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1.3. PIPE16 - Elastic Straight Pipe

Matrix or Vector Shape Functions Integration

Stiffness and Mass Equation 1115, Equation 1116,Equation 11 None
Matrices 17, and Equation 1118
Stress Stiffness and Equation 1116 and Equation 1117 None
Damping Matrices
Pressure and Thermal Equation 1115, Equation 1116, None
Load Vectors andEquation 1117
Load Type Distribution
Element Temperature Linear thru thickness or across diameter, and along length
Nodal Temperature Constant across cross-section, linear along length
Pressure Internal and External: constant along length and around
circumference. Lateral: constant along length

1.3.1. Assumptions and Restrictions

The element is assumed to be a thin-walled pipe except as noted. The corrosion

allowance is used only in the stress evaluation, not in the matrix formulation.

1.3.2. Stiffness Matrix

The element stiffness matrix of PIPE16 is similar to that of a 3-D elastic beam, except






= 3.141592653
Do = outside diameter (input as OD on R command)
Di = inside diameter = Do - 2tw
tw = wall thickness (input as TKWALL on R command)

f = flexibility factor (input as FLEX on R command)

Further, the axial stiffness of the element is defined as



E = Young's modulus (input as EX on MP command)

L = element length
k = alternate axial pipe stiffness (input as STIFF on RMORE command)

1.3.3. Mass Matrix

The element mass matrix of PIPE16 is the same as for a 3-D elastic beam, except total
mass of the element is assumed to be:



me = total mass of element

mw = alternate pipe wall mass (input as MWALL on RMORE command)

= pipe wall density (input as DENS on MP command)
fl = internal fluid density (input as DENSFL on R command)

in = insulation density (input as DENSIN on RMORE command)

Do+ = Do + 2tin
tin = insulation thickness (input as TKIN on RMORE command)

= alternate representation of the surface area of the outside of the pipe element (input as
AREAIN on RMORE command)

Also, the bending moments of inertia (Equation 130) are used without the Cf term.

1.3.4. Gyroscopic Damping Matrix

The element gyroscopic damping matrix is:



= rotation frequency about the positive x axis (input as SPIN on RMORE command)

G = shear modulus (input as GXY on MP command)

As = shear area ( = Aw/2.0)

1.3.5. Load Vector

The element pressure load vector is



F1 = FA + FP
F7 = -FA + FP

F4 = F10 = 0.0

P1 = parallel pressure component in element coordinate system (force/unit length)

P2, P3 = transverse pressure components in element coordinate system (force/unit length)
The transverse pressures are assumed to act on the centerline, and not on the inner or
outer surfaces. The transverse pressures in the element coordinate system are
computed by



[T] = conversion matrix

PX = transverse pressure acting in global Cartesian X direction) (input using face 2
on SFEcommand)
PY = transverse pressure acting in global Cartesian Y direction) (input using face 3
on SFEcommand)
PZ = transverse pressure acting in global Cartesian Z direction) (input using face 4
on SFEcommand)

, the unrestrained axial strain caused by internal and external pressure effects, is
needed to compute the pressure part of the element load vector
(see Figure 1.4: Thermal and Pressure Effects).

Figure 1.4: Thermal and Pressure Effects

is computed using thick wall (Lame') effects:



= Poisson's ratio (input as PRXY or NUXY on MP command)

Pi = internal pressure (input using face 1 on SFE command)
Po = external pressure (input using face 5 on SFE command)

An element thermal load vector is computed also, based on thick wall effects.

1.3.6. Stress Calculation

The output stresses, computed at the outside surface and illustrated

in Figure 1.5: Elastic Pipe Direct Stress Output and Figure 1.6: Elastic Pipe
Shear Stress Output, are calculated from the following definitions:






dir = direct stress (output as SDIR)

Fx = axial force

do = 2 ro

tc = corrosion allowance (input as TKCORR on RMORE command)

bend = bending stress (output as SBEND)
C = stress intensification factor, defined in Table 1.1: Stress Intensification Factors

tor = torsional shear stress (output as ST)

Mx = torsional moment
J = 2Ir
h = hoop pressure stress at the outside surface of the pipe (output as SH)
te = t w - tc

= lateral force shear stress (output as SSF)

Average values of Pi and Po are reported as first and fifth items of the output quantities
ELEMENT PRESSURES. The outside surface is chosen as the bending stresses usually
dominate over pressure induced stresses.

Figure 1.5: Elastic Pipe Direct Stress Output

Figure 1.6: Elastic Pipe Shear Stress Output

Stress intensification factors are given in Table 1.1: Stress Intensification Factors.

Table 1.1: Stress Intensification Factors

at node I at node J

1 1.0
2 1.0

Any entry in Table 1.1: Stress Intensification Factors either input as or computed to be
less than 1.0 is set to 1.0. The entries are:

= stress intensification factor of end I of straight pipe (input as SIFI on R command)

= stress intensification factor of end J of straight pipe (input as SIFJ on R command)

th (output as STH), which is in the postprocessing file, represents the stress due to the
thermal gradient thru the thickness. If the temperatures are given as nodal
temperatures, th = 0.0. But, if the temperatures are input as element temperatures,



To = temperature at outside surface

Ta = temperature midway thru wall

Equation 144 is derived as a special case of Equation 28, Equation 2

9 and Equation 211with y as the hoop coordinate (h) and z as the radial coordinate
(r). Specifically, these equations

1. are specialized to an isotropic material

2. are premultiplied by [D] and -1
3. have all motions set to zero, hence x = h = r = xh = hr = xr = 0.0
4. have r = hr = xr = 0.0 since r = Ro is a free surface.

This results in:






Finally, the axial and shear stresses are combined with:




A, B = sine and cosine functions at the appropriate angle

x = axial stress on outside surface (output as SAXL)
xh = hoop stress on outside surface (output as SXH)

The maximum and minimum principal stresses, as well as the stress intensity and the
equivalentstress, are based on the stresses at two extreme points on opposite sides of
the bending axis, as shown in Figure 1.7: Stress Point Locations. If shear stresses due
to lateral forces are greater than the bending stresses, the two points of maximum
shearing stresses due to those forces are reported instead. The stresses are calculated
from the typical Mohr's circle approach inFigure 1.8: Mohr Circles.

The equivalent stress for Point 1 is based on the three principal stresses which are
designated by small circles in Figure 1.8: Mohr Circles. Note that one of the small circles
is at the origin. This represents the radial stress on the outside of the pipe, which is
equal to zero (unless Po 0.0). Similarly, the points marked with an X represent the
principal stresses associated with Point 2, and a second equivalent stress is derived
from them.
Next, the program selects the largest of the four maximum principal stresses (1,
output as S1MX), the smallest of the four minimum principal stresses (3, output as
S3MN), the largest of the four stress intensities (I, output as SINTMX), and the largest
of the four equivalent stresses (e, output as SEQVMX). Finally, these are also
compared (and replaced as necessary) to the values at the right positions around the
circumference at each end. These four values are then printed out and put on the
postprocessing file.

Figure 1.7: Stress Point Locations

Figure 1.8: Mohr Circles

Three additional items are put on the postdata file for use with certain code checking.
These are:




MXI = moment about the x axis at node I, etc.

Archive Documentation

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved.

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