even for polynomials having only even powers of x ; odd for polynomials having only odd powers of x ;
no symmetry otherwise

G. Ruffa

22 September 2009

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