Stardusk Compilation MGTOW Philosophy Part 2

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Stardusk Compilation MGTOW Philosophy Part 2

Published on Aug 11, 2013

34. 00:00:18 The Importance of Male Friendship and the Effects of Female Addiction
on it

35. 00:05:02 On MGTOW, Motivation and Self-Improvement

36. 00:06:47 Male Self-Perception with regards to Disposabilty

37. 00:09:56 The Importance of Male Identity outside of the Worker Drone Model

38. 00:13:08 A Tale of Two Cities, or a Tale of Male Disposability

39. 00:18:38 Men's Health_ Gauging your Stress Tolerance

40. 00:21:37 Male Suicide Revisited_ the Dirty Secret that is no Secret

41. 00:27:42 Suicide, Kryptonite and Some Final Thoughts on NAWALT

42. 00:35:30 The Good Old Days Were Not So Good and There Is No Going Back

43. 00:45:50 Revisiting Traditionalism

44. 00:56:53 More on Male enablers

45. 01:02:42 Validation

46. 01:04:00 The Myth of the _Real_ Man

47. 01:05:57 Real Life White Knight Thuggery

48. 01:09:58 The Link between Female Nature, Consumerism and Male Disposability

49. 01:13:11 Consumerism, Feminism and the Fempocalypse

50. 01:17:35 Egalitarian_ Society Unleashes the Female Beast

51. 01:18:45 Reality of Mechanisation and Hypergamy

52. 01:30:55 Response Video to Why Men Should Still Get Married

53. 01:30:55 Some thoughts on the Bachelor Tax

54. 01:30:55 What can be done about civilisational misandry

55. 02:00:40 The So-Called Demographic Winter_ The Hypergamy Factor

56. 02:04:53 MGTOW and Propagating DNA

57. 02:08:03 Men opting out of the dominance hiearchy

58. 02:09:46 Definitions and Explanations

59. 02:14:51 Reflections on MGTOW and the Scrapheap we call Relationships

60. 02:22:07 A Committment to Intellectual Honesty

61. 02:23:45 Rational Self-Interest and a Refutation of Blocking _Philosophy

62. 02:27:01 Is a MGHOW running away_ I think not

63. 02:30:08 Quo vadis_ Response to a PM

64. 02:37:42 Herbivore Men and the Dangers of State Punishment for Reproductive
Drive Defection

65. 02:42:43 Tribalism and the Ingrained perceptions of the genders_Feminism and
Racism or the Curious Case of Apples and Oranges

66. 02:54:36 Race and MGTOW

67. 02:55:45 Whither_ Response to Jerlstif

68. 03:02:27 Freedom of Speech, Offence and Stoic Men

69. 03:03:41 The Time for Pretence is Over

70. 03:15:50 The Parasite and the Host

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