Exam Hannah0923

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Name: Jung Hannah Time: 6:30 7:30

Date: September 23, 2016

VOCABULARY (1000 Basic English Words 3: Unit 7)

1. 11.

2. 12.

3. 13.

4. 14.

5. 15.

6. 16.

7. 17.

8. 18.

9. 19.

10. 20.
1. the words and symbols used by people of one country or area
a. sentence b. topic c. language
2. a school where students study after high school
a. international b. college c. elementary
3. feeling fear
a. habit b. fair c. fear
4. worry caused by problems in your life
a. suddenly b. stress c. comfortable
5. a country
a. international b. nation c. language
6. to think of things that are not real
a. fair b. wise c. imagine
7. knowing the right things to do
a. wise b. afraid c. focus
8. good for everyone
a. fear b. fair c. still
9. a set of words that make a statement or question
a. language b. topic c. sentence
10. to make something for the first time
a. suddenly b. topic c. invent
11. feeling relaxed
a. focus b. comfortable c. stress
12. from a different country
a. nation b. language c. foreign
13. good and saying things that are true
a. focused b. stress c. honest
14. not moving
a. focus b. still c. imagine
15. something you do often, usually without thinking about it
a. hobby b. habit c. hubby
16. a subject people talk or write about
a. sentence b. topic c. audience
17. very quickly
a. comfortable b. suddenly c. quick
18. an amount of something
a. comfortable b. level c. habit
19. to put all of your thoughts on one thing
a. wise b. focus c. imagine
20. a group of people watching an event or show
a. college b. audience c. nation
Complete the sentences
foreign topic nation habit comfortable
stressed afraid focus audience sentences
invented college suddenly languages honest

1. Joan has a bad _______ of biting her nails.

2. The _______ cheered for their favorite team.
3. Alexander Graham Bell _______ the telephone.
4. This bed is too __________ for me.
5. Elisa is _______ of spiders.
6. Our teacher asked us to make ten ________ using the present
simple tense.
7. Trina knows how to speak five foreign _________.
8. My essay _______ for today is about My Favorite Teacher.
9. We were singing a beautiful song when the lights when out
10. Anna wants to _______ on learning a foreign language,
11. Laila was so ________ about her exam results. She got a low score
in Math.
12. Harry is excited to become a __________ student.
13. Jenna is from a _______ country. It is her first time in Korea.
14. Jane is very ________. She returned the wallet she found in the
15. Russia is a big __________.
GRAMMAR Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Write c for countable and u for uncountable:

1. time - 11. fingers -

2. sugar - 12. flour -
3. milk - 13. apples -
4. pens - 14. oil -
5. hair - 15. salt -
6. happiness - 16. cheese -
7. meat - 17. rice -
8. butter - 18. tea -
9. bread - 19. honey -
10. jam - 20. carrots -

Write the correct answer.

loaf bottle glass box bag

box cup can bowl slice

21. A ______ of water. 26. A _____ of cake.

22. A ______ of tea. 27. A _____ of soda.
23. A ______ of bread. 28. A _____ of soup.
24. A ______ of milk. 29. A _____ cereal.
25. A __ ___ or 30. A _____ of popcorn.

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