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Instant Noodle Boom in Indonesia : A Commodity Chain

Analysis Study

A Research Paper Design presented by:

Mutiara Sri Dewi

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of


Agrarian, Food and Environment Studies

Members of the Examining Committee:

Dr. Mindi Schneider
Budhi Gunawan., Ph.D

The Hague, The Netherlands

December 2016
List of Tables ii
List of Figures iii
List of Appendices iv
List of Acronyms v
Abstract vi
Chapter 1 : Introduction 1
1.1 Instant Noodle Boom in Indonesia : Where it all started 1
1.2 Research Orientation and Question 3
1.3 Analytical Framework 5
Commodity Chain Analysis 5
Food Regime 7
1.4 Research Method 8
1.5 Scope and Limitations 8
1.6 Systematic 9
Chapter 2 : An Overview of Instant Noodles in Indonesia: Development of Three 10
2.1 Instant Noodles : an Overview 10
2.2 Three Era of Instant Noodles Development 12
Chapter 3 : Commodity Chain Analysis of Instant Noodle 17
3.1 Wheat Production Node 18
3.2 Milling Node 27
3.3 Noodles Production Node 31
3.4 Retail and Distribution Node 36
3.5 Consumption Node 41
Chapter 4 : Conclusion 43
Reference 45

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Three Era of Instant Noodles Boom in Indonesia
Table 2.2 Events in Figure 2.2
Table 3.1 Wheat Aid to Indonesia x 1000 tons
Table 3.2 Number of Milling Company in Liberalization Era
Table 3.3 Market Share Composition of Indonesias Instant Noodle Market
Table 3.4 Calculation of Carbon Emissions in Noodles Production Node
Table 3.5 Distribution Points of PT Indomarco Adi Prima
Table 3.6 Distribution Facilities of PT Indomarco Adi Prima
Table 3.7 Calculation of Carbon Emission in Retail and Distribution Node
Table 4.1 Summary of Actors Distribution
Table 4.2 Summary of Environmental Impact in Every Node

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 World Instant Noodles Consumption
Figure 2.1 Instant Noodles Consumption in Indonesia
Figure 2.2 Instant Noodle Boom Timeline in Indonesia
Figure 3.1 Commodity Chain of Instant Noodle in Indonesia
Figure 3.2 Indonesia Wheat Import Quality
Figure 3.3 Commercial and Aid Import to Indonesia
Figure 3.4 Commercial and Aid Import to Indonesia based on country
Figure 3.5 Indonesia Wheat Importer
Figure 3.6 Urban Population Growth (% of Total)
Figure 3.7 Female Labor Growth

List of Appendices
Appendix 1 Estimation of Distance for Table 3.5
Appendix 2 Road Distribution in Indonesia
Appendix 3 Sample of Google Maps for Distance Estimation
Appendix 4 Carbon Calculator

List of Acronyms
Bulog Board of Logistic Affairs
CCA Commodity Chain Analysis
IGA International Grains
IGGI Inter-Governmental Group for Indonesia
IMF International Monetary Fund
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
WFP World Food Programme
WINA World Instant Noodle Association

This commodity analysis chain study aiming to understand the trajectory of food
transformation particularly instant noodles in Indonesia. Without cultural relation
to the countrys food tradition instant noodle success to become one of the most
consume food after rice in. This study identifies politic, economic and
environmental aspects within each node through history and time. The initial
creation of instant noodle was highly related with the postwar food regime lead by
the US and political view shifting in the country. Post the era, the commodity being
politicized and monopolized by certain actors namely the president, government
body of logistic affairs and private sector. This monopolized enable by nepotism
practices occurred in almost all node of the commodity chain. Instant noodle then
success to establish itself in Indonesia food culture even after the loss of its
monopolistic nature in the era of market liberalization. The effect of this commodity
to the environment, particularly carbon emissions occur within logistic process
materialized in the noodle production and distribution and retailer node. Annually
this practice contribute at least 0.005 percent of carbon emissions to the total global

Relevance to Development Studies

The board context of this paper is the issue of political economy and environmental
impact of food system in Indonesia. This has relevance to development studies
because of the issue of intra-governmental and within governmental power
distribution and relation. Instant noodle itself brings the issues of food dependency
towards advance capitalist countries. Also issues related to market monopoly and
nepotism within the chain that supporting capitalism provisioning. Moreover this
study discuss the environmental impact of this commodity chain.

Commodity Chain Analysis, Instant Noodles, Indonesia, Food Regimes


1.1 Instant noodles boom in Indonesia : Where it all started

Over the past 50 years, transformation on the agrifood industry has taken place
within developing country. This transformation as Reardon stated has taken places
in two stages, pre-liberalization/pre globalization and liberalization/ globalization
era. Liberalization/globalization era particularly started a supermarket revolution
and the spread of fast food chains. Supported by technological development and
trade liberalization, this era introduced structural transformation within agrifood
system that occurred at speeds never before observed (Reardon et al, 2008).
Consequently, new food cultures are emerging, many food tradition and common
eating behaviors are altering rapidly in the face of new products, marketing and life
style (Lang and Heasman 2015). Processed, instant and fast food started to emerge
and place it domination within globalized society. Study by Stucler et al (2012)
showed that the rate of processed foods consumption in low-and middle-income
countries is even faster than has occulted historically in high-income countries.
On this current transformation, instant noodles has started to gain its own place
in global food system. Chosen as the best invention of the twentieth century in 2000
by Japanese people, instant noodles manage to beat other invention such as
karaoke, Walkman, digital camera and even bullet train. The invention of Instant
noodles was inspired by hunger pressing Japan as the aftermath of World War II
when Japan have to received defeat from the opposite parties A Japanese man
Momofuku Ando then started to invest some kind of food that could help Japan
feed its entire population. With his believed that peace will come to the world
when all its people have enough to eat on 1958 instant ramen was born and
become a trend in food industry until this day (Leibowitz, 2011). The popularity of
instant ramen in Japan sparks the growing of instant noodles consumption around
the world. Today, instant noodles is available everywhere, from the fast food
cafeterias of United States to the roadside hawkers in India and Saudi Arabia
(Foodmag, 2015).
Despite the popularity, instant noodles consumption had been receiving several
critical review from scholars. Thought most of the studies are related to health issue,
other issues such as social and environmental impact are starting to emerge. In
Japan, instant noodles had been blamed for the changing stigma in Japanese table
manner toward more western style of eating (Philip Lee, 2015: 118). Instant noodles
also often criticized as unhealthy type of junk food. In Nigeria, industrial

production of instant noodles were proven to contaminate Calabar River with
heavy microbial load (Akaniwor et al, 2007:1).
Regardless going concern of its impact, consumption for instant noodles had
been steadily growing. Based on data from the World Instant noodles Association
(2016), in the span of five years from 2011-2015, people around the world
consumed 507.570 million servings of instant noodles, or 101.514 million servings
per year (see Figure 1.1 below).
World Instant noodles Consumption
in million

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Series1 98,220 101,800 105,990 103,850 97,710

Source: World Instant noodles Association

Perhaps surprisingly, Indonesia has emerged as one of the biggest instant
noodles consumers in the world. While in Japan ramen has been a comfort food for
decades, and in China the noodle was first invented, noodles have never been a part
of Indonesias culinary tradition. Instead, rice has long been the staple in Indonesian
agriculture and food cultures. However, in 2014 the country contributed 14% of
total global consumption and placed as the second largest instant noodles consumer
after China. Per capita consumption in 2014 was 53.7 serving per year only beaten
by South Korea and Vietnams consumption (WINA, 2016). Indonesias noodles
market growth matches its 6% annual uptrend in gross domestic product, reflecting
the way rising disposable income has created a very different food market where a
product like instant noodles has captured an unbeatable position (Sosland, 2013).
This fact supported by National Socio-Economic Household Survey from 1996-
2011 that stated household expenditure for instant noodles was 5.95% from total
expenditure (Ruslan 2015).

Generally, people attribute this instant noodles boom to its cheap price, simple
preparation, and favorable flavor. Added by the fact of social change where people
starting to get busier and have less time to cook (Asia Express 2011). As convincing
as it is, the argument remains incomplete in part because it was impossible to locate
and isolate single cause for this new consumption (Mintz 1995: 4). In his cultural
economy study of the transatlantic sugar trade in the 19th century, Sydney Mintz
(1985) explained that changing consumer taste were not only the matter of free will
but rather it was the result of more complex interaction between market availability
and capitalist firms marketing. Understanding changing taste in population were as
meaningful politically as economically (Mintz, 1985).
Explaining the rise of instant noodles, then, requires going beyond consumer
preferences to examine the commoditys political, economic and even ecological
aspects. One way to do that is to look at instant noodles at a global-local nexus to
examine relations between nations and between firms in every stage of the
commodity chain. This will help to gain better understanding of political and
economic contestation within global-local nexus of the condition where instant
noodles continue to gain more recognition as an everyday food. As the popularity
of this commodity continues to rise since the middle of 1980s, the environmental
impacts of resource use and waste are other important considerations.
This research paper aims to gain a better understanding of the political
economic causes and environmental and social consequences of the instant noodles
boom in Indonesia. Rather than uncritically accepting that this boom is led by busy
lives, cheap price and good taste, this paper endeavors to explore other factors
behind the situation. Using commodity chain analysis, the research project will
examines political, economic and environmental dimensions of the instant noodles
boom. At the same time, this research also aims to contribute to food system
debates in order to more fully inform our understanding of the social and
developmental dynamics of contemporary capitalism at the global-local nexus (Bair,
2005: 154).
1.2 Research Orientation and Questions
Unraveling the political economy and ecological aspect of the instant
noodles boom requires a method that takes into account relationships between
production and consumption at global and local levels. One of the most successful
accounts of unveiling relationships is Mintzs Sweetness and Power (Collins, 2005).
Through his study Mintz found out that the rapid rose of sugar consumption from
1650 to 1900 was the center of the growth of powerful capitalist interest in the
colonies and industrializing Britain. The sweetness of sugar also not only sustained
the capitalist classes in Britain in invested and operated colonial enterprises but also

nurtured the emerging proletarian classes in the mines and factories (Mintz 1985 :61
in Woo 2015). Mintzs careful examination of production-consumption links across
time and space in his study continues to influence the creative application of
commodity chain analysis (CCA) in making visible a hidden mystery in the
commodity (Dunaway 2003 on Collins 2014).
Other study using commodity chain analysis such as Melanie DuPuis (2002)
study about milk make clear of how the rising trend in milk consumption were
influenced by several factors. She is able to show how market forces, resources, and
cultural meet (Collins 2005:10). These two examples of the rich literature on
commodity chain analysis shows how robust this method is for analyzing the social
life of commodities, and helping us to understand social dynamics that drive the
capitalist agrifood system. Also, as Neimark et al (2016) mentioned, it could help to
understand commodity creator, access dynamics and power relations.
As useful as it is, some realist commodity chain analyst have not put much
attention o several aspects. For example, most researchers who apply this approach
have excluded the gendered aspects of commodity chains. Integration of gender
aspects on study about commodity chain as studied by several scholars such as
Wilma A Dunaway, Jane Collins and Priti Ramamurthy (2014) could enrich studies
about commodity chain analysis. Feminist commodity chain researcher can
unveiling the relationship that usually hidden in realist study of commodity chain.
(Collins, 2014).
This new perspective of feminist commodity chain research showing
another possibility of using commodity chain to unveiling other relation in
commodity namely benefit and risk distribution in environmental implications.
Understanding environmental impact will give new insight to understand
commodity chain studies because up until this time, commodity chain approach
traditionally operates without locating itself in its environmental context. It regards
environment as a source of input and recipient waste as an output. Nonetheless, the
fact that this chain operate within global ecosystem, makes environmental aspect
need to be incorporated into commodity chain analysis (Ktting 2014). Part of the
task in measuring environment impact within the chain is actually fulfilled in a life
cycle analysis (LCA) approach. LCA measure the environmental impacts of
products over their entire life cycle from cradle to grave (Berkhout 1997 in Ktting
2014). Also LCA enable global assessment of product impact while product move
through different hands which is particularly appropriate to a study of the
environmental impacts of commodity chains. However LCA is not free from
challenge, as Jason Potts mentioned:

LCAs lack of attention to market structure, market power and the underlying
policy framework means that an LCA on its own, provides only limited

information on what the appropriate market or policy tools for improving
environmental performance might be (Potts 2006:2).
This challenge faced by the use of LCA could be tackled by the use of CCA. Thus
the environmental impact of a commodity could be reveal without overlooking its
political and social issue unexamined.
In the regards of environmental impact, in the US, carbon emission came out
from food transportation is estimated by Heller and Keoleian to account for 25
percent of total energy consumed (Cholette and Venkat, 2009). With Indonesia
being a large country with high instant noodles consumption, a transportation
system might potentially contribute higher number of carbon emission.
Focusing on this condition hopefully will be able to capture broader discourse
on new emerging commodity studies particularly in Indonesia context by asking
these form of research question below :
- How is political and economic power distributed along Indonesias instant
noodles commodity chain?
a. Where does monopoly occur within instant noodles commodity chain?
b. What is the role each actors have in the establishment of instant
noodles in Indonesias food system?
- What are the environmental implications of the instant noodles boom, and
how are environmental risks distributed along the commodity chain?
a. Where does environmental impact (carbon emissions) occur in the
instant noodles commodity chain?
b.How much damage carbon emissions may cause?

1.3 Analytical Framework

Commodity Chain Analysis
In this paper I will use the concept of commodity chain analysis to trace politic,
economic and environment trajectories of instant noodles establishment in
Indonesias food system within the chain of production until consumption. The
nature of this study was first introduced by Terrence Hopkins and Immanuel
Wallerstein on 1977 mainly for economic studies. Commodity chain define as a
network of labor and production process whose end result is a finish commodity
(Hopkins and Wallerstein 1986, p 159 as cited in Bair 2005: 155). Additionally
Hopkins and Wallterstein also established world system theory to make use
commodity chain in explaining core-periphery relationship as unequal distribution
of different activities that create division of labor in the world economy (Bair, 2005:
155). Commodity chain studies later being used to criticize development as a
practice and as an ideology. By using this method, social and economic change that

not implicated in economism and determinism and the inevitable western
hegemony were able to analyzed (Collins, 2005:4).

To examine the role of actors in the commodity chain and understanding how
this actors were able to dominate and drive the entire industry Gray Gereffi under
the influence of Hopkins and Wallterstein work, developed framework for
commodity studies on what he called global commodity chain (GCC). GCC
analysis principally concern with identifying the full set of actors that are involved
in certain commodity production and distribution and mapping the kind of
relationship that exist among them (Collins, 2004, Blain, 2005: 157). With mapping
the actors within the chain, GCC aiming to create best strategies for firms and
countries to improving their position within chain (Blair, 2005).
Researcher believes that commodity chain analysis is not just a method that
was innocent of theories. Many of the believes that with using this data-gathering
strategies complexity of transaction in globalization era would be able to be
captured. (Collins, 2004). Bair (2005) also indicate that GCC analysis could provide
not only methodological aspect but also it gives contribution on theory and policy
area. The GCC method permits one to analyze globalization on specific location
where particular process occur while at the same time revealing how this location
and activities are connected to each other in commodity chain. Theoretically, study
of GCC contribute to our understanding on how global economy works and in
particular how power is exercised in global industries. Blair also mentioning policy
implication of GCC by saying that this approach aim to enable local firms to
improve their position in particular value chain. Also this approach enable one to
analyze how commodity chains shape a countrys development prospects.
More recent commodity chain analysis (CCA) come from the
understanding that from the beginning the concept of commodity chains was about
connecting the global and the local. Todays CCA approach developed from
critiques to previous commodity chain study by saying that those previous study
moving towards narrowing focus on competitiveness and industrial upgrading. In
fact, Dunaway (2003b:185 as cited in Collins 2014) has suggested that they have
done the work of mainstream economist better than they do it themselves (Collins
With this critique being said, today commodity chain analysis provide more
room for contingency and agency as well as for discourse and culture. Many argued
that it was well suited to capturing the complex transaction of an era of
globalization and corporate domination and also provided a way to encompass the
array of actors and institutions involved in trade and economic policy (Collins,
2005:2). It also addressed social and economic change but did not seek simple

model of causation, did not define everything in terms of its economic value, and
did not make Western hegemony seem inevitable (Collins, 2014). By using this
approach, studies of commodity chain started to appear from scholars like Lourdes
Goveia (1977), Jane Dixon (2002), Melanie Du Puis (2002), Laura Raynolds (2001),
Harriet Friedman (1988), Priti Ramamurthy (2004), Deborah Barndt (2002), Jane
Will and Angela Hale (2005), Branda Chalfin (2007), Nicola Yeats (2009), Collins
(2000, 2003). In additional, all of this work also historically situated, emphasizes
social relations and power, actively interrogates relationship between local and
global and incorporates economic, political, sociological and cultural aspects of life
(Collins 2014).
Wilma Dunmay (2003 as cited in Collins 2014) argues that creative
application of commodity chain analysis can make visible hidden aspects in the
commodity chain. She also draw attention to the fact that right way of using CCA
could help probe the subsidy drawn from nature when capitalists and consumers
destroy and depleted resources. Dunway (2003b:196 as cited in Collins 2014) put
forward that commodity chain analysis can help make visible and begin to account
for these transfer of value that are embodied in commodities but do not shown in
prices (Collins 2014). After went through revision and critics, using commodity
chain analysis might provide interesting point of view in the regards of the rise of
instant noodles in Indonesias food system.
Food Regime Analysis
Food regime analysis provide historical lens on the political and ecological
relations of modern capitalism. (McMichael 2009: 142). This analysis is based on
the notion of a rule-governed structure of production and consumption of food
on a world scale (Friedmann 1993a, 30-31 in McMichael 2009: 142). Food regime
analysis situate food world system within a broader historical understanding of geo-
political and ecological condition (Mc Michael 2009: 139) which give a framework
to help in understanding the nature of instant noodles commodity chain in through
Indonesia historical events. Food regime takes capitalist world economy as an
integrated historical social system as its unit of analysis (McMichael 1990 in Woo
2015: 10) in an attempt to perceive dynamics of capital accumulation and how its
relation to the development dynamic and relationship between core and periphery
(Woo 2015: 10). What makes food regime analysis special is that it accentuate how
through circulation of food, forms of capital accumulation in agriculture that
constitute global power arrangements could be unveil (McMichael 2009).
The first food regime, colonial-diasporic food regime situate around British
hegemony in the world economy. This regime centered on European
transformation toward large scale industrialization with the support of tropical
commodity and expand to temperate food (Woo 2005, McMichael 2009: 145). The

second food regime, the mercantile-industrial food regime is the US-centered food
regime in which the country make use of food surplus to build development states
in the Third World (McMichael 2009: 145). The third food regime established by
Philip McMichael, the corporate environmental food regime situated among the
hegemony of agrifood corporation (McMichael 2005 in Woo 2015:11).
The second food regime particularly providing an analytical framework in
the development of instant noodles in Indonesia specially the historical and political
background of the commodity. The most important commodity of this post war
regime can be traced to wheat complex, durable food complex and livestock
complex surged after the World War II. The wheat complex facilitated food import
dependency for the Third World mainly to the US. In this regime, domination of
the US did not came from trade but mostly through other agreement. Price support
programs in advance capitalist countries generated surplus which became the food
aid under Public Law 480 for large number of Third World country (Friedmann
1992). Food regime analysis is clearly offer historical understanding of the evolution
of models of development that expressed and legitimized power relations in world
hegemony (McMichael 2009).

1.4 Research Method

By focusing the research question on the dynamic of commodity chain
across time and node in Indonesian context, the most possible methods to help me
answer the question is secondary data analysis. I will use secondary data from
various organization such as Indonesia government, FAO, WINA and other
organization and previous study that have relevant information. Secondary data
analysis techniques may allow for the prompt examination of current policy,
economic. The environmental impacts, particularly carbon emissions within this
commodity chain will be calculated by using carbon calculator provide by Other significant data needed to calculate the impact will be
collected from other relevant sources. However, one of the disadvantage of using
secondary data is lack of control over the framing and wording of survey items.
This may mean that the data needed are not included in the data set. (Vartanian,

1.5 Scope and Limitation

This study will mainly focus on the Indonesian context, particularly the
commodity chain of instant noodles from production until consumption node.
Therefore, the outcome could not be generalized into global practices. Additionally
due to data limitation the depth of analysis might vary in some node. However, by

using commodity chain analysis as a framework this study potentially able to give
new insight about the broader discussion on food system dynamic.
1.6 Systematic
Having said the brief explanation about the research design in this first chapter,
the following chapter will elaborate more about the topic discussion. In this
chapter, I will also elaborate the analytical framework more specify on commodity
chain analysis as a main framework of this study and Food Regime Analysis to
support the discussions. In the second chapter, I will describe an overview to
instant noodles boom in Indonesia. The explanation provides a critical insight for
particular case by providing historical point of view to the theme. Third Chapter
will describe how commodity chain of instant noodles in Indonesia operate and
how power and environmental impact particularly carbon emissions distribute
among the chain. Last chapter will be concluded all the findings.

2.1 Instant Noodles: an Overview
Instant noodles in Indonesia evolve through time and specific condition in
which this commodity born, develop and anchoring its existence in the countrys
food system. Its birth was a part of a global-local nexus played in the global food
system resulting from the US hegemony in the after war food regime. The
invention of instant noodles was not solely the result of brilliance invention.
Developed from the well-established Japans noodle tradition, the commodity was
able to flourish with the support of inexpensive and myriad supply of wheat from
the USs aid program to Japan (Errington, et al 2013). This cheap basic element of
instant noodles gave Ando the opportunity to produce the product for mass
market that he always envisions. He himself said in his autobiography, The Story of
the Invention of Instant Ramen:
I set myself five objectives, first, the noodle should tasty and palatable. Second,
they should keep for a long period of time and be easy to store in the kitchen.
Third, they should be easy to prepare. Fourth, the product should be inexpensive.
Fifth, the noodles should be safe and sanitary since they were for human
consumption [2002: 49 50 on Errington et al 2012: 22]

With those five characteristic, on its early year instant noodles was perceive
as part of development process and technology advancement, not only in Japan,
but also in several other places the product came into. The US then become Andos
next target for instant noodles advancement after the fruitful result in his own
country. With some adjustment, this modern food from the east was able to
penetrate the US market. From then on, the commodity started to spread rapidly
(Errington et al 2012: 22).
A decade later, instant noodles appeared in Indonesias market. However it was
not the result of Japanese instant noodles market invention but the outcome of
local initiative though with the help of foreign investor. The growth of instant
noodles market in Indonesia had even able to surpass the market in Japan where
the commodity come from. Today Indonesia is a house of the biggest instant
noodles producer in the world. The figure 2.1 below showed how instant noodles
consumption had been continuously growing albeit in the last two years from
2014-2015 the consumption was decreasing. This phenomenon had also happened
in global consumption as could see before. The real reason beyond this
phenomenon is yet to be determined, however Chinas market predict the change
of number was due to new food substitute, rising awareness of healthy life style
and rising income (Global Times 2016, Wenqian Zhun 2015). Aside from those

reason this phenomenon could be interesting to look into in relation with global
dynamic at those time.

Figure 2.1
Instant Noodle Consumption In Indonesia


in million serving






2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Series1 13.7 13.9 14.4 14.53 14.75 14.9 13.43 13.2


Source : World Instant noodles Association

Within this growing number of instant noodles consumption came also the
rising level of wheat import as it is the basic formula for the product. In Indonesia,
this inseparable nature of wheat and instant noodles had directly provide a room
for capitalist agency to accumulate capital and gaining power both politically and
economically. Having this two sectors under the belt means that whomever the
actors are will be able to gain enormous benefit from the upstream to the
downstream node of the commodity chain and in turn dominating the whole chain
of the commodity chain. This phenomenon was mentioned by Gereffi, as he stated
that certain firms could became lead firms that drive entire industry by taking
control certain node (Collins 2005). In this case, the wheat milling node holding
the key for domination. The dynamics of wheat sector in the country as Byerlee
mention is the aftereffect of domestic and international actors influences:
On the domestic side, the main actors are (a) producers; (b) consumers; and (c)
local grain-transport, storage, and processing industries, The main international
actors are private and public agencies involved in the world wheat trade (Byerlee
1987 : 309).

Using commodity chain as a unit of analysis, full set of actors involved in this
commodity and what kind of relationship that exist among them (Blain 2005 : 157)
will be unveiled in this paper. For nearly five decade the node for both instant

noodles production and wheat milling had been monopolized by small number of
actors. Government bodies and particularly president Suharto had collaborated
with private sector namely Salim group to rule this commodity by helping each
other. With their large influence to the market, this actors might held hostage to
varying degrees to the country. These corporations perceive food as a commodity
to be bought and sold. Yet food implies the stewardship of productive resources;
it is culture, farming, health-food is life itself (Rosset P 2003). They also might
have influence power in shifting benefit and risk whether economically, politically
and/or environmentally. Domination of this particulars actors is palpable in almost
every node of the commodity chain.
This actors present in every node had their own share of benefit from the
value adding process in this commodity. Aside for value adding process, this actors
also have power in related policy making, for example trade, subsidy and
distribution policy especially related to wheat. Wheat production and consumption
node in particular have a connection with international market and were taking
place outside the country particularly in Australia, Canada and the US. This three
advance capitalist country also were the main actors in this node. Other node after
the wheat production operate within the country but not free from global
2.2 Three Era of Instant Noodles Development
The role of the actors in this commodity lead to the establishment of several
era of instant noodles development in Indonesia. The establishment of this era
were based on the special events that brought instant noodles to its boom. Each
era also determined by distinctive features directly arise from how the actors
behave within the chain. The trajectory of this commodity chain change alongside
the dynamic of each era presented. The attempt to separate the boom into several
era not only will make easier to see the dynamic of instant noodles actor and
history, but also in analyzing global-nexus dynamic within the chain. The
establishment of this three era in this chapter will also make easier understanding
for the next chapter discussions.
The era were divided into three different sections. The first era was the
initial era, this era started with the time of political shifting in Indonesia in the
middle of 1960s and ended around the instant noodles first introduction to the
market. This era also marked by the start of foreign program particularly aid
program by The US and Australia. The second era was Bulog era (The National
Food Logistics Agency or Badan Urusan Logistic in Bahasa) in which instant
noodles started to became important part of Indonesian food culture. The most
prominent character of this era is monopoly in wheat and instant noodles market.
The particular actors of this era is the government body working in food regulation
namely Bulog and particular private sector namely Salim group the owner of PT

Bogasari and PT Indofood. The seeds of this actors intention had started in the
first era, however it was executed in this second era. In this era, the practice of
power abused by the government was running rampant, not only in whet and
instant noodles chain but also in the other sectors as well. Subsidy and loan at those
time were politicized and used to support milling wheat industry and instant
noodles production to achieve their capitalistic objective. The last era was the
liberalization era in which instant noodles already have crucial place in the
countrys food culture and continue to strengthen its place with releasing more
variation of instant noodles. The distinguishing feature of this era were market
liberalization influenced by IMF and the involvement of more actors. The opening
opportunity of more actors in both wheat and instant noodles production nodes
enabling the market to move from monopolistic market towards more versatile
market. However, due to long time of market monopoly, currently the market still
operate under oligopoly system with bias towards the older player. The detail and
reason why I separate the development of instant noodles into three era and how
this era distributed among nodes of commodity chain will be able to see in the later
chapter. Below is the summary of each era in instant noodles boom in Indonesia
with each distinguish feature and particular policy influencing each era.
Table 2.1
Three Era of Instant noodles Boom in Indonesia
Era Description Distinguish Particular
feature Policy
Initial era - Establishme Political Agreement
(1965-1971) nt of the first shift to take part
wheat in the US PL
milling in Installment 480 aid
Indonesia of aid program
- The first
of instant
Bulog era Starting the Monopoly Bulog rights
(1971-1998) popularity of of wheat to control
instant noodles and instant market
in Indonesia noodles Wheat
market subsidy
program of

Liberalizatio - Anchoring Market Presidential
n era the liberalizatio degree no.
(1998-now) popularity of n for wheat 45 year 1999
instant Anti-
noodles monopoly
- The start of decree no. 5
more year 1999

As mentioned before, specific events were what lead to establishment of

every era of instant noodles development. This timeline below might help to
summarize some main events of instant noodles development and how it distribute
within the timeline of the three eras. However this events listed below were not
the only events determined the boom of instant noodles, the detail of others event
will unveil in the next chapter.
Figure 2.2
Instant noodles Boom Timeline in Indonesia

4 9

3 8 12
2 7 11
1 6 10

196 196 196 197 197 197 197 198 199 199 no
5 7 9 1 2 4 9 4 8 9 w

Initial Era Bulog era Liberalization Era

Table 2.2
Events in Figure 2.2

No Year Event No Year Event

1 1965 Political Shifting 7 1974 Diversification program

PT Indofoods first
2 1967 Aid Agreement 8 1979
instant noodles

PT Bogasari
3 1969 9 1984 PT Indofood monopoly
First Instant noodles :
4 1969 10 1998 Political Shifting
LOI agreement with
5 1971 PT Bogasari operated 11 1998
BULOG Monopoly
6 1972 12 1999 Anti-Monopoly Policy

From the figure and table above we could see that the quantities of events
happened in every era were unequal. Most events happened in the first era when
instant noodles first established. Even though the other era might not bear as much
events as the first era it does not mean that those other era were less important.
Each era also does not based on particular period of time, thus we could witnessing
variety of time period in each era operate without losing its meaning. Some
happened so fast others need longer time to develop.
Within the development of this mega industry across, there had always
been an aspect that being neglected and being hidden under the radar. With
massive food industry like instant noodles, enormous impacts especially for
environment is bound to happen. Unfortunately the impacts of the industry had
always been externalized by the company and seems like it would not change in
the near future.
Naturally like in any other industry, production node contributes to the
most emissions and weighting the most in foot print calculation. Several articles
had been written on this particular production topic, the most prominent issue in
this node was the use of palm oil in the production process of instant noodles.
However, only few directly consider energy and emissions impact of supply chain
(Cholette and Venkat 2009: 1401) especially in the focus of transportation. In Asia,
carbon dioxide (CO2) emission related from the consumption of fossil fuel growth
annually of 5.3 percent. The number increase from 2136 million ton in 1980 to

7692 million ton in 2005. The three main sector that account for the biggest CO2
emission in most countries in Asia are power, industry and transportation. While
the emission intensities of the power and industry sector had been well analyzed
in many countries, transport sector emissions and emission intensities have not
examined to the same extent, especially in developing countries. Economic growth
and population growth alongside consumer clout are the factors that significantly
influence carbon emission. This chart below shows the carbon emissions from
transport in Indonesia from time to time, roughly transportation sector
contributed 22 percent of the countys total emission and from thus number 90.7
percent came from road transportation (Timilsina and Shrestha 2008).
Figure 2.3
Carbon Emissions From Transport (% of total fuel combustion) in







Source : World Bank Data 2016

With billions of packs sells every years and thousands of distribution point
across the country the impact of transportation sector in instant noodles chain
could not be ignore. Latter in the next chapter we could see where the emission
appear and how much damage it contribute.


In this chapter, five node of instant noodles commodity chain will be

analyze. The aspects being analyzed will focused in historical background, actors
role and environmental aspects of each node. However the weight of discussion in
every node might come out vary from each other. The reason being were the
availability of data and lack of prior study to be guidance from research community
especially in the environmental aspects. This lack of prior study may potentially
made the research simplisistics and resulting misleading calculation (Cholette and
Venkat 2009: 1401).Thus, the environmental aspect in this paper might left a lot
to desire. Five node that will be analyze in this chapter are wheat production node,
wheat milling node, noodle production node, retail and distribution node and
consumption node. The simple model below showed how generally commodity
chain of instant noodles operated in Indonesia in which the actors involvement
appear in every node, we could also witnessing where the carbon emitted. Though
appear separately, each node is interrelated and hold influence towards each other,
and so does the actors and the emissions emitted.
Figure 3.1
Commodity Chain of Instan Noodle in Indonesia


Wheat Wheat Noddle Retailer & Consump

Productio Milling Production distributor tion

Actor Actor Actor Actor Actor

s s s s s

In the first node, historical background and role of actors will be given more
focus with the additional of global power influence, environmental aspect in this
node will not be analyzed because of the research limitation. The second node will
be deeply related with the historical event that happened in the first node with
emphasizing in the introduction of the actors. The production node will mostly
develop around instant noodles market development lead by certain actor with also

historical background behind it and also environmental aspect that started to
become more apparent. Node of retailer and distribution will mostly emphasizing
in the environmental impacts with lack of historical context since the data is less
available. The last node of consumption will be discussing how the actors
influencing consumers preference and not much about environmental effect since
the impact from logistic sector was considered to end in the retailer and
distribution node.
The carbon emissions omitted in the supply chain by logistic sector were a raw
calculation. In order to estimate the emission omitted, a software have to be use.
In the study conducted by Susan Cholette and Kumar Venkat, a software
developed by CargoScope was used to estimate the energy and carbon emissions
intensity of the supply chain of wine (2009: 1401). However, the same software
could not be used in this research since the software is based on the US supply
chain. Unlike other countries it is quite challenging to gather the data to estimate
carbon emission in Indonesia. Therefore in this paper I decided to use a carbon
calculator from sustainable travel international ( This
calculator provide the calculation based on distance, the type of fuel and fuel
efficiency. This calculator also provided the estimate price of carbon emission for
the user. However given the fact that the site provide the price for later donation
to their organization program, the price calculations objectivity is still not clear.
Despite that I decided to mention the price to become part of consideration in
materialize the environmental impact of logistic sector in this commodity chain.
In the use of this calculator, we also have to acknowledge that there are
several factors that might contribute to the accuracy of the result. For one this
calculator is US based carbon calculation. The difference in geographical contour
within two country might give different estimation. Moreover, other important
aspects that might contribute to the number of emissions such as the age and
condition of cars, road condition, how the driver drive the cars and how much
time the vehicles spend idle in the traffic are not being considered. Nevertheless
given the fact that the data is not easy to obtain and the lack of study about this
theme in Indonesia using this calculator is the best option for the moment.

3.1 Wheat Production Node

While all node is important in the commodity chain, wheat production become
crucial key for this commodity reproduction. Not only because all other node
depend on this node to be functioning but also the historical and political dynamic
surrounding this node that determine the birth of instant noodles. Understanding
historical context and power dynamic of wheat import in Indonesia is important
in order to understand the condition in which instant noodles emerge. As the birth

of this commodity is the result of opportunity provided by the abundant of wheat
in the market as the consequence of several policy taken.
Wheat itself has special significances in the study of food and power, it
especially hold significances for developing countries. First, wheat is the dominant
imports commodity by developing countries. Second, unlike rice, world wheat
exports are dominated by developed countries. Third most of importers countries
lying in tropical belt that could barely produce wheat, hence there is an incongruity
between the traditional food staple and the importation of wheat. Lastly it has to
undergo processing process that would involve several more actors (Byerlee 1987:
307-308). With decade process of trade and wheat penetration, Indonesia had
finally taken part of this global wheat system. Leo Kusuma (2012 as cited in Subejo
2013) discovered that Indonesia's processed wheat per capita consumption only
reached 8.1 kilograms per year in 1980, but it swelled to 21.2 kilograms in 2010.
Within 20 years, per capita consumption of wheat has increased by more than 200
percent. The latest official data reveals that imports of wheat and wheat flour
exceed 7 million tons, totaling Rp 25 trillion (US$2.52 billion). This amount
outweighs the state budget allocation for agricultural development in 2013, which
was set at Rp 16.4 trillion.
Unfortunately, recognition of the countrys high dependence on wheat import
is low despite the fact that the level have reached an alarming level (Subejo 2013).
If these massive and systematic food imports keep continue it will potentially
undermine the sustainability of domestic food system (Subejo 2012). Supposing
that the food production and consumption have to continually highly depend to
the global economy, on the goodwill of a superpower not to use food as a weapon,
or on the unpredictability and high cost of long distance shipping the country could
not be secure in the sense either national security or food security (Rosset P 2003).

Figure 3.2
Indonesia Wheat Import Quality









Source : FAOstat, 2016

From the graph above we could examine that commercial wheat import in
Indonesia started came to the market from the late 1970s and continue to go up
from then on. This trend was a part of the consumption trend in the Third World
which accelerated during early 1950s and the late 1970s. During those period,
estimated 80 per cent of global traded wheat was consumed by developing
countries (Byerlee 1987: 308). Per capita consumption of wheat increased by 63
per cent in the market economies of the Third World (Friedmann 1992: 372). This
global consumption trend was a part of Fiedman and McMichaels second food
regime in which food surplus in 1950s from the United States came into markets
and transforming the US into a dominant exporter and in turn transforming
Japan and new nations of the Third World from self-sufficient to importing
countries. The postwar food regime enable the US to penetrate Third World
countries market by circulate the agriculture commodities in the forms of aid and
not as trade. Framing surplus transfer as aid naturalized what were a set of implicit
power relation (McMichael, 2009: 143-144). This surplus the US determine to get
rid was the result of the countrys domestic program namely PL480. Established
in 1954, the program not only sought to create overseas markets for the US
commodities, but also to securing loyalty against communism and to imperial
markets (McMichael 2009: 141, Van der Eng 2014: 5).
Indonesia, as a budding major market for wheat-based food product was
an ideal target for the program. However under the leadership of the first president
Soekarno wheat surplus could not entering the market, instead it was raw cotton,

tobacco and small amounts of rice as emergency aid that PL480 brought. Food aid
was the least in the president priority, on public rally he even bluntly said Go to
Hell with your Aid to the US Ambassador in Jakarta on March 1964 (DeGroot
2009: 387). The penetration of PL480 was then only able to success after the
change of political ideology in the country which marked the first era that I
mentioned in the previous chapter: the initial era of instant noodles boom.
The initial era of instant noodles boom in Indonesia was indirectly the result
of the domino effect from what happened to the country political and economic
condition in the 1960s. The shift of political and economic view following military
coup de etat to the former president Soekarno was what the first trigger to the
rapid penetration of aid into Indonesias market. Initially, donor countries focused
on rice aid in efforts to secure share in Indonesias growing import however it
shifted due to the new opportunity provided by the new president (Van der Eng
2014: 13).
In the old order regime lead by Soekarno, the country had never requested
food aid despite occasional famines at those time. Most of the economic aid to
Indonesia took the form of project aid that primary aimed to support economic
development and strengthen the competences of the countrys armed forces. Until
1965, the aid mostly came from Soviet Union due to the former presidents political
view and his abhorrence towards neocolonialism, colonialism and imperialism
(Van der Eng 2014: 1, Frederick and Worden 1993). Six weeks after the president
suggestion to join anti-imperialism alliance with Beijing and other Asian
communist regime he was dethroned by a group of army officer, leaving the chair
of presidency to military figure General Suharto (Thirteen n.d).
The new regime lead by former military major general Suharto took opposite
direction from his precedent in political and economic orientation into a pro-
Western (Yazid 2014: 1). While in his foreign policy the former president
concentrated more upon nation pride, military improvement and closer relation
with communist countries, under President Suharto cooperation with the United
Started and foreign investment began to operate. (Frederick and Worden, 1993).
The shifting of the state and state system in the country lead to the reproduction
of the US food regimes in the newly revolute country (Friedmann 1992: 380).
As a result, a year after the regime officially change from old order to the new
order, in 1967 the aid in the form of wheat flour, rice and other products started
to arrive to Indonesia (Van Der Eng 2014: 13). At the same time, Indonesia had
to face instability of world thin rice market, during those period only 7 percent of
world production traded that make any insufficient supply would lead to world
price rise when imports are needed. The condition was dangerous for the country
because during 1960-1964 Indonesia become the worlds biggest rice importer. In
order to counter this condition the new government limited rice imports to an

annual average of 5 percent of total supply during 1966-70 (Van der Eng 2014,
Fabiosa 2006: 2). At those time of instability, flour and wheat market promises
stability with less volatile market, abundant supply and in the same moment could
substitute rice as a staple food (Timmer 1971 in Sawit 2003: 59). This risky
condition of rice market flames the opportunity for wheat and wheat based
product to develop. This opportunity were foresaw by The US government that
through Marshall Plan and PL480 program grant Indonesia soft loan for importing
flour. At the end 1960s The US gave a concessional funds to Indonesia for buying
the countrys wheat (program PL 481 Title I) (Sawit 2003: 59).

Figure 3.3
Commercial and Aid Import to Indonesia
amount x 1000 tons

200 Commercial

100 Aid

1951- 1956- 1961- 1966- 1971- 1976- 1981-
55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Commercial 39 33 0 0 211 305 608
Aid 11 21 120 171 145 175

Source : Van der Eng 2014: 16

As could be seen from the graph above, supplying food aid offered the US
opportunities to establish and build market share in Indonesia which in previous
order was limited (Van der Eng 2014: 8). In accordance with the amount of wheat
imported as aid, the number of wheat imported as commercial wheat also soaring
up. Providing the success penetration from the US that been supported by the
subsidy program from the government. Clearly, the governments in both
importing country and exporting countries have been key actors that consistently
reinforced market phenomena and accelerated the growing of wheat based
products (Byerlee, 1987: 311).
However, the US domination through aid had raised a concern among several
countries that exporting agricultural commodities. In order to counter rapid
growth of the US PL480 program, several countries established World Food

Programme (WFP) in 1963, Inter-Governmental Group for Indonesia (IGGI) in
1967 and the Food Aid Convention of the multilateral International Grains
Arrangement (IGA) in 1968. In the case of IGA, the country member was obliged
to provide a minimum amount of food aid, as a result, EU, Australia and Canada
emerge as major aid donor of agricultural produce (Van Der Eng 2014: 3)
In the late-1960s, Indonesia was one of the first and main
beneficiaries of WFP and the Food Aid Convention. IGGI donor
countries were interested in helping Indonesia to overcome its economic
difficulties through foreign aid as soon as possible. But Indonesias
capacity to absorb foreign project aid at short notice was limited. Food
aid therefore became an important part of instantaneous aid that these
countries could offer. For example, Australias food aid program to
Indonesia expanded very quickly as part of Australias effort to counter
the effects of the rapid growth of US food aid to Indonesia in the late
1960s and 1970s. In general, food aid was provided under multilateral
WFP commitments for famine relief and emergency, or it was provided
bilaterally as aid in kind yielding local currency proceeds that were soon
used to finance bilateral aid projects... (Van Der Eng 2014: 6).

As the result of this joint effort of other capitalist countries, the US hegemony
undergoes a challenge of its aid programme, the new contender both accumulated
surpluses through their own domestic policy and were in the end strong enough
to challenge the US in the aid game (Friedmann 1992: 373). In Indonesia,
Australia came as the strongest contender for the US aid. The table below showed
how aid evolved through periods of time. It was clear that aid came to Indonesia
in the 1956-60 after the establishment of PL480 and rapidly grow after the regime
changes. The US, Australia and Canada later also became the largest exporter for
wheat to Indonesia. The initial era of this wheat production node was heavily
influenced by political dynamics in global power arrangement that leaving
Indonesia as an object of political contestation between advance capitalist
Table 3.1
Wheat Aid to Indonesia x 1000 tons
1951- 1956- 1961- 1966- 1971- 1976- 1981-
55 60 65 70 75 80 85
USA 11 21 120 171 145 175
Australia 32 41 29 15
Canada 25 4 11
25 31 10 28
Other 2 9 3 4 5

Source: Van der Eng 2014: 16

This continuation of aid penetration had successfully established the now
large market of wheat and wheat based product in Indonesia. As the aid grow,
so did the commercial import of wheat, to put it into perspective, the figure
above and below showed clearly how aid was supporting the growth of
commercial wheat products and the two went in the parallel direction. From
1951-1960 the country import commercial wheat but no aid coming. This
situation started to significantly change in 1966-170 when both aid and
commercial wheat come to the country. However, the aid in those time is higher.
Started from the 1976-80 the commercial aid significantly became higher while
the aid is declining from the previous year. The gap between aid and commercial
wheat then became larger in the next year with. Figure 3.4 provide an insight in
which each exporter country grow their wheat market in Indonesia. Until 1985
the number of aid was influencing commercial aid figures. The US for example
had lead the commercial market that might have something to do with their high
number of aid.

Figure 3.4
Aid and Commercial Import to Indonesia












1951-55 1956-60 1961-65 1966-70 1971-75 1976-80 1981-85

Source : Van Der Eng 2014: 16

The initial era of instant noodles boom in this particular node ended when
wheat import started to became consistent part of Indonesias trade balance which
triggering the birth of instant noodles in 1969.
The import of wheat to Indonesia then continue to increase, however this
market was being monopolized by the governments body; Bulog. This particular
event was the key that opening new era to instant noodles development; Bulog
era. BULOG was set up in 1967 directly after President Suharto came to power,

in 1978 it became an agency directly under president control (Yonekura 2005: 122).
However the second era of instant noodles boom had started in the 1972 when
Bulog given the authority to be the sole legal importer of wheat. The extension of
Bulogs monopoly came at a time when Indonesia still imported most wheat on a
concessional or grant basis (Van der Eng 2014: 12). The dependency of market
operation on the permission issued by Bulog brought the opportunity to intuitional
corruption that already happened to rice market in 1970 (Van der Eng 2014: 11).
The existence of a single and ostensibly effective food
logistics agency in Indonesia facilitated an ulterior motive that
donor countries tacitly pursued with food aid. This was related
to the fact that each was also an exporter of staple foods,
particularly wheat, wheat flour and/or rice. In the 1950s,
Indonesias rice imports were dominated by supplies from
countries in Southeast Asia, while its wheat flour imports largely
came from Australia. But in the 1960s, supplying food aid
offered a major donor country like the USA opportunities to
establish and build market share in Indonesia (Van der Eng,
2014: 8).

The setting up of BULOG in handling wheat market develop in the ideal

nepotistic business-politics structure in Indonesia. It is the result of policy making
in Indonesia that highly centralized and directed by the President through his
Cabinet. This central role played by the President in policy formulation serves the
opportunity for him to create mechanisms that will only benefit him and his crony
(Mobarok and Purbasari 2006: 8).
Under the direct assessment of the president, until the middle of 1980s the
US was the major contributor for wheats supply to Indonesias market. However
in the middle of 1980s, world trade in wheat dropped sharply and the US share fell
even more (Friedman 1992: 373). Started from 1986, then Indonesia shift its major
importer to Australia. The shifting of importer source in the middle of 1980s also
might influenced by the changing preference of PT Bogasari as the biggest sole
buyer of wheat. This table below showed how Australia overturned the US in the
wheat market:

Figure 3.5
Indonesia Wheat Importer
1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

US Aus Canada

Source : FAOstat 2016

The figure above showed how rapidly the table of wheat market turn in
Indonesias market. With the decreasing of aid grant, the US slowly lost their
market share in the country. Canada which did not invest large amount of aid for
Indonesia in earlier year surprisingly could overturn the US in commercial wheat
market in the early 1990s.
While in the 1980s Indonesia could achieve zero import of rice as the result of
green revolution, wheat import continue to soaring even though the government
reduced the subsidies. This fact supporting the fact that wheat market had already
successfully established in Indonesia. In this rise of wheat, Bulog as government
body hold a significant role.
After being monopolized the market for nearly three decade, this institutions
power have to come to an end. Ironically its power have to come to end with the
collapsed of the President. As Asian economic crisis hits Indonesia in 1997-1998,
the political power of new order regime also gradually depleting. The tense
economic chaos lead to the dethroned of president Suharto after 32 years served
the country (Indonesia Investment n.d.). Before the final blow, the government
made an agreement with IMF in 1998 for receiving an IMF loan during the crisis.
However Indonesia have to agree to the letter of intent (LOI) proposed in which
liberalization of Indonesias wheat sector was listed in (Sawit, 2003, Fabiosa 2006).
In November 1998, presidential decree no. 45 was announced, under the influences
of the IMF and World Bank BULOG underwent a reforms in accordance with LOI.

This reforms consist of abolishment of its exclusive right and privileges that had
come with being directly under the president. This decree also indicated that Bulog
would no longer be under the sole control of president (Mobarok and Purbasari
As wheat market no longer being monopolized, the new era of liberalization
emerge. After the agreement with IMF, in 1998 the government set 5 per cent of
wheat tariff import and reduced it into 0 per cent in 2002. This policy made
Indonesia as one of the most liberal country in wheat trade compare to other Asia
countries (Sawit 2003: 61). Nowadays Australia holding 60 percent of market share
in Indonesia, followed by Canada that hold 25 percent and the US whom opening
the market in Indonesia currently only hold 7.7 percent. The high number of import
from Australia is due to noodle industrys preference for Australia standard white
wheat, price and proximity (GAIN Report 2016: 5).
As the evolving of each era and the rising of wheat import the environmental
impact is eventful to occur. As proved by already abundant research paper,
agriculture is the biggest contributor for the global carbon emission. The large
number of land transformation and input uses by no means were the biggest
challenge for todays climate change eradication. As wheat is the second most trade
commodities the carbon occurred from this commodities production have been
researched by more researcher.

3.2 Milling Node

Ironically, as non-wheat-producing country, today Indonesia have an excess of

milling capacity beyond the countys annual consumption and host of the biggest
flour mills (Byerlee, 1987: 320) . This situation was the consequences of the
flooding of aid in the initial era as mentioned before. This initial era in this node is
mostly the time of establishment for milling flour industry. The idea of setting up
milling industry was came from wheat flour shipping inefficiency. In the first arrival
of the aid, approximately 2.000 tons of the aid had to be thrown away to the sea
because it was rotten in the long journey (Aditjondro 2007: 237). This became one
of the trigger for the president to sought milling as one of his business aspirations.
Together with his main business partner; Liem Sioe Liong they establish the first
milling flour at 19 May 1969: PT Bogasari Flour Mills. Liem was his old friend
before the general stepping into the throne. President Suharto and Liem formed
their personal bound in the early 1950s when the young commander of the
Diponegoro Division in Central Java gave contracts to supply whatever the
division needed for his soldiers as a return of Liem financial back up (Aditjondro

In really unusual speed, only five day after the establishment of the company,
it received approval to invest in the construction of a factory. Furthermore, PT
Bogasari received rare direct loan from the central bank which usually only given
for certain state-owned corporations (Sato 1993: 415). Two year after the company
establishment in 29 November 1971 the first milling factory was operated in
Jakarta and a year later in 10 July 1972 the second wheat milling was set up in
Surabaya, East Java (Bogasari n.d). PT Bogasari was given full support by the
government, it was even get the right to the West Indonesia market which
previously promised to the Singapore milling based company. The West market
became so much important because it hold 80 per cent of Indonesia flour market.
The Singapore company latter being pushed away to Ujungpandang (also known
as Makassar; a port city in South Sulawesi), and allocated the meager East
Indonesian market by decree of the Bulog (Aditjondro 1998). With all exclusive
economic privileges Liem soon had become widely known as one of the cukong;
Indonesia-Chinese businessmen associated with political figures (Sato 1993: 415).
However even with all the support in its early year Bogasari did not have had
big income due to relatively small flour consumption in Indonesia. But the business
was poised for growth as it was securely protected by the government (Borsuk and
Chng 2014). Bogasari even became the major beneficiary from the solo licensed
importer of wheat possessed by Bulog.
Bogasari has special rights to mill Bulogs wheat into flour and received the
flour at well below world market price ($82.48 per ton, whereas the purchase
price was $150). This gave Bogasaris owner monopolistic control over all of
Indonesias flour, allowed him to charge a milling margin equivalent to 22%
of the world price of wheat (Magiera 1993, Jakarta Post 1997, Aditjondro
1998b in Mobarak and Purbasari 2006: 8).

In the middle of 1970s President Suharto letting go his part in the flour mills
company as he and his wife began frantically setting up their own family-controlled
foundations. However the president had not totally letting the company go under
his watch since the president still placing his step brother; Sudiwokatmono in the
company (Aditjondro 1998). In exchange for monopoly privileges given by the
government on wheat production, the conglomerates have to help government
industrialization goals by undertake large-scale investment project (Frederick and
Worden, 1993). In additional, PT Bogasari had the obligation to spare 26 percent
of its profit for foundation own by the presidents wife and also to a military unit
that had tight relations with Bulog (Aditjondro 2007: 238).
The monopoly by PT Bogasari practically facing hindrance with Bulogs loss of
power. Moreover, the LOI signed by the government triggering the enforcement
of antimonopoly law No.5 year 1999 that prohibit business practices that unfairly
restrict competition (Juwana 2002 : 87). Wheat millers and other wheat flour user

were then get the chance to import wheat and directly purchasing flour from
foreign suppliers. Without Bulog handling the market they can sell their product
directly to the market, triggering more versatile wheat market (Fabiosa 2006). Up
until 1998, there was only five milling wheat existed; Bogasari, (with 80 percent
share), Eastern Pearl Flour Mills (previously named Berdikari Sari Utama Flour
Mills with 8.5 percent share) and Sriboga Ratujaya & Pangan Mas (with each 5
percent share) (World Grain 2015).
Half decade later, and the business vision of Liem is now being proven. His
company is now the largest flour mill in the world and Indonesia now able to
export wheat flour to other countries, particularly South East Asia countries
(GAIN Report 2016: 6). It was quite remarkable achievement from the country
that do not have any culture related to wheat to become one of the exporter despite
the still dependency of the basic ingredient. Now, it is safe to say that the actors in
milling industry had been gain benefit from the value adding process in the chain.
Thus, it was not a surprise when after the market liberalization the number of
wheat milling company is soaring. In only 15 years, the number of actors double
into 29 while in previous era need 30 years to doubling the number. This table
below showed the growth of milling company in every era.
Table 3.2
Number of Milling Company in Liberalization Era
Subject Initial Bulog Liberalizati Total
Era Era on Era
1960- 1972- 1999-2015
1972 1998
Number 5 5+6 11+18 29
Location Jakarta Gresik Cilegon (5) Java :
(1) (1) Tangerang 24
Suraba Tangera (2) Outsi
ya (1) ng (1) Medan (3) de
Makas Sidoarjo Bekasi (3) Java :
sar (1) (3) Gresik (3) 5
Semar Medan Sidoarjo (1)
ang (1) (1) Mojokerto
Cilaca (1)
p (1)
Total of Wheat Mill Capacity : +/- 10.3 million MT/year
Source : Welirang, 2014
Even with the doubling numbers of players, PT Bogasari still holds 51 percent
of Indonesias market share. This number however is less than what they used to
have before the liberalization took place. In 2000 the company holds 67 percent
of share (World Grain 2003, 2015). However, the declining of market share does
not mean the production is also declining, on contrary due to increasing number

of wheat consumption, the production is now increasing. Nowadays, the
companys milling capacity in Jakarta is 10.450 MT per day and 6.000 MT per day
in Surabaya (Bogasari, n.d). The graph above clearly indicate that the milling
companies are concentrated in Java. This tendency to centralizing administrative
and economics activities in Java existed since the era of Dutch colonialism which
Indonesia seems could yet get free from.
As mentioned before, PT Bogasari established two milling flour in the early
1970s. These two milling were located in Java. The first one is in Tanjung Priok,
outside Jakarta and the second one is located in Tanjung Perak in Surabaya. Both
Tanjung Priok and Tanjung Perak is key ports in the country. The two location is
a strategic choose for business since it will be easier to access other divers market
that spread across the Indonesian archipelago. Moreover the company need not to
transport the wheat they import too far.
PT Bogasari had their own unloading port that provide more benefit for
them. The Jakartas branch have two ports with five pneumatic equipment with
capacity of 3200 ton unloading per hour and 800 ton loading per hour. While in
Surabaya, one port operate with three unit unloader with capacity 1.200 ton
unloading and 400 ton loading per hour. To support the companys activities,
Bogasari makes use of PLN (nations electricity corporate) electric plants with 30
MW and 6 MW capacities (Bogasari n.d). This individual port not only gives the
company benefit in the production efficiency but also to limiting the
environmental impacts that came from the loading process of production. With
their own port, the company estimated to be able to press down ten times
emissions that came from the period of time the ships at berth.
Emissions from ships at berth have been estimated to approximately ten
times greater than those from the ports own operations and there is a
greater potential to reduce GHG emissions from ships in port than from
port activities on the landside (Habibi & Rehmatulla, 2009 in Winnes et
al, 2015 : 74).

With this being said, the emissions produced in this node is less than the
general port user. This port is located in the factory area of PT Bogasari. Thus the
company do not use any mode of transportation to transport their commodity into
production process factory. Eventhough the emissions that came from
transportation seems like does not occur in this node, further research need to be
done to be understand the real nature of the process.

3.3 Noodle Production Node

Instant noodles was an evidence of food culture transition in Indonesia. From

unaccepted, instant noodles remarkably became second staple food for Indonesian
people. As Japanese people choose instant noodles as the best invention,
Indonesian people might also think that instant noodles is one of the best new
food introduced to the countrys food tradition. After more than half decade,
instant noodles gain so much fame. From small stall until high end caf have this
food in the menu. From elderly to toddler, everyone must have taste or at least
heard about this commodity. Bringing Indonesia name in its expansion toward
international market, this commodity became pride for some part of the society.
The introduction of instant noodles as wheat based product had been
unexpected. At those time when instant noodles first introduced, bread is the only
wheat-based product well known enough to the public as the heritage from the
Dutch colonialism. Those time, wheat based noodle was only regulated in Chinese
community. The only noodle that existed in Indonesias cuisine tradition was rice
noodle where the basic ingredient could easily be found.
For at least three decade instant noodles was generally known as Indomie in
Indonesia, the brand had been favorite for very long time. However, the first brand
that introduce instant noodles to Indonesian market was not those giant. As the
answer of wheat abundance in the initial era, Instant noodles was first introduced
in 1969 as Supermie. This noodle was the result from joint venture between PT
Lima Satu Sankyu (later became PT Supermi) and Sankyo Shokuhin from Japan.
Instant noodles at those time, aiming to substitute rice as staple food. In the
beginning, numerous people doubt the ability of instant noodles to compete with
rice as preferable primary food (Indomie n.d., Kompas 2009). It was hard for the
society to accept wheat-based food in general hence the government intensified
campaign to introduce the food. However, the middle of 70s, people started to
acknowledge the existence of instant noodles as one of the wheat-based product
even though it was not yet popular enough to be staple food. In those period
Supermi was acknowledge as generic name of instant noodles (Wingsfood vs
Indofood Essay n.d.).

In the era of BULOG monopoly, Liem Sio Liong business group; Salim
Group established other product to maximize the use of available resource. With
value adding process towards the flour their produce, the company choose to
involve in instant noodles market. At the same time, in 1974 the president
instructed private sector to develop instant noodles industry as a part of
diversification program. Salim Group then established another subsidiary to
develop instant noodles under the name of PT Sarimi Asli Jaya and in 1979 this
division released its first instant noodles: Sarimi. Started from those moment,
instant noodles market in Indonesia began to flourish (Wingsfood vs Indofood

Essay n.d.). In 1982, Salim Group re-launched another brand of instant noodles
called Indomie. Indomie itself had been circulated in the market since 1970 under
the ownership of PT Sanmaru Food Manufactures from Jangkar Jati Group
(Kompas 2009). Later, Salim Group through PT Sanmaru Food Manufactures
exchanged share with Jangkar Jati Group (Indomie n.d., Wingsfood vs Indofood
Essay n.d.). The sales of instant noodles in Indonesia then significantly rose in
1983 when Indomie launch a flavor that compatible with majority of Indonesian
peoples taste (Indomie n.d.). Branching yet another business in instant noodles
market, Salim group acquired PT Supermi Indonesia in 1984 (Kompas 2009).
Interestingly, the rose of instant noodles boom was in the same time with the time
of importer shifting from The US to Australia. This event might be contribute to
the shifting since instant noodles production prefer white wheat from Australia.
With this acquisition, now Salim group had the strongest instant noodles brand
under their belt and able to monopolize the market for this commodity. In 1999,
Salim Group owned 90 percent of instant noodles market in Indonesia; 44 percent
from Indomie, 28 percent from Sarimi sales and 18 percent from Supermi
(Wingsfood vs Indofood Essay n.d). The company success to anchoring their
position not only by market domination, but also their ownership of the products
resource. All ingredient for this product was directly supplied by their sister
company, PT Bogasari. As an upstream company PT Bogasari supplying all the
flour needed for production. Approximately, a quarter of PT Bogasari product
went to PT Indofood (World Grain 2015). All this three brands and other business
branch of Salim Group including PT Bogasari then joined together in 1994 under
the name of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur (Wingsfood vs Indofood Essay n.d.).
The success penetration of instant noodles could be seen when people started
to recognize instant noodles as a staple food or side dish (Sawit 2003). In 1999,
Indofood earned net sales of Rp. 4.315 billion and net profit Rp 892 billion from
instant noodles product only (Wingsfood vs Indofood Essay n.d.). No different
from the establishment of PT Bogasari, the expansion of instant noodles by Salim
Group also had assistance from the government. Research institution INDEF
reported that the government subsidized Rp 760 billion for Salim Group to
produce instant noodles every year based on data from 1994 (Sawit 2003: 60). With
the success venture in instant noodles market, Salim Group started also working
in other food manufacture and able to became strong player in the area. Prior to
the Asia economic crisis, Salim Group became the biggest conglomerate in South
East Asia, ahead of those in Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong and just behind
the Republic of Korea (Sato 1993: 408).
When the backing of his chief patron gone in 1997, the sentiment towards
conglomerate especially Chinese was heated. The unstable condition of the
country forced Mr Liem to fled to Singapore and leave his business empire
shattered. In the middle of the crisis, Salim Group had lost huge amounts of

business in finance, cars and cement (Vatikiotis 2004). The average loss of
company connected to the president was 907.3 billion Rupiah in 1998, a
significant decline from the loss of 3.9 billion Rupiah in 1997 (Mobarok &
Purbasari 2005: 32). In order to secure PT Indofood, through Hong Kong-based
First Pacific Group 40 percent of PT Indofood share was acquired in 1999
(Vatikiotis 2005 First Pacific, 1999). First Pacific Group itself is Salim Groups
offshore company that established in 1979 to cover Asia and Australia market
(Aditjondro 1998).
With all the situation happened in the liberalization era, the market started to
attract more player and opening new era of competition. While in 2001 there are
57 companies, in 2005 the number increasing into 84 player of instant noodles
(Wingsfood vs Indofood Essay n.d.). Despite the large number of instant
noodles player, it had always considered tough for newcomer to penetrate
Indonesias instant noodles market as Indofood has a strong brand, loyal
customers and dominant market position (Indonesia investment 2016). Even after
the liberalization of the upstream company, the oligopoly still became a hindrance
for development of other competitor. Nestle for example, even their instant
noodles market in India and other Pacific countries was hugely successful their
rather choose to join PT Indofood in producing other food products rather than
challenging the giant.
However surprisingly, in 2003 Wings Food under division of Wings Group
successfully stepped into the market with Mie Sedaap. The business group
previously known as toiletries producer now expanding its division (Wingsfood
vs Indofood Essay n.d.). From those onward, the once stagnant market started
to grew and more variation of instant noodles threw to the market. This sharp
competition resulting in demand grew for instant noodles from the middle and
higher market segments (Indonesia Commercial Newsletter 2009). The new
emerging competition has resulted in cut in market share of the PT Indofood.
Eventhough still holding domination, the former 90 percent market holder share
now hold less share (Indonesia investment 2016).

Table 3.3
Market Share Composition of Indonesia's Instant noodles Market (%)
Company 2011 2012 2013 2014
Indofood Sukses
71.8 71.8 71.8 72.0
Wings Group 14.6 14.6 14.8 14.9
Conscience Food
2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6

ABC President
1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8
Jakarama Tama 2.4 3.0 2.9 2.9
Medco Group 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1
Nissin Foods
1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0
Holdings Co Ltd
Delifood Sentosa
0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6

Source : JP Morgan in Indonesia Investment (2016)

The liberalization of market in reality could not yet overcome PT Indofoods

monopoly. However with the new competition the market meets much more
variation, PT Indofood then launched 78 taste variation to keeping and gaining
more customer. The domination of PT Indofood in the market also might related
with how they established their brand as the taste of Indonesia through their
rampant advertisement.
Moving to the environmental impact, in PT Indofoods annual report 2015 the
company mentioned to have been operate 14 manufactures facilities across
Indonesia in order to achieve production and distribution efficiency (Indofood
2015). The manufacture facilities was operate not only to produce instant noodles,
but also other food product. However, given the fact that instant noodles
contribute to 65% of the companys net profit (Pasopati, 2015) I estimated the
company operates all facility to also produce instant noodles. In order to
understand the environmental impact from the transportation process in this node
I will try to use this data to predict how much Carbon emission released. As the
data is limited, I make a prediction on the milling origin of the flour. The number
of the distance was also a result of estimation since the data is lacking. Several
factors need to be considered in order to get precise estimation of the emissions.
For once, in this data I did not consider the distance taken by ship, instead I
generalize the data from land vehicle.
For the emission calculation in this node, first I estimating the distance
between the main factory in Jakarta and Surabaya to the branch by using the
distance estimation from google maps. After that, I estimated the company to used
big truck, probably with 6- 8 wheels. The general type of this vehicle used solar as
fuel and usually run about 6 km/liter. I also estimated that the vehicle went every
once a week. However, there is no data in the regards how many trucks they uses
in every shipping. Thus, I only calculate for one trucks only. With the assumption

that this trucks have to go back to the main branch, commute distance was being
used in the calculation. From then on, the calculation was conducted. The table
below showed the result of the calculation that have been conducted.

Table 3.4
Calculation of Carbon Emissions in Noodle Production Node
Carbon Cost
Facilities Origin Distance
per week ($)

North Sumatra Jakarta 3976 80.5854 2042.84

Riau Jakarta 2692 54.5613 1383.13
Lampung Jakarta 520 10.5393 26.17
Jambi Jakarta 1774 35.3473 896.05
South Sumatra Jakarta 1262 25.5782 648.41
Jabodetabek Jakarta 85 1.7228 43.67
West Java Jakarta 266 5.3913 136.67
Central Java Jakarta 882 17.8763 453.16
East Java Surabaya 41.6 0.8431 21.37
West Kalimantan Surabaya 2798 60.358 1530.08
South Kalimantan Surabaya 1974 40.0089 1014.23
South Sulawesi Surabaya 1656 33.5637 850.84
North Sulawesi Surabaya 5070 102.759 2604.93
Bali Surabaya 832 16.8629 427.47
23828.6 485.997
Total Per Week $12,079.02
km tons
Total Per Year $579,792.96
Source: Google Maps 2016, sustainabletravel 2016

Those calculation above is raw estimation for transport for only one vehicle
per year. The numbers of carbon emission I believe would be higher in realities.
The price given in this calculation also give preview to how much the cost of
externalities in one node only. Due to the centralization more branch were located
in Java Island. This also means that consumption is higher in this island where
industrialization concentrate and urbanization number were high. The branches
also were not covering all the big islands, meaning that several location have to
import this commodity from other city. This way of operation might cost higher
number of emissions that could not be calculated in this paper.

3.4 Retail And Distribution Node

The availability and easier access of instant noodles were also contribute to the
boom of instant noodles in Indonesia. Instant noodles in Indonesia could be
found in Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Minimarkets, Warungs (traditional small
stalls), and Wet Markets. In the country, consumers from higher and middle
income are tend to purchasea product from Minimarkets and Supermarkets due
to their better product assortment and availability while lower incomes groups
more likely choose small stalls and traditional markets due to convenience and
affordable prices. The brand of instant noodles are more robust in the
Supermarket/Hypermarket and less variation in Warung. However, Warungs and
Minimarket are more preferable by the majority of consumers and still account for
the majority of the retail presence in Indonesia (Deloitte 2015). Unlike minimarket,
warung is an informal economic sector, it is randomly distribute in the whole
country and there is no written archive of how many and where the stall were
located. Warung is also more preferable for bigger portion of consumers because
usually it have easier access for people especially thus in lower and middle income
group. Every village could have hundreds of warung depend on how big the area
is.To covering this kind of market thus, companies need extensive distribution
networks to tap into the market (Deloitte, 2015).

Realizing the nature of the market condition in Indonesia, the biggest instant
noodles producer PT Indofood established their own division of distributor; PT
Indomarco Adi Prima. This branch aiming to expand the products distribution
network to cover Indonesias market. Since 1954 PT Indomarco Adi Prima had
been operate their service in distribution sector. In 1983, majority of the
companys share was bought by PT Indofood and in 2000 the company totally
operate under the ownership of PT Indofood. This distributor company became
the most extensive distribution in the country with national coverage and became
a leader in the area. In order to support its operation, the company divided 3 region
to cover every area of the country. Within this 3 region the country had 23 branch
and 1030 stock point (Yusuf 2008: 6-7).
Table 3.5
Distribution Points of PT Indomarco Adi Prima
Region Branch The number Total
of Stock Point
Region 1 1. Medan 52 250
2. Pekanbaru 37
3. Padang 31
4. Palembang 44

5. Bengkulu 18
6. Bandar 44
7. Pontianak 24
Region 2 1. Jakarta 1 24 380
2. Jakarta 2 2
3. Bekasi 26
4. Tangerang 41
5. Bogor 37
Region 3 6. Bandung 80
7. Semarang 83
8. Yogyakarta 87
1. Surabaya 116 400
2. Jember 50
3. Malang 103
4. Denpasar 29
5. Samarinda 21
6. Banjarmasin 27
7. Makasar 36
8. Manado 18
Total 1030
Source: Yusuf 2008: 6-7
The branch are responsible to make sure that the demand in the market could be
fulfilled by supplying the stock point underneath, stock point itself is responsible
in direct selling to buyers. To support the operational of each branch, the company
operate 2.805 land vehicle (Yusuf 2008: 7-8).
Table 3.6
Distribution Facilities of PT Indomarco Adi Prima

Regional Branch 4 wheel 3 wheel 2 wheel Total

1. Medan 99 0 26 125
2. Pekanbaru 59 0 15 74
3. Padang 44 0 27 71
4. Palembang 65 0 24 89
Regional 1
5. Bengkulu 28 2 5 35
6. Bandar
60 3 48 111
7. Pontianak 43 0 12 55
1. Jakarta 1 60 0 88 148
2. Jakarta 2 73 0 55 128
Regional 2 3. Bekasi 67 1 34 102
4. Tangerang 89 7 30 126
5. Bogor 93 2 58 153

6. Bandung 122 17 96 235
7. Semarang 117 36 17 170
8. Yogyakarta 123 29 47 199
1. Surabaya 141 33 145 319
2. Jember 51 18 68 137
3. Malang 115 43 32 190
4. Denpasar 45 2 49 96
Regional 3
5. Samarinda 38 0 39 77
6. Banjarmasin 37 8 3 48
7. Makasar 51 8 3 62
8. Manado 28 3 24 55
Total 1648 212 945 2805

Source : Yusuf 2008: 7-8

In regards to the food distribution PT Indomarco Adi Prima is the biggest in

its league. However even with this massive amount of logistic facilities as listed
above the company could not yet able to cover entire country. From the data
above, only 17 provinces listed out of 34 provinces listed in the ministry of general
affairs. Meaning that there were possibilities of more emissions from the other 17
provinces distribution process.
The information about the ownership of logistic facilities in every region could
be used to calculate total emission from this node. However using this data will
also makes the calculation even more complex for the scope of this paper.
Probability of crossing route in particular location, the difference type of fuel uses,
the estimation use of the fuel per km are several consideration that will have to be
acknowledge if this data will be use. Thus, to fit the scope of this paper, I will use
the same method with the calculation from the previous node. However,
considering instant noodles is not only available in those 17 province listed above
I will calculate the emission from 34 province with the assumption that every
province have enough vehicle to distribute instant noodles across every road in
the province without considering that PT Indomarco Adi Prima only have branch
in half of the province. I estimated that all the province by some way or another
have access to instant noodles. The distance used will be taken from national
statistics data, however the data available only covering nation until district rode
and no data about village road that might be have yet covered by the government
roads. The data will give significant disadvantage for the calculation since
Indonesia have 80.714 villages in total. Another disadvantages is I could not
estimate the emissions from transportation process from factory to other city
without factory because the limitation of the data. To continue the estimation, I

assume the vehicle used for this logistic transport to be medium four wheels truck
with fuel efficiency of 9 km per liter solar.
Table 3.7
Calculation of Carbon Emissions in Retail and Distribution Node
Province Total
(tons) Cost ($)
Aceh 23769 321.17 8141.56
North Sumatera 37820 511.02 12954.42
West Sumatera 22938 309.94 7856.92
Riau 24860 335.91 8515.26
Jambi 12028 162.52 4119.93
South Sumatera 17468 236.03 5983.28
Bengkulu 8621 116.47 2952.59
Lampung 17803 240.55 6098.03
Islands 61.26 1553.02
Riau Islands 5325 71.95 1823.96
DKI Jakarta 7094 95.84 2429.55
West Java 23196 313.42 7945.29
Central Java 28627 386.81 9805.56
DI Yogyakarta 4642 62.72 1590.02
East Java 35170 475.22 12046.72
Banten 5779 78.09 1979.47
Bali 7870 106.34 2695.70
West Nusa
Tenggara 108.45 2749.13
East Nusa
Tenggara 255.12 6467.28
Kalimantan 195.67 4960.15
Kalimantan 171.36 4343.95
Kalimantan 169.79 4304.21
East Kalimantan 10902 147.31 3734.25
Kalimantan 42.13 1068.00

North Sulawesi 8472 114.47 2901.90
Central Sulawesi 14363 194.06 4919.39
South Sulawesi 29505 398.66 10105.95
Sulawesi 127.74 3238.26
Gorontalo 4840 65.38 1657.49
West Sulawesi 6512 87.98 2230.20
Maluku 7806 105.46 2673.43
North Maluku 6863 92.72 2350.43
West Papua 6624 89.50 2268.91
Papua 14936 201.81 5116.00
Total per day 6452.87 163580.21
Total per year tons $59.706.777
Source: Ministry of General Affairs 2015, Sustainabletravel 2016
The calculation result showed that more than 2 million tons of carbon omitted
to the atmosphere per year. In 2015, global economies annually emit nearly 40
billion tons of carbon emission (Zeller Jr, 2015). This mean, this node contribute
to at least 0.005 percent of global emission. On 2010, the chairman of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated 13.8 percent of
annual human based carbon emissions comes from instant noodles manufacturing,
transportation and cooking (, 2010).
The table also informed that at least almost 60 million dollar worth of
environmental damage materialize each year from this node only. The cost of
carbon emissions in this calculation actually is lower than the number estimated
by the US government. In this calculation, the price per ton of emission was $23.5
while the US governments figure is $37 per ton. Though this number is higher,
recently a study from Stanford University estimate that the economic damage from
carbon emissions is roughly $220 per ton (Zeller Jr, 2015) almost ten time higher
than the estimation used above. Though this number is still debatable, it at least
shows us on how massive the impact might have cost. Seeing this data it might be
the right time for the producer and distributor of instant noodles to shift towards
greener supply chain. This number of carbon emission and external cost also
should be examine for the future policy making program.
3.5 Consumption Node
Anthropologist Sidney Mintz say that instant noodles are a proletariat hunger
killer albeit not exactly nutritious. These super affordable noodles help the low-

wage workers in rich and poor countries alike survive when the situation are not
so well. (Barclay 2013). The relevance of instant noodles also proved when after
the economic crisis hit Asia in 1997 instant noodles producer from Thailand use
instant noodles as economic indices by launched the Mama Noodles economic
index in order to reflect the countrys recovery from crisis. The theory behind this
index was the increase in sales occurred because people could not afford more
expensive foods. (Errington et al 2013).
In Indonesia, instant noodles is consumed in several mannerism: plain instant
noodles, instant noodles as a side dish with rice and instant noodles with other
side dish. The way instant noodles consumed is mostly depend on peoples
income. People with lower income might more likely to consume instant noodles
with rice while middle income and higher income people are more likely to
consume instant noodles with various other side dish. Instant noodles
consumption are influenced by urbanization and the rising number of female
workers (Sawit, 2003: 62). Urbanization, in particular might contribute to higher
number of working class that life in fast paced and busier lifestyle. By 2030, the
number of Indonesians shifting to urban areas is expected to reach 71 percent of
total population (Asian Consumer Insight Center 2013: 4). As female is usually
the one with the decision power for food preference in the family, losing them to
work might increasing the preference to easier prepared meal. The data from
world bank below showed how Indonesias urban population and female labor
keep increasing each year: Figure 3.6
Urban Population Growth (% of Total)

% urban population





1990 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Series1 30.58 42 47.53 48.33 49.12 49.92 50.71 51.49 52.25 53 53.74

Source : World Bank 2016

Figure 3.7
Female Labor Growth

Female Labor
Number of Female Labor



Source : World Bank 2016

The data available from the World Bank indicate that the trend of urban
population and female labor move to the same direction. Urban population
particularly jump in number in the 1990s until 2000. Economic growth
experienced by the county in those time might be the reason of this phenomena.
By time, city became the center of not only production but also consumption
(Cohen 2006). With the steady growing of city, instant noodles became important
mean of surviving for poor people living in cash-dependent and peri-urban
circumstances. Study conducted in Papua New Guinea showed that wile instant
noodles is helping poor people in surviving it also transformed them into the
Bottom of the Pyramid. It helps poor people to hang on, but it do not necessary
help them move up (Errington et al 2012: 27).
Not only aiming consumer in BOP, nowadays instant noodles producer
started to broadening their market by creating segment for higher income class.
PT Indofood launched their new product with price 4 times higher than the
generic version. The product had better packaging and provide side dish. With
how Indonesian people perceive instant noodles, it is very likely that this
commodity will keep standing for a very long time.
However, even with the expansion of instant noodles, the environmental
impact was not coming into consideration. Eventhough the carbon emission
from transportation calculation was considered to end in the retail node there are
also impact in environment like the issue of waste. Unfortunately, there are still
less effort from instant noodles producer to take this issue into consideratio

In this study, I have attempted to examine the nature of instant noodles boom in
Indonesia and how its impact the environment by following its commodity chain.
The objective of doing so was to see how historical events and actors transform
the commodity that once foreign to people into one of the most consumed food
in the country and by doing so impacted the environment. Through this analyze,
I intend to show what role this actors hold in every node of instant noodles
commodity chain throughout the years, and with doing so showing where and
when the monopoly occurring within the chain. I also tried to examine where and
how much carbon emissions occurring alongside the chain.
Instant noodles boom in Indonesia must be understood not only in the recent
context but also in its historical context starting in the middle of 1960s. The
beginning of instant noodles production in Indonesia was triggered by the US
global power domination through the use of wheat aid. This domination was able
to penetrate the country by the backing of the new president. Instant noodles
then born as a result of the market opportunities provided by abundance of wheat
that used to be lowly consumed on those period. From then on, wheat and instant
noodles production being politicalized and monopolized. This commodity had
become averment of the power abused operate by the government and its crony.
In the attempt of explaining the growth of instant noodles boom in Indonesia, I
established 3 different era based on distinguish major event happened in each
period. First period is initial era when the introduction of instant noodles begin,
second era is Bulog era where the boom begins lead by market monopoly and
lastly the third era liberalization era marked by the agreement with the IMF and
destruction of the regime lead by president Suharto that lead to more liberal
I have shown that in Indonesia, monopoly occur in almost every node of the
commodity chain. The actors present in every node as well in every era is always
the same. The five nodes I examine in this paper are wheat production, milling,
instant noodles production, retailer and distribution and consumption. Within
this five nodes, president Suharto, the government body of logistic affair or Bulog
and Salim groups (with its division of PT Bogasari and PT Indomood) are the
three main player that get the most benefit in every chain of this commodity. This
table below showed the distribution of every actors in each node of instant
noodles commodity chain :

Table 4.1
Summary of Actors Distribution
Wheat Wheat Retailer and
Actors noodles Consumption
Production Milling Distributor
New Order
The US
Salim Group
PT Bogasari V V
PT Indofood V V
PT Indomarco V
Middle and
Lower class

With the focus of environmental impact in emission that came from the
logistic process, instant noodles production and retailer and distributor node came
out particularly as the biggest contributor. This two node contribute at least
2.357.634 tons carbon emissions or 0.005% of global carbon emission, however
due to the limitation of the data this number is most likely to be lower than the
actual number. From this emission, the estimation cost for the environmental
impact is $60.286.596.
Table 4.2
Summary of Environmental Impact in Every Node

nvironmental Wheat Wheat Retailer and
noodles Consumption
impact Production Milling Distributor
Carbon 23327.856 2.355.297.039
Emission -not being - own tons tons - assuming to
concidered port none
Cost $579,792.96 $59.706.777

Some limitation of this research should be considered. The main concern

in this study were the lack of data and preliminary study in the environmental
aspect of the commodity chain. Moreover time, method and the scope of this study
were limiting more in depth study of the environmental aspect. Therefore, I
suggest future research that solely focus in this theme to be conducted.

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Appendix 1
Estimation of Distance for Table 3.4
Round trip x
Facilities Origin Address Distance

PT Indofood Sukses
Makmur, Jalan Medan-
Lubuk Pakam KM. 18,5 B,
North Sumatra Jakarta 1988 km 3976
Tanjung Morawa,
Kabupaten Deli Serdang,
Sumatera Utara 20551

Jalan Kaharudin Nasution,

Riau Jakarta Maharatu, Marpoyan Damai, 1346 km 2692
Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28288

Ir Sutami KM 15 Sindang
Lampung Jakarta 260 km 520
Sari, Tanjung Bintang

Kenali Asam Bawah, jambi

Jambi Jakarta 887 km 1774
Kota Jambi

Jln HBR Motik Km 8, Alang

South Sumatra Jakarta Alang Lebar, Karya Baru 631 km 1262
Kota Palembang 30961

Jln. Jendral Sudirman Kav

Jabodetabek Jakarta 70-71 Senayan Kebayoran 42.5 km 85
Baru Jakarta Selatan

Jln Raya Caringin No. 353

West Java Jakarta 133 km 266
Padalarang, Bandung Barat

Jln Tambak Aji II, No 8-10

Central Java Jakarta 441 km 882

PT. Indofood Sukses
Makmur Tbk, Kawasan
East Java Surabaya SIER, Jalan Raya Rungkut 20.8 km 41.6
Industri No.11-A, Kota
Surabaya, Jawa Timur

PT. Indofood Sukses

West Makmur, Jl. Raya Wajok
Surabaya 1399 km 2798
Kalimantan Hulu Km. 10,7, Siantan,
Kalimantan Barat

PT. Indofood CBP Sukses

Makmur Tbk, Jalan Ayani
South KM. 32, Liang Anggang,
Surabaya 987 km 1974
Kalimantan Bati - Bati, Kabupaten
Tanah Laut, Kalimantan
Selatan 70723

Jl Kima X Kav A/3, Makssar

South Sulawesi Surabaya 828 km 1656

Pakadoodan, Maesa, Bitung

North Sulawesi Surabaya 2535 km 5070

Jalan Sari Dana. IV, Ubung

Bali Surabaya Kaja, Denpasar Utara, Kota 416 km 832
Denpasar, Bali 80116

Appendix 2
Road Distribution in Indonesia
National Province District City
Province Road Road Road Road Total
Aceh 1803 1702 18310 1954 23769
Sumatera Utara 2249 3046 27436 5089 37820
Sumatera Barat 1212 1231 16628 3867 22938
Riau 1134 3033 17528 3165 24860
Jambi 936.48 1505 8888 699 12028.5

Sumatera Selatan 1444 1466 12268 2290 17468
Bengkulu 783.87 1563 5325 949 8620.87
Lampung 1159 1703 13638 1303 17803
Kepulauan Bangka
Belitung 899 3342 293 4534
Kepulauan Riau 334 895 2904 1192 5325
DKI Jakarta 142.65 6951 7093.65
Jawa Barat 1351 2191 16266 3388 23196
Jawa Tengah 1390 2566 22650 2021 28627
DI Yogyakarta 223 690 3021 708 4642
Jawa Timur 2027 1761 28946 2436 35170
Banten 476.49 853 3124 1326 5779.49
Bali 535.23 861 5826 648 7870.23
Nusa Tenggara Barat 632.17 1772 5084 538 8026.17
Nusa Tenggara Timur 1406.68 1737 15040 698 18881.7
Kalimantan Barat 166.55 1562 12052 701 14481.6
Kalimantan Tengah 1714,83 1100 10670 912 12682
Kalimantan Selatan 866.09 852 9614 1234 12566.1
Kalimantan Timur 2118.17 1640 5837 1307 10902.2
Kalimantan Utara 2891 227 3118
Sulawesi Utara 1319.23 940 4624 1589 8472.23
Sulawesi Tengah 2181.95 1619 9734 828 14363
Sulawesi Selatan 1722.86 1148 25256 1378 29504.9
Sulawesi Tenggara 1397.05 906 6566 585 9454.05
Gorontalo 606.7 433 3576 224 4839.7
Sulawesi Barat 571.98 722 5218 6511.98
Maluku 1066.65 1297 5026 416 7805.65
Maluku Utara 511.89 1867 3922 562 6862.89
Papua Barat 963.24 1425 4036 200 6624.24
Papua 2111.44 1499 11139 187 14936.4

Appendix 3
Appendix 3 Sample of Google Maps for Distance Estimation

Appendix 4
Carbon Calculator


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